jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1585 vol. 6 no.1, december 2021 35 legal protection of ikat-pahikung woven fabric motifs in east sumba regency rambu susanti mila maramba1*, rambu hada indah1, pajaru lombu1 1faculty of business law and humanities, universitas wira wacana sumba christian, indonesia *correspondence: ramburasti@yahoo.com article history abstract received: 09.11.2021 accepted: 21.12.2021 published: 27.12.2021 ikat weaving has been a source of employment, an important livelihood for the family and is widely recognized for a long time. one of the problems, in the last five years, has been the influx of "fake" ikat and even ikat textiles from outside east sumba, which increasingly pushes the original ikat on the island of sumba. there have been many "imitation" ikat weavings that use the original sumba motif from the island of java, forexample; jepara, pekalongan, klaten, and other weaving clusters on the island of java. this fact has implications for issues of performance, competitiveness, and sustainability of the ikat industry in east sumba regency which greatly impacts on the sources of employment and livelihoods of the local community. therefore, this research will analyze the legal protection of the ikat-pahikung woven fabric motif in east sumba regency. this research is conducted by using field research (empirical research), which is to go directly to the field to conduct research using the legal sociolog y approach, which is to examine and understand social phenomena in society to see the existin g legal facts. keywords: legal protection; law; motive; weaving ikat article licence copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction the existence of a indigenous people in a country is recognized and protected by law through the constitution of article 18b paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution. (salam et al., 2016) one of the recognitions is the existence of ikat weaving sumba community. (salam et al., 2016)ikat weaving has been a source of work, an important livelihood for families, and is widely known for a long time on sumba island. the existence of this weaving becomes the legal source of the existence of a society. (safrin salam, nurwita ismail, faharudin, nuragifah, erni dwita lalubi, shinta nurhidayati salam, rosnida, 2020) (safrin salam, nurwita ismail, faharudin, nuragifah, erni dwita silambi, shinta nurhidayati salam, rosnida, 2020)ikat-pahikung weaving is a work of art that has a high value (socio-economic), targeted by the collectors of the world with a high price and has a good economic impact on the weavers who make it. however, behind the economic benefits enjoyed by traders, there are also some problems that occur such as production and marketing circulation does not run smoothly, the marketing chain is too long, market information is not available, and limited innovation and technology to strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of ikat-pahikung weaving becomes complexity in the development of ikat weaving in east sumba regency. however, the fundamental problem today is that in the last five years the entry of"imitation" ikat weaving (using the original motif of east sumba) even ikat woven textiles from outside east sumba are increasingly urgent for weavers of ikat-pahikung. there have been many found 'imitation' ikat weaving from the island of java, for example; jepara, pekalongan, klaten, and other weaving clusters of java island. this has implications on the issue of performance, competitiveness, and sustainability of the ikat weaving industry in east sumba regency. the people of east sumba have long made, worn and traded ikat woven fabrics known as east sumba woven fabrics which in the local language are called hinggi (men's custom dress in the shape of four rectangles) and lawu or sarongs (traditional clothing for women), while scarves can be worn by men and women who are stretched on the shoulders and headbands for men. weaving activities are carried out manually and traditionally and are women's activities. named ikat weaving because before being colored, the thread to be woven is tied with raffia rope or kalita on certain parts, then dipped in a natural dye liquid (blue or red). the part that is tied after https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1585 mailto:ramburasti@yahoo.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 35-37 36 opening remains white, while the untied part becomes colored according to the color of the liquid (natural coloring). when woven the threads will form a pattern of ornamental variety with a certain color. sumba ikat-pahikung weaving has a variety of patterns and motifs (pictured) of ikat-pahikung woven fabric that a person uses shows his social status in society. ikat-pahikung woven fabric is a fixture in traditional ceremonies (marriage, death), religion and art. sumba ikat-pahikung weaving contains a symbolic meaning that is closely related to the conception of human life on earth and the hereafter. in the original belief of the people of sumba(marapu),the pattern is not just an image, but also emits the powerful power of the depicted. therefore, certain woven fabrics of their use are adapted to the situation and place of use. but the problem faced by weavers weaving ikat-pahikung today is the entry of artificial ikat weaving where the weavers feel aggrieved by the presence of artificial ikat weaving from outside sumba island. t his is detrimental to the weavers because the "imitation" ikat weaving has used the original motifs of the east sumba people where the motif has a traditional meaning. therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the law in the protection of ikat weaving motifs in east sumba regency. 2. methodology research methods have a specific purpose to obtain data using scientific means. (darmadi, 2013) this type of research method in legal research uses socio legal methods. this research is a legal sociology approach that examines and understands social symptoms in the community that cause losses to events / cases of east sumba ikat weaving motifs that are imitated / taken. in this approach is done by observing directly in order to find legal facts and know how legal protection of the motif of fabric-woven ikat pahikung in east sumba regency. 3. results and discussion in traditional society wisdom becomes the identity of the existence of society one of which is woven fabric. (greetings, 2017) (salam, 2017)motif is a work of art in the form of patterns to beautify a fine art, in this case the intended motif is a woven motif ikat-pahikung. according to palulu p. ndima in his book entitled "cultural studies of east sumba ikat woven fabric" that weaving activities are carried out manually and traditionally and are women's activities. (takandjandji, n.d.) named ikat-pahikung weaving because before being colored, the thread to be woven is tied with raffia rope or kalita on certain parts, then dipped in a natural dye liquid (blue or red). further explained by a. langgar that ntt woven fabric where the tied part after opening remains white, while the untied part becomes colored according to the color of the liquid. when woven the threads will form a pattern of ornamental variety with a certain color. (takandjandji, n.d.) the patterns and motifs of woven fabrics used by a person indicate their social status in society. ikat-pahikung woven fabric is a fixture in traditional ceremonies (marriage, death), religion and art until now sumba ikat woven fabric as a cultural heritage still survives and develops cultural and economic value that is targeted by world collectors at high prices to be marketed both locally, nationally and internationally. the protection of the law is an act or attempt to protect society from arbitrary acts by rulers that are not in accordance with the rule of law, to realize order and tranquility, thus enabling man to enjoy his dignity as a human being. (setiono, 2004) while satjipto raharjo stated that the protection of the law is to provide protection to human rights (human rights) harmed by others and that protection is given to the community in order to enjoy all the rights granted by law. (raharjo, 2000) because the nature and purpose of the law according to him is to provide protection (protection) to the community, which must be realized in the form of legal certainty. legal protection is an act for those that are preventive and repressive. (hadjon, 1987) legal protection is a rule that regulates the rights of the people in this case citize ns, in order to be protected from interference and threats. valid guarantees as guidelines are used as guarantees to guarantee basic freedoms. legal protection in the form of written regulations is used as protection to protect human rights. this legal pro tection becomes the essence of the existence of the law and the implementation of the purpose of the law that provides legal certainty, justice and legal expediency. (greetings, 2020)(salam, 2020) protection of ikat-pahikung weaving as a form of state / government presence and the entire community for the sustainability of ikat-pahikung weaving as the wealth of the people of east sumba. one way of legal protection that can be done is by filing a geographical indigation document of ikat-pahikung weaving that is compiled as evidence of ikat-pahikung weaving is the wealth of the people of east sumba. a geographical indication is a sign p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 35-37 37 indicating the area of origin of an item and/or product that due to geographical environmental factors including naturalfactors, humanfactors, or a combination of the two factors confers a particular reputation, quality, and characteristics on the goods and/or products produced. this means that with the geographical indication document it will provide a clear policy direction in organizing resources in supporting the process of transformation of both human resources, natural resources and social value / capital resources of the community so that the weaving of the belts become an integrated economic force with other aspects, such as tourism, edu cation and the environment for sustainability of ikat-pahikung weaving; and a clear direction in provides / encourages the protection of ikatpahikung weaving. therefore, with geographical indications, legal protection for weavers / craftsmen of ikat pahikung woven fabrics can be realized so that anyone who uses the motif of the east sumba area will be given legal sanctions and east sumba weavers will also not get losses. 4. conclusion legal protection of the motif of ikat-pahikung woven fabric in east sumba regency is very important because it is a form of state protection against weavers (communities). with the establishment of geographical indication as a form of state / government presence for weavers or people of east sumba for the sustain ability of the woven motif of ikat-pahikung as the original wealth of the people of east sumba. so that the state through the east sumba regional government must increase the empowerment and protection of ikat-pahikung weaving in the strategic policy of the east sumba regency government, as well as formulate the synchronization of programs between the east sumba regency government and community elements in an effort to develop the direction of empowerment policy and protection of ikat-pahikung weaving. so it is thus true that the state is present in providing legal protection over pahikung ikat weaving in east sumba regency, east nusa tenggara. references darmadi, h. 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(n.d.). analisis usaha tenun ikat berbasis pewarna alam di kabupaten sumba timur : kasus di kecamatan kambera dan umalulu analysis of han. https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/alam https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/manusia jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 3 issue 2, june 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 147 legal review of the implementation of work safety and health atpt multi nabatimaleo unit, pohuwato district herlina sulaiman abstract author’s information: implementation of occupational safety and health at pt. multi nabati unit maleo is done by enviromental unit, health and safety. ehs is a policy applied by pt multi nabati unit maleo in providing protection for the safety and health of its workers. ehs is a direct handle or the first handle if there is an accident and also work to make preventive efforts to prevent accidents. in addition, the company develops the health and work safety management system (smk3 & l). the efforts undertaken by pt multi nabati to reduce the risk of occupational accidents by applying: engineering (engineering), administration (administration) and labor must use apd (personal protective equipment).. keywords: occupational safety, occupational health, pt. multi nabati fakultashukum universitasichsan gorontalo, (herlina.sulaiman.hs@gmail.com) doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2. 126 1. introduction regarding labor, it is contained in the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia in article article 27 paragraph (2) which says "every citizen has the right to work and livelihood that is appropriate for humanity". workers are residents who are in working age. according to law no. 13 of 2003 chapter i article 1 paragraph 2 states that labor is anyone who is able to do work to produce goods or services both to meet their own needs and for the community (hardijanrusli, 2011: 4). in addition, workers are development actors and economic actors both individually and in groups, so that they have a very significant role in national economic activities, namely increasing productivity and welfare of the community. factors that influence productivity levels include education and skills training, nutrition / nutrition, health, talent or innate, motivation or willingness, employment opportunities, management opportunities and government policies (suma'mur, 1993: 1). the increasing role and position of workers as actors to achieve development goals and influenced by the development of the use of technology in various sectors of business activities can lead to higher risks that can threaten the safety, health and welfare of the workforce. so that efforts are needed to protect workers who can make a positive contribution to labor productivity efforts. recognizing the importance of workers for the company, the government, and the community, it is necessary to think so that workers can maintain their safety in carrying out their work. likewise, it is necessary to strive for calm and health of workers so that what they face at work can be considered as much as possible, so that the vigilance in carrying out the work is guaranteed. these thoughts are workers' protection programs, which in daily practice are useful to be able to maintain the productivity and stability of the company (zinalasikin, 2010: 95). https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.126 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.126 jurnalhukumvolkgeist herlina sulaiman.3(2): 147-151 148 occupational safety and health is one aspect of labor protection regulated in law number 13 of 2003. law no. 13 of 2003 concerning manpower (labor law) states that "every worker / laborer has the right to obtain protection from safety and occupational health, morality and morality, treatment that is in accordance with human dignity and values and religious values ". by implementing occupational safety and health control technology, it is expected that the workforce will achieve physical resilience, work power, and a high level of health. besides that occupational safety and health can be expected to create high work comfort and work safety. so, the elements in occupational health and safety are not fixed on physical factors, but also mental, emotional and psychological. the demand for the creation of safety and occupational health is a necessity in every workplace, to support harmony for workers at work in order to create peace in carrying out every work activity. protection of occupational safety and health is a human right that must be fulfilled by the company, where the company is fully responsible for the work security of its workers. job security is seen as the company's obligation to make various preventive efforts (preventive) against the occurrence of workplace accidents. thus, workers have the right to the security of their soul and body during work (surya tjandra and jafarsuryomenggolo, 2006: 181). pt multi nabati indonesia maleo unit is one of the companies located in pohuwato district. the company was founded in 2002 based on company deed no.c1665.ht.03.02-th.2002. the company is included in the business field of coconut oil industry. pt. multi nabatimaleo unit until now has employed around 224 workers. in the industrial process every day, workers interact with factory machinery which can then occur in an accident at work. looking at the background above, the writer then wants to make a study that focuses on occupational safety and health at pt multi nabatimaleo unit. the formulation of the problem in this paper is how the implementation of occupational health and safety at pt. multi-vegetable maleo unit? and how are the efforts made by pt multi nabati unit maleo in reducing the risk of workplace accidents? 2. method the type of research used in this study is a type of empirical legal research that is research that is directly carried out at pt. multi nabati, aims to explain the process of implementing occupational health and safety (k3). empirical legal research is legal research that examines primary data to answer problems. the object in this study is about the implementation of occupational safety and health at pt multi nabatimaleo unit. in accordance with the problem and purpose of this study, the types and sources of data used are primary data, namely data obtained directly from a study in the form of direct interviews with hr managers, workers, and laborers as resource persons in the field and other data obtained from pt. multi nabati, besides that it can be in the form of study documents and questionnaires. 3. implementation of occupational safety and health at pt. multi vegetable maleo unit occupational safety and health at pt multi nabati unit maleo has been included in the wilmar group collective labor agreement (pkb) for 2015 2017. in the collective labor agreement listed in chapter v concerning social security, health and employee welfare / workers in article 17 regarding health conditions, article 18 concerning health examination and article 19 concerning treatment and treatment. jurnalhukumvolkgeist herlina sulaiman.3(2): 147-151 149 then in chapter iv about security, work safety and education which is contained in article 32 concerning work equipment and work safety equipment, article 33 concerning fire prevention and management, work accidents and other hazards. based on the above, of course all the regulations that have been determined must be adhered to by all workers who are engaged in pt multi nabatimaleo unit. based on the research of the author, the company employs more than 200 workers which can be seen in the following table. the two types of workers stipulated in the company regulations above must follow the rules regarding occupational safety and health. at pt multi nabatimaleo unit based on the research of the authors the implementation of occupational safety and health at pt multi nabatimaleo unit is handled specifically by the ehs (environmental health and safety). in accordance with the corporate policy environment, safety, health, work and community development wilmar group industry is responsible for environmental management, safety, occupational health and community development around the company so that each business unit conducts. a. pollution prevention in every activity b. prevention of occupational accidents and diseases c. compliance with laws and regulations d. efficient use of energy e. having concern for the social aspects of society based on several points above the occupational health and safety problem is at the second point after environmental pollution. this, of course, is a major focus of pt multi nabati in building a conducive work environment. in achieving a conducive work environment and implementing some of the points above, there are several efforts that need to be carried out by pt multi nabati namely: a. make repairs to dangerous conditions or actions, to prevent work accidents. b. implement the concept of clean production and housekeeping c. carry out environmental management in accordance with laws and regulations d. carry out awareness raising programs at all levels of employees in the environment and k3 fields. the implementation of safety and health also requires cooperation between the company and the workers themselves where the company is obliged to provide facilities and tools to support safety and health for its workers in carrying out their work and workers also have an obligation to comply with all work safety requirements stipulated by company. based on the results of interviews that i have done with mr. nestor sukarame who is the pt multi nabati unit operational head of maleo unit (april 14, 2017) he said: "the meaning of worker's safety and health for the company is very important because every work accident is viewed from the company's system (not from the family / victims). any accident or decline in occupational health can cause harm to the company, such as: apart from work safety issues, of course, every worker at pt multi nabatimaleo unit is required to attend health checks and maintenance. this is done to anticipate the increased risk of greater harm to workers, especially the likelihood of occurrence of disease due to work related to working conditions, the use of machinery and hazardous jurnalhukumvolkgeist herlina sulaiman.3(2): 147-151 150 materials and toxic chemicals. the health check has been regulated in the minister of manpower regulation number: per.02 / men / 1980 concerning the examination of labor health. regarding the health requirements of pt multi nabati unit maleo is stated in article 17 of the collective labor agreement, namely: "if it is deemed necessary by the company, a prospective employee / worker who will be transferred to another place / position must be willing to have his health examination by a doctor appointed by the company either through health bpjs or a health benefit program." then regarding health checks, care and treatment are regulated in the same rules, namely the collective labor agreement in article 18 and article 19. article 18 reads 4. efforts made by pt multi nabati to reduce the risk of workplace accidents given that every workforce wherever they work must be sought to avoid the risk of workplace accidents, then efforts to optimize the control of sources of workplace accidents are sought. based on the results of the author's research on pt multi nabati unit maleo, there is a hierarchy of controls to prevent the occurrence of work accidents, namely. 1. engineering (engineering) protectors or covers, such as covers on cables cables that are not in the process may be peeled off. usually if there is a cable that is not safe or exfoliated then there will be a detector or an alarm that indicates that the situation is not safe. automatic shutdown on the machine aims to avoid overflow hand rail used for prevention if it falls on a high floor does not immediately fall down safety fence, scaffolding, life line guard rail, platform o2 detector lock out system maintenance motivation and modification 2.administration (administration) administration is a way to simplify when identifying employees or people in the pt multi nabatimaleo unit. therefore all people in the industry must pay attention to and comply with the requirements as. the obligation of the company / management and labor in relation to the use of personal protective equipment, regulated in law no. 1 of 1970. in addition there are also in the collective labor agreement article 32: 1. the company is obliged to provide work equipment and or work safety equipment needed by employees / workers in accordance with the nature of their work and the equipment remains the property of the company 2. employees / workers who receive work equipment and or safety equipment mentioned above are required to use and maintain the work goods in question. jurnalhukumvolkgeist herlina sulaiman.3(2): 147-151 151 3. outside of time and work interests are prohibited from using or using the intended equipment. however, based on the author's observation, although the sop was made to minimize the occurrence of work accidents, there are still workers who pay less attention to safety aspects in their work, for example there are still workers who do not use ppe. this is what later became a special concern from the ehs sector to further conduct inspections and observations as well as giving sanctions to workers who neglected the aspects of occupational safety and health of the workforce at pt multi nabati 5. conclusion implementation of occupational safety and health at pt. multi nabatimaleo unit which is carried out by environmental, health and safety unit. ehs is a policy implemented by pt multi nabati unit maleo in providing protection for the safety and health of its workers. ehs is the one who directly or first handles if there is a work accident and is also tasked with making preventive efforts to prevent work accidents. in addition, the company built an occupational health and environmental safety management system (smk3 & l). efforts made by pt multi nabati to reduce the risk of workplace accidents by applying: engineering (engineering), administration (administration). administration is a way to simplify when identifying employees or people in the pt multi nabatimaleo unit. using ppe (personal protective equipment) references khakim, abdul. 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(1988). labor law in occupational health (labor protection). jakarta : pt. pradnya paramita. soepomo, imam. (1999). introduction to labor law. jakarta : djambat. tunggal, iman sjahputra. (2008). questions and answers on indonesian labor law. jakarta: harvarindo. sanusi, then. (2003). introduction to indonesian labor law. jakarta : pt raja grafindo persada. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 3 issue 2, june 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 166 the pohuwato resort policy efforts in responding the threating of motor vehicles in the district region muhammad rizal lampatta abstract author’s information: efforts are being made to combat criminal acts of theft in the pohuwato regional police jurisdiction, namely through preemptive efforts, preventive measures and repressive efforts. operations carried out to combat motor vehicle theft, namely: k2yd patrol (enhanced police activities), competitive patrols, and ranmor patrol. (2) the constraints faced by the police in addressing motorized vehicles in the pohuwato regional police's legal area are internal constraints consisting of incomplete facilities and infrastructures, interrupted information networks, inadequate members of the police in terms of demand, and support for voting. and external constraints which consist of a lack of evidence and elections, communities that support the police, and supporting facilities at the crime scene are inadequate. keywords: countermeasures, theft, vehicles, police 1universitasichsan gorontalo, (rlampatta@gmail.com) doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v3i2.129 1. introduction motorized theft (vehicle theft) is a social phenomenon that is impossible to eradicate or completely eliminate, it can only be reduced or reduced by the number and intensity of the event. if we pay close attention, theft of motorized vehicles (theft) is a neatly organized and orderly fact. the commencement of the planning actors in the field (tkp), the perpetrators of theft (executors), the collectors to the sellers to consumers (the community). if it may be likened to the theft of motor vehicles (curnamor) like a vicious circle that is endless. the results of the theft of motor vehicles (motor vehicle theft) will usually not be used alone even before operating the perpetrators have received orders from the receptors for the type of vehicle and year of output and it will make it easier for traders to sell to consumers good but cheap and without looking at the origin of the vehicle or consumers who intentionally even know the origin of the vehicle from the crime / theft. actually there are several factors that we can use as guidelines to find out whether the motorized vehicle is from crime or not. it takes carefulness and carefulness of the buyers in buying a motorized vehicle that is checking the completeness of the documents and checking the validity of the vehicle documents at the nearest samsat office. if there are movements of suspicious sellers such as selling at a low price (under the market), selling in a rushed condition or condition and other characteristics that need to be watched out for and not tempted by cheap prices. some cases of motor vehicle theft (curanmor) mostly use fake lock mode or leter t key. there are also cases that occur due to accidental results due to having a key with a similar vehicle. many factors can influence the occurrence of carrage cases such as the lack of awareness of motor vehicle owners in maintaining their motorized vehicles due to mailto:rlampatta@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.129 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.129 jurnalhukumvolkgeist muhammad rizal lampatta.3(2): 166-170 167 accidental negligence or lack of attention to motorized vehicles by not having multiple security keys other than actors who are currently able to act professionally from the way it works, namely by forming groups / networks, each of which has a task and the actors also have their own expertise both as spies, takers, runners and collectors of stolen goods and so on. crime is an act which because of its nature is contrary to public order, while violation is an act that is contrary to public order. the increase in the number of crime in big cities is influenced by many factors such as economic factors which are currently deteriorating due to the rise of some basic commodities, urbanization which results in imbalance of population between urban areas and villages which results in more dense population while employment opportunities in the city tend to be fixed and sometimes reduce so that causes a lot of unemployment that triggers actions that urge someone to commit a crime. in general, all forms of theft are very disturbing to the community, theft of motorized vehicles gets special attention from the police because it is very disturbing to the community because currently the perpetrators of motorized theft do not only take motorized vehicles but also the lives of the owners who are sometimes targeted by the crime. with these reasons, in this paper some formulation of the problem will be raised, namely how is the effort of the pohuwato resort police to overcome motor vehicle theft (curanmor) in pohuwato regency? and what obstacles are faced by the pohuwato resort police in overcoming motor vehicle theft (curanmor) in the pohuwato district area. 2. method in this paper using empirical legal research is a study that uses primary data to answer the problem under study. the object in this study is about the efforts of the police in overcoming the theft of motorized vehicles in the pohuwato regional police station. primary data collection is done by means of interviews (interviews) with speakers based on the main questions that are directly related to the problems in this study. 3. research results and discussion 3.1. police efforts in overcoming theft of motor vehicles (motor vehicle) in the pohuwato district police law area the vast area of pohuwato regency with a composition of people that differ in economic conditions and the structure of the community allows for various types of criminal acts with various motives, one of which is the crime of motor vehicle theft. pohuwato resort police as a law enforcement agency tasked with eradicating crime certainly has various strategies and efforts. criminal acts of crimes in the pohuwato regional police jurisdiction always occur every year. this can be seen in the following table. the increase in motorized vehicle theft in the pohuwato district police jurisdiction, which in 2016 only 6 (six) cases to 16 cases in 2016, certainly became a concern for pohuwato police criminal investigation unit. up to twice that increase is caused by several factors, namely: 1. individual factors jurnalhukumvolkgeist muhammad rizal lampatta.3(2): 166-170 168 which means that psychological conditions are closely related to the assumption that the tendency of every human being to behave is deviant. this factor emphasizes the basis of spontaneous thinking that arises in a person 2. family factors this factor affects if where or if the relationship between parents and children does not work harmoniously then these conditions can form bad behavior. examples that are often encountered especially in the pohuwato district police jurisdiction are in accordance with the severe information of the perpetrators of crimes, especially the perpetrators of curanmor. where their parents have separated (divorced) so that a child must bear the risk of looking for a nafka at an age that can still be said to need a family touch .. where both parents have died and the family does not care about the condition of the child so that they are determined to commit a crime to fulfill their needs. diamana children instilled a strong attitude so that from within a child is willing to make family or especially his parents bear the shame of the act. whereas the two masters were separated and from their parents built a new family (remarried) so that the child was left to live without being noticed because he focused on the new family each. 3. economic factors economic factors which are social phenomena where to meet the needs of underprivileged people can be motivated to commit crimes including curanmor based on social theory which emphasizes that crime can be caused by imbalanced economic pressure in society, this economic pressure that creates a space of difference rich and poor people, the higher cost of living will make it difficult for people who are not well off. 4. environmental factors which means that all objects and materials that affect human life such as physical health and spiritual health, social environment in the form of a household environment, school, and daily environment and the environment of the community itself. 5. negligence factor this factor also has an effect on the occurrence of criminal acts of theft of motorized vehicles because of the fact that from the owner's side they sometimes tell about and not pay attention to storing their property as well as examples of negligence so that theft of motorized vehicles includes: from the owner of the park parked carelessly so that the perpetrators of motor vehicle theft could easily take or carry vehicles without permission from the owner (curanmor). from the owner of a motorized vehicle not alert or responsive in locking or guarding his house so that vehicles parked in the house can be easily taken by the perpetrators of curanmor. so we from the pohuwato resort police appealed to the community not to give an opportunity to the perpetrators of crime to act because it was basically the chance of a crime, namely the opportunity to act. 6. retaining factors jurnalhukumvolkgeist muhammad rizal lampatta.3(2): 166-170 169 this factor is one of the factors that causes the perpetrators of motor vehicle theft to increase in all circles, this group is aware that the actions taken are in order to seek as much profit as possible from the trade of goods stolen, this group is expressly referred to as professional perpetrators rather than criminal offense against stolen goods which is a chain of all activities in the series of thefts of goods, the rampant lenders will be able to influence the perpetrators of the crime to continue to commit crimes because the perpetrators know that it will be easier to sell and buy stolen goods 3.2. constraints faced by the police in overcoming theft of motor vehicles (curanmor) in the pohuwato police precinct. the handling of criminal acts of immigration in the pohuwato regional police jurisdiction from the number of cases described in table 1 and table 2 cannot all be resolved. constraints often faced by the pohuwato police criminal investigation unit. motorized theft perpetrators in pohuwato district police jurisdiction are based on the results of interviews with the author of brigadier husnul hamka, s.h as pohuwato regional police criminal investigation unit that for the time being the pohuwato regional police for the syndicate does not yet exist because the cases handled are mostly done by themselves. the settlement was caused by several obstacles experienced by the police. based on the interview of the writer with the brigadier husnul hamka, s.h, as the pohuwato regional police policeman's idit sat reskrim can be categorized into 2 (two) categories, namely internal and external constraints. internal constraints • facilities and infrastructure are inadequate, making it difficult for investigators to carry out investigations. • information networks that are interrupted, sometimes actors are in areas with network difficulties so that checking their existence is difficult. • inadequate members of the police in terms of quantity, meaning that the number of investigators available is not comparable to the reports that came in. • lack of budget support, sometimes to pursue criminals investigators must conduct coordination between districts even between provinces. external constraints • lack of evidence and witnesses, witness testimony and the existence of evidence needed to smooth the investigation process. • people who are apathetic in helping the police, when asked for information the community is sometimes unclear in giving information and even afraid to be a witness. • supporting facilities at the crime scene are inadequate. every effort that has been made by the authorities will not achieve maximum results if it is not supported by community participation. in accordance with article 14 paragraph (1) letter c, law no. 2 of 2002 concerning the national police of the republic of indonesia, the pohuwato police office fosters the community to increase the participation and legal awareness of the community itself. this means that the jurnalhukumvolkgeist muhammad rizal lampatta.3(2): 166-170 170 participation of the community in tackling motor vehicle theft crimes is highly expected. 4. conclusion efforts are being made to combat criminal acts of theft in the pohuwato regional police jurisdiction through pre-emptive efforts, preventive measures and repressive efforts. operations that were carried out to deal with motor vehicles were: k2yd patrol (enhanced police activity), ranmor patrol and patrol patrol. the constraints faced by the police in addressing the theft of motor vehicles (vehicle theft) in the pohuwato regional police station are internal constraints consisting of inadequate facilities and infrastructure, disconnected information networks, insufficient quantity of police personnel in terms of quantity, and lack of budget support and external constraints consisting of a lack of evidence and witnesses, people who were apathetic in assisting the police, and supporting facilities at the crime scene were inadequate. references books: abdulkadir, muhammad. 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(1984). basics of indonesian criminal law. bandung : sinar baru publisher. soesilo, r. (1996). kuhp with his explanation. bogor : politea. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 efektifitas pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa berdasarkan permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa page 177 efektifitas pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa berdasarkan permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa (studi kasus desa banabungi kecamatan pasarwajo kabupaten buton) l. m. ricard zeldi putra fakultas hukum universitas muhammadiyah buton dosen hukum tata negara abstract the organization of the government of the village of terpisakan no peyelenggaraan autonomous region. through law no. 6 year 2014 about villages, each village given discretion to set its own kewenanganya, either the authority based on the origin of the local scale, the powers and authority of the village, in the transferred by the central government/provinces//kota in accordance with government legislation. this research uses the normative-empirical type. the data used in this research is the primary data, namely data obtained directly from the field in the form of interviews and questionnaires and secondary data, namely data obtained from graphical documents (tables, notes, meeting, meetings, etc), photographs, films, video recordings, and other things that can enrich the primary data. research results show that implementation of the allocation of funds in the village of banabungi village have been implemented but in pelaksanaanya is not effective. it is based on is not dilaksanakanya the principle of transparency and participatory in its own ruling, a factor pelaksanaanya i.e. the absence of legal sanctions or force power for the government when the village does not implement legal norms. while the position of permendagri no. 113 year 2014 about financial management is in compliance as regulations, although the above provision does not mention explicitly the type of legislation in the form of a regulation of the minister, but the phrase rules set by ministers at the top, reflecting the existence of ministerial regulation as one of the types of legislation. a. pendahuluan negara republik indonesia sebagai negara kesatuan menganut asas desentralisasi dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dengan memberikan kesempatan dan keleluasaan kepada daerah untuk menyelenggarakan otonomi daerah. dalam pasal 18 undang-undang dasar 1945 disebutkan bahwa, pembagian daerah indonesia atas daerah besar dan daerah kecil, dengan susunan pemerintahannya ditetapkan dengan issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 efektifitas pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa berdasarkan permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa page178 uandang-undang dengan memandang dan mengingat dasar permusyawaratan dalam sistem pemerintahan negara dan hak asal-usul dalam daerah-daerah yang bersifat istimewa. daerah di indonesia akan dibagi menjadi daerah provinsi, kabupaten, kecamatan dan desa. tujuan utama penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah adalah untuk meningkatkan pelayanan publik (public service) dan meningkatkan perekonomian daerah. pada dasarnya, tiga misi utama pelaksanaan otonomi daerah dan desentralisasi fisik, yaitu mengkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas pelayanan publik kepada masyarakat, menciptakan efisiensi dan efektifitas pengelolaan sumber daya daerah, dan memberdayakan serta menciptakan ruang bagi masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan. keberadaan desa secara yuridis formal diakui dalam undang-undang nomor 23 tahun 2014 tentang pemerintahan daerah dan peraturan pemerintah nomor 6 tahun 2014 tentang desa. berdasarkan ketentuan ini desa diberi pengertian sebagai kesatuan masyarakat hukum, yang memiliki batas-batas wilayah yang berwewenang untuk mengatur dan mengurus kepentingan masyarakat setempat, berdasarkan asal-usul dan adat istiadat setempat yang diakui dan dihormati dalam sistem pemerintahan negara kesatuan repoblik indonesia. pemahaman desa di atas menempatkan desa sebagai suatu organisasi pemerintah yang secara politis memiliki kewenangan tertentu untuk mengurus dan mengatur warga atau komunitasnya. dengan posisi tersebut desa memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam menunjang kesuksesan pemerintahan nasional secara luas. penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa tidak terpisakan dari peyelenggaraan otonomi daerah. pemerintahan desa merupakan merupakan unit terdepan (ujung tombak) dalam pelayanan kepada masyarakat serta menjadi tonggak strategis untuk keberhasilan semua program yang dijalankan pemerintah. karena itu upaya untuk memperkuat desa(pemerintah desa dan lembaga kemasyarakatan desa) merupakan langkah untuk mempercepat terwujudnya kesejahteraan masyarakat sebagai hakikat dari otonomi daerah. melalui uu no.6 tahun 2014 tentang desa, setiap desa di berikan keleluasaan untuk mengatur kewenanganya sendiri, baik kewenangan berdasarkan asal-usul, issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 efektifitas pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa berdasarkan permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa page179 kewenangan lokal berskala desa, dan kewenangan yang di tugaskan oleh pemerintah pusat/ provinsi/ kab./kota sesuai ketentuan perundang-undangan. dalam uu no.6 tahun 2014 alokasi dana desa yang di kenal dengan add adalah dana desa dengan perhitungan dari dana perimbangan yang di terima oleh kabupaten sebesar 10% setelah di kurangi dengan dana desa alokasi khusus (dak). yang menjadi persoalan di desa banabungi masyarakat mempersoalkan pengelolaan alokasi dana desa, beberapa hal yang dikeluhkan warga masyarakat antara lain tidak mengikut sertakan keterlibatan masyarakat baik secara langsung dalam tahap perencanaan dan pelaksanaannya, adanya dugaan penyalah gunaan dana, hal lain yang banyak di persoalkan adalah tidak adanya sumber informasi yang dapat dengan mudah diakses oleh masyarakat. setelah peneliti melakukan pengamatan awal dilapangan terbukti tidak ada sumber informasi disediakan pemerintah desa dalam pengelolaan alokasi dana desa. berdasarkan uraian permasalahan tersebut diatas, maka tata kelola add yang baik supaya dana tersebut tepat sasaran dan dapat di gunakan untuk kepentingan pembangunan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan add perlu mengacu pada asas-asas pengelolaan keuangan dalam hal ini tertuang dalam peraturan menteri dalam negeri 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa pasal 2 ayat 1 yang berbunyi : “keuangan desa di kelola berdasarkan asas transparan, akuntabel, partisipatif, serta dilakukan dengan tertib dan disiplin anggaran”. add ditujukan untuk membiayai program pemerintah desa dalam hal kegiatan pelaksanaan pemerintah dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. tujuan add diantaranya adalah untuk meningkatkan penyelenggaraan pemerintah desa dalam melaksanakan pelayanan pemerintah, pembangunan, dan kemasyarakatan sesuai dengan kewenangannya. selain itu ada yang ditujukan pula supaya meningkatkan kemampuan lembaga kemasyarakatan masyarakat di desa dalam perencanaan, pelakasanaan, dan pengendalian pembangunan secara partisipatif sesuai potensi yang di miliki oleh desa. salah satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan dan menjadi tolak ukur dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat terhadap add adalah mengenai transparansi, akuntabilitas, partisipatif serta dilakukan dengan tertib dan disiplin anggaran. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 efektifitas pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa berdasarkan permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa page180 dari urain-urain tersebut diatas maka penulis perlu untuk meneliti permasalahan keefektifan pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa berdasarkan permendagri nomor 113 tahun 2014 yaitu yang berjudul: “efektifitas pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa berdasarkan permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa (studi kasus desa banabungi kecamatan pasarwajo kabupaten buton”. b. metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini digunakan adalah tipe normatif-empiris yang pada dasarnya merupakan penggabungan antara pendekatan hukum normatif dengan adanya pembahasan berbagai unsur empiris. metode penelitian normatif-empiris mengenai implementasi kekuatan hukum normatif (undang-undang) dalam aksinya pada setiap peristiwa hukum tertentu yang terjadi dalam suatu masyarakat. jenis dan sumber data yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yaitu data yang diperoleh langsung dari lapangan berupa wawancara dan kuesioner dan data sekunder yaitu data yang diperoleh dari dokumen-dokumen grafis (tabel, catatan, notulen, rapat,dll) foto-foto,film, rekaman video, dan lain-lain yang dapat memperkaya data primer. analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis yang bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif, yaitu suatu metode yang dilakukan dengan memasukan data dari hasil wawancara dalam kerangka tabel untuk menghitung frekuensi dan membuat persentase. dengan metode ini dirapkan dapat memberikan gambaran secara teratur, ringkas dan jelas. dengan demikian maka kesimpulan yang di tarik akan sesuai dengan kejadian yang sebenarnya. c. hasil dan pembahasan 1. analisis pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa oleh penyelenggara pemerintah desa pelaksanaan asas transparan. kepala desa adalah pemegang kekuasaan pengelolaan keuangan desa yang di bantu oleh perangkat desa. perangkat desa terdiri atas sekretaris desa, pelaksana kewilayahan dan pelaksana teknis. pelaksana kewilayahan merupakan unsur pembantu kepala desa sebagai satuan tugas kewilayahan sedangkan pelaksana teknis merupaka n unsur pembantu kepala desa sebagai tugas operasional. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 efektifitas pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa berdasarkan permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa page181 dalam pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa (add), maka tata kelola add yang efektif supaya dana tersebut tetap sasaran dan dapat digunakan untuk kepentingan pembangunan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan add perlu mengacu pada asas-asas pengelolaan keuangan desa, hal ini tertuang pada pasal 2 ayat1 permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa yang berbunyi : keuangan desa dikelolah berdasarkan asas transparan, akuntabel, partisipatif, serta dilakukan dengan tertib dan disiplin anggaran. konkritnya pelaksanaan asas transparan juga dijelaskan pada pasal 40 ayat (1): laporan realisasi dan laporan pertanggungjawaban realisasi pelaksanaan apbdesa sebagaimana yang di maksud pada pasal 37 dan 38 diinformasikan kepada masyarakat secara tertulis dan media informasi kepada masyarakat. “(2): media informasi sebagaimna yang dimaksud pada ayat (1) antara lain papan pengumuman, radio komunikasi dan media informasi lainnya. analisa efektifitas 2. analisa pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa oleh penyelenggara pemerintahan desa banabungi. 1.1. pelaksanaan asas transparan kepala desa adalah pemegang kekuasaan pengelolaan keuangan desa yang dibantu oleh perangkat desa. perangkat desa terdiri atas sekretaris desa, pelaksana kewilayahan dan pelaksana tekhnis. pelaksana kewilayahan merupakan unsur pembatu kepala desa sebagai satuan tugas kewilayahan sedangkan pelaksana tekhnis merupakan unsur pembatu kepala desa sebagai tugas operasional. dalam pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa (add), maka tata kelola add yang efektif supaya dana tersebut tepat sasaran dan dapat digunakan untuk kepentingan pembangunan dan pemberdayaan masarakat dalam pemanfaatan add perlu mengacu pada asas-asas pengelolaan keuangan desa, hal ini tertuang pada pasal 2 ayat i permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa yang berbunyi : "keuangan desa dikelola berdasarkan asas transparan, akunlabel, partisipatif serta issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 efektifitas pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa berdasarkan permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa page182 dilakukan dengan terlib dan disiplin anggaran ". konkritnya pelaksanaan asas transparan juga dijelaskan pada pasal 40 ayat ( l ) "laporan realisasi dan laporan pertanggung jawaban realisasi pelaksanaan apbdesa sebagaimana dimaksud pada pasal 37 dan 38 diinformasikan kepada masarakat secara tertulis dan dengan media informasi kepada masarakat.” (2) : media informasi sebagaimana yang dimaksud pada ayat (l) antara lain papan pengumuman. radio komunitas dan media informasi lainya guna untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan asas transparan dalam pelaksanaan add di desa banabungi maka penulis melakukan wawancara dengan masyarakat desa banabungi, dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan. tabel 1.1. hasil kuesioner terkait pelaksanaan transparansi dalam pengelolaan add di desa banabungi. no pertanyaan jawaban jumlah responden (n) persentase (0/0) l apakah anda diinformasikan mengenai laporan realisasi dan pertangung jawaba apbdesa ? ya tidak 4 22 18,18 84.61 jumlah 26 100 issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 efektifitas pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa berdasarkan permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa page183 2 apakah pemerintah desa menyediakan sumber infomasi yang mudah diakses masyarakat berupa papan pengumuman informasi tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa ? ya tidak 0 26 0 100 jumlah 26 100 sumber : data primer (banabungi 7-13 januari 2017) dari 26 responden, ternyata 4 atau 18,18% mengatakan diinformasi mengenai laporan realisasi dan laporan pertanggung jawaban apbdesasedangkan 22 atau 84,61% responden tidak mendapatkan informasi mengenai laporan realisasi dan laporan pertanggung jawaban apbdesa. dari pertanyaan kedua, 26 atau 100% menjawab ya yaitu pemerintah desa banabungi tidak menyiapkan sumber informasi yang mudah diakses oleh masarakat. berdasarkan hasil kuesioner diatas, peneliti berpendapat bahwa aparat pemerintah desa tidak melaksanakan apa yang diamanahkan dalam pasal 40 ayat (l) dan (2) yang berhubungan dengan asas transparan sehingga memunculkan pemerintahan yang tidak transparan. menurut arbi sani (jurnal karaketeristik pemerintahan tidak transparan) "dampak dari penyelenggaraan pemerintah yang tidak transparan l . rendahnya atau bahkan tidak adanya kepercayan warga negara terhadap pemerintahan. 2. rendahnya partisipasi warga negara terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan yang dibuat pemerintah. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 efektifitas pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa berdasarkan permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa page184 3. sikap apatis warga negara dalam mengambil inisiatif dan peran yang berkaitan dengan kebijakan publik. 4. jika warga negara apatis, ditunjang dengan rezim yang berkuasa sangat kuat dan lemahnya fungsi legislative, kkn akan merajalela dan menjadi budaya mendarah daging (nilai dominan). hal tersebut sekaligus menjawab pertayaan pada latar belakang ini, yaitu akibat tidak adanya transparansi dalam pengelolaan keuangan desa sehingga menjadi salah satu dampak ketidak efektifan pelaksanaan add. 1.2. pelaksanaan asas partisipatif salah satu indikator keberhasilan alokasi dana desa adalah meningkatnya partisipasi masarakat dalam pelaksanaan pembanggunan desa dan penyerapan tenaga kerja lokal pada kegiatan pembanggunan. pengelolaan keuangan desa,sejak tahapperencanaan,pelaksanaan,penatausahaan,pelaporan dan pertanggungjawaban wajib melibatkan masyarakat luas didesa, utamanya kelompok marjinal sebagai penerima manfaat dari program pembangunan kegiatan di desa. tabel 1.2. hasil kuesioner terkait partisipasi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan add di desa banabungi. n o pertanyaan jawaban jumlah responden (n) persenta se l . apakah anda dilibatkan baik dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan maupun pertanggung jawaban alokasi dana desa ? tidak ya 7 19 26.92 73,07 jumlah 26 100 issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 efektifitas pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa berdasarkan permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa page185 2 apakah dalam pelaksanaan add berupa pembanggunan fisik cukup menyerap tenaga kerja lokal ? cukup kurang 21 5 80,76 19,24 jumlah 26 100 sumber : dala primer (banabungi 7-13 januari 2017 dari 26 responden, 7 atau 26.92% memberi tanggapan mereka tidak dilibatkan dalam pelaksanaa alokasi dana desa sedangkan 19 atau 73,17 responden mengatakan mereka dilibatkan. pertanyaan kedua, apakah dalam pelaksanaan add berupa pembangguna fisik cukup menyerap tenaga kerja lokal. dari 26 responden, 21 atau 80,76% menjawab cukup sedangkan 5 atau 19,24% responden menjawab kurang. berdasarkan tanggapan responden penulis menyimpulkan pemberdayaan masarakat dalam pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa kurang efektif hal ini dapat dilihat masih kurang terserapnya tenaga kerja lokal dan dilibatkanya masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan add secara keseluruhan. 1.3. pelaksanaan asas akuntabel dan disiplin anggaran mempunyai pengertian bahwa setiap tindakan atau kinerja pemerintah/lembaga dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kepada pihak pihak yang memiliki hak atau berkewenangan untuk meminta keterangan akan pertanggungjawaban. dengan demikian, pelaksanaan kegiatan dan penggunaan anggaran harus dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dengan baik, mulai dari proses perencanaan hingga pertanggungjawaban. asas ini mempertanggung jawabkan dan melaporkan issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 efektifitas pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa berdasarkan permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa page186 pelaksanaan apbdesa secara tertib, kepada masyarakat maupun kepada jajaran pemerintahan diatasnya, sesuai peraturan perundangundangan. tabel 1.3. hasil kuesionerterkait pelaporan dan pertanggung jawaban dalam pengelolaan add di desa banabungi. no pertanyaan j awaban jumlah responden (n) persentas e (0/0) l . apakah pelaporan dan pertanggung jawaban alokasi dana desa di desa banabungi sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada ? sesua kurang sesuai tidak sesuai 8 2 0 80 20 0 jumlah 10 100 2 apakah ada temuan penyimpanganpenyimpangan terkait pelaporanh dan pertanggung jawaban alokasi dana desa? tidak temuan 10 0 100 0 jumlah 10 100 sumber : data primer (banabungi 7-13 januari 2017 dari 10 responden, 8 atau 80% memberi tanggapan sudah sesuai ketentuan dalam pelaksanaanalokasi dana desa sedangkan 2 atau 20% responden mengatakan kurang sesuai dengan prosedur yang ada dan 0 atau 20% responden mengatakan tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada. pertanyaan kedua, apakah ada temuan penyimpangan dalam pelaksanaan add dari io responden, 10 atau 100% menjawab tidak ada temuan sedangkan 0 atau 0% responden menjawab ada temuan. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 efektifitas pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa berdasarkan permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa page187 berdasarkan hasil kuesioner diatas dari segi pelaporan dan pertanggung jawaban sudah efektif hal ini terbukti mayoritas responden memberikan tanggapan tidak ada permasalahan dalam pelaporan dan pertanggung jawaban alokasi dana desa. berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut diatas peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa transparansi merupakan salah satu aspek mendasar bagi terwujudnya pemerintahan yang efektif. perwujudan tata pemerintahan yang efektif mensyaratkan adanya keterbukaan, keterlibatan dan kemudahan aspek bagi masarakat terhadap proses penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. penutup d. kesimpulan dari uraian-uraian yangdikemukakan pada bab-bab terdahulu, maka peneliti menyimpulkan hal-hal sebagai berikut: berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan di desa banabungi maka penulis menyimpulkan pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa di desa banabungi telah dilaksanakan namum dalam pelaksanaanya tidak efektif. hal ini berdasarkan penelitian yang penulis lakukan dilapangan, faktor mendasar yang mempengaruhi tidak efektifnya pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa di desa banabungi adalah tidak dilaksanakanya asas transparansi dan partisipatif dalam pelaksanaanya, faktor hukumnya sendiri yaitu tidak adanya sanksi hukum atau daya paksa bagi pemerintah desa apabila tidak melaksanakan norma-norma hukum. disamping itu, pelaksanaan asas transparansi dalam permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 masih kurang. hal ini dapat pada uraian penelitian diatas yakni dampak yang paling mendasar ketidak efektifan pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa adalah kurangnya transparansi dalam pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 efektifitas pelaksanaan alokasi dana desa berdasarkan permendagri no 113 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa page188 daftar pustaka asshiddiqie,jimly. 2010. perihal undang-undang, rajawali pers.: jakarta awang, azam.2010. implementasi pemberdayaan pemerintah desa, pustaka pelajar : yogyakarta hamidi, jazim.2011. optik hukum peraturan daerah bermasalah, prestasi pustaka : jakarta huda, ni"matul.2007. pengawasan pusat terhadap daerah. fh uii press: yogyakarta jeddawi, murtir.2006. hukum pemerintahan daerah, ull pers: yogyakarta koenjaranigrt. 2011. manifestasi otonomi daerah, total media : yogyakarta muluk, khairul.2006. desentralisasi dan pemerintahan daerah,bayumedia publishing : malang ridwan.2009. hukum administrasi di daerah, fh uii press : yogyakarta rahardjo, sajipto. 2010, sosiologi hukum perkembangan metode dan pilihan masala., genta publishing : jogjakarta soekanto, soejono. 1998. pengatar penelitian flukum. jakarta universitas indonesia press sugiono, 2008, metode penelitian kuantitatif, kualitatif dan r&d. tim penyusun kamus pusat pembinaan dan pengembangan bahasa 1988 kamus besar bahasa indonesia. cetakan pertama. jakarta : balai pusataka winarno. budi. 2008. kehijakan puhlik teori dan proses, buku kita : yogyakarta issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pemenuhan hak-hak anak di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i a makassar page 47 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pemenuhan hak-hak anak di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i a makassar oleh : herlina sulaiman dosen fakultas hukum universitas ichsan gorontalo abstract the perpetrator of the criminal act of the child cannot be equated with criminal adults. therefore it needs more attention in the case of children. however, the child is the successor nations that should be developed physically and mentally. the purpose of this research is to analyze the role of the ombudsman in the performance of marisa polres versioned as well as analyze constraints are faced by investigators in marisa polres versioned. this type of research is research used empirical research focus i.e. normative on secondary data sources (research libraries). this research uses the main data source i.e. secondary data, backed up with primary data sources. secondary data is used that is derived from legislation such as the act on the criminal justice system of the child, the child protection act, act no. 8 of 1981 year book of the police act, police act and some of the literature-literature as well as the results of his research, and books related to the role of the ombudsman in conducting versioned on criminal act committed by the child. research results show that marisa polres in performing the investigation is a criminal act committed by the child by women and children protection unit (uppa). starting from the stage of investigation, arrest, detention up at the stage of investigation conducted in accordance with the mandate of the act on the criminal justice system. investigators in conducting versioned, get consideration from bapas. in addition, the investigators also act as mediator to conduct deliberations involving the child and the parent/guardian, the victim and the parent/guardian, supervisor of community, social professional pekera based on approach restorative. obstacles faced by investigators in the conduct of marisa polres diversion that is not yet the existence of bapas in counties marisa so complicate investigators to coordinate-in terms of asking for consideration in doing versioned. in addition the party victims sometimes do not want to make peace so that the attempted diversion by investigators was not achieved. key words: diversion, crime, police a. pendahuluan manusia tidak pernah bisa memilih untuk dilahirkan sebagai dari ras atau etnis tertentu. adanya perbedaan ras atau etnis tidak dengan sendirinya berarti terdapat issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pemenuhan hak-hak anak di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i a makassar page 48 perbedaan hak dan kewajiban antar kelompok ras atau etnis dalam masyarakat dan negara. setiap warga negara berhak memperoleh perlakuan yang sama untuk mendapatkan hak-hak sipil, politik, ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan, tanpa membedakan ras dan etnis, dalam pemberian perlindungan terhadap warga negara dari segalah bentuk tindakan diskriminasi ras dan etnis, diperlukan pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh komnas ham dengan maksud untuk mengevaluasi kebijakan pemerintah baik pusat maupun daerah yang dilakukan secara berkala atau insedental dengan cara memantau, mencari fakta, menilai guna mencari dan menemukan ada tidaknya diskriminasi ras dan etnis yang ditindak lanjuti dengan rekomendasi sebagaimana telah diatur dalam undang-undang nomor 40 tahun 2008 tentang penghapusan diskriminasi ras dan etnis. hak asasi yang dimiliki setiap manusia merupakan hak dasar yang bersifat universal dan langgeng yang dilindungi, dihormati, dipertahankan dan tidak boleh diabaikan, dikurangi atau dirampas oleh siapapun, mereka memiliki hak dan kedudukan yang sama sebagai warga negara indonesia. adanya persamaan hak yang dimiliki oleh setiap individu bukan hanya ditujukan pada orang dewasa tapi diberlakukan juga bagi anak-anak baik yang sudah lahir maupun anak yang masih berada dalam kandungan ibunya. pernyataan ini diperjelas dalam pasal 1 angka 5 uu no.39 tahun 1999 tentang hak asasi manusia, pengertian anak adalah setiap manusia yang berumur di bawah 18 tahun dan belum menikah termasuk anak yang masih dalam kandungan apabila hal tersebut adalah demi kepentingannya. anak adalah bagian dari genersi muda sebagai salah satu sumber daya manusia yang merupakan potensi dan penerus cita-cita perjuangan bangsa yang memiliki peranan strategis dan mempunyai ciri dan sifat khusus, memerlukan pembinaan dan perlindungan dalam rangka menjamin pertumbuhan dan perkembangan fisik, mental, dan sosial secara utuh, serasi, selaras dan seimbang, karena di dalam diri anak terdapat hak atas kelangsungan hidup, tumbuh, dan berkembang serta berhak atas perlindungan dari kekerasan dan diskriminasi, hal ini dijelaskan dalam undang-undang dasar 1945 perubahan kedua pasal 28 ayat ( 2 ). berhubungan dengan proses perkembangan adalah saat anak menyadari permintaan dan syarat–syarat hidup dalam suatu lingkungan. meskipun masih dalam issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pemenuhan hak-hak anak di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i a makassar page 49 lingkungan keluarga, batas–batas dalam bentuk disiplin mulai dapat diberikan. disiplin yang tegas tetapi disertai kasih sayang akan membantu anak dalam perkembangan emosinya. sebaliknya jika disiplin dilakukan dengan kekerasan yang tidak beralasan dan tanpa kasih sayang, akan menimbulkan keragu-raguan pada diri anak dan anak akan kehilangan kepercayaan diri. apabila ini terjadi pada dua anak dalam satu keluarga (seayah/seibu) secara individual, perkembangan emosinya akan jelas bisa dibedakan. pelaksanaan pembinaan dan pemberian perlindungan terhadap anak, diperlukan dukungan baik yang menyangkut kelembagaan maupun perangkat hukum yang lebih mantap dan memadai, oleh karena itu ketentuan mengenai penyelenggaraan pengadilan bagi anak perlu dilakukan secara khusus. perkembangan zaman dan teknologi seperti sekarang ini, sering menyebabkan terjadinya pergesaran nilai, norma, budaya dan adat ketimuran, yang tidak dapat kita abaikan, karena membawa pengaruh baik yang positif maupun negatif bagi masyarakat, tak terlepas pula bagi anak. kadang kala perilaku anak sering menyimpang dalam perkembangan tingkah lakunya, yangmemperlihatkan gejala perilaku anak menjurus kepada tindak pidana kejahatan, seperti pemerkosaan, pencabulan, pencurian, perkelahian antar pelajar dan lain-lain. hal ini dapat menyebabkan anak tersebut diharuskan berhadapan dengan proses hukum yang disamakan dengan orang dewasa. penyimpangan tingkah laku atau perbuatan melanggar hukum yang dilakukan anak, dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, baik dalam lingkungan anak itu sendiri maupun dari luar, faktor tersebut antara lain dampak negatif perkembangan yang cepat, arus globalisasi dan komunikasi, kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, serta perubahan cara hidup atau pergeseran nilai-nilai dan norma-norma di masyarakat. menyangkut hal di atas mengenai penyimpangan-penyimpangan yang ditimbulkan sang anak, baik penyimpangan berat maupun ringan perlu diberikan perhatian besar, baik dari pihak keluarga, masyarakat, maupun dari pihak pemerintah. untuk mencegah terjadinya berbagai penyimpangan maka diperlukan kaidah atau norma yang dapat dijadikan pedoman hidup manusia serta menentukan apa yang issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pemenuhan hak-hak anak di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i a makassar page 50 seharusnya dapat dilakukan oleh manusia dan apa yang tak boleh dilakukannya. oleh karena itu diperlukan penanganan sejak dini terhadap bahaya-bahaya yang dapat ditimbulkan dari penyimpangan yang dilakukan anak, dan memberikan pengawasan serta pembinaan terhadap anak, baik dari pihak orang tua yang mengawasi perilaku anak-anak secara langsung, serta keikutsertaan atau peran serta dan keterpaduan berbagai pihak, baik masyarakat umum maupun pemerintah khususnya. sehubungan dengan itu menganalisis persoalan secara rasional dan mendasar agar dapat dipecahkan sebaik-baiknya dapat juga dilihat dari pendapat muladi (djisman samosir : 1992 :1) yaitu sebagai berikut : “pengaruh perubahan sosial sebagai akibat perubahan proses modernisasi mengharuskan setiap orang untuk menganalisis segala sesuatu secara rasional dan mendasar, agar setiap masalah yang timbul di masyarakat dapat dipecahkan sebaikbaiknya. demikian juga di dalam usaha mencapai suatu sistem hukum pidana yang mantap, para perencana dan penyelenggara hukum pidana harus memperhitungkan kenyataan-kenyataan kemanusiaan dan sosial, serta mencoba untuk menciptakan prasyarat-prasyarat yang sedapat mungkin jelas dan efisien serta selalu menyesuaikan pada kecenderungan yang menjadi tanda ciri dari suatu masyarakat”. indonesia yang menganut konsep negara hukum (rechtstaat) idealnya memposisikan hukum sebagai panglima untuk menjamin kepastian tata tertib sosial (social order) masyarakat secara objektif dan tampa diskriminasi serta memberikan jaminan perlindungan dan kepastian hukum bagi pelaksanaan hak-hak asasi setiap individu. hal tersebut menjadi konsekuensi logis dari cita-cita masyarakat indonesia untuk mewujudkan negara hukum yang demokratis. sebagai negara yang merdeka idealnya memiliki suatu perangkat hukum yang sesuai sebagai aspirasi sebagai suatu bangsa yang merdeka. selain itu perangkat hukum tersebut menjadi aturan main yang terbingkai dalam suatu kodifikasi hukum untuk menjaga agar selaras dengan rasa keadilan yang tumbuh dan berkembang dalam masyarakat yang merupakan persyaratan utama terciptanya masyarakat adil dan makmur dimana melekat padanya perubahan kondisi sosial kultur. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pemenuhan hak-hak anak di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i a makassar page 51 karena itu dalam perumusan suatu aturan hokum hendaknya otoritas sosial dalam hal ini pemerintah hendaknya melihat kebutuhan dan keinginan masyarakat apakahproduk hukum yang dilahirkannya telah mengakomodir kepentingan dan keinginanmasyarakat. sehingga pada akhirnya meminimalisir reaksi-reaksi kontra terhadap terhadap produk hukum yang dilahirkan serta perdebatanperdebatanyangmungkin lahir sebagai impilikasi dari eksistensi produk hukum tersebut. adapun implikasi dan eksistensi produk hukum tersebut melahirkan tujuan nasional dalam rangka mewujudkan cita-cita luhur bangsa indonesia menuju masyarakat yang adil, makmur dan sejahtera yang merata baik secara materiil maupun spritual berdasarkan pancasila dan undang-undang dasar 1945. demi mewujudkan cita-cita luhur bangsa yang tertuang dalam undang-undang dasar 1945, olehnya itu diperlukan suatu perangkat hukum yang dapat mengayomi masyarakat, terutama dibidang hukum pidana. hal ini dapat diwujudkan melalui penegakan hukum pidana yang bekerja secara operasional melalui suatu sistem yang disebut sistem peradilan pidana (criminal justice system). salah satu bagian pembangunan nasional adalah pembangunan dibidang hukum, yang dikenal dengan istilah pembaharuan hukum (law reform). pembaharuan hukum nasional sebagai bagian dari rangkaian pembangunan nasional ini dilakukan secara menyeluruh dan terpadu baik hukum pidana, hukum perdata maupun hukum administrasi, dan meliputi juga hukum formil maupun hukum materielnya. sebagai suatu sistem, peradilan pidana mempunyai perangkat struktur atau sub sistem yang harus bekerja secara koheren, koordinatif dan integral agar dapat mencapai efisiensi dan efetivitas yang maksimal. subsistem-subsistem ini berupa kepolisian, kejaksaan, pengadilan, advokat dan lembaga pemasyarakatan sebagai lembaga pembinaan. inilah dinamakn struktur hukum (legal structure). lembaga pemasyarakatan (lp) sebagai salah satu subsistem peradilan pidana mempunyai peranan penting dan strategis di dalam penegakan hukum pidana, yang issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pemenuhan hak-hak anak di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i a makassar page 52 semua itu dapat terwujud dalam pelaksanaan pembinaan bagi narapidana dan anak didik pemasyarakatan. pelaksaanaan pembinaan inilah dikenal dengan nama pemasyarkatan. adanya perubahan sistem dalam pemasyarakatan,dari penjara menjadi pemasyarakatan membawa perubahan yang mendasar. sebagaimana yang diatur dalam pasal 1 butir ke-2 undang-undang nomor 12 tahun 1995 tentang pemasyarakatan, ditegaskan bahwa sistem pemasyarkatan adalah suatu tatanan mengenai arah dan batas, serta cara pembinaan warga binaan pemasyarakatan berdasarkan pancasila dan dilaksanakan secara terpadu antara pembina, yang dibina, dan masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kualitas warga binaan, pemasyarkatan agar mampu menyadari kesalahan, memperbaiki diri, dan tidak mengulangi kejahatan yang telah dilakukanya, sehinga dapat diterima kembali oleh lingkungan masyarakat, dapat aktif berperan dalam pembangunan, dan dapat bertanggung jawab.(tolib effendi, 2013: 163). b. metode penelitian metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian empirik yaitu penelitian yang langsung dilakukan di lembaga pemasyarakatan serta bentuk pelaksanaannya di lapangan, bertujuan untuk menjelaskan proses pemenuhan hak-hak bagi anak didik pemasyaratan di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i makassar. sedangkan metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah yuridis sosiolagis. tipe penelitian dalam tesis ini bersifat deskriptif, yaitu dengan menganalisa realitas dan implementasi hukum, serta memberikan gambaran tentang fenomena sosial tertentu dan digambarkan secara terperinci, untuk memberikan informasi secara lengkap. penelitian ini berusaha untuk menggambarkan secara terperinci bagaimana pemenuhan hak-hak anak didik pemasyarakatan pada lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i makassar yang kemudian menyajikan secara lengkap. c. hasil penelitian dan pembahasan a. pemenuhan hak-hak anak didik pemasyarakatan di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i makassar. berdasarkan uu no. 12 tahun 1995 tentang pemasyarakatan pasal 1 angka 1 memberikan pengertian mengenai pemasyarakatan. disebutkan bahwa : issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pemenuhan hak-hak anak di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i a makassar page 53 “pemasyarakatan adalah kegiatan untuk melakukan pembinaan warga binaan pemasyarakatan berdasarkan sistem, kelembagaan, dan cara pembinaan yang merupakan bagian akhir dari sistem pemidanaan dalam tata peradilan pidana”. selanjutnya dalam pasal 1 angka 3 di sebutkan lagi :lembaga pemasyarakatan yang selanjutnya disebut lapas adalah tempat untuk melaksanakan pembinaan narapidana dan anak didik pemasyarakatan”. anak yang telah dijatuhkan pidana karena telah melakukan kejahatan akan dibina di lembaga pemasyarakatan yang kemudian akan berganti status menjadi anak didik pemasyarakatan. dalam pasal 1 angka 8 uu no 12 tahun 1995 menjelaskan tentang anak didik pemasyarakatan adalah: a. anak pidana yaitu anak yang berdasarkan putusan pengadilan menjalani pidana di lembaga pemasyarakatan anak paling lama sampai berumur 18 (delapan belas) tahun; b. anak negara yaitu anak yang berdasarkan putusan pengadilan diserahkan pada negara untuk dididik dan ditempatkan di lembaga pemasyarakatan anak paling lama sampai berumur 18 (delapan belas) tahun; c. anak sipil yaitu anak yang atas permintaan orang tua atau walinya memperoleh penetapan pengadilan untuk dididik di lembaga pemasyarakatan anak paling lama sampai berumur 18 (delapan belas) tahun. pada saat penulis melakukan penelitian dilembaga pemasyarakatan klas i makassar hanya terdapat anak pidana. anak negara dan anak sipil tidak ada karena pada umumnya mereka diserahkan kepada dinas sosial (wawancara dengan ibu sira te’dang patandean pada tanggal 20 januari 2014). senada dengan ibu sira te’dang patandean , bapak andi moh. hamka juga menjelaskan bahwa alasan tidak adanya anak sipil dan anak negara di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i makassar disebabkan seringnya hakim memberikan putusan terhadap anak yang melakukan tindak pidana dengan putusan sebagai anak pidana bukan anak negara dan anak sipil. hal ini disebabkan karena kasus yang dilakukan oleh anak-anak tersebut tergolong kasus-kasus yang berat. kalaupun ada putusan yang issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pemenuhan hak-hak anak di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i a makassar page 54 menempatkan anak tersebut menjadi anak sipil atau anak negara, maka anak tersebut langsung diserahkan kepada dinas sosial atau dikembalikan kepada orang tuanya. dalam pasal 60 ayat (1) uu no. 3 tahun 1997 tentang pengadilan anak disebutkan bahwa : anak didik pemasyarakatan ditempatkan di lembaga pemasyarakatan anak yang harus terpisah dari orang dewasa. kemudian dalam pasal 18 uu no 12 tahun 1995 ayat (1) menjelaskan juga : anak pidana ditempatkan di lembaga pemasyarakatan anak. apabila mengacu pada pasal tersebut seharusnya anak didik pemasyarakatan tidak ditempatkan di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i makassar karena lembaga pemasyarakatan tersebut hanya diperuntukkan narapidana dewasa tetapi pada kenyataannya disana terdapat lebih dari 70 orang tahanan dan 30 orang anak didik pemasyarakatan. pada awalnya di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i makassar tidak terdapat tahanan anak maupun anak didik pemasyarakatan. tetapi anak-anak tersebut berada di rumah tahanan negara klas i makassar. b. hambatan dalam pemenuhan hak-hak anak di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i makassar ketika berbicara mengenai pemenuhan hak anak di lembaga pemasyarakatan sudah tentu sangat berkaitan dengan sumber daya manusia dalam hal ini potensi yang ada pada pegawai lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i makassar. dari hasil data yang penulis dapatkan jumlah pegawai pria sebanyak 104 orang dan wanita sebanyak 19 orang dengan total 123 orang pegawai lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i makassar. jumlah pegawai berdasarkan pendidikan yaitu: 1. sma atau smk : 59 orang 2. diploma : 13 orang. 3. s1 : 37 orang 4. s2 :14 orang 5. akip : 8 orang berdasarkan data diatas jumlah pegawai yang memiliki pendidikan terkahir sma dan smk adalah 59 orang, diploma (termasuk akip) sebanyak 13 orang, s1 sebanyak issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pemenuhan hak-hak anak di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i a makassar page 55 37 orang, s2 sebanyak 14 orang, dan akip (akademi ilmu pemasyarakatan) sebanyak 8 orang. dengan demikian tingkat pendidikan dari para pegawai lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i makassar menurut penulis sudah cukup memadai. d. penutup pemenuhan hak-hak terhadap anak didik pemasyarakatan di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i makassar, dibeberapa poin yang terdapat dalam pasal 14 belum terpenuhi dengan baik, seperti : a. anak didik pemasyarakatan masih di tempatkan atau disatukan dengan tahanan dewasa, meskipun telah memiliki blok tersendiri khusus untuk anak didik pemasyarakatan tetap masih bersosialisasi di lingkungan yang sama dengan dewasa. b. kualitas makanan yang disediakan masih kurang memadai baik dari segi rasa dan kebersihan, dan menu makanan yang di berikan kepada anak didik pemasyarakatan masih disamakan dengan warga binaan dewasa, walaupun telah ada surat ketetapan (sk) pembentukan tim pembina khusus blok anak, berlaku pada tanggal 1 februari 2014, namun kenyataannya belum terlaksana. c. dari segi pemenuhan pendidikan, program pendidikan yang diberikan sering tak berjalan dengan baik, atau tak terlaksana dengan baik, disebabkan singkatnya masa hukuman untuk anak, sehingga anak yang telah berada di luar lembaga pemasyarakatan tak melanjutkan lagi pendidikan yang telah diberikan selama didik di lembaga pemasyarakatan. kualifikasi keahlian dan pendidikan petugas atau pembina, kadang tak sesuai dengan bidang yang dibebankan padanya, dan petugas yang membina dan memberikan materi kepada anak didik pemasyarakatan juga dibebani tugas administrasi, serta tidak adanya daya paksa petugas terhadap anak didik pemasyarakatan juga mempengaruhi pembinaan keterampilan dan program pendidikan tak berjalan efektif. d. pemenuhan dibidang kesehatan masih belum terlaksana dengan baik karena disebabkan oleh kurangnya tenaga medis dan alat-alat kesehatan yang kurang memadai. prisonisasi terhadap anak didik di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i makassar sangat rentan terjadi, disebabkan anak di tempatkan atau disatukan di lembaga issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pemenuhan hak-hak anak di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i a makassar page 56 pemasyarakatan yang sama dengan tahanan dewasa, dimana masa anak-anak atau remaja adalah masa mencari jati diri, dan terkadang anak sering meniru apa yang dilihatnya di lingkungan dimana anak berada, atau dengan kata lain baik buruknya lingkungan mempengaruhi tumbuh kembang dan pola pikir anak. yang menjadi hambatan dalam pemenuhan hak-hak anak didik pemasyarakatan yaitu: minimnya anggaran yang tersedia menyebabkan beberapa program pendidikan dan keterampilan tak dapat berjalan dengan maksimal. kualitas petugas yang kadang tak sesuai dengan kualifikasi pendidikan dan keterampilan, serta minimnya fasiltas dan sarana prasarana yang menunjang pembinaan bagi anak didik pemasyarakatan seperti fasilitas pendidikan, perpustakaan, fasilitas olah raga, serta fasilitas pelatihan keterampilan. dan kurangnya peranan masyarakat dalam program pembinaan anak didik pemasyarakatan. daftar pustaka achmad ali, 2002. menguak tabir hukum (suatu kajian filosofis dansosiologis). pt toko gunung agung tbk. cetakan ke-2: jakarta. __________, 2009. menguak teori hukum (legal theory) dan teori peradilan (judicial prudence). kencana predana media group. edisi pertama. cetakan ke-1: jakarta. ansori sabuan, dkk, 1990. hukum acara pidana. angkasa. edisi pertama. cetakan ke-1: bandung. azyumardi azra, 2006. paradigma baru pendidikan nasional rekonstruksi dan demokratisasi. kompas : jakarta. barda nawawi arief, 2004. beberapa masalah perbandingan hukum pidana. pt raja grafindo persada, cetakan kedua: jakarta. djisman samosir, 1992. fungsi pidana penjara dalam sistem pemidanaan di indonesia, binacipta : bandung. dwidja priyanto, 2006. sistem pelaksanaan pidana penjara di indonesia. refika aditama : bandung. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pemenuhan hak-hak anak di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas i a makassar page 57 endang sumiarni dan chandra halim, 2000. perlindungan hukum terhadap anak dalam hukum keluarga. atmajaya: jogjakarta erma rajagukguk, 1983. hukum dan masyarakat. pt bina bangsa : jakarta. hotman paradomuan sibuea, dan heryberthus sukartono, 2009. metode penelitian hukum. krakatauw book: jakarta. karen lebacqz, 2011. teori-teori keadilan. nusa media : bandung. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 3 issue 2, june 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 118 legal law and principles in the credit in banking mega mustika abstract infomasi penulis: in lending from banks to the public for financing purposes, each bank is required to implement the principle of prudence. the formulation of the problem in the research is how to apply the law and the principle of prudence in anticipating the occurrence of bad credit. this study aims to find conformity in the law and the practice of applying the precautionary principle. this research is normative research, using the statutory approach. in this study using legal materials to conduct analysis in the form of primary legal materials, tertiary legal materials or non-legal legal materials and analyzed using descriptive methods. the results of the study indicate that the application of the prudential banking principle in granting credit can be interpreted as the principle applied by the bank in carrying out its business, so that it is always in accordance with applicable banking provisions, in order to avoid irregularities in unhealthy banking practices and to minimize losses incurred on banks such as bad credit. keywords: prudential principle; bad credit; banking. magister ilmu hukum universitas muhammadiyah yogyakarta, indonesia (nirfhamustika87@gmail.com) doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.122 1. introduction in the context of lending to banks and the public for financing purposes, each bank is required to implement the prudential banking principles in channeling its loans. this is based on the very high risk of lending as the bank's main business. in addition, failure in the field of credit can result in the influence of health and business continuity of the bank itself. the application of the prudential banking principles in all banking activities is one way to create sound banking, which in turn will have a positive impact on the economy at large. in addition, the implementation of prudential banking principles must be implemented as a whole, so that it does not only concern the issue of lending, but begins when the bank is established, management determines that the fit and proper test is not ceremonial. banking business is a risky business. on the one hand, this business promises big profits if managed properly and carefully. on the other hand, it is full of risks (full risk business) because most of its activities rely on community deposits, both in the form of savings, current accounts and deposits. aware of the vital role of the banking sector, the government has devoted considerable attention to improving legal regulations in the banking sector. even regulations related to prudential regulation have been very adequate. however, the completeness of regulations, especially regarding the principle of prudence, is not enough to be used as a benchmark for national banking to be free from all problems. in practice there are still many banks that are constrained by problems. one of the factors that made the national banking system porous was due to the behavior of managers and bank owners who tended to exploit and or ignore the prudential banking principle in trying. mailto:nirfhamustika87@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.122 jurnal hukum volkgeist mega mustika. 2(1): 118-123 119 2. methodology this type of research is normative. normative legal research is carried out to produce arguments, theories or concepts (peter mahmud marzuki, 2017: 35). the approach method used is the method of legislation approach. this study uses primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and non-legal legal materials or tertiary legal materials, this study is doctrinal, namely only studying legal materials and then analyzed using descriptive methods. descriptive methods are intended to study problems in banking attitudes and views. 3. application of the precautionary principle in anticipating the occurrence of bad credit the principle of prudence is a principle or principle that states that in carrying out its functions and business activities, banks must be prudent in protecting public funds entrusted to them (rachmadi usman, 2001: 18). the bank's confidence factor as a manifestation of the precautionary principle in granting credit is obtained from the bank's assessment of prospective debtors. this can be done by applying the criteria that have become standard in the banking world, as is known as self regulatory banking. there are 5 (five) criteria or factors that can be used as guidelines for the implementation of the precautionary principle that has been widely known by the public, namely: (marwan effendi, 2012: 44). a. character; which means the bank must be able to assess the prospective debtor has the character and good character to carry out the obligation to pay credit. b. capability, which means the bank must be able to assess the prospective debtor has the economic ability now and in the future to pay credit. c. capital; which means the bank must be able to assess prospective borrowers having economic assets that can be used as a means for prospective debtors to carry out obligations. d. collateral; which means that the bank must be able to assess the assets of the prospective debtor who has an economic value that is proportional to the amount of credit given. e. economic conditions; which means the bank must be able to assess the stability of the economic and financial conditions of the prospective debtor when borrowing and returning. in accordance with law no. 7 of 1992 which was amended by law no. 10 of 1998 concerning banking, in providing credit, banks are required to pay attention to sound credit principles. in article 8 of law no. 7 of 1992 which was amended by law no. 10 of 1998 concerning banking determined that: a. in providing credit or financing based on sharia principles, commercial banks must have confidence based on in-depth analysis or good faith and the ability and ability of the debtor customer to repay the debt or return the intended financing in accordance with what was agreed upon; b. commercial banks must have and implement credit and financing guidelines based on sharia principles, in accordance with the provisions stipulated by bank indonesia. for smoothing credit process, there are principles that must be applied by banks as follows: jurnal hukum volkgeist mega mustika. 2(1): 118-123 120 principle of trust the principle of trust is a principle that underlies the relationship between banks and bank customers. the business banks from public funds are kept based on trust, so each bank needs to maintain the health of its bank while maintaining and maintaining public trust. the principle of trust is regulated in article 29 paragraph (4) of law no. 10 of 1998 which reads: for the benefit of customers, banks are required to provide information about the possibility of the risk of loss associated with customer transactions conducted through banks. precautionary principle the principle of prudence is one principle that emphasizes that banks in carrying out business activities both in the collection especially in the distribution of funds to the public must be very careful. the purpose of this precautionary principle is that the bank is always in a healthy state to run its business properly and comply with the provisions and legal norms that apply in the world of banking. the precautionary principle is contained in article 2 and article 29 paragraph (2) of law no. 10 of 1998, as follows. article 2 of law no. 10 of 1998 reads: "indonesian banking in carrying out its business based on economic democracy by using the principle of prudence '9 article 29 paragraph (2) of law no. 10 of 1998 reads: "banks are required to maintain the soundness of banks in accordance with the provisions of capital adequacy, asset quality, management quality, liquidity, profitability, solvability and other aspects related to bank business, and are obliged to conduct business activities in accordance with the principle of prudence" ( sentosa sembiring, 2012: 323). before the bank gives credit, the bank must make a careful assessment and implement the five principles that become part of the principle of prudence, known as the principle 5 cs, as follows: (djoni s gazali and rachamdi usman, 2012: 273-274). a. character evaluation the character or personality of a prospective debtor is intended to find out the honesty and good faith of the prospective debtor to repay or repay the loan so that it will not complicate the bank in the future. this can be obtained mainly based on the relationship that has been established between the bank and (prospective) debtor or information obtained from other parties who know the moral, personality and behavior of prospective debtors in their daily lives. b. capacity assessment the bank must examine the expertise of prospective debtors in their fields of business and managerial abilities, so that the bank believes that the business it will finance is managed by the right people, so that the prospective debtor can repay or repay the loan in a certain period of time. if the ability of the business is small, it certainly is not feasible to be given credit on a large scale. likewise, if the business trend or business performance declines, credit should not be given. unless the decline is due to a lack of costs, it can be anticipated that with additional costs through the launch of credit, the trend or performance of the business will certainly improve. c. capital valuation the bank must conduct an analysis of the financial position as a whole regarding the past and future, so that it is known the capital capability of the prospective debtor in supporting project financing or the business of the prospective debtor concerned. in practice so far, banks rarely give credit to finance all the funds needed by customers. the customer must provide his own capital, while the shortfall can be financed by bank credit. the function of the bank is only to provide additional capital, and is usually less than the principal. jurnal hukum volkgeist mega mustika. 2(1): 118-123 121 d. assessment of collateral (collateral) to cover the payment of bad loans due to default debtors, the prospective debtor generally provides collateral in the form of high-quality and easily liquidated collateral with a minimum value of the amount of credit or financing given to him. for this reason, banks should be required to request additional collateral with the intention that if the prospective debtor cannot repay the loan, then the additional collateral can be disbursed to cover the repayment or development of the remaining credit or financing. e. assessment of the business prospects of the debtor (condition of economy) bank must analyze the market conditions at home and abroad, both past and future, so that the future of marketing from the results of the project or the business of the prospective debtor can also be known. the principle of bank secrecy is regulated in article 40 to article 44 a law no. 10 of 1998. article 40 requires banks to keep confidential information about deposit customers and their deposits. but in the provision the obligation to keep it confidential is not without exception. the confidentiality obligation is excluded in matters of tax interest, bank debt settlement that has been submitted to the receivables and auction agency / committee for state debt affairs (upln / pupn), for the benefit of criminal court cases, in civil cases between banks and customers, and in order to exchange information between banks. the principle of getting to know customers as an entry for the entry of proceeds from crime, banks or other financial services companies must reduce the risk of being used as a means of money laundering by knowing and knowing the identity of customers, monitoring transactions, and maintaining customer profiles, and reporting transactions suspicious actions made by parties using the services of banks or other financial services companies. (adrian sutedi, 2014: 72-73). the application of the know your customer principle (kyc principle) is based on the consideration that the principle of knowing customers is not only important in eradicating money laundering crimes, but also in the context of implementing prudential banking to protect banks or financial service companies other than various risks in dealing with customers and counterparties. especially for customers, banks, or other financial service companies, they must recognize customers so that banks or other financial service companies are not entangled in money laundering crimes (adrian sutedi, 2014: 72-73). this principle of knowing customers is a fatf recommendation, which is the 15th principle of the 25 core principles for effective banking supervision and basel committee (andrian sutedi, 2008: 147). recognition of customers must start from the customer's identity, customer acceptance procedures, continuously monitor the customer, and then report to the authorities. the birth of the principle of knowing customers in indonesia around june 18, 2002 where bank indonesia issued bank indonesia regulation number 3/10 / pbi / 2002 concerning know your customer principles (know your customer principle). (andrian sutedi, 2008: 148). according to the bank indonesia regulation, the principle of knowing customers is a principle applied by banks to identify their identities, monitor customer transaction activities, including reporting suspicious transactions. the meaning of customers here are parties that use bank services and include individuals, companies (including foundations and other similar entities), government institutions, international institutions, and representatives of foreign countries and banks. for the application of the principle of knowing these customers, banks are required to establish several things, namely: (n.h.t siahaan, 2002: 80). a. customer acceptance policy; jurnal hukum volkgeist mega mustika. 2(1): 118-123 122 b. policies and procedures for identifying customers; c. monitoring policies and procedures for customer accounts and transactions; d. risk management policies and procedures related to the application of the principle of knowing customers. this bank indonesia regulation stipulates that before conducting a transaction with a customer, the bank is required to request information regarding, among other things, the identity of the prospective customer, the purpose and purpose of the transaction and requesting other information and other more complete identities (article 4). the identity of the prospective customer must be proven by the existence of supporting documents and the bank is required to examine the validity of the supporting documents. even if necessary, banks can conduct interviews with prospective customers to believe the validity and correctness of the documents (n.h.t siahaan, 2002: 80). in granting credit to prospective debtors, in addition to the principles mentioned above, the bank must also know the purpose of using credit and its credit development plan and the urgency of the credit requested by the prospective debtor. therefore, there are still other principles that must be applied by banks other than principle 5 of the above, namely the principle of 5 p, as follows: (djoni s gazali and rachmadi usman, 2012: 275-276). a. the parties the parties are the central points that are considered in each credit. for this reason, the credit provider must obtain a 'trust' for the parties, in this case the debtor, for example how the character, abilities and so on. b. the purpose of granting credit is also very important for creditors. it must be seen whether credit will be used for positive things that really can increase the company's income and must also be monitored so that the credit is really intended for the purpose as promised in a credit agreement. c. payments; it must also be considered whether the source of credit payment from the prospective debtor is sufficiently available and quite safe, so that it is expected that the loan to be launched can be repaid by the debtor concerned. in this case it must be seen and analyzed whether after the granting of the loan later, the debtor has a source of income, and whether the income is sufficient to repay the credit. d. profitability; the element of profit obtained by the debtor is no less important in a loan. for this reason, creditors must anticipate whether the profits to be earned by the company are greater than the loan interest and whether the company's income can cover the repayment of credit, cash flow, and so on. e. protection; required protection against credit by the debtor company. for this reason, protection from a group of companies, or a guarantee from a holding, or a personal guarantee of a company owner is important to pay attention to. especially just in case things happen outside the scenario or outside the original predictions (munir fuady, 1996: 24-26). in addition to the principle 5 cs and principle 5 p as mentioned above, banks in providing credit also use the 3 r principle, as follows: (djoni s gazali and rachmadi usman, 2012: 276). a. returns (results obtained) returns, namely the results obtained by the debtor, in this case when credit has been utilized and can be anticipated by prospective creditors. this means that the acquisition is sufficient to repay credit along with interest, fees, jurnal hukum volkgeist mega mustika. 2(1): 118-123 123 in addition to paying for other company needs such as cash flow, other loans if any, and so on. b. repayment; the ability to pay from the debtor must of course also be considered, namely whether the ability to pay is matched with a schedule of repayment of the credit to be given by the bank. this is also something that should not be ignored. c. risk bearing ability another thing that needs to be taken into account is also the extent to which the ability of the debtor to bear the risk. for example, in the event of things happening outside the anticipation of both parties. especially if it can cause bad credit. for this reason, it must be calculated whether, for example, collateral and / or goods or credit insurance, it is safe to cover the risk (munir fuady, 1996: 25-27). 5. conclusion banks in giving credit to debtors are required and must be guided and pay attention to sound credit principles and to the principle of prudence as set out in article 8 of law no. 10 of 1998 concerning banking. the application of the prudential banking principle in granting credit can be interpreted as the principle applied by the bank in carrying out its business, so that it is always in accordance with applicable banking provisions, in order to avoid irregularities in unhealthy banking practices and to minimize losses incurred at the bank like bad credit. referensi effendy m. 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(2001). aspek-aspek hukum perbankan di indonesia. jakarta: gramedia pustaka utama. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2049 vol. 6 no.2, june 2022 178 effect of social media networking sites on university students kayode muhammed ibrahim1*, emmanuel ayeni1, oluwagapupo peter akinjide2 1faculty of economics and management sciences, university of ibadan, nigeria 2faculty of management sciences, obafemi awolowo university, nigeria *correspondence: ibrahim.kama93@gmail.com article history abstract received: 05.04.2022 accepted: 26.06.2022 published: 30.06.2022 social media sites play a significant role in the present generation especially among university students. the research assess the effect of networking site on students’ academic performance and examine the effect of social networking site on students’ extra curriculum activities. data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. the study found that there is positive relationship between social networking site and students’ academic performance, the analysis also revealed that there is significant relationship between social networking site and students’ extra curriculum activities. the study therefore recommends that social media sites are a strong tool that can support excellent academic performance to university students. students should therefore be allowed to have a choice of social media site they are willing to use especially when using it for learning. keywords: social networking site, academic performance, extra curriculum activities. article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction the internet has changed not only how individuals interact, but also how they communicate and access information. the government have internet it as the concept of governance is supported by three pillars, namely politics, economics and administration.(rauf, 2021) using the internet is more than just a way to send emails; it's also a way for people to interact. social media has encouraged instructors, students, and other academic stakeholders to collaborate to increase knowledge production in teaching and learning (buettner, 2017). today, networking sites have firmly established themselves in the life of students. it's impossible to envision a grown adult who didn't check for updates or happenings on social media sites or read the news wires at least once a day (m. talaue et al., 2018). education's main goal is to help pupils realize their full potential and prepare them to face life's challenges. the development and deployment of numerous information technologies in the sphere of education has exploded in the last century. individuals nowadays engage in a wide range of activities, from consuming content to sharing knowledge, expertise, and ideas, as well as engaging in discussions with others (raj et al., 2021). according to neal (rasmussen neal, 2012), the phrase "social media" refers to a variety of simple-to-use platforms that anyone may use to engage with other people online, such as facebook, youtube, blogs, twitter, and so on. as a result, adopting social media's basic and easy services allows us to develop an online presence as easily as signing up for a facebook or twitter account, and then creating our own web content in minutes. academic achievement also refers to a student's ability to learn and recall facts, as well as the ability to communicate his or her knowledge orally or in writing, even during an examination. in this decade, the last five year had experienced a surge in the use and popularity of social networking sites, owing in part to their continued use by school and university students (salvation & azura adzharuddin, 2014). the study focuses on the impact of social media networking sites on postgraduate students at the university of ibadan. by focusing on postgraduate students at the university of ibadan, the study fills a gap. furthermore, there has been little research done on the subject under consideration, and research conducted in underdeveloped nations in this area contains systematic gaps. as a result, the researcher owes a great deal in conducting research on this topic in order to close these gaps. the latter, as a limited resource, cannot afford to address the negative psychological effects of the internet revolution on its own. the use and gratification theory served as the foundation for this research. https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2049 mailto:ibrahim.kama93@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 178-185 179 social media sites are becoming increasingly popular among university students as a new method to pass the time and as a distinct route for obtaining required information, both instructive and amusing. as a result, it is critical to investigate what impact social networks have on their users, particularly how social networking influences students' academic progress. as a result, the purpose of this research is to determine the impact of social media networking sites on university students. as a result, the focus of this research is on the impact of social media sites on students' academic achievement. 2. methodology descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study in which a structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from the target respondents who are postgraduate students of university of ibadan, data collection techniques are carried out by means of interviews and read scientific books, magazines, newspapers and other readings related to research (mustika & salam, 2021). primary data was collected and processed in the study. population of the study consists of all 2020/2021 postgraduate students of faculty of economics and management sciences, university of ibadan with total population of 182. 1. accounting department 66 2. banking and finance 35 3. economics department 60 4. marketing and consumer studies 21 total 182 source: researchers survey (2021) convenient sampling technique was used to select and administer the study questionnaire on postgraduate students of faculty of economics and management sciences, university of ibadan. to determine the appropriate sample size, slovin’s formula was used. slovin's formula is written as: n = n / (1 + n e2) where: n = number of samples n = total population e = error tolerance (0.05) thus, n = n / (1 + n e2) =182 / (1 + (182x ((0.05)2)) = 182 / 1.455 = 125 therefore, the sample size for this research study is 125. primary data were used to accomplish the research objectives. primary data was collected through structured questionnaires administered to postgraduate students of university of ibadan. secondary source was gathered through analysis of literature. the questionnaires were self-administered to the sampled population. ten percentage of the questionnaire were taken to the field to test if it can provide necessary and needed data for testing and analyzing the study hypotheses. reliability test was also carried out using cronbach’s alpha coefficient to measure the internal consistency and test the integrity of the research instrument. cronbach alpha coefficient was calculated to determine the reliability of the questionnaire and it was obtained at 0.91 which is an acceptable measure for quantitative researches that indicates the reliability of the research tool. descriptive and inferential statistics was used in analyzing the data collected from the respondents. frequency table and percentage was used for demographic characteristics analysis and regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. the data was computed and analysed using statistical package for social science (spss) version 26. 3. result and discussion the research initially sought to ascertain the general information on the respondents involved in the study with regards to their sex, age, department, among others. the demographic information points at the respondents’ suitability in answering the questions on the effect of social media networking sites on university students. the study findings are illustrated below; p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 178-185 180 table 1. demographic characteristics of respondents demographic variables no of observation percentage age 18-23 30 24.0 24-29 41 32.8 30-35 27 21.6 36-41 18 14.8 above 41 9 7.2 total 125 100 sex female 71 56.8 male 54 43.2 total 125 100 department marketing and consumer studies 18 14.4 accounting 43 34.4 banking and finance 29 23.2 economics 35 28.0 total 125 100 do you use networking site? yes 125 100 no total 125 100 which networking site do you use most? whatsapp 65 52.0 facebook 32 25.6 google+ 18 14.4 youtube 2 1.6 others 8 6.4 total 125 100 source: researchers survey (2021) table 1 above indicates that 24% of age respondents are 18-23years, 32.8% are between 24-29, 21.6% are between 30-35, 14.8% were between 36-41years, while 7.2% are above 41years. this implies that no age barrier in the usage of social networking sites among university students and that age is not a factor or barrier. the gender of respondents’ shows that 56.8% are female while 44.2% are male which indicates there is good representation for both gender. respondent departments’ shows that 14.4% are from marketing and consumers studies, 34.4% are from accounting, 23.2% of the respondents are from banking and finance, 28% of the respondents are from economics department. this implies that all departments in faculty of economics and management sciences, university of ibadan are fully represented. 100% of respondent use networking sites. 52% of respondents use whatsapp most, 25.6% use facebook, 14.4% use google+, 1.6% use youtude the most while 6.4% use other networking site most. this implies that respondents’ usage of social networking sites among university students is of higher percentage and often use social media on daily activities. table 2. distribution to questions in response to dependent and independent variables strongly agree agree undecided disagree strongly disagree am able to meet people online which improve me academically 48 (38.4%) 52 (41.6%) 15 (12%) 6 (4.8%) 4 (3.2%) i spend more time online for information which 52 (41.6%) 48 (38.4%) 15 (12%) 6 (4.8%) 4 (3.2%) p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 178-185 181 help me networking site help me provide solutions to challenging area of academics 58 (46.4%) 45 (36%) 12 (9.6%) 4 (3.2%) 6 (4.8%) my performance is affected positively 42 (33.6%) 58 (46.4%) 6 (4.8%) 15 (12%) 4 (3.2%) social networking has enabled me to become better in area of sports, music etc. 48 (38.4%) 52 (41.6%) 15 (12%) 6 (4.8%) 4 (3.2%) i am more socialize 35 (28%) 58 (46.4%) 22 (17.6%) 3 (2.4%) 7 (5.6%) have been able to develop on my talent 58 (46.5%) 45 (36%) 6 (4.8%) 12 (9.6%) 4 (3.2%) i have improve physically and mentally 45 (36%) 58 (46.4%) 6 (4.8%) 12 (9.6%) 4 (3.2%) source: researchers survey (2021) testing of hypotheses i ho1: there is no significant relationship between social networking site and students’ academic performance table 3: model summary model r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate 1 .757a .524 .513 .637 a. predictors: (constant). table 3 describes the significant effect of social networking sites and students’ academic performance in that r 2 value shows .524, depicting a high significance relationship between social networking site and students’ academic performance. table 4. anova model sum of squares df mean square f sig. 1 regression 29.747 5 5.949 18.878 .000b residual 59.248 188 .315 total 88.995 193 a. dependent variable: university student b. predictors: (constant) f-statistics shows 18.788 with .000 sig. level at 99% confident which affirms that social networking sites has significant effect on students’ academic performance. table 5. coefficients model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta (constant) 1.204 .187 5.511 .000 am able to meet people online which improve me academically .498 .052 .569 9.559 .000 i spend more time online for information which help me .078 .059 .083 1.377 .002 networking site help me provide solutions to challenging area of academics .060 .046 .026 .384 .004 my performance is affected positively .147 .041 .043 2.243 .000 a. dependent variable: university students table 5 shows the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. the beta coefficients of .569, .083, .026, .043 showing the statistical significant of the independent variables respectively. thus, we reject p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 178-185 182 the null hypothesis (ho) and accept the alternative hypothesis (hi). therefore, the study concludes that social networking sites have significance effect on students’ academic performance. hypothesis ii ho: there is no significant relationship between social networking site and students’ extra curriculum activities table 6: model summary model r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate 1 .771a .596 .056 .867 a. predictors: (constant) table 6 above describes the significant relationship between social networking site and students’ extra curriculum activities that r2 value shows .596 depicting significant relationship between social networking site and students’ extra curriculum activities table 7 anovaa model sum of squares df mean square f sig. regression 23.490 4 .623 1.921 .018b residual 20.523 95 .456 total 44.014 99 a. dependent variable: colleagues information b. predictors: (constant) from the table, f-statistics showing a value of 1.921 with .018 sig level at 99% confident affirms social networking site have positive significant on students’ extra curriculum activities. table 8. coefficients table 8 above shows the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. the beta coefficient shows significant relationship between social networking site and students’ extra curriculum activities. therefore, we reject the null hypothesis and accept alternate that there is significant relationship between social networking site and students’ extra curriculum activities. this section discuss the result of the study, the result of the hypothesis one which says there is no significant relationship between social networking site and students’ academic performance indicates that there is positive relationship between social networking site and students’ academic performance thereby accepting the hi and rejecting ho. this is in line with the impact of social media on academic performance of selected college students was studied by (m. talaue et al., 2018). small group in society who has a high or highest position in society (nuraini, 2018). the impact of daily youth communication on social media was emphasized by the researchers. to obtain an accurate profile of analysis, the researchers adopted a descriptive study approach. the survey included sixty business administration and management information system students who are active on social media. they came to the conclusion that social media has a major impact on school accomplishment and that adolescents' use of social media should be approached with ultimate responsibility. also hypothesis two shows that there is significant relationship between social networking site and students’ extra curriculum activities p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 178-185 183 thereby accepting the hi and rejecting ho. this is in line (heffner, 2016), who alleged that the use of social media can be a good outlet to deal with academic frustrations and improve the extra curriculum activities such as music, sports etc thereby improving their academics performance in their research to determine the positive and negative effects of social media on undergraduate students at bayero university in kano's academic performance (buk). in their survey, a quantitative method was adopted (abubakar & yusin, 2020). students from the faculty of education were given questionnaires to fill out. it was concluded that, despite public perceptions about usage of social media by the student, large number of students wanted to utilize social media in a positive way to further their studies. the good effects of social media appeared to outnumber the bad effects among students. educators and students can use social media as a source of knowledge and communication to make the learning process easier and more effective. from the findings reached in the research in this study, the following are obverse. social networking sites is a strong tool that can support excellent academic performance to university students. students should therefore be allowed to have a choice of social network site they are willing to use especially if they use it for learning. student related information can be delivered to students freely via university networking sites or other social network pages. there is need to balance time used on social networking sites to avoid addiction and concentrate on social networking use for academic purposes since these sites have a rich source of educational content if well utilized. whatsapp and facebook is used by a larger number of undergraduate college youth than youtube and other social media. postgraduate university students use youtube, whatsapp and linkedin to a greater extent that other social networking sites and services for the purposes of learning. female students at university use more whatsapp, and facebook for learning in comparison to male postgraduate students. analysis showed that they spend enough time in browsing for educational content on social networking sites and using other services such as whatsapp and facebook. this present research showed that, there are no gender differences in the attitudes and perceived among postgraduate students towards social networking sites and other services being used for educational purposes. however, they have shown positive and favourable attitudes and impact of social networking sites on their studies. they have positive and favourable attitude towards learning through social networking sites at the postgraduate level and they have perceived its positive impact on their studies. figure 1.theoretical framework (okyeadie mensah & nizam, 2016) the interaction between social media networking sites and university students is depicted in the diagram above. it investigates the link between social media networking sites and mediating variables, as well as university students. this study looked at how social network integration affects students' academic performance. the variables that were observed to be employed in this study were: peer interaction, teacher interaction, and engagement. students' academic performance can be influenced through collaborative learning "mediator" since the dependent variable is the students' social media, and the independent variable is the students' social media. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 178-185 184 4. conclusion most, if not all students, of university students of ibadan, actively engage in social networking sites. this is because it is less expensive, accessible and user friendly. social networking was found to have good advantage on learning results for those students who used it for learning. further, this study has indicated that university students were positively affected by social media. social media is attractive; it not only provides university students another world to make friends, also provides a good way to release pressure. to some degree, it absolutely affects the lives of university students including the results. this research also indicates the approach needed to better balance the relationship between social media and academic study. therefore, college students should think more about the balancing equation of social media and academics so that exposure to the social media could not be used negatively to minimize the courage of the students on their studies. references abubakar, i., & yusin, n. 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(2014). the influence of social network sites (sns) upon academic performance of malaysian students. international journal of humanities and social science, 4(10). jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1712 vol. 6 no.1, december 2021 101 obstacles in applying local wisdom to the government of the sultanate of buton in realizing a democratic baubau city government rizki mustika suhartono1*, ernawati1 1faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah buton, indonesia *correspondence: rizkimustika44@gmail.com article history abstract received: 14.12.2021 accepted: 26.12.2021 published: 27.12.2021 this research was conducted to know the cultural influence of the sultanate of buton in realizin g a democratic baubau city. this research uses normative research that uses library data or legal materials that are primary and secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. obstacle s in applying local wisdom of the government of the sultanate of buton in realizing a democratic baubau city government, namely the tendency of materialism, individualism, elitism and secularism. it is recommended that the cultural values of the people contained in the binci-binciki kuli philosophy (pinch each other will feel the same pain), which includes the principles of equality, equality and justice must be understood, internalized, and applied by all communitie s who support these values to realize the democratic autonomous regional g overnment of baubau. keywords: sultanate of buton;, baubau city; government; democratic article licence copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction value is the quality of something that is useful for human life, both physically and mentally. in human life, values are used as the basis, reasons, guidelines, motivation in behaving and behaving, whether consciously or not. values are different from facts, where facts can be observed through empirical evidence while values are abstract which can only be understood, thought about, understood, and lived by humans. values are also related to hopes, ideals, desires and all internal (inner) human considerations. thus, values are not concrete, that is, the human senses and values cannot capture them can be subjective or objective. subjective if the value is given by the subject (in this case humans as the main supporter of value) and objective if the value is attached to something other than human judgment. for these values to guide human attitudes and behavior, they need to be re-emerged and formulated more objectively so that it is easier for humans to describe their behavior. concretely, the more concrete form of this value is the norm. there are various kinds of norms, and from these various norms legal norms have the strongest validity, because they can be imposed by external forces such as rulers or law enforcement. furthermore, values and norms are always related to morals and ethics. the term moral contains the integrity and dignity of the human person. his morality largely determines the degree of a person's personality. the moral meaning contained in a person's personality is reflected in his attitudes and behavior. in this sense, we enter the realm of norms as a guide to human attitudes and behavior. the relationship between morals and ethics is indeed very close and sometimes it is just equated, when in fact the two things have differences. moral is a teaching or advice, standards, and a collection of oral and written rules about how humans must live and act to become good human beings. while ethics is a branch of philosophy that is a critical and fundamental thinking about the teachings a nd moral views. kaelan (2010) said that ethics can be defined as the science of morality. as for what is meant by decency, it is identical with the notion of morals, so that ethics is essentially a science that discusses the principles of morality. everyone has their own morality but not so with ethics. not everyone needs to think critically about ethics. there is a possibility that someone simply follows the patterns of morality that exist in a society without reflecting on them critically. ethics has no authority to determine what a person can or cannot do. this authority is considered https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1712 mailto:rizkimustika44@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 101-105 102 to be in the hands of those who provide moral teachings. this is the lack of ethics, when compared to moral teachings. however, in ethics one can understand why and on what basis humans mu st live according to certain norms. this last point is the advantage of ethics when compared to morals. this can be analogous to moral teachings as a guide on how we treat a car properly, while ethics gives us an understanding of the structure and technology of the car itself. such is the systematic relationship between values, norms, and morals which in turn these three aspects are manifested in a practical behavior in human life and livelihood. in connection with the value problem in this study, it is necessary to pay attention to various value boundaries, especially regarding cultural values. cultural values in this case are understood as values that refer to various things with an understanding of all human behavior as a result of being cultured, including values that can refer to interests, preferences, choices, duties, religious obligations, needs, security, desires, aversions, attractiveness, and other things related to feelings, which involve humans in their relationship with humans, humans with life, humans with work, humans with time and human relationships with nature. value itself can be understood through the opinions of experts, among others, kluchon (1951) said that the definition of value that is accepted as a desired concept in social science is the result of the influence of behavioral selection. this view can be compared with the notion which states that humans are no different in this world, all cannot stop only with an objective view of the overall experience. the results of the selection effect revealed by kluchon show that the human being said by kohler never stops with the experience that applies to selection that is embraced through the values that apply to his community as social beings. another view that supports that values are included in the selection of human behavior regarding excellent and bad is pepper's (1958) view, which states that matters are all about good and evil. the broad formulation is the entire development and possible value element, and the narrow value formulation is obtained from a particular field. this opinion states that in the inferred value of good and evil. the benefits of this theory for this research are in terms of sorting good and bad, while the data of this research is in terms of sorting out good and bad, and this research data can also involve neutral or generic (general) values that apply to culture (results of behavior). the opinion of values concerning humans themselves as subjects state that value is everything that is of interest to humans as subjects. this opinion states that humans themselves determine values, and humans as actors (appraisers) of the prevailing culture in their time. through the value formulation expressed by these experts, it can be understood that value is something that is important to humans as a subject, concerning everything good and bad as an abstraction, view, or purpose from various experiences with strict behavioral selection, through the so-called influence of implementing the wisdom of the cultural values of sarapatanguna (norms or rules) and government leadership on development in baubau city, southeast sulawesi province. so the theory can be applied to data on language elements that have cultural content (information) prevailing at the time, then some are guided, not guided, and neutral (as a picture of universal behavior). the formulation of this value can be understood universally, regarding this value it ca n be understood that the quality of values varies, namely: 1) values that have a deep conception, not just emotions/sensations or needs, in this case values are considered as abstractions drawn from one's experience, 2 ) values that involve understanding that has an emotional element (which is actually expressed as potential), 3) values that are not concrete goals of action, but have a relationship with goals, because that value serves as a criterion in achieving goals (a person will try to achieve his goals according to his goals). his view has a purpose, 4) value is an important element, and cannot be underestimated by the person concerned, value is in fact related to choice as a prerequisite for action. the concept of value used in understanding this dissertation research concerns the good-bad and neutral values that apply to cultural life, on the basis of consideration of the implementation of the values of the binci-binciki kuli philosophy (pinch each other will feel pain), which contains cultural content both at time and now. thus, the current values are good values to be guided and negative values to be avoided by the next generation. the picture of neutral values (general) applies to humans through neutral or generally accepted events, for example, polima which has become the motto and guideline for the people of the buton islands until today. the cultural value orientation in this study will be followed by a value orientation related to basic problems in human life. the five main issues of human life relate to the orientation of cultural values, which are also related to the cultural value system in society. the cultural value system is the core value of society. each individual or group follows this core value. that value is usually upheld to become one of the determining factors in behavior. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 101-105 103 the value system is not spread arbitrarily but has a reciprocal relationship that explains the existence of order in a society. in the value system, there are usually various conceptions that live in the minds of most people in community about things that are considered valuable in life. therefore, a method of cultural values serves as the highest guideline for human behavior. the cultural value system is so strong, pervasive, and rooted in the soul of the cultural community that it is difficult to replace and change in a short time. this also underlies the research activities of this dissertation. this understanding can be observed through the language element in the influence of implementing the wisdom of cultural values of sarapatanguna (norms or rules) and government leadership on development in baubau city, southeast sulawesi province. the orientation of cultural values is u niversally related to society's cultural value system, which is the five main problems of human life. according to koentjaraningrat (1985), namely 1) the nature of human life, 2) the nature of human work, 3) the nature of human time, 4) the nature of human nature, 5) the nature of human relationships. in this dissertation research, the five main issues will be considered by understanding cultural values that are not guided, and which are neutral (generally applicable) in human life. 2. methodology this research uses normative research that uses library data or legal materials that are primary and secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. primary legal materials are legal materials in the form of statutory regulations and relevant legal rules. secondary legal materials are legal materials in the form of explanations of primary legal materials such as literature books, journals, other scientific works. finally, tertiary legal materials are legal materials that provide explanations for primary legal materials and secondary legal materials such as legal dictionaries and incyclopedias (sampara & husen, 2013). 3. result and discussion the values and norms of life that grow in society are useful for finding balance in the order of life. these values and norms are formed according to the local community's needs, which in turn become customs. traditions are manifested in the form of ceremonies. each region has its own customs according to its geographical location. the order of life that develops and forms customs is a value system that experts have calculated so that it is closer to the truth. if there are deviations, it is not big and this is normal. the value system with all its calculations is based on the state of nature, astrology, religion, and philosophy of life. the various kinds of traditional ceremonies found in society in general and the buton (wolio) community in particular are a reflection that noble values have regulated all plans, actions and deeds. these noble values are passed down from generation to generation. changes in the value system towards improvement following the demands of the times. what is clear is that the values emitted through traditional ceremonies are a manifestation of the life of the buton wolio people who are very careful so that in carrying out their work they get safety both physically and mentally (munafi, 2011). each traditional ceremony has its own meaning and is still carried out by the buton wolio community, living in baubau city and villages in the buton islands. in addition to the customs and proper procedures, there is also character education, knowledge of character, types of humans and their rules. all of these are the legacy of the nobility of our ancestors that we need to protect and preserve. by fostering and preserving this culture, it will ensure the survival of the national culture so that it is able to stem the flow of fo reign cultures that are not necessarily following the national culture. if we hold fast to the customs values, then surely we will be safe and blessed by god almighty (huda, 2012). based on the cultural values of society, as long as humans live, no one can avoid philosophizing. because in life a person always philosophizes, so based on the fact that if people think that in life it is matter that is essential and absolute, then that person is materialism. if someone believes that in this life the most important thing is enjoyment, pleasure, and outward satisfaction, then this understanding is called hedonism. if someone believes that in social and state life, the most important thing is individual freedom or humans are free individual beings, then that person holds individualism and liberalism views. based on the influence of community cultural values, there are obstacles in the application of local wisdom of the government of the sultanate of buton in realizing a democratic baubau city government, namely the tendency of materialism, hedonism, individualism and liberalism which are contrary to the philosophical values of binci-binciki kuli (mutually pinching will both feel pain) sultanate of buton. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 101-105 104 3.1 the attitude of materialism the attitude of materialism which means a view that prioritizes material and property, rather than oneself. a perspective that considers material to be everything is very much against one of the philosophy of the sultanate of buton, yinda yindamo arata somanamo karo (to destroy property as long as you are safe) (addin, 2011). the attitude of materialism is a capitalist culture that does not follow buton's cultural values, which prioritizes balance, harmony, and harmony between material and spiritual. the nature of materialism can encoura ge a person's mentality to be greedy, behave arbitrarily towards others and the natural environment. if the nature of materialism is in the government, it cannot create a democratic government. the philosophy of yinda yindamo arata somanamo karo: let your property be destroyed as long as you are safe (wealth is willing to be sacrificed for the sake of personal safety), this is not relevant to the attitude of materialism, which prioritizes wealth over oneself. religious teachings that making a living must be lawful and not justify any means. in spiritual teachings regarding the results of business or material wealth, it is obligatory to fulfill all the rules because wealth is a mandate from god to humans who are temporarily entrusted. allah may take it back a t any time without prior notice. therefore, as the temporary owner of the property, you must understand what, for what and what to do with the property, because the obligation to own the property is to issue all zakat, infaq and so on. because excessive possessions are not a guarantee of happiness and pleasure. every human being, especially for leaders implementing wisdom, that in carrying out their duties as government officials, so as not to look for opportunities to accumulate wealth, because if official s do so, both physically and mentally, it will be morally miserable for all the people they lead because it is clear that there will be coercion. in all respects against the people and destroy the country as a whole . 3.2 the attitude of hedonism the attitude of hedonism, which means that nature only cares about itself, has a meaning contrary to one of the buton philosophy yinda sidamo karo somanamo lipu (let yourself be destroyed as long as the area is safe). the public and government officials must be aware and always in a conducive atmosphere for security, unity and national unity. for the sake of realizing a democratic government, which respects opinions, achievements, openness, justice, tolerance and togetherness (baja, 2012). yinda yindamo karo somanamo lipu's philosophy: let yourself be destroyed as long a s the area is safe (yourself is willing to be sacrificed for the sake of the country's safety), is a success that prioritizes the public interest rather than personal interests. leaders and prospective leaders as implementers of government wisdom must also understand the meaning of the wisdom of pomaa-maasiaka (mutual love), pomae-maeka (mutual respect), popia-piara (joint care), poangka-angkataka (mutual respect). because all the meanings of wisdom become guidelines for government rules in maintaining security, peace in unity and integrity. 3.3 the attitude of individualisme the attitude of individualism which means the thoughts and views of someone who feels he is a person or group of people who are respected, honorable, have a higher degree, so that others are considered lower. contrary to buton's philosophy yinda yindamo lipu somanamo sara (let the country be destroyed as long as the government). the attitude of elitism is also still present in the government of baubau city, thus affecting the realization of a democratic government (munafi, 2014). yinda yindamo lipu somanamo sara philosophy: let the region be destroyed as long as the government (the country is willing to be sacrificed for the sake of the government's safety). a good, honest, courageous and moral government with a high moral responsibility is a guarantee to achieve the goals in the country's administration (lipu). sara (government) must be maintained, because if the government is good, then the government will remain in a strong position with the support of all the peopl e, meaning that even though the country faces all kinds of internal and external challenges, sara (government) must be maintained. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 101-105 105 the application of the yinda yindamo philosophy of lipu somanamo sara (let the region be destroyed as long as the government) must not be separated from the first and second philosophical sentences, because there is sara (government) because there is lipu (the country), there is lipu (the country) because there are peaceful and happy people. at the same time, there is happiness and peace because social life is supported by freedom to seek life (moral wealth). 3.4 the attitude of liberalisme the attitude of liberalism which means an understanding that teaches the separation of state affairs (world) and religious affairs (hereafter). has a different meaning from one of the buton philosophy yinda sidamo sara somanamo religion (let the government be destroyed as long as it is religion). this trait arises as a result of the development of materialism, where the priority is only material and worldly nature, while spiritual matters are only personal and do not need to be managed together. yinda yindamo sara somanamo religion philosophy: let the government be destroyed as long as religion (government is willing to be sacrificed for the sake of religious salvation). which means that sara (government) is the same as lipu (country), the same as karo (self) and the same as arata (wealth) which is alternating and alternating in nature, but not for religion. the last religion but the earlier religion because religion is in sara (government), sara is in lipu (country), lipu is in karo (humans), and karo must have property. so religion is contained in the three meanings of the essence of philosophy. yinda yindamo sara somanamo religion philosophy (so that the government will be destroyed as long as it is religion). religion occupies the last position, because religion is a regulation that is better than all regulations covering two lives, the life of the world and the life of the hereafter as abso lute power (divine) that cannot be rivaled or defeated by any regulatory power from humans. 4. conclusion the tendency to influence community cultural values, then there are obstacles in the application of local wisdom of the government of the sultanate of buton in realizing a democratic baubau city government, namely the tendency of materialism, hedonism and individualism and liberalism which are contrary to the values of the binci-binciki kuli (mutually pinching will both feel pain) sultanate of buton. references addin, a. (2011). stratifikasi masyarakat butuni pada masa kesultanan. baubau: yayasan fajar al buthuni. baja, s. (2012). the sleeping giant buton raya isyarat ilmiah menguak tabir tujuh. baubau: pemerintah kota baubau. huda, n. (2012). hukum tata negara indonesia. jakarta: raja grafindo persada. kaelan. (2010). pendidikan pancasila, edisi kedelapan. yogyakarta: paradigma offset. kluchon, c. (1951). values and value orientations in the theory of action: an explanation in definition and classification, di dalam talcott parsons and edward shills (eds.) toward a general theory of action. camridge: harvard university press. koentjaraningrat. (1985). kebudayaan, mentalitet dan pembangunan. gramedia. munafi, a. (2011). “sistem kekerabatan dalam kebudayaan wolio”, dalam m. mu’min fahimuddin (ed); menafsir ulang sejarah dan budaya buton. baubau: respect. munafi, a. (2014). dinamika tanah wolio sejarah, kontiunitas, dan perubahan. makassar: fahmis pustaka. pepper, s. (1958). the sources of value. berkeley: university of california press. sampara, s., & husen, l. (2013). metode penelitian hukum. makassar: pt kretakupa. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 3 issue 2, june 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 104 audit of state losses by the gorontalo attorney general in a corruption case suardi rais abstract author’s information: in the process of proving corruption crime, it must fulfill the three elements contained in corruption, one of the elements of which is the loss of state finances as well as the corruption act. to prove the state's loss, the institutions that are authorized to audit the results of state losses will be involved. in this case the supreme audit agency (bpk). as in law no. 15 of 2006 and other institutions regulated outside the constitution, based on circular of the chief of the supreme court number 4 of 2016, and based on the decision of the constitutional court number. 31 / puu-x / 2012. but in some of the decisions of the corruption criminal court, the process of proving the loss of state finances was carried out by the gorontalo high prosecutor's office who did not have the authority to audit state financial losses in cases of corruption. keywords: legal analysis; audit; state losses and corruption fakultas hukum universitas ichsan gorontalo (suardi.rais@gmail.com) doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2. 120 1. introduction in the administration of the state, sometimes the government often acts against the law, so that it triggers the loss of state finances. the state's own financial losses in article 1 number 22 of act number 1 of 2004 concerning state treasury are: "state / regional losses are a reduction in money, securities, and goods that are real and certain in number as a result of unlawful or negligent acts" . based on the above understanding, the elements of state losses can be stated, namely: 1. state loss is a reduction in state finances in the form of valuable money, state property of the amount and / or value that should be. 2. the deficiency in the state finances must be real and certain in number or in other words the loss has actually occurred with the amount of loss that can be determined by the amount, with the amount determined, thus the state's loss is only an indication or in the form of potential loss. 3. the loss is due to unlawful acts, whether intentional or negligent, the element of violating the law must be proven carefully and accurately. state losses from aspects of law number 15 of 2004 concerning examination of management and accountability of state finance can occur in two stages, namely at the stage of funds going to the state treasury and at the stage of funds going out of the state treasury. at the stage of the funds going to the state treasury, it can occur through: tax conspiracies, conspiracy fines, conspiracy to recover losses from state finances and smuggling. whereas at the stage of funds going out of the state treasury, losses occur as a result of: mark up, bad credit, implementation of activities that are not in accordance with the program and others (muhammad djafar saidi, 2013: 113). https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.120 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.120 jurnal hukum volkgeist suardi rais. 3(2): 104-110 105 to overcome the things mentioned above, the government needs to conduct supervision / audit on the use of funds obtained from the state budget for expenditures and expenditures, the regional revenue and expenditure budget and separated state assets that are used by government agencies or other government-owned bodies. understanding of supervision according to the state administration law itself is a process of activities that compares what is carried out carried out, or held it with what is desired, planned, or ordered (adrian sutedi, 2010: 172) the purpose of the supervision is to find out whether the task and work have been done according to the right or not. the form of supervision in the context of management and responsibility of state finances in terms of calculating state financial losses can be in the form of: a. internal monitoring 1. performed by superiors against subordinates in a work environment; 2. inspector general, provincial inspectorate and inspectorate of the city district; 3. financial and development supervisory agency; b. external oversight by the supreme audit agency at this time, what is often a debate is related to the authority of agencies that can calculate and determine the state financial losses. as is known that in the legal process of criminal acts of corruption, the proof must fulfill 3 elements contained in corruption and one of the elements is the existence of state financial losses in accordance with law number 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption crimes as amended and supplemented by lawlaw number 20 of 2001 concerning changes to law number 31 of 2001 concerning eradication of corruption crimes. besides bpk, bpkp and inspektorat. in the practice of law enforcement of the prosecutor's office whose function is as a public prosecutor and as an executor, in fact it often also proves the existence of state financial losses against corruption, even though the prosecutor has the authority to conduct investigations into certain crimes but does not mean the prosecutor can audit state financial losses in decision no. 5 / pid.sustpk / 2018 / pn gto, and decision no. 6 / pid.sus-tpk / 2018 / pn gto. in the decision of the corruption criminal court, the process of proving the loss of state finances was carried out by the gorontalo high prosecutor's office so that the author was interested in explaining who has the authority to audit state financial losses in corruption and know whether the prosecutor has the authority to audit state financial losses against corruption. 2. institutions authorized to audit state financial losses in corruption crimes to find out which institution has the authority to audit losses on state finances, this requires a systematic and comprehensive scientific breakdown based on the entire legal product of the prevailing laws and regulations. so that in the end the conclusions we take are based on full consideration and the objectivity can be accounted for. with this authority, the function of the bpk actually consists of three main areas, namely (jimly asshiddiqie, 2006; 168): a. operative function, namely in the form of examination, supervision, and investigation of mastery, management and management of wealth over the state. jurnal hukum volkgeist suardi rais. 3(2): 104-110 106 b. judicial functions, namely in the form of authority to demand treasury and claims for compensation to treasurers and civil servants not treasurers who because of their actions violate the law or neglect obligations that cause financial loss and state wealth. c. advisory function, namely giving consideration to the government regarding management and management of state finances. for this reason, from the provisions of article 23e of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, the only body that has constitutional legitimacy in determining the alleged loss of state finances, especially in cases or acts of corruption is the supreme audit agency (bpk). so as to facilitate the implementation of this authority, law number 15 of 2006 concerning the supreme audit agency (bpk) was established. the provisions of article 10 of act number 15 of 2006 concerning the supreme audit agency, confirm the following: paragraph (1): the supreme audit agency assesses and / or determines the amount of state losses caused by unlawful acts, both intentionally and negligently carried out by the treasurer, the management of state-owned enterprises / regionally-owned business entities, and other institutions or bodies that conduct management of state finances. paragraph (2): evaluation of state financial losses and / or the determination of parties that are obliged to pay compensation as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated by the decision of the supreme audit board. the determination of the amount of state financial losses by the supreme audit agency is confirmed by the chair of the supreme court of the republic of indonesia. the affirmation is stipulated in the form of the fatwa of the supreme court of the republic of indonesia number 068 / kma / hk.01 / vii / 2012, july 27, 2012. actually, the fatwa of the supreme court of the republic of indonesia is a guide or guideline for judges in examining and deciding cases or cases that related to state financial losses. if there is an institution other than the supreme audit agency that determines the amount of state financial losses, then the determination of the state's financial losses is null and void by law. because of its existence to determine the amount of state financial losses not recognized by the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. thus, there is no other body or accountant authorized to determine the amount of state financial losses, except the supreme audit agency. in addition to the fatwa issued by the chairperson of the supreme court above, a circular of the chief of the supreme court was issued no. 4 of 2016 concerning the implementation of the formulation of results of the 2016 supreme court room plenary as implementation guidelines for judicial duties. letter a legal form of criminal chamber number 6 of the a quo circular stipulates that: "the authorized agency declares whether or not there is a state financial loss is the supreme audit agency which has constitutional authority while other institutions such as the financial and development supervisory agency / regional work unit still has the authority to carry out audits and audits of state financial management but is not authorized to declare or declare the existence of state financial losses. in certain cases the judge based on the facts of the trial can assess the state's loss and the amount of state losses. according to the author, besides the above description. there are appropriate changes that must be considered carefully regarding the determination of state financial losses. that is a change based on the decision of the constitutional court number 25 / jurnal hukum volkgeist suardi rais. 3(2): 104-110 107 puu-xiv / 2016, where previously the criminal act of corruption was a formal offense turned into a material offense. in its decision, the constitutional court stated that: "the word" can "in article 2 paragraph (1) and article 3 of the anti-corruption law is against the 1945 constitution and does not have binding legal force". strictly speaking, the element of detrimental to state finances is no longer understood as an estimate (potential loss), but must be understood to have actually happened or actual (actual loss) in criminal acts of corruption 3. authority of the prosecutor's office in auditing state financial losses against corruption before describing the legal position regarding the authority of the prosecutor's office in auditing state financial losses against corruption cases. it is important to describe in advance some theories of authority: authority is often equated with the term authority. the term authority is used in the form of nouns and is often equated with the term "bevoegheid" in dutch legal terms. according to philipus m. hadjon, if observed, there is little difference between the term authority and the term "bevoegheid". the difference lies in its legal character. the term "bevoegheid" is used in the concepts of public law and private law. in our legal concept the term authority or authority should be used in the concept of public law (philipus m. hadjon, without year: 20). every government action and / or public official must rely on legitimate authority. the authority is obtained through 3 sources, namely: a. attribution in a legal state, every act of a state administrative body or official must be based on law, and such principle is called the principle of legality. the implementation of the principle of legality is done through attribution, so that every authority of the body or state administration official is obtained through attribution authority (s.f. marbun, 2018: 85). attribution is related to the surrender of new authority. in other words, attribution means the emergence of new authority that previously had the authority, not owned by the organ of the government / institution concerned. attribution is also said to be a normal way to obtain government / agency authority. so that it seems clear that the authority gained through attribution by government organs / institutions is the original authority, because the authority is obtained directly from the legislation (especially the 1945 constitution). b. delegates delegation is the surrender of authority that belongs to the organ of government to other organs. in the delegation it contains a submission, namely what was originally the authority of the a, henceforth it becomes the authority of b. the authority that has been given by the delegate is then the responsibility of the authority. this means that there is a transfer of responsibility from the delegate to the recipient of the delegation (delegetaris). c. mandate the mandate is the authority originating from the process or procedure of delegation from a higher official or body to lower officials (subordinate superiors) jurnal hukum volkgeist suardi rais. 3(2): 104-110 108 tables and figures are presented center and cited in the manuscript. the figures should be clearly readable and at least have a resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch) for good printing quality. table made with the open model (without the vertical lines) as shown below: from the 3 theories of authority sources described above. so to assess whether the prosecutor has the authority or not in auditing state financial losses against corruption cases. this can be traced based on the authority of attribution which is basically given in the provisions of law number 16 of 2004 concerning the prosecutor's office. affirmed in article 30 of law number 16 year 2004, namely: a. in the criminal field, the prosecutor's office has the duty and authority: 1) prosecuting; 2) carry out the determination of judges and court decisions that have obtained permanent legal force; 3) supervise the implementation of conditional criminal decisions, criminal supervision decisions, and conditional release decisions; 4) investigate certain crimes based on the law; 5) completing certain case files and for that can carry out additional examinations before being delegated to the court which is coordinated with the investigator. b. in the field of civil and administrative affairs, the prosecutor's office with special powers can act both inside and outside the court for and on behalf of the state or government. c. in the field of public order and peace, the prosecutor's office also organizes activities: 1) increasing community legal awareness; 2) safeguarding law enforcement policies; 3) safeguarding circulation of printed goods; 4) supervision of the flow of trust that can endanger the community and the state; 5) prevention of abuse and / or blasphemy of religion; 6) research and develop criminal law and statistics. from the authority of attribution article 30 of law no. 16/2004 concerning the prosecutor's office above, specifically paragraph (1) in a criminal case in casu for criminal acts of corruption. none of the attribution authority gives legitimacy to the prosecutor's office to audit state financial losses against corruption. the opinion of the gorontalo high prosecutor's office that there is currently no regulation that regulates the authority of the prosecutor's office to carry out its own calculations of state financial losses in cases of corruption. but on the other hand, there are also no rules that prohibit the prosecutor from calculating state financial losses in tipikor. however, by mentioning the provisions of article 30 of law no. 16/2004 concerning the prosecutor's office, regarding the duties and authorities of the prosecutor's office, one of them is to investigate corruption. as well as based on the provisions of article 1 number 2 of the criminal procedure code which states that, an investigation is a series of investigative actions in terms of and according to the method stipulated in the law to search for and collect evidence which makes it clear about a crime happens and in order to determine the suspect. of the two provisions. according to you. moh. mulyadi abdullah as kasi for the supervisory office of the gorontalo prosecutor's office, that: jurnal hukum volkgeist suardi rais. 3(2): 104-110 109 "the attorney general's office of investigation in carrying out its duties (main duties and functions) as stipulated in the act, namely investigating criminal cases, especially corruption in an effort to uncover the truth and determine the amount of state losses, there are still two opinions, namely that corruption cases where the amount of state financial losses are truly real and clear, the prosecutor can calculate state financial losses that can be obtained from letters, files or data as well as from other evidence, but some say that the prosecutor cannot calculate the state's own financial losses, arguing that those who calculate and determine the state's financial losses must be experts ". for the second opinion, the prosecutor said that he could not calculate the financial losses of his own country. according to you. moh. mulyadi abdullah, this opinion is not wrong, because for the calculation of state financial losses in complicated tipikor cases, such as in cases of corruption in construction-related work, special experts are required to perform calculations so that the truth and accuracy of the losses can be believed. state finance that has been caused in the corruption act. separately, mr. imam makmur saragih, as the gorontalo high prosecutor's office coordinator, confirmed that: "one of the reasons for the prosecutor's office is calculating state financial losses in corruption cases whose state losses are real and clear, because if you use an auditor from the bpk or bpkp, it takes quite a long time (months), so that corruption will harm the country. already exists and clearly, the prosecutor's office can calculate the losses of their own country. for example cases of corruption that occurred at the pohuwato district prosecutor's office were carried out by the treasurer of expenditure and financial operators that had been decided and had permanent legal force. from some of the statements or answers of officials at the gorontalo high prosecutor's office above. in the opinion of the author, there are several important things to comment on again, namely: first; a statement that there is also no rule that prohibits the prosecutor from calculating state financial losses in criminal acts of corruption, so that this is the reason the prosecutor's office calculates its own financial losses. according to the author, this is not a valid legal reason. because, the calculation of state financial losses is an act whose legitimacy must be based on orders or authority that are governed by the provisions of legislation (attribution authority). an action without authority can cause the action to be defective in authority, so that it can result in the act / action being null and void (van rechtswege nietig). this is even an indicator of abuse of authority. it is also like the concept of philipus m. hadjon's thinking which deals with the parameters of authority of the agency. according to him, it can be seen from "rechmatig bestuur", in more detail, saying "rechmatig bestuur is the principle of government that relies on the principle of state law, namely the principle of legality. based on the principle of legality, every government action must be based on legitimate authority, appropriate procedures and the right substance (hernold ferry makawimbang, yogyakarta: 53). as little explained above, that the implementation of the principle of legality is the granting of authority to administrative bodies or officials in carrying out actions must be based on the orders of legislation (attribution). this is what the prosecutor does not have in exercising his authority to audit state financial losses. second; based on two opinions, where the prosecutor's office can calculate state losses against events that have been truly real and clear. as well as opinions that state jurnal hukum volkgeist suardi rais. 3(2): 104-110 110 prosecutors cannot calculate the losses of their own country in complicated tipikor cases. save author, this argument cannot be legally justified. because, the provisions of the law relating to proof of state financial losses, do not classify the clear / tangible state financial losses and complicated losses of state finances. both clear and complicated both should be left to competent institutions in determining or determining the state financial losses. 4. conclusion first, the authority to audit state financial losses in cases of corruption, constitutionally and derivatives are regulated under law no. 15 of 2006 is the authority of the supreme audit agency (bpk). while other institutions are regulated outside the constitution, based on circular of the chief of the supreme court number 4 of 2016, and based on the decision of the constitutional court number. 31 / puu-x / 2012, namely, the financial and development supervisory agency (bpkp), state administrators wealth examination commission (kpkpn), inspectorates in departments or nondepartmental government institutions and the corruption eradication commission (kpk). secondly, the prosecutor's office does not have the authority granted by legislation (attribution authority) to audit the loss of state finances in cases of corruption. references makawimbang, hernold f. (2014). state financial losses. yogyakarta: thafa media. marbun, s.f. (2018). state administrative law i. yogyakarta: fh. uii press. philipus m. hadjon. (nd). about authority. papers. surabaya: airlangga university. saidi, muhammad d. (2013). state finance law. jakarta: pt. raja grafindo persada. sutedi, adrian. (2010). state finance law. jakart: sinar grafika. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 26 kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam menentukan harga jual dalam transaksi jual beli tanah dan atau bangunan i tis’at afriyandi kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam menentukan harga jual dalam transaksi jual beli tanah dan atau bangunan tis’at afriyandi magister hukum universitas airlangga surabaya abstrak bisnis properti tanah, rumah, dan bangunan merupakan suatu aktivitas bisnis yang mulai banyak diminati oleh masyarakat. mengingat tanah dan bangunan merupakan benda tidak bergerak, maka terdapat ketentuan-ketentuan yang harus dilakukan oleh para pihak sebelum proses peralihan haknya. dalam proses jual beli tanah dan atau bangunan menimbulkan kewajiban pajak bagi masing-masing pihak. sebagaimana amanat dari undang-undang no. 28 tahun 2008 tentang pajak daerah dan retribusi daerah, pihak pembeli dibebankan bphtb sebesar 5% dari harga transaksi yang telah disepakati. kesepakatan para pihak dalam menentukan harga transaksi harus pula memperhatikan nilai wajar yang berpedoman pada nilai njop tanah dan atau bangunan pada saat terjadi transaksi. pemerintah daerah sebagai pemungut pajak dapat melakukan proses validasi perhitungan bphtb yang telah dibayarkan oleh pembeli. dengan adanya proses validasi bphtb ini pemerintah daerah memiliki wewenang untuk melakukan penelitian perhitungan dan penelitian lapangan terkait objek jual beli tersebut. proses validasi bphtb ini dapat mempengaruhi harga transaksi jual beli karena dianggap harga transaksi yang disepakati masih terlalu rendah dari harga pasar. keywords: jual beli tanah dan atau bangunan, harga transaksi, bphtb, wewenang pemerintah daerah a. pendahuluan bisnis properti merupakan suatu aktivitas bisnis yang mulai diminati oleh sebagian masyarakat pada saat ini. diantara jenis properti yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat adalah tanah, rumah, dan bangunan. hal tersebut dikarenakan jenis properti ini sangat relevan dan memiliki prospek yang bagus untuk dikelola dan dikembangkan. properti bukan hanya digunakan untuk masyarakat dalam berbisnis, namun juga untuk kebutuhan investasi seperti tempat tinggal. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 27 kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam menentukan harga jual dalam transaksi jual beli tanah dan atau bangunan i tis’at afriyandi memiliki properti tentu tidak didapat dengan harga yang murah. meskipun dengan harga yang selangit, namun keinginan masyarakat untuk memiliki aset properti berupa tanah atau bangunan masih tetap saja tinggi. dalam memperoleh properti bukan hal yang mudah, ada ketentuan-ketentuan yang harus dilakukan oleh para pihak yang berkepentingan. mengingat tanah dan bangunan merupakan benda tidak bergerak, sehingga cara perolehannya tidak seperti dalam aktivitas jual beli barang bergerak yang hanya sebatas penyerahan barang dari penjual ke pembeli. jual beli tidak serta merta terjadi begitu saja, namun para pihak terlebih dahulu harus benar-benar mendapat kesepakatan tentang objek dan harga. kesepakatan merupakan sebuah landasan seseorang yang nantinya akan melahirkan suatu perjanjian. dengan adanya kesepakatan tersebut maka suatu transaksi dapat terjadi. seperti halnya dalam proses jual beli, kesepakatan antara penjual dan pembeli terkait objek jual beli maupun harga merupakan hal penting untuk lahirnya suatu perjanjian yang akan menimbulkan hak dan kewajiban bagi para pihak. hal ini berarti bahwa jika salah satu pihak tidak memperoleh kesepakatan maka transaksi jual beli tidak mungkin dapat terjadi, sehingga perjanjian tentu tidak akan lahir. sepakat yang dibangun para kontraktan dalam transaksi jual beli, pada pokoknya berintikan pada sesuatu benda tertentu dengan sejumlah harga yang pasti. suatu hubungan hukum, mana kala dari situ tertengarai ada benda dan ada harga, itulah perjanjian jual beli. tanpa ada unsur keduanya benda dan harga, maka hubungan hukum yang bersangkutan, bukan merupakan perjanjian jual beli (moch isnaeni, hlm.27). ketika para pihak yang membuat suatu perjanjian telah memenuhi unsurunsur yang disebutkan dalam pasal 1320 bw tersebut, maka perjanjian yang dibuat telah sah secara hukum, dan mengikat antara kedua belah pihak. kesepakatan mengenai harga dan objek jual beli ini merupakan tahap awal sebelum akhirnya dilakukan pembuatan akta jual beli di hadapan ppat. tahapan ini dikenal dengan proses perjanjian pengikatan jual beli (ppjb). dalam tahap ini, para pihak bebas dalam menentukan harga. para pihak memiliki kebebasan untuk menyatakan kehendaknya pada tingkat jumlah berapa yang diajukan kepada masing-masing pihak (asas kebebasan berkontrak). namun saat menyatakan kehendak berujud sejumlah nominal tertentu, mestinya para pihak juga wajib menjaga angka pagu yang patut dan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 28 kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam menentukan harga jual dalam transaksi jual beli tanah dan atau bangunan i tis’at afriyandi wajar, paling tidak selaras dengan fluktuasi pasar (prinsip itikad baik). mana kala harga yang diajukan para pihak menemukan persamaan, lalu disepakati, inilah prinsip konsesualisme, yang kemudian akan dipergunakan oleh para pihak untuk melangkah selanjutnya, baik dalam melunasi pembayaran ataupun perbuatan melakukan penyerahan. proses jual beli tanah dan bangunan menimbulkan beban kewajiban pajak bagi para pihak yang harus dibayarkan kepada pemerintah. pajak merupakan alat bagi pemerintah dalam mencapai tujuan untuk mendapatkan penerimaan guna membiayai pengeluaran rutin serta pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat sehingga pajak dikatakan sebagai suatu kewajiban warga negara untuk membiayai berbagai keperluan negara berupa pembangunan nasional yang pelaksanaannya di atur dalam undangundang perpajakan. pajak untuk pembeli akan dikenakan bea perolehan hak atas tanah dan atau bangunan (bphtb), dasar pengenaan bphtb untuk pembeli ini dalam undang-undang no. 28 tahun 2009 tentang pajak daerah dan retribusi daerah, sebagaimana tercantum dalam pasal 85. kemudian untuk tarif besarannya ditetapkan sebesar 5 %, yang tertuang dalam pasal 88, yaitu: (1) tarif bea perolehan hak atas tanah dan bangunan ditetapkan paling tinggi sebesar 5% (lima persen). (2) tarif bea perolehan hak atas tanah dan bangunan ditetapkan dengan peraturan daerah. dalam pasal 87 ayat (1) undang-undang nomor 28 tahun 2009 tentang pajak daerah dan retribusi daerah selanjutnya ditulis uu pdrd diatur bahwa dasar pengenaan bea perolehan hak atas tanah dan atau bangunan (bphtb) adalah nilai perolehan objek pajak (npop). selanjutnya diatur bahwa penentuan npop berbedabeda tergantung transaksi yang terjadi. untuk transaksi jual beli diatur bahwa npop adalah harga transaksi (harga yang tertulis dalam akte jual beli). pasal 87 ayat (3) uu pdrd mengatur bahwa apabila harga transaksi tidak diketahui atau lebih rendah dari njop yang digunakan dalam pengenaan pbb pada tahun terjadinya perolehan, dasar pengenaan yang dipakai adalah njop pbb. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 29 kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam menentukan harga jual dalam transaksi jual beli tanah dan atau bangunan i tis’at afriyandi permasalahan yang sering terjadi adalah adanya pencantuman harga transaksi yang tidak sesuai dengan yang sebenarnya. hal ini terjadi justru karena masih rendahnya penetapan njop jika dibandingkan dengan harga pasar tanah dilokasi tersebut. sebenarnya hal tersebut telah disadari oleh fiskus (saat ini pemda), sehingga sebelum bphtb dibayar oleh wajib pajak, dilakukan validasi atas surat setoran bphtb (ssb). hal ini dilakukan karena mereka kurang yakin dengan harga transaksi yang tertera dalam akta jual beli. untuk mencari solusi atas permasalahan tersebut, beberapa daerah telah menetapkan nilai pasar tersendiri (diluar njop). penentuan nilai pasar tersebut dipakai sebagai pedoman penentuan harga transaksi apabila terjadi kasus seperti tersebut di atas. hal inilah yang sering membuat masyarakat wajib pajak menjadi bingung, seolah-olah fiskus menentukan harga transaksi tersendiri. penentuan harga transaksi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah setelah dilakukan proses validasi bphtb yang dirasa harga transaksi tidak layak padahal para pihak telah menyepakati harga transaksi yang didasarkan pada njop yang berlaku. pada akhirnya hal tersebut mempengaruhi kesepakatan para pihak yaitu penjual dan pembeli dengan berubahnya nilai transaksi yang telah disepakati sebelumnya. b. metode penelitian penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah dengan menggunajan jenis penelitian hukum normative dipergunakan untuk menyusun penelitian ini. bahanbahan hukum yang akan digunakan diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan.bahan-bahan hukum tersebut terdiri dari bahan hukum primer yaitu: peraturan perundangundangan yang mengatur mengenai yang terkait dan literatur-literatur, karya ilmiah hukum. bahanbahan hukum yang dtersedia dianalisis secara normatif. c. pembahasan dan hasil 1. bea perolehan hak atas tanah dan atau bangunan (bphtb) merupakan pajak daerah dengan lahirnya undang-undang no. 28 tahun 2009 tentang pajak daerah dan retribusi daerah diatur lebih banyak mengenai kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam memungut pajak dan retribusi untuk meningkatkan pendapatan daerah, yang issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 30 kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam menentukan harga jual dalam transaksi jual beli tanah dan atau bangunan i tis’at afriyandi sebelumnya pemungutan pajak tersebut hanya dilakukan oleh pemerintah pusat dalam hal ini direktur jenderal pajak. dalam undang-undang ini ditentukan mengenai pembagian jenis pajak daerah, yang mana tercantum dalam pasal 2 undang-undang no. 28 tahun 2009, yaitu : (1) jenis pajak provinsi terdiri atas: a. pajak kendaraan bemotor; b. bea balik nama kendaraan bermotor; c. pajak bahan bakar kendaraan bermotor; d. pajak air permukaan; dan e. pajak rokok. (2) jenis pajak kabupaten/kota terdiri atas : a. pajak hotel; b. pajak restoran; c. pajak hiburan; d. pajak reklame; e. pajak penerangan jalan; f. pajak mineral bukan logam dan batuan; g. pajak parkir; h. pajak air tanah; i. pajak sarang burung walet; j. pajak bumi dan bangunan perdesaan dan perkotaan; k. bea perolehan hak atas tanah dan bangunan. dengan adanya undang-undang no. 28 tahun 2009 tentang pajak daerah dan retribusi daerah menjadikan bea perolehan hak atas tanah dan bangunan tergolong dalam pajak daerah yang mana pemungutanya dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah. bphtb merupakan pajak yang dikenakan atas perolehan hak atas tanah dan bangunan berdasarkan ketentuan undang-undang nomor 21 tahun 1997 tentang bphtb, yang kemudian diadakan perubahan dengan undang-undang nomor 20 tahun 2000. sebelum adanya undang-undang nomor 28 tahun 2009, bphtb merupakan pajak pusat yang penerimaannya dibagikan kembali kepada pemerintah daerah melalui bagi hasil ke issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 31 kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam menentukan harga jual dalam transaksi jual beli tanah dan atau bangunan i tis’at afriyandi pemerintah daerah, akan tetapi setelah ditetapkannya undang-undang nomor 28 tahun 2009 maka bphtb telah resmi menjadi pajak daerah. tujuan dari adanya pengalihan bphtb tidak lain adalah untuk meningkatkan kemandirian daerah dan pembangunan daerah dalam hal pengelolaan keuangan. dengan tujuan seperti itu maka diharapkan dengan dialihkannya bphtb menjadi pajak daerah, maka kemampuan daerah dalam hal penggalian sumber dana akan semakin baik, serta pendapatan yang bersumber dari pajak daerah terutama bphtb, proporsinya semakin besar. 2. sistem pemungutan pajak bea perolehan hak atas tanah dan bangunan (bphtb) berdasarkan tata cara pemungutan pajak yang dituangkan dalam pasal 96 uu pdrd bahwa “setiap wajib pajak membayar pajak yang terutang berdasarkan surat ketetapan pajak atau dibayar sendiri oleh wajib pajak berdasarkan peraturan perundangundangan perpajakan”, dapat dianalisa mengenai sistem pemungutan pajak daerah menggunakan 2 sistem yaitu: 1. official assessment system pajak yang terutang dibayarkan berdasarkan surat ketetapan pajak, hal ini dimaksudkan bahwa pemungutan pajak untuk menentukan besarnya pajak terutang ditentukan oleh pemerintah daerah dalam hal ini adalah kepala daerah sebagai fiskus. sedangkan wajib pajak bersifat pasif meunggu surat ketetapan pajak dari fiskus. 2. self assessment system pajak yang terutang dibayar sendiri oleh wajib pajak berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan perpajakan. dalam sistem ini wajib pajak mendaftarkan diri, menghitung, memperhitungkan, membayar/ menyetor, dan melaporkan sendiri jumlah pajak yang terutang dengan surat pemberitahuan pajak daerah. wajib pajak harus bersifat aktif dan pemerintah daerah sebagai fiskus bersifat pasif, yakni hanya melakukan penyuluhan, pengawasan, dan pemeriksaan dalam rangka uji kepatuhan dari laporan wajib pajak atas jumlah pajak yang terutang. kemudian apabila dalam pelaksanaan pemungutan pajak ternyata wajib pajak yang diberi kepercayaan untuk menghitung, memperhitungkan, menyetor, dan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 32 kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam menentukan harga jual dalam transaksi jual beli tanah dan atau bangunan i tis’at afriyandi melaporkan sendiri jumlah pajak yang terutang tidak memenuhi kewajiban perpajakan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku, maka atas dasar tersebut dapat diterbitkan surat ketetapan pajak daerah kurang bayar dan atau surat ketetapan pajak daerah kurang bayar tambahan sebagai sarana untuk melakukan penagihan pajak yang terutang. pemungutan bea perolehan hak atas tanah dan bangunan yang merupakan pajak daerah, tata cara yang digunakan oleh wajib pajak dalam pemenuhan kewajibannya berdasarkan sistem self assessment, yaitu wajib pajak menghitung dan membayar sendiri utang pajaknya. dengan sistem self assessment ini, khususnya pada bphtb, diharapkan masyarakat dapat dengan mudah memenuhi kewajiban pajaknya dan meningkatkan kesadaran pajak masyarakat, terutama pajak yang timbul pada saat terjadinya perolehan hak atas tanah dan bangunan. ketentuan mengenai bphtb yang dituangkan dalam undang-undang pajak daerah dan retribusi daerah tersebut tentu saja sangat memudahkan bagi wajib pajak dalam melakukan perhitungan pajak terutang ketika akan melakukan transaksi jual beli tanah dan bangunan, wajib pajak dalam hal ini adalah penjual dan pembeli sudah dapat menentukan besarnya pajak yang akan dibayarkan sesuai dengan nominal transaksi yang telah disepakati. dengan demikian perhitungan yang dilakukan oleh wajib pajak tidak sembarangan namun didasarkan pada peraturan yang telah ditetapkan dalam undang-undang. 3. kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam pemungutan bea perolehan hak atas tanah dan bangunan (bphtb) undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah dirasa masih belum maksimal dalam melaksanakan pembangunan di daerah dan dirasa sudah tidak relevan lagi terhadap perkembangan yang terjadi di daerah, sehingga perlu dilakukan suatu perubahan dalam rangka optimalisasi penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah. pada akhirnya pemerintah mengeluarkan undang-undang no. 23 tahun 2014 tentang pemerintah daerah untuk mengganti undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004. diharapkan dengan adanya undang-undang tersebut wewenang pemerintah daerah akan lebih maksimal dalam proses pembangunan daerah karena wewenang pemerintah issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 33 kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam menentukan harga jual dalam transaksi jual beli tanah dan atau bangunan i tis’at afriyandi daerah diperluas lagi dengan adanya wewenang pemerintah kabupaten/kota, karena sebelumnya wewenang pemerintah daerah sebatas pada wewenang pemerintah provinsi. kewenangan dapat diperoleh dari tiga sumber, yaitu atribusi, delegasi dan mandate. kewenangan atribusi lazim digariskan melalui pembagian kekuasaan negara yang diatur dalam undang-undang dasar, sedang delegasi dan mandate merupakan suatu kewenangan yang berasal dari pelimpahan. perbedaan antara kewenangan berdasarkan delegasi dan mandat menurut philipus m hadjon adalah terletak pada prosedur pelimpahannya, tanggung jawab dan tanggung gugatnya serta kemungkinan dipergunakannya kembali kewenangan tersebut (suriansyah murhaini, 2016:21). kewenangan pemungutan dan pengelolaan dari bphtb sebagai salah satu jenis pajak daerah yang menurut undang-undang tentang pajak daerah dan retribusi daerah, yang lama merupakan kewenangan pemerintah pusat untuk memungut dan mengelolanya, maka berlakunya undang-undang no. 28 tahun 2009 adalah hal yang penting bagi daerah-daerah untuk menyambutnya serta melengkapinya dalam bentuk perda tentang pajak daerah dan retribusi daerah. pemerintah daerah memperoleh kewenangan untuk membentuk peraturan daerah dalam tentang bea perolehan hak atas tanah dan bangunan yang menjadi dasar dalam pemungutan. pembentukan peraturan daerah tersebut merupakan amanat dari undang-undang no. 28 tahun 2009 tentang pajak daerah dan retribusi daerah. 4. prosedur validasi penentuan harga jual objek transaksi sebagai dasar pengenaan bea perolehan hak atas tanah dan bangunan (bphtb) oleh pemerintah daerah melalui verifikasi lapangan nilai jual objek pajak atau njop menurut undang-undang no. 28 tahun 2009 adalah adalah harga rata-rata yang diperoleh dari transaksi jual beli yang terjadi secara wajar, dan bilamana tidak terdapat transaksi jual beli, njop ditentukan melalui perbandingan harga dengan objek lain yang sejenis, atau nilai perolehan baru, atau njop pengganti. dalam menetapkan njop diatur dalam pasal 79 sebagaimana jangka waktu penetapan njop, pemerintah daerah dalam hal ini adalah kepala daerah dilakukan setiap 3 tahun sekali, kecuali objek pajak tertentu yang besarannya dapat ditetapkan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 34 kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam menentukan harga jual dalam transaksi jual beli tanah dan atau bangunan i tis’at afriyandi setiap tahun tergantung perkembangan wilayahnya. penetapan njop dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara, yaitu: a. perbandingan harga dengan objek lain yang sejenis, adalah suatu pendekatan/metode penentuan nilai jual suatu objek pajak dengan cara membandingkannya dengan objek pajak lain yang sejenis yang letaknya berdekatan dan fungsinya sama dan telah diketahui harga jualnya. b. nilai perolehan baru, adalah suatu pendekatan/metode penentuan nilai jual suatu objek pajak dengan cara menghitung seluruh biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk memperoleh objek tersebut pada saat penilaian dilakukan, yang dikurangi dengan penyusutan berdasarkan kondisi pisik objek tersebut. c. nilai jual pengganti, adalah suatu pendekatan/metode penentuan nilai jual suatu objek pajak yang berdasarkan pada hasil produksi objek pajak tersebut. pemerintah daerah melakukan penaksiran harga jual sendiri diluar ketentuan njop ketika melakukan proses validasi yang berupa verifikasi lapangan untuk memastikan kebenaran objek jual beli dalam hal ini adalah tanah dan bangunan. pemerintah daerah tidak mempercayai nilai transaksi atas objek jual beli tersebut, pemerintah daerah menganggap nilai transaksi terlalu rendah dari njop. padahal pemerintah daerah sendiri juga yang menetapkan njop terhadap tanah dan bangunan tersebut. proses verifikasi lapangan tersebut tidak diatur dalam undang-undang maupun dalam peraturan daerah. dengan adanya proses verifikasi lapangan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah dalam menentukan nilai transaksi objek jual beli tersebut, menimbulkan ketidakpastian hukum kepada masyarakat yang melakukan transaksi. seharusnya pemerintah dalam melaksanakan kewenangannya harus dilandasi dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur dengan jelas terkait dengan bphtb. kemudian dengan adanya proses verifikasi lapangan yang berakibat berubahnya nilai bphtb tersebut mengubah sistem pembayaran bea perolehan hak atas tanah dan bangunan, yang seharusnya dilakukan dengan sistem self assessment berubah menjadi sistem official assessment. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 35 kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam menentukan harga jual dalam transaksi jual beli tanah dan atau bangunan i tis’at afriyandi 5. akibat hukum penetapan tarif bea perolehan hak atas tanah dan bangunan (bphtb) setelah verifikasi lapangan oleh pemerintah daerah surat ketetapan pajak daerah kurang bayar (skpdkb) yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah daerah akibat adanya proses validasi lapangan, sepatutnya tidak dapat dibenarkan, mengingat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan jelas disampaikan bahwa skpdkb dikeluarkan apabila wajib pajak yang diberi kepercayaan menghitung, memperhitungkan, membayar, dan melaporkan sendiri pajak yang terutang tidak memenuhi kewajiban sebagaimana mestinya, bukan karena adanya harga taksiran baru yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah daerah. dalam pemungutan bphtb pemerintah daerah memiliki kewenangan yang diatur dalam undang-undang, namun dalam penetapan skpdkb yang tidak sesuai dengan kaidah dalam peraturan perundang-undangan perlu digali lagi terkait dengan akibat hukum yang ditimbulkannya apakah berakibat pada batal, dapat dibatalkan, atau batal demi hukum. keputusan yang tidak sah dapat berakibat nietigheid van rechtswege (batal karena hukum), nietig (batal) atau vernietigbaar (dapat dibatalkan). nietig berarti bahwa bagi hukum perbuatan yang dilakukan dianggap tidak ada. konsekwensinya, bagi hukum akibat perbuatan itu dianggap tidak pernah ada. vernietigbaar berarti bagi hukum perbuatan yang dilakukan dan akibatnya dianggap ada sampai waktu pembatalan oleh hakim atau badan lain yang kompeten. nietigheid van rechtswege artinya bagi hukum akibat suatu perbuatan dianggap tidak ada tanpa perlu adanya suatu keputusan yang membatalkan perbuatan tersebut. tindakan pemerintahan dapat berakibat batal karena hukum, batal, atau dapat dibatalkan tergantung pada essentiel-tidaknya kekurangan yang terdapat di dalam keputusan itu. tindakan pemerintah tersebut merupakan hukum administrasi maka berpedoman pada asas vermoeden van rechmatigheid. artinya keputusan organ pemerintah tersebut hanya dapat dibatalkan (vernietigbaar) dan bukan batal atau batal karena hukum. menurut stellinga, keputusan pemerintah selalu tidak boleh dianggap batal karena hukum. lebih lanjut dijelaskan, suatu keputusan tidak pernah boleh dianggap batal karena hukum, baik dalam hal keputusan itu dapat digugat dimuka hakim administrasi issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 36 kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam menentukan harga jual dalam transaksi jual beli tanah dan atau bangunan i tis’at afriyandi atau banding administrasi, maupun dalam hal kemungkinan untuk menggugat dan untuk memohon banding itu tidak digunakan, demikian juga dalam hal kedua kemungkinan tersebut tidak ada. dalam vernietigbaar, perbuatan hukum adalah sah sampai dinyatakan batal. suatu perbuatan hukum yang dapat dibatalkan adalah suatu perbuatan yang mengandung cacat. selama pihak yang berkepentingan dengan pembatalan itu tidak pernah menyatakan bahwa karena cacat ini perbuatan itu dipandang sebagai tidak sah onrechtmatig, maka tidak bisa dikatakan adanya pembatalan vernietiging. dengan kata lain, ketika ada gugatan dan kemudian gugatan telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap terhitung sejak saat keputusan tata usaha negara itu dinyatakan batal (nietig)(yudhi setiawan, 2008: 3). dalam penentuan harga transaksi melalui proses validasi lapangan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah merupakan salah satu bentuk tindakan diskresi demi mendorong peningkatan pendapatan asli daerah (pad), namun apabila wewenang yang diperoleh oleh pemerintah daerah jika tidak dilakukan sesuai dengan parameter peraturan perundang-undangan dan aupb akan berpotensi adanya penyalahgunaan wewenang oleh pemerintah daerah. d. penutup berdasarkan uraian di atas dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam menentukan harga jual dalam transaksi jual beli tanah dan atau bangunan yang dilakukan melalui proses validasi bphtb tidak diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. undang-undang hanya mengatur kewenangan pemungutan bphtb yang merupakan kewenangan pemerintah daerah, sebagaimana diatur dalam undang-undang no. 28 tahun 2009 tentang pajak daerah dan retribusi daerah. proses validasi bphtb yang mengakibatkan perubahan harga transaksi jual beli merupakan tindakan diskresi pemerintah daerah demi meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah (pad), tetapi tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah harus tetap mengacu pada asasasas umum pemerintahan yang baik (aupb) agar tidak terjadi penyalahgunaan wewenang yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah. daftar pustaka issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 37 kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam menentukan harga jual dalam transaksi jual beli tanah dan atau bangunan i tis’at afriyandi ahmadi, w. 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 berhadapan dengan hukum dony pribadi magister hukum universitas airlangga surabaya abstrak undang-undang no. 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak (sppa) sudah disahkan oleh pemerintah indonesia, uu no. 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak ini menggantikan uu no. 3 tahun 2007 tentang pengadilan anak. uu sppa ini telah memberikan perlindungan terhadap anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum sejak proses awal penanganannya sampai pada pelaksanaan hukuman. hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa menurut uu no. 11 tahun 2012, perlindungan terhadap anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum melalui beragam bentuk. anak berhadapan hukum (abh) dibagi atas 3 klasifikasi yaitu sebagai anak pelaku, anak korban dan anak saksi. selain itu dalam penanganannya anak berhadapan hukum harus dibedakan dari orang dewasa pada setiap tingkatan proses, baik itu dari mulai penyelidikkan, penyidikkan maupun saat litigasi. selain itu, setiap pelaksanaan proses anak wajib didampingi oleh pendamping. pada aturan yang baru ini juga mengenalkan dan menekankan diversi, yaitu aspek non litigasi dalam menyelesaikan perkara. pada proses diversi, penyelesaian kasus diupayakan sebisa mungkin di luar peradilan. keywords: peradilan, sppa, konselor a. pendahuluan untuk membangun bangsa yang besar sangat dibutuhkan masyarakat yang pintar dan mempunyai budi yang baik. agar dapat mencapai hal tersebut tentunya pendidikan dan budi yang baik sudah seharusnya diterapkan sejak dini pada anak-anak bangsa. anak adalah salah satu aset untuk memajukan bangsa. berkembangnya jaman membuat pola piker dan tata krama anak semakin menurun. tidak sedikit perkara anak sebagai aktor tindak kejahatan di zaman saat ini. tingkat kenakalan anak yang semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor. faktor penyebab kenakalan anak sehingga anak terjebak dalam perkara kriminal dan akhirnya harus berhadapan dengan hukum diantaranya seperti kurangnya perhatian orang tua, keadaan yang mengharuskan anak memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, atau bahkan pencarian jati diri. beberapa faktor penyebab kenakalan pada anak tersebut seringkali membuat anak issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan terhadap anakberhadapan dengan hukum i dony pribad 15 terjerumus terlalu dalam. tidak adanya peringatan atau tindakan tegas terhadap anak yang terlibat dalam kenakalan tersebut justru akan membuat anak semakin jauh terlibat dalam kenakalan. hal seperti ini dapat memunculkan keberanian anak untuk terlibat dalam kenakalan yang menjurus ke tindak pidana. semakin maraknya anak yang melakukan tindak pidana kekerasan merupakan hal yang miris, karena anak merupakan generasi yang harus dilindungi dan merupakan salah satu bagian dari penerus bangsa yang dapat memajukan bangsa ini. dewasa ini di indonesia, perlindungan terhadap anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum merujuk ke dalam uu no. 11 tahuan 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak. sebelumnya terkait peradilan yang melibatkan anak merujuk kepada uu no. 3 tahun 1997 tentang pengadilan anak. disahkannya uu no. 11 tahun 2012, maka uu no. 3 tahun 1997 tidak berlaku lagi. terdapat perbedaan perlindungan terhadap anak yang diberikan oleh uu no. 11 tahun 2012 dengan yang diatur dalam uu no. 3 tahun 1997. dalam uu no. 3 tahun 1997 setiap anak yang melakukan perbuatan pidana dikenakan proses hukum yang sama dengan proses hukum orang dewasa substansi yang diatur dalam undang-undang no. 11 tahun 2012 ini, antara lain, adalah mengenai penempatan anak yang menjalani proses peradilan dapat ditempatkan di lembaga pembinaan khusus anak (lpka). menurut wagiati soetodjo (2008:70), substansi yang paling mendasar dalam undang-undang ini adalah pengaturan secara tegas mengenai keadilan restoratif dan diversi yang dimaksudkan untuk menghindari dan menjauhkan anak dari proses peradilan sehingga dapat menghindari stigmatisasi terhadap anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum dan diharapkan anak dapat kembali ke dalam lingkungan sosial secara wajar. menurut pasal 1 poin 7 uu no. 11 tahun 2012 menyatakan bahwa diversi dapat artikan sebagai pengalihan penyelesaian perkara anak dari proses peradilan pidana ke proses di luar peradilan pidana.keadilan restoratif menurut penjelasan umum undangundang no. 11 tahun 2012 adalah suatu proses diversi, yaitu semua pihak yang terlibat dalam suatu tindak pidana tertentu bersama-sama mengatasi masalah serta menciptakan suatu kewajiban untuk membuat segala sesuatunya menjadi lebih baik dengan melibatkan korban, anak, dan masyarakatdalam mencari solusi untuk memperbaiki, rekonsiliasi dan menenteramkan hati yang tidak berdasarkan pembalasan.keadilan restoratif dan diversi issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan terhadap anakberhadapan dengan hukum i dony pribad 16 merupakan hal yang menjadi pembeda paling penting antara uu no. 11 tahun 2012 dengan uu no. 3 tahun 2007. memperhatikan pengertian diversi, diketahui bahwa setiap kasus anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum terlebih dahulu harus diselesaikan melalui jalur non litigasi. di sinilah sebenarnya peran pemuka lingkungan dan agama dapat memainkan peran untuk mengisi bentukbentuk penyelesaian kasus anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum yang dapat dilakukan sesuai dengan nilai-nilai agama dan lokal setempat. kebiasaan adat dianggap memberikan nilai positif terhadap penyelesaian kasus anak secara bermartabat dan dapat menciptakan kepuasan tersendiri bagi pelaku, korban maupun lingkungan disekitar. kasus-kasus yang berkembang saat ini tentang tindakan pelanggaran hukum yang kebetulan dilakukan oleh anak dibawah umur memperlihatkan terdapat kesalahan dalam proses tumbuh kembang anak.pasal 1 ayat (3) undang-undang no.11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak, menyatakan bahwa anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum yang selanjutnya disebut anak adalah anak yang telah berumur 12 (dua belas) tahun, tetapi belum berumur 18 (delapan belas) tahun yang diduga melakukan tindak pidana. menurut muladi dalam bukunya setya wahyudi (2011:35) istilah sistem peradilan pidana anak merupakan terjemahan dari istilah the junevile justice system, yaitu suatu istilah yang digunakan sedefinisi dengan jumlah institusi yang terkandung dalam pengadilan, yang meliputi polisi, jaksa, penuntut umum, hakim, penasehat hukum, lembaga pengawas, pusat-pusat penahanan anak, dan fasilitas-fasilitas pembinaan anak. dalam bukunya romli atmasasmita (1996:17), muladi mendefenisikan sistem peradilan pidana sebagai jaringan (network) peradilan yang menggunakan hukum pidana materiil, hukum pidana formil ataupun hukum pelaksanaan pidana. proses peradilan pidana anak mulai dari penyidikan, penuntutan, pengadilan dan dalam menjalankan putusan pengadilan di lembaga permasyarakatan anak wajib dilakukan oleh pejabat-pejabat terdidik khusus atau setidaknya mengetahui tentang masalah anak nakal. perlakuan selama proses peradilan pidana anak harus memperhatikan proses-proses perlindungan anak dan tetap menjunjung tinggi harkat dan martabat anak tanpa mengabaikan terlaksanan keadilan dan bukan membuat nilai kemanusiaan anak menjadi lebih rendah. b. metode penelitian issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan terhadap anakberhadapan dengan hukum i dony pribad 17 penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah dengan menggunajan jenis penelitian hukum normative dipergunakan untuk menyusun penelitian ini. bahan-bahan hukum yang akan digunakan diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan. bahan-bahan hukum tersebut terdiri dari bahan hukum primer yaitu: peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur mengenai anak dan literatur, karya ilmiah hukum yang membahas mengenai persoalan anak indonesia. bahanbahan hukum yang dtersedia dianalisis secara normatif. c. hasil dan pembahasan 1. pengertian anak menurut aturan perundang-undangan mengenai pengertian dan batasan umur anak telah banyak jabarkan dalam beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan. berikut pengertian anak menurut beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan: a. pengertian anak menurut kitab undang-undang hukum pidana (kuhp) anak dalam hukum pidana diletakkan dalam pengertian seorang anak yang belum dewasa, sebagai orang yang mempunyai hak-hak khusus dan perlu mendapatkan perlindungan menurut ketentuan hukum yang berlaku. pengertian anak dalam hukum pidana menimbulkan aspek hukum positif terhadap proses normalisasi anak dari perilaku menyimpang untuk membentuk kepribadian dan tanggung jawab yang pada akhirnya anak tersebut berhak atas kesejahteraan yang layak. pengertian anak dalam kuhp dapat kita ambil contoh dalam pasal 287 kuhp, disebutkan bahwa anak di bawah umur adalah apabila anak tersebut belum mencapai usia 15 (lima belas) tahun. b. pengertian anak menurut undang-undang no. 3 tahun 1997 yang dimaksud dengan anak dalam undang-undang ini yaitu orang yang dalam perkara anak nakal telah mencapai umur 8 (delapan) tahun tetapi belum mencapai umur 18 (delapan belas) tahun dan belum pernah kawin. anak nakal adalah anak yang melakukan perbuatan yang dinyatakan terlarang bagi anak, baik menurut peraturan perundangundangan maupun menurut peraturan hukum lain yang hidup dan berlaku dalam masyarakat yang bersangkutan. c. pengertian anak menurut undang-undang no. 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak pengertian anak menurut undang-undang ini yang disebut anak yang telah berumur 12 (dua belas) tahun, tetapi belum berumur 18 (delapan belas) tahun yang diduga issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan terhadap anakberhadapan dengan hukum i dony pribad 18 melakukan tindak pidana. d. pengertian anak menurut undang-undang no. 35 tahun 2014 tentang perubahan atas uu nomor 23 tahun 2002 tentang perlindungan anak anak adalah seseorang yang belum berusia 18 (delapan belas) tahun, termasuk anak yang masih dalam kandungan. dari beberapa penafsiran mengenai anak yang telah disebutkan diatas maka sehubungan dengan pembahasan penulis merujuk kepada pengertian yang terdapat pada uu sppa. 2. hak-hak anak negara mempunyai kewajiban untuk melindungi warga negaranya sejak mulai lahir hingga meninggal. oleh karena hal tersebut, maka pada setiap proses peradilan para penegak hukum harus dan wajib mengutamakan kepentingan anak dimana dalam kepentingan itu terdapat hak-hak dari anak. sejauh ini negara indonesia telah meratifikasi konvensi hak-hak anak. hal tersebut tercantum di dalam keputusan presiden (keppres) republik indonesia nomor 36 tahun 1990 tentang pengesahan convention on the rights of the child (konvensi tentang hakhak anak), dengan diratifikasinya konvensi hak-hak anak tersebut maka sejak tahun 1990 indonesia terikat secara hukum utruk melaksanakan ketentuan yang termaktub di dalam konvensi hak-hak anak. menurut setya wahyudi (2012:22) menyatakan bahwa berdasarkan konvensi hakhak anak 1989 (resolusi pbb nomor 44/25 tanggal 5 desember 1989), hak-hak anak secara umum dapat dikelompokan dalam 4 (empat) kategori hak-hak anak yaitu: hak untuk kelangsungan hidup (the right to survival), hak untuk tumbuh kembang (the right to develop), hak untuk perlindungan (the right to protection), dan hak untuk partisipasi (the right to participation). menurut abu huraerah (2012, h. 31) yang didalam bukunya menyatakan bahwa hak anak secara universal juga telah ditetapkan melalui sidang umum perserikatan bangsa-bangsa (selanjutnya disingkat pbb) pada tanggal 20 november 1959, dengan memproklamasikan deklarasi hak-hak anak. adanya deklarasi yang telah dilakukan pbb melalui siding umumnya diharapkan semua pihak baik individu, orang tua, organisasi sosial, pemerintah dan masyarakat mengakui hak-hak anak dan mendorong pelaksanaanya. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan terhadap anakberhadapan dengan hukum i dony pribad 19 berdasarkan hal diatas deklarasi hak-hak anak di sidang umum pbb mempunyai tujuan yaitu memberikan perlindungan khusus untuk segala tindakan yang berhubungan langsung dengan anak, tindakan atas suatu persoalan yang melibatkan anak harus selalu mengutamakan dan mengedepankan anak. 3. pengertian anak yang berhadapan hukum (h.20) berdasarkan pasal 1 ayat (2) undang-undang nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak yang dimaksud dengan anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum adalah anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum, anak yang menjadi korban tindak pidana, dan saksi tindak pidana. menurut pasal 1 ayat 3 undang 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak (sppa) menyatakan bahwa anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum adalah anak yang telah mencapai usia 12 (dua belas) tahun tetapi belum mencapai usia 18 (delapan belas) tahun. menurut apong herlina dalam bukunya (2014:17) anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum dapat juga dikatakan sebagai anak yang terpaksa berkonflik dengan sistem pengadilan pidana karena: a. disangka, didakwa, atau dinyatakan terbukti bersalah melanggar hukum; atau b. telah menjadi korban akibat perbuatan pelanggran hukum dilakukan orang/kelompok orang/lembaga/negara terhadapnya; atau c. telah melihat, mendengar, merasakan atau mengetahui suatu peristiwa pelanggaran hukum. apong herlina (2014:43) berpandangan jika dilihat dari ruang lingkupnya anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum dapat dibagi menjadi: a. pelaku atau tersangka tindak pidana; b. korban tindak pidana, dan c. saksi suatau tindak pidana sebelum lahirnya undang-undang nomor 23 tahun 2002 tentang 
 perlindungan anak, pada dasarnya anak-anak yang bermasalah dikategorikan dalam istilah kenakalan anak, yang mengacu pada undang-undang nomor 3 tahun 1997 tentang pengadilan anak. setelah diundangkannya undang-undang perlindungan anak, maka istilah tersebut berubah menjadi anak yang berkonflik dengan hokum (abh), dan saat ini undang-undang nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak pun menggunakan istilah issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan terhadap anakberhadapan dengan hukum i dony pribad 20 anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum. menurut muhammad joni dan zulchaina z tanamas (1999, h. 83), masalah anak merupakan arus balik yang tidak diperhitungkan dari proses dan perkembangan pembangunan bangsa-bangsa yang mempunyai cita-cita tinggi dan masa depan cemerlang guna menyongsong dan menggantikan pemimpin-pemimpin bangsa indonesia. terkait dengan hal itu paradigma pembangunan haruslah pro anak. pada dasarnya terlihat tidak etis apabila tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak disebut dengan kejahatan, karena pada dasarnya anak-anak memiliki kondisi kejiwaan yang sangat labil, proses kemantapan psikis menghasilkan sikap kritis, agresif dan menunjukkan tingkah laku yang cenderung bertindak mengganggu ketertiban umum. hal ini belum dapat dikatakan sebagai kejahatan, melainkan kenakalan yang ditimbulkan akibat kondisi psikologis yang tidak seimbang dan si pelaku belum sadar dan mengerti atas tindakan yang telah dilakukan anak. harry e. allen and clifford e. simmonsen (2003, h. 2) menjelaskan bahwa ada 2 (dua) kategori perilaku anak yang membuat anak harus berhadapan dengan hukum, yaitu: 1. status offence adalah perilaku kenakalan anak yang apabila dilakukan oleh orang dewasa tidak dianggap sebagai kejahatan, seperti tidak menurut, membolos sekolah, atau kabur dari rumah; 2. juvenile deliquence adalah perilaku kenakalan anak yang apabila dilakukan oleh orang dewasa dianggap kejahatan atau pelanggaran hukum. menurut romli atmasasmita (1983, h. 17) istilah deliquency tidak identik dengan istilah kenakalan dan istilah junevile tidak identik dengan istilah anak. istilah junevile deliquency lebih luas artinya dari istilah kenakalan ataupun istilah anak-anak. oleh karena itu, romli lebih cenderung menggunakan istilah kenakalan anak daripada istilah kejahatan anak-anak 3. upaya perlindungan hukum terhadap anak berhadapan hukum 1. perlindungan terhadap anak pelaku pasal 1 ayat 3 uu no. 11 tahun 2012 memberikan batasan usia terhadap anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum. batasan usia anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum adalah anak yang telah berumur 12 (dua belas) tahun, dan tetapi belum berumur 18 (delapan belas) tahun. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan terhadap anakberhadapan dengan hukum i dony pribad 21 kemudian dalam ketentuan pasal 3 undang-undang nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan anak mencantumkan dengan tegas apa saja yang menjadi hak-hak anak dalam peradilan pidana. pada saat proses peradilan pidana anak hak-hak anak harus mendapatkan perlindungan dari setiap tingkatan, perlindungan tersebut diberikan sebagai salah satu bentuk penghormatan hak asasi anak. perlindungan terhadap anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum ini mengalami perubahan yang mendasar yakni pengaturan secara tegas mengenai “keadilan restoratif dan diversi”. pengaturan ini dimaksudkan untuk menghindari dan menjauhkan anak dari proses peradilan, sehingga dapat menghindari stigmatisasi terhadap anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum. dalam ketentuan pasal 5 undang-undang nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan anak mencantumkan dengan tegas bahwa: 1) sistem peradilan pidana anak wajib mengutamakan pendekatan keadilan restoratif. 2) sistem peradilan pidana anak sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) meliputi: a. penyidikan dan penuntutan pidana anak yang dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan, kecuali ditentukan lain dalam undangundang ini; b. persidangan anak yang dilakukan oleh pengadilan di lingkungan peradilan umum; dan c. pembinaan, pembimbingan, pengawasan,dan/atau pendampingan selama proses pelaksanaan pidana atau tindakan dan setelah menjalani pidana atau tindakan. 3) dalam sistem peradilan pidana anak sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) huruf a dan huruf b wajib diupayakan diversi. pasal 6 undang-undang nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan anak diversi bertujuan: a. mencapai perdamaian antara korban dan anak; b. menyelesaikan perkara anak di luar proses peradilan; c. menghindarkan anak dari perampasan kemerdekaan; d. mendorong masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi; dan e. menanamkan rasa tanggung jawab kepada anak. dalam melakukan perlindungan anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum, proses penyelesaiannya diharuskan melibatkan semua pihak yang meliputi peran orang tua, issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan terhadap anakberhadapan dengan hukum i dony pribad 22 keluarga, masyarakat, pemerintah, lembaga negara lainnya yang berkewajiban dan bertanggungjawab dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan anak, serta perlindungan khusus terhadap anak yang bersangkutan. pada konsep keadilan restoratif yang dikenal adanya proses diversi. dalam proses diversi yaitu semua pihak yang terkait dalam suatu tindak pidana tertentu bersamasama mengatasi masalah serta menciptakan suatu kewajiban untuk membuat segala sesuatunya menjadi lebih baik dengan melibatkan korban, anak, masyarakat dan pihak terkait untuk mencari solusi yang terbaik bagi anak tanpa ada unsur pembalasan. dalam penyelesaian perkara anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum yang menggunakan pendekatan keadilan restorative justice penyelesaian yang melibatkan semua pihak dan secara bersama-sama mengatasi perkara dan mencari solusi yang terbaik terhadap perkara yang dihadapi anak dengan demikian perlindungan terhadap anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum yang lebih mengutamakan kepentingan terbaik bagi anak. 2. perlindungan terhadap anak korban perlindungan terhadap anak korban kejahatan sebagaimana diatur dalam undangundang nomor 35 tahun 2014 tentang perubahan atas undang-undang nomor 23 tahun 2002 tentang perlindungan anak. pasal 1 ayat (2) perlindungan anak adalah segala kegiatan yang menjamin dan melindungi anak dan hak-haknya agar dapat hidup, tumbuh berkembang dan berpartisipasi, secara optimal sesuai harkat dan martabat kemanusiaan, serta medapat perlindungan dari kekerasan dan diskriminasi. penanganan perkara anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum khususnya korban anak, harus ditangani secara khusus baik represif maupun tindakan preventif demi menciptakan masa depan anak yang baik dan sejahtera. mengenai anak korban, undangundang nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak pada pasal 1 ayat (4) undang-undang nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak menyebutkan bahwa:“anak yang menjadi korban tindak pidana yang selanjutnya disebut sebagai anak korban adalah anak yang belum berumur 18 (delapan belas) tahun yang mengalami penderitaan fisik, mental dan/atau kerugian ekonomi yang disebabkan oleh tindak pidana.”selanjutnya dalam undang-undang nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak, pasal 90 ayat (1) menjelaskan bahwa anak korban dan anak saksi berhak atas upaya rehabilitasi medis dan rehabilitasi sosial, baik di dalam lembaga maupun di luar lembaga”. selain hak-hak tersebut, terdapat beberapa hak anak issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan terhadap anakberhadapan dengan hukum i dony pribad 23 sebagai korban untuk mendapatkan bantuan medis dan bantuan rehabilitasi psikososial. 3. perlindungan terhadap anak saksi anak sebagai saksi sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam pasal 1 ayat (5) undangundang nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak: “anak yang menjadi saksi tindak pidana yang selanjutnya disebut anak saksi adalah anak yang belum berumur 18 tahun yang dapat memberikan keterangan guna kepentingan penyidikan, penuntutan, dan pemeriksaan disidang pengadilan tentang suatu perkara pidana yang didengar, dilihat, dan/atau dialaminya sendiri” pengaturan mengenai saksi anak alam undang-undang nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak diatur dalam bab vii pada pasal 89 s/d pasal 91. pada pasal 89 disebutkan bahwa anak korban dan/atau anak saksi berhak atas semua perlindungan dan hak yang diatur dalam ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. perlindungan terhadap anak sebagai saksi sebagaimana yang diatur dalam undangundang sistem peradilan anak menunjukkan pentingnya perlindungan terhadap anak, adanya pengaturan mengenai perekaman elektronik merupakan pelayanan saksi untuk mengurangi rasa rasa trauma si anak agar tidak bertemu langsung dengan pelaku kejahatan. dengan demikian, si anak sebagai saksi dalam memberi keterangan akan lebih bebas dan leluasa disamping mereka didampingi oleh orang tua/wali, pekerja social maupun petugas pembimbing pemasyarakatan (bapas) anak sehingga dapat terciptanya fakta hukum sesuai dengan kejadian yang diliat maupun yang dirasakan sendiri oleh si anak. d. penutup anak berhadapan hukum baik itu sebagai anak pelaku, anak saksi maupun anak korban sering mengalami penderitaan secara fisik juga mengalami penderitaan secara psikis yang membutuhkan waktu lama untuk memulihkannya. oleh karena hal tersebut terkadang penderitaan yang dialami oleh anak berhadapan hukum tidak ringan dan membutuhkan waktu yang tidak singkat untuk bisa memulihkannya, maka pemerintah memberikan perlindungan terhadap korban yang diimplementasikan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan sebagai produk hukum yang memihak kepentingan anak. dalam konteks perlindungan terhadap anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum, adanya upaya preventif maupun represif yang dilakukan, baik oleh masyarakat maupun pemerintah (melalui aparat penegak hukumnya), seperti pemberian issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan terhadap anakberhadapan dengan hukum i dony pribad 24 perlindungan/pengawasan dari berbagai ancaman yang dapat membahayakan nyawa korban, pemberian bantuan medis, maupun hukum secara memadai, proses pemeriksaan dan peradilan yang fair merupakan salah satu perwujudan dari perlindungan hak asasi manusia serta instrumen penyeimbang. perlindungan terhadap anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum dengan pendekatan restorative justice membawa dampak yang positif terhadap penanganan perkara anak. undangundang nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak memisahkan dan mengatur secara tegas tegas tentang anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum yang meliputi anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum, anak yang menjadi korban tindak pidana, anak yang menjadi saksi tindak pidana. penyelesaian perkara anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum selama ini yang proses penyelesaiannya melalui lembaga peradilan dengan adanya undang-undang nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak mengenalkan proses penyelsaian diversi. dimana perkara yang melibatkan anak sebagai pelaku dapat diselesaiakan di luar peradilan melalui diversi dengan melibatkan semua pihak untuk duduk bersama baik itu pihak pelaku, korban dan saksi dalam menyelesaikan konflik yang terjadi dengan menggunakan pendekatan restorative justice yang mengutamakan pemulihan keadaan dari pada pembalasan dalam penyelesaian perkara anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum dan mengutamakan kepentingan terbaik bagi anak demi kesejahteraannya. daftar pustaka abu, h. 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(1996). sistem peradilan pidana. bandung: bina cipta. setya, w. (2012). implementasi ide diversi dalam pembaruan sistem peradilan pidana anak di indonesia. yogyakarta: genta publishing. penjelasan umum, uu no.11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak. uu no. 3 tahun 1997 tentang pengadilan anak. uu no. 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak. undang-undang no. 35 tahun 2014 tentang perubahan atas uu nomor 23 tahun 2002 tentang perlindungan anak. wagiati, s. (2008). hukum pidana anak. bandung: refika aditama. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2014 dalam penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah page 1 pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2014 dalam penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten butontengah oleh : darmawan wiridin dosen fakultas hukum universitas dayanu ikhsanuddin abstract the law’s observation of regulation number 15th 2014 related with the establishment of labungkari as the capital city of middle buton districk..the aim of this research is to find out the advisability of labungkari as the capital city of middle buton districk observed from a law’s side and to find out a background, a weakness, and surplus of established labungkari as the capital city of middle buton districk. this research was done in labungkari, exactly in a government of middle button districk.the method was applied in this research is the descriptive method and purposed to describe anything that have forms the background of establishment labungkari as the capital city of middle buton districk. the writer use a qualitative analysis based on a reports and a documentation in the field. a data collecting technique in this research includes by a profound interview and a secondary data and a tertiary data a study book, a document, and the articles.from the research, the writer concluded that the establishment labungkari as the capital city of middle burtondistrict is not advisable because the establishment is not based on a mechanism that have permanently in a law and the establishment is just based on a collective consensus between a societies element. keyword : region establishment , requirement of establishment region. a. pendahuluan dalam penyelenggaraanpemerintahan didaerah diberikan otonomi yang lebih luas dan lebih nyata kepada pemerintah daerah untukmenyelenggarakan urusan rumah tangganya sendiri. hal ini dimungkinkan sebagai konsekuensi kebijakan desentralisasi yang dianut dalam undang-undang nomor 23 tahun 2014 tentang pemerintahan daerah. perlu dibentuk daerah-daerah otonomi dalam wilayah negarakesatuan republik indonesia. hal ini sejalan dengan ketentuan pasal 18 ayat (1),(2) undang-undang dasar negara republik indonesia tahun 1945. semangat otonomi daerah dan fenomena keinginan masyarakat pada berbagai wilayah untuk membentuk daerah otonomi baru yang terjadi dihampir seluruh daerah dinegara ini juga terasa pada masyarakat buton. masyarakat buton yang menghendaki daerah kabupaten buton dimekarkan lagi menjadi dua daerah otonomi baru yang salah satunya adalah kabupaten buton tengah. tuntutan masyarakat yang sangat kuat issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2014 dalam penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah page 2 ditingkat bawah (grassroot) tersebut didorong oleh keinginan memperoleh pelayanan yang baik dari pemerintah daerah. dalam pembentukan daerah otonomi baru harus memenuhi syarat fisik kewilayahan yang meliputi persyaratan dasar kewilayahan dan persyaratan dasar kapasitas daerah. syarat fisik kewilayahan ini meliputi cakupan wilayah, lokasi calon ibukota kabupaten, sarana dan prasarana pemerintahan. penetapan lokasi ibukota tersebut dilakukan setelah adanya kajian daerah terhadap aspek tata ruang, ketersediaan fasilitas, aksestabilitas, kondisi dan letak geografis, kependudukan, sosial ekonomi, sosial politik dan sosial budaya. adanya sarana dan prasarana pemerintahan meliputi bangunan dan lahan untuk kantor kepala daerah, kantor dprd, dan kantor perangkat daerah yang dapat digunakan untuk memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. bangunan dan lahan berada dalam wilayah calon daerah serta lahan dimiliki pemerintah daerah dengan bukti kepemilikan yang sah. kabupaten buton tengah menjadi daerah otonomi baru yang sebelumnya masuk dalam cakupan wilayah kabupaten buton. hal ini bertujuan untuk mendorong perkembangan dan kemajuan provinsi sulawesi tenggara pada umumnya dan kabupaten buton pada khususnya. adanya aspirasi yang berkembang dalam masyarakat juga dipandang perlu, untuk meningkatkan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, pembangunan dan pelayanan publik sehingga mempercepat terwujudnya kesejahteraan masyarakat. dalam undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2014 tentang pembentukan buton tengah ditetapkan labungkari sebagai ibukotanya. sebelum adanya pemekaran ini ada beberapa wilayah yang diusulkan untuk menjadi ibukota kabupaten, diantaranya wamengkoli, lakudo dan mawasangka. dalam hal ini labungkari tidak masuk dalam pengusulan calon ibukota kabupaten buton tengah. b. tinjauan pustaka a. otonomi daerah otonomi daerah berasal dari bahasa yunani “autonomie” yang berarti auto adalah sendiri dan nomos adalah undang-undang. jadi secara harfiah otonomi dapat diartikan sebagai pemberian hak dan kekuasaan untuk mengatur dan mengurus rumah tangganya sendiri kepada instansi, perusahaan dan daerah. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2014 dalam penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah page 3 menurut bagir manan otonomi daerah mempunyai dua arti, pertama dalam arti formal otonomi daerah diperlukan dalam rangka memperluas partisipasi masyarakat dalam pemerintahan, kedua dalam arti materiil otonomi daerah mengandung makna sebagai usaha mewujudkan kesejahteraan yang bersanding dengan prinsip negara kesejahteraan dan sistem pemencaran kekuasaan menurut dasar negara berdasarkan atas hukum. sedangkan menurutjoko widodo, pada hakekatnya otonomi daerah bertujuan menciptakan sebuah sistem pemerintahan yang lebih demokratis, dimana keterlibatan rakyat baik dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, pembangunan dan pelayanan publik maupun dalam melakukan kontrol atas apa yang sedang dan dilakukan pemerintah dalam menjalankan tugas pokok, fungsi dan kewenangan dapat dilaksanakan secara maksimal. oleh karena itu dengan otonomi daerah diharapkan akan dapat memberi peluang pada perubahan kehidupan pemerintah daerah. pengertian daerah otonom menurut uu no. 23 tahun 2014, “daerah otonom selanjutnya disebut daerah adalah kesatuan masyarakat hukum yang mempunyai batasbatas wilayah yang berwenang mengatur dan mengurus urusan pemerintahan dan kepentingan masyarakat setempat menurut prakarsa sendiri berdasarkan aspirasi masyarakat dan sistem negara kesatuan republik indonesia”. prinsip otonomi daerah yang digunakan berdasarkan ketentuan undang-undang nomor 23 tahun 2014 yang menekankan pada perwujudan otonomi yang seluas-luasnya nyata dan bertanggung jawab. prinsip otonomi seluas-luasnya dalam arti daerah diberikan kewenangan mengurus dan mengatur semua urusan pemerintahan diluar yang menjadi urusan pemerintah. daerah memiliki kewenangan membuat kebijakan daerah untuk member pelayanan, peningkatan, peran serta, prakarsa dan pemberdayaan masyarakat yang bertujuan pada peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat. adapun prinsip otonomi nyata adalah suatu prinsip bahwa untuk menangani urusan pemerintahan dilaksanakan berdasarkan tugas, wewenang, dan kebijakan yang senyatanya telah ada, serta berpotensi untuk tumbuh, hidup, dan berkembang sesuai dengan potensi dan kekhasan daerah. dengan demikian, isi dan jenis otonomi bagi setiap daerah tidak selalu sama dengan daerah lainnya (otonomi bersifat objektif). sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan otonomi yang bertanggung jawab adalah otonomi yang dalam penyelenggaraannya harus benar-benar sejalan dengan tujuan dan maksud pemberian issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2014 dalam penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah page 4 otonomi yang pada dasarnya untuk memberdayakan daerah termasuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat yang merupakan bagian utama dari tujuan nasional. adapun tujuan otonomi daerah adalah mencapai efektifitas dan efisiensi dalam pelayanan masyarakat sehingga tujuan yang diharapkan dapatmenumbuhkembangkan daerahdalam berbagai bidang ,meningkatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat, menumbuhkan kemandirian daerah dan meningkatkan daya saing daerah dalam proses pertumbuhan. b. pembentukan daerah sejak penerapan sistem desentralistik di indonesia kata pembentukan menjadi sesuatu yang tak terpisahkan dalam undang-undang otonomi daerah. dalam undangundang tersebut daerah diberi kewenangan untuk membentuk atau memisahkan wilayah-wilayahnya menjadi satu atau dua bagian wilayahnya. banyak daerah menggunakan istilah pembentukan untuk memaknai sebuah pembentukan daerah otonomi baru dalam suatu wilayahnya. pembentukan daerah dapat berupa pemecahan daerah provinsi atau daerah kabupaten/kota untuk menjadi dua atau lebih daerah baru, atau penggabungan bagian daerah dari daerah yang bersanding dalam 1 (satu) daerah provinsi menjadi satu daerah baru. dalam hubungannya dengan pembentukan daerah/wilayah otonomi, pasal 18 uud 1945 antara lain menyatakan bahwa pembagian daerah indonesia atas daerah besar dan daerah kecil dengan bentuk dan susunan pemerintahannya yang ditetapkan oleh undang-undang. daerah indonesia akan dibagi menjadi daerah provinsi dan daerah provinsi akan dibagi menjadi daerah kabupaten dan daerah kota untuk mendukung pelaksanaan otonomi daerah. peraturan pemerintah menyebutkan bahwa pembentukan daerah adalah pemecahan provinsi atau kabupaten/kota menjadi dua daerah atau lebih.menurut penulis, pembentukan daerah adalah pemisahan suatu wilayah dari wilayah lain untuk membentuk wilayah baru yang disebabkan oleh meningkatnya kebutuhan masyarakat serta keinginan masyarakat untuk mendapatkan pelayanan yang lebih baik dan merata. istilah pemekaran daerah sebenarnya dipakai sebagai upaya memperhalus bahasa yang menyatakan proses perpisahan atau pemecahan satu wilayah untuk membentuk satu unit administrasi lokal baru. dilihat dari kacamata filosofi harmoni, istilah perpisahan atau perpecahan memiliki makna yang negatif sehingga istilah issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2014 dalam penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah page 5 pemekaran daerah dirasa lebih cocok digunakan untuk menggambarkan proses terjadinya daerah-daerah otonom baru pasca reformasi di indonesia. jika kita lihat kebelakang, pemekaran daerah begitu gencarnya dilaksanakan sejak zaman reformasi. hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya anggapan bahwa zaman orde baru yang sentralistis itu sangat tidak adil bagi daerah. daerah hanya menjadi sapi perahan yang diambil sumber daya alamnya dan hasilnya diserahkan kepemerintah pusat. tidak ada pembangunan di daerah, pembangunan hanya terpusat di ibu kota negara. sehingga menimbulkan kesenjangan pembangunan antara pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah. secara hukum, syarat-syarat pembentukan suatu wilayah untuk menjadi kabupaten/kota atau provinsi tidak terlalu sulit. pembentukan harus memenuhi persyaratan dasar dan persyaratan administrasi. persyaratan dasar meliputi, persyaratan dasar kewilayahan dan persyaratan dasar kapasitas daerah. persyaratan dasar kewilayahan ini meliputi luas wilayah minimal (berdasarkan pengelompokan pulau atau kepulauan), jumlah penduduk minimal, batas wilayah (dibuktikan dengan titik koordinat pada peta dasar), cakupan wilayah meliputi paling sedikit 5 (lima) kecamatan untuk pembentukan kabupaten, dan 4 (empat) kecamatan untuk pembentukan kota, lokasi calon ibukota, sarana dan prasarana pemerintahan. namun bukan berarti apabila suatu daerah telah memenuhi persyaratan dasar kewilayahan dan kapasitas daerah maka dengan sendirinya pemekaran wilayah dapat dilakukan. c. kedudukan dan syarat pembentukan ibukota kabupaten buton tengah kabupaten buton tengah merupakan salah satu kabupaten di provinsi sulawesi tenggara. ibukotanya berada di labungakri kecamatan lakudo. buton tengah merupakan hasil pemekaran dari kabupaten buton yang disahkan pada tanggal 24 juli 2014. salah satu alasan pemekaran wilayah ini adalah karena permasalahan akses. seluruh wilayah buton tengah tidak berada di pulau buotn, sedangkan ibukota kabupaten buton berada di pasarwajo. pelayanan dan kontrol membutuhkan biaya dan waktu yang panjang karena harus melewati laut menuju kota baubau, lalu dilanjutkan perjalanan darat menuju pasarwajo di ujung timur pulau buton. wilayah kabupaten buton tengah terdiri atas 7 kecamatan yang berasal dari sebagian wilayah kabupaten buton dengan cakupan wilayah kecamatan lakudo, kecamatan gu, kecamatan sangia wambulu, kecamatan mawasangka, kecamatan mawasangka tengah, kecamatan mawasangka timur, dan kecamatan talaga raya. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2014 dalam penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah page 6 jika dilihat dari sisi aturan, penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah telah memenuhi syarat sesuai dengan pp nomor 78 tahun 2007, yang terdiri dari syarat administrasi, syarat teknis, dan syarat fisik kewilayahan. syarat administrasi dan syarat fisik kewilayahan penetapan labungkri sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah dituangkan dalam: a. surat keputusan dprd kabupaten buton nomor 09/dprd/2008 tanggal 10 mei 2008 tentang persetujuan pembentukan calon kabupaten buton tengah. b. keputusan dewan perwakilan rakyat daerah kabupaten buton nomor 8/dprd/2010 tanggal 2 juni 2010 tentang persetujuan lokasi ibukota calon kabupaten buton tengah. c. keputusan dprd kabupaten buton nomor 9/dprd/2010 tanggal 2 juni 2010 tentang persetujuan pelepasan kecamatan yang menjadi cakupan wilayah calon kabupten buton tengah. d. keputusan dprd kabupaten buton nomor 10/dprd/2010 tanggal 2 juni 2010 tentang persetujuan pemberian dana hibah untuk penyelenggaraan pemerintahan calon kabupaten buton tengah. e. keputusan dprd kabupaten buton nomor 11/dprd/2010 tanggal 2 juni 2010 tentang persetujuan pemberian dukungan dana untuk penyelenggaraan pemilihan kepala daerah pertama kali calon kabupaten buton tengah. f. keputusan dprd kabupaten buton nomor 12/dprd/2010 tentang persetujuan penyerahan kekayaan daerah/sarana prasarana kepada calon kabupaten buton tengah. g. keputusan dprd nomor 10/dprd/2014 tanggal 9 mei 2014 tentang persetujuan penetapan penempatan ibukota dan cakupan wilayah calon dob kabupaten buton tengah dan calon dob kabupatern buton selatan. h. keputusan dprd kabupaten buton nomor 19/dprd/2013 tanggal 5 juli 2013 tentang perubahan calon ibukota daerah otonomi baru kabupaten buton tengah. i. keputusan bupati nomor 148 tahun 2008 tanggal 18 maret 2008 tentang persetujuan nama calon kabupaten buton tengah. j. keputusan bupati nomor 149 tahun 2008 tanggal 18 maret 2008 tentang persetujuan lokasi calon ibukota kabupaten buton tengah. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2014 dalam penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah page 7 k. keputusan bupati buton nomor 150 tahun 2008 tanggal 18 maret 2008 tentang persetujuan pelepasan kecamatan yang menjadi cakupan wilayah calon kabupaten buton tengah. l. keputusan bupati buton nomor 150 tahun 2008 tanggal 18 maret 2008 tentang persetujuan pemberian dana hibah untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan pemerintahan calon kabupaten buton tengah m. keputusan bupati buton nomor 152 tahun 2008 tanggal 18 maret 2008 tentang persetujuan pemberian dana untuk penyelenggaraan pemilihan kepala daerah pertama kali calon kabupaten buton tengah. n. keputusan bupati nomor 153 tahun 2008 tanggal 18 maret 2008 tentang persetujuan penyerahan kekayaan daerah/sarana dan prasarana yang berada dalam cakupan wilayah calon kabupaten buton tengah. o. keputusan bupati buton nomor 415 tahun 2010 tanggal 7 juni 2010 tentang persetujuan pelepasan kecamatan yang menjadi cakupan wilayah calon kabupaten buton tengah. p. keputusan bupati buton nomor 416 tahun 2010 tanggal 7 juni 2010 tentang persetujuan pemberian hibah untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan pemerintahan calon kabupaten buton tengah. q. keputusan bupati buton nomor 417 tahun 2010 tanggal 7 juni 2010 tentang persetujuan pemberian dukungan dana dalam rangka membiayai pemilihan kepala daerah pertama kali pada calon kabupaten buton tengah. r. keputusan bupati buton nomor 418 tahun 2010 tanggal 7 juni 2010 tantang persetujuan penyerahan kekayaan daerah/sarana dan prasarana yang berada dalam cakupan wilayah calon kabupaten buton tengah. s. keputusan dprd provinsi sulawesi tenggara nomor: 02 tahun 2008 tanggal 22 mei 2008 tentang persetujuan pembentukan daerah otonomi kabupaten buton tengah. t. keputusan dprd provinsi sulawesi tenggara nomor: 7 tahun 2010 tanggal 16 juni 2010 tentang penyempurnaan atas keputusan dprd provinsi sulawesi tenggara nomor 2 tahun 2008 tentang persetujuan pembentukan daerah otonomi baru kabupaten buton tengah. u. surat gubernur sulawesi tenggara nomor 136/3056 tanggal 6 juni 2008, perihal usul pembentukan daerah otonomi baru. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2014 dalam penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah page 8 syarat teknis yaitu hasil kajian daerah yang salah satunya yaitu kemampuan ekonomi. masyarakat buton tengah masyarakat buton tengah berprofesi sebagai petani, nelayan, pelaut, pedagang, dan sebagian kecil bekerja di sektor pertambangan. wilayah kabupaten buton tengah sangat berpotensi untuk dikembangkan perkebunan jagung, singkong, ubi jalar, dan kacang hijau. perkebunan jagung di kecamatan gu seluas 2.679 ha dengan total produksi 537 ton jagung. di kecamatan gu juga memiliki luas area pertanian singkong dengan luas area 2.679 ha dengan total produksi 11.258 ton, perkebunan kapuk 56,35 ha dengan total produksi mencapai 480 ton, dan perkebunan kakao seluas 32 ha dengan total produksi mencapai 390 ton. potensi laut yang dapat dimanfaatkan yaitu perikanan dan budidaya rumput laut yang produksinya mencapai 13.966,34 ton. kecamatan talaga raya juga menyimpan kekayaan mineral berupa tambang nikel. dari sektor pariwisata, beberapa objek wisata baik wisata alam, sejarah maupun budaya menjadi daya tarik tersendiri. seperti beberapa benteng bekas peninggalan kesultanan buton, adat dan tradisi masyarakat gulamasta. c. metode penelitian teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah : wawancara, yakni dilakukan wawancara langsung dengan responden yang diharapkan mampu memberikan masukan dan penjelasan mengenai masalah tersebut dengan baik dan benar. kepustakaan, yakni pengumpulan bahan dengan menelaah peraturan perundangundangan yang berhubungan dengan masalah tersebut, atau literatur lain yang berhubungan dengan masalah tersebut. jenis dan sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: 1. bahan hukum primer yakni bahan hukum yang diperoleh dari responden berdasarkan hasil wawancara. 2. bahan hukum sekunder yakni bahan hukum yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan, referensi-referensi hukum, peraturan perundang-undangan dan dokumen hukum. 3. bahan hukum tersier yakni bahan hukum pelengkap,yaitu artikel yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2014 dalam penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah page 9 teknik analisa penelitian yang digunakan adalah teknik kualitatif yang informasinya digali melalui wawancara mendalam serta informasi yang diperoleh melalui penelusuran kepustakaan, baik dari peraturan perundang-undangan, dokumen yang berkaitan dengan penulisan skripsi ini sehingga apa yang menjadi pertanyaan dalam penelitian ini terjawab dengan maksimal. d. pembahasan a. analisis sesuai atau tidaknya syarat-syarat pembentukan daerah otonomi baru kabupaten buton tengah berdasarkan peraturan perundangundangan dalam skripsi ini hanya akan dijelaskan gambaran umum kecamatan lakudo dan kecamatan mawasangka yang merupakan wilayah yang diusulkan untuk calon ibukota kabupaten buton tengah. dengan menganalisis kondisi fisik wilayah berupa konfigurasi wilayah, aksesibilitas dan ketersediaan fasilitas. ketersediaan fasilitas dasar sebagai pendukung pelaksanaan pemerintahan dan perekonomian, terdiri dari gedung pembantu bupati wilayah gulamas mawasangka, fasilitas pemerintahan kecamatan, lembaga perbankan (bri) kantor pos dan pasar. secara lebih khusus, pembentukan daerah diatur dalam uu no. 23 tahun 2014 tentang pemerintahan daerah. dalam undang-undang tersebut dijelaskan bahwa pembentukan dapat berupa pemekaran daerah dan penggabungan daerah. pemekaran daerah dilakukan melalui tahapan daerah persiapan kabupaten/kota. tahapan daerah persiapan kabupaten/kota ini salah satu syarat yang harus dipenuhi adalah penentuan calon ibukota kabupaten/kota. awalnya wamengkoli yang telah memenuhi syarat sesuai dengan pp no. 78 tahun 2007, dalam perkembangannya kemudian muncul nama mawasangka yang kalau dikaji juga memenuhi syarat. tapi satu hal yang menjadi pertimbangan bahwa pemekaran kabupaten itu semangatnya bukan hanya dilihat dari memenuhi atau tidaknya syarat yang ditetapkan uu tapi bagaimana ada sebuah konsensus bersama ditingkat masyarakat dicakupan itu. labungkari awalnya muncul dari konsensus itu, bahwa polemik pemekaran buton tengah itu ada pada letak ibukota dan berbagai pertimbangan bahwa kalau di wamengkoli masih sama saja, kesulitan yang dihadapi saudara-saudara kita dari mawasangka, talaga, mawasangka tengah, mawasangka timur terkait dengan akses issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2014 dalam penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah page 10 pemerintahan juga wamenkoli masih sangat dekat dengan kota baubau. namun kalau di mawasangka, ada juga komplain dari lakudo, lombe, dan sangia wambulu bahwa masih terlalu jauh juga. sehingga disepakatilah oleh perwakilan elemen-elemen yang ada dimana kita mencari titk temu yaitu di tengah-tengah maka disepakatilah labungkari. padahal jika dilihat dari pemaparan nur alam dalam rapat dengar pendapat terbuka pada 30 januari 2014 di gedung dpr ri senayan jakarta tentang kondisi objektif terkini terkait buton tengah mengenai syarat teknis yang ditampilkan dengan data scoring bahwa angka tertinggi adalah kecamatan mawasangka dengan nilai scoring 26 sedangkan labungkari. berdasarkan hasil kajian akademisyang dilakukan universitas haluoleo bahwa analisis skalogram menunujukkan bahwa kecamatan gu peringkat 1(satu) dan kecamatan lakudo peringkat 2 (dua) yang memiliki jumlah fasilitas dan pelayanan, sedangkan kecamatan mawasangka peringkat 3 (tiga) kemudian kecamatan mawasangka tengah peringkat 4 (empat), kecamatan mawasangka timur peringkat 5 (lima), kecamatan sangiawambulu peringkat 6 (enam) dan talaga raya peringkat 7 (tujuh). letak lokasi labungkari di kecamatan gu dan kecamatan lakudo sehingga kriteria labungkari sebagai pusat pertumbuhan wilayah memiliki jumlah dan jenis fasilitas terbanyak untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan penduduk di kabupaten buton tengah.dengan adanya kajian akademis itu sehingga syarat formal yang sesuai dengan pp no. 78 tahun 2007 itu sudah terpenuhi, ada kajian akademisnya, akta hibah, tapal batas kawasan ibukota dan kriteria-kriteria lainnya khusus kawasan ibukotanya sementara labungkari tetap dalam kawasan kecamatan lakudo. b. kelemahan dan kelebihan ditetapkanya labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah kelebihan di tetapkanya labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah yaitu, walaupun wilayahnya tidak berada persis ditengah-tengah namun dianggap sebagai titik tengah karena dari wamengkoli ke labungkari jaraknya 28 km kemudian dari mawasangka ke labungkari jaraknya 34 km, jadi selisihnya sekitar 8 km. selanjutnya kawasan yang menjadi cakupan labungkari sebagai kawasan ibukota itu, hutannya dalam penguasaan negara sehingga sangat memudahkan pemerintah untuk melakukan ekspansi penataan karena jika wilayah tersebut masih dikuasai masyarakat issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2014 dalam penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah page 11 pemerintah harus membebaskan lahannya yang membutuhkan ekonomi besar. jika wilayah tersebut juga masuk dalam kategori hutan lindung itu juga menjadi masalah karena pemerintah harus meminta izin dengan prosedur yang panjang di kementerian kehutanan. dari sisi ekonomi penempatan ibukota kabupaten buton tengah sudah bagus, karena labungkari merupakan poros utama antara mawasangka, wamengkoli, raha dan sekitarnya. kelemahan ditetapkannya labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah yaitu, akses pelabuhan di labungkari itu hampir tidak ada. sementara ibukota kabupaten yang sangat bagus apalagi wilayah buton tengah ini masih dalam kawasam maritim itu sebenarnya harus dekat dengan kawasan laut. selanjutnya luas lahan yang dihibahkan masyarakat untuk kawasan ibukota lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan luas tanah yang dihibahkan di dua wilayah yang juga diusulkan sebelumnya sebagai calon ibukota kabupaten buton tengah. kemudian kelemahan lainnya yaitu kawasan yang menjadi ibukota kabupaten buton tengah ini merupakan kawasan yang masih kosong. e. kesimpulan berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan sesuai dengan permasalahan yang diteliti maka pada bagian ini dirumuskan kesimpulan, yaitu : 1. penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah tidak layak karena pada awal pemilihannya hanya berdasarkan konsensus antar perwakilan dari elemen-elemen masyarakat agar tidak terjadi tarik menarik antara dua kecamatan yaitu kecamatan mawasangka dan kecamatan lakudo yang sebelumnya telah diusulkan menjadi calon ibukota kabupaten buton tengah yang dapat menghambat pemekaran itu sendiri. 2. kelemahan atas penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah ini yang berdampak khususnya dari sisi ekonomi, meskipun labungkari ini merupakan poros utama antara mawasangka, wamengkoli dan raha namun kawasan ini sangat jauh dengan kawasan laut sehingga menyebabkan akses pelabuhan juga sangat jauh. ] issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2014 dalam penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten buton tengah page 12 daftar pustaka a. buku kaloh, j. 2007. mencari bentuk otonomi daerah. rineka cipta:jakarta kasmawati, andi. 2010. implikasi hukum kebijakan desentralisasi.rayhan intermedia: makassar manan, bagir.2005.menyongsong fajar otonomi daerah.pusat studi hukum uii: yogyakarta muchlis, hamdi. 2008. naskah akademik tentang pembentukan dan penghapusan daerah. bphn depkumham ri: jakarta muslimin,amrah.1986.aspek-aspek hukum otonomi daerah.alumni: bandung ratnawati,tri.2009.pemekaran daerah: politik lokal dan beberapa isu terseleksi.pustaka pelajar:yogyakarta soejito,irawan.1990.hubungan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah.rineka cipta:jakarta soerjono,soekanto.1986.pengantar penelitian hukum.ui press:jakarta sunarno,siswanto.2005.hukum pemerintahan daerah.sinar grafika:jakarta widjaja, h.a.w.2005.penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah di indonesia.pt raja grafindo persada: jakarta b. peraturan perundang-undangan undang-undang negara republik indonesia 1945 undang undang nomor 23 tahun 2014 tentang pemerintahan daerah undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2014 tentang pembentukan buton tengah pp nomor 78 tahun 2007 tentang tata cara pembentukan, penghapusan dan penggabungan daerah. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 2, 2021 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 143 evocation of political rights convicted of corruption in judge's decision as an effort to eradicate corruption irsan rahman1, l. m. ricard zeldi putra2* abstract author’s information: the source of political rights inherent in human rights and political rights are also closely related to power. meanwhile, corruptors who abuse their power are only sentenced to an average of 2 years and 2 months in prison during 2016; in 2013 the average sentence was 2 years 11 months; in 2014 2 years 8 months; and 2015 only 2 years 2 months. there needs to be a formulation of the provisions of the regulations as a basis for integrating and harmonizing judges' decisions on the revocation of political rights or it is also necessary to f ormulate a special criminal system to eradicate corruption crimes. therefore, this study aims to examine what things underlie the enforcement of the deprivation of the political rights of the convicted of corruption in judge's decision and formulation of the criminal law system regarding the deprivation of political rights of convicted of corruption in judge's decision?. this research was conducted using a type of sociological juridical research approach . the result of the research is the abolition of political rights for corruption convicts, when examined from the juridical, sociological, and human rights asp ects. it must become a standard in the punishment of corruption, considering that several formulations of the criminal law system currently exist in the criminal act of corruption which is still relatively light because the several sanctions given to date have not minimized acts of corruption. keywords: crime, corruption, judge decisions, revocation of political rights 1 fa culty of la w, usn kola ka , indonesia 2 fa culty of la w, universita s muha mmadiya h buton, indonesia ema il: (rzeldiuputra @ya hoo.com ) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.1116 1. introduction the progress of the nation is achieved by the cooperation of the nation's children by giving rights to every citizen (people) without any treatment of discrimination against each other, there is no difference without being based on the background of any id entity "equality before the law". human nature always wants to live in groups so that in the basic constitution we guarantee the existence of freedom of association and assembly, to put forth thoughts verbally and in writing and so on. the political rights of the source are attached to human rights (human rights) and political rights are also very closely related to power, so the right to occupy power and positions in state institutions and other public affairs is a political right. arbitrariness is a cursed behavior that is uncivilized, which is very violating the norms of pancasila, acts that are willing regardless of the rights of people (people). practically speaking, the form of arbitrary action is an act of corruption (misappropriation mailto:rzeldiuputra@yahoo.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.846 jurnal hukum volkgeist irsan rahman. 5(2): 143-150 144 or misuse of state finances) taking that is not his right. corruption is an "extraordinary crime" that has a wide effect on the interests of the state and society; the desire of the people to live prosperous, safe and sentosa is destroyed and taken away by the evils of lust for corruption and greed of men (power) who do not know themselves, from where power and for what power. the purpose of building a prosperous, safe, and sentosa society requires means, namely legal instruments (governance), organizes / state (organizer), and financial (finance) (belinfate & soetan batuan, 1983). state financial resources including taxes, non-tax state revenues (pnbp), and grants; collected by the state of the people through legal mechanisms and should be redistributed for the benefit of the people. therefore, the state's finances are sourced from the people, therefore corruption cuts the st ate financial chain that must be channeled back to the interests of the people. 576 convictions of corruption cases in 2016, there are only 7 (seven) verdicts that impose additional crimes in the form of revocation of political rights. the number of 576 cases of corruption convictions is very high, therefore there must be optimal efforts in the eradication of corruption crimes both preventive and repressive. if it is connected between corruption and power (certain positions in state institutions) are very closely related, in the sense that corruption is carried out in the abuse of state power. state power is part of the political right; therefore, the perpetrators of power (corrupt persons) can no longer be trusted because of the credibility and poor morality to occupy certain positions in state institutions that must be regulated under the mechanics of the law. as an implication on every verdict of judges convicted of corruption crimes must be carried out in conjunction with the revocation of political rights convicted of corruption cases. from icw research, in 2013, the average sentence was 2 years and 11 months; in 2014, 2 years 8 months; and 2015, 2 years 2 months; the average corruptor was only sentenced to 2 years and 2 months in prison during 2016 with the low sentence, the sentencing of additional political rights became a hope in the eradication of corruption. learning from the verdict of the revocation of political rights that differ from one judge and another and the low sentence in the form of revocation of political rights, there needs to be a formulation of the provisions of the legislation as a basis for combining and harmonizing the judge's decision on the verdict of revocation of political rights or it is necessary to formulate a "special criminal system" of criminal corruption on the criminalization of the revocation of political rights in each judge's verdict in corruption cases. the revocation of political rights against corruptors is an action that should be supported to provide a deterrent effect in the eradication of corruption amid the low verdict of corruption cases. however, to be effective and deterrent, additional legal instruments are needed so that the mechanism of revocation of political rights against corruptors remains in line with human rights and becomes a progressive legal movement in the eradication of corruption. 2. research method this research was conducted using a type of sociological juridical research approach. this type of sociological juridical research approach does not categorize the approach a priori choose one of the 2 (two) existing approaches but combines between the approach type of juridical research and the type of sociological research approach in the hope that there is no dichotomy in looking at legal issues because each can't stand jurnal hukum volkgeist irsan rahman. 5(2): 143-150 145 alone without regard to the other (ali mansyur, 2007). in this study used is a sample aimed (purposive sampling) (moloeng, 2013). the types of data used in this study are primary data (data obtained directly from the public) and secondary data (data that includes important letters, books, to official government documents). data collection techniques are through interviews (interviews) and questionnaires (questionnaires) and literature research (library research). data that has been obtained from data collection techniques will be done by the data reduction method. 3. result and discussion the word corruption is derived from latin or corrupts which means corruption, depravity, dishonesty, bribery, immorality, deviation from chastity, defamatory words, or as can be read in the lexion webster dictionary. from that latin language, d own to many european languages, such as english: corruption, corrupt; french: corruption; and dutch: corruption. from this dutch language, down to the indonesian language: corruption (hamzah, 1984). from the various definitions of corruption presented, according to brasz, there are two elements in it, namely the abuse of power that exceeds the limits of legal fairness by officials or state officials; and the prioritization of personal or client interests over the public interest by the relevant state officials or apparatus (lubis & scott, 1995). three things must be studied in the revocation of political rights. first, on the subject of criminal offenses. some opinions suggest the revocation of political rights is more relevant if given to actors who occupy public office from the results of elections (elections). the position used by the perpetrator to commit a crime of corruption correlates with the revoked political right so that it is intended that the perpetrator no longer occupies the same position because it has been proven to abuse his power. second, using a broader perspective, the revocation of political rights should be imposed on all public officials convicted of corruption crimes. the third perspective is that all perpetrators of corruption can be sanctioned for revocation of political rights. a person who has been convicted in the court of committing a crime of corruption certainly has experience of abusing a position either as a public official or as a third party that influences public officials to abuse his or her handshake. for example, corruption perpetrators from private parties who bribe public officials certainly have greater potential to abuse their positions when occupying public office (syawawi, 2017). the revocation of political rights is stipulated in article 35 paragraph (1) (penal code, n.d.), that the rights of convicts that can be revoked include the right to hold office, the right to enter the armed forces, and the right to be elected and elected at elections; other than that it relates to the revocation of political rights stipulated also in article 10 of the penal code (kitab undang-undang hukum pidana, n.d.) that additional criminal is the revocation of certain rights, in this case including political rights. the formal juridical formulation of the term corruption in indonesia is stipulated in chapter ii of article 2-16 of law no. 31 of 1999 (negara kesatuan republik indonesia, 1999). the definition of corruption is as follows: 1. any person who unlawfully enriches himself or another person or a corporation that may harm the state's finances or the economy of the state. if the crime of jurnal hukum volkgeist irsan rahman. 5(2): 143-150 146 corruption as referred to in paragraph (1) is carried out under certain circumstances, the death penalty may be dropped; 2. any person who to prosecute himself or another person or a corporation, abuses the authority, opportunity, or means available to him due to positions or positions that may harm the state's benefits or the economy of the state; 3. every person who conducts experiments, assistance, and evil concentrations to commit crimes of corruption; 4. every person outside the territory of the republic of indonesia who provides assistance, opportunities, facilities, or information for the occurrence of corruption crimes. corruption is adding to the gap as a result of worsening wealth distribution. if the gap between rich and poor is so entrant, corruption widens the gap because money is distributed unhealthily or in other words does not follow economic rules as it should. corruptors are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer (yamin, 2012). efforts to eradicate corruption are necessary because given the adverse effects that arise, so the intended eradication is to reduce or even eliminate it, do not let it exist or occur. the eradication of corruption crimes is carried out through law enforcement instruments as a form of respect for human rights and achieving legal objectives, namely justice, certainty, and benefit. 3.1 the basis for the revocation of political rights convicted of corruption in every judge's decision revocation of political rights convicted of corruption is a phenomenon that is being hotly discussed by all levels of society, especially academics, practitioners, law enforcers, and political elites. this phenomenon is nothing more than a public longing for the objectivity of the judge's decision, which usually only adds to fines and confiscation of goods, now shows its progressiveness by depriving corruptors of political rights. because basically, corruptors in their actions have a detrimental impact on every area of life as a nation. the losses suffered as a result of corruption are not only very large in number, but are carried out in important sectors related to public interests or public services that can overcome potential poverty. corruption is carried out by public officials who have the public authority which should be aimed at protecting the public interest. corruption has a serious impact on the sustainable development process because acts of corruption and all its effects can "destroy" important principles in sustainable development. corruption has brought political-economic-social disharmony. it could even be a new culture in this beloved country, the graph of growth in the number of poor people continues to rise due to corruption. in democratic life in indonesia, corrupt practices are increasingly found in various fields of life. first, because of the weakening of social values, personal interests are preferred over public interests, and individual property ownership becomes the personal ethic that underlies the social behavior of most people. second, there is no transparency and accountability of the public integrity system. public service bureaus are used by public officials to pursue personal political ambitions, solely for promotion and promotion. meanwhile, the quality and quantity of public services are increasingly being neglected, it is not the main priority and orientation. reports from the police and the attorney general's office as well as from the aforementioned parties can explain the potential for corruption as well as the potential jurnal hukum volkgeist irsan rahman. 5(2): 143-150 147 amount of losses incurred. when this potential turns into a fact of corruption, the losses that will arise will not only be in the form of losses to the state. such loss can also be in the form of neglect of the obligations of power that should be exercised by the power in protecting and enforcing people's social, economic, and cultural rights as well as matters of development. singapore is often seen as a country that is free from corruption. this is confirmed by the results of the corruption perception index (cpi) survey made by transparency international (ti) which always places singapore as a "clean" country. the facts show, today, singapore is one of the countries where the bank still applies total secrecy that fully protects the interests of customers and has a tendency as a country that "protects" the practice of money laundering. in short, singapore has been in the middle of becoming one of the world's centers for private banking and the provision of offshore funds. in singapore, there are about 55,000 rich people who have a wealth of at least us $ one million. and that number, there are around 18,000 people from indonesia who become permanent residents, which in total control the us $ 87 billion. 25 if only some of the jana were deposits from the corruption of indonesian officials, the permanent residents would be protected by the singapore government. does singapore still deserve to be called a clean country even though it participates in hiding funds originating from and proceeds of crime? so, the practice of corruption is related to power because with that power the authorities can abuse their power for personal, family, and group interests. the phenomenon of corruption in indonesia as a social pathology has not only damaged the state's finances and the country's economic potential but has also damaged the cultural, moral, political, and legal pillars and national security. efforts to eradicate corruption in indonesia still require an uphill battle. corruption crime is an extraordinary crime t hat has damaged all levels of society so that in handling it, extraordinary methods must also be carried out comprehensively. tackling corruption requires the political will of the president as head of state as well as the role of the police, prosecutors, courts and the corruption eradication commission (kpk) which unite to combat corruption in indonesia. so that as something new in the effort to eradicate corruption, currently not in the state of indonesia, the revocation of political rights to corrupt convicts is a new thing to explore how far the effectiveness is in preventing acts of corruption. political rights are a family of human rights as stipulated in article 25 of the international covenant on civil rights 3.2 formulation of the criminal justice system on the revocation of political rights convicted of corruption crimes in each judge's decision the judiciary is one of the law enforcement institutions, therefore its activities cannot be separated from the laws that have been made and provided by the law-making body. discussion on law enforcement in daily reality, it appears that the relationship between law enforcement and the structure of society has a strong influence on the ways of enforcing the laws of a country. the imposition of punishment and punishment did not just appear but through the judicial process. sanctions in criminal law are all reactions to violations of the law determined by law starting from the detention of the suspect and the prosecution of the accused to the verdict by the judge or in other words, a legal system is assumed to ensure the correct and appropriate distribution of the objectives of the law among people. -people and groups. in the imposition of punishment and punishment can be said to be a reflection of our criminal justice. if the judicial process, for example, ends with the imposition of the criminal proceedings according to the principles of justice, jurnal hukum volkgeist irsan rahman. 5(2): 143-150 148 surely our judiciary is considered good. however, if the opposite is true, of course, it is also considered the opposite. it can even be labeled as a decline in the authority of the law. it is time for the government to maintain the spirit of democracy by making the law effective by the legislative body. the grand strategy of legal politics for the eradication of corruption is that corruption is no longer classified as an ordinary crime but has become an extraordinary crime and the practice of corruption in indonesia is already at a very concerning level. so the corruption eradication strategy includes a broad dimension. the government bureaucratic apparatus should be guided by the aaupl because this aaupl is a principle/guideline in carrying out the duties and obligations of a government apparatus. analyzing corruption, three strategies can be classified properly to prevent or eradicate corruption, namely: 1). preventive strategy. this strategy must be developed and implemented directed at the causes of corruption. 2). deductive strategy. this strategy must be implemented as quickly as possible so that acts of corruption can be discovered within a short time, namely by thinking of improving organizational performance in a system. 3). repressive strategy. this strategy is in the form of prosecution against perpetrators of corruption by providing severe penalties in the form of imprisonment and revocation of certain rights as additional penalties to create a deterrent effect. the handling process can be carried out quickly and precisely, but its implementation must be acknowledged in an integrated manner through the police, prosecutors, and judges. besides, in the criminal law system, especially in the criminal act of corruption, when the criminal sanction is "deprived of political rights" for corruption convicts. of course, it requires a quality judge verdict based on legal considerations under the evidence obtained from the results of the investigation and the facts revealed in the trial. the judge's decision must also be following the law and the belief of the judge who is not affected by the intervention of various parties and can then be accounted for professionally to the public. in the government bureaucracy system, a technique is needed to anticipate an official from committing corruption, namely with a strong and regular management control system. a bureaucracy with a weak management control system will have more employees who commit corruption than in organizations with strong management control. not to forget the clear legal threats for the perpetrators of corruption. this is evidenced. as the sanctions imposed on corruption can be seen in article 10 of the criminal code (kuhp), there are several additional types of penalties consisting of revocation of certain rights, confiscation of certain items, and announcement of judicial decisions. revocation of certain rights is also regulated as stated in article 35 of the criminal code, namely: a. the right to hold a general position or a certain position b. the right to enter the armed forces c. the right to vote and be elected in elections held based on general rules d. right to become advisors (roadmen) or administrators according to the law (gerechtelijk bewindvperder), rights to become guardians, supervisors, supervisors, or supervisors, for people who are not their children jurnal hukum volkgeist irsan rahman. 5(2): 143-150 149 e. the right to make a certain livelihood (beroep). apart from the criminal code, the provisions of article 18 paragraph (1) letter d of the corruption act states that in addition to additional penalties as referred to in the criminal code, as additional penalties are "other penalties in the form of certain rights which are revoked or the entire benefit. or partially or given by the government to defendants whether they have or not ”. in the future, perhaps for the revocation. 4. conclusion the revocation of political rights is a form of state protection against the nation to create a good and clean governance society, which is free from corruption, collusion, and nepotism and it is time for the government to maintain the marwah democracy by streamlining the laws that have been made by the legislature. thus the establishment of political rights for convicted of corruption according to the author when examined from the juridical aspect, sociological aspect, aspect of human rights. it should be a standard punishment in the criminalization of corruption, considering that some formulations of the criminal justice system already exist today in corruption crimes are still relatively light because of some sanctions given at this time have not minimized the act of corruption. considering the accused of corruption crimes that work as public officials or other reasons should no longer be used as additional crimes because judges are free to choose to drop or not to drop the criminal without any clear parameters used by the judge to determine the need / whether the criminal prosecution revocation of political rights is to look at the position or position of the accused when committing crimes of corruption, the nature of crimes committed, and the magnitude of the impact on society. for the criminal revocation of political rights is not seen as a criminal prosecution that is not in vain, and can provide a deterrent effect, especially for those who are sentenced to prison sentences of five years or more, it is necessary to revise the period of revocation of rights as stipulated in article 38 paragraph (1) of the criminal code. especially the period of revocation of rights for convicts who are sentenced to certain time imprisonment and criminal fines. criminal revocation of political rights can be a breakthrough in efforts to eradicate corruption in indonesia, especially those conducted by public officials, as long as revisions have been made to the period of revocation of such rights as outlined in the second point above. eradicat ing corruption should always be the main agenda and shared responsibility of all indonesians. references belinfate, a. ., & soetan batuan, b. 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(2012). tindak pidana khusus. bandung: pustaka setia. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2217 vol. 6 no.2, june 2022 204 responsibility of the parties in electronic transactions muhammad yunus idy1*, abdul rauf2 1faculty of law, islamic university of makassar, indonesia 2faculty of law, university of dipa makassar university *correspondence: muhyunusidy.dpk@uim-makassar.ac.id article history abstract received: 23.04.2022 accepted: 20.06.2022 published: 30.06.2022 indonesia is still classified as a country that is in a position of corruption based on the results of the release of transparency international indonesia. even in cases of criminal acts of corruption have reached remote areas. to suppress this rate, the central government to the regions then formed a task force for sweeping illegal charges (satgas saber extortion). has a role to take action against and prevent the occurrence of criminal acts of corruption in the community. this study aims to determine the role of saber pungli in eradicating corruption. the research method used is normative-empirical legal research. the results of the study show that saber pungli is not yet optimal in carrying out corruption eradication work in the regions. keywords: saber extortion, corruption, criminal acts. article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction the 1945 constitution does contain the idea of political democracy and at the same time economic democracy. that is, in the highest power holder in our country is the people, both in the political and economic fields (salam et al., 2021). electronic trading is a form of trading that has its own characteristics, namely trade that is not only local, but can cross national borders. in addition, sellers and buyers do not meet in person, while the media used as a means of information and data transformation is the internet. transactions carried out electronically are basically engagements or legal relationships that are carried out by combining computer-based electronic network systems with communication systems, which are further facilitated by the existence of a global computer network or internet (permana shidiq et al., 2021). however, in the electronic information and transactions act it is not explained in detail regarding the fields or types of electronic transactions. in general, the term electronic transactions is used for every trading activity, which uses electronic systems (electronic commerce), both nationally and internationally (ade putri & neltje, 2020). a legal relationship arising in an electronic transaction is a relationship between two or more parties that have legal consequences, in the sense of giving rise to rights and obligations for the parties and regulated based on the provisions of applicable law. in this case, the right is the authority of a person or a party to do something, otherwise an obligation is something that must be fulfilled by someone to the other party (rizka & attirmidzi, 2022). this legal relationship is usually expressed in a form of agreement or agreement called a contract term. an electronic contract is an agreement of the parties made through an electronic system. in this case the electronic document must be understood as a form of agreement between the parties, which is not only formulated in the form of an electronic agreement, but also in the form of the features provided, such as "i agree, i accept" as a form of agreement or agreement. the legal relationship in an electronic contract is the embodiment of the principle of freedom of contract or "freedom of contract" (santoso & pratiwi, 2008). in the provisions of article 1338 of the civil code it is stated that any agreement or contract made, applies as a law to those who make it. furthermore, in article 20 paragraph (1) of the uuite it is stated that unless otherwise specified by the parties, electronic transactions occur when the transaction offer sent by the sender has been received and https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2217 mailto:muhyunusidy.dpk@uim-makassar.ac.id p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 204-209 205 approved by the receiving party and approval of the electronic transaction offer must be done by electronic acceptance statement as well. it was at this time that the rights and obligations of both parties were born. based on the provisions of article 19 of law no.11 of 2008 on electronic information and transactions (uuite) it is stated that "the parties who make electronic transactions must use the agreed electronic system". therefore, before making a transaction, the parties must agree to determine the electronic system to be used in making the transaction. after the parties agree, the buyer must have sufficiently studied the terms of condition (the provisions required) by the seller. if the term of conditions has been approved and fulfilled by the buyer, then the next step is to click the "send" button or by marking "√" by the buyer as a sign of approval to the agreement offered by the seller. in this e-commerce transaction, payment can be made using a credit card (credit card), debit card (debit card), personal check (personal check), or transfer between accounts (kiswanto, 2011). based on the description above, it can be understood that electronic transactions or trade contracts carried out through electronic media are multidisciplinary, covering various aspects such as network and telecommunication techniques, security, storage and data collection, marketing, sales, payments, and other aspects such as making agreements according to applicable law. juridical problems that often arise in electronic transactions are about the accountability of the parties involved in it including ways of settlement that can be taken when a dispute arises. 2. methodology this study examines the responsibilities of the parties in electronic transactions. the discussion in this study is based on theories and laws and regulations related to the responsibilities of the parties in electronic transactions. the research results will be presented clearly and systematically. based on the foregoing, this research includes research in the field of civil law. this research is a type of normative research whose studies include statutory provisions (in abstracto). the type of legal research is descriptive, which is to explain in full, detailed, and systematic in accordance with the problems being discussed. 3. result and discussion 3.1 responsibility of the parties in electronic trading transactions terms that refer to accountability in the dictionary of law, namely liability and responsibility. liability is a broad legal term and refers to almost any character of risk or responsibility, which includes all actual or potential character rights and obligations such as loss, threat, crime, cost or condition that create the duty to carry out the law. responsibility means what can be accounted for an obligation, and includes judgment, skills, abilities and proficiency including the obligation to be responsible for the law. in a practical sense and use, the term liability refers to legal liability, i.e. responsibility for mistakes committed by legal subjects, while the term responsibility refers to political accountability (hadi et al., 2021). if a person is legally responsible for a particular act, then it indicates that the person concerned may be subject to a sanction in the case of an opposite act. normally, the sanction imposed on a person is because of his own actions that make the person must be responsible. according to traditional theory, there are two types of accountability: responsibility based on fault and absolute responsibility, (makarim, 2009). in its application, the losses incurred are also adjusted to the mistakes made, whether it is a severe mistake or a mild error, where the weight and lightness of an error have implications for the responsibility to be borne the principles of responsibility in law can be divided into (shidarta, 2006): a. principle of responsibility based on error elements the principle of liability based on fault (liability based on fault) is a principle that is quite common in criminal and civil law. in the civil code, in particular articles 1365, 1366, and 1367, this principle is firmly held. this principle states that a new person can be held legally accountable if there is an element of guilt committed. article 1365 of the civil code, commonly known as the article on acts against the law, requires the fulfillment of four main elements, namely: 1) the existence of deeds; 2) the existence of an error element; 3) there are losses suffered; p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 204-209 206 4) there is a causality relationship between error and loss. the error in question is an element that is contrary to the law. the understanding of the law is not only contrary to the law but also propriety and decency in society. b. principles of presumption to always be responsible this principle states that the defendant is always held responsible (presumption of liability principle), until he can prove his innocence. the word "considered" on the principle of "presumption of liability" is important, since there is a possibility of the defendant absolving himself of responsibility, that is, in the event that he can prove that he has "taken" all necessary measures to avoid the occurrence of losses. the burden of proof based on this principle is on the defendant. in this case it appears that the burden of proof is reversed (http://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogid=8092365910558388529 _ftn4omkering van bewijslast). c. the presumption of not always being responsible this principle is the opposite of the second principle, the presumption of not always being responsible is known only in the very limited scope of consumer transactions. an example of applying this principle is to the law of carriage. loss or damage to cabin baggage or hand baggage, which is usually carried and supervised by the passenger is the responsibility of the passenger. in this case the carrier (business actor) cannot be held accountable. the party charged to prove the wrong is with the consumer. d. principle of absolute responsibility the principle of absolute liability is often identified with the principle of absolute liability. however, there are also experts who distinguish the two terminology above. there is an opinion that states, strict liability is a principle of responsibility that establishes mistakes not as a determining factor. however, there are exceptions that allow to be relieved of responsibility, for example in force majeure circumstances. in contrast absolute liability is the principle of responsibility without error and there are no exceptions. according to e.suherman, strict liability is equated with absolute liability, in this principle there is no possibility to absolve oneself of responsibility, unless the loss arises due to the fault of the harmed party itself. responsibility is absolute (suherman, 1979). e. principles of responsibility with restrictions principle of responsibility with limitations (limitation of liability principle). this principle is very fond of business actors to be included as an exoneration clause in the standard agreement they make. according to edmon makarim, based on the existence of a legal obligation related to the occurrence of an indeterminate event (accident), then the legal liability is divided into: (i) responsibility before the occurrence of an event; and (ii) responsibility after the event. responsibility before an event (ex-ante liability) is the responsibility to comply with all laws and / or regulations of the state administration in order to provide something worthy to the public, such as: safety regulation, standard merchantability, quality of services, and the application of good governance principles to the implementation of a company. while the responsibility after the incident (ex-post liability) is the responsibility to restore the situation for the aggrieved party to the original state represented by the payment of a certain amount of compensation in accordance with the loss suffered as a form of compensation from the act. this principle of legal accountability is the implementation of the interactive justice paradigm, where the basis for the existence of responsibility is to uphold the obligations that should be carried out by everyone in having relationships or interactions with others. therefore, the scope of this legal accountability includes efforts to prevent the occurrence of risks (preventive) to risk management efforts (repressive). in a trade relationship through electronic media, the responsibilities of the parties have existed both before the agreement and after. in general, each party is responsible for providing the other party with the correct information, especially in relation to the products offered. while the responsibility after the agreement is agreed is the responsibility to fulfill all clauses as contained in the agreement. the parties involved in a trade transaction through electronic media are: 1. seller (merchant) as a business actor who offers products. 2. the buyer is the party who receives an offer from the seller and then makes a sale and purchase transaction. 3. bank as a distributor of funds from buyers or consumers http://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogid=8092365910558388529#_ftn4 p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 204-209 207 4. provider as an internet service provider. each party as mentioned above, has its own rights and obligations. sellers / business actors (merchants) are parties who offer products through the internet. therefore, the seller is responsible for giving correctly and honestly the products offered to the buyer or consumer. in addition, the seller must also offer products that are allowed by law, meaning that the goods offered are not goods that are contrary to laws and regulations, not damaged or contain hidden defects, so the goods offered are goods that are worth selling. the seller is also responsible for the delivery of products or services that have been purchased by a consumer in accordance with the mutually agreed period of time. thus, the product or service traded does not cause harm to anyone. on the other hand, a seller or business actor has the right to get payment from the buyer / consumer for the price of the goods he sells and also entitled to get protection for the actions of buyers / consumers who have bad faith in carrying out this electronic buying and selling transaction. so, the buyer is obliged to pay a certain amount of price for the product or service he has ordered to the seller. a buyer has an obligation to pay the price of the goods he has purchased from the seller according to the type of goods and the price that has been submitted between the seller and the buyer, in addition to filling in the actual personal identity data in the acceptance form. on the other hand, buyers / consumers are entitled to get complete information on the goods they will buy. buyers are also entitled to legal protection for the actions of sellers / business actors who are not in good faith. the bank as an intermediary in buying and selling transactions electronically, is obliged, and responsible as a distributor of funds for the payment of a product from the buyer to the seller, because it is possible that the buyer / consumer who wants to buy products from the seller through the internet cannot be directly related, so the buyer must use the bank's facilities to make payments on the price of the products he has purchased from the seller, for example, with the process of transferring from the buyer's account to the seller's account (account to account). the provider is another party in electronic buying and selling transactions, in which case the provider has an obligation or responsibility to provide access services at any time to the parties to be able to conduct electronic buying and selling transactions through internet media. in this case there is cooperation between sellers / business actors and providers in running a business through this internet. electronic buying and selling transactions are legal relationships that are carried out by combining networks (networks) of computer-based information systems with communication systems based on networks and communication services. each party as outlined above, may be burdened with responsibility based on the provisions stipulated in the ite law, especially in article 21 which among others states that: if done alone, all legal consequences in the implementation of electronic transactions are the responsibility of the parties to the transaction; a.) if done through the granting of power of attorney, all legal consequences in the implementation of electronic transactions become the responsibility of the authorizer; or b.) if done through an electronic agent, any legal consequences in the implementation of electronic transactions are the responsibility of the electronic agent organizer. c.) if the loss of electronic transactions is caused by the failure of electronic agents to operate due to the actions of third parties directly against electronic systems, all legal consequences are the responsibility of the electronic agent operator. d.) if the loss of electronic transactions is caused by the failure of electronic agents due to negligence of the service user, all legal consequences become the responsibility of the service user. however, the provisions as referred to in points 1, 2 and 3 above do not apply in the event that it can be proven that there is a force majeure, error, and/or negligence on the part of the electronic system user. 3.2 dispute resolution arising in electronic trading transactions juridically, electronic transactions are in the field of civil law, therefore if a dispute arises, then the resolution of the case can be taken in two ways, namely the resolution of disputes in litigation, namely through the court line, and dispute resolution through alternative (alternative dispute resolution). while the completion of this alternative dispute can be taken through arbitration or mediation institutions. the evidentiary process in the settlement of cases in court plays a very important role. against the handling of civil cases, according to the p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 204-209 208 provisions of article 164 hir / article 284 rbg / article 1866 bw the evidence used to prove a pretext about the existence of rights and obligations is: 1. written evidence 2. witness evidence 3. evidence of suspicion 4. proof of confession 5. oath proof tool in civil procedure law, written evidence (letter) is the main evidence tool, because a letter is made to prove a circumstance, or events that have occurred or legal actions that must be done by someone later. this is different in the handling of criminal cases, where witness statements become the main evidence, because someone in committing a crime will certainly try to eliminate his traces, so that in criminal cases, proof will be focused on witness statements. because written evidence (letter) is the main evidence tool, then in relation to electronic transactions, electronic documents will have an important role in the evidentiary process. electronic documents and/or electronic information are basically a form of expansion of meaning to written evidence or letters. at first, written evidence or letters are interpreted as a form of writing made on paper or other media that is physically tangible or concrete. however, electronic documents and/or electronic information are a form of writing made using electronic media, which is physically abstract. documents like this are commonly used in cyberspace (virtual world). this is included as a form of expansion of evidence as intended in article 5 paragraph (2) of the ite law which states that electronic information and/or electronic documents and/or prints are an extension of legal evidence in accordance with the applicable event law in indonesia (w.bintoro, 2011). based on the above, it can be said that the understanding of the meaning of written evidence has undergone an expansion of meaning. this is one form of development in handling civil cases, especially those related to the evidentiary aspect. law enforcement officials are required to be able to improve their ability to understand every development that occurs, especially related to the evidentiary aspect in handling cases. thus, difficulties regarding evidence that are often an obstacle in handling cases, especially those related to electronic trading activities, can be resolved properly. the validity of electronic documents and/or electronic information can be verified and guaranteed authenticity by using electronic signatures (digital signatures). in accordance with the provisions of article 1 paragraph (12) that electronic signatures are electronic information related to or associated with other electronic information used or serves as a means of verification and authentication. according to the provisions of article 7 of the uuite, it is stated that any person who declares rights, strengthens existing rights, or denies the rights of others based on the existence of electronic information and/or electronic documents must ensure that the electronic information and/or electronic documents contained therein comes from an electronic system that is qualified under the laws and regulations. this provision is intended that an electronic information and/or electronic document may be used as a reason for the occurrence of rights. in addition, it is also necessary to note the provisions in article 163 hir which asserts that the party who must prove is the party who claims to have a right, the party who raises an event (circumstances) to strengthen his rights and the party that denies the rights of others. 4. conclusion based on the description in the discussion section, it can be concluded as follows the responsibility of the seller and the buyer in a trade transaction through electronic media has existed both before and after the agreement was agreed. in general, each party is responsible for providing the other party with the correct information, especially in relation to the products offered. while the responsibility after the agreement is agreed is the responsibility to fulfill all clauses as contained in the agreement and dispute resolution arising in an electronic trade transaction can be taken in two ways, namely the completion of disputes in litigation through the court, and dispute 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(2006). indonesian consumer protection law. revised edition, gramedia widiasarana indonesia, jakarta. 1) 2490 1-6 jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i1.2490 vol. 7 no. 1, december 2022 1 legal effectiveness of marriage age restrictions in indonesia prahasti suyaman1*, ramdani wahyu sururie2 1faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah sukabumi, indonesia 2faculty of sharia and law, universitas islam negeri sunan gunung djati bandung, indonesia *correspondence: prahasti071@ummi.ac.id article history abstract received: 28.07.2022 accepted: 29.12.2022 published: 31.12.2022 the marriage law in indonesia deals with the base age for marriage in article 7 of law no. 1 of 1974, for men 19 years and women 16 years, which was overhauled through law no. 16 of 2019 by raising quite far for women to 19 years, as a work to decrease the speed of youth marriage which is still exceptionally high in indonesia. the motivation behind this paper is to take a gander at the viability of the marriage age limitation regulation and find the right answer for kid marriage that happens in indonesia. the outcomes got those the base age limitations for marriage have not been compelling sufficient in diminishing the act of child marriage. the applications for marriage dispensation over the most recent two years in strict courts all through indonesia that showed a high expansion in applications contrasted with the years prior to the change of article 7 of the marriage regulation. in addition, albeit the marriage regulation exists as a crisis response, there actually should be a base age limit in the application for the marriage agreement, with the goal that the age of the candidate underneath the cutoff can be dismissed. keywords: age restriction; child marriage; marriage dispensation article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction the issue of youngster marriage is connected with the period of child wedded, in view of unicef in 2018 (unicef, bps, bappenas, 2020) expressed that 1 out of 9 ladies matured 20-24 years who are hitched, have their wedding when they are under 18 years of age. the aftereffects of the concentrate likewise show that indonesia is yet positioned second just to cambodia among southeast asian nations whose child marriage rates are still very high. a sum of 13,880 marriage regulation cases were acknowledged by strict courts, which is a 20overlap increment from the 631 cases got in 2005(aip j2 (australia indonesia partnership for justice 2), 2019) quoted from elga andina (andina, 2021) child marriage can have serious and lasting negative effects. among the impacts are babies born with a risk of death, stunting and low birth weight. another problem that is also experienced by married couples who are still children in the vulnerable practice of domestic violence (domestic violence) is because they still have not been properly established emotional management. underage marriage is one of the triggering factors for the high mmr (maternal mortality rate) and imr (infant mortality rate) caused by being too young in pregnant women (inayati, 2015). referring to unicef, a woman who became pregnant before the age of 18 was physically and mentally unprepared to give birth to a baby. marriage law no.1 of 1974 in article 7 specifies that the base age for marriage is 16 years for young ladies and 19 years for young men. this assurance is as per the motivation behind marriage expressed in article 1, "marriage is the bond brought into the world between a man and a woman as a couple determined to shape a cheerful and timeless family (family) in view of the one true godhead". this objective will positively be challenging to accomplish if the wedded couple is as yet a youngster and has not developed intellectually and genuinely. essentially, with the foundation of a base age limit for marriage, it has been seen that the state's endeavors in shielding its residents from the act of youngster marriage are yet far and wide in a few locales in the archipelago. in view of different examinations led essentially among youngster onlookers, the base age limitation in article 7 of law no. 1 of 1974 is viewed as immaterial. the constitutional court of the republic of indonesia gave decision no.22/puu-xv/2017 concerning the testing of law no. 1 of 1974 concerning marriage against the p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 1-6 2 1945 constitution. the constitutional court made sense of that the guideline of the base period of marriage that contrasts among people not just purposes segregation in that frame of mind of executing the option to shape a family as ensured in article 28b passage (1) of the 1945 constitution however has likewise caused victimization the security and satisfaction of youngsters' privileges as ensured in article 28b section (2) of the 1945 constitution(effendy, 2019) changes in the standards of law no. 1 of 1974, as far as marriage age, for ladies are compared with the base age limit for men, which is 19 years. the cutoff is expected on the grounds that at that age it is considered to have developed sufficient soul and body both young men and young ladies who will do union with accomplish the ideal objectives. the expansion in the base age for marriage is supposed to diminish youngster marriage in indonesia really. the investigation of the viability of the age limitation regulation is critical to see the degree to which the progressions to the article altogether affect endeavors to diminish youngster marriage in indonesia, on the grounds that as a matter of fact, child marriage in indonesia happens. it is important to concentrate on what variables impact the event of youngster marriage and elements connected with the legitimate viability of article 7 of the marriage law. in view of the prior, the creator is keen on investigating through a logical paper entitled "legal effectiveness of the marriage age restriction in indonesia". 2. method this research uses an empirical juridical approach that is focused on examining the effectiveness of laws related to marriage age restrictions in marriage laws in indonesia. data collection techniques by reading, studying, and analyzing laws after that relate to the results of research on marriage age restrictions. the data analysis used is a qualitative method so that a general and comprehensive picture of the actual situation is obtained 3. result and discussion marriage is a natural connection between a man and a lady, which in islam is alluded to as mitsaaqon gholiidhan to submit to allah's orders as well as a type of love. marriage is pointed toward understanding a homegrown life that is sakinah, mawaddah and rahmah. the actual marriage is viewed as substantial on the off chance that it is performed by strict and state regulation. regulation number 1 of 1974 on marriage manages residents in marriage matters. something specified in the law is with respect to the base age limit for residents who will do marriage. age limits are not explicitly set in the qur'an or hadith. the regularly realized prerequisites in view of the propose are baligh, reasonable, and ready to oppress the great and the awful so they can be requested their assent for marriage. not just islamic regulation, standard regulation likewise doesn't give an age arrangement to performing marriage, typically an individual's development in standard regulation is estimated by actual changes. accordingly, in the marriage regulation, the base age limit for not entirely settled. the arrangement in regard to the base age limit is contained in chapter ii article 7 passage (1) of law no. 1 of 1974 concerning marriage which expresses that "marriage is only permitted if the male party is 19 years old and the female party has reached the age of 16 years." according to zulfiani (zulfiani, 2017) with this age limit, it very well may be deciphered that law number 1 of 1974 doesn't need the execution of underage marriage or child marriage. in the compilation of islamic law (khi) which was endorsed through presidential instruction no. 1 of 1991, article 15 passage (1) of the khi expresses that "to assist the family and family marriage must be done by imminent ladies who have arrived at the age specified in article 7 of law no. 1 of 1974, in particular the imminent spouse something like 19 years of age and the forthcoming wife somewhere around 16 years of age." on october 14, 2019, the president of the republic of indonesia passed law number 1 6 of 2019 concerning revisions to law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage which just holds back 1 extraordinary article that changes the arrangements of the past article 7 to the accompanying: a) marriage is possibly allowed assuming the man and lady have arrived at the age of 19 (nineteen) years. b) in the occasion of a deviation from the age arrangements as alluded to in section (1), the guardians of the male/female party as well as the guardians of the female party might demand regulation to the court on exceptionally pressing grounds joined by adequate supporting proof. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 1-6 3 c) the giving of agreement by the court as alluded to in section (2) will get the thoughts of both imminent ladies who will hold the marriage. d) provisions in regard to the state of one or the two guardians of the planned lady and man of the hour as alluded to in article 6 passages (3) and (4) additionally apply arrangements seeing the solicitation for agreement as alluded to in section (2) without bias to the arrangements alluded to in article 6 section (6). this change is in accordance with law number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to law number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection, article 1 expresses that "a youngster is an individual who isn't yet 18 (eighteen) years of age, including a child who is still in the belly." so that on the off chance that there is a marriage an under the done by a resident age of 18 years, it is remembered for the class of child marriage. 3.1 marriage dispensation the law has specified that the base age limit for marriage is 19 years, as in article 7 passage (1) of law no. 16 of 2019. still in a similar article, the law gives an open door against deviations of such age arrangements. article 7 passage (2): "in case of a deviation from the age arrangements alluded to in section (1), the guardians of the male/female party as well as the guardians of the female party might demand regulation to the court on extremely pressing grounds joined by adequate supporting proof". dispensation according to the great dictionary of indonesian(bahasa, 2016) i.e., the avoidance of the common guideline for unique conditions, exclusion from a commitment or restriction. a marriage regulation is the conceding of waivers for an individual who wishes to enter a marriage yet has not arrived at the base age prerequisite expressed in the law. following the adjustment of the base period of marriage, there was a flood in applications for marriage regulation in the religious courts. figure 1. number of child marriage dispensations granted by religious courts (2016-2021) source: https://databoks.katadata.co.id/ p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 1-6 4 considering the table above, which is information from the religious justice agency, in 2021 the marriage regulation conceded by the religious court has diminished contrasted with 2020. nonetheless, the quantity of youngster relationships stays high. the table shows that from one year to another there has been an expansion in applications for marriage dispensation, and 2020 is the most elevated increment demonstrating that child marriage is still broadly drilled. the high application for marital dispensation is due to several reasons. citing the results of research by the australia indonesia partnership for justice 2(aip j2 (australia indonesia partnership for justice 2), 2019), these reasons are: a) pregnant young ladies (31%); b) the child has had sex (16%); c) risk of being in sex (4%); d) the two child love one another (25%); e) children are in danger of disregarding strict qualities; f) children are in danger of abusing social qualities. muntamah (muntamah, 2019), frames the elements behind the act of child marriage in indonesia: a. economics. parents with economic limitations then have many children tend to marry off their children sooner with the assumption that after marriage the child will be economically secured and ease the burden on parents. b. low education. people who have higher education tend to keep their children from marrying at a young age, because in addition to marriage is something sacred, it must also have mature readiness. it is different with people whose level of education is low, considering that only in this way will their children be met with the needs of their lives. c. own desires. this is a variable that is hard to stay away from. at a young age, emotions are still unstable, because they think they have loved each other, they do not think further about the impact and problems that will be faced in marriage. d. promiscuity. the absence of direction and oversight from guardians and the curiosity of children in adolescence to try new things, many lead to the occurrence of pregnancies outside of marriage. e. culture and customs. culture and customs are many times the reason of child marriage, besides that there is a stigma that grows in society and parents' concerns for girls who must be married immediately when they are in their teens almost adults. 3.2 legal effectiveness of marriage age restrictions in indonesia the law can function if it meets at least four factors, namely, the rules/regulations themselves; law enforcement; means or facilities; public awareness including the culture that exists in the community. in terms of whether regulations that mention the minimum age of marriage restrictions have been effective in terminating child marriage in indonesia, it can be analyzed using these factors. a. legal rules for the law to work, each law and order should meet three sorts of components of the standard, on the grounds that: (a) on the off chance that law and order just applies juridically, there is plausible that the standard is a dead rule; (b) on the off chance that it just applies humanistic ally in the feeling of force, the standard turns into a standard of pressure; (c) on the off chance that it just applies logically, almost certainly, the standard is just a hopeful regulation(zainuddin, 2009). why youngster marriage happens a ton in indonesia even though there are now arrangements that direct it in the marriage regulation can be portrayed as follows. as per the marriage law, the grown-up limit is the age of 21 years, as should be visible in article 6 section (2): "to complete a marriage an individual who has not arrived at the age of 21 (21) years should have the consent of the two guardians." furthermore, article 7 passage (1) possibly permits if the couple who will wed is no less than 19 years of age. then, at that point, in subsection (2) of the guidelines, it gives an open door to the people who don't meet the age necessity in that frame of mind to in any case have the option to go into a marriage by mentioning regulation to the court if it incorporates supporting proof. with the opportunity in article 7 paragraph (2) it is as if the enforcement of the law contained in paragraph (1) can be ignored. this is what then happens a lot in the community, by adhering to subsection (2), then, at that point, the application for marriage regulation is filed and the marriage of the child becomes legal. this indicates p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 1-6 5 the rules were made in the absence of a strong desire to be enforced and were only the law to which they aspired. b. law enforcement judges in court are law enforcers in the granting of marriage dispensations. guidelines for judges in this matter are contained in the supreme court of the republic of indonesia (perma) regulation number 5 of 2019 concerning guidelines for adjudicating marriage dispensation. perma number 5 of 2019 contains 7 chapters and 21 articles. in general, in this perma, 3 main themes can be grouped, namely about the principles, administration, and technical examination of marriage dispensation application cases. prior to the publication of perma, religious court judges were guided by more universal principles, such as justice, expediency, and legal certainty. the existence of perma does not mean ignoring the principles commonly used, on the contrary, it strengthens and clarifies every step taken by the judge (kadarisman & hamidah, 2021). in perma article 15 letter d, that in examining a child requested for marriage dispensation, the judge may: "request recommendations from psychologists or doctors/midwives, professional social workers, social welfare workers, women and children integrated service centers (p2tp2a), indonesian/regional child protection commission (kpai/kpad)". suggestions from specialists or related establishments are expressed as a letter of recommendation and turned into the subject of thought by the adjudicator in choosing the application for marriage dispensation. according to cate sumner(summer, 2020), it will be essential to screen whether corrections to the marriage law, joined with the prerequisites of the supreme court's new practical guidelines, will achieve changes in how marriage dispensation applications are taken care of in court. considering the consequences of a meeting with the judge of the sukabumi religious court, information was obtained that while examining the application for marriage dispensation, the judges still used the judge's consideration only without seeking recommendations from the parties mentioned in article 15 letter d of the perma above. in this case, law enforcement has not fully implemented the guidelines provided. in addition, the ease of obtaining a marriage dispensation also at least indicates the effectiveness of law enforcement which is still not optimal. c. public legal awareness one of the factors that can indicate that a regulation is effective is the public's awareness to comply with the legislation. the marriage age limit in the law has not been fully adhered to by society. not a few of the members of society prefer to adhere to religious norms, for example islamic law and customary law (ramadhita, 2014). for certain individuals, there are the people who make strict reasons for the wedding of their underage youngsters because they are now in the class of baligh. hussein muhammad (muhammad, 2007), considers that underage marriage cannot be justified because it can cause various riots. cultural factors also influence this legal awareness. in child marriage, cultural factors contribute a lot. marrying children at an immature age is one of the prides, because for some people, a person who is married late will get a bad stigma, such as the term weathered bachelor or also an old virgin. the elevated degree of interest for marriage agreement shows that this legitimate attention to youngster marriage has not been conformed to by certain guardians. as a matter of fact, while alluding to law number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to law number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection, article 26 passage (1): guardians are committed and liable for: 1. nurture, support, instruct, and safeguard the child. 2. cultivate children as indicated by their capacities, gifts, and interests. 3. prevent the event of marriage at the age of the child; and 4. providing karate schooling and instillation of moral qualities in youngsters. up to this point, since the base age limitations are directed in the marriage law no. 1 of 1974 which was corrected through law no. 16 of 2019, one might say that the guideline has not been compelling in limiting child marriage. according to the author, for this law to be more effective in overcoming the problem of child marriage, it p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 1-6 6 is important to do exhaustive socialization with the goal that the general population grasps the significance of this regulation. socialization and schooling should be completed with the backing of different gatherings connected with the issue of child marriage. moreover, albeit the marriage regulation exists as a crisis response, there actually should be a base age limit in the capacity to apply for a marriage regulation. for instance, if as far as possible is 19 years of age, as far as possible for marriage allotment is 17 years, so the age of the candidate underneath the breaking point can be dismissed. 4. conclusion in view of information gathered from the ministry of national development planning/bappenas, the supreme court, the ministry of women's empowerment and child protection (pppa), bps and the ministry of religious affairs, after the amendment of the marriage law in 2019, the quantity of allotment cases relationships recorded with strict courts and general courts expanded fundamentally to almost 65,000 in 2020. marriage dispensation cases recorded over the most recent five years are 95% conceded by the religious court. it tends to be reasoned that the base period of marriage in the indonesian marriage law, seen in terms of legal effectiveness, has not been said to be effective because there are so many things that need to be addressed related to the regulation itself, its policing, well as the legitimate attention to the local area. the ineffectiveness of the guideline. it should be visible from the high application for marriage allotment to the court, 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(2017). kajian hukum terhadap perkawinan anak di bawah umur menurut undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974. jurnal hukum samudra keadilan, 12(2), 211–222. retrieved from https://ejurnalunsam.id/index.php/jhsk/article/view/136 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 3 issue 2, june 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 152 legal aspects of changes in the calculation of the marisa national saving banks of marisa branch interest calculation methods nasrullah abstract author’s information: banks as legal entities must also pursue profits. and one source of bank income is the interest on loan loans that have been channeled to customers. and if the bank's revenue target is threatened because the value of the rupiah weakens or floats, the bank is basically allowed to raise lending rates as long as it does not exceed the limit set by the government in this case the financial services authority ... but the facts that occur in this case are not in context changes or adjustments in loan interest rates with rupiah value. but the change in the method of calculating credit interest rates from the type of effective calculation becomes an annuity calculation. so that changes in the method of calculating interest rates should not be done without an agreement from both parties.the marisa branch national pension savings bank has carried out defaults since the first credit agreement, changes to the second credit agreement, and arrived at a change in the third credit agreement for changes in interest rates. thus, of course this has legal consequences that must be borne by the party who defaults, in this case the national pension savings bank. then the actions of the bank are included in the category of actions that cause losses to debtors due to default of creditors (btpn), so that the legal consequences can be by canceling the agreement along with guri change or by fulfilling the agreement accompanied by compensation. keywords: bank; profit; calculation;economic fakultas hukum universitas ichsan gorontalo, (nasrullahnurdin130@gmail .com) doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v3i2.127 1. introduction one of the country's economic activities that has a function to support the economy is the economy in the banking world. to be able to realize a sound banking system, the factors of supervision and control of the bank, both those carried out by indonesian banks and the banks concerned. so the bank must be able to maintain its business continuity well so that it can be said to be a healthy bank. one of the activities in the world of banking is lending. various principles regarding healthy lending have been introduced in almost all countries, including in indonesia. in indonesia, healthy credit problems have even been regulated in law number 10 of 1998 concerning amendments to law number 7 of 1992 concerning banking. the parties, in this case the bank as the creditor and the customer as the debtor, are certain in the provision of credit facilities by the bank to the bonded customer in a contract agreement. where this contact binds the interests of both parties. the interests of the bank as a creditor, namely how the repayment of debts on offer can be settled by the customer as a debtor, along with the interest. whereas the interests of the debtor are obtaining loans from the bank for business capital or other economic needs. mailto:nasrullahnurdin130@gmail.com mailto:nasrullahnurdin130@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.127 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.127 jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah.3(2): 152-159 153 as explained above, the provision of credit facilities is in the interests of the parties bound in a credit agreement contract. not only in terms of the obligation to pay off the principal loan, but also the agreement to repay the debtor's loan interest as a customer. this is one of the sources of bank income, namely interest on loans. so, there is often a dispute between the bank and the customer because of an error in calculating the loan interest rate. one of the cases in which the interest rate calculation dispute occurred was a dispute between the customer on behalf of mr. harun husain and the marisa branch office national pension savings bank. on may 31, 2011, the debtor in this case mr. harun husain received a credit facility from the marisa branch retired national savings bank as stated in the credit agreement number: 0000974-spk-7308-0511 dated may 31, 2011 along with all terms and conditions for credit facilities. which is one unit and is an inseparable part of the credit agreement with a credit ceiling of rp. 1,500,000,000, with an interest rate of 12% flat per year, the method of calculating the interest rate is equaled to the effective interest calculation of 20.3100% per year. the credit period is 60 months from 05 july 2011 to 05 june 2016 and the installments are rp. 40,000,000 per month. after almost two years of credit, banks and debtors agreed to enter into an agreement to amend the credit agreement with number: 7001470-addpk-7308-0413 on may 1, 2013. this is because the debtor subscribed to the loan principal. until 31 may 2011 up to 1 may 2013 the two years of credit went up, the debtor added the amount of the loan until finally returning to the ceiling of rp 1,500,000,000 (salu billion five hundred million rupiah) with a flat rate of 12.00 per year , the method of calculating interest rates is equaled to the interest calculation effectively. with a period of 60 months starting on may 1, 2013 up to may 1, 2018 with a monthly installment amount of rp. 40,000,000 (forty million rupiah) per month. and was secured with credit guarantees in this agreement, namely 4 (four) plots of land, 2 (two) buildings, and 1 (one) piece of the type of honda type jazz minibus vehicles in 2011. last on the third change with the credit agreement: 5002428-addpk-7308-0816 dated august 23, 2016, with a ceiling of rp. 1,015,778,507, with interest rates of 10.8% flat per year, the method of calculating interest rates is equaled with effective interest calculation of 17.8068% effective per year, a credit period of 84 months from august 23 2016 to september 7 2023 and installments of rp. . 21,234,595, per month with the same guarantee above. on august 30, 2017, the debtor in this case mr. harun husain submitted a letter requesting a review of the calculation of credit interest rates. the problem in calculating this loan interest rate is based on the credit facility agreement that the loan interest rate to be used is flat type interest rates per year or equalized to the effective interest calculation. but in the description of the calculation of the details of the installment schedule it turns out that the interest rate used is the interest rate for the annuity type. whereas in the deed of agreement made in the form of underhanded deed that has been legalized by the notary on behalf of boki bahmi's mother. sh has never mentioned the calculation of interest rates by annuity. as long as the customer in this case the debtor in the name of mr. harun husain feels aggrieved over the changes in the calculation of the loan interest rate. from the description of the above case, the author raised the following problem formulation, namely: can the national pension savings bank make changes to the interest rate calculation method without an agreement from the customer (debtor)? jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah.3(2): 152-159 154 what is the legal effect of changing the method of calculating credit interest rates without an agreement from the debtor. 2. method the type of research that will be used in this study is the type of normative research. where the author will conduct secondary data collection by approaching primary legal material in the form of legislation, secondary legal material, and approaching the case. besides that, it collects other supporting data that can clarify the description of the case in this study, so that it can answer the more scientific formulation of the problem in this study.. 3.1.can the national retirement savings bank party make a method of changing the interest rate without an agreement from the customer funds collected by banks are funds from the community in this case from customers, as well as in terms of channeling funds in the form of credit loans also from the community. so the credit given to the community is from the community as well, so the real task of the bank is to turn money around. but in carrying out these tasks, it is not uncommon for banks to get their own problems caused by bad credit. credit is one form of channeling funds to the public for various forms of financing needs in accordance with customer needs. but not infrequently the customer as a debtor experiences bad credit due to (salim.h.s, 2007: 137): 1. the economic condition of the customer 2. the debtor's ability to repay his debt is very low 3. guarantee value is smaller than the principal and interest debt 4. business customers go bankrupt 5. credit received by customers is misused 6. customer business management is very weak 7. the development of creditors towards customers is very lacking if there is bad credit, of course this will also affect banking business activities in this case the bank acting as a creditor. this is because one source of income from the banking business is the result of calculating the customer's loan interest rate. so if there is bad credit, it will certainly affect the bank and this is what the banks fear. by that, banks always use the principle of prudence in providing credit to customers. the problem of bad credit is a problem originating from customers, in this case the debtor. but it does not rule out the possibility that credit problems are also born from the creditors themselves in this case the bank. perpetual problems that have occurred that are the source of the problem from the bank are disputes regarding the method of calculating loan interest made by the marisa branch of the national pension savings bank. this dispute occurred between one of the customers of the marisa branch office national pension savings bank. on may 31, 2011, the debtor received the credit facility from the marisa branch retired national savings bank as in the credit agreement number: 0000974-spk-7308-0511 dated may 31, 2011 along with all terms and conditions for the provision of credit facilities which constitute a single unit and an inseparable part of the credit agreement with a credit ceiling of rp. 1,500,000,000, with an interest rate of 12% flat per year, the method of calculating the interest rate is equaled to the effective interest calculation of 20.3100% jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah.3(2): 152-159 155 per year. the credit period is 60 months from 05 july 2011 to 05 june 2016 and the installments are rp. 40,000,000 per month the credit agreement has been amended several times and finally with a credit agreement: 5002428-addpk-7308-0816 (second reconstruction) on august 23, 2016, with a ceiling of rp. 1,015,778,507, with interest rates of 10.8% flat per year, the method of calculating interest rates is equaled with effective interest calculation of 17.8068% effective per year, a credit period of 84 months from august 23 2016 to september 7 2023 and installments of rp. . 21,234,595, per month there is also a guarantee in this credit agreement, namely: • a plot of land and buildings in accordance with shm number: 133 prosperity in the name of said husain located in suka makmur village, kec. patilanggio, kab. pohuwato • a plot of land and buildings in accordance with shm number: 153 / suka makmur on behalf of harun husain located in suka makmur village, kec. patilanggio, kab. pohuwato • a plot of land in accordance with shm number: 154 / suka makmur on behalf of harun husain, located in suka makmur village, kec. patilanggio, kab. pohuwato • a piece of land in accordance with shm number: 1975 / motolohu, on behalf of harun husain, located in motolohu village, kec. patilanggio, kab. pohuwato • vehicles of the 2011 jaazz type minibus of the brand according to bpkb number: 172903s2 an. harun husain. on august 30, 2017, the debtor submits a letter requesting a review of credit interest rates. the problem in calculating this loan interest rate is based on the credit facility agreement that the loan interest rate to be used is flat type interest rates per year or equalized to the effective interest calculation. but in the description of the calculation of the details of the installment schedule it turns out that the interest rate used is the interest rate for the annuity type. whereas in the deed of agreement made in the form of underhanded deed that has been legalized by the notary on behalf of boki bahmi's mother. sh has never mentioned the calculation of interest rates by annuity. as long as the customer in this case the debtor feels aggrieved over the changes in the calculation of the loan interest rate based on the chronology of the above case, the most important problem points according to the author are changes in the calculation of credit interest rates made by the national retirement savings bank which is actually not in accordance with what has been agreed on by both parties in the form of underhanded deeds. continue from that, based on the data the author obtained from the bpsk regency. pohuwato regarding the results of the response of the marisa branch of the national retirement savings bank on november 29, 2017 for complaints from the debtor on august 30, 2017, in the response letter concerning the principal case number 9 explained that • loan interest rates have been described in article 1 of the loan agreement: 5002428-addpk-7308-0816 (second recurization) dated august 25, 2016 that: • interest rates: 10.80% flat per year the method of calculating interest rates is compared with the calculation of the interest effectively jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah.3(2): 152-159 156 • in the installment schedule that has been agreed and signed by the complainant (debtor) it has been determined and agreed that: loan principal: rp. 1,015,778,507 duration: 84 months (7 years) effective interest rate: 10.80% per year installment amount: rp. 21,234,595, per month that must be paid by claimants every 07 starting from october 7, 2017 to september 7, 2023 based on the data the author obtained from the bank's response letter that the actual interest rate for the loan principal is rp. 1,015,778,507 if using the effective interest calculation, the interest rate is 17.8068% per year and so if the interest rate is annuity. but under the loan agreement the hand is written using flat interest rates and will be calculated based on the method of calculating interest effectively. from the quote from the bank's response letter above, it can be understood that the calculation of loan interest rates uses a flat interest rate of 10.80% per year and the calculation method uses the interest calculation method effectively. so it can be understood that the actual flat rate and effective interest rates are different even though the amount of credit is the same. for example, if the principal is rp. 1,000,000,000 (one billion rupiah) of flat interest is 12.80% per year, so it is possible to use an effective interest rate to increase the interest rate to 15.80% per year. the amount is not the same as the interest rate even though the main loan is the same, namely 1 billion rupiah the further question to answer the problem statement above is whether the national bank pension pension bank marisa may make changes to the calculation of loan interest rates? one example of a bank that makes adjustments or changes in interest rates is maybank, which was formerly called bank internasional indonesia. where on the official website page it was announced that changes in the calculation of interest rates could have occurred and were carried out by the bank. this happens because of the rupiah currency with floating loan rates so that the adjustment adjusters need to be increased by 0.25% 0.50%. and this applies to customers who have received credit facilities and customers who will apply for a new credit facility (file: /// c: /users/user/music/performasi%20suku%20bunga.html. accessed on march 20, 2018). from the example above, the bank is basically able to change the loan interest rates both for customers who have received credit facilities and customers who will apply for new credit facilities. this change is influenced by the rupiah and if the rupiah declines, the bank will certainly conduct a proper audit or not if an interest rate adjustment is made to maintain the health of the bank. so, banks are required to assess the bank's soundness on a quarterly basis and one of the audited factors is capital regarding the ability of the bank to maintain the need for additional capital derived from profits. then one of the ways the bank stays healthy is by raising credit interest rates. banks as legal entities are certainly also pursuing profits. and one source of bank income is the interest on loan loans that have been channeled to customers. and if the bank's revenue target is threatened because the value of the rupiah weakens or floats, the bank is basically allowed to raise lending rates as long as it does not exceed the limit set by the government in this case the financial services authority. changes or adjustments in loan interest rates with rupiah value. but the change in the method of calculating credit interest rates from the type of effective calculation becomes an annuity jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah.3(2): 152-159 157 calculation. so that changes in the method of calculating interest rates should not be done without an agreement from both parties 3.2. what are the legal effects of changing credit interest rate calculation without the agreement of the debtor. in the first credit agreement number: 0000974-spk-7308-0511 dated may 31, 2011 along with all the terms and conditions for the granting of credit facilities which are one entity and are an integral part of the credit agreement (skupk) with a ceiling of rp. with an interest rate of 12% flat per year, the interest rate calculation method is equated with an effective interest calculation of 20.3100% per year. with a credit period of 60 months from july 5, 2011 to july 5, 2016 and a loss of rp. 40,000,000 per month: setelah hampir dua tahun berjalanya kredit, antara pihak bank dan debitur bersepakat untuk melakukan perjanjian perubahan terhadap perjanjian kredit dengan nomor: 7001470-addpk-7308-0413 pada tanggal 01 mei 2013 dimana substansi yang paling pokok dalam perjanjia perubahan tersebut terdapat pada bagian resital (pertimbangan) huruf b yang berbunyi: “oleh dan antara bank dan debitur telah saling setuju untuk menambah jenis/menamba jumla plafond/mengubah angsuran/jangka waktu/mengubah jaminan fasilitas kredit menjadi sebagaimana akan diatur dibawah ini”. from may 31, 2011 to may 1, 2013, approaching two years of ongoing credit, the debtor adds to the amount of credit until finally returning to the ceiling of rp 1,500,000,000, with a flat interest rate of 12.00% per year, the interest rate calculation method is equated with interest calculation effectively. with a period of 60 months starting on may 1, 2013 up to may 1, 2018 with monthly installments of rp. 40,000,000 per month. in addition, it is added with credit guarantees as mentioned in the background and in the explanation of the answer to the problem statement above. after 3 years of credit running after the 2nd change, the bank and debtor will again make changes to the credit agreement and finally with the credit agreement number: 5002428-addpk-7308-0816 dated august 23, 2016, with a ceiling: rp. 1,015,778,507, interest of 10.8% flat per year, the method of calculating interest rates is equated with effective interest calculation of 17.8068% effective per year with a period of 84 months from august 23, 2016 to september 7, 2023 and installments of rp. 21,234,595, per month with the same guarantee on the change in the second agreement. one more year after the amendment to the third credit agreement, the debtor submitted a request for a review of interest rate calculations, feeling that the bank had mistakenly calculated interest rates and calculated interest rates that had never been promised. where the method of calculating the agreed interest rate is to use a flat rate of 12.00% flat per year which will be calculated using the effective interest rate calculation method. however, the fact received by the debtor after seeing the details of the payment precisely uses a method of calculating annuity interest rates that have not been agreed upon. from this case, if a comparison is made between the method of calculating annuity rates and the effective interest type calculation method by calculating the monthly installments of credit based on the latest agreement: loan principal: rp. 1,015,778,507 duration: 84 months (7 years) jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah.3(2): 152-159 158 effective interest rate: 10.80% per year (0.90% per month) the amount of installments: not settled per month and the longer the rate decreases because the installment of the monthly interest decreases every time the installments total installments: rp 1,404,313,785.93 (one billion four hundred four million three hundred thirteen thousand seven hundred eighty five comma ninety three rupiahs) bring it if you use the annuity rate calculation method, namely: loan principal: rp. 1,015,778,507 duration: 84 months (7 years) annuity interest rate: 10.80% per year (0.90% per month) installment amount: idr 17,285,569, per month total installments: idr 1,452,021,408.06 (one billion four hundred fifty two million twenty one thousand four hundred eight point zero six rupiah) if analyzed the comparison between the calculation of credit interest and the effective method with the annuity method above, then of course the calculation of interest by using an effective method is more beneficial to the consumer compared to using the calculation of the annuity interest. this can be seen in the total installments for 84 months or for 7 years for the calculation of the effective interest of rp. 1,404,313,785.93 while for the calculation of the annuity interest rp. 1,452,021,408.06. so there is a rp. 1,452,021,408.06 rp. 1,404,313,785.93 = rp. 47,707,622.1. thus if the interest calculation is done, the annuity is clearly very detrimental to the consumer in this case the debtor because if calculated from the results of the above breakdown divided by 84 months, then the average consumer must translate to around idr 567,947, per installment of the total installments that should be based on an agreement furthermore, from the response letter from the national pension savings bank in section number 9, it was explained that: • interest rates: 10.80% flat per year the method of calculating interest rates is compared with the calculation of the interest effectively • in the installment schedule that has been agreed and signed by the complainant (debtor) it has been determined and agreed that: loan principal: rp. 1,015,778,507 duration: 84 months (7 years) effective interest rate: 10.80% per year installment amount: idr 21,234,595, per month from the results of the response letter above, it is understood that the bank has been wrong in setting the amount of installments per month. because the method of calculating credit interest rates with an effective method cannot be determined the amount of installments per month. this is because every installment uses an effective calculation of the interest installments decreases while the principal installments are fixed. so that the monthly installments cannot be set at idr 21,234,595 per month. and if it is set to 84 months, the total amount to be paid by the debtor is idr 21,234,595, 84 84 months = idr 1,783,705,980. jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah.3(2): 152-159 159 from the brief explanation above, it can be concluded that the marisa branch national pension savings bank has carried out defaults since the first credit agreement, changes to the second credit agreement, and arrived at a change in the third credit agreement for changes in interest rates. thus, of course this has legal consequences that must be borne by the party who defaults, in this case the national pension savings bank. so that there are 4 four possibilities for applying the legal consequences of defaults carried out by the bank, namely: 1. cancellation of contract only; 2. cancellation of contracts accompanied by compensation; 3. contract fulfillment only; 4. compliance with contracts accompanied by compensation 4. conclusion banks as legal entities must also pursue profits. and one source of bank income is the interest on loan loans that have been channeled to customers. and if the bank's revenue target is threatened because the value of the rupiah weakens or floats, the bank is basically allowed to raise lending rates as long as it does not exceed the limit set by the government in this case the financial services authority. changes or adjustments in loan interest rates with rupiah value. but the change in the method of calculating credit interest rates from the type of effective calculation becomes an annuity calculation. so that changes in the method of calculating interest rates should not be done without an agreement from both parties the marisa branch national pension savings bank has carried out defaults since the first credit agreement, changes to the second credit agreement, and arrived at a change in the third credit agreement for changes in interest rates. thus, of course this has legal consequences that must be borne by the party who defaults, in this case the national pension savings bank. then the actions of the bank are included in the category of actions that cause losses to the debtor due to default of creditors (btpn), so that the legal consequences can be by canceling the agreement along with guri change or by fulfilling the agreement accompanied by compensation references miru, ahmadi (2014). contract and contract design laws. raja grafindo. jakarta : persada. h.s, salim. (2007). development of legal contracts outside the civil code. jakarta : raja grafindo persada. l jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2032 vol. 6 no.2, june 2022 162 legal review concerning amputed authority of dpr and dpd in the process of regional propagation in indonesia l. m. ricard zeldi putra1*, indah kusuma dewi1, ernawati1, waode novita ayu muthmainna1, mashendra1, jayanto2 1faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah buton, indonesia 2faculty of law, universitas haluoleo kendari, indonesia *correspondence: ricardzeldiputra@gmail.com article history abstract received: 02.03.2022 accepted: 18.06.2022 published: 30.06.2022 article 38 paragraph (1) of law no. 23 of 2014 concerning local government as amended by law no. 9 of 2015 concerning the second amendment to law no. 23 of 2014 concerning local government is contrary to article 20a paragraph (1), article 21 and article 22d paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution. where the proposal for regional expansion proposed by governor is takeover of authority. in the 1945 constitution has been regulated in a limitative manner the authority given to the dpr and dpd institutionally the power to form the law and give authority to the president to submit a draft law. author examines legal analysis of the authority of the dpr and dpd in the process of regional expansion. type of research is normative research and qualitative descriptive form. the authority of the dpr and dpd in the process of regional expansion as regulated has been constitutionally harmed, namely the right to submit a draft law related to regional expansion and participate together to discuss the draft law which results in the process of regional expansion cannot be submitted by the dpr and dpd which has a legislative function. keywords: authority, dpr, dpd, regional propagation article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction after the amendment to the 1945 constitution, it was further emphasized in article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1945 constitution that the state of indonesia is a state of law. a. hamid s. attamimi, namely a state that places law as the basis of state power and the exercise of that power in all its forms is carried out under the rule of law. according to him, rechtstaat is the bond between the state and the law that does not take place in a loose or coincidental bond, but an essential bond. from this view, it means that the power of government in a country is based on law and vice versa to implement the law in the administration of a country's government must be based on power (hamid s. attamimi, 1992). the 1945 constitution has stated things that are fundamental to the formation of the state of indonesia. abdul azis in his book explains that the rule of law is a state based on law and justice for its citizens, meaning that all authority and actions of state equipment or rulers are solely based on law or in other words regulated by law so that it can reflect justice for social life (azis hamid, 2011). as a consequence of the state based on this law, the state of indonesia in the implementation of national and state life cannot be separated from the legal norms formed which of course are based on pancasila and the 1945 constitution which are abstract, general, binding and universally applicable within the framework of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia. indonesia. the form of the state determines or describes the division of power within the state. vertically, namely the central government and local government, horizontally is the legal division of power legislative, executive and judiciary (mustari pide, 1999).in the state and to give birth to equitable development, indonesia divides the government into two, namely the central government and regional government as contained in article 18 paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution (ricard zeldi putra & la ode muhram, 2021) with the enactment of the law on regional government, it gives local governments the flexibility to run their own wheels of government by referring to the policies that have been determined in order to create better public services and welfare. another potential with the existence of the law can provide a new instrument for regions that want to separate themselves from their original areas which administratively have fulfilled the requirements to form a new autonomous region https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2032 mailto:ricardzeldiputra@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 162-167 163 (dob). in the case of a proposal for the formation of a new autonomous region, even though it has fulfilled the administrative requirements to form a region, it will stagnate if the central government makes a moratorium policy. so if in the implementation of the formation of a new autonomous region following the legal instruments or mechanisms as contained in article 38 paragraph (1) of law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government as amended by law number 9 of 2015 concerning the second amendment to the law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government will institutionally harm the authority of the dpr and dpd in the power to form laws and give the president the authority to submit draft laws. therefore, the authors are interested in studying more deeply related to what will be written in the form of an accredited national scientific journal with the title "legal analysis of the authority of the dpr and dpd in the process of regional expansion in indonesia". 2. methodology type of the research used is normative research with an approach that focuses on the theoretical approach, the statutory approach, the case approach and is described in a qualitative descriptive form. the type of normative legal research is a process to find a rule of law, legal principles, and legal doctrines in order to answer the legal issues faced (marzuki, 2010). the normative juridical approach is carried out by studying, viewing, and examining several theoretical matters concerning legal principles relating to research problems. according to soerjono soekanto, the normative juridical approach is legal research carried out by examining library materials or secondary data as a basis for research by conducting a search on regulations and literature related to the problems studied (soekanto & sri mamudja, 2001). this research is a normative legal research used in an attempt to analyze legal materials by referring to the legal norms set forth in the laws and regulations. data collection techniques are carried out by means of in read scientific books, magazines, newspapers and other readings related to research (mustika & salam, 2021). procedure for identification and inventory of legal materials which includes primary legal materials, namely statutory regulations, secondary legal materials, namely legal literature and scientific works, tertiary legal materials, consisting of; law dictionary. the legal materials obtained, inventoried and identified are then analyzed qualitatively. for obtain correct and accurate data in this research, namely by conducting a literature study by collecting data by reading, citing, recording and understanding various literatures related to the problems studied. 3. result and discussion 3.1 regulation of regional government in indonesia government is a person, agency or apparatus that issues or gives orders(ndaraa, 1998). indonesia is a unitary state which according to cf strong, a unitary state is a country organized under one central government (f. strong, 2004). in article 38 paragraph (1) paragraph (3) paragraph (6) of law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government as amended by law number 9 of 2015 concerning the second amendment to law number 23 of 2014 of article 38 in first paragrapfh concerning regional government which reads in full as follows: the establishment of the preparatory region as referred to in article 33 paragraph (2) is proposed by the governor to the central government, the people's representative council of the republic of indonesia, or the regional representative council of the republic of indonesia after fulfilling the basic territorial requirements as referred to in article 34 paragraph (2), and administrative requirements as referred to in article 37. also law number 23 of 2014 of article 38 in third and six paragraph as follow : the results of the assessment as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be submitted to the house of representatives of the republic of indonesia and the regional representatives of the republic of indonesia the results of the study as referred to in paragraph (5) are submitted by an independent study team to the central government for further consultation with the house of representatives of the republic of indonesia and the regional representatives of the republic of indonesia jimly asshiddiqe's view regarding legislation is the overall hierarchical arrangement of laws and regulations in the form of laws downwards, namely all legal products that involve the role of the people's p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 162-167 164 representative institutions together with the government or that involve the role of the government because of their political position in implementing legislative products. determined by the people's representative institutions together with the government according to their respective levels (asshiddiqie, 2006). positively regulates the order of statutory regulations to the extent of the principle that, for example, regional regulations must not conflict with statutory regulations of a higher level. or in the case of the constitution there is the phrase: the supreme law of the land (huda, 2005). the theory put forward by hans kelsen in his book on law, among others, is that legal analysis, which reveals the dynamic character of the system of norms and the function of basic norms, also reveals a further peculiarity of the law. law regulates its own formation because a legal norm determines the way to create another legal norm, and also to a certain degree, determines the content of the other norm. because, one legal norm is valid because it is made in a way determined by another legal norm, and this other legal norm is the basis for the validity of the first-mentioned legal norm (kelsen, 2010). the idea of territorial expansion and the formation of the new autonomous region has a fairly strong legal basis. judicially, the basis that contains the problem of regional formation is contained in article 18 of the 1945 constitution, which in essence, that dividing indonesia's regions over large regions (provinces) and provincial areas will be divided into smaller areas. furthermore, from the central government side, the process of discussing regional expansion that comes from various regions goes through two major stages, namely the technocratic process (technical and administrative feasibility study), as well as the political process because in addition to having to meet the technocratic requirements that have been regulated in the law and government regulation, the expansion proposal must be supported politically by the dpr (wahyun muqoyyidin, 2013). the main purpose and objective of the formation of the region is in order to improve the effectiveness of public services and accelerate the realization of community welfare. local governments that regulate and take care of their own government affairs according to the principles of autonomy and assistance duties, are directed to accelerate the realization of community welfare through improvement, services, empowerment, and community participation, as well as increasing regional competitiveness by taking into account the principles of democracy, equity, justice, privileges and specificities of a region in the system of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia (kusuma, 2011). each autonomous region that carries out the functions and principles of regional autonomy has a local government that organizes local government. the implementation of local government affairs is carried out by the regional government and the regional people's representative council according to the principle of autonomy and assistance duties with the principle of autonomy as widely as possible in the system and principles of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia as referred to in the 1945 nri constitution, this is affirmed in article 1 number (2) of law no. 23 of 2014 concerning regional government (hereinafter referred to as law no. 23 of 2014) (esri edhi mahanan, 2017). 3.2 the authority of dpr and dpd in the process of regional expansion in indonesia the dpr has three functions, namely the legislative function, the budget function, and the supervisory function. meanwhile, dpd has three functions, namely the legislative function, the consideration function, and the supervisory function (zada, 2015). in a presidential system of government as a means of oversight of the president which is often used by the parliament and opposition politicians to provide an oversight and provide a threat to the person who will commit an offense.(mp, 2020) in regional expansion, the mechanism has been accommodated in article 38 paragraph (1) of law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government as amended by law number 9 of 2015 concerning the second amendment to law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government. in line with the constitutional mandate in article 20a paragraph (1), article 21 and article 22d paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution. where the proposal for regional expansion proposed by the governor is a takeover of authority that has been regulated in the 1945 constitution. which in the 1945 constitution has regulated in a limitative manner, the authority given to the dpr and dpd institutionally in the power to form laws and give the president the authority to submit draft laws. in addition, article 21 of the 1945 constitution has given constitutional rights to members of the dpr to submit a draft law (ruu), this means that the indonesian state has implemented a rule of law concept which is in accordance with the principle of separation of powers given to high state institutions with the principle of mutual supervision and checks and balances. in montesquieu's theory it is explained about the division of power in a p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 162-167 165 country where power is then divided into 3 axes or better known as the trias politica, namely first, executive power (implementing laws), second legislative power (law making), third namely judicial power (law making) (asshiddiqie, 2013). so that article 38 paragraph (1) does not provide space regarding the proposal for the establishment of a bill as regulated in article 43 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of law number 15 of 2019 regarding amendments to law number 12 of 2011 concerning the establishment of regulations. legislation. in addition, it is also inconsistent with the theory of legislation that has long been embraced in indonesia in the theory put forward by hans kelsen and hans nawiasky about tiered, multi-layered legislation and has its own division of groups where the lower regulations must not conflict with higher regulations (farida indrati soeprapto, 2010). function and authority is a symbol of the relationship between the institution and its activities. the combination of tasks carried out by an institution is the operationalization of an internal function. the use of the word task cannot be separated from authority. therefore, it is often used together, namely duty and authority. when compared with functions, or duties, the word authority has more meanings related to the law directly. by stating that an institution has the authority, it causes categorical and exclusive consequences. categorical is an element that distinguishes between institutions that have authority and those that do not. exclusive means making institutions that are not mentioned as institutions that are not authorized. as a consequence, for all exit consequences caused by similar activities carried out by institutions that are not authorized have no legal consequences. this categorical-exclusive nature applies horizontally, meaning that it involves relations with other institutions of equal position (bagus suryawan, 2020). the function of representative institutions according to safa'at include legislation function (function in forming a law), supervision function (function overseeing the president's power), budgeting (function for preparing apbn), and nomination function (function for appointment/inauguration of state officials/leaders) (suhendra & ray ferza, 2015). in addition, article 38 paragraph (1) has also taken the authority of the dpr and dpd in proposing draft laws relating to regional expansion. on the other hand, the position between the president, dpr and dpd is equal as a high state institution whose constitutional authority has been clearly regulated according to the constitution related to the formation of laws. on the other hand, article 38 paragraph (1) also contradicts the principle of justice and equal position in law and government in article 6 paragraph (1) letters g and h which means that there is an equal position in the 1945 constitution between the president, dpr and the government as institutions. country height. in political practice, the constitutional legitimacy of article 22d has not guaranteed equality of roles between the dpd and the dpr. with a limited constitutional area, there are aspects of implementing regional autonomy, the space for movement and bargaining position of the dpd with the dpr is relatively limited. the linkage between the constitutional functions of the dpr and the dpd lies in both as institutions that represent the interests of the people. both became a form of representative democracy as a result of the exercise of the right of participation of the citizens who elected the representatives of the people (nugroho, 2011). article 22d paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution so that the phrase "submitted" in article 38 paragraph (3) of law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government as amended by law number 9 of 2015 concerning the second amendment to law number 23 the year 2014 concerning regional government contradicts the 1945 constitution. in article 20 paragraph (2), article 22d paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution, the discussion must be carried out by the dpr together with the president and for regional expansion followed by dpd so as to reflect a balanced position between the president and the deputy president, dpr and dpd as high state institutions. on the other hand, the discussion of the bill that came from the president. article 22d paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution so that the phrase "consulted" in article 38 paragraph (3) of law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government as amended by law number 9 of 2015 concerning the second amendment to law number 23 2014 concerning regional government is contrary to the 1945 constitution or at least it is interpreted that there is a discussion process carried out between the dpr and the president which is followed by the dpd. furthermore, if you look at the process of forming the law regulated in law number 12 of 2011 concerning the formation of legislation, it also stipulates that a draft law (ruu) must be submitted by the president and the dpr or dpd prepared by the relevant ministers and included in the program national legislation (prolegnas) and the submission of the bill must be accompanied by an academic text so that this is not in accordance with article 38 paragraph (1) of law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government as amended by law number 9 of 2015 concerning the second amendment on law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government against the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 162-167 166 then in the process of forming the law regulated in law number 12 of 2011 concerning the formation of legislation, it also regulates a draft law (ruu) to be discussed together and followed up through two levels of discussion which was attended by the government with the dpr and dpd so that according to the author, this is inconsistent with article 38 paragraph (3) paragraph (6) of law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government as amended by law number 9 of 2015 concerning the second amendment to law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government against the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia and in the end denies existing theories and regulations in the aspect of laws and regulations in indonesia which are based on the concept of the rule of law. the amendment of the 1945 constitution when viewed from a constitutional point of view, then the functions and authorities of the state are in conflict with functions and authorities, such as legislative power exercised not only by the house of representatives, but the regional representative council and the executive (president) have the authority to propose draft laws, therefore the two institutions can also be said to be legislative institutions. one of the most fundamental changes in the indonesian constitution is to regulate the principle of limiting power. therefore, according to william g. andrews: "under constitutional, two types of limitations impinge on government. power proscribe and procedural prescribed" power prohibits and procedures are prescribed (ruliah, 2018). 4. conclusion the authority of the dpr and dpd in the process of regional expansion as stipulated in law no. 23 of 2014 concerning local government as amended by law no. 9 of 2015 concerning the second amendment to law no. 23 of 2014 concerning local government has been constitutionally harmed, namely the right to submit a draft law related to regional expansion and participate together to discuss the draft law in accordance with the article 20 paragraph (1), article 20 paragraph (2), article 21 and article 22d paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution and article 65 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of law number 15 of 2019 against changes to law number 12 of 2011 concerning the establishment of laws and regulations to determine the expansion of new autonomous regions whose authority is in article 38 paragraph (1) paragraph (3) paragraph (6) of law no. 23 of 2014 concerning local government as amended by law no. 9 of 2015 concerning the second amendment to law no. 23 of 2014 concerning local government. then in article 20 paragraph (1), article 20 paragraph (2), 20a paragraph (1), article 21 and article 22d paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution and article 65 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of law number 15 of 2019 against changes to law number 12 of 2011 concerning the establishment of laws and regulations have been violated by article 38 paragraph (1), paragraph (3) and paragraph (6) of law no. 23 of 2014 concerning local government as amended by law no. 9 of 2015 concerning the second amendment to law no. 23 of 2014 concerning local government which results in the process of regional expansion cannot be submitted by the dpr and dpd which has the function of legislation and resulting in the potential arising from other laws that will be formed by the dpr together with the president who does not accommodate and harm the authority of the dpr and dpd in the proposal and discussion of the next rule of law. references asshiddiqie, j. 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paragraph (1) of the criminal code. this is apparent from satisfy all the elements in accordance with the article didakwakan on the defendant. article didakwakan, namely article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code. with satisfy the elements and look at the application of the criminal law against the crime pengancaman, then the defendant must account for his actions in accordance with the ruling of the district court judges deposed by the makassar imprisonment of three (3) months and pay the fees. in deciding the matter state court judge makassar has pretty much consideration, starting from the demands of the public prosecutor, the accused, description of witnesses, as well as satisfy the elements pursuant to article didakwakan, as well as the things that are incriminating and relieve. so defendants are convicted with imprisonment for 3 (three) months and pay the fees, not fully contain the benefit law. considering the act committed by the two defendants, then according to the author, the criminal who dropped by the tribunal of judges rated very lightly. keywords: tindika, pengancaman, ruling the criminal a. pendahuluan di era pasca runtuhnya rezim orde baru, pemerintah indonesia dituntut agar dalam setiap pengambilan kebijakan yang ditempuh harus selalu memperhatikan nilai-nilai demokrasi, yang terkandung di dalamnya penghormatan terhadap hak asasi manusia. reformasi hukum dan keadilan bukan masalah sederhana dan hal ini telah diperjuangkan saat dahulu kala. masalahnya sangat luas dan kompleks. reformasi hukum tak hanya berarti reformasi peraturan perundang-undangan, tetapi mencakup reformasi sistem hukum secara keseluruhan yaitu reformasi materi dan subtansi hukum, struktur hukum dan budaya hukum. pada dasarnya indonesia merupakan negara yang berdasarkan atas hukum (rechtstaat) bukan berdasarkan atas kekuasaan (machtstaat). demikianlah penegasan yang issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama i al furqon page 120 terdapat dalam undangundang dasar 1945. hal ini berarti bahwa negara indonesia sebagaimana digariskan adalah negara hukum yang demokratis berdasarkan pancasila dan undang-undang dasar 1945 dengan menjunjung tinggi hak asasi manusia dan menjamin kedudukan yang sama dan sederajat bagi setiap warga negara dalam hukum dan pemerintahan. implementasi dari konsep negara hukum ini tertuang dalam pasal 27 ayat (1) undang-undang dasar 1945. sebagai negara hukum, maka seyogyanya hukum di indonesia harus berperan dalam segala bidang kehidupan, baik dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara maupun dalam kehidupan warga negaranya. hal tersebut bertujuan untuk menciptakan keamanan, ketertiban, keadilan, dan kesejahteraan. menurut bellfroid (achmad ali, 2002:22) bahwa, “hukum yang berlaku di dalam suatu masyarakat mengatur tata tertib masyarakat, dan didasarkan atas kekuasaan yang ada di dalam masyarakat itu”. suatu perbuatan yang dibentuk menjadi kejahatan dan dirumuskan dalam undangundang lantaran perbuatan itu dinilai oleh pembentuk undang-undang sebagai perbuatan yang membahayakan suatu kepentingan hukum dan publik. dengan menetapkan larangan untuk melakukan suatu perbuatan dengan disertai ancaman atau sanksi pidana bagi barang siapa yang melanggarnya, berarti undangundang telah memberikan perlindungan hukum atas kepentingankepentingan hukum tersebut. dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berhukum, dan bernegara kita semua mengharapkan ketertiban, kerukunan, namun tentu tidak jarang kita temui kerukunan tersebut tidak berjalan sebagaimana yang diharapkan. misalnya, ada diantara kerabat kita yang berwatak keras dan seenaknya melakukan tindakan arogan kepada siapa saja. hal ini bertentangkan dengan nilai luhur dan kebaikan bersama bangsa indonesia. di sinilah letak penting keberadaan hukum di tengah masyarakat. walaupun kehidupan kita telah dibentengi oleh hukum namun tetap saja terjadi perubahan struktur tata nilai sosial budaya di dalam masyarakat dewasa ini. perubahan struktur tersebut meliputi segala aspek kehidupan. perubahan tersebut misalnya dipengaruhi oleh kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. dampak lain dari ilmu issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama i al furqon page 121 pengetahuan dan teknologi terkadang berakibat negatif terhadap pola tingkah laku individu, antara lain timbulnya berbagai bentuk kejahatan, yang mengalami perkembangan seiring dengan laju perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dengan kualitas yang semakin berat, kejam dan sadis. dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sering terjadi hal kecil yang tanpa disadari dapat menimbulkan masalah besar. masalah kecil yang dianggap biasa yakni pengancaman. banyak di antara manusia yang menyepelehkan perihal pengancaman ini. entah mereka belum atau tidak sama sekali membaca peraturan yang berlaku. pengancaman bisa dilakukan melalui senjata tajam dan bisa pula dengan kata-kata. pengancaman merupakan perbuatan melawan hukum yang olehnya disebut pelanggaran hukum. ia disebut pelanggaran hukum karena undang-undanglah yang mengatakan demikian. manakala undang-undang tidak mengatakannya, maka ia bukan pelanggaran. di dalam pengancaman ini terdapat unsur perampasan terhadap hak asasi manusia. artinya, ada rangkaian perbuatan terdakwa yang bersifat melawan hukum yang melahirkan akibat yaitu orang lain atau korban tidak berbuat apa-apa sehingga terpaksa membiarkan terjadinya sesuatu sedang dia (korban) tidak setuju atau tidak mau terjadinya sesuatu tersebut, baik karena dia tidak suka maupun karena dia tidak membolehkan terjadinya sesuatu tersebut, akan tetapi dia tidak mempunyai kemampuan fisik dan psikis untuk menolak, menghalangi, menghindar dari terjadinya perbuatan yang bersifat melawan hukum tersebut. bahwa penekanan pada unsur “memaksa” sebenarnya adalah logis, karena perbuatan yang diatur dalam pasal 335 ini bila dikaji sesungguhnya termasuk dalam kejahatan terhadap kemerdekaan seseorang yang diatur dalam bab xviii kuhp. bila melihat tindak pidana atau katakanlah kejahatan yang diatur di dalamnya kesemuanya menentukan bahwa seorang korban kejahatan tidak dapat berbuat atau tidak berbuat sesuatu sebagaimana kehendaknya sendiri. berdasarkan uraian latar belakang masalah tersebut diatas, maka penulis membatasi pokok permasalahan yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian, antara lain issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama i al furqon page 122 bagaimanakah penerapan hukum pidana materiil terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama dalam putusan pengadilan negeri makassar nomor 755/pid.b/2014/pn.mks dan bagaimanakah pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam memutus perkara pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan bersama-sama dalam putusan pengadilan negeri makassar nomor 755/pid.b/2014/pn.mks adapun tujuan penelitian dalam tulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan hukum pidana materiil terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersamasama dalam putusan pengadilan negeri makassar nomor 755/pid.b/2014/pn.mks dan untuk mengetahui pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam memutus perkara pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersamasama dalam putusan pengadilan negeri makassar nomor 755/pid.b/2014/pn.mks b. metode penelitian dalam melaksanakan penelitian, untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi yang diperlukan untuk membahas permasalahan yang ada dalam penulisan ini, penulis melakukan penelitian di pengadilan negeri makassar. penulis juga melakukan wawancara dengan hakim yang menangani perkara tindak pidana perbuatan tidak menyenangkan. untuk mendapat data yang lengkap dan menyeluruh dalam penelitian ini, maka teknik pengumpulan data yang dipergunakan oleh penulis adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research) yaitu penelitian kepustakaan ini juga disebut studi dokumen yang dilakukan penulis dengan mencari dan mempelajari dokumendokumen atau bahan-bahan pustaka, seperti buku, karya tulis, jurnal ilmiah, majalah, koran, dan informasi di internet serta datadata yang terdapat di pengadilan negeri makassar dan penelitian lapangan yaitu diperoleh langsung dari lokasi yang berupa hasil wawancara dengan beberapa hakim yang menangani kasus yang penulis teliti. jenis data yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. data primer adalah data yang langsung diperoleh dari responden, sedangkan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama i al furqon page 123 data sekunder adalah data yang diperoleh dari buku-buku, media cetak, dokumendokumen, internet dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang terkait. semua data yang diperoleh, baik data sekunder dan primer, selanjutnya diolah dan kemudian dianalisis secara kuantitatif. hal ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan gambaran secara umum, kongkrit dan jelas tentang ketentuan pasal 335 kuhp dan penerapannya dalam putusan hakim nomor 755/pid.b/2014/pn.mks. kemudian, dideskripsikan dengan maksud untuk memperoleh gambaran yang dapat dipahami secara jelas dan terarah mengenai permasalahan tersebut. c. hasil penelitian dan pembahasan 1. penerapan hukum pidana terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman dalam putusan hakim nomor 755/pid.b/2014/pn.mks. a. posisi kasus ramli siga dg ruma dan saharuddin dg naba, pelaku pada hari jumat tanggal 15 desember 2013 sekitar pukul 09.30 wita telah melakukan pengancaman, bertempat di jl. jaya dg nanring kel. barombong kec. tamalate kota makassar. pada awalnya, saksi korban berada di rumah ibu mertuanya bersama suaminya tidak lama kemudian datang terdakwa berdiri diluar pekarangan rumah saksi dan berteriak dengan mengatakan “keluar mako saya bunuh sundala taibaro” dan saksi melihat satu terdakwa membawa parang panjang yang dipegang dengan tangan kanannya, sedangkan terdakwa lainnya mengatakan “anak sundala suluko punna rewako erotongko kubalukan” dengan membawa sebilah badik ditangan kanannya dan kedua terdakwa tersebut mengeluarkan katakata tersebut secara brutal. b. dakwaan jaksa penuntut umum perbuatan terdakwa tersebut diaturam pidana pasal 335 ayat (1) kuhp jo pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 kuhp issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama i al furqon page 124 c. tuntutan jaksa penuntut umum berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang terungkap dari persidangan dengan didukung oleh barang bukti, maka terdakwa terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan melanggar ketentuan pasal 335 ayat (1) kuhp jo pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 kuhp. oleh karena itu jaksa penuntut umum menuntut terdakwa sebagai berikut: 1. menyatakan bahwa terdakwa i ramli siga dg ruma dan terdakwa ii saharuddin dg naba terbukti secara sah dan menyakinkan melakukan tindak pidana pengancaman, sebagaimana diatur dan diancam pidana dalam pasal 335 ayat kuhp jo pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 kuhp,dalam surat dakwaan jaksa penuntut umum 2. menjatuhkan pidana terhadap terdakwa i ramli siga dg ruma dan terdakwa ii saharuddin dg naba dengan pidana penjara masing-masing selama 3(tiga) bulan 3. menetapkan agar para terdakwa dibebani membayar biaya perkara masing-masing sebesar rp.1000,-(seribu rupiah) apabila dipersalahkan dan dijatuhi pidana. d. putusan hakim mengingat dan meperhatikan ketentuan pasal 335 ayat (1) kuhp jo pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 kuhp serta segala ketentuan yang berlaku, maka majelis hakim memutuskan sebagai berikut : mengadili – menyatakan 1. ramli siga dg ruma dan terdakwa 2. saharuddin dg naba, sebagaimana identitasnya tersebut di atas telah terbukti secara sah dan menyakinkan bersalah melakukan tindak pidana “pengancaman” – menghukum terdakwa 1. ramli siga dg ruma dan terdakwa 2. saharuddin dg naba tersebut diatas dengan pidana penjara masing-masing 3 (tiga) bulan. – memerintahkan bahwa pidana yang dijatuhkan tersebut diatas, tidak perlu dijalani jikalau dikemudian hari ada perintah lain dalam putusan, karena terpidana tersebut sebelum lewat masa percobaan selama 6 (enam) bulan bersalah melakukan tindak pidana. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama i al furqon page 125 – membebani terdakwa membayar biaya perkara masingmasing sebesar rp.1000, (seribu rupiah) e. analisis penulis dalam pemeriksaan perkara pidana hakim berusaha mencari dan membuktikan kebenaran berdasarkan fakta yang terungkap dalam persidangan, serta berpegang teguh pada rumusan surat dakwaan penuntut umum. berdasarkan posisi kasus sebagaimana telah diuraikan diatas, maka telah terpenuhinya unsur-unsur tindak pidana perbuatan tidak menyenangkan, hal ini berdasarkan pada pemeriksaan dalam persidangan, dimana alat bukti yang diajukan oleh jaksa penuntut umum, termasuk keterangan saksi yang sesuai dan ditambah keterangan terdakwa yang mengakui secara jujur perbuatan yang dilakukannya dan telah mencakup rumusan delik dalam pasal 335 ayat (1) kuhp jo pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 kuhp. 2. pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam menjatuhkan pemidanaan terhadap tindak pidana perbuatan tidak menyenangkan dalam putusan nomor 755/pid.b/2014/pn.mks. a. keterangan saksi-saksi dari hasil pemeriksaan sidang pengadilan diperoleh faktafakta melalui keterangan saksi, keterangan terdakwa, surat, dan barang bukti sebagai berikut : saksi a charge : 1. saksi hasnah ; umur 53 tahun, tempat lahir di ujungpandang tanggal 05 november 1960, agama islam, suku makassar, kewarganegaraan indonesia, pendidikan terakhir smp (berijasah), pekerjaan ibu rumahtangga, alamat jl. jaya dg. nanring no.02 kel. barombong kec. tamalate kota makassar. dibawah sumpah memberikan keterangan didepan persidangan yang pada pokoknya menerangkan sebagai berikut : issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama i al furqon page 126 bahwa pada hari jumat tanggal 15 desember 2013 sekira jam 09.30 wita bertempat di jl. jaya dg. nanring kel. baromong kec. tamalate kota makassartelah terjadi pengancaman yang dilakukan oleh terdakwa dg. ruma dan dg. naba; bahwa ketika saksi hasnah berada di rumah keluarga ibu mertuanya bersama suaminya saksi muh. said, tidak lama kemudian datang terdakwa dg. ruma dan dg. naba keduanya berdiri diluar pekarangan rumah saksi dan berteriak dengan mengatakan, “keluar mako saya bunuhko sundala taibaro”. dan saksi hasnah melihat terdakwa dg. naba membawa parang panjang yang dipegang tangan kanannya, sedangkan terdakwa dg. ruma mengatakan, “anak sundala suluko punna rewako erotongko kubalukan”, dengan membawa sebilah badik di tangan kanannya dan kedua terdakwa tersebut mengeluarkan kata-kata tersebut secaara berulangulang, dan ada salah seorang yang menasehati terdakwa untuk pulang sehingga kedua terdakwa pulang saat itu; bahwa penyeab terdakwa melakukan pengancaman adalah sehubungan dengan terdakwa dg. naba memasang papan bicara diatas tanah garapan milik orangtua saksi yang berbatasan dengan tanah garapan terdakwa dg ruma dan saksi menegur dg naba dengan mengatakan, “tidak salah ji itu?” dan tersangka dg naba mengatakan, “apa anak sundala erotongko kubalukang”. sehingga saksi menduga berawal dari kejadian itulah sehinggah terdakwa dg naba dan terdakwa dg ruma marah pada saksi dan keluarganya. atas keterangan saksi tersebut, terdakwa membantahnya. 2. saksi muh said ; umur 53 tahun, lahir makassar tanggal 06 juli 1960, agama islam, suku makassar, kewarganegaraan indonesia, pendidikan terakhir sma, pekerjaan pns, alamat jl. jaya dg. nanring no.02 kel. barombong kec. tamalate kota makassar. dibawah sumpah memberikan keterangan didepan persidangan yang pada pokoknya menerangkan sebagai berikut : issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama i al furqon page 127 bahwa pada hari jumat tanggal 15 desember 2013 sekira jam 09.30 wita bertempat di jl. jaya dg. nanring kel. baromong kec. tamalate kota makassartelah terjadi pengancaman yang dilakukan oleh terdakwa dg. ruma dan dg. naba; bahwa ketika saksi muh. said berada di rumah keluarga ibunya bersama istrinya saksi hasnah, tidak lama kemudian datang terdakwa dg. ruma dan dg naba keduanya berdiri diluar pekarangan rumah saksi dan berteriak dengan mengatakan, “keluar mako saya bunuhko sundala taibaro”. dan saksi muh. said melihat terdakwa dg. naba membawa parang panjang yang dipegang tangan kanannya, sedangkan terdakwa dg. ruma mengatakan, “anak sundala suluko punna rewako erotongko kubalukan”, dengan membawa sebilah badik di tangan kanannya dan kedua terdakwa tersebut mengeluarkan kata-kata tersebut secaara berulangulang, dan ada salah seorang yang menasehati terdakwa untuk pulang sehingga kedua terdakwa pulang saat itu; bahwa penyeab terdakwa melakukan pengancaman adalah sehubungan dengan terdakwa dg. naba memasang papan bicara diatas tanah garapan milik orangtua saksi yang berbatasan dengan tanah garapan terdakwa dg ruma dan saksi menegur dg naba dengan mengatakan, “tidak salah ji itu?” dan tersangka dg naba mengatakan, “apa anak sundala erotongko kubalukang”. sehingga saksi menduga berawal dari kejadian itulah sehinggah terdakwa dg naba dan terdakwa dg ruma marah pada saksi dan keluarganya. atas keterangan saksi tersebut, terdakwa membantahnya. 3. saksi jamaluddin bin mappa dg siama; umur 68 tahun, lahir di bulu gowa tanggal 17 september 1948, agama islam, warganegara indonesia, pekerjaan wiraswasta, pendidikan terakhir sd (berijasah), alamat jl. dusun bonto pajja kel. lembangparang kab. gowa. dibawah sumpah memberikan keterangan didepan persidangan yang pada pokoknya menerangkan sebagai berikut : issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama i al furqon page 128 bahwa pada hari jumat tanggal 15 desember 2013 sekira jam 09.30 wita bertempat di jl. jaya dg. nanring kel. baromong kec. tamalate kota makassartelah terjadi pengancaman yang dilakukan oleh terdakwa dg. ruma dan dg. naba; bahwa saat kejadian saksi berada di dalam rumah saksi said, sementara saksi said dan saksi hasnah berada di rumah orangtuanya di rumah sebelah; bahwa saksi melihat para terdakwa mengamuk dan marah-marah didepan rumah saksi dengan jarak sekitar 3 (tiga) meter dari jalan/halaman; bahwa saksi mendengar para terdakwa marah-marah dan mengatakan, “sundala kongkong, sulukomae teurewaya” kemudian sambil berjalan mengatakan, “sulumeko said, nanah punna rewako”, bahwa saksi melihat tedakwa dg ruma membawa sebilah badik, sedangkan terdakwa dg naba membawa sebilah parang panjang; bahwa para terdakwa tidak melihat keberadaan saksi karena saksi berada di dalam rumah tersebut. atas keterangan saksi tersebut, para terdakwa membatahnya. saksi ad charge 1. saksi nurlia; umur 35 tahun, lahir di ujung kassi, agama islam, suku makassar, kewarganegaraan indonesia, pendidikan terakhir smp (berijasah), pekerjaan ibu rumah tangga, alamat jl. ujung kassi desa aeng batu-batu kec. galesong utara. dibawah sumpah memberikan keterangan didepan persidangan yang pada pokoknya menerangkan sebagai berikut: bahwa antara para terdakwa dan saksi adalah saudara sepupu; bahwa pada hari jumat tanggal 15 desember 2013 sekira jam 07.00 wita para terdakwa mendatangi lokasi tanah miliknya dan melihat bahwa patok tanah miliknya telah dicabut oleh orang yang tidak diketahui; issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama i al furqon page 129 bahwa kemudian para terdakwa mencari patok tanah tersebut dan tidak menemukannya, sementara saksi nurlia mengikuti para terdakwa dibelakangnya; bahwa karena tidak menemukan patok tanah miliknya dan tidak menemukan orang yang mencabut patok tersebut, para terdakwa lalu pulang ke rumahnya, demikian juga dengan saksi nurlia; bahwa jarak antara lokasi tanah para terdakwa dengan rumah para terdakwa sekira 30 (tiga puluh) meter; bahwa dari lokasi tanah untuk pulang ke rumah terdakwa tidak melewati rumah saksi hasnah dan saksi said. 2. saksi aminah; umur 30 tahun, tempat lahir di ujung kassi, agama islam, suku makassar, kewarganegaraan indonesia, pendidikan terakhir smp (berijasah), pekerjaan karyawan swasta, alamat bonto kapetta, barombong. dibawah sumpah memberikan keterangan didepan persidangan yang pada pokoknya menerangkan sebagai berikut: bahwa pada hari jumat tanggal 15 desember 2013 sekira jam 07.00 wita para terdakwa mendatangi lokasi tanah miliknya dan melihat bahwa patok tanah miliknya telah dicabut oleh orang yang tidak diketahui; bahwa kemudian para terdakwa mencari patok tanahnya yang dicabut oleh orang yang tidak diketahuinya, di sekitar lokasi tanah tersebut, namun para terdakwa tidak menghiraukannya; bahwa sebelumnya ada permasalahan antara para terdakwa dengan saksi hasnah dan saksi said yaitu soal tanah milik nenek mereka yang sedang bersengketa; bahwa pada saat kejadian, saksi aminah bersama-sama dengan para terdakwa berada di lokasi tanah yang di patok oleh terdakwa; bahwa setelah kejadian, saksi aminah ikut pulang kerumahnya bersama-sama dengan para terdakwa dan para terdakwa tidak ke rumah saksi hasnah; bahwa rumah para terdakwa dengan saksi berdekatan; issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama i al furqon page 130 bahwa pada saat kejadian saksi aminah melihat para terdakwa tidak membawa alat apa-apa. b. pertimbangan hakim dalam putusan. 1. menimbang, bahwa terdakwa diajukan di persidangan oleh jaksa penuntut umum dengan dakwaan sebagaimana dalam surat dakwaan no.reg.perk.pdm292/mks/ep/05/2014 tanggal 20 maret 2014 yaitu melanggar sebagaimana dalam dakwaan pasal 335 ayat (1) kuhp jo pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 kuhp; 2. menimbang, bahwa setelah surat dakwaan dibacakan oleh jaksa penuntut umum, atas pertanyaan majelis terdakwa menyatakan mengerti dan tidak keberatan atas dakwaan tersebut; 3. menimbang, bahwa selanjutnya jaksa penuntut umum mengajukan saksi-saksi dalam persidangan yang terdiri dari: saksi 1. hasnah dan 2. muh. said telah memberikan keterangan bahwa sumpah sesuai apa yang diberikan didepan penyidik dan keterangannya telah termuat dalam berita acara persidangan dimana keterangannya tersebut telah dibenarkan oleh terdakwa 4. menimbang, bahwa terdakwa dipersidangan telah memberikan keterangan yang pada pokokny mengakui perbuatannya dan keterangan tersebut telah termuat dalam berita acara; 5. menimbang, bahwa berdasarkan keterangan saksi-saksi yang saling bersesuaian dengan keterangan terdakwa serta barang bukti, maka unsur-unsur yang mendukung dalam pasal dakwaan jaksa penuntut umum telah terpenuhi oleh perbuatan terdakwa; 6. menimbang, bahwa oleh karena semua unsure-unsur dalam rumusan delik telah terpenuhi, maka para terdakwa dinyatakan terbukti menurut hukum, dan majelis yakin terdakwa telah melakukan perbuatan sebagaimana dalam dakwaan jaksa penuntut umum; 7. menimbang, bahwa majelis tidak melihat adanya lasan penghapus pidana baik alas an pemaaf maupun lasan pembenar dalam perbuatan terdakwa tersebut sehingga perbuatan terdakwa dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kepadanya; issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama i al furqon page 131 8. menimbang, bahwa karena terbukti bersalah maka terdakwa akan dijatuhi pidana yang dipandang setimpal dengan perbuatannya dengan memperhatikan hal-hal yang memberatkan dan meringankan sebagai berikut :hal-hal yang memberatkan : a. perbuatan terdakwa mengancam diri sendiri; hal-hal yang meringankan: b. terdakwa mengakui perbuatannya; c. terdakwa sopan di persidangan; 9. menimbang, bahwa masa tahanan terdakwa harus diperhitungkan seluruhnya dari masa tahanan yang dijatuhkan 10. menimbang,bahwa status tahanan terdakwa harus dipertahankan; 11. menimbang bahwa karena terbukti bersalah maka terdakwa dibebani pula membayar biaya perkara; c. analisis penulis pertimbangan hukum oleh hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan harus mencerminkan rasa keadilan masyarakat, yakni tidak hanya berdasarkan pertimbangan yuridisnya tetapi juga pertimbangan sosiologisnya yang mengarah pada latar belakang terjadinya kejahatan. hakim dituntut untuk mempunyai keyakinan dan mengaitkan keyakinan itu dengan cara dan alat-alat bukti yang sah serta menciptakan hukum sendiri yang tentunya tidak bertentangan dengan pancasila sebagai sumber dari segala hukum di indonesia. secara yuridis, pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan pemidanaan terhadap seseorang didasarkan pada pasal 183 undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1981 tentang kitab undang-undang hukum acara pidana (kuhap) yang menentukan sebagai berikut: “hakim tidak boleh menjatuhkan pidana kepada seseorang kecuali apabila dengan sekurang-kurangnya dua alat bukti yang sah ia memperoleh keyakinan bahwa suatu tindak pidana benarbenar terjadi dan bahwa terdakwalah yang bersalah melakukannya”. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama i al furqon page 132 dalam pertimbangan putusan perkara nomor 755/pid.b/2014/pn.mks dinyatakan bahwa putusan didasarkan pada surat dakwaan jaksa penuntut umumno.reg. perk.pdm292/mks/ep/05/2014 tanggal 20 maret 2014. selanjutnya pada persidangan dihadapkan beberapa saksi yang didengar keterangannya di bawah sumpah (saksi hasnah, muh. said, jamaluddin, abd haris dan hamja dg rani), serta keterangan terdakwa yang juga membenarkan seluruh keterangan saksi-saksi tersebut. berdasarkan putusan nomor 755/pid.b/2014/pn.mks.dengan terdakwa ramli siga dg ruma dan saharuddin dg naba maka penulis berpendapat bahwa pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan pemidanaan telah tepat karena hakim dalam perkara tersebut menjatuhkan pemidanaan berdasarkan keterangan saksi dan keterangan terdakwa yang menurut pasal 185 kuhap merupakan alat bukti yang sah. keterangan saksi dan keterangan terdakwa tersebut juga saling berkesesuaian sehingga hakim kemudian memperoleh keyakinan bahwa tindak pidana perbuatan tidak menyenangkan sebagaimana diatur dan diancam pidana dalam pasal 335 ayat (1) kuhp jo pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 kuhp benar-benar terjadi dan terdakwalah yang dipersalahkan melakukannya. pertimbangan hakim putusan perkara nomor 755/pid.b/2014/pn.mks.dengan demikian, ketentuan pasal 183 kuhap telah terpenuhi. berdasarkan putusan perkara nomor: 755/pid.b/2014/pn.mks. menyatakan bahwa terdakwa ramli siga dg ruma dan saharuddin dg naba telah terbukti secara sah menurut hukum melanggar pasal 335 ayat (1) kuhp yaitu dengan sengaja melakukan pengancaman secara melawan hukum dan pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 kuhp yaitu melakukan tindak pidana secara bersama-sama. terdakwa dijatuhi hukuman penjara selama 3 (tiga) bulan. hukuman yang dijatuhkan majelis hakim terhadap terdakwa relatif ringan. menurut penulis seharusnya majelis hakim menjatuhkan pidana yang sesuai dengan peraturan perundangundangan yang berlaku. hukuman yang ringan ini tidak menjamin bahwa terdakwa maupun masyarakat sekitar tidak lagi melakukan perbuatan sebagaimana yang dimaksud dalam putusan nomor: 755/pid.b/2014/pn.mks. padahal issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama i al furqon page 133 tujuan utama dari penjatuhan hukum adalah agar terdakwa tidak lagi mengulangi perbuatannya, dan juga masyarakat sekitar tidak berani lagi melakukan perbuatan yang sama dengan alasan bahwa hukuman yang dijatuhkan oleh hakim sangat berat. d. penutup berdasarkan uraian penulis, maka penulis dapat berkesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1. semua unsur tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan oleh kedua terdakwa telah sesuasi dengan unsur-unsur yang terdapat dalam pasal 335 kuhp beserta pasal 55 ayat (1) kuhp. hal ini terlihat dari terpenuhinya semua unsur-unsur tersebut sesuai dengan pasal yang didakwakan pada terdakwa. pasal yang didakwakan yaitu pasal 335 ayat (1) kuhp. dengan terpenuhinya unsur-unsur tersebut dan melihat penerapan hukum pidana terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman, maka terdakwa harus mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya sesuai dengan putusan yang dijatuhkan oleh hakim pengadilan negeri makassar dengan pidana penjara 3 (tiga) bulan dan membayar biaya perkara. 2. dalam memutuskan perkara hakim pengadilan negeri makassar mempunyai pertimbangan yang cukup banyak, mulai dari tuntutan jaksa penuntut umum, keterangan saksi, keterangan terdakwa, serta terpenuhinya unsur-unsur sesuai dengan pasal yang didakwakan, serta hal-hal yang memberatkan dan meringankan. sehingga terdakwa dipidana dengan penjara selama 3 (tiga) bulan dan membayar biaya perkara, tidak sepenuhnya mengandung kemanfaatan hukum. mengingat tindakan yang dilakukan oleh kedua terdakwa, maka menurut penulis, pidana yang dijatuhkan oleh majelis hakim dinilai sangat ringan. daftar pustaka ali, achmad. 2002. menguak tabir hukum. jakarta: pt. toko gunung agung. chazawi, adami. 2012. hukum pidana bagian i. jakarta: pt. raja grafindo persada. ______________. 2011. pelajaran hukum pidana 3. jakarta: raja grafindo persada. farid, andi zainal abidin. 2007. hukum pidana bagian i. jakarta: sinar grafika. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama i al furqon page 134 hamzah, andi. 1993. sistem pidana dan pemidanaan indonesia. jakarta: pt. pradnya paramita. hamzah, andi. 1994. asas asas hukum pidana. bandung: pt. rineka cipta. ____________. 2008. hukum acara pidana indonesia. jakarta: sinar grafika. lamintang, p.a.f. 2011. dasar-dasar hukum pidana indonesia. bandung: pt. citra aditya bakti. lamintang, p.a.f. 1997. delik-delik khusus. bandung: bina cipta. marpaung, leden. 2009. azas-teori-praktek hukum pidana. jakarta: sinar grafika. muladi. 1992. teori-teori dan kebijakan pidana. bandung: alumn jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 3 issue 2, june 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 131 devotional response that arises in the agreement between the captain gold driver with the tpi grab's participants hishom prastyo akbar abstract author’s information: the emergence of the phenomenon of taxi online / motorized vehicles not in route like the welcome for consumers of financial institutions, especially the ease of procession of registering vehicles for online taxis certainly adds to the passion of the community to run this business, unfortunately not only the benefits that may be obtained by financial institutions business activists consumers but also risks, bisnis taxi online as the application seller does not require registration of vehicle status in detail, regarding whether the vehicle registered is an object of fiduciary guarantee or not. responding to the need for a vehicle with a secure credit system, grab as one of the giant companies in online transportation mode, has raised / collaborated with companies known as indonesian transportation technology / tpi preferred grab's partner, as a driver / driver business partner by offering ease of ownership vehicles for taxi purposes online through the gold captain program. keywords: taxi online; non-route public vehicles; tpi preferred grab’s partner; gold captain program universitas airlangga surabaya, indonesia (hishomprasto@gmail.com) doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v3i2.124 1. introduction transportation is a major requirement for humans in carrying out their daily activities. with the existence of transportation makes it easy for humans to move from one place to another in order to meet their daily needs. in the indonesian language dictionary, transportation is the transportation of goods by various types of vehicles according to technological progress (wahya, m. num, suzana & ernawati waridah, 2013: 666). before the existence of an adequate means of transportation, the community carried out traditional transportation activities, and even they did not recognize the existence of transportation equipment. but along with the development of time and technology, then a means of transportation was created to facilitate human activities. globalization from the economic side is a world change that is fundamental or structural and takes place side by side with the rapid pace of technological progress. in the era of globalization and digitalization the role of transportation and communication is very important and does not escape the development of technology which becomes a necessity. this has been proven in several business fields, including transportation and communication which have become more accessible, more efficient and productive, and ultimately benefited the community, both from the perspective of users and suppliers of goods or services. technological collaboration has also accelerated the production process (both goods or services) and moved products from one place to another at a cheaper or more effective and efficient cost. this technological progress has a negative or positive impact especially on conventional businessmen to produce services and goods that are domestic, because conventional entrepreneurs must adjust to technological advancements to serve mailto:hishomprasto@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.124 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.124 jurnal hukum volkgeist hishom prastyo akbar. 3(2): 131-139 132 the market, if not the business actors will be crushed by technological advances due to difficulties serving the market or consumers who have received far better service from entrepreneurs who have used contemporary technology. negative influences on conventional entrepreneurs can also be caused by current technology-based entrepreneurs who are increasingly mastering especially the domestic market so that they can get rid of conventional entrepreneurs who are left behind because of their low competitiveness. as for the positive impact, all entrepreneurs will compete in a healthy manner to compete to provide the best service for consumers or the community, which ultimately the market will be able to determine the balance of demand and supply with better product conditions and prices that increasingly benefit the community. technology-based innovations have penetrated the modes of transportation, where an application that can be used to order driving vehicle services is only available through smartphones, one of which is grab, which comes with applications that allow users / consumers to order driving vehicles online, calculate travel costs and drivers will pick up the location of the customer (user / consumer) then deliver it to the destination. grab first set foot on the indonesian market in june 2014 with grabtaxi service, initially there were no problems with this service, because, grabtaxi only became an application provider that connects consumers with conventional taxi drivers. in other words, this service makes it easier for conventional taxi drivers to look for passengers. like day and night, behind the success story of an online-based transportation business there are also problems that welcome it. the earliest problem of business is the market, where the rapid growth of consumers in the business, will never be separated from the business competition that preceded it, as a modern transportation business, conventional transportation is the main business opponent, which in 2016 taxi drivers conventionally conducted a large-scale demonstration until the government (ministry of transportation) issued minister of transportation regulation no. 32 of 2016 concerning the implementation of non-route public transport of motor vehicles, despite reaping a lot of controversy, this regulation was a legal umbrella and the emergence of the first legal term for taxi businesses online in indonesia, especially the public needs for this mode of transportation are increasingly mushrooming, both among users / consumers and among drivers / drivers. consumers finance offers a solution for a credit mechanism to be able to own motorized vehicles without having to pay in full. the provision of loans or credit is made by entering into an agreement between creditors as the party that gives loans to the debtor as the recipient of the loan. with the making of the debt agreement, the creditor is obliged to pay a sum of money worth the motor vehicle agreed to the manufacturer / dealer, so that the debtor must return all costs arising from this process in accordance with the agreement. this kind of agreement is known as fiduciary. fiduciary "fiduciare eigendomsoverdracht" (surrender of property rights on the basis of trust) was first known as "bierbrouwerij arrest" decision of hoge raad in 1929 (abdulkadir muhammad, 2000: 173). fiduciary is the transfer of property rights on the basis of trust provided that the object whose ownership rights are transferred remains in the possession of the owner of the object. furthermore, it is said that fiduciary guarantee is one of the means of legal protection for the security of a bank or a financing institution, with the intention of obtaining a legal certainty about the statement of a customer or debtor who will repay his loan. a fiduciary guarantee agreement is not a right born because of the law, but must be agreed in advance in this case between the financial institution and the customer / debtor. therefore the juridical function of binding fiduciary jurnal hukum volkgeist hishom prastyo akbar. 3(2): 131-139 133 guarantees is more specific. this means that the binding of fiduciary collateral in the fiduciary guarantee deed is an integral part of the credit agreement. and this further confirms the position of financial institutions as preferred credit providers. the emergence of the phenomenon of taxi online / motorized vehicles not in route like the welcome for consumers of financial institutions, especially the ease of procession of registering vehicles for online taxis certainly adds to the passion of the community to run this business, unfortunately not only the benefits that may be obtained by financial institutions business activists consumers but also risks, bisnis taxi online as the application seller does not require registration of vehicle status in detail, regarding whether the vehicle registered is an object of fiduciary guarantee or not. if the vehicle registered for online taxi belonging to / on behalf of the driver as in the application is certainly not a problem, it becomes risky and has potential problems if the vehicle registered is an object of fiduciary collateral, with a different name between the vehicle owner (fiduciary debtor) and driver (name registered in application and operation of taxi online) considering that the fiduciary guarantee law has expressly prohibited debtors from transferring, transferring and or renting fiduciary collateral objects. this is regulated in article 23 paragraph (2) of law number 42 of 1999 concerning fiduciary guarantees, namely. the fiduciary is prohibited from transferring, pawning, or renting out to other parties objects that are objects of fiduciary assurance that are not in stock, except with prior written approval from the fiduciary recipient. this is where the risk arises for consumer financing institutions, because it turns out that investors who have the ability to penetrate vehicle loans with a fiduciary guarantee exceeding one unit, begin to explore this online taxi business, so the risk of violations of article 23 paragraph (2) of law number 42 1999 concerning fiduciary assurance, because it is not possible if one person can own and drive more than one online taxi driver account for one vehicle 2. main heading of the analysis actually the notion of accountability is not explicitly known in indonesian laws and regulations, but is often matched with the term accountable or accountability (martono & amad sudiro, 2010: 214). accountable in the black law dictionary means responsible, liability. whereas according to the contemporary english-indonesian dictionary is accountability. the definition of accountability in the sense of reponsibility according to the big dictionary of indonesian language is the condition of having to bear everything that if something happens can be prosecuted, blamed for prosecution and so on: error liability is also referred to as the english term liability base on fault or in the dutch language "schuldaanspraklijkheid" (leonora bakarbessy & ghansam anand, 2018: 259). the definition of responsibility in liability according to the big indonesian dictionary means to bear all the losses that occur as a result of actions or the actions of other people acting for and in his name. therefore, one element of accountability is loss, if there is a mistake but there is no loss. certainly be accountable. peter mahmud marzuki (2008:258) menyampaikan penggunaan istilah tangung gugat berada dalam ruang lingkup privat, kemudian menurut j.h nieuwenhuis (1985:135) bahwa tanggung gugat merupakan kewajiban untuk menanggung ganti kerugian sebagai akibat pelanggaran norma, perbuatan melangar norma tersebut dapat terjadi disebabkan karena perbuatan melawan hukum dan prestasi. jurnal hukum volkgeist hishom prastyo akbar. 3(2): 131-139 134 bw regulates the types of liability in illegal acts, namely: 1) accountability for errors; according to article 1365, a person who causes harm to another person is liable, if the offender is guilty, in other words the act against the law is liable to the extent of the loss incurred based on the action he blamed him. the term error (schuld) is also used in the sense of negligence (onachtzaamheid), or inadvertence. 2) sharpened liability: a. accountability for errors with reversal of burden of proof; liability with the return of the burden of proof in bw is regulated in article 1367 paragraph (2): “parents and guardians are responsible for losses, which are caused by children who are minors, who live in them, and for whom they exercise the power of parents or guardians " article 1367 paragraph (5): "the responsibilities mentioned above end, if parents, guardians, school teachers and artisan heads prove that they cannot prevent actions that they should be responsible for" and article 1368 bw "the owner of an animal, or who uses it, as long as the animal is used, is responsible for the loss that is issued by the animal, whether the animal is under its supervision, or lost or detached from its supervision. from the explanation above, it is clear that the concept of accountability in this case focuses on the things that are attached to the maker of the error / which results in errors and / or losses, so that the tangible action is not only in direct action but also against someone who is in control (something that is not capable) so as to bring harm to the other party. b. responsibility for risk (leonora bakarbessy, 2018: 259). the risk accountability is intended that the employer bears the risk of loss caused by employees who work for their interests, for example, it has been regulated in article 1367 paragraph (3) bw: employers and those who appoint others to represent their affairs, are responsible for losses incurred by their servants or subordinates in carrying out work for which these people are used. " in simple terms, the notion of risk accountability is the responsibility inherent in someone who has used power / power to another party, which is the occurrence of such a relationship an event that causes a loss and thus raises accountability on the basis of risk fifi junita and gianto al imron (2002: 10) state that basically liability has a scope including: 1. accountability on the basis of a contractual relationship between the parties to the contract; in doctrine, legal science is called the privity of contract, which contains the principle "there is no contractual relationship, there is no accountability". jurnal hukum volkgeist hishom prastyo akbar. 3(2): 131-139 135 2. accountability on the basis of tortius / statutory obligation, which in this case does not require contractual relations; accountability based on unlawful acts does not require contractual relations between the parties concerned, so that the emergence of demands from a party is due to a loss that arises because of a negligence or error in the form of doing something or not doing something done by another party. unlawful acts as intended must fulfill the following elements. 1. there is an illegal act; 2. there is a loss; 3. there is a general relationship between breaking the law and loss; 4. there is an error in principle, liability is a condition to compensate for losses caused by default or unlawful actions, if caused due to contractual relations and problems arise regarding the failure to fulfill achievements, including in the default field as stipulated in article 1246 bw, whereas if problems arise is something outside contractual matters then enter into the realm of acts against the law as stipulated in article 1365 bw. the element of loss in default according to article 1246 bw consists of costs incurred, losses, and interest. costs are costs or costs that have been explicitly issued by one party, then the loss / loss is a damage or loss / loss of something belonging to one of the parties caused by the actions or negligence of the other party, delay in an achievement, inappropriate or not the perfection of an achievement, including the implementation of something, or even doing something that is prohibited in an agreement, then interest is an advantage that should be obtained by one of the parties. article 1243 bw states "reimbursement of costs, losses and interest due to not fulfilling an agreement, then begins to be compulsory, if the debtor, after being declared negligent in fulfilling the agreement, is still neglected or if something must be given or made, can only be given or made in grace the time he has spent. compensation based on contractual matters rests on the contents of the agreement that has been agreed upon by the parties, so that the parties responsible are only enshrined in the contract, there is no acknowledgment of any third party outside the contractual relationship who can file compensation claims based on the provisions -this provision, as in the doctrine of law "there is no contractual relationship, there is no liability" (privity of contract). 3. juridical review of the agreement between the tpi grab's preferred partner and the gold captain driver a contractual agreement is born based on the will of the parties who have agreed on the contents of the clause to be promised, where the parties certainly have their respective rights and obligations in carrying out the provisions contained in the agreement. as the birth of a legal relationship between tpi grab's prefereed partner and a driver as part of a contractual agreement in participating in a program known as the gold captain program. the agreement as a form of engagement is of course preceded by an offer from one party which is then accepted by the other party, quoted from grab indonesia's official web page regarding the existence of a vehicle unit ownership program through a loyalty jurnal hukum volkgeist hishom prastyo akbar. 3(2): 131-139 136 program for prospective driver partners (https: / /www.grab.com/id/blog/driver/car/grabcar-jakarta-gold-driver-program/ accessed on february 28, 2019). how effective this program, which originally only existed in jakarta, has now penetrated other major cities, namely: surabaya, medan and jakarta, with the expanding advertising power it seems that this program is increasingly in demand by prospective grab partners, so that leaflets also emerge. become a media offering to attract as many driver partners as possible. as a first step in the emergence of contracts, advertisements as above are forms of promotion in accordance with law number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection, in the general provisions of article 1 paragraph (6) mentioning: "promotion is an activity to introduce or disseminate information on an item and / or service to attract consumers' buying interest in goods and / or services that will be and are being traded". therefore all content that is in the promotion effort is part of the promise, which in the next step must be fulfilled by business people in this case tpi grab's preferred partner to drivers who take the gold captain program. after the prospective driver completes all the requirements set by the tpi grab's preferred partner, of course before implementing the rights and obligations of the parties, first they will sign a contract, which turns out the concept that arises from this program is rent, or commonly known with the term rentcar. with the title of the contract "vehicle rental agreement for the provision of driving vehicle services", it turns out that the driver has prepared a standard contract form, so that in principle the driver can only read the contents of the contract which then completes the identity until the contract is signed. the agreement meant that pt. indonesian pengagkutan technology / tpi grab's preferred partner has mixed several clauses, which in general is the existence of a security deposit, acceptance of movable objects in this case are car vehicles, vehicle use for driver vehicle services with the exclusivity rights of grab and with certain job targets , to lease payments which include maintenance of the vehicle unit that is the object of the lease. 4. legal efforts that can be done by gold captain drivers the agreement made by the parties applies as a binding law for the makers (pacta sunt servanda), but this is also bound on the basis of the freedom of contact stipulated in article 1338 bw, so that in a contractual agreement, of course not only an agreement from the parties to a standard agreement, prepare an agreement whose contents are jointly developed by the parties concerned. in a civil relationship it is very possible for a dispute between the parties concerned. disputes can arise due to a dispute between the parties in implementing an agreement. there are two ways to resolve disputes between parties, namely through court channels (litigation) and off-court channels (non-litigation). but before discussing problem solving through these two lines, preventive steps should be taken, by optimizing pre-contract conditions, so that before an agreement starts, a mutual understanding should be built on the details of the contractual agreements to be carried out by the parties, including complete clarification. for information and promotions obtained by each party that will contract so that there will be no information error as part of the offer, as well as recognition of the rights of the parties to submit clauses as agreed later, which is expected to achieve a fair, balanced agreement not biased as part of the realization of good faith. jurnal hukum volkgeist hishom prastyo akbar. 3(2): 131-139 137 the first choice dispute resolution for parties is by way of court (non-judicial / nonlitigation) better known as alternate dispute resolution (aps) or alternative dispute resolution (adr). article 1 of article 10 of act number 30 of 1999 concerning arbitration and alternative dispute resolution, means that alternative dispute resolution as an institution to resolve disputes or differences of opinion through procedures agreed upon by parties namely out-of-court settlement by consultation, consolidation, mediation or assessment expert. the alternative forms of dispute / conflict resolution can be stated, namely a) conciliation. in this form the dispute is settled through a parliament or parliamentary seat where both parties discuss, debate openly or freely to reach an agreement. b) mediation in this form both parties agreed to seek an advisor from a third party. dispute resolution / conflict through this form the problem will be resolved through the help of someone or an expert or through a mediator. the third party that provides this assistance must be neutral or impartial. the mediator is obliged to carry out his duties and functions based on the wishes and wishes of the parties. c) arbitration in this form the two sides agreed to get a legal decision as a way out for disputes / conflicts. article 1 grain 1 of law number 30 of 1999 concerning arbitration and alternative dispute resolution that arbitration is a civil case outside the general court based on arbitration agreements made in writing by the parties to the dispute. d) deliberation (negotiation) deliberation as an effort to resolve disputes between parties without going through the court with the aim of reaching a collective agreement on the basis of more harmonious and creative cooperation. in this case if the parties both the driver and tpi feel there are problems / disputes from the interpretation and or implementation of the agreed contractual agreement can make non-litigation efforts as mentioned above, and actually when looking at the value of the object agreed upon, the step of deliberation (negotiation) is the easiest and simplest way. by going through meetings and sitting together to try to find a way out together to reach a new consensus that hopes can be the best way of win-win solutions for related parties. the next way is through judicial channels / litigation settlement of disputes / conflicts through judiciary / litigation is regulated in law number 4 of 2004 concerning judicial power. article 1 of the law expressly states that the power of the judiciary is the power of an independent state to hold a court in order to enforce law and justice for the implementation of the republic of indonesia law as stipulated in article 1 of the 1945 constitution. carried out by judicial bodies, including general justice. according to law number 8 of 2004 concerning general courts which has the authority to examine, hear and decide on civil cases. in this case, if the driver feels that there is a discrepancy between the information he obtained based on the promotion submitted by the tpi, then he can file a lawsuit in either default or unlawful acts, becoming a default when the promotion carried out by the tpi is categorized as an offer / initial agreement which then is not regulated in the jurnal hukum volkgeist hishom prastyo akbar. 3(2): 131-139 138 standard agreement that has been determined unilaterally by the tpi, and can also be a realm of lawlessness when the driver will not get / own the object rental vehicle which in truth in promotional advertisements he knows should the gold captain program is a ownership program vehicle. besides that, it can also use the basis of law no. 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection, with elements of acts against the law as stipulated in article 1365 bw, as follows: a. actions tpi conducts promotional activities as an offer to join the gold captain program; b. there is an error element the contents of the contract agreement are not in accordance with what is in the promotional advertisements of the tpi so that they do not fulfill the driver's rights as a consumer that has been regulated in article 4 jo article 8 of act number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection; c. there is a loss suffered material and immaterial losses arising from drivers during the gold captain program if later they do not get a vehicle as advertisements / promotions from tpi, and immaterially can disturb the peace of the driver having concerns during the gold captain program with contractual agreements that are not in accordance with the ad / promotions he got from the tpi; d. there is a causal relationship between mistakes and losses because the existing arrangement does not fulfill consumer rights in the consumption protection act, there is a loss for consumers when using vehicle rental services with the tpi party, especially the agreement with the standard clause provided by the tpi has also not been in accordance with the mandate of article 18 of the law number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection. errors here are elements that are against the law. the definition of "law", not only contradicts the law, but also propriety and decency in society. in common sense, this principle of responsibility is acceptable because it is fair for the wrongdoers to compensate the injured party. 5. conclusion basically liability has a scope including liability on the basis of contractual relations between the parties in the contract and liability on the basis of tortius / statutory obligation, which in this case does not require contractual relations. accountability based on unlawful conduct does not require contractual relations between the parties concerned, so that the emergence of demands from a party is due to a loss that arises because of an omission or error in the form of doing something or not doing something done by another. information from promotional media by tpi and grab regarding vehicle ownership through the gold captain driver program should be included in the contractual agreement as intended, because if it does not have the potential for violations / non-conformity with information on promotion and tpi is liable for this, especially if the vehicle does switch ownership belongs to the driver, not necessarily the vehicle as intended can still be used to carry out driver vehicle services through the grab app, considering grab itself has provisions for vehicles that can be used for grabcar services, namely the maximum vehicle age of 5 years. so that the end of the vehicle rental period through the gold captain program certainly ends the age of the vehicle to be used in the grabcar service. jurnal hukum volkgeist hishom prastyo akbar. 3(2): 131-139 139 the legal effort that can be done is beforehand with preventive efforts, namely optimization during pre-contract conditions, but if this is not implemented can make nonlitigation legal efforts and litigation legal efforts references agustina, rosa. 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(2013). indonesian language dictionary: for students, students & general. bandung: imprint word space friends. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1322 vol. 6 no.1, december 2021 38 analysis of government policies in structuring state owned corporation through the formation of holding companies ahmad ishak1*, aminuddin ilmar1, winner sitorus1 1faculty of law, hasanuddin university, indonesia *correspondence: ishakahmadsinjai@gmail.com article history abstract received: 27.072021 accepted: 24.12.2021 published: 27.12.2021 the legality of establishing a bumn holding company is only based on government regulation number 72 of 2016 concerning procedures for equity participation and administration of state capital in bumn and limited liability company, as an amendment to government regulation number 44 of 2005 has not been fully comply with the principle of coherence with the above regulations namely law number 17 of 2003 concerning state finance, law number 19 of 2003 concerning bumn and law number 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies. the purpose of this study is to find a concept of regulation and supervision the government on soes related to holding companies this research is normative with a statute approach and a conceptual approach. the results in this study are the need for legal reconstruction in bumn where a law is needed that is central to regulate holding companies in indonesia, where this law was born to provide related guidelines a mechanism for the formation, selection of the type of holding, and governance of state-owned enterprises in the form of holding company. the form of supervision on the implementation of bumn holding in the future can be an integrated monitoring pattern is applied. in this supervision, 3 parties must be involved in a coordinated manner, namely the parent company commissioner, the supreme audit ag ency (bpk), and the ministry of soes keywords: policy analysis, bumn, holding company article licence copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction one of the government's efforts in improving the country's economy is the establishment of state -owned enterprises (bumn). to exercise this control, the state through the government then establishes a state -owned enterprise, which was originally known as a state company, which is tasked with carrying out the control (ibrahim, 1997). in general, the state has a business entity that is owned by the state. generally, the state has such business entities and is engaged in business fields which are categorized as including in the field of service delivery and public interest or "public service" and "public utilities". this is based on the reason that there is a production branch or business field which is considered vital or strategic for the state and controls the livelihood of many people so that it cannot simply be left to the private sector to control and administer it. therefore, the state needs to have its agency to manage state assets (ilmar, 2004). bumn is regulated in law no. 19 of 2003 concerning state-owned enterprises. as of today, there are 147 bumn companies and only 13 bumns that can provide dividends to the state, it was recorded that in 2019 the dividend contribution to the state was only 63 trillion, this figure shows that bumns have not been able to make a major contribution to improving the country's economy in the sense that the function of bumn has not been able to say to be achieved. erik tohir as the minister of soes admitted that in 2020 due to the pandemic, the performance of soes decreased by 90% , this means that soes canceled paying 40 trillion dividends to the state based on the target in 2020. it is projected that only 25% of the target in 2020 (lumanauw, 2020). under these circumstances, soes must be able to reconstruct the system they have, one of which is by holding a holding company to avoid the use of the budget. munir fuady explained that a holding company is a company that aims to own shares in one or more other companies or regulate one or more other companies (munir, 2008). meanwhile, according to komaruddin, a holding company is a business entity established to control most of the shares of the business entity that it will influence (komaruddin, 2004). in a limited liability company in indonesia, https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1322 mailto:ishakahmadsinjai@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 38-45 39 the concept is known as the operating holding company concept because in this concept the parent company s till has business activities in addition to owning shares in its subsidiaries. in addition, there is a division of holding companies based on their nature, namely vertical business groups, horizontal business groups, and combined business groups. there are other divisions of holding companies including the division based on the holding's involvement in the business in terms of decision making, and equity involvement (sulistiowati, 2010). juridical independence and economic independence of subsidiaries are not mutually exclusive between plural forms legally or economic unity, in practice juridical aspects and business realities can encourage opportunistic actions of the parent company to abuse the construction of group companies, among others, the parent company externalizing high-risk businesses to subsidiaries company, thus the parent company is not responsible for the legal actions of the subsidiary. on the other hand, the subsidiary that carries out the instructions is burdened with legal responsibility for the impact of losses from such business activities. thus, it is rare for a holding company which is a holding company to be held accountable, because law no. 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies (uupt) has not been specifically reg ulated. therefore, it is necessary to understand and examine in terms of legal construction what is used to ensnare the legal actions of subsidiaries which are certainly related to the holding company in committing crimes or violations of corporate law in indonesia. the legality of establishing a holding company for bumn is only based on government regulation number 72 of 2016 concerning procedures for equity participation and administration of state capital in state -owned enterprises and limited liability companies, as an amendment to government regulation number 44 of 2005 does not fully comply with the principle of coherence with the previous regulations above, namely law number 17 of 2003 concerning state finance, law number 19 of 2003 concerning bumn an d law number 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies. therefore, the legal issue in this paper is the existence of contradictory and contradictory provisions with the above regulations and the existence of a legal vacuum related to government regulations in supervising state-owned enterprises in the form of holding companies. 2. methodology this research uses normative legal research that uses a statute approach and a conceptual approach (marzuki, 2009). the types of legal materials used consist of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials, namely legal materials that provide further explanation of primary legal materials including books, existing research results, journals, and other scientific works that are relevant to the object of study. tertiary legal materials, namely legal materials that provide instructions and explanations of secondary legal materials such as legal dictionaries and encyclopedias. the collection of legal materials is carried out by taking an inventory of related positive laws and conducting library searches in the form of legal writings published in the form of books, existing res earch results, journals from legal scholars, and other scientific works . 3. result and discussion 3.1 the ideal concept of structuring holding company in state -owned enterprises the legal rules used by the government in establishing a holding company for bumn are g overnment regulation no. 72 of 2016 concerning amendments to government regulation no. 44 of 2005 concerning procedures for state capital participation and administration in state -owned enterprises and limited liability companies. then regarding the position of subsidiaries, it still refers to law no. 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies. therefore, in this paper, the author will examine from two perspectives the arrangement of holding companies in indonesia based on two sources of existing reg ulations. first, law number 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies recognizes three forms of share ownership and control that can lead to the existence of a holding company, namely by merger, acquisition, and spin-off. law number 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies defines incorporation as (negara kesatuan republik indonesia, 2007): a legal action carried out by one or more companies to merge with another existing company which results in the assets and liabilities of the merging companies being transferred by law to the company that accepts the merger and subsequently the legal entity status of the merging company ends by law. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 38-45 40 with the understanding of the merger above, it can be concluded the following things (harahap, 2009): a. merger is a merger of two or more companies into one company b. companies that merge become terminated or dissolved by law meanwhile, takeover (acquisition) is defined by law number 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies as a legal action carried out by a legal entity or company person to take over the shares of the company which results in the transfer of control over the company. a spin-off is also one way to get share ownership in a company (prasetya, 2007). the definition of a spin-off based on law number 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies is separation is a legal action carried out by a company to separate its business which results in the legal transfer of all assets and liabilities of the company to 2 (two) or more companies or part of the company's assets and liabilities are legally transferred to 1 (one) company or more . law number 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies concerning two types of separation, namely pure separation and impure separation. the definition of pure separation and impure separation is (negara kesatuan republik indonesia, 2007): a. the pure separation as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a causes all assets and liabilities of the company to be transferred by law. b. (two) other companies or more that receive the transfer and the company that makes the separation of business ends by law. law number 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies have regulated the permissibility of individuals or legal entities to own shares in other companies, namely employing mergers, acquisitions, and spinoffs. in addition to these rules, there is a prohibition on cross-holding ownership as stipulated in article 36 of law number 40 of 2007. however, along with the development of holding compa nies, these rules are no longer able to accommodate and provide clear limits on the powers of the parent company to subsidiaries. second, before the issuance of pp number 72 of 2016 concerning procedures for the participation and administration of state capital in state-owned enterprises and limited liability companies, there was no legal regulation regarding the formation of holdings in indonesia. parent company. the use of the word holding was only discovered in government regulation no. 72 of 2016, previ ously in indonesia there was also no known investment holding, namely the parent company only invested in shares of the subsidiary, without carrying out supporting activities or carrying out parent operational activities. the parent company's business acti vities will usually determine the type of business that the parent company must fulfill. the issuance of pp number 72 of 2016 which is now commonly referred to as pp holding is because the previous government regulation, namely pp number 44 of 2005 concerning procedures for the participation and administration of state capital in state -owned enterprises and limited liability companies, is considered insufficient to regulate the initiation of the formation of sectoral holdings. in indonesia. in pp no. 72 of 2016 several articles have been amended and added related to the participation of state capital in the implementation of the soe restructuring process, namely (peraturan pemerintah, 2016): 1) the provisions of item 8 article 1 are changed to the administration is a series of administrative activities for state participation in soes and limited liability companies. 2) in the provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) there is a change where the source of state capital participation comes from the state budget of revenues and expenditures, were again from projects financed by the state budget (apbn) from state-owned shares in state-owned enterprises or limited liability companies. 3) between article 2 and article 3, 1 (one) article is inserted, namely article 2a. state -owned shares in bumn or limited liability companies are essentially state assets that have been separated from the state revenue and expenditure budget so that the transfer of shares intended to be used as participation in bumn or limited liability companies is not carried out through the revenue and expenditure budget mechanism (peraturan pemerintah, 2016). this government regulation number 72 of 2016 is only an amendment to several articles and government regulations number 44 of 2005 concerning procedures for participation and administration of state -owned capital p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 38-45 41 in state-owned enterprises and limited liability companies in which the government regulation doe s not yet regulate the concrete mechanism regarding the formation of holding companies. based on the explanation regarding the two regulations governing holding companies in indonesia, the author considers the legal rules used by the government so far are still partial by issuing government regulations for each establishment of bumn holding companies in various industrial fields. in government regulation no. 72 of 2016 concerning amendments to government regulation no. 44 of 2005 concerning procedures for s tate capital participation and administration in state-owned enterprises and limited liability companies, some forms deviate from the above legal rules. one that is considered contradictory is regarding the position of the parent company and the subsidiary. the linkage between the parent and the subsidiary gives the parent company the authority to act as the central leader in the group company. the parent company in the holding company sets the collective goals of the companies in the group. the position of the parent company as a shareholder of the subsidiary's subsidiary and the central leadership of the holding company shows that the parent company has a different economic role from the individual shareholder in a limited liability company so that the parent company also gets protection in the form of limited liability for the burdens borne by the subsidiary. therefore, the position of the parent company as the shareholder of the subsidiary and the central leadership of the group company is not the reason for the abolition of the limited liability of the parent company as the shareholder of the subsidiary. to avoid misuse of the legal entity of a limited liability company by shareholders, article 3 paragraph (2) of the company law regulates the abolition of limited liability from shareholders for the limited liability of shareholders for the legal responsibility of a company or known as piercing the corporate veil. following the establishment of uupt as a regulatory framework for a single company. article 3 paragraph (2) of the company law stipulates that the emergence of piercing the corporate veil on the shareholders of the company is caused by unlawful acts, bad faith, or losses to the company. in a pyramid ownership structure, the parent company has more than one layer of subsidiaries or is multitiered. problems related to the application of the legal principle of limited liability from the parent company to pyramid group companies are related to the increasingly limited responsibility of the controlling shareholder or the parent company for unlawful acts committed by subsidiaries. the application of the principle of limited liability to the controlling shareholder or the parent company can cause problems with the application of limited liability in the limited liability of the parent company against unlawful acts committed by subsidiaries that are in the second layer or more. picture 1. the degrees of limited liability of the parent company as shown in the picture above, the following are the degrees of limited liability of the parent company (prasetya, 2007): 1. the parent company has limited liability from unlawful acts committed by the subsidiary. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 38-45 42 2. the parent company has limited liability in limited liability from un lawful acts committed by the subsidiary or second-tier subsidiary. 3. the parent company has limited liability in limited liability from unlawful acts committed by the company's great-grandchildren or third-tier subsidiaries. holding a company in the form of a pyramid can encourage the emergence of an opportunistic attitude from the controlling shareholder or the parent company to externalize risk to subsidiaries that are at the bottom layer. on the other hand, a legally holding company as a plural form in the juridical sense gives authority to members of group companies that are independent legal entities to carry out legal actions, so that the responsibility of the parent company is limited to its position as a shareholder of the subsidiary. reconstruction of the bumn law is the most strategic step, considering that the rules for the formation of holding companies are currently only limited to government regulation no. 72 of 2016 concerning amendments to government regulation no. 44 of 2005 concerning procedures for state capital participation and administration in state-owned enterprises. and the company, then with the issuance of several new government regulations if there is a company that will become a holding company. this of course leads to a waste of reg ulations. each holding group will be regulated by government regulation, completely irrelevant to the government's plan to implement a super holding in 2021. as for the super holding plan in 2021, there should be an improvement in the mechanisms and regula tions related to holding first, seeing the phenomenon that occurs there are still some confusions in the implementation of bumn holding. there is still disharmony or incompatibility of several regulations governing holding in indonesia. therefore, the implementation of super holding should be equipped with relevant and non -contradictory holding legal regulations. 3.2 form of government supervision on state-owned enterprises in the form of holding company a) supervision of bumn internal institutions 1) forms of supervision of the board of directors : article 5 paragraph (3) of the soe law states that the board of directors as an organ of soes tasked with managing is subject to all applicable regulations and still adheres to the application of good corporate governance principles which include transparency, independence, accountability, and fairness (wilamarta, 2002). 2) form of supervision by the commissioner: like corporations in general, soes have internal supervisory organs and provide advice to the board of directors in carrying out soe management activities, both regarding soes and soe businesses, namely the commissioner for state -owned enterprises and the supervisory board for state-owned enterprises. the commissioners and the supervisory board are fully responsible for the supervision of soes for the interests and objectives of soes. in carrying out these duties, the commissioners and the supervisory board must comply with the articles of association of soes and the provisions of laws and regulations and must implement the principles of professionalism, efficiency, transparency, independence, accountability, responsibility, and fairness (riswandi, 2008). bumn also has an audit committee that must be formed by the commissioner and the supervisory board whose function is to assist the commissioner and the supervisory board in carrying out their duties. b) forms of government supervision of soes (bumn) 1) forms of supervision of the ministry of soes : the ministry of soes is an extension of the government to manage the soe sector. the minister of soes in carrying out his duties has several roles, one of which has the authority to appoint and evaluate members of the board of commissioners/supervisory board and may also terminate members of the board of commissioners/supervisory board who do not have integrity in carrying out their duties. 2) the form of dpr's supervision of soes : article 20a paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia can be interpreted that the dpr has a role in supervising soes in the form of indirect supervision. government actions attached to soes can be seen from the perspective of state financial management, as regulated in the state finance law and the state treasury law. article 4 paragraphs (1) and (2) of the bumn law stipulate that bumn capital comes from separated state assets. another governmen t action that can be used as an object of supervision by the dpr is the establishment of legal regulations regarding bumn in p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 38-45 43 general and the lines of government policy regarding bumn and its implementation. the controlling function carried out by the dpr is the same as described in the previous paragraph and in the constitutional court's decision no. 12/puuxvi/2018 and the constitutional court decision no. 14/puu-xvi/2018. thus, what was decided by the constitutional court was based on the correct one. th e dpr's supervisory function is still needed, but it is placed on matters relating to government action in the management of bumn in the sense that it cannot supervise directly. 3) forms of bpk supervision of soes : the supervision carried out by the bpk was confirmed by the constitutional court in decision number 62/puu-xi/2013. based on article 71 paragraph (2) of the bumn law, it is clear that bpk has the authority to conduct audits of bumn under the provisions of the legislation. the audit is subject to the bpk law and law number 15 of 2004 concerning audits of the management of state financial responsibilities. under article 3 paragraph (1) of law no. 15 of 2006, examination of state financial management and responsibility, as referred to in article 2 of the state finance law, which also includes state assets separated in bumn. however, what is the limit of bpk's examination of bumn, considering that bumn, especially state-owned enterprises, is half private legal entities that are bound by the principles of managing limited liability companies. looking at article 6 paragraph (3) of the bpk law, bpk audits include financial audits, performance audits, and audits with specific objectives. soes should not be subject to examinations based on the examination and management of state financial responsibilities in government agencies, but the provisions of the laws and regulations concerning limited liability companies, as stated by judge harjono in the dissenting opinion of the constitutional court decision number 6 2/puuxi/2013. if the constitutional court's decision on the object in question is analyzed in law no. 17 of 2003 and law no. 15 of 2006 concerning the financial audit board (uu bpk), there is the phrase "including separated assets in the state/regional companies" in article 2 letter g law no. 17 of 2003, which is fully regulated, "state finances as referred to in article 1 number 1, include: ....(g) state assets/regional assets managed by themselves or by other parties in the form of money, securities, receivables, goods, as well as other rights that can be valued in money, including assets separated from state/regional companies”: article 2 letter i of law no. 17 of 2003 which regulates "state finances as referred to in article 1 number 1, including (i) assets of other parties obtained by using facilities provided by the government". the disparity, disharmony, and inconsistency of the bpk's authority in carrying out its duties and functions based on article 23 paragraph (1) and article 23e paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution with the bpk law that extends to soes, can result in any business loss arising in bumn being classified as as a state loss. the risk of business losses will always be inherent in every bumn business activity. such regulations have cre ated legal uncertainty and eliminated legal guarantees for soes in managing and administering soes to realize the greatest prosperity of the people in achieving the goals of the state. c) the concept of government supervision of state-owned enterprises in the form of holding companies as described in the first issue, related to the second discussion regarding the position of bumn in the form of holding and the role of government oversight of bumn companies, it can be seen that the full supervision is in the bumn's internal institutions, namely the ministers, commissioners, directors and other audit bodies. while the government agency dpr only supervises indirectly, the dpr in carrying out its supervisory function is only limited to discussing the apbn for bumn and also related to political functions in the manufacture/reconstruction of legal products that regulate state-owned enterprises or limited liability companies, in this case, the dpr has no authority. supervise soes in carrying out their functions. furthermore, the bpk itself in carrying out its supervisory function is still based on law no. 17 of 2003 concerning the authority of the bpk in supervising (examining) state finances contained in other agencies. if state assets in the form of state-owned shares in soes as referred to in article 2 paragraph (2) letter d are used as state capital participation in other soes so that most of the shares are owned by other soes, then the soes become subsidiaries of soes provided that the state is obliged to own shares. with the privileges stipulated in the articles of association what is meant by special rights regulated in the articles of association are, among others, the right to approve: p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 38-45 44 1) appointment of members of the board of directors and commissioners 2) amendment to articles of association 3) changes in share ownership structure. merger, consolidation, separation, and dissolution and takeover of companies by other companies. paragraph (2) is sufficient to prove that the loss of the function of the dpr as a whole does not eliminate the function of government control over a subsidiary of a bumn in the form of a holding, coupled with the consolidated financial statements of the holding company. to prevent the release of the subsidiary in the case o f the alleged privatization by the state of bumn in article 6, it is stated that the ownership of most of the shares is still owned by the bumn which is used as the holding. based on the discussion above, the author can explain the concept of supervision in state-owned enterprises in the form of holding as follows: picture 2. the form of supervision on the implementation of bumn the form of supervision on the implementation of bumn holding in the future can be applied to an integrated supervision pattern. this integrated supervision includes the authority of each institution or agency to be integrated and coordinated in conducting supervision. in this supervision, 3 parties must be involved in a coordinated manner, namely the commissioner of the parent company, the supreme audit agency (bpk), and the ministry of soes. 4. conclusion the law of holding companies in indonesia is still contradictory where the formation of holdings is only limited to government regulation number 72 of 2016 concerning procedures for state capital participation and administration in state-owned enterprises and limited liability companies, law number 19 of 2003 concerning bumn and law law number 17 of 2003 concerning state finance. incoherence arising from 2 (two) or more regulations for the same legal object will eventually lead to different interpretations in the application of the law. therefore, there is a need for a legal reconstruction of soes where a central law is needed to regulate holding companies in indonesia, where this law was born to provide guidelines regarding the mechanism for the formation, selection of holding types, and governance in owned enterprises. the state is in the form of a holding company. the form of supervision on the implementation of bumn holding in the future can be applied to an integrated supervision pattern. this integrated supervision includes the authority of each institution or agency to be integrated and coordinated in conducting supervision. in this supervisi on, 3 parties must be involved in a coordinated manner, namely the parent company commissioner, the supreme audit agency (bpk), and the ministry of soes. this is aimed at managing bumn holdings that are more oriented towards the progress and development of the national economy. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 38-45 45 references harahap, y. 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(2002). hak pemegang saham minoritas dalam kerangka good corporate governance . jakarta: ui press. 5) 2708 29-36 jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i1.2708 vol. 7 no. 1, december 2022 29 formulation of customary criminal sanctions from a human rights perspective rosnida1, enni eka kusumawati2*, erni dwita silambi3 1universitas cokroaminoto makassar, indonesia 2universitas musamus, indonesia 3universitas fajar, indonesia *correspondence: ennyekakusumawaty@gmail.com article history abstract received: 05.10.2022 accepted: 29.12.2022 published: 31.12.2022 the provision of customary criminal sanctions varies according to the customs and norms that apply in an area and this research takes a case study in merauke papua. this research focuses on the provision of customary sanctions for perpetrators which will be viewed from the point of view of human rights. this study aims to see and analyze the criminal sanctions given to the perpetrators and whether these sanctions do not conflict with the human rights that apply in indonesia. the type of research used in this research is a combination of normative legal research and empirical legal research where normative research will look at legislation related to human rights and also provisions regarding customary sanctions while empirically will look for direct data in the field then data analyzed using qualitative methods will then be presented descriptively. the results of this study are that customary law does not recognize the division between criminal law and civil law but the sanctions given to both criminal cases and civil disputes are the same, namely tubers, coconuts, bananas, wati (a typical papuan plant), pigs, giving sister and the death penalty, pay with the land that has been determined. keywords: customary crimes; human rights; sanctions article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction in indonesia, the main source of criminal law is found in the criminal code and other criminal law laws and regulations. but besides that it is still possible to source from customary law or people's law which is still alive as a criminal event with certain limitations according to emergency law no. 1 of 1951, namely in article 5 paragraph (3) sub b which reads an act which according to living law is considered a criminal act, but has no comparison in the criminal code, is considered to be threatened with and / or a fine of five hundred rupiah, namely as a punishment. a substitute if the customary punishment imposed is not followed by the convicted party "all actions that are contrary to legal regulations are illegal and customary law recognizes efforts to restore the law if the law is raped. illegal acts or actions that are contrary to customary law are also known as customary offenses (m.yusuf, 2009). in the current era of regional autonomy, where each region is given the authority to carry out its own government and must be based on principles such as autonomy which is responsible for emphasizing democracy, supporting aspirations, community participation and regional potential as well as regional diversity. each of these regions has different economic capacity, population, area, socio-culture and politics so that it is possible to solve the problem using different methods, including in the field of public law because it is based on different backgrounds (issa et al., 2019). customary criminal law regulates actions that violate the sense of justice and appropriateness that live in the community, causing disruption of the peace and balance of society to restore the peace and balance, there is a reaction. the existence of customary criminal law in the community is a reflection of the life of the community and each region has a different customary criminal law according to the customs in that area with characteristics that are not written or codified (anwar, 1997). the application of sanctions in law enforcement to regulate a person as a legal subject must have a human feeling in respecting the dignity and dignity of a person's life as mentioned in the preamble to the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. the application of legal sanctions as a result of a violation of the provisions of the law has created debate to date. the legal provisions governing the application of the death penalty illustrate that indonesia's commitment to comply with the international agreements contained in the international covenant on civil and p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 29-36 30 political rights is not yet clear in the eyes of the international community. everyone has human rights which provide basic obligations and responsibilities to mutually respect the human rights of others and that is the duty of the government to respect, protect, enforce and promote them. in the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia as the indonesian constitution, there are formulations on human rights. this can be found in the preamble as well as in the body, the existence of this formula means that the indonesian state recognizes the principle of protection of human rights (andrey sujatmoko, 2015). recognition of human rights in indonesia can be seen in article 1 of law number 39 of 1999 concerning human rights which defines human rights as a set of rights inherent in the nature and existence of humans as creatures of god almighty and are a gift that must be respected. upheld and protected by the state, law, government and everyone for the honor and protection of human dignity. the indonesian state recognizes and upholds human rights and basic human freedoms as rights that are inherently inherent and inseparable from humans that must be protected, respected and upheld in order to improve human dignity, welfare, happiness, intelligence and justice. second amendment to the constitution 1945 article 28i paragraph 1 states: “the right to life, the right not to be tortured, the right to freedom of thought and conscience, the right to religion, the right not to be enslaved, the right to be recognized as a person before the law and the right not to be prosecuted on the basis of retroactive law are human rights that cannot be reduced under any circumstances”. in accordance with article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, the state of indonesia is a constitutional state and the consequence of a rule of law is the existence of legal certainty. amendments to the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia which occurred in 2000 again recognized and respected indigenous peoples and their traditional rights, such recognition was included in article 18b paragraph (2) and article 28 i paragraph (3). article 18 b paragraph 2 states: the state recognizes and respects indigenous peoples and their traditional rights as long as they are still alive and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia as regulated in law. meanwhile, article 28 i paragraph 3 states: cultural identities and rights of traditional communities are respected in line with the times and civilizations the existence of customary courts is clearly recognized in law number 21 of 2001 concerning special autonomy for papua province, namely article 50 paragraph which states. a. states that, “judicial power in papua province is exercised by the judiciary in accordance with the statutory regulations”, b. in addition to the judicial power as referred to in paragraph (1), it is recognized that there is a customary court in certain customary law communities.”. recognition of the customary courts in papua is strengthened by the existence of the papua special regional regulation (perdasus) number 20 of 2008 concerning customary courts in papua. the perdasus also contains the existing sanctions, namely in article 17 paragraph (1) states that “customary court sanctions consist of: a. customary fines with due regard to the principles of propriety and fairness in accordance with the provisions of the customary law of the customary law community concerned: and b. conduct a customary restoration ceremony with due observance of the principles of propriety and fairness in accordance with the customary law of the customary law community concerned. in practice, customary court decisions can cause problems and can even be categorized as human rights violations because there are cases that have been decided in customary courts and have been accepted by both parties and then processed again according to national law and customary sanctions are not eliminated by national court decisions even though the court's decision agung in case number 1644k/pid/1988 dated 15 may 1991, emphasized that the customary court decisions that had been carried out by the defendant had the same legal force as general court decisions. if the case is brought back to the general court (district court), it is tantamount to ne bis in idem. however, in the special autonomy law, namely in article 50 paragraph (4), in the event that one of the parties to the dispute or the parties to the case objects to the decision taken by the customary court examining it as referred to in paragraph (3), the objecting party has the right to ask the the court of first instance in the judiciary which has the authority to examine and re-trial the dispute or case in question but this rule must explain that if the case is brought to the court of first instance, the sanctions or fines under customary law must be cancelled. this study aims to see and analyze the criminal sanctions given to the perpetrators and whether these sanctions are not against human rights in force in indonesia. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 29-36 31 2. method the research used in this research is a combination of normative legal research and empirical legal research (irwansyah dkk, 2020). using a statutory approach as well as a sociological approach (bakhtiar, abbas, & nur, 2021) with the reason that the author wants to examine the norms related to customary criminal sanctions and seek information directly about the types of customary sanctions and also customary sanctions in terms of human rights in merauke regency 3. result and discussion recognition of living law, especially customary courts, is set forth in legislation. namely, law number 21 year 2001 regarding special autonomy for papua province, article 50 states that apart from general judicial bodies, the government recognizes the existence of customary courts within certain customary communities. based on the papua special autonomy law, customary courts are peace courts within customary law communities that have the authority to examine civil and criminal cases. in merauke regency, especially the malind anim community, they still highly uphold customary law so that the community prefers to settle cases through customary law rather than through the national court (dwita, pangerang, patittingi, & azisa nur, 2022). merauke regency is the southernmost district in papua province, in merauke regency there are indigenous peoples institutions which are also institutions that channel the aspirations of indigenous peoples. indigenous peoples are a group of people whose entities are recognized by the state, from the name alone, customary community institutions, it is clear that all the problems that arise due to customary problems have different characteristics and ways of handling them when compared to indonesian positive law, the problems handled by the indigenous peoples organization range from issues of a traditional nature such as married without your blessing and suanggi, as well as issues of a civil and criminal nature such as land disputes, persecution, fraud and murder (silambi, alputila, & syahruddin, 2018). the malind anim indigenous peoples organization is a parent organization that oversees all the indigenous groups of malind imbuti so that issues of customary rights which are customary issues in which the customary law community is involved must be resolved by means of deliberation through lma malind imbuti. the decision resulted from a deliberation conducted by lma malind imbuti, which represents the customary law community, issued in the form of a letter containing the signatures of all the clans of the customary law community in the customary area of lma malind imbuti. for merauke district itself, the regional regulation regarding customary court institutions has not yet existed, so that all customary justice mechanisms implemented by the marind imbuti community institution as regulated in article 10 of the perdasus number 20 of 2008 cannot be legally accounted because it is not in accordance with the order of article 10 paragraph (2) of perdasus number 20 of 2008, that is, it must be regulated through a regency / city regional regulation. however, in order to protect the rights of indigenous people in merauke district, then all decisions made by the indigenous peoples' institution that were born through the customary justice process carried out by the marind imbuti community institution must still be respected, respected, and obeyed considering the marind ibuti indigenous peoples institution is a cultural representation of 24 indigenous communities in merauke regency. according to the head of the lma indigenous peoples, malind imbuti xaverius bavo, this customary community institution aims to solve various kinds of customary problems by means of deliberations that occur in the middle of the community the marind imbuti indigenous society consists of 7 (seven) clans / fam / boan, the seven clans / fam / boan, among others are: gebze, mahuse, ndiken, kaize, samkakai, balagaise and basik basik. regarding the customary sanctions stipulated in papua special regional regulation number 20 of 2008 article 17 which reads: (1). sanctions in the customary court consist of: a. customary fines with due regard to the principles of propriety and fairness in accordance with the customary law provisions of the customary law community concerned; b. carry out the customary restoration ceremony with due observance of the principles of propriety and fairness in accordance with the customary law of the customary law community concerned. van vollenhoven stated that what is meant by customary offenses is an act that should not be done, even though the fact is that the event or act is only a minor contribution. so what is meant by customary offenses is all actions or events that are contrary to propriety, harmony, order, security, sense of justice and legal awareness of p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 29-36 32 the community concerned, whether it is the result of a person's actions or the actions of the customary authorities themselves (moeljatno, 2011). the people of merauke (the malind anim) prefer to solve their problems because they consider that the settlement through customary justice is sacred, fairer and the sanctions given are considered lighter and they are also happy because they feel that they are handled by people who are close and trustworthy and in solving it. involving the parties involved so that it is considered more open, simple and fast. indigenous peoples' judicial institutions are not authorized to impose criminal sanctions in the form of imprisonment or imprisonment as stated in article 16 paragraph 1 of perdasus number 20 of 2008 also in article 51 paragraph (5) of law number 21 year 2001 regarding special autonomy for papua, it is stated that the customary court has no authority to impose imprisonment or imprisonment. so that the decision of the customary court cannot impose imprisonment or imprisonment as the general criminal law that applies in indonesia in general. so that the sanctions imposed by the indigenous peoples' judiciary are only in the form of fines and also carry out traditional restoration ceremonies and the decisions of the customary courts will only be considered as legal considerations of the state court, if the decision of the customary court which has been decided by the customary court is not approved by the head of the district court which is in charge of it obtained through the head of the district attorney concerned as regulated in article 57 paragraph (1) and paragraph (8) law number 21 of 2001 concerning special autonomy for papua. customary criminal sanctions imposed based on deliberation to reach a consensus are a plural method of obtaining peace. customary criminal sanctions(issa et al., 2019) in the form of fines or guidance by performing certain rituals such as eating together, forgiving each other or making vows intended to restore physical and social balance (nurcahyo, 2016) each community group has something that is respected which is believed to have a relationship with ancestors or in anthropological terms it is called the likewise with indigenous groups in merauke who have totems based on clan. the totem will be an item that is highly respected so that if someone does not respect or damage the totem, they will be given customary sanctions that apply to each community group. table 1. types of totems based on several clans in merauke no marga totem from plants totem from mammal ilmiah malind anim ilmiah malind anim 1. gebze cocos nucifera l onggat petaurus brecipes banggah musa sp mbuti napet petaurus brecipes rareh acacia sp heh timonius timon mbala kan 2. mahuze metraxylon sp da marcopus agilis waref avicenia sp haraf/alah canis familiaris nggat piper methysticum babin wati melaleuca sp dal 3. kaize nymphaea sp um thylogale brujnii sikah phragmetis karka do kasim endiandra fulva ake bamboosa sp suba bamboosa sp upa 4. balagaize arenga sp kanis isoodon macrourus tuban musa sp kidup napet terminalia catapa wakati cocos nucifera onggat 5. ndiken piper methysticum hong wati piper methysticum mbot saccharum sp od saccharum sp masuri 6. basikartocarpus balau sus scrofa basik p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 29-36 33 basik communis forst mangtfera wakmu saccharum sp ood 7. samkakai saccharum sp timod marcopus agilis saham piper methysticum wati source: empirical data in the table above, it is clear that the malind anim people are very close to nature, even they consider the totem as something very sacred that must be protected and guarded as a respect for their ancestors and the malind anim community believes that nature is the embodiment of the dignity of the people. each group will defend what is the totem in its group, for example the samkakai group has made rules about how to hunt kangaroos which must be obeyed by the hunting community. both traditionally and in a modern way, including hunting only with machetes and arrows, not using firearms, and hunting cannot be more than two as well as looking for the cut is also clearly arranged. and if it is violated, the customary sanction can be up to death penalty. the marind imbuti indigenous peoples organization covers 24 indigenous communities living in 24 villages in merauke district, the twenty-four indigenous communities and villages stretch from kondo to nowari. in this case, the marind imbuti customary community organization is in charge of 24 indigenous communities has the authority to resolve customary problems, among others: resolve problems that occur among the 24 communities of indigenous peoples, resolving customary land disputes. resolving customary land disputes, implement customary regulations and carrying out customary disputes between tribes / indigenous communities. in practice, the problem that is resolved at the lma is land dispute while other disputes will be carried out by indigenous communities in each village as part of the lma. this is what makes the giving of sanctions not generally applicable regarding the sanctions given to each violation. the respective customary leaders can impose sanctions according to deliberation in the customary assembly. for example in wasur village the sanction for people who are drunk is to prepare bananas,, tubers, coconut as well as various other types of plants, "with this witness, it is hoped that there will be a deterrent effect and will not repeat the act, said the village head and traditional leader of wasur thobias warnal gebze.. whereas in the village of rawa biru the sanctions for people who hunt in forests that have been sasi (piper methysticum) which is a traditional plant or pork cut. customary criminal law sanctions(muchtar, 2015) are necessary because as a law that grows out of history, views of life, and social rules that have been agreed upon by the community, customary criminal law is more closely related to the anthropology and sociology of society than statutory law so that the legal sanctions contained in it it is hoped that it can provide a good deterrent effect for the perpetrators and a warning for others. however, the law that applies in indonesia is positive law. however, because indonesian people are also part of indigenous peoples who have their own rules related to norms, belief, sense of justice, and legal awareness of the community in accordance with the place where he lives then the implementation of customary criminal law is believed to be able to provide a sense of community justice and restore the balance of society, besides enriching the treasures of law enforcement in indonesia. the nature of customary offenses according to hilman hadikusuma(firdaus, 2017) table 2. types of customary violations and their sanctions in merauke number type of offense customary sanctions 1 domestic violence give pork according to the decision of the customary court 2 rape pay some money and give a number of pigs 3 drunk prepare tubers, coconut bananas and other types of plants 4 kangaroo hunting exceeds the stipulated number i was advised ii pay a fine, namely handing over the wati plant iii attaching a life mark with a rope in the hand p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 29-36 34 iv. dead execusion 5 murder give a sister to the victim's family 6 killing by means of suanggi (witchcraft) killed from the available data, it can be seen that the sanctions imposed on customary violations are very diverse, ranging from the lightest sanctions to the most severe ones, namely the death penalty and if one of the litigants does not accept the customary decision it can be proceeded to the national court according to the provisions of article 50 paragraph 4, namely in the event that one of the parties concerned or competing objects to the decision that has been taken by the customary court examining it as referred to in paragraph (3) the objecting party has the right to ask the court at the first level within the judicial body which is authorized to examine and retry the dispute. or the case concerned (farida patitingi, 2003). the types of customary fines above are usually mutually agreed upon by the victims and the perpetrators in the customary court, because these types of customary fines are a means of resolving customary cases in general, and its function as a counterweight in returning a number of neglected customary values. in many cases, the imposition of customary fines has actually created a new kinship between the perpetrator and the victim (awi, 2012). in the types of sanctions that have been mentioned in table 2, some of these sanctions are light and some are fallow, it is classified as a minor fine because the fines given are mostly taken from nature in the village where the case was carried out. an example of a case with severe sanctions is the death penalty and this needs to be reviewed from a ham's point of view, an example of a case that occurred in senegi village, animha district in 2012 was decided through a customary meeting 2 times led by a traditional leader from the imo group in the senegi linus gebze village which decided that yohanis yakobus balagaize should be killed because according to the results of the customary meeting the victim had greatly disturbed the village community that is, often build up by means of suanggi (witchcraft) and also always control the land belonging to other people. according to the customary meeting, the victim was then killed at the specified time and place and the decision of the meeting was accepted sincerely by the family and after the victim's death a traditional ritual was carried out in which the defendant gave two women as well as a pig and wati, however, this case was then processed at the merauke district court with decision number 119 / pid.b / 2012 / pn / mrk with penalties even though it is in accordance with the provisions of article 51 paragraph (6) of law no.21 of 2001 concerning special autonomy for papua province which states that “the decision of the customary court regarding a criminal offense in which the case is not requested for re-examination as referred to in paragraph (4) shall be the final decision and have permanent legal force ”. in the special autonomy law and the perdasus which regulates customary courts, it does not explain in detail the sanctions that can be given to perpetrators who violate customary law so that in this case it cannot be said that the law given exceeds the authority of the law. the decision of the customary court regarding a criminal offense in which the case is not requested for re-examination as referred to in paragraph (4) shall be the final decision and have permanent legal force ”. in the special autonomy law and the perdasus which regulates customary courts, it does not explain in detail the sanctions that can be given to perpetrators who violate customary law so that in this case it cannot be said that the law given exceeds the authority of the law . if examined more deeply in accordance with the provisions of the duham, there are several articles in the duham that do not allow the death penalty, among others, based on article 3 "everyone has the right to life, freedom and personal security (darmawati, 2019). the most extreme form of violation of the right to life is killing or injuring the body or spirit of a person or group(sudantra, 2018) the death penalty clearly violates this article, where the person sentenced to death has been deprived of his life, liberty, and personal security. after all, the death penalty is a punishment that violates the right to life for humans as god's creatures and this is also strengthened according to the international covenant on civil and political rights, namely article 6 paragraph (1) every human being is attached to the right to life. this right must be protected by law. in addition to the regulation of basic rights, namely the right to life as stipulated in the duham, which in this case is linked to the death penalty, there are exceptions to the exercise of this right, namely by having an indepth understanding of the existence of derogable rights, namely in the first case "a public emergency which treatens the life of nation” can be used as a basis for limiting the implementation of basic freedoms, provided that p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 29-36 35 the state of emergency (public emergency) must be officially proclaimed (be officially proclaimed), is limited and must not be discrimination accordance with article 4 paragraph (1) iccpr derogable right, which in essence the death penalty can be carried out, even though it is the same as the loss of a person's life and contrary to the provisions of human rights, namely the right to live however, the problem is that if the perpetrator of the crime has committed a crime that killed another person's life or committed a crime against humanity, it can be carried out with the qualification that the crime is a public endangerment. although the death penalty can be justified, according to the author, it cannot be justified because murder is difficult to prove especially for people who do not come from the same group so that it cannot be used as a basis for giving death sentences. 4. conclusion the customary sanctions in merauke regency do not provide imprisonment and imprisonment sanctions but only in the form of fines and traditional restoration ceremonies ranging from mild to severe sanctions. the types of customary sanctions include the payment of fines in the form of preparing tubers, coconuts, bananas, wati plants, pork, giving of sisters and the death penalty. customary sanctions with the death penalty or what is often referred to as the death penalty are contrary to international human rights provisions, especially article 3 of the duham, namely the right to life. however, there is an exception to this 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(salam, 2019)the form of indonesian criminal law reform is legal regulation in the perspective and https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1613 mailto:rais.suardi@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 93-100 94 achievements after the events and processes of criminal justice, known as restorative justice (dipa rudiana & rai setiabudhi, 2021). data on lpka gorontalo in 2018 were 10 children. then in 2019 it rose to 16 child prisoners. thi s s h o w s that the lack of social reports as important information for law enforcement in considering diversion. the social report itself is related to the track record of children suspected of committing criminal acts. who are the masters; the environment in which they live, how the child behaves on a daily basis; are there any problems with the parents' household, what about their education and many more questions that can show the real situation and condition of the child this research is intended to restore the position of social research (social report) as an important information for law enforcers in taking a policy of doing diversion. so far, especially in gorontalo province, so ci a l reports have not run optimally, the evidence is that many child cases that are resolved do not pay attention to social reports, even though the law stipulates that social reports are imperative or in other words, social reports are mandatory for bapas to assist children in conflict with law in the criminal justice process 2. methodology the type of research used is empirical research, namely research with field data as the main data source, such as the results of interviews and observations. empirical research is used to analyze the law which i s seen as patterned community behavior in people's lives who always interact and relate to social aspects. so the approach in this study uses a qualitative approach, which is a way of analyzing research results that produces analytical descriptive data, namely data that is stated in writi ng or verbally as well as real behavior, which is researched and studied as something complete (qamar, 2017). the stages that the author did to analyze the accuracy of the data after it was obtained were: 1) editing, the first stage is carried out by re-examining the data that has been obtained, especially from i ts completeness, clarity of meaning, suitability and relevance to other data groups so as to maximize research and data quality. 2) classification, reducing existing data by compiling and classifying the data obtained into certain patte rn s or certain problems to facilitate reading and discussion according to research needs. 3) verifying, namely data verification is proving the truth of the data to ensure the validity of the data that has been collected. this verification is done by meeting the data sources (informants, resource perso n s and respondents) and providing the results of interviews with them to respond to whether the data is appropriate or not. 4) analysing, analyzing is the process of describing data that has been classified, then interpreted by linking existing data sources and then analyzed according to the items studied in this study 3. result and discussion the following is the author describes the data in tabular form regarding children in conflict with the law (abh) in the jurisdiction of the gorontalo city police station from 2019 to 2021:. table 1. data on abh cases no year number of cases information 1 2019 12 2 2020 9 3 april 2021 3 amount 24 data source: gorontalo city policy p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 93-100 95 the table above shows that in a period of more than 2 years, from 2019 to april 2021, there were 24 cases of children in conflict with the law, where in 2019 there were 12 cases, then in 2020 there were 9 cases and in 2021 there were 3 cases. while the data relating to the implementation of diversion carried out by police investigators when conducting investigations against children, the authors d escribe in the form of the table below table 2. data on abh cases with diversion no year diversi information 1 2019 7 2 2020 4 3 april 2021 2 amount 13 the table above shows in 2019 where the number of cases of abh cases was 12 cases but only 7 cases were diverted, in 2020 of the nine cases that entered 4 diversion efforts were carried out and in the following year, namely as of april 2021 where the number of cases entered was 3 cases. but only 2 cases can b e diverted 3.1. factors that cause not optimal implementation of social reports by gorontalo penitentiary agains t child cases intended to protect and nurture children who are in conflict with the law so that later the child can return to meet his long future and provide opportunities for children so that through coaching they will regain their identity as independent, responsible, and useful human beings for themselves, their families and society, nation and state. but in practice children are still positioned as objects and treatment of children in conflict with the law te n d s to harm children.(salam, 2019) so with the issuance of the law on the juvenile criminal justice system or abbreviated as uu sppa, namely law number 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile criminal justice system. at least in the sppa law there are several new things that are regulated, incl uding: 1) detention period is 7 days 2) placement of children undergoing the judicial process can be placed in the child special guidance institution (lpka) if there is no lpka then they will be placed in a temporary child placement institution. 3) establishment of police, prosecutors and juvenile judges, so that they are qualified in knowledge about the special conditions and characteristics of children; 4) the most important thing is strict regulation regarding restorative justice and diversion which is intended to avoid and keep children away from the judicial process so as to avoid stigmatization of children in conflict with the law. 5) establishment of community officers consisting of: a) community advisors; b) professional social worker; and c) social welfare personnel. 6) finally, in the case of juvenile criminal justice, it is based on several principles, namely: a) protection; b) justice; c) non-discrimination; d) the best interests of the child; e) respect for the opinion of the child; f) survival and development of children; g) child development and guidance; h) proportional; i) dep ri va ti o n o f liberty and punishment as a last resort; and j) avoidance of retaliation. departing from the results of the author's research when conducting research on 2 (two) institutions, namely the police institution as the front line in handling children's cases, because the juvenile justice pro ce ss i s the position of the police as the first stage in examining children's cases. then the fathers as a community supervisor who in this case is a companion for children who are dealing with the law as well as making reports o n the results of community research (social reports) against children suspected of committing criminal acts. after further observation, the authors found several factors that were the cause of the non -optimal results of community research as a material for consideration of diversion in cases of children suspected of committing criminal acts. there are at least two factors that cause it, namely: 1) lack of understanding of police p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 93-100 96 investigators' functions of community research and diversion, 2) slowness of community research results from the fathers. for more details, the author will describe these two factors as follows: a. lack of understanding of police investigators' functions of community research and diversion in principle, the implementation of diversion by law enforcement officers is based on the authority of la w enforcement officers which is called discretion or in indonesian it is called discretion. eleanora and zainab state that there are several obstacles in the implementation of diversion because there are factors that are not supportive, such as articles 9 and 7 of law no. 11 of 2012 which state that children who are entitled to diversion are abh with a minimum penalty of imprisonment for under 7 years. and is not a repetition of a crime, so not all abh get diversion. lack of knowledge of law enforcement officials about diversion is also an obstacle because these officers are the main implementers of the judicial process lack of understanding of investigators related to the role of social research (social reporting) and diversion. for example, in the case of community research where data entered in 2019 were 12 cases, accordin g to the gorontalo police ppa unit investigator zuhra moha, sh that among the 12 cases, not all of them considered the community research report on the grounds that sometimes the results of research reports from the balais took quite a long time. long while they are being urged to immediately settle the case brought to him one of these conditions is caused by child investigators who do not comply with the standards stated in the sppa law number 11 of 2012 where it is clearly stated that there are at least 3 (three) requirements to become a child investigator, namely: 1) has experience as an investigator; 2) have interest, attention, dedication, and understanding of the child's problems; 3) has attended technical training on juvenile justice. departing from these 3 (three) conditions, the writer then conducted interviews with several child investigators, one of which was an investigator assigned to the ppa unit of the gorontalo police, zuhra moha, sh which basically said that; he was appointed an investigator in accordance with pp number 58 of 2010 concerning the implementation of the criminal procedure code where the condition requires a minimum rank of inspector two police and a minimum education of a bachelor's degree, has served in the field of investigative functions for a minimum of 2 (two) years. ) years and follow and pass the specialization development education of criminal detective function. meanwhile, regarding the conditions referred to in the sppa law, we do not know at all. he even further said that he had never attended any technical training on juvenile justice. from the interview above, according to the author, the appointment of police investigators is indeed in accordance with statutory provisions, even the sppa law itself provides an exception to this requirement where it is stated that if there are no investigators as required in the sppa law, the investigation task is carried out by investigators who carry out their duties. criminal investigations carried out by adults. however, it should be remembered that the intended exception is if there is no investigator in the case of a child, then another investigator can be temporarily replaced. this is where the problem lies, because child investigators appointed to the gorontalo city police only refer to pp number 58 of 2010 concerning the implementation of the criminal procedure code, the appointment of investigators does not pay attention to the sppa law regarding the requirements for the appointment of child investigators. likewise with the understanding of diversion by the ppa unit of the gorontalo city police which interp re ts diversion in a simple way that diversion is limited to bringing together the child of the perpetrator with the ch i l d o f the victim or their respective families so that they can talk. this is clearly not in line with the purpose of the establishment of the juvenile criminal justice system law. article 27 (1) and (2) states article 27 a) in conducting an investigation of a child case, the investigator is obligated to ask for consideration or advice from the social advisor after the criminal act is reported or reported. b) if deemed necessary, the investigator may seek consideration or advice from educational experts, psychologists, psychiatrists, religious leaders, professional social workers or social welfare worke rs, a n d other experts. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 93-100 97 it is clear that the article requires investigators from receiving a complaint that the alleged perpetrator is a child, then immediately submit it to the community counselor to ask for consideration or request a community research report. the sole purpose is that the assistance provided by the fathers and the results of the community research report can provide detailed information about the situation and condition of children suspected of committing criminal acts. so that in making decisions it does not harm either party of the perpetrator or the victim. so in the author's opinion the lack of understanding of investigators related to co mmunity research is not limited to the level of understanding of child investigators on children's conditions but also some of them do not even understand the concept of diversion and the purpose of diversion. whereas the examination process carried out by investigators on children is not carried out in the context of the criminal justice process, but is used as a basis for making decisions by investigators and community advisors. b. the slowness of the results of the community research from the fathers. the second problem that causes community research is not optimal is the slowness of the results of community research by community counselors being submitted to investigators. in fact, the order in article 28 of the sppa law states that the results of community research must be submitted by the fathers to the investigator within a maximum of 3 x 24 (three times twenty-four) hours after the investigator's request is received. however, the reality is that the community research conducted by the community coun selor is considered not optimal, according to the uppa gorontalo police investigator, zuhra moha.sh, a letter requestin g consideration or advice from a community advisor sent by a police investigator takes too long and the results a re sometimes submitted after 1 month. meanwhile, investigators are required to seek diversion within a maximum o f 7 (seven) days after the investigation begins. to obtain balanced information, the author then conducted research on the gorontalo fathers. d e p a rti n g from the statement of the child investigator, the fathers' office also stated the reasons and views related to the investigator's statement which considered that the fathers were not optimal in conducting community research. one of the sources interviewed by the author, rm dwi arnanto as the head of gorontalo fathers, said that: basically, the fathers' office always tries to optimize assistance and timely submission of community research reports to law enforcement, but indeed sometimes the submission of reports on communit y research results for some cases is not optimal but that does not mean that everything is not optimal or not on time, there are also some who we report on time. furthermore, he said that in fact some cases were relatively slow because when collecting info rmation related to the child's track record, our officers often encountered problems in the field, for example it was difficult to get information from the family and the environment around the child's residence, another problem was that it took three days. what is given is very narrow for us with the condition of our resources being minimal, while the scope of the gorontalo fathers is not only gorontalo city but the entire gorontalo province.” the above fact in the opinion of the author, gorontalo fathers, in principle, understands the function of community research very well, only when faced with a condition where they have a fairly small number of personnel, while the area coverage is quite wide, plus there are quite a lot of cases of children in the prov ince. , not to mention the obstacles in the process of preparing research reports, this is what causes the report on the results of community research from the fathers to be hampered 3.2 efforts taken in maximizing social reports so that they become law en forcement considerations in efforts to implement diversion in child cases. one form of renewal that is interesting and important in the law, even in the history of indonesian crimi n a l law, is the inclusion of the concept of restorative justice and diversi on which prioritizes the achievement of justi ce to the improvement and restoration of the original situation. this is clearly different from retributive justice which emphasizes justice in retaliation or restitutive justice which emphasizes justice in comp ensation. the inclusion of diversion as an alternative crime that aims to achieve peace between victims and children, resolve cases outside the judicial process, so as not to cause trauma and stigma to children, prevent children from deprivation of independence, and provide sanctions that focus on the element of education.the application of diversion can be carried out at all levels of examination, namely the stage of investigation, p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 93-100 98 prosecution and examination at a court hearing (vide in article 7 paragraph 1). this is intended to reduce the negative impact of children's involvement in the judicial process. the main principle of implementing the concept of diversion is approach action and providing opportunities for actors to change. officers must demonstrate the importance of obeying the law by means of a persuasive approach and avoid arrest by using violence and coercion to carry out diversion. in article 65 of law number 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile criminal justice system, it is stated that: community counselor duty: a) make a community research report for the benefit of diversion, provide assistance, guidance, and supervision of the child during the diversion process and the implementation of the agreement, including reporting it to the court if diversion is not implemented; b) make community research reports for the purposes of investigation, prosecution, and trial in cases of children, both inside and outside the court, including in lpas and lpka; this is where the role of community research (social report) becomes importa nt, because the topic of social research is related to the track record of children suspected of committing criminal acts, who are the parents, occupation, social environment, how the child behaves in his daily life, whether the child lives without parents. , do the elderly have problems in the household, how are the children's interactions every day and ma n y more questions that can show the real situation and condition of the child . at least there are some efforts taken i n maximizing the role of social research (social report) for the sake of diversion for children who are in confli ct w i th the law, namely: a. social report becomes the main reference at all stages of examination the judicial process in child cases since being arrested, detained, and tried, must be carried out by special officials who understand the problem of children. however, before entering the judicial process, law enforcers, families, and the community are required to seek a settlement process outside the court, namely through diversion based on a restorative justice approach. this law on the juvenile criminal justice system regulates the entire process of resolving cases of children in conflict with the law from the investigation stage to the guidance stage after serving a crime. 1) in the investigation stage, the investigator before conducting an investigation into the case of a child, the investigator is obliged to ask for consideration or advice from the community counselor after the crime is reported or reported. the results of the community research must be submitted by the fathers to the investigator within a maximum of 3 x 24 (three times twenty-four) hours after the investigator's request is received. with the report on the results of the community research made by the bapas then it becomes a consideration for investigators to seek diversion, if the diversion process is successful, the investigator submits the diversion report to the head of the district court to make a determination and if the diversion process fails, the investigator is obliged to continue the investigation. and delegate the case to the public prosecutor by attaching the diversion report and the report on the results of the community research from the bapas. 2) prosecution stage, at this stage after the investigator submits the results of his investigation to the public prosecutor accompanied by a report on the results of the community research. then the public prosecutor i s still obliged to seek diversion by studying the investigation file and the community resea rch report from the fathers. diversion efforts carried out by the public prosecutor are no later than 7 (seven) days after receiving the case file from the investigator. if the diversion process is successful, then the public prosecutor submits the diversion report along with the diversion agreement to the head of the district court for a determination. and if the diversion is not achieved or fails, the public prosecutor is still obliged to submit a diversion report and submit it to the court by attaching a report on the results of community research. 3) the last stage is the examination stage of the trial court, at this stage as the provisions contained in the sppa law which stipulates that the judge in examining and deciding cases of children in the first lev el with a single judge, but in the case of a criminal offense which the penalty is imprisonment of 7 (seven) years or more or in the case that the child's case is difficult to prove, the head of the district court may determine the examination of the child with the panel of judges. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 93-100 99 after the head of the court has determined the judge or panel of judges who will examine the child's ca se , the examination is carried out no later than 3 (three) days after receiving the case file from the public prosecutor. because the judge and the panel of judges are still obliged to seek diversion for every child case that is submitted to them, the diversion effort is carried out no later than 7 (seven) days after being determined by the district court as a judge or panel judge. in the event that the diversion process succeeds in reaching an agreement, the jud g e conveys the minutes of the diversion along with the diversion agreement to the head of the district court for a determination to be made. however, if the diversion process is not successful, the case will proceed to the trial stage. from the three stages above, it is clear that social research has a very important role in the juvenile criminal justice process, at all levels of examination, community research is taken into consideration. by referri n g to the social report, at least it can prevent children from criminal sanctions. even when the community research report is not considered in the judge's decision, the decision is considered null and void. b. community research for diversion interests diversion in law no. 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile criminal justice system as a substance intended to avoid and keep children away from the judicial process so as to avoid stigmatization of children in confli ct w i th the law. the diversion arrangement in law no. 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile criminal justice system has been confirmed by the supreme court with the issuance of supreme court regulation (perma) number 4 of 2014 concerning guidelines for implementing diversion i n the juvenile criminal justice system. this diversion is carried out as a transfer of the settlement of children's cases from the criminal justice process to processes outside of criminal justice. the implementation of diversion is carried out starting fr om the investigation to the trial. diversion can be carried out for criminal acts punishable by imprisonment for under 7 (seven) years; and is not a repetition of a crime. the application of diversion is intended to reduce the negative impact of children's involvement in a judicial process the relationship between diversion and community research, apart from article 65 of the sppa law, as the author has previously stated, can also be found in article 9 of the sppa law where it is clearly stated: article 9 (1) investigators, public prosecutors, and judges in conducting diversion must consider: 1) category of crime; 2) child's age; 3) results of community research from the fathers' council; and 4) family and community support. the article clearly states that investigators, public prosecutors and judges when going to do diversi o n a re obliged to consider the results of community research. this is reaffirmed in the sppa law in article 60 paragraph (3) paragraph (4) which reads: article 60 (3) judges are required to consider the community research report from the community advisor before making a case decision. (4) in the event that the community research report as referred to in paragraph (3) is not considered in th e judge's decision, the decision is null and void. it is clear that the role of community research is very important. because basically the community research is related to several topics related to the track record of children suspected of committing criminal acts. who were his parents and what were his parents' occupations; where does this child live and with whom; how th e child's daily behavior; whether there are problems in the household of his parents; how is this child interacting every day, and there are still many questions that can show the real situation and condition of the child 4. conclusion referring to the results of this study, the author concludes that in realizing a restorative juvenile criminal justice system, it should be accompanied by good implementati on and legal processes by taking into acco u n t a l l forms of consideration before the child gets a court decision. an example is the implementation of social reports or community research whose functions are very useful for children at all levels of examination as a material p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 93-100 100 consideration in an effort to realize diversion for children. fathers have an important role in knowing the background of children to the actions of children who violate the law, this is of course through social research or effective social reports. the suggestion that the author can convey at the end of this paper is that the law on the juvenile criminal justice system should be imperative. and in every examination of children who violate the law, law enforcement officers cannot carry out legal processes before obtaining the results of community research from the bapas.. references dipa rudiana, i. n., & rai setiabudhi, i. k. 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(2011). implementasi ide diversi dalam pembaharuan peradilan pidana anak di indonesia . yogyakarta: genta publishing. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1537 vol. 6 no.1, december 2021 6 soil exploitation and environmental impacts of brick making in wasur 2 merauke regency zegovia parera 1faculty of law, musamus unversty merauke, indonesia *correspondence: z3goviap4rera@gmail.com article history abstract received: 20.10.2021 accepted: 21.11.2021 published: 27.07.2021 merauke regency is a coastal area with muddy soil conditions. sand and gravel materials, because of these conditions the community and housing business actors use red bricks as material for development in merauke district which is currently being carried out in all sectors of life, especially building and housing construction. this research was conducted to determine the process of mining soil for the brick-making process and the impact of mining on the surrounding physical environment. how is the environmental permit granted by the government for the exploitation of brick-making land and how is the merauke regency government's supervision of mining. from the results of this study, it can be concluded that, the brick mining process carried out by brick craftsmen in wasur 2 does not have a production permit from the relevant government agencies and there is no environmental study from the merauke regency environmental agency and there is no regular supervision from the government. and the environment agency of merauke regency so that land exploitation activities are still ongoing which will have an impact on soil degradation and environmental damage and can cause a decrease in the function of top soil which is rich in nutrients as a function of land cover vegetation which can change the structure of the soil and the area. will become increasingly dry and unproductive. keywords: soil exploitation; environmental impact;bricks article licence copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction environmental management is essentially aimed at the survival of human life on earth. environmental is need by human. (safrin salam, pide, patittingi, & nur, 2021) humans as environmental rulers on earth play a major role in determining environmental sustainability. humans as intelli gent creatures of god are able to chang e the face of the world from a simple pattern of life to the modern form of life as it is today. but in reality, what humans do is often not balanced with the thoughts of the future of the next generation. many advanc es achi e ve d by humans have a negative impact on the survival of humans and other creatures in their environment. environmental damage occurs because of actions that cause direct or indirect changes in physical and or biological properties so that the environment no longer functions in supporting sustainable development. humans play a very important role in the environment and have an impact on the surrounding environment, especially in the context of humans meeting their needs, both clothing, food and housi ng/housing and the development of human thought related to technological developments has positive and negati ve imp a cts on our environment. natural phenomena where there are often various natural disasters that occur unexpectedly. hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of rupiah in property due to natural disasters, be it volcanic eruption s, earthquakes and floods. all these disasters are sometimes only seen as natural phenomena, even though greedy humans have contributed to the tragedy (soemarwoto, 2004). in addition to natural disasters, that humans consciously or unconsciously also create natural disasters that result in social disasters. they not only violate the positive law of the state by robbing the wealth controlled by the state, but also damage the environment. the damage is crash the life of human. (safrin salam, 2019a) https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1537 mailto:z3goviap4rera@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 6-14 7 nature becomes unbalanced because its elements have been damaged and resulted in hundreds of humans having to endure prolonged suffering. if this is allowed to continue, the number of victims will increase. in utilizing the environment, humans must realize that what is in the environment is an inseparable unit. "the environment is a unity with all things space, power, state and living beings, including humans and their behavior, which affect the continuity of our lives and well -being of humans and other living things" (soeriaatmadja, 2000) assertions about the environment according to (salim, 2010) "the environment is defin e d as any object, condition of the state and the influence of all things contained in the space we occupy and affect all living things including human life. environment have a source of life for human. (s. salam et al., 2019) natural resources in the environment are generally divided into renewable natural resources (such as forests, fisheries, etc.) and non-renewable natural resources (such as oil, natural gas, coal, gold, etc.) and other minerals). from the point of view of using non-renewable natural resources, they must be used wisely. the results obtained from these natural resources need to be used for renewal and must be managed according to patterns that take into account the sustainability of natural resources. ind onesia is rich in minerals contained in indonesian soil. mining activities in indonesia have clearly opened and developed remote areas. mining is one of the economic activities to improve the welfare and prosperity of the community by utilizing natural resources, human resources, and others. with the mine is expected to be able to improve the standard o f living of the community. mining involves various components in order to support the wheels of the mining success. one of these components is the availability of raw materials to be processed into ready-to-use materials. the raw materials to be processed tend to be obtained from nature. the more people in an area, the more advanced the process of a mine to provide goods or services needed by the co mmunity. this will also ha ve a direct impact on nature and the environment. one of the needs of the community is the need for a place to live/inhabitable houses. one of the raw materials for houses that are most needed by the community is brick. brick (red stone) is one of the raw materials for houses/residential premises produced from clay and water. the process is also very simple, the clay is mixed with water until smooth and soft, then printed on a container to form the desired model, then goes through the drying stage and the last process is burned to strengthen the material. with this simple process, the community tends to exploit land as raw material for the brick (red stone) industry to produce it. the excavated pits as the raw material for the produ ction of bricks are actually a problem for the surrounding environment. one example of the negative impact of this is the reduction of community land for farming, and environmental pollution. mine smoke also in the production of these bricks tend s to pollute the air. mining is part or all of the stages of activities in the context of research, management and exploitation of minerals or coal or other natural elements managed to produce goods and services which include general investigations, exploration, feasibility studies, construction, mining, processing and refining, transportation and sales, as well as post-mining activities carried out by community groups in general or b y the government (supardi, 2003) . the rapid development of new growth in several regions has provided benefits in the development of basic infrastructure, increasing state revenues, and providing employment opportunities. the mining of these mi n e ra l s is regulated in law number 11 of 1967 concerning the main provisions of mining. the explanatory part of arti cl e 3 of law number 11 of 1967 states that the distribution of minerals consists of: 1. group a minerals, namely strategic group minerals. what is meant by strategic is strategic for the defense / security of the state or for the country's economy. 2. group b minerals, namely vital minerals are those that can guarantee the livelihood of many people. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 6-14 8 3. group c minerals, namely minerals that are not included in groups a and b where clay is included in this group. the classification of minerals based on the type of minerals is regulated in law number 4 of 2009 concerning the main provisions of mining. the classification of minerals focuses more on technical aspects, namely based on groups or types of minerals, namely in four groups. 1). radioactive mineral mining, 2).metal mineral mining, 3). one of the non metallic mineral mining is clay, 4). rock mining. the utilization of these excavated materials is contained in the laws and regulations in order to continue to pay attention to the preservation of environmental functions. the regulation, implementation and supervision of these minerals involve the government, businessmen and the community, in line with the thinking of law numbe r 23 of 1997 concerning environmental management which has been amended to law of the republic of indonesia number 32 of 2009 concerning environmental protection and management. . human factors in the mining process that do not pay attention to the environment will certainly have an impact on environmental damage bo th on social and cultural factors, physical factors and biotic factors. social and cultural factors that can affect the level of impact of clay mining activities, including the social level of the community, income leve l, education, occupation and public perception. the socio-cultural impact of mining on the area around the mining area generally lies in the same problem, namely the mining trajectory that must pass through land withprivate property, road buildings as a means of transportation are damaged. the impact of clay mining on the physical environment that may occur is the level of groundwater quality, changes in land form, changes in agricultural productivity in clay mining areas. the use of non-metallic mineral minerals, namely clay, which is carried out by the community as a basic material in making bricks, has a very high economic value for local governments and communities around mining, especially in this case because brick management efforts must be close to raw materials, namely clay, so that transportation costs are needed in the transportation of raw materials. this mining business demands the awareness of the public and miners in protecting the environment at the mining site for these non-metallic minerals. clay, which is used as a raw material and the main ingredient in the process of making bricks, where the location where it is made is also close to the raw material, does not pay attention to environmental sustainabi li ty. this public awareness includes understanding all applicable laws and regulations in the field of environme n t a n d mining. the lack of public awareness and mining entrepreneurs causes damage to the environment around the mining site. in addition, there are certain parties who simply want to take advantage by ignoring environmental conservation. from several non-formal small industries in merauke regency, there is one industrial business that has economic value, namely the brick-making industry. the emergence of this industrial business is like a mush ro o m in the rainy season. grow and even breed in the corner of merauke city because from time to time the number o f businesses continues to grow significantly in line with development developments. the manufacture of bricks, which begins with scaffolding mud, molding, slashing and drying up to the combustion stage, will absorb labor because this type of industry is a labor-intensive business. in addition, it will also lead to other side businesse s i n the form of transportation and trade. the presence of this brick industry has existed for a long time as a type of community business carried out by individuals or families, in addition to other businesses such as agriculture. the type of soil found in merauke regency consists of organosol, alluvial and gray hydromorphic soils found in swamp and brackish areas. this type of soil is formed from sedimentary artificial parent material that spreads in the districts of okaba, merauke and kimaam. one of the locations for the brick industry center in merauke city is wasur. of the 4 districts around merauke city, there are 3 districts with large brick industries, namely wasur 2 (merauke district), semangga (tanah miring district), salor (kurik district) and rawa sari (kurik district). p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 6-14 9 however, the author is interested in conducting research in wasur 2 (merauke district) considering that this a re a is the closest to the city center and there are many brick industries and clay contours as the main material for making bricks in this area are considered better than some other places based on the results of surveys, interviews and data obtained by the authors in the field. from 1996 to 2021, the brick industry in wasur 2 village had 150 business units with an average production capacity of 1,000 ± pieces per day. since the beginning of the production of bricks, craftsmen did not get a permit based on an operating license according to the mineral and coal law (galian c). based on arti cl e 6 paragraph 1 letter b of law number 4 of 2009 concerning minerals and coal, the g overnment has the authority to form laws and regulations as a form of management. the types of minerals that are currently available in merauke are included in the classification of minerals c based on the government regulation of the re p u b l i c o f indonesia number 27 of 1980 concerning the classification of minerals. article 2 (1) government regulation of the republic of indonesia number 27 of 1980 concerning classification of minerals "the transfer of minerals fro m one group to another as referred to in article 1 shall be stipulated by a government regulation". mining activities for brick production are increasingly worrying, because mining activities are incre a si n g l y widespread and are mostly carried out in productive areas. continuous excavation of the soi l causes the fertile soil layer to decrease, even disappear. after mining, the land is degraded due to exploitation on a large scale. after the excavation, most of the land was left alone without any further management. during the dry season, the ex-mining land will look with holes, while during the rainy season it is full of puddles. in the amdal there a re tw o types of limitations on impact: 1). the impact of development on the environment prior to construction and which is expected to occur after construction; 2). the impact of development on the environment is the difference between environmental conditions that are expected to exist without development and those that are expecte d to exist because of the development (soemarwoto, 2014) . the problem with the management of minerals is currently getting out of control, after the issuance of l a w number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government which transferred several nomenclatures that were originally the authority of the district to become the authority of the province. one of them, the mining service which was originally located in the district was transferred to the province, so that it lost control o ver the management of minerals. the second problem is, the excavation site currently being carried out by the community has not been accommodated in the amdal which should have been issued by the merauke r e g e n cy blh (environmental agency), the excavation site currently being carried out by the community is an inappropriate location. continues to be carried out on the grounds that community mining is the livelihood of the people who live around the location, and is supported by the absence of government regulations to become an alternative to other employment opportunities. the third problem is that the community's need for basic building materials is getting higher. not only the community, government projects in building infrastructure still use local minerals. the fo u rth problem, because there is a legal vacuum, the elements carrying out the excavation are out of control. the buying and selling price has become uneven, the quality of the excavation is in doubt. so it becomes necessary to research to become a product of legislation so that the management of min erals in merauke regency is controlled again. in addition, the clay processing industry is one of the industrial businesses that must have a permit from the merauke regency government and is also subject to a levy. this study is intended to determine the clay mining process and the impact of clay mining on the surrounding physical environment. in this study, the impact of clay mining is limited by researchers with various aspects such as the level of groundwater quality, changes in land form, changes in ag ricultural productivity i n th e area around clay mining. the focus of this research is, how is the environmental permit granted by the government for the exploitation of brick-making land and how is the merauke regency government's supervision efforts towards clay mining for brick making. the purpose of this research can be achieved through two objectives, namely analyzing the laws and regulations related to environmental permits and business permi ts p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 6-14 10 for the implementation of clay mining into bricks and analyzing the monitoring efforts made by the government on permits issued for the clay mining and brick making process. 2. methodology this research was conducted in merauke regency, papua province. considering that merauke r e g e n cy has rapid growth in the residential sector and has a high population growth rate and requires bricks as building materials with the main raw material being clay. the type of research used is empirical law research, in addi ti o n to studying the law theoretically or normatively, it will also examine the law in its implementation. the population in this study is the community that owns the brick mining, the head of the industrial development and development section of the cooperative, msme, industry, and trade office of the regency. merauke, head of government section of rimba jaya village, merauke regency environment agency. the sample is 14 people, consisting of 10 respondents, namely the mining community and 4 resource persons consisting of the relevant department. the method of determining the sample is purposive sampling, i.e. taking informants intentionally and the informants used are those who really understand and can be trusted to b e a valid source of data and know the problems in depth about the problems being studied (sutopo, 2006) . data collection methods used in this study are a. interviews by visiting sources and respondents, and conducting direct questions and answers, the types of questions are organized and structured. b. docu mentati o n by collecting data related to this research. analysis primary data and secondary data were analyzed qualitative l y by using a theoretical basis in explaining existing phenomena, or data from the information obtained were presented descriptively, namely describing, describing, and explaining in accordance with problems that were closely related to research. 3. result and discussion 3.1 merauke overview merauke districtdistrict is a geographical area of merauke regency which is the southern part of papua province. merauke district is the capital of merauke regency. merauke district is located between 140°060°–140°080° east longitude and 70°70°–80°40° south latitude. merauke district has an area of 640.91 km2 or 3 percent of the total area of merauke district. merauke district has 11 sub-districts: bambu pemali, seringgu jaya, mandala, muli, maro, karang indah, rimba jaya, kelapa lima, samkai, kamahedoga, and kamu ndu. and 5 villages: bokem, nasem, nggolar, and wasur. wasur village is the largest area, reaching 505.99 km2 or 30.96 percent, while bambu pemali village is the smallest area which only reaches 3.62 km2 or 0.22 percent of the total are a o f merauke district. merauke district is limited by several districts and neighboring countries. to the north it is bordered b y th e sota district, to the east by papua new guinea, to the south by the naukenjerai district, and to the west by the semangga district. merauke district is a lowland that has a height of 5 to 20 meters above sea level. the population of merauke district based on data from the bps in 2019 was 101,784 people consisting of 51,637 men and 50,147 women. like the condition of the city in general where the mo st densely populated residential areas are in the city center. merauke district is the heart of merauke regency and rimba jaya village is the most densely populated residential area with a density of 19,741 people per sq. km. while the lowest density level is i n pemali bambu village with a population of 7,955 people per square km. 3.2 laws and regulations related to the granting of rock mining business permits the law exist to enforcement of law. (safrin salam, 2019b) currently, mining activities that are better known are mining for metal mineral commodities, including: gold, copper, nickel, bauxite and coal commodities. in addition to these main mineral commodities and coal, rock commodities have an equally important role, especially p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 6-14 11 in providing material support for infrastructure development, including: construction of road infrastructure facilities, construction of housing and office buildings. terminology of group c minerals previously regula ted in law n o . 1 1 of 1967 has been changed based on law no. 4 of 2009, into rock, so that the use of the term class c minerals is no longer appropriate and has been changed to rock. mining activities have started a new phase since the promulgation of the l atest minerba law, name l y l a w no. 03 of 2020 concerning mineral and coal mining. many new things are discussed in this minerba l a w , o n e o f which is about rock mining. in the new minerba law, mining businesses are grouped into 2, namely ; mineral mining and coal mining. mineral mining is classified into 4, namely: a. radioactive mineral mining, including: radium, thorium, uranium b. metallic mineral mining, including: gold, copper c. non-metallic mineral mining, including: diamond, bentonite d. rock mining, including: andesite, soil clay, backfill, excavated gravel from hills, river pebbles, backfill sand. rock mining in the new minerba law is not in the form of a mining business permit (iup) but in the form o f a rock mining permit (sipb). table 1. differences in rock mining in law no. 04 of 2009 and law no. 03 of 2020 no. contents of comparisonal law no. 4/2009 law no. 3/2020 1. permit form iup exploration sipb iup production operation 2. issued by the government (ministers, governors and regents) according to their authority. local government 3. issued to business entities enterprises/bumdes cooperative private business entitydomestic individual cooperative companyindividual 4. size of iup exploration 5-5000ha hamaximum 50 iup op 1,000 ha 5. terms maintenance administrative requirements, technical, environmental and financial. administrative, technical, environmental and financial requirements include coordinates and area. 6. can be mined if it meets the increasing requirements iup production operation iup exploration to mine planning documents: reserves -information -plan mining environmental -dokumen 7. loading of iup load: devsis contain: company name; name of sipb holder; an area; tax id number; mining sites; location and area; p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 6-14 12 location of processing and refining, transportation and sales; working capital; investment capital; types of mining commodities; the validity period of the iup; the validity period of sipb; and the duration of the activity stage; rights and obligations of sipb holders. settlement of land issues; the environment including reclamation and post-mining; reclamation and post-mining guarantee funds; iup extension; the rights and obligations of the iup holder; plans for community development and empowerment around mining areas; taxation; pnbp consisting of fixed contributions and production fees; k3 utilization of domestic goods, services and technology; application of good economic and mining engineering principles; the data was processed by the author in 2021 based on law no. 03 of 2020 concerning mineral and coal mining, article 86a paragraph: 1) sipb is granted for the exploitation of certain types of rock mining or for certain purposes. 2) sipb as referred to in paragraph (1) may be issued to: a. regional-owned enterprises/village-owned enterprises; b. private business entities in the context of domestic investment; c. cooperative; or d. sole proprietorship. 3) further provisions regarding certain types of rock or for certain purposes as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be regulated by or based on a government regulation. 4) the sipb as referred to in paragraph (1) is given by the minister based on a request from a regional-own e d enterprise/village-owned enterprise, private enterprise for domestic investment, cooperatives, or individual companies, which have met the administrative, technical, environmental, and environmental require ments. and financially. 5) in addition to the administrative, technical, environmental and financial requirements as referred to in paragraph (4), the sipb application must be accompanied by the coordinates and area of a certain type of rock or for certain purposes requested. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 6-14 13 6) sipb as referred to in paragraph (1) consists of stages of planning, mining, processing, and transportation and sales activities. 7) sipb holders can start mining immediately after having mining planning documents. 8) the planning document as referred to in paragraph (1) consists of: a. technical documents containing at least information on reserves and mining plans; and b. environmental documents. as explained in article 86a paragraph (4), the sipb as referred to in paragraph (1) is given by the ministe r based on a request from a regional-owned enterprise/village-owned enterprise, private enterprise for domestic investment, cooperatives, or individual companies. , which has met the administrative, technical, environmental and financial requirements. based on the results of an interview with the head of the merauke regency environmental agency regarding the rock mining permit (sipb) issued by the mera uke regency environmental agency for the brick industry business in wasur 2, rimba jaya village, it was obtained an explanation that the merauke regency environmental agency had never issued a permit to conduct brick mining in wasur 2. the permits held by these business owners are mostly only up to the lurah and camat levels. this is based on the results of the author's interview with the head of the industrial development and development section of the department of cooperatives, msmes, industry, and trade in merauke regency; that there are only a few brick industry businesses that obtain direct permission from the disperindag but the rest of these craftsmen only have business permits at the local level. the lurah and the camat don't even have a permit at all or are illegal. the author also obtained the same information from an interview with the head of the industrial development and development section of the merauke regency cooperative, msme, industry and trade office, the head of the rimba jaya village government section, that the average brick craftsman did not have a permit at all. these brick industry business owners only get permission from the land owner and charge a land rental fee of idr 10,000 each time they produce bricks. so that brick mining activities do not damage the environment, it is necessary to applygood mining practices. in addition to paying attention to occupational health and safety, they also carry out environmental management in ex-mining areas. mining is not only for temporary needs, but also must pay attention to environmental sustainability. the former mines will later be passed on to their children and grandchildren, if environmental degradation occurs it will also be inherited. in fact, this clay processing industry is an industrial business that must obtain a permit in order to facilitate the merauke regency government in terms of supervision and is subject to a levy in accordance with the merauke regency regional regulation number 12 of 2011 concerning certain licensing retribution. with the development of this brick industry business, if it is regulated systematically and according to procedural, it can obtain employment opportunities that provide income. many family heads depend on this industry for their fate, so that the burden of the merauke regency government in providing employment opportunities is also getting easier. with various jobs in producing bricks starting from scaffolding mud, molding, drying, lifting to the combustion process, it will absorb labor, not to menti on the connection with consumers wh i ch will lead to trading and transportation activities. with this activity, the transportation sector will also be opened to facilitate relations between local residents and other residents. however, it is not only the profit that comes from this industrial business, the negative impact is also important. it is also important to save topsoil in mining areas. before mining, residents should take topsoil first and store it. this topsoil is found in the excavation area with a thickness of up to 30 cm. however, in practice most miners do not separate this topsoil, topsoil is also taken for brick making. land management needs to be done to restore the function of ex-mining land by means of reclamation. the first step is structuring ex-mining land. if it is not stockpiled, it can be done by optimizing the ex-mining excavated land by making it a fish pond or culinary tourism spot that can be a source of income by looking at the natural conditions and scenery around th i s area which is very suitable as a place to travel. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 6-14 14 based on the phenomena above, it is indicated that: 1. the brick-making industry is still not in an orderly manner in merauke regency, so that the surrounding community feels uncomfortable, especially during the brick burning process, the smoke enters the residential area. this can also be seen by the destruction of the quality and quantity of the land around them so that the land is in crisis due to excessive mining exploitation. 2. lack of supervision by the merauke regency government, this is indicated by the large number of brick-making industry businesses that do not have business permits. so from the description above it is very clear that the brick industry is one of the industries that must have a permit and also be subject to a levy which will go to the merauke regency treasury. however, the phenomenon that occurs in the field is that there are still many industrial business owners who do not apply for permits to the regency industry and trade office and the amd al issued b y the blh (environmental agency) of merauke regency. 4. conclusion the mining process of bricks made by craftsmen brick in wasur 2 does not have a production license from government institutions concerned and not their environmental studies fro m the merauke regency environmental agency. in running their activities, there is no periodic supervision from the government and the merauke regency environmental agency so that land exploitation activities are still ongoing which will have an i mp a ct o n soil degradation and environmental damage and can lead to a decrease in the function of top soil which rich in 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(2006). introduction to qualitative research. surakarta: sebelas maret university press. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 170 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana oleh wahyu rizki kartika ilahi mahasiswa pascasarjana magister hukum universitas airlangga abstract healthy is very important for every people, keep healthy is very important, if some people ill and must opname when the doctor must get to make medic for some people, but the end of get medic is unsatisfactory result.in the term of unsatisfactory result from get medic, make medical loss for patient and patient’s family, in medical loss result make many issues for doctor. but must know in the fact, not every unsatisfactory result get responsibility.this thesis make a normative yuridis metode with statue approach and conceptualapproach metode. in this thesis discuss about responsibility doctor for medical risks and medical risks which can be account for by doctor. key words :medical risks, negligence, accountability doctor a. pendahuluan a state of complete physical, mental, and social, well being and not merely the absence of desease or infirmity(hermien hadiati koeswadji, 1992: hlm 17). pernyataan tersebut jika di artikan secara bebas bahwa sebuah keadaan fisik, mental, dan sosial, kesejahteraan, bukan hanya mengenai adanya penyakit atau kelemahan. kesehatan adalah keadaan sehat, baik secara fisik, mental, spiritual maupun sosial yang memungkinkan setiap orang untuk hidup produktif secara sosial dan ekonomis.kesehatan merupakan harta yang paling berharga di dunia ini maka dari itu upaya peningkatan mutu kesehatan semakin diupayakan. pengupayaan peningkatan kesehatan oleh negara ini tidak lain bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia. jika kualitas hidup manusia meningkat maka kesejahteraan pun akan di dapat. dalam undang–undang dasar negara republik indonesia tahun 1945 pasal 28a tercantum “setiap orang berhak untuk hidup serta berhak mempertahankan hidup dan kehidupannya”. berhak mempertahankan hidup dan kehidupannya berarti setiap orang berhak untuk mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama untuk mempertahankan hidup dan kehidupannya. mempertahankan hidup juga termasuk berhak untuk mendapatkan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 171 pelayanan kesehatan yang baik. oleh sebab itu peningkatan mutu pelayanan kesehatan semakin digencarkan. kebijakan–kebijakan yang diambil oleh pemerintah haruslah mencakup semua lini dan lapisan masyarakat karena kesehatan juga menjadi salah satu hak asasi manusia yang dilindungi dan dijamin oleh negara. dalam pasal 28h undang–undang dasar negara republik indonesia tahun 1945 ditekankan bahwa “setiap orang berhak hidup sejahtera lahir dan batin, bertempat tinggal, dan mendapatkan lingkungan hidup yang baik dan sehat serta berhak memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan”. pemerintah dalam upaya peningkatan mutu kesehatan haruslah dapat membentuk produk–produk hukum yang mendukung peningkatan mutu para dokter dan petugas medisserta pengembangan teknologi-teknologi medis. produk–produk hukum tersebut juga harus mengatur bagaimana pelayanan kesehatan yang lebih baik dan melindungi para petugas medis serta pasien agar dapat melaksanakan kewajiban dan menerima haknya dengan seoptimal mungkin. hubungan dokter dan pasien sudah berjalan sejak masa hipocrates dan terus berkembang hingga sekarang. perkembangan terus bergulir hingga terjadi pergantian teknologi,perkembangan ilmiah serta sosial, perkembangan ini sendiri mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan cara pelayanan kesehatan serta tindakan–tindakan medis yang dilakukan oleh dokter. hal ini merupakan tantangan bagi konsep–konsep dan kewajiban– kewajiban moral para tenaga medis dan masyarakat yang secara nyata berlaku saat ada pasien yang sakit atau mengalami resiko medis atas dilakukannya tindakan medis oleh dokter. suprapti samil (2007,hlm.60-61) mengatakan bahwa hubungan antar manusia (baca hubungan antara dokter dengan pasien), hubungan antara dokter dengan pasien telah diatur dengan nilainilai kesopanan (mores),yang berarti adat istiadat, kelakuan, tabiat, watak, akhlak dan kesusilaan (ethica). dimana selanjutnya dikatakan oleh suprapti samil di dalam kodeki 1980 bahwa istilah etik terbentuk dari dua perkataan yanitu “mores of a community” dan “ethos of the people”. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 172 konsep tersebut mengandung makna bahwa dalam hubungan antara dokter dengan pasien harus didasari oleh nilai – nilai dan moral serta itikad yang baik demi terselenggaranya pelayanan kesehatan yang baik dan berkesinambungan.hubungan dokter – pasien yang dahulu bersifat paternalistik dan kepercayaan (trust, vertrouwen, fiduciary relationship) kini sudah mengalami erosi. kepercayaan mulai goyah. jika dahulu pasien percaya saja apa yang dilakukan oleh profesi dokter,kini masyarakat mulai mempertanyakan jika pengobatannya tidak berhasil,berakibat cacat berat, atau bahkan sampai meninggal(guwandi: 2009,hal 1-2). dalam hubungan antara dokter dan pasien dikenal perjanjian terapeutik, perjanjian terapeutik atau transaksi terapeutik adalah perjanjian antara dokter dengan pasien yang memberikan kewenangan kepada dokter untuk melakukan kegiatan memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada pasien berdasarkan keahlian dan keterampilan yang dimiliki oleh dokter tersebut (annyisfandyarie: 2006,hlm 57). komalawati terhadap perjanjian teraupetik berlaku hukum perikatan yang diatur dalam buku iii kuhperdata, sebagaimana disebutkan di dalam pasal 1320 kuhperdata yang berbunyi : “ semua perjanjian, baik yang mempunyai suatu nama khusus,maupun yang tidak dikenal dengan suatu nama tertentu, tunduk pada peraturan umum, yang termuat dalam bab ini dan bab yang lalu”. namun perjanjian teraupetik berbeda dengan perjanjian pada umumnya karena memiliki objek perjanjian ynang berbeda dengan perjanjian pada umumnya. perjanjian teraupetik atau trandaksi teraupetik termasuk dalam inspanningverbintenis atau perjanjian upaya, karena dokter tidak mungkin menjanjikan kesembuhan kepadapasien, yang dilakukan dokter adalah melakukan pelayanan kesehatan sebagai upaya untuk menyembuhkan pasien perjanjian teraupetik mengikat layaknya undang – undang bagi dokter maupun pasien. seperti halnya yang diatur di dalam pasal 1338 kuhperdata yang berbunyi : “ semua perjanjian yang dibuat secara sah berlaku sebagai undang – undang bagi mereka yang membuatnya”. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 173 profesi dokter juga memiliki etik kedokteran. etik kedokteran adalah norma dan asas yang berlaku bagi para dokter sebagai landasan dalam menjalankan profesinya. dalam praktiknya apa yang dimaksud dengan etik kedokteran ini,mempunyai dua sisi dimana satu sama lain saling terkait dan saling pengaruh – mempengaruhi. kedua sisi tersebut adalah: pertama, etik jabatan atau yang dikenal dengan istilah medical ethics, yaitu menyangkut masalah yang berhubungan dengan sikap para dokter terhadap sejawatnya,sikap dokter tehadap para pembantunya dan sikap para dokter terhadap masyarakat dan pemerintah. kedua,etik asuhan atau yang dikenal dengan sebutan ethics of the medical care,yaitu, merupakan etik kedokteran dalam kehidupan sehari – hari mengenai sikap dan tindakan seorang dokter terhadap penderita yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya(bahder johan nasution: 2013, hlm 9). dewasa ini sering muncul kasus – kasus dalam pelayanan kesehatan yang mengakibatkan kinerja dokter diragukan serta mengancam keberlangsungan karir seorang dokter. kasus yang paling baru adalah kasus operasi sesar yang mengakibatkan kematian pasiennya dilakukan olehdokter dewa ayu sasiary prawan. pada kasus dokter dewa ayu sasiary prawan, majelis hakim pengadilan negeri dan pengadilan tinggi memutus bebas namun majelis hakim tingkat kasasi memutus bersalah dokter ayu. pada saat peninjauan kembali, dokter ayu diputus bebas oleh hakim. kasus-kasus tersebut diajukan ke pengadilan karena terdapat ketidakpuasan atas hasil dari pelayanan kesehatan yang dilakukan oleh dokter maupun adanya indikasi kesalahan prosedur atau kode etik kedokteran. pengertian resiko medis tidak dirumuskan secara eksplisit dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada. namun secara tersirat resiko medis disebutkan di dalam beberapa pernyataan yang ada mengenai resiko terhadap tindakan medis(anny isfandyarie: 2005,hlm38). resiko atas dijalankannya pelayanan medis sangat tidak dapat diprediksi karena petugas medis hanya bisa berupaya semaksimal mungkin untuk melakukan penanganan medis. sekalipun dapat diduga apa saja resiko medis yang dapat terjadi,tetap saja tidak dapat dipastikan resiko mana yang akan diperoleh pasien atas penanganan petugas medis tersebut. tidak jarang resiko medis yang terjadi berujung pada issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 174 kematian sehingga petugas medis dalam hal ini dokter diduga melakukan kesalahan atau kelalaian yang mengakibatkan kematian seseorang. berdasarkan pada pemaparan dalam latar belakang dan uraian masalah diatas, maka ruang lingkup penelitian dapat diambil rumusan permasalahan antara lain yaituapa kategori tindakan medis yang termasuk resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dan bagaimana pertanggungjawaban pidana terhadap resiko medis yang berujung kelalaian medis bagi dokter b. metode penelitian tipe penelitian yang digunakan ialah penelitian secara normative, yaitu metode pendekatan melalui pengkajian terhadap asas asas hukum dan sistematika hukum yang ada di dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. sehingga penelitian secara normative ini dapat fokus pada inventarisasi hukum positif, dan penemuan hukum dalam perkara inconcreto dalam penanganan kasus. dalam penyusunan dan penulisan skripsi ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan masalah dengan beberapa metode yang ada yaitu ; metode pendekatan undang-undang (statute approach), pendekatan kasus (case approach), dan pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach). peter mahmud marzuki (2013:33) menguraikan pendekatan pendekatan yang digunakan digunakan dalam penelitian diatas sebagai berikut : pendekatan undang-undang (statute approach) dilakukan dengan menelaah semua peraturan perundang-undangan dan regulasi yang bersangkut paut dengan permasalahan yang sedang dibahas. pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach) adalah pendekatan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan pijakan pandangan-pandangan dan doktrin doktrin yang berkembang dalam ilmu hukum yang terkait dengan kelalailan medis. c. pembahasan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 175 konsep kelalaian medis dan pembuktiannya kelalaian dalam hukum pidana disebut juga dengan kealpaan. langemeyer “kealpaan adalah suatu struktur yang sangat gecompliceerd. dia mengandung dalam satu pihak kekeliruan dalam perbuatan lahir dan menunjuk kepada adanya keadaan batin yang tertentu, dan di lain pihak keadaan batinnya itu sendiri”(moeljatno:1993,hlm200). van hammel mengatakan bahwa kealpaan itu mengandung dua syarat yaitu : 1. tidak mengadakan penduga – duga sebagaimana diharuskan oleh hukum. 2. tidak mengadakan penghati – hati sebagaimana diharuskan oleh hukum. konsep kelalaian dalam kitab undang – undang hukum pidana (kuhp) dijelaskan dalam pasal 359 dan pasal 360 kuhp : pasal 359 kuhp “barangsiapa karena kealpaannya menyebabkan matinya orang lain diancam pidana penjara paling lama lima tahun atau kurungan paling lama satu tahun”. pasal 360 ayat (1) kuhp “barangsiapa karena kelapaannya menyebabkan orang lain mendapat luka – luka berat, diancam pidana penjara paling lama lima tahun atau kurungan paling lama satu tahun”. pasal 360 ayat (2) kuhp “barangsiapa karena kealpaannya menyebabkan orang lain luka – luka sedemikian rupa sehingga timbu penyakit atau halangan menjalankan pekerjaan jabatan atau pencarian selama waktu tertentu, diancam dengan pidana penjara paling lama sembilan bulan atau kurungan paling lama enam bulan atau denda paling tinggi tiga ratus rupiah”. kelalaian medis atau dalam bahasa sehari – hari dikenal dengan istilah malpraktek merupakan salah satu kejadian atau fenomena yang akhir – akhir ini muncul dan menjadi sorotan khalayak. hal ini dikarenakan beberapa pasien mengalami resiko medis berupa kematian ataupun cacat dan mengakibatkan banyaknya gugatan yang dilayangkan pasien terhadap dokter. kelalaian dalam hukum medis sering disebut dengan negligence. negligence adalah hal yang manusiawi yang sering dialami oleh manusia karena manusia tidaklah sempurna. menurut guwandi (2004:29) seseorang dikatakan lalai apabila ia bertindak acuh atau tidak issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 176 pedulian.tidak memperhatikan kepentingan orang lain sebagaimana lazimnya di dalam tata-pergaulan hidup masyarakat. pengertian kelalaian medis sendiri menurut hermien hadiati koeswadji secara harfiah berarti bad practice atau praktek buruk yang berkaitan dengan praktek penerapan ilmu dan teknologi medik dalam menjalankan profesi medik yang mengandung ciri – ciri khusus. karena malpraktek berkaitan dengan “how to practice the medical science and technology”, yang sangat erat hubungannya dengan sarana kesehatan atau tempat melakukan praktek dan orang yang melaksanakan praktek,maka pendapat hermien lebih cenderung menggunakan istilah “maltreatment (syahrul machmud: 2008, hlm13). black law dictionary sebagaimana dikutip oleh hm.soedjatmiko, merumuskan malpraktek sebagai : ”any profesional misconduct, unreasonable lack of skill or fidelity in professional or judiary duties, evil practice, or illegal or immoral conduct ..........” (perbuatan jahat seseorang ahli, kekurangan dalam keterampilan yang di bawah standar, atau tidak cermatnya seorang ahli dalam menjalankan kewajibannya secara hukum, praktek yang jelek atau illegal atau perbuatan yang tidak bermoral) anny isfandyarie, menyimpulkan sebagai kesalahan dokter karena tidak mempergunakan ilmu pengetahuan dan tingkat keterampilan sesuai dengan standar profesinya yang akhirnya mengakibatkan pasien terluka atau cacat badan bahkan meninggal dunia. r.hariadi, malpraktek adalah praktek yang buruk: melakukan yang seharusnya tidak dilakukan atau tidak melakukan apa yang sebenarnya dilakukan. istilah malpraktek berlaku untuk semua jenis profesi termasuk dokter, akuntan, pengacara dan sebagainya. di bidang kedokteran bila seorang dokter melakukan malpraktek disebut malpraktek kedokteran atau malpraktek medik (medical malpractice). j guwandi, dengan mengutip beberapa pendapat hakim dalam beberapa kasus yang pernah terjadi atau kamus–kamus mengutarakan pengertian malpraktek sebagai berikut : a. kasus valentin v. society se bienfaisance de los angeles, california, 1956 dirumuskan : issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 177 malpraktek adalah kelalaian dari dari seorang dokter atau perawat untuk menerapkan tingkat keterampilan dan pengetahuannya di dalam memberikan pelayanan pengobatan dan perawatan terhadap seorang pasien yang lazimnya diterapkan dalam mengobati dan merawat orang sakit atau terluka di lingkungan wilayah yang sama. “malpractice is the neglect of a physician or nurse to apply that degree of skill and learning on treating and nursing a patient which is customary applied in treating and caring for the sick or wounded similarly in the same community”. b. steadman’s medical dictionary malpraktek adalah salah cara mengobati suatu penyakit atau luka, karena disebabkan sikap – tindak yang acuh, sembarangan atau berdasarakan motivasi kriminal. “malpractice is mistreatment of a disease or injury throught ignorance, carelessness of criminal intent”. c. coughlin’s dictionary of law malpraktek adalah “sikap-tindak profesional yang salah dari seorang yang berprofesi, seperti dokter, ahli hukum, akuntan, dokter gigi, dokter hewan. malpraktek bisa diakibatkan karena sikap-tindak yang bersifat tak pedulian, kelalaian. atau kekurangan keterampilan atau kehati – hatian di dalam pelaksanaan kewajiban profesionalnya; tindakan salah atau praktek yang bersifat tidak etis”. “professional misconduct on the part of a professional person, such as a physician, engineer, lawyer, accountant, dentist, veterinarian.malpractice may be the result of ignorance, neglect, or lack of skill or fidelity in the performance of professional duties;intentional wrongdoing or unethical practice”. d. black’s law dictionary malpraktek adalah setiap sikap-tindak yang salah, kekurangan keterampilan dalam ukuran tingkat yang tidak wajar. istilah ini umumnya dipergunakan terhadap sikaptindak dari para dokter, pengacara, dan akuntan. kegagalan untuk memberikan pelayang profesional dan melakukan pada ukuran tingkat keterampilan dan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 178 kepandaian yang wajar di dalam masyarakatnya oleh teman sejawat rata – rata dari profesi itu, sehingga mengakibatkan luka, kehilangan atau kerugian pada penerima pelayanan tersebut yang cenderung menaruh kepercayaan terhadap mereka itu. termasuk di dalamnya setiap sikap-tindak profesional yang salah, kekurangan keterampilan yang tidak wajar atau kurang kehati – hatian atau kewajiban hukum, praktek buruk, atau illegal atau sikap immoral. “any professional misconduct, unreasonable lack of skill. this term is usually applied to such conduct by doctors, lawyers, and accountants. failure of one rendering professional services to exercise that degree of skill and learning commonly applied under all the circumstances in the community by the average prudent reputable member of the profession with the result of injury, loss or damage to the recipient of those entitled to rely upon them. it is any professional misconduct, unreasonable lack of skill or fidelity in professional or judiciary duties, evil practice, or illegal or immoral conduct”. e. the oxford illustrated dictionary,2nd ed., 1975 malpraktek = sikap-tindak yang salah; (hukum) pemberian pelayanan terhadap pasien yang tidak benar oleh profesi medis; tindakan yang illegal untuk memperoleh keuntungan sendiri sewaktu dalam posisi kepercayaan. “malpratice = wrongdoing; (law) improper treatment of patient by medical attendant; illegal action for one’s own benefit while in position trust’. maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa yang dimaksud dengan malpraktek adalah : 1. melakukan sesuatu yang seharusnya tidak boleh dilakukan oleh seorang tenaga kesehatan. 2. tidak melakukan apa yang seharusnya dilakukan atau melalikan kewajiban (negligence) 3. melanggar suatu ketentuan menurut atau berdasarkan peraturan perundang – undangan. m yusuf hanafiah (1999:87), malpraktek adalah kelalaian seorang dokter untuk mempergunakan tingkat keterampilan dan ilmu pengetahuan yang lazim dipergunakan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 179 dalam mengobati pasien atau orang yang terluka menurut ukuran di lingkungan yang sama. dari beberapa pendapat ahli tersebut dapat ditarik sebuah pernyataan bahwa kelalaian medis merupakan kondisi dimana seorang dokter atau tenaga medis melakukan penyimpangan terhadap kode etik kedokteran,standar profesi dokter dan standar operasional prosedur (sop) saat melakukan tindakan medis terhadap pasiennya sehingga mengakibatkan kerugian yang diderita pasien akibat dari tindakan medis tersebut. tolok ukur sekaligus syarat pembuktian kelalaian medis (guwandi, jakarta: 2009 hlm 11) di negara anglo saxon adalah konsep “4d” dari negligence yang terdiri atas : 1. duty harus ada hubungan dokter – pasien, sehingga ada kewajiban dokter untuk mengobati pasien 2. dereliction of that duty terdapat suatu penyimpangan dari “duty” pada pihak dokter karena ternyata ia tidak melakukan kewajibannya menurut standar profesi. 3. direct causation sehingga timbul suatu kerugian 4. damage namun harus ada kaitan secara langsung antara tindakan yang dilakukan oleh dokter dan kerugian yang timbul. keterkaitan resiko medis dan kelalaian medis pengertian resiko medis tidak dijelaskan secara rinci dan jelas di dalam peraturan perundang – undangan yang ada. oleh karena itu banyak orang yang menyalahartikan tentang resiko medis sehingga banyak tuntutan terhadap dokter di dalam pengadilan. resiko medis secara tersirat disebutkan dalam beberapa pernyataan sebagai berikut : 1. informed consent secara tertulis merupakan salah satu cara yang perlu dilakukan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 180 untuk melindungi dokter dari tuntutan pasien,hal ini dikarenakan dalam informed consent, oasien telah sepakat untuk mendapat perlakuan tindakan medis yang akan dilakukan dokter. dari kesepakatan ini, pasien tidak akan mengadakan tuntutan apapun ke pengadilan di kemudian hari. selain itu dalam pernyataan tersebut juga dicantumkan bahwa dokter telah menjelaskan sifat, tujuan serta kemungkinan (resiko) akibat yang timbul dari tindakan medik tersebut kepada pasien atau keluarganya.dokter yang bersangkutan juga harus menandatangani formulir persetujuan tindakan medik termaksud. 2. pernyataan idi (ikatan dokter indonesia) tentang informed consent dalam lampiran skb idi no. 319/p/ba/88 butir 33 yang berbunyi: “setiap tindakan medis yang mengandung resiko cukup besar mengharuskan adanya persetujuan tertulis yang ditandatangani oleh pasien, setelah sebelumnya pasien itu memperoleh informasi yang adekuat tentang perlunya tindakan medis yang bersangkutan serta resiko yang berkaitan dengannya.” 3. dalam peraturan perundang – undangan yang berlaku pun secara eksplisit tercantum, dalam pasal 2 ayat (3), pasal 3 ayat (1) dan pasal 7 ayat (2) peraturan menteri kesehatan republik indonesia nomor: 585/men.kes/per/ix/1989 tentang persetujuan tindakan medis menyebutkan istilah resiko secara eksplisit dan tersirat, antara lain: 1. pasal 2 ayat (1) : persetujuan sebagaimana dimaksud ayat (1) diberikan setelah pasien mendapat informasi yang adekuat tentang perlunya tindakan medik yang bersangkutan serta resiko yang dapat ditimbulkannya. 2. pasal 3 ayat (1) : setiap tindakan medik yang mengandung resiko tinggi harus dengan persetujuan tertulis yang ditandatangani oleh yang hendak memberikan persetujuan. 3. pasal 7 ayat (2) : perluasan operasi yang tidak dapat diduga sebelumnya dapat dilakukan untuk menyelamatkan jiwa pasien. dari beberapa pernyataan di atas, dapat diambil pengertian resiko medis, yaitu sebagai berikut: issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 181 a. bahwa dalam tindakan medis ada kemungkinan (resiko) yang dapat terjadi yang mungkin tidak sesuai dengan harapan pasien. ketidak mengertian pasien terhadap resiko yang dihadapinya dapat mengakibatkan diajukannya tuntutan ke pengadilan oleh pasien tersebut. b. bahwa di dalam tindakan medis ada tindakan yang mengandung resiko tinggi. c. bahwa resiko tinggi tersebut berkaitan dengan keselamatan jiwa pasien. sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa resiko medis merupakan hasil yang tidak maksimal dari sebuah tindakan medis yang dilakukan oleh dokter. resiko medis dapat terjadi karena resiko dari tindakan medis muncul secara tiba – tiba diluar perkiraan dokter serta tidak dapat dihindari oleh dokter dan adapula yang timbul karena tindakan medis tersebut dilarang atau dibatasi oleh undang – undang karena tindakan medis tersebut mengandung resiko yang besar. resiko dari tindakan medis yang dilakukan dokter berbeda – beda skala besar kecilnya. dokter diminta untuk melakukan tindakan medis yang sesuai dengan kondisi pasien sekalipun resiko yang bersama tindakan medis tersebut besar. di dalam kode etik kedokteran indonesia dokter yang berkewajiban memberikan pertolongan kepada pasiennya haruslah memenuhi standar profesinya sebagai pedoman yang harus dipergunakan dalam menjalankan profesinya secara baik. hal ini untuk menghindari kerugian pada orang lain sebagai resiko dari tindakan medis yang dilakukan, yang seringkali justru mengakibatkan pasien menuntut secara hukum. sejak dulu telah dikenal salah satu prinsip tradisional dari etika kedokteran adalah primum non nocere, artinya yang penting adalah tidak merugikan. kelalaian medis sendiri diakibatkan karena kurangnya pengetahuan dokter terhadap penyakit pasien atau kurangnya pengetahuan dokter terhadap keilmuan kedokteran. kelalaian medis terjadi karena dokter tidak mengikuti standar operasional prosedur, standar profesi, dan menurut kalangan profesi dokter sipandang menyalahi kode etik kedokteran sehingga mengakibatkan pasien mengalami kerugian berupa cacat fisik maupun kematian. berikut adalah tabel perbandingan antara resiko medis dengan kelalaian medis : issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 182 resiko medis kelalaian medis 1. sesuai dengan standar operasional prosedur 1. tidak sesuai dengan standar operasional prosedur 2. ada kehati – hatian 2. tidak unsur kehati – hatian 3. tidak ada unsur lalai 3. ada unsur lalai 4. ada upaya pencegahan 4. tidak ada upaya pencegahan 5. ada contributory negligence 5. tidak ada contributory negligence dari penjelasan diatas dapat dilihat bahwa patokan untuk menentukan sebuah hasil pengobatan yang gagal dikategorikan resiko medis atau kelalaian medis adalah dari standar operasional prosedur, standar profesi dan pendapat kalangan profesi dokter sendiri. ketiga patokan ini juga dapat dilihat dari putusan pengadilan tentang kasus yang menimpa dokter ayu dan menjadi pertimbangan majelis hakim untuk membebaskan dokter ayu beserta tim dokternya. kasus dugaan kelalaian medis penulis mengambil contoh kasus yang dialami oleh seorang dokter bernama dr. dewa ayu sasyari prawanyang melakukan tindakan medis berupa operasi sesar. kasus dokter ayumenjadi perdebatan karena dokter ayudiputus bebas di tingkat pengadilan negeri namun diputus bersalah oleh pengadilan tingkat kasasi namun setelah mengajukan peninjauan kembali, dokter ayu diputus bebas oleh majelis hakim.pasien dokter ayu bernama siska makatey dinyatakan meninggal dunia melalui surat keterangan dari rumah sakit umum prof. dr. r. d.kandou manado no. 61/ver/ikf/fk/k/vi/2010, tanggal 26 april 2010 danditandatangani oleh dr. johannis f. mallo, sh. spf. dfm. dalam surat keterangan tersebut tercantum bahwa kematian korban akibat masuknya udara ke dalam bilik kanan jantung yang menghambat darah masuk ke paru-paru sehingga terjadi kegagalan fungsi paru dan selanjutnya mengakibatkan kegagalan fungsi jantung. masuknya udara ini dinilai oleh majelis hakim pengadilan tingkat kasasi menjadi kesalahan dokter dalam memberikan pelayanan medis kepada pasien. dalam kasus ini juga disinyalir adanya pemalsuan tanda tangan korban yang dilakukan oleh tim dokter yang menangani korban. namun dilihat dari kausalitasnya, pemalsuan tanda tangan tersebut bukanlah menjadi penyebab utama matinya korban. maladministrasi tersebut hanya sebagai tudingan belaka bagi keluarga korban untuk mempermasalahkan kematian korban ke persidangan. seperti kita lihat bahwa keadaan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 183 darurat yang dimaksud dalam darurat medis hanyalah kalangan dokter yang mengerti. maladministrasi yang terjadi hanyalah dipergunakan untuk memenuhi syarat administrasi demi menyelamatkan jiwa pasien karena ketika tim dokter memilih melakukan operasi sesar, kondisi pasien sedang lemah. kondisi pasien tersebut juga dicantumkan dalam putusan kasasi yang sebagai berikut isinya : “berdasarkan keterangan dari saksi dr. hermanus jakobus lalenoh, sp.an. bahwa jawaban konsul terhadap surat konsul yang dikirim oleh bagiankebidanan kepada bagian anestesi tersebut yang menyatakan : pada prinsipnya kami setuju untuk dilaksanakan pembedahan dengan anestesi resiko tinggi, oleh karena ini adalah operasi darurat maka mohon dijelaskan kepada keluarga resiko yang bisa terjadi "darut"/ sebelum operasi atau "post"/ usai operasi. bahwa penyebab udara masuk dari setiap pembuluh darah balik yang terbuka yaitu dari infus atau dari suntikan obat tetapi dalam kepustakaan dikatakan udara yang masuk dari pembuluh darah balik ini hanya bisa menyebabkan kecelakaan penting yang kalau dia di atas 25 mg dan kalau di bawah tidak akan menyebabkan apa-apa, kemudian dalam kenyataan pemberian obat dari infus tidak pernah masuk udara karena dari suntik disposible untuk masuk udara, selanjutnya dari kepustakaan yang saksi baca dan saksi dapat dalam pendidikan saksi yaitu kemungkinan yang bisa juga adalah terutama dalam operasi persalinan bahkan di dalam aturan dikatakan bahwa udara bisa masuk sering terjadi pada operasi bedah saraf dengan posisi pasien setengah duduk bisa terjadi pada saat dia terkemuka itu udara bisa masuk, pada bagian kebidanan yang bisa sering terjadi bukan saja pada sectio cesaria tetapi juga pada kuretase bahkan dalam laporan kasus yaitu untuk hubungan intim dimana suami memakai oral itu bisa terjadi masuk udara,kasus ini memang jarang tetapi bisa saja terjadi, jadi pada waktu bayi lahir plasenta terangkat pembuluh darah itu terbuka yaitu pembuluh darah arteri/ pembuluh darah yang pergi yang warna merah dan pembuluh darah balik/ arteri yang warna hitam, jadi kemungkinan udara yang masuk berdasarkan hasil visum bisa saja terjadi dari beberapa hal tadi, selanjutnya tugas anestesi dalam hal ini telah selesai karena pasien/ korban sudah membuka mata dan bernapasspontan kecuali jika saat issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 184 pasien sebelum dirapihkan semua kemudian meninggal maka masih merupakan tugas dan tanggung jawab dari anestesi dan kebidanan.” dalam pembahasan terkait resiko medis, masuknya udara tersebut merupakan salah satu kategori resiko medis karena terjadinya emboli udara tersebut tidak dapat diduga oleh dokter yang melakukan pelayanan medis. dapat diketahui matinya korban bukan karena kesalahan atau kelalaian dokter dalam memberikan pelayanan medis tetapi karena resiko dari tindakan medis tersebut muncul sehingga dokter tidak dapat dimintai pertanggungjawaban atas matinya pasien yang dalam penanganannya. dalam putusan peninjauan kembali (pk) yang hanya boleh dilakukan sekali, majelis hakim memutuskan bahwa dokter ayu beserta tim dokter dibebaskan. putusan peninjauan kembali tersebut menguatkan putusan pengadilan negeri manado nomor 90/pid.b/2011/pn.mdo bahwa dokter ayu beserta tim dokter tidak bersalah. putusan peninjauan kembali juga mempertimbangkan putusan majelis kehormatan disiplin kedokteran indonesia (mkdki) yang menyatakan bahwa dokter ayu beserta tim dokter tidak menyalahi standar operasional prosedur (sop). pertanggungjawaban dalam hukum pidana perbuatan pidana hanya menunjuk kepada dilarang dan diancamnya perbuatan dengan suatu pidana. apakah orang yang melakukan perbuatan kemudian juga dijatuhi pidana, sebagaimana telah diancamkan, ini tergantung dari soal apakah dalam melakukan perbuatan ini dia mempunyai kesalahan. sebab azas dalam peranggungjawaban dalam hukum pidana ialah : tidak dipidana jika tidak ada kesalahan (geen straf zonder schuld; actus non facit reum nisi mens sir rea). dalam pertanggungjawaban dokter terhadap resiko medis, unsur kesalahan yang dipakai adalah kelalaian atau kealpaan atau di dalam istilah hukum kesehatan disebut dengan negligence. langemeyer “kealpaan adalah suatu struktur yang sangat gecompliceerd. dia mengandung dalam satu pihak kekeliruan dalam perbuatan lahir dan menunjuk kepada adanya keadaan batin yang tertentu, dan di lain pihak keadaan batinnya itu sendiri”. van hammel mengatakan bahwa kealpaan itu mengandung dua syarat yaitu : 1. tidak mengadakan penduga – duga sebagaimana diharuskan oleh hukum. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 185 2. tidak mengadakan penghati – hati sebagaimana diharuskan oleh hukum. dalam bab sebelumnya telah diketahui perbedaan antara resiko medis dengan kelalaian medis. bahwa dalam menentukan unsur kesalahan berupa kelalaian, dalam hukum kesehatan perlu patokan yaitu berdasarkan standar operasional prosedur, standar profesi, dan pendapat kalangan profesi dokter. d. penutup berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan terhadap data-data yang diperoleh guna memperoleh jawaban atas permasalahan yang diteliti, maka pada bab ini penulis akan melakukan analisa kesimpulan dan pemberian saran atas masalah yang ditelitinya. a. patokan untuk menentukan sebuah hasil pengobatan yang gagal dikategorikan resiko medis atau kelalaian medis adalah dari standar operasional prosedur, standar profesi dan pendapat kalangan profesi dokter sendiri. ketiga patokan ini juga dapat dilihat dari putusan pengadilan tentang kasus yang menimpa dokter ayu dan menjadi pertimbangan majelis hakim untuk membebaskan dokter ayu beserta tim dokternya. b. resiko medis merupakan hasil yang tidak maksimal dari sebuah tindakan medis. resiko medis sendiri terbagi menjadi 2(dua) yaitu resiko medis yang dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawaban kepada dokter dan resiko medis yang tidak dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawaban kepada dokter. resiko medis yang tidak dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawaban kepada dokter merupakan resiko medis yang muncul karena sifat alami dan besarnya resiko yang timbul dari tindakan medis tanpa adanyafaktor kesalahan ataupun kelalaian yang dilakukan oleh pihak dokter. sedangkan resiko medis yang dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawaban kepada dokter merupakan resiko medis yang muncul karena tindakan medis yang dilakukan oleh dokter mempunyai resiko besar dan resiko tersebut muncul dikarenakan adanya unsur lalai yang dilakukan oleh dokter. daftar pustaka hermien hadiati koeswadji (1992:17) dikutip dari bahder johan nasution,hukum issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 resiko medis dan kelalaian medis dalam aspek pertanggungjawaban pidana i wahyu rizki karika ilahi page 186 kesehatan pertanggungjawaban dokter,rineka cipta,jakarta,2013,hal.1 undang – undang republik indonesia nomor 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan,bab i,pasal 1 angka 1 kitab undang – undang hukum perdata internet, www.kamusbesarbahasaindonesia.org/kode%20etik/mirip bahder johan nasution,hukum kesehatan pertanggungjawaban dokter,rineka cipta,jakarta,2013,h.9 anny isfandyarie (selanjutnya ditulis “anny isfandyarie (2)” ), malpraktek dan resiko medik dalam kajian hukum pidana,prestasi pustaka,jakarta,2005,h.38 moeljatno,asas – asas hukum pidana,rineka cipta,jakarta,1993,h.200 m yusuf hanafiah dan amri amir, etika kedokteran dan hukum kesehatan, egc, jakarta,1999, h.87 guwandi,pengantar ilmu hukum medik & bio-etika,balai penerbit fakultas kedokteran universitas indonesia, jakarta,2009,h.1 http://www.kamusbesarbahasaindonesia.org/kode%20etik/mirip jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2291 vol. 6 no.2, june 2022 196 nominee arrangement practices performed by the government of the republic of indonesia andy putra kusuma1* 1faculty of law, universitas indonesia, indonesia *correspondence: andy.putra.ac.id article history abstract received: 09.04.2022 accepted: 23.06.2022 published: 30.06.2022 this study aims to analyze the synchronization of the law on the prohibition of nominee practices and nominee arrangements carried out by the government of the republic of indonesia. this type of research is a normative juridical research by examining and synchronizing data sourced from legal principles and regulations as well as court decisions. the method of data collection is done by studying literature such as regulations, books, documents or other writings that support this research. the collected data was then analyzed qualitatively and comprehensively using data analysis methods. based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the application of the law to the parties who practice nominee has not been implemented optimally and thoroughly. as a form of government attention to investment activities, the government of the republic of indonesia has been explicitly regulated in law number 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies (uupt) and law number 25 of 2007 concerning investment (uupm) regarding the prohibition of nominee practices in any form. and the legal consequences of the nominee's practice are null and void. however, in its implementation keywords: nominee arrangement, investment, practices performed. article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction indonesia is a developing country. the 1945 constitution does contain the idea of political democracy and at the same time economic democracy (salam, mustika suhartono, et al., 2021). that is, in the highest power holder in our country is the people, both in the political and economic fields. to build, required a large capital or investment (salim & sutrisno, 2008). to accelerate national economic development and realize indonesia's political and economic sovereignty, it is necessary to increase investment to process economic potential into real economic strength by using capital originating from within the country as well as from abroad (undang-undang, 2007a). economic development which is always pursued by the government of indonesia must be based on the values of pancasila and the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. the 1945 constitution does contain the idea of political democracy and at the same time economic democracy (salam, suhartono, et al., 2021). one of the efforts of the government of the republic of indonesia to improve the quality of development and encourage the rate of economic growth in indonesia, since the new order era until now. investment is an activity to invest money or capital which is carried out with a motive to increase or at least maintain the value of capital. indonesia's natural resource wealth has become the world's attention and is the biggest reason for foreign investors to invest their capital (rachmadi supancana, 2006). the term investment in economic or business literature can be interpreted as "investment made directly by local investors (domestic investors) which is called domestic investment, while foreign investors (foreign direct investment) or abbreviated fdi is called investment made indirectly (foreign indirect investment) or abbreviated as fii (budi untung, 2010). investment or investment is an activity or process carried out in order to increase the value of capital owned by a person or corporation, which can be in the form of cash, equipment, immovable assets, intellectual property, or in other words, as a process to "spend" or " using a certain amount of capital today to be able to generate greater profits in the future (wiranata, 2007). there have been many studies that have examined the practice of nominees, but each has its own characteristics in its research, including regarding collaboration and the parties involved in it, especially regarding the practice of nominees in company share ownership, which in this case concerns the share ownership of the government of the republic of indonesia in the company. previous research that discussed the practice of https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2291 p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 196-203 197 nominees entitled "legal review of nominee agreements against the granting of power of attorney to foreign investors in limited liability company share ownership", in 2015 by mochamad fahruroji which discussed the practice of nominee agreements in indonesia and legal review of nominee agreements on the granting of power of attorney to foreign investors in the shareholding of a limited liability company. meanwhile, in this research, the author discusses the recognition of the company's share ownership by the government of the republic of indonesia which is carried out through the practice of nominee arrangement. pricing agreements can easily be done in certain markets compared to other practices (sukma, 2020). furthermore, in the interaction between individuals and within a group to achieve an investment activity, the government provides and sets boundaries which often include prohibitions on certain actions. violation of the limits set by the government will of course result in sanctions for individuals who violate them . with the restrictions set by the government as stated in a provision in the legislation, of course, causing certain individuals to seek various ways to be able to carry out investments easily , including the nominee concept . the existence of regulations governing the prohibition of nominee practices is not only a dilemma for foreign investors, but also a strict prohibition for domestic investors to act "naughty" by taking steps for the nominee concept to facilitate their investment activities in indonesia. indonesia. in a nominee agreement , the presence of a certain person or party (nominee) is used as a shareholder or more precisely the registered owner of a certain number of shares, while the beneficiary benefits from the shares (rustam, 2020). the purpose of this nominee agreement is to hide the share ownership of the recipient to the general public and eliminate the affiliation relationship between one company and another company that already exists or has been established previously. the government has regulated the prohibition on the practice of nominee arrangement in law number 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies (hereinafter referred to as "uupt") and law number 25 of 2007 concerning investment (hereinafter referred to as "uupm"). in particular, article 33 of the capital market law explicitly prohibits the practice of nominee arrangements where it is emphasized that domestic investment and foreign investment investing in the form of a limited liability company are prohibited from entering into agreements and/or statements confirming that share ownership in a limited liability company is for and on behalf of a person. other. and furthermore, as regulated in article 33 paragraph 1 of the capital market law, the legal consequences of nominee practice are null and void. in the nominee practice that occurs in indonesia, the parties to the nominee agreement do not sign an agreement or statement confirming that their share ownership is for and on behalf of another person as stipulated in the investment law, this practice uses a set of documents known as a nominee arrangement. the nominee arrangement itself is a way or effort by investors to waive restrictions on share ownership and avoid prohibitions from entering into name/ nominee borrowing agreements (kairupan, 2013). in the nominee practice that occurs in indonesia, not all of the nominee practice actors clearly sign an agreement or statement confirming their share ownership is for and on behalf of another person as regulated in the investment law, some others use the nominee arrangement practice by packaging the practice the nominee in a document that is legal and does not violate the law, such as a credit agreement, share pledge, cessie, and granting absolute power of attorney. letter employment contracts are also needed for many purposes. (salam, 2017) the nominee arrangement itself is a way or effort of investors to waive restrictions on share ownership and avoid prohibitions on entering into name/nominee borrowing agreements. the government and society are legal subjects, and law is a means that regulates the rights and obligations of legal subjects to be able to carry out their obligations and obtain their rights. on the other hand, the government is the maker of laws and regulations that have the obligation to determine legal rules that can be applied to the community as a means of protecting the interests of the community and must be implemented by all legal subjects themselves including the government. in the realization of the laws and regulations, of course, the people have high trust in the government as the designer of the laws and regulations, that the government will be an example in obeying the applicable legal rules for the sake of creating legal certainty and order in society. however, instead of enforcing the law against nominee practices, the government also participates in the nominee practice, one of the known nominee practices by the government is in the case of pt aldevco, where the government expressly acknowledges that all shares in pt aldevco belong to the government even though the shares are legally registered in the name of another person. pt aldevco is a private company founded by abdoel raoef soehoed, et al on february 29, 1988 where the government did not make any capital participation in the establishment of the company. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 196-203 198 as part of the legislators and as a legal subject, the government has a major role to play in maintaining the authority and providing a good example to the world that indonesia is a safe country and can guarantee legal certainty and legal protection for the national community and the international community in particular for investors to invest in indonesia. one of the guarantees of legal certainty that is expected to be applied by the government and the entire community is the application of law number 25 of 2007 concerning investment and law number 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies, including regulations that explicitly regulate prohibition of nominee practice which is the main focus for foreign and domestic investors who wish to invest in indonesia. 2. methodology the research method used in this study is a normative juridical research method. this method is carried out to analyze the synchronization of legislation and court decisions as well as legal norms that exist in society as well as synchronization of a rule with other rules hierarchically. this research is a prescriptive research that is studying the purpose of law, values of justice, validity of the rule of law, legal concepts, and legal norms (marzuki, 2010). the approach used in this study is a statutory approach by examining the laws and regulations governing the prohibition of the practice of nominee arrangements , especially the nominee practices carried out by the government of the republic of indonesia on the majority of pt aldevco shares so that they can examine legal issues and analyze synchronization of legal issues and legal rules to find solutions for the proper application of law on legal issues against the prohibition of nominee arrangement practices carried out by the government of the republic of indonesia. the types of legal materials used by the author are divided into three, namely primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. primary legal materials include the civil code, law number 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies, law number 25 of 2007 concerning investment, supreme court decision number: 1763/k/pdt/2020 in conjunction with the decision of the dki high court jakarta number: 44/pdt/2019 south jakarta district court decision number: 341/pdt.g/2017/pn.jkt.sel, supreme court cassation decision number 210/k/ag/2017 jo. decision of the high religious court number 04/pdt.g/2016/pta.jk jo. south jakarta religious court decision no. 0653/pdt.g/2015/pa.js, supreme court decision number: 113 pk/ag/2020 jo. jakarta religious high court decision number: 137/pdt.g/2019/pta.jkt jo. the decision of the south jakarta religious court number 4060/pdt.g/2017/pa.js , and the south jakarta district court decision number 304/pdt.p/2016/pn.jkt.sel dated march 8, 2016 . secondary legal materials used to support primary legal materials in this study include books, journals, articles or other scientific writings, and internet media that have relevance to this writing. tertiary legal materials used to provide instructions and explanations for primary and secondary legal materials, such as general dictionaries, encyclopedia law dictionaries and so on (sinamo, 2010). 3. result and discussion 3.1. nominee arrangement for the transfer of all shares and assets of pt aldevco to the government of the republic of indonesia on march 7 2017, the management of pt aldevco, namely the president director of pt aldevco (middyningsih) and other company management have handed over all shares and assets of pt aldevco to the government of the republic of indonesia. pt. aldevco is a company established and engaged in the marketing of aluminum and developing the aluminum industry in indonesia, which was established based on the deed of establishment no. 180 dated february 29, 1988 by notary joenoes e. maogimon, sh which has been approved by the decree of the minister of justice of the republic of indonesia number: c2-11478.ht.01.01.th.'88. the transfer of all shares and assets of pt aldevco was carried out by the management of pt aldevco based on the statement letter dated february 29, 1988 and the deed of will number 14 of 2011 made by the late. ar soehoed before the notary mintarsih natamihardjah who basically stated that the shares belonged to the government of the republic of indonesia where abdoel raoef soehoed, leon harun iskandar sumantri, and paul samadiono samadikun only borrowed their names ( nominee arrangement ) and later the shares would be handed over to the government of indonesia for the actions of the management of pt aldevco, the heirs of the late. ar soehoed (hereinafter referred to as the plaintiffs) then filed a lawsuit against the defendants (the management of pt aldevco and the government of the republic of indonesia) on the basis that the defendants did not respect the ongoing legal process and the surrender of all shares and assets of pt aldevco to the government of the republic of indonesia. is invalid because of the declaration letter dated february 29, 1988 and the deed of will no. 4 dated october 20, 2011 which became the basis for the delivery of all shares and p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 196-203 199 assets, is an invalid document because it contains elements of a nominee arrangement. the legal process in question is the lawsuit for the distribution of inheritance and cancellation of wills at the south jakarta religious court number 0653/pdt.g/2015/pajs by withdrawing the president director of pt aldevco (middyningsih) as a party to the lawsuit, one of the petitions of which is asking to cancel deed of will no. 4 dated october 20 2011 where the lawsuit was filed and at that time the case was still in the ongoing legal process, namely at the cassation level examination at the supreme court of the republic of indonesia. in the midst of the process of examining the unlawful acts of law filed by the heirs at the south jakarta district court at that time, the supreme court cassation decision number 210/k/ag/2017 in conjunction with the high religious court decision number 04/pdt.g/2016/pta.jk jo . south jakarta religious court decision no. 0653/pdt.g/2015/pa.js related to the lawsuit for cancellation of will deed number 14 dated 20 october 2011 was decided. judex juris decided on case number 210/k/ag/2017 by confirming the decision number 0653/pdt.g/2015/pa.js which at that time the lawsuit was not acceptable (niet onvankelijke verklaard). therefore, the heirs have again filed a will cancellation lawsuit against the willing deed number 14 dated october 20, 2011 and has been examined and decided in the supreme court decision number: 113 pk/ag/2020 jo. jakarta religious high court decision number: 137/pdt.g/2019/pta.jkt jo. the decision of the south jakarta religious court number 4060/pdt.g/2017/pa.js. the basis of the lawsuits by the plaintiffs (the heirs) is to cancel the will deed number 14 dated october 21, 2011 because the will contains a nominee statement. in case no. 4060/pdt.g/2017/pa.js, the panel of judges at the first level granted part of the plaintiff's claim (ahli waris) regarding the appointment of a replacement heir from the heirs of dr. ar soehoed, however, rejected the claims of the other heirs, namely the cancellation of the will of deed no. 14 dated october 20, 2011. then, the heirs filed an appeal, and in the examination at the appellate level, judex factie decided to cancel the decision number 4060/pdt.g/2017/pa.js with the consideration that based on the statement letter dated february 29, 1988 and the deed of will dated october 20, 2011, alm. ir. ar soeohed explicitly stated, “pt aldevco shares are in my name and one share is in the name of drs. trenggana actually all of these shares belong to the government of the republic of indonesia. in addition to the shares in pt aldevco, there are also movable goods in the form of cars in the name of pt aldevco and funds deposited in foreign banks and in banks in indonesia”, thereby demonstrating that the assets do not belong conclusively. personal of the late dr.ar. soehoed which can be used as an inheritance for his family. judex factie also considered the asahan authority's letters to the president of the republic of indonesia (at that time) and to the ministry of finance and other letters (evidences appeal i/government of indonesia in the decision) and stated that pt aldevco was not the personal property of the late. ir. ar soehoed so that the asset cannot be designated as inheritance that can be distributed to the heirs. at the review level (pk), judex juris decided to reject the pk petitioner 's petition (heirs). at the supreme court number: 1763/k/pdt/2020 in conjunction with the decision of the dki jakarta high court number: 44/pdt/2019 decision of the south jakarta district court number: 341/pdt.g/2017/pn.jkt.sel, the plaintiffs stated in its lawsuit that: although the plaintiffs have made various legal remedies which are still running as mentioned above, the defendants still insist on carrying out the process of handing over pt. aldevco to defendant i without respecting any ongoing legal process on the basis that the late alm. ar soehoed has made a declaration letter dated february 29, 1988 and deed of will no. 4 dated october 20, 2011 as we have mentioned above, even though it is very clear that the statement letter and will is not a valid proof of share ownership as regulated in the law of the republic of indonesia no. 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies (company law) in addition to the deed of will no. 4 dated october 20, 2011 which became the basis for defendant ii to submit pt. the aldevco is also the object of a dispute at the religious courts, which is currently still under examination at the cassation level of the supreme court of the republic of indonesia. the plaintiffs (heirs) further explained that in the articles of association of pt. aldevco and in the list of shareholders of pt. aldevco listed as a shareholder is the late. ar soehoed with 624 (six hundred and twenty four) shares and drs. trenggana kusuma utama with 1 (one) share of the total shares of pt. aldevco totaling 625 (six hundred and twenty five) shares so that it is clear that based on article 48 paragraph (1) of the company law, the late. ar soehoed and drs. trenggana kusuma utama is the legal shareholder of pt. aldevco. the plaintiffs also emphasized that in the deed of establishment it was recorded that the founder, the share capital depositor and the shareholders of pt. aldevco are abdoel raoef soehoed, leon harun iskandar sumantri, and p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 196-203 200 paul samadiono samadikun, and there is no name of any other person or any agency or government agency of the republic of indonesia that is recorded in the deed of establishment either as founder, share capital depositor or shareholder of pt. aldevco. law number 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies , in article 48 paragraph (1) and its explanations have regulated provisions regarding share ownership stating that (undang-undang, 2007b) : the company's shares are issued in the name of the owner. explanation : what is meant by this provision is that the company is only allowed to issue shares on behalf of the owner and the company cannot issue shares on an appointment basis. taking into account the explanation of article 48 paragraph (1), it can be understood that a company is only allowed to issue shares on behalf of its owner, so that whoever's name is recorded in the articles of association and in the register of shareholders means that the name is the legal owner/shareholder of a company. if it is related to the issue of pt aldevco's share ownership by the government of indonesia, then as recorded in the articles of association of the articles of association of pt. aldevco that the shareholder is the late. ar soehoed with 624 (six hundred and twenty four) shares and drs. trenggana kusuma utama with 1 (one) share of the total shares of pt. aldevco a total of 625 (six hundred and twenty five) shares so that the late. ar soehoed and drs. trenggana kusuma utama is a shareholder of pt. legally legitimate aldevco. in the reply of jinawab among the heirs of the late. ar soehoed and the government of the republic of indonesia as stated in the supreme court decision number: 1763/k/pdt/2020 in conjunction with the dki jakarta high court decision number: 44/pdt/2019 south jakarta district court decision number: 341/pdt.g/2017 /pn.jkt.sel, the government of the republic of indonesia gave the answer that the establishment of pt aldevco to conduct the marketing of aluminum products of pt inalum which is an allocation for the government of indonesia. with pt aldevco, indonesia has the opportunity to advance the aluminum industry. from the activities of pt aldevco, it can be seen that the japanese government is not complete in developing the downstream industry of pt inalum, namely the industry cast and alloy section so that the products produced by pt inalum must be sent to be processed in japan and can only be marketed. furthermore, there is supreme court decision number: 1763/k/pdt/2020 in conjunction with dki jakarta high court decision number: 44/pdt/2019 south jakarta district court decision number: 341/pdt.g/2017/pn.jkt.sel, the government of the republic of indonesia openly accepts the surrender of all shares and assets of pt aldevco by the president director of pt aldevco (middyningsih) as the executor of the will as stated in the deed of will no. 14 of 2011 made by the late. ar soehoed. the government of the republic of indonesia has also explicitly given the minister of finance of the republic of indonesia an order to the sharpening authority to carry out the task of marketing aluminum which is the indonesian government's allotment. due to the position of the sharpening authority at that time as a supervisory agency, it was not entitled to carry out trading activities, the late. ar soehoed as chairman of the asahan authority proposed to the minister of finance of the republic of indonesia to form a bumn (persero) to carry out the trade. however, the minister of finance has not responded to this proposal, then the president of the republic of indonesia at that time, alm. suharto gave verbally to alm. ar soehoed to establish a company to market pt inalum's aluminum product which is an allocation for the government of indonesia. that company , pt aldevco, was established on february 29, 1988 based on notarial deed no. 180. the government of the republic of indonesia also acknowledged the existence of the statement letter of the late. ar soehoed dated february 29, 1988 which contains a nominee statement which in the answer states: according to the deed of establishment of pt aldevco number 180 dated february 29, 1988 drawn up before a notary and land deed officer joenoes e. maogimon, sh and the deed of statement from the late. ar soehoed dated february 29, 1988, clearly stated that: "all capital, shares, profits and losses as well as assets belonging to the limited liability company, even though they are written and registered in our name, are actually the full rights and property of the republic of indonesia, which in this case is only borrowing/using our name, and our heirs, cannot sue or sue regarding the ownership.", so it is clear that all shares and assets of pt aldevco are derived and belong to the government of indonesia. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 196-203 201 furthermore, the government of indonesia emphasized that: before his death, mr. ir. ar soehoed has made a deed of will number 4 dated october 20, 2011 which was made before the notary mintarsih natamihardja, sh, where the late. ir. ar soehoed has appointed mrs. middyningsih as the executor of the will. in the will , the testator, mr. ir. ar soehoed, stated: "at the time this will was signed, the shares in pt aldevco were in my name and 1 (one) share was in the name of dr. doktorandus trenggana, in fact all of these shares belonged to the government of the republic of indonesia. from this response, the government confirmed the existence of the declaration letter dated february 29, 1988 and the deed of will number 14 dated october 20, 2011 and made both documents valid documents to carry out the delivery of all shares and assets of pt aldevco to the government of indonesia. although share recognition. in the statement letter and deed of will stated unilaterally by the late. ar soehoed, but the government confirmed the existence of the two documents. in other words, with the government's acknowledgment of the declaration letter dated february 29, 1988 and the deed of will number 14 dated october 20, 2011 and with the delivery of all shares and assets of pt aldevco to the government of the republic of indonesia, the government acknowledges the existence of a nominee arrangement. 3.2. regulation of nominee arrangement the panel of judges examining the a quo case did not give consideration to the element of the nominee arrangement which became the basis for the delivery of all shares and assets of pt aldevco to the government of indonesia. the consideration of the panel of judges emphasizes that to assess whether or not the submission of 624 (six hundred twenty four) shares from the name of the late. late. dr. ir. ar soehoed being on behalf of defendant i (government of the republic of indonesia), absolutely still depends on the decision of the south jakarta religious court with case register no. 0653/pdt.g/2015/pajs has permanent legal force. due to the validity or not of the will no. 4 dated october 20, 2011 is still dependent on the decision of the south jakarta religious court number: 0653/ pdt.g/2015/pa.js with permanent legal force, even though regarding the validity of the will or not . 4 dated october 20, 2011 it will absolutely determine whether or not the submission of 624 (six hundred and twenty four) shares of pt. aldevco, on behalf of the late alm. dr. ir. ar soehoed is on behalf of defendant i (government of the republic of indonesia), so this case cannot be decided (premature) because it is still waiting/hanging on another case (litis pendentif) . laws of the republic of indonesia no. 25 of 2007 concerning investment , in article 33 paragraphs (1) and (2) also expressly stipulates that: (1) domestic investors and foreign investors investing in the form of a limited liability company are prohibited from entering into agreements and/or statements confirming that share ownership in a limited liability company is for and on behalf of another person; (2) in the event that domestic investors and foreign investors make an agreement and/or statement as referred to in paragraph (1), the agreement and/or statement is declared null and void.” based on the provisions of article 33 paragraphs (1) and (2) of the pm law above, confirms that all forms of agreements and/or nominee statements include and are not limited to : statement letter dated february 29, 1988 and deed of will no. 4 dated october 20, 2011 which basically states that the share ownership of pt. aldevco which is currently listed under the name of the late. ar soehoed actually belongs to another person/institution, namely defendant i (government of the republic of indonesia) is a statement that is prohibited by article 33 paragraph (1) uupm and based on article 33 paragraph ( 2 ) uupm declared null and void. article 1320 of the civil code states that for an agreement to be valid it must meet 4 conditions including the conditions for a lawful cause, a lawful cause which is further elaborated in articles 1335 and 1337 of the civil code. article 1335 of the civil code, states: "an agreement without cause or which has been made for a false or forbidden cause, has no power." article 1337 of the civil code, states: a cause is prohibited, if it is prohibited by law or if it is contrary to or public order. the halal cause as meant in articles 1335 and 1337 of the civil code is in principle the same, namely prohibiting an agreement from being made if it is prohibited by law or if it is contrary to or public order. if analyzed, there is a harmonization of laws and regulations between the capital market law with the provisions of articles 1335 and 1337 of the civil code, where lex specialis the capital market law prohibits the use of nominee p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 196-203 202 agreements on shares which will result in null and void if the agreement is made, in other words the agreement is considered never existed. the rights and obligations arising from the agreement are also considered non-existent. in addition, other legal remedies are that the heirs (plaintiffs) have also submitted an application to the south jakarta district court to request permission to hold the egms of pt. aldevco as in the case of an application that was registered at the south jakarta district court with number 304/pdt.p/2016/pn.jkt.sel dated june 8, 2016 by withdrawing the management of pt aldevco (president director namely middyningsih and other management) as a party and mintarsih natamihardjah , sh as the notary who made the deed of will no. 4 dated october 20, 2011 has also been presented at trial to testify in under oath. in stipulation number 304/pdt.p/2016/pn.jkt.sel dated march 8, 2016 pages 50 to 51, expert m. yahya harahap, sh also gave the following testimony in court under oath: that in law number 25 of 2007 concerning investment and even since the dutch era, from the principles of company law since the commercial law came into effect, it was later replaced by law number 1 of 1995, which is now being replaced by law no. law number 40 of 2007, but indonesian company law does not recognize nominees or is not called nominees, so the nominee agreement violates the law and is null and void. that when someone deposits capital into the company with his personal money, but then that person makes a statement that the shares belong to someone else, then this can be said to be misleading, which is also not justified in law. therefore, if later the statement is disputed before the law, then in this case there is a bedrog or a fraud, so that the statement from the beginning is null and void by law. that when someone makes a statement that the shares in his name belong to someone else, then the other person has an obligation to prove it, because the provisions of article 1865 of the civil code, who is upset, must prove. from the description in under oath delivered by expert m. yahya harahap, sh above, expert m. yahya harahap, sh is of the opinion that company law in indonesia never recognizes nominees or "borrow names" so that if there is an agreement or statement "borrow name" then the matter it violates the law and is null and void. expert opinion m. yahya harahap, sh mentioned above is also supported by expert prof. dr. nindyo pramono, sh, ms in stipulation number 304/pdt.p/2016/pn.jkt.sel dated march 8, 2016 pages 62 to 63, who gave the following statements in court under oath: that the legal consequences when there is a nominee arrangement are null and void according to the investment law. that the provisions regarding grants also apply from the private sector to the government. that if there is a nominee agreement, it must still be materially proven if a share is owned by the government, not private, so that in this case the law on limited liability companies and the law on investment shall apply. related to the laws and regulations above, in particular article 48 paragraph (1) of the company law and article 33 paragraphs (1) and (2) of the capital market law which are supported by the statements of expert m. yahya harahap, sh and expert expert prof. dr. nindyo pramono, sh, ms under oath in the trial of case number 304/pdt.p/2016/pn.jkt.sel dated march 8, 2016 then all statements, wills, or any other documents if the letter contains a misdirection ( misleading ) or is a nominee arrangement (borrowing a name), then the letters and deeds are declared null and void by law so that they cannot be used to take any legal action, especially to transfer all shares and assets of pt. aldevco. in these decisions, the government (authority) should be able to act according to the law by not carrying out a nominee arrangement in any form 4. conclusion the prohibition on nominee arrangements has been expressly regulated in the limited liability company law and the investment law. with the delivery of all shares and assets of pt aldevco to the government of the republic of indonesia in which the transfer of all shares and assets is carried out based on the declaration letter dated february 29, 1988 and the deed of will number 14 dated october 20, 2011 which contains a nominee statement, the government of the republic of indonesia with aware of having carried out a nominne arrangement and violating law number 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies and law number 25 of 2007 p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 196-203 203 concerning investment, namely that domestic 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(2007). kebijakan penanaman modal menurut undang-undang no.25 tahun 2007. universitas lampung. 2) 1993 7-15 jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i1.1993 vol. 7 no. 1, december 2022 7 the power of detailed evidence as a base on land rights ulfa nisrina sahib1*, andi suryaman mustari pide1, muhammad ilham arisaputra1, faharudin2 1faculty of law, universitas hasanuddin, indonesia 2faculty of law, universitas dayanu ikhsanuddin, indonesia *correspondence: ulfanizrina19@yahoo.com article history abstract received: 13.02.2022 accepted: 18.12.2022 published: 31.12.2022 the strength of the proof of detail as the basis for land rights. this study was conducted to analyze the position of the detail as the basis for land rights in proving community ownership of land and to analyze the legal protection of land tenure by the community based on the detail as the basis for their rights. this research uses empirical legal research. the results of the study show that (1) the position of detail as the basis for land rights in proving land ownership by the community, namely before the issuance of the uupa, detail was proof of ownership of land rights. along with the enactment of the uupa and government regulation number 24 of 1997 concerning land registration, the details are no longer as evidence of land rights, but as evidence of a person's control over the controlled land, so that if it is not corroborated with other evidence, the details cannot be used absolutely as a tool. proof of ownership of land in the trial; and (2) legal protection of land tenure by the community based on details as the basis for their rights, namely that they have not yet fully received legal protection. so that in order to obtain legal certainty and protection. keywords: strength of evidence, details, base on land rights article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction land is one of the natural resources that is an essential need for mankind so that it functions very essential to the life and livelihood of mankind, even determines the civilization of a nation. land is a place to live for human beings other than as a source of earning a living through agriculture and plantations until it eventually becomes the final resting place for mankind (ilham, 2015). every human being has human rights, in the period before the uupa came into force, there was legal dualism in the field of land, namely the enactment of customary law in addition to western law (la ode haniru, 2017). for community members who are subject to western law, their land rights are generally registered. meanwhile, community members who are subject to customary law generally have not registered their land rights, which creates legal uncertainty and difficulties in the event of land disputes. land according to the juridical understanding of the uupa is the surface of the earth, while land rights are rights to the earth's surface which are limited, two-dimensional in length and width. land rights authorize the holder of the right to be able to use the land and take advantage of the land he is entitled to (aminuddin salle, 2010; salam, 2019). the right of control over land is a right containing a series of powers, obligations or prohibitions for the holder of the right to do something about the land that has the right. something that is allowed, obligated or prohibited to be done is a benchmark between land tenure rights regulated in land law. land tenure rights in the national land law have the following hierarchy (arba, 2019): a. indonesian nation's right to land. b. the state's right to control the land. c. ulayat rights of indigenous peoples. d. individual rights to land which include: 1. land rights. 2. ownership of land rights. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 7-15 8 3. security rights to land (mortgage rights). 4. ownership of an apartment. land is one of the very basic assets of the indonesian state, because the state and the nation live and develop on land, land is one of the important factors in the survival of the nation and state. because as we know that indonesia is an agrarian country so land is very important for the survival of the nation. the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia (hereinafter abbreviated as uudnri 1945) article 33 paragraph (3) affirms that the earth, water and space as well as the natural resources contained therein are controlled by the state and are intended for the greatest prosperity of the people who become the people. one of the objectives of the establishment of the uupa is to lay the foundations for providing legal certainty and protection regarding land rights for the indonesian people as a whole (nirwana, farida patittingi, 2018). the objectives of the promulgation of the uupa as described in the general explanation are: a. laying the foundations for the preparation of a national agrarian, which will be a tool to bring prosperity, happiness and justice to the state and the people, especially the peasants, in the framework of a just and prosperous society. b. laying the foundations for unity and simplicity in land law c. laying the foundations to provide legal certainty regarding land rights for the whole people the purpose of providing legal certainty over land has been regulated in article 19 paragraph (1) of the uupa that in order to guarantee legal certainty by the government, land registration is carried out throughout the territory of the republic of indonesia according to the provisions stipulated in a government regulation. in connection with the above provisions, government regulation number 24 of 1997 concerning land registration (hereinafter abbreviated as pp no. 24 of 1997) was issued as time went on from the term of pp no. 24 of 1997 underwent changes, then government regulation number 18 of 2021 concerning management rights, land rights, flats and land registration units was issued (hereinafter abbreviated as pp no. 18 of 2021) which is currently valid the purpose of land registration is regulated in article 3 pp no. 24 of 1997, namely: 1. to provide legal certainty and legal protection to holders of rights to a parcel of land, apartment units, and other registered rights so that they can easily prove themselves as holders of the rights in question. 2. to provide information to interested parties including the government so that they can easily obtain the data needed to make legal claims regarding land parcels and apartment units that have been registered. 3. for the implementation, land administration is involved. pp no. 24 of 1997 determines the types of land that must be registered as stipulated in article 9 paragraph (1) regarding the object of land registration as follows (jimmy joses sembiring, 2010): a. plots of land owned with ownership rights, cultivation rights, building use rights, and use rights b. land management rights c. waqf land d. ownership of the apartment unit e. mortgage right f. state land the purpose of land registration that produces a certificate, after the enactment of the loga, the strongest evidence for land rights is the certificate which has been regulated in article 32 paragraph (1) pp no. 24 of 1997 states that the certificate is a proof of right that applies as a strong means of proof regarding the physical data and juridical data contained therein, as long as the physical data and juridical data are in accordance with the data contained in the letter of measurement and the book of land rights in question. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 7-15 9 to obtain legal certainty, all land must be registered, but in fact there are still many people in rural areas, precisely in gowa regency who own land but do not have a certificate as proof of land ownership, because the land rights have not been registered and still only use tools. evidence in the form of details which are used as evidence of ownership rights prior to the enactment of the loga. in the past, detail was a temporary registration letter originating from old land rights that had not been converted into land with certain rights that had not been registered or certified at the land office. the provisions for proving the old rights of former customary land have been regulated in article 96 of pp no. 18 of 2021, namely: (1) written evidence of ex-customary land owned by an individual must be registered within a maximum period of 5 (five) years from the enactment of this government regulation. (2) in the event that the period as referred to in paragraph (1) expires, the written evidence of land belonging to the adat is declared invalid and cannot be used as a means of proving land rights and only as a guide in the context of land registration. the issuance of a usufructuary certificate on land belonging to a resident, namely batje binti tjale, is the owner of the land located on jalan malino, batang kaluku village, somba opu district, gowa regency, which has evidence of detailed persil no. 12 si kohir no. 303 ci, in 1958 covering an area of 4,400 m2 (four thousand four hundred square meters) in the name of batje binti tjale, that as long as batje binti tjale owned the above mentioned land object, he had never transferred it in any way to another party, either in whole or in part and neither party claimed it as their own, but without the knowledge of batje binti tjale. the level i regional government of south sulawesi province has applied for a certificate of use rights to the gowa district land office for the entire land belonging to batje binti tjale.. a person may lose his rights due to ignorance, thus making the lawsuit unclear, vague or lacking in parties. it should be in accordance with the provisions of article 119 hir/article 143 rbg that the head of the district court has the authority to provide advice and legal assistance to the plaintiff or his representative or proxy in the case of filing a lawsuit. after the judge has studied and found formal defects in the lawsuit, during the trial the judge gives advice on repairing the lawsuit to the plaintiff so that the lawsuit can be corrected and the party who has rights in this land dispute can be decided as fairly as possible.. the legal issue that will be discussed in this thesis is the strength of the details as proof of land ownership prior to the enactment of the uupa, the details of which are considered a temporary registration letter for indonesian land before the enactment of government regulation no. 10 of 1961 which is one of the proofs of ownership based on the explanation of article 96 pp. no. 18 of 2021 is proof of ownership of old rights holders which until now the state still provides an opportunity to convert to new land rights after the enactment of the uupa which means that details cannot be ruled out and have strong evidence, but based on the decision of the high court of sulawesi south number 119/pdt/2015/pt.mks juncto supreme court cassation decision number 3136. k/pdt/2015 has been absorbed into a right of use certificate by the regional government of south sulawesi province. therefore, the author is interested in putting it in the title of the thesis to study further on "the power of detailed evidence as a basis for land rights (study of land assets of the regional government of south sulawesi province in gowa regency)" 2. method the data were obtained by means of observation, documentation, then processed by the inspection, tagging, compilation and systematic stages based on research discussions and the results of data analysis then carried out descriptively (irwansyah, 2020). the method used in this research is the empirical legal research method, which is a research method that seeks to see the law in a real sense and see how the law works in society. because empirical legal research is closely related to society, it is not uncommon for empirical legal research to be referred to as sociological legal research. empirical legal research can also be said as research conducted by examining primary data, namely data obtained from the public, legal entities or government agencies as respondents p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 7-15 10 3. result and discussion the land law that applies in indonesia in agrarian law there are two phases of the application of agrarian law, on september 24, 1960, when it was promulgated and declared the enactment of law number 5 of 1960 concerning basic agrarian regulations (uupa). the first phase is when the loga has not been promulgated and the second phase is after the uupa comes into force until now (marihot pahala siahan, 2003). the phase prior to the enactment of the uupa applied two agrarian laws recognized by the indonesian government, namely customary agrarian law and western agrarian law. customary agrarian law applies to indigenous indonesians who are subject to customary law while western agrarian law applies to indonesians who are subject to western civil law, namely the dutch, europeans and foreigners. land rights subject to customary agrarian law are each area called customary land, for example, foundation land, gogolan land, village treasury land, pangonan land (grazing) and grave land. meanwhile, land rights that are subject to western agrarian law are land rights regulated in the civil code, for example, egendom rights, opstal rights, erfpacht rights, recht van gebruit (use rights) and bruikleen (borrowing and use rights) (i.k dan s. muchsin, 2010). detail istraditional certificates in indonesia. the detail letter is a type of temporary registration letter for indonesian land that existed before 1960 or before the birth of the uupa. this detail was originally widely used in areas such as makassar and the surrounding area. this detail is used as proof of control and use of land controlled by someone. basically this detail is a temporary registration letter of land owned by indonesia before the enactment of government regulation no. 10 of 1961 concerning land registration. this detail was made by local officials so that it has different names. local officials make land titles based on the customary rights of customary law communities, and this right is recognized by law. customary rights are the rights of customary law communities which are basically the authority possessed by certain customary law communities over a certain area to take advantage of natural resources including land in that area for survival and life that typically arises from outward and inward relationships. , hereditary, and unbroken between the customary law community and its territory (a. suriyaman mustari pide, 2014). land registration in indonesia is carried out through 2 stages, the first is the first land registration and the second is the maintenance of land registration data. land registration was first carried out through two types of registration, namely systematic and sporadic. systematic land registration is land registration that is carried out simultaneously with government initiatives in this case the national land agency (hereinafter abbreviated as bpn), for the registration of land parcels that have not been certified based on a long-term and annual work plan carried out in areas that have been registered. determined by the state minister of agrarian affairs/head of bpn while sporadic land registration is carried out on the initiative of the owner of unregistered land parcels (sibuea, 2011). land is given to and owned by people with the rights provided by the loga. according to wantjik saleh, that with the granting of land rights, a legal relationship has been established between the person or legal entity, in which legal actions can be taken by the person who has the right to the land to another party (wantjik daleh, 1982). in civil terms, the existence of a relationship that owns the land with the land as evidenced by real physical control in the field or there is a legal basis in the form of juridical data means that it has been based on a civil right, the land is already in its control or has become his. land tenure can be the beginning of the existence or granting of land rights, in other words physical land control is one of the main factors in the context of granting land rights. the legal basis for this right is usually stated in written form with a decision letter, statement letter, statement letter, confession letter, authentic deed or private letter. so that the juridical control over land always contains the authority given by law to control the physical land. therefore, juridical control provides a basis for the right to a legal relationship regarding the land in question (olivia muldjabar, 2018). in connection with the above, there are several types of letters that are often used by indonesian people as proof of control over a land and this form of control is recognized by indonesian land regulations, one of which is detail or also known as the temporary registration letter of indonesian land ownership prior to the enactment of the government regulation. number 10 of 1961 concerning land registration. detail is one of the proofs of ownership based on the explanation of article 24 paragraph (1) of government regulation number 24 of 1997 concerning land registration is proof of ownership of the old right p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 7-15 11 holder. rincik is a term that is known in several areas such as makassar and its surroundings, but has different names or designations in different regions. this is due to the fact that the detailing is made by local regional officials and is based on the customary rights of indigenous peoples whose existence is recognized by law, so the names can vary. prior to the enactment of the uupa, detail was indeed evidence of ownership of land rights, but after the enactment of the uupa, detail was no longer evidence of land rights, but only in the form of a certificate of object on land, where detail can be used to register old land rights for certificates to be made for first time (faharudin, 2019). in the provisions of article 24 of government regulation number 24 of 1997 concerning land registration, it is stated that: a. for the purpose of registration of rights, land rights originating from the conversion of old rights are proven by evidence regarding the existence of such rights in the form of written evidence, information with a degree of truth by the adjudication committee in systematic land registration or by the head of the land office in sporadic land registration is considered sufficient to register rights, rights holders and the rights of other parties that burden them. b. in the event that there are no or no complete evidence tools as referred to in paragraph (1), proof of rights can be carried out based on the fact of physical possession of the land parcel in question for 20 (twenty) years or more in a row by the registration applicant and its predecessors, provided that: 1) the control is carried out in good faith and openly by the person concerned as having the right to the land, and is strengthened by the testimony of a person who can be trusted; 2) the control either before or during the announcement as referred to in article 26 is not disputed by the customary law community or the village/kelurahan concerned or other parties. details can prove a person's control and use of controlled land, so that if it is not corroborated by other evidence, detail is not absolutely used as evidence of land ownership rights, but only control and use of land. after the birth of the uupa, the details are no longer valid as proof of ownership of land rights. based on article 32 of government regulation number 24 of 1997 concerning land registration, it is stated that the certificate is a letter of proof of rights that is valid as a strong proof of physical data and juridical data contained therein, as long as the physical data and juridical data are in accordance with the data provided. is in the letter of measurement and the book of land rights in question. in other words, the details no longer have legal force as proof of ownership or are no longer recognized as evidence of land rights, except only as object information and as proof of land/building tax. therefore, proof of ownership of land rights on the basis of detailed evidence is not enough, but must also be proven by physical data and other juridical data as well as physical possession of the land by the person concerned for 20 (twenty) years or more consecutively or continuously. -continuously. with a note that the control is carried out in good faith and openly by the person concerned as having the right to the land, and is strengthened by the testimony of a trustworthy person and the control is not disputed by the customary law community or the concerned village/kelurahan or other parties (munawir abdul kamal, 2016) the understanding that detail is proof of ownership of land rights after the enactment of the loga is due to such an assumption that is still developing among the community. the fact that occurs in the community, there are still many cases related to land that have not been registered. one of the land disputes whose proof of ownership has not been registered and becomes a land case because of a lawsuit filed in court. in the lawsuit that was filed, batjtje binti tjale submitted evidence in the form of: a. an excerpt of the book on the size of the temporary registration of land owned by indonesia given to batjtje binti tjale on 15 july 1958; b. the approval of the head of the batangkaluku neighborhood in accordance with the original and registered in book f belonging to the batangkaluku neighborhood; c. certificate no. 15/skt/lbk/vi/2014; p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 7-15 12 d. image of object of dispute. the evidence of the letter above is in the form of a photocopy that has been affixed with sufficient stamp duty and after being matched with the original at trial, so that it can be used as legal evidence. in addition to the evidence mentioned above, batjtje binti tjale also presented witnesses who had testified under oath. in which the witnesses' statements contradict each other stating that the land that was managed and controlled by batjtje binti tjale from 1958 to 2013 came from tjalle who was the parent of batjtje binti tjale. after tjalle died, he was replaced by batjtje binti tjale. where from 1958 to 2013 it was batjtje binti tjale who paid taxes on the land. batjtje binti tjale stopped working on the land in 2013 after there was a government-owned building on the land. because based on the case presented, the evidence shown and the witnesses presented by batjtje binti tjale, and taking into account the exceptions submitted by the defendant and the evidence shown, in the district court decision number 10/pdt.g/2014/ pn.sungg, dated december 11, 2014, the panel of judges in their ruling, partially granted batjtje binti tjale's claim and stated that batjtje binti tjale was the owner of a land area of 4,400 m2 (four thousand four hundred square meters), jalan malino, batang kaluku village, kecamatan somba opu, gowa regency which has evidence of detail persil no. 12 si kohir no. 303 ci. stated that the south sulawesi provincial government and the gowa regency land office had committed an unlawful act. due to the district court decision number 10/pdt.g/2014/pn.sungg, the panel of judges rejected the exception of the level i regional government of south sulawesi province in its entirety, the regional government of south sulawesi province filed an appeal at the south sulawesi high court and decided on 24 june 2015. in the legal considerations of the panel of judges number 119/pdt/2015/pt.mks, stated that the exception from the comparative party (level i regional government of south sulawesi province) was acceptable because in this case it was considered that the shortcomings of the parties proposed by the appellant (batje binti tjale) because the regional government of south sulawesi province claimed to have obtained the disputed land from the heirs of abd. jamal dg. however, the party has not been sued, so the subject matter in this case cannot be considered. meanwhile, at the cassation stage, the supreme court court which ruled on august 18, 2016 number 3136.k/pdt/2015 in its legal considerations stated that the decision of the south sulawesi high court dated june 24, 2015 number 119/pdt/2015/pt.mks, was not wrong in applying the law. with the consideration that in this case it is considered that the parties proposed by batjtje binti tjale are lacking, so that the lawsuit is formally considered vague and unacceptable. based on the description of the decision above, it is clear that batjtje binti tjale won in the district court, but at the high court and the supreme court it was stated that niet ontvankelijke verklaard means that the lawsuit cannot be accepted because it contains a formal defect. the lawsuit was not followed up by the judge to be examined and tried so that there was no object of the lawsuit in the decision to be executed. m. yahya harahap explained that there are various kinds of formal defects that may be attached to the lawsuit, including (m. yahya harahap, 2006). 1. a lawsuit signed by a power of attorney based on a power of attorney that does not meet the requirements outlined in article 123 paragraph (1) hir; 2. the lawsuit has no legal basis; 3. error in persona lawsuit in the form of disqualification or plarium litis consortium; 4. the lawsuit contains obscuur libel, ne bis in idem defects, or violates absolute or relative jurisdiction (competence). as the opinion of riduan syahrani quoted by moh. taufik makarao, proof is the presentation of legal evidence according to law to a judge who examines a case in order to provide certainty about the truth of the events presented. that is, the presentation of the evidence to reveal the facts of an event that is the object of a dispute (makarao, moh. taufik 2009). if it is related to the evidence as stipulated in article 1866 of the civil code, it can be stated that the evidence presented by batjtje binti tjale at the trial when filing a lawsuit has fulfilled the elements as evidence. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 7-15 13 the only problem is that what batjtje binti tjale shows is a photocopy of a letter/document without showing the original letter/document. as in the provisions of article 1888 of the civil code, it states that "the power of proof with a written document lies in the original deed. if the original deed exists, then copies and quotations can only be trusted as long as the copies and quotations are in accordance with the original which can always be ordered to be shown. likewise in the provisions of article 1889 of the civil code, it states that “if the original certificate of title is no longer available, the copy shall provide evidence, subject to the following conditions”: a. the first copy (gross) provides the same evidence as the original deed; the same applies to copies made by order of a judge in the presence of both parties or after both parties have been legally summoned, as well as copies made before both parties with their consent; b. a copy made after the issuance of the first copy without the intercession of a judge or without the consent of both parties, either by the notary in whose presence the deed was made, or by a successor or by an employee who because of his position keeps the original deed (minut) and is authorized to provide copies, can be accepted by the judge as perfect evidence if the original deed has been lost; c. if the copy made according to the original deed is not made by the notary before whom the deed has been made, or by a substitute, or by a public employee who because of his position keeps the original deed, then the copy cannot be used as evidence at all, but only as evidence. written start; d. an authentic copy of an authentic copy or from a private deed, according to the circumstances, may provide a written preliminary evidence. the author is of the opinion that detail is still recognized as one of the foundations of land rights even for lands that have not been registered or certified so that the case above will guarantee justice and certainty for those who have examined and proven prior to the rights to land objects that have been identified. be disputed. therefore, all claims and disclaimers will be based on applying the applicable legal provisions. however, if there is no complete evidence provided by the applicant, the bookkeeping of rights can be carried out based on the physical possession of the land parcel of the party concerned for 20 (twenty) years or more continuously with the following prerequisites: 1. the control of the land is carried out in good faith and openly by the party concerned as the party entitled to the land and can be strengthened by the testimony of a trusted person. 2. the control of the land is not being disputed by the customary law community or the village/kelurahan concerned or other parties either before or during the announcement period as referred to in article 26. as time goes by, government regulation number 24 of 1997 concerning land registration has changed, namely government regulation number 18 of 2021 concerning management rights, land rights, flat units and land registration which are regulated in article 96 paragraphs (1) and (2) concerning proof of the old rights of former customary lands are as follows: a. ex-customary evidence owned by individuals must be registered within a maximum period of 5 (five) years from the enactment of this government regulation b. in the event that the period of time as referred to in paragraph (1) expires, the written evidence of land belonging to adat is declared null and void and cannot be used as a means of proving land rights and only as a guide in the context of land registration. from the statement of article 96 above, it can be interpreted that the proof of ownership of the rights to the former customary land must be immediately registered at the land agency office, if the object has not been registered or a certificate has not been issued for a period of 5 years which is taken into consideration the period of completion of land registration. throughout the territory of the republic of indonesia since the issuance of this government regulation, evidence of former customary property is no longer valid and cannot change the status of the land. legal certainty of land ownership data will be achieved if land registration has been carried out, because the purpose of land registration is to provide legal certainty and legal protection to land rights holders. both p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 7-15 14 certainty regarding the subject (i.e. what the rights are, who owns it, whether or not there is a burden on it) and certainty regarding the object, namely its location, boundaries and extent as well as the presence/absence of buildings/plants on it. in the context of providing legal certainty, those who register their land will be given a document of proof of rights that serves as a strong evidence. in the provisions of the national land law, in this case government regulation number 24 of 1997 concerning land registration, only certificates of land rights are legally recognized as proof of ownership of land rights which guarantee legal certainty and are protected by law. based on the theory of legal protection with reference to the provisions of article 3 letter a and article 4 paragraph (1) pp no. 24 of 1997 which regulates the purpose of land registration, where land registration aims to provide legal protection to the holder of the right to a plot of land so that he can easily prove himself as the holder of the right in question. in order to provide legal protection as intended, the holder of the right in question is given a certificate of land rights. referring to the case studies carried out, as in the description of the decision that has been described previously, it appears that batjtje binti tjale at the district court level was declared victorious, then later at the high court and supreme court it was declaredniet ontvankelijke verklaardmeaning that the lawsuit cannot be accepted because it contains a formal defect. this certainly affects the legal protection ofbatjtje binti tjale who controlled the land based on the details as the basis for the rights he had. it should be in accordance with the provisions of article 119 hir/article 143 rbg that, the head of the district court is authorized to provide legal advice and assistance to the plaintiff or his representative or proxies in the case of filing a lawsuit. supposedly after the judge studied and found a formal defect in the lawsuit, in the trial the judge gave advice on the improvement of the lawsuit to the plaintiff so that the lawsuit can be corrected and the parties who have rights in this land dispute can be decided in a fair manner. the dualism of the legality model of ownership has resulted in various problems, which in fact fulfill the cases in court, namely a lawsuit against land between the certificate owner and the detailed owner. the government and the law certainly cannot rule out the existence of these details, because in addition to these details as the legality of land ownership prior to the loga, the government has also not required all owners of detailed lands to register or certify land for free, or bpn's proactive action for data collection and certification of all lands. in the territory of indonesia. if these steps have been taken by the government, then the policy of not acknowledging the existence of these details can be justified. 4. conclusion the position of detail as the basis for land rights in proving land ownership by the community, namely before the issuance of the uupa, detail was proof of ownership of land rights. along with the enactment of the uupa and government regulation number 24 of 1997 concerning land registration, the details are no longer as evidence of land rights, but as evidence of a person's control over the controlled land, so that if it is not corroborated with other evidence, the details cannot be used absolutely as a tool. proof of ownership of land in the trial. the legal protection of land tenure by the community based on the details as the basis for their rights, namely that they have not fully received legal protection. so that in order to obtain legal certainty and protection, land tenure based on details must first be followed up with land registration, in which in the land registration process a certificate will be issued as proof of rights, to avoid disputes in the future. considering that in the judicial process, the position of a certificate is stronger than that of a certificate. so that it can result in a person who only has evidence in the form of details, cannot get legal protection. references a. suriyaman mustari pide. 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(1982). han anda atas tanah. ghalia indonesia. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 kedudukan dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi (analisis putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi) i dewi ratnasari rustam page 203 kedudukan dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi (analisis putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor:04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi) oleh dewi ratnasari rustam mahasiswa pascasarjana magister hukumuniversitas airlangga abstract dissenting opinion is the difference of opinion between the tribunal judges who handle certain a matter with other judges of the tribunal dealing with certain cases. dissenting opinion does not have the force of law because it cannot be the foundation for the inception of the award. dissenting opinion itself is an aspect of the law that need to be examined in order to prevent the formation of false opinion among the public. so, nowadays have started to formed the perception that dissenting opinion was an engineering law, instead of enforcing the rule of law but rather media that gave the opportunity for the defendant in corruption regardless of criminal trapping; but on the other hand is a form of difference of opinion and the independence of the judges as the metre is guaranteed by the provisions of the law; that the importance of dissenting opinion in the court ruling was the judge's opinion be weighted, in an attempt of law appeal or cassation; as an indicator to determine the career judge, as an attempt to avoid the practice of corruption, collusion and nepotism (kkn) and the judicial mafia; as a real step towards the transparency of judicial democratization; the judiciary; and kemandiarian the judge require the freedom of speech. keywords: dissenting opinion, the crime of corruption a. pendahuluan negara indonesia dikonsepsikan secara tegas sebagai negara hukum, di dalam pasal 1 ayat (3) undang-undang dasar 1945 hasil perubahan; menyebutkan bahwa indonesia adalah negara hukum. hukum sebagai sebagai dasar pemerintah untuk menjalankan pemerintahan dan untuk membatasi kekuasaan pemerintahan. kepentingan individu, masyarakat dan negara terus berkembang dinamis sesuai dengan tuntutan modernisasi dan globalisasi. perubahan masyarakat yang dinamis ini perlu diatur di dalam hukum. proses pembuatan hukum harus mendasarkan pada nilai-nilai atau jiwa bangsa, sehingga tidak bisa langsung diterima konsep hukum yang berasal dari luar. jati diri bangsa inilah yang merupakan filter masuknya nilai-nilai dari bangsa lain (teguh prasetyo: 2010). sebagai suatu negara hukum, sudah selayaknya prinsip-prinsip dari suatu negara hukum harus dihormati dan dijunjung tinggi. sejalan dengan ketentuan tersebut maka salah satu prinsip negara hukum adalah adanya jaminan penyelenggaraan kekuasaan kehakiman yang issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 kedudukan dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi (analisis putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi) i dewi ratnasari rustam page 204 merdeka, bebas dari pengaruh kekuasaan lainnya untuk menyelenggarakan peradilan guna menegakkan hukum dan keadilan. kekuasaan kehakiman menurut undang-undang dasar negara republik indonesia tahun 1945 merupakan kekuasaan yang merdeka yang dilakukan oleh sebuah mahkamah agung dan badan peradilan di bawahnya, dan oleh sebuah mahkamah konstitusi. berkaitan dengan kemandirian kekuasaan kehakiman, hal tersebut telah diatur secara konstitusional dalam penjelasan pasal 24 dan 25 undang-undang dasar 1945, dengan tegas disebutkan bahwa „kekuasaan kehakiman ialah kekuasaan yang merdeka, artinya terlepas dari pengaruh kekuasaan pemerintah. berhubung dengan itu, harus diadakan jaminan dalam undang-undang tentang kedudukan para hakim.“ sejalan dengan amanat undang-undang dasar 1945 tersebut adalah tap mpr nomor iii/mpr/1978, pasal 11 ayat (1) menyebutkan „mahkamah agung adalah badan yang melaksanakan kekuasaan kehakiman yang dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya terlepas dari pengaruh kekuasaan pemerintah“. bila ditelusuri lebih lanjut, tentang kekuasan kehakiman yang merdeka dalam arti terlepas dari pengaruh kekuasaan pemerintah, ditegaskan kembali dalam undangundang nomor 48 tahun 2009 tentang kekuasaan kehakiman maupun dalam undang-undang nomor 14 tahun 1985 juncto undang-undang nomor 3 tahun 2009 tentang mahkamah agung. pasal 1 undang-undang nomor 48 tahun 2009 menyebutkan : kekuasaan kehakiman adalah kekuasaan negara yang merdeka untuk menyelenggarakan peradilan guna menegakkan hukum dan keadilan berdasarkan pancasila dan undang-undang dasar negara republik indonesia tahun 1945, demi terselenggaranya negara hukum republik indonesia“. penjelasan pasal 1 undang-undang nomor 48 tahun 2009 memuat keterangan lebih yang tegas tentang adanya kemerdekaan badan-badan peradilan. dikatakan bahwa, „kekuasaan kekuasaan kehakiman yang merdeka mengandung pengertian di dalamnya kekuasaan kehakiman yang bebas dari campur tangan pihak kekuasaan ekstra yudisial, kecuali dalam hal-hal sebagaimana disebut dalam undang-undang dasar negara republik indonesia 1945“. kedudukan kekuasaan kehakiman seperti terurai di atas, juga berlaku terhadap mahkamah agung. hal itu diatur dalam pasal 2 undang-undang nomor 14 tahun 1985 yang berbunyi sebagai „mahkamah agung adalah pengadilan negara tertinggi dari semua lingkungan peradilan, yang issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 kedudukan dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi (analisis putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi) i dewi ratnasari rustam page 205 dalam melaksanakan tugasnya terlepas dari pengaruh pemerintah dan pengaruh-pengaruh lainnya“. uraian di atas menunjukkan bahwa baik secara konstitusional maupun berdasarkan hukum positif yang berlaku, terdapat jaminan yang kuat terhadap kedudukan kekuasaan kehakiman pada umumnya dan mahkamah agung dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya. seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, di mana muncul banyak kasus-kasus yang menuntut kecermatan dari para hakim dalam memutus perkara maka di indonesia diterapkan juga dissenting opinion tersebut. selain itu penerapan dissenting opinion tersebut juga dilatarbelakangi oleh sebuah pemikiran sederhana yang menyatakan bahwa sebuah putusan baru bisa disebut adil apabila setiap hakim bisa menggunakan haknya untuk mengungkapkan pandangannya secara bebas, terbuka dan jujur dengan menggunakan pertimbangan hukum, sampai dihasilkan satu putusan yang bersifat kolektif. di indonesia istilah dissenting opinion mulai mencuat dikarenakan kasus-kasus korupsi yang ditangani oleh mahkamah agung. salah satu perubahan yang sangat mendasar dalam revisi undang-undang kekuasaan kehakiman adalah ketentuan pengaturan lembaga perbedaan pendapat yang sangat berlainan dengan ketentuan dalam perundangan sebelumnya. dalam undang-undang nomor 48 tahun 2009 tentang kekuasaan kehakiman disebutkan bahwa dalam sidang permusyawaratan, setiap hakim wajib menyampaikan pertimbangan atau pendapat tertulis terhadap perkara yang sedang diperiksa dan menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari putusan. ketentuan ini selanajutnya menyebutkan bahwa jika dalam sidang permusyawaratan tidak dapat dicapai mufakat bulat, maka pendapat hakim yang berbeda wajib dimuat dalam putusan. keharusan majelis hakim untuk memuat pendapat hakim yang berbeda dalam putusan juga diatur telah dalam undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 2005 tentang mahkamah agung yaitu pada pasal 30 ayat (2) yang menetapkan bahwa dalam musyawarah pengambilan putusan setiap hakim agung wajib menyampaikan pertimbangan atau pendapat tertulis terhadap perkara yang sedang diperiksa dan menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari putusan. selanjutnya pada ayat (3) ditambahkan bahwa, dalam hal musyawarah tidak dicapai mufakat bulat, pendapat hakim yang berbeda wajib dimuat dalam putusan. dalam hal musyawarah tentang putusan yang akan dijatuhkan, ada beberapa pilihan:(1) mereka sepakat untuk menjatuhkan putusan; (2) apabila musyawarah tidak disepakati, maka dilakukan voting; dan (3) issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 kedudukan dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi (analisis putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi) i dewi ratnasari rustam page 206 juga harus dimuat dalam pertimbangan putusan, pendapat dari hakim yang tidak sependapat disebut dissenting opinion (eman ramelan:2010). namun demikian, terjadi perbedaan dalam penerapan dissenting opinion pada lembagalembaga yudikatif, khususnya dalam hal model pencantuman dissenting opinion itu sendiri. perbedaan tersebut dapat ditemukan pada pengadilan niaga dan pada mahkamah konstitusi :(1) pada pengadilan niaga, model pencantuman dissenting opinion terpisah dari putusan; (2) pada mahkamah konstitusi, dissenting opinion merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari putusan. sehubungan dengan penjatuhan putusan hakim yang berkaitan dengan dissenting opinion yang sering menjadi perdebatan para hakim adalah masalah korupsi. achmad zainuri (2017: 15) mengungkapkan bahwa korupsi di negeri ini telah merambah di semua lini bagaikan gurita. penyimpangan ini bukan saja merasuki kawasan yang sudah dipersepsi publik sebagai sarang korupsi, tetapi juga menyusuri lorong-lorong instansi yang tidak terbayangkan sebelumnya bahwa di sana ada korupsi. demikian juga marwan effendy (2007: 1), mengungkapkan bahwa korupsi di indonesia seperti tidak habis-habisnya semakin ditindas makin meluas, bahkan perkembangannya terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun, baik dalam jumlah kasus, jumlah kerugian negara maupun kualitasnya. akhir-akhir ini tampak makin terpola dan sistematis, lingkupnya juga telah menyentuh keseluruh aspek kehidupan masyarakat dan lintas batas negara. atas dasar hal tersebut, korupsi secara nasional disepakati tidak saja sebagai extra ordinary crime, tetapi juga sebagai kejahatan transnasional. berkaiatan dengan penerapan dissenting opinion dalam penjatuhan putusan perkara dalam tindak pidana korupsi, yang mengadili terdakwa dr. h. buhari matta,s.e.m.si. selaku bupati kolaka, telah terbukti melakukan tindak pidana korupsi, sebagaimana diatur dan diancam pidana dalam pasal 2 ayat (1) jo pasal 18 undang-undang nomor 31 tahun 1999 tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi jo undang-undang nomor 20 tahun 2001 tentang perubahan atas atas undangundang nomor 31 tahun 1999 tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi jo pasal 55 ayat 1 (1) ke-1 kuhp. selain itu jaksa penuntut umum menerapkan dakwaan berlapis dengan menerapkan dakwaan subsidair sebagaimana diatur dan diancam pidana dalam pasal 3 jo pasal 18 undangundang nomor 31 tahun 1999 tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi jo undang-undang nomor 20 tahun 2001 tentang perubahan atas undang-undang nomor 31 tahun 1999 tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi jo pasal 55 ayat (1) ke1 kuhp. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 kedudukan dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi (analisis putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi) i dewi ratnasari rustam page 207 berdasarkan kasus posisi yang telah diajukan, jaksa penuntut umum dalam tuntutan pidananya antara lain; menuntut agar hakim yang memeriksa dan mengadili perkara memutus dengan menghukum terdakwa dengan pidana penjara selama 7 (tujuh) tahun dan membayar denda sebesar rp 500.000.000, (lima ratus juta rupiah). di pihak lain, penasihat hukum terdakwa dalam pleidoinya mengajukan agar terdakwa dinyatakan tidak terbukti bersalah dan membebaskan terdakwa dari seluruh surat dakwaan. selanjutnya, judex factie dalam ratio decidendinya, berdasarkan fakta hukum yang terungkap di persidangan menetapkan bahwa terdakwa telah terbukti secarah sah dan meyakinkan bersalah melakukan tindak pidana korupsi secara bersama-sama sebagaimana dalam dakwaan primer, dan menjatuhkan terdakwa dengan pidana penjara 4 (empat) tahun 6 (enam) bulan serta denda sebesar rp. 500.000.000,(lima ratus juta rupiah). berkaitan dengan uraian pendahuluan di atas, maka tulisan ini difokuskan untuk mengkaji penjatuhan putusan hakim di mana terjadi dissenting opinion para hakim, hakim anggota 2 berbeda pendapat dengan dua orang hakim lainnya, maka isu hukum dan permasalahan yang perlu dikemukakan adalah (1) apakah dissenting opinion mempunyai kekuatan mengikat (legal binding) dalam penjatuhan putusan hakim, dan (2) apakah dissenting opinion dapat digunakan dalam penjatuhan putusan pengadilan. jenis penelitian ini adalah normatif, pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konsep dan pendekatan kasus. b. pembahasan 1. konsep dasar dissenting opinion dalam blacks law dictionary“.explisicit disagreement of one or more judges of a with the decicion passed by the majority upon a case before them…”(didik endro purwoleksono, 2010: 13)historisnya, lembaga perbedaan pendapat (dissenting opinion) terutama dianut di negaranegara anglosaxson yang menggunakan common law system, dan dapat dikatakan merupakan konsekuensi dari dianutnya system common law itu di negara-negara tersebut. di negara-negara yang menganut sistem hukum ini, hakim sebagai pelaksana hukum, ia juga pembentuk hukum (judge made law). peranan hakim (pengadilan) sangat penting dalam pembentukan hukum, karena dalam system ini prinsipnya yaitu common law adalah “the law that develops and derives thtough judicial decision” (black henry campbell, 2011: 73). pada hakekatnya dissenting opinion adalah merupakan perbedaan pendapat yang terjadi antara majelis hakim yang menangani suatu perkara tertentu dengan majelis hakim lainnya yang issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 kedudukan dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi (analisis putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi) i dewi ratnasari rustam page 208 menangani kasus tertentu lainya. majelis hakim yang menangani suatu perkara menurut kebiasaan dalam hukum acara berjumlah tiga orang, dari ketiga orang hakim majelis hakim ini apabila dalam musyawarah menjelang pengambilan putusan terdapat perbedaan pendapat diantara satu sama lain maka putusan akan diambil dengan jalan voting atau kalau hal ini tidak memungkinkan, pendapat hakim yang paling menguntungkan bagi terdakwa yang akan dipakai dalam putusan. sedangkan bagi hakim anggota yang kalah suara dalam menentukan putusan, harus menerima pendapat mayoritas majelis hakim dan dapat menuliskan pendapatnya yang berbeda den gan putusan dalam buku khusus yang dikelola oleh ketua pengadilan negeri dan bersifat rahasia. 2. konsep pemidanaan secara dogmatis (dwidja priyatno, 2006: 45) dapat dikatakan bahwa di dalam hukum pidana terdapat tiga permasalahan pokok, yaitu (1) perbuatan yang dilarang, (2) orang yang melakukan perbuatan yang dilarang itu; dan (3) pidana yang diancamkan terhadap pelanggaran larangan itu. sejalan dengan itu, menurut sauer ada tiga pengertian dasar dalam hukum pidana, yaitu (1) sifat melawan hukum; (2) kesalahan dan (3) pidana. ciri khas hukum pidana, yang membedakan dengan hukum yang lain ialah adanya sanksi yang berupa pidana. pidana itu sendiri dari pelbagai pandangan para pakar merupakan suatu nespatapa, derita, ketidakenakan, ketidaknyamanan, pengekangan hak-hak seseorang, yang dijatuhkan oleh hakim kepada seseorang yang telah terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan telah melakukan tindak pidana. hukum pidana sengaja memberikan penderitaan dalam mempertahankan yang diakui dalam hukum (didik endro purwoleksono, 2010: 13). lebih lanjut ditegaskan (didik endro purwoleksono, 2010: 22), bahwa fungsi hukum pidana itu sendiri adalah melindungi kepentingan hukum, baik kepentingan hukum orang, warga masyarakat maupun negara dari rongrongan atau pelanggaran atau perkosaan oleh siapapun. disisi lain, fungsi hukum pidana melalui pengaturan sanksi pidana dalam undang-undang ada dua fungsi yaitu (1) ultimum remedium yang diletakkan atau diposisikan sebagai sanksi terakhir dan (2) primum remedium yang diletakkan atau diposisikan sebagai sanksi yang utama. penjatuhan pidana dan pemidanaan dapat dikatakan cermin peradilan pidana. apabila proses peradilan pidana yang berakhir dengan penjatuhan pidana itu berjalan sesuai dengan asas peradilan, niscaya peradilan dinilai baik, tetapi apabila sebaliknya tentu saja dinilai sebaliknya pula bahkan dapat di cap sebagai kemerosotan kewibawaan hukum. walaupun undang-undang issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 kedudukan dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi (analisis putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi) i dewi ratnasari rustam page 209 mengatur persamaan semua orang dihadapan hukum (equality before the law), sebagaimana diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, namun berdasarkan undang-undang itu pula terdapat pengecualian, yaitu tiada undang-undang tanpa pengecualian. pemidanaan mempunyai beberapa tujuan yang dapat diklasifikasikan berdasarkan teoriteori tentang pemidanaan. teori tentang tujuan pemidanaan yang berkisar pada perbedaan hakekat ide dasar tentang pemidanaan yang dapat dilihat dari beberapa pandangan. herbert l. packer, (2005:10) menyatakan bahwa ada dua pandangan konseptual yang masing-masing mempunyai implikasi moral yang berbeda satu sama lain, yakni pandangan retributif dan pandangan utilitarian. pandangan retributif mengandaikan pemidanaan sebagai ganjaran negatif terhadap perilaku menyimpang yang dilakukan oleh warga masyarakat sehingga pandangan ini melihat pemidanaan hanya sebagai pembalasan terhadap kesalahan yang dilakukan atas dasar tanggung jawab moralnya masing-masing. pandangan utilitarian melihat pemidanaan dari segi manfaat dan kegunaannya di mana yang dilihat adalah situasi atau keadaan yang ingin dihasilkan dengan dijatuhkannya pidana itu. di satu pihak, pemidanaan dimaksudkan untuk memperbaiki sikap atau tingkah laku terpidana dan dipihak lain pemidanaan itu juga dimaksudkan untuk mencegah orang lain dari kemungkinan melakukan perbuatan yang serupa. pandangan ini dikatakan berorientasi ke depan dan sekaligus mempunyai sifat pencegahan. muladi, membagi teori-teori tentang tujuan pemidanaan menjadi tiga kelompok yakni: 1) teori absolut; 2) teori teleologis; dan 3) teori retributif teleologis. sedangkan bambang poernomo dan van bemmelen juga menyatakan ada tiga teori pemidanaan sebagaimana yang dinyatakan oleh muladi, yakni teori pembalasan, teori tujuan dan teori gabungan (bambang poernomo, 1986: 27). demikian juga widodo (2009:70) mengemukakan tiga macam teori tujuan pemidanaan yaitu teori absolut, teori relatif dan teori gabungan. teori tersebut mengkaji tentang alasan penjatuhan pidana. teori absolut memandang bahwa pemidanaan merupakan pembalasan atas kesalahan yang dilakukan sehingga berorientasi pada perbuatan dan terletak pada terjadinya kejahatan itu sendiri. teori ini mengedepankan bahwa sanksi dalam hukum pidana dijatuhkan semata-mata karena orang telah melakukan sesuatu kejahatan yang merupakan akibat mutlak yang harus ada sebagai suatu pembalasan kepada orang yang melakukan kejahatan sehingga sanksi bertujuan untuk memuaskan tuntutan keadilan. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 kedudukan dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi (analisis putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi) i dewi ratnasari rustam page 210 teori teleologis (tujuan) memandang bahwa pemidanaan bukan sebagai pembalasan atas kesalahan pelaku tetapi sarana mencapai tujuan yang bermanfaat untuk melindungi masyarakat menuju kesejahteraan masyarakat. sanksi ditekankan pada tujuannya, yakni untuk mencegah agar orang tidak melakukan kejahatan, maka bukan bertujuan untuk pemuasan absolut atas keadilan. berdasarkan teori tersebut muncul tujuan pemidanaan sebagai sarana pencegahan, baik pencegahan khusus yang ditujukan kepada pelaku, maupun pencegahan umum yang ditujukan kepada masyarakat. teori relatif berasas pada tiga tujuan utama pemidanaan yaitu preventif, detterence, dan reformatif. tujuan preventif untuk melindung masyarakat dengan menempatkan pelaku kejahatan terpisah dari masyarakat. tujuan menakuti (untuk menimbulkan rasa takut melakukan kejahatan yang bisa dibedakan untuk individual, publik dan jangka panjang). teori retributif teleologis memandang bahwa tujuan pemidanaan bersifat plural, karena menggabungkan antara prinsi-prinsip teleologis (tujuan) dan retributif sebagai satu kesatuan. teori ini juga sering dikenal sebagai teori integratif atau juga teori paduan. teori ini bercorak ganda, di mana pemidanaan mengandung karakter retributif sejauh pemidanaan dilihat sebagai suatu kritik moral dalam menjawab tindakan yang salah. sedangkan karakter teleologisnya terletak pada ide bahwa tujuan kritik moral tersebut ialah suatu reformasi atau perubahan perilaku terpidana dikemudian hari. pandangan teori ini menganjurkan adanya kemungkinan untuk mengadakan artikulasi terhadap teori pemidanaan yang mengintegrasikan beberapa fungsi sekaligus retribution yang bersifat utilitarian di mana pencegahan dan sekaligus rehabilitasi y ang semuanya dilihat sebagai sarana yang harus dicapai oleh suatu rencana pemidanaan. karena tujuannya bersifat integratif, maka perangkat tujuan pemidanaan adalah: a) pencegahan umum dan khusus; b) perlindungan masyarakat; c) memelihara solidaritas masyarakat; dan d) pengimbalan/ pengimbangan. perkembangan teori pemidanaan selalu mengalami pasang surut dalam perkembangannya. teori pemidanaan yang bertujuan rehabilitasi telah dikritik karena didasarkan pada keyakinan bahwa tujuan rehabilitasi tidak dapat berjalan. pada tahun 1970an telah terdengar tekanantekanan bahwa treatment terhadap rehabilitasi tidak berhasil serta indeterminate sentence tidak diberikan dengan tepat tanpa gais-garis pedoman (sholehuddin, 2003:61). lebih lanjut dikemukan bahwa terhadap tekanan atas tujuan rehabilitasi lahir “model keadilan” sebagai justifikasi modern untuk pemidanaan yang dikemukakan oleh se situs reid. model keadilan yang dikenal juga dengan pendekatan keadilan atau model ganjaran setimpal (just issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 kedudukan dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi (analisis putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi) i dewi ratnasari rustam page 211 disert model) yang didasarkan pada dua teori tentang tujuan pemidanaan, yaitu pencegahan (prevention) dan retribusi (retribution). dasar retribusi dalam just disert model menganggap bahwa pelanggar akan diniliai dengan sanksi yang patut diterima oleh mereka mengingat kejahatankejahatan yang telah dilakukannya, sanksi yang tepat akan mencegah para kriminal untuk melakukan tindakan-tindakan kejahatan lagi dan mencegah orang-orang lain melakukan kejahatan. memperhatikan beberapa teori klasik tentang tujuan pemidanaan sebagaimana yang dikemukakan oleh para pakar, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penjatuhan pidana lebih banyak ditujukan untuk “kepentingan” pelaku. dengan kata lain, tujuan pemidanaan hanya dimaksudkan untuk mengubah perilaku dari pelaku kejahatan, agar pelaku tidak mengulangi lagi perbuatannya, sedangkan kepentingan korban sama sekali diabaikan. 3. konsep tindak pidana korupsi tidak ada jawaban yang tunggal dan sederhana untuk menjawab mengapa korupsi timbul dan berkembang demikian masif di suatu negara. ada yang menyatakan bahwa korupsi ibarat penyakit ‘kanker ganas’ yang sifatnya tidak hanya kronis tapi juga akut. ia menggerogoti perekonomian sebuah negara secara perlahan, namun pasti. penyakit ini menempel pada semua aspek bidang kehidupan masyarakat sehingga sangat sulit untuk diberantas. perlu dipahami bahwa dimanapun dan sampai pada tingkatan tertentu, korupsi memang akan selalu ada dalam suatu negara atau masyarakat. berbagai definisi yang menjelaskan dan menjabarkan makna korupsi dapat ditemukan, dengan penekanan pada studi masing-masing individu makna korupsi menjadi bermakna luas dan tidak hanya dari satu perspektif saja. setiap orang memaknai korupsi, namun satu kata kunci yang bisa menyatukan berbagai macam definisi itu adalah bahwa korupsi adalah perbuatan tercela dan harus diberantas. korupsi berasal dari kata latin “corruptio atau corruptus” yang berarti kebobrokan atau kerusakan. kemudian muncul dalam bahasa inggris dan prancis “coruption”, dalam bahasa belanda “corruptie” dan selanjutnya diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa indonesia dengan sebutan korupsi yang berarti perbuatan yang tidak baik, buruk, curang, dapat disuap, tidak bermoral, menyimpang dari kesucian, melanggar norma-norma agama, mental dan hukum. demikian juga dalam transparensy international mendefinisikan korupsi sebagai “menyalagunakan kekuasaan dan kepercayaan publik untuk keuntungan pribadi (sukardi, 2009: 69). issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 kedudukan dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi (analisis putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi) i dewi ratnasari rustam page 212 selanjutnya kata korupsi yang telah diterima dalam perbendaharaan kata bahasa indonesia itu, disimpulkan oleh poerwadarminta dalam kamus umum bahasa indonesia “korupsi ialah perbuatan yang buruk seperti penggelapan uang, penerimaan uang sogok dan sebagainya. 4. putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi. isi putusan : 1) menyatakan terdakwa dr. h. buhari matta, se.,m.sitelah terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan bersalah melakukan tindak pidana “korupsi secara bersama”. 2) menjatuhkan pidana terhadap terdakwa dr. h. buhari matta, se.,m.si; dengan pidana penjara selama 4 (empat) tahun 6 (enam) bulan dan pidana denda sebesar rp. 500.000.000,(lima ratus juta rupiah) dengan ketentuan apabila denda tersebut tidak dibayar maka diganti dengan pidana kurungan selama 6 (enam) bulan; isi perbedaan pendapat (dissenting opinion) pendapat hakim anggota 2 (dua) kusdarwanto s.e.,s.h.,m.h yang melakukan dissenting opinion terhadap perkara nomor 04/pid.tipikor/2013/ pn.kdi, yang berpendapat bahwa “barang yang berupa kadar nikel rendah disebut juga ora nikel atau pun low grade saprolite (lgs) sebanyak 222.000 wmt (dua ratus dua puluh ribu weight metrich ton) yang terletak di blok pomalaa pt. inco, tbk dan telah diserahterimakan oleh pt. inco, tbk, kepada bupati kepala daerah kabupaten kolaka berupa hak pengolaan dan pemanfaatannya pada tanggal 25 juni 2010; adalah bukan merupakan milik pemerintah daerah kabupaten kolaka, dengan pertimbangan sebagai berikut: 1) bahwa sesuai fakta dipersidangan dan berdasarkan keterangan saksi-saksi clayton allen weans sh (presiden direktur pt.tbk) edi permadi (direktur eksternal relation pt. inco,tbk non akta) dan kuyung jaya andrawinata (general manager pt. inco, tbk) yang pada pokoknya menyatakan pt. inco tbk. adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan berupa pma (penanaman modal asing) di mana saham terbesarnya dimiliki oleh vale dari negara brasil; 2) bahwa sesuai fakta di persidangan dan berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan saksi-saksi clayton allen weans sh (presiden direktur pt.tbk) edi permadi (direktur eksternal relation pt. inco,tbk non akta) dan kuyung jaya andrawinata (general manager pt. inco, tbk) yang pada pokoknya menerangkan pt. inco tbk. berinvestasi di bidang pertambangan di indonesia berdasarkan kontrak karya antara pt. inco, tbk. dengan pemerintah republik issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 kedudukan dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi (analisis putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi) i dewi ratnasari rustam page 213 indonesia dan bekerjasama dengan pt. antam sebagai supliyer nikel mate dengan kadar diatas 2 % (dua persen); 3) bahwa sesuai fakta di persidangan berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan saksi-saksi clayton allen wenas, sh (presiden direktur pt.inco,tbk), edi permadi (direktur eksternal relation pt.inco, tbk non akta) ir. ishak nurdin, m.si (kabid pertambangan umum kabupaten kolaka), yang pada pokoknya menerangkan, ore nikel adalah merupakan sisa hasil produksi dari pt. inco, tbk. yang kadarnya di bawah yang disyaratkan oleh pt. antam yang menumpuk di stockfile pt. inco, tbk dan sudah ada sejak lama; 4) bahwa sesuai kontrak antara pt. inco tbk. dengan pemeritah ri pembayaran royalti untuk produk nikel mate sudah dibayar lunas, sedangkan untuk bayaran royalty produk ora nikel tidak diatur dalam kontrak karya. hal ini sesuai dengan keterangan clayton allaen wenas, s.h. (presiden direktur pt.inco,tbk), kuyung jaya andrawinata (general manager pt.inco, tbk); 5) bahwa sesuai fakta dipersidangan dan berdasarkan keterangan saksi-saksi clayton allaen wenas, sh (presiden direktur pt.inco,tbk), kuyung jaya andrawinata (general manager pt.inco, tbk) yang pada pokoknya menerangkan yang membayar royalty ore nikel adalah pt kmi untuk dan atas nama pt. inco, tbk. karena ora nikel adalah pt. inco, tbk; 6) bahwa menurut surat menteri esdm no. 5824/30/sjh/2009 tanggal 21 desember 2009, pada pokoknya menerangkan royalty harus dibayar terlebih dahulu sebelum pengapalan dan kalau belum dibayar royaltynya maka ora nikel adalah milik negara, sedangkan menurut surat edaran menteri esdm no. 32.e/35/djb/2009 tangal 13 oktober 2009 angka 2 (dua) pada pokoknya menjelaskan royalty yang dibayar 1 bulan setelah pengapalan dan titik jual sebagai dasar perhitungan iuran produksi harus dilakukan di atas kapal pengangkut/free on board (fob) sehingga terdapat peraturan yang berbeda tentang pembayaran royalty, hal ini sesuai dengan keterangan ir hakku wahab, selaku kepala dinas energi dan sumber daya mineral (esdm) prov.sultra; selanjutnya berdasarkan keterangan saksi-saksi kuyung jaya andrawinata (general manager pt.inco, tbk) , ahmad syafei (asisten 2 bidang ekonomi pemkab kolaka) yang pada pokoknya menyatakan bahwa royalty baru dibayar setelah ora nikel dijual ; hakim dalam pertimbangannya mengacu pada keterangan saksi clayton allen wenas (presiden direktur pt. inco, tbk) dan ir. hakku wahab (kepala dinas energi dan sumber issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 kedudukan dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi (analisis putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi) i dewi ratnasari rustam page 214 daya mineral dinas prov.sultra) pada pokoknya menerangkan untuk membayar royalty garus diketahui volumenya, kadarnya atau nilainya. menimbang, bahwa oleh karena nilai royalty ini harus pasti maka untuk dapat membayar royalty ini ore nikel ini harus diketahui kadar, volume dan harga jualnya. sehingga menurut anggota majelis 2 (du), ore nikel ini baru dapat dibayar setelah dikapalkan dengan demikian penjual dan pembeli dapat mengetahui terlebih dahulu tentang kadar, volume dan harga ore nikel yang dikapalkan dan pembayaran royalty tidak akan keliru; 7) bahwa sesuai fakta dipersidangan dan berdasarkan keterangan saksi-saksi clayton allaen wenas, sh (presiden direktur pt. inco,tbk), kuyung jaya andrawinata (general manager pt. inco, tbk), edi permadi (direktur eksternal relation pt. inco, tbk non akta) menjelaskan bahwa ore nikel ini kalau tidak dimanfaatkan pihak lain maka akan ditanam kembali (direklamasi) oleh pt. inco, tbk. kalau tidak ditanam kembali atau direklamasi maka ora nikel itu kalau kena air akan menjadi asam tambang dan dapat mencemari lingkungan; menimbang, bahwa dari uraian di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa ore nikel atau nikel kadar rendah adalah merupakan salah satu hasil produksi tambang pt. inco tbk, yang mempunyai kadar dibawah yang telah ditentukan oleh pt. antam, sehingga tidak dapat dikelola dan tidak dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pt, inco tbk, karena ore nikel ini hanyalah berupa sisa-sisa nikel yang ditumpuk di stock file pt .inco, tbk dan bukan tambang nikel yang posisinya masih berada di dalam perut bumi di mana untuk mendapatkan hasil tambang tersebut harus melalui proses penggalian terlebih dahulu; 8) bahwa berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 4 tahun 2009 tentang pertambangan mineral dan batubara, pasal 92 menyatakan : pemegang iup dan iupk berhak memiliki mineral, termasuk mineral ikutannya, atau batubara yang telah diproduksi apabila telah memenuhi iuran eksplorasi atau iuran produksi, kecuali mineral ikutan radioaktiv, dimana pt. inco sudah memenuhi iuran eksplorasi atau iuran produksi. menimbang, bahwa dari uraian di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ore nikel itu adalah milik pt.inco, tbk, hal ini diperkuat dengan keterangan saksi-saksi clayton allaen wenas, sh (presiden direktur pt. inco,tbk),kuyung jaya andrawinata (general manager pt. inco, tbk), edi permadi (direktur eksternal relation pt. inco, tbk non akta). issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 kedudukan dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi (analisis putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi) i dewi ratnasari rustam page 215 bahwa pt.inco, tbk. melakukan serah terima ore nikel yang ditandatangani oleh presiden direktur pt. inco, tbk kepada dr.h. buhari matta se.,m.si selaku bupati kolaka berupa pengeolaan dan pemanfaatan ore nikel berdasarkan surat naskah serah terima pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan nikel rendah di block pomalaa pt. inco tbk, sebanyak 222.000 wmt (dua ratus dua puluh dua ribu weight metric ton) dimana pada angka 5 disebutkan “penyerahan ini adalah bagian dari program corporate social responsibility (csr) pihak pertama (pt.inco tbk)”. hal ini bersesuaian dengan keterangan pertimbangan hakim: menelaah pertimbangan hakimdalam perkara korupsi sebagaimana dikemukakan di atas, maka dapat diketahui dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi terdakwadr. buhari matta,s.e.,m.si. tidak mempunyai kekuatan mengikat (legal binding) dalam penjatuhan putusan hakim terhadap putusan pengadilan tipikor pada pengadilan negeri klas ia kendari nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi. berangkat dari pemahaman yang sederhana, penulis mencoba melakukan reposisi terhadap persepsi masyarakat tentang eksistensi dissenting opinion dalam skema hukum nasional. hal tersebut dimaksudkan untuk menghindari pemikiran konstruktif yang disalah artikan sebagai sarana penggelapan hukum dan menjadikan suatu preseden buruk dalam kerangka sistem peradilan indonesia. sebagaimana diketahui bahwa istilah dissenting opinion mencuat disebabkan kasus-kasus korupsi yang ditangani mahkamah agung. pada hal sebenarnya dissenting opinion tidak harus didominasi oleh lingkup hukum pidana semata. hal ini dikarenakan setiap manusia tidak luput dari silang pendapat. bidang ilmu hukum menyikapi hal silang pendapat sebagai suatu keadaan yang wajar dikarenakan suatu perbedaan dipandang sebagai suatu kultur yang telah memasyarakat. perbedaan lazimnya dikarenakan pandangan, kepentingan, kehendak ataupun rasa keadilan, yang tidak jarang seseorang atau suatu institusi memperjuangkan apa yang diyakininya secara maksimal. hukum menjembatani upaya-upaya perbedaan pendapat tersebut dengan maksud dan tujuan agar tidak tercipta deadlock, karena dikhawatirkan justru akan menimbulkan ketidakpastian hukum. berbagai kasus-kasus pidana (korupsi) yang sampai pada tingkat mahkamah agung, perbandingan antara yang dapat dipidana dengan yang tidak dapat dipidana merupakan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 kedudukan dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi (analisis putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi) i dewi ratnasari rustam page 216 pemandangan yang masih memprihatinkan. para koruptor yang jelas-jelas merugikan negara tetap dapat menikmati kehidupan layaknya orang yang tidak memiliki kesalahan apapun. c. penutup berdasarkan bahasan yang telah dikemukakan di atas dapat disimpulkan sebagai satu kesatuan pemikiran sebagai berikut: 1. bahwa dissenting opinion tidak mempunyai kekuatan mengikat karena tidak menjadi landasan bagi lahirnya putusan. dissenting opinion itu sendiri merupakan aspek hukum yang perlu ditelaah guna mencegah terbentuknya opini yang keliru di kalangan masyarakat. hal tersebut, dewasa ini sudah mulai terbentuk persepsi bahwa dissenting opinion adalah suatu rekayasa hukum, yang bukannya menegakkan supremasi hukum tetapi malah media yang memberi kesempatan bagi para terdakwa korupsi terlepas dari jeratan pidana; namun disisi lain perbedaan pendapat merupakan suatu bentuk dan para meter kemandirian hakim sebagaimana yang dijamin oleh ketentuan undang-undang; 2. bahwa pentingnya dissenting opinion dalam putusan pengadilan adalah dapat diketahui pendapat hakim yang berbobot, dalam upaya hukum banding atau kasasi; sebagai indikator untuk menentukan jenjang karir hakim, sebagai upaya untuk mencegah praktek korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme (kkn) dan mafia peradilan; sebagai langkah nyata demokratisasi peradilan; menuju transparansi peradilan; dan kemandiarian hakim memerlukan kebebasan berpendapat. daftar pustaka abidin, zainal, et al, pemidanaan, pidana dan tindakan dalam rancangan kuhp 2005, lembaga studi dan advokasi masyarakat, elsam 2005 adi, kusno, kebijakan kriminal dalam penanggulangan tindak pidana narkotika oleh anak, umm press, malang, 2009 effendy, marwan, pengadilan tindak pidana korupsi, lokakarya anti korupsi bagi jurnalis, surabaya, 2007 krisnawati, dani, dkk, bunga rampai hukum pidana khusus, pena pundi aksara, jakarta, 2006, purwoleksono, didik endro, kebijakan hukum pidana, program magister ilmu hukum unair, tnp, surabaya, 2010 issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 kedudukan dissenting opinion dalam perkara tindak pidana korupsi (analisis putusan pengadilan tipikor nomor: 04/pid.tipikor/2013/pn.kdi) i dewi ratnasari rustam page 217 poernomo, bambang, pelaksanaan pidana penjara dengan sistem pemasyarakatan, liberty yogyakarta, 1986 prasetyo, teguh, kriminalisasi dalam hukum pidana, nusa media, bandung, 2010 priyatno, dwidja, sistem pelaksanaan pidana penjara diindonesia, refika aditama, bandung, 2006 ramelan, eman, sistem peradilan indonesia, tnp., surabaya, 2010 sholehuddin, sistem sanksi dalam hukum pidana, raja grafindo persada, jakarta, 2003 sukardi, penyidikan tindak pidana tertentu, restu agung, jakarta, 2009 wijayanta, tata. dan hery firmansyah, perbedaan pendapat dalam putusan pengadilan, pustaka yustisia, yogyakarta, 2011 widodo, sistem pemidanaan dalam cyber crime alternatif ancaman pidana kerja sosial dan pidana pengawasan bagi pelaku cyber crime, laksbang mediatama, yogyakarta, 2009 jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2274 vol. 6 no.2, june 2022 138 local government policies in determination development impact area spatial plan new country capital murjani1*, suwardi sagama1, muhammad saparuddin1 1faculty of sharia, uin sultan aji muhammad idris samarinda, indonesia *correspondence: janisamarinda@gmail.com article history abstract received: 27.03.2022 accepted: 25.06.2022 published: 30.06.2022 the state capital will be moved from jakarta to east kalimantan. the buffer zone for the new state capital must prepare early for the presence of the state capital. there will be a new development, population migration, job competition, transport overcrowding, and air pollution. therefore, it is necessary to know the legal policies issued by the buffer zone of the new state capital in determining the regional spatial plan (rtrw) and the factors that influence it. normative legal research method by using a positive legal system to get a juridical answer. as a result, the buffer zone of the state capital has not issued a legal policy on the rtrw in dealing with the new state capital. there are other policies issued, for example, the north penajam paser regency issued regent regulation number 22 of 2019 concerning supervision and control of land sale/purchase transactions/transfer of land rights. the issuance of the rtrw legal policy can become the legality of development carried out by local governments and the prevention of legal actions, both violations, and crimes. keywords: new national capital city, regional spatial plan, buffer area. article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction good or bad regional development depends on the management carried out by the government. the synergy of policies made between the central government and local governments is needed so that development can be well directed (ismail, 2020). management is based on plans made by the government for now and in the future. government performance can be measured by the plans made. whether the government has implemented development according to the plan or the government has failed in carrying out development, however, in a democratic system built certainly not all of them are directly controlled by the people (salam et al., 2021). without a plan, regional development will be chaotic, no output will be achieved and run in place. good governance planning will give birth to a regional or regional order that has aesthetic value. stipulations on regional planning nationally are regulated in law number 26 of 2007 concerning spatial planning. this regulation explains that spatial planning is a regional development process that is carried out based on the planning, utilization, and control of space utilization (undang-undang negara republik indonesia, 2007). the concept of spatial planning must be planned in detail, managed professionally, and properly supervised so that the central government to local governments can develop rapidly. planning can provide benefits and realize a safe, comfortable, productive, and sustainable spatial layout (budiman, 2020). for planning and implementation to run well, it is included in the regional spatial plan or rtrw. the rtrw is a guideline for the preparation of national and regional scale development plans. hierarchically, the rtrw is regulated according to levels within the government. the central government issues the national rtrw with legal products, namely government regulations, while the provincial and regency/city governments issue the provincial rtrw and regency/city rtrw in legal products, namely regional regulations. the rtrw formulates a development plan for 20 years. it takes a long time to create quality and useful development. the rtrw is held and carried out by government leaders according to their level. heads of government and regional heads play an important role in the success of short, medium, and long term development. this authority over regional autonomy is owned. the authority given by the central government to the regions can simply be said to be regional autonomy to manage the affairs of each region with the potential and characteristics of each region (dewirahmadanirwati, 2018).the head of government will establish a policy https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2274 mailto:janisamarinda@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 138-146 139 that supports his vision and mission. the policies issued are limited by the period of tenure of office. the head of government or regional head shall lead the region for a maximum of 10 years in the same position. meanwhile, the development planning at the national and regional levels is planned for 20 years. if regional development has been carried out for 10 years by the previous policyholder, then the development plan for the next 10 years depends on the next policyholder, continued or replaced with a new development policy. it is common knowledge that the new head of government will be followed by a new government policy. developments that already exist but are not included in the vision and mission will be held back. the new leader chooses to build a new one by revising the rtrw or without being guided by the rtrw. alternating planning does not have a positive impact on development, the opposite is true. the construction is not finished, the construction stalls and the construction becomes an old building so that losses are felt both material and nonmaterial. policy changes following the periodization of positions, i.e. every 5 years changing programs, will certainly be difficult to achieve the vision of advanced indonesia 2045. likewise, the development was carried out without being guided by the rtrw. development is carried out freely without direction. the concept of development according to individual interests is not a concept built by the government. development with the individual concept is very clearly contrary to the planned development on a national scale development as well as regional scale. the regional government of east kalimantan province and the regency/city therein are areas that already have an rtrw. utilization and management of space is a real challenge for local governments in realizing the rtrw that has been prepared. moreover, 2 districts in east kalimantan have been designated as locations for the new state capital (ikn), namely ppu regency and kukar regency (undang-undang nomor 3 tahun 2022 tentang ibu kota negara, 2022). local governments must hurry to welcome the relocation of the new state capital (ikn) from dki jakarta to east kalimantan by reorganizing regional planning. other regional governments in east kalimantan must also prepare their spatial planning early on. the preparations made are in line with the reasons for moving the capital city to east kalimantan province which is considered to have minimal disaster risk and has a strategic enough area for the development of developing cities, namely balikpapan city and samarinda city (armayani hasibuan & aisa, 2020). seeing the challenges ahead for east kalimantan province which has been designated as the new state capital (ikn) of the state of indonesia, development must also be adjusted to the concept of developing the new state capital. regions within the province of east kalimantan also have the same role in making adjustments to the regency/city rtrw with the ikn spatial plan. article 18 of the indonesian constitution states that the unitary state of the republic of indonesia is divided into provincial areas and the province is divided into districts and cities, where each province, district, and the city has a local government that is regulated by law (l.a.d.n. saputra, 2020) (republik indonesia, 1945). local governments that are directly or indirectly affected are the pillars of ikn development through the regency/city rtrw. the mandate of the spatial planning law already states that development at the central to regional levels must be in line with the spatial planning plan that has been established (putri mokodongan et al., 2019). district/city governments in east kalimantan can see ikn development as both an opportunity and a challenge in adjusting the regional rtrw with the ikn rtrw. district/city governments in east kalimantan that have a direct impact on ikn development are ppu district, balikpapan city, kutai kertanegara district, and samarinda city. ppu regency and kutai kertanegara regency are areas that directly become the state capital, balikpapan city is a place for air, sea, and land transportation traffic to get to ikn, while samarinda city is the capital city of east kalimantan as well as a means of transportation to the state capital. the local government's rtrw must be in line with the national rtrw. this is a challenge for the regional government in the province of east kalimantan to reorganize the area by adjusting to the rtrw. regional readiness in preparing infrastructure is the main goal and the main risk if it is not fulfilled in supporting government administration (armayani hasibuan & aisa, 2020). preparations must be made now, not later, when ikn development is carried out. the government's policy to reorganize the regions in the rtrw in the face of development and population migration is absolute. the regional government of east kalimantan province can issue legal policies that can answer east kalimantan's readiness to face ikn development. the legal policy is a strong foundation held by field implementers in translating the spatial planning made. the policy is a series of concepts and principles that become the outline and basis of a plan for the implementation of a job, leadership, and method. law is a group of rules made by competent parties to regulate and provide sanctions for those who violate it. so that the meaning p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 138-146 140 of legal policy is an action taken by the implementing subject with a series of concepts that exist or do not exist based on the applicable laws and regulations. every government has the right to issue legal policies in regional development but does not ignore the concept of structuring the development of neighboring regions. the policies issued must have good synergy so that they complement each other in the development that is made. the preparation and readiness of the regional government in east kalimantan province should have been prepared from now on. problems in development that occur in the provinces and districts/cities within the province must be resolved first so that they do not have an impact on the development of the ikn later. provincial and district/city governments in east kalimantan need to reconstruct or revise the rtrw. when the rtrw has not been revised while the problem has not been resolved, the ikn development has the potential to cause problems. rtrw as a rule comprehensively regulates development planning so that problems in development can be minimized and even prevent problems from occurring. the relocation of the capital city is a complex policy that involves many parties and many aspects so the rules that must be made are not only general rules because they will be difficult to implement but must be comprehensive and operational (herdiana, 2020). in the regulation of the minister of agrarian and spatial planning / head of the national land agency, it is stated that the spatial planning is made using guidelines that have been prepared for the provincial government and city governments in the preparation of the provincial rtrw and city rtrw (minister of agrarian and spatial planning regulations / head of the national land agency number 1 of 2018 concerning guidelines for the preparation of provincial, regency and city spatial plans, 2018). for this reason, in dealing with ikn development, it is important to know the policies of the local government in east kalimantan in the planning made in the rtrw. 2. methodology the type of research used in this research is normative legal research using a statutory approach. normative legal research is to review or examine itself from the point of view of itself as a value system, a conceptual system, and a positive legal system (qamar et al., 2017). researchers will conduct a legal policy analysis of the built value system. legal policies cannot be judged solely on written policies, but unwritten policies are included in the legal category. policies issued by the government can also be in the form of values that can be perceived as good or bad when they are implemented. as the form of law is written and unwritten law, a legal policy is seen from written law by examining positive law in indonesia, while unwritten legal policy focuses on culture or custom that applies in a place. written legal policy focuses on the positive law that applies to a country. researchers will analyze the legal policies issued by the government in writing. through these legal policies, the legal basis for making rtrw in the regions can be found. the research will examine the written legal policy, whether it is by the rtrw at the national level or is it still in the rtrw stage at the regional level. the statutory and regulatory approach will properly examine the legal issues that occur, especially in the rtrw legal policy as a result of the development of the new ikn. 3. result and discussion 3.1 legal policies issued by the buffer region in determining the regional spatial plan for the impact of the development of the national capital the stipulation of east kalimantan province as the new capital city of indonesia has had a significant impact on society. the nation's capital city has become a strong magnet from within and outside the people of east kalimantan. the new nation's capital is the hope of the presence of development that has aesthetic value and the availability of job opportunities amid the difficulty of finding work. on the other hand, it can also create congestion, overcrowding, and chaotic development. this condition can occur in the capital city of a new country and the region that becomes a buffer. the district/city governments in east kalimantan, which support the new national capital, must have a plan early on before it's too late. through planning, local governments can carry out mapping and strategies for dealing with new developments. so that problems in the capital city of jakarta such as population density, congestion, air pollution, flooding, and thuggery can be anticipated. spatially jakarta is already too densely populated, as the center of government, trade, industry, and tourism, and its spatial layout is chaotic, and contradictory land uses occur a lot (yahya, 2018). the relocation of the nation's capital city in east kalimantan is a challenge for its sustainability, whether the conditions are for the better, the same as before, or worse. the government must work hand in hand in planning and carrying out development. the central government and the regions must synergize in making plans, p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 138-146 141 including one buffer zone with another. without a plan, development is not well organized. planning becomes absolute to be made in anticipation of chaos to support the achievement of success in development. planning is a complex concept of a measurable thought process to achieve maximum goals that have been determined. planning is made in stages starting at national, provincial, and district/city scales in the short, medium-term, and long. the development of the new national capital city is the responsibility of the central government to plan and carry out development (wrihatnolo & randy, 2006). the local government which is the support for the state capital makes planning and development to support the presence of the new government center. planning in law number 26 of 2007 is referred to as spatial planning. a plan that is processed to determine the spatial structure and spatial pattern which includes the preparation and determination of the spatial plan (undang-undang negara republik indonesia, 2007). the local government that becomes the rebuttal has a significant role to support the central government. the intensity of activity and the high mobility of human resources within the government is unavoidable. so the buffer area can be supported starting from the availability of space for housing, and transportation roads to places to travel. migration of the population of ±3 million people will inhabit the national capital, not only employees or workers in ministries but also come with their families. buffer zone planning becomes a reality to look forward to. the buffer zone has the authority to organize its area or territory in the face of the new state capital. local governments have mandatory and optional affairs under their authority. this matter is the basis for local governments to run the wheels of government. article 12 is stated in paragraph (1), paragraph (2), and paragraph (3) (law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government, 2014), namely: paragraph (1) mandatory government affairs relating to basic services are regulated in article 11 paragraph (2) covers a. education; b. health; c. public works and spatial planning; d. public housing and residential areas; e. peace, public order, and community protection; and f. social. paragraph (2) mandatory government affairs that are not related to basic services mentioned in article 11 paragraph (2) include a. labor; b. empowering women and protecting children; c. food; d. land; e. environment; f. population administration and civil registration; g. community and village empowerment; h. population control and family planning; i. communication; j. communication and informatics; k. cooperatives, small and medium enterprises paragraph (3) elective government affairs as referred to in article 11 paragraph (1) include a. marine and fisheries; b. tourist; c. agriculture; d. forestry; e. energy and mineral resources; f. trading; g. industry; and h. transmigration. spatial planning is a mandatory business so that the buffer zone of the state capital can make spatial planning plans in the face of the new state capital. planning is based on the location that has been determined to be point 0, ring 1, ring 2, and ring 3 for the construction of the new state capital. the buffer areas that support the new state capital in east kalimantan are north penajam paser regency, kutai kertanegara regency, balikpapan city, and samarinda city. the buffer zones have an equally important role in each other. each region has a strategic role in supporting the new nation's capital city. north penajam paser regency and kutai kartanegara regency are located at points 0, ring 1, ring 2, and ring 3 of the new state capital, thus affecting the development of ikn directly. balikpapan city is directly adjacent to north penajam paser regency. the existence of an airport and a port in balikpapan city serves as a liaison from one area to another, including the location of the new state capital. meanwhile, samarinda city is the capital city of east kalimantan province. the location of samarinda city is strategic because it is in the middle of a district/city in east kalimantan, it also has a port and airport that can support the construction of the new state capital. the supporting area or buffer in the new state capital in east kalimantan is a representative area to support the development of the state capital. new residents who will come or residents who wish to live permanently in the capital city of the country can choose a support area/region as a good alternative. the buffer area can also be an alternative place to live, for example, tourist attractions, sightseeing, shopping to meet daily needs, and so on. for this reason, the buffer zone must have good spatial planning. a plan to prepare the area for the better in the short, medium, and long term. spatial planning is made based on laws or regulations so that the development carried out is not problematic from the time it is built to the use of space. in article 11 of law number 26 of 2007 concerning spatial planning, it is stated that the authorities of regency/municipal governments include: (1) the authority of the regency/municipal government in implementing spatial planning includes: a. regulating, fostering, and supervising the implementation of spatial planning for the regency/city and strategic areas for the regency/city; b. implementation of spatial planning for regency/municipal areas; c. implementation of spatial planning of strategic district/city areas; and d. cooperation in spatial planning p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 138-146 142 between districts/cities. (2) the authority of the regency/municipal government in implementing the spatial management of the regency/city as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b includes a. regency/city spatial planning; b. utilization of regency/city area space; and c. controlling the use of regency/municipal space. (3) in implementing the spatial management of strategic district/city areas as referred to in paragraph (1) letter c, the district/municipality regional governments shall implement: a. determination of district/city strategic areas; b. regency/city strategic area spatial planning; c. utilization of regency/city strategic area space; and d. controlling the utilization of strategic district/city area space. (4) in carrying out the authority as referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2), regency/municipal governments shall refer to the guidelines for spatial planning and their implementation instructions. (5) in carrying out the authority as referred to in paragraph (1), paragraph (2), paragraph (3), and paragraph (4), the district/city-regional government: a. disseminate information related to general plans and detailed spatial plans in the framework of implementing regency/municipal spatial planning; and b. implement minimum service standards in the field of spatial planning. (6) if the district/city government cannot meet the minimum service standards in the field of spatial planning, the provincial government may take steps to resolve it by the provisions of the legislation.planning in spatial planning is based on legal policies that are carried out/issued by authorized officials. positive law (ius positum) is the law established by the authorities who have the authority to regulate society and a certain time (sri imaniyati & adam, 2018). legal policies in spatial planning must be in written form. without written documents, planning cannot run because there are no available indicators of achievement. the legal policy is the legal basis that provides legal certainty in development. the buffer zone can determine the area that supports the national capital without any doubts, for example, the provision of facilities for transportation, development of housing, tourist attractions, and other supports. whether or not there is a regulation from the central government for the master plan for the new state capital, the local government is still obliged to make a spatial plan contained in the legal product because it is a mandatory business for the local government. development is the ideal of the community in a hope of getting prosperity. the planning can be based on 2 things, namely, first, there is a plan to build a new state capital in east kalimantan. second, significant community development is in line with the need for new development. this does not mean that development is carried out freely without direction. development continues to be carried out by prioritizing values that benefit the community. in the regulation in indonesia, it is stated that development is based on the public interest and accountability. legal policies in spatial planning are made in the form of regulations, namely written regulations that are abstract and general, for example, laws and regional regulations. legal products issued by regional governments to regulate spatial planning are regulated in regional regulations. as an autonomous region, the buffer zone already has a regional regulation on regional spatial planning that was made before the president's stipulation that east kalimantan is the new state capital. so that the planning that has been made in the regional regulations is not deal with the existence of the state capital. it can be seen in the year the regional regulation document was issued regarding the existing regional spatial plan in the buffer zone of the new state capital. north penajam paser regency issued regulations on regional spatial planning in 2014 for 2013-3033 regional spatial plans, (kabupaten kutai kertanegara, 2013) regency kutai kartanegara in 2013 for the 2013-2033 regional spatial plan, balikpapan city in 2012 for the regional spatial plan 2012-2032 and city of samarinda in 2014 for regional spatial planning of 2014-2034 (pemerintah kota samarinda, 2014). the buffer zones facing the new national capital issued different policies from each other. policies are made based on regional potential and human resources. legal policies have been made in the form of legal products, but not policies on regional spatial planning. the legal policy on regional spatial planning is still in the form of planning, not yet in the form of a legal product. the buffer zone is still revising the legal product on regional spatial planning because the legal basis for the development of the new state capital is set on february 15, 2022. penajam paser utara regency is facing the arrival of a new state capital by conducting a review of the regional spatial plan (rtrw) based on regulations north penajam paser regency no. 3 of 2014 concerning the rtrw of north penajam paser regency in 2013-2033. the review is carried out to prepare regional planning, when the national capital city planning is already in place, the regional spatial planning alignment will be carried out. the policy that has been made by the local government of north penajam paser regency is physical development planning. physical planning has been prepared related to the ikn area masterplan planning and the ikn spatial detail plan (rdtr) which has been synchronized with the revision of the spatial planning of the p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 138-146 143 north penajam paser regency rtrw, wherein the technical material and option has been prepared, namely part of the north penajam paser regency which is included in the delegation ikn. (machfud syamsu hadi, head of spatial planning, north penajam paser public works and spatial planning, 24 july 2021) physical planning through regional spatial planning must be determined with legal products so that the planning can be implemented with permanent legal force. meanwhile, the development of human resources has been prepared through the regent's regulation. this is contained in the north penajam paser regent regulation number 2 of 2020 concerning guidelines for the implementation of the independent village and rural community empowerment development program. other legal products that have been made are related to controlling land sale/purchase transactions/transfer of land rights (regulation of north penajam paser regent number 22 of 2019 concerning supervision and control of land sale/purchase transactions/transfer of land rights, 2019). kutai kertanegara regency in facing the new state capital has not issued a legal product regarding regional spatial planning, either changes or forms new regulations. kutai kertanegara regency since 2020, it has only prepared a plan in the form of a document for the strategic area of the buffer zone for the new state capital. planning is contained in the revision of regional regulation number 9 of 2013 concerning the regional spatial plan of kutai kartanegara regency in 2013 – 2033. the revision of the regional spatial plan (rtrw) is adjusted to the policies of the national and provincial governments, with the hope that later the development plan will be by the rtrw. revision is a form of evaluation and adjustment to the existence of short-term, medium-term, and long-term development. planning must be contained in legal products that can provide strength in its implementation. moreover, what will be faced is the construction of a new capital city so that the legality of development can be established by the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations. the development planning policy of kutai kartanegara regency facing the state capital is still being adjusted to the rpjmd of kutai kartanegara regency 2016-2021. the policies taken in the face of ikn development are by compiling several studies, including 1) district strengthening strategy. 2) human resources development strategy (education, health, and employment) to support the movement of the new state capital (ikn) in the kutai kartanegara regency area. 3) strategy and design of regional tourism and creative economy development of kutai kartanegara regency towards ikn 4) food security strategy in order towards the national capital region 5) strategic provision of basic infrastructure and regional development of ikn in kutai kartanegara regency. balikpapan city facing the new capital city has not issued a legal product regarding the regional spatial planning plan. legal products become a strong foundation for making changes, erasures, and development. as an area that is close to the location of the construction of the new state capital, the city of balikpapan has made regional spatial plans but has not adjusted them to the ikn planning. the balikpapan city government does not yet have a state capital territory spatial plan document that can be used as synchronization material. the physical development that is being carried out is a program that has been planned according to the strategic plan of each regional apparatus which will end in 2021. the new planning will be carried out according to the new regulations in 2022. samarinda city as the capital city of east kalimantan province will also become a buffer zone for the future state capital. its strategic location in the middle of the province of east kalimantan and ±2 hours from the state capital will be a gathering place for residents who migrate from the current state capital. in dealing with the nation's capital city, samarinda city has not revised the regional spatial plan that is adjusted to the development plan of the national capital. after the document on ikn is complete, the policy adjustments made in the rtrw will be more comprehensive. the rtrw document is not only written but can be implemented according to the objectives to be achieved. the local government in east kalimantan, which is the buffer zone, should be able to issue legal policies in the form of legal products. this is to anticipate the use of territory from irresponsible parties. considering the presence of the capital city in east kalimantan, it brings new buildings and human resources, so that the potential for the buffer area can be utilized economically. from other aspects such as politics and law, it can run well without any overlapping interests to get the benefits of moving to the capital city of a new country. for buffer zones that have issued legal policies, they can be strengthened by synchronizing existing legal policies with the newly created legal policies. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 138-146 144 3.2. supporting and inhibiting factors for implementing the legal policy of the regional spatial plan as a result of the development of the new capital city so far, the buffer zone for the new state capital has only carried out a review or evaluation of the local regulations regarding the spatial planning of the territory they have. legal policies on spatial planning should be made, given the existence of mandatory affairs owned by local governments. the existence of legal policies can be a guide in making spatial planning so that local governments are ready for the presence of the state capital. the regional government certainly has certain reasons, so there is no legal policy regarding regional spatial planning. likewise, every legal policy that is made will have an impact on the development of buffer zones in the face of the arrival of the new nation's capital city. the legal policy is also a factor in regional development for the better so that it is ready for the presence of a new capital city and human resources who come to inhabit the nation's capital. the factors that support and hinder the existence of legal policies. a. supporting factors the issuance of a legal policy regarding regional spatial planning in the face of the existence of a new state capital by the district/city-regional government is an important factor. legal policies issued by district/city regional governments in terms of determining regional spatial plans in their regions can serve as development guidelines and the basis for determining mediumand long-term regional spatial plans. by the legal principle of lex specialis derogat legi generali, which means that special laws override general laws. determination of special district or city spatial plans takes precedence over general rules such as laws or regional regulations at the provincial level and by the mandate of law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government each region can regulate its regional government policies. itself is included in the field of determining regional spatial plans, then legal policy-making by a region becomes mandatory because it has become a duty for regional governments based on the mandate of law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government to be able to regulate, manage and administer their regions, including in the field of determining regional spatial plans. with the issuance of a legal policy for determining the spatial plan for the new state capital area in east kalimantan province, it is hoped that the government can solve problems that arise in the previous state capital and can create a representation of the face of the new state capital by utilizing the area. areas under development that benefit the entire community. b. obstacle factors the most visible inhibiting factor for the issuance of a legal policy for establishing a spatial plan for the new state capital in the province of east kalimantan is the law or legal umbrella, namely the law that forms the basis for the movement of the new state capital in the province of east kalimantan, which has just been issued by the central government. in february 2022. the central government should have made laws from the start, such as the constitutional mandate, namely the 1945 constitution of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia article 1 paragraph 3 which means that indonesia is a state of law that requires all actions and actions taken by the state. must be based on laws or regulations that are binding. in connection with the government's desire, namely the transfer of the state capital to the province of east kalimantan, it must be based on laws or regulations because government programs such as development can only be carried out and implemented if they already have a legal umbrella or rules that have been made by the government. the inhibiting factors include the location of the development of the state capital which is an area where the community lives. the land to be occupied is not vacant land but land that has been occupied by the community for a long time. even the people have occupied it since indonesia was not yet independent. another area that is also used is a company area that was previously believed by residents to belong to the local community. 4. conclusion regional governments in east kalimantan, namely north penajam paser regency, kutai kertanegara regency, balikpapan city, and samarinda city as buffer zones have not yet made legal products regarding regional spatial planning. the regional regulation concerning the spatial planning of the territory owned has not been revised by adjusting the guidelines for the development of the new state capital. this is because the formal legality that can be used as a guideline for carrying out development by buffer zones only exists on february 15, 2022. however, some buffer areas have issued regional policies to support the implementation of government in p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 138-146 145 dealing with the nation's capital later. north penajam paser regency made a legal policy by issuing regent regulation number 22 of 2019 concerning supervision and control of land sale/purchase/transfer of land rights transactions. also the regent's regulation number 2 of 2020 concerning guidelines for implementing programs and developing community empowerment and independent rural villages. meanwhile, in the kutai kartanegara district, policies are issued by conducting a review or evaluation of the regional spatial plan. factors supporting the issuance of legal policies can provide legality for development carried out by local governments and the occurrence of equitable development between the island of java and outside the island of java. and can minimize the problems that occur in the current state capital, so that it does not happen to the new state capital later. 5. acknowledgment this research cannot be presented in front of the readers so that it can be read without the support of various parties. thank you to the ministry of religion through the research and service institute of uin sultan aji muhammad idris samarinda (lp2m uin samarinda) for funding assistance through research funds in 2021 so that this research can be carried out properly. the research was able to run well because of the assistance of the leadership and staff of the rekotat, lp2m, and the sharia faculty of uin samarinda so that starting from the administrative process, research, until it was presented in the form of this article went smoothly. it is no less important to say to the resource persons for each institution that is the place of research, namely in north penajam paser regency, kutai kertanegara regency, samarinda city, and balikpapan city. references armayani hasibuan, r. r., & aisa, s. 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(presidential regulation no. 23 of 2010 concerning the national narcotics agency, n.d.) the scope and substance stipulated in this act is broader with more severe criminal threats. (kolopita, 2013) narcotics and drug crimes in the present have been transnational in nature carried out with a high modus operandi and advanced technology, law enforcement officials are expected to be able to prevent and overcome these crimes to improve morality and quality of human resources in indonesia, especially for the next generation of the nation. among the law enforcement officials who also have an important role in the existence of narcotics cases is the national narcotics agency (bnn), which is expected to be able to help the law enforcement process against narcotics crimes. in law no. 35 of 2009 on narcotics in which legal sancti ons are regulated, as well as things that are allowed, the national narcotics agency is expected to be able to help the process of resolving cases against someone or more who have committed narcotics crimes today. in law no. 35 of 2009 on narcotics, the na tional narcotics agency is given the authority to conduct investigations and investigations, which has not been regulated https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1420 mailto:yudinhamzahyunus@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 106-115 107 in the old law. two authorities are deemed necessary to anticipate narcotics crimes with an increasingly complex modus operandi and supported by a network of organizations. not only the addition of authority, the institutional status of the national narkotika agency was also improved. regarding the rehabilitation program of bnn, gorontalo city has revealed that from 2017 to 2020 the number of people recommended for rehabilitation as drug pecandu is as many as 57 people who have an age considered still productive from the age of 13 to 30 years above shows that drug users in gorontalo province, especiallygorontalo city it ranks first followed by pohuwato regency. (bnn gorontalo rehabilitation of 500 drug addicts,2929) that almost 217 people in rehabilitation, especially the city of goronratalo over the last three (3) years, are all drug users who experience severe addiction, moreover, there are some addicts who undergo rehabilitation more than once due to severe addiction, but if the reality with rehabilitation does not have a significant impact in solving the problem. the author expects a solution to be found in the proposal of this study to find the best solution, that the role of bnn in reducing narcotics users does not work well than expected but in fact almost every year drug users are getting higher. 2. methodology the author's research uses this type of empirical normative research. the location of this study was conducted at the office of the national narcotics agency of gorontalo city because the bnn of gorontalo city was recorded as the best offender in the field of narcotics compared to other haze. the population of this study is (1) narcotics users, (2) parents (3), bnn employees, (4) communities. the sample is a. bnn employees as many as 2 people. b. narcotics users as many as 2 people. c. parents as many as 2 people. d. people as many as 4 people. the data sources used in this study are primary data and secondary data. data analysis techniques revealed by soerjono soekanto that the procedure for deciphering data in the form of sentences, arranged and interpreted systematically, in order to reach conclusions. the data analysis used in this research proposal is qualitative analysis and qualitative methods use how to decipher data and information obtained from the research location from those with general properties to special properties in accordance with the research problems carried out. (soekanto, 2008) 3. result 3.1 the role of the national narcotics agency (bnn) terhadap implementation of drug abuse rehabilitation in gorontalo city rehabilitation if we see clearly that rehabilitation is a process to recover a person from the effects of drug addiction. (roni gunawan raja gukguk, 2019) pthere is a fact that rehabilitation is a comprehensive way in its approach, because the purpose of rehabilitation is none other than to reshape the ability in terms of physical aspects, behavior, mental and social behavior in everyday life (kartika et al., 2015), in the fulfillment of the rehabilitation process is actually a process carried out by a person. to treat itself in a pre -established procedure for a rehabilitationexpert, rehabilitation experts provide an overview and direction on the healing and recovery process so that rehabilitation patients can follow and do all directions for the healing process due to the use of illegal drugs. (jonah, 2020) if we look at the legal basis of the standard rehabilitation process applied in the form of laws and regulations as stipulated in: a) law no. 22 of 1997 on narcotics in this law he explained about the clastication of narcotics between stated in article 1, namely what is meant by narcotics is substances or substances derived from plants or not plants either synthesis or semi-synthesis that can cause decreased or change of consciousness, loss of taste, reduce to relieve pain. b) presidential regulation no. 17 of 2002 concerning the national narcotics agency in the law explaining the duties of bnn clarified in article 2, namely bnn has the task of assisting the president in coordinating the relevant government agencies in the preparation of policies in the field of availability, prevention and eradication of abuse and illicit circulation of prequerary psychotopic narcotics and other adjukti substances. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 106-115 108 c) law no. 35 of 2009 on narcotics some of the above laws and regulations have regulated the implementation of rehabilitation in the second place, but the implementation of rehabilitation of drug users is regulated in law no. 35 of 2009 on narcotics, berdasarkan buyi article 54 "drug addicts and victims of narcotics abuse must undergo medical and social rehabilitation" porigin 1 number 23 kuhap which confirms that a person's right to obtain the restoration of his or her right to the ability, position,and dignity granted at the level of investigation, prosecution, or trial for being arrested, detained, prosecuted or tried without reason under the act or by mistake regarding his war or the law applied in the manner stipulated in the act. based on the results of the tian researchthat was obtainedbythe fact that the number of participants over the last four years that table 1. gorontalo city bnn rehabilitation data no. year data rehabilitation total stay road 1 2018 28 1 27 28 2 2019 58 4 54 58 3 2020 15 10 15 4 january to march 2021 16 16 16 source: bnn kota gorontalo from the data compiled in several years of drug case data in 20188 -20 20 bnn gorontalo city that there are 117 cases of drug rehabilitation where every know starts from 2018 there are fifteen(28)drug cases in itasi, in2019 there are sixteen (58)drug cases that areidentified, and in 2020 ada thirty(15)drug cases are rehabilitated. rehabilitation in bnn gorontalo city is the stage of medical rehabilitation to return drug addicts to be healthier and recover from addiction, this rehabilitation focuses more on medical ways or involves experts in the world of health such as doctors, rehabilitation nurses and medical rehabilitation instructors, to perform treatment and assistance to patients rehabilitation, rehabilitation medically usually if the patient has organ damage due to dependence on illegal drugs such as nerve damage, and the nervous system so that medical and extra treatment is needed. the findings of the study are that narcotics cases in the city of gorontalo are increasing day by day of course the awareness of the people of gorontalo city related to narcotics is still very lacking so that although the bnn o f gorontalo city has worked with maximum prevention it is difficult to achieve this is evidenced by the number of rehabilitation patients every year increases, while in 2020 with budget constraints due to indonesia due to the disaster of pandemic covid 19 as a work program from bnn city is not fully implemented. based on the results of an interview with one of the chairpersons of bnn of gorontalo city, mr. audi rudolf jantu,gave an overview of rehabilitation that (resultsof interview in bnn office of go rontalo city with mr. audi rudolf jantu on february 19, 2021): all of our heavy narcotic addicts strive to recover both physically and spiritually, many addicts are on average in rehabilitation at the request of heaven or on the basis of a court order." as stated by dr. kevin adrian that: 1) pre-rehabilitation (stage of medical rehabilitation) at this stage of pre rehabilitation drug users are required to check medically how high the level of drug addiction is experienced by the addict so that the medical officer or rehabilitation officer can determine the level and pattern of rehabilitation needed. 2) rehabilitation stage (rehabilitation stage) this stage is the stage where drug users perform rehabilitation both medically and nonmedically through training and rehabilitation nurses, 3) healing (advanced level) p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 106-115 109 this stage is the stage where drug addicts who have been considered recovered but still have to do further coaching so as not to fall back into the world of narcotics. (kevin, 2021)s it is in line with what is obtained on the ground that the rehabilitation stage is carried out based on legal orders but even though the implementation of rehabilitation has not been maximal due to several factors as the results of interviews with bnn employees of gorontao province mentioned that harmonization of agencies, budget constraints and facilities and infrastructure. of course this becomes a homework for bnn gorontalo province, to spur fresh air in the form of prima servants to the community providing advice and education, besides that all that is needed in the form of budget is very urgent to be held even though in its use it is still considered unimportant. (mursanto, 2018) 3.2 prevention based on the results of an interview with audi rudolf jantu kasubag bnn kota gorontalo. according to rudolf, factors cause the risk of using drugs among teenagers and school children and youth, especially in the city of gorontalo after our interview was the first time just want to try because of the poor environmental association and examples of his friends. the feeling of wanting to try these narcotics is the first entrance and the cause of young people are plunged into the negative impact of drug abuse and illegal drugs that endanger health in the future. we from the bnn of gorontalo city have a role in prevention has done so by making and providing tips on avoiding drugs here are some tips on avoiding drugs that we have investigated and we must socialize in the community to do prevention, namely: 1. never try to use narcotics, except on the basis of medical or medical considerations. 2. know about the various bad effects of drugs. 3. choose a good association and stay away from relationships that can lead us to drug abuse. 4. have positive activities, exercise or even follow organizational activities that have a positive influence on us. 5. always remind the threat of punishment for drug abusers, especial ly for drug dealers is a penitentiary. 6. use a safe time and place, do not go out at night. relax with family, beraraoke, picnic, eat together, cook together, get clean with watching with family. 7. if you have a problem then find a good way out and do not make drugsas a way of escape. (resultsof interview in bnn office of gorontalo city with mr. audi rudolf jantu on february 19, 2021) 3.4 doing healing this stage is the stage where drug addicts who have been considered recovered but still have to do further development so as not to fall back into the world of healing narcotics rehabilitation if we see clearly that rehabilitation is a process to recover someone from the consequences of drug addiction, in essence rehabilitation is a way that is considered comprehensive in the world of drug rehabilitation. the approach, because the purpose of rehabilitation is none other than to reshape the ability in terms of physical aspects, behavior,mental and social behavior in his daily life, in fulfilling the rehabilitation process is actually a process carried out by a person to treat himself in a predetermined manner for a rehabilitation expert, rehabilitation experts provide an overview and direction on the healing and recovery process so that for rehabilitation patients can follow and perform all instructions for the healing process due to the use of illegal drugs. this rehabilitation function is the same as the legal function to treat humans from all problems. (greetings, 2020) based on the results of murianto ibrahim's interview as a counselor at bnn kota gorontalo from the interview with murianto ibrahim that the healing process consists of 3 stages, namely the first stage is ovverview which is to stop from a use slowly slowly, reccovery ditahap is a patient in trying to stop total, set it early recorvery at this stage the patient begins to be trained to adapt lightly to life without using narcotics, middle recorvery at this stage the patient begins to belate by improving other factors by improving his late re covery. (the results of murianto ibrahim's interview as a counselor at bnn kota gorontalo on february 2, 2021) p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 106-115 110 the result of the interview conducted at the time of research with one of the rehabicitating patients, revealed that the first time about drugs is the result of daily association inman he hangs out, after then drug use increasingly climbing and actively consuming drugs, even has twice entered bui because of using drugs then finally the last one was determined to inrehabilitation, because it has been very long using narkoba finally dependency as for rehabilitation patients who are pegged revealed that the sex: women age: 32 years initials glinterviewresults: first known since junior high school tried addictive substan ces & increased to marijuana & meth in high school. patients have been arrested several times in rehabilitation,patients are difficult to stop because they have long been a user. it is also revealed by lidya that narcotics are types of drugs tha t contain the effects of this type of dependence mentioned that the type used through inhalation, eaten and smoked swallowed or injected that will attack the nervous system causing a decrease in brain performance due to a sense of dependence. (joewana, 2006) therefore, at this stage of healing must be more total both in terms of control and in terms of social assistance so that the victim does not return to the environment that makes him fall is usually known as social rehabilitation rehabilitation rehabilitation is known for its approach to the environmental approach where rehabilitation patients live (salam, 2017), this rehabilitation aims to restore social behavior and prioritize behavior in the environment, especially if the occurrence of mental disabilities. rehabilitation patients are considered important in recovery so that patients are stronger and more confident to retu rn to society. of course, if the rehabilitation and healing process of drug addict patients has been successfully part of the enforcement of useful law. 3.5 doing socialization theyare particularly vulnerable to drug abuse, as they are still in the transition from childhood to adulthood, so there are many new things they want to know and sometimes try. from there, it needs knowledge for them, one of which is about the threats and dangers of drug abuse that begin to lurk in their surroundings. if there is one of their friends who becomes a abuser, then most likely they will be curious and want to feel it. for this reason, the importance of socialization to the community, especially for ad olescents in order to provide knowledge to the community but we realize that the socialization carried out by the city of gorontalo bnn to the community is still very less this is influenced by the budget of the state budget that does not accumulate even though the work program has been well organized about the stages of socialistization because we realize that socialization is the most important thing in the process of narcotics prevention for the people of gorontalocity. (the results of an interview with mr. audi rudolf at the bnn office of gorontalo city. 4. result 4.1 harmonization instansi the ability between investigators in the investigation process is the most important obstacle especially in this case the bnn and the police have different locations and institutions although the same in the enforcement of narcotics law, especially the bnn and the police should have synergy in eradicating drugs as the gorontalo police drug directorate and the gorontalo police drug unit are equally in combating narcotics. apabila we claima jinoramatively regarding the tupoksi of each performance of the bnn and piha police in terms of regulations has been found that there is an inequality of authority as stated in article 21 of presidential regulation no. 23 of 2010 concerning the national narcotics agency on deputy for rehabilitation has the task of carrying out the task of carrying out prevention and eradication of drug abuse and illicit circulation (p4gn) specifically in the field of rehabilitation, which means having a duty to eradicate drug trafficking while the police also have a duty to be regulated based on the kuhap which mandates strictly article 37 states that: a) at the time of arresting the suspect, investigators are only authorized to search clothes including objects he carries and, if there is a strong suspicion with sufficient reason that the susp ectcan be confiscated. b) at the time of arresting the suspect or in the case of the suspect referred to in paragraph (1) is brought to the investigator, the investigator is authorized to search the clothes and or search the body of the suspect. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 106-115 111 therefore, based on kuhap the police also have authority in combating drug crimes, of course this becomes a stumbling block for both diamonds if there is no synergy between the two sides of the problem of authority in eradicating drugs. simply put, it can be described that if in conducting an investigation then in the process of assement the police will conduct an investigation into the criminal offense of the drug based on the order of the kuhap. picture 1. a chart of proses investigation antara policeand bnn based on the flow chart above it is explained that a suspect can be investigated by the police and bnn parties because of the basic rules that give both of the authorities authority to conduct investigations based on article 37 of the kuhap while the bnn party conducts investigations based on article 21 perpres number 23 of 2010 concerningbnn. based on the results of an interview with one of the bnn investigators revealed that (bnn interview results on thursday, february 20, 2020): "basicallywhen in law enforcement regarding narcotics but sometimes there is a slight delay in taking policy between bnn and the police in order to ensure suspects and victims can be handled in an appropriate manner". of course, there are certain limits that must be addressed by both parties of the institution so that synergy in drugeradication. based on the overlap in the use of drugs above, according to the author who is a result in the inhibition of the rehabilitation process of drug users is the difference in data between police investigators and the bnn of gorontalo province with data owned by the gorontalo police department (directorate of drug reserse (ditresnarkoba) gorontalo police) in the prosecution of some drug users does not have the same data between the police institution and the bnn so that the rehabilitation process is considered slow, this is of course if we see simply that in determining whether a suspect is worthy of rehabilitation or not is during the process of investigation and investigation, in the process of investigation and investigation of course the police and bnn are different but the object to be addressed is the same, namely drugs. 4.2 budget constraints budget is one of the decisive intrusions in moving the wheels of performance in a government s ystem or in an institution, the budget in the form of funds disbursed every year for large diamonds such as bnnp gorontalo province for the benefit of law enforcement and rehabilitation process for drug users andaddicts. in the results of the interview in general the budget is not adequate, in determining the procurement and expenditure of each item of interest both law enforcement and control interests are still somewhat minimal such as a) extension budget b) socialization budget c) budget in the framework of operatinal work programs d) rehabilitation treatment budget p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 106-115 112 but the procurement budget in the form of facilities and infrastructure is also based on its own rules and policies from the center as to what the needs of each bnn in the province or the area of each jurisdiction but the results of the interview are not mentioned in detail about the budget used in the rehabilitation process. according to the source of rehabilitation officers from bnn, applying for certain patients (suchas patients who have a very high level of dependence and must be hospitalized) in order to be referred/transferred to a state owned rehabilitation place that is better facilities/ facilities and infrastructure but ofte n not maximal bias because of limited so that patients are in the hospital. rehabilitation in a place that is in accordance with the existing budget, which according to the source of facilities and infrastructure/ facilities in the plac e is still less mmadai, so that due to the limited budget of rehabilitation implementation becomes not maximal. 4.2 low participation of society the role of society here is one of the inhibiting factors due to some factors that invo lving themselves with the law is one of the complicatedbehaviors, so that it gives rise to nonchalant behavior in the eradication of narcotics users, the role and the future are needed by law enforcement especially the bnn to know clearly and precisely about the problem. drug trafficking. the participation of the community here as expressed by bnnp gorontalo employee budi kurniawan kiyai, sh that thecommunity is actually not indifferent however, the community tend s to be afraid to involve themselves with law enforcement when talking about drugs is very rare for people who want to report even ordinary events of the community knowing but reluctant to report for fear of indtimidation or involving t hemselves from lawenforcement. in addition to that actually if we examine the role of the community in the eradication of drug use can be seen in regulations that provide protection as in "article106 of the narcotics law regulating the form of community role in tackling drug abusers realized by; a. seeking, obtaining and providing information on allegations of criminal acts narkotika and narcotics prkursor b. obtaining services in finding, obtaining and providing information about the existence of suspected narcotics crimes and narcotic precursors to law enforcement or bnn who handle criminal cases narkotika and narcotic precursors c. get answers to questions about his report that were givento law enforcement or bnn d. obtain legal protection when the person concerned exercises his or her right to be required to appear in the judicial process e. report to the competent authorities or bnn if they are aware of abuse or illicit circulation ofnarcotics and precursors" based on the results of interviews and discussions with bnnp gorontalo employees, mr. budi kurniawan kian sh gave an idea that people are afraid to report because 1. i don't want to get involved in legal issues. 2. i don't want life to be disrupted. 3. the pattern of bullying thinking always looms for the complainant. 4. there is a sense of ignorance about drugs (indifferent) 5. and even today it is very rare and very closed to the public regarding the information of existing drug users. so according to the author, it is still needed in the form of attitudes and behaviors between law enforcement and the community in combating drugs where law enforcement is still required to increase public confidence and public knowledge through counseling and training programs that are educational for the community to stay away from and report every incident that exists about drugs, because several factors are found about the low participation of the community according to the results of the interview, namely the community does not want to involve self in legal matters, do not want life disturbed, the pattern of thinking intimidation always looms for the complainant, there is a sense of ignorance about drugs (indifferent) this occurs due to threats from others that involving themselves with drug dealers (reporting) is a complicated and not easy matter p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 106-115 113 4.3 lack of facilities and infrastructure infrastructure facilities are tools or places that can support all forms of a ctivity carried out by each agency in order to carry out good and appropriate service in the implementation of drug use in grorontalo diprovinsi regarding supporting facilities actually in general have good facilities this is bas ed on the results of observation and direct review of good spaciousness in terms of when we look at the understanding of facilities and infrastructure in the kbbi dictionary states that means are everything that can be used as a tool in achieving a purpose or purpose. and infrastructure is everything that is the main support for the implementation of a process (business, development, project). table 2. the understanding of facilities and infrastructure in the kbbi dictionary no. means information infrastructure information 1 operational vehicles exist building bnn there's enough 2 means of counseling and construction still lacking local government hospital(cooperation) bnn clinic enough, but still need to add 3 drugs still lacking human resources (doctor of therapy) very lacking 4 rehabilation room still lacking a) operational vehicle facilities used to pick up and deliver rehabilitation patients b) the means of extension and construction mean that props in counseling and training rehabilitation patients are still minimal it is also limited in terms of budget for implementation achieved every know c) suggestions of medicines and medical equipment that are considered still there are lacking in the recovery of rhhabilitated fascia d) rehabilitation room is a khusus room for rehabilitation patients where the room must meet the standards as it should be habitable patients, based on the results of research that in the rehabilitation process only uses one building and several people are still in one room. infrastructure 1. bnnp building is a building that will support the administrative process of rehabilitation patients so that it is considered quite gedunag owned by bnnp gorontalo city. 2. bnn clinic isa clinic owned by bnn which is in the bnn building but this clinic has limited medical equipment. 3. human resources are human resources that are considered minimal because of the limited doctors physiotrapi where the average doctor of physiotherapy almost all brought from north sulawesi or south sulawesi. facilities and infrastructure are the most decisive things other than the budget because inadequate facilities and infrastructure can be ascertained the rehabilitation process can not be carried out properly. (rizki, 2017) based on the results of interviews with bnn officers of gorontalo city provides an overview that actuallythe facilities and infrastructure are very adequate but some still need to be improved such as urine test equipment and other equipment to support prevention on the one hand is also the most important in the facilities of maintenance, namely maintenance funds even if infrastructure facilities are as good as anything if no periodic maintenance is done, it will certainly be quickly damaged and cannot be used properly. if we look at the theory of soerjono soekanto said that the availability of facilities in the form of facilities and infrastructure for the implementing apparatus in doing its job. the facilities and infrastructure in question are infrastructure or facilities that are used as tools to achieve legal effectiveness. in connection with the facilities a nd infrastructure that are notedwith the term of this facility, especially for these facilities or facilities, it should be embraced jalan mind, as follows (soekanto, 2008); p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 106-115 114 a. the nothingthat has just been corrected; b. damaged or wrongrepaired or corrected; c. less-added; d. the jam-dslanwn; e. the retreat or degenerate-advanced or improved soerjono soekanto predicts the benchmark effectiveness of certain elements of infrastructure, where the infrastructure must clearly be a part that contributes to the smooth running of the tasks of the apparatus in the place or location of work. so according to the author about the facilities and infrastructure that become obstacles is very limited, but in addition to bnn infrastructure is also supported by human resources that complement each other in the rehabilitation process, but the facilities and infrastructure are also not so great an influence, as a inhibition because the use of facilities in general based on the data presented above is still considered sufficient but must also be maximized in the procurement of infrastructure so that it will be more achieved perlindu gan and law enforcement that aspires to the high number of rehabilitation patients and drug users handled while the rehabilitation room is a special room for rehabilitation patients where the space must meet the standards as should be habitable patients, based on the results of research that in the rehabilitation process only uses one building and several people are still in one area can be completed properly by the provincial bnnp, one of them is but in the theory expressed by soerjono soekanto, it is also very useful to improve the quality and capacity in public services so that there are no deficiencies experienced by both law enforcement, rehabilitation patients and all elements involved in the implementation of good and appropriate services in the implementation of public services. drug use in grorontalo diprovinsi regarding supporting facilities actually in general has good means this is based on the results of observation and direct review of spaciousness 5. conclusion the role of the national narcotics agency (bnn) against victims of narcotics abuse by the national narcotics agency (bnn) is the first is toprevent, cure, socialize socialization carried out by the city of gorontalo to the community is still very less this is influenced by the budget of the state budget that does not collect and factors that hinder the implementation of rehabilitation of victims of narcotics abuse by the national narcotics agency (bnn) is harmonization of agencies must be achieved budget limitations, low role and community and lack of facilities and lack of socialization. there are things that can hinder others but do not have significant impact as in the factors found if not met will slow the performance of law enforcement. the advice in this study is that the bnn party maximizes socialization to the community because of the three roles of bnn socialization that has not run optimally and sranfor the community and local governments and students can particip ate in drug eradication to achieve superior human resources. references bnn gorontalo rehabilitasi 500 pecandu narkoba. 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illegal; logging; corporate accountability article licence copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction indonesia is one of the countries that has a lot of diversity and wealth, where the forest area includes flora and fauna, forests are also a source of human life and become an important component for the environment, therefore the use and management of forest areas must be carried out properly. social, and economic. several times there have been changes in forestry laws, but the fact is that crimes against forests are still ongoing today. according to absori "from year to year the accumulation of forest destruction and the universe is increasingly un controllable" (absori, n.d.) the problem of forest destruction today not only occurs in indonesia, but also occurs in foreign countries such as brazil, africa, latin america, democratic republic of congo, meksico and malasyia. the university of marland (umd) and the world resource institute (wri) released data on forest destruction in 2019 where the number of forest destruction in tropical states and asia reached 3.75 million hectares per year, brazil with damage rate of about 24.5 million hectares, indonesia is in second place from brazil with forest destruction rate of about 9.5 million hectares, then democratic congo is third with damage rate of 4.8 million hectares, (butler, 2020) the discourse of resistance and eradication of illegal logging has been since 2005 where the united nations held a referendum and presented several states including indonesia. in the meeting contained 3 (three) important things, namely to make regulations against illegal logging, prevent the occurrence of illegal timber trade (exportimport) and maintain environmental survival, these steps are projected in the concept of sustainable development for the next few years, (flejzor, 2005). while in "2009-2014 tingkonk and indonesia also signed a memorandum of understanding (mou) as part of efforts to prevent illegal timber trade between indonesia -tingkonk countries, which was later contained in the regional forest law enforcement and governance (fleg) declaration"(febrianto, 2019). https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1605 mailto:andriadinbima@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 58-68 61 in principle, forest destruction is synonymous with illegal logging activities, where the activity is carried out in unlawful ways such as the transportation of tampa paperwork, illegal logging, and illegal timber trafficking. this type of action does not only involve individuals who involve business actors or corporations engaged in trade and business, even in order to launch a business activity they often build access and communication across power, it is solely to influence the law enforcement system as well as government policy. (imron rizki, safrin salam, 2019) the access they built certainly has special points on reducing tax costs and the release of road letters. it is not impossible when, astan wirya revealed that "the mode of illegal logging crime will not work well without involving workers, the public, bureaucrats, political elites and police officers". (wirya, 2015) business settlement in legal literature is identified as a legal entity or a business entity that is not an incorporated entity. law no. 7 of 2014 on trade explains that "business actors are individuals or busi ness entities in the form of legal entities or not legal entities established and domiciled in the jurisdiction of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia and conduct business activities in the field of trade" when business actors or business entities commit a criminal act, then discourse that then arises there is a difference of views on the concept of criminal accountability. for business actors / corporations that are legal entities and that are not legal entities. this discourse departs from the theory of legal fiction that assumes that "a collection of business actors / corporations is just an abstraction or imagination that is lived in the form of an in concrete shadow" the legal entity can desire if there is a human who wants it but not in a real form, so the theory of fiction assumes only humans can be punished and sentenced to criminal punishment, (anjari, 2016). seeing the development of crime in the era of globalization that is increasingly sophisticated and organized, the law is not necessarily understood as adherents of the principle of accountability for mistakes for natural human actions alone, but the law must be understood as a dynamic element and follow the flow of the times. according to the desimadi & nyoman united day putra jaya "the development of new trade and business transactions has begun to leave behind primitive patterns of this also that will affect the development of special crimes in the field of economics and business where this crime is widely developed by business people / corporations" (silk day disemadi, 2019) . because the subject who commits a crime is not only human but can also be done by a collection of businesses / corporations, business entities are also part of the legal subject. recognition of business actors as legal subjects can be seen in the criminal code (criminal code) which regulates individuals, while the collection of businesses / corporations of legal entities and not legal entities are regulated in civil law and laws outside the criminal code including the forestry law, the environment law, trad e law, economic crime law, money laundering law, and criminal code of corruption, thus indonesia has recognized business entities / corporations as legal subjects both criminal and civil law subjects. with regard to the regulation of legal liability for t he actions of business actors / corporations further regulated in the supreme court regulation(perma) number 13 of 2016 concerning procedures for handling corporate criminal acts. some researchers have previously tried to conduct literature studies relate d to the concept of legal accountability for actors who come from among entrepreneurs or companies (corporations) as the results of research conducted by m. amoah & r.k. where in his research offered that "when the company is controlled by business actors that lead to an act of illegal logging of forests then the concept of accountability that must be applied can be in the form of corporate social responsibility-csr (corporate social accountability) so that the company can act ethically on the environment and sustainable social security, corporate accountability can also be in the form of compensation and re-greening for the damage caused, (amoah & boateng, n.d.) . septa candra with his research focus on the criminal responsibility of business actors who commit environmental crimes states that "in order to convict business actors / corporations in law enforcement must be applied multidoor system (system of incorporation of several laws) to avoid the escape of perpetrators"(candra, 2020), similarities that can be concluded from the above research with the research that is being conducted there is a discussion on legal accountability for business actors / corporations but the difference that can be developed from this study with previous researches, namely the space and place of research then this re search is more focused on the discussion of illegal logging crimes involving business actors in bima ntb, where the pattern of illegal logging crimes in bima is dominated by entrepreneurs engaged in the field of inter-regional timber trade some cases of illegal logging such as counterfeiting, the use of without permit areas, shipping and sheltering wood illegally often not processed properly by law enforcement even the largest contribution of forest destruction is in the bima ntb region. the question then arises how the type of illegal logging crimes that occurred in bima so far, what p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 58-68 62 are the factors that trigger the occurrence of deforestation and forest degradation in bima, and how legal accountability for actors from among trade businesses who trade timber from bima illegally. 2. methodology the type of research that is builtwill be legal-empirical research, this type of research is research that looks at the law forreal, the law is not only understood from the text of the law or regulations alone, but the law must be understood contextually where the law works in society. the data sources in this study are primary data and secondary data. primary data is data obtained directly both through field surveys and observing social beha vior. the primary data in this study is the data obtained from interviews, documentation and observations. secondary data in this study in the form of books, official documents, journals, previous research, magazines, or electronic media. this secondary data is collected by means of literature studies which then complement each other and correct. the location of this research was conducted at the office of the forest management unit (kph) maria donggomasa bima, bima city police office, and the district court (pn) raba bima. for field research areas conducted in bima city and regency data analysis techniques begin using triangulation. the application of the concept of triangulation to direct the final results of this study in the form of informa tion is then connected with the perspective of theory in order to avoid the subjective knowledge of researchers of research facts, in other aspects the concept of triangulation can also direct a deep understanding of the theoretical knowledge of the results of data analysis that has been obtained. the connection with the court's decision will be connected with field data, and the results of interviews with law enforcement or informants who are then conceptualized as researchers' findings. 3. result and discussion 3.1 overview of perpetrators of illegal logging crimes in bima ntb secara geografis wilayah bima nusa tenggara barat (ntb) consists of regencies and cities. where the two wilayah are located at the eastern end of west nusa tenggara province (ntb), the area of bima regency is about 4,394.38 km2 and there are 18 subdistricts consisting of 191 villages and 419 hamlets. while the area of bima city amounted to 222.25 km2 which consists of 5 district namely district rasa na'e barat, rasa na'e timur, asakota disricti, district mpunda and raba. (local government, n.d.) bima regency is categorized as having a high enough mountain including mount tambora, mount wera, wawomountain, donggo mountain and lambitu mountain bima regency,the rest is lowland, rice fields as well as dry land. based on datareleased by the office of environment and forestry (lhk) in 2017 about forest areas according to function and their uses such as protected forests, conservation forests, natural caga r forests, forests fixed production and limited production forests as seen in tabel.1 below: table 1. area of kota / regency forest area based on function kota/regency h.hedging ca twa h.elevation hptp hptb bima city 3.280 ha 1.258 1.497 bima regency 83.189 ha 21.095 232 55.600 44.740 6.686 source: department of environment and forestry, 2017 departing from the.1 table data above bahwa protected forest area in the city of bima about 32,80 hectares while for the fixed production forest luasnya about 1,258 hectares and limited production forest about 1,497 hectares. comparison with bima regency forest area looks different where the area of protected forest area in bima regency reaches 83,189 hectares, nature reserve forest area covering 21,095 hectares, natural park forest area of 232 hectares, conservation forest area of 55,600 hectares, fixed production forest area of 44,740 hectares and limited production forest area of 66.86 hectares. forest areas in the bima region with definitive figures of 217,586 hectares mostly switched status to critical land and deforested forests, the conditionof the deforested forest itself there is naturally bald there are also bald caused by human activities such as the habit of taking wood,the clearing of forest areas for agricultural land and the transfer of forest functions and the high demand for logs by companies both local companies and companies outside the bima area. from various studies to the exploitation carried out by humans certainly make the forest can p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 58-68 63 not function optimally even in the dry season the forest area that has been cut down will look dry,rocks and shrubs that look yellow. based on the observations of researchers, the forest damage in bima does not occur in one district only but this forest damage occurs in various villages both in wawo, langgudu, madapangga, lambitu, belo, and parado district. bima regency. according to a. hamid as secretary of tarlawi village, wawo district bima "many people here when finished harvesting their corn in and out of the protected forest aim to take wood to sell to entrepreneurs". interview results, june 14, 2021, at 08:56 wita). the statement of the secretary of tarlawi village, in line with what har toyo, one of the residents of the langgudu village of bima regency, stated that "the people of the rate began cutting down sonokling type wood since the peak of 2015 in 2017. the wood is sold to retailers with a cubicationcount, while the retailers are from the police, entrepreneurs, there are also from ordinary people" interview results, june 16, 2021. at 3:30 p.m.). bsome of the district identified patterns of forest destruction behavior is almost the same, such as the habit of opening protected forests to be converted into agricultural land, as well as the habit of cutting down wood and selling wood illegally. if categorized, there are 2 (two) groups that commit illegal logging in bima, including community groups and business groups. a. community group (community group) community groups are elements of important that play an active role inprotecting forest destruction, meaning that not all peopledo the same as stealing and cutting wood but there are some groups of people who live on th e edge of the forest playing an active role in illegal logging, both group -by-person. as for the logging equipment that is often used by this group in the form of chain machines (gasoline-powered portable saws), ordinary saws, machetes, kapak,and a variety of equipment. other traditional. wood that has been cut down will be transported using trucks, containers, pic-ap and motorcycles, some of which are in their own homes there are also directly to the company's shelter or directly to the port of bima (mbojo). . if associated with social crime theory the most decisive influence of a person or group of people committing a crime is an external factor that arises from this perspective social force considering the relationship between society and crime. (salam, 2020) where evil occurs when humans feel abandoned and poor, even in this condition humans can do anything to meet their needs, (dulkiah, 2020) b. employers group(business group) the group is a group engaged in business and trade in special trade(export-import) outside the bima area, the mode of crime played by this group can be in the form of data manipulation and moving community groups, where the community is directed. to do logging then offer a price with a fairly high market. this is said by dirman, one of the residents of the langgudu village of bima regency who was directly involved inthe case of sonokling logging in the stone river forest area or called so nonggo tende (name of forest area) of lane village, dirman stated " in 2017-2020 which became the center of logging activities of the community at the exact rate in the forest area of the so nonggo tende rock river bordering the forest area of ngali village, and diha district village of belo bima regency. this forest area is a protected forest area that has hundreds of hectares of sonoklingtype wood" early mula occurrence of logging because there is an issue developed by the local community that there are retailers and wood users outside bima area offering a fairlyhigh price of wood. (interview results, june 12, 2021, 10:20 pm) in this phase i sometimes the community is used or utilized by certain groups of people, there are even some community groups that act as beking where this group protects illegal logging activities, people who become some of the thugs, there are also prominent people. (safrin salam, 2020)the strength and control of this group is quite massive and organized, the political diplomacy they build certainly affects the public policy of political management is not doing physical actions such as cutting down wood or transportingwood but thisgroup becomes intellectual actors and actors. intersect with public officials, politicians, corporate affiliations, and cooperate with police officers. nature criminology perspective that "individual actors are individuals while corporate/business actors are people or groups of wealth that are organized either a legal entity or not. legal body. the model of crime played by this group is a series of open crimes meaning that this crime is committed in a certain way based on a certain order (order), this type belongs to the professional class , big capital and the marketing p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 58-68 64 is quite broad. while closed crimes are carried out through the exploitation of illegal, these crimes are widely committed by companies with a pattern of shyness and manipulating documents, letters and documents. otherthings, as if the document is valid and original" (nurhadiyanto, 2016) 3.2 prevention of illegal logging in bima ntb pthere is a principle of prevention against criminal acts can be conceptualized as the core of the law enforcement process where the vision of law enforcement is described in the values and norms of law to be able to create order, order and can create peace in social life. "law enforcement and the implementation of criminal law aim to prevent, maintain and improve the legal system of penal applied by the state"(tonry & farrington, 1995) pencegahan criminal acts of illegal logging (illegal logging) by law enforcement inthis case police/ civil servant investigators (ppns),balaikesatuan pengelolaan hutan (kph) or local g overnment (pemda) has authority and role of masing-ng-each to conduct prevention through the formation and formation of good and law-abiding community character. in law no.18 of 2013 concerning the prevention and regulation of forest destruction has been in the form of the name of the forest destruction prevention and development agency or abbreviated as lp3h, lp3h institution is a special institution that is authorized to carry out criminal acts of forest squabbling, lp3h also serves to carry out investigation, prosecution. both through the judicial and out of justice. responding to the degradation and deforestation of hutsin the ntb region, the ntb provincial government, forming the name satuan tugas(task force) prevention and eradication of forest destruction, this is contained in the decree (sk) of the governor of west nusa tenggara (ntb) number: 522-205 of 2018 concerning task force (task force) prevention and eradication of forest destruction of west nusa tenggara province (ntb)consisting of the governor of west nusa tenggara, ntb provincial lhk office, tni, ntb police chief, ntb high court and ntb high prosecutor. the operation control task force consisted of kodim 1608 bima, bima city police chief, forestry police, district/city pp police unit, bksda bima and kph hall se-ntb. the measures of the government or law enforcement in preventing the criminal act of illegal logging in bima are as follows: a. prevention of pre-emtif pre-emtive prevention is one of the earliest forms of prevention before the occurrence of criminalacts, meaning that this pre-emtive approach will be an instrument for law enforcement to internalize the norms and rules ofthe law in everyone. (arifin, osgar s. matompo, 2021). looking at the decree (sk) of the governor of west nusa tenggara (ntb) number: 522-205 of 2018 concerning the task force (task force) on prevention and eradication of forest destruction of ntb province, it was explained that pre-emtif prevention efforts among them did socialization and counseling, fostering and shaping environmentally conscious communities, installing prohibition boards and establishing coordination between district / city governments including camat and village government. the results of the interview with pak ahyar as the head of kph maria donggomasa bima showed that "oneof the activities that are non-physical is carried out by kph hall, namely the greening activities of deforested forests or dry land that are held in the cross-sectoral program in 2021 in tolo uwi district village of monta bima regency. in this activity, the kph hall also involves related agencies including community elemen ts". (interview,june 30, 2021, 8:30 a.m.) the purpose of legal extension itself is to improve the understanding of the community so that the public knows and understands how important the care of the function of the forest as a buffer for human life, in other aspects of this extension is part of the character of the community in forming compliance and obedience to the law so that in the future the community is no longer involved in harmful crimes. self-harm or harm tomany people. b. preventive prevention preventive measures are the initial action taken by law enforcement before the occurrence of a crime or criminal act, preventive is a further action of the pre-emtif step where preventive measures are carried out before the occurrence of a crime or crime. criminal acts means preventive measures are efforts made by law enforcement to eliminate or eliminate the atmosphere of crime or the opportunity of someone to commit a p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 58-68 65 crime. the most important action can be done by patrolling, or mapping protected forest areas that are considered prone to illegal logging. lembanga pelaksana apart from the tni and police based on regional regulation (perda) number 13 of 2014 concerning the organization and working arrangements of other institutions as part of the regional device of west nusa tengga province ( ntb) including kph maria donggomasa,kph tambora and kph ampang riwo soromandi provinsi nusa tenggarabarat (ntb), the function of the institution to perform pola recovery back for forest destruction then invite community and build partners with indigenous leaders, communities, youth or with community organizations, then perform reforestation simultaneously in order to overcome the occurrence of disasters. prolonged nature. c. repressive prevention article 1 of the criminal procedure law (criminal code) investigator is the person who performs the investigation, while the investigation is a series of actions carried outby investigators to determine, and determine a criminal event, whether from the event there is a criminal act or notif there are allegations. there is a criminal act, then the investigator will conduct further investigation to find elements of the criminalact. (marsela, 2016). law no.18 of 2013 on prevention and eradication of forest destruction (p3h), became the basis for police investigator /ppns forestry in carrying out the investigation function in the field of forestry. the criminal act of illegal logging is specifically regulated in law no. 18 of 2013 on p3h, as stated in the criminal code the crime of illegal logging is understood as an act that has an element of general criminal offense, which then classified into common forms of crime including smuggling, forgery, embezzlement, destruction and detention. for the stage of investigation based on the provisions of the criminal code article 7 paragraph 2 of the criminal code that civil servant investigators (ppns) under the supervision of the police investigator of the republic of indonesia (polri)whose actions includes investigations, investigations, arrests, detentions, prosecutions and examinations in the fund. based on the results of an interview with mr. suherman as a member of the bima kota police tipidter kanit that repressive steps oleh law enforcement in preventing the occurrence of illegal logging crimes in bima, first, security operations around illegal logging forest areas, second, determine the target of the operation (to) and further investigation related to the alleged criminal acts of illegal logging, third, collect evidence in the form of chainsaws, chain machines, axes, trucks (transport cars) or property belonging to suspects of illegal crimes. logging. (interview results, july 14, 2021, 1:30 p.m.) cases handled by bima kota police in 2015-2020 include first, the case of transporting wood tampa legal documents, this case involves the initials fd from west naru village district sape bima regency with police report/ k/ 12 / ii / 2015 / res bima kota.dated february 25. 2015. second, the case of storing or owning wood forest products originating from protected forest areas, this case involves the initials rd from maria district wawo village of bima regency with lp / k / 243 / ii / 2016 / res bima kota, dated june 8, 2016. third, the case of transporting tampa wood documents skshh by the initials brother ir from wane village. the care of the bima regency parado with lp/k/12/ii/2017/res bima kota. november 21, 2017. fourth, the case of transporting sonoklin woodas much as 3 truk container tampa valid documents, this case involves the director of ud ridho district wera bima regency with lp / k / 256 / ii / 2020 / res bima kota. february 26, 2020. 3.2 model of accountability of business actors who commit illegal logging in bima the term businessman itself is understood as part of the activities of individuals who move their energy and mind for a purpose such as work or activities engaged in the field of trade and solely to seek support, (setiawan, 2021). in article 1 paragraph (3) of law no. 18 of 1999 on consumer protection explained that business actors are every individual who carries out economic activities or who is engaged inthe field oftradeand commerce. individual people in this case can be legal entities or not legal entities such as companies,soes, cooperatives, traders, distributors, etc. another term of legal nor non-legal entity is a corporation in law no. 18 of 2013 on prevention and eradication of forest destruction mentioned that corporations are a collection of people or wealth organized either in the form of legal entities or not legal entities, but in fact the corporation will not move tampa there are business actors, entrepreneurs oreconomists who move it. because crime currently involves many business actors / corporations, the provisions of corporations/ business actors as the subject of criminal law are regulated p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 58-68 66 specifically in law no. 41 of 1999 about forestry jo. uu no. 18 of 2013 on prevention and eradication of destruction of hut an, further regulated in the regulation of the supreme court (perma) of the republic of indonesia number 13 of 2016 on the regulation of how to handle criminal cases by corporations. between legal entities and not legal entities there is a difference where this legal entity is referred to as a limited liability company entity (pt), cooperatives, foundations, soes, corporate companies(persero)and public companies (perum). while the entity that is not a legal entity, consists of trading businesses, trading companies, firms, and komanditer (cv) alliances. (yohana, n.d.) . seeing a very striking difference between legal entities and open legal entities, the form of legal responsibility for business actors / corporations who commit criminal acts. first, absolute liability (strict liability) that imposes on the actions committed by the leadership, directors, members or administrators of the corporation. second, vicarious liability that focuses on the company's leadership, crane, or director, in the sense that the company's imponent must be held accountable for mistakes made by subordinates or their curry. according to dobson, the two concepts of accountability are more precisely for business actors who are legal entities and are not appropriate for business actors who are not le gal entities,(dobson, 2008). the concept of absolute liability (strict liability) and vicarious liability, is also regulated in law no. 18 of 2013 and in article 109 paragraph (1) it is mentioned that "nature the actof logging, harvesting, harvesting, mastery, transportation and circulation of timber resulting from illegal plunders carried out by or on behalf of a corporation criminal charges and/ or criminal convictions" carried out against the corporati on or its managers" while the model of legal liability for business actors who do not have a legal entity is still charged to individual people because the director is only himself and works alone or uses his own capital without there is a separation of wealth with business entities y he's running. the liability of non-incorporated business actors or businesses that are run by individuals can be seen in the decision of the district court (pn) raba bima with number: 231 / pid.b / lh / 2020 / pn rbi dated june 17, 2020 in the first alternative indictment pn raba bima sentenced the initials of the accused. tf,because this tf is a business actor whose nature is an individual or business in its own run, the provision in the hakim ruling refers to article 88 paragraph (1) letter a jo. article 16 of law no. 18 of 2013 on prevention and eradication of forest destruction. where in article 16 mentioned "every person who transports wood forest products must have a document that is a certificate of legal forest products in accordance with the provisions of the lawsand regulations, further article 88 paragraph (1) letter a, mentioning that "orangpeeorangan who deliberately carrying out the transportation of forest products without having documents that are legal certificates of forest products in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations. the basis of the judge's consideration in the ruling, first, intentionally carrying out the transportation of forest timber without having documents that are legal certificates of forest products in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations, second, loading forest products or bringing forest products into conveyances and conveyances that bring forest products moving to their destination and dismantle, degrade, or removing forest products from transport equipment, third, the defendant's actions do not support government programs in forest destruction prevention and eradication. based on that consideration, the judge imposed a criminal sentence against tf's conviction in the form of imprisonment for 1 (one) year 6(six) months and a fine of rp. 500,000.00 (five hundred million). rupiah) with the provision if the denda is not able in bayar it will be replaced with a criminal cage for 3 (three) months. judging from the chronological case as described in the indictment by the public prosecutor that the defendant tf on february 19, 2020 at 19:00 wita contained wood sonokling type peer 59 (fifty nine) milestones with a volume of 12,329 m3 tedakwa tf using a tronton truck with the number pol.z9712 hb, the purpose of which will be sent to brother ar as director of cv. araya group located in bondowoso east java. at first the wood wasimpan in the warehouse owned by bk as director of ud. new appears in nata village palibelo district bima, while the wooden list document oland along with documents transporting legal information of forest products of tf defendants in love by sister hw as director of ud. kaliandra bima city which in the end the document is not legally recognized because it is not number and signature of the competent official. according to the author that in this case not only involving tf brothers but also involving brother bk dirut ud muncul baru and sister hw dirut ud. kaliandra. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 58-68 67 4. conclusion based on the results of the research and discussion above can be concluded, first, as acriminal act of illegal logging in bima ntb can be classified into 2 (two) groups, namely community groups (community groups) and business groups , where this community group acts as loggers and then the timbers are sold to business people engaged in trade and timber business, while the group of entrepreneurs will facilitate illegal logging activities such as promising high prices, providing logging equipment, and providing cars to hold wood even logging groups. companies also often send wood from bima outside the area where the del ivery process uses ways that are contrary to the law. second, the form of prevention carried out by law enforcement in the form of pre semimeasures, preventive measures and repressive measures. third, the model of legal responsibility for business actors specifically business actors who are not legal entities or business entities run by individuals, of course, based on the principle of error where pn raba bima with number: 231 / pid.b / lh / 2020 / pn rbi dated june 17, 2020 imposes a prison sentence for 1 ( one) year 6 (six) months to the initials tf with the element of intentionally transporting wood products without having valid documents. as for the advice in this study,first, improve the development of community law or legal extension of minimal 1 time in one 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intended to provide management recommendations to improve the professionalism of asn. this type of research is qualitative (doctrinal). qualitative normative research is intended to formulate the basic problems being faced by using a measurable analytical knife. the results of this paper are recommendations for succession management which are suggested to be implemented in government agencies as well as the work culture of asn in the future by obtaining appropriate cadres of leaders in facing the challenges of changing eras. keywords: competency improvement, asn, vuca era. article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction the industrial revolution 4.0 has been widely rumored to affect and change various aspects of life. this era is often characterized by the condition of vuca, which stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. the shift from the 4.0 industrial revolution era to the vuca era will have an impact on social, political, economic and cultural changes throughout the region. advances in digital technology have affected the entire world and all aspects of life in it. in the industrial world, the industrial era 4.0 has been known where there has been a shift in work processes marked by the increasing use of artificial intelligence (ai) and also the increasingly widespread use of the internet of things (iot) as a dominant part of work activities. the 1945 constitution does contain the idea of political democracy and at the same time economic democracy. that is, in the highest power holder in our country is the people, both in the political and economic fields (salam et al., 2021). the existence of the industrial revolution 4.0, has caused a lot of impacts, both positive and negative. the world economic forum estimates that during the period 2015-2020 it is estimated that millions of jobs will be reduced and replaced by machines, robots, artificial intelligence, and other computing devices. in the public sector and the world of bureaucracy, this also affects work patterns and demands for the quality of work expected in the context of public services. of course, this requires optimal management and improvement of human resource (hr) competencies in order to boost the credibility of the organization by increasing the efficiency of each bureaucratic apparatus in the fields of information, communication, and technology (ict), with the aim of facilitating the implementation of tasks in the future (rustandi, 2019). then, as part of efforts to realize good governance, the human resources of the bureaucratic apparatus must always be oriented to the use of technology in the administration of government services, simplification of various regulations and also in the process of bureaucratic reform (mardawani & relita, 2019). indonesia's current focus is not only to encourage the process of digitizing services but also how to achieve connectedness so that integration can be created in the delivery of public services. to fulfill this is a necessity in an effort to increase the competence of state civil apparatus who master technology but are fully oriented towards increasing public satisfaction with the services provided. through autonomy, local governments have greater opportunities encourage and motivate members to build a conducive area (haniru, 2016). public services are carried out by the government bureaucracy which concerns the needs of civil rights and basic government needs, but there are still many complaints or complaints from the public such as the https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2144 mailto:ismaandigya@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 168-177 169 government bureaucracy which is convoluted in carrying out public services, limited facilities and lack of service facilities and infrastructure. not only complaints in the service, but there are also many government bureaucracies who position themselves as agents of the authorities, not as servant agents. so it can be said that the current condition of public services in indonesia is still not running optimally due to various factors that need to be addressed. the results of initial observations, raised a number of problems related to the competence of asn, public services, and asn readiness to face the vuca era. there are still many asns who have low competence. according to djohermansyah djohan, professor of the institute of domestic administration (ipdn), there are 7 (seven) problems with the state civil apparatus (asn) in indonesia, including: there is still a priyayi mentality in asn, the quality of asn services is still poor, corrupt practices in the recruitment of asn, the number of mutations and promotions carried out not according to the rules of the game, corruption committed by asn, is still often found illegal levies by asn to the public; and the politicization of the bureaucracy. then the condition of public services in indonesia at this time is still not running optimally, as shown by the many complaints from the public in the service and the servants (asn) are also still many who place themselves as agents of the rulers, not as agents of servants. with the condition of asn as many as 4.37 million people with a demographic level that is still not ideal, it is homework for the government. not ideally, the demographics of civil servants are reflected in as many as 43 percent of civil servants who are a general administration functional group with an age mode in the range of 51 years as much as 20.36 percent. another problem faced by the government bureaucracy is the low competence and performance of high-ranking officials as much as 34.5 percent. other things that are also the focus of the government are strengthening asn governance and management, integrated e-government implementation, and quality and innovation of public services. another issue that is equally important is the strengthening of accountability and the internal control system. based on the explanation above, it is evident that the challenges of the industrial era 4.0 clearly have an impact on the quality demands of the state civil apparatus. asn professionalism is an absolute must in this new era. the attitude of asn professionalism needs to be continuously built structurally and culturally. asn mindset change is the beginning. based on data from the world economy forum for human capital indonesia in 2017, the quality of the indonesian state civil apparatus is still very low. even the quality of asn in indonesia is still inferior to neighboring countries such as malaysia and thailand. minister of national development planning (ppn) bambang brodjonegoro said there are several things that make indonesian asn lose out compared to neighboring countries. one of them is the difficulty of indonesian asn to be rotated. whereas the purpose of rotation is to make asn more developed. because with rotation, asn can have more complex abilities by adding knowledge and work experience that is in the target unit. in addition, continued bambang, the low capacity and level of education also makes indonesian asn lagging behind neighboring countries, in addition to the lack of specialists. only 10% of asn are recorded with the position of technical jf (excluding teachers and medical personnel). in addition to competency issues, asn is also still struggling with the involvement of several individuals with corrupt actions. the government through the civil service development officer (ppk) and the authorized official (pyb) finally carried out disrespectful dismissal (ptdh) of 480 civil servants (pns) who were involved in criminal acts of corruption (tipikor) and who had been sentenced based on a court decision with the power of permanent law (inkracht). this figure consists of 177 decrees for dishonorable dismissal, both central and regional agencies and 303 with other decrees. there are still many asns who are not ready to enter the vuca era. only in academic circles understand the development of the times, business people who really have an interest in the sustainability of dynamic human resources, as well as public policy makers who pay attention. what distinguishes this paper from previous writings is that no one has comprehensively studied the relationship between the state civil apparatus (asn) and the vuca era. many previous writings that examined the vuca era were only in collaboration with the communication crisis and the indonesian government system. 2. methodology this study uses qualitative research methods (asper & corte, 2019), which aims to find out about efforts to increase the competence of the state civil apparatus as an effort to optimize public services in the vuca era. therefore, this study will provide an explanation of increasing human resources to optimally improve services to the community in the vuca era where the use of technology to improve human resource performance will still p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 168-177 170 consider aspects of humanism in solving social problems. then, the data in this study was collected using a literature review technique, which is a method of collecting research information from various books and journals that are relevant to the focus of the study (farida, 2019: 135-140). drawing conclusions which is the final result of data analysis by interpreting through reflection on research data (gumilang, 2016 144-159). 3. result and discussion 3.1. asn competence the improvement of asn competence is based on aspects of hard skills and soft skills. hard skills emphasize excellence in the technical field related to the duties and responsibilities of asn as public servants. hard skills are learnable abilities that are acquired and improved through practice, repetition, and education. hard skills are important because they can increase the productivity and efficiency of asn as well as increase service satisfaction. in this study, the emphasis is on the ability to master work tools that already use the latest information technology, namely mastery of computer technology and all applications installed on work tools that aim to facilitate and accelerate the distribution of information and public services. furthermore, communication hard skills (foreign languages, digital communication, and copywriting), data analysis (the ability to analyze data and then use that information for the benefit of service work), certification and licensing (outcomes of education, training, courses, seminars, etc.), and managerial ability (leading and/or managing organizational units). meanwhile, soft skills are abilities that are more emotional and insightful in treating other people. this study focuses on the need to increase asn competencies in facing the challenges of the society 5.0 era which emphasizes a humanioram orientation, namely: the ability to solve complex problems, critical thinking, creative, human management, coordination skills, emotional intelligence, judgment and decision making, service orientation, negotiation, and cognitive flexibility. based on the dimensions of competence according to sutrisno (2009:206-207), the measurement of competence is seen from: motives (motives), characteristics (traits), selfconcept (self-concept), knowledge (knowledge), and skills (skills). a. motives on the motive dimension, asn can show good work motivation in achieving, achieving the goals of the agency where they serve with full responsibility and even being ready to face many challenges when the compensation value they receive is in the form of fulfilling the necessities of life, getting protection and protection from superiors and their institutions, good relations in cooperation, and certainty in career development. career development affects organizational commitment and asn performance, where career development is a formal approach taken by organizations to ensure that people in the organization have the appropriate qualifications and abilities and experience when needed. so if these two activities have been carried out, it will be easy to produce good performance. thus, motivation means a condition that encourages or causes someone to do an act or activity that takes place consciouslykarakteristik (traits). in article 3 which contains the characteristics of asn (undang-undang negara republik indonesia, 2014), namely: having basic values, maintaining a code of ethics, commitment, competence, academic qualifications, not violating the law, professionalism. the president of the republic of indonesia has launched the core values of asn namely 'berakhlak' and its employer branding 'proud to serve the nation'. the launch of this basic value aims to homogenize the basic values of asn which are currently still varying in every government agency, both central and regional. beakhlak stands for service oriented, accountable, competent, harmonious, loyal, adaptive, and collaborative. asn must have an orientation to provide the best service to the community. in law number 5 of 2014 concerning state civil apparatus, the code of ethics is a set of norms that contain rights and obligations that are sourced from ethical values that serve as guidelines for thinking, behaving, and acting in daily activities that demand responsibility for a person. profession. the purpose of the code of ethics is to encourage the implementation of basic duties and functions, improve employee discipline, ensure smooth execution of tasks, improve work ethic, work quality and professional civil servant behavior, and improve the image and performance of civil servants within the ministry/regional government agencies. the basic principles of the code of ethics are: devotion, loyalty, obedience, the spirit of nationalism, prioritizing the interests of the state above personal and group interests, respect, non-discrimination, professionalism, neutrality, morality and the spirit of the corps. the asn code of ethics is regulated in government regulation (peraturan pemerintah, 2004). according to article 1 paragraph 2 of the government regulation, the asn code of ethics is a guideline for the attitudes, p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 168-177 171 behavior and actions of civil servants in carrying out their duties and in daily life. the asn code of ethics must be implemented by all asn in indonesia. in article 7 government regulation (pp) no. 42 of 2004 it is emphasized that in carrying out official duties and daily life, asn is required to behave and be guided by ethics in the state, in the administration of government, in organization, towards oneself and towards fellow civil servants. commitment is a description of asn's dedication to their duties and responsibilities over a long period of time. commitment to love and be responsible for the given position. the concept of commitment consists of three components so that the theory is called the three-components model (allen & meyer, 1990), as follows: 1) affective commitment; shows the existence of psychological attachment (psychological attachment) between individuals and their organizations. this means that someone stays in an organization because they really want it (because they want to), 2) continuance commitment; show commitment that is seen from the pros and cons of leaving the organization. this means that they stay in an organization because they need the organization (because they need to) and 3) normative commitment; is a commitment that is formed due to the perception of the individual concerned that as members of the organization they feel there is an obligation to remain a member of the organization because they feel they have an obligation (because they ought to). competent. competent asn can be reflected in mastering their field of work, being focused, innovative/creative, responsive, communicative, experienced, result-oriented, and trustworthy. "asn serving is reflected in a friendly, patient, always smiling, respectful, helpful, sincere and sensitive attitude. the intended academic qualification is the minimum level of education that must be met by asn as evidenced by a diploma and/or certificate of relevant expertise in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation in accordance with the field or position it holds. asn does not violate the law. violation of the law is the act of a person or group that violates the rules and is not in accordance with applicable laws. violation of the law is a form of defiance of the applicable law. laws that must not be violated by asn start from the 1945 constitution, mpr decree, uu, government regulations in lieu of law, pp, presidential decrees, to regional regulations. professionalism. according to the regulation of the state civil service agency number 8 of 2019 is a description of the quality of asn based on educational qualifications, competence, performance, and discipline of asn employees in carrying out their duties.konsep diri (self concept), a positive mindset forms a self-concept as a state civil apparatus. the self-concepts are: 1) working as a worshiper, 2) avoiding disgraceful attitudes, 3) working professionally, 4) trying to improve his competence continuously, 5) serving and protecting the community, 6) working based on applicable regulations, and 7) not vulnerable to change and open and realistic. b. knowledge knowledge is facts, truths or information obtained through experience or learning called posteriori, or through introspection called priori. knowledge is information that is known or realized by someone. asn's knowledge must be broad, covering the affairs of its work, various supporting sciences, the development of the situation, including the rapid changes that occur in society as a result of the rate of technological growth. asn knowledge must always be updated, so as not to be left behind, especially in the trend of services that must be getting better. c. skills there are four kinds of skills (robbins & coutler, 2016), which consist of: a. basic literacy skill basic literacy skill, which emphasizes the basic skills that a person already has. the basic skills that can be seen are listening skills, counting skills, writing skills and reading skills. b. the second technical skill is a technical skill that emphasizes the learning process that is carried out specifically in accordance with the field. fields that include technical skills are computer operating skills, mobile phone assembly skills and many more. c. interpersonal skill robbin also mentions other types of skills, namely interpersonal skills, namely skills that focus on the basic abilities possessed by a person to communicate. both in the form of individual to individual communication, individual to group and many more. what is included in interpersonal skills is the ability to express opinions in an easily understood manner. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 168-177 172 d. problem solving finally, problem solving skills where a person has potential abilities that can be implemented in everyday life in the form of problem solving. generally, people who have this skill have good logical and cognitive abilities. the main principle of equal employment opportunity (eeo) is "a fair chance for everyone at work", where everyone must have equal access, and in work everyone must have equal opportunities to receive training and promotion as well as fair working conditions. anggraeni et al, 2015). equal employment opportunity (eeo) does not assume that everyone has the same abilities, the same qualifications and the same experience but aims to give everyone the same opportunity (equal chance) to use and unleash all of their talents and abilities. each function in human resource management that is carried out based on eeo has several characteristics in increasing productivity (wilson, 2012), among others: 1. open means here, namely information regarding leadership selection must be conveyed clearly to every employee, starting from the requirements to the selection system 2. free, namely the stakeholders are also free to determine the method used to select employees in determining regeneration as leaders with the aim of getting the best leaders without discrimination. 3. equitable in terms of improving performance, every employee has the same opportunity to attend training. 4. objective in this case the employer and people who have the authority to conduct performance appraisals in order to carry out their duties objectively. from the results of the assessment, it can be determined the level of performance by comparing the work standards that have been determined. 5. fairly every worker has a great contribution value to his work and of course must be given an appropriate award, and given fairly, as well as compensation. fair treatment can also be done by providing opportunities for job promotion, training, development, etc. 6. caring the stakeholders must also care about the career pattern and regeneration of each employee by paying attention to the competencies possessed by each employee. table 1. principles corporate mindset no. seven principles corporate mindset bureaucrat corporate 1. attitude towards time and place bound working hours free time ( 24/7 ) 2. rasa memiliki bound place anytime, anywhere 3. attitude to money as a constraint (money follow function) as opportunity (function follow opportunity, every single problem is opportunity) 4. as opportunity life style, a tool for personal entertainment as a tool to relate, understand and serve 5. attitude to problems give reasons give the solution 6. attitude to change afraid, complicated, waiting for all clear rules afraid, complicated, waiting for all clear rules 7. attitude to strategy strategy is an order strategy is a way of thinking to achieve goals (helicopter view) strategy regardless of implementation strategy cannot be separated from implementation no room for creativity rich with creativity guyub, equal share cake to be able to produce professional leaders in accordance with the vuca era, good management is needed. the author recommends the following important activities: 1. develop a code of ethics regarding the implementation of professional behavior in the workplace. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 168-177 173 2. making regulations on succession management and incorporating the succession management system into the strategic plan of the organization as part of the strategic management of the organization which is approved by the head of the institution. 3. integrating the process of selecting and determining organizational leaders and organizational units with overall hr management. while technically the implementation in hr management practice, it is necessary to build a good succession management system which is carried out in the following stages: 1. determination of complete job competency criteria or standards for each leadership position in the organization, both high leadership positions and administrative positions. mapping of potential candidates according to existing job competency criteria/standards. 2. measurement or assessment according to the criteria. 3. development of a talent pool/talent pipeline with the required information in the form of a list of names of potential successors according to competency and performance data. 4. development of potential leaders' abilities according to the gap assessment results. 6. filling vacant positions in accordance with organizational needs. the entire process is carried out by applying the eeq (equal employment opportunity) principle. leaders who are elected fairly and based on competence will develop a much more professional attitude, because they will be rewarded for their competence and work performance. if all of these are implemented, then the need to fulfill the asn professionalism index related to the fulfillment of competency suitability, qualifications, performance/performance as well as commitments detected from disciplinary behavior will be realized in every leader in government organizations. a professional leader will certainly build a professional work culture as well and be an example for his subordinates/ asn under him. this will roll as an interlocking snowball if implemented across government organizations. 3. 2. rules of competence of state civil apparatus a. competence literally, competence comes from the word competence which means skill, ability, and authority. etymologically, competence is defined as the behavioral dimension of expertise or excellence of a leader or staff having good skills, knowledge, and behavior. competence is a person's basic character that indicates a way of behaving or thinking, which applies in a very wide range of situations and lasts for a long time. competence refers to the characteristics that underlie behavior that describe the motives, personal characteristics (characteristics), self-concept, values, knowledge, or skills that are brought by someone who excels in the workplace. there are several definitions of competence according to experts, namely as follows: (wibowo, 2016) "competence is the ability to carry out or perform a job and task based on skills and knowledge and supported by the work attitude required by the job." "competence is the guiding knowledge, skills, attitudes and other personal characteristics needed to achieve success in a job, which can be measured using agreed standards, and which can be improved through training and development." .spencer and spencer "competence is a characteristic that underlies a person and is related to the effectiveness of an individual's performance in his work" (sutrisno, 2009). according to boulter, dalziel, and hill "competence is a basic characteristic of a person that allows him to provide superior performance in certain jobs, roles, and situations" (sutrisno, 2009). meanwhile, according to sutrisno (2009:203) "competence is an ability based on skills and knowledge supported by work attitudes and their application in carrying out tasks and work in the workplace that refers to the work requirements set". based on several definitions from the experts above, it can be concluded that competence is an ability based on the skills, knowledge, attitudes and characteristics of a person to achieve success in his work. according to zwell provides five categories of competence (wibowo, 2016), which consist of: 1. task achievement, is a category of competence related to good performance. competencies related to task achievement are shown by orientation on results, managing performance, influencing, initiative, p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 168-177 174 production efficiency, flexibility, innovation, concern for quality, continuous improvement, and technical expertise. 2. relationship is a category of competence related to communication and working well with other people and satisfying their needs. competencies related to relationships include cooperation, service orientation, interpersonal care, organizational intelligence, relationship building, conflict resolution, attention to communication and cross-cultural sensitivity. 3. personal attribute is an individual's intrinsic competence and relates how people think, feel, learn, and develop. personal attributes are competencies that include integrity and honesty, self-development, assertiveness, decision quality, stress management, analytical thinking, and conceptual thinking. 4. managerial is a competency that is specifically related to managing, supervising and developing people. managerial competence in the form of motivating, empowering, and developing others. 5. leadership is a competency related to leading the organization and people to achieve the goals, vision, and goals of the organization. competencies related to leadership include visionary leadership, strategic thinking, entrepreneurial orientation, change management, building commitment, organizational, building focus and purpose, principles, and values. b. competency factor according to zwell revealed that there are several factors that affect a person's competence skills (wibowo, 2016), namely as follows: 1. beliefs and values. people's beliefs about themselves and others will greatly influence behavior. if people believe they are not creative and innovative, they will not try to think about new or different ways of doing things. 2. skills. skills play a role in most competencies, public speaking is a skill that can be learned, practiced and improved. 3. experience. skills of many competencies require experience organizing people, communicating in front of groups, solving problems, and so on. 4. personality characteristics. personality includes many factors, some of which are difficult to change. however, personality is not something that cannot be changed. in fact, a person's personality can change over time. people respond to and interact with forces and their surroundings. 5. motivation. motivation is a factor in competence that can change. by providing encouragement, appreciation of the work of subordinates, giving recognition and individual attention from superiors can have a positive influence on the motivation of a subordinate. 6. emotional issues. emotional barriers can limit the mastery of competence. fear of making mistakes, of being embarrassed, of feeling unwelcome or not belonging, all tend to limit motivation and initiative. 7. intellectual ability. competence depends on cognitive thinking such as conceptual thinking and analytical thinking. it is impossible to improve through every intervention that an organization manifests. of course, factors such as experience can increase proficiency in this competency. 8. organizational culture. organizational culture affects the competence of human resources in the following activities: a. the practice of recruitment and selection of employees takes into account who among the workers is included in the organization and their level of expertise regarding competence. b. the reward system communicates to employees how the organization values competence. c. decision-making practices affect competence in empowering others, taking initiative, and motivating others. d. organizational philosophy-mission, vision and values relate to all competencies. e. habits and procedures inform workers of how much competence is expected. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 168-177 175 f. commitment to training and development communicates to workers the importance of competence on sustainable development. g. the organizational processes that develop leaders directly affect leadership competencies. c. competency dimension according the dimensions of competence are as follows (sutrisno, 2009): 1. motives (motives), is something where a person consistently thinks so that he takes action. for example, people who have achievement motivation consistently develop goals that challenge themselves and take full responsibility for achieving these goals and expect feedback to improve themselves. 2. characteristics (traits), are traits that make people behave or how someone responds to something in a certain way. for example, self-confidence, self-control, stress or fortitude. 3. self-concept, is a person's attitudes and values. attitudes and values are measured through tests to respondents to find out how a person's value is. for example, someone who is judged to be a leader should have leadership behavior, so there needs to be a test on leadership ability. 4. knowledge, is information that a person has for a particular field. knowledge is a complex competency. 5. skills, is the ability to carry out a certain task both physically and mentally. d. asn competence in article 1 concerning competency standards for state civil apparatus positions, there are three types of asn competencies (permenpan, 2017), namely: 1. technical competence is knowledge, skills, and attitudes/behaviors that can be observed, measured and developed that are specifically related to the technical field of the position. 2. managerial competence is knowledge, skills, and attitudes/behaviors that can be observed, measured, developed to lead and/or manage organizational units. 3. cultural social competence is knowledge, skills, and attitudes/behaviors that can be observed, measured, and developed related to the experience of interacting with a pluralistic society in terms of religion, ethnicity and culture, behavior, national insight, ethics, values, morals, emotions and principles, which must be fulfilled by every position holder to obtain work results in accordance with the role, function and position. e. state civil apparatus based on article 1. about. state civil apparatus, it is stated that (undang-undang negara republik indonesia, 2014): 1. state civil apparatus, hereinafter abbreviated as asn, is a profession for civil servants and government employees with work agreements who work for government agencies. 2. state civil apparatus employees, hereinafter referred to as asn employees, are civil servants and government employees with a work agreement who are appointed by the staffing officer and assigned tasks in a government position or assigned other state duties and are paid according to the laws and regulations. 3. civil servants, hereinafter abbreviated as pns, are indonesian citizens who meet certain requirements, are appointed as permanent asn employees by staffing officers to occupy government positions. 4. government employees with work agreements, hereinafter abbreviated as pppk, are indonesian citizens who meet certain requirements, who are appointed based on a work agreement for a certain period of time in order to carry out government duties. f. public service public service is one of the theoretical frameworks that many authors use to add to the final project at the level of education. in this theory, the author describes the notion of public service, types of public service, principles of public service, principles of public service, and public service standards which will be reviewed in the form of several articles, so that readers are not tired of seeing too many writings. public service can be p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 168-177 176 interpreted as providing services for the needs of people or communities who have an interest in the organization in accordance with the basic rules and procedures that have been set. meanwhile, according to the ministry of home affairs (one stop integrated service development, 2004) that public service is a public service, and the definition of public service is a process of helping others in certain ways that require sensitivity and interpersonal relationships to create satisfaction of goods and services. from the description above, public service can be interpreted as the activity of providing services both by the government and the private sector in certain ways that require sensitivity and interpersonal so as to create a satisfaction of goods and services. zeithaml, state that there are five characteristics used to evaluate service quality (hardiyansyah, 2011), namely: 1) tangibles, including physical facilities, equipment, employees and communication facilities, 2) reliability, namely the ability to provide the promised service immediately and satisfactorily, 3) responsiveness, namely the desire of the staff to help customers and provide services responsively, 4) assurance, including the ability, courtesy, and trustworthy nature that owned by the staff: free from danger, risk, or doubt, 5) empathy, including ease of making relationships, good communication and understanding the needs of the community. 5. conclusion in improving the competence of the state civil apparatus as an effort to optimize public services in the vuca era, the steps that must be taken starting from escalating the capabilities of human resources in this case are asn to have high competence both hard skills and soft skills, so that they are able to answer the challenges of digital technology advancement and can provide better service to the community. asn must have the characteristics as mandated by law number 5 of 2014 concerning state civil apparatus and set by the president of the republic of indonesia, namely: having basic values (virtuous: accountable, competent, harmonious, loyal, adaptive, and collaborative), maintaining a code of ethics, highly committed towards duties and responsibilities, competent according to their field, has high academic qualifications, does not violate the law, demonstrates high professionalism. the self-concept that must be adhered to by asn is: working as a worshiper, avoiding disgraceful attitudes, working professionally, trying to improve his competence continuously, serving and protecting the community, working according to applicable regulations, and not being vulnerable to change and being open and honest, ealistic. the existence of the law must bring peace in society. (salam, 2020) asn must have broad knowledge of many things, both regarding their daily duties and responsibilities as state servants and public servants, as well as updated knowledge of important issues on all matters, especially those relating to the interests of work and improving services to the community, including knowledge of digital technology is growing rapidly. in an effort to optimize public services by asn, it must be seen in terms of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. creativity and innovation. asn can develop the ability to think creatively, such as: doing brainstorming, critical thinking, communication, creativity and innovation, and creating new ideas related to task implementation innovation, can process original ideas to be more valuable, can work creatively with others, and can apply innovations in their field of work so as to increase effectiveness and efficiency in service to the community, based on creative ideas to make real and useful contributions. in our daily life we should have a balanced hard skills and soft skills. balanced does not mean equal depending on our life, our profession and our environment. when we were in college, hard skills were more important, but when we worked in a company, soft skills were more important. especially in this vuca era, each has its own portion, both hard skills and soft skills are equally important to be mastered by each asn. asn must be able to balance their hard skills and soft skills, depending on the position held. that way, asn can contribute more in this vuca era by changing the mindset or perspective on problems, being responsive to community needs, upgrading with technology at work, and orienting in effectiveness and efficiency towards a new work culture. asn is expected to continue to innovate and the need for competence, commitment and cohesiveness in its function, namely as implementers of public policies and services. references allen, n., & meyer, j. 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(2012). manajemen sumber daya manusia. erlangga. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1391 vol. 6 no.1, december 2021 27 supervision system for the management of regional revenue and expenditure budgets in makassar city ernita rahmadhani bym1*, andi pangerang moenta1, zulkifli aspan1 1faculty of law, hasanuddin university, indonesia *correspondence: rahmadhanibymernita@gmail.com article history abstract received: 03.09.2021 accepted: 24.12.2021 published: 27.12.2021 this study aims to analyze the system and mechanism of supervision of the management of the apbd and the form of implementation of the supervision of the management of the apbd in makassar city. this research was conducted using empirical normative research methods. the data collection technique used is in the form of field research by interviewing related parties and conducting library research. the results showed that the supervision carried out by the dprd and the makassar city inspectorate had not run optimally due to the many shortcomings in the supervision process. the form of implementation of supervision has been carried out well, however, there were many problems found because there were several individuals who made administrative errors such as delays in providing data. keywords: apbd; makassar city; supervision article licence copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction an g g aran pe nda patan be la nja o r apbd i s a te ch niqu e fo r ma nag ing re gion al fi nan cia l resources. r e g i ona l fi n ancial ma n agement i s me a nt to e n su re th e fo rmation o f a n o rd erly, p re dictable, a nd just e n vi ronment (h amidi, 2 0 12) . wi th reg iona l fi nan cia l ma nagement i n p lace, i t i s b e lieved th at management w i l l b e mo re o rd e rl y a n d e ffe ctive i n mo ti va ti n g e co n omi c i mp roveme nt, b u d get d i stributio n th a t is on ta rg e t, a nd th e creation of mo re stable e conomic cond itions fo r th e commu nity's w elfare (madura, 2001). ma n a ge men t o f a n apbd e n co mpasses a l l a cti vi ties, i n cl u ding p l a n ni ng, b u dgeting, i mp l ementa ti on, a d mi nistra ti on, re p o rtin g, a cco un ta bility, a n d mo n i toring (ma rd ia smo, 2 0 0 2). the apbd 's ma n a gement re q uires o ve rsight to e n su re th a t th e g o ve rnment's o b j ective s a re me t. w here b u d g et co n trol i s co n du cted to ve ri fy th a t th e apbd i s ma n a ged i n a cco rdance w i th i ts o b j ectives and stra te g ies. apbd o ve rsight a cts a s a re fe re nce fo r se l e cting a nd e va l uating th e a p p ropriateness of b u d g et i mplementa ti on, i nclud ing w h ether th e b u dget to b e u tilized co mplie s w i th a ppl ica ble regulations (f a h mi l, 2 008 ). su p e rvi sio n o f th e apbd i s cri tica l to e n suri ng th a t th ere a re n o l eakages o r a n omalie s i n ap bd e a rn in gs a nd e xpe nditures a nd to a chie vin g g oo d g overnance, n a me ly re sponsibl e g overnance (syauqi e t a l ., 2 0 1 7 ). t h e stra te g y fo r su p e rvising l o ca l g overnme nt i mp l ementa ti on i s e xp e cted to a void co rru ptio n, co llusion , n epo tism, a bu se o f a u th ori ty, l e aka ge, w a ste o f sta te w e alth a n d a u thority, illegal l e vi es, an d a vari ety o f othe r types o f ano mal ies that can ob stru ct d evelopment i mplementation (nawawi, 2 0 1 9 ). acco rd ing to su a rasulsel.id, th e ma kassa r c i ty r eg iona l h o use o f r e p resentati ves (d prd) has u rg e d th e ma kassa r c i ty g o ve rnment to b ra vely re lea se d a ta o n th e c o vid -19 h a ndli ng b u dge t. this is b e ca use h un dre ds o f b il lions o f rupi ah w ere d iscovered i n th e c o vid -19 bu dget th at w ere n ot recognized (yu n u s, 2 0 2 0) . t h ese fi n din gs i mp ly th a t g o o d g o vernan ce h a s n o t b e e n e ffe ctively i mp lemented in ma ka ssar c i ty. https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1391 mailto:rahmadhanibymernita@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 27-34 28 2 . me th odology t h e a u thor e mplo ys tw o d istinct type s o f re sea rch i n th is stu dy: e mpirica l a n d n o rmative . empirical stu d y i s fi eld research tha t e xamine s th e l a w i n i ts n atura l se tti ng a nd h o w i t o perates i n th e co mmunity. ad d i tio nally, n o rma tive re search i s u ti l ized to su p p lement e mp irical re se arch i n o rd e r to a sce rtain the ru l e o f l aw i n o rd er to re so lve e xisting l e gal ch all en ges. t he re sea rch w as cond ucte d a t makassar city's r e g i ona l f inan cia l a n d asset ma nage men t age ncy (bpkad), ma kassa r c i ty d prd , a nd ma kassar city in sp e ctora te . d i re ct o b serva ti on i s u se d to co l l ect d a ta, a s w e l l a s d o cumenta ti on a n d i n tervi ews with re l e vant so u rces, a s w e l l a s a re vi ew o f th e l i te rature. afte r co llecting d a ta fro m fi e ld re sea rch a nd the l i te rature, i t i s p ro cesse d to create systematic d a ta. 3 . r e s u lt a nd d iscuss ion t o ma ke i t re a l g o od g o vern ance n a me ly a syste m o f g o vern men t w ith g oo d a n d a ccountable g o ve rnance re q uires i n ternal a n d e xte rna l su p ervision (pra da na, 2 0 14 ). in te rnal su p ervisi on i s ca rried o u t b y a su p e rvisory u n it w hich i s u n der th e scop e o f th e g overn men t, n amely th e te mporary i n spe ctorate, w h i l e th e e xte rn al su p ervisory fu n ction, o u tside th e sco pe o f th e ma ka ssar ci ty g o ve rnment, i s ca rried o u t b y th e d prd . t h is i s i n l i ne w i th th e ma nda te o f articl e 2 18 o f l aw n u mbe r 2 3 /2014 co ncer ning the fu n cti on o f i n te rnal co n tro l, w h i ch i n cl u des th e fo l l o win g: (1 ) t h e g o ve rnment i s re sp o nsi ble for su p e rvi sin g th e a d ministra tion o f re g io nal g o vern men t, w h ich i n cludes th e fo ll owing : a . su p ervising the i mp l ementa ti on o f g o vern men t a ffairs i n th e r e gi ons; a nd b . su pervising re giona l re gul ations a nd regional h e a d re gul ations. (2 ) in a cco rda nce w ith a ppl ica ble l a ws a nd re gula ti ons, th e su pe rvision re ferred to in p a ra graph (1) l etter a n i s carri ed o ut b y th e g overnment's i n te rna l su pervisory a pp ara tus. c o n cernin g th e d prd 's su p ervisory fu n ction, i t i s cl e a rly d e fin ed i n arti cle 1 5 3 o f l a w 2 3/2014, w h i ch i n clu des th e fo llow ing: a . impl eme ntation o f d i strict/city re gul ations a nd re gen t/mayor regulations; b . imp l e me ntation o f o th e r l a ws a n d re gul ations p e rta ining to th e a d ministra ti on o f d i strict/city regional g o ve rnments; a n d c. imp l ementatio n o f fo l low-up o n th e results o f th e su pre me aud it ag ency's audit of fi n a n ci al state men ts. 3 .1 mo n itoring of a pbd b y d prd ma kas sar c ity su p e rvi sio n o f apbd a d min istrat ion b y d prd i s a ri gh t th at e a ch d prd me mbe r h a s i n th e context o f d e fe n din g th e co mmun ity's i nterests. t his o versight a tte mpts to e nsure th at th e g overn men t's budget fo r a cti vi ti es a nd d evelopment i s i mp l emented i n a ma n n er co n siste nt w i th co mmunity e xp ec tations ('ama l ia, 2 0 13) . as sta ted i n article 1 p o int 4 o f l a w 2 3 /2014 , d prd i s a re g ion al p e ople 's re presentative i n sti tution th a t i s d o mici led a s a n e l e ment o f re g i onal g o vernment a d ministrati on. d pr d i s a n e xternal su p e rvi sor w hich o ne o f i ts d u ti es a n d a utho ritie s i s to su pervise. t h e su p ervisory fu n ction o f th e ma ka ssar c i ty d pr d i s re g ul ated i n arti cle 2 3 o f ma ka ssar city d pr d r e g ula tion n u mbe r 2 o f 2 0 1 9 co n ce rni ng ame n dme nts to th e r e g u latio n o f th e ma ka s sar city r e g i ona l peo ple's r epresentative c ou nci l n umber 1 o f 2 018 co ncerning orders a s fo llo ws: a ) t h e su p ervisory fu nction i s carried o u t th rough th e fo ll owin g: a ) su pervision o f th e i mpl ementation o f l o ca l regu lation s a nd ma yoral re gulatio ns; b ) supervi sio n of th e i mp lementation of o ther laws and re g u la tions g o ve rni ng th e a d mi ni stration o f re g i ona l g o ve rn men ts; a n d c) su p e rvision o f the i mp l ementa ti on o f th e re su lts o f th e audi t bo ard's a udit o f fi na nci al sta te men ts. b ) t h e su p e rvision re fe rred to i n p a ra g ra ph (1 ) ma y b e a cco mplished i n th e fo l l ow ing w a ys: a) c o mmi ssion w o rk me e tin gs w ith l o cal g o vernme nts; b ) w o rkin g vi si ts a n d fi e ld vi sits; c) g eneral h e a rin g me etings; a nd d ) c ommu nity co mplai nts.. c) ba p e mperda p e rfo rms th e su p e rvisory d u ty sp e cifie d to i n p a ra graph (1 ) l e tte rs a a n d b by co n d ucting e valu ations o f th e e ffe ctiveness o f re g i on al ru l es, ma yoral re g ula tions, a n d o ther laws a n d re g ulatio ns. me a n wh ile, th e d u ti es a n d a u thorities a re re gu lated i n l a w n u mber 9 o f 2 0 1 5 co n ce rning the se co n d ame ndment to l a w n umber 2 3 o f 2 0 14 co nce rni ng r egio nal g ove rnment arti cl e 1 5 4. w ith the su p e rvi sio n o f th e apbd b y th e d prd, i t i s h o ped th at th e ma na gement o f th e apbd w il l ru n a s e xpected. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 27-34 29 t h e su p ervision o f th e apbd b y th e d pr d i s o f co u rse th ro ugh a su p e rvisory sys te m a n d o f co u rse it mu st fo l l ow th e l a ws a n d re gulati ons. f ro m th e re sults o f th e i n terview b y mr. h asanud din l e o a s a me mber o f th e d pr d, h e explained th e apbd su pervi sion system b y th e d pr d a s fo llows: “ se b a g a im an a t r i f u n g si d pr d ya n g sa la h sa t u n ya a d a la h f u n g si p e n g aw asa n t e r h a da p apbd. sist e m p e n g a w asa n o le h d prd d im ula i m e laku ka n p e m ba h asa n d ar i a pa ya n g t ela h d ire nca nakan o le h p e m e r in t ah ko t a , ke m u d ia n d ib ah a s m u lai d a r i p e mb a ha sa n ko m isi -ko m isi d ila nju t kan ke b adan a n g g a r a n, g u n a u n t u k m e laku ka n se m a ca m ve r if ikasi t e rh a da p a p a ya n g m e n jad i p e re nca n aa n yang t e la h d ila ku ka n o le h p e m er int ah ko t a ya n g ke m ud ian d ia juka n ke p ad a d pr d. n a h se t e la h d ib a h a s d a n d ila ku ka n co m b in e a n t a r a m u sr e n ba n g d a n h a sil r e se s. ke m u dian d ila ku ka n p e m b a ha san a n ta ra ka m i d an p e me rin ta h ko t a a pa ya n g m e n jad i ke b ut u ha n m a sya rakat, a p a ka h it u b isa te pe n uh i d an b isa d ian g ga rka n. s ela n jut nya se te lah it u d ise tu jui m a ka a ka n d ibahas p e r ko m isi b a r u ke b a d a n a n g g a r an d a n se la n ju tn ya d ip a r pu rn aka n . se t e la h d ip a rip u rna ka n maka a ka n m e n ja d i su a t u d o ku m e n d a n a ka n d ip e r d a ka n. se t e la h d o ku m e n d i p e r d a ka n ke m u dian d ija d ika n p e d o m an d a lam m e liha t a pa ya n g m e n jad i p e laksa n aa n d ila p an g an .” " as f o r t h e t h r ee f u nct ion s o f t h e d pr d, o ne o f w h ich is t h e f u n ctio n o f o ve r sig ht o f t h e a pbd. the su p e r viso r y syst e m b y t h e d pr d b e g in s w it h a d iscu ssio n o f w h a t h a s b e e n p la n n e d b y t h e city g o ve r n m e n t, t h e n it is d iscu sse d st a r t in g f r o m t h e d iscu ssio n o f t h e co m m issio n s p r o ce e d t o the b u d g e t a g e n cy, in o r de r t o ca r ry o u t a kin d o f ve r if icat ion o f w h a t is t h e p la n t h a t h a s b e e n ca rried o u t b y t h e cit y g o ve r n me n t w h ich is t h e n su b mit t ed t o t he d prd . n o w , a f t e r d iscu ssin g a n d co m b in in g t h e m u sr e n b an g a n d t h e r e su lt s o f t h e r e ce ss. t h en a d iscu ssio n w a s h e ld b e t w e e n u s a n d t h e cit y g o ve r n m e n t w h a t t h e p e o p le ' s n e e ds w e r e , w h ether t h e y co u ld b e m e t a n d b u d g e te d f o r. f u rth e rmo re , a f t e r it is a p p r ove d, it w ill b e d iscu sse d p er new co m m issio n t o t h e b ud g et a ge n cy a nd f urt h er r e fin ed . a ft e r it is f ina lize d, it will b e com e a d ocument a n d w ill b e t r a d e d . a f t e r t h e d o cu m e n t is in t h e r e g io n a l r e g ula t ion , it is t h e n u se d a s a g u id e in se e in g w h a t is b e in g im p lem en t ed in t h e f ie ld .” t h e d pr d's mo ni to rin g i s e sse ntiall y a co n ti nual p rocess th a t i s mo re p o litical i n n a ture than te ch n ical. acco rding to th e a u th o r, b ased o n th e re su l ts o f i n te rview s, th e p ro cess a nd su pervisory me ch a nism u se d b y th e ma kassar c i ty d pr d h a ve n o t o p erated p ro perly, a nd th e apbd monitoring p ro ce ss co ntinue s to h ave n umerous fl aws. t h e e xi sten ce o f d e fi ci encies i n th e su pe rvisi on p ro cess th a t h a ve n ot b e en a dd ressed clearly vi o l ate s th e p rin cip les o f g o od g o vernan ce, e ffi ciency, a n d e ffe ctive ness, w h ich re q uire th a t processes a n d i n sti tution s o p e rate i n a cco rdan ce w ith e sta bl ish ed o b j ective s a n d ma ke o p ti mal u se o f a vailab le re so u rces. where sh ould th e se rvice p erfo rmance g o w ell a n d h ow w ell d o es i t p erfo rm i n comparison to e xp e ctations? t h is a lso o ccu rred since th ere w as n o sta ndard o p erating p ro ced ure fo r d prd monitoring, a n d w h e n th e a u th o r q u e stion ed d pr d me mb ers, th e y si mp ly sta te d th a t w e fo l l o wed th e e xisting g u i d eli nes. 3 .2 r e g ional b udget monitor ing sy stem b y ma kass ar c ity ins pector ate t h e d pr d's mo ni to rin g i s e sse ntiall y a co n ti nual p rocess th a t i s mo re p o litical i n n a ture than te ch n ical. acco rding to th e a u th o r, b ased o n th e re su l ts o f i n te rview s, th e p ro cess a nd su pervisory me ch a nism u se d b y th e ma kassar c i ty d pr d h a ve n o t o p erated p ro perly, a nd th e apbd monitoring p ro ce ss co ntinue s to h ave n umerous fl aws. in carrying out the tasks referred to, the makassar city regional inspectorate carries out the following functions: 1) formulation of technical policies in the field of supervision and facilitation of supervision; 2) implementation of internal control over performance and finances through audits, reviews, evalua tions, monitoring, and other supervisory activities; 3) implementation of supervision for certain purposes on the assignment of the mayor; 4) preparation of monitoring results report; 5) implementation of the administration of the inspectorate; 6) implementation of other functions given by the mayor related to his duties and functions. the makassar city regional inspectorate has the following job descriptions to accomplish this task: a. development of a program for planning and functional oversight; p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 27-34 30 b. development of technical policies pertaining to functional oversight; c. oversight of local government administration; d. conducting functional inspections of the regional apparatus and management of other regional owned enterprises in the form of audits, reviews, evaluations, and monitoring, as well as other supervisory tasks; e. conducting public complaints and special examinations; f. conducting inquiries into alleged irregularities or abuses of authority based on examination results and public complaints; g. initiation of self-protective measures in response to alleged anomalies that could endanger the region; h. establishment of oversight and advisory mechanisms for the implementation of regional government; i. coordination of the planning, implementation, reporting, and follow-up on the results of the assessment of the government's internal and external supervisory apparatus (apip and esa); j. coordination of anti-corruption and anti-corruption efforts; k. work with the national government and local governments to coordinate bu reaucratic reform; l. provision of all parties with supervisory information services; m. planning and technical control of financial management, personnel management, and administration of regional property under their jurisdiction; n. implementation by the secretariat and; o . development of a functional workforce.f ro m th e j ob d escription a bove, w e ca n se e th a t th e rol e of the i n sp ectorate i s to su p ervise a s w e ll a s g u i de th e b u dget th a t ru ns a t e ve ry sta g e fro m p lanning to a cco u ntabi lity. f ro m th e re su l ts o f i n te rviews o b ta ine d fro m i n fo rman t 2 w h o i s a n i n te rmedi ate a u d itor at the ma ka ssar c i ty in spectora te e xp laine d th at: “m u la i d a r i a pbd ya n g a d a d i ko t a , ka m i d a r i p ih a k in p se kt o r a t su d a h m e n g a wa l d a r i a w a l. dari a w a l se b e lu m ja d i apbd ka n a d a t u r u n n ya , r pjm d , r e n st ra . m u la i a d a p e r a t u ra n m e n t e ri d alam n e g e r i n o m o r 1 3 t ah u n 2 0 0 6 t e nt an g p e do m an p e n ge lo laa n k e u a n ga n d a e ra h, t u g as in sp e ktorat m u la i d a r i a w a l b u ka n h a sa p e m e riksaa n sa ja t a pi ka m i ju g a co n sult ing p e n ga wa sa n. m a kan ya mulai d a r i a w a l sa m pa i a kh ir, se b elu m p ere n can a an d isah ka n ka m i su da h m e la kuka n r e viu a p aka h sudah se su a i a t a u b e lu m . d a la m m e n yu su n d pa a d a st a n d ar sa t ua n h a rg a, a n a lisis st a n da r b ia ya d a n la in n ya ka m i r eviu a p a ka h su d a h se su a i t id ak d e n g an n ila i -nila in ya, su d ah se su a i t id a k d e n ga n ke n t e nt ua n ya n g ada, e f isie n ka h ke m u d ia n d ib a w a ke a n g g o t a d pr d d ib a h as u n t u k d isa h ka n , se t a la h it u d ila ksa n akan d a n ka m i m e la ku ka n p e m e r iksaa n se t e la h m e r e ka b e la n ja kan a p a ka h su d a h se su a i t id a k d e ngan p e la ksa n a a n a pbd. ka m i m e la ku ka n p e n g a w a sa n m u la i d a r i a w a l h in g g a a kh ir d ia w a l it u n a m a n ya r e viu se d a n gkan d ia kh ir n a m a n ya a u d it r e g u la r. jika a d a m a sa la h d a la m p e la ksa n a a n n ya ka d a n g a d a p e r m intaan d a r i w a liko t a a t au d a ri m a na ka m i m ela ku kan a u dit kh u sus. ke n d a la e kst e r n a l t e r ka da ng a d a a sp ir a si a n g g a ra n ya n g t id a k b isa d ia ko m o d ir t e t a p i ke b u tuhan m a sya r a ka t se d an g k an ke n da la in t e rn aln ya m u n gkin le b ih ke s d m ya n g ku r an g m e ng er ti. ” "starting from the existing apbd in the city, we from the inspectorate have overseen it from the start. from the beginning, before becoming apbd, there was a decline, rpjmd, strategic plan. starting with the minister of home affairs regulation number 13 of 2006 concerning guidelines for regional financia l management, the task of the inspectorate from the beginning is not only inspection but also consulting and supervision. that's why from the beginning to the end, before the planning was approved, we reviewe d whether it was appropriate or not. i n p r e p a r ing t h e d pa, t h e re is a st a n d a rd u n it p rice , t h e a n a lysis o f co st st a n da rd s a n d o t h ers, we r e vie w w h e t he r it is in a cco r d an ce w ith t h e va lu e s, w h e th er it is n o t in a cco rd an ce w ith t h e e xisting p r o visio n s, is it e f f icie n t a n d t h e n b r ou gh t t o d pr d m e m b ers t o b e d iscu sse d f o r r a tif icat io n, after p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 27-34 31 t h a t it is ca r r ie d o ut a n d w e co n du ct a n in sp e ctio n a f t er t he y sp e nd w he t he r it is in a cco r da n ce with t h e im p le m e n t at ion o f t h e a pbd . w e ca r r y o u t su p e r vision f ro m t h e b e g inn in g t o t h e e n d, a t t h e b e g in nin g it is ca lle d a r e vie w w hile a t t h e e n d it is ca lle d a r eg u lar a u d it. i f t h e re is a p r o ble m in t he im ple m en ta t ion so me t ime s there is a r e q u e st f r om t h e m a yo r o r w h e re w e d o a sp e cial a u d it. ext e r n a l co n st r a int s so m e t ime s in clu d e b u d g e t a sp ir a tio ns t h a t ca n n o t b e a cco m m o d a te d b ut the n e e d s o f t h e co mm u nit y, w h ile t h e in t er na l co nst ra int s m ay b e m ore t o h u m an re sou rce s w ho do not u n d e r st a nd . ” t h i s w a s e mp h a sized a g a i n b y i n fo rman t 3 w h o i s a yo u n g a u d i tor a t th e ma ka ssar city in sp e ctora te th at: “ pe n g a w a san ya n g d ila ku ka n in sp e kt o r at ya it u ka m i m e la ku ka n p e n g a w a sa n d e n g a n t urun la n g su n g ke o b r ik se t e la h d ib e r ika n su r a t t u g a s o le h p im p in a n . ka m i m e la ku ka n p e m e r i ksaan m e n g e n a i b e b er ap a t r an sa ksi p en g gu na a n gg a ra n s kpd a pa ka h su d a h se su a i a tu ra n a ta u t ida k. ka m i m e la ku ka n p e ng a wa san la ng su ng d e ng an t e rjun la n gsu ng ke la pa ng a n p e m eriksa a n d o kumen d a n jika a d a h a l h a l ya n g in g in d i ko n f ir m asika n se ca r a la n g sun g d e n g a n p ih a k t e r kait m a ka kami la ku ka n ko n f ir m a si p e m er iksaa n. pa d a t a h un 2 0 2 0 ka m i m e la ku kan p e n g aw asa n t id ak la n g sung m e n g g u n a ka n a p lika si sm ar t a u d itin g. pe n g a w a sa n p re ve nt if a t a u p e n ceg ah a nn ya ka m i la ku ka n ja sa ko n su lt asi ke p a d a skpd skpd yang t e r ka it a g a r t id ak t e rja d i p e la ng g ara n , se d a ng ka n r ep re sif jika d it e mu ka n h a l -h al ya n g m e nyimpang m a ka ka m i m e la ku ka n p e m u kt a h ir an d a t a 2 x se t a h u n se t ia p 6 b u la n . se h a r u sn ya in sp e kt orat d iiku t ka n d a la m p e r e n ca n aa n t a p i se la m a in i ka m i m e la ku ka n r e viu se t e la h a d a la p o r a n d ari w a liko t a ” . " su p e r visio n ca r rie d o u t b y t h e in sp ect or at e is t h a t w e ca r ry o u t su p e rvision b y g o ing d ire ctly to t h e o f f ice a f t e r b e in g g ive n a le t t e r o f a ssig n m e n t b y t h e le a d e r sh ip . w e co n d u ct e d an e xa m in a t io n o f se ve ra l t r an sact io ns o f skpd b u d g et u se rs w h e th e r t h ey w e r e in a cco r d an ce with t h e r u le s o r n o t . w e ca r r y o u t d ire ct su pe rvisio n b y g o in g d ir ect ly t o t he f ield o f d ocu m en t in spe ctio n a nd if there a r e t h in g s t h a t w e w a n t t o co n f irm d ir e ctly w it h t h e r e lat ed p a rt ie s, w e w ill co n f irm t h e in sp e ction. i n 2 0 2 0 w e co n d u cte d in dir ect su p ervisio n u sing t h e sm a rt a u dit in g a p p lica t ion . w e p r o vid e p r e ve n tive o r p r e ven tive m o n it or ing se r vice s t o t h e r e la t ed skpd -skpd so t hat vio la t io n s d o n o t o ccu r , w h ile r e p ressive ly if t h in gs a r e f o u n d t o b e d e vi a nt , w e u p d at e t he data 2 x a ye a r e ve r y 6 m o n t h s. t h e in sp e ct o rat e sh o u ld h a ve b e e n in clu d e d in t h e p la n n in g b ut so f a r w e h a ve b e e n co n d u ctin g a r e view a f te r r ece ivin g a r e po rt f ro m t h e m a yor”. as w e se e th e re su lts o f th e i n te rviews a bove, th e a u th ors co ncl ude th at th e i n spe ctorate officials h a ve tri e d th e ir b e st i n su p ervi sin g th e b u dge t, h o w eve r, th i s i s n o t o p timal b e cause th e re a re several skpd e l e me nts w ho d o n o t co mpl y w i th e xisting p ro ced ure s su ch a s b e ing slo w to co ll ect d a ta when it sh o u ld b e re ady w hen th e d ata i s col lecte d. req uested b y th e i nspectora te . in th e 2 0 2 0 ma ka ssar c i ty in spectorate g o vernment ag e ncy pe rformance r e po rt (l kjip), it is w ri tte n th at th e p rob lems fa ced b y th e ma kassar c i ty r eg ional in spe ctorate a re: a . h u ma n r e sou rces (h r) i n the fi el d o f supervi sio n h ave n ot ful ly a ttend ed trai ning a nd e ducation for th e ce rti fication o f f u ncti onal au d itor po sition (jf a), g overnme nt su pe rviso ry f unction al position (p2 u pd), a nd pe rsonn el au ditor (audi wan). b . t h e l i mited n u mb er a nd q ual ifica ti ons o f th e a pp ara tus' re source s co mpared to th e si ze o f th e object o f e xa mi natio n. c. l i mi ted resources o f q ua lified p ersonn el w ith fu n ctio nal te chnical e d uca tion. d . l e g i sl ation th a t su p p orts th e e n fo rcement a n d d e ve lop men t o f o rg a n izations th a t a re a lways ch a n gi ng a n d e vo l vin g so th a t th e y ca n n o t b e a cce sse d q u i ckly a n d a re n o t a va i lab le i n the in sp e ctora te l ibrary. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 27-34 32 3 .3 f o rms of im plementation o f r egiona l b udget super vision in ma kas sar c ity as e xp l ai ned i n pe ra tura n pe merintah 1 2 /2019 arti cle 2 1 7 p a ragraph (2 ), su p e rvisi on i s carried o u t i n th e fo rm o f a u d its, re vi ew s, e va l uati ons, mo n i to rin g, te ch n ica l g u i d ance a n d o th e r fo rms of su p e rvi sio n i n a ccordan ce w i th statu to ry p ro vision s. a . mo n e v mo n i toring a nd e valua ti on e fforts a re a lso re ferred to a s mo nev. m&e o pe ra ti ons a re, in essence, tw o i n te g rate d a ctivities th a t o p erate a s a si n g le u n it b u t h a ve d i stinct o b jectives. mo n itoring occurs d u ri ng th e cou rse o f th e a cti vity to e nsu re th a t i t i s p ro per, w h ere as a ssessme nt o ccurs a fter th e activity co n cl udes to dete rmine th e a ctivity's fi nal a ccomplishments. dprd, a s th e e xternal supervi sor, conducts mo n i toring a nd e valua ti on (mon ev) me etings d uring th e i mpl eme ntation o f apbd su pervisio n. al o n g w ith d pr d, mo nev a ctivi ties a re ca rried o ut b y th e in spectorate a s a n i n te rna l supervisor. t h e y co ndu ct mo nitoring b y g oin g d irectly to th e fi e ld o r to th e skpd -skpd i n q u estio n to o bserve and me a su re a ctivities. if p ro blems a re d i scovere d d uring mo ni tori ng, th ey w ill e va luate a n ythi ng that needs to b e i mp roved. b . a u d it t h e a u d it i n q u e stion i s a n i n te rna l a u d it, a n d th e a u d i t i s b e i ng u ti li zed to d e te rmi ne th e most e ffe cti ve stra tegy to a d d ress th e i ssu es d i scovere d d u ring th e a u d it. t h e a u d it p ro cess i s d i vided into fi ve sta g e s: 1 ) sch e d ulin g th e a u d it; 2 ) p l a nni ng th e a u d i t p ro cedure; 3 ) co n d ucti ng a u d its; 4 ) audit re p o rts; a nd 5 ) fo ll owin g u p o n i ssues o r fi xes d iscovered. f ro m th e re su lts o f i n tervi ews o btai ned from i nfo rmant 3 w h o i s a yo ung a udi tor a t th e makassar c i ty in sp ectorate e xpla ined th at: “ ba h w a pe r ma sa lah an ya n g a d a se b e lu m a u d it se p e rt i ke t er lam ba t an d o ku me n ya n g a ka n d i a udit d a n a d a b a n ya k ke n d a la ya n g d it e m u ka n se t e la h a u d it d ila ku ka n . ke n d a la ya n g a d a ke b a n yakan b e r sif a t a d m in istr at if se p e r ti, p e rt a ng gu n gja wa ba n nya ya n g t id a k se su a i d e n g an k e t e n tu a n yang b e r la ku , a d a ya n g b e r sif a t m e r u g ika n ke u a n g a n n e g a r a /d a era h d a n jika t e r b ukti p e r t a n g gu n gja wa b an ya ng d ila kuka n f ikt if m aka in sta n si ya ng m e laku kan n ya h a ru s m en g em b alikan d a n a t e r se b ut ke d a n a ka s n e g ar a/ da e rah . ” " t h a t t h e p r o b le m s t h a t e xist e d b e f o re t h e a u d it su ch a s d e la ys in d o cu m e n t s t o b e a u d it e d and t h e r e w e re m a ny o b st acle s t h at w er e f o u nd a ft e r t h e a u d it w a s ca rrie d o u t . t h e o b st acle s t ha t e xist a r e m o st ly a d m in istra t ive in n a t ure , su ch a s a cco u n ta bilit y t h at is n o t in a ccor da nce w it h a p p licable r e g u la t io ns, so m e a r e d e t r im e nt a l t o t h e st a t e / r e gio na l f in a n ce s a n d if it is p r o ve n t h a t the a cco u n t a b ilit y h a s b ee n ca rrie d o u t f ict itio us, t h e a g e ncy t h a t ca r rie s it o u t m u st re t urn t h e f u nds to t h e st a t e / r eg ion a l t rea su ry.” ba se d o n th e re sul ts o f i ntervie ws co ndu cted fo r th is a u dit, th e a uthor fi nds th at th e audit process w a s ca rried o ut p roperly bu t wa s n ot ma ximized o wi ng to e lements wh o d id n ot fo llo w p ro to cols, such as d e l a ys i n p repa rin g d ocume nts a n d a ccou ntabil ity th at d i d n ot fo llo w p roce dure s. c . r e v ie w ba se d o n th e atta ch me nt to th e r e g u la ti on o f th e mi n i ster o f sta te ap p a ratus empowerment n u mb er per /0 5 /m.pan/03 /2 008 co n ce rning au d i t sta n d a rds fo r g o vernment in te rn al su p ervisory ap p a ratus, a re vi ew i s a re vi ew o f e vid ence o f an a ct ivity to e nsure th at the a ctivity h as been carried out i n a cco rd ance w ith th e p rovisions, stan dard s, p la ns , o r e sta blished n o rms. t h e p ro cedure fo r th e re vi ew i s re g u lated i n th e r e g ul ation o f th e mi n i ster fo r emp o werment of sta te ap p aratus a n d bu reau crat ic r e fo rm o f th e r e pub lic o f in d one sia n u mbe r 5 3 o f 2 0 1 4 concerning t e ch nical g u i d eli nes fo r pe rfo rmance ag re e ments, pe rfo rmance r e p o rting, a n d pro ce du res for r e vi ew ing pe rfo rmance r epo rts o f go vernment ag encies a s fo l lows: 1 ) t h e re viewe r; examine d b y a n a u ditor a ppo inted b y th e g overn men t's i nte rna l su pervisory a pparatus o r th o se e sta blished fo r th at p urpose. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 27-34 33 2 ) t i me fra me fo r review i mplementati on; th e review stage o f p erformance re porti ng i s a ke y a spect of p e rfo rman ce rep ortin g. t h e re vi ew i s co n d ucte d co n currently w i th th e a d o ption o f p e rformance ma n a ge men t a n d th e cre a tio n o f g o ve rn men t age ncy pe rforma nce r e po rts. t h e re vie w mu st be co mp l eted p rior to b ein g si gned b y th e l e adersh ip a nd p resente d to th e pan a n d r b mi ni sters. 3 ) t h e re vie w's i mp lementati on sco pe: 1 ) t e chni ques fo r d a ta/in fo rmation co l le ction . t h is i s d o ne to e n su re th e d a ta/informa ti on su p plied i n th e p e rformance re p ort i s re l iabl e a n d a ccurate. 2 ) a b rief o ve rvie w o f th e sakip i mplementa ti on p rocess. t his i s d o ne to d e termin e th e d e gree o f a lignm ent b e tw e en strategic p lanni ng a t the mi nistry/agen cy/local go vernment l evel a nd stra tegic planning at th e u n it l evel, p arti cul arl y i n te rms o f target, p erfo rmance i ndicator, program, and activity a lignment. 3 ) pre p a ratio n o f w o rking p a pers fo r re vi ew. exa mine w o rking p ape rs a nd co nta in a t th e very least th e fo l l owin g: a ) t e st re su lts o n th e re l iabi lity a n d a ccuracy o f d a ta o r p e rfo rmance i n forma tion i n p e rformance re p o rts; b ) r e vi ew o f sakip i mpl eme ntation a ctivities; c) t h e re sults re viewed a nd th e re view ste ps i mpl eme nted. d ) t h e re sults o f th e i mpl eme ntation o f th e review steps a nd co nclusion s/re vie w n otes. e ) afte r co n du cting th e re vie w, th e re vi ewer mu st ma ke a state men t th a t i t h as b een reviewed and th e l e tte r i s p a rt o f th e p e rfo rmance re p ort. 5 ) th e re vi ew i s ca rr i ed o u t o n l y o n p e rformance re p o rts a t th e k/l /pe mda l eve l. 4 ) r e vi e w re po rting ; t he re vie w re porting se rie s o f a cti vities fo cuses o n a ccou ntabil ity fo r th e review's i mp l ementa ti on, re ve al ing th e p ro ced ure s ca rri ed o u t, e rro rs o r w e a kn esses d i sco vere d, a g reed co rre ctive a cti ons, corre ctive a cti on s ta ke n, a n d su g g esti ons fo r i mp rovements th a t h a ve n ot b e en or h a ve n o t b e e n i mp le men ted. t h e re p o rt se rve s a s th e fo u n d ation fo r th e p re p a ra ti on o f th e a u dit. re vi e wed. a ) a re vi e w o f th e p e rforman ce re p ort fo r th e fi sca l ye ar i n q u esti on h a s b e en co nd ucted; b) t h e re vi ew h a s b e en co n ducted i n a ccordan ce w i th th e p e rforma nce re po rt re view g u idel ines; c) all i n fo rmation co n tai ned i n th e re vi e w re p ort i s ma n a gement p re sentation ; d ) t h e re vi ew 's p u rpose i s to p ro vi de a ssura nce reg ard ing th e a ccuracy, re lia bility, a nd val idity o f p erforman ce i n formatio n contained i n p e rformance rep orts. 4 . c o n clusion t h e su p ervisory syste m a n d me cha nism ca rri ed o u t b y th e d pr d h a s n o t ru n o p ti mal ly a nd has ma n y sh ortco min gs i n th e p ro cess o f mo nitoring th e apbd w hile th e in spe ctorate h as b een running well b u t h a s n ot b ee n maximize d d ue to ma ny a dmi nistrative e rrors a n d mistakes ma de b y several e lements. t h e fo rm o f su p ervisio n ca rri ed o u t b y th e ma kassar c i ty d pr d i s th e m o n ev me e ting a n d th e fo rm of su p e rvi sio n o f th e in sp ecto rate i n cl udes aud it, r evi ew, mo nitoring a n d evalu ation. r e fe re nces 'amalia, nf (2013). factors affecting the role of dprd in regional financial supervisio n. aaj: accounting analysis journal, 2(3), 295–305. fahmil, am (2008). the role of the general principles of decent governance in realizing clean government. total media creations. hamidi, j. 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(akhmadi, 2004) while in indonesia the development of the concept of governance was rolled out since the 1990s, and increasingly developed in 1996, along with the indonesian government's interaction with foreign countries as aid countries that highlighted the objective conditions of indonesia's economic and political development. (p, 2002) along with the arrival of the reform era, the demands for changes in governance also strengthened. corrupt governmental organizations, whether executive, legislative, or judicial, must be changed and returned to their founding identity, namely to protect and fulfill the rights and interests of the people and to achieve national goals. the principles of the state of law and democratic government became the mainstream of reform. this is to prevent conflict (imron rizki, safrin salam, 2019) the implementation of government then gave birth to a new paradigm known as good governance or good governance. the desire to bring good and clean governance into legal norms began after indonesia experienced a crisis in 1997 followed by the fall of the new order regime in may 1998. this effort can be seen by the decree of mpr no. xi / mpr / 1998 on the implementation of a clean and corruption-free state, collusion and nepotism (kkn). then followed by the enactment of law no. 28 of 1999 on the implementation of a clean and free state kkn. this law is then further elaborated in four government regulations as implementing regulations, namely pp no. 65 of 1999 on procedures for checking the wealth of state organizers no. 66 of 1999 on the requirements and procedures for the appointment and dismissal of members of the examining commission no. 67 of 1999 on procedures for monitoring and evaluation of the implementati on of duties and authorities of the examiner commission. , and pp no. 68 of 1999 on procedures for the implementation of community participation in state governance. https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1586 mailto:abdulrauf.wa@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 46-50 47 state organizers have a very important role in realizing the ideals of the nation's strugg le. state organizers are the spearhead in realizing good and clean state governance. this is as the essence of the purpose of the law is to humanize man. (salam, 2020) but the reality shows that there are so many abuses that occur in relation to the implementation of the country. the practice of corruption is so rife and even by some is considered a chronic disease. state organizers cannot carry out their duties and functions optimally, so governance does not work as it should. one of the factors that cause this is because the government has not been run transparently. in addition, the community has not been fully able to participate, playing a role in carrying out its function as an effective social control over the implementation of the state. based on the description in at as, then the problem that paling stands out in this case is how to apply the principle of openness in an effort to realize good and clean governance. in this case, the public should have the opportunity to access every information needed properly and easily, especially related to the performance of government and public services. the openness of information in governance will encourage public participation to play an active role in controlling the running of government. the existence of social control of the community is expected to encourage the realization of good and clean government both at the pus at and regional levels. 2. methodology this research examines the application of the principle of openness in realizing good governance. the discussion in this study is based on theories and laws and regulations related to the principle of openness in the governance system. the results of the research will be clearly and systematically presented. based on the above, this research includes research in the field of constitutional la w. this research is a type of normative research whose studies include the provisions of legislation (in abstracto). the type of legal research is descriptive, which is to explain in full, detailed, and systematic in accordance with the problems being discussed. 3. result and discussion the concept of clean government and good governance not only requires the implementation of clean government, but also includes efficient, effective, open, and accountable. (hadjon, 2002) the concept of governance is supported by three pillars, namely politics, economics and administration. the first pillar is that governance in the field of politics is intended as decision-making processes for the formulation of public policy, both carried out by the bureaucracy itself and by the bureaucracy with politicians. the second pillar, namely governance in the field of economics includes the decision-making process to facilitate economic activity in the country and interaction among economic organizers. while thethird pilar is the governance systemin the field of administration that contains the implementation of policy processes that have been decided by political institutions. (bpkp, 2002) building good governance is changing the way the state works, making government accountable, and building capable overseas actors, to play a role in creating a new system that can be useful in general. development goals will be well achieved, when they can improve the characteristics and workings of state and government institutions. the essence of the concept of good governance as outlined above lies in the activeness of the state sector, society and market to interact. therefore, the implementation of good governance, must look at the condition of sectors abroad, so that there is an interconnection between sectors that string together governance. (p, 2002) based on the above description, it can be understood that the essence of good governance, is a government that includes all levels of society in the design of development in a transparent and responsible, effective and fair, and ensure the implementation of the rule of law. the rule of law is carried out on the basis of good legal principles. (safrin salam, 2020) good governance must also be able to guarantee that priorities in the political, social, economic, and defense and security fields are based on community consensus; pay attention to the people’s interests; support the strategic vision of leaders; and a society capable of looking far ahead from a good and development-oriented government for all levels of society. the implementation of good governance is not a simple process, but requires commitment and a number of provisions that can be used as guidelines or foundations for all parties involved(stakeholders),especially the government. (salam, 2020) in terms of law, there must be a clear rule of law, meaning that the state must build a fair and impartial legal framework, especially regarding human rights, security and public safety laws. 3.1 clean government p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 46-50 48 government is defined as bestuurs voering (the implementation of government duties), while the organ that carries out the task is called the government. thus the term government has two dimensions, first government in the sense of function, namely government activities, secondly government in the sense of organization (structure) that is the whole of the organs of government. the implementation of the function of government is manifested in various acts of government, such as decisions, written determinations of a general nature, and concrete actio ns in maintaining order and efforts to prosper society. various instruments of government, both physical and non physical, are used in the implementation of government functions. (hr, 2006) ganie-rochman as quoted by joko widodo revealed that the concept of "governance" is more inclusive than “government". the conceptof "government"refersto a management organization based on the highest authority(state and government). the concept of governance involves not only the government and the state but also the role of various actors outside the government and thestate, so that the parties involved are also very broad. governance is an economic and social resource management mechanism that involves the influence of the state sector and the non-governmental sector in a collective activity. (widodo, 2001) governance translates into governance i.e. the use of economic, political and administrative authority to manage state affairs at all levels. governance encompasses all mechanisms, processes and institutions by which citizens and community groups express their interests, exercise legal rights, fulfill obligations and bridge differences between them. (widodo, 2001) good governance reflects the synergy between government, private sector, and society. one of the components is clean government, which is a government based on the validity of acting according to the law. therefore, the discussion of clean government cannot be separated from the discussion of good governance. synergy between good governance and the general principles of good governance creates authoritative government. the concept of good governance has become political will in various laws and regulati ons in the unitary state of the republic of indonesia. (fahmal, 2008) benchmarks for assessing the actions of the state / government whether in line with the objectives of the state, namely by using the general principles of good governance / aaupb (algemene beginselen van behoorlijk bestuur)ya ngin principle identical to the basic values of good governance. in accordance with the provisions of article 10 paragraph (1) of law no.30 of 2014 on government administration, it is stated that the general principles of good governance (aaupb) include: principles of legal certainty, expediency, impartiality, adjudication, not abusing authority, openness, public interest and good service. aaupb is a prerequisite for the realization of good state administration decisions, while the principles of good governance are prerequisites for the creation of synergistic and constructive state management. (nugraha, 2007) however, the challenge is how to have the existence of the principles of good governance recognized juridically, so that the legal force is formally in its enactment general principles of good governance as detailed by wiarda is (hadjon, 2002): a) asas fairplay (het beginselvan fairplay); b) asas kecermatan (zorgvuldigheid); c) asas sasaran yang tepat (zuiverhedvan oogmerk); d) asas keseimbangan (evenwichtigheid); e) asas kepastianhukum (rechtszekerheid) as a comparison material, di belgia according to sabient lust, the general principles of good governance are divided into: there are two kinds, namely the formal principle and the material principle (ust, 2007). the formal principle is related to the problem of decision-making procedures while the material principle concerns the substance of the decision. sadu wasistiono argued that the demand for good governance arises because of irregularities in the implementation of the country from democratic values, thus encouraging awareness of citizens to create a new system or paradigm to oversee the course of government so as not to deviate from its original purpose. (wasistiono, 2003) a paradigm based on the principle of openness or transparency that allows all parties, including the public can participate in controlling the course of government. the paradigm to be developed is a good and clean state government that is also supported by good and clean government organizers as well. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 46-50 49 based on the provisions of article 1 paragraph (1) of law no. 28 of 1999, on the maintenance of a clean and free state kkn, the understanding of state organizers is a state official who carries out executive, legislative, or judicial functions, and other officials who are function and its main duties related to the implementation of the state in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations. a clean state organizer is a state organizer who adheres to the general principles of state administration and is free from the practice of kkn,as well as other reprehensible acts. thus government pays more attention to the system, while governance pays more attention to human resources working in the system. without maintaining a balance of these two things there will be inequality in the practice of government governance, which will eventually cause problems in the state system. (widodo, 2001) 3.2 the role of society based on the principle of openness in realizing good and clean government based on the provisions of article 8 paragraph (1) of law no.28 of 1999 concerning clean and free state organizers from kkn, it is stated that the participation of the community in the implementation of the state is the right and responsibility of the community to participate in realizing a clean state administration. furthermore, in the provisions of article 9 paragraph (1) of law no.28 of 1999,it is regulated that the participation of the community is realized in the form of: a) the right to seek, obtain, and provide information about the stewardship of the state; b) the right to express advice and opinions responsibly to the policies of the state organizer; c) the right to legal protection. the essence of good governance is the implementation of a clean and free state government from kkn by involving the participation of the community in it. in this case there are 5 (five) main conditions for creating " good governance",namely: first, creating efficiency in public sector management by introducing models of corporate management in the government administration environment, performing contracts with private parties or ngos, and decentralizing government administration; second, creating public accountability, in the sense that what is being acted on by the government must be accountable to the public; third, the availability of adequate legal infrastructure and in line with the aspirations of the community in order to ensure the certainty of the government management system; fourth, the existence of information systems that ensure public access to legal instruments and various government policies; fifth, there is transparency from various policies ranging from the planning process to evaluation asia implementation of rights from the community(rights to information). (ida, 2002) the five conditions as stated above are not separated from the participation of society. government administration, must build cooperation with the community, both private parties and with non-governmental organizations (ngos), and the most important related to the role of society is the need for an information system that is able to guarantee public access to legal instruments and various government policies. this is very important in realizing good and clean governance. however, effective supervision and control of the community can only be carried out if governance takes place in a transparent or open manner, making it possible for all parties to access the information-information they need. this is what then underlies the birth of the law on public information disclosure. based on the provisions of article 3 of law no.14 of 2008, it is stated that the purpose of the public information disclosure act is to; a) guarantee the right of citizens to know the plan of public policy making, public policy programs, and public decision-making processes, as well as the reasons for public decision -making. b) encourage public participation in the public policy-making process; c) increase the active role of the community in public policy making and good management of public bodies, d) realize the implementation of a good state, which is transparent, effective and efficient, accountable and accountable. the government is the recipient of a mandate or mandate holder sourced from the community to organize and manage the country as well as possible. on that basis, the community as a trustee must be involved in terms of governance. this community involvement can be done starting from the process of policy formulation, monitoring to evaluation of government activities or activities. good governance can be realized when there is synergy and good cooperation between the government, the private sector and civil society in general. therefore, there is a need for transparency, accountability, and community participation. public po licies issued by the government must be transparent, effective and efficient, and able to answer the demands of the public interest fairly. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 46-50 50 4. conclusion the role of society in realizing good and clean governance can be applied starting from the process of policy formulation, monitoring to the evaluation of government activities or activities. the community as a mandate to the government has the right to exercise supervision or control ove r the administration of government. however, effective controls can only be implemented if governance is transparent or open, making it possible for all parties to access the information they need. on this basis, the principle of openness or transparency h as a very important role in realizing good and clean governance. references akhmadi, n. 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(2001). good governance (telaah dan dimensi akuntabilitas dan kontrol birokrasi pada era disentralisasi dan otonomi daerah). surabaya: insan cendekia. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan hukum bagi penyedia atas penghentian kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa page 13 perlindungan hukum bagi penyedia atas penghentian kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa oleh : dimas tegar paliling mahasiswa fakultas hukum universitas airlangga abstrak from the juridical standpoint that there are issues that are not acomodate in the technical regulations for the procurement of goods and services, in this presidential regulation number 54 year 2010 along with the revised document. in an implementation of the contract for the procurement of goods and services, such as the implementation of the construction made possible the occurrence state of kahar. the goal of the research in this paper is analyzing the meaning of termination of contracts in the procurement of goods and services and analyze the legal consequences of termination of the contract against the execution of a contract for the procurement of goods and services .research methods used in the writing of scientific papers using normative legal research methods. research results show that the meaning of termination and termination of contracts for the procurement of goods and services differs. termination of the contract is a contract that is caused by the suspension not work power force of the implementation of the contract, but the contract still exist, such as the circumstances of the termination of legal consequences whereas kahar contract is the provider is entitled to payment for the work that has been done and the user must make payment upon receipt of the goods/services; and the provider is entitled to financial compensation, in unison with the user having to provide financial compensation for the delay in payment, include the clause of the contract to change the determination of the length of time until when the contract is terminated and payout system. keywords: legal protection, contracts, goods and services. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan hukum bagi penyedia atas penghentian kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa page 14 a. pendahuluan sesungguhnya perihal yang menyoal tentang pengadaan barang dan jasa masih menyisahkan permasalahan yang menarik untuk dikaji. hal tersebut banyak ditemui dalam rana praktik maupun secara konsep dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan. kemudian baru-baru ini di susul dengan keluarnya aturan baru di bidang jasa konstruksi yakni undang-undang nomor 2 tahun 2017 tentang jasa konstruksi. implikasinya bahwa banyak aturan-aturan di bawahnya yang otomatis akan mengikuti/menyesuaikan aturan yang baru ini. persoalan-persoalan di atas di antaranya terkait prakontrak, masa kontrak, masa pelaksanaan kontrak hingga pengakhiran kontrak. salah satu di antara hal-hal ini yang menjadi sorotan yakni tentang hubungan pelaksanaan kontrak dan pengakhiran kontrak. dalam konteks ini menyinggung tentang penghentian kontrak. sekaligus hal ini akan menjadi objek kajian penulis. ada problematika hukum hasil dari temuan penulis. problem tersebut dari segi yuridis dan konseptual. dari segi yuridis bahwa ada persoalan penting yang tidak terakomodasi dalam peraturan teknis pengadaan barang dan jasa, dalam hal ini peraturan presiden nomor 54 tahun 2010 berserta perubahannya. dalam suatu pelaksanaan kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa, seperti pelaksanaan konstruksi dimungkinkan terjadinya keadaan kahar. dalam pasal 91 (1) perpres 54 tahun 2010 dijelaskan bahwa keadaan kahar adalah suatu keadaan yang terjadi diluar kehendak para pihak dan tidak dapat diperkirakan sebelumnya, sehingga kewajiban yang ditentukan dalam kontrak menjadi tidak dapat dipenuhi. hal tersebut berarti dalam keadaan kahar tidak mungkin kontrak akan dilaksanakan secara utuh atau bahkan sampai selesai. sekalipun secara konsep, kahar dibedakan menjadi 2 (dua), yaitu kahar temporer dan kahar permanen. kahar temporer yaitu keadaan kahar yang bersifat sementara seperti banjir yang mengakibatkan pelaksanaan tertunda untuk sementara. sementara kahar permanen adalah keadaan di mana prestasi sama sekali tidak bisa terpenuhi, seperti gempa bumi. bahkan keadaan kahar tidak lagi dibatasi hanya pada bencana alam, tapi juga bencana non alam ataupun issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan hukum bagi penyedia atas penghentian kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa page 15 keadaan industri lainnya sebagaimana dinyatakan melalui keputusan bersama menteri keuangan dan menteri teknis terkait. dalam keadaan kahar permanen, maka pelaksanaan kontrak harus dihentikan. karena keadaan kahar tersebut mengakibatkan perikatan tidak lagi bekerja (werking) walaupun perikatannya sendiri tetap ada. salah satu pihak tidak dapat menuntut agar perikatan itu dipenuhi dan debitur tidak dapat dikatakan berada dalam keadaan lalai. prinsipnya, perikatannya masih tetap ada, yang gugur hanyalah daya kerjanya. hal ini penting apalagi mengenai keadaan kahar yang temporer. perikatan itu kembali mempunyai daya kerja jika keadaan kahar itu berhenti. oleh sebab perikatan tidak dapat bekerja maka pelaksanaan menjadi tidak mungkin. sehingga bila dipaksakan salah satu pihak akan merugi. artinya dalam keadaan yang ideal ketika keadaan kahar terjadi maka pihak penyedia berhak mengajukan penghentian kontrak dan berhak mendapat pembayaran sejauh yang prestasi yang telah diselesaikn. poin berikutnya yang menjadi permasalahan ialah secara konsep penyedia berhak menghentikan kontrak sementara bilamana pihak ppk belum membayar biaya pelaksanaan sesuai yang diperjanjikan. tapi secara yuridis, ketentuan peraturan yang berkenan dengan penghentian pelaksanaan kontrak tidak diakomodasi. dulu perihal ini ada termuat dalam ketentuan lama, yaitu keputusan presiden nomor 80 tahun 2003. namun setelah digantikan dan tidak berlaku lagi ketentuan tentang penghentian kontrak tidak dimasukkan. ini menjadi problem, karena keadaan lapangan memungkinkan terjadinya kahar. sementara tidak ada dasar hukum untuk melakukan penghentian. sekalipun dalam peraturan presiden nomor 54 tahun 2010, pasal 91 terkait keadaan kahar, pada poin ke enam (6) menjelaskan tentang dimungkinkan perubahan kontrak bila terjadi keadaan kahar, para pihak dapat melakukankesepakatan, yang dituangkan dalam perubahan kontrak. namun perubahan kontrak sebagaimana pada pasal 87 perpres 54 tahun 2010 tidak menjelaskan terkait penghentian kontrak secara utuh. ia hanya menyinggung mengenai penambahan atau pengurangan volume issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan hukum bagi penyedia atas penghentian kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa page 16 pekerjaan, jenis pekerjaan, pengubahan spesifikasi teknis pekerjaan, sampai pengubahan jadwal pelaksanaan. esensinya bukan penghentian kontrak. akibat dari tidak dimasukkannya pengaturan tentang penghentian kontrak dalam peraturan teknis terkait pengadaan barang dan jasa, memunculkan masalah baru. masalah itu bersifat konseptual. seperti yang penulis dapatkan di lapangan, dalam rana praktis terjadi penggunaan istilah yang serampangan. ada penghentian kontrak yang esensinya pemutusan dan ada pemutusan yang esensinya adalah penghentian kontrak. dampaknya bahwa pihak yang dirugikan atas keputusan tersebut mengalami kesulitan dalam menegakkan haknya. ketika pihak penyedia menggugat karena dilakukan pengakhiran kontrak atas dasar pemutusan, ternyata pihak ppk mendalilkan bahwa ini bukan pemutusan tapi penghentian. karena perpres 54 tahun 2010 hanya menyediakan upaya hukum untuk pemutusan kontrak. terlepas bahwa perbedaan penghentian dan pemutusan kontrak ini sifatnya hanya berbeda secara gradual, tapi memiliki akibat hukum yang berbeda. maka sehubungan dengan itu, penulis mengangkat isu penghentian kontrak sebagai permasalahan utama. mengingat istilah penghentian kontrak hanya ada ditemukan dalam keputusan presiden nomor 80 tahun 2003, tapi faktanya hal ini masih dibutuhkan untuk menjamin hak-hak para pihak. maka dari itu pentingnya memahami makna pemutusan dan penghentian kontrak, lebih khusus dalam sistem pengadaan barang dan jasa. adapun tujuan penelitian dalam tulisan ini adalah menganalisis makna penghentian kontrak dalam pengadaan barang dan jasa dan menganalisis akibat hukum penghentian kontrak terhadap pelaksanaan kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa. manfaat penelitian adalah secara teoretik, memberikan masukan ilmu pengetahuan dan ilmu hukum pada umumnya yang berkaitan dengan perlindungan hukum bagi penyedia barang dan jasa atas penghentian kontrak secara sepihak dan secara praktis, memberikan sumbangan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat pada umumnya dan dunia akademis pada khususnya mengenai perlindungan hukum atas penghentian kontrak. b. metode penelitian issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan hukum bagi penyedia atas penghentian kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa page 17 metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan karya ilmiah ini adalah suatu metode yang terarah dan sistematis sebagai cara untuk menemukan, mengembangkan, dan menguji kebenaran sebab nilai ilmiah suatu penelitian selalu beriringan dengan metode penelitian apa yang ia pergunakan. setiap penulisan tesis harus mengandung suatu kebenaran yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, maka diperlukan metode yang sistematis dan terarah sehingga memperoleh hasil sesuai dengan prosedur yang benar. metode penelitian, pendekatan masalah, sumber bahan hukum, dan analisis bahan hukum harus dilakukan secara benar dan tepat. penelitian hukum merupakan suatu proses untuk menemukan aturan hukum, prinsip-prinsip hukum, maupun doktrin-doktrin guna menjawab isu hukum terkait permasalahan hukum yang dihadapi c. pembahasan 1. makna penghentian kontrak dalam pengadaan barang dan jasa penghentian kontrak berbeda dengan pemutusan kontrak. dalam literatur asing, penghentian ini diistilahkan sebagai suspension dan pemutusan adalah termination. sehingga secara konseptual makna kedua istilah ini berbeda. penghentian kontrak lebih dimaknai pada penangguhan. sementara pemutusan kontrak esensinya adalah putus karena kesalahan. sekalipun di lapangan kedua istilah ini sering dipakai secara serampangan dan tidak bertanggung jawab. tapi, kamus besar bahasa indonesia memberikan arti yang berbeda secara kedua gradual saja antara pemutusan dan penghentian kontrak. kedua istilah ini merupakan sinonim. penghentian adalah keadaan tanpa gerak; halangan;jeda:pemberhentian/pem·ber·hen·ti·an/ adalah proses, cara, perbuatan memberhentikan; tempat berhenti;menghentikan/meng·hen·ti·kan/, yakni meminta sesuatu (mobil dan sebagainya) berhenti; menyetop; membuat (menyebabkan), berhenti: ia ~ mobilnya tepat di depan pintu; mengakhiri; menyudahi: ia belumpetualangannya;penghentian/peng·hen·ti·an/ adalah halmenghentikan (mengakhiri, menyetop, dan sebagainya). sedangkan pemutusan adalah proses, cara, perbuatan memutuskan; penetapan, tidak berhubungan (bersambung) lagi (karena terpotong dan sebagainya). issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan hukum bagi penyedia atas penghentian kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa page 18 contoh kawat telepon itu putus; habis: modalnya telah putus/habis; selesai; rampung; berakhir: perundingan sudah --; ada kepastian (ketentuan, ketetapan, penyelesaian); mendapat kepastian: sampai sekarang perkaranya belum --; hilang; tidak ada lagi; tidak mempunyai lagi (tentang harapan, pikiran); mendapat; tidak ada hubungan lagi; berpisah (tentang hubungan persahabatan, jalinan cinta, dan sebagainya): hubungan cinta mereka berdua sudah -; penghentian merupakan akibat. karena terputus akhirnya terhenti. namun berhentinya ini lebih ke keadaan alami. ia terhenti karena memang faktanya menunjukkan keadaan yang terhenti. berbeda jika dikatakan terhenti karena dihentikan. sehingga perbedaan antara penghentian dan pemutusan hanyalah gradual.penghentian dan pemutusan dalam perspektif hukum nomenklatrur penghentian dan pemutusan dapat ditemukan dalam hukum ketenagakerjaan. menurut undang-undangno. 13 tahun 2003 mengartikan bahwa pemberhentian atau pemutusan hubungan kerja adalah pengakhiran hubungan kerja karena suatu hal tertentu yang mengakibatkan berakhirnya hak dan kewajiban antar pekerja dan pengusaha. pemberhentian juga bisa berarti pemutusan hubungan kerja (phk) karyawan dari suatu organisasi perusahaan. pemberhentian yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan harus berdasarkan dengan undang – undang no 12 tahun 1964 kuhp. lalu, pemberhentian juga mesti memperhatikan pasal 1603 ayat 1 kuhp yaitu mengenai “tenggang waktu dan izin pemberhentian”. perusahaan yang melakukan pemberhentian akan mengalami kerugian karena karyawan yang diberhentikan membawa biaya penarikan, seleksi, pelatihan dan proses produksi berhenti. dalam keputusan presiden nomor 80 tahun 2003 pasal 35 menjelaskan tentang penghentian dan pemutusan kontrak dalam pengadaan barang dan jasa. (1) penghentian kontrak dilakukan bilamana terjadi hal-hal di luar kekuasaan para pihak untuk melaksanakan kewajiban yang ditentukan dalam kontrak, yang disebabkan oleh timbulnya perang, pemberontakan, perang saudara, sepanjang kejadian-kejadian tersebut berkaitan dengan negara kesatuan republik indonesia, kekacauan dan huru hara serta bencana alam yang dinyatakan resmi oleh pemerintah, atau keadaan yang ditetapkan dalam kontrak. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan hukum bagi penyedia atas penghentian kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa page 19 (2) pemutusan kontrak dapat dilakukan bilamana para pihak cidera janji dan/atau tidak memenuhi kewajiban dan tanggung jawabnya sebagaimana diatur di dalam kontrak. 2. akibat penghentian kontrak terhadap pelaksanaan barang dan jasa dari segi sebabnya, penghentian kontrak dilakukan karena adanya keadaan di luar kesalahan masing-masing pihak dalam kontrak. keadaan tersebut dipahami sebagai kahar. perlu diperhatikan bahwa kahar berbeda dengan hardship. hardship adalah suatu kedaan di mana kinerja kontrak menjadi lebih berat bagi salah satu pihak, pihak yang tetap terikat melaksanakan kewajibannya “jadi, para pihak tidak bisa keluar dari kontrak hanya karena menjadi tidak menguntungkan untuk mereka. sebaliknya, kewajiban kontrak harus dilakukan meskipun perubahan di pasar telah menyebabkan salah satu pihak menjadi lebih berat bagi debitur. di amerika serikat istilah “hardship” terbatas pada situasi di mana dimungkinkan untuk melakukan kontrak. dalam peraturan jasa konstruksi, force majeure diartikan sebagai suatu kejadian yang timbul di luar kemauan dan kemampuan para pihak yang menimbulkan kerugian bagi salah satu pihak. dalam peraturan pengadaan barang dan jasa, force majeure disebut keadaan kahar, artinya suatu keadaan yang terjadi di luar kehendak para pihak sehingga kewajiban yang ditentukan dalam kontrak menjadi tidak dapat dipenuhi. dalam peraturan jasa konstruksi dan peraturan pengadaan barang dan jasa, pembentuk peraturan mewajibkan para pihak untuk memasukkan klausul force majeure. jadi, hardship lebih menekankan pada keadaan yang tidak seimbang secara mendasar diantara pihak, sedangkan force majeure memiliki pengertian lebih umum yang menunjuk pada peristiwa-peristiwa tak terduga di luar kekuasaan para pihak.akibat hukum dari force majeure absolute menyebabkan pemenuhan prestasi tidak mungkin dapat dilakukan lagi dan seketika itu kontrak putus, sedangkan akibat hukum dari hardship terhadap kontrak terutama menyangkut pada kesempatan pihak yang dirugikan untuk mengajukan negosiasi ulang (renegosiasi). sebelumnya telah diurai bahwa force majeur atau keadaan memaksa/kahar dibedakan menjadi kahar yang bersifat temporer dan kahar permanen. kahar yang bersifat temporer mensyaratkan kejadian yang berlangsung untuk beberapa saat saja. misalnya banjir, demo, pemadaman listrik. maka setelah peristiwa kahar terjadi, issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan hukum bagi penyedia atas penghentian kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa page 20 pelaksanaan kontrak dapat kembali dilanjutkan. lain halnya dengan kahar permanen yang sifat kejadiannya paten dan berlangsung dalam periode yang lama, seperti tsunami, gempa bumi. untuk peristiwa kahar temporer, maka akan dilakukan penghentian kontrak. akibatnya adalah pelaksanaan kontrak ditangguhkan. dalam hal ini yang tidak bekerja hanyalah pelaksanaannya, tapi kontraknya tetap ada. akibat dari penghentian kontrak ini adalah penyedia berhak mendapatkan pembayaran atas pekerjaan yang telah dilakukan dan pengguna harus melakukan pembayaran atas barang/jasa yang diterimanya; dan penyedia berhak mendapatkan ganti rugi finansial, berbarengan dengan itu pengguna harus memberikan ganti rugi finansial atas keterlambatan pembayaran mencantumkan klausula perubahan kontrak untuk penetapan jangka waktu sampai kapan kontrak dihentikan dan sistem pembayarannya. sementara untuk kahar permanen, akibat hukumnya hampir sama dengan di atas. cuma dalam kasus ini tanpa perlu mencantumkan penetapan jangka waktu sampai kapan kontrak dihentikan mengingat sifat keadaannya permanen. jadi bukan hanya pelaksanaannya yang terhenti tapi kontraknya. akibat hukum ini juga berlaku untuk penghentian kontrak yang disebabkan oleh karena perintah undang-undang (tidak didasari oleh kesalahan masing-masing pihak). untuk keadaan ini, diberikan kebebasan kepada pemerintah sebagai wakil badan hukum pemerintah untuk memilih apakah menghentikan untuk sementara atau memberhentikan secara permanen 3. upaya hukum bagi penyedia karena kajian ini menyangkut perlindungan hukum, maka seyogyianya direkomendasikan upaya perlindungan hukum bagi penyedia. kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa dalam ketentuannya dihadirkan untuk melaksanakan tujuan bernegara, secara khusus mensukseskan kelancaran pengadaan bagi pedmerintah. jadi semangat ketentuannya baik itu undang-undang jasa konstruksi maupun peraturan presiden berserta perubahannya diperuntukkan terhadap kepentingan pemerintah. tapi perlu diketahui bahwa pengadaan barang dan jasa pemerintah juga harus diselenggarakan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip keadilan dan kebenaran. tidak boleh issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan hukum bagi penyedia atas penghentian kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa page 21 boleh menegasikan hak-hak penyedia. kontrak pengadaan berada dalam rezim privat, olehnya diikat dengan beberapa ketentuan seperti burgelijk wetboek. lepas bahwa pemerintah merupakan satu entitas publik tapi dalam hal ini ia bertindak sebagai wakil badan hukum negara yang mempunyai kepentingan. dan kepentingannya disini menggunakan sarana hukum privat, yaitu kontrak. maka pemerintah harus tunduk pada aturan hukum privat. dalam hal penyedia merasa dirugikan dalam konteks penghentian kontrak, upaya hukum yang diajukan adalah memohon perubahan kontrak kepada ppk untuk segera dilakukan penghentian kontrak. dalam hal ppk melanggar ketentuan kontrak, maka penyedia mengajukan tuntutan terhadap ppk atas dasar wanprestasi. karena pelanggaran yang menyangkut tidak diberikannya hak yang pantas terhadap penyedia merupakan pelanggaran kontraktual. d. penutup adapun kesimpulan dari uraian pada pembahasan yang telah di jelaskan pada bab sebelumnya adalah sebgai berikut: 1. makna penghentian dan pemutusan kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa berbeda. penghentian kontrak adalah penangguhan kontrak yang disebabkan oleh tidak berlakunya daya kerja pelaksanaan kontrak, tetapi kontraknya tetap ada, seperti keadaan kahar. sementara pemutusan kontrak membawa makna adanya kesalahan/kelalaian. jadi pemutusan kontrak dilakukan oleh penyedia karena adanya kesalahan/kelalaian dari pihak penyedia. 2. akibat hukum penghentian kontrak adalahpenyedia berhak mendapatkan pembayaran atas pekerjaan yang telah dilakukan dan pengguna harus melakukan pembayaran atas barang/jasa yang diterimanya; dan penyedia berhak mendapatkan ganti rugi finansial, berbarengan dengan itu pengguna harus memberikan ganti rugi finansial atas keterlambatan pembayaran, mencantumkan klausula perubahan kontrak untuk penetapan jangka waktu sampai kapan kontrak dihentikan dan sistem pembayarannya. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan hukum bagi penyedia atas penghentian kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa page 22 daftar pustaka buku: badrulzaman, mariam darus, 1998, perjanjian dengan pemerintah (government contract), dalam hukum kontrak indonesia, elips: jakarta. bruggink, j.j.h., 1996, refleksi hukum-alih bahasa arief sidharta, citra aditya bakti: bandung. hartkamp, arthur s, 1995, contract law in the netherlands, kluwer law international the hague: london-boston hernoko, agus yudha, 2010, hukum perjanjian asas proporsionalitas dalam kontrak komersial, kencana prenada media group, jakarta peter mahmud marzuki, 2008, penelitian hukum, kencana: jakarta. s.b. marsh and j. soulsby, alih bahasa abdulkadir, 2006, business law hukum perjanjian, pt alumni: bandung. saragih, d. 1998, pembentukan hukum kontrak menurut bw baru belanda dalam hukum kontrak indonesia (seri dasar hukum ekonomi 5), elips: jakarta. simamora, yohanes sogar, hukum kontrak, kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa pemerintah di indonesia, kantor hukum wins & partners: surabaya. sofwan, sri soedaewi masjchoen, 1980, hukum perdata (hukum perutangan-bagian a), fakultas hukum universitas gadjah mada: yogyakarta. subekti, 1996, hukum perjanjian, internusa: jakarta. subekti, 1995, aneka perjanjian, citra aditya bakti: bandung. jurnal: peter mahmud marzuki, 2003, batas-batas kebebasan berkontrak, yuridika: surabaya. perundang-undangan: burgelik wetboek (b.w.), s. 1847-23, terjemahan r. subekti dan r. tjitrosudibio, 1995, pradnya paramitha: jakarta. undang-undang dasar negara republik indonesia tahun 1945; undang-undang nomor 2 tahun 2017 tentang jasa konstruksi; undang-undang nomor 18 tahun 1999 tentang jasa konstruksi; undang-undang nomor 17 tahun 2003 tentang keuangan negara; issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan hukum bagi penyedia atas penghentian kontrak pengadaan barang dan jasa page 23 undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 2004 tentang perbendaharaan negara; peraturan pemerintah republik indonesia nomor 43 tahun 2013 tentang tata cara pelaksanaan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara; peraturan presiden nomor 54 tahun 2010 tentang pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintah; peraturan presiden nomor 35 tahun 2011 tentang perubahan pertama atas peraturan presiden nomor 54 tahun 2010 tentang pengadaan barang/jasa; peraturan presiden nomor 70 tahun 2012 tentang perubahan kedua atas peraturan presiden nomor 54 tahun 2010 tentang pengadaan barang/jasa; peraturan presiden nomor 172 tahun 2014 tentang perubahan ketiga atas peraturan presiden nomor 54 tahun 2010 tentang pengadaan barang dan jasa; peraturan presiden nomor 4 tahun 2015 tentang perubahan keempat atas peraturan presiden nomor 54 tahun 2010 tentang pengadaan barang/jasa; peraturan presiden nomor 157 tahun 2014 tentang perubahan atas peraturan presiden nomor 106 tahun 2007 tentang lembaga kebijakan pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintah; peraturan kepala lembaga kebijakan pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintah nomor 12 tahun 2011 tentang pedoman umum perencanaan pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintah; peraturan kepala lembaga kebijakan pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintah nomor 5 tahun 2012 tentang unit layanan pengadaan; peraturan kepala lembaga kebijakan pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintah nomor 13 tahun 2012 tentang pengumuman rencana umum pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintahan. jurnalhukumvolkgeist volume 3 issue 2, june 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 160 reconstruction of law criminal development on victims of restoration as form of renewalcriminal law muhammad salam amrullah abstract author’s information: the crime of rape carried out by people, experiencing a development in criminal law, the formulation of offenses in the criminal code makes the criminal act, does not give a sense of justice to victims where the threat of punishment is relatively small and there are multiple interpretations of legal norms, while victims suffer a psychological loss which makes the victim lose his identity. in addition, the scope of the multi-interpretive criminal reparations is due to the unclear norms which regulate, for example, the category of rape itself. this research is a normative legal research that examines relevant laws and regulations and conceptualizes the law as the norm. from the results of the study found the unclear norms stipulated in article 285 of the criminal code, which resulted in the application of law enforcement to victims resulting in legal uncertainty, an increasingly broad category of actions while the legal norms did not specify the actions of the rape, from the results of the research the revision of the criminal code as a form of renewal of criminal law specifically article 285.. keywords: criminal roses, criminal law universitas andi djemmapalopot, (amrullahsalam@gmail.com) doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v3i2.128 1. introduction crime of rape is one form of crime that gets attention in the community and academics. if opening a history of this type of criminal act has existed since a long time ago or it can be said as a form of classic crime that will always follow the development of human culture itself, it will always develop every time, although it may not be too different from before. the crime of rape does not only occur in big cities that are relatively more advanced and modern but also occur in areas that are still traditional. rape crime is one form of violence against women which is an example of the vulnerability of women's position, especially towards male sexual interests. the sexual image of women who have been placed as male sexual objects turns out to have farreaching implications for women's lives, so she is forced to always face violence, coercion and physical and psychological torture. attention and protection of the interests of victims of rape crimes through the criminal justice process as well as through certain social care facilities is an absolute part that needs to be considered in criminal law policy, both by the executive, legislative and judicial institutions as well as by existing social institutions. victims have an important role to be able to overcome or resolve this case, this requires courage from the victim to report the incident that happened to the law enforcer, because in general the victims experience further threats from the perpetrators and this makes the victims afraid and traumatic. it is expected that from this complaint, mailto:amrullahsalam@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.128 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.128 jurnalhukumvolkgeist muhammad salam amrullah.3(2): 160-165 161 the case can be opened and legal proceedings can be carried out so that the victim will get justice for what happened to him. besides that, the important role in law enforcement of rape crimes is the legal instruments in the form of norms that exist in rape offenses that have not experienced a development. when viewed from the norms in article 285 of the criminal code it only contains one verse and regulates the crime of rape in general. it was stated that "whoever is violent or threatens to force forces a woman to have sex with her outside of marriage, is threatened with rape with a maximum imprisonment of 12 years". debate arises among academics until the law enforcement process, because in its application creates injustice, in the form of the emergence of perceptions or multiple interpretations of the article which results in law enforcers (prosecutors) only demanding low penalties and judges paying more attention to things that alleviate the perpetrators, not focusing on suffering victim of rape. sudarto argued (as quoted by bardanawawiarief in his book criminal law criminal policy) that to overcome crime needed a rational effort from the community, namely by means of criminal politics. crime prevention policies or efforts are essentially an integral part of social defense. therefore, it can be said, that the main purpose of criminal politics is "protection of the community to achieve public welfare. the reasons for rape cases were not reported by victims to law enforcement officials to be processed to the court because of several factors, including victims feeling embarrassed and did not want shame to be known by others, or the victims were afraid because they had been threatened by the perpetrators that they would be killed if report the incident to the police. this of course affects the mental / psychological development of the victims and also influences the process of law enforcement itself to realize a sense of justice for victims and society. however, loebbyloqman reminded that what is equally important is the similarity of perceptions of law enforcement officials regarding the rape of rape in the community. during this time, loebby indicated that rape was only considered as sexual intercourse or harassment by investigators. as a result, prosecutors only demand low penalties and judges pay more attention to mitigating matters from the perpetrators, rather than focusing on the suffering of the victims. according to loebby, the inequality of perception was what made the perpetrators of rape punished lightly, even acquitted. moreover, proof of rape is not an easy matter. there must be courage from the victim to report. from the description above, the scope of this research can be formulated as follows. how is the reconstruction of criminal acts of rape a form of protection against victims. 2. method this study uses a type of normative legal research because it wants to examine legislation or legal norms relating to the central theme of research, namely the reconstruction of legal acts of rape as a form of criminal politics. this type of research is normative legal research or doctrinal legal research, namely legal research that conceptualizes law as the norm, according to soerjonosoekanto and sri mamuji, normative legal research is legal research conducted by examining library materials or mere secondary data. normative legal research includes research on legal principles, research on systematic law, and legal history. johnny ibrahim stated that normative jurnalhukumvolkgeist muhammad salam amrullah.3(2): 160-165 162 legal research is a scientific research procedure to find truth based on legal scientific logic from the normative side. scientific logic in normative research is built on scientific disciplines and ways of working normative law. 3. research results and discussion soetandyoignjosoebroto (as quoted by suparman marzuki in his book entitled "sexual harassment"), defines rape as follows: "rape is an attempt to vent sexual appetite by a man against a woman in a moral and / or applicable law violating wirdjonoprodjodikorom revealed that rape was: "a man who forces a woman who is not his wife to have intercourse with him, so that he cannot resist, so he is unwilling to do intercourse: r. sugandhi, defining rape is as follows: "a man who insists on a woman not his wife to have intercourse with him with the threat of violence, which is required to have the private genitals enter the pubic hole of a woman and then release semen". nursyahbanikantjasungkana (as quoted by abdul wahid and muhammad irfan) argues that rape is one form of violence against women which is an example of the vulnerability of women to the interests of men. the back’s law dictionary, quoted by topo santoso, formulates rape or rape as follows: "... unlawful sexual intercourse with a female without her consent. the unlawfull carnal knowledge of a woman by a forcibly andagainst her will. the act of sexual intercourse is committed by the woman's resistance is overcome by force of fear, the prohibitive orbiter conditions ... "(... unlawful / illegal sexual relations with a woman without her consent. legal / illegal intercourse against a woman by a man is carried out by force and in opposition to his will.course of intercourse committed by a man against a woman not his wife and without his consent, is carried out when the women's resistance is overcome with strength and fear, or under a barrier. 3.1. types of rape a. sadistic rape, sadistic rape, meaning that in this type sexuality and aggression are combined in destructive forms. the encroachment of rape has seemed to enjoy erotic pleasure rather than through sexual intercourse, but through a violent attack on the victim's genitals and body. b. anger rape, namely sexual sexuality characterized by being a means to express and vent detained racageram and anger. the body of the victim here seems to be an object to who the actor is projecting the solution to his frustration, weaknesses, difficulties and disappointments. c. domination rape, that is a rape that occurs when the perpetrator tries to persevere over power and superiority towards the victim. the aim is sexual conquest, the offender hurts the victim, but still has the desire to have sex. d. seductive rape, a rape that occurs in stimulating situations created by both parties. at first the victim decided that personal intimacy must be limited not to the extent of coherence. actors in general have confidence requiring coercion, because without it they do not have feelings of guilt that are related to sex. e. victim precipitated rape, namely rape that occurs (takes place) by placing the victim as its originator. jurnalhukumvolkgeist muhammad salam amrullah.3(2): 160-165 163 f. exploitation rape, rape which shows that at every opportunity to have sexual relations obtained by men by taking advantage of the opposite with the position of women who depend on it economically and socially. for example, a wife who is raped by her husband or a housemaid who has been raped by her work, while her servant does not question or complain about this case to the authorities 3.2. rekonstruki rape criminal acts in the formulation or elements contained in article 285 of the criminal code, namely: 1) whoever; 2) with violence or threats of violence; 3) forcing; 4) a woman who is not his wife; 5) having sex; 6) with him whoever: the first element of the crime of rape is whoever is. the term whoever refers to anyone who can be subject to this provision, if connected with the following sentence of article 285 of the criminal code, then what is meant by the person in this article is a man or a man, if proven to have committed an offense that fulfills all elements from a criminal act stipulated in article 285 of the criminal code, he can be referred to as the offender and can be sentenced to criminal. therefore, only male or male perpetrators of rape can act, even though it is not impossible for a woman to force a man, whether he is her husband or not, to have sex with him. the lawmaker does not determine the punishment for women who force men to have intercourse, because a woman's compulsion towards men to intercourse does not cause anything bad or harmful just because men have no danger of pregnancy and childbirth because coercion. and if it is really forced by the woman to have sexual intercourse that has damaged the morale of the victim's man, then it could have been the deed she had experienced to a woman so that there was an offense of rape as stipulated in article 285 of the law criminal. therefore, in the formation of the forthcoming national criminal code according to the author, men must also be protected from criminal acts of rape, so that those who can be convicted of committing rape offenses are not only men but also women who force man to have sex with him. with violence or the threat of violence. the second element of the rape crime is violence or the threat of violence. in article 89 of the criminal code it is stipulated that what is meant by committing violence is: "making people become unconscious or helpless". thus a woman can be said to be raped if the woman's body has traces of violence such as bruises, or the clothes of the woman are torn or the buttons are off and so forth. however, the most regrettable thing is that the action was not immediately reported to the authorities because the victim was afraid of the threat from the perpetrators so that the signs or marks of this violence were lost to the examination while the victim also never sought medical help from a doctor, even though if the rape was immediately reported to the authorities then visum et repertum or if only the victim of the woman realized that the marks of violence were important in proof, the victim and her family might not neglect things. this. jurnalhukumvolkgeist muhammad salam amrullah.3(2): 160-165 164 not infrequently the rape offense is not reported to the authorities or later reported to the authorities after the evidence that a rape has been committed has disappeared altogether or will later be reported to the authorities after the victim becomes pregnant, even though the rape offense has been committed by repeat perpetrators many times but because of threats from the perpetrators so that the victim does not report what has been experienced to his family especially to the authorities. 3.2.1.legal arrangements for future crime of rape positive law in indonesia is the legacy of the former dutch colonial government which in many ways is no longer compatible with the existence and development of the indonesian nation as an independent and sovereign nation. the criminal code still applies as this positive law is to fill the legal vacuum after we are independent and from year to year, we indonesian people try to create a national legal system that serves the national interests. the efforts of the indonesian people were realized by, among others, conducting codification and unification in certain legal fields, including the renewal of the criminal code and the criminal procedure code (material criminal law and formal criminal law). indeed there is an irregularity when we have succeeded in making a national criminal procedure code today, namely law no. 8 of 1981 concerning the criminal procedure code (kuhap), without being followed or even preceded by the preparation of the criminal code, so that criminal procedural law was previously regulated in herziene inlands reglement, stb. 1941 no. 44 has been replaced by law no. 8 of 1981 but the criminal code is still the only one. therefore, the law-making bodies in our country depend on the hopes of all people to be someday when we can have a national criminal code which is a product of our own nation and can be our pride, who has set behavior indonesian people in accordance with the development and needs of the community. it is a fact that people's lives are constantly evolving along with technological developments, so that there is a change in the value system of legal life in society that must experience new developments, namely living, dynamic laws that arise in the society of the nation itself. roeslan saleh said: it is a fact that the realities of people's lives have changed and those changes have sometimes gone so far and supported valuesthat are different from the values. previously held by legal values. these facts show the negative aspects of norms that are still being treated. these negligence in remodeling and renewing it has led to voices that doubt the fundamentals outlined in the criminal law positively and doubt the good influence of the application of the criminal law itself which lives on these bases. it is said that one of the sources of unrest in the community associated with criminal justice is because law enforcers still use a systematic normative approach solely. from the facts that society is developing so that there are changes in the values that live in society, then the law with the main goal of achieving peace, order, prosperity, prosperity, justice and legal certainty, must be in line with community development so that the law can achieve its objectives. many of the articles in the criminal code are 'still valid' but 'not applicable', meaning that from a juridical standpoint it still applies as a positive law, but faced with the reality in society (social werkelijkheid), these rules remain are dead rules that have no force in effect and are viewed from a sociological perspective as well as 'black letter jurnalhukumvolkgeist muhammad salam amrullah.3(2): 160-165 165 law'. in order to catch up in the field of criminal law from the development of society and technology, the amendment to the code of criminal law, especially its sanctions system, is needed in the context of the enforcement of criminal law. 4. conclusion the lack of clarity in the law norm of article 285 of the indonesian criminal code is that law enforcement does not run well certainty and justice is neglected on rape victims, therefore as soon as 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(2003). criminal law principles in indonesia. bandung : refika aditama. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan wewenang wakil presiden n dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan page 24 pelaksanaan wewenang wakil presiden n dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan oleh : bambang hermawan mahasiswa fakultas hukum universitas airlangga abstrak no details the authority owned by the vice president could potentially lead to legal uncertainty. whereas in the construction of the position incumbent of the position of the vice president has a position that is very fundamental research purposes in writing this is to know the authority of the vice president in the organization of the government and to knowing the implementation authority vice president in organizing the government. in this study the normative legal research using methods based on relevant legislation and other legal materials related to the substance of the research, then connected with problems in this research. research results show that the authority of the vice president is not set explicitly in the legislation. authority of the vice president are only found by analyzing the legislation. ' where there are 3 vice presidential authority: the authority of the vice president as the representative of the president, the powers of the vice president as president, the maid authority of the vice president as successor to the president whereas the implementation authority vice president subject to the authority of the source. source from authority of the attribution of the implementation authority vice president gained the authority directly by the 1945 constitution and its implementation without going through intermediaries. for the delegation of authority then the implementation authority in advance must there is a delegation of authority that has the force of law so that the execution of the authority of the vice-president can be strengthened by positive law in order to set up and defend it. keywords: authority, vice president, government a. pendahuluan negara indonesia merupakan negara hukum sebagaimana di sebutkan dalam pasal 1 ayat (3) undang undang dasar 1945 bahwa “negara indonesia adalah negara hukum”. penguatan atas negara hukum juga dinyatakan dalam pasal 1 ayat (2) yang dinyatakan bahwa, “kedaulatan berada di tangan rakyat dan dilaksanakan menurut undang-undang dasar”. hal inilah yang kemudian memberikan pengakuan bahwa dianutnya prinsip supremasi hukum dan konstitusi di indonesia. selain itu berdasarkan pasal tersebut, indonesia juga menganut prinsip demokrasi, sehingga dalam praktik ketatanegaraan indonesia prinsip demokrasi dan negara hukum dijalankan secara bersama-sama. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan wewenang wakil presiden n dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan page 25 salah satu wujud dari penegakan demokra konstitusional adalah adanya pemilihan umum yang didasarkan undang-undang. pemilihan umum di indonesia diselenggarakan untuk memilih anggota dewan perwakilan rakyat, anggota dewan perwakilan daerah, presiden dan wakil presiden, dan dewan perwakilan rakyat daerah. berkenaan dengan hal tersebut, presiden dan wakil presiden merupakan jabatan yang dipilih secara langsung oleh rakyat dikarenakan presiden memegang kekuasaan eksekutif. presiden republik indonesia menurut pasal 4 ayat (1) undang undang dasar 1945 memegang kekuasaan pemerintahan negara menurut undang-undang dasar. inilah yang disebut sebagai prinsip “constitutional government” (jimly asshiddiqie, 2008:, hlm 327-328). makna pemilihan presiden dan wakil presiden dipilih dalam satu pasangan secara langsung oleh rakyat menggambarkan jabatan presiden dan wakil presiden adalah satu kesatuan pasangan dan merupakan satu kesatuan lembaga kepresidenan. dengan kata lain, keduanya merupakan dwi-tunggal. meskipun keduanya merupakan satu kesatuan intitusi kepresidenan, keduanya adalah dua jabatan konstitusional yang berbeda. karena itu, dapat diparadigmakan jabatan presiden dan wakil presiden merupakan dua organ yang tak terpisahkan tetapi dapat dan harus dibedakan satu sama lain.(jimly ashshiddiqie, 2006: hlm 129). dalam menjalankan tugasnya, presiden dibantu oleh seorang wakil presiden. hal tersebut dirumuskan dalam pasal 4 ayat (2) undang undang dasar 1945, yaitu “dalam melakukan kewajibannya, presiden dibantu oleh satu orang wakil presiden”.jika dikaji pasal 17 ayat (1) undang undang dasar 1945, juga ditentukan bahwapresiden dibantu oleh menteri-menteri negaradalam pasal 4 ayat (2) dan pasal 17 ayat (1) sama-sama memakai istilah “dibantu”. jika demikian berarti menurut undang undang dasar 1945, wakil presiden dan para menteri negara sama-sama merupakan pembantu presiden. padahal menteri negara menurut pasal 17 ayat (2) diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh presiden, sedangkan presiden dan wakil presiden menurut pasal 6a ayat (1) samasama dipilih dalam satu pasangan secara langsung oleh rakyat.(jimly ashshiddiqie, 2008: hlm 328) hal ini jelas mempunyai konsekuensi yang berbeda. politik hukum pengisian jabatan wakil presiden yang disatukan dengan mekanisme pengisian jabatan presiden merupakan hal yang sangat prinsipil. kemudian issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan wewenang wakil presiden n dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan page 26 mengenai kedudukan dan kewenangan wakil presiden dalam negara yang menganut paham demokrasi konstitusional merupakan hal yang sangat fundamental. prinsip negara hukum menganalogikan setiap kewenangan dalam jabatan negara haruslah ditentukan melalui peraturan perundang-undangan sehingga menghindarkan dari praktik negara kekuasaan, termasuk kedudukan wakil presiden.menurut jimly ashsiddiqie, wakil presiden mempunyai lima kemungkinan posisi terhadap presiden, yaitu: (jimly ashshiddiqie, 2006: hlm 130). tidak jelasanya kewenangan yang dimiliki oleh wakil presiden berpotensi mengakibatkan ketidakpastian hukum. padahal dalam konstruksi kedudukan jabatan pemerintahan kedudukan wakil presiden memiliki kedudukan yang sangat fundamental. jika dikaji praktik pemerintah hasil pemilu presiden dan wakil presiden pasca amandemen undang undang dasar 1945, yakni periode pemerintahan susilo bambang yudhoyono-jusuf kalla, susilo bambang yudhoyono-boediono dan joko widodo-jusuf kalla belum memiliki landasan yuridis yang pasti mengenai apa saja yang menjadi kewenangan seorang wakil presiden dalam masa periode tertentu. hal tersebut memiliki dampak negatif dikarenakan potensi penyalahgunaan kekuasaan oleh seorang wakil presiden. kemudian penguatan prinsip negara hukum juga akan terhambat dari uraian latar belakang masalah di atas maka masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana wewenang wakil presiden dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dan bagaimanakah pelaksanaan wewenang wakil presiden dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. adapun tujuan penelitian dalam tulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui wewenang wakil presiden dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan wewenang wakil presiden dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. b. metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif yang mengacu pada peraturan perundang-undangan yang relevan dan bahan hukum lain yang berhubungan dengan substansi penelitian, kemudian dihubungkan dengan pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini. pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendeka perundang-undangan (statute aprroach), pendekatan konseptual issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan wewenang wakil presiden n dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan page 27 (conseptual aprroach), pendekatan kasus (case aprroach) dan pendekatan komparatif (comparative aprroach)(peter mahmud marzuki, 2015: hlm 133). jenis bahan hukum dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dua jenis bahan hukum, yaitu bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. bahan hukum primer yaitu data yang terdiri dari peraturan perundang-undangan, catatan-catatan resmi atau risalah sidang pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan, bahan hukum sekunder yaitu merupakan data yang di peroleh melalui wawancara yang di lakukan langsung dengan responden yang dapat mewakili beberapa sumber dalam hal ini adalah staf humas sekretariat wakil presiden dan beberapa pakar hukum. serta publikasi tentang bahan hukum yang bukan merupakan catatan resmi. publikasi tersebut meliputi bukubuku teks, kamus hukum, jurnal-jurnal hukum dan makalah hukum. teknik pengumpulan bahan hukum dalam penelitian ini ditempuh prosedur.studi kepustakaan (library research)studi kepustakaan adalah mengumpulkan data yang dilakukan dengan cara membaca, mengutip, mencatat dan memahami berbagai literatur yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang diteliti (zainuddin ali, 2011: hlm 176). c. hasil dan pembahasan 1. wewenang wakil presiden dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan wewenang dalam undang-undang no 30 tahun 2014 tentang administrasi pemerintahan dalam pasal 1 ayat 5 diatur bahwa “wewenang adalah hak yang dimiliki oleh badan dan/atau pejabat pemerintahan atau penyelenggara negara lainnya untuk mengambil keputusan dan/atau tindakan dalam penyelenggaran pemerintahan”(uu no 30 tahun 2014 tentang administrasi pemerintahan). dimana sumber wewenang secara teoritik, kewenangan yang bersumber dari peraturan perundang undangan diperoleh melalui tiga cara yaitu atribusi, delegasi, dan mandat (ridwan hr, 2013: hlm 101). mengenai atribusi, delegasi dan mandat ini penjelasannya sebagaimana telah dibahas sebelumnya dalam tinjauan pustaka sebagaimana dalam undang-undang nomor 30 tahun 2014 tentang administrasi pemeerintahan sebagai berikut: a. atribusi adalah pemberian kewenangan kepada badan/atau pejabat pemerintahan oleh undang-undang dasar negara republik indonesia tahun 1945 atau undangundang. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan wewenang wakil presiden n dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan page 28 b. delegasi adalah pelimpahan kewenangan dari badan dan/atau pejabat pemerintahan yang lebih tinggi kepada badan dan/atau pejabat pemerintahan yang lebih rendah dengan tanggung jawab dan tanggung gugat beralih sepenuhnya kepada penerima delegasi. c. mandat adalah pelimpahan kewenangan dari badan dan/atau pejabat pemerintahan yang lebih rendah dengan tanggungjawab dan tanggung gugat tetap berada pada pemberi mandat. (uu no 30 tahun 2014 tentang administrasi pemerintahan) dari ketiga cara memperoleh kewenangan di atas, untuk kewenangan wakil presiden dalam sistem ketatanegaraan indonesia, tidak ada aturan khusus yang membahas mengenai wewenangnya. pengaturan terkait wewenang wakil presiden hanya diatur dalam undang-undang dasar 1945 dalam pasal 4 ayat 2 yang diatur bahwa “dalam melakukan kewajibannya presiden dibantu oleh satu orang wakil presiden”. terhadap hal ini tidak ada ukuran pasti terkait ukuran pembantuan wakil presiden kepada presiden. pendekatan terkait ukuran pemabantuan wakil presiden hanya dapat dilakukan dengan menafsirkan kalimat pasal 4 ayat 2 undang-undang dasar 1945. dimana secara leksiografi, kata “dibantu” berasal dari kerta kerja “bantu” yang dapat diartikan sebagai tolong, dari kata kerja “bantu” tersbut muncul kata kerja “membantu” yang berarti memberi sokongan (tenaga dan sebagainya) supaya kuat (kukuh, berhasil baik dan sebagainya) (kamus besar bahasa indonesia, 1999: hlm 91). sepadan dengan kata kerja menolong yang berarti 1. membantu untuk meringankan beban (penderitaan, kesukaran dan sebagainya); 2. membantu supaya dapat melakukan sesuatu; 3. melepaskan diri dari (bahaya, bencana dan sebagainya); 4. dapat meringankan (penderitaan dan sebagainya) (kamus besar bahasa indonesia, 1996: hlm 96). yang dimaksud “wakil” adalah kata benda yang berarti 1. orang yang dikuasakan menggantikan orang; 2. orang yang dipilih sebagai utusan negara; duta; 3. orang yang menguruskan perdagangan dan sebagainya untuk orang lain; 4. jabatan yang kedua setelah yang tersebut didepannya(kamus besar bahasa indonesia, 1996: hlm 1123). beranjak dari beberapa arti wakil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa wakil presiden sama dengan orang yang dikuasakan menggantikan presiden dalam kondisis tertentu atau jabatan kedua setelah jabatan presiden. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan wewenang wakil presiden n dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan page 29 dalam kamus hukum, kata “wakil” diartikan sebagai pengganti atau orang kedua yang dapat mengambil keputusan, (andi hamzah, 1986: hlm 627) sedangkan berdasarkan istilah yang digunakan dalam pasal 4 ayat 2 undang-undang dasar 1945 tersebut, yakni kata “dibantu” menunjuk pada kalimat pasif sehingga dapat dipahami bahwa presiden (secara pasif) dibantu oleh wakil presiden dalam melakukan kewajibannya. oleh karna itu, presiden wajib meminta bantuan wakil presiden dalam melaksanakan kewajibannya sedangkan wakil presiden berkewajiban membantu presiden. mengacu pada penafsiran leksiografis-terminologis tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa : 1. kata kerja “dibantu” berpadanan dengan kata kerja “ditolong”’, selanjutnya. 2. sifat dan bantuan wakil presiden tersebut adalah aktif dalam pelaksanaan kewajiban presiden. artinya wakil presiden wajib memberikan bantuannya demi terselenggaranya pelaksanaan tugas yang diemban presiden (dalam hal ini penyelenggaraan pemerintahan negara) 3. bentuk pembantuan dalam arti menolong; meringankan kewajiban presiden, agar pelaksanaan kewajibannya berhasil dengan baik.(mochammad isnaeni ramdhan, 2015: hlm 79). selain hal di atas sebagaimana disebutkan dalam pembahasan tinjauan pustaka bahwa wakil presiden sebagai pembantu presiden dapat memilliki 4 kemungkinan posisi yakni. a. kewenangan wakil presiden sebagai wakil dari presiden. wakil presiden adalah sebagai pejabat yang dapat bertindak sebagai wakil dari presiden yaitu mewakili presiden dalam melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban serta wewenang jabatan presiden terlebih dahulu harus terdapat hal-hal yang menyebabkan presiden berhalangan melaksanakan tugas, kewajiban dan wewenang jabatannya dan sifat dari berhalangan tersebut adalah sementara. secara teoritis, yang menyebabkan presiden berhalangan sementara seperti (harun alrasyid, 1999: hlm 66): sakit, berkunjung, kedaerah, berkunjung ke luar negeri, cuti (istrahat), sibuk (pada acara) dan lain-lain. sebagai pejabat yang mewakili presiden dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenang jabatan presiden, wakil presiden terlebih dahulu harus mendapat perintah atau diberi kuasa oleh presiden, tampa adanya kuasa atau perintah dari presiden, wakil issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan wewenang wakil presiden n dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan page 30 presiden tidak dapat mewakili presiden dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenang jabatan presiden. adanya perintah atau kuasa dari presiden kepada wakil presiden merupakan suatu mandat. presiden sebagai pemberi mandat dan wakil presiden sebagai penerima mandat. sebagai pemberi mandat, presiden kapan saja dapat menarik mandatnya dari wakil presiden sesuai aturan yang berlaku. wakil presiden sebagi penerima mandat harus menjalankan mandat tersebut sesuai dengan isi dan maksud mandat yang diberikan. b. kewenangan wakil presiden sebagai pembantu presiden. untuk mengetahui apa saja yang menjadi wewenang wakil presiden sebagai pembantu presiden, terlebih dahulu harus diketahui apa saja yang menjadi kewajiban dari presiden, hal ini sebagai dasar kewenangan wakil presiden sebagai pembantu presiden. salah satu wewenang presiden diatur dalam pasal 4 ayat (1) yakni: presiden republik indonesia memegang kekuasaan pemerintahan menurut undang-undang dasar, dan pasal (2) uud nri tahun 1945 yakni dalam melakukan kewajibannya presiden dibantu oleh satu orang wakil presiden. dimana apabila ayat kedua tersebut dihubungkan dengan ayat pertama, maka hal ini berarti bahwa wakil presiden memberi bantuan kepada presiden dalam bidang kekeuasaan pemerintahan (eksekutif).(sri soemantri, 1993: hlm 116).dengan demikian, bentuk bantuan wakil presiden kepada presiden adalah bantuan dalam hal melaksanakan undang-undang. hal ini juga bersesuaian dengan sumpah/janji presiden dan/atau wakil presiden yang ditentukan dalam pasal 9 ayat (1) uud nri tahun 1945 yakni: sebelum memangku jabatannya, presiden dan wakil presiden bersumpah menurut agama, atau berjanji dengan sungguh-sungguh di hadapan majelis permusyawaratan rakyat atau dewan perwakilan rakyat sebagai berikut : sumpah presiden (wakil presiden) : demi allah, saya bersumpah akan memenuhi kewajiban presiden republik indonesia (wakil presiden republik indonesia) dengan sebaik-baiknya dan seadiladilnya, memegang teguh undang-undang dasar dan menjalankan segala undang-undang dan peraturannya dengan seluruslurusnya serta berbakti kepada nusa dan bangsa. janji presiden (wakil presiden) : saya berjanji dengan sungguh-sungguh akan memenuhi kewajiban presiden republik indonesia (wakil presiden republik indonesia) dengan sebaik-baiknya dan seadilnya, issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan wewenang wakil presiden n dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan page 31 memegang teguh undang-undang dasar dan menjalankan segala undang-undang dan peraturannya dengan selurus-lurusnya serta berbakti kepada nusa dan bangsa. c. kewenangan wakil presiden sebagai pengganti presiden. sebagai pengganti presiden, seorang wakil presiden tidak lagi disebut wakil presiden, melainkan sebagai presiden, dan juga tidak terjadi rangkap jabatan. artinya adalah dengan mengganti kedudukan presiden yang lowong, wakil presiden terlepas dari jabatan sebagai wakil presiden. sebagai contohnya jika presiden meninggal dunia, meka secara langsung wakil presiden akan menggantikannya sebagai presiden. karena sebagai presiden maka segala kewenangan yang ada pada jabatan presiden adalah menjadi kewenangan presiden pengganti (yang sebelumnya wakil presiden). dari hal di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa wewenang wakil presiden yakni berupa: 1. wewenang yang bersumber atribusi yakni: wewenang wakil presiden sebagai pembantu presiden dan wakil presiden sebagai pengganti presiden, sebagaimana yang telah dijelaskan dalam undang-undang no 30 tahun 2014 tentang administrasi pemerintahan bahwa atribusi adalah pemberian kewenagan kepada badan dan/atau pejabat pemerintahan oleh undangundang dasar negara republik indonesia tahun 1945 atau undang-undang. berangkat dari hal tersebut, dalam pasal 2 undang-undang dasae negara republik indonesia tahun 1945 yakni dalam melakukan kewajibannya presiden dibantu oleh satu orang wakil presiden. 2. wewenang yang bersumber delegasi yakni: wakil presiden sebagai pengganti presiden, dalam menjalankan kewenangannya wakil presiden tidak memerlukan perintah atau persetujuan dari presiden kecuali dikehendaki lain oleh presiden atau peraturan perundang-undangan. pola hubungan presiden dan wakilnya pasca orde baru dan reformasi, mengalami pergeseran sehingga tugas dan wewenang wakil presiden tergantung pada pembagian tugas antara keduanya, dan pembagian itu tetap merupakan beleid atau kebijakan (policy) presiden kepada wakil presiden. 3. wewenang yang bersumber mandat yakni: wewenang wakil presiden sebagai wakil dari presiden, mewakili presiden dalam melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban serta wewenang jabatan presiden terlebih dahulu harus terdapat hal-hal yang menyebabkan presiden berhalangan melaksanakan tugas, issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan wewenang wakil presiden n dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan page 32 kewajiban dan wewenangjabatannya dan sifat dari berhalangan tersebut adalah sementara. sebagai pejabat yang mewakili presiden dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenang jabatan presiden, wakil presiden terlebih dahulu harus mendapat perintah atau diberi kuasa oleh presiden, tampa adanya kuasa atau perintah dari presiden, wakil presiden tidak dapat mewakili presiden dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenang jabatan presiden. adanya perintah atau kuasa dari presiden kepada wakil presiden merupakan suatu mandate. 2. pelaksanaan wewenang wakil presiden dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. pelaksanaan adalah suatu tindakan atau pelaksanaan dari sebuah rencana yang sudah disusun secara matang dan terperinci, implementasi biasanya dilakukan setelah perencanaan sudah dianggap siap. secara sederhana pelaksanaan bisa diartikan penerapan. pelaksaan menurut kamus besar bahasa indonesia diartikan sebagai perbuatan melaksanakan. majone dan wildavsky mengemukakan pelaksanaan sebagai evaluasi. browne dan wildavsky mengemukakan bahwa pelaksanaan adalah perluasan aktivitas yang saling menyesuaikan. (nurdin usman, 2002: hlm 70).pengertian-pengertian di atas memperlihatkan bahwa kata pelaksanaan bermuara pada aktivitas, adanya aksi, tindakan, atau mekanisme suatu sistem. ungkapan mekanisme mengandung arti bahwa pelaksanaan bukan sekedar aktivitas, tetapi suatu kegiatan yang terencana dan dilakukan secara sungguh-sungguh berdasarkan norma tertentu untuk mencapai tujuan kegiatan. d. penutup adapun kesimpulan dari uraian pada pembahasan yang telah di jelaskan pada bab sebelumnya adalah sebgai berikut: 1. kewenangan wakil presiden tidak diatur secara tegas dalam peraturan perundangundangan. wewenang wakil presiden hanya ditemukan dengan menganalisis peraturan perundang-undangan.` dimana ada 3 kewenangan wakil presiden yakni: kewenangan wakil presiden sebagai wakil dari presiden, kewenangan wakil presiden sebagai pembantu presiden, kewenangan wakil presiden sebagai pengganti presiden 2. pelaksanaan kewenangan wakil presiden tergantung sumber dari kewenangan tersebut. kewenangan yang 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tentang prinsip-prinsipnya dilihat dari segi hukum islam, implementasinya pada periode negara medina dan masa kinii, permada media:jakarta. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1628 vol. 6 no.1, december 2021 1 solution for the development of prisoners in class iii gorontalo women's prison sumiyati beddu1*, darmawati1 1 faculty of law, universitas ichsan gorontalo, indonesia *correspondence: sumiyatiumi677@gmail.com article history abstract received: 24.11.2021 accepted: 21.12.2021 published: 27.12.2021 the correctional facility is an implementing agency of the criminal system that has a function to foster citizens of correctional development, including in this case women undergoing an obligatory sentence to participate in a whole series of coaching activities in the correctional institution. this paper aims to look at the implementation of this form of guidance and find the right solution related to the problem of guiding prisoners in women's prisons, especially class iii gorontalo prisons. the results obtained were that the implementation of the existing forms of guidance at the class iii gorontalo women's prison was divided into three stages of coaching, namely the initial stage, the advanced stage and the final stage coaching. to overcome problems in the implementation of coaching women prisoners, synergy is needed between all parties involved, starting from prisoners, correctional officers and related agencies to cooperate with each other in the implementation of training for female prisoners. for this reason, it is necessary to repair and add infrastructure to support coaching activities and to involve officers in prisons through training activities that can support the implementation of coaching. concerning the handicrafts of prisoners, it is also expected to increase marketing through the media, given the condition of covid 19 which limits people from being able to interact directly with prisoners in prison keywords: fostering; women prisoners; correctional institutions article licence copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction penitentiary is a place for prisoners to undergo corporal punishment. in the criminal justice system, prisons function as a place to provide guidance to inmates so that after serving a period of punishment, correctional inmates can realize mistakes, do not repeat crimes that have been committed and can be accepted back in community life. law must avoid the criminal.(salam, 2019) the change of name from prison to correctional institution is expected to achieve the goal of punishment which is integrated with the restoration of the unity of life (rehabilitation) and livelihood (reintegration) for the inmates. based on the provisions stipulated in article 12 of law number 12 of 1995 concerning corrections, it is stated that: "in the context of fostering prisoners in prisons, classification is carried out on the basis of: age, gender, length of sentence imposed, type of crime and other criteria in accordance with the needs and development of development." prison development is a system. as a system, prisoner development has several components that are interrelated and work together to achieve a goal (harsono, 1995). there are four important components in the implementation of prisoner development including: prisoners, families (people who are around prisoners), the community and correctional officers. prison development is always directed at resocialization (unification of relations with the community) with a correctional system based on pancasila and the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia uud 1945 (darmawati, 2019). https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1628 p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 1-5 2 the class iii gorontalo women's correctional institution is one of the prisons under the auspices of the gorontalo province legal and human rights regional office which is tasked with carrying out guidance for female inmates in gorontalo city. the implementation of coaching in prisons has been carried out in accordance with existing procedures, but in practice it is still often found inmates who commit violations in the prison. the existence of a form of violation that occurs makes what is expected from law number 12 of 1995 concerning corrections has not been achieved as a whole. the implementation of coaching in the class iii gorontalo women's prison is carried out by involving all elements ranging from officers and coaches from the prison itself, prisoners and institutions and the community who in this case can contribute in terms of implementing coaching in prisons. regarding the implementation of special guidance for female prisoners, there are no clear guidelines in law number 12 of 1995 concerning corrections or in government regulation number 31 of 1999 concerning guidance and guidance and correctional citizenship. therefore, the implementation of coaching female prisoners in prisons is the same as coaching other prisoners. the purpose of this paper is to look at the implementation of the form of coaching in the class iii gorontalo women's prison and find the right solution related to the problem of coaching prisoners in the women's prison, especially the class iii gorontalo prison. 2. methodology this study uses a normative empirical research method, which looks at the phenomena that occur in the field and relates it to legal norms related to the development of female prisoners. the research location is the class iii women's correctional institution, gorontalo . sources of data are primary data obtained directly in the field and secondary data consisting of legal and statutory literature related to this research. the data obtained were processed and analyzed based on the problems raised to obtain a clear picture of the problems and solutions in terms of the implementation of development in the class iii women's prison gorontalo 3. result and discussion. 3.1 implementation of the form of guidance in class iii correctional institutions gorontalo the process of fostering prisoners begins when prisoners enter the correctional institution until they are released. in the implementation of guidance for female prisoners at the class iii gorontalo correctional institution, it refers to government regulation number 31 of 1999 concerning guidance and guidance of correctional citizens and also refers to the regulations of institutions or agencies in prisons. the implementation of coaching at the class iii gorontalo women's prison begins with the acceptance of prisoners. after the convict is accepted, it is then registered and the identity search is carried out on the inmate. from the results of identity searches, followed by the placement of prisoners in prisons based on observations made by correctional officers. the implementation of the development model at the women's special penitentiary is the same as the coaching model in general. where this is regulated in law number 12 of 1995 concerning corrections and followed up by government regulation number 31 of 1999 concerning guidance and guidance of correctional citizens. if we look at what is the purpose of the implementation of coaching for prisoners is to educate the prisoners to become fully human, aware of their mistakes, correcting and not repeating their criminal acts again so that they can be accepted again in society. to achieve this goal, inmates must follow the entire series of coaching programs in the class iii gorontalo women's prison. the initial phase of guidance carried out by female inmates at the class iii gorontalo women's prison was preceded by a one-month environmental observation and research phase. the female prisoners in prison were introduced to life in prison and explained what their rights and obligations were while serving their sentence in prison. this women is relate to gender norm.(nur dahniar, safrin salam, 2021) based on the provisions of the minimum standard rules (smr) at point 35 it is stated that (zulfa, 2014). a. every prisoner at the time of admission to the correctional institution must be provided with written information about the regulations governing the treatment of prisoners in his category, the disciplinary measures imposed by the prison, the permitted ways of seeking information and filing complaints, and other matters necessary to enable him to obtain information. understand, both their rights and obligations and to adapt to life in prison. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 1-5 3 b. if a prisoner and/or prisoner is illiterate, the above-mentioned information must be conveyed orally. after going through the process of introducing the environment, then the prisoners begin to undergo early stage coaching through personality and independence development. the process of personality development is carried out through religious activities such as khatam quran, as the results of the author's interview with one of the female inmates, initial s (48 years old) stated that we follow the entire series of coaching in prisons, because it is not only useful for myself, but it makes me even better. for example, the activity of completing the quran. obstacles obtained in the implementation of religious development activities are the lack of supporting facilities in terms of the implementation of coaching, for example that for buddhism there is no special means of worship for them so that the implementation of their worship has not run optimally. in fact, if we look at the purpose of this religious development, it is to strengthen the faith and devotion of female prisoners to allah swt so that they can reflect on the consequences of their actions. in addition, religious development activities are also carried out through congregational prayers for muslims, religious counseling, recitations where the implementer of these activities collaborates with the ministry of religion. for christian prisoners, they are provided with religious guidance in the form of bible discussion studies, prayer together, while for buddhists praying together at the monastery with guests from outside the prison. another form of personality development undertaken by female prisoners in the class iii gorontalo women's prison is physical development through morning gymnastics and sports. it aims to maintain the health and fitness of inmates and to create a harmonious relationship between prison officers and inmates. this coaching is carried out every morning starting with morning gymnastics and followed by sports activities that are favored by inmates. the mental development of prisoners cannot be separated from the conditions of prisons, although basically prisons are not the best place for prisoners, the implementation of the correctional system as part of development in the field of law in particular and the national development of the nation in general cannot be separated from the influence of the strategic environmental situation and its development from from time to time, both on a national, regional and international scale (alrianto tajuddin & abung, 2019). after undergoing a period of personality development, it is continued with independence development, where female prisoners in class iii gorontalo women's prison are offered an activity program, namely job development through job guidance. as with personality development, this skill development must be followed by all prisoners. from the results of research in the class iii gorontalo women's prison, information was obtained that this form of self-reliance development activity was carried out in collaboration with third parties through the creation of works of art from paper flowers and tote bags, as well as sewing activities. the obstacle in implementing this skill development is that the handicrafts made by inmates have not been marketed properly because there is no cooperation regarding marketing than the handicrafts made by prisoners. marketing results from the work of female prisoners are only limited to orders from outside the prison. female inmates who have served of their criminal term and have good behavior as evidenced by never being registered in register f are given the opportunity to undergo an assimilation program both inside and outside prison. based on the results of an interview obtained from one of the correctional officers at the class iii gorontalo women's prison, he stated that the assimilation program at the gorontalo women's prison was carried out only inside the prison by employing them in the office / building, so far there have been no female inmates who run the program. assimilation program outside prison. after the inmates go through the initial and advanced stages of development, then enter the final stage of coaching. in this final stage of development, female inmates who have served 2/3 of their criminal term begin implementing the integration program. the integration program that will be carried out by female prisoners includes leave before being released, parole and conditional leave which is carried out outside the prison. in order to be able to participate in the integration program, there are several requirements that must be met by prisoners. the purpose of implementing this final stage of development is to integrate female prisoners into community life. the number of female prisoners in the class iii gorontalo women's prison in december 2020 who met the requirements to carry out the integration program was 6 people, with details of all of them undergoing a parole program. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 1-5 4 3.2 solutions for guiding women convicts in class iii gorontalo prisons the implementation of a series of coaching activities carried out at the class iii gorontalo women's prison certainly encountered obstacles. from the data that the author obtained in the field, out of the 51 correctional officers in the prison, there were 47 people with high school education, 1 diploma, 2 strata 1 people and 1 strata 2. by female inmates with fairly solid conditions. with regard to these problems, correctional officers in prisons should have an adequate level of education and intelligence, this can be done by involving correctional officers through training activities that can support the process of coaching activities in prisons. another thing that needs to be found a solution in the implementation of guidance for female prisoners in the class iii gorontalo women's prison is regarding the supporting facilities and infrastructure in coaching activities. it is necessary to add additional supporting facilities such as places of worship, workshops and so on so that female prisoners can enthusiastically participate in the process of coaching activities in prisons. another thing that needs attention from the implementation of coaching is the marketing of handicrafts produced by female prisoners in prison. due to the covid condition, the marketing of handicraft products has become very limited, this is due to the limited number of visits that can be made in prisons. for that, it is necessary to cooperate with external parties related to the marketing of handicraft products from female prisoners. female inmates who are serving their sentences in prisons are different from male inmates. female inmates certainly have an emotional level (mental and psychic) where they have to adjust to life in prison and also have to think about the condition of the families left behind, especially those who have children. for this reason, in the implementation of the process of fostering female prisoners, it is necessary to provide mentoring and support programs to support all the positive activities they carry out in prisons. this includes providing psychological counseling services to overcome trauma due to imprisonment which will later help them to be able to prepare themselves to return to their families and communities. in addition, the assimilation program is expected to provide opportunities for female prisoners in class iii a gorontalo women's prison who have met the requirements to be able to carry out assimilation programs outside prison so that they can easily integrate back into society 4. conclusion the implementation of the form of coaching at the class iii gorontalo women's prison is carried out the same as other inmates, where all inmates are required to follow a whole series of coaching starting from the initial stage of development, advanced stage of development and final stage of coaching. to overcome obstacles in the implementation of prisoner development, synergy is needed between all parties involved starting from prisoners, correctional officers and related agencies to cooperate with each other in terms of implementing the development of female prisoners. in addition, it is necessary to improve and add infrastructure to support coaching activities and to involve officers in prisons through training activities that can support the implementation of coaching. the inmates' handicrafts are also expected to increase marketing through the media, considering the covid-19 conditions that limit people from being able to interact directly with prisoners in prisons.. daftar pustaka alrianto tajuddin, m., & abung, l. 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(2019). rekonstruksi paradima filsafat ilmu : studi kritis terhadap ilmu hukum sebagai ilmu. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 1-5 5 ekspose: jurnal penelitian hukum dan pendidikan, 18(2), hlm. 885-896. retrieved from https://books.google.co.id/books?hl=id&lr=&id=rf7_dwaaqbaj&oi=fnd&pg=pa1&dq=safrin+salam&ots= dylnjuhxni&sig=rd9c2ndydyi-96xikcjfgxfoahw&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=safrin salam&f=false zulfa, e. a. (2014). naskah akademik rancangan undang-undnag tentang perubahan atas undang-undang nomor 12 tahun 1995 tentang pemasyarakatan. jakarta: bphn. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 3 issue 2, june 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 124 legal analysis of the application of raw clause in an agreement rustam abstract author’s information: the standard agreement for its existence is recognized in trade traffic and has become a habit and need of the community. juridically but the standard agreement does not realize the principle of freedom of contract in full. because consumers to obtain goods or services needed only have two choices, namely accepting or rejecting the standard agreement. while the principle of freedom of contract prioritizes the freedom and equality of every human being. the principle of freedom of contract also implies that the community has the freedom to make agreements in accordance with their respective interests. the principle of freedom of contract is a principle that gives every person the freedom to make or not make an agreement, make an agreement with anyone, determine the contents of the agreement, the implementation and requirements and determine the form of the agreement, namely written or oral. in general, the form of legal protection against the implementation of the standard agreement has been regulated in article 18 of law number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection. the regulation is to provide legal certainty to all the needs of consumers / debtors and to defend their rights if they are harmed by business actors especially in the implementation or implementation of standard agreements. keywords: law; standard clause; agreement universitas ichsan gorontalo, (mrustam37@yahoo.com) doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v3i2.123 1. introduction basically everyone is given freedom by law to enter into an agreement, as stipulated in article 1338 paragraph (1) of the civil code (hereinafter referred to as bw) which stipulates that "all agreements made legally apply as laws invite those who make it ". if seen in the article, it can be seen that article 1338 paragraph (1) bw is the source of the entry into force of the principle of freedom of contract. the principle of freedom of contract is a principle that gives every person the freedom to make or not make an agreement, make an agreement with anyone, determine the contents of the agreement and the requirements and determine the form of the agreement, namely written or oral (salim h.s, 2010: 9). pitlo said the background to the growth of the standard agreement was due to socioeconomic conditions. large companies, and government companies establish cooperation within an organization and for their benefit, conditions are unilaterally determined. the opponents generally have a weak position, both because of their principles and because their ignorance only accepts what is offered (wirjono prodjodikoro, 1976: 35). in such circumstances, the consumer does not have the opportunity to be able to make changes regarding the conditions stated in the agreement, he only has the opportunity to take it or leave it agreement. such agreements are referred to as standard agreements or standard agreements, where the standard agreement is the realization of the existence of the principle of freedom of contract. mailto:mrustam37@yahoo.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.123 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.123 jurnal hukum volkgeist rustam. 2(1): 124-130 125 the standard agreement cannot be separated from the existence of additional clauses, in addition to the main clause contained in the agreement. the additional clause taken by the author in this writing is the exoneration clause. the definition of an exoneration clause is a clause that contains conditions that limit or even completely erase the responsibility that should be borne by the product distributor inclusion of standard clauses in the agreement cannot be denied to be rife by reason of effectiveness and efficiency in transactions. the existence of a standard clause is based on agreement to the agreement so that it acts as an act for the parties. but on the other hand there are opinions that oppose the inclusion of a standard clause in the agreement, especially based on the principle of balance and justice in contracting. the principle of freedom of contract, which in dutch is called vrijheid contracts, implies that people have the freedom to make agreements according to their will and interests. the freedom in question covers (sutan remy sjahdeini, 1993: 47), 1. the freedom of each person to decide whether he will make an agreement or not make an agreement 2. the freedom of each person to choose with whom he will make an agreement 3. freedom of the parties to determine the form of the agreement 4. freedom of the parties to determine the contents of the agreement 5. freedom of the parties to determine how to make an agreement freedom of contract gives the parties the freedom to make agreements in any form or format, both written, oral, non-authentic, unilateral, standard and so on, and with content or substance as desired by the parties. thus according to the principle of freedom of contract, a person generally has a free choice to enter into an agreement (peter mahmud marzuki, 203: 195). the important thing to note is that contractual freedom and the provisions of article 1338 paragraph (1) of the civil code are not independent. the principle is in one complete system and is related to other provisions. the principle of freedom of contract which can be concluded from the provisions of article 1338 paragraph (1) of the civil code is often not in accordance with the facts that apply in the standard agreement made by business actors. in other words there is a gap between theories (das solen), namely the provisions of article 1338 paragraph (1) of the civil code that reflects the principle of freedom of contract and the prevailing reality or practice (das sein), namely the application of standard agreements in agreements by business actors. the standard agreement raises (impresses) the pattern of contractual relationships that are unbalanced and biased. the standard contract has long been a problem that raises pros and cons among legal experts. the problem lies in the clauses set unilaterally by business actors and enacted en masse for consumers. in these clauses, there appears to be an imbalance in the position of business actors and consumers who need funds. in such conditions consumers cannot submit revisions to the agreement clauses offered by business actors. consumers can only accept or reject the contents of the agreement set by the bank. to obtain economic benefits, business actors design agreements that contain unnatural clauses and burden the consumer. in addition, the agreements offered by business actors often contain exoneration clauses or clauses that aim to free or limit the unilateral responsibility of the business actor against the lawsuit of consumers / debtors who carry out their obligations improperly as determined in the agreement. even though jurnal hukum volkgeist rustam. 2(1): 124-130 126 these clauses should provide legal protection for the parties, especially for consumers / debtors as parties whose position is weak. the problem being examined is whether the application of standard clauses in an agreement reflects the principle of freedom of contract and how is the legal protection for consumers towards the application of standard clauses in an agreement. 2. method the type of research used in this paper is normative research. this research was carried out based on existing legal principles and legal regulations (normative). it focuses on the study of the application of standard clauses in an agreement and forms of legal protection for consumers in the application of standard clauses in an agreement. the sources of primary legal material in this paper include: civil code and consumer protection act while secondary legal material sources used in this study are in the form of theses, theses, dissertations, literature books, legal journals and writings in particular those that relating to the inclusion of standard clauses in an agreement. the source of tertiary legal material in this writing comes from dictionaries, encyclopedias and so on, especially those related to the baku agreement. in this study, the technique of obtaining legal materials is used, namely through library research (library research), where researchers conduct searches in the form of legislation concerning the baku agreement, scientific works and so on that have to do with the subject matter in this study. legal material analyzed in the form of legal issues relating to the application of standard clauses in an agreement. by first describing the facts in the field regarding the implementation of standard clauses in an agreement. furthermore, the results will be interpreted using deductive thinking, namely a way to draw conclusions that depart from general discussion towards specific discussions. after that, the researcher will give a prescription regarding the application of the standard clause in an agreement 3. research results and discussion the results should summarize (scientific) findings of the study. it should be written in clear and concise. the separation or com-bination of results and discussion is accepted. if the result is separated into some subheadings, the subheading should be numbered as following example: the background underlying the inclusion of the standard clause in an agreement was initially born in order to support the efficiency and effectiveness of the contract. soedjono dirdjosisworo argues that the standard agreement (contrac standard), basically is the standardization or standardization of transactions so that transactions can be carried out quickly. therefore, the agreed conditions are standardized, meaning that they are set as a benchmark for each party that makes an agreement with the businessman concerned. in the civil code itself there are no provisions that provide an understanding of the standard clause. the standard clause is built on the opinions of legal scholars who develop in doctrines and writings that discuss this matter. however, basically there is no uniformity of understanding among legal scholars. however, through the opinions below, it can be described about what is meant by the standard clause. a standard contract is a written contract made only by one of the parties to the contract, so usually the standard contract is very biased. to be able to cancel it needs to jurnal hukum volkgeist rustam. 2(1): 124-130 127 highlight whether with the contract there has been an erosion of the bargaining position, so that the existence of an element of "agreement" between the parties is actually not fulfilled. before the researcher examines further about the inclusion of a standard clause in an agreement relating to the principle of freedom of contract, it is better to first examine the opinions of legal experts both pro and contra of the standard agreement. opinions that are pro against the enforceability of standard clauses, namely stein, state that a standard agreement can be accepted as an agreement based on the fiction of willingness and trust (fictie van wil en vertouwen) which arouses trust that the parties bind themselves to the agreement, if the debtor accepts the agreement voluntarily agree to the agreement (mariam darus badrulzaman: 58). meanwhile, asser ruten added that a person is bound to a standard contract because he has signed the contract, so he must be considered aware, and he wants and is therefore responsible for the contents of the contract. so each person who signs a contract is responsible for what content is signed, so that if there is someone who signs the standard contract form, the signature will raise the belief that the signatory knows and wants the contents of the signed form. because, it is not possible for people to sign what is unknown. meanwhile, hondius added that the standard agreement has a binding power based on habits (gebruik), which applies to the community and trade traffic. munir fuady (2007: 60) argues that the existence of a standard clause cannot be completely banned, because even though it has the potential to violate the doctrine of contract law, it can also justify some other contractual legal principles, besides the reasons for contractual freedom that are very commonly used in court. some principles of civil law that strongly support the existence of a standard contract, namely legal principles as follows. 1. principles of agreement on the wishes of the parties 2. the principle of risk assumption from the parties 3. principles of obligation to read (duty to read) and, 4. the principle of contract follows habits. the notion that contradicts the standard agreement is sluitjer, saying that this standard agreement is not an agreement, because the position of the entrepreneur in the agreement is like a private law maker (legio particulary wetgever). the conditions specified by the employer in the agreement are laws not agreements (mariam darus badrlzaman, 1994: 52). furthermore pitlo said that the standard agreement was a forced agreement (dwang contrac). although it is theoretically juridical, this standard agreement does not meet the provisions of the law and is rejected by some lawyers. but in reality, community needs run in the direction that is against the law. the researcher himself in this case does not side with either of these two understandings. on the one hand, researchers see more that the standard agreement is theoretically juridical in contravention of the principle of freedom of contract with the failure of the provisions of the governing law. but on the other hand it cannot be denied that the developments that occur regarding this matter, where in reality, people's needs tend to run in the direction opposite to the wishes of the law and even become a prevailing habit in the community and trade traffic, taking into account good efficiency factors in terms of costs, energy and time, and others. but in this case, the use of this standard agreement should not be allowed to grow wildly and therefore needs to be regulated, with the main consideration being on the aspect of protection for debtors / consumers. jurnal hukum volkgeist rustam. 2(1): 124-130 128 if it is examined more deeply about how the standard agreement is issued, it does not juridically fulfill the elements required by article 1320 jo 1338 paragraph 1 of the civil code. based on the provisions of article 1320 of the civil code, an agreement is declared valid if it has fulfilled 4 (four) cumulative conditions. the four conditions for the validity of the agreement include. akat agree between those who commit themselves. this means that the parties making the agreement have agreed or agreed on the main matters or material agreed upon. and the agreement is considered to be non-existent if given due to mistakes, mistakes, coercion or fraud. skills for making an engagement. the meaning of the word proficiency referred to in this case is that the parties have been declared mature by law, namely in accordance with the provisions of the civil code, those who are 21 years old, have been or have been married. capable also means an adult, healthy mind, and is not prohibited by a law to do a certain act. and people who are considered incompetent to do legal acts, namely: people who are not mature, according to article 1330 of the civil code jo. article 47 of law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage; people who are placed under guardianship, according to article 1330 jo. article 433 kuperdata; and people who are prohibited by law from carrying out certain legal acts such as those who have been declared bankrupt by the court. certain things. that is, in making an agreement, what is agreed upon must be clear so that the rights and obligations of the parties can be determined. a cause that is halal. that is, an agreement must be based on legal reasons that do not conflict with the provisions of article 1337 of the civil code, namely: • not contrary to public order; • does not conflict with decency; and • not against the law. legal protection for consumers regarding the application of standard clauses in an agreement. agreements in the field of business that are generally in the form of standards are always memorable as unbalanced agreements. this is seen by the fact that the various models of standard agreements are often dominated by options that benefit one party, especially those whose economic position is strong. inclusion of standard clauses in the agreement cannot be denied to be rife by reason of effectiveness and efficiency in transactions. the existence of a standard clause is based on agreement to the agreement so that it acts as an act for the parties. but on the other hand there are opinions that oppose the inclusion of a standard clause in the agreement, especially based on the principle of balance and principle of justice and the principle of freedom of contract in contract. in connection with the principle of freedom of contract as stipulated in article 1338 paragraph 1 of the civil code which reads "all agreements made legally apply as laws for those who make them". on this basis, in the implementation of contracts, especially in the field of business, an agreement or contract that is efficient in terms of time, cost and labor is needed and is effective in terms of content or agreement, business actors often use standard / standard contracts). but in practice, especially in the standard / standard agreement in the agreement associated with the making of unilateral standard agreements raises various problems where the content or content of the standard agreement shows an imbalance in the bargaining position between the parties. the position between the debtor and creditor is jurnal hukum volkgeist rustam. 2(1): 124-130 129 often lame, where we often find that the contents of the agreement are made with words that are difficult to understand and made in small print. the explanation given by the creditor is also incomplete and unclear so that the debtor only understands a small part of the standard agreement. often the agreement is only read at a glance and the creditor provides a not-so-deep understanding even though the juridical consequences are high so the debtor often does not know what is his right. often we find the fact that debtors do not know the nature of making a standard agreement. the debtor or new consumer knows the consequences of jurisdiction where the standard agreement made by the creditor is more concerned with the interests of the business actor than the consumer. the standard agreement, especially in the practice of the business world is actually still justified and various legislation has actually provided protection to consumers and business actors in a balanced manner. if we carefully examine and construct in article 18 of act number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection which reads: "(1) business actors in offering goods and / or services intended for trading are prohibited from making or including standard clauses in each document and / or agreement if. a. declare the transfer of responsibility of the business actor b. states that business actors have the right to refuse the return of goods purchased by consumers; c. states that the business actor has the right to refuse the return of money paid for goods and / or services purchased by consumers; d. declare power of attorney from consumers to business actors both directly and indirectly to take all unilateral actions relating to goods purchased by consumers in installments; e. regulate the matter of proof of loss of use of goods or utilization of services purchased by consumers; f. giving rights to business actors to reduce service benefits or reduce consumer assets that are the object of buying and selling services; g. states the consumer's submission to regulations in the form of new rules, additions, continuations and / or further amendments made unilaterally by the business actor in the period the consumer uses the services he buys; h. states that the consumer authorizes the business actor to charge mortgages, liens, or collateral rights to the goods purchased by the consumer in installments. (2) business actors are prohibited from including a standard clause whose location or shape is difficult to see or cannot be read clearly or whose disclosure is difficult to understand 4. conclusion the standard agreement for its existence is recognized in trade traffic and has become a habit and need for the community. juridically but the standard agreement does not realize the principle of freedom of contract in full. because consumers to obtain goods or services needed only have two choices, namely accepting or rejecting the standard agreement. while the principle of freedom of contract prioritizes the freedom and equality of every human being. the principle of freedom of contract also implies that the community has the freedom to make agreements in accordance with their respective interests. freedom includes: the freedom of the parties to decide whether to make an agreement or not, freedom to choose with whom to make an agreement, freedom to determine the form of the agreement, freedom to determine the contents of the agreement, and freedom to determine how to make an agreement in general, the form of legal protection against the implementation of the standard agreement has been regulated in article 18 of law number 8 of 1999 concerning jurnal hukum volkgeist rustam. 2(1): 124-130 130 consumer protection. the regulation is to provide legal certainty to all the needs of consumers / debtors and to defend their rights if they are harmed by business actors especially in the implementation or implementation of standard agreements. the aim is to place the position of consumers on par with business actors. according to the researcher if the implementation of the standard agreement there are differences in the interpretation of the standard contract formulations made by the parties, one legal effort can be made to become a defense or legal protection for consumers so that the implementation of the standard agreement does not burden one party in contracting, especially consumers then the standard contract formulation must use the interpretation of the agreement that does not favor the standard contract maker. the interpretations referred to are: 1). if there is a conflict between the standard clause and the non-standard clause in an agreement then the non-standard agreement is used. 2). the interpretation of the standard clause must be for the loss of the party providing the standard contract. 3). the interpretation of the standard clause must be done by looking more at the parties' intentions than just looking at the words in the contract. references ahmadi, miru. (2011). principles of legal protection for consumers in indonesia. jakarta: raja grafindo persada. badrulzaman, mariam, d. (1993). the principle of freedom of contract and the relation to the standard agreement in the media magazine notariat no. 28-29 vii year july-october. badrulzaman, mariam, d. (1994). various business laws. bandung: alumni. badrulzaman, mariam, d. (1980). raw agreement (standaard), its development in indonesia, speech of inauguration of professors' position. bandung: pt. alumni. munir, fuady. (2007). contract law "from the viewpoint of business law. bandung: citra aditya bakti. marzuki, peter m. (2003). freedom of contract contracts. juridika. salim, h.s. (2010). contract law theory and contract preparation techniques. jakarta: sinar grafika. sjahdeini, sutan, r. (1993). freedom of contract and balanced protection for parties to the bank credit agreement in indonesia. jakarta: indonesian banker institute. suharnoko (2005). agreement law: case theory and analysis. jakarta: kencana. wiryono prodjodikoro. (1985). asas-asas hukum agreement. bandung: bale. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 3 issue 2, june 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 111 price agreement and market provision between principal and distributor in the constitution no. 5, 1999 ria permata sukma abstract author’s information: market structure is one of the things that determines potential occurance of price fixing. market characteristics with large entry barriers for newcomers causing difficulties for competitors to enter so that there are no substitutes. distributor is one of the business actors namely a national trading company that acts for and in its own name based on an agreement with the principal to make purchases, storage, sales and marketing of goods and/or services. there are pricing activities in business activities carried out by distributors with their networks in controlled markets, so the main issue in this study is whether the pricing is included in the price fixing agreement which is prohibited by the law prohibition of monopolistic practices and unfair business competition. the approach used to analyze the problem is statute and conceptual approach to examine and find legal concepts that are relevant to the issues raised, thus finding a way out and produce solution for business actors to become more competitive and avoid anticompetitive behavior. keywords: business competition, price fixing, market share, distributors, principals magister hukum universitas airlangga surabaya, (riapermatasukma1@gmail.co m) doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2. 121 1. introduction developments arising from the globalization process pose new challenges that require separate solutions including in the field of law. the development of indonesian economic law in essence must refer to the formulation of article 33 of the 1945 constitution that the economy is prepared based on family principles, and production branches which are important for the state and society are controlled by the state, and all natural resources are used entirely for the welfare of the people. in order to realize this prosperity, the interests of the people as consumers must be considered one of which is through conducive economic activities, and run optimally. economic activity is an activity carried out by humans to obtain goods and services. sellers and buyers meet to obtain goods and services in the market that are currently developing very rapidly because of innovation, research and developments by businesses to perfect their products and meet the needs and desires of consumers for a product. due to the demands of this development, the conditions of competition among business people have become increasingly stringent. the state requires equal opportunity for citizens to be involved in the process of production and marketing of goods or services in a healthy business climate so that the behavior of business actors is regulated in business competition law through law number 5 of 1999 concerning prohibition of monopolistic practices and business competition no healthy (law no. 5 of 1999). the enactment of law no. 5 of 1999 is to maintain the continuity of competition among business actors in order to stay alive and to be acknowledged. in other words, the purpose of business competition is also to protect competition itself by abolishing or mailto:riapermatasukma1@gmail.com mailto:riapermatasukma1@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.121 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.121 jurnal hukum volkgeist ria permata sukma. 3(2): 111-117 112 preventing the restraint or limitation of private and public businesses that can cause or harm the competition process (l. budi kagramanto, 2012: 13) the next objective is to protect the competition system what is on the market like what has long happened in the united states, by applying competitive preserve systems. based on the need to reduce the negative excesses that may arise from business people, the objective to be achieved by making various regulations concerning the prohibition of monopoly and unfair business competition, as practiced by developed countries is to maintain competition. business competition is maintained for the sake of achieving efficiency, both for the community as consumers and for the company. competition will encourage each company to carry out its activities as efficiently as possible in order to be able to sell goods and / or services at prices that compete with other companies that are competitors in the market. in the definition of business competition, besides covering business competition law, it also includes deregulation, foreign direct investment, and other policies aimed at supporting business competition such as reducing restrictions on the quantification of imports and aspects of ownership (intellectual property) uu no. 5 of 1999 is present with the need that the state guarantees the integrity of the business competition process against interference from business actors by drafting a law that prohibits businesses from changing trade barriers by a state that has just been abolished by the private sector. the principle of law no. 5 of 1999 as stipulated in article 2 is economic democracy. democracy means having its own peculiarities, namely realizing the interests of society by all people by serving the welfare of the community itself. in connection with this principle, it is necessary to understand that the legislation in the field of antimonopoly does not only aim to protect business competition in the interest of competition itself. article 3 of law no. 5 of 1999 states that the purpose of establishing this law is to: a. safeguarding public interests and increasing national economic efficiency as one of the efforts to improve people's welfare; b. realizing a conducive business climate through sound business competition arrangements so as to ensure the certainty of the same business opportunities for large business actors, medium business actors, and small business actors; c. prevent monopolistic practices and or unfair competition caused by business actors; and d. creating effectiveness and efficiency in business activities. the process of business competition can achieve these objectives by means of limited resource efficiency, adjusting product capacity with production methods and demand structures and adjusting the supply of goods and services to consumer interests (business competition regulatory functions), by ensuring optimal economic growth, technological progress and stable price level (function of driving business competition) and by channeling income according to market performance based on marginal productivity (distribution function) (. abdul hakim g. nusantara, 1999: 105). basically the steps taken to achieve the objectives of the establishment of the law must remain within the corridor permitted by the applicable legislation. in this era of globalization and transparency, the results of fair business competition cannot only benefit certain groups, but with the rules regarding the prohibition of monopolistic practices and unfair business competition, the interests and welfare of consumers will automatically be guaranteed and increased. theoretically, business competition law will benefit consumers on the one hand and develop a better business climate for business people on the other. in the consumer perspective, with the prohibition of monopolistic practices, the consumer gains, namely. jurnal hukum volkgeist ria permata sukma. 3(2): 111-117 113 1. ease to choose alternative goods or services offered; 2. prices of goods or services will tend to be cheaper with competition among business actors; and 3. services that compete between business actors at first, prices are seen as the things that most influence consumer behavior in the selection of a product both goods or services. therefore the strategy used to dominate the market by business actors in general is to play a price on the market. prices are payments for goods or services that do not only cover basic costs or services, but also must include additional costs such as discounts or delays in payments (asri ernawati, 2004: 23). this is based on the fact that payments in return for goods or services must be fully determined by free business competition. the price mechanism is a process that runs on the basis of the style or force of attraction between consumers and producers that meet on the market. at one time, the price of an item or service might rise because the consumer's attraction becomes stronger, that is, consumers ask for more of the goods or services. conversely the price of an item or service falls when consumer demand weakens. price mechanism is very closely related to pricing. pricing does not only occur due to production factors, but also comes from the location of sales, the size of the market, the uniqueness of a product, the brand of an item, the holder of a patent, and the way of selling (marshall c. howard, 1964: 23). pricing agreements can easily be done in certain markets compared to other practices, however it is very possible that the pricing cannot work at all in other markets. this is important to know because pricing agreements are usually clandestine agreements and are often very difficult to detect. it takes a good economic instinct to create law enforcement in the related market which is most conducive to price fixing. price fixing that occurs vertically or horizontally is considered as a restraint of trade, which has a negative effect on price competition. in other words, if price fixing is done, freedom to determine prices independently becomes reduced. known 2 (two) kinds of pricing, horizontal pricing (horizontal price fixing) (rs khemani, 1999: 27), occurs when more than one company is at the same stage of production, thus one company with another is a competitor that determines the price sell their products at the same level. the second pricing is the vertical price fixing, which occurs when a company is in a certain stage of production, determines the price of the product that must be sold by other companies that are in the lower production stage. pricing is carried out by business actors in the market. markets with ideal conditions are considered to guarantee the realization of optimal production of goods or services known as perfect competition markets. market structure is a market condition that provides guidance on aspects that have an important influence on the behavior of business actors and market performance, including the number of sellers and buyers, market entry and exit barriers, product diversity, distribution systems, and market share control. market structure is one of the things that determines the potential for pricing. the characteristics of the market with large barriers to entry for migrant business actors (barriers to entry) make it difficult for competitors to enter so that substitute goods are not available in the market. market conditions with obstacles cause the old players in the relevant market (incumbent) most likely to make a price fix. for example, conditions in the motorized bicycle market are one of the increasingly popular and widespread use of technology products. supported by the improved land development sector, motorized bicycles are one of the types of needs that are in high demand today. honda is one of the jurnal hukum volkgeist ria permata sukma. 3(2): 111-117 114 motorcycle brands with a majority market share compared to its competitors (complete aisi data 2009-2018). for the east java and ntt areas the distribution is held by pt mpm distributor. sales of honda brand motorcycles are targeted to increase every year in accordance with the obligations given by pt astra honda motor (ahm) as the principal. as a distributor, pt mpm has a registered network to receive motorcycle unit distribution from the principal. in the distribution process the network has an obligation to sell motorcycle units at predetermined prices. principals provide prices to distributors, distributor companies deliver and ensure prices to their networks. the price is the on the road price (otr) which is the purchase price of a motor vehicle after all vehicle taxes and various documents (stnk and bpkb) are added. 2. pricing agreement as a distribution strategy a business will not be great if the distributor does not function properly, so it is very important to create conducive conditions between the principal and the distributor. so far, the distributor is considered to be in an inferior position from the principal. principal and distributor relations do not always go easily because of the very minimal provision of net margins to distributors while the demand for increased service as a method to increase product engagement with consumers is increasingly high. often if there are obstacles in the distribution or marketing process of a product, mistakes are imposed on the performance of distributors, who are considered unable to control the market so that the market share is limited. though many things affect whether or not a product is accepted in the market, the most dominant is the presence of competitors. the activities of competitors in carrying out branding on their products are sometimes difficult to predict by principals, not infrequently such errors are bestowed on distributors the responsibility of distributors to principals is basically to the limits of spreading (spread), coverage, and penetration to the market. but principals often intervene in determining distributor strategies to fulfill their responsibilities, and some distributors do not object to this. for example, the principal specifically monitors the distribution process by placing supervisor areas in each distributor's marketing location. in fact, this kind of relationship between principals and distributors is one of the anticipatory or preventive actions of the principal to minimize friction with the distributor. mistakes of distributors that are often carried out such as submission of forecast demand that are unfounded and difficult to be realized by the distributors themselves, payments to retained principal products even though there are guarantees given by distributors to principals, price games made by distributors themselves with their networks, poor service from distributors to their networks or to consumers if through a direct distribution process that affects the brand image of the principal's products. therefore, in the agreement between the principal and the distributor, it is also usually stipulated about the marketing strategy proclaimed. through this program, principals will not easily break their business relationships with distributors, on the contrary if the distributor manages to establish good relations with the principal through fulfilling the marketing targets provided by the principal, the bank guarantee benefits that are deposited to the principal become minimal. as explained in the previous chapter that in carrying out its business activities, the principal gives the price agreed upon by the distributor. the price component here consists of a list of prices, rebates or discounts, special discounted prices, payment periods, and price credit terms (philip kotler and kevin lane keller, 2007: 23). in setting prices agreed upon by principals and distributors there are steps taken by both, including. jurnal hukum volkgeist ria permata sukma. 3(2): 111-117 115 a. choose a pricing goal the company decides where to position its market offer. the clearer the goal of a company, the easier it is to set prices. b. determining requests each price will produce a different level of demand and therefore have a different influence on the marketing objectives of a company. c. estimating costs the request determines the highest price limit that the company can charge for its product. d. analyze competitors' costs, prices and offers in the range of price possibilities determined by market demand and company costs, the company must take into account the costs, prices and possible reaction of competitor prices. e. choose a pricing method with the schedule of customer requests, cost functions, and competitor prices, the company is now ready to choose prices. f. choose the final price pricing methods narrow the space that companies must use to choose the final price. in choosing this final price the company must consider additional factors which include the impact of other marketing activities, company pricing policies, pricing that share profits and risks, and the impact of prices on other parties 3. distributor obligations in improving performance through market share / market mastery strategies in the marketing strategy set by principals, distributors are also burdened with the obligation to continue to improve their permits by increasing market share so that the principals can be guaranteed that their products will be easily channeled to the market so that demand from distributors will automatically increase against the principal's products. in an economic perspective, companies that have market power have the ability to raise prices above marginal costs, marginal costs themselves are a condition of rising total costs caused by the production of one unit of output. the greater the market power possessed by the company, the greater the price difference will be towards marginal costs. so that the higher the market power possessed by a company, the more inefficient the market will be (ayu sitoresmi, 2012: 20). mastery of market share and excellence in financial terms, access range, efficiency, technology and so on can make a business actor have a dominant position in a relevant market. based on this, having a dominant position is an achievement for business actors. business competition law is a law that regulates the interaction of a company or business actor in the market. in business competition law to be superior (market leader) is not prohibited, businesses will certainly be encouraged to innovate and efficiency in terms of producing quality products at competitive prices in order to obtain a superior position (market leader) from other business actors in a relevant market. competition is what drives business actors to become dominant business actors. however, by having a dominant position, the business actor has the potential to carry out anti-competitive actions in the form of abuse of dominant position (abuse of dominant position), this is due to his dominant position that the business actor can easily take actions that affect jurnal hukum volkgeist ria permata sukma. 3(2): 111-117 116 market dynamics (supply and demand ) widely without being affected by other business actors. this action ultimately has the potential to threaten the sustainability of fair and effective business competition in a relevant market. talking about the distributor's obligation to improve performance through market share / market share, the behavior of distributors in carrying out their business activities must be considered. the misuse of the market share can be seen from the strategic behavior of the business actors. strategic behavior is a concept of how a company can reduce the level of competition that comes from existing competitors and potential competitors that will enter the relevant market. this strategic behavior is basically aimed at increasing the profits of business actors, which include pricing and quality, pursuing market share, and widening capacity to narrow the competition for competitors. the application of strategic behavior aimed at inhibiting competition by business actors can have a negative impact on both competition and consumers 4. impact of dominant position of distributors as market leaders ownership of a dominant position by a distributor company is not prohibited as long as the business actor in achieving his dominant position in the relevant market is carried out in his own capacity in a justified manner. business competition law on this matter focuses on maintaining fair business competition in the relevant market and encourages business actors to become business actors who have a dominant position through fair and effective business competition. having a dominant position of a business actor has the ability to influence market conditions independently by pricing, controlling production or marketing of important parts of the products requested. the ownership of a dominant position in this case by a new distributor is prohibited if with the dominant position it has, the business actor carries out anti-competitive actions that can lead to unfair competition in the relevant market. in business competition law there are 2 (two) forms of abuse of dominant position, namely exploitative abuse (exclutionary abuse) and exclutionary abuse. in the event that a distributor company becomes a market leader, the opportunity to abuse a dominant position can be done through the selection of consumers and business partners based on the principle of discrimination on the basis of economic (business) and non-economic considerations. distributors choose their networks as business partners without objective reasons that clearly accept or reject them at will. for example because of differences in ethnicity, race, social status and others. misuse of dominant positions always occurs in the same industry, among companies that have a dominant position, with distributors, suppliers and retailers (hanif nur widhiyanti, 2015: 406) therefore, to ensure that abuse of dominant positions by distributors as market leaders must be proven fulfillment of the dominant position limit conditions which is equal to 50% for one or a group of business actors, or 75% for two or three business actors or groups of business actors 5. conclusion the prohibition on pricing agreements and market control is regulated in law no. 5 of 1999. the behavior of principals and distributors who make price-fixing agreements that can affect consumer behavior towards a product, if proven to result in loss of competition so as to have an adverse effect on consumers and the economy as a whole, is considered contrary to law no. 5 of 1999. likewise with market control that makes a jurnal hukum volkgeist ria permata sukma. 3(2): 111-117 117 distributor have a dominant position, it must be ensured that his achievement in that position is due to his own ability and is not misused. references bertents. 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(2001). business competition law in indonesia. jakarta: research center for the supreme court. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 2, 2021 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 160 moronene indigenous recognition and protection regulation hukaea laea in bombana county bakri sulaiman1, abrar saleng1, kahar lahae1 abstract author’s information: regulations on the recognition and protection of customary law communities are not always effective. this study was to determine the concept of recognition and protection of the customary law community in rawa aopa watumohai national park. this research is a normative legal research. the results of the research are first, the law still provides conditional recognition of indigenous peoples, which limits their space. second, that the recognition and protection of the customary mha of moronene hukaea laea in bombana regency has not been maximized. they have received recognition and protection through a recognition of perda, but their customary territory st i l l has the status of designating a national park area, so they cannot use it as customary land. keyword: recognition, protection, indigenous people s. 1fa culty of la w, ha sa nuddin university, indonesia e-ma il: (bakrisulaiman083@gmail.com ) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.1203 1. introduction the term'indigenous peoples' became known around the world and became increasingly recognized by many countries, after the international labour organization (ilo) declared the convention concerning indigenous and tribal peoples in independent countrieson 27 june 1989. the term indigeneous peoples³ used in the ilo convention 169 was also adopted by the world bank in the implementation of development funding projects in a number of countries, especially in third countries, such as in latin america, africa, and asia pacific. today, about 370 million people who are members of the indigenous legal community living in more than 70 countries around the world, make up 5% of the world's population. meanwhile, 80% of the total diversity ofhaya ti on the planet is thriving in 22% of the earth's territory which is the residence of indigenous legal peoples. the researchers stated that when biodiversity is threatened, it will also threaten the relationship between indigenous peoples and their homelands that have been long and hereditary, and will threaten the health and welfare of indigenous peoples. the continued environmental damage jeopardizes their continued relationship with the environment that has been practiced for thousands of years, such as collecting medicines, hunting, fishing, and agricultural activities (corntassel & bryce, 2012). recognition(erkenning) terminology means the process, manner, act of confessing or admitting, while admitting means 'declaring entitlement'. recognition in the context of the existence of a state, namely the existence of a state or government that manifestly exercises effective power in a region called de facto recognition, in addition to legal mailto:indah.kusuma@um.buton.ac.id https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.1203 jurnal hukum volkgeist bakri sulaiman. 5(2): 160-166 161 recognition (dejure)followed by certain legal actions, such as diplomatic exchanges and the making of treaties of the two countries (abubakar, 2013). kelsen, in his book "generaltheory of law and state", describes confession in relation to the existence of a state as follows: there are two actions in a confession, namely political action and legal action. political action to recognize a country (read: the existence of indigenous legal peoples-writers)means the state recognizes and intends to establish political relations and other relationships with the recognized community, while legal action is the procedure put forward above established by international law (read: national law-author)to establish state facts (read: indigenous peoples-writers)in a case kongkret. recognition of the existence of indigenous peoples varies greatly from sector to sector as well as forms of recognition of the existence of indigenous peoples by different local governments. in addition to policies governing the existence of indigenous legal communities, there are also international agreements that have been partially ratified into the policy of the indonesian law and also discourses at the national level regarding the form of recognition of the existence of indigenous legal peoples (salam, 2016). the basic agrarian law of 1960 has tried to realize the recognition of customary law, meaning that customary law is seated in the national legal system. but in practice the application and regulation of its derivatives, is far from reality. according to syamsudin (2008), state law has a different perspective to customary law. in particular, revitalization should be done by looking at customary law as a source of law (abubakar, 2013). the discussion of this paper is more on the context of the custodiness and protection of the indigenous people of moronene hukaea laea in bombana regency. 2. research methods on the basis of these problems, this research is normative legal research, and the search for materials is more emphasized on primary legal materials, namely the relevant legislation used to see and determine how far mha moronene hukaea laea in bombana district has recognition and protection as legal standing. in addition, secondary and tertiary materials are also used, namely various materials, concepts available in various relevant textbooks. 3. regulation of recognition and protection of indigenous peoples of moronene hukaea laea in bombana regency there are 2 (two) main issues why the regulation of recognition and protection of indigenous peoples has not been effective. based on the academic text of the draft law on indigenous peoples, states that the text of recognition and constitutional protection of indigenous peoples still leaves two main issues: a. first,recognition of indigenous peoples is put on the conditions as long as it is alive, in accordance with the development of the community and the principles of the republic of indonesia. this requirement also stems from the requirements that have been introduced by the law under it. on many sides, the normative requirement becomes an obstacle to the recognition and protection of the existence of the rights of indigenouspeoples, because the phrase "as long as it is alive and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia" in fact causes the recognition effort itself to stop jurnal hukum volkgeist bakri sulaiman. 5(2): 160-166 162 more on the discourse concerning indicators of these requirements. some operational laws and regulations do not even have similar indicators to translate the constitutional requirements of the existence of indigenous peoples. b. second, the constitution introduces two terms, namely unity of indigenous peoples (article 18 b paragraph 2) and traditional society (article 28 i paragraph 3). there is absolutely no explanation for both terms. law no. 6 of 2014 on villages has tried to translate article 18 b paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution by introducing "indigenous villages" as the equivalent of "unity of indigenous peoples." but it turns out that the application of the law still leaves the main issue concerning the social unit of indigenous peoples, where the term indigenous people can not be accommodated perfectly in the terminology "indigenous village" introduced by the village law. meanwhile, in the draft report on the legal review of the mechanism of recognition of indigenous peoples law states that the recognition and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples is important, because it must be recognized the traditional side of indigenous legal people born and has existed long before the unitary state of the republic of indonesia was formed (sukirno, 2013). but in the development of traditional rights that must conform to the principles and spirit of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia through normative requirements in the legislation itself. on many sides, the normative requirements become constraints on the existence of the rights of indigenous peoples, because: 1) first, in the practice of organizing development, the formulation of the phrase "as long as it is alive and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia" is interpreted that the presence of the rights of indigenous peoples as a recognized institution as long as it does not conflict with the spirit of development, so that there is an impression of the government ignoring the rights of indigenous peoples. while factually in the community there is a spirit of reaffirming the rights of indigenous peoples. 2) second, in the 1945 constitution it is stated that the traditional rights of indigenous peoples are respected as long as they are alive and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the unitary st ate of the republic of indonesia, which are stipulated in the law. the issue that arises is the law on what or how the arrangement regarding the recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples. that is, it is still unclear what the legal form or substance of the arrangement is. so there are regulated in the law, but there are also general arrangements at the local level that are set out in the respective localregulations. article 18b of the 1945 constitution states that "the state recognizes and respects the unity of the mha and its traditional rights as long as it is alive and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the republic of indonesia, which are stipulated in the law". the phrase "regulated in law" indicates that a form of recognition and respect for the mha and its traditional rights is exercised "in law", not "by law". the point is that the arrangement does not require a specific law on the recognition, but it is done in various laws, and this has been done by indonesia. previous descriptions have addressed various laws governing the recognition and respect of mha rights, both in the context of governance and in the context of human and cultural rights. all laws governing land and natural wealth have governed the recognition and respect of the existence and rights of the mha. jurnal hukum volkgeist bakri sulaiman. 5(2): 160-166 163 as stated above that the arrangement of further arrangements and determination of the existence and rights of the mha is a regional authority. in that, the appropriate legal form for the regulation and determination of the existence and rights of mha is the product of local law, especially local regulations (perda). there are even sectoral laws such as forestry and plantations that require the existence of a regulation to recognize the existence and rights of mha. thus, local governments, especially districts / cities need to be encouraged to immediately establish a regulation related to the recognition of the existence and rights of mha (muezzin, 2014). the reason for the delegation of regulatory authority was based on the diversity of mha conditions in each region. uniformity of its arrangements in the form of universal laws is considered inappropriate because it is not necessarily relevant to certain areas that do not have or no more mha. even for areas that have mha, the conditions are different. there are districts / cities even provinces that have the same mha as minangkabau called nagari, aceh called mukim, java called the village. but there are also many districts / cities that have different forms of mha unity. therefore the model or arrangement should also be distinguished. based on the differences in the existence and condition of mha in each region in indonesia, it can be distinguished by the regulatory model of recognition and respect for the existence and rights of mha as follows: a) for areas where the condition of indigenous peoples homogeneous regulatory model can be done by forming a regulation on the existence and rights of mha. b) for areas where the condition of the indigenous legal community heterogeneous regulatory model can be done by forming a regulation of determination. c) for the area that will make the unity of the indigenous legal community as a customary village, as referred to law no. 6 of 2014 on villages, the regulatory model is also separate, namely in the perda establishment of indigenous village. according to zen zanibar, the traditional right of indigenous legal peoples as well as the cultural identity of customary law and a prerequisite for the existence of indigenous law community unity is the right of autonomy (zen zanibar, 2008:7). the right of autonomy of indigenous peoples is the right of indigenous peoples to take care of their own households. according to van vollenhoven, the scope of autonomy includes activities to form its own legislation (zelfwetgeving),carrying out its own(zelfuitvoering), conductingits own judiciary (zelfrechtspraak),and performing its own policeduties(zelf-politie). "recognition" referred to is the formal ratification of the customary judiciary that has a special status (ad hoc committee of dpd ri, 2009: 50). formal ratification means that customary justice is strictly regulated as part of the justice system in indonesia which has special status and special authority. based on this situation, moronene hukaea laea indigenous legal community who have obtained recognition for their existence as indigenous legal community through bombana district regulation no. 4 of 2015 but have not automatically obtained their rights to indigenous territory including the right of management and utilization of natural resources. the exercise of its customary rights is still limited by the regulations applicable to a national park. the recognition of the existence of indigenous legal peoples in this case does not implicate the recognition of authority over the territory and the right to manage orutilize its natural resources (safiuddin, 2018). jurnal hukum volkgeist bakri sulaiman. 5(2): 160-166 164 indigenous legal people who have gained recognition of its existence cannot directly exercise its rights. especially indigenous legal communities whose customary territory is within a certain area still need determination (novianti, 2018). regulation of the minister of agrarian and spatial affairs / head of the national land agency n o. 9 of 2015 on the procedure of determining the communal rights of indigenous peoples and communities within a particular area. this regulation introduces a new term that is communal rights which are joint property rights to the land of an indigenous legal community or a common property of land granted to people in forest or plantation areas. fransisco moga as the head of the national park hall explained, currently hukaea village area is still in the jungle zone area. an area that is prohibited from conducting community activities conducting agricultural activities. after the presence of the regulation, bombana regency reported to the ministry of environment because the areais located in nasioana parkl so that hierarchically, rawa aopa watumohai national park hall reported to the relevant ministry, as a solution step of course there must be a change in zoning (from jungle zoning to traditional forest zoning). according to mansur labamba who is the customary chairman of the moronene customary legal community hukaea laea that for indigenous peoples it does not matter if the customary territory is partly included in the national park area, but what is desired is a recognition of it. moronene hukaea laea customary law community objected if due to the problem of some indigenous areas related to the national park so that recognition of the customary territory became delayed. the existence of the rights of indigenous peoples also depends on the recognition of the customary territory, including the entire existence of the customary law known as adati tongano wonua. the effort to gain recognition and respect for the existence of this indigenous legal community is for the sake of the continuity of the moronene hukaea laea customary law community. in the opinion of derek hall (2020) the power of exclusion (darmanto simapea translation, achmad chorudin). (2020:63-77)) states that: “claims on land based on tribal identity over indigenous territories, when one group states that they are present first and entitled to exclusively to the other through historical claims and attachment to one particular area, presents dilemmasthat are very difficult tohandle. claims to tribal-based territories are expanding in southeast asia as decentralized programs reaffirm colonial and lo ca l concepts of tribalism as the primary justification for access to land, and su ppo rted by transnational legal instruments that protect the rights of indigenous people s. in extreme cases, exclusion turns into expulsion by involving violence to ethnic extermination. usually, the land struggle based on this claim is peace ful, b ut it is always dobly divided when "local people" make it difficult for "outsiders" to ga in or control the land. the government is sometimes prepared to recognize tribal based territorial ownership as a basis for the legitimacy of claim justification. however, the issue of who gets access is not solved. in much o f so uth ea s t a s ia, times of war, migration, eviction, and forced displacement make the issue of "w h o belongs, where" usually flee. since it is impossible to return everyone to their original place, the issue of how to allocate land to people who realize that the y a re outside the land of ulayat leluhur but demand the right to lif e, re m ains ra is e d. tribal-based regional claims also clash with other schemes of granting access (a nd legitimacy of exclusion) in the name of improving population welfare, such as economic growth, conservation, and land needs for the homeless”. jurnal hukum volkgeist bakri sulaiman. 5(2): 160-166 165 finally, the double face of exclusion is also seen in aspects of land administration that often frustrate experts, administrators, and investors. conflicting laws, inconsistent government agendas, overlapping land allocations, fickle priorities, confusing boundaries, poor maps, and incomplete data, all of these can be interpreted as evidence of weak government capacity or a veil for land grab efforts. but this situation also has a positive position that is rarely noticed. the inconsistency of the rules allows various parties to make claims that it is their rights that are recognized. rules recognizing land rights come alongside rules that authorize expulsion: on the one hand, they legitimize a variety of exclusionary measures: on the other hand, they leave an unresolved dilemma. depending on the situation, the party tasked with driving farmers out of protected forests or abandoned land in the corner of the plantation can carry out the t ask according to the rules that support them: or they can choose another way because they know the farmers (perhaps their own relatives or neighbors) not only need hdiup connectors but also have rights to the land. these confusing boundaries provide know -all conditions, and these are well-liked by smallholder farmers when they are threatened with being driven away by being in areas designated as restricted areas. however, obscurity also harbors danger: because it opens up opportunities for officials at various levels to act as tyrants, use their power to expel, threaten, deprive resources, or selectively demand levies. precisely sees various factors inhibiting the implementation of the recognition of the protection of basic rights of indigenous peoples, namely: 1) the prominence of symbolization especially in the political scene of indigenous institutions, ceremonies, clothing, and customary titles dominate the symbols of indigenous peoples, 2) conflict resolution of the demands for the return of indigenous lands, can not be done because the group that demands can not be established as a community of customary law, 2) the local government did not do the confirmation of ulayat land and indigenous legal communities because it did not allocate its own budget. this budget elimination is deliberate for fear of the risk of being criticized, questioned and even sued by community groups, and for some governments, the recognition and protection of indigenous peoples is communicated as a movement of secession. the procedure for giving recognition to the indigenous legal community is stipulated in several laws, namely: a. first article 67 paragraph (2) law no. 41 of 1999 on forestry which reads "confirmation of the existence and removal of indigenouspeoples as referred to in paragraph (1) stipulated by regional regulations". b. the second is also stipulated in law no. 6 of 2014 on villages. in article 96 of the village law stated that "thegovernment, provincial government, and district/municipal government conduct the structuring of the unity of indigenous legal communities and are determined to be indigenous villages. " based on both laws there is a conflict of norms between the two, in the forestry law the recognition of the existence of indigenous peoples is done by means of confirmed while according to the village law it is done by being determined to be a traditional village. conflict of norms is one of the legal issues that occur because the laws are not harmonious or overlapping. jurnal hukum volkgeist bakri sulaiman. 5(2): 160-166 166 4 conclusion the government's recognition of indigenous peoples is still limited to conditional recognition, which limits the movement space of indigenous people to gain access to their rights, especially ulayat rights. moronene hukaea laea indigenous law society in bombana regency, has not received maximum recognition and protection. this is because in the regulatory regulations on indigenous peoples in indonesia generally provide a variety of restrictions on indigenous peoples. so that it provides a legal loophole to the application of regulations that are also not maximal. therights of moronene indigenous peoples in bombana regency will also be easily violated by outside corporate powers if the government does not immediately make improvements to the regulation of recognition and protection of mha in indonesia, which directly implicates the region. moronene hukaea laea customary legal community in bombana regency who have gained recognition about its existence through perda can not directly use its rights, considering its customary territory is in a certain area still needs a determination that is national park. the establishment of the indigenous legal community territory as a national park is an act of violating the rights of indigenouspeoples, because long before the establishment, mha moronene had first occupied hukaea laea area. so the government should revoke the status of the national park and restored its function as a customary forest. references abubakar, l. 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(2008). the burden of indigenous peoples facing state law. journal of law, 15(3), 338–351. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1275 vol. 6 no.1, december 2021 15 the efficacy of law enforcement in the tolaki mekongga indigenous law community's adultery (umoapi) resolution process hasdin yadin1*, haeranah1, hijra adhiyanti mirzana1 1faculty of law, hasanuddin university, indonesia *correspondence: hasdinyadin@gmail.com article history abstract received: 10.07.2021 accepted: 24.12.2021 published: 27.12.2021 the purpose of this study is to ascertain and analyze the mechanism for resolving the crime of adultery (umoapi) in the tolaki mekongga customary law community, as well as the efficacy of law enforcement in resolving the crime of adultery (umoapi). the research method utilized is empirical, with data gathering approaches including interviews, questionnaires, and document studies, in which data are extracted directly from documents containing information about the study topics, such as laws and regulations, books, and journals. the findings indicated that (1) the mechanism for resolving adultery (umoapi) in the tolaki mekongga customary law community was through the imposition of customary penalties by customary speakers (tolea), and (2) law enforcement was successful in resolving adultery (umoapi) in the community. tolaki mekongga customary law is influenced by elements like as law, law enforcement, facilities and infrastructure, community, and cultural influences. keywords: adultery, tolaki mekongga customary law, customary settlement article licence copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction indonesia is a state of law, and the applicable laws are both written and unwritten. w ritten legal provisions are included in what is referred to as positive law. positive law is present in both public and private law. criminal law is a branch of public law. indonesia's present criminal law is a codified criminal law, with the regulations gathered in a single set of laws known as the criminal code. along with being codified, this portion of the legislation has been unified, which means that it now applies to all categories of people (moeljatno, 2009). customary law, as a law that exists and evolves inside society, cannot be divorced from society, sin ce law appears alongside the community, as the expression "ubi societas ibi ius" indicates. wherever there is a community, there is law. thus, customary law is an expression of social and cultural ideals in action. customary criminal law is a living law in society, in which the law identifies occurrences and behaviors that must be addressed (punished) because they have upset the social equilibrium (samosir, 2013) (salam, 2017). the tolaki mekongga customary law group, which has occupied the majority of the peninsula of southeast sulawesi province for a long period of time, holds a great regard for the customary regulations passed down through generations. their forefathers' tradition of respect for customary law is still very much alive in the society, as demonstrated by the tolaki mekongga tribe. the incorporation of kalosara customs into the tolaki mekongga tribal community's system of legal norms and values (toasa, 2015). in this sense, one of the laws that contribute to the execution and attainment of national development goals is customary criminal law, which is considered to be one of indonesia's positive legal systems. the 1945 constitution article 5 paragraph (3) letter (b) and emergency law no. 1 of 1951 about interim measures to arrange the unity, structure, powers, and processes of civil courts provide the legal foundation for the application of the customary criminal law system. in law no. 48 of 2009 on judicial power, the presence of customary criminal law as unwritten law is recognized (mulyadi, 2013). https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1275 mailto:hasdinyadin@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 15-20 16 the legitimacy of customary law is demonstrated by the fact that indonesian laws and regulations acknowledge its existence. this recognition of customary law is spelled out in article 18 b paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution, which states: "the state recognizes and respects customary law community units and their traditional rights for as long as they remain viable and in accordance with community development and the unitary state of the republic of indonesia's principles." indonesian republic, which is governed by legislation (dara, n.d.). adultery is referred to as umoapi in tolaki mekongga traditional law. adultery is defined in the criminal code as an act of sexual intercourse in which one or both parties are bound by marriage. meanwhile, in tolaki mekongga's customary law, the term adultery or umoapi refers to more sophisticated acts of adultery that are not confined to marital status, with varying degrees of umoapi resulting in varying classifications and punishments. according to local customary law, whenever a conflict occurs i n a community, if it is resolved according to custom, the community's life will remain well established and maintained, eliminating hatred and vengeance in the hearts of those who are at odds. however, if the conflict is resolved according to criminal law, the community's life will always be a prolonged conflict, because communities in conflict will always be in conflict with one another. peohala customary penalties are one method of settling disagreements, particularly in the case of adultery (umoapi). whereas in the tolaki language's philosophy, "inae kona sara ie pinesara, inae lia sara ie pinekasara" means (who loves the presence of customs will be honored in a custom, while who does not respect a custom would be treated poorly, harshly) (abdurrauf, 1993). settlement of conflicts between victims/families and perpetrators as a result of the occurrence of traditional moral offenses through the use of kalosara as a symbol to unify people in conflict. for the tolaki mekongga people, honoring, considering sacred and sacred kalosara means adhering to their ancestors' lessons, and doing otherwise means they will be wicked, disobedient, and will suffer calamities. to this day, decisions reached through the resolution procedure for adultery (umoapi) by customary speakers (tolea) are legitimate in the tolaki mekongga tribal community. based on the above, the writers are interested in delving more into the subject through a scientific paper named "the mechanism of settlement of the crime of adultery (umoapi) in the tolaki mekongga indigenous law c ommunity." 2. methodology this study is an empirical legal study based on primary data (results from field research). empirical legal research is a field study technique that involves monitoring and observing what is happening in the field, such as how these rules are applied in practice as society evolves and develops. empirical legal study focuses on legal difficulties as a result of the gap between the imperatives, especially orders and prohibitions (das sollen), included in various laws and regulations and what really occurs based on apparent facts (das sein). in addition, normative research using a legal perspective is utilized to complement this empirical research by performing a study of the laws and regulations pertaining to customary criminal law. 3. result as we have seen, the fundamental meaning of kalosara in terms of dispute resolution, particularly the settlement of adultery cases among indigenous peoples of the tolaki mekongga tribe in kolaka regency, southeast sulawesi province, is that people will generally prefer to have their disputes resolved through this alternative dispute resolution mechanism, namely the kalosara instrument. this kalosara instrument plays a significant role in the community's social order, such that when there is a conflict in the lives of members of the tolaki mekongga tribal community, this kalosara instrument acts as the primary element and driving force of the alternative dispute resolution process itself (suud, nd) tolaki mekongga customary law, referred to as "sara," is symbolized by an object or characteristic called kalo or, more frequently, kalosara, which serves as the primary element and driving force for alternative conflict settlement in the tolaki mekongga tribal group. the legal values contained in kalosara enable the community to resolve cases, particularly those involving adultery, through an alternative dispute resolution process in which the elements of the mekongga customary assembly institution, consisting of the customary council, tonomotu'o, and tolea pabitara, use active and direct kalosara instruments. without this custom, alternative dispute resolution in the tolaki tribe community will likewise be ineffective.. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 15-20 17 in the instance of adultery, which occurs frequently in the society, the customary spea ker (tole) presents the culprit and the victim, with puutobu, tonomotu'o present as well. the process for settlement and the imposition of customary fines will be communicated in the presence of the culprits' and victims' families. traditional holders of sara wonua (the country's customary law) and traditional speakers (tolea) are required to wear oversized traditional clothing when resolving disputes between citizens, both in terms of customary criminal acts and customary civil matters, using generations-old procedures and habits. in the tolaki mekongga community, mechanisms or procedures for settling customary criminal actions and customary civil proceedings usually include kalosara. customary authorities preserve the processes and customs, which include the following: a) puutobu, as the regional customary leader at the sub-district (district) level, is sometimes doubled by the camat serving as chairman of the adat court session in his area, which supervises numerous adat leaders at the village or village/kelurahan level; b) one or more toono motuo individuals, meaning traditional tolaki village/kelurahan leaders who are now held concurrently by the village/kelurahan head serving as members of the customary assembly; c) a pabitara (customary spokesman) is a member of the customary assembly who represents the interests of the women's family in times of conflict. d) a tolea, particularly a traditional tolaki leader who serves as a member of the customary assembly and is responsible for transmitting, defending, and reporting the customary assembly's findings to the man's family; e) tamalaki (traditional court security officer/in the past, functioned as warlord) is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring the fair trial of customary criminal proceedings. according to the opinion above, in every trial for resolving customary criminal and customary civil cases in the tolaki tribal customary law community, the role of customary speakers (tolea) is extremely active in utilizing kalosara based on procedures or procedures and customs in the mekongga traditional assembly, which serves as a customary institution that accommodates traditional instruments. from the victim's standpoint, the tolea pabitara (customary speaker) aims for two (two) objectives during this peace process, namely: 1. agreement between the victim/family and tolea pabitara to abstain from violent retaliation against the offender or the perpetrator's relatives. 2. agreement between tolea pabitara and the victim's representation/family representative on the different forms of peohala (sanctions) that can be imposed on the perpetrator, including peohala mohewu and peohala owose. according to the perpetrators of the umoapi customary crime, the tolea pabitara agreement with the perpetrators'/his relatives' representatives seeks two (two) objectives in this peace process, namely: 1. the culprit or his family members bear full responsibility for their crimes and do not flee. 2. the culprit or his family prepares all responsibilities that will be subject to custo mary punishment for peohala (peohala mohewu or peohala owose), as well as papers for customary court proceedings. the tolea pabitara (customary speaker) who has reached an agreement with the victim's envoy or family, as well as the agreement reached between the tolea pabitara and his envoy or family, should promptly inform the puutobu. puutobu then conveyed the parties' wish for peace to government authorities such as the sub -district head or village/kelurahan head via the traditional leaders of puutobu as regional customary rulers (at the sub-district level). at the district or village/kelurahan level, the chairman of the mekongga customary council takes action to ensure that the procedure for peaceful dispute settlement is carried out quickly, so that the victim's/his family relationship with the perpetrator's/his family does not break. the following procedures must be followed when resolving disputes arising from the occurrence of the umoapi customary offense through the mekongga customary assembly: a. the customary head (puutobu), who is also the village head, sends a tolea pabitara (spokesperson) to meet with the perpetrator/his family and a tolea pabitara (spokesperson) to meet with the victim/family. the perpetrator/his family sent charismatic and respected parents to represent the peace event, as did the victim/his family. both tolea p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 15-20 18 pabitara must simultaneously inquire whether the envoys from each party are willing to meet in a traditional manner as a kind of peace, as there is no assurance that the victim's family will seek retribution against the offender. b. if the victim's representative and the perpetrator's representative agree to meet, tolea pabitara, in collaboration with the chairman of the local mekongga customary council, shall develop an implementation strategy that serves as an additional mediator in resolving the victim's/his family's conflict with the perpetrator's/his family's conflict as a result of the customary crime that occurred. c. each tolea pabitara works as a mediator between the parties to the dispute and their representatives in determining the day and date of the peace ceremony. d. tolea pabitara through the use of kalosara to contact delegates representing the disputing parties and all their relatives considered necessary to attend and participate in the peace ceremony. e. the peace event is often held at toono motuo's or puutobu's residence. the peace ceremony was attended by the puutobu, the chairman/member of the mekongga sub-district and village/kelurahan customary council, toono motuo, tolea pabitara, and local government officials such as the camat, village head, lurah, babinsa, and bhabinkamtibmas. f. after both parties' envoys agreed to participate in the peace event, tolea pabitara lifted kalosara and placed it slowly and wisely in front of all parties present, first obtaining permission from the local government officials present and from the two parties' envoys that the peace event would begin shortly. g. delegates from both sides who are experiencing difficulti es are invited to bring up concerns of customary offenses that cause the victim/his family to clash with the perpetrator/his family. h. therefore it is appropriate for tolea pabitara to advance notions of conflict settlement based on mediation principles that allow both parties to accept or agree to it genuinely and willingly through their envoys. tolea pabitara, as a traditional spokesman, must be capable of expressing an evaluation of the customary crimes that happened and the repercussions of conflicts between the victim/his family and the perpetrator/his family without condemning one party. provide an explanation of the meaning, comprehension, and possibility of all dangers or negative consequences that may arise for someone involved in a dispute who refuses to comply with the direction of traditional leaders in peace and the decisions of traditional speakers (tolea) in the customary court session facilitated by the mekongga customary assembly. the customary court session will follow a dais format. propose an operationalized idea for resolving disputes arising from customary illegal actions, which must be able to persuade both parties to the issue (represented by their respective representatives) to truly embrace a peaceful resolution. 1) the perpetrator/his family agrees to meet all demands made by the victim/his family in accordance with the tolaki mekongga customary law; 2. the parties agree to continue the dispute resolution process through a customary court trial for the imposition of the peohala on the boater/his family through his envoy. 2) the parties express their opposition to all types of violence, and the victim/family agrees not to exact physical retribution on the perpetrator/his/her family. 3) the disagreeing parties then shake hands through their envoys, indicating that there is no longer any animosity, resentment, or wrath associated with the umoapi traditional crime's occurrences. 4) in the presence of delegates from both parties and the toono motuo, traditional leaders (puutobu, camat, or village heads/kepala kelurahan) provide directions that, in essence, agree with the intention of the customary spokesperson (tolea) and also with the disputing parties' wishes to make peace with sincerity. these directions will be continued during the trial of the customary court to pass the verdict. 4. discussion legal effectiveness indicates that it will be highlighted in relation to the objectives to be accomplished, namely the law's efficacy. generally, one of the measures done to ensure that the communi ty adheres to the rule of law is to include punishments. these penalties may take the shape of negative or positive sanctions, with the goal of creating a stimulus to prevent individuals from engaging in vile or laudable behavior. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 15-20 19 if what is conveyed is unable to address the issues immediately confronting the intended recipient of legal communication, complications will arise. as a result, the legislation has little impact or perhaps has a detrimental effect. this is because their demands are unmet and unacknowledged, resulting in irritation, pressure, and even confrontation. legal awareness in society must constantly be fostered and ingrained in us that activities that violate the law will have legal consequences if committed. it cannot be overlooked that one of the variables that contribute to the growth of community law is the community's legal knowledge and compliance with the law. legal awareness is critical for a society's success since it is directly related to the strength and weakness of the community's legal compliance element. the lower the public's degree of legal knowledge, the less likely the community will comply with the law. inversely, the more the community's legal knowledge, the greater the community's compliance, ensuring that the developme nt process and the law's efficacy are felt directly by the community. if we consider the notion of law in the modern era, the fundamental structure of the state must adapt to social circumstances. to provide order to social reality, the law is used to bond them. citizens' allegiance to law is an endeavor to rediscover the established state's raison d'être, namely to safeguard individual liberty. to safeguard the individual's independence, the state enacts legislation as a means of establishing order. to ascertain the following elements affecting law enforcement in relation to the method for resolving the offense of adultery (umoapi) in the tolaki mekongga customary law community: 1) legal factor; 2) law enforcement factor; 3) facility and facility-related factor; 4) community factor; 5) cultural factor 4.1 legal factors regarding legal considerations. in this case, it is reflected in the kolaka regency regional regulation no. 11 of 2016 on mekongga indigenous assembly empowerment. chapter five (v): dispute re solution. article 8 paragraph 1 establishes that conflicts within the mekongga customary law community are handled by the mekongga customary assembly, and paragraph 2 establishes that if mediation fails to achieve consensus, the matter may be brought before the courts. the article makes it clear that the rule of law applies to disputes within the mekongga customary law community, but does not provide a more specific article regarding decency crimes, which will affect the customary speaker's (tolea) ability to carry out law enforcement in the tolaki mekongga customary law community. 4.2. law enforcement factor law enforcement is connected to the parties that create and apply the law (law enforcement), and the components of law enforcement are customary speakers (tolea) who will be able to provide certainty, justice, and proportional legal benefits to the tolaki mekongga customary law community through the mechanism for resolving the crime of adultery (umoapi). 4.3. facility and infrastructure-related factors the provision of facilities and infrastructure to assist law enforcement officials in doing their responsibilities is critical and influential in providing a system for addressing the offense of adultery (umoapi) in the tolaki mekongga customary law community. attain legal efficacy. in relation to the facilities and infrastructure referred to as these facilities, soekanto (1983) predicts a benchmark for the effectiveness of specific elements of infrastructure, where the infrastructure must unambiguously contribute to the apparatus's smooth operation at the place or work location. along with providing equipment in each office or location where law enforcement officers perform their duties, one of the most critical aspects of providing a mechanism for resolving the crime of adultery (umoapi) for the tolaki mekongga customary law community is providing a traditional court house for customary speakers (tolea) to assist perpetrators and victims in settling and awarding the crime. thus, it will maximize the perfo rmance of traditional speakers (tolea) in enforcing customary law in the kolaka regency region. 4.4. community factor while law enforcement's primary goal is to maintain peace in society, individuals have differing views on what constitutes law. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 15-20 20 the system of norms that exists in the tolaki mekongga customary law community is that the community is obedient when it comes to paying customary fines imposed by customary speakers (tolea), but when the perpetrator of adultery (umoapi) is given a marriage sanction, they were previously separated in the bondage. that is, the law's efficacy is partly contingent upon society's willingness and awareness of the law. due to the community's lack of understanding, law enforcement will face difficulties; thus, measures can be done to socialize the community by involving social layers, power holders, and law enforcers themselves. the law's formulation must also consider the link between societal change and the law, which must ultimately be effective as a way of controlling human conduct. 4.5. cultural factor the legal culture (system) element entails the values that underpin the relevant law, abstract notions of what is deemed good (to be embraced) and what is considered evil (so to be avoided). typically, these values are a p air of numbers that indicate two polar opposite circumstances that must be reconciled. with values that are compatible with the local culture, it is hoped that there will be a reciprocal relationship between customary and positive law in indonesia, such that the provisions in written legal articles will reflect the values that underpin customary law, allowing for the implementation of statutory law. effectively apply. then, it is anticipated that the harmony between the two values will also serve to set the law in its proper context. 5. conclusion according to the research findings, the crime of adultery (umoapi) in the tolaki mekongga customary law community was addressed through the use of customary speakers (tolea) and the imposition of customary fines in the tolaki mekongga tribal group. the study identified five variables that harmed law enforcement's effectiveness in resolving the adultery (umoapi) offense in the tolaki mekongga indigenous law community, namely: 1) legal factor; 2) law enforcement factor; 3) facility and facility-related factor; 4) community factor; 5) cultural factor references abdurrauf, t. (1993). kebudayaan tolaki. seri etnografi indonesia. jakarta: balai pustaka. dara, i. (n.d.). eksitensi hukum adat pidana sebagai hukum positif indonesia. makassar: pustaka pena press. moeljatno. (2009). asas-asas hukum pidana. jakartar: rineka cipta. mulyadi, l. (2013). eksistensi hukum pidana adat di indonesia: pengkajian asas, n orma, teori, praktik dan prosedurnya. jurnal hukum dan peradilan, 2(2), 226–246. salam, s. (2017). dispensasi perkawinan anak di bawah umur: perspektif hukum adat, hukum negara & hukum islam. pagaruyuang law journal, 1(1), 110–124. samosir, d. (2013). hukum adat indonesia. bandung: nuansa aulia. soekanto, s. (1983). penegakan hukum. bandung: bina cipta. toasa, a. (2015). analisis yuridis eksistensi tanah walaka masyarakat hukum adat tolaki dalam sistem hukum agraria nasional. universitas islam sultan agung. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 3 issue 2, june 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 140 criminal law policy about kpk authorities in the perspective of criminal action in corruption in indonesia ilham abstract author’s information: criminal law policy of the authority of the corruption eradication commission the authority associated with the corruption eradication commission (kpk) is the state agency that are unconstitutional, although not spelled out in the state constitution is the 1945 constitution. corruption eradication commission (kpk) was formed to look at the nature of the corruption itself is an extraordinary crime, so it requires an independent institution to fight corruption in indonesia. background the commission is not due to the formation of the constitutional design rigidly interpreted, but rather incidental issues in the country and the common will of the people of indonesia to combat corruption. position of the commission as a state agency is independent and free from the influence of any power, it is meant for combating corruption commission did not get the intervention of any party. the establishment of the commission was also a response to the ineffectiveness of the law enforcement agency performance so far in combating corruption, which impressed protracted in handling even indicated there was an element of corruption in the handling of his case. the authority granted by the act prosecution to the commission under the authority of the legitimate .the authority of the commission is constitutional, it is reinforced by a number of decisions of the supreme constitution.. keywords: criminal law policy, corruption eradication commission authority universitasichsan gorontalo (ilham.yusuf89@yahoo.com) doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v3i2.125 1. introduction law enforcement in the history of eradicating corruption in indonesia has been going on since the 1960s, and has changed laws 4 times, and finally by law number 20 of 2001 concerning changes to law number 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption crimes .even though the amendment to the act is that much, the philosophy, purpose and mission of eradicating corruption remain the same. philosophically, the legislation to eradicate corruption confirms that the welfare of the indonesian people is a goal of the nation to realize the development goals that are aspired and at the same time the founding ideals of the independence of the republic of indonesia formulated in the preamble of the 1945 constitution, and adopted into the fifth principle of the pancasila. therefore, every threat and obstacle to achieving this nation's welfare is a violation of the nation's ideals. however, as a rule of law, steps to prevent and eradicate criminal acts of corruption must be based on the principle of legal certainty and based on the ideal of justice as a legal ideal since greece. the juridical foundation, is the 1945 constitution as "grund-norm" (basic law) which should be realized in an act that reflects the ideals and legal objectives as described above. it is necessary to examine the mailto:ilham.yusuf89@yahoo.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.125 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v3i2.125 jurnalhukumvolkgeist ilham.3(2): 140-146 141 extent to which the corruption eradication law (uupk) has reflected the legal principles and intended legal ideals, which will be described in this paper. the sociological foundation of law enforcement in eradicating criminal acts of corruption according to giddens, is that, the poverty that hit approximately 35-50 million indonesians today is caused by corruption that has been systemic and extends to all layers of the bureaucracy and cannot be separated from the reciprocal influence bureaucracy and the private sector. syed hussein alatas in his book the socciology of corruption explains corruption is "the sociologist studying the phenomenon of corruption has to be fully conversant with the history, the culture. sociology of corruption is the study of the phenomenon of corruption related to history and culture where corruption occurs. therefore, the eradication of corruption is not just the aspirations of the wider community but is an urgent need for the indonesian people to prevent and eliminate everything from this country because thus law enforcement in eradicating corruption is expected to reduce and broaden the elimination of poverty. starting from the three legal policies to eradicate corruption in indonesia above, it is clear that the law enforcement measures to eradicate corruption are a common obligation not only for law enforcement but also for all components of the nation with the guidance and leadership of the nation's leaders. the vice president reaches the bureaucratic leadership in the region, the legislature and the judiciary. while the government's political will to eradicate corruption crimes has become a real priority program. this form of political will was proven by the ratification of law 28 of 1999 concerning the implementation of a clean country, free of corruption, collusion and nepotism, and law no. 31/1999 (amended by law no. 20 of 2001) on eradicating corruption. in addition, law no. 30/2002 concerning the corruption eradication commission (kpk) has a very strategic role. corruption in the political dictionary is a symptom or practice in which officials of state agencies misuse their positions to enable bribery, forgery and other irregularities for personal gain. the intended corruption eradication policy is first to maintain and maintain the ideals of social justice and the welfare of the nation within the republic of indonesia as a legal state as a philosophical foundation; maintain and protect the right of every person to the recognition, guarantee, protection and fair legal certainty and equal treatment before the law (article 28 d paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution) as the basis for law enforcement. maintaining the function of criminal law, specifically the 1999 and 2001 corruption eradication act nowlaw no. 30 of 2002 as an operational foundation that prioritizes the balance of order and security maintenance functions on the one hand, and the deterrence / punishing function on the other principles of criminal law. the purpose of the legal eradication of corruption cases is the birth of a deterrent effect. the deterrent effect is important for controlling corruption in order not to develop into a systemic crime. the reason is, if corruption is at a systemic level, then the impact of this crime becomes more serious, because it not only causes huge state losses, but also creates poverty, poor public services, and damages the economic foundation of the country. law enforcement without deterrent effects will create a conducive situation for perpetrators to continue corruption. likewise, the costs or costs of combating corruption will be more expensive than the results achieved. starting from and based on the background as stated above, the problems in this study are formulated as follows. jurnalhukumvolkgeist ilham.3(2): 140-146 142 what is the criminal law policy regarding the authority of the corruption eradication commission in law number 30 of 2002 in the corruption eradication commission in indonesia and what is the criminal law policy regarding the authority of the corruption crime commission in eradicating corruption in indonesia for the coming masses. 2. method the method is written descriptively and should describe the research methodology or steps in conducting the study. a brief justification of the method is recommended to give an idea to the reader about the appropriateness of the method, reliability and validity of the results. 3. discussion 3.1. criminal law policy regarding kpk's authority in eradicating corruption in indonesia for future masses the government's efforts in eradicating corruption in the reform era were marked by the issuance of various legislative products whose purpose was to renew both the substance and institutional aspects. the legislation includes: a. mpr tap of the republic of indonesia nonor. xi / mpr about clean and free state organizers of collusion, corruption and nepotism. b. law number 28 of 1999 concerning clean and free collusion, corruption and nepotism c. law number 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption crimes as amended by act number 20 of 2001 concerning the eradication of corruption crimes which supersedes the 1971 law concerning corruption crime. d. law number 30 of 2002 concerning the corruption eradication commission. as the implementation of article 43 of act number 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption crimes was amended by law number 20 of 2001, the government together with the dpr succeeded in establishing law number 20 of 2002 concerning the corruption eradication commission. the corruption eradication commission (abbreviated as kpk) is a state institution that in carrying out its duties and authority is independent and free from the influence of any power. marwan effendi said the purpose of the establishment of the corruption eradication commission was to increase the effectiveness of efforts to eradicate corruption 3.2. the authority of the corruption eradication commission to effectively corruption eradication commission in the eradication of corruption in indonesia in the future 1. urgency of investigators in carrying out the tasks of the corruption eradication commission. as we know, the investigators possessed by the corruption eradication commission today are not investigators appointed by the corruption eradication commission itself, but investigators who are owned and still have the status of police and prosecutors. the result of this was the lack of effective performance of the corruption eradication commission in combating corruption. moreover, the cases handled by the corruption eradication commission involved members of the police and attorney general's office. here comes the sectoral ego investigating the corruption eradication commission to investigate members of the police and the prosecutor's office with the intention of not decreasing the authority of the police and prosecutor's jurnalhukumvolkgeist ilham.3(2): 140-146 143 office which is a senior institution of the corruption eradication commission in combating corruption crimes. 2. the existence of independent investigators in an effort to increase the eradication of corruption in indonesia. but the momentum is that the law should be enforced from the general public. there are many benefits to the corruption eradication commission, the independent investigators from the internal corruption eradication commission. one of the reduced public concerns about the independence of the corruption eradication commission in investigating corruption cases. the recruitment of independent investigators can certainly add to the composition of investigators in the corruption eradication commission, which currently only number around 100 people. even though the workload of the corruption eradication commission is very complex and the existence of the existence of the kpk is very heavy. another improvement is the recruitment regulations for 7 investigators of the corruption eradication commission. as soon as possible, the hinder as possible regulations of the recruitment of independent investigators must be marginalized immediately. it remains now that the government wishes to react as stakeholders and the house of representatives as the kpk legislator, if later the opportunity is opened for independent investigators to be present at the corruption eradication commission. 3.2.1.implementation and strategy of the corruption eradication commission (kpk) in combating corruption in indonesia. the corruption eradication commission in the task of eradicating corruption carries out two ways, namely acting (repressive) and preventing (preventive). both are carried out simultaneously at balanced speeds. this is the way to deal with the crime of corruption will be in vain. this method was carried out after examining the conditions and situations of eradicating corruption in indonesia. history has proven that the efforts to eradicate corruption in a repressive manner without any results will not be effective. a number of teams, commissions or agencies have been tasked with eradicating corruption since the 1950s such as opstib, (oppression operation) in 1977, which only focused on prosecution without touching prevention efforts. the result lights up at the beginning, then slowly dims without a trace even the team / body is not sterile with the virus of corruption. learning from that history, the kpk put prevention efforts in the same position with prosecution. one of the preventive measures is to improve the bureaucratic system that is effective, transparent and accountable. because corruption occurs not only because of bad people (dilapidated state organizers) but also because of bad systems (bad government systems). law number 30 of 2002 gave a mandate to the corruption eradication commission to take part in creating this condition among the duties and authorities of the corruption eradication commission to conduct a study of the bureaucratic system, advise on improvements and supervise bureaucratic institutions and law enforcement officers. the ultimate goal is to create clean and effective bureaucrats and law enforcement officers. another strategy as the executor of the duties and authorities of the corruption eradication commission in accordance with law number 30 of 2002 is to carry out jurnalhukumvolkgeist ilham.3(2): 140-146 144 coordination and supervision. these two tasks aim to be more empowering law enforcement agencies or others. the coordination activity was carried out in the form of a coordination meeting with the prosecutor's office and the police to discuss the handling of cases of corruption. while supervision activities are carried out in the form of research and review, and the title of the case of the investigation or prosecution of corruption cases being carried out by the prosecutor's office and the police based on the notification of the start of investigation (spdp) reported to the corruption eradication commission. coordination and supervision was carried out by the corruption eradication commission, including the high prosecutor's office and the police. one of the prominent things in the effort of supervision and coordination carried out by the corruption eradication commission was the emergence of obstacles both the police and the prosecutor's office against the decline of the president's permission to examine state officials. in connection with these obstacles / obstacles the corruption eradication commission helped monitor the process of requesting permits. the various efforts that have been made in the fight against corruption do not necessarily immediately eliminate corruption in indonesia. however, through continuous efforts and with the support of various parties, surely the vision of creating indonesia that is free from corruption is not impossible. one of the concepts of law enforcement on eradicating corruption is the effort and strategy of law enforcement against the eradication of corruption should make the following requirements, namely: the existence of a national political commitment to eradicate corruption with responsive law enforcement. indeed, all stages of national development regulated by various laws have included political commitments concretely proven in discussion activities, analysis opinions and suggestions made by various elements of the community stating that the kkn practices (corruption, collusion and nepotism) should be abolished immediately. in the authority of the corruption eradication commission the need for preventive strategic measures must be made and carried out directed at matters that cause corrupt practices, each of the causes of corruption that are identified must be preventive, so as to minimize the causes of corruption. besides that, efforts need to be made to minimize the opportunities for corruption. detective strategies must be made and implemented especially by being directed so that if an act of corruption already occurs then the action will be known in a short and accurate time, so that it can be followed up appropriately. a repressive strategy must be made and implemented especially by being directed to provide appropriate and fast legal sanctions to parties involved in corrupt practices. thus, the process of investigation, investigation and prosecution up to the judiciary needs to be reviewed to be able to be perfected in all aspects so that the handling process will be carried out quickly and precisely. along with the socio-economic development of the community, there will always be new corruption cases that are increasingly sophisticated. efforts to standardize this understanding may be more useful for law enforcement purposes, so that people and law enforcement officials have more clear signs. for this reason, various efforts to criminalize criminal acts do not stop until preventive and repressive actions, but must also be innovative or become pre-emptive, preventive, repressive, curative and rehabilitative. jurnalhukumvolkgeist ilham.3(2): 140-146 145 various studies of corruption cases in indonesia show that corruption trails negatively towards national development through leakage of state finances, almost economic growth, inefficiencies in economic resources, impedes investment, high cost economy, extends the distance of rich and poor, destroys society, and destroys life state. therefore the effort to eradicate corruption is an urgent matter to become a national agenda. the efforts that have been carried out so far are felt to be not optimal and must be further enhanced by involving more parties both in the government and the government. in addition, these efforts need to be complemented by various scientific studies that underlie each of these corruption eradication activities, in line with our consistency in law enforcement in indonesia (law enforcement in indonesia). 4. conclusion the authority possessed by the corruption eradication commission in eradicating corruption over the authority possessed by the police and the attorney general's office has resulted in a norm vacuum related to the authority of the corruption eradication commission in the appointment of its own investigators. invited, has a strategic position as constitutional importance whose position is the same as other state institutions mentioned explicitly in the 1945 constitution. in the authority of the corruption eradication commission the need for preventive strategic measures must be made and carried out directed at matters that cause corrupt practices, each of the causes of corruption that are identified must be preventive, so as to minimize the causes of corruption. besides that, efforts need to be made to minimize the opportunities for corruption. detective strategies must be made and implemented especially by being directed so that if an act of corruption already occurs then the action will be known in a short and accurate time, so that it can be followed up properly references giddens, anthony. 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serikat memperbolehkan aborsi dengan alasan medis tertentu, aborsi ini disebut sebagai aborsi terapeutik di negara jepang dan eropa timur memperbolehkan aborsi dengan alasan terbatasnya jumlah penduduk sehingga praktik aborsi di negara tersebut dilegalkan. namun di indonesia melarang keras praktik aborsi dalam bentuk apapun, namun menurut undang-undang kesehatan tahun 1992 praktik aborsi diperbolehkan dengan indikasi medis, namun dalam ketentuan yang tertera dalam undang-undang kesehatan tahun 1992 menjadi dilematis antara memperbolehkan atau melarang tindakan aborsi tersebut. setelah mengalami gejolak yang sangat panjang pemerintah mencabut peraturan tentang undang-undang kesehatan tahun 1992 dan diganti dengan undang-undang nomor 36 tahun 2009 seiring dengan perkembangan jaman dan banyak penolakan terhadap peraturan yang lama. dalam kitab undang-undang hukum pidana sendiri perbuatan aborsi merupakan tindakan kriminal atau dikatagorikan sebagai kejahatan terhadap nyawa, pasal yang mengatur terhadap kejahatan terhadap nyawa adalah pasal 229, pasal 346, pasal 349, dan pasal 535. penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan. serta menggunkan sumber bahan hukum sekunder sebagai sumber data utama, yang didasarkan pada bahan hukum primer yaitu kitab undang-undang hukum pidana, undangundang nomor 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan, dan bahan hukum sekunder berupa buku, catatancatatan ilmiah dan sumber bahan hukum lainnya.. hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa hanya undang-undang kesehatan yang memperbolehkan seorang wanita melakukan aborsi dengan alasan faktor penyakit bawaan, dimana ternyata pada ibu hamil yang sudah melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan mendapatkan kenyataan bahwa bayi yang dikandungnya mengalami cacat secara fisik sehingga apabila bayi tersebut lahir akan mengancam jiwa ibu maupun bayi yang akan dilahirkan. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan sanksi pidana bagi pelaku tindak pidana aborsi menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku ( kitab hukum pidana dan undang-undang nomor. 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan) i ida bagus made putra manohara 2 a. pendahuluan aborsi berasal dari istilah latin abortus provocatus yang berarti dengan sengaja mengakhiri kehidupan kandungan dalam rahim seorang wanita hamil (dorland, 2002:6). karena itu, abortus provocatus harus dibedakan dari abortus spontaneus yang berarti keguguran, sepanjang sejarah aborsi bukan hanya diartikan sebagai penggugur kandungan tapi juga infanticide (pembunuhan anak kecil) ditemukan diberbagai tempat dan kebudayaan(r. masri sareb purba, 1998: 35). berbagai manuskrip memuat keterangan laku aborsi yang tertua berasal dari tiongkok, dalam sebuah manuskrip kedokteran yang berusia 5000 tahun menunjukkan penggunaan merkuri (shu yin) sebagai perantara aborsi (abortifacient). manuskrip medis (materia medica) shen nong, tabib tersohor tiongkok menyebut trichosanthes kirilowii sebagai ramuan aborsi, ramuan ini berasal dari tiongkok selatan (derek liewellyn,1983: 81). yunani kuno misalnya juga melakukan ramuan dengan menggunakan tanaman pennyroyal, artemesia, rue, silpihium dan mentimun sembur. praktik aborsi sendiri berlangsung luas di yunani, orang yunani tidak memandang perbuatan aborsi sebagai perbuatan yang keji atau sebuah pembunuhan. sejumlah filsuf misalnya berlaku toleran terhadap perilaku aborsi. plato (427-347 sm) berpendapat bahwa janin belum dianggap sebagai manusia seutuhnya, maka pengguguran janin tidak bisa dianggap sebagai perbuatan kriminal. aristoteles (384-322 sm) sendiri berpendapat bahwa aborsi adalah proses pengendalian kelahiran, ini sesuai dengan konsepnya tentang kota ideal jika pembunuhan berlangsung kala jumlah penduduk berlebihan aborsi dapat dilakukan. filsuf yang menentang tindakan aborsi adaalah pengikut phytagoras (582 – 496 sm) menurut mereka, nyawa manusia sudah masuk sejak pembuahan kapanpun aborsi dilakukan itu berarti penghilang nyawa mahkluk hidup. hippocrates (460 – 370 sm) juga menolak metode aborsi karena berbahaya, karena kandungan racun selain bisa membunuh janin juga dapat membahayakan ibunya. hal ini juga terdapat dalam sumpahnya yang menjadi sumpah kedokteran hingga kini (luwdig edelstein, 1943: 43). pada masyarakat indonesia yang agraris dan tidak mengenal sistem feodal dalam pengolahan lahan pertanian. lahan perkebunan dan sawah dikelola dengan mengandalkan seluruh keluarga dan anak-anak, ketika anak-anak dalam keluarga issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan sanksi pidana bagi pelaku tindak pidana aborsi menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku ( kitab hukum pidana dan undang-undang nomor. 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan) i ida bagus made putra manohara 3 dibutuhkan untuk menjaga kelanjutan keturunan dan juga mengangkat derajat keluarga, serta menunjang orang tua dan harta kekayaan berupa lahan pertanian. aborsi untuk membatasi jumlah keluarga sepertinya hanya dilakukan wanita yang tidak besuami. walaupun pada masa itu praktik aborsi dianggap kejadian biasa. ketika bangsa eropa menjajah asia tenggara pada abad ke – 19 seperti di indonesia. pemerintah kolonial hindia belanda padaa tahun 1981 mengeluarkan undang – undang tentang aborsi. undang – undang ini membuat aborsi yang tindakan yang awalnya hanya untuk menggugurkan kandungan menjadi sebuah tindakan kejahatan. peraturan ini bertahan hingga masa kemerdekaan dimana pemerintah tetap melarang praktik aborsi dalam bentuk apapun. hal ini membuat praktik aborsi ilegal seperti dukun, dokter dan praktik pemijatan tradisional membuka praktiknya secara tertutup. memasuki abad ke – 20 gerakan pro aborsi kembali menguat dan erat kaitannya dengan gerakan feminisme di negara barat. dibeberapa negara seperti di amerika memperbolehkan aborsi dengan alasan medis tertentu, praktik ini disebut aborsi terapeutik. di negara jepang dan eropa timur mereka menerapkan legalisasi aborsi dengan alasan pembatasan jumlah penduduk. setelah perang dunia ke – 2 jepang mengalami masalah kependudukan dan terbatasnya tempat tinggal dan pekerjaan. pada tahun 1949 jepang menjadi negara pertama yang melegalisasi aborsi ini berdampak penurunan angka kelahiran. indonesia melarang keras praktik aborsi secara bebas. menurut undang – undang kesehatan tahun 1992 aborsi diperbolehkan dengan indikasi medis (k. bertens,2001:76). tetapi di kota – kota besar praktik aborsi dengan mudah diperoleh melalui praktik illegal. hal ini membuat banyak kematian ibu hamil akibat komplikasi aborsi yang tidak aman, terdapat alasan – alasan kuat untuk mempertimbangkan aborsi tetapi indikasi terapeutik merupakan alasan yang sekarang diterima secara umum. praktik aborsi sekarang tejebak dalam berbagai situasi dilematis seperti legalisasi aborsi dengan alasan medis, terapeutik dan alasan lain secara fisik atau menggugurkan kandungan karena alasan psikis seperti pada korban perkosaan, hasil inses, atau pada remaja. aborsi menjadi pilihan dilematis antara membolehkan atau melarangnya. sebelum norma hukum mengatur dunia kedokteran melalui beberapa peraturan perundang – undangan, norma etik merupakan norma tertua yang mengatur komunitas issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan sanksi pidana bagi pelaku tindak pidana aborsi menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku ( kitab hukum pidana dan undang-undang nomor. 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan) i ida bagus made putra manohara 4 kedokteran. tercatat dalam sejarah 2500 sm adanya kode etik hammurabi (code of hammurabi) yang dipegang oleh sebuah bangsa di lembah mesopotamia babylonia. kode etik hammurabi memiliki aturan yang keras untuk semua aspek kehidupan, tidak terkecuali untuk kedokteran. seorang dokter atau tabib akan kehilangan tangannya jika pasien yang ditanganinya meninggal dunia. dari beberapa kode etik yang terbit sebelum masehi tidak ada satupun yang memberikan celah bagi dokter atau pengobat untuk menggugurkan kandungan dengan alasan apapun, melakukan pengguguran kandungan dengan alasan tertentu baru ditemukan pada buku al qanun yang ditulis oleh ibnu sina pada abad ke -10 sesudah masehi. dibentuknya undang – undang no.36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan yaitu berdasarkan 5 pertimbangan landasan undang – undang antara lain sebagai berikut : pertama kesehatan merupakan hak asasi manusia dan merupakan unsur kesejahteraan, kedua upaya memelihara dan meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat harus dilakukan berdasarkan prinsip non diskriminatif, partisipatif, dan berkelanjutan, ketiga kesehatan adalah investasi bagi pembangunan negara, keempat kesehatan merupakan tanggung jawab semua pihak baik masyarakat maupun pemerintah, dan kelima undang – undang nomor 23 tahun 1992 tentang kesehatan sudah tidak sesuai lagi, dengan perkembangan, tuntutan dan kebutuhan bagi masyarakat sehingga perlu dicabut dan di ganti dengan undang – undang baru. undang – undang tersebut dilaksanakan berdasarkan asas – asas sebagai berikut : asas perikemanusiaan, keseimbangan, manfaat, perlindungan, penghormatan terhadap hak dan kewajiban, keadilan, gender, nondiskriminatif, dan norma – norma agama. tujuan undang – undang kesehatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran, kemauan, dan kemampuan hidup sehat setiap orang agar terwujud derajat kesehatan masyarakat sebagai investasi pembangunan sumber daya manusia yang produktif secara sosial dan ekonomis. tindakan aborsi menurut kitab undang – undang hukum pidana di indonesia dikatagorikan sebagai tindakan kriminal atau dikatagorikan sebagai kejahatan terhadap nyawa. pasal – pasal kuhp yang mengatur hal ini adalah pasal 229, 346-349, dan 535. pasal 346 menerangkan bahwa seseorang yang dengan sengaja bermaksud untuk issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan sanksi pidana bagi pelaku tindak pidana aborsi menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku ( kitab hukum pidana dan undang-undang nomor. 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan) i ida bagus made putra manohara 5 melakukan aborsi baik secara legal maupun illegal kepada janin yang tidak berdosa baik orang yang mengandungnya maupun orang lain yang membantu untuk melakukan perbuatan tersebut sama – sama dijerat dengan pasal ini, bunyi pasalnya antara lain sebagai berikut (ranoemiharja atang, 1991:51). “ seorang wanita yang dengan sengaja menggugurkan atau mematikan kandungannya atau menyuruh orang lain untuk itu, diancam dengan pidana empat tahun.” perumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan arah penelitian agar lebih terarah pada tujuan-tujuan dari penelitian. berdasarkan uraian dan pemaparan latar belakang masalah timbul permasalahan sebagaipenegakan hukum terhadap pelaku aborsi sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. b. metode penelitian tipe penelitian hukum normatif dimaksudkan untuk menelaah ketentuanketentuan hukum positif, dan perangkat hukum positif yang diteliti secara normatif akan digunakan sebagai sumber bahan hukum. penelitian hukum harus dilakukan pada tataran kenormatifan hukum, morris l. cohen yang sependapat dengan peter mahmud marzuki(2005:56 ) menyatakan “ legal research is the process of finding the law that governs activities in human society” tipe reform oriented research dalam penulisan penelitian ini, dimungkinkan karena nantinya penelitian ini merupakan hasil research yang lebih tinggi lagi tarafnya. sama hanlnya dengan field study, penelitian ini meminta sumbangan material yaitu penemuan-penemuan hukum baru dalam menemukan dalil-dalil tentang hukum. penelitian hukum (legal research) dilakukan dengan metode sesuai dengan karakter yang khas dari ilmu hukum. penelitian hukum terdapat beberapa pendekatan yang dengan pendekatan tersebut, penulis akan mendapat informasi dari berbagai aspek mengenai isu yang dicoba untuk dicari jawabannya. pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian hukum ini adalah pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (statue approach) dan pendekatan konseptual (conseptual approach). issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan sanksi pidana bagi pelaku tindak pidana aborsi menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku ( kitab hukum pidana dan undang-undang nomor. 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan) i ida bagus made putra manohara 6 metode pendekatan perundang-undangan (statue approach), penulis perlu memahami hierarki dan asas-asas dalam peraturan perundang-undangan menurut pasal 1 angka 2 undang-undang nomor 12 tahun 2011 tentang pembentukan perundang-undangan, pembentukan peraturan ini memuat norma hukum yang mengikat secara umum dan dibentuk atau ditetapkan oleh lembaga negara atau pejabat yang berwenang melalui prosedur yang ditetapkan dalam peraturuan perundangundangan. pendekatan konseptual beranjak dari pandangan-pandangan para ahli, perlu mencari ratio legis dan dasar ontologi lahirnya undang-undang sehingga penulis mampu memahami kandungan filosofi yang ada di belakang undang-undang dan menyimpulkan mengenai ada atau tidaknya benturan filosofi antara undang-undang dengan isu yang dihadapi. pendekatan konseptual, penulis akan menemukan ide-ide yang melahirkan pengertian-pengertian hukum, konsep-konsep hukum, dan asas-asas hukum yang relevan dengan isu yang dihadapi. 1. sumber bahan hukum penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa pada penelitian hukum berbeda dengan penelitian sosial. penelitian hukum tidak mengenal adanya data, melainkan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memecahkan isu hukum yang diperlukan sumber bahan hukum untuk penelitian. sumber bahan hukum dalam penelitian ini dibedakan menjadi sumber bahan hukum primer dan sumber bahan hukum sekunder. sumber bahan hukum primer merupakan bahan hukum yang bersifat autoritatif yang mempunyai otorisasi. bahan-bahan hukum primer terdiri dari perundang-undangan yaitu : a. undang-undang nomor 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan b. undang-undang nomor 35 tahun 2014 tentang perubahan atas undang-undang nomor 23 tahun 2002 tentang perlindungan anak c. undang-undang nomor 73 tahun 1958 tentang hukum pidana d. peraturan pemerintah nomor 61 tahun 2014 tentang kesehatan reproduksi sumber bahan hukum sekunder berupa semua publikasi tentang hukum yang bukan merupakan dokumen-dokumen resmi. publikasi tentang hukum meliputi bukubuku, teks, kamus hukum, jurnal hukum, dan komentar atas putusan pengadilan. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan sanksi pidana bagi pelaku tindak pidana aborsi menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku ( kitab hukum pidana dan undang-undang nomor. 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan) i ida bagus made putra manohara 7 disamping sumber penelitian berbahan hukum, peneliti juga dapat menggunakan bahan-bahan non hukum apabila dipandang perlu. bahan-bahan non hukum dapat berupa buku-buku mengenai kesehatan reproduksi, dan laporan penelitian non hukum sepanjang mempunyai relevansi dengan topik penelitian. bahan non hukum tersebut berguna untuk memperluas wawasan peneliti, relevan atau tidaknya bahan non hukum tergantung pada kajian penelitian terhadap bahan-bahan tersebut. 2. pengumpulan dan pengolahan bahan hukum pengumpulan bahan hukum ini berbanding lurus dengan pendekatan masalah yang dipilih oleh peneliti dalam penelitiannya. kepentingan terhadap bahan hukum harus relevan, mengumpulkan bahan hukum yang sesuai dengan pembahasan penelitian. apabila dalam penelitian hukum tersebut, peneliti sudah menyebutkan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statue approach) adalah mencari peraturan perundang-undangan mengenai atau yang berkaitan dengan isu tersebut. perundangundangan dalam hal ini berupa legislation maupun regulation apabila peneliti melakukan pendekatan konseptual (conseptual approach) yang harus dikumpulkan lebih dahulu bukan peraturan perundang-undangan untuk isu hukum yang hendak dipecahkan. c. hasil penelitian dan pembahasan 1 tindak pidana pelaku aborsi sesuai ketentuan perundang-undangan tindakpidana pengguguran kandungan/aborsi dalam berbagai literatur pengertian tentang tindak pidana pengguguran kandungan/aborsi berbeda-beda akan tetapi memiliki suatu makna yang sama mengenai pengertian tindak pidana pengguguran kandungan/aborsi, dalam berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan. dalam bagian buke ii tentang kejahatan terhadap kesusilaan (misdrijven tegen de zeden) termuat pasal 299 kuhp yang melarang suatu perbuatan yang mirip dengan abortus, tetapi tidak harus dengan penegasan bahwa harus ada suatu kandungan yang hidup, pasal ini berbunyi : 1. barang siapa dengan sengaja mengobati seorang perempuan atau menyuruh seorang perempuan supaya diobati dengan memberi tahu atau menimbulkan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan sanksi pidana bagi pelaku tindak pidana aborsi menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku ( kitab hukum pidana dan undang-undang nomor. 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan) i ida bagus made putra manohara 8 pengharapan, bahwa karna pengobatan itu dapat gugur kandungannya, di hukum dengan hukuman penjara selama-lamanya 4 (empat) tahun atau denda sebanyak tiga ribu rupiah. 2. kalau yang bersalah berbuat karena mencari keuntungan, atau melakukan kejahatan itu ia jadikan pekerjaan sehari-hari (bereop) atau kebiasaan, atau kalau ia seorang dokter, bidan, atau tukang obat, maka hukumannya ditambah dengan sepertiganya. 3. kalau kejahatan ini dilakukan dalam melakukan pekerjaan sehari-hari, maka boleh dicabut haknya untuk menjalankan pekerjaan itu. peristilahan aborsi sesungguhnya tidak dapat ditemukan pengutipannya dalam kuhp. hanya mengenal istilah pengguguran kandungan, secara terminologi atau tata bahasa aborsi atau abortus berasal dari kata bahasa latin yaitu abortio yang artinya pengeluaran hasil konsepsi dari uretus secara prematur pada umur dimana janin itu belum bisa hidup di luar kandungan pada umur 24 minggu. secara medis aborsi berarti pengeluaran kandungan sebelum berumur 24 minggu dan mengakibatkan kematian, sedangkan apabila pengeluaran janin sesudah 24 minggu dan mati tidak disebut aborsi tetapi pembunuhan bayi (infanticide) (kusmaryanto, 2005: 15 ). terjadinya aborsi bisa secara alami dan tidak disengaja, bisa juga karena suatu kesengajaan. pengguguran kandungan atau aborsi yang sengaja dilakukan dengan menggunakan obat-obatan dan cara-cara medis tertentu atau dengan cara tradisional. pengguguran kandungan pada umumnya dikatagorikan sebagai tindak pidana pembunuhan yang tidak berprikemanusiaan dan melanggar hukum (waluyadi, 2005:96). aborsi provocatus merupakan istilah lain yang secara resmi dipakai dalam kalangan kedokteran dan hukum. ini adalah suatu proses pengakhiran hidup dari janin sebelum diberi kesempatan untuk bertumbuh. aborsi yang dilakukan secara sengaja (abortus provocatus) ini terbagi menjadi dua yaitu : a. abortus provocatus medicalis, aborsi yang dilakukan oleh dokter atas dasar indikasi medis, yaitu apabila tindakan aborsi tidak diambil akan membahayakan jia ibu. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan sanksi pidana bagi pelaku tindak pidana aborsi menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku ( kitab hukum pidana dan undang-undang nomor. 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan) i ida bagus made putra manohara 9 b. abortus provokatus medisinalis/artificalis/therapeuticus aborsi yang dilakukan dengan disertai indikasi medis. di indonesia yang dimaksud dengan indikasi medis adalah demi menyelamatkan nyawa ibu. dalam praktek di dunia kedokteran, abortus provocatusmedicinalis juga dapat dilakukan jika anak yang akan lahir diperkirakan akan mengalami cacat berat dan harapan hidupnya tipis. c. abortus provocatus criminalis, aborsi yang terjadi oleh karena tindakantindakan yang tidak legal atau tidak berdasarkan indikaasi medis, sebagai contoh aborsi yang dilakukan dalam rangka meleyapkan janin sebagai akibat hubungan seksual di luar perkawinan. secara yuridis, abortus provocatus criminalis setiap pnghentian kehamilan sebelum hasil konsepsi dilahirkan tanpa memperhitungkan umur bayi dalam kandungan dan janin dilahirkan dalam keadaan mati atau hidup. aturan hukum yang mengatur tentang aborsi, yaitu kitab undang-undang hukum pidana (kuhp) dan undang-undang nomor 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan, sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal-pasal sebagai berikut: pasal 346 kitab undang-undang hukum pidana (kuhp) seorang wanita yang sengaja menggugurkan atau mematikan kandungannya atau menyuruh orang lain untuk itu, diancam dengan pidana penjara paling lama empat tahun. subjeknya adalah seorang wanita yang hamil atau yang sedang mengandung. tidak dipersoalkan apakah seorang wanita itu mempunyai suami yang sah atau tidak. dari judul bab xix kejahatan terhadap jiwa, berarti bahwa yang didalam kandungan itu adalah yang sudah mempunyai jiwa atau lebih tepat adalah masih hidup. wanita pelaku dari kejahatan ini dapat berupa pelaku tunggal dan dapat juga sebagai pelaku dalam rangka penyertaan sebagaiman ditafsirkan dari perumusan : atau menyuruh orang lain dalam hal ini wanita tersebut dapat berupa penyuruh, pelaku-peserta, pelakupenggerak atau pelaku utama dimana yang lain berturut-turut berupa : yang disuruh, pelaku peserta yang digerakkan atau pembantu. apabila terhadap wanita itu diterapkan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan sanksi pidana bagi pelaku tindak pidana aborsi menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku ( kitab hukum pidana dan undang-undang nomor. 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan) i ida bagus made putra manohara 10 pasal 346, maka kepada yang disuruh itu (kecuali jika sama sekali tiada kesalahan padanya) diterapkan pasal 348. dengan demikian, menggugurkan kandungan harus dibaca dengan menggugurkan kandungan yang masih hidup. menggugurkan disini adalah mengeluarkan dengan paksa (abortus provocatus). karenanya kejahatan ini disebut “abortus provocatus criminalus” apabila kandungan itu dipaksa keluar dan pada saat keluar itu masih hidup, sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan mematikan kandungan ialah kandungan itu kandungan itu dimatikan ketika masih dalam tubuh wanita. mengeluarkan kandungan yang sudah mati bukan suatu kejahatan, bahkan demi keselamatan wanita tersebut kandungan yang sudah mati harus dikeluarkan. pasal 348 kitab undang-undang hukum pidana (kuhp) : 1. barang siapa dengan sengaja menggugurkan atau mematikan kandungan seorang wanita dengan persetujuannya, diancam dengan pidana penjara paling lama lima tahun enam bulan. 2. jika perbuatan itu mengakibatkan matinya wanita tersebut, diancam dengan pidana penjara paling lama tujuh tahun. subjeknya di sini adalah barangsiapa, tetapi dalam hal ini tidak termasuk wanita hamil itu sendiri. karena jika ia sendiri yang melakukan, terhadapnya diterapkan pasal 346 yang maksimum ancaman pidananya lebih ringan. jelas terlihat dibedakan antara wanita hamil itu sendiri sebagai pelaku dan orang lain sebagai pelaku kendati atas persetujuan wanita itu sendiri. dalam rangka penerapan pasal 348 perlu diperhatikan, bahwa jika wanita itu memberikan persetujuannya sama saja dengan bahwa wanita tersebut telah melakukan pasal 346, pasal 349 kuhp. jika seorang dokter, bidan atau juru obat membantu melakukan kejahatan berdasarkan pasal 346, ataupun melakukan atau membantu melakukan salah satu kejahatan yang diterangkan dalam pasal 347 dan 348, maka pidana yang ditentukan dalam pasal itu dapat ditambah dengan sepertiga dan dapat dicabut hak untuk menjalankan pencarian dalam mana kejahatan dilakukan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan sanksi pidana bagi pelaku tindak pidana aborsi menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku ( kitab hukum pidana dan undang-undang nomor. 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan) i ida bagus made putra manohara 11 subjeknya adalah dokter, bidan atau tukang obat. mereka ini adalah subjek khusus, tindakan yang dilakukan adalah : a. membantu kejahatan tersebut pasal 346 ; membantu disini adalah dalam arti pasal 56. namum kepada mereka ini bukannya diancamkan maksimum empat tahun dikurangi dengan sepertiganya, melainkan empat tahun ditambah sepertiganya. b. melakukan kejahatan tersebut pasal 347 atau 348. dalam hal ini maksimum ancaman pidananya ditambah dengan sepertiganya dari pasal 347 atau 348. 1. pengertian aborsi dalam undang-undang nomor 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan pasal 75 ayat (1) undang-undang nomor 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan menyebutkan : undang-undang kesehatan mengatur masalah aborsi yang secara substansial berbeda dengan kuhp, menurut undang-undang ini aborsi dapat dilakukan apabila ada indikasi medis. a. setiap orang dilarang melakukan aborsi. b. larangan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dapat dikecualikan berdasarkan : 1. indikasi kedaruratan medis yang dideteksi sejak usia dini kehamilan, baik yang mengancam nyawa ibu dan atau janin yang menderita penyakit genetik dan cacat bawaan 2. kehamilan akibat pemerkosaan yang dapat menyebabkan taruma psikolog bagi korban perkosaan. pasal 194 undang-undang kesehatan setiap orang yang dengan sengaja melakukan aborsi tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 75 dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 10 (sepuluh) tahun dan denda paling banyak rp. (satu milyar rupiah). ketentuan pidana mengenai abortus provocatus criminalis dalam undangundang nomor 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan dianggap bagus karena mengandung umum dan prevensi khusus untuk menekan angka kejahatan aborsi kriminalis. dengan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan sanksi pidana bagi pelaku tindak pidana aborsi menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku ( kitab hukum pidana dan undang-undang nomor. 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan) i ida bagus made putra manohara 12 merasakan ancama pidana yang demikian beratnya itu, diharapkan para pelaku aborsi criminalis menjadi jera dan tidak mengulangi perbuatannya, dalam dunia hukum hal ini disebut sebagai prevensi khusus yaitu usaha pencegahannya agar pelaku abortus provocatus criminalis tidak lagi mengulangi perbuatannya. d. penutup berdasarkan uraian dalam bab 2 maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa di dalam sistem hukum di indonesia telah ada aturan yang mengatur tentang aborsi, yaitu : 1. undang-undang republik indonesia nomor 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan 2. undang-undang nomor 35 tahun 2014 tentang perubahan atas undang-undang nomor 23 tahun 2002 tentang perlindungan anak 3. undang-undang nomor 73 tahun 1958 tentang hukum pidana 4. peraturan pemerintah nomor 61 tahun 2014 tentang kesehatan reproduksi dalam pasal 75 undang-undang kesehatan, bahwa setiap orang dilarang melakukan aborsi. pengecualian terhadap larangan melakukan aborsi diberikan hanya dalam 2 kondisi yaitu :1. indikasi kedaruratan medis yang dideteksi sejak usia dini kehamilan, baik yang mengancam nyawa ibu atau janin, yang menderita penyakit genetik berat dan/atau cacat bawaan, mauoun yang tidak dapat diperbaiki sehingga menyulitkan bayi tersebut hidup di luar kandungan. 2. kehamilan akibat perkosaan yang dapat menyebabkan trauma psikologis bagi korban perkosaan. namun tindakan aborsi yang diatur dalam pasal 75 ayat (2) undang-undang kesehatan itu pun dapat hanya dapat dilakukan setelah melalui konseling dan/atau penasehat pra tindakan dan diakhiri dengan konseling pasca tindakan yang dilakukan oleh konselor yang kompeten dan berwenang, selain itu aborsi hanya dapat dilakukan a. sebelum kehamilan berumur 6 minggu dihitung dari hari pertama haid terakhir, kecuali dalam hal kedaruratan medis b. oleh tenaga kesehatan yang yang memiliki keterampilan dan kewenangan yang memiliki sertifikat yang ditetapkan oleh menteri c. dengan persetujuan ibu hamil yang bersangkutan d. dengan izin suami, kecuali korban perkosaan, dan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan sanksi pidana bagi pelaku tindak pidana aborsi menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku ( kitab hukum pidana dan undang-undang nomor. 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan) i ida bagus made putra manohara 13 e. penyedia layanan kesehatan yang memenuhi syarat yang ditetapkan oleh menteri. jadi praktek aborsi yang bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan sebagaimana disebut diatas merupakan aborsi ilegal diatur dalam pasal 194 undang undang nomor 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan dan pasal 346 sampai dengan pasal 348 undang-undang nomor 73 tahun 1958 tentang hukum pidana. daftar pustaka atang, r. (1991). ilmu kedokteran kehakiman. bandung:penerbit tarsito. bertens, k. (2001). aborsi sebagai masalah etika. jakarta: grasindo. dorland. (2002). kamus kedokteran dorland. terjemahan huriawati hartanto. jakarta : egc. derek, l. (1983). ginekologi dan kesehatan wanita. jakarta: gaya favorit press. edelstein, l. (1943). the hippocratic oath. baltimore: the john hopkins press. marzuki, p. m. (2005). penelitian hukum. jakarta: kencana prenada media. kusmaryanto. (2005). tolak aborsi budaya kehidupan versus budaya kematian. yogyakarta: kanisius. purba, r. m. s. (1998). aborsi sebagai masalah etika. jakarta: balai pustaka. waluyadi. (2005). ilmu kedokteran kehakiman. cirebon: djambatan. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap perilaku pengguna helm di universitas haluoleo i ni putu sri widiasih page 105 tinjauan yuridis terhadap perilaku pengguna helm di universitas haluoleo oleh ni putu sri widiasih mahasiswa pascasarjana magister hukum universitas airlangga abstract violations committed by motorists with not using a helmet shows compliance (compliance) are low traffic rules as regulated in section 57 subsection (2) of act no. 22 of year 2009 about traffic transport and streets. this type of research is conducted with the normative-legal research efforts are empirical. the research results showed that the factors cause motorists not wearing a helmet at the cross roads and surrounding a h.e. mokodompit still in kecamatan kambu is a factor of consciousness and behavior, because almost all violations and traffic accidents on the road sekitasrnya and h.e. à mokodompit that kecamatan kambu is still in its primary cause is the rider. these factors gave rise to differences of level of knowledge and/or understanding of the people against the prevailing rules resulted in a disparity that potentially gave rise to traffic problems in particular knowledge of the importance of the benefits the use of helmets for motorbike riders of vehicles that do not wear a helmet, both between road users themselves as well as between road users with apparatus that served to carry out law enforcement on highways, environmental factors contribute active in creating behavior-behavior that deviates. the citizens of the society like the breach of rules that have been set out in the legislation are likely to form a bad or aberrant personality on the individual efforts being done satlantas polres kendari in tackling traffic offences caused by motorcyclists not wearing a helmet at the cross streets of h.e. à mokodompit is by way of enforcing methods of pre-emptif, is an effort or prevention efforts against irregularities. keywords: helmet, breach of the user, traffic a. pendahuluan manusia sebagai mahluk sosial hidup dalam sebuah tatanan norma-norma sosial yang berlaku, hal ini terjadi karena adanya interaksi manusia yang satu dengan manusia yang lainnya dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. masyarakat sebagai wadah tingkah laku hubungan sosial para individu, maka dalam interaksi tersebut masing-masing individu pasti terikat dengan norma-norma dan peraturan-peraturan ataupun kaidah-kaidah yang harus ditaati oleh setiap individu. kaidah atau peraturan yang mengatur tingkah laku manusia yang lazim disebut hukum. perkembangan teknologi saat ini kian pesat, salah satunya di bidang transportasi khususnya kendaraan bermotor. perkembangan yang pesat itu seharusnya diimbangi dengan sarana lalu lintas jalan raya. hal ini dengan tujuan untuk mengatasi jumlah kendaraan yang kian hari kian membludak. semakin membludaknya kendaraan di jalan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap perilaku pengguna helm di universitas haluoleo i ni putu sri widiasih page 106 raya sering menimbulkan pelanggaran lalu lintas. untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut maka diperlukan kaidah-kaidah hukum yang tepat untuk mengatasinya. pelanggaran lalu lintas merupakan suatu keadaan dimana terjadi ketidak sesuaian antara aturan dan pelaksanaan. aturan dalam hal ini yang dimaksud adalah undangundang yang telah ditetapkan oleh negara yang berlaku secara sah, sedangkan masyarakat menjadi pelaksananya. dalam mengikuti aturan yang tertera dalam pasal-pasal jika tidak sesuai dengan pasal-pasal tersebut, maka disebut pelanggaran lalu lintas. pelanggaran lalu lintas tidak dapat dibiarkan begitu saja karena bersumber dari suatu pelanggaran tersebut akan timbul kecelakaan lalu lintas, meski juga masih ada faktor lain yang menyebabkannya helm biasanya digunakan sebagai pelindung kepala untuk berbagai aktivitas pertempuran (militer) atau aktivitas sipil seperti olahraga, pertambangan, atau berkendaraan. helm dapat memberi perlindungan tambahan pada sebagian dari kepala (bergantung pada strukturnya) dari benda jatuh atau berkecepatan tinggi. di beberapa negara, helm wajib digunakan bagi pengendara sepeda motor, bahkan ada yang mewajibkannya bagi pengendara sepeda tak bermotor. pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh pengendara motor dengan tidak menggunakan helm menunjukkan kepatuhan (compliance) yang rendah terhadap peraturan lalu-lintas sebagaimana yang diatur pada pasal 57 ayat (2) undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 2009 tentang lalu lintas dan angkutan jalan, bahwa “setiap kendaraan bermotor yang dioperasikan di jalan wajib dilengkapi dengan helm standar nasional indonesia”. selanjutnya, pada pasal 106 ayat (8) dikemukakan bahwa “setiap orang yang mengemudikan sepeda motor dan penumpang sepeda motor wajib mengenakan helm yang memenuhi standar nasional indonesia”. berdasarkan hasil observasi penulis pada hari rabu, 18 februari 2015 di kecamatan kambu, masyarakat dan mahasiswa (i) yang melakukan mobilisasi dari rumah/kost sampai dengan kampus universitas halu oleo atau tempat lain yang masih dalam wilayah kecamatan kambu, ada beberapa atau sebagian besar pengendara sepeda motor (kendaraan roda dua) tidak memakai helm seperti yang telah ditetapkan dalam peraturan berlalu lintas. seharusnya para pengendara mematuhi peraturan undang-undang berlalu http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/olahraga http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/pertambangan http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/sepeda_motor http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/sepeda issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap perilaku pengguna helm di universitas haluoleo i ni putu sri widiasih page 107 lintas sebagaimana yang telah ditetapkan, dan kepolisian diharapkan menerapkan peraturan ataupun undang-undang tersebut dengan baik dalam artian sanksi harus diberlakukan dengan asas equality before the law. pada kenyataannya terdapat pelanggaran berlalu lintas di jalan h.e.a mokodompit menuju universitas halu oleo kendari yang melanggar peraturan undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 2009 tentang lalu lintas dan angkutan jalan, namun tidak ada tindakan sanksi dari kepolisian. berdasarkan uraian tersebut di atas, maka penulis tertarik untuk mengkaji dan menelaah tentang “kajian kriminologis terhadap perilaku pengendara sepeda motor yang tidak memakai helm”. merujuk pada uraian latar belakang yang dikemukakan di atas, maka ada dua permasalahan pokok yang diajukan, yaitu faktor-faktor apa penyebab pengendara sepeda motor tidak memakai helm dan upaya apa yang dilakukan oleh kepolisian dalam penegakan undang-undang lalu lintas nomor 22 tahun 2009. b. metode penelitian tipe penelitian ini dilakukan dengan upaya penelitian hukum normatif-empiris. tipe penelitian normatif merupakan tipe yang didasarkan pada suatu kajian kriminologi dan berusaha menekankan pada kaidah hukum sesuai dengan aturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. digunakan penelitian empiris bermaksud untuk menemukan dan menganalisis kenyataan-kenyataan yang terjadi di dalam masyarakat khususnya mengenai perilaku pengendara sepeda motor yang tidak memakai helm. jenis dan sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yaitu data yang diperoleh secara langsung dari masyarakat dan mahasiswa yang tidak memakai helm pada saat berkendara dengan menggunakan observasi, kuisioner atau angket serta wawancara yang berhubungan dengan pelanggaran lalu lintas terhadap perilaku pengendara sepeda motor yang tidak memakai helm dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi serta upaya-upaya yang dilakukan dan data sekunder adalah data yang diperoleh dari kepolisian resor kendari dan data sekunder dibutuhkan untuk melengkapi data primer penelitian yang berwujud berupa pendapat-pendapat, dokumen-dokumen resmi, buku-buku, hasil-hasil issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap perilaku pengguna helm di universitas haluoleo i ni putu sri widiasih page 108 penelitian yang berwujud laporan yang terkait dengan pembahasan dalam penelitian ini dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini. teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara penelitian kepustakaan yaitu penelitian dengan cara menelaah beberapa literature serta bacaanbacaan lain yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini dan penelitian lapangan yaitu penelitian yang digunakan dengan cara turun langsung meneliti di lapangan untuk mendapatkan data akurat tentang perilaku pengendara sepeda motor roda dua yang tidak memakai helm dengan melakukan pengamatan (observation), kuisioner atau angket, dan wawancara. teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kualitatif yang meneliti dan menalaah data, bahan hukum dan segala informasi yang berkenaan dengan pelanggaran berlalu lintas khususnya pengendara sepeda motor roda dua yang tidak memakai helm di lintas wilayah kecamatan kambu. baik yang bersifat umum maupun khusus, data yang diperoleh kemudian diuraikan dalam bentuk uraian secara logis dan sistematis untuk menjawab permasalahan yang ada pada penelitian ini dengan menggunakan bantuan tabek frekuensi dan persentase. c. hasil dan pembahasan 1. faktor-faktor penyebab pengendara sepeda motor roda dua yang tidak memakai helm terdapat banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya pelanggaran lalu lintas di jalan setiap ta hunnya. faktor tersebut antara lain, adanya paradigma berpikir masyarakat instan di zaman modern, mulai lunturnya sensitivitas dalam berkendara, dan minimnya etika berkendara untuk tertib, saling menghormati, saling menghargai, sehingga mengakibatkan semakin tergerusnya rasa kepemilikan akan sesuatu. faktor-faktor di atas mempunyai hubungan kausalitas atau sebab akibat yang saling berkaitan antara satu sama lain. faktor manusia merupakan penyebab pelanggaran lalu lintas yang paling tinggi karena faktor manusia berkaitan erat dengan etika, tingkah laku, dan cara berkendara di jalan raya. bentuk pelanggaran itu sendiri merupakan bagian dari issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap perilaku pengguna helm di universitas haluoleo i ni putu sri widiasih page 109 kelalaian seseorang dalam bertindak dan mengambil keputusan yang tergesa-gesa. mereka sering mementingkan diri sendiri dari pada mementingkan kepentingan umum. melalui angket terbuka di jalan h.e.a mokodompit, diperoleh gambaran kepatuhan subjek penelitian terhadap peraturan penggunaan helm. kepatuhan subjek diketahui dari self-report dengan dua pilihan jawaban yaitu, subjek selalu menggunakan helm atau sangat jarang tidak menggunakan helm saat mengendarai sepeda motor, dan subjek selalu atau sangat sering tidak menggunakan helm saat mengendarai sepeda motor. berbagai alasan yang mendasari kepatuhan subjek mematuhi peraturan penggunaan helm sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam tabel 6. tabel 6: alasan utama subjek mematuhi peraturan penggunaan helm. no. alasan frekuen si persentase (%) 1. safety/keamanan 5 3,38 2. sudah aturan, kewajiban 34 22,97 3. takut ditilang, takut ada polisi 23 15,54 4. sudah terbiasa 80 54,05 5. terlihat keren 1 0,68 6. tidak memberikan alasan 5 3,38 total 148 100% sumber data: angket terbuka di jalan h.e.a mokodompit april 2015 berdasarkan data pada tabel 6 di atas diketahui bahwa, tiga alasan utama subjek penelitian mematuhi peraturan penggunaan helm adalah 5 (lima) orang disebabkan alasan keselamatan, terdapat 34 (tiga puluh empat) orang disebabkan karena sudah aturan atau kewajiban, dan 23 (dua puluh tiga) orang disebabkan karena takut ada polisi atau kena tilang. sementara yang menjadi alasan utama subjek penelitian tidak mematuhi peraturan penggunaan helm adalah 80 (delapan puluh) orang disebabkan karena sudah terbiasa, terdapat 1 (satu) orang disebabkan karena terlihat keren, dan 5 (lima) orang tidak memberikan alasan. tabel di atas di peroleh gambaran bahwa penyebab yang dominan adalah karena sudah terbiasa yaitu 80 (delapan puluh) orang atau rata-rata 54,05%, terdapat 5 (lima) issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap perilaku pengguna helm di universitas haluoleo i ni putu sri widiasih page 110 orang atau rata-rata 3,38% tidak memberikan alasan, dan 1 (satu) orang atau rata-rata 0,68 disebabkan karena ingin terlihat keren. alasan utama subjek melanggar peraturan penggunaan helm diringkas dalam tabel 7 sebagai berikut. tabel 7: alasan utama subjek melanggar peraturan penggunaan helm. no. alasan frekuensi persentase 1. jarak tempuh tidak jauh 36 58,06 2. kalau tidak ada polisi 12 19,35 3. merepotkan 7 11,29 4. tidak nyaman, panas 6 9,68 5. meniru orang lain 1 1,61 total 62 100 sumber data: angket terbuka di jalan h.e.a mokodompit april 2015 data pada tabel 7 menunjukkan bahwa subjek penelitian tidak mematuhi peraturan penggunaan helm terutama karena jarak tempuh tidak jauh terdapat 36 (tiga puluh enam) orang atau rata-rata 58,06%, pada saat tidak ada polisi terdapat 12 (dua belas) orang atau rata-rata 19,35%, dipandang merepotkan terdapat 7 (tujuh) orang atau rata-rata 11,29%, tidak nyaman/panas terdapat 7 (tujuh) orang atau 9,68%, dan alasan terakhir karena meniru orang lain terdapat 1 (satu) orang atau rata-rata 1,61%. berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari pihak kepolisian resor kendari dalam kurun waktu 5 (lima) tahun dan melalui angket terbuka di jalan h.e.a mokodompit yang menunjukkan penyebab pengendara sepeda motor yang tidak memkai helm, faktor yang dominan mempengaruhi penggunaan helm pada pengemudi sepeda motor adalah faktor yang murni berasal dari dalam diri sendiri, yaitu sikap individu terhadap helm sebagai objek sikap dan kontrol diri individu dalam menggunakan helm terkait segala macam konsekuensinya. di sisi lain, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor eksternal seperti pengaruh orang lain. penulis memberikan pertanyaan yang sama terhadap seluruh responden, yaitu pertanyaan mengenai faktor-faktor penyebab pengendara sepeda motor tidak memakai helm di lintas jalan h.e.a mokodompit yang menuju universitas halu oleo dan sekitarnya. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap perilaku pengguna helm di universitas haluoleo i ni putu sri widiasih page 111 dari data-data yang diperoleh oleh penulis dari wawancara dengan beberapa responden yang tidak memakai helm pada saat mengendarai sepeda motor tersebut di atas, penulis dapat menyimpulkan beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan seseorang melakukan pelanggaran lalu lintas tidak memakai helm pada saat berkendara dengan kendaraan sepeda motor, sebagai berikut: 1. faktor kesadaran dan perilaku tidak berlebihan bila dikatakan bahwa, hampir semua pelanggaran dan kecelakaan lalu lintas di jalan h.e.a mokodompit dan sekitarnya yang masih dalam wilayah kecamatan kambu penyebab utamanya adalah pengendara. penyebab pelanggaran dan kecelakaan lalu lintas paling banyak disebabkan oleh manusia, yang mencakup psikologi manusia sistem indra seperti penglihatan dan pendengaran, dan pengetahuan tentang tata cara lalu lintas. penyebab faktor rendahnya kesadaran dan perilaku ini juga dipertegas oleh pernyataan rudi sutendi selaku kanit patroli polres kendari, menyatakan bahwa: “dari hasil operasi lalu lintas di jalan memang sampai saat ini faktor manusia masih mendominasi terjadinya pelanggaran lalu lintas bahkan sampai menimbulkan kecelakaan, tentunya hal ini dipengaruhi oleh kurangnya kesadaran, pengetahuan serta lingkungan yang baik serta kesadaran hukum para pengendara sepeda motor khususnya di jalan h.e.a mokodompit masih sangat kurang”. (wawancara tanggal 20 april 2015) berdasarkan wawancara di atas, menggambarkan bahwa perilaku pengendara sepeda motor yang tidak memakai helm ditentukan oleh beberapa indikator yang membentuk sikap dan perilakunya di jalan raya. kesadaran dan perilaku yang membudaya dari pengguna jalan merupakan salah satu faktor utama yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap situasi lalu lintas yang sifatnya akan merugikan diri sendiri. etika, sopan santun, toleransi antar pengguna jalan, kematangan dalam pengendalian emosi serta kepedulian pengguna jalan di jalan raya akan menimbulkan sebuah iteraksi yang dapat mewarnai situasi lalu lintas berupa hasil yang positif seperti terciptanya keamanan, keselamatan dan kelancaran lalu lintas maupun dampak negatif issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap perilaku pengguna helm di universitas haluoleo i ni putu sri widiasih page 112 yang dapat menimbulkan kesemrawutan, kemacetan, pelanggaran dan kecelakaan lalu lintas, sehingga mentalitas pengguna jalan merupakan suatu hal yang fundamental dalam mewujudkan situasi lalu lintas yang baik. 2. faktor pemahaman terhadap undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 2009 tentang lalu lintas dan angkutan darat. dalam menciptakan dan memelihara keamanan, keselamatan, ketertiban serta kelancaran lalu lintas, telah dilakukan pengaturan yang disesuaikan dengan perkembangan situasi lalu lintas yang ada denganmempertimbangkan perkembangan teknologi di bidang transportasi baik yang berhubungan dengan kendaraan dan dampak lingkungan lainnya dalam bentuk suatu aturan yang tegas dan jelas serta telah melalui roses sosialisai secara bertahap sehingga dapat dijadikan pedoman dalam berinteraksi di jalan raya. setiap pengguna jalan wajib memahami setiap aturan yang telah dibakukan secara formal baik dalam bentuk undang-undang, perpu, peraturan pemerintah, perda dan aturan lainnya khususnya undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 2009 yang mengatur tentang lalu lintas sehingga terdapat satu persepsi dalam pola tindak dan pola pikir dalam berinteraksi di jalan raya. 3. faktor lingkungan lingkungan sangat berperan aktif dalam menciptakan perilaku-perilaku yang menyimpang. seorang individu yang tinggal dalam lingkungan yang baik, sumber daya manusianya bagus, melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan yang baik dan positif akan mempengaruhi kepribadian individu tersebut untuk menjadi baik. sebaliknya, bila seorang individu hidup dan tinggal dalam lingkungan yang buruk, warga masyarakatnya suka melakukan pelanggaran terhadap aturan yang telah ditetapkan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan cenderung akan membentuk kepribadian yang buruk atau menyimpang pada diri individu tersebut, seperti yang telah terjadi di lingkungan jalan h.e.a mokodompit yang tingkat kepatuhan terhadap aturan lalu lintas sangat kurang. berdasarkan wawancara penuli dengan agus salim selaku anggota satuan lalu lintas (satlantas) polres kendari, menyatakan bahwa: issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap perilaku pengguna helm di universitas haluoleo i ni putu sri widiasih page 113 “faktor lingkungan memberikan pengaruh terhadap penyimpangan perilaku pengendara sepeda motor tidak memakai helm di lintas wilayah kambu khususnya di jalan h.e.a mokodompit dengan kondisi pelanggaran tersebut yang sering terjadi sehari-hari sehingga menjadi kebiasaan yang lumrah bagi pengendara sepeda motor untuk tidak memakai helm, selain itu karena kurangnya kesadaran pengendara terhadap pentingnya manfaat penggunaan helm dan pengetahuan tentang peraturan lalu lintas. sehingga membuat perilaku tersebut mempengaruhi pengendara sepeda motor yng melintas di jalan h.e.a mokodompit menuju universitas halu oleo atau tempat tujuan lain mengikuti perilaku tidak memakai helm yang jelas-jelas menyimpang dan melanggar peraturan undang-undang nomor 22 tahu 2009”. (wawancara 15 mei 2015) wawancara di atas, menggambarkan bahwasanya penyebab kegagalan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan lalu lintas dari segi kondisi lingkungan bisa dijabarkan dalam skenario berikut ini, suatu ketika pengendara tersebut mencoba menggunakan helm, namun keadaan yang ia hadapi adalah bahwa banyak pengendara lain yang ternyata tidak menggunakan helm tidak mendapat sanksi apa-apa, selain itu ia juga merasa tidak nyaman ketika memakai helm karena terasa gerah. keadaan ini menggambarkan adanya konsekuensi negatif ketika pengendara tersebut berusaha mematuhi peraturan dengan menggunakan helm. konsekuensi negatif tersebut berasal dari rasa tidak nyaman dan umpan balik sosial yang memperlihatkan bahwa tidak menjadi masalah bila pengendara tidak menggunakan helm 2. upaya kepolisian dalam penegakan undang-undang lalu lintas nomor 22 tahun 2009 upaya yang dilakukan kepolisian dalam mengatasi maslah pelanggaran lalu lintas khususnya pengendara sepeda motor yang tidak memakai helm di lintas jalan h.e.a mokodompit, dianggap belum maksimal, karena data pelanggaran yang diperoleh dari polres kendari khususnya di jalan h.e.a mokodompit, tidak ada sama sekali penilangan yang di lakukan aparat kepolisian, tetapi pada kenyataan yang terjadi di jalan tersebut issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap perilaku pengguna helm di universitas haluoleo i ni putu sri widiasih page 114 sering terjadi pelanggaran terhadap undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 2009 khususnya pengendara sepeda motor yang tidak memakai helm. menurut akp ida bagus sudirgha selaku kasat lantas polres kendari mengemukakan bahwa: “upaya-upaya yang dilakukan jajaran satlantas polres kendari untuk menanggulangi pelanggaran lalu lintas mengguanakan dua upaya yaitu upaya preventif (pencegahan) dan upaya represif (penindakan).” (wawancara tanggal 17 mei 2015). upaya yang dilakukan aparat kepolisian dapat di jelaskan sebagai berikut: 1. metode pre-emptif metode ini merupakan usaha atau upaya-upaya pencegahan terhadap penyimpangan penggunaan helm sejak awal atau sejak dini, yang dilakukan oleh kepolisisan yang mana tindaka ini lebih bersifat psikis atau moril untuk mengajak atau menghimbau kepada masyarakat agar dapat mentaati setiap aturan lalu lintas yang berlaku. upaya-upaya ini berupa: a. membina hubungan baik dengan tokoh-tokoh masyarakat agar tercipta realisasi perlindungan itu sendiri. b. melakukan pembinaan kepada generasi muda dengan mendukung segala kegiatan olahraga dan kegiatan positif lainnya. c. membuat selebaran-selebaran mengenai informasi yang dianggap perlu demi mencegah pelanggaran lalulintas. 2. metode preventif dalam rangka menanggulangi terjadinya pelanggaran lalu lintas khususnya pengendara sepeda motor tidak memaki helm di lintas jalan h.e.a mokodompit dan sekitarnya pihak satuan lalu lintas (satlantas) polres kendari melakukan upaya pencegahan dengan cara memiliki beberapa program yang bersikap edukasi sebagai bagian dari upaya pencegahan (preventif) diantaranya adalah: a. polisi sahabat anak (polsana) issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap perilaku pengguna helm di universitas haluoleo i ni putu sri widiasih page 115 polsana merupakan kegiatan penanaman tentang kesadaran dan tertib berlalu lintas sejak usia dini. penanaman disiplin lalu lintas terhadap anak-anak merupakanpenyelamatan anak bangsa. polsana merupakan program jangka panjang, yang harus selalu ditumbuh kembangkan dan dilakukan secara berkesinambungan. kegiatan polsana dapat dilakukan melalui kunjungan maupun open house (anak –anak yang berkunjung ke kantor polisi). b. sosialisasi lintas universitas sosialisasi lintas universitas merupakan kegiatan dari kepolisian yang mengajak kalangan kampus atau akademisi sebagai salah satu stake holder untuk ikut berperan serta dalam menangani masalah lalu lintas. dalam kegiatan ini tidak hanya sebatas kepada mahasiswa tetapi juga para dosen. kegiatan sosialisasi ini dapat dilakukan melalui kunjungan, diskusi, seminar, debat publik, serta kampanya keselamatan lalu lintas. c. keamanan berkendara keamanan berkendara merupakan kegiatan untuk keselamatan dalam berkendara. kegiatan ini mencakup pada kegiatan pendidikan dan pelatihan ketrampilan mengendarai kendaraan bermotor, kiat-kiat aman berkendara. ketrampilan dan keahlian berkendara yang dilatihkan dan diselenggarakan oleh polisi yang bekerjasama dengan sektor bisnis, media dan lsm yang ditujukan baik dari tingkat pelajar, mahasiswa, pengemudi angkutan umum, club otomotif, masyarakat umum atau siapa saja yang peduli terhadap masalah keselamatan berkendara dengan bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan serta kesadaran berlalu lintas untuk keselamatan para pengguna jalan. d. kampanye keselamatan lalu lintas kampanye keselamatan lalu lintas merupakan kegiatan bersama (kemitraan antara polisi dengan stake holder) sebagai bentuk kegiatan preventif edukatif yang lebih bersifat sosialisasi dalam meningkatkan kedaraan, pengetahuan dan keinginan untuk mentaati peraturan perundang-undangan lalu lintas. 3. metode represif selain menggunakan metode preventif, jajaran satlantas polres kendari juga menerapkan metode represif. pada hakekatnya upaya tersebut merupakan upaya terakhir issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap perilaku pengguna helm di universitas haluoleo i ni putu sri widiasih page 116 yang ditempuh ketika tindakan edukatif yang terkandung didalam metode preventif tidak dapat menanggulangi permasalahan lalu lintas. upaya represif biasanya disertai dengan upaya penerapan paksa. tindakan represif dilakukan terhadap setiap jenis pelanggaran lalu lintas atau dalam bentuk pelanggaran kasus kecelakaan lalu lintas. seperti yang dikatakan akp ida bagus sudirgha selaku kepala satuan lalu lintas polres kendari, menyatakan bahwa: “satlantas polres kendari selain menerapkan upaya preventif juga menggunakan upaya represif, hal ini tidak hanya memberikan tujuan pelajaran secara paksa atau hukuman bagi para pelanggar lalu lintas yang tertindak, namun tujuan yang lebih penting adalah membuat jera para pelaku pelanggaran sehingga tidak mengulangi kesalahannya lagi diwaktu mendatang”. (wawancara 18 mei 2015). d. penutup berdasarkan rumusan masalah, hasil penelitian, dan pembahasan yang telah diuraikan, maka dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut. faktor-faktor penyebab pengendara sepeda motor tidak memakai helm di lintas jalan h.e.a mokodompit dan sekitarnya yang masih dalam wilayah kecamatan kambu adalah faktor kesadaran dan perilaku, karena hampir semua pelanggaran dan kecelakaan lalu lintas di jalan h.e.a mokodompit dan sekitasrnya yang masih dalam wilayah kecamatan kambu penyebab utamanya adalah pengendara. penyebab pelanggaran dan kecelakaan lalu lintas paling banyak disebabkan oleh manusia, yang mencakup psikologi manusia sistem indra seperti penglihatan dan pendengaran, dan pengetahuan tentang tata cara lalu lintas. pelanggaran lalu lintas terkait yang disebabkan oleh pengendara di jalan h.e.a mokodompit dan sekitarnya disebabkan oleh ingin menghemat waktu dan biaya, ceroboh, tergesa-gesa, ingin cepat sampai tujuan, serta sikap lupa atau lalai dan faktor pemahaman terhadap undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 2009 tentang lalu lintas dan angkutan darat, faktor ini memunculkan perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan dan/atau pemahaman masyarakat terhadap aturan yang berlaku mengakibatkan suatu kesenjangan yang berpotensi memunculkan permasalahan dalam berlalu lintas khususnya pengetahuan pentingnya manfaat penggunaan helm bagi pengendara kendaraan sepeda motor yang tidak memakai helm, baik antar pengguna jalan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap perilaku pengguna helm di universitas haluoleo i ni putu sri widiasih page 117 itu sendiri maupun antara pengguna jalan dengan aparat yang bertugas untuk melaksanakan penegakan hukum di jalan raya, faktor lingkungan sangat berperan aktif dalam menciptakan perilaku-perilaku yang menyimpang. warga masyarakatnya suka melakukan pelanggaran terhadap aturan yang telah ditetapkan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan cenderung akan membentuk kepribadian yang buruk atau menyimpang pada diri individu tersebut dan upaya-upaya yang dilakukan satlantas polres kendari dalam menanggulangi pelanggaran lalu lintas yang disebabkan oleh pengendara sepeda motor tidak memakai helm di lintas jalan h.e.a mokodompit ialah dengan cara memberlakukan metode preemptif, merupakan usaha atau upaya-upaya pencegahan terhadap penyimpangan penggunaan helm sejak awal atau sejak dini, yang dilakukan oleh kepolisisan yang mana tindaka ini lebih bersifat psikis atau moril untuk mengajak atau menghimbau kepada masyarakat agar dapat mentaati setiap aturan lalu lintas yang berlaku. metode preventif(upaya pencegahan) merupakan upaya pencegahan sebelum terjadinya pelanggaran selain itu upaya ini juga lebih bersifat kearah edukatif atau pembelajaran yang dapat memberikan tambahan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai lalu lintas. selain menggunakan metode pre-emptif dan metode preventif, jajaran satlantas polres kendari juga menerapkan metode represif, pada hakekatnya metode ini merupakan upaya terakhir yang ditempuh ketika tindakan edukatif yang terkandung didalam upaya preventif tidak dapat menanggulangi permasalahan lalu lintas. penegakan hukum lalu lintas sebagai bentuk kegiatan represif dilakukan terhadap setiap pemakai jalan yang melakukan pelanggaran terhadap hukum lalu lintas dan angkutan jalan daftar pustaka indah sri utari, 2012, aliran dan teori kriminologi, penerbit thafa media, yogyakarta. john hagan, 1987, modern criminology, crime, criminal behavior, and its control, mc graw hill book com, singapore, p. 164, dalam paulus hadisuprapro, 1997. lilik mulyadi, kajian kkritis dan analitis terhadap dimensi teori-teori kriminologi dalam perspektif ilmu pengetahuan hokum pidana modern, issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap perilaku pengguna helm di universitas haluoleo i ni putu sri widiasih page 118 romli atmasasmita, teori dan kapita selekta kriminologi, penerbit pt eresco, bandung, 1992. richard osborne & borin van 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protection of the rights of all migrant workers(icmw) and have the best practice thus far. this article demonstrates that, despite the barriers and incompatibilities with national laws, the convention, which is primarily a human rights instrument aimed at protecting the fundamental rights of all migrants, could assist asean in ensuring a holistic and sustainable migration management that considers the needs of a whole approach and support from all parties involved, including but not limited to the government. part i of the article will go through the history of the convention's adoption, followed by part ii on the position of asean's migration policies and practice, part iii will discuss on the philippines practices on icmw and migration management, and part iv will provide recommendations. keywords: human rights, icmw, migration,migrant workers, philippines. article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction asean has achieved remarkable strides over the decades, both as a cohesive regional grouping and in terms of its ability to continuously improve the living standards of its citizens through peaceful development strategies. however, the region's treatment of migrant labour leaves much to be desired,historically, member states have dealt with and regulated migration through national legislation, administrative procedures, and bilateral agreements (arisman & ratnawati, 2018). asean signed a declaration on the protection and promotion of migrant workers' rights in 2007 and established a committee to implement the declaration. however, protection gaps continue to exist between international and regional human rights and labour law requirements and their actual enforcement at the local level (martin & abella, 2015). labor migration has been a common occurrence in asean countries. labor migration has always been critical to the economic and social life of the asean region and its people. migration notably contributes to improved livelihoods and labour market efficiency, owing to the inequalities in development across member states and demographic shifts in destination countries. due to the high costs, lengthy duration, and difficulties of traditional migration routes, many asean migrants work in precarious employment in destination countries without a legal status. migrants in the region, regardless of their legal status, frequently risk exploitation and abuse as a result of weak protection for their labour rights during recruitment and employment (international labour organization (ilo), 2011). the international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families (icmw) comes into force on july 1, 2003, after achieving the threshold of 20 ratifying states in march 2003. el salvador and guatemala approved it on march 14, 2003 (ohcr, 2005), 13 years after it was initially opened for ratification in 1990. it has, however, garnered limited support from governments, with fiji and gambia joining the list of state parties recently. (uhchr, 2021). as of early 2020, just two nations had ratified the international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families, which specifies that migrant workers' rights must be maintained without jeopardising national laws (kristina & alice, 2013). https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2091 mailto:salawati@ukm.edu.my p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 123-128 124 2. methodology this study employs a doctrinal analysis methodology. it is primarily bibliographical and internet-based and is performed using a qualitative doctrinal legal analysis process. this method is suggested to be the most appropriate since it is a problem framework that includes various stages such as contextual reading, finding primary documents, recognising current legal problems, collecting relevant information, scrutinising the void in the law, and reviewing all subject matter within the context (mustika & salam, 2021). the primary goal is to acquire new information and analyse ideas in order to propose improvement or change. this method was chosen for this article because it entails identifying relevant gaps within the framework as well as an examination of the issue of migrant workers in asean and how icmw might assist ams to have better migration environment with reference to the philippines’s practice. 3. result and discussion the un general assembly adopted the icmw on 18 december 1990, and it entered into force on 1 july 2003 after thirteen years and twenty ratifications. the convention seeks to improve effective protection, for example, by including many clauses ensuring migrants' access to legal remedies, thereby bridging the gap between legal provisions and actual enjoyment of rights. additionally, the unique migrant focus of the relevant icmw laws is emphasised. states have the option of inserting reservations to icmw provisions that are incompatible with their national interests at the time of signature, ratification, or accession (iom,2006). asean, as a regional integration organisation, has a strong interest in migration. each asean member state (ams) functions as a sending country, a receiving country, or a combination of the two. without a doubt, asean has its own legal framework for dealing with migrant workers (iredale & piper, 2005), most notably the 2007 asean declaration on the protection and promotion of the rights of migrant workers and the 2017 asean consensus on the protection and promotion of the rights of migrant workers. this section will eventually go into detail about both legal instruments. with regards to the icmw, it is fair to say that the majority of asean member states (ams) are not signatories to the treaty. nonetheless, three (3) member nations act as sending countries and are signatories to the icmw. the following table summarises the status of ams in the icmw, indicating whether they are parties to the convention or not. as seen in table 1, the convention is only ratified by indonesia and the philippines, while cambodia remains a signatory. the philippines and indonesia have a long history of transferring labour to nations outside of asean. details of the date of signatory and/or ratification are available in table 1. table 1. details of ams in relation to icmw asean member state party to the convention note brunei no cambodia no signatory 27 sept 2004 indonesia yes signatory: 22 sept 2004 ratification : 31 may 2012 laos no malaysia no myanmar no philippines yes signatory : 15 nov 1993 ratification: 5 jul 1995 singapore no thailand no vietnam no 3.1. asean declaration on the protection and promotion of the rights of migrant workers the asean declaration on the protection and promotion of the rights of migrant workers (hereinafter referred to as the declaration) was adopted in 2007, and it is particularly significant because it calls on both origin and destination countries to promote migrant workers' full potential and dignity (hall, 2002). the declaration recognises the significant contributions of migrant workers to society and economies in both host (receiving) and sending states in asean and recognises the importance of cooperation between states in resolving cases of migrant workers who have become undocumented due to no fault of their own. additionally, it recognises the p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 123-128 125 importance of considering the fundamental rights of migrant workers and their families who are already residents in the destination country. the declaration calls on member states to strengthen cooperation on issues affecting migrant workers, but cautions that "nothing in this declaration shall be construed as indicating the regularisation of the situation of undocumented migrant workers." (asean,2007). additionally, the declaration calls for an "intensification of efforts to promote migrant workers' wellbeing" and for destination nations to "enable access to relevant social welfare services." 3.2. asean consensus on the protection and promotion of the rights of migrant workers ten years after the asean declaration on the promotion and protection of migrant workers was adopted in february 2007 during the philippines' chairmanship of asean, the asean heads of state/government signed the asean consensus on the promotion and protection of migrant workers 2017 – a document aimed at implementing the declaration's commitments. the mere fact that asean's labour-sending and labor-receiving countries have reached an agreement on a difficult issue after nearly eight years of negotiation is a relief. it was delivered in paragraph 22 of the 2007 declaration, which called for the development of an asean instrument to advance the declaration's principles and tasked the asean secretary-general with submitting an annual report to the summit via the asean foreign ministers on the status of implementing the declaration's commitments. while negotiations for a regional instrument began in 2009 with the goal of developing a legally binding instrument, the asean consensus lacks legal force and will not need member nations to adopt the instrument on a national level before it can be implemented. rather than that, it carries a moral obligation on national governments to implement steps that address the document's commitments. this may not satisfy both the sending and receiving governments, as well as the civil society and stakeholder organisations involved in the negotiations. the paper reflects the nature of agreement-making in an asean context and hence represents the negotiated compromise that asean states are willing to accept at this point in time. chapter 7 of the treaty emphasises that asean member states' pledges shall be "consistent with national laws, regulations, and policies. the asean consensus establishes who qualifies as a migrant worker and who is considered undocumented in asean. this distinction is deemed critical because asean member states are obligated to give social protection and other benefits to migrant workers. the inclusion of undocumented workers and their families in the scope of access to shelter, medical, and legal services was one of the negotiation's sticking points. however, the document's negotiating process exemplifies inclusive participation in regional policy discussions. the asean forum on migrant labour (afml), established in 2008 as a broad-based platform for discussing migrant labour issues under the auspices of the asean senior labour officials, is the first of its kind for a regional organisation and should continue to serve as a forum for discussing national-level implementation progress as well as issues and concerns affecting migrant workers in asean (moe,2017). indonesia and the philippines are the only asean members to have ratified the convention. both countries are net labour exporters (rebecca, 2007). there are several conventions that directly address migrant workers' rights, including the migration for employment convention (revised), 1949 (no. 97); the migrant workers (supplementary provisions) convention, 1975 (no. 143); and the united nations' international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families, 1990, as well as several other key labour conventions that ensure equal treatment for all workers in social protection. only the philippines has ratified all six; ratification remains particularly weak in the primary countries of destination (arisman and ratnawati,2018). the philippines was one of the initial signatories and ratifiers of the icmw. the philippines is regarded as having sound labour practises, particularly in regard to migrant workers. due to a lack of enforcement, labour laws frequently exclude domestic employees or fail to provide adequate protection. except for the philippines, no member state has particular domestic worker regulations (martin & abella,2015). to safeguard their migrant workers abroad, the philippine government established the office of the undersecretary for migrant workers affairs (oumwa) inside the department of foreign affairs. where there is a high concentration of overseas foreign employees, the law requires the establishment of a filipino workers resource center. the philippines maintains 67 embassies, 23 consulates, four permanent missions, one extension office, and 38 philippine labor overseas offices that provide assistance to filipinos living and working abroad. the philippine government has a number of policies in place to protect overseas filipino workers (ofw) (dofa, 2011). p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 123-128 126 according to republic act 10022, ofws may be deployed only in nations that adhere to international human rights standards and meet the conditions specified in section 3 of the act. employers from outside the philippines who wish to engage filipino workers must also through an accreditation process sponsored by the philippine overseas employment administration (poea). additionally, recruitment agencies must get a licence from the poea in accordance with the poea rules and regulations. agencies are obligated, among other things, to negotiate the finest employment terms and conditions on behalf of their employees. additionally, they are required to disclose all terms and conditions to migrant workers. notably, agencies are jointly and severally liable with the employer. to ensure compliance with the rules, newly licenced agencies are required to pay a deposit of one million pesos (about usd 22,000). the government of the philippines has also signed memorandums of understanding with labour firms located abroad (dofa,2011). in the early 1980s, the philippines participated in discussions over the icmw's drafting. the philippine delegation contributed ideas and actively urged the united nations general assembly to ratify the resolution. the philippines ratified the convention on 5 july 1995, making it the first asian country to do so.the migrant workers' act of 1995, also known as republic act 8042, is the country's most significant piece of law (hereinafter is referred to as ra 8042). it was introduced immediately after the ratification of the icmw. numerous institutional safeguards have been put in place to protect the rights of migrant and international workers. filipinos living abroad now have the right to vote. a key purpose of ra 8042 is to regulate recruiting firms in order to ensure that migrant workers are not abused or exploited and that job placements are appropriate for their training and capabilities (handerson, 2022). it is worth mentioning in this regard that, while icmw may be unknown to labour implementing agencies, the principles governing migrant worker protection under icmw are defined in ra 8042. while ra 8042 is universally recognised as a beneficial piece of law, several proposals seeking to amend it have been submitted in recent years. (migration for development, 2008) the welfare and employment office (weo) of the philippine overseas employment administration (poea) develops and implements policies and programmes that promote the interests and welfare of overseas filipino workers and their families. the weo is specifically responsible for maintaining a registry of available workers, developing and signing recruitment agreements with foreign government employers and their agents, providing comprehensive facilities for managing all phases of recruitment of filipino workers hired through government-to-government arrangements, and developing and implementing pre-employment orientation programmes (piper, 2005). additionally, ra 8042 aided in the formation of procedures for employer-employee mediation/conciliation, as well as the establishment of job placement and monitoring centres and a variety of other resource centres. at the national level, various perspectives exist regarding whether a country should and should exert influence over others-particularly receiving countries. while some believe the philippines has successfully leveraged the icmw's influence to advocate for better working conditions in other nations, others disagree. indeed, there has been a considerable improvement in the skill level of filipinos travelling overseas to work, a result of a governmentsponsored initiative that indicates increased success in reaching foreign markets. different destination patterns are motivated by the need to find and serve rising high-skilled demand, not by ratification of the icmw. additionally, the philippines has increased its awareness of its commitments to labour migrants and is aggressively seeking out new markets and market-specific training (iredele & piper, 2005). the philippine government recognises the critical role of non-governmental organisations as partners of government agencies in implementing the convention (un, 2009). besides that, the philippines has taken the following efforts to further the convention's promotion and dissemination. the philippine overseas employment administration (poea), an affiliated agency of the department of labor and employment, has stepped up its public education and communication efforts as a critical component of its mission to protect workers. this is accomplished through the conduct of pre-employment orientation seminars (peos) and other anti-illegal recruiting seminars around the country, as well as predeployment orientation seminars (pdos) for all employees hired through government-to-government arrangements and name hiring. the peos is a requirement for the issuance of passports to work abroad and educates prospective overseas filipino employees on how to prevent illegal recruiting, labour and employment conditions in several countries of destination, and the reality of working abroad. by enlisting the cooperation of several national agencies, local government units, industrial groups, and professional organisations, the poea is growing its network of partners in order to implement the peos programm (rene & isabelo, 2005). p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 123-128 127 the peos programme is a component of the government's policy to protect employees from exploitation and abuse by unethical recruiters and employers (peos, 2021). its equivalent, the pre-departure orientation seminar (pdos), sponsored by the department of labor and employment's overseas workers welfare administration (owwa), also requires ofws to undergo pre-departure orientation on the culture of their host countries. by utilising these existing mechanisms, the philippine government has strengthened its position on the promotion of migrant workers' rights under the convention. additionally, the philippine foreign ministry requires participation in the pre-departure orientation seminar (pdos) for filipino diplomats, consular officers, and embassy personnel departing for their first overseas posting. the pdos contains a full briefing on assistance to nationals (atn), one of the key foundations of the philippine foreign service. this will educate foreign service corps members stationed abroad about the characteristics of their assigned filipino migrant communities, the challenges they face, the assistance they require, as well as the legal/systemic remedies available to address these issues (pdosph, 2018). asean, as a regional organisation that deals with migration issues, must prioritise the issue of migrant protection. assuring gains for the migrant worker and their families as well as the source and destination countries has become a major component of migration management. the overall issues associated with migration management are administrative and structural in nature. these include the difficulties inherent in providing systematic protection for both regular and irregular migrants, as well as the imperative to approach legal and policy reform from a multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral perspective. a. recommendation 1: icmw as a benchmark and philippines as reference for best practice. the icmw's state parties are primarily from the global south and are on the receiving end of the migratory process. the primary premise that underlies the philippines' management of national migration is the constitutional requirement to safeguard all labour, domestic and foreign, organised and unorganised, and to promote full employment and equitable employment opportunities for all (department of foreign affairs (dofa), 211 c.e.). to address migration-related costs, the state commits to maximising the benefits and minimising the costs of overseas employment through mechanisms for the orderly and systematic facilitation and documentation of workers, as well as the provision of adequate protection to prevent abuses and exploitation before, during, and after employment. these responses demonstrate that the philippines favours circular or transient migration as a policy objective. some of these mechanisms are the migrant workers and overseas filipinos act of 1995; an anti-illegal recruitment programme; and, the reform package for household service workers (rebecca, 2007) in the philippines, the most notable piece of law is the migrant workers’ act of 1995, or republic act 8042, which was introduced around the time of the icmw’s ratification. numerous institutional measures were established to safeguard the rights of migrant and abroad workers, including the establishment of voting rights for overseas filipinos. a significant objective of ra 8042 is to regulate recruiting companies to guarantee that migrant workers are not abused or exploited and that job placement matches training and capabilities correctly. the receiving country of the ams may enact a legislation focusing specifically on migrant workers to ensure that migrant workers’ rights are not neglected. a reference to the migrant workers’ act of 1995 or republic act 8042 as well as looking into the provisions of icmw for reference could be made and adapted to the situation and needs of asean's migrant workers. from there, a legal framework for protecting the rights of migrant workers can be constructed. b. recommendation 2: refer to icmw as a reference point for ams migration management activities, as well as a migrant management tool. even though two ams have ratified the icmw, the standards and rules contained in these documents have been poorly applied. indeed, there are no bilateral social security agreements between ams, and the level of ratification of international norms varies, resulting in a continuing absence of proper instruments or enforcement mechanisms, jeopardising the asean region's 'greater integration.' therefore, it is critical for asean to collaborate on this issue. although not all remaining ams will express confidence in ratifying the icmw, ams can still collaborate on a solution to regulate migration in the region. after all, migration is a concern in the asean community. given that the icmw applies to all sorts of migrants, it is necessary to refer to the convention in order to ensure comprehensive protection for all migrants. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 123-128 128 ams could begin by reviewing the asean declaration on the protection and promotion of the rights of migrant workers and ascertaining that it is consistent with the icmw, as the icmw is undoubtedly a comprehensive package of protection for all migrants. this way, every ams will be prepared and knowledgeable about the icmw and will be able to apply it to their national legislation accordingly. consequently, it is crucial to underline that the icmw is a significant legal mechanism that can be viewed as a referral for migration management mechanisms. the philippines has a dependable legal system that could serve as a model for other asean nations. it is common knowledge that asean member states' immigration policies vary. icmw can serve as a basis for a comparable management method. 4. conclusion the icmw provides protection to all migrants in a package and/or bundle. migrants have always been a sensitive topic around the world. for migrants, xenophobia and a lack of protection creates plenty of undesirable conditions. the low rate of ratification of icmw is interpreted as a signal that the majority of states are unwilling to provide a clear protection for these groups of people. they are frequently referred to as a "vulnerable group of people." the fact that the majority of governments that have signed the icmw are sending states demonstrates their concern for their nationals working overseas. in the matter of asean, only two ams were “ready” to ratify the convention, while others remain to reject. asean should take the situation seriously and at the very least make a reference to icmw, given that asean is responsible for practically all of the region's migration. the ams agreed on a declaration on protecting and promoting rights for migrants, but it is deemed insufficient to protect migrants. however, asean is extremely fortunate to have the philippines as a member state, given the philippines has an exceptional track record in managing migration. it is about time for ams to take a serious look at the philippines' practises, regulations, and policies relating to migration management. due to the philippines' early ratification of the icmw, its migration laws adhered to certain provisions of the convention. as a result, it provides an excellent opportunity for ams to learn and revise their practise in the region in order to ensure the asean community's success. references arisman, & ratnawati, k. . (2018). protection of human rights and labour migration for employment purpose across asean.center for southeast asian studies. jakarta: cseas. department of foreign affairs (dofa). (211 c.e.). migrant workers’ right to social protection in asean: case study of indonesia, philippines, singapore and thailand. thailand: mahidol migration centre, institute for population and social research. hall, a. (2002). migrant workers and social protection in asean: moving towards a regional standard? journal of population and social studies, 21(1). international labour organization (ilo). (2011). public attitudes towards migrant workers: a four country study retrieved. retrieved from http://www.ilo.org/asia/info/wcms_159851/lang-en/index.htm iredale, r., & piper, n. (2005). impact of ratifying the 1990 un convention on the rights of all migrant workers and members of their family: case studies of the philippines and sri lanka. unesco: asia pacific migration research network. kristina, t., & alice, s. (2013). current challenges in the implementation of the un international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families. paris: directorate general for external policies of the union, european parliament. martin, p., & abella, m. (2015). background paper prepared for asean community 2015: managing integration for better jobs and shared prosperity. bangkok: ilo. mustika, r., & salam, s. (2021). implementation of state administrative court decisions: conception, and barriers. musamus law review, 3(2), 49–57. rebecca, j. (2007). labour migration and development goals: the philippines experience. international dialogue on migration. 4) 2510 22-28 jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i1.2510 vol. 7 no. 1, december 2022 22 legal protection of tongkonan traditional land management in the traditional community of tana toraja bernike mangi1*, abrar saleng1, andi suriyaman mustari pide1 1faculty of law, hasanuddin university, indonesia *correspondence: bernike.mangi@yahoo.com article history abstract received: 05.08.2022 accepted: 17.12.2022 published: 31.12.2022 legal protection of tongkonan traditional land management in thetraditonal community of tana toraja. guided by abrar saleng, and andi suriyaman mustari pide. this study aims to explain and analyse form of customary land management in tongkonan on customary community of tana toraja and to explain and analyse possible implications occurred if customary land management in customary community of tana toraja were not protected. this research was conducted in the tana toraja district seeing several gaps that can eliminate mha culture from various actions of several parties. this study uses empirical studies. data collection was carried out by interviews and then analyzed qualitatively. tongkonan customary land is managed together by each tongkonan under the supervision of tongkonan layuk and is guided by aluk tallu lolona which plays an important role in maintaining environmental sustainability with the belief that all parts of the land are ancestral heritage that must be preserved as a form of appreciation. the implication occurs if the land of tongkonan is not protected by law is the loss of the characteristics of the culture of indigenous peoples because of various actions to control the land. therefore we need regulations to protect the rights of indigenous peoples over their land. keywords: legal protection; management; tongkonan land article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction the indonesian nation is famous of ethnic diversity, culture, language and customs. from this diversity, it is necessary to regulate the community in terms of land management (community economy) that is efficient and effective for themselves and their groups. the community economy is part of the national and global economy that needs to be directed and strived to create as much as possible for the prosperity and welfare of all people, by upholding the principle of equity and equity and efforts to utilize natural resources while respecting the rights of indigenous peoples (suharyono, 2019). customary land is the rights of indigenous peoples that have been owned or controlled by mha for a long time, where these rights were born with the relationship and position of mha (rechtsgemeenschappen). indigenous and tribal peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct characteristics in the political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions, while retaining their right to participate fully, if they so choose, in political, economic, social and cultural state (yusuf, 2016). indigenous peoples adhere to and uphold the norms and values in customary law even though the rules are not written, but custom has legal consequences for anyone who violates it. customary law does not recognize the existence of a detention house for someone who is found guilty, but customary law has moral and material sanctions that are used as punishment to provide a deterrent effect. customary law is sourced from norms in everyday life that arise as a statement of the original indonesian culture, in this case a statement regarding a sense of justice in self-interested relationships so that customary law is made from generation to generation based on value consciousness which is manifested in daily living habits by using the measure of their reasoning and sense of justice (sugiswati, 2012; salam, 2016). toraja society consists of many alliances called tongkonan. as is known, the alliance called tongkonan owns land called tanah tongkonan, land controlled by a group of indigenous peoples where all members of the tongkonan have or have equal rights to the land based on a genealogical relationship the control is carried out by the descendants who live in the location of the land because the tongkonan land is not certified. every p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 22-28 23 descendant of the tongkonan land owner has the right to live and build on the tongkonan land, provided that they participate in maintaining and protecting the family's land. previous research examined the existence of tongkonan land where the results of the study stated that now its existence began to weaken the land of tongkonan into a struggle for ownership in order to obtain economic benefits and ignore the customary values of the tongkonan. therefore, so that the tongkonan land still exists in the development of this modernization era, it is necessary to have legal protection against tongkonan to avoid various arbitrary actions from other parties who want to control the land personally. in the research the author described several disputes related to customary land such as, in the land dispute there was tongkonan in the north tapparan lembang kec. tana toraja regency, where some of the family members have mastered the land of tongkonan karassik and then against the laws of the parties request a certificate the problem for the tampo indigenous people is the management carried out by the forestry. forestry has taken over the tongkonan forest by giving a stake in the area that is still part of the customary area of tongkonan rante tampo, where in the area there are various types of plants and there is an immaterial treasure of tongkonan in the form of "liku deata or bubun deata" which is a water resource for the entire rante tampo community and the surrounding community believed that the springs from the twists and turns can be used as traditional treatment for indigenous people rante tampo. seeing some of these cases it is necessary to conduct a juridical assessment of the existence of tongkonan land of the tana toraja indigenous peoples, to provide legal clarity and provide protection to all indigenous peoples in terms of managing traditional tongkonan land to obtain legal protection from the local government. the regulation of land rights is wrong one state obligation to regulate it for the realization of legal certainty and maintain the rights of each party. in addition to legal certainty, the legal rules that exist in this country also provide legal protection for the recognition of the rights of its citizens so that in the future the mission of the government to protect the rights of mha is not only promulgated but can also be applied in the field so that the realization of legal goals as a guarantee of protection the law to provide a sense of justice for mha. 2. method the method in this study is empirical research, which is a type of research by collecting data using secondary data as initial data then followed by primary data or field data that is studied based on the relevant legislation. (asikin, 2003).this study was conducted in tana toraja regency by looking at several gaps such as transitions and abuse of some parties on customary land that can eliminate the characteristics of mha tana toraja culture so that the location of the study is very relevant to obtain adequate information in this study. data obtained from primary and secondary data will be analyzed analytically descriptive, where the field research data is tested and then analyzed qualitatively with legal material obtained from literature research so that it can be discussed thoroughly and objectively. 3. result tongkonan land in this study is used by the author because for the indigenous people of tana toraja, tongkonan is a symbol, a source of norms and a center for politics and religious development (aluk). however, in the current era, the value of unity in indigenous peoples is starting to weaken due to various gaps that can eliminate the characteristics of indigenous peoples. tongkonan land as the culture of the tana toraja people. the land/territory where they live is a unit that cannot be separated because of the relationship that is outwardly and inwardly, hereditary which is unbroken between the community and the land. indigenous peoples essentially have the right or authority to manage and use their land for their survival in their area. the customary territory of the tana toraja indigenous people is characterized by the existence of a tongkonan house building called the tongkonan layuk or the previous ancestral house which has the highest position among the tongkonan structures in a community or customary area (tondok). tongkonan customary land is land controlled by a family clump whose regulation, control and use are determined in accordance with the customary norms that apply in that clump. tongkonan land is a form of customary land, in a broad sense the term customary land can refer to two meanings, namely customary land as p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 22-28 24 "former customary property" land and land belonging to customary property (la’bi, 2021). for toraja people, tongkonan is not only a physical manifestation, but also indicates a group of people (pa'rapuan) and the center where families gather, starting from ancestors and living descendants. the mha group whose ancestors were the first to settle in an area that has a relationship with agrarian resources and is regulated by customary law. agrarian resources in their lives, apart from having economic values, also have cultural values, which means that if these resources or values disappear in terms of transferring control to other parties, the economic value especially cultural values as their cultural identity will be lost. the implicit idea of the tongkonan is to build a unified community even though conflicts between tongkonan members often occur, especially conflicts over land resources. table 1. types of land conflicts that often arise in the community no reason percentage 1 land ownership status 22.6% 2 land tenure status 31.5% 3 compensation for land acquisition 34.7% 4 usage status 11.3% data source: maria sw sumardjono disputes related to land at the author's research location can be seen in the following table: table 2. data on cases of customary land disputes in mengkendek district no kelurahan/lembang number of cases 1 kelurahan rante kalua’ 1 2 lembang buntu tangti 3 3 lembang rante dada 1 4 kelurahan tampo 2 5 lembang simbuang 1 data source: mengkendek sub-district office based on the data above, it is necessary to have legal protection as an acknowledgment of the existence of mha customary lands. such as tongkonan land as a symbol, source of norms and as a center for political and religious development (aluk). therefore, tongkonan land must be registered as a form of protection and legal certainty over land ownership rights. referring to the regulation in pp no. 24 of 1997 in article 3 which states that land registration aims to provide legal certainty and protection to the holder of rights to a plot of land, an apartment unit and other registered rights so that it is easy to prove himself as the right holder concerned. then in the indigenous toraja community, tongkonan land has rules in the local language called ada'/aluk that bind and guide responsibilities towards everyone, including family members. the rule that has been believed by the indigenous people of tana toraja as a form of legal protection is the existence of “pamali” where indigenous people rely on the teachings of “tallu lolona” to respect and care for each other, plants and livestock. a. lolo tau (the pinnacle of human life) which is the perpetrator, initiator, and organizer of traditional rituals b. lolo patuoan (the shoot of life for animals) is an award for livestock as one of the complementary/complementary parts for the implementation of traditional/ritual ceremonies. c. lolo tananan (the shoot of life on plants) where this plant is a source of livelihood and as a means for the implementation of every traditional activity aluk tallu lolona plays a very important role and synergizes in the life of the toraja indigenous people, so these three things must be obeyed and arranged to build a harmonious relationship. aluk tallu lolona plays an important role in preserving the environment of the indigenous people of toraja, because according to the mha belief that all parts of customary land are inherited from their ancestors that must be preserved and preserved as a form of their appreciation. therefore, aluk tallu lolona teaches to always respect all parts of the customary land that must be protected and preserved as a form of appreciation for their ancestors. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 22-28 25 4. discussion 4.1 the forms of tongkonan customary land management a. inward management form this form of inward management means that the management of the tongkonan land can only be managed by family members who come from the tongkonan. internal management means that only members of the legal alliance have the right to take wild plant and animal products from the land of the legal alliance. in addition, they have the right to enter into certain legal relations with the land and all the contents on the land of the legal alliance as objects (rosalina, 2010; salam, 2019). in the management permit, in the past, family members who wanted to manage customary land, whether dry land or wet land, had to first ask permission from the traditional head. since ancient times, all indigenous peoples of tana toraja have known that tongkonan land is a common property. as is the case with the tongkonan karassik in ukka hamlet whose control is owned by the entire family whose ownership cannot be divided. it is one of the family clumps who are entrusted with coordinating the tongkonan land or in the local language called "to urrambu tongkonan" or "to urraka palasa tongkonan" they are given the authority to settle in tongkonan and try to manage, maintain the tongkonan and try to defend the tongkonan property, so that there are no actions that are contrary to the customary rules of indigenous peoples to maintain the assets of the tongkonan karassik. the disputed land of tongkonan karassik, in this case the land of pantunuan cannot be transferred due to a pawn or sale and purchase, even the land of pantunuan cannot be used as a place to live, rice fields or planted with plants that can eliminate the characteristics / identity of the pantunuan land because at any time the pantunuan land used by the family to perform traditional ceremonies (rambu solo'). b. exit management in the current new order era, it is possible that the tongkonan land can be given to other people to be managed. if tongkonan land is given to someone else to work on, they must obtain permission first from the traditional head or tongkonan leader with the stipulation that any produce from the land must be partially handed over to the tongkonan as a form of appreciation or payment to the tongkonan. this management in toraja language referred as membali (profit sharing process). management carried out by outside parties must be licensed and given certain rewards in the form of recognition (saleng, 2007) seeing the meaning and source of land value for the shortened indigenous peoples, land is grouped into three parts according to its function, such as: 1) land related to their ancestors. the indigenous people in mengkendek believe that land has a relationship between their ancestors because land is an inheritance or mandate entrusted to their descendants, so it is obligatory to protect the land properly to be passed on to the next generation. 2) land related to graves/cemeteries. in mengkendek community, they still believe that their ancestors will continue to monitor the family clump and the land that has been inherited. in relation to cemeteries, people believe that their deceased ancestors will return to the ground and will unite with the ground. 3) land related to kinship. the indigenous people of tana toraja in the kinship system can be seen from the form of family settlement in one plot of land called tanah tongkonan. this tongkonan land is form of a large land such as tanah to ma'pakande (rice fields), burial ground (liang and patane), dry land where tongkonan stands and tanah rante (tanah pantunuan). until now, the problem regarding land related to the cultivation of land by the people has not been completely resolved. like the cultivation of plantation land, land problems that occur in forest areas. unclear demarcation or demarcation of boundaries is often the cause of disputes between communities and forestry parties, if this issue is not immediately resolved and the government does not immediately make better land regulations, then problems related to land will continue to grow and the indonesian land law situation will be disturbed. in law number 41 of 1999 concerning forestry principles in conjunction with law number 19 of 2004 specifically in article 4 paragraph (3) it is stated that forest control by the state must continue to pay attention to mha as long as its existence is still recognized and does not conflict with national interests. . then in article 67 p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 22-28 26 paragraph (1) it is stated that the existence of mha is recognized if according to reality it meets elements such as: a) society is still in the form of embracing b) there is an institution as a form of customary control tool c) the legal area is clear d) the customary court is still adhered to as a legal institution and instrument e) still holding collections of forest products to meet daily needs the indigenous people of tana toraja view the forest as one of the large living spaces which is not only meaningful as a production and economic land but has other benefits such as cultural and religious aspects which have the highest position and respected by every indigenous people. as a preventive measure, the government should design policies or regulations in this case the formation of a regional regulation (perda) related to the protection of the management of tongkonan customary lands and the rights owned by indigenous peoples in their customary territories and to provide protection and certainty for tongkonan land managers. the granting of land rights through land registration or a policy regarding special data collection for the boundaries of the tongkonan customary land areas based on the regulations in pp no. 24 of 1997 on article 3. based on the theoretical analysis, gustav radbuch's legal purpose is that with legal certainty, it can provide protection for every indigenous people's rights from various actions of the authorities. tongkonan land and which actions are allowed and which actions cannot be carried out in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations 4.2. the implications if tongkonan customary lands are not protected by law the existence of law in society is a means that aims to create peace and order in society so that there are no gaps in people's lives with other communities. in this regard, the law must provide a protective role for human interests in the form of norms or rules. the form of the role of law to provide protection to people whose interests are disturbed is that any conflicts that occur must be resolved according to applicable law, so that in this case actions that are contrary to the law can be prevented. the role of law is to provide rules that apply in society with the aim of resolving all conflicts that occur in society, especially to prevent conflicts that occur in interactions between individuals (tuti, 2014). customary law applies only where its stipulation can be known by legal officers such as customary heads, judges, customary deliberations, village officials and so on which are stated both inside and outside the dispute. there are several influential factors that can change the order or customary rules that have been obeyed from generation to generation by indigenous peoples. in reality, customary law and communal rights as characteristics of mha are starting to change, as stated by ter haar that the factor ranging from "the destiny of the community itself" to "reaction and resistance to outside influences". (pide, 2014) however, the main things that cause changes or shifts from the communal nature of land to individualism according to ter haar are: a. because of the desire to stand alone b. reduced forest yields and land availability c. conflict (hostility) between relatives. other factors that influence the existence of tongkonan customary land are as follows: 1. economic factors play a very important role in human life. in order to fulfill their daily needs, people do not hesitate to sell their land. the existence of the act of transferring land rights is a concrete example of the influence of these economic factors. 2. there is a government program on land acquisition for the public interest. based on the provisions in law no. 12 of 2012 concerning land acquisition for the public interest where every activity is to acquire land by providing compensation to the party who releases the land. the abolition of the tongkonan land rights was also caused by the government's program on land acquisition for the public interest. for people whose land will be used for development, the relinquishment of their land rights to the government has consequences, both economically and socially, especially if the land is the only plot of land as a place to live as p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 22-28 27 well as a source of livelihood. therefore, land acquisition for the public interest must be carried out based on the principles of humanity, justice, benefit, certainty, openness, agreement, participation, welfare, sustainability, and harmony (rongiyati, 2012). several written regulations governing natural resources generally concern land and water. as stated in article 33 of the 1945 constitution. in order for these provisions to be implemented, they were promulgated in the state gazette of the republic of indonesia number 104 of 1960. law number 5 of 1960 concerning basic agrarian regulations or uupa. furthermore, the recognition of the existence of indigenous diversity in indonesia has been regulated in article 18 b paragraph (2), article 3 amendments to the 1945 constitution, article 4 of mpr decree no. ix/mpr-ri/2001, and in article 3 and article 5 of the uupa no. 5 of 1960. natural wealth is a gift from god to mankind that must be managed and used as well as possible by mankind. natural resources are a mandate and gift from god almighty which is a gift for the indonesian people that cannot be valued, so they must be managed wisely, openly and fairly, used effectively and sustainably for the prosperity of the indonesian people (noor, 2018) the emergence of a property right to land tends towards private/individual ownership that occurs through a process. arbitrary actions can occur in the process of controlling and utilizing land that has existed for a long time, whose use has been carried out from generation to generation, replaced by a transfer to another party that occurs without any obstacles. this process of individualization of land rights occurs because of the increasing population development factor causing an unbalanced land supply, economic progress that causes land prices to increase and external influences that cause changes in the mindset of indigenous peoples. the increasing number of people, the demand for land is increasing due to limited land or land supplies with human needs, which will be increasingly unbalanced which can lead to problems such as disputes over land boundaries or disputes about land ownership that often arise in the community (sutarja, 2019). based on the research that has been done by the author, it was found that until now there has been no regulation made by the local government that regulates government provisions to pay attention and provide protection to the rights of mha regarding the protection of tongkonan land which is currently in a weak and threatened position so that the form of recognition by the government is needed in the form of local regulations. protection of customary land law is necessary, if there is no law that protects us as indigenous peoples, we will lose the characteristics of our culture, including the boundaries of indigenous peoples. indigenous peoples need regulations as guidelines for implementing activities and there must be facilities for handling them so that there are no conflicts. in 2019 the bill on indigenous peoples was included in the priority program but until now the rru has not been approved because of one of the factors that there is no political will, both from the president and the parliament. the main rules in this bill have been regulated on the protection of the customary law community in carrying out their traditional rights including: protection as a legal subject; returns of customary areas to be managed, utilized, and preserved in accordance with their customs; compensation for the loss of the rights of customary law communities to manage customary areas with the permit of the central government or regional government in accordance with their authority; development and maintain local culture and wisdom in the context of preservation of environmental functions; increasing the standard of living of the customary law community; preservation of local wisdom and traditional knowledge; and preservation of assets and/or traditional objects. the presence of this law is expected to be a legal umbrella that is just to protect people who experience difficulties and limitations in maintaining, managing and getting their customary territories from various land conflicts. 5. conclusion the form of management/utilization of the tongkonan customary land in tana toraja indigenous community is jointly managed by each tongkonan under the supervision of the tongkonan layuk and guided by the teachings of aluk tallu lolona plays an important role in maintaining the sustainability of the environment with the belief that all parts of the customary land are heritage of ancestors that must be maintained and preserved as a form of respect and appreciation. the implication occurs if tongkonan land is not protected by law is the loss of traditional cultural characteristics of indigenous peoples because of various abuse actions carried out by those who want to control the land individually. therefore we need rules as legal protection to protect the rights of indigenous peoples over their land. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 22-28 28 6. acknowledgment the author would like to thank all those who have provided assistance in writing this. in particular, the authors thank the resource persons, in this case the traditional leaders of the rantetayo sub-district, mengkendek sub-district and sangalla sub-district. toparenge’ tongkonan karassik, tongkonan rante tampo, tongkonan tangti and tongkonan batualu. references asikin, a. d. 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(2016). regulatory of rights of customary law community land (case study of recognition of the dayak adat law community land in central kalimantan). indonesian legislation journal, 411-420 jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2041 vol. 6 no.2, june 2022 116 formal procedure versus victim's interest: antinomy of handling sexual violence cases in east luwu sunardi purwanda1*, handar subhandi bakhtiar2, nurul miqat3, rafika nur4, manga patila3 1faculty of law, institute ilmu sosial dan bisnis andi sapada, indonesia. 2faculty of law, universitas pembangunan nasional veteran jakarta, indonesia. 3,5faculty of law, universitas tadulako, indonesia. 4faculty of law, universitas ichsan gorontalo, indonesia. *correspondence: sunardipurwandaa@mail.com article history abstract received: 26.04.2022 accepted: 06.06.2022 published: 30.06.2022 complexity and challenges in uncovering crimes by the police have brought the law enforcement process to purely formal matters. since the indonesian police agency separated from the armed forces, their formal and professional attitude has faced many realities on the ground: choosing formal precedence (legal procedures) and ignoring the interests of victims. legal procedures are more focused on formal justice in accordance with existing, written rules of the game and cannot provide freedom of action. the police are only the spokesperson for written laws and regulations. the idea of being part of people's lives is collided with formal procedures. this condition requires the police to ignore substantial justice, whose importance is more important than mere procedural matters. law enforcement that is only based on procedures without being balanced with efforts to achieve the goals of law enforcement actually has the potential to damage the order of human rights values. the type of research used is normative legal research using a legal approach, a historical approach, and a philosophical approach. law enforcement by the police which tends to discriminate against the rights of victims has an impact on the low level of public trust in the police institution which ultimately makes many victims reluctant to report to the police. keywords: justice, legal procedure, interests of victims. article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction after more than twenty years of reformation, the spotlight on human rights issues and discriminatory law enforcement by the police has adorned the news in indonesia. the image of the police deteriorated with the handling of cases that violated the victims' human rights. law enforcement which tends to be discriminatory by violating the rights of victims has an impact on the low level of trust of victims in the police institution. many victims are reluctant to report to the police. data from the central statistics agency (bps) of the republic of indonesia 2021 shows that from 2017 to 2020 there are 72% of crime victims who prefer not to report their problems. this level of confidence is relatively low considering the number of victims who report does not exceed 25%. this level of reporting is used as an indicator in observing access to justice for victims. victims have an important role to be able to overcome or resolve this case. (amrullah, 2019) the conclusion on the bps data was written by dwi hadya jayani who stated that the low level of reporting indicated that the public still lacked confidence in the performance of the police. the loss of public trust in the performance of the police is due to the community's stigma that victims are not assisted when reporting crimes (hadya jayani, 2021). it is easy for the police to stop a case simply because it is not in accordance with applicable procedures. of course this can ignore the interests of victims who are seeking justice for their problems. prioritizing formal rules and ignoring the interests of victims has lost public trust. the way the police work like this cannot be taken for granted by the community. this is not in accordance with the idea of separating the police from the military after the reform, which makes the community part of the role of the police which they should protect, protect and serve in accordance with article 5 paragraph (1) of law number 2 of 2002 concerning the indonesian national police. the police must be able to play a dual role, both as law enforcers and as social workers in social and community aspects (barda nawawi, 2005). https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2041 mailto:sunardipurwandaa@mail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 116-122 117 one of the facts of the handling of the law by the police that prioritizes formal rules and ignores the interests of the victims occurred in east luwu regency. the process of prioritizing formal rules for implementing sentencing and ignoring the interests of victims is carried out by the police against the local community. there was a termination of the investigation process from a case of sexual violence against minors there only for reasons of lack of evidence. this way of working is, of course, considered unfair to the victim. moreover, in this case, there is an omission of facts from the police investigators in east luwu. police investigators did not look further into the facts experienced by the victim. this is unfair to the victim. how can the police be more concerned with “following procedures” than the “interests of the victims” that have been damaged by the perpetrators? several statements by public relations of the police have also provided explanations regarding the case in east luwu, that the police in handling the case have complied with legal procedures (rules). 2. methodology type of research used is normative legal research using a legal approach, a historical approach, and a philosophical approach. data collection techniques are carried out by means of read scientific books, magazines, newspapers and other readings related to research (mustika & salam, 2021). the research was conducted by means of a literature/documentation study and then analyzed qualitatively based on primary legal materials (laws and regulations), secondary legal materials (libraries and scientific journals) and tertiary legal materials (legal dictionaries). 3. result and discussion 3.1 separation of the police from the military one of the demands of indonesia's reforms in 1998 was to separate the police from the military. reformasi wants the police to act more humanely to the community and abandon military-style violence. this desire is driven by studies on the function of the police whose goal is not to designate a battlefield, but to identify the social conditions of the community (nuraini siregar, 2017). that the existence of law to humanize humans (benefits aspect). (salam, 2020) the instability of political conditions at that time prompted police thinkers to recommend that the position of the police institution be directly under the president. this position was the impact of the situation that occurred at that time, as well as the starting point for reforming the police organization. in the end, the separation of these institutions has brought consequences for the police to focus on maintaining internal security, which includes public order and law enforcement, as well as protection, protection and service to the community by upholding human rights values. this paradigm has changed the police institution from violent methods to a form of protection, protection and service to the community in maintaining state security. one of the demands of indonesia's reforms in 1998 was to separate the police from the military. reformasi wants the police to act more humanely to the community and abandon military-style violence. this desire is driven by studies of the function of the police whose goal is not to designate a battlefield, but to identify the social conditions of the community (nuraini siregar, 2016). the instability of political conditions at that time prompted police thinkers to recommend that the position of the police institution be directly under the president. this position was the impact of the situation that occurred at that time, as well as the starting point for reforming the police organization. the contents of the preamble to letter b of law no. 2 of 2002 mention the separation of these institutions has brought consequences for the police to focus on maintaining internal security, which includes public order and law enforcement, as well as protection, protection and service to the community by upholding human rights values. this paradigm has changed the police institution from violent methods to a form of protection, protection and service to the community in maintaining state security. in the book “sejarah perkembangan kepolisian di indonesia”, argue that there is a difference in duties between the police and the army. according to them, if the military is tasked with securing the country from enemy threats with violence and under certain conditions, such as a state of war, it can override human rights, on the other hand the police are tasked with securing the community so that order and security can be created and cannot rule out human rights (djamin et al., 2007). the indonesian police agency was established as part of government institutions that assist the government in dealing with, smuggling, or embezzlement related to p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 116-122 118 people's economic problems. this institution was not originally formed to focus on the issue of public order because the condition of the country at that time was not yet stable after independence. by definition the police are state institutions that carry out operations under the national authority or ideally under the control of the civil and political authorities of the country. in general, the police are the most visible representatives of the state in society. therefore there are different types of police agencies which can vary from country to country. the institutional characteristics of a police force will always depend on the country and its population. they will always reflect the nation or region in the political culture and history of the development of society and the country's economy (osse, 2007). four years after the reform, the indonesian government passed law no. 2 of 2002 concerning the indonesian national police. article 1 paragraph (5) in this rule stipulates that element of security and public order are prerequisites for the sustainability of national development. the police must ensure law enforcement and foster peace in the community by preventing, preventing, and overcoming potential violations of community law. according to soerjono soekanto, law and law enforcement are important factors in law enforcement that cannot be ignored (soekanto, 2004). according to article 5 paragraph (1) of the indonesian national police law, the police institution is a state instrument that plays a role in maintaining public security and order, by enforcing the law, providing legal protection, protection and legal services to the community in order to maintain security conditions of domestic. the police in carrying out their duties should recognize the social conditions of the community because they are an inseparable part of the community. the police must be able to listen and find out the nature of a problem faced by the community, especially those related to security issues. satjipto rahardjo said that the process of identifying the social conditions of the community by the police can be called an act of community policing (rahardjo, 2007). in the first decade since the reforms were rolled out, police report cards have not shown all of their civil character by respecting civil rights and prioritizing a humanitarian approach. this is indeed related to the old paradigm of the police which still considers part of the military force. the old paradigm of the police as part of the military force was conveyed by a former general, farouk muhammad, in his professorial inauguration speech, who considered that the working relationship between superiors and subordinates is still structural and hierarchical, subordinates only carry out orders and not as technical decision makers. according to farouk, this makes subordinates not dare to express different opinions and the organization works according to the personal wishes of superiors (yanuarti, 2016). in addition, other factors of this militaristic culture can be observed from the actions taken by the police in the community who still violate human rights values. this spotlight is mostly focused on the handling of criminal acts of terrorism which are often carried out by special anti-terror units in the police institution. they often carry out acts of violence by ignoring the principle of presumption of innocence by immobilizing and killing someone who is considered a terrorist at the raid site. according to s. n. siregar, this culture has not yet been eroded from the police institution. it must be acknowledged that the actions of some members of the police force in the community are still acting by using violence and injustice against the community (nuraini siregar, 2016). in the second decade, the spotlight on law enforcement issues that tended to be discriminatory and violated human rights made the image of the police deteriorate. law enforcement that tends to discriminate against the rights of victims has an impact on the lack of public trust in the police institution. many victims are reluctant to report to the police. bps records that there are around 72% of crime victims who prefer not to report their problems in 2017 to 2020. this level of confidence is relatively low considering the number of victims who report it does not exceed 25%. this level of reporting is used as an indicator in observing access to justice for victims. 3.2 prioritizing formal procedures over the interests of the victim in max weber's view, the law is a reflection of rationality and authority. according to him, the level of rationality and the model of authority in a society determines the legal style in a society. each rationality in question is a substantive-irrational, informal-rational, and formal-rational level. the substantive-irrational level can mean law which is only intuition, without rules. the informal-rational level can mean the existence of general rules that are completely informal. and the formal-rational level can mean the existence of detailed, codified, and more specific rules (vilhelm, 1969). p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 116-122 119 prioritizing procedures over the interests of victims is a formal-rational type of law. this type relies on formal power with authority based on quality and technical capabilities that are formally recognized by the state. the formal-rational type in formulating laws is basically so planned, systematic, and adapted to needs. the discovery of the law focuses more on the regulations contained in a statutory book. in general it gives us the description that the formal-rational type must be guided first by rules. so, if it is not in accordance with the applicable procedural rules, then the handling of legal issues must be stopped. it is very crucial, of course, to apply a rational-formal legal model without being based on the search for empirical evidence that supports the existence of a crime. as in the following case that occurred in luwu, indonesia. the chronology of events occurred on october 7, 2019, at that time his youngest child, az, complained about the condition of his vital organs and rectum. so the curious ra then checked his son's physique. when examined, the victim's mother finally found abnormalities as complained by the child. besides az, previously, his other son, al, also rarely played with his younger brother. her mother also noticed that the membranes under her eyes were black. her mother then gathered all three of her children. his mother asked them to tell the story but they could only stay silent until finally their second child, mr, told me that he had seen his brother being raped by his father. initially, the mother of the three victims reported this case to the local police, in october 2019. after receiving the report, the police conducted an investigation. however, only two months after the report was made, the case was terminated, due to insufficient evidence, as requested in article 184 paragraph (1) of the criminal procedure code. the article states that valid evidence is: witness statements, expert statements, letters, instructions, and statements from the defendant. as far as this case has progressed, witness statements have been asked for, but it is suspected that the case was fabricated by procedural errors. lembaga bantuan hukum (lbh) makassar had urged the police to reopen an investigation into the alleged rape of a child. lbh makassar has concluded that there is some evidence that can only be obtained from the investigation, such as a comparison visa and statements from witnesses and victims that must be re-examined. this case has caught the public's attention. seeing a bad way of working made the public call for the hashtag #percumalaporpolisi. not surprisingly, with this call, according to satjipto raharjo, “the public's spotlight and criticism have included their daily diet. this is because the police are law enforcement bureaucracies that are directly in the community, street law enforcers who have to clean up all the dirt in the community”. the police, who prioritize procedures and ignore the interests of the victims, in accordance with the case in luwu, have basically harmed human dignity and the values that live in society. there is a legal value that is ignored by local police investigators, namely the value of justice. this value is a legal goal that should be upheld by every reasonable human being, including armed civilians. what is the reason, a professional police investigator still often repeats the same way of working, a way that prioritizes procedures over the interests of the victim? we can explain this, if we observe the working process of the legal system in indonesia where we can find the fact that many police investigators are still lacking in legal knowledge. maybe they understand the operation of the law, which in this case is a "rule", but they don't understand the science. the term investigation in the police world was first used in 1961. this term is contained in law no. 13 of 1961 concerning the basic provisions of the police. the term investigation has been found previously in dutch called opsporing, parallel to the term investigation in english and stratagem in malaysian (hamzah, 2008). according to de pinto, to investigate (opsporing) means an initial examination by officials appointed by law to act immediately upon hearing news of a violation of the law (andi hamzah, 2008). law no. 13 of 1961 stipulates that indonesian police investigators were formed as a revolutionary tool tasked with securing the stability of the country. investigation is the main task of police investigators in the field of justice. investigations are a shield for any indonesian citizen who wants to hinder the goal of the revolution: the achievement of a just and prosperous society. from the outset, the legislation never required police investigators to have knowledge of the law. as long as they are able to secure the stability of the country, the police investigators are considered successful in carrying out their duties. however, herein lies the problem. there is a process of allowing knowledge from the start. human resources in police institutions have never been equipped with adequate legal knowledge in handling legal cases. the requirements for police investigators in government regulation number 27 of 1983 concerning the implementation of the criminal procedure code show us that police institutions do not really care about the provision of legal knowledge for police investigators. article 2 of p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 116-122 120 government regulation number 27 of 1983 emphasizes matters of rank rather than knowledge. here's the description: a. investigators are: 1) certain indonesian national police officers who are at least the rank of assistant to second lieutenant of police; 2) certain civil servant officials who at least hold the rank of level i young registrar (group 11/b) or the equivalent. b. in the event that in a police sector there is no investigating officer as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a, then the police sector commander who holds the rank of non-commissioned officer is under the assistant to the police second lieutenant, because his position is an investigator. c. the investigator as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a is appointed by the head of the indonesian national police in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations. d. the appointing authority as referred to in paragraph (3) may be delegated to officials of the state police of the republic of indonesia in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations. e. the investigator as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b is appointed by the minister at the suggestion of the ministry in charge of the civil servant. the minister before carrying out the appointment must first hear the considerations of the attorney general and the chief of the indonesian national police. f. the authority to appoint as referred to in paragraph (5) may be delegated to an official appointed by the minister. the situation changed slightly after the issuance of government regulation number 58 of 2010 concerning amendments to government regulation number 27 of 1983 concerning the implementation of the criminal procedure code. which in article 2a requires that police investigators must: 1) the lowest rank of inspector two of police and have a minimum education of a bachelor's degree or its equivalent; 2) served in the field of investigation function for a minimum of 2 (two) years; 3) follow and pass education in the specialization of criminal investigation functions; 4) physically and mentally healthy as evidenced by a doctor's certificate; and 5) have high moral ability and integrity. although experiencing a paradigm shift by including the educational requirements of "undergraduate strata one" in government regulation number 58 of 2010, it still leaves gaps. the "bachelor degree" education specified in these conditions does not provide a direct focus on the investigation function which is closely related to legal science. police investigators can be from "undergraduate strata one" various fields of science. this is certainly difficult when "undergraduates" outside the legal disciplines who are appointed as investigators handle legal cases. there are values, principles, rights, obligations, habits, ethics, and norms inherent in a legal event that requires a more adequate knowledge of legal science. police investigators are closely related to humanitarian affairs. in taking action, investigators must be careful. investigators must be professional in taking action. investigators need to prove the academic portfolio that has been passed in higher law education. those who have a position as police investigators must first receive legal education. ideal conditions certainly need to be proposed, although it is known that this is quite difficult to agree on. even if the requirements for a police investigator with a law degree are agreed upon, there must be an improvement in the legal education system in indonesia. it must be known that there are influences other than the investigator recruitment system that still leaves gaps in the regulations so far. this comes from the style of legal education in indonesia. there is a condition of glorification of legal understanding from the colonial period which is well established and difficult to shake up until now. legal education was originally designed in indonesia to serve colonial interests, securing all the assets of the kingdom of the netherlands in the dutch east indies. satjipto rahardjo called the state of legal education at that time a colonial-based policy. legal higher education after indonesian independence, its scope began to be p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 116-122 121 expanded which not only includes jakarta and its surroundings, but has also been opened in yogyakarta. even entering the period of the 70s to 80s, higher legal education has been established in several campuses in the provincial capital. the general pattern of legal education in indonesia cannot be separated from the influence of colonial politics. the first formal law school existed in indonesia in 1909, named rechtsschool, founded by governor general jb van heutsz. the basis for the establishment of rechtsschool refers to the reglement voor de opleiding voor inlandsche rechtskundigen which is then archived in the staatsblad. no. 93/1909. rechtsschool was formed with the aim of educating people in indonesia at that time as landraad who were tasked with trying indigenous and equated groups. in fact, behind this goal there is a hidden interest: the maintenance of order and security (rust en orde) (reksodiputro, 2004). in addition to the rechtsschool, in 1924 a university-level rechtshogeschool was formed with the basis of the formation referring to the hooger onderwijs wet 1924 ordonnantie, dated october 9, 1924 no.1 which was then archived in the staatsblad. no. 457/1924. rechtshogeschool is more concerned with legal skills education (skill development), not legal education (rechtswetenschap). mochtar kusumaatmadja detailed that graduated are prepared in terms of: judicial staff, civil servants, and advocates. satjipto rahardjo said that graduates like this are tasked with implementing the law, not focusing on making laws (rahardjo, 2009). even though it has been separated from colonialism, the colonial symbol in law colleges at that time has not been separated at all. professors and textbooks are still dominated by dutch lecturers and dutch writers. this situation continued to carry over as an impact on the politics of concordance, which inevitably forced law students to follow the dutch legal education model with the continental european legal system. this legal system is identical to the source of law that comes from the codification of written law (rosen et al., 2010). continental european legal education was closely related to academies, not professions, and was oriented towards mastery of rules and doctrines. continental european tradition or commonly called civil law based on logical rules, whatever is in accordance with the procedure then that must be carried out. this condition makes legal dynamism slow down and has implications for the purpose of law. the law should always be in motion, following the needs and development of humans. laws need to be made for the benefit of society in order to achieve security, peace, justice, balance and prosperity. moving law is a law that can follow the needs and developments of society. the birth of modern law creates a new condition for human life and civilization. legal life is at a crossroads, between the search for justice or focusing on the operation of modern law. the modern legal order is full of rational structures that are deliberately created, along with the emergence of the modern state. regulations must be made by a public body whose makers are specially recruited as part of professionalism. legal education that emphasizes graduates who are ready to work or simply fulfills the needs of today's modern world market will have an impact on the law enforcement process in society. law enforcement officials will only know that an action that is in accordance with the procedure is the right action, while on the other hand, not following the procedure is a wrong action. law enforcement officials like this only reach the level of right and wrong, but do not touch the issue of good and bad. 4. conclusion the separation of the police from the military has had the consequence of being more focused on maintaining domestic security, including public order and law enforcement, as well as protection, shelter and service to the community by upholding human rights values. this paradigm has changed the police institution from violent methods to a form of protection, protection and service to the community in maintaining state security. it's just that law enforcement by the police which tends to be discriminatory against the rights of victims has an impact on the lack of public trust in the police institution which ultimately makes many victims reluctant to report to the police. references amrullah, m. s. 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(idha pratiwi dyah sinta dewi, 2019). in this context the law becomes the main thing to regulate the change of human life through legal norms (greetings, 2019). the position makes indonesia a country of law (rizki a et al., 2021). the sophistication of electronic information technology today is enough to make it easier for everyone to communicate with each other, where electronic-based information technology is the main gateway to get other needs, so that any item is easier to get and access to get information very easily (suparni, 2009). the rapid development in the field of information technology today is the impact of the increasingly complex human need for information itself. the internet has brought new realities to every human life, the internet has also changed distance and time to infinity. internet media that can do business transactions, learn, shop, talk with colleagues around the world, even do other activities in real life. the relationship betwe en information network technology and communication has resulted in a very wide cyberspace. technology contains a collection of https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1390 mailto:aswarardi509@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 51-57 52 information accessed by each person in the form of a computer network called an internet network as a media service or information provider (arifandi, 2016). crimes that often occur in the internet media is fraud on behalf of online businesses on behalf of internet media that offer a wide range of products sold at below average prices. online business is a business conducted through the internet as a marketing medium through the website as a catalog. strict and clear enforcement of online business fraud is often the trigger for these fraud crimes. the criminal code (criminal code) and law no. 11 of 2008 on information and electronic transactions have imposed legal sanctions against online fraudsters. such cases will be enforced using the law of article 378 of the criminal code, and article 28 paragraph (1) of law no. 11 of 2008 concerning ite (abdul wahid 2005). in dutch, crimes and offenses are referred to as strafbaarfeit, a compound term composed of the letters straf, baar, and feit. among the terms, straf is defined as illegal and legal, baar as can and may, and feit as acts, occurrences, violations, and acts (ilyas 2012). with the enactment of the information and electronic transactions act on april 21, 2008, law no. 11 of 2008 on information and electronic transactions has set such a way related to violations that occur in technology that uses internet media, the ite law provides special criminal acts, this law not only contains criminal law, but also contains arrangements regarding the management of information and electronic transactions that occur at the national level (chazawi, 2011). in fact, the use of information technology, media, and communication has changed both the behavior of society and human civilization globally. the development of information and communication technology causes the world's relationship to be borderless and causes significant social, economic, and cultural changes to take place so quickly. information technology today becomes a double-edged sword because in addition to contributing to the improvement of human welfare, progress, and civilization, it is also an effective target of unlawful acts (maskun 2009). information and electronic transactions have opened the eyes of the world to a new world, the process of buying and selling through the internet is certainly familiar. the process of buying and selling through the internet or electronic commerce is the process of buying and selling, transferring, or exchanging products, services, and information conducted through computer networks, including the internet. it is important to be reviewed in order to test the legal capacity in the development in cyberspace (imron rizki, safrin salam, 2019) considering the above issues, the issue of this research is law enforcement against online fraud crimes in the wajo district police. 2. methodology this research is empirical legal research. this research departs from a thought that today there are still a group of indigenous legal people living in a certain area, especially in the wajo police territory. seeing the population is very large in number, so to facilitate this study, the authors applied the sampling technique using purposive sampling method. regarding the type and source of data to be used in this study using primary data, namely information obtained from respondents as well as the views of police, prosecutors, judges and the public, through an interview conducted directly found by the author in the field. as well as secondary data obtained in the form of ready -made (available) through publications and information issued various information issued by various agencies, companies or various journals and other researches that have been carried out previously. (moeleong 2009). techniques for reviewing and collecting primary data that will be conducted by way of interviews and literature studi es. withdrawal of conclusions, in which case the author draws conclusions and verifies them. the last step in analyzing qualitative data is the withdrawal of conclusions and verification, each initial conclusion is still a temporary conclusion that will change when new data is obtained in the next data collection. the conclusions obtained while in the field are verified during the research by rethinking and reviewing the field notes so that an affirmation of conclusions is formed. 3. result and discussion 3.1 barriers in law enforcement against online crimes. the obstacles and obstacles in law enforcement against online fraud crimes based on interviews from wajo police investigators, namely in terms of personnel or investigator aspects, aspects of facilities and infrastructure, budget aspects, and community aspects. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 51-57 53 a. personnel and auxiliary investigators in the efforts of law enforcement and countermeasures of a criminal act in the field of ite in particular, which contains elements of online fraud or cyber crime as referred to in article 28 paragraph (1) "everyone deliberately and without the right to spread false and misleading news that results in consumer losses in electronic transactions (article 28 paragraph 1 of law number 11 of 2008 concerning information and electronic transactions). threatened with a maximum imprisonment of 6 (six) years and/or a maximum fine of rp 1 billion rupiah. (article 45a paragraph 1 of law no. 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to law no. 11 of 2008 concerning information and electronic transactions). according to akbp wigino, s.h., m.h: in law enforcement proses against online fraud crimes at this time only a few personnel who have the ability and skills in handling ite (cyber crime) cases and only a few personnel have attended it-related training and case handling training in the field of ite. (the results of the interview with director sumda akbp wigino, s.h., m h. at the wajo police satreskrim office. as of january 5, 2021). b. facilities and pre-facilities at this time the obstacles wajo police investigators in the efforts to enforce and counter crime information and electronic transactions cyber crime is a tool used to check evidence and determine whether based on checking the evidence can meet the elements of the article alleged, and required experts to assist investigators in handling cases in explaining the elements of the article to be suspected related to the handling of online fraud cases (the results of the interview with kanit iii tipidter akp a. irvan fachri, s.h, at the wajo police satreskrim office. as of january 5, 2021) c. budget the lack of budget support provided by the state is often used and justified by law enforcement officials to find sources of illegal funding for personal benefit resulting in discrimination against the community (ansori, 2006). budget is a factor supporting the performance of investigators in the investigation and investigation process, especially the handling of cases in the field of it or cybercrime in this case in the form of the implementation of tasks outside the area that are often carried out by assistant investigators, including in order to conduct examinations of witnesses, implementation in asking for information experts namely criminal experts in information and electronic transactions, linguists, forensic digital experts and if needed also religious experts in providing information in the investigation and investigation process. at this time the obstacles experi enced during the investigation and investigation related to the budget is the budget targeted in the annual budget plan or budget that has been determined every year often experiences a shortfall or the budget spent often exceeds the budget that has been determined for a year. according to akp a. irvan fachri, s.h: "however, despite the obstacles described earlier, in order to provide legal certainty and create public order and security for information technology users, the police are working to overcome th ese obstacles. in overcoming obstacles in law enforcement efforts against online fraud crimes in the wajo police law area (the results of the interview with kanit iii tipidter akp a. irvan fachri, s.h, at the wajo police satreskrim office. as of january 5, 2021). d. community society, which is the environment where the law is enforced or applied. law enforcement comes from the community and aims to achieve peace in the community. therefore the community can influence law enforcement. indonesian society is a plural society where there are many entnik groups and cultures that vary depending on the social environment and the point of view of society. public awareness and legal compliance is not merely an object of socialogy. public legal awareness is not only found through legal sociology research solely paying attention to social symptoms. people as citizens who need awareness and compliance with laws and regulations in order to support the implementation of legal p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 51-57 54 suppressors. 3.2 effectiveness of law enforcement a. substation the purpose of the law theoretically includes three things, namely justice, certainty, and benefit. justice can be said to be the ultimate goal of universal justice. justice is indeed an abstract conception, but nevertheless in the concept of justice contained the meaning of protection of rights, equality of degrees and position before the law, as well as the principle of proportionality between individual interests and social interests. the abstract nature of justice is because justice cannot always be born of rationality, but is also determined by a social atmosphere influenced by values and other nomas in society. therefore justice also has a dynamic nature that sometimes cannot be accommodated in positive law (md 2009). from the conception above it appears that fair law enforcement should include the following" 1) protection of human rights. 2) equality of rights and positions before the law. 3) the principle of proportionality between individual interests and socia l interests. the principle of democratic oversight affirms that in carrying out its role and function, law enforcement must uphold the principles of transparency, accountability, responsive, control of democratic institutions that are the represents of public interests and open the participation of the public at large. in terms of reform of police institutions for example, referring to the concept of democratic policing at least police reform consists of six pillars that are interdependent, namely: internal control of the security institution (police) concerned, government or executive control, parliamentary supervision, judicial oversight, and civil society oversigh (ansori, 2006). reform of law enforcement institutions should be aimed at strengthening the rule of law. the rule of law principle believes in a commitment to human rights norms. the rule of law-based institutional reform affirms that a law enforcement officer must not only enforce the law based on the prevailing positive law, but m ust also be sensitive to the principles of justice and the principle of humanity (ansori 2006). in the law enforcement system it is necessary to take decisive action or see the legal basis of the criminal, and the basis of law enforcement to optimize and maximize its performance is the l egal basis of law no. 19 of 2016 on amendments to law no. 11 of 2008 on information and electronic transactions article 28 paragraph (1) and article 378 in the criminal code, and article 390 of the criminal code. of the three articles can be used as a legal basis for investigators and investigators to implement and optimize the enforcement of criminal law information and electronic transactions (ite), in the crime of cybercrime, especially in law enforcement against online fraud crimes. b. law enforcement investigation is a series of actions of investigators to find and find an event suspected as a criminal act to determine whether or not an investigation can be conducted in the manner set forth in this law (article 1 number 5 kuhap). the investigation is the initial stage of the start of the legal process conducted by the police against reports made by the community. the investigation conducted by wajo district police against the report of online fraud crime case is a first step taken to enforce the rules contained in article 378 and 390 of the criminal code as well as in article 28 paragraph (1) of law no. 11 of 2008 concerning information and electronic transactions. article 1 paragraph (1) kuhap "investigators are state police officers of the republic of indo nesia or certain civil servant officials who are specially authorized by law to conduct investigations." article 1 paragraph (4) kuhap "investigators are officials of the state police of the republic of indonesia authorized by law to conduct investigations." article 1 paragraph (5) kuhap "investigation is a series of actions of investigators to find and find an event suspected as a criminal act to determine whether or not an investigation can be conducted in the manner stipulated in the law. article 1 paragraph (2) kuhap "investigation is a series of investigative actions in the case and according to the manner stipulated in the law to find and gather evidence that with that evidence makes light of the crimes p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 51-57 55 that occurred and in order to find the suspect. based on the formulation of article 1 point 2 kuhap, the elements contained in the understanding of the investigation are: 1. an investigation is a series of actions that contain actions that are interconnected with each other; 2. the investigation was conducted by a public official called investigators. 3. the investigation is conducted based on the laws and regulations. 4. the purpose of the investigation is to find and gather evidence, which with that evidence makes light of the crimes that occurred and find the suspect. based on these four elements can be concluded that before the investigation, it has been known that there is a certain crime but the crime is not yet clear and it is not yet known who did it. the existence of an unlit crime is known from the investigation (chazawi, 2011). kuhap further regulates the investigators in article 6, which provides limits on investigative officers in criminal proceedings. the limitations of officials in the investigation stage are police investigators and civil servants (article law no. 8 of 1981). in addition to the stipulated in article 1 point to 1 kuhap and article 6 kuhap, there is another article 10 that regulates the existence of additional investigators in addition to investigators (harahap, n.d.). to know who is entitled as an investigator is reviewed in terms of agencies and ranks, affirmed in article 6 kuhap. in the article determined the agency and the rank of an investigating officer. point to the provisions of article 6 kuhap article 117 paragraph (1) of kuhap states that: the description of the suspect and or witness to the investigator is provided without pressure from anyone and or in any form. here are the results of research from respondents related to reports of online fraud cases coming in from 2015 to 2020. restorative justice can be implemented in the criminal justice system through the examination phases (akub 2018), which are as follows: a. investigation stage b. prosecution stage c. court examination stages d. correctional institution picture 1. number of criminal cases of online fraud from 20152020. data source: primary results of interviews with satreskrim wajo police. based on statistical data and tables obtained by the authors, shows that from 2015 to 2020 the success rate of wajo police in handling cases of online fraud crimes is quite successful. in 2015 cases were reported a total of 86 cases and completed 82 cases, in 2016 cases were reported 96 and completed 90 cases until by 2020 cases laporan selesai tahun 2015 86 82 tah un 2016 96 90 tah un 2017 80 80 tah un 2018 91 61 tahun 2019 69 49 tah un 2020 37 33 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 51-57 56 were reported a total of 37 cases and completed 33 cases. the total number of cases from 2015 to 2020 amounted to 459 reported cases and 395 cases were resolved. while the cases that were not resolved a total of 64 cases. according to akp a. irvan fachri, s.h: cases that have not been resolved in the current year are usually those cases in the following year, this is usually caused by the time of the case that comes at the end of the year or the degree of difficulty in handling the case. cases that are difficult in handling are common because of the lack of human resources in the police who master technology and lack of facilities and infrastructure, evidence, budget and the public who do not want to report if there is a case of fraud (results of interview with kanit iii tipidter akp a. irvan fachri. s.h. at wajo police station. on january 5, 2021). basically the enforcement of online fraud cases in wajo district is still not perfect seen from 2015 to 2016 that there are still unresolved cases according to akp a. irvan fachri, s.h. who stated that the settlement of fraud cases is very difficult to perfect enforcement because of the lack of human resources (hr) that master the technology, but every person always provides maximum service and efforts even though it ca n be said that it has not reached the stage of perfection. the police are state institutions that have a related role in providing protection and maintaining security within the scope of society and the state (article 5 paragraph 1 of law no. 2 of 2002 con cerning the state police of the republic of indonesia), which also plays a role in law enforcement and issue a policy and anticipate things that can make a state of unconduciveness related to public order and security. however, law enforcement against online fraud crimes does not always run smoothly as already targeted. according to kompol jasardi s,sos.,m.h: during law enforcement against online fraud crimes will always require a sufficient budget because during proses investigations and investigations are often insufficient in proses a, the budget is one of the obstacle s that hinder law enforcement against online fraud crimes (results of interview with director ops kompol jasardi s,sos.,m.h. at the wajo police satreskrim office. on january 5, 2021). related to the explanation above, the researcher concluded that obstacles or obstacles are something that can hinder the progress or achievement of a goal of implementation that has been set so that the enforcement and handling of a case becomes more effective. in particular, related in law enforcement against online fraud crimes in the wajo police jurisdiction, in providing legal certainty and security and tranquility to the community. 4. conclusion based on the results of the research conducted by the author, it can be concluded that the obstacles in law enforcement against online crimes in terms of personnel or investigator aspects, aspects of facilities and infrastructure, budget aspects, and community aspects while the effectiveness of law enforcement against online fraud crimes in the wajo police jurisdiction is 1) substance that is in the law enforcement system needs to take decisive action or see the legal basis of the criminal, and the basis of law enforcement to optimize and maximize its performance is the legal basis of law no. 19 of 2016 on amendments to law no. 11 of 2008 on inform ation and electronic transactions article 28 paragraph (1) and article 378 in the criminal code, and 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purpose of this study is to understand the role of the police in t h e implementation of kamtibmas during the co vid 19 pandemic in baubau city. the types is normative legal research, data used in the study are primary and secondary data collected from the interview process and literature studies, which will then be analyzed qualitatively with the steps that have reduced the data. the results of this study concluded the role of bhabinkamtibmas and intelkam is very basic and supports all police duties in maintaining public order and looking for basic information about people who do not comply with the recommendations of health protocols in the community during the current covid -19 pandemic and provide input to the community to prevent the emergence of new perpetrators of crimes due to the covid -19 pandemic by giving input on what should be done by the community. keywords: police, health protocol, covid 19, kamtibmas. 1 fa culty of la w, universita s muha mmadiya h buton, indonesia ema il: (deddymursanto19@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.1115 1. introduction police duties as described sadjijono (2008) are a noble task (official mobile) that protects moral values, then the moral primacy of the profession holder must be attached and always present in his mind that is not biased bargained again. there needs to be moral perseverance to foster personal awareness and good support from the police environment is an institution that has duties and responsibilities as mandated by law no. 2 of 2002 concerning the police of the republic of indonesia (2002), in the mandate of the law the duties and responsibilities of the national police are very complex ranging from in public services to support security to the security of the state. mailto:deddymursanto19@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.1116 jurnal hukum volkgeist deddy mursanto. 5(2): 175-184 176 crime is a deviant behavior regardless of gender gender and age for the perpetrators, whether male or female, young or old (lampatta 2017) related to the duties and responsibilities at this time the police are faced with a very noble task where the police become the vanguard in helping or supporting the handling of covid -19 in this country that we love. the pandemic period that is still ongoing until now the national police has been very meritorious in maintaining security and public order. in line with what is done by the police today is very following the principle of salus populi suprema lex esto (public safety is the highest law) which becomes the basis in every task and responsibility of the police in carrying out the mandate of the la (safrin salam 2020) looking further into the current pandemic conditions, the national police has to maintain security and public order, carry out the functions of law enforcement, and provide protection, protection, and service to the community. the task of the police is so complex above can be seen clearly in article 13 of law number 2 year (ri 2002) on police. in line with what is stated in the national police law where the police chief also issued a mak/2/iii/2020 information on government policy compliance in the handling of corona virus (kapolri 2020); which is the content of the information, namely the police will crack down on people who are still swarming, hoarding basic needs and other community needs in excess and spreading hoax news. besides, the national police will also crack down on various criminal acts caused by pandemics such as theft, robbery, looting, and other criminal acts with economic motives. in line with what is the duty of the police above is a form of police support to the government related to the handling of covid -19 and break the chain of pandemic corona in indonesia through law enforcement to the community. the implementation of the duties and responsibilities of the national police not only resonates in the major cities of the country that every day we can follow its development through electronic media and social media but in the region of the southeast sulawesi regional police although rarely covered by the national media the role or duties and responsibilities of the police are still carried out by all ranks ranging from polda to polsek throughout the southeast sulawesi police department. this can be seen by simply investigating the daily activities of members of the national police who still urge the public to obey maintaining health protocols where the simplest thing is to attach a sticker to use a mask in each patrol car whether it's a traffic unit to an operational vehicle in each police unit that is under the ranks of southeast sulawesi police. looking at or stud ying the duties of the police up to the scale of the police, the author wants to describe the duties and responsibilities of the police that have been mandated by the law in carrying out their duties and responsibilities by taking samples, namely the baubau city police in controlling the mandate of the law and information of the police chief related to the handling of the covid -19 pandemic where the city of baubau is not spared the impact of the pandemic. 2. methodology the location of the research in question is a place or area where the research will be conducted, namely in baubau city and several related agencies in tackling the problems studied such as the police and covid 19 task force. the types and sources of data used in this study include secondary data, namely data obtained from legislation, jurnal hukum volkgeist deddy mursanto. 5(2): 175-184 177 writings or papers, books, and documents or archives, and other materials related to and supporting this writing. the researcher's do to obtain and collect data are as follows: study library and interview (interview). the process of data analysis in qualitative research begins by studying all data collected from various sources, namely from interviews, observations that have been written in field notes, personal documents, official documents, pictures, photos, and so on. through the entire data, analysis activity is directed to prepare efforts to find a juridical settlement (irianto and shidarta 2009), of course in this case to the problems related to research. in other words, by studying all the data collected from various sources, namely from interviews, observations that have been written in field notes, personal documents, official documents, pictures, photos, and so on. further elaborated by performing data reduction steps by creating abstraction. abstraction is an effort to make a core summary, process and statements that need to be maintained so that it remains in it (nawi 2013). 3. result and discussion 3.1 implementation of police duties to support the implementation of health protocols during the covid-19 pandemic to realize a conducive kamtibmas atmosphere since march 2020 indonesia has been directly affected by covid -19 by finding the first patient to contract sarscov 2 or covid -19 virus in jakarta and then continuously spread covid -19 throughout indonesia until early 2021 where the number of people confirmed covid -19 in indonesia has reached one million people where found every day the number of positive cases of covid-19 is at least nine thousand people and the most ever penetrated twelve thousand people confirmed positive covid -19 is no exception southeast sulawesi specifically baubau city where for the southeast sulawesi region is included in the category of orange zone as well as the city of baubau. although vaccines have been available and have been distributed to almost all regions of indonesia, it is not a guarantee for everyone not exposed to the covid -19 virus for that duty and responsibility of the national police to continue to urge all levels of society to continue to implement health protocols and provide and straighten out information where there have been many hoaks scattered on social media about the dangers of side effects of administering the covid-19 vaccine to the community where the public already believes in the hoax news, which people believe if the vaccine can cause paralysis to death for the recipient. this information is not information that only becomes the consumption of the people of the capital city but in the city of baubau as a small town located on the buton islands has until the news hoaks in the ears of the people of baubau this can be troubling and can cause chaos or chaos in the community. in addition to the issue of the d angers of vaccines as stated above, the problem faced by the police is that there are still many people who are "naughty" wherein activities do not use masks, do not use masks that are recommended as there are still many people who use buff masks and/or scuba masks where the mask has been conveyed by the task force from the center to the region that the masks are not effective in preventing the covid -19 virus, and there are still many people who use masks are not under the way they are used as there are still many people in the streets of baubau city area using masks only cover the mouth alone this is a basic thing that needs to be considered by the police as an institution that helps government policy. jurnal hukum volkgeist deddy mursanto. 5(2): 175-184 178 another problem in handling covid -19 in baubau city is still many people who do not believe that covid -19 exists where the public considers that covid -19 is a government-made disease to scare the public even though the public sees electronic media and social media about the dangers of covid -19 if it is applied to other diseases if the immune system is reduced or weakened then the covid -19 virus easily enters and can become a deadly disease if it is applied. in addition to the problem of community behavior as described above the challenges of the police in handling covid-19 faced with social problems due to pandemics where the impact of economic problems that can trigger criminality. the police have a strategic role in preventing and cracking down on all forms of crime and violations that occur due to the pandemic that is still ongoing to this day, where the police as a supporting instrument to prevent the spread of disease. in addition to doctors and health workers as the vanguard against covid -19, the police also have a crucial and strategic role especially in the implementation of health protocols. as explained above weak or low discipline of the community in applying health protocols, can be seen in the table scheme of people exposed to the covid -19 virus where the author takes a sample of data in the region of southeast sulawesi where if seen developments (dinkes sulawesi tenggara 2021), where the total number of confirmed cases of covid -19 reached 9,474 patients where 1363 people underwent treatment, recovered 7933 people, and died 178 people while data related to people with suspects recorded 62 people, probable 2 people and confirmed close contact with patients positif covid -19 a total of 253 people. if you look at the previous description, the public must take an active role in preventing and handling the covid -19 virus by carrying out health protocols that become the tagline of the government, namely remembering the mother's message (wearing a mask, washing hands, keeping distance), not only the task of police responsibility alone but also as a shared responsibility of all levels of society, the police will not succeed in helping prevent and handle covid -19 if the community itself is still ignorant of health protocols. based on the data on the total number of covid -19 cases above need to also look at the data on the number of cases of covid -19 baubau city as a place of case study in this writing where if the data is juxtaposed then it can be seen the number of cases of covid 19 amounted to 1974 people, where positive patients 962, suspect 35 people, probable 1 person, cured 873 people, and close contact 80 people, from this data can be translated that the spread of covid -19 is very massif in the city baubau this is in line with the habits of the people of baubau cities who do not heed the health protocol. the habits of the people of baubau cities are the main factor in the spread of covid -19 that never decreases in addition to the factor of the lack of covid -19 tests whether it is rapid antigene or pcr tests or swabs are very minimal in the city of baubau if conducted massif tests then the authors believe in the presence of people who are found reactive or positive covid-19 with the habits of people who do not maintain health protocols. moreover, based on the analysis published by the disaster management research unit csis indonesia (dzakwan 2020), the position of the local government is like eating simalakama fruit. this is due to the confusion of the approach to handling covid -19 in indonesia. referring to presidential decree no. 7 of 2020 concerning the task force to accelerate the handling of corona virus disease (covid-19) (kepres 2020), there are at least four laws (uu) that are used as a reference for issuance, namely law no. 7 on outbreaks and infectious diseases (negara kesatuan republik indonesia 1984), law no. 24 on disaster management (negara kesatuan republik indonesia 2007), law no. jurnal hukum volkgeist deddy mursanto. 5(2): 175-184 179 36 on health (negara kesatuan republik indonesia 2009), and law no. 6 on health quarantine (negara kesatuan republik indonesia 2018). the current condition of the community that the author has described above becomes a reference to look forward to a desire of all stakeholders both the central government to the local government in the implementation of the handling and prevention of transmission of the covid -19 virus whose spread is increasingly massif as the data that the author described earlier in looking at the current conditions and facts that have been found in daily community activities/activities. covid -19, which until early 2021 is still difficult for the government in handling its spread coupled with the slightest threat that makes the community aware that there has been found a new variant of covid-19 whose transmission is faster than the covid -19 virus found in 2020, apart from the rapid spread of the covid -19 virus, the new variant of the virus is more rapidly spreading into the body of patients who already have congenital diseases so that not a few people affected by complications of congenital diseases with covid -19 can quickly cause death. looking at the current conditions, the author hopes that the main thing is community discipline and active participation of the community in preventing the spread and transmission of covid -19, apart from the main indicators of covid -19 prevention, it is necessary to play an active role and understanding from the community that covid-19 is the common enemy of the whole community so that it is no longer a trivial thing. besides, the author hopes that the police can maximize the potential that exists even though the current situation of the police is good in helping the government's task, but the author has his ideas t hat can be used as input for the effectiveness of police duties in helping the prevention and handling of covid -19, especially in the city of baubau which according to the author is still not implemented or not yet maximized in its implementation that can be described as follows (sulistyo 2009): a. communication approach. in terms of building good communication with the community for the sake of creating effective prevention of covid -19 transmission, the author hopes that bhabinkamtibmas will become a pioneer in the forefront of approaches and giving understanding to the community by building communication from the heart of the heart by "door to door", namely knocking on every door of the house. people who are in their respective areas of duty to provide an understanding of the dangers of covid -19, the importance of health protocols, understanding the importance of vaccination for each individual to prevent and build the immune system of each individual so that not only resistance or prevention from outside but also prevention from inside the body. besides, the author also hopes that bhabinkamtibmas will have the initiative to make health programs for the community in each area by inviting healthy living for at least 30 minutes by doing morning exercises under the hot sun and also giving natural anti-body effects to the community while still paying attention to health protocols by dividing the maximum. 20 people per session of healthy gymnastics. with more time in direct contact with the community, heart-to-heart communication would be more efficient than simply providing information through banners or banners, which does not mean that communication can be directly accepted by the community. this has not been seen by the author, which was carried out by the bhabinkamtibmas officers, especially in the area of the city of baubau itself. jurnal hukum volkgeist deddy mursanto. 5(2): 175-184 180 also, other things can be used by the police by utilizing information from intelligence officers about the condition of the community and what reasons make people not comply with the recommended health protocols set by the government as well as other reasons that the authors have disclosed as in the writing above before. information and approaches to the community through the police intelligence unit are preliminary data that can be provided to bhabinkamtibmas to become the basis for evaluating what programs can be carried out to achieve synergy between the police and the community. the task of intelligence and security is not only to reveal a crime, but during the covid -19 pandemic, the role of intelligence and security in the police unit needs to be maximized because the role of intelligence is as important as the role of bhabinkamtibmas which is very close to the community, this fundamental matter is the readiness of the republic of indonesia national police to prove that the police personnel is ready with all duties, not only in disclosing crimes or guarding public order but also ready to face any situation where this is closely related to the resources of police personnel where the challenges of the police are increasingly complex today and in the future. b. readiness of police personnel resources, in the current era of the new order (new normal) the police are expected to move actively and very quickly to solve complex problems in society not only by forming a secure task force (task force) nusa ii but also a more community approach. prioritized in dispelling problems both conventional crimes, economic crimes, cyber crimes and general criminal crimes, the intelligence movement as a police unit is a very important task to collect information from the public so that the action team can carry out tasks in the form of legal action to arrest or reveal a crime. bhabinkamtibmas and intelligence should go hand in hand now and in the future, especially in handling the covid -19 pandemic problem, which can be described in handling pandemic problems, namely enforcing strict quarantine implementation, protecting medical personnel, cracking down on stockpiling of medical equipment and selling counterfeit drugs, monitoring potential hoaxes that can trigger social conflicts and arrest criminals who commit street crimes, from various examples of problems in the current pandemic, information and approaches taken by bhabinkamtibmas and intelligence are highly expected to play an active role in gathering initial information for reporting to the task force where later it can be develop strategies to deal with problems and prioritize which problems will be addressed first. the tough village program that has been launched by the republic of indonesia national police can be mixed with the role of the intelligence and security and community service in preventing and handling the covid-19 problem. the most important thing is that the members of the police under the baubau police always learn, develop themselves and hone their abilities to their maximum potential in giving contribution, dedication, and innovation in providing protection, protection, and services to the community and law enforcement. 3.2. the role bhabinkamtibmas to face covid the current pandemic covid -19 period is a very urgent condition for the state and the nation considering the many problems in people's lives that are not resolved. state must protect human being as the responsibility (salam 2020). as the author explained earlier above approaches to the community in a careful manner are very necessary but there are other challenges in the implementation of the jurnal hukum volkgeist deddy mursanto. 5(2): 175-184 181 role of the police during the current pandemic covid -19. there was a commotion or a dispute involving several people that resulted in a crowd of citizens either watching or as perpetrators of the commotion where groups are carrying sharp weapons and do not use masks, here can be studied there are two violations, namely violations of health protocol and unlawful acts in which carrying sharp weapons in violation of emergency law no. 12 of 1951. the author in the discussion of conditions that are expected to approach heart to heart in the handling of covid -19 in the community but the thing that suddenly happens in the dispute in the community is certainly known by members of the baubau police intelligence but solving problems arising during the covid -19 pandemic should be a discretionary approach of the police which discretionary actions need very careful consideration in solving the problem, why is it so? (mulyadi 2015). such actions are legally positively considered violating, if acted by the provisions of the regulation of the law then each offender will certainly be processed legally, but this is the role of understanding for all members of the police force baubau referred to discretion and purpose for what. if the police detain the perpetrators of violations then the crowd will occur in the custody room of baubau police and it is feared that there will be perpetrators of violations of the law who never conduct health checks while he has had the covid-19 virus in him that is not known to the naked eye and risk transmitting to other prisoners. this is where the role of police discretion in determining which perpetrators of unlawful acts can be resolved indiscretion and which unlawful acts remain the settlement of litigation under the provisions of criminal procedural law. here the author wants a variety of activities for members of the baubau police force to be enlightened about litigation and non-litigation legal efforts, as well as what are the requirements to be able to conduct non-litigation legal efforts based on the theory and legal principles applicable in indonesia. it would be better to resolve all forms of unlawful acts and/or criminal acts that can be done non-litigation settlement is very necessary to be put forward to solve legal problems more efficiently. not only nonlitigation settlements must be done but early on to reduce all forms of illegal acts in society, the role of bhabinkamtibmas must be effective as much as possible, this is indeed the task of bhabinkamtibmas at this time but the author still sees the ineffectiveness of the role and function of bhabinkamtibmas where what is happening today. bhabinkamtibmas often seen in the middle of the community if there is a police program alone to be implemented the program in the middle of the community and if there is a problem in the community should be the active role of bhabinkamtibmas in the middle of a pandemic to prevent all forms of community action which is currently very "labil" a little scratched or fixated problem will cause even bigger problems so that the role of bhabinkamtibmas is currently very complex because bhabinkamtibmas is the vanguard in dampening all forms of public behavior that can disturb other public order can be prevented as early as possible. based on the decision of the head of the national police of the republic of indonesia on the title babinkamtibmas (bintara pembina kamtibmas) to bhabinkamtibmas from the rank of brigadier to inspector (kapolri 2009). meanwhile, according to article 1 number 4 (perkapolri 2015) that what is meant by bhabinkamtibmas is the use of polmas in villages/villages. jurnal hukum volkgeist deddy mursanto. 5(2): 175-184 182 in article 26 perkapolri (2015), it is explained that the functions of bhabinkamtibmas are as follows: a. carrying out visits/sideburns to the community to listen to the complaints of the community about the problem kamtibmas and provide explanations and solutions, maintain friendly relations/brotherhood. b. guiding and consulting in the field of law and kamtibmas to raise awareness of the law and kamtibmas by upholding human rights. c. disseminate information about the policy of the police leadership related to the maintenance of security and public order. d. encourage the implementation of siskamling in environmental security and community activities. e. provide police services to communities in need. f. mobilize positive community activities. g. coordinating kamtibmas development efforts with village/village devices and other relevant parties. h. carrying out consultations, mediation, negotiations, facilitation, motivation to the community in harkamtibmas, and solving crime and social problems. in addition to these basic tasks, according to article 28 perkapolri (2015) the authority of bhabinkamtibmas is as follows: resolving disputes between citizens or communities, taking the necessary steps as a follow-up to the agreement in maintaining environmental security, visiting crime scenes (crime scenes) and taking the first action at the crime scene (tptkp), and supervising the flow of trust in the community that can lead to division or threatens the unity and unity of the nation. furthermore, the active role that must be done by bhabinkamtibmas in the current condition of covid -19 all bhabinkamtibmas in the baubau police department must conduct tracking and data collection to retrieve information with anyone in close contact for travelers both baubau natives and migrants to be given to the coordinator of prevention and handling tasks of covid -19 is concerned with the mutation of the covid 19 virus that is very easily infected, although the traveler has done rapid anti-gene or pcr test (swab) but is not guaranteed the perpetrators of the trip are not exposed to covid-19. this is where the role of bhabinkamtibmas is not only in the police resort baubau city, but this can be done by all bhabinkamtibmas in all corners of indonesia. in addition, it is necessary to pay attention from the government to help and protect the duties of bhabinkamtibmas after intelkam should be given priority for the government to be given the covid -19 vaccine to provide a sense of mental and physical security for all bhabinkamtibmas and intelkam to serve all duties and responsibilities in the community both in the task of prevention and prevention covid -19 amaupun the task of maintaining public order because it is very effective if the handling of order is done by means of a heart-to-heart approach or humane approach to the community whether it is counseling related to obeying health protocols and legal counseling so that the public avoids all forms of crime that can arise due to the effects of covid -19, one example of the difficulty of the economy in the current pandemic then it would be nice for people who do not have a job where given an example to be motivated so that what skills are possessed by the community that does not have a job so as not to be a perpetrator of crimes such as if having the skills to be a construction worker then with the jurnal hukum volkgeist deddy mursanto. 5(2): 175-184 183 development that is increasingly advanced in the city baubau they can seek profit in any such development. so, the author argues the role of bhabinkamtibmas and intelkam is very basic in a form of prevention whether it is related to public order or in the problem of covid -19 which is a trending topic today. the author also expects the government to give rewards or awards to members of the police, especially bhabinkamtibmas to be given scholarships to continue their studies to create human resources in the police body that is associated. 4. conclusion the indonesian national police is a state institution protected by law which is the heart of maintaining stability, security, and order for all citizens as well as being the guardian of domestic security and assisting all government tasks based on pancasila and the basic law as mandated by the constitution. within the police body itself, it must continuously improve human resources, namely all police personnel throughout indonesia who excels, especially bhabinkamtibmas and intelligence, are given scholarships to continue their studies so that human resources continue to increase within the national police. the role of bhabinkamtibmas (perkapolri 2015) and intelkam is very basic and supports all the tasks of the police in maintaining public order and seeking basic information about people who do not comply with recommended health protocols in the community as well as counseling on the importance of health protocols during the current covid-19 pandemic and providing input to the public to prevent t he emergence of new criminals due to the covid -19 pandemic by providing input on what should be done by people who do not have jobs but have certain talents or expertise to 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(2009). kemanan negara, keamanan nasional. graha pustaka. regulation undang-undang nomor 2 tahun 2002, tentang kepolisian negara republik indonesia. undang-undang nomor 7 tahun 1984 tentang wabah dan penyakit menular. undang-undang nomor 24 tahun 2007 tentang penanggulangan bencana. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 2, 2021 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 185 juridical review of the application of digital mapping (plotting) of land ownership rights in the prevention of multiple certificates mashendra1*, deddy mursanto1 abstract author’s information: the implementation of land registration aims to create an accurate information center regarding land ownership. to ensure that land registration administration runs effectively, the computerization of land activities (kkp) policy is implemented gradually and thoroughly. even so, the application of a computerized system that is so sophisticated, still finds overlapping ownership of land titles. overlapping the certi f i c a t e will result in legal uncertainty for the certificate holder, b e c a u se the main purpose listed is to get the certificate as valid evidence .. sampling in this study was carried out purposively with a non random sampling technique that focused only on land that had multiple certificates. the data analysis pattern in this study is based on qualitative methods. the findings of this study are thatthe implementation of computerization of land activities (kkp) at bpn city of baubau in preventing the occurrence of double certificates is carried out with all processes from the beginning of land registra tion to issuance of certificates and stored digitally.the factors that result in the occurrence of a double certificate can be seen from 2 (two) things, namely first, when viewed from the factor of the community. second, if it is seen from the human resource factor of the land officedue to carelessness and carelessness of the land officers. keywords: land ownership, double certificate, kkp 1 fa culty of la w, universita s muha mmadiya h buton, indonesia ema il: (hendra umi88@gma il.com ) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.1 081 1. introduction land as part of the surface of the earth, has a very important meaning in the life of a nation, which must be guarded and utilized properly with legal rules that must be implemented seriously and orderly because land reflects the dignity of an individual, group and even the sovereignty of an individual. nation. in the history of the indonesian state, land has become one of the main objects in legal development, especially because the existence of land directly touches the basic needs of all levels of societ y to live and carry out activities within the framework of state sovereignty (sutedi, 2008). a land problem is very actual for humans where alone, is said to be mainly in development. based on observations on the implementation of supervisory duties, providing to us that the problem soil is an important factor that influence on the course of development (salam, 2017). mailto:hendraumi88@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.1115 jurnal hukum volkgeist mashendra. 5(2): 185-193 186 before the birth of colonial agrarian law, in indonesia customary land law and self-governing land law were applied. customary land law is original law that has its own legitimacy where the right to land owned is a private right in which there is an element of togetherness to support social functions (razak, patittingi, & maskun, 2020). meanwhile, the self-governing land law is the law on land given to the part of the region recognized by the colonial government and includes various forms of administration, such as sultanates, kingdoms and duchies. self -governing status means that the area is led by a native who has the right to manage administrative, legal and internal cultural affairs (sumaya, 2018). in the new order era the need for laws regulating agrarian issues to guarantee and provide legal certainty over land ownership was an urgent one so that on september 24, 1960, law number 5 was enacted concerning the basic basic regulations for agrarian affairs which abbreviated as uupa. this law was created with considerations and a long process, where the law adheres to legal unification based on customary law (negara kesatuan republik indonesia, 1960). to ensure legal certainty and rights to land, regulates and requires indonesian people to register their land (santoso, 2019). apart from ensuring certainty of rights, the purpose and objective of the implementation of land registration is to create an accurate information center on land parcels. with this information base, the relevant parties, including the government, can easily obtain accurate data in regulating and deciding the guarantee of rights regarding the disputed land parcels. as the end of the land registration, the land owner is entitled to obtain a land certificate issued by the national land agency as a form of legal guarantee and protection for the land parcels they own. the implementation of land registration is a form of orderly administration in the land sector (parmahan sibuea, 2011). many steps have been taken by the government to make land registration administration services run more efficiently and effectively. one of them is by issuing a policy on the computerization of land activities (kkp). the application of the kkp system is so sophisticated, we still find overlapping ownership of the land. with overlapping certificates, it will result in legal uncertainty for the certificate holder, because the main purpose is listed to get the certificate as valid evidence. this can occur due to several factors including, due to human error committed by the land office officials. the inaccuracy and inaccuracy carried out by the land officers in checking and researching the parcels of land the community requested. in addition, the limitation of the land data being requested can be a factor in the existence of multiple certificates, usually the land data is lost or scattered so that the land data is no longer found. this could also occur due to the lack of data on land that is neither registered nor registered with the national land agency. in addition, overlapping certificates can also occur because the community itself, usually there are still many people who do not fully control the boundaries of their land, the dishonesty factor of the certificate owner who has sold their land several times, and it is also common for the community to deliberately or unintentionally show it. wrong land boundaries with a certain max. of course this is one of the causes for the emergence of land disputes in society. it is hoped that the computerized service pattern can reduce problems related to land. this is supported by the circular of the head of the indonesian national land agency number 5 / se-100 / i / 2015 concerning the use of computerized applications jurnal hukum volkgeist mashendra. 5(2): 185-193 187 for land activities to carry out all types of land services as well as dispute and conflict resolution at the office of the ministry of agrarian affairs and spatial planning / national land agency, office territories of the national land agency and regency / city land offices. 2. methodology this research uses an empirical legal approach to answer the formulated problems because the scope of this research is only to carry out legal studies in practice which are always framed by legal doctrines. the juridical approach is carried out by using legal provisions that apply in indonesia. in addition, this study applies a normative approach by examining library materials by studying and examining theories, concepts and regulations related to problems. the population of this research is all people who take care of land certificates and employees of the land office of baubau city, southeast sulawesi province. sampling was carried out purposively with focus only on land which has a overlap certificate (double certificate). the sampling technique is purpose sampling. the data analysis pattern in this study was based on qualitative methods, namely through qualitative interpretation of the collected data, both primary and secondary data. this qualitative analysis which is descriptive and analytical in its analysis activities is based on normative juridical analysis, methods of data collection by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. 3. result and discussion 3.1 implementation of computerization of land activities (kkp) in preventing double certificates (overlapping) at bpn city of baubau the national land agency has made several efforts to prevent the occurrence of double certificates, one of which is by procuring land registration maps, which have begun to be carried out in stages which are carried out by measuring from village to village. given the implementation of land registration maps takes a long time. this village by village measurement is contained in the provisions of regulation number 10 of 1961 concerning land registration. in order to prevent this double certificate, the national land agency has programmed the procurement of a digital land registration map. improving the quality of services in the land office and to carry out the functions and duties of the ministry of agrarian affairs and spatial planning / national land agency of baubau city, it has used technology and communication-based system applications, namely computerization of land activities. the information and communication technology-based application is provided to support the quality of service in the context of mapping and regulation as well as solving problems related to land. the use of computerized applications for land activities at the baubau city land agency aims to: 1. improve the quality of services at the bpn city of baubau; 2. make it easier for the community to access land services; 3. coordinating all services of all sub-section fields in the land office of baubau city; jurnal hukum volkgeist mashendra. 5(2): 185-193 188 4. facilitate management in terms of land registration and settlement of land conflicts; 5. helping the tasks and functions of the bpn city of baubau become much easier; 6. modernizing existing services at bpn kota baubau. the kkp application is available and can be used to carry out activities related to land and the resolution of problems and conflicts at the land office of baubau city. table. 3 number of land rights (source: bpn baubau) no land rights year total 1 proprietary right 2015 1693 2016 3002 2017 6012 2018 3955 2019 9806 based on data from the land office of baubau city, the land ownership rights from 2015-2019 amounted to 24,468. in 2015 there were 1,693, in 2016 there were 3,002, in 2017 they were 6,012, in 2018 they were 3,955 and in 2019 they were 9,806. the land agency of the city of baubau implements computerized land activities (kkp) to prevent double certificates, that is, all processes from the initial land registration to the issuance of the certificate are digitized / computerized. its implementation includes: a. ptsl data (complete systematic land registration) are kept / stored in electronic / digital form. b. management of land rights through computerized / digital. c. land measurement data (land area, land boundaries) is stored in electronic / digital form d. land registration mapping is done digitally (ploting) according to the head of the sub-section for basic and thematic measurement and mapping (la ode safrin), plotting is the process of online / digital land remapping. the plotting process is carried out by means of a bpn officer with a certified person together to the land location, then the location of the land coordinates, then take the location of the land coordinates into the kkp, then the image of the certificate is scanned (digitized) including the land nib . then the land is mapped according to the location coordinates earlier. land that has been certified but has not been plotted must be reported to bpn for plotting. (interview, tuesday 18 february 2020) e. data / digital land certificate creation (certificate data is stored in electronic / digital form). according to dirham., sh, (head of sub-section on land rights and community land empowerment), that one of the obstacles to the implementation of the kkp is bad network and blackout. however, i think the implementation of the kkp is quite effective. it's just that there are still obstacles as previously described. (interview, monday, february 17, 2020). implementing and using computerized application of land activities carried out consistently and developing them in accordance with the decree of the head of bpn r i no. 277 of 2012 concerning sapta land order, indicators of land administration orderly jurnal hukum volkgeist mashendra. 5(2): 185-193 189 implementation. the use of the kkp application can improve the quality of services in the land sector and can minimize errors that usually occur when done manually. image. 1 geo kkp application display with a computerized service pattern as it is today, of course it will increase higher accuracy of the data to be processed, for example in terms of matching physical data and juridical data, with the kkp application system checking physical data and juridical data can be done with more time efficiency. fast and accurate when compared to checking manually. in addition, services using the kkp application make it easier for the public to access land services, and provide information transparency to the general public. in using the kkp application in terms of preventing overlapping certificates, this application functions to enter any data from the initial land registration until the certificate issuance is carried out and stored in electronic form which is then entered in the kkp application. this application also presents land plots that have been mapped in the kkp application and land plots that have not been mapped in the kkp application. the land registration data is then entered into the kkp geo server, which is a system derived from the kkp application and then checked for the authenticity of the data. the function of this kkp geo is to present an overview of land parcels that have been mapped in the kkp application and the unmapped fields in the kkp application. of course, with the help of geo, kkp can parse the problems that arise related to overlapping land parcels status, because one of the factors affecting the overlapping of certificates is due to limited data and information related to land parcels t hat have been certified and land parcels that have been certified. not yet certified. with the help of geo kkp, problems that often occur in registration, such as double certificates for the status of land parcels, can be avoided. because this application can provide a comprehensive overview of land parcels in an area, both certified and uncertified. the use of the kkp application is of course very useful for resolving and reducing disputes that occur due to overlapping ownership certificates over the status of land parcels. this application works by presenting information related to land as a whole with a high degree of accuracy, faster time efficiency so that it does not take a long time and saves costs. with the kkp application, the community does not need to worry anymore if the original ownership certificate is lost, because with the use of this kkp application there is a digital certificate program which is expected to help and facilitate the community in accessing data on their land ownership, namely by entering the password or password for the land to be applied by the kkp. jurnal hukum volkgeist mashendra. 5(2): 185-193 190 with the opening of the circular letter of the head of the national land agency of the republic of indonesia number 5 / se-100 / i / 2015 concerning the use of computerized application of land activities in the national land agency of baubau city, it has implemented computerization of land activities in relation to preventing the occurrence of double certificates by means of all data from the initial registration. land until the certificate is issued and stored using computerized. furthermore, all data related to land registration are entered into the kkp geo serer, which is a system derived from the kkp application to check the authenticity of the land data. this kkp geo system also presents the entire land parcels that have been certified and those that are not yet certified, which are then entered into the kkp application. with the computerized application of land activities and its derivative application, namely geo kkp, it is hoped that it can reduce the problems and conflicts that arise as a result of double certificates of the status of land parcels that overlap with one another, either in whole or in part. however, in reality, with computerized services such as the current bpn b aubau, certificates overlap still occur. here are 3 findings of a double certificate at bpn baubau from 2015-2019 as follows: 1. shm no. 00640 / kel bukit wolio indah year 2014 on behalf of moane in tinder. shm no. 01992 / kel bukit wolio indah year 2014 on behalf of zaeru 2. shm no. 00426 / kel sulaa 2006 on behalf of lutfi hasan, shm no. 00646 /kel sulaa 2007 on behalf of hasan pou, shm no. 00419 / kel sulaa 2006 on behalf of ld. mz sakti qadratullah, shm no. 00644 / kel sulaa 2007 on behalf of anas maisu, shm no. 00418 / kel sulaa 2006 on behalf of wd. masfida, shm no. 00414 / kel sulaa 2006 on behalf of mohammad kamil. in tinder, shm no. 3102 / kel sulaa year 2017 on behalf of la runa, shm no. 3092 / kel sulaa year 2017 on behalf of la munara, shm no. 3129 / kel sulaa year 2017 on behalf of zanudin, shm no. 3142 / kel sulaa year 2017 on behalf of la ingke, shm no. 3081 / ex sulaa 2017 on behalf of la sindi 3. shm no. 100 / kel tarafu 1996 on behalf of la hiad. in tinder, shm no. 00732 / kel tarafu tahun 2017 on behalf of aminu. of the three findings, all of these double certificates occurred because there were still many land certificates that were not registered in the kkp application. 3.2 factors that influence the occurrence of double certificates (overlapping) in bpn kota baubau with the existence of multiple certificates that overlap with one another on the same land parcel object, the problem that will arise is that it will result in legal uncertainty for the certificate holder (rizki, 2020). the national land agency explained that, overlapping certificates usually occurred on parcels of land that were still empty and no buildings had yet been built on the land. the factors that cause a double certificate, can be seen from 2 factors, namely: 3.2.1 community factor when viewed from the aspect of society, many things cause the double certificate, based on the results of an interview with dwi almuswahir zuliadi as a legal analyst for bpn city of baubau said that: “one of the factors in the occurrence of a double certificate is because the community itself does not directly control the land, the p e rso n w h o m a na ges o r jurnal hukum volkgeist mashendra. 5(2): 185-193 191 manages the land is not committed, where he will only take care o f it if th e la n d owner is in the location, at the time of measuring or researching the field, the applicant deliberately or accidentally showing the location of the land and the wrong boundaries, the existence of a letter of proof or acknowledgment of the right after the date is proven to contain untruth, falsity or is no longer valid, for the a re a concerned the land registration map is not yet available and also the case of issuing more than one certificate of a parcel of land can also occur on inherite d la n d. the background of this case is the dispute over inheritance p rope rty, n am ely b y th e owner before his death had been sold to another party (unknown to h is c h ildren ) and a certificate was issued on behalf of the buyer, and then the heirs certified th e same land, resulting in a double certificate. because the previous certificate had not been mapped online in the kkp application” (interview, tuesday, february 18, 2020). according to the head of the sub-section of basic and thematic measurement and mapping (la ode safrin), one of the factors of overlapping is seen from the aspect of society, namely: “it could be that the certificate owner does not understand the boundarie s o f th e land or usually the person who has the certificate has sold the land several times so that the person who buys the land becomes the victim (dishonesty of the land owner)”. (interview, tuesday, 18 february 2020) 3.2.2 the land office human resource factor. the occurrence of multiple certificates can also be caused by human resource factors (chandra, 2020). as happened in the land office of the city of baubau, the cause is that sometimes the land officers are not thorough and inaccurate in checking both physical data and juridical data on the land area that is being applied for certification. so that data errors occur when making land certificates and cause overlapping certificates on the same land parcel object, either in whole or only part of the land that is being applied for. based on the results of an interview with mr. muhammad zakaria as the head of the land infrastructure section who said that: "another factor that could cause overlapping certificates could be that sometimes due to the mistakes of the bpn officers themselves, the bpn o ffice rs' lack of thoroughness could be, the bpn officers thought the land parcels registered were not yet certified but it was only recently discovered that the land was overlapping" . (interview, tuesday, 18 february 2020) this is in line with the statement from mr. la ode safrin as head of the sub section of basic and thematic measurement and mapping who said that: "it is true that one of the factors in the overlapping of certificates co uld b e th e human error of the land office officers. this can happen because usually th ere is missing data, it could also be that the data on the land parcels is scattered. wh at is clear is that this is not an intentional element. bpn officers usually forget to save where the land data is or can also be scattered or not found, usually due to moving rooms or offices so that some data is scattered or cannot be obtained again ”. (interview, tuesday, 18 february 2020) however, apart from the factors described above, there are also ot her factors that have become one of the main factors causing overlapping certificates or double jurnal hukum volkgeist mashendra. 5(2): 185-193 192 certificates since the kkp came into force, namely that there are still many lands that have been certified but have not registered in the kkp application(pranoto, 2020). based on the results of an interview with mr. la ode safrin as the head of the sub-section for basic and thematic measurement and mapping, said that: "overlapping certificates can also occur because the land has been certified but has not been plotted in the kkp application. to date, the land office of ba ub au city has issued 52,552 ownership certificates. of the total number of certificates, 27 631 ownership certificates have been plotted on the kkp application and 24,921 ownership certificates have not been plotted on the kkp application . (in te rvie w, tuesday, 18 february 2020) based on the explanation above, there are still many land certificates that have not been plotted or registered in the kkp application, of course this can be one of the factors causing overlapping certificates or multiple certificates. this is in line with what was conveyed by mr. la ode maniana as head of the land issues management and control section, saying that one of the main factors that led to the occurrence of double certificates, namely: "there is already a kkp, but not all of it is in the kkp. the kkp in re la tio n to the prevention of double certificates has not been comprehensive in all c e rtifie d land parcels registered in the kkp application. so that there are land measurements and land certificates which were not problematic in th e p a s t b ut since the kkp came into effect only problems have arisen, because there are more people who have applied for status in the previously certified la nd p arc el. bpn does not see whether this land is certified or not so there will be a new process to be certified, this is because the land parcels that h av e b e en c e rtifie d have not been registered or have not been mapped in the kkp application. so that bpn continues to process the land as the first application, this first applicatio n is a land registration that has never been measured or registered before. what should have been no longer a first-time application because the la n d p a rce l h as been certified, it should have been a request for separatio n, a n a p plic atio n f or merger or an application for restriction of boundaries. (in te rvie w, tu es d ay, 1 8 february 2020). according to the head of the sub-section of basic and thematic measurement and mapping (la ode safrin), one of the factors of overlapping is seen from the aspect of the land office, namely: "there are still a lot of land that has been certified but n ot p lo tted , h u ma n e rror from bpn officers (accidental factor), for example: certificate data w a s s c atte red when moving offices, lack of thoroughness from bpn officers". (interview, tuesday, 18 february 2020) according to laode maniana (head of the problem complaint section), the factors that occurred were overlapping, namely: "there is already a kkp but everything has not been in the kkp, is not comprehensive, and lacks control over land officers, lack of thoroughness in land officials." (interview, tuesday, 18 february 2020) 4. conclusion implementation of computerization of land activities (kkp) at bpn city of baubau in preventing the occurrence of double certificates is carried out with all processes from the beginning of land registration to issuance of certificates carried out and stored digitally / computer. spatial data (registration maps) and textual data (land jurnal hukum volkgeist mashendra. 5(2): 185-193 193 books, land certificates) are stored in electronic form which are then entered in the computerized land activities application (kkp). overall in its implementation to prevent double certificates, this application is not fully maximized because there are still many land parcels that have been certified but have not been registered in the kkp application, so that there is still a possibility of overlapping certificates. as for the factors that lead to a double certificate, it can be seen from 2 (two) factors. first, if seen from the community factor, there are still many people who do not fully control the boundaries of their land, usually people who have certificates have sold the land several times so that those who buy the land are the victims (dishonesty). it may also happen that the certificate owner intentionally or unintentionally points out the wrong boundaries. second, if it is seen from the human resource factor of the lan d officedue to carelessness and carelessness of land officials in checking and researching the requested land. references chandra, r. o. . 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(2008). peralihan hak atas tanah dan pendaftarannya. jakarta: sinar grafika. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1321 vol. 6 no.1, december 2021 85 child friendly village program as an effort to prevent crimes of violence against children in temusai village, siak regency elmayanti1, evi deliana hz1*, mukhlis r1 1faculty of law, universitas riau, indonesia *correspondence: deliana.unri@gmail.com article history abstract received: 27.07.2021 accepted: 26.12.2021 published: 27.12.2021 kampung temusai has been designated as a village worthy of childrendesignated by the bungaraya district. the formulation of the problem in this study is, what are the forms of child friendly village programs as an effort to prevent child abuse in temusai village and what are the factors that become obstacles in the implementation of the child-friendly village program and what are the efforts done in coming these obstacles. this research was conducted in temusai village. this type of research is sociological juridical with an emphasis on field research. the sociological juridical approach is carried out because the problems studied revolve around how the law applies in society. judging from its nature, this research is descriptive, because it intends to describe the reality clearly and systematically. the child friendly village program that has been carried out in temusai village is the community-based integrated child protection campaign (patbm), maghrib study program, collaboration and coordination with various parties in supporting the child friendly district program (kra). the factors that become obstacles in implementing the child-friendly village program in temusai village are lack of professional human resources, limited technical guidance, limited budget in running existin g programs, lack of supporting facilities and infrastructure for the child friendly village program and lack of awareness community in supporting the child friendly village program. efforts made to overcome obstacles in the implementation is coordinating with the local government regarding the budget which is still very minimal. keywords: village worthy of children; child abuse; program article licence copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction children are the next generation of the nation and the successors of the existing development struggle. children are a mandate as well as a gift from god almighty, which we must always protect because they have inherent dignity, worth and rights as human beings that must be upheld. children's rights are part of the human rights contained in the 1945 constitution and the united nations convention on the rights of children. in terms of national and state life, children are buds, potentials, the future of the nation and the next generation of the ideals of the nation's struggle, have a strategic role and have special characteristics and characteristics that ensure the continuity of the existence of the nation and state in the future. therefore, so that every child will be able to take on these responsibilities, children need to have the widest opportunity to grow and develop optimally, both physically, mentally and socially and with noble character. provide guarantees for the fulfillment of their rights and treatment without discrimination (perdana, 2019). protection of children is not limited to the government, but also by parents, families and the community to be responsible for maintaining and maintaining the human rights of the child. in this case, the government is responsible for providing facilities for children, especially to ensure optimal growth and development. in addition, article 28 b of the 1945 constitution states that the state guarantees that every child has the right to survival, growth and development and the right to protection from violence and discrimination. children are often victims of violence, be it at school, where they play, even within th eir own family environment, which should be their place of refuge (andini, sulistyowati, & al., 2019). violence experienced by children varies, there is physical and psychological violence. both physical and psychological violence, this violence has a very bad impact on children's development, especially their psychological development. children's https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1321 mailto:deliana.unri@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 85-92 86 delinquency is the most frequent cause of parental anger, so that children receive punishment and when accompanied by emotions, parents do not hesitate to hit or do physical violence, and it is not uncommon for parents to say rude words to their children (rusmiyati & hikmawati, 2018). the problem of crime with the mode of violence then becomes a serious problem faced by almost every nation and country on this earth. various discussions, seminars and scientific meetings are held to find solutions that are considered appropriate regarding the crimes that are happening and are troubling the community. in the daily social sphere, the problem of violence is associated with criminal cases which tend to be increasingly violent and brutal (nuswantara & savitri, 2018). crimes with the mode of violence seem to have ups and downs in society. the problem of crime remains a frightening specter for society, whose emergence is often unpredictable or suddenly occurs in an environment and community that was previously never predicted to give birth to a crime categorized as aggravating. in a community building previously known to have noble teachings, which popularize the principles of civilized life and social relations that uphold moral and religious values, in reality this is not always the case. this means that people who have the teachings of a noble civilization are quite prone to various modes of crim e. not a few social, political, economic, religious and legal actors are trapped in the denial of noble values (wahid & irfan, 2001). every human being, has inherent justice values and is the result of his spiritual or soul processing. for judges as law enforcers, spiritual justice is realized through law which functions as a tool, as a method and output in a legal dispute (salam & suhartono, 2020). radbruch states that justice should be considered as one of the components of the idea of law. law and justice as two sides of a coin, if justice is described as material and law as a form, then the value of justice is material that must fill the form of law. whi le the law is a form that must protect the value of justice, thus justice has a normative and constitutive nature for law. justice is normative for law because it functions as a transcendental prerequisite that underlies every dignified law. justice is the moral foundation of law and at the same time the benchmark for a positive legal system. in other words, justice is always the base of the law. without justice, a rule does not deserve to be called a law. protection of child victims of crime as regulated in law number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to law number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection. in article 1 paragraph (2) child protection is all activities that guarantee and protect children and their rights so that they can live, grow and develop a nd participate optimally in accordance with human dignity and protection from violence and discrimination. protection of children is the obligation and responsibility of all of us, child victims must get attention and protection of their rights. handling cases of children who are in conflict with the law, especially child victims, must be handled specifically both repressively and preventively in order to create a good and prosperous future for children. in law number 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile criminal justice system, there are three parts to children who are in a case with the law, this can be seen in the provisions of article 1 paragraph (4) of law number 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile criminal justice system which states that: “children who a re victims of criminal acts, hereinafter referred to as child victims, are children under the age of 18 (eighteen) years who experience physical, mental and/or economic losses caused by criminal acts. table 1. cases of violence against children no year number of cases of violence against children case handling 1 2017 33 cases counseling by a psychologist, investigation report, implementation of diversion 2 2018 25 cases counseling by a psychologist, investigation report, implementation of diversion 3 2019 68 cases psychological examination by a psychologist, mentoring and counseling, investigation, diversion p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 85-92 87 source: p2tp2a annual report siak regency the most common forms of violence against children in siak regency are sexual violence and physical violence. the causes of sexual violence against children include the negligence of parents who do not pay attention to the growth and development and association of children, the low morality and mentality of the perpetrators so that they cannot control their passions or behavior and economic factors that make the perpetrators easily smooth out their plans by giving promises to the victims. . sexual violence against children is an example of a violation of human rights, especially the rights of children. the fact that there are many cases of sexual abuse that afflicts children indicates that they tend to receive less attention, protection, and are often neglected (h. salim, 2010). children who violate the law or commit criminal acts are strongly influenced by several other factors outside of the child such as association, education, playmates and so on, because criminal acts committed by children in general are a process of imitating or being influenced by negative actions from adults or other people. the impact of the treatment of violence on children actually causes trauma and leaves growth and development abnormalities that will affect their adulthood later. the types of crimes that are most often committed by children in siak regency are theft and immorality. the trend of increasing child criminal behavior cannot be separated from the current open flow of information. it is so easy for the mass media to broadcast criminal acts, even detailing how these crimes were committed. in addition, the need for consumerism and hedonism also causes children to take instant ways to fulfill their desires. furthermore, in law number 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile criminal justice system, article 90 paragraph (1) explains that child victims and child witnesses are entitled to "medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation efforts, both within the institution and outside the institution". medical rehabilitation is a process of integrated treatment activities by restoring the physical condition of the child, child victim and or child witness. then what is meant by social rehabilitation is the process of integrated recovery activities, both physically, mentally and socially, so that the victim's child, and or the witness's child can return to carrying out social functions in life in society. protection of children in conflict with the law is an effort to protect children and their rights so that they can grow and develop optimally without violence and discrimination. is increasing, of course, very concerning where the perpetrators are not only adults but also children (wijaya & anantaa, 2016). siak regency, which represents riau province, received an award as a child-friendly regency with a primary predicate in 2013. then two years later, in 2015, siak regency still received the same award with the same predicate. in 2017 the assessment of child-friendly district, siak regency still received the same award but here there was an increase, from primary to intermediate. this is the result of hard work from all parties and ranks of the siak regency government and related elements. the protection and handling of women and children victims of violence in siak regency is realized through siak regency regional regulation no. 09 of 2016 concerning women's empowerment and protection, siak regency's regional regulation no. 09 of 2015 concerning the implementation of child protection and siak regent regulation no. 39 of 2017 concerning service centers. integrated women and children empowerment (p2tp2a) as a service provider for women and children in an effort to fulfill information and needs in the fields of skills, health, economics, politics and law, protection and prevention of violence and trafficking in women and children. temusai village has also been designated as a child friendly village designated by the bungaraya district. the appointment is based on the assessment that so far in the village there has never been violence against children, whether physical, sexual and so on. in addition, the village government programs to become a childfriendly village have been made, both the child-friendly organizational structure and all the needs to become a child-friendly village have been formed. one of the village programs that has been carried out is the community-based integrated child protection campaign (patbm) in siak regency in this village, so it is hoped that with this campaign the commu nity can understand and care more about children and apply it in everyday life. the village of temusai has already formed child-friendly management a few months or years ago. from the village first formed, then the district and district. if the village is not formed, of course the district will not get the nickname child-friendly district/city. these villages will develop their own country to be child-friendly, child-friendly and self-supporting, and at the very least, the community has thoughts and understandings that represent the developmental needs of children. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 85-92 88 temusai village is a newly formed village based on regional regulation no. 5 of 2009 concerning the formation of temusai, dayang suri and suak merambai villages in bungaraya district, in order to increase the capabilities and potentials possessed and to administer village government efficiently and improve services and welfare of the village community. temusai. therefore, it is still necessary to improve and do many things for the development of becoming a better child-friendly village and a child-friendly village, so it is hoped that the participation and participation of the community to improve and realize better child -friendly village programs in the future. 2. methodology the field research was carried out in temusai village, bunga raya district, siak regency. temusai village was chosen as the only village in bunga raya district as a child -friendly village, which has also established childfriendly programs and cares about the development and protection of children from all forms of violence against children, so that it is expected to be able to overcome and prevent occurrence of violence against children. sampling from the population was carried out in this study using the purposive sampling method (determining the party to be sampled was a certain party deemed to be in accordance with the criteria studied). from the existing population, several samples were taken to be used as respondents in providing data to researchers. the population referred to in this study are the parties related to the research theme. the type of research used in this research is sociological legal research, namely research conducted by identifying the law and how the effectiveness of the implementation of the law applies in the community or reviewing the state of the problems that exist in the field associated with applicable legal aspects and those manage the problem. this research is a study that focuses on individual or community behavior in relation to the law. judging from its nature, this research is a descriptive analysis, which describes an event from the point of view of a particular law in society or describes a matter in a certain area, especially with regard to the title of this research, because it intends to describe the reality that is being studied clearly and systematically. . data collection techniques through document studies and interviews. all data and materials obtained from research materials are compiled and analyzed qualitatively, namely research procedures that produce descriptive data, namely what is stated in writing or verbally and real behavior, researched and studied as a whole to find out and reveal symptoms. symptoms that arise and are investigated 3. result and discussion 3.1 forms of child friendly village programs as an effort to prevent crimes of violence against children in temusai village, bunga raya district, siak regency the struggle to prepare children as a quality generation means building and prospering children's liv es as early as possible, starting from the time the child is in the womb, then being born and being in family care, until the child grows up and enters a larger environment, namely the community. in the process of growth and development, children also have needs that must be met in order to grow and develop optimally. these needs are not only related to physical needs, but also social and psychological needs, as well as an environment that supports the development of all their potential. a good environment will produce good children who will later develop into adults and are in a wider environment, namely the region and the country and the world. children are the development capital and the key to the nation's progress in the future. as a form of efforts to fulfill children's rights, the government must immediately realize a child friendly city (kla). child friendly city is a district/city development system that integrates government, community and business commitments and resources that are planned in a comprehensive and sustainable manner in policies, programs and activities to fulfill children's rights. the interests and protection of children are one of the considerations in building child -friendly city facilities, because children have special needs. the government through the ministry of women's empowerment and child protection of the republic of indonesia, the kla policy aims to synergize the resources of the government, the community, and the business world so that the fulfillment of the rights of indonesian children can be more ensured. this policy is an implementation of a follow-up to the global commitment through “world fit for children”, which the government of indonesia has also adopted. indonesia is a member of the united nations that has committed internationally to support the world movement in creating a world fit for children. this commitment has been realized since the signing of the p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 85-92 89 ratification of the convention on the rights of the child (crc) through presidential decree no. 36/1990, natio nal program for indonesian children in 2015, law no. 23/2002 on child protection. child-friendly regency/city (kla) indicators since 2017 have changed from 31 indicators to 24 indicators based on the substance of children's rights which are grouped into 5 (five) clusters of fulfilling children's rights in the convention on the rights of the child (kha), that is: a) civil rights and freedoms b) family environment and alternative care c) basic health and well-being d) education, use of leisure time and cultural arts activities, as well as e) special protection. child friendly city as a step to create an environment that can aspire to children's rights through local government goals, activities, programs and policies where if the government can fulfill and aspire to all children's rights then this will create conducive conditions for children to grow and develop. develop well and the environment where the child lives will also provide protection for the child. children can grow and develop properly, their rights are fulfilled and protected as well as to ensure that the state is really present in the development of indonesian women and children. the strategy for developing child-friendly districts/cities is mainstreaming children's rights and integrating children's rights into every process of preparation (policies, programs, and development activities) and stages of development (planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring, evaluation), at each regional level. (district/c ity, province, national). the most important point of the process of developing child -friendly districts/cities, namely the commitment of the regional head to realize the fulfillment of children's rights with the support of policy makers in the sub-districts and sub-districts, as well as coordination among stakeholders for the fulfillment of children's rights and policy makers carried out continuously and sustainably (purba, 2017). in line with the strategic plan of the government of the republic of indonesia relating to child prote ction as stated in law number 23 of 2002 as well as efforts to build the nation's generation in accordance with child development and also the regulation of the minister of women's empowerment and child protection of the republic of indonesia, temusai village was appointed as a child-friendly village. from the village first formed then sub-district and district. if the village is not formed, the district will not be called a child -friendly city. temusai village is the only village in bungaraya that has been designated as a child-friendly village, because temusai village has formed the management and program of child-friendly village programs several months or years ago. a. the child friendly village program that has been carried out in temusai village, bungaraya district, siak regency 1) community-based integrated child protection campaign (patbm) this campaign aims to provide understanding and awareness to the public about the importance of child protection by providing a child-friendly environment, so that children can grow and develop properly and provide understanding so that people pay attention to children's rights in everyday life and can increase awareness of children. both in the family and in the community, because children are the nation's potential for n ational development, so that their guidance and development needs to be carried out as early as possible by encouraging district, sub-district and village governments to formulate policies that favor the interests of children. 2) maghrib study program this program is expected to be able to bring children closer to religious values so that the provision of religious knowledge can make children not easily influenced by youth association and the influence of the globalization era which is increasingly open and it is hoped that children will be able to become a young generation who is polite and always applies religious values. in daily life. 3) cooperate and coordinate with various parties in supporting the child friendly district program (kra) in carrying out existing programs, support from various parties is needed, ranging from village officials, schools, the temusai village children's forum to non-governmental organizations (ngos) in temusai village as well as business actors or donor institutions who assist in the budget and supports every activity and program that p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 85-92 90 wants to be carried out and developed in order to create a child-friendly environment and care about the rights of children in healthy growth and development. b. the child friendly village program in temusai village chief's decision no. 75/kpts-tem/2019 concerning the establishment of the temusai village children friendly task force in 2019 1. fulfillment of the rights and protection of children in the sub-district and in the village 2. planning, developing, implementing and monitoring the child friendly district (kra) development program 3. services in the field of health and disease control 4. services in the field of primary and secondary education 5. services in the field of security and order through bhabinkamtibmas 6. contribute to landscaping for children's playgrounds and recreation for children and families by involving the business world or donor institutions 7. empowering non-governmental organizations for the child friendly village program (kla) 8. asking for help from the temusai village children's forum to socialize the child friendly village (kra) to their friends. 9. consult the needs and desires of children to partners from the relevant sector based on the theory of legal protection, when it is associated with the function of law to provide protection. protection is the provision of guarantees for security, tranquility, prosperity, and peace in the present, in the future and in the future. likewise with the protection of children's rights, children have the right to obtain a more decent life and fulfill their rights and can grow and develop in a healthy and child -friendly environment and away from acts of violence and discrimination against children. the essence of legal protection for children lies not only in the legal instruments, but other instruments such as society, environment, culture and guarantees for a bright future. so that it can be said that child protection efforts are creative efforts that make children able to live independently, namely children have the ability and willingness to use their rights and carry out their obligations as a child. 3.2 factors that become obstacles in implementing the child -friendly village program as an effort to prevent criminal acts of violence against children in temusai village, bunga raya district, siak regency a. lack of professional human resources article 22 of the child protection law states that: "the state, government, and regional government are obliged and responsible for providing support for facilities, infrastructure, and the availability of human resources in the implementation of child protection." the availability of human resources should be supported by a proportional and professional attitude. proportional means that all treatment of children must pay attention to the limitations of the child's needs, age and condition, and professional is that human resources that provide protection to children are based on knowledge, skills, values, and ethics. understanding of child-friendly districts or villages must be given to all elements of society, including village officials so that there is one perception and one thought. in addition, it is also necessary for assistants and resource persons to provide counseling and socialization to the community, as wel l as psychologists in helping to restore psychological and psychosocial children when dealing with the law or who are victims and experience violence against children. the role of professionals is a supporting factor in carrying out the provision of protec tion and assistance to children who are victims of criminal acts (komariah & noviawati, 2019). b. limited technical guidance village temusai is the only village designated by the bunga raya district as a child friendly village in 2019, so maximum guidance has not been given to all village officials regarding the activities carried out and how the implementation mechanism is. although a task force has been formed in implementing the programs that have been determined, it has not been able to be implemented optimally, due to the lack of direction and gu idance from the local government, so that what is currently being done is only limited to what is known and what programs can p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 85-92 91 be carried out to the community, meaning that existing and established programs have not been able to be implemented properly because of many obstacles in the field. c. limited budget in carrying out existing programs insufficient budget is a big enough obstacle that must be faced by the temusai village/kampung apparatus, so that it is not optimal in terms of providing assistance and co unseling to the community, although there is cooperation with ngos and donor institutions, it is still lacking and the siak regency local government should provide additional budgets in implementing child friendly village programs so that the program can be implemented properly. d. lack of supporting facilities and infrastructure for the child friendly village program kampung temusai needs supporting facilities and infrastructure in implementing the child friendly village program, such as a child-friendly health center or hospital, a playground as a playground for children and families, child-friendly schools, professional teaching staff and understanding of education for children. and support the child friendly village program. there are still many things that need to be addressed by kampung temusai, including instilling in the community the importance of protecting children and fulfi lling children's rights in everyday life. e. lack of public awareness in supporting the child friendly village program the community must be given an understanding of the importance of providing a good environment for children, because a healthy, child-friendly environment will affect the growth and development of a child, a child who grows up in a good environment and fulfills children's rights properly will certainly become a strong and psychological person. healthy children, when compared to chi ldren who are far from being loved and protected for their rights, so socialization must be given to the community about the importance of providing a child -friendly environment, far from violence in realizing the best future for children. this socialization is very important to be given and carried out so that the community knows the impact of violence on children, besides that it also greatly affects the mental development of children in the future, so that the community must be given an understanding of the importance of taking measures to prevent violence against children, as well as training for task forces ( task force) which is given the task of providing assistance in the context of preventing violence against children. the community must be given an understanding that violence against children is not an internal problem of a family so that it does not need to be known by others, but on the contrary, violence against children is our shared responsibility including the government so that every occurrence of violence against children must be processed according to applicable law, including if it is committed by other people. parents themselves, because children are the hope and future generations, if violence occurs, it will greatly affect the child's gr owth and development and the development of the child's personality, therefore it is our collective responsibility to always provide protection to children, if violence occurs immediately reported to the authorities and children must receive assistance and recovery from the violence they have experienced. 3.3 efforts made to overcome obstacles in implementing the child friendly village program a. coordinate with local governments regarding the budget that is still very minimal the very limited budget makes it difficult for the village apparatus of kampung temusai to carry out the programs that have been determined, provide socialization and counseling to the community on the importance of paying attention to children's rights and providing protection for children. kampung temusai is the only village in bunga raya subdistrict that is designated as a child friendly village, it should also be supported with a clear and adequate budget to implement the child friendly village program. the siak regency government should provide its own budget to regulate and manage each of the programs that will be carried out so that the program can be carried out properly, because the mentoring and counseling are sustainable, not just once but in stag es. b. maximizing the role of social organizations both formal and non-formal in temusai village in the implementation of child friendly village programs, collaboration with all parties is needed, including empowering all community organizations in temusai vi llage and also maximizing the role of the temusai village children's forum, so that it is hoped that in the future it will be able to overcome all difficulties in the implementation of the child friendly village, because basically protecting children and p roviding the best life for children by paying p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 85-92 92 attention to children's rights in the growth and development of a child is our collective duty and responsibility not only the responsibility of a group of people but the responsibility of the community, nation and state because children are the hope of the nation who play a very important role in the development of the nation and state later. 4. conclusion temusai village is the only village in bungaraya that is designated as a child -friendly village. the child friendly village program that has been carried out in temusai village, bungaraya district, siak regency is the community-based integrated child protection campaign (patbm), the maghrib koran program, collaborating and coordinating with various parties in supporting the child friendly district program (kra), in addition to existing programs in the decision of the village head of temusai regarding the establishment of a child friendly village task force, it still cannot be implemented properly due to various obstacles in the field. it is hoped that in the future the local government will pay more attention to the village or area and motivate or facilitate to develop into a child-friendly village and be able to support local government programs, in addition to providing budget, supporting facilities and infrastructure so that the achievement of child -friendly villages can be carried out properly. in addition, in the future, temusai village should further enhance cooperation with various parties so that the process of becoming a child-friendly village is better and runs optimally by involving all elements of society and traditional stakeholders in temusai village. references andini, t. m., 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(2016). sexual crime emergency. jakarta: sinar graphic. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1462 vol. 6 no.1, december 2021 21 juridical analysis of the application of diversion in child crime cases to realize restorative justice at the court level: case study at pasarwajo district court la gurusi1* 1faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah buton, indonesia *correspondence: lagurusi@gmail.com article history abstract received: 25.09.2021 accepted: 24.12.2021 published: 27.12.2021 the problem to be investigated is how the application of diversion in realizing restorative justice at the pasarwajo district court level and the obstacles to the application of diversion in realizing restorative justice at the pasarwajo district court level. the objectives and benefits to be achieved in this study are to find out how the application of diversion in realizing restorative justice at the pasarwajo district court level and can help and provide input and additional knowledge for parties related to the problems studied. this research is an empirical juridical research that uses primary data as its study material. the result of this research is that the application of diversion in realizing restorative justice at the pasarwajo district court still has obstacles. keywords: diversion; child crime; restorative justice article licence copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction every child has dignity, which should be upheld, and children's rights must be granted without exception.(sulaiman, 2017) protection is provided in all aspects, including social, economic, political, and legal aspects. a child is defined as anyone under the age of 18, including a child still in the womb (article (1) paragraph (1) of law no. 23 of 2002, as amended by law no. 35 of 2014). according to the law on child protection, they have the right to be protected from violence and discrimination as a child (article 4 of law no. 23 of 2002). in light of the principles of child protection, particularly the principle of non -discrimination, which prioriti ze s the child's best interests and right to life, a process for resolving child cases outside of a criminal mec hanism, also known as diversion, is required, because correctional institutions are not the best way to solve problems, and there are many things that are not desirable in institutions. (hidaya, 2019) as a result, diversion, with its restorative justice approach, becomes a consideration as well as a sol ution when it comes to settling criminal cases involving minors. (safrin salam, 2020) a child who commits a crime must be tried in a special children's court within the general justice environment, with a special process and special officials who understand children's problems, ranging from arrest, detention, adjudication and guidance in the juvenile justice process as regulated in law no. 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile justice system, in the perspective of criminal science, believes that the imposition of crimes against children tends to harm the mental development of children in the future. therefore, the government of indonesia has issued law number 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile justice system called diversion and restorative justice. it should be noted that diversion is the transfer of the settlement of children's cases from the criminal justice process to a process outside the criminal justice system which aims to achieve peace between victims and children, settlement of children's cases outside the court process, preventing children from deprivation of independence, encouraging the community to participate and instilling a sense of responsibility. responsibility to children carried out through a deliberation process involving https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1462 mailto:lagurusi@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 21-26 22 the child and his parents/guardians, victims and/or parents/guardians, co mmunity counselors, and professional social workers based on a restorative justice approach.(salam, 2019) settlement of criminal cases through diversion to obtain r estorative justice can be completed at the investigation level so that the settlement of diversion to the prosecution level and settlement at the court level is no longer passed because restorative justice has been realized, namely the realization of a pea ce agreement between the victim and the perpetrator, but in this case, it was carried out by children, the settlement of diversion at the level of investigation and prosecution cannot be realized later at the level of the court, only then can the settlement of diversion be realized, namely the creation of a peace agreement between the two parties between the victim and the perpetrator as restorative justice.(muhammad rizal lampatta, 2019) from this problem, the author wants to analyze the process of resolving diversion applied by judges at th e pasarwajo district court level so that restorative justice can be realized, the authors want to conduct research with the title: juridical analyst of application of diversion in child crime cases to realize restorative justice at the level district court (case study at pasarwajo district court, buton regency). the formulation of the probl e m in this study is how to apply diversion in realizing restorati ve justice at the pasarwajo district court level? and what are the obstacles to implementing diversion in realizing restorative justice at the pasarwajo district court level? 2. methodology this research was carried out at the pasarwajo district court office. this location was chosen because a t the pasawajo district court there was a juvenile criminal case that was resolved with a diversion approach by realizing restorative justice. the type of data used by the author in this study is primary data and secondary data. to obtain the data needed in this study, both primary data and secondary data used the interview and literature study method. the data analysis technique used by the author is by using qualitative and interactive analysis techniques 3. result and discussion 3.1. application of diversion in realizing restorative justice at the court level the existence of law number 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile criminal justice system, and th e process of resolving child cases at all levels, both at the investigation level, at the prosecution level and at the district court level, must seek a diversionary settlement. to provide special protection for children who are in conflict with the law in accordance with the provisions in article 59 of law number 35 of 2014. there is almost n o difference in the form of settlement of children's cases by diversion at the investigation level, prosecution level and court level. (purwanti, 2019) in the diversion process involved in the deliberations are perpetrators, victims, families of perpetrators/victims, community counselors, and professional social workers to jointly seek a fair solution according to the principles of restorative justice.(ananda, 2018) the implementation of diversion at the prosecution level failed in the sense that the diversion carrie d o u t at the prosecution stage failed to obtain an agreement from both parties. the case was transferred to the state court. after the district court receives the delegation of the case from the public prosecutor, it is immediately submitted to the criminal registrar. the child case file is then submitted to the head of the district c ourt for analysis whether the child's case is in the diversion category or not. furthermore, the head of the district court determines the judge or panel of judges to handle the child's case and no later than three days after receiving the case file from the public prosecutor (article 52 paragraph (1) uusppa). according to the results of the interview with the juvenile judge mamluatul maghfiroh, sh., on thursday july 15th 2021 at the pasarw a j o court. after the head of the district court has appointed a judge or panel of judges to handle children's cases, diversion at the court examination level must be carried out. further diversion must be attempted to be carried out at the trial stage of the court no more than seven days after the determination of the judg e or panel of judges by the head of the district court (article 52 paragraph (2) uusppa). diversion must be carried out by a judge who has been appointed by the head of the district court as a judge within a maximum period of thirty days (article 52 paragraph (3) of the uusppa). the diversion process can be carried out in the mediation room or in the courtroom available at the district court. in perma no. 4 of 2014, after receiving the stipulation of the head of the court to handle cases that were resolved by diversion, the juvenile judge issued a decision on the diversion consultation, then within a period of p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 21-26 23 one week they immediately carried out diversion. at that time, the juvenile judge who acted as a facilitator in the settlement of children's cases through diversion ordered the public prosecutor to present all parties, both on the perpetrator's side and on the victim's side (article 4 perma number 4 of 2014), which were presented, namely: a) children as perpetrators b) children as victims c) parent/guardian d) law advisor e) victim's parents/guardians f) community counseling officer g) sissy worker h) social welfare personnel i) community representative then the child judge, at the same time acting as a facilitator, holds a trial for the diversion process which takes place in the mediation room or the court session room. all parties, both the perpetrators, the victims and all parties involved in it, sit together looking for a fair solution by being supported by the child judge as a facilitato r with a family approach by emphasizing the restoration to its original state, which means that in return to the atmosphere as if there was no conflict between the two parties. (lampatta, 2017) in the process of resolving children's cases at the pasarwajo district court led by child judge mamluatul magfroh succeeded in reaching a diversion agreement between the two parties. so that the judge conveys the diversion report along with the diversion agreement to the chairman of the pasrwajo district court to make the determination of the diversion agreement. from the results of an interview with a juvenile judge on thursday, july 15, 2021, he said that to reach an agreement in the process of resolving a child's case, it does require a special technique or method of approach that can touch the social sense of the family so that both parties are moved so that they want to make peace. considering, that because the diversion deliberation has obtained an agreement and the chairman of th e pasarwajo district court has issued a stipulation number 1/pid.sus-anak/2021/pn psw dated february 2, 2021, the examination process for child i. gimran daeng lalang als. gilang bin arifin, son ii . arjuna taba als. arj u n bin la taba ane, child iii. sahrul taba als. aman bin la taba ane, child iv. rafli als. cus bin raslan, son v.muh. ardhan amala als. ardhan bin arubi, son vi. muh. ridwan bae saleh bin m. saleh, son vii. arif fadil als. acong bin isnan jaya and son viii. adrian saputra als. la leu bin samrin must be stopped; taking into account the provisions of article 12 paragraph (3), paragraph (4) and paragraph (5) of law number 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile criminal justice system; 1) stop the case examination process son i.gimran daeng lalang als. gilang bin arifin, son ii. arjuna taba als. arjun bin la taba ane, child iii. sahrul taba als. aman bin la taba ane, child iv. rafli als. cus bin raslan, son v.muh. ardhan amala als. ardhan bin arubi, son vi. muh. ridwan bae saleh bin m. saleh, son vii. arif fadil als. acong bin isnan jaya and son viii. adrian saputra als. la leu bin samrin; 2) order the children to be released from detention; 3) order the registrar or appointed official to send a copy of this stipulation to the child, his/her parents, victim, community counselor and public prosecutor. settlement of child cases at the pasarwajo district court during 2019 to 2020. in 2019 the number of chi l d cases at the pasarwajo district court was: 14 child cases, and in 2020 as many as: 21 cases of children. with details in the table as follows: p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 21-26 24 table 1. child cases at the pasarwajo district court during 2019 to 2020 year number of cases no diversion unsuccessful diversion successful diversion 2019 14 13 1 2020 21 9 7 5 data source: pasarwajo district court in 2021 from the data on children's cases at the pasarwajo district court, we can see that the cases that were entered in 2019 were 14 cases of children. there are 13 cases of children who do not meet the elements to be processed by diversion. one case that can meet the elements to be processed by diversion, but it turns out that the settlement by diversion is not successful, so the case is determined by the head of the district court for further processing. while in 2020 the number of child cases at the pasarwajo district court was 21 cases. o f th e number of cases that do not meet the elements to be processed by diversion, there are 9 cases and 7 cases can meet the elements to be processed by diversion but it is not successful because at the time of holding a deliberation between the two parties there was no agree ment and 5 cases were successfully resolved by diversion, meaning that when sitting together holding a deliberation in the mediation room of the pasarwajo district court led by a child judge as a facilitator, they succeeded in reaching an agreement between the two parties. so that the head of the district court decided that the child's case was stopped so that it would not be processed further. from the results of an interview with the juvenile judge mamluatul maghfiroh, sh., friday, july 16, 2021 at the negeri pasarwajo court. 3.2. fairness of non-litigation and litigation settlement decisions the sense of justice given to the non-litigation diversion process is more acceptable to the parties because it prioritizes peace and the peace clause can be determined by each party, so that in the future it is ve ry good if a child's case can be resolved by deliberation in the diversion process considering the trial not ve ry g o o d for the psychological development of children.(rosnida, 2019) the non-litigation process can also realize restorative justice because it is a process that involves perpetrators, victims, families of perpetrators/victims, and community leaders involved in seeking a just settlement by emphasizing recovery back to its original state. (rizki a, suhartono, & salam, 2021) while the settlement of litigation given will incriminate the child both from th e trial process and the implementation of the decision. because the nature of the criminal decision in the trial process if the child is guilty is punishing. according to the results of the interview delivered by the child judge mamluatul maghfiroh, sh., friday, july 16, 2021 at the neeri pasarwajo court. in the application of diversion to realize restorative justice according to the results of the study, there a re two factors that become obstacles, namely internal factors and external factors a) internal factors in law number 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile criminal ju stice system in article 6 paragraph (a), one of the objectives of implementing diversion is to achieve peace. article 8 of law number 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile criminal justice system explains that: 1) the diversion process is carried out through deliberation involving children and their parents/guardians, victims and/or their parents/guardians, community advisors, and professional social workers based on a restorative justice approach. 2) if necessary, the deliberation as referred to in paragraph (1) may involve social welfare workers, and/or th e community. 3) the diversion process must pay attention to: 4) victim's interest 5) child welfare and responsibility p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 21-26 25 6) avoidance of negative stigma 7) retaliation avoidance 8) community harmony and 9) propriety, decency, and public order to achieve peace in the deliberations on the settlement of children's cases involving both parties and all the elements involved in the diversion settlement, the role of the judge as a facilitator in controlling the course of the diversion deliberations in court is crucial.(imron rizki, safrin salam, 2019) article 53 paragraphs (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) of the juvenile criminal justice system law provide an explanation that: judges are obliged to seek diversion no later than seven days after being appointed by the head of the district court as judge . (3) the diversion as referred to in paragraph 2 is carried out for a maximum of thirty days. (4) the diversion process can be carried out in the mediation room of the district court. (5) in the event that the diversion process is successful in reaching an agreement, the judge submits the minutes of the diversion along with the diversion agreement to the head of the district court for an agreement to be made.(nur dahniar, safrin salam, 2021) (6) in the event that diversion is not successful, the case will proceed to the trial stage. in accordance with the results of interviews with juvenile judges at the pasarwajo district court, it was explained that the resolution of children's cases i n t h e district court through the diversion of the role of the facilitator was very decisive. b) external factor implementation of diversion in the pasarwajo district court, externally there are still obstacles, namely: 1) due to the issue of sanctions, children in conflict with the law can be resolved through diversion if the th re a t of imprisonment must be below 7 years (article 7 paragraph (a) uusppa). 2) due to the age issue, in the event that the child is not yet 12 years old, commits or is suspected of committing a criminal act, the investigator, community counselor and community social worker take the decision to return the child to the parent/guardian for guidance (article 21 paragraph 1 (a) uusppa) . 3) the non-fulfillment of the requirements to be appointed as a judge in a child case in a district court (article 43 paragraph 2 (abc uusppa). in the event that the diversion is not successful, the case will proceed to the trial stage (article 25 paragraph 6 of the uusppa). 4. conclusion settlement of children's cases that come into contact with the law in district courts through the application of diversion in realizing restorative justice, the role of the facilita tor is very decisive to reach a diversion agreement. in article 5 paragraph (4) perma number 4 of 2014 concerning guidelines for implementing diversion in the juvenile criminal justice system, it provides an explanation of the efforts that the diversion facilitator must take so that peace can be created between the two parties and all those related to the issue of the case. children sit together as a family looking for a just solution by emphasizing the restoration to its original state. in 2020, the pasarwajo district court with the technique and method of the facilitator was able to real i ze 5 cases of children in the diversion agreement. reference ananda, f. 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3) tracing or installation of supporting stones in deforested areas; 4) socialization and guidance, by calling the community to be educated and given knowledge about forest utilization and sustainability, 5) distributing circulars, 6) spraying plants planted on forest land that is functioned. keywords: environmental damage; switch function forest; development sustainable article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction environmental damage due to forest encroachment is basically caused by human actions (a. absori et al., 2017). this is a sign that human activities can cause environmental damage through industrial activities, development, or agricultural activities. it will give direct impact on environmental damage. there are many impacts of human activities on the environment such as; impacting air pollution, environmental damage, pollution, marine pollution, or adversely affecting the occurrence of landslides and floods.(absori, et., 2008). forests have an important and vital function in human life because they have social, economic, and other functions. for this reason, forests must be preserved and used as well as possible in a sustainable manner (siboro, 2019). the character of human anthroposticism, which puts the forests and other ecosystems as inanimate objects and economic commodities, will be the bearer of disaster and catastrophe. forest damage due to illegal logging and forest conversion is a complex problem to solve and has long implications, not only for the current generation but also for generations to the future(pratiwi & alhadi, 2021). in addition, various improvements and restorations were made to the environment due to the damage and pollution that occurred. the data showed environmental damage due to land conversion with the concept of development and free trade, mostly caused by the entry of national and international companies that continuously exploited the environment and resources.(absori, nd) this is also stated by j. barros and j.m. johnston that disasters are closely related to development activities carried out by humans and can affect the survival of human generations.(a. absori et al., 2020) in bima, west nusa tenggara, the impact of environmental damage due to the conversion of forest is affected by flash floods and crop failure, and we have to be ready for fire, drought, and lack of clean water during the dry season.(langgudu & bima, 2018; salam, et al., 2019) these kinds of natural disasters always happen and every year it gets worse. the data shows that of the 1 million (ha) forest area owned by ntb, the critical forest area is around 896 thousand hectares or 75 percent of the total forest in bima 25.3 47575. ha.(ma'arij et al., 2021) p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 53-60 54 most of the bima regional forests are critical, due to the shift in function.(hijri, 2021). on the other hand, there are no visible signs of stopping. the rate of forest destruction and inherent implication is natural disasters. empirical reality shows that environmental damage in bima is caused by uncontrolled use patterns. as a result, environmental damage occurs.(ma'arij et al., 2021) this utilization pattern is caused by: first, permits to use pesticides and other chemicals on agricultural land such as onions, rice, and corn on farmers' land; second, there are mining operations in bima regency, such as pt. bunga raya (monggo village), pt. koynesia (parado village), (3) pt. iron sand (wera), pt. gold mining (wawo), and pt. gold mining (sape). third, grass cultivation. fourth, illegal fishing activities (fish bombing) that cause damage to coral reefs and marine life, and fifth, illegal logging activities that cause deforestation, flooding and landslides. the results of ridwan's research (2020) the main causes of forest damage in bima, west nusa tenggara, are illegal logging, forest encroachment, and land conversion.(ma'arij et al., 2021) similar with andriadin’s findings on his research (2021) that environmental damage in bima is mostly caused by forest encroachment, such as patterns of using tax returns payable (sppt) that are not appropriate and illegal logging activities carried out by the community. edge of the forest as well as the group of owners (corporation).(andriadin, absori, 2021) of these various problems are motivated by economic demands, alack of socialization from stakeholders, and low public awareness. the urgency of this research was considered by; first, because the environmental damage due to the conversion of forest in bima is worrying and always happens. it has an impact on the occurrence of floods and landslides every year. second, the conversion of forest is due to uncontrolled use for farming, as well as illegal logging activities. third, the policy for dealing with environmental damage carried out by stakeholders for the conversion of forest is not effective because it is based on the rate of forest destruction, which is increasingly uncontrollable. fourth, formulate an ideal concept for the policy of overcoming environmental damage due to the conversion of forest with the concept of sustainable development and social welfare. research objectives and research focus, firstly to describe environmental damage due to land conversion; second, to describe policies for overcoming environmental damage; and third, to offer an ideal concept for tackling environmental damage due to land conversion in bima, which is sustainable development and social welfare. 2. method the location of this research was in the bima area of west nusa tenggara. the subjects of this research are the government of bima regency, the environment service, the regency spatial planning, and kph donggo masa, to obtain data related to the policy of overcoming environmental damage due to the conversion of forest, including the suitability of targets and the results to be achieved. the choice of location is based on how well it fits with the needs for primary data and how well it fits with the goal and focus of this research. the research methods used in this research were: first, the initial identification phase: by identifying the problem and conducting data collection, as well as conducting interviews from various sources who know about the problem of environmental damage due to forest conversion in bima, west nusa tenggara. second, the categorization stage, qualitative analysis through legal documents and interviews, interpretation, and conclusions. while the type of research is empirical or non-doctrinal legal research, normative approach, cases, and policies, the types of data used are primary and secondary data. there is then a qualitative analysis using laws, theories, and expert opinions. 3. result and discussion 3.1 description of environmental damage due to forest conversion in bima, west nusa tenggara the bima region of west nusa tenggara is geographically located at the eastern of the west nusa tenggara province, with an area of about 4,394.38 km2 bima region, with 18 sub-districts and 191 villages.(local government, 2021) while for forest areas according to their functions and uses, such as protected forest 83,189 (ha), nature reserve forest area 21,095 (ha), conservation forest 55,600 (ha), permanent production forest 44,740 ha and limited production forest 66.86 (ha).(lhk data, 2021) according to the data collected, the majority of the forest areas in bima have changed status to critical land and bare forest due to human activities such as the habitual pattern of taking wood, clearing forest areas for agricultural land, and the high demand for logs (snorkeling wood or the like) by local and national companies.which are spread over 5 subp issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 53-60 55 districts, such as in langgudu, wawo, belo, lambitu, and parado sub-districts. (andriadin, absori, 2021) to this condition, there are several factors that cause environmental damage due to the forest conversion in bima, ntb. on the other hand, research on environmental damage due to forest conversion in bima, west nusa tenggara, first shows deforestation every year. it changes from the area of protected debt in 2017 in bima, starting from the forest of kh maria rtk.25, which reached 2,079.02 (ha). due to deforestation, the total area of protected debt in 2019 decreased from 4,736.76 (ha) to 225,744 (ha), implying that half of the protected debt is reduced, and it can be determined that the reduced protected debt forest reaches 247,932 (ha). second, there is a land conversion that make the the dryness of springs in bima continues to occur (muslim, nd). based on data collected from the department of environment and forestry of the province of west nusa tenggara-kph hall maria donggomasa bima, october 10, 2021, several areas in the forest area in bima are classified as high-critical land, forest with a definitive area of 250,396 (ha), or 50% of the total area of bima, which needs an intensive handling pattern. most of the forest area has been exploited, causing the loss of forest functions and forest areas. mining activities, land conversion, and illegal logging continue to be carried out by certain groups of people, so that they have spread to all sub-districts starting from kec. parado, wawo, lambitu, langgudu, wera, ambalawi, sape, lambu, belo, palibelo, sanggar, tambora, woha, donggo, kec. monta, etc. from the forest area based on function, the protected forest area in bima is around 83,189 (ha), the limited production forest area is around 66.86 (ha), and the permanent production forest is 44,740 (ha). from the area of the forest area, especially the protected forest, there have been many changes, as seen from the number of corn farming activities, illegal timber theft and mining in each sub-district. first, the forest conversion from protected debt to plantation land areas reached the highest 50% percent of the 18 sub-districts in bima regency. the area of rice fields or plantations increased by 8.53 km2 compared to 2008, which was 307.43 km2. the increase in land area is driven by the activities and activities of local communities, in which these activities penetrate into state-owned forests, as shown by data on forest damage in bima with an area of 161,256.53 ha, or about 50% caused by illegal timber harvesting and corn encroachment, into state-owned forest areas. the second relates to mining activities in bima, such as iron sand mining on the beach in oi tui village, in werasubdistrict, which has been operating since 2014. this mining activity has damaged the coastal area and the edge of the mountain. it is even worse related to mining activities and gold exploitation without a permit in pesa village, in wawo sub-district. the mining is considered to damage the environment and forest ecosystems(ahyar, 2021). 3.2 policy for the management of environmental damage due to forest conversion. in indonesia, the policy of fixing environmental damage can be seen in different laws and rules. these laws and rules are used to stop, protect, and fix environmental damage (kh. manik, 2022). article 28 h paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the constitution of the republic of indonesia contain the basis and the political direction of legal development that everyone has the right to live in physical and spiritual prosperity, to live and to have a good and healthy environment. whereas article 3 of the law on environmental protection and management (uupplh) contains legal principles as norms in the implementation of a good and healthy environment (effendi, 2011). these principles aim to: (1) protect forest areas from pollution and environmental damage; (2) guarantee the safety and survival of human life; (3) guaranteeing the survival of living things and the preservation of the ecosystem; (4) guarantee and preserve environmental functions; (5) achieving environmental harmony and balance; (6) ensure justice and survival for present and future generations; (7) guarantee the protection and fulfillment of environmental rights as human rights; (8) wise use and utilization of natural resources; (9) realizing sustainable development; and (10) anticipating environmental issues globally(a. absori et al., 2020). the policy is revealed in the district regulation. bima no. 9/2011 concerning the spatial planning of the bima regency for 2012–2032, the regulation states that in the context of overcoming environmental damage, it must be carried out in the following ways: first, land management and pay attention to the designation; second, pay attention to aspects of conservation and aspects of environmental sustainability. in order to support this policy aspect, the strategies are carried out by: (1) maintaining the area of protected areas and protected forests; (2) development of at least 30% of protected areas; (3) restoration and improvement of protected area functions; (4) realizing and maintaining the balance of regional ecosystems; (5) integrated implementation in improving the quality of protected area functions; (6) maintenance of environmental capacity from pressure to support humans and other living creatures; and (7) efforts to prevent the occurrence of actions either directly or indirectly due to p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 53-60 56 environmental damage in order to support sustainable development (perda, 2011). in addition, the government of bima regency in dealing with environmental damage has formed the institute for the prevention and eradication of forest destruction (lp3h) as mandated by law no. 18/2013 on the prevention and eradication of forest destruction. lp3h is a special institution authorized to take action against violations or criminal acts of forest destruction, illegal logging, and the use of forest areas outside the designation. meanwhile, the regional government of west nusa tenggara province formed a task force (satgas) to prevent and eradicate forest damage as contained in the decree of the governor of west nusa tenggara no. 522-205/2018 concerning the task force for the prevention and eradication of forest destruction. this task force consists of the ntb provincial environment service, the ntb regional police chief, the army, and the ntb high prosecutor's office, as well as a control task force, including a task force from the district police. bima, kodim 1608 bima, forestry police, pamom praja police unit, bima natural resources conservation center (bksda). in order to support and carry out the policy of overcoming environmental damage due to the conversion of forest functions as mentioned above, the donggo massa kph balai has several ways to deal with forest damage, including by making bronjonization. it aims to accommodate many stones as possible, then installed on the edge of the forest or on the banks of the river. the installation of gabion wire is part of the government's efforts to prevent landslides in areas of forest that have been deforested. besides that, the maria donggomasa kph center team and other task forces also carry out reforestation efforts on critical lands or bare forests in several sub-districts that are considered vulnerable (basri, 2021). in line with the statement from the donggo massa kph hall, according to jainudin st, as the head of prevention and preparedness of bpbd bima, to carry out countermeasures through bronjonization at the edge of the forest and watershed areas, there are also prevention efforts against forest damage, flooding and landslides by means of; first carry out mitigation, especially in residential areas; second efforts were made in the upstream areas, for example rice fields and corn fields, so the strict measures taken were stopping corn planting; third, replanting tree seedlings/reforestation on deforested areas; the fourth is tracing or installation of supporting stones in bare forest areas (jainudin st, (2021). taking countermeasures as contained in the 4 (four) points above. supporting capacity in overcoming environmental damage, the donggo masa kph balai also formed a task force consisting of the bima 1608 kodim, the prosecutor's office, the resort police, the forestry police, the bima regency/city pol pp unit, the subdistrict head and the village head in preventing and eradicating environmental damage caused by environmental damage caused by forest conversion in bima, west nusa tenggara (upik, (2022). in terms of prevention and prosecution of the teams that are members of the task force, it is more of a persuasive approach to solve existing cases. this is because kph donggomasa feels pity for the perpetrators of environmental damage. a persuasive approach is used to carry out the coaching and education process so the environmental damage activities can be overcome (upik, (2021). other efforts were also made by the national disaster management agency (bpbd) bima in the fight against forest damage, referring to regional regulation no. 4/2014 concerning the implementation of communications and informatics. in relation to the regional regulation, bpbd bima formed the so-called disaster risk development forum at the points that were directly impacted by the damage, bpbd had established a disaster resilient village in partnership with bpbd in handling the disaster. environmental damage caused by the conversion of forest functions. according to the author, forest utilization must be managed properly, correctly, and sustainably. forests have a very fundamentalist function because they are occupied by plants, trees, and accommodate all natural wealth, both flora and fauna, so it is very important for the community to maintain forest sustainability. protecting the forest is protecting the environment. according to absori (2017), protecting forest ecosystems and the universe is part of human love for the condition of the universe (mi absori, 2021). for this reason, the state must properly function the legal products that are formed for the best and sustainable management and utilization of forests as mandated by article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 constitution, where the earth, water, and natural resources contained therein are controlled by the state for as much as the magnitude of the people's welfare and sustainable prosperity warrants. in line with the stated in law no. 41/1999, it emphasizes that forestry administration must be based on the principles of benefit, sustainability, democracy, justice, togetherness, openness, and integration (purnomo et al., p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 53-60 57 2018). for this reason, the government and all elements of society are obliged to maintain forest integrity in order to improve national development and create good governance principles in protecting and securing sustainable forest functions (data from the ministry of environment and forestry of the maria donggomasa kph hall in 2021). protection of forest ecosystems and environmental management have been carried out by the government, but the implementation and stages are massive and organized because forest damage and clearing of land cover in the bima area of west nusa tenggara increase year by year, as data shows forest destruction in bima, which reached 161,256.53 (ha). departing from data on forest damage collected by the environment and forestry service in the unitary area of the maria donggomasa kph balai, the author concludes that government policies in the forestry sector do not lead to sustainable forest development because the government and law enforcement have never acted decisively. many rules and laws are useless if criminals can still get around them and do things like illegal logging, encroachment (ocuvasi), illegal mining, and planting without a permit in forest areas. the results of the interview show that the real action of the local government against people who do forest encroachment is giving education to make them understand the importance of maintaining, preserving, and sustaining forest ecosystems (upik, 2022). this approach is used to maintain harmony between the government and the community in the administration of the government system. this is by looking at the pattern of forest damage in bima, which is mostly caused by economic demands and people's ignorance of the functioning of the forest (upik 2022). in addition, the results of the author's interview show that the persuasive approach taken by the local government of bima, west nusa tenggara, which is an alternative in resolving forestry cases, as mentioned above, provides an ineffective legal settlement step because the government emphasizes maintaining good relations as part of maintaining a healthy environment. this condition also has the potential to be bad for the law enforcement system itself because the persuasive approach that is used seems political because most of it involves investors (capitalists), companies (corporations), bureaucrats, and law enforcement, and the actions can be repeated again by the perpetrators. in fact, the decisive steps taken will have a positive impact on environmental sustainability and can achieve sustainable development. with the attitude of the government taking this approach, which is considered pragmatic and oriented towards economic development, it will encourage the exploitation of natural resources. according to the author's opinion, as offered by absori, et al, that the policy for managing environmental damage based on sustainable development have to pay attention to the following aspects: first, equity and social justice, by ensuring an even distribution of land resources, and a fair balance of production and economic factors. ; second, respecting diversity in the form of biodiversity by ensuring that natural resources are maintained and always available and sustainable, while cultural diversity is to encourage equal treatment of every person or community in terms of attitude and knowledge; third, an integrative approach. that indicators of sustainable development prioritize the relationship between nature and humans. people thought that nature can be influenced by exploiting or destroying, for this reason, the use of nature must be based on an understanding of the complex relationship between the two systems (natural systems and social systems) in a more integrative way in the implementation of development. fourth, long-term use, people always think that the present was important than the future. for this reason, human’s mindset must be changed for the sake of sustainable development (s. absori & hum, nd). according to absori (2006), ideally sustainable development requires: 1) ecological sustainability; 2) economic sustainability; 3) social and cultural sustainability; 4) political sustainability; 5) sustainability of defense and security,(s. absori & hum, nd) another thing was also conveyed by surya t djajadiningrat in absori (2006) in order to achieve sustainable development there are several supporting factors: first, having the ability to manage natural resources so that they function sustainably; second, the quality of the environment, the higher the quality of the environment, the higher the quality of its natural resources and can support high-quality development; third, the population factor. this factor is also a determining element in the dynamics of development which tends to be a p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 53-60 58 burden. so it must be changed with a useful factor to become a development capital now on (s. absori & hum, nd). overcoming environmental damage is oriented towards sustainable development requires the cooperation and integration of all parties. as well as legal aspects in environmental management and natural resource conservation need to be studied intensively. thus, the essence of the role of environmental law is to contain the principles of agent of stability and agent of development.(a. absori et al., 2020) the purpose of environmental law is to realize community development against pollution or environmental damage in order to provide legal protection, so sustainable development and a healthy environment are realized, as the basic principles contained in law 32/2009 concerning environmental protection and management (pplh). 4. conclusion environmental damage due to forest conversion in bima, west nusa tenggara is largely the result of illegal logging, corn farming, and the use of forest products outside their intended use. when the rainy season arrives, the people of bima will face flash floods, landslides, and crop failures, while it is the turn of the dry season to prepare for fire, drought, and lack of clean water. meanwhile, from a policy perspective, it can be classified into 3 forms: first, restoration of forest areas by 1) conducting mitigation, especially in residential areas; 2) reforestation; and 3) tracing or installation of supporting stones in deforested areas. second, socialization and coaching, by calling on the community to be educated and given knowledge about the use and preservation of forests. third, prosecution through: 1) circular distribution, 2) spraying of plants planted on forest lands, and, on the other hand, countermeasure policy. overcoming environmental damage due to forest conversion requires cooperation and integration of all parties in order to realize ideal sustainable development and have the ability to manage natural resources so they can be used in a sustainable manner. aspects of legal regulation in environmental management and natural resource conservation need to be studied intensively to create protection, ecosystem sustainability, and balance between nature, humans, and development 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(2018). analisis spasial deforestasi dan degradasi hutan di suaka margasatwa kerumutan provinsi riau. 27–33. 3) 2204 16-21 jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i1.2204 vol. 7 no. 1, december 2022 16 reformulation of the recidivist concept in the juvenile criminal justice system in indonesia rafika nur1*, handar subhandi bakhtiar2, prayitno imam santosa3, nurhayati mardin4 1faculty of law, universitas ichsan gorontalo, indonesia 2faculty of law, universitas pembangunan nasional veteran jakarta, indonesia 3faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah tanggerang, indonesia 4faculty of law, universitas tadulako, indonesia *correspondence: rafikanur290785@gmail.com article history abstract received: 19.04.2022 accepted: 26.12.2022 published: 31.12.2022 protection of children against the law is essentially an effort to protect children's rights. this study aims to provide an overview of the meaning of repeated offenders against children and efforts to realize the protection and fulfillment of children's rights in violation of the law. this research is a normative legal research with a legal and analytical perspective. the results of this study indicate that the concept of children as recidivists in juvenile justice has so far failed to provide a sense of justice for children. the criminal justice system for children is underused to protect the rights and future of children as perpetrators and victims of crime. more and more children intersect with the law and even become repeat offenders. according to the criminal code and the law on the juvenile criminal justice system, legal protection for children is not clearly regulated in repeated cases. according to article 7 of the law on the juvenile criminal justice system, children who (repeatedly) commit criminal acts cannot be disturbed. according to article 488 of the criminal code, the perpetrators of the second (repeated) crime are threatened with one third of the sentence. keywords: children against the law; protection; repeat offender article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction one of the goals of law is to realize the value of justice (nur, 2020). according to lili rasjidi, law enforcement must reflect justice (lili, 2017). justice for all must be upheld in the law enforcement process. realizing this unique process requires national development, including human development, and development in the field of law is one of them. the law cannot be seen as final, but the law must continue to move, change and follow the dynamics of human life (hakim, 2016). therefore, testing the law must be carried out through positive efforts, namely by proposing improvements (rahardjo, 2010; salam, 2020). by demonstrating progress in human justice, we can change the entire justice system for the better and sincerely fulfill the truth in achieving the goal of justice. internationally, the principle of legal protection for children is contained in the convention on the rights of the child. this principle has been reaffirmed by the government of the republic of indonesia with presidential decree number 36 of 1990 concerning ratification of the convention on the rights of the child. in addition to these principles, indonesia also has regulations related to the juvenile justice system, namely law number 11 of 2012 (known as the juvenile criminal justice system law) (nur, 2017). the law on the juvenile criminal justice system brought several major changes in the philosophy of criminal justice, from restitution to compensation, by prioritizing restorative justice models and systems and gender equality. at all levels of the criminal justice system, the authority of law enforcement officials at all levels, including investigations, trials and prosecutions, is required to try to resolve child cases through deliberation, so there is no need to resolve problems through the courts. (nur, 2020; bakhtiar, 2015). in essence, the expected output of the restorative justice model is to reduce the number of children who are arrested, detained and sentenced to prison, as well as eliminating the negative stigma of returning children to society, which is expected to help in the future. (nur, 2021). the law also emphasizes that detention must be considered carefully and imprisonment must be an unavoidable last resort. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 16-21 17 the problem we face today is the high number of cases of children who are resistant to repeated crimes. recidivism occurs when children who become perpetrators of crimes are not fully prepared for the process of integration into society (jatnika, 2016). the return of ex-convicts to the children's detention center, which is known as recidivism, is one of the results of the inability of ex-convicts to re-enter society as responsible youth amidst the negative attitudes of society. according to data from the lpka (institute for special development for children) in gorontalo city, the number of children who commit repeated crimes is increasing from year to year. based on these facts, it seems that there are many problems, many children do not meet the requirements for restorative justice and are diverted as a result of obtaining restorative justice status, including the ineffectiveness of a comprehensive study related to the interests of the child and the pattern of education and fostering of children who have been convicted so that it is necessary to understand the meaning of returning to it is important for parents of children who are based on imprisonment under 5 years to carry out an in-depth study, especially since most children who have gone through restorative justice have committed repeated crimes or are recidivists. for this reason, it is necessary to study related to how the concept of children as recidivists in the criminal justice system? 2. method in this study, normative legal research is used as a method. normative research is library research that requires materials, such as books, laws and regulations, and other documents. research is conducted to produce arguments, theories or new concepts as recipes to solve existing problems. the research method of this research uses descriptive techniques, which are examined in describing how a situation or situation consists of legal or illegal propositions. the nature of this research is descriptive analysis with a statute approach and an analytical approach, namely by analyzing cases (case studies) using qualitative methods to generate conclusions. 3. result and discussion 3.1 residivis in the legal dictionary, recidivism means the repetition of a crime, an event in which a person convicted of one crime commits another crime (kanter, 2002). recidivism occurs when a person has committed a crime and has been legally punished for it, after which he or she commits the crime again. everyone who commits a crime and is sentenced after receiving coaching, counseling, and special education in a correctional institution. repeat offenders are perpetrators who have been in correctional institutions more than twice or perpetrators who have committed repeated violations, as a result of which they can be punished again in correctional institutions (kanter, 2002). according to e.y. kanter and s.r. sianturi repetition or repetition occurs when someone commits a crime and is sentenced because of a judge's decision that has finality or "res judicata", then commits another crime (kanter, 2002). 3.2 protection of children legal protection of children is the responsibility of all of us, because children are the nation's next generation who play a strategic role in realizing the ideals of the state (arliman, 2018). therefore, children must be guided and protected so they can grow and develop properly. children are a group exposed to criminal acts as victims, witnesses and perpetrators. in dealing with and protecting children who violate the law, many problems arise not only from the actions of child victims, but also from the actions of children in the form of crimes which ultimately harm themselves (wahyudi, 2015). in punishing children, it must be realized that the protection of children must come first, because according to the judge, the welfare of children is the most important factor in targeting children. the law on the juvenile criminal justice system has applied the principle of "last resort" to sentences imposed by judges on children who commit crimes. in addition to imprisonment as a last resort, the law on the juvenile criminal justice system has caused a paradigm shift in handling children who break the law, based on the roles and responsibilities of society, government and other state institutions that are responsible for improving children's welfare and providing special protection to children. carried out with the aim of achieving justice that truly guarantees the protection of the welfare of children (bakhtiar, 2019). according to jeremy bentham, the main purpose of law is to provide maximum happiness, namely the happiness of the whole community (nur, 2020). therefore it is necessary to prevent the emergence of criminal laws and regulations, namely the obligation not to make or use criminal laws if there is no reason to make them (baseless), ineffective, unprofitable and unnecessary. as for the purpose of law, the main purpose of law is to p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 16-21 18 create an orderly social order, to create order and balance. to achieve this goal, the role of law is to divide rights and obligations among individuals in society, divide jurisdiction, and preserve ways of solving legal problems and achieving legal certainty. 3.3 reformulation of the recidivist concept in the juvenile criminal justice system in indonesia the application of the recidivism system relies heavily on the national crime database. criminal data that is not updated is one of the obstacles in the implementation of recidivism in indonesia. judges sometimes do not know that someone has committed another crime until the case is investigated by the court (siregar, 2016). the reality on the ground shows that there are weaknesses in law enforcement officials who do not know if someone has committed another crime (ervariani, soponyono, & sularto, 2013). judges have traditionally relied solely on the perspectives of detectives and prosecutors to hand down harsh sentences for crimes. repetition of criminal acts as referred to in article 7(2)(b) of the juvenile criminal justice system law is an exception to the transfer as referred to in article 1(7). deviation is the transfer of settlement of child cases from the criminal process. outside the criminal process (marlina, 2010). provisions related to transportation are specifically regulated in article 16 of the law on the juvenile criminal justice system. referring to supreme court regulation no. 4 of 2014 and government regulation no. 65 of 2015. the prison sentence emphasized that the suspect dropped out of school and did not work, so he really needed skills to support his life in the future. respondents are given the opportunity to develop through educational institutions that offer specialized training. the accused was advised to attend preventive, remedial, rehabilitative social counseling or promotion of rehabilitation (physical, mental, social and skills training), resocialization and re-education of delinquent children so that they can be independent and actively participate in social life. the suspect has been transferred to the social welfare organizing institution based on article 11(c) of the law on the juvenile criminal justice system. this intervention should not be used for children who are being treated with care, as these children are considered repeat offenders. bapas is a general prison work unit that organizes prisons with impunity. one of bapas' duties is to conduct community research. community studies or case studies are very important ways to encourage actors. community studies or case studies can help judges make reasonable and fair decisions about parental therapy. community research reports must be able to provide an overview of the customer's life history, before or after becoming a customer (gultom, 2012). social research describes several cases, namely: (a) criminals, both children and adults, who are still in prison or punished by courts, (b) delinquent children whose parents are no longer able to care for them and court cases to state, ( c) criminals released on parole (gultom, 2012). in the protocol drawn up by the purwokerto correctional institution level ii, it was not found that the defendant had never committed a crime before, so a criminal trial was held. in fact, recidivism is only one of many criminal terms. additional penalties related to repeated violations must be given to the perpetrator and must be explained in the criminal code (marpaung, 2012). the general basis for the addition of a sentence or the basis for aggravation or aggravation of general punishment is based on three things, namely the function as a public office, repetition of criminal acts and concurrence (farid, 2007). this term is mentioned several times because there are many opinions about the general criminal basis in the criminal code. the objectives of juvenile justice systems differ depending on the juvenile justice model used. the youth justice paradigm at the district level is divided into three, namely the individual development paradigm, the recovery paradigm and the recovery paradigm (gunarto, 2009). the individual development paradigm emphasizes the problems caused by actors. the responsibility in this paradigm lies with the system to meet the actor's needs. criminal deterrence in juvenile justice under the individual development paradigm is considered inadequate and generally inappropriate. the main focus of this pattern is to identify the perpetrators and develop a positive approach to addressing the problem. the criminal justice system with an individual counseling paradigm emphasizes aspects of direct community protection and is not part of the juvenile justice function. children should not be punished because it can have a negative impact on the child's psychology and mind. punishment does not deter children, but increases the likelihood that children will repeat their actions (djamil, 2013). children must be guided in such a way as to admit their mistakes, experience changes in good behavior and not repeat criminal acts. the law on the juvenile criminal justice system which regulates the prevention of repetition of children does not have a clear understanding of recidivism. article 7(2)(b) of the law on the juvenile criminal justice system explains that diversion is not possible if it is a repeat offence. repetition p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 16-21 19 or renewal of similar or different crimes, including crimes resolved by transfer. practice shows that progress has been made, even if the child has previously committed a crime and has been punished for it. there is uncertainty about the implementation or application of new legal regulations for the settlement of minor criminal cases (wandoyo, 2020). filing a lawsuit against a child who has previously committed a crime is considered a violation of the law on the juvenile criminal justice system. children involved in criminal cases are not only perpetrators but also victims. children have criminal motives that are different from adults, meaning that many children are not aware of their actions (koy, 2021). after participating in coaching, children with legal problems are expected to have noble and noble morals, polite behavior and the ability to take care of themselves and society (muhammad, 2004). children who have problems with the law usually do not understand the actions they are taking, so they still need special guidance and direction. the punishment given to every citizen is in essence related to the possibility of being responsible for the actions committed. children must be given special treatment in the legal process, but being different from adults does not mean that children are free from the law. children are seen as individuals who are not fully responsible for their actions. more extensive treatment is needed to prevent children from having a relapse. efforts to prevent and deal with crime in criminal law are carried out through punishment in the form of crime because the purpose of crime is to prevent people from committing crimes (rachma, 2021). criminal penalties for repeat offenders do not prevent the perpetrator from committing another crime. article 85 of the law on the juvenile criminal justice system stipulates that children who are sentenced to imprisonment are placed in the special child development institution and have the right to take part in a coaching program. at the child special development institution, children's rights must be prioritized in child development according to article 3 of the law on the juvenile criminal justice system (koy, 2021). article 2 letter g of the law on the juvenile criminal justice system emphasizes that coaching is a program that aims to improve children's quality, intelligence, attitude, behavior, obedience in worship, professional skills, skill development and maintenance of physical condition while improving the criminal justice process. the time limit for prosecuting someone for committing another crime is five years after the principal sentence has been served in whole or in part due to the obligation of the informant to carry out the previously imposed sentence. the penalty is increased by adding one third of the maximum sentence. it is hoped that law enforcement officers will be more vigilant and firm in measuring sanctions for recidivism so that the concept of recidivism can be more easily applied (nuh, anzward, & rizqia, 2019). repeat offenders can be fined by a judge and risk less than five years in prison. the repeated crimes discussed in this study are included in the theory of repeated intermediates, which are divided into three groups of crimes as referred to in article 486, article 487 and article 488 of the criminal code. article 486 of the criminal code defines the crime of pursuing profits from unlawful acts or bad deeds through fraud, theft and kidnapping. in article 487 of the criminal code, there is a definition of acts of violence committed by a person against the soul or body of that person, for example murder and torture. article 488 of the criminal code contains different definitions of crime, but in essence they are the same crime, which also includes insult. guidelines for handling cases involving children are based on the law on the juvenile criminal justice system. investigators will of course handle it if a child commits a crime with a sentence of less than seven years. investigators are looking into whether the crime was simple robbery, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. theft rarely carries a prison sentence of up to seven years unless the plaintiff or the victim's family revokes it. direct arrests can go on endlessly because the results of social investigations can decide whether the perpetrator or the child has committed another crime. the condition for drawing conclusions is that the crime committed is not a repetition of the crime which causes confusion in studying criminal law and the principles of criminal law. the problem with the wording in article 7(2)(b) of the juvenile criminal justice system act makes it clear that repetition of a crime may or may not constitute a similar crime, but similar crimes must have legal remedies in a judicial investigation and that there is must also be a court decision for a previous similar crime. (faisal & rahayu, 2021). in this case, the law on the juvenile criminal justice system does not protect repeat offenders (faisal & rustamaji, 2020). p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 16-21 20 restorative justice in juvenile justice is carried out by diverting child cases from the criminal process to extra-judicial processes, with an emphasis on reparation, not revenge. distraction is a form of punishment that has an educational side for children. the implementation of this disorder is motivated by the desire to prevent negative influences on the soul and development of children through participation in the criminal justice system. 4. conclusion based on the results of this study, it indicates that the concept of recidivism in the juvenile criminal system has not provided a sense of justice for children. the criminal justice system for children is underused to protect the rights and future of children as perpetrators and victims of crime. more and more children intersect with the law and even become repeat offenders. according to the criminal code and the law on the juvenile criminal justice system, legal protection for children is not clearly regulated in repeated cases. according to article 7 of the law on the juvenile criminal justice system, children who (repeatedly) commit criminal acts cannot be disturbed. according to article 488 of the criminal code, the perpetrators of the second (repeated) crime are threatened with one third of the sentence. references arliman, l. 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(imron rizki, safrin salam, 2019) if reviewed more far, in fact the limitation of article 24 of the 1945 constitution only rests on the structure but not on the institutional function where there are still many institutions/agencies within the government that carry out judicial functions. the emergence of independent state institutions that carry out judicial functions, for example: a) the business competition supervisory commission (kppu) was established by law number 5 of 1999 concerning the prohibition of monopolistic practices and unfair business competition (uu business competition), article 36 stipulates the authority of kppu especially in points e to point k that kppu has the authority to examine, adjudicate , and decide cases of business competition violations. b) the indonesian broadcasting commission (kpi) is an independent state institution established under law number 32 of 2002 concerning broadcasting. although the final product form is not a decision, it is still https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1606 mailto:ricardzeldiputra@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 79-84 80 included in the judicial function because kpi is the institution that has the authority to determine whether or not there is a broadcasting violation as well as to impose sanctions on it. c) the election supervisory body (bawaslu) is an independent state institution that has the authority to supervise the implementation of general elections and pilkada, in the election law, bawaslu has the authority to examine, hear, and decide disputes between election participants and election contestants a n d election organizers as a result of the issuance of provincial kpu decrees and regency/city kpu. with variousfrom the description above, in fact, so far there are still many independen t institutions/bodies that carry out judicial functions that are outside the supreme court, so the existence of the special elections judiciary agency as an independent institution does not have to be under the auspices and become a unit in the court under the supreme court because in the end the structure and function of the judicia l body special elections will be regulated by separate provisions as well as in the pilkada law even though it is a d hoc, including the idea of being taken over by bawaslu to be irrelevant because in cases of dispute over el e cti o n results, bawaslu and regency/municipal bawaslu are the parties giving information in the trial. based on the abovethe author is interested in studying more deeply which will be set forth in the form of an accredited national scientific journal with the title "legal analysis of the establishment of a special election court as an indepen d e n t state institution ". 2. methodology the research is normative in nature, with an emphasis on the theoretical, statutory, and case approache s, and is documented in a qualitative descriptive format. the normative juridical method is used to analyze, view, and examine a variety of theoretical issues pertaining to legal principles as they relate to research concerns. p this study is a case of legal researchnoratives being applied in an attempt to examine legal materials using the legal standards established by laws and regulations. the procedure for identifying and inventorying legal resources comprises main legal materials, such as statutory rules, secondary legal materials, such as legal literature and scientific works, and tertiary legal materials, such as law dictionaries. qualitative analysis is next performed on the legal materials that have been gathered, inventoried, and identified. fork collects reliable and complete data in this study by completing a literature review and reading, referencing, documenting, and comprehending many literatures connected to the topics examined. 3. result and discussion one of the characteristics of these institutions, namely the matter of independence, can simply be interpreted that an institution cannot be intervened by other institutions. jimly asshiddiqie called the institutio n a n independent state institution (lni).(asshiddiqie, 2014) or independent regulatory agencies (iras). independent state institutions are formed at the will of the state for those who want a new state institution with membership originating from non-state elements, authorized by the state, and financed by the state without having to b e co me state employees.(alamsyah & nurul huda, 2013). the formation of the lni can be said to be only reactionary in nature, so it does not have a clear position and dignity in the constitutional system (tauda, 2011). congruent with that, zainal arifin mochtar said that the formation of the lni in indonesia was sometimes only for reasons of regime imagery, and was formed in a hasty process.(ramadani, 2020). lni problems are not only limited to the problems mentioned above, but also regardi ngthe indepe n de n ce of the lni itself. in the concept of independent regulatory agencies, thacher states that there are several parameters for a state institution to be categorized as an independent state institution, namely:(thatcher, 2002): a) party politicization of appoinments, namely the extent to which there is politicization in the determination of the leadership of iras; b) departures (dismissal and resignation), namely the termi nation of iras members before the end of their term of office; c) the tenure of ira members, the longer the term of office, the greater the independence of elected officials; d) the financial and staffing resources of ira, namely independence in terms of fina nce and resource management; p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 79-84 81 e) the use of power to overturn the decisions of iras by elected politicians, which is interpreted as the use of power to annul decisions/policies issued by iras. william f. funk and robert h. seamon added that independent state institutions practically carry out government functions by combining legislative, executive and judicial powers or powers that are quasi. institutions belonging to iras also have self-regulatory or rule-making characteristics, namely a kind of autono my that is given to make their own institutional rules independently.(ramadani, 2020). according to peter a gerrangelos (gerangelos, 2011) that: in relation to the separation of judicial power in particular, it was 'quite clear from an early date that the judicial power of the commonwealth was regarded as in a special category'. the purpose to be achieved here, ultimately, was the sure protection of the rule of law. (with respect to the separation of judicial powers in particular, it is quite clear from an early date that the judicial power of developed countri e s i s considered a special category. the goal to be achieved in the end, is the protection of the law). the creatio n o f a legal supremacy in the indonesian constitutional system through the recognition of legal protection of human rights aimed at law order is a dream. public the state and the ideals of a democratic rule of law. the special electoral judiciary agency which will be formed as part of the aspired law (ius constituendum) is an independent institution because it must be free from the intervention of other powers. this body will carry out the judicial function of examining and deciding disputes over the results of the regional head elections. therefore, the independence of the special electoral court can be described as follows, in accordance with the parameters of the independent regulatory agencies above, namely: party politicization of appoinmentsthere are 5 (five) judges at the special electoral court, consisting of 2 (two) constitutional judges and 3 (three) ad hoc judges. ad hoc judges are appointed and dismissed by the president as the head of state at the suggestion of the chief justice of the constitutional court. (salam & suhartono, 2020) the ad hoc special electoral judiciary agency was formed at the proposal of the house of representatives of the republic of indonesia by law. 1. departures(dismissal and resign). ad hoc judges are honorably dismissed from their positions, because: a . die; b. own request; c. continuous physical or mental illness for 6 (six) months based on a doctor's certificate made by an authorized doctor; d. not proficient in carrying out their duties; or e. have finished their term of office. the honorable dismissal as referred to above is determined by the president at the suggestion of th e chief justice of the constitutional court. ad hoc judges are dishonorably dismissed from their positions, on the grounds that: a. sentenced to imprisonment based on a court decision that has permanent legal force for committing a crime punishable by imprisonment of 5 (five) years or more; b. for 3 (three) times in a row neglecting his obligations in carrying out his work duties without a valid reason; c. violating the oath or promise of office; d. commit a disgraceful act; or e. double job. 2. the tenure of ira members. ad hoc judges are appointed for 5 (five) years and may be reappointed for 1 (one) term of office. 3. the financial and staffing resources of ira. the budget for the special ele ctoral court is charged to the state revenue and expenditure budget. 4. the use of power to overturn the decisions of iras by elected politicians. the special electoral court has the authority to stipulate a code of ethics and/or code of conduct for judges to gether with the constitutional court. 5. sanctioning authorities/quasi judicial power. conducting verification, clarification, and investigation of reports of alleged violations of the code of ethics and/or code of conduct of judges in a closed mann e r; in the event that the alleged violation of the code of ethics and/or code of conduct of judges is proven proven, the special electoral judiciary agency proposes to impose sanctions on judges who are suspecte d of violating the constitutional court. 6. self-regulatoryor rule making. the special electoral judiciary body can make its own institutional rules independently. based on this conception, it can be seen that the special electoral court is an institution with sufficient independence, because in determining judges it is not the full authority of the special courts. this does not mean p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 79-84 82 that it will have a bad impact, because the process is a form of embodiment of the principle of checks and balances, in which the principle of checks and balances is a logical consequ ence of the democratic system chosen and practiced by indonesia. this principle aims that all state institutions can control and balance each other so that no institution is superior or higher than other state institutions. furthermore, several literatures have provided a little description of the special judicial body, in particul a r to answer the question of which environment the special judicial body will be formed in, will it be under the supreme court, or will it be returned to the constitutional court, or will it become a quasi-judicial institution that only carry out judicial functions and are not in the branch of judicial power but are part of other powers. supriya d i and aminuddin kasim in their scientific work entitled "design of the special election court after the decision of the constitutional court number 97/puu-xi/2013" conveyed a scientific narrative about the special judicial body. in the a quo scientific work, in accordance with the decision of the constitutional court number 97/puu xi/2013 and the law on the election of regional heads, a special judicial body will be established within the judicial environment of the supreme court. in other words, there will be an additional judicial environmen t u n d e r the supreme court: general courts, religious courts, military courts, and state administrative courts (tun courts), as well as additional special courts. another basic argument used to build the narrative in the scientific work is article 1 point 8 of law numbe r 48 of 2009 concerning judicial power, which states "special courts are courts that have the authority to examine, hear and decide on certain cases which can only be established in a special case. one of the judicial bodies under the supreme court which is regulated by law”.if you look at th e article, especially in the sentence “[…] a special court is only formed in one of the court bodies under the supreme court […]” and then it is linked to the picture presented by supriyadi and amuniddin, it can be said that the special judicial body is th e environment the new judicial body under the supreme court is not appropriate if it uses the argumentation basis of article 1 point 8 of the law on judicial power, because the a quo article explicitly states that a special court is formed in one of the courts under the supreme court, in this case in the general court environment (special court for corruption, special court for children and so on), the religious court environment, the military court environment and the administrative court environment. the concept presented above can basically be agreed upon with a few notes: first, in accordance with several regulations which state that special courts can only be formed in one of the judicial bodies under the supreme court, the special judicial body will be formed in one of the four judicial circles in indonesia. un d e r th e supreme court. regarding which judicial environment can be discussed specifically in other scientific works, whether it is in the general court environment and the special courts agency no t only resolves disputes over election results but also administers election crimes, or is in the tun judicial environment. according to the author himself, the special judicial body can also be formed and is under the constitutional court, further discussion on this will be presented in the next sub-chapter. furthermore, the special electoral court will take the form of ad hoc. there is no specific regulation that describes ad hoc institutions. mahfud md (prawiro, 2018), explain what is meant by ad hoc is that from the beginning it was intended to be temporary until a normal situation occurs. while asshiddiqie did not explain the meaning of ad hoc, he only said that “[…] there are also institutions that are ad hoc or n ot permanent. (asshiddiqie, 2008)" from the narrative, it can be said that ad hoc institutions are temporary or non -permanent state institutions that were formed to handle certain events. john alder as quoted by asshiddiqie argues that ad hoc institutions still have constitutional justification reasons, it is said that (alder, 2005). “ad hoc bodies can equally be used as a method of dispersing power or as a method of concentrati ng power in the hands of central government nominees without the safeguard of parliamentary or democratic accountability. the extent of governmental control can be manipulated according to the particular circumstances.” sir ivor jennings (asshiddiqie, 2008) states that ad hoc institutions in the uk were formed for various one of 5 (five) main reasons, including: “the need to provide cultural or personal services supposedly free from the ri sk o f political interference. the growing need to provide cultural or personalized services that are ideally free fro m th e risk of political interference, such as the bbc (british broadcasting corporation); the desirability of non -political regulation of markets. there is a desire to regulate market dynamics that are completely non -political, such as the p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 79-84 83 milk marketing boards; the regulation of independent professions such as medicine and the law. the need to regulate independent professions such as in the field of medical law; the provisions of technical services. the need to enact regulations regarding technical services, such as the establishment of a commission, the forestry commission; the creation of informal judicial machinery for settling disputes. the establishment of various institutions that function as semi-judicial tools to resolve various disputes outside the judiciary as 'alternative dispute resolution' (adr). alder then added one reason for the formation of an ad hoc institution, namely, the idea that public ownership of key sectors of the economy is desirable in itself. this means that publ i c ownership in the economic field or certain sectors is considered more appropriate to be organized in a separate organization, as has been developed recently, for example with the idea of a state -owned legal entity (bhmn) (asshiddiqie, 2008). in the context of indonesia, the basis for the formation of ad hoc institutions is usually based on the need to resolve problems quickly with limited time. in addition, the formation of an ad hoc institution occurred because the initial institution that carried out certain tasks and functions was u nable to fulfill it optimally or the initial institution was over tasked and functional. (safrin salam, 2020) or cases that are too piled up, so that to solve the problem a temporary ad hoc institution is formed, and when the problem has been resolved, the ad hoc institution can be dissolved. although in some literature it is said that state institutions are ad hoc in nature for a certain period, in practice due to the large number of them, even though the time has run out, these institutions have not or have not been dissolved. another problem caused by unclear regulations regarding ad hoc institutions, gave rise to opinions about institutions that were originally known as ad hoc institutions, which are now considered no longer temporary, for example, some experts say that the corruption eradication commission is not an ad hoc institution, as well as the ombudsman. the pretext that is often used to refute the justification of ad hoc institutions is that the laws and regulations that form the basis for the establishment of the institution (which are considered ad hoc in nature) do not contain provisions which impl icitly state that the institution is ad hoc. therefore, this should also get attention, because there are consequences attached to the justification o f a d hoc institutions, in this case the institution can be dissolved at any time.(salam, 2019) furthermore, several ad hoc institutions burden the state financially. this is because the administrato rs o f ad hoc institutions continue to receive salaries from the apbn or apbd because these institutions have not be e n disbanded, even though the time limit has been reached and problems have been resolved so that certain tasks and functions can be carried out normally by the initial institution (not ad hoc institutions). again , the issue of unclear regulations governing ad hoc institutions is one of the causes of the birth of this problem. with the existence of regulations that contain provisions on the formation and dissolution of ad hoc institutions, it is h o p e d that some of the problems mentioned above will be resolved. however, in the case of the establishment of the special electoral court, this assumption must be dismissed 4. conclusion the special elections judiciary agency is an independent state institution authorized to resolve regional election disputes which are in an ad hoc (temporary) form. ad hoc institutions are formed because of the n e e d to provide services without any outside interference, the desire to regulate non -political dynamics, regulate independent professions and as a semi-judicial complementary tool to resolve disputes. therefore, this special election court institution is needed to resolve problems quickly with limited time . references alamsyah, b., & nurul huda, u. 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(2002). independent regulatory agencies in europe. risk and regulation magazine, 9(6), 117. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2229 vol. 6 no.2, june 2022 129 public communication of covid-19 prevention in vulnerable and marginal groups towards strong and prosperous family resilience in sidoarjo sri warjiyati1*, nurul asiya nadifah1, marli candra1 1faculty of syariah dan hukum, uin sunan ampel surabaya, indonesia *correspondence: warjiyatisri@uinsby.ac.id article history abstract received: 27.04.2022 accepted: 06.06.2022 published: 30.06.2022 the title of this research is covid-19 prevention public communication in vulnerable and marginal groups towards resilience of strong and prosperous families in siodarjo" to answer questions related to the urgency of public communication, public communication patterns, public communication strategies, public communication approaches, the influence of family resilience, and how are the efforts of the marginalized to prevent the spread of the covid-19 virus. the method in this study uses socio-legal research, which is a study of the law using a legal and social science approach. then the data is analyzed qualitatively to obtain a complete picture of understanding regarding the study of public communication to prevent covid-19 in vulnerable and marginal groups towards the resilience of a solid and prosperous family (analysis of the perspective of human rights in sidoarjo). the results obtained from this study indicate that sidoarjo has utilized and optimized the role of this technology. one way to achieve success in public communication activities is an effective and collaborative communication strategy implemented in sidoarjo. in addition, efforts to increase family resilience are also optimizing to overcome the spread of the covid-19 virus, which is becoming an epidemic throughout the region. keywords: covid-19, public communication, family resilience. article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) is a new type of disease that has never been previously identified in humans. the virus that causes covid-19 is called sars-cov-2. first discovered in wuhan, china, in december 2019, covid-19 spread rapidly worldwide, so the who declared it a global pandemic. the spread of covid-19 has forced each country to determine a quick and appropriate solution for handling it (hidayaturrahman & purwanto, 2020). the spread of covid-19occurs in vulnerable and marginal groups. vulnerable groups such as women (especially the poor), children, the elderly, and people with disabilities must be the attention of the task force for the acceleration of covid-19prevention. meanwhile, marginal groups include child labor, a person/group/community treated unfairly or discriminated against because of gender issues, a person or group of people who experience social marginalization, and a community or community group whose human rights are violated. thus, individuals or groups who receive injustice/margin due to the abovementioned problems are included in the marginal category. vulnerable and marginalized groups can be affected by two things. first is the possibility of not being able to carry out preventive and social distancing so that they are more susceptible to covid-19. second, they are affected by the economy when they cannot work because of illness. there are several groups of women who are easily exposed. the first is female workers in the direct service layer, for example, cashiers, receptionists, customer service, and marketing or sales in the market. women dominate the service sector. armed with minimal protection, such as masks, not all can apply a minimum distance from clients or buyers. the two groups of women whose living conditions are poor are also easily exposed to the impact of covid-19, whether due to nutritional intake or the quality of health in the neighborhood where they live. more than 25 million people are in a state of poverty. women also need to be observed in the context of women with disabilities and the elderly. the number of women with disabilities in the age range of 18-59 years is more excellent than men, with a tendency to have low education and not work (j. manurung, sa. munthe, ha. bangun, 2020). the proportion of older women is also more significant, with an average life expectancy of four years longer than men. it is estimated that more than 9.3 million women aged over 65 years in 2019 with minimal social https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2229 mailto:warjiyatisri@uinsby.ac.id p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 129-137 130 security (sukma alam, 2020). the three groups of women in detention or similar to prisoners, such as social institutions, detention centers (rutans), and correctional institutions (lapas) in indonesia, have very dense housing capacities, so it is likely effortless to spread the covid-19virus, which is profound (ulya, 2020). the covid 19 outbreak has spread throughout the world, including in indonesia, so the who declared that this phenomenon is a pandemic as a result of its effects not only on the mental health of humans who have contracted this virus but even claimed millions of lives and economic conditions were greatly affected. as a result of this pandemic, the government has issued a policy to limit the space for covid-19transmission in various ways, including implementing large-scale social restrictions (psbb). this psbb limits the community's movement space to carry out their activities outside the home for social distancing / physical distancing efforts. several things must be considered during the covid-19pandemic, such as human rights. every community right can be divided equally among the community, such as the right to health insurance (engel, 2014). juridically, guarantees for workers' health rights are regulated in various laws and regulations. first, article 166, paragraphs 1 and 2 of law number 36 the year 2009 concerning health states that paragraph (1): the employer or entrepreneur is obliged to guarantee the health of workers through prevention, improvement, treatment, and recovery efforts and is obliged to bear all maintenance costs worker health. paragraph (2): "the employer or entrepreneur bears the costs for the work-related health problems suffered by the worker following the statutory regulations. second, article 35 paragraph (3) of law number 13 of 2003 concerning manpower states that: employers in employing workers are required to provide protection that includes the welfare, safety, and health of mental and physical workers. during the pandemic period, employees are required to fulfill the health rights of their workers consistently. equipment that supports health for workers must be equipped in the workplace, such as a sterile and hygienic work environment, gloves, hand sanitizers, masks, thermogenic disinfectants, medicines, multivitamins for body immunity, soap, and handwashing facilities. good, and others by the covid 19 virus prevention protocol set by who (j. manurung, sa. munthe, ha. bangun, 2020). during the covid-19pandemic, the government is trying to ensure that the right to health can be given to the community. such efforts include quarantine, namely the limitation of activities and separation of a person exposed to an infectious disease as stipulated in the legislation even though they have not shown any symptoms or are in the incubation period, and the separation of containers, transportation equipment, or any goods suspected of being contaminated from people and goods containing disease-causing or other sources of contamination to prevent the possibility of spreading to people and goods in the vicinity. the norm will become the applicable law if desired by the community and is put in a written form, issued by the state, and contains an order, which explains that the law is obeyed not because it is considered fair. alternatively, good, because the law was written and passed by the authorities. in law 6 of 2018, chapter vii explains the implementation of health quarantine in the region. article 49, namely: (1) to take action to mitigate risk factors in the region in a public health emergency, home quarantine, regional quarantine, hospital quarantine, or large-scale social restrictions are carried out by health quarantine officials. (2) home quarantine, regional quarantine, hospital quarantine, or large-scale social restrictions, as referred to in paragraph (1), must be based on epidemiological considerations, threat magnitude, effectiveness, resource support, operational technical, economic, social, cultural, and economic considerations. and security. further explanation regarding regional quarantine, namely in article 53: 1) regional quarantine is part of the response to public health emergency. (2) the regional quarantine, as referred to in paragraph (1), is implemented for all community members in an area if, from the results of laboratory confirmation, there has been a spread of disease among community members in the area (utari, zulkarnain, syah, & rohmani, 2022). in religion, the role of the family dramatically determines the process in the prevention and recovery of any conditions that take place, as well as this covid-19 pandemic. according to abdullah nashih ulwan, religious education is an effort to foster personality, give birth to generations, build people's civilization, and preserve culture, glory, and civilization. however, in reality, in the social environment, there are still many indonesian people, especially in the sidoarjo area, who lack religious education, which causes an immature mental formation in every family member when a problem strikes. this results in disruption of harmony in a family relationship related to the system of interaction between family members and the psychological health of the family. in islamic counseling, the guidance contains the values of faith that lead to the understanding that what humans do is sole because of god, especially for followers of the islamic religion, by what is written in qs alp issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 129-137 131 an'an verse 162, which means "indeed, my prayer, my worship, my life, and my death are only for allah, lord of the worlds." this is what is meant by the commitment of human life, which is only aimed at god alone. suppose it is associated with the covid-19pandemic, whose impact has penetrated all lines of social life, including relationships in a family. in sidoarjo alone, there are close to 2000 cases affected by covid-19, one of which is the deputy regent of sidoarjo, mr. nur ahmad syaifuddin. this has much influence on the harmony of a family in carrying out family relationships. religious education, in this case, is the first step in preventing the vulnerability of harmonious family relationships due to covid-19. in terms of recovery due to covid-19for families who have been affected, the mental strengthening of each family member plays a crucial role in it so that it makes the family relationship a healthy relationship and remains prosperous regardless of the conditions (lubis, 2018). therefore, this research proposal is significant considering the prevention of covid-19 against vulnerable and marginal groups towards resilience for strong and prosperous families from a religious perspective in sidoarjo. 2. methodology this research method uses socio-legal research. the main data were women pulling rattan. in taking data sources, researchers used the interview method (salam, mustari pide, patittingi, & susyanti nur, 2021), which is a study of the law by using the approach of legal science and social sciences. in principle, socio-legal studies are legal studies that use a social science methodological approach in a broad sense. socio-legal studies are an alternative approach that examines the doctrinal study of law. in socio-legal studies, the word 'socio' represents an interface with a context within which law exists. that is why when a socio-legal researcher uses social theory for analytical purposes. they are often not aiming to pay attention to sociology or other social sciences but to law and legal studies. as a 'new' school of thought, this study, through various latest books and journals, has described theories, methods, and topics increasingly becoming its practitioners' attention. the data was collected using literature study, interviews, focus group discussion (fgd), and observation. this interview method was conducted to obtain information by physically meeting face-to-face and asking questions to informants, then analyzed using the hermeneutic method (interpretation) with a comprehensive strategy to find or obtain the necessary data and deductively analyze general conclusions. for socio-legal research, the data were analyzed qualitatively to understand the study of public communication on covid-19 prevention in vulnerable and marginalized groups towards solid and prosperous family resilience (human rights perspective analysis in sidoarjo). the study's data collection comes from laws and regulations, official records, or minutes. the unit of analysis in this research makes it easier to understand the data obtained so that the data is structured well, neatly, and systematically. then the data processing with several stages becomes very urgent and significant. the stages include editing (re-examining the data that has been obtained), classifying (compiling and classifying the data obtained), analyzing (the process of simplifying words into a form that is easier to read and also easier to interpret), and concluding (concluding the data). -data obtained after being analyzed to obtain answers to public communication problems preventing covid-19 in vulnerable and marginal groups (analysis of the human rights perspective in sidoarjo). 3. result and discussion there are still many citizens in indonesia who has lower middle income. we take a sample from the sidoarjo district from indonesia's many districts and cities. sidoarjo regency itself is one of the regencies in the province of east java, located next to the java sea, which makes the majority of the population active in the world of fisheries, both as fishermen, farmers, and fish processors. in one of the villages in sidoarajo regency, 90% of its residents make a living as fishermen, namely in gisik cemandi village. when the interviewer team visited sunan ampel state islamic university surabaya to visit the place, it was seen that many residents were busy peeling shells, drying salted fish, and selling fish at the tpi (fish selling place). in this nuance, the houses between residents are very close together. it can also be seen how the sensitivity of the surrounding population to the enforcement of protocols socialized by the government is very minimal in its implementation, starting from washing hands in front of people's homes that are not there, wearing masks when outside the house and even keeping a distance. one another. on this occasion, the interview team met with a resident of gisik cemandi village, mr. bpk. mulyadi or commonly called cak mul is also a fisherman. on that occasion, he said that the local villagers were primarily people who had low levels of education, besides the economic pressure, which is their main priority. in the interview in gisik cemandi village, all villagers already p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 129-137 132 know about the health protocols that must be obeyed, the emergency ppkm, the call for vaccinations, and other related regulations during this covid-19 pandemic. in implementing the facts, only a tiny part of all the socialized things did it, for example, only local village officials (tri apriliani & nurwati, 2020). moreover, even the interview team had difficulty interviewing them because this was an unimportant matter for them. however, many of them went straight to where the food was distributed during the distribution of necessities. when asked about what underlies them in law enforcement, the rules made by the government during the current corona pandemic are the fear that they will be subject to fines or sanctions from law enforcement officials. so there is no awareness within oneself about the importance of maintaining health. when psbb, there is a crossbar in every village. there is always this to reduce the presence of other residents entering the village area so as not to be infected with this covid-19 virus. however, the informant also said that there was never a barrier to limiting access for any newcomers who visited the village, either just to pass or buy fish in this village. they continued their activities as usual. it is just that they find it challenging to send seafood out of town. at this time, the government also urges to carry out vaccinations immediately. however, the residents of gisik cemandi village, when they hear news about death after being vaccinated, most of them are not willing to carry out vaccinations. only a few of the residents are willing to carry out the vaccination. underlying them, there are also other interests, such as obtaining a certificate so that it is easier to manage public services. mi from the research team also observed kalanganyar village, a village not far from gisik cemandi village. this village is a little different from the previous village because, in this village, the work of each citizen is different, as well as the quality of education which is far from gisik cemandi village. kalanganyar village is famous for its very thick village with its religious nuances, routine activities such as tahlilan, manaqiban, and istighosahan we still often encounter, even education there is covered by the village and its staff. so that the quality of education is guaranteed. here the role of ulama' or religious leaders is crucial in village development. when we entered the village of circles, we saw that the atmosphere in the enforcement of health protocols by the villagers was somewhat better than that of the residents of gisik cemandi village. if they are high-income people, maintaining their health from the transmission of covid-19 is very important for them, and if they only work as laborers, then this is just a windfall for them. in this village, the enforcement of health protocols for each resident was different, more directed to each resident's type of work unit and the level of income. of the population. many villagers work as teachers, employees, and students, so they indirectly implement the health protocols based on government directives. on this occasion, we took many respondents to this village. on that occasion, we met musyarofah's mother, a widow. she said that kalanganyar village is similar to disik cemandi village in enforcing rules during this pandemic. however, everything changed after village officials visited jogjakarta to carry out bumdes development. after his arrival back to the village, many of the village officials who participated in the visit were sick, as were symptoms of the covid-19 virus. after village officials made many changes in enforcing these rules, they were more aggressive in carrying out socialization, implementing disinfectant sprays, etc. the same thing was conveyed by another of our respondents, namely ms. mustaghfiroh. in kalanganyar village, we also met with a respondent who was a teacher in an educational institution unit under the auspices of the nurul huda kalanganyar foundation. her name was mrs. irma. on that occasion, we asked about complaints about teaching online or online, as stated by the ministry of education. he said that there were many obstacles when teaching online, especially with kindergarten children whom he taught. many of the parents and guardians of students did not fully understand the learning model, and as a result, the material presented could not reach the students. in the end, before leaving this village to perform friday prayers, it shows that not all wear masks, only some. one more village that we from the research team observed was semampir village, a village located near the juanda airport in surabaya. this village is far different from the two villages that were observed previously. when we passed the spicy area, many road users wore masks when leaving the house. and also, every place to eat that we found, even though it is simple, still provides a handwashing place complete with soap. on that occasion, we interviewed a resident of semampir village. her name was bu yuni. his job is selling rice in a shop that he started himself. on this occasion, he said that his observation here is that it is rigorous in enforcing regulations in preventing the coronavirus. so that the high level of observance makes a forced push on yourself. besides that, because of the work of many villagers who work as employees and the area's mobility also borders surabaya and juanda international airport, many residents have carried out vaccinations. this is also supported by the many places to carry out vaccinations (dilawati, zulaiha, & huraiani, 2021). such as in villages, p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 129-137 133 health centers, juanda airport, and places that provide services for a fee. even the interviewed resource persons had already carried out the second vaccination dose. when asked about the ppkm regulation, they confirmed that it was marked by law enforcement officers' frequent implementation of control, such as the pp satpol. however, they are the owners of food stalls and street vendors who are open at night, which they only open at 6 pm and 9 pm already have to be closed so that the income they get is also less than usual. this is also not only felt for those who have a shop business, for those who work as employees such as ob at widows airport will be affected, such as having to be temporarily housed, etc. while their daily needs must always be there, they have to be able to rack their brains like her husband, mrs. yuni, whom we met, husband works as a crossing maid to meet their daily needs from the many observation sites that we visited, the level of education and the type of work that supports the income earned to determine the motivation of each resident to implement the rules during the corona pandemic, as it is now, especially in the three villages that we observed. fulfilling basic needs and the economy is the primary weapon held by the marginalized without caring about unseen needs such as the coronavirus attack. even like the residents of gisik cemandi village, they are very far from carrying out the word even in their daily lives. high stracing from the government in the form of pressure, fines, and sanctions is a powerful weapon to frighten them to be compelled to implement the rules during the current corona pandemic. this corona virus does exist without a doubt of its existence. self-awareness is the primary key to maintaining body health. however, as the holder of power, the government wants to control the situation so that rules are made to bring it in order, although sometimes these rules for the vulnerable and marginalized are very inconvenient and cornered. because the economy squeezes them themselves, sometimes even the social assistance is not right on target. they are poor people who do not know anything and can only stand by and work as best they can with all kinds of obstacles. 3.1 the sidoarjo covid-19 task force public communication strategy in the tangguh village program sidoarjo regency's efforts to immediately move into a green zone from the spread of the coronavirus continue to be carried out by the sidoarjo police and related agencies. even the bhabinkamtibmas, babinsa, and village apparatus are also played maximally to plunge into remote villages. so that with the synergistic strength of the three pillars, continue to maximize the role of the semeru tough village command post. the hope is to stop the increase in the spread of covid-19. as directed by the sidoarjo police chief, kombes pol. sumardji to the three pillars of krembung at the gading village hall, krembung, sidoarjo, wednesday (22/7/2020). "more and more active down to the residents. strengthen the synergy with the three pillars, to check the progress of covid-19 in his village," said kombespol sumardji ordered (kustanto and sholihah 2021). then, the bhabinkamtibmas, babinsa, and village officials must also emphasize discipline in implementing health protocols for residents. the sidoarjo police chief also hopes that massive testing, tracing, and treatment activities at the village level require the spirit and cooperation of the three pillars. "in tangguh semeru village, there are already ways to act. there are scanning, analysis, response, and assessment or evaluation. including 3t, testing, tracing, and treatment," he explained. with the 3t, the three pillars and other elements of society can work together to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the village so that the recovery is fast. moreover, optimistic that krembung district can become a green zone in sidoarjo. the primary purpose of public communication at tangguh village is defined in the behavioral change communication framework. a systematic, repetitive, and comprehensive public communication is carried out to change the habits and behavior of the target audience. through this behavior change communication, the primary purpose of tangguh village's public communication is to change people's behavior to behave healthily, such as washing hands with soap for twenty seconds, wearing masks, and maintaining social distance (social and physical distancing). with the dissemination of information that is carried out continuously, there is a transformation of behavior change that can break the chain of transmission of covid-19 in indonesia (ulya 2020). p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 129-137 134 the purpose of the sidoarjo local government to conduct public communication about tangguh village by the apparatus by using the delivery of messages through behavioral change communication (bcc) is as follows: a) to create a calm kalanganyar village community and understand what they have to do for their immediate environment. b) to build public perception, especially among vulnerable groups in kalanganyar village, the sidoarjo local government is present and responsive in controlling the crisis. 3.2 the effect of family resilience on covid-19 prevention today the family is one of the thematic issues of social development, both nationally and globally. not a few families have experienced structure, function, and role changes. these changes have shaken the family's existence, so the family is vulnerable to experiencing shock and a lack of resilience or experiencing disorganization. as is happening today, the current social transformation that accompanies social change cannot be prevented and enters the realm of human life in all areas of life (zubair, dewi, & kadarisman, 2018). then according to soekanto (2004), as the smallest social unit in society, the inner family has the following roles: a) the inner family acts as a protector for the individuals who are members, where peace and order are obtained in the container. b) a nuclear family is a socio-economic unit that materially meets the needs of its members. c) the inner family grows the basics for the rules of social life. d) an inner family is a place where humans experience the initial socialization process, which is a process where humans learn and obey the rules and values that apply in society. this covid-19 pandemic in the lives of the people of kalanganyar village has brought about social changes in the family. sooner or later, every society and nation will experience social change wherever it is. the occurrence of these social changes, there are planned or unplanned. the planned change is a "development" activity because it aims to achieve the welfare of the people of kalanganyar village (nuraeny, nur azizah, & nur salam, 2021). the family is an informal resource system that provides protection and love for the individuals. suppose these family functions can be carried out optimally. in that case, the family will give birth to physically healthy individuals with intelligence, good character,e character, and have. therefore, the family is the primary and fundamental institution because it carries out a strategic function in nation-building. in addition to changes in the family structure, socio-cultural changes have an unfavorable impact on the family, such as a place to work far from home, separation of husband and wife, and separation of parents from children for a long time every day. this causes communication and interaction between fellow family members to be less intense. as a result, the child's growth and development process will be affected, namely the occurrence of delays in physical function, intelligence, emotional development, and psychological delays. the people of kalanganyar village are experiencing social changes that make it increasingly challenging to build or maintain social relationships. the people of kalanganyar village experience cultural isolation and economic isolation caused by high family mobility. these social changes lead to the intensity of modern life instead of the formation and maintenance of local social networks for families and their children (sunarti, 2021). these problems occur because the family cannot display the role, function, and fulfillment of family needs. according to zastrow, various problems in a family are grouped as follows: 1) economy, including unemployed breadwinners, difficulty managing finances, poverty; and the breadwinner dies, is disabled, retired, is sickly, chronically ill, is a victim of crime, and is incarcerated. 2) social, including unwanted pregnancy, abandoned husband or wife, insipid marriage, divorce, acts of violence against wife, children, and the elderly; gambling, alcohol and drug abuse; problems of deviant behavior of family members, children are running away from home, and unfaithfulness of husband and wife. 3) psychic, including emotional problems of family members, rape, and hiv/aids infection 4) it is improving family resilience and welfare development to optimize family functions. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 129-137 135 5) improving the quality of children by providing access to information, education, and counseling on child care, upbringing, and development. 6) improving the quality of youth by providing access to information, education, counseling, and services about family life. 7) improving the quality of life of the elderly to remain productive and valuable for families and communities by providing opportunities to play a role in family life. 8) increase access and opportunities to receive information and economic resources through family microenterprises. according to achir (1999), a family is said to have high resilience and independence if the family can play an optimal role in realizing all the potential of its members. therefore, family responsibilities include education, economy, socio-culture, and others. in connection with these responsibilities, the functions of the family include the function of love, protection or protection, reproduction, socialization and education, economy, and environmental development (sunarti, 2021). according to achir's thoughts, determining family resilience is by observing the implementation of several family functions. if a family has been able to carry out a number of functions optimally, then the family can be said to have a prison. conversely, if a family cannot carry out its functions optimally, then it has fragility and instability in its existence. then according to megawangi, zeitlin, and garman, family resilience is the family's ability to manage the resources they have and overcome the problems they face to meet the family's physical and psychosocial needs. from these two definitions, the elements in family resilience are human resource management, problem-solving and meeting needs. budhi santoso stated in his writing "family resilience as the basis for quality development of human resources" that no matter how simple the life of a family, it must develop social organization, each of which guarantees order and the achievement of the goals of living together. the social organization includes the regulation of social relations between members (social alignment), shared goals or goals that bind the social unit concerned (social media), agreed social provisions as guidelines in social interaction (social standards), and the enforcement of the order in life. together (social control). based on this thought, everyone, whether individuals, family members, or community members, are bound by these four social norms in the order of people's lives (sukma alam, 2020). according to researchers, during a pandemic like this one must prioritize family resilience. the better the family resilience, the better the family's ability to deal with changes due to the pandemic and post-pandemic. choosing the right policies can prevent families in indonesia from being in a crisis situation while ensuring family resilience remains intact and resilient. the role of the family in preventing covid-19 is like instilling the right mindset by providing correct and complete information about covid, so that it will calm the souls of all family members without leaving vigilance against the dangers of this covid-19. then teach the right behavior to prevent family members from contracting covid-19. with the earnest efforts of all families in indonesia in preventing covid-19 which is accompanied by serious government efforts to combat it, we can be sure that the results will be quickly seen so that in the end all our families, nations and countries will be able to return to a safe lif e, peaceful and prosperous. 3.3 efforts of marginalized people in preventing covid-19 during the covid-19 pandemic that attacks all country regions, sidoarjo is no exception. people's movements have begun to be limited to prevent the spread of the virus. the problem for the wealthy may still be overcome because they have food reserves, money savings, and adequate facilities in their respective homes. in normal situations, people have to sweat and work hard to earn a living to keep their kitchens smoky, especially when the situation is getting more and more precarious as it is today. the amount of their income can not be measured with a certain nominal or call it uncertain. call it the marginalized or the economically weak community who rely on a living connection from daily income (fadhlillah, hadi, ramadhena, fauziah, & asia, 2021). the daily fight against the harshness of the capital. some work as scavengers, manual laborers, motorcycle taxi drivers, street vendors, etc. under the command of president joko widodo, the indonesian p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 129-137 136 government has announced to carry out large-scale social restrictions to break the chain of the spread of covid19. article 59, paragraph 1 states that large-scale social restrictions are part of the public health emergency response based on the law. large-scale social restrictions also aim to prevent the widespread public health emergencies occurring among people in a specific area. the substance of the law includes holidays from schools and workplaces, restrictions on religious activities, and restrictions on activities in public places. in addition, it is more stringent to involve law enforcement officers if necessary in its implementation. referring to law (uu) number 6 of 2018 concerning health quarantine (kustanto & sholihah, 2021). 4. conclusion public communication carried out by sidoarjo regency is a challenging village program. the tough village itself has a way of acting: scanning, analysis, response, and assessment or evaluation, including 3t, testing, tracing, and treatment. with the 3t village, the three pillars and other elements can work together to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the village so that the recovery is fast. the primary purpose of this tough village public communication is to carry out systematic, repetitive, and comprehensive public communication to change the target audience's habits and behavior. while the influence of family resilience itself will give birth to physically healthy individuals who have intelligence, good character, noble character, and a sense of social solidarity, 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documents and observations. the collected data is then analyzed qualitatively. this researc h shows that, the completion of the crime of theft by using customary law in the state of iha district of western seram maluku province is very effective where the process is whipped using rattan in addition there are also additional sanctions given, namely indemnifying, as well as apologizing to the community, and the factors that affect its effectiveness are, the legal factor, law enforcement, and cultural and community factors. keywords: theft, customary law hita la uwa uwato, evektivitas law. article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction the state of indonesia is a state of law (rechstaat), which means that indonesia upholds the law and legal sovereignty this is a consequence of the ranks of sovereignty from the teaching of legal sovereignty that the highest power does not lie in the personal will of the ruler (the organization of the state / government) but in the law. thus the power of law lies above all powers that exist in the state, and that power shall be subject to the applicable law. to realize a prosperous and prosperous indonesian society that is equally material and spiritual based on the 1945 constitution (constitution 1945) then equal rights, degrees, dignity, and dignity must be realized in all fields both social, political, cultural, economic, and legal. the state of indonesia is a pluralistic and pluralistic state consisting of various tribes, races, cultures, customs and habits embraced by each region, so that in cultural life, these customs or customs are a rule or instrument of life that must be respected and respected by the environment of certain communities implicitly then regulated in article 18b of the 1945 constitution (salam, 2016). awareness of norms or law by a society has been embedded in the values of culture or culture embraced by ancestors. in article 18 b paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, "the state recognizes and respects the customary law community units along with their traditional rights as long as they are still alive and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia, which is regulated in the law (christmas et al., 2020).customary law, as a law that exists and evolves inside society (yadin et al., 2021) the violation of the norms or rules that have been agreed to cause disruption of order and peace of human life in public life, in accordance with the purpose of providing rules (guidelines and guidelines) in the association of life to protect individuals in relation to society, so that it can be expected the realization of a state of affairs. man, orderly and just in the life of society. if there is a violation of the interests of individuals and the interests of the community, the state is given the authority to resolve through the state apparatus. the state has established a competent system for resolving disputes or violations/ crimes that occur in society. criminal acts such as the crime of theft are acts that violate criminal law, so that the criminal law that is part of public law is a unity of regulations regarding human behavior that have been promulgated by the state through the government https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2028 mailto:sarfan.putuhena@iainambon.ac.id p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 156-161 157 and endorsed by legislative institutions and apply to all communities, with the threat of punishment implemented by the state.in criminal law, the settlement of criminal cases, resolved through a criminal process, known as the criminal justice system (chazawi, 2011) which begins with a preliminary examination on the part of the police, prosecutors to the court, based on the criminal code and kuhap all this in order to restore the balance of the public interest that was violated. the criminal code (criminal code) must actually be the embodiment of the culture and customs of our nation, this is strengthened by adigium in law, namely ubiius ubi societi (ali, 2009) (where there is a society there is law) in certain community life in indonesia the process of solving criminal acts is still carried out in customary law, this can be seen in several regions in indonesia, including minangkabau, aceh, bali, maluku and several other areas in the archipelago. recognition of this customary law can also be seen in our constitution, where article 18 b paragraph 2 of the 1945 constitution, has been expressly in substance to protect, recognize, respect, the rights of customary law as long as it does not conflict with other laws, there is also a form of protection of this customary law listed in the act. article 5 paragraph 1, article 10 paragraph 1 and article 50 paragraph i of law no. 48 of 2009 concerning judicial power, which has established the existence of customary law. from the above incarnation it is clear that the state guarantees and protects the customary community and customary law itself. customary law is widely known as an alternative form of settlement outside the courts this is reinforced by that customary law is part of positive law in indonesia, in addition to western law and islamic law (ali, 2012). so many people only consider that the settlement process using customary law is only in civil matters, such as the division of inheritance, marriage, and land issues, but we must know that in customary law not only solve civil problems, there is also a process of settlement of criminal cases using customary law. recognition of the existence of indigenous peoples varies greatly from sector to sector as well as forms of recognition of the existence of indigenous peoples by different local governments. (bakri sulaiman, abrar saleng, 2020) this can be known as customary criminal law which aims to maintain the balance that is in the community by using customary criminal law. in one of the customary villages located in the maluku region of west seram regency, iha village or better known as iha state. it has customs that are so strong, that almost most of the legal settlement process is completed through customary law. so that the customary criminal law is still used and inherited since the days of their ancestors. one example of criminal cases resolved through the customary law is the crime of theft 2. methodology in this research, using empirical research by by a sociological juridical research approach, namely discussion based on legal theories with its relation to seeing the reality that occurs in society. the data source used is primary and secondary legal materials, namely by interviewing in the field and also using scientific writings from research results 3. result and discussion among the many countries / villages in the maluku islands, especially in the western seram regency, there is one country that has a history, a custom that the author says is very worthy to be raised in this writing, the country is the country of iha-ulupia located in the huamualpeninsula has a variety of histories that are their own pride by the people in maluku. the country of iha-uupia itself is administratively two countries, namely the country of iha and ulupia (kulur), this happens because traditionally ulupia (kulur) is also part of the iha ama kingdom which used to be in zasirah hatawano, simply iha is ulupia (kulur), and ulupia is iha as well. the state of iha is a unit of indigenous peoples domiciled in jazirah hatawano saparua island with the robustness of the islamic kingdom at that time, it was the kingdom of ama iha. about 3.5 centuries ago the kingdom of ama iha was polluted by the dutch colonial government, so the king and hulubalang (masyarakrat) chose to leave the kingdom with his wealth to inhabit the huamual region.iha state is administratively included in the huamual subdistrict of west sram district. the country of iha has 5 (five) hamlets namely: water papaya, ely large, ely red land, uhe and luhulama, the area of iha country is 3400 ha with the following boundaries: the north borders the land of luhu, the south borders the village of warau luhu country, the west is with forests and mountains, the east is bordered by the sea. customary delik is something that causes shock in the balance of society, shaking occurs not only in the rule of law violated but also norms norms of decency, religion and decency in society while according to van p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 156-161 158 vallenhoven delik adat is an act that should not be done even in reality the event or deed is only a small mistake (kurniawan, 2016). as we have known together that the environment and nature of indigenous peoples are very different from the people who live in big cities to know, is that indigenous law communities are strong nature of the mind communalism and magis relogo (cosmic), this becomes the background of society, where customary criminal law plays a role.the realm of mind in such a legal society contains everything in this union as a homogeneous union in which man's position is neutral. man is a complement of the great realm (cosmos), not separated from the world born from the unseen world and even fixated with the nature of animals and plants, more so with society itself as a whole, so everything mixes mixed, related and affects each other. everything is in one balance and must always be maintained, if at some point disturbed it must be quickly restored. if there is a disturbance in the course of the federal organization and all customary traditions that are carried out as a hereditary manner is a grave violation of the law, while the violation of the law that harms individuals is a misdemeanor. in addition, violations that do not directly interfere with the alliance then indigenous elders / customary stakeholders (legal decisions) act when in demand by the interested customary rulings especially those that disturb the order of the federal community, groups and or individuals in order to improve the law are considered as customary delik. the customary delik gradually gets a fixed nature in the event of similar acts and is decided by indigenous elders or people who are competent in customary communion with the benchmark on the first ruling (jurispudency in western law). any act or event in the customary system is assessed and considered based on the principle of the federal order that applies at the time of the occurrence of such acts or events can be considered unlawful despite the standard legal norms. parental advice is passed down through generations to posterity and continues to be maintained until now as part of the foundation of customary law (soekanto, 2002). in this relationship we project the delik-delik of customary law with the thoughts of the communalistic cosmic consumer. this nature of mind is the background to the customary law that applies in indigenous law communities in indonesia. in the traditional realm of mind, always a legal society or fellowship as a unity takes precedence or is important. also the law must attach more importance to communion than certain people individually, there are certain people who are important, rewarded more than before the law. it is in the customary law community because of its position in the community. so the more important the position of a person in society, more importantly the meaning of that person as a subject of law in the society (bella kalengkongan, 2017). customary criminal law can also influence in designing a provision of criminal law that applies nationally. this is based on the phenomenon that customary criminal law is a real law in society and applies in a obeyed manner even though the provisions are not written and open. the government in this case the formation of the law in drafting the provisions of the national criminal law should pay attention to the customary criminal law in the community. here, it does not mean that the law means that this customary criminal law is included in the power of national criminal law. however, customary criminal law is made a reference in drafting the provisions of the national criminal law considering that customary criminal law is a law that lives in the community. 3.1 effectiveness of customary law, customary institutions in solving theft pidana the current economic situation in society, it tends to be a crime. the number of unemployed is one of the factors in the occurrence of criminal acts of theft. people's needs are complex but jobs are very difficult. interaction between one individual and another in a community environment is based on certain needs, interpersonal needs, namely the need to establish other people's relationships, which if not implemented will produce disorders or circumstances that are unpleasant to the person concerned and each of these interpersonal needs will give birth to certain behaviors. customary law knows no previously established lawlessness and there is no clear separation between the field of public law and profit, the whole field becomes a touchstone of what is forbidden and what is not. customary law is the entire regulation that incarnates in the decisions of legal functionaries who have authority and influence in their implementation and immediately obeyed wholeheartedly. the people of iha-ulupia always respect, all forms of customary judge's decision in resolving some criminal acts of theft that occur in iha, especially authoritative decisions from the people's leadership, as long as the ruling does not conflict with customary law beliefs. in the completion of the criminal act of theft using customary sanctions hita la uwa uwato in making sure the settlement is easier, and ensured there are no excesses and burdens imposed by the police who in this case as a positive legal device, will also be lighter. if this p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 156-161 159 is resolved legally positively, it can cause excesses, for example a guilty person is then sentenced to prison and one day can cause resentment in the future. in general, law enforcement officials provide opportunities to indigenous institutions in resolving cases or disputes that occur in villages / customary countries, especially in the country of iha itself, in certain criminal acts and disputes the settlement process is still carried out using customary law. hita la uwa uwato customary law (whip law) is a traditional model or way of solving cases / crimes customarily using islamic sharia that applies in the country of iha-ulupia. by way of whips. this is an alternative out-of-court settlement based on the agreements of the parties to the dispute. this custom is usually carried out to resolve disputes. hita la uwa uwato is a form of sanctions that is done by using rattan and whipped 7 times, and can increase if the crime is committed repeatedly.criminal acts that are often resolved by customary law in the country of iha include, adultery, perrjudian, theft, to drinking liquor, all acts of pidana aini are solved using customary criminals, namely by using the customary law of hita la uwa uwato. based on the author's interview with mr. arif samal (community leader, january 2022 interview) that, this customary law has been used since ancient times since the ancestors and accepted by the community because it is in accordance with the soul of the village / country of iha, this is in accordance with what was explained by von savigni(achmad ali, n.d.)(achmad ali, n.d.)(achmad ali, n.d.)(achmad ali, n.d.)(achmad ali, n.d.)(achmad ali, n.d.)(achmad ali, n.d.)(achmad ali, n.d.)(achmad ali, n.d.)(achmad ali, n.d.)(achmad ali, n.d.) who in his theory explained that good law is a law that is in accordance with the soul of the nation that we are better known to the theory (achmad ali, 2009). walaupun is not explained that it began when, but according to the author that this customary law is a tradition, a custom that needs to be maintained and preserved. in addition, the process of settlement of customary law is very in accordance with the legal principle in criminal justice, namely simple, fast and lighthearted. so that all forms of decisions through indigenous institutions provide a sense of justice itself. and that decision if we look then in accordance with the purpose of the law itself, namely, provides a sense of the existence, usefulness, and legal certainty (samosir, 2014). in the settlement using customary law hita la uwa uwato sanctions given in addition to using the flogging law there are also other sanctions as additional in the punishment including, apologies from the perpetrator, indemnifying victims, ostracized in the community, this additional punishment will be given in the event of a repeat of the same crime. in its journey, customs in the country of iha cannot be separated from islamic law.as explained above that in maluku countries are widely known ways of resolving disputes through customary law, customary sanctions that boil down to islamic sharia and are believed to have a deterrent element if it can be applied in resolving disputes / cases / crimes (mulyadi, 2016). along with the development of positive law, the model of resolving disputes through customary law in maluku began to be forgotten, but in the country of iha seram regency west until now the process of resolving disputes / crimes is still used, and maintained by the community. according to mr. zul selan (february, 2022) as the head of mongare (customary designation for the head of youth) that the custom of hita la uwa uwato (whip law) is a model of solving criminal cases that use rattan whips for the process of punishment or sanctions to those who have committed crimes such as theft. this statement explains that the purpose of holding hita la uwa uwato to those who have committed theft, is actually to give effect and to seek justice. the process of criminal smuggling of theft using adat hita la uwa uwato according to the narration of khairul kaisupy as a youth figure (february, 2022) is the first case / case of theft reported to the staff of the indigenous government of iha-ulupia then the king decided some youth staff to respond to the report and look for concrete evidence of theft cases, after getting evidence. and the perpetrator of theft, then the perpetrator was brought to the house of the head of the youth, but before the trial marinyo hit the gong as a sign there will be a trial in the house of the head of the youth, so that the community also knows there will be a trial against the case of theft and other crimes. and after being convicted and the perpetrator guilty then sanctioned with a caning 7 times with rattan, without wearing clothes and this punishment is carried out by marinyo who is in charge of whipping the perpetrator, in addition to getting the caning the perpetrator must apologize before the community. after that the perpetrator is treated by the government's own state staff. from the results of the author's interview, with mr. salem selan, as the former head of youth, theft that often occurs in the country of iha-ulupia, in the form of theft of produce, such as nutmeg, coconut and cloves. in addition, according to him there are several methods of punishment given to the perpetrator of theft, if the perpetrator repeats his actions again, if he repeats his actions again then the punishment is doubled 14 times and excommunicated from the community, if repeated p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 156-161 160 again then it is added to 21 times and expelled out of the country. hita la uwa uwato customary law itself is regulated in the regulations of the state of iha-ulupia and implemented regardless of fur, this is a representation of the principle of equality before the law . from the results of the above interview it can be seen that, the customary law used in the country of iha is very important and then can be a solution in the process of seeking justice, especially for the iha community itself, this customary criminal law itself can be one form of criminal law reform in indonesia, because writing the author for criminal acts. customary leadership positions in the group are required to solve issues, maintain the environmental balance with each other, so that the society can continue to create harmony and peace(elmayanti et al., 2020). lightly like this should be the process of settlement should use laws that develop and grow in the community. based on explanation that the settlement process using customary law is going well and accepted by the community this shows that this process is very effective from the side of the settlement because so far no community has rejected or refuted the ruling. 3.2. factors affecting the effectiveness of customary law a. legal factors the law serves for justice, certainty and expediency (suherman, 2012). in the practice of legal implementation in the field there are times when there is a conflict between legal certainty and justice. legal certainty is concrete tangible, while justice is abstract so that when a judge decides a case in the application of law only then there are times when the value of justice is not achieved. so when looking at a problem regarding the law at least justice becomes a top priority. the existence of law to humanize humans (aspects of its benefits) then what is regulated in legal regulations must bring benefits to human life.(salam, 2020) because the law is not solely seen from the point of the written law, there are still many rules that live in society that are able to regulate people's lives. regarding the legal factor in this case if it is associated with customary law that applies in the country of iha-ulupia, it is very relevant to the purpose of the law itself, because this customary law itself can provide a sense of fairness, usefulness and legal certainty for the local community, with the strict sanctions that i have described above. b. law enforcement factors in order for the law to work properly, then the mentality or personality of law enforcement is very important, if the rules are good, but the quality of officers is not good, there is a problem. therefore, one of the keys to success in law enforcement is the mentality or personality of law enforcement. in the above context that concerns the personality and mentality of law enforcement, that so far there is a strong tendency among the public to interpret the law as an officer or law enforcement, meaning that the law is identified with the real behavior of officers or law enforcement. unfortunately, in exercising its authority there are often problems due to attitudes or treatments that are seen as exceeding authority or other actions that are considered to soften the image and authority of law enforcement, this is due to the low quality of the law enforcement officers.if i associate again with the customary law that applies in the country of iha -ulupia, that the staff of the state in this case as law enforcement have a good mentality and personality in completing a criminal act of theft, this is because they are inpendent in carrying out their duties, regardless of fur, even if it is their own family, or from among the king's family. c. community factors society in this case becomes a factor that is quite influential also in the effectiveness of the law. if the public is not aware of the law and or does not obey the law then there is no effectiveness. legal consciousness is an abstract conception in man, of the harmony between order and tranquility as desired or appropriate. legal awareness is often associated with the administration of law, the formation of laws, and the effectiveness of the law. legal awareness is the awareness or values contained in humans about existing laws or about expected laws. the above explanation makes me see that the people of iha-ulupia are well aware of this customary law, this can be seen from the rate of theft that decreases to nothing at all in the country of iha-ulupia, people see this as a rule that pointsmerekain a better direction. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 156-161 161 d. cultural factors culture has a very big function for humans and society, which is to arrange for humans to understand how people should act, act, and determine their attitudes if they relate to others. thus, culture is a central line about the act that sets the rules on what to do, and what is forbidden. this factor is very important in the effectiveness of customary law, because it is a characteristic or soul of the people of iha-ulupia. the above faktor is closely related, because it becomes a staple in law enforcement, as well as a benchmark of the effectiveness of law enforcement. these five factors, no factor is very dominant, all of these factors must support each other to form the effectiveness of the law. 4. conclusion customary law is a known legal system in the social life environment in indonesia. the source of customary law itself comes from unwritten legal regulations that grow and develop and are processed by people for generations. hita la uwa uwato customary law in iha country is part of legal pluralism that until now is still maintained by the iha community because it is able to solve the crime of theft. hita la uwa uwato customary law can provide a deterrent effect against perpetrators of theft, and all forms of sanctions given are accepted and obeyed. in addition, there are several factors that affect the effectiveness of this customary law itself, including, the legal factor, the law 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applying rules or norms in positive law. with a legal perspective (statute perspective), a conceptual perspective (conceptual perspective), and a case perspective (case approach). the results of this study show that the institution of a special election court/election in line with the democratic rule of law principles is necessary, as indicated by the following options: establishment of a special election court/election inside the administrative court, to be known as the election court. the administrative court houses this special court, which is located in each province's capital. this court has the jurisdiction to hear and determine election results disputes, election/pilkada crimes, and analyze and adjudicate election administration/election disputes. the administrative court houses this special court, which is located in each province's capital. this court has the jurisdiction to hear and determine election results disputes, election/pilkada crimes, as well as to analyze and adjudicate election administration/election disputes. the administrative court houses this special court, which is located in each province's capital. this court has the jurisdiction to hear and determine election results disputes, election/pilkada crimes, as well as to analyze and adjudicate election administration/election disputes. keywords: ius constituentum, electoral court, simultaneous selection. article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction indonesia is the world's third-biggest democracy, behind the united states and india (nuna & moonti, 2019). indonesian legal rules have not yet established clear regulations on state institutions.(putra & muhram, 2021) one evidence of democracy's reality is the periodic conduct of general elections (pemilu) and regional head elections (pilkada), which are conducted following the ideals of direct, general, free, secret, honest, and fair (luber jurdil). the indonesian election law is regulated in the constitution, so it is legally supported.(syailendra anantya prawira, 2019) according to titi anggraini, the 2019 indonesian simultaneous election was the most complex election in history. in 2019, the election drew over 193 million voters to the country's 809 thousand voting locations. while overseas, 2,326 mobile ballot boxes (ksk) with 426 stations are available (zulkarnaen et al., 2020). the 2019 election is intended to elect the president, dpr, dpd, provincial dprd, and regency/city dprd., this causes complex problems, tiredness, and a heavy task are created. no less than hamdan zoelva, chairman of the constitutional court of the republic of indonesia (mkri) from 2013 to 2015, emphasized the complexities of the next indonesian elections in 2019. similarly, the lowy agency, an australian-based research institute, stated that indonesia's 2019 elections were among the most challenging and amazing in the world due to their vast magnitude and completion in a single day. there are up to 193 million voters in this election, making it the most in history regarding directly choosing the president. similarly, the lowy agency, an australian research institute, stated that the 2019 elections in indonesia were among the most challenging and remarkable in the world due to their vast magnitude and completion in a single day. there are up to 193 million voters in this election, making it the most in history regarding directly choosing the president. similarly, the lowy agency, an australian research institute, stated that the 2019 elections in indonesia were among the most challenging and https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.1800 mailto:taufik.f12@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 147-155 148 remarkable in the world due to their vast magnitude and completion in a single day (zulkarnaen et al., 2020).there are up to 193 million voters in this election, making it the most in history regarding directly choosing the president. the indonesian nation faces the political year 2024 when the general election commission (kpu-ri) certifies that the country will hold simultaneous national and regional head elections. this is, of course, more intriguing, as it will integrate all election kinds, including presidential, legislative, and general. however, the installation of pilkada took one year. moreover, simultaneous elections of five (five) boxes resulted in weariness and an increased workload, resulting in mortality; according to kpu data, 894 police died and 5,175 officers were ill (mubarok, 2020). this becomes more difficult when the pilkada's stages are filled with the 5 (five) box elections added to the mix. including the issue of problem complexity, heavy workloads, debates, and other discourses that are consuming the nation's energy, there is the issue of the absence of an election court, as mandated by law no. 8 of 2015 concerning the stipulation of government regulations in lieu of law number 1 of 2014 concerning the election of governors, regents, and mayors to become laws in conjunction with law no. 10 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to law number 1 of 2015 concerning stipulation of government regulations in lieu of law number 1 of 2014 concerning the election of governors, regents, and mayors to become laws , as stated in article 157 of the law aquo: first, election-related disputes are investigated and adjudicated by a special national court. second, prior to executing the national simultaneous election, the special constitutional court referred to in paragraph (1) is created. third, disputes regarding the determination of vote acquisition results from elections are evaluated and adjudicated by the constitutional court until a separate judicial body is established. fourth, election participants may petition the constitutional court to annul the provincial kpu's and regency/municipal kpu's decision of vote count results. based on article 157, the author is of the opinion that establishing a special election judiciary becomes a communal assignment to be accomplished before the 2024 national simultaneous general election. even though the mandate for its establishment is mentioned in the pilkada law, the special judicial body must be understood broadly as an electoral court in a constitutional way and in line with the community's legal demands. the homework assignment is to build this unique judicial body before the 2024 national simultaneous general election. however, in addition to the law's purpose and the possibility to establish the election court, some flaws act as roadblocks in our path. for example, according to article 27 of law 48 of 2009 on judicial power, a special court (election) may be established only in one of the judicial environments subordinate to the supreme court, where provisions governing the establishment of a special court must be regulated by law; in other words, the formation of a new court may be established only following the act. similarly, as reiterated by article 28 of legislation 48 of 2009 about judicial power, the authority (competence), position, organization, and procedural law of this election court in the future must be controlled by law. the provisions requiring the establishment of a court following the law were then juxtaposed with the indonesian legislative body's (dpr-ri) counter-productive action in ejecting the election bill from the prolegnas. it is known that the dpr ri's legislation body (baleg), in collaboration with the regional representatives council (dpd) and government representatives, namely the ministry of law and human rights, issued a revision to the law on general elections (ruu election) as part of the 2021 priority national legislation program (prolegnas). the removal of the election bill from the priority prolegnas for 2021 ensures that presidential, parliamentary, and regional elections will occur concurrently in 2024. another consequence is the "impossibility" of establishing a "special election court," as this court's establishment should be included in the election law. the legislative institutions' refusal to revise the election law also creates another issue: the critical constitutional dispute on the status of pilkada in the indonesian constitutional system remains unresolved. article 22e paragraph (2) of the republic of indonesia's 1945 constitution (uud nri) stipulates, in part, that "general elections are held to elect members of the people's representative council, regional representative council, president and vice president, and regional people's representative council." however, there is no mention of pilkada in the aquo article, which is found in article 18 of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, leading numerous parties to assert that "pilkada is not an election," as a separate chapter of the constitution governs it. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 147-155 149 this confusion, of course, reflects the ambiguity of indonesian election law's political direction, the ambiguity of its formation standards, where there has been no agreement on the nomenclature (name of the institution), the form, institutionalization, and jurisdiction of this special court until now. it is unclear if this special court will take the shape of an election court or a pilkada court, or whether this special court would resolve the conflict between the general election and the pilkada. the legal truth is that the pilkada law contains an order establishing a special court aquo. the mandate to form those above "special judicial body" is based on article 157 paragraphs (1) and (2) of law no. 10 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to law number 1 of 2015 concerning stipulation of government regulations in lieu of law number 1 of 2014 concerning the election of governors, regents, and mayors to become laws. if you look to the law, what is intended is establishing a pilkada court, not an electoral court. this point is reinforced further by the fact that election law no. 7 of 2017 does not contain an order establishing a special court. this is hampered by the political constellation of legislation, in which the dpr-ri has stated that it would not amend the election law until 2021. furthermore, the current state of affairs is that there are multiple agencies/institutions involved in resolving election/pilkada disputes; at least five bodies/institutions have the authority to adjudicate, either due to the judiciary's level or since the judicial environment exists. due to judicial environment factors or delegated authority, the following courts have jurisdiction: the constitutional court for disputes over results, the special judiciary agency for disputes over regional election results, the district courts for criminal elections and regional elections, and the administrative court for administrative disputes over elections and regional head elections (rizwan & hidir, 2019). at this point, the indonesian nation's democratic process is confronted with two vexing issues: first, the necessity of establishing an election court before 2024, and second, the constitutional question of whether the mkri can continue adjudicating disputes over election results in 2024, despite the constitutional court's decision number 97/puu-xi/2013 concerning the review of law number 12 of 2008 concerning the second amendment to law number 32 of 2004 concerning regional government and law number 48 of 2009 concerning judicial powers article 236c of law no. 12 of 2008 and article 29 paragraph (1) letter c law no. 48 of 2009 contrary to article 1 paragraph (3), article 22e paragraph (2), article 24c paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution, which states in decision number 1 that: "the provisions of article 236 letter c of law number 12 of 2000 apply." the constitutional court ruled in a ruling dated january 16, 2014, that its institution no longer has the competence to evaluate and judge complaints concerning regional election results. this is because the constitutional court considers pilkada to be a part of the local government regime, not the electoral regime. therefore, the constitutional court loses its ability to evaluate and resolve disputes over election results by repealing these rules. the year 2024 is approaching, and time is running out, which means that preparation time is becoming increasingly limited as the phases of the 2024 national simultaneous elections get underway. according to ahmad doli kurnia tanjung, head of the house of representatives commission ii, the early steps of the 2024 simultaneous elections began in january 2022. additionally, the golkar party official declared that his party has decided on the february 21, 2024, legislative election and presidential election. meanwhile, on november 27, 2024, simultaneous regional elections will be place. constitution's ius constituendum establishing a special independent judiciary to adjudicate disputes over regional head election results is a critical matter that must be addressed immediately to bolster the pilkada's existence and ensure electoral justice based on pancasila and the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. thus far, it is debatable whether it is necessary or not to form a court. the specific problem of resolving electoral and municipal election issues continues to be a point of contention. indeed, one of the criteria for a democratic election or regional head election is the existence of a law enforcement system and a mechanism for resolving election disputes fairly and expeditiously (rosanti, 2020). ius constituendum is a legal concept about the formation of an electoral court in indonesia, particularly in advance of the 2024 national simultaneous elections. this is also an attempt to demonstrate to the public that significant obstacles impede efforts to establish a special court. the issue is not merely a technical-political one, as the dpr-reluctance ri's to amend the election law, which allows for the establishment of a special court through amendments to the law, but also a fundamental constitutional issue concerning the mk's authority to adjudicate disputes over regional election results. it is hoped that this scholarly oration would result in an offer of legal clarity about the formation of a special election court in indonesia. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 147-155 150 2. methodology this study employed normative juridical methodology. that is, it examines the application of rules or standards in positive law (irwansyah, 2021). the ontology aspect of the object of study in legal science is the norms.(salam, 2020) additionally, this study is to compile a database of positive legislation, identify legal principles and doctrines, synchronize existing laws and regulations, and conduct research via the evaluation, examination, and exploration of diverse existing literature (irwansyah, 2021), data collection techniques are carried out by means of interviews and read scientific books, magazines, newspapers and other readings related to research (mustika & salam, 2021). this study employs a statute-based method, a conceptual-based approach, and a case-based approach. the statute approach is carried out to examine all laws and all matters related to the legal issues faced. by taking a conceptual system and examining the views and doctrines that develop within the field of legal science, researchers will discover ideas that contribute to the understanding of legal concepts and legal principles that are pertinent to the legal issues surrounding the judicial constituency ius general election in indonesia prior to the holding of a simultaneous national election. by utilizing secondary legal documents that provide context for core legal materials, such as draft legislation, research findings, and legal circles' work. the researchers will identify concepts and principles of law pertinent to the legal difficulties confronting the electoral court in indonesia in the run-up to the holding of simultaneous national elections. by utilizing secondary legal documents that provide context for core legal materials, research findings, and legal circles' work. the researchers will identify concepts and principles of law pertinent to the legal difficulties confronting the electoral court in indonesia in the run-up to the holding of simultaneous national elections. by utilizing secondary legal documents that provide context for core legal materials, such as research findings, and legal circles' work (irwansyah, 2021). 3. result and dsicussion 3.1 prior to indonesia's national simultaneous elections, ius constituentum election courts ius constituendum refers to future legislation or envisioned legal ideal. this is a legal ideal in the management of state life that has not yet been formalized via legislation or other statutory rules. this might refer to the draft law (ruu) now under discussion between the dpr and the government, or it could refer to other draft laws and regulations. although the rules have not yet taken effect, they are expected to do so in the future. additionally, it should be emphasized that the ius constituendum encompasses all norms and concepts incorporated/regulated within the constitution (uud nri 1945). however, positive operational legislation has not consistently governed it (in statutory regulations). this contains the legal concepts underlying the establishment of an indonesian special election court. in terms of timing, article 157 paragraph (2) of law number 10 of 2016 states: "a special judicial body is established before the execution of simultaneous national elections." meanwhile, article 201 paragraph 8 of the same law states that "national simultaneous voting for governor and deputy governor, regent and deputy regent, as well as mayor and deputy mayor across the territory of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia, will take place in november 2024." additionally, the time restriction for establishing a special judicial body "before the execution of simultaneous national elections" regularly modifies its composition. previously, the 'national simultaneous election' that became the deadline for establishing a special judicial body was set for 2027. this provision, however, was amended following the aquo law, where article 201 paragraph (8) of law number 10 year 2016 states: "national simultaneous voting in the election of governor and deputy governor, regent and deputy regent, as well as mayor and deputy mayor throughout the territory of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia in november 2024." according to indonesian law's political constellation, provisions for the simultaneous national elections scheduled for november 2024 are still likely to alter (wahjono, 1991). since 2014, the procedures for conducting the regional head elections have been highly dynamic, accelerating in response to the dpr's major currents of politics and legislation. the following table illustrates the dynamics of various settings: p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 147-155 151 table 1. shifting the arrangement of pilkada implementation and election dispute settlement court no legal basis description 1 law no. 22 of 2014 concerning the election of governors, regents, and mayors a election by dprd b dispute resolution through general courts. 1. direct election; 2. disputes over the results of the election of governors as well as disputes over the results of the election of regents and mayors at the pt level and can submit an objection request to the supreme court 2 perpu no. 1 of 2014 concerning the election of governors, regents, and mayors article 159; a settlement of disputes over election results is handled by ad hoc judges at the pt determined by the supreme court. b the supreme court has determined 4 (four) pts to handle election disputes that are spread throughout indonesia. 1) direct election; 2) disputes on the results of the election of governors as well as disputes over the results of the election of regents and mayors at the pt level and can submit an objection request to the supreme court whose decision is final and binding and no other legal remedies can be taken. 3 law no. 1 of 2015 concerning the stipulation of government regulation in lieu of law number 1 of 2014 concerning the election of governors, regents, and mayors to become law a direct election; b the setting for the "special pilkada judicial body" appears; c a special judicial body is formed before the implementation of the simultaneous national elections; d cases of dispute over election results are examined and tried by the constitutional court until a special judicial body is formed; e national simultaneous voting will be held on the same day and month in 2027. 4 law no. 8 of 2015 concerning amendments to law number 1 of 2015 concerning stipulation of government regulations in lieu of law number 1 of 2014 concerning the election of governors, regents, and mayors to become laws 1. direct election; 2. the arrangement of the "special election judiciary agency" is maintained; 3. the projection of the simultaneous national elections is brought forward to the date and month of november 2024. 5 law no. 10 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to law number 1 of 2015 concerning stipulation of government regulations in lieu of law number 1 of 2014 concerning the election of governors, regents, and mayors to become laws according to the table above, there appears to have been a shift in the scheduling of the concurrent regional elections and an increase in the ambiguity surrounding the institution for resolving disputes over regional election results. this has exacerbated the insecurity surrounding electoral law enforcement in indonesia. although, on the one hand, there is a demand that elections/elections in indonesia be conducted democratically in order to foster a healthy level of competition, high public participation, and representation, as well as a fair and p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 147-155 152 legal mechanism for accountability and dispute resolution, elections/elections should occasionally be held in a higher quality. according to future projections, this special judicial body will be able to function during the execution of the simultaneous national elections scheduled for 2024, however, there is no assurance that the statistics for that year would be consistent. this is reflected in the process of holding the 2019 simultaneous elections, which has been dubbed "the most complicated in the world". the election has resulted in many problems including election logistics issues, the complexity of the dpt problem, the workload of kpps, which has resulted in illness and death, the sinking of information about legislative candidates, and the loss of the right to vote for indonesian citizens living abroad, so it is deserving (ardipandanto, 2019). 3.2 ideal level for establishing a special election court in indonesia the mandate to establish a special judicial authority with the competence to adjudicate disputes over regional election results should be carried out within a complete framework of thought. how are the institutional structure, authority's competence, and complexion of judges, as well as their jurisdiction, determined. according to the author, this special court should ideally be formed not only to resolve disputes over the results of regional elections, as required by article 157 of law number 10 of 2016, but also to serve as an election court authorized to resolve all disputes (process and results) relating to elections and regional elections, except for disputes over the results of elections for the dpr, dpd, president and vice president, and dprd, which remain the authoritive bodies. the establishment of the election court/pilkada will require a significant financial investment. however, based on the long-term legal investment, the election court/pilkada will provide legal alternatives for dealing with electoral cases, making them faster, cheaper, and more manageable while also providing legal certainty to all parties, as well as serve as a mechanism for establishing legal confidence toward a democratic legal state based on pancasila and the 1945 constitution of the republic. in specifically, referring to law number 48 of 2009 which gives authority to legislators to appoint the formation of a special judicial body, the position of a special court must be determined in one of the 4 (four) existing judicial environments, namely in the ptun environment.this is predicated on the notion that the election results dispute is an administrative matter involving the legitimacy of the kpu's judgment as an executive authority. if this special court is constituted, several factors must be examined, including learning and adopting the paradigm and procedure for resolving direct election disputes that the constitutional court has handled (affan, 2018). apart from the issue of legal incompletion, such the absence of laws and regulations (legal defects) or the absence of a special court to examine and adjudicate disputes over election results, the current empirical legal facts indicate that there is no recognition of authority. additionally, empirically, there have been multiple changes and adjustments in the institution charged with adjudicating and resolving disputes over the results of regional elections in this nation. this generates legal doubt and demonstrates the vagueness of the institutional, legal dispute resolution process for election results/elections. as a result, the authors suggest the following alternatives for institutionalizing electoral dispute resolution in indonesia: establishment of a special election court through establishing a special court inside the administrative court." this special court is located in each provincial capital and is charged with adjudicating and resolving disputes over the results of regional elections according to article 157 of law no. 8 of 2015 in conjunction with law no. 10 of 2016 and (election crimes/pilkada and also examines and adjudicates disputes over election process/administration/election). the constitutional argument refers to article 24 paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, which states explicitly that judicial authority is exercised by a supreme court and a constitutional court. the embodiment of these provisions is found in article 27 paragraph (1) of law no. 48 of 2009 on judicial power, which states that "special courts may be established only in one of the judicial environments under the supreme court," implying that the establishment of a special court outside the supreme court is unconstitutional. another point of contention is the ineffectiveness of pilkada's dispute settlement process and the existing election paradigm, which is split at several points. at the ideal level, the court should have the authority to adjudicate electoral disputes. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 147-155 153 it must be recognized that the form of special election courts has still not established legal certainty and justice, such that the establishment of a special court for the settlement of election results that operates independently or as part of another judicial environment following indonesia's judicial powers (elcaputera, 2019). the positioning of the special election courts in the ptun environment, while also conferring authority on the special courts to adjudicate election/pilkada crimes, is supported by several legal principles, including the principle of simple, fast, and low-cost justice and the ius curia novit principle. in the law on judicial power, it is mandated that law enforcement in indonesia be swift, exact, straightforward, easy, and low cost. concerning the special court's competence, it must be established within the context of efforts to reform legal instruments about special election courts that were initially mandated to resolve disputes over the results of regional head elections and must be implemented immediately in order to increase the value and quality of democracy; this is not solely for political purposes and is aided by efforts to improve democracy's quality. democracy in order to ensure that elections are conducted fairly and lawfully. as a result, the power of this special election court must be broadened to include not just disputes over election results, but also other matters about the pilkada process itself. additionally, the author believes that this special judicial body's power should be expanded in the future to include disputes over the results of regional head elections and those involving electoral process/administrative problems, and even electoral crimes/elections. according to magdalena laurenzia seba, the development of this special court to deal with pilkada crimes was justified by the fact that pilkada had separate or specialized characteristics when compared to other criminal offenses. because only direct elections allow for pilkada crime. because the direct pilkada is conducted only every five years in indonesia, the pilkada crime occurs exclusively during that particular period. meanwhile, other types of crimes, such as robbery, murder, and corruption, might strike at any time (seba, 2017). as a result of this, the authors suggest that this special court be placed in each provincial capital with the jurisdiction to hear regent/mayor election disputes and governor election disputes in each province. this unique judicial body operates inside the ptun framework. this choice is justified by the fact that, historically, the handling of violations and the resolution of cases or disputes in elections/elections has been lengthy and convoluted, ignoring the principles of efficiency and effectiveness in the enforcement of election law, despite the fact that the general election requires a swift resolution to avoid potential loss of rights. to protect voters' and election participants' rights, as well as to avoid government disturbance. this special court has the competence to adjudicate at the first and final levels, and its rulings are convincing and binding, which means that binding force (verbindende kracht) is instantly created and has permanent legal force once it is proclaimed in a public plenary session. there are no alternative legal remedies available for this judgment, which is erga omnes (universal), and must be followed and immediately executed (self-executing) by all state administrative institutions, law enforcement authorities, and people. meanwhile, for total competence in the form of the court's ability to judge a case based on the object, substance, or topic of the disagreement, the researcher suggests that this special court be empowered to handle process disputes (administration), criminal actions, and result conflicts. even though it departs from the pilkada law by mandating only the formation of a judicial body to resolve disputes over election results, the researcher proposes that this judicial body be expanded into a special elections judiciary agency, with authority to resolve disputes over the electoral process (administration) pilkada, election crimes/elections, and disputes over election results (disputes over election results remain with the constitutional court). this special judicial body is not required to be empowered to investigate violations of the organizer's code of ethics; this jurisdiction remains with the dkpp. as a result of this option, bawaslu's function is reformed. through this special elections court, bawaslu's competence to adjudicate process problems must be examined and restored to the court. this special court has jurisdiction over procedural issues and electoral offences, as well as disagreements over election results. for electoral process (administrative) issues that occur as a result of harmful kpu administrative actions affecting the community or candidate pairs for regional heads. disputes of this nature can also develop as a result of regional head candidates violating kpu judgments, such as campaign period breaches. for problems arising as a result of state administrative decisions made by the election/pilkada organizing institution, the party experiencing disadvantage may promptly initiate an administrative case with this special court. likewise with situations that occur as a result of the regional head candidate's breaches of state administrative judgments. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 147-155 154 the special election court's procedural legislation is designed to be a law that controls the processes and procedures for the execution of the special court's powers. this procedural law is a formal law that serves to execute its substantive law, which is a component of the constitutional law that establishes the special court's power. as such, the presence of this procedural law is comparable to the existence of criminal process, civil procedure, and state administrative court procedural law. this procedural law is meant to be both a general procedural law that applies to all matters brought before the special judiciary agency and a specialized procedural law that applies to each of these authorities. thus, the special judiciary body's procedural law comprises the procedural law for election crimes, the procedural law for process/administrative disputes, and the procedural law for disputes over the regional head election results. the public is well aware that the supreme court's legal proceedings have been ongoing for an extended period of time. as is generally known, prior to 2008, the high court adjudicated the issue over the regency/city pilkada, while the supreme court adjudicated the governor's pilkada. this does not eliminate the possibility of the disagreeing parties pursuing legal remedies. election-related disagreements must be settled expeditiously. pilkada is a public office race that is still in its early phases. additionally, because pilkada is a process for filling government jobs, there should ideally be no open government positions. it is critical that it is enshrined in legislation and not delegated to lesser rules. according to aan eko widiarto's findings, current empirical practice in which the constitutional court regulates procedural law through a constitutional court regulation has at least three (three) flaws, namely: first, legal uncertainty (lex certa), second, violation of the hierarchy of laws and regulations. thirdly, the absence of legal order. (2019; aan eko widiarto). finally, how do you attract judges. this special court is composed of a chairperson, member judges, a secretary, and a registrar. the special court's chairperson shall be comprised of a chairperson and a maximum of two (two) deputy chairpersons. the president appoints judges from a list of applicants submitted by the minister of law and human rights, subject to confirmation by the supreme court chief justice. the president appoints the chairperson and deputy chairpersons from among judges suggested by the minister and approved by the chief justice of the supreme court. the chairperson, deputy chairperson, and judge are appointed for five (five) years and may be reappointed for one (one) additional term. the chairperson, deputy chairperson, and judge are all state authorities who exercise judicial authority in the pilkada disputes arena. to be appointed as this special judge, each candidate must meet the following requirements: a) indonesian citizens; b) at least 45 (forty five) years old; c) fear god almighty; d) loyal to pancasila and the 1945 constitution; e) have never been involved in activities that betrayed the unitary state of the republic of indonesia based on pancasila and the 1945 constitution or were involved in prohibited organizations; f) have expertise in the field of elections and have a law degree or other relevant degree; g) authoritative, honest, fair, and of impeccable behavior; h) have never been convicted of a criminal offense; and i) physically and mentally healthy. ad hoc judges are also hired as member judges to examine and decide specific pilkada dispute situations that require specialized competence. to be hired as an ad hoc judge, an individual must satisfy the standards outlined above. president as head of state appoints and dismisses ad hoc justices on the recommendation of the chief justice of the supreme court. each special court must have at least three (three) ad hoc judges. the statute regulates the procedure for recruiting ad hoc judges at the pilkada court. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 147-155 155 4. conclusion the authors offer the following possibilities for establishing a special election court/election in line with democratic rule of law principles: establishing a separate election/election court within the administrative court, with a unique name/nomenclature; election court. the administrative court houses this special court, which is located in each province capital. this court has the jurisdiction to hear and determine election results disputes, election/pilkada crimes, as well as to analyze and adjudicate election administration/election disputes. this special court must adopt a number of principles/principles that are appropriate for its purposes and authority. with regard to outcome disputes in particular, this special court has the competence to adjudicate at the first and final levels, with final and binding judgements. has perpetual legal effect once it is concluded in a public plenary session. there is no alternative legal remedy available for this judgment, which is erga omnes and must be followed and enforced directly (self-executing). this special court procedure code must be included into the act and not delegated to a subordinate regulation. references affan, i. 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many insurance companies have failed to pay and the policyholder protection fund can provide benefits to policyholders in the form of legal protection. the policyholder protection fund can also provide b enefits to the economic syste m in general. also, the form of the policyholder guarantee progra m that can be applied in indonesia is as an independent institution that is separate from the deposit insurance corporation. keywords: policy guarantee program, policy guarantee agency, deposit insurance corporation, insurance company, policy holder. 1 fa kulty of la w, university of indonesia ema il: (putrihydti@gma il.com ) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.1 093 1. introduction the ultimate goal of a policy in a country is to achieve the welfare of the people, and the state has the responsibility to protect the nation and advance the general welfare (a junaedy ganie, 2013, p.23). article 53 of act no. 43 of 2014 regarding insurance (insurance law) states that the implementation of policyholder protection schemes is regulated by the law. law regarding the implementation of policyholder protection scheme as referred in article 53 of insurance law should be established no later than 3 (three) years since the enactment of the law. law insurance was enacted on october 17, 2014, so the law regarding the implementation of the policyholder protection scheme should have been established no later than october 17, 2017. however, until this time, the law has not been formed. article 53 of insurance law does not explicitly regulate the institution form of policyholder protection scheme. however, recently there is a discourse to establish the institution as an independent institution or an institution merged with dic. related to the discourse of policyholder protection scheme in the form of an independent institution through policy insurance corporation (hereinafter referred to lpp) is as delivered by financial service authority (hereinafter referred to ojk). as mandated by insurance law related to the establishment of the policyholder protection scheme, ojk, mailto:putrihydti@gmail.com mailto:putrihydti@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.1108 jurnal hukum volkgeist putri nurul hidayati 5(2): 206-215 207 as a regulator, is currently coordinated with the government to establish the policyholder protection scheme through lpp. ojk also has submitted the files to the government as a consideration for the establishment of lpp. based on the ojk statement, lpp is an independent institution and is not integrated with the deposit insurance corporation (hereinafter referred to dic) (hukumonline, 2017). meanwhile, related to the discourse of lpp merging with dic, dic stated that they are ready to hold concurrent duties if later they get an assignment to be an lpp. currently, the establishment of the institution is being prepared by the government through the ministry of finance. nevertheless, dic stated that the existence of legal protection is needed (cnn indonesia, 2020). the chairman of the board of commissioners, halim alamsyah, stated that until this time, dic functions as the deposit insurance according to the regulation applied. however, it does not rule out the possibility if, in the future, the government and house of representatives decide to merge the policy insurance to dic (monica wareza, cnbc indonesia, 2020). the institutional form of policyholder protection schemes in other countries is actually also diverse. there are countries with lpp as an independent institution, and there are countries with a policyholder protection scheme that is integrated with dic in the countries. in this study, the discussion will be focused on the countries with a policyholder protection scheme that is integrated with dic. the countries intended are malaysia and south korea. the analysis of the study includes the position of policyholder protection scheme in the laws and regulations of indonesia and the analysis related to the expansion of the dic function as the policy insurance by comparing the provisions of malaysia and south korea. 2. methodology in doing research, the writer uses the doctrinal research method, which is research that provides systematic exposure to regulations that govern certain legal categories, analyzes the relationship between regulations, explains areas that experience obstacles, and even predicts future developments. normative law research uses normative legal case studies in the form of products of legal behavior, for example reviewing draft laws. the subject of the study is the law which is conceptualized as a norm or rule that applies in society and becomes a reference for everyone's behavior. so that normative legal research focuses on an inventory of positive law, legal principles and doctrines, legal findings in cases in concreto, legal systems, legal synchronization levels, legal comparisons, and legal history (abdulkadir. 2004, h. 52). sources of legal materials used in this study include primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. primary legal materials include laws and regulations. secondary legal materials include related literature in the form of books, scientific journals, articles in news, and articles on the internet. as well as tertiary legal materials which include legal dictionaries. this study uses a qualitative approach, namely analyzing and processing data based on the researcher's understanding of the data or information obtained which is then narrated to obtain research conclusions. qualitative methods put more emphasis on observing phenomena and examining the substance of the meaning of these phenomena. the analysis and sharpness of qualitative research greatly affect the strength of the words and sentences used. therefore, basri (2014) concludes that the focus of qualitative research is on the process and the meaning of the results. qualitative jurnal hukum volkgeist putri nurul hidayati 5(2): 206-215 208 research attention is more focused on human elements, objects, and institutions, as well as the relationship or interaction between these elements, in an effort to understand an event, behavior, or phenomenon (mohamed. 2010). 3. result and discussion 3.1 the position of policyholder protection scheme in the laws and regulations of indonesia the legal basis related to the policyholder protection scheme is regulated in article 53 of insurance law (negara kesatuan republik indonesia, 2014) . article 53 paragraph (1) of insurance law stated that the insurance companies are required to be a participant of policyholder protection scheme. the provisions of article 53 paragraph (3) of insurance law regulated that when the policyholder protection scheme is valid based on the law, then the provisions regarding the guarantee fund are stated as invalid for the insurance companies and the sharia insurance companies. article 53 paragraph (4) of insurance law regulates that regulation concerning policyholder protection scheme is formed no later than 3 years since the enactment of insurance law. based on the provisions of article 20 paragraph (3) of insurance law (negara kesatuan republik indonesia, 2014), because until this time, due to the absence of a policyholder protection scheme, the provisions regarding the guarantee fund apply. the definition of a guarantee fund based on the provisions in article 1 no. 19 is the wealth of insurance companies, shariah insurance companies, reinsurance companies, or shariah reinsurance companies. the guarantee fund has function as the final guarantee to protect the interests of the policyholder, the insured, or the participant in the case that insurance companies, shariah insurance companies, reinsurance companies, and shariah reinsurance companies are liquidated. the guarantee fund is one of the criteria or requirements for the insurance companies to get business licenses. this is as regulated in article 8 paragraph (2) of insurance law (negara kesatuan republik indonesia, 2014). article 20 paragraph (1) of insurance law also regulated the obligation of insurance companies, sharia insurance companies, reinsurance companies, and shariah reinsurance companies to form the guarantee fund. according to the provisions of article 20, paragraph (2) of insurance law, the amount of the guarantee fund must be adjusted along with the business development of an insurance company. based on the provisions of article 20 paragraph (3) of insurance law, the guarantee fund cannot be collateralized or encumbered with any rights. the explanation of article 20 of insurance law states that the aim of establishing a guarantee fund is to provide a guarantee for the replacement of part or all of the rights of the policyholder, the insured, or participant in the case that company must be liquidated. therefore, the guarantee fund is an effort to provide protection to the policyholder or the insured. the provisions regarding the guarantee fund are also intended so that the guarantee fund can return part or all of the rights of the policyholder, the insured, or the participant when the company is liquidated can be ascertained. in line with the explanation of article 20, which states the benefits of the guarantee fund for the policyholder, insured, or participants, the indonesian life insurance association (aaji) stated the benefits of the policyholder protection scheme jurnal hukum volkgeist putri nurul hidayati 5(2): 206-215 209 if it is formed. aaji expects that by the policyholder protection scheme, the community increasingly trusts the insurance company and also obtain certainty about policy as dic guarantees bank customer deposits (hukum online, 2017). the objectives of establishing a policyholder protection scheme or policy insurance corporation are as follows: a. giving the legal protection for the policyholder or insured legal protection is basically protection for human right s harmed by other people, and the protection is given to the community so that they can enjoy all the rights provided by the law. of course in this protection also think about the principle of dispute resolution, it is important to determine the choice of forum (choice of forum) (salam, 2017). in the form of court institutions, arbitration institutions, or alternative dispute resolution institutions that are authorized for settlement. legal protection can also be defined as all legal efforts that must be carried out by the law enforcement officers to the community to create a sense of security, either physically or mentally, from distractions and various threats from any party (rahardjo, 1993). basically, the protection of policyholder or insurance insured already exists in the indonesian laws and regulations, such as in the civil code (kuhperdata) and commercial code (kuhd). the provisions in civil code related to the protection for the policyholder or insurance insured are referred to article 1321 to article 1329 of the (negara kesatuan republik indonesia, n.d.). in which the policyholder who feels that the insurance agreement contains error, coercion, and deception from the insurer, then he/she can submit the request for the cancellation of the insurance agreement to the court (man suparman, 2013, p. 10). furthermore, the protection toward the policyholder or insured is also reflected in the provisions of article 1267 of the civil code. if the insurer is obliged to provide compensation in accordance with the provisions agreed by each party, but the insurer evidently has the defaults, the insured can claim compensation and interests. furthermore, the protection toward the policyholder or insured is also reflected in commercial code. article 245 of the commercial code, which prohibits the parties in the insurance agreement, states to release things that are required by the provisions of law to be implemented or the things that have been strictly prohibited. however, the existence of a policy insurance corporation is also needed to protect the interests of policyholders, especially the individual or non-professional policyholders, if the insurance company goes bankrupt. the fund is expected to function as the ultimate safety net for the policyholder when bankrupt occurs, despite all possible surveillance measures. b. increasing the public trust in the insurance industries the insurance industry is established on public trust in insurance companies, in which this is vulnerable. a policyholder protection scheme can help maintain public trust in the insurance business and, therefore, help maintain health industry development. as mentioned before, insurance has a specific quality of trust. mutual trust between the parties who have a big role in holding the agreement. (man suparman, 2012, p.9): “verzekering heeft een bijzander vertrouwens karakter, het onderling vetrouwen tussen de partijen speelt een grote rol” c. the development of a competitive market jurnal hukum volkgeist putri nurul hidayati 5(2): 206-215 210 the establishment of a policyholder protection scheme or lpp can contribute to the development of a competitive market. the policyholder protection scheme can support the dynamics in the development of a competitive market (takahiro yasui, 2001). 2.2 the expansion of the function of deposit insurance corporation as the policy insurance the house of representatives of the republic of indonesia (dpr ri) states that currently, the government is preparing the design for the establishment of lpp through the policy insurance bill. the bill includes into national legislation program (prolegnas) 2020-2024. the background that underlies the drafting of the policy insurance bill is to carry out the provisions of insurances law and is based on the condition of financial problems faced by the insurance companies, such as jiwasraya and ajb bumiputera. the dpr ri also stated that currently, the government needs to carefully consider the appropriate institutional form for the policyholder protection scheme. as part of dic or independent institution. this is because the decision regarding the institutional form of policyholder protection scheme will also have implications for the requirements of substantial funding for human resources, operational, and the initial capital of the insurance. 1. regulations regarding deposit insurance corporation (dic). as previously mentioned that there is a discourse to expand the function of dic as lpp. here are the legal bases and regulations regarding dic in indonesia: a. act no. 9 of 2019 regarding the financial system crisis prevention and management (negara kesatuan republik indonesia, 2016), article 1, number 11 of act no. 9 of 2016 elaborates the definition of dic, in which dic is an institution as referred to in the law regarding dic. b. act no. 21 of 2011 regarding financial service authority (law of malaysia act, 2011) similar to act no. 9 of 2016, act no. 21 of 2011 in article 1 number 14 also elaborates the definition of dic, which is an institution as referred to in the law regarding dic. c. the determination of government regulation in lieu of law no. 3 of 2008 concerning the amendments to act no. 24 of 2004 (negara kesatuan republik indonesia, 2008) regarding the deposit insurance corporation into law (dic law) the law regarding dic as referred in act no. 9 (negara kesatuan republik indonesia, 2016) and act no. 21 (law of malaysia act, 2011) are the determination of government regulation in lieu of law no. 3 of 2008 concerning the amendments to act no. 24 of (negara kesatuan republik indonesia, 2008) regarding the deposit insurance corporation into law. article 2 paragraph (1) of dic law becomes the basis for the establishment of dic. article 2 paragraph (2) and (3) of dic law explains that dic is a legal entity and is the independent, transparent, and accountable institution in implementing the duties and authorities. there are two functions of dic as regulated in article 4 of dic law. the two functions are (1) to guarantee the deposit from the depositors and; (2) actively participate in maintaining the stability of the banking system in accordance with the authorities. article 5 paragraph (1) of dic law regulated that in implementing the functions related to the insurance of costumer deposit, dic has the duties to formulate and determine the policies for implementing deposit insurance. jurnal hukum volkgeist putri nurul hidayati 5(2): 206-215 211 meanwhile, in implementing the functions in maintaining the stability of the banking system, according to the provisions as referred to article 5 paragraph (1) dic law, dic has the duties to formulate and determine the policies to actively participate in maintaining the stability of banking system, formulating, determining, and implementing the resolution policies of failing bank that do not have a systemic impact; and implementing the handling of failing bank with systemic impact. 2. the function of deposit insurance corporation (dic) as the policy insurance the function of dic is a deposit insurer, and hence we need to discuss the definition of "deposit" itself and whether the policy includes in the "deposit" category. article 1, number 1 of the determination of government regulation in lieu of law no. 3 explains that the definition of the deposit is as regulated in the law concerning banking. article 1, number 5 of act no. 10 of regarding banking (banking law) mentioned the definition of deposit. it is a fund entrusted by the public to the bank based on the deposit agreement in the form of the current account, deposits, certificates of deposit, savings, or other equivalent forms (negara kesatuan republik indonesia, 2008). to answer whether the policy includes the definition of deposit, the definition of policy needs to be elaborated. basically, every agreement certainly needs a document. policy as a deed, in which its formality is regulated in law, has an important meaning for an insurance agreement. either at the initial stage of the agreement, as long as the agreement is valid, and during the implementation of the agreement (hartono, 1992). an insurance policy is an agreement made by the insurer, in which in this case is an insurance company and insured or policyholder. the definition of insurance policy in article 255 of the commercial code is mentioned that an insurance policy must be made in writing in a deed called policy. the policy is written evidence for the insurance agreement. the policy is also regulated in article 256 of the commercial code. ketut sendra defined policy as agreement evidence and contains various agreements along with the boundaries or exclusions and the agreed benefits (sendra, 2009). ali, (1993) defined an insurance policy as a document containing a contract between the insured party and its insurance company. the insurance policy states the rights and obligations of the parties who made the contract. briefly, an insurance policy is a document containing a contract between the insurance company and the insured party, in which the insurance policy states the rights and obligations of the parties who made the contract (sumarni & tayib, 2019). thus, it can be concluded that policy includes in the definition of "deposit" as referred to in banking law and the determination of government regulation in lieu of law no. 3 of 2008. due to the banking law mandates that policyholder protection scheme must be regulated by the law while the policy insurance is not the authority of dic, then if later dic is required to expand their authorities as to the policy insurance corporation, there must be a revision of dic law, which then becomes the legal protection for expanding its authority. 3. the merger of dic and lpp in malaysia and south korea a. malaysia deposit insurance corporation (pidm) the merger of lpp and dic also occurs in many other countries, such as malaysia and south korea. this merger is considered more efficient than establishing a new institution (rossiana, 2014). the institution that merges the function of dic as the policy insurance in malaysia is the malaysia deposit insurance corporation (hereinafter jurnal hukum volkgeist putri nurul hidayati 5(2): 206-215 212 referred to as pidm). pidm has the function to protect the deposit in the bank when there is a default in the bank and the benefit of takaful and insurance, the protection if there is a default in the insurance company (perbadanan insurans deposit malaysia, 2018). takaful is a participatory form of insurance based on risk sharing by customers on co‐operative principles instead of risk transfer to a third party, the company. the customers participate in the technical and investment surplus of insurance and reinsurance funds (oecd, 2010). the establishment of the takaful insurance industry in malaysia is due to the many needs of the muslim community for islamic alternatives to conventional insurance. it is also intended to complement the operation of the islamic banking system in malaysia. in 1984, the first takaful company was founded, syarikat takaful malaysia (norma, 2012). pidm is a malaysian government institution established in 2005 under the act regarding malaysia deposit insurance corporation (hereinafter referred to as pidm act). the legal basis for the establishment of pidm is the laws of malaysia act 642 malaysia deposit insurance corporation act 2005. pidm manages two financial consumer protection systems, deposit insurance system (dis), to protect the bank depositors, and tafakul & insurance benefits protection (tips) for the tafakul certificate and insurance policy owners. pdim also provides the incentive for good risk management in the financial system, promotes and contributes to the stability of the malaysian financial system (perbadanan insurans deposit malaysia, 2018). turn into the discussion regarding the policyholder protection scheme in malaysia through tips. tips is a system made by the malaysian government to protect the tafakul (in conjunction with shariah insurance in indonesia) certificate and insurance policy owners form the default of insurance company that is the member of pidm. tips began to be applied on december 31, 2010, and managed by pidm (perbadanan insurans deposit malaysia, 2018). the benefits of tips from pidm for the policyholder and insured are that pidm will protect against insurance loss if the insurance company has defaulted. the protection provided by the pdim applies automatically and does not require a registration process. moreover, the mechanism of pidm, especially tips, also provides benefit for the malaysia financial system, including: 1) can increase the public trust in malaysia financial system and protect the tafakul certificate and insurance policy owners against the loss of benefits; 2) pidm strengthens and completes the existing regulatory and supervisory framework by providing incentive for good risk management in the financial system; 3) pidm minimizes the cost for the financial system by finding the lowest cost solution to resolve non-eligible insurance members; 4) pidm contributes to the stability of the financial system by handling noneligible members of insurance companies immediately (perbadanan insurans deposit malaysia, 2018). in the initial pidm-related regulation, laws of malaysia act 642 malaysia deposit insurance corporation (law of malaysia act, 2005), there is an article discussing the scope of protection entitled "scope of coverage." in the article is elaborated that the deposit guaranteed by pidm include islamic deposits and jurnal hukum volkgeist putri nurul hidayati 5(2): 206-215 213 conventional deposits. the maximum return limit on deposit guaranteed by the pidm is 60,000 ringgit. in the act 2005, no article regulates the benefits for the insurance policyholders, either policy based on conventional insurance or shariah insurance. meanwhile, in the latest regulation, law of malaysia act 720 malaysia deposit insurance corporation act 2011 (law of malaysia act, 2011) in the part of scope or "scope of coverage" is divided into two major groups, the scope of coverage for deposits and scope of coverage for tafakul and insurance benefits protection. the scope of coverage for deposits is in accordance with the act 2005, the type of deposit protected includes the deposit in conventional bank and deposit in shariah bank. meanwhile, the scope of coverage for tafakul certificates and insurance policies provides protection for the insurance policyholder or insured, including: family takaful; general takaful; life insurance; and general insurance. b. korea deposit insurance corporation (kdic) kdic was established on june 1, 1996, after the enactment of the depositor protection act (dipa) on december 29, 1995. initially, kdi c was only the deposit insurance in the bank (similar to lps in indonesia), while there was a separate institution for the non-bank financial sector. the coverage was initially 20 million krw per depositor, but the financial instability due to the asian financial crisis in 1997 led the government to adopt the temporary coverage scheme. dpa was revised at the end of 1997, and hence the insurance fund that was initially separated was then merged into kdic in april 1998. currently, kdic guarantees not only the bank deposit but also the deposit by securities companies, insurance companies, commercial banks, mutual funds, savings banks, and credit unions. this creates a single, comprehensive, and integrated deposit insurance system designed to increase financial stability and ensure public trust in the financial system (kdic, n.d.). the transition was carried out to limited coverage of 50 million krw in 2001. the higher boundary was determined to ensure continued stability in financial markets. because the system is not insusceptible to moral hazard risk, kdic monitors the financial and non-financial risks from the insured financial institution carefully. although only operating for a relatively short time, this system has shown incredible growth and will continually give a positive contribution to financial stability through the implementation of various devices and policies designed to advance the deposit insurance system further (kdic, n.d.). based on the depositor protection act (dpa) no. 5042 of december 29, 1995, act as last revised with depositor protection act (dpa) no. 14242 may 29, 2016, stated that the aim of the enactment of depositor protection act (dpa) is to protect the customer deposit funds and maintain the financial stability when the financial institution has default due to bankruptcy and others. in the definition part of the depositor protection act (dpa) of 1995 is stated that the definition of "insured financial institution" is as follows: 1. banks banks protected by depositor protection act (dpa) include the korea development bank, the industrial bank of korea, the nh bank, suhyup bank, and foreign-owned branch or representative banks in south korea; 2. institutions engaged in the capital market ; it includes the securities trading intermediaries (broker), securities traders (dealer), and securities companies; 3. insurance companies. jurnal hukum volkgeist putri nurul hidayati 5(2): 206-215 214 depositor protection act (dpa) also explains the definition of "deposits" or insured deposits. deposits include money deposited in financial institutions and insurance premiums. kdic adopts the ex-ante funding system. international association of insurance supervisors (iais) explains two funding forms of the policyholder protection scheme in the countries as explained by iais, which is ex-ante funding and ex-post funding. iais defines ex-ante as "...with ex-ante funding arrangements, the insurance company pays the appraisal to collect and maintain the fund used if the insurance company has defaulted. with this method, the fund can be collected slowly” and define ex-post as "with the ex-post funding arrangements, the insurance company pays the appraisal after it has defaulted. with this method, the insurance company has access to funds until levies are required (iais, 2013) the funding of policyholder protection scheme in south korea through kdic is ex-antebased. besides, on an ex-ante basis, south korea requires non-life insurance companies to guarantee payment of the claim to the third parties connected with the compulsory insurance contract, such as auto insurance and pollution liability insurance, which is issued by the non-life insurance companies that have defaulted. the policyholder protection scheme of south korea through kdic can obtain the additional fund through the issuance of bonds and loans if needed to solve insurance company problems that have defaulted and obtain funds from several entities, including the government and bank of south korea (iais, 2013). the policyholder protection scheme in south korea can provide financial support in solving the life and non-life insurances. 3. conclusion policyholder protection scheme mandated by insurance law should have been established at least 3 (three) years since the enactment of insurance law, no later than october 17, 2017. currently, there is no legal protection for dic if dic wants to expand its functions as policy insurance. this is because the scope of duties and authorities of dic does not cover policy, and hence it is necessary to revise the dic law to expand the functions. the merger of lpp and dic is also found in other countries as malaysia deposit insurance corporation (pidm), with tafakul & insurance benefits protection, and south korea through korea deposit insurance corporation (kdic). references ali, h. 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(2019). polis asuransi jiwa sebagai jaminan untuk mendapatkan kredit pada perusahaan asuransi. unizar law review. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2293 vol. 6 no.2, june 2022 208 the nature of binci-binciki kuli (norma) of the government of the sultanate of buton rizki mustika suhartono1*, ernawati1 1faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah buton, indonesia *correspondence: rizkimustikaumb@gmail.com article history abstract received: 17.03.2022 accepted: 18.06.2022 published: 30.06.2022 this research was conducted to determine the nature of binci-binciki kuli (norms) in the government of the sultanate of buton, this study used normative research that used library data or primary legal materials and secondary legal materials as well as tertiary legal materials. the result of this study indicate that the essence of binci-binciki kuli (norms) of the government of the sultanate of buton contained in the binci-binciki kuli philosophy (pinch each other will feel pain) is formally listed in the seven dignity constitution. it is recommended to preserve the value of the government of the sultanate of buton which are contained in the binci-binciki kuli philosophy (pinch each other will feel pain), which contains the principles of equality, equality and justice. keywords: local wisdom; government; sultanate of buton article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction binci-binciki kuli local wisdom cannot be separated from the noble values of the nation. local wisdom is knowledge that is used by local people to survive from generation to generation. understanding and implementing local wisdom from an early age can be the basis of people's lives, especially to counteract the influence of foreign cultures that currently befall the younger generation. in this context, the values of local people's lives which are reflected in local culture can support the noble values of the nation (departemen pendidikan dan kebudayaan, 1989). the sultanate of buton is bound by a shared philosophy or view of life called binci-binciki kuli (pinching each other will feel pain), which means pinching the skin means that if each person pinches his own skin, it will definitely feel pain so that if it feels it hurts to pinch your own skin, you will definitely feel pain when you pinch someone else's skin. this philosophy is a view of living together between members of the community as a whole which contains the meaning of high human values and adheres to the legal basis of kinship which gives birth to a system of living together, sharing the same fate, feeling and struggle. local cultural values, namely pomaa masiaka means always living caring for each other and loving each other, popia-piara means always living to care for each other. pomae-maeka means always glorifying each other, poangka-angkataka means mutual respect, and pobinci-binciki kuli pinching each other's skin is an allusion to painful deeds (ruliah, wiridin, ruben gelong, salam, & malaha, 2022). this philosophy, is the basis of morality or the main behavior and must be maintained and implemented in the life of society and the state (idris & m. anshari, 2004). the philosophy of binci-binciki coolie is contained in the seven apostasy constitution, in the first article. the philosophy or way of life of binci-binciki coolies (pinch each other will feel pain) became the first basis of the buton kingdom and was maintained in the buton sultanate, which became the legal ideal for the formation of the apostate seven sultanate constitution of buton. the formation of the murtabat seven constitution was based on a building agreement from the buton sultanate officials at that time, by combining elements of tradition or customary law with religious elements of islamic law (sufism). in their understanding as a philosophy of living together, the porters' binci-binciki are divided into 4 (four) basic understandings, namely pomae-maeka (reluctant to respect/fear each other), popia-piara (care for each https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2293 mailto:rizkimustikaumb@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 208-218 209 other), pamaa-maasiaka (love each other) and poangka-angkataka (mutual respect). the philosophy or way of life of the porters, in which there is a substantial meaning which is divided into 4 (four) basic understandings, in customary language is called syara patanguna, namely (saidi, 2005): a. pomae-maeka, means always glorifying each other with the fear of violating the humanity between fellow members of the community. pomae-maeka is intended so that every state official and citizen must know his position, must know where his position is, which one is higher and which one is lower. pomae-maeka is also intended so that everyone always obeys and obeys each other or fears each other between members of the community in terms of violating the rights of others. b. pomaa-maasiaka means always living caring for and loving each other among members of the community. this has a noble meaning, that people must love each other and love reciprocally, love each other between the young and the old, and vice versa. c. popia-piara means always living to maintain peace, tranquility between fellow members of the community. this implies that community members are obliged to care for each other, foster each other, protect, secure material, moral or position in society so as to create mutual prosperity. d. poangka-angkataka means always living a useful life by elevating each other among members of the community. poanggka-angkataka is intended to respect each other among citizens in general according to customs and the values of decency, mutual respect for each other, namely between government syara and members of the community in general. in some versions, it is said that the philosophy of binci-binciki kuli (pinch each other will feel the same pain) is the first philosophy of the kingdom of buton. the philosophy of binci-binciki kuli (pinch each other will feel pain) has just become an abstract idea, where the four precepts adhere to the legal basis of kinship in the sense of being based on family life, togetherness, feeling and sharing. this is because the people of the buton kingdom at that time were still very simple, this philosophy was then called adatul azali. the content of the philosophy of the binci-binciki kuli (pinching each other will feel pain) teaches a more harmonious social life, peace, mutual respect, and tolerance. this philosophy turns out to have a fairly strong resistance in the butonese community. this philosophy of life was then translated into a philosophy of unity and integrity to strengthen the buton sultanate inwardly (said, 2009). after the kingdom turned into a sultanate, the philosophy of binci-binciki kuli (pinch each other will feel pain) was maintained and became the basic norm in the formation of the apostate seven constitution, which was placed in the first article of the apostate seven constitution. binci-binciki kuli (pinch each other will feel the pain) during the reign of the kingdom is the first philosophy, which is the basic norm of state administration. however, after the buton sultanate was formed, the binci-binciki kuli philosophy (pinch each other will feel pain) became the legal ideal in the formation of the constitution of the buton sultanate. the binci-binciki kuli philosophy (pinch each other will feel pain) is still maintained, because it is considered to be in accordance with the values of islamic teachings. this is because the philosophy of the porters (pinch each other will feel pain) has a very universal value so that it can be applied in the life of society, nation and state. based on the previous theoretical basis, the author concludes that the first philosophy of binci-binciki kuli (pinch each other will feel pain) during the kingdom was then maintained by the sultanate officials and became the ideal of law (rechtsidee) and the basic norm in the preparation of the apostate constitution of the seven sultanates of buton. the author calls it a legal ideal, departing from the understanding of the legal ideal itself which is a philosophical value to get to the desired legal norm (normative value), which is the basis all power and legality of positive law. 2. methodology this research is a normative legal research that uses secondary data obtained from library materials formed from several legal materials, such as: primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials (soekanto & mamudji, 2003).the primary legal material used is the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia and laws and regulations related to the issue of local wisdom of the past government of the sultanate of buton. legal research is basically problem solving. the problem solving method is carried out by researchers by identifying and qualifying facts and finding applicable legal norms, then drawing conclusions based on facts and legal norms (brotosusilo, 1994). p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 208-218 210 3. result and discussion the philosophy of binci-binci coolies (pinching each other will feel pain) as the basis for this general philosophy of humanity, has in its development experienced a strengthening of meaning which gave birth to the syara patanguna philosophy or the philosophical basis or ideology of the sultanate of buton. this is necessary, because the growth of society and the expansion of the territory of the sultanate of buton continues to grow, so that a stronger constitutional rule is needed and can accommodate every need of the community and its territory. therefore, the officials of the sultanate of buton agreed to form a state philosophy as a complement to the first philosophy of binci-binciki kuli (pinching each other will feel pain). the legal ideal of binci-binciki coolies (pinch each other will both feel pain) is what later gave birth to the ideals of the state or the philosophy of the state in the apostate constitution of the seven sultanates of buton. the description of the state ideals or state philosophy of the sultanate of buton consists of five basic needs or interests. the five basic order of needs or interests are as follows: a. arataa (wealth). araata is wealth which can also be connoted with the need for interest. wealth consists of two parts, namely state wealth (outward) and human wealth (reason). b. karo (human self). karo means humans or human beings in all their circumstances, both family, community and state. karo is a country's wealth that must be protected by the state and government. c. lipu (country). lipu means the state, which is the highest organization among one group or several groups that have goals or aspirations to unite or live together. d. syara (government and constitution). the position of syara in this case is the government and the constitution. government as syara must always prioritize deliberation to reach consensus. the government is given the authority by the constitution, so that in running the government it must be in accordance with the mandate of the constitution. e. religion (god almighty). religion is the main basis in building all aspects of life, be it arata (wealth), karo (humans), lipu (state), and syara (government and constitution). so that even though the four basic precepts can no longer be maintained and maintained, religion must still be maintained and preserved. because only on the basis of religion can the four principles or precepts be rebuilt. the basis of this fifth precept is still maintained by the butonese community to this day, this can be seen in the still strong syara kidina or religious syara in the grand mosque of the buton palace. even though the duties and functions are not as syara kidina, but are merely religious worship. however, the butonese community still respects the position of the palace mosque officials as one of the legacies of the buton sultanate that will survive and be preserved as the legacy of the buton sultanate.the five precepts or philosophical foundations are a unified series of needs and interests that will always be a guide for the state and citizens. every official / dignitary and all the people, must cooperate in maintaining and defending the philosophy of the country. these five precepts support each other and cannot be exchanged, so that in placing the needs or interests of the state and citizens, they must be based on their respective needs or portions. the relationship between one precept and the next should not overlap, but must be consistent and mutually reinforcing. as for the meaning of the linkage of the precepts in the philosophy of the sultanate of buton, it can be described as follows: 1) yinda yindamo arata somanamo karo, meaning that property is willing to be sacrificed for personal safety. 2) yinda yindamo karo somanamo lipu, meaning that oneself is willing to be sacrificed for the sake of the safety of the country. 3) yinda yindamo lipu somanamo syara, meaning that the country is willing to be sacrificed for the safety of the government. 4) yinda yindamo syara somanmo religion, meaning that the government is willing to be sacrificed for the safety of religion. in the philosophy of the sultanate of buton, religion is placed on the last precept because it is the basis of all other needs or interests, namely property (araata), human (karo), state (lipu), constitution (syara). in the sense that if religion can still be maintained, then to form other needs above it will be able to be done again, but if religion has been destroyed then humans and the state can no longer build the basis of their wealth, humanity, p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 208-218 211 state and government and constitution. this means that the main basic value in this philosophy is religion, so that these foundations can be rebuilt when religion is maintained and preserved. discussing cultural values in this paper is not intended to generalize an understanding or absolute justification for the interpretation of the values contained in binci-binciki kuli itself. however, it is more intended to revitalize, re-socialize the values of bincibinciki kuli so that they are understood, internalized, applied and implemented. as a view of life, guidelines and guidelines in the life of society, state, government and belief in god. book entitled "martabat tujuh" writes (muchir, 2004) that it is quite understandable that the rewriting will cause controversy even though the argument is the same, because of different interpretations due to historical, sociological, cultural, and cultural differences, resulting in different perceptions assessing the essence being discussed. it was further stated that "since it was inaugurated at the time of sultan dayanu ikhsanuddin, it was not inherited by the manuscript, but through refinement following the footsteps of his era in the transition of leadership. philosophy of "binciki-binciki kuli" is the basic law and the source of all sources of law for the butonese community which has developed into sarapatanguna (norms or rules) into two stages (turi, 2007). from the description above, the writer argues that the local wisdom of the government of the sultanate of buton comes from the binci-binciki kuli philosophy, namely pomae-maeka (mutual respect), popia-piara (mutual care), poangka-angkataka (mutual respect), pomaa-maasiaka. (loving each other), while what is stated as sarapatanguna (norms or rules) the second stage is yinda yindamo arata somanamo karo: let your property be destroyed as long as you are safe (wealth is willing to be sacrificed for self-safety), yinda yindamo karo somanamo lipu: let yourself be destroyed as long as safe areas (self willing to be sacrificed for the safety of the country), yinda yindamo lipu somanamo sara: let the region be destroyed as long as the government (the country is willing to be sacrificed for the sake of the safety of the government), yinda yindamo sara somanamo religion: let the government be destroyed as long as religion (government is willing to be sacrificed for the safety of religion). leadership with the philosophy of pobinci-binciki coolies has basically been included in the book of dignity seven as the basis for the rules of the past buton sultanate. the philosophy of bhinci-bhinciki kuli (pinch each other's skin) has been developed by local scientists (thinkers) in buton in his day. this philosophy existed before the formation of the royal government system in buton. even though the sultanate system of government at that time was no longer running formally in the local community, the values contained in it were still rooted and embedded in the hearts of the butonese people. the law of bhinci-bhinciki coolies is the subject of adat and is based on sara. the meaning of the porters' binci-binciki when associated with the implementation of government duties, is mutual fear, mutual embarrassment, mutual reluctance and mutual conviction. if this is applied in an organization/community group, even though in the institution there are superiors, there are subordinates and there are other personnel participants or there are various personnel, various ethnicities and religions, age levels and ranks, what is feared, respected, and even realized is almighty god above all. binci-binciki coolies come from sarapatanguna (norms or rules), which consist of: a) pomae-maeaka (mutual respect), b) popia-piara (mutual care or mutual service), c) pomaa-maasiaka (love each other), and d) poangka-angkataaka (mutual respect, and the main priority). the implementation of government leadership based on the philosophy of bhinci bhinciki coolies, essentially follows the sarapatanguna (norms or rules), as follows: a. the government must be pomae-maeaka, that is, have a fear or shame if it violates the rules. the values of pomae-maeaka in relation to the government in supporting the implementation of government are intended to be mutual fear of fellow organizational personnel and other interested parties, moreover leaders should not underestimate other people. even though he was a subordinate, he was still seen as the same because of his human. the government that carries pomae-maeaka is nothing but based on solid morality. a government leader really has an image of himself as a person who has noble character who is worthy of being imitated in all respects, including having fear and shame when he violates the rules. morality is an important key in governance that is developed in the butonese community. based on historical evidence, morality is the pivot point for the development of a common life that is able to create prosperity. government based on morality is an absolute necessity. on the other hand, government leaders who do not consider morality will only lead the country to destruction. on the other hand, the sanctity of taste and morality in the pomae-maeka (mutual fear) philosophy is a sanctity based on a belief to be afraid of doing violations and all the prohibitions of allah and p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 208-218 212 his messenger. in this context, including butonese people are afraid to commit shirk, arrogant, malevolent, arrogant, ujub, riya, vile and evil, stingy, hypocrisy, and tyranny.the government that consistently shows exemplary in influencing others means providing impetus to motivate itself in building integrity, which indirectly encourages others to understand deeply the principles in developing integrity which we call the first principle is to develop trust and confidence in changing sensory awareness to a higher level; the second principle is to give mutual respect and respect for others; the third principle is to have the ability to mature spiritually, socially, emotionally and intellectually. b. the government must implement popia-piara (mutual care, love or serve each other). caring for each other, loving fellow human beings and especially loving god almighty. mutual care is intended that fellow elements of leadership, elements of employees and administrative staff as well as other organizations and the community in carrying out activities always maintain the element of togetherness/unity and unity, maintain the good name of the organization, the good name of fellow leaders, and the good name of fellow employees and other staff. they do not bring each other down, trust each other, and understand each other between them. in connection with the description above, in maintaining the elements of togetherness/unity and unity, the government in carrying out its duties, the leader always maintains his attitude and words so as not to cause offense to his subordinates and groups even though one of the subordinates has done something indecent, but nevertheless the leader must always show sympathy for other members and staff. c. the government must implement pomaa-masiaka, namely loving and caring for each other. the values of pomaa-masiaka (mutual love) affect the implementation of government. this can be found in the interactions of organizational personnel, for example between group members and other members, between subordinates and superiors, children's affection for parents can be proven by subordinates' obedience to superiors and always praying for them. a government that has a loving and compassionate nature is the elaboration of ra`ufun womb. compassion needs to be owned by everyone, in this case, a leader. d. the government must implement poangka-angkataaka (mutual respect and mutual priority). prioritizing respect for fellow human beings especially god almighty above all things with sincere intentions, beliefs and behavior. poangka-angkataaka is meant to respect and respect one another among organizational personnel and other interested parties. the form of this respect and respect can be seen in the behavior of every personnel, namely when every personnel, administrative staff and members of the organization in general are not present in carrying out their duties, whether due to illness or unable to attend due to other important matters, they always convey information or news first. first, either orally or in writing to the leadership. in the context of organizational leadership, the strategy of appreciating employees must also be considered by a government leader, given that in order to motivate employees sometimes a leader must give awards to employees, people will be happy if they are appreciated. the four pillars above can give birth to leadership values that can be applied in government. leaders in local government can have a personality in themselves by being honest and clean, open and transparent, orderly and disciplined, according to words and deeds, willing to sacrifice themselves for the public interest, upholding rules and truth, acting for the benefit of fellow human beings, putting religion above priority. everything. in this regard, it can easily be concluded that the value of sharing (norms or rules) has all of those values in which there is a harmonious integration between these values. the first part of the sarapatanguna focuses more on the values of life, human values, and social values, which are based on the principle of equal rights and degrees for every human being with the basic value being po-binci-binciki coolies, while in the second part of the sarapatanguna (norms or rules) placing values according to stratified levels with the basic value being spiritual value, namely belief in god almighty (religion), the basic value that underlies and animates the overall values contained in the sarapatanguna (norms or rules) which are the integration that harmonious, interconnected, interrelated, and mutually supportive. although the status of the sultanate of buton has ended along with the shift in the status of the sultanate government system to the system of government of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia. however, the cultural values of the baubau city government, need to continue to develop the noble values of community culture in the administration of government so that the aspirations of the people of baubau city can be achieved and succeed well. the noble values of the philosophy "binci-binciki coolies (pinch each other will both feel pain)", must always be lived and practiced in the implementation of daily activities so that in the administration of p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 208-218 213 government they become "spirit" in working and taking initiative in order to achieve the vision and mission that has been set and remains a guide and guide for the life of society, state, government, and belief in god. the binci-bincikuli philosophy (pinch each other will feel pain) is formally stated in the constitution of the seven dignity of article 1 and article 1a, namely: a. the traditional principle based on feelings of humanity in the customary language is called binci binciki kuli (pinch each other will feel pain), which means pinching one's own skin if it hurts, it will hurt other people too. this basis then gave birth to the legal ideal of binci-binciki coolie (pinching each other will feel the same pain). to guarantee this philosophical basis, the relationship between society, nation and state is manifested into four basic understandings, namely: pomae-maeka means mutual fear of violating humanity among members of the community, pomaa-maasiaka means mutual love between fellow community members, popia-piara means mutual care among members of the community. and poangka-angkataka means to elevate each other among members of society, especially those who have served the country. b. to realize the four feelings of humanity in the binci-binciki kuli (pinch each other will feel the same pain), it is necessary to have a sequence of needs or interests in building relations between the people/citizens and the state which can be seen in the philosophy of the state of the sultanate of buton. the philosophy of the sultanate of buton consists of five precepts, namely, arata, karo, lipu, syara and religion. in understanding the five precepts of philosophy, traditional leaders or sultanate officials assemble the five precepts in a single unit which is the order of the needs or interests of the state and citizens. this philosophy is the embodiment of shared ideals in building a sense of sacrifice and dedication of citizens to the country. the description of the philosophical understanding is yinda yindamo arata somanamo karo: let property destroy as long as one is safe (we are willing to be sacrificed for the sake of self-safety), yinda yindamo karo somanamo lipu: let oneself be destroyed as long as the area is safe (self is willing to be sacrificed for the safety of the country), yinda yindamo lipu somanamo sara: let the region be destroyed as long as the government (the country is willing to be sacrificed for the safety of the government), yinda yindamo sara somanamo religion: let the government be destroyed as long as religion (the government is willing to be sacrificed for the sake of religious salvation). the implementation of the binci-binciki kuli philosophical values (pinch each other will feel pain) in baubau city, will create a stable, peaceful, conducive atmosphere so that on the one hand the community will be calm and safe in their activities and on the other hand the government will be more focused in carrying out their activities. government. however, the phenomenon that occurred in baubau city, southeast sulawesi province, there are still some corrupt practices, and legal cases involving a number of officials in baubau city and even leaders at the southeast sulawesi province level. this phenomenon should not have happened, considering that baubau city is known as a cultural city that inherits the values of the binci-binciki kuli philosophy (pinch each other will feel pain), which is used by the community as a guide to act and behave in society. this phenomenon shows that there is a problem that should not have happened, this fact proves that there is a gap between das sollen and das sain (between what should be and what is actually), if one looks closely, what causes this condition to occur is the erosion of morals, and the fading of philosophical values. binci-binciki coolie (pinch each other will feel the pain together), because it is not socialized and implemented either in the family or community, as well as in government. 4. conclusion the sultanate of buton which is contained in the binci-binciki kuli philosophy (pinch each other will feel pain) is formally stated in the seventh dignity constitution which acts as the basis for the highest rules in the sultanate of buton which contain principles and justice. reference brotosusilo, a. 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(2007). esensi kepemimpinan “bhinciki-bhinciki kuli” suatu tinjauan budaya kepemimpinan lokal nusantara. kendari: khazanah nusantara. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 2, 2021 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 216 replacement candidates of elected legislators in organizing elections based on democratic principles muhammad iqbal maulana haedar1 abstract author’s information: the research method used is normative juridical with a form of data collection by observation and documentation. this rese a rc h aims to be able to know and analyze how the application of democratic principles and legal implications in the implementation of replacement of elected leg islative candidates. the results of the study showed that there are differences in interpretation of the authority in terms of replacement of prospective legislative members elected. political parties consider themselves to have absolute authority, while b ased on its rules the kpu should have that authority. regarding the legal implications of the candidates of elected legislators who are dismissed by his party of course make the elected candidates in question are not appointed as members of the legislature and also give rise to biased legal certainty. whereas in the legal process has been found the results of a final and binding ruling from the makassar state administrative court. keywords: prospective members of the legislature, elections, democracy 1 fa culty of la w, ha sa nuddin university, indonesia ema il: (muhiqba lmh@gma il.com ) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.1 108 1. introduction as one form of the realization of people's sovereignty in accordance with the principles of democracy is by the existence of an election system. pemilu sendiri is one of the processes to fight for political interests in the form of a selection process against the birth of representatives of the people and leaders in the framework of the realization of democracy, because elections are a series of political activities to accommodate the interests of the people, which are then formulated in various forms of policy. elections are a means of democracy to form a system of state power that has the sovereignty of the people and representative deliberations outlined by the constitution of the republic of indonesia 1945. through amendments to the constitution of the republic of indonesia 1945 with the addition of article 6a and article 22e, the electoral system previously elected by the house of representatives has now been changed to direct elections, both for legislative elections and for presidential and vice presidential elections. thus, it is clear that the state of indonesia adheres to the principles of democracy. mailto:muhiqbalmh@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.1081 jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad haedar. 5(2): 216-227 217 political participation is a form of the realization of a demoralized state. countries without political participation from society tend to be authorit arian and centralistic. political experience during the new order shows the arbitrariness of the takers political decisions in every policy formulation and program planning (anantya prawira & diamantina, 2019) the meaning of democracy itself as the basis of public and state life contains the understanding that it is the people who provide provisions in matters concerning their lives, including in assessing the policies of the state, because the policies of the state will determine the lives of the people. thus the state that adheres to the democratic system is a state organized based on the will and will of the people. from an organizational point of view, democracy means the organization of the state carried out by the people themselves or by the consent of the people because of sovereignty in the hands of the people (syafie, 2002). related to the electoral process, our country indonesia has just conducted a large people's party that is elections in 2019. the people at that time were considered to have made a great contribution to the state by following the presidential and legislative election process. generally, when entering the election period (elections) the eyes of the public are only focused on the presidential election that is considered important, but what we must underline is that in addition to the presidential election process we as indonesians simultaneously participate in legislative elections. as a society we should not believe that presidential elections are more important than legislative elections. legislative elections are one of the important activities that must be followed by the people because it concerns the appointment of the house of representatives in the future. thus, the people of indonesia are expected to contribute by voting in accordance with conscience and choosing competent candidates. but it should be noted that aside from the involvement of the people there are also political parties that have a large role. in practice it all goes back to the political parties again. because a political party in its right has the authority to dismiss its legislative candidates who have the most votes. it is not impossible that there is a goal that political parties want to achieve by appointing the candidates they want to sit in the dpr or dprd seats. one example of the case is as summarized from the data of perludem (association for elections and democracy) which is an orgnanisasi association that discusses elections and democracy that mentions that in the elections caleg in 2019 there are several cases in the 2019 legislative elections that allegedly violate the provisions of the constitution. this is what perludem describes because of the existence of political parties that make replacements for elected candidates without any clear reason (perludem, 2019). seeing the condition that it is clear that the actions taken by this political party are not in line with the constitution of the republic of indonesia 1945 where mentioned in article 28d paragraph 3: "every citizen deserves equal opportunities in government." and also related to article 19 of the constitution of the republic of indonesia 1945 which says the house of representatives is elected through elections which means the determination of elected candidates is not determined by court decisions or political party decisions. with the attitude of dismissal that is willingly carried out by political parties, it is not unlikely that in the future there will be many similar cases where the suffrage of the people and the purity of the people's voice are not even respected. by jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad haedar. 5(2): 216-227 218 looking at the actions of political parties that are free to fire their cadres for no apparent reason and no clarification to defend themselves, it is certain to harm the right and justice and democracy for legislative candidates elected through the implementation of the election. in fact, the occurrence of replacement because the result of the chosen candidate has died or the chosen candidate is entangled in the case so that the candidate is subject to sanctions confinement,the author feels that it is very relevant if there is a replacement, but in the case ofcadres who carried out unilateral dismissal by the parliament has actually harmed the principle of democracy and harmed the constitutional right for candidates who are purely elected by the popular vote. the arbitrary act of dismissing the elected officials is an act that is considered to hurt the sense of justice and betray the votes of the people. therefore it should be in terms of elections and the determination of elected candidates must be based on the most votes from the people. the point is to restore sovereignty remains in the people and maintain the purity of the vote of the electorate in this case the people so that the chosen candidates still keep the democratic mandate of the people. 2. methodology the type of research used in this study, namely empirical normative research. empirical normative legal research is legal research on the application of normative legal provisions (codification, statutes or contracts) in action on any particular legal event that occurs in the community (abdulkadir, 2004). thus, this study examines various related legal rules such as the 1945 nri constitution, law no. 7 of (nkri, 2017) on elections, law no. 2 of (nkri, 2008) concerning political parties and law no. 2 of 2011 concerning amendments to law no. 2 of 2008 concerning political parties and literature containing theoretical concepts which are then conducted as well as direct research into the field to see directly the application of legislation or rule of law related to this research, as well as conduct interviews of respondents who are considered to be able to provide information related to this research and then related to the problem objects in this study. 3. result and discussion 3.1 mechanism for replacing candidates for elected legislative members in elections a. terms of replacement of selected candidates regarding the replacement of an elected candidate, of course, there is not necessarily a replacement. the existence ofd inamika politics that continues to develop in political institutions in indonesia is a very reasonable process that has always emerged in the reform era. similarly, the occurrence of a replacement that will cause legal consequences of course there is a mechanism that will regulate it in order to realize a legal certainty in its implementation. associated with the replacement of the chosen candidate is actually the mechanism of replacement is already regulated in the legislation. the replacement of elected candidates from both the dpr and dprd will go through a long systematic process, especially there are also some conditions that must be met. regarding the jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad haedar. 5(2): 216-227 219 requirements of the replacement of candidates for elected legislature refers to article 426 of law no. 7 of (nkri, 2017) on elections states that: the replacement of elected candidates of members of the dpr, dpd, provincial dprd, and dprd district / city is carried out if the elected candidates are concerned: 1) deceased; 2) resign; 3) no longer eligible to be a member of the dpr, dpd provincial dprd, or dprd district / city; or 4) proven to commit electoral crimes in the form of political money or falsification of documents based on court rulings that have obtained a permanent legal force. by looking at these conditions, there are four conditions that allow the replacement of elected candidates, be it members of the house of representatives, provincial parliaments, and district / city parliaments. first, if caleg dies. second, if elected officials resign. then, if the caleg is not eligible, and or if the caleg is proven to have committed a criminal offence so that the caleg is dismissed by the party. furthermore, the description of the implementation of the replacement of the next elected candidate is contained in kpu regulation no. 5 of (kpu, 2019b) concerning the determination of selected candidates, determination of seat acquisition, and determination of candidates elected in the general election. in this regulation of pkpu terms on the replacement of selected candidates contained in article 32 paragraph 1. in line with the requirements of law no. 7 of (nkri, 2017) on elections, but there is an additional requirement in it that says the replacement of elected candidates can be done if proven to be a violation of the election campaign based on a court ruling and the force of law remains. regarding the flow of replacement itself, the author gets information from the results of the interview to asram jaya who is the commissioner of kpu of south sulawesi province that if there is a case of replacement of elected candidate. if you have clarified then the next stage goes to the plenary meeting. from the plenary meeting so that later the kpu will issue a decision on whether the request from political parties who want to make a replacement for the chosen candidate can be granted or not accepted. b. replacement authority of elected candidates juridically the sense of authority isthe ability given by the legislation to cause legal consequences seeing the focus of the theory of authority is of course related to the source of government authority in conducting legal acts, either in relation to public law or in relation to private law(hasrul & pradana, 2017). juridically the sense of authority is the ability given by the laws and regulations to cause legal consequences. so authority is the scope of public legal action as for the scope of government authority not only includes the authority to make government decisions (bestuur) (indroharto, 1994), but includes authority in the framework of the implementation of tasks, and gives authority and distribution of authority mainly stipulated in the legislation. in relation to the authority of the replacement of elected candidates, in practice because it is a new phenomenon in the laws of our state, there is a slight inequality in the law when talking about authority in the case of the replacement of elected candidates. slightly different from the practice of inter-time change or commonly known as paw where political parties have full authority over the right to recall to their party cadres, the mechanism of replacing elected candidates is practically causing jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad haedar. 5(2): 216-227 220 a scramble for authority in terms of replacement. explicitly it has been mentioned in the legislation on its authority but in the terms of the replacement mechanism there are still some articles that produce loopholes so that indirectly the intent and content of the regulation results in disharbility of the regulation (farida, 2013). the author refers to a case in 2019 as summarized from one of the media that stated the existence of a former elected legislator candidate from one of the political parties who was fired by his party one day before the inauguration of members of the dprd. based on the reason the political party that fired him that the party only followed the results of the decision of the south jakarta district court (farisa, 2019). the decision of the south jakarta district court granted that some cadres who failed to be elected from the gerindra party in each of its constituencies were entitled to be appointed as elected legislators. a little surprising because of the request from the plaintiff that is, the failed legislative candidate considering that the party still has absolute authority to determine who is entitled to be a member of the legislature. this is evident when we see the decision of the south jakarta district court no. 520/pdt.sus.parpol/2019/pnjkt. sel main part of the case says that the absolute right of the gerindra party is to determine which legislative candidates deserve to be elected legislatures, this is because the most votes come from the party only. because of this view, the political party assumes that based on the decision of the south jakarta district court indirectly the political party has absolute authority to determine who its cadres are entitled to be legislative. feeling that it has absolute authority, then political parties take administrative action by imposing a dismissal on its cadres. actually for the regulation of the authority that carries out the replacement of elected candidates is already contained in the legislation. law no. 7 of 2017 on elections has clearly stipulated that to whom the authority to replace these elected candidates is given. mentioned in article 426 paragraphs (3) and (5) of law number 7 of 2017 concerning elections states that (nkri, 2017): verse (3) "candidates elected members of the dpr, provincial dprd, and dprd district / city as referred to in paragraph (1) replaced by kpu, kpu province, and kpu kabupaten / kota with candidates from the list of candidates remain political parties participants of the same election in the constituency based on the acquisition of the next most candidates." verse (5) "kpu, kpu provinsi, or kpu kabupaten kota stipulates candidates for m e mbe rs of the dpr, dpd, provincial dprd, and dprd districts/cities as candidates for elected successors as referred to in paragraph (3) by decree of the kpu, kpu province, or kpu kabupaten/kota no later than 14 (fourteen) days after the candidate is elected as referred to in paragraph (1)." based on the description of article 426 paragraph (3) and (5) of law number 7 of (nkri, 2017) on elections we can know that the elected candidates be it members of the dpr, provincial dprd, and dprd kabupaten /kota can be replaced by kpu, both in the center and the region with the condition that the replacement elected candidates come from the list of permanent candidates of electoral political parties that have the same electoral districts as the elected candidates who will be replaced and elected based on the next most votes. in the event of a replacement candidate elected no later than 14 (fourteen) days after it is known that the chosen candidate is not able to. jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad haedar. 5(2): 216-227 221 based on the previous description, so then from the explanation of article 426 paragraphs (3) and (5) should be clear to whom the authority to replace the chosen candidate is given. slightly different from the implementation where in the case of the 2019 elections yesterday indirectly political parties have a very dominant role towards the replacement of this elected candidate. as mentioned by the author of the previous paragraph that there is a discrepancy between several articles in the rules. it is said that because article 426 paragraphs 3 and 5 stipulate that the authority to replace elected candidates is in the kpu but in the same article in paragraph 1 letter c where the requirement states that the replacement of elected candidates will be done if it no longer meets the requirements to become a member of the dpr, dprd and dpd. further description of what are the indicators of the intention of not meeting the requirements to become a member of the dpr, dprd, and dpd is stipulated in article 32 paragraph (2) of kpu regulation number 5 (kpu, 2019b) which states that : candidates who no longer qualify as referred to in paragraph (1) letter c, include: 1) candidates who are proven to still be governors, deputy governors, regents, deputy regents, mayors or deputy mayors, village heads or village devices, state civil servants, members of the indonesian national army, members of the state police of the republic of indonesia, directors, commissioners, supervisory boards and employees at state-owned enterprises, and/or regionally owned enterprises, or other entities whose budgets are sourced from state finances; 2) candidates who are convicted, except convicted who do not serve a sentence in prison; 3) the candidate is dismissed or resigned from the political party that submitted the candidate in question; and/or 4) candidates are still members of the dprd from political parties that are different from the political parties that submit candidates concerned. with the result of the explanation of "does not meet therequirements" in question, we can see in letter c of the article above that one of the elements behind the replacement of elected candidates because of the termination of membership of political parties.whereas if referring based on the previous source of authority that the authority derived from the government is derived from the legislation. authority derived from the next legislation can be obtained in three ways, namely, attribution, delegation, and mandate. h.d. van wijk or williem konijnenbelt provides the definition of the three ways of obtaining an authority, namely as follows (ridwan, 2006): a) attribution, is the authority of the government given directly by the law to the one who runs the government. b) delegation, is the handover of authority to the government derived from government organs to other government organs. c) mandate, is the granting of authority in which the organ of government allows its authority to be held or carried out by another organ in its name. with the authority clearly stated in article 426 paragraphs (3) and (5) of law number 7 of 2017 on elections, it is clear that the position of the kpu as an election organizer has authority based on legislation. this is reinforced from the definition of jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad haedar. 5(2): 216-227 222 h.d. van wijk quoted from ridwan hr. explain that the authority given directly by the law to those who run the government is referred to as attribution (ridwan, 2006). any use of authority must have a legal basis in positive law to prevent arbitrary acts from occur. the use of governmental authority is always within the limits set at least by positive laws. in relation to the concept of state law, the use of such authority is limited or always subject to written or unwritten laws (indroharto, 2002). this is reinforced by the opinion of philipus m. hadjon quoted from a journal that every government action is required to be based on legitimate authority. the authority is obtained through three sources, namely attribution, delegation, and mandate. attribution authority is usually outlined through the division of state power by the constitution, while the authority of delegates and mandates is the authority derived from the delegation (hadi & michael, 2017). all authority has been regulated in the legislation both against state institutions. the state institutions work in accordance with the functions and authorities given by the 1945 nri constitution and other laws and regulations in the system of separation of power and the principle of check and balances. sharing power but not intervening with each other's functions and authorities. especially for kpu which is an independent institution, it should still show its independence because its authority has been regulated by legislation (aspan, 2012). 3.2 legal implications for elected legislative candidates who were dismissed by parliament before inauguration a. decision on replacement of selected candidates taking the case to the legislative candidate of the south sulawesi provincial parliament, misriani ilyas, the background of the replacement of this elected candidate is due to the replacement of candidates carried out by the kpu of south sulawesi province by responding to recommendations from the kpu of the republic of indonesia. based on the sit-down of the main case of complaints resulting from the decision of the dkpp of the republic of indonesia which in this case misriani ilyas as the complainant found the fact that the complainant failed to be appointed as an elect ed legislative candidate from the gerindra party in terms of the election of the dprd of south sulawesi province as a result of the actions of teradu which is contested in this case is a party of the kpu. in addition to the replacement action taken by the kpu, the author has previously obtained facts derived from the decision of the dkpp of the republic of indonesia that the origin of this replacement is due on june 26, 2019 there is a lawsuit numbered 520 / pdt.sus.parpol / 2019 / pn / jkt.sel in the south jakarta district court filed by a number of gerindra party caleg who feel objections because they do not get a seat in the legislature. from the verdict so that the gerindra party on september 17, 2019, sent a letter on the postponement of the inauguration of prospective members of the south sulawesi provincial parliament, namely misriani ilyas. the dismissal of misriani ilyas from gerindra party membership is an administrative step taken by gerindra party as a form of implementation of the decision of the south jakarta district court numbered 520/pdt.sus.parpol/2019/pn/jkt.sel. because it has fulfilled the elements of article 426 of law number 7 of 2017 concerning elections that the requirement to become a provincial or regency/city parliament must be a cadre of political parties, the kpu of south sulawesi province as jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad haedar. 5(2): 216-227 223 the election organizer issued a decree regarding the replacement of elected candidates. this is justified and in accordance with the results of the author's interview with the kpu commissioner of south sulawesi province who is in the technical division, namely asram jaya. the presence of a decree issued by the kpu regarding the replacement of elected candidates certainly makes the elected legislative candidates canceled to advance to the legislative seats. this is because in the decree issued kpu contains about the cancellation of the decision on the determination of elected candidates. padahal this case is still in legal process (complainant is still filing legal action). so the complainant in this case misriani ilyas assessed the replacement of elected legislative candidates is not in accordance with the procedure as stipulated in the law. because he felt aggrieved by the issuance of the replacement decision by the kpu, the elected candidate, misriani ilyas made legal efforts in order to restore his right as an elected legislature. as a legislative candidate elected through elections, misriani ilyas was appointed as a legislator because the people had chosen him which means misriani ilyas has been entrusted by the people to represent the electoral register. the author himself considers the kpu is not careful of decision making and is considered not careful when issuing the decision of the kpu by not asking for clarification on the parties to be harmed. this is in accordance with the opinion of misriani ilyas who said that he did not get clarification from the kpu as the elected caleg who will be replaced. the principle of conscientiousness itself is needed where the principle of conscientiousness means that a decision and action must be based on complete information and documents in order to support the legality of the determination and implementation of the decision or action so that the decision and action in question are prepared carefully before the decision or action is determined and carried out. for example, the case of comparison of elected legislative candidates from depok is maintained by the kpu even though we know the candidate has been fired from his party. according to the statement of kpu depok that concerned in the legal process, the depok kpu respects it to ensure the legal certainty of elected candidates, the depok kpu does not make changes as long as there is no decision that has a fixed legal force (wardhana, 2019). from the reference of the problem that occurred in depok, the kpu of south sulawesi province should also respect the right of misriani ilyas as an elected candidate who at that time was also still making legal efforts to regain his rights. the replacement of the chosen candidate according to the author is actually valid, however, it should also pay attention to the relevant factors in the context of why the replacement is done. the decision to unilaterally replace without any clarification and violation of norms can certainly hurt democracy. not only democracy but, the voice of the people was also lied to by the case of the replacement of this elected candidate. we know that democracy in an election is very important because elections are the main pillar of a democracy. through the general election, the people's representatives elected their representatives, then the representatives of the people were given a mandate of people's sovereignty to take care of the country. through elections the people also show their sovereignty in choosing leaders. so the concept of replacing elected candidates that occur in 2019 can indeed hurt democracy. similar to the jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad haedar. 5(2): 216-227 224 statement from titi anggraini summarized from perludem who said that the arbitrary act of dismissing the elected officials is very hurtful to the sense of justice and very contrary to our constitution. sovereignty is in the hands of the people and the people certainly want who they want to sit in the seats of the dpr and dprd (kpu, 2019). b. legal certainty against elected candidates according to sudikno mertukusumo, legal certainty is a guarantee that the law must be carried out in a good way. legal certainty requires that there be legal regulatory efforts in the legislation made by the authorities and authorities, so that the rules have a juridical aspect that can guarantee the existence of certainty that the law serves as a regulation that must be obeyed (zainal, 2012). in the case of misriani ilyas, he objected to the decision of the south sulawesi kpu to cancel himself as a candidate for elected legislature, therefore in order to obtain rights and justice for himself, misriani ilyas made legal efforts to obtain legal certainty itself and restore the rights he should have obtained. because he felt that the process of replacing himself was not in accordance with the legal mechanisms, misriani ilyas (result interview with commissioner kpu technical division province south sulawesi in date november 6th, 2020) submitted a hearing to the dkpp to prove that the kpu as the organizer committed an ethical violation. the result is that some of the kpu ri members were proven to have violated the code of conduct, this is in accordance with the conclusion of the decision of the dkpp ri which said: “based on the assessment of the facts revealed in the trial as outlined above , a fte r examining the complainant's testimony, examining the answers and information o f the complainants, and examining all the evidence of the complainant and the complainant documents, the honorary board of election o rga n ize rs c o nc lude d thatthe honorary board of election organizers was authorizedto a d judic ate th e complainant's complaint. the complainant in this case misriani ilyas h a s a le ga l standing to file a complaint a quo. as for some of the compla ina nts w ho a re th e kpu of south sulawesi province, it is determined that there is no proven violatio n of ethics, but some of the kpu ri parties are determined to violate the gu id elin es of conduct of election organizers so that some members of the kpu ri a re f oun d guilty” for the complete information that became the complainant is misriani ilyas, while the first to sixth complainant is a member of the kpu of south sulawesi province and for the seventh to twelfth complainant are all members of the central kpu ri. furthermore, the conclusion of the decision of the dkpp ri decided that: 1. grant the complainant's complaint in part. 2. rehabilitate the good name of teradu i faisal amir as chairman concurrently kpu member of south sulawesi province, teradu ii fatmawati, teradu iii upihastati, teradu iv m asram jaya, teradu v syarifudin jurdi, teradu vi uslimineach as a member of kpu south sulawesi province since this verdict was read. 3. rehabilitate the good name of teradu x hasyim asy'ari as a member of the electoral commission of the republic of indonesia. 4. imposing harsh warning sanctions on teradu vii arif budiman as chairman concurrently member of the electoral commission of the republic of indonesia, teradu viii evi novida ginting manik, teradu ix ilham saputra, teradu xi jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad haedar. 5(2): 216-227 225 viryan, and teradu xii pramono ubaid tantowi, respectively as members of the electoral commission of the republic of indonesia since this verdict was read. 5. order the electoral commission of the republic of indonesia to carry out this decision as long as the teradu i, teradu ii, teradu iii, teradu iv, teradu v, and teradu vi no later than 7 (seven) days since the verdict was read. 6. ordered the election supervisory board of the republic of indonesia to supervise the implementation of this award. after seeing the results of the decision of the dkpp ri, it can be said that in the process of replacing misriani ilyas was not in accordance with the procedure, therefore some members of the kpu ri got a stern warning. further legal proceedings conducted by misriani ilyas are to file a lawsuit to the state administrative court. after filing a lawsuit to the makassar state administrative court, the decision numbered 137/g/2019/ptun.mks. which in the result of the ruling states that: a. grant the plaintiff's claim to the fullest extent; b. declared null and void the state administrative decision issued by the defendant in the form of the decision of the electoral commission of south sulawesi province number: 220/pl.01.9-kpt/73/prov/xii/2019, dated december 2, 2019, concerning amendments to the decision of the electoral commission of south sulawesi province number: 158/pl.01.9-kpt/73/prov/viii/2019, concerning the determination of elected candidates of members of the regional people's representative council of south sulawesi province in 2019, specifically on behalf of misriani ilyas, s.p., m.si. who was replaced by adam muhammad, s.t., m.si.; c. oblige the defendant to revoke the state administrative decision issued by the defendant in the form of the decision of the electoral commission of south sulawesi province number: 220/pl.01.9-kpt/73/prov/xii/2019, dated december 2, 2019, concerning amendments to the decision of the electoral commission of south sulawesi province number: 158/pl.01.9-kpt/73/prov/viii/2019, concerning the determination of elected candidates of members of the regional people's representative council of south sulawesi province in 2019, specifically on behalf of misriani ilyas, s.p., m.si. who was replaced by adam muhammad, s.t., m.si.; d. obliging the defendant to issue a decree to restore the status of plaintiff in his position as a candidate for the regional people's representative council of south sulawesi province elected to the electoral district of south sulawesi ii (makassar b). e. punish defendants and defendants ii intervention on a rented basis to pay litigation costs amounting to rp.387.000,(three hundred eighty seven thousand rupiah). by looking at the results of the verdict, the defendants, namely the kpu of south sulawesi province, are required to restore the right to elect as a member of the legislature for misriani ilyas (result interview with commissioner kpu technical division province south sulawesi in date november 6th, 2020). however, the fact on the application of the decision of the makassar state administrative court has not been realized because the legal process is still continuing to the cassation level and while waiting for the final result, this is in accordance with the results of interviews from the jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad haedar. 5(2): 216-227 226 author to asram jaya who is the commissioner of the kpu of south sulawesi province. from the explanation of the commissioner of kpu south sulawesi the author can take the fact that the kpu actually appreciates the ongoing legal process so that the kpu does not necessarily issue a state administrative decision, but rather waits for the results of a final and binding court ruling. but the question for the author is why in the initial process of replacing misriani ilyas which is known basically while taking legal paths there is no delay in replacing the process. this will give us the view that there are inconsistencies taken by the kpu of south sulawesi as the election organizer. kpu as the organizer of elections which is an independent institution must protect the electoral votes of the people in addition kpu can also act as a barrier for political parties so as not to apply arbitrarily to their cadres and prevent the occurrence of oligarchs. 4. conclusion the mechanism of replacement of elected legislative candidates has been regulated inthe regulation of law no. 7 of 2017 on elections. for the regulation kpu as the election organizer only need to run the stage by stage so that at the time of the replacement process itself there is no administrative or procedural error. furthermore, for the appointment of authority based on the legislation, there is still a discrepancy between several articles that will cause differences of opinion regarding the authority both from the side of political parties and the kpu. legal implications for the replacement of elected legislative candidates due to the issuance of decisions from the kpu as the election organizer about the replacement of elected candidates, the right that should be obtained by elected candidates, namely sitting in legislative seats must be null and void. for legal certainty for elected legislative candidates who are replaced, based on the results of the decision of the makassar state administrative court stated that the 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(2012). pengantar tata hukum indonesia. jakarta: rajawali pers. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2285 vol. 6 no. 2, june 2022 186 the role of the saber extortion task force (sweeping illegal charges task force) in the eradication of criminal acts of corruption jupri1, a.st kumala ilyas1, suardi rais1, rusmulyadi1, saharuddin1 1faculty of law, universitas ichsan gorontalo, indonesia *correspondence: jupri04hukum@gmail.com article history abstract received: 25.05.2022 accepted: 27.06.2022 published: 30.06.2022 indonesia is still classified as a country that is in a position of corruption based on the results of the release of transparency international indonesia. even in cases of criminal acts of corruption have reached remote areas. to suppress this rate, the central government to the regions then formed a task force for sweeping illegal charges (satgas saber extortion). has a role to take action against and prevent the occurrence of criminal acts of corruption in the community. this study aims to determine the role of saber pungli in eradicating corruption. the research method used is normative-empirical legal research. the results of the study show that saber pungli is not yet optimal in carrying out corruption eradication work in the regions. keywords: saber extortion, corruption, criminal acts. article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction corruption in indonesia is systemic and has a long history, even longer than the history of the united states of indonesia. in 1970, in his capacity as an adviser to the president, bung hatta pointed out that corruption in indonesia was managed. history reports that corruption has spread since the dutch colonial era. even the voc, a dutch state company tasked with exploiting indonesia, had to be closed in 1779 due to corruption. the voc was replaced by the dutch east indies colonial government as corruption continued to grow. after the independence period, the old order period, the new order, and the reform period after 1998, corruption still bears fruit (komisi pemberantasan korupsi, 2014). declaration of law number 31 of 1999 concerning the elimination of corruption crimes states that national development aims to make the indonesian people as a whole and that all indonesian people are just, prosperous, prosperous, and orderly in pancasila and the constitution of the republic of indonesia. based on 1945. to achieve a just indonesian society. rich and wealthy, it is necessary to continue to increase efforts to prevent and eradicate corruption. from the other side, regardless of the type of corruption , whether it is corruption in the form of abuse of power, corruption in the form of acts against the law, corruption of bribery, both the giver and the recipient, then in the end it will end in money issues. with the specific characteristics of the crime of corruption, which is always correlated with money and power, the disclosure effort also requires its own technique (kristiana, 2017). that is true, in general, the disclosure of corruption crimes is not much different from the disclosure of other crimes, however, in line with the specific characteristics of the corruption, it leads to a unique approach in its disclosure. the increase in corruption is confirmed by the results of the publication of the corruption perceptions index for the 2018 measurement year by transpency international indonesia . especially for indonesia's cpi, it is at 38 and 89th out of 180 countries. in 2019 indonesia's cpi score became 40 with 85 out of 180 countries. in 2020, the cpi score will be 37 in 102 out of 180 countries. last year 2021, score 38 ranked 98th out of 180 countries. this means that indonesia is still classified as a corruption emergency. corruption as an extraordinary, widespread and systemic crime (extraordinary crime) cannot occur partially and sectorally, but must be carried out in an integrated manner in an integrated criminal justice system https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2285 mailto:jupri04hukum@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 186-195 187 through good, harmonious, and synergistic cooperation. to avoid friction, disharmony between law enforcement officers when applying substantive or formal criminal law. the integrated criminal justice system contains systemic applications from its supporting sub-systems, namely the police, the prosecutor's office, the kpk, lawyers and prisons, which together form a unit (unit). trying to process/convert input (input) to output (output). the criminal justice system demands harmony, harmony and synergy between the subsystems, which are not only the administration of judicial , but also involve matters of authority between their respective institutions in implementing criminal law in an integrated criminal justice system. pragmatically, if there are various problems in the criminal justice system that become an inhibiting factor, it can affect the performance and objectives of law enforcement officers in enforcing a just law. in fact, even though the eradication of corruption has involved 3 (three) law enforcement agencies such as the indonesian national police, the indonesian attorney general's office and the corruption eradication commission. still, massive corruption crimes occur not only in the central government, but also in remote villages. by him, the government then issued presidential regulation no. 87 of 2016 concerning the illegal charges sweeping task force (satgas saber extortion). authority of the blackmail task force saber. first, build a system to prevent and eliminate illegal payments. second, collect data and information from ministries/agencies and other parties related to the use of information technology. third, coordinate, plan, and carry out illegal payment operations. fourth, do the hand grip operation. fifth, provide recommendations to heads of ministries/agencies and regional heads to impose sanctions on extortionists in accordance with legal requirements. sixth, provide recommendations to heads of ministries/agencies and heads of local governments for the establishment and implementation of the duties of the saber pungli unit in each public service agency. seventh, conduct an assessment of illegal tax restriction activities. as the research location, confirmed in 2017, the regent of bone bolango regency confirmed as many as 29 members of the extortion saber unit team. the team consisted of elements from the bone bolango regency government, the bone bolango police, the bone bolango district attorney and the ombudsman. regent hamin pou stated that so far in bone bolango district, his party had received several reports related to extortion practices. for example, we find the hospital parking lot. there is a fee or parking fee but the ticket is not given. likewise, in the market there is a levy where money is taken, but the ticket is not given. 2. methodology this research is a type of empirical legal research. the type of research that focuses on studies on statutory provisions (in abstracto) is related to its application in the field (in concreto). the location of this research is the bone bolango police station, gorontalo province, indonesia, data collection techniques are carried out by means of interviews and read scientific books, magazines, newspapers and other readings related to research (mustika & salam, 2021). the type of research is descriptive, which is to do a clear and systematic presentation. the types and sources of data used are primary data, namely data obtained from the first source, namely respondents and direct observations in the field. then secondary data, namely data obtained from scientific works, books and related reports. 3. result and discussion 3.1 the role of saber extortion in the eradication of criminal acts of corruption autonomy has indeed been proven to go a long way in accelerating the development process and equitable distribution of community participation, but in the development process suddenly funds flowed in, creating opportunities for irregularities, fraud and blatant looting by regional authorities (supeno, 2009). the rise of corruption in the regions with various modes of corruption. stated that the various modes of corruption in the regions include misuse of apbd funds, extortion, procurement of goods and others (imon rozuli & haboddin, 2016). they commit corruption without ever realizing that they are political leaders who hold mandates from their citizens. it is said so because they are public officials elected by the people directly through general elections, but once they are elected and sit as public officials, they also become corrupt actors. octopus corruption that occurs, both vertically and horizontally is really being celebrated in this country. the term collective corruption or the decentralization of corruption from the center to the regions is really ongoing. state institutions, whether legislative, executive, judicial, have been affected by the virus of corruption. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 186-195 188 eradication of illegal levies is basically aimed at eradicating the crime of illegal levies which is an act that is not allowed in the law. the government through presidential regulation number 87 of 2016 encourages the formation of a saber extortion team to districts/cities throughout indonesia (ranti, 2020). the authority of the saber extortion task force. first, build a system of prevention and eradication of illegal levies. second , collect data and information from ministries/agencies and other related parties using information technology. third, coordinate, plan and implement operations to eradicate illegal levies. fourth , carry out arrest operations. fifth, provide recommendations to the heads of ministries/agencies as well as regional heads to impose sanctions on extortionists in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. sixth , to provide recommendations for the establishment and implementation of the duties of the saber extortion unit in every agency providing public services to the heads of ministries/institutions and the heads of regional governments. seventh , carry out an evaluation of activities to eradicate illegal levies. as for the focus of research in this thesis related to the role of suber extortion in eradicating corruption in bone bolango regency, it is only focused on the role of prosecution ( repressive ) and prevention ( preventive ). in an effort to overcome crime, gp hoefnagel quoted can do it in the following ways (muladi & nawawi arif, 2010): a) application of criminal law (criminal law application ) b) prevention without punishment c) influencing the public's view of crime and punishment through mass media ( infuencing view of society on crime and punishment ) overcoming efforts can be broadly divided into two, namely through the penal route (criminal law) and through the non-penal route (not / outside of criminal law). in the distribution of gp hoefnagel above, the efforts mentioned in points (b) and (c) can be included in the non-penal effort group. roughly speaking, it can be distinguished, that the effort to overcome crime through the penal route focuses more on the repressive nature (suppression/eradication/annihilation) after the crime has occurred, while the non-penal route focuses more on the preventive nature. (prevention/deterrence/control) before the crime occurs. a. prosecution ( repressive ) talking about the prosecution of criminal acts of corruption specifically the task of saber pungli bone bolango is no different from the applicable laws and regulations. where those who have the authority to take action against corruption in indonesia consist of several law enforcement officers. based on the results of the study, we see that the establishment of saber pungli in bone bolango regency consists of elements of the police, the prosecutor's office, the regional government and the ombudsman. specifically in the field of prosecution , it is the duty and authority of the police. confirmed from the results of an interview with the commissioner of police heriyanto gobel, sh as the head of the saber pungli task force stated that the saber pungli in bone bolango regency is a combination of several elements as regulated in presidential regulation number 87 of 2016 concerning the extortion saber team. its formation was in 2017, where specifically for the task of taking action, it was completely handed over to the bone bolango police, in this case the bone bolango police corruption unit. the results of the prosecution carried out by saber pungli, bone bolango regency can be seen in table 1 below: table 1. report of the working group for enforcement of saber extortion bone bolango 2017-2021 no ott saber pungli activities suspected article mode 1 ott against hospital parking attendants. toto kabila on behalf of yusuf diani on thursday, february 2, 2017 at the toto hospital, bone bolango regency, on suspicion of illegal parking fees. article 11 of law number 20 of 2001 concerning eradication of criminal acts of corruption carrying out parking fees outside the provisions/perda 2 ott against farid bihaki, a article 368 paragraph 1 of the filling fuel using p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 186-195 189 freelance employee of premium diesel oil agency, on monday, april 3, 2017 in tihu village, kec. bone, bone bolango regency , related to extortion for fuel distribution criminal code concerning extortion gallons, each gallon is charged rp. 5,000. 3 ott against the tihu village head on wednesday 12 april 2017 at the tihu village office, sub-district. bone, bone bolango regency, related to illegal levies in the processing of free land certificates (prona). article 12 letter 2 of law number 20 of 2001 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption carry out a levy on prona applicants in the amount of rp. 150,000 and rp. 135,000 where the prona budget has been covered in apbn funds 4 ott against people who make illegal levies on visitors at the kurinay beach location (in 2018). article 11 of law number 20 of 2001 concerning eradication of criminal acts of corruption carrying out parking fees outside the provisions/perda 5 ott against unscrupulous parking attendants at the pasar kamis tapa location, talumopatu village, kec. tapa bone bolango regency (2019). article 11 of law number 20 of 2001 concerning eradication of criminal acts of corruption carry out parking fees outside the provisions/perda. 6 ott a parking attendant at center poin, bone bolango regency (2021) article 11 of law number 20 of 2001 concerning eradication of criminal acts of corruption carrying out parking fees outside the provisions/perda 7 ott unscrupulous village head in bone sub-district (2021) article 11 of law number 20 of 2001 concerning eradication of criminal acts of corruption cut off 10,000 each recipient of social assistance. data source: bone bolango saber extortion team enforcement report, processed 2022 based on table 1 above, it can be seen that the saber pungli bone bolango team in 2017 was very intense in carrying out legal action, as evidenced by 3 times carrying out illegal levies catching operations. in 2018 and 2019 there was a decline in carrying out enforcement operations. in 2021, there will be an increase, namely 2 ott cases. based on an interview with mr. la ode arwansyah, sik as the chair of the saber pungli enforcement working group on bone bolango stated that the prosecution carried out by the bone bolango saber extortion team had not been maximally carried out. it can be seen from the plan of activities from 2017 to 2021 that each of the operations for hand catching operations is carried out 3 times. the fact is that only 2017 achieved the target, while for 2018 and 2019 only 1 time and later in 2021 it will increase to 2 times. repressive measures are not yet optimal as one of the efforts to overcome corruption (extortion) in bone bolango regency. penal efforts or by using criminal law instruments to suppress the occurrence of criminal acts are needed. this is in line with the opinion of roeslan saleh who stated 3 (three) reasons regarding the need for criminal and criminal law in the context of tackling crime (muladi & nawawi arif, 2010). first , whether or not criminal law is necessary does not lie in the question of the goals to be achieved, but lies in the question of how far to achieve that goal it is permissible to use coercion. the problem lies not in the results to be achieved, but in the consideration between the value of the results and the value of the limits of each individual's personal freedom. second , there are efforts to repair or maintain that have no meaning at all for the convicted person, and besides that there must be a reaction to the violation of norms that he has committed and cannot be left alone. third , the influence of criminal law or criminal law is not solely aimed at the criminal, but also to influence people who are not evil, namely citizens who obey the norms of society. b. prevention ( preventive ) rational efforts to control or overcome crime are of course not only by using penal means (criminal law), but can also use non-penal means. this non-penal effort is for example sponsorship and social education in the context of social development in order to develop the social responsibility of citizens. improving people's mental p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 186-195 190 health through moral education, religion and so on. improvement of child and youth welfare efforts. patrol and other monitoring activities are carried out continuously by the police and other security forces and so on(ranti, 2020). preventive efforts or crime prevention in their development are developing towards proactive actions which turn out to be cheaper and promising results better at fighting crime. the responsibility for crime prevention is extended to include institutions and individuals outside the criminal justice system. crime is considered a social problem. associated with the contents of presidential regulation number 87 of 2016 concerning the clean sweeping team for illegal fees (saber pungli) it states that in carrying out the task of eradicating illegal levies effectively and efficiently by optimizing the use of personnel, infrastructure, both those located in ministries/agencies and regional governments. so the saber extortion task force as referred to in article 3 can carry out a prevention function. the implementation of the preventive function carried out by the bone bolango saber pungli team can be seen in table 2. table 2. prevention activities (preventive) team saber pungli bone bolango no time the place description of activities 1. december 18, 2019 oluhuta village, kec. kabila kab. bone bolango provide socialization about the understanding of illegal levies to the people of oluhuta village, kabila district, bone bolango regency 2 december 20, 2019 pilolaheya village, bulango ulu district, bone bolango regency aipda mulyadi nurdin, provided socialization about the understanding of illegal levies to the people of pilolaheya village, bulango ulu district, bone bolango regency. 3. december 23, 2019 moutong village, tilongkabila district, bone bolango regency aipda triyono provides socialization about the understanding of illegal levies to the people of moutong village, tilongkabila district, bone bolango regency 4. december 23, 2019 lonuo village, tilongkabila district, bone bolango regency brigadier fahrudin sadu provided socialization about the understanding of illegal levies to the people of lonuo village, tilongkabila district, bone bolango regency. 5. march 17, 2020 sma negeri 1 tapa, tapa district, bone bolango regency tapa police chief iptu moh. djufri and kanit binmas polsek tapa provide socialization about the understanding of illegal levies / refuse extortion to students ( i) and teachers in sma negeri 1 tapa. 6 december 9, 2021 bone bolango center points area together with the community to commemorate the world anti-corruption day and coupled with anti-corruption socialization. data source: bone bolango saber extortion team report based on table 2 above, the preventive measures carried out by the saber extortion team are still not optimal. seen from 2017 to 2018 it never performed a preventive function. later in 2019, the bone bolango saber extortion team will conduct 4 (four) socialization activities regarding the understanding of illegal levies/reject extortion, both in the community and at sma negeri 1 tapa. after 2020 and 2021, anti-corruption socialization was carried out only 1 time. the author in conducting research related to the prevention role carried out by the bone bolango saber pungli team seems to be fully submitted to the police institution, in this case the bone bolango police station. in fact, as we all know, the bone bolango saber extortion team, which was formed in 2017, consists of elements from the police, the prosecutor's office, the bone bolango regional government and the military police. confirmed from the results of the interview with the head of the pokja prevention, invisible binmas polres bone bolango stated that the prevention of extortion through socialization to the community has not been done optimally. this is because the bone bolango saber extortion prevention working group has never worked together. for socialization, we asked for help from babinkantibmas members in the field. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 186-195 191 3.2 factors affecting the role of saber extortion in the eradication of corruption. a. the legal factor in the research, antoni siregar said that the legal substance factor is the actual result (output) which is also the basis for the operation of the legal system in reality (siregar, 2021). the good and bad of a legal substance depends on the good and bad attitude of law enforcers, while the good and bad attitude of law enforcers depends on the good and bad values accepted and understood by law enforcers. talking about the role of saber pungli in eradicating corruption in the regions cannot be separated from the legal factors that influence it. by regulation, the eradication and prevention of corruption is regulated in various policies by the government. in providing support for measures to eradicate corruption in the reform era, the government also enacted law number 8 of 2010 concerning prevention and eradication of the crime of money laundering and law number 13 of 2006 in conjunction with law number 31 of 2014 concerning protection of witnesses and victims . in terms of law enforcement institutions, based on the mandate of article 27 of law number 31 of 1999, a joint team for the eradication of corruption crimes with the attorney general as the coordinator based on government regulation number 19 of 2000 has been formed. this joint team consists of 4 (four) elements, namely: the police, the prosecutor's office, related agencies and elements of the community and their members are at least 10 people and a maximum of 25 people. this joint team was formed to tackle criminal acts of corruption that are difficult to prove, including corruption in banking, taxation, capital markets, trade and industry, commodity futures, or in the monetary and financial fields that are cross-sectoral, carried out using advanced technology, or carried out by a suspect or defendant with the status of a state administrator as stipulated in law number 28 of 1999. massif dasa deer from corrupt behavior, then in 2013. corruption as one form of extraordinary crime ( extraordinary crime ) stipulated in the international convention of the united nations (un) in vienna on october 7th (mas, 2014). after law no. 30/2002 came into effect, the task and authority of the joint team was replaced by the corruption eradication commission. thus, the investigation of criminal acts of corruption is carried out by 3 (three) law enforcement agencies, namely: 1. police of the republic of indonesia (article 14 letter g of law number 2 of 2002 concerning the police of the republic of indonesia) 2. prosecutor's office of the republic of indonesia (article 30 paragraph 1 letter d of law number 16 of 2004 concerning the prosecutor's office) 3. corruption eradication commission (article 6 and 7 of law number 30 of 2002 concerning the corruption eradication commission). when we relate it to the role of prosecution and prevention of corruption committed by saber pungli bone bolango. so in terms of institutional action from several institutions in the decree of the regent of bone bolango number 27/kep/bup.bb/105/2020, on a legal basis, the institution does not have the authority to take action because it is not a law enforcement apparatus (aph). . as explained earlier that institutionally as regulated in laws and regulations, the only elements of the police, prosecutors and the corruption eradication commission are the elements of the police, prosecutors and the corruption eradication commission. so, according to the author, the enforcement function is as regulated in article 3 of presidential regulation number 87 of 2016 concerning saber extortion which was followed up by the regent of bone bolango through decree number 27/kep/bup.bb/105/2020 concerning the establishment of a task force for sweeping illegal charges (saber). extortion) at the bone bolango regency level cannot be implemented as it should. once the legal factor affects the role of prosecution by saber pungli bone bolango, it does not run optimally as expected. it is different with the function of preventing corruption by saber pungli bone bolango. although it is not regulated in presidential regulation number 87 of 2016 article 12 reads (1) the public can participate in eradicating illegal levies, either directly or indirectly through electronic or non-electronic media. (2) the participation of the community as referred to in paragraph (1) is carried out in the form of providing information, complaints, reporting, and/or other forms in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations . regarding the participation of the community in eradicating criminal acts of corruption, it has been regulated in articles 41 and 42 of law number 31 of 1999 jo. law number 20 of 2001 concerning eradication of criminal acts of p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 186-195 192 corruption. in other words , all institutions involved in the saber pungli bone bolango task force have an obligation to play a role in preventing the occurrence of criminal acts of corruption such as illegal levies. b. law enforcement factors according to soerjono soekanto that conceptually, the essence and meaning of law enforcement lies in the activity of harmonizing the relationship of values that are spelled out in solid and embodied rules and attitudes of action as a series of elaboration of final values, to create, maintain and maintain peaceful social life (soekanto, 2014). soerjono soekanto stated that a certain role can be translated into elements, namely the ideal role, the role that should be, the role that is considered by oneself and the role that is actually carried out. while the scope of the term law enforcement is very broad, therefore it includes those who are directly and indirectly involved in the field of law enforcement. therefore, in this thesis research, it will be limited to internal law enforcers who are directly involved in eradicating corruption by the bone bolango saber pungli team. from the results of the study, the author found an overview of the structure of the bone bolango saber pungli team as follows: if we look at the structure above, institutionally the saber pungli bone bolango team includes elements of local government, law enforcement officials, experts/experts. in terms of the number of human resources are very capable in carrying out the role of action ( repressive ) and prevention ( preventive ). however, the tendency seems to be that the bone bolango saber pungli team is completely handed over to the police institution. in terms of prosecution, in the form of hand catching operations, all of them are carried out by the bone bolango police police institution, including all preventive measures in the form of socialization related to stop extortion in several areas. this means that there is no visible cohesiveness in terms of the role of prosecution and prevention of saber pungli bone bolango. whereas in terms of taking action against corruption such as extortion or extortion, elements of the bone bolango district attorney have the authority as stipulated in the prosecutor's office. at the dewan pakar/ahli asisten ii bonbol bupati bone bolango kasatgas wakapolres bone bolango inspektorat bone bolango kasi intel kajari bone bolango pokja pencegahan kasat binmas polres bonbol kadis dikbud kab. bonbol irbanwil iv inspektorat bonbol pokja intelijen kasat intelkam res. bonbol kepala bin kab.bonbol intelijen kejari bonbol kepala kesbangpol bonbol penindakan/justisi kasat reskrim polres bonbol kasi pidum kejari bonbol kasi pidsus kejari bonbol kanit ipidum polres bonbol kanit ii tipiter polres bonbol kanit iii tipikor polres bonbol dan pom gorontalo kepala bkppd kab.bonbol kabag hukum setda bonbol sekretaris kadis kominfo bonbol p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 186-195 193 same time, in terms of prevention, all parties in the pokja for prevention of saber extortion bone bolango can play an active role in socializing about stopping illegal fees. c. facility factor without certain facilities or facilities, it is impossible for law enforcement to take place smoothly. such facilities or facilities include, among others, adequate equipment such as offices , operational vehicles, including adequate finance. if these things are not fulfilled, it is impossible for law enforcement to achieve its goals. in connection with the research on the role of saber pungli bone bolango in eradicating criminal acts of corruption in bone bolango regency. one of the factors that hinders the less optimal role of prosecution and prevention of illegal levies is due to inadequate facilities or supporting facilities. table 3. supporting facilities or facilities for saber extortion bone bolango no facility information 1 bone bolango saber extortion office borrow room at the inspectorate 2 operational vehicle there isn't any data source: bole bolango saber extortion task force if we refer to the opinion of soerjono soekanto in his book, the factors that influence law enforcement, which states that facilities or facilities really support the achievement of a law enforcement goal. so in the author's opinion, the saber pungli bone bolango task force has not optimally carried out the role of prevention and prosecution due to the lack of supporting facilities or facilities. seen in table 3 that the supporting facilities for saber pungli bone bolango, for the office as a place to carry out the functions of saber pungli as mandated by presidential regulation number 87 of 2016 are still not permanent. in fact, as the saber extortion task force, they are expected to have a permanent office , or in other words, not to borrow a room at the bone bolango regency inspectorate office. table 4. bone bolango saber extortion budget no description budget ceiling year 1 honors saber extortion task force office stationery shop shop banner print shopping food drink/ meeting amount rp. 310,500,000 rp. 500,000 rp. 1,500,000 rp. 14,250,000 rp. 326,750,000 2017 2. honors saber extortion task force office stationery shop shop banner print shopping food drink/ meeting amount rp. 310,500,000 rp. 500,000 rp. 1,500,000 rp. 14,250,000 rp. 326,750,000 2018 3 honors saber extortion task force office stationery shop shop banner print shopping food drink/ meeting amount rp. 310,500,000 rp. 500,000 rp. 1,500,000 rp. 14,250,000 rp. 326,750,000 2019 4 honors saber extortion task force office stationery shop shopping for printed billboards for meetings and outreach shopping food drink/ meeting shopping for official travel outside the region in the context of a comparative study of stgas saber pungli kab. bone bolango amount rp. 136,650,000 rp. 2,000,000 rp. 2,000,000 rp. 13,500,000 rp. 39,450,000 rp. 193.600.000 2020 5 honors saber extortion task force office stationery shop shopping for printed billboards for meetings and rp. 136,650,000 rp. 2,000,000 rp. 2,000,000 2021 p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 186-195 194 outreach shopping food drink/ meeting shopping for official travel outside the region in the context of a comparative study of stgas saber pungli kab. bone bolango amount rp. 13,500,000 rp. 39,450,000 rp. 193.600.000 data source: bone bolango saber extortion task force, processed 2022 based on table 4 regarding the saber pungli budget in bone bolango regency, when viewed from the perspective of the budget ceiling adjusted to the role of saber pungli bone bolango, it can be seen that the tendency for prosecution and prevention is not optimal due to the absence of a budget ceiling related to this function. the budget for the saber pungli bone bolango task force was actually absorbed more into honorarium payments. in fact, if we refer to the functions of saber extortion, they are intelligence, prevention, prosecution and justice. d. community factor soerjono soekanto stated that law enforcement comes from the community, and aims to achieve peace in society. therefore, viewed from a certain angle, the community can influence law enforcement (soekanto, 2014). based on the results of an interview with the head of the saber pungli bone bolango task force, mr. kompol heriyanto gobel sh stated that why illegal levies often occur at a number of points in bone bolango regency is because the community also does not support the role of saber pungli bone bolango by not giving parking fees if it is a parking attendant. 4. conclusion the role of the bone bolango saber extortion task force in eradicating corruption in the bone bolango regency is still not optimal. the factors that influence the role of the saber pungli bone bolango task force in eradicating corruption in the bone bolango district have not been optimal. first, the legal factor. when we relate it to the role of prosecution and prevention of corruption committed by saber pungli bone bolango. so in terms of institutional action from several institutions in the decree of the regent of bone bolango number 27/kep/bup.bb/105/2020, on a legal basis, the institution does not have the authority to take action because it is not a law enforcement apparatus (aph). as explained earlier that institutionally as regulated in laws and regulations, the only elements of the police, prosecutors and the corruption eradication commission are the elements of the police, prosecutors and the corruption eradication commission. in contrast to the preventive role of corruption, all elements of society are legally guaranteed to participate in the eradication of corruption. second , the law enforcement factor. from the point of view of law enforcers who are members of the saber pungli bone bolango task force , good teamwork has not yet been created . it can be seen from the work of prosecution and prevention that it tends to work only for the police institution. third , the facility factor. the saber pungli bone bolango facilities or facilities are not sufficient. for example, from the absence of a permanent secretariat office and the absence of operational vehicles in carrying out the role of eradicating corruption. fourth , the community factor. that illegal levies continue to occur in several places in bone bolango district, such as market parking lots and hospitals. toto bone bolango regency is caused by the permissiveness of the community towards illegal levies without the provisions stipulated in the regional regulation. people have never asked for a parking ticket or asked why they had to pay. as a result, the practice of illegal levies like this is rife in the midst of society. references imon rozuli, a., & haboddin, m. 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was adopted in the assessment process. according to the findings of this study, the applicatio n of individual health services in the framework of legal protection for people who are not enrolled in the bpjs health social security system is restricted to the supply of health facilities. the state does not offer legal protection in the form of duty for delivering health care, because individua ls who are not enrolled as bpjs health participants will be registered as general patients, requiring them to pay for treatments individually or through private insurance. while the idea of bpjs health as given in the bpjs law requires everyone to register for bpjs health, bpjs health still has several inadequacies, which causes some individuals to be hesitant and unwilling to register as bpjs health participants. the government cannot claim that the lack of legal protection in health services is the responsibility of those who do not register as bpjs health participants, because this is a result or implication of the numerous deficiencies in health services that continue to employ bpjs health. keywords: legal protection; citizen; bpjs article licence copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction social security that enables individuals to grow is one of the fundamental rights proclaimed in the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia (uud nri 1945) as the highest regulatory hierarchy. this is expressed in paragraph (3) of article 28h, which states that everyone has the right to social security that enab les his or her complete development as a dignified human being. furthermore, the development of the social security system has also been regulated in article 34 paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. the state develops a socia l security system for all people and empowers the weak and incapable in accordance with human rights dignity. the declaration of constitutional social security as a universal right is a response to the 1948 united nations declaration on human rights. indonesia accepted the declaration, which establishes that everyone has the right to social security in the case of unemployment, disease, disability, inability to work, widowhood, or old age. in order to comply with the united nations declaration on social security rights, ilo convention no. 102 of 1952 suggested that all nations offer fundamental protection to all citizens (tim kecil pokja, 2020). as part of the process of creating social security and following the mandate of the republic of indonesia's 1945 constitution, law no. the spirit of recognizing social security as a right of all people to receive a social "feeling of security" from birth to death. this is to ensure that the fundamental necessities of a decent existence are met and to enhance dignity in order to realize an indonesian society that is prosperous, just, and prosperous(sulastomo, 2011). according to the requirements of article 1 paragraph (1) of law no. 40 of 2004 on the national social security system, social security is a kind of social protection designed to ensure that all individuals may meet their fundamental necessities for a dignified existence (nkri, 2004). additionally, article 1 paragraph (2) of the sjsn https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v6i1.1548 mailto:anurulandi@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 69-78 70 law establishes that the social security system is a mechanism for the administration of social security programs by a number of social security administering organizations. as a means of carrying out the mandate under article 5 paragraph(1) of the sjsn law, a social security administering agency was established pursuant to law number 24 of 2011 concerning the social security administering body (bpjs) in the hope that every resident can meet the basic needs of a decent life in the event of loss or reduced income due to illness, accident, or loss of employment. regarding membership, the bpjs law emphasizes the mandatory nature of participation in article 4 letter g, which is reinforced in article 14 paragraph (1), which states that everyone, including foreigners who work in indonesia for a minimum of six (six) months, is required to become a social security participant (nkri, 2011). mandatory participation is a social security policy that compels all inhabitants to enroll in the program. in terms of membership, the social security administering body's involvement is separated into various components, namely: a) recipient of contribution help b) foreigners who have worked in indonesia for at least six months c) worker d) employer e) each individual. the explanation above states that contribution assistance is a reimbursement made by the government to poor and underprivileged individuals who participate in the social security program. worker is defined as any person who works for a salary, wages, or other form of remuneration, employer is defined as an individual, entrepreneur, legal entity, or other entity that employs workers, or state administrators who employ civil servants by paying salaries, wages, or other forms of remuneration. each person is defined under article 16 paragraph (1) of the bpjs law, which states: everyone who exceeds the conditions for participation in the social security pro gram, save employers, employees, and beneficiaries of contribution assistance, is required to register himself and his family members as participants with bpjs in line with the social security program in effect. according to the classification, everyone is required to engage in the guarantee program, even if they are not included in the classification but satisfy the conditions to participate in bpjs. bpjs, as the organizer of the social security program in the health sector, is one of five programs in the sjsn, namely health insurance, work accident insurance, pension insurance, and death insurance, all of which are listed in law number 40 of 2004 governing the sjsn. the national health insurance (jkn) program in indonesia has bee n operational for nearly seven years as of 2021, however several issues continue to cloud the program's execution, despite the fact that many individuals have benefited. the central concerns troubling jkn, in general, are threefold: membership, service and availability of health care facilities, and finance. as a result, universal health care must be a shared commitment in order for all residents to obtain complete health protection. however, as of october 31, 2019, statistics indicated that arou nd 16.18 percent of the population, or over 40 million individuals, had not been registered as jkn -kis members. previously, complete health protection for the indonesian people was scheduled to be implemented in 2019 with universal health coverage (uhc), a program that guarantees individuals have access to health care without facing financial hardship. this is facilitated by the availability of high-quality health care facilities (riatkomo, 2018). the jkn program began operations on january 1, 2014, and is required for all indonesian nationals; nevertheless, some individuals have not enrolled as jkn members. the administration continues to make changes to the jkn implementation, however the issue of jkn participation persists. the community has cited numerous reasons for not registering to participate in the jkn-kis (bpjs kesehatan). according to the author's study, of the twenty respondents who have not or have not registered for bpjs health, ten respondents stated that they lack the time necessary to manage the registration process. additionally, five respondents have not enrolled or are not registered with bpjs health because they do not wish to pay monthly fees, two respondents state that they cannot afford monthly charges, and three respondents express dissatisfaction with bpjs health's health services(ernawati & uswatul, 2019). p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 69-78 71 in this regard, there is a risk that the application of citizen health services, particularly to citiz ens who are not registered as bpjs health participants, will be inadequate. as a result, the application of citizen health services must be directed toward achieving the goal of legal protection for all citizens in general, and more specifically, to citizens who are not registered as bpjs health participants, who will be disproportionately affected by the implementation. the absence of adequate health care undoubtedly has an effect on inhabitants, who are susceptible to a variety of illnesses. this is because, on average, this community group faces malnutrition, a lack of health awareness, unhealthy behaviors, a substandard living environment, unaffordable health care, and a lack of access to health information (sudjadi & dkk, 2017). service constraints imposed during the implementation of the national social security program impede the provision of health care to people in need. whereas the execution of health services should meet minimal service standards, namely the provisions governing the nature and quality of basic services, which are considered government concerns and must adhere to each citizen's rights. the government is responsible for ensuring that every citizen has access to high -quality health care that is tailored to their specific requirements (rusyad, 2018). in this context, health services become a critical tool for achieving and enforcing human rights. the provision of public health services is certainly a component of protecting human rights, which is impacted by the availability of high-quality health care. as a result, the right to health services must be implemented to provide health care to people, particularly those who are not enrolled as bpjs health participants. thus, the application of health services in the context of citizen legal protection serves a s both a framework and a tool for establishing indonesia as a state of law that respects, upholds, and promotes human rights, one of the state of law's features. hasrul (2017), claims that there are eleven fundamental elements of the rule of law or rechtsstaat that apply today, one of which is the preservation of human rights as a way of achieving the state's or welfare rechtsstaat's objectives. aminuddin ilmar continued by stating that the rule of law is based on the provision of constitutional protection for human rights and legal safeguards for enforcing such rights through a fair procedure. therefore, if a country's human rights are ignored or violated purposefully, and the resulting suffering cannot b e dealt with equitably, the country cannot be considered a real state of law (ilmar, 2014). the following account of the events surrounding the implementation of the jsn demonstrates that the national social security system, particularly social security, has not been implemented optimally as intended. 2. methodology the research approach chosen is one of normative legal research. the research strategy taken comprises a descriptive legislative approach in character, in that it emphasizes the depiction of current or historical occurrences. in general, normative legal study is synonymous with doctrinal or theoretical legal research. thus, normative research focuses on written studies that employ secondary data sources such as statutes and regulations, court judgments, legal theory, and legal principles, and ma y take the shape of academic publications (doctrine) (irwansyah, 2020). the data applied in this research is secondary data, which includes primary legal materials such as theories, norms, regulations, expert views, and secondary and tertiary legal resources pertinent to the topic. 3. result and discussion social security is a subset of the idea of social protection, which entails providing social security for individuals through periodic payments. thus, social security is comprised of two components: social insurance and public assistance. since indonesia's independence, the concept of social security has been mandated by article 27 paragraph 2 of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia (uud nri 1945), which states that "every citizen has the right to work and a decent living for humanity," as well as article 34 paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, which states that "the state cares for the poor and neglected children." as described above, the meaning of article 27 paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia reflects the nuances of social security in terms of the right to work and obtain a decent life through the payment of wages, welfare, and social security for work performed by state and local government employees. private personnel. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 69-78 72 this is to maintain indonesia out of a system of worker exploitation that favors exclusively company owners. meanwhile, article 34 paragraph (1) of the republic of indonesia's 1945 constitution emphasizes the government's obligation as the state's representative to give social assistance to those who cannot afford it in the form of clothes, food, and housing. this is to ensure that no indonesian is abandoned or starves to death, although the indonesian state is endowed with natural riches and a tradition of mutual cooperation that dates back to the indonesian nation's forefathers. as a result, this representation is realized as the state's responsibility to support and care for its citizens, particularly those who lack enough economic ability. and boards for the disadvantaged. this is to ensure that no indonesian is abandoned or starves to death, although the indonesian state is endowed with natural riches and a tradition of cooperation that dates back to the indonesian nation's forefathers. thus, this representation is realized as the state's responsibility to preserve and care for its residents, particularly those who lack enough economic competence. and boards for disadvantaged individuals. this is to ensure that no indonesian is abandoned or starves to death, although the indonesian state is endowed with natural riches and a tradition of mutual cooperation that dates back to the days of the indonesian nation's forefathers. as a result, this representation is realized as the state's responsibility to sustain and care for its citizens, particularly those lacking economic capacity. additionally, the government emphasized the importance of social protection for its citizens by amending several articles, specifically the second amendment to the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, namely article 28h paragraph (3), which states that "everyone has the right to social security that enables his full self development as a dignified human being." additionally, the fourth amendment to the republic of indonesia's 1945 constitution, specifically article 34 paragraph (2), states that "the state creates a social security system for all people and empowers the weak and unable in line with human dignity." besides being regulated by national law, social security is universally recognized by international countries through international agreements outlined in article 22 and 25 of the 1948 united nations declaration on human rights (udhr), as well as the ilo convention no. 102 of 1952, whi ch recommends that all countries provide a minimum level of protection to all workers. indonesia has accepted and approved these provisions into national legal rules under the two (two) agreements stated above. furthermore, at the 2001 mpr ri annual sessio n, in line with the requirements of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, the universal declaration of human rights, and the ilo convention. following the mandate contained in the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, the universal declaration of human rights, the ilo convention, and mpr decree number x/mpr/2001, the government enacted law number 40 of 2004 concerning the national social security system (sjsn law), which aims to ensure that each participant and/or family member receives the basic necessities of a decent life. according to the requirements of article 1 paragraph 1 of the sjsn law, "social security is a type of social protection designed to ensure that all individuals may satisfy their fundamental necessities for a decent existence." techniques for achieving social security. according to article 18 of the sjsn law, one of the social security programs is health insurance. national health insurance is managed following social insurance principles and the notion o f equality. the implementation of health insurance based on social insurance principles entails the following: a) mutual cooperation between the rich and the poor, the healthy and the sick, the young and the old, and the high and low risk; b) mandatory and non-selective participation; c) contribution based on percentage of wages/income d) non-profit. meanwhile, a health insurance system based on the equity principle ensures that members have equal access to treatments based on their medical requirements, regardless of the amount of payments made. the social security system has been essentially in place since the republic of indonesia gained independence before the dutch colonial period. according to the history of social security in indonesia, particularly concerning health p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 69-78 73 insurance, efforts to assure the community's demand for health care, particularly for civil workers and their families, resumed in 1949, following the dutch government's declaration of sovereignty. ga siwabessy offered a concept to quickly create a national health insurance scheme, which was implemented in several developed and fast growing nations at the time (humas bpjs kesehatan, 2013). at the time, the new health insurance coverage was restricted to public workers and their dependents. however, ga siwabessy thinks that one day, the climax of the indonesian people's health growth would be reached by establishing a system capable of ensuring the health of all residents. therefore, in 1968, the government issued minister of health regulation no. 1 of 1968, creating the health maintenance fund organizing agency (bpdpk) responsible for regulating health care for state employees, pension beneficiaries, and their dependents. several years later, the government enacted government regulation no. 22 of 1984 on health care for civil servants, pensioners, and their family members and government regulation no. 23 of 1984 on public company (perum) husada bhakti. additionally, the bpdpk transitioned from a ministry of health agency to a bumn, called perum husada bhakti (phb), which offers health insurance to public servants, retired civil servants, veterans, and pioneers of independence, as well as their family members. then, in 1992, accordi ng to government regulation no. 6 of 1992, phb changed its name to pt askes (persero). through the commercial askes initiative, pt askes (persero) began reaching out to bumn workers. then, in january 2005, the government entrusted pt askes (persero) to implement the health insurance program for the poor (pjkmm), dubbed the askeskin program, with a target population of 60 million poor and underprivileged people whose contributions are covered by the central government. additionally, pt askes (persero) establ ished the general public health insurance program (pjkmu), which is designed for those who have not been able to obtain health coverage through jamkesmas, social askes, or private insurance. until then, more than 200 regencies/cities or 6.4 million people have joined the pjkmu. pjkmu is a regional health insurance company (jamkesda) that is managed by pt askes (persero) (humas bpjs kesehatan, 2013). according to article 5 paragraph (3) letter d of the sjsn law, pt askes (persero) is designated as a social security administering body that administers social security in the health insurance sector. however, a few years later, with the introduction of pt askes' (persero) health insurance scheme, the path toward expanded health coverage became more transparent with the passage of law no. 24 of 2011 concerning the social security administering body (uu bpjs). the bpjs law's course also requires the government to establish a social security administering organization in the health sector, dubbed "bpjs kesehatan," on january 1, 2014, as specified in article 60 paragraph (1) of the bpjs law. as a result, pt askes (persero) was renamed bpjs health on january 1, 2014. following the formation and operation of bpjs kesehatan, the company has become the exclusive supplier of health insurance in indonesia, covering both the general public and civil workers, members of the indonesian armed forces (tni), and members of the indonesian national police. thi s is consistent with the stipulations of article 60 paragraph (2) of the bpjs law, which states: “since the operation of bpjs health as referred to in paragraph (1): a. the ministry of health no longer administers the public health insurance program; b. the ministry of defence, the indonesian national armed forces, and the indonesian national police no longer provide health service programs for their participants, except for certain health services related to their operational activities as specified by presidential regulation; and c. pt jamsostek (persero) no longer operates a health care insurance program. bpjs kesehatan was founded primarily to carry out its primary duty to organize a health insurance scheme. bpjs health is responsible for the administration of the health insurance program, which includes the following responsibilities: 1) conducting and/or accepting participant registration; 2) collecting contributions from participants and employers; 3) receiving government contribution assistance; 4) managing social security funds for the benefit of participants; 5) collecting and managing data on social security program participants; p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 69-78 74 6) paying benefits and/or financing health care services following the social security program's provisions; 7) providing information to participants and the general public about the social security program's implementation. in realizing these functions and duties, bpjs kesehatan has the authority to: 1) collecting dues payment; 2) placing social security funds for short-term and long-term investments by considering aspects of liquidity, solvency, prudence, security of funds, and adequate returns; 3) supervise and examine the compliance of participants and employers in fulfilling their obligations following the provisions of the national social security laws and regulations; 4) agree with health facilities regarding the amount of payment for health facilities that refers to the standard tariff set by the government; 5) make or terminate an employment contract with a health facility; 6) imposing administrative sanctions on participants or employers who do not fulfill their obligations; 7) report the employer to the competent authority regarding his non-compliance in paying contributions or in fulfilling other obligations following the provisions of laws and regulations; and 8) cooperating with other parties in the context of administering the social security program. the implementation of the health insurance program by bpjs health is carried out with the principles based on article 4 of the bpjs law, namely as follows: a) mutual cooperation mutual cooperation is the notion of participants sharing the burden of social security expenses, which is accomplished by each participant's duty to pay contributions based on their salary, wage, or income. b) non-profit the non-profit concept is a company management approach that places a premium on the utilization of revenues from the creation of funds to maximize benefit to all participants. c) openness transparency is the principle of allowing each participant access to comprehensive, accurate, and transparent information. d) caution the precautionary principle is the practice of prudently, completely, safely, and orderly management of finances. e) accountability accountability refers to the idea of accurate and accountable program execution and financial management. f) portability the principle of portability is delivering continuing benefits regardless of whether the participant changes employment or relocates inside the unitary state of the republic of indonesia. g) participation is mandatory the idea of obligatory participation is a progressive requirement that all inhabitants become social security participants. h) trust fund p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 69-78 75 the trust fund's underlying premise is that contributions and earnings from their development are deposited money from participants to be used to the greatest extent feasible for the benefit of social security participants. thus, the social security fund's earnings are fully directed toward program improvement and the maximum possible benefit to participants. the health insurance program organized by bpjs kesehatan is conceptually distinct from the previous health insurance program conducted by pt askes (persero) and many other social security programs held since the republic of indonesia's independence. this is demonstrated by the requirements of article 14 of the bpjs law, which states that "everyone, including foreigners who work in indonesia for a minimum of six (six) months, shall enroll in the social security system. through the bpjs health health insurance scheme, these requirements imply that health services in indonesia have been generalized. bpjs health now administers indonesia's health insurance program via a single door, namely the national health insurance program-healthy indonesia card (jkn-kis). jkn-kis is a concept in which the state is present to ensure that all indonesians have access to comprehensive, fair, and equitable health insurance. the requirement for every indonesian citizen to register as a bpjs health participant, as outli ned in article 14 of the bpjs law, undoubtedly creates a distinct legal implication in health services, as it frequently results in complications during the administration of the bpjs health health insurance program in indonesia. furthermore, numerous issues that arise in health services, most notably in this research, are connected to numerous public complaints about hospitals providing substandard care to patients who utilize the bpjs health program. these accusations created havoc and instability in the neighborhood, making some residents hesitant to enroll in and use the bpjs health program when they required health care. this is because of the issues that have arisen due to health services utilizing bpjs health, resulting in a low degree of confidence. indeed, the public has been asked to register as bpjs health participants, expecting that health services will be delivered equally to all indonesian residents through a payment system based on participants' periodic payments. due to public skepticism of hospital services that are less than optimum for patients who utilize bpjs health, some people do not register with bpjs health, even though every indonesian citizen must be registered with bpjs health under article 14 of the bpjs law. in essence, providing health care is not a community commitment; it is a government obligation, and it is everyone's right to acquire health services. the right to health care is a fundamental right that all people, particularly indonesian nationals, have. this is following ar ticle 34 paragraph (3) of the republic of indonesia's 1945 constitution, which states that "the state is responsible for providing adequate health care and public service facilities." according to this description, the author performed research in this stu dy to identify and characterize the application of individual health services in the framework of legal protection for people who have not registered or are not enrolled in the bpjs health health social security system. the authors conducted interviews with officials at labuang baji hospital in makassar city for their study. the following are the results of the author's interview on health services at labuang baji hospital in makassar city: 1. makassar's labuang baji hospital serves patients who are not reg istered with bpjs kesehatan under the category of general patients. 2. health services for those who are not registered with bpjs at labuang baji hospital makassar are following regular patient service procedures 3. there is no difference in elements of public health services that are registered with bpjs and those who are not registered with bpjs, because those who are not registered with bpjs health will be serviced as general patients. maybe the difference in service is just in terms of data validation such that patients who utilize bpjs health must queue to validate the data first, while ordinary users do not queue and may be treated instantly. 4. so far, there has never been a complaint or protest from the public due to not registered services with bpjs kesehatan, because patients who are not registered with bpjs kesehatan are included as general patients. 5. there is a difference in costs that must be incurred by people who are registered with bpjs and those who are not registered with bpjs health, namely bpjs health patients, no fees are charged to patients, while for patients who are not registered with bpjs health, fees are charged according to the health services provided. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 69-78 76 6. the sorts of health services offered by the labuang baji hospital at present moment include bpjs health jamkesda and jamkesmas are no longer available since they have been moved to bpjs health. likewise for other health insurance schemes that are supplied are insurance from private parties such as mandiri inhealth. in addition to labuang baji hospital makassar, the author conducted interviews with hospital personnel or employees at haji hospital makassar city to supplement the data collection and analysis. the following are the findings of the author's investigation at makassar's haji hospital: a) through general patient care, haji makassar hospital supports patients who are not registered with bpjs kesehatan. b) in general, health services at haji makassar hospital are the same for individuals who are not enrolled with bpjs health and those who are. however, the distinction is minor, with bpjs health patients requiring extra documentation, namely bpjs health cards, at the time of administration, whereas ordinary patients do not exist. c) there is a difference in the pricing of health services at the haji makassar hospital for patients enrolled with bpjs health and general patients, with individuals registered with bpjs health incurring no charge and general patients incurring a charge. d) only bpjs health and mandiri inhealth insurance are accepted by haji makassar hospital. e) the method for admitting patients who are not registered with bpjs kesehatan is identical to the procedure for accepting registered patients. based on the information gathered by the author at labuang baji hospital makassar and haji makassar hospital, the following author analyzes the implementation of individual health services in the context of legal protection for citizens who have not enrolled in the bpjs health social security system. the author's study of th e implementation of individual health services in the framework of legal protection for citizens who are not enrolled in the bpjs health social security system, particularly at labuang baji hospital makassar and makassar haji hospital, is as follows: analysis of the data collected by the author at labuang baji hospital makassar and haji makassar hospital, the following author analyzes the implementation of individual health services in the context of legal protection for citizens who have not enrolled in the bpjs health social security system. the author's study of the implementation of individual health services in the framework of legal protection for citizens who are not enrolled in the bpjs health social security system, particularly at labuang baji hospital makassar and makassar haji hospital, is as follows: a. according to the author's research, the application of health services by labuang baji hospital makassar and makassar haji hospital, particularly for people who are not registered with bpjs kesehatan , is considered a health service with the category of general patients, which means that these patients pay regardless of the health facilities used at the hospital. thus, everything that occurs during the patient's usage of these health facilities is entirely the patient's duty, as the legal connection that occurs during the health service is solely between the patient and the hospital (health facility). b. according to the author, the government's legal protection of health services, particularly those not r egistered with bpjs kesehatan, is limited to the provision of health facilities, as mandated by article 28h paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, which states that "everyone has the right to live physically and mentally prosperous, to have a place to live, and to obtain a good and healthy living environment, and to have the right..." additionally, article 34 paragraph (3) of the republic of indonesia's 1945 constitution states that "the state is responsible for the provision o f adequate health and public service facilities." therefore, the implemented health services only give legal protection to citizens who are not enrolled with bpjs kesehatan in providing health services. c. in theory, the state has attempted to ensure legal protection for all citizens by establishing a national social security system, namely bpjs health. however, the present idea of bpjs health has several flaws, which causes some people to be cautious and unwilling to enroll in bpjs health. while every indones ian citizen and even foreigners who work in indonesia for a minimum of six months are obliged to register for bpjs health under article 14 of the bpjs law, the public cannot be compelled to register as a bpjs health participant. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 1: 69-78 77 d. bpjs concept is, of all, to carry out the mandate of article 28h paragraph (3) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, which states that "everyone has the right to social security that enables his or her complete development as a dignified human being." and according to article 34 paragraph (2) of the republic of indonesia's 1945 constitution, "the state builds a social security system for all citizens and empowers the weak and unable in line with human dignity." while bpjs kesehatan has carried out health administrati on on a national scale structurally and functionally, some people remain unregistered as bpjs health participants for various reasons, including inability to pay premiums and administrative management difficulties, poor health services, and other factors that require bpjs health to improve. the government cannot get away with not registering the community for bpjs health, because if the community is not registered, it must bear the cost of health services independently, which means that the state is not ful filling its role of providing social security in the form of adequate health insurance to the public. of course, the government cannot shield it from the public's responsibility for failing to register as bpjs health participants, since this is also a resu lt or implication of the numerous problems that continue to exist in health services that employ bpjs health. e. legal protection should be able to portray the law as an essential instrument in social life, becoming the principal weapon of the state in controlling the life of the country and state. the interests of the society are so diverse and varied that the state must be there to govern it in such a way as to establish a harmony. this is also underlined by satjipto rahardjo who claimed that these interests must be handled in such a way that it is feasible to minimize conflicts and waste. according to satjipto rahardjo, legal protection is to offer protection for human rights that are injured by others and that protection is given to the community so that al l rights granted by law can be enjoyed. the fundamental goal of law as a forum that protects human interests is to produce an orderly and orderly social order so that it is hoped that individual lives in society may be fulfilled in a balanced fashion. legal protection is a protection offered to legal subjects in the form of legal instruments, both preventative and repressive, both unwritten and written. legal protection describes its lawful purpose, a concept where the law can give justice, order, certainty, benefit and peace. therefore, there is a need for a true improvement in the service of the national social security system by bpjs health so that individuals who are not registered with bpjs health may have solutions in getting legal benefits and justice as a form of implementing state legal protection for their people. justice is indicated in this context that bpjs health must give outstanding and good service so that individuals who are not already registered with bpjs health will be moved to register because of the huge advantages that will be received. the government obviously cannot appear as if it is hands-off by permitting persons not registered with bpjs kesehatan to seek treatment in the general patient category constantly, since after all. 4. conclusion personal health services are only applicable in legal protection for people who are not enrolled in the bpjs health social security system. the state does not offer legal protection in the form of duty for delivering health care because individuals who are not enrolled as bpjs health participants will be registered as general patients, requiring them to pay for treatments individually or through private insurance. while the idea of bpjs health, as described in the bpjs law requires everyone to register for bpjs health, bpjs health still has significant flaws, which causes some individuals to be hesitant and unwilling to register as bpjs health participants. references ernawati, t., & uswatul, d. 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(2020). naskah akademik ruu tentang sistem jaminan sosial nasional, diakses pada. retrieved from jamsosindonesia.com website: https://www.jamsosindonesia.com/kjs/files/na ruu bpjs.pdf 7) 2925 42-45 jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i1.2925 vol. 7 no. 1, december 2022 42 juridical review selling and purchasing house in the public housing credit (kpr) process based on law no. 1 of 2011 concerning housing and settlement area (study at pt. state savings bank baubau branch) rizki mustika suhartono1*, ernawati1 1faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah buton, indonesia *correspondence: rizkimustikaumb@gmail.com article history abstract received: 15.10.2022 accepted: 29.12.2022 published: 31.12.2022 this research was conducted to find out the juridical review of selling and buying houses in the public housing credit (kpr) process based on law no. 1 of 2011 concerning housing andsettlement area pt. state savings bank baubau branc.this study uses an empirical juridical method. researchers used instrument observation, interviews and documentation. from the results of the research, the legal consequences of transferring the debtor underhanded in the housing loan agreement (kpr-btn) and the efforts taken by the bank to overcome it, selling mortgage houses underhanded by debtors who have not paid off their debts, is an unlawful act because the kpr house is a collateral object for the debtor's debt to the bank, so that the bank can sue the debtor to provide compensation for cancellation of the sale and purchase of kpr houses by the old debtor which was carried out underhand and immediately pay off all the remaining debt. the sale of kpr houses under the hands of the debtor does not eliminate the debtor's obligation to pay off his debts to the bank. it is suggested that in order to avoid problems that arise in the future, people who want to transfer their debtors to kpr btn can do so after obtaining approval from the bank as the creditor. keywords: pt. bank tabungan negara; selling; the public housing credit (kpr) article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction humans as subjects in economic activity will always be faced with problems related to their life needs. human efforts in fulfilling the most basic needs of life are also influenced by existing social and cultural aspects (f, 2018). every human being everywhere needs a place to live which is called a house (a, 1996)). one of the fulfillment of this right to a house is the issuance of ministerial regulation number 3 of 2014 concerning housing financing liquidity facilities in the context of housing procurement through prosperous home ownership credit/financing (flpp). the right to housing is a fundamental right for humans in carrying out their lives. various kinds of legal instruments both international legal instruments and national legal instruments have accommodated the right to housing (nugroho, b.a.a., 2015). an agreement is an event that gives rise to and contains terms of rights and obligations between two parties, or in other words, an agreement contains an agreement (satrio, j., 1995). the agreement is a very important thing because it involves the interests of the parties who make it. therefore, every agreement should be made in writing in order to obtain a legal force, so that the goal of legal certainty can be realized (setiawan, r., 1994). in the formulation of an agreement is a legal act in which one or more people bind one or more people. according to rutten, the formulation of an agreement according to article 1313 of the civil code is too broad and contains several weaknesses. (purwahid patrik, 1994) the government issued law number 1 of 2011 concerning housing and settlement areas, including in article 33 paragraphs (1) and (2) that: (1) provide financial assistance/or public facilities in the construction of houses or houses from their own government to carry out efforts to raise funds. (2) the financing and/or facilities as referred to in paragraph (1) are in the form of a loan. the government realizes that not everyone can buy a house with cash payments. to meet housing demand, people need funds in the form of credit facilities. banks in general can be interpreted as financial institutions whose business activities are collecting funds from the public and channeling these funds back to the community as well as providing other banking services. while the notion of a financial institution is any company engaged in the financial sector where its activities are p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 42-45 43 either only raising funds or only channeling funds or both. according to ri law number 10 of 1998 dated 10 november 1998 concerning banking (article 1 paragraph 2). a bank is a business entity that collects funds from the public in the form of savings and distributes them to the public in the form of credit and/or other forms with the aim of improving the standard of living of many people (kasmir, 2017) according to the indonesian bankers association (ibi) and the banking professional certification institute (lspp) (2014 according to the indonesian bankers association (ibi) and the banking professional certification institute (lspp) (2014: 1) in essence, a bank can be defined as a business entity that collects funds from the public in the form of savings and distribute it to the community in order to improve the standard of living of the people at large. the bank also provides special facilities to assist the needs of people who fulfill housing mortgage institutions (kpr). banks have a strategic role in the development trilogy, because banks are vehicles that can collect and distribute public funds efficiently and effectively, with democratic support based on the implementation of national economic development in order to increase equity in development and national results, economic growth and national stability to improve living standards . the function of collecting and channeling funds is closely related to the public interest, so that banks are required to maintain funds deposited with the public. banks must be able to channel funds to the productive sector against the demand for development goals (badrulzaman, 1983) the baubau branch state savings bank as one of the government's commercial banks, one of its activities is to provide consumer credit, which is a common type of financing which, among other things, includes housing loans (kpr). even though we mortgage (kpr) help solve the problem of housing needs, in practice there are also problems or issues that need further consideration in relevant aspects of the law, including problem credit cases. an agreement must work perfectly and be filled in accordance with the agreement stipulated in the agreement, but for some terms the agreement is often found not to be implemented properly. however, in practice loan agreements (kpr) problems are often involved, including the object of transferring a mortgage, which is used by the debtor to another party before the mortgage is paid without the knowledge of the bank, which is known by the public as credit. based on the above, the author wants to research juridical review selling and purchasing house in the public housing credit (kpr) process based on law no. 1 of 2011 concerning housing and settlement area (study at pt. state savings bank baubau branch). 2. method research conducted at pt. the baubau branch of the state savings bank related to the problem of buying and selling houses in the credit process at pt. state savings bank (persero) baubau branch office. this type of research is empirical juridical research. the empirical juridical approach in this research is to analyze problems by combining legal materials (which are secondary data) with primary data obtained in the field. the sample was determined by purposive sampling, as many as 3 (three) customers at pt. state savings bank (persero) baubau branch office, and the bank to obtain data related to the process of buying and selling houses in the credit process at pt. state savings bank (persero) baubau branch office. to obtain data that is in accordance with the things studied, researchers use observation, interviews, and documentation instruments. the data that has been collected is processed by descriptive analysis. 3. result and discussion the process of transferring debtors in reality in the field is not always carried out with the knowledge or permission of the bank as the creditor. selling houses that have received kpr-btn under hand is a reality that occurs in society. based on the results of the author's interview on june 12 2020 with the sub branch manager, mr. sonny fandian, that the transfer of the debtor under the hand of the debtor to a third party can occur because: a. old debtors are no longer able to continue kpr-btn installments; b. old debtors experience economic difficulties; c. the old debtor has moved his domicile; d. the debtor does not have good faith in fulfilling his obligations; p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 42-45 44 e. the parties' lack of understanding of the law, especially regarding the process of transferring debtors. the sale of a mortgage house privately by a debtor who has not paid off his debt is an illegal act because the mortgage house is a collateral object for the debtor's debt to the bank, so the bank can sue the debtor to provide compensation and immediately pay off all remaining debts. the sale of kpr houses privately by the debtor does not eliminate the debtor's obligation to pay off his debt to the bank. the bank as the guarantee holder can cancel the sale and purchase of kpr houses by the old debtor which is done privately. sales and purchase agreements drawn up underhand in the sense that not through a public official (ppat) cannot be used as a means of transferring the name of a certificate from an old debtor to a new debtor. because the sale and purchase deed under the hand cannot be used as a legal basis for the transfer of the name of the certificate, it can be said that the sale and purchase of land has never happened. based on the results of the author's interview on june 12 2020 with the sub-branch manager mr. sonny fandian that as long as the credit has not been repaid, the sale of kpr houses by old debtors is carried out underhand without the permission of the bank, legally the bank can cancel the sale through the district court, so the sale becomes invalid. in cases where the debtor has been transferred privately and the old debtor's domicile is no longer known, according to the author, the legal solution is to file a civil lawsuit at the local district court. because it is the court that can decide with its own considerations whether the transfer of the debtor under the hand can be legalized or not. as long as the bank does not question or cancel the sale and purchase, there are several alternatives that can be taken by the bank and the purchaser to resolve the legal impasse of the problem. the solution according to the author can be reached through 2 (two), namely: 1) new debtors can continue to pay installments until they are paid off according to the time period or can pay off all at once in cash with the approval of the bank and finally the bank submits all documents including certificates to the new debtor without having to reverse the name. 2) if the first method is not reached, the second method can be used, which can be done over the ordinary debtor without requiring the presence of the old debtor, in this case the old debtor can be represented by the bank based on a power of attorney to sell made at the time of the credit agreement. the bank can ask the notary/ppat to help with this method and at the same time explain to the notary/ppat that actually under the hand the kpr house has been transferred from the old debtor to the new debtor and has occupied the house. however, due to the fact that the new debtor is paying the installments and the address of the old debtor is no longer known, the new debtor's application for the transfer of the debtor's house should be considered for acceptance. for transferring debtors, banks can use a power of attorney to sell as a legal basis for the bank to sell/transfer debtors to new debtors. however, for the transfer of this debtor there needs to be a ppat/notary's willingness to make the deeds. the problem is if the notary/ppat is not willing so that the transfer of the debtor cannot occur. for this reason, the bank office must find a notary/ppat who is willing or convince a notary/ppat who is not willing to make deeds. if the notary/ppat is willing to assist the bank in making the deeds of transfer of the debtor without the presence of the debtor but based on a power of attorney to sell from the debtor to the bank, which is made by the debtor at the time of the credit agreement, it will greatly assist in completing the kpr house which is sold underhand or in an empty condition and the debtor is no longer known. however, if the notary is unwilling to help draw up the deed of transfer of the debtor without the presence of the old debtor due to worry or fear as stated in the answer above, another effort that can be taken is to file a lawsuit through the district court where the kpr house is located, to the unknown debtor. that again. the bank's demands in the lawsuit include asking the district court to allow the bank to sell the kpr house, either in cash or over to the debtor without the presence of the old debtor. if the defendant (debtor) has been duly summoned and does not appear, then the court will issue a verstek decision (a decision without the defendant being present). within 14 days after the decision, there was no resistance from the debtor, the decision has permanent force, so that based on the decision, the bank can sell the house either cash/transfer of the debtor without the presence of the old debtor. with the district court's decision, the notary/ppat need not hesitate to make a deed of transfer of the debtor. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 42-45 45 according to the author's opinion based on the power of attorney to sell from the old debtor to the bank (which already exists) made and signed at or simultaneously with the credit agreement (credit contract), the bank can sell collateral directly to prospective buyers who have agreed to buy. the bank does not need to hesitate or worry about the legal risk that the original debtor may appear and sue the bank. the appearance of the original debtor and sue is very small and even impossible due to the fact that the debtor has sold (underhand) the collateral house to that other person. 4. conclusion the legal consequences of transferring the debtor underhanded in the housing loan agreement (kprbtn) and the efforts taken by the bank to overcome it. the sale of kpr houses underhand by debtors who have not paid off their debts is an act against the law because kpr houses it is a collateral object for the debtor's debt to the bank, so that the bank can sue the debtor to provide compensation for the cancellation of the sale and purchase of a kpr house by the old debtor which was carried out privately and immediately pay off all the remaining debt. the sale of kpr houses privately by the debtor does not eliminate the debtor's obligation to pay off his debt to the bank. references (ibi), i. b. i. 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(1994) pokok-pokok hukum perikatan. bina cipta. bandung. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i1.2859 vol. 7 no. 1, december 2022 61 legality and legal certainty of ulayat land for indigenous law communities (analysis of decision number 1430 k/pdt/2022) edy nurcahyo1*, hudali mukti2, ahmad rosidi3, yogi yasa wedha4, ayu putu laksmi danyathi5 1faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah buton, indonesia 2faculty of law, universitas widya gama mahakam samarinda, indonesia 3faculty of law, universitas 45 mataram, indonesia 4faculty of law, universitas mahasaraswati denpasar, indonesia 5faculty of law, universitas udayana, indonesia *correspondence: cahyonur3dy@mail.com article history abstract received: 20.11.2022 accepted: 28.12.2022 published: 31.12.2022 land disputes in indonesia are still very high, including land disputes that occur on ulayat lands. in the settlement of land disputes in court, sometimes indigenous peoples have to lose in defending their rights due to the weakness of the legality factor of land ownership rights on ulayat land. the research method used is normative legal research. the ulayat land of the customary community unit has received recognition regarding its existence, but in the implementing regulations,head of bpn number 18 of 2019 there is still a legal vacuum that results in weak aspects of protection and legal certainty for the existence of ulayat land. the existence of customary law institutions that do not yet have legality becomes a barrier for customary law community units in defending their rights in ulayat land disputes. the existence of ulayat lands cannot be separated from the recognition of customary communities who are part of the existence of ulayat lands. legal certainty in providing protection for ulayat lands of customary community units is very necessary to maintain the existence of ulayat lands through new regulations as a basis for inventory and recognition of ulayat land keywords: indigenous law community; legality; legal certainty; ulayat land article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction regulations in the field of land in indonesia after the independence of the republic of indonesia have been regulated in the basic agrarian law (uupa). the objectives of the promulgation of the basic agrarian law are: 1) laying the foundations for the preparation of a national agrarian law, which is a tool to bring prosperity, happiness and justice to the state and people, especially the peasants, in the framework of a just and prosperous society; 2) laying the foundations for unity and simplicity in land law; 3) laying the foundations to provide legal certainty regarding land rights for the whole people. the enactment of the uupa, as well as providing a basis for customary law in which customary law is the foundation of the uupa itself, as stated in the uupa which regulates ulayat rights, which means customary community land tenure rights, namely ulayat land (tanuramba, 2019). although the basic agrarian law has regulated the ulayat rights of customary law communities, the basic agrarian law also regulates the right of control over other lands that can be owned by legal subjects, both individuals and legal entities. under article 3 of the basic agrarian law, ulayat rights are recognized "as long as in reality they still exist". this is often a problem with land law in the community. land disputes often occur between two parties, namely indigenous law communities and local governments, indigenous law communities and companies, or between indigenous law communities and individual communities. in the settlement of land disputes in court, sometimes indigenous peoples have to lose in defending their rights due to the weakness of the legality factor of land ownership rights on ulayat land. although the basic https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i1.2859 mailto:cahyonur3dy@mail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 61-67 62 agrarian law has recognized the existence of ulayat land for customary law communities, there are still many ulayat lands that have not been registered so that they have weaknesses in terms of legality. the problem with land regulations governing ulayat lands is that there has not been a law that comprehensively regulates ulayat rights (sitorus, 2019). in the theory of legal certainty, a statutory regulation must provide legal certainty, if in a regulation there is still a legal vacuum, it is certain that the regulation has not provided legal certainty. two aspects that need to be comprehensively regulated are indigenous peoples and the legality of their customary institutions and control over customary lands of indigenous peoples. these two things are important because the control of ulayat rights cannot be separated from the legal subject, namely the customary law community. article 5 paragraph (2) government regulation number 18 of 2021, management rights originating from communal land are assigned to customary law communities, while what is meant by "customary law communities" are customary law communities that control ulayat land, their existence has been recognized and determined in accordance with with laws and regulations that contain institutions in the apparatus of customary rulers, customary law areas, institutions, or legal instruments that are still adhered to. so that the legal aspect of the existence of customary communities and institutions is important in the legal aspect. so far, there is no legal certainty for customary land in land registration. it is only respected but at the level of implementation in the form of certificate evidence as a land registration process is not recognized. so that the customary land of the customary law community is between life and death (afrianedy, 2020). the legality of the legal institutions of indigenous peoples is often an obstacle when indigenous peoples want to defend their rights to their customary lands in court. often, the indigenous law community becomes the defeated party because it is considered that the customary institution has not been registered or has no legality. ulayat land, formally the ulayat rights of indigenous law communities have a place in the national land law (uupa), but at the level of "law in action" they still lack legal protection when dealing with development interests (kunu, 2010). based on the description above, this article will discuss how is the legality of the customary rights of indigenous peoples?; and how is the legal certainty of the ulayat rights of indigenous law communities? 2. method the research method used is normative legal research, which is a library research by examining library materials related to the object under study. this research uses a statutory approach. the statutory approach is used to review and analyze all laws and regulations related to the legality of customary lands of indigenous peoples. the analysis used is descriptive qualitative analysis, namely the analysis of legal materials by providing a description of the findings to answer the formulation of the problem under study. 3. result and discussion the existence of ulayat lands of customary law community units cannot be separated from the aspects of legality and legal certainty as a means to provide legal protection for the interests of indigenous peoples in indonesia. this will be described as follows: 3.1 the legality of ulayat land of indigenous law communities the constitution has mandated the state to recognize and respect the unity of indigenous peoples and all their rights. the constitution of the republic of indonesia, recognizing the existence of customary law communities, is contained in article 18b paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution which states: the state recognizes and respects indigenous law community units and their traditional rights as long as they are still alive and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia, which are regulated by law. in the basic agrarian law recognizing the existence of ulayat rights, this is regulated in article 3 of the basic agrarian law, the contents of article 3 acknowledging the existence of ulayat land: with regard to the provisions in articles 1 and 2, the implementation of ulayat rights and similar rights from indigenous law requirements, as long as the facts still exist, must be in such a way that it is in accordance with the national and state interests, which is based on national unity and must not conflict with other higher laws and regulations". p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 61-67 63 article 3 of the basic agrarian law mandates the recognition of ulayat rights in national land law. ulayat land is the highest right of control within certain indigenous law communities over land which is the joint property of its citizens (arta at al., 2021). in government regulation number 24 of 1997 concerning land registration, ulayat land is not included in the object of land registration, in this regulation it is clear that it does not provide legal protection and certainty for the existence of ulayat land of customary law community units. pp no. 24 of 1997 has been revoked by government regulation number 18 of 2021 concerning management rights, land rights, flat units, and land registration. peraturan pemerintah nomor 18 tahun 2021 menyatakan, tanah ulayat adalah tanah yang berada dalam wilayah penguasaan masyarakat hukum adat yang pada kenyataannya masih ada dan tidak terikat dengan hak atas tanah. the ulayat rights of indigenous law communities are considered to still exist according to article 2 paragraph (2) of the minister of agrarian affairs/head of the national land agency number 5 of 1999, if: a. there is a group of people who still feel bound by their customary law order as joint citizens of a certain legal alliance, who recognize and apply the provisions of these partnerships in their daily life. b. there is a certain ulayat land which is the living environment of the members of the legal alliance and the place where they take their daily needs. c. there is a customary law order regarding the management, control, and use of ulayat land that is valid and obeyed by the citizens of the legal alliance. in the regulation of the minister of agrarian affairs/head of the national land agency number 18 of 2019 concerning procedures for administrative land of indigenous law community units, the ulayat rights of indigenous law communities are considered to still exist according to article 2 paragraph (2) must meet certain criteria including elements of the existence of: 1) community and indigenous law institutions; 2) the area where the customary rights take place; 3) the relationship, linkage, and dependence of the indigenous law community unit with its territory; and 4) the authority to jointly regulate the use of land in the territory of the relevant indigenous law community unit, based on customary law that is still valid and adhered to by the community. the control of ulayat rights cannot be separated from the legal subject, namely the indigenous law community. the subject of ulayat rights are indigenous law communities, both those which are legal alliances based on the similarity of residence (territorial) or those based on descent (geneology) known by various names that are unique to the area concerned (muldjabar, 2018). so that the existence of ulayat land in addition to the existence of ulayat land, there must also be legal subjects who have management rights over ulayat land. recognition of the existence of indigenous law communities is very important to maintain the existence of ulayat resistance which is a right from generation to generation. to find out whether there is a legal community in the context of an effort to give recognition, the following are the criteria for indigenous law communities according to several experts: h.m. koesnoe (sembiring, 2018) stated that to find out whether there are indigenous peoples or not, it can be answered by taking into account the following matters: 1) is there any group in the territory concerned which is an organized unit?; 2) as such a group, is the organization managed by a board that is obeyed by its members?; 3) since when has the group existed in the soil environment in question (obviously how many generations have it been)?; 4) does the group follow a homogeneous tradition in its life, so that the group can be said to be a legal alliance?; 5) what is the tradition according to the origin of the group so that it is a unity in the soil environment? ter haar provides 4 (four) criteria regarding the existence of an indigenous community, namely: 1) there is a group of people; 2) which is subject to an order or order; 3) have their own government; and 4) own assets, both material and immaterial (sembiring, 2018). p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 61-67 64 ulayat land is defined as a plot of land on which there are ulayat rights of a certain indigenous law community (simangunson, 2013). according to boedi harsono, what is meant by ulayat rights of indigenous law community are a series of authorities and obligations of a indigenous law community, which relates to land located within its territory (santoso, 2014). the existence of ulayat lands cannot be separated from the recognition of indigenous law communities who are part of the existence of ulayat lands. recognition and protection of indigenous law communities must involve government participation, recognition and protection of indigenous peoples is carried out through the following stages: 1) identification of indigenous peoples; 2) verification and validation of indigenous peoples; and 3) determination of indigenous law communities. recognition of indigenous law communities over land leads to the notion of recognition from the state/government both politically and legally. the acknowledgment shows that the state/government has recognized, declared legal/true or declared that the indigenous law community has the right to the natural resources it owns and obliges the government to protect these rights from threats/interference from other parties. this recognition is an acknowledgment that is formulated in the form of state law on the rights of indigenous peoples to land and other natural resources (ismi, 2012). the conditional recognition that has been applied by the government, as stated in the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, "as long as it exists and does not conflict with the laws and regulations", is very detrimental to the existence of indigenous peoples (muazzin, 2014). especially for indigenous peoples who do not have recognition and/or direct stipulation from the government and the existence of ulayat lands that have not been recorded. the customary law community unit must meet the following requirements: 1) it is actually still alive, whether it is territorial, genealogical, or functional; 2) in accordance with the development of society; 3) in accordance with the principles of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia. article 3 of the basic agrarian law contains a statement of acknowledgment of the existence of ulayat rights of indigenous law communities as long as in reality they still exist, meaning that if they do not exist, then these ulayat rights will not be revived, and new ulayat rights will not be created. ulayat rights are left to be regulated by their respective indigenous communities (santoso, 2014). the definition of "as long as the fact still exists" contained in these provisions, is in reality difficult to prove considering the delematic nature of ulayat rights (mudjiono , 2004). research and determination of the existence of ulayat rights are carried out by local governments by involving experts on customary law, indigenous law communities in the area concerned, non-governmental organizations, and agencies that manage natural resources. the existence of extant ulayat lands of indigenous peoples is stated in the basic map of land registration by affixing a cartographic sign, and if possible describing its boundaries and recording it in the land register. 3.2 legal certainty of ulayat land for indigenous law communities units the existence of ulayat lands of indigenous law community units must be protected and obtain legal certainty as with other land tenure rights. however, in reality there are still many ulayat lands that have not received legal protection so that they often lose in defending their rights in court. in the regulation of the minister of agrarian affairs/head of the national land agency number 18 of 2019 concerning procedures for administrative ulayat land of indigenous law community units, article 3 states that the stipulation of recognition and protection of customary law community units is carried out in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. according to gustav radbruch, law has three aspects, namely justice, finality, and legal certainty. in the aspect of legal certainty, it aims to provide a guarantee that a regulation or law really really functions as a regulation that is implemented and obeyed. legal certainty as a legal operational framework so that a regulation is made and promulgated with certainty because it regulates clearly and logically (arta at al, 2021). legal certainty can only be answered normatively, not sociologically, legal certainty is normative when a regulation is made and promulgated with certainty because it regulates clearly and clearly. it is clear in the sense p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 61-67 65 that it does not cause doubt (multi-interpretation) and logical in the sense that it becomes a norm system with other norms so that it does not clash or cause norm conflicts. norm conflicts that arise from uncertainty in the rules can take the form of norm congestion, norm reduction, or norm distortion. legal certainty refers to the implementation of a clear, permanent, consistent and consequent law whose implementation cannot be influenced by subjective circumstances (muliawan, 2016). legal certainty in providing protection for ulayat lands of indigenous law community units is very necessary to maintain the existence of ulayat lands. the government must organize the administration of the customary law community unit lands throughout the territory of the republic of indonesia to ensure legal certainty. rika lestari and djoko sukisno in their research stated that the regulation on the recognition and protection of customary land rights of indigenous law communities contained in the legislation in force in indonesia has not been able to provide legal protection because the legal politics of recognizing ulayat land rights is still carried out half-heartedly, pseudo and ambivalent (lestari & sukisno, 2021) legal certainty of customary land administration includes measurement, mapping, and recording in the land register. the community and indigenous law institutions must submit an application for the administration of the ulayat land to the head of the local land office. 3.3 recognition of indigenous/ulayat land in decision number 1430 k/pdt/2022 in the decision of the supreme court number 1430 k/pdt/2022, the plaintiff, namely the management of a customary institution who received a mandate from indigenous peoples, could not defend their ulayat land which was the object of the dispute, the supreme court judge's decision at the cassation level won the defendant's favor. this is due to several factors including: a. customary institutions are considered to have no legitimacy and legal basis regulated by regulation to be stipulated through regional regulations; b. customary land does not have boundaries in the form of clear dimensions c. lawsuit of the less party plaintiffs (exceptio plurium litis consortium) d. indigenous/cultural land has not been registered e. the lawsuit is considered blurred in the customary land dispute, the plaintiff filed a lawsuit on the basis of customary land ownership of 50 hectares, namely based on a certificate of customary land issued by the village head and approved by the subdistrict head in 1973. disputes over customary/ulayat lands often occur where the object of the dispute is customary/ulayat land, the parties to the dispute are between customary law communities and individuals. if the origin of the emergence of communal land disputes is due to the fact that part of the customary land parcels are registered as property rights, however, the court wins the individual party who registers their land as property rights on the pretext of obtaining the rights from generation to generation, on the other hand the legal standing of the legal institution and the existence of customary land is considered weak, then the court's decision has the consequence that other customary lands similar to the case will gradually turn into land owned by individuals with the status of land tenure rights, namely freehold land. supreme court decision number 1430 k/pdt/2022 needs to be measured using the theory of legal objectives. the purpose of law according to gustav radbruch is to achieve justice, legal certainty and expediency. the decision prioritizes legal objectives, namely legal certainty from regulations that have not provided legal certainty for customary land arrangements. on the other hand, the judge's decision has the consequences of increasingly weakening the existence of ulayat land, a fact that customary lands will soon turn into ownership land that is listing through the national land agency (bpn). land disputes between indigenous peoples and individuals are predicted to occur a lot and must be completed through a judiciary. so it needs preventive legal protection from the government and related non-governmental institutions. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 61-67 66 4. conclusion the ulayat land of indigenous law communities has been regulated in the basic law of agaria, even though its existence has been recognized in the indonesian constitution, but in the implementing regulations there is still a vacancy in the book, existing regulations do not provide legal certainty and legal protection for the existence of customary rights of customary law communities. not registered. the state should carry out an inventory of the ulayat lands of indigenous law communities that have not been registered. the existence of indigenous law institutions that do not yet have legality becomes a barrier for indigenous law community units in defending their rights in ulayat land disputes. the existence of ulayat lands cannot be separated from the recognition of indigenous law communities who are part of the existence of ulayat lands. references afrianedy, r. 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(2019), legalitas kepemilikan masyarakat adat atas tanah ulayat menurut hukum agraria, lex privatum, 7(5), available at https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/index.php/lexprivatum/article/view/26985 undang-undang dasar negara republik indonesia tahun 1945 undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1960 tentang peraturan dasar pokok-pokok agraria https://ejournal.balitbangham.go.id/index.php/dejure/article/view/549/pdf https://jurnalbhumi.stpn.ac.id/index.php/jb/article/view/373 http://journal.uwgm.ac.id/index.php/yuriska/article/view/457 https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/index.php/lexprivatum/article/view/26985 jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i2.3161 vol. 7 no. 2 june 2023 64 efforts of women's and children's services unit in solving the crime of sexual abuse committed by minors la gurusi1* 1 law faculty, muhammadiyah buton university, indonesian *correspondence: lagurusi7@gmail.com article history abstract received: 07.05.2023 accepted: 05.06.2023 published: 30.06.2023 law number 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile criminal justice system or what is otherwise referred to as the sppa law, through the sppa law aims to meet the needs of criminal law policies, namely as a form of legal renewal of the juvenile justice system in indonesia. this research aims to look at the efforts of women’s and children’s services unit in solving the crime of suxual abuse committed by minors. this research applied empirical juridical research with the research location in the women's and children's services unit.the author in this research conducts initial data collection to obtain data or collect various data, facts and information needed. based on the result, there was an increase in criminal cases from 2020, (4 cases) (1 case) resolved through the diversion process, in 2021 the number of cases increased to 7 cases with 2 cases resolved through diversion and restorative justice and in 2021 until december 31 the number of cases according to 5 cases and up to stage ii. from the interview data obtained that children are not only victims but also perpetrators of almos t all types of criminal acts. after the author conducted a deeper elaboration from the uppa investigator of buton police, the fact that children become perpetrators of criminal acts is influenced by the surrounding environment, there are no examples of good character from the figures in the house and the indifference shown both in the family environment and the wider environment. keywords: crime, sexual abuse, minors article license copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction indonesia in recent years has seen an increase in child crimes, if we look at various mass media lately, they always report or broadcast crimes committed by children to other people and children as victims in these crimes. one form of protection for children as perpetrators of criminal acts is by establishing the women and children service unit, which was formed based on national police chief regulation number 10 of 2007 concerning the organization and work structure of the women and children service unit within the national police. based on this law, the women and children service unit, hereinafter abbreviated as uppa, is a unit tasked with providing services, in the form of protection for women and children who are victims of crime and law enforcement against the perpetrators (prakoto, 2016). therefore, if a child commits a criminal offense, he must be treated specifically according to the child protection law, one of which is by using law no. 11 of 2012 concerning the child criminal justice system, that in handling children's cases must prioritize a restorative justice approach, in this case the investigation of child crimes from the police is the ppa unit. children with all forms of criminal offenses or crimes as victims may also be perpetrators of crime. crimes or crimes that occur to children will have a negative impact on children who will become more aggressive, phobic (fear), experience insomnia, depression, and low self-confidence (salam, 2020). even their academic performance will decrease; they will not have the ability to adapt and will find it difficult to empathize. ultimately, children who have experienced violence will create offenders with criminal behavior. although children with criminal behavior or as perpetrators of criminal acts, they are still children, they have their own characteristics that must be treated differently (special) must still be considered for their rights, their future lives, and must also consider the best for the child (prakoso, 2016). therefore, the author is encouraged to conduct research on how the role of the women's and children's service unit (uppa) in handling cases of juvenile crime, thus encouraging the author to propose the title "efforts of the women's and children's mailto:lagurusi7@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 64-69 65 service unit (uppa) in resolving the crime of sexual abuse committed by minors". based on the background of the problem above, the author formulates several problems that will be researched and discussed, namely as follows: how is the effort of uppa (women's and children's services unit) on cases of criminal acts of sexual abuse committed by minors at buton district police. what are the inhibiting factors of uppa (women's and children's services unit) against cases of sexual abuse committed by minors at buton district police. 2. research methodology this research applied empirical juridical research with the research location in the women's and children's services unit. the author in this research conducts initial data collection to obtain data or collect various data, facts and information needed. the data obtained must have a relevant relationship with the problem being studied, so that it has qualifications as a proportional scientific writing system. then, using interview techniques and study of legal documentation related to the problem under study. data obtained through research activities both primary and secondary are analyzed qualitatively and then presented descriptively analytically. 3. results and discussions 3.1 women’s and children’s services unit (uppa) child crimes involving children as victims and perpetrators (child delinquency) continue to increase, to deal with this problem, based on kapolri regulation no. 10 of 2007 concerning organization and work procedures, a unit was formed in charge of providing services, protection of women and children (annisa, 2016). the women's and children service unit (ppa unit) is a unit tasked with providing services in the form of protection for women and children who are victims of crime and law enforcement against women and children who are perpetrators of criminal acts. the women and children protection unit is located under the police criminal investigation unit and has the task of providing services in the form of protection for women and children who are victims of crime/violence and law enforcement against the perpetrators, in carrying out its duties the women and children protection unit carries out functions: 1. implementation of services and protection 2. implementation and investigation of criminal acts 3. organizing cooperation and coordination with related agencies the women and children protection unit (uppa) is headed by the head of the ppa unit who oversees 2 panit (unit officers) namely panit protection (lindung) and panit investigation (idik). according to kapolri regulation no. 10 of 2007 article 6 paragraph 4 states that the main task of the ppa unit is to investigate criminal acts against women and children which include: human trafficking 1. people smuggling 2. violence (general and domestic) 3. immorality (rape, harassment, obscenity) 4. vice (gambling and prostitution) 5. illegal adoption 6. pornography and pornoaction. 7. money laundering of the proceeds of the aforementioned crimes 8. child protection issues (as victim/suspect) 9. protection of victims, witnesses, family and friends 10. other cases where the perpetrators are women and children. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 64-69 66 the women and child protection unit (uppa), one of its authorities, is an institution responsible for upholding the law and is required to play an active role in supporting the realization of protection and overcoming criminal acts of violence against children (kartono, 1985). this authority is contained in law no. 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to law no. 23 of 2002 concerning child protection. the effect of the authority possessed by the investigator of the women and children protection unit of the buton police must be able to quickly resolve, overcome and enforce criminal acts against children as victims and children as perpetrators. the rise of child crimes and the increasingly vigorous efforts to protect children have brought a new paradigm that violence against children has become a state problem and a public problem. thus, the implementers of child protection include not only the government, but also the community, including community institutions and the importance of legal awareness in the community against acts of violence against children. with the existence of law enforcement officials in this case the women and child protection unit supported by this law, it is hoped that all forms of discrimination and violence against children can be minimized (moch, 1981). the women's and children's service unit (uppa) of buton police is described by the author as having improved the quality of their performance. although citizen complaints are also increasing (prakoto, 2016). currently uppa polresta buton is conducting an mou (momerandum of understanding) or cooperation with the government through the buton regency integrated empowerment center for the protection of women and children (pp2tp2a) as a step to reduce the crime of women and children in buton regency. the author during the research obtained some supporting data both quantitative and qualitative, including; tabel 1. data on juvenile crimes in 2020 type of crime number of crimes handled crime process phase ii rj/ diversion minor commits obscenity 4 3 1 data source: polres buton uppa 2020 tabel 2. data on juvenile crime in 2021 type of crime number of crimes handled crime process phase ii rj/ diversion minors commits obscenity 7 5 2 data source: polres buton uppa tahun 2021 tabel 3. data tindak pidana anak tahun 2022 type of crime number of crimes handled crime process phase ii rj/ diversion minors commits obscenity 5 5 0 data source : polres buton uppa tahun 2022 based on the table above, al muhalis, head of the women's and children's services unit (ppa) explained that. "there was an increase in criminal cases from 2020, (4 cases) (1 case) resolved through the diversion process, in 2021 the number of cases increased to 7 cases with 2 cases resolved through diversion and restorative justice and in 2021 until december 31 the number of cases according to 5 cases and up to stage ii ". (interview, december 31, 2022) from the interview data obtained that children are not only victims but also perpetrators of almost all types of criminal acts. after the author conducted a deeper elaboration from the uppa investigator of buton police, the fact that children become perpetrators of criminal acts is influenced by the surrounding environment, there are no examples of good character from the figures in the house and the indifference shown both in the family environment and the wider environment (lampatta, 2017). p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 64-69 67 child protection efforts are the efforts of every member of society with their respective abilities with various kinds of efforts and certain conditions carried out to ensure that children in good condition can carry out their rights and obligations for the reasonable development and growth of children both physically, mentally and socially. child protection is the realization of justice in a society, thus child protection is sought in various fields of state and social life. 3.2. efforts of women’s and children services unit the role of the ppa unit in handling juvenile crimes, the police in this case the buton police took the necessary actions to handle juvenile crimes as follows: investigation; according to the criminal procedure code (kuhap) article 1 point 5, investigation is: "a series of actions by investigators to search for and determine an event suspected of being a criminal offense in order to determine whether or not an investigation can be carried out according to the method regulated by this law investigation according to the method regulated in this law." 1. inquiry; after the investigation, the next step is to conduct an inquiry. according to kuhap article 1 point 2, an inquiry is "a series of investigator's actions in terms of and according to regulated by this law to seek and collect evidence with which to make light of the criminal offense that occurred and to find the suspect evidence that makes light of the criminal offense that occurred and in order to find the suspect." 2. collection of evidence; in order to collect evidence investigators usually search and seizure of evidence. the search itself is divided into two, namely house searches and body searches. al muhalis as the head of women's and children's service unit (uppa) of buton police said. "the role that must be carried out by an investigator is not only investigation, inquiry, and collection of evidence but also coaching; children who are still minors when asked for information related to the case they are doing feel scared as a result of that the investigator conducts special coaching so that the perpetrator can be asked for information" (interview december 31, 2018). the handling of criminal offenses according to article 15 paragraph (1) of law number 2 of 2002 concerning the indonesian national police (polri), the authority of polri in general is: a. receive reports and/or complaints; b. assist in resolving community disputes that may disturb public order; c. preventing and overcoming the growth of community diseases; d. supervising streams that can cause division or threaten national unity and integrity; e. issuing police regulations within the scope of police administrative authority; f. carry out special examinations as part of police actions in the context of prevention; g. taking the first action at the scene; h. taking fingerprints and other identities and photographing a person; i. search for information and evidence; j. organizing a national criminal information center; k. issuing licenses and/or certificates required in the context of community services; l. providing security assistance in the trial and implementation of court decisions of other agencies' activities, as well as community activities; m. receive and temporarily store found items. 3.3. the barriers of investigators in women's and children's services units p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 64-69 68 the research process carried out by the author to obtain accurate and reliable data is conducted by visiting the research location in this case making a direct visit to the buton police by interviewing the head unit and staff of the women's and children’s services unit (uppa) (elmayanti, deliana, & r, 2021). some investigators from the information obtained, the reasons why there have been obstacles in handling cases of minors are: a. most child offenders are over 14 years old, this is in line with article 21 of law number 11 of 2012 that children who are not yet 12 years old who commit or are suspected of committing a criminal offense investigators, community supervisors and professional social workers make the decision to hand back to parents, include in education, coaching and mentoring programs at government agencies or lpks at agencies in charge of social welfare both at the central and regional levels. b. the victim is pregnant; the victim's parents do not want to resolve the criminal case because it is considered a disgrace to the family. c. feeling of fear, minors as perpetrators of the crime of sexual abuse who are then asked for information related to the behavior of the crime committed experience fear so that it takes time and special guidance to children so that they can be asked for information for the bap. this is also what greatly hinders the questioning. d. the perpetrator escapes "there are indeed obstacles in handling children's cases, especially when the perpetrators are minors, resulting in various obstacles which are very concerning, including fear when asked for information so that it takes a certain amount of time because it requires special guidance so that they can be asked for information. it is not only the victim who must get guidance but also the perpetrator must get guidance so that the bad things that have been done do not happen again "(said mrs. sarini, one of the investigators in women's and children service unit) (interview december 31, 2022). anyone can come into conflict with the law, including minors. when children are in conflict with the law and come into contact with the juvenile criminal justice system, some people believe that they are criminals (ariani, yuliarti, & mangku, 2019). the products issued by the criminal justice system only produce new criminals with new skills. therefore, it is necessary to provide protection to children in conflict with the law. this is done not only for the benefit of the child, but in the unity of a broad social system, children are part of and become the next generation in society. so that children should be given a good upbringing, recognize religion early, manners and ethics are taught early at home. 4. conclusion the results of the research and discussion in the previous chapters can be concluded in several ways including 1. the efforts of the ppa unit in handling child crimes, the police in this case the buton district police take the necessary actions to handle child crimes including investigations, investigations, collecting evidence and providing guidance. 2. factors that can influence children to commit criminal acts of sexual abuse include; promiscuity, technology, lack of parental supervision, perpetrators under the influence of alcohol, and poor environment. bibliography annisa, r. 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(2020). rekonstruksi paradigma filsafat ilmu: studi kritis terhadap ilmu hukum sebagai ilmu. ekspose: jurnal penelitian hukum dan pendidikan, 18(2), 885–896. https://doi.org/10.30863/ekspose.v18i2.511 8) 2866 46-52 jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i1.2866 vol. 7 no. 1, december 2022 46 optimizing the role of religious jurisdiction in preventing child marriage in gorontalo province aliyas1, suardi rais1*, a. st. kumala ilyas1, jupri1, yoslan k koni1 1universitas ichsan gorontalo, indonesia *correspondence: suardi.rais@mail.com article history abstract received: 30.11.2022 accepted: 29.12.2022 published: 31.12.2022 the prevalence of child marriage under 18 years released by the central bureau of statistics in 2020 places gorontalo province in the 6th highest place in indonesia with a rate of 23.16%. the data is corroborated by the records of the supreme court who receive cases of requests for dispensation from marriage which each year has increased. the religious court's allusion to child marriage through a marriage dispensation mechanism. a quo mechanism is regulated in supreme court regulation (perma) number 5 of 2019 concerning guidelines for trialing applications for dispensation of marriage. various factors behind the request for underage marriage include: because they really want to get married, because they are pregnant out of wedlock and there are applications for girls whose age has not been justified by law. on the basis of these problems, this study aims to provide space for the religious court as the final determinant through legal considerations and its sociological aspects, prioritizing prevention efforts by narrowing the space for applications, examining cases more carefully, and the commitment of the parties to respond to the negative consequences of child marriage. the research method used is the legal behavior approach that occurs in society (socio legal research). keywords: child marriage; optimization; prevention; religious courts article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction child marriage is a form of child abuse. forced child married or because of certain conditions must be married under the age of 18 years will have greater vulnerability both in terms of access to education, quality of health, potential experiencing violence and living in poverty. potentially even spawn intergenerational poverty. (puskapa, 2020) the practice of child marriage is rooted in various aspects, both individual, family, community and structural. in general, there are at least 3 factors that are closely related to the practice of child marriage, namely educational factors, economic factors, and child environmental factors. the 2020 susenas data shows that on the education factor the level of educational attainment is higher for those who are married over 18 years. for women, almost half (45.56 percent) who married at an adult age completed senior high school (sma). the average length of schooling for both women and men aged 20-24 who were married after the age of 18 was higher than those who were married before the age of 18. in terms of economic factors, for poor households, mostly girls are considered an economic burden and marriage is seen as a solution to escape from poverty and this is in accordance with the 2020 susenas data which shows that children from families from the lowest economic quintile are most at risk of child marriage. while on the child's environmental factors, in this case what is meant is the child's place of residence. susenas data shows that girls in rural areas are twice as likely to get married as girls living in urban areas (unicef et al., 2020). quoted from quentin wodon's research, early childhood is a period critical in a child's development. bad conditions at the beginning of life not only affect the physical growth of children, but also the development and abilities of the brain them as a consequence to survive long into adulthood (wodon, 2016) the spirit of preventing child marriage shown by all stakeholders followed by the government's commitment through the 2020-2024 rpjmn from 11.2 percent in 2018 to 8.74 in 2024 is a response to the emergency of child marriage. not only until there the government continues to make breakthroughs in national policies and campaigns and government partners through campaigns to stop child marriage, child friendly cities, p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 46-52 47 community-based integrated child protection as well as reproductive health education and sexuality is considered not able to reduce the number of child marriages. in 2019 there was a change in the marriage law where the age requirement for marriage was for women are equated with the marriage age limit for men, which is 19 years old. however, the law still provides room for exceptions through dispensations marriage. this then gives way to child marriage, according to the data issued by the supreme court indicates an increase in requests for dispensation in 2019, 23,126 cases were recorded, then in 2020 there were quite a sharp increase with a total of 35,441 cases (musthofa & dzul farhan, 2021; lahaliang, et. al., 2022). based on the national socio-economic survey (susenas) on child marriage in indonesia, gorontalo province is the 6th highest area after central sulawesi province.(bps, 2018) this is in line with data released by religious courts spread across 6 districts/cities in 2020, there were 918 requests article 2 of the marriage law stipulates that marriage is valid if it is carried out according to the laws of each religion and belief. then, every marriage is recorded according to the applicable laws and regulations. it should be noted, regarding the minimum age for a person to marry, article 7 paragraph (1) of law number 16 of 2019 concerning amendments to law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage stipulates that marriage is only permitted if the male and female parties have reached the age of 19 year. this means that the dispensation of marriage as a deviation from the rules regarding the age limit of children is the main estuary for obtaining the legalization of child marriage. if the judge does not give permission to marry, it is certain that child marriage will not occur. the problem raised by this research is the extent of the role religious courts in reducing the level of child marriage. and what factors underlie the judge granted the application for child marriage dispensation 2. method the type of research used is empirical research, namely research with field data as the main data source, such as the results of interviews and observations. empirical research is used to analyze law which is seen as patterned social behavior in people's lives that always interact and relate to social aspects. so the approach in this study uses a qualitative approach, which is a way of analyzing research results that produce analytical descriptive data, namely data that is stated in writing or verbally as well as real behavior, which is researched and studied as a whole. (qamar et al., 2017) the steps that the writer carried out to analyze the accuracy of the data after it was obtained were: 1) editing, the first stage was carried out by re-examining the data that had been obtained, especially from its completeness, clarity of meaning, suitability and relevance to other data groups so as to maximize research and quality data. 2) classifying, reducing existing data by compiling and classifying the data obtained into certain patterns to facilitate reading and discussion in accordance with research needs. 3) verifying, is proving the correctness of the data to guarantee the validity of the data that has been collected. this verification is carried out by meeting data sources (informants, informants and respondents) and providing the results of interviews with them to respond to whether the data is appropriate or not. 4) analysing, the process of presenting data which have been classified, then interpreted by linking existing data sources and then analyzed according to the items studied in this study. 3. result and discussion 3.1 the role of the religious courts in suppressing the level of child marriage during the period from 2020 to 2021 the increase and decrease in prevalence at the district/city level in gorontalo province varies in magnitude. following are the data on requests for dispensation from marriage at the religious courts in gorontalo province. table 1. data on requests for dispensation from marriage at the gorontalo religious court no year number of applications 1 2020 189 2 2021 221 3 2022 133 data source: sipp gorontalo religious court p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 46-52 48 table 1 above shows that the request for dispensation from marriage at the goorentalo religious court is still quite high, this can be seen from the increase in requests every year. in 2020 there were 189 requests, then in 2021 there were 221 requests and in 2022 there were 133 requests. table 2. data on requests for dispensation from marriage at the kwandang religious court. no year number of applications 1 2020 2 2021 62 3 2022 98 data source: sipp gorontalo religious court table 2 above shows that requests for dispensation from marriage at the kwandang religious court also experience an increase in requests every year. in 2020 there will be no application considering that at that time north gorontalo regency was still in the same court area as gorontalo regency to be precise the limboto religious court. after officially operating kwandang pa, in 2021 the kwandang religious court received 62 cases of dispensation from marriage, then in 2022 there was an increase in requests totaling 98 cases. table 3. data on requests for dispensation from marriage at the limboto religious court no year number of applications 1 2020 250 2 2021 289 3 2022 254 data source: sipp gorontalo religious court table 3 above shows that requests for marriage dispensation at the limboto religious court do not seem to have increased significantly from year to year, but the limboto religious court is the court that receives the most requests for marriage dispensation each year among the other religious courts. for example, in 2020 there were 250 requests, in 2021 there were 289 requests and in 2022 there were 254 requests. table 4. data on the marisa religious court's application for dispensation from marriage no year number of applications 1 2020 98 2 2021 152 3 2022 67 data source: sipp gorontalo religious court table 4 above shows that requests for dispensation from marriage at the marisa religious court. in 2020 there were 98 requests, then in 2021 there were 152 requests and in 2022 there were 67 requests. table 5. data on requests for dispensation from marriage at the suwawa religious court no year number of applications 1 2020 159 2 2021 240 3 2022 138 data source: sipp gorontalo religious court table 5 above shows that requests for dispensation from marriage at the suwawa religious court. in 2020 there were 159 requests, then in 2021 there were 240 requests and in 2022 there were 138 requests. table 6. data on requests for dispensation from marriage at the tilamuta religious cour no year number of applications 1 2020 124 2 2021 76 3 2022 34 data source: sipp gorontalo religious court p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 46-52 49 table 6 above shows that requests for dispensation from marriage at the tilamuta religious court have decreased from year to year. in 2020 there were 124 requests, then in 2021 it decreased to 76 requests and in 2022 there were 34 requests. the decline in the number of child marriages cannot be separated from the role of the courts. the supreme court has its own policy by issuing supreme court regulation number 5 of 2019 concerning guidelines for trialing applications for dispensation of marriage. the presence of this perma aims to tighten the occurrence of marriage at a young age and try as much as possible if marriage dispensation is given, it must consider the best interests of the child. therefore, every application for dispensation must be presented by the child to court with the aim of getting a response from him regarding the reasons that prompted him to marry at a young age. seeing the high number of requests for dispensation from marriage, the role of the religious courts is indeed important in preventing child marriages. child marriage is related to various factors which can be structural in nature, as well as those originating from the community, family, as well as individual capacities. the results of the study show that children who are more vulnerable to child marriage are girls, children who live in poor families, children who live in rural areas and children who have low education. in the last 10 (ten) years there has only been a small decline in child marriages in indonesia. therefore the government responded with several policy breakthroughs. among them is the change in the minimum age of marriage for women as stipulated in law number 16 of 2019 concerning amendments to law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage. the law has included a change in the minimum age for marriage for girls from 16 years to 19 years. this has accommodated the principle of equality and also a progressive form of affirmation. in addition, government partner institutions have also developed several intervention programs, such as a national campaign to stop child marriage, child-friendly cities, community-based reproductive and sexual health education and integrated child protection. the various government efforts and programs above have in fact not been able to prevent and overcome child marriage and its effects. so that more maximal, fast and integrated efforts are needed to prevent and overcome child marriage. these efforts include: a) strengthening laws and policies in protecting children from marriage b) overcoming poverty which is often a driving factor for child marriage. c) ensuring child education and health services d) providing education to the public about child marriage e) support further research on the protection of women and children. f) optimizing the role of the court in preventing child marriage. among the several efforts above, the religious courts (pa) also have a significant role in preventing child marriage in indonesia. he has the authority to determine whether or not a girl or a boy under the age of 19 (nineteen) can marry. this then became the point of contact for the religious courts against child marriages through the marriage dispensation mechanism. the authority of the court as regulated in the marriage law is then further regulated in supreme court regulation (perma) number 5 of 2019 concerning guidelines for trialing applications for dispensation of marriage. it can be said that the religious courts are the final determinant of child marriage. if there is a child marriage that has been rejected by the court in its application for dispensation and continues to carry out the marriage, it will not be recorded at the kua and the marriage is an "underhand marriage", which has no legal force. with regard to the age limit for marriage, the qur'an does not specifically discuss the age of marriage, but only underlines the signs and signals, so it is up to the fiqh and the muslims to determine the best age limit according to the conditions and signs. -sign that has been determined and the place where the law was promulgated.(ahyani, 2016) with the dispensation of marriage, religious court judges play an important role. muara uatama to get the legalization of child marriage is through a judge. if the judge does not give permission to marry, it is certain that marriage will not take place for the child. conversely, if the judge gives permission, child marriage will still occur. therefore, the judge as the final decision maker, through legal and sociological considerations, puts forward efforts to prevent child marriage by narrowing the scope for applications for marriage dispensation, examining p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 46-52 50 cases more carefully by increasing the burden of proof, as well as the commitment of the parties to respond to the negative consequences arising from child marriage. based on data from the religious courts, the facts show that the role of judges in efforts to prevent marriage is considered to be still not optimal, where on average, requests for dispensation from marriage submitted by parents/guardians of children are very rarely rejected by judges. where the facts of the trial show that the marriage to be carried out is very urgent and accompanied by sufficient evidence. based on the research results, there are at least three forms of efforts made by religious court judges in the jurisdiction of gorontalo province in an effort to reduce the level of child marriage, namely: a. mediate against both parents/guardians. mediation by judges is to provide advice and views to parents and children about the consequences of marriage. participation of parents/guardians in requests for dispensation from marriage is the main supporting factor for child marriage. so by giving constructive advice to parents about the consequences of child marriage, it is hoped that it can provide understanding to both parents to think about the future of their long-term children. especially the logical consequences that arise when child marriages continue. conflicts or disputes in the household often occur in early marriages, this is due to the psychological maturity of the child. not to mention the problem of reproductive health and high mortality for mothers if they marry at an early age. quoted in a study conducted by fadlyana and larasaty, it was stated that pregnancy at the age of less than 17 years increases the risk of medical complications for both the mother and the child. pregnancy at this very young age is correlated with maternal mortality and morbidity. it was stated that girls aged 10-14 years had five times the risk of dying during pregnancy or childbirth compared to the age group 20-24 years, while this risk doubled in the age group 15-19 years. the maternal mortality rate under the age of 16 in countries with middle and low incomes is even higher, up to six times.(fadlyana & larasaty, 2016) the child's body anatomy is not ready for the process of conceiving or giving birth, so complications can occur. pregnancy at a very young age also carries a risk of maternal and infant mortality, abnormalities in the baby or birth defects, high blood pressure and premature birth, babies born with below normal weight, sexually transmitted diseases, and postpartum depression. (anjarwati, 2017) b. identify the basic desire to get married. the judge's effort to prevent child marriage is to ensure that the desire for marriage comes from the child. it is not precisely the desire of the parents who are the most active in putting forward their desire to avoid the responsibility of caring for the child until they are independent or there are other things from the wishes of the child's parents so that they want to marry off their child. c. pay attention to conformity of facts between parents, children and witnesses. conformity between the applicant's reasons and the statements of witnesses, parents and children becomes the judge's guide in formulating his legal considerations so that on that basis whether the application is granted or rejected. the legal considerations here mean that when the judge makes a decision, it must be in accordance with the arguments and legal evidence submitted. 3.2. factors underlying the judge granting the request for child marriage dispensation marriage dispensation is a marriage that occurs in a couple or one of the candidates who wants to marry at an age below the standard limit of marriage age that has been set by law. these restrictions are regulated in the provisions of state law, namely the civil code and the marriage law). the conditions for marriage according to civil law are: a) internal requirements/material requirements/subjective requirements are differentiated into absolute and relative (articles 27 to 49 of the civil code) b) external conditions / formal requirements / objective requirements (article 50 to article 84 of the civil code) the internal requirements regulate the minimum limit for the bride and groom to marry, which refers to the provisions of article 29 of the civil code, which stipulates that a marriage can take place for a man if he is 18 years old and for a woman if she is 15 years old. the internal requirement, which limits the age of marriage for men and women, is a concrete step to prevent early marriage from occurring. in contrast to the marriage law p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 46-52 51 based on the latest changes, namely law number 16 of 2019 changes to law no. 1 of 1974 concerning marriage where marriage is only permitted if a man and a woman have reached the age of 19 (nineteen) years. even though there are deviations from the age provisions referred to in the a quo provision where the parents of the man and/or the parents of the woman can request dispensation from the court with very urgent reasons accompanied by sufficient supporting evidence. from these two legal perspectives, it can be concluded that between the civil code and law no. 1 of 1974 concerning marriage strictly stipulates an age limit for marriage to take place. this restriction is an effort to prevent early marriage, especially for women who have not yet attained legal proficiency. according to the compilation of islamic law (khi), the age limit for marriage is the same as law no. 1 of 1974 concerning marriage, in article 15 paragraph (2) khi emphasizes that in order to enter into a marriage a person who has not reached the age limit of 21 years must obtain a permit as stipulated in article 6 paragraph (2), (3), (4) and ( 5) marriage law. the challenges faced by judges in preventing the practice of marriage dispensation are as follows: first, law number 16 of 2019 provides space for children's parents to get married. the birth of this new law by changing the minimum age limit which is higher than before has caused an increase in the number of child marriages. based on the results of the study, it was found that there were 2 (two) reasons underlying the judge in granting the request for marriage dispensation, namely: a. benefit is more important than harm. the main principle that is the priority of the judge giving dispensation for child marriage is the benefit of the child. the benefit of the child is everything that brings benefit to oneself and the child's future. benefit for him is that the child is protected from adultery and immorality which is prohibited by religion. religion strictly prohibits muslims from falling into adultery, because adultery results in unclear heredity. in a fiqh rule it is explained that "rejecting damage takes precedence over attracting goodness" while the problem of the disadvantages of child marriage is faced in two forms, namely first, the disadvantages of child marriage, which actually still require adequate guidance from parents and are not yet psychologically and financially mature to build a household. second, if the request is rejected, it will certainly have an adverse impact on the prospective bride and groom. for example, in the case of decision number 0029/pdt.p/2017/pa.gtlo where the applicant submitted a request for dispensation to marry the petitioner's son, adam djafar bin amin djafar, who was only 17 years old. the judge's consideration in the a quo decision is because the petitioner's child and his future wife have been dating for a long time and love each other and agree to continue marriage (building a household), the two cannot be separated, and have even been pregnant for about 4 months, so to avoid negative public opinion and the possibility of unwanted things and mafsada that is greater than the two of them, then both of them need to be married immediately. then in another case, namely case number 0091/pdt.p/2017/pa.lbt where the applicant rahman h rauf bin habi rauf submitted a request for dispensation to marry off his son named the petitioner's biological child named irna rauf bint raman h. rauf who is 15 (five fifteen) years where in the consideration of the judge saw that the close relationship (dating) of the petitioner's child with her future husband was very close even the petitioner's child was 15-16 weeks pregnant and both of them had agreed to continue this relationship by forming a household and the parents of the prospective bride have been deliberating, this shows that the marriage of the two prospective bride and groom is very urgent if it is allowed to take place without continuing with the marriage it will be able to bring harm to both of them, so that the benefits obtained if the marriage is postponed waiting for the petitioner's child to reach the age of 16 should be ignored seeing the two forms of the judge's decision above, it can be concluded that the judge when examining the application for dispensation of marriage pays close attention to the evidence submitted to the trial and if in the trial the judge is faced with two forms of reasons, namely because the two have been in a relationship for a long time and or because they have become pregnant out of wedlock. the reason is that it is very difficult for judges to reject because they always refer to islamic legal theory in fiqiyah rules which reads "rejecting damage takes precedence over attracting goodness." p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 46-52 52 b. best interests for children the best interest for the child is that all actions and policies related to the child must consider the best interest for him/her. the child protection law regulates four important elements in order to optimize child protection, namely: non-discrimination; best interests of the child, survival, development and respect for the child's opinion. these four things are the main basis for all stakeholders, both family, community and government, which must be realized in empirical reality for children.(mansari & rizkal, 2021) 4. conclusion marriage dispensation as a deviation from article 7 paragraph (1) of law number 16 of 2019 concerning amendments to law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage stipulates that marriage is only permitted if the male and female parties have reached the age of 19. become the main estuary to obtain the legalization of child marriage. therefore, the religious courts in an effort to reduce the level of child marriage take at least three forms that religious court judges take, namely: (1) mediating the two parents/guardians, (2) identifying the basic desire to marry, and (3) paying attention to the suitability of facts between parents, children and witnesses. nevertheless, the role of the religious courts in efforts to prevent marriage is considered to be still not optimal. there are 2 (two) reasons that underlie judges in granting requests for dispensation from marriage, namely that benefit is more important than harm and the best interests of the child. references ahyani, s. 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(2016). early childhood development in the context of the family: the case of child marriage. journal of human development and capabilities, 17(4). jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i2.3371 vol. 7 no.2, june 2023 30 election supervision: identity politics in election dynamics in baubau city eko satria1, l.m. ricard zeldi putra1*, samsul1, yayan serah1 1law faculty, muhammadiyah buton university, indonesian *correspondence: ricardzeldiputra@gmail.com article history abstract received: 18.05.2023 accepted: 06.06.2023 published: 30.06.2023 democracy is perhaps the most commonly heard term in many parts of the world. especially in countries where the people yearn for a government that reflects the will of the people. democratic elections must be kept away from forms of identity politics that can undermine the value of democracy. misused identity politics can be destructive, with this instrument is not fulfilled, it will interfere with the legitimacy of the election results. this research uses descriptive qualitative normative legal research with library data collection techniques. the author's data analysis technique in this research uses logical and systematic analysis. the organization of elections in indonesia, especially regional elections, must be treated appropriately. in baubau city, the possibility of identity politics will continue to grow. given the difficulty of exploiting identity politics in the campaign slogans of election participants, the election supervisory body (bawaslu) must also be pro-active in coordinating with the general election commission (kpu), especially related to unifying understanding of the dangers of identity politics, election organizers in indonesia, must formulate firmer regulatory measures to control excessive negative impacts. at least strengthen restrictions that discuss the substance of campaign material and what can and cannot be strictly regulated. keywords: supervision, election, and identity politics article license copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction democracy is perhaps the most commonly heard term in many parts of the world. especially in countries where the people are struggling for a government that truly reflects the will of the people, which according to the origin of the word democracy, means "the people rule". looking at the values or basic principles of democracy stated above, how a country provides space for its citizens to openly and freely express their ideas becomes very important (qodir & latief, 2011). democracy is closely related to elections. in the current situation and conditions of the country, indirect democracy or democracy through representatives can realistically be carried out. to elect representative representatives of the people, general elections are the means (santoso & budhiati, 2019). the purpose of election is to carry out popular sovereignty and the realization of the political rights of the people to produce leaders who will occupy important positions in the government (anantya prawira 2019) surbakti, (2015). political scientists believe that elections have several very important functions in the political system. these functions include choosing the organizers of the state. one of the main functions of elections is to elect leaders and state organizers such as presidents, governors, mayors, legislative members, and so on. these elections allow the people to choose their leaders democratically, thus ensuring that they have control over the running of the government and public policy (fukuyama, 2013). guaranteeing political change: elections are also a mechanism that can ensure periodic political change. in a democracy, elections are held regularly, usually every few years, and provide an opportunity for the people to elect new leaders and replace those who are ineffective or unpopular. this allows for elite circulation and periodic changes in the pattern and direction of public policy (sartori, 2012). the regulation has led to the emergence of several independent institutions to carry out judicial functions (richard zeldi putra and muhram naadu 2021). conflict resolution tool: in addition, elections can also serve as a means of conflict resolution. in complex societies, differences and conflicts of interest may arise, and elections allow for a wide range of differences and conflicts of interest in society to be transferred into the legislative and executive branches for open and civilized mailto:ricardzeldiputra@gmail.com pissn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 30-36 31 deliberation, debate and resolution. it allows people to express their opinions peacefully and democratically, and creates the political stability necessary for sustainable social and economic development (diamond, 2010). in order to properly perform these functions, elections must be held regularly, openly and fairly, and must be governed by applicable rules and laws. likewise, public participation in elections is essential to maintain the political balance and stability necessary for sustainable national development (moj, 2017). elections are expected to achieve the goals of the state must always be continuously pursued by the legitimate authorities as a translation of the implementation of state functions outlined by the 1945 constitution (isharyanto, 2016). elections are a momentum that must involve all stakeholders of democracy in their respective capacities. community participation, which is getting stronger both conventionally and non-conventionally in participating in elections, is an important catalyst for the consolidation of democracy (heriyanto, 2024). the general norm in the conduct of elections is that there is no guarantee that elections are democratic. democratic elections, in their implementation, must be based on the values of transparency, accountability, credibility and integrity, thus requiring additional instruments to fulfill these values. the institution in question is the electoral oversight system. if this instrument is not fulfilled, then the uncertainty of guaranteeing the implementation of democratic elections will undoubtedly interfere with the legitimacy of the election results.the discourse on oversight has a broad spectrum. surveillance is limited to the function of electoral observation. international organizations usually carry out this monitoring system. they do not have the authority to intervene in the organization of elections in a country. they aim to collect data and information to assess the electoral process (afifuddin, 2020). democracy requires succession of leadership through regular elections, but it is also a means of realizing popular sovereignty by electing legislative members. given that elections are an opportunity for the people to elect political officials, supervision is needed to ensure that elections run honestly and fairly (dede sri kartini, 2017). this guarantee is important because it has implications for public trust in the electoral process, election results and democracy itself. effective electoral oversight is believed to be an instrument capable of providing guarantees for democratic elections. electoral oversight practices have several different characteristics, depending on who conducts them, the extent of their authority and the scope of their oversight. in general, election supervision practices can be divided into the typologies of election monitoring and election supervision. bawaslu's position as a formal institution has a mandate to conduct supervision and follow up on the results of supervision. however, bawaslu wants its management to be carried out by bawaslu and involve many parties. in the midst of the transformation of the digital revolution, bawaslu also approaches the community by utilizing social media to communicate with the wider community to take an active role in civic functions. bawaslu builds voter education so that they can do two things. first, they use their voting rights in elections and local elections. second, they want to play an active role in overseeing the elections and then partner with bawaslu in reporting findings of alleged violations. to realize aspirational and democratic elections, participation is needed, which is interpreted as taking part or participation. jj rousseau in his book "the social contract", says that participation is significant for the self-development and independence of citizens (iwan satriawan, 2016). identity politics is used by emphasizing the differences between one group and another. indonesia is a country with a pluralistic composition of society, as well as the conditions of the baubau city community which until now has developed both in terms of development to the diversity of its people who come from different cultural backgrounds and beliefs. moreover, the baubau city community is inhabited by people from the muna, bugis, wakatobi, cia-cia etc. tribes. in the development in question, it is often utilized in every political contestation, which tends to have implications for the general election (dpd, dpr, prov / city / regency dprd) and the baubau city election. however, we still hope that another trend is that people's choices of people's representatives and election candidates in 2024 will be determined more by credibility, integrity, and program factors (fernandes, 2019). departing from the facts above, the current political elites prefer to use identity politics rather than campaign in accordance with the regulations. campaign jargon by relying on self-identity is a form of identity politics that raises a variety of different responses in society (wulan dhani, 2019). misused identity politics can be destructive, causing fanaticism, primodialism, and can even lead to sara. sara is a violation of the 1945 constitution, especially article 29 paragraph 2 regarding tolerance (annisa & satriawan, 2020). sara can even complicate the realization of indonesia's motto "bhinneka tunggal ika". therefore, it is necessary to have pissn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 30-36 32 maximum supervision of the implementation of elections so that identity politics that are misused do not harm the democracy that is expected through the means of elections. election supervisors cannot be separated from elections, so the two will go hand in hand because elections need supervisors so that the implementation process runs as expected, namely giving birth to fair and civilized leaders who can bring the indonesian nation to prosperity (jukari, 2021). institutionally, through law number 7/2017 on general elections, bawaslu has also been equipped with a relatively stronger institutional structure, even to the lowest level, with adequate regulations. however, there are still many election violations that occur. election violations not only disrupt the work of organizers, but also the political rights of citizens (agam primadi, 2019). election supervision by bawaslu in the course of the election is very fundamental for bawaslu of the republic of indonesia, which is a forum for many elements that participate in the implementation of elections, the method of implementing supervision by bawaslu is present so that this institution can move as a structured and systematic election supervision function in the future (muntuan, 2018). it is expected that in the implementation of elections and regional elections in baubau city, violations in the form of black campaigns, with the image of identity politics, seem unavoidable to remain under surveillance. they will be dealt with in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. 2. method research this research uses normative legal research because it does not conduct field research. methodologically, this research is descriptive qualitative. secondary legal materials used are journals and related laws and regulations, law no. 7 of 2017 concerning elections and law no. 10 of 2016 concerning regional elections. in this normative research, the author uses data collection techniques with library research. this data collection technique is carried out by reading, studying, and recording books and writings related to the subject matter of the research. the author's data analysis technique in this study uses logical and systematic analysis. 3. results and discussion 3.1. results in addition to problems in explaining identity politics, there are also obstacles in monitoring allegations of identity politics. because bawaslu oversees what is regulated by the general election commission regulation (pkpu), bawaslu needs a clear point of reference to organize campaigns without identity politics. in addition, the public hopes that bawaslu can avoid and overcome alleged violations of the sara campaign. the reasons that create identity politics must be overcome to maintain tolerance and the presence of any identity in the political space around us. there is carelessness or deliberateness of certain people or politicians in communicating that offends mass psychology, and the last is the media aspect (social media). self-identity campaigning is a form of identity politics that promotes the superiority of a candidate through an understanding of their identity. this influences people's choices in determining which candidate to vote for. this campaign raises a variety of public responses, from pro-candidate responses to contra responses. finally, people's choices in determining which candidate to vote for may not be in accordance with the vision and mission carried by the candidate (nguyen, 2021). according to mardiana, d. (2020). candidate pairs have used identity politics techniques by including vocabulary or campaign slogans that build their candidate identities containing ethnic, religious, racial, and intergroup (sara) components". the definition of identity politics or sara politicization is very important. furthermore, election organizers should make a clear report on this topic. regarding article 280 of law number 7/2017 on general elections, the definition of identity politics needs to be explained in more depth. the provision stipulates that it is prohibited to insult, incite, pit against each other, and use violence during the election campaign. there is no term in the provisions of the election law that we can refer to as a formal definition. the conclusion in identity politics is a political practice carried out by several groups or people who have physical and cultural similarities, ethnicity, religion, understanding, and other connections. identity politics has developed in indonesia with the regional head elections. identity politics has more to do with ethnic, religious, ideological, and regional interests, which are generally expressed and represented by political elites with various articulations. people have used the technique of identity politics by including vocabulary or campaign slogans that build their candidate's identity containing ethnic, religious, racial and intergroup (sara) components", according to the candidates in the election. this aims to win the election and get the most votes from the public. they pissn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 30-36 33 believe that the political communication they make to the public through messages and information in their campaign language will influence voters (rakhmawati, e. 2018). as a city with a pluralistic population, baubau city is an urban area with a very diverse community. this diversity can then be used politically as a potential political force if it is packaged primordially, it can be imagined that between one community group and another group may have different regional origins so that politically it can be organized for the political interests of a group. the fact that we can get every election moment is that the formation in the political arena always considers the origin of the group. between candidates a to z are formulated to represent their respective regional groups in order to ensure the strength of the voter base will be significantly raised. the formulation of identity politics above certainly also considers the best geostrategy, that in a certain area is inhabited by the dominant of a particular community group as well, so that this can be utilized by positioning our political "heroes" who have the same regional origins, so that a political movement initiated by primordialism is truly built. the description above has positioned that identity politics is something that is often used in every period of political moments. on the good side, the dynamics of identity politics are a guarantee that the representation of the community is ensured to be accommodated due to emotional closeness, in the iconic language that is always used is "sakampo" which means one village or can be interpreted as having the same regional origin. the adverse impact of the dynamics of identity politics that we can find is that it always raises irritation in the community, so that community groups who feel as sons of the region feel sidelined and have no influence in their own environment. using identity politics in campaign slogans shows that it is incompatible with democracy, often creating divisions between groups, a symptom that democracy is no longer healthy. election participants no longer convey their vision, goals and initiatives to gain public trust, but rather sell their identity to get the most votes. the emergence of identity politics is a sign of failure of civic education and democracy. the implementation of elections in baubau city should have various positive implications for the progress and development of democracy. the post-reform democratic process has received much praise, because it took place peacefully without any bloodshed. the most encouraging assessment is indonesia's inclusion as the third largest democracy, after india and the united states. the rise of identity politics reflects the failure of civic and democratic education. voters need to be helped to understand their function in government. they are elected as representatives of the people because they represent the voters, the people of indonesia. their visions, missions and plans must embody the aspirations and will of the people, which they must pursue and implement in their work. convey in the vision and mission when they have solutions. then communicate the vision and mission to the audience, not through identity marketing in the form of slogans or buzzwords that demean opponents and are linked to real problems. regarding the prohibitions that the pilkada law places on campaigns, the pilkada law lays out what is allowed and what is prohibited in campaigns. according to the pilkada law, campaigns are designed to convince voters by conveying the vision, mission, and programs of candidates for governor, regent, and mayor. however, the question arises whether highlighting the personal identity of election participants is included in campaign materials. the term 'campaign' in the election law does not mention the identity of election participants as a kind of offer to voters. this needs to be examined further because so far, election participants who participate in identity politics during the election campaign are not reprimanded or not classified as violators. therefore, there is no severe punishment. the general election supervisory agency (bawaslu), which qualifies as part of the general election commission (kpu), mainly oversees the organization of elections and prevents and takes action against violations. it illustrates that the existence of bawaslu institutions is not only a complement to the implementation of elections. in fact, bawaslu institutions are very important in making legal decisions on special election wheels. in addition, they can also work together with the general election commission (kpu) as the election organizer to organize elections with sovereignty and integrity, which is expected by the community as the authority itself and is a strong commitment to the nation's identity as a state based on law in the unitary state of the republic of indonesia. pissn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 30-36 34 according to indonesia's election law no. 10/2016, candidates are prohibited from insulting others based on their religion, ethnicity, race or political party during election campaigns. however, despite this regulation, many candidates still use campaign methods that focus on self-identity and can trigger sara issues. as stated in a research article by pradana and perwira (2020), "campaign methods such as slogans and jargon that emphasize self-identity and lead to sara are still widely used." violations of these laws can lead to disputes and unfair competition among participants. as yusuf (2019) notes, "violations of pilkada law no. 10/2016, article 69 (b), will cause disputes between election participants for raising sara issues." with the rise of identity politics in every election, racial and ethnic tensions become more widespread and can be used by opponents to destabilize the government. as mentioned in an article by setiadi (2020), "when identity politics continues from election to election, it is believed that violence in elections will occur, deviant behavior that can endanger the democratic process and election participants, including voters." effective communication skills are essential to avoid misunderstandings and misinformation, as noted by kurniawan and utami (2019), "communication skills are needed to avoid communication failures that can lead to misinformation." nuraini (2021) states that apart from the negative side of identity politics, there are positive things that can be taken, namely identity politics can be used to preserve the cultural values that characterize the group concerned so that the culture of the community group will be embedded strongly and firmly. despite the times, it does not disappear quickly. in fact, this can be done considering that identity jargon can unite other groups, strive for the common good, and not cause group disputes. meanwhile, identity politics can become dangerous if it is used to bring down opponents, insult and attack, and believe that the group is the most correct. this is where identity politics becomes a powerful tool for candidate pairs. to reduce the massiveness of identity politics, bawaslu must also plan various tactics. community group approaches include compiling a collection of six religious lectures on elections and rejecting sara politicization, intelligence media management, and the election vulnerability index (ikp). 3.2. discussion this study highlights the importance of safeguarding democratic elections from identity politics that can undermine the legitimacy of election results. these findings support previous theories regarding the negative impact of identity politics on democratic processes. concrete steps from election institutions such as the election supervisory body (bawaslu) and the general election commission (kpu) are necessary to address this challenge. strict restrictions on divisive campaign materials should be implemented. references to previous studies strengthen the results of this research and provide deeper insights into identity politics and democratic elections. by implementing the recommendations of this study, indonesia can enhance a fair and reflective electoral process that aligns with the will of the people. 4. conclusion the organization of elections in indonesia, especially local elections, must be treated appropriately with historical rationale. the public must be fully aware of this. in a heterogeneous society like baubau city, the possibility of identity politics will continue to grow. therefore, a solution is needed to reduce it. given the difficulty of exploiting identity politics in the campaign slogans of election participants, the election supervisory body must also be pro-active in coordinating with the general election commission (kpu), especially the baubau city kpu, especially related to unifying understanding of the dangers of growing identity politics, election organizers in indonesia, must formulate firmer regulatory measures around campaign materials to control excessive negative impacts related to identity politics. at least strengthen restrictions that discuss the substance of campaign materials and what can and cannot be expressly regulated in the kpu law. in addition, election supervisors or the public must be vigilant to see and respond if one of the candidates, success teams, or individuals makes insults to bring down their political opponents. election supervisors and the public must also play an active role in jointly overseeing this in order to maintain the integrity of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia. bibliography anantya prawira, syailendra. 2019. “election violation and election law enforcement in general election in indonesia.” jurnal hukum volkgeist 4(1). afifuddin, m. 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using a statutory, a conceptual and a historical approach. the types and sources of law used in this study are primary and secondary data. all of the data analyzed qualitatively and presented in descriptive form.the results of the study show, to increase the role of bpk as the front line in eradicating corruption, it is necessary to take several strategic steps. bpk must reposition and strengthen the role of the state financial loss calculation report (lhp) as the main frame of reference in maximizing state financial recovery (asset recovery) due to corruption. will produce maximum results if there is no cooperation with various related parties, in this case law enforcement officials. the kpk in preventing and eradicating corruption as well as ppatk in detecting indications of suspicious financial transactions certainly plays an important role in the legal process for criminal acts of corruption, while the bpk plays a role in increasing transparency and accountability of the public and business sectors. keywords: authority; supreme audit agency; state financial management article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction the question that often arises is how transparent financial management can be accounted for. according to the legal opinion, the established state financial law policy is reasonable to implement. unfortunately, the state's financial law is currently changing. the lack of transparency in fiscal operations, duplication of authority among supervisory authorities, and the hesitation of the prosecution apparatus in taking action against acts of fiscal destruction weaken the concept of fiscal law that has been developed. far from legal certainty and benefit (fahrojih). in article 23 of the 1945 constitution (pre-amendment), the concept of state finance provides a high philosophical understanding, especially on the position of state finances determined by the state revenue and expenditure budget (apbn) as a form of incarnation of sovereignty. in other words, the nature of public revenue and state financial expenditure in the state budget is sovereignty (sutedi). problems concerning government institutions that do not comply with the provisions of state financial management starting at the legal level to regulations of a technical nature are very worrying. as a result, there are findings indicating state losses of billions and even trillions. it can be found that after october 4, 2020, bpk ri submitted the summary of semester examination results i year 2020 in front of the president and dpr as well as all line ministries/institutions (badan pemeriksa keuangan). the ihps is a summary of the 696 lhp codified by the bpk consisting of the financial statements of the central government, regional governments, state-owned enterprises (bumn), and other entities (badan pemeriksa keuangan). from the overview, bpk describes that there are several problems in managing state finances in semester i of 2016 including, state losses of 3,163 problems amounting to rp. 1,920,000,000,000 (one trillion nine hundred twenty billion rupiah). in addition, the potential loss to the state is as many as 421 problems worth rp. 1,670,000,000 (one trillion six hundred seventy billion rupiah), plus a shortage of state revenues of 1,178 issues worth rp. 27,030,000,000,000 (twenty seven trillion thirty billion rupiah). in addition, 3,145 non-compliance https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i1.2810 mailto:lisacandr2000@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 89-96 90 issues did not have a financial impact, consisting of 2,985 administrative irregularities and 160 ineffectiveness, inefficiency, and rp. 14,060,000,000,000 (fourteen trillion sixty billion rupiah). if we calculate the total number of problems that at any time will have an impact on state losses, that is rp. 44,680,000,000,000 (forty-four trillion six hundred eighty billion rupiah) (summary of semester examination results (badan pemeriksa keuangan). as a constitutional institution, bpk has a major role to examine all of this, as stated in the provisions of article 23 paragraph (5) of the 1945 constitution. the position of bpk under the constitutional mandate as a state institution to examine state finances needs to be strengthened, accompanied by strengthening its role and performance. independence and freedom from dependence on the government in terms of institutions, audits, and reporting are very much needed by the bpk to carry out the tasks mandated by the 1945 constitution. to improve the role and performance of bpk in indonesia so that they can carry out their duties effectively and professionally, bpk will certainly cooperate with other relevant national agencies in terms of auditing the management and responsibility of national finances. must promote harmonious cooperation between as is well known, financial control audit accountability is a complex issue in this country. this is because inspection activities as a management function are intended to determine the level of success and failure that occurs after planning is made and implemented by government organs. in this case, it certainly has implications for the practices of corruption, collusion, and nepotism (kkn) that have occurred so far, which have caused a lot of harm to state finances, because there are indications of deviations between management and accountability of state finances that have been found by bpk. in essence, the various roles performed by the bpk to participate in eradicating corruption in carrying out its functions as the only state financial audit institution regulated by the constitution. because the role of bpk in protecting state finances for the benefit of the nation and state is urgently needed, efforts to eradicate corruption reported through the kpk have a positive impact on financial circulation flowing in indonesia (suhendar). the existence of the bpk has been seen with the disclosure of cases that have caused state losses (sutedi). after then bpk finds suspicious audit results and has an impact on state losses, bpk will look for the root of the problem with the help of the kpk. in the context of eradicating corruption, bpk's responsibilities are realized from the perspective of taking action and preventing corruption, which is linked to the process and results of bpk's examination. article 14 (undang-undang negara republik indonesia, undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2004 tentang pemeriksaan pengelolaan dan tanggung jawab keuangan negara) concerning examination of the management and responsibility of state finances explains that "if during the examination a criminal element is found, the bpk shall immediately report the matter to the competent agency following the laws and regulations." the obligation to immediately report the discovery of criminal elements during the examination to the competent authority is a form of the role of the bpk to accelerate the process of prosecuting criminal acts of corruption. as a result of the clarification of these rules, the bpk has a powerful and strategic role in combating corruption-related crimes. in carrying out their roles to serve the interests of the state's people, it is evident that state instruments are vested with responsibilities and powers (fajlurrahman juardi, 2019). this cooperative interaction between bpk, kpk, and ppatk must thus be proposed. as is known, state financial management entities and the value of state finances are increasing. state financial transactions are increasingly complex and their management involves many banking institutions (amrullah). the regulation limits the authority of bpk to reach banking transactions. the banking transactions referred to are transactions from persons or institutions being audited which may have suspicious financial indications and are in the management of state finances (hermansyah). of course, the authority referred to is the ppatk's domain in terms of knowing the flow of funds related to suspicious financial transactions from the results of the examination. this greatly helps the function of bpk in auditing these suspicious banking transactions. therefore, an in-depth and comprehensive study of the bpk's mandate in managing state finances is required. in addition, it is necessary to develop an alternative mechanism that is easier and more accurate to implement these provisions to fully realize the control and responsibility of state finances by government agencies. 2. method this research uses normative research, research which is intended to examine norms, laws and regulations relating the role of the bpk and to find out the application of these rules in the community by seeking information p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 89-96 91 directly, namely by conduct interviews with related parties then the results are described in the form of a narrative(science). in conducting studies using a statutory approach, a conceptual approach, and a theoretical approach (irwansyah, 2021). the types and sources of law used in this study are primary data and secondary data. all of the data were analyzed qualitatively and presented in descriptive form. 3. result and discussion 3.1 functions, duties and authorities of the state audit board in the management of state finances the supreme audit agency of the republic of indonesia (bpk-ri) is a state institution that has the task of examining the management and responsibilities of state finances carried out by the central government, regional governments, other state institutions, bank indonesia, state-owned enterprises, public service agencies, government agencies regional owned enterprises and other institutions or bodies that manage state finances. by article 23 (5) (undang-undang dasar) and law number 15 of 2006 (undang-undang negara republik indonesia, undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2006 tentang badan pemeriksa keuangan), to become a free, independent, and professional government financial institution and play an active role in realizing accountable and transparent government financial management. to realize this vision, bpk ri is domiciled in the national capital and has representative offices in each province. this is in line with the application of the principle of regional autonomy wherever possible. the role of bpk ri as the government's internal supervisory apparatus within the scope of overseeing state financial management is urgently required to assure the quality of financial management and to discover early deviations in the use of the state's income and spending budget (saidi, 2021). in essence, the functions, duties, and permits of the bpk ri are the same as the functions, duties, and permits of the regional bpk ri. the only difference is what is audited. the test object of the central bpk ri examines the apbn and bumn examines the condition of the bpk ri which represents the apbd and bumd. the supreme audit agency is the agency responsible for auditing state finances, regardless of the influence of state authorities in carrying out their duties, but not above the government. with a stronger position and increasing power, the function of the bpk consists of three areas: operational, judicial, and advisory (asshiddiqie, 2006). although the provisions of the regulation do not explicitly state that bpk has the above duties, bpk carries out these three activities: a. operational functions, namely in the form of inspection, supervision, and investigation of the control, management, and management of wealth over the state. this is clear because the bpk's job is basically to carry out inspections. every year the diy representative bpk conducts financial audits on lkpd, performance checks, and audits with a specific purpose. b. the judicial function is in the form of the authority to sue the treasury and claims compensation for treasury and non-treasury civil servants who because of their actions violate the law or neglect their obligations that cause financial losses and state assets. so far, the bpk representative has not implemented it because the authority to sue the treasury and claim compensation for the treasury and non-treasury civil servants are under the authority of the central bpk. c. advisory function, which is to consider the government regarding the management and management of state finances. in its implementation, bpk sometimes receives guests from the regional government who convey the problems faced in financial management in their area. in this case, bpk will provide opinions or input on problems faced by the regional government based on the applicable laws and regulations (undang-undang negara republik indonesia, undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2006 tentang badan pemeriksa keuangan). since the fourth amendment to the 1945 constitution, package 3 of the regional finance law (20032004), bpk has also introduced the practice of transparency and accountability, and these efforts aim to build good and profit. realizing a clean government system and good governance. transparency and accountability of state finances must be realized in five stages of state financial management and accountability, namely: 1) planning and budgeting, including the consultative process and publication of budget plans with representative institutions. 2) budget execution. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 89-96 92 3) accounting, reporting, and budget accountability. 4) internal monitoring. 5) examination by an independent external auditor. one of bpk concrete steps to improve transparency and accountability is to facilitate access and assessment of information to the public through the website (www.bpk.go.id). is to provide an interactive public space that displays activities and efforts to fulfill the constitutional mandate. cpc work. report and directly monitor the follow-up to the results of the bpk survey. in addition, bpk began to recognize journalistic works from the mass media which were considered to show professionalism in bpk's reporting, and the works produced in an objective, accurate and professional manner. bpk also partners with the mass media to maintain transparency and accountability in governance by building open relationships with the mass media. 3.2 bpk authority in examining the management and responsibility of state finances supporting the achievement of good governance in the administration of the state, the management of state finances must be carried out professionally, openly, and responsibly following the basic principles of the constitution. by the mandate of article 23c (undang-undang dasar), the state finance law must outline and implement the basic rules stipulated in the constitution as general principles. it also includes two treasury management principles that he has long adhered to as established principles. the ability to manage finances has long been recognized. new principles as an expression of good practice (application of good principles) in public financial management: a. results-oriented accountability; b. professionalism; c. proportionality; d. openness in the management of state finances; e. financial audit by an independent and independent audit body. as an implementation of the above principles, financial audits by an independent and independent auditing agency are one of them and the supreme audit agency (bpk ri) was established based on article 23(5) (undangundang dasar) and is a legal entity. it's done. law number 15 of 2004 concerning audit of state finance management and accountability and law number 15 of 2006 concerning the state audit board. based on article 6 paragraph (1) of the bpk law explains that bpk is tasked with examining the management and responsibilities of state finances carried out by the central government, regional governments, other state institutions, bank indonesia, state-owned enterprises, public service agencies, regional-owned enterprises, and other institutions or bodies that manage state finances. in addition, in conducting audits on state financial control and responsibility, bpk is tasked with negotiating audit targets and audit results following state financial control standards. the duties and authorities of the bpk are the embodiment of chapter viii a of the 1945 constitution. as a constitutional organ, if examined holistically, the 1945 constitution legitimizes changes to the audit function of the bpk which are not only aimed at the responsibility of state finances, but also the management of state finances (secretariat general of the state audit board). such changes have created a disorientation in the function of the bpk which has widened in all directions in conducting state financial audits (m. immanuel patiro). from the perspective of public finance law, the disorientation of the state financial audit function that is too broad will weaken the span of control (spent of control), in modernization, abuse of authority, and become unresponsive to the emergence of irregularities in state finances effectively. in other words, the disorientation of state financial audits legitimized by the 1945 constitution will only encourage bpk's ineffectiveness in reaching strategic aspects of state financial responsibility rather than dwelling on the technical aspects of state financial management. from the perspective of public finance law, too broad a direction of government audit leads to a weakened span of control (waste of control), obsolescence, abuse of power, and effective response to emerging government financial fraud. in other words, the disruption to government financial audits justified by the 1945 constitution is p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 89-96 93 more of an obstacle for the bpk in achieving the strategic aspects of government financial responsibility than in dealing with the technical aspects of government financial management. it only encourages helplessness. thus, it is appropriate to compile the original text of article 23 paragraph (5) (undang-undang dasar) which places bpk as an institution that examines state financial responsibilities so that bpk's orientation cannot be separated from examinations that are macro-strategic. the preparation of the original text of the 1945 constitution has a more strategic understanding and understanding of the basic principles of organizational performance effectiveness. the bpk with its function as an auditor of state financial accountability is equated with state institutions. bpk is a national institution that reviews national financial responsibilities, and directly monitors and reviews national financial policies (fiscal policy audits) implemented by the government. due to its very strategic and prestigious function, bpk has become a national institution that is equal to other national institutions, including the government, to maintain its objectivity. 3.3 the role of bpk in saving state finances and efforts to eradicate corruption corruption crime of corruption in indonesia is increasingly widespread in society with increasingly diverse modus operandi and increasingly sophisticated techniques (wiyono). in these circumstances, there are obstacles in dealing with corruption cases, including the view that indonesia's current corruption laws are "out of date" and that even changing modes cannot deal with crime. corruption in the implementation of the united nations convention against corruption (uncac) 2003 (latif). in fact, the movement to prevent and eradicate corruption in indonesia has been carried out with various efforts, including the ratification of law number 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of corruption crimes, then revised for certain articles with law number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to the law on the eradication of corruption crimes, after that, within the framework of strengthening the "prevention, investigation, and prosecution" process, the ri kpk was formed, the enactment of law number 48 of 2009 concerning the corruption court, including the ratification of uncac with law number 7 of 2006 concerning ratification of the united nations convention against corruption of 2003 (ferry makawimbang). if examined on juridical facts in the context of efforts to prosecute corruption cases, court decisions for corruption have so far been oriented to a "symptomatic" approach with law enforcement or "penal sanctions" (the principle of legality) not to a "causative" approach, the principle of justice and the principles of humanity. however, if enforcement efforts still seem minimal, prevention must be increased (mulyadi). in this case, it is necessary to strengthen cooperation between anti-corruption agencies and audit institutions. based on this, the system for regulating corruption in indonesia needs to be re-evaluated so that it is more contextual and in line with the demands of development, but with the philosophy of wisdom of moral, ethical and cultural values and based on the reality that exists in indonesia. as a national institution, bpk has a role in accelerating the eradication of corruption. if there is an indication of state losses, bpk must immediately report it to the high prosecutor's office (aph), especially the kpk in the corruption crime division (atmaja w and nur probohudono). in terms of public sector accountability and transparency, bpk as a financial regulator has a very important role in preventing and eradicating corruption. the first role is to improve the quality of the exam. the cpc exam consists of two large groups. the first group is the general exam (finance and performance). the second is an audit that is made with the aim of uncovering the occurrence of fraud through fraud investigation and examination. the second task of the bpk is to participate in the eradication of corruption. in accordance with articles 13 and 14 (undang-undang negara republik indonesia, undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2004 tentang pemeriksaan pengelolaan dan tanggung jawab keuangan negara) concerning audit of government financial supervision and accountability, the examiner conducts an investigative examination to uncover evidence of state/regional losses and/or criminal elements. described as capable of implementing. if these elements are found, bpk immediately reports the problem to the authorized official. in a detailed description, the three elements are: a) investigators may carry out investigative examinations to reveal indications of state/regional losses and/or criminal elements. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 89-96 94 b) if during the examination a criminal element is found, the bpk shall immediately report the matter to the competent authority in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation. c) the procedure for submitting the report as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be jointly regulated by bpk and the government. this role is carried out by bpk through active participation in reforming the state financial administration system which is very non-transparent and unaccountable. this process can be carried out by bpk by collaborating its authority with the kpk. concerning the supreme audit agency, article 8 paragraphs (3) and (4) as well as articles (10) and (11) relating to criminal elements and “state losses” are explained that (undang-undang negara republik indonesia, undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2006 tentang badan pemeriksa keuangan): 1) article 8 paragraph (3) explains that if during the examination a criminal element is found, the bpk shall report the matter to the competent authority following the provisions of the legislation no later than 1 (one) month from the existence of the criminal element is known. paragraph (4) explains that the bpk report as referred to in paragraph (3) is used as the basis for an investigation by the authorized investigating officer following the laws and regulations. 2) article 10 paragraph (1) explains that if bpk assesses and/or determines the number of state losses caused by unlawful acts, whether intentionally or negligently committed by the treasurer, bumn/bumd managers, and other institutions or bodies that manage state finances. paragraph (2) explains that the assessment of state financial losses and/or the determination of the party who is obliged to pay compensation as referred to in paragraph (1) is determined by a bpk decision. 3) article 11 (c) explains that bpk can provide: expert testimony in the judicial process regarding state/regional losses. the important role of bpk in preventing and eradicating corruption cannot be maximized without the cooperation of various stakeholders such as the kpk. while law enforcement officers play a role in the judicial process for criminal acts of corruption, bpk plays a role in increasing transparency and accountability in the public and corporate sectors. concerning the calculation and determination of the value of state financial losses in the process of corruption cases, which forms the basis of the framework of thinking, it can be seen from the determination of state financial losses in the court process of corruption based on several understandings. article 6 paragraph (2) of law number 48 of 2009 concerning judicial power explains that "no one can be sentenced to a crime, unless the court, because of the legal evidence according to the law, is convinced that a person who is considered to be responsible has been guilty. for the acts, he was accused of. with the calculation and determination of the value of state financial losses in the process of corruption cases, the framework for thinking can be seen from 3 (three) approaches, namely: first, the calculation of state financial losses in criminal acts of corruption by the competent agency with an investigative examination approach, second, determining the amount of loss of state property in a preliminary examination with an investigation by an authorized official, following the formal powers granted by laws and regulations, is an independent, objective, and professional method of calculating and presenting the contents of the appropriate matter. third, based on trial evidence, the judge determines the amount of state financial losses (amount of state financial losses) in the process of adjudicating a corruption trial authorized officials. or expert. the calculated state financial losses may change, increase, decrease or decrease). if the court evidence supports the conclusion. the approach to calculating state financial losses is very urgent to be carried out through the mechanism of "auditing state financial management" because "inspection" according to the terminology is "the process of problem identification, analysis, and evaluation carried out independently, objectively, and professionally based on audit standards, to assess the truth, accuracy, credibility, and reliability of information regarding the management and responsibility of state finances” (undang-undang negara republik indonesia, undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2004 tentang pemeriksaan pengelolaan dan tanggung jawab keuangan negara). this expression implies that the most important thing in the examination process is that the work is carried out “independently, objectively, and professionally”. because, if they are not independent, the government or p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 89-96 95 government institutions can interfere, direct, and even be regulated by other higher powers. or if it can be obtained with different interests, the results are not objective and the inspection report (lhp) does not contain the essential truth. the calculation of state financial losses needs to be carried out with an investigative examination approach because in an investigative examination one must always adhere to the principles or principles of "presumption of innocence", "presumption of corruption" or "presumption of guilt", and must maintain the nature of "independence" and a "professional" approach in conducting examinations, so that it is hoped that the results of investigative examinations are truly based on valid evidence obtained from the results of the examination, presented "objectively" and can be accounted for. in the context of law enforcement that affects the system approach, there is a significant reciprocal relationship between the development of multidimensional crime and criminal policies that have been implemented by law enforcement officials (atmazasmita, 1996). indonesia is an adherent of modern state ideology is required to have a stable and dynamic legal role and function capable of regulating various interests without leaving the basic idea, namely justice (m. immanuel patiro). the law contains demands to be enforced or in other words, the legal protection provided is a must in law enforcement. law enforcement (law enforcement) or also called defending the law (handhaving van het recht) contains two meanings, namely maintaining or maintaining that the law is obeyed or implemented and preventing and taking action against deviations or violations of the law. it is hoped that by strengthening cooperation between these institutions, the process of preventing and eradicating corruption in indonesia can achieve maximum results. this is also related to the achievement of good governance and the implementation of bureaucratic reform following the reform orders of the president and vice president of the republic of indonesia nawa cita at that time. 4. conclusion bpk critical role in preventing and eradicating corruption will not be fully effective without cooperation with various actors, in this case, law enforcement officers. the kpk as the front line in preventing and eradicating corruption, as well as ppatk which detects indications of suspicious financial transactions play an important role in the legal process of corruption, while the bpk plays a role in increasing transparency and accountability in the public and commercial areas. this requires concerted efforts to improve accounting and legal systems to improve the quality of operations and integrate the work of financial audits and regulatory agencies with law enforcement. this collaboration can be in the form of sharing information for research and testing purposes, cooperation in the field of education and training, as well as following up on the results of the bpk examination. it is hoped that the process of preventing and eradicating corruption in indonesia can achieve maximum results by strengthening cooperation between agencies. this is also in the context of realizing good governance following the mandate of reform. to increase the role of bpk as the front line in eradicating corruption, it is necessary to take several strategic steps. first, bpk must reposition and strengthen the role of the state financial loss calculation report (lhp) as the main frame of reference in maximizing state financial recovery (asset recovery) due to corruption. this is because lhp has a strategic role in integrating potential state losses that arise with the amount of compensation that must be met by perpetrators of corruption. synchronization between the kpk, bpk, and ppatk can be done by positioning the findings of the ppatk and lhp issued by bpk as the foundation for the kpk in the process of investigation, investigation, and prosecution. references amrullah, a. 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(2005). pembahasan undang-undang tindak pidana korupsi. jakarta: sinar grafika. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 1, december 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 63 the pre-trial application granted in the case of budi gunawan cokky wijaya saputra 1 abstract author’s information: this study tries to analyze cases that have been experienced by prospective police chief budi gunawan (bg) on the application of pre-trial which was considered odd in the event of violations in the verdict given by sarpin rizal as chairman of the court. this resulted in the kpk not being able to submit another legal effort to sue again, because the pretrial decision was final and binding on a lawsuit case. the analysis method used in this study is a qualitative research method in which data analysis is carried out in a descriptive manner that refers to a particular problem and is associated with existing legislation, namely: 1) the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia; 2) law no. 8 of 1981 concerning criminal procedure law (kuhap); 3) law number 48 of 2009 concerning judicial authority. the collection of legal materials is done by library research. judge sarpin rizaldi's decision reaped many irregularities. the irregularity lies in the decision that does not pay attention to the existence of pretrial as stipulated in the criminal procedure code and legislation relating to corruption. keywords: case; decission ; suspected 1 law department, universitas airlangga, indonesia (cokkywijaya@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i1.478 1. introduction the rapid progress of technology, and the human economy in this day and age are actually growing more conventional criminal acts and special criminal acts, but with a new modus operandi and sophisticated technology that requires more investigation from law enforcement officials to determine whether these actions can be categorized as acts criminal or not. in the study, researchers conducted an analysis of the cases that were being experienced by the prospective police chief, budi gunawan, on the application of pretrial which was considered odd. article 77 of law no. 8 of 1981 concerning the criminal procedure code (kuhap), which reads "the district court has the authority to examine and decide upon, in accordance with the provisions stipulated in this law concerning: a) the validity of the arrest, detention, cessation of investigation or cessation of prosecution; b) compensation and / or rehabilitation for a person whose criminal case is terminated at the level of investigation or prosecution ” the question now, is that apart from the two pretrial reasons above, it is still possible for other pretrial reasons, such as whether or not an investigation is valid or valid or whether a suspect is determined as a pretrial object in a pretrial case submitted by the commission general. pol. budi gunawan. in the tempo.co newspaper dated monday 16 february 2015 13.47 wib stated that there was a violation in the decision, said deputy chief of the supreme court suwardi, who responded to budi gunawan's pretrial ruling which was granted, even won by budi mailto:cokkywijaya@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.478 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.478 jurnalhukumvolkgeist cokky wijaya saputra. 4(1): 63-69 64 gunawan, for the decision given by sarpin rizal as chairman the court is handling this case, so according to suwardi the kpk cannot submit other legal remedies after the verdict, because the pretrial verdict is final and binding on a lawsuit case, provisions and legislation mentioning the party that lost in the pre-trial cannot submit an appeal 'he said ', so it will suffice. listed in article 45a paragraph (1) and (2) of the supreme court law. which article 45a paragraph (1) states that the supreme court in the cassation level hears cases that meet the requirements for submission of cassation, except for cases which by law are restricted from filing. paragraph (2) states that exempted cases are pretrial decisions, criminal cases that are threatened with a maximum imprisonment of 1 year and / or are threatened with fines, as well as state administration cases where the object of the lawsuit is in the form of a regional official's decision, the extent of the decision applies in certain regions. so in other words, it is feared that there will be similar cases where the suspects will file a pretrial suit if the suspect is determined by the kpk, in this case pretrial can be interpreted as an effort from someone who according to his arrest, detention, cessation of investigation or termination of prosecution is not appropriate with the procedure, pretrial can be done as an effort to defend or rebuttal from an illegitimate procedure, then it can be seen in the procedure of pretrial or righteousness lawsuit of someone who is pretrial. the strength of this pretrial decision is very strong, namely that the pre-judgment ruling cannot be appealed against article 79, article 80 and article 81 of the criminal procedure code. decisions that determine the invalidation of an investigation or prosecution can be invoked can be requested by the final decision of the high court in the region the relevant law is in accordance with article 83 paragraph (2) of the criminal procedure code. from the legal processes that the author has described above related to the case that the writer chose it turns out that the writer found irregularities why sp3 was issued, in this case which tells about a prospective national police chief. budi gunawan. 2. research methods the method of analysis used in this study is a qualitative research method in which data analysis is done in a descriptive manner that refers to a specific problem and is associated with existing legislation, and is carried out with legal materials such as laws and also legal articles in accordance with the material used. found to be related to legal issues and collected systematically with a view to getting conclusions. the collection of legal material is done by means of library research, that is, researchers collect legal materials (consisting of primary and secondary legal materials) then study the book in which the laws and articles have a relationship with the problems in this thesis. book articles are also directed to view the media, in the form of magazines, newspapers, and articles that are published on the website. primary legal material in this case is binding legal material in the form of statutory regulations, official records, as well as minutes of lawmaking and judge's decision namely 1. the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia 2. law no. 8 of 1981 concerning criminal procedure law (kuhap). 3. law number 48 of 2009 concerning judicial authority. jurnalhukumvolkgeist cokky wijaya saputra. 4(1): 63-69 65 secondary legal material is material that supports primary legal material in this writing, namely law book, ilmiyah journal / work, articles contained in print and electronic media, and other supporting writings can be encyclopedias, dictionaries and other writings related to legal issues this writing. 3. results and discussion budi gunawan (bg) is news that enlivens indonesia. not only because bg was designated as a suspect when he was nominated to be the chief of the indonesian national police (kapolri). bg has also become a central theme in various media in indonesia due to its controversy pretrial. 3.1.1 submission of pre-trial budi gunawan based on the decision of the south jakarta district court number: 04 / pid.prap / 2015 / pn.jkt.sel., bg is a suspect in the case of suspicious / improper transactions and / or alleged receipt of gifts or promises referred to in article 12 letter a or b, article 5 paragraph (2), article 11 or 12 b of law 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption jo. law 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to law number 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption crimes. the aforementioned criminal offense was carried out by the petitioner in the period 2004 2006 when bg served as head of the police headquarters career development bureau. this was announced on january 13, 2015. the respondent announced to the public at a press conference (press conference / presentation of information in front of the mass media). therefore determined as a suspect, the bg then submitted a pretrial petition in writing with a letter dated january 26, 2015 which was registered at the registrar's office of the south jakarta district court on january 26, 2015 under the case register number: 04 / pid.prap / 2015 / pn. jkt.sel., the pretrial petition is as follows: 1. declare accepting and granting the petitioner's request for all; 2. declare investigation order number: sprin.dik-03/01/01/2015 dated 12 january 2015 which stipulates the applicant as a suspect by the respondent in relation to the criminal event as referred to in article 12 letter a or b, article 5 paragraph (2), article 11 or 12 b of law 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption crimes jo. law 20 of 2001 concerning amendment to law number 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption crimes jo. article 55 paragraph (1) of the criminal code is illegal and has no legal basis, and therefore the determination of aquo has no binding power; 3. declare the investigation carried out by the respondent in relation to the criminal event as referred to in determination of the suspect against the applicant himself as referred to in article 12 letter a or b, article 5 paragraph (2), article 11 or 12 b of law 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption crimes jo law 20 of 2001 concerning amendment to law number 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption crimes jo. article 55 paragraph 1-1 of the criminal code is unauthoral and is not based on law, and therefore the inquiry quo has no binding power; 4. ordered the respondent to submit all case files and all reports on the results of analysis (lha) of financial transactions between 2003 and 2003. 2009 related to polri officers to origin investigators, in this case polri investigators; jurnalhukumvolkgeist cokky wijaya saputra. 4(1): 63-69 66 5. stating that the actions of the respondent who determined the petitioner as the suspect without procedure is a legal defect / contrary to the law, resulting in a loss of rp. 1,000,000 (one million rupiah); 6. to declare invalid all decisions or stipulations issued further by the respondent relating to the determination of the suspect against the applicant himself by the respondent; 7. punish the respondent to pay the court fees incurred in the aquo case. this means that the thing requested in pretrial by bg (through its attorney) is related to the determination of bg as a suspect by the kpk for corruption cases of suspected suspicious / unnatural transactions and / or alleged receipt of gifts or promises made by the applicant in the period 2004 2006 when bg served as head of the police headquarters career development bureau. whereas in article 77 of the criminal procedure code it is regulated that what can be requested in a pretrial is whether or not arrest, detention, cessation of investigations or prosecution as well as compensation and rehabilitation. article 77 of the criminal procedure code determines as follows: article 77 the district court has the authority to examine and decide, in accordance with the provisions stipulated in this law concerning: a. the legitimacy of arrest, detention, cessation of investigation or cessation of prosecution; b. compensation and or rehabilitation for a person whose criminal case is terminated at the level of investigation or prosecution. a pretrial application for determining the status of a bg suspect is not included in the pretrial duties and authorities. however, bg even filed this matter through pretrial. if you see the provisions in article 77 of the criminal procedure code, the bg pretrial petition should not be accepted or the bg cannot be won because it is not included in the pretrial jurisdiction. 3.1.2 judges' decisions and considerations in budi gunawan's pretrial decision although not included in the pretrial area, but the pretrial petition for the determination of the suspect in the bg case was actually received by the south jakarta district court judge, sarpin rizaldi. not only that, sarpin rizaldi also won bg in the pretrial. the following is the decision of judge sarpin rizaldi on the pretrial: 1. to grant the petition for pre-trial petitioners in part; 2. declare investigation order number: sprin.dik-03/01/01/2015 dated 12 january 2015 which stipulates the applicant as a suspect by the respondent in relation to the criminal event as referred to in article 12 letter a or b, article 5 paragraph (2), article 11 or 12 b of law number 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption crimes jo. law number 20 of 2001 concerning amendment to law number 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption crimes jo. article 55 paragraph (1) of the criminal code is illegal and has no legal basis, and therefore the determination of aquo has no binding power; 3. declare the investigation carried out by the respondent in relation to the criminal event as referred to in determination of the suspect against the applicant himself as jurnalhukumvolkgeist cokky wijaya saputra. 4(1): 63-69 67 referred to in article 12 letter a or b, article 5 paragraph (2), article 11 or 12 b of law number 20 of 2001 concerning amendment law number 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption crimes jo. article 55 paragraph 1 of the criminal code is illegal and has no legal basis, and therefore the aquo investigation has no binding power; 4. stating that the determination of the suspect of the applicant carried out by the respondent is invalid; 5. to declare invalid all decisions or stipulations issued further by the respondent relating to the determination of the suspect against the applicant himself by the respondent; 6. charging the cost of cases to the state in the amount of nothing; 7. refusing pre-trial petitioners in addition to the rest. judge sarpin rizaldi in giving the decision was based on the following considerations: 1. bg is not a law enforcement apparatus or a state organizer. judge sarpin rizaldi stated that the position of karo binkar (head of career development bureau) which was occupied by bg when allegedly committing corruption was an administrative position, and was not included in the understanding of the state administrators. so that it cannot be determined as a suspect by the kpk and the kpk cannot conduct an investigation or an inquiry into bg. based on article 11 letter a of law number 30 of 2002, which stipulates that: in carrying out the tasks referred to in article 6 letter c, the corruption eradication commission is authorized to conduct investigations, investigations and prosecutions of corrupt acts that: a. involving law enforcement officials, state administrators, and other people who are related to corruption acts committed by law enforcement officials or state administrators; b. get disturbing attention from the community; and / or c. concerning state losses of at least rp. 1,000,000,000.00 (one billion rupiah) "; 2. corruption by bg does not harm the country 3.1.3 analysis of judge sarpin rizaldi's decision in budi gunawan's pretrial decision judge sarpin rizaldi's decision reaped many irregularities. the irregularity lies in the decision that does not pay attention to the existence of pretrial as stipulated in the criminal procedure code and legislation relating to corruption. as already mentioned in the previous sub-chapter, the decision of judge sarpin rizaldi is not in accordance with the provisions in article 77 of the criminal procedure code that provides limits relating to pretrial authority, namely only on the validity of arrest, detention, cessation of investigation or prosecution as well as compensation and rehabilitation. article 77 of the criminal procedure code does not stipulate that pretrial authority is to overturn suspect status over legal subjects. the verdict taken by judge sarpin rizaldi was entirely an extension of the authority carried out without a clear basis. whereas in article 4 paragraph (1) of law number 48 of 2009 concerning judicial power (uukk) it is determined that jurnalhukumvolkgeist cokky wijaya saputra. 4(1): 63-69 68 "the court shall judge according to law without discriminating against people". judge sarpin rizaldi in deciding should be based on law (article 77 of the criminal procedure code), not just hit it. this was also stated by the anti-corruption civil society coalition who considered sarpin rizaldi's decision to exceed the authority limit, because the determination of the suspect was not a pretrial object. former chief justice of the supreme court, agung harifin tumpa stated that the judgment of judge sarpin rizaldi was absurd and not based on law. sarpin rizaldi has stepped out of his authority from a pretrial judge. if all suspects' statuses can be tried, all cases in indonesia will be in chaos. imagine, if all suspects file a pretrial, then all can be ruled innocent. this is because the status of the suspect still requires further trial to prove the suspect is guilty or not. former chief of the supreme court's special criminal chamber, djoko sarwoko stated that judge sarpin rizaldi could not decide on the examination and legal facts to come. this is because it is not yet known and requires further examination. in addition, the decision of judge sarpin rizaldi which stated that the bg case did not harm the state was also a step backward in eradicating corruption in indonesia. several legal practitioners considered the irregularities in the decision because judge sarpin rizaldi was considered to have ignored law no. 28/2009 concerning the eradication of corruption, collusion and nepotism and the criminal procedure code, which had also detailed forms of gratification. judge sarpin rizaldi's decision violated many statutory provisions. therefore, the decision is invalid. whereas the basis of the laws and regulations which are used as the basis for making decisions is unclear and irrelevant. this is a step that directly violates the provisions of the laws and regulations and repels the steps to eradicate corruption that are being actively carried out in indonesia by the kpk whose existence is always reduced by other parties. 4. conclusion budi gunawan (bg) is news that enlivens indonesia. not only because bg was designated as a suspect when he was nominated to be the chief of the indonesian national police (kapolri). bg has also become a central theme in various media in indonesia due to its controversy pretrial. a pretrial application for determining the status of a bg suspect is not included in the pretrial duties and authorities. however, bg even filed this matter through pretrial. judge sarpin rizaldi's decision in the bg case reaped many irregularities. the irregularity lies in the decision that does not pay attention to the existence of pretrial as stipulated in the criminal procedure code and legislation relating to corruption. as mentioned in the previous sub-chapter, the decision of judge sarpin rizaldi is not in accordance with the provisions in article 77 of the criminal procedure code. reference adji, o. s. (1966). indonesia negara hukum. jakarta: seruling masa. all, s. et. (2014). praperadilan di indonesia : teori, sejarah dan praktiknya. jakarta: icjr. duisterwinkel, g. en l, m. a. ed. (1972). hot wetbook van strafvordering. arnhem. hamzah, a. (1984). pengantar hukum acara pidana indonesia. jakarta. hatta, m. (2008). sistem peradilan pidana terpadu. yogyakarta: galangpress. jurnalhukumvolkgeist cokky wijaya saputra. 4(1): 63-69 69 maebun, r. (2010). cerdik dan taktis menghadapi kasus hukum. jakarta: visimedia. ramelan. (2006). hukum acara pidana teori dan implementasinya. jakarta: sumber ilmu jaya. sitompul, d. (1953). polisi dan penangkapan. bandung: tarsito. undang-undang dasar negera republik indonesia (uud nri) 1945 kitab undang undang hukum pidana. undang-undang no. 8 tahun 1981 tentang hukum acara pidana (kuhap). undang-undang nomor 48 tahun 2009 tentang kekuasaan kehakiman. keputusan menteri kehakiman tentang pedoman pelaksanaan kuhap, kepmen kehakiman nomor: m.01.pw.07.03 tahun 1962 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 1, december 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 17 the role of village community empowerment institution in galanti village development of buton district indah kusuma dewi abstract author’s information: the village plays an important role in national development not only because most of the people of indonesia reside in the village, but the village contributes greatly in creating national stability. the purpose of this study was to determine how the role of social institutions and to find out what factors hampered the role of social institutions in developing galanti village. the method in this study is juridical empirical, which clearly distinguishes facts from norms, views legal phenomena must be purely empirical, namely social facts, using empirical science methods (qualitative methods or quantitative methods and value-free. the results of the study indicate that the development of villages in galanti village can run well according to the village medium term development plan. as for the factors that hamper the role of the galanti village community empowerment institution is the lack of human resources in developing productive businesses, the lack of knowledge of business groups that have formed in the villages in developing his group's activities and lack of understanding in carrying out their tasks and functions, besides the lack of public knowledge in utilizing various potential local economic development as an alternative effort to increase their income and welfare. keywords: development; role; social institutions law department, universitas muhammadiyah buton, indonesia (indahkusumamh@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i1.406 1. introduction indonesia is a developing country that is undergoing development, both materially and spiritually. development here covers various fields, including economic development, which aims to improve the welfare of the community sustainably to place the order of the indonesian people back on pancasila and the 1945 constitution. pancasila and the 1945 constitution are the ideological and constitutional foundations of national economic development. economic development can be realized with the participation of the community in development. the role of the community in development is as a subject and object of development, which together participates by devoting all thoughts and resources they have. development is a manifestation of the willingness and ability of a country to be able to develop more towards a better direction (adisasmita, 2006; edy, 2006; kessa, 2015). social development, in essence, aims to create a just and prosperous society following pancasila and the 1945 constitution. the development paradigm is centered on the people, concentrating the community or people as the center of attention and targets as well as the main actors in development. as wiridin (2019) stated that community have the authority to implement and develop municipal policies aimed at providing programs, changes, engagement, projects and social mobilization to enhance the social welfare. mailto:indahkusumamh@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.406 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.406 jurnalhukumvolkgeist indah kusuma dewi. 4(1): 17-25 18 the village plays an essential role in national development. not only because most of the people of indonesia live in villages, but villages make a significant contribution to creating national stability (firman, 2015). village development is part of a series of national development. national development is a series of sustainable development efforts covering all aspects of people's lives (adisasmita, 2013). village development aims to improve the quality of human resources, including the creation of a climate that encourages the growth of village community initiatives and self-sufficiency (edy, 2006). the rural population is a potential human resource that has a dual role, namely as an object of development and at the same time as a subject of development (edy, 2006; nurman, 2015). it is said that village becomes the object of development, because some of the population in rural areas viewed from the quality aspect still needs to be empowered. on the contrary, as the subject of development, the rural population plays a significant role as actors in the process of rural development and national development. village development is away and approach of development programmed by the state (government and society) by deploying its capabilities to build rural communities. village development is an obligation and political responsibility of the state to solve the country's socio-economic problems. rural development in indonesia is a domestic socio-economic and political problem that receives attention and attention from various groups, not only from government but also receives attention from external parties. rural development in indonesia is still weak from various aspects of development, both aspects of aid and moral support, politics, technology, and funding. development strategies that are too centralistic are examples of past bureaucratic uncertainty over variations in local community development and are less responsive to the interests and needs of the community at the village level. centralistic strategies cause the participation and spirit of the community to develop the economic potential that can not be adequately developed. participation has indeed long been the decoration of the lips of officials from the central to the village level that development and sustainability of development results will not succeed if it is not supported by "community participation" (adisasmita, 2013). however, the concept of community participation used by officials is far different from the concept of actual participation. community participation, according to officials, is only emphasized in terms of tax payments, the implementation of policies set by the government, the application of technology introduced or consuming domestic products, and the contribution of the material in the form of land, stone, cement, and others. in achieving the success of community development, all development planning, implementation, and evaluation programs must involve the community, because they are the ones who know the problems and needs in order to develop their territory because they will later be able to utilize and assess the success or failure of development in their area. the regional autonomy program aims to accelerate economic growth and regional development. reducing disparities between regions and improving the quality of public services to be more efficient and responsive to the potential needs and characteristics of each region. in article 1 paragraph 5, regional autonomy is the right, authority and obligation of autonomous regions to self-regulate and manage government jurnalhukumvolkgeist indah kusuma dewi. 4(1): 17-25 19 affairs and the interests of local communities under statutory regulations. however, decentralization is also expected to bring people closer to the process of development 2. methodology the research method in this paper is normative juried, which views the law as a binding regulation, refers to legal norms as outlined in-laws and regulations, legal principles, legal history, and jurisprudence. the approach in the normative juridical method uses a statutory approach, a case approach, and a historical approach. normative legal research aims to produce arguments, theories or concepts as prescriptions for solving problems. 3. findings and discussions 3.1. general description of galanti village, pasarwajo district, buton regency buton regency is a second level region in southeast sulawesi province, indonesia. buton regency is located on the island of buton, which is the largest island outside the main island of the sulawesi archipelago, which makes it the 113th most significant island in the world. the district capital is located in psar wajo. this regency has an area of 2,488.71 km2 (before the expansion of 6,463 km2), and in 2004, there were 265,724 inhabitants (before the expansion of 533,931 people). buton regency is famous for producing asphalt. as an autonomous region, buton regency has an administrative area consisting of 7 (seven) districts, namely pasar wajo subdistrict, wabula subdistrict, wolowa subdistrict, siontapina subdistrict, lasalimu selatan subdistrict, lasalimu subdistrict, kapontori subdistrict. from the administrative area, which is divided into several subdistricts, there is also a smaller administrative area, the village which is bound by law no. 6 of 2014 concerning villages. the village is a legal community unit that has the authority to control and manage government affairs, interests of the local community based on community initiatives, fundamental rights, and traditional rights. galanti village is geographically located in the wolowa sub-district of buton regency, one of the villages that bloomed in 2011. the determination as a galanti village through buton district regulation no. 30 of 2011 concerning the formation of galanti village, wolowa district. the purpose of the formation of the galanti village is to improve the effectiveness of government services, development economics, and community development in the area of kaumbu village needs to be expanded by the formation of galanti village, wolowa district. it is said that the story that developed from generation to generation in the community, the origin of the name of the village of galanti, comes from the word galanti which means "tree name." the story at that time, that in galanti village there was a large tree in the sokoa river that had collapsed and the wood carcass was hundreds of years old and still today intact, with the eternity of the carcass of the galanti tree so that it clings to the name of the village for generations to this day. galanti as one of the deifinitf villages. galanti is a village that was formed since the colonial era with the status of the village led by a village chief. at that time it was still in the area of wolowa village, along with population growth, the complexity of development problems and easy access jurnalhukumvolkgeist indah kusuma dewi. 4(1): 17-25 20 to government and social affairs services, kampung galanti was expanded as one of the definitive villages, in 2011 the division of kaumbu village. 3.2. geographical condition of galanti village galanti village is located approximately 13 km from the capital city of buton regency or approximately 2 km from the capital city of wolowa district. the village of galanti is largely inhabited by the cia-cia and other tribes who have long lived and settled. the boundaries of galanti village are: 1. district office borders northside 2. wolowa village borders the south side 3. kaumbu village borders westside 4. pasarwajo bay borders eastside while the total area of galanti village reaches ± 675 ha consisting of: a. settlement land: 8 ha b. plantation / agriculture land: 285 ha c. village office area: 2 ha d. protected forest area: 366 ha e. other: 14 ha 3.3. government and the galanti village development program the village has origin rights and traditional rights in regulating and managing the interests of the local community and contributing to the realization of the ideals of independence based on the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. the village government, as the organizer of government affairs, has received legal protection in the constitutional system in indonesia. in juridical normative village, law governs the structure of the village including sub-systems that exist in the village, such as village community organizations (village community organization). following the laws and regulations governing the village, the village government of galanti is led by a village head which is directly elected by the community through village head elections (pilkades). the following is the history of village governance in several periods of leadership: table 1. the history of the head of galanti village gorvernment no period name information 1 2011-2015 samsudin definitive 2 2015-2017 la jamil paw 3 2017-2018 la nobu ali executive 4 2018-2024 la jamil definitive village development in galanti village can run well according to the village medium-term development plan (rpjm dec). with so many development programs running according to plan, it can be concluded that the leadership function of the village head in managing the development program is running optimally and optimally. the following is the galanti village development program from year to year: jurnalhukumvolkgeist indah kusuma dewi. 4(1): 17-25 21 table 2. the galanti village development program no tahun development activities information 1 2009 village road construction pnpm mandiri 2 2011 building a kindergarten building pnpm mandiri 3 2011 construction of public toilets pnpm mandiri 4 2012 middle school construction pnpm mandiri 5 2012 development of supporting health centers pnpm mandiri 6 2013 development meeting place coremap 7 2010 samiri vocational development apbn 8 2010 building the farm road apbd 9 2015 village office builder dana desa 10 2016 village ring road development dana desa 11 2017 concrete rabat road construction dana desa 12 2017 fisherman road construction apbd 13 2017 volly field development anggaran dana desa 14 2017 development of kindergarten fences dana desa 15 2017 development of village-owned business entity offices dana desa 16 2017 clean water construction apbn 17 2018 builder footsal field dana desa 18 2018 construction of street lights dana desa data source: government of galanti village 2018 3.4. the role of the galanti village penitentiary in development village community institutions are tasked with empowering village communities, participating in planning and implementing development, and improving village community services. as a partner of the village government, the tasks of the community organization are: (1) develop a participatory development plan; (2) implement, control, utilize, maintain and develop participatory development; (3) mobilizing and developing participation, mutual cooperation and community self-help; (4) fostering dynamic conditions in the community in the context of community empowerment. types of village community institutions, namely: (1) neighborhood association; (2) citizens associations (rw); (3) fostering family welfare (pkk); karang taruna (kartar); (4) community empowerment institution (lpm); (5) customary institutions. table 3. the active status table of the galanti village community institution no community institution status 1 neighborhood association active 2 citizens association active 3 builder of family welfare active 4 youth organization active 5 customary institutions active jurnalhukumvolkgeist indah kusuma dewi. 4(1): 17-25 22 data source: government of galanti village 2018 through local community deliberations in the framework of community services determined by the village or village. the neighborhood association is led by the head of the rt chosen by the people. an rt consists of several houses or families (family heads). in the bureaucratic system in indonesia, usually, rt (rukun tetangga) is under the rw (rukun warga). 1. pillars of neighbors rukun tetangga (rt) is the division of territory in indonesia under the rukun warga (rw). the neighborhood association is not included in the division of government administration, and its formation is the neighborhood association is a community organization that is recognized and fostered by the government to maintain and preserve the values of indonesian society based on cooperation and kinship and to help improve the smooth functioning of government, development, and society in villages and villages. each rt consists of as many as 30 households for the village and as many as 50 households for the village that is formed. 2. pillars of citizens rukun warga (rw) is a term of the territorial division under the kelurahan. rukun warga (rw) is a community institution that is formed through the deliberation of rt (rukun tetangga) management in its working area in the framework of government and community services that are recognized and fostered by the regional government established by the lurah. rukun warga (rw) is a community institution that is recognized and fostered by the government to maintain and preserve the values of indonesian society based on cooperation and kinship and to help improve the smooth functioning of government, development, and society in the kelurahan. each rt consists of as many as possible at least ten households and a maximum of 50 households in each rt. every rw consists of at most 3 rts and a maximum of 10 rts. 3. fostering family welfare (pkk) fostering family welfare is a social organization that empowers women to participate in the development of indonesia. pkk is famous for its "10 main programs." among the 10 (ten) pkk basic programs are primarily basic human needs, namely: a) the appreciation and practice of pancasila b) mutual cooperation c) food d) clothing e) housing and household management f) education and skills g) health h) development of cooperative life i) environmental sustainability jurnalhukumvolkgeist indah kusuma dewi. 4(1): 17-25 23 j) healthy planning family welfare development (pkk) in galanti village is active and is played by women who are chaired by the wife of the head of galanti village. table 4. family welfare development activities no activity status of implementation 1 posyandu always 2 study on family welfare empowerment always 3 health education incidental 4 community service incidental 5 etc data source: government of galanti village 4. youth organization karang taruna (kartar) is a youth organization in indonesia. youth organization is a place for the development of non-partisan young generation, which grows based on awareness and sense of social responsibility from, by, and for the community, especially young people in the village / kelurahan or equivalent social community, which is mainly engaged in social welfare. as a youth social organization, youth organization is a forum for coaching and developing and empowering to develop productive economic activities by utilizing all available potentials in the environment, both human and natural resources that already exist. as a youth organization, the youth organization is guided by the basic guidelines and household guidelines, which have also regulated the management structure and tenure in each area starting from the village / kelurahan to the national level. all of this is a form of organizational regeneration for the continuation of the organization and the formation of karang taruna members both in the present and in the future. 3.5. inhibiting factors of the role of village penitentiaries in development in galanti village identification of the factors inhibiting the role of the village head in fostering the galanti village community institution are as follows: 1. lack of human resources in developing productive businesses in the village 2. lack of knowledge of business groups that have been formed in villages in developing their group activities and lack of understanding in carrying out their tasks and functions 3. lack of understanding of village government officials, bpd management, lpm management & community organizations in galanti village in implementing their main tasks and functions the lack of public knowledge in utilizing a variety of potential local economic development as an alternative effort to increase income and welfare. jurnalhukumvolkgeist indah kusuma dewi. 4(1): 17-25 24 4. conclusion the role of the galanti village community empowerment institution is through formal functional activities planned in the galanti village rpjm as well as incidental formal activities. from the results of the study, it can be concluded the factors inhibiting the role of the galanti village community empowerment institute in development, one of which is the lack of human resources in developing productive businesses in the village. the galanti village community empowerment institute, as a partner institution in the administration of village governance, must receive development priorities. in preparing the rpjm des, there must be a unique program to increase the capacity of human resources for community institutions in galanti village. the village government must also make a cooperation with outsiders in order to improve the quality of human resources of each village community empowerment institution in galanti village. reference adisasmita, r. 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(2019). pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 2014 dalam penetapan labungkari sebagai ibukota kabupaten butontengah. jurnal hukum volkgeist, 2(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v2i1.103 jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i2.3073 vol. 7 no.2, june 2023 36 authority of the election organizer ethics council (dkpp) of the republic of indonesia in canceling the general election commission (kpu) decree number: 161-pke-dkpp/xi/2020 abdullah adam1*, nam rumkel1, abdul aziz hakim1 1faculty of law, universitas khairun, indonesia *correspondence:abdullah85adam@gmail.com article history abstract received: 12.01.2023 accepted: 06.06.2023 published: 30.06.2023 this study aims to find out how the authority of the general election organizer honorary council (dkpp) of the republic of indonesia in annulling the general election commission decree. the type of research used by the author is normative law research using normative case studies in the form of legal behavior products. the results of the study show that the authority of the election organizer honorary council of the republic of indonesia in canceling the decree of the general election commission of the republic of indonesia number: 161pke-dkpp/xi/2020 based on article 155 paragraph (2) of law number 7 of 2017 concerning general elections is the dkpp is given the authority to examine and decide on complaints and/or reports of alleged violations of the code of ethics committed by election organizers using two methods, namely first by means of juridical authority and second by using theoretical analysis. keywords: dkpp; authority; kpu; decree article license copyright © 2023 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction elections are one of the characteristics that must exist in a democratic country. thus, elections are an important tool for the people in the life of the state, namely by selecting their representatives who in turn will control the wheels of government. according to harris g. warren, elections are an opportunity for citizens to elect government officials and decide what they want the government to do. and in making that decision, citizens determine what they really want to own(dewi, 2016; surbakti, 1992). general elections in indonesia have long been in effect. the first elections were held in 1955 when indonesia was only ten years old. since 1999 elections have been held simultaneously in all regions of indonesia and once every five years (ismanu, 2019; firmanto & sukirman, 2022). the process of holding elections in indonesia is still considered to be of less quality, when compared to other countries (santoso, 2021; prawira, 2019). this is due to the emergence of several problems during the preparation stage, the process continues until after the election is over. the manual system used during the first general election by using ballots in the form of paper and ballot boxes as a container for storing checked ballots, costs quite a lot while the results obtained are not optimal (wahidudin, octaviola, & armi, 2014). in addition to costing a lot of money, people's participation in elections is also not optimal. the number of white groups (gol put) has been increasing from time to time. one of the factors that causes a person to become abstentions is when the administrative process is not recorded so that a person cannot exercise his right to vote (astuti, 2020). the next factor is the fixed voter list (dpt), in the voter list there is an opportunity for voters who are not entitled to enter based on election laws and regulations (safitri, 2019). various legal provisions for any election violations as stated in chapter xv of the criminal provisions, article 137 paragraph (2) that "anyone who intentionally causes another person to lose his voting rights objections, is punishable by imprisonment for a minimum of 1 month or a maximum of 6 months and/or a fine of at least two hundred thousand rupiahs or a maximum of two million rupiahs. mailto:abdullah85adam@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360xe issn: 2621-6159 journal of volkgeist law volume 7 no 2: 36-43 37 the modern democratic system requires elections not only to be held as a mere ritual for leadership succession. more than that, elections are expected to become the actualization and manifestation of people's sovereignty. to uphold the sovereignty of the people, the holding of elections must be based on the principle of free and fair election. however, in recent years the attention of the international community is no longer only focused on realizing free and fair elections, but has started campaigning for the importance of electoral integrity (goodwin-gill, 1994) to realize election organizers who, adhere to moral and ethical values as a manifestation of electoral integrity, in indonesia a permanent election organizer honorary council (hereinafter referred to as dkpp) was formed through law number 15 of 2011 concerning general election organizers (hereinafter referred to as law no. -election organizer law). the birth of the dkpp is proof that indonesia has implemented electoral integrity. the election organizer honorary council (dkpp) is an element of the election organizers along with the kpu and bawaslu. the main task of the dkpp is to enforce the code of ethics for election administrators (nasef, 2014). furthermore, in article 3 paragraph (2) of the dkpp regulation number 1 of 2013 concerning guidelines for the procedure for the general election organizer code of ethics (hereinafter referred to as the procedural regulations for the dkpp code of ethics) it is stated that the enforcement of the code of ethics is carried out by the dkpp. dkpp can be said to be very progressive in carrying out its duties and authorities (feka, rabawati, arman, & taemenas, 2020). it has been proven that in less than two years since the president's inauguration on 12 june 2012, dkpp has received reports of approximately 217 cases of violations of the election organizers' code of ethics. u. a total of approximately 81 cases have been processed and tried by the dkpp. 6 this achievement was not without criticism, various groups considered various dkpp decisions related to cases of violations of the election organizers' code of ethics to be problematic (asshiddiqie, 2013). there were at least 3 (three) dkpp decisions that were controversial from a legal standpoint, in these three decisions, dkpp not only found guilty and sanctioned election organizers who were proven to have violated the code of ethics, but dkpp also ordered the kpu to restore the actual rights of complainants. has entered the realm of general election administration. normatively ideally the honorary council of election organizers of the republic of indonesia (dkpp ri) carrying out its duties and authorities must refer to the applicable laws and regulations, but in fact the dkpp ri has used its authority beyond its authority. this became the basis for researchers to conduct research by raising the title authority of the honorary board of election organizers of the republic of indonesia in canceling the general election commission decree. 2. research method this type of research is normative law research using normative case studies in the form of legal behavior products. data analysis techniques obtained using normative analysis methods, is a way of interpreting and discussing research results based on legal understanding, legal norms, legal theories, and doctrines related to the subject matter. the data collection method in this study was carried out by literature study, which is a way of collecting data by searching and studying library materials. 3. result and discussion 3.1. result dkpp duties, authorities and obligations are regulated in article 159 paragraph (1), paragraph (2), and paragraph (3) of law number 7 of 2017 which states as follows: (1) dkpp is in charge of: a. receive complaints and/or reports on allegations of code of ethics organizers made by election organizers; and b. carry out investigations and verifications, as well as examine complaints/or reports of alleged violations of the code of ethics committed by election administrators. (2) dkpp has the authority to: a. summon the election organizer who is suspected of violating the code of ethics to provide an explanation and defense. p issn: 2528-360xe issn: 2621-6159 journal of volkgeist law volume 7 no 2: 36-43 38 b. summon reporters, witnesses, and/or other related parties for questioning, including asking for documents or other evidence. c. violating the code of ethics imposing sanctions on proven election organizers; and d. decide on violations of the code of ethics. (3) dkpp is obliged to: a. apply the principles of maintaining fairness, independence, impartiality, and transparency. b. enforce ethical rules or norms that apply to election administrators. c. is neutral, passive, and does not take advantage of cases that arise for personal popularity. d. submit the decision to the related party to be followed up. before the duties, authorities, and obligations of the dkpp were codified in article 159 of law number 7 of 2017 pertaining to general elections, they were codified in article 109 of law number 15 of 2011 pertaining to general election organizers. due to changing times and the evolution of the indonesian political system, the law regarding general elections has also been revised so that the position of the article in law number 15 of 2011 regarding the duties, authorities, and obligations of the dkpp has shifted from article 109 of the old law to article 109 of law number 7 of 2017. comparing law number 7 of 2017 concerning general elections with law number 15 of 2011 concerning election organizers, which has been revoked and declared invalid by the election law, namely the word "judge" in article 109 paragraph (2) law number 15 of 2011 concerning election organizers, reveals this. in the general election law, the concept is no longer addressed. nonetheless, this does not imply that the dkpp is no longer an ethics court. because "accept and decide" incorporates the concepts of examining, adjudicating, and deciding. the issue at hand is the effectiveness of using only words. because the general election law does not define justice, it is preferable to outline the concept of justice that can be found in the essence of the nation, and in this instance, in the doctrines taught by indonesian jurists. to find out how the dkpp's juridical authority is in canceling the kpu decision number: 161-pke-dkpp/xi/2020, therefore it can be seen from the chronology of the case as follows: a) main case for violation of the code of ethics and legal basis for cancellation  main case: defendant i to defendant v rejected registration of bahraini couple kasuba-muchlis sangaji without minutes of rejection  violation of the code of ethics and legal basis: whereas defendants i through v did not apply the principles of good governance and breached legal certainty by verbally expressing their rejection. in accordance with the principle of good governance as outlined in the law of state administration, all actions of state administrative officials must be accounted for through a decision, written document, or minutes; if this is not the case, the action in question may be considered a violation of the principles of good governance. the south halmahera kpu has violated article 39 paragraph (8) in conjunction with article 39 paragraph (3) of the pkpu, as well as the principles of good governance, by failing to issue the minutes in accordance with the matters. article 39 paragraph (8) if a political party or coalition of political parties registers prospective candidates who do not meet the candidacy requirements outlined in paragraph (3), the aceh provincial kpu/kip or regency/municipal kpu/kip declares in the minutes that they have not received the registration and returns the candidate registration documents to the relevant political party or coalition of political parties. inasmuch as article 39 paragraph 5 regulates the obligation to issue official minutes when returning registration documents. that the actions of defendant i to defendant v who refused the complainant's registration without being accompanied by written documents in the form of minutes had violated the code of ethics specifically as follows: 1) violating article 3 letter h related to the professional principle and article 36 of law number 7 of 2017 regarding the oath/pledge to act prioritizing the interests of the nation and state on the basis of legal certainty and statutory regulations, where defendants i to defendants v have acted did not issue a written document in the form of minutes of the registration process explaining the reasons for the rejection of the bahraini pair kasuba-muchlis sangaji. p issn: 2528-360xe issn: 2621-6159 journal of volkgeist law volume 7 no 2: 36-43 39 2) violating article 11 letter a, letter b, and letter c of the election organizer ethics council regulation number 2 of 2017 violated the principle of legal certainty with defendant i to defendant v acting not to issue a written decision within their authority and responsibility as a state administrative officer who it is accompanied by reasons for the refusal of the complainant at the time of registration. 3) violating article 15 letter e, letter g, and letter h of dkpp regulation number 2 of 2017 which mandates the existence of professional election administration standards, where defendants i to defendants v have been unprofessional by not acting in providing quality service to pairs of candidates who register himself by not issuing the minutes as the basis for the decision on rejection of registration. 4) violating article 16 of dkpp regulation number 2 of 20017 which mandates the principle of accountability, where defendants i to defendants v have not issued a minutes as a written decision explaining the reasons for the rejection of the bahraini couple kasuba-muchlis sangaji. b) main cases for violation of the code of ethics and legal basis for cancellation.  main case: defendants i to defendant v refused registration due to the absence of bahrain kasuba who was ill.  violation of the code of ethics and legal basis for cancellation: 1) whereas those who were present at the time of registration were the deputy regent candidate muchlis sangaji, because the complainant was ill. 2) whereas the complainant through the team who was present had given the reason for the complainant's absence at the time of registration due to being ill as evidenced by a sickness certificate from siloam hospital jakarta tb simatupang (vide evidence p-2, certificate from siloam hospital jakarta tb simatupang). the reason for the absence is in accordance with article 39 paragraph (7) of the nomination kpu regulations which states: if the management of a political party or coalition of political parties or one of the prospective candidates or prospective pair of candidates cannot be present at the time of registration as specified in paragraph (5), the political party or coalition of political parties or prospective pair of candidates cannot register, unless their absence was caused by an obstacle that can be proven by a statement from the competent authority. 3) whereas the refusal of defendant i to defendant v was not based on the provisions of article 39 paragraph (7) had violated the provisions of the legislation, and defendant i to defendant v had violated the code of ethics as follows: a) violating the professional principles of article 3 letter h and article 36 of law number 7 of 2017 related to an oath or promise to act prioritizing the interests of the nation and state based on legal certainty and statutory regulations where at the time of receiving the registration of the bahraini couple kasuba-muchlis sangaji was not guided in article 39 paragraph (7) of the nomination kpu regulations (a quo). b) violating article 11 letter a, letter b, and letter c of dkpp regulation number 2 of 2017 violated the principle of legal certainty with defendant i to defendant v not guided by article 39 paragraph (7) kpu regulation nomination (a quo) that bahrain kasuba was attacked acute gastric acid due to stress. the stress experienced by bahrain kasuba is due to:  lutfi mahmud, who was a candidate for deputy regent passed away on august 20, 2020 (14 days before the opening of the registration period) namely september 4 2020. (video evidence p3, online news online news of lutfi mahmud's death) the consequences of the death of the deputy regent candidate are the complainant had to find a new deputy candidate, determining the deputy candidate was not easy because it was done at the last minute. then just determined muchlis sangaji who is the brother of lutfi mahmud to replace.  because the complainant must replace the deputy candidate, the complainant must re-manage all letters of support for political parties at the central level. this arrangement was not easy because the secretary general of the berkarya party, on behalf of badarudin andi picunang, contracted covid 19, was being treated in isolation at the pasar minggu regional general hospital (rsud) while the complainant was reordering the berkarya party's support letter. so, it was only on the evening of september 2, 2020, at the p issn: 2528-360xe issn: 2621-6159 journal of volkgeist law volume 7 no 2: 36-43 40 pasar minggu hospital that the secretary general of work on behalf of badarudin andi picunang signed the new b1 kwk document.  maneuver from the chairman of the regional leadership council of the indonesian justice and unity party (dpw pkpi) of north maluku province on behalf of masrul ibrahim who revoked the management issued by the general chairperson of the pkpi dpn on behalf of diaz hendropriyono. so, the revocation of the complainant's management is invalid, because the complainant was appointed by the dpn management but was revoked by the provincial dpw management on september 3, 2020. this can be seen in the first dictum of the decision of the north maluku province dpw pkpi which states: "revoke and declare the pkp dpn decision not applicable indonesia number 002.f/skep/dpn pkp ind/malut/i/2018, dated 28 january 2020 concerning changes to the personnel composition of the regency leadership council of the indonesian justice and unity party (dpk pkp indonesia) south halmahera for the 2016-2021 period. (vide exhibit p-4, pkpi dpw decision revoking the pkpi dpn decision) if you pay close attention to the south halmahera pkpi management, it has only been revoked by the pkpi dpn through the pkpi dpn decree september 5 2020 (see evidence p-5, pkpi dpn decision september 5 2020 who appointed achmad suriyanto as chair and fitra hamidah habsari as secretary), so that the pkpi management who signed the b1 kwk for the usman sidiq-hassan ali bassam kasuba pair on september 3 2020 "illegal and legally disabled" (vide evidence p-6, b1 kwk pkpi usman-hasan on september 3 2020 which was signed by achmad suriyanto as chairman and fitra hamidah habsari as secretary) because he had just been appointed to the pkpi dpn on september 5 2020 through a pkpi dpn decree. as of september 4, 2020, the complainant is still valid as chairman of the dpk pkpi south halmahera regency because there has not been a revocation of the sk dpn pkpi by the general chairman. from this alone, defendant i to defendant v who legalized pkpi against the usman sidiq-hasan ali basam kasuba clearly violated the serious code of conduct because b1 kwk was legally flawed. c) the third main case violation of the code of ethics and legal basis for cancellation. whereas the actions of defendants i through defendants v who refused the registration of the complainants without being accompanied by written documents and the actions of defendants i through defendants v who refused registration using technical guidelines that were contrary to the kpu nomination regulations (a quo) had violated the code of ethics specifically as follows:  violating article 3 letter h and article 36 of law no. 7 of 2017 related to an oath or promise to act prioritizing the interests of the nation and state based on legal certainty and statutory regulations, where defendants i to defendants v have acted using technical guidelines that narrow the meaning of the management being "chairman and secretary" contrary to the norms of "management" article 39 paragraph (5) of the kpu nomination regulations (a quo), as the basis for rejecting the registration of the bahraini kasuba-muchlis sangaji pair.  violated article 11 letter a, letter b, and letter c of dkpp regulation number 2 of 2017 violated the principle of legal certainty with defendant i to defendant v acting to create legal uncertainty using technical guidelines which narrowed the meaning of management to "chairman and secretary" contrary to "management" norms article 39 paragraph (5) nomination kpu regulations (a quo) c)  violating article 6, article 10, article 11 letters b and c, article 12 letter b dkpp regulations number 2 of 2017 where defendants i to defendants v have acted not based on statutory provisions where defendants i to defendants v does not carry out the obligations as referred to in article 39 paragraph (5) of the kpu nomination regulations (a quo), where those who are required to be present at the time of registration are the management (can be chairman, deputy chairman, secretary, deputy secretary, treasurer, deputy treasurer), not mentioning that the management must be the chairman and secretary . the authority of the dkpp in overturning the decision of the general election commission of the republic of indonesia, there are two relevant theories that can be used as a measure of the dkpp's authority. even though these two theories have been used to analyze the position of the dkpp in the resolution of general elections, they are also applicable as an analytical tool for the dkpp's authority in the resolution of general elections. the two hypotheses are: a) authority theory p issn: 2528-360xe issn: 2621-6159 journal of volkgeist law volume 7 no 2: 36-43 41 authority is the scope of public legal action, the scope of governmental authority, which encompasses not only the authority to make government decisions, but also authority in the context of carrying out tasks; the granting of authority and the primary distribution of authority are governed by statutes. the legal definition of authority is the capacity conferred by laws and regulations to produce legal consequences. while h.d. stoud's definition of authority is "bevoegheid wet kan worden omscrevenals het geheel van bestuurechttelijke bevoegheden door publiekrechtelijke rechtssubjecten in het publiekrechtelijk rechtsverkeer," authority can also be defined as the collection of rules governing the acquisition and use of government authority by public law subjects in public law transactions (lotulung, 1994). power is often equated with authority, and power is often interchanged with the term authority, and vice versa. in fact, authority is often equated with authority. power usually takes the form of a relationship in the sense that "there is one party who rules, and another party is governed" (the rule and the ruled) (budiardjo, 1998). according to max weber, an authority must be based on legal principles, this is referred to as rational or legal authority, namely authority based on a legal system is understood as a rule that has been recognized and obeyed by society and even strengthened by the state (setiardja, 1990). based on some of the dkpp's policies, the author believes that, in the context of dkpp's authority, it should be given full authority to resolve not only ethical issues, but also administrative issues, because, logically, when an administrative error can be qualified as an ethical error, it can restore the rights of complainants seeking justice at the dkpp institution. given that the dkpp is a state institution governed by statutes, it is appropriate that this authority is obligatory on all dkpp decisions. b) separation of power john locke and montesquieu, two eminent english and french philosophers, were the originators of the principle of separation of powers. the theory of separation of powers proposed by these two great philosophers is now known as trias politica. according to john locke, there are three types of power: 1) legislative power, tasked with making regulations and laws. 2) executive power, tasked with implementing the existing laws including the power to adjudicate. 3) federative power, its duties include all actions to maintain state security in relations with other countries such as making alliances and so on (today it is called foreign relations). meanwhile, montesquieu, in the matter of separation of powers, also distinguished it in three parts, although there were differences from the concept presented by john locke, namely: 1) legislative power, tasked with making laws. 2) executive power, tasked with implementing laws (but by montesquieu priority is action in the field of foreign policy). 3) judicial power, tasked with adjudicating on violations of the law. there is a distinction in thought between john locke and montesquieu based on these two opinions. john locke incorporated judicial power into executive power, whereas montesquieu regarded it as an independent power. according to montesquieu, the three types of authority must be separated in every government, both in terms of the task (function) and the equipment (organs) used to carry it out. according to this doctrine, there is no justification for interfering or exerting influence over one another. therefore, montesquieu's teaching is referred to as the separation of powers, which means that each of the three powers must be kept separate, both the institution and the individual responsible for it (suparto, 2016). the essence of "separation of power" in the modern constitutional system is the tendency to change and emphasize the functions and authorities of the three existing powers, namely the executive, legislative, and judiciary, to maintain the stability and suitability of the state in carrying out its duties in accordance with their respective authorities. indeed, in the early days of a nation, executive, legislative, and judicial authority resided in the hands of the monarch. this situation created inequality in the process of becoming a state, and as a result, montesquie published the theory of the separation of powers outlined in his book "esprit des lois" as a response and his assumptions about the practice that existed at the time in england. p issn: 2528-360xe issn: 2621-6159 journal of volkgeist law volume 7 no 2: 36-43 42 abstractly and normatively, according to montesquieu, there are distinct divisions within the three institutions, namely legislators, law executors, and law or regulation enforcers. because each authority is governed by the constitution, a semblance of harmony and stability is possible with such a government structure. we can also modify this to reflect prof. sri soemantri's view on the essence of the constitution's contents, including: 1) the protection of human rights and its citizens. 2) stipulate a fundamental constitutional arrangement. 3) constitutional duties are divided and limited (thaib, hamidi, & huda, 2011). according to montesquieu's explanation of state institutions, election administrators such as the kpu, bawaslu, and dkpp are state institutions because their responsibilities and functions are orders of law. it's the same with the dkpp, even though they only make decisions regarding the code of ethics, which are then erroneously implemented by the kpu and bawaslu commissioners and ad hoc organizers at lower levels. the basic policy referred to above, according to researchers in the constitutional context of the republic of indonesia, is that dkpp is included in executive and judiciary powers, dkpp is a state institution that executes statutory orders, and dkpp is tasked with adjudicating violations of laws. in the same way, the dkpp is governed by laws and dkpp regulations when carrying out its duties and functions, even though within its authority it can only make decisions pertaining to the code of ethics, which can then be misinterpreted by the commissioners of the kpu and bawaslu and ad hoc organizers at the lower level. 3.2. discussion the study examines the authority of the general election organizer honorary council (dkpp) of indonesia in annulling the general election commission's decree. it employs normative law research with case studies on legal behavior products. the findings reveal that dkpp's authority to cancel the decree (no. 161-pkedkpp/xi/2020) is based on article 155 paragraph (2) of law number 7 of 2017 on general elections. dkpp is empowered to investigate and decide on complaints or reports of alleged violations of the code of ethics committed by election organizers, using both juridical authority and theoretical analysis. 4. conclusion the results of this research show that the authority of the honorary board of election organizers of the republic of indonesia in canceling the decree of the general election commission of the republic of indonesia number: 161-pke-dkpp/xi/2020 is based on article 155 paragraph (2) of law number 7 of 2017 concerning general elections is that the dkpp is authorized to examine and decide on complaints and/or reports of alleged violations of the code of ethics committed by election organizers, using two methods, namely using juridical authority and theoretical analysis in order to apply principles, maintain justice, independence, impartiality and transparency and enforce ethical rules or norms that apply to election organizers at every general election momentum and regional head election. references asshiddiqie, j. 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provisions of laws and regulations related to legal theories. it sees the reality that occurs in society, namely the method to resolve the drug abuse issues. the results of the research showed that in handling cases of drug abuse, the national narcotics agency of kupang city carried out the processes of investigation, the transfer of the case to the public prosecutor, and its transfer to the district court. drug abusers who were red-handedly caught may obtain medical and social rehabilitation based on the judicial decision. it is concluded that the national narcotics agency of kupang city has undergone ideal methods in handling cases of drug abuse. keywords: drug abuse; handling; ideal; kupang city article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction the issue of drug abuse concerns the mission of improving human treatment, as it has a great influence on preventing and reducing crime. thus, this problem is not only meant to protect individual interests but is also to protect the interests of society and the state (jamal, 2020). eradicating the crime of drug abuse is not an easy thing to do, especially because drug abuse perpetrators have many methods and tricks to prevent getting arrested. this makes it difficult to detect such crimes. therefore, as stated in article 104 of law no. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, the community has a great role: "the community has the widest opportunity to participate in helping prevent and eradicate the abuse and the illicit trafficking of narcotics (jamal, 2020).” the decrease in the rule of law index is influenced by various variables, say that in the theory of the legal system, there are 3 (three) main variables, namely legal structure, legal substance and legal culture. in its development, the variables of the legal system, legal structure, legal substance and legal culture have a very large legal bond in ensuring the achievement of law enforcement with the dimensions of justice and peace in society (salam, 2022). the misuse of narcotics, psychotropics and addictive substances is very dangerous for humans. therefore, it is necessary to properly handle, prevent, and overcome the abuse of these substances (adam, 2018). the government and social institutions have carried out several penal and non-penal efforts to tackle the problem of drug abuse. according to wresniwiro and hariyati, the penal efforts to overcome drug abuse include using criminal penalties and sanctions. meanwhile, the non-penal efforts are carried out without punishment and criminal sanctions, by employing religious, moral, and character education (azhar, 2021). adolescents are usually introduced to drugs from their peers who offer drugs, which are either accompanied by promises or through pressure and coercion. usually, they were first offered to try cigarettes or alcohol. after getting used to it, it will be easier for the adolescents to switch to the habit of using other types of addictive substances, such as marijuana or heroin (bohari, 2003). responding to the development of increasingly serious drug problems that occur, such as drug abuse, illegal distribution of drugs, addiction, and the rampant occurrence of drug crimes (hidayat, 2019), the decree of p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 219-228 220 the republic of indonesia’s people’s consultative assembly number vi/mpr/2002 through the general session of the people's consultative assembly in 2002 has recommended the republic of indonesia's legislative house and president to amend the law number 22 of 1997 concerning narcotics. therefore, the government and the legislative house passed and enacted law number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, as an amendment to law number 22 of 1997. based on law number 35 of 2009, the national narcotics agency (badan narkotika nasional/bnn) was given the authority to investigate drug abuse and precursor crimes (bnn kota kupang (kupang city national narcotics agency), 2020). based on these provisions, the national narcotics agency of kupang city, east nusa tenggara province, cooperates with several parties, including the government and private agencies to become anti-drug cadres with the mission to prevent and eradicate the abuse and the illicit trafficking of drugs). according to the data on the abuse of narcotics and illegal drugs handled by the national narcotics agency of kupang city from 2015 to 2019, the highest drug abuse happened in 2015, where there were thirteen cases of abuse. the drug abuse perpetrators were aged between 11 to 60 years old, with varying education levels, namely from elementary school to university level. they also embraced various religions, namely christianity, catholicism, islam, and hinduism (bnn kota kupang (kupang city national narcotics agency), 2020). several efforts such as preventive, repressive, and curative actions have been taken. the repressive actions were carried out by arresting drug users and dealers. the preventive actions were carried out by organizing seminars and socialization for adolescents, students, and college students. then, the curative actions include providing rehabilitation that is either managed by the national narcotics agency or private agencies. these steps have been taken as the steps to eradicate drug abuse and illicit trafficking. but there are still many cases of drug abuse the sales of various drugs, people use roaches, inhale methamphetamines, and inject heroin and morphine. there are also misuse of substance that seems trivial, namely inhaling glue. these misuses still occur, because the eradication cannot be carried out by only the national narcotics agency and related agencies without the support/assistance of the community itself. the development of the times. das sein from the eradication of the crime of drug abuse in kupang is that there is no more misuse of drugs in the society. but the misuse of drugs in society never stops as the drug business is highly profitable. the drug abuse eradication is das sollen, where drug abuse is legally declared as a crime, and the law enforcement apparatus carry out preventive, repressive, and curative legal steps to achieve the das sein. proper handling is required to resolve the issue of drug abuse carried out by both dealers and users. there needs to be an increase in public awareness. the public needs to be involved and feel jointly responsible in dealing with drug abuse as it can destroy the future of the nation's generation. based on this framework, the research problem is, “what is the ideal treatment for drug abuse perpetrators in kupang city?” 2. methodology this study used the qualitative method (nawawi, 2019). it used a sociological juridical approach which is based on the provisions of the applicable legislation associated with legal theories. this method also sees the reality that occurs in society that is related to the discussed issues. 3. results and discussion 3.1. kupang city national narcotics agency’s method in handling of drug abuse in handling drug abuse carried out by drug users and dealers, the kupang city national narcotics agency carried out the following steps: 3.1.1. obtaining reports or complaints from the public in accordance with the narcotics law number 35 of 2009 concerning community participation chapter xiii, in the efforts to handle, prevent, and eradicate drug abuse, the kupang city national narcotics agency provides the widest opportunity for the community to participate in assisting the prevention and eradication of drug abuse and illicit trafficking of drugs. in the efforts to eradicate narcotics in the community environment, the community has the following rights (the republic of indonesia’s government, 2009): a. seeking, obtaining, and providing information on the suspicions that drug abuse may occur; p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 219-228 221 b. finding services in searching for, obtaining, and providing information regarding the allegations of drug abuse to the law enforcement or to the national narcotics agency that handles the crime of drug abuse; c. responsibly delivering suggestions and opinions to the law enforcement or the national narcotics agency that handles drug abuse cases; d. obtaining answers to questions about their reports that are submitted to the law enforcement or the national narcotics agency; and e. obtaining legal protection when the person concerned exercises his/her rights or is asked to attend the judicial process. 3.1.2. the indictment and investigation of drug abuse cases by the national narcotics agency of kupang city. in the effort to prevent and eradicate drug abuse, the investigators of the national narcotics agency in kupang city conducted an investigation after receiving reports or complaints from the public or after independently occurring information on the cases of drug abuse. after that, investigators made further efforts to find evidence at the crime scene. the most important part of the case process is the issue of evidence from the results of this investigation, whether the reported party will be declared guilty or acquitted. these objects are commonly known as the evidence of the crime (copus delicti). therefore, when caught the drug abusers redhandedly, we confiscate the evidence at the crime scene to determine the status of the perpetrator, while waiting for the results of laboratory tests to show whether the perpetrator is a dealer or a user” (ruslan, 2016). based on the results of the interview, with mr. dominus artemis, m.h., an advocate in kupang city, “it can be seen that in the case of catching criminals red-handedly, the perpetrator only needs to be supported by evidence at the crime scene. then, the results of laboratory tests are used to complete the dossier before proceeding to the prosecutor's office. the judicial process then functions to determine whether the guilty acts as a perpetrator or a dealer.” this statement from dominus artemis was similar to a book written by soedjono that was quoted by nini (2017). thus, these two data are identical. furthermore, data on narcotics and illegal drug abuse that have been handled by the kupang city the national narcotics agency from 2015 to 2019 can be seen in the table below table 1. drug abuse cases handled b the kupang city the national narcotics agency from 2015 to 2019 no. year age education level religion 11 – 20 21 – 30 31 – 40 41 – 50 51 – 60 elementary school junior high school senior high school university islam christian catholic hindu 1 2015 6 6 1 1 10 2 2 10 1 2 2016 2 3 1 1 4 1 6 3 2017 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 4 2018 1 2 2 4 1 4 1 5 2019 2 3 5 2 3 total 0 14 15 5 0 2 2 26 4 5 22 6 1 source: (bnn kota kupang (kupang city national narcotics agency), 2020) based on data on narcotics and illicit drug abuse handled by the national narcotics agency of kupang city from 2015 to 2019, which is seen from the age levels of users (between 11-60 years), the level of education (from elementary school to university level) and religion, taken from the 4 largest religions in the city of kupang namely islam, christianity, catholicism and hinduism (bnn kota kupang (kupang city national narcotics agency), 2020). the highest number of narcotics and drug abuse was in 2015. at that year, there were thirteen drug abusers. in 2015, there were six drug abusers each in the age groups of 21-30 years old and 31-40 years old. most were people with a high school level of education (10 people) and most were christians (10 people). then, since 2016, the number of drug abusers tend to decrease. in 2016, there were six drug abusers and most fell p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 219-228 222 under the age group of 31-40 years old (3 people). most had the education level of senior high school (4 people) and all of them were christians (all 6 people). next, in 2017, there were five drug abusers and most were 21 to 30 years of age. most had the education level of senior high school (3 people) and most were christians (3 people). after that, in 2018, there were five drug abusers. there were two drug abusers each in the age groups of 31-40 years old and 41-50 years old. most had the education level of senior high school (4 people) and most were catholics (4 people). lastly, in 2019, there were five cases of drug abuse. most were aged 31 to 40 years old (3 people). all of the abusers had the education level of senior high school and most of them were christians (3 people). from the data obtained, it shows that in 2015-2019 according to the age level of drug abusers, most were aged between 21-40 years, namely 29 users. the second age group that is prone to use drugs is those aged 31-40. these are productive ages. drug abuse is carried out due to stress from work, pressure and demands from the spouses who demand things that are beyond one's financial condition, and depression due to failures, as stated by dr. magdalena, sp.kj from an interview. in the aspect of education, most drug abuse perpetrators are graduates or dropouts of senior high school. this is due to the complication of the factor of difficulty in seeking work, an immature mindset, and other factors. junior high school graduates also found difficulties seeking jobs, but their pressures are not as high as senior high school graduates, as the former feels grateful to obtain any job, even though the job provides low wages. university graduates may have better logic to avoid such actions as they may lead to detainment, as stated by dr. magdalena. in the aspect of religion, most drug abusers were christian (22 cases), then catholic (6 cases), and islam (5 cases). this number is not based on religious discrimination, but it is according to the demographic condition in kupang. all religions in kupang always preach to their congregation to avoid drugs, but there are some deviants who still misuse drugs even though it is against their religion. figure 1. the method of the national narcotics agency of kupang city in handling drug abuse cases in carrying out the task of eradicating drug abuse and illicit drug trafficking, the national narcotics agency conducts indictments and investigations on drug abuse. the national narcotics agency was formed based on the presidential decision no. 17 of 2002 which was amended with the presidential decision no. 83 of 2007. the p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 219-228 223 national narcotics agency’s position as an institution with the authority to eradicate drugs is strengthened by law no. 35 of 2009 on drugs. it can undergo investigations, prosecutions, and pursuits to break the organized crime network of drugs, psychotropic narcotics, and other addictive substances other than tobacco and alcohol in the kupang city area. the authority of the national narcotics agency based on law no. 35 of 2009(the republic of indonesia’s government, 2009): is as follows: conducting investigations on the veracity of reports and information regarding the abuse and illicit trafficking of drugs; a. examining people or corporations that are suspected of abusing drugs; b. calling people to be heard as witnesses; c. ordering people who are suspected of abusing drugs and illicitly trafficking them to stop and check the suspects’ identification; d. examining, searching, and confiscating the evidence of the drug abuse and drug distribution criminal acts; e. examining letters and other documents regarding drug abuse and illicit trafficking; f. arresting and detaining people suspected of drug abuse and the illicit trafficking of drugs; g. interdicting the circulation of narcotics and narcotics precursors in all areas of national jurisdiction; h. conducting wiretapping related to the abuse and the illicit trafficking of narcotics and narcotic precursors after the obtaining sufficient initial evidence; i. undertaking covert purchasing investigation techniques and supervised delivery. j. taking fingerprints and photographing suspects; k. requesting the assistance of experts as required in relation to investigative tasks; and l. stopping the investigation if there is insufficient evidence of suspected drug abuse. the national narcotics agency’s authority in conducting investigations is also stated in article 80 of the law no. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics as referred to in article 75 of the law no. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, the national narcotics agency investigators, are also authorized to (the republic of indonesia’s government, 2009): a. directly submitting case files, suspects, and evidence, including assets confiscated by the public prosecutor; b. ordering the bank or financial institutions to block accounts suspected of being the proceeds of abuse and illicit trafficking of narcotics and narcotic precursors belonging to the suspect or related parties; c. obtaining information from other parties or financial institutions regarding the financial condition of the investigated suspect; d. obtaining information from the reporting center and analyzing financial transactions related to drug abuse and precursors; and e. directly requesting competent authorities to prohibit someone from traveling abroad. asmarawati (2015) stated that in order to effectively prevent and eradicate drug abuse, the national narcotics agency is strengthened. so, granting the investigative authority to the national narcotics agency means strengthening it to become a non-ministerial government institution. with this strengthening, the national narcotics agency has clear authority which is very useful for conducting investigations on drug crimes. 3.2. the process of examining the crime scenes and suspects an investigation is a method or a sub-function of the investigation that precedes other actions. that is to take action in the form of arrest, detention, search, confiscation, examination of letters, summons, examination actions, and submission of files to the public prosecutor who has such authorities (the republic of indonesia’s government, 2009): p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 219-228 224 the legal basis for searches is contained in article 5 paragraph (1) letter b “on command, you can take the following actions: 1. arrest, prohibition to leave the premises, search and confiscation; 2. inspection and confiscation of letters; 3. fingerprint and photograph” and article 5 paragraph (1) “investigators as referred to in article 6 paragraph (1) letter a because of their obligations have the authority to: a. receive a report or complaint from a person regarding the existence of a criminal act; b. take the first action at the scene; c. order to stop a suspect and check the suspect's identification; d. make arrests, detentions, searches and confiscations; e. carry out inspection and confiscation of letters; f. take fingerprints and photographs of a person; g. summon people to be heard and examined as suspects or witnesses; h. bring in the necessary experts concerning the examination case; i. terminate the investigation; j. take other legally responsible actions. article 32 of the criminal procedural code authorizes investigators and inspectors (by order of investigators) to carry out search actions. the search is basically divided into two, namely: a. house search a house search is the act of an investigator entering a residential house and other closed places to carry out inspections and/or confiscation and/or arrests in a case and according to the method regulated in the criminal procedural code (article 1 point 17 of the criminal procedural code). b. body search body search is an investigator's action to conduct an examination of the suspect's body and/or clothing to look for objects that are strongly suspected to be on his/her body or that are carried and to be confiscated (article 1 point 18 of the criminal procedural code). the legal basis for the search carried out by investigators on the suspect is article 37 of the criminal code. in the criminal code, it is stated: a. at the time of arresting a suspect, the investigator is only authorized to search the clothes including the objects underneath and if there is a strong suspicion with sufficient reasons that the suspect has objects that can be confiscated; and b. at the time of arresting a suspect or in the case of a suspect as referred to in paragraph (1), the investigator is authorized to search the suspect's body. 3.2.1. laboratory tests in carrying out their investigative duties, the national narcotics agency investigators have the authority to test urine, blood, hair, and other body parts (the republic of indonesia’s government, 2009). then, in the explanation of article 75 letter l of the law no. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, it is explained that urine tests, blood tests, hair tests, and other body part tests are carried out according to the development of science and technology to prove the presence or absence of narcotics in the body of a person or several people. urine tests are the authority of the national narcotics agency investigators in carrying out their investigative duties. law no. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics does not state that this urine test is mandatory, but it does aim to prove whether or not there are narcotics in the body. if a urine test is not carried out, but the person, in this case, fulfills the criminal elements in article 112 paragraph (1) of the law no. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics regarding narcotics control, the legal consequence is that he is still subject to criminal sanctions according to that article. the urine samples obtained by the national narcotics agency investigators are then examined at the technical implementation unit of the national narcotics agency drug testing laboratory which is regulated by the head of national narcotics agency regulation (the head of the national narcotics agency regulation no. 5 of 2010 on the technical guidelines to establishing drug testing laboratory services at the national narcotics agency) as amended by the head of the national narcotics agency regulation no. 1 of 2011 on the methods to handle perpetrators or suspects. urine is one of the biological specimens that can be tested in the laboratory, with a minimum of 50 milliliters. the testing of biological specimens that are suspected of containing narcotics can be carried out for the purposes of case evidence (pro justitia), rehabilitation, science, and technology as well as education and training (article 2 paragraph [1] of the head of the national narcotics agency regulation no. 5 of 2010 on the technical guidelines to establishing drug testing laboratory services at the national narcotics p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 219-228 225 agency). the results of laboratory testing for the purpose of proving the case are stated in the form of an examiner's official report (article 6 paragraph [2] letter a of the head of the national narcotics agency regulation no. 5 of 2010 on the technical guidelines to establishing drug testing laboratory services at the national narcotics agency). as stated by mr. lino do rosario pereira, s.h. in an interview: so, the punishment for people who are proven positive that their urine contains narcotic substances still has to be proven guilty in the trial, we are a legal state so we must rely on the existing law, whether these perpetrators will be punished or rehabilitated, it depends on the judge (bnn kota kupang (kupang city national narcotics agency), 2020). 3.2.2. the ddifferences between drug users and dealers there was a non-exemplary case of a member of the north central timor regional legislative house, east nusa tenggara, with the ift initials, who was arrested by the kupang city national narcotics agency (bnn kota kupang (kupang city national narcotics agency), 2020). the hanura party politician was arrested for allegedly holding a drug party with a woman and a driver in a hotel in kupang. the three of them underwent an intensive examination at the kupang city national narcotics agency (the republic of indonesia’s government, 2009). just because the perpetrator is a government official, it does not mean that the perpetrator is treated specially. this case was a non-exemplary case from public officials and the national narcotics agency had the authority to proceed with this case. 3.2.3. dealer the definition of a dealer is not explicitly regulated in law no. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics. however, referring to the great indonesian dictionary, a dealer is a person who distributes, brings, and conveys something from one person to another. law no. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics only explains the meaning of drug distribution, namely "includes any activity or a series of activities for distributing or delivering drugs, both in the context of trading, not trading or transferring, for the benefit of health services and the development of science and technology." based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that a dealer is a person who carries out activities to distribute or deliver drugs, both in the context of trade, not trade or transfer, for the benefit of health services and the development of science and technology. however, it should be noted that although they are categorized as dealers, not all dealers can be categorized as criminals. for example, the circulation of narcotics in the form of finished drugs that have received permission from the competent authority, namely the minister of health (the republic of indonesia’s government, 2009) or the delivery of drugs to patients by a hospital or a doctor based on a doctor's prescription is allowed. they are not violating the law (the republic of indonesia’s government, 2009). the punishment for the people who distribute, possess, control, become intermediaries, provide trading, or export-import drugs without permission from the authorities can be subject to imprisonment for between 2 (two) to 20 (twenty) years (aulia, 2018), even up to the death penalty or life imprisonment depending on the type and amount the circulated, distributed or traded drugs. 3.2.4. user according to the law no. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, drug users are divided into two, namely as follows: a. drug addicts are people who use or abuse drugs and are both physically and psychologically in a state of dependence on drugs (article 1 number 13 in conjunction with article 54 in conjunction with article 127 of law no. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics). b. abusers are people who use drugs without rights or illegally (article 1 point 13 of law no. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics) and abuse drugs (article 1 point 15 in conjunction with article 54 in conjunction with article 127). chapter vii of law no. 22 of 1997 concerning narcotics is medicine and rehabilitation regulates the following (pamungkas, 2017): p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 219-228 226 a. users (article 44); b. addicts (articles 45, 46, and 47); c. rehabilitation (articles 48, 49, 50, and 51). d. users are those who use narcotics for medicinal purposes. they can possess, store, and carry narcotics, and for that, they must have proof of how to legally obtain the drugs (article 44). meanwhile, drug abusers are people who use drugs without the knowledge or supervision of a doctor (article 1 point 14). e. the punishment for drug addicts and abusers is obligatory rehabilitation, both medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation, which has been regulated in article 54 of the law no. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, namely: "drug addicts and victims of drug abuse are required to undergo medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation.” 3.2.5. rehabilitation the rehabilitation section at the kupang city national narcotics agency office is in charge of facilitating users or victims of drug abuse to be rehabilitated, including both outpatient rehabilitation and inpatient rehabilitation. so far, the kupang city national narcotics agency has handled several cases. a screening test is carried out on drug abusers, either due to parental complaints or due to getting caught by the national narcotics agency during a raid. if the person is declared to positively be a drug user based on the screening test, the person will be recommended to immediately be rehabilitated, using an assessment to determine the level of abuse (majid et al., 2021). drug addicts and victims of drug abuse are required to undergo rehabilitation. there are two types of rehabilitation, namely (kupang city national narcotics agency, 2020): a. medical rehabilitation is a process of integrated treatment activities to free addicts from drug dependence, while b. social rehabilitation is a process of integrated physical, mental, and social recovery activities so that exdrug addicts can return to carry out their social functions in their communities (alodokter.com, n.d.). medical rehabilitation for drug addicts is carried out in hospitals appointed by the minister. certain rehabilitation institutions organized by government agencies or the public may carry out medical rehabilitation for drug addicts after obtaining approval from the minister. apart from medical treatment and/or rehabilitation, drug addicts can be healed by government agencies or the community through religious and traditional approaches (hariyanto, 2018). the imposition of rehabilitation as an alternative sanction can be viewed from the two main aspects of the purpose of punishment, namely from the aspect of community protection and the aspect of improving the perpetrator (simanungkalit, 2019). what is meant by the aspect of community protection includes the aim of preventing, reducing or controlling criminal acts and restoring the balance of society. it also includes resolving conflicts, bringing a sense of security, repairing losses, and reinforcing the values of life in society. then, the aspects of improvement are: rehabilitation and re-socialization of perpetrators and protecting them from arbitrary treatment outside the law. in this case, medical and social rehabilitation is carried out for drug abusers (the republic of indonesia’s government, 2009). the rehabilitation sector consists of a section for strengthening rehabilitation institutions and a postrehabilitation section. the task of the rehabilitation section for strengthening rehabilitation institutions is to prepare materials for coordinating the preparation of strategic plans and drug abuse eradication annual work plans, assessments for narcotics abusers and addicts, capacity building for medical and social rehabilitation institutions organized by the government and the community, technical guidance and supervision of drug abuse eradication to the city national narcotics agency, and evaluating and reporting the drug abuse eradication in the province (hidayatun & widowaty, 2020). this mean that the existence of law to humanize humans (aspects of its benefits) then what is regulated in legal regulations must bring benefits to human life.(salam, 2020) the tasks of the post-rehabilitation section are to prepare materials for coordinating the preparation of strategic plans and the drug abuse eradication annual work plans, increasing the ability of post-rehabilitation services and their companions, reintegration into the community and advanced care, guidance and supervision of p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 6 no 2: 219-228 227 drug abuse eradication to the city national narcotics agency, and evaluating and reporting the drug abuse eradication in the province (kupangkota.bnn.go.id, n.d.) 4. conclusion based on the results of the discussion, it can be concluded that the national narcotics agency of kupang city’s ideal method for handling drug abuse perpetrators starts from the process of carrying out the investigation. if there is sufficient evidence, the case is transferred to the public prosecutor and is delegated to the state court. meanwhile, for users who are caught red-handed, laboratory tests are employed. if the perpetrator is only charged as a user, the judge may decide to impose two aspects of rehabilitation, namely medical and social rehabilitation. medical rehabilitation aims to heal one’s dependence on narcotics and illegal drugs so that they are ready to return to the family and the community. while social rehabilitation aims to protect the community, namely by preventing, reducing or controlling drugs and illegal drug crimes and restoring the balance of society. it includes resolving conflicts, bringing a sense of security, repairing losses, creating a good name, and reinforcing the values 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(2009). uu republik indonesia nomor 35 tahun 2009 tentang narkotika (the law no. 35 of 2009 on drugs). lembaran negara republik indonesia. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i2.3338 vol. 7 no.2, june 2023 15 legal analisis of judge consideration in settlement of divorce decision case (study of baubau pa decision number 0298/pdt/2019/pa.bb) rizki mustika suhartono1* , mashendra¹, la ode muh. karim1, sariati¹, hayatul jannah ar-rayyan¹ 1 faculty of low, universitas muhammadiyah buton, indonesia *correspondence: rizkimustika44@mail.com article history abstract received: 17.05.2023 accepted: 06.06.2023 published: 30.06.2023 this study aims to determine: to know and examine how judges consider in the settlement of divorce divorce cases. the research method used in ziniz's research is empirical normative law research. legal research is a research method that seeks to find the law in the law that is actually or should be, examines how the law works in society, then uses research methods, the quality of the method. the collection of data and information was carried out at the bau-bau religious court. the second stage used in this research consists of: primary, secondary and tesier legal instruments. depending on the nature of the research and the research material, all available information will be carefully analyzed, with the help of which the collected data are sorted according to their categories and explained in the search for answers to research questions. by using the reduction method, conclusions are drawn from the prepared data and research results.the judge's consideration in deciding the decision on parental responsibility is very appropriate by considering the income of the parents based on the evidence brought before the trial. keywords: parents, judge’s concideration, pa baubau article license copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction divorce is a very frightening event for every family (husband, wife, and children). the causes of divorce can vary, including failure to communicate causing quarrels, infidelity, domestic violence, economic problems, early marriage, cultural changes, and so on. after the divorce there are adjustments that must be made by both parties (ex-husband and ex-wife) to their new life. especially financial problems, let alone their marriage, a child was born. if in the family the father and mother are good, harmonious and loving, the child will get positive elements from his personality and if the parents are religious and obedient in carrying out religion in everyday life. then the child will get a religious experience that becomes an element in his personality. the noble purpose of a marriage is to improve oneself and piety to allah swt. marriage means we are able to control lust rather than wrong steps. and every intercourse between husband and wife to avoid disobedience is a reward from allah swt. and verily the order is a noble and blessed bond. children are an issue that has always been a concern of various elements of society. what is his position and rights in the family and how should he be treated by his parents, even in the life of society and the state through his policies in caring for children, biological fathers are obliged to provide maintenance for their biological children and a child right after birth has the right to receive maintenance from his father, both in the form of clothing, shelter, and other needs even though the child's parents' marriage has broken up. suffering from the divorce of his parents (effendi, 2014). the foundation of the father's obligation to provide for the child apart from the kinship relationship is also due to the condition of the child who is not yet independent and is in need of spending, his life depends on having a party responsible for guaranteeing his living. the people closest to the child are the father and mother, if the mailto:rizkimustika44@mail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 15-22 16 mother is responsible for caring for the child at home, the father is responsible for providing for his child (syaifullah, 1999). the father is only obliged to provide for his biological child as long as his biological child is in need of a living, he is not obliged to provide for his child who has assets to finance his own life. on the other hand, offspring should do good and serve their parents sincerely. parents are the cause of his birth in the world. article 9 of law no. 4 of 1979 concerning child welfare (uu kesejahteraan anak, 1979), states that parents are the first to be responsible for the realization of children's welfare both physically, physically and socially. the responsibility of parents for children contains the obligation to care for and educate children in such a way, so that children can grow and develop into healthy, intelligent people, pious to god almighty, devoted to both parents, virtuous and willing, and capable of continuing the ideals of the nation based on pancasila (m. . harahap, 2012).the joint obligation between husband and wife in building and establishing a household will fade if the household that is being built experiences shocks and even worse if when the household disbands, this matter has previously existed and is regulated in the marriage law. child rearing also implies a parental responsibility to supervise, provide proper service and meet the needs of the child's life from his parents, the obligation to take care of the child is permanent until the child is able to stand on his own (raharjo, 2000). in several laws and regulations, we can see several things that regulate the obligations of parents towards children, including: 1) parents' obligations to children after divorce according to the marriage law number 1 of 1974 (uu perkawinan, 2019). legally, obligations between husband and wife will arise if the marriage has been carried out or carried out, in other words, the obligations of a wife or husband will not exist if a men and women have not yet married. 2) equal obligations and rights between husband and wife when accompanied by the same obligations, namely the obligation to foster and uphold the household which is expected to become the basis for building a household which is expected to become the basis for building a household. in article 45 of law number 1 of 1974 it is stated as follows: 1. both parents are obliged to care for and educate their children as well as possible. 2. the obligations of the parents referred to in paragraph (1) of this article apply until the children marry or are independent, which obligations continue even if the marriage between the two is broken. furthermore, in article 47 of law number 1 of 1974 it is stated as follows: a. children who have not reached the age of 18 or have never been married are under the authority of their parents as long as they are not deprived of their authority. b. the parents represent the child regarding legal actions inside and outside the court. from several explanations of law no. 1 of 1974, it can be concluded that the marriage law regulates the obligations of parents towards their children even if the household has broken up due to divorce. the obligations of the parents include: a. parents are obliged to care for and educate their children as well as possible. b. parents represent children regarding legal actions inside and outside the court. as stated in article 41 of the marriage law, it is explained that the father is responsible for all the costs of caring for and educating the child, this obligation continues to apply even if the parental authority is revoked. parents' obligations to children after divorce according to the compilation of islamic law (khi). in view of islamic teachings towards children, children are placed in a noble position. children get a special position and place in the nash al-qur'an and al-hadith, therefore in the view of islam the child must be treated humanely, given education, teaching, skills, skills and akhlakul karimah so that the child can later be responsible in socialize themselves to meet the needs of life in the future (prodjodikoro, 1989). in the compilation of islamic law (khi) which contains material laws regarding marriage, inheritance and also endowments which are systematically formulated in concrete islamic law in indonesia, because several things are reviewed regarding the provisions in the khi which regulate the obligations of parents towards children. article 77 khi states: a. husband and wife bear a noble obligation to uphold a family that is sakinah, mawadah, warahmah which is the basis of the social structure. the husband and wife must love each other, respect, be loyal and provide physical and spiritual assistance to one another. b. husband and wife bear the obligation to care for and care for their children, both regarding their physical, spiritual and intellectual growth and religious education. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 15-22 17 c. husband and wife must maintain their honor. d. if the husband and wife neglect their respective obligations, they can file a lawsuit in court. regarding the obligations of parents after the breakup of marriage. khi in its articles uses the term child care contained in chapter xvi articles 98 to 106, but explicitly the articles that regulate the obligation to care for children in the event of a divorce are only found in article 105 and article 106. article 98 khi emphasizes: a. the age limit for a child who is able to stand alone or as an adult is 21 years old, as long as the child is not physically or mentally disabled or has never been married. b. parents represent the child regarding all legal actions inside and outside the court. c. the religious courts can appoint one of the closest relatives who is able to fulfill this obligation if both parents are unable. while article 105 khi in the event of a divorce, states: a. the maintenance of children who are not yet mumayyiz or who are not yet 12 years old is the right of the mother. b. the maintenance of mumayyiz children is left up to the child to choose, among other things, his father or mother as the holder of his maintenance rights. c. maintenance costs borne by his father. in this case, whoever the child follows the father as the ex-husband is still obliged to provide a living for the child for living expenses and education until the child is an adult or the child is married. regarding assets owned by children, parents are obliged to care for and develop these assets, this is regulated in article 106 khi which states: a. parents are obliged to care for and develop the assets of their children who are immature or are still under control and are not allowed to transfer or pawn it except for a very urgent need if the interests and welfare of the child require it or something that cannot be avoided anymore. b. parents are responsible for losses incurred due to errors or negligence of the obligations in paragraph (1). the. children who are not yet mumayyiz are still cared for by their mothers while financing articles contained in the khi regarding hadanah emphasize that material and non-material parenting obligations to children cannot be separated from one another, moreover the khi divides tasks that must be carried out by parents even though they are separatedremains the responsibility and obligation of their fathers. khi also stipulates that a child who is not yet mumayyiz or not yet 12 years old is the right of the mother to look after him, whereas if the child is already mumayyiz he can choose between his father or mother to act as caretaker. as an example of a case that occurred at the baubau religious court, the petitioner was a husband who filed for divorce against his wife, with case number: 0298/pdt.g/2019/pa.bb. that on november 21 2015, there was a marriage between the petitioner and the respondent at the office of religious affairs in betoambari district, bau-bau regency, southeast sulawesi province with a quote from marriage certificate no.144/kua.24.6.2/pw.01/07/2009. november 21 2015. from this marriage, a child who is 3 years old has been blessed and this child is now under the care of the respondent. the reason for filing the lawsuit was that the households of the petitioner and the respondent were originally running in harmony and well as befits a husband and wife but since june 2016, the households of the petitioner and the respondent have started to be disharmonious because at that time the respondent asked for permission to return to his parents' house, but at that time the petitioner suggested to the respondent to get permission from the petitioner's parents first, but the respondent refused, in the end the petitioner and the respondent argued continuously. whereas in august 2016, the petitioner and the respondent were again in disagreement and quarreled because at that time the petitioner invited the respondent to live independently, in this case living in a rented house but the respondent refused and chose to still want to live with the respondent's parents and finally the petitioner and the respondent argued again mouth. whereas in the above incident the respondent left his residence together with residing at the respondent's parents' house in the lipu sub-district, betoamabri district, bau-bau city, southeast sulawesi province. meanwhile, the petitioner still lives at the home of the petitioner's parents in the waborobo sub-district, betoambari district, bau-bau city, southeast sulawesi province, which has been running for approximately 2 years and 8 months. whereas during the argument between the petitioner and the respondent, the petitioner and the respondent had been advised by the p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 15-22 18 respondent's family but to no avail. whereas the explanation above shows that the household condition of the petitioner and the respondent has truly broken apart and is difficult to repair. on the appointed day of the hearing, the petitioner and the respondent attended the trial, then the respondent filed a reconvention lawsuit, so his party was called the counterclaim plaintiff, filed a lawsuit against the convention petitioner hereinafter referred to as the reconvention defendant or her husband emphatically stated that he refused or did not accept all of the plaintiff's reasons. except for what he expressly or tacitly admits to the legal correctness of the respondent's answer. whereas the problem above is not true, it is true that the petitioner never invited the respondent to live independently in a rented house, the petitioner only invited to live at the home of the petitioner's parents where the house had been inherited to the petitioner where there were still many of the petitioner's relatives living. based on the background description above, this is the basis for the author to conduct research with the title "legal analysis of judge considerations in settlement of divorce divorce decision cases (study of pa baubau decision number 0298/pdt/2019/pa.bb)" 2. method research the type of research that is used in this research is normative legal research and is analyzed qualitatively by studying and combining materials from books and laws and regulations. the collection of data and information was carried out at the bau-bau religious court. the second stage used in this study consists of: primary, secondary and tertiary legal instruments. depending on the nature of research and research materials, all available information will be carefully analyzed, with the help of which the collected data is sorted by category and explained in the search for answers to research questions. by using the reduction method, conclusions are drawn from the prepared data and research results (marwan & jimmy, 2009). 3. results and discussion 3.1. result a. considerations of judges in deciding divorce decisions regarding decision number 0298/pdt.g/2019 bb both parties have been officially declared divorced, in the consideration of the judge to grant the divorce, namely because since june 2016 the two parties have often argued (argued) because the respondent at that time asked for permission to went home to the parents of the respondent, but at that time the applicant suggested to the respondent to get permission from the parents of the applicant but the respondent refused. was rented, but the respondent refused and chose to still want to live with the respondent's parents. in the end, the petitioner and the respondent often argued continuously. during the time that the petitioner and the respondent often argued (fighting) they had been advised by the respondent's family but to no avail. the above description gives us an idea of how difficult it is to maintain a household that is no longer harmonious. from the divorce decision it was also decided on the living expenses of the child who lives with his mother as the custody holder where the minor child is still in the care of his mother named amirudin. costs to be borne by the child's father from a court decision of 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand rupiah) per october 2019 until the child is 21 years old and married. the judge determines the nominal based on the decision and ability of the child's father. in accordance with article 66 paragraph (5) of law number 7 of 1989 concerning the religious courts (a. m. harahap, 2020)it also states that: "application for child control, child maintenance, wife maintenance and husband and wife joint assets can be submitted together with a divorce application for talak or after a pledge divorce is said.” in the decision, the authors carefully stated that the claim for a living for the child was contained in a counterclaim or counterclaim made by the wife who demanded that the husband provide maintenance costs for his child. the judge in determining his decision was also based on witness statements, namely witnesses from the applicant for the convention or in this case the father who explained that the child's father worked as an honorary at the central buton agricultural service and had income or income. b. legal basis for consideration of judges in settlement of divorce decisions. based on the results of the discussion, it can be concluded that according to the divorce decision data, the authors found that the judge's consideration in deciding the nominal amount or amount was based on: first, p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 15-22 19 the propriety and ability of the child's father. based on article 156 letter f of the compilation of islamic law which states that: "the court can also see the father's ability to determine the amount of money for the maintenance and education of children who do not follow him." this means that the judge's consideration in deciding the amount of the nominal rupiah figure as a burden that must be carried by the father to provide a living for his child is based on the decency and ability of the father. second, the evidence before the trial. c. judge's butki tool in settlement of divorce decisions. according to the provisions of article 164 hir/article 284 rbg there are five types of evidence, namely: 1) written evidence or letters or deeds in civil procedural law are the main cause civil procedural law emphasizes formal proof. 2) witness evidence is a person who gives information/witness before the court about what they know, see, hear or experience themselves, which with that testimony will make a case clear. witnesses presented before the judge aim to corroborate the events postulated before the trial. the number of witnesses presented can be at least two adults and legally capable, the testimony of one witness before the trial cannot be trusted as long as it is not supported by other evidence, in accordance with the provisions of article 1905 of the civil code which states "the statement of a witness alone without other means of proof, in the court cannot be trusted. the quality of witness testimony must be carefully considered. the quality referred to relates to how the witness knows about events, the origin of his knowledge, the source of his testimony must be clear and correct so that his statement can be accepted by the judge to determine an incident. witness statements are not justified in originating from their allegations or thoughts or opinions, in accordance with the provisions of article 1907 of the civil code. 3) prejudice, evidence that is recognized in law is "suspect" which in article 1915 of the civil code is given the meaning that presumption is a conclusion by law or by a judge drawn from an event that is publicly known to an event that is not publicly known. there are two presumptions, namely the presumption that is based on the law and the presumption that is not based on the law. in various literatures, the provisions of the article above are interpreted to mean that there are two types of presumption, namely statutory presumption and judge presumption. the judge's presumption is the conclusion drawn by the judge from an event that is publicly known to an event that is not publicly known, such as the facts revealed at the trial which is used as the basis for the judge to draw up legal considerations in his decision, from that fact the judge will lay down the law and make a decision. meanwhile, the presumption of the law has been referred to in article 1916 of the civil code which explains that the presumption of the law is a presumption based on a special provision for the law, connected with certain actions or certain events. 4) confession is a unilateral statement from one of the parties in a case, in which he acknowledges what was said by the opposing party. some of the confessions were made before a judge and some were not before a judge or outside the courtroom. confession before a judge in a trial has perfect evidentiary power, either expressed alone or through a proxy. this is as stated in the provisions of article 1925 of the civil code which states "confession given before a judge is perfect evidence against the person who gave it, either alone or through someone who is specifically authorized for that purpose. 5) an oath as a means of evidence is a statement or statement that is strengthened in the name of god with the aim that the person who swears in giving that statement or statement, fears god's wrath if he lies, and fears god's wrath or punishment is considered as a motivating force for those who vowed to tell the truth. regarding this matter, the burden of subsistence imposed by the court on one of the parents, in this case the father of the child, is by assessing through the evidence that occurred during the trial process, the evidence is in the form of an acknowledgment (triwulan tutik, 2008). according to idris haseng, the way to solve the problem of parents who do not carry out their obligations to their children after a divorce is that what both parents have to maintain is the awareness to maintain and not reduce in the slightest the rights that should be given to children. the direct consequence for children who are victims of divorce is that they no longer live with their parents, where the child will automatically live with one of the child's parents. as a result, it is very prone to neglect of the obligations that must be carried out by parents towards children to provide what should be given, in order to support the child's normal growth and development. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 15-22 20 in the decision data that the author gets, namely decision no. 0298 / pdt.g / 2019 / pa bb where in the divorce decision accompanied by the decision on the burden of maintenance, the father of the child who is burdened with financing to provide a living for his child who lives or is under the care of his mother. according to drs. idris haseng, there will be three discussions regarding problem solving if parents do not carry out their obligations to children after a divorce, namely: 1. the father of the child does not carry out his obligations. 2. the mother of the child also does not carry out her obligations as the holder of child custody or who lives with her child. 3. by way of forgiveness. as a result of negligence by parents in carrying out their obligations as parents towards children after a divorce, according to idris haseng, the following things can be pursued: first, the execution application. given that the court's decision has binding force, the court's decision also has executorial power, namely the power with which the court's decision can be requested to execute by means of the state if the party has been declared by the court to fulfill an obligation that must be carried out and if the party who is supposed to carry out if this obligation is not carried out voluntarily in accordance with a court decision or intentionally neglects not to carry out a decision, a request can be requested to execute the decision by force, namely by the applicant submitting an application for execution to the relevant religious court. furthermore, the head of the religious court will issue a stipulation of aanmaning, which contains an order to the bailiff to summon the respondent for execution to attend the aanmaning trial, during the session the chairperson of the religious court will issue a warning so that within eight (8) days after the warning the respondent for execution carries out the decision, if within eight (8) days after the warning, the execution applicant reports that the execution respondent has not carried out the contents of the decision, the head of the religious court will issue an execution order against the ex-husband's assets to be given the cost of supporting the child second, revocation of custody. based on article 49 paragraph (1) of number 1 of 1974 in conjunction with 16 of 2019 concerning marriage that: "one or both parents can have their power over one or more children revoked for a certain time at the request of the other parents, the child's family in a straight line and adult siblings or an authorized official with a court decision in matters: he was very neglectful of his duties towards his children. he behaved very badly. however, if the parents' power is revoked, they are still obliged to carry out the maintenance of their children, this is in accordance with article 49 paragraph (2) of law number 1 of 1974 in conjunction with 16 of 2019 concerning marriage which states: "even though parents are revoked authority, they are still obliged to provide maintenance to the child. third, by way of forgiveness. these parties executed it in a family way, in which the method was carried out based on a cultural and cultural approach to solving the case, so that the parties did not report it again to the relevant court. from the results of the interviews the researcher obtained with the parents that the responsibilities of parents towards children are as follows: 1. maintain and raise it. this responsibility is a natural urge to carry out, because children need to eat, drink and care, so that they can live sustainably. this responsibility still has to be held by the parents. as according to article 1 letter g khi is: child rearing, namely the activities of caring for, nurturing and educating children until they are adults or able to stand on their own. 2. educate him with various knowledge and skills that are useful for his life, so that when he grows up, he is able to stand alone and help others. likewise with this responsibility, parents must not cover their children by forbidding them to get to know the development of science in today's digital era. even though knowing its development can hone the development of thinking and creativity. that way, parents are still responsible for educating their children according to various knowledge and skills in today's digital era, but they also have to pay attention and filter which ones are needed for the child's development. as regulated in article 26 of law no. 35 of 2014 concerning child protection (uu perlindungan anak, 2014) which states that: p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 15-22 21 1. parents are obligated and responsible for: nurturing, nurturing, educating and protecting children, growing children according to their abilities, talents and interests, and preventing marriage at an early age. 2. in the event that parents are not present, or their whereabouts are unknown or due to some reason, they cannot carry out their obligations and responsibilities, then the obligations and responsibilities as referred to in paragraph (1) can be transferred to the family, which is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the law. applicable law. 3. making children happy for the afterlife by giving them religious education in accordance with allah's provisions as the ultimate goal of muslim life. awareness of the responsibility of educating and nurturing children on an ongoing basis needs to be developed for every parent, they also need to be provided with modern educational theories in accordance with the times. this responsibility is the most important aspect in educating children in the digital era, that children are allowed to follow current developments in science and technology, but parents are obliged to provide religious education in accordance with religious provisions. what is the meaning of being great and qualified in various technological sciences when religious knowledge is simply forgotten. as stipulated in law number 23 of 2002 jo 35 of 2014 concerning child protection article 4 states that: every child has the right to be able to live, grow, develop and participate fairly in accordance with human dignity and rights and to receive protection from violence and discrimination”. paying attention to and overseeing the assets given to children. this responsibility requires parents to always keep an eye on the things that their children want to buy, because not all the children's wants are their needs. in addition, parents are also responsible for the assets given to children. in accordance with article 66 paragraph (5) of law number 7 of 1989 concerning the religious courts it also states that: "application for child control, child maintenance, wife maintenance and husband and wife joint assets can be submitted together with a divorce application for talak or after a pledge divorce is said.” 3.2. discussion the study focused on decision number 0298/pdt.g/2019 bb, examining judges' considerations in divorce cases. the judge's decision to grant the divorce was influenced by continuous arguments between the parties, indicating an irreparable breakdown in their relationship. additionally, the judge carefully determined the child's living expenses under the custody of the mother, considering the father's income and ability to provide support, in line with article 156 letter f of the compilation of islamic law. the decision-making process involved thorough analysis of evidence, including witness testimonies, ensuring fairness. the study emphasized the significance of judges' considerations in divorce cases, prioritizing the child's best interests. further research on similar cases and comparative analyses from different jurisdictions would contribute to a more balanced and effective legal framework for family law. 4. conclusion judge's considerations in settlement of divorce decision cases (study of the decision of pa baubau number 0298/pdt/2019/pa.bb the authors conclude that the judge's considerations in the divorce decision are very appropriate considering the parents' income based on the evidence brought in front trials, and the relationship between the two parties (parents) is not harmonious and it is difficult to return to living in harmony together. bibliography effendi, s. 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(2008). hukum perdata dalam sistem hukum nasional. jakarta: kencana. uu kesejahteraan anak. undang-undang nomor 4 tahun 1979 tentang kesejahteraan anak (1979). uu perkawinan. undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 jo undang-undang nomor 16 tahun 2019 tentang perkawinan (2019). uu perlindungan anak. undang-undang nomor 23 tahun 2002 jo undang-undang nomor 35 tahun 2014 tentang perlindungan anak (2014). jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 1, december 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 44 legal protection against women from domestic violence in the baubau city la gurusi1, edy nurcahyo2 abstract author’s information: at the time of adulthood, women already have a desire for themselves to get married, with the hope of forming a happy family. women consider marriage as a means of achieving complete self-identity as an adult woman. the fenomenon of domestic violence, especially against women, becomes a serious social problem. law enforcement is required in order to eliminate domestic violence. the purpose of this study is to find out how the form of legal protection against women as victims of violence in households and to know what factors affect the occurrence of violence in the household. this research method using normative law research method. the data used is secondary data from the baubau city resort police in 2017. data were analysis using qualitative analysis. the results of the study indicate that the form of legal protection against women as victims of violence in households is the protection of preventive and repressive law. in two forms of legal protection, preventive law protection is more dominant than repressive. keywords: role, social institutions, development 1 law department, universitas muhammadiyah buton, indonesia (lagurusi7@gmail.com) 2 law department, universitas muhammadiyah buton, indonesia article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i1.372 1. introduction at the time of adulthood, women already have a desire for themselves to get married, with the hope of forming a happy family. women consider marriage as a means of achieving complete self-identity as an adult woman (saraswati, 2009). many reasons were stated when deciding to get married. one of the main reasons is the existence of a sense of security as well as being protected. adult women who began to release their self-dependence from parent figures, began to be attracted to adult male figures who were able to provide a sense of security while loving him (lestari, 2012). according to law number 1 of 1974, marriage is an inner and outer bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the aim of forming a happy and eternal family (household) based on the godhead of the almighty. in reality, the purpose of the marriage is often not achieved because in the marriage often domestic violence occurs, namely violence that occurs in the household by the husband or wife against their partners (saraswati, 2009; soeroso, m, 2010). violence in this household is very contrary to the original purpose of the marriage. even though the family is an ideal social institution to develop the potential that exists in each individual, in reality the family is often a container for the emergence of various cases of irregularities or other illegal activities that cause misery or suffering committed by one family member against other family members, such as persecution rape and murder. this situation is commonly referred to as domestic violence (syukur, 2011). mailto:lagurusi7@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.372 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.372 jurnalhukumvolkgeist la gurusi. 4(1): 44-53 45 the integrity and harmony of the household can be disrupted if the quality and self-control cannot be controlled, which in turn can lead to violence in the household resulting in insecurity or injustice towards people who are in the household environment (soeroso, m, 2010). to prevent, protect victims and take action against perpetrators of domestic violence, the state and the community must implement the prevention, protection and prosecution of perpetrators in accordance with the mandate of the pancasila and the 1945 constitution (harahap, 2016). today's developments show that physical, psychological, sexual abuse and neglect of the household in fact often occur, so that adequate law is needed to eliminate domestic violence. the legal means available to protect victims of domestic violence are sufficient, such as the 1948 human rights declaration guaranteeing the human rights of every human being to be free from all forms of violence. conversion on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (convention on the elimination of all discrimination againts women), the 1945 constitution, the criminal code (kuhp), law number 39 of 1999 concerning human rights (ham) , law number 5 of 1998 concerning conversion against torture and cruel punishment, law number 23 of 2004 concerning the elimination of domestic violence. there are still many people who do not know that at this time if someone has experienced acts of violence in the household both physical, psychological, and sexual violence can be reported and can be punished even if the violence occurred in the household. victims will receive legal protection and nonviolent perpetrators can be punished according to the applicable laws and regulations (astiti, 2014). in this study, we want to answer how the form of legal protection against victims of domestic violence and what factors are driving the occurrence of acts of violence in the household so that domestic violence can be prevented. based on this description, this article is intended to discuss how the legal protection of women as victims of domestic violence in the baubau city police department? and what factors influence the occurrence of acts of domestic violence in the baubau city police department? 2. methodology the research method used is normative juridical legal research, which is a library research with a program examining library materials related to the object under study (salim & nurbani, 2013). in this study using a case approach (case approach). types and sources of data used in this study are secondary data and primary data. to collect the data needed the data collection techniques used are documentation and interviews. in accordance with the problems to be answered and the objectives to be achieved in this study, the data collected both secondary data and primary data were analyzed qualitatively. qualitative analysis requires the quality / quality of the data in order to provide a description with words for the findings according to the object of research. 3. findings and discussions 3.1. legal protection of women as victims of domestic oversight violence against wives (women) still often occurs because of the view of the community that the violence perpetrated by the husband is due to the wife being disobedient to the husband and the culture that places the husband as the leader who has the right to control the wife in all matters. so if the wife acts not according to her wishes, the husband has the right to take actions including violence. jurnalhukumvolkgeist la gurusi. 4(1): 44-53 46 violence against women in the household is a crime. in legal juridical terms, according to r. soesilo crime is an act of behavior that is contrary to the law. various forms of domestic violence certainly have negative impacts on the victims themselves and their children. physical violence generally results in physical damage such as injury, injury, disability to the body and or death. emotional or psychological power is generally difficult to see and rarely noticed but has a more serious impact than other forms of violence. mild psychological effects experienced include feelings of inferiority, loss of self-concept and loss of self-confidence. psychic consequences are certainly not good for the mental development of the victims because it inhibits the potential of self that should develop. sexual violence can cause disruption to the production function, irregular menstruation, frequent miscarriage, and difficulty enjoying sexual relations. philiphus m. hadjon distinguishes legal protection into 2 namely; preventive legal protection and repressive legal protection. domestic violence has become a big problem especially for women victims who have to get legal protection. efforts to protect victims of domestic violence by the resort police of baubau city are preventive and repressive measures. a. preventive efforts preventive efforts are efforts made to prevent domestic violence. prevention is better than prosecution. protection of victims from acts of violence against women in the household has been carried out by the baubau city police. the efforts made by the baubau city police department are as follows:  legal counseling to community groups especially regarding the socialization of law number 23 of 2004 concerning domestic violence  legal counseling to victims and perpetrators during mediation so that domestic violence does not recur. b. repressive efforts punishing a guilty person is indeed one way of overcoming crime. punishment is known by the world of law as having a preventive value, for the perpetrators of a crime not to repeat their actions, or for others not to commit an act or crime. tackling the problem of crime in a repressive manner is more indicated in cases that have already occurred. so this effort is one form of activity carried out when a crime has occurred. usually these efforts are mostly legal actions both written and unwritten laws in the sense of customary law (customary law). legal protection for women as victims of domestic violence has been carried out optimally by the baubau city police. this was explained by bripka darmawati as the head of the baubau city police resort ppa office interview on 20 april 2017 stated that: "setiap ada laporan/pengaduan dari korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga pihak kepolisian memproses agar penegakan hukum represif bisa ditegakkan dalam rangka memberikan perlindungan kepada korban, namun dalam proses penyidikan terkadang pelapor mencabut laporannya karena pertimbangan anak dan nafkah keluarga, karena kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga merupakan delik aduan, maka yang bisa ditempuh adalah penyelesaian dengan mediasi, pihak kepolisian memberikan penyuluhan dan penyadaran hukum agar rumah tangga yang bersangkutan kembali harmonis dan tidak terulang kembali kekerasan di dalam rumah tangga" jurnalhukumvolkgeist la gurusi. 4(1): 44-53 47 furthermore, similar thing was also expressed by bripka sarini as ppa's unique assistant investigator at the baubau city police resort interview on 20 april 2017 stating that: "upaya perlindungan terhadap korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga tetap kami lakukan secara procedural dan kami proses secara hukum. serta keamanan daripada pelapor tetap kami lindungi sepanjang pelaku dan korban tidak menempuh jalur damai". protection for the victim at the same time implies providing "protection to the community" because the existence of individuals is part of the community. so, the state in this case the government is obliged to protect women and children victims of violence. from this study, the authors conclude that the legal protection of women as victims of domestic violence carried out by the baubau city police department has proceeded according to procedure by taking repressive measures. but the weakness of the repressive measures is that the victim suffers more, because the condition of the household does not get better, the victim must also bear the family's own livelihood because her husband is in prison. it would be better if victims and perpetrators made peace with their determination to build harmonious household relations. preventive legal protection carried out by the baubau city police in ensuring protection of women as victims of domestic violence needs to be compared with repressive legal protection in order to know which legal protection is more effective and has legal benefits. the following are data on the amount of domestic violence (domestic violence) based on how to resolve cases: year form of violence total 2014 mediation 14 22 criminal 8 2015 mediation 25 35 criminal 10 2016 mediation 4 13 criminal 8 2017 mediation 5 8 criminal 3 the data shows that preventive legal protection is more dominant in resolving cases of violence against women in the household. according to this writer is very good, the most important thing is not just to punish the perpetrators of violence, but to revive the perpetrators to be able to return to the right path and return to make the household harmonious in accordance with the purpose of marriage which is to get happiness. in criminal law, there are three kinds of theories about the purpose of punishment. first, the theory of retaliation. according to this theory, the aim of imprisonment is retaliation or rewarding someone who has committed an adverse act or crime. second, relative theory or purpose. according to this theory, criminal imprisonment aims to deter and prevent the repetition of criminal acts both by the person himself and by others (special prevention and general prevention). third, the combined theory. according to this theory, the purpose of punishment includes both retaliation and jurnalhukumvolkgeist la gurusi. 4(1): 44-53 48 deterrence and prevention as well as to improve the mentality of the perpetrators of the crime. preventive and repressive legal protection if we peel using a theoretical approach to the purpose of punishment will be clearly illustrated that the protection of repressive and preventive law can be provided through criminal sentences to the perpetrators of criminal acts. however, according to the author, preventing the repetition of a criminal offense by the perpetrator does not have to be a criminal sentence, preventive legal protection can be given to the victim of a criminal offense when the victim and the perpetrator choose the path of peace. considering that domestic violence is a complaint offense, when the victim withdraws his report and chooses to restore harmony to his household by making peace, the obligation of the police is to provide counseling and legal awareness. legal counseling provided by the police is also a preventive legal protection so that perpetrators do not repeat their mistakes in the future. in preventing violence against women in the household, it is the duty of all parties, including the police, government, religious leaders, traditional leaders, and all who are part of the community members. the elimination of violence in the household must be maximized both preventively and repressively. considering the purpose of eliminating domestic violence is: 1) preventing all forms of domestic violence; 2) protect victims of domestic violence; 3) cracking down on perpetrators of domestic violence; 4) maintaining the integrity of a harmonious and prosperous household. it must be realized that the criminal law is not the only strategy that can influence the problem of eliminating violence against women. however the structure and strategy of a country can influence the form and attitude towards women and the violence suffered. law enforcement efforts are expected to be a means to bring about justice. the function of the existence of law to regulate and create a balance of human interests must always be pursued, because the need for order is an objective need for every human being. violence in the household is not a personal matter, but a matter of society, government, and our obligation to eliminate it. the community needs to change the perception of crime in the household to serious crime so that prevention of acts of violence in the household can be jointly prevented and tackled. with the enactment of law number 23 of 2004 concerning the elimination of domestic violence, various groups need to be socialized to increase awareness of human rights. 3.2. factors that influence domestic violence violence against women is a systematic problem that has long been considered a natural thing, because it has been buried for so long based on the collective unconscious of the public, so violence against women is often considered part of the reasonableness of the dynamics of life. in addition, cultural social assumptions about the reasonableness of violence tend to make the wider community especially victims and their families unaware of the variety of violence they have experienced and done. this situation makes victims and their families often do not make legal efforts or other efforts to overcome the impact of violence that occurs. on the other hand, the perpetrators often jurnalhukumvolkgeist la gurusi. 4(1): 44-53 49 evade responsibility for the violence they perpetrated, and often the perpetrators even defended themselves and then blamed the victims. the root of violence against women is because of the culture of male domination of women. it is in this structure of male domination that violence is often used by men to win dissent, to express dissatisfaction and sometimes to merely demonstrate. domestic violence is not a new thing, before the enactment of law number 23 of 2004 concerning domestic violence, domestic violence has been going on for a long time, only the resolution of the problem of domestic violence that occurred so far has been resolved through the district court and religious courts are often felt unsatisfactory. in the district court, the articles used in the criminal code (kuhp) whose threats are still often too mild, unless the act of violence is endangering / threatening lives or losing lives, then sanctions are increased. while in the religious courts the settlement of the case is usually by a divorce suit on the grounds that there are no more matches or ongoing disputes. however, in this study the authors only examined domestic violence that had occurred after the enactment of law number 23 of 2004 concerning the elimination of domestic violence. from the results of this study it is known that cases of domestic violence reported at the baubau city police station from 2014 to 2017 recorded as many as 75 cases and quite a number of such cases. there are a number of cases reported, but the report / report is revoked by the victim / reporter with various considerations. it is estimated that the number of cases does not reflect the real situation, many victims do not report acts of violence they experienced, and even tend to cover up this problem, because it is considered as a household shame that must be kept secret. if we see from the data recorded in the women's and children's services unit (ppa) the number of cases of domestic violence in the last 7 years (2010-2016) is as follows: year total of domestic violence 2010 12 2011 26 2012 41 2013 21 2014 22 2015 35 2016 13 2017 8 source: rkp polresta kota baubau, 2017 the table shows the number of cases of domestic violence in 2010 amounted to 12 cases, then increased in 2011 by 26 cases, and increased again in 2012 by 41 cases. in 2013 cases of domestic violence decreased to 21 cases, in 2014 it increased to 22 cases, then in 2015 it increased to 35 cases, but in 2016 it declined again to only 13 cases. cases of domestic violence are an iceberg phenomenon, because it is estimated that these figures do not reflect the real situation. many wives do not report acts of violence they experience, and even tend to cover up because it is considered a family disgrace. jurnalhukumvolkgeist la gurusi. 4(1): 44-53 50 of the many cases of acts of domestic violence reported at the baubau city police office, many factors are the cause of domestic violence in baubau city. economic constraints which are a major need in the household are often one of the causes of domestic violence. but economic factors are not the main factor causing violence against women in the household. in addition, the lack of understanding of religious knowledge is also a factor that affects the occurrence of violence in the household, because religion is the foundation of every person in understanding the rights and obligations to god and human beings, especially in the relationship of husband and wife. in an analysis of cases of domestic violence that have been resolved in the baubau city district court with a decision number 280 / pid.sus / 2016 / pn.baubau, it can be concluded that violence against victims is caused by jealousy. the following is a summary of the case, for the sake of ethics and maintaining the good name of the perpetrators and the victims, their names are not explicitly mentioned (disguised): this violence took place in the city of baubau in 2016, where a husband of a had the heart to commit violence against his wife. the form of violence committed by the husband to his wife is a form of physical violence in the household, the act is carried out by the perpetrator by: that when husband a returns home drunk, then the husband accuses his wife of having slept with another man (cheating) when her husband is in prison. his wife shrugged off her husband's accusation by saying that he had never slept with another man while he was in prison. but her husband did not believe it and then slapped his wife's cheek and mouth repeatedly using his right hand. not content to slap his wife, her husband went into the kitchen and took a knife and threatened his wife by saying "i stab you" but his wife answered "don't kill me, remember your child if there is no me who wants to see!" so that the husband again hits his wife's head with the handle of the knife he is holding until the handle of the knife is released. because the knife handle was released the husband returned to the kitchen to look for another knife, but at that time the wife ran away and after that reported her husband's actions to the authorities. from the domestic violence case, it can be concluded that the factors causing domestic violence are caused by alcoholism and jealousy. the problem of violence in the household is very complex, the factors causing the occurrence of violence are also very complex both the effects that arise internally from the perpetrators themselves and the effects that appear externally by the perpetrators themselves as well as the influence of alcohol or economic factors. this was confirmed by andi hamzah regarding the factor of violation of decency, namely factors originating from the perpetrators themselves and factors originating from outside the actors themselves such as the influence of technology or the environment. regarding the factors driving the occurrence of domestic violence before, many researches have been done, including research conducted by moerti hadiati soeroso in his book titled domestic violence in juridical-victimological perspectives are as follows: 1. financial problems money can often be a trigger for the emergence of disputes between husband and wife. jurnalhukumvolkgeist la gurusi. 4(1): 44-53 51 2. jealousy jealousy can also be one of the emergence of misunderstandings, disputes and even violence. 3. children's problems one of the triggers of disputes between husband and wife is the problem of children. disputes can become more acute if there are differences in the pattern of education of children between husband and wife. 4. parents' problems husband and wife parents can be a trigger for conflict and cause a relationship break between husband and wife. 5. your problems like parents, siblings who live under one roof or not, can trigger a relationship break in the family and conjugal relationship. 6. polite problems between husband and wife must respect each other and mutual understanding. if this is ignored the consequences can lead to misunderstandings that trigger quarrels and psychological violence. it is also possible to end in physical violence. 7. past problems disputes triggered by the story of each party's past have the potential to encourage disputes and violence. 8. misunderstanding problems misunderstandings that are not immediately sought for a way out or resolved immediately, will cause quarrels and can also trigger violence. 9. problems not cooking there is a sumi who says he only wants to eat his own wife's cooking, so that if his wife can't cook it will be noisy. 10. husband wants to win alone. there is an attitude of a husband who feels "more" in everything than a wife. therefore, the husband wants all his wishes to be a kind of "law", where all people who live in the house must submit to it. thus, if there is resistance from the wife or other occupants of the house, then there will be a fight followed by the onset of violence. the forms of acts of domestic violence according to law number 23 of 2004, are listed in article 6, article 7, article 8 and article 9, namely: 1. physical violence 2. psychic violence 3. sexual violence 4. neglecting the household the number of cases found in the baubau city resort police when viewed from the forms of violence as a form of violence in law number 23 of 2004 is as follows: jurnalhukumvolkgeist la gurusi. 4(1): 44-53 52 year form of violence total 2014 physical abuse 18 22 psychic violence 4 sexual violence abandonment 2015 physical abuse 28 35 psychic violence 5 sexual violence 2 abandonment 2016 physical abuse 10 13 psychic violence sexual violence 3 abandonment 2017 physical abuse 6 8 psychic violence 2 sexual violence abandonment sumber: rpk polresta kota baubau, tahun 2017 from the table above it can be seen the percentage of forms of violence based on the forms of violence are as follows: of the cases of domestic violence reported in the baubau city police department from 2014-2017, 78 cases were found, of which the most experienced cases of victims were physical violence with a percentage of 79%. in the second place is psychological violence with a percentage of 14%, in the third place is sexual violence with a percentage of 6%. 4. conclusion legal protection for women as victims of domestic violence is given repressively and preventively by the police. in both safeguards preventive measures are more dominant than repressive when viewed from the way of resolving cases of domestic violence from year to year. preventive efforts are carried out so that acts of violence against women in the household do not reoccur and re-create a harmonious family. jumlah bentuk tindak kekerasan (%) tahun 2014 2017 jurnalhukumvolkgeist la gurusi. 4(1): 44-53 53 factors that influence the occurrence of acts of domestic violence can be classified as internal and external factors. internal factors related to the mental condition of the offender, usually the offender has bad character and behavior. while external factors are external factors such as the influence of economic pressure, jealousy, misunderstanding, and others. acknowledgement our gratitude goes to the ministry of research, technology and higher education for providing grant funding for the 2017 academic lecturer research scheme (pdp) for the 2017 funding year so that the research entitled "legal protection against women from domestic violence" can be carried out well. and, we would also like to thank the baubau city police department especially the women's and child protection unit (uppa) for helping to provide data according to research needs. reference astiti, t. i. p. 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(2011). mediasi perkara kdrt (kekerasan dalam rumah tangga) teori dan praktek di pengadilan. bandung: cv. mandar maju. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i2.3428 vol. 7 no.2, june 2023 57 legal protection of brand rights and geographical indications for toraja coffee mutiara nabila rizqi1*, upik mutiara1 1universitas muhammadiyah tangerang, indonesian *correspondence: mutiaranabilarizqi@mail.com article history abstract received: 07.05.2023 accepted: 05.06.2023 published: 30.06.2023 geographical indication is one of the intellectual property rights that protects things that have features, attributes, or reputations related to the location from which they originated. arabica coffee, which is native to toraja south sulawesi, has distinct attributes that distinguish it from other types of coffee, earning it a reputation as one of the world's best. the "toraja" brand, on the other hand, misleads customers about its uniqueness. arabica coffee's reputation will be jeopardized if it is not from toraja and its quality differs from that of toraja coffee. to preserve torajan arabica's reputation and coffee farmers, geographical indication registration on this torajan arabica coffee is required. geographical indications must be legally protected in order to identify whether individuals are communal or collective. belonging to the community in the registered geographical indication region is what the communal community character entails. keywords: geographical indication, tana toraja coffe, trademark, protection article license copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction with the development of the times and advances in technology, each individual can adjust to the existing circumstances. so that it encourages people to find something new in people's lives so that the dynamics of growth are realized in various aspects, both technological, scientific, economic, socio-cultural, and most importantly the legal aspect as a protector of the interests of legal subjects. along with these developments, the creation of a free trade that requires a set of legal regulations that apply regionally and even internationally resulted in several international agreements resulting from the uruguay round including trips (trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights). trips include international agreements that have been ratified by many countries including indonesia. starting in 1986, the establishment of the world trade organization (agreement establishing world trade organization / wto) was then tasked with administering, supervising, and providing legal certainty for the implementers of a general agreement on tariffs and trade (general agreement on tariffs and trade) as well as the results other conventions in the field of intellectual property rights (ipr) which is one of the attachments to the approval for the establishment of the world trade organization. indonesia's policies and readiness in the field of intellectual property rights in the last decade, it has become increasingly clear that development must rely on industries that generate high-added value. indonesia's agreement to realize the idea of the asean free trade area (afta) as well as indonesia's participation as a member of the world trade organization (wto) and asia pacific economic cooperation (apec), has shown the seriousness of the government in supporting a free/open economic system, and indirectly encourage companies in indonesia to further increase their competitiveness. the rapid flow of free trade, which demands higher product quality, has proven to spur the development of technology that supports these needs. along with this, the importance of the role of intellectual property rights in mailto:mutiaranabilarizqi@mail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 57-63 58 supporting technological developments is increasingly recognized. this is reflected in the high number of applications for copyrights, patents, marks, and geographical indications, as well as the large number of applications for industrial designs submitted to the directorate general of intellectual property rights, ministry of justice and human rights. the government is very aware that the implementation of the intellectual property rights system is a big task. moreover, indonesia's participation as a member of the wto with the consequences of implementing the provisions of the agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (trips agreement), under law no. 7 of 1994 concerning ratification of the agreement establishing the world trade organization (agreement on the formation of the world trade organization). indonesia as a country related to the agreement must try to uphold the main principles contained in the trips, which essentially regulates the provisions in the field of ipr that must be obeyed and implemented by its member countries and that means indonesia is positioned as a country that is ready to compete. in the global era (riswandi & syamsudin, 2005). as a member of trips, it is obligatory to adjust the intellectual property rights laws and regulations, so that within a period of 5 (five) years it has accommodated the provisions referred to in the laws and regulations in the field of intellectual property rights in indonesia. the efforts made by indonesia are to amend several provisions of the legislative regulations regarding copyright, patents, and trademarks and establish trade secret laws, industrial designs, and layout designs of integrated circuits. article 1.2 the trips agreement states that ipr consists of copyrights and related rights, trademarks, geographical indications, industrial designs, integrated circuit layout patents, protection of confidential information, and control of unfair business competition practices in license agreements (tim, 2006). the government made reforms by issuing law no. 20 of 2016 concerning marks and geographical indications is the latest arrangement regarding marks and geographical indications currently in effect. where the issuance of this new regulation is due to juridical considerations contained in law no. 20 of 2016 preamble section c which states that in law no. 15 of 2001 regarding marks, there are still deficiencies and have not been able to accommodate the development of community needs in the field of marks and geographical indications, and have not been sufficient to guarantee the protection of local and national economic potential, so they need to be replaced. several improvements to the trademark law as contained in the general elucidation of law number 20 of 2016 concerning marks and geographical indications in improving services to the community of trademark applicants are in the form of simplifying the process and procedure for registration of marks by setting the minimum application requirements. changes to the flow of the mark registration process in this law are intended to accelerate the completion of the mark registration process. in addition, to provide more legal protection for registered trademark owners from trademark infringement by other parties, criminal sanctions for trademark infringement are intensified, especially those that threaten human health, and the environment, and can result in death. considering that trademark issues are closely related to economic factors, in this law criminal sanctions are exacerbated. with strict juridical arrangements in the laws and regulations regarding the trademark, brand owners who are aware of the law and care about the importance of developing brand equity will try to register their trademarks to get legal protection. on the other hand, certain parties with bad intentions take shortcuts by acting on registered brands (cassavera, 2009). violation of brand rights will be detrimental to consumers because consumers will obtain goods or services that are usually of lower quality than the original, well-known brand (saidin, 2004). marks according to law 20 of 2016 concerning trademarks and geographical indications are signs that can be displayed graphically in the form of images, logos, names, words, letters, numbers, and color arrangements, in the form of 2 (two) dimensions and/or 3 (three) dimensions, sounds, holograms, or a combination of 2 (two) or more of these elements to differentiate goods and/or services produced by persons or legal entities in trading activities of goods and/or services. based on the ipr legislation, it can be divided into 2 (two) categories: copyright (article 1 (1) law no. 19 of 2022). and industrial property rights which include patents (article 1 (1) of law number 14 of 2001), industrial p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 57-63 59 design (article 1 (1) of law no. 31 of 2001), layout design of integrated circuits (article 1 (1) of law -law no. 30 of 2000) and plant varieties (article 1 (1) of law no. 29 of 2000). indonesia must be ready to face free trade in the era of globalization, one of which is by socializing ipr to the wider community so that people can fully understand the intellectual property it owns. concerning geographical indications, the problem that occurs is the use of geographical indications for toraja coffee by the japanese state which is registered as a brand, resulting in difficulties for these coffee producers to export abroad. based on law no. 20 of 2016 geographical indications are protected as a sign indicating the origin of an item which due to geographical environmental factors including natural factors, human factors, or a combination of these two factors gives certain characteristics and quality to the goods produced. this formula has not been fully implemented, because the legal instruments governing geographical indications have not been implemented optimally and have experienced difficulties in protecting geographical indications in indonesia. in the context of protecting geographical indications, the problem that occurs is the acknowledgment of ownership of product names by other parties without rights. geographical indications are an ipr regime that is quite foreign to most indonesian people because the provisions for geographical indications are regulated in law no. 20 of 2016, resulting in a lack of public understanding in protecting their geographical indications, for example, toraja coffee which is well known for its distinctive characteristics and good reputation. toraja coffee belongs to the people in tana toraja which has been known for generations, because according to geographical indications, toraja coffee is planted and grows well in the area of south sulawesi, namely in tana toraja, but its geographical indications cannot be protected due to a lack of knowledge of the tana toraja people. resulted in toraja coffee being registered as a brand of the japanese state. it is very important to pay attention to the importance of legal protection for a geographical indication product considering that a geographical indication product that is sold in the community has economic value that can increase economic growth in the area where the geographical indication product is produced. geographical indications, which are a part of ipr, are becoming increasingly interesting for further discussion because of the current role of ipr in determining the rate of acceleration of national development, especially in the current era of globalization. for indonesia, toraja arabica coffee claimed by japanese companies is very detrimental to indonesia, especially in the export sector. farmers and entrepreneurs of toraja arabica coffee can no longer trade the coffee to japan because the japanese company key coffee inc. has already registered the toraja arabica coffee brand as the largest branding in japan (fuad & latjeme, 2017). arabica coffee from toraja and gayo are the 2 most violated types of indonesian coffee, namely toraja arabica coffee registered under the brand "toarco toraja coffee" in japan; gayo arabica coffee under the brand "wild gayo luwak" in the united states; "gayo mountain coffee", and "amaro gayo coffee" by british citizens; and the brand "equador: sumatra gayo mountain" (mangajaya, 2018). another case is adan krayan rice. all of them are not only violations of geographical indication rights. however, it also provides losses for consumers 2. research method according to soerjono soekanto, legal research is a scientific activity based on certain methods, systematics, and thoughts that aim to study something or certain legal phenomena by analyzing them (ali, 2021). the method used in writing this law is normative juridical research because this research refers to legal norms contained in laws and regulations and court decisions as well as legal norms that exist in society (ali, 2021). the juridical approach means an approach that refers to the applicable laws and regulations (soemitro, 1990). the normative approach includes legal principles, legal history, and comparative law. the normative juridical law research method or library law research method is a method or method used in legal research conducted by examining existing library materials. 3. result and discussion 3.1. rusult 3.1.1 legal protection against toraja coffee used by the japanese state without permission p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 57-63 60 toraja coffee is one of the most popular coffee variants and has the best quality in indonesia. apart from gayo and luwak coffee, coffee which has the latin name celeber kalosi is also known by coffee lovers from all over the world. besides having a distinctive taste, this coffee also has unique characteristics. starting from the place of origin, and characteristics, to the price of toraja coffee. this coffee comes from tana toraja in south sulawesi province. this coffee is located in the tana toraja location which is above the mountains with an average altitude between 1,000 – 1,500 meters above sea level. tana toraja has a wet tropical climate and moderate to high rainfall, so these conditions are very good for coffee plants. the people of gowa sailed with coffee to the port of suppa (now parepare), then walked over the mountains of enkrang to toraja. coffee plants were brought for the first time by arab merchants who visited makassar. introduced as a drink of strength and vitality enhancer, keeps the eyes awake and even sleepless. quickly, news about the benefits of coffee spread. to breed it requires high altitudes and cool temperatures, and the toraja meet those criteria. toraja coffee has been used abroad, namely in japan, and registered as the toarco toraja brand. indonesia was late in registering the toraja kioi brand and this awareness arose after experiencing a loss. this coffee has been registered under the toarco toraja coffe brand with registration number 358424 which has an expiration date of february 24, 2005, then extended under the name toarco toraja coffe with registration number 15922 and an expiration date of february 24, 2025. meanwhile, the society for the protection of geographical indications (mpig) toraja coffee registering toraja arabica coffee as a registered geographical indication. toraja arabica coffee was registered as a geographical indication on october 9, 2013, with gi number 00.2012.000007 (faniyah, 2019). a geographical indication is one of the intellectual property rights that protects products with quality, characteristics, or reputation related to the region of origin of the product (rhaswika et al., 2022). arabica coffee originating from toraja has a different quality from other types of coffee, so it has a reputation as one of the best coffees in the world. the coffee brand "toraja" causes confusion among consumers about the origin of the coffee. the reputation of toraja arabica coffee is threatened if the coffee does not come from toraja and the quality is different from toraja arabica coffee. to protect the reputation of the toraja arabica coffee-producing community and it is necessary to register geographical indications for toraja arabica coffee (ratih). the legal protection arrangements for marks and geographical indications are regulated in more detail and strictly in law number 20 of 2016 concerning marks and geographical indications, in 4 chapters, namely in chapters viii-xi and 16 articles. geographical indication is a sign indicating the area of origin of goods and/or products that give reputation, quality, and certain characteristics to the goods and/or products produced due to geographic environmental factors including natural factors, human factors, or a combination of the two. (undangundang (uu) tentang merek dan indikasi geografis, 2016). natural resources, handcraft goods, and industrial produce are all examples of geographical indication products. so, geographical indications are defined in law number 20 of 2016 respecting marks and geographical indications as follows: 1. a symbol denoting the origin area 2. a thing/and/or a product 3. because of geographical and environmental variables 4. including natural, human, or a mix of these two components give the items and/or products created a reputation, quality, and specific qualities (masrur, 2018). each trips member country is obliged to ratify the agreement into the laws and regulations and legal instruments in force in their country to protect these geographical indications and prevent legal violations against the geographical indications themselves. this is following article 22 paragraph (2) of the trips agreement which states: in respect of geographical indications, members shall provide the legal means for interested parties to prevent: a) the use of any means in the designation or presentation of a good that indicates or suggesting that the good in question originates in a geographical area other than the true place of origin in a manner which misleads the public as to the geographical origin of the good; b) any use which constitutes an act of unfair competition within the meaning of article 10bis of the paris convention (1967) (adnyana, 2019). 3.1.2 legal actions taken by the local government in toraja regency against the use of toraja coffee brands without permits associated with the trademark law and geographical indications based on law number 20 of 2016 concerning trademarks and geographical indications, efforts to protect geographical indications in indonesia can be carried out through registration which can be submitted by an p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 57-63 61 institution representing the public in a certain geographical area that cultivates goods and/or products, in addition to registration of geographical indications can also be carried out by provincial or district/city regional governments. the application of a constitutive system (first to file) in geographical indications is not supported by public awareness to register their geographical indication products. this creates loopholes for certain parties to take advantage of geographical indication names and products that have not been registered to become products that are registered as trademarks. which take advantage economically of geographical indication products. geographical indications have priority protection over marks in law number 20 of 2016 concerning marks and geographical indications. if the registered mark is similar in principle and/or in its entirety to a geographical indication, the minister cancels and crosses out the registered mark for all or part of the same type of goods after a period of 2 (two) years since the mark has been registered as a geographical indication. but in terms of implementation, this needs attention and evaluation. it does not stipulate what if the minister does not or has not deleted the mark registered as a geographical indication and what are the consequences for the mark rights holder if they continue to use the mark when the mark has not been removed by the minister even though the 2 (two) year limit has passed. the implication of not deleting registered marks that have similarities with geographical indications is to create legal uncertainty and injustice. in terms of geographical indications registered as marks overseas. the protection instruments used include various international treaties. one of them is by utilizing the international registration system contained in the lisbon agreement initiated by wipo. indonesia is a country that rich in products of geographical indications and by looking at several examples of cases of the use of geographical indications in indonesia as registered marks in other countries, it is natural for indonesia to participate in ratifying the lisbon agreement and making use of the international registration system of geographical indications. (masrur, 2018) efforts to register toraja coffee as gi in indonesia are needed as a first step in recognizing rights. indonesia's participation in international conventions such as the 1958 lisbon agreement needs to be explored to strengthen gi ownership in international forums. in addition, the 1958 lisbon agreement uses the term appellation of origin (ao), with a different nomenclature stating that: in this agreement, “appellation of origin” means the geographical denomination of a country, region, or locality, which serves to designate a product originating therein, the quality or characteristics of which are due exclusively or essentially to the geographical environment, including natural and human factors. this agreement also contains rules that prioritize the power of gi registration so that mark ownership can be given second priority, even if it has been registered first based on good faith (wesna et al., 2021). however, legal efforts also need to remember the territorial principle of ipr. local legal regulations need to be a reference for consideration and study related to forms of protection for gis including trademarks and unfair competition in japan (fuad & latjeme, 2017). the level of anticipation of toraja coffee producers in protecting their potential products has caused toraja coffee to be registered as a brand by pt. key coffee inc corporation in japan. the impact of this lack of anticipation is the difficulty in exporting toraja coffee to japan because it has been registered by pt. key coffe inc corporation with the toarco toraja brand with registration number 75884722. things like this should not have happened, if local entrepreneurs could anticipate problems like this. in this case, the government is considered to have lacked anticipation to prevent violations of geographical indications and lacked understanding of domestic needs which have abundant natural resources (sda) potential and require legal protection, as an obvious example, toraja coffee which is registered as a trademark by pt. key coffee inc corporation. instead, efforts to resolve this problem include: registration of toraja coffee as a geographical indication, the indonesian side must immediately register toraja coffee as a geographical indication product to the directorate general of intellectual property rights, in particular, the directorate of marks reminds the subdirectorate of geographical indications that structurally is under the directorate of marks (hki). registration carried out by the parties if approved and can be registered as a geographical indication is a "repository" ie if it has been registered in the country concerned it is automatically protected in other countries. however, the process of providing protection does not only stop after being registered as a geographical indication at the directorate general of intellectual property rights. about geographical indications that can be registered at the directorate general of intellectual property rights, it is followed by a world intellectual property rights (wipo) notification so that the toraja coffee database is recorded at wipo as a geographical indication. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 57-63 62 cancellation of the toraja coffee brand owned by pt key coffe inc. corporation, the indonesian side can file a lawsuit for the cancellation of toraja coffee which was registered by pt key coffe inc. corporation with the brand "toarco toraja" on the basis that toraja coffee is coffee that has been known for generations and belongs to the people of tana toraja, most importantly toraja coffee must be protected first as a geographical indication in indonesia. so to get international recognition that indonesia is a party that has more rights to use toraja coffee, this can be done by: lawsuit for cancellation of registration of geographical indications for toraja coffee by the rightful party. cancellation submitted to the wto based on article 22 paragraph (3) trips which explains, members are obliged ex officio if possible in their national law to refuse or cancel the registration of a mark containing geographical indications for an item that does not originate from the indicated area, if the use of said indication for the goods within the member's territory in such a way as to mislead the public regarding their original geographical indications. after the problem was resolved at the wto, it was followed by a notification to wipo. thus japan, which is a member of the wto, will respect toraja coffee geographical indication products so that parties entitled to use toraja coffee can use these products in trade both domestically and internationally. through mediation, based on the establishment of an economic partnership agreement (epa) cooperation relationship between the republic of indonesia and japan, one of the objectives of which is smooth trade mobility between the two countries, the existence of such cooperation according to the directorate general of intellectual property rights resolves the problem of registration of toraja coffee as a brand by pt. key coffee inc. corporation will be discussed further at the epa meeting of the republic of indonesia and japan. 3.2. discussion the study explores the significance of toraja coffee as a renowned coffee variant in indonesia, along with its unique characteristics and geographical origin in tana toraja, south sulawesi. it delves into the legal protection aspects of toraja coffee as a geographical indication (gi) and the potential challenges in maintaining its reputation. the research highlights the importance of registering toraja coffee as a gi to safeguard its authenticity and prevent misuse by other parties. it discusses the legal arrangements for marks and geographical indications in indonesia, emphasizing the need for better protection and prioritizing gis over trademarks. the study reveals the implications of delayed registration and lack of anticipation in protecting toraja coffee, leading to registration by foreign companies, causing difficulties in exporting. the discussion proposes legal actions, such as cancellation of unauthorized trademarks and mediation through economic partnership agreements to resolve the issue and secure international recognition for toraja coffee. overall, the study emphasizes the necessity of legal measures to protect the unique identity and reputation of toraja coffee in the domestic and international market. future research can further investigate the effectiveness of legal strategies in preserving the heritage and value of other indonesian geographical indications. 4. conclusion geographical indication protection is not only intended to protect the communal rights of community groups that own these rights, but also contains elements of providing protection to consumers who use products with registered geographical indications. the provisions and mechanisms for handling violations of 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(2021). legal protection of geographical indications of natural products native to the bali region based on law number 20 year 2016 about trademark and geographical indications. proceedings of the 1st warmadewa international conference on science, technology and humanity, wicsth 2021, 7-8 september 2021, denpasar, bali, indonesia. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 2, june 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 139 reconstruction of the civil code article based on the value of contractual justice h. a. dardiri hasyim abstract author’s information: justice contracts is essentially the fulfillment of rights and obligations in line with the principle of proportionality by observing the contract process from start to finish. the value of fairness in contracting is: first, the principle of proportionality, where it governs the exchange of rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with proportion or part thereof; second, the principle of consensualism, in which it governs the agreement of both sides. the agreement is a conformity between the will and the statements made by the parties, so that legally an agreement can be held accountable; and third, the principle of freedom, in which it governs the freedom of a person in making a contract accompanied by good faith. meanwhile, there are 9 (nine) chapters in the book iii civil code of the partnership requiring the reconstruction of chapters. keywords: civil code, contractual justice universitas nahdlatul ulama (unu) surakarta, indonesia (dardiri_hasyim@ymail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i2.428 1. introduction the basis of the contract law is derived from the understanding of the agreement contained in article 1313 of the civil code which states: "a covenant is an act by which one or more persons bind themselves to one person other or more". this indicates that a contract is a promissory agreement between two or more parties that may create, modify or eliminate a legal relationship. the main foundation of each transaction is the principle of good faith and honest transaction. both principles must the baseline of the entire contract process from the time of negotiation to the execution and expiration of the contract. the principle of good faith can be deduced from article 1338 paragraph (3) of the civil code which reads "the agreement shall be exercised in good faith". the principle of good faith is the basis in which the parties involved must abide by the contract based on the trust or the firm belief or goodwill of the parties. the principle of good faith is divided into two, which is good faith and absolute goodwill. in good faith, people pay attention to the attitudes and behaviors that are tangible from the subject. in the absolute goodwill, the judgment lies in common sense and justice, made by an objective measure to assess the circumstances. contracts must be implemented according to compliance and fairness. the term contract is states in article 1233 of the civil code. “all obligations arise either from agreements (contract) or law”. legal contracts are part of the law of obligations. a contract or contractual law is: "a rule to govern the legal relationship of a covenant that is deliberately made by the parties in writing and raises the rights and obligations to a person as a tool of evidence for the parties involved". the term contract or agreement in the national legal system according to utomo has the same meaning with the dutch word overeenkomst. (utomo, 2011) the term contract is also often referred to "agreement". in addition, term that is interchangeable with ‘contract’ is transaction mailto:dardiri_hasyim@ymail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i2.496 jurnal hukum volkgeist h. a. dardiri hasyim. 4(2): 139-147 140 (fuady, 2005). however, the term contract is the most modern, widespread and prevalent in use, especially in the business world. a contract is essentially a promissory agreement between two or more parties that can cause, modify or eliminate legal relations. (fuady, 2001) a contract is valid according to the united states common law system, if it meets certain conditions which are the presence of an agreement, and halal objects, as well as the capacity, to make a contract. (dirdjosisworo, 2003) any agreements or contracts will be effective when they the contained in article 1320 of civil law, namely: first, there must be consent of the individuals who are bound thereby; secondly, here must be capacity to enter into an obligation; third, there must be a specific subject matter; and fourth, there must be a permitted cause. with regard to human relations, the civil code is one of the prevailing legislation in indonesia. the civil code consists of four books: (1) book i, "the subject of persons" (persoonen van), containing individual and family laws; (2) book ii, "subject matter" (van zaken), contains the law of matter and inheritance; (3) book iii, "subject of partnership" (van verbintennisen), contains the laws of wealth relating to the rights and obligations applicable to certain persons or parties; and (4) book iv, "subject to proof and expiration" (van bewijs en vernets), contains the subject of proving instruments and consequences of expiration to legal relations. pertnerships, agreements and contracts are under the same umbrella and are related to each other. this means that all these three things are one body and the final part of the contract is a written agreement. it is thus necessary to point out that the terms of the partnership and the laws are also valid contractual conditions. what is applicable in an agreement and a partnership also applies to the contract. the law of the partnership is governed by the book iii of the civil code which contains general rules in four chapters (titles) and special provisions of the twelve chapters (rm.suryodiningrat, n.d.). the term “partnership” comes from the dutch verbintenis. in indonesian, it is called as “perikatan” and “perutangan”. (subekti, 1995) the term verbintenis in the civil code turned out to be translated differently in indonesian law. some translate it into perutangan or debt, as said by sofwan (sofwan, 1975) and utrecht (utrecht, 1957). some translate it into perjanjian or agreement (ichsan, 1969), and some translate it into perikatan or partnership (badrulzaman, 1983). the use of the term “perikatan” for verbintenis appears to be more commonly used in indonesian legal language. one of the areas of law that needs to be governed and developed is contract law. the existence of law no. 30 of 1999 on arbitration confirms that in the world of trade, disputes are prone to happen, especially with regards to trade contracts. the explanation of the law no. 30 of 1999 mentions that the arbitration stipulated in this act constitutes a means of resolving a dispute outside the general court based on the written agreement of the disputing party. however, not all disputes can be resolved by arbitration. , but only disputes regarding rights under the law are fully controlled by the parties in dispute on the basis of their said agreement. it is intended to prevent a prolong arbitration. unlike the district court process where a verdict can be in arbitrations, appeal and cassation are not possible. hernoko (2010) states that the best solution is necessary for the realization of a contract for the mutual benefit of the parties (win-win solution contract). on one hand, it gives legal certainty. and on the other hand, it gives fairness. it is further explained that the urgency of contractual arrangements in business practices is to ensure the jurnal hukum volkgeist h. a. dardiri hasyim. 4(2): 139-147 141 exchange of interest (rights and obligations) among the parties, thereby establishing an equitable and mutually beneficial contractual. a contract must not harm any parties. 2. method the present study is a normative research. the data is obtained from the laws and related books on the interpretation of the contract. this study concentrates on the civil code which has been effective in indonesia since april 30, 1847 statblat: s. 1847-23, which has been translated by prof. r. subekti, sh and r. tjitro sudibio and published by pt pradnya paramita jakarta. there are 1993 chapters examined and reviewed from the viewpoint of fairness theory. the data collection technique used in this study is documentation which then analyzed using qualitative descriptive method. the research process is conducted through, first, data collection in the form of legislation that became the subject of the research; second, reduce the data by categorisation or initial identification to determine the subject to be used; third, presenting the data in the form of writing; and fourth, draw conclusions. 3. values of fair contract the legal rules of contracts, according to (marzuki, 2003), are the embodiment of the philosophical fundamentals contained in the principles of law that are very common and become the basis of thinking or known as ideology. the legal principle as a foundation of the norm becomes an equipment to test the legal norm, in the sense that the legal norm should eventually be returnable to the underlying principle. in this case, the principles of the law functioned as a system builder, and further the principles at once formed a check and balance system. first, the principle of freedom of contract. the freedom of contract, according to (sihombing, 2010), sets in an understanding of individualism which has been known since the greek era, which was then continued by epicuristen and rapidly expanding in the renaissance period through the teachings of hugo de groot, thomas hobbes, john locke, and rousseau. the peak of development was achieved after the french revolution. open system of book iii of the civil law can be seen from the meaning of article 1338 paragraph (1) of the civil code that, " all valid agreements apply to the individuals who have concluded them as law". according to (subekti, 1995), the restriction on freedom is simply what is meant by order and public decency. the extreme emphasis on the principle of contractual freedom that develops in the understanding of 19th century liberalism is limited by the intervention of rulers. the law progressively shifted from private affairs to community or public affairs. the trend is that the elements of private law are replaced by public elements of law (budiono, 2006). the freedom of contract according to (friedmann, 1994) is still regarded as an essential aspect of individual freedom, but it no longer has such absolute nature compared to a century ago. second, the principle of consensualism. the principle of consensualism can be concluded in article 1320 paragraph (1) of civil code where one of the conditions of the agreement is the existence of the consent of both parties. the agreement according to the principle of consensualism is not formally held. a consent from both parties is sufficient. the agreement is a conformity between the will and the statements made by th e parties (salim hs, 2005). nevertheless, according to (widjaja, n.d.), to safeguard the interests of the debtor or an obligation to fulfill certain formalities and actions are required. eggens, quoted by ibrahim argues that the principle of consensualism is a culmination of human jurnal hukum volkgeist h. a. dardiri hasyim. 4(2): 139-147 142 achievenment implied in the saying "een man een man, een woord een woord ". this provision requires people to be held accountable by what they say which is a form of public decency. and indeed, to be respected as a human beinga person should be trustworthy (ibrahim, 2004). third, the fundamental principle of sund servanda. when parties have an intention to achieve something, there will form an partnership and make a partnership. such contractual obligations become a source for the parties to freely determine their goals with all its legal consequences. based on these goals, the parties freely bring together their respective goals. the goals of these parties is the basis of the contract. the occurrence of the law is determined based on the agreement. based on the consensus of these parties, the agreement obtains the power to becomre a binding agreement which is equal to the law (sunt servanda). what someone expresses in a relationship becomes a law for them. this principle is what makes an agremeent binding. this is not a moral obligation, but also a legal obligation whose implementation must be obeyed (khairandy, 2009). the provisions of article 1338 paragraph (1) of civil code states that, " all valid agreements apply to the individuals who have concluded them as law". the article shows that the law itself acknowledges and puts the parties into the contract parallel to the lawmakers (hernoko, 2008). fourth, the principle of good faith. wirjono prodjodikoro (2000) which gives a good faith limitation pursuant to article 1338 paragraph (3) of civil code in honest terms where it not only means goodwill/honesty that is objective but also subjective. the goodwill in the contract, according to hernoko (2008), should emphasize more on the proportional principle which is more focused on the proportion of the distribution of rights and obligations among the parties fairy and reasonably based on equality, freedom, proportional distribution, fundamental accuracy, feasibility, and appropriateness rather than basing on mathematical balance of results. it is further explained that good faith should be applied throughout the contractual process from pre to contractual stages. thus, the good faith function in article 1338 paragraph (3) of civil code has a dynamic nature encompassing the entire contract process. checks and balances is used as the basis for carrying out the approval of the goals of the parties. everyone is allowed to make any binding agreements in any forms and contain anything. the contract is limited by the laws enforced, so the parties who make the consent must abide by the laws. in addition, although each person is free to make any agreements the contents of the agreement must be in line with the law and public order and decency. the realization of contractual justice by agus yudho hernoko (2007) is determined through two approaches. first, the procedural approach, this approach emphasizes the issue of freedom of wills in a contract. the second approach is a substantive approach that suppresses content or substance as well as the execution of contracts. in the substanstive approach, different consideration must be taken into account. the criteria that can be used as a guideline to find a proportionality in the contract are as follows: first, a contract of proportionality as the proportion of the contracts is a contract that gives recognition of the equal rights and opportunities for the parties to determine a fair exchange. equality is not in the sense of "the similarity of results" but in the position of the parties that supposes "position equality and equitability" (the similarity principle of rights/equality). second, based on the similarity/equality of such rights, the contracts that have the substance of proportionality principle are contracts that are based on the freedom of the contractors to determine jurnal hukum volkgeist h. a. dardiri hasyim. 4(2): 139-147 143 what is just and what is unfair to them (the principle freedom). third, a contract of proportionate punishment is a contract that is able to guarantee the exercise of rights and simultaneously distribute obligations proportionally to the parties. it should be underlined that fair does not mean everyone should always get something in the same amount. in this context, it is possible to have a different end result. the significance of proportionality is the principals governing the exchange of rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the proportion or part thereof, which encompasses the entire process of contract; in the pre-contractual stage, the establishment of contracts, and the execution of contracts. the function of proportionality as the same as commercial contracts is: first, in the pre-contractual stage, guarantees the realization of a fair contract negotiation process; second, in the establishment of contracts, guarantees the equality of rights and freedoms in determining the contents of contracts; and third, in the execution of the contract, guarantees the realization of the exchange distribution of rights and obligations according to its proportions. unlike the proportionality principle that agus yudho hernoko presents as a value in contractual justice, wiwoho (2017) emphasizes contractual justice on the principle of consensus. this principle essentially deals with the execution of contracts after the distribution of rights and obligations have been agreed by the parties. this principle also sets aside the differences in views and opinions on the promised aspect. consensus principle puts an emphasize that a person cannot legally be compelled to enter into an agreement. contracts are only formed after the parties agree to determine the material hereof. based on the explanation above, it can be said that the value of contractual justice is as follows: figure 1. core of contractual justice value pertnerships, agreements and contracts are under the same umbrella and are related to each other. this means that all these three things are one body and the final part of the contract is a written agreement. it is thus necessary to point out that the terms of the partnership and the laws are also valid contractual conditions. what is applicable in an agreement and a partnership also applies to the contract. the value of justice adheres to the principle of contractual freedom and consensualism, the foundation of the sund pacta, and the principle of good faith. thus, the value of contractual justice includes: first, the existence of the principle of proportionality, which governs the jurnal hukum volkgeist h. a. dardiri hasyim. 4(2): 139-147 144 exchange of rights and obligations of the parties according to proportions or parts thereof. secondly, the principle of consensualism which governs the agreement of both sides. the agreement is a conformity between the will and the statements made by the parties, so that legally an agreement can be held accountable. third, the principle of freedom which governs the freedom of a person in making a contract accompanied by good faith. the civil code (bw) was announced in 30 april 1847 statblat: s. 1847-23 and started to be in effect since 1 may 1848 with 1993 chapters. book iii concerning obligation has 632 articles (articles 1233-1864) containing law of possession (vermogensrecht). it regulates legal relationships that can be assessed with money. if it is to say about a person's wealth then the intended amount and all rights of the person's obligations are made with money. the rights of possession are subdivided by the rights that apply to each person, so it is called the absolute right and the right that only applies to a person or certain party only and hence is named individual right. the absolute right that gives power to an object that can be seen is called the material's right. the absolute right that does not give power to an object that can be seen is called the material's right. in terms of naming, agreement can be classified into two kinds : the nominaat agreement (agreements that already have names or are already governed in the civil code) and the innominaat agreement (agreements arising, growing and developing in the practice, and not yet contained in the civil code). this research is focused on the nominaat agreement which is contained in the book iii civil code. the chapters are (hasyim, 2015): 1. buying and selling (article 1457 civil code up to 1540 civil law) 2. exchange (article 1541 kuhcivil up to article 1546 civil code) 3. lease rent (article 1548 civil code up to article 1600 civil law) 4. approval to do the work (article 1601 civil code up to article 1617 civil code) 5. fellowship (article 1618 civil code up to article 1652 civil law) 6. legal entity (article 1653 kuhcivil to article 1665 civil code) 7. grants (article 1666 kuhcivil up to article 1693 civil code) 8. luggage storage (article 1694 civil code up to article 1739 civil law) 9. loan use (article 1740 civil code up to article 1753 civil code) 10. borrowing loan (article 1754 civil code up to article 1769 civil law) 11. fixed or lasting interest (article 1770 civil code up to article 1773 civil law) 12. agreement on profit (article 1774 civil code up to article 1791 civil code) 13. granting of power (article 1792 civil code up to article 1819 civil code) 14. debt bearing (article 1820 civil code up to article 1850 civil code) 15. peace (article 1851 civil code up to article 1864 civil law) the reconstruction of the articles in this study, which is based on the value of contractual justice, is focused on the nominaat agreement which is contained in the book iii of the civil code. based on the analysis the proposed reconstruction of the articles as follows: jurnal hukum volkgeist h. a. dardiri hasyim. 4(2): 139-147 145 table 1. reconstruction of civil code article that does not align with the value of fair contract no nominaat article reconstruction article 1 buying and selling article 1460: if the goods sold are in the form of goods that have been determined, then from the time of purchase, the goods are the responsibility of the buyer, even if the raid has not been done and the seller has the right to if the goods are sold in the form of goods that have been determined, then from the time of purchase, the goods are not a dependent buyer, until the raid is done. article 1493: both parties, with special agreements may expand or reduce the obligations set by these laws and even they are authorized to hold that the seller is not obliged to bear anything whatsoever. both parties, with special agreements may extend or reduce the obligations set forth by this law and they shall not enter into any agreement that the seller is not obliged to bear anything whatsoever. 2 exchange 3 lease rent article 1579: the renting party cannot stop the lease by stating that it will apply the rent, unless otherwise agreed. the renting party cannot stop the lease by stating that it is to wear the goods for rent. 4 approval to do the work article 1601h: if an immature child, who has not been able to make a work agreement, has made a work agreement and therefore for six weeks has done the work on the employer without any obstacles from his guardian according to the law, then he is deemed to have by his guardian to make the work agreement. if an immature child, who has not been able to make a work agreement, has made a work agreement and therefore for six weeks has done the work on the employer without any obstacles from his guardian according to the law, then he is still considered with the oral authority by its guardian to make the work agreement, until the child reaches adulthood article 1603e: the working relationship expires for the sake of law, if the expiration is stipulated in the agreement or in the legislation or if it is not there, according to the customs the working relationship expires for the sake of the law, if the time expires in the agreement or in the legislation or if all of it does not exist, according to customs that do not violate the law article 1603t: each right to demand is based on both articles. then, cancel after a year's time. each right to demand is based on both articles. and, stay up to a valid legal decision article 1603x: a work agreement held between an unsubmitted employer and a labour subject to the past provisions of this chapter, whatever the intent of the two parties, is governed by these provisions. a work agreement held between a submissive employer and a labour subject to the past provisions of this chapter, whatever the intent of the two parties, is ruled by the law 5 fellowship 6 legal entity article 1660: the rights and obligations of each member of the legal entity, are stipulated in the regulations that make the legal entity or assembly established or recognized, or according to its own establishment deed, the letter of its own agreement or reglemen and if the rules are not made, the provisions of this chapter shall be obeyed. the rights and obligations of each member of the legal entity, are stipulated in the regulations that make the legal entity or assembly established or recognized, or according to its own establishment deed, the letter of its own agreement or reglemen alone, with the guidance of not violating the law jurnal hukum volkgeist h. a. dardiri hasyim. 4(2): 139-147 146 article 1661: members of the legal entity as individuals are not responsible for their collection agreements. all the debt of the association can only be settled with the property of the association. the members of the legal entity as individuals participate in the responsibility of the gathering agreements. all the debt of the association can only be settled with the property of the association and/or other business that does not contradict the law article 1663: other legal entities remain up until when they are firmly established according to the deed of incorporation, reglemen or agreement, or until the moment of cessation of the pursuit of the legal entity's purpose. other legal entities remain in the right to the moment of its incorporation, according to the deed of establishment, reglemen or its agreement, or until the time of the cessation of the pursuit of the legal entity's purpose and/or otherwise lawfully stated by the judges 7 grants 8 luggage storage 9 loan use 10 borrowing loan 11 fixed or lasting interest 12 agreement on profit 13 granting of power 14 debt bearing 15 peace article 1862: the peace of dispute that has ended with a decision of the judge has acquired a definite legal force, but is not known by both parties or one, is void. if an unknown decision can still be appealed, then the peace of the dispute is legitimate. the peace of dispute that has ended with a decision of the judge has acquired a definite legal force, but is not known by both parties or one, is nonetheless valid. if an unknown decision was requested, the judge's decision still applies source: processed data (2019) according to the table above, there are 9 (nine) chapters in book iii of the civil code about obligation which require reconstructions with the following details: two articles of sale and purchase (article 1460 and article 1493); one of rent and let (article 1579); two articles of hiring of servants and laborers (article 1601h, article 1603e, article 1603t, and article 1603x); three articles of the legal entities (article 1660, article 1661, and article 1663); and one article of settlement (article 1862). 4. conclusion contractual justice is essentially the fulfilment of rights and obligations in line with the principle of proportionality by observing the contract process from start to finish. the value of contractual justice is: first, the principle of proportionality, governing the exchange of rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with proportions or parts thereof; second, the principle of consensualism, governing the agreement of both sides. the agreement is a conformity between the will and the statements made by the parties, thus an agreement can be held legally accountable; and jurnal hukum volkgeist h. a. dardiri hasyim. 4(2): 139-147 147 third, the principle of freedom, governing the freedom of a person in making a contract in good faith. meanwhile, there are 9 (nine) chapters in the book iii civil code concerning obligation which require reconstructions, with the following details: two articles of sale and purchase (article 1460 and article 1493); one of rent and let (article 1579); two articles of hiring of servants and laborers (article 1601h, article 1603e, article 1603t, and article 1603x); three articles of the legal entities (article 1660, article 1661, and article 1663); and one article of settlement (article 1862). references badrulzaman, m. 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(n.d.). seri hukum perikatan: perikatan yang lahir dari perjanjian. pt raja grafindo persada. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 2, june 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 158 the dynamics of government policy in handling corona virus disease 2019 nurwita ismail, leni d. nurmala, d. aisa kodai abstract author’s information: the implementation of psbb or lockdown still pay attention to the effects caused in the community. making a regulation is not providing solutions but how to implement existing regulations. with the restrictions on community activities which basically will affect the financial factors. the government is not only thinking about how the country's economic problems the presence of the government is able to embrace all aspirations and give priority to the rights of its citizens. this research method uses a normative research approach. the data used are secondary data from literature, journals, and others related to the topic. data analysis using qualitative analysis. the results of this study conclude that the implementation of policies illustrates how the existence of regulations clearly established by policy makers (government) that have certain impacts by taking into account the details of the program specifications, namely how and where the institution or organization should run the program, and how the law or program is interpreted . the government must think carefully about how resources are allocated, how budgets can be distributed, and who are the personnel responsible and implementing the program that should be clearly stated in a decision to be made by the government in its policies. if a variety of policies carried out by the government must be adjusted to the provisions of existing legislation so as not to cause the blurring of norms. keywords: citizens' rights, covid-19, government, policy 1university of gorontalo, faculty of law, indonesia (nurwitaismail90@gmail.com) 2 university of gorontalo, faculty of law, indonesia (lenitsaina@gmail.com) 3university of gorontalo, faculty of law, indonesia, (kodaidince46@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i2.585 1. introduction covid-19 is an infectious disease with the risk of triggering emergencies in public health. preventive measures against these kinds of infectious diseases therefore need to be taken as soon as possible. covid-19 was first detected in humans with inflammation of the lung (pneumonia) in wuhan , china on december 30, 2019. further study that the bats are linked to this virus. but now, covid 19 is an issue around the world. transmission is so fast though relatively low mortality rate. it is known that covid-19 can be transmitted directly or indirectly through an infected person's nose, mouth , eyes, and droplets resulting from a coughing or sneezing. the droplets can contaminate objects such as appliances for households, doors for algae, water, personal tools or other public facilities and become a transmission source. covid-19 symptoms generally include: fever, dry cough, phlegm cough, runny nose / nasal congestion, headache, fatigue / weakness / weakness, appetite loss, shortness of breath, gastrointestinal complaints, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. there are many countries currently enforcing a lockout. lockdown is a condition that prevents people from entering or leaving an area for free due to an emergency. the lockdown itself is meant to close the access until the restriction of activity can cause the mailto:nurwitaismail90@gmail.com mailto:lenitsaina@gmail.com mailto:kodaidince46@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i2.496 jurnal hukum volkgeist nurwita ismail. 4(2): 158-165 159 number of co-19 to decrease even if it moves slow. there is currently no direct lockdown solely in indonesia. but the central government has instructed the existence of distance from society. one of the steps taken to prevent covid-19 countermeasures is the call for the president to do work from home, learn from home, and worship from home. social distance or social restrictions that limit people's mobility from one location to another, maintain the gap and minimize crowds. one of the steps taken from social distance is to implement work for home for all elements in the hope that the public will not panic when tackling the covid-19 issue. government or government is a legal subject, as a dragger van de rechten en plichten or advocate of rights and obligations. the government takes substantive measures (feitelijkhandelingen) and litigation (rechtshandelingen) as a legal matter. government policy to address covid-19 cases needs to be well received by the society. governmentissued policies can be seen as government legal actions that do not contain disability elements because each of these actions may not deviate or conflict with the legislation. every legal action of government in a country of law must always be based on the principle of legality, or must be based on applicable laws and regulations. this means that the government's legislative decisions are simply acts taken to enforce the laws found in relevant legislation or to protect and represent the public interest that is crystallized in the laws of the legislation in question. according to the author's view the policy intervention resulting from attempts to avoid covid-19 cases is fine. if they (the government) behave in compliance with the authority granted to the authority given to other government bodies and not to other parties, so the acts of the government are not inherently one-sided. in order to be able to categorize the legitimacy of such government acts as any laws which must be obeyed, it should be reported in a decision which has legal force. this is demonstrated by the fact that everyone has upgraded guidance for social distancing to physical distancing in different media. yet there are many that don't understate that. this shows that legal power is not sufficient in oral form alone, but must be in written form and contain sanctions if necessary to provide a deterrent for those who oppose it. what is happening right now is the issue of a strategy that is being enforced between the central government and regional governments. the presidential instruction states that lockdown has not yet been enacted but the fact is that many local governments are now beginning to enforce the reasons for saving and breaking the covid-19 distribution chain. article 11(3) of the health quarantine law states that 'government regulation shall regulate the prevention of public health emergencies.' referring to this article, a derivative regulation related to this emergency case should now be issued by the central government because it involves the lives of its citizens. policies introduced by the government are not enough only for calls or appeals, but practical measures must be taken, a derivative policy must be in place that can compel this call to be pursued by all, not just calls, but the state's position in responding to the growing covid-19 virus epidemic. the state also needs to think about its policies relating to the presence of people out there who work as a fulfillment of needs for different reasons so that what is an appeal is not just an appeal by suggesting that everyone will be affected by this virus will then have to maintain a buffer between people, avoid spreading together, and a healthier lifestyle. but how this can be applied. jurnal hukum volkgeist nurwita ismail. 4(2): 158-165 160 policies made by the government at both the central and regional levels in dealing with covid-19 cases need severe treatment, as this has very important consequences for the interests of the public, society and state. public policies undertaken by the existing government need information that leads to better, better quality and implementable policies that naturally require updating of the existing policy evaluations in order to solve the problems that arise in the lives of the public against concerns about information obtained in relation to covid-19 cases. as hayat says in his book, there are three main pillars of public policy which embellish the development of public administration science, namely policy formulation, policy implementation (hayat, 2018). based on the background above, the author examines the "dynamics of government policy in handling corona virus disease 2019 (covid -19) in indonesia" 2. methodology this research method uses a normative approach. with literature study studies, the data used are secondary data sourced from literature, journals, and others related to the topic. data analysis using qualitative analysis 3. findings and discussions 3.1 public service theory public service is a principle in driving the running of a government that encourages the realization of good government services to the community. government is not held to serve its own interests, but to serve the interests of society (ilmar, 2014). good governance services are a measure of how the quality of governance is implemented. sampara lukman said that service is an activity or sequence of activities that occur in direct interaction between someone with another person or machine physically, and provides customer satisfaction (lilan, 2006). the term public can be interpreted as activities carried out by public bodies to meet the needs, both the needs of the goods / services and service needs. normatively public services are explained in article 1 of law number 25 year 2009 concerning public services, (state gazette of the republic of indonesia year 2009 number 112, supplement to the state gazette of the republic of indonesia number 5038, hereinafter abbreviated to law number year 2009) regulating that public services are a series of activities in the context of fulfilling the need for services with a statutory regulation for every citizen and resident of goods, jada and / or administrative services provided by the public service provider. agus dwiyanto believes that public service is a strategic point to develop good governance in indonesia. first, public service has been the domain where the state represented by the government interacts with other government institutions. second, public service is a domain where various aspects of good governance can be articulated more easily. the institutional aspect that has often been used as a reference in assessing governance practices can be more easily assessed in the practice of public service delivery. third, public services involve all elements of governance, the government as a representation of the state, civil society, and market mechanisms have a higher interest and involvement in this realm (dwiyanto, 2005). according to sadu wasistiono , the term means more on technical matters, that governance means more on the use or implementation, namely the use of political, jurnal hukum volkgeist nurwita ismail. 4(2): 158-165 161 economic, and administrative authority to manage national matters at all levels (wasistiono, 2002). the essence of public service delivery that needs to be realized is that the problem of public services originates from (1). there is an obligation to the state apparatus to carry out its functions and authorities based on the principles of good governance. (2). recognition of the rights of every citizen or government, administrative behavior, and the quality of the results of services that are available. (3). the diversity of types and fields of public services as a result of the diversity of affairs and interests of the community that must be met through the implementation of public services. 3.2 the form of government policy in responding to the spread of the covid-19 plague in indonesia public policy has a form that can be used as a guide and provision for all stakeholders in the life of the community, nation and state. the policy is formulated based on an evaluation of the previous policy which is a series carried out to find patterns that are relevant and good for the public interest. various methods and methods that have been carried out by the government with its policies in tackling the spread of the covid-19 outbreak, however, are still insignificant and less substantive. this can be seen that until now there is no government regulation that specifically regulates how should the steps in dealing with co-19 in indonesia. not to mention the asynchronous steps taken between the central government and regional governments towards breaking the chain of transmission of this plague. most important in this case is the need for integration of all bureaucratic elements to dare to make changes and dare to take a concrete step that is comprehensive and synergic to support each other's existing policy patterns, that as part of the world community, indonesia is committed to making efforts to prevent the emergence of public health emergencies that are troubling the world as mandated in international regulations in the field of health, and in carrying out this mandate indonesia must fully respect the dignity, human rights, basics of one's freedom , and its application universally; so the concrete steps taken should have been long before this outbreak had claimed more victims. the central government's emergency response is considered slow and has not been put forward as a consequence of the policies to be implemented. normally article 4 explains that: "the central government and regional governments are responsible for protecting public health from diseases and / or community health risk factors that have the potential to cause public health emergency through the implementation of health quarantine." the policy undertaken by the central government by not taking steps to lockdown received many comments from various circles. when traced normatively, indonesia does not recognize the term lockdown but the term health quarantine. however, what is happening right now is that the worldwide humanitarian tragedy due to covid-19 which in indonesia alone has reached a fairly high number that is increasingly erratic, and the sufferers are still growing as a result of the slow parties anticipating the covid-19 outbreak. this delay in handling has a material and material impact on the whole community. government's preparedness in responding to every problem faced by the community must be considered. improvement of state services to the people or society is still not in accordance with the principles of good governance, in principle that jurnal hukum volkgeist nurwita ismail. 4(2): 158-165 162 public services are services provided as an effort to meet the needs of the community such as health and survival. providing convenience, accessibility, comfort and protection to the people. law number 25 of 2009 concerning public service article (1) defines that: "public services are activities in the context of meeting service needs in accordance with statutory regulations for every citizen and resident of goods, services and / or administrative services provided by public service providers" . fulfillment must be done and given to the community that is the basis and needs. because actually the community becomes full control over the services provided by the government through the state apparatus because public service is the basic right of the community to be fulfilled with all the consequences inherent in itself, including the requirements to get services and their provisions (hayat, 2018). the steps that need to be taken by the government in overcoming co-19 should be at a higher level than good governance, namely dynamic governance. a good service that must be prepared by the government must refer to the principles and principles of good governance. as for the principles in public service, namely public interest, legal certainty, equal rights, balance of rights and obligations, professionalism, participation, equality of treatment or non-discrimination, openness, accountability, facilities and special treatment for vulnerable groups, timeliness and speed, ease and affordability (kurniawan, 2005). the government policy to conduct social distancing with the work from home method then at this level the policy carried out refers to the application of egovernment. e-government is a set of concepts for all actions in the public sector involving information and communication technology in order to optimize the process of public services that is efficient, transparent and effective (hardiansyah, 2011). through this system, the state civil apparatus in providing good services that are more effective and efficient in order to meet the needs of the community both information needs, health needs, and other needs relating to the problem covid-19. the government was not born to meet its own needs, but the presence of the government merely gave the best service to its people. it means that with the plague situation that is increasingly growing, the role of government is very important in a framework that can not only educate the community but also can provide direction, encourage the public to take actions that are desirable in the context of the process of governance. one important aspect is how to foster public trust. because today many people are of the opinion that the current government is a foolish government. this means that leaders who do not want to hear the various aspirations of interests expressed by their citizens. changes in the paradigm of governance that have wide impact at this time is the lack of synchronization of policies taken by the central government and regional governments in terminating the distribution chain covid-19. some experts say there are at least five prerequisites that need to be met to improve public services within the framework of good governance. first, encouraging people to take part in the decision making process, both directly and indirectly. second, seek mutual trust between the community and the government. third, the ability to respond to any problems that arise, accommodate and expertise of government bureaucracy so that they are able to serve the public easily, quickly, accurately and on demand (hayat, 2018). jurnal hukum volkgeist nurwita ismail. 4(2): 158-165 163 3.3 the validity of the actions of the regional government on the implementation of regional quarantine to break the chain of transmission of covid -19 central government policy on tuesday, march 31, took concrete steps by issuing three rules, all of which are related to the handling of the corona virus or covid-19 in indonesia. these are government regulations (pp) on large-scale social restrictions, presidential decrees (keppres) determination of public health emergencies, and regulatory substitutions (perppu) of state financial policy and financial system stability. with the government regulation that sets large-scale social restrictions or psbb, it means the government has decided there is no lockdown or full isolation policy. based on these provisions, the president hopes that the regional government must follow the policies adopted by the central government and not make different rules. referring to regional autonomy that regions have the right to take care of their own regions, currently there are some regions that carry out policies to limit the flow of people going home even using the term lockdown long before the government regulation number 21 of 2020 is issued. regional governments are regional heads as elements of regional government administrators lead the implementation of government affairs which are the authority of autonomous regions. as an area that has autonomous rights, which has the authority to regulate and manage its region for the benefit of its community if it is associated with regional policies to carry out regional quarantine legally is a legal act based on statutory provisions that every state and government administration must have legitimacy. the implementation of health quarantine is a joint responsibility of the central government and regional governments as a form of protection of public health from diseases and / or public health risk factors that have the potential to cause public health emergencies. health quarantine is carried out through disease observation activities and public health risk factors for transportation, people, goods, and / or the environment, as well as responses to public health emergencies in the form of health quarantine measures. this bal is in line with the provisions of article 4 of law number 6 of 2018 concerning health quarantine stating that: "the central government and local governments are responsible for protecting public health from diseases and / or community health risk factors that have the potential to cause public health emergency through the implementation of health quarantine.". one of the current actions of health quarantine carried out by the central government is in the form of large-scale social restrictions which are normatively regulated by government regulation of the republic of indonesia number 21 year 2020 large-scale social restrictions in the context of handling corona virus disease 2019 (covid-19). in this government regulation regulates the implementation of large scale social restrictions established by the minister of health and can be implemented by the regional government based on the approval of the minister of health. in response to this matter, the psbb is only applied which limits the social scale and does not lockdown. the influence on the implementation of lockdown was actually discussed less than 200 years ago by jeremy betham in utilitarism, bentham explained that the main principle of utilitarianism reads: the greatest happiness of the greatest number (that the greatest happiness of the largest number of people) that the legal goals (rules and jurnal hukum volkgeist nurwita ismail. 4(2): 158-165 164 policies) must be able to provide a guarantee of happiness for everyone and society, the goals are: a) to provide subsistence (to provide a living) b) to provide abundance (to provide abundant food); c) to provide security(to provide protection); and d) to attain equity (to achieve togetherness). according to bentham, the purpose of law is to provide the greatest benefit and happiness to as many citizens as possible. so, the concept puts expediency as the main goal of law. the size is happiness as much as possible for as many people as possible. judgment of good-bad, fair or not this law is very dependent on whether the law is able to provide happiness to humans or not. benefit is interpreted the same as happiness (happiness). in line with the thinking of german utilitarianism, that the psbb or lockdown is still paying attention to the effects caused in the community. making a regulation is not providing solutions but how to implement existing regulations. with the restrictions on community activities which basically will affect the financial factors. the government is not only thinking about how the country's economic problems the presence of the government is able to embrace all aspirations and give priority to the rights of its citizens. a. sony keraf formulates three objective criteria in the ethical framework of utilitarianism to assess a policy or action: first criteria, is a benefit. good wisdom or action is what produces good things. conversely, wisdom or actions that are not good that brings certain losses. the second criterion, the greatest benefit. a policy or action is considered morally good if it produces more benefits compared to losses. or, good actions are actions that cause the smallest loss. the third criterion, for as many people as possible. an action is considered morally good only if it produces the greatest benefit for as many people as possible. or an action is morally good if it carries as little damage as possible for as few people (keraf, 1998). the presence of various statutory provisions for handling the covid-19 outbreak is still not appropriate. there are various blurred norms and even impunity. the legal system that should be formed in the co-19 issue must be able to humanize human life so that the law can be achieved with the desired goal. justice, certainty, and expediency must continue to be implemented in synergy and must not be a lender in its implementation because it will affect the operation of the existing legal system. the regulations that are present in the midst of covid-19 only focus on economic and health issues when it is clear that both the advertising and health issues must be established based on the law. the presence of peppu n0. 1 of 2020 concerning state financial policy and financial system stability for handling co-19 on 30 march 202, which was issued by the government was considered to have potential for new constitutionality in both formal and material aspects, as seen from the formal aspects of the problem that arises is this regulation does not meet the elements interests that force and are too dominant delegation to government regulations and ministerial regulations. jurnal hukum volkgeist nurwita ismail. 4(2): 158-165 165 the material aspects of this perppu contain many articles with unclear phrases and even impunity. this is seen in article 2 which cuts the dpr's budgetary function and potentially violates article 23 which specifically explains the position of the dpr in determining financial problems and article 20a paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia which clearly explains the position of the dpr as the holder of power forming a law. and other articles that are contrary to other laws and regulations even the constitution of the republic of indonesia, such as article 3, articles 4-10, article 12 paragraph (2) article 27 paragraph (1), (2) and (3) ). how could it not be that the decision of the policy organizer cannot be sued at the administrative court so that it has the potential to deviate the principles of good governance. 4. conclusion policies cannot be done alone, there needs to be collaboration between the central government and regional governments to jointly make a policy that is more targeted to the handling of this co-19, the government must reduce each other's selfishness and prioritize joint affairs by prioritizing the interests of the people it can be seen that the high ego is impressed that the policies that are triggered through government regulation policies have a conflict of interest, even the articles contained in the existing regulations are above the law so that the hope will become a mere delusion. reference dwiyanto, a. (2005). mewujudkan good governance melalui pelayanan publik. yogyakarta: ugm press. hardiansyah. (2011). kualitas pelayanan publik : konsep, dimensi, indikator dan implementasinya. yogyakarta: gava media. hayat. (2018). kebijakan publik evaluasi, reformasi dan formulasi. malang: intrans publishing. ilmar, a. (2014). hukum tata pemerintahan. jakarta: prenadamedia group. keraf, s. (1998). etika bisnis dan relevansinya. yogyakarta: kanisius. kurniawan, a. (2005). transformasi pelayanan publik. yogyakarta: pembaruan. lilan, p. (2006). pelayanan publik di indonesia. jakarta: gramedia. wasistiono, s. (2002). kapita selekta penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah. bandung: fokusmedia. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 1, december 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 25 election violation and election law enforcement in general election in indonesia syailendra anantya prawira1, amalia diamantina2 abstract author’s information: general elections are the embodiments of the mandate stipulated in the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia article 1 paragraph (2) which affirms that "sovereignty is in the hands of the people and carried out according to the constitution". the formulation document that will be formulated in the research are: (1) what is the violation in the general election? and (2) what is law enforcement in general election. the method used in this study is normative legal research, normative legal research methods or library law research methods are methods or procedures that are used in legal research by examining existing library material. election violations constitute acts prohibited by the election law against election organizers resulting in the imposition of sanctions for violations. the enactment of law number 7 year 2017 on general elections provides for different types of violations, disputes, criminal offenses and electoral disputes. the crime of elections is a criminal offense punishable by a particular punishment based on the criminal justice system. the purpose of election is to carry out popular sovereignty and the realization of the political rights of the people to produce leaders who will occupy important positions in the government. keywords: election law enforcement; election violation; general election 1 magister ilmu hukum, universitas diponegoro, semarang (syailendraanantya@gmail.com) 2 fakultas hukum, universitas diponegoro, semarang (amaliadiamantina.undip@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i1.424 1. introduction general elections (pemilu), including both presidential and parliamentary elections; the elections for electing members of house of representative (dpr), regional representative council (dpd) and regional house of representative (dprd); are the embodiments of the mandate stipulated in the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia article 1 paragraph (2) which affirms that "sovereignty is in the hands of the people and carried out according to the constitution". the realization of the popular sovereignty is manifested through direct elections as a tool for the people to choose their representatives who will perform supervisory function, channeling the political aspirations of the people, law making as a basis for all parties in the republic of indonesia in carrying out their respective functions, and formulate income and expenditure budgets to finance the implementation of these functions. the constitution of the republic of indonesia in 1945 clearly regulates the implementation of elections. article 22e of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia as follows: mailto:syailendraanantya@gmail.com mailto:amaliadiamantina.undip@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.424 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.424 jurnal hukum volkgeist syailendra anantya prawira. 4(1): 25-34 26 (1) general elections are held based on direct, general, free, confidential, honest, and fair principles every five years. (2) general elections are held to elect members of the house of representatives, regional representatives council, the president and vice-president and the regional house of representatives. (3) participants in the general election to elect members the house of representatives and members of the regional house of representatives are political parties. (4) participants in the general election to elect members of the regional representative council are individuals. (5) general elections are held by a general election commission that is national, permanent and independent. the indonesian election law is regulated in the constitution, so it is legally supported. it is also an integral part of the concept of both popular and legal sovereignty used in the context of the republic of indonesia. the definition of general elections in law number 7 year 2017 mentions the positions to be contested. this can be seen in article 1 point 1 of this act which reads: "the general election which is then called the election is a means of popular sovereignty to elect members of the people's legislative assembly, members of the regional representative council, president and vice president, and to elect members of the house of representatives regional people, which are carried out directly, publicly, freely, confidentially, honestly and fairly in the republic of indonesia is based on pancasila and the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia" (jurdi, 2018). as an embodiment of democracy, in the international commission of jurist, bangkok in 1965, formulated that "organizing free elections is one of the six basic requirements for a democratic country representatives under the rule of law ". then also formulated definition of a democratic government based representative, namely: a form of government in which citizens the state exercises the same rights but through representatives chosen and accountable to them through free election process. the purpose of election in its implementation has three objectives namely (huda & fadhlika, 2019 : 547) : (1) as a mechanism for selecting government leaders andalternative public policy. (2) election as a transfer of conflicts of interest from the community to people's representative bodies through elected representatives or the party wins the seat so that community integration remains guaranteed. (3) elections as a means of mobilizing, mobilizing or mobilizing popular support for the state and government by participating as well as in the political process. the purpose of the election in its implementation. political participation is a form of the realization of a demoralized state. countries without political participation from society tend to be authoritarian and centralistic. political experience during the new order shows the arbitrariness of the takers political decisions in every policy formulation and program planning. as a result, policies or those that are decided are often not according to needs the community. political participation of the community is a good form of self-giving form of participation, attendance, ideas, involvement in policy formulation and giving themselves under supervision when the policy is about to be implemented (m.liando, 2016 : 14). jurnal hukum volkgeist syailendra anantya prawira. 4(1): 25-34 27 in democracy, there are participatory values and sovereignty which is upheld and must be exercised by citizens and state instruments at the legislative, judicial and executive levels. relationship between citizens and state even though it is still a distance but can be facilitated by various institutions and elements of society because of the freedom for all parties to participate and actively in national development both in political development and other fields (bachtiar, 2014 : 12). the community is given space to play an active role and become a part of democratic process. although substantially, their participation is still inclined procedural and momentum. general elections commission (kpu), general elections supervisory board (bawaslu), and the honorary council of general election organizers (dkpp). the positions of these three institutions are strengthened and clarified their duties and functions and adapted to the legal requirements in the conduct of elections. institutional strengthening is intended to create smooth, systematic and democratic elections. in general, this law regulates election organizers, elections, election violations and election disputes, as well as election crimes. 2. method based on the problems that will be examined by the author, the study in this article uses a doctrinal approach. this study grouped into the normative juridical domain, namely research conducted to obtain information and explanations and data about things that are not yet understood. in how to collect data, look for literature that is solved by reading, reading, and reading various literatures. normative juridical means solving legal problems and at the same time prescribing what is most needed by legal sources that contain primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. because of the nature of the research activities carried out with normative research, the library method is the most appropriate. the normative approach is defined as an approach that is deployed through literary research (library research) by reading, quoting, and analyzing the laws and regulations, and legal theories related to the problems that exist in the study (soekanto, 2012). it also refers to a study that discusses doctrines or principles in legal science, both in legislation and theory or legal experts’opinion and the results of previous studies. meanwhile, statutory approach is an approach that is carried out by examining all laws and regulations relating to legal issues handled (marzuki, 2009). 3. election violation and election law enforcement in general election the electoral law enforcement system is a series of regulations that aim to address election legal issues. the legal issues of elections are all legal actions that deviate, contradict, or violate election laws and regulations, including those who have been disadvantaged in the process of election. democratic election standards require fair elections (free and fair elections) that could be achieved if a legal instrument is available that regulates all election implementation processes; as well as being able to protect the organizers, participants, candidates, voters, monitors and citizens in general from fear, intimidation, violence, bribery, fraud, and various other fraudulent practices that will affect the election results. therefore, an honest and fair election requires electoral legislation and the apparatus in charge of enforcing the election legislation. 3.1 election violation election violations are acts that are prohibited by the election law against election organizers which results in the imposition of sanctions on violations. election jurnal hukum volkgeist syailendra anantya prawira. 4(1): 25-34 28 crimes are criminal acts that are threatened with certain penalties based on the criminal justice system. in addition, there are also issues of state administration related to the decisions of election organizers that harm citizens so that they can be sued in the state administrative court. the law number 7 of 2017 about elections regulates differently regarding violations, disputes, criminal acts and disputes in elections. as stipulated in the fourth book of this law, there are three types of problems in elections, namely: 1. election violations; 2. disputes over the election process; 3. disputes over election results. 1. violation of the code of ethics for election administrators. violations of the code of ethics for election administrators is a violation of the ethics of election administrators who are guided by oath and / or promises before carrying out their duties as election organizers. violation of the code of ethics is a violation of the moral and ethical principles of an election organizer that is guided by an oath and / or a promise before carrying out the duties as election organizer and the principle of the election organizer that is implemented and determined by the general election commission (kpu). the purpose of the code of ethics is to maintain the independence, integrity, accountability and credibility of election organizers. the purpose of the code of ethics is to ensure the implementation of direct, public, free, confidential, honest and fair elections. in this case, sardiniexplained 13 modes the code of ethics violation for election administrators consisting of (surbakti, supriyanto, & santoso, 2011): a. vote manipulation is to reduce, add, or move the vote acquisition from one election participant to another election participant, which are beneficial and / or detrimental to the election participants with each other. b. bribery of officials is the provision of a sum of money or goods or a special agreement to the election organizer with the intention of fulfilling the interests of the giver or to benefit and / or harm another party in the participation of an election (candicacy). c. un-equal treatment is treatment that is not equal or biased to election participants and other stakeholders. d. infringements of the right to vote, are violations of the right to vote for citizens in elections. e. vote and duty secrecy is to openly inform their political choices and ask about their political choices in the election to other people or voters. f. abuse of power is utilizing positions and their influences, either on the basis of kinship, traditional authority or work, to influence other voters or the general election organizers in order to obtain personal benefits. g. conflict of interest. h. sloppy work of eectionprocess, is inaccuracy or irregularities or errors in the election process. i. intimidation and violence is to commit acts of violence or intimidation physically or mentally. j. broken of breaking of the law, is taking action or engaging in a violation of law. jurnal hukum volkgeist syailendra anantya prawira. 4(1): 25-34 29 k. absence of effective legal remedies, are mistakes that can be tolerated humanely to the extent that they do not result in damage to the integrity of the implementation of the general election, as well as the destruction of the independence and credibility of election organizers. l. the fraud of voting day is an error committed by election organizers on polling day and vote counting. m. destroying neutrality, impartiality, and independent or destroying / disturbing / influencing neutrality, impartiality, and independence. based on the provisions in article 22 e of the 1945 constitution (result third amendment) general election regulating principles are as follows (winardi, 2009 : 153): a. general elections are held direct, public, free, honest and fair every five years; b. general elections are held to elect members house of representatives, regional house of representatives, president and vice president, and regional representative council; c. participants in the general election to elect members of the council people's representative and members of the regional people's representative council is a political party; d. participants in the general election to vote members of the regional representative council are individuals; e. elections are held by an election commissiongeneral national, permanent and independent. 2. election administration violations. according to the election law, violations of the election administration are violations which include procedures and mechanisms relating to the administration of the election in each stage of the implementation of the general election outside the election crime and violations of the code of ethics for election administrators. election administrative violations are violations of administrative provisions (usually concerning criteria and requirements) as stipulated in the electoral law and other regulations. administrative violations are handled by election supervisors and submitted to the kpu and its staff to be sanctioned. the sanctions would be in the form of verbal reprimand, written reprimand, prohibition on carrying out certain activities, up to write off from the list of election participants or the candidate list.election administration violations are violations of the provisions of the election law which are not criminal provisions for elections and other provisions stipulated in the kpu regulations. the provisions and requirements under the election law could, of course, be in the form of provisions and requirements that are regulated, both in the election law and in regulating kpu decisions as implementing regulations of the election law. therefore, elements of election administration violations can be identified as follows: a. violation of procedures, procedures and mechanisms relating to the administration of the implementation of the general election in each stage of the implementation of the general election. b. those violations are other than election crime and implementation of the election organizer code of ethics. jurnal hukum volkgeist syailendra anantya prawira. 4(1): 25-34 30 the completion of election administration violations is intended to maintain the independence, integrity, accountability and credibility of election organizers. the completion of this election administration violation aims to ensure the holding of elections directly, publicly, freely, confidentially, honestly and fairly. 3.2. law enforcement in general election the electoral law enforcement system is a series of regulations that aim to address election legal issues. the legal issues of elections are all legal actions that deviate, contradict, or violate election laws and regulations, including those who have been disadvantaged in the process of election. democratic election standards require fair elections (free and fair elections) that could be achieved if a legal instrument is available that regulates all election implementation processes; as well as being able to protect the organizers, participants, candidates, voters, monitors and citizens in general from fear, intimidation, violence, bribery, fraud, and various other fraudulent practices that will affect the election results. therefore, an honest and fair election requires electoral legislation and the apparatus in charge of enforcing the election legislation. related to the law of justice, the political line of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia requires us to explore a sense of justice. written laws or provisions that prevent the upholding of justice can be abandoned through the discovery and creation of law by judges. article 24d paragraph (1) confirms that everyone has the right to recognition, guarantee, protection and fair legal certainty. so the emphasis is not only on legal certainty but legal certainty that is fair. in this context, it is the country's duty to implement the mandate of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia (harun, 2016 : 101). the general election commission is the main institution that accommodates elections the process of organizing general elections. in other words, the kpu is a facility provider and infrastructure stages of the election from the preparatory process to the completion of the election. the duties, authorities and obligations of the kpu in organizing elections for members of the dpr, dpd, and provincial dprd, and regency / city dprd in detail are formulated in article 8 of the law number 15 of 2011 concerning organizing of general elections. election organizer oversight is carried out by the election supervisory board hereinafter abbreviated as bawaslu. bawaslu is tasked with supervising the holding of elections in the context of prevention and enforcement of violations for the realization of elections democratic. the composition of the bawaslu consists of the provincial bawaslu, the election oversight committee regency / city (regency / city panwaslu), district election supervisory committee (panwaslu district), field election supervisor (ppl), or overseas election supervisor. the election organizer honorary board (dkpp) is the body in charge deal with violations of the conduct code of election organizers and is a unity of function election organizer. the main task of the dkpp agency is the authority to handle violation of the election code of conduct (fifi, syafrudin, eka, & mirza, 2018 : 52). furthermore, the criminalization of certain acts as an election crimedivided into two groups, namely: violation and crime. it is just, the legislative election law does not define what is approved definition crime of crime. this law only stipulates the forms of acts which are categorized as difficult and difficult with each other difficult to be determined. then, what exactly is the process for holding elections supported by election legal instruments? what things underlie why is this instrument important? as jurnal hukum volkgeist syailendra anantya prawira. 4(1): 25-34 31 part of the regulatory system holding general elections, holding election elections sustain the realization of honest and fair elections (khoirul, n.d. : 267). in that context, meaning is important election negotiations can be reduced to two important things. first, the norm to participate in elections held to protect participantselections, organizing bodies and elections from various election implementations and adverse elections. second, the election norms given to uphold the law and society in the administration the election. criminal acts must be resolved by the criminal justice system (spp). in general, spp consists of components: police prosecutor-court (general). in special crimes, this component may be different. for example in the case of corruption consisting of: police / prosecutors / corruption eradication commission (kpk) prosecutors / kpk courts (general / corruption); in fisheries cases, the police / ppns / the indonesian navy fisheries ad hoc prosecutors. in the context of enforcing violations of election administration, and election crimes need to be made to simplify the system. law enforcement and electoral dispute resolution in order to realize effective election law enforcement which has become a major problem. so the focus is to note that the resolution of administrative and criminal violations is processed through one door through bawaslu where in the context of administrative violations, bawaslu has the authority to receive complaints, investigate suspected violations, hear and determine whether a violation has occurred or not, and establish sanctions if proven temporarily to deal with criminal election violations, bawaslu became investigators and prosecutors because of alleged violations of election crimes(seac, 2018 : 83). election implementation in indonesia there are still various kinds of violations committed by various parties, so there is a need for supervision from various parties. election supervision conducted by the election supervisory body (bawaslu), both the central bawaslu, provincial bawaslu, regency / city panwaslu, district panwaslu, field oversight, and overseas election oversight must be independent, honest, fair. for this reason, constraints in the electoral law enforcement authority in accordance with the law regulate election supervisors only as intermediaries, namely receiving and forwarding election violation reports (sulchan, 2014 : 350). the principle must be understood that election law enforcement is an instrument important to uphold election justice. system election law enforcement must be effective thereby guaranteeing free, fair and fair elections honest(chrisdanty & wahyulina, 2014). repression of campaign violations legislative elections are conducted by election supervisors as a gatekeeper on duty to supervise and follow up in every violation that occurs in each stage of the election included as well campaign stage. the problem of election criminal law enforcement can at least be divided by looking at each component in the legal system that directly influences law enforcement. lawrence m. friedman considered that the success or failure of the law was upheld depending on the three components of the legal system. first, the legal substance. the legal substance is the rules, norms, and real human behavior patterns that are in the system. second, the legal structure (legal structure) or the structure of the legal system. friedman called it a framework or parts that persisted or parts that gave some form and boundary to the whole. the existence of a legal structure is very important, because no matter how good legal norms are, if not supported by good law enforcement officials, law enforcement and justice are only in vain. third, legal culture. legal culture is opinions, beliefs, habits, ways of thinking, and ways of acting, both from law enforcers jurnal hukum volkgeist syailendra anantya prawira. 4(1): 25-34 32 and from citizens about the law and various phenomena related to law. to realize the principle of supremacy of law, law enforcement by law enforcement agencies such as the judiciary, police, prosecutors' office, corruption eradication commission must run and function in accordance with the principles and objectives of the establishment of law enforcement agencies (sugiharto, 2016 : 109). according to the gakkumdu center sop, the handling of election criminal acts is carried out through 3 (three) stages, namely (handitya, 2018 : 348): a) acceptance, review and delivery of reports / findings of alleged election crimes to the election supervisory, b) follow-up of the gakkumdu center to reports / findings of alleged election crime, c) follow-up of the election oversight of the recommendations of the gakkumdu center. to build an electoral law enforcement system, to complete and reinforce the material of legislation, it is also important to increase the work effectiveness of electoral law enforcement officers, namely: kpu, provincial kpu and regency / city kpu as election organizers who are authorized to impose sanctions against perpetrators of election administration violations; second, election supervisory body, provincial election supervisory body, district election supervisory board / the city, and / or the district supervisory booard as supervisors who are authorized to ensure the existence of election violations and resolve non-election election disputes; third, the honorary council of general election organizers (dkpp) which has the authority to impose sanctions for violating the code of ethics of election administrators; fourth, the constitutional court has the authority to resolve disputes over election results; and fifth, the ranks of the police, prosecutor's office, and judicial institutions, each of which has the authority to investigate, prosecute, and sentence. in enforcement of criminal acts general election, we should also refer to the philosophy of law enforcement in a way general. but this law enforcement has not can be implemented maximally, where strongly influenced by 3 (three) things, namely (irfandi, 2013 : 1): a. legal substance in order to improve the substance, there are several actions that need to be on criminalization and there is that in decriminalization. election crime must be stated explicitly in laws, what things are considered an election crime general, must be constructed in a concrete article. sanctions should be using criminal penalties minimum. detailed description of the process handling violations of election rules. b. legal structure action handling mechanism general election penalties should be subject on the mechanism of handling criminal acts in general, include: the initial stage (pre adjudication), the inspection stage ahead adjudication and stages implementation of decisions (post adjudication). general election crime must be confirmed not a crime / offense complaint. therefore there is or does not exist the person / community member who reports, if law enforcement officers (especially investigators) see indications of violations the law (election crime), must immediately deal with suspected acts the criminal. criminal investigation general election at the adjudication stage,must be examined by a designated judge and specially educated by the chief justice as a judge of criminal offenses general election. time period handling election criminal offenses jurnal hukum volkgeist syailendra anantya prawira. 4(1): 25-34 33 general, from an early stage, pre adjudication, the inspection stage ahead adjudication must be given time limit, with a reason for the process the judiciary does not interfere with the stages of the process holding general elections. c. legal culture the implementation of general elections is many violations occurred conducted by parties participating in the election. the violation occurred in the stages of the general election. on the campaign stage happened several violation, namely the existence of money politics that is clearly visible on the screen conducted a campaigner. so as distribution of goods to participants campaign. 4. conclusion the electoral law enforcement system is a series of regulations that aim to address election legal issues. the legal issues of elections are all legal actions that deviate, contradict, or violate election laws and regulations, including those who have been disadvantaged in the process of election. the problem of election criminal law enforcement can at least be divided by looking at each component in the legal system that directly influences law enforcement. first, the legal substance. the legal substance is the rules, norms, and real human behavior patterns that are in the system. second, the legal structure (legal structure) or the structure of the legal system.third, legal culture. legal culture is opinions, beliefs, habits, ways of thinking, and ways of acting, both from law enforcers and from citizens about the law and various phenomena related to law. law enforcement is needed in elections to create justice in the holding of elections. to build an electoral law enforcement system, in addition to completing and strengthening laws and regulations, it is also important to improve the work of electoral law enforcement, namely: first, the kpu, provincial kpu and regency / city kpu as questionable election administrators. opposing elections that are canceled by the election administration; secondly, bawaslu, provincial bawaslu and district / city panwaslu as supervisors to ensure successful elections and resolve non-election disputes; percent, dkpp who canceled the penalty for changing the election code of ethics; finally, the court will complete the election results; and cancel, the ranks of the police, prosecutors and courts, each of which are disputes, indictments and convicts. references bachtiar, f. r. 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disasters as a result of the management of illegal gold mining on mount botak in buru regency. in this case, to follow up on the policy, the two instructions by the regional government agencies along with the security apparatus from the tni and polri conducted sweeping in the illegal gold mining area on botak mountain. keywords: traditional community; conflict; illegal gold mining; magister ilmu hukum universitas muhammadiyah yogyakarta, indonesia (laodealimin55@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i1.451 1. introduction conflict is not something new in the human world; humans as social creatures always interact with other humans. when communicating, it will always be colored by two things, conflict and cooperation (winardi, 1994; wirawan, 2013). thus conflict is a part of human life. conflict comes from the latin verb that is "configure," which means to hit each other. sociologically, conflict is defined as a social process between two or more people (can also be a group) in which one party tries to get rid of the other party by destroying or rendering them helpless (fischer, 2001; liliweri, 2005). in a sizeable indonesian dictionary, conflict is defined as strife, disagreement, conflict. in the history of human civilization, conflict is inevitable and will always occur. from this, human history is indeed a history of conflict. conflict ever happens in the world. in a social system called the state, nation, organization, company, and even in the smallest social network called family and friendship, conflicts occur in the past, present, and will inevitably arise in the future. gold mining carried out by miners without using a permit is a community mining activity that occurs in several regions in indonesia, one of which, in dongi-dongi, poso district, central sulawesi, does not have a legal permit. the mining activity is mining in the traditional way that is usually carried out by the community around the mining area. it is not only west java and kalimantan that are feeling the effects of illegal mining or cultural disputes or land in indigenous territories, but almost every region in indonesia feels that one of them is community mining in the botak mountains of buru regency. mailto:laodealimin55@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.451 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.451 jurnal hukum volkgeist la ode alimin. 4(1): 35-43 36 in november 2011, gold was discovered in botak mountain in wamsait hamlet, dafa village, waelata district, buru district, maluku province. the gold mining findings were discovered by mr. suyono a farmer through his dream with curiosity from his dreams, mr. suyono headed to the area anoni river, wamsait hamlet, botak mountain dafa village. the location is occupied by the indigenous people of soa / marga besan, wael, and nurlatu who are in the petuanan kayeli area. illegal mining in mount botak is one of the mining areas visited by many miners from various regions in indonesia. until people from various regions began to arrive at mount botak to pan for gold. along with this, miners from various regions carry out mining activities. since 2012, the number of migrants to buru regency has been estimated at around 7,000 miners. as for the community as well as the miners who carry out gold mining in the botak mountains, a fee of rp 100,000 per person is collected by the indigenous people at each adat post. over time there was a dispute problem in the botak mountain mining area between the indigenous people of soa / marga wael and besan as ticket collectors entered, so that the location of the gold mine was temporarily closed within one month to anticipate conflicts between the indigenous communities, in this case, there is a demand from the indigenous peoples to immediately reopen the gold mining area in botak mountain, and on december 31, 2011 the regional government together with the security forces held a meeting between the local government of the buru regent (husni hentihu) together with the police with the indigenous peoples. during the meeting, the government gave an opportunity to reopen the gold mining area until 2 february 2012. at the end of january, illegal miners reached as many as 15 thousand miners from various regions in indonesia. the impact is seen from the increasing number of illegal miners causing a conflict with a very large intensity that occurred between the two groups, namely the ambalau community and the marga adat nurlatu community which resulted in 21 deaths and 44 injuries. clashes often occur between indigenous peoples and the mining community. until the high level of crime that occurred in the botak mountain mining area in the resolution of the conflict was not done in a thorough manner to the concern of the miners and the community around the mining area. talking about the conflict that occurred at the mount botak gold mining site after it was opened at the end of 2011 to 2016 there were recorded conflicts with intensity (light, medium and large) 26 times and resulted in a death toll of 578 people and injured 900 people more. as for minimizing conflicts in the botak mountains that occur between indigenous peoples and miners, the regional government has issued maluku governor instruction no. 522-1 2012 concerning the closure of mining activities and the handling of the restructuring of the mount botak area in buru regency. then it was followed up by the buru regent through bupati instruction no. 1/2012 regarding the closure of mining activities and handling of the arrangement of the botak mountain area in buru regency, through three methods namely: pre-emissive, preventive, and repressive. the visit of the president of the republic of indonesia joko widodo on august 8, 2015, finally the president issued instructions to maluku regional police chief brigadier general (pol) murad isamil to immediately close illegal mining in botak mountain in buru regency. the instructions have been followed up by sending around 500 joint security personnel from the tni and polri to conduct sweeping and emptying of mining areas from miners on mount botak. the illegal mining was successfully jurnal hukum volkgeist la ode alimin. 4(1): 35-43 37 stopped in november 2015 by completing 19 joint security posts consisting of the tni and the police. the regional government issues the bupati's instruction no. 1/2012 as a continuation of governor instruction no. 522-1 of 2012 concerning the closure of the botak mountain mining area due to various impacts occurring in the mining area. the impact caused not only in terms of the conflict, but in terms of health, safety, and environmental damage is also a reference for local governments to immediately close the mining location. from these instructions, it is very clear that government agencies together with security forces insisted that immediate illegal gold mining in the botak mountain district be closed. based on the description in the background above, the problem in this study is what are the factors causing the occurrence of conflicts of community miners in illegal gold mining in the botak mountain of buru regency? 2. method this type of research conducted for writing this thesis is empirical legal research. empirical juridical research is sociological legal research and can also be referred to as field research, or reviewing applicable legal provisions and what happens in reality in the community (abdulkadir, 2004). in other opinions, empirical jurisdiction is the law regarding the enforcement or implementation of normative law in action on a legal event that occurs in society. empirical research that is done by looking at the reality that exists in practice in the field. it also said sociological research was carried out directly in the field (waluyo, 2002). field research is research conducted to obtain primary data by jumping directly into the field. empirical juridical research is a field of research (research on primary data), which is a study that examines the laws and regulations and then combined with data that researchers get in the fields and behavior / events that are found in the midst of the community (abdulkadir, 2004; waluyo, 2002). primary data in this study were obtained directly from respondents who were members of the indigenous community and the miners who were around the gold mining in the botak mountain buru district. 3. main heading of the analysis or results 3.1. factors causing people mining conflict in illegal gold mining in botak mountain, buru regency in 2011 in buru regency there were no conflicts between residents and between tribes, but at the end of 2011 precisely in december, there were latent conflicts or conflicts that were still small scale and did not involve many people. in december 2011 a dispute arose between ticket collectors from the besan and wael clans, but it could be anticipated and resolved, so there was no conflict, with the mine closed by the customary clan together with the muspika of waeapo district, after being closed demands and residents customs that have felt the results of ticket collectors to be reopened immediately. in december 2011, this was followed up by the buru regent (mr. husnie hentihu) by holding a meeting with all the soa / adat chiefs at the agriculture seed center of kec. waeapo, which was attended by all muspida elements and in the meeting the community was given the opportunity to gain gold again (specifically for indigenous people) until february 2012 (the end of the regent's position). jurnal hukum volkgeist la ode alimin. 4(1): 35-43 38 in february 2012, the buru regency government together with security forces and all the head of soa as well as the indigenous people held a meeting in the waelata subdistrict which was attended by all government agencies, miners and members of the buru district representative council. in the meeting, it was agreed in february that the gold mining area was temporarily closed from activities carried out by miners to prevent conflicts from occurring and would be regulated and licensed. with the regent instruction number 1 of 2012 concerns the handling of social disasters as from illegal mining. from february 8 to february 11, 2012, the government together with the indigenous people carried out socialization activities and appealed to the miners to immediately go down and leave the botak mountain mining area. at that time there were still indigenous groups that had not agreed (marga nurlatu) other than that the information on the existence of a gold mine on buru island was expanding to areas outside of buru island. in mid-may 2012, there was a conflict between 2 (two) community groups in the mine between the indigenous people and the ambalau community, resulting in 18 injured people. the conflict between the 2 (two) community groups continued, resulting in 14 deaths. the conflict continued at the end of may 2012 where there were conflicts between two community groups at the mount botak mine site, resulting in 16 deaths. and on july 11, 2012, a large-scale conflict occurred in the mining area between indigenous peoples and ambalau communities, which resulted in 92 injuries while 70 people were edited. the following is the impact of a conflict of interest between two community groups that occurred at the mount warmoly (mount botak) gold mine site. in addition, based on the results of the author's interview with the traditional leader irwan wael about the conflict that occurred in the area in july 2012, it took 105 victims and injured 160 people. he said that: "the problem of the conflict that occurred in mount botak with a very large scale in july last until early august, the cause of the conflict occurred because the community groups or individuals involved hold grudges against indigenous peoples. in this case, there is a big problem until there is a massive conflict in the near future where both groups use traditional and modern warfare tools to attack each other and take casualties". in addition, it coincides with the holy month of ramadan, the gold mine is closed again to maintain conditions during the holy month of ramadan so that security continues to run safely and in control. however, at the end of the seventh day of eid, the location of the gold mine was reopened by the indigenous people, in september, there was a huge conflict in which there was a bombing at the gold mine site by the warring groups. this resulted in a battle between the two conflicting groups at the gold mine site where up to 72 people were edited and 99 were injured. meanwhile, conflicts with small-scale conflicts still occur almost every day at gold mining sites, including debates on the pit of the theft of minerals, but the conflict does not reach a larger scale. on the way, a dispute arose between ticket collectors and miners from the ambalau community, which resulted in the killing of a mountain resident, and then retaliation against an ambalau resident. from the conflicts above we can see that the conditions in the mining area are prone to conflicts, as well as on buru island. in july, there was a large-scale conflict that resulted in increasing or increasing fatalities, which in september 2012 fell from 44 people to 72 people edited in 2012. for more details, we jurnal hukum volkgeist la ode alimin. 4(1): 35-43 39 can see in the following table: the results should summarize (scientific) findings of the study. it should be written in clear and concise. the separation or combination of results and discussion is accepted. if the result is separated into some subheadings, the subheading should be numbered as following example: table 3.1 the intensity of conflict in the mount botak mining site. source: maluku regional police resort buru island, maluku. year 2014 in the table above is a conflict process that occurred in the gold mining area in buru regency from 2011-2015 with various intensities (light, medium and large). from the results of this study, the authors analyze that the intensity of the conflict above i s a stage or process of conflict that occurs from the nature of escalation, de-escalation, polarization and destructive. this stage of the conflict describes the intensity of the conflict occurring in the mining area. escalation is the initial stage where the conflict first occurs. from the data on the intensity of the conflict between the indigenous peoples, namely the marga wael and the marga besan, is the stage of the conflict that occurred in the mining area. desecration is a stage of conflict where the conflict is still colored by armed disputes that take casualties so that the bearers of conflict resolution try to find the right time to start (bonger, 1982; winardi, 1994; wirawan, 2013). from the data of conflict intensity, the authors analyze that the conflict that occurred between ambalau and no. date location description of conflict 1 1 december 21, 2011 mine location ticket dispute between marga besan and marga wael. two people edited 2 2 february 13, 2012 mine location the conflict between 2 indigenous people groups (marga nurlatu) and the ambalau community. resulting in 10 people edited and 4 injured. 3 3 february 18, 2012 mine location the conflict continues between the 2 indigenous peoples groups with the ambalau community with a motive for revenge. resulting in 22 people edited and 48 injured. 4 4 may 14, 2012 mine location the conflict between indigenous peoples and ambalau people is still with the same motive 'revenge'. this conflict resulted in 35 people edited and 56 injured. 5 5 may 15, 2012 mine location the conflict occurred again between the indigenous peoples and the ambalau community, resulting in 54 deaths and 67 injuries 6 6 july 11, 2012 mine location very-large-scale conflict between the indigenous peoples and the ambalau community which resulted in 105 victims killed and 160 injured 7 7 september 18, 2012 mine location conflicts still occur but are still small or latent. jurnal hukum volkgeist la ode alimin. 4(1): 35-43 40 indigenous peoples is a stage of de-escalation conflict. polarization is a stage that is almost the same as the stage of de-escalation. however, this polarization stage looks more at the process of conflict. meanwhile, the destructive stage is the end of the conflict stage. destructive conflict is a stage of conflict that has experienced social gaps and change that is causing resentment and hatred for each group in the mining area (winardi, 1994). conflicts that occurred in the area of mount botak during the initial discovery at the end of 2011 to 2015, recorded conflicts have occurred 26 times. conflict in mining areas of various scales, from the small, medium and large scale. small scale conflict will cause few people to be involved in the conflict and will not cover a large scale. in this case conflict between individuals and conflicts in the family is a small-scale conflict. the conflict between tribes and conflicts between countries is a large-scale conflict which covers a very wide area and causes more and more stakeholders to be involved in the conflict (syafrisal, 2016). based on the first conflict including smallscale conflicts because no further clashes occurred and could be resolved. however, in the second and third cases conflicts occurred between two groups of people which resulted in physical clashes between groups causing death. 3.2. analysis of conflict of indigenous peoples with miners in the mount botak gold mining in buru regency according to the author in analyzing the conflicts that occur in the mining area, we first explain about the parties involved in the mining area of mount botak, buru regency, as follows: 3.2.1. culture perspectives on customary rights issues by indigenous peoples and individual rights have resulted in a long-running conflict from the disapproval of indigenous peoples and miners regarding the issue of the local government's policy to close the botak mountain mining area based on instructions from the president together with the governor's policy to instructions from the buru regency regent in no. 1 of 2012 concerning the closure of mining activities and the handling of the structuring and rehabilitation of the mount botak area in buru regency, and resulting in the taking up of indigenous peoples' inherited and customary lands. customary land is claimed as an authority according to customary law over certain areas which are the environment of the community, where the authority of the customary community allows indigenous people to take advantage of natural resources, including land, within the territory of the indigenous peoples' territories for their survival. the communities and resources in question have an outward and inward relationship between generations and the uninterrupted relationship between the customary law community and the area of concern. in this case, the taking of land and customary rights of indigenous peoples severed the local wisdom relationship between indigenous peoples and their ancestors. the use of indigenous peoples over the location and eucalyptus oil production areas that have been abandoned, so far it has never been an issue for indigenous peoples or governing, but when the discovery of gold content in the area, suddenly the issue of community customary rights raised. as is the case in buru regency, the closing momentum of the mining area carried out by the buru regency government together with the joint security forces of the tni and polri were used by a number of indigenous community leaders to claim the location of the customary land as the area of jurnal hukum volkgeist la ode alimin. 4(1): 35-43 41 customary rights of the indigenous people. as a consequence, a number of indigenous leaders of petaian kayeli began to impose levies on miners who conducted mining in their customary areas. if the miners are mining to mine on the land. then the indigenous people consider the miners to be active in the area of customary land. 3.2.2. miners (ambalau community) gold mining was first discovered in november 2011 in the anoni river, wamsait hamlet, dafa village, waelata district, buru regency. the gold mining area is occupied by the indigenous people of soa / marga besan, wael, and nurlatu who are in the petuanan area of kayeli. after hearing of the potential for gold mining, miners from all over the archipelago began arriving in buru island to conduct gold mining. the miners arrived with more efficient gold mining techniques. previously, the buru community had conducted gold mining in a simple way in the botak mountain area, but only with improvised techniques, namely by pan or pan. factors that are of interest to the miners in the gold mining area are: a. the mining community, especially the ambalau community considers that the mining area is a legacy for the community, not the government. b. provide benefits felt by the community and the assumption that the community also has the right to benefit from natural resources in the area. c. the perception that the mining community is people who are looking for a livelihood that must be protected, so dealing with the community for the government is an unfavorable issue. conflict of interest according to fuad & maskanah caused by competition that is felt to be real is indeed incompatible. conflicts of interest occur because of fundamental or substantive issues (eg material and resources). according to the author, quoting from what was explained by fuad & maskanah conflicts of interest that occurred in the mining area and became a trigger for conflict in the mount botak mining area that is the interests of both individuals, and groups that are equally competing for the gold mining results in mount botak. based on the results of the author's research through interviews with several respondents, according to the author the conflict mapping is based on the identification and analysis of the stakeholders involved based on the level of influence-interest, the nature of the conflict and conflict issues that occur between stakeholders in conflicts between indigenous peoples and local governments, and indigenous peoples with miners (ambalau community) as explained below: indigenous peoples with local government based on the issue of conflicting law enforcement that is sticking out between the indigenous people and the regional government. this is related to the views and issues circulating among the indigenous people that the regional government wants to close the community mining area based on regent instruction no. 1 of 2012 concerning the closure of mining activities and the handling of the arrangement of the mount botak area and its nation will be given to foreign companies for exploitation. jurnal hukum volkgeist la ode alimin. 4(1): 35-43 42 with the presence of investors to exploit mining in the botak mountain area, it will actually open up employment opportunities for communities around the mine, but the indigenous people assume that the community and the resources in question have a hereditary and inner relationship between generations and the uninterrupted between the customary law community and the concerned area together with its ancestors. indigenous peoples with miners (ambalau communities) based on the high level of influence and high importance, the conflict that occurs between the indigenous people and the miners (ambalau community), is because in the resolution of land conflicts there is no support from each of these stakeholders. according to the authors the regional government is needed as a facilitator and historical source of land status. besides that, this is also the duty and responsibility of the government to maintain the investment climate. while the direction of the influence of low-high interests occurred between indigenous peoples and ambalau communities because ambalau communities began to fret and get angry with indigenous peoples who run the management wheel and make regulations in the mining areas resulting in conflicts in mining areas that were considered too authoritarian. this made the miners from the ambalau community group start to fret, triggering conflict in the mining area. 3.2.3. analysis of land ownership at the mining site based on the results of research on land ownership and management at the mining location, so it can be analyzed as follows. the classifications of miners in the mining location, namely: a. indigenous people of petuanan kayeli, which consists of b. marga wael c. marga besan d. marga nurlatu and e. mountain communities/mountain people who are still isolated communities, these communities have the same clan as the three clans above, so they are given the freedom to produce gold at the mine site. f. the leisela community guide g. tagalisa petuanan community h. lilialy society i. ambalau people j. non-native mining communities in general. from the miner's classification above, indigenous peoples / communities consisting of several applications are not charged entry fees to the mine site. whereas miners who are not from the community guide are charged a ticket to the mine site. in searching for gold at the mine site. each miner must pay a ticket for rp. 100,000 except indigenous people. according to the author, the action to do ticket billing is the desire to control and take advantage of more mining locations. according to bonger, the desire to have is a sociological element in the occurrence of crime. furthermore, bonger asserted that the desire to have had a jurnal hukum volkgeist la ode alimin. 4(1): 35-43 43 psychological predisposition there is no event in society that has nothing to do with the human soul but this predisposition is nothing more than a possibility. a ticket collector is a mountain society/mountain person who is included in the structure of the indigenous people of kaylan. they were given the trust by the king and the head of soa, to guard each entrance to the mine site. the characteristics of mountain residents/mountain people can be known when they use the attributes they wear, namely: otters, machetes and spears. according to the waeapo police chief, the people of the mountains, as long as they were at the mine site, used sharp tools in the form of spears and machetes, making each miner uncomfortable. central to the conflict between indigenous communities and the ambalau community in the mining area is the 'land ownership claim at the mining site'. the ambalau people claim that even the land in the gold mining area has the right to control even though there is no legality governing that the land in the mining location can be controlled by the ambalau community. the ambalau people assume even though they are not included in the lineage of the indigenous peoples on buru island, but they are also the people of buru regency who have the right to extract and produce gold free of charge. 4. conclusion factors underlying the occurrence of conflict in the botak mountain gold mining area, the authors can analyze that, the regional government and law enforcement officials should provide socialization and guidance to the community. the conflict that caused the ambalau people claimed that the location in the gold mining area was their right to control it. in this case, there is no regulation or legality regulating that the land in the mining location is controlled by the ambalau community. the factor of conflict can be said as a battle between cultures where there are other people who are not included in the structure of the buru island indigenous peoples want to make a levy from the payment of a ticket at a mining location which according to the indigenous peoples is an area inherited from the ancestors to them. the local government issued bupati instruction no. 1 of 2012, which aims to close the illegal gold mining area. references abdulkadir, m. 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(2013). conflict and conflict management theory, applications, and research. jakarta: salemba humanika. 11) 2872 68-76 jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i1.2872 vol. 7 no. 1, december 2022 68 preventive model and legal protection of victims of sexual violence crimes in higher education environment alif arhanda putra1*, karimah syafiq1 1faculty of law, universitas borneo tarakan, indonesia *correspondence: alifarhanda@borneo.ac.id article history abstract received: 05.08.2022 accepted: 17.12.2022 published: 30.12.2022 preventive model and legal protection of victims of sexual violence crimes in higher education. this study aimed to analyze (i) preventive models of sexual violence crimes in higher education environment; and (ii) legal protection of victims of sexual violence crimes in higher education environment. this research uses a normative type of research, namely legal research methods to analyze the rule of law, legal principles, and legal doctrines to answer legal issues that are the subject matter of research. the types of research approaches are the statutory approach (the statue approach) and the conceptual approach (the conceptual approach). the technique of collecting materials is the study of documents and the study of literature. prescriptively analyzed with deductive methods to answer the problems in this study. the results of this study show that: (i) model prevents criminal acts of sexual violence committed by universities, educators, education staff, and students. prevention through learning is carried out by leaders or leaders of universities by requiring students, educators, and education staff to study the sexual violence prevention and handling module set by the ministry; (ii) legal protection for victims of sexual violence crimes in the university environment is the handling of sexual violence crimes carried out through mentoring, protection, imposition of administrative sanctions, and recovery of victims. assistance carried out in the form of counseling, health services, legal assistance, advocacy, and/or social and spiritual guidance. keywords: college; preventive; sexual violence; victim article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction the application of democratic principles in relation to education will have an impact on the content, process, and management of educational units. in addition, the development of science, technology, and science that is increasingly advanced has caused pressure on all sides of human life, including the national education system. the demands for changes in the national education system will begin with curriculum changes, namely the diversity of the curriculum as a servant for students and utilizing the potential to diverse and managed regions professionally in accordance with local conditions; preparation of qualifications in accordance with the professional performance of duties and obligations; carrying out the process of autonomous school and collegebased education; and organizing education with a standard, open, remote, and multi-meaning system. the renewal and implementation of the national education system includes the elimination of discrimination and violence in any form supervised by the government and managed by non-governmental organizations, as well as the separation of the education system based on religion and age. one of the reasons for the promotion of the education system is to promote the views, goals, and strategies for developing the quality of national education. the vision of national education is to implement an education system as a social and authoritative institution to empower and advance the quality of citizens to become professional human beings so that they are able and active in adapting to changing times. thus, in the face of social, cultural, world of work, and rapid technological changes, the competence of students in this case students must be prepared from an early age. the connectedness of the industrial, technological, and future worlds that are moving quickly at any time will have an impact on the education system, especially in universities. thus, public or private higher education is encouraged to be able to plan, design, build, and carry out the learning process in an innovative and adaptive manner. this includes aspects of attitudes, knowledge, expertise, and skills in an optimal and relevant manner. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 68-76 69 especially in 2020 the directorate general of higher education, showed that around 77% of lecturers admitted that there was sexual violence in the university environment. meanwhile, 63% of victims chose not to report their cases to the university. in fact, the sexual violence case is still considered an immoral act and not as an act of crime that violates human rights, especially experienced by victims. the impact on the victim himself is traumatic over a long period of time. psychologically, victims of sexual violence can experience anxiety disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress (ptsd), fear to the emergence of suicidal thoughts. in addition, victims of sexual violence and harassment are also vulnerable to the risk of negative-looking views and cornered attitudes from the surrounding community. 2. method the type of research used is a normative legal research type, namely legal research methods to (mahmud marzuki, 2010) analyze the rule of law, legal principles, and legal doctrines to answer legal issues that are the subject matter of research. in this type of research, researchers study and analyze legal theories, legal principles and what is written in laws and regulations (law in book) and legal literature to answer the problem issues of this research, namely the preventive model of sexual violence crimes in the college environment and the legal protection of victims of sexual violence crimes in the university environment. researchers use a type of statutory approach (the statue approach) and a conceptual approach (the conceptual approach). the technique of collecting legal materials used is the study of literature study documents. the collected legal materials are then processed and analyzed prescriptively with a deductive method, namely by analyzing legal materials then systematically assembled as an arrangement of legal facts to then be used as a basis for studying problem solving from research, namely answering the preventive model (yulianto, 2013) of sexual violence crimes in the college environment high and legal protection of victims of sexual violence in a college setting. 3. result and discusssion the preventive model for sexual violence crimes is carried out by universities, educators, education staff, and students. universities are required to prevent sexual violence through learning; strengthening governance; and strengthening the culture of the community of students, educators, and education personnel. prevention through learning is carried out by leaders or leaders of universities by requiring students, educators, and education staff to study the sexual violence prevention and handling module set by the ministry. the legal protection of victims of sexual violence crimes in the university environment is the handling of sexual violence crimes carried out through assistance, protection, imposition of administrative sanctions, and victim recovery. assistance is provided to victims and/or witnesses who are students, educators, education staff, and campus residents. the assistance is carried out in the form of counseling, health services, legal assistance, advocacy, and/or social and spiritual guidance. model prevents the crime of sexual violence committed by universities, educators, education staff, and students. universities are required to prevent sexual violence through learning; strengthening governance; and strengthening the culture of the community of students, educators, and education personnel. prevention through learning is carried out by leaders or leaders of universities by requiring students, educators, and education staff to study the sexual violence prevention and handling module set by the ministry; the legal protection of victims of sexual violence crimes in the higher environment is the handling of sexual violence crimes carried out through assistance, protection, imposition of administrative sanctions, and victim recovery. assistance is provided to victims and/or witnesses who are students, educators, education staff, and campus residents. the assistance is carried out in the form of counseling, health services, legal assistance, advocacy, and/or social and spiritual guidance. 3.1 preventive model of sexual violence crimes in higher education in patriarchic societies, women are often regarded as "belonging" to society. therefore, every behavior that is carried out causes women to lose control of their bodies, even including their souls. in positions like this, women are vulnerable to sexual violence committed by individuals and groups of men. in fact, not all violence can result in pain or injury, sexual violence is one of them. psychic sexual violence then becomes inconclusive when it is associated with the article contained in the criminal code.(ni putu rai yuliartini, gede dewa sudika mangku, 2021) p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 68-76 70 the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (cedaw) specifically obliges states to make all appropriate efforts to eliminate discrimination against women in order to ensure rights which is equivalent to men in the field of education, and especially to guarantee on the basis of equality between men and women. however, there are situations and conditions that hinder its achievement, namely stereotypes and sexual violence that have the potential to cause women to stop their education.(komisi nasional anti kekerasan terhadap perempuan, 2021). throughout 2020 cases of sexual violence in educational institutions continued to occur, both in public education institutions and faith-based educational institutions. national commission on violence against women received complaints of criminal cases of sexual violence from a number of regions in the country, namely semarang, bandung, palangkaraya, kendari, bali, and jombang. the form of criminal acts of sexual violence that occur is violence in the form of courtship, obscenity to rape. meanwhile, the perpetrators are almost all people who are well known to the victim, such as girlfriends, seniors in the organization, lecturers, and families/administrators of educational institutions. this shows that the educational environment is not a safe place for students. this complaint indicates that the national education system must seriously prevent and deal with criminal acts of sexual violence, especially in the university environment (komisi nasional anti kekerasan terhadap perempuan, 2021). sexual violence or sexual deviance is any form of sexual deviance in both direction, interest, and sexual orientation. deviation is a disorder or disorder. while sexual behavior is any behavior driven by desire, both with the opposite sex and with the same sex. these forms of behavior can range from feelings of being marginalized to the behavior of dating, making out, and making out. the sexual object can also be someone else, oneself, or an object in delusion. sexual deviance is a form of misconduct because it violates applicable norms. sexual deviance can be interpreted as a form of act that ignores values and norms that violate, contradict or deviate from the rules of law (sulistiani, 2016). sexual violence is any sexual assault on a woman, whether there has been copulation or not, regardless of the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim. sexual violence is not defined only as rape or coercion of copulation, but also includes various types of behavior that are unwanted by the victim and are sexual. sexual violence is not limited only to the penetration of male genitalia into female genitalia, but also includes the use of tools or objects to cause suffering on the genitals of the victim and other well-parts of his body (nassaruddin, 2016). sexual violence is divided into two categories, namely severe sexual violence and mild sexual violence. as for forms of severe sexual violence such as: (rahmah, a.; pabbu, 2015). sexual harassment with physical contact, such as groping, touching sexual organs, forced kissing, embracing, and other acts that cause nausea/disgust, terror, humiliation, and feeling controlled; coercion of sexual intercourse without the consent of the victim or at a time when the victim does not want to; coercion of sexual intercourse in an unrecognized, degrading and/or painful manner; coercion of sexual relations with others for the purpose of prostitution and/or certain purposes; the occurrence of sexual intercourse in which the perpetrator takes advantage of the dependency position of the victim that is supposed to be protected; and acts of sexual violence by physical violence with/or without the aid of tools that cause pain, injury, or injury. mild sexual assault in the form of verbal sexual abuse. such as verbal comments, pornographic jokes, such as facial expressions, body movements, or other acts that ask for unwanted sexual attention from the victim are harassing and/or insulting to the victim (rahmah, a.; pabbu, 2015; salam, 2017). emphasis on forcing sexual intercourse (intercourse) on a woman who is not his wife. the coercion that men carry out makes or results in women being forced to serve copulation (wahid, abdul; irfan, 2011; dahniar, et al., 2021; lahaling, et al., 2022). efforts to stop violence are important, as violence has inflicted various injuries on the part of victims. the impact of the injuries made it difficult for the victim to re-express the violence he had experienced. the state has p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 68-76 71 a responsibility to protect children from sexual crimes and provide recovery to victims and ensure their rights. it is necessary to have regulations that require the perpetrator to provide restitution and compensation to the victim in order to restore the rights of the victim in total (rahmi, 2018). prevention of criminal acts of sexual violence in society, especially for women and children and more specifically within the scope of higher education can be carried out with community participation in the form of cultivating literacy about the criminal act of sexual violence to all levels of society to prevent the occurrence of criminal acts of sexual violence and not to become a victim or perpetrator. in addition, socializing laws and regulations governing the criminal act of sexual violence and creating environmental conditions that can prevent the occurrence of criminal acts of sexual violence. based on the regulation of the minister of education, culture, research, and technology number 30 of 2021 concerning prevention and handling of sexual violence in higher education environment or abbreviated as permendikbudristek number 30 the year is 2021. based on article 6 of the permendikbudristek number 30 of 2021, it regulates prevention carried out by universities through learning; strengthening governance; and strengthening the culture of the community of students, educators, and education personnel. prevention through learning is carried out by college leaders by requiring students, educators, and education staff to learn the module on prevention and handling of sexual violence which is determined by the ministry. prevention through strengthening governance consists of: a) formulate policies that support the prevention and handling of sexual violence in universities; b) establish a task force (task force); c) develop guidelines for the prevention and handling of sexual violence; d) limiting meetings between students and educators and/or education personnel outside campus operating hours and/or outside the campus area; e) provide sexual assault reporting services; f) train students, educators, education staff and campus residents regarding efforts to prevent and handle sexual violence; g) conduct regular socialization related to guidelines for the prevention and handling of sexual violence to students, educators, education staff, and campus residents; h) installing an information sign that contains; i) inclusion of sexual assault complaint services; j) a warning that college campuses do not tolerate sexual violence; k) provide adequate accommodations for persons with disabilities for the prevention and treatment of sexual violence; and l) cooperating with relevant agencies for the prevention and handling of sexual violence. based on article 7 of the permendikbudristek number 30 of 2021 concerning the prevention and handling of sexual violence in the higher education environment, it is regulated that prevention by educators and education personnel includes limiting gatherings with individual students outside the campus area; outside of campus operating hours; and/or for purposes other than the learning process without the consent of the head/the head of the study program or the head of the department; and play an end role in the prevention of sexual violence in the college environment. approval is carried out provided that educators and/or education personnel submit an application for permission in writing or through electronic communication media regarding the plan of meeting with students; and requests are submitted to the head/head of study program or head of department before the meeting. the prevention of subsequent sexual violence by students is regulated in article 8 which regulates prevention including limiting gatherings with educators and education personnel individually outside the area campus; outside of campus operating hours; and/or for other purposes other than the learning process without the approval of the head/head of the study program or head of the department and play an active role in prevention and the handling of sexual violence in a college setting. students submit an application for permission in writing or electronic communication media to prepare a meeting plan with educators and/or education staff; and submitted to the head/head of the study program or the head of the department before carrying out the meeting. 3.2 legal protection of victims of sexual violence in higher education legal protection is a very important element in which it serves to regulate citizens who are victims of criminal acts. based on the 1945 constitution in article 1 paragraph 3 stipulates that indonesia is a country of law. this means that indonesia is a state based on the law. by itself legal protection is an essential element as well as a consequence in the state of law and the state is obliged to guarantee the legal rights of its citizens. legal protection is a legal remedy that must be provided by law enforcement officials to provide a sense of security, both mentally and physically for disturbances and various threats from any party (yusyanti, 2020). p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 68-76 72 legal protection is to provide protection to the human rights of those harmed by others and such protection is given to the community so that they can enjoy all the rights granted by law or in other words, legal protection is a variety of legal remedies that must be given by law enforcement officials to provide a sense of security, both mentally and physically from interference and various threats from any party (raharjo, 2014). legal protection is a property of the law that provides protection to the subject of the law or as an act in terms of protecting, for example providing protection to parties who weak (kansil, 2006). legal protection is a narrowing of the meaning of protection. in this case, it is only protection by law. the protection provided by law, is also related to the existence of rights and obligations, in this case those possessed by humans as legal subjects in their interaction with others humans as well as their environment. as a subject of law the human being has the right and obligation to carry out a legal act (kansil, 2006, hal. 102). according to philipus m. hadjon, legal protection for the people includes two things, namely: (hadjon, 1987) a. preventive legal protection, which is a form of legal protection in which the people are given the opportunity to raise their objections or opinions before a government decision gets a definitive form. in this preventive legal protection, the subject of law is given the opportunity to raise his objection or opinion before a government decision gets a definitive form. this aims to prevent disputes from occurring. preventive legal protection is very significant for government actions based on freedom of action because with preventive legal protection the government is encouraged to be careful in making decisions that are based on discretion. in indonesia, there are no specific arrangements regarding preventive legal protection. b. repressive legal protection is a form of legal protection where it is more aimed at resolving disputes. repressive legal protection aims to resolve disputes. the handling of legal protection by general courts and administrative courts in indonesia falls into this category of legal protection. the principles of legal protection of the government rest and are derived from the concept of recognition and protection of human rights because according to history from the west, the birth of concepts about the recognition and protection of human rights are directed towards the restrictions and the laying down of obligations of society and government. the second principle underlying the legal protection of acts of government is the principle of the state of law. associated with the recognition and protection of human rights has a primary place and can be attributed to the objectives of the legal state. justice is shaped by right thinking, done fairly and honestly and is responsible for the actions taken. a sense of justice and law must be upheld based on positive law to uphold justice in law in accordance with the reality of a society that desires the achievement of a safe and peaceful society. justice must be built according to the mind of law (rechtidee) in the state of law (rechtsstaat), not the state of power (machtsstaat). the law serves as the protection of human interests, law enforcement must pay attention to 4 elements: (ishaq, 2009) 1. legal certainty; 2. legal expediency; 3. legal justice; 4. legal guarantees. the formulation of the legal concept in indonesia there are 13 main principles of the state of law. all of them are pillars supporting the standing of the state of law. the principles are as follows: (muntoha, 2009) a) rule of law; b) equality in law; c) the principle of legality; d) restrictions on power; e) mixed organs of an independent nature; f) the judiciary is free and impartial; g) state administrative courts; h) constitutional courts; p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 68-76 73 i) protection of human rights; j) it is democratic; k) serves as a means of realizing the goal of statehood; l) transparency and social control; m) almighty godhead. the law is a rule that must be enforced and has rules where the rule has strict sanctions, so that anyone who violates it will be subject to these sanctions. the function of law as a regulatory instrument, and an instrument of protection directed towards a goal is to create an atmosphere of legal relations between legal subjects in a harmonious, balanced, peaceful manner, fair. the purpose of law is achieved if each legal subject gets his rights reasonably and carries out his obligations in accordance with the applicable rules (rasjidi, lili; putra, 1993). in essence everyone is entitled to legal protection. in concept, legal protection in indonesia comes from the recognition of human dignity and dignity based on pancasila. law can function as the embodiment of actions of an adaptive and flexible nature, but also predictive and anticipatory (rasjidi, lili; putra, 1993, hal. 118). legal protection is divided into two stages, namely: (arief, 2008) 1. the first stage, the protection of criminal law in abstract to is the stage of making/formulating laws by the legislature. this stage can be called the formulation/legislation/legislative stage. criminal law protection in abstract to is law making or law reform; 2. the second stage, the protection of criminal law in concerto (law enforcement). second, criminal law protection in the framework of supporting the achievement of the goals, vision, and mission of national development and supporting the realization of a national criminal law protection system. preventive legal protection efforts aim to prevent violence and crime from occurring. in this legal protection, the people are given the opportunity to raise their objections (inspraak) or opinions before a government decision gets a definitive form, meaning preventive legal protection aims to prevent disputes from occurring. the efforts that can be made in the protection of the law by: (suryamizon, 2017) a. clarify and emphasize crimes in statutory provisions, so that they can include many behaviors that have not been covered by laws and regulations until now; b. the enactment of legal provisions that provide more express and specific protection regarding criminal acts, which are minimally charged: 1. the victim's right to protection from the authorities, for the behavior that the victim's reported perpetrator may be; 2. the right of the victim to obtain medical, psychological, legal, social assistance primarily to restore selfconfidence for him; 3. the right of victims to obtain compensation for losses suffered, both from the government as an organization that is obliged to provide protection to themselves; 4. the victim's right to be informed about the progress of the case and the verdict; 5. the establishment of a nationwide institution to house victims of violence; 6. conduct training of law enforcement officers including training them to be more sensitive to crime issues; 7. the existence of public education to make people aware of their rights and position. sexual violence is any act that includes sexual harassment to the act of forcing someone to have sexual relations without the victim's consent or when the victim does not want to, and or commit sexual intercourse in ways that are unnatural or disliked by the victim as well as keeping away from his sexual needs (sulaeman, munandar; homzah, 2010). sexual violence is an act either in the form of speech or actions done by someone with the aim of mastering and making others involved in sexual activities which activity is not desired by the person. there are two important elements in sexual violence, namely the first element of coercion or the element p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 68-76 74 of absence of consent from the other party, and the second element of the victim being incapacitated or has not been able to give such consent (hanifah, 2018). there are various reasons that cause cases of sexual violence not to be reported by victims to law enforcement officials, including that the victim feels ashamed and does not want the disgrace that befell her to be known by others, or the victim is afraid of being threatened by the perpetrator that he will be killed if he reports the incident to law enforcement, the legal basis is not strong, sanctions to perpetrators who are not worth it and empty protection for the victim. in addition, the feeling of fear due to the revictimization of the police and the difficulty of obtaining evidence makes the victims reluctant to face the existing legal process (alpian, 2022). the above factors can affect the mental or psychiatric development of the victim itself so that the goal of realizing a sense of justice for the victim will be hampered and of course will also affect the process law enforcement itself in realizing a sense of justice for victims and also the community. the role of the victim is very important in order to overcome and solve cases of sexual violence. this certainly shows the great courage of the victim to report the incident that happened to him to the enforcement officers because of the complaint from the victim, the case will be able to open and can be carried out an examination process so that the victim can get justice for the events that have happened to him (suzanalisa, 2011). furthermore, article 45 provides that in the event that the suspect or defendant is not detained and there is a concern that the suspect or defendant will commit a criminal act of sexual assault, intimidation, threats, and/or violence to the victim and at the request of the victim, family, investigator, public prosecutor, or companion, the judge may issue a determination of the restriction of the perpetrator's movements from the victim in certain distances and times as well as restrictions on certain rights of the perpetrator. the determination of restrictions on the movement of perpetrators within a maximum of 6 (six) months and can be extended as much as 1 (one) time for a maximum of 6 (six) months. restrictions on the movement of perpetrators to protect victims are carried out by the police. article 12 of the minister of education and culture, research and technology number 30 of 2022 concerning the prevention and handling of sexual violence in the higher education environment stipulates that protection is given to victims or witnesses who have the status of students, educators, education staff, and campus residents. the forms of protection of victims or witnesses are as follows: 1. guaranteed sustainability to complete education for students; 2. guarantee the sustainability of work as an educator and /or educational staff at the university concerned; 3. guaranteed protection from physical and nonphysical threats from perpetrators or other parties or the recurrence of sexual violence in the form of facilitating the reporting of physical and nonphysical threats to enforcement official law; 4. protection of identity confidentiality; 5. provision of information regarding protective rights and facilities; 6. providing access to information on the implementation of protection; 7. protection from the attitudes and behaviors of law enforcement officers who demean and/or strengthen stigma against victims; 8. protection of victims and/or whistleblowers from criminal prosecution; 9. civil law suits for sexual assault incidents that were litigated; 10. provision of safe houses; and/or 11. protection of security and freedom from threats relating to testimony given. meanwhile, the imposition of administrative sanctions is carried out in the event that the perpetrator is proven to have committed sexual violence which is determined by the decision of the college leader based on the recommendations of the task force. the imposition of administrative sanctions consists of 1) mild administrative sanctions; 2) moderate administrative sanctions; 3) severe administrative sanctions. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 68-76 75 mild administrative sanctions include written reprimand or a written statement of apology published internally on campus or in the mass media. administrative sanctions are being in the form of temporary dismissal from office without obtaining the right of office; or reductions in rights as a student include (postponement of attending lectures (suspension); revocation of scholarships; reduction of other rights). severe administrative sanctions include: the dismissal remains as a student; or permanent dismissal from office as educators, education staff, or campus residents in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations of the university concerned. based on article 20 of the minister of education and culture, research and technology number 30 of 2022 concerning the prevention and handling of sexual violence in the higher education environment, it is regulated that recovery to victims is in the form of: a. medical procedures; b. physical therapy; c. psychological therapy; and/or d. social and spiritual guidance. recovery of the victim may involve: a. doctors/other health workers; b. counselor; c. psychologist; d. public figures; e. religious leaders; and/or f. other companions as needed include the needs of victims with disabilities. the rights of victims of sexual violence in the college environment are regulated in article 53 which stipulates that victims of sexual violence are entitled to guarantees or confidentiality of personal identity; request assistance, protection, and/or recovery from the college through the task force; and request information on the progress of handling sexual assault reports from the prevention task force and handling of sexual violence in the college environment concerned. 4. conclusion based on the background of the results analyzed in the discussion, it can be concluded that the preventive model of sexual violence crimes is carried out by universities, educators, education staff, and students. universities are required to prevent sexual violence through learning; strengthening governance; and strengthening the culture of the community of students, educators, and education personnel. prevention through learning is carried out by leaders or leaders of universities by requiring students, educators, and education staff to study the sexual violence prevention and handling module set by the ministry; the legal protection of victims of sexual violence crimes in the university environment is the handling of sexual violence crimes carried out through assistance, protection, imposition of administrative sanctions, and victim recovery. assistance is provided to victims and/or witnesses who are students, educators, education staff, and campus residents. the assistance is carried out in the form of counseling, health services, legal assistance, advocacy, and/or social and spiritual guidance. 5. acknowledgment thank you to the rector of the university of borneo tarakan, mr. prof. adri patton, m.si. as the leader where the author works. thank you to the head of the institute for research and community service (lppm) ubt, mrs. dr. etty wahyuni m.s., s.hut.,m.p. for all instructions and assistance in the form of research funds through lecturer competency research (rkd) 2022 so as to spur authors to research and publish outputs as expected; and thank you to the dean of the faculty of law ubt, prof. dr. yahya ahmad zein, s.h.,m.h. on instructions during the pre-research process, the preparation of research materials, and ultimately the final completion of the research. thank you also to all parties who supported the author in the preparation of the study. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 68-76 76 references alpian, r. 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is rarely revealed because the victims didn’t want to report. this research is a normative study using a statutory approach, data collection through library research, and analyzed using descriptive-analytical techniques. from this study, the result is an understanding that the relations between endorsers and fraudulent activities carried out by digital economics actors is by creating trust in the community, giveaway exists without further investigation of prizes. fraud is seen as a causal subjective relations where there is an act of influencing the will of others created by endorsers so that person gives something to the seller. keywords: electronic commerce, fraud, marketing 1law department, diponegoro university, semarang (sintadewi13.sd@gmail.com) 2law department, diponegoro university, semarang (pujifhundip@yahoo.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.780 1. introduction technological advances bring significant changes in various areas of human life. not only in the field of communication and information, but advances in technology also influence developments in the economic field. the business network becomes infinite space and time. with just "one-click" everyone can make a promotion or get products even though they have long distances and long travel times. trading activities have shifted from conventional face-to-face businesses to online businesses that are conducted through computer networks, namely the internet. the use of trading activities via the internet or better known as e-commerce today is part of changing community interaction patterns (rahmanto, 2019). those who are parties to online commerce base their transactions on mutual trust. traders cannot market products through shop like conventional traders in general. products marketed cannot be held and seen directly, but only through images displayed on the device. to build the trust of potential consumers, online merchants certainly do different marketing techniques from conventional traders. one of the means to introduce their products to visitors to social media sites is to use endorsers. an endorser is someone that will convey a message from a certain good or service. a large number of followers on their social media is one of the good signals captured by the sellers that there will be many people who will find out about their stalls and products. mailto:sintadewi13.sd@gmail.com mailto:pujifhundip@yahoo.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.780 jurnal hukum volkgeist idha pratiwi dyah sinta dewi. 5(1): 88-93 89 business actors will send creative photos of the products then the endorser will share them on the endorser's social media account. along with the busy adverts on endorser's accounts, it makes people who see them feel bored and finally only glimpse them, and often skip them. then the merchants modify the advertisement into a giveaway. everyone will certainly be interested in gifts. but unfortunately, the promise of giving gifts is often not fulfilled by online merchants, even though the participating parties have met all the requirements. in order to make a profit, business people commit fraud by exploiting cyberspace loopholes. this mode of crime is often carried out but is rarely exposed because fraud victims are reluctant to report to law enforcement. according to barda nawawi arief, as cited by ikka puspitasari, cybercrime is a new form or dimension of current crime that has received the attention of the wider community in the international community, it is also one of the dark sides of technological progress which has a very broad negative impact on all modern life today (puspitasari, 2018) given that research that focuses on fraud through electronic media has been conducted before such as by agus rusmana in 2015, this study focuses on fraud in interactions through social media (rusmana, 2015). dhaniar eka budiastanti in 2017, this research focuses on legal protection for victims of fraud through the internet (budiastanti, 2017). research conducted by noor rahmad in 2019, this research focuses on legal studies of online fraud crime (rahmad, 2019). then research conducted by anton hendrik samudra in 2019, this research focuses on the modus operandi and problems of overcoming online fraud crime (samudra, 2019). as well as research conducted by jevlin solim et al in 2019, this research focuses on efforts to tackle the criminal act of online buying and selling site fraud in indonesia (solim et al., 2019). based on existing articles, there are differences in the focus of the research that the author will carry out with previous research. even though they have the same theme regarding fraud through electronic media, the author emphasizes the linkage of prize fraud with building public trust through marketing by endorsers, thus making the discussion about this matter always important and actual for further study. based on the description stated above, two problems can be formulated, first, how is the relationship between online fraud and the narrative constructed by the endorser? second, how is the endorser accountable for one of the parties experiencing fraud? 2. method this research is normative. this research approach uses a statute approach because the problems in this study are approached by positive legal norms. collecting data through library research, which is research conducted only based on written work, including research results, both published and unpublished. meanwhile, to obtain data about the object of this study is to use documents in the form of regulations relating to fraud committed via the internet. the supporting data will be obtained through literature related to the existing topic of discussion. the data analysis technique is descriptiveanalytical. descriptive research is research that is intended to collect information about the status of an existing symptom, namely the symptoms according to what they were when the research was conducted. meanwhile, analysis is an attempt to systematically find and organize research data to then study the concept of existing regulations on fraud committed via the internet in indonesia. after the data is collected, it is continued with analysis to answer the main problem. jurnal hukum volkgeist idha pratiwi dyah sinta dewi. 5(1): 88-93 90 3. the relations between fraud and endorser-constructed narrative the development of a technology-based business in today's digital era has presented a new business mechanism, namely platform-based business. the platform's business model has brought changes in society at large, especially in economics and business through its simple but transformative concept (setiawan 2018). many countries are starting to active in the world of the digital economy, including indonesia, as evidenced by the easy access to electronic transactions today. marketing is one of the things that is important to do both by conventional business actors and digital business actors because through marketing, a product can be known by the wider community. business competition in the digital economy is also very tight, this naturally occurs in any business because every business actor is sure to develop their products for the better. many threats occur, for example, companies offering products that have relatively the same characteristics or products that can substitute them because they have better benefits than existing products. to maintain existing markets and expand market networks, digital businesses need to innovate, one of which is in the marketing aspect through advertising. the hard-selling method of marketing as is common in conventional markets is not very attractive to prospective buyers in cyberspace to see the products. the internet offers a virtual system as a new reality where a person cannot see goods or services directly so that online business people must develop a communication system that is not only able to inform and invite but also must be able to remind consumers of the products they sell, as conveyed by kotler and keller who quoted by daniel yudistya wardhana (wardhana, 2016). using the services of an endorser is one option that can be done. the attractive advantages possessed by endorsers are the main points that differentiate them from other individuals (rahima, 2018). many attributes such as attractiveness, or mastery of a particular skill are examples of characteristics that differentiate endorsers from the public. the different character that is owned by the endorser makes the advertisements to be more attractive, convincing, and can be trusted by the audience. the information conveyed by the owner of the connecting medium is then used as the basis for one's trust in conducting online transactions (ananda, 2018). the transactions on social media are influenced by many factors, but trust is the key factor. only someone who has trust will dare to make transactions via the internet. this trust is what business actors try to build through the use of endorser services, that the confidence of potential consumers to conduct transactions with business actors is built in such a way through a narrative created by the endorser appointed to be the company spokesman. businesses will pay endorsers who have many viewers to present their products on their platform. in practice, not all endorsers are considered an effective way to attract consumers run smoothly. people will stop at the fun of seeing new products every day, with no desire to see and follow the online shop that is being promoted. then a new strategy developed among business people by using endorser services not only to represent products but also to increase public awareness of their stores by creating a giveaway. giveaway is an event for giving prizes free of charge to those selected after previously competing by following the rules of the giver. prizes will be given by the online shop owner if all requirements are fulfilled. marketing techniques through prize contests are often only a guise of fraud. the giveaway is designed in such a way even though there are no items prepared as prizes, jurnal hukum volkgeist idha pratiwi dyah sinta dewi. 5(1): 88-93 91 the selection of the winner is only a formality because in the end the goods were never given, or the name of the winner has been prepared in advance which is known as a fictitious account. business people get a wide market advantage because they are promoted not only through endorsers, but many times through accounts that take part in the giveaway. endorsers also certainly benefit from getting a certain amount of money after uploading the event through photos and providing such a narrative to the viewers without wanting to investigate further whether the prize was really given or not. 4. endorser's liability for fraudulent activities by business actors along with the increased social interactions in society, especially due to advancing technology, the law is also required to keep up with the changes that occur. technology brings big changes to human life, besides having a positive impact, it seems that technological developments are being used by some people to develop various modes of crime considering that their use can be done freely by anyone. according to wahid and labib quoted by dhaniar eka budiastanti, crimes related to technology are divided into 2 (two), namely crimes that damage computer systems, and crimes that use computers as a tool to carry out vicious acts (budiastanti, 2017). one of the crimes that have developed using electronic systems as a tool for doing vicious acts is a fraud. the provision that regulates fraud is article 378 of the criminal code: any person who with the intention of illegally benefiting himself or another person, using a false name or false dignity, by deception, or a series of lies, moves another person to surrender something to him, or to give a debt or write off receivables is threatened with fraud with a maximum imprisonment of four years. the provisions in the article explain that fraud requires a causal subjective relationship between actions affecting the will of others so that the will is formed according to what the maker wants (budiastanti, 2017). fraud in article 378 of the criminal code consists of: a. objective element: 1) the act of driving 2) it is people who are driven 3) giving objects 4) give debt or write off receivables 5) using a variety of measures: a false name or dignity, with tricks, or a series of lies b. subjective element: 1) actions intended to benefit oneself or others 2) done against the law the fraud mentioned in article 378 of the criminal code does not specifically mention fraud via the internet, so it cannot penalize the fraud’s actors who are in cyberspace. indonesia has regulated itself regarding crimes that occur in cyberspace through law number 11 of 2008 concerning electronic information and transactions as amended to law number 19 of 2016, hereinafter referred to as the ite law. the emergence of regulations regarding cyber law in indonesia can be seen through 2 (two) approaches that describe the relationship between technology and law. first, the instrumental theory approach, according to cockfield & priedmore as quoted by indriati amarini, the instrumental theory sees technology as something neutral, it is created to meet certain needs and is separate from economic, political, social, and cultural processes. if there is a misuse of technology, the people who use the technology are blamed, not the technology itself. this approach will then emphasize the need to follow jurnal hukum volkgeist idha pratiwi dyah sinta dewi. 5(1): 88-93 92 existing laws to maintain legal consistency and certainty. second, the substantive theoretical approach that sees technology as something that is not neutral, it is closely related to the interests of the subject which makes it necessary to form rules to adjust technological developments in order to safeguard the interests of society that also develop along with the presence of new technology (amarini, 2018). the ite law itself does not specifically explain fraud, but some articles tend to be close to fraud due to the impact of losses on victims of transactions, in article 28 paragraph 1: everyone knowingly and without the right to distribute false and misleading news that resulted consumer losses in electronic transactions. this article regulates actions that are prohibited in electronic transactions, namely that everyone is prohibited from spreading false and misleading news. which can harm consumers. users who use their accounts to provide false information and commit a series of lies resulting in fraud have violated article 28 paragraph (1) of the ite law. following are the elements contained in article 28 paragraph (1): a. objective element: 1) the act of spreading 2) which is spread is false and misleading news 3) cause consumer losses in electronic transactions consumer losses, in general, can be divided into 2 (two): first, losses caused by the behavior of irresponsible merchants harm consumers, then consumer losses due to illegal actions by third parties so that consumers are misled and then harmed (solim et al., 2019). b. subjective elements: 1) the element of error, that is spreading false and misleading news 2) against the law without rights based on these two rules, there are differences in the imposition of criminal responsibility in article 378 of the criminal code and article 28 paragraph (1) of the ite law. article 378 of the criminal code provides a sanction of 4 (four) years in prison for the perpetrator of fraud, while article 28 paragraph (1) does not directly mention criminal sanctions but is contained in article 45a paragraph (1) which mentions imprisonment for a maximum of 6 (six) years and/or a fine of 1 (one) billion rupiah. the rise of fraud using technology occurs due to the interpretation by victims that the invitation, offer, or explanation conveyed by the perpetrator is a reality, using the knowledge that the victim has then he builds a thought on all the symbols he receives. the trust given by the victim to the perpetrator's invitation is only used during the interaction (rusmana, 2015). 4. conclusion based on the description above, it can be concluded that the relations between endorsers and fraudulent activities carried out by digital economy players are by creating trust in the public that giveaway exists without conducting further investigations regarding the awarding of prizes. fraud is seen as a causal subjective relationship where there is an act of influencing the will of others which is created by endorsers so that someone gives something to the business actor. losses suffered by consumers exist due to actions against the law so that consumers are misled. endorsers must be careful in promoting something, not only money-oriented without paying jurnal hukum volkgeist idha pratiwi 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(2016). pengaruh kredibilitas endorser pada niat beli konsumen dan tingkat kepercayaan pada iklan. kinerja 20(1):13–28. doi: 10.24002/kinerja.v20i1.694. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis pelaksanaan perkawinan walian tondo (turunan raja) berdasarkan hukum adat page 129 tinjauan yuridis pelakasanaan perkawinan walian tondo (turunan raja) berdasarkan hukum adat kulisusu utara kabupaten buton utara (studi desa waode buri kec. kulisusu utara kab. buton utara) la ode haniru fakultas hukum universitas muhammadiyah buton dosen hukum tata negara abstract marriage aims to form a happy family and everlasting. marriage requires careful consideration in order to persevere in the long periods of time in a relationship as husband and wife. indispensable attitude of tolerance and put yourself on the proper role. one example of such marriages, i.e. marriage down the bed. marriage down bed (walian tundra) frequently took place in the area of north buton to the culture. therefore, researchers are interested in writing a research on the status and validity of the marriage bed down according to customary law. (studies in north buton). in this study the author uses the method of normative legal research i.e. research approach the problems and legal norms in force. legal norms that apply to that form of positive written legal norms such as the constitution, laws, government regulations and so on. research results show that implementation of the marriage walian tondro (down bunks) based on customary law kulisusu sub-district in waode village of buri north kulisusu can occur if the following: a) the already existing agreement of husband and wife when the wife is still alive, that when i died (wife) then you (the husband) must be married with the sister of girs as a substitute for the mother of our children and this should be known to be mutually agreed by both parties in defense. in the sense that there must be a will from the wife. b) after it is accepted then the two sides will carry out walian tondro (mate's bed). c) covenant of marriage anniversary match existing covenant of marriage (islam). d) wedding reception. there are several reasons underlying the onset of mating walian tondro (down bed) so that the wife can provide replacements for descendants as the legitimate successor of the family. keywords: marriage, walian tondo, customary law a. pendahuluan perkawinan merupakan salah satu peritistiwa penting penting dalam kehidupan manusia. perkawinan yang terjadi dengan seorang pria dan seorang wanita, menimbulkan akibat lahir dan batin, baik terhadap keluarga masing-masing masyarakat dan juga dengan harta kekayaan yang diperoleh antara mereka baik sebelum maupun sesudah perkawinan berlangsung. setiap manusia mempuanyai hak azasi manusia untuk mempunyai keturunan issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis pelaksanaan perkawinan walian tondo (turunan raja) berdasarkan hukum adat page 130 melalui perkawinan. ada perbedaan pelaksaan perkawinan yang di sebabkan beragamnya budaya di indonesia. menurut undang-undang no 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan adalah ikatan lahir batin antara sorang pria dengan seorang wanita sebagai suami istri dengan tujuan membentuk keluaraga (rumah tangga) yang bahagiadan kekal berdasarkan ketuhanan yang maha esa. perkawinan di anggap sah apabila dlakukan berdasarkan hokum masing-masing agama dan kepercayaan serta tercatat oleh lembaga yang berwenang menurut undangundang yang berlaku. perkawinan adalah salah satu bentuk ibadah yang harus dijaga kesuciannya oleh suami dan istri. perkawinan bertujuan untuk membentuk keluarga yang bahagia dan kekal selamanya. perkawinan memerlukan pertimbangan yang matang agar dapat bertahan dalam jangka waktu yang lama di dalam menjalin hubungan sebagai suami istri. sangat diperlukan sikap toleransi dan menempatkan diri pada peran yang semestinya. sikap saling percaya dan saling menghargai satu sama lain, merupakan syarat mutlak untuk bertahannya sebuah perkawianan. suami istri harus menjalankan hak dan kewajibannya secara seimbang, agar tidak muncul masalah dalam perkawinan. administrasi perkawinan di indonesia sesungguhnya sama sekali tidak dipermasalahkan asal usul atau etnis dari kedua mempelai. salah satu contoh perkawinan tersebut yaitu perkawinan turun ranjang. perkawianan turun ranjang (walian tondro) yang sering dilakuan di daerah buton utara yang sudah menjadi budaya. oleh karena itu peneliti tertarik untuk menulis penelitian mengenai kedudukan dan keabsahan pernikahan turun ranjang menurut hukum adat. (studi di buton utara). dari uraian latar belakang masalah di atas maka masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pelaksanaan perkawinan walian tondro (turun ranjang) berdasarkan hukum adat kulisusu di desa waode buri kecamatan kulisusu utara?. apa saja factor yang mempengaruhi perkawinan walian tondro (turun ranjang) berdasarkan hukum adat kulisusu di desa waode buri kecamatan kulisusu utara?. adapun tujuan penelitian dalam tulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan perkawinan walian tondro (turun ranjang) berdasarkan hukum adat kulisusu issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis pelaksanaan perkawinan walian tondo (turunan raja) berdasarkan hukum adat page 131 di desa waode buri kecamatan kulisusu utara dan untuk mengetahui apa saja factor yang mempengaruhi perkawinan walian tondro (turun ranjang) berdasarkan hukum adat kulisusu di desa waode buri kecamatan kulisusu utara. b. metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif yaitu penelitian yang mendekati masalah dan norma hukum yang berlaku. norma hukum yang berlaku itu berupa norma hukum positif tertulis seperti undang-undang dasar, undangundang, peraturan pemerintah dan seterusnya. penelitian hukum normatif adalah penelitian yang mengkaji hukum yang dikonsepkan sebagai norma atau kaidah yang berlaku dalam masyarakat dan menjadi acuan perilaku setiap orang. metode yang digunakan adalah metode analisa deskriptif dengan teknik induksi, hal ini dilakukan terhadap data yang sifatnya data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui kajian kepustakaan. teknik induksi digunakan untuk menganalisis data primer maupun data sekunder. c. hasil dan pembahasan 1. pelaksanaan perkawinan walian tondo (turun ranjang) berdasarkan hukum adat di desa waode buri kecamatan kulisusu utara. menurut prof. kusuma di pudjosewajo, bahwa adat adalah tingkah laku yang oleh masyarakat diadatkan. adat ini ada yang tebal ada yang tipis dan senantiasa menebal dan menipis. aturan-aturan tingkah laku di dalam masyarakat ini adalah aturan adat dan bukan merupakan aturan hukum. adat istia adalah sebuah aturan yang ada dalam suatu masyarakat yang di dalamnya terdapat aturan-aturan kehidupan manusi serta tingkah laku manusia di dalam masyarakat tersebut, tetapi bukan merupakan aturan hukum. berdasarkan hasil wawancara penulis dengan beberapa tokoh adat desa waode buri la ode matsuna dan la ode muhammadin (26 september2016) perkawinan walian tondo (turunan raja). bentuk perkawinan ini adalah apabila pada perkawinan pertama mengalami kegagalan serta terjadi perpisahan yang di sebabkan oleh istri meninggal dunia atau hal-hal seperti sakit menahun yang berkepanjangan. setelah keluarga bermusyawarah lalu silaki-laki di jodohkan dengan kakak atau adik dari istrinya yang pertama. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis pelaksanaan perkawinan walian tondo (turunan raja) berdasarkan hukum adat page 132 menikah kembali menjadi solusi yang dapat menbantu individu untuk menyelesaikan diri, tidak hanya untuk mendapatkan teman yang bias dipercayadan di ajak berbagi serta pasangan dalam hubungan seksual, tetapi menikah kembali juga dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi (a.d. shapiro dalam de genova, 2008). hal ini juga di dukung oleh bary (craig, 2001) yang mengatakan menikah kembali dilakukan karena perasaan cinta, untuk mengatasi kesepian, perasaan tidak menyenangkan bagi pasangan yang ditinggalkan, masalah finansial, mendapat bantuan dalam pengasuhan anak, dan penerimaan sosial. ada beberapa bentuk perkawinan di indonesia. menurut hadi kusuma (1987) yaitu perkawinan jujur, perkawinan semanda, dan perkawinan mentas. menurut hadi kusuma (1987) latar belakang dari perkawinan walian tondo (turunan ranjang) ini adalah antara lain: 1. agar istri pengganti dapat memberikan keturunan sebagai penerus keluarga jika istri yang telah wafat belum mempunyai keturunan. apabila sudah mempunyai keturunan agar supaya anak atau kemenakan dapat di urus dan di asuh dengan baik. 2. agar tetap dapat memelihara hubungan kekerabatan antara kedua kerabat yang telah terikat dalam hubungan perkawinan sebelumnya. 3. memperlihatkan harta warisan agar tidak jatuh ketangan orang lain diluar keluarga. adapun tatacara /proses perkawinan walian tondo (turun ranjang) berdasarkan hukum adat di desa waode buri, kecamatan kulisusu adalah sebagai berikut: 1. setelah perempuan yang sudah meninggal tersebut maka pihak suami dan istrinya saling berbicara untuk melaksanakan perkawinan dengan walian tondo (turun ranjang) 2. setelah tersetujui maka kedua belah pihak akan melaksanakan walian tondo (turunan ranjang). 2. faktor yang mempengaruhi perkawinan walian tondo (turunan ranjang) berdasarkan hukum adat di desa waode buri kecamatan kulisusu. menurut santrock (1995) perkawinan merupakan penyatuan dua pribadi yang unik dengan membawah masing-masing pribadi berdasarkan atas latar belakang budaya serta pengalaman yang di miliki. dalam mencapai suatu kebahagiaan dalam perkawinan dibutuhkan adanya penyesuaian perkawinan. penyesuaiaan perkawinan berarti bahwa issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis pelaksanaan perkawinan walian tondo (turunan raja) berdasarkan hukum adat page 133 proses beradaptasi, dan mengubah pola prilaku dan interaksi pasangan ataupun individu untuk mencapai kepuasan maksimal dalam berhungan (degenona 2008) semua bentuk perkawinan membutuhkan penyesuaiaan. perkawinan jujur yaitu perkawinan yang dilakukan dengan membayar uang jujur (mahar) dari pihak pria kepihak wanita. salah satu bentuk perkawinan jujur adalah perkawinan ganti istri atau perkawinan walian tondo (turunan ranjang). menurut hadi kusuma (1977) yang melatar belakangi seseorang melakukan perkawinan walian tondo (turun ranjang) agar istri pengganti dapat memberikan keturunan untuk meneruskan keluarga. jika istri yang telah wafat belum memiliki keturunan, apabila sudah mempunyai keturunan agar anak atau kemanakan dapat di jaga dengan baik dan tetap dapat memelihara hubungan kekerabatan antara kedua belah pihak yang telah terikat dari hubungan perkawinan sebelumnya. penyesuaian perkawinan pada perkawinan walian tondo (turun ranjang) dapat di lihat dari faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi, konflik yang terjadi, serta bagaimana proses penyesuaian perkawinan itu terjadi pada pasangan. berdasarkan hasil wawancara penulis dengan toko adat desa waode buri la ode uta (30 september 2016) menjelaskan bahwa perkawinan walian tondo (turun ranjang) di landasi karena permintaan keluarga atau wasiat dari suami/istri yang meninggal untuk menikahi saudaranya. jadi dalam perkawinan walian tondo (turun ranjang) peran keluarga sangat besar dalam hubungan pasangan walian tondo (turun ranjang). hal tersebut mengisyaratkan bahwa proses penyesuaian perkawinan pada pasangan walian tondo (turun ranjang) akan berbeda dibandingkan dengan pasangan bukan walian tondo (turun ranjang). ada empat factor utama yang paling besar pengaruhnya terhadap penyesuaian perkawinan (hurlock, 1999) yaitu penyesuaian dengan pasangan, penyesuaian seksual, penyesuaian dengan keuangan dan penyesuaian dengan keluarga pasangan. permasalahanpermasalahan diatas juga dialami oleh pasangan yang menikah dengan walian tondo (turunranjang). penyesuaian pada pasangan merupakan penyesuaian yang pertama sekali dilakukan pada pasangan setelah pernikahan (hurlock, 1999) salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan dalam perkawinan adalah konsep mengenai bagaimana issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis pelaksanaan perkawinan walian tondo (turunan raja) berdasarkan hukum adat page 134 perasaan suami istri dalam pernikahan. menurut penelitian yang dilakukan oleh (sever & balgi, 2006) pasangan yang menikah dengan walian tondo (turun ranjang) cukup sulit di lakukan. kesulitannya terjadi karena adanya kebingungan peranya itu perubahan peran dari adik ipar berubah menjadi istri sehingga penyesuaian yang di lakukan berbeda dengan pernikahan pada umumnya .jika harapan peran tidak terpenuhi maka akan menimbulkan konflik dan mengakibatkan penyesuaian perkawinan buruk. penyesuaian keluarga pasangan juga memiliki pengaruh besar dalam menentukan keberhasilan pasangan dalam melakukan penyesuaian perkawinan terutama pada pasangan walian tondro karena pasangan harus beradaptasi kembali dengan anak tiri, mertua, ipar laki-laki, ipar perempuan (hurlock, 1999). salah satu bentuk perkawinan ganti istri atau perkawinan wlian tondo (turun ranjang). perkawinan walian tondo (turun ranjang), turun atau naik ranjang pada desa waode buri kecamatan kulisusu merupakan suatu perkawinan yang disebabkan oleh istri meninggal, maka suami menikah lagi dengan kakak atau adik wanita dari istri yang telah wafat (hadi kusuma, 1987). ada beberapa alasan yang mendasari terjadinya perkawinan walian tondo (turun ranjang) yaitu agar istri pengganti dapat memberikan keturunan untuk penerus keluarga dan apabila sudah memiliki keturunan agar anak atau kemanakan dapat diurus dan diasuh dengan baik. alasan lain seseorang melakukan perkawinan kembali dengan walian tondo (turun ranjang) adalah untuk menjalani kembali system kekerabatan oleh kedua keluarga dari perkawinan terdahulu (hadi kusuma, 1987) dalam penelitian yang dilakukan oleh syafiriadi (2010) juga menambahkan bahwa perkawinan walian tondo (turun ranjang) dilakukan karena permintaan keluarga atau wasiat dari istri yang meninggal untuk menikahi saudaranya. berdasarkan hasil wawancara di atas terlihat jelas bahwa perkawinan walian tondo (turun ranjang) terjadi bukan bersal dari keinginan pasangan, tetapi karena alasan anak dan permintaan dari keluarga. umumnya alasan seseorang memutuskan untuk menikah, issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis pelaksanaan perkawinan walian tondo (turunan raja) berdasarkan hukum adat page 135 apabila adanya perasaan saling menyukai dan karena adanya suatu kedekatan emosional yang terjadi pada pasangannya. masing-masing keluarga pasangan sudah saling mengenal satu sama lain. sehingga ketika perkawinan itu terjadi, maka pasangan walian tondro (turun ranjang) tidak mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukan adaptasi kembali dengan keluarga pasangan. kondisi ini memberikan kemudahan bagi pasangan walian tondro (turun ranjang) dalam melakukan penyesuaian dengan kelurga. penyesuaian perkawinan sangat penting dilakukan karena menentukan pasangan suami istri dalam mencapai suatu kebahagiaan dalam perkawinan. menurut atwater dan duffy (1999) kebahagiaan perkawinan tergantung pada apa yang terjadi saat pasangan memasuki kehidupan perkawinan yakni seberapa besar kecocokan dan kesesuaian antara suami dan istri. menurut hurlock (1999) salah satu penyesuaian diri dalam perkawinan adalah penyesuaian dengan pasangan. penyesuaian dengan pasangan adalah masalah yang palik pokok yang dihadapi oleh pasangan yang baru menikah. penyesuaian yang baik yaitu bagaimana pasangan suami dan istri berhubungan dengan mesra dan saling memberi dan menerima cinta. ditambah lagi mengenai bagaimana konsep peran suami dan istri dalam menentukan sebuah keputusan. dalam perkawinan walian tondro (turun ranjang) kadang timbul permasalahan yakni kebingungan peran dari suami maupun istri. dahulu istri merupakan adik ipar kemudian berubah menjadi seorang istri menggantikan peran dari perkawinan sebelumnya sehingga dibutuhkan penyesuaian yang berbeda dengan pasangan yang menikah secara umum. perkawianan walian tondro (turun ranjang) seorang suami wajib memperlakukan istri sama halnya dengan istri dalam pernikahan terdahulu. pada faktanya ada juga suami yang tidak menerapkan kesetaraan tersebut yang akhirnya menimbulkan masalah dalam rumah tangga perkawinan hasil walian tondro (turun ranjang). masalah lainnya adalah penyesuaian sikap yang sudah terbiasa dengan panggilan adik ipar ataupun kakak ipar menjadi istri dan suami dan hal ini memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama agar terbiasa sebagai suami istri. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis pelaksanaan perkawinan walian tondo (turunan raja) berdasarkan hukum adat page 136 penyesuaian perkawinan walian tondro (turun ranjang), penyesuaian seksual menjadi salah satu faktor penting keberhasialan perkawinan walian tondro (turun ranjang), ini disebabkan karena pihak istri dilanda kecemburuan terhadap pernikahan suami yang sebelumnya. oleh karena itu penyesuaian seksual ini juga penting demi keberlangsungan rumah tangga hasil perkawinan waliuan tondro (turun ranjang). d. penutup adapun kesimpulan dari uraian pada pembahasan yang telah di jelaskan pada bab sebelumnya adalah sebgai berikut: 1. pelaksanaan perkawinan walian tondro (turun ranjang) berdasarkan hukum adat kulisusu di desa waode buri kecamatan kulisusu utara, bisa terjadi apabila sebagai berikut: a. sudah ada kesepakatan dari suami dan istri ketika istri masih hidup, bahwa ketika saya (istri) meninggal maka kamu (suami) harus menikah dengan adik perempuanku sebagai pengganti ibu dari anak-anak kita dan hal ini harus diketahui disepakati bersama oleh keluarga kedua bela pihak. dalam artian harus ada wasiat dari istri. b. setelah disetujui maka kedua belah pihak akan melaksanakan walian tondro (kawin ranjang). c. akad nikah ulang sesuai akad nikah yang ada (islam) d. resepsi pernikahan. 2. ada beberapa alasan yang mendasari terjadinya perkawinan walian tondro (turun ranjang) yaitu agar istri pengganti dapat memberikan keturunan untuk sebagai penerus keluarga. apabila sudah memiliki keturunan dari istri pertama maka anak tersebut dapat di rawat oleh oleh adik yang menjadi istri kedua suami almarhum tersebut. alasan lain seseorang melakukan perkawianan walian tondro (turun ranjang) adalah untuk menjalin hubungan kekerabatan oleh kedua keluarga dari perkawinan pertama. daftar pustaka achmad kuzari, 1995. nikah sebagai perikatan. pt raja grafindo persada. jakarta. ahmad 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islam kitab undang-undang hukum perdata jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 2, june 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 118 the constitutional court function of the indonesian state concerning system for the implementation impeachment of the president and/or vice president h muhamad rezky pahlawan mp abstract author’s information: impeachment is an accusation or indictment of the president or another country's high officials from his position. impeachment is not new in the history of indonesian constitution, but the change in the constitution has caused a change in the constitutional system as well as related to the mechanism of the dismissal of the president and / or vice president. how is the impeachment reviewed globally, the history of impeachment in indonesia and the implementation of impeachment in other countries, the impeachment process of the president according to the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. the process of impeachment in indonesia after changing the constitution goes through three stages, namely impeachment in the house of representatives, the court the constitution, and the people's consultative assembly. keywords: impeachment, constitutional court, government faculty of law, universitas pamulang, indonesia (rezkymustikaputra@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/ 10.35326/volkgeist.v4i2.496 1. introduction before the amendment to the 1945 constitution the regulation on indonesia as a rule of law was contained in an explanation that said "indonesia is a state based on law (rechtsstaat), not based on mere power (machtsstaat)". from this regulation it can be understood that the state including the government and other state institutions in carrying out any action whether it is their responsibility or obligation, or their rights or authority, must refer to the applicable legal rules or in other words must be legally accountable. "the definition of the rule of law proposed by muktiar'as, is a state whose structure is regulated as well as possible in the law, so that all powers of the instruments of government are based on law. people must not take actions that are against the law.(ranadireksa, 2009) in indonesia the case of dismissal of the president and / or vice president follows a mixed process, namely the political process and the "previlegiatum forum." the people through political judgment and decisions. whereas the previlegiatum forum is in a special court system, namely the constitutional court, which is essentially a violation of the law specified in the constitution with a legal ruling. the court forum (previlegiatum forum) is needed because it is not possible to try these officials in an ordinary court so that the court can proceed fairly and impartially. the dismissal of the president and / or vice president is a special mechanism which is certainly expected to only occur in exceptional cases, or even is expected to never occur. a president and / or vice president is a central figure of a country who, of course, is expected to never violate the law. however, if the violation occurs, the president and / or vice president must still be legally responsible. mailto:rezkymustikaputra@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i2.496 jurnal hukum volkgeist h muhamad rezky pahlawan. 4(2): 118-127 119 the period of indonesia's transition to a democratic ideal is one of the processes that has become an important stage of indonesia's development. one aspect that is part of the process of indonesia's transition to democratic ideals is a change in the state administration which includes the process of changing the indonesian constitution in 1945 (the 1945 constitution). the 1945 constitution has undergone fundamental changes from the first amendment in 1999 to the fourth amendment in 2002. in article 83 paragraph (1), (2) and (3) of law number 24 year 2003 concerning the constitutional court. republic of indonesia. (asshiddiqie, 2003) : (1) if the constitutional court is of the opinion that the application does not meet the requirements referred to in article 80, the ruling states that the application cannot be accepted. (2) if the constitutional court decides that the president and / or vice president are proven to have violated the law in the form of treason against the state, corruption, bribery, other serious crimes, or despicable acts and / or is proven that the president and / or vice president no longer meets the requirements as president and / or vice president, the verdict states that it justifies the opinion of the dpr. (3) if the constitutional court decides that the president and / or vice president are not proven to have violated the law in the form of treason against the state, corruption, bribery, other serious crimes, or despicable acts and / or are not proven that the president and / or vice president are no longer fulfilling the requirements of president and / or vice president, the verdict states that the application is rejected. if you look a little at the history of indonesian state administration with regard to the impeachment of the dismissal of president abdurrahman wahid, it is seen that it is only based on political interests, starting with the non-acceptance of explanations conveyed by the president in the first and second memorandum in the case of buloggate and bruneigate, which finally made the president take political action with issued a presidential decree declaring the dissolution of parliament and will soon hold a general election, the decree finally made members of the parliament accelerate the third memorandum with the agenda of revoking the president's mandate, when referring to mpr decree number iii / mpr / 1978, the dismissal of president abdurrahman wahid did not fully follow the existing rules, the dismissal is impressed only against the presidential decree, so that the mechanism that has been arranged is not implemented as it should. issues relating to this impeachment still require some more in-depth research, especially relating to whether the impeachment process is subject to the principles and principles contained in criminal law and criminal procedure, or should a separate procedural law be prepared? ; the relation between the impeachment process and the principle of nebis in idem in criminal law; the relation between the impeachment process and the principle of equality before the law; and the relation between the impeachment process and the principle of supremacy of law. 2. method this research is a normative legal research (normative juridical), which is a research conducted and aimed at written legislation and various literature relating to the problems in the article. the research in this article was carried out with an inventory of positive law relating to law in the field of state administrative law concerning the impeachment of the president (impeachment). the data used in this thesis research are secondary data. the secondary data referred to are legal books, magazines, scientific jurnal hukum volkgeist h muhamad rezky pahlawan. 4(2): 118-127 120 papers or other books related to this article. such as legal seminars, magazines, related scientific papers and several sources from internet sites related to the above problem. as for the method of data collection using the method (library research), namely conducting research with various reading sources such as: legislation, books, magazines, internet, scholars opinions and other materials related to the formulation of the problem that the author has determined. secondary data that have been obtained are then analyzed qualitatively in a qualitative way to address the problems in this paper. 3. finding and result impeachment as a monitoring and enforcement system in a presidential system of government as a means of oversight of the president which is often used by the parliament and opposition politicians to provide an oversight and provide a threat to the person who will commit an offense. the term impeachment comes from the word "to impeach", which means to hold accountable. if the charges are proven, then the penalty is removal from office, or dismissal from office. in other words, the word "impeachment" itself is not a termination, but only a prosecution based on violations of the law committed. therefore, said charles l. black, "strictly speaking, 'impeachment' means 'accusating' or 'charge'." that is, "the word impeachment in indonesian can be interpreted as an indictment or accusation". (asshiddiqie, 2007) thus it is clear that an impeachment process or impeachment is an indictment of a system given to public officials in this case the president and / or vice president to overthrow his position because he has committed gross violations and things that are not justified by the regulations -invitation. through its five constitutional authorities, the constitutional court oversees the undang-undang dasar 1945 in order to realize the ideals of the rule of law and a democratic state. (fadjar, 2006) with the imposition of additional criminal sanctions in the form of revocation of the right to vote and be elected in public office against perpetrators of criminal acts of corruption will be able to give rise to what is the goal of punishment, namely the retaliation and deterrent effect. (amrullah, 2017) 3.1. understanding impeachment and its application in indonesia in accordance with the undang-undang dasar 1945. the existence of reforms, led to the amendment of the 1945 constitution so that it also automatically changed the indonesian constitutional system. amendments to the 1945 constitution have also regulated the mechanism for dismissing the president and / or vice president. if we look at the history of impeachment in indonesia. before the amendment to the constitution 1945, the mprs dismissed president soekarno, namely the political process in parliament was carried out first and then the legal process in court. although it was never carried out by president sukarno it was another matter, but the 1967 mpr decree number xxxiii clearly determined that after sukarno became an ordinary citizen then the legal process would be settled in court. after the amendment to the undang-undang dasar 1945, the mechanism of impeachment of the president and / or vice president is carried out according to the undang-undang dasar 1945. the political process and legal proceedings proceed at the same time as the flow determined by the constitution. which is, the opinion of the dpr must first go through the previlegiatum forum in the constitutional court in order to maintain the position of president and / or vice president which can be dismissed on subjective grounds. after a constitutional court ruling verifies the opinion of the dpr, the court then returns it to the dpr to be proposed / not proposed to the mpr. jurnal hukum volkgeist h muhamad rezky pahlawan. 4(2): 118-127 121 in the context of the use of impeachment in a legal process in indonesia, this can be interpreted in terms of an activity in violation of the law, which is not only due to an interpretation of the political dynamics that arise. nevertheless, in practice the implementation of the impeachment institution is aimed not only at the power of the president and / or vice president as head of state or head of government but at every level of position in the structure of state government both in the form of a presidential system and in parliamentary government systems.(soimin, 2009) in a state order where each state regulates a process and mechanism of impeachment that might be possible in a history of the state. considering that there are no humans who are perfect in leading so mistakes can occur in the process of leading the state. impeachment can happen to anyone and any country because this is a legitimate mechanism and system and there must be regulation in each country for the sake of creating legal certainty and legal order. provisions regarding the impeachment of the president and / or vice president are usually regulated in the constitution used by a country. the description of the reasons that can justify the implementation of the impeachment and how the mechanism of the impeachment is carried out is generally explained in the constitution. this is because impeachment is an important and crucial part in a country's state administration system. that is why in almost all democratic countries the provisions regarding the impeachment are clearly and explicitly regulated in the constitution.(asshiddiqie, 2010) the implementation of the impeachment that occurred during the leadership of the old order, the new order and even the reforms have not been in accordance with the provisions contained in the constitution of the state of indonesia, such as first president ir soekarno, second president jend (retired) soeharto and kh abdurahman wahid which in the context of impeachment that has been happened at that time not yet in accordance with the rules of correct application. the impeachment that occurred at that time still prioritized the political factor towards the intervention of the authorities in the government circle where there was so much pressure and dynamism of the political aspects that this political factor made it a process of continuing impeachment. indeed, we know in advance that impeachment or impeachment is a mechanism of indictment of the mistakes of state officials in this case the president and / or vice president in the context of criminal or prime violations both in terms of betrayal of the state, scandal, corruption and others in accordance with statutory regulations laws that apply. this makes a problem difficult because there is an uncertainty in the process of implementing law enforcement, even though we know that in the context of law enforcement, it must prioritize the principles of legality and honesty in all actions that can occur to every state official. the excitement of different perceptions between president abdurahman wahid and the house of representatives regarding the reasons for his dismissal prompted the eyes of the mpr to immediately form an institution that could resolve fairly if such a dispute occurred in the future. president abdurahman wahid was dropped in the special session of the people's consultative assembly because it was considered to have seriously violated the direction of the state, while the president considered that the basis used by the people's consultative assembly was not strong and unconstitutional. (marwan, 2004) in the undang-undang dasar 1945 in which it regulates the forms and systems of the state that describe the indonesian government system is adhering to a presidential system, the executive institution is held by the president as the head of the state as well as the head of government, although in the historical period of the indonesian jurnal hukum volkgeist h muhamad rezky pahlawan. 4(2): 118-127 122 constitution the president did not play a role as he should , although indonesia adheres to presidential governmental systems often applying them like a parliamentary government system. the position of president is only a symbol of the head of state. in a parliamentary system, the prime minister can imply an impeachment, but that is through a mechanism of no-confidence motion by the parliament which is often based solely on political reasons. with the wrong system and implementation so that impeachment during the era of the old order, the new order and even reforms are not in accordance with the status of grund gesetz in indonesia is the undang-undang dasar 1945. the dismissal process can only be carried out after a constitutional process is preceded through the constitutional court (mk) which will examine, try and decide upon the dpr's opinion that the president and / or vice president have committed violations of the law in the form of betrayal of the state, corruption, bribery, other serious crimes , misconduct, or no longer qualify as president and / or vice president. the possibility of dismissal of the president and / or vice president during his term of office by the people's consultative assembly on the proposal of the dpr is technically referred to as impeachment. the dismissal of president abdurrahman wahid was seen as only grounded in political interests, beginning with the lack of acceptance of the explanation given by the president in the first and second memorandums in the case of buloggate and bruneigate, which finally led the president to take political action by issuing a presidential decree declaring the dissolution of parliament and immediately holding general elections, the decree finally made members of the dpr accelerate the third memorandum with an agenda to revoke the mandate of the president, when referring to mpr decree number iii / mpr / 1978, the dismissal of president abdurrahman wahid did not fully follow the existing rules, the dismissal seemed to be only against presidential decree, so that the mechanism that has been arranged is not implemented as it should. the dismissal of president sukarno and president abdurrahman wahid showed that the legal basis, reasons and mechanism for dismissing the president were unclear, so that the dismissal of the president was based on the subjective views and judgments of members of the dpr, so that the mpr could dismiss the president at any time without a clear reason. during the period of re-enactment of the undang-undang dasar 1945 until the resignation of president soekarno in 1967 during the leadership of the old order, arrangements for impeachment were still not made as clearly as it is today. the impeachment process during president soekarno's leadership did not go through the due process of law but only through a quick mechanism where there was a withdrawal of the mandate by the provisional people's consultative assembly (mprs) through mprs decree number xxxiii / mprs / 1967 where in the motion it was said that the majority of the members could not accept a responsibility of president soekarno which was explained at the time, which he named nawaksara, regarding the causes of the g 30s / pki incident. so that impeachment at that time was still far from the correct juridical foundation in accordance with the proper implementation of state administration law. another example also occurred in the era of kh abdurahman wahid's leadership where in its implementation again there was a process that was passed regarding the impeachment of the president at that time, where there was a provision that was not fully obeyed by members of the people's consultative assembly when conducting impeachment of president kh abdurrahman wahid. because, at that time the majority of mpr members gave their political views related to the jurnal hukum volkgeist h muhamad rezky pahlawan. 4(2): 118-127 123 interpretation that the mpr could make an accelerated memorandum when there were coercive circumstances but the coercive conditions here were even multiple interpretations so that legal certainty was still biased and gray. however, what is real is "that the mpr can dismiss the president from his position at any time (right hem op elk gewenst moment solitude) or can impose a dismissal sentence (op straffe van ontslag)". (mahendra, 1996) 3.2. mechanism of impeachment according to article 7a of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia republic of indonesia amendments and implications the impeachment process is the implementation of the dpr's oversight function which according to the constitution must go through the constitutional court. therefore, the applicant in the impeachment case is the dpr itself which asks for opinions that have been decided according to political mechanisms. in article 2 paragraph 1 of the constitutional court regulation (pmk) number 21 of 2009 concerning guidelines for procedure in deciding dpr opinions regarding alleged violations by the president and / vice president it is said that the party requesting the constitutional court's decision on the dpr's opinion is the dpr represented by the dpr leadership who can appoint his attorney. so the conclusion is not arbitrary members of parliament who can submit applications to the court. then in article 2 paragraph 2 pmk no.21 of 2009 explained about who is the party requested in the case of impeachment namely "is the president and / or vice president who can be accompanied and / or represented by their legal counsel". (abdul latif, 2009). furthermore article 24c of the nri constitution gives authority to the constitutional court as a previelegiantum forum justice to prove the dpr's allegations of violations of the president relating to certain legal violations and the fulfillment of conditions as president and / or vice president. certain acts as referred to in article 7a contain the character of criminal juridical aspects, so they are also subject to the principles of criminal law in general. one of the principles that appears in the formulation of article 7a is the principle of formal legality as well as the principle of material legality. the application of formal legality principles appears in the categorization of several criminal acts regulated in the criminal code, such as betrayal of the state, and serious criminal offenses, as well as non-criminal offenses regulated outside the criminal code, such as corruption, bribery and other serious criminal offenses. the reason for impeachment based on no longer fulfilling the conditions as president and or vice president is based on two categories: a. the reason for impeachment is because the requirements of the president and or vice president are not fulfilled as stipulated in article 6 paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, namely: 1) indonesian citizens since their birth and have never received another nationality of their own accord, 2 ) have never betrayed the country, and 3) are able spiritually and physically to carry out their duties and obligations as president and or vice president. b. the reason for impeachment is because the requirements of the president and or vice president are not fulfilled as stipulated by the law on election of president and or vice president. in brief, the impeachment procedure can be described as follows; first, the termination proposal can be submitted by the parliament to the mpr only by first jurnal hukum volkgeist h muhamad rezky pahlawan. 4(2): 118-127 124 submitting a request to the court to examine, hear, and decide upon the opr's opinion that the president violates the provisions contained in article 7 a of the 1945 constitution. submitting a dpr's request to the mk can only be done with the support at least 2/3 of the total number of dpr members present at the plenary session which is attended by at least 2/3 of the total dpr members. (isra, 2007)). as explained earlier, the 1945 constitution prior to the amendment, although not explicitly and completely, has stipulated the provisions regarding the dismissal of the president and / vice president during his term of office. these provisions are regulated in the elucidation of the 1945 constitution. part vii elucidation of the 1945 constitution states: "if the dpr considers that the president has truly violated the state guidelines set by the constitution, or by the mpr, the dpr may be invited to conduct a special session, in order to hold the president accountable for his actions. however, as expressed by denny indrayana, there is no regulation in any part of the 1945 constitution which explicitly states that the consequence of the special session is the removal of the president. further arrangements regarding the authority of the mpr to dismiss the president during his term of office are stipulated in the mpr decree. the mpr's tap is the tap. mpr number iii / mpr.1978 concerning position and working relations of state higher institutions. in article 4 tap. the mpr is regulated regarding the power of the mpr to remove the president from his position before the end of his term of office, in the event that the president violates the state policy. subsequent dismissal procedures are also regulated in tap. mpr governing the composition and position of the mpr. in accordance with article 7a of the 1945 constitution, there are only two groups of reasons for the dismissal of the president and / or vice president that the dpr can ask the court to decide whether the dpr's opinion is true or not, namely the reason for violating the law or no longer fulfilling the requirements of president and / or vice president . the reason for violating the law was determined limitatively by the 1945 constitution, namely only in violation of the law in the form of betrayal of the state, corruption, bribery, other serious crimes, or despicable acts. the court's decision on the dpr's opinion consisted of three possibilities. first, the court's decision states that an application cannot be accepted if the application does not meet the requirements. second, the decision of the constitutional court's decision states that it justifies the opinion of the dpr if the president and / or vice president are proven to have carried out the alleged actions. third, the decision of the constitutional court's decision states that the petition is rejected if the president and / or vice president are not proven to have carried out the alleged actions. the existence of reforms, led to the amendment of the 1945 constitution so that it also automatically changed the indonesian constitutional system. amendments to the 1945 constitution have also regulated the mechanism for dismissing the president and / or vice president. if we look at the history of impeachment in indonesia. before the amendment to the 1945 constitution, the mprs dismissed president soekarno, namely the political process in parliament was carried out first and then the legal process in court. although it was never carried out by president sukarno it was another matter, but the 1967 mpr decree number xxxiii clearly determined that after sukarno became an ordinary citizen then the legal process would be settled in court. the separation of the provisions above can be argued that, the constitutional court has authority over the four powers granted in paragraph (1). whereas the provision governing the obligations of the constitutional court is to decide upon the opinion of the dpr as stated in paragraph (2). the constitutional court, according to jurnal hukum volkgeist h muhamad rezky pahlawan. 4(2): 118-127 125 article 7b and article 24c, has the authority not only to examine the law against the constitution but also includes. (md, 2010) a. testing of laws against the constitution; b. to adjudicate authority disputes between state institutions whose authority is granted by the constitution c. decide upon the dissolution of political parties d. checking and resolving disputes over election results. e. since the promulgation of law no. 12 in 2008, the constitutional court was given new authority, namely to examine and decide upon disputes over the results of regional head elections. the obligation to decide upon the opinion of the dpr that the president and / or vice president has committed certain violations according to the constitution and / or the president and / or vice president no longer meets the requirements. to clarify the impeachment context that will occur as well as the implications, the higher is given the impeachment proposal submitted by the parliament to the constitutional court could end with the following three possibilities: first, the constitutional court refuses or cannot accept the dpr's opinion / proposal on impeachment. as a result, the impeachment process cannot proceed to the special session of the mpr; secondly, the constitutional court confirmed the dpr's opinion or proposal on impeachment, then the mpr held a special session of the mpr which ended with the dismissal of the president; third, the court confirmed the opinion or proposal of the dpr regarding impeachment, but the special session of the mpr decided not to dismiss the president. (siahaan, 2005). that the decision of the constitutional court is final and binding. this basis in relation to the authority to examine the law against the constitution, to decide on disputes over the authority of state institutions whose authority is given by the basic law, to decide upon the dissolution of political parties and to decide disputes about the results of general elections or obligations in deciding the opinion of the dpr, the decision of the constitutional court are final and legally binding. the impeachment of the vice president is not only due to political reasons or mechanisms, but also through legal mechanisms. the legal mechanism referred to in article 7b of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia is through a process in the constitutional court. the constitutional court is now making constitutional court regulation (pmk) no. 21 of 2009 concerning the procedures for the impeachment of the president and vice president, so that here it increases the difficulty of impeachment of vice president boediono. so, the constitutional court regulation (pmk) was made to avoid the politicization that occurred in the dpr, because the constitutional court is a special court that assesses whether the president and vice president can be dropped or not. the constitutional court can overthrow or actually save the president and or the vice president. in the case of impeachment of the president and / or vice president the impeachment process can be carried out, it does not have to wait for the criminal law process to finish, because impeachment is a domain of state law that is different from the realm of criminal law which adjudicates the alleged abuse of authority and criminal acts of corruption. if the dpr wants and decides to propose impeachment to the constitutional court before law enforcement officials prove guilty, the constitutional court can accept and decide whether or not guilty. the verdict is only wrong or not, without punishment, or the sentence handed down to the mpr in the form of impeachment. likewise, if the legal process proves boediono guilty but the dpr does not propose impeachment, the constitutional court still cannot impeach. so, jurnal hukum volkgeist h muhamad rezky pahlawan. 4(2): 118-127 126 impeachment in this reform era by adopting a different constitutional system, because the constitution is different. when president abdurrahman wahid was impeached the constitutional basis was the 1945 constitution which allowed a president to be easily impeached, so that president abdurrahman wahid's fall was purely due to political times and not through the legal process. the current impeachment with the 1945 amendment (the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia) impeachment is more difficult, so it is very difficult to bring down the current and future president, due to the long mechanism in achieving it. so, the impeachment stage through the political process was continued which was then continued with the legal process then the political process returned. the stages of the impeachment process require a long time, the political process requires a long time and the legal process requires a long time. therefore, there is a need for a process of refinement and explanation as well as a clear but uncomplicated mechanism so that from the reformation era to bj habibie's leadership to president soesilo bambang yudhoyono and or vice president boediono to the present presoden joko widodo and kh ma'ruf amin must focus more and ratify all legislation that is still unclear, including in the context of the impeachment. 4. conclusion the dismissal of the president and / or vice president is a special mechanism which is certainly expected to only occur in cases according to the article 7a & 7b of the constitution or even expected to never occur. a president and / or vice president is a central figure of a country who, of course, is expected to never violate the law. however, if the violation occurs, the president and / or vice president must still be legally responsible. the initial mechanism of the dismissal process starts from the authority of the house of representatives (dpr) by using the right to express opinion. in relation to this right is due to the supervisory function given to the dpr. the juridical process of following up the opinion of the dpr by first asking the constitutional court to examine, hear, and decide whether or not the dpr's income could lead to a president who had only been through a political process has now become a legal process. then with the previlegiatum forum is how the opinion of the dpr which is an opinion of a political statement becomes a legal opinion according to the constitution article 7a & 7b. this is intended as a consequence of the indonesian constitutional system which adheres to the principle of rule of law. the existence of the decision of the constitutional court then the opinion of the dpr has become a legal opinion. the impeachment process of the president and / or vice president uses 2 (two) processes, namely the political process in the dpr and mpr institutions, and the previlegiatum forum process in the constitutional court with the dpr-mk-dpr-mpr channel. final decision making should rest with the judiciary, that is, the constitutional court. this is intended to minimize problems with the mechanism for dismissing the president and / or vice president. so, the mpr only needs to dismiss the president and / or vice president. in the subsequent amendments to the 1945 constitution, this mechanism of dismissal should only use the term "impeachment". the process of dismissing the president and / or vice president is commonly called impeachment or impeachment. the word impeachment is the process of dismissing state officials. acknowledgments thanks to my parents, my wife and my daughter who always pray and support imatril. thanks to the dean of the faculty of law and head of the law study program university of 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(2009). impeachment presiden dan wakil presiden di indonesia. uii press. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 1, december 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 70 state relations, human rights and welfare: commercial standardization criticism of goods and services suwardi1, slamet riyanto2 abstract author’s information: trade is the primary driver of development carried out to advance the general welfare as the goal of the country. the state as the executor of economic sovereignty is required to regulate the implementation of trade with due regard for human rights, including the right to obtain welfare. law no. 7 of 2014 concerning trade-in force currently contains immoral material, namely provisions regarding the standardization of goods and services, as well as provisions concerning criminal acts related to the standardization. for this reason, it is necessary for the politics of legal development to amend trade laws by not including norms of standardization obligations, and to eliminate criminal threats for trading activities. keywords: trade; standardization; goods and services; welfare law department universitas muhammadiyah kotabumi, indonesia law department universitas muhammadiyah kotabumi, indonesia (1suwardi.amri@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i1.448 1. introduction every citizen has the right to develop themselves and try to improve their standard of living by carrying out business activities or economic activities that are following their respective abilities. naturally, humans are equipped by god with the intelligence of their minds to maintain and develop their lives under the goals of life that have been determined by each human being. therefore, each citizen has different abilities or expertise, so that his development to meet the needs of his life results in various professions. the history of human development gives rise to the different fields of life whose purpose is to make it easier for humans to meet their needs, both physical and mental. these fields of life develop in harmony with the development of human-owned science. various kinds of knowledge have been found and created by humans to make it easier to manage the environment and its resources to meet the needs of human life. one area related to human efforts to meet basic needs for life is the economic field. the term economy comes from greek origin, which is said to be 'oikosnamos' or 'oikonomia,' which means management of household affairs, specifically the provision and administration of income (satradipoera, 2001). from this understanding, it can be interpreted that the core of the economy is a matter of household affairs. important household matters, namely, regarding the needs of the household to meet the necessities of life for household members. household needs are grouped into three types of needs, namely: primary needs, secondary needs, and tertiary needs. to meet all these needs, humans carry out economic activities with various types of economic ventures. economic activities are carried out by economic actors, both people, and companies, continuously, openly, in order to obtain profits (hartono, 2007). every citizen has the right to benefit both materially and immaterially from every economic activity he undertakes. these benefits will be used to develop themselves and their lives in order to achieve their life goals for prosperity and happiness. mailto:suwardi.amri@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.448 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.448 jurnal hukum volkgeist suwardi. 4(1): 70-81 71 the right to improve the standard of living of human beings should be protected and guaranteed for implementation by the state as part of human rights. this is a consequence of the formation of the state, which is the result of the existence of a community agreement, which states the agreement to live together in order to achieve common goals. in general, the purpose of the state, which is the vision of the state, is to create prosperity, prosperity, and happiness for its citizens (bonum publicum, the common good, commonwealth) (ismatullah & gatara, 2006). therefore, the state should provide legal protection and guarantees for its citizens to strive to create prosperity, prosperity, and happiness in their lives. the state, to realize its intended purpose, has the authority to determine the applicable law in its territory. therefore, a constitution is determined as the highest law in a country that regulates the principles of state life. in general, the material constitution or constitution includes three fundamental things, namely (sri, 1987): 1. guarantees of human rights and citizens, 2. stipulation of state constitution of a fundamental nature, 3. there are division and limitation of constitutional tasks, which are also fundamental. the guarantee of protection of human rights provided by the constitution must prevail indeed in the actions of the state. the state is taking action or policy, as well as in issuing laws and regulations, must pay attention to human rights. there must be no action by the state authorities or regulations issued by the state, which can reduce or violate human rights. if this happens, citizens have the right to file a lawsuit in court for acts of the state that violate human rights. even so, if some laws and regulations are felt by citizens to reduce or violate human rights, then citizens have the right to submit a judicial review of legislation that violates these human rights. the law is a product of the dpr as the holder of legislative powers, with the joint agreement of the president as the executive power holder. the material contained in the law contains rules to regulate the matters mandated by the constitution. therefore, the material in the law must not conflict with the material regulated in the constitution. one of the primary materials in the constitution is the guarantee of protection of human rights. therefore, the law cannot conflict with human rights. laws that conflict with human rights can be said to be immoral. regulations that are not good or are not true because they conflict with excellent and right values for humans. immoral rules will undoubtedly harm human life. in order to avoid immoral laws, the law-making process must be carried out well. the law must have a strong philosophical foundation derived from the nation's ideology and noble values that live in society. the law must also be based on a strong sociological foundation so that its effectiveness will be sufficient. the concept of indonesian law in economic activities is in the context of achieving a just and prosperous society based on pancasila, the pancasila family economic concept, and the people's economic concept to defend the interests of the people (hartono, 2007). , development in the economic field is compiled and implemented to advance public welfare through the implementation of economic democracy with the principles of togetherness, fair efficiency, sustainable, environmentally friendly, independent, and by maintaining a balance of progress and national economic unity as mandated by the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. from the perspective of national development, trade is the primary driver of the national economy. indonesia's national trade reflects a series of economic activities jurnal hukum volkgeist suwardi. 4(1): 70-81 72 carried out to realize public welfare and social justice for all indonesian people. trade activities are the primary driver of national economic development that provides support in increasing production, creating jobs, increasing exports and foreign exchange, leveling income, and strengthening the competitiveness of domestic products in the national interest. indonesia's national trade as the prime mover of the economy is economic activity related to the transactions of goods and services carried out by business actors, both within the country and beyond national borders. considering the importance of trade for the national economy, it is necessary to legislate that it can realize the ideals of national development as stipulated in the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. one indicator of economic growth is the gross domestic product (gdp). gdp is an indicator of economic welfare in a country and can be a reference to measure people's welfare as measured by the level of income (income). then the more a country's exports increase, the people's income will also increase. however, in the current era of the open economy, at the same time, the flow of imports will also increase, which in measuring economic growth, increasing the value of imports will have an impact on gdp decline. therefore, trade liberalization of a country, on the one hand, will encourage an increase in the value of trade, but on the other hand, it will affect the trade balance. increasingly open trade policies, as implemented by indonesia today, have increased the risk of external shocks to the domestic economy, particularly to the welfare of the indonesian people (sabaruddin, 2015). the current trade policy is regulated in law number 7 of 2014 concerning trade. the regulation in this act aims to enhance national economic growth and is based on the principles of national interest, legal certainty, fair and healthy, business security, accountable and transparent, independence, partnership, benefits, simplicity, togetherness, and environmentally friendly. whether this law is following the mandate of the constitution, and whether the material content does not contain something immoral, is a question that needs to be known and analyzed from a legal perspective. that is the problem that will be discussed in this paper. 2. methods in order to analyze the above problem, an approach will be used by analyzing the relationship between state authorities and human rights in the economic field, specifically related to trade in goods and services. for this reason, a doctrinal approach to theories and concepts about the state and human rights will be used, as well as a content analysis approach, by analyzing the contents of law no. 7 of 2014 concerning trade. the results of the analysis are outlined in writing in the form of a paper adapted to the writing format in the scientific journal. 3. result and discussion 3.1 relations between the state authority and human rights in the economic field if it is related to the role of the state in carrying out people's welfare, then the types of states can be divided into two types of countries, namely the classic welfare state and the modern welfare state. the classical welfare state, also known as the police state (polizei staat), is a typical state whose only duty is to maintain public order or what is known as the "night watch state." countries with the type of country as a night watchman, then the existence of the state only serves to maintain order and public security and maintain the safety of the country from attacks by other countries. in this type of country, the state does not intervene in carrying out community welfare, such as providing health jurnal hukum volkgeist suwardi. 4(1): 70-81 73 services, education, and employment. citizens determine their own needs for the welfare of the people themselves (asnawa & na’a, 2009). the other type of welfare state is the modern welfare state or often referred to as the "prosperous state" (wohlfaart staats, welvaar-staats, modern welfare state). type of modern welfare state or referred to as "modern state." according to piet thoenes (asnawa & na’a, 2009), a welfare state is a country marked by progress towards a democratic welfare system that must be carried out by the government. the modern welfare state is characterized by the active role of the state in organizing public welfare (bestuurzorg), which also has a role in maintaining the order and security of citizens. the active role of the state in carrying out public welfare, among others, is carried out by providing public services in order to realize the goals of the state namely the prosperity and welfare of the people (bonum publicum), not only for the welfare of individuals (bonum privatum) (busroh, 2011). the modern welfare state by e. utrecht is referred to by using the term "modern rechtstaat" (modern law state). this type of country prioritizes the interests of all people, no longer refers to the teachings of immanuel kant regarding the prohibition for the state to interfere in public life and public welfare. the task of a country with a modern welfare state is comprehensive. the active involvement of the government in all aspects of social life brings a "enorme uitbow van de sociale wetgevings" and a "enorme groei van het administratieve recht". the government as a public service is bestuurzorg, so that actions in carrying out activities to interfere in all lines or fields of social life are legal-legitimate (utrecht, 1960). more concretely, the main objectives of the welfare state are (panjaitan, 2010): 1. controlling and utilizing socioeconomic resources for the public benefit; 2. ensuring the distribution of wealth fairly and equally; 3. reducing poverty; 4. providing social insurance (education and health) for the poor; 5. provide subsidies for essential social services for disadvantaged people; 6. providing social protection for each citizen. in the life of the state, the constitution is considered the highest level of the law, the purpose of the constitution is also to realize the highest goals, namely (asshiddiqie, 2010): justice, order, and the realization of ideal values such as freedom or freedom, and shared prosperity (prosperity and welfare). the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia post reforms contains more provisions on the economy and social welfare. thus, it can be said that the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia is not merely a political document, but also an economic document. the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia is not only a political constitution but also an economic constitution (asshiddiqie, 2010). in indonesia, the concept of welfare refers to the concept of social welfare development, which is a series of planned and institutional activities aimed at improving the standards and quality of human life (panjaitan, 2010). therefore, development cannot be ignored regarding human rights because the guarantee of human rights also determines the quality of human life. as a constitution that can be referred to as an economic constitution, the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia also contains provisions concerning human rights in the economic field or economic rights. provisions in article jurnal hukum volkgeist suwardi. 4(1): 70-81 74 28h paragraph (1) and article 33 paragraph (4) of the 1945 constitution are key provisions concerning the stipulation of norms regarding welfare as human rights in the constitution. the articles read as follows: article 28h paragraph (1): "everyone has the right to live in prosperity physically and mentally, to live, and to have a good and healthy environment and to have health services." article 33 paragraph (4): "the national economy shall be implemented based on economic democracy with the principles of togetherness, efficiency, justice, sustainability, environmental insight, independence, and by maintaining a balance of progress and national economic unity." government and state policies developed in the economic field must be based on the constitution. two perspectives have developed in understanding the economic policies contained in the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, namely the idealist perspective and the pragmatic perspective (asshiddiqie, 2010). the idealist perspective, which is anti-liberalism and anti-capitalism considers indonesia's constitutional, economic system reflects the understanding of market socialism or social markets that cannot allow market mechanisms to run freely as possible without state control and intervention. on the other hand, the pragmatic perspective with the paradigm of liberalism or neoliberalism adheres to the free-market understanding as much as possible. this understanding tries to reduce as much as possible the burden of the state so that state intervention or interference in the economy of the community is very minimalist. the state is limited to its function as a regulator, and may not be directly involved in carrying out economic activities. both groups understand different economics in looking at the ideal policies that need to be applied in indonesia's economic development. the idealist group starts from the founding fathers' ideas about the family principle that is anti-liberalism and capitalism, which is considered to benefit only individuals. while the pragmatic group because it sees the necessity to keep abreast of the times. times have changed, no longer as imagined by the founding fathers. at the end, who is close to the policymaker, he will enjoy the consequences of a policy that is beneficial for his interests. thus, the free market is ultimately just an illusion. free market dynamics, however, need to be regulated, controlled and directed to the right path for the common good. today, all economists hold the same view that the state must not sleep and allow the free market mechanism to move on its own without government intervention. welfare was born in a harmonious relationship between guaranteed freedom and the fulfillment of justice. in the relationship between freedom produced by democracy and justice produced by law, creativity will develop, and mutual respect for differences will develop. democracy and law can be implemented well if state authority is used with due regard to the human rights of citizens. values that are idealized in the collective life of humankind are the creation of freedom, justice, and prosperity. for this reason, a constitution as the fundamental law and the highest law must be able to connect three domains, namely: state power, civil society, and the market economy. state, civil society, and the market economy (market) (asshiddiqie, 2010) must have a balanced reciprocal relationship. the state in regulating, controlling and directing important matters in civil society must be aimed at progress and prosperity. civil society must play a role in controlling and overseeing the running of the state government. the market also has a very vital position. strong or weak market conditions will determine jurnal hukum volkgeist suwardi. 4(1): 70-81 75 the strength and weakness of civil society in its relationship with the state. if the relationship between the three is lame, surely development efforts in realizing prosperity and prosperity will be hampered. the imbalance in the relationship between the three can lead to blocked freedom, which is contrary to human rights. alternatively, freedom can occur without rules, justice also can not be realized, and welfare that does not increase. considering the importance of the balance of relations between the state, civil society, and the market, in every statutory regulation especially regarding the economy, it must pay attention to the relations of the three. the regulation must not contain provisions that would reduce freedom and be unjust. the constitution, as the highest law which contains provisions concerning human rights, must be used as a guideline, a source of reference or the highest reference in carrying out state activities, including in realizing prosperity and welfare. a. standardization of trade in goods and services in the perspective of human rights each country's economy must have a specific system that is different from other countries. according to suharsono sagir, the indonesian economic system which is adopted as the foundation of development from time to time, is the popular economic system (sek) (suharsono et al. 2009). in this system, state sovereignty in the economy is in the hands of the people; thus, this popular economic idea is related to economic democracy. the goal of this system is the liberation of people's lives from poverty, ignorance, dependence, unfair treatment, environmental damage, and anxiety in looking to the future. therefore, the national development policy must be in accordance with the principles of people's economy, which according to suharsono, is reflected in the implementation of the triple track development principle, namely pro-poor, pro-job, and pro-growth (suharsono et al. 2009). in implementing these three principles, six benchmarks can be used to assess the success of the development process, namely: 1. people are free from poverty at a high rate of economic growth; 2. people are free from ignorance and are empowered to become productive human resources; 3. people are free from unemployment by working creatively and productively to increase their own and other people's incomes; 4. the state is free from dependence on foreign debt; 5. the country is free from foreign exchange shortages; and, 6. the country is free from damage to ecosystems so that development can be sustainable. in general, all countries alike want to create conditions that are under the six benchmarks. both countries that have a capitalist economic system and a socialist economic system both want to achieve the six benchmarks of the success of the development. in reality, today there are no countries that are purely capitalist or purely socialist, as illustrated in the extreme textbooks on the economic system. trade as the primary driver of development, will positively significantly affect the achievement of development success by the benchmarks above. therefore, the state in regulating, controlling and directing trade activities should be under the implementation of the principles contained in the popular economy system. at this time, trade is regulated in law number 7 of 2014 concerning trade. uu no. 7 of 2014 was born based jurnal hukum volkgeist suwardi. 4(1): 70-81 76 on the consideration that the implementation of economic democracy carried out through trade activities is the primary driver in the development of the national economy that can provide support in increasing production and leveling income and strengthening the competitiveness of domestic products. the trade law explicitly mentions the role of trade in the implementation of a populist economic system. this can be read in the preamble section in letter c which states: that the role of trade is crucial in enhancing economic development, but in its development it has not met the need to face the challenges of national development so that economic-political alignments are needed that more provide opportunities, support, and economic development of the people which includes cooperatives and micro, small and medium enterprises as the main pillars of national economic development. since indonesia's independence on august 17, 1945, there has been no law governing trade as a whole. an equivalent legal product in the field of trade is the dutch colonial law bedrijfsreglementerings ordonnantie 1934, which regulates more business licensing. various efforts have been made to compile and replace ordinances bedrijfsreglementerings1934 in the form of partial legislation in the field of trade, such as the law on goods, the law on warehousing, the law on the trading of goods under supervision, the law on warehouse receipt system, and law on commodity futures trading. therefore, it is necessary to establish a law that synchronizes all legislation in the field of trade to achieve the goal of a just and prosperous society and in responding to the development of the current and future era of globalization. regulations in this law aim at increasing national economic growth and based on the principles of national interest, legal certainty, fair and healthy, business security, accountable and transparent, independence, partnership, benefit, simplicity, togetherness, and environmentally sound. in-law no. 7 of 2014, trade is defined as the order of activities related to transactions of goods and / or services within the country and beyond national borders for the purpose of transferring the rights to the goods and / or services to obtain compensation or compensation. trade activities include not only domestic trade, but also foreign trade, namely trade that transcends national boundaries. foreign trade is one of the important variables of economic growth in an economy; it is not surprising that all countries strive to encourage trade cooperation with the aim of encouraging economic growth. the existence of international trade gave rise to various international trade organizations. the first multilateral organization or institution prepared to deal with the issue of international trade was the international trade organization (ito). however, ito was less successful in dealing with disputes in international trade, and instead the general agreement on tariffs and trade (gatt) was formed in 1947. the main mission gatt is to eliminate trade barriers by issuing regulations that must be obeyed by all participating member countries. after going through several rounds, gatt was changed to wto (world trade organization) which officially began operating on january 1, 1995. the wto is a multilateral organization that regulates the course of world free trade. free trade means the free flow of goods and services across national borders without being hindered by government interference, both in the form of tariffs and nontariffs. this concept is based on the classical liberal theory which states that trade can be done best, resources can be allocated most efficiently, and the welfare of the people achieved the highest if all producers are allowed to produce the best goods or services that they can produce to be sold in an open free competition climate (deliarnov, 2006). jurnal hukum volkgeist suwardi. 4(1): 70-81 77 according to deliarnov (2006), a figure from classical liberal theory, it was explained that each economic actor, both consumer and producer, must be given the freedom to pursue their interests. consumers are given the freedom to choose a combination of various kinds of goods and services that provide maximum satisfaction (utility maximization) according to taste and money they have. likewise, producers are given the freedom to choose various inputs and technologies to be used in the production process to produce various types of goods and services that most benefit their business (profit maximization). although both parties, namely consumers and producers, have conflicting interests, if the economy is left free according to the strength of market mechanisms without interference from the government, then a balance or equilibrium will be created. trade economic activity is regulated by the market, which, according to adam smith, is driven by what is called an invisible hand. in the beginning, the market was defined as a meeting place for consumers and producers. nowadays, the market has developed to become far more complicated, integrating individuals and groups. the process of integration in the market is supported by what is called a price system (deliarnov, 2006). many advantages of this perfect competition market model, which is believed to bring the economy to a dynamic balance and provide optimal results. according to milton fiedman in capitalism and freedom, the market system can effectively reduce racial and ethnic discrimination, because consumers will buy from anyone who offers goods at lower prices and better quality, not because of racial, ethnic or racial backgrounds. religion of the seller. from a moral standpoint, the free market economic system contains several positive things (marinus, 2008), including: 1. a free-market economic system guarantees justice through ensuring the implementation of equal and fair treatment for all economic actors. 2. there are transparent and fair rules, and therefore they are fair. 3. the market provides optimal opportunities. 4. in terms of economic equality, at the first level, the market economy is far more able to guarantee economic growth. 5. the market also provides optimal opportunities for the realization of human freedom. in the market, each actor competes or competes with each other. with competition, everyone strives to find the best techniques for producing and delivering goods in the right amount, time, and quality to each consumer group. thus, the market achieves three moral values (marinus, 2008): 1. the market directs sellers and buyers to trade fairly, reasonably. 2. the market maximizes the benefits to sellers and buyers by directing them to allocate, use, and distribute their goods efficiently. 3. the market achieves all this while respecting the seller and buyer's rights to freedom. in the standard trade model, a country will benefit from trade by specializing, producing, and exporting goods that have a comparative advantage (berg, 2005). conversely, the country is better at reducing production and importing goods that do not have a comparative advantage. further development in international trade, standardization of traded goods and services is imposed by the state to protect its interests. jurnal hukum volkgeist suwardi. 4(1): 70-81 78 indonesia applies the standardization of trade in goods and services as regulated in law no. 7 of 2014 by setting indonesian national standards (sni). article 57-59 regulates the standardization of goods, whereas standardization of services is regulated in articles 60-64. in essence, each of the goods and services must meet the standards set for trading. the standardization of goods and services is strengthened by the existence of criminal threats for businesses that carry out trades that are not established standards. article 1131 regulates criminal threats for business actors who trade goods without sni with a criminal threat that is a maximum imprisonment of 5 (five) years and / or a fine of up to rp 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiahs). whereas article 1142 regulates criminal threats for business actors, who trade services without sni. provisions on criminal threats for business actors who trade goods and or services that do not have sni show that the law raises new norms regarding the existence of criminal acts of trade. based on the formulation, it is not criminal in article 113 and article 114 including formal types of criminal acts. when viewed from the objective, the purpose of standardization is to protect the security, safety, health, and the environment. therefore, it is better if you want to incorporate norms of criminal offenses by formulating nonmaterial crimes. namely acts that result in the threat of security, safet y, health, and the environment. the existence of standardization provisions and criminal threats in this trade act, in the opinion of the author, is contrary to human rights as stipulated in the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. the obligation to standardize goods and services in article 573 and article 60 paragraph (1)4 is contrary to the right to work as human rights regulated in article 28d paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. that is because, in the standardization of goods and services, it limits trade business actors in working or carrying out their work. this restriction is not under the principles in the market mechanism that should give producers (sellers) and consumers (buyers) freedom in trade transactions. standardization will also allow discrimination because sellers or buyers choose to compete with racial, ethnic or religious backgrounds. also, the existence of criminal threats related to trading in goods and services that do not have sni as regulated in article 113 and article 114, according to the author, is also contrary to human rights. more dominant trading transactions are private law. so it should not be something that is the scope of private law, will be subject to a crime who is public law. this article concerning criminal threats, according to the author, contradicts the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia nri article 28g paragraph (1) which guarantees citizens with the right to a sense of security and protection from the threat of 1 uu no. 7 of 2014 article 113: business actors who trade goods in the country that do not meet the sni that has been compulsorily applied or the technical requirements that have been compulsorily applied as referred to in article 57 paragraph (2) shall be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 5 (five) years and / or criminal dendapaling at most rp5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiah). 2 uu no. 7 of 2014 article 114: service providers who trade services within the country that do not meet the sni, technical requirements, or qualifications that have been compulsorily applied as referred to in article 60 paragraph (1) shall be convicted with a maximum imprisonment of 5 (five) years and / or a criminal fine of no more than rp 5,000,000,000 (five billion rupiah). 3 uu no. 7 of 2014 article 57: goods traded domestically must meet: a. sni that has been enforced compulsorily; or technical requirements that have been enforced compulsorily 4 uu no. 7 of 2014 article 60 (1). service providers are prohibited from trading services in the country that do not meet sni, technical requirements or qualifications that have been compulsorily applied jurnal hukum volkgeist suwardi. 4(1): 70-81 79 fear of acting or not doing something that is a human right. with the criminal threat in articles 113 and 114, it results in a loss of security in doing work in the trade sector. based on what has been described previously, the authors conclude that law no. 7 of 2014 concerning trade contains immoral provisions because it is contrary to human rights that have been regulated in the constitution. thus the act also violates the principle of law because it contradicts the higher laws and regulations. provisions which, according to the author, contain immoral contents, especially in article 57, article 60, article 113 and article 114. concerning these articles, an application for material testing can be submitted with an application to be revoked or canceled. 3.2 political law of trade in creating people's welfare the development of standardization occurred due to a review in the industry, policy, and academics associated with the innovation system. gradual studies in the development and dissemination of technology have led to broad analytical interests in inter-company relations, collaborative research and development activities, public and private sector research and development relationships, and as a determining factor in the innovation process. in this case, standards and making standards become an essential factor in technological development. in addition to the above, the development of standardization is also due to the standard being a problem that significantly affects the various public policies and public interests (steven & brenner, 2001). standard problems are always associated with product internationalization and trade relations. standards are closely related to consumer interests, health, and safety, environmental protection and management for economists more concerned about how standardization affects the sellers and buyers of technology products in the market. standards are a matter of "economic information," which is market dynamics related to the product information available to buyers. the essential thing in the standard economic literature deals with the issue of technological suitability (steven & brenner, 2001). based on the concept that trade is the primary driver of development, it is necessary to develop a political development of law in the field of trade which is based on the principle of democracy as a manifestation of a people's economy as stipulated in article 33 of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, which constitutes the philosophical normative basis of a people's economic system. therefore in the economic activities of trade, regulations are needed that provide freedom for citizens to develop their potential in producing goods and services, which can provide maximum profits. what needs to be stressed is that in conducting trade activities must be carried out with the principles following the ideology of the nation. the principles in the trade that can be regulated as a guideline for business actors are (keraf, 1998): 1. the principle of autonomy; 2. the principle of honesty; 3. the principle of justice; 4. the principle of mutual benefit (mutual benefit principle); 5. the principle of moral integrity. these principles need to be elaborated on in making every public policy in the trade sector. related to standardization, mutual benefit principle needs to be considered, so that the interests of producers also need to be considered. there needs to be a balance jurnal hukum volkgeist suwardi. 4(1): 70-81 80 of protection both for producers and for consumers. standardization can be applied to protect the interests of consumers, but not to limit the freedom of producers in producing goods and services to be traded for profit. the government implements various decisions regarding public policy under existing economic and political institutions. a policy is called a public policy not because the policy has been enacted, or because the public implements the policy, but because the content of the policy itself concerns the bonum commune or public welfare (arifin & rachbini, 2001). thus, the laws and regulations in the trade sector must also be directed to realize prosperity by democratic economic ideals as formulated in the country's constitution, the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. these licensed products must provide freedom for producers and consumers to choose products goods and services according to their wishes in meeting their needs for their welfare. there must be no prohibitions and criminal threats to economic activities between producers and consumers as long as the transaction does not result in losses that cause security or the safety of either party, and those activities also do not disturb the environment causing environmental damage. the trade law must be able to guarantee the existence of justice for producers and consumers, without the threat of criminal acts in the form of formal criminal acts for either party. nor should there be an element of discrimination, whether related to individual races, ethnicities, or religions. changes in trade laws need to be made, primarily related to the obligation to standardize goods and services, and related to trade crime due to the standardization. changes are made to encourage freedom, so that producers can innovate to create a variety of products that can be traded and can be enjoyed by consumers without causing things that harm security and safety. 4. conclusion the relationship between the state, human rights, and welfare is a relation of responsibility where the state is responsible for realizing the goals that have been determined together, namely the existence of public welfare. to achieve these goals, the state guarantees and protects the human rights of all its citizens. welfare itself is a part of human rights guaranteed in the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia as a form of economic sovereignty by implementing economic democracy through a populist economic system. therefore, the state as the executor of sovereignty has the authority to create regulations in the laws and regulations that provide guarantees and legal protection for the implementation of the rights of citizens to achieve prosperity. concerning standardization in trade in goods and services regulated in law no. 7 of 2014, changes need to be made because the standardization results in restrictions on producers' freedom to produce goods and services to be traded for profit. the law also raises norms of trade criminal offenses that are regulated as formal criminal acts that tend to violate human rights and contradict the higher laws, namely the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. for this reason, changes to the law need to be made by not making standardization a limitation that is less productive in trading activities. standardization can be applied solely to protect the security and safety of consumers, but it also needs to be considered in balance with the interests of producers. also, need to be minimized the existence of norms of crime because in trading activities that need attention is the principle of mutual benefit (mutual benefit principle). references jurnal hukum volkgeist suwardi. 4(1): 70-81 81 arifin, b., & rachbini, d. j. 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(1960). pengantar hukum administrasi negara indonesia. universitas negeri padjadjaran. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 2, 2021 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 151 an analysis of the offense of unpleasant action in article 335 paragraph (1) of the indonesian criminal code xavier nugraha1*, kusuma wardani raharjo1, ahmad ardhiansyah1, alip pamungkas raharjo1 abstract author’s information: the constitutional court as the guardian of the constitutio n a n d the guardian of human rights has the duty to ensure that th e la w does not contradict the constitution and does not violate human rights. one of the manifestations of this can be seen in the constitutional court decision number 1 / puu-x / 2013, where the constitutional court removed the element "some other d e e d s or unpleasant treatment/act" in article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code. with the removal of the core elements of article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code, raises questions relate d to the existence of the offense whether it still exists or not. based on this, this study will examine 1) application of article 335 of the criminal code before the decision of the constitutional court number 1 / puu-x / 2013 and 2.) application of article 335 of the criminal code after the decision of the constitutional court number 1 / puu-x / 2013. this research is a normative legal research with a statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. based on this research, it was found that after the constitutional court decision number 1 / puu-x / 2013 that offenses of unpleasant acts had been reconstructed into forced offenses keyword: article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code, , decision of the constitutional court number 1 / puu-x / 2013, unpleasant acts 1fa culty of la w, airla ngga university, indonesia e-ma il: (nugrahaxavier72@gmail.com ) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.678 1. introduction "ex vero nonnisi verum", a legal adage which means a true concept, can produce the correct conclusions (m.hadjon & djamiati, 2008). one concept of offense in the criminal code (kuhp) which is being debated by the general public is the existence of an offense of unpleasant act that has been stated earlier in article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code, which in the concept of the article reads: "(1) threatened with a maximum imprisonment of one year or a maximum fine o f four thousand five hundred rupiah: number 1 . a n yon e w h o u nla wfu lly f orc es others to do, not do or allow something, by using violence, something else or unpleasant treatment, or by using the threat of violence, some unpleasant treatment, both towards the person himself or others; 2. who is forcing others to do, not to do or allow something with the threat of defamation " the existence of the offense is deemed to be an article that can apply to anyone who performed an unpleasant treatment on others, because there are no definite indicators or benchmarks in its enforcement. this opinion is also in line with the mailto:indah.kusuma@um.buton.ac.id https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.678 jurnal hukum volkgeist xavier nugraha. 5(2): 151-159 152 statement of hamdan zoelva as the former chair of the constitutional court of the republic of indonesia for the period of 2013 to 2015 stating that unpleasant act offense, cannot be measured objectively, even if it can be measured then the measure is very subjective and based only on the evaluation of victims, investigators and prosecutors only. this proves that the existence of the offese in article 335 paragraph (1) point 1 of the criminal code does not fully reflect the principle of legality whose position in criminal law becomes the most important or fundamental principle. that is because the provisions of article 335 paragraph (1) point 1 of the criminal code injure an important aspect in the principle of legality which is the existence of criminal provisions must be formulated in the form of written regulations (lex scripta), clearly formulated (lex certa) and must be interpreted strictly, including therein prohibition on interpretation of analogies (lex stricta) (hiariej, 2015) it is not clear and multiple interpretations that the offense of this unpleasant act can lead to a form of abuse of power and authority or power and abuse de droit. if it is associated with proof of offense, it includes the following (soesilo, 1994): a. that there are people who against their right are forced to do something, not do something or let something happens; b. coercion is carried out by using violence, a form of act or an unpleasant act, or the threat of violence, or the threat of an unpleasant act, either against that person, or against another person only by matching one of the elements such as the element of threat of violence involving an unpleasant act, the offense can be charged to ensnare others in order to get criminal sanctions. the lack of a clear written concept of the meaning of this unpleasant act allows abuse of authority by law enforcement officials such as investigators, and public prosecutors. the form of authority abuse that might appear is in the form of the following (arinanto & triyanti, 2009): 1. misuse of authority to take actions that are contrary to the public interest or to benefit personal, or group interests; 2. misuse of authority in the sense that the official's actions are properly intended in the public interest, but deviates from the purpose of what authority is given by law or other regulations; 3. abuse of authority in the sense of abusing procedures that should be used to achieve certain goals, but has used other procedures to do so. thus, the existence of the offense does not manifest the purpose of the law itself, according to gustav radbruch, there are three basic values which are the objectives of the law, namely the principle of justice (gerectigheit), expediency (zwechmatigheid), and legal certainty (rechtmatigheid). even this offense can potentially harm either party if it is still applied without definite benchmarks (faisal, 2010). one of the disadvantages of unpleasant act offense was felt clearly by oei alimin sukamto wijaya who submitted a judicial review to the constitutional court with case application number 1 / puu-x / 2013. as long as the phrase "some/ a form of other deeds or unpleasant treatment" contained in article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code according to wisdom from oei alimin sukamto wijaya which has been determined as a suspect by surabaya police with number s-pgl / 3567 / x / 2012 / reskrim, the existence of the phrase gives rise to a form of differentiation between jurnal hukum volkgeist xavier nugraha. 5(2): 151-159 153 position and treatment (unequal treatment), injustice (injustice), legal uncertainty. the constitutional court which holds the title of the guardian of constitusion, in its legal considerations considers that: [3.15] according to the court as a formulation of offense, qualification s, "so m e o th er deeds or unpleasant treatment/act or offense" cannot be measured objectively. ev e n if it can be measured, the measurement is very subjective and is only based on the assessment of victims, investigators and public prosecutors only. in addition, the unpleasant th ing is generally the impact of all criminal acts. every crime is clearly unpleasant and there is no unpleasant impact of the crime. thus, this is not something that can distinguish explicitly (distinctive) from other criminal acts; [3.16] as a result of the existence of such an offense formula, it can also be an opportunity for investigators and public prosecutors to arbitrate others based on a re p ort. although it must be admitted that in the end such matters must be proven in court, b u t if the report is proven, it becomes a norm and there is no arbitrariness. convers ely , if it is not proven, then the reported party has clearly suffered losses due to having to de a l w ith investigators and public prosecutors and moreover if the person c o nc erne d is d e ta ine d [vide article 21 paragraph (4) letter b of the criminal procedure code]. thus, it means that someone has lost independence as their human right, even though the criminal law and criminal procedure law are precisely to protect human rights from the arbitrariness of law enforcers. in addition, the person concerned is morally and socially disadvantaged as he or she has been stigmatized as a despicable person as a result of the report; the legal considerations lead to change along the phrase "some other deeds and unpleasant treatment" in article 335 paragraph (1) point 1 of the criminal code d eclared contrary to the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, has no binding legal force anymore. this, of course, then raises questions related to the existence of the offense of unpleasant acts regulated in article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code, bearing in mind that one of the core elements of the article is the element "something other acts/deeds or unpleasant treatment" if the element is removed, will the deletion also apply to the offense regulated in article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code, as the offense in that article is often referred to as “unpleasant acts” offense. of course, it is very strange, when the offense of "unpleasant act" can still be referred to as "unpleasant act" when the element of "some other acts and unpleasant treatment" is removed. it turns out that in practice, the offense regulated in article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code is still valid, for example in decision number 1554 k / pid / 2013 and 607 / pid.b / 2015 / pn kag. this raises the quest ion, related to what is the form of offense regulated in article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code after the constitutional court decision number 1 / puu-x / 2013? in addition, is it still appropriate when the offense regulated in article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code is referred to as an offense of "unpleasant acts"? with these basis, the formulation of the problem in this study include 1. application of article 335 of the criminal code before the decision of the constitutional court number 1 / puu-x / 2013 ? 2. application of article 335 of the criminal code after the decision of the constitutional court number 1 / puu-x / 2013? jurnal hukum volkgeist xavier nugraha. 5(2): 151-159 154 2. method this research is a legal study/research. alegal research is research whose main characteristic is examining the application of a case accompanied by legal arguments / considerations made by law enforcers, as well as the interpretation behind the enforcement of the law (nugraha, izzaty, & putri, 2019). this legal research is normative legal research, where normative legal research is research on legal principles, a research on legal systematics, research on the synchronization level of law, previous legal history studies (muhdlor, 2012). this normative research is carried out by reviewing and analyzing the laws and regulations or other legal materials related to unpleasant act offenses regulated in article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code. the approach used in this study is the statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. statute approach is carried out by examining all laws and other regulations relating to legal issues that inquestion, so the ratio legis is found, ontological basis and philosophical basis of regulations relating to the offense of unpleasant acts regulated in article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code (ibrahim, 2017) conceptual approach is an approach that moves from the views and doctrines that develop in the science of law to analyze the existence of legal problems (barus, 2017). in this research, the conceptual approach used is legal concepts related to the offense of unpleasant acts. case approach is an approach that uses judges' decisions as a source of legal material. these decisions are judges' decisions that have permanent legal force. the matter discussed in the court decision which has legal force is in the ratio decidendi, namely the legal reasons used by the judge in determining the decision (judgment), which in this study is contained in decision of the constitutional court number 1 / puu-x / 2013 (budiyanto, c., prananto, tan, f, 2019). 3. result and discussion 3.1. analysis of the application of article 335 of the criminal code before the constitutional court decision number 1 / puu-x / 2013 the emerging controversy regarding the enactment of unpleasant act offenses is rooted in the elements contained in article 335 paragraph (1) point 1 of the criminal code which is generally formulated in elements, among others,are the following (wirjono prodjodikoro, 2003): a. for who; the purpose of whoever here refers to legal subjects who match the unpleasant act offenset. because what is meant by legal subjects is a person as an individual with certain intention, in the formulations of criminal acts in the criminal code reveal the ability of thinking as a condition for the subject of the crime, also seen in the form of punishment / criminal contained in the articles of the criminal code, are imprisonment, confinement, and fines. b. against the law; an action can be said to be an unpleasant act as it fulfill the element that the act was carried out against the law. based on the opinion of satochid kartanegara interpreting against the law (wederrechtelijk) in criminal law is divided into formal wederrechtelijk formil, that is if something is prohibited and threatened with jurnal hukum volkgeist xavier nugraha. 5(2): 151-159 155 punishment by the law and wederrechtelijk material, that is, something may be deemed to be a wederrechtelijk, but is nor enforced to be likely to be punished by the law. c. forcing others to do, not do or allow something; the element of forcing people is to do an action using a coercive tool and without the coercive tool the coerced person at that time will not want to do what the coercive wants. by using violence, something other actions or unpleasant treatment, or by using the threat of violence, something of other actions or unpleasant treatment, both to the person himself and others. in this offense there are two kinds of ways to force, namely: 1) with violence or other real actions or unpleasant act; 2) with threat of violence or some other real action, or unpleasant act. the existence of the elaboration of theoffense elements is to prove that the extent of the scope of a person who may be exposed to a crime in accordance with article 335 paragraph (1) point 1 of the criminal code as they are considered to have committed an unpleasant act. until 1987 the supreme court also in its decision no.675 k / pid / 1985 of august 4, 1987 which was intended to improve the acquittal (vrijspraak) of the ende district court number: 15 / pid.b / 1984 of march 26, 1985, tried to provide an interpretation regarding the explanation of unpleasant criminal act namely: "with some deed, unlawfully forcing people to let something happen". the extent of the elements has also resulted in law enforcement officers, especially the public prosecutor who has misunderstood the criminal acts contained in article 335 paragraph (1) point 1 of the criminal code therefore on may 23, 1995, the attorney general's office of the republic of indonesia issued letter number b -337 / e / 5/1995 with regard to the application of article 335 of the criminal code. the contents of the letter issued by the attorney general's office of the republic of indonesia further explained the elements contained in article 335 paragraph (1) point 1 of the criminal code, among others, such as: a) against human rights; b) forcing others to do, not do or allow something to happen; c) coercion is carried out by using violence, something else or an acts that are not pleasant or with threat of violence, the threat of other acts or the threat of unpleasant acts d) coercion or threat is directed against both the person himself and others. the elucidation of the article elements was made clear because of the very worrying tendency towards implementation related to the words of article 335 paragraph (1) point 1 of the criminal code by the public prosecutor who used the article to encompass and coerce all acts into unpleasant acts which lead to the act of imprisoning someone in a manner that is a crime which is exaggerated. this is due to the existence of the element of "unpleasant behavior (onaangename) which has a vast multiple interpretations. then , the attorney general's office of the republic of indonesia, as the government agency that exercises state power in the field of prosecution and other law authorities , issues letter number b-337 / e / 5/1995 with regard to the application of article 335 of the criminal code as a follow up to a meeting between attorney general with the house of representatives commission iii at the end of 1994. although there have been efforts to clarify the enactment of article 335 paragraph (1) point 1 of the criminal code, in its development, it will still be implemented in multiple interpretations due to the phrase "unpleasant acts". jurnal hukum volkgeist xavier nugraha. 5(2): 151-159 156 the existence of a multi-interpretation offense is contradictory or incompatible with one of the principles of criminal law, ultimum remedium. the real meaning of ultimum remedium is the last tool (mertokusumo, 2009). this has the meaning that the criminal prosecution should be used as the last tool in dealing with one's actions , it is not permissible if all actions are included in the criminal domain, especially in the formulation of offenses that are made to have multiple interpretations as well as the offenses for unpleasant acts contained in article 335 paragraph (1) item 1 of the criminal code , which will have an effect on overcriminalization. based on barda nawawi arief interpretation of overcriminalization as a lot or an abundance of criminalized acts (arief, 2000). the indicator of a rule said to be overcriminalized are the following : 1. criminal offenses that cannot be maintained anymore because they do not meet the criteria to be categorized as prohibited acts; 2. excessive criminal legislation; 3. he threat of disproportionate criminal sanctions; and 4. excessive law enforcement for minor violations. cum adsunt testimonia rerum quid opus est verbis, when evidence and facts already exist,the words has no use. it can be seen that the phrase "unpleasant act" clearly causes article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code to be overcriminalization, bearing in mind that there is no clear definition of unpleasant behavior, or any indicators of an action are said to be included in the unpleasant category, how to prove an action is unpleasant and so on. 3.2. analysis of the implementation of article 335 of the criminal code after the constitutional court decision number 1 / puu-x / 2013 the constitutional court is a high state institution that serves as the guardian of the constitution and the guardian of the human rights (sudirman, 2016). this has juridical consequences, with the duty of the constitutional court to ensure that the act does not conflict with the constitution and ensure that the act does not violate human rights. one form of the implementation of the duties of the constitutional court can be seen through decision number 1 / puu-x / 2013. in the constitutional court decision number 1 / puu-x / 2013, the constitutional court conducted a reconstruction of article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code. amendment to article 335 paragraph (1), especially in point 1 of the criminal code now reads, "anyone who unlawfully forces others to do, not do or allow something, by using violence, or by using threats of violence, both against the person himself or herself or other people". if compared to the ones before the constitutional court decision number 1 / puu-x / 2013, the omitted phrase is the phrase "some other deeds or an unpleasant act". if we compare with the original arrangement in the netherlands wetbook van straafrecht, which is the source of the netherlands wetbook van straafrecht for hindi (under article 131 indische staatsregeling, then the netherlands wetbook van straafrecht is applied to indigenous descendants as the netherlands wetbook van straafrecht for hindi, which is then based on article 131 indische staatsregeling, now referred to as wetboek van strafrecht based on article 6 of law number 1 of 1946 concerning criminal law regulations (prianter jaya hairi, 2016), we can find the jurnal hukum volkgeist xavier nugraha. 5(2): 151-159 157 original offense from article 335 of the criminal code in article 284 of the netherlands wetbook van straafrecht. in article 284 of the netherlands wetbook van straafrecht, it is stated that: 1. met gevangenisstraf van ten hoogste twee jaren of geldboete van de vierde categorie wordt gestraft: a. °hij die een ander door geweld of enige andere feitelijkheid of door bedreiging met geweld of enige andere feitelijkheid, gericht hetzij tegen die ander hetzij tegen derden, wederrechtelijk dwingt iets te doen, niet te doen of te dulden; b. °hij die een ander door bedreiging met smaad of smaadschrift dwingt iets te doen, niet te doen of te dulden. 2. in het geval onder 2 omschreven wordt het misdrijf niet vervolgd dan op klacht van hem tegen wie het gepleegd is which translated into : 1. the following will be punishable by imprisonment of not more than two years or a fourth category fine: a. °anyone who illegally forces others to do, not do or tolerate something by force or other facts or by threatening with violence or other facts, is directed either at that person or against a third party; b. °anyone who is forcing others to do something, not doing it or tolerating it by threatening or threat of defamation. 2. in the cases described below 2 °, the crime will not be prosecuted except for complaints from the person who committed the crime. when the compared between the provisions in article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code originating from article 284 of the dutch wvs, it can be seen that in the original regulation in wvs itself there is no phrase or element of offense as an alternative to offense about unpleasant acts or threat of unpleasant acts. therefore in article 284 nederland wetbook van straafrecht, it do not include the phrase and only in the netherlands wetbook van straafrecht for hindi in indonesia. as we look for the raison d'eter from the existence of a phrase or element from the offense as an alternative to offense concerning unpleasant act or threat in a form of unpleasant act, historically, that at that time article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code is one of the articles that often used by the dutch who at that time colonized indonesia therefore could easily imprison the indonesian citizen. this can be seen from the phrases or elements of offense as an alternative to offense on unpleasant acts or by the threat through unpleasant acts, which thereby used bu the dutch when there are indonesian citizens who make the dutch colonizer uncomfortable, where they apply it to imprison indonesian citizens at the time. so it is clear, this unpleasant phrase or element of action was one form of dutch colonialism at the time. with the removal of the phrase or element of offense as an alternative to offense about unpleasant acts or with the threat of unpleasant acts, therefore an indirect restructuring has occurred by the constitutional court. thus, the true offense of "unpleasant acts" has vanished. however, it does not mean that article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code does not exist anymore or is not applicable, in fact there has been a change where, in the past article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code is referred to as “unpleasant acts” offense, so now, after the constitutional court decision number 1 / puu-x / 2013 changed to "forced" offense. jurnal hukum volkgeist xavier nugraha. 5(2): 151-159 158 to clarify the author's explanation, a table of changes to article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code will be presented before and after the constitutional court decision number 1 / puu-x / 2013. table 1. comparison of article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code before and after the decision of the constitutional court number 1 / puu-x / 2013 no difference article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code before the decision of the constitutional court number 1 / puu-x / 2013 article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code after the constitutional court decision number 1 / puu-x / 2013 1 offense anyone who unlawfully forces others to do, not do or allow something, by using violence, some other deeds or unpleasant treatment/act, or by using the threat of violence, some form or unpleasant treatment/act, both towards the person himself or other people anyone who unlawfully forces others to do, not do or allow something, by using violence, or by using the threat of violence, both against themselves and others 2 the element of offense with the dutch source different same 3 title unpleasant act offense coercion offense through the reconstruction of the article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code, it is expected to fulfill the legal certainty guarantees for the community. legal certainty that is born based on phrase changes in the offense of unpleasant acts can create a situation where clear (consistent) rules/reglation are available, consistent and easily obtained, issued by and recognized because of the (power) of a country ; government agenciesapply these legal rules consistently and should also obey them; citizens in principle must adjust their behavior towards these rules; independent judges who do not think of applying the rules of law consistently when they settle legal disputes; and concrete judicial decisions are implemented, these situations are described by jan michiel otto (soeroso, 2011). 4. conclusion the constitutional court as the guardian of the constitution and the guardian of the human rights whose duty is to ensure that the law does not contradict the constitution and to not violate human rights, through decision number 1 / puu -x / 2013 has carried out a reconstruction of article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code. through its decision, the constitutional court has stated that the phrase or element of offense as an alternative to offense concerning an unpleasant act or threat in the form of unpleasant act is unconstitutional. as reviewed in the original offense, in article 284 nederland wetbook van straafrecht which is the source of article 335 paragraph (1) of the criminal code, it can be seen that there is no phrase or element of offense as an alternative offense about unpleasant acts or with threat of unpleasant actions. thus, after the constitutional 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(2003). asas-asas hukum pidana di indonesia. bandung: refika aditama. issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 reformulasi sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional model gbhn sebagai pelaksanaan asas kedaulatan rakyat dalam rangka perubahan ke-v uud 1945 73 reformulasi sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional model gbhn sebagai pelaksanaan asas kedaulatan rakyat dalam rangka perubahan ke-v uud 1945 eric stenly holle fakultas hukum unpatti ambon dosen hukum hukum tata negara abstrak gbhn atau garis besar haluan negara, adalah bentuk catatan rencana pembangunan negara indonesia. dan merupakan keinginan bersama rakyat indonesia secara menyeluruh (garis besar) yang dibuat oleh mpr sebagai miniatur rakyat di pemerintahan. didalam gbhn juga tertera aturan-aturan jalannya pembangunan negara yang harus berlandaskan kepada uud 1945 sebagai tempat tertulisnya tujuan atau cita-cita negara indonesia. permasalahan mengenai stagnasi pembangunan yang seringkali dirasakan dewasa ini membuat romantisme kepada gbhn kembali disemarakan. gbhn sangat penting agar arah dan program maupun kebijakan pembangunan nasional tak berubah-ubah berdasarkan rezim yang sedang berkuasa. jika gbhn dihidupkan kembali maka harus mengamandemen uud 1945 dan beberapa undangundang terlebih dahulu, karena setelah zaman reformasi, ada undang–undang yang diamandemen sehingga gbhn tidak diperlukan lagi. maka dari itu, jika ingin menghidupkan kembali gbhn, mpr harus mengamandemen undang – undang yang tidak sesuai dengan gbhn. konsekuensinya adalah pada mekanisme pemilihan presiden secara langsung karena bisa saja mpr kembali menjadi lembaga tertinggi negara dan mempunyai kewajiban untuk memilih kembali presiden disamping membuat dan menetapkan gbhn. kata kunci : reformulasi, gbhn, uud 1945 abstract guidelines or guidelines of state policy, is the record of development plans form the country of indonesia. and is the common desire of the indonesian people as a whole (outline) made by the assembly as a miniature of the people in government. in the guidelines also contained rules of the course of development of the country should be based on the 1945 constitution as a written goals or ideals of the indonesian state. issues regarding the stagnation of development is often perceived today make romance to the guidelines back obfuscated. the guidelines are very important for the direction and national development programs and policies do not change by the incumbent regime. if the guidelines revived it must amend the 1945 constitution and several laws in advance, because after the reform era, there act was amended so that the guidelines are no longer needed. therefore, if you want to relive the guidelines, the assembly should amend laws laws that are in accordance with the guidelines. the consequence is that the mechanism of direct presidential elections because it could have the assembly back into the highest state institution and has an obligation to reelect the president in addition to making and establish guidelines. keywords: reformulation, guidelines, uud 1945 issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 reformulasi sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional model gbhn sebagai pelaksanaan asas kedaulatan rakyat dalam rangka perubahan ke-v uud 1945 74 a. pendahuluan dalam sebuah negara demokrasi kekuasaan tertinggi berada ditangan rakyat dan karenanya rakyatlah yang berdaulat. sebelum uud 1945 kedaulatan rakyat itu dipegang dan dilaksanakan sepenuhnya oleh mpr. namun setelah uud 1945 terjadi perubahan yang fundamental (mendasar) dalam sistem ketatanegaraan indonesia, terutama dengan dianutnya sistem demokrasi langsung di indonesia dan salah satu konsekuensinya kedaulatan rakyat tidak lagi dipegang oleh mpr. ada banyak faktor, mengapa pilihan jatuh pada demokrasi lansung, dan salah faktor yang dominan yang mendorong pilihan pada demokrasi lansung tersebut adalah dominan adalah didorong oleh kondisi politik dan demokrasi yang berlangsung pada era orde baru dengan segala dinamikanya. dasar hukum kewenangan mpr termaktub di dalam pasal 3 amandemen uud 1945 yakni :1). mpr berwenang mengubah dan menetapkan uud 1945; 2). mpr melantik presiden dan/atau wakil presiden. 3). mpr hanya dapat memberhentikan presiden dan/atau wakil presiden dalam masa jabatannya menurut uud 1945. pasca amandemen uud 1945 terdapat berbagai perubahan terkait dengan sistem ketatanegaraan. perubahan tersebut antara lain :1). perubahan terhadap sistem demokrasi perwakilan/tidak langsung ke demokrasi secara langsung. 2). presiden dan wakil presiden tidak lagi dipilih oleh mpr tetapi dipilih langsung oleh rakyat dalam satu paket.3). mpr bukan lagi sebagai lembaga tertinggi negara, tetapi sudah setara dengan lembaga negara lain. 4). mpr tidak lagi menyusun dan menetapkan gbhn. 5). presiden tidak lagi bertanggungjawab kepada mpr. salah satu hasil amandemen yang krusial terhadap uud 1945 adalah hilangnya gbhnsebagai pedoman atau haluan negara dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan nasional. gbhn inihilang seiring dengan berubahnya tugas lembaga mpr sebagai konsekuensi dari berubahnyaposisi kelembagaannya dari lembaga tertinggi negara menjadi lembaga tingi negara sejajardengan lembaga tinggi negara lainnya, yaitu presiden, dpr, dpd, ma, bpk, dan mk.implikasi lebih lanjut pemangkasan issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 reformulasi sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional model gbhn sebagai pelaksanaan asas kedaulatan rakyat dalam rangka perubahan ke-v uud 1945 75 kewenangan mpr di atas, program pembangunan yang pada awalnya tertuang dalam gbhn tidak memperoleh tempat. sebagai terobosan hukum, diundangkanlah undang-undang nomor 25 tahun 2004 tentang sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional. sebagai tindak lanjut dari undangundang sppn, diundangkanlah undangundang nomor 17 tahun 2007 tentang rencana pembangunan jangka panjang nasional tahun 2005-2025.moeljarto tjokrowinoto memberikan makna perencanaan pembangunan sebagai konsep yang menyangkut dua aspek yaitu pertama sebagai suatu proses perumusan rencana pembangunan, dan kedua sebagai substansi rencana pembangunan itu sendiri. (moeljarto tjokrowinoto, 1993 : hlm. 92) sementara itu riyadi & deddy supriady b mengartikan perencanaan pembangunan sebagai suatu proses perumusan alternatif-alternatif atau keputusan-keputusan yang didasarkan pada data-data dan fakta-fakta yang akan digunakan sebagai bahan untuk melaksanakan suatu rangkaian kegiatan/aktivitas kemasyarakatan, baik yang bersifat fisik (material) maupun nonfisik (mental spiritual), dalam rangka mencapai tujuan yang lebih baik. (riyadi & supriadi b, 2005 : hlm. 7) sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional adalah satu kesatuan tata cara perencanaan pembangunan untuk menghasilkan rencana-rencana pembangunan dalam jangka panjang, jangka menengah, dan tahunan yang dilaksanakan oleh unsur penyelenggara negara dan masyarakat di tingkat pusat dan daerah.dari sisi jangka waktu, perencanaan pembangunan jangka panjang nasional (rpjpn) mempunyai kurun waktu 20 tahun, perencanaan pembangunan jangka menengah (rpjm), dengan kurun waktu 5 tahun, dan rencana kerja pemerintah (rkp) dengan kurun waktu 1 (satu) tahun. hilangnya gbhn berarti hilangnya sarana pemandu pelaksanaan pembangunan nasional. dengan gbhn pembangunan dapat dilaksanakan secara terencana, terkendali dan terevaluasi. karena posisinya yang krusial sebagai pemandu pelaksanaan pembangunan maka gbhn yang hilang harus ada penggantinya. karena itulah di era reformasi ini muncul rpjpn yang oleh rezim pembuatnya dimaksudkan sebagai pengganti gbhn. belakangan https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/sistem issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 reformulasi sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional model gbhn sebagai pelaksanaan asas kedaulatan rakyat dalam rangka perubahan ke-v uud 1945 76 rpjpn mendapat banyak tangapan kritis karena dianggap tidak representatif sebagai pengganti gbhn, alias tidak kredibel untuk disebut sebagai panduan dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan. fenomena pelaksanaan pembangunan antara pusat dan daerah dan antar daerah yang saling tidak sinkron karena jalan sendiri-sendiri yang terjadi saat ini ditengarai sebagai bukti nyata inkredibiltas tersebut. untuk dapat segera kembali ke rel yang benar dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan maka konsep perencanaan pembangunan harus segera dibenahi. berdasarkan kewenangan pada pasal 3 amandemen uud 1945 maka, mpr tidak lagi memiliki kewenangan untuk membuat gbhn. gbhn adalah haluan negara tentang penyelenggaraan negara dalam garis-garis besar sebagai pernyataan kehendak rakyat secara menyeluruh dan terpadu yang ditetapkan oleh mpr untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan rakyat yang berkeadilan. untuk itulah muncul wacana reformulasi terhadap gbhn mulai digulirkan kembali oleh mpr dalam menentukan arah pembangunan nasional. dalam rangka amandemen kev terhadap uud 1945 maka, penting untuk membahas wacana dimasukan kembali gbhn dalam kewenangan mpr. b. pembahasan 1. pentingnya gbhn dalam menentukan arah pembangunan nasional di era reformasi. gbhn merupakan pernyataan keinginan rakyat yang menjadi acuan utama atas segala kiprah penyelenggara negara dalam mewujudkan cita-cita bangsa bernegara, yang secara explisit tesurat didalam pembukaan uud 1945. upaya mewujudkan cita-cita bangsa secara sederhana diartikan sebagai upaya pembangunan bangsa. karena pembangunan itu sendiri dapat diartikan sebagai peningkatan kualitas dan derajat kehidupan seutuhnya dari seluruh rakyat indonesia. oleh karenanya bentuk operasional dari gbhn ini selama beberapa dekade diwujudkan dalam bentuk rencana pembangunan nasional. pada periode 1968-1998, landasan bagi perencanaan pembangunan nasional adalah ketetapan mpr dalam bentuk gbhn. gbhn menjadi landasan hukum perencanaan pembangunan bagi presiden untuk menjabarkannya dalam issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 reformulasi sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional model gbhn sebagai pelaksanaan asas kedaulatan rakyat dalam rangka perubahan ke-v uud 1945 77 bentuk rencana pembangunan lima tahunan (repelita). proses penyusunan gbhn bersifat sentralistik dan topdown. lembaga pembuat perencanaan didominasi oleh pemerintah pusat dan bersifat ekslusif. pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat sebagai subjek utama output perencanaan kurang dilibatkan secara aktif sehingga mematikan inovasi dan kreatifitas daerah dalam memajukan dan mensejahterakan masyarakatnya. pada masa orde baru pun sebenarnya telah dikenal istilah perencanaan partisipatif melalui pedoman penyusunan perencanaan dan pengendalian daerah (p5d) yang dikelola oleh departemen dalam negeri (permendagri no 9 tahun 1982), dengan ketentuan teknis yang sangat rinci. falsafahnya adalah menjaring aspirasi masyarakat, mulai dari tingkat desa, kecamatan, untuk dibawa ke tingkat pusat melalui serangkaian forum-forum pertemuan dan konsultasi. namun dalam kenyataannya sangat sedikit usulan-usulan pembangunan dari tingkat desa yang dimasukkan dalam agenda pembangunan provinsi dan nasional. (sjaifudian h, 2000 : hlm. 1-9) meskipun bagi beberapa kalangan agak sulit mengkategorikan gbhn ini, namun selama beberapa dekade gbhn ini telah menjadi suatu dokumen yang sakti bahkan sakral, berdosa bila dilanggar. lebih jauh lagi maksud dan tujuan dari gbhn inipun diartikan berbeda oleh satu orang dengan lainnya. apabila ini dikategorikan sebagai visi, bukankah visi bangsa sudah tecantum didalam konstitusi?. apabila ini kehendak rakyat, bukankah konstitusi juga merupakan wujud tertulis dari kontrak sosial untuk bangsa ini bernegara beserta tujuan bernegara? kontroversi dan salah kaprah akan pengertian fungsi gbhn, akhirnya disudahi dengan dirubahnya uud 1945. didalam perubahan yang ketiga dan keempat uud 1945, kewenangan mpr menyusun gbhn telah dihilangkan. berbagai konsekuensi dari perubahan uud 1945 ini akan menjadikan kehidupan bangsa bernegara ini mengalami perubahan yang amat mendasar seperti yang telah dijelaskan penulis sebelumnya. ketiadaan gbhn tentunya akan berpengaruh kepada sistem dan alat untuk mewujukan citacita bangsa bernegara, atau lebih sempit lagi akan merubah sistem perencanaan issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 reformulasi sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional model gbhn sebagai pelaksanaan asas kedaulatan rakyat dalam rangka perubahan ke-v uud 1945 78 pembangunan nasional. perubahan sistem perencanaan nasional inilah yang akan dicoba dibahas didalam makalah ini. gbhn adalah produk orde baru yang ternyata keberadaannya cukup krusial sebagai pedoman haluan dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan. namun, aspirasi bersemangat reformasi telah menghilangkannya dari sistim pembangunan nasional. padahal keberadaannya, belakangan disadari, tetap dibutuhkan. kemudian dimunculkanlah rpjpn, sebagaimana tertuang dalam undang-undang nomor 17 tahun 2007 tentang rpjpn. munculnya undang-undang ini merupakan konsekuensi dari amanat undang-undang nomor 25 tahun 2004 tentang sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional. dalam undangundang ini, pasal 13 ayat 1 menyatakan rpjp nasional ditetapkan dengan undang-undang. kritik penulis terhadap gbhn adalah sebagai berikut : a) gbhn masih relevan sebagai fungsi kontrol dari parlemen untuk jalannya pembangunan bangsa. b) gbhn utamanya menyoroti konten gbhn sendiri yang sifatnya normatif dan tidak spesifik. orde baru ditandai melalui beberapa cirinya yang khas, yaitu secara politik rezim pemerintahberperilaku sangat otoriter, sistim pemerintahan bersifat sentralistis, dan tidak ada pilpres danpilkada langsung. penguasa eksekutif, presiden suharto, sedemikian kuatnya sehingga tidakada satupun kekuatan politik yang dapat mengendalikannya, justru semuanya subordinanberhadapan dengannya. pemilu bagi sang penguasa ini hanyalah sebuah ritual limatahunanyang fungsinya terutama untuk memperbaharui legitimasi kekuasaan yang dimilikinya. dankarena itulah semua bisa diatur olehnya. dalam konteks inilah bisa difahami bahwawalaupun gbhn bersifat limatahunan tetapi dijamin corak dan irama kontennya pasti bisadibuat linier, karena sudah dipastikan tidak akan ada gangguan dari kompetitor manapun. saat ini, di era reformasi, situasi dan kondisinya sudah sedemikian berubah. era reformasiditandai dengan terbukanya kran demokrasi dan keterbukaan berpendapat. situasi inimembawa konsekuensi kepada berubahnya banyak mekanisme dan issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 reformulasi sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional model gbhn sebagai pelaksanaan asas kedaulatan rakyat dalam rangka perubahan ke-v uud 1945 79 prosedur dalam tata caraberbangsa kita. seperti sistim pemerintahan yang berubah menjadi desentralistis, pilpres danpilkada berlangsung melalui mekanisme pilihan langsung. kehidupan yang demokratisbegitu terasa. kebebasan berekspressi dan berpendapat demikian terbuka. dalam situasiseperti ini tentunya pola gbhn ala orde baru tidaklah kompatibel untuk dipertahankan di era reformasi ini, lalu dimanakah posisi rpjpn? setelah rpjpn ditetapkan masa berlakunya 20 tahun, 2005–2025, bisakah dijamin bahwa dokumen ini akan tetap dipertahankan sampai akhir masaberlakunya? terkait dengan sistim pilpres langsung yang telah menghadirkan sebuah mekanisme baru dalam proses pemilihan presiden. dalam mekanisme baru ini jika seseorang ingin menjadi presiden maka ia harus didukung oleh mayoritas rakyat dalam pilpres. dan kalau ingin didukung maka seseorang tersebut harus dikenal oleh massa pemilih, sejak dari siapa dirinya sampai kepada apa yang akan dilakukannya jika menjadi presiden. karena itu seorang kandidat dituntut mampu menawarkan visi dan misi yang handal, dan agar menang maka tawarannya harus lebih baik daripada kompetitornya. bisa dipastikan bahwa visi misi yang akan didukung rakyat pastilah visi misi yang tepat membaca situasi komtemporer kehidupan mereka, yaitu tepat dalam membaca problem yang sedang dihadapi masayarakt dan tepat pula dalam merumuskan solusi yang akan ditawarkan untuk mengatasi problem tersebut. lalu pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana menjamin bahwa pemenang dalam pilpres telah menawarkan visi dan misi kepada rakyat yang sama atau sejalan dengan rpjpn? atau seandainya tidak sejalan lalu bagaimana solusinya? sementara masa berlaku 20 tahun bagi rpjpn itu sama dengan empat kali pilpres. mungkin sulit menjamin bahwa ke empat pemenang pilpres pada setiap periode pilpres akan konsisten taat azas terhadap materi keterbukaan di era reformasi sekarang ini mungkin lemah sehingga perlu ditinjau ulang. sebagai produk hukum dari mpr, gbhn tidak hanya mengikat semua lembaga negara, namun juga lebih memberikan panduan yang komprehensif menyangkut kebijakan pembangunan nasional. perbedaan gbhn dan rpjpn adalah dengan adanya gbhn pembangunan menjadi lebih issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 reformulasi sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional model gbhn sebagai pelaksanaan asas kedaulatan rakyat dalam rangka perubahan ke-v uud 1945 80 terarah, tidak seperti saat ini dimana program pembangunan dibuat sesuai dengan partai pengusung presiden, sehingga kurang mengakomodir rasa keadilan rakyat. tetapi hadirnya undangundang rpjpn ternyata tidak serta merta membuat puas mereka yang menghendaki hadirnya sebuah dokumen pedoman perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembangunan sebagaimana gbhn. kritik itu antara lain menyatakan dokumen rpjpn yang berupa undang-undang lemah dibandingkan gbhn yang berstatus sebagai tap mpr. statussebagai undang-undang ini memunculkan pesimisme di kalangan beberapa kritikus bahwa rpjpn akan mampu mereplace gbhn. dengan status ini rpjpn diyakini tidak akan powerful untuk menjadi rujukan utama perencanaan pembangunan nasional. dibanding gbhn, gbhn pada masanya bahkan begitu sakral sehingga “haram” untuk dilanggar. pasca reformasi saat ini, sistim perencanaan pembangunan nasional melahirkan berbagai masalah diantaranya : a) penyusunan dan pelaksanaan rpjmn dan rpjpn dipandang lemah, karena executive perspektive. b) terjadi inkonsistensi dan diskontinuitas pelaksanaan rpjmn dengan rpjpn karena pergantian presiden 5 tahun sekali. c) rpjm nasional tidak sinkron dengan daerah, karena rpjm daerah disusun menurut perspektif daerah. lemahnya rpjpn juga terkait dengan adanya undang-undang nomor 17 tahun 2007 tentang rencana pembangunan jangka panjang (rpjp) nasional tahun 2005 – 2025 tidak dapat dianggap sebagai 'haluan'. pasalnya, undang-undang ini lebih mencerminkan visi personal presiden yang belum tentu mengarah pada tujuan nasional.menurut hemat penulis, rpjpn bervisi personal presiden yang bisa saja program-program kerjanya diluar ketentuan konstitusi atau tidak mempunyai faedah bagi masyarakat. ketika beberapa dekade sistim ini berjalan, banyak pihak menilai bahwa tanpa gbhn sebagai otoritas tertinggi yang mengarahkan pembangunan bangsa, membuat negara ini bukan lagi negara kesatuan, tetapi negara dengan multy government. issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 reformulasi sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional model gbhn sebagai pelaksanaan asas kedaulatan rakyat dalam rangka perubahan ke-v uud 1945 81 kekuasaan ada dimana-mana (pusat dan daerah) yang dengan mudah dapat diselewengkan untuk kepentingan diri dan kelompok dalam bentuk tindak pidana korupsi dan lain-lain. rpjm yang disusun dan dilaksanakan selama ini tidak menjawab secara komprehensif persoalan nasional yang dihadapi indonesia, apalagi jika dikaitkan dengan konteks persaingan dan kemajuan negara-negara tetangga lainnya. kita banyak mengalami kemunduran dalam pembangunan bangsa. atas dasar itu, maka mpr sendiri bahkan berbagai pihak mulai berpikir untuk menghidupkan kembali gbhn sebagai panduan untuk kepala negara (presiden) dalam menjalankan roda pemerintahan. presiden tidak perlu membuat program baru, karena tugas presiden hanya melaksanakan gbhn yang telah disusun. berbagai pihak banyak yang menyesalkan penghapusan tugas mpr dalam menentukan gbhn, karena tanpa gbhn pembangunan indonesia sulit diharapkan dapat berkesinambungan dan indonesia tidak akan mampu menghadapi berbagai ancaman di masa depan. gbhn sebagai aset bangsa kembali diperhitungkan dalam perannya sebagai pagar kehidupan bangsa. hilangnya pagar kehidupan telah membuat bangsa ini dengan mudah dijamah tangan-tangan asing, dimana visi pembangunan cenderung hanyut dalam hiruk pikuk kepentingan asing sehingga kesejahteraan rakyat terabaikan. maka itu, berbagai pihak meminta ruh dan jati diri pembangunan bangsa tetap berpijak pada aspirasi seluruh rakyat indonesia yang dituangkan dalam gbhn.ada beberapa perbedaan dan persamaan antara gbhn dan rpjpn perbedaan antaragbhn dan rpjpn antara lain gbhn berstatus sebagai tap mpr karena diproduk oleh mpr yang berkedudukan sebagai lembaga tertinggi negara. secara strategis, kedudukan gbhn jauh lebih powerful dibanding rpjpn, gbhn bersifat lima tahunan. sementara rpjpn berstatus sebagai undang-undang karena diproduk oleh dpr bersama presiden dan bersifat 20 tahunan. sedangkan persamaannya, berdasarkan aturan yang mendasari pelaksanaannya, dalam prosespenyusunan gbhn dan rpjpn keduanya telah “berkomitmen” melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat yang issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 reformulasi sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional model gbhn sebagai pelaksanaan asas kedaulatan rakyat dalam rangka perubahan ke-v uud 1945 82 luas dan kekuatan-kekuatan politik di parlemen, gbhn di mpr dan rpjpn di dpr. dari sisi ini sebenarnya rpjpn pun sudah cukup legitimatif untuk dijadikandasar acuan pembangunan karena secara teori telah representatif mengakomodasi semua kepentingan, tergantung kekuatan politicalwill yang mendukungnya. mungkin karena di bingungkan oleh begitu banyaknya masalah yang muncul di erareformasi sekarang ini bermunculanlah ide atau aspirasi untuk kembali kepada gbhn. makna kembali dalam konteks ini, jika mencermati lontaran beberapa pihak akhir-akhir ini, merentan dari kembali kepada gbhn dalam maknanya seperti di era orde baru sampai kepada kembali pada makna substansinya, yaitu kepada gbhn yang powerful seperti di era orde baru terlepas dari apapun namanya “gbhn” itu. kembali dalam maknanya yang esktrim umunya dilontarkan oleh pihak-pihak yang sejakawal keberatan terhadap dilakukannya amandemen uud 1945. tuntutannya adalah kembali kepada uud 1945 pra amandemen. artinya include didalamnya kembali kepada gbhn ala orde baru. sementara yang lain mengaspirasikan kembali dalam maknanya yang substansial yaitu sebuah gbhn yang more powerful dari pada rpjpn sekarang ini.namun apapun aspirasinya, terdapat beberapa catatan yang perlu dicermati secara bersama manakala ingin mereformulasi gbhnagar benar-benar bergeraknya ke depan, bukan justru mundur ke belakang, yaitu bahwa situasi dan kondisi sosio politik nasional di era reformasi saat ini telah berbeda 180 derajat dengan di era orde baru. sebuah pertanyaan yang mungkin menarik untuk dicermati adalah kenapa atau bagaimanagbhn di era orde baru mampu bertahan selama 32 tahun dan menghasilkan capaiancapaian pembangunan yang senantiasa meningkat dari periode ke periode? apakah karena gbhn itu berkedudukan sebagai tap mpr semata-mata yang karenanya ia begitu powerful menjadi rujukan konsep pembangunan? pasca dihapuskannya gbhn sebagai pedoman pembangunan nasional, agenda rencana pembangunan nasional ditentukan lewat undangundang serta rencana pembangunan jangka menegah (rpjm) nasional yang ditentukan dengan peraturan presiden dan pelaksanaannya juga dilakukan oleh presiden.konsekuensinya, bila kinerja pemerintah tidak sesuai dari rencana issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 reformulasi sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional model gbhn sebagai pelaksanaan asas kedaulatan rakyat dalam rangka perubahan ke-v uud 1945 83 pembangunan, maka tidak ada sanksi yuridis yang jelas. karena ditentukan peraturan yang dihasilkan oleh kekuasaan presiden itu sendiri. 2. reformulasi pedoman pembangunan nasional di era reformasi untuk maksud di atas, banyak hal yang harus dikaji, baik secara yuridis, sosiologis dan metodologis. yang harus pula diperhitungkan adalah perubahan paradigma berpikir yang ikut merubah arena, wajah dan struktur politik. dalam era reformasi, demokrasi mulai terkondisi di berbagai lini kehidupan,sekalipun demokrasi yang dilahirkan di indonesia abortus sehingga menjadi industri politik. semua identitas yang muncul dan berkembang di dalam masyarakat mendapat ruang. semua kelompok dari berbagai kalangan mendapat tempat untuk menyalurkan aspirasi dan ikut berpartisipasi dalam pemerintahan. tidak ada diskriminasi terhadap kelompok tertentu, hak untuk berperan serta dalam pemerintahan atau kegiatan politik terbuka selebar-lebarnya bagi semua kelompok yang ada. dapat dianalisis bahwa tidak adanya gbhn merupakan akibat langsung dari hilangnya eksistensi lembaga tertinggi negara atau mpr. oleh karena itu tidak akan ada lagi propenas yang merupakan penjabaran dari gbhn, dan tidak akan ada lagi propeda yang merupakan penjabaran dari propenas. hilangnya koridor perencanaan makro yang selama ini, telah menjadi arahan dan panduan bagi pelaksanaan perencanaan pembangunan bisa menimbulkan kesemrawutan yang semakin parah. perubahan ini bisa menimbulkan kebingungan terutama ditingkat lokal dan di level operasional. beberapa pihak tetap merasa optimis karena pada dasarnya gbhn tidak hilang namun akan digantikan oleh program-program pembangunan yang telah disampaikan oleh presiden terpilih pada saat pemilu. namun tentunya masih harus dikaji kembali apakah keberadaan program kerja presiden tersebut dapat menggantikan peranan gbhn atau bahkan menjadi lebih efektif. mencermati keberadaan pedoman perencanaan pembangunan dari perspektif situasi dan kondisi saat ini memang terasa dilematis. harus diakui bahwa memang ada masalah. rpjpn yang kita miliki saat ini potensial bermasalah dari sisi statusnya sebagai undang-undang karena terasa kurang issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 reformulasi sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional model gbhn sebagai pelaksanaan asas kedaulatan rakyat dalam rangka perubahan ke-v uud 1945 84 powerful dan masa waktunya yang berjangka 20 tahun karena belum tentu kompatibel dengan situasi dan kondisi demokrasi yang telah terbangun saat ini. dan seandainya ingin kembali kepada gbhn, maka gbhn ala orde baruharus dihilangkan dan disesuaikan dengan situasi dan kondisi sosio politik yang memang sudah berbeda saat ini. lalu bagaimana solusinya? dalam hal ini ada duaalternatif yang menurut penulis layak dipertimbangkan adalah: a) dengan mengembalikan kewenangan mpr untuk menyusun dan menetapkan gbhn lewat perubahan ke-v uud 1945. karena presiden hanya menjalankan programprogram yang telah ada dalam gbhn yang telah ditentukan tiap 5 tahun dan tidak perlu membuat program baru lagi yang bisa saja tidak efektif dan tidak menguntungkan rakyat. selain itu gbhn dirancang, dirumuskan, dan ditetapkan oleh mpr. hal ini memilki keunggulan dibanding ketetapan dalam bentuk undangundang karena mengubah ketetapan mpr memerlukan konsensus politik yang lebih tinggi daripada undang-undang sehingga lebih menjamin konsistensi dan kesinambungan pembangunan siapa pun presidennya nanti. konsisten berarti diikuti dan ditaati oleh seluruh penyelenggara negara secara horisontal dan vertikal dari pusat ke daerah. berkelanjutan artinya diikuti dan ditaati oleh setiap rezim meskipun berganti-ganti setiap lima tahun. oleh karena itu rpjmd juga harus disesuaikan dengan rpjmp dengan tetap mengakomidir tuntutan daerah dalam sistem pembangunan. b) jika tetap menggunakan rpjpn, maka statusnya perlu dirubah dari undang-undang menjadi keputusan mpr agar mendapat legitimasi yang kuat. sehingga tidak diperlukan lagi amandemen terhadap uud 45 terkait dengan wacana memasukan kembali gbhn dalam kewenangan mpr. rpjp yang ada saat ini sebenarnya juga sudah cukup detail dan komprehensif, issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 reformulasi sistem perencanaan pembangunan nasional model gbhn sebagai pelaksanaan asas kedaulatan rakyat dalam rangka perubahan ke-v uud 1945 85 c. penutup gbhn di masa lalu merupakan bagian dari produk politik hukum. namun secara politis difungsikan sebagai sarana kontrol sosial pemerintah. ke depan, jika ingin diterapkan kembali, gbhn diarahkan tidak sekedar menunjang pembangunan nasional namun juga perbaikan kehidupan berbangsa. kendati dalam pelaksanaannya berbenturan dengan perilaku politik penyelenggara negara.namun yang mendesak, perlu perbaikan praktik politik sehari-hari agar muatan moral yang terkandung dalam rpjpn atau gbhn atau produk lainnya tidak dimain-mainkan melalui tafsir politis. reformulasi gbhn memiliki peranan sebagai instrument penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. model gbhn lebih dimaksudkan untuk mengambil inspirasi dalam rangka mengoptimalkan tata pemerintahan indonesia yang dapat mensinergikan pemerintah nasional dan lokal yang memiliki otonomi luas. jika gbhn kembali dihidupkan melalui amandemen uud 1945 akan mengundang konsekuensi mengenai mekanisme pemilihan presiden secara langsung karena menghidupkan kembali gbhn maka, bisa saja mpr kembali menjadi lembaga tertinggi negara dan mempunyai kewajiban untuk memilih kembali presiden disamping membuat dan menetapkan gbhn. daftar pustaka moeljarto tjokrowinoto. 1993. politik pembangunan, sebuah konsep, arah dan strategi, tiara wacanacet-2. yogyakarta. riyadi & supriadi b., deddy, 2005.perencanaan pembangunan daerah. strategi menggali potensi dalam mewujudkan otonomi daerah. gramedia pustaka utama. cet-3. jakarta. sjaifudian, h. 2000. desentralisasi dan prospek partisipasi warga dalam pengambilan keputusan publik. jurnal analisis sosial (social analysis journal)vol. 5. issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 31 analisis hukum pelaksanaan peran advokat dalam pemberian bantuan hukum secara cuma-cuma la gurusi fakultas hukum universitas muhammadiyah buton dosen hukum pidana abstrak prinsip negara hukum memasyarakat adanya penegakan sepremasi hukum serta menjamin perlindungan hak-hak dasar warga negaranya sebagai wujud konkrit dari prinsip tersebut. hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa alpanya penasehat hukum dalam perkara yang menimpa terdakwa la itisi bin la nggobe,s.ag selama proses penyidikan, penuntutan maupun pemeriksaan dipengadilan merupakan suatu bentuk ketidak efektifnya penerapan hukum yang ada di negeri ini khususnya dalam penerapan pasal 56 kitab undang-undang hukum acara pidana yang mengatur tentang pemberian bantuan hukum secara cuma-cuma terhadap tersangka atau terdakwa yang tidak mampu. saran dalam penelitian ini adalah penyediaan sarana, prasarana dan transportasi yang memadai sebaiknya harus juga diperhatikan oleh pemerintah agar pelaksanaan pemberian bantuan hukum dapat berjalan dengan lancar. kata kunci : peran advokat, bantuan hukum secara cuma-cuma. abstract the rule of law popularize their sepremasi enforcement of law and ensure the protection of the basic rights of its citizens as a concrete manifestation of this principle. the results showed that alpanya legal counsel in cases that befall the accused la itisi bin la nggobe, s.ag during the investigation, prosecution and court examination is a reflection of the effe ctive application of existing laws in this country, especially in the application of article 56 of the statute books criminal procedural law provides for the granting of legal aid for free of charge to the suspect or defendant who can not afford. suggestions in this research is the provision of facilities, infrastructure and adequate transportation preferably should also be considered by the government for the implementation of the provision of legal aid to run smoothly. keyword : role of advocates, legal aid for free of charge. issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 32 a. pendahuluan prinsip negara hukum adalah memasyarakat adanya penegakan sepremasi hukum serta menjamin perlindungan hak-hak dasar warga negaranya sebagai wujud konkrit dari prinsip tersebut, maka penyediaan sarana-prasarana, termasuk regulasi yang efektif serta efisien, mutlak menjadi kebutuhan yang harus dipenuhi oleh negara. (soerjono soekanto, 1983). dalam sejarah perjalanan hukum positif indonesia telah sering coba diciptakan berbagai rumusan yang bertujuan untuk menjamin hak-hak para pencari keadilan untuk menikmati akses terbaik serta persamaan derajat didepan hukum (equality before of the law) undang-undang dasar 1945 sebagai landasan bsernegara nkri pun telah mengamanatkan hal tersebut dalam pasal 27 ayat 1 bahwa “segala warga negara bersamaan kedudukannya didepan hukum dan perintah itu dengan tidak ada kecualinya. dalam rangka pemenuhan akses setiap warga negara yang sederajat terhadap hukum, maka disahkan undang-undang nomor 18 tahun 2003 tentang advokat. lahirnya undangundang ini boleh dikatakan merupakan suatu upaya untuk menghadirkan suatu pilihan profesi independen dan mandiri, diluar lembaga peradilan dan instusi penegak hukum yang telah ada. fungsi untuk menyediakan layanan hukum kepada masyarakat pencari keadilan (tersangka, terdakwa, saksi, bahkan korban). tujuannya, selain untuk membantu proses pemberdayaan masyarakat yang memahami akan hakhak fundamentalnya didepan hukum, sehingga budaya cerdas hukum bisa negara diciptakan. permasalahan mulai muncul ketika profesi advokat yang mandiri dan independen dipandang kurang efektif dalam memberikan jaminan hukum serta akses public yang seluas-luasnya bagi khalayak. pasal demi pasal dalam undang-undang advokat senantiasa menciptakan diskursus pfofesional semata tanpa adanaya pengaturan lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana para advokat harus melayani klien yang terganjal problem ekonomi. walaupun klausal dalam uu no 18 tahun 2003 pasal 22 telah dengan gambling mewajibkan advokat untuk memberikan pelayanan hukum cumacuma kepada kliennya yang kurang mampu, hal ini masih saja belum cukup menjawab permasalahan sulitnya akses issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 33 hukum dan keadilan yang merata dan sederajat. negara sebagai organisasi publik wajib menjamin ketersediaan pelayanan publik di bidang hukum. walaupun uud 1945 tidak dengan tegas menyatakan bahwa bantuan hukum (legal aid) merupakan kewajiban negara, namun dengan adanya prinsip persamaan di depan hukum jelas memberikan isyarat bahwa negara wajib memperhatikan permasalahan bantuan hukum yang merupakan salah satu gerbang pemenuhan akses keadilan masyarakat. ketidak seriusan pemerintah indonesia berkaitan dengan permasalahan bantuan hukum dapat dilihat dari tak tersedianya infrastruktur bantuan hukum secara memadai. dalam tata perundangundangan indonesia misalnya, indonesia hanya memiliki uu no 18 tahun 2003 tentang advokat yang dijadikan satu-satunya acuan teknis pemberian bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat. hal ini sangat berbeda bila kita bandingkan dengan negara-negara lain seperti australia, afrika selatan dan taiwan yang sudah memiliki instrument legal khusus yang mengatur permasalahan “bantuan hukum secara cuma-cuma” berupa undang-undang disamping insrumen legal lainnya terkait advokat. dimana pasal 22 undang-undang tersebut disebutkan : 1. adokat wajib memberikan bantuan hukum secara cumacuma kepada pencari keadilan yang tidak mampu. 2. ketentuan mengenai cara pemberian bantuan hukum sescara cuma-cuma sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) diatur lebih lanjut dengan peraturan pemerintah. dapat dilihat secara jelas bahwa advokat memiliki kewajiban memberikan bantuan hukum (mulai dari konsultasi hukum hingga pendampingan dipengadilan) secara cuma-cuma kepada kliennya yang tidak mampu. secara normative, harusnya jalan menuju bantuan hukum terbuka bagi setiap orang tanpa membedabedakan bisa semakin mulus. akan tetapi, kenyataan terekam dilapangan ternyata berbeda dengan apa yang seharusnya. selain itu, indikasi tetang ketidak seriusan negara dalam menciptakan akses penuh dibidang hukum bagi masyarakat semakin terlihat dari jangka waktu realisasi penerbitan peraturan pemerintah issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 34 tentang bantuan hukum hampir memakan waktu sekitar enam tahun. disatu sisi masyarakat khususnya masyarakat kurang mampu, tidak mampu menikmati hak yang telah diberikan undang-undang. disisi lain, belum ada mekanisme yang memastikan agar aparatur penegak hukum melaksanakan tugasnya sesuai aturan (komisi hukum nasional, kebijakan reformasi hukum, 2003). pasal 54 kuhp telah menggariskan bahwa tersangka atau terdakwa berhak mendapat bantuan untuk setiap tingkat pemeriksaan guna kepentingan pembelaan dirinya. kalau penyidik, seseorang dapat menghubungi penasehat hukum. kalau tak mampu, negara bisa menyediakan. prinsip pasal ini sejalan dengan diamanatkan uud 1945. akan tetapi, masih ada kasus-kasus yang diputus hakim tanpa memperlihatkan tersangka dalam menjalani prosedur penangkapan pemeriksaan hingga persidangan seolalah mementakan asumsi logis dari pasal ini. tidak adanya pihak penasehat hukum atau pembelaan dari pihak terdakwa (kecuali mungkin pengakuan bersalah) serta minimnya alat bukti serta fakta-fakta hukum yang diajukan jpu dalam surat dakwaannya tentunya hakim mengalami kesulitan didalam mengadili atau memutuskan perkara. di satu sisi ia harus memutuskan perkara tersebut, disisi lain ia harus memutuskan perkara didasarkan kebenaran materil yang mana kesalahan kecil dalam menjatuhkan vonis tentunya akan berakibat kerugian yang sangat besar bagi terdakwa. akhirnya, oleh karena hakim juga tetap harus menjatuhkan vonis maka tak jarang penjatuhan vonis tersebut didasarkan lebih kepada pertimbangan keyakinan semata berdasarkan pengalamanpengalaman sehari-harinya dalam menghadapi kasus-kasus serupa dan dengan bukti-bukti yang minim, sehingga dasar pertimbangan yang tertuang dalam surat keputusannya pun menjadi kurang berbobot. pentingnya penasehat hukum didalam proses peradilan pidana guna tercipta peradilan khususnya peradilan pidana yang fair serta ‘berbobot’ karena dengan adanya penasehat hukum sebagai counter-part dari pihak penyidik maupun penuntut umum maka tentunya dapat mendorong keduanya untuk melakukan tugasnya semaksimal mungkin, terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa akhir-akhir ini penyimpanganissn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 35 penyimpangan hukum juga dilakukan oleh banyak pengacara yang juga kini menjadi permasalahan tsendiri akan tetapi tentu hal tersebut kini masih menjadi suatu yang ideal belakang. untuk mengantsipasi hal ini sebenarnya dalam kitab undang-undang hukum acara pidana telah diatur mengenai bantuan hukum. khususnya bagi terdakwa/tersangka yang diancam pidana dengan pidana penjara diatas 5 tahun. dalam pasasl 56 kuhp disebutkan bahwa. a) dalam tersangka atau terdakwa yang disangka atau didakwa melakukan tindak pidana yang diancam pidana mati atau pidana penjara lima belas tahun atau lebih atau bagi tersangka yang diancam pidana lima tahun lebih yang tidak mempunyai penasehat hukum sendiri, pejabat yang bersangkutan pada semua tingkat pemeriksaan dalam proses peradilan wajib menunjuk penasehat hukum bagi mereka. b) setiap penasehat hukum yang ditunjuk untuk bertindak sebagaimana dalam ayat (1) , memberikan bantuannya dengan cuma-cuma. pasal tersebut terlihat bahwa pada dasarnya pejabat yang bersangkutan memiliki kewajiban untuk memberikan penasehat hukum walaupun dengan pertimbangan tambahan yang terlihat dalam penjelasannya bahwa penunjukan penasehat hukum tersebut di sesuaikan dengan perkembangan dan keadaan tersedianya tenaga penasehat hukum di tempat itu, yang menjadi permasalahan sekarang adalah sejauh mana para pejabat terkait tersebut seperti pihak penyidik, jpu maupun hakim melaksanakan ketentuan tersebut, bagaimana mekanismenya, konpensasi apa yang akan diterima oleh penasehat hukum yang memberikan bantuan hukum secara cuma-cuma tersebut, konsekuensi hukum apa yang akan diterima oleh pejabat terkait yang tidak melaksanakan ketentuan ini, sejauh mana batasan dari pertimbangan tambahan seperti yang tertulis dalam bagian penjelasan pasal tersebut, hingga kini belum jelas. sudah menjadi kewajiban dari negaralah untuk mendorong pelaksanaan pasal 56 kuhp tersebut oleh karena negara memiliki tanggung jawab untuk melindungihak-hak sipil dan politik warga negaranya sesuai issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 36 dengan international convenant on civil and political rights yang dalam pasal 14 ayat 3 d dikatan bahwa “kepada tersangka/terdakwa diberikan jaminan diadili dengan kehadiran terdakwa, membela diri sendiri secara pribadi atau dengan bantuan penasehat hukum dan ditunjukan penasehat hukum untuk dia jika untuk kepentingan peradilan perlu untuk itu, dan juka tidak mampu membayar penasehat hukum ia dibebaskan dari pembayaran” dalam berbagai kasus, seringkali kita temukan tersangka yang diperiksa, ditahan, diinterogasi tanpa damping penasehat hukum. akibatnya tak jarang tersangka yang ketika diipengadilan justru mengingkari bap yang telah ditandatangani dengan alasan tertekan saat pemeriksaan. salah satu kasus yang terjadi adalah kasus yang menimpa terdakwa la itisi bin la nggobe,s.ag, terdakwa didakwa oleh jaksa penuntut umum dengan pasal 34 kuhp pasal 338kuhp lebih subsidair pasal 353 ayat (3) lebih subsidair pasal 351 ayat (3) kuhp dengan ancaman hukuman lebih dari sembilan tahun. proses hukum yang menimpa terdakwa mulai dari proses penyidikan, penuntutan hingga pemeriksaan di pengadilan terdakwa tidak didampingi oleh penasehat hukum karena alasan yang tidak mendasar padahal dalam ketentuannya bahwa seharusnya terdakwa wajib didampingi oleh penasehat hukum secara cumacuma sesbagaimana yang diatur dalam pasal 54 kuhp yang telah menggariskan bahwa tersangka atau terdakwa berhak mendapat bantuan hukum untuk setiap tingkat pemeriksaan guna kepentingan pembelaan didrinya. b. metode penelitian penelitian ini dilaksakan di pengadilan negeri baubau dengan pertimbangan bahwa di pengadilan negeri banyak menangani kasus-kasus criminal sehingga memudahkan dalam pencarian data . data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah data primer berupa data yang diperoleh langsung dari lokasi penelitian melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan daftar pertanyaan (questioner) dan data sekunder berupa penelitian dan dokumen-dokumen lainnya yang terdapat di instansi-instansi terkait seperti kantor walikota baubau. tekhnik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara dan questioner. hasil penelitian, dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. data yang telah dikumpulkan dijadikan bahan acuan issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 37 untuk menyusun tabulasi data. jawaban-jawaban responden yang melebihi data jawaban dari berbagai jawaban yang tersedia diputuhkan untuk mengambil suatu jawaban yang mendekati maksud kuesioner. c. kerangka teori 1. pengertian dan hak-hak tersangka/terdakwa secara umum dalam kuhp tersangka menurut kuhp adalah seorang yang karena perbuatannya/ keadaannya, berdasarkan bukti permulaan patut diduga sebagai pelaku tindak pidana, maka ia diselidiki, di sidik dan diperiksa oleh penyidik. apabila perlu maka ia dapat dikenakan tindakan upaya paksa berupa penangkapan, penahanan, penggeledahan, dan penyitaan sesuai dengan undangundang. (abdurrahman, 1983). terdakwa adalah seorang tersangka yang dituntut, diperiksa dan diadili disidang pengadilan. kedudukan tersangka dalam kuhp adalah sebagai subjek, dimana dalam setiap pemeriksaan harus diperlakukan dalam kedudukan manusia yang mempunyai harkat, martabat dan harga diri tersangka tidak terlihat sebagai obyek yang ditanggali hak asasi dan harkat martabat kemanusiaannya dengan sewenang-wenang. (bambang poernomo, 1984). seorang tersangka tidak dapat diperlakukan dengan sekehendak hati pemeriksa dengan alasan bahwa dia telah bersalah melakukan suatu tindak pidana, karena sebagaimana asas praduga tidak bersalah (presumption of innocence)yang dianut dalam proses peradilan pidana di indonesia yang tercantum dalam pasal uu no 4 tahun 2004 tentang kekuasaan kehakiman yaitu “setiap orang yang ditahan, disiksa, ditangkap, dituntut, dan/atau dihadapkan di depan pengadilan wajib dianggap tidak bersalah sebelum ada putusan pengadilan yang menyatakan kesalahannya dan telah memperoleh kekuatan hukum yang tetap”. kuhp telah menempatkan tersangka sebagai manusia yang utuh, yang memiliki harkat, martabat dan harga diri serta hak asasi yang tidak dapat dirampas darinya. (erni widhayanti, 1988) tersangka telah diberikan seperangkat hak-hak oleh kuhp yang meliputi : a) hak untuk segera mendapat pemeriksaan. tersangka berhak segera mendapatkan issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 38 pemeriksaan oleh penyidik yang selanjutnya dapat diajukan kepada penuntut umum, dan tersangka berhak perkaranya segera demajukan oleh pengadilan ke penuntut umum (pasal 50) ayat 1 dan ayat 2). b) tersangka berhak untuk diberitahukan dengan jelas dalam bahasa yang dimengerti olehnya tentang apa yang disangkakan kepadanya pada waktu pemeriksaan dimulai (pasal 51). c) hak untuk memberikan keterangan scara bebas kepada penyidik. dalam pemeriksaan pada tingkat penyidikan dan pengadilan, tersangka atau terdakwa berhak memberikan keterangan secara bebas kepada penyidik atau hakim (pasal 52 kuhp). d) hak untuk mendapatkan juru bahasa dalam setiap pemeriksaan. dalam pemeriksaan pada tingkat penyidikan dan pengadilan, tersangka atau terdakwa berhak untuk setiap waktu mendapat juru bahasa (pasal 53 ayat 1, lih. juga pasal 177). 1. hak untuk mendapat bantuan hukum pada setiap tingkat pemeriksaan.guna kepentingan pembelaan, tersangka atau terdakwa berhak mendapat bantuan hukum dari seorang atau lebih penasehat hukum selama dalam waktu dan pada setiap tingkat pemeriksaan, menurut tata cara yang diatur dalam undang-undang/ kuhp (pasal 54). 2. berhak secara bebas memilih penasehat hukum. untuk mendapatkan penasehat hukum tersangka atau terdakwa berhak memilih sendiri penasehat hukumnyan (pasal 55). 3. hak untuk berubah menjadi wajib untuk mendapat bantuan hukum. wajib bagi tersangka mendapat bantuan hukum bagi tersangka dalam semua tingkat pemeriksaan jika sangkaan yang disangkakan diancam dengan pidana mati atau ancaman pidana minimal 15 tahun atau lebih (pasal 56). issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 39 4. tersangka atau terdakwa yang dikenakan penahanan berhak menghubungi penasehaat hukumnya sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam khup (pasal 57). 2. pengertian bantuan hukum secara cuma-cuma secara umum, untuk merumuskan definisi program pemberian bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat tidak mampu telah berlangsung sejak tahun 1980 hingga sekarang dalam kurng waktu tersebut, banyak hal yang menunjukan bahwa pemberian bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat tidak mampu sangat di perlukan, dan diharapkan adanya peningkatan atau intensitas pelaksanaan bantuan hukum dari tahun ketahun. (adnan buyung nasution, 1981). arah kebijaksanaan dari program bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat tidak mampu, disamping memberdayakan keberadaan dan kesamaan hukum bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat, juga bertujuan untuk menggugah kesadaran dan kepatuhan hukum masyarakat, yaitu melalui penggunaan hak yang disediakan oleh negara dalam hal membela kepentingan hukumnya di depan pengadilan. dalam lieteratur bahasa inggris, istilah bantuan hukum dikenal dengan istilah legal aid atau legal asistence. istilah legal aid biasanya digunakan untuk menunjukkan pengertian bantuan hukum dalam arti sempit berupa pemaberian jasa di bidang hukum kepada seseorang yang terlibat dalam suatu perkara secara cuma-cuma atau prodeo, khususnya bagi mereka yang tidak mampu atau muskin. sedangkan asistence dipergunakan untuk menunjukan pengertian bantuan hukum kepada mereka yang mampu ataupun pemberian bantuan hukum oleh para advokat atau pengacara yang mempergunakan honorium. (martiman prodjohamindjojo, 1982). dalam pengertian yang lebih luas maka definisi bantuan hukum diartikan sebagai upaya untuk membantu golongan masyarakat yang tidak mampu dalam bidang hukum. menurut adnan buyung nasutiondijelaskan bahwa adapun upaya yang dimaksud dalam definisi tersebut memiliki tiga aspek yang saling berkaitan yaitu sebagai berikut : issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 40 a) aspsek perumusan aturan hukum b) aspek pengawasan terhadap mekanisme untuk menjaga aturan-aturan tersebut untuk ditaati dan dipatuhi. c) aspek pendidikan masyarakat agar aturan-aturan tersebut di pahami. dalam bantuan hukum tersebut meliputi kegiatan sebagai berikut : a. pembelaan b. perwakilan baik diluar maupun didalam pengadilan c. pendidikan d. penelitian e. penyebaran gagasan atau ide berbeda halnya dengan h.m.a kuffal s.h. memberikan definisi bantuan hukum sebagai kegiatan pelayanan hukum (legal service) yang diberikan oleh penasehat hukum dalam upaya memberikan perlindungan hukum dan pembela terhadap hak asasi tersangka atau terdakwa sejak proses penangkapan/penahanan sampai dengan diperoleh putusan pengadilan yang memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap. sedangkan prof. dr.arief sidraharta, sh.memberikan definisi bantuan hukum adalah pemberian pelayanan jasa-jasa tertentu secara berkeahlian dan terorganisasikan oleh para ahli alam situasi-situasi problematic dan atau situasi-situasi konflik yang dapat ditangani dengan penerapan aturan-aturan hukum dengan atau tanpa memanfaatkan prosedur-prosedur yuridis. bantuan hukum yang dimaksud dalam pengertian tersebut meliputi bantuan hukum pada penyelesaian konflik secara formal di pengadilan (proses peradilan) dan bantuan hukum diluar prosesi pengadilan. 3. mekanisme pemberian bantuan hukum secara cuma-cuma terhadap terdakwa tidak mampu mekanisme pemberian bantuan hukum secara cuma-cuma terhadap terdakwa sebagai berikut : a. pencari keadilan mengajukan permohonan tertulis kepada advokat atau melalui lembaga bantuan hukum. b. pemohon tersebut sekurang kurangnya memuat ; 1. nama, alamat dan pekerjaan pemohon 2. uraian singkat mengenai pokok persoalan yang dimohonkan bantuan issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 41 c. melampirkan surat keterangan tidak mampu dari lurah/desa dan kecamatan tempat pemohon tinggal. pencari keadilan yang tidak menulis atau tidak pandai menyusun redaksi permohonan, dapat mengajukan secara lisan yang dibantu oleh advokat atau petugas untuk itu dan dituangkan dalam bentuk tertulis yang ditandatangani oleh pemohon dan advokat atau petugas pada organisasi advokat atau lembaga bantuan hukum. d. permohonan yang ditujukan langsung kepada advokat harus ada tebusan kepada organisasi advokat yang bersangkutan. pengertian lembaga bantuan hukum dalam pasal 1 dan 6 dijelaskan bahwa yang dimaksud dengan lembaga bantuan hukum itu adalah lembaga yang memberikan bantuan kepada pencari keadilan tanpa menerima bayaran atau honorium. 4. dasar-dasar pemberian bantuan hukum program pemberian bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat tidak mampu dilaksanakan berdasarkan ketentuan sebagai berikut : a) uu no 4 tahun 2004 tentang kekuasaan kehakiman. b) uu no. 8 tahun 1981 tentang kitab undang-undang hukum acara pidana c) kitab undang-undang hukum acara perdata pasal 237 hir/273 rbg tentang : barang siapa yang hendak berpekara baik sebagai penggugat maupun sebagai tergugat, tetapi tidak mampu menanggung biayanya dapat memperoleh izin untuk berpekara dengan cuma-cuma. d) instruksi menteri kehakiman ri no m01-um.0810 tahun 1996, tentang petunjuk pelaksanaan program bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat yang kurang mampu melalui lembaga bantuan hukum. e) instruksi menteri kehakiman ri no. m03-um.06.02 tahun 1999, tentang petunjuk pelaksanaan program bantuan issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 42 hukum bagi masyarakat yang kurang mampu melalui pengadilan negeri dan pengadilan tata usaha negara. f) surat edaran direktur jenderal badan peradilan umum dan peradilan tata usaha negera no. dum.08.10. tanggal 12 mei 1998 tentang juklak pelaksanaan bantuan hukum bagi golongan masyarakat yang kurang mampu melalui lbh. g) uu no. 18 tahun 2003 tentang advokat h) peraturan pemerintah no. 83 tahun 2008 tentang tata cara pelaksanaan bantuan hukum. d. pembahasan hasil penelitian dan analisis 1. proses pelaksanaan bantuan hukum secara cuma-cuma setelah melakukan penelitian dilapangan yang menjadi focus penelitian adalah ingin mengetahui apa yang menyebabkan terdakwa la itisi bin la nggobe,s.ag tidak didampingi oleh penasehat hukum dalam proses penyidikan, penuntutan maupun pemeriksaan di pengadilan. namun penelitian ini ingin fokus terhadap pemeriksaan terdakwa dalam tahap pemeriksaan di pengadilan, setelah melihat data serta dokumen yang ada selama menjalani proses hukum terdakwa terdakwa la itisi bin la nggobe,s.ag sama sekali tidak didampingi oleh pensehat hukum padahal pengadilan negeri baubau sudah mengeluarkan penetapan tentang penunjukan penasehat hukum untuk mendampingi terdakwa terdakwa la itisi bin la nggobe,s.ag yakni terlihat dalam berita acara persidangan mulai dari agenda pembacaan surat dakwaan jaksa penuntut umum, agenda pemeriksaan saksi-saksi dan agenda pembacaan tuntutan oleh jaksa penuntut umum hingga berakhir pada pengambilan putusan oleh hakim. a) proses pemeriksaan di pengadilan setelah menerima surat pelimpahan perkara dari penuntut umum kejaksaan negeri baubau melalui surat pengantar nomor : 2278/r.3.11/ep/07/2009, tanggal 9 juli 2009 kemudian pengadilan negeri baubau sesuai hukum acara pidana no. 8 tahun 1981, itu berarti status terdakwa sebagai tahanan jaksa penuntut umum beralih menjadi tahanan hakim sehingga tanggung jawab sepenuhnya terhadap terdakwa issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 43 berada sepenuhnya dibawah tanggung jawab hakim. berdasarkan surat pelimpahan perkara dari jaksa penuntut umum kemudian pengadilan negeri baubau mengeluarkan surat penetapan nomor : 325/pen.pid/2009/pn.bb, tanggal 9 juli 2009 dimana surat penetapan itu memerintahkan untuk melakukan penahanan atas terdakwa la itisi bin la nggobe,s.ag dalam rumah tahanan negara. setelah mengeluarkan penetapan penahanan tersebut kemudian pengadilan negeri baubau mengeluarkan penetapan hari sidang dan menunjuk majelis hakim untuk memeriksa dan mengadili perkara atas nama terdakwa la itisi bin la nggobe,s.ag, dimana penetapan tersebut menyatakan hari kamis tanggal 16 juli 2009 serta memerintahkan jaksa penuntut umum untuk menghadapkan terdakwa tersebut beserta saksi-saksi sebagaimana tercantum dalam berkas perkara. a) berita acara pembacaan surat dakwaan b) berita acara pemeriksaan saksi c) berita acara pembacaan tuntutan jaksa penuntut umum d) berita acara pembacaan putusan b. faktor-faktor penghambat dalam proses pemberian pelaksanaan pemberian bantuan hukum secara cuma-cuma. secara konstitusional pemberian bantuan hukum secara cuma-cuma telah diatur dalam undang-undang dan diperuntukan bagi para pencari keadilan yang tidak mampu untuk memperoleh akses bantuan hukum. secara cuma-cuma ketika mereka tersangkut persoalan hukum. kewajiban negara dalam pemenuhan hak-hak hukum setiap warga negara adalah sebuah keharusan. akan tetapi dalam pemberian bantuan hukum, negara bukan merupakan okbyek tunggal yang bertanggung jawab dalam hal ini. dibawah ini adalah beberapa kutipan hasil wawancara dengan beberapa orang responden yang berkompoten untuk memberikan keterangan terkait dengan factor-faktor yang menghambat proses pemberian bantuan hukum dari tingkat penyidikan sampai pada proses persidangan di pengadilan. adapun hasil wawncara tersebut adalah sebagai berikut : a) berdasarkan keterangan brigadir munsir mansur, banit issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 44 sat reskrim polres baubau yang ditemui, beliau menjelaskan bahwa ada beberapa factor yang menjadi penghambat pelaksanaan pemberian bantuan hukum yaitu pertama, minimnya alokasi dana yang disediakan oleh negara; yang kedua, tidak adanya sarana dan transportasi guna mempermudah proses pemberian bantuan hukum oleh advokat; kemudian yang ketiga adalah persoalan ekonomi yang dihadapi oleh advokat itu sendiri. meskipun pemberian bantuan hukum adalah tanggung jawab profesi advokat sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam undangundang no. 22 tahun 2003 tentang advokat, tentunya seorang advokat akan kesulitan dalam menjalankan tanggung jawab profesinya jika ia harus menanggung biaya sendiri dalam berpekara dipengadilan sementara dalam berpekara dipengadilan ada biaya-biaya administrasi yang harus dipenuhi, dengan kondisi ekonomi yang memadai (wawncara 11 november 2012). b) keterangan serupa juga dari salah satu panitra pidana pengadilan negeri baubau yaitu bapak la ali,sh selaku panitera muda pidana pada pengadilan negeri baubau, dimana beliau menjelaskan bahwa secara umum yang menghambat proses pemberian bantuan hukum secara cuma-cuma bagi tersangka yang tidak mampu adalah persoalan anggaran. beliau melanjutkan minimnya alokasi dana yang disediakan oleh negara tentunya menghambat proses pemberian bantuan hukum oleh advokat. dalam satu perkara prodeo untuk pengadilan baubau advokat yang ditunjuk hanya mendapatkan 500 ribu untuk biaya operasionalnya. dengan biaya ini tentunya pelaksanaan pemberian bantuan hukum oleh advokat tidak akan maksimal issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 45 (wawancara 12 november 2012). c) kurangnya pemahaman dari tersangka yang tidak mampu akan haknya untuk akses mendapatkan bantuan hukum secara cuma-cuma dan betapa pentingnya kehadiran seorang penasehat hukum guna kepentingan pembelaannya disemua tingkat pemeriksaan. mereka menunjukan sikap pasrah dan menyerahkan proses hukum kepada penyidik tanpa ada penasehat hukum yang mendampinginya. hal ini diperparah dengan sikap penyidik yang sepertinya lebih suka tersangka disidik tanpa seorang pengacara untuk mendampinginya. hal ini terbukti dari hasil wawancara dengan beberapa narapidana yang berinisal (kl,md,iy) yang ditemui, mereka mengatakan tidak mengetahui sama sekali akan adanya akses bantuan hukum cuma-cuma tersebut, sehingga hanya bersikap pasrah menyerahkan kepada proses hukum yang berbeda. mereka melanjutkan bahwa adanya bantuan hukum dari penasehat hukum negara itu baru mereka ketahui setelah penyidik memberitahukan kepada mereka. selain itu tidak adanya pemahaman mereka tentang betapa pentingnya kehadiran penasehat hukum ditingkat penyidikan, menurut mereka hal ini deperparah dengan sikap penyidik yang sepertinya merasa senang kalau tersangka disidik tanpa kehadiran seorang penasehat hukum yang mendampinginya. hal ini terbukti, mereka tidak perna ditemui oleh penasehat hukum negara tersebut ditingkat penyidik meskipun mereka telah mengatakan akan menggunakan penasehat hukum negara (wawancara 12 november 2012). d) dengan demikian selain kurangnya pemahaman tersangka terhadap persoalan hukum. fakta diatas menunujukan kurangnya kepedulian para penegak hukum khususnya para issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 46 penyidik dalam pemenuhan hak-hak para pencari keadilan yang tidak mampu juga turut menghambat proses pemberian bantuan hukum. demikianlah beberapa hal yang menjadi penghambat dalam proses pelaksanaan pemberian bantuan hukum secara cuma-cuma bagi tersangka sesuai dengan pasal 56 kuhp di polres dan pengadilan negeri baubau. c. penutup 1. kesimpulan alpanya penasehat hukum dalam perkara yang menimpa terdakwa la itisi bin la nggobe,s.ag selama proses penyidikan, penuntutan maupun pemeriksaan dipengadilan merupakan suatu bentuk ketidak efektifnya penerapan hukum yang ada di negeri ini khususnya dalam penerapan pasal 56 kitab undang-undang hukum acara pidana yang mengatur tentang pemberian bantuan hukum secara cuma-cuma terhadap tersangka atau terdakwa yang tidak mampu. tidak adanya akses bagi terdakwa untuk mendapatkan bantuan hukum tersebut tentunya sangat-sangat merugikan pihak terdakwa oleh karena selain ia menjadi sangat rentan terhadap penyalahgunaan kekuasaan yang dimiliki oleh baik penyidik, penuntut umum maupun kehakiman, kesempatan bagi terdakwa untuk melakukan pembelaan hak-haknya dalam tahapan semua peradilan juga menjadi sangat kecil. tentu sangat-sangat tidak mungkin bagi terdakwa terutama yang dikenakan tahanan untuk bisa membuat pembelaan secara tertulis, untuk membuat ekspesi, mencari saksi-saksi yang meringankan serta hal-hal lainnya yang berguna bagi dirinya dalam melakukan pembelaan hukum. 2. saran meskipun pemberian bantuan hukum adalah tanggung jawab profesi advokat sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam undang-undang no 22 tahun 2003 tentang advokat, tentunya seorang advokat akan kesulitan dalam menjalankan tanggung jawab profesinya jika ia harus menanggung biaya sendiri dalam berpekara dipengadilan sementara dalam berpekara dipengadilan karena ada biaya-biaya administrasi yang harus dipenuhi, sarannya adalah sebaiknya pemerintah menyediakan alokasi anggaran yang cukup bagi profesi advokat/penasehat hukum agat tidak mengalami kesulitan dan bisa bekerja secara maksimal dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggung issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma-cuma 47 jawabnya dalam memberikan bantuan hukum terhadap terdakwa. penyediaan sarana, prasarana dan transportasi yang memadai sebaiknya harus juga diperhatikan oleh pemerintah agar pelaksanaan pemberian bantuan hukum dapat berjalan dengan lancar. daftar pustaka abdurrahman. 1983. aspek-aspek bantuan hukum di indonesia. cendana press. jakarta. adnan buyung nasution. 1981.bantuan hukum di indonesia. lp3es. jakarta. bambang poernomo. 1984. pola dasar teori dan asas hukum acara pidana.liberty. yogyakarta. erni widhayanti. 1988.hak-hak tersangka/terdakwa di dalam kuhp.liberty. yogyakarta. martiman prodjohamindjojo. 1982. kedudukan tersangka dan terdakwa dalam pemeriksaan. ghalia. indonesia, jakarta. soerjono soekanto.1983. faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penegakan hukum. jakarta. rajawali pers. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 peran penyidik dalam penerapan diversi terhadap perkara tindak pidana anakdi wilayah kabupaten pohuwato page 35 peran penyidik dalam penerapan diversi terhadap perkara tindak pidana anakdi wilayah kabupaten pohuwato (studi kasus di polres pohuwato) oleh : muhammad rizal lampatta email : rlampatta@gmail.com dosen fakultas hukum universitas ichsan gorontalo abstract the perpetrator of the criminal act of the child cannot be equated with criminal adults. therefore, it needs more attention in the case of children. however, the child is the successor nations that should be developed physically and mentally. the purpose of this research is to analyze the role of the ombudsman in the performance of marisa polres versioned as well as analyze constraints are faced by investigators in implementation marisa polres versioned. this type of research is research used empirical research focus i.e. normative on secondary data sources (research libraries). this research uses the main data source, i.e. secondary data, backed up with primary data sources. secondary data is used that is derived from legislation such as the act o n criminal justice system of the child, the child protection act, act no. 8 of 1981 year book of the police act, police act and some of the literature-literature as well as the results of his research, and books related to the role of the ombudsman in conducting versioned on criminal act committed by the child. research results show that marisa polres in performing the investigation is a criminal act committed by the child by women and children protection unit (uppa). starting from the stage of investigation, arrest, detention up at the stage of investigation conducted in accordance with the mandate of the act on the criminal justice system. investigators in conducting versioned, get consideration from bapas. in addition, the investigators also act/mediator to conduct deliberations involving the child and the parent/guardian, the victim and the parent/guardian, supervisor of community, social professional worker based on approach restorative. obstacles faced by investigators in the conduct of marisa polres diversion that is not yet the existence of bapas in counties marisa so complicate investigators to coordinate in terms of asking for consideration in doing versioned. in addition the party victims sometimes do not want to make peace so that the attempted diversion by investigators was not achieved. key words: diversion, crime, police issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 peran penyidik dalam penerapan diversi terhadap perkara tindak pidana anakdi wilayah kabupaten pohuwato page 36 a. pendahuluan kejahatan adalah suatu perilaku yang menyimpang tanpa memandang jenis kelamin maupun usia bagi para pelakunya, baik laki-laki atau perempuan, baik tua atau maupun muda. suatu permasalahan yang cukup sulit dalam hal membicarakan materi kejahatan ini ,karena seperti yang telah kita ketahui bahwa manusia dengan segala keadaannya masih mempunyai kecenderungan untuk melakukan kejahatan apapun latar belakangnya. salah satu hukum tertulis, misalnya hukum pidana menyebutkan bahwa seseorang yang melakukan tindak pidana baik kejahatan maupun pelanggaran akan dikenakan sanksi, sesuai dengan apa yang diatur dalam buku kedua dan buku ketiga kitab undang-undang hukum pidana. dasar dari pada adanya tindak pidana menurut ahli hukum, adalah : “azas legalitas, yaitu azas yang menentukan bahwa tidak ada perbuatan yang dilarang dan diancam dengan pidana jika tidak ditentukan terlebih dahulu dalam perundangundangan. biasanya azas legalitas tersebut mengandung tiga pengertian, yaitu : 1) tidak ada perbuatan yang dilarang dan diancam dengan pidana kalau hal ini terlebih dahulu belum dinyatakan dalam suatu aturan undangundang. 2) untuk menentukan adanya perbuatan pidana tidak boleh digunakan analogi. 3) aturan-aturan hukum pidana tidak berlaku surut” . (roeslan saleh,1983. 40) dari pengertian diatas dapat kita ketahui, bahwa untuk setiap perbuatan ada yang mengaturnya secara tegas. dan akan dikenakan sanksi apabila dalam perbuatan tersebut terdapat suatu kesalahan. dimana menurut kitab undang-undang hukum pidana, suatu bentuk kesalahan adalah perbuatan tersebut harus dilakukan dengan unsur kesengajaan atau kelalaian, dan disamping itu orang tersebut harus mampu mempertanggung jawabkan perbuatannya. menurut pasal 44 ayat 1 kuhp, maka : “barang siapa mengerjakan sesuatu perbuatan, yang tidak dapat dipertanggung jawabkan kepadanya karena kurang sempurna akalnya atau karena sakit berubah ‘akal tidak boleh dihukum”. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 peran penyidik dalam penerapan diversi terhadap perkara tindak pidana anakdi wilayah kabupaten pohuwato page 37 dalam hal ini seseorang yang melakukan tindak pidana, selalu dihubungkan dengan mampu atau tidaknya mempertanggung jawabkan perbuatannya dan disamping itu melenyapkan pertanggungan jawab anak dibawah umur, sebab dalam hal tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak dibawah umur, maka berdasarkan pasal 45 kuhp hakim dapat menentukan untuk tidak menghukum. karena tidak mampu mempertanggung jawabkan perbuatannya dengan menyerahkan kepada orang tuanya, atau menyerahkan kepada pemerintah untuk dididik tanpa dijatuhi hukuman. akan tetapi pasal ini dinyatakan sudah tidak berlaku lagi dengan dikeluarkannya peraturan yang khusus yaitu undang undang nomor 3 tahun 1997 tentang pengadilan anak, dengan maksud melindungi dan mengayomi anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum melalui pembinaan untuk menjadi manusia yang mandiri, bertanggung jawab, dan berguna bagi diri sendiri, keluarga, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara. namun seiring berjalannya waktu, undang-undang tersebut tidak lagi relevan dengan keadaan yang terjadi di masa sekarang maka diperbarui dan munculah undang-undang nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak. menurut undang-undang 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak, yang dimaksud dengan anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga) golongan yaitu anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum ; anak yang menjadi korban tindak pidana ; dan anak yang menjadi saksi tindak pidana (angger sigit pramukti & fuadi primaharsya,2015:17). bagi pelaku tindak pidana anak tidak dapat disamakan dengan pidana orang dewasa. maka dari itu dibutuhkan perhatian lebih dalam kasus anak.bagaimanapun juga anak merupakan penerus bangsa yang harus dikembangkan secara fisik maupun mental. sistem peradilan pidana di dalam undangundang no 11 tahun 2012 terdapat konsep keadilan restoratif dan diversi yang dapat memberikan sanksi terhadap pelaku pidana anak dengan tetap memperhatikan hak anak. dalam pendekatan keadilan restoratif dan diversi, digunakan sebagai bentuk pembinaan yang positif terhadap pelaku pidana anak dimana melibatkan antara pihak korban dan pihak pelaku. selain itu, diperlukan juga peran pihak yang berwenang dalam melaksanakan pendekatan tersebut. pada pendekatan ini lebih mengutamakan kepentingan anak sebagai pelaku dalam perbaikan masa depan dan diri anak. proses issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 peran penyidik dalam penerapan diversi terhadap perkara tindak pidana anakdi wilayah kabupaten pohuwato page 38 diversi merupakan pengalihan perkara anak dari proses peradilan pidana ke proses diluar peradilan pidana yang dilaksanakan selama tahap penyelesaian perkara anak dari penyidikan, penuntutan, dan pemeriksaan di pengadilan negeri. tujuan dari diversi adalah untuk mendapatkan cara menangani pelanggaran hukum di luar pengadilan atau sistem peradilan yang formal. ada kesamaan antara tujuan diskresi dan diversi. pelaksanaan diversi dilatarbelakangi keinginan menghindari efek negatif terhadap jiwa dan perkembangan anak oleh keterlibatannya dengan sistem peradilan pidana. pelaksanaan diversi oleh aparat penegak hukum didasari oleh kewenangan aparat penegak hukum yang disebut discretion atau diskresi‟. (marlina, 2010:1) berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah penulis kemukakan sebelumnya maka pokok permasalahan yang akan penulis bahas dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah peran penyidik polres pohuwato dalam pelaksanaan diversi dan kendala – kendala apakah yang dihadapi oleh penyidik polres pohuwato dalam pelaksaan diversi. b. metode penelitian berdasarkan permasalahan pokok yang dikemukakan di atas, maka dalam skripsi ini penulis menggunakan tipe penelitian normatif empiris yaitu memusatkan penelitian pada sumber-sumber data sekunder (penelitian kepustakaan). selain itu untuk mendukung data sekunder, juga dilakukan tipe penelitian yuridis empiris yaitu melakukan penelitian dengan cara mengumpulkan data primer yang didapat dari wawancara dari beberapa narasumber terkait yang berhubungan dengan pokok masalah yang dibahas. penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data utama yaitu data sekunder, yang didukung dengan sumber data primer. data sekunder yang digunakan yaitu berasal dari peraturan perundang-undangan seperti uu tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak, uu perlindungan anak, uu no. 8 tahun 1981 tentang kitab undang-undang kepolisian, uu kepolisian dan beberapa literatur – literature serta hasil-hasil penelitian, dan bukubuku yang berkaitan dengan peran penyidik dalam melakukan diversi pada tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 peran penyidik dalam penerapan diversi terhadap perkara tindak pidana anakdi wilayah kabupaten pohuwato page 39 data primer yang digunakan adalah wawancara dengan narasumber yakni aparat kepolisian dalam hal ini penyidik pada unit perlindungan perempuan dan anak polres pohuwato yang menangani penyidikan pada tindak pidana anak. c. hasil penelitian dan pembahasan 1. upaya penyidik polres pohuwato dalam pelaksanaan diversi pelaksanaan diversi dan restorative justice pada anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum telah diatur dengan sedemikian rupa pada undang-undang no. 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak yang bertujuan khusus untuk mencegah jangan sampai anak mengalami pelabelan sebagai penjahat. menurut marlina (2010:97-97) beberapa kriteria tindak pidana yang melibatkan anak sebagai pelaku, yang harus diupayakan penyelesaiannya dengan pendekatan prinsip diversi adalah: 1. kategori tindak pidana yang diancam dengan sanksi pidana sampai dengan 1 (satu) tahun harus diprioritaskan untuk diterapkan diversi, tindak pidana yang diancam dengan sanksi pidana di atas 1 (satu) 2. tahun sampai dengan 5 tahun dapat dipertimbangkan untuk melakukan diversi, semua kasus pencurian harus diupayakan penerapan diversi kecuali menyebabkan atau menimbulkan kerugian yang terkait dengan tubuh dan jiwa; 3. memperhatikan usia pelaku, semakin muda usia pelaku, maka urgensi penerapan prinsip diversi semakin diperlukan; 4. hasil penelitian dari bapas, bila ditemukan faktor pendorong anak terlibat dalam kasus pidana adalah faktor yang ada di luar kendali anak maka urgenitas penerapan prinsip diversi semakin diperlukan; 5. kerugian yang ditimbulkan oleh tindak pidana anak, bila akibat yang ditimbulkan bersifat kebendaan dan tidak terkait dengan tubuh dan nyawa seseorang maka urgenisitas penerapan diversi semakin diperlukan; 6. tingkat keresahan masyarakat yang diakibatkan oleh perbuatan anak; 7. persetujuan korban/keluarga.; 8. kesediaan pelaku dan keluarganya; issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 peran penyidik dalam penerapan diversi terhadap perkara tindak pidana anakdi wilayah kabupaten pohuwato page 40 9. dalam hal anak melakukan tindak pidana bersama-sama orang dewasa maka orang dewasa harus diproses hukum sesuai dengan prosedur biasa. konsep diversi sebagai suatu perwujudan dari tindakan diskresi sebenarnya telah diberikan kepada penyidik jauh sejak uu tentang sistem peradilan anak dibuat yakni terdapat di dalam undang – undang no. 8 tahun 1981 tentang hukum acara pidana (kuhap) di dalam pasal 7 ayat (1) huruf j :penyidik sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 6 ayat (1) huruf a karena kewajibanya mempunyai kewenangan : j. mengadakan tindakan lain menurut hukum yang bertanggung jawab yang dimaksud dengan penyidik adalah pejabat polisi ataupun pejabat pegawai negri sipil tertentu yang diberi wewenang khusus oleh undang-undang. pada pasal ini polisi maupun pegawai negri sipil diberikan peluang untuk melakukan penyidikan dengan menggunakan cara selain oleh apa yang telah diatur sebelumnya. masih pada undang-undang yang sama, pada pasal 137 dan 139 kuhap dinyatakan, penuntut umum berwenang melakukan penuntutan pada siapa pun dan berhak menentukan apakah berkas penyidikan dapat dilimpahkan ke pengadilan atau tidak. pasal 7 ayat (1) huruf j, pasal 137 dan pasal 139 kuhap merupakan beberapa pasal yang telah memberikan peluang pada pihak berwajib terkait untuk melakukan tindakan lain diluar oleh apa yang diatur. dalam hal ini walaupun mengenai diversi tidak diatur secara tegas dalam kuhap namun telah terlihat adanya peluang untuk melakukan diversi. selain itu pada pasal 18 ayat (1) dan (2)undangundang no. 2 tahun 2002 tentang kepolisian mengenai menjalankan tugas dan wewenang dengan penilaian sendiri dan pada pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf l dan pasal 16 ayat (2) yaitu : (1) dalam rangka menyelenggarakan tugas sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 13 dan pasal 14 di bidang proses pidana, kepolisian negara republik indonesia berwenang untuk : l. mengadakan tindakan lain menurut hukum yang bertanggung jawab. (2) tindakan lain sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) huruf l adalah tindakan penyelidikan dan penyidikan yang dilaksanakan jika memenuhi syarat sebagai berikut : a. tidak bertentangan dengan suatu aturan hukum issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 peran penyidik dalam penerapan diversi terhadap perkara tindak pidana anakdi wilayah kabupaten pohuwato page 41 b. selaras dengan kewajiban hukum yang mengharuskan tindakan tersebut dilakukan c. harus patut, masuk akal, dan termasuk dalam lingkungan jabatannya d. pertimbangan yang layak berdasarkan keadaan yang memaksa e. menghormati hak asasi manusia sistem peradilan anak wajib mengutamakan pendekatan keadilan restorative pada tingkat penyidikan dan penuntutan, pada tahap persidangan dan pada saat pembinaan, pembimbingan, pengawasan dan/atau pendampingan selama proses pelaksanaan pidana atau tindakan dan setelah menjalani pidana atau tindakan (pasal 5 uu sppa). selanjutnya mengenai penerapan diversi terhadap anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum dilakukan pada tiga tingkatan yakni pada tingkat penyidikan, penuntutan dan pemeriksaan di pengadilan sesuai dengan amanat uu sistem peradilan anak yakni dalam pasal 7 uu sppa: (1) pada tingkat penyidikan, penuntutan, dan pemeriksaan perkara anak di pengadilan negeri wajib diupayakan diversi. (2) diversi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dilaksanakan dalam hal tindak pidana yang dilakukan: a. diancam dengan pidana penjara di bawah 7 (tujuh) tahun; dan b. bukan merupakan pengulangan tindak pidana berdasarkan pasal tersebut suatu kasus tindak pidana anak yang melakukan tindak pidana diatas 7 tahun dan pengulangan tindak pidana tidak di upayakan diversi. keputusan mengenai apakah suatu kasus anak akan diselesaikan dengan langsung menggunakan diversi atau tidak diberikan kepada penyidik yang terlebih dahulu bekerja sama dan menerima pendapat dari pembimbing kemasyarakatan dan juga pekerja sosial professional. 2. kendala yang dihadapi oleh polres pohuwato dalam pelaksanaan diversi. diversi dimaksudkan untuk menghindari dan menjauhkan anak dari proses peradilan sehingga dapat menghindari stigmatisasi terhadap anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum dan diharapkan anak dapat kembali ke dalam lingkungan sosial secara wajar. oleh karena itu, sangat diperlukan peran serta semua pihak dalam rangka issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 peran penyidik dalam penerapan diversi terhadap perkara tindak pidana anakdi wilayah kabupaten pohuwato page 42 mewujudkan hal tersebut. proses itu harus bertujuan pada terciptanya keadilan restoratif, baik bagi anak maupun bagi korban. keadilan restoratif merupakan suatu proses diversi yaitu dimana semua pihak yang terlibat dalam suatu tindak pidana tertentu bersama-sama mengatasi masalah serta menciptakan suatu kewajiban untuk membuat segala sesuatunya menjadi lebih baik dengan melibatkan korban, anak, dan masyarakat dalam mencari solusi untuk memperbaiki, rekonsiliasi, dan menenteramkan hati yang tidak berdasarkan pembalasan. (apshari pinatih dan rai setiabudi, http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/kerthawicara/article/ viewfile/8316/6199) penerapan ketentuan diversi merupakan hal yang penting, karena dengan diversi hak-hak asasi anak dapat lebih terjamin, dan menghindarkan anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum dari stigma sebagai anak nakal, karena tindak pidana yang diduga melibatkan seorang anak sebagai pelaku dapat ditangani tanpa perlu melalui proses hukum. (lushiana primasari, http://lushiana.staff.uns.ac.id/pdf) pelaksanaan diversi sebagai suatu tindakan menuju suatu keadilan yang restorative selalu diupayakan oleh penyidik polres pohuwato dalam melakukan penyidikan tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak. tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak di wilayah hukum polres pohuwato sejak tahun 2014 sampai dengan april 2016 tidaklah sedikit. berdasarkan hasil penelitian penulis perbuatan cabul yang dilakukan oleh anak mendominasi seluruh jumlah tindak pidana yang terjadi di wilayah polres pohuwato. dari sekian banyak tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak tersebut dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. menurut bapak markus loris pusut (wawancara 26 april 2016) bahwa : “beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak yaitu faktor keluarga, faktor pendidikan (putus sekolah), faktor pergaulan. faktor keluarga biasanya pelaku berasal dari keluarga yang broken home, faktor pendidikan dalam hal ini adalah anak yang melakukan tindak pidana telah putus sekolah dan tidak berniat untuk sekolah lagi dan terakhir faktor pergaulan dimana anak pelaku tindak pidana dalam bergaul tidak memilah mana teman yang baik untuk masa depan dan mana teman yang dapat memberikan pengaruh buruk”. http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/kerthawicara/article/%20viewfile/8316/6199 issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 peran penyidik dalam penerapan diversi terhadap perkara tindak pidana anakdi wilayah kabupaten pohuwato page 43 penyebab anak melakukan tindak pidana bukan saja pada terdapat pada faktor diatas, mengingat tindak pidana pencabulan dan pemerkosaan yang dominan terjadi di wilayah hukum polres pohuwato. faktor kemajuan teknologi informasi yang memungkinkan anak dengan mudah mengakses situs-situs yang mengandung muatan pornografi menyebabkan anak yang belum matang secara psikologis bukan hanya menonton dan berkhayal tetapi juga melanjutkan aksinya menjadi suatu perbuatan cabul. pelaksanaan diversi kepada anak yang melakukan tindak pidana tidak selalu berjalan dengan mulus. dari jumlah kasus yang terjadi sejak 2014-2016 tidak semua kasus berhasil dilakuakn diversi, ada juga beberapa kasus yang akhirnya harus dilimpahkan ke jaksa penuntut umum. berikut ini merupakan data tentang pelaksanaan diversi yang dilaksanakan oleh unit ppa polres pohuwato berdasarkan data diatas pada tahun 2015 terdapat kasus sebanyak 21 kasus yang mana 9 kasus yang telah sp3, 12 kasus yang dilimpahkan ke jaksa penuntut umum dan 3 kasus yang berhasil di diversi. pada tahun 2016 sampai dengan bulan april terdapat 10 kasus yang mana 4 kasus sedang di proses, 1 kasus sp3 , 4 kasus yang dilimpahkan ke jaksa penuntut umum, dan 1 kasus berhasil di diversi. kendala unit ppa polres pohuwato dalam melakukan diversi menurut bapak loris pusut yaitu : “kendala yang dihadapi oleh penyidik dalam melakukan diversi yaitu di tingkat kabupaten pohuwato belum adanya instansi bapas karena apabila penyidik polres melakukan upaya diversi masih manyurat ke bapas provinsi sehingga pelaksanaannya memakan waktu”. belum adanya instansi bapas di kabupaten pohuwato sebagai pendukung keberhasilan diversi merupakan faktor yang sangat berpengaruh. keberadaan bapas sangat diperlukan dalam hal memberikan pertimbangan sesuai dengan amanat pasal 9 uu sppa. selain itu batas waktu yang hanya 3 hari berdasarkan pasal 28 uu sppa dapat menjadi kendala karena jarak antara kabupaten pohuwato dengan kota gorontalo yang memakan waktu tempuh 4 jam perjalanan. adapun isi pasal 28 menyatakan : issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 peran penyidik dalam penerapan diversi terhadap perkara tindak pidana anakdi wilayah kabupaten pohuwato page 44 “hasil penelitian kemasyarakatan wajib diserahkan oleh bapas kepada penyidik dalam waktu paling lama 3 x 24 (tiga kali dua puluh empat) jam setelah permintaan penyidik diterima”. selain dari kendala tersebut diatas terdapat juga kendala lain yakni pihak korban tidak ingin kasusnya di selesaikan secara diversi karena kerugiaan secara imateriil yang diderita korban menyebabkan orang tua korban mengiginkan kasus tersebut di teruskan sampai pada pengadilan. berdasarkan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi tersebut penyidik polres pohuwato yang menangani tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak selalu berupaya agar kasus anak tersebut berhasil di diversi sehingga keadilan restorative dapat tercapai sehingga anak tidak perlu di hadapkan di depan pengadilan d. penutup polres pohuwato dalam melakukan penyidikan tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak di tangani oleh unit perlindungan perempuan dan anak (uppa). dimulai dari tahap penyelidikan, penangkapan, penahanan sampai pada tahap penyidikan dilakukan sesuai dengan amanat dari uu sistem peradilan pidana anak. penyidik dalam melakukan diversi, mendapatkan pertimbangan dari bapas. selain itu penyidik juga berperansebagaifasilitator/mediator untuk melakukan musyawarah dengan melibatkan anak dan orang tua/walinya, korban dan orang tua/walinya, pembimbing kemasyarakatan, pekera sosial professional berdasarkan pendekatan restorative. kendala yang dihadapi oleh penyidik polres pohuwato dalam melakukan diversi yaitu belum adanya bapas di wilayah kabupaten pohuwato sehingga menyulitkan penyidik untuk berkoordinasi dalam hal meminta pertimbangan dalam melakukan diversi. selain itu pihak korban terkadang tidak ingin berdamai sehingga diversi yang diupayakan oleh penyidik tidak tercapai. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 peran penyidik dalam penerapan diversi terhadap perkara tindak pidana anakdi wilayah kabupaten pohuwato page 45 daftar pustaka angger sigit pramukti & fuadi primaharsya, 2015. sistem peradilan pidana anak, yogyakarta : pustaka yustisia. bagir manan, 2008, restoractive justice (suatu perkenalan), rangkaian pemikiran dalam dekade terakhir, analisis komprehensif tentang hukum oleh 68 akadertrisi dan praktisi hukum, perum percetakan negara republik lndonesia, jakarta. barda nawawi arief, 1998. beberapa aspek kebijakan penegakan dan pengembangan hukum pidana, bandung: citra aditya bakti. candra gautama, 2000, konvensi hak anak panduan bagi jurnalis, jakarta: lspp. igaa apshari pinatih dan rai setiabudi , diversi terhadap anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum dalam sistem peradilan pidana anakhttp://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/kerthawicara/article/viewfile/8316/61 99 lamintang p.a.f. 1997, “dasar-dasar hukum pidana di indonesia”, pt. citra aditya bakti : bandung. leden merpaung, 2005, “asas, teori, praktik hukum pidana”, sinar grafika : jakarta lilik mulyadi, wajah sistem peradilan pidana anak di indonesia, bandung: pt. alumni, lushiana primasari,2010, “keadilan restoratif dan pemenuhan hak asasi bagi anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum”, http://lushiana.staff.uns.ac.id/pdf. lili rasjidi, , 2008, pembangunan sistem hukum dalam rangka pembinaan hukum nasional, butir-butir pemikiran dalam hukum, memperingati 70 tahun prof , dr, b, arief sidharta, sh, bandung, refika aditama. marlina, 2010, pengantar konsep diversi dan restorative justice dalam hukum pidana, medan, usu press. http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/kerthawicara/article/viewfile/8316/6199 http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/kerthawicara/article/viewfile/8316/6199 issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 peran penyidik dalam penerapan diversi terhadap perkara tindak pidana anakdi wilayah kabupaten pohuwato page 46 maidin gultom, 2008. perlindungan hukum terhadap anak dalam sistem peradilan pidana anak di indonesia, pt. refika aditama, bandung. maulana hassan wadong, 2000, advokasi dan hukum perlindungan anak, jakarta: pt grasindo. mr. roeslan saleh, 1983 , perbuatan pidana dan pertanggung jawaban pidana, jakarta, pasar baru. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pembentukan peraturan desa dalam konteks ketatanegaraan indonesia page 58 pembentukan peraturan desa dalam konteks ketatanegaraan indonesia oleh nuraini dosen fakultas hukum universitas batanghari e-mail : gadis.nuraini@gmail.com abstract law number 32 year 2004 about local governance, that further arrangements regarding the village, including the problem of the formation of the rules of the village (the village regulations) arranged in the form of regulatory regions of the county. the type of research used in this study using normative legal research using "approach to legislation, (he was johan nasution, 2008:92). research results show that in drawing up the rules of the village there are limitations that should be used as a general reference in the preparation of paraturan legislation i.e. the clarity of purpose; that each establishment of the legislation must have a clear purpose to be achieved; institutional or organ-forming the right; that any kind of legislation must be made by the institutions/officials forming legislation authorized. such legislation may be cancelled or annulled by law, when made by institutions/officials who not authorized conformity between the type and material of the charge; can be implemented; navigability and kehasilgunaan; clarity of formulation; that any legislation must meet the openness as well as the establishment of the village regulations contained in act no. 10 of the year 2004 on the establishment of regulations and law number 32 year 2004 about local governance as well as government regulation number 72-year 2005 of the village has not been regulated explicitly and intact. keywords: village, government regulation, law a. latar belakang negara indonesia adalah negara hukum,dalam pasal 18 ayat (6) undang-undang dasar negara republik indonesia tahun 1945, bahwa “pemerintah daerah berhak menetapkan peraturan daerah dan peraturan-peraturan lain untuk melaksanakan otonomi dan tugas perbantuan”.sentralisasi atau desentralisasi”. selain itu, negara kesatuan republik indonesiadalam penyelenggaraan pemerintah menganut asas desentralisasi dengan memberikan kesempatan dan keleluasaan kepada daerah untuk menyelenggarakan otonomi daerah. sehubungan dengan itu, menurut syamsudin haris (2007 : 40) menyatakan, bahwa ”sekurang-kurangnya ada 2 (dua) nilai penting yang menjadi perhatian dalam rangka mewujudkan pemerintahan yang berasaskan desentralisasi, yaitu nilai kesatuan dan nilai otonomi”. sehubungan dengan hal tersebut di atas, dipahami bahwa maksud dan tujuan otonomi daerah adalah memacu pemerataan dan pembangunan dan hasil-hasilnya serta meningkatkan pendayagunaan potensi daerah secara optimal dan terpadu dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat, menggalakkan prakarsa dan peran serta issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pembentukan peraturan desa dalam konteks ketatanegaraan indonesia page 59 aktif masyarakat dalam penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah secara luas, nyata dan bertanggungjawab serta memperkuat persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa. pelaksanaan otonomi daerah ini sampai ke desa, hal ini termuat dalam uud 1945 dengan maksud mempertahankan pemerintahan desa bukanlah dalam semangat agar desa tetap asli menjalankan fungsi pemerintahan tradisional sebagai masyarakat hukum adat, ”melainkan dimaksudkan untuk menjamin kehadiran satuan pemerintahan yang dekat dengan rakyat” (i gde pantja astawa, 2008: hlm 327). selain itu, desa sebagai satuan pemerintahan demokratis dapat menjadi model pengembangan demokrasi, seperti penerapan prinsip permusyawaratan, kolektivitas, kekeluargaan dan lain sebagainya. akan tetapi, isi rumah tangga desa dan tata cara penyelenggaraannya harus diperbaharui sesuai dengan tuntutan baru masyarakat indonesia yang maju dan moderen. salah satu unsur yang terpenting adalah pembaharuan pemerintahan tradisional desa agar dapat menjalankan fungsi pemerintahan dan pelayanan seirama dengan perkembangan dan kebutuhan masyarakat sekelilingnya (desa). kalaupun disebut modernisasi, “tidak berarti membuang atau mengganti sama sekali apa yang menjadi ciri khas pemerintahan desa seperti nama (dusun, gampong, nagari dan lain sebagainya) atau meniadakan fungsi-fungsi tradisional yang hidup dan terpelihara begitu lamanya (bruggink, 199 : 61). pembaharuan yang dimaksud adalah pada segisegi pengelolaan, pengembangan sumber daya, orientasi pemerintahan dan lain-lain. dengan kata lain, ”belum tampak secara utuh dan konseptual mengenai pemerintahan desa baru sebagai pelaksana pemerintahan republik indonesia pada level paling bawah dalam struktur pemerintahan yang ada (bruggink, 199 : 61). sehubungan dengan itu, pasal 14 ayat (1) peraturan pemerintah nomor 72 tahun 2005 tentang desa menentukan, bahwa kepala desa mempunyai tugas menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan, pembangunan, dan kemasyarakatan. di dalam ketentuan undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah ditentukan, bahwa pengaturan lebih lanjut mengenai desa, termasuk permasalahan pembentukan peraturan desa (peraturan desa) diatur dalam bentuk peraturan daerah kabupaten.sesuai dengan itu, ketentuan pasal 209 undangissn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pembentukan peraturan desa dalam konteks ketatanegaraan indonesia page 60 undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah menentukan, bahwa badan permusyawaratan desa berfungsi menetapkan peraturan desa bersama kepala desa, menampung dan menyalurkan aspirasi masyarakat. berdasarkan ketentuan tersebut, dapat dipahami bahwa peraturan desa (peraturan desa) dibuat oleh badan permusyawaratan desa bersama dengan kepala desa. kurangnya pasal terkait hal ini, menyebabkan pengaturan mengenai materi muatan, prosedur, tata cara pembentukan peraturan desa (peraturan desa) dalam hukum positif indonesia yang diberikan oleh negara demi tercapainya kepastian dan tertib hukum menjadi tidak jelas(bruggink, 199 : 62). dari uraian latar belakang di atas, maka penulis membatasi dengan rumusan masalah “bagaimanakah pembentukan peraturan desa. b. metode penelitian penelitian ini menggunakan ”pendekatan perundang-undangan,( bahder johan nasution, 2008 : 92). pendekatan ini dilakukan untuk meneliti peraturan perundangundangan yang berhubungan dengan pembentukan peraturan desa. bahan-bahan hukum yang telah diperoleh, diinventarisasi dan diidentifikasi untuk digunakan sebagai bahan dalam menganalisis pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini. identifikasi bahan hukum baik primer, sekunder, maupun tertier dilakukan secara kritis, logis, dan sistematis, dikumpulkan berdasarkan sistem kartu (card system), “yang memuat sumber yang tepat dari mana catatan itu diambil, informasi atau pendapat yang digunakan, pokok masalah serta kartu yang digunakan adalah kartu kutipan, kartu ulasan, kartu ikhtisar hal ini dilakukan untuk mempermudah proses pengolahan data hukum tersebut, dengan demikian bahan hukum akan disusun dan digolongkan menurut bentuk, jenis dan tingkatnya. adapun bahan hukum yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah: a. bahan hukum primer terdiri dari peraturan perundang-undangan yang berhubungan dengan masalah yang dibahas seperti: uud 1945, undang-undang, peraturan pemerintah, peraturan daerah, yurisprudensi dan lain-lain. b. bahan hukum sekunder yaitu bahan hukum yang dapat memberikan penjelasan mengenai bahan hukum primer, seperti: issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pembentukan peraturan desa dalam konteks ketatanegaraan indonesia page 61 rancangan undang-undang, hasil-hasil penelitian, hasil karya dari kalangan hukum baik berbentuk buku, jurnal hukum, makalah dan lain-lain. c. bahan hukum tertier yakni bahan hukum yang dapat memberikan petunjuk maupun penjelasan terhadap bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. dalammembahas permasalahan yang ada dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan metode deduktif yaitu cara untuk melakukan analisis atas data tinjauan umum peraturan desa menurut satjipto rahardjodalam peraturan perundang-undangan ada ciri-ciri yang harus dimiliki, yaitu: 1. bersifat umum dan komprehensif yang dengan demikian merupakan kebalikan dari sifatsifat khusus dan terbatas. 2. bersifat universal, karena ia diciptakan untuk menghadapi peristiwa-peristiwa yang akan datang yang belum jelas bentuk konkritnya. oleh karena itu, ia tidak dapat dirumuskan untuk mengatasi peristiwa-peristiwa tertentu. 3. memiliki kekuatan untuk mengoreksi dan memperbaiki dirinya sendiri. adalah lazim bagi suatu peraturan perundang-undangan untuk mencantumkan klausul yang memuat kemungkinan dilakukan peninjauan kembali. sedangkan dalam kerangka pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan (termasuk peraturan desa) dibentuk berdasarkan beberapa asas sebagai berikut: 1. asas tata susunan peraturan perundang-undangan atau lex superior derogate lex inferiori: peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih rendah tidak boleh bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi; 2. asas lex specialis derogate lex generalis: peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih khusus mengenyampingkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih umum. 3. asas lex posterior derogate lex priori: peraturan perundang-undangan yang lahir kemudian mengenyampingkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang lahir issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pembentukan peraturan desa dalam konteks ketatanegaraan indonesia page 62 terlebih dahulu jika materi yang diatur peraturan perundang-undangan tersebut sama. 4. asas keadilan: setiap peraturan perundang-undangan harus mencerminkan keadilan bagi setiap warga negara tanpa terkecuali. 5. asas kepastian hukum: setiap peraturan perundang-undangan harus dapat menjamin kepastian hukum dalam upaya menciptakan ketertiban dalam masyarakat. 6. asas pengayoman: setiap peraturan perundang-undangan harus berfungsi memberikan perlindungan dalam rangka menciptakan ketentraman masyarakat. 7. asas mengutamakan kepentingan umum: dalam peraturan perundang-undangan harus memperhatikan keseimbangan antara berbagai kepentingan dengan mengutamakan kepentingan umum. 8. asas kenusantaraan: setiap peraturan perundang-undangan merupakan bagian dari sistem hukum nasional berdasarkan kesatuan wilayah indonesia atau wilayah tertentu sesuai jenis peraturan perundang-undangannya. 9. asas kebhinekatunggalikaan: materi muatan peraturan perundang-undangan harus memperhatikan keragaman penduduk, agama, suku dan golongan, kondisi khusus daerah, sistem nilai masyarakat daerah, khususnya yang menyangkut masalah-masalah yang sensitif dalam kehidupan masyarakat selain asas-asas di atas, perlu diperhatikan juga beberapa ketentuan yang biasanya terdapat dalam penyusunan peraturan perundang-undangan: 1. ketentuan pidana perlu memperhatikan asas legalitas, asas tiada hukuman tanpa kesalahan, asas pembinaan narapidana, asas praduga tidak bersalah (presumption of innocence). 2. ketentuan peraturan desa perlu memperhatikan beberapa asas yang lazim ada seperti asas terbuka dan kebebasan berkontrak, asas kesepakatan dalam perjanjian berlaku, asas perjanjian yang berlaku seperti undang-undang misalnya perjanjian internasional (pacta sunt servanda), asas kesepakatan dalam perjanjian, asas itikad baik dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pembentukan peraturan desa dalam konteks ketatanegaraan indonesia page 63 berdasarkan uraian tersebut di atas, jika dirunut lebih lanjut, penetapan tentang peraturan desa sebenarnya menimbulkan banyak pertanyaan. oleh karena peraturan desa atau nama lain seperti gampong, kampung, huta, nagari, keucik, dan sebagainya hanyalah merupakan suatu peraturan yang mengatur tentang penyelenggaraan pemerintahan semata, meskipun bersifat abstrak dan terus menerus, namun ”peraturan tersebut lebih bersifat sebagai kebijakan (beleidsregels). seharusnya “desa” diakomodasi sebagai persekutuan sosial alami, bukan sebagai satuan terkecil administrasi pemerintahan. sebagai perwujudan demokrasi, di desa dibentuk badan perwakilan desa atau dengan sebutan lain yang sesuai dengan budaya yang berkembang di desa yang bersangkutan. adapun fungsinya adalah sebagai lembaga legislasi dan pengawasan dalam hal pelaksanaan peraturan desa, anggaran pendapatan dan belanja desa, dan keputusan kepala desa. di desa dapat dibentuk lembaga kemasyarakatan desa lainnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan desa. lembaga ini dimaksudkan untuk menjadi mitra pemerintah desa dalam rangka pemberdayaan masyarakat desa. sedangkan sumber pembiayaan desa berasal dari pendapatan desa, bantuan pemerintah dan pemerintah daerah, pendapatan lain-lain yang sah, sumbangan pihak ketiga dan pinjaman desa. c. hasil dan pembahasan 1. materi muatan peraturan desa dalam menyusun peraturan desa terdapat batasan-batasan yang harus dijadikan acuan umum dalam penyusunan paraturan perundang-undangan. berdasarkan ketentuan pasal 5 undang-undang nomor 10 tahun 2004 tentang pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan menentukan, bahwa dalam menyusun peraturan perundang-undangan harus berdasarkan pada asas pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan yang baik, yang meliputi: a. kejelasan tujuan; bahwa setiap pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan harus mempunyai tujuan yang jelas yang hendak dicapai b. kelembagaan atau organ pembentuk yang tepat; bahwa setiap jenis peraturan perundang-undangan harus dibuat oleh lembaga/pejabat pembentuk peraturan perundang-undangan yang berwenang. peraturan perundang-undangan tersebut issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pembentukan peraturan desa dalam konteks ketatanegaraan indonesia page 64 dapat dibatalkan atau batal demi hukum, bila dibuat oleh lembaga/pejabat yang tidak berwenang c. kesesuaian antara jenis dan materi muatan; bahwa dalam pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan harus benar-benar memperhatikan materi muatan yang tepat dengan jenis perundang-undangannya. d. dapat dilaksanakan; bahwa dalam setiap pembentukan peraturan perundangundangan harus memperhatikan efektifitas peraturan perundang-undangan tersebut dalam masyarakat, baik secara filosofis, yuridis, maupun sosiologis. e. kedayagunaan dan kehasilgunaan; bahwa setiap peraturan perundang-undangan dibuat karena memang benar-benar dibutuhkan dan bermanfaat dalam mengatur kehidupan masyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara f. kejelasan rumusan; bahwa setiap peraturan perundang-undangan harus memenuhi persyaratan teknis penyusunan peraturan perundang-undangan, sistimatika, dan pilihan kata atau terminology, serta bahasa hukumnya jelas dan mudah dimengeri sehingga tidak menimbulkan berbagai macam interprestasi dalam pelaksanaannya g. keterbukaan; bahwa dalam proses pembentukan peraturan perundangundangan, mulai dari perencanaan, persiapan, penyusunan, dan pembahasan bersifat transparan dan terbuka. dengan demikian seluruh lapisan masyarakat mempunyai kesempatan yang seluas-luasnya untuk memberikan masukan dalam proses pembuatan peraturan perundang-undangan. sehubungan dengan itu, dipahami bahwa materi muatan peraturan desa adalah seluruh materi dalam rangka penyelenggaraan urusan desa atau yang setingkat serta penjabaran lebih lanjut peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi, dan yang di dalamnya tidak diperbolehkan mengatur tentang ketentuan pidana, termasuk penyelenggaraan urusan desa, misalnya, peraturan desa apbdes, susunan organisasi pemerintahan desa dan tata kerja pemerintahan desa, peraturan desa tentang kedudukan keuangan kapala desa dan perangkat desa, dan lain-lain. pada dasarnya, peraturan desa merupakan kesepakatan-kesepakatan dari komponen-komponen masyarakat yang dituangkan dalam bentuk tertulis 2. pembentukan peraturan desa issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pembentukan peraturan desa dalam konteks ketatanegaraan indonesia page 65 melalui otonomi daerah ini, penyerahan urusan pemerintahan yang telah diserahkan kepada daerah pada dasarnya menjadi wewenang dan tanggung jawab daerah sepenuhnya. menurut abdul latief(2005:. 10) menyatakan, bahwa ”wewenang dan tanggung jawab tersebut menyangkut penentuan kebijaksanaan, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, maupun segi pembiayaan” pada akhirnya terbentuk sebuah produk hukum. proses pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan secara garis besar di bagi menjadi dua tahap kegiatan, kegiatan pertama adalah legal drafting yang seharusnya dilakukan oleh seorang ahli hukum atau orang yang berpendidikan hukum, kemudian penyusunan peraturan perundang-undangan adalah proses interaksi, relasi dan kebersamaan yang melibatkan berbagai pihak kepentingan meliputi unsur-unsur; pemerintah/pemerintahan daerah, lembaga supra struktur, infrastruktur, lembaga sosial masyarakat, akademisi, organisasi profesional, organisasi kemasyarakatan, dan masyarakat lainnya dan penyusunan rancangan undang-undang/perda(bahder johan nasution 2009:26).kegiatan kedua adalah penyusunan prolegnas dan prolegda, pengharmonisasian dilakukan dengan konsultasi kepada menteri, untuk kelancaran pengharmonisasian menteri mengkoordinasikan pembahasan konsepsi dengan pejabat berwenang, ahli hukum, dan/atau perancang peraturan perundang-undangan. pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan indonesia yang patut menurut a. hamid s.attamimi adalah : a) cita hukum indonesia; b) asas negara berdasar atas hukum dan asas pemerintahan berdasar sistem konstitusi c) asas-asas lainnya diatur lebih lanjut dalam penjelasan pasal 218 huruf b undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah menyatakan yang dimaksud perda dan peraturan kepala daerah dalam ketentuan ini meliputi peraturan desa dan peraturan kepala desa. peraturan desa merupakan penjabaran lebih lanjut dari peraturan daerah, terutama pengaturan mengenai desa (widodo ekatjahjana,2008: 96), yang menurut jenisnya terdiri dari: 1. anggaran pendapatan dan belanja desa; 2. penegasan batas wilayah administrasi desa; issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pembentukan peraturan desa dalam konteks ketatanegaraan indonesia page 66 3. penetapan pusat-pusat pertumbuhan dan pengembangan desa; 4. penetapan sebutan untuk desa, kepala desa, perangkat desa, badan perwakilan desa; 5. penetapan keberadaan lembaga adat dan lembaga kemasyarakatan di desa; 6. penetapan susunan organisasi pemerintahan desa 7. pembentukan pemilihan pencalonan dan pemilihan anggota badan perwakilan desa 8. penetapan yang berhak menggunakan hak pilih dalam pemilihan anggota badan perwakilan desa 9. penentuan tanda gambar calon, pelaksanaan kampanye dan cara pemilihan anggota badan perwakilan desa 10. penetapan besarnya anggota badan perwakilan desa 11. pembentukan panitia pencalonan dan pemilihan perangkat desa 12. penetapan yang berhak rnenggunakan hak pilih dalam pemilihan perangkat desa 13. penentuan tanda gambar calon, pelaksanaan kampanye, cara pemilihan dan biaya pelaksanaan pemilihan perangkat desa 14. penetapan jumlah perangkat desa 15. pernbentukan susunan panitia pencalonan dan pemilihan kepala desa 16. penetapan yang berhak menggunakan hak pilih dalam pemilihan kepala desa 17. penentuan tanda gambar calon, pelaksanaan kampanye, cara pemilihan dan biaya pelaksanaan pemilihan kepala desa 18. jenis dan besarnya penghasilan, tunjangan dan penghasilan tambahan kepala desa dan perangkat desa 19. pemberian penghargaan kepada mantan kepala desa dan perangkat desa 20. penetapan pengelolaan dan pengaturan pelimpahan/pengalihan fungsi sumbersumber pendapatan dan kekayaan desa 21. ketentuan jenis-jenis pungutan desa 22. pendirian badan usaha milik desa 23. pendirian badan kerja sama desa 24. penetapan rencana umum pembangunan desa 25. aturan-aturan pelaksanaan dan peraturan daerah mengenai pemerintah desa; dan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pembentukan peraturan desa dalam konteks ketatanegaraan indonesia page 67 26. peraturan desa lainnya sesuai dengan masalah yang berkembang di desa. sehubungan dengan hal tersebut di atas, adapun mekanisme penyusunan dan penetapan suatu peraturan desa (widodo ekatjahjana,2008: 98), terdiri dari: 1. rancangan peraturan desa disusun oleh pamerintah desa dan badan perwakilan desa. 2. naskah rancangan peratunan desa disampaikan kepada para anggota badan perwakilan desa selambat-lambatnya 3 (tiga) hari atau tiga kali 24 jam sebelum rapat badan perwakilan desa melaksanakan untuk menetapkan peraturan desa. 3. dalam menyusun rancangan peraturan desa, pemerintah desa dan/atau badan perwakilan desa dapat menghadirkan lembaga kemasyarakatan di desa atau pihak-pihak terkait untuk memberikan masukan terhadap hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan materi peraturan desa tersebut. 4. dalam rangka menetapkan peraturan desa, badan perwakilan desa mengadakan rapat yang harus dihadiri oleh sekurang-kurangnya 2/3 (dua pertiga) dan jumlah anggota badan perwakilan desa dan dianggap tidak sah apabila jumlah badan perwakilan desa yang hadir kurang dan ketentuan tersebut. 5. apabila rapat badan perwakilan desa dinyatakan tidak sah, kepala desa dan pimpinan badan perwakilan desa menentukan waktu untuk mengadakan rapat berikutnya. 6. rapat badan perwakilan desa dalam penetapan peraturan desa dapat dihadiri oleh lembaga kemasyarakatan dan pihak-pihak terkait sebagai peninjau. 7. pengambilan keputusan dalam penetapan peraturan desa dilaksanakan melalui musyawarah dan mufakat. 8. apabila dalam musyawarah mufakat tidak mendapatkan kesepakatan yang bulat, dapat diambil secara voting bendasarkan suara terbanyak. 9. persetujuan pengesahan terhadap rancangan peraturan desa menjadi peraturan desa dituangkan dalam berita acara rapat badan perwakilan desa. 10. peraturan desa yang telah mendapatkan persetujuan badan perwakilan desa ditetapkan dan ditandatangani oleh kepala desa dan ketua badan perwakilan desa. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pembentukan peraturan desa dalam konteks ketatanegaraan indonesia page 68 11. peraturan desa yang telah ditetapkan tidak lagi memerlukan pengesahan dari bupati, tetapi wajib melaporkan kembali kepada bupati. terkait hal ini diatur pula dalam peraturan pemerintah nomor 72 tahun 2005 tentang desa, yang termuat dalam satu bab dengan 8 pasal yaitu: peraturan desa pasal 55 1) peraturan desa ditetapkan oleh kepala desa bersama bpd. 2) peraturan desa dibentuk dalam rangka penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa. 3) peraturan desa sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) merupakan penjabaran lebih lanjut dari peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi dengan memperhatikan kondisi sosial budaya masyarakat desa setempat. 4) peraturan desa sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dilarang bertentangan dengan kepentingan umum dan/atau peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi. pasal 56 peraturan desa dibentuk berdasarkan pada asas pembentukan peraturan perundangundangan. pasal 57 masyarakat berhak memberikan masukan secara lisan atau tertulis dalam rangka penyiapan atau pembahasan rancangan peraturan desa. pasal 58 peraturan desa disampaikan oleh kepala desa kepada bupati/walikota melalui camat sebagai bahan pengawasan dan pembinaan paling lambat 7 (tujuh) hari setelah ditetapkan. pasal 59 issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pembentukan peraturan desa dalam konteks ketatanegaraan indonesia page 69 1) untuk melaksanakan peraturan desa, kepala desa menetapkan peraturan kepala desa dan/atau keputusan kepala desa. 2) peraturan kepala desa dan/atau keputusan kepala desa sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), dilarang bertentangan dengan kepentingan umum, dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi. pasal 60 1) peraturan desa dan peraturan kepala desa dimuat dalam berita daerah. 2) pemuatan peraturan desa dan peraturan kepala desa sebagaimana dimaksud ayat (1) dilakukan oleh sekretaris daerah. 3) peraturan desa dan peraturan kepala desa sebagaimana dimaksud ayat (1) disebarluaskan oleh pemerintah desa. pasal 61 1) rancangan peraturan desa tentang apbdesa yang telah disetujui bersama sebelum ditetapkan oleh kepala desa paling lama 3 (tiga) hari disampaikan oleh kepala desa kepada bupati/walikota untuk dievaluasi. 2) hasil evaluasi bupati/walikota terhadap rancangan peraturan desa sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) disampaikan paling lama 20 (dua puluh) hari kepada kepala desa. 3) apabila hasil evaluasi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) melampaui batas waktu dimaksud, kepala desa dapat menetapkan rancangan peraturan desa tentang apbdesa menjadi peraturan desa. pasal 62 ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai pedoman pembentukan dan mekanisme penyusunan peraturan desa diatur dengan peraturan daerah kabupaten/kota dengan berpedoman pada peraturan menteri. sebagai pemerintahan daerah, desa memiliki seluruh tatanan pemerintahan otonom yang mandiri dalam menjalankan segala urusan rumah tangganya”.salah satu unsur yang terpenting adalah ”pembaharuan pemerintahan tradisional desa agar dapat menjalankan fungsi pemerintahan dan pelayanan, seirama dengan perkembangan dan kebutuhan masyarakat sekelilingnya (desa)”. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pembentukan peraturan desa dalam konteks ketatanegaraan indonesia page 70 satu hal penting yang tidak boleh terlewatkan adalah partisipasi masyarakat dalam proses penyusunan peraturan perundang-undangan sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 53 undang-undang nomor 10 tahun 2004 tentang pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan yang menyatakan bahwa masyarakat berhak memberi masukan secara lisan atau tertulis dalam rangka penetapan maupun pembahasan rancangan undang-undang dan rancangan peraturan daerah. dari ketentuan ini, dapat dilihat bahwa apakah ruang bagi partisipasi masyarakat hanya terbuka bagi penyusunan dan penetapan undang-undang dan peraturan daerah. selanjutnya, menurut haw. widjaja (2010:327) menyatakan yang dimaksud dengan peraturan desa adalah “semua peraturan desa yang ditetapkan oleh kepala desa setelah dimusyawarahkan dan telah mendapatkan persetujuan badan perwakilan desa. d. penutup berdasarkan uraian pembahasan permasalahan di atas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembentukan peraturan desa yang termuat dalam undang-undang nomor 10 tahun 2004 tentang pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan dan undangundang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah serta peraturan pemerintah nomor 72 tahun 2005 tentang desa belum diatur secara jelas dan utuh. daftar pustaka i gde pantja astawa, problematika hukum otonomi daerah di indonesia, alumni, bandung, 2008. syamsudin haris, desentralisasi dan otonomi daerah, lipi press, jakarta, 2007 bandingkan dengan haw. widjaja, otonomi desa: merupakan otonomi yang asli, bulat dan utuh, rajgrafindo persada, jakarta, 2010 abdul latief, hukum dan peraturan kebijaksanaan (beleidsregel) pada pemerintahan daerah, cetakan 1, uii press, yogyakarta, 2005 bahder johan nasution dkk, “hukum perundang-undangan”, bahan ajar, program magister ilmu hukum program pascasarjana universitas jambi, jambi, 2009, maria farida indrati s, ilmu perundang-undangan proses dan teknik pembentukannya, kanisius, yogyakarta, 2007 widodo ekatjahjana, pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan dasar-dasar dan teknik penyusunannya, citra aditya bakti, bandung, 2008, jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 2, june 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 166 the nature of corporate crime in law enforcement of the criminal justice system in indonesia hadi supriyanto abstract author’s information: law in its nature is not only used to control conduct that already occurs in society and sustain established behaviors patterns, but the law often contributes to its use as a means. the study revealed 1). corporate criminal liability was an attempt to put the company in the sense of equality under the law with a view to achieving legal certainty, fairness and usefulness, 2) control of corporate criminal penalties was implemented in several laws through a common formulation of the key criminal fines, 3) law enforcement against corporate crime can be achieved through a) normative approach. therefore, it is required that the state will specifically articulate the responsibility for corporate criminal liability through legislative and executive agencies and what kind of liability can be formally demanded of the corporation as the object of criminal liability (legal policy), since the assessment of corporate errors is the basis of material for the demand of corporate criminals. keywords: corporate criminal liability, corporate criminal sanctions, corporate criminal justice system faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah buton, indonesia (hadijembat@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i2.670 1. introduction corporate is a term commonly used by criminal law and criminologists to refer to what in other legal fields, specifically the field of civil law as a legal entity, or in dutch is called rechtpersoon or in english with the term legal person or legal body (andrew & david, 2007). understanding the legal subject is essentially human and everything that is based on the demands of community needs, which by law is recognized as supporting rights and obligations. the second understanding is in the opinion of the author who is called a legal entity. according to the terminology of criminal law, crporations are entities or businesses that have their own identities, their own wealth is separated from the wealth of members (ali, 2004). r. interpretation of the corporation as a legal subject in the field of civil law has long been recognized that a legal entity (as an independent legal subject; persona standi in judicio) can commit acts against the law (amrullah, 2006; j.e, 1994; kristian, n.d.; muladi & dwidja, 1991). this interpretation is carried out through the principles of propriety (doelmatigheid) and justice (bilijkheid). therefore, in civil law a legal person can be considered guilty of committing an act against the law, besides members of the board of directors as natural persons . unlike the criminal law field, a description of the perpetrators of a crime (crime) is still often associated with acts that are physically carried out by the perpetrators (fysieke dader) . meanwhile, corporate actions are always realized through human actions (directors; management). mailto:hadijembat@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i2.496 jurnal hukum volkgeist hadi supriyanto. 4(2): 166-179 167 according to bismar nasution (2006) in the beginning, there were many legal practitioners who did not support the view that a legal entity as a corporation (company) whose appearance was pseudo can commit a crime and have a criminal intent that gave birth to criminal liability. in addition, it is impossible to be able to present a corporation with an actual physical presence in the courtroom and sit on the defendant's seat to undergo the judicial process. moreover, the regulation regarding criminal punishment of legal entities as legal subjects cannot be found in the criminal code. in the context of corporate crime, studies relating to white collar crime itself began to be popularized by edwin h. sutherland in 1939, while speaking before the 34th annual american sociological society meeting in philadelphia on december 27, which he termed as a crime by people honored and has a high status and is associated with his work corporate crime in indonesia continues to develop along with the economic and technological developments that occur that affect both those from within and outside the country (intansasmita, 2015). this crime is rooted in forms such as defrauding stockholders, defrauding the public, defrauding the government, endangering the public welfare, endangering employees, and illegal intervention in political processes . corporate crime is a crime committed by a collective or group of individuals with different fields (jobs). in essence, to be called a corporate crime if the official or management of a corporation violates the law for the benefit of the corporation . criminal liability does not only mean 'rightfully sentenced' but also 'rightfully accused'. criminal liability is first of all the state that is in the creator when committing a crime. then criminal liability also means linking the circumstances of the maker with the actions and sanctions that are duly imposed (muladi & dwidja, 1991). thus, the assessment is conducted in two directions. first, criminal liability is placed in context as a factual condition (conditioning facts) of punishment, thus carrying out preventive aspects. second, criminal liability is a legal consequence (legal consequences) of the existence of these factual conditions, so it is part of the repressive aspects of criminal law. in indonesia, corporate responsibility as a legal subject is actually regulated in legislation, including: 1. law number 38 of 2009 concerning post, article 1 number (2) 2. law number 5 of 1984 concerning industry, article 1 number (7) 3. law number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, article 1 number (10) and (11) 4. law number 10 of 1998 concerning banking, article 1 number (2) 5. law number 8 of 1995 concerning the capital market, article 1 numbers (1) and (20) 6. law number 32 of 2009 concerning the environment, article 1 number (32) 7. law number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection, article 1 number (3) 8. law number 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption crimes as amended by act number 20 of 2001 concerning corruption, article 1 number (1). 9. law no.8 of 2010 concerning prevention and eradication of money laundering crimes, article 1 number (9) jurnal hukum volkgeist hadi supriyanto. 4(2): 166-179 168 10. law no.18 of 2013 concerning prevention and eradication of forest destruction, article 1 number (21) law in its development is not only used to regulate the behavior that already exists in society and maintain existing patterns of habits, but the law also leads to its use as a means (aristo, 2018). to carry out a purpose that has been chosen and determined it is necessary to have some means so that it can be realized in society. one of the policies that is sufficient is the law in various forms of legislation. thus, "law effectively legitimates policy", or in other words, "proper attention to the use of law in effective" . based on the facts, that law number 8 of 1981 concerning the criminal procedure code / kuhap does not clearly describe how and what the prosecution and conviction process can be imposed on corporations as subjects of criminal law, underlies the need to conduct a series of research to answer that. 2. method this type of research is normative legal research or can be said to have similarities with doctrinal research (doctrinal research), which in legal research like this does not recognize field research (burhan, 2001). this type of research was chosen based on an argumentative foothold that normative legal research has a unique way of working, which is sui generis, in helping to solve the legal problems facing society. this type of research is deliberately chosen based on research topics that seek to get answers to the justification of the application of law based on legal concepts and doctrines, where it is indicated that the science of law is understood as the science of rules (norms) the approach followed is the statute approach, which is an approach carried out by reviewing both the rules and regulations relevant to the legal problems being addressed, and the litigation approach (the court approach), which is an method carried out by analyzing cases pertaining to the problem at hand and have been court rulings of lasting legal effect. the data collection technique used in this legal research is an inventory of secondary data in the form of existing legal materials. data analysis techniques used in this study are using the principle of deduction logic that is drawing conclusions from a problem that is general to the concrete problems faced. the data obtained in this study are in the form of data derived from literature studies on primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials, analyzed by deduction logic, taking into account legal concepts as positive norms in the national legislative system.. 3. corporate criminal liability looking closely at history, the recognition of corporations as subjects of criminal law is considered to be able to carry out criminal acts and can be held accountable since 1653. the recognition of corporations as subjects of criminal law began when the legal system in england recognized that corporations could be held criminally responsible but only limited on minor offenses. if we compare it with the legal system in the united states, the existence of a corporation as a subject of criminal law which is recognized as being able to commit a crime and can be held criminally liable is recognized in 1909 through a court decision. jurnal hukum volkgeist hadi supriyanto. 4(2): 166-179 169 in its decision, the american supreme court explicitly explained that corporate responsibility is based on the responsibility and control of the company on the country's economy. where the company benefits from profitable transactions and the state is the injured party . in further developments, the existence of corporate criminal liability in which corporations are judged to be able to carry out criminal acts and criminal liability is requested also develops in several countries such as the netherlands, italy, france, canada, australia, switzerland, and several european countries which in turn are also developing in indonesia. in the anglo-saxon countries, corporate criminal arrangements in the united states refer to the penal code model, the official draft and explanatory notes, issued in 1985 by the american law institutes. in 1909 in the case of new york central and hudson river railroad v. united states , corporations have been accepted as subjects of criminal law. at the new york state court using the doctrine of respondeat superior, namely that the corporation can be held liable if one of its employees commits a crime in the scope of work and the crime is committed for the benefit of the corporation. "in new york central, the court upheld the constitutionality of the elkins act, a federal statue regulating railway rates that imposed in sweeping language, the court rejected the corporation's contention that, as an entity, it could not commit a crime, finding congress had expansionary power to regulate interstate commerce that includes the authority to impose criminal sanctions. the court was untroubled by the legal fiction that an entity could not take criminal action nor possess criminal intent. instead, the court adopted the civil law doctrine of respondeat superior, holding that corporations could constitutionally be convicted of crime when one of its agents had committed criminal act (1) within the scope of his or her employment, and (2) for the benefit of the corporation. that standard remains good law to this day. the court in the united states believes that a corporation cannot commit a crime and is accountable for its actions criminally because the corporation has no malicious intent to commit the crime, but on the other hand the court also adopts the doctrine of respondeat superior to the civil law legal system which states that a corporation is constitutionally liable criminal liability if one of the agents has committed a criminal act. the criteria for corporate crime are: 1. criminal acts are carried out within the scope of their duties or work, this implies that the work carried out by such agents is a manifestation or manifestation of corporate actions; 2. the criminal acts committed by these agents provide benefits for the corporation. in indonesia, in addition to the non-stipulation of corporate criminal acts in the penal code, it is also found that the regulation of criminal liability towards corporations is also not yet fully regulated. in my opinion, the criminal code that we use today is a legacy of the dutch colonial government that adheres to the continental european system (civil law) so that in terms of regulating corporations as subjects of criminal law is somewhat behind compared to common law countries. in article 59 of the criminal code, criminal liability is very clear only regulates the subject of law in a natural sense. . in articles 398-399 of the criminal code , corporate responsibility is asked of the commissioners who had previously stated that the corporation was in a state of bankruptcy. from this statement, the acknowledgment jurnal hukum volkgeist hadi supriyanto. 4(2): 166-179 170 of corporate responsibility has not yet been fully regulated, regarding actions, responsibilities and how those responsibilities can be requested. because it has not yet been regulated on how corporate criminal acts and in what way corporate responsibility can be requested, this is a problem in the context of law enforcement itself, especially in terms of providing protection to the public. this is based on the large number of victims of these corporate criminal acts. basically the discussion related to corporate responsibility can be divided into three issues, as the opinion expressed by christina de maglie, namely: "corporate criminal liability currently exists in many legal systems, including the united states, england, australia, canada, finland, denmark, france, and in the european corpus juris. but these systems use models of corporate criminal liability that differ in three important respects: a. the choice of organizations is criminally liable; b. the typology of the offenses is attributed to corporate entities; c. the criteria for attributing responsibility to corporations ". in many legal systems in the world, such as those used by the united states, britain, australia, canada, finland, denmark, france and other western european countries. the responsibility that is requested from the corporation comes from 3 (three) criteria, namely: a. discussion on determining what kind of organization that can be held accountable; to explain this, by using christina de maglie's ideas, the approach to thinking of the perpetrators does not distinguish between natural legal subjects and business organizations that are both legal and non-legal entities). in this approach all organizations can be held criminally responsible. there are no restrictions on what kind of organization can be held responsible.according to the author of the principle that encompasses this idea is geen straf zonder schuld, or no criminal without error (note article 41 (1) of law number 23 of 1997 concerning environmental management): "anyone who unlawfully intentionally commits acts that result in environmental pollution and / or damage, is threatened with a maximum prison sentence of ten years and a maximum fine of rp. 500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah) ". b. what types of crimes are considered to be carried out by corporations; to determine the types of criminal acts committed by corporations, then the types of criminal actions that will be held accountable are formulated in positive norms (statutory regulations). in this second approach, only organizations specifically specified in the legislation can bear criminal responsibility.this approach is in the opinion of the author in harmony with the sound of article 1 paragraph (1) of the criminal code: "an act cannot be convicted, except based on the strength of existing criminal law provisions (the principle of legality, nullum delictum noella poena sine praevia lege poenali), where the corporation mentioned as a legal subject in article 1 paragraph (24) of law no.23 of 1997 which explains that: "people are individuals, and / or groups of people, and / or legal entities". c. what criteria are needed to attribute (attach) criminal liability to the corporation. attributing personal actions to corporations actually according to the author is an attempt to ascertain what corporate form (legal entity or not) stated in the statutory jurnal hukum volkgeist hadi supriyanto. 4(2): 166-179 171 regulations (legal formal) can be held responsible, this is an attempt (the state) to avoid confusion over responsibility distribution. criminal sanctions to corporations so that it becomes clear and clear that corporations are responsible for these criminal acts. christina de maglie, emphasized that france and denmark are examples of countries that embrace this approach where only corporations with legal entities can be held to account. 3.1. the nature of corporate liability in criminal law in state administrative law, corporate recognition as a legal subject is evident in the granting of business licenses, which are scattered in many relevant laws and regulations, which in some cases determine the conditions for business licenses can only be granted if the applicant is a legal entity or a limited liability company, for example in law number 4 of 2009 concerning mineral and coal mining, regulates corporate criminal liability in the mining sector. where in law number 4 of 2009 regulates criminal acts in the mining sector, the perpetrators of which are business entities are the regulations stated in article 163 paragraphs (1) and (2), the article reads: (1) in the case of a criminal offense as referred to in this chapter is carried out by a legal entity, in addition to imprisonment and fines against its management, the penalties that can be imposed on such legal entities are criminal fines with weights plus 1/3 (one third) of the maximum criminal provisions fines imposed. (2) in addition to criminal fines as referred to in paragraph (1), legal entities may be subject to additional penalties in the form of: a. revocation of business license; and / or b. revocation of legal entity status. while those relating to business licenses can be found in article 38 which reads: iup is given to: a. business entity; b. cooperative; and c. individual. expansion of corporations as legal subjects will also be found in act no. 8 of 2010 concerning prevention and eradication of money laundering, which in this law corporations as legal subjects can be found in article 1 numbers 9 and 10 which read: "9. everyone is an individual or a corporation. 10 corporations are organized groups of people and / or assets, both legal entities and non-legal entities. " the form of criminal liability from the corporation according to law number 8 of 2010 is as follows: article 6 (1) in the event of the crime of money laundering as referred to in article 3, article 4, and article 5 is committed by the corporation, the crime is imposed on the corporation and / or corporate control personnel. (2) criminal charges against the corporation if the crime of money laundering: a. performed or ordered by corporate control personnel; jurnal hukum volkgeist hadi supriyanto. 4(2): 166-179 172 b. conducted in the context of fulfilling the aims and objectives of the corporation; c. performed in accordance with the duties and functions of the offender or the giver of the order; and d. done with the intention of providing benefits to the corporation. article 7 (1) the principal crime imposed on the corporation is a criminal fine of no more than rp 100,000,000,000 (one hundred billion rupiah). (2) in addition to criminal fines as referred to in paragraph (1), additional corporations may also be imposed with penalties in the form of: a. announcement of the judge's decision; b. freezing some or all of the corporation's business activities; c. revocation of business license; d. dissolution and / or prohibition of corporations; e. confiscation of corporate assets for the state; and / or f. corporate takeovers by the state. therefore, the principal punishment of a corporation is the principal crime in the form of fines and additional crimes as regulated in the law governing sanctions against the corporation. 3.2. regulation of corporate criminal sanctions in the criminal justice system the criminal code (kuhp) clearly only stipulates natural human beings who are the subject of criminal acts, so that corporations that are part of legal subjects cannot be held responsible for real. pay attention to the provisions of article 59 of the criminal code which states as follows: "in cases where a violation is determined by the criminal offense against the management, members of the board of directors or commissioners, the board, members of the board of directors or commissioners who apparently do not interfere in the violation are not convicted". based on article 59 of the criminal code, normatively the corporate error is the responsibility of its management only, and cannot be attributed to the corporation itself. so how does the mistake of distribution become a corporate error? the following explanation can be given: corporate criminal liability can be found in law no. 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption in particular in article 20 (1) which states that: "in the event that a criminal act of corruption is carried out by or on behalf of a corporation, criminal prosecution and enforcement can be committed against the corporation and or its management". base on these rules, those who can be held liable include criminal liability corporations, corporate management, or the corporation and its management. in the event that a criminal complaint is committed against a corporation, the corporation is represented by the management. management who represents the corporation can be jurnal hukum volkgeist hadi supriyanto. 4(2): 166-179 173 represented by others. in certain cases the judge may order that the administrator be brought to court (article 20, paragraphs 3.4 and 5 of law no. 31 of 1999). the formulation in each of the laws governing corporations as subject to criminal law is indeed not the same, to find out about this, the following will be presented with the criminal sanctions contained in the distribution of the law. table 1. corporate criminal liability disparity in various laws no. constitution criminal principal additional crimes and other sanctions 1 law no.31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption crimes in conjunction with law no.20 of 2001 a maximum fine of rp. 1 billion plus a third of the principal crime -possession of goods used or obtained from criminal acts of corruptionpayment money replacement closure of all or part of the company for a maximum period of 1 year revocation of all or part of certain rights or removal of all or part of certain profits, which has been or can be given by the government to the convicted 2 law no.8 of 2010 concerning prevention and eradication of money laundering crimes a maximum fine of rp 100 billion announcement of the judge's decision suspension of part or all of the corporate business activities revocation of business license disbursement and / or prohibition of corporations expropriation of corporate assets for the state takeover of the corporation by the state 3 law no.18 of 2013 concerning prevention and eradication of forest destruction a maximum fine of rp. 1 trillion -closure of all or part of a company in addition to criminal sanctions may also be subject to administrative sanctions: -forced money-revocation of permission 4 law no.35 of 2009 concerning narcotics a maximum fine of rp. 10 billion by weighting three times the principal crime revocation of business license revocation of legal entity status 5 perppu no. 1 of 2002 concerning eradication of terrorism crimes a maximum fine of rp. 1 trillion -corporations involved in criminal acts of terrorism can be frozen or revoked license and declared as a prohibited corporation 6 law no.9 of 2013 concerning the prevention and eradication of criminal acts on terrorism funding a maximum fine of rp 100 billion suspension of part or all of corporate activity revocation of business license and declared as a prohibited corporation dissolution of the corporation expropriation of corporate assets for the state takeover of the corporation by the state announcement of court decisions 7 law no.21 of 2007 concerning eradication of trafficking in persons a maximum fine of rp. 5 billion with a weighting of three times the basic crime revocation of business license expropriation of assets resulting from criminal acts revocation of legal entity status dismissal of management prohibition to management to establish corporation in the same business field 8 law no.23 of 2002 concerning child protection as amended by law no.35 of 2014 and updated with perppu no.1 of 2016 a maximum fine of rp. 5 billion plus a third of the basic crime no additional criminal provisions for the corporation jurnal hukum volkgeist hadi supriyanto. 4(2): 166-179 174 9 law no.31 of 2004 concerning fisheries as amended by law no.45 of 2009 a maximum fine of rp. 20 billion plus a third of the basic crime no additional criminal provisions for the corporation 10 uu no. 7 of 1992 concerning jo banking. uu no. 10 of 1998 note: this law does not clearly refer to corporations but refers to the term "legal entity" article 26 paragraph (2) a maximum fine of idr 10 billion revocation of business license 11 law no.32 of 2009 concerning environmental protection and management a maximum fine of rp.15 billion is made up to one third of the basic crime expropriation of profits from criminal acts closure of all or part of business premises and / or activities corrections due to criminal acts obligation to do what is neglected without rights placement of the company under the guideline for a maximum of three years 12 law no.36 of 2009 concerning health a maximum fine of rp 1.5 billion with a weighting of three times the basic crime revocation of business license revocation of legal entity status 13 law no.6 of 1983 concerning general provisions and procedures for taxation as amended several times, the last being with law no.16 of 2009 (uukup) note: this law does not specifically mention corporations, but "taxpayers". article 1 number 2 of the kup law: taxpayers are individuals or entities, including taxpayers, tax collectors, and tax collectors, who have taxation rights and obligations in accordance with the provisions of tax legislation criminal tax provisions are regulated in articles 38, 39, 39a, 40, 41, 41a, 41b, 41c, 42, 43, 43a penalty penal sanctions in the uu kup have determined the amount, some are only determined in the formulation. for example in article 38: "fined at least one time the amount of tax owed that is not or underpaid and a maximum of twice the amount of tax payable that is not or is not paid" no additional criminal provisions for the corporation 14 law no.5 of 1999 concerning prohibition of monopolistic practices and unfair business competition note: this law does not specifically mention corporations, but "business actors". article 1 number 5 of law no.5 year 1999: "business actors are every individual or business entity, etc ..." a maximum fine of rp 100 billion revocation of business license prohibition of business actors that have been proven to have violated this law to occupy the position of director or commissioner for at least two years and for a period of five years. termination of certain activities or actions that cause harm to other parties. 15 law no.8 of 1999 a maximum fine of rp 2 -possession of certain goodsjurnal hukum volkgeist hadi supriyanto. 4(2): 166-179 175 concerning consumer protection note: this law does not specifically mention corporations, but "business actors". article 1 number 3 of law no.8 year 1999: "business actors are every individual or business entity etc." billion announcement of the judge's decisionpayment of compensation-orders to stop certain activities that cause consumer losses-obligation to withdraw goods from circulation-revocation of business license. 16 law no.18 of 2012 concerning food the maximum fine is rp. 100 billion with a weighting of three times the basic crime revocation of certain rights announcement of the judge's decision 17 law no.20 of 2002 concerning electricity a maximum fine of rp. 1 billion plus a third of the principal crime article 62 paragraph (3) in addition to the criminal referred to in paragraph (2), holders of electricity supply business permits and operational permit holders are also required to provide compensation. 18 law no.4 of 2009 concerning mineral and coal mining a maximum fine of rp. 10 billion with weight plus one third of the basic crime revocation of business license revocation of legal entity status expropriation of goods used in committing a crime expropriation of profits derived from a crime obligation to pay costs incurred due to a criminal offense 19 law no.22 of 2001 concerning oil and gas a maximum fine of rp. 60 billion plus a third of the principal crime revocation of rights or confiscation of goods used for or obtained from criminal acts in oil and gas business activities. 20 law no.10 of 1995 concerning customs as amended by law no.17 of 2006 article 108 paragraph (4) against a legal entity, corporation or corporation, association, foundation or cooperative that is convicted with a criminal offense as referred to in this law, the main criminal sentence imposed is always a fine of up to rp1.5 billion if the criminal act is threatened with imprisonment, by not eliminating fines if the offense is threatened with imprisonment and fines no additional criminal provisions for the corporation 21 law no.11 of 2008 concerning information and electronic transactions as amended by act no.19 of 2016 a maximum fine of rp 12 billion plus two-thirds of the basic crime no additional criminal provisions for the corporation jurnal hukum volkgeist hadi supriyanto. 4(2): 166-179 176 3.2.1. forms of corporate criminal sanctions in perma no. 13 of 2016 concerning procedures for handling criminal cases by corporations, relating to criminal sanctions as stipulated in article 10 of the criminal code, the principal forms of criminal acts against corporate crimes are in the form of additional fines and penalties. this is according to the author, the supreme court has considered the aspects of the legal position of the corporation as a criminal law subject, where the corporation may not be held liable for criminal acts of natural human beings such as murder, rape, which threatens criminal punishment in the form of imprisonment even if it is carried out by weighting then the threat is punishment death, which is the main criminal offense impossible to apply to the corporation. we can find this in article 25 perma no. 13 of 2016: (1) judges impose penalties on corporations in the form of principal and / or additional crimes. (2) the principal sentence which can be imposed on a corporation as referred to in paragraph (1) is a criminal fine. (3) additional penalties are imposed on the corporation in accordance with statutory provisions. this according to the author, corresponds to criminal liability adopted in article 20 paragraph (1) of the corruption act number 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption, which has been amended by act number 20 of 2001 is cumulativealternative in nature, with the phrase "corporation and / or management "in the formulation of article 20 paragraph (1), then to prosecute and impose a criminal offense in the event that a criminal act of corruption is carried out by or on behalf of a corporation can be carried out against" corporation and management "or only against" corporation "or" management ". based on the various explanations above, a corporation can be held liable briefly based on the corruption act if it meets the right stages. the first stage is the fulfillment of the requirements for criminal acts of corruption deemed committed by corporations in accordance with article 20 paragraph (2) of the corruption act and the fulfillment of offenses in accordance with the article used. second, the fulfillment of the requirement that the corruption act is a crime that falls within the scope of a criminal act that can be carried out and held accountable for corporate criminal responsibility and there is no reason for a criminal offense, third. 3.2.2. corporate criminal law enforcement law enforcement is not merely a logistic activity but involves humans with all its characteristics, so that it also raises certain characteristics in law enforcement because it is related to human behavior itself in understanding it. joseph goldstein said that: "the criminal law is one of many intertwined mechanisms for the social control of human behavior. it defines behavior which is deemed intolerably disturbing to or destructive of community values and prescribing sanctions which the state is athorized to impose upon person convited or suspected of engaging in prohibited conduct " (goldstein, 1960) if we depart from the understanding of what is explained by joseph goldstein, then we will find that law enforcement involves social control and human behavior, jurnal hukum volkgeist hadi supriyanto. 4(2): 166-179 177 about what should be done by the state in upholding the values in society by placing sanctions as a controller for harmful or prohibited behavior. furthermore joseph goldstein explained that there are several concepts that can be done in law enforcement, namely: 1. total enforcment (total law enforcement) here the law is enforced as the law says. this type of law enforcement is not possible, this is because law enforcement is limited by the provisions in criminal procedural law, ways to look for evidence, witnesses are restrictions on law enforcement. therefore, this system is not possible. provisions in material law also limit them, for example, the provisions regarding complaint offenses or commonly referred to as the area of no enforcement. law enforcers are faced with a situation which makes it impossible to enforce the law as determined by law. discretion also makes enforcement of this first type of law impossible. 2. full enforcement (full law enforcement) law enforcers are limited by technical provisions, such as infrastructure, skills or various structural constraints such as a number of procedures needed to expose crime, for example there must be permission from a higher official, so even this second type of law enforcement is difficult to manifested. full enforcement, is an excessive hope because it is impossible to realize. this is due to the blurring in the definition between crime in the sense of substance and the area of due process of law. time limitations, personnel, and investigative devices such as facilities and infrastructure become its own constraints so that this type of law enforcement is also impossible. 3. actual enforcement (actual law enforcement) law enforcement is actually and this is what actually happens everyday. through the decision not to carry out full law enforcement, however the police determine the outer boundaries of actual law enforcement with full law enforcement, however it cannot be done, even inhumane in the current conditions in many cases which must be considered also concerns jurisdiction. according to muladi in total law enforcement, there are limitations determined by material criminal law, such as the existence of complaints from the victim in a complaint, so that these limits are called the area of no enforcement. total law enforcement after reducing the area of no enforcement causes full law enforcement (full enforcement), in the scope where law enforcement is expected to enforce the law to the maximum. however, this is an unrealistic expectation, because in reality there are limitations in the form of time, personal, so it is necessary to do discretion so that actual law enforcement is created as stated by joseph golstein above. law enforcement is an organizational activity which is strictly determined by legal boundaries. law enforcement is also a systemic process, so criminal law enforcement appears as an application of criminal law (criminal law application) which involves various structural sub-systems in the form of police, prosecutors, courts and correctional institutions, including of course legal advisory institutions. researchers agree that the application of law must be viewed from 3 dimensions: jurnal hukum volkgeist hadi supriyanto. 4(2): 166-179 178 1. the application of law is seen as a normative system (normative system), namely the application of the whole rule of law that describes social values supported by criminal sanctions. 2 the application of law is seen as an administrative system (administrative system) which includes interactions between various law enforcement apparatuses which constitute the judicial sub-system above. 3 the application of criminal law is a social system (social system), in the sense that in defining criminal acts must also be taken into account various perspectives that exist in the strata of society table 2. recapitulation of corruption crime handling by the kpk 2004 – 2018 penindakan penyelidikan penyidikan penuntutan inkracht eksekusi 2004 23 2 2 0 0 2005 29 19 17 5 4 2006 36 27 23 14 13 2007 70 24 19 19 23 2008 70 47 35 23 24 2009 67 37 32 37 37 2010 54 40 32 34 36 2011 78 39 40 34 34 2012 77 48 36 28 32 2013 81 70 41 40 44 2014 80 56 50 40 48 2015 87 57 62 38 38 2016 96 99 76 71 81 2017 123 121 103 84 83 2018 164 199 151 106 113 jumlah 1.135 887 719 578 610 source : https://acch.kpk.go.id/id/statistik/tindak-pidana-korupsi, edited in its journey, law enforcement of corporate crime enters a new phase, where the principle of geen straf zonder schuld, places various theories on corporate responsibility as its analytical tool, as a vehicle to prove corporate responsibility, which in turn will lead to equality before the law, or the principle of equality in the face of law is the basic principle used by the corruption eradication committee (kpk), that is, each person (body / corporation) has the same responsibilities, rights and obligations and is equally equal before the law in the context of criminal liability. 4. conclusion the essence of corporate crime in law enforcement of the criminal justice system is an effort to realize the legal objectives namely: 1. certainty; 2. justice; 3. benefit; and 4. guarantee / protection. criminal sanctions for corporations are the main criminal sanctions in the form of fines and additional penalties in the form of administrative sanctions. enforcement of corporate criminal law can be done by utilizing abstracto legal means in the form of enrichment of rules relating to corporate responsibility in the distribution of laws governing corporate responsibility so that harmony occurs. concreto law enforcement further empowers the legal structure (law jurnal hukum volkgeist hadi supriyanto. 4(2): 166-179 179 enforcement officers) in understanding the position of the corporation as a criminal law subject that can be held accountable. acknowledgments this research is fully funded by the institute of education fund management (lpdp) as the author is an lpdp batch 2016 alumnus. this research is also fully guided by h. hambali thalib and kamri ahmad and h. baharuddin badarru. thanks to nurhasnah rahimin and dyah kusuma wardhani who continue to provide their support and attention until this research can be completed. references ali, r. 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(2006). kejahatan korporasi dan pertanggungjawabannya. retrieved from makalah disampaikan dalam ceramah di jajaran kepolisian daerah sumatera utara, bertempat di tanjung morawa, medan website: https://bismarnasution.com/kejahatan-korporasi-dan-pertanggungjawabannya/ 12) 2864 77-80 jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i1.2864 vol. 7 no. 1, december 2022 77 future implementation of ius constituendum and restorative justice in the criminal justice system mashendra1*, la gurusi1, la ode muhammad karim1 1faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah buton, indonesia *correspondence: hendraumi88@gmail.com article history abstract received: 30.11.2022 accepted: 29.12.2022 published: 31.12.2022 the notion of restorative justice is presently implemented in the indonesian criminal justice system through law no. 11 of 2012, which oversees the juvenile court system. future expansion of the application of restorative justice within the criminal justice system is a topic of discussion. as a research methodology, legal norm research is employed. deductive reasoning is used to reach conclusions. on the basis of research findings, the government and the dpr are expected to swiftly formulate guidelines for the implementation of the concept of restorative justice issued by the criminal justice subsystem in laws and regulations, both in the form of laws and in the draft code of criminal procedure (rkuhap) and the draft law – criminal law (rkuhp). the implementation or application of the concept of restorative justice in the resolution of criminal cases involving these offenders shall be governed by these rules. keywords: criminal justice system; future regulation; restorative justice article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction without considering the relationship between jurisprudence and the issues to be resolved, law has been viewed as a rigid set of rules that overemphasizes certain components of the legal system (arianto, 2010). therefore, we need a legal idea that is acceptable to the community and reflects the traits and patterns of communal life (adaptable). laws that are rigid or inflexible add complexity and conflict to people's lives. to make indonesian national law a law that can coexist and evolve, it is vital to seek out community-respected principles that are still held. the criminal justice system has developed into a manual that illustrates a key systems-based approach to crime prevention techniques. according to a remark by romli atmasasmita from mardjono, the criminal justice system consists of police, prosecutors, courts, and prisons (siregar, 2020). according to satjipto raharjo, the slow pace of law enforcement is due to the judicial system's resolution of cases, which results in court decisions. this is because there are various tiers of law enforcement, including the police, the attorney general's office, the district court, the supreme court, and the highest court itself. ultimately, this impacts the quantity of court cases that have accrued. in addition, formal justice does not always reflect a feeling of justice; it is costly, time-consuming, and laborious, and it does not resolve the issue. worse, it is rife with favoritism, collusion, and corruption (rahardjo, 2003). in indonesia, the sub-system of criminal justice is producing regulations or rulings guiding the application of the idea of restorative justice. the national police issued the policy during the investigative phase, the office of the public prosecutor during the prosecution phase, and the supreme court during the judicial phase. however, the criminal justice subsystem's policies and regulations are executed differently and in various ways. regarding restorative justice in the settlement of criminal cases, see se/8/vii/2018, per circular from the chief of the national police, national police number: this police chief circular on restorative justice will then be used as a legal basis and guide for polri investigators and investigators conducting investigations, including as a guarantee of legal protection and supervision in the application of the concept of restorative justice to investigations and criminal investigations, in order to realize the public interest and a sense of community justice (fianhar, n.d.). p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 77-80 78 the attorney general office of the republic of indonesia no. 15 of 2020 on stopping prosecution based on restorative justice also applies restorative justice. "the out-of-court settlement of cases referred to in paragraph 2(e) may occur if" under paragraph 3(b) "the procedure des afdoening buiten" has been completed, restoring the original condition of affairs a justice approach that the prosecutor has the authority to discontinue (peraturan kejaksaan republik indonesia nomor 15, 2020). in addition, the supreme court of the republic of indonesia has issued directives and directives about restorative justice. the most recent example is decree no. 1691/dju/sk/ps.00/12/2020 of the director-general for justice of the supreme court of the republic of indonesia on the implementation of guidelines for restorative justice (restorative justice ). this judgment aims to optimize the implementation of supreme court regulations and supreme court circulars. in the context of general courts, the following crimes may be handled through restorative justice: a. minor criminal cases restorative justice may be used to resolve small criminal cases including the offenses outlined in criminal code articles 364, 373, 379, 384, 407, and 482 when the loss does not exceed rp. 2,500,000.00 (two million and fifty thousand rupiah) b. child problem restorative justice must take precedence in juvenile justice, and any diversionary decision constitutes restorative justice. if the diversion attempt fails or does not match the criteria, the judge will seek a restorative justice decision pursuant to articles 71 to 82 of law no. 11 of 2012. c. conflicts involving women and the law. d. drug case. according to article 1 of this rule, only addicts, victims of abuse, victims of abuse, and individuals dependant on drugs for at least a day are eligible for the restorative justice approach. republic of indonesia no. 01/pb/mama/iii/2014, no. 03 of 2014, no. 11 of 2014, no. 03 of 2014, no. per-005/a/ja/03/2014, no. 01 of 2014, no. perber/01 /iii/2014/bnn for the care of opiate addicts and victims of opiate abuse in restaurants. this paper discusses about the politics of the future application of the notion of restorative justice to the criminal justice system as a result of the tendency toward the creation of institutional arrangements of procedural law. while the regulations and policies established by the criminal justice subsystem are recognizable in connection to non-criminal criteria that can be handled through restorative justice, implementation and the circumstances for an offense to be eligible for restorative justice resolution vary. 2. method this paper discusses the challenges using research that describes, explains, and analyzes the future application of restorative justice in the criminal judicial system. this form of inquiry is known as normative or literary legal research. soerjono soekanto defines normative legal research as "legal research performed using literature or secondary data as a research basis" and "legal research conducted using literature or secondary data as a research basis" (soekanto & mamudji, 2001). 3. result and discussion 3.1 the concept of restorative justice in the judicial system restorative justice strives to enable victims, criminals, families, and communities to repair a violation of the law by employing understanding and belief as a basis for enhancing social life. this demonstrates that the concept of restorative justice is not inherently hard. restorative justice is a doctrine of justice that stresses restitution for victims of wrongdoing. as part of the pancasila notion of the rule of law, the new method of restorative justice is tacitly recognized in the constitution and somewhat controlled in a number of criminal statutes and regulations. these include the sppa law or the special autonomy law of the province of papua, which recognizes the existence of a "consensus-consensus" institutional regulations such as the police through the chief of police circular letter p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 77-80 79 number se/8/vii/2018 concerning the implementation of restorative justice in settlement of criminal cases, the prosecutor's office regulations through the prosecutor's office regulation of the republic of indonesia number 15 of 2020 concerning termination of prosecution based on restorative justice) and the supreme court through decisions director general of the general courts of the supreme court of the republic of indonesia number 1691/dju/sk/ps.00/12/2020 concerning the implementation of guidelines for the implementation of restorative justice, which is governed by the code of criminal procedure, which serves as the parent formal law, or the penal code, which serves as the primary substantive law. from the standpoint of the ius constituendum, legal policy and policy are required to regulate the application of the concept of restorative justice in law enforcement during the investigation, prosecution, and trial phases (tambir, 2019). in conformity with the reality of human behavior, the theory of coherence is implemented at the level of jus constituendum (legal concepts) in relation to legal truth. the legal truth that must be upheld in this case is an essential element of justice. each individual or group's concept of justice is so diverse that it appears difficult to apply this notion absolutely to expose the law's truth. because apparent fairness does not always equate to legal certainty and practicality (salam, 2019). according to soedarto, legal policy is the endeavor of the appropriate bodies to construct the desired regulations in accordance with the current state and government policies, to communicate the contents of these rules to society, and to ultimately accomplish the desired result. according to abdul hakim garuda nusantara, political law is the application or implementation of legal policies by a particular state government, whose responsibilities include the consistent implementation of existing legal regulations in the process of reform and legislation designed to take a critical stance towards the law with legal dimensions. this is the understanding of legal policy, the constitution, and legal formation from the perspective of jus constituendum, affirmation of institutional functions, training of law enforcement officials, and public awareness of legal matters (putuhena, 2013). barda nawawi arief thinks that criminal law policy is equivalent with "crime prevention policy with criminal law" because the objective of criminal law regulatory activities and standards is to prevent crime. as part of law enforcement policy, this effort also includes measures to combat crime through criminal law. criminal justice policy includes policies on substantive criminal justice, formal criminal justice, and prosecution. in addition, barda nawawi arief says that the policy of criminal law is an integral aspect of social policy or social policy, as the prevention of crime through the formulation of laws is an integral part of social welfare efforts. consequently, it also encompasses social policy in the sense of social welfare and defense policy (kenedi, 2017). 3.2 structuring the future of the criminal justice system with restorative justice ideas the criminal code and code of criminal procedure are unable to address a lot of crime issues due to the rapid growth of indonesian society, which conforms to international trends and the high demand for legal certainty and justice. subsystem (police, prosecutors, and supreme court) responsible for implementing law enforcement policy. not only the criminal justice subsystem (police, prosecutors, and the supreme court), which must still evaluate the principle of legitimacy in terms of local and situational knowledge, but also the principle of legality. the legality of the policies of the criminal justice subsystem – police, prosecutors, and the supreme court – can still be questioned, as in the normative perspective of the criminal code and the code of criminal procedure, they are not considered in accordance with these principles. even andi hamzah, who serves as dpr chairperson for the code of criminal procedure drafting committee, is of the opinion that, according to article 1 of the dutch code of criminal procedure (sv), criminal procedures may only be conducted in conformity with the procedure prescribed by law. therefore, criminal procedure cannot be governed with less formality than the law (hamzah, n.d.). therefore, it is not surprising that the police, attorney general's office, and supreme court of the republic of indonesia are currently issuing recommendations on the application of restorative justice in the settlement of specific adult offences. given the tendency toward the emergence of institutional regulations such as the police chief's regulation, the attorney general's regulation, or the supreme court regulation, which governs the procedural law of the juvenile justice system, the author believes that the application of the concept of restorative justice must be implemented in its entirety and regulated in specific laws and regulations such as the system act. for this reason, it is necessary to develop laws and regulations, in the form of both current laws and recommendations, regarding the application of restorative justice to adult criminal cases by the police, the p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 77-80 80 prosecution, and the supreme court. the procedural law (rkuhap) and draft criminal code (rkuhp) are intended to provide a criminal justice subsystem consisting of the police, attorney general's office, and supreme court with a clear legal basis for enforcing the law through the application of restorative justice in adult criminal cases. this is due to the fact that not all of the present guidelines and rules established by the criminal justice subsystem are susceptible to fraud. the application of restorative justice due to the fact that the restorative justice case can only be resolved prior to the prosecutor receiving the notice of commencement of investigation (spdp), polri's investigators have only seven (seven) days from the start of the investigation to complete restorative justice under the mediation process. attorney general's order no. 15 of 2020 stipulates a maximum of five years without drug offenses, petty crimes, and criminal threats. through the chief of district court, the supreme court has also devised a method to provide supporting justice. the most recent directive is the director general of justice of the supreme court of the republic of indonesia decree no. 1691/dju/sk/ps.00/12/2020 on the implementation of policies for restorative justice. according to this ruling, the scope of restorative justice is limited to cases involving violations of the law involving minor offenses, children, drugs, and women. 4. conclusion in the indonesian criminal court system, cases involving adult offenders have been resolved using the concept of restorative justice. through circular no. se/8/vii/2018 from the chief of police, prosecutor's office order no. 15 of 2020, and supreme court rulings. as director-general of the investigative (police) level courts of the supreme court of the republic of indonesia, the existing policies may be translated into laws and regulations in the future, either in the form of legislation such as the sppa act or in the form of bills – the code of criminal procedure (rkuhap) and the draft criminal code (rkuhap) because the guidelines and rules that are being prepared and issued contain uniformity or similarities in relation to the criteria. rkuhp) to give law enforcement personnel with a clear legal basis for implementing restorative justice in the resolution of criminal cases involving offenders, and to provide legal certainty, strength, and clarity. references arianto, h. 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(2019). pendekatan restorative justice salam penyelesaian tindak pidana di tingkat penyidikan. jurnal magister hukum udayana, 8(4), 549–574. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i2.3242 vol. 7 no.2, june 2023 9 transformation of bhinci-bhinciki values in the establishment of regional regulations wa ode zamrud1, faharudin1* 1,2 faculty, fakultas hukum, universitas dayanu ikhsanuddin baubau, indonesia *correspondence: faharfaiz@gmail.com article history abstract received: 15.05.2023 accepted: 06.06.2023 published: 30.06.2023 the transformation in the formation of regional regulations is intended to reflect the values of bhinci-bhinciki coolies (pinch the skin) into the real world, especially in regional regulations. the type of research method used is normative legal researc h. the sources of legal materials used are primary and secondary legal materials. the bbk philosophy is a copy of the philosophy "man arafa nafsahu faqad arafa nafsahu" (whoever knows himself, he will know his god). this divine philosophy is contained in the preamble to the constitution of the sultanate of buton. from this philosophy then developed in the form of humanity. if it is carried out sincerely, it believes that it will become an individual, a perfect human being or a perfect human being. modern legal systems express a view of life, a sense of justice and other cultural values that are also instrumental in nature and are a means of achieving goals, so that regional law can develop and be able to relate to other regions., it is necessary to maintain and develop legal principles that are comprehensive and accepted. keywords: transformation, values, regulations article license copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction indonesia is a developing country. the 1945 constitution does contain the idea of political democracy (kusuma, 2022). good or bad regional development depends on the management carried out by the government (sagama & saparuddin, 2022). law can actually change a civilization towards order, justice and prosperity, and independence. independence is the essence of independence, as the right of every nation to determine its own destiny and determine what is best for the nation. the spirit of the "founding father" of the republic of indonesia has been transformed into a constitution (sri soemantri martosoewignjo, 2006). which states that the state of indonesia is a state of law (mpr ri, 2013). which means that the unitary state of the republic of indonesia (nkri) is a state based on law (rechsstaat), not based on power (machsstaat) and government based on a constitutional system (basic constitution), not absolutism (unlimited power). as a result, there are three basic principles that must be upheld by every citizen, namely: the rule of law, equality before the law and law enforcement carried out in ways that should and certainly not conflict with applicable law (department of law and human rights, 2004). the transformation in the formation of regional regulations is intended to reflect the values of bhinci-bhinciki kuli (pinch the skin) into the real world. in this regard, given the views of frederich carl von savigny who stated that: "das recht wuird nicht gemacht, es ist und wird dem volke" means that the law was not made, but grew and developed with the society where the law applies (bushar muhammad, 1987). in relation to bhinci-bhinciki coolies, there are four principles that underlie the life of the people in baubau, namely: 1. pomae-maeka (mutual fear among members of the community/respect for bodies) mailto:faharfaiz@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 9-14 10 the way to fear each other is that small people believe that big people should always be feared/respected. and generally, every human being must know where he is located or his position, which one is higher is what is feared by custom. 2. pomaa-maasiaka (mutual affection between one another in society how to love one another or have compassion, that is, love always arises in the heart of fellow human beings, especially big people towards small people 3. popia-piara (mutual care for one another in society), the way to look after each other is that there is always a desire to protect and maintain the interests or safety of living together and not to disturb other people's pleasures. 4. poangka-angkata (mutually elevate fellow members of society). how to elevate one another's degree or respect, is divided into two parts, namely: respect for fellow human beings, generally according to customary law politeness and respect for syara's members towards the people. the bbk philosophy is a copy of the philosophy "man arafa nafsahu faqad arafa nafsahu" (whoever knows himself, he will know his god). this divine philosophy is contained in the preamble to the constitution of the sultanate of buton. from this philosophy then developed in the form of humanity. if it is carried out sincerely, it believes that it will become a perfect human being (la ode turi, 2007). this implies that all humans have the same feelings, the same self-esteem and the same human rights. this philosophy is a view of life between fellow members of society as a whole which contains the meaning of high human values and the legal basis of kinship which gives birth to a system of living together, sharing fate, feelings and struggles. 2. research method research methods the type of research method used is normative legal research by examining legal norms and materials related to research problems. the sources of legal materials used are primary and secondary legal materials. the primary legal material studied is in the form of laws and regulations. secondary legal materials are in the form of legal books, legal journals, legal papers, and also the internet with the name of the site (irwansyah, 2020). this writing uses a statute approach, which is carried out by looking at all laws and regulations related to the legal issues being studied (petter mahmud marzuki, 2009). 3. research results and discussion 3.1. results in the formation of laws and regulations, as stated above, the stages passed are planning, preparation, discussion, approval, promulgation, and dissemination. planning for drafting laws and regulations is outlined in the national legislation program (prolegnas) for the formation of laws and the program for forming regional regulations (propemperda) for the formation of provincial and regency/city regional regulations. prolegnas and propemperda are the priority scales for the formulation of laws and regulations either on an annual or five-year priority scale. the prolegnas was prepared based on proposals from the president, dpr ri, and dpd ri7. meanwhile, properda is prepared based on proposals from the regional government and the dpr (setyawan, 2021). regency/city regional regulations are laws and regulations established by the regency/city regional people's representative council with the approval of the regent/mayor (citra umbara, 2011). regional regulations whose formation is ordered by law. in its formation, it must fulfill the stages or processes based on rules regarding the formation of statutory regulations, namely law number 12 of 2011. based on the provisions of the preparation of regional regulations that the draft provincial/district/city regional regulations can come from the dprd or governor/regent/mayor. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 9-14 11 the connection with the word transformation is a word that comes from two basic words, namely "trans" and "form". trans means across (across) or beyond (beyond) while form means form, because of that transformation implies a move from one form to another. transformation is a change from one state to another. theoretical changes can be in the form of partial changes (incremental) to comprehensive changes (holistic). change can take place slowly or quickly. incremental change can generally be evolutionary, while holistic change is generally revolutionary, although in certain cases this is not always the case. sooner or later the transformation, there are still many factors that affect the outcome of a change process, depending on its characteristics (dahlan harahap, 2012). in order to systematize the transformation of bhinci-bhinciki coolies, the researcher briefly conveys related to the transformation process that starts from the ideals of the law to the application of norms/rules in the formation of laws and regulations. legal ideals are conditions that underlie positive law, without legal ideals there is no law that has a normative character, according to larenz, legal ideals have a constructive function, giving meaning to law and the function of limiting it. legal ideals function as the basis for the formation of law, without legal ideals all legal norms lose their meaning as law. according to redbuch, the ideal of law is a regulative benchmark in judging whether a positive law is fair or not (jum anggraini, 2010). in addition to being expressive (expressing a view of life, a sense of justice and other cultural values) the modern legal system is also instrumental (a means of achieving a goal).(bernard arif sidharta, 1999). in order for regional law to develop and be able to relate to other regions, it is necessary to maintain and develop legal principles that are comprehensive and accepted. in development, general principles are prioritized that are accepted without abandoning original principles or customary laws that are still valid and relevant to today's modern life. a principle is something that can be used as a base, pedestal, base, foundation, a place to lean on. the principle is not used by anyone, so it must be finalized or parsed later in jurisprudence and form in a legal product packaging. sudikno merttokusumo argues that legal principles or legal principles are not concrete legal regulations, but general basic thoughts, the background of concrete regulations contained in or against the background of every legal system, incarnated in regional regulations which are part of positive law and can be stated by looking for general characteristics in the regulation (sudikno metokusumo, 2009). legal principles cannot be equated with legal norms, there is a distance between principles and legal norms. to eliminate this distance, legal principles are included in the process of law formation, legal principles must be transformed into legal norms. legal principles: asas hukum adalah dasar dari sistem hukum, merupakan pikiran dasar dari sistem hukum; 1. legal principles are more general than laws or other provisions; 2. the legal principle is the basis of the legal system; 3. the nature of the legal principle is abstract 4. legal principles do not lose their effectiveness if they are no longer applied, in contrast to statutory regulations; 5. the legal principle can function inside and outside positive law, because the legal principle is a measure of value. the function of the legal principle is to guide legislators in the process of forming laws in the form of regional regulations. whereas if a principle for forming legislation becomes a legal norm, then a legal norm will result in a sanction if the legal sanction or the principle for forming statutory regulations is not complied with or implemented. therefore, the legislators should no longer be used as a legal principle or the principle of forming statutory regulations (maria farida indrati s, 2007). it can be said that the principles should not be included in the regional regulations, because these principles become a legal norm, even though the position of the principles is higher than the law in writing. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 9-14 12 the legal principle always has legal ideals first. so the value contained in the ideals of law is intrinsic value, while the value in the legal principle is the basic value (fundamental), this is because the instrument for realizing positive law (jum anggraini, 2010). the relationship between principles, norms and legal norms are abstract principles, norms (going life) and legal norms that govern them. norms/rules are values, guidelines on how humans should behave in society, rules of life, norms of an ongoing principle. to protect human beings within the norms of belief, norms of decency, norms of decency and legal norms. legal norms aim to protect human interests that have not been protected by norms other than legal norms (maria farida indrati s, 2007). if a norm is used as a legal norm, it can be interpreted that a das sollen becomes a das sein. if the principle has become a running habit, it is called a norm and if it is promulgated in a new regional regulation, it becomes a legal norm. the regional regulation formation program is a planning instrument for the formation of regional regulations programs that are prepared in a planned, integrated and systematic manner (citra umbara, 2011). the regional regulation formation program is the initial stage of the process of forming regional regulations, namely at the planning stage. as stated in article 1 point 1 of law number 12 of 2011 concerning formation of laws and regulations which states that: formation of laws and regulations is the process of making laws and regulations which basically starts from planning, preparation, preparation techniques, formulation, discussion, ratification, promulgation and dissemination. the regional regulation formation program is included in the planning stage in the formation of regional regulations, meaning that every regional regulation produced by the baubau city regional people's legislative assembly with the aim of the baubau city regional government stems from the regional regulation formation program, it can be said that success or failure in forming regional regulations depend on planning the formation of regional regulations. the program for forming regional regulations contains a list and scale of medium-term and annual priorities which are planned, integrated and systematically prepared by the regional people's representative council of baubau city together with the local government in accordance with developments in the legal needs of the community in achieving state goals at certain stages and periods. operationally the regional regulation formation program contains a list of draft regional regulations which are prepared based on certain methods and parameters and are imbued with the vision and mission of regional law development. the main focus of the regional regulation formation program is one of the elements of the law, namely the material/substance of the law or regional regulations (ahmad ubbe, 2019). the regional regulation formation program needs to be a top priority because changes to regional regulations have broad and fundamental implications for the constitutional system which need to be followed by changes in the field of law. in addition, the rapid flow of globalization supported by the development of information technology has changed the pattern of relations between the state and citizens and their government. these changes also require the arrangement of the legal system and the legal framework that underlies it. within this framework, the regional regulation formation program is needed to organize the regional legal system as a whole and integrated which is always based on the ideals of local wisdom, the ideals of the proclamation and the constitutional basis which states that indonesia is a country based on law (rechtstaats) as stated in the article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. even though legal material or regional regulations are only one element of the legal system, it is this element that is generally considered to occupy the highest place, because it is the foundation for its functions (system) of law in people's lives. departing from this assumption, it can be said that if you want to improve local legal conditions, then what must first be corrected is legal material based on legal material on the local wisdom values of bhinci-bhinciki coolies. the stages of substance processing and it can even be said that the regional regulation formation program is only in the form of a "wish list". the consequence is that there is an interpretation that the more written regulations or regional regulations, the better the legal conditions in the area. for that, we need as many regional regulations as possible that regulate all aspects of society. for the sake of legal p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 9-14 13 certainty, of course, the existence of various kinds of regional regulations is very necessary. however, if the swift flow of proposals or plans for forming regional regulations (legislation plans) that are submitted are not accompanied by the existence of an effective mechanism capable of guaranteeing order, then what will happen is not an improvement in the legal conditions in the regions but rather a worsening of the legal conditions in the regions. in society. this can happen because it is almost certain that the initiating parties who submit proposals or plans will be of the opinion that the proposal really has a high level of urgency so that it needs to be prioritized for immediate realization in a short time. for reasons of urgency, the plan owner does not hesitate to make every effort to realize the program immediately, without considering that other parties have the same interests. this attitude, which is called sectoral ego, often becomes a disease in the regional regulation formation program in baubau city (ahmad ubbe, 2019). each initiator competes to propose a plan for the formation of their respective regional regulations, with the target of forming regional regulations. because so many legislative plans have been proposed, while the institutions that have the authority to complete them are very limited in their capacities, the result is that conditions that further complicate regional conditions arise. initiators are required as stipulated in the following laws and regulations to attach academic papers, certificates of alignment of academic papers, draft regional regulations, certificates of the completion of the implementation of the committee meeting from the initiator and certificates of completion of harmonization, unification and consolidation of the draft regional regulations from the dprd or local government. the expression of bbk wisdom is purity based on the law of taste. according to this law, all animate beings, especially humans, acknowledge that it is in the expanse of the law of taste that exists in creatures that humans read the true values of truth and justice. there is not a single living creature that can lie to the face and language of their sense of self. it is on the face and body of the feeling that the laws which are true, absolute, absolute, eternal and universal are read (udu et al., 2012). 3.2. discussion the study discusses the transformation in forming regional regulations to reflect the values of bhinci-bhinciki coolies in real-world applications. the research method used is normative legal research, and the bbk philosophy from the constitution of the sultanate of buton is emphasized. it aims to develop a humanistic approach and comprehensive legal principles to foster regional law's development and connectivity with other regions. 4. conclusion the transformation of bhinci-bhinciki kuli values in the formation of regional regulations is part of the law enforcement process based on local wisdom values that are still relevant which are explored in the midst of people's lives, 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(2012). dalam tradisi lisan kangkilo masyarakat buton a . pendahuluan globalisasi . salah satu agenda reformasi adalah penegakkan kehidupan demokrasi . pluralis . pengakuan akan adanya kebhinekaan masyarakat indonesia untuk saling indonesia terhadap lambang bhine. prosiding seminar internasional multikultral dan globalisasi, 172–186. issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 tinjauanyuridispengaruh tingkat pendidikanpemilihdanfrekuensimengikutisosialisasiterhadappartisipasipolitikmasyarakat 16 tinjauan yuridis pengaruh tingkat pendidikan pemilih dan frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 (studi di tps 1 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau) indah kusuma dewi fakultas hukum universitas muhammadiyah buton dosen hukum tata negara abstrak partisipasi warga negara dalam masyarakat yang demokratis, harus didasarkan pada pengetahuan, refleksi kritis dan pemahaman serta penerimaan akan hak-hak dan tanggung jawab. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (a) untuk membuktikan secara empiris apakah tingkat pendidikan pemilih dan pengaruh positif signifikant pada partisipasi politik masyarakat dengan peraturan komisi nomor 11 tahun 2010 tentang tps 1 dan tps 2 desa kadolo kota baubau; (b) untuk membuktikan secara empiris apakah frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi dan signifikant efek positif pada partisipasi politik masyarakat dengan peraturan komisi nomor 11 tahun 2010 tentang tps 1 dan tps 2 desa kadolo kota baubau; (c) untuk membuktikan secara empiris apakah tingkat pendidikan pemilih dan frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi bersama-sama dan signifikant pengaruh positif pada partisipasi politik masyarakat dengan peraturan komisi nomor 11 tahun 2010 tentang tps 1 dan tps 2 desa kadolo kota baubau. berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis pertama menunjukkan bahwa tingkat (x1) berpengaruh pendidikan pemilih tapi arah negatif dan signifikan terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat (y) berdasarkan peraturan komisi nomor 11 tahun 2010 tentang tps 1 dan tps 2 desa kadolo kota baubau karena memberikan t bernilai 3109 sedangkan kolom signifikansi 0,002 atau lebih kecil dari probabilitas kesalahan 0,05, sehingga h0 ditolak dan h1 diterima. hasil pengujian hipotesis kedua menunjukkan bahwa frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi (x2) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat (y) berdasarkan peraturan komisi nomor 11 tahun 2010 tentang tps 1 dan tps 2 desa kadolo kota baubau, karena memberikan nilai t adalah 15,728, sedangkan kolom signifikansi 0,000 atau lebih kecil dari probabilitas kesalahan 0,05, sehingga h0 ditolak dan diterima h2. dan hasil pengujian hipotesis ketiga menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pendidikan pemilih (x1) dan frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi (x2) dampak secara simultan positif dan signifikan terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 tentang tps 1 dan tps 2 desa kadolo baubau kota, kar ena memberi f hitun g yaitu192,290 sedangkan kolom signifikansi 0,000 atau lebih kecil dari probabilitas kesalahan 0,05, sehingga h0 ditolak dan h3 diterima. sedangkan berdasarkan nilai koefisien determinasi r square 0,591, hasilnya disebut koefisien determinasi, yang dalam hal ini berarti bahwa 59,1% dari variasi politik masyarakat partisipasi dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel tingkat pendidikan pemilih (x1) dan frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi (x2) sedangkan sisanya 100% 59,1% = 40,9% dijelaskan oleh sebab-sebab lain yang berada di luar persamaan. kata kunci: pendidikan, sosialisasi, partisipasi politik masyarakat abstract problems that could be addressed in this study are: (a) is the level of voter education and signifikant positive influence on society's political participation by commission regulation no. 11 year 2010 on tps 1 and tps 2 village kadolo baubau city? (b) is the frequency follows the positive effect of socialization and community signifikant to political participation by commission regulation no. 11 year 2010 on tps 1 and tps 2 village kadolo baubau city? (c) is the level of voter education and the frequency of follow socializing together and signifikant positive influence on society's political participation by commission regulation no. 11 year 2010 on tps 1 and tps 2 village kadolo baubau city? this study aims to: (a) to prove empirically whether the level of voter education and signifikant positive influence on society's political participation by commission regulation no. 11 year 2010 on tps 1 and tps 2 village kadolo baubau city; (b) to prove empirically whether the frequency of follow socialization and signifikant positive effect on society's political participation by commission regulation no. 11 year 2010 on tps 1 and tps 2 village kadolo baubau city; (c) to prove empirically whether voter issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 tinjauanyuridispengaruh tingkat pendidikanpemilihdanfrekuensimengikutisosialisasiterhadappartisipasipolitikmasyarakat 17 education level and frequency of follow socializing together and signifikant positive influence on society's political participation by commission regulation no. 11 year 2010 on tps 1 and tps 2 village kadolo baubau city. based on the results of testing the first hypothesis shows that the level of the voter education (x1) effect but the direction is negative and significant to political participation society (y) based on commission regulation no. 11 year 2010 on tps 1 and tps 2 village kadolo baubau city because it gives t is worth 3,109 whereas the significance column is 0,002 or smaller than the probability of error of 0.05, so h0 is rejected and h1 accepted. results of testing the second hypothesis indicates that the frequency following socialization (x2) positive and significant impact on the political participation society (y) based on commission regulation no. 11 year 2010 on tps 1 and tps 2 village kadolo baubau city, because it gives the t value is 15.728, while the significance column is 0,000 or smaller than the probability of error of 0.05, so h0 is rejected and accepted h2. and the third hypothesis testing results show that the voter education level (x1) and frequency following socialization (x2) simu ltaneously positive and significant impact on the political participation of community based kpu regulation no. 11 year 2010 on tps 1 and tps 2 village kadolo baubau city, kar ena give f count yaitu192,290 while the significance column is 0,000 or smaller than the probability of error of 0.05, so h0 is rejected and h3 is received. while based on the value of the coefficient of determination r square 0.591, the result is called the coefficient of determination, which in this case means that 59.1% of the variation politics society participation can be explained by the variable rate voter education (x1) and frequency following socialization (x2) while the rest 100% 59.1% = 40.9% explained by other causes that are outside the equation. keywords: education, socialization, political participation community a. pendahuluan pemilu merupakan sarana pengamalan demokrasi. dapat dikatakan tidak ada demokrasi tanpa pemilu. walaupun begitu, pemilu bukanlah tujuan, akan tetapi hanya sebagai sarana untuk memilih anggota parlemen dan pemimpin eksekutif di pusat dan daerah. adapun tujuan kita berbangsa dan bernegara adalah antara lain untuk memajukan kesejahteraan umum dan mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa sebagaimana tertuang dalam pembukaan uud 1945. format pemilukada pada masa berlakunya undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1974 yang kita kenal dengan era sentralisasi. pada era ini setiap pelaksanaan pemilukada, pemerintah pusat secara dominan menentukan siapa yang harus terpilih dan dprd hanya melegitimasi calon yang sudah ditentukan. kondisi seperti ini menyebabkan seorang kepala daerah merasa memiliki tanggung jawab yang lebih besar kepada pemerintah pusat daripada kepada daerahnya sendiri. bahkan pemilihan tidak langsung ini menimbulkan kontroversi, karena seringkali calon-calon yang terpilih tidak memiliki kemampuan dan kapabilitas untuk menjadi pemimpin daerah. berbagai persoalan sekitar pemilihan kepala daerah tersebut mendorong perlu adanya perubahan format pemilukada, karena fakta sekitar issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 tinjauanyuridispengaruh tingkat pendidikanpemilihdanfrekuensimengikutisosialisasiterhadappartisipasipolitikmasyarakat 17 pemilukada sebelum diberlakukannya undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 1999, adalah kecenderungan proses pemilihan yang dinilai mematikan proses demokratisasi, karena hasil pemilihan secara sepihak oleh pemerintah pusat telah menjadikan pemilukada sekedar sandiwara belaka. dengan berlakunya undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 1999 terjadilah perubahan format pemerintahan yang mengakhiri pengaruh pemerintah pusat yang dominan. seiring perjalanan waktu lahirnya undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 1999 juga menimbulkan persoalan baru, seperti terjadinya money politic (politik uang) dan konflik antar pendukung masing-masing calon. walaupun undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 1999, telah memberi keleluasaan pada daerah atau kepada dprd dalam memilih kepala daerah. namun proses rekrutmen ini tidak kondusif terhadap proses politik yang demokratis di daerah, justru semakin buruk, terutama jika dilihat dari kualitas dan kapabilitas kepala daerah terpilih. bertolak dari pemikiran dan kenyataan tersebut maka perubahan sistem pemilihan kepala daerah oleh dprd menjadi pemilukada langsung oleh rakyat adalah kebutuhan yang sangat mendesak. hal ini juga sesuai dengan uud 1945 pasal 18 ayat (4) yang menyatakan bahwa “gubernur, bupati dan walikota masing-masing sebagai kepala pemerintahan daerah propinsi, kabupaten dan kota dipilih secara demokratis”. makna demokratis bisa menimbulkan makna ganda, bisa dipilih langsung oleh rakyat serta bisa juga dipilih langsung oleh anggota legislatif sebagai wakil rakyat. kata demokratis dengan adanya revisi undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 1999 menjadi undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004, maka maksud dari dipilih di sini yakni secara demokratis dipilih langsung oleh rakyat. sehingga diharapkan terwujudnya masyarakat yang demokratisasi sesuai dengan tujuan reformasi. partisipasi warga negara dalam masyarakat yang demokratis, harus didasarkan pada pengetahuan, refleksi kritis dan pemahaman serta penerimaan akan hak-hak dan tanggung jawab. partisipasi semacam itu memerlukan; (1) penguasaan terhadap pengetahuan dan pemahaman tertentu, (2) pengembangan kemampuan intelektual dan partisipatoris, (3) pengembangan karakter atau sikap mental tertentu, dan (4) komitmen yang issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 tinjauanyuridispengaruh tingkat pendidikanpemilihdanfrekuensimengikutisosialisasiterhadappartisipasipolitikmasyarakat 18 benar terhadap nilai dan prinsip fundamental demokrasi. sebagai proses dari transformasi politik, masyarakat mengharapkan agar pemilukada dapat menghasilkan kepala daerah yang akuntabel, berkualitas, legitimate, dan peka terhadap kepentingan masyarakat, bukan kepala daerah yang hanya mementingkan kepentingan pribadi atau golongannya saja. dengan diberlakukannya undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 sebagai revisi dari undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 1999, masyarakat diberikan kesempatan oleh negara dalam menentukan sendiri segala bentuk kebijakan baik itu menyangkut harkat maupun martabat rakyat di daerah. masyarakat di daerah telah menjadi pelaku utama atau voter turnout (pemilih) yang menentukan sendiri kepala daerah yang mereka inginkan. sistem pemilukada secara langsung ini dirasakan lebih menjanjikan terciptanya demokratisasi apabila dibandingkan dengan sistem sebelumnya sesuai dengan undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1974 ataupun undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 1999 karena kesempatan masyarakat untuk memilih pemimpin di daerahnya secara bebas tanpa adanya tekanan, baik berupa intimidasi ataupun kekerasan politik dirasakan sangat luas. pelaksanaan pemilukada langsung ini diselenggarakan oleh komisi pemilihan umum daerah (kpud) yang kemudian bertanggungjawab kepada dprd. sebagaimana tercantum dalam undangundang nomor 32 tahun 2004 pasal 57 ayat 1 dan 2 tentang pemerintahan daerah yang berbunyi “pemilihan kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah diselenggarakan oleh komisi pemilihan umum daerah yang bertanggung jawab kepada dewan perwakilan rakyat, dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, komisi pemilihan umum daerah, menyampaikan laporan penyelenggaraan pemilihan kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah kepada dewan perwakilan rakyat daerah”. dengan sistem pemilukada langsung ini diharapkan masyarakat dapat lebih aktif dalam berpartisipasi politik, khususnya dalam memberikan suara dalam pemilukada tahun 2012 yang lalu, dan untuk masyarakat kota baubau telah dilalui dengan tahapan putusan mahkama konstitusi republik indonesia nomor: 87/phpu.d-x/2012, dimana menolak permohonan pemohon untuk seluruhnya dalam hal ini pasangan calon issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 tinjauanyuridispengaruh tingkat pendidikanpemilihdanfrekuensimengikutisosialisasiterhadappartisipasipolitikmasyarakat 19 nomor urut 6 yaitu drs. mz. amril tamim, m.si., dan agus feisal hidayat, s.sos.,m.si, karena menurut mahkama konstitusi bahwa permohonan pemohon tidak terbukti dan tidak beralasan menurut hukum. sehingga berita acara nomor 43/ba/kpubb/027.433614/xi/2012 tentang penetapan pasangan calon walikota dan wakil walikota baubau terpilih hasil pemilihan walikota dan wakil walikota baubau tahun 2012 tertanggal 8 november 2012 ( bukti p6) dimenangkan oleh pasangan calon nomor urut 2 yaitu bapak drs. a.s. tamrin, m.h., dan wa ode maasra manarfa, s.sos., m.si., memperoleh 26.105 suara. untuk lebih jelasnya terhadap perolehan masing-masing calon adalah sebagai berikut: 1. pasangan calon nomor urut 1, drs. h. faimuddin dan arifuddin, s.sos., memperoleh 1.286 suara; 2. pasangan calon nomor urut 2, drs. a.s. tamrin, m.h., dan wa ode maasra manarfa, s.sos., m.si., memperoleh 26.105 suara; 3. pasangan calon nomor urut 3, saeru eba, s.e., dan drs. la ode hadia, m.si., memperoleh 1.087 suara; 4. pasangan calon nomor urut 4, drs. h. ibrahim marsela, m.m., dan drs. h. muirun awi, m.si., memperoleh 11.421 suara; 5. pasangan calon nomor urut 5, drs la ode mustari, m.si., dan ikhsan kamil memperoleh 11.216 suara; 6. pasangan calon nomor urut 6, drs. mz. amril tamim, m.si., dan agus feisal hidayat, s.sos., m.si., memperoleh 20.536 suara; berdasarkan data tersebut, maka perbedaan suara antara pemohon dan pasangan calon nomor urut 2 sebagai peraih suara terbanyak dalam pengumuman hasil pemilukada kota baubau oleh termohon adalah sebanyak 5.569 suara. dengan demikian, signifikansi permohonan ini secara kuantitatif adalah sebanyak 2.785 suara (sekurang-kurangnya 50% dari perbedaan suara antara pemohon dan pihak terkait. dengan penetapan calon sehingga suksesnya pelaksanaan pemilukada 2012 ini diharapkan akan memberikan efek positif bagi terlaksananya pemerintahan yang lebih baik untuk masyarakat kota baubau kedepannya. partisipasi politik masyarakat merupakan pengejawantahan dari penyelenggaraan kekuasaan politik yang sah oleh rakyat. anggota masyarakat yang berpartisipasi politik issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 tinjauanyuridispengaruh tingkat pendidikanpemilihdanfrekuensimengikutisosialisasiterhadappartisipasipolitikmasyarakat 20 misalnya melalui pemberian suara dalam pemilu harus didorong oleh keyakinan bahwa melalui pemilu kepentingan mereka dapat disalurkan atau sekurang-kurangnya diperhatikan dan sedikit banyak dapat mempengaruhi tindakan pemerintah dalam membuat keputusan yang mengikat. untuk mencapai partisipasi yang maksimal, maka diperlukan penyebarluasan informasi (sosialisasi) tentang tahapan pelaksanaan pemilu kepada calon pemilih (masyarakat). peraturan komisi pemilihan umum (kpu) nomor 11 tahun 2010 tentang pedoman pelaksanaan sosialisasi penyelenggaraan pemilihan umum kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah. dalam lingkup wilayah kecamatan, tugas dan kewenangan sosialisasi tahapan dan kegiatan pemilu merupakan tanggung jawab panitia pemilihan kecamatan (ppk). hal ini dijelaskan dalam peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 pasal 8 (1) yaitu: “dalam mencapai seluruh kelompok sasaran tersebut, kpu provinsi dan kpu kabupaten/kota dibantu oleh ppk dan pps serta partisipasi masyarakat. menurut mohtar mas’oed (2001: 49) bahwa pendidikan itu mempengaruhi partisipasi politik. di banyak negara pendidikan tinggi sangat mempengaruhi partisipasi politik, mungkin karena pendidikan tinggi, bisa memberikan informasi tentang politik, bisa mengembangkan kecakapan menganalisa dan menciptakan minat dan kemampuan dalam berpolitik. orang terpelajar lebih sadar akan pengaruh pemerintah terhadap kehidupan mereka, lebih memperhatikan kehidupan politik, memperoleh lebih banyak informasi tentang proses-proses politik dan lebih kompeten dalam tingkah laku politiknya. penulis mencoba membahas tentang partisipasi politik dari segi tingkat pendidikan pemilih dan frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi karena menurut pengamatan penulis tingkat partisipasi politik sangat memiliki hubungan yang erat dengan pendidikan seorang pemilih maupun frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi pemilukada. hal ini berarti bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat pendidikan seseorang maupun frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi, maka dapat mempengaruhi tingginya tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dibidang politik. issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 tinjauanyuridispengaruh tingkat pendidikanpemilihdanfrekuensimengikutisosialisasiterhadappartisipasipolitikmasyarakat 21 namun demikian rendahnya partisipasi politik masyarakat dapat disebabkan kurang maksimalnya sosialisasi oleh panitia pemilihan kecamatan (ppk) selaku penyelenggara pemilu di tingkat kecamatan. hal ini terlihat dari indikator: (1) banyak masyarakat yang tidak memahami tujuan diselenggarakannya pemilu; (2) minimnya informasi tentang kegiatan/pelaksanaan pemilu yang diperoleh masyarakat; (3) banyak masyarakat yang belum memahami tata cara pemberian suara (antara mencoblos dengan mencontreng). kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat terhadap tujuan dan fungsi pemilu, diduga sebagai penyebab rendahnya partisipasi politik masyarakat dalam pemilukada di kota baubau tahun 2012 yang lalu. sehingga penulis beranggapan hal tersebut layak untuk diteliti dan dikaji lebih mendalam guna peningkatan kualitas demokrasi di masa yang akan datang, karena pemilu yang dilaksanakan dengan baik dan berkualitas akan mampu melahirkan para pemimpin negara yang baik dan berkualitas yang akan mampu membawa bangsa dan negara ini ke arah yang lebih baik. b. metode penelitian penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelurahan kadolo, pada tps 1 dan tps 2 dengan pertimbangan bahwa di kedua tps tersebut memiliki animo yang tinggi dalam pemilukada kota baubau tahun 2012. metode penelitian adalah penelitian lapangan (field research) yang bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif. populasi adalah keseluruhan subyek penelitian yang terdiri dari manusia, benda-benda, hewan, tumbuhan, gejala-gejala, nilai tes atau peristiwa-peristiwa sebagai sumber data yang memiliki karakteristik tertentu di dalam suatu penelitian (arikunto, 1998: 115). berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, maka populasi dari penelitian ini adalah terdiri dari pemilih tetap yang terdaftar pada tps 1 yang berjumlah 513 pemilih dan tps 2 yang berjumlah 373 pemilih dari 5 (lima) tps yang ada di kelurahan kadolo kecamatan kokalukuna kota baubau. sehingga jumlah seluruh populasi adalah 886 orang. sampel adalah bagian dari sebuah populasi. sampel terdiri dari sebagian anggota yang dipilih dari populasi. dengan kata lain, sebagian dan bukan semua, elemen dari suatu populasi akan membentuk sampel (heru kurnianto tjahjono, 2009: 43). sedangkan singgih santoso (2002: 2) menyatakan bahwa sampel bisa issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 tinjauanyuridispengaruh tingkat pendidikanpemilihdanfrekuensimengikutisosialisasiterhadappartisipasipolitikmasyarakat 22 didefinisikan sebagai sekumpulan data yang diambil atau diseleksi dari suatu populasi. krejcie dan morgan (1970) dalam joko sulistyo (2012: 23-24) membuat daftar yang bisa dipakai untuk menentukan jumlah sampel yaitu jika jumlah populasinya 886, maka jumlah sampelnya adalah 269 orang. untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai penentuan sampel penelitian ini dapat dilihat pada lampiran 6.teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini digunakan metodemetode sebagai berikut : 1. interview, yaitu suatu cara pengumpulan data yang dilakukan melalui wawancara secara face to face dengan sampel dan menggunakan quisioner atau daftar pertanyaan yang telah dipersiapkan guna memperoleh data atau keterangan yang jelas sehubungan dengan obyek penelitian ini. 2. observasi dan partisipasi, yaitu cara dimana peneliti akan turun langsung ke lapangan untuk mengadakan penelitian guna memperoleh data sesuai dengan masalah yang dibahas. 3. dokumentasi, yaitu suatu cara pengumpulan data dengan mengambil dokumen-dokumen yang erat kaitannya dengan penulisan ini, baik data yang meliputi berbagai keterangan yang diperoleh berdasarkan literatur-literatur, arsip-arsip atau data-data maupun dokumentasi yang dimiliki oleh ppk kecamatan mawasangka, yang dapat menunjang penelitian ini. teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisa statistika, sehingga data yang diperoleh perlu diwujudkan dalam bentuk kuantitatif atau berwujud angka. data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini dianalisa secara statistik dengan menggunakan statistik inferensial. sedangkan teknik statistik yang digunakan adalah regresi linear bergandauntuk melihat pengaruh vaiabel x1 dan x2 terhadap variabel y dengan persamaan sebagai berikut: ỹ = a + b1x1+ b2x2 ……………………………. keterangan: ỹ = partisipasi politik dummy variabel: jika partisipasi politik masyarakat tinggi diberi nilai 1 sedangkan jika partisipasi politik masyarakat rendah diberi nilai 0. x1 = tingkat pendidikan pemilih x2 = frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi. issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 tinjauanyuridispengaruh tingkat pendidikanpemilihdanfrekuensimengikutisosialisasiterhadappartisipasipolitikmasyarakat 23 a = intercept b1 = slope tingkat pendidikan pemilih terhadap partisipasi politik. b2 = slope frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi terhadap partisipasi politik. penentuan variabel dummy didasarkan pada pernyataan j. supranto (1995: 198-199) bahwa di dalam suatu persamaan regresi, biasanya kita menggunakan simbol y untuk variabel tak bebas (dependent variables) dan x variabel bebas (independent variables). variabel x bisa lebih dari satu (multiple regression). c. pembahasan hasil penelitian dan analisis 1. hasil analisis penelitian dengan menggunakan spss versi 20.0 hasil analisis peneelitian ini dapat di lihat pada lampiran 3 untuk output dari statistical package for the social sciences atau statistical product and service solutions (spss) versi 20,0, dan pada hasil penelitian ini hanya ditampilkan tabel, parameter estimasi nilai t, parameter estimasi nilai f dan analisa uji kooefisien determinasi. a. parameter estimasi nilai t tabel 4.1. yang merupakan hasil pengolahan data melalui komputer, dimana hasil tersebut diperlukan untuk pengujian hipotesisis 1 dan 2. adapun hipotesis 1 (satu) dan 2 (dua) yang dikemukakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: h1 = ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara tingkat pendidikan pemilih terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 di tps 1 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau. h2 = ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 di tps 1 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau. uji yang akan dilakukan untuk menjawab kedua permasalah tersebut adalah uji t atau uji satu-satu antara variabel independen baik tingkat pendidikan pemilih (x1) maupun frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi (x2) terhadap partisipasi politik (y). untuk lebih jelasnya maka terlebih dahulu kita lihat hasil uji t pada tabel 4.1. berikut. tabel 4.1. uji t (coefficientsa) issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 tinjauanyuridispengaruh tingkat pendidikanpemilihdanfrekuensimengikutisosialisasiterhadappartisipasipolitikmasyarakat 24 model unstandardiz ed coefficients standardiz ed coefficient s t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) .095 .066 1.43 4 .153 tingkat pendidikan pemilih -.097 .031 -.175 3.10 9 .002 frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi .305 .019 .884 15.7 28 .000 a. dependent variable: partisipasi politik tabel 4.1. menunjukkan persamaan regresi sebagai berikut: y = 0.095 – 0.097 x1 + 0.305 x2 keterangan: y = partisipasi politik x1 = tingkat pendidikan pemilih x2 = frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi persamaan regresi yang di dapat di atas, selanjutnya akan diuji apakah memang valid untuk memprdiksi variabel dependent. dengan kata lain uji t dilakukan ntuk menguji apakah tingkat pendidikan pemilih dan frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi benarbenar dapat memprediksi partisipasi politik. untuk melihat pengaruh variabel tingkat pendidikan pemilih (x1) dengan variabel partisipasi politik, maka berdasarkan tabel 4.1. ternyata t hitung bernilai -3,109 sedangkan pada kolom significance adalah 0,002 atau lebih kecil dibanding probabilitas kesalahan sebesar 0,05, dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat pendidikan pemilih (x1) berpengaruh namun berpengaruh negative dan signifikan terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 di tps 1 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau. sedangkan untuk melihat pengaruh variabel frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi (x2) dengan variabel partisipasi politik (y), maka berdasarkan tabel 4.1. ternyata t hitung bernilai 15,728 sedangkan pada kolom significance adalah 0,000 atau lebih kecil dibanding probabilitas kesalahan sebesar 0,05, dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi (x2) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 di tps 1 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau. b. parameter estimasi nilai f hasil analisa pada tabel 4.2. digunakan menguji hipotesis 3 yaitu: h3 = ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara tingkat pendidikan pemilih dan frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi secara bersama-sama terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 di tps 1 issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 tinjauanyuridispengaruh tingkat pendidikanpemilihdanfrekuensimengikutisosialisasiterhadappartisipasipolitikmasyarakat 25 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau. uji yang akan dilakukan untuk menjawab permasalah yang ada pada hipotesisi 3 adalah uji f atau uji secara bersama-sama antara variabel independen baik tingkat pendidikan pemilih (x1) dan frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi (x2) secara simultan terhadap partisipasi politik (y). untuk lebih jelasnya maka terlebih dahulu kita lihat hasil uji f pada tabel 4.2. berikut. tabel 4.2. uji f (anovaa) model sum of squares df mean square f sig. 1 regression 18.864 2 9.432 19 2.2 90 .000b residual 13.047 266 .049 total 31.911 268 a. dependent variable: partisipasi politik b. predictors: (constant), frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi, tingkat pendidikan pemilih berdasarkan tabel 4.2. menunjukkan bahwa ternyata f hitung bernilai 192,290 sedangkan pada kolom significance adalah 0,000 atau lebih kecil dibanding probabilitas kesalahan sebesar 0,05, dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat pendidikan pemilih (x1) dan frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi (x2) secara simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 di tps 1 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau. c. koefisien determinasi angka r square pada table 4.3. analisa uji koefisien determinasi (model summary) adalah pengkuadratan dari koefisien korelasi, atau 0,769 x 0,769 = 0,591 untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat pada table 4.3. berikut tabel 4.3. analisa uji koefisien determinasi (model summary) mod el r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate 1 .769a .591 .588 .221 a. predictors: (constant), frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi, tingkat pendidikan pemilih angka r square 0,591, hasil ini disebut dengan koefisien determinasi, dimana dalam hal ini berarti 59,1% dari variasi partisipasi politik masyarakat dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel tingkat pendidikan pemilih (x1) dan frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi (x2) sedangkan sisanya 100% 59,1% = 40,9% dijelaskan oleh sebab-sebab lain yang berada di luar persamaan. analisis regresi merupakan suatu alat statistik yang digunakan untuk mengetahui besarnya variabel respons terhadap variabel predictor, dalam hal ini dalam menjawab permasalahn dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan uji-t dan uji-f. issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 tinjauanyuridispengaruh tingkat pendidikanpemilihdanfrekuensimengikutisosialisasiterhadappartisipasipolitikmasyarakat 26 uji-t digunakan untuk menjawab permasalahan pertama dan kedua. permasalahan pertama dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah tingkat pendidikan pemilih (x1) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 di tps 1 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau? berdasarkan hasil uji-t dapat diketahui ternyata t hitung yaitu bernilai -3,109 sedangkan pada kolom significance adalah 0,002 atau lebih kecil dibanding probabilitas kesalahan sebesar 0,05, dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat pendidikan pemilih (x1) berpengaruh negative bukan positif, namun signifikan terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 di tps 1 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau. hasil penelitian ini menerima hipotesis pertama. jika dilihat dari tingkat signifikannya. hal ini menunjukkan bahwa latar belakang pendidikan dari pemilih akan menentukan keikutsertaannya dalam setiap kegiatan politik yang ada disekitarnya, tanpa adanya paksaaan karena semakin tinggi tingkat pendidikan seseorang, tidak menjamin pemahamannya terhadap keikutsrtaan dalam setiap tahapan kegiatan politik yang ada di tengah-tengah masyarakat, jadi belum tentu yang latar belakang pendidikannya tinggi memiliki kesempatan yang besar untuk mengikuti kegiatan politik yang ada disekitarnya, bahkan yang terjadi adalah ebaliknya dan masyarakt dengan tingkat pendidikan yang rendahlah yang lebih banyak mempunyai kesempatan untuk mengikuti dalam setiap tahap kegiatan pemilukada yang diadakan oleh kpu kota baubau. harapan dari program tersebut adalah terutama pada saat pencoblosan, tentunya para masyarakat lebih antusias, tanpa diiming-imingi oleh materi berupa uang, karena masyarakat menyadari benar tentang hak mereka di bidang politik, sehingga tujuan sosialisasi menurut pasal 3 peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 dapat terwujud yaitu: a. meningkatkan pemahaman dan pengetahuan masyarakat akan pentingnya pemilu kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah dalam membangun kehidupan demokrasi di indonesia; b. meningkatkan pemahaman dan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang program, tahapan, jadwal, dan hasil issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 tinjauanyuridispengaruh tingkat pendidikanpemilihdanfrekuensimengikutisosialisasiterhadappartisipasipolitikmasyarakat 27 pemilu kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah; c. meningkatkan pemahaman dan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang beberapa hal teknis dalam menggunakan hak politik dan hak pilihnya dalam pemilu kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah; d. meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat khususnya pemilih untuk berperan serta dalam setiap tahapan pemilu kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah; e. meningkatkan kesadaran dan partisipasi pemilih dalam menggunakan hak pilihnya pada pemilu kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah. permasalahan kedua adalah apakah frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi (x2) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 di tps 1 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau? maka berdasarkan nilai t hitung yaitu15,728 sedangkan pada kolom significance adalah 0,000 atau lebih kecil dibanding probabilitas kesalahan sebesar 0,05, dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi (x2) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 di tps 1 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau. hasil uji-t ini pun menerima hipotesis kedua, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa semakin banyak model sosialisasi yang diberikan kepada para pemilih akan banyak memberikan kesempatan bagi para pemilih untuk mengikutinya, karena kondisi dari masyarakat kita yang serba sibuk, mungkin hal ini pula yang mempengaruhi tingkat keaktivan mereka dalam setiap tahapan kegiatan sosialisasi, oleh karena itu kegiatan sosialisasi memang perlu dijadwalkan secara baik dan dapat diakses oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat tanpa keuali dan yang terjadi di tps 1 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau, bahwa tahapan sosialisasi yang dilaksanakan oleh pihak komisi pemiihan umum yang bekerjasama dengan pihak kelurahan dapat dinilai sudah efektif dilaksanakan, terbukti dari antusiasnya masyarakat dalam mengikuti pemilihan kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah di kota baubau dalam pemilikada tahun 2012 yang lalu. permasalahan ketiga adalah apakah tingkat pendidikan pemilih dan frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi secara issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 tinjauanyuridispengaruh tingkat pendidikanpemilihdanfrekuensimengikutisosialisasiterhadappartisipasipolitikmasyarakat 28 bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikant terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 di tps 1 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau? berdasarkan hasil perhitungan ternyata f hitung bernilai 192,290 sedangkan pada kolom significance adalah 0,000 atau lebih kecil dibanding probabilitas kesalahan sebesar 0,05, dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat pendidikan pemilih (x1) dan frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi (x2) secara simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 di tps 1 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau. jadi antara tingkat pendidikan seseorang pemilih dan frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi berjalan sinergis dalam mempengaruhi para responden untuk menjalankan hak politiknya, maka akan lebih baik jika program-program yang dicanangkan oleh komisi pemilihan umum kota baubau jika memperhatikan dan memanfaatkan berbagai saluran yang biasa digunakan oleh masyarakat, sehingga masyarakat benar-benar dilibatkan dalam setiap tahapan program yang ingin dilaksanakan, agar masyarakat merasa memiliki dan berupaya untuk melaksanakan sesuai dengan petunjuk undang-undang yang berlaku. berdasarkan hasil uji koefisien determinasi terdapat nilai r square 0,591, hasil ini disebut dengan koefisien determinasi, dimana dalam hal ini berarti 59,1% dari variasi partisipasi politik masyarakat dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel tingkat pendidikan pemilih (x1) dan frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi (x2) sedangkan sisanya 100% 59,1% = 40,9% dijelaskan oleh sebab-sebab lain yang berada di luar persamaan jadi masih ada 40,9% yang mempengaruhi partisipasi politik masyarakat selain dua variabel independent tersebut. bab penutup berdasarkan hasil analisis dan pembahasan, maka dikemukakan beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut: hasil pengujian hipotesis pertama menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pendidikan pemilih (x1) berpengaruh namun arahnya negatif dan signifikan terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat (y) berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 di tps 1 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau karena memberikan t hitung yaitu bernilai 3,109 sedangkan pada kolom significance adalah 0,002 atau lebih kecil issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 tinjauanyuridispengaruh tingkat pendidikanpemilihdanfrekuensimengikutisosialisasiterhadappartisipasipolitikmasyarakat 29 dibanding probabilitas kesalahan sebesar 0,05, sehingga h0 ditolak dan h1 diterima. hasil pengujian hipotesis kedua menunjukkan bahwa frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi (x2) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat (y) berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 di tps 1 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau, karena memberikan nilai t hitung yaitu 15,728 sedangkan pada kolom significance adalah 0,000 atau lebih kecil dibanding probabilitas kesalahan sebesar 0,05, sehingga h0 ditolak dan h2 diterima. hasil pengujian hipotesis ketiga menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pendidikan pemilih (x1) dan frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi (x2) secara simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat berdasarkan peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 di tps 1 dan tps 2 kelurahan kadolo kota baubau, kar ena memberikan f hitung yaitu192,290 sedangkan pada kolom significance adalah 0,000 atau lebih kecil dibanding probabilitas kesalahan sebesar 0,05, sehingga h0 ditolak dan h3 diterima. saran dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut bagi komisi pemilihan umum kota baubau agar program sosialisasi dapat menggunakan seluruh media yang ada baik media elektronik maupun media cetak yang ada di kota baubau dan melibatkan seluruh elemen masyarakat termasuk kalangan akademisi dalam hal ini pihak universitas yang ada di kota baubau agar tujuan sosialisasi dapat terwujud. dan diharapkan kpud kota baubau agar bekerja secara optimal dan independent sehingga tujuan diadakannya pesta demokrasi seperti pemilukada kota baubau dapat berjalan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang diamanatkan oleh peraturan kpu nomor 11 tahun 2010 pasal 9 ayat 1 yang berbunyi: “metode sosialisasi dan penyampaian informasi yang digunakan meliputi: komunikasi tatap muka, komunikasi melalui media massa dan mobilisasi sosial”. daftar pustaka ahmad tafsir, 1997. metodologi pengajaran. remaja 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(2009), metode penelitian bisnis, visi solusi madani, yogyakarta. usman r. dan abdi, (2008), metodologi penelitian sosial dan ekonomi (teori dan aplikasi), alfabeta, bandung. undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintah daerah, penerbit restu agung. jakarta. issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 86 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putusan no.69/pid.b/2012/pn.mks) syarif saddam rivanie fakultas ilmu sosial universitas negeri makassar dosen hukum abstrak adanya undang-undang informasi dan teknologi elektronik atau yang biasa disingkat dengan uu ite nomor 11 tahun 2008 ini adalah bertujuan untuk menjamin kepastian hukum di bidang informasi dan transaksi elektronik. ite merupakan payung hukum bagi semua aktivitas dan transaksi di internet dan media elektronik misalnya memindahkan dokumen elektronik milik orang lain. tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan hukum pidana materiil oleh hakim terhadap pelaku pemindahan dokumen elektronik milik orang lain putusan no. 69/pid.b/2012/pn.mks serta untuk mengetahui pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan no. 69/pid.b/2012/pn.mks. jenis data yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam proses penyusunan penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder sedangkan tipe penelitian ini merupakan tipe penelitian empiris dan normative. sumber data yang penulis peroleh, yaitu melalui hasil wawancara dengan para hakim pengadilan negeri makassar yang memutus perkara ini, serta panitera yang bersangkutan. data-data yang telah diperoleh baik dari data primer maupun sekunder, kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif. selanjutnya data tersebut dituliskan secara deskriptif guna memberikan pemahaman yang jelas dan terarah dari hasil penelitian. hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penerapan hukum pidana materiil oleh hakim terhadap pelaku pemindahan dokumen elektronik milik orang lain dalam putusan no.69/pid.b/2012/pn.mks surat yaitu dakwaan yang disusun oleh penun tut umum telah memenuhi syarat formal dan materiil surat dakwaan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 143 ayat 2 kuhp. sedangkan hal-hal yang menjadi pertimbangan hukum oleh majelis hakim dalam menerapkan hukuman terhadap pelaku pemindahan dokumen elektronik milik orang lain dalam putusan no.69/pid.b/2012/pn.m yaitu perbuatan terdakwa menimbulkan kerugian bagi orang lain dan dapat menghilangkan kepercayaan orang kepada lembaga perbankan serta meresahkan masyarakat kata kunci : sanksi pidana, pencurian, dokumen elektronik, abstract the law on information and electronic technologies or commonly abbreviated as ite law no. 11 of 2008 is intended to ensure legal certainty in the field of information and electronic transactions. ite is a legal umbrella for all activities and transactions on the internet and electronic media for example, moving an electronic document belonging to someone else. the purpose of this study was to investigate the application of substantive criminal law by judges against the perpetrato rs of the transfer of electronic documents belonging to others the decision no. 69 / pid.b / 2012 / pn.mks and to know judge legal considerations in decision no. dropping 69 / pid.b / 2012 / pn.mks. the data used by the author in the process of preparation of this study are primary data and secondary data, while this type of research is a type of empirical research and normative. the authors obtained data sources, through interviews with the makassar district court judge who is deciding the case, as well as the registrar concerned. the data have been obtained from both primary and secondary data, and then analyzed qualitatively. furthermore, the data is written descriptively in order to provide a clear understanding and direction of research. the results showed that the adoption of substantive criminal law by judges against the perpetrators of the transfer of electronic documents belonging to others in decision 69 / pid.b / 2012 / pn.mks letter that the indictments filed by the public prosecutor had qualified formal and material indictment as referred to in article 143 paragraph 2 of the criminal code. while things into consideration law by judges in applying penalties against the perpetrators of the transfer of electronic documents belonging to others in decision 69 / pid.b / 2012 / pn.m that the defendant acts cause harm to others and can eliminate the trust people the banking institutions as well as disturbing the public keywords: criminal sanctions, theft, electronic documents issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 87 a. pendahuluan perkembangan dan kemajuan tekonologi informasi yang demikian pesat telah menyebabkan perubahan kegiatan kehidupan manusia dalam berbagai bidang yang secara langsung telah mempengaruhi lahirnya bentukbentuk peraturan hukum yang baru (undang-undang no.11 tahun 2008 tentang informasi dan transaksi elektronik, menimbang point c) transaksi elektronik dari kartu kredit indonesia selalu ditolak dalam komunitas e-commerce dunia sehingga kehilangan potensi pendapatan miliaran dollar as. uni eropa juga telah merekomendasikan untuk tidak melakukan transaksi elektronik ke negara yang belum memiliki perundangan di bidang teknologi informasi. latar belakang adanya undangundang informasi dan teknologi elektronik atau yang biasa disingkat dengan uu ite nomor 11 tahun 2008 ini adalah bertujuan untuk menjamin kepastian hukum di bidang informasi dan transaksi elektronik. jaminan tersebut penting, mengingat perkembangan teknologi informasi telah mengakibatkan perubahanperubahan di bidang ekonomi dan sosial. perkembangan teknologi informasi telah memudahkan kita mencari dan mengakses informasi dalam dan melalui sistem computer serta membantu kita untuk menyebarluaskan atau melakukan tukar menukar informasi dengan cepat. jumlah informasi yang tersedia di internet semakin bertambah terus tidak dipenagruhi oleh perbedaan jarak dan waktu. menurut m.arsyad sanusi (2007:419) materi muatan (substansi) undang-undang informasi dan transaksi elektronik yang telah dibentuk di indonesia adalah materimateri yang mengatur lebih lanjut ketentuan dalam batang tubuh undangundang dasar negara republik indonesia tahun 1945 khususnya pasal 28f amandemen keempat uud negara republik indonesia tahun 1945 yang berbunyi sebagai berikut : “setiap orang berhak untuk berkomunikasi dan memperoleh informasi untuk mengembangkan pribadi dan memperoleh informasi untuk mengembangfkan pribadi dan lingkungan sosialnya, serta berhak untuk mencari, memperoleh memiliki, menyimpan, mengolah, dan menyampaikan informasi dengan menggunakan segala jenis saluran yang tersedia” issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 88 dengan demikian difahami bahwa materi muatan atau subtansi uu informasi dan transaksi elektronik adalah turunan dari ketentuan yang telah digariskan dalam pasal 28f amandemen keempat uud negara republik indonesia 1945. sehingga ketentuan-ketentuan yang ada di dalam uu informasi dan transaksi elektronik mencakup ketentuan-ketentuan yang mengatur kegiatan komunikasi dan kegiatan memperoleh informasi, yang meliputi dan menyampaikan informasi dengan menggunakan segala jenis saluran yang tersedia. uu ite merupakan payung hukum bagi semua aktivitas dan transaksi di internet dan media elektronik misalnya memindahkan dokumen elektronik milik orang lain. bahwa aturan ini tertuang dalam pasal 32 ayat 1 uu ite no.10 tahun 2008, yang berbunyi : “setiap orang dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak atau melawan hukum dengan cara apapun mengubah, menambah, mengurangi, melakukan transmisi, merusak, menghilangkan, memindahkan, menyembunyikan suatu informasi elektronik dan/atau dokumen elektronik milik orang lain atau milik publik” bahwa yang dimaksud dengan hukum siber (cyber law) adalah aspek hukum yang ruang lingkupnya meliputi setiap aspek yang berhubungan dengan orang perorangan atau subjek hukum yang menggunakan dan memanfaatkan teknologi internet yang dimulai pada saat mulai online dan memasuki dunia cyber atau maya. cyber law sendiri merupakan istilah yang berasal dari cyberspace law. di indonesia sendiri tampaknya belum ada satu istilah yang disepakati atau paling tidak hanya sekedar terjemahan atas terminology “cyber law”. sampai saat ini ada beberapa istilah yang dimaksudkan sebagai terjemahan dari “cyber law”, misalnya, hukum sistem informasi, hukum informasi, dan hukumtelematika (telekomunikasi dan informatika). kegiatan melalui media system elektronik, yang disebut juga ruang siber (cyber space), meskipun bersifat virtual dapat dikategorikan sebagai tindakan atau perbuatah hukum yang nyata. secara yuridis kegiatan pada ruang siber tidak dapat didekati dengan ukuran dan kualifikasi hukum konvensional saja sebab jika cara ini yang ditempuh akan terlalu banyak kesulitan dan hal yang lolos dari pemberlakuan hukum. kegiatan dalam ruang siber adalah kegiatan virtual yang issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 89 berdampak sangat nyata meskipun alat buktinya bersifat elektronik. berkaitan dengan hal itu, perlu diperhatikan sisi keamanan dan kepastian hukum dalam pemanfataan teknologi informasi, media, dan komunikasi agar dapat berkembang secara optimal. oleh karena itu, terdapat tiga pendekatan untuk menjaga keamanan di cyber space, yaitu pendekatan aspek hukum, aspek teknologi, aspek sosial, budaya, dan etika. untuk mengatasi gangguan keamanan dalam penyelenggaraan system secara elektronik, pendekatan hukum bersifat mutlak karena tanpa kepastian hukum, persoalan pemanafaatan teknologi informasi menjadi tidak optimal.(dikutip dari penjelasan umum uu ite no.10 tahun 2008) bahwa semenjak adanya uu ite ini, telah terjadi kejahatan di kota makassar yang melanggar uu ite no.10 tahun 2008 dengan memperhatikan pasal 48 ayat 1 jo pasal 32 ayat (1) jo. pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 kuhp. adanya penganjuran dari tersangka utama yang saat ini tersangka utamanya melarikan diri menganjurkan (uitlokker) seorang perempuan yang bernama lili heryani untuk turut serta melakukan tindak pidana “dengan sengaja dan melawan hukum mentransmisi, memindahkan suatu informasi elektronik / dokumen elektronik milik orang lain berulang kali). bahwa terdakwa telah dijatuhkan pidana penjara selama : 1 (satu) tahun, 3 (tiga) bulan. menurut uu ite no.10 tahun 2008, isi dari pasal 48 ayat 1 adalah “setiap orang yang memenuhi unsure sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 32 ayat (1) dipidana penjara paling lama 8 (delapan) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak rp.,00 (dua milyar rupiah) sedangkan isi dari pasal 32 ayat 1 uu ite no.11 tahun 2008 adalah “setiap orang dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak atau melawan hukum dengan cara apapun mengubah, menambah, mengurangi, melakukan transmisi, merusak, menghilangkan, memindahkan, menyembunyikan suatu informasi elektronik dan.atau dokumen elektronik milik orang lain atau milik public. b. metode penelitian lokasi penelitian yang dipilih penulis bertempat di pengadilan negeri makassar. lokasi penelitian dipilih dengan pertimbangan bahwa pengadilan negeritersebut merupakan issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 90 tempat diputus perkara no.69/pid.b/2012/pn.mks yang merupakan objek sasaran kasus yang diangkat oleh penulis. jenis data yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam proses penyusunan penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder.tipe penelitian ini merupakan tipe penelitian empiris dan normative. sumber data yang penulis peroleh, yaitu melalui hasil wawancara dengan para hakim pengadilan negeri makassar yang memutus perkara ini, serta panitera yang bersangkutan.dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berdasarkan, yaitu : a) wawancara (interview), dilakukan dengan jalan mengadakan wawancara dengan hakim pengadilan negeri makassar yang memutus perkara tersebut, atau panitera yang bersangkutan. b) penelitian kepustakaan (library research), yaitu untuk mengumpulan data-data melalui kepustakaan dengan membaca referensi-referensi hukum, peraturanperaturan perundang-undangan dan dokumen-dokumen dari instansi terkait untuk memperoleh data sekunder.datadata yang telah diperoleh baik dari data primer maupun sekunder, kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif. selanjutnya data tersebut dituliskan secara deskriptif guna memberikan pemahaman yang jelas dan terarah dari hasil penelitian. c. kerangka teori 1. tindak pidana menurut amir ilyas (2012:19) delik yang dalam bahasa belanda disebut strafbaarfeit, terdiri atas tiga kata, yaitu straf, baar, dan feit. yang masing-masing memiliki arti:  straf diartikan sebagai pidana dan hukum  baar diartikan sebagai dapat dan boleh  feit diartikan sebagai tindak, peristiwa, pelanggaran, dan perbuatan.. jadi istilah strafbaarfeit adalah peristiwa yang dapat dipidana atau perbuatan yang dapat dipidana. menurut erdianto effendi, (2011:97-99) istilah tindak pidana adalah terjemahan paling umum untuk istilah strafbaar feit dalam bahasa belanda walaupun secara resmi tidak ada terjemahan resmi strafbaar feit. andi zainal abidin farid adalah salah seorang ahli hukum pidana indonesia yang tidak sepakat dengan issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 91 penerjemahan strafbaar feit menjadi tindak pidana. sedangkan menurut clark dan marshall (po.cit.:243), bahwa telah merupakan prinsip umum bahwa orang yang berkemampuan bertanggung jawab mengetahui apayang sedang dilakukannya, dan dianggap mempunyai kesengajaan terhadap hasil atau akibat perbuatannya sesuai dengan lazim terjadi atau sesuai dengan kemungkinan terjadinya. menurut moeljatno dalam erdianto effendi (2011:98-99), dapat diketahui unsur-unsur tindak pidana sebagai berikut : 1. perbuatan itu harus merupakan perbuatan manusia 2. perbuatan itu harus dilarang dan diancam dengan hukuman oleh undang-undang 3. perbuatan itu bertentangan dengan hukum (melawan hukum) 4. harus dilakukan oleh seseorang yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan 5. perbuatan itu harus dapat dipersalahkan kepada si pembuat. menurut rumusan r. tresna dalam adami chazawi (2002:80), tindak pidana terdiri dari unsur-unsur yaitu : 1. perbuatan / rangkaian perbuatan (manusia) 2. yang bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan 3. diadakan tindakan penghukuman sedangkan menurut vos dalam adami chazawi (2002:80), unsureunsur tindak pidana yaitu: 1. kelakukan manusia; 2. diancam dengan pidana; 3. dalam peraturan perundangperundangan menurut jonkers (penganut paham monism) dalam adami chazawi (2002:81) dapat dirinci unsure-unsur tindak pidana adalah : a. perbuatan (yang) b. melawan hukum (yang berhubungan dengan); c. kesalahan (yang dilakukan oelh orang yang dapat) d. dipertanggungjawabk an 2. locus delicti dan tempus delicti yurisprudensi mengenal 3 (tiga) macam teori locus delicti, yaitu : issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 92 1. teori perbuatan materiil ; perbuatan madi 2. teori alat 3. teori akibat a) teori perbuatan materiil delicta commissionis (delik-delik yang diwujudkan dengan berbuat aktif) pada umumnya terjadi di tempat dan waktu pembuat (dader) mewujudkan segala unsure perbuatan dan unsure pertanggungjawaban pidana (criminal liability). tempat dan waktu terjadinya delictaomissionis (delik yang hanya dapat diwujudkan dengan perbuatan pasif atau tidak berbuat atau berbuat lain daripada yang diperintahkan oleh hukum) terwujud di tempat dan waktu permbuat seharusnya berbuat menurut perintah hukum pidana. b) teori alat azenwijse paard-arrest, h.r. pada tanggal 6 april 1915 (n.j.1915, p.427) memutuskan bahwa tempat (locus delicti) terwujudnya delik ialah tempatdimana alat (instrument) bekerja. hoge raad di netherland menganut ajaran tersebut. di jerman, teori alat tersebut theorie der langen hand (hr. : teori tangan panjang) dan di netherland disebut der leer van her instrument (ajaran tentang alat). c) teori akibat menurut hazenwinkel-suringa (1973-171) untuk delik-delik materiil, yaitu yang mensyaratkan terwujudnya suatu akibat substansil, teori yang paling cocok digunakan ialaha teori sebab-akibat. ajaran tentang de meervoudige locus delicti, yaitu beberapa (lebih dari satu) tempat yang dterima sebagai tempat terwujudnya delik. dalam hubungan ini perlu diperhatikan pendapat van hamel (1927:212) yang mengemukakan bahwa harus diterima sebagai locus delicti, adalah : a. tempat seseorang pembuat (dader) telah melakukan perbuatannya yang dilarang (atau yang diperintahkan) oleh undang-undang pidana b. tempat alat yang dipergunakan oleh pembuat bekerja; c. tempat akibat langsung perbuatannya telah terwujud; dan d. tempat sesuatu akibat konstitutif telah terwujud 3. bentuk-bentuk cybercrime issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 93 menurut abdul wahid dan m.labib dalam budi suhariyanto, (2012:14-16) sesungguhnya banyak perbedaan diantara para ahli dalam mengklasifikasi kejahatan komputer (computer crime). ternyata dari klasifikasi tersebut terdapat kesamaan dalam beberapa hal. untuk memudahkan klasifikasi kejahatan komputer (cyber crime) tersebut, maka dari beberapa klasifikasi dapat disimpulkan: 1. kejahatan-kejahatan yang menyangkut data atau informasi komputer 2. kejahatan-kejahatan yang menyangkut program atau software komputer. 3. pemakaian fasilitasfasilitas komputer tanpa wewenang untuk kepentingankepentingan yang tidak sesuai dengan tujuan pengelolaan atau operasinya 4. tindakan-tindakan yang mengganggu operasi komputer 5. tindakan merusak peralatan komputer atau peralatan yang berhubungan dengan komputer atau sarana penunjangnya. 4. cybercrime di indonesia menurut budi suhariyanto (2012:17-18) peringkat indonesia dalam kejahatan di dunia maya (menggunakan internet) telah menggantikan posisi ukraina yang sebelumnya menduduki posisi pertama. indonesia menempati persentase tertinggi di dunia maya. data tersebut berasal dari penelitian verisign, perusahaan yang memberikan pelayanan intelijen di dunia maya yang berpusat di california, amerika serikat. hal ini juga ditegaskan oleh staf ahli kapolri brigjend anton tabah bahwa jumlah cybercime di indonesia adalah yang tertinggi di dunia. indikasinya dapat dilihatt dari banyaknya kasus pemalsuan kartu kredit dan pembobobal sejumlah bank. 5. dokumen elektronik / informasi elektronik dikutip dari penjelasan uu ite no.10 tahun 2008 pasal 1 ayat (4) bahwa dokumen elektronik adalah setiap informasi yang dibuat, issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 94 diteruskan, dikirimkan, diterima atau disimpan dalam bentuk analog, digital, elektromagnetik, optikal, atau sejenisnya yang dapat dilihat, ditampilkan dan/atau didengar melalui computer atau sistem elektronik, termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada tulisan, suara atau gambar, peta, rancangan, foto, atau sejenisnya, huruf, tanda, angka, kode akses, symbol, atau perforasi yang memiliki makna atau arti atau dapat difahami oleh orang yang mampu memahaminya. d. pembahasan hasil penelitian dan analisis 1. penerapan hukum pidana materiil oleh hakim terhadap pelaku pemindahan dokumen elektronik milik orang lain putusan no. 69/pid.b/2012/pn.mks sebelum penulis menguraikan mengenai penerapan hukum pidana materiil dalam kasus putusan no.69/pid.b/2012/pn.mks, maka perlu diketahui terlebih dahulu posisi kasus dan penjatuhan putusan oleh majelis hukum dengan melihat acara pemeriksaan biasa pada pengadilan negeri makassar yang memeriksa dan mengadili perkara ini. lili hendrayani bersama-sama dengan saksi teo alias akap pada hari minggu tanggal 18 september 2011 dan pada hari jumat tanggal 23 september 2011 serta pada hari kamis tanggal 6 oktober 2011 atau setidak-tidaknya masih dalam bulan september 2011 sampai dengan bulan oktober tahun 2011 atau setidak-tidaknya masih dalam tahun 2011 bertempat di mall panakkukang tepatnya di toko gaudi, kota makassar atau setidaknya pada tempat tertentu yang masih termasuk dalam daerah hukum pengadilan negeri makassar yang berwenang mengadili, terdakwa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak melawan hukum dengan cara apapun mengubah, menambah, mengurangi, melakukan transmisi, merusak, menghilangkan, memindahkan, menyembunyikamn suatu informasi elektronik atau dokumen elektronik milik orang lain. awalnya terdakwa diajak oleh saksi teo alias akap untuk bekerjasama dalam mengambil data yang terdapat dalam kartu debit pembeli yang melakukan transaksi di took dimana terdakwa bekerja sebagai supervisor dan atas hal tersebut terdakwa dijanjikan akan diberikan imbalan sebesar rp.75.000,(tujuh puluh lima ribu rupiah) untuk kartu issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 95 atm silver dan untuk atm gold sebesar rp.100.000,(seratus ribu rupiah) dan untuk jenis platinum sebesar rp.150.000,(seratus lima puluh ribu rupiah) sedangkan untuk atm yang lengkap dengan nomor pin akan diberikan imbalan sebesar rp.500.000, (lima ratus ribu rupiah); bahwa atas ajakan tersebut terdakwa kemudian menyanggupinya dan pada waktu dan tempat sebagaimana tersebut di atas, terdakwa yang merupakan karyawan gaudi pada tempat sebagaimana tersebut di atas, menerima beberapa pembeli yang melakukan transaksi dengan cara melakukan pembayaran dengan menggunakan debit diantaranya saksi emilia basony sarunggallo, saksi viktor tunarso, saksi musdalifa mega lestari yang masing-masing melakukan transaksi dengan menggunakan kartu debit bank mandiri. bahwa setelah menerima kartu dari para saksi tersebut kemudian menggesekannya di mesin edc (electronic data capture) untuk kepentingan transaksi dan kemudian kembali menggesekkan kartu tersebut ke mesin skimmer dimana mesin tersebut berfungsi untuk mengambil data-data di kartu atm milik para saksi selanjutnya data-data elektronik tersebut akan tersimpan di komputer kasirdan oleh terdakwa data tersebut di copy untuk dipindahkan ke flash disk selanjutnya data-data tersebut selanjutnya data-data tersebut diserahkan kepada saksi akap melalui email milik saksi akap dengan alamat email kasmar1980@yahoo.com atau melalui pr. nuruna dengan alamat email 198922@yahoo.com atau dikirimkan melalui alamat email istri akap dengan alamat email santiken@yahoo.com atau dapat diserahkan juga melalui sms ke nomor hp (handphone) saksi akap dan oleh saksi akap selanjutnya data tersebut diserahkan kembali kepada lk. rusli dan oleh lk. rusli data-data tersebut dibuatkan kartu atm untuk digunakan bertransaksi seolah-olah transaksi tersebut dilakukan oleh para saksi yang kartu atm nya telah digandakan yaitu dengan cara melakukan penarikan tunai melalui mesin atm untuk saksi emylia baso sarungallo pada tanggal 7 oktober 2011 sebesar rp.4.000.000,(empat juta rupiah), tanggal 8 oktober 2011 sebesar rp.4.500.000,(empat juta lima ratus ribu rupiah), dan tanggal 9 oktober 2011 sebesar rp.5.000.000,(lima juta rupiah) dengan total transaksi sebesar mailto:kasmar1980@yahoo.com mailto:198922@yahoo.com mailto:santiken@yahoo.com issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 96 rp.13.500.000,(tiga belas juta lima ratus ribu rupiah) dan untuk saksi musdalifa mega lestari juga ditarik secara bertahap melalui atm yaitu pada tanggal 10 oktober 2011 sebesar rp.3.500.000,(tiga juta lima ratus ribu rupiah), dan masih pada hari yang sama sebesar rp.4.500.000,(empat juta lima ratus ribu rupiah) dan rp.5.000.000, (lima juta rupiah) sehingga total transaksi sebesar rp.13.000.000,(tiga belas juta rupiah) berdasarkan hal tersebut maka dalam dakwaan jaksa tertulis bahwa pertama : perbuatan terdakwa sebagaimana diatur dan diancam dengan pidana pasal 48 ayat (1) jo. pasal 32 ayat (1) uu republik indonesia no.11 tahun 2008 tentang informasi dan transaksi elektronik jo. pasal 65 ayat (1) kuhp jo. pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 kuhp; atau kedua: perbuatan terdakwa sebagaimana diatur dan diancam pidana pasal 48 ayat (2) jo. pasal 32 ayat (2) uu republik indonesia no. 11 tahun 2008 tentang informasi dan transaksi elektronik jo.pasal 65 ayat (1) kuhp jo. pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 kuhp.atau ketiga: perbuatan terdakwa sebagiaman diatur dan diancam pidana pasal 363 ayat (1) ke-4 kuhp : tuntutan jaksa penuntut umum, nomor registrasi perkara : pdm06/mks/ep.1/12/2011, yang pada pokoknya meminta kepada majelis hakim untuk memutuskan : a) menyatakan terdakwa lili hendrayani terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan melakukan tindak pidana “secara tanpa hak memindahkan suatu informasi elektronik dan/atau dokumen elektronik milik orang lain” sebagaimana diatur dan diancam pidana kesatu : 48 ayat (1) jo.pasal 32 ayat (1) uu republik indonesia no. 11 tahun 2008 tentang informasi dan transaksi elektronik jo. pasal 65 ayat (1) kuhp jo. pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 kuhp b) menjatuhkan pidana terhadap terdakwa lili hendrayani dengan pidana penjara selama 2 (dua) tahun dikurangi selama terdakwa berada dalam tahanan dengan perintah untuk tetap ditahan; menurut penulis surat dakwaan yang disusun oleh penuntut umum telah memenuhi syarat formal dan materiil surat dakwaan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 143 ayat 2 kuhp, yaitu harus memuat tanggal dan ditanda issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 97 tangani oleh penuntut umum serta identitas lengkap terdakwa, selain itu juga harus memuat uraian secara cermat, jelas, dan lengkap mengenai tindak pidana yang didakwakan dengan menyebutkan waktu dan tempat pidana dilakukan. penyusunan surat dakwaan penuntut umum harus bersifat cermat atau teliti terutama yang berkaitan dengan penerapan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku agar tidak terjadi kekurangan atau kekeliruan yang mengakibatkan batalnya surat dakwaan atau unsureunsur dalam dakwaan tidak berhasil dibuktikan. terdakwa dalam kasus ini berdasarkan surat dakwaan penuntut umum, dikenakan pasal 48 ayat (1) jo pasal 32 ayat 1 uu ri nomor 11 tahun 2008 tentang informasi dan transaksi elektroniik jo pasal 65 ayat 1 kuhp jo pasal 55 ayat 1 ke-1 kuhp tersebut maka perbuatan terdakwa haruslah memenuhi unsur-unsur sebagai berikut : 1. unsur setiap orang : unsur setiap orang adalah yang ditujukan kepada manusia sebagai subjek hukum yang bersifat jasmani dan rohani dan mampu bertanggung jawab / dapat dipertanggung jawabkan secara hukum dan diajukan sebagai rerdakwa ke persidangan 2. unsur dengan sengaja : bahwa yang dimaksud “dengan sengaja” atau “opzetilijk”. undangundang juga tidak memberikan pengertian pengertian yang jelas tentang maknanya, akan tetapi dalam doktrin hukum pidana diketahui bahwa “dengan sengaja” atau “opzitilijk” haruslah menunjukkan adanya hubungan sikap batin pelaku, baik dengan wujud perbuatannya maupun akibat dari perbuatannya. menimbang bahwa hubungan sikap batin pelaku baik dengan wujud perbuatannya maupu dengan akibat perbuatannya dapat dilihat dalam 2 (dua) teori yaitu teori kehendak (wills theorie) yang menitikberatkan kepada apa yang dikehendaki dan teori pengetahuan (voorstellings theorie), yang menitik beratkan pada apa yang diketahuinya; menimbang bahwa dari kedua teori tersebut diatas dapat ditarik suatu tafsiran bahwa “dengan sengaja” atau “opzetilijk” diartikan bahwa menghendaki terjadinya issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 98 perbuatan yang dimaksud dan pelaku sadar atau mengetahui bahwa dari perbuatan yang dikehendakinya itu dapat menimbulkan kerugian bagi orang lain dan hal ini yang lebih mengetahui terdakwa sendiri. 3. unsur dengan cara apapun mengubah, menambah, mengurangi, melakukan transmisi, merusak menghilangkan, memindahkan, menyembunyikan suatu informasi elektronik dan/atau dokumen elektronik milik orang lain atau milik public. menimbang bahwa unsure ke-3 tersebut adalah bersifat alternative, artinya cukup salah satu dari rumusan unsure tersebut yang harus dibuktikan. 4. unsur melakukan, menyuruh melakukan atau turut melakukan menimbang bahwa berdasarkan fakta persidangan sebagaimana telah dipertimbangkan di atas ternyata bahwa terdakwa telah menyuruh fitriani, kasir toko gaudy yang berada dibawah pengawasannya untuk menggesekannya kartu atm customer pada alat skimmer yang telah terdakwa pasang pada komputer kasir toko gaudy tersebut, kemudian terdakwa melakukan sendiri perbuatan transmisi dan memindahkan datadata kartu atm milik customer yang telah tersimpan dalam alat skimmer tersebut ke dalam flashdisk dan mengirimkan datanya kepada irda firdaus (akap) melalui email, dengan menggunakan komputer toko gaudy termpat terdakwa bekerja. menimbang bahwa dengan demikian terbukti bahwa terdakwa adalah sebagai orang yang melakukan sendiri atau pelaku yang memindahkan atau mentransmisi data atm miik orang lain dan menyerahkan kepada orang lain menimbang bahwa oleh karena itu maka unsure pasal 55 ayat (1) kuhp telah terbukti dan terpenuhi oleh perbuatan terdakwa. 5. unsur perbarengan beberapa perbuatan yangharus dipandang sebagai perbuatan yang berdiri sendiri menimbang bahwa yang dimaksud dengan perbarengan disini adalah beberapa perbuatan yang masingmasing dipandang sebagai issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 99 perbuatan tersendiri-tersendiri yang masing-masing memiliki kejahatan yang terancam dengan hukuman utama yang sejenis. menimbang bahwa oleh karena iitu maka menurut majelis, unsure pasal 65 ayat 1 ke-1 kuhp telah terpenuhi. mengenai tanggung jawab pidana yang dibebankan kepada terdakwa yang melakukan tindak pidana secara bersama-sama dengan pelaku lain yang bekerja di toko lain, maka terdakwa dibebani tanggung jawab yang sama dengan pelaku lainnya, yakni masingmasing dibebani tanggungjawab yang sama dengan orang lain. 2. pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan no. 69/pid.b/2012/pn.mks menimbang, dalam persidangan telah di dengar keterangan saksi-saksi yang memberikan keterangan dengan sumpah masing-masing pada pokoknya sebagai berikut : a) saksi fitriani, pada pokoknya menerangkan sebagai berikut : bahwa kejadiannya bulan agustus 2011 atau bulan september 2011. saksi pernah menggesek kartu atm milik customer, ke alat skimmer kemudian barulah digesek ke mesin edc dan saksi tidak pernah meminta no.pin kepada customer. kata terdakwa kalau ada customer yang berbelanja pakai atm, digesek dulu kartunya kea lat skimmer setelah gesek muncul namanya di computer lalu saksi tanyakan kepada customer atas nama ini ya, lalu yang sudah tergesek di alat itu saksi simpan di dalam computer itu karena disuruh oleh terdakwa, kemudian barulah digesek ke mesin edc dan kata terdakwa nanti terdakwa yang lihat apakah kartu itu maestro atau tidak, karena saksi sebagai kasir takut nantinya saksi nombok sebesar rp.10.000,-. bahwa setelah digesek kealat skimmer barulah kartu digesek ke mesin edc untuk dikeluarkan strok pembayarannya untuk diberikan kepada customer dan mengenai data yang disimpan tadi saksi tidak tahu menahu.saksi addi wimbandioko asah ; pada pokoknya sebagai berikut. saksi tahu dengan terdakwa pada saat saksi melakukan investigasi di toko tempat terdakwa bekerja pada bulan oktober 2011. saksi mengetahui terdakwa telah melakukan pencurian data karena ada laporan dari 3 orang nasabah dan setelah dicek ternyata ada penggandaan kartu atm. bahwa pada saat transaksi issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 100 data dan pin nya nasabah diperhatikan dan setelah itu terdakwa menyimpan datanya dengan cara kartu digesek 2 kali sedangkan biasanya kartu hanya digesek 1 kali saja, namanya mesin edc.bahwa untuk transaski wajar, kartu digesek ke mesin edc dan tidak diperlukan mesin skimmer tersebut; b) saksi emylia basoni sarungallo bahwa yang saksi ketahui tentang terdakwa ini yaitu saksi sebagai korban debit kartu sebanyak rp.3.000.000,pada bank mandiri. bahwa hal itu bisa terjadi karena saksi telah melakukan transaksi pada tanggal 23 september 2011 sekitar jam 09.00 malam di toko gaudi mall panakkukang. bahwa kartu atm saksi terdebet di surabaya tanggal 7 oktober 2011 sebesar rp.3.000.000,padahal saksi tidak pernah berbelanja di surabaya.. bahwa setelah kartu atm saksi terdebet, saksi mengecek saldonya, uang saksi terdebet rp.3.000.000,pada hari jumat tanggal 7 oktober 2011, kemudian pada hari senin saksi buatkan keluhan nasabah di bank mandiri. c) saksi tri hidayat bahwa saksi bekerja pada toko planet surf kota makassar selaku kasir sudah 3 tahun. adapun poin-poin yang menjadi ratio decidendi dari putusan hakim adalah sebagai berikut menimbang, bahwa oleh karena selama persidangan tidak ditemukan alasan yang dapat menghapus sifat tindak pidana pada diri terdakwa baik alasan pembenar maupun alasan pemaaf, maka terdakwa haruslah dinyatakan bersalah dan dijatuhi pidana yang setimpal dengan kesalahannya tersebut.menimbang, bahwa oleh karena terdakwa telah dinyatakan bersalah dan bertanggungjawab atas kesalahan melakukan tindak pidana sebagaimana disebutkan di atas dan dijatuhi pidana, maka berdasar pasal 22 kuhap, terdakwa harus dibebani pula untuk membayar biaya perkara yang besarnya akan disebutkan dalam amar putusan ini.menimbang, bahwa oleh karena terdakwa ditahan, maka masa penahananan yang telah dijalani terdakwa haruslah dikurangkan seluruhnya dari pidana yang dijatuhkan.menimbang, bahwa pemidanaan bukan merupakan tindakan pembalasan melainkan merupakan pelajaran untuk mendidik agar terdakwa menyadari kesalahannya dan akhirnya terdakwa akan merasa jera dan tidak mengulangi perbuatannya di issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 101 masa yang akan datang.menimbang, bahwa sebelum majelis hakim menjatuhkan hukuman terlebih dahulu akan dipertimbangkan hal-hal yang dapat memberatkan dan dapat meringankan terdakwa guna penerapan pidana yang setimpal dengan perbuatannya tersebut : a) hal-hal yang memberatkan : perbuatan terdakwa menimbulkan kerugian bagi orang lain dan dapat menghilangkan kepercayaan orang kepada lembaga perbankan serta meresahkan masyarakat. b) hal yang meringankan : 1. terdakwa mengakui terus terang perbuatannya; 2. terdakwa belum pernah dihukum; 3. terdakwa masih muda dan masih dapat diharap merubah kelakuannya domasa yang akan datang; menimbang bahwa oleh karena terdakwa dinyatakan bersalah maka terdakwa juga harus dibebani membayar biaya perkara ini. berdasarkan putusan ini hakim dalam putusannya memvonis bahwa terdakwa telah terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan berslaah melakukan tindak pidana “dengan sengaja dan melawan hukum mentransmisi, memindahkan suatu informasi elektronik / dokumen elektronik milik orang lain berulang kali” menjatuhkan pidana kepada terdakwa oleh karena itu dengan pidana penjara selama 1 (satu) tahun 3 (tiga) bulan; e. penutup penerapan hukum pidana materiil oleh hakim terhadap pelaku pemindahan dokumen elektronik milik orang lain dalam putusan no.69/pid.b/2012/pn.mkssurat yaitu dakwaan yang disusun oleh penuntut umum telah memenuhi syarat formal dan materiil surat dakwaan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 143 ayat 2 kuhp, yaitu harus memuat tanggal dan ditanda tangani oleh penuntut umum serta identitas lengkap terdakwa, selain itu juga harus memuat uraian secara cermat, jelas, dan lengkap mengenai tindak pidana yang didakwakan dengan menyebutkan issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 penerapan penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencurian dokumen elektronik milik orang lain di kota makassar (studi putu san no. 69/pid.b/2012?mks 102 waktu dan tempat pidana dilakukan.. sedangkan hal-hal yang menjadi pertimbangan hukum oleh majelis hakim dalam menerapkan hukuman terhadap pelaku pemindahan dokumen elektronik milik orang lain dalam putusan no.69/pid.b/2012/pn.m yaitu perbuatan terdakwa menimbulkan kerugian bagi orang lain dan dapat menghilangkan kepercayaan orang kepada lembaga perbankan serta meresahkan masyarakat daftar pustaka abdul wahid dan m. labib, 2005. kejahatan mayantara cybercrime. refika aditama, bandung. adami chazawi, 2001, stelsel pidana, tindak pidana, teori-teori pemidanaan dan batas berlakunya hukum pidana: pelajaran hukum pidana. rajawali press. jakarta. amir ilyas, 2012, asas-asas hukum pidana i : memahami tindak pidana dan pertanggungjawaban pidana sebagai syarat pemidanaan. rangkang education dan pukap indonesia. yogyakarta. amir ilyas, 2012, asas-asas hukum pidana ii. rangkang education dan pukap indonesia. yogyakarta. andi zainal abidin farid, 2007. hukum pidana 1. sinar grafika. jakarta. budi suhariyanto, 2012, tindak pidana teknologi informasi (cybercrime): urgensi pengaturan dan celah hukumnya. rajawali press. jakarta. erdianto effendi, 2011, hukum pidana indonesia: suatu pengantar, pt. refika aditama, bandung. e.y.kanter dan r.sianturi, 1982, asas hukum pidana di indonesia dan 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legal protection for oil products sumbawa ntb in the context of geographical indications efrilya rhaswika1*, hasbir paserangi1, marwah1 1faculty of law, hasanuddin university, indonesia *correspondence: efryliarhs@yahoo.com article history abstract received: 16.11.2022 accepted: 23.12.2022 published: 31.12.2022 since the foundation of the asean economic community (aec), rapid economic competitiveness has made it easier to get company licenses and enhanced worldwide competition. the indonesian people must increase their inventiveness and preserve the intellectual property rights (ipr) of the goods they produce, lest they be appropriated by other nations. in spite of the fact that the adoption of geographical indications (gi) can greatly boost sales value and the number of products marketed, indonesia still lacks legal rules for gi that could safeguard indonesian exports worldwide. sumbawa oil is one of the finest products that has the potential to become gi. this research is an empirical legal study that evaluates facts congruent with field observations. researchers will investigate the characteristics of sumbawa oil products for their potential to be protected by gi, as well as the role of the west sumbawa regional government in promoting the registration as gi in order to improve the economic health of the business community. consequently, sumbawa oil consists of two variables: natural factors and human ones. the government has also aided the community in laboratory testing by bpom so that the test findings meet the requirements for sale and registration as sumbawa oil with geographical indication. keywords: sumbawa oil, geographical indication, legal protection article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction with its abundant natural resources, indonesia supports the production of innovative new items. foreign investors are encouraged to invest in indonesia by this potential. since the implementation of the asean economic community (mea), obtaining a business license has been less difficult. therefore, legal protection of intellectual property rights, also known as ipr, is required to prevent other nations from appropriating the goods generated. intellectual property is a right that comes from the mental processes that result in a beneficial product or method for humans. intellectual property is a state-granted exclusive right to creators, investors, designers, and creators in relation to their intellectual creations or works (direktorat jenderal kekayaan intelektual kementerian hukum dan ham, n.d.). the issue of intellectual property rights is a growing concern that parallels the advancement of science and technology (iptek). ipr has become crucial for a nation to sustain its industrial and commercial advantages. according to munaf in (paserangi & ahmad, 2016), the role of ipr at this time is quite significant, including: a) as a tool for trade competitors, particularly for developed countries, so that they can maintain their position in controlling the international market with their goods; b) as a tool that drives the progress of science and technology with new innovations that can be industrialized; and c. as a tool to improve the economic welfare of the community, particularly research institutions. the geographical indications (hence referred to as gi), which is one of the ipr regimes in the context of regional economic growth, offers numerous advantages to creative business operators. significantly, the use of gi can improve the selling price of a product, and the number of marketed products can be an asset for the growth of agro-tourism (ramli & palar, 2019). geographical indicator is a mark that identifies a product as coming from the territory of one of the member nations or a region within the region where the place of origin is crucial to the reputation of the person concerned due to the quality and features of the product (abdul kadir, n.d.; salam, 2020). protection of geographical indications encompasses natural items, agricultural products, handicrafts, and other industrial goods. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 37-41 38 specifically, ig is included in the trips (agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights) agreement, in this case section 3 articles 22-24, with the goal of promoting effective protection of intellectual property rights and preventing intellectual property rights from becoming one of the aspects of intellectual property rights. non-tariff obstacles that impede the international flow of goods and services (paserangi & ahmad, 2016). the trips agreement regulates geographical indications as one of the materials. article 22 paragraph 1 of trips states: "for the purposes of this agreement, geographical indications are indications that identify a good as originating in the territory of a member, or a region or locality within that territory, when a given quality, reputation, or other characteristic of the good is substantially attributable to its geographic origin." this agreement defines geographical indication as a sign that indicates as the origin of goods the territory of a member state or a territory within that territory. geography plays a significant role in determining the reputation, quality, and qualities of a product. based on these rules, we can deduce that the legal protection of the origin of commodities relates to the reputation, characteristics, and quality of items associated with specific regions (saidin, 2004). geographical indications are indicators of regional significance. the trademark in question in this writing is derived from natural resources, commodities, handicrafts, or manufactured goods. one of the intellectual property regimes' geographical indications (tamtamo & zulkifli, 2018). the federal government prioritizes gi in order to offer legal protection for each region's excellent products so that they cannot be claimed by external parties. currently, gi in indonesia is governed by law no. 20 of 2016 and permenkumham no. 12 of 2019, however it has not been implemented properly. based on article 56 of the law no. 20 of 2016 on trademarks and geographical indications. regulating that geographical indications are protected as a symbol denoting the location of origin of a product that, due to geographical environmental elements including natural factors, human causes, or a combination of the two, confers particular features and qualities on the produced commodities. on a global scale, it is evident that geographical indications are formed out of the need to safeguard items that are unique to particular regions or locales. the objective of geographical indications protection is the region's richness, which possesses a distinctive quality that confers exclusivity. protection against geographical indications is actually rather appropriate for indonesia, which has a great deal of unique regional wealth. indonesia requires the existence of an effective geographical indication protection for this reason (s, 2019). regarding geographical indications, member states are required to give legal protections to interested parties (jened, 2015): a. any use that misleads the public regarding the geographical origin of the goods; b. any use that constitutes unfair competition within the sense of article 10bis of the paris convention on the protection of industrial property (1967). sumbawa forest honey and sumbawa horse milk have previously been filed as geographical indications for the island of sumbawa, west nusa tenggara. west sumbawa regency (ksb) also produces a product that has the potential to be a geographical indication, namely sumbawa oil, which is a traditional medicine with high efficacy (can be applied topically or taken orally) that is manufactured using special techniques and formulated by a "sandro" or healer. west sumbawa regency's regional economy has the potential to benefit from the preservation and legal protection of sumbawa oil as an ancestral heritage. however, the existence of excellent items to become part of the gi has not received sufficient consideration from the local community due to the complexity of administration and financial constraints. therefore, while generating a product, the community is mostly concerned with production and profit. whereas according to (marie-vivien, 2020), "geographical indications are a valuable instrument for promoting origin products in the age of globalization." after a lengthy period of success in europe, the concept has been propagated to asean and asia, where governments are passing unique gi laws. therefore, the author is compelled to conduct study on the provision of legal protection for sumbawa oil as a must-preserve ancestral heritage. so that it can provide legal protection for each commodity or production of commodities and add value to sumbawa oil products, which have the ability to boost the regional economy of west sumbawa regency. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 37-41 39 2. method this investigation is an example of empirical legal research. empirical legal research involves researching and analyzing existing facts in accordance with field observations. therefore, researchers will investigate the legal protection for sumbawa oil and the local government's and community's attempts to preserve sumbawa. 3. result 3.1 potential and characteristics of sumbawa oil products to be protected by geographical indications traditional medicine's characteristics the essence of sumbawa oil is in its maker, materials, and production method. sumbawa oil can only be manufactured by sandro or healers, and each creator has his or her own pattern for both the production technique and the components utilized. moreover, the spices used are kept a secret. the information presented on the label of the product's container is limited to the drug's basic ingredients and instructions for usage (smeared or drunk). in addition to preserving the quality and originality of sumbawa oil, this is intended to ensure that it is not imitated by other parties and stays a secret of ancestral legacy, especially since there are no acknowledgements and legislation that protect sumbawa oil products from imitation. in addition, sumbawa has the potential to generate industrial-scale herbal products, such as sumbawa oil, because its flora and fauna are distinct and distinct from those of neighboring islands. west sumbawa regency's highlands are abundant with plants, making it easy for sumbawa's oil producers to access and utilize them. several sorts of fundamental components, such as spices, old coconut, ginger, roots, and wood stems, are frequently utilized in the production of sumbawa oil, according to the findings of interviews done with several community members in sumbawa besar regency, west nusa tenggara province. due to the back-to-nature movement and a lengthy economic downturn that has reduced people's purchasing capacity for comparatively expensive modern medicines, the use of natural components as medicine has expanded. considered to having nearly no adverse effects, natural medicine is regarded as safe (gunawan, 2019). sumbawa oil is a typical sumbawa oil that is typically produced during the melala festival on the first of muharram in sumbawa ntb. according to arifin, sumbawa oil is a traditional ntb medication that has been empirically shown to heal a variety of ailments, including cuts, sprains, and inflammation of the muscles, bones, and joints. sumbawa oil is a nutrient-rich oil that can be used as a topical medication. not only may sumbawa oil be applied topically, but it can also be consumed. this sumbawa oil has been handed down from one generation to the next. this sumbawa oil is a regional specialty from the sumbawa ntb region. based on observations of one of sumbawa's oil products, more than a dozen substances are utilized in its manufacturing. since 1927, the tradition of producing original sumbawa oil has been one of indonesia's ancestral legacies. the current production of sumbawa oil is limited due to the fact that it is still produced in a traditional and highly secretive manner, but it is extremely beneficial for the treatment of back pain, rheumatism, rheumatism, itching, scabies, water fleas, exposure to fire or hot water, venomous animal bites, cuts with knives or sharp objects, and aches and pains after heavy labor. research conducted by irma (2020), who identified the chemical compounds present in one of sumbawa's oils from batu dulang village, batu lante district, sumbawa besar regency, revealed that sumbawa oil contained organic fatty acids in the form of lauric acid, myristic acid, carilic acid, capric acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid, and stearic acid. the majority of the secondary metabolites found in sumbawa oil products had antibacterial and antiviral activities, antiprotozoa (nematode) activity, and the ability to maintain healthy skin. coconut is the primary component of this sumbawa oil. coconut oil contains the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids epa and dha, which help reduce vldl cholesterol, blood viscosity, inhibit thromboxane, and prevent blood vessel clogging. coconut oil contains a high concentration of medium chain fatty acids (medium chaind fatty acids), which work in conjunction with essential fatty acids to increase the body's fatty acid content. the consumption of mcfa can boost the effectiveness of essential fatty acids by up to 100 percent. the purpose of both mcfa coconut oil and breast milk (asi) is to nourish the body and shield it from infectious and degenerative disorders (paserangi, 2018). in this study, spices, old coconut, wood, and roots are identified as the raw materials utilized by the sumbawa people in the manufacturing of sumbawa oil, particularly in taliwang district, the epicenter of sumbawa oil production. old coconuts are used in the production of sumbawa oil because they contain more than 90 percent saturated fatty acids. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 37-41 40 a. description of geographical environment natural and human elements contribute to the formation of the quality and particular flavor of sumbawa oil's geographical surroundings. the natural elements include general conditions, topography and geology, soil fertility, and precipitation from rain. human factors, where the people of west sumbawa are the samawa or tau samawa tribes who live on the island of sumbawa with a tradition from the ancestral heritage of the tau samawa tribe, namely melala or making sumbawa oil together, which can only be done by the original sumbawa tribe in a traditional manner using a simple procedure. done for almost seven hours compared to other traditional oils, this one is exceptional since it contains various spices that are highly beneficial to the health and has a shelf life of three to five years. b. topography and geology of the region the terrain in the ksb region is fairly varied, ranging from flat, steeply undulating, to extremely steep, with an altitude range from 0 to 1,730 meters above sea level (masl). the capital of each subdistrict of ksb vary in height from 7 to 31 masl. the flatter and undulating terrain is primarily utilized for communities and agricultural land, whilst the steeper to very steep terrain consists primarily of forest regions that serve to protect the lower surrounding area. c. hydrology and climatology ksb is located in the river area sub unit or dodokan watershed hydrologically. the existence of two big dams, namely the kalimantong 1 and kalimantong 2 dams in the brang rea and brang ene subdistricts, is significant for the residents of west sumbawa regency in general. in addition to operating as water reservoirs, the town uses the two dams as agricultural irrigation centers and as tourist attractions. while groundwater may be found in practically every location of west sumbawa regency, the springs are only found in the eastern and southeastern regions.. 3.2 the role of the government in promoting the registration of sumbawa oil geographical indications legal protection against geographical indications has two ownership characteristics: community and collective. characteristics of communal ownership include belonging to the community inside the geographic indication area. after registering products with possible geographical indications and securing legal protection through geographical indications, the public has the sole right to distribute and trade their products, hence prohibiting other local communities from using the registered ones (paserangi, 2022). everyone who creates goods or products with geographical indications in the territory of origin of geographical indications is permitted to use geographical indications if the commodities produced meet the requirements for geographical indications registration. west sumbawa's participation in promoting the registration of geographical indications for sumbawa oil is still small, but the local government yearly hosts the melala festival or sumbawa oil production to maintain culture and attract tourists. the west sumbawa msme service acknowledges the sumbawa oil producers by selling this product in sagaloka ksb mall, a location that sells authentic west sumbawa msme items. particularly, bpom mataram is very diligent in maintaining the quality of sumbawa oil, where every six months a bpom party will visit production sites and provide some materials through zoom webinars related to the production of traditional medicines and how to register brands. however, the majority of these makers do not understand how to use gadgets, especially the zoom application, so that whenever bpom invites them to a webinar, they are unable to attend, causing irrational behavior. 4. discussion potential and characteristics of sumbawa oil are comprised of two aspects, namely natural factors due to the presence of numerous religious plants that are the essential ingredients, such: old coconut, spices, roots, and wood, in particular sagaloka leaves. men are responsible for concocting or blending all the materials in the production of sumbawa oil, while women assist in preparing and cleaning them. the advantages and uses of sumbawa oil as an external medication for treating back pain, joint discomfort, rheumatism, itching, scabies, water fleas, being exposed to fire or hot water, being bitten by poisonous animals, cuts with knives or sharp objects, and aches and pains after heavy labor. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 37-41 41 the government's involvement in promoting the registration of geographical indications for sumbawa oil is to enable the community's laboratory testing of traditional medicines and dietary supplements through bpom, so that the laboratory test results satisfy the standards for sale and registration. in addition, the local government has declared the melala festival an annual event (once a year) due to the fact that it is one of the local traditions that is regularly practiced for the purpose of producing sumbawa oil, a rare oil of ancestral heritage. this festival was attended by specialists in the production of sumbawa oil, also known as sandro, or healers from other districts in order to maintain the quality of the traditional medicine created. references abdul kadir, m. 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concept of trias politica is applied in the form of three institutions, namely executive, legislative and judicial institutions. these three institutions have different duties, rights, obligations, and responsibilities according to their authority. however, the aim of preventing abuse of power by means of power distribution is not running well and there has been an overlap of authority among the institutions. this research is the author's study of the legal arrangements concerning regional unit price standards upon the issuance of presidential regulation number. 33 of 2020, its impact to financial and administrative rights of the chairman and members of the regional people's representative council. it is a normative legal research applying statutory approach, conceptual and comparative approaches. it was concluded that the placement of legislature as a quasi-executive results in the legislature shall comply with every regulation issued by the executive, this causes in an overlap of authority betwe en the executive and the legislative institutions keywords: legal, regional unit price standards, financial and administrative rights, people's representative council. article license copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction people's consultative assembly consists of members of the people's representative council and members of the regional representative council who are elected through general elections. the functions and roles of people's representatives are regulated in a number of articles in the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia (uud 1945), including in chapter ii, article 2 and article 3. chapter vi article 18 paragraph (1) to paragraph (7) regulates regional governance, where as a unitary state, indonesia consists of provincial areas, and the provincial area consists of regencies and cities, each province, regency, and the city has a local government, which is regulated under the laws. provincial, regency and city governments have regional representative council (dprd) whose members are elected through general elections. the provisions relating to the house of representatives (dpr) in terms of fu. nctions, rights and other provisions are regulated in chapter vii articles 20, 20a, 21, 22 and in chapter vii a article 22d of the 1945 constitution, stating that the house of representative has a legislative function, a budgetary function, and supervisory function. the house of representatives (dpr) also has interpellation right, the right to inquiry, and the right to express an opinion including the right to ask questions, submit suggestions and opinions, and immunity right. mailto:yogiyasawedha@unmas.ac.id p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 1-8 2 the constitution in the government system of the republic of indonesia adopts the concept of trias politica. its application is implicitly regulated in the 1945 constitution. although it is not absolutely enforced, it has given the meaning of limiting the functions and authorities of state institutions so as not to act arbitrarily, avoiding overlapping authority, so that there is no concentration of power in one particular institution. the division or separation of powers is also intended to guarantee the human rights of citizens. this is in line with what lord acton said that "power tends to be corrupt, but absolute power corrupts absolutely"(humans who have power tend to abuse it, but humans who have unlimited power will certainly abuse it)(widayati, 2015). the concept of trias politica is a normative concept which states that power is not delegated to the same person/institution to prevent abuse of power by the ruling party (budiardjo, 2005). the concept trias politica from montesquieu written in the book l'esprit des lois (the spirit of laws) reviewed the rules regarding the concept of state life, namely by carrying out a separation of powers it is expected that they will be separated from each other in an equal position, so that they can control and balance each other (checks and balances), apart from that it is expected to limit the power, in order that there is no concentration of power in one hand which will lead to arbitrariness (yulistyowati, pujiastuti, & mulyani, 2016). in the concept of trias politica as adopted in the constitution of the republic of indonesia, it is known three institutions, namely executive, legislative and judicial institutions. these three institutions have different duties, rights, obligations, and responsibilities according to their authority. the empirical fact is that there are many overlapping powers or conflict of norms between one statutory regulation and other laws and regulations, both vertically and horizontally. for example, there is an overlap with respect to rights, obligations, and duties, namely law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government (law 23 of 2014) article 1 number 4 which places the regional people's representative council (dprd) as a representative institution. the people of the region also have the position of being an element of regional government administration which is essentially an executive function. article 95 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) also place he regional people's representative council (dprd) as an element of government administrators and members of provincial dprd as provincial officials. in fact it is obvious that in the 1945 constitution and statutory regulations concerning the position of provincial dprd and regency / municipal dprd are to carry out their duties and roles as legislatures, namely the function of legislation (rule maker), budgeting (budget maker), controlling (supervisor). the description above shows that law 23 of 2014 on regional government has placed the function of dprd to be quasi (such as) the function of executive is not in accordance with the substance trias politica adopted in the 1945 constitution. whereas dprd members should carry out their legislative functions, not regional administrators or regional officials that are executive duties. one of the impacts of placing dprd as quasi-executive will have the consequence that if there is a regulation/policy relating to state administrators or regional officials in their function as executive, then said regulation/policy will bind all state administrators/regional officials, including the provincial dprd and/or members of dprd at regency/municipal level, or it can be stated that provincial dprd and/or regency/municipal dprd members are obliged to comply with regulations/policies drafted by the executive body aimed at state officials. as an illustration of the discussion, in the context of running the government as an effort to accelerate the realization of public welfare, it is necessary to have regulations concerning income, expenditure and financing. in this regard, the president has issued presidential regulation no. 33/2020 (presidential decree no. 33/2020) concerning regional unit price standards, as an implementation of article 51 of government regulation no. 12/2019 concerning regional financial management. presidential decree no. 33 of 2020 constitutes the basis and provides guidelines in the preparation of standard unit prices for expenditures in each region, where in the case of regional financial management, the provisions of costs shall refer to regional unit price standards which include: cost unit of honorarium; cost unit of domestic official travel; cost unit of meeting inside and outside the office; cost unit of procurement of official vehicles; and cost unit of maintenance. the determination of the cost unit price as regulated in presidential decree no. 33/2020 as the regional unit price standard is used as the basis for planning and implementing regional revenue and expenditure budgets in the framework of implementing the principle efficiency, effectiveness, appropriateness and fairness. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 1-8 3 the issuance of this presidential decree, as a reference in budgeting and implementing the local budget has a direct impact on state administrators, both the state civil apparatus (asn), including the members of dprd, since the exact nominal amount has been set for each expense incurred as stipulated in presidential decree no. 33 of 2020, as stipulated in the appendix constitutes an integral part of the presidential decree. based on the description above, the authors are interested in conducting a study on the validity of presidential decree number 33 of 2020 to regional people's representative council (dprd) both in the provincial as well as in the regency/city level and how it intersects with government regulation number 18 of 2017 concerning administrative financial rights of chairman and members of the regional people's representative council. the problem formulation which can be taken from the description of facts occurred are as follows: 1. what are the legal arrangements of administrative financial rights of the chairman and members of the regional people's representative council? 2. is there any regulatory conflict regarding the administrative financial rights of dprd members upon the issuance of presidential regulation number 33 of 2020 concerning regional unit price standards? 2. method research this type of legal research uses objects in the form of legal norms carried out through the process of finding legal rules, legal principles, and legal doctrines in order to answer legal issues being faced (marzuki, 2008). it is a normative legal research (normative law research), namely legal research examining written law from various aspects, including aspects of theory and comparison. this study applies a statutory regulatory approach (statute approach), a comparative approach (comparative approach), and the conceptual approach (conceptual approach) (marzuki, 2008). legal materials used in this research can be primary legal materials, namely statutory regulations, secondary legal materials derived from literature in the form of books or results of research. legal materials are collected through library research, and are used to study the existing problems. the research is written by applying descriptive analytical methods, namely research intended to illustrate, elaborate and describe a state of an object or event as well as to draw a conclusion related to the object of research, namely with regard to the issuance of presidential regulation number 33 of 2020 concerning regional unit price standards and its effect on administrative financial rights of the chairman and members of the regional people's representative council as stipulated in government regulation number 18 of 2017 concerning administrative financial rights of the chairman and members of the regional people's representative council. 3. results and discussion 3.1. results a. legal arrangements of administrative financial rights of the chairman and members of the regional people's representative council one of the powers of the president as head of a state as well as head of government is the authority to enact government regulations to implement laws. the content of the government regulations (pp) is the material for carrying out the law properly. article 5 paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution reads: "the president enacts a government regulation to carry out the law properly." the drafters of the 1945 constitution did not explain in detail what is meant by the phrase "as it should be or accordingly", but it can be understood as a desire in order that that the operationalization as referred to in the government regulations may run as expected (yasin, 2017). with regard to the rights of the people's representative council members both in the provincial as well as regency/city level as an element of government administration as stated in the statutory regulations, they have several rights that have been regulated in a limited manner. law number 17 of 2014 concerning the people's consultative assembly, the people's representative council, the regional representative council, and the regional people's representative council states that members of the mpr, dpr, dprd both in the provincial, regency and city level have financial and administrative rights including the right to allowances of which amount shall be adapted to regional capabilities. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 1-8 4 in addition to law number 17 of 2014 as described above, financial and administrative rights are also regulated in law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government, considering that dprd is a regional representative institution having its position as an element of regional government administration and members of dprd are as local officials. it is expressly stated that the members of the provincial dprd, regency/city dprd have the financial and administrative right where the management of financial rights is carried out by the secretariat of the provincial and regency/city dprd in accordance with the provisions in the government regulation. whereas, the management regarding the financial and administrative rights of dprd has been regulated in a law which then regarding the details concerning their authorities are regulated in the form of government regulation. as an implementation of the regulation of financial and administrative rights, the government has promulgated government regulation number 18 of 2017 concerning financial and administrative rights for the chairman and members of the regional people's representative council. it is explicitly stated in this government regulation that dprd is the administrator of the regional government and members of the dprd as the regional officials. article 2 of the government regulation number 18 of 2017 regulates that the income of dprd chairman and members to be borne by the regional budget (apbd) which includes:1) fee of representation; 2) family allowance; 3) rice allowance; 4) money of package; 5) official allowance; 6) fittings allowance; and 7) other fittings allowance. and allowances which include: 1) intensive communication allowance; and 2) recess allowances. regarding allowances, article 20 limits the provisions of other supporting expenditures to support the smooth functioning, duties and powers of dprd. with regard to state administrators article 1 point 1 of law number 28 of 1999 concerning state administrators who are clean and free from corruption, collusion and nepotism (law 28/1999) states that "state administrators are state officials who carry out executive, legislative, or judicial functions and other officials whose main functions and tasks are related to state administration in accordance with the provisions of the prevailing laws and regulations. the affairs carried out by the state are not only intended as a government that only carries out executive duties, but also includes other duties including the legislature and the judiciary (kusnardi, muhammad; ibrahim, 1983). placing state officials having legislative functions (dprd) and state officials having judicial functions (judges) as state administrators causes the two institutions to comply with every regulation issued by the executive institution both at the central and regional levels. one of them is the regulation of financial and administrative rights for the chairman of the people’s representatives council and its members, because it has been regulated under the law no. 23 of 2014 following the hierarchy of regulations under it, namely in the form of governor regulations or regent regulations. whereas, the regulations regarding financial and administrative rights of the chairman of the people’s representatives council and their members (legislative institutions) both at the central and regional levels are determined by the executive institution, in this case the government, through government regulations or regulations under the governor or regent regulation determining the amount of financial and administrative rights for the leadership of the people's representative council and its members. the author observes that there is powerlessness in the legislature, especially with regard to the regulation of financial and administrative rights for the chairman of the people’s representatives council and their members because they have placed the legislative function, in this case the dprd into a quasi (like) executive, namely their position as government administrator and its members as government officials. whereas, the legal regulations regarding financial and administrative rights for the chairman of the people's representative and their members have actually been regulated in the law number 17 of 2014 concerning the people's consultative assembly, people’s representatives council, regional people’s representatives, and the regional people's representative council. this can be seen in article 10, article 59, article 226, and article 372. however, article 390 of this law allows for financial rights as it is expressly stated in paragraph (2) that with regard the financial and administrative rights of the chairman and members of dprd including regency/municipal dprd as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be regulated by a government regulation. based on the description above, it is obvious that the financial and administrative rights of the regional people’s representative council members have been fully regulated in government regulation no. 18 of 2017, https://www.hukumonline.com/pusatdata/detail/1365/node/38/uu-no-28-tahun-1999-penyelenggara-negara-yang-bersih-dan-bebas-dari-korupsi,-kolusi-dan-nepotisme https://www.hukumonline.com/pusatdata/detail/1365/node/38/uu-no-28-tahun-1999-penyelenggara-negara-yang-bersih-dan-bebas-dari-korupsi,-kolusi-dan-nepotisme p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 1-8 5 therefore, dprd as the state administrator and the members of the regional people’s representative council as the state official shall be subject to and adopt the regulations drafted by the executive institution. if it is reviewed based on stufenbau theory of hans kelsen that a norm is tiered and layered to form a hierarchical order where the lower laws are derived from and based on higher norms to a basic norm (grundnorm) (syamsuddin, 2011), government regulation number 18 of 2017 concerning financial and administrative rights for chairman and members of the regional people's representative council, hierarchically, is derived from law no. 23 of 2014 in particular article 124 paragraph (2). article 178 paragraph (2) and article 299 paragraph (2). financial and administrative rights arrangements of the members of the regional people’s representative council shall comply with and be based on government regulation no. 18 of 2017 because it is the implementing rule for law no. 23 of 2014 the discussion of the governmental system will be closely related to the distribution of power and the relationship amongst state institutions exercising the state powers. the concept of trias politica offers a concept regarding state administration by separating powers, namely legislative power, executive power and judicial power as an independent power of each other in equal positions, in order that they can control and balance each other (checks and balances), apart from the expectation to limit power so that there is no concentration of power in one hand which will lead to arbitrariness (yulistyowati et al., 1945). the concept of trias politica in the government system in indonesia does not apply absolutely, as it adopts a government with a presidential system in indonesia where the president actually has more dominant power. however, seen from the concept perspective of trias politica as stated by montesque, the arrangement of financial and administrative rights of the chairman and members of the regional people's representative council which is a legislative institution is not appropriate if the regulatory legal norms determined by the executive in the form of government regulations, governor regulations or regent regulations, for this indicates that there has been an overlap of authority amongst one institution and the other, and they are not in accordance with the concept of separation/ distribution of power. b. legal arrangement concerning regional unit price standards pursuant to the presidential regulation number 33 of 2020 as an effort to achieve the goals of the state as stated in paragraph iv of the preamble of the 1945 constitution, a state government is formed which carries out government functions in various fields in which the president has the power as state administrator. the state financial management system shall comply with the stipulated basic rules. the 1945 constitution chapter viii concerning finance, among others, state that the state revenue and expenditure budget is annually enacted under the law. the president as the head of government holds the power to manage the state finances as part of the governmental power. with regard to regional financial management, the president, in this case the central government, has the authority to supervise, monitor and evaluate the use of revenue sharing funds (dbh), general allocation funds (dau), and special allocation funds (dak) which are regulated in the government regulation. for this purpose, a government regulation number 12 of 2019 (pp no.12 of 2019) concerning regional financial management has been issued. the source of authority for the issuance of government regulation no.12 of 2019 is the delegation of authority by means of attribution of law no. 23 of 2014, particularly articles 283 and article 330. this government regulation includes arrangements regarding planning, budgeting, implementation, administration and accountability for regional finances. one of which is regulated in the government regulation no.12 of 2019 concerning regional expenditure which is used to fund the implementation of government affairs under the authority of the regions. regional expenditure shall be guided by regional unit price standards, analysis of expenditure standards, and/or technical standards in accordance with statutory provisions. the regional unit price standard is the unit price of goods and services determined by considering the regional price level. the determination of the regional unit price is carried out by taking into account the regional price level in effect in an area of which authority is regulated under the presidential regulation. analysis of expenditure standards, unit price standards and/or technical standards are used as the basis for the preparation of work plans and budgets in drafting regional regulations concerning regional budget (apbd). article 51 paragraph (3) of the government regulation no.12 of 2019 concerning regional financial management delegates the authority to set regional unit price standards in the form of presidential regulation. then, in february 2020, the president has issued presidential regulation number 33 of 2020 concerning p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 1-8 6 regional unit price standards which regulates the value of: 1) cost unit of honorarium; 2) cost unit of domestic official travel; 3) cost unit of meeting inside and outside the office; 4) cost unit of procurement of official vehicles; and 5) cost unit maintenance. the nominal/standard value of the cost unit has been clearly stated in appendix 1 and appendix 2 of the presidential decree no. 33 of 2020 the enforcement of presidential decree no. 33/2020 has a significant impact on state civil apparatus, state administrators and state officials since the value of financing received by state administrators must be adjusted to what has been stipulated in the presidential regulation. this situation is currently causing polemics amongst state officials, including the dprd because the nominal amount of funds received is based on presidential decree no. 33 of 2020, as it turns out that the amount is smaller than the provisions of the legislation previously governing it. as an illustration, the difference in standard arrangement for official travel costs within the provincial government of bali as regulated in the governor regulation of bali number 108 of 2018 concerning amendments to governor regulation number 18 of 2018 concerning service travel within the provincial government of bali. table 1. length illustration matrix of comparison of daily cost units, lodging and transportation for business trips no.1. description pergub bali no.108/2018 pres. reg. no. 33/2020 note 1 2 cost unit for the daily fee and accommodation for official trips of governor/ regional head /chairman of dprd/echelon i officials: outside the region/outside the city lodging cost daily fees in the country/domestic lodging cost daily fees chairman of dprd outside the region/outside the city lodging cost daily fees in the country/domestic lodging cost daily fees dprd members/echelon 2 officials outside the region/outside the city lodging cost daily fees in the country/domestic rp. 5,000,000.00 rp. 3,800,000.00 rp. 750,000.00 rp. 2,500,000.00 rp. 5,000,000.00 rp. 3,800,000.00 rp. 750,000.00 rp. 2,500,000.00 rp. 1,500,000.00 rp. 3,000,000.00 rp. 4,890,000.00 rp. 480,000.00 rp. 4,890,000.00 rp. 190,000.00 rp. 4,890,000.00 rp. 480,000.00 rp. 1,500,000.00 rp. 190,000.00 rp. 1,946,000.00 rp. 480,000.00 there is a decrease in lodging costs and a decrease in the amount of daily fees received by echelon 1 officials there is a decrease in lodging costs and a decrease in the amount of daily fees received by echelon 2 officials p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 1-8 7 lodging cost daily fees rp. 600,000.00 rp. 1,800,000.00 rp. 1,946,000.00 rp. 190,000.00 based on the comparison matrix above, it is known that the daily fees received by state administrators after the issuance of the presidential decree no. 33 of 2020 is significantly reduced. this situation caused a polemic because the financial and administrative rights for dprd, especially regarding travel costs, honorarium and others must be adjusted to this presidential regulation. c. the enactment of presidential regulation no. 33 of 2020 for members of the regional people's representative council and its intersections with government regulation no. 18 of 2017 there has been an overlap of authority between the executive and legislative bodies, because it has placed the legislature as a quasi-executive. law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government, dprd as a people's representative institution in the regions also has a position as an element of regional government administration, and its members are regional officials. meanwhile, the 1945 constitution and statutory regulations concerning the position of provincial dprd and regency/municipal dprd expressly state that their duties are to carry out the role of legislative, namely the legislative function, the budgeting function and the controlling function. the author is of the opinion that placing the dprd as a quasi-executive is against the 1945 constitution, because dprd members are legislators, not regional administrators or regional officials. the legal consequence of the position of both provincial and regency dprd as quasi-executives is that when regulations relating to governance are issued, dprd must comply with and be bound by regulations drafted by the executive body. likewise, the enactment of presidential regulation no. 33/2020 concerning regional unit price standards, so inevitably dprd as state administrators are bound and subject to the enactment of this provision. the author is of the opinion that there is no conflict of norms between presidential regulation number 33 of 2020 concerning regional unit price standards and government regulation number 18 of 2017 concerning financial and administrative rights of the chairman and members of the regional people's representative council but on the contrary, these regulations can complement each other as a basis for the preparation of regional budget (apbd). 3.2. discussion the legal arrangements governing the administrative and financial rights of the chairman and members of the regional people's representative council (dprd) in indonesia are outlined in law number 17 of 2014 and detailed in government regulation number 18 of 2017. however, concerns have arisen over the quasi-executive position of dprd, potentially leading to an overlap of authority between the executive and legislative branches. this issue has been highlighted in previous studies, such as yasin (2017) and kusnardi and ibrahim (1983). furthermore, the issuance of presidential regulation number 33 of 2020, which establishes regional unit price standards, has raised debates due to its impact on allowances for state officials. the practical implications of this regulation have been observed, as illustrated by the comparison with the governor regulation of bali number 108 of 2018. despite potential conflicts, these regulations can still complement each other in the preparation of the regional budget (apbd), but further discussions and assessments are imperative to ensure a balanced governance system (syamsuddin, 2011). 4. conclusion arrangements regarding the financial and administrative rights of the regional people's representative council (dprd) have been stipulated in the law on regional government, as well as the law on the people's consultative assembly (mpr), the regional representative council (dpd), and the dprd. the implementation is governed by government regulation on the financial and administrative rights of the leaders and members of the regional representative council. furthermore, it is further detailed in presidential regulation no. 33 of 2020 concerning regional unit price standards. however, placing the legislative institution as quasi-executive, as a p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 1-8 8 state organizer, has the consequence that any regulation issued by the executive institution will bind the legislative institution to comply with the provisions/regulations set by the executive. the regulation regarding the regional unit price standard has implications for the legislative institution to adjust its financial rights and administrative matters, so that the regional unit price standard is followed by the regional people's representative council (dprd). it can be stated that the dprd, as a state organizer, must adhere to this presidential regulation in terms of financial and administrative rights for its leaders and members, related to travel expenses, honorariums, and others. the regulation on the financial and administrative rights of dprd members, as stipulated in presidential regulation number 33 of 2020 regarding the regional unit price standard, normatively based on the theory of separation of powers, essentially does not bind the financial and administrative rights of the dprd as a legislative institution. therefore, there will be no conflict of laws and regulations. bibliography budiardjo, m. 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(2016). penerapan konsep trias politica dalam sistem pemerintahan republik indonesia: studi komparatif atas undang – undang dasar tahun 1945. jurnal dinamika sosial budaya, 18(2). law of the republic of indonesia number 17 of 2014 regarding the people's consultative assembly, people's representative council, the regional representative council and the regional people's representative council article 10, article 59, article 226, article 372 and article 390. law of the republic of indonesia number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 2, 2021 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 228 setting the principles of democracy in the appointment of a single candidate spouse of regional heads rahmat nur1 abstract author’s information: this research aims to analyzethe regulation of democratic principles in filling the position of regional head in single candidatepai. this study uses normative juridical research by conducting legal analysis of legislation related to the filling of local government positions and legal i ssues related to the decision of the constitutional court no. 100/puu-xiii/2015 on the constitutional requirements of regional head e lections (candidates' spouses). the results showed the regulation of democratic principles in filling the position of regio nal head in the case of a single candidate pair can use two mechanisms, namely using the electoral mechanism (basedon law no. 10 of 2016 as a follow-up to the decision of mk no. 100/puuxiii/2015) or the mechanism of appointment, as long as the appointment is done by officials who have been directly elected. furthermore, the arrangement of the mechanism of appointing a single candidate of regional head in indonesia can follow what has been implemented in the united states that implements uncontested elections if after the nomination period ends still produces only one candidate, then the candidate's spouse is immediately considered valid as the spouse of the elected candidate and can be legally appointed as the head of the new period. filling the position of regional head that there is only 1 (one) candidate pair is using the mechanism of appointment, while if there are 2 (two) pairs of candidates or more still use the election mechanism. keywords: revocation of political rights, crime, corruption, judge's decision 1fa culty of la w, ha sa nuddin university, indonesia ema il: (ra hma tnur.rn46@gma il.com ) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.844 1. introduction filling the position of regional head is conditio sine qua non in the implementation of democratic local government. article 18 paragraph (4) of the 1945 nri constitution, as the basis for filling local government positions, affirms "governors, regents, and mayors respectively as heads of provincial, district, and municipal governments are democratically elected" (huda, 2011). the phrase "democratically elected" does not have to be interpreted as directly elected by the people, but it can be interpreted as democratic, as long as it is democratic. the mailto:rahmatnur.rn46@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.1093 jurnal hukum volkgeist rahmat nur. 5(2): 228-242 229 constitutional court also strengthened this through the decision of mk no. 72-73/puuii (mk-ri, 2004). historically, based on law 5/1974 on the principles of local government until law 22/1999 on local government is unakanrepresentative democraticmechanism. however, after the enactment of law 32/2004 on local government, the mechanism of direct democracy is used even applies until now with its last amendment through law 10/2016 on the election of governors, regents, and mayors (abbreviated election law). since 2015 local elections have been held simultaneously in various regions in indonesia which are then accommodated through law 8/2015 on the election of governors, regents, and mayors. it's just that the law is not complete so there is something new that is beyond prediction, namely the holding of elections for single candidates against empty columns. the presence of a single candidate pair in elections, certainly inseparable from the role of political parties, pragmatism of political parties by conducting transactional political practices to obtain short-term political incentives after elections, party management conflicts, and the thick practice of party oligarchs give way to the presence of a single candidate pair. in addition, it is also caused by the requirement of a threshold record that is too high. thus, the increasing number of paslon tunggal in elections certainly invites questions about how effectively political parties perform their functions as a forum for political education, political socialization, aggregation of political interests, and recruitment of public officials. therefore, some civil society groups filed judicial reviews to the constitutional court related to the election law. the decision of the court of justice a quo states to use the plebiscite system which is a mechanism of selection determined based on the choice of the majority between agreeing and disagreeing for the candidate's spouse that has been determined by the kpud. although the number has increased since the court opened the opportunity to elect 1 (one) candidate pair, but the phenomenon of single candidate pairs has emerged before the court decided case no. 100/puu-xiii/2015. before september 29, 2015, there were 3 local elections that were only followed by one candidate's spouse, at least until the deadline for registration of candidates. based on law 10/2016 (election law) as a follow-up to the decision of the court , theelectoral mechanism is used with a single candidate against an emptybox. but that condition is certainly not the ideal expectation of many parties, because the empty box is not a substantive solisi but just a technical solution that certainly does not solve the problem fundamentally, especially if it is connected with various references to the deepening of a more substantial democracy (idris patarai, 2019). the decision of mk no. 100/puu-xiii/2015 and law 10/2016 has clarified how to fill the position of regional government showing off that there is only one candidate pair. but technically, although both use the electoral mechanism in filling the position of one-candidate local government, still have differences in terms. the plebiscite system and emptyboxes are both aimed at determining the winner. it's just that if the plebiscite, working with standing tries to convince voters, while the empty boxes of candidates are faced with a pseudo object. therefore, if rationalized it is better to use a plebiscite mechanism. apart from the two electoral techniques for filling local government positions that provide only one candidate pair, actually by returning to the principle of democracy, the way of filling government positions through appointment is also jurnal hukum volkgeist rahmat nur. 5(2): 228-242 230 contained in that principle. in the united states there is an uncontested election because there is only one pair of candidates for leader after the registration period runs out. the person in question is then determined as the winner. in canada it is known as acclamation. in the united states the term work over (isharyanto, 2018). the concept of democracy continues to evolve from procedural practice to substantive in nature (ilmar, 2014). meaningful democratic elections in a flexible democracy, between direct democracy and representative democracy. thus, if it is understood how to fill government positions through the appointment of government officials who have been elected through direct elections, then the appointment is the embodiment of representative democracy. filling the position of local government of a single candidate can streamline the implementation of regional head elections held simultaneously in order to save costs. it is also more rational to use the mechanism of appointment, because how it is possible to hold elections, while there are no other options. that the certainty of filling a special government position for a single candidate is more in accordance with the mechanism of appointment. a position that will carry out policies against strategic interests, especially permanent positions that are local government, can not be by simply handing over to government officials (temporary officials) as executors of dut ies that are limited to the time and authority of his office. therefore, the principle of democracy is also important to be re-interpreted in the filling of local government positions where there is only one candidate pair. because the principle of democracy in filling local government positions is not always in the mechanism of direct elections. direct democracy can be used for the election of regional heads who provide 2 (two) or more candidate pairs (damang, 2015a). while indirect democracy can be used through the mechanism of appointment by government officials who have been directly elected, especially the regional head election that only provides one candidate pair, for that can be raised the formulation of the problem is how the regulation of democratic principles in filling the office of regional head in the case of a single candidate pair. 2. methodology the types of research used in this study, namely: normative juridicalresearch that is legal research conducted by researching library materials or secondary data (soekanto & mamudji, 2014). primary legal material is a legal material that is automotive, meaning it has authority. primary legal materials consist of legislation, official records or treatises in the making of legislation and decisions of judges. in this case the primary legal materials include (marzuki, 2008): nri constitution 1945, local government law, law no. 10 of 2016 on the election of governors, regents, and mayors and constitutional court decision no. 100/puu-xiii/2015 on the constitutional requirements of regional head elections (spouses of candidates), as well as other rules relevant to this research. secondary legal materials that are legal materials that aim to provide explanations to primary legal materials also serve as supporters of primary legal materials obtained from various relevant literature, such as: books, journals, scientific works, and other sources relevant to the problems in this study. in order to obtain legal materials relevant to the discussion of this paper, the technique of collecting legal materials through library research is carried out. literature research is conducted by collecting primary legal materials as well as secondary legal jurnal hukum volkgeist rahmat nur. 5(2): 228-242 231 materials as materials that each can support each other in describing the answers to problems in this study. the analysis of legal materials used is qualitative analysis. that is, the technique of processing legal materials conducted through the description of the results of research by using a comparison approach. 3. result and discussion 3.1 setting the principle of democracy in filling the post of regional head in the case of a single candidate pair in this subsection there are two points that will be outlined related to the principles of democracy. first, the principle of direct democracy is by direct election mechanism against the spouse of a single candidate of the regional head as stipulated in law no. 10 of 2016 which is an amendment to law no. 8 of 2015 concerning the election of governors, regents and mayors as a follow-up to the decision of mk no. 100/puu-xiii/2015. second, the principle of indirect democracy is through rapture. this point will be elaborated by using a conceptualapproachto establish a legal reasoning that the mechanism of appointment in the event that only one candidate for regional head remains in accordance with the principles of democracy (indirect democracy) as long as the appointment is done by officials who have been directly elected. a. direct selection adagium "het recht hinkt acther de feiten aan" (the law goes tattered following reality), now finds its validity in the electoral law (shidarta, 2013). the emergence of a single candidate in the regional elections is a lesson that d emocracy that runs in a state of practice will always develop dynamically, and the law must be able to keep up with the development of the community (damang, 2015). law no. 8 of 2015 on amendments to law no. 1 of 2015 concerning the determination of perpu no. 1 of 2014 concerning the election of governors, regents and mayors, completely closes the presence of spouses of regional head candidates consisting of only one spouse or in other words there has been a legal vacancy(recht vacum). the legal vacuum will result in the inability to hold regional head elections which is the implementation of people's sovereignty, so that the legal vacuum threatens the right of the people as sovereign holders in the form of the right to be elected and the right to vote. the people became unable to exercise their rights because the two candidates' spouses were not fulfilled. because of the legal vacancy, when there are 3 (three) regions that only provide one candidate pair, namely (tasik malaya regency, blitar regency, and north middle east regency), finally law no. 8 of 2015 submitted judicial review to the constitutional court by effendy gazali and civil society groups. prior to the birth of the decision of the constitutional court no. 100/puu-xiii/2015, the kpu had first set further related to the single candidate of regional heads, namely through kpu regulation no. 12 of 2015, but the emergence (pkpu) did not resolve the issue because the right of the people to be elected and vote still could not be implemented. the enactment of the rules of the a quo does not solve the problem because: first,the delay to the next simultaneous election has actually eliminated the right of the people to be elected and vote in the concurrent elections at that time. second, the delay can be justified but there is no guarantee that at the next simultaneous election the right jurnal hukum volkgeist rahmat nur. 5(2): 228-242 232 of the people to be elected and to vote will be fulfilled. that is because the pot ential of not being able to fulfill the right of the people to be elected and vote remains, which is a provision that requires at least two candidates in the contest of regional head elections. therefore, the granting of judicial review application for the case of single candidate spouse through the decision of the constitutional court no. 100/puu xiii/2015 means that any provision that does not accommodate a single candidate of regional head is considered invalid. the decision of the court of justice a quo is to guarantee the constitutional rights of citizens, that the election of the head of the region must still be held even though there is only one candidate pair. based on the decision of mahkamah constitution a quo, then was born law 10/2016 on the election of governors, regents, and mayors that provide legal consequences that the implementation of direct elections must still be carried out by the kpud even though there is only one pair of regional head candidates available. either in the case of only one candidate spouse who registers, or more than one who registers but does not pass verification, or the cancellation of the determination of the candidate's spouse, so that there is a single candidate of the regional head. although the decision of the constitutional court no. 100/puuxii/2015 and law 10/2016 gave legitimacy for the implementation of local elections with a single candidate pair. still, there are different regulatory patterns regarding the selection of a single candidate for regional head . the constitutional court in consideration of the court's decision no. 100/puu-xiii/2015 recommends that a plebiscitemechanism beused, i.e. the people make their choice by stating "agree" or "disagree" with a single candidate's spouse. not with the confronting of a single candidate against an empty box as stipulated in law 10/2016. basically, the plebiscite system and empty boxes will both lead to the election or whether or not a single candidate is elected in the regional elections. but if observed the two systems have different philosophical foundations that have different legitimacy consequences for each other. in the empty box system, voters are faced with pseudo-subjects (empty boxes), which will certainly result in pseudo-contestation as well. and finally, when a single candidate gets the most votes, he basically does not win the contest, but simply wins because he is facing not the participants of the election. in contrast to the plebiscite system, the candidates will do real work by influencing and convincing voters to "agree" with him or her as regional head. that is, there is no pseudo contest and the pattern of victory is also the result of real work. therefore, by following what the constitutional court said in its ruling is much better, the plebiscite system implemented in the 2015 local elections does not leave a negative note that should be used as an excuse to replace it with an empty box system. not only that, the determination of candidates elected in law 10/2016, a single candidate pair mustobtain more than50% of valid votes or absolute majority. article 107 paragraph (3) confirms: in the event that there is only 1 (one) pair of candidates for regent and candidates for vice regent as well as spouses of mayoral candidates and candidates for deputy mayors of election participants get more than 50% (fifty percent) of the valid votes, determined as the spouses of candidates for regents and candidates for vice regents elected as well as spouses of mayoral candidates and elected deputy mayoral candidates. jurnal hukum volkgeist rahmat nur. 5(2): 228-242 233 while for the existing 2 (two) candidate pairs applied a simple majority system(s). article 107 paragraph (1) governs it: the spouses of candidates for regents and candidates for deputy regents as well as spouses of mayoral candidates and deputy mayor candidates who get th e m o s t votes are determined as the spouses of candidates for regents a n d c a nd idate s fo r vice regents elected as well as the spouses of mayoral candidates and elected deputy mayoral candidates. the application ofabsolute majorityiscertainly an anomaly because first,all regions with broad autonomy status have thesame position so that there is no policy that treats it differently from any aspect, including the terms of choice of regional head. second,the application of the absolute majority system is not in the same way as the decision of the constitutional court which in no way determines the minimum requirement for voting to be determined as a candidate elected in a single candidate election. the constitutional court only affirms that if the "agreed" option gets the most votes, then the candidate's spouse is designated as the elected regional head. third, the application of an absolute majority means absolutelynothing in the middle of the subject that the people will choose only the candidate's spouse or empty box. whoever wins, will certainly get more than 50% of the vote. finally, setting the minimum requirement of more than 50% of the vote for a single candidate is only a waste. regardless of the decision of the court which is "final and binding",the decision of the constitutionalcourt no. 100/puu-xiii/2015 also implies the issue of regional head election disputes, namely related to the legal standing of a single candidate to apply for disputes resulting from the regional head election, because in law 8/2015 is only designed for the election of regional heads with 2 (two) candidate pairs or more. although it has been established regulation of the constitutional court no. 4 of 2015 concerning guidelines for proceedings in disputed election results of governors, regents, and mayors with one candidate pair. however, the constitutional court through its rules has clearly established a new norm for a single candidate to be a party to the dispute over the results of the regional head election. ius operatum established by the constitutional court has deviated from the science of legislation, because the implementing regulations are only justified in terms of technical and legal implementation. another important point underlined in the regulation of the constitutional court, namely the granting of the right to election monitors to be a party in the case of disputed results of regional elections. whereas it is difficult to regulate the "subjectification" of such parties. certainly, different legal status between the spouses of the losing candidates because clearly, he already represents the overall "objection" of the people (voters) who have voted for him. it is unlikely to happen for the election monitor, that the loss of the election result is really related to him. nevertheless, the regulation of the constitutional court was made as a guideline in terms of disputes over the results of the election of a single candidate of the regional head without being regulated in law no. 10 of 2016 which is an amendment to law no. 8 of 2015. therefore, it should be legal standing of a single candidate and election monitors in the disputed election results of regional heads stipulated in law no. 10 of 2016, it becomes mandatory to be regulated so that the regulation of the constitutional court is not contrary to the election law of governors, regents, and mayors. so the lawsuit by the election monitor and involving a single candidate as a party to the dispute over the results of the regional elections in the 2015 regional elections is not repeated. apart jurnal hukum volkgeist rahmat nur. 5(2): 228-242 234 from the discourse of the above debate, the point is both the decision of the constitutional court no. 100/puu-xiii/2015 and law no. 10/2016 is a form of legitimacy over the principles of local democracy with a pattern of direct democracy. table 1 mechanism of filling the position of regional head of one candidate pair legal basis job filling mechanism court decision no. 100/puuxiii/2015 direct selection with the plebiscite system law no. 10 of 2016 direct selection with empty roofing system b. appointment (indirect democray) prior to the decision of the constitutional court no. 100/puu -xiii/2015, legal experts and political elites responded to the case of regional head elections that provided only one candidate pair. at that time there were several proposals to accommodate the regional head election that only provided one candidate pair, including: 1. through contesting (elections) with an empty roof system or referendum/plebiscite (anggraini, 2015), 2. by rapture (damang, 2015c). so, there are two mechanisms for filling local government positions in case there is only one candidate pair, namely using the electoral mechanism or using the appointment mechanism. if referring to the court's decision no. 100/puu -xiii/2015 and law no. 10 of 2016, have clearly determined that the mechanism used in filling the position of regional head there is only one candidate pair, namely through elections. it's just that in terms of filling the position of regional head who only provides one candidate pair, a rational mind will say that there must be two or more candidates in order for the "election" to be held. although justified by the law the existence of empty boxes is also questionable because if observed, empty boxes are not legal subjects that can be subject to rights and obligations. logically it is concluded that how possible the election is while there is only one candidate. so, instead of the position being vacant, it is better to endorse the existing candidate through the way of appointment. because if there is a vacancy of a position will certainly cause conflict in society, by re-tracing the theory and nature of the formation of the state, it can strengthen the basis of arguments related to this, both natural law theory and social contract theory basically requires that the formation of the state is as a means of controlling or suppressing conflict. therefore, legal discovery must be made withconceptual approach (conceptual approach) to the legal events of the state. because article 18 of t he 1945 nri constitution, which became the basis for filling the position of regional head either through grammatical or historical interpretation, there is still no "provision" explicitly or implicitly regarding the filling of the position of regional head of which there is only one candidate pair. here is the legal reasoningso it is more appropriate to use the mechanism of appointment in filling the position of regional head which is only available one candidate pair: jurnal hukum volkgeist rahmat nur. 5(2): 228-242 235 1) doctrine maurice duverger pointed out that filling local government positions using the appointment mechanism will remain democratic as long as the candidate for government official is appointed by an official who has been elected by election. this means that there is no denial of democracy if any official is appointed by an official who has been directly elected by election (duverger, 1951). in line with hamdan zoelva view there are at least two principles contained in the formulation of "democratically elected regional heads" zoelva (2008), namely the first:regional heads must be "elected", namely through the electoral process and it is not possible to be directly appointed, and secondly:elections are conducteddemocratically. the democratic meaning here does not have to be directly elected by the people, but it can also mean being elected by the dprd whose members are also from the results of democratic elections through elections. maurice duverger gave the example that filling local government positions with a referendum or plebiscite system was initially practiced in the soviet union, which came to be known for its dictatorial system of government. therefore, if this system is applied in the filling of local government positions that provide only one candidate pair, then it can be said that a system that tends to be undemocratic. it is also important to note that by enacting a plebiscite system the main target is if it does not approve of the government's policy (old regim), then the electorate will drop the choice of disapproval of the only candidate. unlike in indonesia, which with its multiparty system, no regim can last long because all political positions (government) have been held restrictions on the personal position. then is there an element of government that monarchy if the mechanism of appointment is used in the filling of local government positions that there is only one candidate pair? the answer is, no. because however the mechanism of filling local government positions used today, no personal position can survive in his position, because there is a limit of positions only up to 2 (two) periods. 2) legal principles a) there is an underlying legal principle that in terms of filling the position of regional head that there is only one candidate pair is appropriate by using the mechanism of appointment, the legal principle is divided into 3 (three) points, namely: b) principles of democracy, democracy pancasila c) each competition must be ended (legal certainty) d) each position must be filled by a personal position. the understanding of democracy is in accordance with the development and demands of society. to distinguish a form of democracy, often coupled with adjectives, so that it becomes a characteristic of democracy embraced, such as pancasila democracy (ruslan, 2013). the first legal principle, "principles/principles of democracy, democracy pancasila" may have been answered in the doctrine t hat has been outlined earlier. that the mechanism of appointment in the filling of government positions continues to meet the principle of democracy, as long as the appointing official is a person of office who is elected by direct election. it's just that what distinguishes it from direct elections is that in direct elections the people are closer to jurnal hukum volkgeist rahmat nur. 5(2): 228-242 236 officials, while the mechanism of the appointment of the people is far from the government officials. related to that by relying on the basic norms in our country (pancasila), in the fourth precept better known as pancasila democracy based on deliberation, the deepening is more in accordance with the mechanism of appointment for the filling of local government positions. it can also be re-examined article 18 of the 1945 constitution which clearly lists the principle of deliberation, meaning the mechanism of appointment as the manifestation of pancasila democracy, that determines the filling of local government positions given to officials who have been directly elected. the second legal principle, "every competition must be ended." verdict mk no. 100/puuxii/2015 and law 10 of 2016 specify that if the spouse of the one candidate is not elected (does not get a majority of votes), there will be re-election in the next regional head election. so dengan use the mechanism of selection of one candidate pair, the legal consequences allow will not end the competition (election), because if the spouse of the candidate is not elected, then it must be re-held elections. such a solution still does not guarantee the realization of the principle of legal certainty, because there is still a possibility in the next election of the regional head, will not be re-elected government officials. therefore, to ensure legal certainty remains realized, it can only be used a mechanism of appointment that still meets the principle of democracy, which is also commonly practiced in the state of the united states, in the event of a single candidate for regional head. the last legal principle, "every office must be filled by a personal office." by using the appointment mechanism does not raise any more concerns, a position will be vacant from the personalposition. in contrast, if using the mechanism of selecting a plebiscite system or empty boxes, there is still the possibility that the position will not be filled by the personal office, because the majority of the votes are not obtained from the election results. which one to take precedence over, is it "the sovereignty of the people" or t he officials who will take care of the will of the people? it is more beneficial if there are officials who can run the wheels of government desired by the people. with the presence of officials in a government position, the nature of the state becomes act ive (logeman). so it is not allowed to fill government positions experiencing delays. c. law article 54 d paragraph (4) of law no. 10 of 2016, confirms: in the event that no candidate is elected to the election results as referred to in paragraphs (2) and (3), the government assigns the acting governor, acting regent, or acting mayor. the above provisions provide further consequences that with the unelected spouse of a single candidate of the regional head (not obtaining a majority vote), then the filling of positions by temporary officials. basically the provision has 2 (two) weaknesses in relation to the regim of local government and regim of regional head elections, namely: 1. acting officials cannot act in policies of a strategic nature, 2. with the simultaneous regional head elections (in 2029), regional head elections can only be held once in five years for all regions, allowing local government positions with temporary officials to take place for five years. the first point, with the implementation of filling positions by temporary officials, there is a policy that can not be carried out by the temporary officials that certainly harms the area concerned. in government regulation no. 49 of 2008 concerning the jurnal hukum volkgeist rahmat nur. 5(2): 228-242 237 third amendment to government regulation no. 6 of 2005 concerning the election, ratification of appointment, and dismissal of regional heads and deputy heads of regions, indeed temporary officials can carry out the intended policy but provided that it must obtain approval from the minister of trade. the consequences mean that the implementation of local government no longer adheres to the principle of decentralization whose purpose is to further accelerate the achievement of community welfare, but is centralized because the temporary officials of a region in 4 (four) jurisdictions are limited through the approval of the minister of home affairs (hasrul, 2017). this is the weakness that will be caused if using the electoral mechanism in filling the position of a single candidate of the regional head. vulnerable to filling positions through temporary officials, which will certainly have an impact on the ineffectiveness of governance and violate the principle of decentralizat ion. the difference is that if the appointment mechanism is used, it will be filled by defensible local government officials and there are no restrictions from some of its authorities in the implementation of local government. then in the second weakness, law no. 10 of 2016 is not predictive in arranging its provisions with the local government law, because there is no synchronization between simultaneous regional head elections that are expected to be held simultaneously for all regions, once in five years. with the provision of filling positions by temporary officials if a single candidate for regional head is not elected, the consequences are of course temporary officials will occupy the office for five years. if this happens, it is certainly contrary to the purpose of sitting temporary officials in a government position. furthermore, it appears that by using the mechanism of appointment in filling the position of a single candidate of regional head, the weakness is vulnerable to transactions of the political elite that precisely violate the principle of democracy that must be implemented fairly and transparently. however, in fact it does not need to be questioned anymore because the electoral law has followed up by criminalizing the act, that "candidacy buying" is a criminal act that can be subject to criminal threats or cancellation of the determination of the spouse of the regional headcandidate. the provisions on this matter can be seen in article 73 of law number 10 of 2016 concerning the election of governors, regents, and mayors. from the various weaknesses that have been outlined related to the mechanism of elections in filling the position of a single candidate for regional head, which then allows the appointment of temporary officials who cannot act fully in their authority, it is appropriate and it would be better if in filling the position of a single candidate of regional head that is by using the mechanism of appointment. 3.2 arrangement of the mechanism of appointment of a single candidate of regional heads this subsection contains 2 (two) subjects. first, the types of non-contested elections (uncontested elections) as a comparison material. second, it will be elaborated on the arrangement of the mechanism of appointment of a single candidate for regional head by the president. to sharpen and help this research, it will be described the types of non-contested elections (uncontested election) ever. jurnal hukum volkgeist rahmat nur. 5(2): 228-242 238 a. uncontested electionsin the united states and the philippines in principle, the election presents several candidates to choose from. thus, voters are faced with several alternative options. in its development, elections can be distinguished into two based on the number of candidates, namelycontested electionswith a minimum oftwo pairs of candidates and non-contested elections (uncontested elections) with only one pair ofcandidates. both contested and noncontested elections work on the mutually agreed rules contained in the design of the election. furthermore, it will be elaborated on the types of elections without contestation (uncontested elections) namely: 1) acclamation practice in the united states the united states, although the largest democracy in the world, prefers to acclamation or directly elected a single candidate in an election, if after the end of the nomination period still produces only one candidate, then the candidate's spouse is immediately considered valid as the spouse of the chosen candidate and can be legally appointed as the regional head of the new period. the mechanism is known as"walk over" (wo) (sastaviana hikmania, 2018). this situation is one of the implementation f practical democracy known as uncontested election. uncontested elections are considered a form of democracy that represents recognition of the constitutional rights of the people (voters). thus, a single candidate can fairly contest the fate in the election without triggering the emergence of the practice of puppet candidates. this acclamation mechanism becomes a stimulus as well as reward and punishment for political parties for democratic intervention efforts. as discussed earlier, political parties are very concerned in the emergence of the phenomenon of single candidates in the region. the united states is a republic based on the world's oldest constitution and elections have existed since britain settled in the early 17th century, 150 years before independence. elections in the united states itself are organized by an independent, bipartisan body called the u.s. election assistance commission (eac) established by the help america vote act of 2002 (hava). hava is the only national law governing the administration of elections, including national standards and voting completeness. the eac itself consists of four members, two from the republican party and two from the democratic party. in fact the eac is not an electoral management bodies (emb) but rather a federal fund to the state government to invest new electoral equipment and voter registration (u.s election assistance commission, 2020). 2) referendum practice in the philippines. the second non-contested election is a referendum (sastaviana hikmania, 2018). referendums are defined in the world as elections by voting in favour and disagreeing. the formal legal rules of elections in the philippines are mainly stipulated in the constitution, namely republic act no. 7166, omnibus election code and electoral commission regulations. the electoral commission in the philippines is conducted by a government agency commissioned by the constitution to enforce and manage all laws and regulations on the conduct of regular elections and special elections, plebiscites, initiatives, referenda and recalls. named comelec (commissionof election) (comelec, 2015). comelec has the duties and authority as the organizer, supervisor and judiciary at once. just like in indonesia, comelec carries out voter registration and registration of election participants in pre-election, training election officials, campaign funds and campaign periods as well as organizing a quick count. jurnal hukum volkgeist rahmat nur. 5(2): 228-242 239 as an important factor that must be present first of all stages of the election is regulation. the philippine government responded quickly to the large number of single candidates in elections by issuing republic act no. 8295 on an act providing for the proclamation of a lone candidate for any elective office in a special election and for others purposes. the rule stipulates that a single candidate who remains must complete the requirements documents of the comelec and comelec must immediately confirm as a single candidate in the election (chan robles, 2021). elections in the philippines are held once in may to elect presidents, vice presidents, senators, house of representatives, governors, deputy governors, majors and deputy mayors (santos, 2016). in the 2016 election, 545 candidates were single candidates without an opponent. the details are 39 people in congress, 14 people for the governor, 14 people for the deputy governor, 222 people for the regent and 256 people for the deputy regent. these single candidates are spread across 73 provinces. only agusan del norte, camarines sue, guimaras, marinduque, samar, siquijor, surigao del norte and zambales provinces do not have a single candidate. the electoral model is with a referendum where a single candidate still has to attempt to be elected, campaigning for himself because it still needs at least one vote to win. if no one chooses him, then that single candidate will not win the election. but it seems that more often elected than unelected because it only takes one vote and a cheap and easy campaign (jocelyn, 2012). during the election, voters get ballots such as computer answer sheets used for national exams containing the names of candidates ranging from president to vice regent. voters come to shade the candidate's choice and then put it in a scanner to get proof of the receipt paper has used the right to vote. if there is a non contest like in sarangani regency where there is only one candidate contesting the house of representatives,regent and vice regent then the ballot adjusts to contain only one name (comelec, 2015). the two countries mentioned above, are representations of a single candidate electoral system that uses two uncontested electionmodels. the philippines is an uncontested election country with a referendum system that still needs only one vote to win elections. it still uses the campaign to attract people's sympathy even though the amount spent is less than if there were two candidates. while the united states, despite being the largest democracy in the world, prefers to acclamation or directly elected a single candidate in elections. b. appointment of a single candidate by the president in quantity, the single candidate elections in indonesia have increased as seen in the table below: table 2 growth in the number of single candidate elections 2015-2018 (electoral commission (kpu)) year single candidate election number of regions that hold local elections 2015 3 269 2017 9 101 2018 16 171 jurnal hukum volkgeist rahmat nur. 5(2): 228-242 240 1) growth from 2015 tripled in 2017 and five-fold in 2018. this is a sign that single candidate elections have become a trend and further clarify the lack of electoral mechanisms that are precisely unable to reduce the emergence of a single candidate pair that is likely to increase in the concurrent elections the following year. therefore, it is better to use the mechanism of appointment if there is only one candidate pair, there are several advantages if the lifting mechanism is used, namely: 2) save on budget 3) easier and cheaper for organizers 4) minimal horizontal conflict 5) selected candidates have more time to prepare and execute a work program. 6) increase the competition of other candidates because it feels the single candidate wins easily. even if re-outlined maurice douverger's opinion, will raise the question, whether with the mechanism of appointment of the regional head in case there is only one candidate pair by the president is already democratically qualified? maurice douverger said it could be considered democratic, as long as the appointee was previously directly elected by the people through elections. exactly if the appointment is done by the president because he is directly elected by the people or known as the voice of the people is the voice of god (vox populi vox dey). direct presidential election means also giving confidence to the people as the highest sovereign holders to participate in choosing and determining their leaders (president and vice president). therefore, a directly elected president has a high ligitimasi. in a theoretical state, by relying on the principle of deliberation, the appointment of the regional head also uses a democratic way. therefore, president sukarno at the time was appointed through the ppki session, with the principle of deliberation analogous to remain in democratic ways. in contrast to the paraktis level, because of the turmoil of unstable government at that time, with the approval of president sukarno to occupy a lifetime of office, it is certain that if the appointment of local government officials no longer has democratic value, because the appointment is already in the form of monarchy-patterned government. therefore, by using the mechanism of appointment in filling the position of a single candidate of the regional head there are several important things to note in the revision of the electoral law in the future, that the provision of registration of regional head candidates in addition to the need to extend the registration period if there is only one candidate pair, must also be regulated ketetuannya so that the requirements of regional head candidates derived from individual candidates support requirements must choose an area (in the form of collection id card) is lowered in percentage. for example, if the requirement of support for individual candidates in the election of the governor of the region must choose 2 (two) million people must get the support of 10% ktp support, then with only one candidate pair, it should be lowered to 8% to 5% support only. it is only when the requirement has been loosened but there is still only one pair of regional head candidates, then be it the candidates for governor, regent, and mayor, then shortened by the president. because the conception of a unitary state cannot be separated from the role of the president in this regard as a central government that must have relations with local governments. jurnal hukum volkgeist rahmat nur. 5(2): 228-242 241 4. conclusion regulation of the principle of democracy in filling the position of regional head in the case of a single candidate spouse can use two mechanisms, namely using the mechanism of election (direct democracy) or using the mechanism of appointment (indirect democracy). based on law no. 10 of 2016 (electoral law) as a follow -up to the decision of mk no. 100/puu-xiii/2015, an electoral mechanism (direct democracy) was used. however, if analysis is conducted based on doctrine, legal principles, and laws the mechanism of appointment in the event that only one candidate spouse of the regional head remains in accordance with the principles of democracy (indirect democracy) as long as the appointment is made by an official who has been directly elected. the arrangement of the mechanism for the appointment of a single candidate of regional heads in indonesia can follow what has been implemented in the united states that implements uncontested elections if there is a single candidate pair (although the context can also be legislative elections to choose the house of representatives / senate as well as presidential elections and so on), if after the nomination period ends still produce only one candidate, then the candidate's spouse is immediately considered valid as the spouse of the elected candidate and can be legally appointed as the head of the new period. therefore, the house of representatives needs to revise law no. 10 of 2016 on the election of governors, regents and mayors. in order to treat a single candidate election as an uncontested election, it further contains a provision that if there is only 1 (one) candidate pair then the mechanism of appointment by the president is used. references anggraini, t. 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of distribution of alcoholic drinks). which is considered not strong enough to stem the circulation of liquor. the results of a 2018 study by the ministry of health's ministry of health (kemenkes) research, alcohol consumption in gorontalo is ranked fourth nationally, only losing to north sulawesi, east nusa tenggara and bali. the purpose of this study is to see that efforts to eradicate liquor in gorontalo city are not in accordance with adat principles. the novelty of this research helps provide input for local governments to perfect the draft local regulation on controlling liquor in gorontalo city. keywords: eradication; efforts; gorontalo; liquid article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction gorontalo is one region that upholds religious and cultural values, and has the nickname veranda of medina, it is believed that every action and behavior of the gorontalo people always prioritizes customs and religious values, as is the belief of the gorontalo people who combine religion and custom as a form of collaboration philosophy of life of the people of gorontalo in daily life "association in society should be in accordance with customs and syarak" which is believed to provide great benefits in the environment of the people of gorontalo.(mashadi & suryani, 2018) in the people of gorontalo, before the arrival of islamic influence, the customs and culture of the local community were influenced by naturalistic philosophy, in which cultural values and norms originate from natural phenomena. during the time when eyato became king of the unitary u duluwo limo lo pohalaqa and king of the unitary gorontalolimboto, islam officially became the royal religion. adat as a form of culture, which is also called a cultural system, is the same as the customary principles of aceh andminangkabau, namely "adat with syarak, and syarak with the kitabullah (al quran)". this term in the gorontalo language is called "adati hula-hula'a to sara'a, sara'a hulahula'a to kuru'ani". in historical reality this term does not appear by itself, but through a historical process.(baruadi, 2012) the problem that will be studied regarding the expansion of the philosophy of "adat with syarak, and syarak with the book of allah" in the people of gorontalo is starting to erode due to the widespread circulation of liquor (miras) which is not in accordance with their philosophy. the life of the people of gorontalo, the rampant circulation of liquor as the data obtained thousands of liters of liquor were successfully secured by the directorate of narcotics of the gorontalo police for efforts to smuggle alcohol to be marketed in the city of gorontalo with details that as many as 36,792 liters with the assumption that if it is converted into 2.7 billion rupiahs, that is were caught from the directorate of narcotics res at each polres in gorontalo province, with 22 suspects, while the results of basic health research by the health research and development agency of the indonesian ministry of health (kemenkes) in 2018 stated that alcohol consumption in gorontalo was ranked fourth nationally. the area known for its philosophy of "adat with sara' and sara' with the book of allah" only lost to north sulawesi, east nusa tenggara and bali.(f. adiyanta, 2019) while the results of basic health https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i1.2867 mailto:saharuddin40.sd@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 97-104 98 research by the health research and development agency, ministry of health (kemenkes) ri in 2018 stated, alcohol consumption in gorontalo was ranked fourth nationally. the area which is known for its philosophy of "adat with sara' and sara' with the book of allah" only lost to north sulawesi, east nusa tenggara and bali. in 2020 until now, as a form of government concern for the high circulation of liquor (miras) in the serambi medina area, the regional people's legislative council (dprd) of gorontalo province continues to seek revisions to the regional regulation (perda) concerning alcohol, which was previously perda no. 3 of 2017 (concerning the supervision and control of the distribution of alcoholic beverages) which is considered not strong enough to stem the circulation of alcoholic beverages and can damage the potential of existing human resources, regarding the impact of the high circulation of alcoholic beverages can result in high accident rates and high law violations among the public which may disturb public order(une, 2021) based on the background above, the problem to be studied is the first, how are the efforts to eradicate liquor in the city of gorontalo that are not in accordance with the principles of local wisdom based on sara, sara and kita bullah). the specific objective of this research is the first to see how the efforts to eradicate liquor in the city of gorontalo are not in accordance with the principles of local indigenous arts with sara, sara and kita bullah). 2. method the type of research used is juridical empirical research, namely with a sociological legal research approach which is also called field research, which examines the legal provisions that apply in society, in order to reveal what phenomena occur in the midst of society.(f. c. s. adiyanta, 2019) 3. result and discussion the city of gorontalo is the capital of the province of gorontalo where the city of gorontalo is an economic point in the province of gorontalo as quoted by bambang utomo that "the city of gorontalo (in gorontalo is called kota hulontalo) is the capital of the province of gorontalo, indonesia. the city of gorontalo is the largest and most populous city in the tomini bay region, thus making gorontalo city a center for economy and services, trade, education, and a center for the spread of islam in eastern indonesia, in 2020 as a form of government concern regarding the high circulation of liquor ( alcohol) in the serambi medina area, made the gorontalo province regional people's legislative council (dprd) continue to draft revisions to the alcohol regional regulation (perda) which was previously perda number 3 of 2017 (concerning the supervision and control of the distribution of alcoholi beverages) which was deemed not strong enough to stem the circulation of liquor and can damage the potential of human resources today(bd. shomad, 2010) based on the results of basic health research by the health research and development agency, the indonesian ministry of health (kemenkes) in 2018, alcohol consumption in gorontalo was ranked fourth nationally. the area known for its philosophy of "adat with sara' and sara' with the book of allah" only lost to north sulawesi, east nusa tenggara and bali(maria nauw, 2019) 3.1 what are the efforts to eradicate liquor in the city of gorontalo that are not in accordance with the principles of local traditional wisdom based on sara, sara based on kita bullah) a. law enforcement of regional regulation number 3 of 2017 concerning the control and supervision of alcoholic beverages in the city of gorontalo regional regulation number 3 of 2017 concerning the control and supervision of alcoholic beverages in the city of gorontalo is a regional regulation made by the regional people's representative council of the city of gorontalo with the joint approval of the mayor, which was promulgated on 25 july 2017.(gorontalo, 2017) the purpose of establishing and enacting this regional regulation is based on the fact that the city of which is known as the city of veranda of medina, must be a figure in eradicating, controlling, various beverages. alcoholic beverages, both those produced and those distributed in the city of gorontalo. furthermore, in the consideration of regional regulation number 3 of 2017, it is stated. (gorontalo, 2017) a. that alcoholic beverages can cause negative impacts, both on individuals, families, and the social environment and can trigger the emergence of various health problems, security, peace, and public order; p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 97-104 99 b. that in an effort to protect the public from the negative impacts of alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to have control and supervision of alcoholic beverages by the regional government c. that based on the provisions of article 7 paragraph (4) of presidential regulation number 74 of 2013 concerning control and supervision of alcoholic beverages and the provisions of article 20 paragraph (4) of the regulation of the minister of trade number 20/m-dag/per/4/2014 concerning control and supervision of the procurement of beverages alcoholic as it has been amended several times, most recently by regulation of the minister of trade number 6/m/dag/1/2015 concerning the second amendment to regulation of the minister of trade number 20/mdag/per/4/2014 concerning control and sales of alcoholic beverages, the regional government has the authority to carry out control and supervision of distribution of alcoholic drinks through the regional government; d. that based on the considerations referred to in letter a, letter b, letter c it is necessary to stipulate a regional regulation concerning the control and supervision of alcoholic beverages; in article 2 of regional regulation number 3 of 2017 it states that the control and supervision of alcoholic beverages is based on: 1. protection; 2. legal certainty 3. sustainability; and 4. integration furthermore, article 3 of regional regulation number 3 of 2017 states that the objectives of control and supervision of alcoholic beverages in gorontalo city are: 1. protecting the public from the negative impacts caused by alcoholic beverages; 2. growing public awareness about the dangers of alcoholic beverages; 3. creating order and peace in the community from disturbances caused by the consumption of alcoholic beverages. in terms of sales and licensing of alcoholic drinks in regional regulation number 3 of 2017 it is regulated in article 5 to article 12 as follows: 1. retail sales of group a alcoholic drinks are only sold by retailers in supermarkets or hypermarkets. 2. retailers selling group a alcoholic drinks in retail as referred to in paragraph (1) are required to have siup-mb from the mayor or appointed official and skp-a from the director general of domestic trade, ministry of trade of the republic of indonesia. article 6 1) retailers as referred to in article 5 paragraph (1) are required to place alcoholic drinks in a special or separate place and not together with other products. 2) retailers prohibit buyers of alcoholic beverages from drinking directly at the sales location. 3) the alcoholic beverage retailer as referred to in paragraph (1) is held from 09.00 to 17.00 wita. article 7 1) direct sales of alcoholic drinks class a, b and c can only be sold in 3, 4 and 5 star hotels. 2) direct sales of alcoholic beverages class a, group b, and/or group c as referred to in paragraph (1), must have siup-mb from the mayor or appointed official. 3) direct sales of alcoholic beverages class a, group b, and/or group c which are sold in certain places as referred to in paragraph (1), can be drunk in hotel rooms provided that each package contains a maximum of 187 ml (one hundred and eighty seven milliliters) . p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 97-104 100 article 8 1) retailers and direct sellers of alcoholic beverages class a, class b, and class c, are required to submit reports on the realization of sales of alcoholic beverages to regional apparatuses who carry out government affairs in the trade sector 2) submission of reports as referred to in paragraph (1) is carried out every quarter of the current calendar year as follows: a. quarter i submitted no later than march 31; b. quarter ii submitted no later than june 30; c. quarter iii submitted no later than 3september; and d. quarter iv is submitted no later than december 31. article 9 1) retailers are prohibited from selling alcoholic drinks to consumers or buyers who are under 21 (twenty one) years of age. 2) direct sellers are prohibited from selling alcoholic drinks to be drunk other than on the premises/inside the hotel and to buyers who are not yet 21 (twenty one) years old 3) retailers and/or direct sellers as referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph 4) are prohibited from selling alcoholic drinks to consumers or buyers who do not show identity cards or resident identity cards in addition to criminal offenses referred to in paragraph (1), criminal offenses can also be imposed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations gorontalo city police in the last 3 years since 2019,2020,2021 the number of confiscations of supplier and container alcohol in the gorontalo city region according to data from the gorontalo city police narcotics research unit in 2019 there was only 1 case. then in the following year, namely in 2020 the gorontalo city police narcotics research unit had 5 cases, and in 2021 there were 9 cases of alcoholic beverages. but in terms of handling cases of alcoholic beverages, in 2020 the gorontalo city police will use article 25 paragraph (1) of regional regulation number 3 of 2017 concerning the control and supervision of alcoholic beverages in gorontalo city, while in 2021 the gorontalo city police will no longer adhere to this regulation. , and replaced with article 204 paragraph (1) of the criminal code. according to mr. adiwarsa, this was done because in 2021 they will carry out a joint raid with the city government. so the legal basis used is according to the city government, whereas in 2022 the police investigators are conducting their own investigations, so they no longer use regional regulation number 3 of 2017 concerning the control and supervision of alcoholic beverages in the city of gorontalo so from this statement the application of criminal sanctions to regional regulation number 3 of 2017 concerning the control and supervision of alcoholic beverages in gorontalo city is only enforced when the gorontalo city police carry out a joint raid with the gorontalo city government, in this case this regional regulation only runs for 1 year, namely 2020, then no longer uses the legal basis of regional regulation number 3 of 2017 b. revise regional regulation number 3 of 2017 concerning the control and supervision of alcoholic beverages in the city of gorontalo in 2020, as a form of government concern regarding the high circulation of liquor (miras) in the serambi medina area, the regional people's representative council (dprd) of gorontalo province continues to work on the revision of the regional regulation (perda) on alcohol, which was previously perda no. 3 of 2017 (concerning the supervision of alcohol) and control of distribution of alcoholic beverages) which are considered not strong enough to stem the circulation of alcoholic beverages and can damage the current potential of human resources p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 97-104 101 based on the results of basic health research by the health research and development agency, the indonesian ministry of health (kemenkes) in 2018, alcohol consumption in gorontalo was ranked fourth nationally. the area which is known for its philosophy of "adat with sara' and sara' with the book of allah" only lost to north sulawesi, east nusa tenggara and bali. based on the results of the report above, it is necessary to make changes in terms of regulations regarding regional regulations that oversee the control of alcoholic beverages in the city of gorontalo community report the community, in this case, can be a supporting factor in implementing regional regulation number 3 of 2017 concerning the supervision and control of alcoholic beverages in the city of gorontalo. this is stated in chapter v of regional regulation number 3 of 2017 which regulates community participation(gorontalo, 2017) article 19 1) the community can play a role in the supervision and control of alcoholic beverages, either by themselves and/or by community groups 2) participation as referred to in paragraph (1) is carried out by submitting a report to the competent authority in the event of a violation of the prohibitions and or obligations as stipulated in this regional regulation. 3) in the event that information is needed or obtained regarding violations of this regional regulation, government officials at the subdistrict, kelurahan, head of community units and head of neighborhood units can play an active role in carrying out control and supervision in their respective regions to report to the integrated team from the results of an interview with mr. adiwarsa irsan siby, sh on august 16, 2022 as a member of the assistant investigator for narcotics satres of the gorontalo city police, he stated "from the results of several cases that have been resolved the community's participation in it, the community helps investigators in reporting that sale of alcoholic beverages." meanwhile, from the results of interviews with several residents of the city of gorontalo on august 17 2022 they were not aware of the existence of regional regulation number 3 of 2017 concerning the control and supervision of alcoholic beverages in the city of gorontalo. according to some members of the public, they know several places selling alcoholic beverages, but do not know the procedures for reporting them. there are also those who admit that they let them go because they feel compassion because the seller's source of income usually comes from there. there were also those who answered because they were afraid to report because usually the sellers of alcoholic beverages were thugs in the area. in this case there are still many people who do not understand the problem of alcoholic beverages in their environment, therefore it is necessary to socialize the problem of alcoholic beverages to the people in the city of gorontalo so that the community gets education about the role of the community to help the government to eradicate the problem of alcoholic beverages in the city. gorontalo 3.2 factors that hamper efforts to eradicate liquor in the city of gorontalo a. human resources according to the government regulation of the republic of indonesia number 58 of 2012 concerning amendments to regulation number 27 of 1983 concerning implementation of the criminal procedure code in article 3 paragraph (1) states.(zainnudin ali, 2002) 1) the lowest rank is a brigadier, two police officers 2) participate in and pass education for the development of specialization in criminal detective functions 3) served in the field of investigative function for a minimum of 2 (two) years 4) physically and mentally healthy as evidenced by a doctor's certificate 5) have the ability and high moral integrity. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 97-104 102 from the results of an interview on august 16, 2022 with mr. adiwarsa irsan siby, sh as a member of the gorontalo police narcotics research unit investigator, it was stated that all members of the police investigators had met the standards.therefore according to the author that the existence of participation between law enforcers, especially civil service police units and the police, cooperation is needed to realize the eradication of the circulation of alcoholic beveragesabove according to the government regulation of the republic of indonesia number 58 of 2012 concerning amendments to regulation number 27 of 1983 concerning implementation of the criminal procedure code in article 3a paragraph (1) states a. the minimum working period as a civil servant is 2 (two) years; b. the lowest rank is a young supervisor/grade iii/a; c. have at least a bachelor's degree in law or other equivalent degrees; d. served in the operational technical field of law enforcement; e. physically and mentally healthy as evidenced by a doctor's certificate at a government hospital f. each element of the evaluation of the implementation of the work in the list of evaluation of the implementation of civil servants has at least a good score in the last 2 (two) years; g. participate in and pass education and training in the field of investigation.” from the results of an interview on august 9, 2022 with mr. muhammad harris as a member of the ppns satpol pp for gorontalo city, he is a bachelor's graduate and has attended education and investigative training, and has met several standards from the regulation of the minister of law and human rights number m.hh.01.ah. 09.01. of the 6 members of ppns satpol pp kota gorontalo, all members are bachelor graduates and have met the standards of the regulations above. from the interview, it means that the factors influencing the application of criminal sanctions article 25 regional regulation number 3 of 2017 concerning the supervision and control of alcoholic beverages in the city of gorontalo are not from the human resources, in this case the quality of the investigators themselves. because the human resources of the investigators, both gorontalo city police investigators and gorontalo municipal ppns satpol pp, have met the standards as investigators. in terms of handling cases, the number of investigative members certainly has an effect on being able to carry out their duties and authorities, the more investigators, the better, but in this case, if the quality of investigators' human resources is inadequate, it is useless if there are many of them. from the results of an interview with mr. adiwarsa as a member of the drug investigator satres gorontalo city police, he stated "that there is 1 member of investigators in the gorontalo police satres narcotics investigator, namely the head of the gorontalo police narcotics investigation unit, while the number of assistant investigators is 6 people". from the number of investigators at the gorontalo city police satres, in my opinion, it is sufficient to handle cases of criminal acts of alcoholic beverages, especially article 25 of regional regulation number 3 of 2017 concerning supervision and control of alcoholic beverages in gorontalo city. this is because the quality of human resources from these investigators has met the standards as investigators. meanwhile, from ppns satpol pp gorontalo city after conducting an interview with mr. sucipto ayahu as a member of ppns satpol pp gorontalo city, he stated "the number of ppns members is 6 people, each divided into 2 parts, namely ppns management and ppns non-management, ppns management 2 people and 4 people ppns non management ". from this statement, the number of investigators from the gorontalo city police narcotics investigation unit is 6 people and the civil service investigators (ppns) of gorontalo municipal police satpol pp is 6 people, which is enough to overcome the problem of alcoholic beverages in gorontalo city p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 97-104 103 b. facilities and infrastructure facilities and infrastructure are very important to support the activities of investigators, so that they can maximize the tasks and authorities to be carried out. according to soerdjono soekanto without certain means or facilities, it is impossible for law enforcement to run smoothly. these facilities or facilities include, among other things, educated and skilled human resources, good organization, adequate equipment, adequate finances, and so on. facilities or facilities have a very important role in law.(soekanto, 2008) 1) means facilities are things or facilities needed to carry out duties and authorities, facilities are more dominant for moving objects, such as operational cars and others. in an interview on 16 august 2022 with mr. adiwarsa as a member of the assistant investigator for drugs at the gorontalo city police, according to him "the drug research unit does not have a special operational car for investigators, but there is a car for patrolling with other members". this of course can hinder the ongoing investigation process, where the operational vehicle can be very helpful when it comes to carrying out investigations, investigations, up to the stage of handing over case files. meanwhile, according to mr. sucipto as a member of the ppns satpol pp for the city of gorontalo, he stated that "ppns satpol pp for the city of gorontalo does not have his own operational car". this can also be an obstacle for ppns members in carrying out their duties and authorities. in this case the facility is one of the factors influencing the application of criminal sanctions to regional regulation number 3 of 2017 concerning the control and supervision of alcoholic beverages in the city of gorontalo. the need for improved facilities from both the gorontalo city police and the gorontalo city satpol pp regarding operational cars will greatly assist investigators in carrying out their duties and authorities. 2) infrastructure infrastructure is a facility provided by the state to be used as best as possible in carrying out its duties and authorities. infrastructure is usually in the form of immovable objects such as rooms, tables, chairs, etc. soerjono soekanto predicts benchmarks for the effectiveness of certain elements of infrastructure, where it is clear that the infrastructure must indeed be a part that contributes to the smooth running of the duties of officials at their place or work location. the elements are: a. existing infrastructure is well maintained. b. infrastructure that does not yet exist needs to be procured taking into account the timeframe for its procurement. c. infrastructure that is less immediately equipped d. damaged infrastructure needs to be repaired immediately e. infrastructure that is jammed needs to be launched immediately f. infrastructure that is experiencing a decline in its function needs to be improved again. from the results of an interview with mr. adiwarsa as a member of the gorontalo city police narcotics research assistant investigator on august 16, 2022, he stated "the existing infrastructure in the gorontalo city police narcotics research unit is sufficient, from the investigator's room, table chairs, and other tools to carrying out investigations is standard”. meanwhile, from the results of an interview with mr. sucipto ayahu, a member of ppns on 9 august 2022, according to him, "the investigator's room is still not wellfacilitated and is still joined by other staff rooms. this makes investigators sometimes distracted by the activities of other staff.” it is not only facilities that are a factor affecting the implementation of criminal sanctions by regional regulation number 3 of 2017, infrastructure also needs to be improved so that investigators can carry out their duties and authorities. such as creating a separate room for civil servant investigators (ppns) for satpol pp in gorontalo city. and making the gorontalo city police narcotics investigator room better p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 97-104 104 4. conclusion efforts to eradicate liquor in the city of gorontalo that are not in accordance with the principles of local indigenous indigenous peoples with sara, sara and kita bullah) are started with law enforcement of regional regulation number 3 of 2017 concerning control and supervision of alcoholic beverages in gorontalo city and revising regional regulation number 3 of 2017 concerning the control and supervision of alcoholic beverages in the city of gorontalo and providing opportunities for community reports the factors that impede the eradication of liquor in the city of gorontalo are, firstly, human resources that carry out law enforcement, such as civil service police units and the police, and especially from the local government, there is still a lack of enforcement of rules and a lack of facilities and infrastructure used to eradicate the circulation of alcoholic beverages. , such as patrol vehicles and anti-alcohol kits references adiyanta, f. 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(2002). hukum perdata islam indonesia. yayasan masyarakat indonesi baru. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 2, 2021 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 115 application of military law against tni members who commit desertion crimes aswin nugraha sailellah1 abstract author’s information: this study aims to: 1) to analyze the application of military criminal law against members of the tni perpetrators of desertion crimes; 2) to analyze the constraints in the enforcement of miiliter criminal law against members of the tni perpetrators of desertion crimes. this study uses normative-empirical legal research, while the data analysis used is qualitative approach to primary data and secondary data. where in analyzing / processing data first held organizing of primary data obtained through related legislation and literature. then the collected data is then discussed, compiled, elaborated, and interpreted, and reviewed the problem so that a conclusion is obtained as a problem solving effort. the results showed that the application of military crimina l law against members of the tni who were proven to commit desertion crimes is the authority of the military judiciary to prosecute him, then the stages in the form of investigations conducted by the military police on the orders of the superior who has th e right to punish (ankum). furthermore, the investigation file is given to the military oditur to be studied, then the military oditur makes an indictment to be delegated to the military judiciary, after the judiciary feels sufficient with the files of the military oditur, then the military judiciary will prosecute members of the military who are accused of desertion. furthermore, constraints in law enforcement related to desertion crimes are reviewed from 4 interrelated aspects, namely with regard to legal subtansi, the legal structure itself, facilities or infrastructure, and the community. the settlement of cases in the military judiciary at this time has been well arranged, but it is expected that all who play a role in the process of resolving military cases do all these stages based on justice and positive law. the application of existing regulations must be done consistently and always conducted a review of desertion cases so that from these obstacles can be found solutions and solutions to reduce the quantity of desertion crimes. keywords: military law, crime, desertion, law enforcement 1fa culty of la w, ha sa nuddin university, indonesia ema il: (a swinnugra ha sa ilella h01@gm a il.com ) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.846 1. introduction the state is seriously obliged to provide protection to all its citizens. (s. salam, 2018) in the settlement of criminal acts within the indonesian national army (tni) there is a need for regulations to achieve the cohesiveness of the way of action between officials authorized in the settlement of criminal cases in the tni environment (amrullah, 2019). therefore, a decree of kasad number: skep/239/vii/1996 concerning guidelines for settlement of criminal cases in the tni ad, as a description of skep pangab number: skep/71 l/x/1989 concerning the settlement of criminal cases in the abri environment. in the event of a criminal act committed by members of the tni, the mailto:(aswinnugrahasailellah01@gmail.com mailto:(aswinnugrahasailellah01@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.846 jurnal hukum volkgeist aswin nugraha sailellah. 5(2): 115-129 116 military police shall conduct an investigation in accordance with the procedures and procedures stipulated in the criminal procedure law (kuhap) and law no. 31 of 1997. article 69 of law number 31 of 1997: "theright of investigators to; 1. the ankum against his men (ankum) 2. military police (pom) 3. military prosecutors in the military judiciary (oditur military)". thus the military police is one of the backbones that enforce legal norms within the tni. in accordance with the function of the military police which is a technical function, directly determine the success in the construction of the tni and the implementation of hankam operations. in addition, to increase awareness of the law, discipline and discipline that is the main requirement in the life of soldiers reflected in the attitude of behavior, actions and devotion, strict and continued supervision is required by the military police (syailendra, 2019). an organization that is based on rules and includes 'military' frills has long been seen as a closed organization by most o f the public. this view, does not close the possibility of directed to the military judiciary that has been viewed by the public as a closed judiciary, thus raising negative prejudices from the general public that all activities of the implementation of the law against innocent soldiers are not carried out fairly and legal practitioners judge the verdict of the military court in imposing punishment for soldiers who are guilty of criminal acts is relatively light. in terms of law, members of the military have the same position as ordinary members of society, meaning that as citizens for him also applies all the rules of law that apply, both criminal law, civil law, criminal events and civil events. the difference is that more special regulations are still needed that are tougher and heavier for members of the military, it is because there are some actions that can only be done by the army alone are native to the military and do not apply to the public, for example: refusing service orders, against the orders of superiors (insubordination), and desertion (s. salam et al., 2021). the criminal acts mentioned above reflect the nature of the a military that ignores the ethics and rules of disciplinary law that apply within the tni. an absolute requirement in military life to comply with tni regulations and as well as the orders of every superior in order to establish life in the military full of high awareness. if these things are violated show bad military and irresponsible in enforcing sapta marga and oath of soldiers and if maintained will only shake the joints of disciplinary life and order in the tni environment (amrullah, 2019). some acts of such a heavy nature, if carried out by members of the military in certain areas the threat of punishment from the general criminal law is considered too light, because the military is the parent of a small percentage of members of the public who have had other provisions in the judiciary itself, namely the military judiciary or military judiciary. as information development in the community rapidly progressed, there were challenges to the military judiciary, especially military courts, to be able to meet the demands of the public for information disclosure in the military court without stripping off basic military principles. this is what the military court is trying to fulfill the sense of public trust, especially after being under the supreme court of the republic of indonesia. the position and existence of the military judiciary as a component of judicial power in indonesia is no doubt because the 1945 constitution as the constitution of the republic of indonesia has guaranteed the existence of the military judiciary in article 24 paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution fourth amendment, as well as law no. 48 of 2009 on the power of the judiciary in article 18 has also asserted about the military judiciary jurnal hukum volkgeist aswin nugraha sailellah. 5(2): 115-129 117 as part of the judicial power , so there is no d oubt that the military judiciary is one of the components and forces in judicial power in indonesia. the meaning of the philosophy of the establishment of a military judiciary is nothing but to crack down on members of the tni who commit crimes, becoming one of the control tools for tni members in carrying out their duties, so as to form and build a strong, professional and law-abiding tni because the task of the tni is very large to escort and save the nation and the country (s. salam, 2018). the history of military justice is the same as that of other judicial institutions which have two roofs, which are administratively financial and staffing under the ministry of defense, while technically under the supreme court. however, the two-stop system began to end with the issuance of law no.35 of 1999 on amendments to law no.14 of 1970 concerning the basic provisions of the power of justice, wherein in article 11 which became the legal basis of the two-roof system was changed to: the judicial bodies as referred to in article 10 paragraph 1, organizationally, administratively and financially under the power of the supreme court. law no. 35 of 1999 makes judicial institutions under the supreme court both institutionally and administratively (except religious justices that were still in the ministry of religion at the time). this change is driven by the spirit of realizing independent judicial power, free from the interference of other powers. and since august 2004 all judicial bodies have been under one roof under the rule of the supreme court. affirmation ofone roof systempolicy since the amendment of lawno. 14 of 1970 amended by law no. 35 of 1999, then amended again with law no. 4 of 2004 and finally after the enactment of law no. 48 of 2009 on the power of justice (hereinafter referred to as the law on the power of justice), does not change any provisions on the one-stop system in judicial power as stated in article 21 of the law on judicial power still governs the administration, and financial. the supreme court and the judiciary under it in this case the general judiciary, with several special courts under it, religious justice, military judiciary and tun judiciary are under the control of the supreme court. thus, military justice is one of the (sub-systems) of the state judiciary (indonesian justice system) which is determined by the law and has an equal position and level with other judicial environments. the indonesian national army which is hereinafter abbreviated as (tni) is a tool of the state in charge of maintaining, protecting, and maintaining the integrity and sovereignty of the state. every state needs a strong and professional armed force to protect territorial integrity, uphold sovereignty, protect its citizens and become the glue of national unity. the era of independence of tni and polri was structured in the institution of the armed forces of the republic of indonesia (hereinafter referred to as abri) for about 40 years. the separation of the national police from the tni (formerly abri) will bring legal implications for members of the national police who commit criminal acts that are no longer tried in the military judiciary, but the general judiciary, as stipulated in article 7 paragraph (2) tap mpr no.vii /mpr/2000, namely that members of the national police are subject to the power of the general judiciary and the tni is subject to the power of military justice. the decree of mpr no. vii/mpr/2000 was followed up on january 8, 2002, with the enactment of law no. 2 of 2002 concerning the state police of the republic of indonesia in article 20 paragraph (1) letter a, members of the national police are no longer tni soldiers but as civil servants so that criminal offenses jurnal hukum volkgeist aswin nugraha sailellah. 5(2): 115-129 118 committed by members of the national police become the jurisdiction of the general judiciary (article 29 paragraph 1 of law no.2/2002). crimes committed by members of the national police after january 8, 2002 are no longer tried by the military judiciary throughout indonesia, because the military oditur did not submit / proceed with the case to the military court, but returned the case file to the military police investigators to be subsequently returned to the provos polri. military justice is authorized by the law as a special judiciary that examines and prosecutes crimes committed by groups of people organized in the tni, which is specifically formed to carry out the duties of the state in the field of organizing the defense of the state that is subdued and enforced military law. the aspect of the enactment of military law for tni soldiers is what positions the military judiciary as a special judiciary in the system of organizing the state judiciary alongside the other three judiciaries. therefore, the military judiciary in the act of examining and adjudicating does not culminate and is supervised by the mabes tni / dephamkam but culminates in the supreme court. in the case of proceedings in the military judiciary is regulated with special provisions namely the law of military justice events as stipulated in law no. 31 of 1997 on military justice (hereinafter abbreviated to the military justice law). therefore, every member of the tni is required to be steadfast in carrying out his/her service obligations under any circumstances, upholding the attitude of the soldier and having a sense of discipline and high personality that is expected to be a role model for the surrounding community, in order to get a place in the hearts of the community. in military life, discipline must be confident, obedient and obedient by clinging to the joints that have been stated to every tni soldier in the sapta marga and the oath of the soldier that reads: sapta marga : a) we are citizens of the unitary state of the republic of ind onesia who are united in pancasila. b) we patriot indonesia, supporters and defenders of the ideology of the state are responsible and do not know to give up. c) we are knights of indonesia, who fear god almighty, and defend honesty, truth and justice. d) we are soldiers of the indonesian national army, are bhayangkari state and nation of indonesia. e) we are soldiers of the indonesian national army, uphold discipline, obey and obey the leadership and uphold the attitude and honor of soldiers. f) we soldiers of the ind onesian national army, prioritize the entrepreneurship in carrying out the task, and always ready to be devoted to the state and nation. g) we are soldiers of the indonesian national army, loyal and occupy the oath and oath of soldiers. oath of soldiers by allah i swear by allah: 1) that i will be loyal to the unitary state of the republic of indonesia based on pancasila and the 1945 constitution 2) that i will submit to the law and uphold the discipline of the soldier. jurnal hukum volkgeist aswin nugraha sailellah. 5(2): 115-129 119 3) that i will obey the superior by not disputing orders or verdicts. 4) that i will carry out all obligations with full sense of responsibility to the army and the state of the republic of indonesia. 5) that i will hold all the secrets of the army as hard as i can. a member of the tni is required to clean the "white paper" of a despicable personal act in the eyes of members of the military itself as well as mainly among the public. actions / actions under any pretext or form carried out by members of the tni eith er individually or in groups that violate the provisions of the law, other norms that apply in life or contrary to the rules of the ministry, discipline, discipline in the tni in essence is an act / action that undermines the authority, dignity and good name of the tni which if such actions or actions are allowed to continue, can cause unification in the community and hinder the implementation of development and coaching tni. each member of the tni must comply and comply with the provisions of the law applicable to the military, namely the military criminal law (hereinafter referred to as kuhpm), the military disciplinary law (kuhdm), the military disciplinary regulation (pdm) and other regulations. this military law is applied to all tni soldiers, both tamtama, bintara, and officers who commit an act that harms the unity, the general public and the country that is inseparable from other regulations that apply also to the general public. one of the most common crimes committed in the tni environment is the crime of desertion, where the tni soldier conducting the act of withdrawing himself from the implementation of his official obligations. in prosecuting perpetrators of desertion crimes before being handed over to the court, military oditur or military prosecutors are authorized to act as public prosecutors who have the duty and authority to prosecute in criminal cases. oditur who was appointed in prosecuting members of the tni after receiving the case file from the investigators (military police) first cond ucted an examination of the completeness of the contents of the case file after the case file is declared complete then the military oditur will process the case file by making a bapat (news of opinion event) containing the testimony of witnesses, descript ion of the suspect and evidence and conclusions from oditur about the crimes that occurred and the article alleged k emudian head of military oditurat made sph (legal opinion advice) addressed to papera (officer of the case) which states that the accused has committed a criminal offence. furthermore bapat and sph are sent to papera with attached skeppera (decision letter of submission of cases) to be asked for signature to papera. after receiving the military oditur skeppera made an indictment, then delegat ed the case to the military court and based on the plan of the trial of the military court, oditur made a summons to the accused and witnesses containing about the day, date, time, case of trial, and after the case was decided the defendant was found guilt y and the case was already in legal force still oditur immediately carry out execution to the accused to carry out the criminal. the increase in desertion crimes committed by the military, indirectly has illustrated the deterioration in the level of discipline of soldiers and the enforcement of the discipline of soldiers. meanwhile, it is a guideline for every tni soldier that discipline is the pole, backbone and breath in military life. if the level of discipline is no longer there, it will affect the construction of the unit that will eventually occur many violations do not enter the service without permission so that the abandonment of the tasks charged to each soldier who can reduce his preparedness in the unit where the act of not entering jurnal hukum volkgeist aswin nugraha sailellah. 5(2): 115-129 120 the service can damage the image of the tni in the community that has been famous for discipline and high loyalty both in the unity and out of the force. 2. method 2.1. research type the type of research used is normative-empirical legal research. in the sense of this research is expected to be able to explain or describe to obtain a systematic, detailed, complete and comprehensive picture of "application of military criminal law against members of tni perpetrators of desertion crimes . 2.2 types of legal materials a. primary legal materials primary legal material is a law that is binding in the form of prevailing laws and regulations and has to do with the issues discussed consisting of: the book of military criminal law (kuhpm); military disciplinary law (kuhdm); penal code; criminal procedural code (kuhap); law no. 31 of 1997 on military justice; law no. 26 of 1997 on the discipline law of abri soldiers. and other rules relevant to this study. b. secondary legal materials secondary law is a legal material that provides an explanation of primary legal materials, including legal materials obtained from books, literature, scientific works to broaden the author's insight into the field of writing. 2.3 legal material collection methods the type of research used is normative-empirical legal research. in the sense of this research is expected to be able to explain or describe to obtain a systematic, detailed, complete and comprehensive picture of "application of military criminal law against members of the tni perpetrators of desertion crimes". in this case the discussion of the analysis on the scope of desertion is intended to be able to obtain a discussion on the subject matter that is in the military court regarding desertion the type of research used is normative juridical research that is research that rests on the legal norms contained in the laws and regulations and court rulings and norms that exist in society.(h. z. ali, 2009) 2.4 legal material analysis based on normative-empirical research type, the data analysis used is qualitative approach to primary data and secondary data. where in analyzing / processing data first held organizing of primary data obtained through related legislation and literature. then the collected data is then discussed, compiled, elaborated, and interpreted, and reviewed the problem so that a conclusion is obtained as a problem solving effort. 3. result 3.1 application of military criminal law against members of the tni perpetrators of desertion crimes in this subsection there are 2 (two) issues that will be outlined related to the application of criminal law militer terhadap amemberof the tni pelaku tind ak pidana desersi. first,the criminal law materil. second, formil criminal law. a. criminal law materil jurnal hukum volkgeist aswin nugraha sailellah. 5(2): 115-129 121 criminal acts or criminal acts (straafbarfeit) is an act that by a rule of law is prohibited and threatened criminally.(moeljatno, 2002) according to pompe that straafbar feit's words could theoretically be formulated as: a violation of norms (interference with the rule of law) that has deliberately or unintentionally been committed by an offender, where the punishment of the perpetrator is necessary for the preservation of the rule of law and the guarantee of public interest. (andi sofyan, 2016) legal arrangements tehadap criminal settlement process desertion. desertion is an act committed by tni soldiers. desertion is also a pure crime, where a pure military crime is a criminal offence committed only by a military person, because of its special military nature. military criminal law is called specifically with the understanding to distinguish with the general criminal procedural law that applies to everyone. military criminal law also contains rules that deviate from the provisions that have been stipulated in the general criminal procedural law and only apply to special groups (military) or people because the laws and regulations are directed at him.(m. f. salam, 2004) furthermore, tindak pidana pesersi senself is stipulated in the book of law undang military criminal law contained in article 87 and article 89 kuhpm, following excerpts from the article: article 87 1) threatened by desertion, military: "the1st who leaves with the intention of withdrawing forever from his service obligations, avoiding the danger of war, crossing into the enemy, or entering military service in a country or other power without being justified for it, the 2nd who by his fault or d eliberately committed an unauthorized absence in peacetime more than thirty days, in a wartime longer than four days, the 3rd who deliberately performed an unauthorized absence and for not participating in the partial or complete implementation of an ordered journey, as described in article 85 2" . 2) desertion, carried out in peacetime, is threatened with a maximum prison sentence of two years and eight months. 3) desertion committed in wartime, threatened with a maximum prison sentence of eight years and sixmonths"imprisonment. article 89 "threatened with the death penalty, life imprisonment or a maximum of twenty years; the 1st desertion to the enemy & the 2nd (amended by law no. 39 of 1947) desertion in wartime, from units of troops, sea boats or aircraft assigned to the security services, or from a place or post that is attacked or threatened by attack by the enemy. " the crime of desertion has the main characteristic of unlicensed absence by a military officer at a designated place for him, where the military is supposed to be in the unity to carry out service obligations. article 6 of the criminal code is: “principal criminal: imprisonment, this is stipulated in article 6a paragraph (2) of the criminal code whose execution of jurnal hukum volkgeist aswin nugraha sailellah. 5(2): 115-129 122 punishment for the military is carried out in the military correctional institution (masmil)”. additional criminal charges: "dismissal from military service, this is stipulated in article 6b paragraph (1) kuhpm. criminal prosecution of dismissal in addition to the principal criminal viewed by military judges is no longer feasible to be maintained in the life of the military community and if not convicted of dismissal it is feared that the presence of the convicted later in the military after he served his sentence, will shake joint-sendi order in the community" in the explanation of article 143 undang-undang nomor 31 year 1997 formulates that what is meant by the examination without the presence of terdakwa in the sense of in absensia is an examination carried out so that the matter can be resolved quickly for the sake of the establishment of discipline of soldiers in order t o maintain the integrity of the troops, including in this case the abundance of cases whose defendants have never been examined because from the beginning the defendant fled and was not found again in, a period of 6 (six) months in a row, for his validity must be strengthened by a certificate from the commander or head of his unit. the calculation of grace period of 6 (six) consecutive months from the date of the filing to the court. subtansi formulation of article 143 provides requirements for desertion trials in absentia, namely: a. the deadline for the docket is 6 (six) months calculated the date of delegation to the court. b. has been summoned to face the court 3 (three) times. c. can be carried out against desertion cases whose investigations are conducted in absensia. thus, when observed, the requirements formulated in article 143, are limitative and imperative, sothat the court only carries out the one ordered by thelaw. it turns out that in practice there are several important things to be reviewed, especially grace periods in the criminal proceedings desertion, especially for defendants who are not found or unknown existence. especially faced on the demands of the unit that wants to accelerate the settlement in order to quickly get legal certainty with the consideration that in real terms the soldier is no longer in the unit based on the verdict no. 35-k / pm iii-16 / ad/iv/ 2019 , whereas in article 35143 law no. 31 of 1997 explains bahwa to be able to bring forward the case of desertion in absensia must be obeyed and obeyed the requirements outlined in article 143 above. the provisions of the six-month deadline apply to desertion cases whose investigations are conducted on an in absensia basis. thus, the examination of desertion cases in absensia conducted is not in accordance withthe provisions, apapun alasan and its considerations, it is not allowed because it is contrary to the formal requirements formulated in the law. b. formil criminal law after being elaborated on material criminal law, it is also important to elaborate on formil criminal law. enforcement of criminal law formil against perpetrators of desertion crimes is stipulated in law no. 31 of 1997 on military justice. in line with the results of the author's interview with major sus rahmansyah faharuddin, s.h., m.h. as a military judge in military pengadilan iii -16 makassar: "the reason for the continuation of an examination of thecase of desertion is to give a verdict that has a permanent legal force against the case that will have legal certainty". jurnal hukum volkgeist aswin nugraha sailellah. 5(2): 115-129 123 the following is the process of resolving desertion crimes in the military court as follows: 1. investigation stage 2. submission stage of the case 3. examination stage of the hearing at the military court. the process of examining desertion cases is generally the same as the process of examining other criminal cases. at the first hearing, it was opened by the presiding judge followed by a hammer knock 3 (three) times. the process of examining desertion cases in the trial, oditur militer must first make a summons against the accused 3 (three) times inarow sec ara valid to be present in the trial to hear the indictment when the accused is not present or not found in the event of the existence of the first and second trial can not be declared as a desertion case trial in absentia. the trial of the desertion case can be declared in absentia, if at the time of the third summons, the accused remains absent from the proceedings. therefore, the presiding judge stated that the trial was conducted in absentia followed by a hammer knock 1 (one) time. furthermore, the examination of witnesses must be attended and listened to by the accused, because the defendant has the right to deny the testimony of the witness, and if the defendant remains not found then the examination is still carried out. the trial of desertion cases in absensia is stipulated in the provisions of undangundang ri no. 31 of 1997, formulated in several articles, namely: a. article 141 paragraph (10) of law no. 31 of 1997: “the provision confirms that: in cases of desertion for which the accused was not found, the examination was carried out without the presence of the accused ”. b. article 143 of law no. 31 of 1997: “the criminal offence of desertion as referred to in the military criminal code, whose defendant fled and was not found again within 6 (six) consecutive months and has been attempted to summon 3 (three) times in a row legally, but did not attend the trial for no reason, can be examined and decided without the presence of the accused ”. the case of desertion examined in absensia has been decided then the decision of the military court will be announced to all tni soldiers, the head of service / department in the jurisdiction of the military court that the name of the accused as in the letter attached to the announcement the case has been examined, tried and decided by the court. then article 220 paragraph (4) of law no. 31 of 1997 within 7 (seven) days after the verdict was announced did not come before the clerk of the military court without appeal, then the defendant is considered to accept the decision of the military court. the right of the accused or his legal advisor may file a legal action in the form of an appeal. then at the time of the announcement of the decision clerk made the news event penempelan announcement. according to the research conducted by the author that the perpetrators of desertion crimes, generally sentenced to t he principal crime of prison plus the criminal dismissal of the tni service. this is because in addition to the existing laws and regulations are also added to the rules that apply specifically in tni institutions, which is indeed a crime of desertion is seen as a military crime that greatly impacts the life of the nation in general and the tni institution in particular (the results of the interview on august 06, 2020 with the judge of the military court iii -16 makassar as a military judge , major sus rahmansyah faharuddin sh. mh). jurnal hukum volkgeist aswin nugraha sailellah. 5(2): 115-129 124 according to law no. 31 of 1997 concerning military justice article 182 paragraph (5) then after the examination is declared closed, the judge conducts deliberations in a closed and confidential manner. the implementation of deliberations is based on the indictment and everything proven in the examination of the next trial is carried out the stage of implementation of the verdict, in the event that the implementation of the verdict is stipulated in: article 6 of the criminal code is: 1) principal criminal: “imprisonment, this is stipulated in article 6a paragraph (2) of the criminal code whose execution of punishment for the military is carried out in the military correctional institution (masmil)”. 2) additional criminal charges: “dismissal from military service, this is stipulated in article 6 b paragraph (1) of the criminal code. criminal prosecution in addition to the principal criminal view of military judges is no longer feasible to be maintained in the life of the military community and if not convicted of dismissal it is feared that the presence of the convicted later in the military after he served his sentence, will shake the joints of order in the community”. the basis of the panel of judges to impose additional criminal dismissals is contained in article 26 of the criminal code which reads: article 26 paragraph (1) confirms: "dismissalfrom military service, can be handed down by a judge along with any sentence of imprisonment to a military of ficer who based on the crimes committed is deemed unfit to remain in military life. " article 26 paragraph (2) confirms: “thedismissal, according to the judge, resulted in the loss of all rights he obtained from the armed forces during his prior service, w ith the exception that pension rights would only be lost in the event mentioned in the pension rules applicable to the convicted ”. article 26 paragraph (3) confirms: "if the dismissal coincides with the revocation of the right to enter the armed forces, according to the law also results in the loss of the right to own and wear the stars, the mark of honor medals or signs of recognition, as long as both are mentioned last in his obtained in relation to his previous service”. 3.2 constraints in the enforcement of military criminal law against perpetrators of desertion crimes the process of examining desertion cases in a regular or in absentia in a military court can run better or otherwise the process of examination or trial process will encounter some obstacles. based on the results of the author's research conducted in the court of military iii-16 makassar obtained obstacles in the settlement of desertion cases as follows (interview result by faharuddin, august 2020) : a. legal subtance the court of desertion case in absentia this provision in law-undang no. 31 of 1997, formulated in several articles, namely: article 124 paragraph (4) of law no. 31 of 1997. the provision confirms that: "in the event that a case file of a suspect is not found , the news of the suspect's examination is not a requirement of the completeness of a case file". the substance of the formulation of article 124 paragraph (4) is: 1) that the suspect's examination is not a formal requirement jurnal hukum volkgeist aswin nugraha sailellah. 5(2): 115-129 125 2) the filing of desertion cases reported by the unit to investigators can be done even if the suspect does not exist. thus from the substance, it can be concluded that the investigation of this desertion crime is conducted without the presence of a suspect, hence the investigation of desertion cases in absentia. article 141 paragraph (10) of law number. 31 in 1997. the provision confirms that "in the case of desertion, the defendant is not found to have been examined without the presence of the accused". when we look at the formulation of the article, it can be understood that the formulation is imperative, meaning an order that can not be interpreted otherwise so that the court adjudicates the case of desertion in absentia. from the formulation of porigin 141 there are two substantial main things that the defendant was not found, and the trial was conducted in absent ia. when you look at the formulation of the words "the defendant...." then it can be understood that for the file the defendant does not exist when the case will be tried, then the trial is carried out in absentia. in contrast to the formulation of article 124 paragraph (4), which asserts "in the case of desertion case files whose suspects are not found, the news of the suspect's examination event is not a requirement for the completeness of a case file". so against the suspect who was not found then the investigation was conducted in absentia. the problem is, what if the defendant is present at the trial whether the examination of the case can be continued with a regular desertion examination (not in absentia) or should be stopped?. if observed both in the criminal code and in law no. 31 of 1997 on military justice does not contain clear provisions, if the accused is present at the time of desertion cases in absentia sementara in court proceedings . article 143 of law number 31 of 1997 the ncertainties confirm that: "the criminal offence of desertion as referredto in the book ofmilitary criminal law, whose defendant fled and was not found again within six consecutive months and has been pursued 3 (three) times in a row legally, but did not attend the trial without a reason, can be examined and decided without the presence of the accused". explanation of article 143 the provision of the explanation formulates that what is meant by "examination without the presence of the accused in the sense of in absentia" is an examination carried out so that the case can be resolved quickly in order to maintain the discipline of soldiers in order to maintain the integrity of the troops, including in this case the delegation of cases whose defendants have not been examined because from the beginning of the escape and not found again in a period of six consecutive months, for the validity must be strengthened by a letter from the commander or head of his unit. the calculation of graceperiod of six consecutive monthsfrom the date of the filing to the court. the substance of the formulation of porigin143 provides the requirements for the trial ofesersi in absensia, namely: a) the deadline for the docket is six months to be calculated the date of the delegation to the court. b) has been summoned to face trial three times. c) can be carried out against desertion cases whose investigations are conducted in absentia. jurnal hukum volkgeist aswin nugraha sailellah. 5(2): 115-129 126 when observed, the requirements formulated in the original p143, it is clear the provisions,so that thecourt only carries out the ordered by thelaw. it turns out that in practice many problems, mainly faced with the demands of the unit that wants to accelerate the settlement in order to quickly obtain legal certainty with the consideration that in real terms the soldier is no longer in the unit. this acceleration is in accordance with the original p2 paragraph (4) undang-law nomor 48 year 2009. because of the thought to deviate the provisions of the event for the sake of acceleration, namely: 1) whether the six-month deadline and three consecutive subpoenas are imperative or tentative. 2) what is the possibility of resolving a desertion case whose investigation is conducted in absentia with a desertion case whose defendant is not present only in the trial, associated with the provisions of time? 3) how to determine the end of the implementation of the time of desertion, whether it comes to the time the case is investigated or when the case is tried. from the description can be presented an inventory of problems related to the trial of desertion cases in absentia, namely: a. regarding the limitations of criminal desertion in absentia. is desertion in absentia as a case of desertion whose investigation is conducted in absentia, or also a case of desertion whose defendant was not present at trial? b. the case of desertion is investigated in absentia, but the defendant is present at the trial, can the examination continue? c. application of a six-month time limit, and a three-time summons grace period, in the settlement of desertion cases in absentia. is it preserved, for reasons of acceleration and the importance of unit building? d. about the end of the desertion calculation time. based on the description above dpapat concluded that it is not appropriate under the pretext for legal certainty then a simple, fast justice system is carried out, and light costs (in accordance with porigin 2 paragraph (4) undang-law nomor 48 year 2009 on the power of justice)while waiving legal certainty on the other side as contained in article 143 of law-undang no. 3 1 year 1997 tentang peradilan militer which will certainlycause harm to the accused when according to aswanto the defendant has human rights in general can be interpreted as a right attached to the human nature that comes with it, this right that guarantees justice for him. (aswanto, 2012) b. legal or law enforcement structure in the process of handling and resolving criminal cases in the criminal justice environment is known the existence of an integrated criminal justice system (integrated criminal justice system)consisting of lembaga investigators, prosecutors, judicial institutions and institutions where criminal executors. each of these institutions has different duties and authorities but in the implementation of its duties are interconnected with each other and have the same position as law enforcement agencies in an integrated criminal system. 1) obstacles to the investigation process by the military police, in the process of investigation often military police get obstacles in the process of collecting data for the jurnal hukum volkgeist aswin nugraha sailellah. 5(2): 115-129 127 completeness of the docket that has been submitted to the level of military oditur after being examined there are deficiencies or not in accordance with the requirements formil or materilnya. 2) obstacles at the military oditurat level. the processing of cases carried out by the military oditur is very influential on the acceleration of case resolution, but there are still cases whose solutions take a relatively long time as an example: a. the case is incomplete which is less qualified formil and materiil making it difficult for the military oditur to apply the article to be charged to thesuspect, this adds to the length of time for the process of processing the case, b. military oditur cannot conduct additional checks because the suspect has already fled, c. military oditur difficulty finding evidence on the alleged crimes committed by the suspect, even though the evidence is very important presented in the process of processing the suspect's case to make light of the suspect's actions, d. the crime officer was slow to issue the decree that had been submitted by the military oditur, e. there is a difference of opinion between the military oditur and papera on the suspect's actions whether it is a criminal offense or a disciplinary law 3) obstacles at the level of the docking officer. a case officer (papera) is a case officer who makes a decision after examining the docket that determines whether the suspect's actions are worthy or not the actions of the suspect in the trial or the actions of the suspectare interspersed through disciplinary law. the publication of keppera, kepkumplin, and keptupra from papera to the military oditur went slowly as a result of lack of coordination and cooperation between the military oditur and papera so that the acceleration of criminal settlement was not achieved 4) barriers at the level of examination in the court in the process of examination in the trial of defendants of desertion crimes that have not been known or in absensia which in the trial process can not be presented in the trial, then from the absence of the examination process can run better or otherwise the examination process or the trial process will encounter some obstacles. obstacles in resolving desertion cases as follows (interview result rahmansyah faharuddin, august, 2020) : a. the trial process conducted bythe defendants makes the verdict handed down by the military court is certainly not perfect or can be said to be unfair to the convicted which will complicate the execution of the sentence, b. the implementation of the verdict in the case of desertion in absentia is difficult to immediately implement, where terpidana in the status of desertion can not be arrested then the implementation of the punishment can not be carried out, c. delay in summons summons by the court, c. facilities or infrastructure jurnal hukum volkgeist aswin nugraha sailellah. 5(2): 115-129 128 tavailability of facilities in the form of facilities and infrastructure for the implementing apparatus in doing its job. the facilities and infrastructure in question are infrastructures or facilities used as a tool to achieve legal effectiveness. achmad ali argues that, when wanting to know the extent of the effectiveness of the law, then first of all it should be able to measure "the extent to whichthe rule of law itu obeyed or not obeyed. furthermore, achmad ali also suggested that in general the factors that influence the effectiveness of a piece of legislation is the professional and optimal implementation of the role, authority and function of law enforcement, both in carrying out the duties charged against themselves and in enforcing the legislation1. (a. ali, 2008) according to soerjono soekanto predicts the benchmark effectiveness of elements tertentu of infrastructure.(soekanto, 2008) the elements are : 1. the existing infrastructure is well maintained. 2. the existing infrastructure must be held by taking into account the number of procurement times. 3. less infrastructure must be completed immediately. 4. damaged infrastructure must be repaired immediately. 5. jammed infrastructure must be launched immediately function. 6. infrastructure that has suffered a malfunction must be improved again. (soekanto, 2008) without certain facilities or facilities, it will not be possible that the enforcement of hukum will run smoothly. d. community the law is the embodiment or manifestation of the value of belief. as the phrase "ubi societas ibi ius" or where there masyarakat then there is a law. the purpose of the law is to protect the interests of man in defending his rights and obligations. people in interacting with each other often can not avoid any clash of interests between them. conflicts that occur can cause losses, because it is usually accompanied by violations of the rights and obligations of one party to the other. (purnomo, 1998) if the citizens only know of a provision of the law, then the level of legal awareness is lower than those who understand it, and so on. that's called legal consciousness or knowledge and opinion about law. the cause of the law is irrelevant to the reality of society because the existing law is formed top-down that comes from the will of the elite (ruler), while the community is the object of the target. whereas in order for the law to be responsive, the law must be formed bottom-up from the reality that lives in society. in essence, the issue of legal awareness of citizens concerns factors-factors whether a particular legal provision is known, understood, obeyed, and appreciated. 4. conclusion the application of military criminal law against tni members who are proven to commit desertion crimes is the authority of the military judiciary to prosecute him, then the stages in the form of investigations conducted by the military police on the orders of the superiors entitled to punish (ankum). furthermore, the investigation file is given to jurnal hukum volkgeist aswin nugraha sailellah. 5(2): 115-129 129 the military oditur to be studied, then the military oditur makes an indictment to be delegated to the military judiciary, after the judiciary feels sufficient with the file of the military oditur, then the military judiciary will prosecute members of the military who are accused of desertion. regarding the constraints in law enforcement related to the crime of desertion reviewed from 4 interrelated aspects, namely with regard to the subtansi law, the legal structure itself, facilities or infrastructure, and the community. references ali, a. 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(2019). election violation and election law enforcement in general election in indonesia. jurnal hukum volkgeist, 4(1), 25– 34. jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i2.3378 vol. 7 no.2, june 2023 51 enforcement of criminal law against abuse of immigration permit according to republic of indonesia law no. 6 of 2011 concerning immigration la ode bunga ali1* faculty of law, universitas dayanu ihksanuddin, indonesia *correspondence: aliode038@gmail.com article history abstract received: 07.05.2023 accepted: 05.06.2023 published: 30.06.2023 various kinds of problems in the immigration sector, one of the cases is the misuse of visas to work by foreign nationals. research objective to analyze immigration law enforcement. the legal research method used is a normative legal approach. the research results in terms of handling this matter are very closely related to the problem of supervision, both tourists entering and leaving the territory of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia, as well as carrying out activities in the territory of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia. preventive countermeasures are countermeasures carried out in an effort to prevent or guard against the possibility of an immigration crime, in this case the crime of misuse of an immigration permit. meanwhile, repressive measures can be carried out by way of punishment, deportation or blacklisting. it is better if the provision of this visa-free facility is reviewed and the background for this facility is only for tourism. keywords: law enforcement, abuse, immigration article license copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction law enforcement is the process of making efforts to uphold or function legal norms as a guideline for behavior in traffic or legal relations in the life of society and the state. viewed from the point of view of the subject, law enforcement can be carried out by a wide range of subjects and can also be interpreted as law enforcement efforts that involve all legal subjects in every legal relationship. anyone who carries out normative rules or does something or does not do something based on the norms of the applicable law, means he is carrying out or enforcing the rule of law. so, "law enforcement reform" contains within it "power/authority reform in the field of law enforcement"(arief, 2001, p. 3) as a legal subsystem, immigration law in indonesia has existed since the dutch colonial administration(santoso, 2004, p. 1) the provisions of immigration law in indonesia from the proclamation of indonesian independence in 1945 to 1991 did not formally experience significant development. apart from being no longer in accordance with the development of national life, some of these provisions were still formed by the dutch colonial government and were absorbed into national immigration law, such as toelatingsbesluit staatsblad 1916 number 47 (determination of entry permits/pim), amended and lastly added by staatsblad 1949 number 330, as well as toelatings ordonnantie staatsblad 1949 number 33 (entry permit ordinance/oim), which of course was intended to support the interests of the colonial government. for example, it is stated in the entry permit ordinance that a foreigner who has been given an entry permit is also given a residence permit(1984, p. 21). an increase in the flow of foreigners to the territory of the republic of indonesia will certainly increase the receipt of money spent in indonesia,(2004, p. 1) increase investments made, as well as increase trading activities which will increase foreign exchange earnings.(n.d., p. 3) however, an increase in the traffic flow of goods, services, capital, information, and people can also have negative effects, such as: a. domination of the national economy by transnational companies joining indonesian companies (through foreign investment and/or domestic investment, purchase of shares, or licensing contracts). mailto:aliode038@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 51-56 52 b. the emergence of transnational organized crimes (toc), ranging from trafficking in women and children, money laundering, narcotics, illegal drugs, and illegal immigrants, to acts of international terrorism. one example of a transnational crime case is a narcotics crime. it is hoped that law enforcement can prevent the large number of illicit traffickers in circulation(sulaiman & lampatta, 2020), this negative impact will increasingly extend to patterns of life and socio-cultural arrangements that can affect aspects of maintaining national security and resilience at the macro level. in order to minimize the negative impacts arising from human mobility, both indonesian citizens and foreigners, who leave, enter, and live in indonesian territory, immigration must have an increasingly large role and must be selective (selective policy) to make indonesian immigration institutions have a foundation operational in rejecting or permitting foreigners, both in terms of entry, presence, and activities in indonesia. based on the selective politics of immigration law, it is determined that only foreigners who: a. providing benefits for the welfare of the people, nation, and state of the republic of indonesia; b. does not endanger security and public order; as well as c. not hostile to the people, nation, and state of the republic of indonesia, allowed to enter and are allowed to be in the territory of indonesia, and given permission to stay in accordance with the intent and purpose of his arrival in indonesia. one of the cases, namely at the end of last february, a foreigner from russia sergey zanimonets (28) was arrested and deported to the tpi denpasar special class i immigration office. he works without a permit on the island of the gods.(indonesia, 2023) based on the things that have been described above, it is necessary for the author to discuss further criminal acts in the field of immigration, especially matters relating to the misuse of immigration permits, therefore the author takes the research title "criminal law enforcement against misuse of permits" immigration according to ri law no. 6 of 2011 concerning immigration” based on the background of the problem as described above, it is necessary to describe the formulation of the problem, namely how are the factors that cause the crime of misuse of immigration permits and what are the efforts to deal with the crime of abuse of immigration permits? 2. method research the type of research used in this research is normative legal research in which data sources are taken from secondary data, namely data obtained not directly from the first source, but from data that has been documented in legal materials. this secondary data is in the form of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. the data collection method is a method or method used by researchers to obtain correct and accountable information. the methods used in this study include: various provisions of applicable laws and regulations and can also be conducted by way of interviews with people who are competent in immigration affairs. the entire data obtained from both primary and secondary, then processed and then analyzed qualitatively, then presented in a descriptive manner that explains, describes, and illustrates the problems that are closely related to this research.(soerjono, 1983, p. 10) 3. results and discussion 3.1. result the occurrence of immigration crimes is inseparable from the problem of monitoring foreigners. inadequate supervision of foreigners entering indonesia can lead to actions that lead to crimes or violations. one of them is the misuse of entry permits to indonesia, namely tourist visit permits which basically violated the provisions of the immigration law. the legal system that directly influences law enforcement. lawrence m. friedman considered that the success or failure of the law was upheld depending on the three components of the legal system.(prawira, 2019) the general explanation section of law no. 6 of 2011 concerning immigration emphasizes that for foreigners, services and supervision in the field of immigration are carried out with a "selective" principle (selective policy). based on this principle, only foreigners who are allowed to enter indonesia are foreigners who provide benefits for the welfare of the people, nation, and state of the republic of indonesia and do not endanger security and order, nor are they hostile towards the people, based on pancasila and the 1945 constitution.(sugiarto, 1987, p. 51) p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 51-56 53 the immigration control system is a surveillance system for foreigners, the system includes observing and examining all activities starting from the plans and presence of foreigners in indonesia until they leave indonesia (the equality of service and security.) this is confirmed by article 38 paragraph (1), law no. 9 of 1992, namely: (1) supervision of foreigners in indonesia includes: a. entry and exit of foreigners to and from the territory of indonesia b. the presence and activities of foreigners in the territory of indonesia. the supervision of foreigners is regulated in law no. 9 of 1992, as in chapter vi concerning the supervision of foreigners and immigration actions. the implementation of supervision of foreigners who are in indonesian territory is carried out by the minister of justice and human rights in coordination with related agencies and institutions (article 41 of law no. 6 of 2011). for smoothness and orderliness in supervising foreigners, the government has organized the registration of foreigners who are in indonesian territory so that data can be collected about foreigners. as mentioned, the directorate general of immigration at the ministry of justice and human rights of the republic of indonesia held simultaneous re-registration of foreign nationals throughout the territory of the republic of indonesia from 10 august to 31 october 2001.(prasetya & barkatullah, 2005, p. 12) registration in 2001 was for the first time since law no. 6 of 2011 applies and will be carried out every five years based on applicable immigration regulations. article 39 of law no. 6 of 2011 states that in carrying out the registration of foreigners in indonesia, they are obliged to: a. provide all necessary information regarding the identity of himself and/or his family, changes in civil status and citizenship, and changes in address, b. showing their travel documents or immigration documents when needed in the surveillance numbers, c. register if you are in indonesia for more than ninety days. data collection by way of foreigner supervision is carried out for every foreigner who: a. enter or leave the territory of the republic of indonesia; b. located in the territory of the republic of indonesia; c. carrying out activities in the territory of the republic of indonesia. 1. supervision of foreigners entering or leaving the territory of the republic of indonesia supervision of foreigners before entering indonesian territory is related to consulates or indonesian embassies specifically on immigration to serve and selectively examine each visa application to indonesia(marpaung, 2005, p. 23), and decide whether it can be granted or not based on consideration of the interests of the ipoleksosbudhankamnas. every foreigner who will come or enter indonesian territory must have a visa which is an entry permit to indonesia.(1996, p. 11) supervision of foreigners before entering indonesia is carried out by immigration attaches at each indonesian representative abroad when the foreigner concerned submits an application for a visa. therefore, on the other hand, every attaché or indonesian embassy in every country has an immigration apparatus on duty there.(1982b, p. 34) supervision of foreigners when in the territory of the republic of indonesia when foreigners are heading or already at the landing port, airport, or seaport, surveillance is carried out by immigration officers. this supervisory function is the same as supervision when applying for a visa, namely supervision to prevent the entry of assignees who will cause problems after being in indonesia. supervision of foreigners who carry out activities in the territory of the republic of indonesia the supervision referred to here is a follow-up of supervision after foreigners obtain residence permits in indonesia, both those who land by air or by sea. supervision of foreigners who have obtained entry permits in indonesia can be seen from two aspects(1982a, p. 21), namely: a. in terms of immigration, namely monitoring whether the foreigner is carrying out activities and whether the length of stay is in accordance with the immigration permit granted to him(arief & muladi, 1998, p. 32). b. from the point of view of ipoleksosbudhankamnas, namely overseeing whether the activities carried out by foreigner’s cause conflicts that interfere with the interests of national security and resilience or not. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 51-56 54 some preventive efforts in this regard include the following: 1. registration officials are equipped with knowledge about the confidentiality/special characteristics of passports of other countries and are equipped with ultraviolet light equipment and magnifying glasses as well as with modern technology; 2. every landing port has examples of signatures from consular officials at representatives of the republic of indonesia abroad, who are authorized to sign visas; 3. research every foreigner or tourist who wants to enter through a brief interview at each immigration checkpoint; 4. checking data obtained from places where tourists stay, whether hotels, motels, inns, or friends' residences. according to soedarto(arief, 2005, p. 50), what is meant by repressive actions are all actions taken by law enforcement officials after a crime or criminal act has occurred. relation to the repetition of foreign nationals who misuse immigration permits is carried out after the occurrence or evidence of abuse of immigration permits. this action can be juridical, and can also be administrative. 1. juridical action in article 50 of law no. 6 of 2011 stated: “foreigners who deliberately misuse or carry out activities that are not in accordance with the immigration permit granted to them shall be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 5 (five) years or a fine of up to rp. 25,000,000. (twenty-five million rupiah).” so a juridical action is a foreigner who deliberately misuses the intention of granting an immigration permit and must be proven in court by a judge and then subject to criminal sanctions in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations. 2. administrative measures according to article 42 of law no. 6 of 2011 which regulates immigration actions against foreigners in indonesian territory, namely: 1) immigration actions are carried out against foreigners who are in indonesian territory who carry out activities that are dangerous and should be suspected of being dangerous to security and public order, or do not respect or comply with the applicable laws and regulations. 2) immigration actions as referred to in paragraph (1) can be in the form of: a. restriction, change, or cancellation of permission to exist b. prohibition to be in one or several certain places in the territory of indonesia c. the obligation to reside in a certain place in the territory of indonesia d. expulsion or deportation from indonesian territory or refusal to enter indonesian territory. thus the abuse of immigration permits can be carried out with 4 (four) alternatives as mentioned above on the grounds that the foreigner concerned does not heed the regulations governing the presence of foreigners in the territory of the republic of indonesia. based on the description above, the repressive measures that can be taken care sentencing, expulsion (deportation), and including foreigners who are involved in the list of prevention and deterrence or black list (black list).(arief, 2001, p. 40) a. punishment the function of punishment is as a deterrent, in the immigration bill there are changes in terms of threats of criminal sanctions, as well as the criminal act of misusing the immigration permit granted to him, which is regulated in article 110, the immigration bill which reads: "punished with a maximum sentence of 5 (five) years or a maximum fine of rp. 25,000,000. (twenty-five million rupiahs), a foreigner who deliberately misuses or carries out activities contrary to the intent and purpose of granting the residence permit granted to him." b. expulsion expulsion or deportation is a unilateral action by the government in the form of expelling foreigners from the territory of the republic of indonesia because it is dangerous for peace, morality, or general welfare. in addition, foreigners who enter and are in the territory of the republic of indonesia can also be expelled. provisions regarding this deportation can be seen in article 42 of law no. 6 of 2011, especially in paragraph (2) point d. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 51-56 55 according to sri setianingsih that: "deportation is an expulsion of foreigners outside the territory of indonesia (outside the territory of a country) on the grounds that the foreigner's territory is not desired by the country concerned." meanwhile, according to i wayan parthiana, that: "the right of a country to expel foreigners who are in their country is known as expulsion or deportation explosion, this expulsion is solely based on the interests of the country itself. so, it has nothing to do with the country of origin or the country from which he originally came." c. black list (block list) black list is a term used in everyday language to replace a list of people who are not allowed to leave indonesia and people who are not allowed to enter indonesian territory. in immigration, this list is called the "prevention and deterrence list". article 1 numbers 13 and 14 of law no. 6 of 2011, stated the meaning of: "prevention is a temporary ban on certain people from leaving indonesian territory based on certain reasons." while "deterrence is a temporary ban on certain people from entering indonesian territory based on certain reasons." based on law no. 6 of 2011, deterring foreigners is carried out because known or suspected of being involved in the activities of an international crime syndicate, while in their own country or in another country being hostile to the indonesian government or committing acts that defame the nation and state of indonesia; suspected of having committed an act contrary to security and public order, decency, religion and the customs of the indonesian people; at the request of a country, a foreigner who tries to avoid being threatened and executed in that country for committing a crime which is also punishable under the law in force in indonesia; have been expelled or deported from indonesian territory; and other reasons related to immigration which are further regulated by government regulations. 3.2. discussion this study identifies the issue of the misuse of work visas by foreign nationals in the immigration sector. the research highlights the importance of strict supervision of tourists entering and leaving indonesia, as well as those engaging in activities within the country. preventive measures, such as rigorous monitoring and regulations, are necessary to prevent immigration crimes and visa misuse. additionally, repressive actions, such as punishment, deportation, or blacklisting, should also be applied when needed. the study recommends a review of the visa-free facility to align it solely with tourism purposes. such an adjustment would enhance immigration supervision and ensure proper visa usage in indonesia. further discussion can propose concrete steps to improve immigration law enforcement and prevent visa misuse in the future. 4. conclusion the bvks facility is a visa-free facility that foreigners can abuse for certain purposes, even though the purpose of the bvks is tourism, social, culture and business. there have been developments in the grace period for granting visa-free facilities for tourism. where tourists can enjoy tourism in indonesia within 2 (two) months. however, this 2 (two) month grace period is considered too long or too long, because in indonesia in general, and in medan in particular, it is rarely up to 2 (two) months. the length or duration of this period can in fact provide opportunities for foreign tourists to commit violations by sharing motivation, such as being misused for work. efforts to prevent or guard against the possibility of an immigration crime, in this case, is the crime of misuse of an immigration permit. meanwhile, repressive actions can be carried out by way of punishment, deportation, or blacklisting. currently law number 6 of 2011 concerning immigration has been socialized by the team from the directorate general of immigration, with various criticisms and responses to the law, the team should make corrections, and corrections that deserve attention. namely regarding the arrangement of laws and regulations regarding immigration, so that later even though it has been passed into law it does not add to the confusion. it is better if the provision of visa-free facilities is reviewed and returned to the background of providing these facilities, namely only for tourism. bibliography arief, b. n. 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be utilized and that cannot be utilized called zoning. until now the most dominant issue facing the fishermen who came from the tribe of bajo, is poverty the cause there is no other choice but to continuously exploit sea resources, poverty often becomes complicated because of poor population it is often considered as the cause of damage to the coastal environment, but on the other hand the poor population also will bear the impact of environmental damage. the methods used in this study i.e. by using qualitative descriptive method, namely the description of penganalisaan data obtained from field studies and libraries by way of describing and explaining the reality of objective research obtained from the results of observation and interview approaches as well as describe the behavior of the community until the creation of the law. research results show that implementation of the truly wakatobi national park zoning to protect marine ecosystems, particularly coral reefs exist in the wakatobi. sustainability of natural resources tersebutnantinya expect able to prosper fishing communities especially in the villages of mola samaturu. though the national park zoning designation wakatibi has yet to get a response is entirely from fishing communities especially villagers mola samaturu because masi felt there was some space for a living sea becomes limited by the existence of zoning. wakatobi national park management in kelolah based on the zoning system, as for the forms is the core zone, the zone of protection zones, exploiting local marine, public utilization zones, tourism and land zone zone/special. keywords: zoning, fishing, natural resources of life. a. pendahuluan taman nasional wakatobi(tnw) merupakan kawasan konserfasi atau kawasan yang dilindungi perairan lautnya, yang tersusun dari empat pula besar yakni wangi-wangi, kaledupa,tomia, dan binongko yang disinkat dengan nama wakatobi. letak kepulauan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum penetapan zonasi terhadapat masyarakat nelayan berdasarkan pasal 23 undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumberdaya alam hayati dan ekosistem page 72 wakatobi berada pada kawasan segitiga karang dunia sesuai dengan visinya surge nyata bawah laut dijantung segitiga karang dunia yaitu wilayah yang memiliki keanekaragaman ekosistem flora laut berupa pohon mangrove, lamun/sea grass, alga dan rumput laut/sea weed dan sumber daya perikanan seperti jenis-jenis ikan pelagis (karang) dan non pelagis (non karang) serta biota lainnya yang tertinggi didunia. juga memiliki jasa lingkungan pesisir yang dapat dimanfaatkan antara lain panorama alam wisata bahari. taman nasional wakatobi ditetapkan berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1990 tentang konserfasi sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya bekerja sama dengan wwf (world wide fund for nature) yang bertujuan untuk terjaminnya system penyangga kehidupan dan pelesetarian keanekaragaman hayati, guna terwujudnya pembangunan ekonomi daerah secara berkelanjutan dan menjamin tersedianya sumber daya mata pencaharian yang berkelanjutan bagi peningkatan kiesejahteraan masyarakat local. taman nasional wakatobi (tnw) dikelola dengan system yang ditetapkan berdasarkan keputusan diirektur jenderal perlindungan hutan dan konservasi alam (phka) nomor sk.149/iv-kk/2007 tanggal 23 juli 2007 oleh balai taman nasional wakatobi bersama pemerintah kabupaten wakatobi, yang bertujuan untuk pemetaan wilayah dan pembatasan daerah yang dapat dimanfaatkan dan yang tidak dapat dimanfaatkan yang disebut dengan zonasi. dalam undang-undang no.5 tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumber alam hayati dan ekosistemnya pasal 23 berbunyi kawasan taman nasional dikelola berdasarkan sistem zonasi yang terdiri dari zona inti, zona pemanfaatan dan zona lainnya sesuai dengan keperluan. taman nasional wakatobi yaitu pembagian perairan wakatobi menjadi empat zona, yaitu zona inti, zona perlindungan bahari, dan zona pariwisata, zona pemanfaatan local, pemanfaatan umum dan zona daratan/khusus. sampai saat ini persoalan yang paling dominan dihadapi nelayan yang berasal dari suku bajo, adalah kemiskinan yang menyebabkan tidak ada pilihan lain selain terus menerus memanfaatkan sumber daya laut, kemiskinan sering menjadi rumit karena penduduk miskin sering dianggap sebagai penyebab rusaknya lingkungan pesisir, issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum penetapan zonasi terhadapat masyarakat nelayan berdasarkan pasal 23 undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumberdaya alam hayati dan ekosistem page 73 namun disisi lain penduduk miskin pula yang akan menanggung dampak dari kerusakan lingkungan tersebut. hal ini muncul baik dikalangan birokrasi dalam taman nasional wakatobi serta pemerintah daerah setempat, karena satu sisi penetapan zonasi dengan asumsi bahwa terjadi keberlanjutan ekosistem kelautan dan perikanan yang kemudian akan memberikan manfaat lebih baik dimasyarakat pengelolahnya, namun disisi lain terjadi ketimpangan karena ada sebagian masyarakat nelayan bajo yang melakukan aktivitas penangkapan ikan dan sumber daya laut lainnya yang belum paham akan system tersebut dan beranggapan zonasi adalah pelarangan untuk pemanfaatan sumber daya laut (sdl), sehingga bila zonasi tersebut dimaksimalkan akan terjadi penurunan dalam pendapatan ekonomi mereka. dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh zonasi secara tidak langsung memberikan efek negative dan positif terhadap nelayan karang karena tempat pemijakan ikan dijadikan sebagai zona wisata dan zona perlindungan bahari yang diperbolehkan hanyalah di zona pemanfaatan local sementara di zona itu nelayan harus mengeluarkan biaya yang cukup banyak dan memakai peralatan yang modern baru bias mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal. kondisi tersebut menyebabkan sering terjadinya konflik pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan sumber daya perikanan dan proses ekologisnya karena masyarakat suku bajo tidak paham akan zonassi dan mereka tetap memanfaatkan sumber daya laut yang berpotensi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup mereka. masyarakat nelayan suku bajo khususnya desa mola samaturu selama ini mengelola laut dengan ketentuan mereka sendiri atau disebut adat bajo yaitu sebelum melaut harus melihat keadaan cuaca, mempersiapkan alat tangkap dan membuang sesajian dilaut sebelum melaut, dan mereka yakin bahwa penghasilnnya ditentukan oleh allah swt kerena laut adalah tempat mereka berkebun dan sebagai kawasan pengembaraan bukan sebuah kawasan yang bias ditanami pohon, laut bagi orang bajo adalah sebuah kawasan yang terbuka untuk siapa saja, setiap orang dapat terjun ke laut dan mencari penghasilan didalamnya dan mereka tidak terlihat seperti orang yang hidup didarat, orang bajo hidup sebagai pengembara laut (sea no-mad) tidak pernah hidup menumpuk harta issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum penetapan zonasi terhadapat masyarakat nelayan berdasarkan pasal 23 undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumberdaya alam hayati dan ekosistem page 74 berdasarkan gambaran yang diuraikan diatas maka permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana penetapan zonasiterhadapm masyarakat nelayan berdasarkan pasal 23 undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumer daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya didesa mola samaturu kecamatan wangi-wangi selatan kabupaten wakatobi dan apa yang menjadi faktor penghambat dan pendukung penetapan zonasi masyarakat nelayan berdasarkan pasal 23 undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumer daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya didesa mola samaturu kecamatan wangi-wangi selatan kabupaten wakatobi. b. metode penelitin metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yaitu gambaran penganalisaan data yang diperoleh dari studi lapangan dan kepustakaan dengan cara menjelaskan dan menerangkan kenyataan objektif penelitian yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi dan wawancara dilapangan serta menggambarkan perilaku masyarakat sampai pembentuk hukum. sehingga diperoleh data yang akurat, baik yang bersifat teoritis kepustakaan maupun yang bersifat praktik yang diperoleh melalui studi lapangan. kemudian dengan menggunakan metode ini dapan mendeskripsikan bagaimna proses pentapan zonasi terhadap masyarakat nelayan di desa mola samaturu kecamatan wangi-wangi selatan kabupaten wakatobi kemudian melihat hal-hal apa yang menjadi factor penghambat dan pendukung pentapan zonasi terhadap masyarakat nelayan khususnya masyarakat desa mola samaturu kecamatan wangi-wangi selatan. c. hasil dan pembahasan 1. proses penetapan zonasi taman nasional wakatobi bagi masyarakat nelayan dalam permenhub no. p. 56/menhut-11/2006 tentang pedoman zonasi taman nasional dijelaskan bahwa zonasi taman nasional adalah suatu proses pengaturan ruang dalam taman nasional menjadi zona-zona. zona taman nasional adalah wilayah dalam kawasan taman nasional yang dibedakan menurut fungsi dan kondisi ekologi, social, ekonomi, dan budaya masyarakat. proses pengaturan tersebut meliputi tujuan kegiatan: 1) persiapan; 2) pengumpulan dan analisis data; 3) penyusunan draf rancangan zonasi; 4) konsultasi public; 5) pengiriman dokumen; 6) tata batas; 7) penetapan. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum penetapan zonasi terhadapat masyarakat nelayan berdasarkan pasal 23 undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumberdaya alam hayati dan ekosistem page 75 menurut penetapan tersebut, penetapan zonasi taman nasional wakatobi ditentukan berdasarkan: 1. pontensi sumber daya alam hayati setempat, 2. tingkat interaksi dengan masyarakat setempat, dan 3. kepentingan efektivitas pengelolaan kawasan yang harus di lakukakn. selain tiga dasar penetapan zonasi tersebut, ada tiga hal penting lainnya yang harus di perhatikan dalam menentukan/membagi zonasi yaitu jenis zona yang butuhkan, luas masing-masing zona dan lokasi zona. untuk merumuskan hal tersebut, pengkajian dan pemahaman terhadap sumberdaya alam hayati dan ekosistem kawasan taman nasional dengan seluruh unsur yang ada di dalamnyamutlak di perlukan.penetapan zonasi taman nasional tidak bersifat permanen serta dapat dilakukan penyesuian dan perubahan sesuai dengan perkembangan dan kepentingan pengelolaan taman nasional, kondisi potensi sumber daya alam dan ekosistemnya. serta kepentingan interaksi dengan masyarakat. dimungkinkan setiap tiga tahun sekali di lakukan evaluasi terhadap perkembangan dan evektifitas zonasi. untuk menjaga kawasan pelestarian alam dan keseimbangan ekosistem maka pemerintah membentuk taman nasional. taman nasional adalah kawasan pelestarian alam yang mempunyai ekosistem asli, dikelolah dengan system zonasi yang dimanfaatkan untuk tujuan penelitian, ilmu pengetahuan, pendidikan, menunjang budaya, pariwisata dan rekreasi (pasal 1 ayat 14) dan pasal 23 yang berbunyi” kawasan taman nasional dikelolah dengan sistem zonasi yang terdiri dari zona inti, zona pemanfaatan dan zona lain sesuai dengan keperluan” (uu no. 5 tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya). zona yang dimaksud disini adalah zona inti, zona pemanfaatan local, zona pemanfaatan umum, zona perlidungan bahari, zona pariwisata, dan zona khusus/daratan. a. zona inti zona inti adalah bagian taman nasional yang mempunyai kodisi alam baik biota atau fisiknya masih asli dan tidak atau di ganggu oleh manusia, yang mutlak di lindungi dan berfungsi sebagai pelindung keanekaragaman hayati yang asli dan khas. tujuan dari zona inti adalah memberikan perlindungan terhadap flora dan fauna yang endemic, langka, terancam, dan keaneka ragamanhayati lainnya. zona issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum penetapan zonasi terhadapat masyarakat nelayan berdasarkan pasal 23 undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumberdaya alam hayati dan ekosistem page 76 inti taman nasional wakatobi meliputi perairan dan sebagian darat pulau moromaho seluas 1300 ha. b. zona perlindungan bahari zona perlindungan bahari adalah bagian dari taman nasional yang karena letak, kondisi dan potensi mampu mendukung pelestarian pada zona inti dan zona pemanfaatan. tujuan dari zona ini memberikan perlidungan dan pelestarian ekosistem flora, fauna dan habitatnya, memberikan manfaat atas potensi sumber daya alam dan lingkungan alam untuk kegiatan penelitian, pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, pemantauan pendidikan lingkunagan dan konservasi alam serta menunjang budidaya dan pariwisata. zona perlidungan bahari taman nasional wakatobi meliputi sebagaian wilayah karang penghalang bagian timur pulau wangi-wangi, karang pasikora, bagian utara dan timur pulau kaledupa, perairan bagian selatan pulau lentea utara, perairan bagian utara pulau darawa, bagian selatan karang kaledupa, pantai dan perairan pulau anano, perairan bagaian tenggara pulau runduma, karang runduma, perairan pulau kente olo, perairan pulau cowo cowo, karang popo, dan perairan pulau moromaho (diluar zona inti) seluas 36.450 ha. c. zona pemanfataan lokal zona pemanfataan lokal adalah zona yang dikembangkan dan dimanfaatkan terbatas secara tradisional untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan sehari-hari bagi masyarakat sekitarnya yang bisa menggantungkan hidupnya pada sumber daya alam laut. tujuan dari zona ini untuk mengakomodasi sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya secara tradisional oleh penduduk setempat dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari serta mencegah kemungkinan terjadinya pemanfaatan yang dapat merusak. luas dari zona pemanfaatan lokal taman nasional wakatobi adalah 804.000 ha. d. zona pemanfaatan umum zona pemanfaatan umum adalah zona yang diperuntukkan bagi pengembangan dan perikanan laut dalam zona pemanfaatan umum merupakan zona taman nasional yang terdapat kegiatan secara tradisional penduduk setempat dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari. tujuan zona pemanfaatan umum adalah memanfaatkan sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya secara tradisional dan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum penetapan zonasi terhadapat masyarakat nelayan berdasarkan pasal 23 undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumberdaya alam hayati dan ekosistem page 77 modern baik oleh penduduk setempat (lokal) wakatobi maupun oleh nelayan/pengusaha perikanan dari luar wakatobi dalam rangka usaha pengembangan perikanan. zona pemanfaatan umum taman nasional wakatobi meliputi sebagian besar wilayah perairan diluar radius 4 mil dari pulau-pulau dan gugusan terumbu karang di wakatobi seluas 495.700 ha. e. zona parawisata zona pariwisata adalah bagian taman nasional yang letak kondisi dan potensi alamnya terutama dimanfaatkan untuk kepentigan parawisata alam dan kondisi (jasa lingkungan lainnya). zona ini memiliki potensi sumber daya alam yang menarik secara fisik dan biologi untuk membangun sarana dan prasarana fisik bagi akomodasi pariwisata alam. zona ini merupakan pusat rekreasi dan kunjungan pariwisata alam, lokasinya berdekatan dengan pemukiman dan mudah dijangkau. fungsi zona pariwisata. 1. mengembangkan pariwisata alam dan rekreasi jasa lingkungan, pendidikan dan penelitian 2. pengembangan yang menunjang pemanfaatan 3. kegiatan penunjang budi daya luas dari zona pariwisata adalah 6.180 ha f. zona daratan/khusus adalah wilayah daratan berupa pulau-pulau yang berpenduduk dan telah berhak kepemilikan atas tanah oleh masyarakat atau elompok masyarakat yang tinggal sebelum wilayah tersebut ditetapkan sebagai taman nasional dimana pengaturannya dilakukan lebih lanjut melalui rencana tata ruang wilayah kabupaten wakatobi. cakupan zona daratan khusus meliputi pulau wangi-wangi dan pulau-pulau kecil disekitarnya yang memiliki luas 46.370 ha. manfaat zonasi tama nasional wakatobi ialah : 1. menjamin pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan sumber daya alam hayati diwilayah perairan wakatobi secara lestari bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat wakatobi 2. meniamin perlindungan masyarakat wakatobi dari para pesaing luar kawasan dalam pemanfaatan sumber daya alam secara berkelanjutan 3. menjamin kelestarian sumber daya alam wilayah taman nasional wakatobi dari tekanan industry perikanan skala besar dengan membatasi operasi penangkapan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum penetapan zonasi terhadapat masyarakat nelayan berdasarkan pasal 23 undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumberdaya alam hayati dan ekosistem page 78 diluar zona pemnfaatan lokal (lokasi tangkap perikanan skala besar hanya dapat dilkakuan di zona pemanfaatan ini) 4. menjamin kelestarian sumber daya alam wilayah taman nasional wakatobi dari penangkapan tidak ramah yang dapat merusak ekosistem perairan sebagai sumber ekonomi wakatobi 2. faktor penghambat dan factor pendukung dalam pengelolaan penetapan zonasi dalam upaya produktifitas sumber daya laut da pesisir agar dapat berkelanjutan dan memberikan kontribusi yang besar bagi masyarakat nelayan, yang perlu dilakukan adala memperabaiki pengelolaan sumber daya tersebut. untuk mencapai tujuan itu, proses pembuatan kebijakan dan implementasinya harus disederhanakan melalui idetifikasi dan pemecahan kembali hal-hal yang tumpang tindih, yang berpotensi terjadi pada lintas sektoral dalam pemanfaatan ekosistem, sumber daya dan daerah daratan. pemerintah harus menciptkan suatu mekanisme untuk wilayah laut dan pengelolaan sumber dayanya dengan memasukan definisi structural. kerangka acuan, laporan bentuk hubungan dan pertanggung jawaban, serta formulasi kebijakannya. kemudian ditemukan pula fungsi dari seuruh pemerintah serta fungsi peranan pengelolaan dan kemampuan setiap tingkatan pemerintahan kelembagaan diberbagai daerah yang menjadi target pembangunan. karena kita memiliki sumber daya pengelolaan (finansial, sumber daya manusia dan lain-lain) yang terbatas, seharusnya diupayakan proses penetapan institusi dan daerah yang dijadikan dalam pengawasan pengelolaan sumber daya laut pemerintah (balai taman nasional) mendapatkan beberapa kendala atau fakta penghambat dan pedukung proses pengelolaannya diantaranya sebagai berikut : a. faktor penghambat 1. kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat nelayan tentang zonasi 2. kurangnya informasi 3. kurangnya kerjasama antara masyarakat nelayan dengan pihak-pihak yang terkait dalam pengelolaan sumber daya laut 4. kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat nelayan mengenai alat tangkap yang kurang bijaksana 5. kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat nelayan tentang pentingnya ekosistem laut dan lain sebagainya issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum penetapan zonasi terhadapat masyarakat nelayan berdasarkan pasal 23 undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumberdaya alam hayati dan ekosistem page 79 b. faktor pendukung 1. dengan penetapan zonasi menjadikan kabupaten wakatobi sebagai cagar biosfer segitiga karang dunia 2. dengan penetaan zonasi mencegah terjadinya pengrusakan ekosistem laut 3. dengan penetapan zonasi mencegah terjadinya kepunahan 4. dengan penetapan zonasi ikan akan berkembang supaya dapat dinikmati oleh anak cucu kita nanti 5. penetapan zonasi merupakan kebijakan pemerintah dalam pemanfaatan keanekaragaman laut secara berkelanjutan dan lain sebagainya. 3. penetapan zonasi sebagai kebijakan pemerintahan dalam pemanfaatan keanekaragaman laut secara berkelanjutan bagi masyarakat nelayan. keanekaragaman ekosistem laut wakatobi sangat tinggi dan berpotensi, terdapat berbagai jenis ikan, flora dan fauna, alga, lamun, rumput laut, terumbu karang serta biota laut lainnya. masyarakat desa mola samaturu menjadikan laut sebagai tumpuan kehidupannya. masyarakata beranggapan laut merupakan tempat hudup dan matinya hanyalah di laut, hal ini berkaitan erat dengan semakin tipisnya keberadaan sumberdaya alam, sementara kebutuhan dan kegiatan sehari-hari harus terus berlangsung, terutama menciptakan masyarakat yang sejahtera. ironisnya potensi yang sedemikian tinggi itu saat ini terancam kelestariannya, terutama oleh eksploitasi yang berlebihan, kerusakan fisik habitat utama dan munculnya kasus pencemaran di wilayah laut. oleh sebab itu, pemerintah membentuk konservasi yang mutlak di perlukan agar kekayaan sumber daya laut dapat diselamatkan dan di manfaatkan untuk menunjang kegiatan pembangunan, baik untuk generasi sekarang atau yang akan datang. dalam menhadapi situasi yang sekarang dan yang akan dating, pada prinsipnya ada 3 kebijakan pokok yang harus di tempuh pemerintah agar dapat memanfaatkan sumberdaya laut secara berkelanjutan untuk kesejahtreraan masyarakat. pertama adalah kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan upaya-upaya penyelamatan keaneka ragaman hayati laut, khususnya yang bersifat langkah, endemic (yang hanya hidup di indonesia), hamper punah, atau di lindungi. kelompok kebijakan pertama ini bisa di kenal sebagai “ to save marine biodiversity” kedua adalah kebijakan yang berhubungan dengan berbagai kegiatan penelitian dan pengkajian tentang seluruh aspek keaneka ragaman pesisir dan laut, atau di kenal dengan “ to study marine biodiversity”. ketiga adalah issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum penetapan zonasi terhadapat masyarakat nelayan berdasarkan pasal 23 undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumberdaya alam hayati dan ekosistem page 80 kebijakan yang berhubungan dengan cara-cara kita memanfaatkan keaneka ragaman hayati pesisir dan laut secara optimal dan lestari bagi kesejahtreraan bangsa. d. penutup penerapan zonasi taman nasional wakatobi sesungguhnya untuk melindungi ekosistem laut, khususnya terumbu karang yang ada di wakatobi. kelestarian sumber daya alam tersebutnantinya di harapkan mampu mensejahterakan masyarakat nelayan khususnya di desa mola samaturu. penetapan zonasi olah taman nasional wakatibi belum mendapatkan respon sepenuhnya dari masyarakat nelayan khususnya masyarakat desa mola samaturu karena masi ada beberapa masyarakat yang merasa ruang gerak untuk mencari nafkah laut menjadi terbatas dengan adanya zonasi. pengelolaan taman nasional wakatobi di kelolah berdasarkan system zonasi, adapun bentuk-bentuknya ialah zona inti, zona perlindungan bahari, zona pemanfaatan lokal, zona pemanfaatan umum, zona pariwisata dan zona daratan/khusus. daftar pustaka alikodra hs. 1987. manfaat taman nasional bagi masyarakat di sekitarnya. media konservasi ( balai tnw ) balai taman nasional wakatobi. 2007. data base taman nasional wakatobi. baubau: balai tnw. balai taman nasional wakatobi dan pemda wakatobi, 2007 buku zonasi taman nasional wakatobi. rokhmin dahuri,dkk. 2004 pengelolaan sumber daya wilaya pesisir dan laut secara terpadu, jakarta: pt. paradnya paramita. dewanto h. 2010. perubahan sosial: wajah baru suku bajo. nasional, taman 2007. buku taman nasional kabupan wakatobi. kerjasama tnc/wwf. pemerintah daerah kabupan wakatobi. nasution, teknik sampling, dalam riduwan dan akdon, rumus dan data dalam aplikasi statistika,(bandung: alfabeta,2006), h 240. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum penetapan zonasi terhadapat masyarakat nelayan berdasarkan pasal 23 undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumberdaya alam hayati dan ekosistem page 81 suyuti n. 2011. orang bajo di tengah perubahan. perpustakaan nasional. penerbit ombak yogyajarta. rudianto, wahyu dan priambudi santoso 2011, memilih alternatif pengelolaan taman nasional wakatobi yang efektif. joinnuliswakatobipdf.pdf jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 1, december 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 54 juridistic review of law of community awareness in ulunggolaka village in land registration patmasari1 abstract author’s information: this study aims to determine and analyze the legal awareness of the ulunggolaka community in registering land and to find out and analyze the causal factors so that there are still ulunggolaka urban communities who do not register land. the research method used is empirical legal research that examines primary data obtained from observations, questionnaires, and interviews. the results of this study indicate that the legal awareness of ulunggolaka village community in conducting land registration is still relatively low by referring to the answers of respondents who have given their answers based on four legal awareness indicators, namely: (1) legal knowledge, (2) understanding of the law, (3) ) legal attitude and (4) pattern of legal behavior. the causal factor so that there are still ulunggolaka urban communities who do not register their land is based on the low legal awareness of the community of the importance of securing assets (land) by obtaining guarantees and legal certainty so that ownership is not strongest and cannot be disturbed, and besides that the community is unable to meet the requirements that must be completed in carrying out land registration, especially proof of the origin of the land, plus the expensive costs and administrative arrangements that are difficult for the community. keywords: land; uupa; registration; community 1 universitas 19 november kolaka, indonesia (patma.klik@gmail.com ) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i1.495 1. introduction ownership right which is one of the types of land rights known in the indonesian agrarian law (uupa). definition of property rights based on the provisions of article 20 paragraph (1) of the uupa stipulates that “hak milik adalah hak yang turun temurun, terkuat dan terpenuh yang dapat dipunyai orang atas tanah, dengan mengingat ketentuan pasal 6” (property rights are rights that are hereditary, strongest and most fully owned by people on land, bearing in mind the provisions of article 6) with the issuance of the indonesian agrarian law, the dualism of land rights was abolished, in the memory of the clarification of the uupa it was stated that for land registration as referred to in article 19 of the uupa, aimed at the government to carry out land registration in all regions of indonesia aimed at ensuring certainty recht kadaster's law (ismaya, 2011), in the direction of granting certainty over land rights, has been regulated in article 19 of the uupa that states: 1. land registration is carried out keeping in mind the state and community conditions, socio-economic traffic requirements and the possibility of organizing them according to the minister of agrarian's consideration. 2. in the government regulation above the costs related to registration are included in paragraph 1 above, provided that the people who are unable to be exempt from payment of these costs. mailto:patma.klik@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.495 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.495 jurnalhukumvolkgeist patmasari. 4(1): 54-62 55 the regulations made by the government are aimed at all citizens to be implemented as they should, but there is still even a lot that we get in the scope of society, especially rural or inland communities and even people who live in urban areas do not register land (lubis, a. r., & lubis, 2011) this is caused by many factors so that there are still many members of a community who do not register land, so a special review of this is needed so that the causes can be identified so that there are still many people who do not register land. land issues, from an empirical point of view, are very closely related to everyday events both for lower, middle and upper class economic communities. evictions, making certificates, renting, and other problems we inevitably face. these problems appear to be increasingly complex with the issuance of various regulations and debureaucratization policies in the field of land in welcoming the era of free trade (sumardjono & maria, 2001). 2. literature review 2.1. land rights in law number 5 of 1960 concerning basic agrarian regulations article 16 paragraph 1 states "land rights are: a. right of ownership b. building rights c. usage rights d. lease rights (tutik quarterly point: 2006, jakarta) e. right to open land f. the right to collect forest products g. other rights not included in the rights mentioned above that will be determined by law and rights temporary nature as mentioned in article 53 (ismaya, 2011) in the registration of transfer of land rights because the grant referred to as land rights is the right to land with the status of ownership rights (law no. 4 of 1996) 2.2. transfer of land rights transfer of land rights occurs because: a. legal actions of removal b. the elements and nature of the grant agreement c. objects and restrictions in the grant agreement. according to the provisions contained in article 1667 of the civil code which are “hibah hanyalah dapat mengenai benda – benda yang sudah ada. jika hibah itu meliputi benda – benda yang baru akan ada di kemudian hari, maka sekadar mengenai itu hibahnya batal” (grants can only affect objects that already exist. if the grant covers items which will only be available in the future, then only about that the grant will be canceled) making a deed of grant testament: if you wish to make a will in accordance with civil code section 839, the making of a will may be made by an act made in the presence of a notary or by a will made under the hand or written by another person or typed and subsequently signed and subsequently passed to notary to keep and then to that storage notary will create the storage act. if they are muslims in accordance with article 195 paragraph 1 of the compilation of islamic law (khi), the will is taken orally in front of 2 (two) witnesses, or written in front of 2 (two) witnesses, or in the presence of a notary. article 196 of the khi further jurnalhukumvolkgeist patmasari. 4(1): 54-62 56 specifies that in written and oral will it must be stated clearly and clearly that any person or entity appointed shall receive the property in question. when a will is made in a closed (confidential) state then the will may be kept at the place of the notary who made it or elsewhere, as specified in article 203 paragraph (1) of the khi. land rights that can be transferred or transferred are: a. right of ownership. b. cultivation rights. c. building rights. d. usage rights. e. proprietary rights to flat units. (article 2 paragraph 3 of law no. 21 of 1997) in the registration of transfer of land rights because the grant is clear, the intended transfer of rights is the transfer of rights caused by the grant. (law no. 21 of 1997) 2.3. ppat in the government regulation of the republic of indonesia number 37 of 1998 concerning regulation of land deed making officials article 1 paragraph 1 explains the definition of land deed making officials which reads: pejabat pembuat akta tanah, selanjutnya disebut ppat adalah pejabat umum yang diberi kewenangan untuk membuat akta-akta otentik mengenai perbuatan hukum tertentu mengenai hak atas tanah atau hak milik atas satuan rumah susun. (land deed making official, hereinafter referred to as ppat, is a public official who is authorized to make authentic deeds concerning certain legal actions regarding land rights or ownership rights over flats units). 2.4. national land agency (bpn) national land agency (abbreviated as bpn) is a non-ministerial government institution in indonesia that has the task of carrying out governmental duties in the field of land according to the provisions of the legislation. bpn was formerly known as the agrarian office. bpn is regulated through presidential regulation number 20 year 2015. 2.5. land registration a. definition of land registration the definition of land registration is explained in government regulation number 24 of 1997 concerning land registration article 1 paragraph 1 which reads land registration is a series of activities carried out by the government continuously, continuously and regularly including the collection, processing, bookkeeping, and presentation and maintenance of physical data and juridical data in the form of maps and lists (sumardjono & maria, 2001). b. object of land registration based on government regulation no. 24/1997 article 9 states that land registration objects include: 1) plots of land that are owned with ownership rights, business use rights, building rights and use rights. 2) land management rights. 3) land of waqf. jurnalhukumvolkgeist patmasari. 4(1): 54-62 57 4) proprietary rights in flat units. 5) mortgage. 6) state land. c. land registration for the first time and maintenance of land registration data in government regulation number 24 of 1997 it is explained that in the implementation of land registration, it includes land registration for the first time and maintenance of land registration data. 2.6. legal awareness a. understanding of legal awareness legal awareness is self-awareness without pressure, coercion, or orders from outside to submit to applicable law. the meaning of legal awareness in society has an important meaning in supporting the maintenance of law (law inforcement). every community in the jurisdiction of the country is certainly demanded to have legal awareness (arliman, 2015). some experts provide an understanding of "awareness" and legal compliance, mentioned only a view, they are: soekanto, (1982) stated that legal awareness is actually awareness or values found in human beings about existing laws or expected laws, while according to arliman (2015) stated that within the limits of a broad understanding of legal awareness is the potential of a community that must culture culturally so that it is binding and can be forced. b. indicators of legal awareness there are four indicators of legal awareness, each of which is a subsequent stage, namely; 1) legal knowledge, 2) understanding the law, 3) legal attitude and, 4) pattern of legal behavior. 3. research methods the object of research in this study is the things that occur in the community that are not in accordance with the expectations and legal objectives to discipline administrative and juridical land registration by finding information and taking samples from research subjects . the subject of this current research is within the scope of ulunggolaka subdisrtict, regarding legal awareness of the ulunggolaka community in registering land and the causal factors so that there are some people who do not carry out land registration. thus this research is limited in the scope of the ulunggolaka village. the sources of the author are the officials of the ulunggolaka village chief, the ulunggolaka village head, the village secretary and the head of the environment. by taking 11 respondents from the ulunggolaka community. in collecting the data, this research obtained the data through employing some general metthods of data collection, they are: 1) interview method; it is a method used by a person for a certain purpose, trying to get information or a verbal stand from several respondents through conversing, face to face with that person. the author conducted interviews with several residents; 2) the observation method, it is a data collection technique that is done by the writer with direct observation in the field to get data from the study population, both in the form of subjects and objects that are related to research; 2) literature study, it is a method of collecting data by means of a method of collecting jurnalhukumvolkgeist patmasari. 4(1): 54-62 58 data by studying some literature that is relevant to research and aims to obtain supporting data to strengthen arguments. the library materials used in the preparation of this final project are particularly law number 5 of 1960 concerning agrarian principles, government regulation number 24 of 1997 concerning land registration, civil code and other reference books the population to be taken in this study is grouped into two groups, namely the group of citizens who own land with a middle to upper economy and the group of citizens who have land with a lower middle economy. in this study the sample used is to take several residents from each group that has been categorized in the population. this study uses qualitative data analysis, an analysis that combines data in the form of observations, interviews, written material in the form of laws, documents, books, and others. 4. results and discussion 4.1. legal awareness level of ulunggolaka kelurahan community in conducting land registration to find out the level of legal awareness of ulunggolaka village, latambaga subdistrict, kolaka regency in the land registration registration, the author uses indicators raised by soerjano soekanto, where there are four indicators of legal awareness, each of which is a stage for the next stage, namely: (1 ) legal knowledge; (2) understanding of law; (3) legal attitude; and (4) legal behavior patterns (soerjano soekanto: 1982: 140) table 1. description of legal knowledge no questions total sk k fk u su 1 land registration is regulated through applicable laws. 2 12 186 2 the procedure for registering land is regulated in pp no 24 of 1997 concerning land registration. 200 3 in registering land, it must go through an authentic ppat deed as regulated in government regulation no. 37 concerning regulation of the official position of land deed maker 200 4 do you know that ownership of the land certificate is mandatory for community members? 2 5 193 5 do you know the conditions for registering land? 2 10 188 6 do you know how much it costs to arrange and make a land certificate? 2 6 192 7 do you know the functions and uses of land registration? 13 24 163 8 do you know the time and place of land registration? 4 18 178 9 if land registration that violates applicable regulations is subject to severe sanctions. 2 8 22 168 total 2 33 97 1.650 source: processed primary data jurnalhukumvolkgeist patmasari. 4(1): 54-62 59 information:  ek : extremely know  k : know  ke : know enough  u :unknown  eu :extremely unknown based on the above table it can be seen that the most number of answers is "unknown/u" which is followed by the answer "extremely unknown/eu". this shows that the legal knowledge of the respondents in this study can be categorized as very less. however, it should be appreciated because there are still some respondents who answered "knowing/k and know enough / ke”. but the numbers are very far below. based on answers to questions about legal knowledge answered by research respondents it can be seen that the behavior patterns of respondents' legal knowledge are in the low category. as said by soerjono soekanto, legal knowledge is someone's knowledge of a number of certain behaviors that are regulated by law. of course, the law in question is written and unwritten law. this knowledge is related to prohibited behavior or behavior that is allowed by law (soerjono soekanto: 1982: 141) b. legal understanding overall, the legal understanding examined through this questionnaire was in the form of 7 questions. categorizing the responses of research respondents to the understanding of the law can be known through the answers of respondents who are residents of kelurahan ulunggolaka. overall understanding of the respondent's law can be seen in the following table table 2 description of legal understanding no questions total su u fu du sdu 1 do you understand the conditions needed for land registration? 20 37 23 120 2 do you understand the mechanism instructions in the land registry? 5 15 20 160 3 do you understand all the forms listed in the land registration? 200 4 do you understand the purpose of land registration? 3 5 5 187 5 do you understand the procedure for making a land certificate? 5 15 20 160 6 do you understand that if you do not have a land certificate, you are vulnerable to unilateral claims, land disputes, and so on. 20 37 30 113 7 do you understand the use of the land certificate? 8 13 37 142 total 61 122 135 1.082 source: processed primary data. information:  su = strongly understood jurnalhukumvolkgeist patmasari. 4(1): 54-62 60  u= understood  fu = fairly understood  du = don’t understand  sdu= strongly don’t understand based on the table above it can be seen that the most number of answers is "don't understand / du". this shows that the legal understanding of respondents in this study can be categorized as very low. c. legal attitude description of legal attitudes no questions total sa a fa d sd 1 what is your attitude towards the requirements for land registration? 6 12 31 38 113 2 what is the attitude of the parent / guardian to the system of landmarking in the land registry? 4 13 37 146 3 what is the attitude of mr / mrs to the service of officials in land registration (eg, slow service, etc.)? 6 8 186 4 what is your attitude towards the fees charged in registering land? 2 9 189 5 what is your response to the registration mechanism in making a land certificate? 2 6 6 186 6 what is your attitude towards the obligation to have a land certificate? 5 9 17 169 7 what is your response regarding ptsl (complete systematic land registration)? 2 6 11 88 93 total 8 29 78 203 1.082 source: processed primary data.  sa : strongly agree  a : agree  fa : fairly agree  d : disagree  sd : strongly disagree based on the table above, it can be seen that the most number of research respondents' answers were "strongly disagree / sd". this shows that the legal attitude of the respondents is lacking or low. this is supported by the subsequent vote from the respondent who stated "disagree / d" which shows that the legal attitude of the respondents of this study was classified as very low or very low. d. pattern of legal behavior description of legal behavior patterns no questions total sa a fa d sd 1 before registering your land, you ask in detail the relevant government official / ppat. 86 79 32 2 2 mr / mrs registered the land through an official process, good and right, not through brokers or other things. 27 69 55 42 7 jurnalhukumvolkgeist patmasari. 4(1): 54-62 61 3 before registering the land mr / mrs prepare things that need to be prepared. 97 86 7 6 4 4 you will not violate the regulations on registering land because it is against the law and can be convicted. 99 67 25 9 5 you are more interested in registering the land if the local government often holds socialization. 188 12 6 what is your attitude towards the program carried out by the government to accelerate the making of land certificates? 189 9 1 1 7 what is your attitude towards the obligation to own a land certificate? 3 5 11 181 total 686 325 125 71 192  sa : strongly agree  a : agree  fa : fairly agree  d : disagree  ed : extremely disagree based on the table above, it can be seen that the most number of research respondents' answers are "strongly agree / sa". this shows that the pattern of respondents' legal behavior can be categorized very well, which is supported by respondents with the second most votes "agree / a", which shows that the respondent's answers are categorized very well. then based on the description of the research respondents' answers above it can be seen that the legal behavior of the respondents is classified as very good. 4.2. cause factors ulunggolaka sub-district community does not register their land. there are several factors that cause the ulunggolaka kelurahan community not to register their land, as follows: 1. lack of public awareness to obtain guarantees and legal certainty. based on our interview with one of the speakers, mr. b. abbas, as the head of the land management section at the kolaka regency bpn office regarding the legal awareness of the ulunggolaka village community in conducting land registration said: “ada beberapa masyarakat dari kelurahan ulunggolaka yang datang untuk mengurus sertifikat tanah, tapi alasannya untuk kepentingan lain, yaitu untuk dijadikan jaminan di bank dan sebagainya”. (there are some people from the village of ulunggolaka who come to take care of the land certificate, but the reason is for other purposes, namely to be used as collateral in banks and so on) this was also strengthened by the blessing of the head of the kelurahan ulunggolaka village who said “sama sekali tidak pernah kami persulit warga yang mau mengurus sertifikat tanahnya, bahkan kami bantu jika perlu” (we have never made it difficult for residents who want to take care of their land certificates, we even help if necessary). 2. costs based on the economic level of 80%, the ulunggolaka urban community is in the middle to lower economy, so that it becomes one of the obstacles when they want to register their jurnalhukumvolkgeist patmasari. 4(1): 54-62 62 land where the cost of making certificates is relatively expensive for the community. this is also supported by the expression of a citizen who became our respondent who said that “daripada urus sertipikat sendiri yang biayanya mahal lebih baik tunggu bantuan pemerintah saja ( kegiatan – kegiatan pendaftaran tanah dari bpn yang gratis” (instead of taking care of the certificate itself, which is expensive, it is better to wait for government assistance (land registration activities from bpn that are free). 3. administration management this is supported by the actions of the community who are enthusiastic about registering land when there is a land registration project that enters the ulunggoalaka kelurahan with one of the reasons is that it is easy to manage, there is no need to go far to kolaka to take care of this and that so it does not take much time which time is can be used to work for a living as expressed by mr. husen: ”saya senang kalau ada bantuan sertifikat tanah yang datang, karna pengurusannya mudah sehingga kita tidak perlu jauh – jauh ke kolaka untuk mengurus semua itu karna semua pengurusannya di kelurahan, sehingga waktu kita untuk bekerja tidak terganggu.” (i am glad that land assistance came, because the management is easy so we don't have to go far to kolaka to take care of all of that because all of the management is done in the village, so that our time to work is not interrupted). 4. conclusion the legal awareness of ulunggolaka village community in conducting land registration is still relatively low by referring to the answers of respondents who have provided answers based on four legal awareness indicators, namely: (1) legal knowledge, (2) understanding of the law, (3) legal attitude and (4) pattern of legal behavior. the contributing factor so that there are still ulunggolaka village communities who do not register their land is based on the low legal awareness of the community of the importance of securing assets (land) by obtaining guarantees and legal certainty so that their ownership is not strongest and cannot be disturbed, and besides that the community is unable to fulfill the requirements that must be completed in registering land, especially proof of the origin of the land, plus the expensive costs and administrative arrangements that are difficult for the community. reference arliman, l. (2015). penegakan hukum dan kesadaran masyarakat. yogyakarta: deeppublish. ismaya, s. (2011). pengantar hukum agraria. yogyakarta: graha ilmu. khuzafah dimyati, k. w. (2004). metode penelitian hukum. surakarta. lubis, a. r., & lubis, m. y. (2011). pencabutan hak, pembebasan, dan pengadaan tanah. bandung: mandar maju. soekanto, s. (1982). kesadaran hukum& kepatuhan hukum. jakarta: rajawali. sumardjono, & maria, s. w. (2001). kebijakan pertanahan antara regulasi dan implementasi. jakarta: kompas. issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 residivis dalam perspektif sosiologi hukum 104 residivis dalam perspektif sosiologi hukum la patuju sakticakra salimin afamery fakultas hukum universitas halu oleo kendari dosen hukum tata negara e-mail:lapatuju@gmail.com e-mail: sakti.cakra15@gmail.com abstrak. munculnya kelompok residivis atau kejahatan yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang merupakan bukti lemahnya penerapan sistem hukum khususnya pada aspek pemberian sanksi. pemberian sanksi selama ini hanya sekedar memberikan rasa malu, namun tidak memberikan efek jera kepada pelanggar hukum. dalam perspektif sosiologi hukum, jika kondisi ini tetap dipertahankan akan muncul patologi sosial dalam masyarakat yakni kelompok yang melakukan pelanggaran hukum namun sudah tidak memiliki rasa malu atau dikenal dengan istilah residivis. kondisi ini bukan berarti sudah tidak dapat dicegah, akan tetapi semuanya akan dapat diatasi jikalau semua pihak mulai dari aparat penegak hukum, praktisi, pemerintah, dan masyarakat mau mempertemukan persepsi untuk bekerjasama dalam rangka memberantas penyakit sosial ini. cukup dengan menciptakan sebuah sistem hukum yang membuat nyaman dan dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat, maka sistem itu akan berjalan efektif. kata kunci:residivis, perspektif dan sosiologi hukum abstract the emergence of groups of recidivists or crimes committed repeatedly is evidence of weak implementation of the legal system, especially in the aspect of sanctions. sanctions for this just gives a shame, but it does not provide a deterrent effect to offenders. in the perspective of sociology of law, if this condition is maintained will appear social pathology in a socie ty that is the group that have violated the law, but they have no shame or known as recidivists. this condition does not mean that is not preventable, but everything will be overcome if all parties including law enforcement agencies, practitioners, government, and the people need to reconcile the perception to cooperate in order to eradicate this social disease. simply by creating a legal system that makes it convenient and needed by the community, then the system would operate effectively. keywords: recidivists, perspectives and sociology of law mailto:lapatuju@gmail.com issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 residivis dalam perspektif sosiologi hukum 105 a. pendahuluan masyarakat dan ketertibannya merupakan dua hal yang berhubungan sangat erat, bahkan bisa juga dikatakan sebagai dua sisi dari satu mata uang. susah untuk mengatakan adanya masyarakat tanpa ada suatu ketertiban, bagaimanapun kualitasnya (rahardjo,2000). kehidupan dalam masyarakat yang sedikit banyak berjalan dengan tertib dan teratur ini tentu didukung oleh suatu tatanan yang dinamakan norma hukum. norma hukum disebut juga dengan norma tingkah laku. hukum merumuskan perbuatan-perbuatan yang diperintahkan untuk dilakukan dalam bentuk yang umum, sehingga dengan satu norma saja bisa mencakup banyak macam perbuatan di dalamnya (rahardjo, 2000). dalam perspektif inilah yang kemudian hukum dapat dikatakan berjalan efektif jika terdapat potensi untuk mengatur peristiwa hukum. dalam perkembangan hukum di indonesia, terdapat beberapa ketimpangan serta peristiwa-peristiwa hukum lainnya yang sudah mencapai angka yang relatif tinggi. yang mejadikan hal itu terjadi, salah satunya adalah lemahnya pemberian sanksi atau hukuman bagi pelanggar hukum. pemberian sanksi terhadap pelanggar hukum di indonesia hanya bersifat memberikan rasa “malu”, bukan memberikan efek “jera”. para penegak hukum dengan antusiasnya memamerkan pasal-pasal yang berjejaljejal dalam pengadilan untuk menjerat pelaku pelanggaran hukum namun hasil yang didapatkan hanya keberhasilan semu, karena mereka tidak didukung dengan sistem pemberian sanksi yang menimbulkan efek jera. pertanyaan yang muncul kemudian adalah bagaimana dengan pelanggar hukum yang sudah hilang rasa malunya, apakah sanksi yang berupa hukuman kurungan dapat membuat mereka jera ? itulah yang menjadi masalah krusial dalam aspek hukum yang melanda bangsa ini. akibat dari masalah ini adalah munculnya patologi sosial atau penyakit masyarakat yang melahirkan beberapa oknum tertentu yang kesibukannya hanya sebatas “kelaur masuk bui”. patologi sosial yang dimaksud adalah munculnya kelompok residivis. residivis adalah istilah dalam hukum untuk jenis kejahatan yang tidak dapat issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 residivis dalam perspektif sosiologi hukum 106 dihentikan akan tetapi hanya dapat dicegah. ibarat jenis penyakit yang tidak dapat diobati dan hanya dapat dicegah. dalam kamus bahasa indonesia (2008), istilah residivis diartikan sebagai orang yang pernah dihukum mengulangi tindak kejahatan yang serupa atau biasa disebut penjahat kambuhan. dengan demikian, menjadi penting bagi penulis untuk menelaah secara kritis seputar pandangan sosiologi hukum mengenai fenomena residivis yang melanda bangsa dewasa ini. b. metode penelitian terdapat berbagai pendekatan dalam ilmu sosial dan yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah pendekatan fenomenologi, untuk melihat dan memahami fenonema sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat. nindito (2005) mengungkapkan bahwa ide dasar dari fenomenologi schutz bukan sebagai suatu teori atau pendekatan, tetapi merupakan bentuk gerakan yang bersifat filosofis di abad 20-an yang menjadikan ilmu sosial termasuk dalam ilmu humaniora. dalam artian bahwa, aktor sosial menjalankan peran simultan untuk membangun makna dan memberikan nilai dalam setiap interaksi. dengan demikian, fenomena residivis dikaji dari perspektif sosiologi hukum melalui pendekatan fenomenologi untuk menghasilkan kajian kritis dan reflektif. telaah yang terdapat di dalamnya merupakan deskripsi fenomenologis yang menggambarkan peristiwa hukum yang berkaitan dengan residivis dan berbagai problematikanya di masyarakat. hal ini didapatkan dari diskusi langung maupun tak langsung yang diperoleh dari oknum pelaku dan pihak-pihak yang mengetahui seluk beluk mengenai residivis. fenomena tersebut kemudian didekati dan dikaji dari perspektif sosiologi hukum. c. kerangka teori konsep residivis pengertian residivis menurut pendapat para ahli hukum pidana, seperti; (1) yonkers, bahwa residivis itu merupakan alasan untuk memperberat hukuman dan bisa juga memperingan hukuman; (2) hazenwinkel dan pompe, dengan alasan serupa dengan yongkers, bahwa residivis sebagai alasan memperberat dan meringankan hukuman; (3) vos berpendapat bahwa residivis adalah sebagai alasan untuk memperberat hukuman; (4) utrecht berpendapat bahwa residivis sama issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 residivis dalam perspektif sosiologi hukum 107 dengan gabungan yang dijadikan sebagai dasar pertimbangan untuk memperberat hukuman; (5) soesilo juga berpendapat yang sama dengan utrecht mengenai residivis yaitu residivis sama dengan gabungan yang dijelaskan dalam pasal 486 sampai dengan 488 kuhp (ngani, 1984). berdasarkan beberapa pendapat para ahli tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa residivis merupakan alasan pemberatan hukuman dan residivis bisa digolongkan ke dalam gabungan. pompe berpendapat bahwa persamaan antara residivis dengan gabungan ialah bahwa pelaku perbuatan tersebut telah berturut-turut melakukan perbuatan pidana. sedangkan perbedaannya adalah bahwa kalau dalam gabungan antara perbuatan yang satu dengan yang lainnya belum pernah ada vonis hakim. sedangkan vos berpendapat bahwa persamaan antara keduanya ialah (dengan lebih menitik beratkan samenloop/concurcus realis) bahwa satu orang telah melakukan beberapa peristiwa pidana. sedangkan perbedaannnya ialah bahwa dalam soal residivis, diantara peristiwa-peristiwa pidana yang dilakukan itu sudah ditetapkan suatu hukuman/vonis hakim (ngani, 1984). dalam istilah hukum positif pengertian pengulangan tindak pidana (residivis) adalah dikerjakannya suatu tindak pidana oleh seseorang sesudah ia melakukan tindak pidana lain yang telah mendapat keputusan akhir (suerodibroto, 2004). artinya, pemberatan pidana terhadap residivis dapat berlaku apabila ia telah mendapatkan keputusan hukum yang tetap atas perbuatan yang sama. adapun sebab-sebab terjadinya pemberatan pidana (abidin, 2007) adalah sebagai berikut: 1. pelakunya adalah orang yang sama; 2. terulangnya tindak pidana dan untuk tindak pidana terdahulu telah dijatuhi pidana oleh suatu keputusan hakim; 3. si pelaku sudah pernah menjalani hukuman atau hukuman penjara yang dijatuhkan terhadapnya; 4. pengulangan terjadi dalam waktu tertentu. jadi tidak sembarang perbuatan pidana seseorang bisa dikatakan sebagai issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 residivis dalam perspektif sosiologi hukum 108 residivis, karena ada kriteria atau ketentuan-ketentuan yang telah diatur atau ditetapkan, sehingga perbuatan pidana bisa dikatakan sebagai residivis. berdasarkan pengertian recidivis di atas merupakan sama dengan pengulangan tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh seseorang yang telah pernah dipidana. hampir sama dengan ajaran perbarengan/gabungan dalam melakukan tindak pidana, akan tetapi di antara keduanya ada perbedaannya. di dalam kitab undang-undang hukum pidana (kuhp) ada 2 (dua) macam residivis (sumidjo, 1985), yaitu: 1. residivis umum (general recidive), maksudnya tidak diperhatikan sifat perbuatan pidana yang diulangi, artinya asal saja residivis mengulangi perbuatan pidana, meskipun perbuatan tersebut tidak sejenis dengan perbuatan pidana terdahulu akan tetapi tetap digolongkan sebagai pengulangan. residivis umum diatur dalam pasal 486 sampai dengan pasal 488 kuhp. 2. residivis khusus (special residive), maksudnya sifat dari pada perbuatan pidana yang diulangi sangat diperhatikan, artinya perbuatan yang diulangi harus semacam atau segolongan dengan perbuatan pidana terdahulu, atas perbuatan apa yang bersangkutan pernah menjalani hukuman. menurut ajaran residivis khusus, maka setiap pasal kuhp mempunyai ajaran peraturan tentang resdivis tersendiri, seperti dalam pasal 489 ayat (2), pasal 495 ayat (2), pasal 512 ayat (3) dan seterusnya. perspektif sosiologi hukum sosiologi hukum memadukan dua istilah yang awalnya digunakan secara terpisah, yakni sosiologi dan hukum. secara terminologis yang dimaksudkan dengan hukum disini bukan ilmu hukum, melainkan berbagai bentuk kaidah sosial atau norma, etika berperilaku, peraturan, undang-undang, kebijakan, dan sebagainya yang berfungsi mengatur kehidupan manusia dalam bermasyarakat, bertindak untuk dirinya atau orang lain, dan perilaku atau tingkah pola lainnya yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. dengan demikian, sosiologi hukum lebih tepat merupakan kajian ilmu sosial terhadap hukum yang berlaku di masyarakat dan issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 residivis dalam perspektif sosiologi hukum 109 perilaku serta gejala sosial yang menjadi penyebab lahirnya hukum di masyarakat. kehadirannya dapat didahului oleh hukum dan sebaliknya oleh masyarakat, yang secara substansial gejala sosial menjadi bagian penting dari gejala hukum di masyarakat, sebagaimana gejala hukum merupakan gejala sosial (ahmad saebani, 2007). sosiologi hukum senantiasa menguji kesahihan empiris (emprical validity) dari suatu peraturan atau pernyataan hukum. pertanyaan yang bersifat khas di sini adalah “bagaimanakah dalam kenyataannya peraturan itu ?”, “apakah kenyataan memang seperti tertera pada bunyi peraturan ?”perbedaan yang besar antara pendekatan tradisional yang normatif dan pendekatan sosiologis adalah bahwa yang pertama menerima saja apa yang tertera pada peraturan hukum, sedang yang kedua senantiasa mengujinya dengan data empiris (rahardjo, 2000). sosiologi hukum tidak melakukan penilaian terhadap hukum. tingkah laku yang mentaati hukum dan yang menyimpang dari hukum sama-sama merupakan objek pengamatan yang setara. ia tidak menilai yang satu lebih dari yang lain. perhatiannya yang utama hanyalah pada memberikan penjelasan tehadap objek yang dipelajarinya. pendekatan yang demikian itu sering menimbulkan salah paham, seolah-olah sosiologi hukum ingin membenarkan praktek-praktek yang menyimpang atau melanggar hukum. sekali lagi dikemukakan di sini bahwa sosiologi hukum tidak memberikan penilaian, melainkan mendekati hukum dari segi objektifitas semata dan bertujuan untuk memberikan penjelasan terhadap fenomena hukum yang nyata, termasuk fenomena kejahatan yang berulangulang dalam hal ini residivis. d. pembahasan hasil penelitian dan analisis dewasa ini, istilah residivis sudah tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat indonesia secara umum, bahkan sudah dikenal istilah residivis bandar narkoba, residivis pencurian kendaraan bermotor (curanmor) dan jenis residivis lainnya. bagi pelaku kejahatan ini, mereka tidak merasa malu dengan apa yang mereka issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 residivis dalam perspektif sosiologi hukum 110 telah lakukan karena memang mereka tahu bahwa meskipun mereka dijerat hukum, hanya akan mendapatkan hukuman kurungan dalam beberapa waktu kemudian keluar lagi. kondisi ini diperparah dengan kenyataan bahwa mereka sudah tidak lagi memiliki rasa malu dengan apa yang mereka yang lakukan karena mereka pun tahu sanksi yang diberikan tidak menimbulkan efek jera bagi mereka. jika seperti ini keadaannya, maka merupakan hal yang wajar jika mereka kemudian punya kesibukan hanya sebatas “keluar masuk penjara/bui”. seperti diketahui bahwa semua tindak kejahatan yang dilakukan oleh warga negara akan menjalani yang namanya proses hukum, tidak terkecuali bagi residivis. semuanya mendapatkan perlakuan yang sama untuk menjunjung tinggi supremasi hukum. seperti misalnya bagi kelompok residivis yang akrab dengan aksi pencurian yang tentu saja merugikan bagi korban. akan tetapi, dalam prakteknya tidak jarang ditemukan para tersangka residivis pencurian tidak mendapatkan hukuman yang pantas mereka dapatkan sesuai dengan yang disebutkan dalam pasal 362-367 kuhp yang mengatur mengenai pencurian ataupun pasal 486 kuhp yang mengatur mengenai ancaman maksimal pidana terhadap residivis yang melakukan kejahatan harta benda khususnya pencurian. keadaan tersebut menunjukkan adanya kontradiksi antara amanat pasal-pasal kuhp tentang residivis dengan kenyataan yang didapatkan oleh para residivis. dalam kasus seperti ini biasanya disebabkan oleh hakim yang menangani kasus tesebut, bukan berarti hakim yang bertanggung jawab atas carut marutnya persoalan hukum di negeri ini. misalnya dalam kasus pencurian, hakim dalam mengambil keputusan tentunya mempunyai beberapa pertimbangan khusus, seperti misalnya dalam menjatuhkan putusan pidananya, hakim memiliki suatu asas yaitu asas independency ofjudiciaiy. oleh karena pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan pidana itu melalui suatu proses yang panjang, perlu diketahui faktor-faktor apakah yang melandasi hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan pidana terhadap residivis yang melakukan pencurian dan dasar hukum yang melandasi hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan pidana issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 residivis dalam perspektif sosiologi hukum 111 terhadap residivis. pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan pidana terhadap residivis tersebut dipengaruhi oleh unsur-unsur rnengenai pasal pencurian yang dilanggar dan pasal 486 kuhp tentang residivis, faktor psikologis-sosiologis residivis dan faktor pertimbangan di luar kuhp yang terdiri dari serius atau tidaknya modus operandi yang dilakukan, jumlah kerugian yang diderita oleh si korban, dan hal-hal yang dapat memperberat dan meringankan hukuman residivis atau dengan perkataan lain erat kaitannya dengan faktor subyektif hakim. kondisi tersebut menggambarkan sebuah keadaan dilematis yang tentunya lebih dirasakan oleh hakim yang menangani kasus demikian. hakim berusaha menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai keadilan baik bagi pelaku maupun korban. sebuah kondisi yang kemudian diperparah bahwa ternyata sanksi yang dijatuhkan pun tidak memberikan efek jera terhadap residivis. sungguh sangat mubazir atau sia-sia ketika semua penegak hukum berupaya menjerat si residivis, jika pada akhirnya pelaku tersebut sudah tidak memiliki rasa malu. tak pelak lagi keadaan seperti ini terjawab sebagaimana yang dimaksud oleh emile durkheim dalam paradigma fakta sosial dan max weber dengan paradigma defenisi sosialnya (ritzer, 1996). paradigma fakta sosial berasumsi bahwa masyarakatlah yang menentukan individu sedangkan dalam paradigma defenisi sosial menyatakan bahwa individulah yang menentukan masyarakat. seperti itulah keadaan antara kelompok residivis dengan posisi para penegak hukum. yang menyebabkan seorang individu masuk dalam kelompok residivis karena sistem peradilan hukum yang memang belum memberikan efek jera, maksudnya adalah residivis berbuat pelanggaran hukum karena seolah-olah sistem mengizinkan untuk berbuat hal demikian karena sanksinya yang tidak tegas. dalam hal ini sistem tersebut mempengaruhi individu dalam masyarakat seperti yang dimaksud oleh paradigma fakta sosial. tak hanya itu, kondisi masyarakat kontemporer sebagaimana yang dimaksud oleh piliang (1998) bahwa hilangnya rasa malu di dalam diri kita, di dalam masyarakat kita, serta di seluruh aspek kehidupan kita, semakin issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 residivis dalam perspektif sosiologi hukum 112 memperkuat potensi masyarakat untuk melakukan tindak kejahatan secara berulang-ulang. apalah arti sebuah aturan jika pada akhirnya tidak begitu diindahkan oleh manusia kontemporer yang katanya sudah tidak memiliki rasa malu itu. menerapkan hukum terhadap masyarakat yang tidak memiliki rasa malu, tentu merupakan sebuah kenyataan yang lucu. akan tetapi, ikhwal inilah yang yang menghambat jalannya proses pembangunan hukum dan pembangunan nasional secara umum di bangsa kita. sudah saatnya bagi siapa saja yang concern di bidang pembangunan hukum untuk merekonstruksi bangunan hukum yang pada gilirannya akan melahirkan ketaatan hukum pada masyarakat, bukan sebaliknya. dalam setiap usaha untuk merealisasikan tujuan pembangunan, maka sistem hukum itu dapat memainkan peranan sebagai pendukung dan penunjangnya. suatu sistem hukum yang tidak efektif tentunya akan menghambat terealisasinya tujuan yang ingin dicapai itu. sistem hukum dapat dikatakan efektif bila perilaku-perilaku manusia di dalam masyarakat sesuai dengan apa yang telah ditentukan di dalam aturan-atruan hukum yang berlaku. paul dan diaz (dalam warassih, 2011) mengajukan lima syarat yang harus dipenuhi untuk mengefektifkan sistem hukum itu yakni: a) mudah tidaknya makna aturanaturan hukum itu untuk ditangkap dan dipahami; b) luas tidaknya kalangan di dalam masyarakat yang mengetahui isi aturan-atruan hukum yang bersangkutan; c) efisisen dan efektif tidaknya mobilisasi aturan-aturan; d) adanya mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa yang tidak hanya mudah dijangkau dan dimasuki oleh setiap warga masyarakat, melainkan juga harus cukup efektif dalam neyelesaikan sengketa-sengketa; e) adanya anggapan dan pengakuan yang merata di kalangan warga masyarakat bahwa aturan-aturan dan pranata-pranata hukum itu memang sesungguhnya berdaya kemampuan yang efektif. lima syarat itu diperlukan untuk melegitimasi keberlakuan hukum serta diterimanya hukum itu oleh masyarakat. jika seandainya kelompok residivis menganggap hukum itu sebagai issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 residivis dalam perspektif sosiologi hukum 113 kebutuhan mereka, maka sudah pasti tindakan mereka tersebut tidak akan terjadi. namun karena bagi mereka hukum itu seolah hanya bahan permainan saja, wajarlah jika pada akhirnya aktifitas keluar masuk bui menjadi rutinitas mereka. bukankah tindakan residivs ini merupakan bentuk pelecehan terhadap hukum itu sendiri ? olehnya itu, jika saja pemberian sanksi kepada kelompok residivis ini mampu memberikan efek jera, maka dapat dipastikan perbuatan mereka tidak akan terulang kembali. e. penutup di tengah carut marutnya sistem penegakkan hukum di bangsa ini, bukan berarti jalan untuk menciptakan sistem hukum yang ideal di masyarakat akan terhambat. begitu pula dengan efektifitas penerapan sanksi yang sebenarnya cukup dengan menemukan sebuah formulasi yang masyarakat merasa nyaman dan membutuhkan hukum itu. jika usaha ini dapat ditempuh, maka pada gilirannya akan menjadikan semua model pemeberian sanksi terhadap pelanggar hukum, berjalan efektif termasuk kepada kelompok residivis. usaha tersebut dapat ditempuh melalui kerjasama atau kombinasi peran semua stakeholder pembangunan hukum. kalangan praktisi, pemerintah, dan masyarakat perlu mempertemukan pandangan agar kemudian setiap gejala sosial yang timbul di masyarakat dapat dicegah sedini mungkin. sebagai akhir dari tulisan ini, perlu kiranya kita merenungi kembali apa yang pernah disampaikan oleh max weber bahwa” orang tak akan mungkin berhasil mencapai sesuatu yang mungkin dicapai, kecuali apabila dia tanpa putusputusnya berani mencoba menjangkau hal-hal yang tampaknya tak mungkin dicapai” daftar pustaka abidin, zainal. 2007. hukum pidana i. sinar grafika. jakarta. ahmad saebani, beni. 2007. sosiologi hukum.: pustaka setia. bandung kamus bahasa indonesia, 2008. pusat bahasa departemen pendidikan nasional. jakarta. ngani, nico. 1984. sinerama hukum pidana asas, acara, pidana i, pidana ii).liberty yogyakarta. nindito, stefanus. 2005. fenomenologi alfred schutz: studi tentang konstruksi makna dan realitas issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 residivis dalam perspektif sosiologi hukum 114 dalam ilmu sosial. jurnal ilmu komunikasi, volume 2, nomor 1, juni 2005. piliang, amir, yasraf. 1998. sebuah dunia yang dilipat, realitas kebudayaan menjelang milenium ketiga dan matinya postmodernisme. mizan. bandung. rahardjo, satjipto. 2000. ilmu hukum.citra aditya bakti. bandung. ritzer, george, 1996. sosiologi, ilmu pengetahuan berparadigma ganda, penerjemah: alimandan.rajawali. jakarta. suerodibroto, soenarto. r. 2004. kuhp dan kuhap. raja grafindo. jakarta sumidjo, 1985. pengantar hukum indonesia. armoco. bandung warassih, esmi. 2011. pranata hukum, sebuah telaah sosiologis.badan penerbit universitas diponegoro. semarang. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 1, december 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 9 access to justice for people with disabilities in employment imam wicaksono1, amalia diamantina2 abstract author’s information: the right to obtain employment, including for workers with disabilities, is regulated in the indonesian state constitution. therefore, these rights are protected and guaranteed by law, so companies that employ persons with disabilities, in particular, must defend the rights of persons with disabilities. the method used in this study is this research is a type of normative law research using normative legal case studies in the form of legal behavior products. persons with disabilities must receive the support needed in the structure of education, health, employment, and social services so that the rights of persons with disabilities are in the perspective of human rights. normatively, several legal instruments have been born to protect the rights of persons with disabilities to work. law no. 13 of 2003 concerning employment which forbids discrimination to persons with disabilities the right of persons with disabilities to obtain accessibility contained in article 18 of law no.8 / 2016 concerning persons with disabilities, namely, securing availability to utilize public facilities and get adequate accommodation as a form of accessibility for individuals. keywords: access to justice, disability, employment 1 law department, universitas diponegoro, semarang (imamwicaksono0077@gmail.com) 2 law department universitas diponegoro, semarang (amaliadiamantina.undip@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i1.402 1. introduction understanding the workforce itself is a person who can produce goods and services, both to meet their own needs and for the community, including everyone who works by receiving wages or rewards in other forms. the labor force itself includes civil servants, formal workers, informal workers, or people who are not working or unemployed. in other words, the meaning of labor is broader than workers/laborers (wijayanti, 2017:1). the role of labor in the framework of national development is increasing, accompanied by the challenges and risks faced. the purpose of the workforce can demand an increase in the quality of human resources in national development, both as a development agent and as a national development goal. workforce development can increase national productivity and community welfare. therefore, the workforce must be empowered so that they can have the value of personal and productive abilities to become more skilled and more qualified, to be maximally efficient in the context of national development, and be able to compete in the global era. so what needs to be improved is the ability, skills, and expertise of the workforce to demand quality human resources through planning and employment programs, including training, apprenticeship, and mailto:imamwicaksono0077@gmail.com mailto:amaliadiamantina.undip@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.402 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.402 jurnal hukum volkgeist imam wicaksono. 4(1): 9-16 10 employment placement services(charda s., 2016:17). looking at the political direction of labor law as contained in the fourth paragraph of the opening of the 1945 constitution, namely: " protect all indonesians and all indonesian blood spills, advance public welfare " relating to article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1945 constitution, that: "the state of indonesia is a state of law". article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1945 constitution can be linked to several articles that regulate employment, such as article 27 paragraph (2) which reads: "every citizen has the right to work and a decent living for humanity", and article 28d paragraph (2) reads: "everyone has the right to work and to receive fair and appropriate compensation and treatment in an employment relationship". then it is emphasized in article 28i paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution, which states as follows: "everyone has the right to be free from discriminatory treatment on any grounds and has the right to get protection against such discriminatory treatment." according to ismail sunny, the provisions of article 27 paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution above constitute a constitutional or asemantic constitutional paper by recognizing the rights of its citizens to obtain a decent job(suuny, 2004:8). the right to get a job, including for workers with disabilities, is regulated in the indonesian constitution. therefore, these rights are protected and guaranteed by law, so companies that employ persons with disabilities, in particular, must defend the rights of persons with disabilities. article 41 paragraph (2) of law no. 39/1999 concerning human rights determines that every person with a disability, an older person, pregnant women, and children are entitled to unique facilities and treatment. the assumption that persons with disabilities do not have rights or exercise rights as they should on the grounds of their limitations is a form of deviation that leads to discrimination against persons with disabilities (sutrisni, 2015:105). the issuance of law number 13 year 2003 concerning manpower is the answer to the government's political will in the field of labor law, which has the objective of the legal protection of labor in terms of empower and utilizes the workforce optimally and humanely — realizing equal employment opportunities and the provision of work in accordance with national and regional development needs. protect workers in achieving prosperity, improving the welfare of the workforce and their families. based on the description above, the fundamental problem for persons with disabilities is the lack of public understanding and government apparatus related to the meaning of disability and the existence of persons with disabilities as part of citizens. the notion that limitation is a disgrace, an embarrassing curse makes a family not open, regarding family members who have a disability. persons with disabilities are likened to sick and powerless people, so there is no need to be given education and employment. they are pitied and cared enough for their survival. so that this results in persons with disabilities not getting the same rights and opportunities as other community members(purnomosidi, 2017:168). in the field of law, because of their disability, they are deemed unable to act before the law, and their actions are considered to be null and void. not infrequently, it is still often found that people with disabilities are sinners, shameful people, due to the sins committed by their parents or family. the view of behavior and jurnal hukum volkgeist imam wicaksono. 4(1): 9-16 11 attitude above is a form of discriminatory treatment, which is a violation of the dignity and values inherent in persons with disabilities(tyesta, 2015: 254). when looking at article 9 letter an of law no.8 / 2016, actually persons with disabilities have the same treatment before the law. from the above problem, there is an imbalance between the laws and regulations that have been comprehensively structured and the reality that there are currently many persons with disabilities who have not fully obtained the right to work and are free from discrimination. so the authors are interested in raising the discussion of (1) how to access justice for persons with disabilities in labor? furthermore, (2) how are the barriers to access to justice for persons with disabilities in labor? 2. method this research is a type of normative legal analysis using normative legal case studies in the form of licensed products, for example, working on a draft law. the subject of research is the law conceptualized as a norm or rule that applies in society and as a reference for the protection of all people. discusses normative legal research on positive law discovery, legal principles and doctrines, legal discovery in concrete cases, legal systematics, level of legal knowledge, comparative law, and legal history (muhammad, 2004: 40). 3. access to justice for persons with disabilities in labor. in 2007, indonesia signed an international convention on disability from the united nations on the rights for persons with disabilities (un crpd) and was ratified in 2011. subsequently, in april 2016, the government of indonesia officially passed law no. 8 of 2016 concerning persons with disabilities, which replaced the law. no. 4/1997 concerning persons with disabilities. uu no. 8 of 2016 about persons with disabilities has objectives and principles in line with the un crpd to ensure the fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities. in the "explanation" section, law no.8 of 2016 states that one of the backgrounds of the replacement of law no.4 of 1997 is because the law does not yet have a human rights perspective and is still charity based and is more focused on rehabilitation social and social security (millati, 2016: 285). article 4 of law no. 8/2016 persons with disabilities in four categories. first, people with physical disabilities, namely disruption of movement, including amputation, paralysis or stiffness, paraplegic, celebral palsy (cp), due to stroke, due to leprosy, and small people. second, people with intellectual disabilities, namely the disruption of thought functions, because the level of intelligence is below average, including slow learning, disability, and down syndrome. third, people with mental disabilities, namely the disruption of the function of thought, emotion, and behavior, among others: (a) psychosocial including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, and personality disorders; (b) developmental disabilities that affect the ability of social interactions including autism and hyperactivity. fourth, persons with sensory disabilities, namely disruption of one of the functions of the five senses, including blindness, hearing impairment, and speech disability(shaleh, 2018: 63). jurnal hukum volkgeist imam wicaksono. 4(1): 9-16 12 persons with disabilities are members of the community and have the right to remain in the local community. persons with disabilities must receive the support needed in the structure of education, health, employment, and social services so that the rights of persons with disabilities in the human rights perspective are categorized as exclusive rights for certain groups of people(manan, 2006: 140). basically the issue of manpower is a social, political, and economic agenda which is quite crucial in modern countries, because the problem of labor is not only the relationship between workers and employers, but more broadly it also covers the issues of the economic system of a country and at the same time the system its politics. therefore, a country's economy and politics will largely determine the style and color of an employment system that it applies(jalil, 2008: 5). regarding the percentage of employment opportunities for persons with disabilities contained in article 53 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of law no.8 / 2016 concerning persons with disabilities, namely, (1) government, local government, state-owned enterprises, regional-owned enterprises must employ at least 2% (two percent) of persons with disabilities from the number of employees or workers. (2) private companies are required to hire at least 1% (one percent) of persons with disabilities from the number of employees or workers. the minister of manpower muhammad hanif dhakiri said from the compulsory system data, the ministry of manpower reported that there were 440 companies with a total workforce of around 237 thousand people. of that amount, only 2,851 people are absorbed, or about 1.2 percent have been successfully placed in the formal labor sector (kustiani, 2018). law enforcement, which is a barometer of the life of the indonesian state administration, both of which have implications for cultural, social, and economic order, is disrupted due to the perspective of law enforcement (seno adji, 2009: 237). the number of companies in indonesia that employ people with disabilities is said to be still minimal; both government agencies, state companies, and private companies. though ideally, every company must hire at least one person with a disability who meets the job requirements and job qualifications as workers in his company for every 100 workers in his company. normatively, several legal instruments have been born to protect the right of persons with disabilities to work. law no. 13 of 2003 concerning manpower, which prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities(suhartoyo, 2014: 471). therefore, as an indonesian citizen, persons with disabilities must be juxtaposed equally and equally without any difference with other indonesian citizens. as a form of human rights protection in indonesia, persons with disabilities must obtain special protection to fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities to achieve decent work for persons with disabilities without discrimination. article 41 paragraph (2) of law no. 39/1999 concerning human rights stipulates that every person with disabilities, older people, pregnant women, and children are entitled to specialized facilities and treatment. then in article 67, paragraph (1) of law no. 13/2003 concerning human resources determines that employers who employ persons with disabilities are required to protect under their degree of disability. therefore, companies that hire persons with disabilities, in particular, must protect disability rights under the degree of disability. besides, employers also provide wages to persons with jurnal hukum volkgeist imam wicaksono. 4(1): 9-16 13 disabilities that are the same as workers who are not disabled with the same type and responsibilities, as referred to in article 49 of law no. 8/2016 about people with disabilities. legal protection provided by persons with disabilities to provide legal certainty with the aim of welfare for persons with disabilities without differences in position and the right to obtain wages, decent work, and free from discrimination by employers. enforcement and application of these laws and regulations as an effort to maintain a balance between the rights and obligations of workers and employers to maintain business continuity and calmness at work, which in turn increases work productivity and workforce welfare, including workers with disabilities. in the midst of society there are still many behaviors that do not support the existence of persons with disabilities with various assumptions, including that persons with disabilities are objects to be pitied for because they are extraordinary/unique, cannot be independent, troublesome, must always be helped, challenging to adapt, are land for charity and must be given alms. the government, as the organizer of the state, must pay attention to the needs of persons with disabilities to get accessibility and supportive facilitation for persons with disabilities, to support persons with disabilities able to develop their talents and believe in and be independent. persons with disabilities are also entitled to special education, as stated in article 32 of law no. 20/2003 on the national education system, namely "special education is education for students who have difficulty in participating in the learning process due to physical, emotional, mental, social, and/or potential disabilities and special talents." therefore, the importance of education for people with disabilities is a career support access. then in article 45 of law no. 8/2016 concerning persons with disabilities, the government and regional governments must guarantee the process of recruitment, recruitment, job training, job placement, continuing work, and career development that is fair and without discrimination to persons with disabilities. the right of persons with disabilities to obtain accessibility is contained in article 18 of law no.8 / 2016 concerning persons with disabilities, that is, getting availability to utilize public facilities and obtain appropriate accommodation as a form of accessibility for individuals. in article 52 of law no.8 / 2016 on persons with disabilities, requires the central government / regional governments and entrepreneurs to ensure equal access for persons with disabilities to benefits and programs in the social security system in the labor field. the legal protection provided by persons with disabilities must naturally be balanced with the availability of accessibility and facilitation to make it easier for persons with disabilities to gain employment opportunities. below this is the accessibility/facilitation that must be given to persons with disabilities (ilo, 2013: 70): 1. increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities by facilitating recruitment, returning to work guarantees, guaranteed employment, and job promotion opportunities. 2. adjustment of engine and equipment component modifications to work, provide access to workplaces, to facilitate the employment of persons with disabilities. 3. health services to provide preventive functions, to provide a safe and healthy environment. jurnal hukum volkgeist imam wicaksono. 4(1): 9-16 14 4. they are facilitating courses to improve communication between coworkers who have difficulty speaking, hearing, or understanding spoken the language. 5. they are facilitating workers with disabilities to keep in contact, to streamline their pooling process at work. 6. employers increase the accessibility of the workplace for persons with disabilities, including the provision of gates/entrances, the ease of using restrooms and bathrooms. from the statement above, it is necessary to have policies and rules for access for persons with disabilities. the company is obliged to provide employment opportunities for workers with disabilities who are capable and intended and skilled in their respective fields. the company provides equipment and infrastructure, as well as regulations for workers with disabilities to obtain work. policy providers for workers with disabilities motivate workers with disabilities to develop independently. when unable to sew to produce shoes, persons with disabilities must be given training or skills training. there are some companies that still pay attention to people with disabilities, by providing facilities that can be utilized by workers, especially workers with disabilities, in the hope that employees with disabilities and non-disabilities can be able to communicate well so they can work together and produce high productivity(effendi, burhan, yunianto, & rahaditya, 2012: 100). opportunities to obtain equality of position, rights, and obligations for persons with disabilities can only be realized if accessibility is available, namely the ease for persons with disabilities to achieve equal opportunities in obtaining equality of positions, rights, and obligations. with the hope that people with disabilities can integrate into total to improve the social welfare of people with disabilities in particular. the implementation of efforts to improve social health, among others, is carried out through equal opportunities for persons with disabilities, which are necessarily the joint responsibility of the government, the community, and the family. with this equality of chance, it is expected that persons with disabilities can integrate through direct communication and interaction in the community. the role of the state that provides protection and welfare for indonesian citizens must be able to be realized in reality(rahardjo, 2012: 34). 4. barriers to access to justice for persons with disabilities in employment companies in indonesia that employ people with disabilities are said to be still minimal, both government agencies, state companies, and private companies. though ideally, every company must hire at least one person with a disability who meets the job requirements and job qualifications as workers in his company for every 100 workers in his company. normatively, several legal instruments have been born to protect the right of persons with disabilities to work. like law no. 13 of 2003 concerning manpower, which prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities. since the advent of law no. 8 of 2016 concerning disability until now, there are still no implementing regulations, namely government regulations, the community continues to urge the government to immediately issue a government regulation (pp) as implementing law no. 8 of 2016 concerning disability. associated with the absence of government regulations that jurnal hukum volkgeist imam wicaksono. 4(1): 9-16 15 regulate will undoubtedly cause an injustice against persons with disabilities in employment. persons with disabilities cannot grow and develop optimally, the right to be protected, and the right to humane treatment is not fulfilled(putri a, 2019: 215). in article 27 of law no. 8 of 2016 reads, "the government and regional governments must carry out planning, organizing and evaluating the implementation of respect, protection, and fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities." then in article 55 of law no. 8 of 2016 reads, "local governments are required to have a disability service unit at the office that organizes regional government affairs in the field of employment." related to the absence of government regulations that regulate article 27 and 55 above becomes the absence of legal certainty, then persons with disabilities in employment have not been able to get maximum access to justice. the nature of a statutory regulation must reflect a legitimate objective and cannot be separated from the principle of truth, the principle of certainty, and the principle of expediency. 4. conclusion that access to justice for workers with disabilities in employment must prioritize the principle of non-discrimination means that every citizen including persons with disabilities has the right to be treated the same as a person with no special needs in general, in any form of fair, equitable treatment, not putting persons with disabilities into an exception. legal protection provided by persons with disabilities to provide legal certainty with the aim 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receives health services based on information provided by the hospital through a dentist. research methods this was normative research methods, which examines the law along with literature studies. it aimed to find out how to apply informed consent and to find out the legal protection related to informed consent for medical staff. research result: in the ministry of health's decision no. 290 of 2008 concerning the legalization of medical actions, a doctor's complete explanation for the patient must include the diagnosis and implementation of the medical action, alternative actions and risks, possible complications, prognosis for the procedure, and financing. informed consent is mandated by law to protect patients and medical professionals, especially dentists. it offers patients the comfort they need to make their own decisions. for dentists, it aims to provide legal protection against the risk of imposition associated with deficiencies in medical action. conclussion: patients and dentist can make an informed decision after receiving a thorough explanation as they have the freedom to refuse or accept the recommended treatment and seek a second opinion. legal protection for medical staff in article 50 of law no. 29/2004 medical practice and article 57 of law no.36/2014 regarding health workers. keywords: dentist, legal protection, informed consent, medical worker, indonesia. article license copyright © 2021 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction every person must prioritize their health as it is important to support their lives and to function in the world (nabilla, 2014). as a basic need of every person, health is a key component of national growth (fikriya, sriatmi, & jati, 2016, pp. 248–253). the government’s establishment of health services is encouraged, due to the importance of health (wahyudi, 2020, pp. 62–75). the administration of health services for the whole population, including varied oral health services, is required to manifest health as a human right. this is in line with the republic of indonesia’s law no. 36 of 2014 (meyyulinar, 2019, pp. 34–45). the republic of indonesia's 1945 constitution guarantees the human right to health services as an initiative to increase the degree of public health (oktavia, 2020, p. 24). health services are constitutionally guaranteed for all indonesians. every societal group has the right to a good standard of life as stipulated in article 28h clause (1) of the 1945 constitution (syafruddin & anand, 2015, p. 164). human interaction leads to legal aspects. health law encompasses interpersonal interaction as well as the relationship between patients and dentists. informed consent agreements are signed to state and explain the relationship between two or more parties. it is one of the reciprocal legal relationships in health services (azizah, 2017). dentists as well as patients are legal subjects. they are both legally and medically bound. the legal sector regulates the protection of dentists and patients in obtaining and providing health services based on the patient's information to dentists as well as the patients' agreement based on the information from dentists called informed consent (dzulhizza, anatami, & nofrial, 2023, pp. 43–50). mailto:areevahims@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 23-29 24 ‘informed’ refers to the acceptance of information or explanation. meanwhile, ‘consent’ refers to the provision of a permit or an agreement. the agreement given after having obtained information is called informed consent (iasha, 2021). it means that the dentist’s patients provided truthful information on their health conditions and the dentist has recommended the required medical actions. patients have the option to approve or reject this recommendation. they also have the option to seek a second opinion from other dentists. informed consent aims to protect patients and medical professionals, including dentists. it also allows patients to make a comfortable decision, encouraging a better patient-dentist relationship. for dentists, it aims to offer legal protection for medical services, especially in the case of unwanted events (sidi, 2020, pp. 214–219). the health law concept is still deemed new. in indonesia, it was first formulated by fred ameln and oetama quoted azizah. the fast advancement of the national health system requires an extension, including legal supervision over dental practices to insert issues associated with health and the law. a flexible health law is crucial for legal certainty. it is also crucial to protect dentists and to develop this sector. health principles have changed, one of them relating to the rights and obligations involved in health efforts as well as legal protection for the parties from both sides (jadda, 2017, pp. 1–28). the law relating to health treatments is threatened to be categorized in the "health law" category that involves health treatments. health law applies both criminal and civil laws (azizah, 2017, p. 2). different countries have different informed consent policies (saputra, 2021, pp. 235–254). on the conclusion of the agreement on dentistry actions in the decision of the ministry of health no. 290 of 2008, it stated that the agreement given by the patient or close family members after obtaining information on the efforts carried out by dentists or by dentists to patients (menteri kesehatan republik indonesia (minister of health of the republic of indonesia), 2008). information and agreements that have been agreed upon by the patient will then provide legal protection for dentists in carrying out medical actions (gustina, fauziah, & agustina, 2022, p. 78). informed consent has a great role in the medical efforts that medical workers will carry out for patients. because of that, in cases of high-risk medical activities, written agreements are crucial. article 8 of the law no. 36 of 2009 states the rights of every person to health information and medical efforts of health workers (sugiana, 2020). in this case, medical workers and other health professionals are given protection when providing health services (budiastuti, ardiansah, & triana, 2022). legal research problem from this research was how the effectiveness informed consent as instrument of legal protection for dentist.? thus, this research aims to analyze the ideal application of informed consent as well as to analyze the legal protection provided by the application of informed consent. 2. research method this study employed normative analysis. (yunus, 2020) its benchmark is statute studies as the source of written laws (purwati, 2020). apart from the literary review, this study was conducted by examining literary materials associated with the problems of this research. (dimyati & wardiono, 2004) this was normative research as legal regulations were used as the main bases and sources. to collect legal information concerning the related topics, the authors analyzed information from media, journals, books, and legal decisions. these sources were then descriptively analyzed to answer the research problems. 3. results and discussion results the success of health service qualities can be perceived from various subjects, i.e., (1) the users, (2) the executors, as well as (3) the investors of the health services. the workers' responsiveness to the patients' needs as well as the ease of connection between medical workers and patients are important factors associated with the quality of medical service for patients. for health workers, the advancement of health services based on the development of information and technology in the application of health services are characteristics of quality health services that need to obtain special attention. but for the parties that pay for the health services, the most important things are the consideration for the efficiency of the management of health service funds (busro, 2018, pp. 1–18). p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 23-29 25 in 2002, the united states of america ratified the charter on medical professionalism which contained several principles, i.e., prioritizing the welfare of patients, patient autonomy, as well as social justice. then, there are ten obligations, such as professional competencies, the reality of patients, success, development of health quality, development of access to health, the equal allocation of scarce resources, and knowledge, maintaining trust through problem management, as well as professional commitment (oktariana, 2019, pp. 34–45). patient protection is the objective of informed consent for all medical procedures. medical procedures that are carried out without the acknowledgement of the patients or the family members may endanger them. informed consent can protect medical workers from the risk of unknown impacts. even though they are very cautious and follow the standard operational procedures (sop), dentists may not always succeed. sometimes, they may even hurt their patients (nasution, 2005). in general, health services conducted by doctors and dentists start from a legal relationship (rechtbetrekking) in the form of contractual informed consent. this relationship demands both parties to fulfill the principle of trust and good relationships in the form of health services. informed consent is signed by both parties (or the representative family member of the patient in the case where the patient can't do so). referring to the principles of trust and good faith, patients must be honest in providing information before undergoing orthodontist procedures by dentists. this is so that dentists may make conclusions and formulate medical actions in the form of dental treatment, therapy, healing, and medicine (yunanto & helmi, 2010). the decision of the ministry of health no. 290 of 2008 on the agreement of medical actions state that dentists must fully inform patients of the diagnosis, treatment and risks, potential side effects, chances for the success of the surgery, and estimated fees required. patients may also determine their own choices after obtaining a complete explanation. they have the option to reject the recommended treatment and consult other dentists (koeswadji, 1988). discussion the relationship between doctors and patients is an agreement whose object is medical services or efforts of healing, known as the therapeutic agreement. a therapeutic agreement is an agreement to determine and seek the right therapy for patients (koeswadji, 2013). in consequence, the patient's position that was formerly only a party that depended on the doctor in determining the method of healing then changed to become equal with the doctor, i.e., as a subject of medical treatment. thus, between these two parties, a reciprocal relationship of rights and responsibilities occurs. if the rights and responsibilities are not fulfilled by one of the parties, it is possible for the party who experienced losses to sue the opposing party (isfandyarie, 2005). the existence of informed consent provides the protection needed by dentists, as it contains information on the health condition of the patients. it also contains offers of medical actions from doctors and dentists. when a dentist has carried out professional medical actions approved by patients, but then an unwanted event occurred (such as patients' health suddenly dropped), thus, in the examination by the ethical assembly, informed consent becomes the first thing to be examined to seek data that the dentist has excreted his greatest capabilities in undergoing his profession (berg, 2021). legally, the protection for dentists encompasses three legal dimensions, i.e., legal administration, civil law, and criminal law. legal protection is positioned as a premium ultimatum. (sulaiman, 2019). this process starts with ethical examination in the dentistry ethical trial in the case an unwanted event or a malpractice happened. this examination is firstly carried out to see the informed consent. in the examination, the informed consent is matched with other information profession (susila, 2021) (for instance, patients suffer from certain diseases that can endanger them when certain orthodontic medical actions are conducted, but they did not inform this to the dentists). there is also an examination of whether or not the medical actions conducted are suitable. in this examination, the assembly also checks the application of the work order, sop, permit of practice, and other documents, apart from examining the medical records. (retnowati, 2022) in the case of the violation of the sop, the perpetrator will be imposed with administrative sanctions. in the case of the violation of informed consent, the doctors will be imposed with civil punishments. then, in the case of malpractice or negligence, the doctors will be imposed with sanctions based on criminal law (shidarta, 2006). the decision of the ministry of health no. 290 of 2008 on the agreement of medical actions article 2 explains that the holistic efforts of doctors that will be carried out on patients must obtain validation. informed p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 23-29 26 consent was created due to a therapeutic agreement between dentists and patients (shidarta, 2006). according to kerry breen, doctors who fail to accurately inform (based on the description from patients and the results of examination) of their conditions, the required treatments, risks, materials, and technicalities may be sued for negligence (breen, 2016). law no. 29 of 2004 on medical practices has explained the information that the "legal protection for dentists on the administration of medical actions", and the rights, as well as obligations of dentists, are stipulated in article 50. in carrying out their practices, dentists have the right to (the government of the republic of indonesia, 2004): a. obtain legal protection in undergoing their tasks according to the professional standard and sop; b. administer medical treatments according to the professional standard and sop; c. obtain holistic information based on the facts from patients and their families; and d. receive payments. article 57 of law no. 36 of 2014 on health workers, chapter of the health workers' rights and responsibilities states that in carrying out their practices, medical workers have the right to (the government of the republic of indonesia, 2014): a. obtain legal protection in undergoing their tasks according to the professional standard, the standard of professional services, as well as the sop; b. obtain holistic information based on the facts from health service recipients or their families; c. receive payments; d. obtain protection related to occupational safety and health, good treatment based on morality, decency, and religious values; e. obtain opportunities in developing their profession; f. reject the request of health service recipients or other parties that violate the professional standard, ethical code, service standard, sop, as well as legal regulations; and g. obtain other rights according to the legal regulations. patients may file a lawsuit in the form of default or law-violating actions. the lawsuit on default may be submitted based on the agreement or binding according to articles 1320 and 1243 of the criminal code. informed consent is basically a therapeutic agreement containing an agreement between doctors and patients, the capabilities of doctors and patients, certain things, i.e., medical treatments, and lawful causes. the informed consent had extent limit if the dentis neglect or do a malpractices on his medical practice. this research proposes the dentist to ensure patient to sign informed consent and writes clearly on the informed consent about patient reports about his sickness, dentist medical suggestion and medical action. different from others medical personels, most of the dentist patient had consiousness at the time they came to dentist. this condition have advantages for dentist because the patient usually aware with informed consent. dentist cant suits with the mal-practices or neglected action if his medical suggestion and action had been written on informed consent and signed by patient or family (in case patient unconsious). after patient signed informed consent, dentist should ensure he must be careful and follow any scientific procedures according to informed consent. after all of this fulfiled if there any unwanted happened then dentist cant be sued according to law a lawsuit against a law-violating action may be submitted if a dentist has violated the principle of decency, accuracy, and caution. in submitting a lawsuit against a law-violating action, four requirements must be fulfilled, i.e., the patients must experience loss, there is neglect, there is an error (from dentists, hospitals, or health facilities), and there is a causal relationship between the losses suffered and the error or negligence as well as a law-violating action (trisnadi, 2016, pp. 150–156). 4. conclusion from the results and discussion above, it was shown that the ideal application of informed consent is that referring to the principles of trust and good faith, patients must be honest in providing information before undergoing orthodontist procedures by dentists. the decision of the ministry of health no. 290 of 2008 on the agreement of medical actions state that dentists must fully inform patients of the diagnosis, treatment and risks, potential side effects, etc. patients may also determine their own choices after obtaining a complete explanation. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 23-29 27 concerning legal protection for medical workers in informed consent, it was found that dentists obtain legal protection in cases where unwanted events occurred, especially when they have carried out their best efforts according to the sop. this was regulated in law no. 29 of 2004 on medical practices and article 57 of law no. 36 of 2014 on health workers, chapter of the health workers’ rights and responsibilities. 5. speech thank you the authors would like to thank universitas muhammadiyah surakarta. bibliography azizah, h. r. n. 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2) why is the right of reply as the settlement of the case in press reporting less effective? the research method used is a normative juridical method. the conclusion of this study is that the right to answer has been set since law no. 11 of 1966 concerning the provisions of the press to law no. 40 of 1999 concerning the press, the right of reply in more detail is regulated in press council regulation no. 9/regulation-dp/x/2008 concerning guidelines for the right to reply. in reality the right of reply is not effective as a settlement of a case in a press release due to lack of regulatory substance in the right of reply. right of reply is only seen as a settlement of cases in the realm of ethics. keywords: freedom, press, right, case settlement magister ilmu hukum universitas muhammadiyah yogyakarta, indonesia (masagalaalfan@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i2.475 1. introduction freedom of the press is the most important thing in the sustainability of the press. freedom of the press is an obligation that must be fulfilled to reflect the democracy of the country itself. indonesia is the 4th most populous country in the world, one of the countries that adheres to a democratic system. article 28 of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia (1945 constitution) which guarantees freedom of association and assembly, expressing thoughts verbally and in writing forms the basis of press freedom so that press laws are formed so that the press functions optimally. maximum function is needed because freedom of the press is one of the manifestations of people's sovereignty and is the most important element as upholding the truth and justice, advancing public welfare, and educating the national life of the national press (rahman, 2017) the definition of democracy itself can be viewed from two sides, namely terminologically and etymologically. etymologically democracy comes from greek consisting of two words namely "cretein/cratos" which means sovereignty/power and "demos" which means the population/people of a place (poti, 2011). in terminology, democracy is a system of government of a country that is run by the government of that country as an effort to realize the sovereignty of the people. robert dahl then explained that "the most decisive thing also for the democratic system is how the community implements the main rights such as freedom of expression, mailto:jayadi.paputungan27@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i2.475 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i2.475 jurnal hukum volkgeist alfan pathriansyah masagala. 4(2): 93-99 94 association, communication, and organization needed for political debate and the implementation of election campaigns"(poti, 2011). during the reform period through the information minister yunus yosfiah approved law no. 40 of 1999 concerning the press, which was considered to provide press freedom in lieu of law no. 21 of 1982 amendment of law no. 11 of 1966 concerning the provisions of the basic press which at that time was considered not to give freedom and independence of the press. law no. 40 of 1999 concerning the press is still in force today, but some members of the press still question the freedom and freedom of the press. there are still many criminal prosecutions of the press that occur in various regions of the country of indonesia, especially regarding the news that is considered defamatory. examples of cases that occurred were the case of basri journalist, mapikor rayeuk, east aceh, journalist and editorial director of kungin mutaqin asqar, journalist and editor in chief of southeast sulawesi news djery lihawa and several other cases were convicted for defamation. some cases that occur should press cases not be resolved through legal channels, press cases must be resolved first through the right to replay. settlement using the right to replay is one recognition of freedom and freedom of the press. the right to replay is recognized and regulated since law no. 11 of 1966 concerning the provisions of the press until law no. 40 of 1999 concerning the press, as well as the making of a memorandum of understanding between the press council and the republic of indonesia national police number 2/dp/mou/2017, number b/15/ii/2017 concerning coordination of press freedom protection and law enforcement regarding the misuse of journalist profession which contains rights of reply. referring to the explanation above, the writer will study and analyze the application of the right to replay which is a form of recognition of freedom and freedom of the press, therefore the author raises the title "analysis of the right to reply as case settlement in press release". 2. methodology this writing uses the normative legal research method (normative legal research) which is a research method that views the law as a binding regulation, referring to legal norms as outlined in the law, legal principles, legal history, and jurisprudence (jayadi paputungan, 2019). the approach in normative juridical research methods is to use a case approach, statutory approach, historical approach, and conceptual approach. normative legal research is conducted to produce theories, arguments, and new concepts as a description in solving problems (marzuki, 2011). according to mamudji and soekanto, normative juridical research consists of several parts, namely first; research on legal principles, second; research on legal systematics, third; research on vertical and horizontal synchronization levels, fourth; comparative law, and fifth: the history of law (janpatar simamora, 2013). 3. problem formulation based on the background description above, the formulation of the problems in this paper are: 1) how is the application of the right to replay as a case resolution in press reporting? 2) why is the right to reply as case resolution in press reporting less effective? jurnal hukum volkgeist alfan pathriansyah masagala. 4(2): 93-99 95 3.1. application of the right to replay as case resolution in press reporting news is one of the necessities of human life today, both direct and indirect news relating to the interests of many people. news from the press is not uncommon to get problems caused by the contents of the news which are considered defamatory, so that if there is a news that is considered committing defamation then as a professional must be willing to account for these actions. in the provisions of the press law, a recommendation has been provided for anyone who feels aggrieved over the contents of the news, namely through the right of reply (retnowati, 2000) the right of reply is one of the process of resolving press cases if there is a problem with a news presentation that is considered harmful to good name. experts and press activists basically expect that the resolution taken to resolve disputes prioritizes using the right of reply, but with a note that if it is an ethical violation. right of reply is appropriate before taking formal legal remedy either through civil court or through criminal court. the right to replay has always been regulated in law no. 11 of 1996 concerning principal provisions to article 15 paragraph (3) which states "the editor in chief is responsible for the implementation of the editorial and is obliged to serve the right to replay and right of correction". the right to replay is also regulated in law no. 21 of 1982 amending law no. 11 of 1966 concerning principal provisions to article 15 article 15a was made into 3 (three) verses stating "(1) the right to replay is the right of a person, organization or legal entity who feels disadvantaged by writing in one or several press publications, to request to the press publisher concerned so that the explanation and response to the article published or published, published in the press publication, (2) within reasonable limits press issuance must meet the demands of the reading public who will use the right to replay, (3) more provisions continued the right to replay will be regulated by the government after hearing the consideration of the press council ". law no. 21 of 1982 concerning basic provisions press was changed to law no. 40 of 1999 concerning the press which then contained the right to replay contained in article 5 paragraph (2) stating "the press is obliged to serve the right to replay" and the definition of the right to replay is explained in article 1 point 11 which states that "the right to replay is the right of a person or group of people to respond or refutation of reporting in the form of facts which are detrimental to their good name. "law no. 40 of 1999 concerning the press also includes criminal provisions concerning the right to replay in article 18 paragraph (2) which states that "press companies that violate the provisions of article 5 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), as well as article 13 are liable to a maximum fine of rp. 500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah) ". at the police stage the right to replay is also one of the remedies that are expected to be used first, it can be seen from the memorandum of understanding between the press council and the indonesian national police number 2/dp/mou/2017, number b/15/ii/2017 concerning coordination protection of press freedom and law enforcement regarding the misuse of professional journalists in article 4 paragraph (2) which states "second party, when receiving complaints of alleged disputes / disputes including reader letters or opinions / columns between journalists / media and the public, will direct disputes / disputes and / or complainants to carry out steps in stages and starting from using the right to replay, right of correction, complaints to the first party and the civil process ". the right to replay is more clearly explained in press council regulation no.9/ regulation-dp/x/2008 concerning guidelines for the right to reply. in the press jurnal hukum volkgeist alfan pathriansyah masagala. 4(2): 93-99 96 regulation regarding the right to reply guidelines in point 3 states that "the press is obliged to serve every right to replay". the guideline of the right to replay also explains the function and purpose of the right to replay. the right to replay function is located in point 4, namely "a. fulfill the right of the public to obtain accurate information, b. respect the dignity and honor of people who feel disadvantaged due to press reporting, c. prevent or reduce the emergence of greater losses for the community and the press, d. the form of public oversight of the press ", while the purpose of the right of the reply lies in point 5, namely" a. fulfilling fair and balanced reporting or journalistic work, b. carry out press responsibilities to the community, c. resolving disputes over press coverage, d. realizing the good faith of the press ". regarding the person in charge of the content of the said right to replay regulated in point 15 states that "responsibility for the content of the right of responsibility rests with the person in charge of the press who published it". the exercise of the right to replay must be carried out proportionally, this is by the provisions of point 13 of the press council regulation number 9/regulationdp/x/2008 concerning guidelines for the right to reply which states as follows: a. "the right to replay to inaccurate or inaccurate reporting or journalistic work is done well on a part by section basis or as a whole of the information in question; b. the right to replay is served in the same place or program as the reporting or journalistic work in question unless agreed by the parties; c. the right to replay with the agreement of the parties can be served in interviews, errata formats, features, profiles, cyber media comments, coverage, talk shows, running messages, or other formats but not in ad formats; d. the exercise of the right to replay must be carried out in the shortest possible time, or at the first opportunity according to the nature of the press in question; 1. "for print press, it is obligatory to include the right to replay in the next edition or no later than two editions since the right to replay is received by the editor. 2. for television and radio press contains the right to reply in the next program". e. the loading of the right to replay is carried out once for each report; f. if there are errors and inaccuracies in the facts which are judging, lying and/or slander, the press must apologize”. the application of the right to replay cannot always be carried out, this can be seen in point 12 of the right to reply manual which states that "the press can reject the contents of the right to replay if a. the length/duration/number of characters of the right to replay material exceeds the reporting or journalistic work in question, b. it contains facts not related to the news or journalistic work in question, c. its loading can lead to violations of the law, d. contrary to the interests of third parties which must be protected by law ". right to replay has a deadline for submission since the news was published. the time limit is only given for two months since the news was published, if after two months the right to reply is not submitted then the right to reply is considered no longer valid, but there is an exception that the right to replay can apply if there is another agreement from the parties, this is in accordance with point 16 of the right to reply manual. jurnal hukum volkgeist alfan pathriansyah masagala. 4(2): 93-99 97 3.2.right to replay as case resolution in press reporting is less effective. the real right to replay is expected to be a solution to the case resolution if there is a problem with the news presentation made by the press editor. the right to replay should be able to resolve and correct problems between people or groups of people who do not accept or feel incorrect about the contents of the news. until now the right to replay is only an ineffective step, this is because people or groups of people who feel defamed may choose criminal law or civil law to resolve the case. the criminal law channel is most often seen as an effective and fair solution. many press members have been reported to the police for alleged defamation and not a few of the press have been sentenced to prison or fines as a result of the news they made, this has happened almost throughout indonesia. some examples of press cases sentenced by a criminal are: • basri, mapikor tabloid reporter through decision no.87/pid.b/2011/pn-idi was found guilty by the east aceh rayeuk district court and sentenced to 6 months in prison. • djery lihawa, journalist and chief editor of sultra news through decision no. 158/pid.b/2017/pn bau was found guilty and sentenced to 3 (three) months in prison and a fine of rp. 5,000,000 (five million rupiah). • kinkin mutaqin asqar, journalist and chief editor of murung raya through court decision no. 208/pid.b/2015/pn mtw was sentenced to prison for 2 (two) years. from the example of this case, it can be concluded that the settlement using the right to replay is not effective. the right to replay is ineffective because efforts to resolve cases through criminal law and civil law are not wrong. efforts to resolve cases using the right to replay are only a settlement in the realm of the code of ethics, even though the right to replay has been fulfilled, it does not rule out the possibility to proceed to the realm of civil or criminal law. the substance of law no. 40 of 1999 concerning the press does not explain in detail the right to replay, and the termination of the case is not arranged if the right to replay has been fulfilled. the right to replay in the memorandum of understanding between the press council and the indonesian national police number 2/dp/mou/2017, number b/15/ ii /2017 concerning the coordination of the protection of press freedom and law enforcement regarding the misuse of professional journalists is still ineffective because in article 4 paragraph (3) explains "as referred to in paragraph (2), if the resolution of the steps of the first party cannot be accepted by the complainant and wishes to take other legal processes, then the complainant is asked to fill out a statement form on stamped paper". this explains that although prioritized to be resolved through the right to replay, the complainant can expressly refuse to use the right to replay. the right to replay is also less effective because the press is considered to be less professional, many press groups, especially the online media press, are not official media. in-law no. 40 of 1999 concerning the press through article 9 paragraph (2) states that "every press company must be in the form of a legal entity", but in reality, many online media releases are not in the form of legal entities. unofficial media can be considered as fake media, the settlement of press cases using the right to replay is considered unfair and does not give a sense of deterrence to the press. distrust of the press resulted in a person or group of people preferring to use legal channels rather than being resolved in the realm of ethics. jurnal hukum volkgeist alfan pathriansyah masagala. 4(2): 93-99 98 another problem with the right to reply is that the right to replay is considered as a refuge for the press seeking profit from untrue reporting. the main problem lies in the unprofessional press, preferring to take advantage of the facts of the truth of the news. here, a concept that often differs between the press and the community arises, so the role of government is needed to create a kind of bridge over the intended difference so that the public can be protected from the arrogance of the press while the press does not lose freedom in its performance (wahidin, 2000). 4. conclusion right to replay as case resolution in press coverage is regulated since law no. 11 of 1966 concerning press principle provisions in article 15, then article 15 was amended to article 15a plus 3 (three) verses which are regulated in law no.21 of 1982 amendment to law no.11 of 1966 concerning basic press provisions. law no. 21 of 1982 concerning principal provisions of the press was changed to law no. 40 of 1999 concerning the press, the right to replay is then regulated in article 5 and article 18. the right to replay is also preferred in the criminal law channel at the police stage stipulated in the memorandum of understanding between the press council and the indonesian national police number 2/dp/mou/2017, number b/15/ii/2017 concerning coordination of the protection of press freedom and law enforcement regarding the misuse of professional journalists. the mechanism for implementing the right to replay is then explained in more detail through press council regulation no. 9/regulationdp/x/2008 concerning guidelines for the right to reply. the right to reply as case settlements in press reporting is considered to be less effective, this is because the settlement of press cases does not only use the right to replay. the right to replay is only considered as a solution in the domain of the code of ethics. if there are problems in reporting the press, the settlement of the case can also be resolved using the criminal law channel or the civil law channel. lack of substance law no. 40 of 1999 concerning the press which regulates the right to replay makes the right to reply less effective. in the memorandum of understanding between the press council and the indonesian national police number 2/dp/mou/2017, number b/15/ii/2017 concerning the coordination of press freedom protection and law enforcement related to the misuse of journalist profession in article 4 paragraph (3) explains that the complainant can refuse to use the right to replay. the right to replay is also seen as a refuge for unprofessional press circles. reference janpatar simamora. 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is the literature. researcher uses a conceptual approach because of adapts to the legal material under study, then it analyzed by qualitative analysis. the result of research shows that syariah venture capital financing have gined legal protection from positif law in indonesia for doing financing based on prinsip's profit sharing. every business operation of syariah venture capital financing and syariah business unit must fulfill the principles of justice, equilibrium, benefit, and univeralism. keywords: legal review, financing, syariah venture capital, profit sharing a. pendahuluan. usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (umkm) memiliki peranan yang luar biasa bagi kemajuan ekonomi indonesia. apabila umkm indonesia dapat tumbuh dan berkembang, maka kemungkinan akan memperkuat perekonomian indonesia. namun, umkm memiliki kelemahan dalam kemampuan manajemen dan akses untuk mendapatkan modal, karena untuk mendapatkan kredit dari perbankan harus menyertakan jaminan (collateral). keberadaan pembiayaan modal ventura di indonesia menjadi alternatif sumber pembiayaan bagi dunia usaha khususnya umkm. menurut uu no. 20 tahun 2008 tentang umkm, umkm memiliki akses untuk bermitra dengan perusahaan modal ventura. salah satu karakteristik pembiayaan modal ventura adalah pembiayaan dengan berisiko tinggi (high risk) karena tidak didukung dengan jaminan (collateral) (sunaryo, 2008: 26). konsep tersebut memudahkan umkm untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan dari modal ventura. mailto:cahyonur3dy@gmail.com issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (umkm)dengan sistem perhitungan profit sharing i edy nurcahyo page 188 seiring dengan perkembangan dunia usaha, konsep ekonomi islam turut mewarnai perkembangan ekonomi di tanah air. dalam dunia perbangkan banyak mengembangkan konsep perbangkan ekonomi islam (syariah). bahkan konsep ekonomi islam dikembangkan dan diterapkan di lembaga keuangan non-perbankan, termasuk ke dalam pola pembiayaan modal ventura. sejak awal berdirinya modal ventura memiliki tiga pola hubungan hukum, yaitu peryertaan saham (equity participation), penyertaan melalui pembelian obligasi konversi (quasi equity participation), dan pembiayaan berdasarkan pembagian hasil usaha (profit sharing). dari ketiga pola hubungan tersebut yang paling sesuai dengan karakteristik umkm adalah pembiayaan berdasarkan pembagian hasil usaha (profit sharing). yang menjadi problematik adalah apakah pembiayaan modal ventura konvensional khususnya pembiayaan modal ventura dengan profit sharing dapat diterapkan menjadi pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah?, hal itu perlu dianalisis dengan pendekatan konseptual ditinjauan dari hukum islam dan hukum positif. pembiayaan modal ventura dengan pola bagi hasil perlu ditinjau berdasarkan hukum islam dan ditemukan perlindungan hukumnya dari sisi hukum positif. oleh karena itu peneliti memilih judul "tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (umkm) dengan sistem perhitungan profit sharing" yang pertama untuk mengetahui bagaiman kepastian hukum bagi usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (umkm) sebagai mitra perusahaan modal ventura? dan bagaiman tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (umkm) dengan sistem profit sharing ditinjau dari hukum islam? karakeristik umkm sebagai pasangan usaha dari perusahaan modal ventura memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dengan karakteristik pasangan usaha lainnya, perbedaan inilah yang turut menentukan pola mana yang paling sesuai dengan dengan pembiayaan modal ventura, khususnya pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (umkm)dengan sistem perhitungan profit sharing i edy nurcahyo page 189 b. metode penelitian penelitian hukum ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif. penelitian ini mendasarkan pada penelitian hukum yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach). objek kajian pendekatan konseptual (conceptualical approach) yaitu beranjak dari pandangan-pandangan dan doktrin-doktin yang berkembang di dalam ilmu hukum. dengan mempelajari pandangan-pandangan dan doktrin-doktrin di dalam ilmu hukum, peneliti akan menemukan ide-ide yang melahirkan pengertian-pengertian hukum, konsep-konsep hukum, dan asas-asas hukum yang relevan dengan isu-isu yang dihadapi (peter mahmud marzuki, 2009: 93).oleh karena itu pengkajian yang dilakukan, hanyalah "terbatas" pada data sekunder yang diperoleh dari bahan kepustakaan atau literature yang mempunyai hubungan dengan objek yang diteliti. adapaun analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis kualitatif. c. pembahasan dalam pasal 2 peraturan menteri keuangan no. 8 /pmk.010/2012 tentang perusahaan modal ventura, kegiatan usaha modal ventura meliputi (1) penyertaan saham (equity participation); (2) penyertaan melalui pembelian obligasi konversi (quasi equity participation); dan (3) pembiayaan berdasarkan pembagian atas hasil usaha (profit/revenue sharing). setiap pelaksanaan pembiayaan modal ventura harus diawali terlebih dahulu dengan perjanjian modal ventura. sebagaimana menurut fuady (1995: 167), dokumen pokok yang paling penting sebagai bukti adanya kerja sama dalam usaha modal ventura adalah perjanjian modal ventura (venture capital agreement/shareholdel agreement). perjanjian modal ventura dilakukan antara perusahaan modal ventura dan perusahaan pasangan usaha sebagai mitra dalam pembiayaan modal ventura. perjanjian modal ventura yang paling banyak digunakan adalah pola perjanjian berdasarkan bagi hasil atas hasil usaha (profit sharing). hal tersebut didukung dengan dikeluarkannya peraturan menteri keuangan no. 18/pmk.010/2012 tentang perusahaan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (umkm)dengan sistem perhitungan profit sharing i edy nurcahyo page 190 modal ventura, usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (umkm) telah mendapat perlindungan hukum untuk menjadi perusahaan pasangan usaha dari perusahaan modal ventura. karena secara karakteristik bentuk usahanya, umkm adalah usaha yang paling tepat dengan perjanjian bersasarkan bagi hasil (profit sharing) dari segi kuantitas umkm jumlahnya lebih banyak dibandingkan perusahaan pasangan usaha yang berbentuk perseroan terbatas, koperasi, cv maupun firma (fa). disamping itu prospek pengembangan ukmk sangat strategis untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan modal ventura dan pembinaan menejemen dari perusahaan modal ventura. menurut muhammad (2001: 22) secara terminologi, profit sharing dalam kamus ekonomi diartikan pembagian laba. secara definitif profit sharing diartikan "distribusi" beberapa bagian dari laba pada para pegawai dari suatu perusahaan. dalam ajaran islam, konsep profit sharing sering disebut bagi hasil. konsep ini dengan mudah dijumpai dalam praktek masyarakat islam pada masa rasulullah dan sahabat hingga masyarakat islam saat ini (m. b. hendrie anto, 2003: 242). dalam dunia pembiayaan, profit sharing sering disebut dengan istilah penyertaan secara tidak langsung (indirect investment) yaitu suatu penyertaan modal oleh perusahaan modal ventura pada perusahaan pasangan usaha tidak dalam bentuk modal saham (equity), tetapi dalam bentuk obligasi konversi (convertible bond) atau partisipasi terbatas/bagi hasil (profit sharing) (sunaryo, 2008: 33). pembiayaan dalam islam juga mendukung modal ventura. adapun jenis pembiayaan (nurul huda, 2010: 375-378) yang dianjurkan dalam islam adalah: 1. musyarakah jenis pembiayaan ini merupakan pencampuran dana dari pembiayaan musyarakah (modal ventura) dan dana dari pengusaha patnernya. kedua belah pihak menanggung rugi dan atau memperoleh keuntungan dari usaha yang mereka bentuk. untung dan rugi yang mereka peroleh kedua belah pihak dinikmati secara bersama-sama sesuai dengan porsi yang ada dengan konsep profit (loss sharing). hal ini sesuai dengan firman allah swt: issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (umkm)dengan sistem perhitungan profit sharing i edy nurcahyo page 191 لَٰى مْ عَ هُ ِغي بَعْضُ بْ يَ اِء لَ لَطَ ا ِمَن الْخُ يًر ثِ إِنَّ كَ ۖ َو هِ اِج لَٰى نِعَ َك إِ تِ َج اِل نَعْ َؤ َك بِسُ َم لَ دْ ظَ قَ اَل لَ قَ فََر تَغْ اهُ فَاسْ َنَّ ت ا فَ َم َنَّ نَّ دَاُوودُ أ ۖ َوظَ ا هُمْ يٌل َم لِ َحاِت وَ قَ الِ لُوا الصَّ ِم نُوا َوعَ يَن آَم ِذ بَعٍْض إَِّلَّ الَّ َنَاَب ۩ أ ا َو عً بَّهُ َوَخرَّ َراِك َر "daud berkata: "sesungguhnya dia telah berbuat zalim kepadamu dengan meminta kambingmu itu untuk ditambahkan kepada kambingnya. dan sesungguhnya kebanyakan dari orang-orang dari orang-orang yang berserikat itu sebagian mereka berbuat zalim kepada sebagian yang lain, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal saleh; dan amat sedikitlah mereka ini". dan daud mengetahui bahwa kami mengujinya; maka ia meminta ampun kepada tuhannya lalu menyungkur sujud dan bertaubat". (qs. shaad/38:24). dan hadist nabi saw: َ يَقُوُل أَنَا ثَاِلُث الشَِّريَكْيِن َما لَْم يَُخْن أََحدُهَُما َصاِحبَهُ فَإِذَا َخانَهُ َخَرْجُت ِمْن َعْن أَبِى هَُرْيَرةَ َرفَعَهُ قَاَل » إِنَّ َّللاَّ .« بَْينِِهَما "dari abu hurairah r.a, allah berfirman: aku adalah kongsi ketiga dari dua orag yang berkongsi, selama salah seorang kongsi tidak menghianati yang lainnya, apabila ia telah menghianatinya, maka aku keluar dari perkongsian itu". (h.r. abu daud 3385) 2. mudharabah pembiayaan usaha yang dapat diselaraskan dengan dengan instrument obligasi. perusahaan pasangan usaha memegang amanah dari perusahaan modal ventura dimana modal yang ada merupakan titipan agar dimanfaatkan untuk memperoleh keuntungan. hal ini sesuai dengan firman allah swt: ونَ ۩ لَمُ ُمْ تَعْ ت َنْ أ مْ َو كُ اتِ انَ َ َم ونُوا أ وَل َوتَخُ سُ الرَّ َ َو ونُوا َّللاَّ نُوا ََّل تَخُ يَن آَم ا الَِّذ َيُّهَ ا أ يَ "hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu mengkhianati manah-amanah allah dan rasul (muhammad) dan (juga) janganlah kamu mengkhianati amanatamanat yang dipercayakan kepadamu, sedang kamu mengetahui". (qs. alanfal/8:27) dan hadits nabi saw: issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (umkm)dengan sistem perhitungan profit sharing i edy nurcahyo page 192 ِ -صلى هللا عليه وسلمأَنَّهُ دَفََع إِ لَى يَُهوِد َخْيبََر نَْخَل َخْيبََر َوأَْرَضَها َعلَى أَْن ِ ْبِن ُعَمَر َعْن َرُسوِل َّللاَّ َعْن َعْبِد َّللاَّ ِ -صلى هللا عليه وسلمَشْطُر ثََمِرَها .يَْعتَِملُوَها ِمْن أَْمَواِلِهْم َوِلَرُسوِل َّللاَّ "dari abdullah bin umar dari rasulullah, bahwa rasulullah menyerahkan kepada bangsa yahudi khaibar kebun kurma dan lading daerah khaibar, agar mereka menggarapnya dengan biaya mereka sendiri, dengan perjanjian, rasulullah mendapatkan separuh hasil penennya". (hr. muslim 4048) 3. murabahah pembiayaan murabahan merupakan jual beli barang untuk keperluan investasi dan juga bahan baku yang digunakan untuk kepentingan modal kerja. pembiayaan jenis ini dapat dilakukan apabila perusahan modal ventura bernegosiasi dengan pihak pengusaha yang ingin membeli barang investasi dalam bentuk mesin. hal ini didukung firman allah swt: ََراٍض ْن ت ةً عَ َجاَر َْن تَكُوَن تِ اِطِل إَِّلَّ أ بَ الْ ْم بِ نَكُ يْ مْ بَ كُ الَ َو َْم لُوا أ كُ َأْ نُوا ََّل ت يَن آَم ِذ ا الَّ َيُّهَ ا أ مْ يَ كُ نْ ِم مْ َرِحيًما۩ اَن بِكُ َ كَ ۖ إِنَّ َّللاَّ مْ كُ فُسَ َنْ ُلُوا أ ت َقْ ََّل ت ۖ َو "hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu saling memakan harta sesamamu dengan jalan yang batil, kecuali dengan jalan perniagaan yang berlaku suka sama-suka diantara kamu. dan janganlah kamu membunuh dirimu; sesungguhnya allah maha penyayang kepadamu". (qs. annisa': /4:29) dan hadits nabi saw: مَ لَّ هِ َوسَ يْ لَ ُ عَ لَّى َّللاَّ ِ صَ َر أَنَّ َرسُوَل َّللاَّ َم ِن عُ ْن ابْ ْن نَافِعٍ عَ ٍك عَ الِ ْن َم يٍد عَ ِع ُن سَ بْ ةُ بَ َيْ ت َنَا قُ ث َحدَّ ْن النَّْجِش ى عَ نَهَ "telah menceritakan kepada kami qutaibah bin sa'id dari malik dari nafi' dari ibnu umar, rasulullah saw melarang jual beli najasy (penipuan)". (h.r. bukhori 6448) seiring dengan perkembangan modal ventura dari waktu ke waktu, penyelenggaraan modal ventura atau kegiatan usaha modal ventura mengalami perkembangan, hal ini ditandai dengan diterbitkannya peraturan otoritas jasa keuangan no. 35 /pojk.05/2015 tentang penyelenggaraan usaha perusahaan modal ventura. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (umkm)dengan sistem perhitungan profit sharing i edy nurcahyo page 193 menurut pasal 2 peraturan otoritas jasa keuangan no. 35 /pojk.05/2005, perusahaan modal ventura menyelenggarakan usaha modal ventura yang meliputi: (a) penyertaan saham (equity participation); (b) penyertaan melalui pembelian obligasi konversi (quasi equity participation); (c) pembiayaan melalui pembelian surat utang yang diterbitkan pasangan usaha pada tahap rintisan awal (start-up) dan/atau pengembangan usaha; dan/atau; (d) pembiayaan usaha produktif. usaha modal ventura syari'ah (umvs) telah mendapat perlindungan hukum dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di indonesia, hal ini sangat menggembirakan bagi pelaku bisnis di tanah air. bahkan peraturan otoritas jasa keuangan no. 35 /pojk.05/2015 tentang penyelenggaraan usaha perusahaan modal ventura telah membuat definisi tentang umvs, yaitu usaha modal ventura syari'ah yang selanjutnya disingkat umvs adalah usaha pembiayaan melalui kegiatan investasi dan/atau pelayanan jasa yang dilakukan dalam jangka waktu tertentu dalam rangka pengembangan usaha pasangan usaha yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan prinsip syari'ah. subjek hukum dari usaha modal ventura syari'ah adalah perusahaan modal ventura syari'ah (pmvs) dan pasangan usaha (pu). perusahaan modal ventura syari'ah adalah badan usaha yang melakukan kegiatan usaha modal ventura syari'ah, pengelolaan dana ventura, dan kegiatan usaha lain dengan persetujuan otoritas jasa keuangan yang seluruhnya dilaksanakan berdasarkan prinsif syari'ah. bentuk badan usaha pmv atau pmvs menurut peraturan otoritas jasa keuangan no. 35 /pojk.05/2015 tentang penyelenggaraan usaha perusahaan modal ventura, yaitu dapat berbentuk perseroan terbatas, koperasi, atau perseroan komanditer. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (umkm)dengan sistem perhitungan profit sharing i edy nurcahyo page 194 usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (umkm) sebagai pasangan usaha dari pmvs telah mendapat perlindungang hukum, sebagimana yang dimaksud dengan pasangan usaha (pu) adalah orang perseorangan atau perusahaan termasuk usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah, dan koperasi yang menerima penyertaan modal dan/atau investasi berdasarkan prinsip bagi hasil dari pmv, pmvs, atau unit usaha syari'ah (uus). bahkan pmv atau pmvs wajib memiliki kegiatan usaha modal ventura atau usaha modal ventura syari'ah pada pasangan usaha dan/atau debitur yang termasuk kategori usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah, dan koperasi paling sedikit 5% (lima persen) dari total kegiatan usaha. sebagai salah satu perbuatan hukum, modal ventura tentu harus diback up oleh sektor yuridis, agar dapat berlaku dalam lingkup pergaulan bisnis, salah satu diantara nya adalah prinsip kebebasan berkontrak. seperti juga dengan lembaga financial lainnya seperti leasing, factoring, consumer finance, atau kartu kredit, maka modal ventura mempunyai dasar berupa kebebasan berkontrak vide pasal 1338 ayat (1) kuh perdata. sebab, dalam peluncuran dana lewat modal ventura ini juga dimulai dari penandatanganan berbagai kontrak terlebih dahulu, termasuk kontak modal ventura itu sendiri (munir fuady, 2006:113). pmvs dan uus dalam menyelenggarakan usaha modal ventura syari'ah berupa investasi dengan pembiayaan berdasarkan prinsip bagi hasil dilakukan dalam bentuk penyediaan modal kepada pasangan usaha (pu) dengan jangka waktu tertentu untuk kegiatan usaha produktif dengan pembagian keuntungan sesuai dengan kesepakatan para pihak. dengan adanya asas kebebasan berkontrak (freedom of contract) berarti antara perusahaan modal ventura syari'ah dan umkm bebas untuk mengadakan kontrak yang dituangkan dalam bentuk perjanjian tertulis. namun kebebasan berkontrak tersebut tentulah bukan kebebasan yang mutlak, karena telah dibatasi oleh undang-undang yaitu berupa syarat syahnya suatu perjanjian. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (umkm)dengan sistem perhitungan profit sharing i edy nurcahyo page 195 untuk memenuhi apakah perjanjian modal ventura antara perusahaan modal ventura dengan pasangan usaha (umkm) harus memenuhi syarat syahnya perjanjian sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 1320 kuh perdata: (1) sepakat mereka yang mengikatkan diri penjanjian modal ventura yang dibuat oleh perusahaan modal ventura dan pasangan usaha (umkm) maka kedua belah pihak harus saling sepakat. (2) kecakapan untuk membuat suatu perjanjian perusahaan modal ventura dan pasangan usaha (umkm) sebagai subjek hukum harus cakap dalam membuat perjanjian. adapun orang yang dianggap tidak cakap dalam membuat perjanjian menurut pasal 1330 kuh perdata, yaitu orang-orang yang belum dewasa; mereka yang ditaruh dibawah pengampuan; wanita yang bersuami, (ketentuan ini dihapus dengan berlakunya undangundang no. 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan, karena pasal 31 undangundang ini menentukan bahwa hak dan kedudukan suami istri adalah seimbang dan masing-masing berhak untuk melakukan perbuatan hukum). (3) suatu hal tertentu suatu hal tertentu yang menjadi objek dari perjanjian yang dibuat antara perusahaan modal ventura dan pasangan usaha (umkm) adalah pembiayaan modal ventura. (4) suatu sebab yang halal maksudnya adalah perjanjian yang dibuat antara perusahaan modal ventura dan pasangan usaha (umkm) harus dibuat dengan alasan yang sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku (legal). tidak boleh membuat kontrak yang bertentangan dengan hukum. dan isi perjanjian tidak boleh bertentangan dengan norma kesusilaan atau ketertiban umum (pasal 1337 kuh perdata). seluruh perjanjian kegiatan usaha antara pmv, pmvs, dan/atau uus dengan pasangan usaha dan/atau debitur wajib dibuat secara tertulis dan harus memenuhi issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (umkm)dengan sistem perhitungan profit sharing i edy nurcahyo page 196 ketentuan penyusunan perjanjian sebagaimana diatur diatur dalam peraturan ojk mengenai perlindungan konsumen sektor jasa keuangan. dalam prespektif hukum islam, pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah sebagai suatu bentuk kontrak modern tidak dapat terhindar dari akad yang membentuknya. hal ini disebabkan karena dalam praktiknya, pembiayaan modal ventura melibatkan dua pihak yang terikat oleh perjanjian untuk melaksanakan kawajiban, yaitu antara perusahaan modal ventura syari'ah dengan pasangan usaha. berkenaan dengan ini allah swt berfirman dalam qs. al-maidah [/5:1] ۖ قُوِد عُ الْ فُوا بِ َْو نُوا أ يَن آَم ِذ ا الَّ هَ َيُّ ا أ ۩..…يَ artinya: "hai orang-orang yang beriman, penuhilah akad-akad itu……" (qs. almaidah /5:1) dalam melakukan perjanjian modal vetura syari'ah juga terikat dengan syarat yang disepakati antara perusahaan modal ventura syari'ah dengan pasangan usaha, berikut adalah hadits tentang perjanjian: َم َحالََّلً أَْو أََحلَّ َحَراًما َواْلُمْسِلُمْوَن َعلَى ُشُرْوِطِهْم إَِّلَّ َشْرًطا َحرَّ artinya: "orang-orang muslim itu terikat dengan syarat yang mereka sepakati, kecuali syarat yang mengharamkan yang halal atau menghalalkan yang haram." (hr. atturmudzi) hadits ini menjelaskan tentang prinsip umum dalam melakukan akad atau transaksi. orang muslim dalam melakukan transaksinya tergantung oleh syarat yang mereka sepakati bersama antara kedua belah pihak, kecuali syarat yang mengharamkan yang halal atau menghalalkan yang haram. dalam pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah, akad atau transaksi antara perusahaan modal ventura syari'ah dengan pasangan usaha harus berdasarkan syarat-syarat yang mereka tetapkan bersama. kecuali syarat yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan syari'ah. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (umkm)dengan sistem perhitungan profit sharing i edy nurcahyo page 197 dalam melakukan kegiatan usaha pmvs dan uus wajib memenuhi prinsip-prinsip sebagai berikut: (a) prinsip keadilan ('adl); "'adl" adalah menempatkan sesuatu hanya pada tempatnya, dan memberi sesuatu hanya pada yang berhak serta memperlakukan sesuatu sesuai posisinya. (b) prinsip keseimbangan (tawazun); "tawazun" adalah meliputi keseimbangan aspek material dan spiritual, aspek privat dan publik, sektor keuangan dan sektor riil, bisnis dan sosial, dan keseimbangan aspek pemanfaatan dan kelestarian. (c) prinsip kemaslahatan (maslahah), dan; "maslahah" adalah merupakan segala bentuk kebaikan yang berdimensi duniawi dan ukhrawi, material dan spiritual serta individu dan kolektif serta harus memenuhi 3 (tiga) unsur yakni kepatuhan syari'ah (halal), bermanfaat dan membawa kebaikan (thoyib) dalam semua aspek secara keseluruhan yang tidak menimbulkan kemudharatan. (d) universalisme (alamiyah) "amaliyah" adalah dapat dilakukan oleh, dengan, dan untuk semua pihak yang berkepentingan (stakeholders) tanpa membedakan suku, agama, ras dan golongan, sesuai dengan semangat kerahmatan semesta (rahmatan lil alamin) dalam melakukan kegiatan usaha pmvs dan uus wajib menghindari kegiatan yang mengandung: (a) gharar, "gharar" adalah transaksi yang objeknya tidak jelas, tidak dimiliki, tidak diketahui keberadaannya, atau tidak dapat diserahkan pada saat transaksi dilakukan kecuali diatur lain dalam syari'ah. (b) maysir, "maysir" adalah transaksi yang bersifat spekulatif (untung-untungan) yang tidak terkait langsung dengan produktifitas di sektor riil. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (umkm)dengan sistem perhitungan profit sharing i edy nurcahyo page 198 (c) riba, "riba" adalah pemastian penambahan pendapatan secara tidak sah (bathil) antara lain dalam transaksi pertukaran barang sejenis yang tidak sama kualitas, kuantitas, dan waktu penyerahan (fadlh), atau dalam transaksi pinjammeminjam yang mempersyaratkan nasabah penerima fasilitas mengembalikan dana yang diterima melebihi pokok pinjaman karena berjalannya waktu (naisah) (d) zhulm, dan "zhulm" adalah transaksi yang menimbulkan ketidakadilan bagi pihak lainnya (e) risywah, "risywah" adalah tindakan suap dalam bentuk uang, fasilitas, atau bentuk lainnya yang melanggar hukum sebagai upaya mendapatkan fasilitas atau kemudahan dalam suatu transaksi. (f) objek haram "objek haram" adalah suatu barang atau jasa yang diharamkan dalam syari'ah. dari sisi perusahaan pasangan usaha atau mitra usaha, masuknya modal ventura sebagai salah satu alternatif sumber pembiayaan pada umkm akan memberikan manfaat bagi umkm yang bersangkutan diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut: a. kemungkinan berhasilnya usaha umkm lebih besar, karena modal ventura yang diberikan dengan pola profit sharing disertai pula pendampingan manajemen. b. meningkatkan efisiensi pendistribusian produk dengan pemanfaatan teknologi pemasaran. c. meningkatkan kemampuan memperoleh keuntungan, karena modal ventura yang diberikan disertakan adanya kontrol manajemen yang orietasinya adalah memperoleh keuntungan dan mengembangkan usaha. manfaat yang diperoleh umkm dari pembiayaan modal ventura tersebut didukung oleh peran tugas perusahaan modal ventura yang belum tentu bisa didapatkan dari lembaga perbankan dengan pinjaman kredit bank. sebagai investor aktif, tentunya banyak tugas yang harus dilakukan oleh suatu perusahaan modal ventura. namun pada prinsipnya, issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (umkm)dengan sistem perhitungan profit sharing i edy nurcahyo page 199 tugas-tugas tersebut dapat digolongkan ke dalam dua bagian besar, yaitu "pemantauan investasi" dan "peningkatan nilai tambah investasi". pemantauan investasi pada prinsipnya dilakukan dengan menempatkan orang-orangnya pada manajemen perusahaan pasangan usaha. dengan demikian investasi dapat langsung dipantau. dan nilai tambah perusahaan pun dapat diawasi dan ditingkatkan (munir fuady: 2006: 144). secara lebih rinci, yang dilakukan perusahaan modal ventura dalam meningkatkan nilai tambah investasi, yang dapat dirasakan manfaatnya tidak saja oleh perusahaan pasangan usaha yang berbentuk pt, koperasi, cv, ataupun fa, juga dapat dirasakan manfaatnya oleh umkm sebagai patner bisnis perusahaan modal ventura, antara lain dapat disebutkan sebagai (handowo dipo, 1993: 158) berikut: (a) mencari, menginterview, memilih dan melakukan negosiasi dengan eksekutif professional. (b) marketing (c) mencari, memilih dan menegosiasi pihak pemasok bahan baku (d) melatih dan memberikan penyuluhan terhadap pendiri/pemilik perseroan atau staf manajemen lainnya. (e) mencari sumber dana lainnya (f) membina hubungan dengan calon pembeli saham lainnya. (g) memilih penjamin emisi dan profesi pasar modal yang tepat dalam rangka go public. perihal pendampingan (manajemen) bagi umkm dari perusahaan modal ventura juga ditegaskan dalam pasal 2 ayat (4) peraturan otoritas jasa keuangan no. 35 /pojk.05/2015 tentang penyelenggaraan usaha perusahaan modal ventura; "kegiatan usaha modal ventura sebagiamana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) dapat disertai dengan pendampingan kepada pasangan usaha dan/atau debitur" issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (umkm)dengan sistem perhitungan profit sharing i edy nurcahyo page 200 pendampingan bagi umkm dari perusahaan modal ventura untuk menyertai kegiatan usaha modal ventura harus disepakati oleh kedua belah pihak sekiranya dibutuhkan oleh pasangan usaha dan/atau debitur investasi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan modal ventura tidaklah berjalan selamanya. sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam pasal 4 ayat (2) keputusan menteri keuangan no. 1251/kmk.013/1988, bahwa penyertaan modal dalam setiap perusahaan pasangan usaha bersifat sementara dan tidak boleh melebihi jangka waktu 10 tahun. dengan demikian, dalam usaha modal ventura diharuskan adanya divestasi atas modal yang telah ditanam pada perusahaan pasangan usaha. divestasi ini merupakan kewajiban yang harus dilakukan oleh perusahaan modal ventura setelah jangka waktu yang disepakati atau ditentukan berakhir. d. penutup sejak diterbitkannya peraturan menteri keuangan no. 18/pmk.010/2012 tentang perusahaan modal ventura, umkm telah mendapat perlindungan hukum untuk menjadi subjek hukum dari kerjasama pembiayaan modal ventura. dan dengan diterbitkannya peraturan otoritas jasa keuangan no. 35 /pojk.05/2015 tentang penyelenggaraan usaha perusahaan modal ventura, umkm telah mendapat perlindungan hukum untuk menjadi pasangan usaha (pu) bagi perusahan modal ventura (pmv) maupun perusahaan modal ventura syari'ah (pmvs). usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (umkm) mendapatkan pembiayaan dengan pola perhitungan profit sharing dalam perakteknya dapat mengikuti pola pembiayaan islam yaitu musyarakah, mudharabah, dan murabahah. dan pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah (pmvs) telah mendapatkan perlindungan hukum dari hukum positif di indonesia untuk melakukan pembiayaan berdasarkan prinsip bagi hasil (profit sharing). setiap penyelenggaraan kegiatan usaha pmvs dan uus wajib memenuhi prinsip keadilan, keseimbangan, kemaslahatan, dan universalisme. daftar pustaka issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (umkm)dengan sistem perhitungan profit sharing i edy nurcahyo page 201 abdulkadir muhammad. 2004. lembaga keuangan dan pembiayaan. bandung: penerbit pt. citra adiya bakti. ahmad muliadi. 2013. hukum lembaga pembiayaan. jakarta: akademia permata. handowo dipo. 1993. sukses memperoleh dana. jakarta: grafiti. hasan 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2008. hukum lembaga pembiayaan. jakarta: penerbit sinar grafika. peraturan perundang-undangan peraturan menteri keuangan no. 8 /pmk.010/ 2012 tentang perusahaan modal ventura keputusan menteri keuangan no. 1251/kmk.013/1988 tentang ketentuan dan tata cara pelaksanaan lembaga pembiayaan peraturan otoritas jasa keuangan no. 35 /pojk.05/2015 tentang penyelenggaraan usaha perusahaan modal ventura issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembiayaan modal ventura syari'ah terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (umkm)dengan sistem perhitungan profit sharing i edy nurcahyo page 202 peraturan otoritas jasa keuangan no. 1 /pojk.07/2014 tentang lembaga alternatif penyelesaian sengketa di sektor jasa keuangan peraturan otoritas jasa keuangan no. 1 /pojk.07/2013 tentang perlindungan konsumen sektor jasa keuangan undang-undang no. 21 tahun 2011 tentang otoritas jasa keungan undang-undang no. 20 tahun 2008 tentang usaha, mikro, kecil, dan menengah jurnal hukum volkgeist https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i2.3100 vol. 7 no.2, june 2023 44 analysis of constitutional court decision no. 30/puu-xvi/2018 and supreme court decision no. 65p/hum/2018 concerning the prohibition of concurrent positions for regional representative council candidates (dpd) riswan rais syarif1*, sultan alwan1, rudhi achsoni1 1faculty of law, universitas khairun ternate, indonesia *correspondence: riswansyarif26@gmail.com article history abstract received: 07.05.2023 accepted: 05.06.2023 published: 30.06.2023 this study aims to analyze the disparities in the constitutional court's decision number 30/puu-xvi/2018 and the supreme court's decision number 65p/hum/2018 regarding the prohibition of concurrent positions as candidates for members of the regional representative council, as well as the legal implications of the disparity of the two decisions. the type of research method used in this research is the normative legal research method, namely legal research that refers to written regulations or other legal materials. the results of this study indicate that the disparity or fundamental difference from the constitutional court decision number 30/puu-xvi/2018 and the supreme court decision number 65p/hum/2018 is the different time in enforcing the ban on candidates for dpd members from political party officials. this disparity or difference can occur due to several factors, among which are the first; the different authorities between the constitutional court and the supreme court in examining a statutory regulation, the second; the constitutional court and the supreme court in examining a statutory regulation use different touchstones, and the third is the different views of the judges of the constitutional court and the supreme court in analyzing cases. the legal implications of the disparity of the two decisions are the absence of legal certainty and the violation of the constitutional rights of citizens. keywords: verdict analysis; supreme court; constitutional court; double job article licence copyright © 2023 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction the nation's founding fathers made it very apparent that indonesia is a democratic legal state. article 1 of the general explanation of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia covering the state governance system states: "the state of indonesia is based on law (rechtsstaat) and not on mere power (machtstaat)". this vow was made by the nation's founding fathers. in accordance with the concept of nomocratie, i.e., authority exerted by law, nomos, the actual leader in state administration is the law itself, in accordance with the principles of the rule of law, and not the individual (asshiddiqie, 2011). the above-described notion of a developing rule of law cannot be divorced from the conditions of social growth that can be analyzed through the dynamics of the existing state administration. so as to influence the evolution of legal state thought (hoesein, 2016), as explained by stahl, that the concept of a rule of law which is referred to as rechtsstaat includes four important elements, namely: a. protection of human rights (ham) b. power sharing c. constitutional government d. state administrative court regarding the system for governing the state, everything is limited so that the executive, legislative, and judicial institutions of state power can work in accordance with the duties, functions, and authorities granted by the constitution and/or by legislation (robuwan, 2018). the strength of the judiciary as one of the state's institutions is evidence of the indonesian constitution's assertion of commitment to the concept of a rule of law state. in accordance with the spirit of article 24 paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, which mandates the free exercise of judicial power, the institution vested with the authority to carry out mailto:riswansyarif26@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 44-50 45 the functions of judicial power in upholding the rule of law should be an autonomous and independent institution, free from other state powers. pangarso, 2018). specifically, judicial power is exercised by two state institutions: the supreme court and subordinate judicial bodies, and the constitutional court. as a result of the presence of the constitutional court, the indonesian judicial system is classified as a bifurcation system. in this situation, it is the constitutional court that has the authorit y to conduct a judicial review of a law against the constitution (wardani, 2019; huda, 2008). however, the application of the judicial review authority in indonesian constitutional practice does not give this authority exclusively to the constitutional court, but the supreme court is involved in the exercise of the judicial review capacity (audha, 2021; fadjar, 2020). according to hamdan zoelva, this amendment to the constitution has established a new state institution in the judiciary: the constitutional court, which is positioned adjacent to the supreme court. in accordance with the republic of indonesia's constitution of 1945, the supreme court has just two constitutional powers: first, to adjudicate at the cassation level, and second, to evaluate legislative rules under the law. through this capacity, the supreme court, in accordance with the "checks and balances" principle, serves as a regulator of the regulatory authority possessed by the president/government and other institutions having regulatory authority derived from the laws (zoelva, 2016). moreover, under the terms of article 24 paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, the constitutional court is one of the judicial authority actors other than the supreme court. thus, t he constitutional court is a judicial institution, as a part of the judicial power, that decides certain issues within its jurisdiction based on the requirements of the republic of indonesia's 1945 constitution (jimly). article 24c, paragraph 1, of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia stipulates that the constitutional court has the competence to hear cases at the first and final levels whose verdicts are definitive. 1) examine the law against the constitution 2) deciding disputes over the authority of state institutions whose powers are granted by the constitution 3) decide the dissolution of political parties 4) resolving disputes about the results of general elections inspite of the fact that the constitutional court and the supreme court have been specifically vested with judicial review authority over the scope of legislative restrictions, the constitution does not define the constitutional court's role. in practice, however, decisions issued by these two judicial power entities regarding judicial review frequently spark controversies (syahrizal, 2007). the legality of candidates for members of the regional representatives council (dpd) who come from political parties is a topic that has sparked substantial controversy in a number of different areas. regarding this issue, the constitutional court and the supreme court issued contradictory decisions in assessing the legal issue, giving rise to a legal polemic, specifically regarding the supreme court's decision to grant oesman saputra odang's petition for judicial review of kpu regulation (pkpu) no. 26/2018. article 60a of pkpu 26/2018 was repealed by the supreme court, which required potential dpd members to resign from their positions as political party administrators if they were acting in that capacity during the nomination period. the complaint was brought because the kpu eliminated oesman sapta odang as a candidate for dpd member from the final list of candidates (dct) for dpd members. due to osman sapta odang's position as general chair of the hanura party and his failure to file a letter of resignation from the political party in accordance with pkpu no. 26 of 2018, his candidacy was revoked (before being cancelled). in reality, pkpu no. 26 of 2018 is a follow-up to constitutional court decision no. 30/puu-xvi/2018, the substance of which expands the meaning of the phrase "other work" in article 182 letter l of law no. 7 of 2017 regarding elections (election law) to include administrators (functionaries) of political parties. thus, a candidate for dpd membership who is currently functioning as a political party administrator is required to resign from his existing position. however, with the supreme court's ruling, the legal situation has become more clear. because the supreme court overlooked constitutional court decision no. 30/puu-xvi/2018, which stressed the significance of article 182 letter l of the election law. as a result, the legal standing of future dpd candidates who are currently administrators of political parties is uncertain. the legal question referred to is whether the concerned person can be determined as a candidate based on the supreme court's judgment, or whether his candidacy is still annulled based on the constitutional court's and pkpu no. 26 of 2018 findings. consequently, the kpu faced two p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 44-50 46 dilemmas at the time: whether to follow the decisions of the constitutional court or the supreme court. ultimately, the kpu elected to obey the rulings of the constitutional court. however, difficulties of this nature must be avoided in the future since they indicate a lack of legal clarity; everything rests on the address of the decision whether to follow up or not, and thus the political will. obviously, this conduct is in direct opposition to the principles of the rule of law. 2. method this research employs the normative legal research method, which relies on written regulations or other legal materials, including primary, secondary, and tertiary legal sources. the approach utilized in this study consists of a conceptual approach, which involves incorporating views and doctrines from relevant legal disciplines, and a statutory approach, which uses statutory regulations as the basis for analysis. the research focuses on the statutory regulations related to the research subject. in this research, the method used for collecting legal materials is literature review, which involves gathering and examining statutory regulations, literary books, legal scholars' opinions, journals, and other related materials, including interviews. 3. result and discussion 3.1. result a. disparity between constitutional court and supreme court decisions the authority of the mk and ma in making decisions is based on the power granted by the 1945 constitution. the authority of the mk to review laws against the 1945 constitution is outlined in article 24c paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution, while the authority of the supreme court to review statutory regulations is outlined in article 24a of the 1945 constitution. invitation in violation of the law. this institution tries to ensure consistency across all levels of legislation in indonesia, which employs a decentralized judicial review procedure (asshiddiqie, 2013). the decision number 30/puu-xvi/2018 of the constitutional court examined article 182 letter l of the election law. the judgement declared, "the phrase 'other job' in article 182 letter l is antithetical to the 1945 constitution and is not legally enforceable so long as it is not taken to include political party leaders" (functionaries). in its legal analysis, the constitutional court determined that this provision violated article 28d, paragraph 1, of the 1945 constitution because dpd members are territorial representatives and dpd members cannot be political party officials or come from political parties in order to prevent political distortions in the form of multiple representation so that political parties will have representatives in both the dpr and the dpd. in this judgement, the constitutional court attempted to explain the reasons behind the establishment of the regional representative council (dpd). the formation of the dpd is intended to reorganize indonesia's representative institutions into two chambers (bicameral). the regional representative council (dpd) reflects the notion of regional representation, while the people's representative council (dpr) reflects political representation. representative institutions such as the dpd embody the fourth tenet of pancasila, "people guided by wisdom in deliberations/representations," as well as article 1 paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution, which declares, "sovereignty resides in the people and is exercised in accordance with the law." in the administration of a democratic rule of law, this state institution really represents the will of the people. in order to maintain the dignity of the constitution and to realize a good democratic system, the author believes that the constitutional court should grant the petitioner's request in its entirety where the phrase "other work" in article 182 letter l of law number 7 of 2017 regarding general elections is contrary to the 1945 constitution and does not have binding legal force as long as there is no constitutional amendment (functionaries). in the meantime, supreme court decision no. 65/p/hum/2018 examined article 60a paragraph (1) of kpu regulation no. 26 of 2018 on the second amendment to kpu regulation no. 14. the ruling stated that the provisions of article 60a were contrary to higher statutory regulations, but it still has binding legal force and is generally applicable so long as it is not retroactively applied to 2019 dpd election participants who have participated in the 2019 election stages, programs, and schedules. as explained in the preceding discussion regarding the ratio decidedi of the constitutional court decision number 30/puu-xvi/2018 and the supreme court decision number 65p/hum/2018, there is a fundamental disparity or difference between the two decisions, specifically regarding the timing of the enforcement of p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 44-50 47 prospective member prohibitions dpd from the board of political parties. the constitutional court's decision to evaluate the constitutionality indicated that it took effect after the 2019 election, but the supreme court's decision to review kpu regulations stated that it took effect after the 2019 election. walk. the constitutional court stated that its ruling will be implemented for the elections in 2019 and would not be retroactive. as the election procedure had not yet reached the final candidate list (dct) level when the constitutional court decision was given, it is still conceivable for regulatory changes affecting candidates for dpd members to arise. in the meantime, the supreme court ruling has determined that the constitutional court ruling must be implemented after the 2019 election, as the stages of the nomination process with the existing requirements have already been completed prior to the existence of the fixed candidate list (dct), making it impossible to change the nomination requirements. in addition to the reasons for the variance in the interpretation of the ongoing 2019 general election stages, program and implementation schedule, there are several reasons for the disparity or basic difference between the two decisions, such as: 1) regarding authority; the constitutional court has the same authority as specified in article 24c paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, where one of its powers is to evaluate laws that violate the 1945 constitution. in the meantime, the supreme court has the ability, according to art icle 24a of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, to analyze laws and rules enacted under law vs statutory regulations. 2) different touchstones; when reviewing article 182 letter l of law no. 7 of 2017 regarding general elections, the constitutional court utilized the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, while the supreme court cited law no. 12 of 2011 on formation of legislation. 3) judge's perspective; when assessing cases, judges of the constitutional court tend to delve into the cont ent of the rules, but judges of the supreme court tend to employ a systematic interpretation that refers exclusively to the law. brian z. tamanaha distinguishes between two categories of judges, namely formalists and realists. formal in pursuing solutions, namely by carefully examining legal texts, whereas realism focuses on law in practice, which is based on cases and how they should be addressed, and is not constrained by text. b. legal implications of the disparity of the supreme court decision number 65p/hum/2018 a legal action that results from the existence of another legal action. the resulting legal implications have an effect on a rule of law or ongoing legal proceedings. in this instance, the ramifications examined are those of supreme court decision no. 65 p/hum/2018 to the kpu and on the legitimacy of pkpu no. 26 of 2018. we will initially discuss: 1) it has the authority to issue pkpu 26 of 2018 the kpu is an institution founded on the authority of attribution. the government forms the general elections commission pursuant to article 22e paragraph (5). (hereinafter referred to as the kpu). kpu is an autonomous institution created in order to conduct free, fair, and transparent elections. in order to fulfill its responsibilities, the kpu is authorized to create and ratify kpu regulations and decisions. this is in accordance with article 75 of law no. 7 of 2017 on general elections, which states: a) to conduct elections in accordance with the provisions of this law, the kpu establishes kpu regulations and kpu judgments. b) the kpu regulations mentioned in clause (1) are the application of laws and regulations. the kpu with such authority issues pkpu number 26 second amendment to the general election commission regulation number 14 of 2018 concerning the nomination of individual candidates for the general election for members of the regional representative council. reading more carefully, the kpu's excuse in making the pkpu aquo is to follow the directions of the constitutional court decision in decision number 30/puu-xvi/2018 which is contained in the considering point: a) in light of the decision of the constitutional court no. 30/puu-xvi/2018 dated 23 july 2018 that the phrase "other work" in article 182 letter l of law no. 7 of 2017 concerning general elections is contrary to the constitution of the republic of indonesia of 2017 1945 and does not have binding legal force as long as it is not interpreted to include political party officials; and whereas, in light of the decision of the constitutional court no. 30/puu-xvi/2018 dated 23 july (functionaries). p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 44-50 48 b) the authority of the kpu is also strengthened by the considerations of the supreme court in the aquo decision as follows: c) as the stance of the constitutional court decision is equivalent to the law, the respondent's action to issue kpu regulation number 26 of 2018 as a follow-up to the constitutional court decision is a legitimate act. so that it may be recognized if the kpu is indeed authorized to issue pkpu no. 26 of 2018. so that with such a legal opinion it can be accepted if the kpu really has the authority to issue pkpu no. 26 of 2018. 2) nature of the constitutional court decision and pkpu reference no. 26 of 2018 using a study of lex superior derogat legi inferior and the binding nature of a decision, the legal consequences of kpu and pkpu no. 26 of 2018 will be determined. article 24a of the 1945 constitution indicates that one of the supreme court's functions is to "review laws and regulations under laws against legislation," but it does not specify that the court's ruling is final. article 9 of supreme court regulation no. 1 of 2011 on the right to judicial review prohibits the submission of a request for reconsideration of the objection ruling. the perma governs the final nature of the new supreme court ruling. constitutional court, the finality of decisions owned by the constitutional court is governed by article 24c paragraph (1), which states: "one of the powers possessed by the constitutional court is to adjudicate at the first and final levels whose decisions are final in examining laws against laws base." in accordance with article 10 of law no. 24 of 2003, the constitutional court, as the first and ultimate court, does not recognize appeals, cassation, or review in reviewing laws, so it might be interpreted that the court's decision is final. thus, it can be concluded that the decisions of the supreme court and the constitutional court are legally binding on the kpu, so the kpu must adhere to both of these decisions. the problem that arises is that the kpu must choose which institution to use as a guide when drafting rules for the soon-to-be-held dpd election, and after weighing various factors, the kpu ultimately implements the constitutional court ruling. in addition, the absence of legal certainty and the violation of the petitioner's constitutional rights, in this case mr. oesman sapta odang and related parties, emerged as a consequence of the differences in the two decisions. under the condition that the decisions of the constitutional court and the supreme court are in conflict, an analysis of the applicability of norms can be used as a guide to determine which decision must be implemented by the kpu from the highest legal standpoint. a norm's validity is a philosophy that explains how and under what conditions a legal norm becomes valid and applies to society. through the doctrine of the validity of norms and the hierarchy of norms described previously, it is possible to explain that a regulation actually takes the form of a hierarchy and that regulations at a higher level must serve as the source and basis for the formation of regulations at a lower level and cannot conflict. on the basis of this, it can be stated that superior laws and regulations must be used to determine the legitimacy of inferior laws and regulations. in the event of a discrepancy between the supreme court's decision and the constitutional court's decision or with the ptun's decision, the presence of this theory might be utilized as a reference by the kpu when determining what action to take. obviously, the existence of a hierarchy between a tested legal product and the foundation for testing has various legal repercussions and legitimacy. if there is a conflict between the supreme court's decision and the constitutional court's decision, the decision on the basis of review and the object of review has a higher hierarchy; in this case, the constitutional court's decision has greater legal validity or enforceability than the supreme court's decision. thus, the actions of the kpu, which ultimately adhered to the constitutional court decision and ignored the supreme court decision while still respecting the decision, by continuing to prohibit candidates for dpd members who have held positions as political party administrators since the 2019 election and by refusing to include them on the final candidate list (dct) for the 2019 election, are appropriate, as the position of the constitutional court decision is higher with respect to the supreme court decision (ardiyan et al., 2019). p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 2: 44-50 49 3.2. discussion the study analyzes disparities in constitutional court decision number 30/puu-xvi/2018 and supreme court decision number 65p/hum/2018 concerning the prohibition of concurrent positions as candidates for members of the regional representative council, along with their legal implications. the research employs the normative legal research method, focusing on written regulations and legal materials. the results indicate a fundamental difference in the timing of enforcing the ban on candidates for dpd members who are political party officials. this disparity arises due to different authorities and touchstones used by the constitutional court and the supreme court in examining statutory regulations, as well as varying perspectives of the judges in analyzing cases. the legal implications include the absence of legal certainty and the violation of citizens' constitutional rights. these disparities underscore the need for harmonization and clarity in legal interpretations to ensure consistency and safeguard citizens' rights. 4. conclusion the fundamental disparity or difference between constitutional court decision number 30/puuxvi/2018 and supreme court decision number 65p/hum/2018 lies in the different timelines for the implementation of the prohibition on candidates for the regional representative council (dpd) from being party officials. the constitutional court declared it effective since the 2019 general election, while the supreme court stated it would take effect after the 2019 general election. this disparity or difference may be attributed to several factors, including: firstly, the differing authority between the constitutional court and the supreme court in testing legislative regulations; secondly, the different criteria employed by the constitutional court and the supreme court in examining legislative regulations; and thirdly, the divergent perspectives of judges from the constitutional court and the supreme court in analyzing the case. the existence of such disparity or difference between constitutional court decision number 30/puu-xvi/2018 and supreme court decision number 65p/hum/2018 implies a lack of legal certainty and the potential infringement of citizens' constitutional rights. the government, specifically the president and the parliament, should design an appropriate legal policy framework to prevent future disparities between constitutional court decisions and supreme court decisions. the implementation of constitutional court decisions should be continuously disseminated through various media channels and academic seminars to ensure public understanding and awareness of the extent to which constitutional court decisions are implemented by the decision's addressees. thus, it is hoped that future legal uncertainties resulting from disparities between constitutional court decisions and supreme court decisions can be avoided. bibliography ardiyan, d., widodo, h., & masnun, m. a. 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category to derive the conclusion. the research results showed that the basic consideration of the judge in the criminal matter number ruling dropped 154/pid. b/2015/pn. pasarwajo that is based on the fact the cause of the occurrence of the case i.e. belongs to a criminal act or omission with the evidentiary culpa at least two valid instrument of evidence, namely the description of witnesses, exhibits, letters of visum et repertum and description of the defendant. the advice of the author are the judges should be more sence to see the facts of what occurred at the time of the trial, therefore from the fact such arise, leading to the conviction of the judge that the accused may or may not are convicted and the judge must be more thorough and meticulous in disconnected matter, bearing in mind the letter ruling which is binding. it also must have knowledge or science of law well, is not only legal, but also a formal legal material in order not to wrong in dropping the verdict for a case. keyword: sanctions, criminal acts, traffic. a. pendahuluan indonesia merupakan negara hukum dimana negara menurut logemann (m. solly lubis, 2002 :1) yaitu suatu organisasi kemasyarakatan yang bertujuan dengan kekuasaannya yang mengatur serta menyelenggarakan suatu masyarakat. sedangkan hokum menurut achmad ali (2002: 30) yaitu “seperangkat kaidah atau ukuran yang issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan sanksi pelaku tindak pidana kelalaian lalu lintas page 139 tersusun dalam suatu system menentukan apa yang boleh dan yang tidak boleh di lakukan oleh manusia sebagai warga dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. eksistensi indonesia sebagai negara hukum secara tegas disebutkan dalam penjelasan uud ri 1945 (setelah amandemen) yaitu pasal 1 ayat 3,” indonesia ialah negara yang berdasarkan atas hukum (rechtsstaat)”. indonesia menganut konsepsi welfare state terdapat kewajiban pemerintah untuk mewujudkan tujuan negara, yaitu : “ melindungi segenap bangsa indonesia dan seluruh tumpah dara indonesia, memajukan kesejahtraan umum, mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan melaksanakan ketertiban dunia. pembangunan yang dilaksanakan di indonesia adalah pembangunan disegala bidang yang merupakan suatu bagian dari proses modernisasi untuk menciptakan kesejahtraan dan ketentraman bagi masyarakat indonesia. pembangunan yang ada sekarang ini tentu saja memiliki kekurangan dan kelebihan dan salah satu kekurangan yang paling sering kita temui adalah tingginya jumlah kendaraan yang salah satu dampak negatifnya dari semakin majunya pembangunan terkhusus dibidang produksi kendaraan yang menyebabkan simpang siurnya lalu lintas jalan raya yang akhirnya akan semakin tidak nyaman. ketidak nyamanan pengguna jalan raya dalam aktivitasnya sering menimbulkan kelalaian maupun kealpaan dalam melaksanakan kewajibannya sebagai pengguna jalan yang tentu saja dapat merugikan dirinya dan orang lain. kelalaian dan kealpaan sendiri dapat di hindari dengan tetap memegang teguh dan patuh pada aturan hokum, hal ini di sadari bahwa indonesia adalah negara hukum yang mana para warga negaranya tunduk dan patuh pada aturan-aturan yang berlaku. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan sanksi pelaku tindak pidana kelalaian lalu lintas page 140 dalam peristiwa kecelakaan lalau lintas harus dipisahkan antara pelanggaran dan kejahatan. karena untuk melakukan penuntutan didepan hokum maka kejadian yang terjadi haruslah merupakan kejahatan, sementara pada kecelakaan lalu lintas kejahatan yang terjadi merupakan kejahatan yang tidak di sengaja atau di karenakan tindakan kelalaian atau kealpaan. tingginya tingkat kecelakaan lalu lintas (lakalantas) sendiri jika dari kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam hal ini pengguna kendaraan bermotor dengan berbagai faktor yang melekat pada diri misalnya dalam hal kebugaran jasmani, kesiapan mental pada saat pengemudi kelelahan, pengaruh minuman keras, dan obat-obat terlarang. kondisi ketidak stabilan pengemudi membuat peluang besar terjadinya kecelakaan yang parah disamping membahayakan keselamatan pengguna jalan raya lainnya lengah, mengantuk, kurang terampil, lelah, tidak menjaga jarak, melaju terlalu cepat adalah contoh kesalahan pada umumnya. selain penyebab penyebab kecelakaan lalu lintas yang telah di uraikan diatas, terjadinya kecelakaan lalu lintas dijalan raya juga di pengaruhi oleh faktor usia pengemudi, pada pra penelitian menurut analisa data yang dilakukan oleh dinas perhubungan darat kabupaten buton dan satantas polres buton menunjukan bahwa pengemudi berusia 16-30 tahun penyebab tersebut terjadi kecelakaan. tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa tingkat kecelakaan lalu lintas setiap tahunnya meningkat dengan jumlah korban yang tidak sedikit, hal ini dapat di lihat banyaknya laporan yang masuk pada satlantas polres buton. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan sanksi pelaku tindak pidana kelalaian lalu lintas page 141 bagaimana pertimbangkan hakim dalam menjatuhkan tindak pidana terhadap kelalaian lalu lintas yang menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa orang dalam kasus putusan nomor 154/pid.b/2015/pn.pw. tujuan penelitian yang ingin di capai pada penukisan ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan tindak pidana kelalain lalu lintas yang menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa orang dalam kasus putusan nomor 154/pid. b/2015/pn. pw. dan untuk mengetahui penerapan hukum pidana materil terhadap tindak pidana kelalaian lalau lintas yang menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa orang. b. metode penelitian data yang diperoleh dari data primer dan data sekunder diolah dan di analisis secara kualitatif dan selanjutnya data tersebut di deskriptifkan. analisis kualitatif adalah analisis kualititif terhadap data verbal dan data sangka secara deskriptif dengan menggambarkan keadaan-keadaan yang nyata dari objek yang akan dibahas dengan pendekatan yuridis formal dan mengacu pada konsep doctrinal hukum. data yang bersifat kualitatif yang digambarkan dengan kata-kata atau kalimat-kalimat dipisah-pisahkan menurut kategori untuk memperoleh kesimpulan. c. hasil penelitan menurut adnan, sh. panitera muda pengadilan negeri kelas ii pasarwajo wawancara 6 oktober 2015 mengatakan bahwa “pertimbangan hakim atau ratio decidendi atau alasan yang dipakai oleh hakim sebagai pertimbangan hukum yang menjadi dasar sbelum memutus perkara yaitu pertimbangan yuridis dan pertimbangan sosiologis. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan sanksi pelaku tindak pidana kelalaian lalu lintas page 142 pertimbangan yuridis adalah pertimbangan hakim yang didasarkan pada fakta-fakta yuridis yang terungkap dalam persidangan dan oleh undang-undang di tempatkan sebagai hal yang harus dimuat di dalam putusan misalnya dakwaab jaksa penuntut umum, keterangan terdakwa, keterangan saksi, barang-barang bukti dan pasal-pasal dalam peraturan hukum pidana. sedangakan pertimbangan non yuridis dapat dilihat dari latar belakang, akibat perbuatan terdakwa, kondisi diri terdakwa, dan agama terdakwa. menurut laode ganisi, sh panitra pengadilan negeri kelas ii pasarwajo wawancara tanggal 6 oktober 2015 mengatakan factor-faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan secara sosiologis oleh hakim dalam menjatuhkan menjatuhkan putusan terhadap suatu perkara, antara lain: a. memperhatikan sumber hukum tak tertulis dan nila-nilai yang hidup dalam masyarakat. b. memperhatikan sifat baik dan buruk dari terdakwa serta nilai-nilai yang meringankan maupun hal-hal yang memberatkan terdakwa. c. memperhatikan ada atau tidaknya perdamaian, kesalahan dan peranan korban. d. factor masyarakat yakni lingkungan dimana hukum tersebut berlaku atau diterapkan. e. factor kebudayaan yaitu sebagai hasil karya cipta dan rasa yang didasarkan pada karsa manusia dalam pergaualan hidup. lebih lanjut laode ganisi, sh mengemukakan bahwa untuk mencapai usaha ini maka hakim harus memperhatikan: a. sifat pelanggaran pidana (apakah itu suatu pelanggaran pidana yang berat atau ringan) b. ancaman hukuman terhadap pelanggaran pidana itu. keadaan waktu melakukan pelanggaran pidan itu (yang memberatkan dan meringankan) issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan sanksi pelaku tindak pidana kelalaian lalu lintas page 143 c. pribadi terdakwa apakah ia seorang penjahat yang telah berulang-ulang dihukum (recidivist) atau seorang penjahat untuk satu kali ini saja atau apakah ia seorang yang masih muda ataupun seornag yang telah berusia tinggi. d. sebab-sebab untuk melakukan pelanggaran pidana. e. sikap terdakwa dalam pemeriksaan perkara itu. pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan pidana terhadap kasus putusan nomor 154/pid.b/2015/pn.pw. unsure yang karena kelalaiannya mengakibatkan kecelakaan lalulintas yang mengakibatkan orang lain meninggal dunia menurup pendapat majelis hakim telah terpenuhi atas diri terdakwa mengingat pasal 310 ayat (4) uu ri no 22 tahun 2009 tentang lalulintas dan angkutan jalan. undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1981 (kuhap) sertaperaturan perundang-undangan lain yang berkaitan dengan perkara. keadaan yang memberatkan yakni akibat kelalaian terdakwa, korban h. la iynu meninggal dunia. sedangkan keadaan yang meringankan adalah: 1. terdakwa bersifat sopan selama persidangan 2. terdakwa menyadari dan menyesali perbuatannya 3. terdakwa belum perna dihukum. dalam putusan nomor 154/pid.b/2015/pn. pasarwajo. proses pengambilan putusan yang din ambil dan dilakukan oleh majelis hakim yaitu berdasarkan pada sekurangkurangnya dua alat bukti yang sah, dimana dlam kasus yang diteliti penulis, alat bukti yang digunakan hakim adalah keterangan saksi, barang bukti, surat visum et repertum dan keterangan terdakwa. d. penutup issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan yuridis 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functional law, so that customary law fulfills a social function or social justice. thus, the community and its members carry out these normative orders without seeing them as coercion, but because they assume they are as such. the aim of the law is justice, expediency and legal certainty, and these three elements constitute an inseparable unity. justice is the moral foundation of the law and, at the same time, the benchmark for a positive legal system. in other words, justice has always been the basis of the law. without justice, a rule can not be called a law. the highest possible justice to be achieved in the mediation of sanctions is the agreement of the parties involved in the criminal case. keywords: law; customary law; justice 1faculty of law, university of riau, indonesia (deliana.unri@gmail.com) 2faculty of law, university of riau, indonesia 3faculty of law, university of riau, indonesia article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i2.417 1. introduction law is a system that has its own features and characteristics as well as being a tool of regulating a person's existence in an organized way. good law is a law that is in harmony with living law (living law) in a society that is still, or is a representation of, the principles that exist in that society. indonesian customary law has special characteristics and features distinct from other laws. customary law should meet the needs of religiously based societies to serve a social purpose or social justice (mustari pide, 2014). thus, the society and its leaders carry out these normative orders without seeing them as intimidation but because they are meant to be (soemadiningrat, 2002). customary law is an organized human unit, settled in a certain region, with rulers and property, tangible and intangible, where the members of the unit experience every life in society as natural by nature, and none of these members have a thought or inclination to open the bonds that have formed or leave them in the sense of forever breaking them (bahar, et al. 2005). in customary law societies the practice of dispute resolution appears to use "adat patterns," but in other words it is also called "customs patterns." indigenous and tribal people prioritize resolution of conflicts through negotiations aimed at achieving group peace. the judiciary as a judicial body is the last resort if dispute settlement can not be resolved by consensus. in the case of conflict settlement in law no. 30 of 1999 about arbitration and alternative dispute resolution, as an operational basis in the life of indonesian state law. any type of crime must be followed up by punishment or arbitration outside the court (penalty mediation), or by a term of restorative judgment. justice, appropriateness and legal certainty are the object of law, these three elements form an inseparable unity. mailto:deliana.unri@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i2.496 jurnal hukum volkgeist elmayanti. 4(2): 180-189 181 restauratory justice is a philosophy of thinking that reacts to the growth of the criminal justice system by stressing the need to include people and victims who are perceived to be exempt from current systems. the treatment of criminal cases in an approach to restorative justice provides various viewpoints and strategies for understanding and coping with a crime. in the sense of restorative justice the concept of a crime is essentially the same as the view of criminal law, namely attacks on individuals, culture and social relations in general. while law is a process that needs to uphold the interest of justice, justice has a moral and constitutive aspect to the law. justice is legal since it serves as a transcendental precondition defining all dignified law. justice is the moral basis and a benchmark for a good legal system at the same time. in other words, the pillar of the law has always been justice. a statute can not be called a law without punishment. stuart m. widman formulates criminal mediation as a process in which a mediator encourages contact and negotiation between parties to help them reach a voluntary agreement on their dispute, a process in which the mediator promotes communication and negotiation between the parties to help them reach voluntary agreement on their dispute.(sudira, 2016). the highest justice to achieve in mediating fines is the consent of the parties involved in the criminal case. the advantage of criminal mediation as an instrument for dealing with criminal cases is that criminal mediation can reduce the victim's feelings of revenge against criminal perpetrators and the procedure is more flexible because there is no obligation to follow the process established in the criminal justice system. communities in lipat kain kampar kiri of the kampar regency are committed to the creation of a civilized society in which all behaviors of all components of the community must be based on intelligent logic and respect and uphold the customs and values embraced and applicable in the kampar district community, including the settlement of cases within the kampar district community. 2. research methods this type of research is juridical sociological, with an emphasis on field research. the sociological legal method is adopted since the issue under review is how the application of law in society is concerned. this work, based on its purpose, is concise as it attempts to simply and systematically explain the reality under study. 3. research results and discussion 3.1. settlement of criminal cases through the malay customary institution with the concept of restorative justice in lipat kain kampar kiri of kampar regency from the point of view of constitutional law, the andiko nan government 44 created a power organization to enforce the law, and the organization is a level of work procedures rather than state equipment in a large, intact component, where the royal system illustrates good relations in the division of tasks and obligations. andiko nan 44 government working with the authority of power lies in finding a agreement that is also called penghulu seandiko, meaning the penghulu agrees. in the case of penghulu 's relationship with his full nephew, the penghulu as the king of his nephew 's son and can not be arbitrary to his nephew 's son and his nephew 's son must respect his conqueror, as expressed in the traditional godangnyo mamak iyo dianjuong 's statement of the son's nephew (his son's deck) with datuok godang interview. jurnal hukum volkgeist elmayanti. 4(2): 180-189 182 there are 44 adat pucuok members in 44 countries in the andiko region within this country. in these 44 traditional pucuoks they are “samo ghodah, togak samo tinggi” (sitting and standing equally) is high but some of them take precedence in a serantiong elevated phase, this is the highest density in andiko nan 44 government. there are 44 pucuoks in that case who support andiko pucuok's work directly according to their fields each. this customary clan or andiko allows a combined density of many more countries to address territorial matters when there is a danger from outside or joint customs before continuing at level 44 andiko will first be subordinated by the country, as for densities such as the territory of xiii koto, v koto, kampar kiri density, government, rokan and other regions. while the 44 usual pucuok nan countries are delegates from each country to liaise, respectively, between domestic and foreign countries, or as an envoy to leave the andiko region, it is called pucuok adang godang keluar. it is called penghulu godang kedalam, for a position that is elevated to a degree and takes precedence over major domestic leaders. the head of godang keluar and godang kedalam, in essence, takes precedence over one move and is raised higher than the other heads raised in other countries, but then the headman remained tall and sat lower in the country (sitting in balirong) with other mamas raised in another. the (datuok godang interview). as for what is normally addressed in this density is the case trial in the society, the determination of state-level customs and other meetings that do not interfere with the center 's actual customary laws. niniok mamak 's way of seating in balairong is also called the ompek paghik suduik, which is four seat positions under a hall created by wind or river water flow, since the river is the most important thing in increasing the economy of indigenous peoples. the combination of niniok mamak bosau godang botuah in this state hall is called the country / area level seandiko head density. at this density, if he makes a decision, the head is at the same level as the region, then he must reconsider it to malin, whether or not the decision is against islamic law. beyond the density level in this country there is also a smaller relation, namely the tribe 's internal density, in this case the density chairmen are led into nephews by the kucuong kucuong and the prince who are the niniok major mammals in the region. pucuok kampuong in koghong kampuong density is called such a place in the custom of the elder sibungsu nan, meaning that the prince must humble one dignity and be equal in density to koghong kampuong. throughout traditional andiko governance, 44 have typically separated their duties by their level of office. andiko 's government 44 distinguishes this power by means of the particular duties of his role and the role is expressly governed by statute or by special legislation for each of these positions so that each position can not be included in the scope of the work of other positions and if someone who has a position enters the field of work and becomes another place of duty, the mamak niniok was considered it is said to have been plural and maunte bushels for those who breach this mamak and they will fall and save themselves from being miniak mini immediately. legislative power in the customs of andiko nan 44, namely the niniok mamak density consultation, which begins with the density of the internal level of the tribe, country , region and state / government of andiko nan 44 and the results of that density decision will be carried out by the community itself to regulate itself by following the law and predetermined laws. the executive power is niniok mamak or the ruler himself, where, as the ruler who executes the law, he also makes laws which are later determined by density, he also acts as the holder of the judiciary's power to jurnal hukum volkgeist elmayanti. 4(2): 180-189 183 prosecute a case on the basis of a report, and has the right to give legal advice or customary rules to enforce laws and other laws, but niniok mamak was unable to give a decision so with the conclusion that every decision in indigenous andiko nan 44 should not be made without deliberation. even though niniok mamak himself holds all the governmental powers, the stipulated legal position limits each governmental power to one another. to run the government, niniok mamak must know by its definition that in carrying out their daily duties it is law for them. the level of customary density and high office often takes precedence over a step in the andiko nan 44 indigenous government, namely the pemulu pucuok andiko has princes below as assistants in each area and besides that all princes also have assistants in their tribes such as the kucuong customs, malin, dubalang, staff / monti and other assistants (koghong kampuong) it is called si-ompu or bundo kanduong for the affairs of womanhood and being the mother of the tribe and elders of all the women in the tribe. all of these positions are called niniok mamak bosau godang botuah whose role is to execute and socialize the law in the community , especially in their tribe according to their dignity, which is to provide guidance or advice to their nephews. adat andiko nan 44 gives authority to each country in carrying out its administration, the tribes regulate themselves by not violating the basic values of the customs themselves as contained in the customary constitution and the rules set by niniok mamak bosau godang botuah as andiko thousands of years ago. this determination is carried out with considerable consideration for all the possibilities that will arise in the future because of the stipulated legislation. because it is customary to make permanent law for niniok mamak 's office, so that it does not violate customary law arbitrarily. not every country must interfere with other countries' affairs because each country already has its own customs. if there is a war between nations or a war between tribes, participate in a country against another country. pucuok andiko pucuok andiko is a prince who takes precedence over one move and is lifted from andiko 's head by a seranting. he is the head of the 44 indigenous government of andiko that heads 44 federation areas led by 44 members of andiko who are the country's customary guides. of the 44 princes andiko each have their own duties, the children in the lap are empowered by authority in their respective tribes and the duties for the country are performed in their density along with other mamak niniok. pucuok andiko with a sharp limbo ruciong named niniok datuok maharaja dibalai, the customary government's first chief, 44. he also controls diplomatic ties with the state abroad as well as running the head of government in an authority and also operates customary laws that have been negotiated with niniok mamak as andiko. not only is pucuok andiko tasked with heading the government but he also heads his tribe as another headman. deputy pucuok andiko this deputy of the pucuok of andiko was an assistant to the pucuok of andiko in maintaining the state government in the center and, besides, he was responsible for heading the ambai ax and the niece in his family. andiko's deputy is composed of two people. first, datuok sati gunung malelo is responsible for all the defense and security jurnal hukum volkgeist elmayanti. 4(2): 180-189 184 of the entire andiko region from threats outside the territory of the government by not interfering in the affairs of the land and tribes which were given authority by adat. the second is datuok bandaro tanjuong, who is responsible as a state for the danger from outside parties to andiko's territorial waters, and who is not interested in interfering with water affairs in any country that has been granted full authority by adat. indigenous pucuok of every country in andiko nan 44 in both of these countries the practice pucuok is divided into two namely the pucuok indigenous godang in and the pucuok indigenous godang out. indigenous godang pucuok acts as a position elevated by other prelates as well as leaders of all domestic affairs and welcomes the envoys' visit to other countries. whereas from a nation pucuok godang exit is a carrier of all foreign relations matters. besides these two positions, the ambai ax and his nephew also functioned as leaders. pucuak tribe of each country this tribal pucuok has the same position in the eyes of adat in the hall with the adat pucuok, andiko pucuok because both are the prince for his tribe that is frequently mentioned in the penghulu custom as andiko. the difference is that they are elevated just one step ahead of adat, because the headman has a special task in the country's density from the agreement of other headmen. this tribal pucuok served as his tribe's ruler namely the head of his ambai ax and his tribal leader made up of the ambai ax and his nephew. besides that, he is also the duty to leave, namely as a representative of the community facing people who enter his area of work and as a regulator of the community , especially in his tribe. the ambai ax, which is a traditional stakeholder, helps the domestically raised ruler by having their respective duties according to their job functions. the axes are dubalang, malin, workers / monti, pucuok kampuong and other koghong kampuong. a. dubalang dubalang is a security steward, meaning dubalang is the customary police officer who has the duty of manakiok nan koghe, panyudu nan lambuik and a kato mandoghe according to his courageous, brave, true and straight character. b. malin malin is a suluoh dam in nagoghi, palito indah ponah extinguished, iduik day and night jo, pie tompek batanyo, go home tompek babarghito deck ughang nan lot about halal jo haram, osah jo null sodo law about syar'i, with the meaning that malin is a place to ask bataro tompek deck ughang deck ughang nan lot about halal jo haram, osah jo aborted sodo law about syar'i, meaning that malin is a place to ask questions by the customary authority in making a decision whether it is against syar'i or not so that a decision does not deviate from the bapilin tigo's tali nan adat concept. c. employee / monti the employee is in charge of manjopuik nan jawuoh, paimbau nan dokek in the sense of being a person to deliver the invitation from the penghulu to all customary devices in his tribe from the ambai ax to the nephew's child such as sending news invitations from inside the country to his nephews, picking up relatives in the family tribe with the calling system. monti can also be said as a bookkeeper or businessman in a traditional apparatus, namely recording all invitations for invited jurnal hukum volkgeist elmayanti. 4(2): 180-189 185 people and other bookkeeping issues. besides that, monti also prepares all preliminary work such as inviting what has been discussed earlier and conveying the results of deliberations to the ambai ax and niece. pucuok kampuong in adat the youngest brother nan tuo, kucuong pucuok is frequently listed, indicating that pucuok kmpuong is a mamak rather than the prince in koghong kampuong. after that, with all his nephews at karang kampuong, he was a mamak, in other words, it was the pucuok kampuong who had a nephew in that country's tribe. pucuok kampuong has a duty position to lead together with the ompu / kanduong bundo the density of tribes in the kampuong reef. pucuok kampuong is required to have a straight and true niniok character when performing everyday tasks. the customary lead in all of his acts and he still pays attention to adjustments in maintaining the tradition. the existence of legal growth, so that the work in the field or as a village peace judge under the leadership and oversight of the traditional head is very important. the customary head acts to restore adat peace, restore balance in the village atmosphere, and restore the law when there are disputes or actions that are contrary to customary law. the function of the customary community head is not much different from the function of customary law, since the function of the customary community head is as followsinterview with datuok jalelo): 1. providing group members with guidance on how they will act in social life and is the basis of these behavior is normative habits, namely adat and adat rule. 2. maintaining the community 's integrity in the community, so that the community is maintained and not damaged by actions of various community members that do not conform to adat and customary law. 3. give the community leaders a hand to create a system of social control. social regulation is more a monitoring of group behaviour, in order to sustain group life as much as possible 4. pay attention to each of the decisions stipulated in customary law, so that the decision is authoritative and can provide binding legal certainty for all members of the community. 5. this is a position where community members depend on addressing, defending, maintaining harmony, so that if a conflict occurs the traditional head is the only position where community members depend on solving the issue. when the role of customary leaders in the society has been studied, many also call for the participation of customary leaders in solving problems, whether those related to life issues or those related to death. but more importantly, the role of the customary head is to maintain the equilibrium of the environment with each other, so that harmony and peace will exist in society. a leader's existence is highly respected and honourable. the leader has considerable influence on the community, so the leader's role in mediating any disputes and problems within the society is quite broad, the leader's figure is a leader with sufficient authority in the eyes of cloth folding individuals. hence, each question always includes the headman in an attempt to solve it, that's what makes the atmosphere of adat deliberations still very thick and the traditional principles are still felt in the fabricfolding culture. jurnal hukum volkgeist elmayanti. 4(2): 180-189 186 indigenous peoples in the area of clothing folding always give priority to deliberation in any operation, particularly in matters relating to the resolution of conflicts or conflicts, so that any conflict that arises in the community always involves the leader 's position in resolving it, reflecting the customs that they had previously applied, where each dispute always uses peace efforts. this customary sanction is highly valued and its implementation is also monitored, so that all applicable sanctions and customary provisions (the results of an interview with datuok godang) are met by the community. it can therefore be understood that the village head as the village head and as the government organizer has a sufficiently important role to play in creating peace efforts to resolve disputes that arise within the community, one of which is through the resolution of criminal cases with the mediation of penalties. penal mediation is closely related to the policy of idea and transfer which is used as a tool for handling light cases and not for serious cases. penal counseling focuses mainly on the crimes made. then there is a shared clarification of the current issues of mediation between both parties. penal therapy seeks to make the perpetrators know that the crime committed was incorrect, and also to understand that the offenders ought to pay or regain their rights because of the crimes committed. when per the concept of retribution, criminal prosecution is often in fact a purposely burdensome and humiliating act imposed on the victims for the illegal acts they have performed. the highest justice to be obtained in mediating sentences is the consent of the parties involved in the court case, including the perpetrators and the victims. it is anticipated that each will consider and achieve the best options and alternatives to address the case before them. through penalty mediation, the philosophy of the judiciary is quick , easy and low cost compared with the resolution of cases based on the components of the criminal justice system. penal counseling is largely in line with the framework of contemporary criminal law that no longer focuses on retributive or retaliatory elements but stresses the punitive, rehabilitative, and restorative elements. corrective concerning the wrongdoers that need to be corrected, while rehabilitative is to improve the perpetrators so that they will no longer repeat their actions in the future. whereas the restorative focuses on recovering victims of crime. the approach to restorative justice is a model that is used as a basis for the method of addressing criminal cases aimed at responding to frustration with the workings of the current criminal justice system, where the traditional criminal case resolution process is quite complex, takes a long time to meet a judge's decision, even though the justice or satisfaction desired is not automatically obtained. the resolution of criminal offences with mild intent can be achieved by the implementation of the so-called restorative justice approach, which stresses the active participation of offenders , victims and the community through the understanding of criminal actions as fundamental assaults on persons and societies and social relations, such that justice is viewed as a method of seeking solutions to issues that arise. 3.2. constraints faced in the settlement of criminal cases through malay customary institutions with the concept of restorative justice in kampar left cloth area of kampar regency the pattern of dispute resolution in indonesia generally applies two available dispute resolution systems, namely the use of the court and arbitration adjudication jurnal hukum volkgeist elmayanti. 4(2): 180-189 187 pathway system, which is often known as "litigation" and the use of the path outside the court or people know it by the term "non adjudication" (astarini, 2013). settlement of adjudicative conflicts can be divided into two, namely adjudicative public and adjudicative private. legal adjudication is conducted by institutions of the state court (litigation). in this situation, the third party is unintended, as the court has chosen the judge, and the parties can not pick and decide their own judge. whereas private adjudications are generally performed by arbitration. the third party here is voluntary, since the parties to the dispute can appoint the arbitrator and decide him. this can be assumed that arbitration institutions are the highest standard or process for resolving different dispute resolution processes outside the courts. in the other side , in order to achieve a win-win solution, the consensus settlement process is characterized by cooperative / compromise dispute resolution. the presence, if any, of a third party has no decision-making power. negotiation, mediation, and conciliation are part of this group. litigation is the final resort if there is no common ground or solution to the family dispute settlement or to peace outside the case. on the contrary, non-litigation dispute resolution is an out-of-court dispute resolution mechanism that uses a mechanism that lives in deliberation, peace, parentage, customary settlement and so on. mediation is one of the efforts to resolve disputes outside the tribunal. mediation is a negotiated mechanism in which the parties to the dispute send a settlement to a mediator or someone who arranges a meeting between two or more parties to the dispute, so that all parties can jointly negotiate a fair and completely appropriate outcome. alternative dispute resolution efforts (alternative dispute resolution) are not only known in the methods of civil law, but are also beginning to be recognized and developed in the method of criminal law, one type of adr that has begun to develop in criminal law is in the form of mediation or known as 'penal mediation.' alternative resolution of criminal cases by taking the path of law mediation is seen as one of the options for restoring and reorganizing the indonesian judiciary in its fundamental role and characteristics, in addition to mediating the law, the parties involved in the negotiation process may also be involved. that conflict is what the punishment mediation process is aiming for. penal mediation is more oriented towards the quality of the process than towards the outcome, which is to make the perpetrators of the crimes aware of their mistakes, to resolve the needs of the conflicts and to be calm and free from the victim's fear. although dispute resolution through mediation efforts has many benefits, its implementation is not free from various obstacles. there are several obstacles to conflict resolution through the mediation of group penalties in the field of folding fabric, including, inter alia (datuok godang interview results): there is no specific law governing mediation mediation has not yet acquired a meaningful place for lawmakers or aspirants to justice as an effective way of resolving disputes. this can be seen from the mediation rules which are not specifically regulated yet. to date, mediation is mentioned only in the arbitration and alternative dispute resolution act no. 30 year 1999. implementation of customary law through mediation should also be supported by the jurnal hukum volkgeist elmayanti. 4(2): 180-189 188 existence of positive legal regulations, so that they are more certain and have greater legal force. the lack of facilities and infrastructure in conducting mediation the problem faced is the small budget to build a suitable space for mediation, so it can provide comfort to the mediating parties. in addition, facilities for equipment are also necessary in an effort to facilitate peace on the parties to the litigation. this is a sufficiently significant factor to be regarded in developing peace attempts on both sides of the case for the success. lack of mediator skills for adat leaders in reconciling parties to the dispute. although the headman is a known and respected figure, never before has the experience and skills to do mediation efforts been given to the headman, so he sometimes seems to find it difficult to seek peace efforts from the parties. the headman is vital to mediation success and that the headman plays an significant role in ensuring the smoothness of the mediation process, a headman not only serves as an advisor who only organizes and directs the mediation process but must also assist the parties in arranging conflict resolution such that substantive agreement can be reached. in this case, a headman must also have the capacity to collect as much knowledge as possible that can then be used as material to collect and provide various approaches to the issue that occurs. there are differences of opinion among law enforcement officials on the concept of restorative justice through the mediation of penalties, sometimes cases or cases that have been resolved through efforts to mediate penalties are still being prosecuted through the existing criminal justice system , which means that they remain convicted on the basis of positive legal provisions which should have been resolved with the settlement of fines through the concept of restorative justice with local customary law, the case is deemed resolved and does not need to be taken to the courts because it has obtained punishments based on customary law, this will attract the attention of law enforcement authorities, so that what is anticipated by the concept of restorative justice can be done well. 4. conclusions the community head in kampar regency folded cloth is a place where community members rely on resolving, defending, maintaining stability, so that if a conflict occurs, the customary head is the only place where community members rely on solving the issue. customary leadership positions in the group are required to solve issues, maintain the environmental balance with each other, so that the society can continue to create harmony and peace. contraints faced by the prince in dispute resolution through mediation in the kampar regency clothing folding community, namely the absence of specific laws governing mediation, the lack of means and infrastructure for mediation, the lack of mediation skills for adat leaders in reconciling the parties in dispute. references astarini, d. r. s. 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(2016). mediasi penal perkara penelantaran rumah tangga. yogyakarta: uii press. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 1, december 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 1 analysis of the eradication of terrorism crime by detachment 88 in indonesia jayadi paputungan abstract author’s information: after the incident of the bali bombing in 2002, its effects on the community anxiety about the criminal act of the terrorist. because of that, the government makes a substitution regulation act no. 1 of 2002. afterward, the government demands indonesian police chief to make specific detachment that called densus 88, to carry out regulations act no. 5 of 2018 on the changes to the act no. 15 of 2003 about “the determination of substitute government regulations act no. 1 of 2002 concerning the eradication of criminal act terrorism”. problem formulations 1) how densus 88 eradicate the criminal act terrorism? 2) how the actions form of densus 88 in terms of the human rights side? densus 88 is not under the applicable regulation, and the field fact shows that many terrorist suspects suffered injuries and even died, and it also against human rights. the research method used normative juridical method; law is seen as a binding rule. this research concludes that the action taken is not appropriate with the threats faced, and it is not under the law principle and law basis that should be. besides, it carries out human rights violations which are harmful to the suspect and the terrorist defendant, then the lack of state responsibilities for things that happened. keywords: terrorism; human rights; densus 88 law department, universitas muhammadiyah yogyakarta, indonesia (jayadi.paputungan27@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i1.370 1. introduction all activities of community in the nation and state are regulated by law because indonesia is a legal state as written in the article 1 paragraph 3 of the state constitution of the republic of indonesia that the form of the state of indonesia is a state of law. in this case, the act of terrorism is very detrimental, dangerous, and threatens the security of the country, and then the terrorist action gets strict handling. not apart from this in the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism, law enforcement officials who demand criminal acts specific detachment that called densus 88, to carry out regulations act no. 5 of 2018 on the changes to the act no. 15 of 2003 about “the determination of substitute government regulations act no. 1 of 2002 concerning the eradication of criminal act terrorism”. so that both it opposes terrorism and law enforcement authorities in approving criminal acts of terrorism have regulated this law. detachment 88 has prevented and overcame many cases of terrorism in indonesia, but nowadays, detachment 88 often reaps the pros and cons of the actions taken in eradicating terrorism. the eradication of terrorism carried out by densus 88 often violates human rights, the occurrence of death against suspects and terrorism suspects, this then triggers and makes the public have a negative view of the actions taken, because there are not only one or two acts that deprive human rights but in every mailto:jayadi.paputungan27@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.370 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.370 jurnalhukumvolkgeist jayadi paputungan. 4(1): 1-8 2 handling there is excessive action and leads to death. for this reason, detachment 88, as a special apparatus for dealing with terrorism, must provide a sense of comfort to the community, as an apparatus that protects, provides protection and services to the community. in line with this, marcus priyo gunarto said that law enforcement officers who are the first entrance to a case are the police. therefore, it is expected that the special police of detachment 88 must be able to provide peace and comfort to the community when handling cases, including eradicating terrorism. applicable, besides, there are several examples of terrorist cases dealt with densus 88, such as the siyono case and the fiddle for solihin, which led to death and many cases that were not through trial. in connection with this explanation, it can be seen that law enforcement by the detachment 88 in the field has carried out many human rights violations, so that many community shops asking for detachment are dissolved, not only that the international community takes into account the ways and actions of the terrorist eradication, so that an international amnesty comes out. investigation of densus actions that violate human rights a lot. for this reason, legal interpretation is needed, can determine the right decisions, and pay attention to the values contained in the applicable legal system, so that the legitimate objectives can be realized and achieved in terms of justice, legal certainty, and legal benefits. departing from the explanation above, the writer will analyze and examine the eradication of terrorism carried out by detachment and all the dynamics that occur due to densus actions in eradicating criminal acts of terrorism. so the author raised the title "analysis of eradication of criminal action by densus 88". 2. methodology the research method in this paper is normative juried, which views the law as a binding regulation, refers to legal norms as outlined in-laws and regulations, legal principles, legal history, and jurisprudence. the approach in the normative juridical method uses a statutory approach, a case approach, and a historical approach. normative legal research aims to produce arguments, theories, or concepts as prescriptions for solving problems. 3. findings and discussions 3.1. eradication of criminal acts of terrorism carried out by detachment 88 after the incident of the bali bombing in 2002, it affects the community anxiety about the criminal activities of the terrorist. departing from this case then began to occur many cases of terrorism in indonesia, which are increasingly rampant, through bombings that disturb, disturb, and threaten the security of the indonesian nation. the government responded and took a quick step towards overcoming terrorist acts which then issued a government regulation in lieu of law number 1 of 2002 concerning eradication of terrorism crime, government regulation in lieu of law number 2 year concerning enforcement of government regulation in lieu of law number 1 of 2002 concerning the eradication of terrorism crimes, then the president issued presidential instruction no. 4 of 2002 concerning crime of terrorism. after the enactment of some of these regulations in 2003, the government regulation in lieu of law number 1 of 2002 was stipulated as law number 15 of 2003 on april 4, 2003 concerning government regulation in lieu of law number 1 of 2002 concerning eradication of terrorism criminal acts , which until now has been determined to be law number 5 year 2018 concerning amendment to law number 15 of 2003 jurnalhukumvolkgeist jayadi paputungan. 4(1): 1-8 3 concerning determination of government regulation in lieu of law number 1 of 2002 concerning eradication of criminal acts of terrorism into law. based on this, the government, in this case, the president ordered and asked the chief of the national police of the republic of indonesia (kapolri) to form a particular unit to handle acts of terrorism. based on the order of the president of the national police, he then built a specific unit to deal with acts of terrorism, namely the special anti-terrorism detachment 88 called densus 88. through skep kapolri no. pol: kep / 30 / iv / 2003 / dated june 20, 2003, to implement law no. 15/2003 concerning stipulation of perppu no. 1/2002 concerning eradication of crime of terrorism. detachment 88 carries out its duties and functions based on law number 2 of 2002 concerning the national police of the republic of indonesia. then in the structural arrangement, detachment 88 is under the criminal investigation agency, commonly referred to as (bareskrim) national police headquarters (national police headquarters), in the execution of tasks led by the detachment commander with the rank of police brigadier assisted by deputy detachment. at the regional level (polda), densus 88 is under the directorate of serse, which is usually called (dit serse), in the implementation of tasks led by the commander with the rank of middle police officer. the police, including densus, have a position that refers to law number 2 of 2002 concerning the national police contained in chapter ii article 6, article 7, article 8, article 9, and article 10. law no. 2/2002 concerning the national police considers that the maintenance of internal security through the implementation of police functions, namely support of security, public order, law enforcement, protection, protection, and community service, which is assisted by the community and upholds human rights. for this reason, in the law in combating terrorism, we can see the police authority in general in law no. 2/2002 as follows: a. receive reports or complaints ; b. helps resolves community disputes that can disrupt publics ; c. prevent and overcome the growth of community diseases; d. oversee the flow who can be division or variety of national unity; e. issue police regulations within the administrative authority of the police; f. carry out specific checks as part of police action in the context of prevention g. take the first action on the scene; h. taking fingerprints and other identities and shooting someones; i. looking for information and evidence j. organizing a national criminal information center; k. issue a permit and certificate needed in the context of community service; l. providing security assistance in the trial and implementation of court decisions, activities of other agencies and community activities; m. receiving and storing found items temporarily. in this regard, detachment as an apparatus that acts specifically in the handling of terrorists has the authority of other members of the police contained in article 16 paragraph (1) of law no. 2/2002 reads: making arrests, detention, searches and seizures jurnalhukumvolkgeist jayadi paputungan. 4(1): 1-8 4 or prohibiting anyone from leaving or entering a crime scene for the purpose of investigation. besides, the police, including detachment 88, were given discretionary rights in law no. 2/2002 article 18 paragraph (1) that is unilateral or personal decision making, and this action is justified based on paying attention to and considering the public interest. in line with these explanations, wayne la farve, in m. faal's book, has the view that discretion is the role of individuals to make decisions and not fixated with the law so that in the sense of option can be done in circumstances that deviate based on individual judgment. every action taken by detachment is a legal action, which is regulated by law and then every step must be accounted for through law. furthermore, in law number 15 of 2003 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism, article 26 states that detachment has the authority to carry out initial arrests with preliminary evidence originating from intelligence reports for seven times 24 hours. then the amendment to law no.15 / 2003 stipulated as law number 5 year 2018 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism, in article 28 paragraph (1), states that investigators can arrest people suspected of committing criminal acts of terrorism with initial evidence that enough for 14 days. also, densus in carrying out acts of eradicating criminal acts of terrorism is based on the information they get and based on reliable information, as described in the previous paragraph. then the purpose of intelligence reports is reports relating to national security issues. then this intelligence report was obtained from several parties such as the department of foreign affairs, the ministry of home affairs, the ministry of justice, the state intelligence agency, the indonesian national army, and other related agencies. in the terrorism crime eradication act said that preliminary evidence such as intelligence reports could be obtained from several of these agencies. furthermore, if we look at the general rules of the criminal procedure code also use the term adequate preliminary evidence, this explanation is contained in article 1 point 14 that sufficient initial evidence is evidence of a criminal act so that this article shows that an arrest order cannot be arbitrary. but more clearly, it is aimed at those who are genuinely committing a crime. detachment 88 in dealing with criminal acts of terrorism other than stipulated in law no. 2/2002, law no. 15/2003, law no. 5/2018, the process of proceedings on criminal cases uses law number 8 of 1981 concerning the criminal procedure code. then the duties and functions of detachment 88 based on kuhap article 18 paragraph (1) : the execution of the arrest duties is carried out by the national police of the republic of indonesia by showing a letter of assignment and giving a letter to the arrest warrant suspect that lists the identity of the suspect and mentions the reason for arrest and a brief description of the alleged crime case and where he was examined. for this reason, based on these regulations, detachment 88 has a legal basis in carrying out its duties and functions. but what is seen empirically in practice in the field shows different things, such as the occurrence of injuries to the suspect and the suspect until the death of the suspect or suspected terrorist who later this is considered as a form of abuse of authority. we can see that the handling of terrorists carried out by the special detachment is often a force that does not reflect the apparatus are protecting and protecting the people but taking actions outside the applicable provisions. an apparatus can make coercion in handling criminal acts including detachment in eradicating terrorists, but coercive actions can only be carried out in specific circumstances which require the apparatus to jurnalhukumvolkgeist jayadi paputungan. 4(1): 1-8 5 take coercive measures such as suspected or defendants who make it difficult for the apparatus, so that the authorities can then do coercive action for further action. besides, if we look more in-depth, activities that are often carried out by densus are related to their authority to use firearms, detachment does not have the power to use guns or shoot at the place. however, if we look at article 48 of the criminal code, it is said that in certain circumstances and is very compelling, this can be done, for example, if the apparatus or detachment does not shoot criminals such as hardline terrorists who disturb and disrupt the comfort of the community and the perpetrators can escape then officials were declared to have failed in carrying out their duties. such a situation allows the apparatus or detachment to use firearms to incapacitate perpetrators of crime. then what in the actions taken by the authorities or densus results in losses to one's soul or property based on article 48 of the criminal code, which reads "whoever commits an act forced by an unavoidable power must not be punished." thus the police action must be free from criminal acts, and then it makes the abuse of authority that often occurs in the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism by detachment 88. it must be understood that indonesian society is different from other countries, starting from ethnicity, race, and culture, indonesian people highly respect and respect brotherhood, so to understand the situation and the condition of the community in handling terrorism crimes must use an emotional approach and not take actions outside their authority. the next article that gives independent authority to the detachment in carrying out its duties without being convicted is article 50 of the criminal code, which states that "anyone who commits an act to implement the law cannot be punished." so that the rules and regulations that apply make the apparatus become immune from the law and cannot be blamed for based on implementing the law, which then does not pay attention to the fate of the suspect or the defendant. 3.2. the form of detachment 88 action is reviewed from the side of human rights. human rights are rights inherent in human beings since birth, and human rights must be respected by anyone, the state protects human rights, upheld, both in terms of the law, government and everyone must respect the rights of others for the sake of human dignity. also, human rights inherent in a person are given the broadest possible freedom regardless of ethnicity, race, religion, sex, language, skin color, and nationality must be upheld by law and state. related to this explanation, human rights are limited by several things that we can see in the decree of the indonesian people's consultative assembly (mpr) number xvii / mpr / 1998 concerning human rights related to human rights in the eradication of terrorists by detachment based on the regulation of the chief of the national police number 8 of 2009 concerning the implementation of human rights principles and standards in the implementation of the duties of the national police of the republic of indonesia. in the regulation, it is said that in the process of carrying out the duties of service and protection of the community each member of the national police is obliged and must pay attention to the proportionality of the actions of the officers that are balanced between the actions taken and the threats faced in law enforcement. associated with the explanation of human rights, is related to the implementation of duties and activities carried out by detachment 88 that the detachment also has the same rights, but can be seen from the execution of tasks carried out by detachment in practice in the field far from the expectations and provisions in force. eradication of terrorism often occurs in death and jurnalhukumvolkgeist jayadi paputungan. 4(1): 1-8 6 makes the suspects or defendants suffer injuries and physical disabilities after being handled by the detachment. in the process of handling terrorism, the authorities, in this case, the detachment, must pay attention to and fulfill the alleged rights or defendants of terrorists. also, actions must be taken on the principle because the legal process, which must be under the rules, policies and fulfillment of participation rights, is also expected by the defendant. because of the fundamental thing about each person is the right to life and the right to live life. for that, every decision of action and steps taken must be genuinely balanced. suspects and suspects should be placed and enforced under human values, but besides, it is also said that legal principles must be upheld and may not exclude or ignore human rights that occur in any suspected or suspected terrorist. in line with this, kunarto said that the actions taken must see and consider the human rights inherent in everyone, to realize the legal goals of creating justice for the people. densus actions in carrying out their duties and authority in practice get a lot of criticism and cons from various parties. then some things are always contradictory in operations carried out by detachment that are not under the duties and provisions, two of which are often criticized, namely repressive actions and actions that lead to the extrajudicial killing of some people suspected of being terrorists. furthermore, in its implementation, the eradication of terrorists is not only one or two wrongful arrests, but many have taken place wrongly, examples of cases that were unlawful arrests were the suspected terrorist siyono which led to death without undergoing legal proceedings, arguing that in the process of handling siyono resistance to the authorities while on the way so they must be dealt with more forcefully, so siyono must lose his life. this example has represented and proved that the actions taken had violated several rules and provisions in eradicating terrorism, one of which is human rights violations. not only that, the handling is suspected, whose status has not been proven to be suspected as a perpetrator of a crime that has taken a hard step, a step to kill the person. firm actions are indeed needed in handling terrorists, but over-responsive attitudes and actions provide negative judgments that have an impact on human rights. suspected terrorism is an unexpected one that cannot be said by terrorist perpetrators, and it is suspected that it can be said that the perpetrator has been proven through the court and has a fixed decision. for this reason, the apparatus carried out the initial arrest so that they could be questioned so that the handling process was indeed under the provisions and upheld the rights of the suspect and the victim. from this, the next problem is the action of the authorities in this case the detachment in handling terrorists takes arbitrary steps without regard to rules and regulations as they should, which should uphold human rights and the principle of presumption of innocence on suspected terrorists, so that densus actions are deplorable and far from the expectations of various parties, especially the community. regardless of the explanation above, detachment must be able and must finalize the information received before taking action, so that the handling process can ensure that the target or target is targeted according to the data or not. related to the information received by the detachment, it is also closely related to the parties providing information, especially such as the state intelligence agency (bin), where the body is very closed and confidential. therefore the information provided must be accurate and reliable because many cases are misappropriated, the wrong target, which then harms the target party. in connection with this, rusli, in his book, said: "the order jurnalhukumvolkgeist jayadi paputungan. 4(1): 1-8 7 to arrest a terrorist suspect should not be carried out arbitrarily, but must be directed to those who committed a crime, contained in the explanation of article 17 of the criminal procedure code." in the law to eradicate criminal acts of terrorism, it has also been said that investigators can arrest people suspected of being based on sufficient initial evidence for a maximum of 7 x 24 hours, article 26 paragraph (2) of law no. 15/2003 juncto (jo) article 28 of law no. 5/2018, which then has no further regulation regarding arrest, so that there is confusion in articulating this. many cases occur, and every situation handling often occurs excessive or arbitrary actions by the authorities, for this reason, densus as part of the state apparatus so that in each case handled and experienced death and illegal arrest the state must be responsible for the actions taken. in the applicable rules and regulations related to eradicating terrorism, many benefiting the authorities and not seeing how unexpected or the fate of the suspects who have undergone an unfair law enforcement process, the significant role of the government must be fully responsible. so far, in every eradication of terrorism, the responsibility of the state is not visible because if the country is fully accountable, there are rarely deaths and injuries to the suspect or suspect in the law enforcement process carried out by the authorities in this case detachment 88. in the criminal procedure code, the rights of victims, such compensation can be seen in chapter xii, which is about compensation for article 95-97, which must be fulfilled when there is an error in the process of handling terrorism, but what happens in practice is no responsibility and compensation. 4. conclusion the implementation of terrorism carried out by detachment 88 is regulated by government regulation in lieu of law number 1 of 2002 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism, then the president issued presidential instruction number 4 of 2002 concerning the criminal act of terrorism. after the enactment of some of these regulations in 2003, the government regulation in lieu of law number 1 of 2002 was stipulated as law number 15 of 2003 on april 4, 2003 concerning government regulation in lieu of law number 1 of 2002 concerning eradication of terrorism criminal acts , which until now has been determined to be law number 5 year 2018 concerning amendment to law number 15 of 2003 concerning determination of government regulation in lieu of law number 1 of 2002 concerning eradication of criminal acts of terrorism into law. in its process and actions the detachment is also regulated in law no. 2 of 2002 concerning the national police of the republic of indonesia and the regulation of the chief of the national police number 8 of 2009 concerning the implementation of human rights principles and standards in the implementation of the duties of the national police of the republic of indonesia. the actions taken by each counterparty act of terrorism are not in accordance with the standard operating procedures that have been set in several regulations that have been explained in the discussion, the actions taken are not in accordance with the threats faced, not in accordance with the principles and legal principles which should be fair so that legitimate objectives can be realized without discrimination and overtreatment. in terms of human rights, it can be seen that the occurrence of human rights violations is often the case, carrying out arbitrary actions that result in losses to the suspect and the accused. then the apparatus that should protect and provide comfort in upholding the law in practice far from what is expected, ignoring human rights violates jurnalhukumvolkgeist jayadi paputungan. 4(1): 1-8 8 the police code of ethics and violates the regulation of the chief of police number 8 of 2009 concerning the implementation of human rights principles and standards in the implementation of tasks of the indonesian national police. many misunderstandings occur, because they lack maturity in the information received so that there are many significant losses to suspected terrorists, besides that there is no responsibility from the state for actions taken by the detachment, the state should be fully responsible for the losses experienced by terrorism suspects, the rule should be more strict in keeping an eye on that. in addition, with the existence of regulations that benefit the authorities, making them feel as if they don't feel guilty about actions that are often carried out because they always argue that their actions are right and cannot be blamed, so they are said to be immune because they have strong reasons, namely implementing laws and regulations . reference ali mahrus. 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methods. the results of this study indicate that the form of protection and law enforcement against violations or criminal acts against the union that occurred especially in the province of gorntalo is still very weak, there has been no decisive action from all law enforcement. the workings of the law are inseparable from the law enforcers themselves, law enforcement against criminal acts of the anti trade union basically still encounters several obstacles among which are understanding concepts among law enforcers of law no.21 of 2000 concerning trade unions / labor unions and lack of coordination among ppns employment investigators and police investigators. keywords: law, enforcement, union busting fakultas hukum universitas ichsan gorontalo (suardi.rais@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i2.669 1. introduction humans as their nature, as individuals or individuals, tend to have a desire to gather with other individuals, or it can be said there is a tendency to form a group. aristotle named humans as zoon politicon (social beings). like social beings, humans always need the presence of others. no human can live alone because gathering with others is a necessity(asri wijayanti, 2012). is realized that human nature always wants to live in groups so that in the basic constitution we guarantee the existence of freedom of association and assembly, to put forth thoughts verbally and in writing and so on. association and assembly are the basic rights of indonesian citizens so that the state, government, or anyone else can not eliminate these basic rights or obstruct people who want to associate and gather. it is expressly stated in article 28e paragraph (3) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia (1945 constitution) which states that "everyone has the right to freedom of association, assembly and issuing opinions" likewise, workers or laborers as citizens also have an equal position in the law, the right to get a decent living, the right to get a job, to gather in an organization, to express opinions, and to have the right to form or become a member of a trade / labor union. mailto:suardi.rais@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i2.496 jurnal hukum volkgeist suardi rais. 4(2): 148-157 149 the right to assemble, organize and associate is part of human rights, which is generally regulated in several provisions including article 20 universal declaration of human rights, article 22 of law number 12 of 2005 concerning international ratification of the covenant on civil and political rights, article 8 of law number 11 year 2005 concerning the international ratification of the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (international covenant on social, economic and social rights culture), presidential decree of the republic of indonesia number 83 of 1998 concerning ratification of the convention (number 87) concerning freedom of association and protection of the right to organize (convention number 87 concerning freedom of association and protection of the right to organize), law number 18 of 1956 concerning ratification of convention no.98 of the international labor organization concerning the endorsement yes basics of the right to organize and collective bargaining, article 28 and article 28 e of the 1945 constitution and amendments, article 24, article 25 and article 39 of law number 39 of 1999 concerning human rights, law number 21 of 2000 concerning trade unions / labor unions and article 104 of law number 13 of 2003 concerning labor (septiono, 2013). existing conditions in gorontalo province, approximately 3,248 companies registered in the gorontalo province manpower and transmigration office with a workforce of more than 23,805 people, there are 3 (three) federation units, 2 (two) nonconfederation federation units and 1 (one) confederation unit with a total number of approximately 3,208 workers / laborers who have entered and are registered as members of the trade union / labor union. from this data, it can be concluded that currently in gorontalo province there are still a number of 20,597 workers / laborers who are not yet members of the trade / labor union. while the legal protection of trade unions from threats or prohibitions to gather and associate from workers / labor partners, in this case employers are regulated further in law number 21 of 2000 concerning trade unions / trade unions. such actions are commonly known as union busting or the suppression of trade unions. the term union busting, according to juanda pangaribuan, was originally used in the world of industrial relations in the united states, which refers to efforts to deceive trade unions for the benefit of employers or co-optation treatment of trade unions. this practice is considered bad and is an unhealthy labor practice(juanda pangaribuan, 2012) the a quo provision article 28 of ri law number 21 of 2000 concerning trade unions states that "anyone is prohibited from obstructing or forcing workers / laborers to form or not form, become an administrator or not become an administrator, become a member or not become a member members, and / or running or not carrying out activities of trade unions / labor unions in a manner; a. terminate employment, suspend, demote, or make a transfer; b. not paying or reducing workers' wages; c. to intimidate in any form; d. carry out campaigns against the formation of trade unions / labor unions " then further on in article 43 of ri law no. 21 of 2000 concerning trade unions/trade unions states that "(1) anyone who blocks or forces workers / laborers as referred to in article 28, shall be subject to sanctions of imprisonment for a minimum of 1 (one) year and a maximum of 5 (five) a year and/or a fine of at least rp.100,000,000.00 (one hundred million rupiah) and a maximum of rp. 500,000.00.00 jurnal hukum volkgeist suardi rais. 4(2): 148-157 150 (five hundred million rupiah), and (2). the criminal act referred to in paragraph (1) constitutes a criminal offense ” when referring to the a quo provisions, it is clear that these provisions are solely to protect all workers / workers from the arbitrariness of employers, but in reality union busting actions still often occur among workers / laborers, this is in line with the authors' findings of the practices union busting practices are carried out by some companies in gorontalo province. the forms of violations committed by some companies as from the results of this study from year to year can be seen in table 1 below: table 1. different forms of violations of freedom of association year form of violation 2017 1. obstruct the establishment of trade unions 2. refuse invitation to negotiations 3. criminalization 4. mutation 2018 1. mutation 2. work termination 3. criminalization 4. warning letter 2019 1. mutation 2. yoffs of management and members 3. skorsing 4. denying the validity of trade unions 5. criminalization source: primary data, processed from the picture above, from year to year various forms of violations against trade unions / labor unions can be seen, and the forms of violations that occur are almost the same from year to year, for example discrimination / intimidation of workers, mutations to layoffs and criminalization in which the company is has occurred mainly against members of trade unions and violations of existing rules but to date there has been no further action than law enforcement. this law enforcement problem departs from the understanding of law enforcers who believe that this problem is a dispute problem involving industrial relations actors so that it is more appropriate to be solved through industrial relations disputes. this is inseparable from the provisions of law number 2 of 2004 concerning settlement of industrial relations disputes which divides the types of industrial relations disputes into four namely, perselisiah rights, interests, disputes between trade unions in one company and termination of employment. based on the description above, the problem formulation in this research is how is the form of legal protection for trade unions in law no. 21 of 2000 concerning trade unions / trade unions and what are the barriers to law enforcement in the imposition of criminal sanctions against union busting actors in gorontalo province. jurnal hukum volkgeist suardi rais. 4(2): 148-157 151 2. method based on the formulation of the problem and objectives to be achieved in this study, the type of research used is normative legal research(soerjono soekanto dan sri mamudji, 2011), namely by examining the legal rules, legal theories and legal materials related to issues to be discussed. in addition to the type of normative legal research, this study also uses the type of empirical legal research, which examines the realities that occur in the research field. data collection techniques used in this study is to use field research (field research). in addition to field research, library research is also used, namely studying and studying books, scientific journals and electronic media (internet browsing). in addition, in gathering the research data needed, interviews are also carried out, that is the method or technique of collecting data obtained directly from competent informants related to the problems the author studies. in accordance with the problems to be answered and the objectives to be achieved in this study, the data collected both primary and secondary data were analyzed qualitatively, then described to answer the problems in this study.. 3. form of legal protection for trade unions in law no. 21 of 2000 concerning trade unions / labor unions freedom of association or union formation is one of the basic human rights of every indonesian citizen protected by the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia and also republic of indonesia law no. 39 of 1999 concerning human rights. the position of the right to associate as a human right of every citizen makes that right cannot be revoked or reduced arbitrarily either by the state, the government, or other citizens. provisions regarding trade unions in general can be seen in article 104 of ri law no. 13 of 2003 concerning manpower and specifically in ri law no. 21 of 2000 concerning trade unions / labor unions. the definition of trade unions according to article 1 number 1 of the trade union law is "a trade union / labor union is an organization formed from, by, and for workers / laborers in the company or outside the company, which is free, open, independent, democratic and is responsible for fighting for, defending and protecting the rights and interests of workers / laborers and improving the welfare of workers / laborers and their families. " based on the provisions of article 1 number 1 in the trade union law if related to the provisions of article 3 of the same law, then one of the principles of a trade union is free, which means that the trade union in exercising its rights and obligations is not under the influence or pressure from any party, including business people. in addition, the trade unions also have an independent principle which means that the trade unions in establishing, running and developing an organization are determined by their own strength not controlled by other parties outside the organization. the workers' association also has a democratic principle which means that trade unions in forming organizations, electing officials, fighting for and exercising organizational rights and obligations are carried out in accordance with democratic principles). the practice of union busting or union suppression, is a practice in which companies or employers try to stop the activities of trade unions in the area of the company. the efforts of these companies and entrepreneurs take various forms using a variety of methods and reasons, from using legal, illegal, and even hiring consultants to carry out the practice of union busting. jurnal hukum volkgeist suardi rais. 4(2): 148-157 152 whereas in article 28 of ri law 21 of 2000 it is regulated that "anyone is prohibited from obstructing or forcing workers / laborers to form or not form, become an administrator or not become an administrator, become a member or not become a member and / or run or not run union / labor union activities by: 1. to terminate employment, temporarily lay off, demote a position, or make a transfer; 2. not paying or reducing workers' wages; 3. doing whatever intimidation; 4. carry out campaigns against the formation of trade unions / labor unions; furthermore, article 43 of ri law 21 of 2000 regulates sanctions against violations of article 28, it is explained that: 1. anyone who obstructs or forces a worker / laborer as referred to in article 28, is subject to a maximum of 1 (one) year imprisonment and a maximum of 5 (five) years and / or a fine of at least rp.100,000,000, 00 (one hundred million rupiah) and a maximum of rp.500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiah). 2. the criminal act referred to in paragraph (1) constitutes a criminal offense. protection of freedom to form trade unions / labor unions is also based on the purpose and function of the union / labor union itself. as stated by one of the members of the indonesian metal workers union federation (fspmi), mr. zulkarnain, said that "basically the right to freedom of association embodied in the form of trade unions in industrial relations has two main functions. first, it functions to protect workers by contributing to setting minimum standards on wages, occupational health, social security and working hours for workers. second, regulating the working relationship between employers, workers, and the government by setting regulations in the form of a collective labor agreement (kkb), with the aim of changing the role of workers from the original as an object into work partners in the production process ". in practice, the activeness of workers in trade union activities is the first weapon used to fight for workers' rights and to elevate their positions in line with employers. the methods adopted through trade unions, are usually done by submitting demands on employers when negotiating collective labor agreements, strikes to fight for workers' rights, methods, and conducting demonstrations and statements of solidarity with fellow workers under pressure and or treatment that are not good from a businessman. thus it can be concluded that the right to form and become a member of a trade / labor union is one form of respect for human rights. but what happens in gorontalo province when the restrictions / barriers to trade union activities occur the state does not take a meaningful attitude, labor inspector employees who have the obligation to conduct supervision in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, also do not take action to stop the restrictions and barriers barriers to the occurrence of restrictions and barriers to association activities. employee inspectors who receive reports of restrictions and / or barriers to union activities only call the company, and do not take any meaningful action for the protection of trade / labor unions. often they think workers / laborers are too flexible in demanding their rights, and are far-fetched in demanding what constitutes workers' rights. as happened in gorontalo, there has been an anti-union practice (union busting) where in the company discrimination / intimidation has occurred against its main workers towards union members and even layoffs occurred by the company. indra hasan, one of the trade union members who was laid off, said that "on august 4, 2016, jurnal hukum volkgeist suardi rais. 4(2): 148-157 153 kacab mr. muh yahya and hrd nurwahidah summoned members who entered the trade union one by one intimidating by saying that what they did would affect the contract. work where the work contract will not be extended again and ordered to make a resignation letter from the union and then the next day they are given a format that has been prepared by management to be followed by rewriting and signing by all employees who are administrators and union members. and they both also frighten workers with criminal threats”. however, if we refer to article 153 paragraph (1) of ri law no. 13 of 2003 concerning manpower employers are prohibited from carrying out layoffs if based on the following reasons: 1. the worker / laborer is unable to come to work due to illness according to the doctor's statement as long as the time does not exceed 12 (twelve) months continuously; 2. workers / laborers are unable to carry out their work because they fulfill obligations to the state in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation; 3. workers / laborers perform worship that is ordered by their religion; 4. the worker / laborer is married; 5. female workers / laborers who are pregnant, giving birth, conceiving or breastfeeding their babies; 6. workers / laborers have blood ties and / or marriage ties with other workers / laborers in one company, unless stipulated in a work agreement, company regulations, or collective labor agreement; 7. a worker / laborer establishes, becomes a member and / or caretaker of a trade union / labor union, the worker / laborer carries out the activities of the union / labor union outside working hours, or within working hours according to the employer's agreement, or based on the provisions stipulated in the work agreement , company regulations or collective labor agreements; 8. the worker / laborer who complains the employer to the authorities regarding the conduct of the entrepreneur who commits a criminal offense; 9. due to differences in understanding, religion, political affiliation, ethnicity, skin color, class, gender, physical condition, or marital status; 10. workers / laborers in permanent disability, illness due to work accidents, or illness due to work relationships according to a doctor's certificate whose recovery period has not been confirmed. law enforcement and legal protection efforts for trade unions / labor unions in gorontalo province are still weak. the police who have the obligation to carry out investigations and investigations, do not carry out their obligations properly, so that many reports of the occurrence of crimes against restrictions / barriers to trade union / youth workers activities are countered by the issuance of sp3 (letter of termination of investigation). the application of criminal sanctions against companies that violate the above provisions has never been applied to criminal sanctions in particular in gorontalo province. however, if we look at the facts, it is clear that so many criminal acts occur against trade unions. the same as the case by several companies but there is no followjurnal hukum volkgeist suardi rais. 4(2): 148-157 154 up from law enforcers, especially ppns investigators at the department of manpower and policing. in fact, there is an understanding of some investigators who say this is not the realm of criminal law, this is still the realm of private law, not to mention cases that are this happens most often by way of mediation, courtship in the industrial relations court. 4. barriers to law enforcement in the imposition of criminal sanctions against union busting actors in gorontalo province there are three institutions responsible for upholding the rights of trade unions / labor unions in indonesia, namely the manpower office, the police and the irc. manpower is the first line of defense to uphold workers' rights in indonesia. in addition to mediating disputes between trade unions and management, they are also responsible for labor inspection. the supervisory investigators at disnaker have the authority to issue warnings for employers to comply with labor laws when they find violations of the legal provisions for which there are sanctions of all the forms of crime that are explicitly stated in the law but none of them reach the realm of prosecution, it is precisely what satjipto rahardjo said distinguishes the term law enforcement from the use of the law, further added he stated: " law enforcement and legal use are two different things. people can enforce the law to provide justice, but people can also enforce the law to be used for the achievement of other goals or interests. upholding the law is not exactly the same as using the law ". while the factors that influence law enforcement are stated by soerjono soekanto, there are 5 things that affect whether or not law enforcement is effective. this is what the writer tries to synchronize between the provisions of existing laws and the existing authority over law enforcers with the existing reality, so the writer refers to the theory raised by soerjono soekanto above. whereas in the author's observations based on direct observations in the field, the author saw several factors that caused ineffective law enforcement related to anti-union crime (union busting) or protection of workers' rights in forming trade unions as follows: a. different conceptions of understanding among law enforcement. in accordance with research found that unions also criticize the performance of the police, although not as much as the manpower office. one member of the union who was laid off noval mabunga said, "on average, trade unions no longer trust the police because they favor employers more than workers". the main reason given for the police's impartiality, however, is that they completely refuse to deal with this problem because they consider this problem to be the disnaker domain. according to those who see the police negatively. some participants observed that when unions reported cases, the police deliberately stalled, but when management reported workers, they acted very quickly. understanding the different concepts of law enforcement becomes one of the factors in obstructing law enforcement. therefore, in addition to the rule of law, a role is also needed, there are still many violations of the role of law enforcement, especially at the investigation level. not a new thing, if for labor criminal cases involving legal protection for workers' management or activists, the officers appear to be stuttering and are hesitant to implement the existing legal provisions. this is unavoidable because there are still many in the public perception that work cases are the civil sphere that begins to emerge when an employment agreement is made. when one of the parties in jurnal hukum volkgeist suardi rais. 4(2): 148-157 155 this case is the employer does not want to be bound in a working relationship with his workers (in this case coincidence is a union manager), then it is natural if termination of employment is done. even if there are lawsuits, they are considered to enter the realm of civilization through a lawsuit in the labor court(m . nurdin singadimedja dan m . holy one n . singadimedja, 2018) likewise with the concept of union busting from the court, as said at the beginning that there was a dialectical process among law enforcers. if examined further from several court decisions, the court makes the rule of law that mutations cannot be carried out if there are restrictions agreed upon in the collective labor agreement. such restrictions may hinder a company from conducting its business in the most efficient manner. therefore, employers need to be careful not to include the assignment and transfer issues in the collective labor agreement, and remain the full authority of the entrepreneur(priamoko, 2019) the application of criminal sanctions against companies that violate the above provisions has never been applied to criminal sanctions in particular in gorontalo province. however, if we look at the facts, it is clear that so many criminal acts occur against trade unions. the same as the case by several companies but there is no followup from law enforcers, especially ppns investigators from the department of manpower and policing. in fact, there is an understanding of some investigators who say this is not the realm of criminal law, this is still the realm of private law, not to mention cases that are this happens most often by way of mediation, courtship in the industrial relations court. throughout the search for the author there are two cases that have actually been carried out in accordance with criminal provisions as regulated in law no.21 of 2000 concerning trade unions / trade unions until the court's ruling. the two cases are: a. the case that was sued and sentenced to prison for 1 (one) year 6 (six) months is the general manager of pt. jim jim indonesia, namely ir fathoni prawata, on june 23, 2011 trade union organizer agus waluyo cs by yoyok human recourses development manager . indopratama was reported to the police for voicing their aspirations and fighting for the normative rights of nearly 700 (seven hundred) employees in the form of: (1) unclear employment contracts and normative rights that followed; (2) protest over improper food allowances of rp. 1,250 / day; and (3) inadequate transport allowance due to changes in route imposed by the governor; b. another union busting case, the medan high court's decision in case number 125 / pid / 2014 / ptmdn, in that decision the defendant was convicted for having laid off workers union management without reason and without a letter of dismissal; decision of the supreme court at the review level in case number 130 / pk / pid.sus / 2015, the defendant was convicted because he was proven to request that mj witnesses not be active in activities to be held by trade unions, even the defendant threatened to lay off all employees who became trade union members, and impose sanctions on some employees who are active in trade unions ”(m . nurdin singadimedja dan m . holy one n . singadimedja, 2018) from the two examples of cases above it becomes an example that it is not impossible that criminal law enforcement processes are carried out against violations of article 43 paragraph (1) jucto article 28 of law number 21 of 2000 concerning trade unions / trade unions. jurnal hukum volkgeist suardi rais. 4(2): 148-157 156 b. lack of coordination among investigators. factors of lack of coordination between labor ppns investigators and police investigators. in the criminal procedure code the investigator's words or terms are the officials of the indonesian national police and certain civil servants who are given special authority by law. criminal investigations in the field of employment carried out by the civil servant investigator (ppns) of manpower in carrying out their investigations are regulated in article 9 paragraph (1) perkap. no. 6 of 2010 concerning the management of investigations by ppns. based on article 182 paragraph (1) of the manpower act, the investigation process in manpower is carried out by the ppns of manpower and transmigration in coordination with the police, by promoting the principle of transparency, effectiveness and efficiency. the investigation process by the ppns employment is carried out with the existence of a criminal act of employment by the labor inspector (ppk), then the ppns sends a notice of the commencement of the investigation (spdp) to the police. after the ppns completes an investigation then makes a minutes of investigation (bap), then it is delegated to the public prosecutor (jpu) through the police. after the prosecutor accepts and states it is complete, it is transferred to the court for trial. weak law enforcement and the slow process of investigation by the labor ppns and the police, in following up violations of labor norms / criminal acts, especially in gorontalo province, one of which is the lack of coordination between ppns labor investigators and polri investigators. as stated by a member of the police investigator who said that disnaker officials rarely submit the minutes of examination (bap) needed by the police to be submitted to the prosecutor even though when violations or criminal acts, the police must review the evidence first which will then be submitted to public prosecutor ". 4. conclusion workers in indonesia still face great challenges in exercising their collective rights. workers who form trade unions face harassment and intimidation from employers, and even after successfully establishing a new union, union officials face many ongoing obstacles from employers in carrying out their activities and sometimes even being laid off. however, the form of protection and law enforcement against violations or criminal acts against the union (union busting) that occurred, especially in the province of gorntalo is still very weak, there has been no decisive action from all law enforcement. the workings of the law are inseparable from the law enforcers themselves, law enforcement against criminal acts of the union (union busting) basically still encounters several obstacles among which is the understanding of the concept among law enforcers of law no.21 of 2000 concerning trade unions / trade unions and lack of coordination between labor ppns investigators and police investigators. references asri, w. (2012). synchronization of labor law with ilo conventions analysis of freedom of association and the elimination of forced labor in indonesia. karya putra darwati. juanda pangaribuan. (2012). various constitutional court decisions in the field of labor law completed with legal reviews. muara ilmu sejahtera indonesia. m . nurdin singadimedja dan m . holy one n . singadimedja. (2018). certainty of jurnal hukum volkgeist suardi rais. 4(2): 148-157 157 legal protection for trade union managers from union busting actions. jurnal hukum positum, 3(1), 104–116. priamoko, n. e. (2019). position union busting. https://www.hukumonline.com/berita/baca/lt5c651b0083d77/memposisikan-unionbusting-oleh--nugroho-eko-priamoko?page=5 septiono, a. (2013). criminal law policy in the protection of the right to freedom of association for indonesian workers / workers. law reform, 8(2), 20. https://doi.org/10.14710/lr.v8i2.12422 soerjono, s. & sri, m. (2011). normative legal research. rajawali pers. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 2, june 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 100 the impact of accepting new students with the zoning system on the right to children's education ganis vitayanty noor1, imam wicaksono2, nabitatus sa’adah3 abstract author’s information: education is a human right. everyone has the right to receive educational rights without restrictions. everyone has the right to get the education and level of education they will attend. the government has an education equalization plan with the issuance of the minister of education and culture regulation no. 14 of 2018. the minister of education and culture mentioned above applies a zoning system. the minister of education and culture does not rule out the possibility of impacts for prospective students who wish to continue their education. the problem is how the impact of the ppdb zoning system on education rights in kajen subdistrict, pekalongan regency. the approach method used is a sociological juridical approach method. ppdb has positive and negative impacts. according to researchers, ppdb is not in accordance with the right to education of children, due to restrictions, the gap in the quality of learning with the same level of difficulty of the national examination and the same curriculum that applies nationally. keywords: education rights, children, impact of zoning 1 law department, universitas diponegoro, semarang (vitaganis961@yahoo.com) 2 law department, universitas diponegoro, semarang (imamwicaksono0077@gmail. com) 3 law department, universitas diponegoro, semarang (nabitatuss@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i2.579 1. introduction education is a human right. every citizen has the right to receive the right to education without restrictions. every citizen has the right to receive education and the level of education they will attend. every citizen has the right to receive education, this has been explicitly and clearly regulated in article 33 paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia which reads as follows "every citizen has the right to education". as stipulated in article 33 paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia mentioned above, according to the author, every citizen has the right to education and the state is obliged to fulfill the right to education. in addition, at the opening of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia paragraph iv, it was stressed that "the government of the indonesian state protects all of the indonesian people and all of indonesia's blood and to promote public welfare, educate the nation's life". thus the government has an obligation to guarantee the education of its citizens. not only getting the right to education, every citizen has the same right to obtain quality education. every citizen has the right to equality in the quality of education organized by the government, both citizens who live in rural and urban areas, both in coastal areas and in the highlands. the equalization of these rights is not solely without legal basis, but has been regulated in article 5 paragraph (1) of law number 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system. mailto:vitaganis961@yahoo.com mailto:imamwicaksono0077@gmail.com mailto:imamwicaksono0077@gmail.com mailto:nabitatuss@gmail.com https://doi.org/ jurnal hukum volkgeist ganis vitayanty noor. 4(2): 100-107 101 in organizing education, especially for there is a new student admissions system that can be followed by each prospective student without having to see the domicile or residence of the prospective student. prospective students whose dwellings are far or different from the subdistrict with the location of the school to be addressed are not a problem because the new student admission system uses written selection and / or uses the results of the exam results which will be ranked and accepted according to the number of students determined by the school concerned. year after year, the government has breakthroughs in the plan for equal distribution of education in all regions of the republic of indonesia. the equality plan has been realized with the issuance of minister of education and culture regulation no. 17 of 2017 concerning acceptance of new kindergarten, elementary, middle school, high school, and vocational school students. the new student admission system becomes a zoning system. admission of new students with this zoning system applies to schools with public status. based on minister of education and culture regulation number 17 of 2017 above, by implementing a zoning system, schools organized by local governments must accept prospective students who live in the nearest zonater radius of the school at least 90 percent of the total number of students accepted (wulandari, hasyim, & nurmalisa, 2018: 1). however, minister of education and culture regulation number 17 of 2017 concerning acceptance of new students in kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, vocational high schools, or other similar forms which have been replaced by minister of education and culture regulations ( permendikbud) number 14 of 2018 concerning acceptance of new students in kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, vocational high schools, or other similar forms, has replaced the previous regulations which are considered to be inappropriate. the issuance of the minister of education and culture regulation above, which applies the zoning system, changes the new student admission system, which at first every prospective student can register at the desired school even though it is not located in one sub-district where prospective students live as a zoning system (according to domicile) / residence as evidenced by the family card). because of the new student admission system regulations issued by the government, it does not rule out the possibility of impacts on prospective students who wish to continue their education, especially for prospective junior high school students and / or high school and / or high school majors and / or equal. minister of education and culture regulation number 14 of 2018 concerning the acceptance of new students in kindergartens, primary schools, junior high schools, high schools, vocational high schools, or other similar forms which has established a new student admission system with a zoning system . the issuance of the regulation allows for an impact on the system. based on these thoughts, the research takes the following issues: (1) what is the right to education and the principle of human rights to education?; (2) how is the acceptance of new students in the zoning system? and (3) what is the impact of the acceptance of new students with the zoning system on the right to education of children in human rights? 2. method this study uses socio legal research. socio legal research gives importance to the steps of qualitative observation and analysis (soemitro: 1988). the characteristics of sociolegal research methods can be identified through sociolegal studies conducting textual studies, articles in legislation and policies can be critically analyzed and explained jurnal hukum volkgeist ganis vitayanty noor. 4(2): 100-107 102 their meaning and implications for legal subjects (including marginalized groups). sociolegal research is conducted by researching in the field (field research) by interviewing respondents who are primary data and examining library material which is secondary data called library research. 3. right to education education is the main means for everyone to be able to increase awareness of their dignity. education is increasingly recognized as one of the best financial investments available to the country, although the meaning of education is not merely practical and instrumental. a mind that is intelligent, bright, active, and capable of flying freely is one of the happiness and rewards that come from being human. the exercise of the right to education is very important for the fulfillment of various other human rights, such as other human rights, such as the right to work, health, and political participation. education also plays an important role in empowering women, protecting children from dangerous work and sexual exploitation, promoting human rights and democracy, protecting the living environment, and controlling population growth. savic said that the operation of human rights in the democratic regulation of political and legal life is the standard of legitimacy of modern countries (halili, 2016: 199). the right to education is based on the fact that universal basic education is one of the millennium development goals which must pay close attention to the fulfillment of the right to education and ensure that all parties can benefit from the availability of better access to education. the issue of the right to education is part of economic, social and cultural rights and requires broad state intervention in planning, implementing, setting policy standards, and evaluating especially in realizing the country's goals namely: educating the nation's life (utari & udiana, 2015: 669). international human rights treaties define the right to education in a way that is comparatively accurate. in addition to providing compulsory and free basic education for all children, the state also has an obligation to develop free and equal secondary education (including vocational training) for all people and equal access to higher education free of charge based on capacity. the state also has an obligation to work towards the elimination of illiteracy, for adults who have not yet fulfilled their basic educational needs. equality and non-discrimination are two important aspects of the right to education, and the state must prioritize equal access to girls and other groups that are vulnerable to discrimination, such as children with disabilities, minority children and refugee children. in principle, the state can provide the right to education in the context of both public and private schools. because private schools usually do not guarantee basic education without the cost of children, the state has an obligation to build sufficient number of public schools, employ the required quality teachers and provide quality education as regulated by international human rights law . as a first step, all countries that are signatories to the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights must create and implement, within two years after ratification, a detailed action plan for the progressive implementation of the principle of compulsory and free basic education for everyone. apart from these positive obligations to fulfill the right to education, countries have an obligation to respect the freedom of parents to choose private schools for their children and to ensure that the religious and moral education received by their children is in accordance with their own beliefs. article 13 of the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights states that states parties to this covenant recognize the right of everyone to education. jurnal hukum volkgeist ganis vitayanty noor. 4(2): 100-107 103 these countries agree that education must be directed at the full development of the human personality and awareness of their worth, and strengthen respect for human rights and basic freedoms. they further agreed that education must enable all people to participate effectively in a free society, promote understanding, tolerance and friendship between all nations and all groups, races, ethnicities or religions and enhance the activities of the united nations to maintain peace. the parties to the covenant recognize that in order to achieve the full realization of this right: (a) basic education must be compulsory and free for all; (b) further education in various forms, including technical and vocational education, must be generally available and open to all people in all appropriate ways, and in particular through the provision of gradual free education; (c) higher education must also be carried out with the principle of being open to all people on the basis of ability, with all appropriate efforts, especially through the provision of gradual free education; (d) fundamental education must be encouraged or infested as far as possible for people who have never received or have not completed all of their basic education; (e) the development of a school system at all levels must be actively pursued, an adequate scholarship system must be established, and the material conditions of the teaching staff must be continually improved. states parties to the covenant promise to respect the freedom of parents and, if any, legal guardians of students to choose schools for their children, in addition to schools established by government agencies, as long as these schools meet the minimum education standards set or agreed by the government concerned, and to protect the religious and moral education of their children according to their beliefs. human rights have several principles. the principles related to the right to children's education, according to the researchers include the principle of equality, the principle of nondiscrimination, and the principle of state responsibility. the principle of equality the concept of equality expresses the idea of respecting the dignity inherent in every human being. specifically article 1 of the duham (universal declaration of human rights) states that: every human being is born free and equal in his dignity. equality requires equal treatment, where in the same situation it must be treated equally, and with debate, where in different situations they are treated differently. the principle of non-discrimination is integrated in equality. this principle ensures that no one can negate the rights of others due to external factors, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, politics or other views, nationality, ownership, birth status or others. prohibition of discrimination is an important part of the principle of equality. if all people are equal, then there should be no discriminatory treatment (other than affirmative action taken to achieve equality). in effect, discrimination is a gap in the difference in treatment from the treatment that should be the same / equal. syed in the book ifdhal eunuch commented on article 26 of the udhr (universal declaration of human rights), that as a regime, the right to education is a unified building of the international human rights legal system. to advance the right to education, the state is obliged to advance human rights values in an educational curriculum that is in harmony with the construction of universal human rights. the udhr emphasizes the importance of the substance of education itself, namely education helps children to recognize themselves, their talents and abilities in social interactions where they are(fattah, 2017: 355). education is the right of every citizen, but its fulfillment depends very much on the commitment of the state. the facts show that the state has not been able to fulfill the right to education for all citizens. this, of course, must be a whip for the state, bearing in mind jurnal hukum volkgeist ganis vitayanty noor. 4(2): 100-107 104 that education aside from being a citizen's right is also a very essential thing in building the character and morals of the nation (yudhanti, 2012: 13). the principle of state responsibility, the state and other obligation holders are responsible for observing human rights. in this case, they must abide by the legal norms and standards contained in human rights instruments. in the event that they fail in carrying out their responsibilities, the injured parties have the right to file a claim appropriately, before the claim is submitted to a competent court or other adjudicator in accordance with applicable legal rules and procedures. 4. admission of new students to the zoning system admission of new students under the zoning system is regulated in article 16 of the minister of education and culture regulation no. 14 of 2018 concerning the acceptance of new students in kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools, vocational high schools, or other forms equal. schools run by local governments must accept prospective students who live in the closest zone radius of the school at least 90% (ninety percent) of the total number of students received. domicile of prospective students is based on the address on the family card issued no later than 6 (six) months before the implementation of the admission of new students. the closest zone radius as mentioned above is determined by the regional government in accordance with the conditions in the area based on: a. availability of school-age children in the area; and b. the amount of capacity available in the study group at each school. 5. the impact admission of new students to the zoning system the fundamental problem in fulfilling the right to education in indonesia is a matter of legislation and policy. between the law or national education policy and the noble ideals of independence and the 1945 constitution, between national and international human rights instruments and standards are apparently not in harmony so that development in education has not been based on human rights (machali, 2012: 20). violation of children's rights, if we pay close attention, clearly has contributed to inaction in the field of education. educational efforts, which should be used for the empowerment of students so that they are able to anticipate challenges and be responsible for the success of their lives in the future, have downplayed the meaning of education itself into merely a stagnant cultural reproduction instrument (musthafa, 2002: 5). in indonesia, policies related to child friendly schools are outlined in the republic of indonesia ministerial regulation on empowerment of children and child protection number 8 of 2014 concerning child friendly schools policy. the regulation explained that child friendly schools are formal, non-formal and informal education units that are safe, clean and healthy, care and cultured environment, able to guarantee, fulfill, respect children's rights and protect children from violence, discrimination, and treatment other wrongs and support the participation of children, especially in planning, policy, learning, supervision, and complaints mechanisms related to the fulfillment of children's rights and protection in education(wuryandani, fathurrohman, senen, & haryani, 2018: 86). jurnal hukum volkgeist ganis vitayanty noor. 4(2): 100-107 105 5.1 positive impact admission of new students to the zoning system first, there is an even distribution of schools, so there are no superior schools or regular schools. like the government's initial goal, which is to equalize education, it is appropriate that the perceived impact is that there are no classifications between superior schools and regular schools. it is also intended that other students do not feel intimidated if they do not qualify for superior schools. second, students can get closer to the school they are going to. considering that students' learning hours are already quite dense and they have to travel great distances to reach school, it is not impossible if later they cannot receive lessons optimally. therefore, in order to make learning hours more effective, the government provides a zoning system policy that allows students to reach schools closer and faster. third, encourage the quality of each school. knowing that there are currently no classifications between superior schools and regular schools, this allows other schools to continue to push for better quality. not only public schools, private schools are also encouraged to continue to improve quality. that way, students can also study quietly without feeling any pressure or intimidation from any party fourth, the zoning program provides an opportunity for all students to get an education anywhere without being compartmentalized. each student gets his portion in each area where he lives. the next challenge is how schools can compete to improve the quality of schools with native human resources from the area. schools must be able to create competitive and conducive learning for the sake of creating a good learning climate (safarah & wibowo, 2018: 206). 5.2. negative impact admission of new students to the zoning system in addition to the positive impacts of new zoning system admissions, the system does not rule out the possibility of negative impacts, such as: first, there is alleged action fraud. the zoning system is implemented based on the distance of the house (domicile / residence) of prospective students to the intended school and one of the conditions, which must be proven family cards of the prospective students concerned issued no later than 6 (six) months before the implementation of the acceptance of new students . because of this zoning system, not a few parents of prospective students who hope that their children can go to a favorite school. there are even parents who are willing to come earlier than registration hours in the hope that their children get the registration number early because besides the family card requirements, an earlier registration number is also a consideration. in addition, for the sake of their children going to the favorite school, there are parents who dare to make a family card with a domicile that is closer to the distance of the school, even though the person domicile / residence is not as stated on the family card submitted as a condition for student admission new zoning system. changes to the family card can also be updated by parents of prospective students well in advance of registration so that their children can be accepted at the intended school. secondly, there are restrictions. another negative effect is to narrow the choice of prospective students to choose other schools because of the zoning system based on domicile. considering that there is no spreading of schools that are evenly distributed jurnal hukum volkgeist ganis vitayanty noor. 4(2): 100-107 106 throughout the region, so that it is also a scourge for some parents of prospective students who complain of the least choice of schools that their children can take, especially in the highlands. third, students become lazy in learning. another impact that can be directly seen and felt by prospective students is a disappointment that he felt after he studied at the previous school level trying to learn as much as possible to get into a favorite school, now it becomes normal because of the zoning system. the enthusiasm of prospective students is decreasing because prospective students assume that to get a favorite school does not require hard effort, but depends on the domicile / residence. fourth, there is a learning gap. means and infrastructure of learners in schools located in cities with villages and / or highlands will be different. for example, the problem of information technology facilities and teaching staff. in rural areas and / or highlands access to information technology (internet) is still limited and difficult to signal, besides that there are only a few computer facilities as access facilities. educators who are classified as minimal compared to those in urban areas who tend to have graduated from bonafet universities and there are already a number of masters educated, whereas in rural and / or highlands there are rarely bonafet universities and there are already a number of masters educated. the existence of this learning facility gap also affects the quality of learning quality, while the national exam material that students must work on is the same as students studying in cities. children are the mandate of the family, country and nations of the world, therefore children must receive special attention. these concerns include health, tranquility, freedom and education(romly, 2012: 1). protection for children both normal children and children who have special needs one of which is protection in the field of education. getting proper education is a right for all children. this is based on the fact that every child can be a successful person, according to their abilities and talents. government is community service (nurani, zauhar, & saleh, 2015: 213). 6. conclusion based on the description above, it can be concluded that according to the author, the acceptance of new learners of the zoning system is not in accordance with the right to children's education because: (1) children as prospective students are limited to the desired school choice; (2) children as prospective students in highland areas far from urban areas and sometimes difficult road access and unreachable distances do not receive the same quality of learning as in schools in urban areas, while national exam questions that must be worked out are standard of difficulty. the same as students who study in urban areas; (3) the zoning system according to the author is not in accordance with 33 paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia and article 5 paragraph (1) of law number 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system; (4) there are violations of human rights principles, namely the principle of equality. the principle of non-discrimination and the principle of state responsibility. if the acceptance of new students with the zoning system continues to run, suggestions for the government are; first, the improvement of learning facilities for schools in hard-to-reach areas, such as in mountainous areas (highlands), disadvantaged areas (remote areas) so that there is equitable learning facilities and there is no learning gap with easily accessible areas (urban); second, the equal distribution of educators (teachers); third, the improvement of access roads to schools for the mountains (highlands). jurnal hukum volkgeist ganis vitayanty noor. 4(2): 100-107 107 references fattah, v. 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(muhammad syaifuddin, 2012 : 1) issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis perjanjian kerjasama dan pola perbandingan penyelesaian sengketadi luar pengadilan page 83 surat kontrak kerja merupakan salah satu dari jenis surat resmi lain. sebagai suatu surat resmi, surat kontrak kerja harus dibuat dengan sistematika khusus sebagaimana surat resmi lainnya. mungkin bagi anda yang bekerja di bidang legal drafment. kepentingan surat kontrak kerja tidak hanya pada sebuah kontrak kerja. surat kontrak kerja juga dibutuhkan untuk banyak kepentingan, seperti memberi hak dan kewajiban karyawan terhadap perusahaan, kontrak kerjasama dan sebagainya. surat kontrak kerja juga sangat penting artinya kedua belah pihak yang saling secara langsung mengikatkan diri dalam adendum yang tercantum di dalam surat kontrak kerja tersebut. hal ini, tidak lain karena disebabkan dalam surat kontrak kerja tersebut memuat hak dan kewajiban masing-masing pihak dalam mewujudkan dan melindungi hak dan kewajiban masing-masing. dalam surat kontrak kerja tersebut berisi kesepakatan bersama itulah yang kemudian mengikat para pihak yang melakukan perjanjian surat kontrak kerja, yang di mana dalam perjanjian surat kontrak kerja tersebut ada aturan-aturan dan tata tertib dari pihak perusahaan kepada karyawanya yang harus di penuhi dan di taati, sehingga muncul akibat sebagai perbuatan hukum. dengan demikian surat perjanjian itu sifatnya mengikat kedua belah pihak, atau lebih yang saling berkejasama untuk suatu tindakan dalam kurun waktu tertentu.surat kontrak kerja dijadikan sebagai landasan hukum bagi para pihak untuk melakukan perbuatan hukum maka dengan itu dalam penulisan makalah ini penulis akan membahas mengenai analisis upaya preventif pembuatan kontrak dan bentuk penyelesaian sengketa apa saja yang bisa ditempuh para pihak jika terjadi persoalan hukum nantinya. b. metode penelitian teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan tekhnik wawancara, yakni dilakukan wawancara langsung dengan responden yang diharapkan mampu memberikan masukan dan penjelasan mengenai masalah tersebut dengan baik dan benar. kepustakaan, yakni pengumpulan bahan dengan menelaah peraturan perundang-undangan yang berhubungan dengan masalah tersebut, atau literatur lain yang berhubungan dengan masalah tersebut. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis perjanjian kerjasama dan pola perbandingan penyelesaian sengketadi luar pengadilan page 84 jenis dan sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: 1. bahan hukum primer yakni bahan hukum yang diperoleh dari responden berdasarkan hasil wawancara. 2. bahan hukum sekunder yakni bahan hukum yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan, referensi-referensi hukum, peraturan perundang-undangan dan dokumen hukum. 3. bahan hukum tersier yakni bahan hukum pelengkap,yaitu artikel yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. teknik analisa penelitian yang digunakan adalah teknik kualitatif yang informasinya digali melalui wawancara mendalam serta informasi yang diperoleh melalui penelusuran kepustakaan, baik dari peraturan perundang-undangan, dokumen yang berkaitan dengan penulisan skripsi ini sehingga apa yang menjadi pertanyaan dalam penelitian ini terjawab dengan maksimal. c. pembahasan 1. analisis perjanjian kerjasama (francise) surat perjanjian kerjasama perusahaan no. ii/sp/iii/2011 yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini : aprianto dalam hal ini bertindak dan atas nama pt. sejahtera selanjutnya disebut sebagai pihak pertama. ruslan dalam hal ini bertindak dan atas nama cv. adilmakmurselanjutnya disebut sebagai pihak kedua. pihak pertama dan pihak kedua setuju untuk melakukan kesepakatan kerjasama bisnis berupa pemasaran produk milik pihak pertama oleh pihak kedua dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut. kewajiban dalam perjanjian issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis perjanjian kerjasama dan pola perbandingan penyelesaian sengketadi luar pengadilan page 85 perjanjian kerjasama bisnis, bahwa pihak kedua bersedia untuk memasarkan produk milik pihak pertama dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut : pihak pertama akan memberikan upah pemasaran produk milik pihak pertama kepada pihak kedua sebesar 12 % dari setiap produk yang berhasil terjual. pihak pertama akan memberikan pembayaran sebesar 12 % terhadap pihak kedua dari setiap produk yang berhasil dijual selambat-lambatnya 12 (duabelas) hari setelah produk tersebut berhasil terjual. pihak pertama akan melakukan pembayaran kepada pihak kedua melalui dua opsi pembayaran, yakni: transfer bank atau pembayaran secara tunai. pembatalan perjanjian pihak pertama berhak untuk membatalkan perjanjian sewaktu-waktu jika pihak kedua tidak berhasil memasarkan produk milik pihak pertama dalam rentang waktu 2 (dua) bulan sejak surat perjanjian ditanda tangani oleh kedua belah pihak. pihak pertama berhak untuk membatalkan perjanjian sewaktu-waktu tanpa harus meminta persetujuan dari pihak kedua bilamana kerjasama tersebut dianggap tidak memberikan keuntungan bagi pihak pertama, dan dalam hal ini pihak pertama tidak akan dituntut untuk memberikan kompensasi dalam bentuk apapun kepada pihak kedua. kesepakatan perjanjian surat perjanjian kerjasama bisnis ini telah dibaca, dimengerti dan disetujui oleh kedua belah pihak tanpa ada paksaan dari pihak manapun. berdasarkan perjanjian diatas, penulis melakukan analisis terhadap perjanjian kerjasama pt. sejahtera dengan cv adil makmur menggunakan teknik argumentasi hukum. 1. identification legal problem (identifikasi persoalan hukum) issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis perjanjian kerjasama dan pola perbandingan penyelesaian sengketadi luar pengadilan page 86 adapun persoalan hukum yang terdapat dalam perjanjian kerjasama diatas adalah a) resiko bahasa. bahasa yang digunakan dalam perjanjian kersama diatas khususnya dalam penentuan judul akta kontrak atau perjanjian seharusnya tidak memuat judul umum. budi kusumohamidjojo mengingatkan bahwa “sekalipun tidak mengakibatkan kebatalan kontrak (perjanjian), akan tetapi jika suatu kontrak dibuat tanpa judul, atau dengan memakai judul tetapi sangat umum, seperti “perjanjian” atau “persetujuan bersama”, dalam praktik bisnis akan dapat membawa resiko berupa kekeliruan dalam identifikasi dokumen”. judul perjanjian “surat perjanjian kerjasama perusahaan” menurut hemat penulis judul perjanjian tersebut masih sangat umum seharusnya judul bisa dibuat jelas dan sesuai dengan substansi kontraknya. menurut pasal pasal 1319 kuhperdata mengenai kontrak bersama, dalam arti kontrak yang diatur dalam kuhperdata tersebut oleh pembentuk kuhperdata sudah diberikan namanya, misalnya kontrak jual beli, kontrak sewa-menyewa, kontrak hibah dan lain-lain. maka seharusnya judul yang baik adalah surat perjanjian kerjasama tentang frachising barang. b) resiko penyelesaian sengketa. perjanjian kerjasama diatas tidak mengatur secara tegas mengenai penyelesaian sengketa yang akan ditempuh apabila timbul persoalan hukum nantinya. dalam hukum kontrak, dikenal asas penyelesaian sengketa, asas ini menghendaki setiap kontrak tertulis mencantumkan secara tegas bentuk dan mekanisme hukum penyelesaian sengketa hukum kontrak di antara para pihak yangn membuat kontrak tersebut. asas penyelesaian sengketa penting untuk menentukan pilihan forum (choice of forum) berupa lembaga pengadilan, lembaga arbitrase atau lembaga alternatif penyelesaian sengketa yang berwenang untuk menyelesaiakan sengketa hukum kontrak, jika sengketa-sengketa hukum kontrak tersebut tidak dapat diselesaikan oleh kedua belah pihak. perjanjian kerjasama diatas tidak mengatur mengenai penyelesaian sengketa atau setidaknya mengatur upaya hukum apa yang akan ditempuh oleh para pihak jika terjadi persoalan. hal ini akan member implikasi akan ketidakpastian hukum bagi para issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis perjanjian kerjasama dan pola perbandingan penyelesaian sengketadi luar pengadilan page 87 pihak yang mengikatkan dirinya dalam kontrak khususnya bagi pihak kedua (sewaktu-waktu pihak kedua dapat memutuskan perjanjian tanpa persetujuan dari pihak kedua) padahal dalam sebuah kontrak telah diatur mengenai berakhir atau hapusnya perikayan yang bersumber dari kontrak khususnya pasal 1233 dimana hapusnya perikatan disebabkan oleh a. pembayaran b. penawaran pembayaran tunai diikuti dengan penyimpanan atau penitipan c. pembaruan utang d. perjumpaan utang e. pencampuran utang f. pembebasan utang g. musnahnya barang yang terutang h. kebatalan atau pembatalan i. berlakunya suatu syarat batal j. lewarnya waktu berdasarkan persyaratan tersebut maka seharusnya syarat pembatalan itu tidak ditentukan sepihak oleh pihak kedua karena akan betal demi hukum perjanjian tersebut maka hal ini harus dipastikan melalui mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa hukum apa yang dipilih nantinya apabila persoalan hukum muncul dikemudian hari. 2. identification legal solving untuk menyelesaikan persoalan hukum yang akan terjadi melalui indikasi 2 (dua) resiko yang muncul dikemudian hari maka penulis memberikan rekomendasi agar perlu ada penyesuaian (pembaharuan) terhadap perjanjian kerjasama antara perusahaan pt. sejahtera dengan cv adil makmur khususnya mengenai bahasa yang digunakan, penyelesaian sengketa hukum yang dipilih serta objek yang diperjanjikan harus jelas. apabila hal ini tidak dilakukan maka harus ada kesepakatan penyelesaian hukum apa yang digunakan nantinya, penulis menganjurkan untuk memakai jalu adr khususnya arbitrase, karena penyelesaian sengketanya cepat,mudah dan biaya ringan sehingga tidak merugikan pelaku bisnis. 3. decision issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis perjanjian kerjasama dan pola perbandingan penyelesaian sengketadi luar pengadilan page 88 berdasarkan dasar argumentasi hukum diatas, penulis menyimpulkan perjanjian kerjasama pt. sejahtera dengan cv adil makmur berpotensi menimbulkan konflik sehingga muncul persengketaan di anatara para pihak diakibatkan dalam perjanjian tersebut muncul resiko-resiko yang ada seperti resiko bahasa, resiko persengketaan. maka untuk menyelesaikan persoalan ini perlu ada model penyelesaian sengketa yaitu adr khususnya menggunakan lembaga arbitrase. 2. bentuk penyelesaian sengketa diluar pengadilan dalam perspektif hukum positif dan hukum adat alternatif penyelesaian sengketa mempunyai implikasi makna seluruh penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan, termasuk arbitrase, merupakan bagian dari aps; dan kedua alternative adjudication, yang mempunyai implikasi makna aps meliputi mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa yang bersifat consensus atau kooperatif, seperti halnya negosiasi, mediasi dan konsiliasi. aps menurut uu no. 30 tahun 1999, mencakup bentuk dan mekanisme hukum berupa negosiasi, mediasi, konsiliasi atau cara lain yang dipilih oleh para pihak sesuai dengan undang-undang yang berlaku, sebagai berikut : 1. negosiasi, yaitu upaya penyelesaian sengketa yang disepakati bersama dengan mengelola kembali konflik-konflik pandangan para pihak, yang mempunyai sifatsifat : 1) pelaksanaan negosiasi bebas atau sesuai dengan kehendak para pihak, tidak ada prosedur hukum, tetapi masih terikat prinsip-prinsip hukum, seperti prinsip itikad baik dan prinsip persamaan; 2) para pihak bebas menentukan pada tahap-tahap apa negosiasi dianggap telah menyelesaiakan sengketa; 3) daya mengikat suatu penyelesaian bergantung kepada maksud baik para pihak yang telah sepakat untuk bernegosiasi. 2. mediasi, yaitu cara penyelesaian sengketa dengan bantuan pihak ketiga sebagai mediator yang netral. para pihak masih dapat mengawasi prosedur penyelesaiannya yang dibuat agak tidak resmi (informal) berdasarkan informasi dari para pihak, bukan atas penyeledikannya. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis perjanjian kerjasama dan pola perbandingan penyelesaian sengketadi luar pengadilan page 89 3. konsiliasi, yaitu cara penyelesaian sengketa yang sifatnya lebih formal oleh konsiliator atau badan konsiliasi yang ditentukan oleh para pihak biasanya terdiri dari dua tahap. 4. cara lain yang dipilih oleh para pihak sesuai dengan uu yang berlaku antara lain penyeledikan atau penemuan fakta yaitu upaya menyelesaikan perbedaan padnangan para pihak atas pihak atas fakta yang menimbulkan sengketa mengenai hak dan kewajiban para pihak tersebut. s sedangkan penyelesaian perkara adat ditempuh melalui (tolib setiady, 2013 : 363 – 366) 1) penyelasain antara pribadi, keluarga, tetangga. jika terjadi suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan delik adat dikampung, didusun, ditempat permukiman, ditempat pekerjaan dann lainnya maka untuk memulihkan gangguan keseimbangan keluarga atau masyarakat bersangkutan diselesaikan langsung ditempat kejadian antara pribadi yang bersangkutan atau diselesaikan dirumah atau keluarga salah satu pihak antara keluarga yang bersangkutan dan teman-teman sekerja atau antar tetangga dalam kesatuan rukun tetangga dan sebaginya. 2) penyelesaian kepala kerabat atau kepala adat adakalanya pertemuan yang diselenggarakan pribadi, keluarga atau tetangga tersebut tidak mencapai kesepakatan atau karena salah satu dan lain hal tidak berkelanjutan sehingga perkaranya perlu dilanjutkan kepada kerabat atau kepala adat. 3) penyelesaiankeorganisasian di kota-kota kecil atau dikota-kota besar di mana penduduknya heterogen serta terdapat berbagai perkumpulan atau organisasi kemasyarakatan yang mempunyai susunan pengurus dan keanggotan seperti halnya perkumpulan-perkumpulan kepemudaan dan kewanitaan, perkumpulan keagamaan dan lainnya juga dapat melaksanakan penyelesaian secara kekeluargaan terhadap peristiwa atau perbuatan delik yang terjadi dan yang telah mengakibatkan terganggunya keseimbangan dalam kesatuan perkumpulan organisasi. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis perjanjian kerjasama dan pola perbandingan penyelesaian sengketadi luar pengadilan page 90 model penyelesaian sengketa baik hukum positif dan hukum adat memiliki persamaan dan perbedaan namun dalam arus bisnis, pebisnis lebih cenderung menggunakan aps karena terdapat keunggulan disbanding penyelesaian sengketa secara litigasi yaitu a) sifat kesukarelaan dalam proses, karena penyelesaian sengketa sesuai dengan kontrak yang dibuat para pihak dengan mendasarkan baik menyangkut substansi maupun proses yang berbeda dengan proses beracara di lembaga peradilan yang prosedurnya telah tertentu atau ditentukan secara pasti. b) prosedur cepat, tergantung dari itikad baik dan semangat kekeluargaan para pihak yang bersengketa untuk menyelesaikannya c) putusan nonyudisial, karena tidak diputus oleh hakim tapi hasil kesepakatan para pihak yang bersengketa sendiri berlaku sebagai undang-undang, sehingga wajib dilaksanakan dengan itikad baik oleh para pihak d) prosedur rahasia (confidential) untuk menjaga reputasi para pihak yang bersengketa e) hemat waktu dan biaya, sebagia konsekuensi logis dari fleksibelnya prosedur penyelesaian dan faktor kecepatan. f) pemeliharaan hubungan baik, karena sifat penyelesaian sengketanya yang winwin solution, artinya setiap pihak tidak dirugikan dan masing-masing mendapatkan keuntungan secara proporsioal d. penutup berdasarkan penjelasan bab pembahasan diatas dapat disimpulkan : 1. perjanjian kerjasama pt. sejahtera dengan cv adil makmur berpotensi menimbulkan konflik sehingga muncul persengketaan di anatara para pihak diakibatkan dalam perjanjian tersebut muncul resiko-resiko yang ada seperti resiko bahasa, resiko persengketaan. maka untuk menyelesaikan persoalan ini perlu ada model penyelesaian sengketa yaitu adr khususnya menggunakan lembaga arbitrase. 2. model penyelesaian sengketa diluar pengadilan menurut uu no. 30 tahun 1999 adalah mediasi,konsilliasi,arbitrase, yang dipilih oleh para pihak sesuai dengan uu issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 1 desember 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis perjanjian kerjasama dan pola perbandingan penyelesaian sengketadi luar pengadilan page 91 yang berlaku sedangkan menurut hukum adat, penyelesaian sengketa bisa diselesaikan melalui pribadi,keluarga,kepala adat lembaga keorganisasian daftar pustaka muhammad syaifuddin, 2012, hukum kontrak, mandar maju, bandung tolib setiady, intisari hukum adat indonesia, pt. alfabeta, bandung. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 1, december 2019 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 82 legal review of the procurement authorisation of the imported fresh food, fruit and vegetables yeni haerani1, edy nurcahyo2 abstract author’s information: fresh food products imported fruits and vegetables in circulation that do not meet the requirements in accordance with statutory regulations can endanger human safety because food security is not guaranteed. the existence of a marketing authorization and supervision of imported fresh fruit and vegetable food products is needed to maintain food security. the research method used is the normative legal research method that is the legal research method of literature with the method used to examine existing library materials related to the object examined by the regulatory approach (statue approach). the results showed that before the imported fresh fruits & vegetables food products were circulated, they had to go through several quarantine measures or inspections. after passing the test, they would get a distribution permit for fresh food products along with the registration number on the imported fruit & vegetable label. if the distribution permit for fresh food products is ignored by business actors, they will be subject to criminal and administrative sanctions. the purpose of supervision is to provide protection to consumers and prevent the circulation of imported fresh fruit and vegetable food products that can endanger consumers' health. keywords: distribution permit; fresh fruit and vegetable products; consumer protection 1fakultas hukum universitas sembilanbelas november, (haerani@usn.ac.id) 2fakultas hukum universitas muhammadiyah buton, (cahyonur3dy@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i1.429 1. introduction food is the most basic human need and its fulfillment is part of the basic rights of every indonesian people. based on law no. 18 of 2012 explicitly explains that the implementation of food as a basic human need, aims to provide diverse food and meet the safety, quality and nutritional requirements for public consumption. fresh food is food that has not been processed, fresh food can be consumed directly or indirectly, which can also be used as raw material for food processing. fresh food has now become the demands of consumers, therefore aspects of food safety and quality are important aspects of food. the government of the republic of indonesia in accordance with law no. 18 about food is mandated to ensure that the available food must be sufficient, both quantity and quality, safe, diverse, nutritious, equitable, and affordable and does not conflict with the religion, beliefs and culture of the community, to be able to live healthy, active and productive sustainable. this is in accordance with the declaration of the food and agriculture organization (food and cultural organization / fao) and the world health organization (world health organization / who). (purwiyatno hariyadi, nuri andarwulan. journal) the united nations emphasizes that every individual has the right to adequate and safe nutritional value of food. once the importance of these safety and quality aspects, the fao / who in 2014, again emphasized that it is the right for every individual to obtain safe, adequate and nutritious food. this is important to disclose so that the government has a better commitment to ensure food security. mailto:haerani@usn.ac.id mailto:cahyonur3dy@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.429 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i1.429 jurnal hukum volkgeist yeni haerani. 4(1): 82-92 83 provision of high quality food products that are safe for consumption is the right of consumers who must be fulfilled by the state. fulfillment of food safety requirements aims to protect consumers from the dangers of poisoning and food origin diseases. important elements that cause food safety hazards need to be considered by all parties involved in the procurement process to the presentation of food products. thus, guaranteeing food security is essentially a shared responsibility between food producing countries, governments, and consumers. the flood of imported fruit in the state of indonesia (efnita, 2012) has been going on for a long time since the existence of free trade through the signing of a framework agreement on comprehensive economic cooperation between asean countries and the people's republic of china (acfta) on november 4, 2002 in cambodia. in indonesia acfta (asean-china free trade agreement) through presidential decree number 48 of 2004 dated june 15, 2004. that this free trade agreement between asean countries and china came into force on january 1, 2010. data from the central statistics agency (bps, 2019) shows that indonesia as an asean member country with the largest population and market has close trade relations with china and several other countries such as the united states, thailand, australia, pakistan, peru, zealand new, vietnam, south africa, egypt. bps noted that china still dominates as the largest importer of fruit and vegetable commodities. the contribution of imported fruits from china ranging from apples, grapes, pears, longan garlic, carrots, onions and others, reached 52.3% valued at us $ 218.02 million from a total import of us $ 416.97 million. while the contribution of the value of chinese vegetable imports reached 67.15% with a value of us $ 271.8 million of the total value of us $ 404.6 million supplied by various countries. in 2018, according to the head of dki jakarta maritime affairs, agriculture and food security (kpkp), (auliani, 2015) wax coating is a prohibited substance and is usually found in imported fruits. case of listeria monocytogenes apples in 2015, in 2018 new south wales (nsw) health data, noted three australians were killed after consuming rock melon (cantaloupe) which was contaminated with listeria bacteria. related to the finding of listeria monocytogenes bacteria in the united states. the finding is also a momentum to test apple imports from all countries, because the portion of apple imports is quite significant. the directorate general of disease control and environmental health of the ministry of health explained that the listeria bacteria are susceptible to pregnant women can damage the fetus in the womb, children whose immune systems are low, elderly people, people with hiv-aids, to cancer patients especially leukemia patients . the quality and safety of imported fresh fruits and vegetables is very important, therefore a state obligation to protect consumers from bacteria or substances that are harmful to health, causing various diseases. this is confirmed in law no. 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection, republic of indonesia government regulation no.28 of 2014 concerning food quality and nutrition safety that "the community needs to be protected from food that can harm and / or endanger health". food safety is the condition and effort needed to prevent food from possible biological, chemical and other contaminants that can interfere with, harm, and endanger human health. food safety requirements are standards and other provisions that must be met to prevent food from possible dangers, whether due to biological, chemical contamination and other objects that can disturb, harm and endanger human health. jurnal hukum volkgeist yeni haerani. 4(1): 82-92 84 food safety standards are mentioned in article 36 and 37 of the republic of indonesia government regulation no.28 of 2014 concerning food quality and nutrition safety, that any food that is imported into indonesian territory for distribution must meet the provisions of the legislation in the field of food safety, quality, and nutrition and other applicable laws and regulations. that with regard to fresh food that will be imported into indonesian territory for distribution, the ministers responsible for agriculture or fisheries are in accordance with their respective fields of duty and authority based on the description and problems, it needs to be discussed formulated in this article is how to arrange imported fresh fruit and vegetable food products circulating in indonesia? how is the supervision and legal protection of consumers from imported fresh fruit and vegetable food products circulating in indonesia? 2. method the research method used is the normative legal research method that is the legal research method of literature with the method used to examine existing library materials related to the object examined by the regulatory approach (statue approach). 3. results and discussion 3.1.the importance of regulatory distribution permits for fresh food products registration numbers on imported fruit and vegetable labels to protect from food products that endanger health, one of the government's policies is to establish regulations or rules to support food products that meet the safety, quality and nutritional requirements for public consumption. indonesia already has regulations for food products in general and in particular fresh imported food in various laws and regulations, including the following: a) law number 12 of 2012 concerning food article 37 paragraph (1): food imports that are carried out to meet domestic consumption needs are required to meet security, quality, nutritional requirements, and do not conflict with the religion, beliefs and culture of the people. article 67 paragraph (2): food safety is intended to prevent the possibility of biological, chemical and other contaminants that can interfere with, harm and endanger human health. article 86 paragraph (2): every person who manufactures and trades food must meet the food safety and food quality standards. article 97 paragraph (2): every person who imports food for trade must attach a label in and / or on food packaging when entering the territory of the unitary republic of indonesia. b) regulation of the minister of agriculture number: 51 / permentan / ot.140 / 10/2008 concerning requirements and procedure for registration of fresh food of plant origin article 40 paragraph (1) fresh food business operators are responsible for guaranteeing the quality and food safety of products and must put the registration number on the label in a place that is easy to see and read and not easily erased. paragraph (2) the registration number listed as referred to in paragraph (1) applies to the product registered. jurnal hukum volkgeist yeni haerani. 4(1): 82-92 85 c) law number 36 year 2009 concerning health article 7: everyone has the right to obtain information and education about balanced and responsible health. d) government regulation no. 28/2004 concerning food safety, quality and nutrition article 4 paragraph (1): ways of cultivation that pay attention to aspects of food security, among others by: preventing land use where the environment has the potential to threaten food security; control biological pollution, pests and animal and plant diseases that threaten food security; and pressing to a minimum, chemical residues contained in food raw materials as a result of the use of fertilizers, pest and disease control drugs, growth promoting agents and inappropriate animal medicines. e) regulation of the minister of agriculture no. 48/2009 concerning good agiculture practices (gap) of fresh fruits and vegetables one of the backgrounds of this regulation is to demand producing countries to increase the competitiveness of products, including fruits and vegetables, so that the quality, nutritional and food safety requirements can be achieved. f) regulation of the minister of trade of the republic of indonesia number 30 / m-dag / per / 5/2017 concerning provisions on the import of horticultural products pasal 1 ayat (8): persetujuan impor adalah persetujuan yang digunakan sebagai izin untuk melakukan impor produk hortikultura. pasal 1 ayat (9): label adalah setiap keterangan mengenai produk hortikultura yang berbentuk gambar, tulisan, kombinasi keduanya, atau bentuk lain yang memuat informasi tentang produk dan keterangan pelaku usaha serta informasi lainnya sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, yang disertakan produk, dimasukkan ke dalam, ditempelkan pada, atau merupakan bagian kemasan. article 3 paragraph (1): import of horticultural products can only be carried out by: (a) the company which owns the importer's identification number (api); and (b) bumn that has been assigned and the minister of bumn g) regulation of the minister of agriculture number 42 / permentan / ot.140 / 6/2012 concerning plant quarantine measures for the entry of fresh fruits and fresh fruit vegetables into the territory of the republic of indonesia (state gazette of the republic of indonesia of 2012 number 631) h) law number 8 of 199 concerning consumer protection article 8 paragraph 1 (a): business actors are prohibited from producing and / or trading goods and / or services that do not meet or do not meet the required standards and the provisions of the legislation. i) law number 13 year 2014 regarding halal product guarantee pasal 38: pelaku usaha yang telah memperoleh sertifikat halal wajib mencantumkan label halal pada: (1) kemasan produk; (2) bagian tertentu dari produk; dan/atau (3) tempat tertentu dari produk. jurnal hukum volkgeist yeni haerani. 4(1): 82-92 86 these legal products as outlined in the sharing of regulations or regulations are used as official instruments to provide safe food security which is the consumer's right that must be fulfilled by business actors and the state is obliged to protect the rights of these consumers. the procedures for registration of imported fresh food products are monitored by the ministry of agriculture. registration of fresh plant originated food products (psat) from foreign imports online by the central food safety compontent authority (okkp-p). (sop for fresh plant originating food services (psat) origin of imported (imported) online) terms and procedure for registration of fresh food products from psat plants 1) administrative requirements: must: a. a stamped application letter is addressed to the chairperson of the okkpp.p. head of plant variety and agricultural licensing protection, hereinafter referred to as ppvtpp (b). scan / photo of the applicant's identity card; (c). scan / photo of taxpayer identification number / npwp; (d). scan / photo of company establishment deed and its changes; (e). scan / photo certificate of domicile; (f). scan / photo of company registration certificate; (g). scan / photo of business place permit; additional / not required: (h). scan / photo of trading business license / siup; (i). scan / photograph of trademark certificates (mandatory for products that include ™ and / ® on the brand in the label); (j). scan / photograph of identification documents of registered importers / importers (mandatory for businesses importing products subject to api provisions). 2) technical requirements: must: (a) scan / photo certificate of composition / content of the product; (b) photograph of sample packaging; (c). scan / photo label or label design; (d) scan / photograph of the results of hygiene sanitation assessment of production and distribution facilities from okkp; (e) scan / photograph of standard operation procedure (sop); (f) scan / photograph of supplier / exporter country of origin; (g) scan / photo list of distributors; (h) scan / photo certificate of analysis; (i) scan / photo certificate of release of psat products from quarantine; (j) scan / photo product test results from laboratories for products that are not regulated in quarantine regulations or provided by regulations addition / non-compulsory (k) scan / photograph of quality assurance and food safety certificates for business actors who have (mandatory for actors who put claims on the label) or sni certificates for products subject to mandatory sni provisions; (l) scan / photograph of a license for a product produced under license; (m) scan / photograph of repackaging certificate for repackaged products; (n) scan / photo of import appointment letter (import permit); (o) scan / photo import recommendation letters for psat subject to import; (p) scan / photograph of work agreement / work contract for psat products manufactured under a contract (maklon); 3) psat registration procedure (a) request for psat registration is submitted to the chairperson of okkp-p up to the head of ppvtpp online through the simpel website of the ministry of agriculture by completing the required registration documents; and provide answers to reject or accept applications for registration to the applicant through the specified jurnal hukum volkgeist yeni haerani. 4(1): 82-92 87 application, (c) applications received are forwarded to the head of the food security agency as the chairperson of okkpp; (d) the chairperson of okkpp provides the disposition of psat registration; (e) the okkp-p officer / admin / auditor checks the adequacy of the psat registration documents as outlined in the results form of the assessment of the adequacy of the psat registration documents; (f) the results of the assessment of the adequacy of documents by the officer / admin / auditor as referred to in item e are reported to the head of the fresh food safety division or the team appointed to review the results of the assessment (review); (g) the head of the fresh food safety division or the appointed team (reviewer) reviews the results of the psat registration document evaluation and then recommends approval or rejection of the issuance of the psat registration number as outlined in the minutes of the review approved by the head of diversity center consumption and food safety: (h) application for registration that has not met the requirements is returned to ppvtpp to be notified to the applicant; (i) for requests that meet the requirements, the head of the pkkp center submits a recommendation on the decision to issue the psat registration number to the head of the bkp as the chairperson of okkpp; (j) the head of bkp as the chairperson of okkpp gives the decision to issue the psat registration number. the head of bkp as the chairperson of okkpp provides a sign of validation against the decision to issue the psat registration number; (k) the admin of okkpp submits the decision of the head of bkp as the chairperson of okkpp on the issuance of the psat registration number forwarded to ppvtpp; l. ppvtpp submits psat registration results to the applicant. note: (a) the letter of the results of sanitation assessment of production and distribution sanitation can be obtained by the business actor by submitting an inspection request to the head of bkp as the chairperson of okkpp; (b) business product test results from the laboratory can be obtained by business actors by submitting applications for sampling psat products to the head of bkp as the chairperson of okkpp; (c) sanitation hygiene inspection of production and distribution facilities and sampling of psat products can be submitted in 1 (one) application; (d) the result of sanitation hygiene assessment of production and distribution facilities can be used for more than 1 (one) submission of application for psat registration as long as it is still valid; (e) laboratory product test results only apply to products that are registered according to the identity listed on the test results report; (f) application for sanitation inspection of production and distribution sanitation facilities and sampling of psat products are carried out before the psat registration process. while the manual registration of fresh foods from plant originating from imports contained in articles 21 to 39 of the minister of agriculture regulation number: 51 / permentan / ot.140 / 10/2008 concerning requirements and procedures for registration of fresh foods from plants. article 21 (1) fresh food originating from income can be requested for registration number: (2) application for registration number as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be submitted in writing by fresh food business actors to the head of licensing and investment center by using form-1 as listed in attachment i as an inseparable part of this regulation. (3) the application as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be accompanied by the requirements referred to in article 5 with sufficient stamp duty. (4) the head of the licensing and investment center after receiving the application for registration number as referred to in paragraph (2) within a period of no later than 3 (three) working days must jurnal hukum volkgeist yeni haerani. 4(1): 82-92 88 have finished checking the required documents and giving answers to delay, accept or reject. the importance of arranging permits for the distribution of fresh food products and imported vegetables both to consumers and businesses for food that is imported into the territory of the republic of indonesia for distribution. benefits of marketing authorization for consumers include: (1) consumers in consuming fresh food safe imported fruits and vegetables do not contain toxic substances that can harm or endanger health or life. (2) consumers avoid all forms of loss. likewise the benefits of a marketing permit for business actors include: (1) the existence of a marketing permit for imported fresh food becomes legal. (2) the emergence of consumer confidence in fresh food sold in the market. 3.2.consumer protection in the distribution of fresh food products imported fruits and vegetables consumer protection is very important to the circulation of fresh fruit and vegetable food products that are consumed in quantity every day by the community. in fact, it does not only provide protection to consumers but on the contrary can improve the business climate for businesses in the supply of quality fresh fruit and vegetable foods that meet the safety, quality and nutrition requirements for public consumption. with the enactment of law number 12 year 2012 concerning food which is the main regulation to provide protection to consumers and producers of healthy, safe and halal food. then the food law was strengthened by the elaboration of the act, which was outlined in various forms of government regulations (pp) regarding food quality and nutrition as well as food security. the main function of law is to protect the interests that exist in society. (mahendra abdi, collection of legal theories) roscoe pound, in his theory law as a tool of social engineering "law as a tool of renewal in society / manipulating society". according to roscoe pound classifying the interests that must be protected by law, including: 1. public interest a) the interests of the state as a legal entity b) the interests of the state as guardians of the interests of society 2. community interests (social interest) a) prevention of violations of rights b) social welfare 3. private interests a) individual interests b) family interests c) the interests of property rights social engineering is systematic, starting from the identification of problems to the solution, namely: 1) identifying the problems faced as well as possible; 2) understand the basic values that exist in society; 3) follow the course of applying the law and measure its effects. jurnal hukum volkgeist yeni haerani. 4(1): 82-92 89 legal fiction is a principle that assumes a person knows the law (presumptio iures de iure). true legal fiction becomes a consequence that the government is obliged to convey the existence of certain laws or regulations to the general public and business actors in particular that must be supported by adequate legal socialization. so that consumer rights and consumer interests are integratively and comprehensively protected from business actors who do not carry out their obligations in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. basically, consumer protection is part of consumer law that is united and inseparable. the definition of consumer law and consumer protection law (nasution, 2006) consumer protection law is as a whole the principles and rules governing the relationships and issues of the supply and use of goods and / or services between suppliers and users in social life. whereas the limitation of consumer protection law as a special part of consumer law is the whole of the principles and rules that govern and protect consumers in the relationships and problems of providing and using them in social life. 3.3.supervision of the distribution of fresh food products for imported fruits and vegetables handling the entry of imported fruits and vegetables, the government plays a direct role. the role of the government starts from monitoring, checking the health of fruits and vegetables, and issuing certificates of eligibility that the fruits and vegetables are safe for distribution on the market. according to the big indonesian dictionary the term "supervision" comes from the word 'watch out' meaning to pay close attention, in the sense of looking at things carefully and carefully, there is no more activity except to give a report based on the actual reality of what is being watched. if analyzed further from the term 'supervision' is a plan that has been outlined / planned in advance whether it has been carried out in accordance with the initial plan and whether the objectives have been achieved. according to lyndal f. urwick, supervision is an effort for something to be carried out in accordance with established rules and issued instructions (nurcahyo, 2018). according to m. manullang, supervision is a process to determine what work has been done, assess it and correct it if necessary, with the intention that the implementation of the work is in accordance with the original plan. according to prayudi, (prayudi, 1981) supervision is a process to determine what work is carried out, performed, carried out with what is desired, planned or noticed. according to syaiful anwar (anwar, 2004) supervision or control of the actions of the government apparatus is needed so that the implementation of the assigned tasks can achieve the objectives and avoid deviations. from these definitions, it can be concluded that supervision is a process of ongoing activities carried out to find out what work has been carried out, then conducted an assessment and correct whether the implementation is appropriate or not. besides supervision is an assessment which is a process of measurement and comparison of the results of real work that has been achieved with the results that should be achieved. supervision in terms of time is divided into two categories (sudjamto, 1986): a) a priori supervision or preventive supervision, namely supervision carried out by the higher government apparatus of the decisions of the lower apparatus. supervision is carried out before the issuance of a decision or statute of state administration or other regulations by way of ratification of the said regulation or regulation. if the said regulation or regulation has not yet been ratified, the said regulation or regulation does not yet have legal force ; b) a-posteriori supervision or repressive supervision, namely supervision carried out by jurnal hukum volkgeist yeni haerani. 4(1): 82-92 90 the higher government apparatus of the decisions of the lower government apparatus. supervision is carried out after the issuance of government decisions or decrees or government actions. actions in repressive supervision can result in repeal if the government decree is contrary to the higher laws and regulations. in an emergency situation action can be taken by deferring the provisions that have been issued before revocation. supervision of fresh food safety (guidelines for implementing the supervision of safety and quality of fresh food in 2017) is an effort made in order to ensure the safety of fresh food that circulates through inspection, sampling, monitoring and testing. fresh food supervision activities start from monitoring to the test results. based on the conclusion of the definition of supervision, if it is associated with the supervision of imported fresh fruit and vegetable food, supervision must be carried out preventive and repressive. preventive supervision can be carried out by conducting socialization as well as coaching business operators on the importance and mandatory distribution permit for imported fresh food fruits and vegetables. repressive supervision is carried out by means of regular and ongoing checks on fresh food fruits and vegetables that have been circulating in the market. supervision mechanism for the entry of imported fruits and their implementation. based on government regulation no. 14 of 2002 concerning plant quarantine that every imported fruit that enters indonesia will be subject to quarantine (inspection, exile, observation, treatment, detention, rejection, annihilation, and release) before receiving a statement may be circulated or destroyed. based on government regulation no. 28 of 2004 concerning food quality and nutrition safety, related to the distribution of authority for supervising food safety especially for fresh food, the ministry of agriculture through the center for diversity 3.4.sanctions for violation of circulatory circulation of imported fresh food products and vegetables permission is one of the most widely used instruments in administrative law. one of the subjects of administrative law is the government, the government uses permits as a legal tool to regulate the import of fresh fruit and vegetable food products so that they can avoid the provisions of deviations from the prevailing laws and regulations. with the existence of a licensing system, lawmakers can pursue goals, (nm, spelled, jbjm ten derge: 1992, including: 1) the desire to direct or control certain activities, 2) prevent environmental / certain hazards, 3) directives by selecting people and activities carried out. article 140 of law no.18 of 2012 concerning food: "every person who produces and trades food that intentionally does not meet the food safety standards as referred to in article 86 paragraph 2 shall be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 2 (two) years or a maximum fine a lot of rp.4,000,000,000.00 (four billion rupiah) ". the provisions of article 140 of law no.18 of 2012 concerning food only mention generally about food that does not meet food safety and food quality standards, but basically fresh horticultural products are categorized as fresh food. in particular, fresh imported horticultural products are regulated in article 128 of act no. 13 of 2010 concerning horticulture. article 122 paragraph (2) of law no.13 of 2010 concerning horticulture. administrative sanctions in the form of: (a) written warning; (b) administrative fines; (c) jurnal hukum volkgeist yeni haerani. 4(1): 82-92 91 temporary suspension of activities; (d) product withdrawal from circulation by business actors; (e) revocation of licenses; and / or (f) business closure. article 136 of law no.18 of 2012 concerning food: "everyone who carries out food production for distribution who deliberately uses: a. food additives exceed the maximum threshold set; b. material which is prohibited from being used as food additives as referred to in article 75 paragraph (1) shall be liable to a maximum imprisonment of 5 (five) years or a maximum fine of rp 10,000,000,000.00 (ten billion rupiah). by granting a distribution permit for fresh food, the ruler or the government allows business actors to take certain actions, from certain actions an action in the public interest requires special supervision related to the circulation of imported fresh fruit and vegetable food products. 4. conclusion fresh food products of fruits and vegetables are commodities that are consumed daily, therefore the fresh food products before circulating in indonesia must first obtain a marketing authorization along with the registration number of the fresh food products. the distribution permit along with the registration number of imported fresh fruit and vegetable food products is given after going through a series of processes as regulated in the legislation. if the distribution permit is ignored in the circulation of imported fresh fruit and vegetable food products, the business actor will be subject to criminal and civil sanctions. supervision of fresh food products is carried out by the ministry of agriculture through the center for diversification of consumption and fresh food safety which will be imported into indonesian territory for later circulation. consumer protection is a part of consumer law that cannot be separated because the main function of law is to protect the interests that exist in society. consumer protection by the state if associated with the pound theory of "social engineering" that social engineering is systematic starts from identifying problems to breaking down the fresh food of imported fruits and vegetables that can endanger health. the precautionary principle can be applied by consumers in a careful and meticulous way in selecting fresh food products circulating in the market by looking at the label or registration number on food products. the form of consumer legal protection and supervision of the circulation of imported fresh fruit and vegetable food products that do not have a marketing authorization are legal protection and preventive and repressive supervision. reference anwar, s. 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(1986). beberapa pengertian dibidang pengawasan. surabaya: penerbit ghalia indonesia. undang-undang nomor 12 tahun 2012 tentang pangan undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 199 tentang perlindungan konsumen undang-undang nomor 13 tahun 2014 tentang jaminan produk halalundang-undang nomor 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatanperaturan menteri pertanian nomor : 51/permentan/ot.140/10/2008 tentang syarat dan tatacara pendaftaran pangan segar asal tumbuhan peraturan pemerintah nomor 28 tahun 2004 tentang keamanan, mutu dan gizi pangan peraturan menteri pertanian nomor 48 tahun 2009 tentang good agiculture practices (gap) buah dan sayur segar peraturan menteri perdagangan republik indonesia nomor 30/mdag/per/5/2017tentang ketentuan impor produk hortikultura peraturan menteri pertanian nomor 42/permentan/ot.140/6/2012 tentang tindakan karantina tumbuhan untuk pemasukan buah segar dan sayuran buah segar ke dalam wilayah negara republik indonesia (berita negara republik indonesia tahun 2012 nomor 631) jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 2, june 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 108 implementation of the recognition and respect of the dayak iban semunying customary law community in human rights and sdgs sandy kurnia christmas1, ichsan muhajir2, imam wicaksono 3 abstract author’s information: weak implementation of the recognition and respect for indigenous peoples of iban semunying be problems related to their discriminatory practices in running a government policy. why is the implementation of the recognition and respect for the indigenous people of dayak iban semunying still weak and how the principles of human rights and the sustainable development goals are the two issues raised in this article. in this study it aims to find out what are the things that form the basis of the weak protection of indigenous peoples. the results of this study are expected to provide insight into the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples with a perspective of sustainable development goals. keywords: indigenous peoples, human rights, sustainable development goals 1 law department, diponegoro university, indonesia (ch.sandykurnia@gmail.com) 2 law department, diponegoro university, indonesia (ichsanmuhajir@gmail.com) 3 law department, diponegoro university, indonesia (imamwicaksono0077@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i2.427 1. introduction government policy and development issues have always been a long-standing issue of discrimination accepted by indigenous peoples. in this case, the dayak iban semunying jaya indigenous peoples, desa kumba, kecamatan jagoi babang, kabupaten bengkayang, kalimantan barat, where people who inhabited the forest area as traditional customary land rights for their residence experienced a massive expansion of oil palm plantations by company without permission. land needs for development needs are increasing, while land is limited, so land needs that tend to increase create a land conflict. (samosir, 2013)the entry of pt. ledo lestari which was backed up by military officials and the granting of permission by bengkayang regent no. 13 / ilbpn / bky / 2004 dated december 20th , 2004 damaging their livelihoods. the policy of granting permits to customary land is clearly contrary to the sense of fairness that must be accepted by the community because the legality issued by the regional government tends to ignore the legal products on it. (pangkot, 2015) the need for legal policies on customary land rights of indigenous and tribal peoples does not currently have a human rights perspective, which always creates problems with the non-operation of the law and the conflicting values of developments in indigenous and tribal peoples. the hook is that the clash has always been linked to differences in the socio-cultural culture of the people. (perbawati, 2015) therefore, the existence of customary land rights has always been shrinking since the new order era, where there were unilateral claims by investors in the forestry, plantation, or other activities that pocketed legality permits from the central and regional governments. (sukirno, 2012) mailto:ch.sandykurnia@gmail.com mailto:ichsanmuhajir@gmail.com mailto:imamwicaksono0077@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i2.496 jurnal hukum volkgeist sandy kurnia christmas. 4(2): 108-117 109 in this issue, the principle of human rights changes into a "cultural relativism" which becomes an idea that states "culture is the only source of validity of moral rights and principles." it becomes necessary to understand in human rights that culture in its dignity must be respected. (fakhrasi, 2017) the issue of discrimination against rights is the basis for the emergence of the principle of non-discrimination in efforts to protect their human rights. other efforts, namely in conducting policies towards development, should be based on the principle of human rights based development in the sdgs (sustainable development goals). in the sustainable development goals stipulated in principle, it must reach all parties in the business in the construction of indigenous peoples by achieving the development goals without eliminating the cultural and cultural values that have become hereditary traditions. in connection with research on the rights of indigenous peoples in the sdgs has never been done. research conducted by (salat, 2012) discusses customary law from the perspective of legal pluralism. research by kurnia warman & syofiarti (warman & syofiarti, 2012) discusses the pattern of resolving ulayat land disputes. (sukirno, 2012) discusses the affirmative policies in the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples. the research which is almost the same by (perbawati, 2015) discusses in the study of the impact of political law on indigenous peoples. in this article, the object of the study that is examined is related to development that is not yet based on human rights to the rights of indigenous peoples dayak iban semunying, which is examined using a doctrinal legal approach. the primary legal material related to the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, law no.39 of 1999 concerning human rights, law no.5 of 1960 concerning basic regulations on agrarian principles, law no.41 of 1999 concerning forestry, law no.39 of 2014 concerning plantations, and the united nations declaration on the rights of indigeneous people 2007, as well as in secondary legal material consisting of books, one of which is on sustainable development goals, articles , journals, and scientific papers related to this research. so based on the description above, the problems that can be raised in this paper are: (1) what are the things that underlie the weak implementation of recognition and respect for the dayak iban semunying customary law community? (2) what should be the principles of human rights and sustainable development of sdgs in providing recognition, respect and protection for the dayak customary law community? 2. method the discussion on development that is not yet based on human rights to indigenous and tribal peoples uses a doctrinal legal approach (soekanto, soerjono, 2014)which is examined in the application and rules or norms in law (ibrahim, 2006), as well as through the conceptual approach and study approach case. the object of this research is the rights of the dayak iban semunying customary law community. related to the primary law, the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, law no.39 of 1999 concerning human rights, law no.5 of 1960 concerning basic regulations on agrarian principles, law no.41 of 1999 concerning forestry, law no.39 of 2014 , as well as the 2007 united nations declaration on the rights of indigeneous people, in secondary legal material consists of books, one of which is the sustainable development goals, articles, journals, and scientific papers related to this research. 3. findings and results jurnal hukum volkgeist sandy kurnia christmas. 4(2): 108-117 110 3.1 recognition and respect to the implementation of indigenous peoples dayak semunying issues regarding recognition and respect for indigenous and tribal peoples, even though they have been stipulated in the statutory regulations, but in essence they can be fairly weak. in his study, respect (respect) is one element of recognition, where it has two definitions, namely first, relating to the ability in terms of moral accountability in autonomous decision makers which is another form of recognition of personality or "legal recognition". second, relating to one's appreciation of the subject of community law. in article 18 b paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, "the state recognizes and respects the customary law community units along with their traditional rights as long as they are still alive and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia, which is regulated in the law. ”in legal thinking, there are two terms regarding recognition, namely constitutive recognition and declarative recognition. "constitutional recognition" is an acknowledgment that gives rights to people by a state authority, where this right arises in a state statute. whereas "declarative recognition" is an act that affirms or confirms existing rights, where those rights existed before formal authority arose which appeared in the form of "habits". in this case, this recognition is found in the aspect of land law, which means that recognition to indigenous and tribal peoples must be given in full in the control of their customary land. because the declarative recognition can be seen in the affirmation of rights related to land registration which had previously been clung to with old rights. the word 'long' refers to the period before a law or regulation is enacted. these old rights can be in the form of land rights obtained through western and customary laws (harsono, 2005). thus, affirmation of rights is carried out with the thought that previously there were rights on the lands to be registered and therefore all that was needed was an affirmation of existing ones. in this case, a descriptive explanation of the recognition and respect and protection of the customary law community has the meaning that it must be upheld for the sake of equal justice. however, in its implementation there are always problems relating to the recognition and protection of the customary law community, especially against the dayak iban semunying customary law community. these problems include: a. problems with laws and regulations; in this matter there are actually many laws and regulations that pertain to customary law communities and their rights, such as those contained in the 1945 nri law, law no.39 of 1999 concerning human rights, law no.5 1960 concerning basic regulations on agrarian principles, law no.41 of 1999 concerning forestry, law no.39 of 2014. but in its implementation, these regulations actually provide a greater opportunity to benefit through discriminatory practices by the state apparatus. this has resulted in conflicts between indigenous peoples and between indigenous peoples and corporations (ham, 2016). recognition and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples in the existing legislation is considered not comprehensive and is still vague. even in the statutory law there are no articles and laws that contain and regulate the rights of indigenous peoples, so that people lose their rights to their customary territories. this states that the legal products in the customary law community are difficult to interpret, because they must pay attention to the needs jurnal hukum volkgeist sandy kurnia christmas. 4(2): 108-117 111 and social structure of the existing community, coupled with a different pattern (sabon, 2012). in addition, in kabupaten bengkayang and kalimanatan barat province, where the dayak iban semunying indigenous law community does not yet have a customary law, so this can be used by government and corporate officials to take the rights of these indigenous peoples and make the position of the indigenous people increasingly weak. b. problems with policies and impartiality of the central government and local governments towards indigenous peoples; in the case of the dayak iban semunying customary law community, it is related to the partisanship of the state apparatus, in which case there is an involvement of the tni person who is the manager of the corporation, so this has a bad impact because the presence of these elements facilitates the corporations who want to enter into something permit permitted area. this was later proven by granting permission by bengkayang regent no. 13 / il-bpn / bky / 2004 dated december 20, 2004 for oil palm plantations has entered the territory of the indigenous people of semunying jaya as a source of life. this can be said that the government (regional and central) is still half-hearted and even ignored, so that in the implementation of the rights of indigenous peoples is ignored as there is no permit for exploitation, the impact caused, and others. the lack of clarity and impartiality of the government towards the recognition and protection of indigenous peoples has led to conflicts among indigenous peoples, both those conflicts occurring among indigenous and tribal peoples and other parties including the government and corporations. laws are held with the aim of maximizing the satisfaction of needs and interests. law is needed because in this life there are many interests that ask to be protected. in essence, that right is none other than the interests protected by law. (turisno, 2011). c. problems between indigenous peoples and corporations; in this case many cases of the existence of customary rights in an area often deal with development policies, especially related to development in the field of investment (forestry, mining, tourism, and so on). until now, local governments have seemed too passive in overcoming conflicts between communities and corporations. so far, the stigma attached to indigenous peoples as "obstacles to development" cannot be justified, because basically indigenous peoples are not anti-development. as proof, if indigenous peoples refuse development, then there will be no road that divides the forest and goes into remote rural areas of indigenous peoples. so far, what the government has been socializing with indigenous peoples is only the good impact of the development program so that the indigenous people believe and accept the offer from the government. however, if an indigenous community rejects a development program, it is not impossible for the government to resort to forced measures by seizing indigenous peoples' land for development reasons. the seizure of indigenous peoples' lands is not necessarily only done by the government. even corporations that have received permission from the government often do the same thing, it's just that the purpose is different, namely for personal or corporate profits. the method used by these investors is also classified as the government, namely that indigenous peoples are first lured by the goodness of investment, for example what will be received by indigenous peoples if an investment has been carried out without explaining in detail the adverse effects that will occur. this is what makes a development program policy when dealing directly with the existence of customary rights, and the solution is often in jurnal hukum volkgeist sandy kurnia christmas. 4(2): 108-117 112 favor of the "powerful", so this is the aspect that makes legal policies against indigenous peoples are often not based on human rights of indigenous peoples. this has often led to opposition from indigenous peoples who consider their rights no longer recognized by the government. d. problems of the natural resources sector; problems related to natural resources can also be seen from the start of the entry of plantations that provide pragmatic choices to the community related to the economic value of an area and community needs. in turn, many customary territories have been turned into plantation areas with a low bargaining position and community role. this condition does indeed involve three parties, namely the elements of entrepreneurs, government and elements of society. however, the community is usually a subordinate party by the regional government, or even subordinate by the entrepreneur. in addition, customary territories are no longer accessible to their customary owners. many cases of customary landowners or ancestral lands from customary communities are no longer accessible to the customary community concerned due to settlement relocation (village regrouping) or due to the current determination of national park boundaries. according to pontianak bpnst, conflicts over land disputes with companies or local governments. these conflicts often occur in areas that have become plantation or mining areas, or other areas designated as conservation areas. generally the problems are related to land disputes that will be used as plantations and mining areas or zoning, issues of access to the community's increasingly productive productive customary land, culture (habits) of indigenous peoples that cannot follow company culture (profit oriented), promises of development compensation not carried out by companies or local governments, unfair distribution of plasma land between local communities and migrants brought by the company, both state and private plantations, and so forth. the loss of buffer forests in semunying jaya village turned out to have a big effect on people's lives. e. problems with the lack of involvement of indigenous peoples in the planning, implementation and supervision of government and private programs; the interests of indigenous peoples have not been accommodated in the planning of the management rights of their areas because indigenous peoples are not involved in the planning. for example, in the case of pt ledo lestari in semunying jaya village, which began operating in 2005 based on information from the local community, the company has never conducted any socialization or notification (coordination) to residents. the community considers that pt ledo lestari entered without permission. the socialization of semunying jaya is firstly a "standard of values" that must be considered in a society that holds strong social and cultural values and systems. however, the socialization was never carried out by the company. this condition is very possible for a negative verdict on the company's good intentions. granting permission by bengkayang regent no. 13 / il-bpn / bky / 2004 dated december 20, 2004 for oil palm plantations has entered the territory of the indigenous people of semunying jaya as a source of life. the company evicted community gardens and cleared peat swamp forests and cut down tropical natural forests which the community used as customary forests. the policy of granting permits to customary land is clearly contrary to the sense of fairness that must be accepted by the community because the legality issued by the regional government tends to ignore the legal products on it. jurnal hukum volkgeist sandy kurnia christmas. 4(2): 108-117 113 3.2 principles of human rights and sustainable development goals on recognition, respect and protection of indigenous law communities in the case of the iban semunying dayak customary law community, this is related to the problem of discrimination in their rights to customary rights. in the state obligation stated in article 6 paragraph (1) of law no.39 of 1999 concerning human rights, reads: "in the context of upholding human rights, differences and needs in customary law communities must be considered and protected by law, the community , and government. this actually becomes a very important basis related to the recognition, respect and protection of indigenous and tribal peoples. the emergence of corporate forest tenure faced by the iban semunying dayak community has become an issue that has an impact on their lives. this can be seen from the lack of a vision of protection from the government of indigenous peoples related to design and development which then impacts on the issue of injustice and discrimination (sugiwati, 2012). in article 18b paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, it reads: "the state recognizes and respects the customary law community units along with their traditional rights as long as they are still alive and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the republic of indonesia, which are regulated in constitution." the word "... as long as it's alive ...... " has the phrase that the recognition has a condition. the same thing in the sound of article 4 paragraph (3) of law no.41 of 1999 concerning forestry, "forest control by the state still takes into account the rights of indigenous peoples, as long as in reality it still exists and is recognized, and does not conflict with national interests" where " ... as long as the reality is still there and its existence is recognized ... " it becomes a problem. this is then connoted that the "recognition" given by the state to indigenous and tribal peoples has certain conditions. in this case it is stated that conditional recognition has a subject-centric, paternalistic, asymmetrical, and monologal paradigm, such as: "the state recognizes", "the state respects", "as long as ... in accordance with the principles of the republic of indonesia" which presupposes the great role of the state to define, recognize, legitimize, legitimize existence, as long as indigenous peoples want to be conquered under state regulation or in other words "tamed". this paradigm is not in accordance with the principles of equality and autonomy in democracy (hardiman, 2006). according to satjipto rahardjo, “the four requirements in article 18b paragraph (2) of the 1945 nri act as a form of hegemonial state power that determine the presence or absence of indigenous peoples.” (rahardjo, 2005) the state wants to intervene, regulate everything, define, divide, carry out the division (indelingsbelust), all of which are carried out by and according to the perception of the holders of state power. meanwhile, according to soetandyo wignjosoebroto, “the four requirements, both ipso facto and ipso jure, would be easily interpreted as' claims being petitioned, with the burden of proof that indigenous peoples will still exist by the indigenous peoples themselves, with policies to recognize or not admit unilaterally in the hands central government power.” (wignjosoebroto, 2005) changes in values and awareness as a result of globalization directly or indirectly affect the content and style of the national legal system (sudaryatmi, 2012). this also relates to international legal instruments that give responsibilities to governments in providing protection and respect for indigenous peoples (ndaumanu, 2018). in the world commission on the social dimension of globalization, the study of aligning the objectives of the socio-economic, environmental, and development must defend the jurnal hukum volkgeist sandy kurnia christmas. 4(2): 108-117 114 rights of indigenous peoples in their territories, resources, culture, and identity (muazzin, 2014). regarding the recognition, respect and protection of indigenous and tribal peoples, in the sustainable development goals, the goal 11.4 of the sdgs is "strengthening efforts to protect and preserve world cultural heritage and natural heritage.” then this should be good in terms of legal policy and regional autonomy in carrying out development of the community must be based on human rights principles. in this case, the following principles should be upheld with respect to, respect for and protection of indigenous peoples that are linked to the principles of sustainable development of the sdgs, namely: a. principle of participation : in the rights approach presupposes the broad and deep involvement of the community as a party to development this principle is also a target in goal 16.7 sdgs, which reads, "ensuring responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision making at every level." most of this participation is understood as the direct involvement of citizens and various social groups in determining a policy as well as how the policy must be accounted for through monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. within the scope of indigenous peoples' issues, participation is always formulated as' full and effective participation 'in development.this requires that from the outset, communities must have been involved in making decisions about a development project in their customary territory. one of the main arguments is that they are the direct recipients of the project. therefore participation in the context of indigenous peoples is in line with what is affirmed in the principles of fpic (free, prior and informed consent). b. principle of justice : the principle of justice should also include equality in socio-political positions and before the law. the justice meant must be in harmony with the five precepts of pancasila, namely social justice for all indonesian people. this means a justice in which the state plays an important role in the development and welfare distribution program for all indonesian people this principle is also a target in the 16c goals of the sdgs, which read: "promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all." in the context of indigenous peoples, social justice like this requires the functioning of a mechanism of control by the people of all state administrators. and it takes place through two channels, namely the legal and political channels. the first through an honest and decisive judicial process that treats all indonesian citizens equally before the law, while the second through an honest, free and confidential election mechanism. c. principle of transparency : transparency in question is the disclosure of information to the public as subjects in development, which has certain rights and obligations towards the state in their position as citizens of indonesia; transparency that supports the intelligence of indigenous peoples so that their prosperity as part of the "nation and indonesian bloodshed" continues to increase; respecting the cultures of indigenous peoples as forming elements of indonesia's national culture; which provides space for people to freely and autonomously make decisions about their future. in goal 12.6 sdgs read: "developing effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels." transparency is based on the assumption that bias in information will have an impact on the objectives to be jurnal hukum volkgeist sandy kurnia christmas. 4(2): 108-117 115 achieved, therefore, information must be conveyed as clearly as possible to be understood by the person recipient of information, not the giver of information. d. the principle of equality / the principle of non-discrimination : the equality in question is the absence of differentiation based on skin color, education level, cultural differences / diversity, belief systems, so that the implementation of national and state development places indigenous peoples as one of the important components of the indonesian nation to become smarter, more prosperous, and more capable of develop group and personal life within the community and within the nation and as citizens of the world. the principle of equality in indigenous peoples presupposes that there is equal freedom, an equal position, an equal treatment. equality like this also requires state intervention. in target 10.3 of the sdgs "ensuring equal opportunities and reducing disparities in outcomes, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices, and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and actions related to legislation, policies and appropriate actions related to these legislation and policies" e. principles of human rights : the closeness of the problems of indigenous and tribal peoples and human rights issues is inseparable from their position, being vulnerable to neglect and not being included in the development process and even sacrificed. this situation makes the issue of human rights must be an inseparable part of the regulation of indigenous peoples by placing it as a principle. the main purpose of making human rights as a principle is to keep the indigenous (legal) community from losing its dignity as a human being. f. principles of public interest : in the context of the recognition and protection of customary (legal) communities, which constitute a minority, the application of the principle of public interest must be done differently because at the same time it is confronted with the principle of affirmative action. the principle of affirmative action allows the government to make policies that favor marginalized groups with the intention of having equal access to opportunities and enjoying rights. consequences if done by considering the principle of affirmative action, the implementation of the principle of the public interest must ensure in advance that marginalized groups also have the same interests and concerns as the common needs being fought for. in addition, ensuring policies and programs that carry the issue of the public interest do not destroy identity and weaken the ability to organize by customary (legal) communities. the implementation of the principle of public interest with this spirit is possible if at the same time there is a sensitivity to respecting plurality. this means that marginal groups must be excluded from policies with a public interest theme. 4. conclusion based on the discussion about the weak implementation of the recognition and protection of the dayak iban semunying jaya indigenous law community, it can be concluded that there are several problems (1) problems related to laws and regulations, (2) problems as a result of policies and impartiality of the central government and regional governments on indigenous peoples, (3) problems between indigenous peoples and corporations, (4) problems in the natural resources sector, and (5) problems of the lack of indigenous peoples' involvement in planning, implementing and supervising government and private programs. in this case it can be mentioned that until now it has been very difficult to protect the rights of indigenous peoples, where the state is still siding with corporations in order to attract investment. things that obstruct investment jurnal hukum volkgeist sandy kurnia christmas. 4(2): 108-117 116 activities are gradually being eliminated even willing to ignore the rights that exist within indigenous communities. in the implementation that must be improved, the legal policies of both the central and regional governments should pay more attention to aspects of fulfilling human rights. this must then pay close attention to the applicable principles, such as participation, 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determining the value of the mortgage object by the seller. this research is based on the normative legal research method through a legal approach. the results of this study are that the auction mechanism for the execution of mortgage objects must comply with the rules in the regulation of the minister of finance number 213/pmk.06/2020 concerning auction implementation guidelines. the implementation of the determination of the boundary of the mortgage object in the field has not been in accordance with the procedure and legal protection for the debtor has not been maximized because it can only be done through a lawsuit in court and the kpknl does not have the authority to conduct an auction against the applicable boundary determination. suggestions for the government to change the method of setting the limit value to 1 (one) method, namely assessment by the appraiser to provide maximum legal protection for the debtor. keywords: auction execution of liability rights; determination of limit value; seller article licence copyright © 2022 the author(s): this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution share alike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) 1. introduction after indonesia's independence, the government faced problems related to the economy. at that time, all sectors of society suffered from the increase in prices of goods and services. therefore, the government is trying to restore the economy to be better with one of its steps, namely strengthening guarantee institutions and being able to provide protection and guarantees of legal certainty for interested parties. a guarantee is something that is given to creditors to give rise to confidence that the debtor will fulfill obligations that can be assessed with money arising from an agreement (salim, 2004). guarantees have a very important position and benefits in supporting economic development, because the existence of this institution can provide benefits for interested parties, both creditors and debtors. the benefits obtained by creditors are in the form of realizing security for trade transactions and providing legal certainty for creditors (sofwan, 1980). meanwhile, the benefits obtained by the debtor are that there is a guarantee that they can obtain a credit facility so that they do not have to worry about developing their business, because they have obtained the capital needed (widyani & pandiangan, 2015). the indonesian government then sought to strengthen the guarantee institution by issuing law no. 5 of 1960 concerning the basic regulation of agrarian principles (uupa) established with the aim of providing legal certainty regarding land rights for all communities and establishing a guarantee institution called hak tanggungan, which replaced the previous guarantee institutions, namely the hypotheek and credietverband institutions (agustiwi, 2014). over time, the government has again tried to strengthen the institution of dependent rights because in the basic agrarian law the provisions regarding dependent rights are incomplete so that regulations regarding dependent rights are needed. therefore, the government issued law no. 4 of 1996 concerning dependent rights to land and objects related to land (arba & mulada, 2021). in the dependent rights law, there are several rights to land, namely: property rights; business use rights, building use rights, use rights, lease rights, land opening rights, forest product collection rights, and other rights that are not included in the rights mentioned above that will be stipulated by law and rights of a temporary nature (santoso, 2017). https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v7i1.2893 mailto:nizla.rohaya@gmail.com p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 81-88 82 in the dependent rights act in the event of a default by the debtor, the creditor can make a sale of the object of the guarantee through auction. in the auction of the execution of dependent rights, there are rules regarding the limit value as a limit on the lowest price of the dependent rights object to be auctioned. the limit value at this auction is set by the seller, as stipulated in article 47 of the minister of finance regulation number 213 / pmk.06 / 2020. in its implementation, there is often dissatisfaction by debtors because they feel disadvantaged by the implementation of the limit value determination carried out by creditors as sellers which causes the price of the auction object to be far from the fair price and the limit value should be. as per the data obtained from the state wealth media bulletin edition number 14 year iv/2013, there are a total of 2,458 lawsuits that go to the state assets and auction service office, and 1,500 more are lawsuits from the auction execution of dependent rights. the lawsuit is filed both before the auction and post-auction. the suit prior to the execution of the auction was intended by the plaintiff to postpone the execution of the auction. and post-auction lawsuits/rebuttals are very diverse in the motives behind them (nasichin & candra, 2020). one of the things behind the post-auction lawsuit by the debtor is the implementation of determining the limit value of the dependent rights object which is not in accordance with the rules and causes losses to the debtor. based on the background of the aforementioned issues, the formulation of the issues discussed in this journal, regarding how is the mechanism for auctioning dependent rights objects through the state financial services office and auctions and how is the implementation of the determination of the limit value of dependent rights objects by sellers? 2. method this type of research uses normative legal research through a case approach to study how the application of legal norms or rules is carried out in legal practice. ronny hanitijo soemitro stated that "normative juridical research is literature research, namely research on secondary data” (sumitro, 1990). normative legal research can also be referred to as doctrinal legal research. in this study, law is conceived as what is written in laws and regulations (law in book) or laws that are conceived as norms that are a benchmark for people's behavior towards what is considered appropriate (efendi & ibrahim, 2018). normative legal research is carried out using literature literature, such as laws, court decisions, books, notes and reports on research results from previous research and to compile discussions, these legal materials are analyzed normatively. the case approach is carried out by reviewing cases related to the issue at hand that have become court decisions that have had permanent force (marzuki, 2005). the case approach in normative research aims to study how it applies to norms (efendi & ibrahim, 2018). 3. result and discussion 3.1 mechanism for auction of dependent rights objects through the state wealth service office and auctions the legal basis regarding auctions in indonesia was originally regulated in the vendu reglement staatsblad no. 189 of 1908 as amended by staatsblad no. 56 of 1940. in principle, the matters stipulated in the vendu reglement concern the principal of sales (buying and selling) carried out in public (auctions). as a followup to the vendu reglement, the vendu instructie was declared as contained in the ordinance of 28 february 1908 no. 4 of the staatsblad no. 190 of 1908 as amended several times most recently by staatsblad no. 57 of 1940 which is commonly referred to as the auction instruction. both vendu reglement and vendu instructie became the basis for the birth of various auction regulations and technical provisions made by the indonesian government (r. usman, 2016). in carrying out the mechanism for the execution of dependent rights objects and the determination of the limit value of dependent rights objects by sellers, it has been regulated in the minister of finance regulation number 213 / pmk.06 / 2020 concerning instructions for auction implementation. broadly speaking, the sources of auction law that are the basis for holding auctions so far can be divided into 2 (two) types, namely general provisions and special provisions. general provisions, namely the laws and regulations, do not specifically regulate the requirements and procedures for auctions, but there are provisions related to the implementation of the auction (salam, 2020; sudiarto, 2021). meanwhile, special provisions, namely the laws and regulations, specifically regulate the requirements and procedures for auctions (r. usman, 2016). p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 81-88 83 the state wealth and auction service office conduct auctions for the execution of dependent rights referring to the dependent rights law and minister of finance regulation number 213 / pmk.06 / 2020 concerning instructions for auction implementation. in article 6 of the dependent rights act, it has been explained that if the debtor defaults on the pledge, the creditor can sell the collateral object through auction to pay off the debtor's debt. in article 20 paragraph 1 letters a and b and paragraph 2 of the dependent rights act explains in more detail, in which the state wealth and auction service office carries out an auction of the execution of dependent rights based on a request from the creditor directly without first requiring a court determination, provided that in the deed of encumbrance of dependent rights there is a promise that the holder of the first dependent right has the right to sell on his own power the object of the dependent right, this method is the same as in article 6 of the dependent rights law (ayunda, 2021). suparman usman defines a dependent rights holder as a person or legal entity who is domiciled as a debtor. the holder of the dependent right has the authority to sell the object of dependent rights through auction, this authority is written in the deed of encumbrance of dependent rights (s. usman, 2014). the holder of dependent rights can be more than 1 (one) party as explained by j. satrio who explained that, one object of guarantee can be used to bear more than one debt. these debts come from the same creditor or come from 2 (two) or more different creditors (satrio, 1998). if in the deed of encumbrance of dependent rights there is no promise that the holder of the first dependent right has the right to sell on his own power the object of dependent rights then the creditor can use the certificate of dependent rights as a basis for applying for the execution of the auction of the dependent right object to the authorized chief justice of the district court. then the execution will be carried out like the execution of a verdict that has permanent legal force (ayunda, 2021). the mechanism for auctioning the object of dependent rights by the state wealth and auction service office is as follows: a. auction request from seller/creditor b. determination of the auction schedule c. auction announcement d. depositing security deposits e. auction implementation f. payment of the auction object g. payment of auction duty h. depositing the net proceeds of the auction i. submission of documents and excerpts of auction minutes article 8 paragraph 2 of the regulation of the minister of finance 213 of 2020 explains that the application for auction for the execution of dependent rights is submitted by the seller to the head of the state wealth and auction service office accompanied by the auction requirements documents. after the state wealth and auction service office receives the application for an auction for the execution of dependent rights accompanied by the auction requirements documents, then the state wealth and auction service office checks the completeness of the documents, if they are complete and meet the formal legality of the auction subjects and objects, the head of the state wealth and auction service office must not refuse the auction application (asuan, 2021). the seller is the authorized party to sell the object of dependent rights based on the deed of encumbrance of dependent rights which in apht is referred to as the dependent rights holder. then the office of state wealth and auction services sets the time for the auction. in the auction announcement, the seller is obliged to make an auction announcement. article 22 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the minister of finance regulation 213 of 2020 explains that the auction is carried out p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 81-88 84 according to a schedule that has been determined by the head of the state wealth and auction service office. the auction is still held even though it is only attended by 1 (one) bidder. any person, legal entity, or business entity may be a participant in the auction, except for auction officials, selling officials, appraisers or estimators, bailiffs, executed, debtors and convicts. article 80 of the minister of finance regulation 213 of 2020 explains, after the auction is completed and there has been an auction winner (auction participant/buyer), the buyer pays off the auction price and auction duty. article 82 paragraph 2 of the minister of finance regulation 213 of 2020 explains, after obtaining the net proceeds of the auction, the state wealth and auction service office deposits or submits to the seller. the seller is obliged to submit the original document of ownership of the auction object to the state wealth and auction service office which is then handed over to the buyer. article 87 paragraphs 1 and 3 of the minister of finance regulation 213 of 2020 explains, after the completion of the auction, the state wealth and auction service office makes auction minutes in indonesian. in mechanics of the auction of dependent rights. legal protection for debtors is obtained by the following means and causes: a. in the auction requirements document, if the debtor suspects an error or falsity of the documents from the seller, the debtor can file a civil lawsuit, this is based on article 13 paragraph 1 letter k and l of the minister of finance regulation number 213 / pmk.06 / 2020. b. in the auction announcement, if the auction announcement is not carried out by the seller as per the applicable rules and there is a falsehood in the auction announcement, the auction official can cancel the auction based on article 39 letter g of the minister of finance regulation number 213 / pmk.06 / 2020. debtors can also file lawsuits and claims for compensation based on article 13 paragraph 1 letter k and l of the minister of finance regulation number 213 / pmk.06 / 2020. c. in the implementation of the auction based on the regulation of the minister of finance number 213 / pmk.06 / 2020, the state wealth and auction service office can cancel the auction if the seller does not announce the auction according to the provisions of the rules, the seller does not upload leaflets on the website of the auction organizer according to the rules, the seller is not present in the auction, there is no land certificate / land registration certificate for auction of land plots or house units stacking, certificate of registration of flats for auction of units of flats with proof of ownership of certificates of ownership of buildings of units of flats or a certificate for the auction of immovable goods other than land that based on laws and regulations must be registered, does not meet the formal legality of the subject and object of the auction, the limit value stated in the auction announcement is not in accordance with the letter of determination of the limit value made by the seller and the amount of the auction bid security deposit in the auction announcement is not in accordance with the provisions or documents of the auction application. 3.2 implementation of the determination of the limit value of the dependent rights auction object by the seller every auction, both auctions for the execution of dependent rights, must have a limit value of the auction object (yuniza, 2021). the limit value is set by the seller (kumala, 2020). borgers and damme explained that limit value encourages more aggressive bidding, more than just compensation for the risk of not selling. amidu and agboola stated that setting an auction limit value that is higher than the market price or vice versa lower than the market price will cause the limit value not to be a good measure in determining the auction price (rianto et al., 2017). articles 48 and 49 of the minister of finance regulation number 213 / pmk.06 / 2020, the seller sets the limit value based on 2 (methods), namely the report of the assessment results by the appraiser for a limit value of at least idr 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiah) or a report on the results of the estimation by the estimator for a limit value below idr 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiah). article 51 of the minister of finance regulation number 213 / pmk.06 / 2020 explains that the limit value is set with the highest range equal to the market value and the lowest equal to the liquidation value. market value p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 81-88 85 is an estimate of the amount of money that can be obtained, at the exchange date, from the exchange of assets and liabilities between a potential buyer and a potential seller for a non-binding loan. transactions that have been marketed as appropriate and in which both parties act on the basis of a clear understanding. settlement value is the amount of money that can be earned from the sale of a property in a relatively short period of time to allow it to meet the market period according to the definition of market value. in the implementation of determining the limit value of the object of dependent rights, there are often determinations that do not comply with the rules and cause losses to the debtor. this is because in determining the limit value of the dependent rights object, the seller sets the limit value as low as possible not as it should be even though the limit value is important for the debtor because the limit value is the benchmark for the price of the debtor's object. there is a court decision in indonesia that provides an overview of the implementation of the determination of the limit value by the seller that is not based on applicable rules and causes losses to the debtor and the judge accepts the debtor's lawsuit and cancels the auction, some of which are as follows: a. kediri district court decision no. 61/pdt.g/2012/pn.kdr (rosilistiyani et al., 2016). b. bandung district court decision number 274/pdt.g/2013/pn.bdg (purba, 2018). c. bandung high court decision number 488/pdt/2014/pt.bdg. in the above judgments there are losses arising from the implementation of the determination of the limit value of the dependent rights object by the seller which is not based on the applicable rules. associated with legal protection for debtors, in the first judgment, the determination of the limit value of the object of collateral rights by the seller uses the method of estimation by the estimator who is supposed to use the appraisal by the appraiser because the seller participates in the auction. legal protection for debtors is obtained by filing a lawsuit for the seller's actions, this is based on the rules of article 36 paragraph 5 of the minister of finance regulation number 93 / pmk.06 / 2010 explaining that if the creditor will participate in the auction execution of dependent rights, then the limit value must be set by the seller based on the results of the assessment from the appraiser. in the second decision, legal protection for debtors is obtained based on the rules of article 36 paragraph 3 of the minister of finance regulation number 93 / pmk.06 / 2010, namely by setting a limit value based on the results of the assessment by the internal estimator team of the creditor not based on an accountable method. in the third decision, legal protection for debtors is obtained based on the rules of article 36 paragraph 3 of the minister of finance regulation number 93 / pmk.06 / 2010, namely by setting a limit value based on the results of the assessment by the internal estimator team of the creditor not based on an accountable method. based on these rules in the above judgments and associated with the actions of the seller, it has been proven that the seller did not follow the applicable rules. the limit value is an integral part of the auction requirements documents, where the seller is responsible for the auction requirements documents and lawsuits arising from errors in the auction requirements documents, which in determining the limit value are not based on applicable rules. based on the author's analysis of the above decisions, legal protection related to setting limit values that are not in accordance with applicable rules has not been maximized. this is based on the existence of loopholes that can be utilized by sellers, namely as follows: 1) no legal sanctions for internal estimators regulation of the minister of finance number 93 / pmk.06 / 2010 until the amendment in the regulation of the minister of finance number 213 / pmk.06 / 2020 explains, if there is an error in determining the limit value of the dependent rights object at auction conducted by the estimator, the person responsible is the seller and if the seller does not fulfill his responsibilities, the seller is responsible for lawsuits and claims for compensation for losses incurred. unlike the estimator, the appraiser is a party who conducts an independent assessment based on his competence. furthermore, the rules regarding appraisers have been regulated in the minister of finance p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 81-88 86 regulation number 228 / pmk.01 / 2019 concerning the second amendment to the regulation of the minister of finance number 101 / pmk.01 / 2014 concerning public appraisers, specifying that any violations committed by public appraisers will be subject to various sanctions up to the sanction of license revocation (tampubolon et al., 2021). therefore, a public appraiser is very careful in assessing the limit value so as not to be penalized. based on the explanation above, a seller in determining the limit value of a dependent rights object tends to use the internal estimator method because there is no sanction on the internal estimator if assessing the limit value of the dependent rights object is not based on applicable rules. 2) benchmark limit value in the limit value determination method that provides a gap for sellers regulation of the minister of finance number 213/pmk.06/2020, which explains the determination of the limit value by the seller based on the estimation by the estimator, namely for a limit value below idr 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiahs), and an assessment by the appraiser, namely for a limit value of at least idr 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiahs). although regulations related to benchmark limit values as a determination by sellers to use the limit value determination method already exist and seek to provide legal protection for debtors. however, in its implementation, there are still many sellers who take advantage of this, namely to obtain the limit value of dependent rights objects below idr 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiahs) as much as possible so as not to use the appraisal method by the appraiser and use an appraisal by the estimator who in this case is the seller's internal party. based on the explanation above, the seller tries to avoid appraisal by the appraiser and causes the limit value to be low and the debtor does not get the maximum value of his goods/objects that are auctioned. 3) the auction is void but the debtor's debt continues in a judge's decision that cancels the auction because the determination of the limit value of the dependent rights object by the seller is not in accordance with applicable rules, one of the legal consequences that occurs is that the object of the dispute returns to its original position, namely the debtor's property and as a debt guarantee, the receivables agreement between the seller as a creditor and the debtor returns in its original state as it was before the default and the execution of the dependent right object through auction. although the seller/creditor cannot get repayment of the debtor's debt because the auction is void, the debtor's debt is not written off and still has to be paid to the creditor. if in the future the debtor returns to default, the seller can carry out the re-execution of the dependent rights object through auction. based on this, whether or not the auction is void in the judge's decision, will not have too much effect on the creditor because the debtor's debt still remains and must be repaid and if the debtor returns to default, the seller can auction it back. in addition to the above reasons, there are other important reasons where article 11 of the minister of finance regulation number 213 / pmk.06 / 2020, the state wealth and auction service office as the implementing party for the auction does not obtain the authority to ensure the validity of the auction requirements documents, especially related to the validity of the limit value. regarding the limit value, the state wealth and auction service office can only cancel the auction if the limit value stated in the auction announcement does not match the limit value determination letter made by the seller so that the seller can be more free to try to reduce the limit value as low as possible and even not according to the applicable rules. therefore, legal protection for debtors for the determination of the limit value of the object of dependent rights by creditors that are not in accordance with applicable rules can only be obtained through a lawsuit in court, while in the auction process the state wealth and auction service office does not have the authority to cancel so that this causes a waste of costs and time for all parties concerned. based on the author's analysis above, it can be seen that legal protection for debtors related to the determination of the limit value by the seller has not been able to provide legal protection for debtors in a maximum way. p issn: 2528-360x e issn: 2621-6159 jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 7 no 1: 81-88 87 4. conclusion the auction mechanism for the execution of dependent rights carried out through the state financial services and auctions office still does not provide strong legal protection. this is based on the lack of authority of the state wealth and auction service office in the minister of finance regulation number 213 / pmk.06 / 2020, to cancel the auction if the determination of the limit value by the seller turns out not to be in accordance with applicable regulations. in addition, the absence of legal sanctions for internal estimators also provides an opportunity for the seller as a creditor who is usually a bank, to set the limit value of the dependent rights object as low as possible and even though the auction is canceled by a court decision regarding the determination of the limit value set by the seller not in accordance with the applicable rules, the debtor's debt continues and must be repaid, so that the seller is not too disadvantaged. efforts to overcome weak legal protections can be made by the government by authorizing the state wealth and auction service office to assess the validity of the determination of the limit value by the seller and can cancel the auction if the determination of the limit value is not valid, and changing the method of determining the limit value to one method i am the assessment of the limit value by the appraiser. references agustiwi, a. 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(2021). peraturan lelang. nas media pustaka. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 2, june 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 190 the effectiveness of legal role of village consultative agency (bpd) in village development according to uu.no. 6 year 2014 about village (kahianga village study) la ode muhammad karim1, deddy mursanto2 abstract author’s information: the purpose of this research is to know the effectiveness of legal role of the village consultative agency (bpd) in the development of the village according to uu.no. 6 year 2014 about village (kahianga village study) and to find out the factors that inhibit the role of the village consultative agency (bpd) in development in the village kahianga east tomia district. the data collection techniques used more on observation, a dandokumentation interview. the conclusion of this research is the effectiveness of legal role of the village consultative body (bpd) kahianga in the case that legislation does not go as it should, proved in the absence of the rules that are issued, in the meantime in the case of the function budgeting bpd goes well, proved by always involved in the budget discussion meetings that are done with the principle of transparency and supervision function bpd also goes well seen with the active bpd in surveillance of the village's income and expenditure budget and factors that become constraints bpd kahianga in the development of the village namely the community participation kahianga village to the development program is still relatively low, the level of education is relatively low is a bpd inhibitors communicate well and able to analyze the aspirations or what the next community is in coordinate with the village government and the pattern of parallel relations between the bpd and the village head in the village government , it turns out that in the implementation is colored by the practices of working relationships that are less harmonious and leads to the occurrence of conflicts and shows the tendency to dominate the village chief of the bpd.. keywords: bpd, legal effectiveness 1faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah buton (muhqarim@gmail.com) 2faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah buton article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i2.671 1. introduction the village or called by another name existed before the unitary state of the republic of indonesia formed. as proof of its nature, explanation of article 18 of the constitution of the republic of indonesia year 1945 (before the change) mentions, that "in the territory of indonesia there are more or less 250 zelfbesturende landsschappen and volksgemeenschappen, such as villages in java and bali, nagari in minangkanau, hamlet and marga in palembang these areas of the region have the original structure and by the karnanya can be considered a special area, therefore, the situation must remain recognized and given the guarantee of its survival in the unitary republic of indonesia (solekhan, 2014) the village which is the scope of the organization or is the arrangement of the smallest government and closer to the merck, has an important role in running the autonomy that is secure by the constitution as a way to the prosperous people. from mailto:muhqarim@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i2.496 jurnal hukum volkgeist la ode muhammad karim. 4(2): 190-197 191 this, it can be determined by the government's success in development, whether it is from the regional level and from the central level through the assistance task given to the village government, and then distribute the aid program to the community. in law article 1, the village number 1 is mentioned that village is a village and traditional village called by another name, hereinafter called the village is a law unit that has the boundary of the territory that is authorized to organize and manage the affairs of the government, the interests of local people based on the initiative of the community, the right of origin, and/and the traditional rights that are recognize and respect in the system of unitary indonesia. the village government as a spearhead in the local governance system will relate and contact the community. therefore, the system and mechanisms of regional governance are strongly supported and determined by the village government and the village consultative agency (bpd) as part of the local government. institutional structures and working mechanisms at all levels of government, especially village governance, must be directed to create a government that is sensitive to the development and changes occurring within the community. the implementation of the village government is a subsystem of the governance system, so the village has the authority to regulate and manage the interests of society. as well as regional and central levels in carrying out government in the aid and cooperation with the executive and legislative bodies with the division of power (widjaja, 2004). similarly, at the village level, in the running of its government wheel, the head of the village does not work alone, but is assisted by other village devices such as village secretaries and others. the village consultative agency (bpd) is the embodiment of the democracy system, in the village law said that the village consultative agency (bpd) is an institution that carries out governmental functions whose members are representatives of villagers based on regional representation and in a democratic setting. a juridical village government consists of the village head and the village consultative agency (bpd). the village government functioned to conduct policies made by the village head with the bpd. in accordance with the principles of democracy, the bpd with the village chief has the obligation to provide a report on the implementation of the village government to the regent/mayor (nurcholis, 2011). the presence of the village consultative body (bpd) with a number of functions attached to it makes the village consultative agency (bpd) as an institution that has great power at the village level, in addition to the power of the village head which has been there. this strong position can also be seen from the authority and rights owned by the village consultative agency (bpd). the authority intended is to perform supervision on the implementation of village regulations and the rules of the village head, propose the appointment and termination of village head and form the electoral committee of the village head. law no. 6 of 2014, article 61 point 1 & 2 mentions the rights of bpd namely: a. supervise and seek information about the implementation of the village government to the village government. b. expressed opinion on the implementation of village governance, village development, village societal development, and empowerment of rural communities (sudjatmiko & zakaria, 2014). jurnal hukum volkgeist la ode muhammad karim. 4(2): 190-197 192 c. in article 15 paragraph (2) of government regulation no. 72 year 2005 on village states the village chief has the obligation to provide the village governance implementation report to the regent or mayor, and provide a report of accountability to the village consultative agency (bpd), and inform the village government implementation report to the village community. based on the background above, it can be formulated with the following problems; how the effectiveness of legal role of village consultative agency (bpd) in village development according to uu.no. 6 year 2014 about the village (kahianga study) and what factors inhibit the role of the village consultative agency (bpd) in development in the village kahianga east tomia district.? the objective is to be achieved as follows: to know the effectiveness of legal role of the village consultative agency (bpd) in village development according to uu.no. 6 year 2014 about village (kahianga study) and to know the factors that inhibit the role of the village consultative agency (bpd) in development in the village kahianga east tomia district. 2. method empirical research is conducted by researching directly to the location in the middle of society to see directly the application of legislation or rules relating to law enforcement, and conducting interviews with some respondents who are considered able to provide information on the implementation of law enforcement (ilmar, 2014). 3. foundation theory theory of legal effectiveness legal effectiveness theory, that is, this theory explains the passage of legislation when applied to the community. often we know that in the community, the law that has been made is not effective therein. according to lawrence friedman elements of the legal system consist of 3 elements and the three elements of this legal system greatly affect the effectiveness of the law in the third society of such elements are: a. legal structure b. legal subctance (legal substance) and c. legal culture legal structures include executives, legislafif and judiciary as well as related institutions, as well as prosecutors, police, judicial commissions and others. while the legal subtance is about the norms of regulation and law. the culture of law is the view, customs and behavior of the public about the values and expectations of the prevailing legal system, in other words, the culture of the law is the climate of social thought about how the law is applied, violated or implemented. without the legal culture of the legal system itself will not be empowered like a dead fish that is buried in the basket, not like a living fish swimming in the sea (without legal culture, the legal system is its sea). (lawrence friedman, 1984:7) every society, country and community has a culture of law. there is always an attitude and a legal culture view. it does not mean that everyone in a community gives the same thought. jurnal hukum volkgeist la ode muhammad karim. 4(2): 190-197 193 legal effectiveness is a process that aims to make the law effective. the situation can be reviewed on the basis of some effective benchmarks. there are parties who perceive the law as an attitude of action or conduct that is orderly. the method used is induction-empirical; so that the law is seen as an attitude of a re-action in the same form, which has a specific purpose of achieving the peace through harmony between order and tranquility, or between discipline and freedom (soekanto, 2008). according to soekanto that there are five factors that affect the effectiveness of the law in society, the five factors are: 1. his own law 2. law enforcement 3. tools and facilities 4. the community 5. culture. the five factors above relate to the era, because it becomes a staple in the law, as well as the benchmark of the effectiveness of law enforcement. the five factors that submit, there is no one which is very dominant influence, all these factors must support each other to form the effectiveness of the law. better yet if there is a systematics of these five factors, so that the law can be in effective value. 4. findings and discussion 4.1 legal effectiveness of the village consultative body (bpd) in village development according to uu.no. 6 year 2014 about village. in the structure of the village government, the position of the village consultative agency (bpd) is parallel with the village government even partners from the village head, it is intended to occur the process of balancing power so that there is no suspicion between the head of village as the implementation of village government and bpd as a legislation that serves the establishment of customs, supervision functions and functions to accommodate and this is where the members of the village consultative board (bpd) are required to carry out their role. village government affairs will run well in the event of a good cooperation between the village apparatus and the village consultative agency (bpd). capability usually shows the potential and strength that exists in a person to demonstrate ability in the field of governance of the village government, for that bpd members are required to have extensive insight both experience, knowledge, skills and attitudes. the knowledge and skills of a person in conducting directly in the implementation of the village government have an influence on the ability of a person (member of bpd) to handle inputs from the community and in the village decision making so that the decision is taken according to the wishes and aspirations of the community. the presence of village consultative body (bpd) in the village government with its various functions and competence is expected to realize the check and balance system in the village government. as an embodiment of democracy, in the implementation of village governance, the village head and the village consultative agency (bpd) work together to manage and govern the interests of the local community based on their recognised and respectful origins and customs. jurnal hukum volkgeist la ode muhammad karim. 4(2): 190-197 194 in implementing law no. 6 of 2014 about the village, the function of the village consultative agency (bpd) as a village legislature and community aspirations is expected to be accomplished properly and effectively. in other words, the village government and the village consultative agency (bpd) can synergize well in organizing the government, of course, by getting support from the community jointly discuss and agree with village regulations with village government the village regulation is the highest legal product which is issued by the village government, which is made both by the head of village as well as the proposal of the village's consultative agency (bpd), which is approved jointly and appointed by the head of the village and announced in the news of the village made both the implementation/the description of higher legislation and for the implementation of village governance the formulation of village regulation is implemented through the following mechanisms: the draft of the good village regulations prepared by the village consultative agency (bpd) and by the village head, was delivered by the leadership of the bpd to all members of the bpd at least seven days prior to the plan of the village regulation discussed in the plenary meeting a discussion of the village headmaster was done by bpd with village head. the draft can be withdrawn before being discussed jointly by the bpd and the village head. the draft village regulations that have been approved with the bpd with the head of the village are delivered by the leadership of the bpd to the village to be set into the village regulations for a period of no later than seven days on the date of joint the draft village regulation shall not contradict the general interest and higher legislation. the village regulations shall prevail after the country is laid in the news. based on a statement by bpd village of kahianga; so far, bpd's active role focuses more on development programs, in development planning meetings are always attended by the bpd. the bpd itself often conducts discussions on the development of infrastructure, education and and road of the village scope while the creation of village regulations (perdes) is still in stages. based on the results of the interviews and observations in the field then the researcher can conclude that the bpd does not do its job in making the village regulation (perdes), this proves that the function of the bpd legislation does not work as it should. kahianga community is a society that has the complexity of needs. in line with this they need quality service from the local village government that must always try to improve their ability to provide better service in accordance with the guidance of the community. one of the auth of the village consultative agency is to accommodate and distribute the aspirations of society. desa permusyawartan agency (bpd) as a representative in the village is as a place for villagers to convey their aspirations and to hold all complaints and then follow up the aspirations to be delivered to the institutions or related institutions. therefore, it takes knowledge by the community about the existence and role of bpd jurnal hukum volkgeist la ode muhammad karim. 4(2): 190-197 195 the same is also conveyed by the government of kahianga village; as a village government, things i do in the field of development are as technical executor, where in the execution of tasks always coordinate and always follow up all the results of the meeting that has been done (interview). based on the results of the interview, it can be concluded that there is always a coordination conducted by the village government in this case the village head with the bpd in the process of discussion and drafting the village regulations. conceptually, the relation between village head and village consultative agency (bpd) is more on check and balance which is essentially a mechanism of mutual control among the village institutions to avoid the occurrence of power irregularities in the framework of public welfare. in the distribution of the power division of the village consultative agency (bpd) is a village legislature that serves as a village regulatory maker, a container for community aspirations and also supervises the implementation of village regulations in the framework of the implementation of village government while the head of the village is the executive body that serves as the implementing village regulations. accommodate and distribute community aspirations organizing the village government to be able to move the community to participate in the development and implementation of village administration, then every decision that is taken must be based on deliberation to reach consensus. the village consultative agency (bpd) is a container for village community aspirations. the aspiration container can be interpreted as a place where the wishes or aspirations of the community delivered, be accommodated then channeled. based on the results of observations and research of authors, the task and authority of bpd in digging, accommodating and channeling community aspirations has been in accordance with the duties and authorities that exist in the local regulations. some examples of complaints submitted by the community to bpd kahianga village especially in the field of development, namely: road construction, village office development. after the aspirations of the village community is accommodated, the next step is bpd channeling the aspirations of the community in meetings organized by the bpd. after gaining aspiration and then discuss it, the village's consultative body (bpd) then continues and conveys as intended by the community. but on this occasion the village government still given the opportunity to give explanation for the aspirations given by the community. it illustrates that the village head and the village consultative agency have been trusted and established by the citizens. according to one of the people of the village kahianga said that; bpd in this regard i think, very important role in development because often it becomes a container in conducting deliberations on the development of the village (interviews). based on the results of the interview, that the effectiveness of the role of law bpd as stipulated by law number 6 year 2014 is stated that the government is held by the village administration and regulation of the republic of indonesia number 111 year 2014 about the technical guidelines of village regulations, in this case as a container of aspirations of the community has been carried out well according to the expectations. it can be seen from the frequent bpd to be a community container in delivering their aspirations about the development of the village. jurnal hukum volkgeist la ode muhammad karim. 4(2): 190-197 196 4.2 factors that inhibit the role of the village consultative agency (bpd) in development in the village kahianga east tomia district. community participation the community is a determining factor in the success of bpd in implementing village governance. the magnitude of support, reception and appreciation of the community to the bpd makes bpd more of a space to perform its functions. the support of the community is not only on the number of aspiration entered also from the implementation of a perdes. the willingness and enthusiasm of the people making all the decisions of the bpd and the village government are easy to implement. unfortunately, the human resources of the villagers of kahiaga are still lacking, this is seen from the level of public education in the village is still relatively low. the low level of public education makes communities in the village of kahianga less concerned about the rights of its participation in village governance and is reluctant to engage in influencing public policy. this lack of awareness has an impact on community reluctance to engage in a local organization that aims to fight for its aspirations by influencing a policy. this condition is caused by low public political education. because of this, in terms of government affairs and village development, they tend to figure out the community leaders who are seen to represent and distribute their aspirations in being and acting. bpd member education level for the implementation of the representative function of the village consultative agency (bpd), it is necessary for those who are able to communicate well and to analyze the aspirations or what the community is next in coordinate with the village government. the problem of education qualification level greatly supports the implementation of village government wheels. cooperation with the village head the presence of the village's consultative body (bpd) in the village government with its function and competence is expected to realize the chek and balances system in organizing the village government. but in the research that the authors have shown that the pattern of relationship parallel between the bpd and the village chief in the government's implementation of the village as stipulated in the legislation, it turns out that it is colored by the practices of working relationships that are less harmonious and leads to conflict and show the tendency to dominate the village chief of the bpd. spoken by the bpd agggotha that: "generally, the things that will be a bpd management activity usually get a challenge from mr. kades if what we will do is not in accordance with the opinions of mr. kades, so that all these activities will be hampered only because of the problem of his desire to be implemented so that for the result of making the village regulations are not based on the targets that have been” based on the observation and information that the author has, that despite the kinship between the bpd manager and the mr. head of village, but not the whole view or the will of mr. head of village who became a guideline to work, some things resulted in an unharmonious relationship between the bpd with the head of village, one element of disharmony occurred because of the intervention of bpd in the process of drafting jurnal hukum volkgeist la ode muhammad karim. 4(2): 190-197 197 and setting budget of rural income and village, implementation of village regulations and implementation of village head responsibility. 5. conclusion the effectiveness of law in the role of national consultative agency (bpd) kahianga in the case of legislation does not go as it should be, proved in the absence of the rules that are issued, in the meantime in the case of the function budgeting bpd goes well, proved by always involve in the discussion of the budget meetings that are done with the principle of transparency and supervision function bpd also goes well seen with the active bpd in monitoring the village budget and income expenditure. surveillance of the apbdes. ini can be seen in the village chief accountability report at the end of the budget year. the form of supervision conducted by the bpd is monitoring all income and expenditure of village cash and monitoring regularly about the self-reliance funds used for village development the factors that are the constraint of bpd kahianga in the development of village community participation kahianga village to the development program is still relatively low, a relatively low level of education is a bpd inhibitor communicating well and able to analyse aspiration or what the society is next in coordinate with the village government and the pattern of the parallel relationship between the bpd and the village chief in the village government's dismission as stipulated in the laws and regulations , it turns out that in the implementation is colored by the practices of working relationships that are less harmonious and leads to the occurrence of conflicts and shows the tendency to dominate the village chief of the bpd. . references ilmar, a. 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(2004). otonomi desa merupakan otonomi yang asli, bulat dan utuh (2nd ed.). raja grafindo persada. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 2, 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 167 the legal annalysis of married dispensation in the perspective of law number 35 of 2014 concerning childhood protection saharuddin dahlan1 abstract author’s information: the research method used in this research is normative empirical research, empirical normative research type. the purpose of this research is to know the determination of the marriage dispensation seen from the child protection law and to know the judges' considerations in determining the marriage dispensation what is seen from the child protection law the results of this study indicate that the determination of the dispensation of marriage, seen from the child protection law, can be seen from two things, namely, first, the application for dispensation is in accordance with recommendations and benefits for children in applying for dispensation so that judges in deciding applications always pay attention to benefits. sec o n d i s the factor causing marriage dispensation which, when viewed from the child protection law, is the factor of children who really want to get married due to sexual misconduct and pregnancy outside of marriage and the factor of concern about religious law where religion is a reference for enjoying even underage children. keywords: dispensation, marriage, protection and children 1fa culty of la w, universita s ichsa n goronta lo, indonesia e-ma il: (saharuddin40.sd@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.804 1. introduction marriage dispensation is the granting of exemptions, granting freedom of marriage which is regulated according to law for purposes that are considered emergency in order to carry out a marriage, so that the process is allowed to be carried out (salam, 2017). on law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage, article 7 paragraphs 1 and 2 based on the excerpt from article 7 above, it has shown that there is a gap in the application of the law, dispensation as referred to in law number 16 of 2019 concerning amendments to law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage, which means deviation from the minimum age limit of marriage that has been determined by the law is a minimum of 19 years for men and 19 years for women table 1: dispensation of child marriage (source: gorontalo religious court) no decision date statemen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 111 / pdt.p2020 / pa.gtlo 01 apr 2020 dispensation of marriage 103 / pdt.p2020 / pa.gtlo 31 mar 2020 dispensation of marriage 104 / pdt.p2020 / pa.gtlo 31 mar 2020 dispensation of marriage 105 / pdt.p2020 / pa.gtlo 31 mar 2020 dispensation of marriage 107 / pdt.p2020 / pa.gtlo 31 mar 2020 dispensation of marriage 108 / pdt.p2020 / pa.gtlo 31 mar 2020 dispensation of marriage 109 / pdt.p2020 / pa.gtlo 31 mar 2020 dispensation of marriage mailto:saharuddin40.sd@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.804 jurnal hukum volkgeist saharuddin dahlan. 5(2): 167-174 168 the provision of marriage dispensation based on the table above is clearly not allowed to marry minors based on the conditions for marriage according to article 6 and article 7 of law number 16 of 2019 concerning amendments to law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage, if viewed from law number 35 of 2014 concerning child protection, for the author the dispensation is not based on the age and physical and spiritual readiness of the child and the principle of ensuring the noble ideals of marriage, namely the principle of voluntary, family participation and the maturity of the prospective bride and groom. law no.35 of 2014 concerning child protection regulates the obligations of parents, namely: article 26 (1) parents are obliged and responsible to: a. nurturing, educating, and protecting children b. developing children accord ing to their abilities, talents and interests c. preventing marriage at age the legal age limit for marriage is set forth in the terms of marriage according to articles 6 and 7 of law no. 16 of 2019 concerning amendments to law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage which states that marriage can only be carried out if it meets the requirements stipulated by statute, namely age limits for men and women but at present there are still many marriages that are carried out underage even on the recommendation of law enforcement agencies regardless of the aspects, integrity and strength of marriage and the implications of the development of children who will be born in the future. marriage prevention has been regulated in law number 35 of 2014, namely article 26 paragraph (1 point (c) concerning the obligations of parents to prevent the age limit of children from marrying, the problem that arises now is that there are rules that allow and there are also rules that prohibit (marriage) is still a minor. 2. methodology the type of research used by juridical empirical according to waluyo (2002) juridis empirical is a type of sociological legal research also called field research, which examines legal provisions that apply in society and examines the expectations and realities that occur in the community. empirical research is used to analyze laws that are seen as patterned community behaviors in people's lives that are always interacting and relating in aspects of society, this study uses a qualitatid approach by analyzing the results of research that produces descriptive analytical data 3. result and discussion 3.1 what is the form of marriage dispensation in terms of law number 35 of 2014 concerning child protection? normatively, if we look at the age limit in marriage, there is a certainty about the age limit of a person being categorized as a child or adult so that they can carry out the marriage properly, the uncertainty in question is a difference in the age limit of a person as interpreted by the marriage law no.1 of 1974 with the child protection law, as stated in the child protection law, the age limit is 18 (eighteen) years old to be jurnal hukum volkgeist saharuddin dahlan. 5(2): 167-174 169 considered competent or mature. article 1 number 1: "child is someone who is not yet 18 (eighteen) years old, including children who are still in the womb" the child protection law defines children that a person who has not reached 18 years of age while in the marriage law it is stated that children for women are those who have not reached the age of 16 years, of course this becomes an irony in the interpretation of children in their institution as someone who is considered can carry out the marriage and is considered an adult (hardani, 2015). therefore, based on the research results obtained by the author regarding marriage dispensation are as follows: a. application for dispensation talking about marriage dispensation means that we will talk and discuss the regulations that regulate underage marriage giving an idea that the provision of dispensation for underage marriage can be done if it is based on the agreement and permission of the parents of the prospective bride, this concept is stated in the rules that the article 6 paragraph says. 2 law number 16 year 2019 amendment to law number 1 year 1974 concerning marriage affirms: 1) article 6 paragraph 2: "to get married, someone who has not reached the age of 21 must obtain permission from both parents." it is very clear that it has been emphasized that a person who has not reached the age of twenty-one must get permission from both parents if he wants to carry out the marriage, and this is recognized and given space by the marriage law regarding underage marriage, but if both parents do not provide permission to marry for the child who is not yet 21 years old, the court can grant permission through an application made by the bride and groom, as stated in the law 2) article 7 paragraph (2) of law number 16 year 2019 amendment to law number 1 year 1974 concerning marriage "in case of deviation from paragraph (1) of this article, dispensation may be requested from the court or other official appointed by both parents of the male and female parties" article 7 paragraph 2 clearly provides space and space for persons who are still minors according to the marriage law to carry out marriage in a manner determined by law in accordance with the mandate of the law. and if it is related to the child protection law in general, marriage law no.1 of 1974 with the child protection act as the child protection law, the age limit is 18 (eighteen) years to be considered competent or mature. 3) article 1 number 1 "child is someone who is not yet 18 (eighteen) years old, including children who are still in the womb". here the two laws have antinomies or contradictions in interpreting children so that protection in terms of children's lives will give birth to ambiguous readiness such as; 4) child protection law article 1 point 1: "child is someone who is not yet 18 (eighteen) years old, including children who are still in the womb" in the explanation of this article, children are considered adults who are not yet 18 years old based on the results of the research conducted by the author, data has been obtained that during the period january april 2020 there were approximately (80) eighty marriage dispensation applications submitted and had permanent legal force jurnal hukum volkgeist saharuddin dahlan. 5(2): 167-174 170 following the excerpt of the application for marriage dispensation that was quoted through the sipp website. gorontalo religious court case no decision da te sta temen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 111 / pdt.p2020 / pa.gtlo 01 apr 2020 dispensa tion of ma rria ge 103 / pdt.p2020 / pa.gtlo 31 ma r 2020 dispensa tion of ma rria ge 104 / pdt.p2020 / pa.gtlo 31 ma r 2020 dispensa tion of ma rria ge 105 / pdt.p2020 / pa.gtlo 31 ma r 2020 dispensa tion of ma rria ge 107 / pdt.p2020 / pa.gtlo 31 ma r 2020 dispensa tion of ma rria ge 108 / pdt.p2020 / pa.gtlo 31 ma r 2020 dispensa tion of ma rria ge 109 / pdt.p2020 / pa.gtlo 31 ma r 2020 dispensa tion of ma rria ge based on the research results above, one of the cases taken through the decision regarding legal considerations given by the religious court judge was also quoted as follows considering, that the juridical standard of marriage dispensation is article 7 paragraph 1 to paragraph 3 of law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage, as follows: 1) marriage is only permitted if the male has reached the age of 19 (nineteen) years and the female has reached the age of 16 (sixteen) years. 2) in case of deviations from paragraph (1) of this article, dispensation may be requested from the court or other official appointed by both parents of the male and female parties. 3) the provisions regarding the condition of one or both parents mentioned in article 6 paragraph (3) and (4) of this law, shall also apply in the case of requests for dispensation in paragraph (2) of this article without prejudice to what is meant in article 6 paragraph (6) considering, that the benchmark does not clearly provide the conditions that must be met for granting marriage dispensation, this means that the law gives the court the authority to interpret the text of the article or the panel of judges can make law (made in law) through a legal approach to close to a sense of justice considering, that in this case the panel of judges analyzed through sociological interpretation, namely interpretation based on the condition of society at the time the incident took place considering, that the petitioner as a parent is very concerned about the condition of his child who has known his future wife for a long time if he is not married off immediately, even though this is not a legal fact but only a legal event, this is a sociological symptom that deserves to be analyzed as a legal approach. considering, that the normative value at the age of marriage as stipulated by law is 16 (sixteen) years old and the age of the applicant's child is not much different, which is about 2 months, so that if a marriage is carried out it will deviate from the normative value, but so that it is more concerned with the value of humanity towards the community symptoms faced by the applicant, then choosing the value of benefit will take precedence over the value of harm even though in fact it is prone to psychological risks for both (pratama, roni, & rizka, 2020). considering, that as for the value of benefit, it will be prioritized if human jurnal hukum volkgeist saharuddin dahlan. 5(2): 167-174 171 interests are more measured and controlled if consent and qabul are made by the applicant's child; considering, that based on the above considerations, the panel of judges concluded that the petition has legal grounds and deserves to be granted and has met the requirements as referred to in article 6 of law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage. and when examined in terms of the child protection law that "in article 26 paragraph (1) of law 35/2014 it is explained that parents are obliged and responsible for: according to the author's opinion. based on the basis for the provision of dispensation above, applications regarding underage marriage are legal but must pay attention to circumstances that are applicable legal rules. apart from that, actually the most basic reason for granting marriage dispensation is the existence of a situation where it is considered an emergency and a marriage must be carried out, however in particular the request for dispensation of marriage must be filed through both the parents of the prospective bride, both male and female, according to the provisions of article 7 paragraph 2 law number 1 of 1974 on marriage. b. both parents' permission if we look at parental consent in proposing marriage, especially underage marriage, in terms of the marriage law it has been confirmed in article 6 paragraph 2 of law number 16 of 2019 amendment to law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage affirms: and as for the responsibility of parents to prevent underage marriage, it is stated in the article article 26 paragraph (1) of law 35/2014 explains that parents are obliged and responsible for: a. caring for, nurturing, educating and protecting children; b. developing children according to their abilities, talents and interests; c. prevent child marriage; and d. provide character education and inculcate character values in children " this should be considered by the judge in every application for marriage dispensation not only to see the factor of parents 'permission to give permission to marry their children but also to see how the parents' efforts to keep their children from marrying underage unless something is really considered. the last way to do this, because children actually have several rights which are not realized by the child but the parents should be aware one of the cases or children who have married underage is when a 14 year old woman and a 17 year old man get married because they are drunk in love, but marriage only lasts for 3 years because of several factors of maturity thinking this is of course a reference for all of us to think critically about the future of the child 3.2 what are the factors that cause marriage dispensation in terms of law number 35 of 2014 concerning child protection? a. child factor if we look at the understanding of children expressed by koesnan (2005) that children are people who are still young and immature and still need guidance so that they are not easily distracted by their environment, children here are defined as people who are physically and emotionally weak because they are considered unable to defend jurnal hukum volkgeist saharuddin dahlan. 5(2): 167-174 172 themselves. self and easily carried away by perverted associations. when we talk about the concept of underage marriage. long beforehand, the description of the dispensation of marriage has been given by the above sub-chapter, but specifically regarding the legal basis for giving dispensation of marriage we can see it in a regulation that has been prepared 1) law number 16 year 2019 amendment to law number 1 year 1974 concerning marriage article 7 verse 1 "marriage is only permitted if the male has reached the age of 19 (nineteen) years and the woman has reached the age of 16 (sixteen) years." article 7 paragraph 2 "in the case of deviations in paragraph (1) of this article, dispensation may be requested from the court or other official requested by the parents of t he male or female party" 2. compilation of islamic law article 15 paragraph 1 "for the benefit of the family and household, marriage can only be performed by the prospective bride and groom who has reached the age stipulated in article 7 paragraph (1) of law no.1 of 1974, namely that the prospective husband is at least 19 years old and the prospective wife is at least 19 years old. at least 16 years old " 3. child protection law no 24 of 2014 if we look at the article in article 26 paragraph (1) parents are obliged and responsible to prevent marriage at the age of children and this is of course contrary to the interpretation of the marriage law article 6 paragraph (1) marriage is based on the consent of the two prospective brides. and paragraph (2) in order to marry a person who has not reached the age of 21 (twenty one) years, the consent of the parents must be obtained. based on the results of the author's research, it was found that basically children are one of the main factors in a marriage that is still considered young, an incident as revealed by one of the respondents who married under abdul hanafi said that marriage that has occurred so far, we usually only see other people getting married and living life as if without a plan, even though there are actually so many ideas and forms of thought that are considered ripe for, to deal with, but what the power has already been married underage and finally separated halfway. this is of course the same as expressed by the opinion given by sugiri and hilman adikusuma have a different view because the view of sugiri is more inclined towards the age of the child who is not considered an adult so it is still said to be a child, while the view of hilman adikusuma prioritizes children's behavior not in terms of hilman age provide an explanation that a person who can carry out legal activities or events even though he is not yet an adult can be categorized as competent and able to carry out legal actions (mawardi, 2012). therefore, according to the author, the existence of children's own thoughts towards early marriage, of course, cannot be separated from the participation of both jurnal hukum volkgeist saharuddin dahlan. 5(2): 167-174 173 parents and how the government provides proper education to all people, both children and parents as parents as the backbone of character building children to look forward to their lives as best they can b. factors of pregnancy outside marriage one of the easiest factors to be granted in submitting a request for dispensation of marriage in a religious court is one of the consequences of a child getting pregnant out of wedlock, this factor is a common factor and definitely gets approval from the judge. marriage dispensation is given because like it or not you want to get pregnant outside of wedlock, and indeed basically this incident is a form of child neglect so that pregnancy outside of marriage may be caused because of lack of supervision from all circles (qibtiyah, 2014). therefore, according to the author, there is no marathon education carried out by local governments to limit underage marriages, which will have an impact on the high divorce rate because children are not ready to navigate domestic life as they should. therefore, in fact, there are several solutions that can be carried out, as stated by an employee of the religious affairs office that; a. the local government incessantly voices so that the number of underage marriages does not occur b. conducting marathon socialization, this can be seen from the high divorce rates that exist c. making a regulation that does regulate explicitly for special marriages in the region c. the factor of concern over religious law if we look at the basis of a marriage, the basis of a marriage can be declared valid if it fulfills several elements that have been stipulated by the marriage law and conditions recognized by each religion, as stated in the following provisions: article 2 paragraph 1 of law number 16 year 2019 amendment to law number 1 year 1974 concerning marriage: "marriage is valid if it is carried out according to the law of each religion and belief". meanwhile, if we look at the conditions recommended in islamic law as in the compilation of islamic law which states that: article 2 khi: "marriage is legal, if it is carried out according to islamic law in accordance with article 2 paragraph (1) of law no. 1 of 1974 concerning marriage ". in actual marriage law, when we look at the two articles above, it shows that marriage can be categorized as legal if it is carried out in accordance with the conditions stipulated by law in the sense of constitutional law other than that marriage can also be said to be valid if it is carried out based on the provisions of religious law which applies in accordance with their respective religious beliefs and beliefs. apart from requiring the provisions of the legal conditions of marriage. marriage is also the hope that the law must be registered in the registration of marriage as for the purposes of marriage registration purposes, by law, marriage considers that a marriage that is not registered is considered an invalid marriage in the eyes of the state so important is the registration of marriage. therefore, according to the author, the fear factor as a violation of religious law, in the end children who are still under the age of being given the leeway to marry underage are a very profound mistake, this is because the role of parents in providing jurnal hukum volkgeist saharuddin dahlan. 5(2): 167-174 174 guidance and direction is always studying. adab in life so that children avoid negative effects, eventually falling into early marriage (gultom, 2010). 4. conclusion determination of marriage dispensation in terms of the child protection law, it can be seen from two things, namely application for dispensation as recommended and benefits for children in applying for dispensation so that the judge in deciding the application will always pay attention to the benefits of giving the dispensation as well as the permission of both parents in this matter. of course the parents play a role in giving permission in simple terms parents are also kept in the child protection law to prevent child marriage and on the one hand, the marriage law can also give permission, this is proof of awareness in interpreting the law as a benefit and its use for children the factors that cause marriage dispensation when viewed from the child protection law are the factors of children who really want to get married as a result of wrong associations and factors of pregnancy outside marriage and factors of concern over religious law where religion is a reference for marrying children who are still under age 5. acknowledgments this research was carried out well, is an inspiration from my extended family, along with my colleagues who helped in completing the results of this study, thanks to rubina kananta, sultan syawal, dean of the faculty of law, ichsan university, gorontalo and friends who cannot be mention one by one. references gultom, m. 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(2002). penelitian hukum dalam praktek. jakarta: sinar grafika. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 1, june 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 14 effectiveness to the reversal of the burden proof system in handling corruption case deddy mursanto 1 , la ode muhammad karim 2 , mashendra 3 abstract author’s information: corruption is an act that can harm state finances and cause losses to the people's economy. this study aims to determine the arrangement of the burden of proof reversals system of corruption according to the applicable provisions and the proper regulation in implementing the system of reversing the burden of proof to be done optimally. this study uses a normative juridical research methodology with a statute approach. this research's data analysis method is descriptive qualitative by describing the problems and facts in writing from the literature. the study indicates that the burden of proof reversal system concerning the eradication of corruption crimes contained in law no. 20 of 2001 is limited only to the offense of gratification regulated in article 12 b paragraph (1) letter a. the withdrawal presumption proof can also be extended to the defendant's property, which is claimed to be connected to the accused's case (article 37 a) and the property of the defendant (who has not been charged) which is not accused of corruption as a result of a criminal act (article 38 b). reversal of the burden of proof in the law of corruption is a reversal of the burden of proof impartial public prosecutor and the defendant alike must prove but / the same element proved different. keywords: system settings, system implementation, corruption 1faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah buton (deddymursanto19@gmail.com) 2 faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah buton (muhqarim@gmail.com) 3 faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah buton (hendraumi88@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.863 1. introduction corruption is an act that can damage state finances and cause economic losses to citizens (suhendar, 2017). this action is a very contemptible act, cursed and despised by some people, not only by the people and nation of indonesia but also by the people of the world's nations. according to ginting and haryati (2011), not only state leaders, but even other groups, such as family members, cronies, and merchants, are engaged in the criminal activities of corruption, conspiracy, and nepotism in order to break the relations of the life of the society, the country and the state, and to disrupt state nature. indonesia also has a high degree of corruption though it is still steadily eradicated. romli atmasasmita said that corruption has extended to the entire government in indonesia since the 1960s. until now, eradication is only stopped (atmasasmita, 2016). moreover, the explanation for the corruption that has arisen in indonesia since several decades ago has been tolerated without sufficient legal action (saputra, 2016) in all facets of life, both central and regional. either directly or indirectly, acts of corruption cannot be separated from someone who has power (amrullah, 2019). according to merriam-webster (2002)defines that corruption is an invitation (from a political official) with improper considerations (eg, bribery) to commit an offense. meanwhile, dullah (2018) emphasized that corruption is mailto:deddymursanto19@gmail.com mailto:muhqarim@gmail.com mailto:hendraumi88@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i2.496 jurnal hukum volkgeist deddy mursanto. 5(1): 1-7 15 a symptom of officials, state agencies misusing their authority by bribery, forgery, and other irregularities. of the many legal instruments and institutions that have been implemented in statutory policies to eradicate corruption in this republic, one of them is the system of reversing the burden of proof. (wiriadinata, 2017). the implementation of the system is expected to eliminate the level of evidentiary difficulties faced so far in eradicating corruption. corruption offenses and criminal offenses are generally carried out by various modus operandi for irregularities in state finances or the state economy, which are increasingly sophisticated and complicated. thus, many corruption cases/offenses have escaped the "network" of proof of the criminal procedure code (kuhap) system. therefore, the proof of the corruption crime law tries to implement a system of reversing the burden of proof, as applied in the malaysian criminal procedure system. (alfitra, 2011). positive legal provisions regarding corruption are regulated in law number 31 of 1999, as amended by law number 20 of 2001 concerning eradication of corruption crimes. in-law number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to law 31 of 1999 concerning eradication of corruption crimes. provisions regarding the reversal of the burden of proof are contained in article 12 b paragraph (1) letter a, article 37 a, and article 38 b. reversal of the burden of proof or "omkering van het bewijslat" (the reversal of the burden of proof), which is often called the reversal system. in general, it can be understood as a system that places the burden of proof on the accused to prove that he is not guilty of committing the criminal offense he is accused of and the guilt of the perpetrator. on the other hand, a reversal of the burden of proof can be carried out on the assets of the perpetrator of a criminal act of corruption so that the emphasis is on returning the state assets that were corrupted by the perpetrator(zebua et al., 2008). perpetrators of a criminal act of corruption are obliged to prove that their assets are charged or not charged by the public prosecutor that these assets do not originate from a criminal act of corruption. if he cannot prove it, then his testimony is used to strengthen the existing evidence that the defendant has committed a criminal act of corruption and that the defendant's assets are subject to confiscation. this is what is said to be a deviation from kuhap. it is understood that the party obliged to prove the accused's guilt perpetrated the offense associated with it under the criminal procedure code under the facts in criminal cases act. at the final stage of this verification activity by the judge must be based on the provisions of article 183 kuhap. the system of reversing the burden of proof is part of the proof, which is a strategic point in the criminal justice process, but the proof itself is a process that is prone to violations of human rights (ham), especially the rights of the suspect/defendant. recognition and guarantee of protection of the suspect/defendant's rights recognize international character's national and universal nature. based on the legal provisions applicable to the suspect/defendant in the criminal court process, his human rights still have a place and are guaranteed by law. this research evaluates if the burden of proof of corruption can be reversed in compliance with the relevant provisions, and the correct legislation for applying the reverse burden of proof framework to be carried out optimally. jurnal hukum volkgeist deddy mursanto. 5(1): 1-7 16 2. research methods 2.1 types of research this research uses normative juridical research methodology, namely legal research based on or referring to legal norms or norms in statutory regulations. the approach method used in this research is the statute approach. (ibrahim, 2006). 2.2 data collection technique literature data, which is the main research data, were collected and then analyzed the problem. the materials that will be collected include problems, principles, arguments, implementation, which are taken, alternative solutions related to reversal proof. then regarding the literature data used is literature in the field of criminal law, especially special criminal law, law of evidence and other legal rules relating to the system of reversing the burden of proof. 2.3 data analysis method the method of processing and analyzing data in this research is descriptive qualitative by describing the problems and facts described in writing from the literature and will be analyzed using the statutory approach to which a conclusion will be drawn. descriptions are made of the content and legal structure related to reversing the burden of proof in positive law in indonesia. to support and support the literature research results, it will be linked to secondary data for analysis, which aims to provide solutions to problems. 3. results changing needs and new perspectives on law are necessary for a process of change in society by expressing new values or new concepts in the political, economic, social and cultural fields. the process of changing society in all its aspects, the growth of conflicts of interest and the various crimes that accompany it, there is a real need to make regulations specifically in accordance with the growth of new values or new concepts. this condition has led to the occurrence of statutory regulations outside codification by containing special provisions as deviation laws corruption offenses are included in the special criminal law because the act of corruption is specific or uncommon. while the criminal code first regulated this corruptive act in some documents, but in changes within society, the criminal code laws are no longer thought to be effective. they can no longer respond to the growth of numerous modes of corrupt behavior in society, resulting in several perpets of fraud in finance and society. currently, the illegal act of corruption is said to be an 'extraordinary offence' because it has not only destroyed the finances or the infrastructure of the world, but it has violated human rights' economic and social rights. on that basis, the government then formed a special regulation regulating corruption as a criminal law policy in eradicating corruption. in examining corruption offenses currently in effect, there are two criminal procedural laws, namely procedural law as contained in the criminal procedure code and criminal procedural law, as reflected in law no.31 of the year jo. uu no. 20 of 2001, as a deviation from the procedural law in kuhap. according to martiman prodjohamidjojo, in proving corruption offenses, two theories are adopted: the free theory, the proof by the defendant, and the negative theory according to the law, carried out by the public prosecutor. free theory as implied in the general explanation and jurnal hukum volkgeist deddy mursanto. 5(1): 1-7 17 manifested in article 37 of law no. 31 of 1999 as amended and broken down into article 37, article 37 a in law no. 20 of 2001. as with special crimes outside the criminal code, the criminal act of corruption recognizes the law of evidence. in certain cases and in certain criminal acts, a special proof of law applies as an exception. in the law of evidence, especially regarding the burden of proof, there are several differences between the corruption law and the criminal procedure code. there are two main points of deviation from the law of evidence in the criminal law of corruption: (1) regarding materials that can be used to form evidence and guidance. (2) regarding the loading system of proof. regarding the imposition of evidence in the criminal law of corruption, there are several theories regarding the system of evidence loading. examined from the perspective of criminal law science, it is known that there are 3 (three) theories about the burden of proof, namely: the burden of proof on the public prosecutor, the burden of proof on the accused and the burden of proof is balanced. regarding what must be understood is the limited and balanced system of reversal of proof is said to be limited, meaning that this system is only applied to certain crimes, namely the offense of gratification relating to bribery and confiscation of the defendant's property, while reversal of the burden of proof is balanced in terms of gratification offenses relating to bribery, the public prosecutor only proves that there is a gift received by a civil servant or state official, while the defendant proves that the gift was not a gift. then the reversal of the burden of proof on property, the public prosecutor is obliged to prove the main criminal act other than the offense of gratification related to bribery, while the defendant proves that the property was obtained not from a criminal act of corruption. the provisions for reversing the burden of proof contained in article 37 of law no.31 of 1999, are said to be "shifting" or shift in proof instead of "reversal" because in article 37, the evidence the defendant makes to prove that he is not corrupt is only a relative right. and if the defendant exercises this right, the public prosecutor is still obliged to prove the indictment. this has come to be known as balanced proof. then, with the formation of law no. 20 of 2001, and the reversal of the burden of proof in article 12 b paragraph (1) letter a, article 37 a, and article 38 b, in these articles there are words it is obligatory for the defendant to prove and the public prosecutor is freed from some of the evidence, this condition is known as a "reversal" (reversal). the system of reversing the burden of proof in the corruption law in indonesia adopts a system of reversing the burden of proof that is limited and balanced, this can be seen in the general explanation of law no.31 of 1999 which states: in addition, this statute also provides limited or balanced reverse proof that the claimant has the right to show that he has not committed a fraudulent act of corruption and is obliged to inform his or her wife and/or husband, children, and all property. or a firm accused of being linked to the case in question and the public prosecutor is also obligated to prove the allegations. then in the explanation of article 37 of law no.31 of 1999 also states: …… according to this provision, the defendant can prove that he did not commit a criminal act of corruption. if the defendant can prove this it does not mean that he is proven to have committed corruption, because the public prosecutor is still jurnal hukum volkgeist deddy mursanto. 5(1): 1-7 18 obliged to prove his indictment. the provisions of this article constitute limited proof, because the prosecutor is still obliged to prove the charges. the purpose of limited and balanced inverse proof as described in the explanation of article 37 of law number 31 year 1999 above, if the further analysis is difficult to understand which results in multiple interpretations related to the definition of limited and balanced reverse evidence, due to lack of explanation further what is mentioned by the elucidation of the article regarding what is meant by that limited and balanced reverse proof. 3. discussion this analysis indicates that the minimal duty of proving reversal found in law no. 20 of 2001 on amendments to law no. 31 of 1999 on the eradication of corruption offenses can only be used to the gratuity of bribes as laid down in article 12b(1) letter a. the duty of evidence can also be reversed to the possession of the defendant who is guilty of connected to the alleged case (article 37a) and to the property of the defendant who is not accused and is suspected of having resulted in the illegal act of bribery (article 38 b). many of the criminal laws outside the codification or special criminal law have been stated in separate legislation because in the face of changes and developments in the sense of justice and the legal needs of a fast-moving society, codification (kuhp) as a source of law cannot follow due to the nature of the law. codification is static and rigid.special criminal law has the characteristic of regulating material and formal criminal law that is outside codification law, by containing norms, sanctions, and legal principles that are specially formulated to deviate because of the public's need for criminal law that contains rules of unconventional crime elements(poernomo, 1984). thus it is increasingly clear that the special criminal law which contains deviant provisions and becomes a law outside the kuhp is mentioned because of dissatisfaction with the criminal code which is no longer able to keep up with the times. with regard to this particular criminal law, (hamzah, 1991) states, two criteria indicate a special criminal law, namely, first, the people are special, meaning the subject or the perpetrators are special, and the second is the special act and deviation from the provisions of the general criminal law, not only regarding the material but also the law of procedure. the criminal law of corruption as a criminal law rooted in the special criminal law, besides containing material criminal law also contains formal criminal law. as a special formal criminal law only contains a small part of criminal procedural law, namely special things that are considered important as exceptions to the criminal procedure code, while apart from these special matters, formal criminal law as regulated in the kuhap remains as a codification of formal criminal law.(chazawi, 2008). article 26 of law number 31 year 1999 concerning eradication of corruption crimes determines that investigations, prosecutions, examinations in court proceedings are carried out based on the applicable procedural law, unless stipulated otherwise in this law. that is, the procedural law regulated by the corruption law only concerns specific or certain matters, while in general or matters related to procedural law that are not regulated in the corruption law, the codification of criminal procedural law remains in effect (kuhap). corruption is a part of special criminal law. if described, the criminal act of corruption has certain specifications that are different from general criminal law, such jurnal hukum volkgeist deddy mursanto. 5(1): 1-7 19 as irregularities in procedural law and material regulations with the aim of minimizing leakage and irregularities in the country's finances and economy. as for deviations from the formal law contained in the criminal act of corruption, among others: (a) giving priority to the handling of criminal acts of corruption from other cases. (b) it is possible to bypass bank secrets. (c) applicable judiciary in absentia. (d) a joint team can be formed under the coordination of the attorney general if a corruption case is difficult to prove. (e) the identity of the reporter must be kept confidential.(danil, 2011). reversed proof without the word "burden" can be interpreted as the absence of the burden of proof from the defendant, so it can be interpreted literally as seeing only the shift in the order of the evidence. however, despite the polemic, the public is quite familiar with the term "reverse proof" as part of the process of legal breakthroughs in order to facilitate proof of criminal cases of corruption.(seno, 2006). in the context of universal criminal cases that apply in this world, the obligation to prove the indictment against the suspect is with the public prosecutor. this proof is also called ordinary or "conventional" proof in this case the public prosecutor proves the defendant's guilt (actori incumbit onus probandi / actore non probante, reus absolvitur)(hiarriej, 2012). proof that is outside the normality of theoretical proof in universal criminal procedure law. in criminal procedural law, both the continental and anglo-saxon systems, recognize proof by continuing to impose its obligations on the public prosecutor. however, it is permissible to apply with a differential mechanism in certain cases, namely the reversal of the burden proof system or known as the "reversal of burden proof" (omkering van bewijslast). even then, it is not carried out as a whole, but it has the minimum limits of not destroying the protection and respect for human rights, especially suspects/defendants' rights.(seno, 2006). reversal of the burden of proof or what is known as reverse proof is divided into two, namely reversal of the burden of proof which is absolute (pure / absolute) and reversal of the burden of proof which is limited and balanced (affirmative defense). according to hiarriej (2012)reversal of the burden of proof which is absolute (absolute) is proof by the defendant that he is innocent is an obligation. there are only two possibilities whether the defendant cannot prove his innocence or whether the defendant can prove his innocence. this is in line with the opinion.mulyadi (2007) says that the reversal of the burden of proof that is absolute or pure is that the defendant and/or his legal advisor prove the defendant's innocence. 4. conclusion it can only be established that based on findings and consultations, a method of reversing the presumption of evidence is restricted as provided for under the act no. 20 of 2001, amending law no. 31 of 1999, relating to the eradication of crime of bribery, as governed in article 12b paragraph (1) letter a. reversal of the burden of evidence will also extend to a defendant's property which is claimed to be connected to the prosecution accused (article 37 a) and to the property of the defendant not convicted which is also believed to have been induced by a criminal act of wrongdoing (article 38 b). references alfitra. 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(moh. kusnardi, 1983) general elections cannot be separated by politics, because elections are a means of power to achieve common goals, where this election is expected to produce leaders who are truly elected by the people, come from the people and will work for the interests of the people as well as the president and vice president. . according to hasmin tamsah, one of the most important goals in direct regional elections is to select qualified leaders who can actually be measured by various instruments, such as education level and competence. however, as political officials, the elected regional heads must be generally accepted people in which they will lead so that broad support is deemed necessary. not only public support, but support from all parties including the political elite at the national and central government levels. a quality leader is the dream of all parties, including the general public who longs for quality leaders who are expected to uplift their dignity.(tamsah, 2020) political participation is an important part of the running of a democracy, where democracy can be measured by the high or low level of public participation in its participation in celebrating the democratic party. political participation greatly influences the legitimacy of society for the elected candidate or pair of candidates, and also serves as an evaluation and control of the community towards leaders or governments. in organizing regional head elections from year to year there are no problems. of the various problems, the most crucial which occurred before the implementation of the pilkada were related to the neutrality of the village head and village officials. often there are village heads and village officials who are involved in practical politics, where they play a role as a political mobilizer for the community to win one candidate pair in the regional head general election. the siding of the village head and village officials to one of the candidate pairs is of course contrary to the provisions stipulated in the law. based on law number 6 of 2014 concerning villages in article 29 and article 51 letters g and j "village heads and village officials are prohibited from becoming administrators of political parties and participating and / or being involved in general election campaigns and / or regional head elections. and in addition to that article 280 paragraph (2) letter h, letter i and letter j law of the republic of indonesia number 7 of 2017 concerning general elections emphasizes that "village heads, village officials and bpd members are prohibited from participating in the campaign. the non-neutrality of village heads and village officials in regional head elections is in sharp contrast to their positions as government officials who are expected to be neutral in politics. this will raise a question in the community, can the village head and jurnal hukum volkgeist asbudi dwi saputra. 5(1): 81-87 83 village officials get involved in practical politics? where the law has confirmed that village heads and village officials are prohibited from participating in practical politics. in addition, the administering power is so strong and very dominant without being able to be corrected by any agency or court is also the cause of this neutrality.(leo, 2009) departing from the facts and main problems above, the researcher will raise the problems that have occurred in luwu regency related to the participation of several village heads and village officials in practical politics where this case has received a permanent legal decision from the palopo district court. for this reason, the author will review and analyze the legal issues of the problem to be studied, both from the election organizers, in this case the role of the election supervisory body in carrying out prevention and prosecution functions for village heads and village officials who are involved in practical politics and the factors that affect the head villages are involved in practical politics. 2. method location this research was conducted in the area of luwu regency in accordance with the location of the object of the problem under study. this type of research in this paper uses normative legal research methods. according to peter mahmud marzuki that normative legal research is "a step to find a rule of law, legal principles, and legal doctrines in order to answer the legal issues faced"(marzuki, 2005) 3. results 3.1. implementation of the functions of the election supervisory body in efforts to prevent and enforce the neutrality of village heads in regional head elections. the law regarding elections, be it general election or regional head election, is the law that is recorded to have changed the most frequently. almost every time an election is held in indonesia, it is certain that there will be a new law governing the process of holding the election. in fact, there is an adage that states that the law which is frequently changed has ceased to be law. such a statement would like to say that the law should not be changed frequently because it will reduce its quality as law, which lon fuller calls "fail to make law". one of the failures in making laws is when the regulations are frequently changed so that "the subject can not orient his action by them".(rahardjo, 2007) in the process of regional head election in indonesia, it cannot be denied that there are still many violations that have occurred and do not appear on the surface. this is because first, competition between pairs of candidates does not result in tight control between pairs of candidates, on the contrary creates duplication of violations. this means that if one pair of candidates and the campaign team violate the election regulations, the other candidate pairs and campaign teams do not question and report the violation to the pilkada supervisory committee, but instead imitate the violation. this happens because no candidate pair has the confidence to appear as a clean candidate pair. in addition, candidate pairs are also not supported by a campaign team that has integrity and experience and skills in managing elections.(supriyanto, 2013) as a law-based democracy and a democratic constitutional state (democratische rechtstaat), of course it must provide a legal mechanism to resolve possible election violations so that the election remains legitimate.(fajar, 2009) this shows that the jurnal hukum volkgeist asbudi dwi saputra. 5(1): 81-87 84 election process and regional head elections as a political process are not without problems. violations are very possible, whether intentional or unintentional. therefore, there needs to be a legal mechanism that is clearly and firmly regulated in the administration of elections to resolve various violations of elections and general elections for regional heads. in holding regional head elections, government officials must have an attitude that is not detrimental to any party, especially detrimental to those who will run for regional head elections, but in its implementation in the field, the election process has found many violations. like the case that occurred in the 2018 regional head election in luwu regency, which was the finding of the luwu regency election supervisory agency, where a tirowali village head was involved in practical politics. based on the findings of the luwu regency panwaslu, the village head was also present in the dialogue campaign carried out by one of the candidate pairs. the presence of the village head at the campaign activity has hinted at siding with one of the candidate pairs, this is reinforced by the attributes and symbols used when participating in campaign activities, where the village head has openly used his private vehicle which has been compared to a sticker of one of the pairs candidate as well as a photo with the pair of candidates posing as a symbol of the candidate pair. the demand for the village head and his apparatus to be neutral is a mandate of the applicable law. as stipulated in the provisions of law no. 6 of 2014 concerning villages, it states that the village head is prohibited from making decisions that benefit himself, family members, other parties or certain groups. the village head is also prohibited from becoming a political party administrator and participating or being involved in the election or regional election campaign. then in the provisions of law no. 10 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to law no. 1 of 2015 concerning stipulation of government regulations in lieu of law no. 1 of 2014 concerning the election of governors, regents and mayors into law, states in article 71 which states that state officials, regional officials, state civil apparatus officials, members of the tni / polri, and village heads or other designations / lurah are prohibited from making decisions and / or actions that benefit or disadvantage a pair of candidates. in the current regulations, bawaslu has duties, one of which is to oversee the implementation of the general election and pemilukada in order to prevent violations. law number 7 of 2017 and law number 10 of 2016 are the main legal basis for handling repressively violations of elections and regional head elections. to prevent the occurrence of non-neutrality of village heads in elections and regional head elections. the role of bawaslu is very decisive, in carrying out the function of prevention and enforcement. bawaslu and all levels are expected to be more optimal and play an active role in conducting supervision. there is a strategic and significant function of bawaslu, namely how to avoid potential electoral violations by implementing optimal prevention strategies. bawaslu is also expected to be able to take firm, effective action and become a fair election judge. (https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2018/03/13/08160081/peranbawaslu-dan-pemilu-yang-berintegritas?page=all) bawaslu should be a solution to various demands to supervise and take action against various election violations committed by anyone. this will happen if it is accompanied by strict sanctions against every election violator, and vice versa if the jurnal hukum volkgeist asbudi dwi saputra. 5(1): 81-87 85 threat that threatens is only a written warning, of course the sanction will not have a preventive or deterrent effect. the role of bawaslu in carrying out the function of prevention and prosecution of the village head and its apparatus must involve all elements, both elements of society and stakeholders. one very important aspect in enforcing the neutrality of the village head and village officials is the aspect of supervision. 3.2. factors affecting the non-neutrality of the village head in pemilukada. leadership is part of power, but not the other way around. as with power, leadership is a relationship between parties who have influence and people who are influenced and is also the ability to use sources of influence effectively. in contrast, leadership power places more emphasis on the ability to use persuasion to influence followers. leadership is a relationship where a person (leader) influences others to be willing to work together to carry out interrelated tasks in order to achieve the common goals desired by the leader and his subordinates.(amirullah, 2004) the main task of the apparatus is as a servant of the state and a servant of society. it is clearly outlined in the fourth paragraph of the 1945 constitution, which includes 4 (four) aspects of the apparatus' main service to society, namely protecting the entire indonesian nation and all indonesian bloodshed, advancing public welfare, educating the nation's life and implementing world order based on independence, eternal peace and social justice. the village head is a bureaucrat who has the highest power at the village level, where the village head plays an important role in the process of running the village government towards community welfare. the figure of the village head is a person who is highly respected in the community. apart from being the village leader, the village head is also a local elite who is very influential for the community. the magnitude of the influence of the position of the village head on the community, often makes him a role model for the community so far, the democratic process has not fully illustrated the community's understanding of the meaning of democracy. village communities, who on average are still low-educated, understand politics only to the extent of a people's party which is held every five years, and the political participation that is carried out by the community is still influenced by the movements of the powerful parties, including the village head. being neutral ahead of the democratic regional head election, of course, is not aimed solely at officials planning to re-nominate or in other terms the incumbent. but one thing that needs to be understood is that a village head must be able to position himself as a public servant, not serve the personal interests of individuals and / or certain candidates. according to yamin, there are two main indicators of political neutrality, namely: 1. not involved, meaning not being a successful team of candidate candidates during the campaign period or participating in the campaign either by using party attributes or civil servant attributes. jurnal hukum volkgeist asbudi dwi saputra. 5(1): 81-87 86 2. not taking sides, in the sense of not helping in making decisions and / or actions that benefit one of the pairs of candidates, not holding activities that lead to taking sides with one of the pairs of candidates for regional head / deputy regional head during the campaign period including meetings, invitations, appeals , calls for, or gives goods to civil servants within the scope of their work unit, family members and the community, and does not assist in using state facilities related to positions in the context of winning over one of the candidate pairs for regional head / deputy regional head during the campaign period. the role of the village head as the administrator of the village administration mandated by law is sometimes not implemented properly when the momentum of general elections or regional head elections approaches. the case of the head of the tirowali village in luwu regency who is entangled in practical politics indicates that in the holding of elections and regional head elections there are still many village heads who become supporters of certain candidates. the role of the village head and village officials is to guide the community, provide direction to the community, and collaborate with the community to create a culture and a democratic climate that is healthy and honest, but instead becomes a tool for the interests of certain candidate pairs which will ultimately cause harm to the community at large. in regional head elections, the village head and village officials can be subject to criminal sanctions if they are proven to have committed a violation by making decisions such as activities and programs in the village and also carrying out actions or actions that lead to taking sides with one of the pairs of candidates or regional head candidates who are indicated to be detrimental other candidates, for example, participate in campaign activities. likewise, regional head candidates involving village heads and village officials may be subject to criminal sanctions as candidates for regional head. the existence of criminal sanctions against village heads and village officials who are involved in practical politics as regulated in the provisions of law no.7 of 2017 in article 521 are subject to imprisonment of up to 2 years and a maximum fine of 24 million, besides that in article 189 of the law law no. 10 of 2016 jo law no. 1 of 2015 is subject to a maximum imprisonment of 6 months and a maximum fine of 6 million. however, the threat of criminal sanctions against the village head and village officials who violate the prohibition to engage in practical politics is apparently not enough to create fear and deterrence for those who have intentions to cheat. the partiality or non-neutrality of the village head and village officials in the elections and regional head elections is influenced by several factors: 1. the existence of a primordial or kinship relationship between the village head and the regional head candidates certainly has a very strong effect on neutrality. 2. there is a lure or attractive offer from one of the candidate pairs for his position as village head. 3. the village head lacks understanding of regulations related to neutrality. 4. there was intimidation or pressure from one of the pairs of candidates 5. sanctions for violations of neutrality do not create a deterrent effect jurnal hukum volkgeist asbudi dwi saputra. 5(1): 81-87 87 6. the level of awareness of the village head is still low on the importance of being neutral in administering government, development, and public services and considers taking sides as something normal. in order to stem or minimize the involvement of the village head in practical politics, steps are not easy. the most important thing to pay attention to is political education related to neutrality in elections and regional head elections, so that in the future the village head has a better understanding of its main duties and functions as part of the government bureaucracy. 4. conclusion the non-neutrality of the village head is still a crucial problem in the event of a democratic party, both in general elections and regional head elections, this cannot be separated from the lack of participation and synergy between stakeholders in supervision. to achieve democratic and quality elections, professional election organizers who have integrity, capability and accountability are required. so that the role and function of bawaslu in carrying out the function of preventing and prosecuting violations as stipulated in law no.7 of 2017 is to ensure that general elections are actually carried out based on the principles of general elections and in the corridor of laws and regulations. the involvement of the village head and village officials in practical politics indicates that the bureaucracy can still be ridden by anyone's interests. primordial or kinship relationships, transactional politics, weak sanctions, and low awareness of the village head of the importance of being neutral are factors that influence the neutrality of the village head and village officials in creating a culture and a democratic climate that is healthy and honest. references amirullah. 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(2020). menakar manfaat pemilihan langsung. retrieved from tribunnews.com website: http://makassar.tribunnews.com/2013/04/ll/menakarmanfaatpemilihan-langsung jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 4 issue 2, june 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 128 students and terrorism: study of student understanding law no 5 of 2018 on combatation of criminal acts of terrorism in iain surakarta lukman harahap1, shofwan anwar2 abstract author’s information: this article aims to know in real student's understanding of law no. 5 of year 2018 on combating criminal acts of terrorism. the data collection techniques used in this study use interviews, observations and documentation. meanwhile the analysis used in this research is a qualitative descriptive. simultaneous, planned and integrated aspects of prevention need to forward to minimize the occurrence of criminal acts of terrorism. the optimal prevention is done by involving ministries or related institutions as well as all components of the nation through the efforts of national preparedness, counter radicalisation, and deradicalisation coordinated by the national management agency terrorism. to optimize the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism, it is necessary to strengthen institutional functions, especially the coordination functions held with the national agency for terrorism counter following its oversight mechanisms. while it relates to the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism in indonesia is not merely a matter of law and law enforcement but it is also a social, cultural, economic problem closely related to the issue of national resilience so that policies and precautions and pemberantasannyapun are aimed at maintaining balance in the obligation to protect the sovereignty of the state, the rights of victims and witnesses, and the rights of suspects/defendants. keywords: terorism, student, criminal act 1 institut agama islam negeri (iain) surakarta (gus.lukman@gmail.com) 2 institut agama islam negeri (iain) surakarta (shofwananwar.sa58@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v4i2.449 1. introduction study of understanding of law number 5 of the year 2018 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism is an explanation of the changes in law number 15 year 2003 on the determination of government replacement act number 1 year 2002 related to the eradication of terrorism in the country of indonesia. acts of terrorism become a threat to the stability of countries that must be carried out special handling both curative and prefenctive. on curative handbook conducted by law enforcement officers, while the community and educational institutions can contribute in order to make a prefenctive effort. therefore, the support of various elements participate actively in the framework of the eradication of terrorism according to their respective capacities. one of its prevention efforts is to form a society of civility or known as the civil society. the term civil society has a shift in meaning, in line with the dynamics of thought and factors that surround the context in which the civil society is applied. eisenstadt proposed four civil society components as a suatuprasaric of modern democracy and helped to transition from an authoritarian or totalitarian regime to democracy (lipset, 1995): firstly, the autonomy of the country against individuals and mailto:gus.lukman@gmail.com mailto:shofwananwar.sa58@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v4i2.496 jurnal hukum volkgeist lukman harahap. 4(2): 128-136 129 groups; secondly, on the one hand, the community and the organisations or institutions have access to various state institutions, but on the other hand they receive a certain commitment to the political community and the various regulations, that is, there is reciprocal and mutually beneficial interaction between the country and the community; third, there is a public space (public arenas) that can be used as a public to familialize themselves/interests that are relatively free from state intervention; and fourth, the public has access to the public space. in the context of indonesia where the process of democratization continues to walk the civil society is a political ideals, although on its way until now the achievement of the goal is not something easy. political socialization in indonesia, which includes giving birth to political education, has not given enough space for the development of the civil society. (gafar, 2000) this, among other things, is caused by conditions where children in the family, are not educated to become independent family elements. children even experience alienation in family politics where the important decision of the family is taken, including the decision on the interest of the child itself into adult domination. in addition, the political level of society in indonesia is still very low. most of our society, especially the middle and lower classes, still see that getting involved in public discourse about the rights and obligations of citizens, human rights and the like is not an important scale of priority. with such conditions, socialization of the politics of the new society to the cognitive plains, has not yet related to the evaluative dimensions of the emerging political issues in the society itself. this condition affects the development of the civil society in indonesia. the word radicalism is reviewed in terms of the terminologically derived from the basic radix word meaning root (tree). radicalism is an understanding or genre that remembers social and political change or renewal in a violent or drastic way. the essence of radicalism is the concept of soul attitude in carrying change. meanwhile, wikipedia's radicalism is an understanding of a group of people who desire drastic social and political change or renewal using violent means. when viewed from a religious point of view can be interpreted as religious as referring to the very basic religious foundations with very high religious fanaticism, so it is not uncommon followers of the understanding/flow using violence to different people understand/stream to actualize the religious understanding that is embraced and believed to be accepted forcibly. the meaning of radicalism is the movement of the colot and often uses violence in teaching their beliefs. while islam is a religion of peace. islam never justifies the practice of violent use in spreading religious, religious and political understanding. etymologically terrorism comes from the word "to terror" in english. semntara in latin is called terrere which means "to tremble" or to thrill. theorism in the sense of war has a definition as a coordinated attack aimed at raising the feelings of terror (fear), as well as causing the victims of a massif for civilians by bombing or suicide bombing. (yunus, 2017) law no. 5 of 2018 on combating criminal acts of terrorism says that terrorism is a crime against humanity and civilization and is one of the serious threats to the sovereignty of each country due to terrorism is already an international crime that poses a danger to the security, world peace and the detriment of the welfare of the community so that it is necessary to eradicate in planning and sustainable so that human rights many people can be protected and held high. it is further said that the eradication of terrorism crime in indonesia is a proactive policy and anticipatory step that is based on caution and long-term because: first, indonesian society is a multi-ethnic society with diverse and inhabited hundreds of thousands of islands scattered throughout the jurnal hukum volkgeist lukman harahap. 4(2): 128-136 130 archipelago and some of which are located bordered by other countries; secondly, with the characteristics of the indonesian community all components of the nation of indonesia are obligated to maintain and raise vigilance against all forms of activities that constitute a criminal act of terrorism which is international; third, the conflicts that occurred lately very detrimental to the life of nation and state and is a decline of civilization and can be used as a place of the fertile criminal acts of terrorism that are internationally wellindonesian citizen as well as by foreigners. the movements of the radicalism are religious or more broadly sara (ethnic, religious, racial and inter-group), potentially arising while there are factors that trigger it and sometimes utilize the weaknesses of security forces and state institutions in general. minority groups are trying to impose his will not only in subtle ways even with more vulgar mode like the movements that occur in the actions taken by the group that can then lead to the actions of anarchism and persecution. violent ways as often brought about by radical groups are a manifestation of the common terror movement as formulated in the laws of terrorism. the movement of terrorism is often presented with the democratization which is growing rapidly in the homeland. the causability between democracy and terrorism has been demonstrated by several authors, including eubank and weinberg, stating that there is a link between terrorism and the type of democratic regime with terrorism. found that terrorism is far more frequent in a democratic society than a society led by an authoritarian regime. (lele, 2005) it is further said that the two are also of the view that countries experiencing the transition to democracy have a tendency to have more frequent terrorist attacks. terrorism is more often afflicted with established democratic countries and if it is found in other countries, victims of such attacks are largely of democratic countries. this is certainly acceptable with common sense, where in especially emerging democracy countries, it will always give freedom to its citizens to brainstorm, set up an organization and conduct a number of actions within certain boundaries can still be tolerated. however, in a higher level, these actions are sometimes aimed at certain groups by promoting non-deliberation ways. the college is one of the pillars of the establishment of the civil society that invites all the important civitas to play a role in the counter-terrorism efforts. students belonging to young adulthood experience a period of self-adjustment to the patterns of life and new social expectations. they are expected to play new roles, such as the role of a leader on campus or off-campus constitution, as a child, or as a husband/wife, parent or as a breadwinner. in addition, they are expected to develop new attitudes, desires and new values according to their duties. in addition, physically, a young adult displays a perfect profile in the sense that the growth and development of physiological aspects has reached the peak position. they have the durability and level of excellent health so that in conducting various activities appear initiative, creative, energetic, fast and proactive. (dariyo, 2003) one of the other avenues to the development of the civil society in indonesia according to halili is the implementation of political education for the citizens systematically through formal activities, and on the other side political ideological doctrines. (halili, 2006) over the years the government imposed the doctrine of government political ideology wrapped in formal education, such as p4 and pmp, as a form of an ethatic state intervention. moreover, the indoctrination is accompanied by repressive threats with the reason of subversion. political education in formal education should be viewed as one of the rights of citizens in order to increase politics literacy and political participation. in this case, political education can be packaged in citizenship education format such as in developed democracies known as civic education or jurnal hukum volkgeist lukman harahap. 4(2): 128-136 131 citizenship terminology. but so many prospects that allow the realization of civil society does not necessarily commit to the ease of implementation in the field, it remembers all prospects that there is surely born with the challenge. these challenges include the high social fragmentation, the unprecedented development of the results, and the strong political culture of paternalistic. moving on from the description, the author intends to conduct research with the title of students and terrorism: study of student understanding of law no. 5 year 2018 on the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism in iain surakarta. 2. method this research is a qualitative study. this research aims to know in real student's understanding of law no. 5 of year 2018 on combating criminal acts of terrorism. the data collection techniques used in this study use interviews, observations and documentation. meanwhile the analysis used in this research is a qualitative descriptive. analysis is conducted through, first, data collection in the form of legislation that became the object of research; second, reduce data by categorisation or initial identification to determine the subject to be used; third, presenting data that is presented with verbal writings or words systematically; and fourth, draw conclusions. 3. student understanding law number 5 of 2018 on combatation of criminal acts of terrorism terrorism is a crime against humanity and civilization and is one of the serious threats to the sovereignty of each country because terrorism is already an international crime that poses a danger to security, world peace and the detriment of the welfare of society so that it needs to be eradicating the plan and sustainability so that the rights of many people can be protected and held high. the eradication of terrorism crimes in indonesia is a proactive policy and anticipatory step that is based on long-term prudence. terrorism becomes a very real threat. on the one hand emerging democratic ripples that emphasize the values of equality and fairness, while on the other hand emerging economic waves of the market are very in dominance by capitalism. along with the condition also appears terrorism acts in the form of suicide bomb action, religious radicalism, creating terror in the community, book bombs and so forth. religion is often the material of ammunition in every act of terrorism. every religion is very condemning against acts of terrorism. religion is very distant and even very different from acts of terrorism. but all of the violent terrorism events that occur in the homeland do not simply be separated from the religious understanding of the script, the narrow thinking, the jumud, the exclusive, which in turn breeds the ideology of radicalism. the interpretation of religion to commit violence based on the religious spirit is the denial of true religious doctrine. a narrow, partial interpretation, which is made legitimacy in committing terror to spread fear and worry to others or a specific group called religious terrorism. radicalism is always attributed to the political ideology that championed fundamental changes in a setting or system, such as the economic, political, social, cultural and educational systems and other aspects of life. as an ideology or political understanding, radicalism contains a set of ideas or ideas about the form of society and state, radicalism also contains strategies and tactics to bring the idea to life. in addition radicalism demanded the seriousness of his men to achieve his political goals. in general, the cause or motive of terrorism is the injustice, poverty, retardation and inaction of some communities in a country. the injustices, poverty and retardation that occur in some countries, especially muslim countries are caused by the state of jurnal hukum volkgeist lukman harahap. 4(2): 128-136 132 global imperialism. terrorism in indonesia is essentially not a character of the indonesian nation, but rather a political conflict that uses religion and the believers. terrorism actions in indonesia involving some groups of muslims show very strong political motives. another motive of all bomb blasting and terrorism action in indonesia is the motive of religious sentiment. these religious motifs are more dominant than other moti-motifs. religion has been the main trigger of various acts of terrorism that ravaged indonesia for the last five years. the most concerned terrorists use jihad terminology in every bomb blasting they do. terrorism is a study of humanity that is deeply engaged with true human values. whether it be the law of culture, idiology, political and religious systems. the neglect of the poor, the occurrence of the wide chasm between the rich and the poor, not fulfilling the rights of society, the loss of elite sensitivity to the fate of its citizens, the orientation of development that only prioritize physical aspects, less attention to the aspects of the ruhani and social-religious values of the community, widespread violence and conflict, and others are factors that can fertilize terrorism. since the beginning of independence until the reform of terrorism action is always in the form, motifs and movements are different and with different countermeasures strategy. terrorism is an act of crime that has roots and complex networks that can not only be approached by an institutional approach through law enforcement alone. the involvement of community communities especially the environment of educational institutions, families and the community and the young generation itself in preventing terrorism is very important. it is therefore necessary to engage all components of society in combating terrorism. young generations are vulnerable to the teaching and solicitation spread by radical groups both directly and through online media. efforts to fortify the younger generation of the doctrinal and solicitation of violence become common tasks. there are three very important social institutions to portray themselves in protecting the younger generation. first, education, through the role of educational institutions, teachers and curriculum in strengthening the national insight, moderate and tolerant attitudes to the young generation. second, the family, through the role of parents in instilling love and affection for the younger generation and making the family as a unit of consultation and discussion. third, community: through the role of community leaders in the community in creating a space conducive for the creation of a culture of peace among the young generation. in addition to an institutional role through institutional education, family and community environment. young generations are also required to have a strong imuntas and power of appeal in the face of the radical influence and invitation of terrorism. explanation of law number 5 year 2018 about pemberantassan criminal acts of terrorism said that some of the content material set out in this law, among others, is the prevention of criminal acts of terrorism implemented by the corresponding to the functions and authorities of each of which are coordinated by the national agency for counter-terrorism. from here it can be seen that there are two main points in the eradication of terrorism crime, namely: prevention and countermeasures. prevention is regulated in article 43a up to 43d, while countermeasures are set out in article 43e up to 43g. in connection with the prevention of criminal acts of terrorism, article 43a mentions that the government is obliged to prevent criminal acts of terrorism. in the efforts to prevent criminal acts of terrorism, the government is continuously jurnal hukum volkgeist lukman harahap. 4(2): 128-136 133 anticipating measures based on the principles of protection of human rights and the principles of prudence. while prevention is carried out through national preparedness; counter radicalisation; and deradicalisation. in this provision referred to as "prudence principle" is a principle that states that in carrying out functions and prevention tasks, the competent officer is always prudent in order to provide the protection of the law individual rights or groups of persons entrusted to the officer. the following article further describes the prevention of criminal acts of terrorism as provided for in article 43a clause 3. first, article 43b, stating that national preparedness is a condition of standby to anticipate terrorism crime through a planned, unified, systematic, and ongoing process undertaken by the government through community empowerment, enhancement of apparatus capability, protection and improvement of infrastructure, development of terrorism studies, and mapping of radical vulnerable areas of terrorism. second, article 43c explains the counter-radicalisation is a planned, unified, systematic, and ongoing process implemented against persons or groups of people susceptible to exposure to radical terrorism that is intended to stop the spread of radical terrorism, which is done directly or indirectly through the contra narrative, counter propaganda, or counter ideology. third, chapter 43d, mentioning deradicalisation is a planned, unified, systematic, and ongoing process that is implemented to eliminate or mitigate and reverse the radical understanding of terrorism that has occurred, done to: suspect; defendant convicted inmates ex-terrorism convicts; or people or groups of people who have been exposed to radical terrorism, and are based on identification and judgment. deradicalisation is given through stages: identification and judgment; rehabilitation reeducation; and social reintegration. meanwhile, deradicalisation of people or groups of people can be implemented through: the development of national insights; coaching religious insights; and/or entrepreneurship. counterterrorism crime prevention is regulated in article 43e up to 43g. article 43e mentions that the agency that conducts the affairs in the field of counter-terrorism hereinafter referred to as the national agency for counter-terrorism, is under and responsible to the president. the national agency for counter-terrorism itself is explained to be the center of analysis and crisis control that serves as a facility for the president to establish crisis policies and measures, including the deployment of resources in dealing with terrorism. article 43f emphasizes the need for a functioning national agency for combating terrorism: to develop and establish policies, strategies, and national programs in the field of counterterrorism; conducting policy coordination, strategy, and national programs in the field of counterterrorism; and conducting national preparedness, counter radicalisation, and deradicalisation. meanwhile, on article 43g, the national agency for counter terrorism is in charge: formulating, coordinating, and implementing policies, strategies, and national programs of counter-terrorism in the field of national preparedness, counter radicalisation, and deradicalisation; coordinating the inter-law enforcement in combating terrorism; coordinating the victims recovery program; and to formulate, coordinate and implement policies, strategies, and national programs of counter-terrorism in the field of international cooperation. students are significantly able to interpret the prevention and countermeasures of terrorism crime, as follows: first, prevention of criminal acts of terrorism. in the simultaneous eradication of combatant terrorism, the planned and integrated prevention needs forward to minimize the occurrence of criminal acts of terrorism. the optimal prevention is done by involving ministries or related institutions as well as all components of the nation through the efforts of national preparedness, counter jurnal hukum volkgeist lukman harahap. 4(2): 128-136 134 radicalisation, and deradicalisation coordinated by the national management agency terrorism. to optimize the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism, it is necessary to strengthen institutional functions, especially the coordination functions held with the national agency for terrorism counter following its oversight mechanisms. second, counterterrorism crime prevention. the eradication of terrorism crimes in indonesia is not merely a matter of law and law enforcement but it is also a social, cultural, economic problem that closely relates to national resilience issues so that policies and measures prevention aimed at maintaining balance in the obligation to protect the sovereignty of the state, the rights of victims and witnesses, and the birthright of suspects/defendants. the civil society is also understood as a life-setting that allows the alignment of relations between citizens and countries on the basis of mutual respect. civil society is actually an idea that continues to championed its manifestation in order to eventually form a moral society, law-conscious society, civilized society or the establishment of a good social order, orderly and progressive with a democratic system of governance. civil society and democracy are two interconnected, correlated entities. in civil society, citizens work together to build social bonds, productive networks and non-govermental solidarity to develop a common good. therefore, the central pressure of the civil society is its independension against a country. from here then the civil society is understood as resourceful and early democracy's association. historically, institutional civil society in indonesia has emerged when the transformation process due to modernization occurs and results in new formation that is different from traditional people. the roots of the civil society in indonesia can be historically taken from the era of socio-economic change during the colonial period, especially when capitalism of the french began to be introduced by the dutch. the civil society must be distinguished by tribes, clans, or networks of clientelism, as the main variables therein are the nature of autonomy, public and civic. the necessity of freedom and openness for union, assembly, and issuing the same opinion and opportunity in maintaining public interest. the growth of the civil society has a significant link to the growing regime that carries democracy as its understanding and ideological. in government-savvy democracy provides a very broad opportunity to all individuals in the economic field. the concept of civil society essentially contains some problems in its application. that is, understanding and interpretation change over time. not only does it change in dimension of time, but the meaning of the term is different to contemporary thinkers in the past and today. that is why people's perception of civil society is different today. similarly, the usage of certain terms can lead to different associations and perceptions. it depends on the information and knowledge of the person or group in question. in civil society, there are universal values on and which eliminate all forms of particularism and sectarianism. it is in the process of democracy to be a very significant element, where each individual, ethnicity and group is able to respect diversity and respect every decision. in connection with the prevention of terrorism, it is necessary to understand in advance that religion is often a material ammunition in every act of terrorism. every religion is very condemning against acts of terrorism. religion is very distant and even very different from acts of terrorism. but all of the violent terrorism events that occur in the homeland do not simply be separated from the religious understanding of the script, the narrow thinking, the jumud, the exclusive, which in turn breeds the ideology of radicalism. the interpretation of religion to commit violence based on the religious spirit is the denial of true religious doctrine. a narrow, partial interpretation, which is made legitimacy in committing terror to spread fear and worry to others or a specific jurnal hukum volkgeist lukman harahap. 4(2): 128-136 135 group called religious terrorism. radicalism and terrorism are seen from the side of ideology, the principle of democracy and the country of law and national character of indonesia in fact there is no place for radicalism and terrorism itself. it is very clear ideology in pancasila, there is the divine principle of the almighty, the principles of fair and civilized humanity, the principle of unity, the principle of deliberation, and justice while the ends radicalism falls on the contrary conditions the principles of democracy and a fair and civilized society. developing a critical attitude of the prinsipiil and sensitivity of conscience including critical to oneself in order to realize a society that is free, orderly, fair and prosperous is the task of all parties. efforts to fortify the younger generation of the doctrinal and solicitation of violence become common tasks. there are three very important social institutions to portray themselves in protecting the younger generation. first, education, through the role of educational institutions, teachers and curriculum in strengthening the national insight, moderate and tolerant attitudes to the young generation. second, the family, through the role of parents in instilling love and affection for the younger generation and making the family as a unit of consultation and discussion. third, community: through the role of community leaders in the community in creating a space conducive for the creation of a culture of peace among the young generation. in addition to an institutional role through institutional education, family and community environment. young generations are also required to have a strong imuntas and power of appeal in the face of the radical influence and invitation of terrorism. a truly open and democratic system of governance is not a threat to the welfare of individuals and common welfare, but rather a way in which a nation can explore its overall potential, both in the economic field and in political field. democracy requires a running democracy structure: a legislative body representing citizens and supervising executives; elections where voters actually chose their leaders; a judicial body that upholds the law and is independent of outside influences; a checks and balances system within the community; institutions and leaders who are sued publicly. active support and collaboration between civil society, associations and political organisations that are strong and inclusive, in their partnership with living civil society must be accepted as balanced equity to be able to acquire the system more transparent and more participatory governance. in conducting the oppressing and prevention of the movement of terrorism, it is necessary to know about the terrorism motiv-motiv that occurred in indonesia and its relation to the religious radikalime. thus the identification and mapping of terrorism motiv and religious radicalism can be used as the basis in the prevention and action of terrorism practices that occur in indonesia. terrorism is not an ordinary crime, like other crimes, as the conclusion of the law has been claimed to be an extraordinary crime. considering terrorism especially that struck indonesia last five years only as a criminal act or extraordinary crime is an attitude and a view that is not comprehensive and impressed in a hurry. such attitudes and views will in turn cause mistakes in the counter-terrorism efforts themselves. to avoid fatal errors against the possibilities of acts of terrorism, it is necessary to trace the patterns of terrorism that hit. some people or groups have particular interests or missions to develop the understand or ideology of terrorism that endangers the nation through preventive and blocking actions. criminal acts of terrorism as well as other radicalism are remarkable crimes therefore must be done comprehensively. the completion of terrorism is not only done by enforcement and enforcing the law (hard power) but most importantly touching the problem with the prevention effort (soft power). jurnal hukum volkgeist lukman harahap. 4(2): 128-136 136 4. conclusion the civil society is essentially a concept of the keumatan in shaping society in line with certain powers, norms or religions so as to create a desired positive condition. furthermore, the civil society is aimed at protecting the freedoms and property rights of citizens. for this reason, it cannot be absolute, and should be limited to its role in areas that cannot be managed by the community, and provide a natural space for the country to obtain its rights reasonably. this is where there is a favorable relationship between state rights and citizens ' rights. in the simultaneous eradication of combatant terrorism, the planned and integrated prevention needs forward to minimize the occurrence of criminal acts of terrorism. the optimal prevention is done by involving ministries or related institutions as well as all components of the nation through the efforts of national preparedness, counter radicalisation, and deradicalisation coordinated by the national management agency terrorism. to optimize the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism, it is necessary to strengthen institutional functions, especially the coordination functions held with the national agency for terrorism counter following its oversight mechanisms. while it relates to the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism in indonesia is not merely a matter of law and law enforcement but it is also a social, cultural, economic problem closely related to the issue of national resilience so that policies and precautions and pemberantasannyapun are aimed at maintaining balance in the obligation to protect the sovereignty of the state, the rights of victims and witnesses, and the rights of suspects/defendants. references dariyo, a. (2003). psikologi perkembangan dewasa muda. grasindo-gramedia widiasarana indonesia. gafar, a. (2000). politik indonesia transisi menuju demokrasi. pustaka belajar. halili. (2006). masa depan civil society di indonesia: prospek dan tantangan. civics (jurnal kajian kewarganegaraan), 3(2). lele, g. (2005). terorisme dan demokrasi. jurnal ilmu sosial dan ilmu politik, fisip unikom, bandung, 9(1). lipset, s. m. (1995). civil society. in the encyclopedia of democracy, volume. congressional quarterly inc. yunus, a. f. (2017). radikalisme, liberalisme dan terorisme:pengaruhnya terhadap agama islam. jurnal studi al-qur’an, 13(1). issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumkewenanganpemerintahandaerah dankualitasaparatur daerah (studi di kantor walikotabaubau) 1 analisis hukum kewenangan pemerintahan daerah dan kualitas aparatur daerah (studi di kantor walikota baubau) la ode haniru fakultas hukum universitas muhammadiyah buton dosen hukum tata negara abstrak undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah adalah merupakan konsep yang dilaksanakan bersama-sama. pada masa sekarang dikenal dengan ungkapan, pusat adalah pusatnya daerah dan sementara daerah adalah daerahnya pusat. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kewenangan pemerintah daerah dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas aparatur daerah di kota baubau dan fakto-faktor apa yang ikut mempengaruhi upaya peningkatan kualitas aparatur daerah sejak diberlakukan undang-undang no. 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintah daerah. metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang disertakan dengan analisis field research (penelitian lapangan). hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih ada beberapa kewenangan dari pemerintah daerah yang belum terpenuhi hubungannya dnegna upaya peningkatan kualitas aparatur daerah sebagai bagian yang tak terpisahkan dengan amanat undang-undang no. 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintah daerah. pelayanan yang belum optimal terhadap masyarakat, hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antara lain tingkat disiplin aparat yang umumnya belum menunjukkan prestasi, serta tingkat pendidikan formal aparatur yang masih dirasakan kurang dalam mengikuti diklat-diklat yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah. kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah tentang kewenangan pemerintah daerah sebagaimana yang diamanatkan oleh undang-undang no. 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintah daerah dirasakan belum berjalan maksimal. saran dari peneliian ini adalah pemerintah kota baubau agar segera melakukan upaya-upaya peningkatan kualitas aparatur, baik pada tingkat eselon atas maupun pada tingkat eselon bawah, sehingga penerapan daerah dapat teraplikasikkan dalam melakukan tugas sehari-hari sebagai aparatur daerah yang memiliki peran selaku pelayan masyarakat yang baik. kata kunci : otonomi daerah, pemerintah daerah, aparatur daerah abstract act number 32 year 2004 on regional government is a concept that is implemented together. at the present time known by the phrase, the center is the center of the area and while the area is the regional center. this study aims to determine the extent of the authority of local governments in an effort to improve the quality of the officers in the city-facto baubau and what factors influence the quality improvement efforts of the officers since enacted act no. 32 of 2004 on regional government. the method used in this study is a qualitative and quantitative methods are included with the analysis of field research (fieldwork). the results showed that there are still some of the local government authority unfulfilled relationship with improving the quality of the officers as an integral part of the mandate of the act no. 32 of 2004 on regional government. services to the community that is not optimal, it is influenced by several factors such as the level of discipline officials who generally do not show the achievements, as well as the level of formal education apparatus that is still lacking in following educational and training undertaken by government. the conclusion of this study is about the authority of the local government as mandated by law no. 32 of 2004 on regional government felt not running optimally. suggestions from peneliian this is the city government baubau to immediately make efforts to improve the quality of personnel, both at the level of the upper echelon as well as at the level of the lower echelons, so that the application area could apply in performing everyday tasks as local officials who had a role for civil servants good. keywords: autonomy, local authorities, regional apparatus issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumkewenanganpemerintahandaerah dankualitasaparatur daerah (studi di kantor walikotabaubau) 2 a. pendahuluan perkembangan pemerintahan di indonesia selama orde baru, terlihat adanya konfigurasi politik yang mewarnai proses terciptanya suatu undang-undang pemerintah daerah yang representif dan aktual, yang didahului oleh berbagai gejolak politik dan keamanan diberbagai daerah. gejala-gejala diatas sesungguhnya merefleksikan suatu masalah pokok yang sedang dihadapi sekarang ini, yakni masalah “krisis bangsa” yang menyangkut hilangnya rasa keperceyaan komunitas secara luas, hilangnya rasa memiliki kelompok orang terhadap sebuah negara dan bangsa serta hilangnya ketaatan pada sistem sosial dan normatif yang berlaku. setelah berlakunya undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 1999 dan berubah menjadi undang-undang 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah dan merupakan produk yang telah diimplementasikan selama orde baru berkuasa. kemudian undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 diproses melalui pembahasan yang intensif dengan berbagai pihak, selain itu perjalanan panjang pemerintahan sebelum proklamasi dan sesudah proklamasi, telah menjadi masukan yang sangat berarti untuk melahirkan pemerintahan daerah yang kuat, yang tidak labil karena kepentingan politis, atau karena konflik antara pihak eksekutif dengan pihak legislatif. undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah adalah merupakan konsep yang dilaksanakan bersama-sama. pada masa sekarang dikenal dengan ungkapan, pusat adalah pusatnya daerah dan sementara daerah adalah daerahnya pusat. (abdullah rozali, 2011). konsetelasi tersebut dapat menjamin integrasi nasional untuk membangun persatuan dan kesatuan nasional yang kuat, namun di lain pihak harus tetap menjamin munculnya inovasi dan kreatifitas daerah yang mengacu pada paradigm otonomi daerah yang nyata dan bertanggungjawab. namum demikian, undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 1999 tentang pemerintahan daerah mengalami perubahan dalam pelaksanaannya, setelah selama ini mengalami deviasi akibat dominasi pemerintah pusat makin besar sehingga tercipta ketergantungan pemerintahan daerah. hal tersebut terjadi antara lain sebagai akibat pluralism politik indonesia yang merupakan salah satu ciri politik indonesia pada masa lalu, dan hal itu terjadi akibat perubahan yang sangat besar terhadap kehidupan politik yang telah berlangsung selama 32 tahun rezim orde baru. (andi mustari pide, 1999). issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumkewenanganpemerintahandaerah dankualitasaparatur daerah (studi di kantor walikotabaubau) 3 kemudian setelah berlakunya undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintah daerah pada setiap daerah di indonesia terlihat kekuasaan pusat terhadap daerah mulai berkurang. ini disebabkan dilera otonomi luas menuntut adanya keterbukaan, akuntabilitasn, ketanggapan dan kreativitas dari susunan pemerintah dewasa ini sangat diperlukan kemampuan birokrasi dan sumebrdaya aparatur untuk memberikan tanggapan responsive terhadap berbagai tantangan secara akuran, bijaksana, adil dan efektif. sehubungan dengan hal tersebut pemerintah daerah perlu meningkatkan penyiapan sumber daya aparatur yang mempunyai pengetahuan dan keterampilan professional, pendidikan dan latihan-latihan manajemen yang akurat bagi aparat sudah harus lebih ditingkatkan seperti pada era keterbukaan saat ini. seiring dengan upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas aparatur pemerintahan setelah berlakunya undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintah daerah, masalah disiplin perlu ditingkatkan karena sumber daya aparatur tidak mungkin berkembang tanpa disiplin yang kuat. (andi mallarangeng, dkk. 2001). oleh sebab itu, disiplin yang tinggi sudah harus ditanamkan sejak dini untuk memasuki dunia yang tanpa batas, dunia yang terbuka, karena hal tersebut akan menjadi peluang bagi peningkatan sumber daya aparatur untuk saling mengenal satu sama lain. sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kondisi masyarakat di daerah-daerah selama ini kurang mendapat kebebasan, seeprti terlpas dari beban yan berat, yang pada akhirnya akan muncul euphoria yang berlebihan dengan berbagai tuntutan yang menimbulkan akses terhadap pelaksanaan dicegah sehingga era otonomi luas bergulir tanpa kendali. desentralisasi dan otonomi daerah ditafsirkan sekedar sebagai persoalan “penyerahan urusan” atau pelimpahan wewenang dari pemerintah daerah hanya melihat bahwa otonomi luas berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 1999 telah mengatur kewenangan daerah menjadi sangat luas. kewenangan yang belum diserahkan kepada daerah dituntut untuk sendiri yang lahir dari suatu kebutuhan dan efesiensi serta efektivitas penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. (bagir manan, 1994) issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumkewenanganpemerintahandaerah dankualitasaparatur daerah (studi di kantor walikotabaubau) 4 oleh karena itu tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa selama lima decade terakhir atau tepatnya semenjak indonesia merdeka sudah terdapat delapan undang-undang yang mengatur tentang pemerintahan, selama masa itu bandul penerapan otonomi daerah bergerak fluktuatif, dalam suatu waktu titik berat berada pada posisi pemerintah daerah dan di waktu yang lain lebih cenderung ke pemerintah pusat. hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa formulasi mengenai otonomi daerah dengan segala implikasinya belum secara permanen menjawab kebutuhan kepentingan antara dua bentuk pemerintahan yaitu pemerintahan pusat dan pemerintahan daerah. hal ini terus berlangsung sampai saat ini ibarat kita sedang mencari bandul otonomisasi yang tepat. ketika reformasi dicetuskan, salah satu tuntutan penting reformasi diajukan oleh masyarakat di daerah agar terselenggaranya otonomi daerah secafra komprehensif yang menyentuh rasa keadilan yang pada prinsipnya sudah lama didambakan oleh rakyat di daerah terutama menyangkut aspek politik. berdasarkan penjelasan diatas maka yang menjadi fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah b. metode penelitian penelitian ini dilaksakan pada lingkup pemerintahan kota baubau dengan sasaran lokasi pada kantor walikota baubau provinsi sulawesi tenggara. data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah data primer berupa data yang diperoleh langsung dari lokasi penelitian melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan daftar pertanyaan (questioner) dan data sekunder berupa penelitian dan dokumen-dokumen lainnya yang terdapat di instansi-instansi terkait seperti kantor walikota baubau. populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pegawai negeri sipil di lingkup kantor walikota baubau sedangkan sampel yang dipilih yaitu kepangkatan golongan iv sebanya 50 orang, kepangkatan golongan iii sebanyak 50 orang, kepangkatan golongan ii sebanyak 50 orang.tekhnik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara dan questioner. hasil penelitian, dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. data yang telah dikumpulkan dijadikan bahan acuan untuk menyusun tabulasi data. jawaban-jawaban responden yang melebihi data jawaban dari berbagai issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumkewenanganpemerintahandaerah dankualitasaparatur daerah (studi di kantor walikotabaubau) 5 jawaban yang tersedia diputuhkan untuk mengambil suatu jawaban yang mendekati maksud kuesioner. c. kerangka teori 1. kewenangan pemerintah daerah kewenangan daerah otonom secara jelas disebutkan dalam undang-undang nomor 22 tahun 1999 dalam pasal 7 ayat (1) yaitu “kewenangan daerah mencakup kewenanan dalam seluruh bidang pemerintahan, kecuali kewenangan dalam bidang politik luar negeri, pertahanan keamanan, peradilan, monoter dan fiscal, agama serta kewenangan bidang lain. dalam undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 hal tersebut secara rinci telah disebutkan pada pasal 14 ayat (1) kewenangan untuk daerah kabupaten/kota meliputi 16 kewenangan dan pada ayat (2) urusan pemerintahan ada juga bersifat pilihan meliputi urusan pemerintahan yang secara nyata ada dan berpotensi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan sesuai dengan kondisi, kekhasan dan potensi unggulan daerah yang bersangkutan. 2. pemberlakuan undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintah daerah. keharusan pemerintah dalam melaksanakan otonomi daerah sesungguhnya merupakan kegiatan yang tidak dapat ditawar-tawar karena pelaksanaan otonomi daerah memiliki dasar legalitas yang sangat kuat. istilah otonomi daerah dan desentralisasi sering dipakai secara bergantian dalam konteks yang sama, kendatipun istilah tersebut memiliki karakter tertentu. (inu kencana syafie dkk, 2002). simorangkir mengintrodusir bahwa desentralisasi dan otonomi daerah mempunyai tempat masing-masing istilah otonomi daerah lebih cenderung pada political aspect (aspek politik kekuasaan), sedangkan istilah desentralisasi lebih cenderung pada administration aspect (aspek administrasi). (simorangkir, 2000 : hlm. 78) . otonomi secara etimologi berasal dari bahasa latin “autos” yang berarti sendiri dan “nomos” yang berarti aturan. dalam undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintah daerah, otonomi daerah dikonsepsikan sebagai kewenangan daerah otonomi untuk mengatur dan mengurus kepentingan masyarakat setempat menurut prakarsa sendiri berdasarkan aspirasi masyarakat kedalam kerangka kesatuan republic indonesia. (irawan soejito, 1990) issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumkewenanganpemerintahandaerah dankualitasaparatur daerah (studi di kantor walikotabaubau) 6 3. faktor-faktor yang ikut mempengaruhi peningkatan kualitas aparatur daerah. konsep peningkatan dan penurunan kualitas yang berkaitan langsung dengan unsure alam dan manusia, indicator adalah faktor-faktor apa yang mendasari sehingga terjadi peningkatan dan penurunan kualitas. menurut bambang, yang mendorong sehingga terjadi partisipasi adalah (a) partisipasi dapat didorong melalui penghargaan, dan (b) partisipasi dapat didorong melalui pemberian sanksi. sementara faktor pendukung sehingga terjadi suatu partisipasi aktif guna mendorong peningkatan aparatur pemerintahan juga memerlukan komitmen yang kuat sebagai abdi negara dalam orientasi loyalitas dan pengabdian. (bambang, 2001 : hlm. 15) . melalui otonomi, pemerintah daerah mempunyai peluang yang lebih besar mendorong dan member motivasi membangun daerah yang kondusif, sehingga akan muncul kreasi dan inovasi masyarakat yang dapat bersaing dengan daerah lain. disamping itu, daerah dapat membangun pusat pertumbuhan daerah mengingat daerah lebih dengan masyarakat dan lingkungannya. otonomi daerah tidak dipanang semata-mata sebagai hak dan wewenang tetapi lebih merupakan kewajiban dan tanggung jawab, sehingga bagi daerah dituntut untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan sumber daya manusia (sdm), kelembagaan, ketatalaksanaan, kualitas personal (birokrat), kelayakan organisasi dan kecanggihan administrasi. (riwu kowo josep, 2000.). d. pembahasan hasil penelitian & analisis 1. penerapan undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah lingkup kantor walikota baubau. a) tahapan persiapan penerapan undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah dilakukan terhadap pegawai republik indonesia yang terkait dengan dinas di lingkup pemerintahan kota baubau yang dalam hal ii adalah sumber daya manusianya tanpa memandang jabatan dan status kedinasan. undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah lebih berpusat pada persoalan : issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumkewenanganpemerintahandaerah dankualitasaparatur daerah (studi di kantor walikotabaubau) 7 1. pembangunan daerah sebagai bagian integral pembangunn nasional melalui otonomi daerah, pengaturan sumber daya nasional yang berkeadilan dan perimbangan pusat dan daerah. 2. otonomi daerah diberikan dengan prinsip kewenangan yang luas, nyata, dan bertanggung jawab di daerah seara professional. penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah dilaksanakan dengan prinsip demokrasi dengan memperhatikan keanekaragaman daerah. 3. pengelolaan sumber daya alam dilakukan secara efektif dan efisien serta bertanggung jawab. 4. pemerintah daerah berwenang mengelola sumber daya manusia dan bertanggung jawab memelihara kelestarian lingkungan. berdasarkan paradigm terswebut di atas, maka solusi yang harus dilakukan untuk menjalankan undang-undang tersebut adalah memberikan penerapan serta pemahaman kepada aparat pemerintahan sesuai dengan fungsinya masing-masing. undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah disebutkan secara eksplisit bahwa unit pemerintahan yang melaksanakan otonomi di daerah adalah di tingkat kabupaten/kota, namun pemerintah menggunakan masa transisi untuk mengalihkan kewenangan pemerintahnya secara bertahap, agar pada waktu asas desentralisasi dan dekonsentrasi dapat terlaksana penuh. sedangkan peraturan pemerintah oleh pusat, provinsi dan kabupaten/kota telah ditetapkan dengan peraturan pemerintah nomor 25 tahun 2000. meskipun antar daerah kewenangan tersebut disepakati seragam namun dalam pelaksanaannya disesuaikan sendiri dan akan berubah dari waktu ke waktu. dewan pertimbangan otonomi daerah (dpod) diberi peran untuk memberikan berbagai pertimbangan mengenai pemerintahan, organisasi, asset fisik, personalia dan pertimbangan keuangan. secara umum, beberapa prinsip dasar yang harus dipegang oleh semua pihak dalam pelaksanaan otonomi daerah yang berhubungan dengan pemerintah daerah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 paling tidak adalah : pertama, otonomi daerah yang berhubungan dengan pemerintah daerah harus dilaksanakan dengan konteks negara kesatuan, kedua, pelaksanaan otonomi daerah menggunakan tata cara desentralistis, dengan demikian peran daerah harus dimulai dari issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumkewenanganpemerintahandaerah dankualitasaparatur daerah (studi di kantor walikotabaubau) 8 mendefinisikan kewenangan, organisasi, personal kemudian diikuti dengan keuangan, bukan sebaliknya, keempat, perimbangan keuangan yang dimaksud adalah perimbangan horizontal/antar daerah (antar propinsi dan antar kabupaten/kota dalam satu propinsi), disamping perimbangan vertical antar pusat dan daerah, kelima, fungsi pemerintah pusat masing sangat vital, baik dalam kewenangan strategis (monoter, pertanahan, luar negeri dan hukum), maupun untuk mengatasi ketimpangan antar daerah. (muin fahmal, 2008) begitu pentingnya dasar legalitas dalam penerapan suatu kebijakan pemerintah daerah yang bersifat strategis dan jangka panjang, maka dalam undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 menekankan tiga (tiga) faktor yang mendasar, yaitu sebagai berikut : (1) memberdayakan masyarakat, (2) menumbuhkan prakarsa dan kreativitas, dan (3) meningkatkan peran serta masyarakat secara aktif dan meningkatkan fungsi dewan perwakilan rakyat daerah (dprd). b) tahap pelaksanaan pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintah daerah dilakukan dengan cara menyerahkan kewenangan terhadap bagian-bagian tertentu sesuai dengan perencanaan perancangan kegiatan yang dilakukan. setelah penyerahan kewenangan yang dilakukan dikondisikan, dalam hal ini kepala bagian, kemudian dibentuk struktur, struktur inilah yang mengaplikasikan kegiatan-kegiatan tertentu yang berkenaan dengan otonomi daerah. pemberlakuan otonomi sebenarnya merupakan suatu pilihan politis seabgai dampak penerapan bentuk negara kesatuan dengan cirri terpusatnya kekuasaan. akibatnya, tuntutan aspirasi masyarakat di daerah tiak terpenuhi dan lambat laun menumbuhkan kekecewaan. ketika kondisi telah matang, tercipta momentum yang menggerakkan arus balik, jika dulu dari daerah ke pusat, kini dari pusat ke daerah. implementasi pelaksanaan undang-undanga nomor 32 tahun 2004 dalam lingkup pemerintah kora baubau, nampaknya terdapat berbagai pendapat dan pandangan yang berbeda dari pihak aparatur pemerintah kota baubau menyangkut tentang setuju tidaknya dilaksanakan otonomi daerah sebagaimana pada tabel 1 berikut ini : issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumkewenanganpemerintahandaerah dankualitasaparatur daerah (studi di kantor walikotabaubau) 9 tabel 1 pandangan responden tentang penerapan undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintah daerah no. gol. setuju tidak setuju raguragu jum. 1 iv 23 17 10 50 2 iii 30 10 10 50 3 ii 25 20 5 50 4 1 jumlah 78 47 25 150 persen tase 52 41,33 16,67 100 sumber data : data primer setelah diolah, 2010 dari tabel di atas memberi gambaran bahwa dalam pelaksanaan pemerintahan daerah, sebanya 78 orang responden (52%) dari 150 orang responden yang dibagi berdasarkan masing-masing golong menyatakan setuju atas adanya undang-undang tersebut. sedangkan responden menyatakan tidak setuju sebanyak 47 orang responden (31,33%) dan ragu-ragu sebanyak 25 orang responden (16,67%). dari data tersebut menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah dapat berjalan efektif. dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh informasi bahwa cukup kecil yang menolak pemberlakuan otonomi daerah, yang berarti bahwa kemampuan dalam memahami undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah di kalanagan aparatur pemerintah yang bekerja pada lingkup walikota baubau telah memenuhi harapan, walaupun hal ini masih berada pada kalangan eselon tingkat atas. otonomi daerah merupkan fenomena politis yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam era globalisasi dan demokrasi apalagi jika dikaitkan dengan tantangan masa depan memasuki era perdagangan bebas antara lain ditandai dengan tumbuhnya berbagai bentuk kerjasama regional, perubahan pola dan sistem informasi global. sebagaimana yang dikemukakan oleh haw widjaja (2002: hlm. 7), bahwa melalui pelaksanaan otonomi daerah diharapkan daerah lebih mandiri dalam menentukan seluruh kegiatannya dan pemerintah pusat diharapkan tidak terlalu aktif mengatur daerah. issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumkewenanganpemerintahandaerah dankualitasaparatur daerah (studi di kantor walikotabaubau) 10 pemerintah daerah diharapkan mampu memainkan perannya dalam membuka peluang untuk menggunakan daerah dengan melakukan identifikasi potensi sumber-sumber pendapatannya dan mampu menetapkan daerah sebagai sentra-sentra ekonomi. dalam hubungannya dengan potensi sumber daya manusia, maka dalam hal pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 di lingkup kantor walikota baubau, berdasarkan hasil penelitian juga terjadi perbedaan pandangan diantara aparatur daerah menyangkup mampu tidaknya aparatur tersebut menjalankannya sebagaimana pada tabel 2 berikut ini : tabel 2 pandangan responden tentang kesanggupan pemerintah daerah melaksanakan undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 no. gol. setuju tidak setuju raguragu jum. 1 iv 29 11 10 50 2 iii 26 6 18 50 3 ii 29 11 10 50 4 1 jumlah 84 28 38 `150 persenta se 56 18,67 25,33 100 sumber data : data primer setelah diolah, 2010 berdasarakan tabel diatas nambah bahwa dari 150 orang responden yang dijadikan sebagai sampel penelitian, masing-masing aparat memiliki pandangan yang berbeda tentang kesanggupan menjalankan undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah yakni yang menyatakan sanggup menjalankan sebanyak 84 orang responden (56%), tidak sanggup sebanyak 28 orang responden (18,67%) dan yang menjawab ragu-ragu atau tidak tahu menahu tentang undang-undang tersebut sebanyak 38 orang responden (25,33%). dari data tersebut diperoleh gambaran bahwa sebagian besar aparatur yang bekerja di lingkup kantor walikota baubau menyatakan telah mampu melaksanakan otonomi daerah. salah satu tolak ukur yang menjadi bahan implementasi atau pertimbangan dalam menjalankan otonomi daerah sesuai amanah undang-undang issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumkewenanganpemerintahandaerah dankualitasaparatur daerah (studi di kantor walikotabaubau) 11 adalah dukungan sumber daya manusia. jika diperhatikan secara seksama tentang potensi daerah kota baubau, maka dapat disebutkan bahwa mampukan kota baubau membangun daerahnya sendiri. pada prinsipnya, setiap diberlakukan undang-undang pasti ada kebaikan dan keburukannya, begitu juga implementasi undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah, dilihat dari sisi negative sebagaimana yang telah penulis gambarkan di atas, bahwa setelah berlakunya otonomi daerah, maka bagi kabupaten/kota yang tidak memiliki sumber daya alam yang memadai, peran pusat maupun propinsi masih tetap dominan, yang berarti bahwa pusat/propinsi tidak menyerahkan semua kewenangan kepada kabupaten/kota. 2. urgensi penyiapan dan peningkatan kualitas aparatur daerah di lingkup pemerintahan kantor walikota baubau. dalam menghadapi dan memasuki perubahan dunia yang begitu cepat, tampaknya aparatu pemerintah kota baubau diharapkan kepada saling tidak menghadapi dua tantangan besar yaitu tantangan perubahan dari masyarakat agraris kepada masyarakat industry, dan tantangan dalam menerima berbagai perubahanperubahan masyarakat pasar industry. kondisi tersebut pada akhirnya akan melahirkan berbagai tuntutan baru bagi masyarakat dan lingkungannya terhadap perubahan dan penyesuaian paradigma dan praktek administrasi pemerintahan dan pembangunan daerah. berdasarkan hal tersebut di atas, maka saling ketergantungan dengan dunia internasional juga tidak terelakan karena menempatkan posisis pemerintah daerah agar memiliki peluan untuk membangun hubungan nasional. perdagangan dan budaya langsung dengan dunia internasional. terkait dengan hal tersebut, pemerintah daerah perlu meningkatkan penyiapan sumber daya aparatur yang mempunyai pengetahuan dan keterampilan professional, pendidikan dan latihan. latihan manajemen yang professional bagi aparat sudah harus ditingkatkan, seperti penerapan training quality manajemen (tqm dan iso-9000) yang sangat diperlukan. tingkat penggolongan aparatur pada lingkup kantor walikota baubau adalah pegawai golongan iii sebagaimana tergambar dalam tabel berikut : issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumkewenanganpemerintahandaerah dankualitasaparatur daerah (studi di kantor walikotabaubau) 12 tabel iii sumber daya manusia menurut pegawai golongan iii lingkup kantor walikota baubau pada tahun 2000 no. gol. l p jumlah 1 iii/a 350 425 775 2 iii/b 300 350 650 3 iii/c 233 225 458 4 iii/d 100 305 405 jumlah 983 1.305 2.288 sumber data : data primer setelah diolah, 2009 jumlah pegawai golongan iii lingkup kantor walikota baubau berdasarkan data tabel di atas sebanyak 2.288 orang. dari jumlah tersebut, tingkatan golongan iii terbanyak adalah pegawai dengan golongan iii/a, yakni sebanyak 775 orang, sedangkan yang terkecil jumlahnya adalah pegawai golongan iii/d yang hanya mencapai 405 orang. bagi pegawai golongan ii merupakan pegawai yang sudah professional karena kecenderungan mereka jelas tidak tampak pada bidang kecakapannya masing-masing, kendatipun hal itu positif tetapi paling tidak dapat meningkatkan pendidikan sehingga fungsi dan tugas mereka dijalankan dengan baik. dari perubahan potensi sumber daya manusia di atas, menunjukan bahwa pembinaan untuk meningkatkan kualitas aparatur yang ada di kantor walikota baubau sangat mendesak, dalam rangka memantapkan pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah. dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas aparatur negara, sesuai yang diamanahkan dalam pelaksanaan undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemeritnah daerah khususnya otonomi daerah, maka akan dilakukan upaya dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia aparatur pemeritnah daerah, termasuk pemerintah kota bauabau seperti pengadaan pendidikan dan latihan (diklat) antara lain : issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumkewenanganpemerintahandaerah dankualitasaparatur daerah (studi di kantor walikotabaubau) 13 1. diklat penjenjangan kegiatan diklat penjenjangan yang telah diikuti oleh aparat pegawai kantor walikota baubau antara lain ; spamen (diklat/pendidikan dan latihan pimpinan ii), spama (diklat/pendidikan dan latihan pimpinan ii), serta adumla atau diklat (pendidikan dan latihan iv) 2. diklat teknis diklat teknis dilakukan agar pegawai memiliki pengetahuan teknis dari berbagai bidang, khususnya menyangkut keprofesionalisasi bidang-bidang tertentu, misalnya professional dalam bidang data atau dalam bidang metode penelitian. 3. diklat fungsional kegiatan diklat fungsional dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pegawai sesuai dengan fungsi dan bidangnya masing-masing, paling tidak menghindari kesalahan-kesalahan dalam merealisasikan tugas sehari-hari bagi yang berwenang. disamping itu pula, diklat seperti ini dapat menambah pengetahuan dan pengalaman kerja bagi pegawai, misalnya pada bagian kebendaharaan dan bidang kearsipan. berdasarkan gambaran tersebut di atas, maka upaya peningkatan kualitas aparatur daerah lingkup kantor walikota baubau yang dilaksanakan dengan jalan diklat dan peningkatan pendidikan formal, dipandang cukup efektif sekaligus sebagai tolak ukur dengan berlakunya undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah agar dapat dijalankan dengan baik, efektif dan efisien. disamping itu pula, upaya upaya lain juga dilakukan oleh pemerintah kora baubau dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia kota baubau adalah dengan hadirnya teknologi informasi (it) sehingga kota baubau dari seluruh aparat daerah sampai kepada lingkup masyarakat telah dapat menikmati kemajuan teknologi informasi (it) tersebut. hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa kota baubau selangkah lebih maju, khususnya di bidang informasi dan teknologi tersebut. issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumkewenanganpemerintahandaerah dankualitasaparatur daerah (studi di kantor walikotabaubau) 14 e. penutup walaupun pemerintah kora baubau mengimplementasikan undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintah daerah, namun hingga saat ini pemberian kontribusi belum optimal terhadap upaya peningkatan kualitas aparatur pemerintahan daerah yang bekerja pada lingkup kantor walikota baubau, hal ini ditandai adanya perbaikan struktur kelembagaan. selain itu pula urgensi penyiapan dan peningkatan kualitas aparatur daerah di lingkup pemerintahan kantor walikota baubau ditempuh melalui diklat yang berjenjang dan pengadaan teknologi informasi (it) yang memadai bagi aparat pemerintah dan masyarakat. berdasarkan hal ini maka perlu ada upayaupaya pembinaan dan peningkatan kualitas aparatur daerah kemudian peningkatan dan pengembangan kualitas aparatur daerah melalui pendidikan formal serta latihanlatihan. daftar pustaka abdullah rozali. 2011. pelaksanaan otonomi luas dan isu federalisme sebagai suatu alternatif. penerbit raja grafindo. jakarta. andi mustari pide. 1999. otonomi daerah dan kepala daerah memasuki abad xxi. gaya media pratama. jakarta. andi mallarangeng, dkk. 2001. otonomi daerah prospektif teoritis dan praktis. bigraf publishing. yogyakarta. bagir manan. 1994. hubungan antara pemerintah pusat dan daerah menurut uud 1945. pustaka sinar harapan. jakarta. bambang sunggono. 2001. metodologi penelitian hukum. raja grafindo persada. jakarta. muin fahmal. 2008. peran asas-asas umum pemerintahan yang layak dalam mewujudkan pemerintahan yang bersih. kreasi total media. yogyakarta. inu kencana syafie dkk. 2002. sistem pemerintahan indonesia. rineka cipta. jakarta. irawan soejito. 1990. hubungan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah. rineka cipta. jakarta. issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 analisishukumkewenanganpemerintahandaerah dankualitasaparatur daerah (studi di kantor walikotabaubau) 15 riwu kowo josep. 2000. prospek otonomi daerah di negara ri. pt. remaja grafindo. jakarta. simorangkir boner, dkk. 2000. otonomi atau feodalisme dampaknya terhadap perekonomian. pt sinar harapan. jakarta issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan keadilan restoratif terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika i deddy mursanto 38 pelaksanaan keadilan restoratif terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika deddy mursanto dosen fakultas hukum universitas muhammadiyah buton abstrak konsep keadilan restoratif yang di implementasikan kedalam sistem peradilan anak diharapkan sebagai jalan alternatif penyelesaian perkara pidana dengan pelaku anak. tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peran penegak hukum dalam penerapan keadilan restoratif yang terhadap anak yang menjadi kurir narkotika dan mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi hambatan oleh penegak hukum dalam menerapkan keadilan restoratif terhadap anak yang menjadi kurir narkotika. penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian yuridis normatif. metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (statute approach). metode pengolahan dan analisis data dalam penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif deskriptif dengan menguraikan persoalan dan fakta-fakta yang diuraikan secara tertulis dari bahan kepustakaan dan akan dianalisa dengan menggunakan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan yang pada akhirnya akan ditarik sebuah kesimpulan. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran penegak hukum dalam pelaksanaan keadilan restoratif tidak sesuai dengan amanat undang-undang dimana diversi terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika tidak serta merta dijalankan karena paradigma penegak hukum melihat anak sebagai kurir narkotika masih sebagai pelaku, dimana paradigma seperti ini sangat kaku dan tidak mengembangkan nilai-nilai keadilan restoratif serta tidak melihat hak istimewa anak dihadapan hukum. kemudian faktor-faktor hambatan penegak hukum dalam menerapkan diversi terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika yaitu kurangnya pemahaman penegak hukum terhadap keadilan restoratif serta kurangnya koordinasi antara penegak hukum dalam penerapan diversi. oleh karena itu disarankan agar penegak hukum membuat suatu wadah dimana untuk mengkoordinasikan penerapan keadilan restoratif sehingga terwujudnya pelaksanaan keadilan restoratif terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika sehingga anak tidak hanya dapat dilihat sebagai pelaku saja tetapi dapat dilihat sebagai korban. kata kunci : anak, kurir, narkotika, keadilan restoratif. a. pendahuluan jika melihat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada, jelas dan tegas sudah diatur dalam undang-undang nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana yang mengatur tentang keadilan restoratif, sedangkan sebelum adanya keadilan restoratif yang diatur dalam perundang-undangan terlebih dahulu telah ada nilai-nilai keadilan restoratif di masyarakat hukum adat. ada dua pendekatan penyelesaian peristiwa yaitu aspek magis dan aspek material. aspek magis bertalian dengan upaya mengembalikan keseimbangan magis yang terganggu akibat peristiwa pidana yang diselanggarakan dalam bentuk upacara-upacara tertentu seperti menyediakan sesajen atau menegorbankan hewan sebagai “tebusan”. yang agak ekstrim adalah sanksi dalam bentuk mengeluarkan atau mengusir pelanggar dari lingkungan masyarakat hukum yang bersangkutan. menurut zulfa (2015), restorative justice” merupakan suatu model pendekatan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan keadilan restoratif terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika i deddy mursanto 39 yang muncul dalam era tahun 1960-an dalam upaya peyelesaian perkara pidana. keadilan restoratif diakui dunia international yaitu pada tahun 2000 dihasilkan united nation, basic principles on the use of restroratif justice programmes in criminal matters yang berisi sejumlah prinsip-prinsip mendasar dari penggunaan pendekatan keadilan restoratif (united nations, 2000). undang-undang tentang sistem peradilan anak yang telah disahkan oleh dpr pada tanggal 3 juli 2012 juga memuat konsep keadilan restorative. undang-undang tersebut telah diundangkan pada tanggal 30 juli 2012, pasal 1 angka 6 undang-undang tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak tersebut menyebutkan tentang keadilan restoratif, yaitu “keadilan restoratif adalah penyelesaian perkara tindak pidana dengan melibatkan pelaku, korban, keluarga pelaku/korban, dan pihak lain yang terkait untuk bersama-sama mencari penyelesaian yang adil dengan menekankan pemulihan kembali pada keadaan semula, dan bukan pembalasan.” anak adalah bagian dari generasi muda sebagai salah satu sumber daya manusia yang merupakan potensi dan penerus cita-cita perjuangan bangsa di masa yang akan datang, yang memiliki peran strategis dan mempunyai ciri dan sifat khusus, memerlukan pembinaan dan perlindungan dalam rangka menjamin pertumbuhan dan perkembangan fisik, mental, dan sosial secara seimbang. masa kanak-kanak merupakan periode penaburan benih, pendirian tiang pancang, pembuatan pondasi, yang dapat disebut juga sebagai periode pembentukan watak, kepribadian, dan karakter diri seorang manusia, agar mereka kelak memliki kekuatan dan kemampuan serta berdiri tegar dalam meniti kehidupan (gultom, 2008). pada saat ini munculnya konsep keadilan restoratif yang di implementasikan kedalam sistem peradilan anak diharapkan sebagai jalan alternatif penyelesaian perkara pidana dengan pelaku anak.keadilanrestoratif merupakan proses penyelesaian yang dilakukan diluar sistem peradilan (criminal justice system) dengan melibatkan korban, pelaku, keluarga korban, keluarga pelaku, masyarakat, serta pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan dengan suatu tindak pidana yang terjadi untuk mencapai kesepakatan. masih banyaknya anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum melewati proses issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan keadilan restoratif terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika i deddy mursanto 40 peradilan dan masih banyaknya anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum yang dijatuhi dengan hukuman penjara. konsep keadilan restoratif dapat dijadikan masukan dalam rangka memberikan perlindungan kepada anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum. keadilan restoratif memberikan penegasan bahwa anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum bukan untuk dihukum melainkan harus dibimbing dan dibina agar dapat menjadi anak yang lebih baik, karena tujuan utama dari keadilan restoratif adalah pemulihan ataumengembalikan kepada kondisi semula dan memberikan kesempatan kepada anak untuk mempertanggungjawabkan atas apa yang dilakukan. untuk menerapkan restorative justiceperlu adanya kebijakan dari pihak kepolisian sebagai penegak hukum untuk menggunakan kewenangan diskresi dalam menilai sebuah perkara anak yang masuk apakah dapat dilanjutkan atau tidak. dalam menghadapi dan menanggulangi berbagai kejahatan dan tingkah laku anak dalam rangka upaya pembinaan dan perlindungan anak yang merupakan faktor penting, maka upaya alternatif penghukuman yang dapat digunakan dalam kondisi ini adalah menerapkan penghukuman dengan prinsip restoratif. prinsip ini memposisikan proses pemidanaan sebagai “the last resort” bukanthe first resort”. hal ini bertujuan agar anak dapat memperbaiki dirinya sesuai dengan kehendak dan kepentingan bagi si anak (the best interest of the child) ketika dirinya berhadapa dengan hukum.meskipun pemidanaan merupakan alat yang ampuh yang dimiliki negara guna memerangi kejahatan namun pemidanaan bukanlah merupakan alat satu-satunya memperbaiki keadaan, harus ada kombinasi antara upaya repsresif dan preventif (supeno, 2010).berdasarkan hal di atas maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran penegak hukum dalam penerapan keadilan restoratif terhadap anak yang menjadi kurir narkotika. b. metode penelitian penelitian ini menggunnakan metodologi penelitian yuridis normatif, yakni penelitian hukum yang berbasis atau mengacu kepada kaidah-kaidah atau normanorma hukum yang terdapat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (statute approach) (marzuki, 2007). issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan keadilan restoratif terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika i deddy mursanto 41 data kepustakaan yang merupakan data utama penelitian dikumpulkan yang kemudian dilakukan analisis permasalahannya. adapun bahan-bahan yang akan dikumpulkan antara lain permasalahan, asas-asas, argumentasi, immplementasi, yang ditempuh, alternatif pemecahannya yang berkaitan dengan keadilan restorative terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika. kemudian mengenai data kepustakaan yang digunakan adalah kepustakaan dibidang hukum pidana, khususnya hukum pidana khusus dan aturan hukum lainnya yang berkaitan dengan keadilan restoratif. metode pengolahan dan analisis data dalam penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif deskriptif dengan menguraikan persoalan dan fakta-fakta yang diuraikan secara tertulis dari bahan kepustakaan dan akan dianalisa dengan menggunakan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan yang pada akhirnya akan ditarik sebuah kesimpulan. deskripsi dilakukan terhadap isi maupun struktur hukum yang berkaitan keadilan restorative terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika dalam hukum positif di indonesia. untuk menunjang serta mendukung hasil penelitian kepustakaan tersebut akan dikaitkan dengan data sekunder untuk dianalisa, yang bertujuan untuk dapat memberikan solusi atas permasalahan. c. hasil dan pembahasan menurut ketentuan pasal 7 undang-undang sistem peradilan pidana anak, diversi hanya dapat dilaksanakan kepada anak yang diancam dengan pidana penjara di bawah 7 (tujuh) tahun, dan bukan merupakan pengulangan tindak pidana (residive). hal ini sangat perlu diperhatikan untuk memperkecil potensi pemaksaan dan intimidasi pada semua tahap proses diversi. seorang anak tidak boleh merasa tertekan atau ditekan agar menyetujui program-program diversi.kesepakatandiversi harus mendapatkan persetujuan korban dan/atau keluarga anak korban serta kesediaan anak dan keluarganya, kecuali untuk tindak pidana yang berupa pelanggaran, tindak pidana ringan, tindak pidana tanpa korban, atau nilai kerugian korban tidak lebih dari nilai upah minimum provinsi setempat. setelah berlakunya undang-undang nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak pihak kepolisian mengupayakan tindakan diversi untuk setiap tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak tidak terkecuali dalam kasus anak sebagai kurir issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan keadilan restoratif terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika i deddy mursanto 42 narkotika.padasaat pihak kepolisian mengetahui telah terjadi transaksi perdagangan narkotika yang melibatkan anak sebagai pengantar (kurir) maka pihak kepolisian menangkap dan membawa anak untuk dimintai keterangan atas perbuatan yang telah dilakukannya. pada proses pemeriksaan penyidik memanggil orang tua dan balai pemasyarakatan (bapas) untuk mendampingi anak tersebut untuk dimintai keterangannya. penyidik melihat beberapa faktor yang dapat dijadikan pertimbangan untuk menyelesaikan perkara anak yang dijadikan kurir narkotika. dari beberapa kasus anak yang dijadikan kurir narkotika ada beberapa diantaranya pelakunya adalah anak di bawah 14 tahun dan masih bersekolah, maka penyidik bertindak untuk mengembalikan anak tersebut ke orang tua dengan membuatkan surat pernyataan agar orang tua mendidik dan mengawasi lebih lanjut serta melibatkan balai pemasyarakatan (bapas) untuk ikut mengawasi anak tersebut agar tidak melakukan tidak pidana lagi, karena menurut penyidik anak tersebut hanya digunakan sebagai alat untuk memutus mata rantai peredaran narkotika, jadi anak yang masih di bawah 14 tahun dan masih bersekolah diberikan kebijakan untuk dikembalikan kepada orangtuanya. sedangkan anak yang dijadikan kurir narkotika dengan umur antara 14 sampai 18 tahun, penyidik dalam hal ini melakukan penangkapan dan pemeriksaan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku yaitu di tahan selama 24 jam untuk proses pemeriksaan di dampingi oleh orang tua dan balai pemasyarakatan (bapas) untuk dimintai keterangannya, dalam hal pertimbangan penyidik apabila anak masih bersekolah maka anak tersebut dengan syarat-syarat yang diajukan oleh penyidik dan pengawasan serta bimbingan oleh bapas anak dapat dikembalikan ke orangtuanya, lain hal dengan anak nakal (putus sekolah) dan diketahui anak tersebut hanya meresahkan masyarakat maka proses peradilan pidana dilanjutkan sampai ke proses persidangan. lembaga kejaksaan dalam sistem peradilan pidana yang terpadu merupakan salah satu subsistem, kejaksaan berperan untuk melakukan proses penuntutan. menurut pasal 1 butir 7 kuhap, “penuntutan” adalah tindakan penuntut umum untuk melimpahkan perkara pidana ke pengadilan negeri yang berwenang dalam hal dan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan keadilan restoratif terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika i deddy mursanto 43 menurut cara yang diatur dalam undag-undang ini dengan permintaan supaya diperiksa dan diputus oleh hakim di sidang pengadilan. di samping pasal 137 kuhap menyatakan, penuntut umum berwenang melakukan penuntutan terhadap siapa saja yang didakwa melakukan suatu tindak pidana dengan melimpahkan perkaranya ke pengadilan. jadi wewenang menentukan apakah akan menuntut atau tidak, diberikan kepada jaksa (vide pasal 139 kuhap jo. pasal 2 ayat (1) undang-undang nomor 16 tahun 2004 tentang kejaksaan republik indonesia). asas oportunitas yang dimiliki kejaksaan untuk menyampingkan perkara demi kepentingan umum sulit untuk dilaksanakan karena oportunitas berdasarkan pasal 35 huruf c undang-undang nomor 16 tahun 2004 tentang kejaksaan republik indonesia merupakan hak dari jaksa agung serta berdasar pernjelasan pasal 35 huruf c undangundang nomor 16 tahun 2004 tentang kejaksaan republik indonesia menyebutkan, bahwa yang dimaksud dengan kepentingan umum adalah kepentingan bangsa dan negara dan/atau kepentingan masyarakat luas, sehingga jaksa biasa didaerah yang menangani perkara anak harus mengusulkan penyampingan perkara melalui jalur birokrasi dalam intern kejaksaan yang cukup panjang dan memakan waktu yang lama sehingga hal tersebut sangat sulit dilaksanakan. klasifikasi umur anak perkara yang dilimpahkan ke kejaksaan negeri rataan umur berkisar 16 tahun-18 tahun, hal inilah yang menjadi dasar penuntut umum tidak melakukan diversi karena batasan umur tersebut dapat diteruskan ke persidangan. dari kenyataan yang ada diversi dalam perkara anak sebagai kurir narkotika tidak dapat di diversi selain karena ancaman hukuman yang dikenakan selalu hukuman maksimal dan tidak adanya korban yang dirugikan. penuntut umum memiliki paradigma lama yang melihat anak sebagai pelaku dan tidak melihat anak memiliki hak istimewa dimata hukum. penuntut umum dalam hal ini sebagai penegak hukum di wajibkan oleh undang-undang melakukan diversi terhadap anak yang terlibat dalam masalah hukum, jadi secara tidak langsung sebagai penegak hukum penuntut umum tidak patuh terhadap keinginan undang-undang. mengenai ancaman hukuman yang selalu diajukan oleh kejaksaan terhadap tindak pidana narkotika dengan ancaman pidana maksimum maka jaksa penuntut issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan keadilan restoratif terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika i deddy mursanto 44 umum lupa bahwa dalam ketentuan pidana yang diterapkan kepada kurir narkotika pada undang-undang nomor 35 tahun 2014 tentang narkotika yaitu paling singkat 4 (empat) tahun, maka syarat diversi telah terpenuhi. menjadi pertanyaan mengapa jaksa tidak melihat hal tersebut tetapi selalu mengajukan tuntutan dengan tuntutan maksimal, padahal harus diperhatikan hal ini berkaitan dengan anak yang proses dan hukumannya harus dibedakan dengan orang dewasa. anak pelaku tindak pidana wajib didengarkan keterangannya oleh semua orang yang berada dalam ruang diversi yang telah disiapkan oleh pengadilan negeri.orang tua dari pelaku dimintai tanggapan serta bentuk penyelesaian yang di harapkan.korban serta orang tua korban tersebut lalu dipersilahkan menanggapi penyelesaian yang ditawarkan oleh orang tua pelaku.jika kedua belah pihak telah setuju maka dilaksanakan diversi dan dibuat berita acara diversi. diversi di pengadilan ada yang berhasil dan ada yang tidak berhasil. diversi yang tidak berhasil dikarenakan pihak korban yang tidak terima jika kasus tersebut diselesaikan melalui jalan damai. bahwa sifat diversi tidak dapat dipaksakan tetapi tetap harus ditempuh jika memang memungkinkan dilaksanakannya diversi.tercapai atau tidaknya suatu kesepakatan antara korban dan pelaku tidak mempengaruhi upaya diversi yang dilakukan.jika terdapat kasus anak yang bisa diupayakan diversi namun tidak dilaksanakan, kasus tersebut bisa batal demi hukum karena anak juga harus diperlakukan secara manusiawi. pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran penegak hukum dalam penerapan keadilian restoratif terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika ditempuh melalui sarana hukum diversi sebagaimana amanat uu sppa. pelaksanaan diversi baik dari peyidik kepolisian, kejaksaan, maupun pengadilan belum sepenuhnya berjalan dengan optimal. hal ini disebabkan pengaturan pasal yang disangkakan atau didakwakan kepada anak sebagai kurir narkotika terdapat ancaman pidana minimum dan maksimal, sehingga penegak hukum memiliki peran fakultatif dalam menerapkan diversi. secara konseptual, diversi adalah suatu mekanisme yang memungkinkan anak dialihkan dari proses peradilan menuju proses pelayanan sosial. dengan demikian, diversi juga bermakna suatu upaya untuk mengalihkan anak dari proses yustisial issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan keadilan restoratif terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika i deddy mursanto 45 menuju proses non-yustisial. upaya untuk mengalihkan proses peradilan (pidana) anak menuju proses non-peradilan didasarkan atas pertimbangan, bahwa keterlibatan anak dalam proses peradilan pada dasarnya telah melahirkan stigmatisasi (marlina, 2012). secara teoritis, penyelesaian perkara anak melalui mekanisme diversi akan memberikan berbagai manfaat yaitu (1) memperbaiki kondisi anak demi masa depannya (2). meningkatkan peran serta masyarakat dalam rangka perlindungan anak. (3). meningkatkan peran dan kesadaran orang tua dan lingkungan keluarga anak. (4). mengurangi beban kerja pengadilan. penanggulangan kejahatan dengan menggunakan sarana hukum pidana secara prosedural akan dimulai dari tingkat kepolisian, baik sebagai penyelidik maupun sebagai penyidik. artinya, penanggulangan kejahatan dengan menggunakan sarana hukum pidana selalu dimulai dari tingkat kepolisian. sebagai bagian dari sub-sistem peradilan pidana kepolisian merupakan lembaga hukum yang mempunyai kewenangan yang begitu luas dalam hal terjadinya kejahatan.kepolisianadalah juga sebagai lembaga yang mengawali bekerjanya sistem peradilan pidana.sebagai lembaga hukum yang mengawali bekerjanya sistem peradilan pidana, kinerja kepolisian sangat menentukan arah penegakan hukum pidana (hamzah, 1986). ditangan lembaga inilah pelaku tindak pidana akan memulai diperiksa sebagai tersangka. dengan demikian, pengalaman pertama dalam proses peradilan pidana bagi seorang tersangka adalah bersentuhan dengan aparat kepolisian. dalam hal anak sebagai kurir narkotika tidak dapat di lakukan diversi karena tidak terdapat korban dalam hal ini. dalam hal keadilan restoratif berkaitan dengan kejahatan badan dan penyelesaiannya menitik beratkan terhadap korban.apabila pelaksanaan diversi terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika dapat dilaksanakan, dimana diversi ini melibatkan bapas.hakim hanya menerima surat dakwaan jaksa penuntut umum dimana dengan adanya dakwaan maka proses diversi di kejaksaan telah diupayakan sebelumnya dan tidak berhasil karena mengacu kepada ancaman dalam ketentuan pidana yang diterapkan kepada kurir narkotika pada undang-undang nomor 35 tahun 2009 tentang narkotika maka hal diversi tidak dapat dilaksanakan karena ancaman maksimal 20 tahun dan tidak adanya korban yang dirugikan. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan keadilan restoratif terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika i deddy mursanto 46 anak yang menyalahgunakan narkotika tidak dapat dilihat semata-mata sebagai pelaku tindak pidana, tetapi juga harus dilihat sebagai korban. pendekatan paradigmatik ini pada hakikatnya bertolak dari pemikiran, bahwa (kejahatan) penyalahgunaan narkotika pada dasarnya dapat dikualifikasi sebagai crime whithout victim. dengan demikian, korban kejahatan penyalahgunaan narkotika adalah pelaku itu sendiri, bukan orang lain. oleh karenanya, tidak pada tempatnya kiranya apabila dalam hal terjadi penyalahgunaan narkotika yang bersangkutan hanya dilihat sebagai pelaku dan tidak dilihat sebagai korban. perkara anak sebagai kurir narkotika tidak dapat dilakukan diversi, karena tidak terdapatnya korban. mengenai tuntutan hukuman yang terdapatdipersidangan terhadap tindak pidana narkotika dengan ancaman pidana maksimum maka penegak hukum lupa bahwa dalam undang-undang narkotika terdapat batas ancaman hukuman minimum dalam pasal 114 ayat (2) menyatakan bahwa ancaman hukuman penjara minimum 5 tahun, maka syarat diversi telah terpenuhi (faisal, 2005). d. penutup berdasarkan hasil dan pembahsan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa peran penegak hukum dalam penerapan keadilian restoratif terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika ditempuh melalui sarana hukum diversi sebagaimana amanat uu sppa. pelaksanaan diversi baik dari peyidik kepolisian, kejaksaan, maupun pengadilan belum sepenuhnya berjalan dengan optimal. hal ini disebabkan pengaturan pasal yang disangkakan atau didakwakan kepada anak sebagai kurir narkotika terdapat ancaman pidana minimum dan maksimal, sehingga penegak hukum memiliki peran fakultatif dalam menerapkan diversi. penerapan keadilan restoratif melalui diversi dipengaruhi oleh paradigma penegak hukum yang melihat anak sebagai kurir narkotika bukanlah sebagai korban tetapi masih melihat sebagai pelaku tindak pidana.agar segera dilakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat sehingga masyarakat mengerti dan paham akan adanya konsep keadilan restoratif melalui diversi dalam penyelenggaraan sistem peradilan pidana anak sebagaimana telah dibentuk regulasinya melalui undang-undang nomor 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak. e. daftar pustaka issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pelaksanaan keadilan restoratif terhadap anak sebagai kurir narkotika i deddy mursanto 47 faisal s.m.(2005). hukum acara peradilan anak di indonesia. bandung: mandar maju. gultom, m. 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(2015). restorative justice diindonesia (peluang dan tantangan penerapannya), ditelusuri melalui internet http://evacentre.blogspot.com/p/restorative-justice-di-indonesia.htmldiakses pada tanggal 07 november 2016 http://evacentre.blogspot.com/p/restorative-justice-di-indonesia.html jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 1, 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 45 juridical-sociological study of land pawn : a normative study in patilanggio district nasrullah abstract author’s information: the practice of land pawning in patilanggio district still keeps the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations. so that it is more likely to harm the pledge grantor which is not based on the principle of helping. although the community realizes that pawning land is harm for them, this is still done by residents as the last solution to meet urgent needs. this practice has become a habit and it is normal for community and never be a problem between the land pawner and the land pawn recipient. in disputing resolution between the grantor and the recipient, is by way of deliberation, involving the village head or only by deliberation between the pawner and the pawn recipient. keywords: pawner, recipient, patilanggio faculty of law, universitas pohuwato e-mail: (nasrullahderna114@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.701 1. introduction protection of property, including protection of land ownership, is a human right that must be protected. the guarantee of protection of property rights is affirmed in law no.39 of 1999 concerning human rights, in the provisions of article 29 paragraph (1) which reads: "everyone has the right to protection of personal, family, honor, dignity and property rights" furthermore, in article 36 paragraph (1), (2) and (3) which reads: 1. every person has the right to own property, either individually or collectively with others for the development of himself, his family, nation and society in a way that does not violate the law. 2. no one may be confiscated arbitrarily and illegally 3. property rights have a social function apart from the permanent land rights stipulated in the uupa, land rights are also regulated in the uupa. temporary land rights are temporary rights to land, in a short period of time they will be abolished because they contain extortion characteristics, contain feudal characteristics, and are contrary to the spirit of the uupa. in addition, these land rights can also be referred to as land rights that are secondary in nature because land rights originate from other parties' lands. one of the temporary land rights is the pawai (land lien), this is explained in the provisions of article 53 paragraph 1 of law no.5 of 1960 concerning basic agrarian principles that rights which are temporary in nature as referred to in article 16 paragraph (1) letter h, are liens, business rights. production sharing, hitchhiking rights and agricultural land lease rights are regulated to limit their properties which are contrary to this law and these rights are sought to be eliminated in a short time. in mailto:nasrullahderna114@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.701 jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah. 5(1): 45-58 46 addition to being regulated in the provisions of the uupa, the arrangement of lien on land is also regulated in customary law, which states that the agreement between the pawner and the pawn holder who gives up land in the form of rice fields to obtain money as a form of loan thus, it can be concluded that the arrangement of lien on land is contained in customary law. except for the return and redemption of the land, it is regulated by article 7 paragraphs 1 and 2 of law no. 56 prp 1960. the article also regulates the time limit for the land mortgage for 7 years. if it has passed the 7 year period, the pawned land must be returned to the pawner without any redemption because the recipient of the pledge is deemed to have enjoyed the benefits of the land. meanwhile, if the redemption is carried out for less than 7 years, the formula "(7 + 1⁄2) (time of pledge) x (pledge) x 7" applies. which means that the payment of the mortgage on agricultural land is getting smaller according to the length of the pawn period. if it has passed the 7 year period, the pawned land must be returned to the pawner without any redemption because the recipient of the pledge is deemed to have enjoyed the benefits of the land. meanwhile, if the redemption is carried out less than 7 years, then the formula "(7 + 1⁄2) (time of pledge) x (pledge) x 7" applies. which means that the payment of the mortgage on agricultural land is getting smaller according to the length of the pawn period. if it has passed the 7 year period, the pawned land must be returned to the pawner without any redemption because the recipient of the pledge is deemed to have enjoyed the benefits of the land. meanwhile, if the redemption is carried out less than 7 years, then the formula "(7 + 1⁄2) (time of pledge) x (pledge) x 7" applies. which means that the payment of the mortgage on agricultural land is getting smaller according to the length of the pawn period. apart from that, the minister of agriculture and agrarian regulation no. 20 of 1963 concerning the guidelines for the settlement of pawn problems which states that before the pledge ends the pawning holder adds his pawn, it must be done in writing in the usual way as when the pawn was made, but if the addition of the pawn is done in writing it will result in a new lien, and is valid since the pledge is added, whereas if the addition of the pledge is not made in writing, it will not result in a new pledge the regulation also guarantees legal certainty in the implementation of pawning agricultural land. and to provide legal certainty, land liens must be registered, this is based on regulations government no. 24 of 1997 concerning the registration of agricultural land, article 3a states that: "land registration aims to provide legal certainty and legal protection to holders of rights over a plot of land, apartment units and other registered rights so that they can easily prove themselves as holders of the rights concerned" the existence of these laws and regulations is none other than to provide protection for both parties and to provide legal certainty over the legality of lien rights over land. kec. patilanggio is an area where people practice pawning agricultural land. based on the results of pre-research interviews conducted by prospective researchers, the community usually pawns the land they own if there is a very urgent need and need more funds for this purpose. the habit of pawning land in the community in the district. patilaggio conducts a bargaining process first, the high and low price of the mortgage is determined by the condition of the land and the plants on the land. and if the pledge price offered by the pawner to the prospective pawning recipient is approved, then their jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah. 5(1): 45-58 47 agreement is only proven by a receipt without involving the village head in making the deed of the pawning agreement for agricultural land. in addition, the pawning of agricultural land which is usually carried out by the community is carried out in 3 (three) ways, namely: (1) the price of land pawning is still returned by the pawner to the recipient of the pledge if the period has expired, (2) the price of land pawning is not returned by the pawner (3) the third type is that the land pawner continues to work on the land that is pawned to the pledge recipient on the condition that the results of the cultivation will be shared based on mutual agreement. therefore, the problems that the authors raise in this study are: (1) how is the practice of land pawning in the district. patilanggio is viewed from a juridical-sociological perspective, and (2) how is the dispute settlement between the pawner and the pawner in the event of a dispute. 2. literature review a. definition of lien on land the uupa does not provide an understanding of what is meant by a lien. according to harsono (2017), land pawn is a legal relationship between a person and land belonging to another person, who has received the pledge thereof. as long as the pawning money has not been returned, the land is controlled by the pawn holder. during that time, all the land products became the right of the lien holder. pawning (land pawn) is the handover of a plot of land belonging to someone to another person, temporarily followed by the payment of a certain amount of money by another party in cash as a pledge provided that the land owner will only get his land back when redeeming with the same amount of money (santoso, 2003). land pawn is the handover of land to receive payment of an amount in cash, provided that the seller has the right to return his land by redeeming it back. b. types of land pawn in view of the period of time, lien rights can be divided into two, namely (imam sudiyat., 1978: 32): a. lien (land pawn) of indefinite duration if the duration of the lien (land pawn) is not determined, the owner of the agricultural land may not make redemption at any time, for example now being pawned, 1 or 2 months later it is redeemed. redemption can only be made if the pawn holder has done at least one harvest period. this is because the pawai (land pawn) is a land tenure agreement, not a money lending agreement. b. land pawn of the specified length in this pawai (land pawn), the new land owner can redeem his land if the period promised in the pawning rights (land pawn) ends. if this period has expired and the land owner is unable to redeem the land, then it cannot be said that he committed default so that the pawn holder can sell the auction of the pawned land. if within the stipulated time limit the land owner cannot redeem it, then the pawning holder cannot force the land owner to redeem his land, and if the pawn holder continues to insist on selling the auction of jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah. 5(1): 45-58 48 the pawned land, the land owner can sue the pawning holder unless the land owner can permit the sale. mortgaged land. in principle, in the land pledge, the time of redemption is up to the pawner without any time limit or expiration. c. agricultural land pawn pawning on agricultural land is not just cash, but can also be in the form of gold. heryanti (2019) explains that the collection of pawning money is based on an agreement previously held, not based on customary law. this can happen because in the agreement he made the pawner becomes the lessee of the land he mortgaged himself, with an agreement that if the lease of the pawning land is not paid, the pawn holder can claim the money back. over time, the value of money will change, as will the value of pawning for agricultural land. the more years the value of agricultural land pawning will decrease. regarding the change of pawning money on agricultural land, the supreme court of indonesia has ruled that the risk from changes in the value of the rupiah currency is borne in half by both parties. according to sudiyat (1981)if there is a difference in the value of money at the time of pawning and the time of redemption, it is in accordance with the sense of justice if both parties bear half of the risk of possible price changes from the measured rupiah value d. how to redeem pawn regarding the method of redemption of pawn money, it is regulated in law no. 56prp of 1960 concerning the determination of agricultural land areas, namely: a) in article 7 paragraph (1) it is stated that whoever controls agricultural land with a lien, which at the time this regulation has been in effect for 7 years or more, is obliged to return the land to the owner within a month after the existing plants have been harvested, with no rights. to demand payment. on the basis of this provision, if the pledge (land pawn) has lasted 7 years or more, then the land must be returned to the land owner without ransom within a month after the existing plants are harvested. it is assumed that if a pawn holder has worked on the farm for 7 years or more, his income will exceed the pawning money given to the owner of the farm. b) in article 7 paragraph (2) it is emphasized that regarding the pawning rights (land pawn), which has not been implemented since this regulation has lasted 7 years, the land owner has the right to re-order it at any time after the amount is calculated according to the formula: with the stipulation that at any time the pawn (pawn for agricultural land) has lasted 7 years, the land pawn holder is obliged to return the land without payment of a ransom, within a month after the existing plants have been harvested. (7 + 1/2) (time the pawn lasts) / 7 x pawn = rp. …… .. jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah. 5(1): 45-58 49 nurdin and seniara (2019) states that a pawning relationship with an undetermined period of time is made by agreement and no redemption is allowed for a certain period of time. this means that such an agreement provides an opportunity for the mortgage buyer to work on the land maximally in accordance with the agreed time, but not more than 7 years. there can also be a pawning agreement for agricultural land without any time limit, but the pawn seller will still make redemption if he wants to regain control of his land before the 7 year time period. after 7 years then the sellerthe pawn can reclaim the land without having to make redemption. by handing over the pawning of agricultural land, it is carried out after the redemption is carried out or after seven years the pawning has taken place. before the pawn ends, the pawn buyer can add the pawn. according to effendi warin (1979: 304) based on article 2 of the regulation of the minister of agriculture and agrarian affairs no. 20 1963, before the pledge expires then the pawn holder adds the pledge, either in the form of money or other forms, in addition to this it must be made in writing in the usual manner as when the pledge was made. if the additional pawning is made in writing, a new pawning will arise with a new amount of money. conversely, if the addition of the pledge is not made in writing, it will not result in a new pledge. e. nature of extortion in liens (land pawn) according to effendi warin, land pawning contains an element of exploitation, because the results received by the pawnshop holder from the land concerned are generally much greater than what constitutes appropriate interest from the mortgage received by the land owner. the nature of extortion in the pawai (land lien) is: 1. the length of the land pawn is unlimited. for how many years the land is controlled by the pawnshop holder, the land will not return to the land owner if it is not redeemed. 2. the land can only return to the land owner if it has been redeemed by the owner. by controlling the land for just 6 to 7 years, the yield that the pawn holder can get has already exceeded the amount of the mortgage and the interest on the mortgage. according to parlindungan (1991), after controlling the rice fields for 7 years, the pawn recipient (the pawn holder) had tasted enough of the rice fields so that he had recovered the pawn that had been issued. 3. research methods the type of research that will be used in this research is empirical normative research type. where the techniques that exist in these two types of research will be used by the writer to analyze the problems that the writer will solve in answering the problem formulation. the object of research that the author adopts in this study is the practice of pawn of agricultural land. so this research requires primary data and secondary data. to obtain primary data, interviews and questionnaires were distributed to respondents both to farmers and from the local government. meanwhile, for secondary data, literature search will be carried out. jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah. 5(1): 45-58 50 4. research results and discussion 4.1 land pawn practice in kec. patilanggio in terms of juridical-sociological all land rights have a social function. this can be found in article 6 of the uupa, namely: "all land rights have a social function". this social function does not only exist in land with ownership rights, but includes building use rights, business use rights, use rights, building lease rights, and including pawning rights (land pawning) in practice it must reflect the social function of the land. pawning land is nothing new for the indonesian people in general and for the people of kec. patilanggio in particular. pawai (land lien) is included in secondary land rights. so that the land lien is not prohibited by law, but the application of the land lien must not be separated from the social function of the land so that there is no extortion. below this will discuss the practice of land pawning by examining it both from a juridical and sociological point of view, so that it can provide a comparison between the legal basis and the existing reality, and provide a middle ground solution in the case of land pawning and minimize this gap. a. juridical aspects of land pawn as has been explained in the background of this research, that after the constitutional reform that has been carried out through the amendments to the 1945 constitution, it has brought about very basic changes both in terms of governance and in the life of society and the state. one aspect that has changed is the aspect of human rights, especially in article 28g paragraph (1) which reads: "everyone has the right to protection of personal, family, honor, dignity and property under their control, and to the right to feel safe and protection from the threat of fear to do or not do something that is a basic right" from article 28g paragraph (1) above, there is the phrase "property which is under his control", this shows that our constitution has provided legal protection to everyone or even to every legal subject to defend the property he owns. according to the author himself, the use of the word "under his control" in the above phrase is not correct, because as if our constitution does not provide full constitutional protection to holders of property over property. logic that if the use of the phrase "property under one's control" is encoded with the phrase "property that is owned" from the root of power and the root of property, of course, the stronger the position is the one who owns, not the one who controls. the one who controls does not necessarily own, the one who owns it does not necessarily master. however, holders of property rights have stronger rights than those who control them. so that according to the author it is more appropriate if the phrase reads "property which is under his control or in his possession". however, the author does not discuss further from article 28g paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution above, but as an initial introduction that the constitutional rights of every legal subject regulated in our constitution become commander or grundnorm (basic norms) which will become the benchmark in drafting legislation. invitation below. property that is protected by our constitution based on article 28g paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution above certainly has a very broad meaning, including ownership rights to land. the legal basis for land ownership is of course not only regulates land ownership rights in a static manner, but also regulates ownership of land dynamically, jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah. 5(1): 45-58 51 namely from the aspects of its authority, management, enjoyment of land use value, rights to guarantee the land, and even regulating rights ownership of land with all purposes and social and economic functions of the land. one of the regulated land rights is land lien. land pledge is one of the secondary land rights or so-called temporary land rights regulated in article 53 of the uupa and further regulated in article 7 of law number 57 prp of 1960 concerning the determination of the area of agricultural land owned by one. family. the legal basis for lien (land lien) on the land is: a. article 28g paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution b. article 29 paragraph (1), article 36 paragraph (1), (2), and paragraph (3) of law no. 39 of 1999 concerning human rights c. article 53 paragraph 1 of law no. 5 of 1960 concerning basic agrarian principles d. article 7 of law no. 56 prp of 1960 1960 concerning the determination of the area of agricultural land owned by one family e. article 3a regulation government no. 24 of 1997 concerning agricultural land registration f. minister of agriculture and agrarian regulation no. 20 of 1963 concerning guidelines for solving pawn problems of the various legal bases regarding the above land mortgage, none other than to provide legal protection between the two parties, both the pledge giver and the pledge recipient. b. sociological study of land pawn practices in kec. patilanggio basically, land pawning arises in the community because someone needs money by making his / her own land and the plants on it as collateral in the form of land pawning. usually someone mortgaged his land only in urgent circumstances. if there is no urgent need, people are more likely to manage their own agricultural land or rent it out to others. a) reasons for the community pawning the land based on the custom of the people of gorontalo, the term pawning is known as pohulo'o or mopohulo'o and has long been developing in gorontalo. in the district. pohuwato especially in kec. patilanggio pawning land in general in rice fields or other plantations and mortgaging land has become something that can be done by some communities. this is also an alternative solution when there is a very urgent need that requires more funds to meet these urgent needs. based on the research results by distributing questionnaires to 15 respondents in 5 (five) villages (manawa, suka makmur, iloheluma, dudepo, balayo) in kec. patilanggio, all respondents answered that land pawning was only done by residents when there was a very urgent need. for this type of urgent need, the respondent did not explain what it was, but in essence, it was true that the community in land pawning was done when the need was very urgent. b) proof of agreement and payment of land pawn prices jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah. 5(1): 45-58 52 whereas in the case of the bargaining process, it is usually the pawner who first offers a price bid to the prospective pawning recipient and the price of the land pawn offered depends on the fertility of the land and the plants on it. and before there is an agreement between the two parties' defense, the prospective pawning recipient usually visits the object of the land pawn, if the prospective land pawn recipient likes, then an agreement occurs between the two parties and continues with the delivery of the pawn which is only proven by a receipt as proof of payment from the price of pawning the land without involving the village head for the preparation of a pawning agreement for agricultural land. this can be seen in table 1 below: table 1. evidence of land pawn agreement no. villagers the pawnman pawn receiver 1 manawa receipt receipt 2 suka makmur receipt receipt 3 iloheluma receipt receipt 4 dudepo receipt receipt 5 balayo receipt receipt so based on the data table 1 above, it shows that the pawning agreement between the pawning giver and the pawning recipient is only proven by a receipt as proof of agreement and at the same time proof of payment of the land pawn price. c) types of land pawn in kec. patilanggio regarding the types of land pawning methods, based on the results of the research there are 5 (five) methods used by the residents of kec. patilanggio, namely: 1. the price of land pledge is still returned by the pledge provider to the pledge recipient when the period has expired. for example, a pawns 1 hectare of land to b with a mortgage price of rp. 10,000,000, (ten million rupiah) with a period of 2 years. if it has been 2 years, then a as the pawner must return the capital of the mortgage to b as the recipient of the pledge. and if a has not been able to return the mortgage capital, the land mortgage will continue until a can return the mortgage capital. 2. the price of pawning (pawning capital) for land is not returned by the pledge provider to the pledge recipient when the period expires. this type of land pledge does not have to return the land pawning capital to the pawning recipient and usually has a long period of time. based on the results of an interview with arman tangahu, the sekertaris of suka makmur village on december 18, 2017, he explained that the custom of people in ancient times to pawn their land without returning the pawning price (pawning capital) usually had a very long period of time, so that some people mortgaged their land for more than 7 years even 10 years. the land that is pawned is usually empty land, so if the pawn recipient wants to get the results from the land, they have to cultivate it themselves, such as sawa, planting rica, tomatoes, vegetables, milu and others. 3. land pawn with a tax system. pawn land in this way the residents of kec. patilanggio used to call it the term tax. the author himself prefers to use the term lien tax, so that the reader can dissect the pbb tax. this type of land pawning is usually carried out on coconut trees whose calculations are not based on the length of time the pawns took, but based on the frequency of harvest by the recipient of the coconut tree. for example, a, as the pawner, pawned his jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah. 5(1): 45-58 53 coconut trees to b as the recipient of the pledge of 100 trees with a mortgage price of rp. 10,000,000, (ten million rupiah) provided that 3 (three) harvests and person a no longer have to return the mortgage capital to person b if they have harvested 3 times. 4. the fourth type is that the land pawner continues to work on the land that is pawned to the pawning recipient on the condition that the results of the cultivation will be shared based on mutual agreement. so that the status of the pawnbroker is as a pawn shop worker as well as as a pawner. this usually happens when the pawn recipient cannot cultivate the land that is held by the pawn. however, there is still a time limit that has been agreed by both parties. 5. land pawn without any clear time limit provisions, but only based on the ability of the pledge giver, until when the pledge giver can return the pawning money to the pledge recipient so that many residents pawned their land for up to 10 years or even more because it was based on the ability of the pawnbroker and the main source of income had been mortgaged. of the five types of pledge methods mentioned above, not one has actually pledged land based on the provisions in the prevailing laws and regulations. everything is only based on the habits of society. even though it is not in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations, this is still accepted by the community because it has become a habit in society when more funds are needed in an urgent situation. d) land pawn period based on questionnaire results in kec. patilanggio in addition, the practice of land pawning in the district. there are still patilanggio that keep from the stipulated time limit. this can be seen in table 2 below. table 2. duration of land pawn based on the results of the questionnaire no. villagers the pawnman pawn receiver village head / village officials 1 manawa 10 years 3 years 10 years 2 suka makmur 2 years 3 years 10 years 3 iloheluma 10 years 5 years 4 x harvest 4 dudepo 3-4 years 2 years 5-6 years 5 balayo 5 years 2 years there are no limits based on the data on the time period for land pawning based on the results of the above questionnaire, 4 of the 15 respondents answered that the time period for land pawning was more than 7 years, in this case up to 10 years. these data indicate that the practice of land pawning in kec. there are still patilanggio that exceed the time limit set by law. so this tends to contain elements of extortion because it has a very long period of time and is detrimental to the party who gives the pledge. and the pawner still has to return the pawning money to the party who receives the pledge. this happens because the calculation is not carried out based on the formula stipulated in article 7 paragraph (2) of law no. 56 prp 1960. e) the view of pawners / pawn recipients / village heads-village officials luckily for pawning land besides having the element of helping, land pawning is also considered to contain the element of extortion. because as long as the pledge giver, in this case the land owner, cannot plow the land, the land is still controlled by the pawner. jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah. 5(1): 45-58 54 table 3. views / opinions regarding the pros and cons / pawning / land pawn results based on the results of the questionnaire no. villagers the pawnman pawn receiver village head / village officials 1 manawa loss satisfactory harm the giver 2 suka makmur loss very good win-win solution 3 iloheluma no loss satisfactory harm the giver 4 dudepo no loss not bad pawn receiver 5 balayo no loss satisfactory nothing to lose based on the data in table 3 above, it can be concluded that the practice of land pawning in kec. patilanggio tends to be more profitable for the party receiving the pawn. this can be seen in table 3 above, out of 15 respondents, both from the elements who gave the pawn, the recipient of the pawn, and the village head / village official from the party who gave the pawn, only 2 people answered loss, and 3 people answered no loss. from the pawn recipient, out of 5 respondents all of them gave very satisfying answers. meanwhile, from the village head / village apparatus, 2 respondents answered that it was detrimental to the pawner, 2 respondents answered that it was mutually beneficial or no one was harmed, and 1 respondent answered that it was detrimental to the pawn recipient. but based on the results of the questionnaire, even though the pawner feels a loss, if there is a very urgent need, table 4. profit-loss opinions in making land pawning no. villagers the pawnman still mortgaged or not 1 manawa loss still want to pawn more 2 suka makmur loss no longer 3 iloheluma no loss still want to pawn more 4 dudepo no loss no longer 5 balayo no loss still want to make it based on the results of the above questionnaire regarding the pawning party in terms of the advantages and disadvantages of pawning the land and whether or not the land is pawned, out of 5 (five) respondents who gave the pawning, there were 2 (two) respondents who answered loss and 3 (three) respondents answered nothing to lose. and in terms of whether or not they want to mortgage their land, 1 (one) respondent answered that they lost their land to pawn their land, but if at any time they need money they still want to pawn their land. likewise, 1 respondent answered that it was not a loss to mortgage his land but even though he needed money from time to time, he no longer wanted to pawn his land. and 1 respondent answered that he had a loss and did not want to pawn his land anymore. two respondents answered that they had nothing to lose and that they still wanted to pawn their land if there was a very urgent need. f) points of land pawn problems in kec. patilanggio jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah. 5(1): 45-58 55 according to the author, the point of the problem in this study is not the benefit of the pawn recipient and the loss of the pawner. because basically no one wants to hold a pawn of agricultural land but the results are detrimental. the pawnbroker pawned his land, it is certain that he already knew he would suffer a loss. but because the basis is because of a very urgent need, so inevitably they have to mortgage the land they own. and the losses suffered by the party giving the pledge are not included in the object of legal problems, but are more likely to be social and economic problems. but what becomes the problem is that if the practice of land pawning is carried out not based on the applicable legal provisions and as a result it is detrimental to the party giving the pledge then this is the real problem. and this problem is what happened in kec. patilanggio. the most important points of the problem here are: 1. the land pawning agreement is only proven with a receipt and does not involve the village head in making the land pawn deed, so it cannot be registered at the bpn kab. pohuwato. 2. the period of time for land pawning is more than 7 years and even more than 10 years. so, even though the period of the pawn is more than 7 years, the party who gives the pledge still has to return the pawning money (capital of the pawn) to the pawn recipient. 3. pledge redemption is not based on applicable legal procedures. in this case it is not in accordance with law no. 56 prp of 1960 concerning the determination of the area of agricultural land article 7 paragraph (2) in which the redemption of pawning must use the formula:(7 + 1⁄2) (time of pawn) x (pawn) x 7 ". which means that the payment of the mortgage on agricultural land is getting smaller according to the length of the pawn period. g) reasons for residents to remain pawning land and not borrowing money at banks although the practice of land pawning is detrimental to the pawner, in fact the community still prefers to mortgage their land, rather than borrowing money from the bank by making the land as collateral as the object of collateral for mortgage. under this, it explains the reasons that the pawner would prefer to mortgage his land to fellow citizens than to borrow money from the bank by becoming the land as the object of collateral for mortgages. table 5. reasons in pawning the land instead of borrowing money at a bank no. villagers the pawnman 1 manawa too many convoluted processes at the bank 2 suka makmur because the bank is too difficult and there are many requirements that must be met 3 iloheluma the bank is too complicated 4 dudepo too many conditions 5 balayo too complicated, many requirements that must be met if seen from the data in table 5 above, of the 5 (five) respondents who gave the pledge gave an answer that the point was that the reason residents preferred to mortgage land to fellow residents rather than borrow money at the bank was because borrowing money at the bank was too complicated, many conditions that must be met, and convoluted. so it feels like it eliminates or minimizes the practice of pawning the land even though it is considered to contain elements of extortion. jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah. 5(1): 45-58 56 4.2 settlement of disputes between pledge pledge and pledge recipients if dispute occurs members of the community who are building will not be able to prevent the effects of their various activities from rubbing against one another. in this shift, it is inevitable that conflicts will occur which will eventually manifest as a dispute or misunderstanding that can occur at any time. at first glance, these contingencies seem insignificant and small, so they may be ignored, but suddenly appear without prior calculation. disputes are not what the parties want. however, it is possible for this to arise in the legal relationship between the two parties. so that the dispute was brought to the dispute settlement institution or even to the court to seek justice. the judiciary, apart from being an institution for the resolution of various dispute cases, is also an institution that is trusted to provide a sense of justice to the justiceseeking community through a judge's decision. basically the duty of the judge (lili rasjidi and ira thania rasjidi., 2004: 93) is to give a decision in every case or conflict faced by it, determine matters such as legal relations, the legal value of behavior, and the legal position of the parties involved in a case, so as to be able to resolve disputes or conflicts in an impartial manner based on the law applies, the judge must always be independent and free from the influence of any party, especially in terms of constructing his decision. the judge is considered to be the party examining and wise, so the parties bring their problems to be tried. and in general, people who go to court are people who have problems and seek justice and it is the judge who is tasked with providing justice to justice seekers through their decisions. legal disputes arise because of the legal relationship between the two parties. the legal relationship that is meant here is a legal relationship that arises from the field of civil law, namely whether it is a legal relationship (engagement) that is born because of the basis of an agreement or a legal relationship that is born due to the provisions of law. one of the legal relationships that arose from the agreement was a land pawn agreement. whereas land pawning, according to harsono (2017), land pawning is a legal relationship between a person and land belonging to another person, who has received the pledge thereof. as long as the pawning money is not returned, the land is controlled by the pawn holder. during that time the entire land yield became the right of the lien holder. the return of the mortgage, or what is commonly called redemption, depends on the ability of the land owner to mortgage the mortgage. many pawns last for years or even decades because the land owner has not been able to carry out redemption. the same thing happened in kec. patilanggio. many land pawning practices last for decades. for more details, see table 2 in the research results of the first problem formulation above. based on the results of an interview with one of the residents of suka makmur village on behalf of zakir (a pseudonym) on december 20, 2017, he explained that he had received a land pawn, in this case vacant land, then he worked on the land by planting rica and jagun. but after the plant grows fertile, the landlord, in this case the land owner, sells the land that was pawned to pak zakir without pak zakir's knowledge. this dispute was finally brought to the village office for discussion. in the process of jurnal hukum volkgeist nasrullah. 5(1): 45-58 57 deliberation, the pawner offers to pay the pawning money and reimburse all costs for maintaining the corn and rica plants that have been planted by the pawn recipient. however, mr. zakir refused because the offer was considered to be detrimental to him. while the second case occurred in iloheluma village, this case is based on information from the village apparatus, in this case mr. cipto yusup, who was the author of the interview on december 20, 2017. the series of cases involved pawning, in this case mrs. sartin (pseudonym) offered his land to be mortgaged to mr. abdul rasak (pseudonym) for 2 years at a pawning price of 15 million rupiah, but after an agreement between the two parties was only proven by a payment receipt one month later the pawner ordered the land back on the grounds that there are others who want to accept a higher price for their land mortgage. finally, the case was brought to the iloheluma village office for discussion. in the deliberation process, neither party who gave the pawn nor the recipient of the pawn wanted to give in. meanwhile, in the third case, mr. harif (pseudonym) received a land pledge from mr. rasyik (pseudonym), a resident of buntulia village for a pawning of 10 million rupiah over a period of 2 years. due to the fact that copra prices rose after being pawned, the pawning party ordered the land to be pawned again before the period ended. however, this case was only resolved by deliberation between the two parties without involving the village head. and the pawn recipient only adds the pawn price. so the conclusion is a form of dispute settlement between the land pawner and the land pawn recipient of the residents in the district. patilanggio is by way of deliberation, involving the village head or only by deliberation between the pawner and the pawn recipient. 5. conclusion the practice of land pawning in the district patilanggio still keeps the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations. so that it is more likely to harm the party giving the pledge and is not based on the principle of helping. but even though the community realizes that pawning their land is detrimental to them, this is still done by residents as the last solution to meet urgent needs and has become a habit of the community, so that the practice of land pawning has been going on as a matter of course and does not become a problem. problem. the form of dispute settlement between the land pawner and the land pawn recipient of residents in the district. patilanggio is by way of deliberation, involving the village head or only by deliberation between the pawner and the pawn recipient. references harsono, b. 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(1981). asas-asas hukum adat bekal pengantar. liberti. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 1, desember 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 70 mechanism for collective property sharing in mixed marriage siti alafisyahrin lasori 1 abstract author’s information: this research discusses the mechanism of sharing joint assets for mixed marriage partners. the results of the study illustrate the applicable provisions with the facts that occur in the community regarding land ownership for indonesian husbands or wives in mixed marriages. the research method used in this research is normative research method. the statutory approach and the conceptual approach the statutory approach is an approach using legislation and regulations. and the conceptual approach is to refer to legal principles. these principles can be found in scholarly views or legal doctrines . this study aims to analyze the mechanism for sharing joint assets in marriage, is based on the prevailing laws and regulations and provides legal certainty for the husband or wife of indonesian citizens regarding the status of land ownership in joint assets for mixed marriages. based on the results of the research, a conclusion is obtained that land ownership for indonesian citizens due to mixed marriages without being equated with land rights for their foreign partners, which is only limited to use rights. legal certainty for current indonesian citizens to be entitled to land with ownership rights. keywords: mechanism , joint assets , mixed marriage 1 law department, ichsan gorontalo university, indonesia e-mail: (st.alfisyahrin@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.896 1. introduction in indonesia, mixed marriage is a familiar phenomenon. in the history of the nation's founders, this mixed marriage has been going on in indonesia for a long time. starting with a trade mission, until finally it produced offspring known as indo chinese, indo arabic , indo dutch, almost part of indonesian society is now not purely indigenous but has mixed with other countries.(ratulangi, n.d.) in article 57 of law no. 1 of 1974 on marriage is stated that: "the definition of a mixed marriage is a marriage between two people who exist in indonesia and subject to a different law, because of differences in nationality and one of the parties of indonesian nationality, while the element -the elements contained in a mixed marriage, namely (undang-undang nomor 12 tahun 2006, n.d.): 1) marriage that is conducted in the jurisdiction of indonesia; 2) each is subject to different laws because of different nationalities and one of the parties is indonesian citizenship. furthermore, with the occurrence of mixed marriages, several problems will arise due to the occurrence of marriage, namely related to the legal consequences of marriage, among others, the result of marriage to husband and wife, the result of marriage on assets, and the consequences of marriage to children. especially on a result of marriage teradap property, raised their innate property and joint property. congenital assets are assets controlled by their respective owners, namely husband or wife. and each husband and wife has the full right to take legal actions against their property. this mailto:st.alfisyahrin@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.896 jurnal hukum volkgeist siti alafisyahrin lasori. 5(1): 70-80 71 is as regulated in article 36 paragraph 2 of law number 1 year 1974 concerning marriage. while joint assets are assets controlled by husband and wife , husband or wife can act on joint assets with the consent of both parties. in article 36 paragraph 1 of law number 1 year 1974 concerning marriage, it is regulated on this matter . joint assets husband and wife have the same rights and obligations. furthermore, it is reaffirmed in article 35 paragraph 1 and 2 of law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage which reads “paragraph ( 1) assets acquired during marriage become joint assets. (paragraph 2) the inheritance of each husband and wife and the property obtained by each as a gift or inheritance is under their respective control as long as the parties do not determine otherwise. in article 21 paragraph (3) uupa it is stated that: "foreigners who after the enactment of this law obtain property rights due to inheritance without a will or a mixture of assets due to marriage, likewise indonesian citizens who have property rights and after this law is enacted lose their citizenship are obliged to relinquish this right within the period of time.(undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1960 tentang peraturanperaturan dasar pokok agraria, n.d.) 1 (one) year after the right was obtained or the citizenship was lost. if in the past period, the ownership rights are not released, then the right is canceled because the law and land fall to the state, provided that the rights of the other party continue to impose them. indonesian citizens should still apply the rules contained in article 21 paragraph (1), namely "only indonesian citizens have the right to property rights". in article 21 paragraph (1) of the above-mentioned law, it is clear that every indonesian citizen without exception is entitled to land with the status of ownership rights. however, in reality, land rights with ownership rights for indonesian citizens in mixed marriages are strongly influenced by the existence of a marriage agreement.(undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1960 tentang peraturan-peraturan dasar pokok agraria, n.d.) the point of the problem in the occurrence of a divorce is joint property. the marriage law (article 37) only states that if the marriage breaks up due to divorce, joint assets are regulated according to their respective laws. in the explanation of the p origin of the states that is "legal" respectively mean religious law, customary law, and the law other laws. if we look at the legal system as mentioned earlier, the settlement for this collective property can be determined as follows: for those who are married according to islam, it must be distributed according to islamic law which refers to the compilation of islamic law. so if referring to this legal basis, the legal consequences of mixed marriages are based on the chronology of the case below, so for indonesian citizens who are married to foreign citizens, it will be difficult to own land or buildings with property rights status . because couples in mixed marriages feel aggrieved by a number of provisions in the uupa and the marriage law. foreign nationals who are married to indonesians cannot have rights to land, let alone share assets after the break-up of the marriage. as a result, mixed marriage couples feel disadvantaged by law number 5 of 1960 concerning basic agrarian regulations (uupa) and law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage (uup). he considered that article 21 paragraph (1) and article 36 paragraph (1) of the uupa have different meanings from what the 1945 constitution aspires to. the problem is, the phrase "wni" is interpreted as "indonesian citizens who are not married or indonesian citizens who are married to other indonesians ". , the fact is that many https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=id&prev=_t&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.hukumonline.com/pusatdata/detail/249/nprt/6/uu-no-5-tahun-1960-peraturan-dasar-pokok-pokok-agraria https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=id&prev=_t&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.hukumonline.com/pusatdata/detail/26834/node/18/uu-no-1-tahun-1974-perkawinan jurnal hukum volkgeist siti alafisyahrin lasori. 5(1): 70-80 72 indonesian citizens marry foreigners, but still retain indonesian citizenship and live permanently in indonesia. indonesian citizens who are married to foreigners do not lose their citizenship , they remain as indonesian citizens who have the same rights as other indonesian citizens. there is not a single law which states that there is a difference between the citizenship status of indonesian citizens who are married to foreigners as stipulated in article 2 of law number 12 of 2006 concerning citizenship. 2. research methods in this study, researchers used this type of approach legislation according to peter mahmud marzuki "the statute approach is carried out by examining all laws and regulations related to the legal issue being handled. the statutory approach is an approach using legislation and regulations ”.(marzuki, 2010). as the type of research used is normative legal research. the technique of collecting legal materials used in this research is none other than those stated by mukti fajar and yulianto achmad that: "data collection techniques in normative legal research are carried out by literature study of legal materials, both primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, as well as tertiary legal materials.(achmad, n.d.) the analysis technique used is descriptiveanalysis, namely a simple description of a condition or position of legal or non legal propositions . 3. result and discussion 3.1 the mechanism of mixed marriage in indonesia on joint property ownership for indonesians in marriage in bw indonesia's civil law, namely recognizing the sharing of joint assets in the event of a divorce, this joint property is divided into two and each gets half of the assets. whereas for those who are subject to the civil code , in the event of a divorce, the joint property is divided into two between the husband and ex-wife files. in a mixed marriage, again it must be seen which law they agree to use by seeing how the marriage is carried out. because it is related to foreigners who have a different legal system, it is better if in a mixed marriage it should be carried out through proper legal procedures in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations and as far as possible be accompanied by a marriage agreement concerning the status of assets in the marriage later. . thus, legal certainty in an undertaken marriage can be more secure for all parties.(manan, 2006) seeing the above explanation, of course, these assets stand alone even in a divorce like that the husband's property belongs to the husband and the wife's property belongs to the wife when they are divorced, but when they are not divorced, indonesian law does not allow joint assets. for the perpetrators of these mixed marriages certainly makes some people menggangap discrimination against foreigners with the law in indonesia. a. the mechanism of mixed marriage between indonesian citizens and foreigners in indonesia currently, there are many indonesians who intend to have mixed marriages (marriages with different nationalities) but are constrained or at least lack of information on this. therefore, in the following research, the researcher provides other basic information regarding matters related to mixed marriages, especially for indonesian citizens (wni) who are going to marry in indonesia to male foreign citizens (wna) https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=id&prev=_t&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.hukumonline.com/pusatdata/detail/25702/nprt/16/uu-no-12-tahun-2006-kewarganegaraan-republik-indonesia jurnal hukum volkgeist siti alafisyahrin lasori. 5(1): 70-80 73 based on the current law. this (law no. 1 of 1974 concerning marriage).(uu nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan, n.d.) mixed marriage marriage between two people who in indonesia are subject to different laws, due to differences in nationality, is known as mixed marriage (article 57 of law no.1 of 1974 concerning marriage). this means that the marriage that you will do is a mixed marriage. 16 in accordance with the applicable law mixed marriages that are held in indonesia are carried out according to marriage law and must fulfill the conditions of marriage. marriage requirements include: there is an agreement between the two prospective brides, permission from both parents / guardians for those who are not yet 21 years old, and as well (see article 6 of the marriage law).(uu nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan, n.d.) certificate of marriage registration officer if all the conditions have been met, you can ask the marriage registrar to provide a certificate from the marriage registrar of each party, you and your future husband, (article 60 paragraph 1 of the marriage law). this certificate contains information that it is true that the conditions have been met and there are no obstacles to getting married. if the marriage registrar refuses to provide a certificate, then it can ask the court to issue a decree, stating that the rejection is unwarranted (article 60 paragraph 3 of the marriage law), this certificate or decree in lieu of information is valid for six months. if during that time, the marriage has not been carried out, then the certificate or decree will no longer have power (article 60 paragraph 5 of the marriage law). the papers to prepare there are several other letters that must also be prepared, namely: a. for future husbands you must ask your future husband to complete the papers from his area or country of origin. to be able to get married in indonesia, he must also submit a "certificate" stating that he can marry and will marry an indonesian citizen. this decree is issued by the competent authority in the country. in addition, it must also be attached: a) photocopy of personal identity (ktp / passport ); b) photocopy of birth certificate; c) certificate that he is not currently married; or divorce certificate if ever married; or the wife's death certificate if the wife dies. these letters are then translated into indonesian by a translator who is sworn in and then must be legalized by the foreign national embassy in indonesia. b. for the prospective wife, you must equip yourself with: a) photocopy of ktp; b) photocopy of birth certificate; c) data on the parents of the prospective bride and groom a cover letter from the rt rw stating that you have no obstacle for you to get married jurnal hukum volkgeist siti alafisyahrin lasori. 5(1): 70-80 74 d) marriage registration (article 61 paragraph 1 of the marriage law) this marriage registration is intended to obtain a marriage certificate (excerpt from a marriage book) by authorized employees. for those who are muslim, the recording is carried out by the employee of the marriage registrar or the assistant to the registrar of divorce divorces. as for non-muslims, the recording is carried out by civil registry officers. legalize marriage certificate quotes the excerpt from the marriage certificate that you have obtained, still has to be legalized at the ministry of law and human rights and the ministry of foreign affairs, and registered at the embassy in the country of origin of your husband. with this legalization, your marriage is legal and accepted internationally, both for the law in the country of origin. husband, as well as according to indonesian law a. legal consequences there are several consequences that you must accept if you marry a foreigner. one of the most important is related to the status of children. based on the latest citizenship law, children born from the marriage of an indonesian woman to a foreign man, as well as children born from the marriage of a foreign woman to an indonesian citizen, are now both recognized as indonesian citizens . the child will have dual nationality , and after the child is 18 years old or already married, he must make his choice. the statement to vote must be submitted no later than 3 (three) years after the child turns 18 years old or after marriage. so be prepared to take care of the procedure for selecting citizenship for mixed marriages that take place outside indonesia, it must be registered at the civil registry office no later than 1 (one) year after the person concerned returns to indonesia. if not, then your marriage has not been recognized by our laws. the proof of marriage is registered at the marriage registration office where you live in indonesia (article 56 paragraph (2) law no. 1/74). based on an interview with drs. syamsudin ibrahim as head of the gorontalo city population service which the researcher has made as a resource person that according to mr. syamsudin's observations at the civil registry office, there is nothing more specific about the distribution of joint assets for perpetrators of mixed marriages. so that the data in the civil registry office is not yet complete and the government needs to be updated again regarding the distribution of joint assets. the law that must be used in the sharing of joint assets is islamic law which is more precisely using the law in the compilation of islamic law and in islamic law does not recognize the mixing of personal assets into the form of joint assets but it is recommended that there is mutual understanding between husband and wife in managing assets. personal, do not let this management cause damage to the relationship resulting in divorce. regarding mixed marriage, based on the perspective of the koran, islam does not recognize mixed marriage, because the position of fellow muslims is the same and a noble person is in the sight of allah swt. the measure is to show devotion and obedience to allah, not based on territorial or national boundaries. as contained in the koran surah alhujuraat (49) verse 13 which meaning: jurnal hukum volkgeist siti alafisyahrin lasori. 5(1): 70-80 75 o people, verily we created you from a man and a woman and made you nations and tribes so that you could know each other. verily the noblest among you hand of god is the most pious among you. verily, allah knows the most get to know . { qs. alhujurat (49 ): 13} regarding the property rights of indonesian citizens which are based on law number 5 of 1960 concerning agrarian principles, which is approximately 40 years old, it is felt that it is very necessary to undergo changes, because it is no longer in accordance with developments that occur in society. according to the advisor for the forum for land study and consultation (fkkp) chairul basri , land ownership rights are attached to the subject of the owner. if the subject is an indonesian citizen, then he / she has the right to own ownership rights. meanwhile, his foreign partner as a foreign subject is only entitled to have the right to use. (indonesia, n.d.) indonesian citizens who carry out mixed marriages without a marriage agreement should still be entitled to land with ownership rights, as long as they do not give up their citizenship (remain indonesian citizens). although there is joint ownership of land with ownership rights in a mixed marriage without a marriage agreement, the status of the land rights should be separated. indonesian citizens are still entitled to land with ownership rights, while foreign spouses are only entitled to land with usufruct status. indeed there are difficulties in understanding of article 21 paragraph (3) act act no. 5 of 1960. the solution, expected to be briefed in the future of our society (socialization) of the act in force in indonesia so as indonesian citizens are no longer violated rights it's rights and our society is smarter about the law. 3.2 regulation on the distribution of joint assets in mixed marriages. having opened up relations with the outside world, nowadays many foreigners live in indonesia. they generally stay because they work, do business, or live temporarily as tourists to spend their holidays or as sometimes deliberately brought in by the state which is to be used as an asset for the country, this often happens as well, as is known most in the world of sports, especially in football. a ball that people often refer to as a transfer player. therefore, it is commonplace if there is a marriage between them and indonesian citizens. maybe it does not matter if their marriage can run permanently according to the purpose of a marriage as it is referred to in the marriage law, namely the formation of a happy and eternal family / household based on the one godhead. however, it will be a problem for the parties if there is a divorce, especially regarding the position of the child and the distribution of marital assets. marriages between indonesian citizens and foreigners in indonesian law are called mixed marriages, namely marriages between two people who in indonesia are subject to different laws due to differences in nationality and one of them is indonesian citizenship (article 57 uup). this marriage is carried out in indonesia, so in this mixed marriage, one of the parties can obtain the citizenship of the husband / wife and can also lose his citizenship according to the methods stipulated in the applicable indonesian citizenship law.(tutik, 2006) mixed marriage according to law no. 1 of 1974 is what is meant by mixed marriage in this law, which is a marriage between two people who in indonesia are subject to different laws, due to differences in nationality and one of the parties is a foreign citizen and one of the parties is an indonesian citizen.(uu nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan, n.d.) a. article 38 of law no. 1 of 1974 explains that a marriage can break up because: jurnal hukum volkgeist siti alafisyahrin lasori. 5(1): 70-80 76 b. death, the death of a person is a symptom of nature as the nature of a living being because death is unavoidable and is something that causes the break of the marriage of the husband and wife concerned.(darmabrata, 2004) c. divorce, article 14 of government regulation no. 9 of 1975 explains that the breakdown of a marriage due to divorce is the break up of a marriage because it is declared thalaq by a husband in a marriage held according to islam. in this case , divorce is seen as the end of an unstable marriage in which the husband and wife then live separately and are officially recognized by the applicable law. 6 d. on the court's decision, namely the termination of the marriage based on a court decision that has obtained permanent legal force. based on the current indonesian citizenship law, namely law no. 12 of 2006 concerning citizenship of the republic of indonesia ("citizenship law"). regarding the citizenship status in mixed marriages, this is regulated in article 26 of the citizenship law, which is reads : a. indonesian women who are married to men who are foreign nationals lose their citizenship of the republic of indonesia if according to the law of the country of origin of their husband, the nationality of the wife follows the citizenship of the husband as a result of the marriage. b. male indonesian citizen who marries foreigners lose indonesian citizenship if the law of his country of origin, nationality husband followed his wife citizenship as a result of marriage it . c. (2) women as referred to in paragraph (1) or men as referred to in paragraph (2), if they wish to remain indonesian citizens, can submit a statement letter regarding their wishes to the officials or representatives of the republic of indonesia whose territory includes the residence of the woman or man. unless the application results in dual citizenship. d. (2) the statement letter as referred to in paragraph (3) can be submitted by the woman as referred to in paragraph (1) or by the man as referred to in paragraph (2) after 3 (three) years from the date the marriage took place. so, if we look at the provisions of article 26 paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) of the citizenship law, it can be seen that if the law of the country of origin of the husband grants citizenship to his partner due to mixed marriage, the wife who is an indonesian citizen can lose indonesian citizenship, unless she applies a statement to remain an indonesian citizen and also the citizenship status of the foreign husband if the mixed marriage partner resides in indonesia. in the provisions of the citizenship law, it does not specify that a foreigner who is married to an indonesian citizen will automatically become an indonesian citizen, including if he resides in indonesia. the thing that the foreigner needs to pay attention to while living in indonesia is that he must have a residence permit, if the foreigner has lived in indonesia for 5 consecutive years or 10 consecutive years, then he or she meets the requirements to apply to become an indonesian citizen if he wishes (see article 9 letter b of the citizenship law). a. common property ownership according to islamic law https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=id&prev=_t&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.hukumonline.com/pusatdata/detail/25702/node/5/uu-no-12-tahun-2006-kewarganegaraan-republik-indonesia https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=id&prev=_t&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.hukumonline.com/pusatdata/detail/25702/node/5/uu-no-12-tahun-2006-kewarganegaraan-republik-indonesia https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=id&prev=_t&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.hukumonline.com/pusatdata/detail/25702/node/5/uu-no-12-tahun-2006-kewarganegaraan-republik-indonesia https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=id&prev=_t&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.hukumonline.com/pusatdata/detail/25702/node/5/uu-no-12-tahun-2006-kewarganegaraan-republik-indonesia jurnal hukum volkgeist siti alafisyahrin lasori. 5(1): 70-80 77 the study of shared assets in islamic law is inseparable from the discussion of the concept of syirkah in marriage. many scholars argue that joint property is included in the concept of shirkah, considering that the concept of shared assets is not found in the reference to the text of the al-quran and hadith , then we can actually do it. qiyas (comparison) with the existing concept of fiqh , namely about the syirkah itself . so , it cannot be said that since the issue of shared assets is not mentioned in the koran, the discussion of collective assets becomes far-fetched.(susanto, 2000) according to yahya harahap that the perspective of islamic law on the joint assets is in line with what was stated by ismail muhammad syah in his dissertation that the search with husband and wife should be included in rub'u mu'amalah , but in fact it was not specifically discussed about this. this may be due to the fact that generally the authors of fiqh books are arabs who do not recognize the existence of customs regarding the search with husband and wife. however, they talked about partnership which in arabic is known as syirkah, by for search problems with a couple are included partnership, so to determine the law needs to be discussed first dahulutentang kinds of partnerships as has been discussed by the expert fiqh in their books.(manan, 2006) according to amir syarifuddin islamic law regulates that the marriage agreement must be made at the time the marriage contract is carried out or afterwards and must be carried out with a special contract in the form of syirkah , if these two elements are not applied, then the personal property belonging to each husband and wife cannot be categorized as joint property. and tetapmenjadi personal property each (manan, 2006), syirkah is a contract between people who unite in terms of capital and profit.(sabiq, 1981) in islamic law there is no mixing of personal assets into the form of joint assets but it is recommended that there is mutual understanding between husband and wife in managing these personal assets, lest this management results in damage to the relationship which results in divorce, so in this case islamic law allows for a marriage agreement before the marriage was carried out. the agreement can be in the form of a merger of individual personal assets into joint assets, it can also be determined that there is no merger of private property into joint assets, if the agreement is made before the marriage is carried out, then the agreement is valid and must be enforced.(manan, 2006) islamic law regulates a separate system between the husband's property and the wife's property as long as the person concerned does not specify otherwise (not stipulated in the marriage agreement). islamic law also provides leeway for the two of them to make a marriage agreement according to their wishes, and the agreement finally binds them legally. view of islamic law that separates wealth of husband and wife actually facilitate the separation which includes treasures husband danmana which includes treasures wife, where wealth congenital the husband and where hartabawaan wife before marriage, where the treasures were acquired husband and treasure acquired wives individually during marriage, as well as which joint assets are obtained collectively during the marriage. this separation will be very useful in separating the husband's assets and the wife's assets in case of divorce in their marriage. the provisions of islamic law remain in effect until the end of the marriage or one of the two dies. based on the results of interviews with a resource person who conducted a mixed marriage, namely a woman with the initials t who works as an employee at the jurnal hukum volkgeist siti alafisyahrin lasori. 5(1): 70-80 78 gorontalo state university, faculty of sports and health, which researchers interviewed on tuesday, january 28, 2018 at the sports and health faculty at 03.00 this has been married to foreign citizens of african nationality 7 years ago in indonesia. marriage between indonesian citizens and foreigners in indonesian law is referred to as mixed marriage, which is a marriage between two people who in indonesia are subject to different laws due to differences in nationality and one of them is an indonesian citizen (article 57 uup). because this marriage is carried out in indonesia, in a mixed marriage, one of the parties can obtain the citizenship of the husband / wife and can also lose his citizenship according to the methods specified in the applicable indonesian citizenship law. their marriage was blessed with 1 son. ex-husband who had the initials j works as a football player in indonesia, before he died he had several times to strengthen the team football persigo (football association gorontalo ) after he died he left a fortune in money of 90 million which has not been melted by the pssi, mobi , l and houses and land. however , in this division, of course, must follow. in such cases, the settlement / distribution is adjusted to the contents of the agreement and the propriety applies . the point of the problem in the occurrence of a divorce is joint property. the marriage law (article 37) only states that if the marriage breaks up due to divorce, joint assets are regulated according to their respective laws. in the elucidation of the article, it is stated that what is meant by "the law" is religious law, customary law, and other laws . if we look at the legal system as mentioned earlier, the settlement for joint property can be determined as follows: for those who are married according to islam, it must be distributed based on the compilation of islamic law, whereas islamic law does not recognize joint property as well as positive indonesian law. in article article 21 paragraph (1) loga only indonesian citizen (citizen) who may have owned. so if referring to this legal basis, the legal consequences of marriage that occur above can be said that mixed marriage will bring legal consequences to the parties who do it, as well as mixed marriage. as for the legal consequences of mixed marriages relating to the nationality of the spouse, the citizenship of the child, and the assets in marriage, especially the ownership of immovable property in the form of land, because according to law number 5 of 1960 on agrarian principles it is stated that, only indonesian citizens who can have freehold rights over land. for indonesian citizens who are married to foreign citizens, it will be difficult to own land or buildings with hak milik status . this is because the indonesian marriage law stipulates that property acquired during marriage becomes joint property, where both parties have the same rights over the property. meanwhile, the basic agrarian law states that foreign citizens cannot own land with freehold status. the problem that often arises is when there is a divorce, either a divorce or a divorce in a mixed marriage, and one of the parties demands that the distribution of the property is gono gini. so the wife is treated as stipulated in article 21 of the basic agrarian law, she is equalized with a foreigner, that is, she cannot have property rights, if she gets a gift or will during the marriage, then she must give up her rights or reduce the status of her land to right to use. to overcome this, it is better if a marriage agreement is made at the time or before the marriage takes place, to avoid mixing of assets between the wife's assets and the husband's assets. the marriage agreement must be made before a notary public and must not conflict with the law. jurnal hukum volkgeist siti alafisyahrin lasori. 5(1): 70-80 79 in the distribution of joint assets, there are factors or obstacles faced by everyone who engages in a mixed marriage. there are several problems related to the sharing of assets together. problems arise related to the distribution of joint assets in the form of movable and immovable objects. regarding immovable objects, the problem lies with the ownership status in the event of a divorce. another problem is related to which law will be used in the distribution of the joint assets. the sources and types of legal materials used are primary legal materials supported by secondary legal materials. primary legal materials are obtained from statutory documents related to this research, while secondary legal materials are obtained from books, journals, relevant scientific works and other legal materials. in analyzing the data have been obtained by means of classifying materials primary law and secondary later analysis using methods of interpretation or interpretation, so as to explain the existing problems more detail . in terms of its object, this regulation needs to be revised again because this is a discrimination against foreigners / indonesians and needs reinterpretation and socialization of society . a. in terms of the subject, there must be a regulation prohibiting that indonesian citizens are not allowed to continue marriage with foreigners, so that the existing rules in indonesia and also in the compilation of islamic law continue to run. b. in terms of the subject, there must be a regulation prohibiting that indonesian citizens are not allowed to marry foreigners, so that the existing rules in indonesia and also in the complications of islamic law continue to run. 4. conclusion the mechanism of mixed marriage between indonesian citizens and foreigners in indonesia, namely: 1) mixed marriage marriage between two people ; 2) indonesia is subject to a different law; 3) in accordance with the applicable law u; 4) certificate from employee of marriage registrar; 5) the papers to be prepared . the regulation regarding the distribution of joint assets in mixed marriages according to law number 5 of 1960 concerning agrarian principles states that only indonesian citizens can own ownership rights over land. for indonesian citizens who are married to foreign citizens, it will be difficult to own land or buildings with hak milik status . this relates to the nationality of the spouse, the nationality of the child, and the assets in marriage, especially the ownership of immovable property in the form of land. references achmad, m. f. dan y. 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(2006). pokok-pokok hukum tata negara. jakarta: pustaka publisher. undang-undang nomor 12 tahun 2006. undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 1960 tentang peraturan-peraturan dasar pokok agraria. uu nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 74 pelanggaran kode etik notaris terkait persaingan tidak sehat sesama rekan notaris ditinjau dari peraturan kode etik ikatan notaris indonesia (i.n.i)”. i felisa haryati pelanggaran kode etik notaris terkait persaingan tidak sehat sesama rekan notaris ditinjau dari peraturan kode etik ikatan notaris indonesia (i.n.i)”. felisa haryati felisyaharyanti@yahoo.com program studi magister kenotariatan, fakultas hukum, universitas airlangga abstrak notaris merupakan perpanjangan tangan dari pemerintah dalam hal ini negara, dimana negara telah memberikan kepercayaan kepada notaris untuk menjalankan sebagian urusan atau tugas negara, khususnya dalam bidang hukum perdata. keberadaan notaris menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat akan bantuan hukum yang netral dan berimbang sehingga melindungi kepentingan hukum masyarakat. selain itu, notaris diharapkan dapat memberikan pelayanan hukum kepada masyarakat serta memberikan penyuluhan hukum, khususnya dalam pembuatan akta, sehingga masyarakat akan mendapatkan perlindungan hukum dan kepastian hukum, sehubungan dengan semakin meningkatnya proses pembangunan sehingga meningkatkan puls kebutuhan hukum dalam masyarakat. persaingan tidak sehat antar sesama rekan notaris dapat terjadi dalam berbagai bentuk dan cara. kemajuan teknologi juga berdampak pada terdapatnya beragam bentuk-bentuk persaingan yang tidak sehat. dalam pasal 18 uujn, salah satu bentuk tindakan yang dilakukan oleh notaris yang dapat menyebabkan timbulnya persaingan tidak sehat adalah dengan cara menjalankan jabatan diluar wilayah kerjanya. setiap notaris dalam menjalankan jabatannya telah mempunyai wilayah jabatan masing-masing, dan wilayah jabatannya telah mempunyai wilayah jabatan masing-masing, dan wilayah jabatan tersebut yang menjadi lingkup kewenangan dari notaris yang bersangkutan. sama hal nya dengan uujn, kode etik notaris juga tidak menyebutkan secara tegas mengenai bentuk dan cara dari persaingan antar rekan notaris yang dapat menimbulkan persaingan tidak sehat tersebut. dari beberapa uraian pasal dalam kode etik tersebut dapat terlihat bagaimana bentuk dan cara dari persaingan antar rekan notaris yang dapat menimbulkan persaingan usaha tidak sehat tersebut bila ditinjau dari kode etik notaris. a. pendahuluan dewasa ini tantangan yang dihadapi oleh ajaran-ajaran moral makin kompleks indoktrinasi dalam ajaran-ajaran moral akan sering dipertanyakan jika tidak lagi mampu memberikan orientasi yang jelas bagi penganutnya. kekaburan orientasi itu muncul justru karena bertambah banyaknya ragam orientasi yang ada. salah satu dari keragaman itu ditandai oleh berbagai ideologi yang saling menawarkan diri sebagai pilihan terbaik. padahal, apa yang baik menurut satu pihak sering dianggap buruk oleh mailto:felisyaharyanti@yahoo.com issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 75 pelanggaran kode etik notaris terkait persaingan tidak sehat sesama rekan notaris ditinjau dari peraturan kode etik ikatan notaris indonesia (i.n.i)”. i felisa haryati yang lainnya. bagi penyandang profesi hukum, hal ini sangat mungkin menimbulkan kebingungan untuk menentukan sikap karena kehilangan orientasi (disorientasi). disinilah terletak arti penting mempelajari etika profesi hukum. tantangan untuk mempelajari etika profesi hukum tentu ada, khususnya ketika pertimbangan-pertimbangan yang diungkapkan dianggap bertolak belakang dengan perilaku keseharian yang ditunjukan oleh para penyandang profesi hukum tersebut. hal ini memunculkan sinisme yang berlebihan bahwa berbicara tentang etika profesi hukum tidak lain seperti berdiri di menara gading, tidak membumi, terlalu idealis, terlalu moralis, dan sebagainya. franz magnis suseno menyatakan, etika profesi baru dapat ditegakkan apabila ada tiga ciri moralitas yang utama yaitu; 1) berani berbuat dengan bertekad bertindak sesuai dengan tuntutan profesi, 2) sadar akan kewajibannya; dan 3) memiliki idealisme yang tinggi. jelaslah ciri-ciri moralitas demikian membutuhkan proses, paling tidak harus terbina sejak calon penyandang profesi hukum itu dididik di bangku kuliah, bukan ketika yang bersangkutan sudah menjalankan tugasnya sebagai fungsionaris hukum. secara jujur harus di akui, bahwa pengembangan etika profesi hukum di indonesia kurang berjalan dengan baik dalam dunia hukum kita. banyak pelanggaran etika profesi yang tidak mendapat penyelesaian secara tuntas, bahkan terkesan didiamkan. lembaga semacam dewan atau majelis pertimbangan profesi yang bertugas menilai pelanggaran etika masih belum berwibawa di mata para anggotanya. kondisi demikian menyebabkan bahan kajian etika profesi hukum di inonesia menjadi sangat kering dan berhenti pada ketentuan-ketentuan normatif yang abstrak. padahal, kajian ini pasti akan lebih menarik jika dibentangkan bersama contoh kasus nyata yang dihadapi para fungsionaris hukum kita. munculnya berbagai organisasi profesi sejenis dengan kode etiknya sendiri-sendiri, semakin mengurangi nilai kajian ini di mata orangorang yang mempelajari etika profesi hukum. etika profesi hukum secara langsung bersinggungan dengan sumber daya manusia, tepatnya dari sudut psikis. jika pembangunan indonesia diartikan sebagai issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 76 pelanggaran kode etik notaris terkait persaingan tidak sehat sesama rekan notaris ditinjau dari peraturan kode etik ikatan notaris indonesia (i.n.i)”. i felisa haryati pembangunan manusia seutuhnya, maka jelas unsur psikis di sini merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari tujuan pembangunan itu sendiri, melupakan pembangunan dari unsur psikis, sama artinya dengan menggagalkan pembangunan. kode etik profesi merupakan produk etika terapan karena dihasilkan berdasarkan penerapan pemikiran etis atas suatu profesi. kode etik profesi dapat berubah dan diubah seiring dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, sehingga anggota kelompok profesi tidak akan ketinggalan zaman. kode etik profesi hanya berlaku efektif apabila dijiwai oleh cita-cita dan nilai-nilai yang hidup dalam lingkungan profesi itu sendiri. kode etik profesi merupakan rumusan norma moral manusia yang mengemban profesi itu. kode etik profesi menjadi tolak ukur perbuatan anggota kelompok profesi. kode etik profesi merupakan upaya pencegahan berbuat yang tidak etis bagi anggotanya. setiap kode etik profesi selalu dibuat tertulis yang tersusun secara teratur, rapi lengkap, tanpa cacat, dalam bahasa yang baik, sehingga menarik perhatian dan menyenangkan pembacanya. semua yang tergambar adalah perilaku yang baik-baik. tetapi di balik semua itu terdapat kelemahan sebagai berikut: a) idealisme yang terkandung dalam kode etik profesi tidak sejalan dengan fakta yang terjadi disekitar para profrsional, sehingga harapan sangat jauh dari kenyataan. hal ini cukup menggelitik para profesional untuk berpaling kepada kenyataan dan mengabaikan idealisme kode etik profesi. kode etik profesi tidak lebih dari pajangan tulisan berbingkai. b) kode etik profesi merupakan himpunan norma moral yang tidak dilengkapi dengan sanksi keras karena keberlakuannya semata-mata berdasarkan kesadaran profesional. rupanya kekurangan ini memberi peluang kepada profesional yang lemah iman untuk berbuat menyimpang dari kode etik profesinya. seorang yang menjabat notaris harus mematuhi undang-undang jabatan notaris (uujn) dan berpegang pada kode etik notaris. hubungan antara peraturan jabatan notaris dan kode etik notaris terletak pada ketentuan kode etik notaris yang diangkat dari ketentuan peraturan jabatan notaris (pjn) dan penegakan sanksi terhadap pelanggar kedua-duanya. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 77 pelanggaran kode etik notaris terkait persaingan tidak sehat sesama rekan notaris ditinjau dari peraturan kode etik ikatan notaris indonesia (i.n.i)”. i felisa haryati dari uraian-uraian latar belakang masalah di atas maka masalah yang di angkat dalam penelitian ini adalah apa kriteria notaris melakukan persaingan tidak sehat berdasarkan peraturan kode etik notaris indonesia dan apa sanksi bagi notaris yang melakukan tindakan persaingan tidak sehat sesame rekan notaris. b. metode penelitian tipe penelitian tesis ini adalah penelitian hukum (legal research) yaitu suatu penelitian untuk menemukan aturan hukum, prinsip-prinsip hukum, maupun doktrindoktrin hukum yang relevan dan melakukan telaah mengenai konsep-konsep hukum, pendapat para ahli hukum untuk meningkatkan daya interpretasi guna menjawab isu hukum yang dihadapi. pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian tesis ini adalah pendekatan perundang undangan (statute aprroach), pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach) dan pendekatan kasus (case approach). statute approach adalah pendekatan berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan dilakukan dengan menelaah semua undang-undang dengan regulasi yang bersangkut paut dengan isu hukum yang sedang ditangani. penelitian ini bertitik tolak dari peraturan perundang-undangan dengan menekankan pada pencarian norma yang terkandung dalam ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan maupun peraturan lain yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan. conceptual approach ialah pendekatan yang beranjak dari pandangan dan doktrindoktrin yang berkembang didalam ilmu hukum. sedangkan case approach yaitu pendekatan kasus dilakukan dengan cara melakukan telaah terhadap kasus-kasus yang berkaitan dengan isu yang dihadapi yang telah menjadi putusan pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap. c. hasil dan pembahasan 1. notaris sebagai pejabat umum istilah pejabat umum merupakan terjemahan dari istilah openbare ambtenaren yang terdapat dalam pasal pjn. istilah openbare ambtenaren yang terdapat dalam pasal 1 reglement het notaris ambt ini indonesia staatsblad 1860 nomor 3, diterjemahkan menjadi pejabat umum oleh g. h. s. lumban issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 78 pelanggaran kode etik notaris terkait persaingan tidak sehat sesama rekan notaris ditinjau dari peraturan kode etik ikatan notaris indonesia (i.n.i)”. i felisa haryati tobing, sebagaimana dalam bukunya peraturan jabatan notaris. demikian pula istilah openbare ambtenaren yang terdapat dalam pasal 1868 bw diterjemahkan menjadi pejabat umum oleh r. subekti dan r. tjitrosudibio dalam kuhper. dalam kamus hukum fockema andrea’s rechtsgeleerd handwoordenboek, bahwa salah satu arti dari openbare adalah publik zaak, yang berarti kepentingan atau urusan publik. sementara ambtenaren adalah pejabat. pasal 1 angka 1 uujn menyebutkan; notaris adalah pejabat umum yang berwenang untuk membuatkan akta otentik dan kewenangan lainnya sebagaimana dimaksud dalam undang-undang ini. di dalam uujn perubahan pasal 1 angka 1 uujn ini mengalami perubahan yang berbunyi; notaris adalah pejabat umum yang berwenang untuk membuat akta otentik dan memiliki kewenangan lainnya sebagaimana dimaksud dalam undang-undang ini atau undang-undang lainnya. secara substansif, tidak ada perubahan defenisi notaris di dalam uujn tersebut, namun memuat penegasan bahwa kewenangan notaris, selain dimuat di dalam uujn perubahan namun juga mencakup pula kewenangan lainnya, apabila undang-undang lain menegaskan bahwa suatu perbuatan hukum tertentu harus dibuat dalam akta notaris. ketentuan di atas menyebutkan bahwa notaris adalah pejabat umum. defenisis yang diberikan oleh uujn maupun uujn perubahan merujuk pada tugas dan wewenang yang dijalankan oleh notaris. artinya notaris memiliki tugas sebagai pejabat umum dan memiliki kewenangan untuk membuat akta otentik dan kewenangan lainnya sebagaiman yang ditentukan oleh uujn, uujn perubahan, maupun peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya. pemberian kualifikasi sebagai pejabat umum tidak hanya kepada notaris saja, tapi juga diberikan kepada pejabat pembuat akta tanah (ppat) , dan pejabat lelang . dengan demikian, kedudukan notaris sebagai pejabat umum dalam arti kewenangan yang ada pada notaris tidak diberikan kepada pejabat-pejabat issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 79 pelanggaran kode etik notaris terkait persaingan tidak sehat sesama rekan notaris ditinjau dari peraturan kode etik ikatan notaris indonesia (i.n.i)”. i felisa haryati lainnya sepanjang kewenangan tersebut tidak menjadi kewenangan pejabat lain dalam membuat akta otentik dan kewenangan lainnya maka kewenangan tersebut menjadi kewenangan notaris. seseorang menjadi pejabat umum jika dia diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh negara dan diberi wewenang berdasarkan undang-undang untuk melayani masyarakat dalam bidang tertentu. menurut philipus m. hadjon, pejabat umum itu seharusnya diangkat oleh kepala negara bukan menteri. pembentukan jabatan umum harus didasarkan pada undang-undang, karena peraturan pemerintah tidak boleh membentuk suatu jabatan umum tanpa delegasi undangundang. hal ini berkaitan dengan karakter hukum suatu akta yang dibuat oleh pejabat umum (notaris) sebagai suatu alat bukti otentik karena adanya publica fides. kepercayaan umum (publica fades) tersebut dianggap ada karena pengangkatan seorang pejabat umum dilakukan oleh kepala negara. 2. kewenangan, kewajiban, dan larangan bagi notaris a. kewenangan notaris kebutuhan hukum dalam masyarakat dapat dilihat dengan semakin banyaknya bentuk perjanjian yang dituangkan dalam suatu akta notaris, dimana notaris merupakan salah satu pejabat umum yang berwenang untuk membuat akta autentik dan kewenangan lainnya sebagaimana dimaksud dalam undangundang. adapun kewenangan notaris sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 15 ayat (2) uujn adalah sebagai berikut: 1. mengesahkan tanda tangan dan menetapkan kepastian tanggal surat di bawah tangan dengan mendaftar dalam buku khusus. 2. membukukan surat-surat di bawah tangan dengan mendaftar dalam buku khusus. 3. membuat kopi dari asli surat-surat di bawah tangan berupa salinan yang memuat uraian sebagaimana ditulis dan digambarkan dalam surat yang bersangkutan. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 80 pelanggaran kode etik notaris terkait persaingan tidak sehat sesama rekan notaris ditinjau dari peraturan kode etik ikatan notaris indonesia (i.n.i)”. i felisa haryati 4. melakukan pengesahan kecocokan foto kopi dengan surat aslinya. 5. memberikan penyuluhan hukum dalam pembuatan akta. 6. membuat akta yang berkaitan dengan pertanahan, atau; 7. membuat akta risalah lelang. melihat kewenangan dan peranan notaris yang sangat penting tersebut di atas maka notaris harus memiliki pengetahuan ataupun wawasan yang luas, salah satunya mengenai teknik pembuatan akta yang akan dibuat nantinya, karena apabila notaris itu melakukan pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan tertentu, akibat minimnya pengetahuan dan wawasan maka akan berakibat akta yang dibuatnya hanya mempunyai kekuatan pembuktian sebagai akta dibawah tangan, atau dapat pula akta itu menjadi batal demi hukum, sehingga bagi pihak yang menderita kerugian dapat menuntut penggantian biaya, ganti rugi, dan bunga kepada notaris. keberadaan akta autentik yang dibuat oleh notaris digunakan untuk melindungi dan menjamin hak dan kewajiban dari para pihak yang mengadakan perjanjian sehingga apabila di kemudian hari ada salah satu pihak yang melanggarnya maka dapat dikenakan sanksi atau hukuman. hal inilah yang membuat masyarakat percaya, bahwa notaris dapat menuangkan kehendak mereka dalam bentuk akta notaris serta memberikan perlindungan hukum. b. kewajiban notaris notaris ddiharapkan mampu menyimpan atau merahasiakan segala keterangan atau ucapan yang diberikan di hadapannya sehubungan dengan pembuatan akta. menjaga kerahasiaan itu merupakan salah satu bentuk kewajiban notaris sebagaimana ditetapkan oleh uujn. di samping itu, notaris harus bertindak jujur, saksama, mandiri, tidak berpihak, menjaga kepentingan yang terkait dalam perbuatan hukum, memberikan pelayanan sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam undang-undang kecuali ada alasan untuk menolaknya, serta menerima magang calon notaris yang juga merupakan kewajiban notaris dalam menjalankan jabatannya. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 81 pelanggaran kode etik notaris terkait persaingan tidak sehat sesama rekan notaris ditinjau dari peraturan kode etik ikatan notaris indonesia (i.n.i)”. i felisa haryati bila dikaitkan dengan akta yang dibuat oleh notaris maka notaris berkewajiban untuk: 1. membuat akta dalam bentuk minuta dan menyimpannya sebagi bagian dari protokol notaris. 2. mengeluarkan grosse (pengakuan utang), salinan, kutipan akta berdasarkan minuta akta. 3. menjilid akta yang telah dibuatnya dalam 1 (satu) bulan menjadi buku yang memuat tidak lebih dari 50 (lima puluh) akta dan jika jumlah akta tidak dapat dimuat dalam satu buku, akta tersebut dapat dijilid menjadi lebih dari satu buku, dan mencatat jumlah minuta akta, bulan dan tahun pembuatannya pada sampul setiap buku. 4. membuat daftar akta protes terhadap tidak bayar atau tidak diterimanya surat berharga. 5. membuat daftar akta yang berkenaan dengan wasiat menurut waktu pembuatan akta setiap bulan. 6. mengirim daftar akta atau daftar nihil yang berkenaan dengan wasiat ke daftar pusat wasiat departemen yang tugas dan tanggung jawabnya di bidang kenotariatan dalam waktu 5 (lima) hari pada minggu pertama setiap bulan berikutnya. 7. mencatat dalam repertorium, tanggal pengiriman daftar wasiat pada setiap akhir bulan. 8. mempunyai cap/stempel yang memuat lambang negara republik indonesia dan pada ruang yang melingkarinya dituliskan nama, jabatan, dan tempat kedudukan notaris. 9. membacakan akta di hadapan penghadap dengan dihadiri oleh paling sedikit 2 (dua) orang saksi dan ditandatangani pada saat itu juga oleh penghadap, saksi, dan notaris. akta yang telah dibuat wajib dibacakan oleh notaris pada waktu penandatanganan. karena jika tidak dibacakan, maka yang telah dibuat hanya mempunyai kekuatan pembuktian sebagai akta di bawah tangan. bila penghadap issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 82 pelanggaran kode etik notaris terkait persaingan tidak sehat sesama rekan notaris ditinjau dari peraturan kode etik ikatan notaris indonesia (i.n.i)”. i felisa haryati menghendaki agar akta tidak dibacakan karena penghadap telah membaca sendiri, mengetahui, dan memahami isinya, maka ada beberapa ketentuan yang harus dipenuhi agar akta yang bersangkutan tetap mempunyai kekuatan pembuktian sebagai akta autentik, sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 16 ayat 7 dan 8 uujn yaitu: 1. pada bagian akhir penutupan akta harus dinyatakan hal tersebut; 2. setiap halaman minuta akta wajib diparaf oleh penghadap, saksi, dan notaris. c. larangan terhadap notaris dalam menjalankan jabatan notaris ada beberapa larangan yang tidak boleh dilanggar oleh seorang notaris, sebagaimana yang telah ditetapkan dengan tegas dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, sebagaimana terdapat dalam pasal 17 uujn yaitu: 1. menjalankan jabatan di luar wilayah jabatannya. 2. meninggalkan wilayah jabatannya lebih dari 7 (tujuh) hari kerja berturutturut tanpa ada alasan yang sah. 3. merangkap sebagai pegawai negeri. 4. merangkap sebagai pejabat negara. 5. merangkap jabatan sebagai advokat. 6. merangkap jabatan sebagai pemimpin atau pegawai badan usaha milik negara, badan usaha milik daerah, atau badan usaha swasta. 7. merangkap jabatan sebagai ppat di luar wilayah jabatanntya. 8. menjadi notaris pengganti, atau 9. melakukan pekerjaan lain yang bertentangan dengan norma agama, kesusilaan, atau kepatutan yang dapat memengaruhi kehormatan dan martabat jabatan notaris. larangan itu bertujuan untuk meberikan kepastian hukum kepada masyarakat yang membutuhkan jasa notaris, serta mencegah terjadinya persaingan yang tidak sehat antara sesama notaris dalam menjalankan jabatannya. seorang notaris dalam menjalankan jabatannya berada dalam pengawasan menteri yang dilimpahkan kepada issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 83 pelanggaran kode etik notaris terkait persaingan tidak sehat sesama rekan notaris ditinjau dari peraturan kode etik ikatan notaris indonesia (i.n.i)”. i felisa haryati majelis pengawas. pengawasan itu bertujuan agar kewajiban, kewenangan, dan larangan yang telah ditetapkan oleh undang-undang (dalam hal ini uujn) tidak dilanggar atau disalahgunakan. sanksi bagi notaris yang melanggar ketentuan peraturan kode etik notaris indonesia (ini) sanksi merupakan alat pemaksa, selain hukuman, juga untuk menaati ketetapan yang ditentukan dalam peraturan atau perjanjian. sanksi juga diartikan sebagai alat pemaksa sebagai hukuman jika tidak taat kepada perjanjian. menurut philipus m. hadjon, sanksi merupakan alat kekuasaan yang bersifat hukum publik yang digunakan oleh penguasa sebagai reaksi terhadap ketidakpatuhan pada norma hukum administrasi. dengan demikian unsur-unsur sanksi, yaitu: a. sebagai alat kekuasaan. b. bersifat hukum publik. c. digunakan oleh penguasa. d. sebagai reaksi terhadap ketidakpatuhan. sanksi-sanksi merupakan bagian penutup yang penting dalam hukum, dan tiap aturan hukum yang berlaku di indonesia selalu ada sanksi pada akhir aturan hukum tersebut. pembebanan sanksi di indonesia tidak hanya terdapat dalam bentuk undangundang, tetapi bisa dalam bentuk peraturan lain, seperti keputusan menteri ataupun bentuk lain di bawah undang-undang. pencantuman sanksi dalam berbagai aturan hukum tersebut merupakan kewajiban yang harus dicantumkan dalam tiap aturan hukum. seakan-akan aturan hukum yang bersangkutan tidak bergigi atau tidak dapat ditegakkan atau tidak akan dipatuhi jika pada bagian akhir tidak mencantumkan sanksi. tidak ada gunanya memberlakukan kaidah-kaidah hukum manakala kaidah-kaidah itu tidak dapat dipaksakan melalui sanksi dan menegakkan kaidah-kaidah dimaksud secara prosedural (hukum acara). sanksi ini selalu ada pada pada aturan-aturan hukum yang dikualifikasikan sebagai aturan hukum yang memaksa. ketidak taatan atau pelanggaran terhadap suatu kewajiban yang tercantum dalam aturan hukum mengakibatkan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 84 pelanggaran kode etik notaris terkait persaingan tidak sehat sesama rekan notaris ditinjau dari peraturan kode etik ikatan notaris indonesia (i.n.i)”. i felisa haryati terjadinya ketidakteraturan yang sebenarnya tidak diinginkan oleh aturan hukum yang bersangkutan. hal ini sesuai dengan fungsi sanksi yang dipakai untuk penegakan hukum terhadap ketentuan-ketentuan yang biasanya berisi suatu larangan atau yang mewajibkan. dengan demikian pada sanksi pada hakikatnya merupakan instrumen yuridis yang biasanya diberikan apabila kewajiban –kewajiban atau larangan-larangan yang ada dalam ketentuan hukum telah dilanggar, dan di balik pintu ketentuan perintah dan larangan tersedia sanksi untuk memaksa kepatuhan. hakikat sanksi sebagai suatu paksaan berdasarkan hukum, juga untuk memberikan penyadaran kepada pihak yang melanggarnya, bahwa suatu tindakan yang dilakukannya telah tidak sesuai dengan aturan hukum yang berlaku, dan untuk mengembalikan yang bersangkutan agar bertindak sesuai dengan aturan hukum yang berlaku, juga untuk menjaga keseimbangan berjalannya suatu aturan hukum. sanksi yang ditujukan terhadap notaris juga merupakan sebagai penyadaran, bahwa notaris dalam melakukan tugas jabatannya telah melanggar ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai pelaksanaan tugas jabatan notaris sebagaimana tercantum dalam uujn, dan untuk mengembalikan tindakan notaris dalam melaksanakan tugas jabatannya untuk tertib sesuai dengan uujn. disamping itu, pemberian sanksi terhadap notaris juga untuk melindungi masyarakat dari tindakan notaris yang dapat merugikan masyarakat, misalnya membuat akta yang tidak melindungi hak-hak yang bersangkutan sebagaimana yang tersebut dalam akta notaris. sanksi tersebut untuk menjaga martabat lembaga notaris sebagai lembaga kepercayaan, karena jika notaris melakukan pelanggaran, dapat menurunkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap notaris. sanksi terhadap notaris menunjukan notaris bukan sebagai subjek yang kebal terhadap hukum. terhadap notaris dapat dijatuhi sanksi perdata dan sanksi administratif seperti tersebut di atas, juga dapat dijatuhi sanksi etika dan sanksi pidana. sanksi etika dapat dijatuhkan terhadap notaris, karena notaris melakukan pelanggaran terhadap kode etik jabatan notaris. sanksi tersebut dijatuhkan oleh majelis kehormatan notaris (mkn), bahwa sanksi tertinggi dari mkn ini berupa pemberhentian secara tidak hormat atau secara hormat dari keanggotaan organisasi jabatan notaris (ojn). issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 85 pelanggaran kode etik notaris terkait persaingan tidak sehat sesama rekan notaris ditinjau dari peraturan kode etik ikatan notaris indonesia (i.n.i)”. i felisa haryati uujn tidak mengatur kumulasi sanksi sebagaimana tersebut diatas. uujn hanya mengatur sanksi perdata dan sanksi administrasi, dan kedua sanksi ini tidak dapat dikumulasikan dan tidak dapat dilakukan secara bersama-sama, karena masing-masing sanksi tersebut dapat dijatuhkan karena melakukan jenis pelanggaran yang berbeda yang tersebut dalam pasal 84 uujn dan 85 uujn. demikian pula dengan sanksi yang lainnya, yaitu sanksi pidana dan kode etik. sanksi-sanksi tersebut berdiri sendiri yang dapat dijatuhkan oleh instansi yang diberikan kewenangan untuk menjatuhkan sanksi tersebut. jika notaris terbukti melakukan pelanggaran dan dijatuhi sanksi tersebut di atas, dapat dijadikan dasar notaris yang bersangkutan diberhentikan sementara dari jabatannya atau diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat dari jabatannya, seperti: 1.sanksi perdata berupa: a. dalam proses pailit atau penundaan pembayaran. b. dinyatakan pailit berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang telah memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap. 2. sanksi pidana, berupa dijatuhi pidana penjara berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap dengan ancaman pidana penjara 5 (lima) tahun atau lebih. 3. sanksi kode etik, berupa: a. melakukan perbuatan tercela. b. melakukan perbuatan yang merendahkan kehormatan dan martabat jabatan notaris. 4. sanksi administratif berupa: a. melakukan pelanggaran terhadap kewajiban dan larangan jabatan. b. melakukan pelanggaran berat terhadap kewajiban dan larangan jabatan. fungsi kode etik dalam pelaksanaan jabatan notaris issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 86 pelanggaran kode etik notaris terkait persaingan tidak sehat sesama rekan notaris ditinjau dari peraturan kode etik ikatan notaris indonesia (i.n.i)”. i felisa haryati sumaryono menjelaskan ada 3 alasan perlu dirumuskannya kode etik secara tertulis yaitu: a. sebagai sarana control social; b. sebagai penncegah campur tangan pihak lain; c. sebagai pencegah kesalahpahaman dan konflik. d. penutup kriteria persaingan tidak sehat dalam uujn tidak begitu jelas dalam menjelaskan mengenai bentuk persaingan tidak sehat antar sesama rekan notaris bila ditinjau dari uujn mengenai bentuk serta cara dari persaingan tidak sehat antar rekan notaris, maka merujuk pada pasal 17 huruf a uujn bahwa “ notaris dilarang menjalankan jabatan diluar wilayah jabatannya” dan bila dilihat dari penjelasan pasal tersebut dapat dikatakan bahwa “larangan dalam ketentuan ini dimaksudkan untuk memberi kepastian hukum kepada masyarakat dan sekaligus mencegah terjadinya persaingan tidak sehat antar rekan notaris dalam menjalankan jabatannya”. selain hal tersebut dalam pasal 18 uujn, salah satu bentuk tindakan yang dilakukan oleh notaris yang dapat menyebabkan timbulnya persaingan tidak sehat adalah dengan cara menjalankan jabatan diluar wilayah kerjanya. setiap notaris dalam menjalankan jabatannya telah mempunyai wilayah jabatan masing-masing, dan wilayah jabatannya telah mempunyai wilayah jabatan masing-masing, dan wilayah jabatan tersebut yang menjadi lingkup kewenangan dari notaris yang bersangkutan. artinya di luar wilayah kerja notaris tidak berwenang menjalankan jabatannya. uujn telah melarang hal tersebut dengan tegas, karena jika notaris melanggar ketentuan tersebut atau dengan kata lain membuat akta diluar wilayah jabatannya yang mana hal tersebut merupakan hak atau lingkup kewenangan dari notaris lainnya yang berada dalam wilayah jabatan tersebut maka tentu saja hal ini dapat menimbulkan persaingan antar rekan notaris karena terdapat oknum notaris yang menjalankan jabatan diluar dari lingkup kewenangannya. terkait dengan sanksi sebagai bentuk upaya penegakan kode etik notaris atas pelanggaran kode etik didefinisikan sebagai suatu hukuman yang dimaksudkan sebagai sarana, upaya dan alat pemaksa ketaatan dan didiplin notaris. sanksi dalam kode etik issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 87 pelanggaran kode etik notaris terkait persaingan tidak sehat sesama rekan notaris ditinjau dari peraturan kode etik ikatan notaris indonesia (i.n.i)”. i felisa haryati notaris dituangkan dalam pasal 6 yang menyatakan bahwa sanksi yang dikenakan terhadap anggota yang melakukan pelanggaran kode etik dapat berupa teguran, peringatan, skorsing (pemecatan sementara) dari keanggotaan perkumpulan, onzetting(pemecatan) dari keanggotaan perkumpulan dan pemberhentian dengan tidak hormat dari keanggotaan perkumpulan. dalam uujn juga diatur sanksi terhadap notaris, yaitu pada pasal 84 dan 85 uujn, ada 2 (dua) macam yaitu; sanksi perdata dan sanksi administratif. sanksi perdata berupa penggantian biaya, ganti rugi, dan bunga merupakan akibat yang akan diterima notaris atas tuntutan para penghadap jika akta yang bersangkutan hanya mempunyai kekuatan pembuktian sebagai akta di bawah tangan atau akta menjadi batal demi hukum. sedangkan sanksi administratif berupa; teguran lisan, teguran tertulis, pemberhentian sementara, pemberhentian dengan hormat, dan pemberhentian tidak hormat. e. daftar pustaka adjie, h. (2008). hukum notaris indonesia. bandung: refika aditama. anand, g. (2014). karatkteristik jabatan notaris di indoenesia. surabaya: zifatama publisher. budiono, h. (2013). kumpulan tulisan hukum perdata di bidang kenotariatan. bandung: citra aditya bakti. dewi, s. & fauwas r.m. d. (2011). panduan teori dan praktik notaris. yogyakarta: pustaka yustisia. dirdkowisono. (1994). pengantar ilmu hukum. jakarta: raja grafindo persada. marzuki, p. m. (2005). penelitian hukum. jakarta: kencana prenada media group. muhammad abdulkadir. (2006). etika profesi hukum. bandung: citra aditya bakti. shidarta, moralitas profesi hukum, refika aditama, bandung, 2006. issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 56 hakikattanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder abdul rauf sekolah tinggi manajemen informatika dan komputer (stmik)dipanegara makassar dosen hukum perusahaan email : a_rauf2002@yahoo.com abstrak tanggungjawab sosial dan lingkungan bagi perusahaan penting untuk menjaga kelangsungan produksi sampai pada tujuan membangun legitimasi sosial.namun masih terdapat pertentangan pendapat, terutama yang berkaitan dengan hakikat serta perlunya tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan diatur secara formal dalam perundang-undangan. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hakikat tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada perusahaan bumn di sulawesi selatan. penelitian ini dilakukan mengkaji teori-teori hukum dihubungkan dengan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. sedangkan untuk kajian normatifnya dilakukan dengan menganalisis ketentuan perundang–undangan (in abstracto) yang relevan dan melihat penerapannya (in concreto). populasi penelitian meliputi seluruh bumn yang berbentuk perseroan terbatas di sulawesi selatan. kemudian ditetapkan secara sengaja 5 (lima) bumn sebagai sampel (purposive sampling).hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada hakikatnya ada karena adanya kepentingan-kepentingan yang melekat di dalamnya. motivasi utama yang mendorong dilaksanakannya tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan bukan karena faktor kedermawanan sosial semata, melainkan karena adanya faktor kepentingan didalamnya.sehingga pelaksanaannya merupakan wujud upaya pemenuhan terhadap kepentingan tersebut secara seimbang dan adil, baik bagi perusahaan maupun terhadap stakeholder pada umumnya. pertentangan seringkali timbul karena aspek keadilan dan keseimbangan kentingan ini tidak terpenuhi dengan baik. keseimbangan kepentingan hanya dapat dicapai melalui suatu mekanisme pengaturan berdasarkan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku dan pelaksanaannya bersifat mandatory.alasan utama sehingga pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan perlu diwajibkan yaitu pandangan bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan adalah bentuk kedermawanan sosial yang sifatnya sukarela, tidak sejalan dengan akibat yang ditimbulkannya. selain itu membiarkan pihak lain menderita gangguan ataupun kerugian tanpa dasar yang cukup untuk dapat melakukan tuntutan menurut hukum merupakan suatu bentuk ketidakadilan. disimpulkan bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada perusahaan bukanlah kedermawanan sosial semata, melainkan karena ada kepentingan didalamnya. kepentingan ini harus dipenuhi secara seimbang dan adil bagi semua pihak, untuk itu diperlukan pengaturan menurut ketentuan hukum yang berlaku. kata kunci : tanggung sosial dan lingkungan, bumn, pkbl abstract social and environmental responsibility for companies is important to maintain continuity of production to the goal of establishing social legitimacy. but there is still a disagreement, particularly with regard to the nature and necessity of social and environmental responsibility is set formally in the law. this study aims to determine the nature of social and environmental responsibility in state-owned enterprises in south sulawesi. this research was done reviewing the legal theories linked to social and environmental responsibility. as for the normative study conducted by analyzing the provisions of the legislation (in abstracto) relevant and see its application (in concreto). the study population includes all state-owned limited liability company in south sulawesi. then set intentionally 5 (five) soe as samples (purposive sampling) the results of the study showed that social and environmental responsibility is essentially there for their interests inherent in it. the primary motivation that drives the implementation of social and environmental responsibility not because of the charitable giving alone, but for their in deed execution. therefore interest factor is a form of compliance efforts against the interests of a balanced and fair, both the company and the stakeholders in general. contradictions often arise because of the aspect of mailto:a_rauf2002@yahoo.com issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 57 fairness and balance is have not met political well. balance of interests can only be achieved through an adjustment mechanism based on the applicable law and its implementation is a major mandatory. the reason is so that the implementation of social and environmental responsibility must be obligated the view that social and environmental responsibility is a form of charitable voluntary, not in line with the result thereof. additionally let others suffer disruption or loss without sufficient basis to be able to claim under the law is a form of injustice. it was concluded that social and environmental responsibility in the company's charitable giving is not alone, but because there is interest in it. these interests must be met in a balanced and fair to all parties, it is necessary arrangement in accordance with applicable law. keywords: social and environmental responsibility, state, pkbl a. pendahuluan perusahaan sesungguhnya tidak hanya memiliki sisi tanggung jawab ekonomis kepada para shareholders seperti memperoleh profit dan menaikkan harga saham, atau tanggung jawab legal kepada pemerintah, seperti membayar pajak, memenuhi persyaratan amdal dan ketentuan lainnya. namun, jika perusahaan ingin tetap eksis dan akseptabel, maka harus pula menjalankan tanggungjawabnya yang bersifat sosial(yusuf wibisono, (2007). walaupun berbagai pihak telah mengkampanyekan pentingnya tanggungjawab sosial bagi perusahaan, baik untuk menjaga kelangsungan produksi sampai pada tujuan membangun legitimasi sosial, namun masih terdapat pertentangan pendapat mengenai hakikat tanggungjawab sosial perusahaan (reza rahman,2009). jika ditelusuri secara lebih mendalam, hal tersebut berkaitan erat dengan konsep mengenai fungsi dasar kegiatan bisnis dan hubungannya dengan institusi lain dalam masyarakat, termasuk pemerintah. pertentangan itu antara lain mengenai : apakah tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan itu berada pada ranah etika yaitu etika bisnis (priyanto susiloadi,2008) atau harus berada pada ranah hukum. apakah tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan perlu diatur atau tidak perlu diatur secara formal dalam perundang-undangan yang disertai dengan sanksi-sanksi tegas. apakah perangkat peraturan yang ada relatif cukup mengatur tercapainya perimbangan kepentingan antara perusahaan dengan masyarakat secara baik dan adil. bila dilihat lebih dalam lagi pertentangan muncul sangat erat kaitannya dengan landasan filosofis serta pandangan etika atau moral mengenai bisnis. bahkan timbul juga pertanyaan bahwa apakah lembaga bisnis dapat dituntut memiliki suara hati (conscience) sebagaimana halnya individu. badan usaha milik negara (bumn) merupakan salah satu elemen issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 58 utama kebijakan ekonomi negara. keberadaan bumn mempunyai peran utama dalam pembangunan. bumn diperlukan dalam pengaturan infrastruktur dan public utilitie.oleh karena itu, bumn menempatkan dirinya pada hampir seluruh aktivitas ekonomi (fernandes praxy,1985). namun demikian posisi bumn dipandang “ambigu” karena berada pada dua sisi yakni sebagai institusi bisnis dan alat negara. sebagai istitusi bisnis, terdapat ekspektasi yang kuat agar bumn seharusnya beroperasi sebagaimana layaknya sebuah perusahaan untuk menghasilkan laba, namun disisi lain bumn juga dituntut untuk berfungsi sebagai instrument pembangunan nasional dan kebijakan sosial(fajar nursahid, 2006). pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan oleh bumn diwujudkan dalam bentuk program kemitraan dan bina lingkungan (pkbl). hal ini menarik untuk dikaji karena adanya faktor pembeda antara bumn dengan perusahaan swasta lainnya, yang secara normatif mendukung kegiatan kedermawanan sosial pada perusahaan bumn. pertama, karena sifat dan statusnya sebagai perusahaan milik negara, bumn tidak terkendala oleh motif pengurangan pajak (tax deduction) sebagaimana menjadi pengharapan perusahaan-perusahaan swasta. walaupun pajak tetap merupakan kewajiban bagi bumn, kewajiban ini tidak serta merta mempengaruhi kelancaran kegiatan atau operasi bumn. kedua, terdapat instrumen pemaksa berupa kebijakan pemerintah melalui pasal 2 ayat (1) permen bumn nomor : 05/mbu/2007, perusahaan bumn diwajibkan menjalankan program kemitraan dan bina lingkungan (pkbl). sehingga praktik derma yang imperatif tersebut memungkinkan bahwa potensi sumbangan sosial perusahaanperusahaan bumn seharusnya lebih besar. lebih lanjut, praktik kedermawanan sosial bumn yang bersifat imperatif juga bertolak belakang dengan filosofi kedermawanan itu sendiri yang bersifat sukarela, oleh karena itu sangat mungkin terdapat kompleksitas permasalahan, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan hakikat dan motivasi berderma serta keberlanjutan praktik kedermawanan sosial tersebut. b. metode penelitian penelitian ini dilakukan di provinsi sulawesi selatan dengan pertimbangan bahwa taraf hidup issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 59 masyarakat sulawesi selatan yang pada umumnya masih tergolong belum maju dibanding dengan kota-kota besar lain di indonesia, maka tentulah berbagai macam bentuk program pengembangan sosial masih sangat dibutuhkan. selain itu, pengaturan mengenai tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada perusahaan bumn berlaku secara nasional, sehingga setiap bumn memiliki pedoman yang sama dalam pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan.penelitian ini mengkaji hakikat tanggung jawab sosial pada perusahaan bumn yang didasarkan pada teori-teori yang dijadikan sebagai dasar dalam penulisan. kemudian untuk kajian normatifnya dilakukan dengan cara menganalisis ketentuan perundang–undangan yang relevan dan melihat penerapannya di lapangan. hasil penelitiannya akan dipaparkan secara jelas dan sistematis. berdasarkan hal tersebut di atas, maka penelitian ini termasuk penelitian di bidang hukum perusahaan. penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian normatif dan empiris, yaitu penelitian hukum yang kajiannya meliputi ketentuan– ketentuan perundang–undangan (in abstracto) serta penerapannya di lapangan (in concreto). tipe penelitian hukumnya adalah deskriptif, yaitu memaparkan secara lengkap, rinci, dan sistematis.populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah bumn yang berbentuk perseroan terbatas dengan jumlah keseluruhan sebanyak 26 perusahaan(bps sulsel, 2009). perusahaan bumn yang dijadikan sampel ditentukan dengan pertimbangan bahwa memiliki kantor yang berdomisili di sulawesi selatan, kegiatan usahanya di bidang sumber daya alam dan/atau berkaitan dengan sumber daya alam, atau memiliki aktifitas cukup menonjol dalam pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. jumlah sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 5 perusahaan. penentuan sampel ini dilakukan dengan cara sengaja (purposive sampling). responden dalam penelitian ini total sebanyak 105 orang yang terdiri atas : pimpinan perusahaan sebanyak 1 orang, kepala bagian sebanyak 5 orang, ketua serikat pekerja, dan karyawan sebanyak 10 orang pada masing-masing bumn sampel.ditambah dengan 5 pengusaha kecil menengah yang diikutsertakan pada program pkbldi masing–masing bumn sampel. issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 60 pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pembagian kuesioner dan wawancara. kuesioner diberikan kepada setiap responden di masing– masing perusahaan. kuesioner ini diarahkan kepada pimpinan/top manajemen, pimpinan serikat pekerja dan karyawan pada masing–masing perusahaan sampel. sedangkan wawancara dilakukan dengan bantuan daftar pertanyaan pemandu (guided questionaire). wawancara diarahkan kepada para pengusaha kecil menengah yang ikut serta pada program sosial dari perusahaan bumn. data yang diperoleh di lapangan akan dianalisis sesuai dengan karkteristik data yang bersangkutan. untuk data yang berupa angka-angka akan dibuat dalam bentuk tabel kemudian dijelaskan secara deskriptif. analisa data dilakukan secarakualitatif. c. pembahasan hasil penelitian dan analisis 1. hakikat tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pemahaman yang menunjukkan bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan dilaksanakan untuk kepentingan perusahaan, dibuktikan dengan banyaknya pemikiran yang berusaha memberikan argumen, untuk menunjukkan bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan dimaksudkan untuk kepentingan perusahaan itu sendiri. argumen-argumen tersebut antara lain menyatakan bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan dilaksanakan untuk memperbaiki citra perusahaan (dwi kartini,2009), merupakan investasi sosial untuk keberlanjutan perusahaan itu sendiri di masa yang akan datang (edi suharto, 2010). keseluruhan hasil pemikiran tersebut menggambarkan bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan dilaksanakan untuk kepentingan perusahaan itu sendiri. tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan bukanlah masalah moral atau kebaikan hati perusahaan semata, namun yang lebih menonjol adalah faktor kepentingan perusahaan, baik kepentingan yang bersifat internal yaitu kepentingan ekonomi, maupun kepentingan yang bersifat eksternal berupa perbaikan citra dan upayaupaya untuk mengamankan operasional perusahaan dari berbagai macam tekanan atau tuntutan, baik dari penguasa maupun dari masyarakat sendiri (jimmy tanaya,2004). dari segi pelaksanaannya, tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 61 oleh perusahaan bumn diwujudkan dalam bentuk program kemitraan dan bina lingkungan (pkbl). berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan informasi yang diperoleh dari kuesioner, yang diedarkan pada 5 bumn yang dijadikan sampel, dua diantaranya yaitu pt. kawasan industri makassar (pt.kima) dan pt. perkebunan nusantara (ptpn xiv) mengartikan bahwa pkbl adalah wujud tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada perusahaan bumn. sedangkan tiga bumn sampel yang lain, menganggap bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada perusahaan bumn selain diwujudkan dalam bentuk program pkbl juga disertai dengan program-program lain yang dananya bukan diambil dari laba perusahaan, akan tetapi diambil dari biaya perseroan. ketiga bumn yang dimaksud adalah pt. pelabuhan indonesia iv (pelindo), pt. semen tonasa, dan pt. telekomunikasi indonesia (telkom). dalam praktiknya, programprogram sosial di luar pkbl yang ditujukan untuk kepentingan masyarakat dan lingkungan diwujudkan dalam bentuk dan jenis kegiatan yang berbeda-beda oleh masing-masing bumn sampel. pt. semen tonasa misalnya menetapkan bahwa bantuan untuk pembinaan olah raga dan kesenian merupakan suatu program tersendiri di luar dari program pkbl. sedangkan pt. pelindo iv dan pt. telkom tidak menetapkan secara khusus mengenai jenis kegiatan sosial tertentu di luar dari pkbl. programprogram seperti ini sangat ditentukan oleh kebijakan masing-masing perusahaan bumn yang bersangkutan. berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari 5 bumn yang dijadikan sampel, tiga diantaranya menetapkan dua macam jenis anggaran. ketiga bumn yang dimaksud adalah pt. pelabuhan indonesia iv (pelindo), pt. semen tonasa, dan pt. telekomunikasi indonesia (telkom). ketiga bumn ini menafsirkan bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada bumn adalah program pkbl ditambah dengan kegiatan lain di luar dari yang diatur dalam permen per-05/mbu/2007. sedangkan dua bumn lain yang menjadi sampel yaitu pt. kawasan industri makassar (kima) dan pt. perkebunan nusantara melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan dalam bentuk pkbl. hakikat diartikan sebagai realitas atau kenyataan yang sebenarnya. bukan issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 62 kenyataan sementara atau keadaan yang menipu, juga bukan kenyataan yang berubah (amsal bakhtiar, 2004). berangkat dari pemahaman akan realitas atau kenyataan yang sebenarnya, maka tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada hakikatnya ada karena adanya kepentingankepentingan yang melekat di dalamnya. keberadaan atau lahirnya tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan dimotivasi oleh adanya muatan kepentingankepentingan tersebut. oleh karena itu, pelaksanaannya merupakan suatu bentuk upaya pemenuhan terhadap kepentingan-kepentingan yang menjadi muatannya itu. pemenuhan kepentingan-kepentingan tersebut harus dilaksanakan secara seimbang, agar tidak menimbulkan benturanbenturan. dalam hal inilah dibutuhkan pengaturan-pengaturan atau hukum.walaupun ada nuansa etis dan moral dalam pelaksanaannya, namun itu hanyalah realitas semu. keberadaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan tidak sempurna menunjukkan dirinya sebagai suatu bentuk kedermawanan sosial. tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan lebih menampakkan wajahwajah kepentingan yang melekat padanya.nuansa moral dan etis inilah yang seringkali memberikan gambaran bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan merupakan bentuk kedermawanan sosial. pertanyaan mendasar dari sudut pandang ontology yang menyatakan bahwa “apa itu tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan?”. maka jawabnya, “itu adalah kepentingan-kepentingan, yang mewujud dalam suatu bentuk kedermawanan sosial”. praktik kedermawanan sosial yang seringkali nampak dalam pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan bukanlah kenyataan yang sesungguhnya. tanggung sosial dan lingkungan dilaksanakan bukanlah semata-mata karena bermaksud untuk berbuat baik atau berderma secara ikhlas tanpa pamrih. tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan dilaksanakan juga bukan atas dasar sukarela semata. selain karena adanya tuntutan hukum, tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan dilaksanakan juga karena adanya tuntutan kepentingan, baik untuk kepentingan perusahaan maupun karena adanya tuntutan situasi atau kondisi sosial masyarakat pada umumnya. tuntutan-tuntutan seperti inilah yang seringkali memaksa pihak perusahaan untuk melaksanakan issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 63 tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. oleh karena itu, sifat sukarela dari praktik tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan juga bukan merupakan kenyataan yang sesungguhnya. sifat tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada hakikatnya merupakan suatu keharusan yang mesti dijalankan oleh perusahaan, agar dapat terus berjalan dengan baik dan berkelanjutan (sustainable). dari segi pelaksanannya, tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada hakikatnya adalah upaya untuk mewujudkan keseimbangan kepentingan dari berbagai pihak yang terkait. dengan demikian, pertanyaan dari sudut pandang epistemology yaitu “bagaimana cara atau metode yang benar dalam melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan”. jawabnya adalah “harus dilakukan secara seimbang, adil dan merata”. sehingga dapat dipahami bahwa pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan merupakan suatu cara atau metode yang dilakukan oleh pihak perusahaan untuk pemenuhan kepentingan para pihak yang terkait secara seimbang, adil dan merata. pertentangan-pertentangan yang timbul terkait dengan pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan, seringkali disebabkan oleh adanya ketidakseimbangan diantara kepentingan-kepentingan yang terkait, sehingga kurang mencerminkan keadilan dan pemerataan. hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dari aspek epistemologi, pada hakikatnya tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan harus dilaksanakan untuk kepentingan semua pihak. oleh karena itu, peraturan yang dibuat juga harus mampu mewadahi kepentingan semua pihak yang terkait, mulai dari kepentingan perusahaan, kepentingan sosial dan lingkungan, bahkan kepentingan pemerintah. dalam hal ini tidak ada kepentingan yang boleh diabaikan, karena hal itu akan menimbulkan ketidakseimbangan dari setiap komponen kepentingan yang ada. bilamana keseimbangan kepentingan dari semua pihak tidak terpenuhi, maka hal itu akan selalu menimbulkan pertentangan atau perdebatan-perdebatan mulai dari tataran teoritis sampai pada praktisnya. karena setiap pihak tentu akan berusaha untuk mempertahankan kepentingannya masing-masing. akibatnya adalah akan sulit untuk melahirkan suatu acuan atau format baku yang bersifat tetap mengenai issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 64 tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan, baik pada tingkat pengaturan sampai pada pelaksanaannya. selanjutnya dari sudut pandang aksiologi, pertanyaan mendasar yang perlu dijawab adalah untuk apa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan dilaksanakan, apa kegunaan atau manfaat yang dapat diperoleh. pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini dapat dijawab dengan melihat berbagai macam kepentingan yang terkait.dari segi kepentingan perusahaan, kegunaan atau nilai manfaat yang dapat diperoleh adalah dapat meningkatkan citra perusahaan sekaligus sebagai suatu upaya untuk tetap mempertahankan eksistensi perusahaan agar dapat beroperasi secara berkelanjutan (sustainable). sedangkan dari sudut pandang para pemangku kepentingan (stakeholder), tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan berfungsi sebagai landasan atau dasar dalam upaya pendistribusian nilai-nilai manfaat yang telah diperoleh perusahaan dari aktivitasnya kepada para pemangku kepentingan. dalam hal ini, tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan yang dilaksanakan oleh perusahaan bumn berguna untuk meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan sosial dan lingkungan yang bermanfaat, baik bagi perseroan sendiri, komunitas setempat, maupun bagi masyarakat secara menyeluruh.pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan diharapkan dapat memberi manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya bagi terwujudnya kemakmuran rakyat secara adil dan merata. berdasarkan ketentuan pasal 33 uud ri 1945 ayat (3), pengelolaan perekonomian nasional indonesia diorientasikan pada upaya mewujudkan kemakmuran rakyat yang sebesarbesarnya. hal ini sejalan dengan teori negara kesejahteraan. dalam teori ini, negara memiliki peran yang besar dalam mengalokasikan dan mendistribusikan setiap sumber daya untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar warganya. dalam upaya mewujudkan kesejahteraan bagi seluruh rakyatnya, negara indonesia kemudian menguasai setiap potensi-potensi kekayaan alam yang bernilai strategis, termasuk cabang-cabang produksi yang penting dan menguasai hajat hidup orang banyak untuk dapat dikelola dengan baik dan selanjutnya dimanfaatkan untuk sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat. hal inilah yang mendasari lahirnya perusahaan-perusahaan milik negara yang disebut badan usaha milik issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 65 negara (bumn). berdasarkan ketentuan undang-undangsesuai dengan fungsi dan peranannya, bumn diwajibkan untuk melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan sebagai suatu upaya untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan bersama bagi seluruh rakyatnya. dengan demikian dapat dipahami bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan yang melekat pada bumn merupakan tugas konstitusional yang harus dilaksanakan dalam kerangka memajukan kesejahteraan bagi seluruh rakyat. sehingga sasaran pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan bukan hanya ditujukan kepada stakeholder semata, akan tetapi bagi seluruh rakyat indonesia. hal ini tentu berbeda dengan konsep tanggung jawab sosial yang dipahami sebelumnya, yang lebih menitik beratkan pada upaya pemenuhan kepentingan para stakeholder yaitu pihak-pihak yang terpengaruh atau berpengaruh terhadap perusahaan. agar kesejahteraan bersama bagi seluruh rakyat dapat tercapai dengan baik, maka pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan oleh perusahaan bumn semestinya diarahkan pada upaya pencapaian kesejahteraan bagi seluruh rakyat indonesia. hal ini sesuai dengan amanat uud 1945, yang sejalan dengan konteks negara kesejahteraan yaitu mewujudkan kesejahteraan setinggi-tingginya bagi sebanyakbanyaknya orang (the greatest happiness for the greatest number). pihak perusahaan dapat diarahkan untuk menyasar bidang-bidang tertentu atau kelompok-kelompok masyarakat yang belum sepenuhnya tersentuh oleh program-program pemerintah. walaupun demikian kepentingan perusahaan harus tetap diperhatikan. 2. pentingnya tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan diatur berdasarkan hukum teori keadilan menurut john rawls (1995:72) dengan prinsip ketidaksamaannya (the principle of difference) menekankan bahwa ketidaksamaan yang ada diantara manusia, dalam bidang ekonomi dan sosial, harus diatur sedemikian rupa, sehingga ketidaksamaan tersebut, dapat menguntungkan setiap orang, terutama bagi orang-orang yang secara kodrati kurang beruntung. hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perlu ada pengaturan. walaupun dalam teorinya, john rawls lebih menekankan pada kesepakatankesepakatan sebagai dasar dalam melakukan pengaturan, namun issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 66 kesepakatan atau kontrak sesungguhnya juga dijalankan berdasarkan hukum. terlebih lagi teori negara kesejahteraan, yang memberikan peran besar kepada negara atau pemerintah untuk menjamin kesejahteraan warganya. bumn sebagai badan usaha milik negara memiliki tanggung jawab konstitusional untuk ikut serta berpartisipasi mewujudkan kesejahteraan masyarakat secara adil dan merata. begitu pula dengan wealth maximization theory of justiceyang sudah dari awal menggunakan pendekatan hukum dalam menganalisis masalah-masalah ekonomi dan menekankan bahwa hukum seharusnya mempromosikan efisiensi (richard a. posner, 1992). teori-teori yang diungkapkan ini menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan ekonomi pada umumnya, terutama dalam hal pendistribusian sumber daya atau potensi-potensi ekonomi secara adil dan merata harus didasarkan pada suatu pengaturan tertentu. dengan demikian, pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada perusahaan bumn sebagai bagian dari upaya pendisitribusian sumber daya atau potensi ekonomi harus diatur berdasarkan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku. pengaturan ini dilakukan dalam kerangka pemeratan hasil-hasil pembangunan untuk memberikan manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya bagi kemakmuran rakyat, terutama bagi golongan masyarakat yang kurang beruntung. hal ini merupakan jawaban dari ungkapan-ungkapan yang mempertanyakan bahwa apakah tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan perlu diatur atau tidak. dengan kata lain, jika tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan dipahami sebagai suatu bentuk kedermawanan sosial yang bersifat sukarela, maka pelaksanaannya tentu akan diserahkan pada pihak perusahaan, dan negara tidak perlu turut campur dengan menetapkan peraturan-peraturan tertentu berdasarkan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku. akan tetapi, titik berat pemahaman mengenai tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan terletak pada aspek kepentingan semua pihak yang terkait. hal inilah yang harus diperhatikan dan dipenuhi dengan baik. pemenuhan kepentingan ini perlu diseimbangkan atau dilakukan secara proporsional, melalui mekanisme pengaturan. pada tataran ini, tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 67 perusahaan, yang awalnya hanya dipahami sebagai suatu tanggung jawab moral, kemudian bergeser menjadi tanggung jawab hukum yang bersifat mandatory. sehingga sifat pelaksanaannya pun bergeser dari sesuatu yang bersifat sukarela (voluntary) menjadi bersifat mandatory. tanggungjawab sosial dan lingkungan yang ada pada perusahaan, pada dasarnya bukanlah tanggungjawab yang semata-mata timbul karena kesalahan (fault), akan tetapi merupakan tanggung jawab yang sudah melekat pada perusahaan sebelum timbulnya suatu kejadian (ex-ante liability). tanggung jawab sebelum timbulnya kejadian dimaksudkan untuk memberikan sesuatu yang layak kepada publik berdasarkan peraturan atau ketentuan hukum yang berlaku. sedangkan tanggung jawab setelah kejadian (ex-post liability) adalah tanggung jawab untuk memulihkan keadaan bagi pihak yang dirugikan kepada keadaan semula yang direpresentasikan dengan pembayaran sejumlah ganti rugi yang sesuai dengan kerugian yang diderita sebagai bentuk kompensasi. aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh pihak perusahaan dapat menimbulkan dampak bagi pihak-pihak terkait atau para pemangku kepentingan (stakeholder). aktivitas perusahaan seringkali menimbulkan gangguan bahkan kerugian baik terhadap lingkungan sosial atau masyarakat pada umumnya maupun pencemaran terhadap lingkungan alam. merugikan pihak lain atau menimbulkan pencemaran terhadap lingkungan adalah suatu bentuk perbuatan yang melanggar hukum. oleh karena itu seharusnya dapat dituntut menurut ketentuan hukum yang berlaku. pihak perusahaan seharusnya dapat dituntut untuk memberikan kompensasi, baik berupa perbaikan fasilitas lingkungan sosial maupun lingkungan hidup, termasuk upaya-upaya peningkatan taraf hidup masyarakat sehingga menjadi lebih mandiri dan dapat memfasilitasi dirinya dengan membangun perumahan layak huni sehingga dampak dari aktivitas perusahaan, misalnya debu dan kebisingan dapat ditekan atau dikurangi. pemahaman yang menganggap bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan merupakan wujud kedermawanan sosial dengan sifatnya yang sukarela tidak selaras dengan issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 68 akibat yang ditimbulkannya, karena dasar pelaksanaannya hanya merupakan tanggung jawab moral, sementara akibatnya adalah akibat hukum. hal ini akan menimbulkan kesulitan dalam pengenaan sanksi hukum, karena sanksi yang mungkin diterapkan dalam konteks ini adalah sanksi moral pula. oleh karena itu seharusnya tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan diartikan sebagai tanggung jawab hukum yang sifatnya wajib. selain itu, aktivitas perusahaan dapat menimbulkan kerugian bagi pihak lain atau masyarakat walaupun sifatnya tanpa kesalahan, misalnya debu yang beterbangan karena lalu lalangnya kendaraan berat, atau kebisingan yang timbul dari aktivitas pabrik. hal ini merupakan sesuatu yang sifatnya wajar dan tidak dapat dihindari, karena begitulah aktivitas pabrik. akan tetapi, apakah karena ini sifatnya wajar dan tanpa kesalahan, sehingga masyarakat harus dibiarkan mengisap debu dan terganggu oleh kebisingan setiap hari. tentu hal ini akan melahirkan ketidakadilan ditengah-tengah masyarakat. oleh karena itulah, atas dasar keadilan maka masyarakat atau pihak-pihak yang dirugikan wajib diberikan kompensasi, sebagai konsekuensi hubungan kausalitas dari tindakan atau aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh pihak perusahaan. atas dasar inilah pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan harus diwajibkan. sehingga masyarakat yang merasa dirugikan akan memiliki dasar yang cukup untuk dapat melakukan tuntutan. bila tuntutan masyarakat terkait dengan aktivitas perusahaan tidak diakomodir atau tidak diatur dengan jelas dalam ketentuan hukum, termasuk dasar pijakannya untuk melakukan tuntutan bilamana ada yang merasa dirugikan, maka masyarakat pada akhirnya akan mengambil jalan sendiri. jalan yang paling sering ditempuh adalah demonstrasi yang seringkali berujung pada tindakan-tindakan tertentu, yang sifatnya merugikan kepentingan perusahaan atau bahkan bertentangan dengan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku. terdapat dua alasan utama yang dapat dijadikan dasar, sehingga pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan perlu diwajibkan yaitu : 1) dilihat dari sudut pandang akibat yang ditimbulkannya,pandangan bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan adalah bentuk kedermawanan sosial yang sifatnya sukarela, tidak sejalan dengan akibat issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 69 yang ditimbulkannya. 2) dilihat dari sudut pandang keadilan, bahwa membiarkan pihak lain menderita gangguan ataupun kerugian tanpa dasar yang cukup untuk dapat melakukan tuntutan menurut ketentuan hukum yang berlaku merupakan suatu bentuk ketidakadilan. oleh karena itu, tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan perlu diwajibkan. menetapkan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan sebagai suatu tanggung jawab hukum dan bukan semata-mata tanggung jawab moral akan memberikan posisi yang sederajat bagi semua pihak, selain itu juga akan memberikan dasar bagi pihak-pihak yang dirugikan untuk melakukan tuntutan. jika tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan hanya dipahami sebagai tanggung jawab moral yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk kedermawanan sosial, maka posisi dari para pihak yang terkait didalamnya menjadi tidak sederajat. pihak yang melakukan derma atau pihak pemberi akan memiliki posisi yang lebih tinggi dibanding dengan pihak penerima dan jika ada kerugian sulit untuk melakukan tuntutan karena dasarnya adalah sukarela. namun jika tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan dipahami sebagai tanggung jawab hukum, maka akan menimbulkan hak dan kewajiban. pihak pemberi yaitu perusahaan melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan bukan karena sedang berderma namun melaksanakan kewajibannya, dan pihak penerima bukan menerima kebaikan hati, akan tetapi sedang memperoleh haknya menurut hukum. sehingga hubungan yang timbul diantara para pihak adalah hubungan hukum karena adanya hak dan kewajiban. perbandingan antara tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan sebagai tangung jawab moral dengan tanggung jawab hukum digambarkan dalam bentuk bagan sebagai berikut : bagan : perbandingan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan sebagai tangung jawab moral dengan tanggung jawab hukum 3. sinkronisasi peraturan tentang pelaksanaan tjsl pada bumn dasar hukum pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan (tjsl) oleh bumn adalah uu no.19 tahun 2003,yang diwujudkan lebih lanjut dalam permen no.05-mbu-2007 tentang pkbl, yang kemudian tanggungjawab sosialdanlingku ngan wajib (mandatory) sukarela (voluntary) kedermawanans osial (tanggungjawab moral) sanksi moral tanggungjawab hukum sanksihukum issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 70 ditindaklanjuti dengan surat edaran menteri negara bumn no : se07/mbu/2008 tentang pelaksanaan pkbl dan penerapan pasal 74 uu no. 40 tahun 2007 tentang perseroan terbatas. dengan demikian, dapat dipahami bahwa pelaksanaan pkbl oleh bumn selain didasarkan pada uu bumn juga didasarkan pada uu perseroan terbatas yang kemudian dijabarkan lebih lanjut dalam pp no. 47 tahun 2012 tentang tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan perseroan terbatas. peraturan-peraturan tersebut di atas menggunakan istilah yang tidak seragam. berdasarkan uupt dan pp no.47 tahun 2012, istilah yang digunakan adalah “tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan”. sedangkan menurut uu bumn menggunakan istilah “fungsi pelayanan kemanfaatan umum” yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk pkbl. begitu pula dalam hal dengan sumber pendanaannya, uu bumn menyatakan bahwa dana pelaksanaan pkbl bersumber dari penyisihan sebagian laba bersih perusahaan, sedangkan dalam uupt dana pelaksanaan tjsl bersumber dari biaya perseroan. perbedaan sumber biaya dalam hal pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada perusahaan bumn antara ketentuan yang terdapat dalam uu bumn dengan uu pt menjadi masalah tersendiri bagi pihak perusahaan, terutama dalam hal penentuan dan pengalokasian anggaran. sebagian perusahaan bumn menetapkan dua jenis pos anggaran yaitu anggaran untuk dana pkbl yang bersumber dari penyisihan laba perusahaan dan anggaran untuk program-program lain di luar program pkbl yang oleh pihak perusahaan disebut dengan istilah dana csr. sumber dananya diambil dari biaya operasional perusahaan.berdasarkan uraian ini, dapat dipahami bahwa terdapat perbedaan mengenai sumber pembiayaan dalam pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada bumn. selain itu berdasarkan ketentuan dalam uu bumn dan penjabarannya, sifat pelaksanaan pkbl adalah wajib. sedangkan dalam uu pt, pelaksanaan tjsl hanya wajib bagi perseroan yang kegiatan usahanya bergerak dibidang dan atau berkaitan dengan sumber daya alam. adanya ketidaksesuaian antara uu bumn dengan uupt, mulai dari istilah yang digunakan, sumber pembiayaan, sampai pada penetapan wajib serta sanksinya, akan issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 71 menimbulkan kesulitan dalam pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada perusahaan bumn. oleh karena itu, idealnya perlu ada pengaturan yang lebih jelas dan terperinci tentang tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada perseroan, mulai dari sumber pembiayaan, termasuk indikator-indikator yang diperlukan untuk melakukan penilaian, sampai pada sanksi yang dapat dijatuhkan bilamana pihak perusahaan tidak menjalankan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungannya dengan baik. peraturan ini juga harus sejalan dan tidak tumpang tindih dengan berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya. d. penutup berdasarkan uraian pada bagian pembahasan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa keberadaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan dimotivasi oleh adanya muatan kepentingan didalamnya. pemenuhan kepentingan-kepentingan tersebut harus dilaksanakan secara seimbang agar tidak menimbulkan pertentangan, sehingga dibutuhkan pengaturan atau hukum. oleh karena itu, tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada hakikatnya adalah suatu bentuk upaya yang harus dijalankan oleh perusahaan secara seimbang dalam memenuhi kepentingan semua pihak, sehingga dapat terwujud kesejahteraan secara adil dan merata. ketentuan yang mengatur mengenai tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan pada bumn masih perlu disinkronisasikan mulai dari penggunaan istilah, ketentuan tentang sumber pembiayaan, sampai pada penetapan wajib serta sanksinya, agar tidak menimbulkan kesulitan dalam pelaksanaannya. daftar pustaka amsal bakhtiar. 2004. filsafat ilmu. pt. rajagrafindo persada. jakarta. bps sulsel, 2009. direktori perusahaan, katalog 2009. dwi kartini, 2009. corporate social responsibility: transformasi konsep sustainability management dan implementasi di indonesia. pt. refika aditama. bandung. edi suharto. 2007. memperkuat tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (corporate social responsibility). refika aditama. bandung. fajar nursahid, 2006. praktik kedermawanan sosial bumn:analisis terhadap model kedermawanan pt. karakatau steel, issn 2528-360x volume 1 no. 1 desember 2016 e-issn 2621-6159 hakikat tanggung jawab sosial bumn terhadap stakeholder 72 pt.pertamina, dan pt. telkom. galang, jurnal filantropi dan masyarakat madani vol. 1, no.2 januari 2006. fernandes, praxy.1985. nodal centres for 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perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan pangan industri rumah tangga page 189 perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan pangan industri rumah tangga ernawati dosen fakultas hukum universitas muhammadiyah buton abstract consumers have the freedom to determine the type and quality of the goods/services in accordance with their needs. food safety, quality problems and the impact of irregularities, as well as the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the development of food industry quality system is a shared responsibility as the consumer protection efforts. the method in this research using qualitative methods. the research results showed that consumer protection conducted by government agencies and other institutions in the following way i.e. perform monitoring of food products by giving the number of the pirt against businessmen who are qualified and have previously received counseling about the food products that may be released, as well as to provide warning and withdrawal of products that contain a positive dye textiles. the efforts made by the north buton regency pom halls namely collaborates with government agencies and institutions consumers north buton regency to do surveillance, sampling and testing, guidance products. trade a proven violation reported to the district health office of north buton for follow up. restricting factors for the government and consumers north buton regency in coping with a circulation of foods that contain colouring substances in textiles, namely budget constraints to organise activities agenda so that there are no activities were carried out, bureaucratic system which is still so convoluted follow-up to businessmen. keyword: consumer protection, food, food industry, household a. pendahuluan salah satu pengaruh globalisasi yang menyebabkan konsumen diberikan banyak pilihan, pelaku usaha semakin dipacu untuk memproduksi barang atau jasa yang sesuai kebutuhan dan diminati oleh masyarakat, namun apakah sudah memperhatikan kualitas bahan produksi yang benar-benar dapat dipertanggung jawabkan, selain itu pelayanan kepada konsumen apakah sudah optimal. walaupun teknik pengolahan makanan telah berkembang pesat, namun makanan yang di konsumsi juga harus aman bagi keselamatan dan kesehatan jasmani maupun rohani. makanan yang akan didistribusikan harus memenuhi persyaratan kualitas, issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan pangan industri rumah tangga page 190 penampilan, dan cita rasa. keamanan pangan di indonesia masih jauh dari keadaan aman, konsumen pada umumnya belum memperdulikan atau belum memiliki kesadaran tentang keamanan makanan yang mereka konsumsi, sehingga belum banyak menuntut produsen untuk menghasilkan produk makanan yang aman. telah terjadi penyalahgunaan pemakaian pewarna untuk bahan makanan. sekarang ini, pewarna untuk makanan menggunakan pewarna untuk tekstil. banyak produsen yang menggunakan pewarna tekstil untuk berbagai produk makanan. berkembangnya industi tekstil di indonesia menyebabkan pewarna tekstil menjadi murah dan mudah didapatkan yang akhirnya pewarna tekstil ini disalahgunakan pemanfaatannya oleh kalangan produsen makanan pewarna tekstil yang banyak digunakan oleh produsen makanan. pewarna tekstil adalah pewarna sintetis yang digunakan untuk membuat makanan berwarna merah terang. pewarna tekstil sebenarnya telah dilarang penggunaanya melalui keputusan direktur jendral pengawasan obat dan makanan departemen kesehatan republik indonesia nomor 00386/c/sk/ii/90 tentang perubahan lampiran peraturan menteri kesehatan nomor 239/menkes/per/v/85 tentang zat warna tertentu yang dinyatakan sebagai bahan berbahaya. penggunaan pewarna tekstil pada makanan akan mengakibatkan gangguan fungsi hati bahkan apabila dipergunakan dalam jangka waktu yang lama akan mengakibatkan kanker hati. selain itu pewarna tekstil dapat mengakibatkan iritasi pada saluran nafas, kulit, mata, dan infeksi pada saluran pencernaan. peredaran pangan yang mengandung bahan berbahaya perlu diwaspadai oleh konsumen karena belum adanya perlindungan yang maksimal. peredaran pangan yang issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan pangan industri rumah tangga page 191 tidak memenuhi standar kesehatan tersebut pada umumnya disebabkan keinginan produsen agar mendapat keuntungan sebanyak-banyaknya dengan mengesampingkan keselamatan konsumen. sementara itu pengetahuan konsumen masih belum memadai untuk dapat memilih dan memakai produk yang tepat, benar, dan aman. berdasarkan data yang didapat dari dinas kesehatan kabupaten buton utara, di kabupaten buton utara pada tahun 2015 masih terdapat pelaku usaha yang memakai pewarna makanan, serta pengawet makanan berbahaya, di antaranya adalah jipang warna, onde-onde dan snack yang di jual di dinas kesehatan. konsumen memiliki kebebasan untuk menentukan jenis dan kualitas barang/jasa sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. keamanan pangan, masalah dan dampak penyimpangan mutu, serta kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman dalam pengembangan sistem mutu industri pangan merupakan tanggung jawab bersama sebagai upaya perlindungan konsumen. hal ini berdasarkan pasal 4 ayat (1) undang-undang republik indonesia nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen yaitu “hak konsumen adalah hak atas kenyamanan, keamanan dan keselamatan dalam mengkonsumsi barang dan/atau jasa” dan pasal 4 ayat (3) yang berbunyi “hak atas informasi yang benar, jelas, dan jujur mengenai kondisi dan jaminan barang dan/atau jasa”. sedangkan pengawasan terhadap penyelenggaraan perlindungan konsumen sesuai pasal 30 undang -undang nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen yang berbunyi “pengawasan terhadap penyelenggaraan perlindungan konsumen, serta penerapan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangannya diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah, masyarakat, dan lembaga perlindungan konsumen swadaya masyarakat”. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan pangan industri rumah tangga page 192 atas dasar kondisi sebagaimana dipaparkan diatas, perlu upaya pemberdayaan konsumen melalui pembentukan undang-undang yang dapat melindungi kepentingan konsumen secara integrative dan komprehensif serta dapat diterapkan secara efektif di masyarakat b. metode penelitian metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, yaitu prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif yang berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang diamati (moleong, 2004:4). lokasi menunjukkan tempat dimana penelitian dilakukan dalam rangka mempertanggungjawabkan data yang diperoleh. lokasi yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah di kabupaten buton utara khususnya pada dinas kesehatan kabupaten buton utara. data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi 2 data, yaitu data primer : data yang diperoleh secara langsung melalui sumber pertama, “yakni perilaku warga masyarakat, melalui penelitian” ( soerjono soekanto, 2005 : 12 ). data sekunder: yaitu data yang diperoleh dari kepustakaan yang terdiri dari literatur, peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta relevan dengan masalah yang di teliti, karya tulis para ahli, kamus dan lain-lain. dalam pengumpulan data ini peneliti menggunakan data primer sebagai data utama dan data sekunder sebagai data dukungan penguat dari data utama. data yang terkumpul banyak sekali dan terdiri dari catatan lapangan, gambar, foto, dokumen berupa laporan, struktur organisasi, artikel, tape recorder dan sebagainya. setelah data dari lapangan terkumpul dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data di atas, maka peneliti akan mengolah dan menganalisis data tersebut dengan menggunakan analisis secara deskriptif-kualitatif, tanpa menggunakan teknik kuantitatif. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan pangan industri rumah tangga page 193 c. pembahasan dan analisis 1. pengawasan hak konsumen atas keamanan dalam mengkonsumsi makanan olahan industri rumah tangga berdasarkan undang -undang nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen berdasarkan hasil penelitian penulis maka sesuai amanat undang -undang nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen dikaitkan dengan hak konsumen mendapatkan kenyamanan, keamanan dan keselamatan dalam mengkonsumsi barang dan/atau jasa; hak mendapatkan informasi yang benar, jelas dan jujur mengenai kondisi dan jaminan barang dan/atau jasa; serta hak mendapatkan pembinaan dan pendidikan konsumen. pangan merupakan kebutuhan dasar manusia yang juga merupakan komoditas, memerlukan dukungan sistem pangan yang etis, jujur, & bertanggung jawab sehingga terjangkau oleh masyarakat. pangan dalam bentuk makanan & minuman adalah salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia yang diperlukan untuk hidup, tumbuh, berkembang biak, & reproduksi. dalam pasal 1 undang-undang nomor 7 tahun 1996 tentang pangan, disebutkan bahwa “pangan adalah segala sesuatu yang berasal dari sumber hayati & air, baik yang diolah, yang diperuntukkan sebagai makanan atau minuman bagi konsumsi manusia, termasuk bahan tambahan pangan, bahan baku pangan, & bahan lain yang digunakan dalam proses penyiapan, pengolahan, & atau pembuatan makanan atau minuman”. kemudian telah disebutkan mengenai hak dan kewajiban konsumen dalam undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen dalam pasal 4 dan pasal 5 yakni sebagai berikut: kesembilan hak konsumen tersebut yang makin perlu secara kontinu disosialisasikan kembali oleh pebisnis bersama media, ylki, penegak hukum, pengacara, issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan pangan industri rumah tangga page 194 dan pengamat, terutama di daerah, agar tetap sadar adanya hak-hak konsumen yang terhitung "demand side" dari perekonomian, yakni masyarakat konsumen dan umum. makin sadar akan hak dan kewajiban kedua pihak, "supply side" dan "demand side", maka semakin berbudaya kehidupan bangsa ini. sebagai bahan pembanding, yang pernah dijadikan referensi lembaga konsumen negeri ini, adalah hak-hak dasar umum yang diakui secara internasional. oleh karena sebab kepraktisannya, banyak orang yang senang mengkonsumsi makanan kemasan. akan tetapi, kita pun tetap harus memperhatikan komposisi dan kandungan pada makanan jenis ini supaya kandungan gizi yang diasup tetap sesuai secara kebutuhan. perubahan atas peraturan kepala bpom tahun 2005 tentang pedoman pencantuman informasi nilai gizi pada label pangan telah dikeluarkan oleh kepala badan pengawas obat dan makanan (bpom) ri tahun 2011. peraturan ini berbunyi, “setiap orang yang memproduksi pangan olahan yang mengandung gula, garam, dan lemak untuk diperdagangkan, wajib memuat informasi kandungan gula, garam, dan lemak, serta pesan kesehatan pada label pangan.” disertai pula pernyataan bahwa pangan tersebut mengandung vitamin, mineral, dan atau zat gizi lainnya yang ditambahkan, dan juga dipersyaratkan berdasarkan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di bidang mutu dan gizi pangan, produsen wajib menambahkan vitamin, mineral dan atau zat gizi lainnya. maka, pada intinya informasi yang wajib dicantumkan pada label, antara lain takaran saji, jumlah sajian per kemasan, dan catatan kaki. sedangkan zat gizi yang wajib dicantumkan antara lain energi total, lemak total, protein, karbohidrat total, dan natrium. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan pangan industri rumah tangga page 195 formalin sangat mudah diserap oleh tubuh melalui saluran pernafasan dan pencernaan. penggunaan formalin dalam jangka panjang dapat berakibat buruk pada organ tubuh. karena beracun, pada kemasan formalin diberi label yang bertuliskan “jangan menggunakan formalin untuk mengawetkan pangan seperti mie dan tahu”. kasus penyalahgunaan zat berbahaya bagi produk olahan di kabupaten buton utara pada tahun 2015 masih terdapat pelaku usaha yang memakai pewarna makanan, serta pengawet makanan berbahaya, di antaranya adalah jipang warna, onde-onde dan snack yang di jual di dinas kesehatan. data nasional yang dirangkum bpom selama 4 tahun terakhir juga menjelaskan, bahwa industri jasa produk olahan pabrik kecil dan produk makanan rumah tangga memberikan kontribusi yang paling besar (31%) dibandingkan dengan pangan olahan (20%); jajanan (13%) dan lain-lain (5%). hasil kajian dan analisa dinas kesehatan kabupaten buton utara juga tidak menemukan adanya penggunaan bahan terlarang dalam produk makanan. namun pelaku usaha masih kurang memperhatikan mengenai masalah kehigienisan atau kebersihan produk olahannya. maka hasil penelitian penulis menunjukkan bahwa dalam hal pelaksanaan perlindungan hak konsumen atas informasi dan keamanan dalam mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung zat pewarna tekstil berdasarkan undangundang nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen yang dilakukan oleh instansi pemerintah dan lembaga lainnya di kabupaten buton utara adalah dengan cara sebagai berikut: 1. upaya yang dilakukan oleh dinas kesehatan kabupaten buton utara yaitu melakukan pemantauan terhadap produk-produk pangan dengan memberikan nomor pirt terhadap pelaku usaha yang telah memenuhi syarat dan sebelumnya telah mendapat issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan pangan industri rumah tangga page 196 penyuluhan tentang produk makanan yang boleh untuk diedarkan, pengawasan terhadap pelaku usaha atas produk makanan yang menagandung zat pewarna tekstil, dan memberikan peringatan serta penarikan produk yang positif mengandung zat pewarna tekstil. 2. upaya yang dilakukan oleh dinas kesehatan kabupaten buton utara yaitu bekerjasama dengan instansi pemerintah dan lembaga konsumen kabupaten buton utara untuk melakukan pengawasan, penyuluhan, sampling dan pengujian produk. pelaku usaha yang terbukti melakukan pelanggaran dilaporkan kepada dinas kesehatan kabupaten buton utara untuk ditindaklanjuti. 3. upaya yang dilakukan dinas perindustrian dan koperasi kabupaten buton utara adalah dengan mengadakan penyuluahan tentang makanan yang aman dari zat berbahaya dan menfasilitasi pengaduan konsumen yang terdapat dalam badan penyelesaian sengketa konsumen (bpsk) untuk diselesaikan dengan pihak produsen yang telah diadukan. 4. upaya yang dilakukan lembaga konsumen kabupaten buton utara adalah dengan melakukan pendidikan bagi konsumen agar lebih kritis dan teliti terhadap produk makanan yang akan dikonsumsi, membantu konsumen dalam memperjuangkan haknya termasuk menerima keluhan ataupun pengaduan konsumen, dan melakukan pengawasan bersama instansi pemerintah. 2. perlindungan hak konsumen atas keamanan dalam mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung zat pewarna tekstil tidak sesuai dengan undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan pangan industri rumah tangga page 197 pelaksanaan pengawasan hak konsumen atas informasi dilakukan terhadap label pangan industri pangan rumah tangga, label dianggap sebagai sumber informasi bagi konsumen. dinas kesehatan kabupaten buton utara melakukan pengawasan label pangan industri rumah tangga secara periodik yaitu pada waktu menjelang hari besar keagamaan (idhul fitri, natal, dan tahun baru), pengawasan dilakukan melalui operasi ke pasar tradisional, toko, mini market dan penjual pangan jajanan di sekolah. berdasarkan hasil penelitian penulis masih ditemukan produk pangan industri rumah tangga belum sepenuhnya memenuhi persyaratan label sebagai sumber informasi bagi konsumen karena produk pangan industri rumah tangga di kabupaten buton utara, label produk pangan yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan termasuk label tidak menggunakan masa kadaluarsa, umur simpan atau waktu kadaluarsa merupakan suatu rentang waktu yang menyatakan bahwa produk masih dalam keadaan aman dikonsumsi tetap memenuhi sifat sensoris, kimia, fisik dan mikrobiologis sesuai dengan pernyataan nilai gizi yang tercantum pada label. sedangkan alamat produksi dalam label penting digunakan untuk memudahkan pengawasan produk pangan industri rumah tangga di kabupaten buton utara karena dengan adanya alamat produksinya dinas kesehatan kabupaten buton utara mudah untuk melacak lokasi produk tersebut apabila hasil produksinya tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan yang telah diatur. pasal 4 (c) undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen telah diatur hak atas informasi yang benar, jelas, dan jujur mengenai kondisi dan jaminan barangdan/atau jasa, salah satu sumber informasi adalah label dimana konsumen dapat memperoleh informasi yang benar, jelas dan lengkap dari segi kuantitas, isi, kualitas baik masa kadaluarsa ataupun komposisi bahan yang digunakan. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan pangan industri rumah tangga page 198 berbagai pelanggaran pelabelan pangan disebabkan oleh : 1. pelaku usaha tidak mengetahui kewajiban berdasarkan undang-undang perlindungan konsumen 2. kurangnya sosialisasi dari pemerintah terkait (dinas kesehatan, lembaga perlindungan konsumen) 3. konsumen tidak memperhatikan kemasan produk pangan. pelanggaran tentang informasi pelabelan dapat dikenai sanksi paling ringan berupa tindakan administratif (teguran tertulis), denda hingga rp 50.000.000 (lima puluh juta), dan bahkan sampai pencabutan ijin usaha. hal tersebut diatur pada pasal 21 undang-undang nomor 69 tahun 1999 tentang label dan iklan pangan. berdasarkan pasal 8 ayat 1 undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen mengatur tentang larang pelaku usaha tidak memenuhi atau tidak standar yang dipersyaratkan dan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. dalam hal keamanan pangan yang dapat dilihat dari sampel pangan yang diuji menunjukan bahwa pelaku usaha melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum. di kabupaten buton utara yang tidak memperhatikan keamanan pangan menurut ibu chusnul arifianti selaku kepala bidang farmasi makanan yang dilakukan oleh produsenya itu penarikan terhadap produk pangan industri rumah tangga yang beredar di pasar. selain itu yang perlu diperhatikan adalah kesadaran dari masyarakat sebagai konsumen karena selama ini belum ada laporan dari masyarakat yang diterima dinas kesehatan kabupaten buton utara mengenai kerugian akibat mengkonsumsi pangan industri rumah tangga yang mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya, hal tersebut penting karena hak dan kewajiban antara pelaku usaha dan konsumen saling berhubungan issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan pangan industri rumah tangga page 199 timbal balik. pasal 19 ayat 1 undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen menyatakan bahwa yaitu pelaku usaha bertanggungjawab dalam hal memberikan ganti kerugiaan kerusakan, pencemaran, dan atau kerugian konsumen akibat mengkonsumsi barang dan atau jasa yang dihasilkan atau di perdagangkan. ganti kerugian yang dimaksud merupakan pengembalian dari hasil penelitian penulis di kabupaten buton utara maka terdapat penemuan yang sangat memprihatinkan bahwa pemerintah terkait ketika mendapatkan temuan ataupun mengetahui mengenai pedagang yang menyalahi aturan hal tersebut terkesan kurang dipublikasikan, sehingga kedudukan konsumen disini kurang seimbang dalam artian konsumen belum dilindungi haknya sepenuhnya atas keterbukaan informasi produk makanan yang dikonsumsi. padahal undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen telah secara tegas menyebutkan mengenai hak konsumen dalam pasal 4. alasan kurang sesuainya perlindungan hak konsumen atas informasi dan keamanan dalam mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung zat pewarna tekstil rodhamin b dengan undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen adalah karena pemerintah dalam memenuhi hak konsumen atas informasi yang benar, jelas, dan jujur mengenai kondisi dan jaminan barang dan/atau jasa pemerintah kabupaten buton utara tidak memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat tentang penemuan pemerintah kabupaten buton utara atas pelaku usaha yang telah memproduksi makanan yang mengandung zat pewarna tekstil. sehingga penulis sangat mengharapkan agar tetap ada kesadaran dan perlunya pelaku usaha maupun konsumen yang cerdas dalam menggunakan produk ataupun issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan pangan industri rumah tangga page 200 mengkonsumsi makanan olahan yang terdapat baik di toko maupun dipasar tradisional seperti di pasar minang-minanga kabupaten buton utara. demi terlindunginya keselamatan, kesehatan, serta kenyamanan,bagi seluruh pihak. 1. faktor penghambat bagi pemerintah kabupaten buton utara dan lembaga konsumen kabupaten buton utara untuk mengatasi beredarnya makanan yang mengandung zat pewarna tekstil ada beberapa faktor penghambat yang ditemui dalam penelitian ini yaitu 1. pelaku usaha tidak mengetahui kewajibannya berdasarkan undang-undang perlindungan konsumen adanya hukum dan menajemen pendekatan sistem pengaturan informasi pangan industri rumah tangga mulai dari pemerintah kepada pelaku usaha, penegakan hukum dan sebagainya yang digerakkan dalam satu mekanisme yang terstruktur. pelaku usaha yang menyalahi aturan dengan mengesampingkan hak konsumen memiliki tujuan memperoleh keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya sehingga tidak mau mengikuti ketentuan yang berlaku karena para pelaku usahan memandang akan menambah biaya produksi karena dengan melengkapi kemasan pangan indutri rumah tangga dengan label yang lengkap dinilai membutuhkan teknologi tambahan dan bahan kemasan yang tentunya pelaku usaha mengeluarkan biaya produksi dan dinilai membebani pelaku usaha. selain itu pelaku usaha kurang mengetahui ketentuan yang mengatur pada label pangan industri rumah tangga sebagai sumber informasi konsumen untuk mengetahui kondisi barang, hal ini diakibatkan oleh sumber daya manusia yang belum memadai dari issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan pangan industri rumah tangga page 201 pelaku usaha industri rumah tangga yang diakibatkan oleh rendahnya tingkat pendidikan dari pelaku usaha itu sendiri. 2. konsumen tidak mengetahui haknya berdasarkan undang-undang perlindungan konsumen dinas kesehatan kabupaten buton utara dalam melaksanakan tugas dalam pengawasan terhadap hak konsumen atas informasi dan keamanan dalam mengkonsumsi pangan sering tidak maksimal akibat keterbatasan anggaran dana. padahal program kerja dinas kesehatan membutuhkan dana yang tidak sedikit. dana tersebut di alokasikan untuk: a) dana untuk melakukan koordinasi dengan instansi lain yang berwenang. b) dana untuk program penyuluhan produsen dan konsumen. c) dana untuk uji biaya laboratorium uji sampel pangan industri rumah tangga. d. penutup pengawasan hak konsumen atas keamanan dalam mengkonsumsi makanan pangan industri rumah tangga berdasarkan undang -undang nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen yang dilakukan oleh instansi pemerintah dan lembaga lainnya adalah dengan cara sebagai berikut yakni dengan upaya yang dilakukan oleh dinas kesehatan kabupaten buton utara yaitu melakukan pemantauan terhadap produkproduk pangan dengan memberikan nomor pirt terhadap pelaku usaha yang telah memenuhi syarat dan sebelumnya telah mendapat penyuluhan tentang produk makanan yang boleh untuk diedarkan, pengawasan terhadap pelaku usaha atas produk makanan yang menagandung zat pewarna tekstil kabupaten buton utara, dan memberikan peringatan serta penarikan produk yang positif mengandung zat pewarna tekstil. upaya issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan pangan industri rumah tangga page 202 yang dilakukan oleh balai pom kabupaten buton utara yaitu bekerjasama dengan instansi pemerintah dan lembaga konsumen kabupaten buton utara untuk melakukan pengawasan, penyuluhan, sampling dan pengujian produk. pelaku usaha yang terbukti melakukan pelanggaran dilaporkan kepada dinas kesehatan kabupaten buton utara untuk ditindaklanjuti. faktor penghambat bagi pemerintah dan lembaga konsumen kabupaten buton utara dalam mengatasi beredarnya makanan yang mengandung zat pewarna tekstil yaitu keterbatasan anggaran untuk menyelenggarakan kegiatan yang telah diagendakan sehingga ada kegiatan yang tidak terlaksana, sistem birokrasi yang masih berbelit-belit sehingga tindak lanjut terhadap pelaku usaha daftar pustaka agus salim. 2006. metodologi penelitian kualitatif, teori paradigma penelitian sosial, tiara wacana, bandung. adi,rianto, metodologi penelitian sosial dan hukum, jakarta: granit, 2004. bambang prasetyo dan lina miftahul jannah, metode penelitian kuantitatif: teori dan aplikasi, rajawali pers, cetakan pertama tahun 2005 barkatullah, abdul halim, hak -hak konsumen, bandung: nusamed studio, 2010. burhanuddin, pemikiran hukum perlindungan konsumen dan sertifikasi halal, malang: uin-maliki press, 2011. fuady, munir, pengantar hukum bisnis, jakarta: pt. citra aditya bakti, 2002. gerald, et al., sistem pendekatan kuantitatif, 1981. kartono dr. kartini. 1990. pengantar metodologi riset sosial. bandung: mandar maju kristiyanti, celina tri siwi, hukum perlindungan konsumen, jakarta: sinar grafika, 2009. mertokusumo, sudikno, hukum acara perdata di indonesia, yogyakarta: liberty, 1982. nazir mohammad.1988. metode penelitian. jakarta: ghalia sugiyonomor 2009. metode penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif dan r & d, alfabeta, bandung miru, ahmadi dan sutarman yodo, hukum-hukum perlindungan konsumen, jakarta: pt. raja grafindo persada, 2005 peraturan perundang-undangan: undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen undang-undang nomor 18 tahun 2012 tentang pangan undang-undang nomor 36 tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan peraturan pemerintah nomor 69 tahun 1999 tentang label dan iklan pangan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perspektif politik hukum terhadap perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja luar negeri di indonesia i safrin salam 89 perspektif politik hukum terhadap perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja luar negeri di indonesia oleh : safrin salam universitas muhammadiyah buton, baubau sulawesi tenggara, salamsafrin2@gmail.com abstract delivery of the tki abroad can indeed provide a relatively large economic benefits not only for the tki itself and his family but also for the country, because that state considers shipping tki abroad is an answer to the absence countries in providing employment. the research used in the study is with menggunajan type of normative legal research used to compile the research. review of the results shows that political law law numbered 39 year 2004 on protection and construction of indonesian manpower abroad there are 4 (four) yaitu 1) empower and mendayagunakan of labour in optimal and mankind; 2) creating pemerataan job opportunities and provision of labour in accordance with the national development and kebutuhan district; 3) provide protection to labour in creating well-being; and 4) well-being of labour and his family while legal factor political implementation of law memengaruhi law numbered 39 year 2004 on protection and construction of the indonesian workforce outside negri relation to legal protection abroad have tki 2 (two) yaitu 1) structure (a. board employment, b. being a minim complaints provided by rulers abroad to tki) and 2) substance. keywords: politics, law, labor law protections, indonesia a. pendahuluan diantara tujuan dari dibentuknya pemerintahan negara indonesia adalah untuk melindungi segenap bangsa indonesia dan seluruh tumpah darah indonesia serta memajukan kesejahteraan umum sebagaimana diamanahkan oleh uud 1945. oleh karena issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perspektif politik hukum terhadap perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja luar negeri di indonesia i safrin salam 90 itu negara seseungguhnya berkewajiban untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap seluruh warga negaranya tanpa terkeculai, perlindungan terhadap warga negara pada hakikatnya tidak hanya perlindungan keamanan akan tetapi juga adalah perlindungan dari kemiskinan, karenanya negara juga berkeawjiban untuk memajukan kesejahteraan umum. masalah kesejahteraan sampai saat ini merupakan tugas pemerintah yang nampakanya belum pernah selesai. semenjak didirikannya negara indonesia pada tahun 1945, kinerja pemerintah terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyatnya belum pernah mencapai taraf yang memuaskan, kemiskinan masih merupakan problematika sosial yang belum pernah terselesaikan. berbagai hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, kemiskinan suatu negara berkaitan erat dengan dengan tingkat pengangguran di negara tersebut. berkaitan dengan hasil-hasil penelitian yang mengkaitkan antara pengangguran dan kemiskinan, maka muncullah sebuah teori yang mengatakan bahwa “tingkat kemiskinan akan bergerak mengikuti tingkat pengangguran. dalam hal ini ketika tingkat pengangguran mengalami kenaikan maka secara otomatis tingkat kemiskinan akan meningkat.” menurut laporan badan pusat statistik, jumlah penduduk miskin (penduduk dengan pengeluaran per kapita per bulan di bawah garis kemiskinan) di indonesia pada maret 2011 mencapai 39,02 juta orang (12,49 persen). dengan angka pengangguran pada awal 2011 mencapai 9,25 juta. salah satu penyebab dari tingginya angka kemiskinan dalam suatu negara adalah peluang dan kesempatan kerja yang sidikit di dalam negara tersebut. indonesia dengan jumlah penduduknya yang lebih dari 240 juta jiwa termasuk dalam negara yang memiliki jumlah pengangguran terbanyak. minimnya kesempatan kerja dan persaingan pasar kerja yang begitu ketat di dalam negeri serta peluang memperoleh gaji yang tinggi di luar negeri, telah menyebabkan banyak dari warga indonesia yang mencoba mencari peruntungan di luar negeri. warga negara indonesia yang bekerja di luar negeri ini biasa dikenal dengan istilah tki (tenaga kerja indonesia). pekerja di sektor informal memiliki persoalan yang berbeda. berdasarkan hasil studi yang dilakukan oleh bappenas pada tahun 1998-2002, diketahui bahwa jumlah pekerja di sektor informal lebih besar dari pada pekerja di sektor issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perspektif politik hukum terhadap perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja luar negeri di indonesia i safrin salam 91 formal. badan pusat statistik (bps) mengiden-tifikasi dari keseluruhan angkatan kerja, ada sekitar 70% yang bekerja di lapangan kerja informal dan sisanya sekitar 39% yang bekerja di lapangan kerja formal. lapangan kerja informal yang menjadi tempat bagi mayoritas pekerja untuk menggantung-kan nasibnya, didominasi oleh angkatan kerja yang memiliki tingkat pendidikan yang masih rendah, yaitu lulusan sekolah dasar (sd) dan tidak lulus sd. keterbatasan kemampuan tenaga kerja untuk berkembang dan himpitan ekonomi keluarga menyebabkan mereka ingin memasuki dunia kerja (zulfikat judge. 2012: 27). persoalan tki informal indonesia di luar negeri yang timbul adalah jugamenjadi persoalan negara baik secaralangsung maupun tidak langsung, sehinggaapapun permasalahan yang timbul,pemerintah berkewajiban untuk ikutcampur baik dalam tindakan observasi,monitoring, pengawasan, pemberianbantun moril (bantuan hukm pengamanandan lainnya) maupun materiil (pemberiansantunan fasilitasi pemulangan dan lainsebagainya). pemberian tersebut adalahmerupakan bentuk perlindungan negarakepada warganya yang lebih bersifat ad hocatau sementara ketika persoalan timbul (ahmad firdaus sukomono. 2017: 59). pengiriman tki keluar negeri memang bisa memberikan manfaat ekonomi yang relatif besar tidak hanya bagi tki itu sendiri dan keluarganya akan tetapi juga bagi negara, karena itu negara menganggap pengiriman tki ke luar negeri merupakan sebuah jawaban atas absennya negara dalam menyediakan lapangan kerja. menurut kepala bnp2tki, sekitar rp 100 miliar dari devisa tki masuk ke desa-desa di seluruh indonesia per tahunnya. keberadaan tki di luar negeri sebenarnya telah berkontribusi mengurangi masalah pengangguran di indonesia yang masih cukup tinggi disamping dapat berkontribusi mendatangkan devisa (purwaka hari prihanto. 2013: 58). keadaan tki di luar negeri selama beberapa tahun terakhir yang sangat memprihatinkan dan kurang mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah, permasalahan tki dianggap kurang penting dan pemerintah baru sibuk berbicara pada saat kasus mengemuka di masyarakat dan memperoleh tanggapan negatif dari masyarakat. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perspektif politik hukum terhadap perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja luar negeri di indonesia i safrin salam 92 banyaknya tki di luar negeri rupanya juga berbuntut pada banyaknya masalahmasalah yang dihadapi tki itu sendiri, dalam berbagai tayangan media massa sudah sering diberitakan bagaimana tki di luar negeri sering mengalami perlakuan buruk dari majikannya bahkan tidak jarang perlakuan buruk itu berujung kepada kematian. contoh: kasus wilfrida soik (22), tenaga kerja indonesia asal belu, nusa tenggara timur, yang terancam hukuman mati di malaysia. di balik ini, masih ada sekitar 264 tki lain yang terancam hukuman mati. namun, pemerintah belum menyiapkan langkah antisipasi akibat lemahnya pembenahan. berdasarkan data migrant care menyebutkan, ke-265 tki itu hingga oktober masih menjalani proses hukum di sejumlah pengadilan di luar negeri dengan dakwaan hukuman mati. sebanyak 213 tki di antaranya di malaysia, 33 orang di arab saudi, 18 tki di china, dan 1 orang lagi di iran. pemerintah indonesia yang terkesan lamban bukan berarti tidak peduli melainkan karena tidak memiliki kemampuan yang cukup sesuai dengan kebutuhan tki. persoalan tki di luar negeri umumnya lebih banyak mendapat perhatian khusus dari lembaga swadaya masyarakat dan lembaga bantuan hukum. lembaga-lembaga tersebut aktif memberikan masukan-masukan berupa saran dan kritik kepada pemerintah untuk meningkatkan perlindungan tki (faisal rani. 2012:18). permasalahan yang muncul terkait dengan perlindungan hukum terhadap tki di luar negeri perlu dikaitkan dengan politik hukum ketenagakerjaan indonesia khususnya dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur tentang tenaga kerja indonesia, politik hukum adalah kebijakan dasar penyelenggara negara dalam bidang hukum yang akan, sedang dan telah berlaku, yang bersumber dari nilai-nilai yang berlaku di masyarakat untuk mencapai tujuan negara yang dicita-citakan (imam syaukani :32). cita hukum negara indonesia adalah a. melindungi segenap bangsa indonesia dan seluruh tumpah darah indonesia b. mencerdaskan kesejahteraan umum c. mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perspektif politik hukum terhadap perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja luar negeri di indonesia i safrin salam 93 d. ikut melaksanakan ketertiban dunia yang berdasarkan kemerdekaan, perdamaian abadi dan keadilan sosial. hukum ketenagakerjaan merupakan hukum yang dibentuk untuk mengadakan keadilan dalam hubungan kerja (farrah o. mahengkeng. 2014, vol. ii, no. 6, juli. hlm. 75) politik hukum yang ada dalam hukum ketenagakerjaan akan dianalisis secara komprehensif untuk diketahui apakah politik hukumnya telah terlaksana atau tidak dalam pembentukan perundang-undangan yang mengatur tentang ketenagakerjaan serta faktorfaktor hukum apa yang memengaruhi sehingga politik hukum uu ketenagakerjaan tidak terlaksana dengan baik sehingga aspek hukum perlindungan terhadap tki di luar negeri belum efektif terlaksana. oleh karena itu, penulis dalam makalah ini akan menganilisis politik hukum ketenakerjaan pada masa sekarang dengan lahirnya undang-undang yaitu undang-undang nomor 12 tahun 2003 tentang ketenagakerjaan berdasarkan permasalahan diatas, penulis akan fokus mengkaji permasalahan bagaimana politik hukum undang-undang nomor 39 tahun 2004 tentang perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja indonesia di luar negri terhadap perlindungan hukum tki di luar negeri dan faktor-faktor hukum apa saja yang memengaruhi pelaksanaan politik hukum undang-undang nomor 39 tahun 2004 tentang perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja indonesia di luar negri kaitannya dengan perlindungan hukum tki di luar negeri b. metode penelitian penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah dengan menggunajan jenis penelitian hukum normative dipergunakan untuk menyusun penelitian ini. bahan-bahan hukum yang akan digunakan diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan. bahan-bahan hukum tersebut terdiri dari bahan hukum primer yaitu: peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur mengenai ketenagakerjaan dan literatureliteratur, karya ilmiah hukum yang membahas mengenai penempatan tenaga kerja indonesia di luar negeri serta kamus kamus hukum yang diperlukan. bahanbahan hukum yang dtersedia dianalisis secara normatif. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perspektif politik hukum terhadap perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja luar negeri di indonesia i safrin salam 94 c. hasil penelitian dan pembahasan a. politik hukum undang-undang nomor 39 tahun 2004 tentang perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja indonesia di luar negri terhadap perlindungan hukum tki di luar negeri. politik hukum menurut imam syaukani & a. ahsin thohari adalah kebijakan dasar penyelenggaraan negara dalam bidang hukum yang akan, sedang dan akan berlaku, yang bersumber dari nilai-nilai yang berlaku di masyarakat untuk mencapai tujuan negara yang dicita-citakan. berdasarkan pengertian tersebut secara filosofis politik hukum dari 9 ketenakerjaan diatur dalam uud 1945, yaitu pasal 27 ayat (2) dan pasal 33 ayat (3). pasal 27 ayat 2 uud 1945 berbunyi tiap-tiap warga negara berhak atas pekerjaan dan penghidupan yang layak bagi kemanusiaan. sedangkan pasal 33 ayat 3 menyebutkan bumi dan air dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung didalamnya dikuasai oleh negara dan dipergunakan untuk sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat. pembangunan ketenagakerjaan dilaksanakan dalam rangka pembangunan manusia indonesia seutuhnya. oleh sebab itu, pembangunan ketenagakerjaan dilaksanakan untuk mewujudkan manusia dan masyarakat indonesia yang sejahtera, adil, makmur, dan merata baik materiil maupun spiritual. implementasi pasal pasal 27 ayat (2) dan pasal 33 ayat (3) uud 1945 berasal dari asas keterpaduan yang menggambarkan bahwa pembangunan ketenagakerjaan diselenggarakan atas asas keterpaduan dengan melalui koordinasi fungsional lintas sektoral pusat dan daerah. asas pembangunan ketenagakerjaan pada dasarnya sesuai dengan asas pembangunan nasional, khususnya asas demokrasi pancasila serta asas adil dan merata. pembangunan ketenagakerjaan mempunyai banyak dimensi dan keterkaitan dengan berbagai pihak yaitu antara pemerintah, pengusaha dan pekerja/buruh. oleh sebab itu, pembangunan ketenagakerjaan dilaksanakan secara terpadu dalam bentuk kerjasama yang saling mendukung. oleh karena itu politik hukum pembangunan ketenakerjaan harus berdasarkan tujuan dari pembangunan itu sendiri yaitu 1. memberdayakan dan mendayagunakan tenaga kerja secara optimal dan manusiawi; issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perspektif politik hukum terhadap perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja luar negeri di indonesia i safrin salam 95 pemberdayaan dan pendayagunaan tenaga kerja merupakan suatu kegiatan yang terpadu untuk dapat memberikan kesempatan kerja seluas-luasnya bagi tenaga kerja indonesia. melalui pemberdayaan dan pendayagunaan ini diharapkan tenaga kerja indonesia dapat berpartisipasi secara optimal dalam pembangunan nasional, namun dengan tetap menjunjung nilai-nilai kemanusiaannya. 2. mewujudkan pemerataan kesempatan kerja dan penyediaan tenaga kerja yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pembangunan nasional dan daerah; pemerataan kesempatan kerja harus diupayakan di seluruh wilayah negara kesatuan republik indonesia sebagai satu kesatuan pasar kerja dengan memberikan kesempatan yang sama untuk memperoleh pekerjaan bagi seluruh tenaga kerja indonesia sesuai dengan bakat, minat, dan kemampuannya. demikian pula pemerataan penempatan tenaga kerja perlu diupayakan agar dapat mengisi kebutuhan di seluruh sektor dan daerah. 3. memberikan perlindungan kepada tenaga kerja dalam mewujudkan kesejahteraan; dan 4. meningkatkan kesejahteraan tenaga kerja dan keluarganya. pembangunan ketenakerjaan ini selain termuat dalam undang-undang ketenagakerjaan juga diatur dalam undang-undang nomor 39 tahun 2004 tentang perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja indonesia di luar negri sebagai pembinaan dan perlindungan tki yang bekerja di luar negeri. pasal 3 uu no no. 39 tahun 2004 menyebutkan tujuan dan perlindungan tki adalah: a. memberdayakan dan mendayagunakan tenaga kerja secara optimal dan manusiawai; b. menjamin dan melindungi calon tki/tki sejak di dalam negari, di negara tujuan, sampai kembali ke tempat asal di indonesia; c. meningkatkan kesejahteraan tki dan keluarganya. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perspektif politik hukum terhadap perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja luar negeri di indonesia i safrin salam 96 secara filosofisnya lahirnya undang-undang nomor 39 tahun 2004 didasarkan atas beberapa pertimbangan, khususnya pertimbangan ham. berikut pertimbangan lahirnya undang-undang nomor 39 tahun 2004: a. bahwa tenaga kerja indonesia di luar negeri sering dijadikan obyek perdagangan manusia, termasuk perbudakan dan kerja paksa, korban kekerasan, kesewenangwenangan, kejahatan atas harkat dan mertabat menusia, serta perlakuan lain yang melanggar hak asasi manusia; b. bahwa negara wajib menjamin dan melindungi hak asasi warga negaranya yang bekerja baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri berdasarkan prinsip persamaan hak, demokrasi, keadilan sosial, kesetaraan dan keadilan gender, anti diskriminasi, dan anti perdagangan manusia; c. bahwa penempatan tenaga kerja indonesia di luar negeri merupakan suatu upaya untuk mewujudkan hak dan kesempatan yang sama bagi tenaga kerja untuk memperoleh pekerjaan dan penghasilan yang layak, yang peleksanaannya dilakukan dengan tetap memperhatikan harkat, martabat, hak asasi manusia dan perlindungan hukum serta pemerataan kesempatan kerja dan penyediaan tenaga kerja yang sesuai dengan hukum nasional; latar belakang lahirnya undang-undang nomor 39 tahun 2004 merupakan manifestasi bentuk dari politik hukum ketenagakerjaan yang termuat secara tertulis dalam pasal 27 ayat 2 dan pasal 33 ayat 3 uud 1945 yang mengandung 2 (dua) hal kebijakan hukum dalam pelaksanaan ketenagakerjaan di luar negeri, yaitu perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja di luar ngeri harus berdasar pada a. pemberdayakan dan pendayagunakan tenaga kerja secara optimal dan manusiawi. b. mewujudkan pemerataan kesempatan kerja dan penyediaan tenaga kerja yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pembangunan nasional dan daerah. c. memberikan perlindungan kepada tenaga kerja dalam mewujudkan kesejahteraan; dan d. meningkatkan kesejahteraan tenaga kerja dan keluarganya. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perspektif politik hukum terhadap perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja luar negeri di indonesia i safrin salam 97 untuk memperjelas kedudukan politik hukum undang-undang nomor 39 tahun 2004 dalam menjamin pembinaan dan perlindungan tki diluar negeri dalam design uud 1945 dilukiskan dalam skema berikut b. faktor-faktor hukum yang memengaruhi pelaksanaan politik hukum undang-undang nomor 39 tahun 2004 tentang perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja indonesia di luar negri kaitannya dengan perlindungan hukum tki di luar negeri. untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan politik hukum uu no. 34 tahun 2004, penulis menggunakan pendekatan teori hukum lawrence m. friedman, menurut lawrence m. friedman, ada 3 (tiga) komponen yang menjalankan sistem hukum (achmad ali: 204) yaitu a. struktur, yaitu keseluruhan institusi-institusi hukum yang ada beserta aparatnya, mencakupi antara lain kemenlu, ppjtki, departemen tenaga kerja dan transmigrasi (depnakertrans) badan nasional penempatan dan perlindungan tenaga kerja indonesia (bnp2tki) dan perusahaan penempatan tenaga kerja indonesia swasta (pptkis) yang mempunyai tugasbekerjasama dengan perusahaan yang akan menjadi pelaksana penempatan tki swasta (pptkis) wajib mendapat izin tertulis berupa surat izin pelaksana penempatan tki yang disebut sipptki dari menteri. untuk dapat memperoleh sipptki pasal 13 ayat 1 uu no. 39 tahun 2004, pelaksana penempatan tki swasta harus memenuhi persyaratan sebagai berikut (suwardjo. 2012, vol. 7, no. 1. hlm. 36):  berbentuk badan hukum perseroan terbatas (pt) yang didirikan berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan;  memiliki modal disetor yang tercantum dalam akta pendirian perusahaan, sekurang-kurangnya rp 3.000.000,00 (tiga miliar rupiah);  menyetor uang kepada bank sebagai jaminan dalam bentuk deposito sebesar rp 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah) pada bank pemerintah; politik hukum uu no. 39 tahun 2004 cita politik hukum nasional ketenagakerjaan indonesia issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perspektif politik hukum terhadap perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja luar negeri di indonesia i safrin salam 98  memiliki rencana kerja penempatan dan perlindungantki di luar negeri sekurang-kurangnya untuk kurun waktu 3 (tiga) tahun berjalan;  memiliki unit pelatihan kerja; dan  memiliki sarana dan prasarana pelayanan penempatan tki, b. substansi, yaitu keseluruhan aturan hukum, norma hukum dan asas hukum, baik yang tertulis maupun yang tidak tertulis, termasuk putusan pengadilan. antara lain  undang-undang no. 13 tahun 2003 tentang ketenagakerjaan  undang-undang no. 02 tahun 2004 tentang penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial  undang-undang no. 21 tahun 2003 ttg pengawasan ketenagakerjaan dalam industri dan perdagangan  undang-undang no. 39 tahun 2004 tentang penempatan dan perlindungan tenaga kerja indonesia di luar negeri c. kultur hukum, yaitu opini-opini, kepercayaan-kepercayaan (keyakinin-keyakinan) kebiasaan-kebiasaan, cara berpikir, dan cara bertindak, baik dari para penegak hukum maupun dari warga masyarakat, tentang hukum berbagai fenomena yang berkaitan dengan hukum. berdasarkan teori hukum lawrence m. friedman, ada 3 faktor yang memengaruhi pelaksanaan politik hukum uu no. 39 tahun 2004 yaitu struktur, substansi dan kultur hukum. namun dalam penulisan makalah ini penulis hanya akan fokus pada 2 (dua) faktor yaitu struktur dan substansi. untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor struktur dan substansi hukum kaitannya dengan pelaksanaan politik hukum dalam uu no. 39 tahun 2004 kaitannya dengan perlindungan hukum terhadap tki di luar negeri, memulai dengan berdasarkan data migrant care yang menyebutkan, ke-265 tki diatas hingga oktober masih menjalani proses hukum di sejumlah pengadilan di luar negeri dengan dakwaan hukuman mati. sebanyak 213 tki di antaranya di malaysia, 33 orang di arab saudi, 18 tki di china, dan 1 orang lagi di iran. seluruh tki didakwa membunuh, mengedarkan narkoba, dan melakukan tindak kriminal lainnya, termasuk tuduhan sihir. menurut migrant care 70 issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perspektif politik hukum terhadap perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja luar negeri di indonesia i safrin salam 99 tki telah divonis mati di tingkat pengadilan rendah, 17 orang sudah memiliki kekuatan hukum pasti sehingga sewaktu-waktu mereka akan menjalani hukuman pancung, gantung, atau ditembak mati. adapun 62 tki lain dinyatakan bebas dari hukuman mati. berdasarkan data migrant care tersebut dapat disimpulkan pelaksanaan politik hukum dari uu no. 39 tahun 2004 belum efektif dalam melindungi tki di luar negeri, hal ini disebabkan oleh 2 (dua) faktor yaitu 1. struktur a. lembaga ketenagakerjaan banyaknya lembaga ketenakerjaan yang berfungsi untuk melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan, pelaksanaan dan perlindungan hukum terhadap tki domestik dan luar negeri menyebabkan tumpang tindihnya fungsi dari lembaga-lembaga tersebut. uu no. 39 tahun 2004 justru memberikan peran yang besar terhadap perusahaan swasta seperti perusahaan penempatan tenaga kerja indonesia swasta (pptkis) yang diberi wewenang oleh uu dalam melakukan proses penerimaan dan penempataan tki di luar negeri. pelaksana penempatan tenaga kerja indonesia swasta (pptkis) atau dahulu dikenal dengan nama perusahaan jasa tenaga kerja indonesia (pjtki) selama ini punya peran penting terkait dengan keberadaan tki. pptkis tidak hanya mencari dan merekrut calon tki, tapi juga membekali sampai calon tki siap untuk diberangkatkan ke luar negeri pptkis pun harus bertanggung jawab terkait perlindungan tki. sayangnya, banyak pihak yang kerap menilai pptkis tak mampu melaksanakan peran itu. akibatnya, banyak tki yang tersangkut masalah, namun tak jelas penuntasannya. hal ini diperparah dengan lemahnya pengawasan pemerintah. satu hal yang sering tidak diketahuioleh para calon tki adalah bahwa ternyatamitra usaha dari pptkis yang berada diluar negeri sebenarnya hanyalah berkedudukan sebagai agen atau perantaradi negaranya atau dengan kata lain bukanlah pihak yang menjadimajikan/mempekerjakan para tki secaralangsung, sedangkan yang mempekerjakan tki adalah pihak ketiga yang sebelumnya tidak diketahui oleh para calon tki itu sendiri (meita djohan oelangan. 2014, vol. 9 no 1. hlm. 51). sedangkan pemerintah seperti bnp2tki, departemen tenaga kerja dan transmigrasi issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perspektif politik hukum terhadap perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja luar negeri di indonesia i safrin salam 100 (depnakertrans) dan kemenlu memiliki kewenangan terbatas dalam hal perlindungan tki di luar negeri. akibatnya minus koordinasi dan lepasnya tanggung jawab para pihak baik perusahaan swasta sebagai penanggung jawab penuh tki di luar negeri maupun pemerintah sendiri jika tki bermasalah di luar negeri. b. sarana pengaduan yang minim disediakan oleh pemerintah di luar negeri kepada tki menurut pasal 7 poin b dan c uu no. 39 tahun 2004, tugas dan tanggung jawab pemerintah adalah a) mengawasi pelaksanaan penempatan calon tki; b) membentuk dan mengembangkan sistem informasi penempatan calon tki di luar negeri; namun faktanya menunjukan prosesi pra pembinaan atau pembengkalan sampai pra penempatan tki di luar negeri, tidak dibekali dengan sarana yang memadai kepada tki, seperti pemberian hp kepada tki untuk melaporkan apa yang terjadi padanya selama di luar negeri, sistem pendataan yang jelas tiap bulannya yang dilakukan oleh bnp2tki dalam rangka mengawasi aktifitas tki di luar negeri. sistem sarana perlindungan tki oleh pemerintah belum efektif dilaksanakan di luar negeri. akibatnya perilaku diskiriminasi, penganiayaan oleh majikan kepada tki tiap tahunnya meningkat. bahkan tidak jarang tki yang menerima siksaan menerima siksaan dipersalahkan oleh majikannya. hal ini jelas akan mengakibatkan perlindungan hukum tki di luar negeri tidak akan berjalan efektif. akibatnya spirit politik hukum dalam uu no. 39 tahun 2004 tidak akan tercapai. 2. substansi pada konteks substansi hukum undang-undang nomor 39 tahun 2014 terkait dengan perlindungan terhadap tki di luar negeri ada 3 (tiga) masa bentuk perlindungan yang diberikan yakni yaitu masa pra penempatan, masa penempatan, dan purna penempatan dengan rincian (hidayat andyanto. 2014, vol. 1 no. 1 hlm. 4-5 ): a) perlindungan pra penempatan, bentuk perlindungan yang dilakukan terhadap calon tki/tki pada masa pra penempatan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perspektif politik hukum terhadap perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja luar negeri di indonesia i safrin salam 101 b) perlindungan masa penempatan, perlindungan terhadap tki selama masa penmpatan c) perlindungan purna penempatan, perlindungan yang dilakukan terhadap tki yang mengakhiri purna kerjanya atau dikenal tki purna secara substansi pengaturan pembinaan dan perlindungan hukum terhadap tki di luar negeri di atur dalam uu no. 39 tahun 2004. menurut pasal 8 uu no. 39 tahun 2004, setiap calon tki mempunyai hak dan kesempatan yang sama untuk: a. bekerja di luar negeri; b. memperoleh informasi yang benar mengenai pasar kerja luar negeri dan prosedur penempatan tki di luar negeri; c. memperoleh pelayanan dan perlakuan yang sama dalam penempatan di luar negeri; d. memperoleh kebebasan menganut aama dan keyakinannya serta kesempatan untuk menjalankan ibadah sesuai dengan agama dan keyakinan yang dianutnya. e. memperoleh upah sesuai dengan standar upah yang berlaku di negara tujuan. f. memperoleh hak, kesempatan, dan perlakuan yang sama yang diperoleh tenaga kerja asing lainnya sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan di negara tujuan; g. memperoleh jaminan perlindungan hukum sesuai dengan peraturan perundangundangan atas tindakan yang dapat merendahkan harkat dan martabatnya serta pelanggaran atas hak-hak yang ditetapkan sesuai dengan peraturan perundangundangan selama penampatan di luar negeri; h. memeproleh jaminan perlindungan keselamatan dan keamanan kepulangan tki ke tempat asal; i. memperoleh naskah perjanjian kerja yang asli. d. penutup berdasarkan penjelasan, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa politik hukum undang-undang nomor 39 tahun 2004 tentang perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja indonesia di luar negeri ada 4 (empat) yaitu 1) memberdayakan dan mendayagunakan tenaga kerja secara optimal dan manusiawi; 2) mewujudkan pemerataan kesempatan kerja dan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 perspektif politik hukum terhadap perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja luar negeri di indonesia i safrin salam 102 penyediaan tenaga kerja yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pembangunan nasional dan daerah; 3) memberikan perlindungan kepada tenaga kerja dalam mewujudkan kesejahteraan; dan 4) meningkatkan kesejahteraan tenaga kerja dan keluarganya. faktor hukum yang memengaruhi pelaksanaan politik hukum undang-undang nomor 39 tahun 2004 tentang perlindungan dan pembinaan tenaga kerja indonesia di luar negri kaitannya dengan perlindungan hukum tki di luar negeri ada 2 (dua) yaitu 1) struktur (a. lembaga ketenagakerjaan, b. sarana pengaduan yang minim disediakan oleh pemerintah di luar negeri kepada tki) dan 2) substansi. daftar pustaka buku imam syaukani & a. ahsin thohari, dasar-dasar politik hukum, pt rajagrafindo persada, jakarta, achmad ali, menguak teori hukum dan teori peradilan, kencana prenada media grup, jakarta, jurnal zulfikat judge. 2012. perlindungan hukum bagi tenaga kerja indonesia di luar neger. lex jurnalica (journal of law) vol 9, no 3. purwaka hari prihanto. 2013. kebijakan moratorium pengiriman tenaga kerja ke luar negeri dan dampaknya terhadap peningkatan kualitas pekerja migran indonesia. jurnal paradigma ekonomika vol 1, no 8. ratih probosiwi. analisis undang-undang perlindungan tenaga kerja 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novita.2014. peran pemerintah daerah dalam melindungi tenaga kerja indonesia di luar negeri. jendela hukum vol. 1 no. 1 issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 48 analisa hukum putusan pengadilan no. 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau terhadap tindak pidana membawa atau memiliki senjata tajam oleh anak i la odemuhammad karim analisa hukum putusan pengadilan nomor 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau terhadap tindak pidana membawa atau memiliki senjata tajam oleh anak. la ode muhammad karim dosen fakultas hukum universitas muhammadiyah buton email: muhqarim@gmail.com abstrak saat ini kejahatan dengan menggunakan senjata api ataupun senjata tajam sangatlah sering terjadi. salah satu kejahatan yang marak terjadi saat ini adalah kejahatan yang disertai dengan penggunaan senjata tajam. dimana penggunaan senjata yang tidak sesuai fungsinya maka akan menimbulkan berbagai masalah dan tindakan kriminal. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan hukum pidana materil terhadap pelaku tindak pidana membawa senjata tajam oleh anak dalam putusan no. nomor 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau dan bagaimana pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam menjatuhkan sanksi terhadap pelaku tindak pidana membawa senjata tajam oleh anak dalam putusan no. nomor 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau.dalam penulisan ini, penulis menggunakan dua jenis sumber data. jenis dan sumber data yang akan digunakan yaitu data primer dan data sekunder, data primer yaitu data yang diperoleh melalui wawancara dan penelitian secara langsung dengan pihak-pihak terkait dan data sekunder yaitu data yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan berupa berbagai macam bahan bacaan yang berkaitan dengan objek kajian seperti literatur-literatur, buku-buku, dokumen-dokumen, peraturan perundangundangan maupun sumber lainnya yang berkaitan erat dengan masalah dan tujuan penelitian. hasil penelitian yang didapatkan oleh penulis menunjukan bahwa penerapan hukum pidana materil terhadap kasus diatas sudah sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 2 ayat (1) undang-undang no. 12/drt/1951 ln no. 78.1951. berdasarkan fakta-fakta hukum baik keterangan terdakwa dianggap sehat jasmani dan rohani tidak terdapat gangguan mental sehingga mampu mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya dan pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku tindak pidana membawa senjata tajam oleh anak dalam putusan pengadilan negeri baubau no. nomor 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn. bau telah sesuai. berdasarkan penjabaran keterangan saksi, keterangan terdakwa dan barang bukti serta adanya pertimbanganpertimbangan yuridis, hal-hal yang meringankan dan memberatkan terdakwa serta memperhatikan undang-undang yang berkaitan dan diperkuat dengan keyakinan hakim. keywords: tindak pidana, senjata tajam a. pendahuluan negara indonesia sebagaimana dijelaskan secara tegas di dalam undang-undang dasar 1945 merupakan negara hukum. negara hukum menghendaki agar hukum ditegakkan, dalam artian hukum harus dihormati dan ditaati oleh siapapun tanpa terkecuali. sebagai negara hukum indonesia bertujuan untuk menciptakan ketertiban, keamanan, keadilan dan kesejahteraan di dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. dengan kemajuan zaman, perilaku manusia di dalam masyarakat pun ikut berkembang. berdasarkan fakta yang terjadi di dalam masyarakat bahwa bukan hanya orang dewasa melanggar norma-norma hukum yang berlaku, tetapi juga anak-anak sebagai pelanggar umum khusus norma-norma hukum, anak dihadapkan dengan permasalahan melakukan tindak pidana. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 49 analisa hukum putusan pengadilan no. 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau terhadap tindak pidana membawa atau memiliki senjata tajam oleh anak i la odemuhammad karim norma atau kaidah adalah petunjuk hidup, yaitu petunjuk bagaimna seharusnya kita berbuat, bertingkah laku, tidak berbuat, dan tidak bertingkaah laku di dalam masyarakat (yulies tiena masriani, 2004: 1) dudu duswara machmuddin (2003: 7) memberikan istilah hukum identik dengan istilah law dalam bahasa inggris, droit dalam bahasa perancis, recht dalam bahasa jerman, recht dalam bahasa belanda, atau dirito dalam bahasa italia. hukum dalam arti luas dapat disamakan dengan aturan, kaidah, norma, baik tertulis maupun tidak tertulis, yang pada dasarnya berlaku dan diakui orang sebagai peraturan yang harus ditaati dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan apabila dilanggar akan dikenakan sanksi. kejahatan merupakan fenomena yang kompleks yang dapat di pahami dari berbagai sisi yang berbeda. itu sebabnya dalam keseharian kita dapat m enangkap berbagai komentar tentang suatu peristiwa kejahatan yang berbeda satu dengan yang lain. dalam pengalaman kita ternyata tak mudah untuk memahami kejahatan itu sendiri (topo santoso, 2010: 1). saat ini kejahatan dengan menggunakan senjata api ataupun senjata tajam sangatlah sering terjadi khususnya di wilayah kota baubau seperti yang diberitakan di koran. perampokan, penculikan, bahkan pembegalan sudah tidak asing lagi kita dengar diberitakan. tindak pidana tersebut sering dilakukan dengan menggunakan senjata api ataupun senjata tajam. salah satu kejahatan yang marak terjadi saat ini adalah kejahatan yang disertai dengan penggunaan senjata tajam. dimana penggunaan senjata yang tidak sesuai fungsinya maka akan menimbulkan berbagai masalah dan tindakan kriminal. persoalan kriminalitas khususnya membawa senjata tajam ataupun menggunakan senjata tajam memang sangat meresahkan masyarakat, sebab rasa aman dan ketertiban yang didambakan menjadi terancam. kepemilikan senjata tajam baik yang illegal maupun yang legal tidak mampu mendapat pengawasan dari masyarakat umum, aparat kepolisian dan tni, hal ini lah yang menjadi pemicu meningkatnya kejahatan yang melibatkan senjata tajam dalam melancarkan aksi pelaku. hal ini sangat membutuhkan perhatian juga pengawasan khusus dari pihak yang berwajib. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 50 analisa hukum putusan pengadilan no. 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau terhadap tindak pidana membawa atau memiliki senjata tajam oleh anak i la odemuhammad karim dalam kejahatan dengan menggunakan senjata tajam tersebut maka pemerintah telah mengeluarkan undang-undang darurat (selanjutnya disingkat drt) no. 12 tahun 1951sebagai usaha preventif untuk mencegah atau mengurangi penggunaan senjata tajam dalam suatu kejahatan. undang-undang drt no. 12 tahun 1951 ini selain mengatur senjata api dan bahan peledak juga didalamnya mengatur tentang senjata tajam. dalam undang-undang ini, senjata tajam yang dipergunakan untuk pertanian, atau untuk pekerjaan rumah tangga atau mata pencaharian yang tidak bertentangan dengan undang-undang yang boleh digunakan di kepentingan sehari-hari. berdasarkan uraian di atas, maka penulis tertarik mengkaji dan menganalisis lebih dalam penerapan hukum tentang tindak pidana kepemilikan senjata tajam oleh anak dengan mengangkat judul analisa hukum putusan pengadilan no. nomor 16/pid.susanak/2015/pn.bau terhadap tindak pidana membawa atau memiliki senjata tajam oleh anak. berdasarkan uraian latar belakang masalah diatas, maka penulis mengemukakan rumusan masalah bagaimana penerapan hukum pidana materil terhadap pelaku tindak pidana membawa senjata tajam oleh anak dalam putusan no. nomor 16/pid.susanak/2015/pn.bau dan bagaimana pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam menjatuhkan sanksi terhadap pelaku tindak pidana membawa senjata tajam oleh anak dalam putusan no. nomor 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau b. metode penelitian dalam penulisan ini penulis menggunakan dua jenis sumber data. jenis dan sumber data yang akan digunakan yaitu data primer dan data sekunder, data primer yaitu data yang diperoleh melalui wawancara dan penelitian secara langsung dengan pihak-pihak terkait dan data sekunder yaitu data yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan berupa berbagai macam bahan bacaan yang berkaitan dengan objek kajian seperti literatur-literatur, buku-buku, dokumen-dokumen, peraturan perundangundangan maupun sumber lainnya yang berkaitan erat dengan masalah dan tujuan penelitian. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 51 analisa hukum putusan pengadilan no. 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau terhadap tindak pidana membawa atau memiliki senjata tajam oleh anak i la odemuhammad karim sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research) yaitu data yang diperoleh dengan menelaah berbagai buku kepustakaan, koran dan karya ilmiah yang ada hubungannya dengan objek penelitian dan penelitian lapangan (field research) untuk mendapatkan data lapangan penulis turun langsung ke lapangan mewawancarai narasumber yang menjadi sampel di penelitian ini yaitu hakim yang memutus perkara. data-data yang telah diperoleh baik data primer maupun data sekunder kemudian akan diolah dan dianalisis untuk menghasilkan kesimpulan. yakni dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka, kemudian disajikan secara deskriptif, guna memberikan pemahaman yang jelas dan terarah dari hasil penelitian nantinya. analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data yang berupaya memberikan gambaran secara jelas dan konkrit terhadap objek yang dibahas dan selanjutnya data tersebut disajikan secara deskripsi yaitu menjelaskan, menguraikan, dan menggambarkan serta di hubungkan dengan rumusan peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada sesuai dengan permasalahan yang erat kaitannya dengan penelitian ini guna menjawab permasalahan yang diteliti. c. hasil dan pembahasan 1. penerapan hukum pidana materil terhadap pelaku tindak pidana membawa senjata tajam oleh anak dalam putusan nomor 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau sebelum membahas penerapan pidana materil pada putusan no. nomor 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn. bau maka penulis terlebih dahulu akan menjelaskan ringkasan posisi kasus. berdasarkan analisa dari pengakuan terdakwa, keterangan saksi, dan hasil pemeriksaan pada tahap penyidik, penuntutan dan pemeriksaan dipersidangan yaitu sebagai berikut. adapun identitas terdakwa yaitu irfan faisal alias bin faisal yang lahir di laino umur 14 tahun/ / 04 agustus 2001 yang bertempat tinggal kelurahan wameo, kecamatan batupoaro, kota baubau. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 52 analisa hukum putusan pengadilan no. 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau terhadap tindak pidana membawa atau memiliki senjata tajam oleh anak i la odemuhammad karim a. posisi kasus bahwa terdakwa irfan faisal alias irfan bin faisal, pada hari sabtu tanggal 17 oktober 2015 sekitar pukul 22.30 wita atau setidak-tidaknya pada suatu waktu lain dalam bulan oktober 2015 atau setidak-tidaknya pada waktu tertentu dalam tahun 2015, bertempat di kota mara, kelerahan kaobula kecamatan batupoaro kota baubau atau setidak-tidaknya pada suatu tempat lain yang masih termasuk dalam daerah hukum pengadilan negeri baubau, terdakwa tanpa hak menguasai, membawa, menyimpan, menyembunyikan sesuatu senjata pemukul, penikam atau penususk berupa 1 (satu) bilah badik, yang dilakukan dengan caracara atau keadaan sebagai berikut. pada waktu dan tempat sebagaimana tersebut diatas, berawal terdakwa bersama teman-temannya jalan-jalan dikota mara karena ada acara hari ulang tahun kota baubau, kemudian terdakwa memeras seorang laki -laki yang terdakwa tidak kenal dengan terdakwa meminta uang sebesar rp 10.000 (sepuluh ribu rupiah) kepada laki-laki tersebut, namun secara tiba-tiba datang anggota kepolisian hendak menangkap terdakwa sehingga terdakwa langsung melarikan diri lalu anggota kepolisian tersebut mengejar terdakwa kemudian terdakwa mengambil sebilah badik dari pinggang sebelah kanannya setelah itu terdakwa membuang sebila badiknya dibelakang panggung kota mara dan saat itu angkota kepolisian melakukan pemeriksaan disekitar tersebut lalu anggota kepolisian menemukan 1 (satu) bilah senjata tajam jenis badik yang terbuat dari besi dengan panjang ± 23 cm, berhula kayu lengkap dengan sarungnya dimana badi k tersebut milik terdakwa. karena terdakwa tidak dapat menunjukan / tidak memilik surat iin senjata tajam dari pihak yang berwenang, sehingga pada saat itu terdakwa bersama dengan barang bukti dibawa ke polres baubau untuk diproses lebih lanjut b. dakwaan penuntut umum issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 53 analisa hukum putusan pengadilan no. 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau terhadap tindak pidana membawa atau memiliki senjata tajam oleh anak i la odemuhammad karim sebagaimana di jelaskan dalam pasal 143 kitab undang-undang hukum pidana (kuhp) tentang melimpahkan perkara di sertai surat dakwaan maka penulis mencoba menguraikan unsur formil dan materil. 1. unsur formil syarat-syarat formil yang harus dipenuhi oleh seorang jaksa penuntut umum dalam pembuatan surat dakwaan adalah diberi tanggal dan ditanda tangani oleh penuntut umum, berisi identitas terdakwa/ para terdakwa, yang meliputi: nama lengkap, tempat lahir, umur atau tanggal lahir, jenis kelamin, kebangsaan, tempat tinggal, agama dan pekerjaan terdakwa (pasal 143 ayat 2 huruf a kuhap). identitas ini dimaksudkan agar orang yang didakwa dan diperiksa di muka persidangan di pengadilan adalah benarbenar terdakwa yang sebenarnya dan bukan orang lain. 2. unsur materil 1. menyebutkan waktu dan tempat tindak pidana dilakukan dalam menyusun surat dakwaan, harus penguraian unsur mengenai waktu tindak pidana dilakukan adalah sangat penting karena hal ini berkaitan dengan hal-hal mengenai azas legalitas, penentuan recidive, alibi, kadaluarsa, kepastian umur terdakwa atau korban, serta hal-hal yang memberatkan terdakwa. begitu juga halnya dengan penguraian tentang tempat terjadinya tindak pidana dikarenakan berkaitan dengan kompetensi relatif pengadilan, ruang lingkup berlakunya uu tindak pidana serta unsur yang disyaratkan dalam tindak pidana tertentu misalnya “di muka umum, di dalam pekarangan tertutup) dan lain-lain. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 54 analisa hukum putusan pengadilan no. 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau terhadap tindak pidana membawa atau memiliki senjata tajam oleh anak i la odemuhammad karim 2. memuat uraian secara cermat, jelas dan lengkap mengenai tindak pidana yang didakwakan. a. uraian harus cermat dalam penyusunan surat dakwaan, penuntut umum harus bersikap cermat/ teliti terutama yang berkaitan dengan penerapan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku agar tidak terjadi kekurangan dan atau kekeliruan yang mengakibatkan batalnya surat dakwaan atau unsurunsur dalam dakwaan tidak berhasil dibuktikan. b. uraian harus jelas jelas adalah penuntut umum harus mampu merumuskan unsur-unsur tindak pidana/ delik yang didakwakan secara jelas dalam arti rumusan unsur-unsur delik harus dapat dipadukan dan dijelaskan dalam bentuk uraian fakta perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh terdakwa. dengan kata lain uraian unsur-unsur delik yang dirumuskan dalam pasal yang didakwakan harus dapat dijelaskan/ digambarkan dalam bentuk fakta perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh terdakwa. sehingga dalam uraian unsur-unsur dakwaan dapat diketahui secara jelas apakah terdakwa dalam melakukan tindak pidana yang didakwakan tersebut sebagai pelaku (dader/pleger), pelaku peserta (mede dader/pleger), penggerak (uitlokker), penyuruh (doen pleger) atau hanya sebagai pembantu (medeplichting). c. uraian harus lengkap lengkap adalah bahwa dalam menyusun surat dakwaan harus diuraikan unsur-unsur tindak pidana yang dirumuskan dalam uu secara issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 55 analisa hukum putusan pengadilan no. 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau terhadap tindak pidana membawa atau memiliki senjata tajam oleh anak i la odemuhammad karim lengkap dalam arti tidak boleh ada yang tercecer/ tertinggal tidak tercantum dalam surat dakwaan. surat dakwaan harus dibuat sedemikian rupa dimana semua harus diuraikan, baik unsur tindak pidana yang didakwakan, perbuatan materiil, waktu dan tempat dimana tindak pidana dilakukan sehingga tidak satupun yang diperlukan dalam rangka usaha pembuktian di dalam sidang pengadilan yang ketinggalan. dalam kasus ini dakwaan yang diberikan oleh jaksa penuntut umum telah sesuai dan telah memenuhi unsur formil dan materil sebagaimana dalam pasal 143 ayat 2 huruf a kitab undang-undang hukum pidana yang di mana telah di cantumkan secara lengkap identitas terdakwa. c. analisis penulis dalam pemeriksaan perkara pidana hakim dituntut untuk mencari dan membuktikan kebenaran materiil berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang telah terbukti di persidangan. dengan mengetahui faktafakta yang terungkap dipersidangan, maka pembuktian mengenai unsur-unsur tindak pidana yang didakwakan kepada terdakwa. perbuatan terdakwa telah terpenuhi unsur tindak pidana sebagaimana diatur dalam surat dakwaan pasal 2 ayat (1) uu drt no. 12 tahun 1951 yang unsurunsurnya sebagai berikut: 1. unsur barang siapa pengertian barangsiapa disini adalah setiap orang atau badan hukum yang di persamakan dengan orang yang dapat mempertanggung jawabkan perbuatannya serta menunjuk kepada pelaku delik yang di rumuskan dalam surat dakwaan, dalam hal ini terdakwa irfan faisal alias irfan bin faisal telah issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 56 analisa hukum putusan pengadilan no. 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau terhadap tindak pidana membawa atau memiliki senjata tajam oleh anak i la odemuhammad karim membenarkan telah membenarkan identitasnya dalam surat dakwaan dan telah pula di benarkan oleh terdakwa serta di perkuat oleh keterangan saksi saksi, bahwa apa yang telah di lakukan oleh terdakwa atas dasar kesadarannya dan di lakukan dalam keadaan sehat dan jasmani. 2. unsur melawan hukum bahwa pengertian sifat melawan hukum dalam hukum pidana merupakan hal pokok yang harus ada/mutlak dalam setiap rumusan tindak pidana. kata melawan hukum adalah kata yang sudah baku di gunakan untuk menerjemahkan kata dari bahasa belanda onrechtmatige atau wederrechtelijk atau dari bahasa inggris unlawful. dengan demikian onrechmatige atau wederrechtelijk atau unlawfulnessdapat di terjemahkan sifat melawan hukum atau bersifat melawan hukum. sifat melawan hukum merupakan salah satu unsur dari tindak pidana, kedudukan sifat melawan hukum sebagai salah satu unsur tindak pidana begitu sangat penting, sehingga dikatakan perhatian utama hukum pidana yaitu perbuatan-perbuatan yang bersifat melawan hukum saja, karena perbuatan perbuatan inilah yang di larang dan di ancam pidana. 3. unsur“menguasai, membawa atau menyimpan senjata pemukul, senjata penikam atau senjata penusuk. bahwa unsur ini bersifat pilihan (choice), dimana salah satunya terbukti maka unsur lain tidak perlu dipertimbangkan lagi. berdasarkan fakta hukum yang terungkap di persidangan, bahwa terdakwa membawa 1 (satu) senjata tajam jenis badik dengan cara pada saat terdakwa lari dan kemudian terdakwa dihadang oleh saksi dan saksi bilawal murhum basal, lalu terdawa mengambil issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 57 analisa hukum putusan pengadilan no. 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau terhadap tindak pidana membawa atau memiliki senjata tajam oleh anak i la odemuhammad karim badik dari pinggang sebelah kanannya kemudian badik tersebut terdakwa membuangnya atau melempar badik tersebut dengan menggunakan tangan kirinya kearah penjual minuman dingin, lalu saksi mengambil dan mengamankan badik tersebut. berdasarkan uraian diatas dan hasil analisis penulis, maka penulis berpendapat bahwa penerapan hukum pidana materiil pada perkara yakni pasal 2 ayat (1) undang-undang nomor 12/drt/1951 telah sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. dengan terungkapnya faktafakta di persidangan maka benar terdakwa menguasai dalam miliknya dan menyimpan suatu senjata penikam atau senjata penusuk yang dalam hal ini adalah senjata tajam jenis badik, selain itu terdakwa tidak memiliki izin yang berhubungan dengan senjata tersebut. maka perbuatan terdakwa telah memenuhi segala unsur-unsur sebagaimana dalam surat dakwaan. pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan sanksi terhadap pelaku tindak pidana dalam putusannomor 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn. bau putusan hakim atau putusan pengadilan merupakan aspek penting dan diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan perkara pidana. putusan hakim berguna bagi terdakwa untuk mendapatkan kepastian hukum tentang statusnya. dalam menjatuhkan putusan, keputusan hakim harus mencerminkan keadilan, akan tetapi persoalan keadilan tidak akan berhenti dengan pertimbangan hukum semata-mata, melainkan persoalan keadilan biasanya dihubungkan dengan kepentingan individu para pencari keadilan, dan itu berarti keadilan menurut hukum sering diartikan dengan sebuah kemenangan dan kekalahan oleh pencari keadilan. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 58 analisa hukum putusan pengadilan no. 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau terhadap tindak pidana membawa atau memiliki senjata tajam oleh anak i la odemuhammad karim penting kiranya untuk memberikan pemahaman bahwa sebuah keadilan itu bersifat abstrak, tergantung dari sisi mana kita memandangnya. oleh karena itu dalam rangka memaksimalkan tujuan hukum maka kita tidak hanya memenuhi rasa kepastian hukum tetapi juga memenuhi rasa keadilan. 1. pertimbangan hakim setelah hakim mengetahui fakta-fakta yang terungkap dalam proses persidangan maka yang menjadi pertimbangan hakim adalah: menimbang, bahwa terhadap dakwaan tersebut terdakwa mengatakan telah mengerti dan tidak akan mengajukan keberatan/eksepsi menimbang, bahwa untuk membuktikan dakwaannya, penuntut umum telah mengajukan saksi-saksi didepan persidangan, dimana memberikan keterangan pada pokoknya sebagai berikut: 2. analisis penulis pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan harus mencerminkan rasa keadilan. hakim dituntut untuk mempunyai keyakinan dengan mangaitkan keyakinan tersebut dengan alat-alat bukti yang sah serta menciptakan hukum sendiri yang berdasarkan keadilan yang tidak bertentangan dengan pancasila sebagai sumber dari segala hukum. selain itu, hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan tidak hanya berdasarkan pertimbangan yuridis tetapi terdapat juga pertimbangan sosiologisnya yang mengarah pada latar belakang terjadinya tindak pidana tersebut. pertimbanga keputusan disesuaikan dengan kaidah-kaidah, asas-asas dan keyakinan yang kukuh yang berlaku didalam masyarakat, karena itu pengetahuan tentang sosiologi dan psikologi perlu dimiliki oleh hakim. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 59 analisa hukum putusan pengadilan no. 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau terhadap tindak pidana membawa atau memiliki senjata tajam oleh anak i la odemuhammad karim dalam menjatuhkan pidana penjara terhadap terdakwa, majelis hakim memiliki banyak pertimbangan, mulai dari tuntutan umum, terpenuhinya unsur-unsur sesuai dengan pasal yang didakwakan serta tetap memperhatikan undang-undang pengadilan anak dan tidak ada alasan pembenar sehingga dinyatakan bersalah, serta halhal yang memberatkan dan meringankan sehingga terdakwa harus mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatanya sesuai dengan pututsan yang dijatuhkan oleh majelis hakim. pertimbangan putusan pengadilan negeri tersebut di atas penulis uraikan dengan membaginya kedalam 2 bagian. bagian pertama adalah pertimbangan yang bersifat yuridis dan pertimbangan yang bersifat nonyuridis d. penutup berdasarkan pembahasan yang terdapat pada bab sebelumnya dan hasil penelitian yang didapatkan oleh penulis, maka penulis memberikan kesimpulan sebagai berikut penerapan hukum pidana materil terhadap kasus diatas sudah sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 2 ayat (1) undangundang no. 12/drt/1951 ln no. 78.1951. berdasarkan fakta-fakta hukum baik keterangan terdakwa dianggap sehat jasmani dan rohani tidak terdapat gangguan mental sehingga mampu mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya dan pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku tindak pidana membawa senjata tajam oleh anak dalam putusan pengadilan negeri baubau no. nomor 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau telah sesuai. berdasarkan penjabaran keterangan saksi, keterangan terdakwa dan barang bukti serta adanya pertimbangan-pertimbangan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 60 analisa hukum putusan pengadilan no. 16/pid.sus-anak/2015/pn.bau terhadap tindak pidana membawa atau memiliki senjata tajam oleh anak i la odemuhammad karim yuridis, hal-hal yang meringankan dan memberatkan terdakwa serta memperhatikan undang-undang yang berkaitan dan diperkuat dengan keyakinan hakim. daftar pustaka adami, c. (2005). hukum pidana bagian i. raja grafindo persada, jakarta. andi, h. (1978). delik-delik tersebar diluar kuhp dengan komentar 1. jakarta: pt pradnya paramita. yulies, t. m. (2004). pengantar hukum indonesia. jakarta: sinar grafika. topo, s. (2010). kriminologi. jakarta: pt raja grafindo persada. undang-undang no.8 tahun 1981 tentang kitab undang-undang hukum acara pidana undang-undang no.1 tahun 1964 tentang kitab undang-undang hukum pidana undang-undang no.12 tahun 1951 tentang tentang kepemilikan senjata tajam undang-undang no. 35 tahun 2014 tentang perlindungan anak undang-undang no. 11 tahun 2012 tentang sistem peradilan pidana anak jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 1, 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 1 law enforcement and eradication of criminal actions of narcotics in pohuwato district area herlina sulaiman 1 , muhammad rizal lampatta 2 abstract author’s information: narcotics, as one of the main enemies of the indonesian nation, has reached an alarming stage. the targets of the dealers are not only adults and the economic community and above, but have also reached children and the economic community downward. this of course requires the role of law enforcement officials in enforcing and eradicating narcotics crime. this study aims to identify and analyze about eradication and law enforcement and its obstacles against narcotics crime in pohuwato regency. keywords: law enforcement, eradication, narcotics. 1 dosen fakultas hukum, universitas ichsan gorontalo, gorontalo (herlinasulaimanhs@gmail.com) 2 dosen fakultas hukum, universitas ichsan gorontalo, gorontalo (rlampatta@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkge ist.v5i1.913 1. introduction narcotics that are scattered throughout the world, of course, come from various regions of the world. there are several countries that are the originnarcotics and psychotropic circulation, namely: 1) heroin: a. thailand-myanmar-laos b. iran-pakistan-afghanistan 2) cocaine, mostly comes from colombia, peru, bolivia and brazil. 3) methamphetamine (shabu-shabu), mostly comes from hong kong and china. 4) ecstasy, many come from hong kong, china and the netherlands (budiarto, 2014). one of the suppliers of drugs to indonesia is china, because china is a major drug supplier and one of the main sources of drugs in indonesia (gunawan and united, 2019). one of the government's efforts to suppress the circulation of narcotics is by referring to the aspect of demand reduction, namely pressing the demand rate. the steps taken to reduce the number of requests are through the handling of more serious addicts and narcotics abusers (huda et al., 2020). narcotics traffickers are known in 2 terms, namely dealers and pengenadar. one of the characteristics of narcotics dealers is that they are proven to produce, import or export narcotics illegally weighing more than 5 sticks or 5 kg (cahyaningtyas, 2019). gorontalo province is one of the areas that is the red zone for drug trafficking in indonesia. in fact, in recent years, drug trafficking in this area located in the northern part of sulawesi has increased significantly (berita gorontalo, 2019). mailto:herlinasulaimanhs@gmail.com mailto:rlampatta@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.913 https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.913 jurnal hukum volkgeist herlina sulaiman. 5(1): 1-13 2 one of the districts in gorontalo province which is the entry point for narcotics is pohuwato regency. the large number of cases can certainly affect the stability of the law and the people of pohuwato regency. narcotics users in pohuwato regency have dragged anti-drug activists and even farmers. various efforts made by law enforcers with the existence of cases that occur, it is necessary to become a material for study on acts of eradication and law enforcement regarding the crime of narcotics. this of course requires synergy from both the bnk and the police to the court level in terms of prevention and enforcement of sanctions against the perpetrators. based on the brief description above, it can be seen that the problem identification is: 1. there are still various modus operandi in drug trafficking or distribution that is increasingly hidden. 2. drug operations / raids were carried out by various law enforcers, but this has not reduced the circulation. 3. there has not been a deterrent effect for drug offenders / abusers through court decisions 2. methodology this type of research in this study is a type of empirical legal research. empirical legal research is legal research that focuses attention on legal issues regarding the gap between imperatives, namely orders and prohibitions (das sollen) contained in various laws and regulations and the legal reality in society (das sein) (nawi, 2013). 3. formulation of the problem 1. how is the effectiveness in eradicating and enforcing the law against narcotics crime in pohuwato regency? 2. what factors are the obstacles for law enforcers in eradicating and enforcing the law against narcotics crimes in pohuwato regency? 3.1. efforts to eradicate and prevent narcotics crime in pohuwato regency in the sanctions for the abuse of narcotics and other illegal drugs, it has been regulated in law number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, this can be classified as follows: a. as abusers are subject to criminal provisions based on article 127 of law number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, with a maximum penalty of 4 years for class i and 2 years for group 2. in its implementation, the indonesian supreme court issued circular no. 04 of 2010 concerning placement, abuse, victims of abuse, and narcotics addiction is a condition characterized by the urge to use narcotics continuously at an increasing dose to produce the same effect and if the user is reduced or stopped suddenly it causes physical and psychological symptoms (article 1 point 14 of the narcotics law) (michael, 2018). b. as a distributor, he is subject to criminal provisions based on articles 81 and 82 of law no. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, with the threat of a maximum sentence of 15 years and a fine; jurnal hukum volkgeist herlina sulaiman. 5(1): 1-13 3 c. as a producer, it is subject to criminal provisions based on article 113 of law no. 35 of 2009, with the threat of a maximum sentence of 15 years or life or death and a fine facing the problem of drug abuse and illicit drug trafficking requires that the institutions involved have to equalize one perception so that it does not cause problems in the future. besides that, the issuance of presidential instruction no. 6 of 2018 has broad and complex dimensions, both from a medical, psychiatric, mental health, and psychosocial perspective. and all levels of government and all components to jointly prevent the dangers of drugs. for law enforcement perpetrators of drug awareness according to law no. 35 of 2009 is added to the presence of presidential instructions no.6 of 2018 in the spirit of eradicating criminal offenses of narcotics, so that law number 35 of 2009 does not only regulate the eradication of criminal sanctions for narcotics abuse alone, at the pohuwato regency level, there are two government agencies that are struggling to eradicate and enforce the abuse of narcotics in the early stages, namely the pohuwato police drug research unit and the pohuwato bnk. based on the author's interview with mr plt, narcotics agency of pohuwato regency, mr yuyun p, se (interview in july 2020) stated: "currently, the bnk pohuwato regency continues to strive to overcome the circulation of narcotics in pohuwato regency. currently bnk kab. pohuwato can only carry out efforts in the form of prevention only because bnk kab. pohuwato is still under the authority of the regional government and not vertically directly from the bnn so that we are still at the level of prevention and not at the enforcement stage. but there were certain cases that collaborated with the pohuwato police when bnk got information about the circulation of narcotics in pohuwato regency " pohuwato regency as a trans-sulawesi crossing area as a link between the provinces of central sulawesi, gorontalo and north sulawesi is very easy and busy as an area for drug trafficking and trafficking routes. according to the author's interview with mr. sambo darampalo, a member of the satresnarkoba (interview in july 2020) stated: “pohuwato regency is a large area and a trans-sulawesi route which is prone to drug trafficking routes. one of the areas where the arrests often occur is the popayato sub-district because the popayato area is directly adjacent to the parimo area of central sulawesi, where this area is the origin of goods (drugs) entering the pohuwato area. " then mr plt bnk pohuwato also added: "the district of pohuwato is very broad and is on the linking route between central sulawesi, gorontalo city and north sulawesi, so drug trafficking is a bit difficult to detect. however, that does not mean that we do not try because even though we are not directly involved in the arrest, in preemptive and preventive efforts we always make efforts such as holding outreach to certain places such as schools and areas prone to narcotics trafficking. the circulation of drugs in the pohuwato region can be said to be increasing every year, this can be seen in the data that the authors have summarized from 2018 to 2020. the data are as follows: jurnal hukum volkgeist herlina sulaiman. 5(1): 1-13 4 table 1.data on drug cases up to september 2018 month case suspect profession the perpetrator case comple ted / not numbe r of cases men woman january nil february narcotics 1 urt done 1 march narcotics 3 2 selfemployed 1 polri done 3 april narcotics 4 entrepreneur done 2 may nil june coplo pills and narcotics 4 1 private 2 selfemployed 1 driver done 3 july narcotics 2 2 2 selfemployed 2 urt done 3 august nil september narcotics 1 private done 1 october november narcotics 1 student done 1 december amount 14 3 14 source: pohuwato police drug research unit 2020 table 2.data on drug cases in 2019 month case suspect profession the perpetrator case comple ted / not numbe r of cases men woman january narcotics 3 self-employed private fisherman done 3 february narcotics 2 1 entrepreneur student irt done 3 march april narcotics 1 entrepreneur done 1 jurnal hukum volkgeist herlina sulaiman. 5(1): 1-13 5 may nil june nil july coplo pills narcotics 7 3 students 2 private 1 selfemployed the farmer done 4 august narcotics 3 3 selfemployed done 1 september october narcotics 1 1 entrepreneur urt done 2 november narcotics 3 unemploymen t of student fishermen done 2 december alcohol 2 2 farmers done 1 amount 14 3 17 source: pohuwato police drug research unit 2020 table 3.data on drug cases in 2020 month case suspect profession the perpetrator case comple ted / not numbe r of cases men woman january coplo pills and narcotics 9 student 2 selfemployed labor 2 private fisherman driver honorary jam 5 february narcotics 3 2 students 1 selfemployed done 2 march narcotics 2 entrepreneur private done 2 april narcotics 2 vacation entrepreneur done 2 may narcotics 2 1 vacation irt entrepreneur done 3 june narcotics 1 1 july narcotics alcohol 6 3 selfemployed polite fisherman farmer finger print process 4 jurnal hukum volkgeist herlina sulaiman. 5(1): 1-13 6 august narcotics 1 entrepreneur stage 2 1 september narcotics 3 3 selfemployed finger print process 1 october november december amount 21 source: narcotics unit, pohuwato police, 2020 the various consequences arising from narcotics trafficking are inseparable from the effects of ongoing circulation. there are several factors that continue to increase the circulation of narcotics in pohuwato regency that the author got at the time of the research. there are many reasons that drive the high circulation of narcotics and illegal drugs in pohuwato regency: 1. the use of technology in circulating narcotics where the dealer uses social networks or uses online chat facilities. in fact, the high number of drug trafficking in indonesia is supported, among other things, by the globalization of the use of technology such as the internet and a number of other tools that make it easy for drug dealers to reach their target goals (huda et al., 2020). 2. promising business value. narcotics and illegal drugs are traded commodities that are illegal with fast profits causing many actors who are not only users but also become dealers. based on the author's interview with the plt narcotics agency of pohuwato regency, mr. yuyun p, se (interview in july 2020): "one of the main factors why narcotics continue to exist in society, especially in pohuwato regency, is because of its economic value. usually based on experience in drug eradication, there are perpetrators who become users and sellers because the income is very large in a short time. so that the perpetrator feels attracted to the term "fast money". 3. hard work and requires sufficient stamina. when viewed from the data on narcotics users, there are still some actors who come from the lower classes such as car drivers and farmers. this was disclosed by the members of the narcotics satres that: “we often catch actors who work as drivers between provinces or between districts who are users and / or dealers. the reason they use it is to increase their stamina so they don't get tired easily. there are even entrepreneurs who have tough jobs so they use drugs to encourage them to work. usually they use narcotics together so they can be used together. " 4. in adolescents, drugs are usually used as a form of curiosity about the feeling that is obtained when using drugs causing teenage offenders to try to get or buy these drugs. besides that, it is also influenced by a sense of solidarity with friends. the following are some characteristics of adolescent development that are conducive to psychoactive substance users: jurnal hukum volkgeist herlina sulaiman. 5(1): 1-13 7 a. during the transition from childhood to adulthood, feelings of depression, tension, anxiety, confusion, insecurity, sadness, and even depression often arise. psychoactive substances are often used by teenagers to get rid of these feelings. these feelings can be diminished or lost by psychoactive substances, but only temporarily. b. the need for peer-to-peer interaction encourages teenagers to be fully accepted in their group. the acceptance of a teenager in their group life is an event that makes people proud and enhances or facilitates the interaction of youth with their peer groups (vehicle of social interaction). c. mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances can be seen as a behavioral disorder, a behavior that defies the values held by adult society. the process of normal adolescent mental development demands separation from parental authority and developing one's own authority and identity. at that time there was an urge to rebel or fight anything that smelled (asyharuddin et al., 2020). 5. lack of religious education and character that is instilled in the family and school environment. this makes a person able or not to sort out the actions that are good for him or those that are bad for him. 6. strong narcotics marketing network. if someone is caught in narcotics either as an addict or a dealer, usually it will be difficult to cut ties with the dealer. the distribution of drugs in the pohuwato regency area has different modus operandi. to catch the perpetrators must require hard work and care from the members of the pohuwato narcotics unit. based on the experience of the pohuwato police narcotics unit, the mode of circulation of narcotics in the pohuwato area includes narcotics hidden in clothes in cd / bh, socks, cigarette wrappers, and in luggage such as cloths and flashlights, doormats so that you must be careful in conducting checks / searches. it is understood that law enforcement officers have partly implemented narcotics law enforcement until they get a judge's decision in a court session. it is hoped that law enforcement can prevent the large number of illicit narcotics trafficking in circulation, but in fact it will be more intensively carried out by law enforcers, the more illegal narcotics trafficking will be rampant. narcotics crime (the drug trafficking industry), has become part of the group of activities of transnational crime organizations (sari et al., 2019). to overcome this problem, the pohuwato police drug research unit has made various efforts to combat drug trafficking in the pohuwato regency area. according to mr. yosep puluhalawa, a member of the pohuwato police narcotics unit: "to prevent and eradicate drug trafficking, the pohuwato police narcotics detective unit is intensively and routinely conducts raids in several areas of pohuwato regency. there are several types of raids, namely concentrated operations (community disease), glowing operations (clearing drugs), k2yd (enhanced police activities). " some of the operations mentioned above have different timing. the implementation time is: 1. operation shine (clean drugs), jurnal hukum volkgeist herlina sulaiman. 5(1): 1-13 8 2. concentrated operation (community disease) is carried out every 6 months 3. k2yd (enhanced police activities) operations are carried out every day. the raid operation is one of the pohuwato police efforts to eradicate and combat drug trafficking in the pohuwato area. apart from raids, covert purchases were also carried out through controlled delivery through undercover agents or through covert purchases. controlled delivery is the delivery and delivery of narcotics to the recipient by a courier who is a suspect who wants to cooperate with the investigator or by an undercover agent acting as a courier, the delivery is supervised to find out who the recipient is or the network, while undercover buy is a covert buying technique that is supervised. in this technique, investigators usually still work with the general public to undercover buy. sometimes in practice this undercover buy is also carried out by investigators who disguise themselves as ordinary people who will buy narcotics from dealers. (cahyaningtyas, 2019) such as the author's interview with sambo dalarampalo, a member of the narcotics unit of the pohuwato police (interview in september 2020): “usually we use disguised buying methods to find out who is a narcotics dealer or seller, one of the members of the drug police force will pretend to buy drugs. however, this method is not easy, you have to confirm several times because the seller does not easily trust the buyer, even sometimes the seller puts the item in a certain place because he does not want to meet face to face. there is also a use of control over drug delivery. for example, there is one case that has been revealed in which the satres have found out that the package has been ordered by someone, then the package will be followed up to the buyer. when the package was received by the buyer, there the satres members made the arrest”. according to partodiharjo (subagyo, 2007), in overcoming drug abuse and trafficking, basically can follow the following steps: 1. promotive / coaching where this program is aimed at people who have not used drugs or are not familiar with drugs. the principle is to increase the role or activities so that this group is actually more prosperous so that they never think of achieving happiness by using drugs. 2. preventive / preventive this program is aimed at people who are not familiar with drugs so they know more about drugs so that they are not interested in abusing drugs. furthermore, added that prevention efforts against drug trafficking and abuse include: 1. primary prevention or early prevention, which is aimed at individuals, families, or communities and communities who have not been touched by the problem of drug abuse and trafficking, with the aim of making individuals, families, groups and communities alert and having deterrence and deterrence power and resistance to reject and against it. 2. secondary prevention or vulnerability prevention, aimed at groups or communities that are prone to drug abuse, for example living in a slum or working jurnal hukum volkgeist herlina sulaiman. 5(1): 1-13 9 in an entertainment place. the goal is that they can strengthen their defense from the persuasion or coercion of other parties or the emergence of an internal urge to try drugs. 3. tertiary prevention or prevention of relapse of users / addicts who have followed the therapy and rehabilitation program, so that they do not relapse. prevention of drug abuse is carried out within families, schools, communities, workplaces, and the wider community, through communication, information and education activities using various media that allow it to be adapted to conditions in the field. the government through the national narcotics agency (bnn, 2019) in the aspect of prevention which is part of demand reduction, bnn through the deputy for prevention has implemented various breakthroughs and innovations. a. the shining village program (clean drugs) which has currently been implemented in 195 villages throughout indonesia. b. anti-narcotics based development program (bang wawan), whose focus is to involve all stakeholders including government, private sector, education and society. its main activities are urine testing, anti-drug counseling, and the formation of a task force in the community. c. anti-narcotics volunteers in the outer and frontier areas of the republic of indonesia, by involving 150 volunteers each. d. anti-drug education center (rean.id). through this program, the national narcotics agency invites millennial to take part in the campaign to prevent drugs. rean.id contains creative content such as videos, vlogs, murals, articles and posters with the theme of drug prevention campaigns (bnn, 2020). the bnn program mentioned above must of course also be supported through programs in the regions. because the bnk pohuwato regency is not fully vertically connected. in maximizing the eradication of pohuwato police, especially the narcotics research unit, in preventing and overcoming narcotics crime in pohuwato regency is to make preemptive, preventive and repressive measures. 1) pre-emptive efforts, namely by collaborating with the pohuwato police department to carry out various persuasive approaches to the community and youth regarding the latent dangers of narcotics abuse through anti-narcotics campaign campaigns, and provision of detention in order to avoid narcotics and illegal drugs and informing about the threat of punishment. in addition, it invites the public to be able to participate in providing information about the illicit trafficking of narcotics. this activity is basically in the form of fostering and developing a simple lifestyle environment and positive activities, especially for adolescents with activities that are productive, constructive, and creative. 2) educational prevention is carried out by the educational information communication method, which is carried out through various channels, including family, education, religious institutions, and community organizations. the application of this pre-emptive effort can be carried out by conducting briefings at each educational institution starting from primary education to higher levels. 3) preventive measures are patrolling areas prone to be used for buying and selling transactions or places used for using narcotics and carrying out raids or jurnal hukum volkgeist herlina sulaiman. 5(1): 1-13 10 examinations of bodies, luggage and urine in the border areas of the pohuwato region and nightlife spots. 4) repressive measures, namely taking action against the perpetrators of narcotics abuse in accordance with applicable laws. (author's interview with mr. yosep puluhulawa, member of the narcotics satres, interview in september 2020) in the efforts mentioned above, of course it cannot be separated from the assistance of bnk pohuwato. the cooperative relationship between the pohuwato police and bnk pohuwato in the eradication and handling of drug crimes, namely some bnk activities including socialization and raids in border areas and nightclubs always involving members of one drug, and vice versa members of one drug always involve parties from bnk to carry out investigations narcotics case. (author's interview with aiptu sit owen s kanit 1 drugs) in carrying out their duties, of course there are similarities and differences in duties and authorities between bnk pohuwato and pohuwato police in the eradication and handling of drug crimes. in the prevention / eradication, there is a common task, it's just that bnk pohuwato does not yet have the authority to carry out a legal process in the form of an arrest (investigation) because it is still under the regional government. based on the author's interview with the plt narcotics agency of pohuwato regency mr. yuyun p, se (interview in july 2020): "there are routine activities between the pohuwato police and bnk pohuwato in the eradication and handling of drug crimes, namely visiting places or areas prone to abuse. narcotics and do a urine test ”. the vast area of pohuwato regency will certainly make it difficult for the pohuwato police to prevent and overcome the narcotics crime. for this reason, apart from the programs implemented by the narcotics unit of the pohuwato police, there is also a need for community support or participation. according to aiptu sit owen s kanit 1 narcotics (interview in september 2020) that: "there is community involvement in the eradication and handling of drug crimes in the pohuwato district, namely there are several people who often provide information related to narcotics abuse, so that it greatly helps the police in making efforts to eradicate and cut off the narcotics network in the legal area of the pohuwato police. for members of the public who provide information, the pohuwato police will guarantee the safety of the people who report the crime. in addition, the identity of the reporter will be kept secret and will even be given a prize in cash. " sometimes in getting information, the pohuwato police narcotics detective unit uses informants to get information. in using informants, there are several tactics used by investigators as revealed by r. soesilo as follows (belstar hutapea, 2011): 1. in selecting and maintaining informants, it is entirely entrusted with the discretion of each investigating employee, meaning that the unit commander does not interfere so that it is the secret of the respective investigator. 2. regarding the expenditure of money for payments and gifts for informants there is no need to be accounted for with proof of payment. 3. the name of the informant should not be mentioned or notified during the investigation and prosecution of the case. if this happened, no one would want to work as an informant. in the world of legal settlement of criminal cases, opinions jurnal hukum volkgeist herlina sulaiman. 5(1): 1-13 11 like this exist, although sometimes it is also necessary if an informant provides information with an agreement not to be named, discussed with the prosecutor concerned. after all, tactical cooperation between crime fighting agencies must exist. 4. relationships and meetings between investigators and informants must be kept confidential, for example, do not let an informant appear at the police station. if you want to meet, choose certain places that are neutral, safe and not conspicuous. 5. in certain cases it is also necessary to control the work of an informant with other informants who do not recognize each other so that investigators should not be fooled by false and untrue information. 3.2. factors that become obstacles in the eradication and handling of drug crime in pohuwato regency in dealing with and preventing drug crimes in the jurisdiction of pohuwato police, of course it does not always run smoothly. sometimes there are obstacles. obstacles in the eradication and handling of drug crime in the pohuwato regency, namely : a. the difficulty in finding suspects in narcotics crimes is because the system used by the perpetrators uses a disconnected cell system. cells are disconnected, namely the buyer or narcotics network does not meet directly with the seller or narcotics dealer and the narcotics being traded are only placed in places that have been previously agreed. b. lack of human resources from the narcotics unit of the pohuwato police and the pohuwato district bnk to continue to be able to maximize prevention, snacking and eradication, of course, it must be supported by the number of members from the narcotics satres and bnk pohuwato. based on the author's interview with mr. yosepuluhulawa, a member of the narcotics unit (interview in september 2020) that: "currently, the number of members of the pohuwato police drug unit is around 15, and there are some who are seconded from other units, while ideally the number of members of the drug unit is 25 people. . although the shortage of personnel is not a significant obstacle, it must also receive special attention. meanwhile the head of the bnk pohuwato said: "currently we still lack human resources to fill positions in units within the bnk. however, it does not mean that it affects performance but affects the efficiency of the coordination process and the implementation of activities in the field " c. the minimum budget for the prevention and eradication of narcotics crimes at the pohuwato police. each year a budget amount is allocated according to the target catch / case disclosure. target catch / disclosure of cases will be different every year according to the results of the development of drug cases circulation. this year, the budget allocated for handling drug cases in the pohuwato regency area has been targeted for 16 arrests. based on the author's interview with mr. sambo darampalo, a member of the narcotics satres (interview in july 2020): jurnal hukum volkgeist herlina sulaiman. 5(1): 1-13 12 "for this year pohuwato police only allocated a budget for 16 handling cases. meanwhile, until now in september there have been 20 cases being handled, meaning that currently there has been a minus budget. in this case, to anticipate sometimes costs used such as transportation costs and so on use personal budgets. we may not have to wait for the budget to come down and then move, while the disclosure process is ongoing. " d. bnk pohuwato is still limited in its function because it is still under the auspices of the pohuwato regional government. the position of bnk which is still under the auspices of the regional government causes them to be unable to perform their functions optimally. to be able to improve performance in eradicating and enforcing bnk pohuwato must be vertically under the bnn pusat. based on an interview with the narcotics agency plt of pohuwato regency, mr. yuyun p, se (interview in july 2020): "currently, bnk pohuwato is still limited in taking action because it is not yet vertically under the central bnn. so that we are still in the field of prevention, and there are several units that are not filled as if they do not have their own investigators. that is, if we are involved in the process of arrest or disclosure of cases because some cases were the result of informants or information obtained by bnk directly ". e. the number of circulation but rather difficult to detect. the vast area of the pohuwato regency and the busy flow of goods and passengers passing through the pohuwato regency sometimes makes it easier for drug dealers or couriers between provinces. so that prevention and eradication efforts must be maximized through raids, information and case development. f. there is still a lack of public awareness of drug abuse, and there are still many people who focus on drug control efforts only on members of the police. g. without evidence that drug abuse cannot be prosecuted, drug abusers who have a positive urine result without any other evidence can only be processed for rehab and cannot be detained. h. the narcotics items are so small that many places that are hard to find are used to hide these items, without information from the public, the police cannot find them. 4. conclusion eradication and handling of drug crimes in pohuwato regency, namely by: 1. pre-emptive effort is by approaching all groups by informing about the dangers of narcotics and the threat of punishment. 2. preventive efforts, namely conducting outreach in various circles. 3. repressive measures, namely punishing the perpetrators. 4. in collaboration with bnk pohuwato. 5. cooperate with the community in receiving reports. factors that become obstacles in the eradication and handling of drug crime in pohuwato regency: jurnal hukum volkgeist herlina sulaiman. 5(1): 1-13 13 1. the perpetrators use a disconnected cell system. 2. lack of human resources from the narcotics unit of the pohuwato police and the pohuwato district bnk. 3. the minimum budget for the prevention and eradication of narcotics crimes at the pohuwato police. 4. bnk pohuwato is still limited in its function because it is still under the auspices of the pohuwato regional government. 5. the number of circulation but rather difficult to detect. 6. there is still a lack of public awareness. 7. without evidence of drug abuse, it cannot be prosecuted, 8. the narcotics items are so small that many places that are hard to find are used to hide these items, without information from the public, the police cannot find them references asyharuddin, m., badaru, b., & kamal hijaz, m. 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(2007). kenali narkoba dan musuhi penyalahgunaannya. esensi. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 1, 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 94 law enforcement on plastic waste pollution in coastal area assessed from article 29 verse (4) law number 18 of 2008 concerning waste management (study in buton regency of south sulawesi) la gurusi1 abstract author’s information: this study examines the process of law enforcement against plastic waste pollution in the coastal area of buton regency and knows the factors that prevent law enforcement against plastic waste pollution in buton regency. the problems formulated in this study, namely law enforcement against plastic waste pollution in the coastal area of buton regency and factors that prevent law enforcement against plastic waste pollution in buton regency. this research uses empirical legal research method with qualitative analysis method. the result of this study is that law enforcement against plastic waste pollution does not materialize. the factor that inhibits law enforcement is that there are no regulations or legal provisions that form the basis of the government to apply sanctions on people or other legal entities that commit acts of plastic waste pollution in buton regency. keyword: law enforcement, plastic waste pollution, waste management. 1master of law, faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah buton, indonesia e-mail: (lagurusi63@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.900 1. introduction the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia recognizes that every person has the right to live in physical and spiritual prosperity, to have a place to live and to have a good and healthy living environment and to have the right to obtain health services (undang-undang, 1945). based on this constitutional right, the state, through the government, is obliged to protect and manage the environment which can ensure the availability of environmental carrying capacity for the public interest. because of this obligation, the government through law number 18 of 2008 concerning waste management to address the national waste problem. even so, the waste problem is still difficult to solve. in the preamble to the law on waste, it is stated that the increase in population and changes in the consumption pattern of the community have resulted in an increase in the volume, type and characteristics of increasingly diverse waste. the problem of waste is increasingly frightening because along with industrial development and uncontrolled population growth, especially in developing countries, the quality of the world environment is increasingly concerning, and some cannot be repaired and restored back to normal (irreversible environmental damage)(syarif, 2018). one of the waste problems that are currently of national and international concern is the increasing production of plastic waste. the research results of jenna jambeck, a researcher from the university of georgia, united states, published in 2015, stated that indonesia is the second largest contributor of plastic waste in the world. at that time, the weight of plastic waste contributed reached 187.2 million tons (putri, 2019). even, mailto:lagurusi63@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.900 jurnal hukum volkgeist la gurusi. 5(1): 94-103 95 according to greeneration's research, indonesians use an average of 700 plastic bags per year. this does not include waste from other plastic items, drink bottles and food containers, whose numbers have increased significantly. plastic waste is a serious threat to ecosystems that live on land and in the sea. one of the bad effects of plastic waste pollution in the sea is the death of a sperm whale (physeter macrocephalus) along 8 meters on a porto cervo beach in sardinia, italy. in the whale's stomach, 22 kg of plastic waste was found consisting of electric cables, plastic plates, plastic bags, fishing nets and plastic detergent wrappers (hananto, 2019). the same thing happened in indonesia, precisely in wakatobi regency, southeast sulawesi, a sperm whale measuring 9.5 meters long and 437 cm wide was dead. the results of identification of the whale's stomach contents carried out at the wakatobi akkp campus, the plastic waste found in the whale's stomach was in the form of 750 gr plastic cups (115 pieces), 140 gr hard plastic (19 pieces), 150 gr plastic bottles (4 pieces), plastic bags. 260 gr (25 pieces), 740 gr wood chips (6 pieces), 270 gr flip-flops (2 pieces), 200 gr nylon sack (1 piece), 3,260 gr rapia rope (more than 1000 pieces). the total wet weight of the waste is 5.9 kg (wahyu chandra kamarudin, 2019). ecosystem damage will have a major impact on environmental balance. the plastic waste crisis, both globally and locally, needs to find a solution, otherwise this problem will become a time bomb which at times will have an even worse impact on human life and the ecosystems that live on it. from a legal aspect, law number 32 of 2009 concerning protection and management of the environment and law number 18 of 2008 concerning waste management, have regulated the responsibilities and obligations of individuals, both individuals and corporations, to protect and protect the environment. however, we still find several environmental cases that occur in the midst of society, both by individuals and corporations. in buton regency, especially in coastal areas, there are still piles of plastic waste scattered on the shoreline. this condition raises the question of what is the law enforcement process against plastic waste pollution in the coastal area of buton regency and what factors impose law enforcement on plastic waste pollution in the coastal area of buton regency. 2. research methodology this study uses an empirical research model, namely legal research that analyzes and examines the work of law in society. the work of law in society can be examined through the effectiveness of law enforcement. location of research on law enforcement against plastic waste pollution in coastal areas in view of article 29 paragraph (4) of law number 18 year 2008 concerning waste management in wasuemba village, pasarwajo district, buton regency, southeast sulawesi. to solve legal problems in this study, researchers used qualitative analysis. 3. discussions 3.1. law enforcement against plastic waste pollution increased waste production is closely related to the culture and behavior of the community, especially in coastal areas. garbage is an important problem in coastal areas because it can damage the ecosystem that lives in it. this is because most people still perceive that waste is the residue from the use of an object, both organic and inorganic, that cannot be utilized. so that the community in managing waste still relies jurnal hukum volkgeist la gurusi. 5(1): 94-103 96 on the final approach (end-of-pipe), where garbage is collected, transported, and disposed of to the beach. in fact, garbage dumped into the sea causes severe damage to the ecosystems that live in the sea. in general, the uncontrolled high waste production causes damage to the areas that support human life. the decline in the quality of water and soil due to waste also has an impact on the quality of life of the people living around it. to maintain and protect the quality of the environment, the state is required to take a role in regulating and managing waste. article 1 number 1 of law no. 32 of 2009 on environmental protection and management affirms that environmental protection is a systematic effort by the government to preserve environmental functions and prevent environmental pollution and / or damage which includes planning, utilization, control of maintenance, supervision and law enforcement. efforts to protect the environment are carried out through preventive and repressive measures. damage to the coastal environment due to plastic waste can be prevented through the command and control (cac) instrument. the cac concept requires government involvement to make it happen. this is because the cac instrument is an action or government intervention to determine what steps can be taken to prevent environmental damage (syarif, 2018). however, soemarwoto said that the cac approach often encountered obstacles in achieving maximum results because this approach had several weaknesses. first, cac is considered too basing itself on the view that any anti-environmental behavior can be countered by legislation. this view opens wide the exploitation of laws and regulations corporate interest in managing the environment. second, cac is considered to be to-down and instructive so that the preventive policy does not address environmental problems at lower levels. third, cac is rigid and bureaucratic. this property is not able to solve the development of environmental damage quickly and precisely (soemarwoto, 2001). soemarwoto's view mentioned above is that the cac instrument can run well if it is implemented properly and measured by the government. in addition, policies to prevent environmental damage must be participatory in nature that involve all elements of society. in addition to preventive measures, repressive legal measures are important to increase community compliance in implementing laws and regulations to prevent damage to the coastal environment due to plastic waste. law enforcement is an effort to achieve compliance with regulations and requirements in applicable legal provisions in general and individually, supervision and application of sanctions. the problem regarding waste is very important. in waste management, the central and local governments need policies in the field of regulation that are based on national and regional regulations. the regulations governing waste management include: a. article 28 h paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia article 28h paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia gives everyone the right to have a good and healthy living environment. this article provides a consequence that the government is obliged to provide public services in waste management. this has a legal consequence that the government is the competent and responsible party in the waste management sector. although waste management is a government obligation, it can also involve businesses and communities engaged in the solid waste sector. in order to carry out waste management in an integrated and comprehensive manner, fulfill the rights and obligations of the community, as well as jurnal hukum volkgeist la gurusi. 5(1): 94-103 97 the duties and authorities of the government and local governments to carry out public services, a legal umbrella in the form of a law is required. the legal arrangements for waste management in this law are based on the principle of responsibility, the principle of sustainability, the principle of benefit, the principle of justice, the principle of awareness, the principle of togetherness, the principle of safety, the principle of security, and the principle of economic value (mulyanto, 2013). b. law no. 32 of 2009 concerning protection and management of the environment the fulfillment of a good and healthy environment is a human right and constitutional right for every indonesian citizen. therefore, the government, local government and all stakeholders are obliged to protect and manage the environment in the implementation of sustainable development so that the indonesian environment can continue to be a source and life support for the indonesian people and other living things. so that good and correct waste management is a form of fulfilling a good and healthy environment. with regard to waste management for the government and local governments, it cannot be separated from the principles contained in article 2 of the pplh law which is regulated regarding the principles of state responsibility, participatory principles, principles of good governance; and the principle of regional autonomy. therefore, waste management is a form of state responsibility through the government and local governments. where, it takes community participation to carry out its management. in addition, it is strengthened by article 63 of the pplh law which regulates the authority of the government and local governments in environmental protection and management. where is based on the principles of good governance; and the principle of regional autonomy can be used as a reference in waste management. c. law no. 18 of 2008 on waste management the law on waste management is based on the large population of indonesia with a high growth rate resulting in an increase in the volume of waste. in addition, people's consumption patterns have contributed to creating increasingly diverse types of waste, among others, packaging waste that is dangerous and / or difficult to decompose by natural processes is increasingly diverse. the substance of this law is directly related to waste management, namely article 19 regulates the management of household waste and household-like waste. the article states that the management of household waste and household-like waste consists of reducing waste and handling waste. in terms of reducing waste, it is further stated in article 20 as follows: waste reduction as referred to in the following activities: (1) limiting waste generation; (2) recycling of waste; and / or (3) waste reuse. article 20 paragraph (2) regulates that the government and regional governments are obliged to carry out the following activities: (1) to set a gradual waste reduction target within a certain period of time; (2) facilitate the application of environmentally friendly technology; (3) facilitate the application of environmentally friendly product labels; (4) facilitate re-use and recycling activities; (5) facilitate the marketing of recycled products. article 20 paragraph (3) regulates business actors in carrying out activities, namely using production materials that generate as little waste as possible, can be reused, can be recycled, and / or can be easily broken down by natural processes. article 20 paragraph (4) regulates the community in carrying out waste reduction activities, namely using materials that can be reused, recycled, and / or easily broken down by natural processes. article 22 of law number 18 year 2008 regulates waste management, and it also regulates waste handling, which includes: a. sorting in the form of waste grouping and separation according to the type, quantity and / or nature jurnal hukum volkgeist la gurusi. 5(1): 94-103 98 of the waste; b. collection in the form of collecting and moving waste from the waste source to a temporary shelter or integrated waste processing site; c. transportation in the form of carrying waste from the source and / or from a temporary garbage collection site or from an integrated waste processing site to the final processing site; d. processing in the form of changing the characteristics, composition and amount of waste; and / or e. final waste processing in the form of safe return of waste and / or residue from previous processing to environmental media. e. the provisions stipulated in the implementation of waste management in law no. 18 of 2008 concerning waste management should be able to deal with problems regarding waste in indonesia. it has become common that so far waste management still applies the concept of collect-transport-dump (end of pipe). with this law, waste management has adopted the 3r concept: reduction-reuse recycling (recycling). likewise with the waste management paradigm, if all this time using the conventional concept, namely waste is considered waste so that it is disposed of this requires disposal costs and ultimately becomes a health threat to the community. so now a new paradigm is being used which views waste as a resource that should be reprocessed so that it generates income which leads to new job opportunities and opportunities to earn new income. d. law no. 23 of 2014 on local government based on the mandate of article 18 paragraph (2) and paragraph (5) of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia states that the regional government has the authority to regulate and administer government affairs by itself according to the principles of autonomy and co-administered tasks and is granted the widest possible autonomy. on the basis of this article and its explanation that the implementation of regional government must be based on the principles of decentralization, deconcentration and assistance tasks. so that there is law o. 32 of 2004 which regulates the authority of both provincial and district / municipal governments regarding environmental control. even though the law was replaced by law no. 23 of 2014 still gives authority to local governments. in article 12 of law no. 23 of 2014 that the authority to local governments (concurrent government) to carry out mandatory government affairs that are not related to basic services, one of which is the environment. with the provision of the widest possible autonomy to the regions, it is directed to accelerate the realization of community welfare by improving services, empowerment and community participation. so that the authority in waste management is a service provided by the local government by empowering the community and waste management based on community participation. this authority is the juridical basis for local governments to formulate regulations related to waste management based on coastal environmental protection. even local governments are given the authority to set sanctions related to activities that cause environmental damage due to waste. article 29 paragraph (1) law no. 18 of 2008 confirms that everyone is prohibited from: a. importing waste into the territory of the republic of indonesia; b. importing waste; c. mixing waste with hazardous and toxic waste; d. managing waste that causes environmental pollution and / or damage; e. dispose of waste not in a place that has been determined and provided; f. carry out waste handling by open disposal at the final processing site; and / or jurnal hukum volkgeist la gurusi. 5(1): 94-103 99 g. burning waste that does not comply with the technical requirements for waste management. in raising public awareness in waste management, law enforcement is needed. therefore law is a means in which values and concepts of justice, truth, social benefit and so on are contained (hr, 2011). so that the existence of law enforcement is an activity of harmonizing the relationships of values that are outlined in the values / views that are solid and embody actions and attitudes as a series of value translation of the final stage to create (as "social engineering"), maintain and maintain (as "social control". ") peace in social life (hr, 2011). in addition, environmental law enforcement is an act and / or process of coercion to comply with the law based on the provisions of statutory regulations and / or environmental requirements (arifin, 2012). so that environmental law enforcement in the field of waste management is an effort to apply positive law in people's lives so that law no. 18 of 2008 concerning waste management and local regulations regarding waste management which aim to maintain and maintain environmental conditions so that people get a good and healthy environment. application of law no. 18 of 2008 regarding waste management regarding waste management is deemed not yet effective. the high amount of plastic waste in the coastal coast area is an important note for the waste problem in buton regency. one of the issues in the spotlight is the aspect of law enforcement. enforceability of law is determined by (a) the availability of sanctions that can have a deterrent effect; (b) the availability of 3 (three) types of sanctions, consisting of administrative, criminal and civil sanctions; (c) the availability of a public complaint mechanism and its follow-up on violations of rights experienced by the community; (d) availability of a regulatory oversight mechanism against environmental requirements; (e) the availability of special institutions and apparatuses to supervise compliance, investigate, investigate, prosecute, even court. it is the authority of local governments to impose sanctions on businesses and individuals who do not manage waste properly. this authority is regulated in article 29 paragraph (4) district / city regional regulations as referred to in paragraph (3) may stipulate imprisonment or fines for violating the provisions referred to in paragraph (1) letter e, letter f, and letter g. this provision gives full authority to regions to form regional regulations that can have a clear effect on companies or individuals. abdul, the community of wasuemba village, said that the plastic waste that had accumulated on the wasumbe coast was caused by a lack of public awareness of the importance of protecting the environment. in addition, based on tracing legal documents in the buton regency legal information document network (jdih), the local government does not yet have a regional regulation regarding waste management. buton regency only has perda no. 6/2012 on garbage retribution. this is a problem that makes law enforcement weak. meanwhile, the waste management law mandates local governments to draft local regulations regarding waste management. according to mr. abdul, the village government should have a regulation at the village level to regulate criminal sanctions to have a clear effect, so that people no longer throw their garbage everywhere. in line with mr. abdul, la suri, a resident of wasuemba village, said that there are no regulations in the region or in the village regarding the sanctions that are accepted for littering randomly. in addition, la suri said that wasuemba village does not yet have a garbage collection bin. based on the search for legal documents and the results of the interview, it points to the problem of law enforcement related to plastic jurnal hukum volkgeist la gurusi. 5(1): 94-103 100 waste pollution in coastal areas because there are no regulations at the regional level or village regulations. meanwhile, the garbage law has authorized local governments to formulate regulations at the level of a perda to regulate waste management as well as sanctions against actors who dispose of waste inappropriately. 3.2 factors that influence law enforcement indonesia as a rule of law requires law enforcement in all aspects, including law enforcement in the field of waste management. in essence, law enforcement actually lies in the factors that influence it. lawrence m. friedman, as quoted by yuliana, said that the effectiveness and success of law enforcement depends on the three elements of the legal system, namely the legal structure (legal structure), legal substance, and legal culture. this legal structure concerns law enforcement officers, the substance of the law includes statutory instruments and legal culture is the living law of the community. to be able to analyze matters relating to the implementation of the death penalty that are not in accordance with the applicable provisions when viewed from the indonesian legal system (yuliana, 2016). weak law enforcement in the context of plastic waste pollution in wasuemba village cannot be separated from these three elements. a. legal substance the legal substance used as a reference in law enforcement efforts against plastic waste pollution in buton regency still uses the provisions of article 29 paragraph (1) of law no. 18 of 2008 confirms that everyone is prohibited from: a. importing waste into the territory of the republic of indonesia; b. importing waste; c. mixing waste with hazardous and toxic waste; d. managing waste that causes environmental pollution and / or damage; e. dispose of waste not in a place that has been determined and provided; f. carry out waste handling by open disposal at the final processing site; and / or g. burning waste that does not comply with the technical requirements for waste management. criminal provisions relating to waste management are regulated in chapter xv of law no. 18 of 2008 as follows: article 39 (1) any person who unlawfully imports and / or imports household waste and / or household waste type into the territory of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia is punishable by imprisonment for a minimum of 3 (three) years and a maximum of 9 (nine). years and a fine of at least idr 100,000,000 (one hundred million rupiah) and a maximum of idr 3,000,000,000.00 (three billion rupiah); (2) anyone who illegally imports and / or imports specific waste into the territory of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia is punished with imprisonment for a minimum of 4 (four) years and a maximum of 12 (twelve) years and a fine of at least rp 200,000,000. , 00 (two hundred million rupiah) and a maximum of rp.5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiah); art 40 jurnal hukum volkgeist la gurusi. 5(1): 94-103 101 (1) a waste manager who violates the law and deliberately carries out waste management activities without paying attention to the norms, standards, procedures or criteria that can cause public health problems, security problems, environmental pollution, and / or environmental destruction shall be punished with imprisonment at the most. for a short period of 4 (four) years and a maximum of 10 (ten) years and a fine of at least rp. 100,000,000.00 (one hundred million rupiah) and a maximum of rp. 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiah). (2) if the criminal act as referred to in paragraph (1) results in a death or serious injury, the waste manager is threatened with imprisonment for a minimum of 5 (five) years and a maximum of 15 (fifteen) years and a fine of at least rp 100,000,000 (one hundred million rupiah) and a maximum of rp.5,000,000,000 (five billion rupiah). article 41 (1) a waste manager who due to his negligence carries out waste management activities without paying attention to norms, standards, procedures, or criteria that can cause public health problems, security problems, environmental pollution, and / or environmental destruction shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 3 (three). ) years and a maximum fine of rp. 100,000,000.00 (one hundred million rupiah). (2) if the criminal offense as referred to in paragraph (1) results in a death or serious injury, the waste manager is threatened with imprisonment for a maximum of 5 (five) years and a maximum fine of rp. 500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiah). the aforementioned provision does not contain any sanctions for the actions contained in the provisions of article 29 paragraph (1) letter e which states that everyone is prohibited from throwing garbage not in a designated and provided place. of course, this provision has both criminal and administrative consequences. however, in the provisions of law no. 18 of 2008 does not state either explicitly or implicitly the sanctions that can be imposed on people who commit the act of throwing garbage out of place. this weakness is that the buton regency area should make a regional regulation regarding waste management and include criminal and administrative sanctions for the actions of people who throw garbage in the sea. as contained in article 29 paragraph (3) and (4) that further provisions regarding the prohibition as referred to in paragraph (1) letter e, letter f, and letter g are regulated by regency / city regional regulations. (4) district / city regional regulations as referred to in paragraph (3) may impose imprisonment or fines for violating the provisions referred to in paragraph (1) letter e, letter f, and letter g. b. legal structure the legal structure is a pattern that shows how the law is carried out according to its formal provisions (yuliana, 2016). this structure can see how the pattern of law enforcement, such as how the courts, law makers and legal process bodies work properly. if we can talk about the legal structure here then we will look at law enforcement institutions such as police, prosecutors, courts and correctional institutions. law enforcement in indonesia is highly dependent on law enforcement officials, including the national police, the attorney general's office, the judiciary and related law enforcement agencies as pillars in implementing law enforcement (ansori, 2017). the damage to ecosystems in coastal areas due to plastic waste is not a priority problem for buton regency to overcome. even though plastic waste has become a global problem, it must be tackled together and requires the cooperation of the central and jurnal hukum volkgeist la gurusi. 5(1): 94-103 102 regional governments. likewise, enforcement agencies that are authorized by law to carry out prevention and law enforcement against environmental pollution caused by plastic waste. the weak role of legal institutions is inseparable from the extent of the legal area based on law no. 18 of 2008. c. legal culture legal culture is not just a tool to be used for a specific purpose but is a tradition, an object of exchange of values that is not neutral and influences socio-culture. in addition to the legal substance and legal structure, this legal culture can also be a measure of how law enforcement is effective or not. the law itself is formed from values that are alive and well believed by the community. so that the failure of law enforcement that currently exists is not in accordance with the laws that live in society. legal law is divided into 2 (two), namely (friedman, 2010): a. internal legal culture (legal culture) owned by law enforcement officials (legal structure) b. external legal culture (legal culture) of society in general. basically, legal culture is greatly influenced by information obtained by the community. the people of wasuemba village still think that garbage is placed in the sea for practical reasons and that their house is close to the beach. so that in order to change the legal culture of the community and know the importance of protecting the marine ecosystem, there is still a need for socialization. 5. conclusion one of the issues in the spotlight is the aspect of law enforcement. enforceability of law is determined by (a) the availability of sanctions that can have a deterrent effect; (b) the availability of 3 (three) types of sanctions, consisting of administrative, criminal and civil sanctions; (c) availability of a public complaint mechanism and its follow-up on violations of rights experienced by the community; (d) availability of a regulatory oversight mechanism against environmental requirements; (e) the availability of special institutions and apparatuses to supervise compliance, investigate, investigate, prosecute, even court. it is the authority of local governments to impose sanctions on businesses and individuals who do not manage waste properly. this authority is regulated in article 29 paragraph (4) district / city regional regulations as referred to in paragraph (3) may stipulate imprisonment or fines for violating the provisions referred to in paragraph (1) letter e, letter f, and letter g. this provision gives full authority to regions to form regional regulations that can have a clear effect on companies or individuals. weak law enforcement in the context of plastic waste pollution in wasuemba village is inseparable from the three elements, namely the substance of the law, legal structure and legal culture. references ansori, l. 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(2016). dampak pelaksanaan hukuman mati terhadap kondisi kejiwaan terpidana mati di indonesia. indonesian journal of criminal law studies (ijcls), 1(1). jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 2, 2021 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 130 responsiveness of criminal law to skimming crimes in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 (four point zero) ahmad suryadi1 abstract author’s information: this study aims to: 1)analyze and understand the responsiveness of criminal law in entering the era of industrial revolution 4.0 (four point zero), 2)enforcement of criminal law in cyber crime, criminal acts in cyber crime, criminal responsibility of cybe r crime perpetrators. this research is normative-empirical research which is basically a merger between normative legal approach with the addition of empirical elements as the implementation of normative law in its action on every legal event that occurs i n society. the results of this study show that cyber crime is a special crime. cyber crime has the intent as a crime in the realm of computer technology and internet networks as targets. the basis of law enforcement considerations in cyber crime is based o n law no. 11 of 2008 concerning information and electronic transactions in the act as amended into law no. 19 of 2016 on information and electronic transactions (ite) on information and electronic transactions. criminal liability for perpetrators of cyber crime crimes always pay attention to the enactment of law no. 11 of 2008 on information and electronic transactions in as amended into law no. 19 of 2016 on information and electronic transactions (ite) on information and electronic transactions and pay attention to the methods of criminal law. in the process of law enforcement on cyber crime must always prioritize legal certainty as a form to provide protection and security in the process of transactions through the internet for the public at large. keywords: cyber crime, cyber law, enforcement law. 1fa culty of la w, ha sa nuddin university, indonesia , ema il: (a rdisa ucy12@gma il.com ) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.84 5 1 introduction without being misled, the state is obligated to offer protection to all its inhabitants. because protection of citizens entails not just security but also protection from poverty, the state is also obligated to advance the general welfare (salam, 2018) the development and advancement of information technology globally has a wide impact in the midst of national and international public life. law in its development is not only used t o regulate the behavior that already exists in society and maintain existing patterns of habits (supriyanto, 2019) these advances have not only created trade using electronic commerce, so as to indirectly obliterate the concept of conventional buying and selling, but also has raised public concerns and fears about the negative excesses of the technology, such as crimes against credit cards or anjung tunai mandiri (atm), data transactions and threats of information technology power in lieu of human power in the world of work is like the rise in online shopping. mailto:ardisaucy12@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i2.846 jurnal hukum volkgeist ahmad suryadi. 5(2): 130-142 131 in this case the government has responded by creating and establishing law no. 11 of 2008 on information and electronic transactions as amended to law no. 19 of 2016 on information and electronic transactions (ite). the presence of this law proves that the government of indonesia must follow the flow of globalization in all fields, including in electronic transactions that are clearly different from the legal actions in general. the enactment of this law also answers legal challenges in cyberspace or cyber law that have not been specifically regulated in indonesia. in a good system there should be no opposition (salam, 2020) with the enactment of law no. 11 of 2008 on information and electronic transactions as amended into law no. 19 of 2016 on information and electronic transactions (ite) brings logical consequences in the body of law enforcement institutions in indonesia. momentum is that the law should be enforced from the general public (ilham, 2019) this new law requires law enforcement who fully understand and master information technology comprehensively in carrying out tasks in the future. this is because the actions that used to be conventionally feel easy to solve, but the challenges of the tasks ahead must be faced with a legal action that can only be felt as a result without knowing who the perpetrator is and where the action is done. the legal action takes place in the cyber world. law no. 19 of 2016 on information and electronic transactions, n.d.) criminal justice subsystems such as police, prosecutors, judiciary, correctional institutions and advocates must reposition themselves. various efforts made by law enforcers with the existence of cases. (herlina sulaiman, 2019) their professionalism is highly demanded in completing the difficult tasks in the field of law going forward. for in their hands is the legal certainty (legal certainty) can be realized for the seekers of justice on the earth (justice for all). in addition to repositioning rather than law enforcement in entering the industrial revolution 4.0 regulation and other legal institutions must also be renewed as an effort to answer the challenges of the times, the development of globalization forces us into the competition thegnology that consequently in criminal law is a matter of challenge locus delicti and tempos delicti. locus delicti, which means location or place, in terms of the enactment of criminal law seen in terms of the location of the occurrence of criminal acts. meanwhile, tempus delicti is the time of the crime (prasetyo, 2017). in addition, the determination of an act that is considered unlawful will have difficulty because it will be difficult to determine the act as a criminal act or an act as a business effort. actus reus (physical element) and mens rea (mental element). the actus reus element is the essence of the crime itself or the act committed, while the element mens rea is the mental attitude of the perpetrator at the time of doing the deed. this will make it difficult for law enforcement to identify an act that is considered against the law if its regulation and legal structure do not lead to crimes in the tech world. in addition, existing legal norms cannot be considered to fully meet the dimensions of law enforcement related to the problem of technological crimes, it will make the handling and settlement of criminal acts sluggish and difficult. when faced with the problem of crime that occurs and causes losses due to the development of such technology. then if law enforcement does not understand this, it can have an impact on an injustice in law enforcement. therefore, preventive measures are needed that seek to enable law enforcement in the future to be able to understand the development of technology in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. jurnal hukum volkgeist ahmad suryadi. 5(2): 130-142 132 not only until there are various crimes in criminal law committed by humans by using information technology systems wrongly. the tendency of people who use ecommerce is also vulnerable to the crime of skimming, therefore it is necessary to be careful in using electronic transaction tools so that we do not let our guard down and become victims of skimming, in this case exemplified the enforcement of tickets with electronic ticket system (e-ticket) in the aviation business globally is a clear example and provides convenience for consumers. similarly, the det ermination of contracts by the parties is simply done through cyberspace by affixing an electronic signature, which is a signature consisting of electronic information attached, associated or related to other electronic information used as a means of verif ication and authentication. in the end the era of disruption left a lot of homework for experts and law enforcement in indonesia who demanded a high level of professionalism and reliable with the mastery of soft skills such as computers and english. challenges or challenges are not something that must be avoided but must be faced in the right way and strategy, so that all get space in the science of law as implementative legal certainty. 2. methods 2.1.research type the type of research to be conducted using normative-empirical legal methods. normative research is based on normative legal science in the law, comparative laws, prevailing principles and theories that exist related to. while empirical based on facts and reality that occur (dawn, 2010) 2.2 types of legal materials a. primary legal materials primary legal materials that are authoritative or have authority consisting of legislation in law no. 1 of 1946 concerning criminal law regulations, law no. 8 of 1981 on criminal procedural law, law no. 2 of 2002 concerning the state police of the republic of indonesia, law no. 16 of 2004 concerning the attorney general of the republic of indonesia, law no. 8 of 2004 on general justice, law no. 11 of 2008 has been amended to law no. 19 of 2016 on information and electronic transactions,, official records or treatises as well as the judge's decision on decision no. 282/pid.sus/2020/pn. mks. b. skunder legal materials secondary legal materials are derived from books, legal dictionaries, legal journals, dissertations, theses, articles, legal expert opinions and other documents that include secondary legal material by adding empirical elements in analyzingthem. 2.3 legal material the technique of collecting legal materials in the writing of this thesis is through library research and legal documentation to obtain primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. literature research is carried out by collecting, reading, and tracing a number of books, articles, legal journals, laws and regulations, judges' decisions or other literature by looking at the facts that occur as empirical elements relevant to the title of this thesis. data collection techniques used in this study is to use interview techniques, namely conducted direct interviews with respondents who are expected to provide input and explanation on the issue properly andcorrectly (salam, 2017) jurnal hukum volkgeist ahmad suryadi. 5(2): 130-142 133 legal materials obtained normatively-empirically through research activities both primary legal materials and secondary legal materials or facts and events that occur in society are analyzed qualitatively. quality data analysis is descriptive data management that starts from the basics of general knowledge and then examines things of a special nature. then from the analysis process is drawn an analysis and conclusions. then presented in a way that explains and describes according to the problems associated with writing this thesis. 3. result 3.1 material criminal law enforcement against skimming crimes in cyber crime in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 (four point zero) cyber crime or cybercrime a term that refers to criminal activity with a computer or computer network being a tool, target or place of occurrence of a crime. these include online auction fraud, cheque fraud, credit carding fraud, confidence fraud, identity fraud, child pornography, skimming, and others (sodiki, n.d.) regulation of cyber crime to bring legal certainty to achieve the interests of the legal objectives itself. the purpose of the law is the direction or objective to be realized by using the law as a tool in realizing that goal in the order of governing society. the purpose of law in general or the purpose of law universally, can be seen from three conventional traditions (ali, 2008) : a) ethical flow the purpose of the law is solely to achieve justice determined by ethical beliefs about fair and unjust. the law aims to neutralize or realize justice. b) utilistic flow the purpose of the law is solely to create the greatest benefit or happiness for people and citizens in the largest number (practical moral teachings). c) dogmatic juridical tradition the purpose of the law is solely to create legal certaint y, because with the certainty of the law, the function of the law can run and be able to maintain order. legal certainty is an absolute requirement of every rule, the issue of justice and the usefulness of the law is not the principal reason of the purpose of the law but the important thing is legal certainty. on the fact that there has been a positive law that applies to indonesia responds to this by making a special rule to limit the possibilities of crimes that can occur in cyberspace by enacting law no. 11 of 2008 on information and electronic transactions which is then in amendment to law no. 19 of 2016 on information and electronic transactions with the basic application of theology of legal certainty . structurally in this law there are 9 acts that are prohibited starting from article 27 to article 35 of l aw no. 19 of 2016 on information and electronic transactions with the following primary norms (law no. 19 of 2016 on information and electronic transactions, n.d.) : 1) article 27: prohibition of distributing, transmitting, making accessible electronic information and/or electronic documents. 2) article 28: fake news 3) article 29: threats of violence or scaremongering jurnal hukum volkgeist ahmad suryadi. 5(2): 130-142 134 4) article 30: accessing the electronic systems of others 5) article 31: interception or wiretapping 6) article 32: prohibition of changes in electronic information and/or electronic documents 7) article 33: interfering with electronic systems 8) article 34: prohibition of facilitating electronic software and/or passwords 9) article 35: falsification of electronic documents in part of the research results in a criminal act contained in the ite law specif ically question the crime of skimming. skimming is theft of bank data with the aim of harming the owner of bank or bank data. the culprit is called a skimmer. skimming is one of the crimes in cyber crime. this crime is committed through a network of comput er systems, both local and global, by utilizing technology, by illegally copying the information contained in the magnetic stripe of atm cards to have control over the victim's account. these cyber crime actors have a high capability background in their field making it difficult to track and eradicate them completely. skimming is the activity of doubling the information contained in magnetic stripes contained on credit cards and atms / debits illegally. this means that skimming is an activity related to the perpetrator's attempt to illegally steal data from the magnetic tape of an atm/debit card to have control over the victim's account. several cases of skimming crimes that occurred in indonesia such as skimming crimes that occurred in the jurisdiction of mapolda metro jaya jakarta in 2018 that arrested a bank break-in plot with suspects named caitanovici andrean stepen, raul kalai, lonel robert lupu and ferenc hugyec each from hungary, bulgaria, romania by carrying out their crimes in almost 64 countries in a row and arrested in crimes in the region indonesian law. the perpetrators of skimming crimes are entangled with article 263 of the criminal code, 363 of the criminal code and article 46 of law no. 19 of 2016 and article 3, 4, 5 of law no. 8 of 2010 concerning money laundering crimes all of his crimes using the same mode by pairing chips or cameras and skimmers on atm machines, according to the police statement of this conspiracy to rake in billions of rupiah from skimming crimes. a. skimming crimes in the criminal code does not regulate the crime of skimming. however, delik in skimming crimes can be qualified in article 362 and article 263 of the penal code as theft and forgery of letters. however, with the existence of information and electronic transactions and considering the principle of lex specialis derogate legi generalis then against the perpetrators of skimming crimes can be imposed under law no. 11 of 2008 which has been amended law no. 19 of 2016 on electronic transactions and information. skimming criminals are ensnared by article 30 paragraph 1 (law no. 19 of 2016 on information and electronic transactions, n.d.), paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of the ite law, article 31 paragraph 1 and article 32 of the electronic transactions and information act and based on law no. 8 of 2010 concerning the prevention and eradication of money laundering crimes for which skimming criminals are entangled with article 3, article 4, and article 5. in addition, the act of accessing the perpetrators of skimming crimes can be said to have interacted with computer systems and/or electronic systems belonging to the bank issuing debit/credit cards in which they store electronic data belonging to customers of a personal nature in any way. the definition of personal data in article 1 number 27 of government regulation 82 of 2012 concerning the implementation of electronic systems and transactions is certain individual data that jurnal hukum volkgeist ahmad suryadi. 5(2): 130-142 135 is stored, maintained, and maintained to the truth and protected by confidentiality. (pratiwi, 2019) b. responsibility for skimming crimes the elements that must be fulfilled in the accountability of criminal acts are, namely, the ability to distinguish between good and bad deeds that are in accordance with the law and those that are against the law and the ability to determine their will according to the intuition of good and bad deeds. the element is deliberately attached to the element against the law that can be qualified as an error because the act of accessing information or documents contained in the debit/credit card is a banking secret to protect the cardholder as referred to in government regulation no. 82 of 2012 concerning implementation of electronic systems and transactions as well as bank indonesia regulation number 14/2/pbi/2012 concerning amendments to bank indonesia regulation no. 11/11/pbi/2009 concerning the implementation of payment instrument activities by card. elements of unlawful nature are an absolute element in criminal acts. the existence of such elements can be known from certain behaviors, certain circumstances, or certain consequences that are prohibited or required. (pratiwi, 2019) the concept of deliberate and unlawful skimming is important in legal practice regarding the application of article 30 paragraph (2), article 31 paragraph (1) and article 32 paragraph (1), paragraph (2) of the information and electronic transactions act. deliberately according to the indonesian penal code means a conscious will intended to commit certain crimes. the phrase requires it to be known or to know that the act can cause consequences as intended by the perpetrator. the act of accessing by the perpetrator of skimming crimes can be said to have interacted with computer systems and/or electronic systems belonging to the bank issuing debit/credit cards in which they store electronic data belonging to customers of a personal nat ure in any way. the definition of personal data in article 1 number 27 of government regulation 82 of 2012 concerning the implementation of electronic systems and transactions is certain individual data that is stored, maintained, and maintained to the truth and protected by confidentiality. the way that the perpetrator uses a skimmer to copy electronic data on the card is included in the element of article 30 paragraph (3) because it has tried to break through the security system at the atm machine. provisions based on article 30, article 31 or article 32 contain the meaning of the law, that the data or information that is the result of accessing is given to the rightful, then it can not be prosecuted criminal liability because it is not qualified as a delik, even if the data or information accessed belongs to others. note the meaning of the word in article 32 paragraph (1) specifically on how to "change, add, reduce, transmit, damage, eliminate, transfer, conceal an electronic information and/or electronic document. it should be understood that the elements contained in the article are alternative, so that it can be proven one element or part or all of the elements. if it is associated with the crime of skimming then the way used is to transmit, and move. while in article 32 paragraph 2 using the meaning of transferring or transferring electronic information and /or electronic documents, the explanation in article 32 has said quite clearly, while the institution of criminal responsibility teaches must be clear and the perpetrator understands the allegations brought against him. the act of accessing the offender with the purpose of obtaining data or electronic documents and transferring electronic information and/or electronic documents to his or her electronic system and or others by sending the transmission to an unauthorized person, then transferring or transferring into another blank card / bodong and used to conduct electronic transactions, with the utilization carried out by the plegen, and or doen plegen or medeplegen. losses jurnal hukum volkgeist ahmad suryadi. 5(2): 130-142 136 to the cardholder/customer and the bank. perpetrators of skimming crimes in the formulation of article 30 paragraph (1), paragraph (2), paragraph (3), article 31 paragraph (1) and article 32 due to the act of accessing are subject to criminal sanctions as stipulated in article 46 paragraph (1), paragraph (2), and paragraph (3) of the ite law. if the objective and subjective elements in article 30, article 31 or 32 of the ite law can be proven that the perpetrator committed a mistake or caused harm, then it will be penalized as stipulated in article 46 if it is proven to violate article 30, article 47 if it is proven to violate article 31 or article 48 if it violates article 32 and the imposition of this criminal sanction is a criminal liability for the perpetrators of skimming crimes. in the law ite does not clearly regulate anyone who can be said to be the perpetrator, so that the understanding of a person is considered as an offender in order to be punished following the regulation in article 55 paragraph (1) 1e of the criminal code, namely the person who commits a criminal event including the person who did, who ordered to do, or participated in the act.(soerodibroto, n.d.) c. crimes against skimming criminals the regulation on criminal offences for skimming crimes can be reviewed from several laws, namely the criminal code, law no. 11 of 2008 as amended to law no. 19 of 2016 on information and electronic transactions (ite). in the criminal code of prosecution against the type of acts committed by a person is regulated in a rticle 10 of the criminal code, namely: criminal consists of: 1. principal criminal a. death penalty b. prison sentence c. confinement d. fines 2.additional criminal a. revocation of certain rights b. confiscation of certain items c. announcement of judge's decision law no. 11 of 2008 as amended into law no. 19 of 2016 on information and electronic transactions (ite) on information and electronic transactions of skimming crimes is qualified to enter into: article 30 of the ite law, namely: 1) any person knowingly and without right or against the law accesses another person's computer and/or electronic system in any way. 2) any person willfully and without right or against the law accesses a computer and/or electronic system in any way for the purpose of obtaining electronic information and/or electronic documents. 3) any person knowingly and without right or against the law accesses a computer and/or electronic system in any way by breaching, breaking through, exceeding, or breaching the security system. jurnal hukum volkgeist ahmad suryadi. 5(2): 130-142 137 article 31 of the ite law is: any person willfully and without right or against the law interception or interception of electronic information and/or electronic documents in a particular computer and/or electronic system belonging to another person. article 32 of the ite law is: 1) any person willfully and without right or against the law in any way alters, adds, reduces, transmits, damages, removes, transfers, conceals any electronic information and/or electronic documents belonging to others or public property. 2) any person willfully and without right or against the law in any way transfer or transfer electronic information and/or electronic documents to another person's electronic system that is not entitled to 3) the act as referred to in paragraph 1 which results in the opening of an electronic information and/or electronic documents that are confidential becomes accessible to the public with improper data integrity. the three articles governing the crime of skimming, namely article 30, article 31 and article 32 are prohibited acts under the ite law. the criminal provisions governing skimming crimes, namely article 46 regulates the provisions of criminal acts stipulated in article 30 paragraph 1, paragraph 2 and paragraph 3, article 47 regulates the criminal provisions against acts stipulated in article 31 paragraph 1, article 48 regulates the criminal provisions against acts regulated in article 32 paragraph 1 , paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of law no. 19 of 2016 on information and electronic transactions (ite) on electronic information and transactions. article 46 is: 1) every person who fulfills the elements as referred to in article 30 paragraph (1) shall be penalized with a maximum imprisonment of 6 (six) years and/or a maximum fine of rp600,000,000.00 (six hundred million rupiahs). 2) every person who fulfills the elements as referred to in article 30 paragraph (2) shall be penalized with a maximum imprisonment of 7 (seven) years and/or a maximum fine of rp700,000,000.00 (seven hundred million rupiahs). 3) every person who fulfills the elements as referred to in article 30 paragraph (3) shall be penalized with a maximum imprisonment of 8 (eight) years and/or a maximum fine of rp800,000,000.00 (eight hundred million rupiahs). article 47 is: 1) every person who fulfills the elements as referred to in article 31 paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) shall be penalized with a maximum imprisonment of 10 (ten) years and/or a maximum fine of rp800,000,000.00 (eight hundred million rupiahs). 2) article 48 is: 3) every person who fulfills the elements as referred to in article 32 paragraph (1) shall be penalized with a maximum imprisonment of 8 (eight) years and/or a maximum fine of rp2,000,000,000.00 (two billion rupiahs). 4) every person who fulfills the elements as referred to in article 32 paragraph (2) shall be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 9 (nine) years and/or a maximum fine of rp3,000,000,000.00 (three billion rupiahs). jurnal hukum volkgeist ahmad suryadi. 5(2): 130-142 138 5) every person who fulfills the elements as referred to in article 32 paragraph (3) shall be penalized with a maximum imprisonment of 10 (ten) years and/or a maximum fine of rp5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiah). 3.2 criminal law responsiveness as ius constituendum against skimming crimes in cyber crime in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 (four point zero) the era of globalization and information technology has an influence on the emergence of various forms of crime that are new(cybercrime),is a phenomenon that requires rapid and accurate countermeasures. changes to some provisions contained in the criminal code is one of the ways that can be used to overcome a new type of crime(cybercrime) (maskun, 2013) based on the description above so that in the efforts to responsiveness of criminal law as ius constituendum against skimming crimes in cyber crime in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 ( fourt point zero) which is basically about criminal material law that substantively has obtained the legal basis of law no. 11 of 2008 as amended into law no. 19 of 2016 on information and electronic transactions (ite) on information and transactions electronic. in other efforts regarding the responsiveness of criminal law as ius constituendum against skimming crimes in cyber crime in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 ( fourt point zero) divides on the main part: a. criminal conduct in this perspective the term criminal conduct is stated in the budapest convention, the cybercrime convention held for european countries in 2001. in this case criminal conduct is included in the penal policy which is a science as well as an art that ultimately has a practical purpose to enable positive legal regulations to be formulated better and to provide guidelines not only to lawmakers, but also to courts that apply the law and also to the organizers or executors of court decisions. therefore, in other words "crime prevention policy with criminal law" can be called criminalization policy, where in this process (criminalization) using criminal means. with regard to the policy of criminalization of cyber crime in the context of the upcoming criminal law (ius constituendum), then first of all, the form of regulation must be determined. there are several options in regulating or approaching the criminalization of cyber crime, namely: 1) integrated into the codification (criminal code) by: adding, silicating or meruba or updating the articles in the criminal code. 2) special law, a special arrangement is required if cyber crime is considered a new category of crime that requires a new and comprehensive legal framework to address the special nature of emerging technologies and new challenges that do not exist in ordinary crimes, and therefore need to be regulated separately outside the criminal code. in the field of public law, especially the criminal tradition of continental law seems more prominent in the practice and development of legal science. therefore, the development of arrangements on the issue of cyber crime crimes is more appropriate when using integrative approaches with arrangements in the criminal code either through security or comprehensive changes in the criminalcode. the policy of criminalization against cyber crime has been pursued in the concept of a new criminal code bill (concept of september 2019), the draft law on information and electronic transactions and criminal acts in the field of information technology. in the draft law of the criminal code regulates regulations that support the policy of criminalization of cyber crime. this is seen in several conditions (design criminal) : jurnal hukum volkgeist ahmad suryadi. 5(2): 130-142 139 draft law of the criminal code in book i a. article 158. the definition of a term, electronic information is a set or set of electronic data, including but not limited to writing, sound, images, maps, designs, photographs, exchanging data electronically, telegrams, remote copying or the like, letters, signs, numbers, access codes, symbols, or perforations that have meaning or can be understood by people who are able to understand it. b. article 164. the definition of a term, a computer is a tool for processing electronic, magnetic, optical, or system data that performs logical, arithmetic, and storage functions c. article 171. the definition of the term, login is including accessing the computer or logging into the computer system. draft law of the criminal code in book ii 1. article 336. any person who uses or accesses a computer or electronic system in any way without the right with a view to obtaining, altering, damaging, or omitting information in a computer or electronic system shall be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 4 (four) years or a maximum fine of category v 2. article 337. sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 7 (seven) years or a maximum fine of category vi, any person who: a) without the right to use, access a computer, or electronic system in any way, with the intention of obtaining, altering, damaging, or omitting national defense information or international relations that may cause interference or harm to the country or its relationship with the subject of international law b) without the right to take action that causes the transmission of programs, information, codes or commands of state-protected computers or electronic systems to be corrupted c) without the right or exceed its authority to use or access computers or electronic systems, both from within and outside the country to obtain information from computers or electronic systems protected by the state d) without the right to use or access government-owned computers or electronic systems e) without the right or exceeding its authority to use or access state-protected computers or electronic systems, resulting in such computers or electronic systems becoming corrupted f) without the right or exceed its authority to use or access computers or electronic systems protected by the public, resulting in such computers or electronic systems becoming corrupted g) affect or cause disruption of computers or electronic systems used by the government h) disseminate, trade, or utilize access codes or information similar to it, which may be used to breach a computer or electronic system for the purpose of abusing a computer or electronic system used or protected by the government i) commit acts in the framework of international relations with the intention of damaging computers or other electronic systems that are state protected and located in the jurisdiction of indonesia and addressed to anyone; or jurnal hukum volkgeist ahmad suryadi. 5(2): 130-142 140 j) commit acts in the framework of international relations with the intention of damaging computers or other electronic systems that are state protected and located in the jurisdiction of indonesia and addressed to anyone. 3. article 338. sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 10 (ten) years or a maximum fine of category vi, any person who: a) without the right or exceed its authority to use or access computers or electronic systems with the intention of obtaining profits or obtaining financial information from central banks, banking institutions or financial institutions, credit card issuers, or payment cards or containing data on their customer statements b) without the right to use data or access in any way another person's credit card or payment card in electronic transactions to gain profit c) without the right or exceed its authority to use or access the computers or electronic systems of central banks, banking institutions or financial institutions protected, with the intention of abusing, or to benefit from it; or d) disseminate, trade, or utilize access codes or information similar to those that may be used to breach computers or electronic systems with the intent of abusing which could consequently affect the electronic systems of central banks, banking institutions or financial institutions, as well as businesses at home and abroad. 4. article 339. any person without the right to use or access a computer or electronic system in any way, with the intention of obtaining, altering, damaging, or omitting government-owned information that due to its status must be kept secret or protected shall be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 12 (twelve) years or a maximum fine of category vii. b. international codperation if you pay attention to the pace of development of the times followed by crimes that can occur at any time in cyberspace without knowing locus and tempus a criminal incident ksusnya skimming with internet use it is necessary to feel positive laws that apply in indonesia take an international role in the efforts to respond to criminal law in entering the era 4.0. it considers the development of arrangements made in the convention for cyber crime signed by 30 countries of the council of europe in november 2001 in budapest hunggaria which formulated the category of cyber crime delik into a wider scope: 1) deliberations on the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and computer systems including: accessing computer systems without right s, without the right to capture / hear the transmission and transmission, without the right to damage data, without the right to interfere with the system, misuse equipment. 2) computer-related delik-delik (falsification and fraud with computers 3) delik-delik containing child pornography based on the description above, then seen from the point of criminal law policy (penal policy), criminalization policy is not just a policy of settling / formulating / formulating / formulating what actions can be criminalized (including criminal sanctions), but also covering the issue of how the policy formulation / legislation was prepared in a unified criminal law system (legislative policy) that is harmonious and jurnal hukum volkgeist ahmad suryadi. 5(2): 130-142 141 integrated. in addition, there is a system that can recognize, detect, protect, revive, and there must be a measure of how far the responsiveness of criminal law in the era of globalization. so the science, first, crime with the application or cybersecurity and resilience that will produce its information security. 4. conclusion in part of the research results in a criminal act contained in the ite law specifically question the crime of skimming. this crime is committed through a network of computer systems, both local and global, by utilizing technology, by illegally copying the information contained in the magnetic stripe of atm cards to have control over the victim's account. this means that skimming is an activity related to the perpetrator's attempt to illegally steal data from the magnetic tape of an atm/debit card to have control over the victim's account. several cases of skimming crimes that occurred in indonesia such as skimming crimes that occurred in the jurisdiction of mapolda metro jaya jakarta in 2018 that arrested a bank break-in plot with suspects named caitanovici andrean stepen, raul kalai, lonel robert lupu and ferenc hugyec each from hungary, bulgaria, romania by carrying out their crimes in almost 64 countries in a row and arrested in crimes in the region indonesian law. era of globalization and information technology has influenced the emergence of variousa new 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(2019). the nature of corporate crime in law enforcement of the criminal justice system in indonesia. jurnal hukum volkgeist, 4(1), 17–25. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page146 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan (studi di pengadilan agama pasarwajo) amrun kahar fakultas hukum universitas muhammadiyah buton dosen hukum perdata abstract the presence of a child outside of marriage/marriage will be a matter of sufficient concern for women who give birth to or for local people. this research will be conducted on religious pasarwajo court, is based on the consideration that the data and information necessary and relevant to the issues in the research in, can be poroleh easily. the research results showed that the inheritance of the child outside of marriage based on law no. 1 year 1974 about marriage is a whole child outside mating born outside the marriage provision provision or requirement contained in article 2 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of law number 1 year 1974 about marriage. berdasrkan research results beyond the kawini children of the author, who is not at all in a marriage that is valid not included in the terms of mutual recognition of inherited, except by a man that it was his son who followed by the existence of dna evidence and a blood test based on the decision of the constitutional number mahkama. 46/puu-viii/2010. keywords: inheritance, children outside of marriage, marriage. a. pendahuluan perkawinan merupakan peristiwa penting dalam kehidupan manusia yang menimbulkan akibat hukum baik hubungan antra pihak yang melangsungkan perkawinan itu sendiri, maupun dengan pihak lain yang mempunyai kepentingan tertentu. apabila dari perkawinan itu di lahirkan anak, maka timbullah hubungan hokum antara anak dengan orang tuanya. sebagai warga negara anak berhak tunbuh berkembang sesuai dengan kodratnya sebagai makhluk tuhan. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page147 anak sebagai hasil dari suatu perkawinan merupakan bagian yang sangat penting kedudukannya dalam suatu keluarga. anak sebagai amanah allah swt, maka orang tua mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk mengasuh, mendidik, dan memenuhi keperluan sampai dewasa. berdasarkan pasal 45dan 46 undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan, hubungan hokum antara orang tua dan anak menimbulkan hak dan kewajiban antara keduannya. dalam pasal 45 undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan bahwa orang tua wajib memelihara dan mendidik anak-anak mereka sebaikbaiknya sampai anak itu kawin atau berdiri sendiri. bahwa kewajiban itu berlaku terus meski perkawinan antara kedua orang tua putus. sebaliknya anak mempunyai kewajiban terhadap orang tuanya yang di atur dalam pasal 46, yaitu anak wajib menghormati orang tua dan menaatu kehendak mereka yang baik, dan jika anak telah dewasa ia wajib memelihara menurut kemampuannya. anak juga merupakan ahli waris yang berhak menerima warisan. baik anak laki-laki maupun anak perempuan adalah ahli waris dari orangtuannya, bahkan ia adalah ahli waris yang paling dekat dengan pewaris. anak di golongkan menjadi 2 (dua) yaitu anak sah dan anak diluar nikah/kawin. pasal 42 undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan, menyatakan bahwa anak sah adalah anak yang di lahirkan dalam atau sebagai akibat perkawinan yang sah dan pasal 43 ayat (1) undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan menegaskan bahwa anak di luar kawin hanya mempunyai hubungan perdata dengan ibunya dan keluarga ibunya. anak yang lahir dalam atau sebagai akibat perkawinan yang sah dan hasil pembuatan suami istri yang sah di luar rahim dan di lahikan oleh istri tersebut merupakan anak yang sah sesuai pasal 99 kompilasi hukum islam. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page148 kedudukan dan status anak dapat di lihat dari sah atau tidaknya suatu perkawinan yang langsungkan oleh kedua orang tuanya. dalam hokum nasional di jelaskan bahwa suatu perkawinan yang sah apabila dicatatkan di lembaga atau instansi yang berwewenang mencatatkan nikah. sedangkan dalam hokum islam, suatu perkawinan yang sah apabila sudah memenuhi syarat dan rukun nikah. pandangan hukum islam, anak yang di lahirkan di luar perkawinan yang sah namun tidak tercatat dalam kantor urusan agama (kua) namun di kantor catatan sipil merupakan anak sah, karena dalam pandangan hokum islam sekalipun perkawinan itu di sebut nikah sirri tetap perkawinan itu tidak sah, karena sudah memenuhi syarat dan rukun nikah. anak yang di lahirkan “di luar perkawinan”, perkawinannya hanya memenuhi pasal 2 ayat (1) undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 bahwa “perkawinan adalah sah, apabila dilakukan menurut hokum masing-masing agamanya dan kepercayaanya itu”, dan tidak memenuhi pasal 2 ayat (2) undangundang nomor 1 tahun 1974 bahwa “tiap-tiap perkawinan di catat menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. perkawinan yang hanya dilakukan secara agama atau biasanya di sebuh nikah siri tampa adanya percatatan di kantor urusan agama (kua). sedangkan penjelasan pasal 2 ayat (2) undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkainan. perkawinan yang sah adalah perkawinan yang di catatkan. perkawinan yang tidak di catatkan adalah perkawinan yang tidak sah, dan anak yang di lahirkan atas perkawinan tersebut adalah anak tidak sah atau anak di luar kawin. akibat yang timbul dari itu sesuai pasal 43 ayat (1) bahwa anak diluar perkawinan hanya mempunyai hubungan perdata dengan ibunya atau keluarga ibunya. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page149 kehadiran anak diluar nikah/perkawinan akan menjadi masalah yang cukup memprihatinkan bagi wanita yang melahirkan ataupun bagi masyarakat setempat. dimana dengan anak yang dilahirkan dari luar perkawinan itu akan banyak menimbulkan pertentangan-pertentangan dianatara keluarga maupun didalam masyarakat mengenai kedudukan hak dan kewajiban anak tersebut. status sebagai anak yang di lahirkan diluar nikah/perkawinan merupakan suatu masalah bagi anak di luar nikah tersebut, karena mereka tidak mempunyai hak-hak dan kedudukan sebagai anak pada umumnya seperti anak yang sah karena secara hokum mereka hanya memiliki hubungan perdata dengan ibunya dan keluarga ibunya. anak di luar nikah tidak memperoleh hak yang memjadi keqwajiban ayahnya, karena ketidak absahanya pada anak di luar nikah tersebut. permasalahan yang lain kemungkinan terjadi apabila sang ayah dari anak diluar nikah/kawin tersebut meninggal dunia dan meninggalkan anak tersebut dengan ibunya apakah anak tersebut dapat mendapatkan hak-haknya sebagai anak dari ayah boiligisnya. hak-hak dari seorang anak dalam hal ini ialah hak wasis mewarisi antara pewaris yaitu si ayah dan si ahli waris ialah anak. karena bagaimanapun si ayah tersebut berhubungan darah dengan si anak dan tetap menjadi ayah biologis si anak. apakah anak tersebut mendapatkan haknya sebagai anak dari ayah biologisnya atau tidak berhak sama sekali seperti yang tertulis dalam perundang-undangan. b. metode penelitian penelitian ini akan dilakukan pada pengadilan agama pasarwajo, dengan di dasarkan pada pertimbangan bahwa data dan informasi yang dibutuhkan dan relevan issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page150 dengan permasalahan dalam penelitian in, dapat di poroleh dengan mudah. sifat penelitian yang digunakan penulis ialah penelitian yuridis normatif. penelitian yuridis normatif yaitu dengan mengkaji peraturan perundang-undangan, teori-teori hukum dan yurispudensi yang berhubungan dengan permasalahan yang dibahas. c. hasil dan pembahasan 1. hak waris anak diluar nikah sebagai ahli waris berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan di pengadilan agama pasarwajo permasalahan anak diluar nikah tidak hanya sampai pada pengertian dan makna anak luar nikah itu, karena dalam pasal 43 ayat (1) menyebutkan bahwa anak yang di lahirkan diluar perkawinan hanya mempunyai hubungan perdata dengan ibunya dan keluarga ibunya. sedangkan pada putusan mahkama konstitusi no. 46/puu-viii/2010 dikeluarkan pada tanggal 17 februari 2012, berdasarkan permohonan uji materi undangundang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan memutus tentang hak keperdataaan anak luar nikah dengan sang ayah biologisnya, permasalahan selanjutnya bagaimana hak keperdataan yang didapat dari seorang anak luar perkawinan dari sang ayah. mahfud md (media indonesia express kamis, 29/03/2012) menyatakan, hubungan perdata yang di berikan pada anak diluar perkawinan tidak berbentuk nasab, waris, dan wali nika. hak yang dapat dituntut anak di luar nikah/perkawinan yang tidak di atur fiqih antara lain berupa hak menuntut pembiayaan pendidikan, atau hak menuntut ganti rugi karena perbuatan melawan hukum yang merugikan orang lain. intinya adalah hak-hak perdata selain hak nasab, hak waris, wali nikah, atau hak perdata apapun yang tidak terkait dengan prinsip-prinsip munakahat sesuai fiqih. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page151 menurut akil mochtar (http:/irmadevita.com, diunduh 6 oktober 2016) anak yang dilahirkan dalam perkawinan sirri, seharusnya termasuk dalam anak sah karena dengan adanya putusan mahkama konstitusi telah di akui bahwa perkawinan yang di lakukan sesuai dengan syarat-syarat yang di tetapkan oleh agama masing-masing pasangan calon mempelai adalah perkawinan yang sah meskipun perkawinan itu tidak di catat dalam catatan administrasi negara. akan tetapi, dalam prakteknya pada saat melakukan penelitian dari 5 (lima) anak yang dilahirkan dalam perkawinan sirri justru di golongkan dalam anak luar kawin sehingga si anak tidak memperoleh hak-hak keperdataan sebagai mana mestinya. anak dalam akta kelahiran tidak di camtumkan nama bapaknya, singga muncul sigma negatif dalam masyarakat. di tambah lagi berkembangnya praktek dalam masyarakat bahwa kawin sirri merupakan praktek poligami terselubung. pihak laki-laki terutama sering menyangkal adanya perkawinan tersebut sehingga hak-hak anak yang lahir dalam perkawinan tersebut tidak di penuhi. menurut sumber yang tidak mau di sebutkan namanya (wawancara tanggal 5 oktober 2016) bahwa sebenarnya, harta warisan tidak menjadi persoalan, tetapi yang menjadi persoalan adalah pengakuan bahwa anak itu adalah anak ayahnya. lebih lanjut sumber mengatakan bahwa untuk mengurus akta kelahiran saja saat ini harus ada buku nikah kedua orang tua anak. irma devita. (http:/irmadevita.com/2012/perlindungan-anak-luar-kawin-pascaputusanmahkama-konstitusi, diunduh 29 november2016) menjelaskan bahwa dalam kompilasi hukum islam asal usul anak hanya dapat di buktikan dengan akta kelahiran. akta issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page152 tetap pengadilan agama di berikan kewenangan untuk mengeluarkan ketetapan (isbat) bila tidak ada akta kelahiran dari anak tersebut. pengadilan memeriksa asal-usul anak tersebut dengan mendasarkan alat-alat bukti yang sah, seperti keterangan saksi-saksi, tes dna, pengakuan ayah (istilhaq) sumpah ibu dan alat-alat bukti lainya yang sah menurut hukum. menurut umar shihab (majalah konstitusi edisi februari 2012 hal.17) bahwa, putusan mahkama konstitusi no. 46/puuviii/2010 menjelaskan dasar hokum bagi hakim dalam memutus. kalau tes dnanya menyatakan itu ayahnya, maka sang ayah harus bertanggung jawab, anak yang lahir diluar nikah ada dua kemungkinan anak diakui oleh ayahnya atau tidak. kalau ayahnya mengakui maka tidak ada masalah, kalau tidak mengakui maka dibuktikan ke pengadilan, selanjutnya pembuktian di pengadilan yang akan memutuskan nasib anak apakah benar anaknya atau tidak. yaitu dengan menggunakan sarana ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang bersedia dan di akui secara hukum. apun untuk perkawinan sirrim, menurut umar, tidak ada masalah dalam islam. sebab nikah sirri di akui secara sah dalam syariah islam. brdasarkan putusan mahkama konstitusi no. 46/puuviii/2010 anak yang lahir diluar nikah hak-hak wasinya dari ayahnya, seandainya di belakang hari laki-laki mengelak tidak mengakui perkawinan tersebut maka tinggal di buktikan di pengadilan. umar juga mengatakan “bedanya anak yang lahir di luar perkawinan dia tidak mendapat hak waris, tetapi kalau lahir dari nikah sirri maka secara agama tetap dapat hak waris, nasab, nafkah, biaya pendidikan dan sebagainya. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page153 menurut h.m. nurul irfan (http:/ news.detik.com, diunduh tanggal 2 oktober 2016), putusan mahkama konstitusi no. 46/puuviii/2010 menjadilan anak diluar kawin sebagai pihak yang memiliki kedudukan hukum dalam perkara kewarisan di pengadilan dan berhak memperoleh harta warisan ayah biologisnya dengan keharusan mampu membuktikan adanya hubungan darah berdasarkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dan/atau alat bukti lain menurut hukum. sedangkan hj. nurbaya, hakim pengadilan agama pasarwajo (wawancara tanggal 5 oktober 2016 ) berpendapat putusan mahkama konstitusi no. 46/puuviii/2010 tersebut memang mengarah pada pembagian harta ayah kepada anak di luar nikah. tetapi, pembagian harta tidak bias di implementasikan sebagai warisan menurut konsep dasar hukum islam yaitu anak laki-laki mendapat harta dua kali lipat ketimbanganak perempuan. hal tersebut dikarenakan warisan menurut konsep dasar hukum islam memiliki syarat seperti adanya nasab atau hubungan sah menurut perkawinan. nasan adalah keturunan sedarah atau hubungan-hubungan kekerabatan di dalam islam melalui perkawinan yang sah atau melalui pengakuan seorang laki-laki bahwa itu anaknya yang di akuti dengan adanya bukti-bukti dna dan tes darah. selanjutnya hj. nurbaya mengatakan “ kalau mau disingkronisasikan dengan konsep dasar hukum islam jangan di beri nama waris, kalau waris syaratnya harus ada hubungan kekerabatan yang sah. jadi silakan memperoleh hanya tetapi bukan nama waris, misalnya hibah, sedekah, dan lain-lain. sehubungan dengan pembagian hak waris anak diluar nikah pada pengadilan agama pasarwajo belum pernah terjadi atau belum ada kasus. untuk lebih jelasnya hal tersebut di dapat dilihat pada table sebagai berikut: issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page154 tabel i: data hak anak diluar nikah no. kasus jumlah kasus keterangan 1. waris 0 ada hubungan kekerabatan 2. hibah 0 tidak ada hubungan kekerabatan 3. sedekah 0 tidak ada hubungan kekerabatan sumber data: pengadilan agama pasarwajo, tahun 2016 a mukti anto, (http:/badilag.net/data/artikel/diskudi/%20hukum. diunduh 6 oktober 2016) menyebutkan hokum perdata yang timbul akibat dari adanya hubungan dara ini meliputi hubungan hokum, hak dan kewajiban antara anak dengan ayah dan ibunya yang dapat berupa: (1) hubungan nasab, (2) hubungan mahram, (3) hubungan hak dan kewajiban, (4) hubungan kewarisan (saling mewarisi) yang merupakan pelanjutan dari hubungan hak dan kewajiban karean nasab ketika mereka sama masih hidup dan (5) hubungan wali nikah bagi anak perempuan. ahmad rofiq (2003:380) menyebutkan salah satu sabda nabi dalam hadis riwayat muttafaq “alaiha yang di riwayatkan oleh bukhari dan muslim:’ nabi saw bersabda: beriaklah bagian-bagian tertentu kepada orang orang yang berhak”. maka demikian, hubungan waris adalah suatu hokum yang mengatur tentang hak dan kewajiban serta tata cara pembagian harta peninggalan dari seorang yang sudah meninggal(pewaris) kepda issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page155 keluarga dan kerabat-kerabatnya yang di tinggalkan (ahli waris). saling mewarisi terjadi antara pewaris dengan ahli warisnya. proses saling mewarisi tidak sedemikian rupa terjadi dengan sendirinya, ada beberapa sebab-sebab terjadinya saling waris ialah: a) al-qarabah (pertalian darah) sebab saling mewarisi berasal dari hubungan darah, dimana semua ahli waris yang mempunyai hubungan darah mendapatkan bagiannya sesuai dengan dekat jauhnya kekerabatannya. baik itu laki-laki, bahkan bayi yang masih dalam kandungan memiliki hak yang sama dengan orang dewasa. b) al-musahrah (hubungan perkawinan) sebab saling mewarisi al-musahrah berasal dari perkawinan yang sah antara seorang laki-laki dan perempuan, baik menurut hokum agama dan kepercayaan maupun hokum negara yang memyebabkan adanya hubungan saling mewarisi. c) al-wala (memerdekakan hamba sahaya) al-wala adalah hubungan kewarisan karena seorang memerdekakan hamba sahaya, atau melalui perjanjian tolong menolong. laki-laki disebut ma’tiq dan perempuan disebut mu’tiqah. bagiannya 1/6 dari harta waris pewaris. 2. pandangan hukum islam terhadap anak diluar nikah sebagai ahli waris berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1976 tentang perkawinan, pasal 43 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) hanya menyebabkan: (1) anak yang dilahirkan di luar perkawinan hanya mempunyai hubungan perdata dengan ibunya dan keluarga ibunya. (2) kedudukan anak tersebut ayat (1) diatas selanjutnya akan diatur dalam peraturan pemerintah. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page156 anak yang lahir di luar perkawinan hanya mempunyai hubungan nasab dengan ibunya dan keluarga ibunya, hal ini sesuai dengan pasal 100 kompilasi hokum islam. sehubungan dengan hal tersebut kemudian putusan mahkama konstitusi no. 46/puuviii/2010 dikeluarkan pada tanggal 17 februai 2012 berdasarkan permohonan uji materi pasal 2 ayat (2) dan pasal 43 ayat (1) undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan. permohonan mempertanyakan konstitusional pasal 2 ayat (2) dan pasal 43 ayat (1) undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang pekawinan. akibat kedua pasal tersebut, pemohon merasa hak konstitusionalnya dirugikan karena tidak bisa mendapatkan pengesahan status hukum bagi anak pemohon yang merupakan hasil hubungan dari perkawinan sirri. amar putusan mahkama konstitusi no. 46/puuviii/2010 mengabulkan permohonan uji materi pemohon dengan menyatakan: pasal 43 ayat (1) undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 menyebutkan “ anak yang dilahirkan di luar perkawinan mempunyai hubungan perdata dengan ibunya dan keluarga ibunya serta dengan laki-laki sebagai ayahnya yang dapat dibuktikan berdasarkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dan/atau alat bukti lain menurut hukum mempunyai hubungan darah, termasuk hubungan perdata dengan kuluarga ayahnya. dalam putusan mahkama konstitusi berpendapat bahwa “secara alamiah, tidak mungkin seorang perempuan hamil tanpa adanya pertemuan antara ovum dan spermatozoa baik melalu hubungan seksual (coitus) maupun melalui cara lainberdasarkan perkembangan teknologi yang menyebabkan terjadinya pertumbuhan. oleh, karena itu issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page157 tidak tepat dan tidak adil manakala hukum menetapkan bahwa anak yang lahir dari suatu kehamilan karena hubungan seksual diluar perkawinan hanya memiliki hubungan dengan perempuan tersebut sebagai ibunya. adalah tidak tepat dan tidak adil pula jika hukum membebaskan laki-laki yang melakukan hubungan seksual yang menyebabkan terjadinya kehamilan dan kelahiran anak tersebut dari tanggung jawabnya sebagai seorang bapak dan bersamaan dengan itu hukum meniadakan hak-hak anak terhadap lelaki tersebut sebagai bapaknya. lebih-lebih manakala berdasarkan perkembangan teknologi yang ada memungkinkan dapat dibuktikan bahwa seorang anak itu merupakan anak dari laki-laki tertentu. putusan mahkama konstitusi no.46/puu-viii/2010 mengundang kontroversi, ada beberapa pihak yang menganggap putusan mahkama konstitusi itu memberikan jaminan dan perlingdungan terhadap anak di luar perkawinan resmi. padahal sebelumnya, seuai pasal 43 (1) undang-undang no.1 tahun 1974 ”anak diluar kawin hanya punya hubungan dengan ibu dan keluarga sang ibu”. reaksi yang paling terlihat dari mui. sebab keputusan itu bertentangan dengan ajaran islam. jika dibiarkan akan menimbulkan kegelisahan, kerisauan, bahkan kegoncangan bagi umat islam. drs. imam tabroni (lensa kasus edisi mei 2012, hal.17) berpendapat bahwa “ putusan mahkama tersebut terindikasi memutar balikan ajaran islam dan lebih gawat lagi mengubah syariat agama. padahal dalam hukum islam telah secara tegas dijelaskan tentang ketiadaan hubungan keperdataan anak hasil perzinahan dengan lelaki yang menyebabkan kelahirannya. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page158 hj. nurbaya, hakim pengadilan agama pasarwajo (wawancara tanggal 5 oktober 2016) menanggapi tentang anak diluar kawin sesuai dengan putusan mahkama konstitusi bahwa “anak yang lahir di luar kawin sesuai dengan putusan mahkama konstitusi itu ada tiga macam, yang pertama ialah anak diluar kawin resmi atau biasa di sebut kawin sirri, yang kedua ialah anak yang diluar kawin yang kemudian ketika ibunya masih hamilkemudian di kawini oleh ayah sianak biasa di sebut kawin wanita hamil dan yang terkhir ialah anak diluar kawin yang tidak pernah sama sekali ada perkawinan atau biasa di sebut anak zinah. apabila kategori pertama anak diluar kawin itu merupakan anak bapaknya, karena dalam hukum islam kawin sirri itu merupakan kawin yang sah sehingga sama dengan anak sah, kemudian yang kedua anak yang lahir ketika ibunya hamil dikawini oleh suami yang merupakan bapak biologis anaknya juga merupakan anak yang sah, dan yang ketiga anak luar kawin yang tidak pernah dikawini tidak bisa disebut anak sah dan merupakan anak luar kawin. selanjutnya hj. nurbaya, mengemukakan bahwa” apabila putusan mahkama konstitusi mengakibatkan semua anak diluar kawin mempunyai hubungan keperdataan anak luar kawin dengan warisan yang dalam hal ini nasab tentu tidak bisa. karena yang sebelumnya saya jelaskan bahwa anak diluar kawin ada tiga macam dan yang ketigatiganya boleh mendapatkan hubungan keperdataan namun untuk hubungan nasab hanya anak luar kawin dalam perkawinan sirri dan anak diluar kawin yang kemudian ibunya dikawini oleh bapak biologisnya si anak yang mendapatkannya. chatib rasyid ketua pengadilan tinggi semarang (makalah dalam seminar status anak diluar kawin dan hak keperdataan lainnya, pada tanggal 10 april 2012, di iain issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page159 walisongo semarang) berpendapat bahwa dari putusan mahkama konstitusi no. 46/puuviii/2010 ada beberapa hal yang pantut menjadi catatan. pertama, persoalan status anak yang lahir di luat perkawinan itu bermuara pada masalah perkawinan yang tidak tercatat. kedua, pengembangan analisis selanjutnya adalah seputar anak yang lahir diluar perkawinan, dan anak yang sah dalam perspektif bahasa. ketiga, menyangkut pengadilan agama. selanjutnya chatib rasyid mengemukakan bahwa “kenyataan yang ada di masyarakat luas, anak indonesia terdapat tiga macam status kelahirannya, yaitu anak yang lahir dalam atau sebagai akibat perkawinan yang sah; anak yang lahir di perkawinan; anak yang lahir tanpa perkawinan (anak zinah)”. pasal 43 ayat (1) undang-undang no.1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan, itu tidak berdiri sendiri, sangat berkaitan dengan adanya perkawinan sebagai mana di atur oleh pasal 2 undang-undang no.1 tahun 1974. di sebut luar perkawianan, karna perkawinan itu dilakukan di luar prosedur pada pasal 2 ayat (2) tidak bisa “luar perkawian “itu di artikan sebagai perzinaan, karna perbuatan zinah itu di lakukan sama sekali tanpa ada perkawinan, beda sekali antara luar perkawinan dengan tanpa perkawinan. h. muhtar, kepala kantor kemenag. kabupaten buton (wawancara tanggal 10 oktober 2016) mengatakan bahwa “anak yang lahir dari perkawinan sirrihdi golongkan pada anak luar kawin. dengan di akuinya perkawinan yang sesuai dengan ajaran agama masing-masing mempelai namun tidak di catatkan sebagai suatu perkawinan yang sah maka seharusnya anaka yang lahir dari perkawinan tersebut termasuk sebagai anak sah. namun kenyataan, anak itu di golongkan sebagai anak luar kawin ujur. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page160 dari putusan mahkama konstitusi no. 46/puu/viii/2010 menurut chatib rasyid (http:/badiag. net/data/artikel, majalah 2 makna, di unduh tanggal 2 november 2016) dapat di simpulkan hal hal sebagai berikur: (1) yang di maksud dengan anak yang lahir di luar perkawinan adalah anak yang lahir dari perkawinan menurut agama, tetapi tidak tercatat menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, dalam arti kata sah secara materil tetapi tidak sah secara formil. tidak termasuk anak yang lahir tampa perkawinan (anak zinah), karena anak zinah sama sekali tidak tersentuh dengan perkawinan. (2) untuk melegalkan “anak yang lahir diluar perkawinan” secara hukum adalah dengan terlebih dahulu dengan melakukan pengesahan (isbat kawin) di pengadilan dan di lanjutkan dengan pengesahan anak di pengadilan yang sama. dengan adanya pengesahan anak dari pengadilan maka anak yang lahir dari luar perkawinan sudah seutuhnya sama dengan anak yang lahir dalam atau akibat perkawinan yang sah. (3) anak yang lahir tampa perkawinan (anak hasil zinah) tidak dapat di legalkan secara hukum, karena di samping tidak ada lembaga pengesahan zinah juga perbuatan zinah adalah merupakan perbuatan yang melanggar hukum yang tidak layak mendapatkan legalitasi hukum. menurut hj. nurbaya (wawancara tanggal 5 oktober 2016) bahwa “hokum islam dengan putusan mahkama konstitusi itu berbeda, artinya dua hal yang tidak bisa di hubungkan, apbila putusan mahkama konstitusi itu menjadi pedoman bagi peraturan perundang-undangan yang di bawahnya dan diterapkan oleh pengadilan agama maupun pengadilan negeri. jadi sebenarnya ada atau tidaknya putusan mahkama konstitusi terhadap anak diluar kawin tidak berpengaruh dalam hukum islam. karena dalam hokum islam anak diluar kawin didalam perkawinan yang sah walaupun tidak dicatat kedudukan issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page161 anaknya sama dengan anak sah. kecuali anak luar kawin zinah, anak zinah tidak bisa berubah menjadi anak apapun. d. penutup berdasarkan hasil penelitian mengenai hak waris anak luar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang no. 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan, maka penulis menyimpulkan sebagai berikut: hak waris anak diluar nikah sebagai ahli waris berdasarkan undang-undang no. 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan,dipengadilan agama pasar wajo.anak luar kawin merupakan seluruh anak luar kawin yang lahir diluar perkawinan yang ketentuan yang ketentuan ataupun syaratnya tertuang dalam pasal 2 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan. anak luar kawin terbagi dalam 3 golongan yaitu: (a) anak luar nikah/kawin dalam perkawinan yang sah menurut agama islam maupun tidak dicatatkan atau bisa disebut dengan kawin sirri; anak luar nikah/kawin yang dimana ibu dari anak tersebut hamil kemudian dikawini oleh bapaknya si anak atau sering disebut perkawinan wanita hamil;(c) anak luar kawin yang sama sekalitidak dalam perkawinan yang sah atau sering di sebut anak zinah. berdasrkan hasil penelitian penulis, anak luar kawini yang sama sekali tidak dalam suatu perkawinan yang sah tidak termasuk dalam hal saling mewarisi, kecuali melalui pengakuan seorang laki-laki bahwa itu anaknya yang diikuti dengan adanya bukti-bukti dna dan tes darah berdasarkan keputusan mahkama konstitusi nomor.46/puuviii/2010. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 tinjauan hukum hak waris anak diluar nikah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan page162 pandangan hukum islam terhadap anak diluar nikah/kawis sebagai ahli waris berdasarkan undang-undang yang berlaku nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan. untuk bagian waris anak luar kawin dalam perkawinan sirri sama dengan bagian dalam perkawinan yang sah. untuk manak perempuan apabila sendiri atau hanya seorang maka akan mendapatkan bagian ½ dan apabila anak perempuan tersebut lebih dari satu orang maka akan mendapatkan 2/3 bagian. satu anak perenpuan jika ia mewarisi bersama 1 atau lebih cucu perempuan, maka perempuan akan mendapatkan ½ bagian dan satu atau lebih cucu perempuan mendapatkan 1/6 bagian. daftar pustaka abdul manah, 2008. aneka masalah hukum perdata islam di indonesia jakarta: prenada media ahmad rofiq, 2003. hukum islam di indonesia. jakarta: pt. raja grafindo persada. amir syarifuddin, 2002. hukum perkawinan islam di indonesia: antara fiqrh munakat dan undang-undang perkawinan. jakarta: prenada media grup. baidhowi. 2010. buku ajar hukum kekeluargaan dan waris islam. semarang: unnes beni ahmad saebani, 2008. metode penelitian hukum. bandung pustaka setia. hasbi ash-shidieqy, 1983. hukum waris dalam syariat islam. jakarta: bulan bintang. hilam hadikusuma. 1990. hukum perkawinan adat. bandung. citra aditnya bakti. hilam hadikusuma.1990. hukum perkawinan indonesia menutut perundangan, hukum adat, hukum agama, bandung: mandar mandur. ibrahim johni. 2006. 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jakarta. h. r. otje salman dan mustofa haffas, 2006. hukum waris islam. bandung: pt. refika aditama. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 1, desember 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 34 juridical review of the authority of the indonesian consultative assembly after the amendments to the 1945 constitution yudin yunus 1 abstract author’s information: this research discusses the juridical review of the authority of the indonesian consultative assembly after the 1945 constitution amendment . the results of the study describe the applicable provisions with the facts that occur in the community regarding the authority of the people's consultative assembly after the amendment of law d1945 which is very minimal as a major state institution compared to other state institutions . the research method used in this research is normative research method. the statutory approach and the historical approach are approaches using legislation and regulations . and the historical approach is to refer to historical principles the law on the authority of the mpr prior to the amendments to the 1945 constitution . these principles can be found in scholarly views or legal doctrines . this study aims to analyze the authority of the people's deliberative assembly before and after the amendment of the 1945 constitution , based on the prevailing laws and legal history , namely by providing clarity on the status of the state mpr institution which is still maintained by the state as the main state institution which only has 3 post authorities. amendment e 4 in article 3 of the constitution, namely: 1 amending and stipulating the constitution , 2. inaugurating the president and / or vice president 3. dismissing the president and / or vice president during their term of office according to the constitution . based on the results of the research, it is concluded that the authority of the people 's consultative assembly after the amendment of the 1945 constitution is very minimal, namely only 3 powers not to mention that all of these 3 powers are only ceremonial . keyword : people's consultative assembly, the constitution, the authority 1 law department, ichsan gorontalo university, indonesia e-mail: (yudinhamzahyunus@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.895 1. introduction the position and authority of the mpr as a state institution in the indonesian constitutional system. the post-reform amendments to the 1945 constitution have consequences for the position and authority attached to the mpr. one of the important changes in the 1945 constitution which affected the position and authority of the mpr was a change in the form and sovereignty of the state, especially in article 1 paragraph (2) of the constitution. prior to the amendment, it was stated that, " sovereignty is in the hands of the people, and is carried out entirely by the people's consultative assembly " (uud 1945). meanwhile, after the amendment was amended, " sovereignty rests in the hands of the people and is exercised according to the constitution ". significant changes can also be seen in article 3 of the 1945 constitution. if before the mpr amendment was given the authority to determine the outlines of state policy (gbhn), then after the amendment the authority was no longer given. mailto:yudinhamzahyunus@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.895 jurnal hukum volkgeist yudin yunus. 5(1): 34-44 35 in general, the implications of the amendment to the 1945 constitution, of course, result in changes in the position and authority of the mpr as well. there are at least 3 (three) fundamental implications as a result of the amendment to the 1945 constitution on the position and authority of the mpr, including: a. the mpr is no longer the highest state institution as the embodiment of article 1 paragraph 2 of the 1945 constitution, which is an absolute representation of the sovereignty of the indonesian people. the mpr after the amendments to the 1945 constitution, now has an equal position with other high state institutions, namely the presidential institute , the house of representatives (dpr), the regional representative council (dpd), the supreme audit agency (bpk), the supreme court and the constitutional court. ( indrayana , 2004) b. as a consequence of the mpr which is no longer the highest state institution, the mpr is not a representative institution, but tends to become a " joint session " between dpr members and dpd members which has a function as a constituent institution in charge of amending and enacting the constitution. implicitly, the spirit or the existence of the assembly be held if there is or with respect to the authority granted by the constitution of the republic of indonesia year 1945. as opinions jimly asshidiqie stating that the organ itself mpr had said no ( actual existence ) at the time the authority is being implemented. (asshiddiqie, 2006) in the pattern of a unitary state as adopted by indonesia, the supremacy of the parliament which holds the legislative function is only in the hands of the dpr and the dpd not in the hands of the mpr anymore. c. mpr no longer have the authority to make provisions that are set ( regelling ). the mpr after the amendments to the 1945 constitution was only given the authority to make beshickking decisions . the elimination of the mpr's authority to establish state policy guidelines, means that the basic rules of our country apply singularly or singularly based on the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. the mpr is no longer authorized to issue basic state rules ( grundnorm ) outside the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia. that is regulatory. the mpr no longer functions as the supreme body with the highest authority and without control over the comparison of the functions of this institution before and after reformation is far proportional, namely in mpr decree no. 1 / mpr / 1978 it is said that the mpr has the task of determining the constitution, establishing the gbhn, and electing and appointing the president and vice president. in addition , the mpr also has the powers, namely a. making decisions, including gbhn, which cannot be overturned by other state institutions, which are implemented by the president b. provide an explanation in the form of an interpretation of the mpr decision c. complete the election and appoint the president and vice president d. asking the president to be accountable regarding the implementation of the gbhn and assessing that accountability e. change the constitution f. establish mpr rules jurnal hukum volkgeist yudin yunus. 5(1): 34-44 36 g. to determine the mpr leadership elected from and by the members h. take decisions regarding members who break the oath / promise of the members . (quarter, 2011) and after post-reform the 4th amendment in article 3 of the 1945 constitution the amendment results that the mpr is authorized to: a. amend and stipulate the constitution b. inaugurate the president and / or vice president c. to dismiss the president and / or vice president during their term of office according to the constitution. the first and third mpr functions are not routinely performed (rarely). ( riyanto , 2006) the function of inaugurating the president and vice president is merely ceremonial, because the mpr is merely conducting a ceremony. it should be noted that it is no longer the mpr that elects the president and vice president, but the people directly. therefore, the mpr could not obstruct the inauguration process with a quorum for the presence of their members, let alone the number of votes agreeing / disagreeing with the inauguration. not to mention the presence of powers of parliament (dpr) that appear after the amendment of the 1945 constitution that affect the authority of the assembly 's consultative rakyat (mpr) in dismiss the president is now the house could also provide proposed dismissal of president to mpr ie, with the advent of 5 task supreme constitutional that (asshiddiqie, 2010) ; a) material test against the law b) deciding state institution disputes c) dissolution of political parties d) deciding election dispute e) impeachment of the president at the fifth point, namely the impeachment of the president or commonly known as inpiechment in foreign countries. this is the authority of the parliament in providing a proposal for dismissal of the president that is the way before giving a proposal for dismissal of the president will be given to this decision should be tried first in the court of the constitution , but the trial according to jimly assidiki as the first judge in the court of the constitution is a session that has the obligation to decide proposed approval of the house of representatives is therefore in the written 5 kewen an gan but in fact the task of the court constitutional being 4 kewen an gan 1 obligation is \ obliged to decide proposal d pr for dismissal of the president. of 3 tasks left by the assembly following the amendment to the law of 1945, he has no validity with the presence kewena n gan of parliament is in the process of impeachment process was highly influential on kewen an gan mpr . ( prodjodikoro , nd) in the impeachment process, the constitutional court is obliged to provide an assessment of the dpr's opinion regarding the alleged violation by the president and / or vice president. the constitutional court examines and assesses the dpr's opinion on whether the president and / or the vice president are working to comply with article jurnal hukum volkgeist yudin yunus. 5(1): 34-44 37 7a of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia (uud nri 1945). the examination conducted by the constitutional court is a judicial process whose decisions are in the form of justices . the outcome of this impeachment process depends very much on the decision of the people's consultative assembly in a plenary meeting which is also a political forum, in which the president and / or vice president can be dismissed or not. the constitutional court's decision does not apply to the people's consultative assembly, therefore, differences in the decisions of the constitutional court and the people's consultative assembly in a plenary session that are highly political in nature are very likely to occur. the involvement of the constitutional court in the impeachment process varies from country to country. it depends on the system of government in a particular country, it also depends on how much power the constitution grants to the constitutional court in the impeachment process itself. (tinambunan, 2018) 2. research method 2.1 types of research this type of research used by the author is the kind of normative study by way of searching for data and information directly to the respondent or the parties involved in this study legal problems and conduct literature searches. according to peter mahmud marzuki formulate normative legal research is to find the truth of coherence, is there any rule of law appropriate legal norms and are there any norms that form the command or prohibition in accordance with the principle of huku m , as well as whether a person acts in accordance with legal norms or legal principles. (marzuki, 2008) 2.2 type of approach historical researchers used a type of approach (historical approach) and approach to legislation (statue aprroach ) which according to peter mahmud marzuki in his study of law namely the approach of the approach historical (historical approach) is carried out within the framework of the history of legal institutions from time to time. meanwhile, the statutory approach (statue aprroach ) according to peter mahmud marzuki in his book normative legal research is a statutory approach method, namely researchers need to understand hierarchy and principles in statutory regulations. 2.3 types and sources of legal materials in order to solve legal issues and at the same time provide a prescription on what should be, research sources are needed. sources of legal research can be differentiated into 2, namely research sources in the form of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials, namely as follows: a. primary legal materials: these are legal materials that are authoritative in nature , meaning they have authority. primary legal materials consist of legislation and judges' decisions. b. secondary legal material: which is commonly referred to as complementary legal material from primary, namely in the form of all publications of all about law including text books, law dictionaries, legal journals and comments on court decisions. jurnal hukum volkgeist yudin yunus. 5(1): 34-44 38 2.4 legal material analysis techniques the data obtained and collected in this study are qualitative data, so that the data analysis technique used also uses qualitative techniques, where the data processing is done deductively, starting from the basics of general knowledge, then examining things that are is specific so that from this analysis process a conclusion is drawn. the approach taken is juridical normative, namely by describing the existing materials as a result of the research. in this normative approach, research is carried out on legal norms that have problems with what is being studied. this kind of approach is carried out by examining the legal reality which is carried out from a juridical perspective that can support this writing activity . 3. result and discussion 3.1. the functions and powers of the mpr ri before and after the 1945 constitution amendment prior to the amendment to the 1945 constitution , the people's consultative assembly (mpr) was constructed as a place for the incarnation of all sovereign people, a place where the president must submit and be accountable for all the implementation of his constitutional duties . in the explanation of the 1945 constitution prior to the amendment , it was stated that "the president is submissive and accountable to the mpr." from this construction, the people's consultative assembly is understood as the highest state institution in which the sovereignty of all indonesian people is manifested. ( asshiddiqie , 2010) according to the provisions of article 3 juntco article 37 of the original 1945 constitution (before the amendment), the people's consultative assembly has the authority to ( i ) enact the basic law, (ii) amend the constitution, (iii) elect the president and / or vice president, and (iv) to determine the outline of the mpr's directions given the authority to determine the guidelines (rather than) the state intends to provide working guidelines and guidelines for the preparation of a work program for the president in carrying out his duties, the guidelines (rather than) of the state are needed because the guidelines or policies for the state as stipulated in the 1945 constitution are very or even too concise and simple. therefore , in addition to clearer state policies outside the 1945 constitution ( asshiddiqie , 2010) the state objectives in question need to be set forth in the form of provisions regulating with effective binding capacity . because the position of the mpr itself is higher than that of the president and the house of representatives, automatically the position of the mpr / s decree is considered higher than the law. in fact, the mpr / s stipulations which are regulative in nature also have a position as constitutional law, because they are made and stipulated by the same institution that stipulates the constitution. ( asshiddiqie , 2010) in the juridical, the assembly itself as an institution (organ) just be there ( exist) when running one of the four powers ( bevoegdheden ) the .. session of the assembly can only be implemented to run one of the four above-mentioned authority. however, it should be noted that of the four powers mentioned above , the only one that is routine and periodic is the authority to appoint the president and / or vice president. regarding the matter is, it should also be noted that: jurnal hukum volkgeist yudin yunus. 5(1): 34-44 39 a. the inauguration of the president and / or vice president is not carried out by superiors to subordinates. according to the provisions of article 9 of the 1945 constitution , the president and / or the vice president shall personally pronounce their oath or promise of office in and before the mpr session . the role of the chairman of the mpr session is only to open and close the session. in this way , the inauguration of the president and / or vice president by the mpr is deemed to have been implemented. b. the mpr session forum as a vehicle for the inauguration of the president and / or vice president is only optional. this means that the inauguration of the president and / or vice president does not absolutely have to be carried out in the mpr session, but can also be carried out in a dpr session or plenary session, if the mpr turns out to be unable to convene even if the mpr and dpr are both unable to meet, then the inauguration can also be done before the leadership of the mpr or dpr witnessed by the leadership of the supreme court. ( asshiddiqie , 2010) however, apart from the aforementioned matters, the post-reform mpr does not have the authority to stipulate regulations other than amendments to the constitution. therefore , from the time the mpr was formed as a result of the 2004 general election, there would be no longer any legal product containing the governing norms stipulated by the mpr, apart from the amendment to the 1945 constitution. for example, the mpr would maintain the form of decisions it made as provisions , the nature of such a provision the new version no longer contains the legal norms that are set ( regeling ) . for example, a decision to dismiss the president and / or vice president, or a decision regarding the results of the election for the president and / or vice president to fill a vacancy . is it possible that the decisions in such a case are stated in the form of a law called a provision. 3.1.1. k ewena n gan mpr before the amendment 1945 the provisions in article 1 paragraph (2) of the 1945 constitution prior to the amendment stated "sovereignty is in the hands of the people, and carried out entirely by the people's consultative assembly". even in the 1945 constitution before the amendment it was said that the president was subject to and responsible for the people's deliberative assembly . this implies the very central position, duties and authority of the mpr where the mpr as the embodiment of the sovereignty of the people who holds the power as determinant, implementation and oversight of the state administration, the position, duties and powers of the mpr before are as follows ( asshiddiqie , 2010) : position of the mpr the mpr consists of members of the dpr, plus delegates from regions and groups, according to the rules established by law. thus the mpr is positioned as the incarnation of the entire people and is an institution duties and authorities of the mpr in mpr decree no. 1 / mpr / 1978 it is said that the mpr has the task of determining the constitution, establishing the gbhn, and electing and appointing the president and vice president. in addition , the mpr also has the powers, namely: a) making decisions, including gbhn, which cannot be overturned by other state institutions, which are implemented by the president b) provide an explanation in the form of an interpretation of the mpr decision jurnal hukum volkgeist yudin yunus. 5(1): 34-44 40 c) complete the election and appoint the president and vice president d) asking the president to be accountable regarding the implementation of the gbhn and assessing that accountability e) change the constitution f) establish mpr rules g) to determine the mpr leadership elected from and by the members h) take decisions regarding members who break the oath / promise of the members . (quarter, 2011) 3.1.2 the functions and powers of the mpr ri after the 1945 amendments the amendments made by the mpr starting from the first amendment to the fourth amendment have very urgent implications for the composition, duties and powers of the mpr itself, the most fundamental of these changes is the position of the mpr which has been the highest state institution to become a state institution which has the same position as other state institutions, for more details, we will first describe how the mpr after the amendment of the 1945 constitution is as follows (triwulan, 2011) : position of the mpr the mpr is a people's consultative body which is a state institution. with its position as a state institution, the mpr is no longer the highest state institution as stipulated in the 1945 constitution prior to the amendment . mpr membership article 2 paragraph (1) of the amended 1945 constitution states that the mpr consists of members of the dpr and members of the dpd who are elected through general elections and are further regulated by law. on the basis of the provisions of article 2 paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution the amendment means that the number of mpr members is based on the sum of members of the dpr and dpd members (also regulated in article 2 of law no. 22 of 2003). the mpr membership was formalized by a presidential decree (article 3 of law no. 22 of 2003), the number of dpr members was 550 people (article 7 (1) of law no. 22 of 2003), while the dpd members were determined, that the dpd members from each province were appointed 4 people and dpd members should not be more than 1/3 the number of dpr members duties and authorities of the mpr in article 3 of the 1945 constitution the amendment results that the mpr has the authority to: a. amend and stipulate the constitution b. inaugurate the president and / or vice president c. to dismiss the president and / or vice president during their term of office according to the constitution. further duties and authority of the assembly as stipulated in law no . 22 of 2003, that the mpr has the duties and authorities: jurnal hukum volkgeist yudin yunus. 5(1): 34-44 41 a. amend and stipulate the constitution b. inaugurate the president and / or vice president based on general elections in the mpr plenary session c. decide on the dpr's proposal based on the decision of the constitutional court to dismiss the president and / or vice president during their term of office after the president and / or vice president have been given the opportunity to deliver an explanation at the mpr plenary session d. inaugurate the vice president as president if the president dies, resigns, is dismissed, or is unable to carry out his obligations during his term of office e. electing the vice president from the two candidates nominated by the president in the event of vacancies in the position of the vice president during his term of office at the latest within sixty days f. to elect the president and the vice president if both of them quit simultaneously in their term of office, from the two packages of candidates for president and vice president proposed by a political party or coalition of political parties whose packages of candidates for president and vice president won the first and second most votes in the previous election, until h after the term of office is not more than thirty days g. establish the rules of procedure and code of ethics of the mpr mpr session the mpr meets at least once every five years in the national capital , mpr sessions are valid if attended: a. at least 3/4 of the number of mpr members to decide on the proposal of the dpr to dismiss the president / vice president b. at least 2/3 of the number of mpr members to amend and enact the constitution c. at least 50% + 1 of the number of mpr members at other sessions mpr decision mpr decisions are valid if approved: a. at least 2/3 of the number of mpr members present to decide the dpr's proposal to dismiss the president / vice president b. at least 50% + 1 of the total number of mpr members to decide other cases. before making a decision with the most votes, firstly attempted to make a decision by deliberation to reach consensus. mpr decisions include 3 types, namely: a. decisions regarding the amendment and stipulation of the constitution, this decision has legal force as the constitution of the republic of indonesia and does not use the assembly decision number. b. the mpr decision, this decision contains matters of a predetermined nature ( beschikking ) , has legal force to bind outward and inwardly and use the assembly number jurnal hukum volkgeist yudin yunus. 5(1): 34-44 42 c. mpr decision, this decision contains internal rules / provisions of the assembly, has legal force in the assembly, and uses the assembly number. mpr fittings the mpr's apparatus consists of: leadership, ad hoc committee, and honorary body. the mpr leadership consists of a chairperson and 3 deputy chairmen who reflect the dpr and dpd elements who are elected from and by mpr members in the mpr plenary session. (triwulan, 2011) looking at the comparison, especially its function above, this is a very significant comparison, namely the mpr as the highest institution which has 8 functions, now the post-amendment institution only has 3 functions which are also facultative regarding the small role of the mpr, maswardi rauf wrote that there was a thought that the mpr did not need to be institutionalized. the mpr does not need to be a separate body because it is just a joint session of trials conducted by the dpr and dpd. furthermore, rauf stated that the mpr actually only had three functions, namely: a. amend and stipulate the constitution; b. inaugurating the president and / or vice president, and c. to dismiss the president and vice president during their term of office (of course, after hearing the dpr's proposal and the fulfillment of other mechanisms that are not easy in the 1945 constitution). (asshiddiqie, 2006) the first and third mpr functions are not routinely performed (rarely). the function of inaugurating the president and vice president is merely ceremonial, because the mpr is merely conducting a ceremony. it should be noted that it is no longer the mpr that elects the president and vice president, but the people directly. therefore, the mpr could not obstruct the inauguration process with a quorum for the presence of their members, let alone the number of votes agreeing / disagreeing with the inauguration. not to mention the presence of authority-the authority of the house of representatives (dpr), which emerged after the amendment of the 1945 constitution that affect the authority of the assembly 's consultative rakyat (mpr) in dismiss the president is now the house could also provide proposed dismissal of president to mpr ie, with the advent of 5 task supreme constitutional that ; a. material test against the law b. deciding state institution disputes c. dissolution of political parties d. deciding election dispute e. impeachment of the president at the fifth point, namely the impeachment of the president or commonly known as inpiechment in foreign countries. this is the authority of the parliament in providing a proposal for dismissal of the president that is the way before giving a proposal for dismissal of the president will be given to this decision should be tried first in the court of the constitution , but the trial according to jimly assidiki as the first judge in the court of the constitution is a session that has the obligation to decide proposed approval of the house of representatives is therefore in the written 5 kewen an gan but in fact the task of the court constitutional being 4 kewen an gan 1 obligation is \ obliged to decide proposed dpr for dismissal of the president. jurnal hukum volkgeist yudin yunus. 5(1): 34-44 43 of the 3 remaining tasks by the mpr after the amendments to the 1945 constitution, actually they no longer have validity with the presence of the authority of the dpr which is getting higher after the amendment of the 1945 constitution, so with very minimal duties and functions, many legal experts have argued that this provision just get rid of the people's consultative assembly (mpr). p endapat researchers after reading the treatises mpr post amande me n reinforced also by the books of the study the experts one of which is a book mahfud md of struggle pol i tick and the law turned out to be in effect by political struggles in indonesia, which will be researchers discussed later in the second problem formulation 3.2. political configuration of the authority of the mpr as a state institution in indonesia 3.2.1. political configuration in indonesia this problem was chosen because of the constellation that legal autonomy in indonesia tends to be weak, especially when it comes to dealing with the political subsystem. strictly speaking, the concentration of legal energy is always less powerful than the concentration of political energy. ( rahardjo , 1985) this constellation can be seen from the fact that throughout indonesia's history, the implementation of functions and law enforcement did not go hand in hand with the development of its structure. it is said that if the program of legal codification and unification is made, the measure of legal structure development has run quite well and is stable because from time to time there is an increase in productivity: but on the other hand it can also be seen that the function of the law tends to decline. (md, 1999) it can be said that the legal structure can develop in all political configurations marked by the success of codifying and unification in various fields of law, but the implementation of the function or enforcement of legal functions tends to weaken the re-presence of the people's consultative assembly as a state institution, in fact it needs to be questioned again because this institution does not have the more power in the kewen imagination even today mpr demanding back its authority on determining guidelines, this is certainly the program mpr in 2020 they urged legal experts through studies law in each area to amend the return constitution 1 945 order so that the authority in re-determining the gbhn is returned to the mpr, this is of course a very strong political push by the mpr without thinking about the existing constitution in indonesia if that happens then the government in indonesia will return to what it used to be where the mpr will regulate us through the gbhn provisions it has . (md, 1999) 4. conclusion the mpr as the highest institution before the amendment which has 8 functions, now this institution has only 3 functions after the amendment is facultative. regarding the small role of the mpr, this thought that the mpr did not need to be institutionalized by looking at the three functions of the mpr after the amendment: a. amend and stipulate the constitution; b. inaugurating the president and / or vice president, and c. dismissing the president and vice president during their term of office) the first and third mpr functions were not routinely performed. the function of inaugurating the president and vice president is merely ceremonial, because the mpr is jurnal hukum volkgeist yudin yunus. 5(1): 34-44 44 merely conducting a ceremony. consultative assembly of the people as a state institution it needs to be questioned again because these institutions do not have the more power in the kewen an gan even at this moment mpr demanding back its authority on determining guidelines, this is certainly the program mpr in 2020 they urged legal experts through legal studies in each region to reamend the 1945 constitution so that the authority to re-determine the gbhn is returned to the mpr, this is of course a very strong political impetus by the mpr without thinking about the existing constitution in indonesia. if this happens, the government in indonesia will return like in the past, where the mpr would regulate us through its gbhn decisions references asshiddiqie, j. 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(2011). konstruksi hukum tata negara indonesia pasca amandemen uud 1945. jakarta: pernada media group. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 sanksi pidana bagi pegawai negeri sipil (pns) yang tidak netral dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) kota baubau berdasarkan undang-undang aparatur sipil negara i la ode dedi abdullah page 158 sanksi pidana bagi pegawai negeri sipil (pns) yang tidak netral dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) kota baubau berdasarkan undang-undang aparatur sipil negara oleh la ode dedi abdullah dosen fakultas hukum universitas muhammadiyah buton abstract this research aims to know the criminal sanctions for civil servants (civil servants) who are not neutral in the election of the head of the area (of the elections) town of baubau on the basis of legislation asn. the method used is the normative research methods, the data obtained will be analyzed are descriptive. results found is the neutrality of civil servants, is the solution to solve the problems of the participation of civil servants in political parties. with the inception of law no. 2014 about 15 years of civilian rule, state apparatus is expected to neutralize government and then the government should be able to realize the regulation, thus the goal of neutrality would be achieved . law enforcement against the neutrality of civil servants, in its realization have difficulties, because the arrangements regarding law enforcement civil service neutrality which is regulated in act no. 43 of 1999 staffing issues, namely article 3 and the common explanation i number 6, giving sanctions for civil servants who violate this regulation be removed from civil servants, these regulations only set up for civil servants and members of the executive board of the centre, so that the regulation has not been able to resolve any violations about neutrality. keywords: criminal sanctions, civil servant, elections a. latar belakang negara indonesia adalah negara hukum, sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam pasal 1ayat (3) undang-undang dasar negara republik indonesia 1945.salah satu ciri negara hukum yaitu adanya sistem demokrasi yang berkedaulatan rakyat. penyelanggaraan sistem demokrasi negara harus bertumpu pada partisipasi dan kepentingan rakyat. salah satu ciri negara hukum yang demokratis adalah penyelenggaraan pemilihan umum untuk memilih pemimpin secara langsung.pemilihan umum ada 2,yaitu pemilihan umum presiden dan wakil presiden serta pemilihan umum legislatifkepala daerah.tulisan ini yang akanmembahas lebih rinci ialah tentang pemilihankepala daerah. pada pasal 18 ayat (4) undang-undang dasar negara republik indonesia pemilihankepala daerahdan wakil kepala daerah, atauseringkalidisebut pilkada, adalah pemilihan untuk memilih kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah secara langsung di issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 sanksi pidana bagi pegawai negeri sipil (pns) yang tidak netral dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) kota baubau berdasarkan undang-undang aparatur sipil negara i la ode dedi abdullah page 159 indonesia oleh penduduk daerah setempat yang memenuhi syarat. sebelumnya, kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah dipilih oleh dewan perwakilan rakyat daerah (dprd). daerah dan wakil kepala daerah langsung atau sering disebut pilkada langsung merupakan mekanisme demokratis dalam rangka rekrutmen pemimpin di daerah, dimana rakyat secara menyeluruh memiliki hak dan kebebasan untuk memilih calon-calon yang didukungnya. indonesia sendiri baru memberlakukan pilkada secara langsung ketika dikeluarkannya undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintahan daerah dan peraturan pemerintah nomor 6 tahun 2005 mengenai tata cara pemilihan, pengesahan, pengangkatan, dan pemberhentian kepala daerah, merupakan tonggak baru penegakan kedaulatan rakyat daerah di indonesia. undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 ditetapkan pada oktober 2004 memberikan perubahan yang sangat sigifikan dalam tata pemerintahan dan bahkan adanya pemilihan kepala daerah secara langsung. ini berarti semangat untuk memberikan kesempatan seluas-luasnya bagi masyarakat daerah untuk berbenah sesuai dengan keinginannya. pada akhirnya setiap kepala daerah akan terasa lebih dekat dengan rakyat. artinya semua kebijakan yang akan diambil kepala daerah benar-benar berdasarkan kebutuhan rakyat yang sesungguhnya. perhelatan ini tentu membutuhkan beragam dukungan dan bantuan dari semua pihak. seluruh lapisan anak bangsa hendaknya memberikan sumbangsihnya bagi berhasilnya pilkada serentak ini. namun, dukungan dan bantuan tersebut hendaknya dalam porsinya masing-masing dan tidak keluar dari norma dan aturan-aturan yang berlaku. dukungan ini juga berasal dari para aparatur sipi negara (asn), namun dukungan ini tidak boleh keluar dari prinsip netralitas yang harus dipegang oleh stiap individu asn. prinsip netralitas ini perlu dijaga agar profesionalitas dan pelayanan public yang merupakan tugas utama mereka, tetap dapat dilaksanakan dengan maksimal. netralitas birokrat ini diatur dalam peraturan pemerintah (pp) nomor 53 tahun 2010 tentang disiplin pns, bahwa kepala daerah bertanggung jawab menegakkan sanksi kepada pns yang terlibat pelanggaran dalam pilkada, baik dalam hal netralitas maupun pemanfaatan fasilitas negara. karena kepala daerah adalah ppk (pejabat pembina kepegawaian). institusi birokrasi dan individu birokrat harus dijaga ketidakberpihakannya kepada salah issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 sanksi pidana bagi pegawai negeri sipil (pns) yang tidak netral dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) kota baubau berdasarkan undang-undang aparatur sipil negara i la ode dedi abdullah page 160 satu peserta pilkada, semua kandidat harus diperlakukan sama, tanpa perbedaan baik dalam hal keterlibatan langsung, maupun tidak langsung. ketidak berpihakan ini juga berlaku untuk pemberian fasilitas negara untuk mereka gunakan, terutama jika kandidatnya adalah petahana. uu no. 5 tahun 2014 tentang asn juga mengatur hal ini, bahwa dalam upaya menjaga netralitas asn dari pengaruh 8 partai politik dan untuk menjamin keutuhan, kekompakan, dan persatuan asn, serta dapat memusatkan segala perhatian, pikiran, dan tenaga pada tugas yang dibebankan, asn dilarang menjadi anggota dan/atau pengurus partai politik. netralitas merupakan salah satu azas penyelenggaraan kebijakan dan manajemen asn dalam uu no 5 tahun 2014 tentang aparatur sipil negara. yang dimaksud dengan “asas netralitas” adalah bahwa setiap pegawai asn tidak berpihak dari segala bentuk pengaruh manapun dan tidak memihak kepada kepentingan siapapun. tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang “sanksi pidana bagi pegawai negeri sipil (pns) yang tidak netral dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) kota baubau berdasarkan undangundang asn”. berdasarkan uraian latar belakang masalah diatas maka yang menjadi fokus identifikasi permasalahan dalam penulisan karya tulis ini adalah mengarah pada kajian hukum tentang netralitas pns dilahat dari landasan yuridisnya tentang undang-undang asn. adapun rumusan masalah yang akan hendak di teliti adalaha bagaimana sanksi pidana bagi pegawai negeri sipil (pns) yang tidak netral dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) kota baubau berdasarkan undang-undang asn? b. metode penelitian metodologi merupakan cara kerja bagaimana menemukan atau memperoleh sesuatu atau menjalankan sesuatu kegiatan untuk memperoleh hasil yang konkrit dan cara utama untuk mencapai tujuan. dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian normatif, data yang diperoleh akan dianalisa secara deskriptif. penelitian ini mengarah pada kajian tentang netralitas pns dilahat dari landasan yuridisnya berdasrkan undang-undang asn. sumber bahan karya tulis ini terdiri dari undang-undang, buku dan literatur lainnya yang relevan. analisis data merupakan suatu metode atau cara untuk issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 sanksi pidana bagi pegawai negeri sipil (pns) yang tidak netral dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) kota baubau berdasarkan undang-undang aparatur sipil negara i la ode dedi abdullah page 161 menemukan jawaban atas permasalahan yang dibahas. proses menemukan jawaban atas permasalahan yang dibahas menurut peter mahmud marzuki dilakukan dengan tahap sebagai berikut: 1. mengidentifikasi fakta hukum dan mengelimir hal-hal yag tidak relevan untuk menetapkan isu hukum yang hendak dipecahkan; 2. pengumpulan bahan-bahan hukum dan bahan-bahan non hukum yang dipandang mempunyai relevansi; 3. melakukan telaah atas isu hukum yang diajukan berdasarkan bahan-bahan yang telah dikumpulkan; 4. menarik kesimpulan dalam bentuk argumentasi yang menjawab isu hukum; dan 5. memberikan persepsi berdasarkan argumentasi yang telah dibangun didalam kesimpulan hasil analisa bahan hukum sekunder tersebut diatas kemudian dibahas dengan metode deduktif untuk mendapatkan pemahaman atas permasalahan sehingga dapat ditarik suatu kesimpulan yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. metode deduktif yang dimaksud adalahsuatu metode yang diunakan untuk mengambil kesimpulan dari pembahasan yang bersifat umum menjadi kesimpulan yang bersifat khusus sehingga jawaban atas permasalahan dalam karya tulis dapat tercapai. c. hasil penelitian 1. netralitas pegawai negeri sipil (pns) selama ini, pns menjadi perdebatan dalam kehidupan demokrasi di indonesia. peraturan pemerintah no. 5 tahun 1999 jo peraturan pemerintah no. 12 tahun 1999 dan terakhir dengan peraturan pemerintah no.37 tahun 2004 tentang larangan pns menjadi anggota partai politik ini di-maksudkan untuk menjawab permasalahan yang selama ini terjadi. peraturan tersebut dimaksudkan pns netral dalam partai politik. peraturan ini pula diharapkan dapat memberi angin segar dalam kehidupan partai politik di indonesia karena selama ini pns digunakan guna mendukung salah satu partai politik saja. adanya peraturan ini diharapkan kehidupan berpolitik di indonesia akan lebih demokratis tanpa diwarnai rasa saling curiga. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 sanksi pidana bagi pegawai negeri sipil (pns) yang tidak netral dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) kota baubau berdasarkan undang-undang aparatur sipil negara i la ode dedi abdullah page 162 keadaan pegawai negeri pada masa orde baru yaitu 11 maret 1966 sampai dengan 21 mei 1998, yang dijadikan alasan era reformasi untuk segera membenahi peraturan tentang keikut sertaan pns dalam partai politik. hal ini dimulai dari pengunduran diri soeharto sebagai presiden tanggal 21 mei 1998 merupakan tonggak baru dalam kehidupan pemerintahan di indonesia. bersamaan dengan itu, hembusan angin reformasi yang berkaitan dengan partai politik dijadikan agenda utama. pada masa reformasi, hal yang berkaitan dengan pns dalam partai politikpun menjadi hangat dibicarakan akhirnya timbullh kebijakan tentang netralitas pns. akibat permainan politik yang dilakukan pada orde baru tentang pegawai negeri dalam partai politik mengakibatkan ketidakseimbangan dalam perolehan suara setiap pemilu. bahkan ini merupakan sumber konflik dalam partai politik. kabinet reformasi pemerintah habibie berupaya akan melakukan reformasi di segala bidang, dalam rangka reformasi politik menuju kehidupan politik yang lebih demokratis. upaya tersebut guna menciptakan pemerintahan yang baik, berwibawa dan bersih, termasuk di dalamnya tentang kedudukan pegawai negeri sipil dalam kehidupan partai politik sudah saat-nya ditinjau kembali. keinginan reformasi pegawai negeri sipil dalam partai politik ini disebabkan adanya pegawai negeri yang dijadikan alat politik golkar tersebut, meng-akibatkan fungsi pns/birokrasi itu akan terganggu. sebab setiap birokrasi dalam pembentukan dan perwujudan kebijaksanaan publik adalah sebagai “implementing agency” yaitu menghantarkan kebijaksanana publik itu ke masyarakat. atas dasar dan kenyataan masa orde baru ini, seyogyanya pns itu netral. penulis setuju bahwa pns untuk saat ini harus netral. netralitas pns dalam partai politik memang untuk saat ini sangat diperlukan. hal ini seperti dinyatakan oleh mahfud bahwa: salah satu persoalan besar bangsa ini dalam kehidupan bernegara adalah persoalan netralitas pegawai negeri karena secara teoritis sulit ditemukan landasan teoritis yang dapat memberikan alasan pembenar bagi dimungkinkannya pegawai negeri untuk terlibat dalam kegiatankegiatan politik praktis. akibat penyelewengan yang dilakukan itu, tuntutan agar pegawai negeri sipil netral dalam partai politik dalam keanggotaan dan kepengurusan dalam partai politik adalah wajar. karena selama orde baru korpri dijadikan mesin issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 sanksi pidana bagi pegawai negeri sipil (pns) yang tidak netral dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) kota baubau berdasarkan undang-undang aparatur sipil negara i la ode dedi abdullah page 163 politik golkar. sedangkan keanggotaan korpri sebagian besar adalah pegawai negeri sipil. jadi netralitas pegawai negeri diperlukan sepanjang sifatnya hanya sementara dan selama masa transisi, bukan bersifat langgeng untuk jangka waktu yang panjang. karena apabila berlangsung lama mengkibatkan hilangnya kebebasan berserikat bagi pegawai negeri sipil. dengan demikian netralitas pegawa negeri diperlukan hanya untuk menyelesaikan konflik yang terjadi selama orde baru. netralitas pns yang sudah berjalan selama 10 tahun, perlu direnungkan kembali, konsekensi terhadap kualitas, moralitas, pengalaman anggota dewan. anggota dewan adalah wakil rakyat yang akan menjadikan negara ini kearah mana, sehingga diharapkan anggota dewan syarat dengan nama besar tersebut. netralitas diharapkan untuk perbaikan untuk masa mendatang. dalam mengkaji netralitas, dibatasi dalam pengertian sebagaimana tertuang dalam peraturan pe-merintah no. 5 tahun 1998 yang kemudian dirubah dengan peraturan pemerintah no. 12 tahun 1998, yang sekarang diatur dalam peraturan pemerintah no. 37 tahun 2004 tentang larangan pegawai negeri sipil yang menjadi anggota partai politik. netralitas diatur pasal 3 adalah dalam kedudukan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 2, pegawai negeri sipil harus bersikap netral dan menghindari fasilitas negara. selanjutnya netralitas ini juga dimaksudkan pasal 4 adalah pegawai negeri sipil dalam menyelenggarakan tugas pemerintah dan pembangunan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 2 tidak diskriminatif khususnya dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. menurut marbun makna netralitas adalah bebasnya pegawai negeri sipil dari pengaruh kepentingan partai politik tertentu atau tidak memihak untuk kepentingan partai tertentu atau tidak berperan dalam proses politik. namun pegawai negeri sipil masih tetap mempunyai hak politik untuk memilih, dan berhak untuk dipilih dalma pemilihan umum. namun tidak diperkenankan aktif menjadi anggota dan pengurus partai maksud netralitas yang lain adalah jika seorang pegawai negeri sipil aktif menjadi pengurus partai politik atau anggota legislatif, maka ia harus mengundurkan diri. dengan demikian issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 sanksi pidana bagi pegawai negeri sipil (pns) yang tidak netral dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) kota baubau berdasarkan undang-undang aparatur sipil negara i la ode dedi abdullah page 164 birokrasi pemerintahan akan stabil dan dapat berperan mendukung serta merealisasikan kebijakan atau kehendak politik manapun yang sedang berkuasa dalam pemerintahan. makna netralitas tersebut di atas adalah bebasnya pegawai negeri sipil dari pengaruh kepentingan partai politik tertentu atau tidak memihak untuk kepentingan partai tertentu atau tidak berperan dalam proses politik karena dikhawatirkan pegawai tersebut menyalahgunakan penggunaan fasilitas negara untuk kepentingan partai seperti yang telah terjadi pada masa orde baru. jadi tidak ada larangan keterwakilan pegawai negeri dalam lembaga perwakilan rakyat. netralitas, seyogyanya tidak dikaitkan dengan keterwakilan pegawai negeri di dalam anggota dewan. sejarah membuktikan bahwa, pegawai negeri merupakan orang karier yang berpengalaman, bekerja tanpa imbalan yang menggiurkan sesuai dengan perannya, yang masih memikirkan kehormatan dirinya, untuk keluarga, masyarakat dan tugas-tugasnya, sehingga apabila pegawai negeri selesai menjalankan tugasnya sebagai dewan. mereka masih berharap kembali menjadi seorang yang disegani dan dihormati, bahkan waktu berjalan juga menunjukkan jarang pegawai negeri terlibat skandal, korupsi ini menunjukan budaya malu masih sangat dijunjung tinggi dengan demikian netralitas pegawai negeri, adalah tidak melarang pegawai negeri duduk di anggota dewan, yang bukan dari partai politik melalui perwakilan. data tersebut di atas juga didukung oleh data yang lain bahwa seseorang yang mendapat kesempatan belajar, seorang yang mempunyai karier untuk mengembangkan pengetahuannya, dan masih selalu memper-hatikan terhadap etika, rasa malu jika melakukan pelanggaran adalah pegawai negeri baik pns, polri, maupun tni, sehingga netralitas pegawai negeri memang diperlukan. jadi netralitas pns tidak termasuk dalam larangan keterwakilan pns dalam anggota dewan. apalagi menyimak kondisi anggota dewan yang akhir-akhir ini menjadi sorotan publik terhadap etika anggota dewan. 2. sanksi pidana bagi pns yang terlibat politik praktis pelaksanaan penyelenggaraan pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) serentak tahun 2018, pemilihan legislatif (pileg) tahun 2019, dan pemilihan presiden dan wakil presiden (pilpres) tahun 2019, semakin dekat. menteri pendayagunaan aparatur negara dan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 sanksi pidana bagi pegawai negeri sipil (pns) yang tidak netral dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) kota baubau berdasarkan undang-undang aparatur sipil negara i la ode dedi abdullah page 165 reformasi birokrasi (panrb), asman abnur, pada 27 desember 2017 telah mengirimkan surat kepada para pejabat negara (mulai menteri kabinet kerja sampai gubernur, bupati/wali kota) mengenai pelaksanaan netralitas aparatur sipil negara (asn). “berdasarkan pasal 2 huruf f undang-undang nomor 5 tahun 2014 tentang asn, bahwa setiap pegawai asn tidak berpihak dari segala pengaruh manapun dan tidak memihak kepada kepentingan siapapun,” tulis asman abnur dalam suratnya, seperti dilansir hukumonline dari situs setkab, senin (2/1). menteri panrb mengingatkan, sesuai dengan putusan mahkamah konstitusi nomor: 41/puu-xiii/2014 tanggal 6 juli 2015, pns yang mencalonkan diri atau dicalonkan menjadi gubernur/wakil gubernur, bupati/wakil bupati, wali kota/wakil wali kota wajib menyatakan pengunduran diri secara tertulis sebagai pns sejak ditetapkan sebagai calon peserta pemilihan gubernur/wakil gubernur, bupati/wakil bupati, wali kota/wakil wali kota. mengutip undang-undang (uu) nomor: 10 tahun 2016, menteri panrb asman abnur juga menegaskan, pasangan calon dilarang melibatkan asn anggota polri dan anggota tni, dan kepala desa atau perangkat desa lainnya. “gubernur atau wakil gubernur, bupati atau wakil bupati, wali kota atau wakil wali kota dilarang melakukan pergantian pejabat 6 (enam) bulan sebelum tanggal penetapan pasangan calon sampai dengan akhir masa jabatan kecuali mendapat persetujuan tertulis dari menteri,” bunyi surat menteri panrb mengutip pasal 71 ayat (2) uu nomor: 10 tahun 2016. gubernur atau wakil gubernur, bupati atau wakil bupati, wali kota atau wakil wali kota, lanjut menteri panrb, dilarang menggunakan kewenangan program dan kegiatan yang menguntungkan atau merugikan salah satu pasangan calon, baik di daerah sendiri maupun di daerah lain 6 (enam) bulan sebelum tanggal penetapan pasangan calon sampai dengan penetapan pasangan calon terpilih. “ketentuan sebagai dimaksud berlaku juga untuk pejabat gubernur atau penjabat bupati/walikota,” tegas menteri panrb dalam surat tersebut. 3. etika dan netralitas pns issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 sanksi pidana bagi pegawai negeri sipil (pns) yang tidak netral dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) kota baubau berdasarkan undang-undang aparatur sipil negara i la ode dedi abdullah page 166 etika dan netralitas pns dalamsurat tersebut, menteri panrb asman abnur juga mengutip ketentuan dalam peraturan pemerintah (pp) nomor: 42 tahun 2004 tentang pembinaan jiwa korps dan kode etik pegawai negeri sipil (pns). “pns dilarang melakukan perbuatan yang mengarah pada keberpihakan salah satu calon atau perbuatan yang mengindikasikan terlibat dalam politik praktis/berafiliasi dengan partai politik,” berikut contoh larangan dimaksud: 1. pns dilarang melakukan pendekatan terhadap partai politik terkait rencana pengusulan dirinya atau orang lain sebagai bakal calon kepala daerah/wakil kepala daerah; 2. pns dilarang memasang spanduk/baliho yang mempromosikan dirinya atau orang lain sebagai bakal calon kepala daerah/wakil kepala daerah; 3. pns dilarang mendeklarasikan dirinya sebagai bakal calon kepala daerah/wakil kepala daerah; 4. pns dilarang menghadiri deklarasi bakal calon kepala daerah/wakil kepala daerah dengan atau tanpa menggunakan atribut bakal pasangan calon/atribut partai politik; 5. pns dilarang mengunggah, menanggapi atau menyebarluaskan gambar/foto bakal calon/bakal pasangan calon kepala daerah melalui media online maupun media sosial; 6. pns dilarang melakukan foto bersama dengan bakal calon kepala daerah/wakil kepala daerah dengan mengikuti simbol tangan/gerakan yang digunakan sebagai bentuk keberpihakan; 7. pns dilarang menjadi pembicara/narasumber pada kegiatan pertemuan partai politik. untuk menjamin efektivitas pelaksanaan surat menteri panrb ini, para pimpinan kementerian/lembaga dan pemerintah daerah agar melakukan pengawasan terhadap aparatur sipil negara yang berada di lingkungan instansi masing-masing,” bunyi akhir surat menteri panrb asman abnur, yang tembusannya disampaikan kepada presiden dan wakil presiden. dalam suratnya itu, menteri panrb asman abnur juga menyampaikan beragam sanksi yang mengancam aparatur sipil negara (asn) termasuk pegawai negeri sipil (pns) issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 sanksi pidana bagi pegawai negeri sipil (pns) yang tidak netral dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) kota baubau berdasarkan undang-undang aparatur sipil negara i la ode dedi abdullah page 167 jika tidak menjaga netralitas dalam penyelenggaraan pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada), pemilihan anggota legislatif (pileg), dan pemilihan presiden dan wakil presiden (pilpres). berdasarkan pasal 15 ayat (1) peraturan pemerintah (pp) nomor: 42 tahun 2004, terhadap pelanggaran berbagai jenis larangan kepada pns dikenakan sanksi moral,” tulis menteri asman. selanjutnya atas rekomendasi majelis kode etik (mke), pns yang melakukan pelanggaran kode etik selain dikenakan sanksi moral, dapat dikenakan tindakan administratif sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. “tindakan administratif dapat berupa sanksi hukuman disiplin ringan maupun hukuman disiplin berat sesuai dengan pertimbangan tim pemeriksa. dalam hal pns yang diduga melakukan pelanggaran kode etik adalah pns selain sekretaris daerah, menurut menteri panrb asman abnur, pembentukan majelis kode etik dan tim pemeriksa dilakukan oleh pejabat pembina kepegawaian instansi pns yang bersangkutan. adapun dalam hal pns yang diduga melakukan pelanggaran kode etik adalah sekretaris daerah kabupaten/kota, pembentukan majelis kode etik dan tim pemeriksa dilakukan oleh gubernur sebagai wakil pemerintah. sedangkan dalam hal pns yang diduga melakukan pelanggaran kode etik adalah sekretaris daerah provinsi, pembentukan majelis kode etik dan tim pemeriksa dilakukan oleh menteri dalam negeri. menteri panrb juga mengingatkan adanya ancaman hukuman disiplin tingkat sedang berupa: i) penundaan kenaikan gaji berkala selama 1 (satu) tahun; ii) penundaan kenaikan pangkat selama 1 (satu) tahun; dan iii) penurunan pangkat setingkat lebih rendah selama 1 (satu) tahun: a. bagi pns yang memberikan dukungan kepada calon kepala daerah/wakil kepala daerah dengan cara memberikan dukungan dan memberikan surat dukungan disertai fotocopy kartu tanda penduduk atau surat keterangan kartu tanda penduduk; issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 sanksi pidana bagi pegawai negeri sipil (pns) yang tidak netral dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) kota baubau berdasarkan undang-undang aparatur sipil negara i la ode dedi abdullah page 168 b. bagi pns yang memberikan dukungan kepada calon kepala daerah/wakil kepala daerah dengan cara terlibat dalam kegiatan kampanye untuk mendukung calon kepala daerah/wakil kepala daerah serta mengadakan kegiatan yang mengarah kepada keberpihakan kepada pasangan calon yang menjadi peserta pemilu sebelum, selama, dan sesudah masa kampanye. adapun hukuman disiplin tingkat berat berupa: 1. penurunan pangkat setingkat lebih rendah selama 3 (tiga) tahun; 2. pemindahan dalam rangka penurunan pangkat setingkat lebih rendah; 3. pembebasan dari jabatan; dan 4. pemberhentian dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri sebagai pns: a. bagi pns yang memberikan dukungan kepada calon kepala daerah atau calon wakil kepala daerah, dengan cara menggunakan fasilitas yang terkait dengan jabatan dalam kegiatan kampanye; b. membuat keputusan dan/atau tindakan yang menguntungkan atau merugikan salah satu pasangan calon selama masa kampanye. penjatuhan hukuman disiplin oleh pejabat yang berwenang menghukum dilaksanakan sesuai dengan tata cara yang telah diatur dalam peraturan pemerintah nomor: 53 tentang disiplin pns dan peraturan kepala badan kepegawaian negara nomor: 21 tahun 2010 tengang ketentuan pelaksanaan peraturan pemerintah nomor: 53 tahun 2010 tentang disiplin pns, tulis menteri panrb. menteri panrb meminta kepada para pejabat pembina kepegawaian atau penjabat/pelaksana tugas kepala daerah dan penjabat yang berwenang pada instansi pemerintah untuk melaksanakan dan mensosialisasikan surat menteri panrb ini dengan sebaik-baiknya. d. kesimpulan netralitas pns, merupakan solusi untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tentang keikutsertaan pns dalam partai politik. dengan lahirnya undang-undang no 15 tahun 2014 tentang aparatur sipil negara, peraturan ini diharapkan dapat menetralkan pemerintah dan kemudian pemerintah harus mampu merealisasikan peraturan tersebut, issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 sanksi pidana bagi pegawai negeri sipil (pns) yang tidak netral dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) kota baubau berdasarkan undang-undang aparatur sipil negara i la ode dedi abdullah page 169 dengan demikian tujuan netralitas akan dapat tercapai. penegakan hukum terhadap netralitas pns, dalam realisasinya mengalami kesulitan, karena pengaturan mengenai penegakan hukum netralitas pegawai negeri yang diatur dalam undang-undang no.43 tahun 1999 tentang pokok-pokok kepegawaian, yaitu pasal 3 dan penjelasan umum i angka 6, memberi sanksi bagi pns yang melanggar peraturan ini diberhentikan dari pns, peraturan ini hanya mengatur bagi pns yang menjadi anggota dan pengurus parpol, sehingga peraturan tersebut belum dapat menyelesaikan setiap pelanggaran tentang netralitas. daftar pustaka gafar, afan, 1999. politik indonesia transisi menuju demokrasi. yogyakarta: pustaka.pelajar; hadjon, philipus m., perlindungan hukum dalam negara pancasila, makalah simposium tentang politik hak asasi manusia dan pembangunan hukum, dalam rangka dies natalis xl/lustrum universitas airlangga, surabaya 3 november 1994; hartini, sri, setiajeng k dan tedi s. 2008. hukum kepegawaian indonesia, jakarta: sinar grafika; kadarsih, setiajeng, dan sri hartini. 2005. makalah netralitas pegawai negeri sipil, jakarta: mahkamah konstitusi; m.d., mahfud. 1988. pergulatan politik dan hukum di indonesia. yogyakarta: gema media marbun, s.f.1998. reformasi hukum tata negara”, netralitas pegawai negeri dalam kehidupan politikdi indonesia. yogyakarta: fakultas hukum universitas islam indonesia; muchsan.1982. hukum kepegawaian. jakarta:bina aksara; pandoyo, toto. 1981. ulasan terhadap beberapa ketentuan uud 1945 dan perkembangan kehidupan demokrasi,yogyakarta: liberty; soewoto, kebebasan berserikat dan berkumpul, makalah penataran hukum administrasi, diselenggarakan oleh fakultas hukum universitas airlangga bekerjasama dengan utrecht universiteit belanda, 8-13 februari 1999; wijaya, a.w. 1986. administrasi kepegawaian suatu pengantar. jakarta: cv. rajawali. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 61 prinsip tanah walaka pada masyarakat hukum adat tolaki dalam sistem pertanahan i olivia muldjabar prinsip tanah walaka pada masyarakat hukum adat tolaki dalam sistem pertanahan olivia muldjabar olivia.livi111@gmail.com mahasiswa pascasarjana magister kenotariatan universitas airlangga abstrak isu tentang eksistensi hak ulayat perlu mendapat pemikiran yang logis dan proporsional, dimana pandangan mengenai hal tersebut yakni disuatu pihak terdapat kekhawatiran bahwa tanah ulayat yang semula sudah tidak ada kemudian dinyatakan hidup lagi, dan di pihak lain ada kekhawatiran bahwa semakin meningkatnya kebutuhan atas tanah akan semakin mendesak hak ulayat yang keberadaannya dijamin oleh pasal 3 uupa. demikian pula dengan masyarakat suku tolaki yang mempunyai hukum adat mengenai pertanahan. penguasaan tanah adat menurut adat tolaki dikenal ada tanah adat yang dikuasai dan dimiliki baik secara perorangan maupun berkelompok. berdasarkan ketentuan pasal 3 uupa dikaitkan dengan tanah walaka yang dikuasai secara berkelompok sebagai suatu kesatuan masyarakat adat akan diakui keberadaannya sepanjang itu masih ada. a. pendahuluan pengaturan masalah pertanahan di indonesia terdapat dalam undang-undang pokok agraria nomor 5 tahun 1960 tentang peraturan dasar pokok-pokok agraria mengatur mengenai pemilikan, penguasaan dan penggunaan tanah sehingga semua tanah dalam wilayah kedaulatan bangsa indonesia dipergunakan dengan sebenarbenarnya bagi kemakmuran rakyat baik secara perorangan, badan usaha maupun gotong royong. pada masa sebelum uupa berlaku telah terjadi dualisme hukum dibidang pertanahan, yaitu berlakunya hukum adat disamping hukum barat. bagi anggota masyarakat yang tunduk pada hukum barat maka hak-hak atas tanahnya pada umumnya telah terdaftar. sedangkan bagi anggota masyarakat yang tunduk pada hukum adat umumnya hak-hak atas tanahnya belum terdaftar sehingga menimbulkan adanya ketidakpastian hukum dan kesulitan bila terjadi sengketa tanah. sebelum dikeluarkannya undang-undang no. 5 tahun 1960 tentang peraturan dasar pokok-pokok agraria sistem pertanahan indonesia masih bersifat dualisme di issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 62 prinsip tanah walaka pada masyarakat hukum adat tolaki dalam sistem pertanahan i olivia muldjabar mana pengaturan dan kepemilikan tanah di dasarkan dua konsep hukum yakni hukum belanda dan hukum adat akibatnya sering meninbulkan implikasi hukum antara kedua sistem hukum tersebut.untuk menghilangkan seperti dualisme tersebut maka pemerintah menganggap perlu untuk mengagas konsep hukum yang pasti dan mengahapuskan dualisme hukum yang dianut oleh masyarakat indonesia. dualisme hukum di hapus dimaksudkan agar masyarakat indonesia mendapatkan dasar hukum yang jelas mengenai perlindungan hak-hak hukum atas tanah serta ruang lingkupnya. berkaitan dengan tanah ulayat yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat adat berdasarkan hukum adatnya masing-masing tetap diakui dalam uupa sebagaimana disebutkan dalam pasal 3 uupa yaitu: “dengan mengingat ketentuan-ketentuan dalam pasal 1 dan 2 pelaksanaan hak ulayat dan hak-hak yang serupa itu dari masyarakat-masyarakat hukum adat, sepanjang menurut kenyataannya. masih ada, harus sedemikian rupa sehingga sesuai dengan kepentingan nasional dan negara, yang berdasarkan atas persatuan bangsa serta tidak boleh bertentangan dengan undang-undang dan peraturan-peraturan lain yang lebih tinggi”. pembuktian atas tanah walaka dilakukan secara kelompok dengan mengunakan mekanisme pembuktian secara terbalik bahwa masyarakat tersebut secara turun temurun telah mendiami lokasi tersebut, selain itu harus terdapat komunitas adat yang tumbuh dan berkembang di dalam masyarakat yang mana komunitas adat tersebut memelihara segenap ekosistem yang ada dalam areal tanah walaka tersebut. besar lahan atau luas tanah walaka pada dasarnya merupakan suatu pernyataan dari raja-raja terdahulu yang kisarannya biasanya diukur dengan batasan gunung yang satu dengan gunung yang lain,karena pada dasarnya tolak ukur untuk menyatakan luasan tanah walaka pada saat itu tidak seperti sekarang, karena sekarang cara pengukuran tanah dengan system yang dipakai oleh badan pertanahan nasional dengan menggunakan alat ukur dan batasan-batasan patok. daerah kecamatan abuki merupakan daerah yang berada di wilayah hukum kabupaten konawe masih menganut kearifan lokal sebagai hal-hal yang mengatur masyarakat yang memiliki kekuatan hukum bagi masyarakatnya serta masih issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 63 prinsip tanah walaka pada masyarakat hukum adat tolaki dalam sistem pertanahan i olivia muldjabar terdapatnya masyarakat adat yang mendiami sebuah areal pertanahan secara turun temurun serta tanah tersebut dikuasai secara perorangan dan kolompok oleh masyarakat di tempat tersebut. terkait dengan keberadaan tanah walaka tersebut bahwa ada keinginan dari masyarakat untuk tetap adanya pengakuan terhadap tanah walaka namun disisi lain kerap tanah walaka tersebut dijadikan sebagai areal pembangunan ataupun tempat pengolahan kayu oleh pemerintah setempat. permasalahan yang timbul di daerah tersebut yang melahirkan sengketa hak ulayat atas kepemilikan tanah ialah adanya rencana pengelolaan hutan rakyat yang di dalamnya terdapat ekosistem tumbuhan dan hewan yang mendiami tempat tersebut untuk dikelolah oleh salah satu perusahaan pengelolaan kayu yang mendapat izin hak pengelolaan hutan (hph) di tempat tersebut. hal tersebut tidak disetujui oleh masyarakat dengan alasan bahwa pengelolaan kayu akan merusak ekositem di tempat tersebut yang telah lama dijaga dan dipelihara oleh masyarakat serta didiami secara turun-temurun. oleh sebab itu, sengketa yang timbul antara kedua belah pihak tersebut hingga saat ini mendapatkan perhatian yang cukup besar dari berbagai pihak terutama sengketa tersebut melahirkan pro dan kontra dari sebagian masyarakat, dimana disatu sisi pengelolaan kayu dapat menguntungkan masyarakat karena dapat menyerap tenaga kerja dan mendatangkan keuntungan ekonomi dan disisi lain perbuatan tersebut dapat merusak kelangsungan hidup masyarakat dan ekosistemnya yang hidup dan berkembang di daerah tersebut. b. hasil dan pembahasan 1. tentang hak ulayat hak ulayat sebagai istilah teknis yuridis adalah hak yang melekat sebagai kompetensi khas pada masyarakat hukum adat, berupa wewenang/kekuasaan mengurus dan mengatur tanah seisinya dengan daya laku ke dalam maupun ke luar, (maria, s.w sumardjono, 2007:55) pengakuan eksistensi hak ulayat oleh uupa merupakan hal yang wajar, karena hak ulayat beserta masyarakat hukum adat telah ada sebelum terbentuknya negara republik indonesia pada tanggal 17 agustus 1945. pasal 3 uupa menegaskan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 64 prinsip tanah walaka pada masyarakat hukum adat tolaki dalam sistem pertanahan i olivia muldjabar pengakuan tersebut yang menyebutkan “dengan mengingat ketentuan-ketentuan dalam pasal 1 dan pasal 2 uupa, pelaksanaan hak ulayat dan hak-hak serupa ini dari masyarakat-masyarakat hukum adat, sepanjang menurut kenyataannya masih ada, harus sedemikian rupa, sehingga sesuai dengankepentingan nasional dan negara, yang berdasarkan atas persatuan bangsa serta tidak boleh bertentangan dengan undangundang dan peraturan peraturan lain yang labih tinggi” (maria s.w. sumardjono, 2007:54). hak ulayat dalam pasal kepustakaan hukum adat dan dikalangan masyarakat hukum adat diberbagai daerah dikenal dengan nama yang berbeda-beda. hak ulayat merupakan hak penguasaan yang tertinggi atas tanah dalam hukum adat, yang meliputi semua tanah termasuk dalam lingkungan wilayah suatu masyarakat hukum adat tertentu, yang merupakan tanah milik bersama (kelompok) adat suatu daerah, (arie s. hutagalung, 2005:69). adapun yang dimaksud dengan hak ulayat atas jasa van vollenhoven dalam hal ini diperoleh penjelasan yang tegas, beliau menamakan hak tersebut beschikkinggsrecht. perkataan ini telah diterima oleh umum dan sekarang sudah lazim dipakai beschikkinggsrecht adalah suatu hak tanah yang berlaku di indonesia, suatu hak yang tidak dapat dipecah-pecahkan dan mempunyai dasar keagamaan (religi) hak tersebut tidak ada sangkut pautnya dengan hukum perdata eropa (burgerlijk weetboek), (atang, r. ranoemihardja, 1982:55). mr. c.c.j. maassen dan a.p.g hens dalam bukunya agraris cheregelingen voor het gouvernementsgebied van java and madura (peraturan-peraturan agraris didaerah gubenemen jawa dan madura), bahwa hak ulayat (beschikkinggsrecht) adalah hak desa menurut adat dan kemauannya untuk menguasai tanah dalam lingkungan daerahnya buat kepentingan anggota-anggotanya atau untuk kepentingan orang lain (orang asing) dengan membayar kerugian kepada desa, dalam hal mana desa itu sedikit banyak turut campur dengan pembukaan tanah itu dan turut bertanggung jawab terhadap perkaraperkara yang terjadi di situ yang belum dapat diselesaikan (boedi harsono, 1997:54). subyek hak ulayat ini adalah masyarakat hukum adat, baik yang merupakan persekutuan hukum yang didasarkan pada kesamaan tempat tinggal (tertorial) maupun yang didasarkan pada keturunan (geneologis) yang dikenal dengan berbagai nama yang issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 65 prinsip tanah walaka pada masyarakat hukum adat tolaki dalam sistem pertanahan i olivia muldjabar khas didaerah yang bersangkutan misalnya suku, marga, dati, dusun, negara dan sebagainya (arie s. hutagalung, 2005:70). secara umum, setidaknya ada empat karakteristik pokok bentuk penguasaan tanah menurut hukum adat, yaitu tidak adanya kepemilikan mutlak, penguasaan yang bersifat inklusif, larangan untuk memperjual belikan tanah (meskipun untuk tanah yang sudah dikuasai secara pribadi). ketiga sifat ini saling mengkait, yang dilandasi oleh paradigma pokok bahwa sesungguhnya tanah adalah sumberdaya yang khas tidak sebagai mana sumberdaya ekonomi lain. karena jumlahnya yang terbatas, maka tanah harus digunakan secara adil, dan harus mampu memberi kesejahteraan bagi seluruh orang di muka bumi. untuk itu, tanah jangan dijadikan sebagai komoditas. (nofend st. mudo,www.google.com, akses tanggal 9 juli 2008) a. sifat pertama, tanah tidak dapat dikuasai secara mutlak, sifat khas penguasaan tanah menurut hukum adat yang menyatakan bahwa tanah tidak dapat dimiliki secara mutlak ditemukan dalam beberapa literatur. dalam sistem hukum adat sebagai contoh, dipisahkan antara "tanah" dan "ulayat" dengan azas terpisah horizontal. artinya, tanah secara fisik adalah tetap milik komunal dan tidak boleh berpindah tangan kepemilikannya; sedangkat pengaturan ulayat (atau pemanfaatannya) berada di bawah kewenangan penghulu. b. sifat kedua, penguasaan tanah bersifat inklusif, tidak adanya kepemilikan mutlak, dapat dimaknai sebagai suatu sifat inklusifitas dalam penguasaan. dalam pengertian ini, selain seluruh tanah suku dapat dikuasai oleh seluruh anggota suku, tentunya dengan prosedur tertentu; bahkan orang-orang yang datang dari luar suku pun dapat memanfaatkannya. artinya, orang yang berasal dari satu etnis berkesempatan mengerjakan tanah yang jelas-jelas berada di wilayah suku lain. hak tersebut tentunya dengan terlebih dahulu memenuhi kewajiban tertentu, misalnya berupa pemberian sejumlah uang maupun upeti dan hadiah. inti dari kewajiban ini sesunggunya bukan kepada nilai ekonomi dari pemberian itu, tapi semata merupakan bentuk pengakuan issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 66 prinsip tanah walaka pada masyarakat hukum adat tolaki dalam sistem pertanahan i olivia muldjabar hukum belaka, bahwa seseorang mengajukan diri untuk mengolah sebidang tanah yang merupakan ulayat dari satu komunitas suku tertentu. c. sifat ketiga, tanah tidak boleh diperjual belikan. di hukum adat aturan adat terhadap tanah ulayat dapat dikatakan sangat "keras" dan "tegas", karena tanah tidak boleh diperjualbelikan ataupun digadaikan. jika sudah pernah tergadai maka wajib ditebus, dan bila pernah terjual wajib mengganti bayarannya. jika disandingkan dengan hukum islam, penguasaan tanah (ownership of land) terbagi atas tiga bentuk, yaitu: a. tanah-tanah yang dikuasai oleh masyarakat (lands owned by society), b. tanah-tanah yang dikuasai oleh negara (lands owned by state), c. tanah-tanah yang dikuasai secara individual (lands owned by private individuals). 2. kedudukan tanah walaka setelah berlakunya uupa. setelah berlakunya undang-undang pokok agraria (uupa) nomor 5 tahun 1960 yang berlaku pada tanggal 24 september 1960, sebagai instrumen hukum yang tertulis yang mengatur tentang pertanahan nasional dan sistem kepemilikanya ternyata belum dilaksanakan sepenuhnya oleh seluruh masyarakat indonesia, dimana masih adanya sebagian masyarakat yang melakukan pengaturan kepemilikan tanah berdasarkan hukum adatnya, salah satu daerah tersebut adalah suku adat tolaki di kecamatan abuki. namun demikian masyarakat adat tolaki kecamatan abuki masih menggunakan hukum sebagai instrumen hukum yang mengatur tanah mereka yang ditentukan oleh opue anamotuo (nenek moyang) tetapi tidak berarti uupa menjadi tidak berlaku hanya sifatnya opsional (pilihan) jika hukum adat tidak mengaturnya. di kecamatan abuki dalam kepemilikan tanah dikenal adanya hak-hak atas tanah menurut hukum adat, dimana hak-hak atas tanah yang diatur dalam hukum adat tolaki sehubungan dengan pemilikan, penguasaan dan penggunaan telah dikuasai oleh suatu kelompok yang disebut tobu. hal itu karena suku tolaki memandang bahwa setiap diri manusia itu harus hidup berkelompok dalam bentuk kehidupan bersama atau membentuk kelompok hidup yang biasa mereka sebut measo wonua atau measo issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 67 prinsip tanah walaka pada masyarakat hukum adat tolaki dalam sistem pertanahan i olivia muldjabar raha (mempunyai suatu tempat tinggal) yang tempat itu bukan milik sendiri tetapi milik banyak orang, yaitu dikenal dengan istilah kowonuano (yang mempunyai negeri). suku tolaki mengakui jika akibat adanya kelompok tempat tinggal bersama mereka itu mempunyai pula hak-hak atas tanah yang disebut hanui’aa wonua (milik kepunyaan negeri) atau hanuno o’kambo (milik kampung) yang mereka pandang sebagai lawan dari hak perorangan atas tanah yang mereka sebut hanu dowo (milik sendiri). mereka mengakui adanya pendukung atas subyek hukum atas tanah tersebut yang disebut tutumo drikee (yang mengetahui) yaitu adanya seorang (tetua adat) yang karena kedudukannya itu secara otomatis menjadi subyek hukum atas tanah milik kelompok itu. sedangkan obyeknya yaitu : 1. owuta (tanah) yaitu tempat untuk berladang (mondau) berkebun (mepombahora) dan sebaliknya. 2. alowoy (air) yang mencakup sungai (aa laa), rawa (aa epe), danau alamiah (aa rano). 3. hutan (ando olo) yang hasilnya barguna bagi kepentingan orang banyak seperti tempat mengambil daun suku (tawa huko), sukun hutan (odai) dan hasil-hasil lainnya. 4. tanah tempat hidup binatang-binatang buruan (dumahu’a), tempat beternak kerbau (walaka) dan sebagainya. hak-hak atas tanah tersebut merupakan hak ulayat kedalam yang disebut omana (amanah), hanu aawonua (milik negeri), juga ada yang mengistilahkan hanu manuru (milik bersama turun temurun) yang siapapun tidak berhak mengklaimnya sebagai milik pribadi. berlakunya beschikingsrecht diwujudkan dalam bentuk-bentuk yaitu : 1. bentuk pembolehan bagi setiap warga kelompok hukum untuk dapat menggunakan tanah dan segala tumbuhan, binatang dan segala sesuatu yang berada diatasnya. tetapi dalam menggunakan hak itu hanya terbatas untuk keperluan hidup bersama keluarga, seperti mendirikan rumah (melaika), berburu (melambu), menggembala ternak (membakani), mengambil hasil issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 68 prinsip tanah walaka pada masyarakat hukum adat tolaki dalam sistem pertanahan i olivia muldjabar hutan diatasnya seperti rotan (o’ue), dan suka (tawa huku), menangkap ikan (meika) dan sebagainya. 2. melalui izin kepala kelompok hukum adat setempat (pu utobu/toono mot’o) hak kelompok tersebut dapat ditumpangi untuk dimanfaatkan oleh orang yang bukan warga kelompok. tetapi hak memegang itu tidak dibolehkan untuk digunakan sesuai dengan kehendaknya, melainkan hanya boleh digunakan dalam hal-hal yang dibenarkan oleh hukum kepatuhan (tidak boleh menjualnya, memindah tangankan kepada pihak ketiga tanpa seizin kepala adat/kelompok dan sebagainya). 3. kepala kelompok (pu utobu/toono motu’o) dapat juga menempatkan penggunaan tanah kelompok untuk kepentingan sosial seperti tempat perkuburan umum (petano’a), untuk mendirikan mesjid dan lain-lain. jelasnya meskipun penggunaan tanah kelompok hanya diperuntukkan bagi warga kelompok itu sendiri (secara kedalam), namun tidak tertutup kemungkinan orang luar dapat pula menggunakannya sebagaimana halnya warga kelompok itu sendiri. adapun syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi oleh orang-orang luar jika hendak menggunakan tanah kelompok yaitu : 1. orang luar harus mengajukan permohonan lisan secara langsung (mongoni dowo) kepada kepala kelompok tanpa melalui perantara. 2. bagi orang bukan warga kelompok hanya dapat diberikan hak numpang oleh (mosaru) dalam jangka waktu setahun panen. penggunaan tanah walaka bagi masyarakat pendatang hanya dapat diberikan apabila orang tersebut mengajukan permintaan kepada tokoh adat dan tanah yang dipinjamkan tersebut tidak dapat dijadikan sebagai tempat tinggal hanya bisa berfungsi sebagai mata pencaharian. dalam hal bukan warga kelompok setelah mendapatkan hak milik lantas menyalahgunakan maka akan dipandang sebagai perbuatan yang tercela, dimana kepala kelompok hukum adat masyarakat tolaki dalam kedudukanya sebagai issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 69 prinsip tanah walaka pada masyarakat hukum adat tolaki dalam sistem pertanahan i olivia muldjabar penanggung jawab tertinggi atas tanah kelompok dapat menarik kembali hak atas tanah yang diberikan tanpa sepengetahuan si pemilik pertama atau si pembeli dalam hal terjadi jual beli. sedangkan mengenai hak-hak perorangan atas tanah terdapat suatu asas bahwa setiap orang untuk memiliki sebidang tanah melalui suatu proses pemilikan yang diisyaratkan oleh hukum adat pada dasarnya dapat menggunakan hak tersebut menurut kehendaknya sendiri tanpa campur tangan dari pihak manapun yang bukan pemiliknya. adapun cara terjadinya hak milik menurut hukum adat tolaki yaitu: 1. dengan cara membuka hutan. 2. dengan cara mewarisi (tiari). 3. karena hadiah atau pemberian orang (pomboweehinotono) 4. karena kadaluarsa (puta). 5. dengan jalan membeli yang sah (mo’oli). mengenai kadaluarsanya ini dimaksudkan tanah gadai yang karena tidak berhasil ditebus maka otomatis tanah tersebut jatuh menjadi hak si pemegang gadai. berkenaan dengan cara terjadinya hak milik membuka hutan yaitu berladang (monda’u) dikenal adanya istilah potiso semacam tanda larangan yang merupakan sebilah bambu hidup disisipkan pada batang kayu disekitar lokasi pilihan, sehingga dengan adanya tanda tersebut menandakan bahwa lokasi sekitar potiso itu telah ada pemiliknya yang menurut hukum adat tolaki sudah memperoleh hak membuka lokasi tersebut maka antara si pemasang tanda larangan dengan lokasi bersangkutan telah ada hubungan hukum yang berstatus hak mengolah awal. tetapi si pemasang tanda larangan akan kehilangan haknya jika lokasi tersebut tidak diolahnya selama satu tahun panen, sehingga dianggap kembali menjadi tanah kelompok dan dapat dimiliki oleh orang lain dari warga kelompok yang berminat. sehubungan dengan pemilikan dan penguasaan tanah yang bermula dari hak potiso pada masyarakat tolaki menimbulkan berbagai jenis hak atas tanah seperti homa, ana homa dan waworaha. hak-hak atas tanah yang dimaksud merupakan suatu bentuk penegasan dari status sebidang tanah agar dapat diketahui kekuatan hukum issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 70 prinsip tanah walaka pada masyarakat hukum adat tolaki dalam sistem pertanahan i olivia muldjabar yang melekat atas hak tersebut serta seberapa jauh dipertahankan jika terjadi sengketa tanah. hak homa berasal dari kata homa yang berarti sebidang tanah bekas diolah seorang anggota masyarakta yang kemudian ditinggalkan. bekas garapan tersebut meskipun telah ditinggalkan selama beberapa tahun tetapi pengelolah pertama masih dianggap memiliki hak atas tanah tersebut. anahoma adalah bekas homa yang berulang kali diolah oleh seorang tetapi belum ditanamii tanaman jangka panjang dan jika ditinggalkan akan kembali ditumbuhi semak-semak. dalam kenyataannya anahoma ini diakui sebagai milik pembuka tanah pertama, dapat dipinjamkan kepada orang lain tetapi tidak boleh ditanami anahoma lain. hanya saja jika sudah lama ditinggalkan tanah anahoma ini dapat menjadi milik tobu. meskipun begitu diakui bahwa anahoma memiliki kekuatan hukum lebih kuat dari homa. waworaha adalah sebidang tanah yang telah berulang kali dibuka dan di atasnya telah ditanami pula tanaman jangka panjang. jelasnya pengertian tanah waworaha ini dinyatakan oleh rustam. e. tamburaka (status dan fungsi tanah dalam kelompok hidup masyarakat di sulawesi tenggara (sebuah laporan penilitian), 1985 : 42-43) sebagai berikut : “waworaha: wawo artinya di atas, raha artinya rumah, arti letterlijknya adalah di atas rumah, tetapi maknanya bukan demikian. makna sesungguhnya adalah sebidang tanah terdapat tanaman lama yang ditinggalkan oleh pemiliknya, sebagai bukti authentic bahwa beberapa tahun yang silam benar-benar pernah bertempat dan mengelola di atas areal tanah tersebut, secara sah dan penuh adalah miliknya dan haknya”. jadi tanah waworaha menurut hukum adat tolaki dianggap sebagai hak milik yang tidak dapat karena sangat kuatnya hubungan hukum antara tanah dengan pengelola tanah bersangkutan. selain hak-hak atas tanah dimaksud dikenal pula hak-hak atas tanah seperti oepe dan hak walaka oepe atau epe adalah rawa-rawa tempat tumbunya tanaman pohon sagu. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 71 prinsip tanah walaka pada masyarakat hukum adat tolaki dalam sistem pertanahan i olivia muldjabar dalam praktek hak epe pada umumnya hanya dimiliki oleh kaum bangsawan dan turunannya. begitu pula dengan tanah walaka yang biasa disebut sebagai tempat pengembala atau memelihara biasanya hanya dimiliki oleh kaum bangsawan dan turunannya. menurut hukum adat tolaki bahwa menandai dapat atau tidaknya suatu lokasi dinyatakan dengan tanah walaka sebagai pemiliknya syarat-syarat sebagai berikut : 1. lokasi tanah walaka tersebut harus sedemikian rupa sifat alamiahnya harus merupakan padang alang-alang yang agak luas dan terletak dan di perapitan gunung sekelilingnya yang disebut anggalo. dengan demikian apabila lokasi tersebut berbentuk padang terbuka yang tidak ada gunung sebagai pembatas alamiahnya, hal ini akan dianggap sebagai tanah walaka milik parsekutuan. 2. lokasi tersebut harus didukung dengan adanya sumber air minum untuk kerbau. apabila di lokasi tidak terdapat sumber mata air maka di belakng hari kalau sampai di terlantarkan dapat kembali dengan sendirinya menjadi tanah walaka kelompok. 3. juga harus terdapat di dalamnya tempat khusus untuk menabur garam untuk dijilati oleh binatang ternak (kerbau). 4. harus pula terdapat tanda-tanda yang meyakinkan di dalam lokasi itu ada terdapat bekas tempat membuat rumah kandang (laika ngngiku) oleh si pemiliknya. jika persyaratan tersebut tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh si pemiliknya maka tanah walaka seperti itu lambat laun dapat diklaim kelompok sebagai bekas tempat mengikat kerbau yang dalam hukum adat tolaki termasuk hak milik adat. sengketa tanah walaka yang di klaim oleh masyarakat tolaki kecamatan abuki merupakan tanah adat hal tersebut memang benar hal ini di buktikan dengan masih terpenuhinya syarat hukum adat tolaki yang telah diuraikan di atas sehingga tanah yang menjadi sengketa itu tidak dapat di anggap sebagai tanah nasional melaikan sebagai tanah walaka. hal ini sejalan dengan ketentuan di dalam uupa dimana kepemilikan tanah ulayat dapat menjadi sah apabila memenuhi syarat sebagai berikut: issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 72 prinsip tanah walaka pada masyarakat hukum adat tolaki dalam sistem pertanahan i olivia muldjabar 1. adanya masyarakat hukum adat. masyarakat hukum adat yang dimaksud adalah masyarakat adat tolaki yang hidup secara berkelompok dalam sebuah ikatan kekerabatan yang didalamnya diatur dan dikendalikan oleh sistem hukum yang telah disepakati bersama. 2. adanya tanah/wilayah dengan batas tertentu sebagai lebensraum yang merupakan hak ulayat. batasan tanah walaka diatur dan ditentukan oleh masyarakat hukum adat tolaki dan tanah tersebut meliputi tanah perkebunan maupun tanah pemeliharaan sapi dan kerbau atau disebut dalam bahasa tolaki wuta mombakani. 3. adanya kewenangan masyarakat hukum adat untuk melakukan tindakantindakan tertentu. tindakan tertentu yang dimaksud adalah tindakan mengatur pembagian tanah walaka dan menyelesaikan menurut mekanisme hukum adat apabila terjadi sebuah segketa dan bahkan masyarakat dapat memberikan sanksi kepada seseorang yang melanggar pemeliharaan tanah walaka. tanah walaka diatur dan ditentukan oleh hukum adat tolaki serta tanah walaka harus dijadikan sebagai tempat mata pencaharian secara kelompok oleh masyarakat adat dan bagi pihak yang berusaha menjualnya mengalihfungsikan tanah walaka tersebut tanpa kesepakatan dari tetua adat maka dapat diberikan sanksi berupa pengusiran dari areal tanah walaka. c. penutup kedudukan tanah walaka setelah berlakunya uupa adalah tanah walaka bagi masyarakat adat tolaki masih tetap ada dan diakui keberadaannya oleh masyarakat adat serta syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan dalam pasal 3 uupa telah sesuai dengan mekanisme hukum yang berlaku. ekstensi tanah walaka menurut hukum adat tolaki terdiri atas dua macam, yaitu tanah walaka milik perorangan atau biasa disebut dengan istilah hano dowo dan tanah walaka milik kelompok. khusus mengenai tanah walaka milik perorangan ini untuk diakui keberadaannya oleh masyarakat adat haruslah dapat dibuktikan sesuai dengan keberadaannya oleh masyarakat adat sesuai yang diharuskan dengan hukum adat bersangkutan dan tanah walaka masih tetap diakui oleh masyarakat hukum adat tolaki setelah berlakunya uupa. issn 2528-360x volume 3 nomor 1 desember 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 73 prinsip tanah walaka pada masyarakat hukum adat tolaki dalam sistem pertanahan i olivia muldjabar daftar pustaka arie s. h. (2005). tebaran pemikiran seputar hukum tanah. jakarta: lembaga pemberdayaan hukum indonesia. atang, r. r. (1982). perkembangan hukum agraria di indonesia. jakarta: pt. raja graffindo persada. boedi, h. (1997). hukum agraria indonesia. jakarta: djambatan. maria s.w. s. (2007). kebijakan pertanahan antara regulasi dan implementasi. jakarta: penerbit kompas. nofend st. mudo, akses tanggal 9 juli 2008. penguasaan menurut hukum adat. www.google.com. http://www.google.com/ jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 1, 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 21 settlement of indonesian human rights violations in the past through restorative justice approaches rosnida1 abstract author’s information: this paper aimed to identify and analyze the resolution of past gross human rights violations in indonesia through a restorative justice approach. the type of research used is normative legal research, using a juridical approach, the type of data used is secondary data consisting of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, tertiary legal materials, data analysis used is qualitative analysis. based on the results of the research, it is concluded that so far the attorney general has not been proactive in looking for various legal facts that can support the evidence previously presented by komnas ham. the attorney general in cases of gross human rights violations tends to be passive, even though the law instructs him to carry out an investigation as soon as possible after he receives a file from komnas ham. so far, komnas ham has completed the investigation results files and submitted them to the attorney general to be followed up in the investigation process. however, the current problem is that the attorney general's authority in conducting investigations has never been optimal, because it is influenced by various factors, the role of legal instruments; laws and regulations with human resources capacity as well as supporting facilities and facilities, unable to resolve past cases of gross human rights violations, the restorative justice approach is a paradigm that can be used as a framework for resolving cases of past gross human rights violations that aim to address dissatisfaction with the operation of the current human rights justice system. keywords: settlement, gross violations of indonesia's human rights, restorative justice 1 faculty of health sciences cokroaminoto university makassar e-mail: (rosnidash12@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.932 1. introduction human rights (ham) is a set of rights inherent in humans as creatures of god almighty and are his gifts that must be respected, upheld, and protected. therefore no power in this world can uproot that. however, it does not mean that with their rights they can do whatever they want. human rights owned by a person are limited by the human rights of others, demands for justice, moral considerations, religious values, security, and public order. although human rights are rights inherent in humans since their birth as god's creatures, the struggle to gain recognition and protection of human rights is a struggle throughout human history in the face of oppressive tendencies of power (mk-ri, 2007). the idea of human rights that prevails today is a compound that was cooked in the scene of world war ii. during the war, from any viewpoint it would appear that one dangerous aspect of hitler's rule was a lack of concern for human life and liberty. therefore, the war against the axis powers was easily defended in terms of protecting mailto:rosnidash12@gmail.com https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.932 jurnal hukum volkgeist rosnida. 5(1): 21-33 22 human rights and fundamental freedoms. the allied states stated in the "declaration by united nations (declaration by united nations) issued on january 1, 1942, that victory is" essential to safeguarding life, liberty, independence and freedom of religion, as well as to defend human rights and justice. " in a subsequent message addressed to congress, president franklin d (nickel, 1996). the killings and devastating damage caused by world war ii generated a determination to do something to prevent war, to build an international organization capable of defusing international crises and providing a forum for discussion and mediation. this organization is the united nations (un), which has played a major role in the development of contemporary views on human rights. the concept of human rights was born, grew and developed in line with the awareness of the international community about the importance of respecting the fundamental values contained in human rights. this conception was codified after the united nations (un) succeeded in declaring a general statement of human rights (universal declaration of human rights) on december 10, 1948 and followed by an international human rights convention, namely the convention on civil and political rights; convention on economic, social and cultural rights and other conventions and the 1998 rome statute (yusuf putra, 2018). in indonesia, legal recognition and protection and enforcement of human rights has been guaranteed in various regulations both in the 1945 constitution and in other laws which become the implementation of the1945 constitution as an embodiment of a state based on the law "rechtstaat" not based on mere power "machtstaat" (a.tumpa, 2009). although the recognition and protection and enforcement of human rights legally have been guaranteed in various regulations, the reality is that in indonesia there are still serious violations of human rights, especially during the new order era and until now most of them have not found a bright spot in their resolution. the gross violations of human rights such as; the events of 1965-1966;the massacres of alleged affiliation with the indonesian communist party resulted in the deaths of between 500,000 and 3 million people, mysterious shootings (1982 1986); the victims of this incident reached 2,000 to 10,000 people whose perpetrators were suspected of having killed on orders from a position under the coordination of the commander of the indonesian command for the restoration of security and order, talangsari massacre, lampung (1989); the massacre of warsidi's group, which was accused of being a radical islamic group in talangsari, east lampung. this incident left 130 people dead and 229 people tortured. the rumoh geudong tragedy in aceh (1989 1998); ten years of military operations in aceh left 781 people dead, 163 missing, 102 women raped, some of the victims were killed and raped at rumoh geudong, the trisakti student shooting (1998); four trisakti university students were shot dead when the action overthrew president soeharto on may 12, 1998, kidnapping and enforced disappearances (1997-1998); about 23 pro-democracy activists were kidnapped and forcibly disappeared, the perpetrators included team mawar from the army special forces command, semanggi i and ii tragedy (1998-1999); demonstrations against the mpr special session in november 1998 (semanggi i) and september 1999 (semanggi ii) resulted in the death of 29 people, the aceh kraft paper simpang tragedy (kka) in aceh (1999); military forces opened fire on people protesting the persecution of acehnese at the pt kertas kraft aceh crossroads, resulting in 46 deaths, wasior jurnal hukum volkgeist rosnida. 5(1): 21-33 23 incident, manokwari, papua (2001); this tragedy resulted in 4 deaths and 39 torture, wamena case, papua (2003); this tragedy resulted in 9 people being killed, 38 people injured, and residents in 25 villages forcibly displaced. the jambu keupok tragedy in south aceh, aceh (2003); this incident resulted in 16 people being killed by being shot and burned. various efforts have been made to fulfill the responsibility for implementing human rights, both in the form of respect, protection and promotion of human rights. these efforts include the making of various laws and regulations related to human rights, such as law number 39 of 1999 concerning human rights and law number 26 of 2000 concerning human rights courts. in addition, efforts have also been made to resolve cases of human rights violations, either through a human rights court or by establishing a truth and reconciliation commission based on law number 27 of 2004 concerning the truth and reconciliation commission. however, efforts to resolve cases of human rights violations still require hard work and awareness of all components of the nation about the importance of resolving cases of human rights violations (mk-ri, 2007). past gross human rights violations must be resolved to ensure legal certainty, the fulfillment of a sense of justice, and the disclosure of the truth. the hope is that in the future, similar events will not happen again. by resolving past gross human rights violations, it is hoped that the rights of victims can be fulfilled. victims regain their rights, regain their dignity. for the state or the government, resolving cases of gross human rights violations will improve the image or good name of the state / government in international relations, will increase the authority of the state / government and the emergence of trust from the people to the government. for perpetrators, the resolution of past gross human rights violations can provide the perpetrator with legal certainty and not impunity. there is no impunity for anyone. in addition, it is also to show all parties that anyone who commits human rights violations can be tried anywhere and anytime as long as he is still alive. the perpetrator will also feel calm, because they are no longer overshadowed by guilt. meanwhile for the people, the completion of cases of gross human rights violations will make them aware to continue to actively monitor the running of a government that is clean, honest and dignified. in addition, the people will have the courage to voice their rights and be active to help prevent cases of human rights violations in all sectors of life. the completion of cases of gross human rights violations will remind them to continue to actively monitor the running of a government that is clean, honest and dignified. in addition, the people will have the courage to voice their rights and be active to help prevent cases of human rights violations in all sectors of life. the completion of cases of gross human rights violations will remind them to continue to actively monitor the running of a government that is clean, honest and dignified. in addition, the people will have the courage to voice their rights and be active to help prevent cases of human rights violations in all sectors of life. the progressive development of human rights instruments is very dynamic, but the problems and tendencies in resolving human rights have encountered obstacles, especially those carried out by government officials. the normal efforts of law enforcers to impose impunity or avoiding punishment of perpetrators have resulted in the national instrument not working properly. the existence of this action has an impact on injustice towards the victim or the victim's family, and even creates a prolonged issue of community demands for the resolution of cases of human rights violations to date. jurnal hukum volkgeist rosnida. 5(1): 21-33 24 in fact, the contribution of justice to cases of human rights violations is the responsibility of the government. however, the reality is that the settlement mechanism through the courts has not been able to have a big influence so that it is possible to have non-court mechanisms (andi natsif, 2016). therefore, the issue of human rights through a restorative justice approach is an interesting formula in upholding human rights in indonesia. japan and korea according to jo halley (syahrin, 2018) are two countries that have succeeded in reducing the crime rate, namely by taking approaches through restorative justice instruments. other developed countries such as the united states, united kingdom, and the netherlands, also have legal instruments through restorative justice. in many criminal cases, the stigma resulting from the imposition of crimes can basically be removed through restorative measures, because apart from compensation in restitution, restoration and reconciliation play an important role in healing the social wounds caused by crime. restorative justice is a the concept of punishment, but as a concept of punishment is not only limited to the provisions of criminal law (formal and material). restorative justice must also be observed in terms of criminology and the penal system (syahrin, 2018). from the existing reality, the applicable criminal system has not fully guaranteed integrated justice, namely justice for the perpetrators, justice for victims, and justice for the community. this is what drives the concept of restorative justice in the future which can be used as an alternative in resolving past gross human rights violations in indonesia, which until now has not yet received a clear light in its resolution. 2. methodology methodology has a very important role in the research and development of science because it has several functions, among others, is to increase the ability of scientists to conduct or carry out research better, or more fully and provide greater possibilities, to examine the unknown. research is essentially an activity that seeks the truth of science, where the research is born from the existence of doubt or curiosity to a problem (amiruddin & asikin, 2004). the study of the problem with the research path is based on scientific activities related to analysis and construction, which is carried out methodologically, systematically, and consistently, by conducting an in-depth study to work on solving existing problems. therefore, in accordance with the function of methodology as guidance in the process of research object assessment, this research refers to the standard and general methodology, especially in the field of law research. 3. problem formulation based on the background description above, the formulation of the problems in this paper are : 1. what is the dilemma of resolving past human rights violations in indonesia ? 2. how is restorative justice as an alternative in solving serious crimes against human rights in indonesia in the past ? 3.1. the dilemma of resolving past human rights violations the term gross human rights violations in legislative policies can be found in the fifth paragraph of the general explanation of the law of the republic of indonesia number 39 of 1999 concerning human rights. the term gross violation of human rights is not defined in detail, but it is expressly stated in a foreign equivalent as gross violation of human rights (sularso, 2018). jurnal hukum volkgeist rosnida. 5(1): 21-33 25 the sub-commission for the prevention of discrimination and protection of minority groups of the united nations human rights commission provides an explanation of the term gross violation of human rights by stating: “united nations practice is to consider gross and large-scale human rights violations, whether they are just isolated incidents or perpetrated systematically, as violations of the principle of respect for human rights, ic as being unquestionably an international problem which needs to be addressed internationally . " (sularso, 2018) the official document of the sub commission on the prevention of discrimination and protection of minority groups of the un human rights commission further outlines the forms of human rights violations that fall within the scope of international crimes by stating: "... that those grave and widespread human rights violations which can be considered as international crimes will include not only slavery, genocide and apartheid, but also other human rights violations of comparable gravity". conceptually, an act known as a gross human rights violation qualifies as an international crime. antonio cassese explains that this international crime shows the following cumulative criteria; 1. violation of international customary rules; 2. these rules aim to protect values that are considered important by the entire international community and are binding on all countries and individuals; 3. the universal interest in overcoming these crimes regardless of the territory or nationality of the perpetrator or victim; 4. there is a certain capacity inherent in the perpetrator. (sularso, 2018) meanwhile, m. cherif bassiouni, in the introduction of his book entitled international criminal law, briefly explains that this international crime is an act based on a certain value view, namely the level of seriousness that threatens and injures human values that can result from an act which forbidden. basically, the determination of an act that qualifies as an international crime to be a gross human rights violation is the result of construction by the community. the development of time and place greatly influences the determination of an act as a serious human rights violation. this construction is also greatly influenced by the political conditions of a society, as katarina tomasevski said: “.... what is defined as human rights violation itself is construct, a perception that varies in time and place and is not shared by all relevant actors. perception produces its reality; varying perception generates different realities. political preferences are elevated to the status of axioms by the expedient of labeling them as violation. there is a controlled human rights vocabulary in international law but its effect on international human rights politics have been minuscule .... " (sularso, 2018). as for past gross human rights violations in indonesia, they were intended as a series of violations of human rights prior to the promulgation of law no. 39 of 1999 concerning human rights (a.tumpa, 2009). in indonesia's long history as an independent nation, human rights issues have always been a terrible story. from one regime to another, the issue of human rights is an issue that needs to be appreciated. jurnal hukum volkgeist rosnida. 5(1): 21-33 26 during the new order era, which was in power for 32 years with an almost perfect dictatorship, human rights violations have become the collective sin of the state apparatus in that era. the "haunted" country under the control of the regime at that time committed a series of acts of crimes against humanity systematically, and these actions have claimed hundreds of thousands and even millions of innocent victims. the following are serious violations of indonesia's human rights that occurred before the promulgation of the human rights law, law no. 39 of 1999, both those who have been touched by the legal process and those who have not; table 1. cases of past gross human rights violations that have not been touched by the legal process (kontras, 2018) no. case name yrs number of victims information 1. 1965 massacre 1965-1970 1,500,000 most of the victims were members of the pki, or mass organizations deemed affiliated with it, such as sobsi, bti, gerwani, pr, lekra, etc. most of these are carried out outside of legal proceedings 2. the mysterious shooting of "peter" 1982-1985 1,678 the victims were mostly criminals, recidivists, or former criminals. this military operation is illegal in nature and carried out without a clear institutional identity 3. the case in east timor prereferendum 1974-1999 hundreds of thousands starting from the military aggression of the tni (operasi seroja) against the legitimate fretilin government in east timor. since then the team team has always been an area of routine military operations that is prone to acts of violence by the indonesian authorities 4. pre-dom aceh cases 1976-1989 thousand since the declaration of gam by hasan di tiro, aceh has always been an area of military operations with a high intensity of violence. jurnal hukum volkgeist rosnida. 5(1): 21-33 27 5. cases in papua 1966-… .. thousand intensive military operations were carried out by the tni to confront the opm. part of it is related to issues of control of natural resources, between international mining companies, state officials, and local residents 6. the case of the banyuwangi santet shaman 1998 dozens there was a massacre of community leaders who were accused of being shamans. 7. talangsari lampung 1989 803 repression against a group of muslim communities in central lampung who were accused of being the farright gpk 8. may 1998 1998 1,308 the social unrest in jakarta became a momentum for the transfer of power 9. semanggi i 1998 473 tni repression of students who rejected the mpr special session 10. clover ii 1999 231 tni repression of students who reject the state law in a state of danger 11. the shooting of trisakti students 1998 31 the security forces fired at trisakti students who were demonstrating. it is the starting point for the transfer of political power and triggers social unrest in jakarta and other big cities in indonesia. table 2. cases of past gross human rights violations brought to court (kontras, 2018) no . case name yrs jlh victim context settlement problem 1. east timor after the popular 1999 97 the aggression by the tni and militias ad hoc human rights court in the main perpetrators were left untouched, the jurnal hukum volkgeist rosnida. 5(1): 21-33 28 consultati on after the referendum showed that the majority of the east timorese population wanted independen ce jakarta, 2002-2003. court process was incompetent, the number of acquittals for military officers, the sentences were too light, and there was no reparation for the victims. the governments of timor leste and the republic of indonesia are currently conducting reconciliation and do not question further this case is being highlighted at the international level (un) with the possibility of holding an international human rights court. 2. 27 july 1996 1996 1,317 the raid on the pdi office was a form of state intervention against the pdi under megawati's leadership connectivit y court, 2002 the verdicts were only civilians, no military officials were convicted, did not touch the main perpetrators, and there was no reparation for the victims. 3. activist kidnappin g 1998 1998 23 the abduction and enforced disappearan ce of pro military courts for field actors (tim mawar) and officer the verdict was low, the court was exclusive, did not touch the main perpetrators, jurnal hukum volkgeist rosnida. 5(1): 21-33 29 democracy activists by the tni honorary council for several generals and some activists were still unknown 4. the shooting of trisakti students 1998 31 the security forces fired at trisakti students who were demonstrati ng. it is the starting point for the transfer of political power and triggers social unrest in jakarta and other big cities in indonesia. military courts for field actors the verdict was too light, the defendant was only a lowly apparatus in the field, did not touch the main perpetrator. komnas ham has created kpp (tss) and it has been submitted to the attorney general's office (2003), but until now it has not progressed. the dpr stated that there were no serious human rights violations. 5. aberpura, papua 2000 63 the indiscrimina te sweeping was carried out on the grounds of chasing the group that attacked the abepura police headquarter s on december 6, 2000. until now, the human rights court in makassar is still being held. the defendant was only a field officer and the victim's claim for reparations was rejected. 6. tanjung priok incident 1984 74 repression against the masses who demonstrate d against the single principle of pancasila in ad hoc human rights court in jakarta, 2003-2004 the verdict was too light, there was an acquittal, did not touch the main perpetrator, intimidation jurnal hukum volkgeist rosnida. 5(1): 21-33 30 jakarta. during the trial and inadequate reparations for the victim. human rights have become one of the most important public discourses after the collapse of general soeharto's government in may 1998. during the heyday of the new order regime, there were not many choices which consistently (istiqamah) deal with human rights issues (ham). ). human rights and democracy were very sensitive issues during the new order era, and very risky for those who were involved in them. not many non-governmental organizations (ngos) have dared to be involved in this issue. lpham (human rights defenders institute) or lbh (indonesian legal aid institute, ylbh), where idealist activists and lawyers join forces, are two of the few ngos that have struggled with various human rights violations by the government for the past three decades and the new order apparatus (nadj & mardiniah, 2000). although there are not many human rights ngos, what deserves thumbs up is their persistent willingness to uphold human rights, whether through developing public discourse, litigation, or advocacy with the victims. various documentation, especially in the form of monitoring reports or investigations of cases of human rights violations and books of notes on human rights violations as compiled annually by lbh since the late 70s, experience in conducting investigations and trials, as well as experiences in conducting investigations and advocacy in field, is a valuable lesson material, which can be used as a reference for fighting for human rights in the indonesian homeland. 3.2. restorative justice as an alternative to settle past serious violations of indonesia's human rights in essence, efforts and policies to make criminal law regulations cannot be separated from the goal of overcoming crime. crime prevention policies with criminal law are essentially related to the application of criminal sanctions. discussion about crime usually includes the nature, basis and purpose of crime. sudarto said that in criminalization, the objectives to be achieved traditionally are special prevention and general prevention. the purpose of punishment which is compared by sudarto from the opinions of other scholars is the opinion of lhc hulsman which says that the purpose of crime is the resolution of conflicts, and the opinion of gp hoefnagels which explains that the purpose of crime is to bring peace. based on the opinions of several scholars, it is clear that the effort to tackle crime is an attempt to provide justice. basically, justice is a condition that is universal. however, the problem becomes different if the manifestation of justice involves a form of action that qualifies as a serious human rights violation (sularso, 2018). as m. cherif bassiouni has said that international crimes are an act based on a certain view of value, namely the level of seriousness that threatens and harms humanity that can result from a prohibited act, and with the opinion of katarina tomasevski who said that the development of time and place greatly influences the determination of an act as a gross violation of human rights, then the issue of achievement of justice related to gross human rights violations is very related to the situation and conditions that have changed. this changing situation and conditions resulted in the justice to be achieved is justice in the transitional justice (sularso, 2018). jurnal hukum volkgeist rosnida. 5(1): 21-33 31 transitional justice objectives can be achieved through or based on two ways, namely retribution known through the achievement of retributive justice, and restoration known as the achievement of restorative justice. a retreative manner is required for consideration : 1. to hold the perpetrator accountable for his/her past actions; 2. prevent future crimes from occurrence; 3. ward off budata impunity; 4. creating an atmosphere of life for perpetrators and victims can realistically coexist with others. meanwhile, restorative justice is based on considerations for the achievement of objectives that include: 1. rediscover conflict resolution; 2. unite all affected parties; 3. recover the wounds of the victim through forgiveness and in lieu of loss; 4. prevent the recurrence of future mistakes through means of community empowerment. as john braithwaite points out, restorative justice is a new direction between "justice" and the "walfare model" then between "retribution'" and "rehabilitation". basically restorative justice prioritizes the meaning of meetings between interested parties in crime and the period thereafter, as stated by achmad ali who cites the opinion of howard zher a pioneer of restorative justice in the united states, interpreting restorative justice is a process that involves interested parties from a specific violation and jointly identifies losses and meets obligations and needs and places change as an acceptable right (ali, 2009). based on this opinion, efforts to resolve conflicts and at the same time healing between perpetrators and victims the way is to bring together or introduce the perpetrators in a forum with the victim or his family to foster empathy on both sides. thus, in the resolution of the conflict highlighted not to assert the offender's mistake then impose criminal sanctions, but the active role of the conflicting parties through mediation or compensatement for material and imateriil losses in the form of restitution or compensatement and restoration of honorary humanitarian relations between the parties (humanization). in praktinya settlement of human rights violations is resolved by the human rights court as a special judiciary (deference / specialization). the specificity of the human rights court lies in its duty and authority to examine and decide cases of gross violations of human rights only. article 1 paragraph 3 of law number 20 year 2000 concerning human rights court is a special court for gross violations of human rights (fauzan, 2005). the restorative justice approach in resolving cases of human rights violations is referred to as a non-court mechanism by exposing the truth and apology of the perpetrator, as well as the recovery of the victim. in contrast to the way justice is achieved outside the criminal process that characterizes retaliation. strictly, the restorative perspective still looks at crime, although the crimes committed also violate criminal law. however, the more important aspect is not the jurnal hukum volkgeist rosnida. 5(1): 21-33 32 violation but the process of loss or viktimization to the victims of crime, society and the interests of the offenders themselves. historically, restorative justice has been inspired by commity justice that is still used in some non-western cultures, especially indigenous populations. in its development, the concept of restorative justice is influenced by thoughts on equality and public relations. although the inspiration does not come from indonesian culture, restorative justice patterns are embedded in some traditional traditions in indonesia. the balance approach is used by restorative justice to produce a limiting disposition by focusing on the responsibility of the perpetrator and providing assistance to the victim. restorative justice puts the parties not individually but together working to forge a bond that is harmonious and unbreakable. the process of restorative justice contributes to addressing issues of civil interactions between parties rather than discussing the offenders with government authorities. as a consequence, the convergence, on the one hand, of offenders and on the other hand, of victims and community as a collective to find remedies and good ties in society. in order to be able to apply the idea of restorative justice in indonesia's legal process, it aims to liberate itself from the rules or standards of national criminal law that are wrapped up in inevitability.that is, restorative procedures with interpretations that are in keeping with the adoption of the idea of restorative justice will also underlie standards or values that are not shackled. thus, as a result of freedom from the shackles to attain human wellbeing and happiness or in the sense of ensuring peace in the life of community, country and state, the creation of laws for the restorative criminal justice process is available. 4. conclusion to date, the attorney general has not been pro-active in finding different legal information that would justify the evidence previously offered by komnas ham. in cases of gross human rights abuses, the attorney general appears to be inactive. whereas as soon as possible after obtaining the file from komnas ham, the law required him to conduct an investigation. the investigation files have so far been finished by komnas ham and turned over to the attorney general for follow-up in the investigation process. the current problem of the power of the attorney general in performing proceedings, though, is never ideal since it is complicated by multiple variables covering it. the approach to restorative justice is a paradigm that can be used as a basis for the policy to address cases of serious human rights abuses in the past to respond to frustration with the work of the existing human rights justice system. references a.tumpa, h. 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(2018). ham & pengadilan hak asasi manusia. tanjungpura, 2(1). jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 1, 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 104 trash management policy based on participation of the society indah kusuma dewi1 abstract author’s information: the trash problem that is currently happening certainly requires special handling by both the government and the community. if the trash management is not in accordance with the methods and techniques of trash management that are environmentally sound, it is feared that it will get negative impacts such as a decrease in the quality of the environment which will also have an impact on public health. the purpose of this study was to determine how to identify trash management problems in napa village, mawasangka district, central buton regency and to find out how the concept of trash management in napa village, mawasngka district, central buton regency. this type of research is empirical juridical research. the results showed the identification of trash management problems in napa village including identification of trash problems in napa village, concept of 3 (three) r trash and trash processing methods in napa village. the concept of regulating trash management in napa village, namely analysis of laws and regulations on trash, philosophical studies of trash in napa village, juridical studies of trash in napa village, sociological studies of trash in napa village, study of direction and scope of trash management arrangements in napa village , academic manuscripts of village regulations on trash management in napa village and draft village regulations on trash management in napa village. keyword: trash, management, community, participation 1master of law, faculty of law, universitas muhammadiyah buton, indonesia e-mail: (indah.kusuma@um.buton.ac.id ) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.948 1. introduction one of the causes of all environmental pollution is used goods that are no longer used or their popular name is garbage. thus the increase in population, the emergence of new residential areas supported by technological advances, the volume of trash will also increase in line with human activities, so that if the prevention and management are not good it will cause big problems in environmental conservation. in everyday life, it is inseparable from the presence of garbage, whether it is garbage that comes from the house or from outside. garbage is a consequence of life, which often causes problems, and the amount will increase along with the increase in population and various activities. an increase in population means an increase in the amount of rubish generated, and more diverse activities mean that there are more types of trash produced. such as household trash and household-like trash. therefore, trash must start to be seen as a resource. this means that the habit of throwing away must be changed into processing. the concept that can be used in processing trash is the 3r concept(soemarwoto, 1986) they are:: mailto:indah.kusuma@um.buton.ac.id https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.948 jurnal hukum volkgeist indah kusuma dewi. 5(1): 104-114 105 a. reduce: reduce the use of products that will produce trash. b. reuse: reuse, sell or donate things that can still be used. c. recycle: modify previously useless things to become useful. meanwhile, national development which aims to create a just and prosperous society based on pancasila and the 1945 constitution, although not yet fully achieved, has been realized with various programs that have been launched. in this case is a program regarding the management of household trash and household-like trash. article 28 h paragraph (1) of the 1945 constitution states "everyone has the right to live in physical and spiritual prosperity, to live in, and to have a good and healthy living environment and the right to obtain health services". in general, according to the minister of public works regulation number: 21 / prt / m / 2006, chapter iv national policy and strategy for solid trash management system development; areas that receive good solid trash services will be shown to have the following conditions: a. all communities have access to handling trash generated from daily activities, whether in housing, commerce, offices, or other public places. b. the community has a clean residential environment because the trash generated can be handled properly. c. the community is able to maintain their health because there is no trash that has the potential to become a material for disease transmission such as diarrhea, typhus, dysentery, and others; as well as environmental disturbances in the form of air, water or soil pollution. d. the public and business / private sector have the opportunity to participate in solid waste management so that they can get benefits for their welfare. 2. literature review one of the factors affecting the environmental balance is an increase in population. an increase in population results in an increase in the amount of consumption of goods and services, from this increase will result in an increasing amount of waste. the increase in waste will be an environmental problem, while in terms of handling, until now it has not been completely addressed, especially in densely populated areas such as urban areas.(ruban, putri, & ekayani, 2014). impact plastic waste can last for years, causing pollution to the environment. plastic waste is not wise if it is burned because it will produce gas that will pollute the air and endanger human breathing, and if plastic waste is piled up in the ground it will pollute the soil and ground water. for this reason, it is necessary to know about the main types of plastic: pet, hdpe, pvc, ldpe, pp, ps, other codes so that if you use safer plastics, namely hdpe, ldpe, pp, other codes (except pvc) and prevention of waste plastic (karuniastuti, nd). based on the law of the republic of indonesia number 18 of 2008 concerning trash management, managed waste consists of: a. household waste; b. household-like waste; and c. specific garbage. jurnal hukum volkgeist indah kusuma dewi. 5(1): 104-114 106 household waste comes from daily activities in the household, excluding feces and specific waste.waste similar to household waste originates from commercial areas, industrial areas, special areas, social facilities, public facilities, and / or other facilities. specific waste includes: a. waste containing hazardous and toxic materials; b. waste containing hazardous and toxic waste; c. waste arising from a disaster; d. rubble of building demolition; e. waste technology that cannot be processed; and / or f. waste that arises periodically. the characteristics of waste in 3-based trash management are divided into: a. organic trash organic waste or wet waste or biological waste is a type of waste that comes from living bodies so that they easily rot and can be destroyed naturally. examples are kitchen waste, leaves, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, rice, and grass clippings / leaves / branches from the garden. b. in-organic waste inorganic waste or dry waste or non-biological waste is waste that is difficult or cannot decompose, which is waste composed of non-organic compounds originating from non-renewable natural resources such as minerals and petroleum, or from industrial processes. examples are glass bottles, plastics, plastic bags, cans and metals. some non-organic waste cannot be decomposed by nature at all, and some parts can be decomposed over a very long time. processing non-organic waste is closely related to saving natural resources used to make these materials and reducing pollution due to the production process in the factory. various recycling systems can be applied, because the composition of the largest waste in cities in indonesia is mostly organic waste, so composting systems on individual, communal, regional scales are introduced, both for high groundwater areas (wet areas) and for low ground water. meanwhile, for the reuse of waste, both organic and inorganic, examples are introduced that can be applied and the introduction of waste banks. for waste reduction simple techniques such as reducing packaging, returning to biodegradable packaging are introduced.for this reason, the 3 r system of trash management (reduse, reuse, recycle), through collection, sorting, and trash management by the community must continue to be encouraged.(karuniastuti, nd). trash management which has a meaning, namely the method of trash management or waste treatment of waste processing from industrial waste materials and technology intended to reduce environmental pollution, how to manage industrial waste and technology depends on the nature and content of the waste and also depends on plans for permanent disposal of processed waste. (wardhana, 1995). trash management or waste is related to environmental management, environmental management can be carried out if a thorough study has been carried out. environmental management must be carried out by integrating the natural physical environment, humans and their social systems. the development of this thought has the consequence that the understanding of the environment is not only limited to the jurnal hukum volkgeist indah kusuma dewi. 5(1): 104-114 107 physical environment but also the socio-economic aspects of culture and combines the concept of "abc" to explain three inseparable environmental components, namely abiotic (a), biotic (b), culture (c)(raharjo, 2014). all human activities have an impact on the environment. its biological activities, such as disposal of metabolic waste in the form of urine and feces, have an impact on the environment. when the number of people is still small, there will be little impact. meanwhile, the greater the number of people and the added with the development of economic activity, the greater the impact on the environment. since the beginning in the development of human culture, humans have tried to manage the impact of their activities on the environment. the greater and the development of economic and technological activities, the more necessary it is for environmental management.(soemarwoto, 1986) to achieve sustainable development, development that is anti-environmental in nature must be replaced by environmentally friendly development, both the physical environment and the socio-cultural environment. we change the living environment from a low condition to an environment that supports our lives at a higher level of welfare(soemarwoto, 2009). organic waste is usually in the form of waste that can rot or be degraded by micro-organisms. because organic waste materials can rot or degrade, it will be very wise if the waste materials belonging to this group are not disposed of into environmental water because they will increase the population of microorganisms in the water. by increasing the population of microorganisms in the water, it is possible that potagen bacteria will develop which are harmful to humans. organic waste should be collected for processing into artificial fertilizer (compost) which is useful for plants. making compost means recycling organic waste which of course has a positive impact on the human environment(wardhana, 1995) inorganic waste is generally in the form of waste that cannot decompose and is difficult to degrade by microorganisms. when this inorganic waste enters the environmental water there will be an increase in the number of metal ions in the water. inorganic samaph usually comes from industry. for example, paper, glass, metal, plastic, and so on(wardhana, 1995) trash management is carried out to reduce and overcome the impact of environmental pollution caused by industrial progress and increasing population. in addition to this, the purpose of holding it is to achieve real prosperity and in line with the advancement of the industry(wardhana, 1995) based on law number 18 of 2018 concerning trash management, waste utilization can be carried out with a comprehensive approach from upstream, from before a product that has the potential to become waste is produced, to the downstream, namely in the product phase it has been used so that it becomes waste, which is then returned. to environmental media safely. utilization of waste as a resource that has economic value and can be used, for example, for energy, compost, fertilizer or for industrial raw materials. trash management with this new paradigm is carried out by reducing and handling waste activities. waste reduction includes limitation, reuse and recycling activities, while waste handling activities include sorting, collecting, transporting, processing and final processing. community-based trash management can be used as a reference model that puts forward the 3r paradigm (r1 = reduce, r2 = reuse, r3 = recycle). r1 is an effort that jurnal hukum volkgeist indah kusuma dewi. 5(1): 104-114 108 focuses more on reducing consumptive lifestyles and always uses "not disposable" which is environmentally friendly and prevents the generation of waste, r2 is an effort to utilize waste material through repeated use so that it does not immediately turn into waste, without processing means reusing waste that is fit for use for the same function or another. r3 is that after the waste has to leave the home environment, it is necessary to sort and utilize it locally into new products. trash management with the 3r pattern is an effort to reduce the burden on tpa (final processing site) for waste. community-based trash management through the 3r pattern, needs to be optimized in its implementation because this program is related to national policies and strategies for developing solid trash management, especially with regard to waste reduction policies from the source, as saved in law no. 18 of 2008, on trash management and ministerial regulation. pu no. 21 / prt / m / 2006, regarding policies and the national strategy for solid waste development. the 3r activity effort requires the active participation of all stakeholders related to solid waste problems. considering that efforts to reduce the volume of waste at the source are closely related to community behavior, an effort to raise awareness and increase understanding is needed to encourage behavioral change that is carried out in stages, either through promotion or dissemination or continuous campaigning. dissemination and dissemination of 3r handling is very important in trash management, it needs to be carried out continuously to every level of society, both individually and in groups, by using language, infrastructure and media in accordance with the target group. efforts to reduce waste at the source need to be supported by providing incentives that can encourage people to always carry out 3r activities, including reducing waste retribution, providing plastic bag replacement coupons, village level awards, etc., which begin with the readiness of adequate municipal trash management. in the operational technique of trash management starting from the source of waste to the final processing, the 3r program needs to be implemented as much as possible at the source as shown in(wardhana, 1995) 3. methodology the location of this research is in napa village, mawasangka district, central buton regency, with the consideration that the village has problems in trash management and the napa village government wishes to solve the problem of trash management by involving community participation. this type of research is empirical juridical research. the problems that have been formulated above will be answered or solved using the empirical juridical approach. juridical approach (law is seen as norms or das sollen), because in discussing the problem of this research using legal materials (both written and unwritten law or both primary and secondary legal materials). an empirical approach (law as a social, cultural or das sein reality), because in this study primary data obtained from the field were used. so, the empirical juridical approach in this study means that in analyzing the problem it is done by combining legal materials (which are secondary data) with primary data obtained in the field, namely about community participation-based trash management policies in napa village, mawasngka district, buton regency. middle. jurnal hukum volkgeist indah kusuma dewi. 5(1): 104-114 109 types and sources of data used in this study are: 1) primary data, namely empirical data obtained directly in the field or research location through interview techniques with information sources, namely the village government, bpd, the community and stakeholders in napa village.; 3) data secondary is data that we search through literature review whether sourced from books, magazines, journals, or electronic media and mass media which we consider relevant to the issues discussed. in order to obtain data relevant to the discussion of this paper, the authors conducted data collection techniques as follows: a. research library (library research) collection of library data is obtained from various data related to the things studied, in the form of books and literature related to this research. besides that, the data taken by the author comes from important documents and from applicable laws and regulations. b. field research (field research) is a way to obtain data by conducting direct research in the field through the process of interviews or direct talks with the napa village government, bpd, the community and stakeholders. the data obtained from primary data and secondary data will be processed and analyzed qualitatively and then the data is described. qualitative analysis is a qualitative analysis of verbal data and numerical data descriptively by describing the real conditions of the object to be discussed using a formal juridical approach and referring to the legal doctrinal concept. qualitative data that is described by words or sentences separated according to categories to get a conclusion. 4. result and discussion 4.1 identification of trash problems in napa village the problems faced by the people of napa village can be overcome by cooperation between village officials and the community who are accompanied by experts, in this case academics from the university of muhammadiyah buton. the submission of this proposal focuses on sustainable development activities that will be prioritized to the village head, village consultative body and the community in planning / organizing, discussing, stipulating, promulgating and implementing village regulations on trash management so that it is expected to become a guideline in the implementation of village autonomy governance to improve governance towards good governance and can be obeyed by the community of napa village so that they will be able to create an independent community development village based on community participation. 4.2. trash problems and management in napa village waste is identified according to the types, namely: a. garbage or wet waste, namely waste originating from residual processing, cooking residue, or food waste that has gone bad, but can still be used as food for other organisms. b. rubbish or dry waste, namely residual processing waste that does not rot easily and can also be divided into two groups, namely: jurnal hukum volkgeist indah kusuma dewi. 5(1): 104-114 110 garbage that does not decompose easily, but is flammable. garbage that is not easily decomposed and is not flammable. c. ashes and cinders, namely various types of ash and charcoal from burning activities. d. dead animal, namely garbage originating from animal carcasses. e. street sweeping, which is trash or dirt that is scattered along the road. f. industrial waste. the public's perspective on waste should no longer view waste as useless waste. garbage should be seen as something that has a use and useful value. in order to implement government regulation no. 81 of 2012 concerning management of household waste and waste similar to household waste, the practice of processing and utilizing waste must be a real step in managing waste. the community must abandon the old way of disposing of waste by educating and familiarizing the community with sorting, selecting, and valuing waste as well as developing a people's economy through the development of a waste bank(prihanto, 1996). in achieving conditions for people who live healthy and prosperous in the future, it is necessary to have a healthy residential environment. from the aspect of solid waste, the word healthy will mean a condition that will be achieved if the waste can be managed properly so that it is clean from the residential environment where humans are active in it. garbage is a direct consequence of life, so it is said that garbage has arisen since human life. it arises simultaneously with human activities, starting from efforts to extract natural resources as raw materials to continue to become materials that are ready for energy, semi-finished materials for goods and service activities in consuming these goods to achieve the welfare of human life. the social character of the community is a social capital forming factor which is the key to success in community-based trash management. where social capital is a series of values owned by society to enable cooperation between communities. the sense of community is defined as feeling part of a group, having togetherness and having the same commitment. with an agreement about what is allowed and what is not, there will be a sense of trust (trust) and solidarity between community members to be together-together are involved in a program for the common interest(syafrudin, 2004). 4.3 waste concept (3r) in ri law no. 18 of 2008, it is said that the problem of waste includes many aspects, therefore its management needs to be carried out comprehensively and integrated with innovation-new innovations are more adequate in terms of all aspects, be it social, economic and technical aspects from upstream to downstream in order to provide economic benefits, be healthy for the environment, and can change people's behavior, meaning that trash management needs to be done from the source. community-based trash management with the 3r concept aims to reduce waste from its source, reduce environmental pollution, provide benefits to the community, and can change people's behavior towards waste. the 3r concept is actually very simple and easy to implement, but it is difficult to implement. a. ways of processing waste trash management methods and techniques trash management can be defined as an area related to the control of waste generation, storage, collection, transfer and jurnal hukum volkgeist indah kusuma dewi. 5(1): 104-114 111 transportation, processing and disposal of waste in a manner that is in accordance with the best principles relating to public health, economy. , engineering, nature protection, beauty and other environmental considerations and taking into account the wider community. thus, trash management is a way to address waste in order to provide benefits and not damage the environment b. identification of waste service standards c. survey the location of the landfill d. identification of trash management agencies 4.4 the concept of trash management arrangements in napa village a. analysis of laws and regulations on waste the analysis used of the collected legal materials is prescriptive analysis, namely formulating and proposing guidelines and rules that must be obeyed by legal practice and legal dogmatic, and of a critical nature which are then used to solve the problems at hand. analysis of legal materials is carried out by selecting secondary data or legal materials, then classifying according to the classification of legal materials and compiling the research data systematically carried out logically.(nalle, 2014). the regulatory aspect is based on the fact that indonesia is a constitutional state, where the elements of life are based on applicable law. municipal solid trash management in indonesia requires a strong and legal basis, such as in the formation of organizations, collection of user fees, public order, and so on. the regulations required in the implementation of a trash management system in urban areas include those that regulate: public order related to waste handling municipal solid trash management master plan forms of management institutions and organizations procedures for implementing management the amount of service tariff or retribution collaboration with various related parties, including cooperation between regions, or cooperation with private parties. b. a philosophical study of waste in napa village the basic concepts and principles of environmental management cannot be carried out without a critical and holistic discussion of the environment. to examine the environment, it must be seen comprehensively as a whole that is interconnected (interaction) and interdependent. the meaning and scope contained in environmental studies emphasizes the dynamic and complex integration between the physical-natural environment with humans and their social systems. this has a consequence, that understanding the environment must be holistically not limited to physical-natural aspects, but also social, economic, cultural, and political aspects of society in a special system of time and place. currently, the abc conception is widely used to explain the three inseparable components of the environment, namely "abiotic", " c. juridical study on waste in napa village jurnal hukum volkgeist indah kusuma dewi. 5(1): 104-114 112 the collection of levies by local governments must refer to law number 28 of 2009 concerning regional taxes and regional levies. in article 1 point 64 of the law it is affirmed that regional levies, hereinafter referred to as levies, are regional levies as payment for services or the granting of certain permits specifically provided and / or given by regional governments for the benefit of private persons or entities. meanwhile, what is meant by services according to article 1 point 65 is the activities of the regional government in the form of businesses and services that cause goods, facilities or other benefits that can be enjoyed by individuals or entities. d. sociological study of waste in napa village from a sociological perspective, levies generally have a direct relationship with the return of achievement because levy payments are solely intended to get an achievement from the government. the government provides services to the community by providing certain facilities and people who use these facilities are obliged to pay levies as services provided by the government, such as paying levies for solid waste / cleaning services. cleanliness is a necessity for every member of society, and to create this cleanliness requires various efforts for it. on the other hand, that every member of society in housing, offices and markets can create waste that can affect cleanliness. for that, there needs to be a planned and systematic effort to overcome it,(soekanto, 2005). e. study the direction and reach of trash management arrangements in napa village these trash management arrangements include: a. types of trash b. the amount of waste retribution c. trash management agency d. trash management in napa village e. garbage dump f. trash management technology g. sanctions for violators f. academic manuscript of village regulations on trash management in napa village the academic manuscript of the napa village regulation on trash management is a comprehensive study of the urgency of making the napa village regulation concerning trash management. g. draft village regulation on trash management in napa village the draft napa village regulation on trash management is a draft which is a material for the village head and village consultative body to be discussed in village deliberations and later stipulated as a village regulation. 5. conclusion garbage is the leftover item or object that is discarded because it is deemed unnecessary. garbage has become a problem for mankind today. population growth and changes in people's consumption patterns have resulted in an increase in the volume, jurnal hukum volkgeist indah kusuma dewi. 5(1): 104-114 113 types and characteristics of increasingly diverse waste. the waste problem that is currently happening certainly requires special handling from both the government and the community. if the trash management is not in accordance with the methods and techniques of trash management that are environmentally sound, it is feared that it will get negative impacts such as a decrease in the quality of the environment which will also have an impact on public health. the purpose of this study was to determine how to identify trash management problems in napa village, mawasangka district, central buton regency and to find out how the concept of trash management in napa village, mawasngka district, central buton regency. this type of research is empirical juridical research. the problems that have been formulated above will be answered or solved using the empirical juridical approach. the results showed the identification of trash management problems in napa village including identification of waste problems in napa village, the concept of 3 (three) r waste and how to process waste in napa village. the concept of regulating trash management in napa village, namely analysis of laws and regulations on waste, philosophical studies of waste in napa village, juridical studies of waste in napa village, sociological studies of waste in napa village, study of direction and scope of trash management arrangements in napa village , academic manuscripts of village regulations on trash management in napa village and draft village regulations on trash management in napa village. the recommendation in this study is that public awareness in trash management needs to be improved because of the importance of understanding the environmental health responsibilities in napa village towards bina lingkungan mandiri village, and the village consultative body (bpd) should play an active role in capturing and accommodating community aspirations in trash management so that the problem of trash management from upstream to downstream can be resolved properly. rerferences karuniastuti, n. 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(1995). dampak pencemaran lingkungan. yogyakarta: andi offset. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 prinsip checks and balances ditinjau dari sisi dan praktik page 115 prinsip checks and balances ditinjau dari sisi dan praktik oleh : faharudin fakultas hukum universitas dayanu ikhsanuddin abstract the purpose of this research is to get a full description about the parliament concept in indonesia that no clear enough use threecameralism system (mpr, dpr, dpd) bicameralism (dpr and dpd), or unycameralism (mpr). similarly, if use bicameralism form (dpr and dpd) so is not make check and balances of character between dpr and dpd make bicameralism concept in indonesian only weak bicameralism not strong bicameralism. result of this research is power phenomenal more arbitrarily that’s why the power must be limited and restriction of the power must be regulated and limited in certainty of legislation or constitution that purpose no happen accumulation power to one branch of power. trias politica doctrine divide three branch of power that is legislative as make the rule, executive to ride of it, and judicative to investigate that follow with checks and balances mechanism, so that it’s impress the arbitrarily or maybe make escaped from arbitrarily. keywor : check and balance, government, bicameralism . a. pendahuluan negara sebagai suatu organisasi kekuasaan telah menempati posisi yang sentral dalam alam kehidupan kolektif manusia modern, negara tidak hanya dipandang lagi sebagai sebuah entity yang absolute, dimana semua stakeholder pendukung adanya negara harus tunduk terhadap penguasa negara tanpa reserve. akan tetapi negara harus mengikuti apa yang menjadi kemauan rakyat yang telah membentuk negara itu sendiri tidak bisa mengabaikan sumber pembentuk negara (manusia baik secara individu maupun kolektif). kecenderungan inilah telah menjadi konsekuensi dari apresiasi dan sekaligus resistensi umat manusia itu sendiri terhadap “negara” yang sudah dianggap ketinggalan zaman, karena keberadaanya telah mencengkram kebebasan tertinggi manusia. hak-hak warga negara seakan-akan telah diambil alih oleh negara sejak negara itu terbentuk.2 negara kata, max weber, adalah satu-satunya lembaga yang memiliki keabsahan untuk melakukan tindakan kekerasan terhadap warganya. menurut thomas hobbes, negara adalah suatu tubuh yang dibuat oleh orang banyak beramai-ramai, masing-masing berjanji akan memakainya menjadi alat untuk keamanan dan perlindungan bagi mereka. jean jaques rousseau, negara adalah perserikatan dari issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 prinsip checks and balances ditinjau dari sisi dan praktik page 116 rakyat bersama-sama yang melindungi dan mempertahankan hak masing-masing diri dan harta benda anggota-anggota yang tetap hidup dengan bebas. karlmarx, negara adalah suatu alat kekuasaan bagi manusia (penguasa) untuk menindas kelas manusia lainnya. has kelsen, negara adalah suatu tertib hukum. tertib hukum yang timbul karena diciptakannya peraturan-peraturan hukum yang menentukan bagaimana orang di dalam masyarakat atau negara itu harus bertanggung jawab terhadap perbuatan-perbuatannya. sedangkan menurut miriam budiardjo. negara merupakan integrasi dari kekuasaan politik, ia adalah organisasi pokok dari kekuasaan politik. untuk menjalankan kekuasaan kekuasaan negara tersebut penulis membawa pikiran pada beberapa bentuk kekuasaan berdasarkan cara dan sifatnya. b. kerangka teori 1. kedaulatan negara kekuasaan ini menganggap bahwa negara sebagai suatu “rechtspersoon” atau “suatu badan hukum” yang dianggap memiliki pelbagai hak dan kewajiban serta dapat melakukan perbuatan atau tindakan hukum. negara sebagai badan hukum inilah yang memiliki kedaulatan atau kekuasaan tertinggi di dalam kehidupan manusia sebagai anggota masyarakat. yang berdaulat adalah pembentuk hukum yang tertinggi, dan hukum positif adalah hukum yang dibuat oleh yang berdaulat itu. sebagai konsekuensinya, yang berdaulat berada di atas hukum yang merupakan hasil ciptaanya sendiri. bahwa “negara merupakan sumber segala kekuasaan”. berangkat dari pendapat ini, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa laband seorang ahli pikir yang sangat diagung-agungkan negara atau mengidolakan negara sebagai pemegang kedaulatan, dan secara factual sifat dan hakikat negara memegang prisnip seperti itu. secara factual juga bahwa bumi telah terbagi habis secara geografi s oleg organisasi negara. hans kelsen juga pernah mengatakan “bahwa “hukum obyektif merupakan kehendak negara”. dari pemikiran-pemikiran tersebut menunjukan bahwa di atas negara tidak ada kekuasaan lain. atau dengan perkataan lain bahwa negaralah yang memegang kekuasaan tertinggi. ajaran kekuasan negara inilah yang melahirkan pikiran-pikiran issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 prinsip checks and balances ditinjau dari sisi dan praktik page 117 austin, mengenai doktrin hukum alam bahwa hukum adalah segala peraturan yang dibuat oleh rakyat. kedaulatan menyatu padu dengan bentuk kekuasaan publik yang jelas, penguasa bertindak atas nama person ini, yaitu atas nama negara. penguasa harus memiliki kekuasaan yang cukup untuk menjamin agar undang-undang yang mengatur kehidupan politik dan ekonomi dijunjung tinggi, sebab dalam pandangan habbes, ambisi -ambisi, ketamakan, kemarahan, dan nafsu-nafsu manusia lainnya cukup kuat. menurutnya perjanjian kata-kata terlalu lemah untuk mengendalikannya. perjanjian tanpa pedang, hanyalah kata-kata, dan sama sekali tidak kuat untuk menjamin manusia. di luar lingkungan pengaruh negara akan selalu ada ancaman terhadap kesejahteraan yang tetap, tetapi dalam wilayah yang dikontrol oleh negara, didukung dengan hukum-hukum, institusi-institusi dan kekuasaan-kekuasaan, tatanan sosial dapat dipertahankan. 2. kedaulatan rakyat lahirnya ajaran kedaulatan rakyat dikerenakan adanya ketidak tertiban, dan tanpa adanya tata tertib dan kekuasaan rakyat, manusia tidak akan hidupa aman. ajaran atau teori kedaulatan rakya lahir dari pemikiran jean jaques rousseau sebagai kelanjutan dari filsafatnya yang bersumber dari perasaan yang melekat pada diri manusia sebagai satusatunya mahkluk yang mempunyai peradaban. kedaulatan rakyat melahirkan kontrak sosial, kedaulatan rakyat dalam kaitannya dengan perjanjian masyarakat, terdapat dua pendapat pertama, kekuasaan dari rakyat karena perjanjian masyarakat itu, dan itu telah habis, karena kekuasaan itu berpindah kepada penguasa yang kini kekuasaan mutlak. penguasa itulah yang berdaulat, bukan rakyat. kedua, manusia sejak dilahirkan telah membawa hak untuk menjamin hak-hak itu, maka, mereka mengadakan perjanjian masyarakat untuk mendirikan negara untuk melindungi hak-hak manusia itu. jadi kedaulatan itu tetap berada pada rakyat. didalam ajaran kedaulatan adalah ciri, tanda atau atribut dari negara. sebagai atribut hukum dari negara kedaulatan tidak mempunyai sejarah yang tidak sama. dalam arti bahwa kedaulatan lebih tua secara konseptual dari pada konsep negara itu sendiri. ia mengatakan bahwa kedaulatan dianggap sebagai suatu fiksi besar tanpa arti dan tanpa issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 prinsip checks and balances ditinjau dari sisi dan praktik page 118 kenyataan. charles benoist, menganggap kedaulatan sebagai suatu konsep yang paslu sejak semula yang kemudian dipalsukan dalam sejarah, tanpa manfaat, dan lebih-lebih lagi kedaulatan adalah konsep yang berbahaya. 3. kedaulatan hukum ajaran kedaulatan hukum dianggap suatu kekuasaan yang paling modern yang masih berlaku sampai saat ini. teori kedaulatan hukum prinsipnya bahwa hukum satusatunya yang menjadi sumber kedaulatan. semua yang hidup di dunia ini, termasuk badan hukum maupun negara sebagai sebuah entitas beserta para penyelenggara negara harus tunduk kepada hukum. untuk menjalankan kedaulatan hukum atas negara, maka dalam suatu negara harus ada konstitusi, sebagai koridor dari penyelenggara negara. hukum merupakan penjelmaan dari kemauan negara, akan tetapi dalam proses selanjutynya negara itu sendiri harus tunduk kepada hukum yang dibuatnya, yakni tunduk pada konstitusi atau peraturan perundang-undangan. mahfud dalam bukunya pilar-pilar hukum dan demokrasi, hukum adalah produk politik, namun dalam kekuasaan pemerintahan selalu tunduk dan taat pada hukum sebagai produk politik itu. menurut krabbe, yang memiliki kekuasaan tertinggi dalam negara adalah hukum. diperkuat oleh jellineck dengan teorinya “selbstbindung” yang isinya antara lain, bahwa negara harus tunduk secara sukarela kepada hukum. lebih lanjut krabe berpoles bahwa masih ada faktor di atas negara, yaitu kesadaran hukum dan rasa keadilan, maka dengan demikian hukumlah yang berdaulat, bukan negara. pikiran ini juga dipengaruhi oleh aliran historis dari von savigny yang mengatakan bahwa “hukum timbul bersama kesadaran hukum masyarakat. hukum tidak tumbuh dari kehendak atau kemauan negara, maka berlakunya hukum terlepas dari kemauan negara.25 pikiran krabbe sebagaimana dikutib oleh mucthar affandi:26 bahwa “hukum itu sama sekali tidak bergantung kepada kehendak manusia. bahkan hukum merupakan suatu hal yang terlepas dari keinginan setiap orang, sebab hukum telah terdapat dalam kesadaran hukum setiap orang. kesadaran hukum ini tidaklah datang, apalagi dipaksakan dari luar, melainkan dirasakan orang dalam dirinya sendiri. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 prinsip checks and balances ditinjau dari sisi dan praktik page 119 tulisan-tulisan krabbe dalam mendalami pemaknaan terhadap teori ini dengan mengatakan, “..aldus moet ook van het recht de heer schappij gezocht worden on de reactive van het rechtsgvoel en ligt dus zijn gezag niet buiten maar in den mensch”. dari pernyataan di atas dapat dsimpulkan bahwa kekuasaan atau kedaulatan hukum harus dicari pada keadilan, sehingga kekuasaan hukum itu terletak pada diri manusia itu kedalam bentuk ketentuan hukum positif, artinya hukum yang ada dalam diri manusia dinyatakan dalam peraturanperaturan hukum negara yang bersangkutan. dengan demikian, hukum bukanlah sengaja dibuat oleh penguasa negara. penguasa negara hanya memberikan perumusan formal saja kepada hukum telah ada dalam diri setiap manusia. bahkan penguasapun berasal dari hukum dan harus mengapresiasi hukum, 4. kedaulatan menurut undang-undang dasar 1945 sistem kedaulatan atau kekuasaan negara versi uud 1945 sebagaimana konstitusi dasar yang bersifat tertulis dalam negara kesatuan republik indonesia secara jelas dan tegas telah dituangkan dalam pasal 1 ayat 2 uud 1945 “kedaulatan berada ditangan rakyat dan dilaksanakan menurut undang-undang dasar 1945. jika dibandingkan dengan pahampaham kedaulatan sebelumnya terdapat perbedaan yang cukup signifikan. kedaulatan negara yang dianut dalam uud 1945 bersifat regulatif, artinya walaupun kekuasaan berada ditangan rakyat, akan tetapi tanpa diikuti oleh suatu regulasi maka tidak dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan kekuasaan itu bersifat inkostitusional. uud 1945 merupakan hukum tertinggi dalam sistem penyelenggara negara. hal itu dilihat dari dua hal. pertama dari segi substansi diakui bahwa uud 1945 sebagai hukum tertinggi mengatur prinsip-prinsip dasar mengenai (i) format organisasi kenegaraan, (ii) mengatur prosedur-prosedur tentang mekanisme atau hubungan antar organ negara (iii). mengatur prinsip-prinsip hubungan antar negara atau organ-organ negara dengan warga negara (iv). mengatur mekanisme hubungan antar sesama warga negara. semua ini diatur dan ditentuhkan oleh hukum atau peraturan perundang-undangan. kedua dilihat dari segi bentuk pelaksanaanya bahwa norma-norma konstitusi itu dijabarkan dalam politik hukum dalam berbagai bidang kegiatan dalam arti yang luas yang dituangkan dalam bentuk undang-undang dan peraturan perundang-undangan issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 prinsip checks and balances ditinjau dari sisi dan praktik page 120 pelaksanaanya yang berupa executive acts, serta dalam bentuk tindakan-tindakan dan keputusan-keputusan ketatanegaraan dalam proses penyelenggaraan fungsi-fungsi-fungsi kekuasaan negara. kedaulatan versi uud 1945, juga merupakan kedaulatan versi pancaslia, sila ke empat mengisahkan kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan perwakilan. nilai dari sila ke empat pancasila ini intihnya adalah musyawarah untuk mufakat. kemufakatan itu dijadikan suatu putusan suatu ide dasar yang didapat dijadikan regulasi dimuat dalam keputusan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi, mufakat melahirkan kedaulatan atau kekuasan rakyat oleh uud kedaulatan itu dilaksanakan menurut undang-undang. c. metode penelitian tipe penelitian yang dipakai adalah penelitian normatif dengan menggabungkan metode penelitian primer, sekunder. penelitian dengan pendekatan normatif diarahkan untuk mengkaji beberapa model check and balances di berbagai negara; amerika, belanda, jerman dan negara lainnya, beserta bentuk negara, bentuk pemerintahan dan sistem pemerintahannya masing-masing, kemudian membandingkannya dengan konsep check and balances di indonesia. jenis dan sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer, yaitu data empiris yang diperoleh dari informan berdasarkan hasil wawancara langsung dengan responden, beberapa diantaranya anggota dpr dan dpd. serta data sekunder, yaitu data yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan, referensi-referensi teoritis, peraturan perundang-undangan, doktrin-doktrin dari berbagai pakar hukum, dan data-data yang diperoleh langsung dari lokasi penelitian, terkait parlemen indonesia. proses analisis terhadap isi peraturan perundang-undangan dilakukan melalui mekanisme yang bersifat sirkuler yaitu analisis sudah mulai dilakukan di tengah-tengah proses pengumpulan data. juga dengan menggunakan metode content analitys untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan. d. hasil penelitian dan pembahasan 1. memaknai checks and balances sebagai instrumen pembatasan kekuasaan issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 prinsip checks and balances ditinjau dari sisi dan praktik page 121 kekuasaan menimbulkan ketidak teraturan kekuasaan negara, melahirkan tiranitirani kekuasaan, dan terlaksana kekuasaan yang otoriter, membuahkan kesenjangan dan transisi-transisi kekuasaan negara, disamping tidak efektif dan efisien penyelenggaraan pemerintahan negara itu sendiri. lahirnya checks and balances sebagai bentuk penyeimbang dari penerapan doktrin kekuasaan trias politika, yang mencoba mengatur kehidupan kekuasaan negara yang relatif baik dalam menciptakan hubungan hubungan hukum antara cabang-cabang atau badan-badan kekuasaan negara, antara legislatif, eksekutif, dan yudikatif yang seimbang dan bersifat dinamis. memang istilah checks and balances baru mulai marak dibicarakan pertengahan abad ke 19 ini, walaupun istilah ini suda lama ada namun dalam penggunaanya sangat baru, sehingga literatur yang menguraikan soal cheks and balances juga masih minim. dalam ajaran kedualatan rakyat, yang dipelopori oleh jean jaques rousseau, merupakan kelanjutan dari filsafatnya yang bersumber dari perasaan yang melekat pada diri manusia sebagai satu-satunya makhluk yang mempunyai peradaban. ajaran kedaulatan rakyat berpangkal tolak dari hasil penemuan rousesseu bahwa tanpa tata tertib dan kekuasaan, manusia tidak akan hidup aman dan pasti tidak tentram. tanpa tata tertib, manusia diumpamakan serigala, dan kehidupan beruba menjadi perang antar umat manusia. itulah sebabnya manusia bersepakat untuk mendirikan negara, dan untuk itu mereka mengadakan perjanjian masyarakat. mengenai kedaulatan rakyat dalam kaitannya dengan kontrak social (perjanjian masyarakat), terdapat dua pendapat, pertama. kekuasaan dari rakyat karena perjanjian masyarakat itu telah habis, sebab kekuasaan itu berpinda kepada penguasa yang mempunyai kekuasaan mutlak, penguasa itulah berdaulat, bukan rakyat. kedua, manusia sejak dilahirkan telah membawa hak, untuk menjamin hak-hak itu, maka, mereka mengadakan perjanjian masyarakat untuk mendirikan negara dalam rangka melindungi hak-hak manusia itu. jadi kedaulatan tetap berada pada rakyat. montesquieu, suatu pemerintahan memiliki tiga bentuk kekuasaan, yaitu, legislatif, eksekuitf, dan yudikatif. dengan formulasinya bahwa kekuasaan legislatif adalah kekuasaan membentuk uu, dan kekuasaan eksekutif adalah kekuasaan untuk menjalankan uu yang issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 prinsip checks and balances ditinjau dari sisi dan praktik page 122 telah dibuat dan ditetapkan oleh legislatif, sedangkan kekuasaan yudikatif adalah kekuasaan mengadili suatu uu. kekuasan ini harus diberikan kepada pihak yang berbeda-beda, hal itu dimaksudkan agar tidak ada penumpuhkan kekuasaan pada satu tangan kekuasaan, mengapa karana bisa menimbulkan arogansi kewewenang-wenangan dan inefesiensi. aristotels yang dikutip oleh munir fuady, pernah berpendapat bahwa pemerintahan yang dipimpin oleh satu orang bukan merupakan pemerintahan yang konstitusional. terkait dengan pembagian kekuasaan aristotels juga pernah mencoba mendalami pola pembagian kekuasaan dengan membandingkan sebanyak 186 negara kota (polis) yang terdapat di yunani dalam bukunya politiea, walaupun yang ditemukan hanya satu penyelidikan, yakni, tentang konstitusi kota athena, ia menemukan pembagian system pemerintahan yang demokratis, sedangkan di vatikan semua kekuasaan ada di tangan paus, dan kota yunani pun kekuasaan terbesar ada pada raja, karena itu muncullah istilah “raja yang berhak menentukan struktur negara, karena dia pembuat undang-undang tertinggi. penerapan konsep pemisahan kekuasaan dan pembagian kekuasaan di zaman modern sudah saling kombinasi antara konsep pemisahan kekuasaan dengan konsep checks and balances, sehingga konsep hybrid seperti ini disebut dengan istilah (distribution of power) dalam hal ini kekuasaan tidak dipisah secara tegas tetapi hanya dibagi-bagi, sehingga memungkinkan timbulnya overlapping kekuasaan. meskipun begitu, konsep awal dari ajaran trias politica yang berasal dari montequieu, yang bermaksud untuk memisahkan sama sekali di antara kekuasaan-kekuasaan tersebut, yakni kekuasaan legislatif, eksekutif dan yudikatif. konsep ini dalam sejarah ketatanegaraan dulu dianut oleh eropa kontinental. sedangkan konsep checks and balances berasal dari para the founding fathers amerika serikat, yang memisakan secara tegas satu sama lain namun saling mengawasi tanpa adan satu kekuasaan yang berada di atas atau (tidak menjadi master atau kekuasaan yang lain) masing-masing mengawasi mekanisme check and belances berjalan dengan baik, disamping juga terhindar dari kesewenang-wenangan dan overlapping issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 prinsip checks and balances ditinjau dari sisi dan praktik page 123 van vollenhoven, menambahkan satu cabang kekuasaan dengan kekuasaan (badan) “politie” yang bertugas menjaga tata tertib untuk mengawasi agar semua cabang pemerintahan dapat menjalankan fungsinya dengan baik. karena itu menurut van vollenhoven, keseluruhan cabang kekuasaan menjadi empat macam, yaitu, legislatif, eksekutif, yudikatif, dan politie. bahkan ada juga menambah dua cabang kekuasaan yaitu, kekuasaan pembuat uud dan kekuasaan pelaksana pemilihan umum. menurut s,f. strong, penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dijalankan oleh 6 (enam) cabang kekuasaan yaitu. a) kekuasaan eksekutif b) kekuasaan legislatif c) kekuasaan yudikatif d) kekuasaan administratif e) kekuasaan militer/pertahanan negara f) kekuasaan diplomatik dalam konsep trias politika, perlu diaplikasikan dalam suatu system pemerintahan yang baik. tujuannya antara lain: 1. menjaga pelaksanaan prinsip demokrasi dan perlindungan hak-hak rakyat dengan tidak memberikan atau menumpuhkan kewenangan pada satu tangan, jadi menghindari kemungkinan terjadinya tirani dalam suatu pemerintahan. 2. efisisensi pelaksanaan roda pemerintahan, dengan masing-masing cabang pemerintahan menjalankan tugas sesuai fungsi dan keahliannya. 3. pemberian kewenangan kepada pihak-pihak yang berbeda menyebabkan adanya saling bersaing secara sehat antara satu cabang pemerintahan dengan cabang pemerintahan yang lainnya, sehingga masing-masing akan saling memberikan prestasi secara baik mungkin. 4. memberikan kewenangan kenegaraan kepada pihak yang berbeda-beda memungkinkan cabang kekuasaan yang satun saling mengawasi terhadap cabang pemerintahan yang lain, sehingga dapat di deteksi dan dicegah secara dinih terhadap kemungkinan adanya penyalagunaan kewenangan. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 prinsip checks and balances ditinjau dari sisi dan praktik page 124 5. menjaga agar sistem pemerintahan berjalan dengan obyektif, dengan menghindari dipengaruhinya kekuasaan negara oleh sekelompok orang tertentu yang mempunyai bargaining position. kecil kemungkinan pihak-pihak tersebut dapat mempengaruhi pihak eksekutif, legislatif, dan yudikatif sekligus. tapi jika untuk hanya untuk mempengaruhi satu cabang pemerintahan saja, masih mungkin terjadi. 2. praktek prinsip checks and balances a. cheks and balances di indonesia praktik kedaulatan yang berasal dari rakyat selama ini (pra-amandemen) diwujudkan melalui majelis permusyawaratan rakyat (mpr) yang merupakan penjelmaan seluruh rakyat indonesia, dengan demikian kekuasaan tertinggi ada ditangan mpr, dan kekuasaan itu dibagi-bagi secara vertikal ke dalam lembaga-lembaga tinggi negara yang berada dibawahnya, oleh karena itu prinsip yang dianut adalah pembagian kekuasaan (division or distribution of power). setelah undang-undang dasar negara republik indonesia tahun 1945 (uud nri 1945) pasca amendemen, kedaulatan rakyat ditentukan dibagikan secara horizontal dengan cara memisahkannya (separation of power) menjadi kekuasaan yang dinisbatkan/ atau dilaksanakan sebagai fungsi lembaga-lembaga negara yang kedudukannya sederajat dan saling mengendalikan satu sama lain berdasarkan prinsip checks and balances yang merujuk pada konsep trias politika. cabang kekuasaan legislatif tetap berada pada mpr, namun majelis ini terdiri dari dua badan perwakilan yang sederajat dengan lembaga negara lainnya. untuk melengkapi pelaksanaan tugas pengawasan, disamping lembaga legislatif dibentuk pula badan pemeriksa keuangan. cabang kekuasaan eksekutif berada ditangan presiden dan wakil presiden. adapun cabang kekuasaan kehakiman atau yudikatif dipegang oleh dua jenis mahkamah, yaitu, mahkamah agung dan mahkamah konstitusi. walaupun eksistensi mpr telah dikebiri melalui amandemen uud nri 1945, akan tetapi keberadaannya tetap diakui dalam struktur ketatanegaraan sebagai lembaga negara penjelma seluruh rakyat yang terdiri dari dpr dan dpd. prinsip perwakilan daerah dalam dpd menurut jilmly, harus dibedakan hakikatnya dari prinsip perwakilan rakyat dalam issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 prinsip checks and balances ditinjau dari sisi dan praktik page 125 dpr. jimly, bermaksud bahwa agar seluruh aspirasi rakyat benar-benar dapat dijelmakan kedalam majelis permusyawaratan rakyat yang berdiri sendiri, disamping terdiri atas kedua lembaga perwakilan itu menyebabkan struktur parlemen indonesia, terdiri dari tiga pilar, yaitu, mpr, dpr dan dpd digambarkan dengan trikameral. tiga badan tersebut mempunyai kedudukan yang sederajat dengan presiden dan pelaksanaan kekuasaan kehakiman yang terdiri atas mahkamah agung dan mahkamah konstitusi. tiga cabang kekuasaan baik legislatif, eksekutif dan yudikatif, dalam pelaksanaan fungsinya saling mengontrol satu sama lain sesuai teori checks and balances system. dengan demikian kekuasaan negara dapat diatur, dibatasi, bahkan diawasi dengan sebaik baiknya, sehingga penyalahgunaan kekuasaan oleh aparat penyelenggara negara ataupun pribadi-pribadi yang menduduki jabatan dalam lembaga negara yang bersangkutan dapat dicegah dan ditanggulangi dengan baik. banyak perbedaan pelaksanaan prinsip checks and balances antara amerika sebagai negara federal dan indonesia sebagai negara kesatuan dengan sistem pemerintahan yang sama presidensil sebagaimana yang dikemukakan di atas, namun menurut pendapat penulis pemberlakuan dan prinsip checks and balances yang dilembagakan dalam sistem kekuasaan negara beresensi pada penyalahgunaan atau tindakan yang sewenang-wenang dalam mengurus hayat hidup orang banyak dalam negara. 3. mekanisme checks and balances antar cabang kekuasaan yang terpisah-pisah sebagai konsekuensi terjadinya pemisahan kekuasaan antara cabang-cabang kekuasaan eksekutif, legislatif, dan yudikatif, maka mekanisme hubungan di antara cabangcabang kekuasaan yang terpisah-pisah itu perlu di atur menurut prinsip checks and balances sehingga hubungan antara satu lembaga dengan lembaga lain dapat saling mengimbangi dalam kesetaraan dan kesejahteraan. jimly asshiddiqie,37 mengurai bentuk kekuasaan yang ada pada tiga cabang kekuasaan sesuai konstitusi a. kekuasaan eksekutif presiden 1) di bidang legislatif, presiden diberi hak untuk mengambil inisiatf mengajukan ruu kepada dpr, menetapkan peraturan-peraturan pelaksanaan, hak veto untuk tidak issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 prinsip checks and balances ditinjau dari sisi dan praktik page 126 mengesahkan suatu rancangan undang-undang yang telah disetujui oleh dpr, hak hukum untuk sementara waktu dalam keadaan kepentingan yang memaksa menetapkan peraturan yang seharusnya berbentuk undang-undang. 2) di bidang yudikatif, presiden diberi hak dengan pertimbangan mahkamah agung, untuk menetapkan pemberian grasi, abolisi, dan amnesty, mengajukan permohonan kepada mahkamah agung untuk menguji suatu undang-undang yang telah disahkan oleh dpr tetapi presiden sendiri tidak bersedia mengesahkannya ataupun tidak menyetujui isi suatu undang-undang tetapi dpr tidak bersedia mengubahnya. b. kekuasaan legislatif dpr 1) kekuasaan membentuk undang-undang berada di dpr, tetapi presiden juga diberi hak untuk mengajukan rancangan undang-undang kepada dpr 2) presiden di beri hak veto untuk mengesahkan atau tidak mengesahkan suatu rancangan undang-undang yang telah disetujui oleh dpr. rancangan undangundang yang tidak di sahkan oleh presiden ini tidak lagi di majukan kepada presiden yang tidak mendapat persetyjuan dpr, juga tidak boleh lagi dimajukan kepda dpr pada periode berikutnya. 3) ketentuan hak veto presiden ataupun hak untuk tidak menyetujui rancangan undang-undang yang di ajukan pihak lain itu, masih perlu dibatasi sehingga tidak terjadi kesewenangwenangan. karena itu, mahkammah agung dapat dipertimbangkan untuk diberikan hak untuk menerima permohonan dari pihak dpr ataupun presiden untuk menguji materi rancangan undang-undang tersebut terhadap uud dengan demikian, kita dapat memperluas pengertian tentang “judicial review” 4) mahkamah agung harus diberi hak untuk menguji materi setiap undangundang terhadap uud. ketika uud 1945 dirumuskan, usul muhammad yamin mengenai soal ini ditolak oleh soepomo dengan alasan uud tidak menganut system pemisahaan kekuasaan. tetapi, sekarang uud nri 1945 telah dengan tegas issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 prinsip checks and balances ditinjau dari sisi dan praktik page 127 menganut prinsip pemisahaan kekuasaan itu, maka hak mahkamah agung dibidang ini tidak dapat lagi terhindari sebagai salah satu mekanisme checks and balances, di antara sesame lembaga tinggi negara. di dalam system pemisahaan kekuasaan mahkamah agung berhak menilai atau mengawasi legislatif dan eksekutif terhdapat undang-undang. c. fungsi mahkamah agung 1) kekuasaan kehakiman, baik dari segi substansinya maupun administrasinya, telah ditetapkan bersifat mandiri dan terpadu di bawah pemibnaan mahkamah agung, tetapi pada saat yang bersamaan peran dpr untuk mengontrol kekuasaan mahkamah agung di tingkatkan melalui penentuan pengangkatan dan pemberhentian hakim agung, dan dengan pembentukan komisi judisial untuk mengawasi segi-segi administrasi kekuasaan kehakiman. 2) dengan memperhatikan pertimbangan mahkamah agung, presiden di beri hak untuk memberikan grasi, abolisi, dan amnesti e. penutup negara sebagai organisasi kekuasaan politik untuk menjalankan pemerintahannya bertujuan untuk memberikan perlindungan dan kesejahteraan bagi warga negara sebagai unsur utama pembentuk organisasi negara lembaga-lembaga negara yang dibentuk harus bekerja untuk mensejahterakan rakyat, seimbang dengan kekuasaan yang diberikan kepada mereka, kekuasaan itu seimbang (balances), maka kekuasaan itu dibagi-bagikan atau dipisahkan secara tegas, sehingga masing-masing kekuasaannya melaksanakan apa yang menjadi tugas dan wewenangnya, yang diikuti dengan mekanisme checks and balances. dari rincian fungsi lembaga negara di atas dapat dilihat bahwa hubungan antara presiden, dpr dan mahkamah agung dapat dikembangkan secara seimbang. melalui mekanisme checks and balances tersebut, ketiga cabang kekuasaan legislatif, eksekutif, dan judikatif yang tercermin di ketiga lembaga tersebut dapat saling mengendalikan dan saling mengimbangi, sehingga tidak terjadi kesewenang-wenangan di antara satu sama lain. daftar pustaka issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 prinsip checks and balances ditinjau dari sisi dan praktik page 128 yuhana, abdy, 2007, sistem ketatanegaraan indonesia pasca perubahan uud 1945, sistem perwakilan di indonesia dan masa depan mpr ri, jakarta: fokusmedia. budiardjo, miriam, 1991, dasar-dasar ilmu politik, cet. xiii, jakarta: gramedia pustaka utama. i gde, pantja astawa, dan suprin na’a, 2009, memahami ilmu negara dan teori negara, bandung: refika aditama. jimly asshiddiqie, 2005, format kelembagaan negara dan pergeseran kekuasaan dalam uud 1945, yogyakarta: fh uii press. purnomowati, dwi, 2005, implementasi sistem bikameral dalam parlemen indonesia, jakarta: raja grafindo persada. kusnardi, mohd, dan ibrahim, harmaily, pengantar hukum tata negara indonesia, studi hukum tata negara fakultas hukum universitas indonesia jakarta: cv sinar bakti. , dan saragih, r. bintan, 2000, ilmu negara, jakarta: gaya media pratama. muchtar, 1982, ilmu-ilmu kenegaraan, suatu studi perbandingan, bandung: lembaga penerbit fakultas sosial politik universitas padjadjaran. munir fuadi, 2009, teori negara hukum modern (rechstaat), bandung: alumni. nurtjahyo, hendra, 2006, filsafat demokrasi, bandung: bumi aksara saldi isra, fungsi legislasi setelah perubahan uud 1945, jentera jurnal hukum, issn: 14126842, edisi 20, tahun v januari april, 2010 faharudin, 2014, analisis hukum fungsi dewan perwakilan daerah ri dalam pembentukan undang-undang, tesis pada fakultas hukum universitas hasanuddin, makassar issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis hukum secara analogi penerapan asas pemisahan horizontal pada praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio kab. pohuwato i nasrullah page 135 analisis hukum secara analogi penerapan asas pemisahan horizontal pada praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio kab. pohuwato oleh: nasrullah dosen fakultas hukum universitas ichsan gorontalo email: nasrullahnurdin130@gmail.com abstract the principle of horizontal separation in the loa is a principle that separates the ownership of the land by the right to the property on the ground or attached to the land, where the existence of the object attached to the land there is a time limit provision either by agreement or on the basis of the provisions of the legislation.based on the analogy of law in the above analogy, it can be concluded that the practice of buying and selling land is not accompanied by coconut trees on it also apply the principle of horizontal separation due to the separation or difference of legal subject holder of property rights to the land with legal subject holder of property rights on coconut trees . but if you look at the various legal bases in the bal which regulate the principles of horizontal separation such as right of use, right of use, right to use, lease of land for building establishment, right of ride, and lease of land for agriculture all have clear clear time limits on the basis of agreement and also on the basis of the provisions of legislation. and for the duration of the term is not over so long also the holder of property rights on the land should not use his right either to build the building, manage or make it as collateral (collateral) debts and so on. while in the sale and purchase of separate land with coconut trees on it is not so, because there is no provision of clear time limit of the existence of coconut trees on the land rights of others and holders of land rights are still entitled to grow crops on their property rights. so the basic difference is what distinguishes the application of the principle of horizontal separation in bal with the principle of separation of horisoltan on the practice of buying and selling land is not accompanied by coconut trees on it. keyword : agreement, land, principles of horizontal separation a. pendahuluan manusia dan tanah memiliki hubungan yang abadi, sejak lahir hingga meninggal dunia hubungan manusia dengan tanah tetap ada. tanah dan manusia tidak bisa dipisahkan, karena tanah memiliki fungsi ekonomis yang diatasnya dibangun ruang sosial, berbagai hubungan dijalin dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah manusia, semakin besar pula kebutuhan manusia akan tanah baik di sektor pertanian maupun di sektor pembangunan. namun keberadaan tanah yang semaki terbatas, tidak sebanding dengan pertambahan jumlah penduduk yang senantiasa bertambah. sehingga tanah tidak jarang menjadi objek persengketaan, dan dilakukan segalah upaya untuk mempertahankan hak atas tanah mailto:nasrullahnurdin130@gmail.com issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis hukum secara analogi penerapan asas pemisahan horizontal pada praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio kab. pohuwato i nasrullah page 136 tersebut, baik melalui proses litigasi, non-litigasi bahkan sampai terjadi pembunuhan untuk mempertahankan hak milik atas tanah. keberadaan undang-undang pokok agraria (uupa) sangatlah penting untuk memberikan kepastian hukum di bidang pertanahaan. karena sebelum berlakunya undang-undang pokok agararia terdapat dualismen yang mengatur masalah pertanahan, yaitu hukum pertanahan yang berdasarkan pada hukum adat dan hukum pertanahan yang berdasarkan pada kuh perdata. hukum adat yang dijadikan dasar karena hukum tersebut dianut oleh sebagian besar bangsa rakyat indonesia, sehingga hukum adat tentang tanah mempuyai kedudukan istimewa dalam pembentukan hukum agrarian nasional (urip santoso, 2012:67). uupa berasaskan hukum adat, namun demikian berbeda dengan ketentuan hukum adat yang tidak mengenal hak kebendaan, uupa mengandung sifat kebendaan, hal mana terlihat dari keharusan adanya pendaftaran hak atas tanah yang mengandung aspek publisitas dan mengandung aspek spesialitas, dua aspek yang selalu merupakan ciri hak kebendaan (mariam darus badrulzaman, 1983:64). hukum adat menganut asas pemisahan horisontal. sejalan dengan hukum adat ini, maka uupa juga mengenal asas pemisahan horisontal (mariam darus badrulzaman, 1983:16). hal ini diatur dalam pasal 5 uupa, yang menyatakan bahwa hukum agraria indonesia adalah hukum adat, dan kalimat itu tersirat dalam uupa juga berlaku asas-asas yang terkandung dalam hukum adat terutama yang berkaitan dengan tanah. dalam prakteknya, salah satu bentuk penerapan asas pemisahan horisontal adalah jual beli pohon kelapa tidak beserta dengan tanahnya atau membeli tanahnya tidak beserta dengan kelapanya. dimana jual belia ini dilakukan hanya dengan selembar kwitansi, meskipun hal ini tidak dilarang namun nantinya tidak menutup kemungkinan dalam proses pembuat sertifikat hak milik akan mengalami kesulitan. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis hukum secara analogi penerapan asas pemisahan horizontal pada praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio kab. pohuwato i nasrullah page 137 mengenai penerapan asas pemisahan horisontal melalui praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya tidak diatur dalam uupa. penerapan asas pemisahan horisontal yang diatur dalam uupa agrarian adalah sewa tanah, hak guna bangunan, hak guna usaha dan hak pakai. ini artinya bahwa, sebenarnya ada kekosongan hukum mengenai praktek jual beli pohon kepala tidak beserta dengan tanahnya atau menjual tanahnya tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapanya. praktek jual beli seperti di atas sudah menjadi suatu kebiasaan masyarakat di kecamatan patilanggio yang tidak diketahui kapan awal mulanya praktek jual beli terebut. dan selain itu banyak kasus pertanahan yang lahir dari penerapan praktik jual beli pohon kelapa tidak beserta dengan tanahnya, misalnya dalam satu hektar lahan yang diatasnya terdapat pohon kelapa yang pemiliknya lebih dari 1 orang di atas lahan 1 hektar tanah. sehingga ketikan ingin membangun di atas tanah hak milik harus membayar kepada semua pemilik pohon kelapa tersebut dan tidak adanya pembagian yang jelas pada pemilik kelapa tersebut. oleh karena itu, permasalahan yang hendak diuraikan dalam tulisan ini yaitu bagaimanakah penganturan asas pemisahan horisontal dalam uupa? dan apakah praktek jual beli tanah tidak berserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio jika dianalisis secara analogi sama dengan asas pemisahan horisontal yang dianut dalam uupa? b. metode penelitian tipe penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tipe penelitian normatif empiris. dimana teknik-teknik yang ada dalam kedua tipe penelitian ini akan penulis gunakan untuk menganalisis masalah yang akan penulis pecahkan dalam menjawab rumusan masalah. yang menjadi objek dalam penelitian ini adalah penerapan asas pemisahan horisontal dalam praktik jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya. sehingganya penelitian ini memerlukan data primer dan data sekunder. untuk memperoleh data primer maka penulis akan melakukan wawancara dengan pihak kantor badan pertanahan nasional, pihak ppat, camat patilanggio kab. pohuwato. di mana data primer ini diperoleh dengan cara melakukan intervieu (wawancara) langsung dengan para issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis hukum secara analogi penerapan asas pemisahan horizontal pada praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio kab. pohuwato i nasrullah page 138 pihak yang dianggap kompeten dan memiliki pengalaman terkait masalah yang ada dalam penelitian ini. sedangkan untuk data sekunder yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan cara melakukan pengumpulan bahan hukum primer dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, bahan hukum sekunder baik buku, jurna dan lain-lain. c. hasil penelitian dan pembahasan 1. pengaturan asas pemisahan horisontal dalam uupa asas pemisahan horizontal adalah asas dalam hukum pertanahan yang diatur dalam hukum adat. berdasarkan asas pemisahan horisoltal maka tanah terlepas dari segala benda yang melekat padanya. dalam hukum adat tanah merupakan benda yang sangat istimewa, sehingga pengaturan mengenai tanah dalam hukum adat, mempunyai lingkup tersendiri yang terpisah dan benda lain yang bukan tanah. kedudukan istimewa tersebut adalah sedemikian rupa sehingga dalam hukum adat pengaturan hukum tanah, transaksi tanah dan transaksi yang berhubungan dengan tanah diatur tersendiri. yang dimaksud dengan transaksi yang berhubungan dengan tanah dalam hukum adat adalah transaksi atas tanah yang tidak langsung, misalnya transaksi bagi hasil, sewa tanah, jaminan atas tanah yang ada di jawa dikenal dengan istilah tanggungan atau jonggolan, dan sebagainya. dalam hukum adat bangunan dan tanaman diatur terpisah dan berada dalam lingkup benda bukan tanah dan hukum tentang perbuatan jasa. dengan demikian berdasarkan asas pemisahan horizontal dalam hukum adat dikenal pembedaan antara benda tanah dan benda bukan tanah. uupa menganut asas hukum adat karena itu juga menganut asas pemisahan horizontal hal mana tersirat dalam ketentuan pasal 5 uupa. “hukum agrarian yang berlaku atas bumi, air, dan ruang angkasa ialah hukum adat, sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan kepentingan nasional dan negara, yang berdasarkan atas persatuan bangsa…" dengan demikian uupa juga menganut asas pemisahan horizontal. hal mana juga terlihat bahwa dalam uupa dan peraturan pelaksanaanya tidak mengkaitkan tanah dengan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis hukum secara analogi penerapan asas pemisahan horizontal pada praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio kab. pohuwato i nasrullah page 139 benda lain yang melekat pada tanah. dalam uupa tidak terdapat ketentuan yang mengatur status bangunan atau rumah ataupun tanaman, karena uupa menganut asas pemisahan horisontal. mengenai penerapan asas pemisahan horisontal pada praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya tidak diatur oleh uupa. asas pemisahan horisontal yang diatur dalam uupa hanyalah persoalah, yaitu: a. hak guna usaha (hgu) yang disebutkan dalam pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf b uupa, secara khusus diatur dalam pasal 28 sampai dengan pasal 34 uupa; b. hak guna bangunan (hgb) yang disebutkan dalam pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf c uupa. secara khusus diatur dalam pasal 35 sampai dengan pasal 40 uupa; c. hak pakai (hp) disebutkan dalam pasal 16 ayat 1 huruf d uupa. secara khusus diatur dalam pasal 41 sampai dengan pasal 43 uupa; d. hak sewa untuk bangunan (hsub) yang disebutkan dalam pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf e uupa. secara khusus diatur dalam pasal 44 dan pasal 45 uupa; dan e. selai itu ada hak atas tanah yang bersifat sementara yang juga menerapkan asas pemisahan horisontal yaitu: 1. hak menumpang. hak menumpang yang dimaksud di sini bukan menumpang pada rumah atau bangunan, tetapi hak menumpang yang dimaksud di sini adalah hak menumpang di atas tanah milik orang lain, yang menurut boedi harsono menumpang untuk mendirikan dan menempati rumah di atas tanah pekarangan milik orang lain. 2. hak sewa tanah pertanian. uupa agraria sendiri tidak memberikan definisi tentang apa yang dimaksdu dengan hak sewa tanah pertanian. yang dimaksdu dengan hak sewa tanah pertanian adalah suatu perbuatan hukum dalam bentuk penyerahan penguasaan tanah pertanian oleh pemilik tanah kepada pihak lain (penyewa) dalam jangka waktu tertentu dan sejumlah uang sebagai sewa yang ditetapkan atas dasar kesepakatan kedua belah pihak. jika menganalisis berbagai ketentuan hukum di atas yang mengatur mengenai pemisahan horisontal, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa asas pemisahan horisontal dalam issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis hukum secara analogi penerapan asas pemisahan horizontal pada praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio kab. pohuwato i nasrullah page 140 uupa merupakan asas yang memisahan hak milik atas tanah dengan hak milik atas benda yang ada di atas tanah atau melekat pada tanah tersebut, di mana keberadaan benda yang melekat pada tanah tersebut ada ketentuan batasan waktunya baik berdasarkan kesepakatan maupun atas dasar ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. jadi tidak hanya mengatur pemisahan hak milik atas tanah dengan hak milik atas benda yang ada di atasnya, tetapi juga mengatur tentang batasan waktu hak milik atas benda yang melekat atas tanah tersebut, baik atas dasar kesepakatan maupun atas dasar ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan 2. praktek jual beli tanah tidak berserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio jika dianalisis secara analogi dengan asas pemisahan horisoltal yang dianut dalam uupa salah satu pasal dalam uupa yang mengatur masalah asas pemisahan horizontal dapat ditemukan dalampasal 44 ayat (1) uupa, yaitu: seorang atau suatu badan hukum mempunyai hak sewa atas tanah, apabila ia berhak menggunakan tanah hak milik orang lain untuk keperluan bangunan, dengan membayar kepada pemiliknya, sejumlah uang sebagai uang sewa implementasi dari asas pemisahan horizontal adalah hak sewa untuk bangunan, yaitu seseorang atau badan hukum menyewa tanah hak milik orang lain yang kosong atau tidak ada bangunanya dengan membayar sejumlah uang sebagai uang sewa yang besarnya ditetapkan atas dasar kesepakatan, untuk jangka waktu tertentu, dan penyewa diberi hak mendirikan bangunan yan digunakan untuk jangka waktu tertentu yang disepakati kedua belah pihak. dalam hak sewa untuk bangunan ada pemisahan secara horizontal antara pemilik tanah dengan pemilik bangunan yang ada diatasnya, yaitu tanahnya milik pemilik tanah, sedangkan bangunanya milik penyewa tanah, namun berdirinya bangunan tersebut di atas tanah hak milik orang lain atas dasar hak sewa untuk bangunan. ketentuan-ketentuan yang dimuat dalam undang-undang pokok agraria (uupa) hanyalah asas-asas dan soal-soal agraria dalam garis besarnya saja, dan oleh karena itu disebut undang-undang pokok agraria. pengertian pokok dalam uupa menunjukkan issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis hukum secara analogi penerapan asas pemisahan horizontal pada praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio kab. pohuwato i nasrullah page 141 bahwa substansi yang diatur dalam uupa hanyalah ketentuan-ketentuan pokoknya. jadi, kata “pokok” dalam uupa bukan menunjukkan pada jenis peraturan perundang-undangan. maksud pembentukan uupa menempatkan uupa sebagai peraturan inti yang hanya berfungsi mengatur hal-hal pokok tentang agraria. uupa sebagai undang-undang induk yang harus dijadikan acuan bagi undang-undang lain yang beraitan dengan agraria. uupa juga sebagai undang-undang yang meletakkan dasar-dasar bagi pembentukan undangundang lain yang berkaitan dengan agraria. uupa masih membutukan peraturan perlaksanaan baik yang berbentuk undang-undang, peraturan pemerintah, keputusan presiden, maupun peraturan daerah. peraturan tersebut bersifat melaksanakan, menjabarkan, dan melengkapi kehendak pasal-pasal dalam uupa (muchsin dan imam koeswahyono, 2008:6). persyaratan mengenai objek jual beli tanah adalah bahwa penjual tanah benarbenar pemilik tanah yang bisa dibuktikan dengan sertifikat tanah atau alat bukti penguasaan tanah yang sah dan tanah yang akan dijual harus jelas statusnya baik dari segi data yuridis maupun data fisik, begitu pula status tanah tersebut tidak boleh dalam keadaan sengketa atau dijadikan agunan dengan hak tanggungan atau dalam status tergadai. selainproses peralihan hak milik dengan jual beli yang dilakukan secara formal, peralihan hak dengan jual beli juga dapat dilakukan dengan cara adat atau lebih dikenal dengan jual beli di bawah tangan yang biasa dilakukan di depan kepala desa oleh pihakpihak yang berkepentingan yang dilakukan di depan saksi, keluarga, kerabat, dan tetangga dan biasanya hanya dibuktikan dengan selembar kwitansi pembayaran. jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio tidaklah bersumber dari hukum adat, tetapi bersumber dari kebiasaan-kebiasaan masyarakat yang tidak diketahui kapan awal mulanya kebiasaan tersebut. namun berdasarkan wawancara dengan warga kec. patilanggio yang intinya bahwa alasan masyarakat pada zaman dahulu menjual kelapa tidak beserta dengan tanahnya bermacam-macam, ada yang beralasan karena masih membutuhkan tanahnya, dan juga beralasan karena nilai jual pohon kelapa jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan nilai jual issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis hukum secara analogi penerapan asas pemisahan horizontal pada praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio kab. pohuwato i nasrullah page 142 tanahnya, sehingganya hanya menjual pohon kelapanya saja. bahkan adapulah yang sebaliknya menjual tanahnya tetapi tidak menjual pohon kelapanya dengan alasan yang sama, yaitu nilai jual pohon kelapa jauh lebih tinggi dibandikan dengan nilai jual tanahnya dan selain itu penjual masih mengharapkan hasil dari pohon kelapa tersebut sehingganya hanya menjual tanahnya saja. peraktek jual beli tanah yang dilakukan dengan jual beli di bawah tangan umumnya dilakukan oleh masyarakat di kec. patilanggio, disebabkan oleh karena rendahnya pemahaman mengenai jual beli tanah dan rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat mengenai pentingnya peralihan hak milik dengan akta jual beli yang dibuat oleh ppat. selain itu, pada zaman dahulu sangatlah susah untuk menjangkau yang namanya ppat, selain menempuh jarak yang cukup jauh, jalan yang harus dilalui juga cukup sulit. dan untuk melibatkan ppat, masyarakat harus menempu proses yang panjang dan harus menyediakan berbagai berkas. sedangkan jika dilakukan jual beli di bawah tangan, masyarakat merasa mudah dan tidak harus menunggu terlalu lama dan biayanya pun murah. mengenai praktek jual beli pohon kelapa ini, menurut boki bahmid. sh bahwa pejabat pembuat akta tanah (ppat) tidak bisa membuatkan akta jual beli pohon kelapa yang terpisah dengan tanahnya, alasan utamanya karena jual beli pohon kelapa bukan objek yang menjadi kewenangan ppat untuk membuatkan akta jual beli dan selain itu draf atau konsep akta memang sudah dibakukan oleh pihak kementerian sehingga pejabat pembuat akta tanah tinggal mengisi bagian yang kosong pada draf atau konsep akta tersebut. sehingga pihak ppat tidak bisa membuatkan akta peralihan hak milik atas pohon kelapa. kecuali akta peralihan hak milik (jual beli) tanah mengikut atau tidak beserta dengan bangunan dan/atau tanaman yang melekat di atas tanah tersebut. meskipun memang benar terjadi pemisahan secara horisontal antara pemilikan atas tanah dan pemilikan atas tanaman pohon kelapa. selain itu, menurut bapak taufan adhitya, sh selaku kepala sub bagian tata usaha badan pertanahan nasional ri kantor pertanahan kabupaten pohuwato, menjelaskan bahwa pihak badan pertanahan sendiri tidak bisa menerima pendaftaran atas tanaman issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis hukum secara analogi penerapan asas pemisahan horizontal pada praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio kab. pohuwato i nasrullah page 143 pohon kelapa yang terpisah dengan tanahnya, kecuali pendaftaran tanah yang mengiku atau beserta dengan tanaman dan/atau bangunan yang ada di atasnya. dari kasus jual beli pohon kelapa terpisah dengan tanahnya melahirkan pertanyaan yaitu, apakah sebenarnya jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya tidak bertentanggan dengan asas pemisahan horisontal yang dianut dalam uupa? karena tidak adanya dasar hukum yang mengatur masalah jual tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya, maka kasus ini harus dianalisis secara induktif dengan menganalisi dari hal yang bersifat khusus ke hal yang bersifat umum. sehingganya harus mencari jenis penerapan asas pemisahan horisontal yang dianut dalam uupa. penerapan asas pemisahan horisontal yang diatur dalam uupa yaitu sewa tanah untuk bangunan, hak guna bangunan, hak guna usaha, hak pakai. salah satu cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk menganalisis suatu kasus yang tidak ada dasar hukumnya yaitu dengan cara metode induktif, yaitu berfikir dari peristiwa khusus ke peristiwa umum. sehingganya bisa dilakukan dengan cara analogi. oleh karena uupa hanya menerapkan asas pemisahan horisontal pada hak guna usaha, hak guna bangunan, hak pakai, dan sewa tanah untuk bangunan, maka harus dilakukan kontruksi hukum. oleh karena itu hari mencari esensi dari perbuatan hukum jual beli pohon kelapa tidak beserta dengan tanahnya. dan begitu pula hak guna usaha, hak guna bangunan, hak pakai, dan sewa tanah untuk bangunan harus dicari esensinya.  hak guna usaha hak guna usaha dilakukan di atas tanah negara. sedangkan bidang usaha yang dimaksud adalah bidan usaha di bidang pertanian, perkebunan, peternakan, dan perikanan. jika usaha tersebut berupa usaha di bidang perkebunan kelapa, maka hak milik atas kelapa tersebut ada pada pemegang hak guna usaha, sedangkan tanahnya tetap milik negara. dengan jangka waktu paling lama lama 35 tahun, dapat diperpanjang 25 tahun dan dapat diperbaharui sampai 35 tahun.  hak guna bangunan hak guna bangunan bisa didirikan di atas tanah hak milik orang lain. sehingganya ada hak milik atas bangunan yang berdiri dengan status hak guna bangunan yang issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis hukum secara analogi penerapan asas pemisahan horizontal pada praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio kab. pohuwato i nasrullah page 144 berdiri di atas tanah hak milik orang lain. sehingganya ada hak milik atas bangunan dengan status hak guna bangunandi atas tanah hak milik orang lain. dengan jangka waktu paling lama 30 tahun.  hak pakai hak pakai atas tanah bisa dilakukan di atas tanah negara, di atas tanah hak pengelolaan, dan di atas tanah hak milik orang lain, baik untuk kegiatan mendirikan bangunan atau pun untuk kegiatan pertanian, perkebunan, perikanan, dan peternakan. jikalau hak pakai terebut di atas tanah hak milik orang lain untuk mendirikan bangunan, maka bangunan tersebut hak milik dari pemegang hak pakai dan tanahnya tetap hak milik orang lain. dengan jangka waktu paling lama 25 tahun.  sewa tanah untuk bangunan penyewah tanah mendirikan bangunan di atas tanah hak milik orang lain dengan perjanjian sewa tanah untuk mendirikan bangunan. sehingganya hak penyewa tanah atas bangunan adalah hak milik atas bangunan tersebut. tetapi berdirinya banguna tersebut di atas tanah hak milik orang lain dengan status hak sewa. sehinggan tanahnya tetap hak milik dari penyewa tanah. sehingganya ada hak milik atas bangun di atas tanah hak milik orang lain. dengan jangka waktu berdasarkan kesepakatan kedua bela pihak antara penyewa dan yang menyewa.  jual beli pohon kelapa tidakbeserta dengan tanahnya sedangkan jika dianalsis akibat hukum dari perbuatan hukum perjanjian jual beli pohon kelapa tidak beserta dengan tanahnya, maka harus dicari akibat hukum dari perjanjian jual beli pohon kelapa tidak beserta dengan tanahnya. akibat hukum dari perjanjian jual beli adalah peralihan hak milik. sehingganya perjanjian jual beli pohon kelapa tidak beserta dengan tanahnya juga terjadi pemisahan horisontal, yaitu pembeli pohon kelapa menguasai pohon kelapa tersebut dengan status hak milik atas pohon kelapa, sedangkan tanahnya tetap hak milik dari penjual pohon kelapa. namun akibat hukum dari jual beli pohon kelapa tidak beserta dengan tanahnya terjadi peralihan hak milik tanpa adanya ketentuan yang jelas mengenai issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis hukum secara analogi penerapan asas pemisahan horizontal pada praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio kab. pohuwato i nasrullah page 145 batasan waktu. sehingganya berbeda dengan asas pemisahan horisontal yang dianut dalam uupa. dengan hasil analisis di atas ditemukan bahwa, esensi dari hak guna bangunan, hak pakai, dan hak sewa untuk bangunan yaitu adanya hak milik atas benda bukan tanah di atas tanah hak milik, sedangkan esensi hak guna usaha yaitu adanya hak milik atas benda bukan tanah di atas tanah negara. sehinggan dari ke-4 jenis hak atas tanah di atas, semuanya menerapkan asas pemisahan horisontal dengan esensi yaitu adanya hak milik atas benda bukan tanah di atas tanah hak milik. begitu pula pada praktek jual beli pohon kelapa tidak beserta dengan tanahnya, memiliki esensi adanya hak milik atas benda bukan tanah di atas tanah hak milik. dengan demikian ditemukan bahwa “adanya hak milik atas benda bukan tanah di atas tanah hak milik” merupakan genus (peristiwa umum), sedangkan hgb, hgu, hak pakai, sewa tanah untuk bangunan dan jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapanya adalah species (peristiwa khusus). mengenai hal ini penulis memahami bahwa sebenarnya asas pemisahan horisontal ini bukan hanya dalam konteks terpisahnya pemegang hak milik atas benda bukan tanah di atas tanah hak milik orang lain. jika pemahaman ini yang kita jadikan acuan maka kita akan membangun suatu kesimpulan bahwa jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya juga menerapkan asas pemisahan horisontal seperti yang telah diatur dalam uupa. namun menurut penulis hal ini sedikit keliru. pemahaman penulis sendiri bahwa asas pemisahan horisontal bukan hanya dalam konteks terpisahnya pemegang hak milik atas benda bukan tanah di atas tanah hak milik orang lain, tetapi pemahaman tersebut perlu diperluas atau ditambah bahwa asas pemisahan horisontal adalah asas yang menjelaskan bahwa subjek hukum pemegang hak milik atas benda di atas tanah, berbeda dengan subjek hukum pemegang hak milik atas tanah tersebut, di mana keberadaan benda di atas tanah hak milik orang lain memiliki jangka waktu yang jelas sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan atau kesepakatan. pemahaman ini dapat dilihat berdasarkan anaolgi hukum di atas dengan tidak mengabaikan dasar hukum yang ada. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis hukum secara analogi penerapan asas pemisahan horizontal pada praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio kab. pohuwato i nasrullah page 146 selain itu akibat hukum dari jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya memiliki perbedaan dengan asas pemisahan horisontal yang dianut dalam uupa, perbedaan tersebut yaitu: 1. pada praktek jual beli pohon kelapa tidak beserta dengan tanahnya tidak ada ketentuan yang jelas mengenai batasan waktu, sedangkan penerapan asas pemisahan horisontal yang diatur dalam uupa memiliki ketentuan batasan waktu yang jelas; 2. penjual pohon kelapa masih memiliki hak untuk bercocok tanam di atas tanahnya, misalnya menanam jagung dan lain-lain. 3. jual beli pohon kelapa tidak beserta dengan tanahnya berasal dari hukum kebiasaan. 4. pejabat pembuat akta tanah (ppat) tidak bisa membuatkan akta jual beli pohon kelapa tidak beserta dengan tanahnya, kecuali akta jual beli tanah. 5. pihak badan pertanahan sendiri tidak bisa mendaftarkan tanaman pohon kelapa terpisah dengan tanahnya. sehingganya tidak ada sertifikat atas tanaman pohon kelapa. dari berbagai perbedaan di atas, penulis berpendapat bahwa praktek jual beli pohon kelapa tidak beserta dengan tanahnya tidak sama dengan asas pemisahan horisontal yang dianut dalam uupa. d. kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas, penulis menarik kesimpulan yaitu: 1. asas pemisahan horisontal dalam uupa merupakan asas yang memisahan hak milik atas tanah dengan hak milik atas benda yang ada di atas tanah atau melekat pada tanah tersebut, di mana keberadaan benda yang melekat pada tanah tersebut ada ketentuan batasan waktunya baik berdasarkan kesepakatan maupun atas dasar ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. 2. berdasarkananalisis hukum secara analogi di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya juga menerapkan asas pemisahan horisontal karena adanya pemisahan atau perbedaan subjek hukum pemegang hak milik atas tanah dengan subjek hukum pemegang hak milik atas pohon issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 analisis hukum secara analogi penerapan asas pemisahan horizontal pada praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya di kec. patilanggio kab. pohuwato i nasrullah page 147 kelapa. tetapi jika memperhatikan berbagai dasar hukum dalam uupa yang mengatur tentang asas pemisahan horisontal seperti hak guna usaha, hak guna bangunan, hak pakai, sewa tanah untuk mendirikan bangunan, hak menumpang, dan sewa tanah untuk pertanian semuanya memiliki ketentuan batasan waktu yang jelas baik atas dasar kesepakatan mau pun atas dasar ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. dan selama jangka waktunya belum berakhir selama itu pula pemegang hak milik atas tanah tidak boleh menggunakan haknya baik untuk mendirikan bangunan, mengelolah atau menjadikannya sebagai agunan (jaminan) utang piutang dan sebagainya. sedangkan dalam jual beli tanah terpisah dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya tidak demikian, karena tidak adanya ketentuan batasan waktu yang jelas keberadaan pohon kelapa di atas tanah hak milik orang lain dan pemegang hak milik atas tanah masih berhak untuk bercocok tanam di atas tanah hak miliknya. sehingga perbedaan yang mendasar inilah yang membedakan penerapan asas pemisahan horisontal dalam uupa dengan asas pemisahan horisoltan pada praktek jual beli tanah tidak beserta dengan pohon kelapa di atasnya. daftar pustaka mariam darus badrulzaman, 1983. mencari sistem hukum benda nasional, bandung, alumni. mariam darus badrulzaman, 1983. perjanjian kredit bank, bandung,alumni. muchsin dan imam koeswahyono, 2008. aspek kebijakan hukum penatagunaan tanah dan penataan ruang. jakarta, sinar grafika. urip santoso, 20012. hukum agrarian kajian komprehensip, jakarta, kencana. http://hkmagraria.blogspot.co.id/2009/01/aspek-hukum-tanah-adat.html. http://hkmagraria.blogspot.co.id/2009/01/aspek-hukum-tanah-adat.html issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pengaruh kekuasaan politik terhadap pembentukan hukum di indonesia i nuraini page 92 pengaruh kekuasaan politik terhadap pembentukan hukum di indonesia oleh nuraini dosen fakultas hukum universitas batanghari email : gadis.nuraini@gmail.com abstract the state of indonesia embraces the sovereighty of the people or democracy. the people are the owners of the highest power in the state. the real power comes from the people, by people, and for the people. even idealized power is held together with the people. indonesia itself is also a country that adheres to the law. from the opinion of the exparts we can see that the state that follows the rule of law is always related to power. where power is always limited by the laws that bind it. in other words the sphere of power is limited by the rules that are bound by the rules that have been composed and written and made by the agency that is authoorized to make it.the type of research used is normative juridical research. this study uses “ conceptual approach, legislation approach, and historical approach, in discussing the problems that exist in this research method is a way to perform analysis of data.political power is the ability to use the source of influence to influence the process of making and executing political decisions so as to benefit itself, the group or society in general. power is a gekala that always exist in the political process, in indonesia law is a product of power (politics) so that the character of each legal product will be determined or colored by consideration of force political configuration that gave birthday. key word : power, political, law a. pendahuluan suatu negara yang menganut azas kedaulatan rakyat, disebut juga sebagai negara demokrasi.(m.kusnardi dan hermaily ibrahim, 1983: 130). negara indonesia juga menganut paham kedaulatan rakyat atau demokrasi. rakyat adalah pemilik kekuasaan tertinggi dalam negara. kekuasaan yang sesungguhnya adalah berasal dari rakyat, oleh rakyat, dan untuk rakyat. kekuasaan bahkan diidealkan diselenggarakan bersama-sama dengan rakyat. pemisahan kekuasaan (separation of power) ke dalam tiga lembaga yaitu legislatif, eksekuif, dan yudikatif yang sebenarnya adalah pelaksana kekuasaan yang mengabdi kepada rakyat sebagai pemilik kedaulatan negara yang sesungguhnya. orangorang yang duduk disana adalah sebagai pelayan dan pengabdi yang bekerja demi kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan rakyat. negara indonesia sendiri juga merupakan negara yang menganut hukum. ini tertuang dalam undang-undang dasar negara republik indonesia tahun 1954 (selanjutnya disebut uud 1945) pasal 1 ayat (3) yang berbunyi “negara indonesia adalah negara hukum”. mailto:gadis.nuraini@gmail.com issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pengaruh kekuasaan politik terhadap pembentukan hukum di indonesia i nuraini page 93 indonesia menganut sistem hukum. tetapi tidak ditekankan apakah civil law ataupun common law. tetapi didalam hal yang bersifat umum hukum tertulis merupakan primadona sebagai sumber hukum utama. hal ini ditandai dengan munculnya suatu gerakan kodifikasi oleh aliran legisme. aliran legisme dalam ilmu hukum dan peradilan tidak mengakui hukum diluar undang-undang. aliran ini berpendapat bahwa hukum identik dengan undang-undang, sedangkan kebiasaan dan ilmu pengetahuan hukum, diakui sebagaihukum apabila undang-undang menunjuknya. sistem hukum negara kita sangat mengedepankan pencapaian keadilan formal. sistem ini cenderung menindas pihak yang lemah, miskin dan termarginal baik secara ekonomi, sosial, maupun politik. untuk memahami apa itu negara hukum dalam artian yang sesungguhnya terlebih dahulu harus memahami pengartian dari negara hukum itu sendiri. berikut adalah pendapat para ahli yang dikutip oleh bahder johan nasution :  wiryono projodikoro : memberi pengertian negara hukum sebagai negara dimana para penguasa atau pemerintah sebagai penyelenggara negara dalam melaksanakan tugas kenegaraan terkait pada peraturan peraturan hukum yang berlaku.  muhammad yamin : mendefinisikan negara hukum sebgai suatu negara yang menjalankan pemerintahan yang tidak menurut kemauan orang-orang yang memegang kekuasaaan, melainkan menurut aturan tertulis yang dibuat oleh badanbadan perwakilan rakyat yang dibentuk secara sah, sesuai dengan asas “the laws not menshall govern”.  joeniarto : negara hukum sebagai negara dimana tindakan penguasanya harus dibatasi oleh hukum yang berlaku.  sudargo gautama : paham negara hukum berasal dari ajaran kedaulatan hukum, ia member pengertian tentang negara hukum sebagai negara dimana alat-alat negaranya tunduk pada aturan hukum.  soediman kartohadiprojo : negara hukum sebagai negara dimana nasib dan kemerdekaan orang-orang didalamnya dijamin sebaik-baiknya oleh hukum (bahder johan nasution, 2017: 1 ). issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pengaruh kekuasaan politik terhadap pembentukan hukum di indonesia i nuraini page 94 dari banyaknya pengertian ahli tersebut selalu dapat kita temui bahwa negara yang menganut negara hukum selalu berkaitan dengan kekuasaan. dimana kekuasaan yang selalu dibatasi oleh hukum yang mengikatnya. dengan kata lain ruang gerak kekuasaan itu terbatas oleh peraturan-peraturan yang mengikatnya oleh peraturan yang telah tersusun dan tertulis serta dibuat oleh lembaga yang berwenang membuatnya. dalam negara hukum, tindakan penguasa dan rakyat harus berdasarkan hukum (abu daud busroh, 2010: 53.) menurut abu daud busroh negara hukum juga terbagi atas beberapa tipe yaitu tipe negara hukum liberal, tipe negara hukum liberal ini menghendaki agar supaya negara berststus pasif artinya bahwa warga nega harus tuntuk pada peraturan-peraturan negara.penguasa dalam bertindak sesuai dengan hukm.disisni kaum liberal menghendaki agar anata penguasa dan yang dikuasai ada suatu persetujuan dalam bentuk hukum, serta persetujuan yang menguasai penguasa, tipe negara hukum formilyaitu negara hukum yang mendapat penegsahan dari rakyat, segala tindakan penguasa memerlukan bentuk hukum tertentu, harus berdasrkan undang-undang, negara hukum formil ini disebut pula dengan negara demokratis yang berlandaskan negara hukum. dalam hal ini menurut stahl seorang sarjana denmark maka negara hukum formil itu harus memenuhi 4 (empat) unsur yaitu bahwa harus adanya jaminan terhadap hak-hak asasi, adanya pemisahan kekuasaan, pemerintahan didasarkan pada undang-undang dan harus ada peradilan administrasi. tipe negara hukum materil adalah sebenarnya merupakan perkembangan lebih lanjut dari negara hukum formil. jadi apabila pada negarahukum formil tindakan dari penguasa harus berdasarkan undang-undang atau harus berlaku asas legalitas, maka dalam negara hukum materil tindakan dari penguasa dalam hal mendesak demi kepentingan warga negaranya dibenarkan bertindak menyimpang dari undang-undang atau berlaku asas opportunitas (abu daud busroh, 2010: 54). issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pengaruh kekuasaan politik terhadap pembentukan hukum di indonesia i nuraini page 95 selanjutnya lebih jauh bahder johan nasution menyimpulkan tentang bagaimana ide dasar negara hukum indonesia, yaitu tidak terlepas dari dari ide tentang “rechtstaat” yang syarat utamanya terdiri dari : 1. asas legalitas, yaitu setiap tindakan pemerintah harus didasarkan atas dasar peraturan perundang-undangan; 2. pembagian kekuasaan, syarat ini mengandung makna bahwa kekuasaan negara tidak boleh hanya bertumpu pada satu tangan; 3. hak-hak dasar, hak dasar merupakan sasaran perlindungan hukum bagi rakyat, dan sekaligus membatasi kekuasaan pembentuk undang-undang; 4. tersedia saluran melalui pengadilan yang bebas untuk menguji dari uraian latarbelakang masalah di atas maka masalah yang di angkat dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah yang disebut dengan kekuasaan politik itu, bagaimana hubungan serta pengaruh kekuasaan politik terhadap pembentukan hukum di indonesia dan bagaimana keterkaitan teori hukum dalam pembentukan hukum di indonesia. b. metode penelitian tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis normatif, yakni penelitian yang difokuskan untuk mengkaji penerapan kaidah-kaidah atau norma-norma dalam hukum positif.penelitian ini menggunakan ”pendekatan konseptual, pendekatan perundang-undangan, dan pendekatan sejarah (bahder johan nasution,2008: 92). bahan-bahan hukum yang telah diperoleh, diinventarisasi dan diidentifikasi untuk digunakan sebagai bahan dalam menganalisis pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini. identifikasi bahan hukum baik primer, sekunder, maupun tertier dilakukan secara kritis, logis, dan sistematis, dikumpulkan berdasarkan sistem kartu (card system), “yang memuat sumber yang tepat dari mana catatan itu diambil, informasi atau pendapat yang digunakan, pokok masalah serta kartu yang digunakan adalah kartu kutipan, kartu ulasan, kartu ikhtisar”(bahder johan nasution,2008: 106) hal ini dilakukan untuk mempermudah proses pengolahan data hukum tersebut, dengan demikian bahan hukum akan disusun dan digolongkan menurut bentuk, jenis dan tingkatnya. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pengaruh kekuasaan politik terhadap pembentukan hukum di indonesia i nuraini page 96 adapun bahan hukum yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah bahan hukum primer terdiri dari peraturan perundang-undangan yang berhubungan dengan masalah yang dibahas seperti uud 1945, undang-undang, peraturan pemerintah, peraturan daerah, yurisprudensi dan lain-lain, bahan hukum sekunder yaitu bahan hukum yang dapat memberikan penjelasan mengenai bahan hukum primer, seperti rancangan undangundang, hasil-hasil penelitian, hasil karya dari kalangan hukum baik berbentuk buku, jurnal hukum, makalah dan lain-lain dan bahan hukum tertier yakni bahan hukum yang dapat memberikan petunjuk maupun penjelasan terhadap bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. dalam membahas permasalahan yang ada dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan metode deduktif yaitu cara untuk melakukan analisis atas data. c. kerangka teori/tinjauan pustaka kekuasaan adalah gejala yang selalu ada dalam proses politik, karena politik tanpa kekuasaan bagaikan agama tanpa moral karena begitu berkaitannya antara keduanya. menurut miriam budiardjo, ilmu politik adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang perpolitikan. politik diartikan sebagai usaha-usaha untuk mencapai kehidupan yang baik (miriam budiardjo, 2009: 13). politik sebagai suatu bagian kekuasaan diluar kekuasaan negara belaka berperan penting dalam produk hukum yang dihasilkan nantinya, produk hukum tersebutlah yang dinamakan produk politik. pengaruh politik dalam pembentukan hukum tampak jelas dalam pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan. tiap tahapan pembentukan peraturan perundangundangan tidak dapat terelakkan dari pengaruh politik, yang akhirnya berdampak pada substansi peraturan perundang-undangan yang dibentuk oleh pemerintah. menurut pasal 1 angka 1 uu no.12 tahun 2011, pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan adalah pembuatan peraturan perundang-undangan yang mencakup tahapan perencanaan, penyusunan, pembahasan, pengesahan atau penetapan dan pengundangan. d. pembahasan hasil penelitian dan analisis 1. pengertian kekuasaan politik issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pengaruh kekuasaan politik terhadap pembentukan hukum di indonesia i nuraini page 97 kekuasaan dalam pembentukan hukum dalam hal ini undang-udang di indonesia berada pada kekuasaan legislatif dan eksekutif. dimana dpr bersama presiden berwenang untuk membuat undang-undang. sedangkan bila dilihat dari tata cara pemilihan anggota dpr maupun presiden itu melalui pemilihan umum. pemilihan umum sendiri melewati proses perpolitikan yang berlangsung. dimana para calon anggota dpr dan presiden harus diusung dari partai politik yang telah terverifikasi oleh kpu. dari kenyataan bahwa dpr bersama presiden di pilih melalui partai politik, kemudian setelah terpilih otomatis memiliki kekuasaan dalam membentuk hukum, maka bisa dikatakan bahwa kekuasaan disini bukan hanya kekuasaan biasa saja melainkan juga sebagai sebuah kekuasaan politik. negara indonesia berdasarkan atas hukum, bukan berdasarkan atas kekuasaan belaka. ini berarti bahwa antara pengertian hukum (rechtstaat) dan pengertian kekuasaan (machtstaat) dipertentangkan, kerana melihat negara semata mata mengandalkan kekuasaan belaka, sudah barang tentu tidak memperhartikan hukum. kata-kata penguasa adalah peraturan perundang-undangan, oleh kerana itu perlu dibatasi oleh hukum. tetapi keranahukum mutlak yang sifatnya transdental itu adalah syariah agama. lalu negara indonesia menempatkan pancasila sebagai sumber dari segala sumber hukum, dimana agama merupakan sila pertama ( inu kencana syafiie dan azhari, 2012: 158). dalam pandangan sosiologis negara adalah bagian dari kelompok politik. menurut samidjo membagi politik kedalam dua jenis yaitu “politik teoritis” dan “politik praktis” yang dikutip oleh sabian utsman : a. politik teoritis;mengenai keseluruhan dari asas-asas dan cirri-ciri yang khas dari negara tanpa membahas aktivitas dan tujuan-tujuan yang hendak dicapai oleh negara. b. politik praktis ; mempelajari negara sebagai suatu lembaga yang bergerak dengan fungsi-fungsi dan tujuan-tujuan tertentu, yaitu negara sebagai lembaga yang dinamis (sabian utsman, 2009: 192-193). 2. pengaruh kekuasaan politik terhadap pembentukan hukum di indonesia untuk menjamin dilaksanakannya fungsi hukum dengan baik maka diperlukan suatu kekuasaan. kekuasaan dalam hal penerapan kebijakan hukum seingkali dikaitkan dengan politik (policy = kebijakan). bila konsep tersebut dihubungkan dengan konsep issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pengaruh kekuasaan politik terhadap pembentukan hukum di indonesia i nuraini page 98 politik, maka kekuasaan merupakan tujuan dari politik. kekuasaan disini artinya kemampuan untuk mempengaruhi pihak lain agar pihak tersebut memenuhi keinginan yang berkuasa.kekuasaan ini kemudian digunakan untuk mencapai esensi utama dalam hukum yaitu keadilan. dalam pandangan aliran postivisme (hukum positif), kekuasaan digunakan untuk memonopoli tujuan dari hukumhukum dengan instrumen sanksi. sanksi digunakan oleh penguasa kepada para pembangkang untuk menentukan hukum, serta adil dan ketidakadilan. dalam proses pembentukan peraturan hukum oleh institusi politik peranan kekuatan politik yang duduk dalam institusi politik itu adalah sangat menentukan. institusi politik secara resmi diberikan otoritas untuk membentuk hukum hanyalah sebuah institusi yang vacum tanpa diisi oleh mereka diberikan kewenangan untuk itu. karena itu institusi politik hanya alat belaka dari kelompok pemegang kekuasaan politik. kekuatan kekuatan politik dapat dilihat dari dua sisi yakni sisi kekuasaan yang dimiliki oleh kekuatan politik formal (institusi politik) dalam hal ini yang tercermin dalam struktur kekuasaan lembaga negara, seperti presiden, dewan perwakilan rakyat dan lembagalembaga negara lainnya dan sisi kekuatan politik dari infrastruktur politik adalah seperti: partai politik, tokoh-tokoh masyarakat, organisasi kemasyarakatan, lembaga swadaya masyarakat, organisasi profesi dan lain-lain. dengan demikian dapatlah disimpulkan bahwa pembentukan produk hukum adalah lahir dari pengaruh kekuatan politik melalui proses politik dalam institusi negara yang diberikan otoritas untuk itu. bahwa teori-teori hukum yang berpengaruh kuat terhadap konsep-konsep dan implementasi kehidupan hukum di indonesia adalah teori hukum positivisme. pengaruh teori ini dapat dilihat dari dominannya konsep kodifikasi hukum dalam berbagai jenis hukum yang berlaku di indonesia bahkan telah merambat ke sistem hukum internasional dan tradisional. hukum merupakan produk politik sehingga karakter setiap produk hukum akan sangat ditentukan atau diwarnai oleh pertimbangan kekuatan atau konfigurasi politik yang melahirkannya. hal ini berdasarkan kenyataan bahwa setiap produk hukum merupakan keputusan politik sehingga hukum dapat dilihat sebagai kristalisasi dari pemikiran politik yang saling berinteraksi dikalangan para politisi. meskipun dari sudut “das sollen” ada pandangan bahwa politik harus tunduk pada ketentuan hukum, namun darisudut “das issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pengaruh kekuasaan politik terhadap pembentukan hukum di indonesia i nuraini page 99 sein” bahwa hukumlah yang dalam kenyataannya ditentukan oleh konfigurasi politik yang melahirkannya. di indonesia dpr bersama presiden yang mempunyai kekuasaan dipilih melalui proses perpolitikan. hal ini pula memicu hasil dari produk hukum yang dihasilkan berdasarkan keinginan politik. menurut soerjono soekanto : ditinjau dari sudut ilmu politik, hukum merupakan suatu sarana dari elit yang memegang kekuasaan dan sedikit banyaknya dipergunakan sebagai alat untuk mempertahankan kekuasaan, atau untuk menambah serta mengembangkanya. secara sosiologis, elit tersebut merupakan golongan kecil dalam masyarakat yang mempunyai kedudukan yang tinggi atau tertinggi dalam masyarakat dan yang biasanya berasal dari lapisan atas atau menegah atas. baik buruknya suatu kekuasaan, tergantung bagaimana kekuasaan tersebut dipergunakan. artinya , baik-buruknya kekuasaam senantiasa harus diukur dengan kegunaannya untuk mencapai suatu tujuan yang sudah ditentukan atau disadari oleh masyarakat tersebut lebih dahulu. hal ini merupakan suatu unsure yang mutlak bagi kehidupan masyarakat yang tertib dan bahkan bagi setiap bentuk organisasi yang teratur. akan tetapi, karena sifat dan hakikatnya, kekuasaan tersebut supaya dapat bermanfaat harus ditetapkan ruang lingkup, arah, dan batas-batasnya. untuk itu diperlukan hukum yang ditetapkanoleh penguasa itu sendiri yang hendak dipegang dengan teguhb (soerjono soekanto, 2012: 15-16). jadi dapat dilihat bahwa pemegang kekuasaan pembuat hukum berasal dari stratifikasi social yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kebanyakan masyarakat yang ada. dengan kata lain mereka adalah orang orang yang dipercaya oleh sekelompok orang untuk mewakilkan hasrat kehendak masyarakat banyak. akan tetapi, kalau melihat dari iklim politik indonesia. saat ini negara kita sedang terjadi relasi das sein, dimana politisasi dominan terhadap produk hukum. sehingga produk yang dihasilkan tak lebih dari kristalisasi tawar-menawar antar elite politik. ilmu hukum juga merupakan ilmu bantu dalam ilmu politik. pengaruh politik dalam pembentukan hukum tampak jelas dalam pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan. tiap tahapan pembentukan peraturan perundangundangan tidak dapat terelakkan dari pengaruh politik, yang akhirnya berdampak pada issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pengaruh kekuasaan politik terhadap pembentukan hukum di indonesia i nuraini page 100 substansi peraturan perundang-undangan yang dibentuk oleh pemerintah. menurut pasal 1 angka 1 uu no.12 tahun 2011, pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan adalah pembuatan peraturan perundang-undangan yang mencakup tahapan perencanaan, penyusunan, pembahasan, pengesahan atau penetapan dan pengundangan. peraturan perundang-undangan merupakan bagian dari hukum dan memiliki nilai yang urgen bagi perkembangan sistem hukum indonesia kedepannya. adapun yang dimaksud dengan peraturan perundang-undangan adalah peraturan tertulis yang memuat norma hukum yang mengikat secara umum dan dibentuk atau ditetapkan oleh lembaga negara atau pejabat yang berwenang melalui prosedur yang ditetapkan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. berbagai jenis peraturan perundang-undangan di indonesia yang terdapat dalam pasal 7 uu no. 12 tahun 2011, dalam praktiknya pembentukan peraturan perundangundangan tersebut belum mencerminkan secara optimal landasan, asas dan proses pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan yang baik, sehingga produk peraturan perundang-undangan yang dihasilkan banyak memunculkan permasalahan kedepannya khususnya permasalahan penegakan hukum. bahkan, tidak dapat dinafikan peraturan perundang-undangan yang telah disahkan dan diundangkan dimintakan pengujian kepada mahkamah konstitusi dan mahkamah agung. 3. teori hukum yang mempengaruhi pembentukan hukum indonesia politik dan hukum sangat berhubungan karena ada intervensi politik terhadap hukum, politik kerapkali melakukan intervensi terhadap pembentukan dan pelaksanaan hukum. hukum dalam arti peraturan merupakan kristalisasi dari kehendak-kehendak politik yang saling berinteraksi dan bersaingan. berbicara tentang politik dan hukum, jika dilihat apa yang dikatakan roscoe pound hukum itu berasal dari pemerintah selanjutnya dijalankan oleh masyarakat. berbeda dengan carl von savigny yang mengatakan bahwa hukum itu berasal dari jiwa masyarakat (volksgeist). maka dari itu kita akanmelihat dari dua sudut pandang yang terdapat pada teori pounda dan savigny dalam penerapannya di indonesia. roscoe pound adalah salah satu ahli hukum yang beraliran sociological jurisprudence yang lebih mengarahkan perhatiannya pada ”kenyataan hukum” daripada issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pengaruh kekuasaan politik terhadap pembentukan hukum di indonesia i nuraini page 101 kedudukan dan fungsi hukum dalam masyarakat. aliran ini sebenarnya berkembang di amerika, menurut aliran ini hukum yang baik adalah hukum yang sesuai dengan hukum yang hidup didalam masyarakat. berarti disini bahwa hukum itu mencerminkan nilai nilai yang hidup dimasyarakat (lili rasjidi dan ira thania rasjidi, 2007: 66) sebuah pertanyaan pastinya mengemuka, lantas “sociological jurisprudence” sesungguhnya terletak di sudut pandang mana, apakah sebagai pengamat ataukah sebagai partisipan? jawabanya adalah sebuah kemewahan dan keistimewaan sociological jurisprudence dengan menggabungkan kedua-duanya sudut pandang tersebut. sehingga dalam bahasa sederhana sociological jurisprudence pada intinya mempelajari hukum dan sosial secara timbal balik. di sinilah letak perbedaan sosiologi hukum (legal sociology) dan sociological jurisprudence. kalau sosiologi hukum hanya memandang hukum dari satu arah, sementara sociological jurisprudence justru anatara hukum dan sosial samasama dapat saling mempengaruhi (resiprositas) (lili rasjidi dan ira thania rasjidi, 2007: 67). law as a tool of social engineering (zainuddin ali, 2016: 3) yang dikemukakan pound terkenal dengan teorinya bahwa hukum adalah alat untuk memperbarui (merekayasa) masyarakat. roscoe pound mengungkapkan bahwa hukum itu bertujuan untuk menata perubahan masyarakat. inilah yang disebut dengan “law as a tool of social engineering”. dalam teori ini menurut pound hukum itu menata kepentingan-kepentingan yang ada dalam masyarakat. kepentingan-kepentingan itu harus ditata sedemikian rupa agar tercapai keseimbangan yang proporsional. manfaatnya adalah terbangunnya suatu struktur masyarakat sedemikian rupa hingga secara maksimum mencapai kepuasan akan kebutuhan dengan seminimum mungkin menghindari benturan dan pemborosan (bernard l tanya et.al., 2013: 140) von savigny menyatakan bahwa terdapat hubungan organic antara hukum dengan watak atau karakter suatu bangsa. hukum hanyalah cerminan dari volkgeist (bernard l tanya et.al., 2013: 94) von savigny yang menyatakan bahwa hukum itu tidak dibuat melainkan tumbuh dan berkembang bersama-sama dengan masyarakat. konsep ini dipengaruhi oleh agama (supranatural), dengan pernyataan savigny yang demikian itu issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pengaruh kekuasaan politik terhadap pembentukan hukum di indonesia i nuraini page 102 maka hukum di satu negara tidak dapat diterapkan/ dipakai oleh negara lain karena masyarakatnya berbeda-beda begitu juga dengan kebudayaan yang ada di suatu daerah sudah pasti berbeda pula, dalam hal tempat dan waktu juga berbeda, seperti halnya yang berlaku di indonesia (pengaruh mazhab sejarah) dengan berlakunya hukum adat. pokok-pokok ajaran mazhab historis yang diuraikan savigny dan beberapa pengikutnya dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut :(yuriandi, agung, “perbandingan teori hukum menurut roscoe pound dan friedrich karl von savigny dipandang dari perspektif politik hukum”, (http://agungyuriandi.blogspot.co.id/2008/12/perbandingan-teorihukum-menurut-roscoe.html, diunduh pada jum’at, 9 februari 2018, jam 08.00 wib): a. hukum yang ditemukan tidak dibuat. pertumbuhan hukum pada dasarnya adalah proses yang tidak disadari dan organis; oleh karena itu perundang-undangan adalah kurang penting dibandingkan dengan adat kebiasaan b. karena hukum berkembang dari hubungan-hubungan hukum yang mudah dipahami dalam masyarakat primitif ke hukum yang lebih kompleks dalam peradaban modern kesadaran umum tidak dapat lebih lama lagi menonjolkan dirinya secara langsung, tetapi disajikan oleh para ahli hukum yang merumuskan prinsip-prinsip hukum secara teknis. tetapi ahli hukum tetap merupakan suatu organ dari kesadaran umum terikat pada tugas untuk memberi bentuk pada apa yang ia temukan sebagai bahan mentah (kesadaran umum tampaknya oleh scholten disebut sebagai kesadaran hukum). perundang-undangan menyusul pada tingkat akhir; oleh karena ahli hukum sebagai pembuat undang-undang relatif lebih penting daripada pembuat undangundang; dan c. undang-undang tidak dapat berlaku atau diterapkan secara universal. setiap masyarakat mengembangkan kebiasaannya sendiri karena mempunyai bahasa adatistiadat dan konstitusi yang khas. savigny menekankan bahwa bahasa dan hukum adalah sejajar juga tidak dapat diterapkan pada masyarakat lain dan daerah-daerah lain.volkgeist dapat dilihat dalam hukumnya oleh karena itu sangat penting untuk mengikuti evolusi volkgeist melalui penelitian sepanjang sejarah. jadi, hukum itu berasal dari bawah ke atas. dalam konteks bawah ini dapat dilihat bahwa hukum berasal dari masyarakat yang diwakilkan oleh dewan perwakilan rakyat issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pengaruh kekuasaan politik terhadap pembentukan hukum di indonesia i nuraini page 103 (dpr) sebagai wakil rakyat di dalam pemerintahan. apa yang diinginkan oleh masyarakat akan diaspirasikan oleh dpr yang selanjutnya dibuat undang-undangnya dengan atau tidak persetujuan dari presiden, karena dpr mempunyai hak inisiatif dalam pembuatan undangundang yang dapat disebut dari bawah-atas. e. penutup dari uraian diatas maka penulis mengambil beberapa kesimpulan yaitu: 1. kekuasaan politik adalah kemampuan menggunakan sumber dari pengaruh untuk mempengaruhi proses pembuatan dan pelaksanaan keputusan politik sehingga menguntungkan dirinya, kelompoknya atau masyarakat secara umum. kekuasaan adalah gejala yang selalu ada dalam proses politik, karena politik tanpa kekuasaan bagaikan agama tanpa moral karena begitu berkaitannya antara keduany. 2. dari kenyataan di indonesia bahwa dpr bersama presiden di pilih melalui partai politik, kemudian setelah terpilih otomatis memiliki kekuasaan dalam membentuk hukum, maka bisa dikatakan bahwa kekuasaan disini bukan hanya kekuasaan biasa saja melainkan juga sebagai sebuah kekuasaan politik. 3. bahwa di indonesia hukum merupakan produk kekuasaan (politik) sehingga karakter setiap produk hukum akan sangat ditentukan ataudiwarnai oleh pertimbangan kekuatan atau konfigurasi politik yang melahirkannya. hal ini berdasarkan kenyataan bahwa setiap produk hukum merupakan keputusan politik sehingga hukum dapat dilihat sebagai kristalisasi dari pemikiran politik yang saling berinteraksi dikalangan para politisi. daftar pustaka buku ali, zainuddin. 2016. sosiologi hukum. jakarta. sinar grafika. budiardjo, miriam. 2010. dasar-dasar ilmu politik. cet.ii. jakarta. pt. gramedia pustaka utama. busroh, abu daud. 2007. ilmu negara, cet. ketujuh. jakarta. pt. bumi aksara. kusnardi, moh dan hermaily ibrahim. 1983. pengantar hukum tata negara indonesia. cet. v. jakarta. pusat studi htn universitas indonesia. issn 2528-360x volume 2 nomor 2 april 2018 e-issn 2621-6159 pengaruh kekuasaan politik terhadap pembentukan hukum di indonesia i nuraini page 104 nasution, bahder johan. 2017. negara hukum dan hak asasi manusia, cet.4. bandung. cv.mandar maju. rahardjo, satjipto. 2014. ilmu hukum, cet 8. bandung. pt.citra aditya bakti. rasjidi, lili dan ira thania rasjidi. 2007. dasar-dasar filsafat dan teori hukum,cet 7. bandung. pt.citra aditya bakti. soekanto, soerjono. 2012. pokok-pokok sosiologi hukum, cet.5. jakarta. rajawali pers. syafiie, inu kencana dan azhari. 2012. sistem politik indonesia. cet. vii. bandung. refika aditama. tanya, bernard l, et.al. 2013. teori hukum, strategi tertib manusia lintas ruang dan generasi. yogyakarta. genta publishing. utsman, sabian. 2009. dasar-dasar sosiologi hukum. yogyakarta. pustaka pelajar. peraturan perundang-undangan republik indonesia, undang-undang dasar negara republik indonesia tahun 1945. ______________, undang-undang tentang pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan, undang-undang nomor 12 tahun 2011, lembaran negara no 82 tahun 2011, tambahan lembaran negara no.5234. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi page 164 pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi muhammad salam amrullah dan murpratiwi syarifuddin dosen fakultas hukum universitas andi djemma jl. sultan hasanuddin no. 13 kota palopo 91911 abstract revocation of the right to vote and be elected in public office as an additional penalty applied to the defendant allows corruption cases. this research aimed (1) to investigate and analyze the relevance of the annulment of the vote right for the public position election of the corruption prisoners as seen from the perspective of the criminal aims; and (2) to investigate and analyze the factors effecting the annulment of the vote rights for the public positions of the corruption prisoners. the research was conducted in jakarta city by choosing the institutions relevant to the problem s of this thesis; they were the corruption eradication commission (kpk), jakarta first thesis instance court, constitutional court, and the supreme court. the method used was the empirical study of the normative law. the nature of the research was descriptive using the primary and secondary data collected from the documents and interview techniques as well as reading the materials related to the exixting problems. the collected data were the analyzed using the qualitative descriptive analysis. the research result revealed that the imposition of the right to vote and to be voted for the public positions as the additional penalty was considered relevant to the purpose of the punishment, i,e. to give retaliation and deterrent effect against the perpetrators of corruption. the law enforcement continued to expect that this additional punishment could prevent further corruption actions in the future. the factors effecting the implementation of the annulment of the right to vote and be voted for the public positions were already stated clearly in the law no. 31 of 1999 about the amendment of the criminal action corruption jo the law no. 20 of 2001 about the amendment of the law no. 31 of 1999 about the eradication of the corruption criminal action, and the code of criminal law. as for its legal material, the conditions and mechanism of the annulment of the right to vote and be voted for public positions should be stated more clearly. keywords: additional punishment, annulment of the right to vote, corruption a. pendahuluan persamaan permasalahan di negara maju dan berkembang ialah korupsi, maka dari itu dalam pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi sangat gencar dilakukan oleh pemerintahnya. salah satu negara maju di asia, dalam memberantas tindak pidana korupsi diterapkan penjatuhan pidana mati yang akan dikenakan kepada warga negara yang terbukti melakukan tindak pidana korupsi, walaupun kebanyakan negara juga menerapkan pidana mati ini. menariknya, saat perdana menteri berpidato kenegaraan issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi page 165 dan menyampaikan bahwa dia akan menyiapkan 100 peti mati, 99 untuk para koruptor dan satu peti mati lainnya khusus untuk dirinya sendiri jika melakukan tindak pidana korupsi, ia tak ingin sekadar dipuji oleh sejarah, dan ia pun tak ingin sekedar meraih citra, ia hanya ingin membuktikan bahwa tugas dan tanggungjawabnya sebagai perdana menteri mewajibkan dirinya untuk tidak main-main mengemban tugas dan berani mengambil resiko terberat (dibunuh) jika ia pun kelak tergoda melakukan korupsi. beda halnya di indonesia ada terobosan baru dibidang hukum dalam penanganan tindak pidana korupsi yaitu pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik bagi para koruptor yang pertama kali dilakukan oleh jaksa penuntut komisi pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi (yang selanjutnya disebut kpk). untuk mendukung tercapainya tujuan itu diperlukan instrumen-instrumen hukum yang tepat, antara lain dengan kebijakan perundang-undangan.sahetapy (2009), menegaskan bahwa setiap produk hukum perundang-undangan tidak mungkin terlepas dari sumber mana hukum dijiwai, dipersepsikan, dan dalam penjabarannya atau diwujudkan dalam bentuk manifestasinya haruslah bernapaskan pancasila. meski upaya pemberantasan korupsi gencar dilakukan,sampai saat ini belum ada indikasi penurunan tingkat korupsi. korupsi merupakan masalah multidimensional yang memiliki unsur politik, ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya yang sering melibatkan para elite penguasa, sehingga memberantas korupsi bukanlah perkara mudah, karena korupsi tidak saja terjadi dilembaga eksekutif tetapi telah merambah lembaga legislatif dan yudikatif. salah satu faktor penyebab sulitnya korupsi diberantas di indonesia adalah karena berbagai putusan hakim yang mengadili kasus korupsi sudah terasing dari rasa keadilan yang hidup dalam masyarakat (ali,2005). sekarang ini ada sebuah terobosan hukum baru yang dilakukankpk ialah pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik bagi pelaku koruptor.mencabut hak memilih dan dipilih ini ini bukan tanpa dasar. pencabutan hak politik selain diatur dalam pasal 10 kitab undang-undang hukum pidana (yang selanjutnya disebut kuhp) sebagai pidana tambahanjuga tercantum dalam pasal 18 undang-undang no. 31 tahun 1999 jo. undang-undang no. 20 tahun 2001 tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi. dalam konsep ilmu hukum, dalam melaksanakan hak manusia dibatasai dengan kepentingan, sementara kepentingan itu selalu saja berbenturan dengan kepentingan issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi page 166 orang lain, contohnya saja dalam perancangan undang-undang (yang selanjutnya disebut uu) oleh anggota dewan yang terhormat, tentunya dalam produk uu yang dihasilkan didalamnya banyak kepentingan, terkhusus kepada kepentingan partai politiknya sendiri, hukum harus berada ditengah, bersikap adil dan penegak hukum harus serius dalam menangani setiap kasus, karena saat ini kebebasan sangat diagung-agungkan yang kita kenal dengan sebutan demokrasi, tapi ingatkah kita jika kebebasan terlalu diagungkan maka yakin saja ketertiban akan hancur, dan sebaliknya jika ketertiban yang diagungkan maka kebebasan akan terkekang. kpk merupakan badan khusus yang dibentuk oleh presiden dan berwenang melakukan pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi ini ternyata tidak main-main, guna memberikan efek jera terhadap pelaku tindak pidana korupsi (siahaan, 2013). ada beberapa terobosan hukum yang dilakukan. selama lembaga kpk terbentuk, untuk pertama kalinya seorang terdakwa kasus korupsi dituntut pidana tersebut. meskipun pidana tambahan berupa pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik sebenarnya bukan pidana baru dalam sistem pemidanaan indonesia. hal serupa juga terjadi pada mantan presiden partai keadilan sejahtera (yang selanjutnya disebut pks) luthfi hasan ishaaq dalam putusannya, hukuman luthfi hasan ishaaq diperberat dari 16 tahun menjadi 18 tahun penjara. disamping itu, luthfi hasan ishaaq juga diberikan hukuman tambahan berupa pencabutan hak dipilih dalam jabatan publik. pasal 10 kuhp mengatur tentang jenis pidana, pidana pokok terdiri dari pidana mati, pidana penjara, pidana kurungan, pidana denda dan pidana tutupan, sedangkan pidana tambahan terdiri dari pencabutan hak-hak tertentu, perampasan barang-barang tertentu, dan pengumuman putusan hakim. sekarang diterapkan pencabutan hak yaitu hak politik (politicalrihgts). adapun yang dimaksud hak politik, menurut uud nri tahun 1945, tap mpr no xvii/mpr/1998 tentang hak asasi manusia, dan uu no 39 tahun 1999 tentang hak asasi manusia, ialah hak untuk ikut serta dalam pemerintahan, hak dipilih dan memilih dalam pemilu, dan hak mendirikan partai politik. karena itu, pencabutan hak politik koruptor berarti menghilangkan hak-hak tersebut sebagai konsekuensi logis atas tindak pidana korupsi. pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik sebagai pidana tambahan memungkinkan diterapkan bagi terdakwa kasus korupsi. penerapan ini pula issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi page 167 sangat sesuai dengan semangat pemberantasan korupsi dan langkah pencegahan (preventif) dimana kesempatan untuk melakukan korupsi secara berulang itu di hentikan (hamzah, 2005). rasionalisasinya khusus mantan terpidana korupsi sudah pasti tidak akan terlibat lagi untuk meraup uang negara karena tidak memiliki kesempatan atau hak untuk menduduki jabatan publik lagi.pidana tambahan yang diterapkan sekarang ini mengenai pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih juga memberikan angin segar bagi proses demokrasi karena kedepan kita tidak akan mendapatkan lagi mantan terpidana korupsi terpilih kembali menjadi anggota legislatif atau kepala daerah. ini merupakan suatu peristiwa yang memalukan, cacat moral dan mencederai nilai-nilai demokrasi.tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis relevansi pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi dalam perspektif tujuan pemidanaan. b. metode penelitian penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum yang normatif-empirik, yaitu tipe penelitian yang meneliti tentang produk hukum dan mengaitkannya dengan realita empiris.spesifikasi penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitis untuk memberikan gambaran yang menyeluruh mengenai pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi dan efektifitasnya. analisa juga dilakukan dengan mengamati perilaku responden sehubungan dengan pengetahuan tentang peraturan-peraturan hukum, pengetahuan tentang isi peraturan hukum, sikap hukum dan perilaku hukum dalam rangka penegakan hukum. jenis dan sumber data yang digunakan untuk mendukung penelitian ini adalah bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, bahan hukum tersier. bahan hukum primer terdiri dari peraturan perundang-undangan, seperti yang terdapat dalam kitab undang-undang hukum pidana (kuhp), undang-undang ptpk, dan beberapa putusan pengadilan atau lembaga negara lainnya yang berkaitan dengan objek penelitian. bahan hukum sekunder itu diartikan sebagai bahan hukum yang tidak mengikat, tetapi menjelaskan mengenai bahan hukum primer yang merupakan hasil olahan pendapat atau pikiran para pakar atau ahli yang mempelajari suatu bidang tertentu secara khusus yang akan memberikan petunjuk mengenai arah peneliti mengarah. bahan sekunder dalam hal ini adalah doktrin-doktrin yang ada dalam buku, hasil-hasil penelitian, putusan-putusan issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi page 168 pengadilan terhadap perkara tindak pidana korupsi, jurnal hukum, internet dan sumbersumber lainnya yang relevan dengan masalah yang diteliti.bahan hukum tersier adalah bahan hukum yang mendukung bahan primer dan bahan hukum sekunder dengan memberikan pemahaman dan pengertian atas bahan hukum lainnya. bahan hukum yang dipergunakan adalah kamus hukum. pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahstudi dokumen dan wawancara.studi dokumen yaitu melakukan peneitian terhadap dokumen-dokumen yang erat kaitannya dengan masalah penerapan pidana tambahan berupa pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabtan publik terhadap narapidana dan efektifitasnya pada perkara tindak pidana korupsi, guna memperoleh landasan teoritis dan informasi dalam bentuk ketentuan formal serta data melalui dokumen-dokumen resmi yang ada.wawancara, yaitu pengumpulan data dalam bentuk tanya jawab langsung dengan responden, dalam hal ini hakim yang memutuskan pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi. analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data kualitatif sesuai dengan tipe penelitian yang digunakan penulis yaitu normatif empiris. analisis data kualitatif yaitu data yang terkumpul baik data primer,sekunder, maupun tersier disusun dan dianalisa secara kualitatif dengan menginterpretasikan, menguraikan, menjabarkan dan menyusun secara sistematis logis sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian. c. hasil pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik, dalam hal ini pencabutan hak memilih itu, merupakan hak konstitusional, hak-hak warga negara yang tertuang dalam uud nri 1945 sebagai konstitusi negara dinamakan hak konstitusional. setiap warga negara memiliki hak-hak konstitusional sebagaimana yang ada dalam uud nri 1945.sekarang ini ada terobosan baru yang dilakukan oleh jaksa penuntut umum kpk, yaitu pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik bagi narapidana tindak pidana korupsi, salah satunya terpidana irjen djoko susilo yang dijatuhi hukuman pidana tambahan berupa pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik. berbicara mengenai pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik tentu ada yang setuju dan tidak setuju. dan setelah penulis melakukan penelitian, menurut hakim issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi page 169 maupun jaksa yang tidak setuju terhadap pencabutan hak memilih, dan rata-rata dengan alasan yang sama, sebagaimana yang disampaikan oleh aswanto (salah satu hakim mahkamah konstitusi), bahwa “pencabutan hak memilih itu sama saja dengan mencabut hak konstitusional seseorang, jadi itu bertentangan dengan undang-undang”. setelah penulis juga melakukan wawancara dengan beberapa jaksa yang menuntut pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih ini, penulis menarik kesimpulan bahwa pada dasarnya jaksa pun juga tidak setuju terhadap pencabutan hak memilihnya, karena itu dapat bertentangan dengan hak asasi manusia, oleh karena itu pada putusan irjen djoko susilo yang dicabut hak memilih dan dipilihnya, jaksa mengadakan review kembali tentang pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih khususnya hak memilih, dan terbukti bahwa setelah kasus irjen djoko susilo, tidak ada lagi putusan yang ada tuntutan pidana tambahan berupa pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih, melainkan pencabutan hak dipilih saja.sebagaimana yang disampaikan salah satu jaksa kpk yudi kristiana“secara pribadi saya tidak setuju, kalo dicabut haknya untuk memilih, hak memilih itu adalah hak setiap warga negara, itu merupakan hak konstitusional. tetapi beda halnya ketika, hak untuk dipilih, kalau hak untuk memilih, seberapa banyak jumlah narapidana di indonesia, jumlahnya tidak signifikan, tetapi ketika hak untuk dipilih yang untuk dicabut itulah yang justru signifikan karena, pelaku tipikor biasanya adalah orang-orang yang berpengaruh, orang-orang yang besar, punya panensial support yang tinggi, punya political support yang kuat sehingga dia bisa mempengaruhi oranguntuk memilih yang bersangkutan, maka dari itu saya cenderung bukan hak untuk memilih dan dipilih, kalo hak untuk memilih itu, hak konstitusi, dijamin oleh undang-undang, bahkan cenderung melanggar ham. dengan adanya pendapat-pendapat yang mendukung bahwasanya pencabutan hak memilih itu tidak tepat maka dari itu penulis berpendapat bahwa pencabutan hak memilih untuk diberlakukan, cenderung melanggar hak asasi manusia terpidana untuk memilih apa yang dianggap sebagai tempat untuk meyalurkan aspirasinya dan jika hak memilih yang dicabut maka sangat kecil potensi dari terpidana untuk dapat mengulangi perbuatan korupsi atau penyalahgunaan kekuasaan, karena hak memilih hanyalah hak untuk mengunakan hak pilihnya dalam pemilihan umum atau menyalurkan aspirasi. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi page 170 dalam permasalahan hak dipilih, pada dasarnya sudah benar bahwa pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih ini diatur dalam undang-undang yaitu dalam uu tindak pidana korupsi dan kuhp, jadi kuat dasar untuk dilakukan pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih. dalam hal ini pencabutan hak dipilih ada yang setuju dan ada yang tidak setuju, tetapi tidak sama halnya dengan pencabutan hak memilih, pencabutan hak dipilih ini, setuju dan tidak setujunya terletak pada batas waktu pencabutannya, walupun ada juga yang sama sekali tidak setuju dengan pencabutan hak memilih dan dipih. sebagimana yang disampaikan salah satu hakim yang mengadili perkara irjen djoko susilo tingkat pn suhartoyo yang tidak setuju dengan pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih“pada kasus irjen djoko susilo saya tidak mengabulkan tuntutan jaksa kpk, yang mengabulkan pidana tambahan berupa pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik ialah pada tingkat kasasi di mahkamah agung, karena menurut saya penjatuhan pidana 10 tahun waktu itu dan uang pengganti, bagi saya itu sudah cukup berat. dan mengenai pidana tambahan berupa pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih menurut saya itu akan mendapat penilaian tersendiri dari masyarakat, jadi tanpa dicabut hak memilih dan dipilihnya seorang terpidana korupsi itu pasti akan terseleksi oleh alam, artinya apabila ia akan mencalonkan diri, siapa yang akan memilih orang yang sudah dijatuhi pidana korupsi 10 tahun lebih, jadi intinya akan ada sanksi sosial dari masyarakat.” berdasarkan wawancara diatas, dapat dijelaskan bahwa bagi kalangan yang tidak setuju dengan pencabutan hak dipilih karena hal tersebut dianggap sebagai suatu sanksi yang berlebihan dan sangat berat dan hal tersebut merupakan penilaian masyarakat apakah akan memilih atau tidak orang yang telah melakukan tindak pidana korupsi yang telah dipidana selama bertahun-tahun. hal ini bertentangan dengan apa yang disampaikan dari pihak jaksa,pakyudi (jaksa penuntut umum kpk) bahwa,“pencabutan hak untuk dipilih menurut saya itu pembatasan ham tetapi tidak melanggar ham, karena perbuatan korupsi adalah perbuatan cacaat moral, dan saya sebagai jaksa, konsisten bahwa pencabutan hak untuk dipilih dalam jabatan publik sejalan dengan tujuan perindungan hukum. dan jika kemudian hak memilih irjen djoko susilo itu dicabut hak memilihnya, itu bertentangan, tetapi itu merupakan suatu dinamika yang pada saat itu mengalami discoss dan perdebatan yang cukup panjang mengenai hal issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi page 171 tersebut, tetapi saya secara pribadi menempatkan diri bahwa bukan pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih secara keseluruhan, melainkan pencabutan hak untuk dipilih dalam jabatan publik saja.” bahwa berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara diatas, penulis berpendapat bahwa pencabutan hak dipilih ini harus dilaksanakan dalam upaya mencegah secara dini seorang terpidana korupsi dapat mengulagi perbuatannya, karena para pelaku korupsi adalah orang-orang yang memiliki kekuatan untuk dapat mempengaruhi dan menggerakkan orang-orang atau pemilih untuk memilihnya dalam jabatan publik sehingga berpotensi melakukan korupsi yang merugikan keuangan negara. dengan penjatuhan sanksi pidana tambahan berupa pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap pelaku tindak pidana korupsi akan mampu menimbulkan apa yang menjadi tujuan pemidanaan, yaitupembalasan dan efek jera. pada dasarnya teori pembalasan dalam tujuan pemidanaan, karena pidana penjara telah merupakan implementasi dari teori pembalasan. pembalasan yang dimaksud dalam hal ini, terhadap pelaku tindak pidana korupsi yang merupakan kejahatan yang luar biasa (extra ordinary crime) yang penanganannya pun harus luar biasa dengan mendapat hukuman yang seberat-beratnya sesuai dengan tindak pidana korupsi yang dilakukan. menurut pendapat penulis mengenai tujuan pemidanaan berupa pembalasan, bahwa ketika suatu perbuatan pidana mendapatkan pidana yang berat maka ada kepuasan tersendiri kepada masyarakat yang selama ini dikhianati oleh pelaku koruptor yang telah menyalahgunakan kekuasaannya, dan selain pidana pokok, karena tindak pidana korupsi merupakan kejahatan yang luar biasa maka menurut penulis perlu juga dibalas dengan sanksi pidana tambahan salah satunya dengan dicabutnya hak dipilih dalam jabatan publik. teori ini yang memberikan dasar pikiran bahwa dasar hukum dari pidana adalah terletak pada tujuan pidana itu sendiri.oleh karena pidana itu mempunyai tujuan-tujuan tertentu, maka disamping tujuan lainnya terdapat pula tujuan pokok berupa mempertahankan ketertiban masyarakat(de handhaving der maatshappeljikeorde).mengenai cara mencapai tujuan itu ada beberapa paham yang merupakan aliran-aliran dari teori tujuan yaitu prevensi khusus dan prevensi issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi page 172 umum.prevensi khusus adalah bahwa pencegahan kejahatan melalui pemidanaan dengan maksud mempengaruhi tingkah laku terpidana untuk tidak melakukan tindak pidana lagi.pengaruhnya ada pada diri terpidana itu sendiri dengan harapan agar terpidana dapat berubah menjadi orang yang lebih baik dan berguna bagi masyarakat.sedangkan prevensi umum bahwa pengaruh pidana adalah untuk mempengaruhi tingkah laku anggota masyarakat untuk tidak melakukan tindak pidana. oleh karena itu penulis berpendapat, untuk memberikan efek jera serta sebagai usaha preventif, penjatuhan pidana tambahan berupa pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik adalah salah satu upaya yang tepat, bukan saja untuk kepentingan perekonomian negara namun juga memberikan efek jera kepada para pelaku tindak pidana korupsi secara politi. relevansi tujuan pemidanaan jika dikaitkan dengan tindak pidana korupsi itu tidak hanya ditujukan kepada orang yang melakukan tindak pidana saja, jadi sejalan dengan tujuan pemidanaan itu, diintegrasikan kalau di dalam teori pemidanaan ada yang dimaksudkan untuk diri dari pelaku ada juga untuk masyarakat, ketika berbicara untuk diri pelaku berarti ada efek penjerahan. d. pembahasan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa relevansi pencabutan hak dipilih dalam jabatan publik merupakan implementasi dari teori gabungan dalam tujuan pemidanaan berupa pembalasan terhadap perbuatan tindak pidana korupsi,dan tujuan untuk perlindungan tata tertib masyarakat, pidana tambahan berupa pencabutan hak dipilih bertujuan agar menimbulkan efek jera, mencegah orang melakukan tindak pidana korupsi baik secara khusus, yaitu mencegah agar pelaku tidak mengulangi lagi perbuatannya, maupun secara umum, yaitu mencegah orang lain atau umum melakukan tindak pidana korupsi. sejak lahirnya nkri tahun 1945 bangsa ini telah menjunjung tinggi hak asasi manusia (ham). sikap tersebut nampak dari pancasila dan uud 1945, yang memuat beberapa ketentuan-ketentuan tentang penghormatan ham warga negara. sehingga pada praktek penyelenggaraan negara, perlindungan atau penjaminan terhadap ham dan hak-hak warga negara (citizen’s rights) atau hak-hak constitusional warga negara (the citizen’s constitusional rights) dapat terlaksana. hak memberikan suara atau memilih (right to vote) merupakan hak dasar (basic right) setiap individu atau warga issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi page 173 negara yang harus dijamin pemenuhannya oleh negara. hak politik warga negara mencakup hak untuk memilih dan dipilih, penjamin hak dipilih secara tersurat dalam uud nri tahun 1945 mulai pasal 27 ayat (1) dan (2); pasal 28, pasal 28d ayat (3), pasal 28e ayat (3), 141. sementara hak memilih juga diatur dalam pasal 1 ayat (2), pasal 2 ayat (1), pasal 6a (1), pasal 19 ayat (1) dan pasal 22c (1) uud nri tahun 1945.142 perumusan pada pasal-pasal tersebut sangat jelas bahwa tidak dibenarkan adanya diskirminasi mengenai ras, kekayaan, agama dan keturunan. setiap warga negara mempunyai hak yang sama dan implementasinya hak dan kewajiban pun harus bersamasama. ketentuan uud nri tahun 1945 di atas mengarahkan bahwa negara harus memenuhi segala bentuk hak asasi setiap warga negaranya, khususnya berkaitan dengan hak politik warga negara dan secara lebih khusus lagi berkaitan dengan hak pilih setiap warga negara dalam pemilihan umum di indonesia. makna dari ketentuan tersebut menegaskan bahwa segala bentuk produk hukum perundang-undangan yang mengatur tentang pemilihan umum khususnya mengatur tentang hak pilih warga negara, seharusnya membuka ruang yang seluas-luasnya bagi setiap warga negara untuk bisa menggunakan hak pilihnya dalam pemilihan umum, sebab pembatasan hak pilih warga negara merupakan salah satu bentuk pelanggaran hak asasi manusia. international covenant on civil and political rights (iccpr 1966) berkaitan dengan hak pilih warga negara menegaskan dalam pasal 25 yang menyebutkan bahwa: “setiap warga negara harus mempunyai hak dan kesempatan yang sama untuk tanpa pembedaan apapun seperti yang disebutkan dalam pasal 2 iccpr dan tanpa pembatasan yang tidak wajar baik untuk berpartisipasi dalam menjalankan segala urusan umum baik secara langsung maupun melalui wakil-wakil yang dipilih secara bebas, selanjutnya untuk memilih dan dipilih pada pemilihan berkala yang bebas dan dengan hak pilih yang sama dan universal serta diadakan melalui pengeluaran suara tertulis dan rahasia yang menjamin para pemilih untuk menyatakan kehendak mereka dengan bebas, dan untuk mendapatkan pelayanan umum di negaranya sendiri pada umumnya atas dasar persamaan (soekanto, 1988). ketentuan di atas ditujukan untuk menegaskan bahwa hak pilih merupakan hak asasi. pembatasan, penyimpangan, peniadaan dan penghapusan hak tersebut merupakan bentuk pelanggaran hak asasi warga negara. issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi page 174 undang-undang no. 39 tahun 1999 tentang hak asasi manusia yang secara nyata memberikan pengakuan terhadap hak-hak warga negara yaitu (a) hak untuk hidup, (b) hak berkeluarga dan melanjutkan keturunan, (c) hak mengembangkan diri, (d) hak memperoleh keadilan, (e) hak atas kebebasan pribadi, (f) hak atas rasa aman, (g) hak atas kesejahteraan, (h) hak turut serta dalam pemerintahan, (i) hak wanita, dan (j) hak anak. pada point (h) secara nyata negara memberikan pengakuan kepada setiap warga negara untuk ikut serta dalam pemerintahan baik dalam hal hak memilih dan dipilih. menurut ketentuan pasal 23 ayat (1) undang-undang nomor 39 tahun 1999 tentang hak asasi manusia dinyatakan bahwa “setiap orang bebas untuk memilih dan mempunyai keyakinan politiknya”. lebih lanjut menurut ketentuan pasal 43 ayat (1) undang-undang nomor 39 tahun 1999 tentang hak asasi manusia, dinyatakan bahwa “setiap warga negara berhak untuk dipilih dan memilih dalam pemilihan umum berdasarkan persamaan hak melalui pemungutan suara yang langsung, umum, bebas, rahasia, jujur dan adil sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan”. kedua ketentuan pasal di atas jelas menunjukkan adanya jaminan yuridis yang melekat bagi setiap warga negara indonesia itu sendiri untuk melaksanakan hak memilihnya. berdasarkan ketentuan pasal 28 i ayat (2) uud nri tahun 1945, dinyatakan bahwa “dalam menjalankan hak dan kebebasannya, setiap orang wajib tunduk kepada pembatasan yang ditetapkan dengan undang-undang dengan maksud semata-mata untuk menjamin pengakuan serta penghormatan atas hak dan kebebasan orang lain dan untuk memenuhi tuntutan yang adil sesuai dengan pertimbangan moral, nilai-nilai agama, keamanan, dan ketertiban umum dalam suatu masyarakat demokratis”. berdasarkan ketentuan pasal 28 i ayat(2) jelas menunjukkan bahwa dalam menjalankan hak dan kebebasannya, dimungkinkan adanya pembatasan. pembatasan yang demikian ini mengacu pada ketentuan pasal tersebut harus diatur dalam undang-undang, artinya tanpa adanya pengaturan tentang pembatasan tersebut berdasarkan undang-undang maka tidak dimungkinkan dilakukan adanya pembatasan terhadap pelaksanaan hak dan kebebasan yang melekat pada setiap orang dan warga negara indonesia (effendy, 2012). kerangka hukum yang demikian ini perlu untuk dipahami secara bersama dalam rangka memaknai “hak” yang telah diakui dan diatur secara hukum di indonesia. kondisi demikian tersebut di atas, apabila mengacu pada ketentuan yang diatur dalam undangissn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi page 175 undang nomor 39 tahun 1999 tentang hak asasi manusia, menunjukkan adanya bentuk pelanggaran hukum terhadap jaminan hak memilih yang melekat pada warga negara indonesia. adanya ruang untuk melakukan pembatasan terhadap hak yang melekat pada setiap orang dan warga negara indonesia sebagimana dikemukakan di atas, melahirkan pengaturan bahwa hak memilih tersebut dimungkinkan untuk tidak melekat pada semua warga negara indonesia. artinya, hak memilih tersebut diberikan pembatasanpembatasan sehingga warga negara yang diberikan jaminan untuk memiliki hak memilih tersebut benar-benar merupakan warga negara yang telah memenuhi persyaratan yang telah ditentukan. e. kesimpulan dan saran berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa relevansi pencabutan hak dipilih dalam jabatan publik merupakan implementasi dari teori gabungan dalam tujuan pemidanaan berupa pembalasan terhadap perbuatan tindak pidana korupsi,dan tujuan untuk perlindungan tata tertib masyarakat, pidana tambahan berupa pencabutan hak dipilih bertujuan agar menimbulkan efek jera, mencegah orang melakukan tindak pidana korupsi baik secara khusus, yaitu mencegah agar pelaku tidak mengulangi lagi perbuatannya, maupun secara umum, yaitu mencegah orang lain atau umum melakukan tindak pidana korupsi. agar semua lembaga dan aparat penegak hukum menciptakan harmonisasi pemikiran ataupun persamaan persepsi mengenai pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik agar terobosan baru yang mewujudkan tujuan pemidanaan berupa pembalasan dan tujuan untuk menimbulkan efek jera, tidak hanya digunakan oleh kpk dan di terima di tingkat mahkamah agung, sebagai upaya memberantas korupsi dan memaksimalisasi kerugian negara akibat tindak pidana korupsi sehingga terciptanya tujuan pemidanaan yang seharusnya yaitu pembalasan dan efek jera. daftar pustaka aliachmad. (2005).keterpurukan hukum di indonesia (penyebab dan solusinya), ghalia indonesia, bogor. effendy marwan. (2012). diskresi, penemuan hukum, korporasi & tax amnesty dalam penegakan hukum, referensi, jakarta. hamzah andi.(2005). pemberantasan korupsi melalui hukum pidana nasional dan internasional, raja grafindo persada, jakarta. sahetapyj. e.(2009). runtuhnya etik hukum, kompas media nusantara, jakarta, siahaanmonang.(2013).korupsi penyakit sosial yang mematikan, pt.gramedia, jakarta, issn 2528-360x volume 1 nomor 2 april 2017 e-issn 2621-6159 pencabutan hak memilih dan dipilih dalam jabatan publik terhadap narapidana tindak pidana korupsi page 176 soekantosoerjono. (1988). efektivitas hukum dan penerapan sanksi (bandung: cv. ramadja karya,) undang-undang dasar negara republik indonesia tahun 1945 pasal 28 j ayat 1 dan 2 undang-undang no. 31 tahun 1999 tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi undang-undang no. 20 tahun 2001 tentang perubahan atas undang-undang no. 31 tahun 1999 tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi. undang-undang no. 39 tahun 1999 tentang hak asasi manusia. jurnal hukum volkgeist volume 5 issue 1, desember 2020 p-issn : 2528-360x, e-issn : 2621-6159 59 the effectiveness of the implementation of diversion on children who conflict with the law at the level of the state court in gorontalo province muhammad rizal lampatta 1 , herlina sulaiman 2 abstract author’s information: diversion is a step or legal remedy aimed specifically at children who are in conflict with the law. as perpetrators of criminal acts, children need to be treated differently from adults. this is due to the psychological condition of children who are considered unable to accept criminal sanctions. even children who have committed criminal acts, act no. 11 of 2012 on the criminal justice system children continue to provide collateral in the form of diversion efforts so that children avoid criminal prosecution. diversion is carried out at the police, attorney and court levels. not all cases of child offenders who enter the pn level can be diversified because there are already rules in the sppa law, perma no. 4 of 2014 and pp. 65 of 2015. likewise in the implementation of diversion at the district court level in gorontalo province, some were successful and some were not. this study aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of diversion to child offenders at court level in gorontalo province. as well as to find out the obstacles in the implementation of diversion against child offenders at the district court level in gorontalo province. keyword : diversion, children, conflict 1 law department, universitas ichsan gorontalo, indonesia (rlampatta@gmail.com) 2 law department, universitas ichsan gorontalo, indonesia (herlina.sulaiman.hs@gmail.com) article’s information: doi: https://doi.org/10.35326/volkgeist.v5i1.897 1. introduction child protection is a must for the state in protecting and developing human beings completely. in article 1 point 2 of law number 23 of 2002 stipulates that child protection is all activities to guarantee and protect children and their rights so that they can live, grow, develop and participate, optimally in accordance with human dignity, and receive protection from violence and discrimination.(hambali, 2019) children are the mandate and gifts of god almighty, who are inherent in their dignity as a whole human being. furthermore, it is said that children are the buds, potential, and young generation who are the successors of the ideals of the nation's struggle, have a strategic role and have special characteristics and characteristics that ensure the continuity of the existence of the nation and the state in the future. (harefa, 2019) when children become perpetrators of criminal acts, it is certainly imperative for law enforcers to maintain that the implementation of the judicial process does not violate children's human rights which are protected by law. the form of legal protection for children who are in conflict with the law or especially as perpetrators of a criminal act is the application of the concept of diversion which is derived from the concept of restorative justice . one of the systems built in the current sppa law is the concept of restorative justice as contained in article 5 of the sppa law which is contained in the diversion process against children of criminal offenders. mailto:rlampatta@gmail.com mailto:herlina.sulaiman.hs@gmail.com https://doi.org/ jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad rizal lampatta. 5(1): 59-69 60 unicef provides another definition of diversion, namely: diversion means the conditional channeling of children in conflict with the law away from judicial proceedings through the development and implementation of procedures , structures and programs that enable many possibly most to be dealt with by nonjudicial bodies , thereby avoiding the negative effects of formal judicial proceedings and a criminal record . ( www.unicef.org ) . the concept of diversion is not only implemented at the level of investigation, but also at the court level so that efforts to prevent children from being sentenced to punishment. the meaning of diversion can be found in law number 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile criminal justice system article 1 paragraph (7) which reads: "diversion is the transfer of settlement of cases of children from the criminal justice process to the out of court process" from the meaning of diversion based on law number 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile criminal justice system, it can be seen that in the settlement of juvenile criminal cases, efforts are made to be resolved out of court. this has a good purpose for the mental personality of the child who is involved in legal problems, because at the age of classification of the child, the child is developing and growing to become a good person, so that if criminal justice is carried out for the child, it is possible to psychologically disturb the child and result in disturbances in growth. in this research, there will be a more in-depth study regarding the implementation of diversion so that children feel that they are not freed or privileged by law, besides that in the implementation of diversion it is necessary to pay attention to aspects of legal awareness and education for children. it should be noted that diversion is punishment by prioritizing children's human rights so that if it is misunderstood by the child it can have a bad impact where the results of diversion will not provide an improved attitude that can give birth to new delinquency because children only understand that diversion is one way to be freed from legal proceedings. . district courts throughout gorontalo have handled various types of criminal offenses that have been committed by children. of course, before the trial takes place further, the district court judge will seek diversion so that these legal issues can be resolved more in a family atmosphere. 2. method in the research that the researchers will do, use empirical legal research methods. empirical legal research is one type of legal research that analyzes and studies legal work in society. 3. result and discussion 3.1. the effectiveness of the implementation of diversion for children in conflict with the law at the district court level in gorontalo province the process of punishment given to children through the formal criminal justice system by putting children in prison does not succeed in deterring children and becoming a better person to support their growth and development process. (sari, 2013) galles richard j suggests that crimes committed by children occur due to a combination of various factors. namely as follows: jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad rizal lampatta. 5(1): 59-69 61 a. inheritance of intergenerational violence ( intergenerational transmission of violanee ) many children learn violent behavior from their parents and when they grow up they commit violence against their children. b. social stress ( social stress ) stress caused by various social conditions increases the risk of violence caused by children. c. social isolation and community involvement under the parents and substitute parents who commit violence against children tend to be socially isolated .. d. family structure . certain types of families have an increased risk of committing acts of violence and neglect against children.(arliman, 2015) some of the factors mentioned above can at least illustrate several factors that can affect children's development in a negative direction . even though children are not only seen as perpetrators of crimes but also as human beings who need special protection. developments sisterm juvenile justice certainly suffered a lot of criticism in which there is an understanding that the formal criminal justice process tends to create stigmatization of children, and even become a factor kriminogen recurrence of delinquency of children. allowing children to face elements in formal criminal justice, such as the unprofessional culture of law enforcement officers and low sensitivity to child protection, is tantamount to criminalizing children. (harefa, 2019) the understanding as stated above can of course be a consideration in improving the judicial system in the future whether the current system is capable of facing challenges to restore the younger generation who committed criminal acts in a better direction . the implementation of diversion is motivated by the desire to avoid negative effects, especially on the psyche and development of children that have the potential to occur if the completion of the criminal process is carried out through the criminal justice system. (priamsari, 2018) if it is examined more deeply that the implementation of diversion has the objectives stipulated in the sppa law that: by implementing diversion, peace can be achieved between the victim and the child; the implementation of diversion is a way of resolving cases of children outside the judicial process; can provide opportunities for children not to be deprived of their liberty to provide encouragement and space for participation to the community ; instilling a sense of responsibility to children. as for child delinquency that can be considered, it is seen from the category of delinquency or crime. crime can be divided into three categories, namely mild, moderate and severe. in general, children who commit minor delinquency should be diversified as much as possible. for moderate crime / delinquency, there are considerations for diversion. for serious crimes, diversion is not an option. (browning, 2019) however, according to the author, the more basic essence of the implementation of diversion is that children feel that they are not liberated or privileged by law, besides that in the implementation of diversion it is necessary to pay attention to aspects of legal awareness and education for children. it should be noted that diversion is a form of punishment by prioritizing children's human rights and not an opportunity to get parole for their mistakes so that if they are misunderstood by the child it can have a bad impact where the results of diversion will not provide an improvement in attitudes that can give jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad rizal lampatta. 5(1): 59-69 62 birth to new delinquency because of the child. only understand that diversion is one way to be freed from a lawsuit. according to district court judge marisa moh. mr. fahrul anam (interview in august 2020) that: "as an implementation of restorative justice , there is diversion so that children are not contaminated with the prison atmosphere and victims can recover their losses, besides that the perpetrator can realize without retaliation. diversion as a child's right that must be protected. the success of diversion cannot be forced because it depends on the victim and the perpetrator. consideration does diversion by the court based on the philosophy of the juvenile criminal justice system is supposed to protect and rehabilitate ( protection and rehabilitation ) of children as perpetrators tindakpidana . diversion is also carried out as an effort to prevent a child offender from becoming an adult criminal. this child prevention effort has led law enforcement officials to take discretionary powers. (ina helian, 2018) then mrs. justice yosie anastasia simanjuntak, sh judge pn tilamuta (interview july 2020) gave an opinion that: "if you look at current legal developments, this diversion is a mandate of restorative justice , which must restore the situation to its original state. not with this diversion it becomes an opportunity to release children from responsibility, but diversion in court where in pp and perma given space / alternatives, but not a form of giving punishment to children, giving responsibility such as returning to parents or entrusting it to the lpks, there are many considerations for child facilitators or judges in trying to reach an agreement between the victim and the perpetrator because there is the role of community advisers, social workers and other parties. apart from that, we are obliged to consider the results of the community counselor's research because from the research results we can determine what is best for the child. " based on the exposure of judges is very important diversion from the imprisoning children because it is very relevant to the issues of development and child psychology ( child development and psychology ). if a child is faced with the law, if he is directly confronted with a formal legal process, it is considered that it will harm the child's development. some elements that are considered as negative impacts are: • child stigmatization and labeling • much of the nature of the existing criminal system is retributive rather than restorative . • the many stages of using the detention system in the pretrial process.(parker, 2020) in this study, the implementation of diversion which is examined for its effectiveness is the implementation of the diversion concept in four (4) district courts in gorontalo province. the four district courts are the gorontalo district court , the limboto district court , the tilamuta district court and the marisa district court from the results of research data obtained in the 4 courts above, it can be seen that: jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad rizal lampatta. 5(1): 59-69 63 1. gorontalo district court of the 17 cases of children in conflict with the law that have been submitted to the gorontalo district court since 2017, 3 cases have been requested for diversion from the court because these cases have been resolved at the police level, namely in register no. b / 17 / iii / 2019 / reskrim , no. 02 / skd / xii / 2018 / then and b / 09 / ii / 2018 / ll / res gtlo kota . then 3 cases, namely: 1 case successfully diversified at court level with case number 4 / pid.sus-child / 2020 / pn gto , and 2 cases that were unsuccessful, namely case number 13 / pid.sus-child / 2019 / pn gto and 4 / pid.sus anak / 2019 / pn gto . while the rest were not carried out diversion because the criminal charges were over 7 years. at the time of this research, the case number 4 / pid.susanak / 2020 / pn gto was a case that had recently been successfully diversified . according to the judge of the gorontalo district court, ottow siagian, sh, said: "regarding the case of the latter in the diversion is a case of abuse of the level of investigation and prosecution did not succeed in versioned, but with the efforts made by the pn gorontalo, the case reached the agreement set forth in the stipulation of diversion no.1 / pen.div / 2020 / pn .gto september 10, 2020, which consists of 6 articles " 2. limboto district court in the limboto district court, based on the explanation from the legal department, it was stated that from 2019 to 2020 there were no cases that could be diversified. so out of 20 cases there are only 2 cases that can be diversified . 3. the tilamuta district court in the tilamuta district court, on average, cases that enter cannot be diversified because the indictment is over 7 years old or does not meet the requirements for diversion. based on the author's interview with the tilamuta district court judge, mr. rastra dhika irdiansyah, s.kom., sh, mh (july 2020) he said that: "we as child judges or diversion facilitators cannot carry out diversion in every case of a child who is admitted to the tilamuta district court because basically the indictment of the public prosecutor against abh has exceeded 7 years, even though there are rules in perma no. 4 of 2014 regarding the permissibility of diversion. in cases of children who are over 7 years of age but there is no choice of one of the charges under 7 years (alternative, cumulative or subsidary charges) in some cases that are admitted to the tilamuta district court " 4. marisa district court at the district court marisa based on the data above it can be seen that the pn marisa since the year 2017 up to 2020 there are 13 cases of criminal offenses committed by children. 5 cases were successfully diversified in case no. 8 / pid.sus-anak / 2019 / pn mar, no. 4 / pid.sus-anak / 2019 / pn mar, no. 5 / pid.sus-anak / 2019 / pn mar , no. 3 / pid.sus-anak / 2019 / pn mar, and no. 1 / pid.sus -children / 2019 / pn . mar . then 2 unsuccessful cases were diversified to case no. 7 / pid.sus-anak / 2019 / pn mar and no. 2 / pid.sus -children / 2019 / pn mar . . based on the author's interview with the junior criminal registrar, mr. yunus ahmad, sh (interview in september 2020) that: "of the cases that were submitted to the marisa district court, where the perpetrator was a child, a total of 13 cases out of the total were 5 cases that were successfully diversified , jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad rizal lampatta. 5(1): 59-69 64 then 2 cases that were not successfully diversified and the remaining 6 cases were not obliged to be diversified . diversion is not mandatory, meaning in that case because the sentence is more than 7 years . " based on the overall data on criminal acts committed by children who entered from 2017 to 2020 at the district court level in gorontalo province, it can be seen as many as: 1. 11 child cases were successfully diverted (3 cases of court decisions because the cases have been resolved at the police level) 2. 4 the case of not being successfully diversified 3. 44 cases were not diversified because the sentence exceeded 7 years the large number of cases of children who cannot be diversified because of the threat of a sentence of more than 7 years, of course, has closed the opportunity for children to get this opportunity. if you look at the sppa law that applies in general to each level of diversion, it will certainly make it a little difficult for the judge / facilitator to be diversified at the court level so that with the existence of government regulation no. 65 of 2015 and perma no. 4 of 2014 make it easier for the district courts to pursue diversion. the judges at the district court felt the birth of these two regulations. on average, the judges that the researchers met said that they were greatly helped by the existence of these two regulations even with the existence of perma no. 4 of 2014, the diversion process becomes more efficient for the district court, this is in line with what was said by judge pn tilamuta, mr. rastra dhika irdiansyah, s.kom., sh, mh (july 2020) that : " we are in the effort to implement diversion, although now at pn tilamuta there are no cases being diversified, at this time we will still combine the three regulations, namely the sppa, perma and pp laws . moreover, perma no. 4 of 2014 specifically regulates technical matters at the court level. with these three regulations, there are more technical and detailed guidelines on the procedures to be followed " based on the above interview , the district court has its own technical guidelines so that even though the investigation and prosecution stage cannot be carried out, diversion can be carried out at the court level as regulated in article 3 perma no. 4 of 2014 is written that: "the judge is obliged to seek diversion in the case that a child is charged with committing a criminal act which is punishable by imprisonment of less than 7 (seven) years and is also charged with a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment of 7 (seven) years or more in the form of a subsidiarity indictment , an alternative. , cumulative, or combination (combined) " thus the perma regulation provides an explanation that in the case of a child in which there are charges of subsidence , cumulative or combination where one of the charges has one of the charges under 7 years of age, diversion can be carried out. this is what can be used as a guideline for pn judges to oblige diversion. for example, as stated by judge muhlis kadafi, sh at pn limboto (august 2020) in his experience when implementing diversion in aceh that; jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad rizal lampatta. 5(1): 59-69 65 "based on my experience before being assigned to pn limboto, at that time i did a diversion from my assignment. in aceh in 2017, there were cases of narcotics which investigators and prosecutors did not attempt to diversify. but i said i could diversion. perma 4 tahun 2014 can only be used at the court level because one of the charges is under 7 years. at that time in that case i considered the victim to be represented by the (state) prosecutor, i asked the prosecutor whether or not to be diverted , the prosecutor said he accepted. at that time the charges for the narcotics law, articles 112, 114 and 127 (maximum 4 years). with the existence of article 127, there is a basis for diversion and finally success. the opinion above is in line with the words of mr. judge ottow siagian, sh, judge of the gorontalo district court, he said: "if there is a case that goes to the district court that uses the charges of subsidence , cumulative or combination, it will be seen whether any of the charges contain criminal offenses under 7 years. for example, in the criminal act of theft the charges are articles 362, 363 and 365 it will be known that one of them is a crime with a low penalty of under 7 years. " from the results of research in the field of implementation stages of diversion at the court level using perma no. 4 of 2014 which article 4 and article 5 of the perma have been detailed carefully and clearly. the stage of implementing diversion starts from the preparation where after the issuance of an order from the chief justice to handle a diversion case, the judge will determine the day, date, time and place of the diversion deliberation. in the determination of the judge, there was an order to the public prosecutor who delegated the case to present parties involved in the implementation of diversion such as bapas, professional social workers , victims and their families / guardians, children of perpetrators and their families, representatives of the community and parties deemed necessary to be involved. in the implementation of the diversion. in the success of the diversion process the roles of bapas and peksos were very large. the function of bapas in the sppa law is precisely article 84 . d ari second explanation is that article explaining that bapas shall conduct the supervision program that was created by the implementation of the community supervisor then implemented by lpas and lpka for this reason, bapas and social workers have the most active role in researching the lives of children in the community and their families, because in the sppa law, if there is no examination from bapas, the diversion cannot be carried out, so according to the research team this aspect of education and control lies also in the agreement on when the diversion was implemented the role of bapas is very crucial because in addition to playing a role during the implementation of the diversion process it also plays an important role after successful diversion which must prepare several coaching programs such as for child offenders such as religious guidance, intellectual and behavioral guidance, skills development, independence development, professional development and coaching. physical and spiritual health. the various kinds of training must be in accordance with the needs and age of the child. in carrying out its duties, bapas must also coordinate intensely with the lpks leaders. the lpks leadership must periodically submit a written report to bapas regarding the development of the child during the education, coaching, and mentoring program at the lpks but like a currency, every law must have a loophole for other people to take advantage of it, the author said because there were several cases where children were used to commit criminal acts because children had the privilege of being carried out by jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad rizal lampatta. 5(1): 59-69 66 diversion, but according to mr. ottow siagian, judge of pn gorontalo said that we should not only look at the aspect of the gaps, but we must also look at the positive aspects because even though there are gaps that are used by certain people but later with the gaps, one day the sppa law will certainly be changed for the better. the effectiveness of diversion is not only measured by the success of the implementation of deliberation so as to give birth to a diversion agreement but is measured until the agreement is fulfilled whether the parties, especially the children of the perpetrator, have succeeded in fulfilling the agreement set out in the agreement. if not, the agreement is considered unsuccessful. the specified time period is 3 months and can be extended for another 3 months as stated in pp 65 of 2015 article 64 . the intensive supervision provided by the parties involved in the diversion agreement can provide moral deepening and good attitudes to the perpetrator so that they do not repeat their actions, especially the types of punishment that can be given can be in the form of community service as regulated in article 6 paragraph (3) letter d, pp number 65 of 2015 . this community service sanction can be applied, such as the experience made by pn limboto, muhlis kadafi, sh in an interview session (august 2020) who revealed: "as i did before in aceh, i directed the perpetrator to be educated at islamic boarding schools so that they could get a good religious education for several months. so to be more optimal, after an agreement between the perpetrator and the victim can be given social punishment, such as cleaning the mosque if he is muslim, chanting the call to prayer at several times (dawn, dzuhur , asr, maghrib or isya) accompanied by a report from the imam or the mosque. . so it is the type of social punishment or the result of an agreement that is directed into education for the perpetrator so that he is aware of his actions. " if in every case committed by a child applies restorative justice , it can indirectly reduce children detained in detention and prisons , fewer cases go to court, reduce the number of prisoners in the institution and also reduce the state budget. if all perpetrators of criminal acts in this case are included in petty crimes committed by a child, and then inserted into a correctional institution very has a use value because it adversely affected the child itself ( yuliana ratnadewi. 2018) 3.2. factors that become obstacles in the diversion determination process according to peter c. kratcoski in hengky kurniawan, there are three types of concepts for implementing diversion programs, namely: 1. execution of social control 2. social services by the community to the perpetrators ( social service orientation ), 3. towards the process of restorative justice or negotiation ( blanced or restorative justice orientation ).(hambali, 2019) diversion as an obligatory process to apply the concept of restorative justice certainly gets many opinions. there are those who argue that diversion can prevent children from being punished with deprivation of freedom. however, there is an opinion that the implementation of diversion is only a mandatory procedure that must be followed by law enforcers, victims and their families, perpetrators and their families, bapas and several related parties. so that the aspect of deepening awareness and the aspect of providing moral education to the perpetrator is not being paid attention to which causes the perpetrator to repeat his criminal act to other victims. jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad rizal lampatta. 5(1): 59-69 67 this assumption must of course be broken in order to maintain the spirit of the implementation of diversion which is the aim of law enforcement in terms of providing justice, certainty and benefits in the restorative justice space . the way to break this assumption according to the research team is not easy, it must also be accompanied by the seriousness of law enforcers in providing maximum diversion results in the hope that the child perpetrators of a crime will get legal awareness to be aware and deterred without having to experience the punishment of freedom restriction in the penitentiary. justice restorative not merely implementing the decisions about who won and who lost in the criminal justice system that is hostile / resistance ( adversarial system ). in its concept, the restorative justice process seeks a facility for dialogue between all parties affected by crime including victims, perpetrators, their supporters, and society as a whole. this involves a process in which all parties at risk in a particular crime collectively seek to resolve collectively how to deal with the aftermath of a crime and its future implications.(bustamam, 2020) m ccording to the research team is not so impossible later in the concept of ius contituendum (legally the idealized) model of diversion can be modified that there might be a change in the limit of seven years to more than seven years with the qualification of the offenses anything that can done diversion. this is in line with what judge tilamuta said during the interview . according to mr. judge pn limboto, moh. fahrul anam, sh, (august 2020) that: "in my opinion, maybe one day the sppa law should be modified by legislators in the legislative to make changes to the model of punishment for children, especially in the form of diversion, where all child crimes can be diversified or can be modified in accordance with legal developments. ". in the implementation of diversion in 4 district courts in gorontalo province, there are several obstacles that the authors can describe, namely: 1. in the implementation of diversion, an agreement is sometimes difficult to obtain because there is still an assumption that giving punishment to the perpetrator can satisfy the heart of the victim or the victim's parents. according to judge ottow siagian sh, judge of gorontalo district court : "based on my experience, at the time of diversion implementation we as diversion facilitators gathered all the existing parties such as bapas, social workers, parents of victims and perpetrators. what i saw during the implementation process "sometimes" the parents did not agree to peace even though their children agreed. this barrier on the part of the parents is a barrier to achieving diversion ”. 2. a diversion agreement was not reached because the victim or the perpetrator did not have a common ground in determining the amount of compensation. 3. the absence of bapas at the district level and lpks are only in gorontalo city and pohuwato regency 4. barriers commonly found in the process of establishing the diversion of children in conflict with the law, usually reports community supervisor little late, and the hose was a difference of opinion of social workers associated with the involvement of social workers in penaganan children in conflict with the law because it is not involved. meanwhile, social workers from bapas are already there to represent other social workers. jurnal hukum volkgeist muhammad rizal lampatta. 5(1): 59-69 68 5. the rules in perma no. 4/2014 and pp no. 65 of 2015 in which the child commits a crime under 7 years or over 7 years in accordance with article 3 perma no. 4 of 2014 will be diversified, in contrast to pp. 65 of 2015 only regulates criminal offenses under 7 years. apart from that, the perma also does not regulate whether the crime is repetition or not, but in pp. 65 restricts not repetition of the crime. 6. community participation that still lacks supervision of children, especially children who live in the surrounding environment if the child is involved in a criminal act. 7. the need for co-operation between the father s with doctor / psychiatrist. according to mr. rastra dhika irdiansyah, s.kom., sh, mh hakim pn tilamuta (july 2020) that "we as child facilitators or judges cannot know for sure how the psychological condition of the child or the environment in which this child lives. the judge knows from the bapas and peksos reports that bapas or peksos should collaborate with psychologists or doctors. so far, bapas / peksos have only reported good environmental conditions, good families, but never give consideration to the psychological condition of children personally. that is why in the regions , bapas, lpks and lpas must be complete. as well as establishing cooperation with psychologists or doctors " in its implementation, although diversion is intended to protect children from stigmatization and pressure from the judicial process, if diversion is carried out carelessly and is not followed by actions of guidance and recovery, it will even threaten the future of children who are in conflict with the law. 4. conclusion the effectiveness of diversion implementation for children in conflict with the law at the district court level in gorontalo province based on the number of cases submitted, it can be categorized as quite effective because of the 15 cases that were diversified , 11 cases were successful and 5 cases were not successfully diversified . in the implementation of diversion in 4 district courts in gorontalo province, there are several obstacles that the authors can describe, namely: there is still a stigma that punishing the perpetrator satisfies the victim's family a diversion agreement was not reached because the victim or the perpetrator did not have a common ground in determining the amount of compensation the absence of bapas at the district level and lpks are only in gorontalo city and pohuwato regency the community advisor's report is a little late the rules in perma and pp regarding diversi are not synchronized community participation is still lacking. the need for cooperation between you and your doctor / psychiatrist. references arliman, l. 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