item: #1 of 146 id: volkgeist-101 author: Putra, L. M. Ricard Zeldi title: EFEKTIFITAS PELAKSANAAN ALOKASI DANA DESA BERDASARKAN PERMENDAGRI NO 113 TAHUN 2014 TENTANG PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN DESA date: 2019-03-11 words: 2898 flesch: 42 summary: Kepala desa adalah pemegang kekuasaan pengelolaan keuangan Desa yang di bantu oleh perangkat Desa. Pelaksanaan asas Transparan Kepala desa adalah pemegang kekuasaan pengelolaan keuangan Desa yang dibantu oleh perangkat Desa. keywords: add; alokasi; asas; berdasarkan; daerah; dalam; dan; dana; dengan; desa; efektifitas; issn; keuangan; masyarakat; pelaksanaan; pengelolaan; permendagri; tahun; tentang; tidak; yang cache: volkgeist-101.pdf plain text: volkgeist-101.txt item: #2 of 146 id: volkgeist-102 author: HERMAWAN, BAMBANG title: PELAKSANAAN WEWENANG WAKIL PRESIDEN N DALAM PENYELENGGARAAN PEMERINTAHAN date: 2019-03-13 words: 3287 flesch: 36 summary: Pemilihan umum di Indonesia diselenggarakan untuk memilih anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, anggota Dewan Perwakilan Daerah, Presiden dan Wakil Presiden, dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah. Presiden sebagai pemberi mandat dan Wakil Presiden sebagai penerima mandat. keywords: adalah; atau; authority; dalam; dari; dasar; dengan; hal; hukum; indonesia; issn; jabatan; kewenangan; negara; oleh; pasal; pelaksanaan; pemerintahan; penyelenggaraan; presiden; sebagai; undang; wakil; wewenang; yang cache: volkgeist-102.pdf plain text: volkgeist-102.txt item: #3 of 146 id: volkgeist-103 author: WIRIDIN, DARMAWAN title: PELAKSANAAN UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 15 TAHUN 2014 DALAM PENETAPAN LABUNGKARI SEBAGAI IBUKOTA KABUPATEN BUTONTENGAH date: 2019-03-13 words: 3727 flesch: 44 summary: Pembentukan daerah dapat berupa pemecahan daerah provinsi atau daerah kabupaten/kota untuk menjadi dua atau lebih daerah baru, atau penggabungan bagian daerah dari daerah yang Adapun prinsip otonomi nyata adalah suatu prinsip bahwa untuk menangani urusan pemerintahan dilaksanakan berdasarkan tugas, wewenang, dan kebijakan yang senyatanya telah ada, serta berpotensi untuk tumbuh, hidup, dan berkembang sesuai dengan potensi dan kekhasan daerah. keywords: buton; calon; daerah; dalam; dari; dengan; ibukota; ini; issn; kabupaten; kecamatan; keputusan; labungkari; masyarakat; menjadi; nomor; otonomi; pelaksanaan; pembentukan; pemerintahan; penetapan; persetujuan; sebagai; syarat; tahun; tanggal; tengah; tentang; undang; untuk; wilayah; yang cache: volkgeist-103.pdf plain text: volkgeist-103.txt item: #4 of 146 id: volkgeist-104 author: PALILING, DIMAS TEGAR title: PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM BAGI PENYEDIA ATAS PENGHENTIAN KONTRAK PENGADAAN BARANG DAN JASA date: 2019-03-13 words: 3181 flesch: 43 summary: Tapi, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia memberikan arti yang berbeda secara kedua gradual saja antara pemutusan dan penghentian kontrak. Dalam keputusan Presiden Nomor 80 tahun 2003 Pasal 35 menjelaskan tentang penghentian dan pemutusan kontrak dalam pengadaan barang dan jasa. keywords: adalah; atas; bagi; barang; dalam; dan; hukum; ini; issn; jasa; kahar; keadaan; kontrak; nomor; pemutusan; pengadaan; penghentian; penyedia; peraturan; perlindungan; pihak; presiden; tahun; tentang; tidak; undang; untuk; yang cache: volkgeist-104.pdf plain text: volkgeist-104.txt item: #5 of 146 id: volkgeist-105 author: SULAIMAN, HERLINA title: TINJAUAN YURIDIS TERHADAP PEMENUHAN HAK-HAK ANAK DI LEMBAGA PEMASYARAKATAN KLAS I A MAKASSAR date: 2019-03-13 words: 3214 flesch: 52 summary: Adapun implikasi dan eksistensi produk hukum tersebut melahirkan tujuan nasional dalam rangka mewujudkan cita-cita luhur bangsa Indonesia menuju masyarakat yang adil, makmur dan sejahtera yang merata baik secara materiil maupun spritual berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-undang Dasar 1945. Sebaliknya jika disiplin dilakukan dengan kekerasan yang tidak beralasan dan tanpa kasih sayang, akan menimbulkan keragu-raguan pada diri anak dan anak akan kehilangan kepercayaan diri. keywords: anak; atau; baik; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; desember; didik; hak; hukum; issn; klas; lembaga; makassar; nomor; orang; pemasyarakatan; pemenuhan; pidana; sebagai; secara; serta; terhadap; tinjauan; untuk; yang; yuridis cache: volkgeist-105.pdf plain text: volkgeist-105.txt item: #6 of 146 id: volkgeist-106 author: Widiasih, Ni Putu Sri title: TINJAUAN YURIDIS TERHADAP PERILAKU PENGGUNA HELM DI UNIVERSITAS HALUOLEO date: 2018-04-14 words: 4193 flesch: 44 summary: Jenis dan sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah Data primer yaitu data yang diperoleh secara langsung dari masyarakat dan mahasiswa yang tidak memakai helm pada saat berkendara dengan menggunakan observasi, kuisioner atau angket serta wawancara yang berhubungan dengan pelanggaran lalu lintas terhadap perilaku pengendara sepeda motor yang tidak memakai helm dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi serta upaya-upaya yang dilakukan dan Data sekunder adalah data yang diperoleh dari Kepolisian Resor Kendari dan data sekunder dibutuhkan untuk melengkapi data primer penelitian yang berwujud berupa pendapat-pendapat, dokumen-dokumen resmi, buku-buku, hasil-hasil ISSN 2528-360X Volume 2 Nomor 2 April 2018 Faktor-faktor penyebab pengendara sepeda motor tidak memakai helm di lintas jalan H.E.A Mokodompit dan sekitarnya yang masih dalam wilayah Kecamatan Kambu adalah Faktor kesadaran dan perilaku, keywords: april; atau; dalam; dan; dengan; faktor; haluoleo; helm; ini; issn; jalan; lalu; lintas; memakai; mokodompit; motor; nomor; pada; pelanggaran; penelitian; pengendara; pengguna; peraturan; perilaku; sepeda; terhadap; tidak; undang; universitas; upaya; yang; yuridis cache: volkgeist-106.pdf plain text: volkgeist-106.txt item: #7 of 146 id: volkgeist-107 author: Furqon, Al title: YURIDIS TERHADAP TINDAK PIDANA PENGANCAMAN YANG DILAKUKAN SECARA BERSAMA-SAMA date: 2018-04-14 words: 4398 flesch: 50 summary: Berdasarkan putusan Nomor 755/Pid.B/2014/PN.Mks.dengan terdakwa Ramli Siga Dg Ruma dan Saharuddin Dg Naba maka penulis berpendapat bahwa pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan pemidanaan telah tepat karena hakim dalam perkara tersebut menjatuhkan pemidanaan berdasarkan keterangan saksi dan keterangan terdakwa yang menurut Pasal 185 KUHAP merupakan alat bukti yang sah. Bagaimanakah penerapan hukum pidana materiil terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama dalam putusan Pengadilan Negeri Makassar Nomor 755/Pid.B/2014/PN.Mks dan Bagaimanakah pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam memutus perkara pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan bersama-sama dalam putusan Pengadilan Negeri Makassar Nomor 755/Pid.B/2014/PN.Mks Adapun tujuan penelitian dalam tulisan ini adalah Untuk mengetahui penerapan hukum pidana materiil terhadap tindak pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersamasama dalam putusan Pengadilan Negeri Makassar Nomor 755/Pid.B/2014/PN.Mks dan Untuk mengetahui pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam memutus perkara pidana pengancaman yang dilakukan secara bersamasama dalam putusan Pengadilan Negeri Makassar Nomor 755/Pid.B/2014/PN.Mks B. METODE PENELITIAN Dalam melaksanakan penelitian, untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi yang diperlukan untuk membahas permasalahan yang ada dalam penulisan ini, penulis melakukan penelitian di Pengadilan Negeri Makassar. keywords: april; ayat; bahwa; bersama; dalam; dengan; dilakukan; hakim; hukum; issn; keterangan; kuhp; naba; nomor; oleh; pada; para; pasal; pengancaman; pidana; ruma; saksi; secara; terdakwa; terhadap; tersebut; tindak; tinjauan; yang; yuridis cache: volkgeist-107.pdf plain text: volkgeist-107.txt item: #8 of 146 id: volkgeist-108 author: Rustam, Dewi Ratnasari title: KEDUDUKAN DISSENTING OPINION DALAM PERKARA TINDAK PIDANA KORUPSI date: 2018-04-14 words: 5264 flesch: 43 summary: Sehingga menurut anggota majelis 2 (du), ore nikel ini baru dapat dibayar setelah dikapalkan dengan demikian penjual dan pembeli dapat mengetahui terlebih dahulu tentang kadar, volume dan harga ore nikel yang dikapalkan dan pembayaran royalty tidak akan keliru; 7) bahwa sesuai fakta dipersidangan dan berdasarkan keterangan saksi-saksi Clayton Allaen Wenas, SH (Presiden Direktur PT. Berbagai definisi yang menjelaskan dan menjabarkan makna korupsi dapat ditemukan, dengan penekanan pada studi masing-masing individu makna korupsi menjadi bermakna luas dan tidak hanya dari satu perspektif saja. keywords: 360x; adalah; april; atau; bahwa; dalam; dapat; dari; dengan; dissenting; hakim; hukum; inco; issn; itu; kedudukan; kekuasaan; korupsi; negara; nikel; nomor; oleh; opinion; pada; pemidanaan; pendapat; pengadilan; perkara; pid.tipikor/2013; pidana; pn.kdi; putusan; sebagai; tahun; tbk; telah; tentang; teori; tindak; tujuan; undang; undang nomor; untuk; volume; yang cache: volkgeist-108.pdf plain text: volkgeist-108.txt item: #9 of 146 id: volkgeist-1081 author: Mashendra, Mashendra; Mursanto, Deddy title: Juridical Review of The Application of Digital Mapping (Plotting) of Land Ownership Rights in The Prevention of Multiple Certificates date: 2021-06-24 words: 4664 flesch: 55 summary: Apart from ensuring certainty of rights, the purpose and objective of the implementation of land registration is to create an accurate information center on land parcels. The population of this research is all people who take care of land certificates and employees of the land office of Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi Province. keywords: application; baubau; bpn; certificates; data; factors; kkp; land; overlapping; registration cache: volkgeist-1081.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1081.txt item: #10 of 146 id: volkgeist-109 author: Ilahi, Wahyu Rizki Kartika title: RESIKO MEDIS DAN KELALAIAN MEDIS DALAM ASPEK PERTANGGUNGJAWABAN PIDANA date: 2018-04-14 words: 4946 flesch: 44 summary: yaitu resiko medis yang dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawaban kepada dokter dan resiko medis yang tidak dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawaban kepada dokter. c. Coughlin’s Dictionary of Law Malpraktek adalah “sikap-tindak profesional yang salah dari seorang yang berprofesi, seperti dokter, ahli hukum, akuntan, dokter gigi, dokter hewan. keywords: 360x; adalah; april; atau; bahwa; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; dilakukan; dokter; hukum; ilahi; ini; issn; karena; karika; kasus; kelalaian; kesehatan; medis; melakukan; nomor; oleh; pada; page; pasien; pertanggungjawaban; pidana; resiko; rizki; secara; terhadap; tersebut; tidak; tindakan; undang; untuk; volume; wahyu; yang cache: volkgeist-109.pdf plain text: volkgeist-109.txt item: #11 of 146 id: volkgeist-1093 author: Hidayati, Putri Nurul title: The Institutional Form of Policyholder Protection Scheme in Indonesia (A Comparison Study Between Indonesia, Malaysia, and South Korea) date: 2021-06-24 words: 4976 flesch: 43 summary: Meanwhile, the scope of coverage for tafakul certificates and insurance policies provides protection for the insurance policyholder or insured, including: family takaful; general takaful; life insurance; and general insurance. Currently, there is no legal protection for DIC if DIC wants to expand its functions as policy insurance. keywords: act; article; deposit; dic; insurance; law; malaysia; policyholder; policyholder protection; protection cache: volkgeist-1093.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1093.txt item: #12 of 146 id: volkgeist-110 author: Pribadi, Dony title: PERLINDUNGAN TERHADAP ANAK BERHADAPAN DENGAN HUKUM date: 2018-12-14 words: 3738 flesch: 52 summary: disebut Anak adalah anak yang telah berumur 12 (dua belas) tahun, tetapi belum berumur 18 (delapan belas) Tahun 2012 Tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak Pengertian Anak menurut Undang-undang ini yang disebut Anak yang telah berumur keywords: adalah; anak; berhadapan; dalam; dapat; dari; dengan; hak; hukum; ini; issn; korban; menurut; nomor; oleh; pada; peradilan; perlindungan; pidana; proses; sistem; tahun; tentang; terhadap; tindak; undang; untuk; yang cache: volkgeist-110.pdf plain text: volkgeist-110.txt item: #13 of 146 id: volkgeist-1108 author: Haedar, Muhammad Iqbal Maulana title: The Requirements for Replacement of Elected Legislative Candidates for Election Based on Democratic Principles date: 2021-06-24 words: 6297 flesch: 49 summary: Legal implications for the replacement of elected legislative candidates due to the issuance of decisions from the KPU as the election organizer about the replacement of elected candidates, the right that should be obtained by elected candidates, namely sitting in legislative seats must be null and void. So the Complainant in this case Misriani Ilyas assessed the replacement of elected legislative candidates is not in accordance with the procedure as stipulated in the Law. keywords: authority; candidates; decision; elections; kpu; party; people; province; replacement; south; state; sulawesi cache: volkgeist-1108.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1108.txt item: #14 of 146 id: volkgeist-111 author: Manohara, Ida Bagus Made Putra title: PENERAPAN SANKSI PIDANA BAGI PELAKU TINDAK PIDANA ABORSI MENURUT PERATURAN PERUNDANG-UNDANGAN YANG BERLAKU date: 2018-12-19 words: 4135 flesch: 46 summary: Oleh tenaga kesehatan yang yang memiliki keterampilan dan kewenangan yang memiliki sertifikat yang ditetapkan oleh menteri c. Dengan persetujuan ibu hamil yang bersangkutan d. Dengan izin suami, kecuali korban perkosaan, dan ISSN 2528-360X Volume 3 Nomor 1 Desember 2018 e-ISSN 2621-6159 PENERAPAN SANKSI PIDANA BAGI PELAKU Undang – Undang ini membuat aborsi yang tindakan yang awalnya hanya untuk menggugurkan kandungan menjadi sebuah tindakan kejahatan. keywords: aborsi; atau; bagi; bahan; berlaku; dalam; dapat; dengan; dilakukan; hukum; ini; issn; itu; kandungan; kesehatan; kitab; menurut; nomor; pasal; pelaku; penelitian; penerapan; peraturan; perundang; pidana; sanksi; sebagai; tahun; tentang; tindak; undang; undang nomor; undangan; untuk; wanita; yang cache: volkgeist-111.pdf plain text: volkgeist-111.txt item: #15 of 146 id: volkgeist-1115 author: Mursanto, Deddy title: Implementation of Police Duties to Support the Implementation of Health Protocols During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Order The Realization of a Conducive Kamtibmas Atmosphere (baubau city case study) date: 2021-06-24 words: 5311 flesch: 40 summary: In line with what is stated in the National Police Law where the Police Chief also issued a Mak/2/III/2020 Information on Government Policy Compliance in the Handling of Corona Virus (Kapolri 2020); which is the content of the information, namely the Police will crack down on people who are still swarming, hoarding basic needs and other community needs in excess and spreading hoax news. Jurnal Hukum Volkgeist Volume 5 Issue 2, 2021 P-ISSN : 2528-360X, E-ISSN : 2621-6159 175 Implementation of Police Duties to Support The Implementation of Health Protocols During The Covid-19 Pandemic in order The Realization of A Conducive Kamtibmas Atmosphere (Baubau City Case Study) Deddy Mursanto1 keywords: baubau; bhabinkamtibmas; community; covid; covid -19; health; law; pandemic; people; police; role cache: volkgeist-1115.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1115.txt item: #16 of 146 id: volkgeist-1116 author: Rahman, Irsan; Putra, L. M. Ricard Zeldi title: Revocation of Political Rights Convicted of Corruption In Every Judge's Decision as An Effort to Eradicate Corruption date: 2021-06-23 words: 3971 flesch: 47 summary: There needs to be a formulation of the provisions of the regulations as a basis for integrating and harmonizing judges' decisions on the revocation of political rights or it is also necessary to f ormulate a special criminal system to eradicate corruption crimes. The number of 576 cases of corruption convictions is very high, therefore there must be optimal efforts in the eradication of corruption crimes both preventive and repressive. keywords: corruption; criminal; law; power; public; revocation; rights; state cache: volkgeist-1116.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1116.txt item: #17 of 146 id: volkgeist-112 author: Afriyandi, Tis’at title: KEWENANGAN PEMERINTAH DAERAH DALAM MENENTUKAN HARGA JUAL DALAM TRANSAKSI JUAL BELI TANAH DAN ATAU BANGUNAN date: 2018-12-14 words: 3631 flesch: 45 summary: Dengan sistem self assessment ini, khususnya pada BPHTB, diharapkan masyarakat dapat dengan mudah memenuhi kewajiban pajaknya dan meningkatkan kesadaran pajak masyarakat, terutama pajak yang timbul pada saat terjadinya perolehan hak atas tanah dan bangunan. Ketentuan mengenai BPHTB yang dituangkan dalam Undang-Undang Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi Daerah tersebut tentu saja sangat memudahkan bagi wajib pajak dalam melakukan perhitungan pajak terutang ketika akan melakukan transaksi jual beli tanah dan bangunan, wajib pajak dalam hal ini adalah penjual dan pembeli sudah dapat menentukan besarnya pajak yang akan dibayarkan sesuai dengan nominal transaksi yang telah disepakati. keywords: atas; atau; bangunan; beli; bphtb; daerah; dalam; dan; dengan; dilakukan; harga; hukum; ini; issn; jual; kewenangan; menentukan; nomor; oleh; pajak; pemerintah; perolehan; tahun; tanah; tersebut; tidak; transaksi; undang; untuk; yang cache: volkgeist-112.pdf plain text: volkgeist-112.txt item: #18 of 146 id: volkgeist-120 author: Rais, Suardi title: Audit of state losses by the Gorontalo attorney general in a corruption case date: 2019-04-10 words: 3552 flesch: 50 summary: But in some of the decisions of the Corruption Criminal Court, the process of proving the loss of state finances was carried out by the Gorontalo High Prosecutor's Office who did not have the authority to audit state financial losses in cases of corruption. The form of supervision in the context of management and responsibility of state finances in terms of calculating state financial losses can be in the form of: a. Internal monitoring 1. keywords: audit; authority; corruption; losses; prosecutor; state cache: volkgeist-120.pdf plain text: volkgeist-120.txt item: #19 of 146 id: volkgeist-1203 author: Sulaiman, Bakri; Saleng, Abrar; Lahae, Kahar title: Moronene Indigenous Recognition and Protection Regulation Hukaea Laea in Bombana County date: 2021-06-24 words: 3797 flesch: 43 summary: Political action to recognize a country (read: the existence of indigenous legal peoples-writers)means the state recognizes and intends to establish political relations and other relationships with the recognized community, while legal action is the procedure put forward above established by international law (read: national law-author)to establish state facts (read: indigenous peoples-writers)in a case kongkret. Recognition of the existence of indigenous peoples varies greatly from sector to sector as well as forms of recognition of the existence of indigenous peoples by different local governments. Meanwhile, in the Draft Report on The Legal Review of the Mechanism of Recognition of Indigenous Peoples law states that the recognition and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples is important, because it must be recognized the traditional side of indigenous legal people born and has existed long before the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia was formed (Sukirno, 2013). keywords: community; existence; law; mha; peoples; protection; recognition; rights cache: volkgeist-1203.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1203.txt item: #20 of 146 id: volkgeist-121 author: Sukma, Ria Permata title: Price agreement and market provision between principal and distributor in the constitution no. 5, 1999 date: 2019-04-10 words: 3789 flesch: 47 summary: Business competition law on this matter focuses on maintaining fair business competition in the relevant market and encourages business actors to become business actors who have a dominant position through fair and effective business competition. Keywords: business competition, price fixing, market share, distributors, principals Magister Hukum Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, ( m) DOI: keywords: actors; business; competition; distributors; law; market; position; price; pricing cache: volkgeist-121.pdf plain text: volkgeist-121.txt item: #21 of 146 id: volkgeist-122 author: Mustika, Mega title: Legal law and principles in the credit in banking date: 2019-04-10 words: 3180 flesch: 54 summary: The customer must provide his own capital, while the shortfall can be financed by bank credit. The principle of trust is a principle that underlies the relationship between banks and bank customers. keywords: bank; banking; business; credit; customers; debtor; principle cache: volkgeist-122.pdf plain text: volkgeist-122.txt item: #22 of 146 id: volkgeist-123 author: Rustam, Rustam title: Legal analysis of the application of raw clause in an agreement date: 2019-04-10 words: 3852 flesch: 57 summary: The regulation is to provide legal certainty to all the needs of consumers / debtors and to defend their rights if they are harmed by business actors especially in the implementation or implementation of standard agreements. Such agreements are referred to as standard agreements or standard agreements, where the standard agreement is the realization of the existence of the principle of freedom of contract. keywords: agreement; business; contract; freedom; principle; standard cache: volkgeist-123.pdf plain text: volkgeist-123.txt item: #23 of 146 id: volkgeist-124 author: Akbar, Hishom Prastyo title: Devotional response that arises in the agreement between the captain gold driver with the TPI grab's participants date: 2019-04-10 words: 4648 flesch: 48 summary: Indonesian Pengagkutan Technology / TPI Grab's Preferred Partner has mixed several clauses, which in general is the existence of a security deposit, acceptance of movable objects in this case are car vehicles, vehicle use for driver vehicle services with the exclusivity rights of Grab and with certain job targets , to lease payments which include maintenance of the vehicle unit that is the object of the lease. Information from promotional media by TPI and Grab regarding vehicle ownership through the gold captain driver program should be included in the contractual agreement as intended, because if it does not have the potential for violations / non-conformity with information on promotion and TPI is liable for this, especially if the vehicle does switch ownership belongs to the driver, not necessarily the vehicle as intended can still be used to carry out driver vehicle services through the Grab App, considering Grab itself has provisions for vehicles that can be used for Grabcar services, namely the maximum vehicle age of 5 years. keywords: agreement; article; driver; fiduciary; law; online; parties; tpi; transportation; vehicle cache: volkgeist-124.pdf plain text: volkgeist-124.txt item: #24 of 146 id: volkgeist-125 author: Ilham, Ilham title: Criminal law policy about KPK authorities in the perspective of criminal action in corruption in Indonesia date: 2019-04-10 words: 3160 flesch: 39 summary: Position of the Commission as a state agency is independent and free from the influence of any power, it is meant for combating corruption Commission did not get the intervention of any party. There are many benefits to the Corruption Eradication Commission, the independent investigators from the internal Corruption Eradication Commission. keywords: corruption; corruption eradication; enforcement; eradication commission; indonesia; law; number cache: volkgeist-125.pdf plain text: volkgeist-125.txt item: #25 of 146 id: volkgeist-126 author: Sulaiman, Herlina title: Legal review of the implementation of work safety and health atpt multi nabatimaleo unit, pohuwato district date: 2019-04-10 words: 2405 flesch: 56 summary: EHS is a policy applied by PT Multi Nabati Unit Maleo in providing protection for the safety and health of its workers. and how are the efforts made by PT Multi Nabati Unit Maleo in reducing the risk of workplace accidents? keywords: health; multi; safety; unit; work cache: volkgeist-126.pdf plain text: volkgeist-126.txt item: #26 of 146 id: volkgeist-127 author: Nasrullah, Nasrullah title: Legal aspects of changes in the calculation of the marisa national saving banks of marisa branch interest calculation methods date: 2019-04-10 words: 4303 flesch: 56 summary: But the change in the method of calculating credit interest rates from the type of effective calculation becomes an annuity calculation. On August 30, 2017, the debtor in this case Mr. Harun Husain submitted a letter requesting a review of the calculation of credit interest rates. keywords: bank; calculation; credit; interest; interest calculation; interest rates cache: volkgeist-127.pdf plain text: volkgeist-127.txt item: #27 of 146 id: volkgeist-1275 author: Yadin, Hasdin; Haeranah, Haeranah; Mirzana, Hijra Adhiyanti title: The efficacy of law enforcement in the Tolaki Mekongga Indigenous Law Community's adultery (Umoapi) resolution process date: 2021-12-27 words: 3942 flesch: 47 summary: This recognition of customary law is spelled out in Article 18 B paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution, which states: The state recognizes and respects customary law community units and their traditional rights for as long as they remain viable and in accordance with community development and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia's principles. Thus, customary law is an expression of social and cultural ideals in action. keywords: adultery; community; customary; family; law; mekongga; tolaki; tolaki mekongga; tolea cache: volkgeist-1275.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1275.txt item: #28 of 146 id: volkgeist-128 author: Amrullah, Muhammad Salam title: Reconstruction of law criminal development on victims of restoration as form of renewal Criminal law date: 2019-04-10 words: 3065 flesch: 53 summary: JurnalHukumVolkgeist Volume 3 Issue 2, June 2019 P-ISSN : 2528-360X, E-ISSN : 2621-6159 160 Reconstruction of law criminal development on victims of restoration as form of renewalCriminal law Muhammad Salam Amrullah Abstract Author’s Information: The crime of rape carried out by people, experiencing a development in criminal law, the formulation of offenses in the Criminal Code makes the criminal act, does not give a sense of justice to victims where the threat of punishment is relatively small and there are multiple interpretations of legal norms, while victims suffer a psychological loss which makes the victim lose his identity. From the results of the study found the unclear norms stipulated in article 285 of the Criminal Code, which resulted in the application of law enforcement to victims resulting in legal uncertainty, an increasingly broad category of actions while the legal norms did not specify the actions of the rape, from the results of the research the revision of the Criminal Code as a form of renewal of criminal law specifically article 285.. Keywords: Criminal Roses, Criminal Law Universitas Andi DjemmaPalopot, ( DOI: ist.v3i2.128 1. keywords: code; criminal; law; rape; research; woman cache: volkgeist-128.pdf plain text: volkgeist-128.txt item: #29 of 146 id: volkgeist-129 author: Lampatta, Muhammad Rizal title: The pohuwato resort policy efforts in responding the threating of motor vehicles in the district region date: 2019-04-10 words: 2269 flesch: 55 summary: This means that the JurnalHukumVolkgeist Muhammad Rizal Lampatta.3(2): 166-170 170 participation of the community in tackling motor vehicle theft crimes is highly expected. Operations carried out to combat motor vehicle theft, namely: K2YD Patrol (enhanced police activities), competitive Patrols, and Ranmor Patrol. keywords: crime; motor; pohuwato; police; theft; vehicle cache: volkgeist-129.pdf plain text: volkgeist-129.txt item: #30 of 146 id: volkgeist-1321 author: Elmayanti, Elmayanti; Deliana, Evi; R, Mukhlis title: Child Friendly Village Program as an Effort to Prevent Crimes of Violence against Children in Temusai Village, Siak Regency date: 2021-12-27 words: 5714 flesch: 45 summary: Children who violate the law or commit criminal acts are strongly influenced by several other factors outside of the child such as association, education, playmates and so on, because criminal acts committed by children in general are a process of imitating or being influenced by negative actions from adults or other people. Children can grow and develop properly, their rights are fulfilled and protected as well as to ensure that the State is really present in the development of Indonesian women and children. keywords: child; children; district; law; program; protection; rights; temusai; village; violence cache: volkgeist-1321.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1321.txt item: #31 of 146 id: volkgeist-1322 author: Ishak, Ahmad; Ilmar, Aminuddin; Sitorus, Winner title: Analysis of Government Policies in Structuring State Owned Corporation Through The Formation of Holding Companies date: 2021-12-27 words: 4990 flesch: 42 summary: Based on the explanation regarding the two regulations governing holding companies in Indonesia, the author considers the legal rules used by the government so far are still partial by issuing Government Regulations for each establishment of BUMN holding companies in various industrial fields. The concept of Government Supervision of State-Owned Enterprises in the form of Holding Companies As described in the first issue, related to the second discussion regarding the position of BUMN in the form of Holding and the role of government oversight of BUMN companies, it can be seen that the full supervision is in the BUMN's internal institutions, namely the ministers, commissioners, directors and other audit bodies. keywords: bumn; companies; company; government; holding; law; liability; parent; state cache: volkgeist-1322.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1322.txt item: #32 of 146 id: volkgeist-1390 author: Ardi, Aswar; Karim, M. Said; Haeranah, Haeranah title: Law Enforcement Against Online Fraud Crimes: A Case Study at Police District Area of Wajo date: 2021-12-27 words: 4261 flesch: 52 summary: the purpose of the study was to analyze the barriers in law enforcement against online crimes as well as the effectiveness of law enforcement against online fraud crimes in the wajo police jurisdiction. The results showed that obstacles in law enforcement against online crimes In terms of Personnel or Investigator Aspects, Aspects of Facilities and Infrastructure, Budget Aspects, and Community Aspects while the effectiveness of law enforcement against online fraud crimes in the Wajo Police Jurisdictio n is 1) substance that in the law enforcement system needs to take decisive action or see the legal basis of the criminal, and the basis of law enforcement to optimize and maxim ize its performance is the legal basis of Law No. 19 of 2016 on amendments to Law No. 11 of 2008 on information and electronic transactions Article 28 paragraph (1) and Article 378 in the Criminal Code, and Article 390 of the Criminal Code and law enforcement that is before the investigation, certain crimes have been known but the crime is not yet clear and it is not yet known who did it. keywords: article; cases; crimes; criminal; enforcement; fraud; information; investigation; law; police cache: volkgeist-1390.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1390.txt item: #33 of 146 id: volkgeist-1391 author: Bym, Ernita Rahmadhani; Moenta, Andi Pangerang; Aspan, Zulkifli title: Supervision System for the Management of Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budgets in Makassar City date: 2021-12-27 words: 10921 flesch: 101 summary: a la m p e r e n ca n aa n t d g et u se rs w h e th e r t h ey w e r e in a cco r d an ce with t h e r u le s o keywords: b e; e d; e g; e n; h e; m e; n d; n g; n o; n p; n t; o f; o t; p e; r e; t e; t h; t t; u n; u t cache: volkgeist-1391.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1391.txt item: #34 of 146 id: volkgeist-1395 author: Nurdin, Nurdin; Fatah, Ahmad Yusuf; Nurani, siti syahida; Budiono, Arief; Akbar, Satria title: The National Narcotics Agency of Kupang City’s Ideal Method for Handling Drug Abuse date: 2022-07-01 words: 5962 flesch: 49 summary: Finding services in searching for, obtaining, and providing information regarding the allegations of drug abuse to the law enforcement or to the National Narcotics Agency that handles the crime of drug abuse; c. Responsibly delivering suggestions and opinions to the law enforcement or the National Narcotics Agency that handles drug abuse cases; d. Obtaining answers to questions about their reports that are submitted to the law enforcement or the National Narcotics Agency; and e. Obtaining legal protection when the person concerned exercises his/her rights or is asked to attend the judicial process. This paper discussed the ideal method for resolving cases of drug abuse by the National Narcotics Agency of Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. keywords: abuse; article; city; drug; drug abuse; kupang; kupang city; law; narcotics; narcotics agency; people; rehabilitation cache: volkgeist-1395.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1395.txt item: #35 of 146 id: volkgeist-1420 author: Yunus, Yudin; Lasori, Siti Alfisyahrin title: The Role of Badan National Narcotics (BNN) in Conducting Law Enforcement and Drug Users date: 2021-12-31 words: 6023 flesch: 42 summary: Year Data Rehabilitation Total Stay Road 1 2018 28 1 27 28 2 2019 58 4 54 58 3 2020 15 10 15 4 January to March 2021 16 - 16 16 Source: BNN Kota Gorontalo From the data compiled in several years of Drug Case Data in 20188 -20 20 BNN Gorontalo City that there are 117 cases of drug rehabilitation where every know starts from 2018 there are fifteen(28)drug cases in Itasi, in2019 there are sixteen (58)drug cases that areidentified, and in 2020 ada thirty(15)drug cases are Rehabilitated. This stage is the stage where drug addicts who have been considered recovered but still have to do further development so as not to fall back into the world of healing narcotics Rehabilitation if we see clearly that rehabilitation is a process to recover someone from the consequences of drug addiction, in essence Rehabilitation is a way that is considered comprehensive in the world of drug rehabilitation. keywords: bnn; budget; city; drug; facilities; gorontalo; infrastructure; law; narcotics; narcotics agency; patients; process; rehabilitation cache: volkgeist-1420.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1420.txt item: #36 of 146 id: volkgeist-1462 author: Gurusi, La title: Juridical Analysis of The Application of Diversion in Child Crime Cases to Realize Restorative Justice at The Court Level date: 2021-12-27 words: 3584 flesch: 55 summary: With details in the table as follows: P ISSN: 2528-360X E ISSN: 2621-6159 Jurnal Hukum Volkgeist Volume 6 No 1: 21-26 24 Table 1. child cases at the Pasarwajo District Court during 2019 to 2020 Year Number of Cases No Diversion Unsuccessful Diversion Successful Diversion 2019 14 13 1 2020 21 9 7 5 Data Source: Pasarwajo District Court in 2021 From the data on children's cases at the Pasarwajo District Court, we can see that the cases that were entered in 2019 were 14 cases of children. The existence of Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System, and th e process of resolving child cases at all levels, both at the Investigation level, at the Prosecution level and at the District Court level, must seek a Diversionary settlement. keywords: cases; child; children; court; district; district court; diversion; justice; level; pasarwajo cache: volkgeist-1462.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1462.txt item: #37 of 146 id: volkgeist-1537 author: Parera, Zegovia title: Soil Exploitation and Environmental Impacts of Brick Making in Wasur 2 Merauke Regency date: 2021-12-27 words: 5563 flesch: 51 summary: Based on the results of an interview with the Head of the Merauke Regency Environmental Agency regarding the rock mining permit (SIPB) issued by the Mera uke Regency Environmental Agency for the Brick Industry Business in Wasur 2, Rimba Jaya Village, it was obtained an explanation that the Merauke Regency Environmental Agency had never issued a permit to conduct brick mining in Wasur 2. The impact of clay mining on the physical environment that may occur is the level of groundwater quality, changes in land form, changes in agricultural productivity in clay mining areas. keywords: brick; business; clay; community; development; district; environmental; government; land; law; merauke; minerals; mining; regency cache: volkgeist-1537.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1537.txt item: #38 of 146 id: volkgeist-1548 author: Ramadhani, Andi Nur Awaliah; Aspan, Zulkifli; Hasrul, Muh. title: Legal Protection for unregistered citizen at Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS) date: 2021-12-27 words: 6454 flesch: 43 summary: The Ministry of Defence, the Indonesian National Armed Forces, and the Indonesian National Police no longer provide health service programs for their participants, except for certain health services related to their operational activities as specified by Presidential Regulation; and c. PT Jamsostek (Persero) no longer operates a health care insurance program. The government cannot claim that the lack of legal protection in health services is the responsibility of those who do not register as BPJS Health participants, because this is a result or implication of the numerous deficiencies in health services that continue to employ BPJS Health. keywords: article; bpjs; bpjs health; health; indonesia; insurance; law; program; protection; security; services; state cache: volkgeist-1548.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1548.txt item: #39 of 146 id: volkgeist-1585 author: Maramba, Rambu Susanti Mila; Indah, Rambu Hada; Lombu, Pajaru title: Legal Protection of Ikat-Pahikung Woven Fabric Motifs in East Sumba Regency date: 2021-12-27 words: 2073 flesch: 56 summary: So it is thus true that the state is present in providing legal protection over pahikung ikat weaving in East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. However, the fundamental problem today is that in the last five years the entry ofimitation ikat weaving (using the original motif of East Sumba) even ikat woven textiles from outside East Sumba are increasingly urgent for weavers of ikat-pahikung. keywords: east; hukum; ikat; pahikung; protection; sumba; weaving cache: volkgeist-1585.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1585.txt item: #40 of 146 id: volkgeist-1586 author: Rauf, Abdul title: The Application of The Principle of Openness in Realizing Good Governance date: 2021-12-27 words: 3230 flesch: 49 summary: Result and Discussion The concept of clean government and good governance not only requires the implementation of clean government, but also includes efficient, effective, open, and accountable. Therefore, the discussion of clean government cannot be separated from the discussion of good governance. keywords: clean; community; good; governance; government; implementation; public; state cache: volkgeist-1586.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1586.txt item: #41 of 146 id: volkgeist-1605 author: Andriadin, Andriadin; Absori, Absori; Yuspin, Wardah title: Business Actors Accountability Model in The Criminal Act of Illegal Logging in Bima NTB date: 2021-12-27 words: 6216 flesch: 48 summary: Based on the results of an interview with Mr. Suherman as a member of the Bima Kota Police Tipidter Kanit that repressive steps oleh law enforcement in preventing the occurrence of illegal logging crimes in Bima, First, Security operations around illegal logging forest areas, Second, determine the target of the operation (TO) and further investigation related to the alleged criminal acts of illegal logging, Third, collect evidence in the form of chainsaws, chain machines, axes, trucks (transport cars) or property belonging to suspects of illegal crimes. Where in Article 16 mentioned every person who transports wood forest products must have a document that is a certificate of legal forest products in accordance with the provisions of the lawsand regulations, further Article 88 paragraph (1) letter a, mentioning that orangpeeorangan who deliberately carrying out the transportation of forest products without having documents that are legal certificates of forest products in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations. keywords: actors; area; bima; business; community; crime; destruction; district; entities; forest; hukum; illegal; law; logging; ntb; prevention; wood cache: volkgeist-1605.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1605.txt item: #42 of 146 id: volkgeist-1606 author: Putra, L.M. Ricard Zeldi; Muhram, La Ode title: Legal Analysis of the Establishment of a Special Electoral Court as an Independent State Institution date: 2021-12-27 words: 3972 flesch: 46 summary: The emergence of independent state institutions that carry out judicial functions, for example: a) William F. Funk and Robert H. Seamon added that independent state institutions practically carry out government functions by combining legislative, executive and judicial powers or powers that are quasi. keywords: authority; body; court; election; hoc; institutions; law; state; supreme cache: volkgeist-1606.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1606.txt item: #43 of 146 id: volkgeist-1613 author: Hiola, Rommy Yusuf; Aliyas, Aliyas; Rais, Suardi title: Optimization of Social Report as a Consideration of Diversion in The Child Criminal System date: 2021-12-27 words: 5336 flesch: 44 summary: This is where the problem lies, because child investigators appointed to the Gorontalo City Police only refer to PP number 58 of 2010 concerning the implementation of the Criminal Procedure Code, the appointment of investigators does not pay attention to the SPPA Law regarding the requirements for the appointment of Child investigators. The judicial process in child cases since being arrested, detained, and tried, must be carried out by special officials who understand the problem of children. keywords: cases; children; community research; criminal; data; diversion; justice; law; research; results; social cache: volkgeist-1613.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1613.txt item: #44 of 146 id: volkgeist-1628 author: Beddu, Sumiyati; Darmawati, Darmawati title: Solution For The Development Of Prisoners In Class III Gorontalo Women's Prison date: 2021-12-26 words: 2862 flesch: 42 summary: To overcome obstacles in the implementation of prisoner development, synergy is needed between all parties involved starting from prisoners, correctional officers and related agencies to cooperate with each other in terms of implementing the development of female prisoners. To overcome problems in the implementation of coaching women prisoners, synergy is needed between all parties involved, starting from prisoners, correctional officers and related agencies to cooperate with each other in the implementation of training for female prisoners. keywords: class; coaching; development; gorontalo; prisoners; women cache: volkgeist-1628.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1628.txt item: #45 of 146 id: volkgeist-1712 author: Suhartono, Rizki Mustika; Ernawati, Ernawati title: Obstacles in Applying Local Wisdom to the Government of the Sultanate of Buton in Realizing a Democratic Baubau City Government date: 2021-12-27 words: 3712 flesch: 53 summary: Cultural values in this case are understood as values that refer to various things with an understanding of all human behavior as a result of being cultured, including values that can refer to interests, preferences, choices, duties, religious obligations, needs, security, desires, aversions, attractiveness, and other things related to feelings, which involve humans in their relationship with humans, humans with life, humans with work, humans with time and human relationships with nature. The five main issues of human life relate to the orientation of cultural values, which are also related to the cultural value system in society. keywords: baubau; buton; government; humans; life; materials; philosophy; values cache: volkgeist-1712.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1712.txt item: #46 of 146 id: volkgeist-1800 author: Firmanto, Taufik; Sukirman, Sukirman title: Ius Constituentum Election Courts in Indonesia Ahead of National Simultaneous Elections date: 2022-06-29 words: 6349 flesch: 44 summary: Jurnal Hukum Volkgeist Volume 6 No 2: 147-155 153 It must be recognized that the form of special election courts has still not established legal certainty and justice, such that the establishment of a special court for the settlement of election results that operates independently or as part of another judicial environment following Indonesia's judicial powers (Elcaputera, 2019). Concerning the special Court's competence, it must be established within the context of efforts to reform legal instruments about special election courts that were initially mandated to resolve disputes over the results of Regional Head Elections and must be implemented immediately in order to increase the value and quality of democracy; this is not solely for political purposes and is aided by efforts to improve democracy's quality. keywords: article; court; disputes; election; election court; election results; indonesia; law; national; number; pilkada; results cache: volkgeist-1800.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1800.txt item: #47 of 146 id: volkgeist-1993 author: Sahib, Ulfa Nisrina; Pide, Andi Suryaman Mustari; Arisaputra, Muhammad Ilham; Faharudin, Faharudin title: The Power of Detailed Evidence as a Base on Land Rights date: 2022-12-31 words: 6332 flesch: 59 summary: The strength of the proof of detail as the basis for land rights. This study was conducted to analyze the position of the detail as the basis for land rights in proving community ownership of land and to analyze the legal protection of land tenure by the community based on the detail as the basis for their rights. keywords: article; detail; evidence; government; hukum; land; land registration; land rights; law; ownership; proof cache: volkgeist-1993.pdf plain text: volkgeist-1993.txt item: #48 of 146 id: volkgeist-2028 author: Putuhena, Mohammad Sarfan Basyir title: Effectiveness of Customary Law Hita La Uwa Uwato as A Form of Settlement of Pidana Theft in The Country of Iha Seram District of West date: 2022-06-29 words: 4767 flesch: 51 summary: This researc h shows that, the completion of the Crime of Theft by using customary law in the State of Iha District of Western Seram Maluku Province is very effective where the process is whipped using rattan in addition there are also additional sanctions given, namely indemnifying, as well as apologizing to the community, and the factors that affect its effectiveness are, the Legal factor, Law Enforcement, and Cultural and Community factors. Recognition of this customary law can also be seen in our constitution, where article 18 B paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution, has been expressly in substance to protect, recognize, respect, the rights of customary law as long as it does not conflict with other laws, there is also a form of protection of this customary law listed in the act. keywords: ali; community; country; criminal; hukum; iha; law; society; state; theft cache: volkgeist-2028.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2028.txt item: #49 of 146 id: volkgeist-2032 author: Putra, L. M Ricard Zeldi; Dewi, Indah Kusuma; Ernawati, Ernawati; Ayu Muthmainna, Waode Novita; Mashendra, Mashendra; Jayanto, Jayanto title: Legal Review Concerning Amputed Authority of DPR and DPD in The Process of Regional Propagation in Indonesia date: 2022-06-29 words: 4227 flesch: 44 summary: So if in the implementation of the formation of a new autonomous region following the legal instruments or mechanisms as contained in Article 38 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government as amended by Law Number 9 of 2015 concerning the Second Amendment to the Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government will institutionally harm the authority of the DPR and DPD in the power to form laws and give the President the authority to submit draft laws. 4. Conclusion The authority of the DPR and DPD in the process of regional expansion as stipulated in Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning Local Government as amended by Law No. 9 of 2015 concerning the second Amendment to Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning Local Government has been constitutionally harmed, namely the right to submit a Draft Law related to regional expansion and participate together to discuss the Draft Law in accordance with the Article 20 Paragraph (1), Article 20 Paragraph (2), Article 21 and Article 22D Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution and Article 65 Paragraph (1) and Paragraph (2) of Law Number 15 of 2019 against changes to Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Establishment of laws and regulations to determine the expansion of new autonomous regions whose authority is in Article 38 Paragraph (1) Paragraph (3) Paragraph (6) of Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning Local Government as amended by Law No. 9 of 2015 concerning the second Amendment to Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning Local Government. keywords: article; authority; constitution; dpr; government; indonesia; law; law number; paragraph; state cache: volkgeist-2032.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2032.txt item: #50 of 146 id: volkgeist-2041 author: Purwanda, Sunardi; Subhandi Bakhtiar, Handar; Miqat, Nurul; Nur, Rafika; Patila, Manga title: Formal Procedure Versus Victim's Interest: Antinomy of Handling Sexual Violence Cases In East Luwu date: 2022-06-29 words: 4912 flesch: 53 summary: The requirements for police investigators in Government Regulation Number 27 of 1983 concerning the Implementation of the Criminal Procedure Code show us that police institutions do not really care about the provision of legal knowledge for police investigators. Investigation is the main task of police investigators in the field of justice. keywords: community; education; enforcement; hukum; indonesia; investigators; law; police; public; rights; victims cache: volkgeist-2041.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2041.txt item: #51 of 146 id: volkgeist-2049 author: Ibrahim, Kayode Muhammed; Ayeni, Emmanuel; Akinjide, Oluwagapupo Peter title: Effect of Social Media Networking Sites on University Students date: 2022-06-30 words: 3359 flesch: 51 summary: Table 3 describes the significant effect of social networking sites and students’ academic performance in that R 2 value shows .524, depicting a high significance relationship between social networking site and students’ academic performance. The study focuses on the impact of social media networking sites on postgraduate students at the University of Ibadan. keywords: media; networking; performance; sites; students; university; use cache: volkgeist-2049.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2049.txt item: #52 of 146 id: volkgeist-2091 author: Abd Aziz, Saidatul Nadia; Basir, Salawati Mat title: Position of ICMW in ASEAN and A Glimpse Into The Philippine Practise on Migration date: 2022-06-29 words: 4218 flesch: 43 summary: Without a doubt, ASEAN has its own legal framework for dealing with migrant workers (Iredale & Piper, 2005), most notably the 2007 ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers and the 2017 ASEAN Consensus on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers. It is worth mentioning in this regard that, while ICMW may be unknown to labour implementing agencies, the principles governing migrant worker protection under ICMW are defined in RA 8042. keywords: asean; convention; icmw; migrant; migration; philippines; protection; rights; workers cache: volkgeist-2091.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2091.txt item: #53 of 146 id: volkgeist-2144 author: Ismawaty, Andi title: Improving the Competence of State Civil Apparatus in the Vuca Era date: 2022-06-29 words: 6381 flesch: 44 summary: The improvement of ASN competence is based on aspects of hard skills and soft skills. According to Djohermansyah Djohan, Professor of the Institute of Domestic Administration (IPDN), there are 7 (seven) problems with the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in Indonesia, including: there is still a priyayi mentality in ASN, the quality of ASN services is still poor, corrupt practices in the recruitment of ASN, the number of mutations and promotions carried out not according to the rules of the game, corruption committed by ASN, is still often found illegal levies by ASN to the public; and the politicization of the bureaucracy. keywords: apparatus; asn; competence; era; government; issn; knowledge; organization; people; public; service; skills; state; work cache: volkgeist-2144.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2144.txt item: #54 of 146 id: volkgeist-2204 author: Nur, Rafika; Bakhtiar, Handar Subhandi; Santosa, Prayitno Imam; Mardin, Nurhayati title: Reformulation of the Recidivist Concept in the Juvenile Criminal Justice System in Indonesia date: 2022-12-31 words: 3928 flesch: 56 summary: According to data from the LPKA (Institute for Special Development for Children) in Gorontalo City, the number of children who commit repeated crimes is increasing from year to year. Children must be given special treatment in the legal process, but being different from adults does not mean that children are free from the law. keywords: article; children; crime; hukum; indonesia; jurnal; justice; justice system; juvenile; law; system cache: volkgeist-2204.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2204.txt item: #55 of 146 id: volkgeist-2217 author: Idy, Muhammad Yunus; Rauf, Abdul title: Responsibility of The Parties in Electronic Transactions date: 2022-06-29 words: 3944 flesch: 50 summary: If the loss of electronic transactions is caused by the failure of electronic agents to operate due to the actions of third parties directly against electronic systems, all legal consequences are the responsibility of the electronic agent operator. In accordance with the provisions of Article 1 paragraph (12) that electronic signatures are electronic information related to or associated with other electronic information used or serves as a means of verification and authentication. keywords: information; law; liability; parties; party; principle; responsibility; transactions cache: volkgeist-2217.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2217.txt item: #56 of 146 id: volkgeist-2229 author: Warjiyati, Sri; Nadifah, Nurul Asiya; Candra, Marli title: Public Communication of COVID-19 Prevention in Vulnerable and Marginal Groups Towards Strong and Prosperous Family Resilience in Sidoarjo date: 2022-06-29 words: 6266 flesch: 51 summary: 2) Social, including unwanted pregnancy, abandoned husband or wife, insipid marriage, divorce, acts of violence against wife, children, and the elderly; gambling, alcohol and drug abuse; problems of deviant behavior of family members, children are running away from home, and unfaithfulness of husband and wife. 3) Psychic, including emotional problems of family members, rape, and HIV/AIDS infection 4) It is improving family resilience and welfare development to optimize family functions. 6) Improving the quality of youth by providing access to information, education, counseling, and services about family life. 7) Improving the quality of life of the elderly to remain productive and valuable for families and communities by providing opportunities to play a role in family life. keywords: communication; covid-19; family; groups; health; issn; jurnal; law; pandemic; people; quarantine; resilience; sidoarjo; village; work cache: volkgeist-2229.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2229.txt item: #57 of 146 id: volkgeist-2274 author: Murjani, Murjani; Sagama, Suwardi; Saparuddin, Muhammad title: Local Government Policies in Determination Development Impact Area Spatial Plan New Country Capital date: 2022-06-29 words: 6563 flesch: 51 summary: itself is included in the field of determining regional spatial plans, then legal policy-making by a region becomes mandatory because it has become a duty for regional governments based on the mandate of Law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government to be able to regulate, manage and administer their regions, including in the field of determining regional spatial plans. As an autonomous region, the buffer zone already has a regional regulation on regional spatial planning that was made before the President's stipulation that East Kalimantan is the new state capital. keywords: capital; capital city; city; development; east; government; kalimantan; planning; regency; rtrw; state capital cache: volkgeist-2274.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2274.txt item: #58 of 146 id: volkgeist-2285 author: Jupri, Jupri; Ilyas, A. ST Kumala; Rais, Suardi; Rusmulyadi, Rusmulyadi; Saharuddin, Saharuddin title: The Role of the Saber Extortion Task Force (Sweeping Illegal Charges Task Force) In The Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption date: 2022-06-29 words: 5988 flesch: 53 summary: Bone Bolango Amount Rp. 13,500,000 Rp. 39,450,000 Rp. 193.600.000 Data Source: Bone Bolango Saber Extortion Task Force, processed 2022 Based on table 4 regarding the Saber Pungli Budget in Bone Bolango Regency, when viewed from the perspective of the budget ceiling adjusted to the role of Saber Pungli Bone Bolango, it can be seen that the tendency for prosecution and prevention is not optimal due to the absence of a budget ceiling related to this function. Once the legal factor affects the role of prosecution by Saber Pungli Bone Bolango, it does not run optimally as expected. keywords: bolango; bone; bone bolango; corruption; criminal; eradication; extortion; law; number; pungli; role; saber; saber pungli cache: volkgeist-2285.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2285.txt item: #59 of 146 id: volkgeist-2291 author: Kusuma, Andy Putra title: Nominee Arrangement Practices Performed by The Government of The Republic of Indonesia date: 2022-06-29 words: 6250 flesch: 52 summary: The approach used in this study is a statutory approach by examining the laws and regulations governing the prohibition of the practice of nominee arrangements , especially the nominee practices carried out by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on the majority of PT Aldevco shares so that they can examine legal issues and analyze synchronization of legal issues and legal rules to find solutions for the proper application of law on legal issues against the prohibition of nominee arrangement practices carried out by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. AR Soeohed explicitly stated, “PT Aldevco shares are in my name and one share is in the name of Drs. keywords: aldevco; court; government; indonesia; law; nominee; number; republic cache: volkgeist-2291.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2291.txt item: #60 of 146 id: volkgeist-2293 author: Suhartono, Rizki Mustika; Ermawati, Ermawati title: The Nature of Binci-Binciki Kuli (Norma) of The Government of The Sultanate of Buton date: 2022-06-29 words: 4873 flesch: 52 summary: The values of pomae-maeaka in relation to the government in supporting the implementation of government are intended to be mutual fear of fellow organizational personnel and other interested parties, moreover leaders should not underestimate other people. The traditional principle based on feelings of humanity in the customary language is called Binci Binciki Kuli (pinch each other will feel pain), which means pinching one's own skin if it hurts, it will hurt other people too. keywords: binciki; binciki kuli; buton; government; kuli; pain; philosophy; sultanate cache: volkgeist-2293.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2293.txt item: #61 of 146 id: volkgeist-2490 author: Suyaman, Prahasti; Sururie, Ramdani Wahyu title: Legal Effectiveness of Marriage Age Restrictions in Indonesia date: 2022-12-31 words: 3901 flesch: 56 summary: Changes in the standards of Law No. 1 of 1974, as far as marriage age, for ladies are compared with the base age limit for men, which is 19 years. The outcomes got those the base age limitations for marriage have not been compelling sufficient in diminishing the act of child marriage. keywords: article; base; child; court; dispensation; indonesia; law; marriage; regulation; years cache: volkgeist-2490.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2490.txt item: #62 of 146 id: volkgeist-2510 author: Mangi, Bernike; Saleng, Abrar; Pide, Andi Suriyaman Mustari title: Legal Protection of Tongkonan Traditional Land Management in The Traditional Community of Tana Toraja date: 2022-12-31 words: 4769 flesch: 52 summary: Tongkonan customary land is land controlled by a family clump whose regulation, control and use are determined in accordance with the customary norms that apply in that clump. As a preventive measure, the government should design policies or regulations in this case the formation of a Regional Regulation (PERDA) related to the protection of the management of Tongkonan customary lands and the rights owned by indigenous peoples in their customary territories and to provide protection and certainty for Tongkonan land managers. keywords: community; form; land; law; people; protection; rights; tongkonan; tongkonan land; toraja cache: volkgeist-2510.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2510.txt item: #63 of 146 id: volkgeist-2708 author: Silambi, Erni Dwita; Rosnida, Rosnida; kusumawati, Enni Eka title: Formulation of Customary Criminal Sanctions From a Human Rights Perspective date: 2022-12-31 words: 5171 flesch: 49 summary: The Perdasus also contains the existing sanctions, namely in article 17 paragraph (1) states that “customary court sanctions consist of: a. customary fines with due regard to the principles of propriety and fairness in accordance with the provisions of the customary law of the customary law community concerned: and b. conduct a customary restoration ceremony with due observance of the principles of propriety and fairness in accordance with the customary law of the customary law community concerned. The results of this study are that customary law does not recognize the division between criminal law and civil law but the sanctions given to both criminal cases and civil disputes are the same, namely tubers, coconuts, bananas, wati (a typical Papuan plant), pigs, giving sister and the death penalty, pay with the land that has been determined. keywords: article; case; community; court; criminal; customary; hukum; indigenous; indonesia; law; paragraph; rights; sanctions cache: volkgeist-2708.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2708.txt item: #64 of 146 id: volkgeist-2746 author: Irawansah, Didik; Absori, Absori; Yuspin, Wardah title: Policies for Overcoming The Environmental Damage Due to Forest Conversion in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara date: 2022-12-31 words: 5190 flesch: 50 summary: Departing from data on forest damage collected by the Environment and Forestry Service in the unitary area of the Maria Donggomasa KPH Balai, the author concludes that government policies in the forestry sector do not lead to sustainable forest development because the government and law enforcement have never acted decisively. Forest damage due to illegal logging and forest conversion is a complex problem to solve and has long implications, not only for the current generation but also for generations to the future(Pratiwi & Alhadi, 2021). keywords: absori; activities; area; bima; conversion; damage; data; development; forest; hal; illegal; jurnal; land; nusa; vol; west cache: volkgeist-2746.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2746.txt item: #65 of 146 id: volkgeist-2810 author: Candra, Lisa Ade; Ruslan, Achmad; Arie, Marten title: The Authority of the State Audit Board in Managing State Finances as an Effort to Prevent Corruption date: 2022-12-31 words: 5264 flesch: 43 summary: The approach to calculating state financial losses is very urgent to be carried out through the mechanism of auditing state financial management because inspection according to the terminology is The process of problem identification, analysis, and evaluation carried out independently, objectively, and professionally based on audit standards, to assess the truth, accuracy, credibility, and reliability of information regarding the management and responsibility of state finances” (Undang-Undang Negara Republik Indonesia, Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2004 Tentang Pemeriksaan Pengelolaan Dan Tanggung Jawab Keuangan Negara). Problems concerning government institutions that do not comply with the provisions of state financial management starting at the legal level to regulations of a technical nature are very worrying. keywords: bpk; corruption; finances; government; indonesia; law; management; role; state; state finances; undang cache: volkgeist-2810.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2810.txt item: #66 of 146 id: volkgeist-2829 author: Rhaswika, Efrilya; Paserangi, Hasbir; Marwah, Marwah title: Potential Legal Protection for Oil Products Sumbawa NTB in the Context of Geographical Indications date: 2022-12-31 words: 3281 flesch: 45 summary: In addition to preserving the quality and originality of Sumbawa oil, this is intended to ensure that it is not imitated by other parties and stays a secret of ancestral legacy, especially since there are no acknowledgements and legislation that protect Sumbawa oil products from imitation. In this study, spices, old coconut, wood, and roots are identified as the raw materials utilized by the Sumbawa people in the manufacturing of Sumbawa oil, particularly in Taliwang District, the epicenter of Sumbawa oil production. keywords: community; hukum; indications; oil; products; property; protection; sumbawa; sumbawa oil; west cache: volkgeist-2829.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2829.txt item: #67 of 146 id: volkgeist-2859 author: Nurcahyo, Edy; Mukti, Hudali; Rosidi, Ahmad; Wedha, Yogi Yasa; Danyathi, Ayu Putu Laksmi title: Legality And Legal Certainty Of Ulayat Land For Indigenous Law Communities (Analysis of Decision Number 1430 K/Pdt/2022) date: 2022-12-31 words: 4187 flesch: 35 summary: Rika Lestari and Djoko Sukisno in their research stated that the regulation on the recognition and protection of customary land rights of indigenous law communities contained in the legislation in force in Indonesia has not been able to provide legal protection because the legal politics of recognizing ulayat land rights is still carried out half-heartedly, pseudo and ambivalent (Lestari & Sukisno, 2021) The objectives of the promulgation of the Basic Agrarian Law are: 1) laying the foundations for the preparation of a national agrarian law, which is a tool to bring prosperity, happiness and justice to the state and people, especially the peasants, in the framework of a just and prosperous society; 2) laying the foundations for unity and simplicity in land law; 3) laying the foundations to provide legal certainty regarding land rights for the whole people. keywords: certainty; communities; community; existence; hukum; land; law; law communities; peoples; rights; ulayat cache: volkgeist-2859.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2859.txt item: #68 of 146 id: volkgeist-2864 author: Mashendra, Mashendra; Gurusi, La; Karim, La Ode Muhammad title: Future Implementation of Ius Constituendum and Restorative Justice in the Criminal Justice System date: 2022-12-31 words: 2707 flesch: 44 summary: In Indonesia, the sub-system of criminal justice is producing regulations or rulings guiding the application of the idea of restorative justice. In the context of general courts, the following crimes may be handled through restorative justice: a. Minor criminal cases Restorative justice may be used to resolve small criminal cases including the offenses outlined in Criminal Code Articles 364, 373, 379, 384, 407, and 482 when the loss does not exceed Rp. 2,500,000.00 (two million and fifty thousand rupiah) keywords: court; criminal; justice; law; police; restorative; supreme; system cache: volkgeist-2864.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2864.txt item: #69 of 146 id: volkgeist-2866 author: Aliyas, Aliyas; Rais, Suardi; Ilyas, A. ST. Kumala; Jupri, Jupri; Koni, Yoslan K title: Optimizing The Role of Religious Jurisdiction in Preventing Child Marriage in Gorontalo Province date: 2022-12-31 words: 4778 flesch: 57 summary: and what factors underlie the judge granted the application for child marriage dispensation 2. Optimizing The Role of Religious Jurisdiction in Preventing Child Marriage in Gorontalo Province Aliyas1, Suardi Rais1*, A. ST. keywords: child; child marriage; court; data; dispensation; law; marriage; number; requests cache: volkgeist-2866.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2866.txt item: #70 of 146 id: volkgeist-2867 author: Saharuddin, Saharuddin; Ilham, Ilham; Hasan, Yeti S; Rusmulyadi, Rusmulyadi; Pede, Albert title: Efforts to Eradicate Alcohol In the City of Gorontalo date: 2022-12-31 words: 4879 flesch: 40 summary: In addition to criminal offenses referred to in paragraph (1), criminal offenses can also be imposed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations Gorontalo City Police in the last 3 years since 2019,2020,2021 the number of confiscations of supplier and container alcohol in the Gorontalo City Region according to data from the Gorontalo City Police Narcotics Research Unit in 2019 there was only 1 case. The purpose of this study is to see that efforts to eradicate liquor in Gorontalo City are not in accordance with Adat Principles. keywords: beverages; city; control; gorontalo; gorontalo city; number; police; regulation; regulation number; supervision cache: volkgeist-2867.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2867.txt item: #71 of 146 id: volkgeist-2872 author: Putra, Alif Arhanda; Syafiq, Karimah title: Preventive Model and Legal Protection of Victims of Sexual Violence Crimes in Higher Education Environment date: 2022-12-31 words: 5948 flesch: 45 summary: The collected legal materials are then processed and analyzed prescriptively with a deductive method, namely by analyzing legal materials then systematically assembled as an arrangement of legal facts to then be used as a basis for studying problem solving from research, namely answering the preventive model (Yulianto, 2013) of sexual violence crimes in the college environment high and legal protection of victims of sexual violence in a college setting. The results of this study show that: (i) Model prevents criminal acts of sexual violence committed by universities, educators, education staff, and students. keywords: crimes; education; educators; environment; form; handling; hukum; law; prevention; protection; students; victim; violence cache: volkgeist-2872.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2872.txt item: #72 of 146 id: volkgeist-2893 author: Rohaya, Nizla; Mutiara, Upik; Arahman, Ade Novensia title: Implementation Determination Limit Value Dependent Rights Objects by Sellers in Auctions Execution Dependent Rights date: 2022-12-31 words: 5138 flesch: 50 summary: Based on the author's analysis of the above decisions, legal protection related to setting limit values that are not in accordance with applicable rules has not been maximized. Broadly speaking, the sources of auction law that are the basis for holding auctions so far can be divided into 2 (two) types, namely general provisions and special provisions. keywords: auction; debtor; determination; finance; hukum; limit value; minister; object; regulation; rights; seller cache: volkgeist-2893.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2893.txt item: #73 of 146 id: volkgeist-2925 author: Suhartono, Rizki Mustika; Ernawati, Ernawati title: Juridical Review Selling and Purchasing House in The Public Housing Credit (KPR) Process Based on Law No. 1 of 2011 Concerning Housing and Settlement Area (Study at PT. State Savings Bank Baubau Branch) date: 2022-12-31 words: 2819 flesch: 62 summary: Based on the results of the author's interview on June 12 2020 with the Sub Branch Manager, Mr. Sonny Fandian, that the transfer of the debtor under the hand of the debtor to a third party can occur because: a. Old debtors are no longer able to continue KPR-BTN installments; b. Old debtors experience economic difficulties; c. keywords: agreement; bank; credit; debtor; house; housing; kpr cache: volkgeist-2925.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2925.txt item: #74 of 146 id: volkgeist-2982 author: Wedha, Yogi Yasa; Nurcahyo, Edy; Mukti, Hudali title: Legal Arrangement Concerning Regional Unit Price Standards Its Impact to Financial and Administrative Rights of Regional People's Representative Council date: 2023-06-30 words: 5036 flesch: 31 summary: Based on the description above, the authors are interested in conducting a study on the validity of Presidential Decree Number 33 of 2020 to Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) both in the Provincial as well as in the Regency/City Level and how it intersects with Government Regulation Number 18 of 2017 concerning Administrative Financial Rights of Chairman and Members of the Regional People's Representative Council. The research is written by applying descriptive analytical methods, namely research intended to illustrate, elaborate and describe a state of an object or event as well as to draw a conclusion related to the object of research, namely with regard to the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 33 of 2020 concerning Regional Unit Price Standards and its effect on Administrative Financial Rights of the Chairman and Members of the Regional People's Representative Council as stipulated in Government Regulation Number 18 of 2017 concerning Administrative Financial Rights of the Chairman and Members of the Regional People's Representative Council. keywords: council; dprd; government; members; people; regulation; representative; rights cache: volkgeist-2982.pdf plain text: volkgeist-2982.txt item: #75 of 146 id: volkgeist-3073 author: Adam, Abdullah; Rumkel, Nam; Hakim, Abdul Aziz title: Authority of the Election Organizer Ethics Council (DKPP) of the Republic of Indonesia in Canceling the General Election Commission (KPU) Decree Number: 161-PKE-DKPP/XI/2020 date: 2023-06-30 words: 5165 flesch: 47 summary: The next factor is the Fixed Voter List (DPT), in the voter list there is an opportunity for voters who are not entitled to enter based on election laws and regulations (Safitri, 2019). While H.D. Stoud's definition of authority is bevoegheid wet kan worden omscrevenals het geheel van bestuurechttelijke bevoegheden door publiekrechtelijke rechtssubjecten in het publiekrechtelijk rechtsverkeer, authority can also be defined as the collection of rules governing the acquisition and use of government authority by public law subjects in public law transactions (Lotulung, 1994). keywords: article; authority; code; dkpp; election; ethics; general; indonesia; law; number; organizers; paragraph cache: volkgeist-3073.pdf plain text: volkgeist-3073.txt item: #76 of 146 id: volkgeist-3100 author: Syarif, Riswan Rais; Alwan, Sultan; Achsoni, Rudhi title: Analysis of Constitutional Court Decision No. 30/Puu-Xvi/2018 and Supreme Court Decision No. 65p/Hum/2018 Concerning the Prohibition of Concurrent Positions for Regional Representative Council Candidates (DPD) date: 2023-06-30 words: 4413 flesch: 41 summary: Thus, it is hoped that future legal uncertainties resulting from disparities between Constitutional Court decisions and Supreme Court decisions can be avoided. The government, specifically the President and the Parliament, should design an appropriate legal policy framework to prevent future disparities between Constitutional Court decisions and Supreme Court decisions. keywords: article; constitution; court; court decision; decisions; dpd; kpu; law; supreme court cache: volkgeist-3100.pdf plain text: volkgeist-3100.txt item: #77 of 146 id: volkgeist-3161 author: Gurusi, La title: Efforts Of Women's And Children's Services Unit In Solving The Crime Of Sexual Abuse Committed By Minors date: 2023-06-30 words: 3113 flesch: 51 summary: Child protection is the realization of justice in a society, thus child protection is sought in various fields of state and social life. Introduction Indonesia in recent years has seen an increase in child crimes, if we look at various mass media lately, they always report or broadcast crimes committed by children to other people and children as victims in these crimes. keywords: cases; children; crime; law; protection; services; unit; women cache: volkgeist-3161.pdf plain text: volkgeist-3161.txt item: #78 of 146 id: volkgeist-3242 author: Zamrud, Wa Ode; Faharudin, Faharudin title: Transformation Of Bhinci-Bhinciki Values In The Establishment Of Regional Regulations date: 2023-06-30 words: 3532 flesch: 52 summary: Sudikno Merttokusumo argues that legal principles or legal principles are not concrete legal regulations, but general basic thoughts, the background of concrete regulations contained in or against the background of every legal system, incarnated in regional regulations which are part of positive law and can be stated by looking for general characteristics in the regulation (Sudikno Metokusumo, 2009). Modern legal systems express a view of life, a sense of justice and other cultural values that are also instrumental in nature and are a means of achieving goals, so that regional law can develop and be able to relate to other regions. keywords: formation; hukum; law; laws; norms; people; principles; program; regulations; values cache: volkgeist-3242.pdf plain text: volkgeist-3242.txt item: #79 of 146 id: volkgeist-3338 author: Suhartono, Rizki Mustika; Mashendra, Mashendra; Muh. Karim, La Ode; Sariati, Sariati; Ar-Rayyan, Hayatul Jannah title: Judge Considerations In Divorce Divorce Decision Settlement (Study Of Religion Court Baubau Decision Number 0298/PDT/2019/PA.BB) date: 2023-06-30 words: 5532 flesch: 56 summary: Children who are not yet mumayyiz are still cared for by their mothers while financing articles contained in the KHI regarding hadanah emphasize that material and non-material parenting obligations to children cannot be separated from one another, moreover the KHI divides tasks that must be carried out by parents even though they are separatedremains the responsibility and obligation of their fathers. Introduction Divorce is a very frightening event for every family (Husband, Wife, and Children). keywords: article; child; children; decision; divorce; law; parents; respondent cache: volkgeist-3338.pdf plain text: volkgeist-3338.txt item: #80 of 146 id: volkgeist-3349 author: Budiono, Arief; Sapnosa, Ichsan Khalid; Mamun, Abdullah al title: Informed Consent as an Instrument of Legal Protection for Dentists date: 2023-06-30 words: 4029 flesch: 52 summary: The government’s establishment of health services is encouraged, due to the importance of health (Wahyudi, 2020, pp. The administration of health services for the whole population, including varied oral health services, is required to manifest health as a human right. keywords: consent; dentists; health; hukum; indonesia; informed; jurnal; law; legal; patients; protection; services cache: volkgeist-3349.pdf plain text: volkgeist-3349.txt item: #81 of 146 id: volkgeist-3371 author: Satria, Eko; Ricard Zeldi Putra, L.M.; Samsul, Samsul; Serah, Yayan title: Election Supervision: Identity Politics In Election Dynamics In Baubau City date: 2023-06-30 words: 4307 flesch: 51 summary: Given the difficulty of exploiting identity politics in the campaign slogans of election participants, the Election Supervisory Body must also be pro-active in coordinating with the General Election Commission (KPU), especially the Baubau City KPU, especially related to unifying understanding of the dangers of growing identity politics, election organizers in Indonesia, must formulate firmer regulatory measures around campaign materials to control excessive negative impacts related to identity politics. Democratic elections must be kept away from forms of identity politics that can undermine the value of democracy. keywords: bawaslu; campaign; democracy; election; identity; identity politics; indonesia; jurnal; law; people; politics cache: volkgeist-3371.pdf plain text: volkgeist-3371.txt item: #82 of 146 id: volkgeist-3378 author: Ali, La Ode Bunga title: Enforcement Of Criminal Law Against Abuse Of Immigration Permit According To Republic Of Indonesia Law No. 6 Of 2011 Concerning Immigration date: 2023-06-30 words: 3677 flesch: 46 summary: research objective to analyze immigration law enforcement. Further discussion can propose concrete steps to improve immigration law enforcement and prevent visa misuse in the future. keywords: foreigners; hukum; immigration; indonesia; law; republic; supervision; territory cache: volkgeist-3378.pdf plain text: volkgeist-3378.txt item: #83 of 146 id: volkgeist-3428 author: Rizqi, Mutiara Nabila; Mutiara, Upik title: Legal Protection Of Brand Rights And Geographical Indications For Toraja Coffee date: 2023-06-30 words: 4556 flesch: 40 summary: Thus Japan, which is a member of the WTO, will respect Toraja Coffee Geographical Indication products so that parties entitled to use Toraja Coffee can use these products in trade both domestically and internationally. Arabica coffee's reputation will be jeopardized if it is not from Toraja and its quality differs from that of Toraja coffee. keywords: brand; coffee; indications; indonesia; law; marks; property; protection; rights; toraja cache: volkgeist-3428.pdf plain text: volkgeist-3428.txt item: #84 of 146 id: volkgeist-370 author: Paputungan, Jayadi title: Analysis of the eradication of terrorism crime by detachment 88 in Indonesia date: 2019-11-27 words: 4482 flesch: 44 summary: Investigation of Densus actions that violate human rights a lot. Departing from the explanation above, the writer will analyze and examine the eradication of terrorism carried out by Detachment and all the dynamics that occur due to Densus actions in eradicating criminal acts of terrorism. keywords: actions; detachment; eradication; law; number; police; rights; terrorism cache: volkgeist-370.pdf plain text: volkgeist-370.txt item: #85 of 146 id: volkgeist-372 author: Gurusi, La; Nurcahyo, Edy title: Legal protection against women from domestic violence in the Baubau City date: 2019-12-16 words: 4507 flesch: 51 summary: Domestic violence is not a new thing, before the enactment of Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning domestic violence, domestic violence has been going on for a long time, only the resolution of the problem of domestic violence that occurred so far has been resolved through the District Court and Religious Courts are often felt unsatisfactory. Of the cases of domestic violence reported in the Baubau City Police Department from 2014-2017, 78 cases were found, of which the most experienced cases of victims were physical violence with a percentage of 79%. keywords: baubau; cases; household; husband; law; protection; victims; violence; wife; women cache: volkgeist-372.pdf plain text: volkgeist-372.txt item: #86 of 146 id: volkgeist-402 author: Wicaksono, Imam title: Access to justice for people with disabilities in employment date: 2019-12-05 words: 3746 flesch: 40 summary: Therefore, companies that hire persons with disabilities, in particular, must protect disability rights under the degree of disability. Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Employment which forbids discrimination to persons with disabilities The right of persons with disabilities to obtain accessibility contained in Article 18 of Law No.8 / 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities, namely, securing availability to utilize public facilities and get adequate accommodation as a form of accessibility for individuals. keywords: article; disabilities; employment; hukum; law; people; persons; rights; workers cache: volkgeist-402.pdf plain text: volkgeist-402.txt item: #87 of 146 id: volkgeist-406 author: Dewi, Indah Kusuma title: The role of village community empowerment institution in Galanti village development of Buton district date: 2019-01-08 words: 3241 flesch: 41 summary: Village development is part of a series of national development. Village development aims to improve the quality of human resources, including the creation of a climate that encourages the growth of village community initiatives and self-sufficiency (Edy, 2006). keywords: community; development; galanti; galanti village; government; indonesia; organization; role; village cache: volkgeist-406.pdf plain text: volkgeist-406.txt item: #88 of 146 id: volkgeist-417 author: Elmayanti, Elmayanti; Deliana, Evi; Rasudin, Nurahim title: Settlement of criminal matters through Malay customary institutions with the concept of restorative justice in Lipat Kain Kampar Kiri of Kampar regency date: 2020-06-14 words: 5248 flesch: 49 summary: Abstract Author’s Information: Customary law is religiously functional law, so that customary law fulfills a social function or social justice. Keywords: Law; Customary law; Justice 1Faculty of Law, University of Riau, Indonesia ( 2Faculty of Law, University of Riau, Indonesia 3Faculty of Law, University of Riau, Indonesia Article’s Information: DOI: ist.v4i2.417 1. keywords: adat; andiko; community; country; dispute; justice; law; mediation; parties; pucuok; resolution cache: volkgeist-417.pdf plain text: volkgeist-417.txt item: #89 of 146 id: volkgeist-424 author: Prawira, Syailendra Anantya title: Election violation and election law enforcement in general election in Indonesia date: 2019-12-08 words: 4805 flesch: 40 summary: To build an electoral law enforcement system, to complete and reinforce the material of legislation, it is also important to increase the work effectiveness of electoral law enforcement officers, namely: KPU, provincial KPU and regency / city KPU as election organizers who are authorized to impose sanctions against perpetrators of election administration violations; second, Election Supervisory Body, Provincial Election Supervisory Body, District Election Supervisory Board / The City, and / or the District Supervisory Booard as supervisors who are authorized to ensure the existence of election violations and resolve non-election election disputes; third, The Honorary Council of General Election Organizers (DKPP) which has the authority to impose sanctions for violating the code of ethics of election administrators; fourth, the Constitutional Court has the authority to resolve disputes over election results; and fifth, the ranks of the police, prosecutor's office, and judicial institutions, each of which has the authority to investigate, prosecute, and sentence. 4(1): 25-34 31 part of the regulatory system holding general elections, holding election elections sustain the realization of honest and fair elections (Khoirul, n.d. : 267). keywords: criminal; election; enforcement; general; hukum; implementation; law; legal; organizers; system; violations cache: volkgeist-424.pdf plain text: volkgeist-424.txt item: #90 of 146 id: volkgeist-427 author: Christmas, Sandy Kurnia; Muhajir, Ichsan; Wicaksono, Imam title: Implementation of the recognition and respect of the Dayak Iban Semunying customary law community in human rights and SDGs date: 2020-06-10 words: 5109 flesch: 46 summary: In this study it aims to find out what are the things that form the basis of the weak protection of indigenous peoples. The results of this study are expected to provide insight into the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples with a perspective of sustainable development goals. keywords: community; development; government; hukum; law; peoples; principle; problems; recognition; rights; semunying; state cache: volkgeist-427.pdf plain text: volkgeist-427.txt item: #91 of 146 id: volkgeist-428 author: Hasyim, Dardiri title: A Reconstruction of the Civil Code Article Based on the Value of Contractual Justice date: 2020-06-10 words: 4837 flesch: 63 summary: One of the areas of law that needs to be governed and developed is contract law. Legal contracts are part of the Law of Obligations. keywords: agreement; article; civil; code; contract; hukum; law; parties; principle cache: volkgeist-428.pdf plain text: volkgeist-428.txt item: #92 of 146 id: volkgeist-429 author: Haerani, Yeni; Nurcahyo, Edy title: Legal review of procurement authorization of the imported fresh food, fruit and vegetable date: 2019-12-16 words: 5404 flesch: 39 summary: The procedures for registration of imported fresh food products are monitored by the Ministry of Agriculture. Edy Nurcahyo2 Abstract Author’s Information: Fresh food products imported fruits and vegetables in circulation that do not meet the requirements in accordance with statutory regulations can endanger human safety because food security is not guaranteed. keywords: distribution; food; food products; fruit; government; law; number; products; psat; quality; registration; safety; scan; supervision cache: volkgeist-429.pdf plain text: volkgeist-429.txt item: #93 of 146 id: volkgeist-448 author: Suwardi, Suwardi title: State relations, human rights and welfare: criticism of trade standardization goods and services date: 2019-12-16 words: 6631 flesch: 51 summary: This can be read in the preamble section in letter c which states: that the role of trade is crucial in enhancing economic development, but in its development it has not met the need to face the challenges of national development so that economic-political alignments are needed that more provide opportunities, support, and economic development of the people which includes cooperatives and micro, small and medium enterprises as the main pillars of national economic development. Trade economic activity is regulated by the market, which, according to Adam Smith, is driven by what is called an invisible hand. keywords: constitution; development; goods; human; indonesia; law; market; rights; services; state; trade; welfare cache: volkgeist-448.pdf plain text: volkgeist-448.txt item: #94 of 146 id: volkgeist-449 author: Harahap, Lukman title: Students and terrorism: Study of Student Understanding Law No 5 of 2018 on Combatation of Criminal Acts of Terrorism in IAIN Surakarta date: 2020-06-10 words: 5252 flesch: 39 summary: A narrow, partial interpretation, which is made legitimacy in committing terror to spread fear and worry to others or a specific group called religious terrorism. 4(2): 128-136 135 group called religious terrorism. keywords: acts; civil; community; counter; indonesia; law; national; prevention; society; terrorism cache: volkgeist-449.pdf plain text: volkgeist-449.txt item: #95 of 146 id: volkgeist-451 author: Alimin, Laode title: Analysis of indigenous community conflicts on illegal mining in Botak mountain of Buru district date: 2019-12-08 words: 4820 flesch: 56 summary: Jurnal Hukum Volkgeist Volume 4 Issue 1, December 2019 P-ISSN : 2528-360X, E-ISSN : 2621-6159 35 Analysis of indigenous community conflicts on illegal mining in Botak mountain of Buru district La Ode Alimin Abstract Author’s Information: The results of the study by the authors of the analysis that four factors influence the occurrence of conflict in the area of Buru Regency mountain gold mining of Botak. It is not only West Java and Kalimantan that are feeling the effects of illegal mining or cultural disputes or land in indigenous territories, but almost every region in Indonesia feels that one of them is community mining in the Botak mountains of Buru Regency. keywords: botak; buru; community; conflict; gold mining; mining; mining area; people cache: volkgeist-451.pdf plain text: volkgeist-451.txt item: #96 of 146 id: volkgeist-475 author: Masagala, Alfan Pathriansyah title: Analysis of the right to reply as case settlement in press release date: 2020-06-03 words: 3619 flesch: 55 summary: The right to Reply as case settlements in press reporting is considered to be less effective, this is because the settlement of press cases does not only use the Right to Replay. Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (1945 Constitution) which guarantees freedom of association and assembly, expressing thoughts verbally and in writing forms the basis of press freedom so that press laws are formed so that the press functions optimally. keywords: article; case; freedom; law; press; replay; right cache: volkgeist-475.pdf plain text: volkgeist-475.txt item: #97 of 146 id: volkgeist-478 author: Saputra, Cokky Wijaya title: The pre-trial application granted in the case of Budi Gunawan date: 2019-12-16 words: 3279 flesch: 48 summary: Paragraph (2) states that exempted cases are pretrial decisions, criminal cases that are threatened with a maximum imprisonment of 1 year and / or are threatened with fines, as well as state administration cases where the object of the lawsuit is in the form of a regional official's decision, the extent of the decision applies in certain regions. The analysis method used in this study is a qualitative research method in which data analysis is carried out in a descriptive manner that refers to a particular problem and is associated with existing legislation, namely: 1) The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia; 2) Law No. 8 of 1981 concerning Criminal Procedure Law (KUHAP); 3) Law Number 48 of 2009 concerning judicial authority. keywords: article; concerning; decision; law; pretrial cache: volkgeist-478.pdf plain text: volkgeist-478.txt item: #98 of 146 id: volkgeist-495 author: Patmasari, Patmasari title: Juridistic review of law of community awareness in Ulunggolaka village in land registration date: 2019-12-16 words: 3957 flesch: 59 summary: it is explained that in the implementation of land registration, it includes land registration for the first time and maintenance of land registration data. Jurnal Hukum Volkgeist Volume 4 Issue 1, December 2019 P-ISSN : 2528-360X, E-ISSN : 2621-6159 54 Juridistic review of law of community awareness in Ulunggolaka village in land registration Patmasari1 Abstract Author’s Information: This study aims to determine and analyze the legal awareness of the Ulunggolaka community in registering land and to find out and analyze the causal factors so that there are still ulunggolaka urban communities who do not register land. keywords: awareness; community; data; land; land registration; law; registration; respondents; rights; ulunggolaka cache: volkgeist-495.pdf plain text: volkgeist-495.txt item: #99 of 146 id: volkgeist-496 author: MP, H Muhamad Rezky Pahlawan title: The constitutional court function of the Indonesian state concerning system for the implementation impeachment of the president and/or vice president date: 2020-06-01 words: 5678 flesch: 45 summary: (2) If the Constitutional Court decides that the President and / or Vice President are proven to have violated the law in the form of treason against the state, corruption, bribery, other serious crimes, or despicable acts and / or is proven that the President and / or Vice President no longer meets the requirements as President and / or Vice President, the verdict states that it justifies the opinion of the DPR. (3) If the Constitutional Court decides that the President and / or Vice President are not proven to have violated the law in the form of treason against the state, corruption, bribery, other serious crimes, or despicable acts and / or are not proven that the President and / or Vice President are no longer fulfilling the requirements of President and / or Vice President, the verdict states that the application is rejected. keywords: constitution; court; dpr; impeachment; impeachment process; law; process; state; vice president cache: volkgeist-496.pdf plain text: volkgeist-496.txt item: #100 of 146 id: volkgeist-579 author: Noor, Ganis Vitayanty title: The impact of accepting new students with the zoning system on the right to children's education date: 2020-06-01 words: 4322 flesch: 46 summary: The problem is how the impact of the PPDB zoning system on education rights in Kajen Subdistrict, Pekalongan Regency. Keywords: education rights, children, impact of zoning 1 Law Department, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang ( 2 Law Department, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang (Imamwicaksono0077@gmail. com) 3 Law Department, Universitas Diponegoro, keywords: children; education; jurnal; right; schools; state; students; system; zoning cache: volkgeist-579.pdf plain text: volkgeist-579.txt item: #101 of 146 id: volkgeist-585 author: Ismail, Nurwita title: The dynamics of government policy in handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 date: 2020-06-14 words: 4268 flesch: 50 summary: Jurnal Hukum Volkgeist Volume 4 Issue 2, June 2020 P-ISSN : 2528-360X, E-ISSN : 2621-6159 158 The dynamics of government policy in handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 Nurwita Ismail, Leni D. Nurmala, D. Aisa Kodai Abstract Author’s Information: The implementation of PSBB or Lockdown still pay attention to the effects caused in the community. The form of government policy in responding to the spread of the Covid-19 Plague in Indonesia Public policy has a form that can be used as a guide and provision for all stakeholders in the life of the community, nation and state. keywords: community; covid-19; good; government; health; indonesia; policy; public; services cache: volkgeist-585.pdf plain text: volkgeist-585.txt item: #102 of 146 id: volkgeist-669 author: Rais, Suardi title: Problematics of law enforcement of union busting criminal action in gorontalo province date: 2020-06-08 words: 4918 flesch: 47 summary: Another Union busting case, the Medan High Court's Decision in Case Number 125 / Pid / 2014 / PTMDN, in that decision the Defendant was convicted for having laid off workers union management without reason and without a letter of dismissal; Decision of the Supreme Court at the Review level in case Number 130 / PK / Pid.Sus / 2015, the Defendant was convicted because he was proven to request that MJ witnesses not be active in activities to be held by Trade Unions, even the Defendant threatened to lay off all employees who became trade union members, and impose sanctions on some employees who are active in trade unions ”(M . Nurdin Singadimedja dan M . The a quo provision Article 28 of RI Law Number 21 of 2000 concerning Trade Unions states that anyone is prohibited from obstructing or forcing workers / laborers to form or not form, become an administrator or not become an administrator, become a member or not become a member members, and / or running or not carrying out activities of trade unions / labor unions in a manner; a. Terminate employment, suspend, demote, or make a transfer; b. keywords: article; enforcement; labor; law; rights; trade; trade unions; unions; workers cache: volkgeist-669.pdf plain text: volkgeist-669.txt item: #103 of 146 id: volkgeist-670 author: Supriyanto, Hadi title: The nature of corporate crime in law enforcement of the criminal justice system in Indonesia date: 2020-06-14 words: 6625 flesch: 42 summary: Law enforcement is also a systemic process, so criminal law enforcement appears as an application of criminal law (criminal law application) which involves various structural sub-systems in the form of police, prosecutors, courts and correctional institutions, including of course legal advisory institutions. Enforcement of corporate criminal law can be done by utilizing abstracto legal means in the form of enrichment of rules relating to corporate responsibility in the distribution of laws governing corporate responsibility so that harmony occurs. keywords: acts; article; business; corporation; crime; criminal; enforcement; fine; law; liability; maximum; number cache: volkgeist-670.pdf plain text: volkgeist-670.txt item: #104 of 146 id: volkgeist-671 author: Karim, Laode Muhammad; Mursanto, Deddy title: The effectiveness of legal role of village consultative Agency (BPD) in Village development according to UU.No. 6 year 2014 about village (Kahianga Village study) date: 2020-06-14 words: 4095 flesch: 43 summary: Based on a statement by BPD village of Kahianga; So far, BPD's active role focuses more on development programs, in development planning meetings are always attended by the BPD. In the structure of the village government, the position of the Village consultative Agency (BPD) is parallel with the village government even partners from the village head, it is intended to occur the process of balancing power so that there is no suspicion between the head of village as the implementation of village government and BPD as a legislation that serves the establishment of customs, supervision functions and functions to accommodate and This is where the members of the Village Consultative Board (BPD) are required to carry out their role. keywords: agency; bpd; community; village; village government; village head; village regulations cache: volkgeist-671.pdf plain text: volkgeist-671.txt item: #105 of 146 id: volkgeist-678 author: Nugraha, Xavier; Raharjo, Kusuma Wardani; Ardhiansyah, Ahmad; Raharjo, Alip Pamungkas title: An Analysis of The Offense of Unpleasant Action in Article 335 Paragraph (1) of The Indonesian Criminal Code date: 2021-06-23 words: 4780 flesch: 51 summary: One of the disadvantages of unpleasant act offense was felt clearly by Oei Alimin Sukamto Wijaya who submitted a judicial review to the Constitutional Court with Case Application Number 1 / PUU-X / 2013. This normative research is carried out by reviewing and analyzing the laws and regulations or other legal materials related to unpleasant act offenses regulated in Article 335 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. keywords: act; acts; article; code; court; criminal; decision; number; offense; paragraph; puu cache: volkgeist-678.pdf plain text: volkgeist-678.txt item: #106 of 146 id: volkgeist-701 author: Nasrullah, Nasrullah title: Juridical-Sociological study of land pawn : a normative study in Patilanggio district date: 2020-12-11 words: 7268 flesch: 65 summary: Regarding the types of land pawning methods, based on the results of the research there are 5 (five) methods used by the residents of Kec. Jurnal Hukum Volkgeist Volume 5 Issue 1, 2020 P-ISSN : 2528-360X, E-ISSN : 2621-6159 45 Juridical-Sociological study of land pawn : a normative study in patilanggio district Nasrullah Abstract Author’s Information: keywords: land; land pawn; land pawning; land rights; pledge; recipient; rights; time; years cache: volkgeist-701.pdf plain text: volkgeist-701.txt item: #107 of 146 id: volkgeist-73 author: Dewi, Indah Kusuma title: TINJAUAN YURIDIS PENGARUH TINGKAT PENDIDIKAN PEMILIH DAN FREKUENSI MENGIKUTI SOSIALISASI TERHADAP PARTISIPASI POLITIK MASYARAKAT BERDASARKAN PERATURAN KPU NOMOR 11 TAHUN 2010 date: 2016-12-02 words: 5347 flesch: 42 summary: para pemilih akan banyak memberikan kesempatan bagi para pemilih untuk mengikutinya, karena kondisi dari masyarakat kita yang serba sibuk, mungkin hal ini pula yang mempengaruhi tingkat keaktivan mereka dalam setiap tahapan kegiatan sosialisasi, oleh karena itu kegiatan sosialisasi memang perlu dijadwalkan secara baik dan dapat diakses oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat tanpa keuali dan yang terjadi di TPS 1 dan TPS 2 Kelurahan Kadolo Kota Baubau, bahwa tahapan sosialisasi yang dilaksanakan oleh pihak Komisi Pemiihan Umum yang bekerjasama dengan pihak kelurahan dapat dinilai sudah efektif dilaksanakan, terbukti dari antusiasnya masyarakat dalam mengikuti pemilihan Kepala Daerah dan Wakil Kepala Daerah di Kota Baubau dalam Pemilikada Tahun 2012 yang lalu. Orang terpelajar lebih sadar akan pengaruh pemerintah terhadap kehidupan mereka, lebih memperhatikan kehidupan politik, memperoleh lebih banyak informasi tentang proses-proses politik dan lebih kompeten dalam tingkah laku politiknya. keywords: adalah; baubau; berdasarkan; daerah; dalam; dan; dan tps; dapat; dari; dengan; frekuensi; ini; kadolo; kepala; kota; kpu; lebih; masyarakat; mengikuti; nomor; oleh; pada; partisipasi; pemilih; pendidikan; peraturan; politik; sosialisasi; tahun; terhadap; tingkat; tps; tps 2; undang; untuk; yang cache: volkgeist-73.pdf plain text: volkgeist-73.txt item: #108 of 146 id: volkgeist-74 author: Rauf, Abdul title: HAKIKATTANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL BUMN TERHADAP STAKEHOLDER date: 2019-03-06 words: 5269 flesch: 43 summary: Dalam hal ini, tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan yang dilaksanakan oleh perusahaan BUMN berguna untuk meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan sosial dan lingkungan yang bermanfaat, baik bagi perseroan sendiri, komunitas setempat, maupun bagi masyarakat secara menyeluruh. Dengan demikian dapat dipahami bahwa tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan yang melekat pada BUMN merupakan tugas konstitusional yang harus dilaksanakan dalam kerangka memajukan kesejahteraan bagi seluruh rakyat. keywords: adalah; akan; atau; bagi; bahwa; bentuk; bumn; dalam; dan; dan lingkungan; dapat; dari; dengan; desember; hakikat; hal; hukum; ini; issn; itu; jawab; jawab sosial; karena; kepentingan; lingkungan; oleh; pada; pelaksanaan; perusahaan; pihak; sebagai; secara; sosial; stakeholder; tanggung; tanggung jawab; terhadap; tidak; untuk; volume; yang cache: volkgeist-74.pdf plain text: volkgeist-74.txt item: #109 of 146 id: volkgeist-75 author: Rivanie, Syarif Saddam title: PENERAPAN PENJATUHAN SANKSI PIDANA TERHADAP PELAKU PENCURIAN DOKUMEN ELEKTRONIK MILIK ORANG LAIN DI KOTA MAKASSAR date: 2016-12-06 words: 5559 flesch: 47 summary: B/2012?Mks 96 Rp.13.500.000,- (tiga belas juta lima ratus ribu rupiah) dan untuk saksi MUSDALIFA MEGA LESTARI juga ditarik secara bertahap melalui ATM yaitu pada tanggal 10 Oktober 2011 sebesar Rp.3.500.000,- (tiga juta lima ratus ribu rupiah), dan masih pada hari yang sama sebesar Rp.4.500.000,- (empat juta lima ratus ribu rupiah) dan Rp.5.000.000,- (lima juta rupiah) sehingga total transaksi sebesar Rp.13.000.000,- (tiga belas juta rupiah) Kata terdakwa kalau ada customer yang berbelanja pakai ATM, digesek dulu kartunya kea lat skimmer setelah gesek muncul namanya di computer lalu saksi tanyakan kepada customer atas nama ini ya, lalu yang sudah tergesek di alat itu saksi simpan di dalam computer itu karena disuruh oleh terdakwa, kemudian barulah digesek ke mesin EDC dan kata terdakwa nanti terdakwa yang lihat apakah kartu itu maestro atau tidak, karena saksi sebagai kasir takut nantinya saksi nombok sebesar Rp.10.000,-. keywords: atau; ayat; bahwa; dalam; dapat; dari; data; dengan; desember; dokumen; dokumen elektronik; elektronik; elektronik milik; hukum; informasi; issn; kota; lain; makassar; melakukan; milik; milik orang; oleh; orang; orang lain; pada; pasal; pelaku; pencurian; penerapan; penjatuhan; perbuatan; pidana; putu; saksi; san; studi; telah; terdakwa; terhadap; tersebut; untuk; volume; yang cache: volkgeist-75.pdf plain text: volkgeist-75.txt item: #110 of 146 id: volkgeist-76 author: Haniru, Laode title: ANALISIS HUKUM KEWENANGAN PEMERINTAHAN DAERAH DAN KUALITAS APARATUR DAERAH date: 2019-03-06 words: 4268 flesch: 36 summary: Secara umum, beberapa prinsip dasar yang harus dipegang oleh semua pihak dalam pelaksanaan otonomi daerah yang berhubungan dengan pemerintah daerah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 paling tidak adalah : pertama, otonomi daerah yang berhubungan dengan pemerintah daerah harus dilaksanakan dengan konteks Negara kesatuan, kedua, pelaksanaan otonomi daerah menggunakan tata cara desentralistis, dengan demikian peran daerah harus dimulai dari ISSN 2528-360X Volume 1 No. 1 Desember 2016 e-ISSN 2621-6159 AnalisisHukumKewenanganPemerintahanDaerah danKualitasAparatur Daerah (Studi Di Kantor WalikotaBaubau) 8 mendefinisikan kewenangan, organisasi, personal kemudian diikuti dengan keuangan, bukan sebaliknya, keempat, perimbangan keuangan yang dimaksud adalah perimbangan horizontal/antar daerah (antar propinsi dan antar kabupaten/kota dalam satu propinsi), disamping perimbangan vertical antar pusat dan daerah, kelima, fungsi pemerintah pusat masing sangat vital, baik dalam kewenangan strategis (monoter, pertanahan, luar negeri dan hukum), maupun untuk mengatasi ketimpangan antar daerah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih ada beberapa kewenangan dari pemerintah daerah yang belum terpenuhi hubungannya dnegna upaya peningkatan kualitas aparatur daerah sebagai bagian yang tak terpisahkan dengan amanat Undang-Undang No. 32 keywords: 360x; adalah; analisishukumkewenanganpemerintahandaerah; aparatur; bahwa; baubau; daerah; dalam; dankualitasaparatur; dari; data; dengan; desember; hal; ini; issn; kantor; kewenangan; kualitas; nomor; otonomi; pada; pemerintah; penelitian; pusat; studi; sumber; tahun; tentang; tersebut; undang; undang nomor; untuk; volume; walikota; yang cache: volkgeist-76.pdf plain text: volkgeist-76.txt item: #111 of 146 id: volkgeist-78 author: Patuju, La; Afamery, Sakticakra Salimin title: RESIDIVIS DALAM PERSPEKTIF SOSIOLOGI HUKUM date: 2019-03-06 words: 3034 flesch: 51 summary: Sudah saatnya bagi siapa saja yang concern di bidang pembangunan hukum untuk merekonstruksi bangunan hukum yang pada gilirannya akan melahirkan ketaatan hukum pada masyarakat, bukan sebaliknya. Sistem hukum dapat dikatakan efektif bila perilaku-perilaku manusia di dalam masyarakat sesuai dengan apa yang telah ditentukan di dalam aturan-atruan hukum yang berlaku. keywords: 360x; adalah; akan; atau; bahwa; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; desember; hakim; hukum; hukuman; ini; issn; itu; masyarakat; mereka; oleh; pasal; perbuatan; perspektif; pidana; residivis; sebagai; sosial; sosiologi; tidak; untuk; volume; yang cache: volkgeist-78.pdf plain text: volkgeist-78.txt item: #112 of 146 id: volkgeist-780 author: Dewi, IIdha Pratiwi Dyah Sinta; Pujiyono, Pujiyono title: Online trade marketing techniques through giveaway as one of the guise of fraud date: 2020-12-15 words: 3115 flesch: 56 summary: Research conducted by Noor Rahmad in 2019, this research focuses on legal studies of online fraud crime (Rahmad, 2019). Then research conducted by Anton Hendrik Samudra in 2019, this research focuses on the modus operandi and problems of overcoming online fraud crime (Samudra, 2019). keywords: article; business; endorser; fraud; hukum; online; products; research cache: volkgeist-780.pdf plain text: volkgeist-780.txt item: #113 of 146 id: volkgeist-79 author: Holle, Eric Stenly title: REFORMULASI SISTEM PERENCANAAN PEMBANGUNAN NASIONAL MODEL GBHN SEBAGAI PELAKSANAAN ASAS KEDAULATAN RAKYAT DALAM RANGKA PERUBAHAN KE-V UUD 1945 date: 2019-03-06 words: 4042 flesch: 38 summary: mendorong pilihan pada demokrasi lansung tersebut adalah dominan adalah didorong oleh kondisi politik dan demokrasi yang berlangsung pada Era Orde Baru dengan segala dinamikanya. Karena itu seorang kandidat dituntut mampu menawarkan visi dan misi yang handal, dan agar menang maka tawarannya harus lebih baik daripada kompetitornya. keywords: adalah; akan; asas; dalam; dan; dari; dengan; desember; gbhn; ini; issn; karena; kedaulatan; kembali; model; mpr; nasional; negara; oleh; pelaksanaan; pembangunan; perencanaan; perubahan; presiden; rakyat; rangka; reformulasi; rpjpn; sebagai; sistem; tahun; tidak; undang; untuk; uud; volume; yang cache: volkgeist-79.pdf plain text: volkgeist-79.txt item: #114 of 146 id: volkgeist-80 author: GURUSI, LA title: ANALISIS HUKUM PELAKSANAAN PERAN ADVOKAT DALAM PEMBERIAN BANTUAN HUKUM SECARA CUMA-CUMA date: 2019-03-06 words: 4481 flesch: 41 summary: Walaupun UUD 1945 tidak dengan tegas menyatakan bahwa bantuan hukum (legal aid) merupakan kewajiban negara, namun dengan adanya prinsip persamaan di depan hukum jelas memberikan isyarat bahwa negara wajib memperhatikan permasalahan bantuan hukum yang merupakan salah satu gerbang pemenuhan akses keadilan masyarakat. b) Setiap penasehat hukum yang ditunjuk untuk bertindak sebagaimana dalam ayat (1) , memberikan bantuannya dengan Cuma-Cuma. keywords: 360x; adalah; advokat; analisishukumpelaksanaanperanadvokatdalampemberianbantuanhukumsecaracuma; atau; bagi; bahwa; bantuan; cuma; dalam; dan; dari; dengan; desember; hak; hukum; ini; issn; mampu; masyarakat; negara; oleh; pasal; pemberian; pemeriksaan; penasehat; pengadilan; pidana; proses; sebagai; secara; tahun; tentang; terdakwa; tersangka; tersebut; tidak; undang; untuk; volume; yang cache: volkgeist-80.pdf plain text: volkgeist-80.txt item: #115 of 146 id: volkgeist-804 author: Dahlan, Saharuddin title: The Legal Annalysis of Married Dispensation in The Perspective of Law Number 35 of 2014 Concerning Childhood Protection date: 2021-06-24 words: 4129 flesch: 45 summary: Of course the parents play a role in giving permission in simple terms parents are also kept in the child protection law to prevent child marriage and on the one hand, the marriage law can also give permission, this is proof of awareness in interpreting the law as a benefit and its use for children The factors that cause Marriage Dispensation when viewed from the Child Protection Law are the factors of children who really want to get married as a result of wrong associations and factors of pregnancy outside marriage and factors of concern over religious law where religion is a reference for marrying children who are still under age 5. 5(2): 167-174 168 The provision of marriage dispensation based on the table above is clearly not allowed to marry minors based on the conditions for marriage according to Article 6 and Article 7 of Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, if viewed from Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection, for the author the dispensation is not based on the age and physical and spiritual readiness of the child and the principle of ensuring the noble ideals of marriage, namely the principle of voluntary, family participation and the maturity of the prospective bride and groom. keywords: article; child; children; dispensation; law; law number; marriage cache: volkgeist-804.pdf plain text: volkgeist-804.txt item: #116 of 146 id: volkgeist-81 author: GURUSI, LA title: Tinjauan Yuridis Pertimbangan Hakim Dalam Menjatuhkan Sanksi Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Kelalaian Lalu Lintas yang Menyebabkan Hilangnya Nyawa Orang (Studi Kasusu No. 154/PID.B2015/PN.PW) date: 2019-03-11 words: 1936 flesch: 57 summary: tersusun dalam suatu system menentukan apa yang boleh dan yang tidak boleh di lakukan oleh manusia sebagai warga dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Keadaan waktu melakukan pelanggaran pidan itu (yang memberatkan dan meringankan) keywords: asas; dalam; hakim; hukum; indonesia; issn; kelalaian; lalu; lintas; menjatuhkan; nomor; pada; pertimbangan; pidana; terdakwa; tindak; undang; yang; yuridis cache: volkgeist-81.pdf plain text: volkgeist-81.txt item: #117 of 146 id: volkgeist-82 author: Haniru, Laode title: Tinjauan Yuridis Pelakasanaan Perkawinan Walian Tondo (Turunan Raja) Berdasarkan Hukum Adat Kulisusu Utara Kabupaten Buton Utara date: 2019-03-11 words: 2717 flesch: 45 summary: Perkawinan Walian Tondo (Turun Ranjang), turun atau naik ranjang pada Desa Waode Buri Kecamatan Kulisusu merupakan suatu perkawinan yang disebabkan oleh istri meninggal, maka suami menikah lagi dengan kakak atau adik wanita dari istri yang telah wafat (Hadi kusuma, 1987). Perkawinan jujur yaitu perkawinan yang dilakukan dengan membayar uang jujur (mahar) dari pihak pria kepihak wanita. keywords: adalah; adat; berdasarkan; dalam; dan; dari; dengan; hukum; issn; istri; keluarga; kulisusu; pasangan; penyesuaian; perkawinan; ranjang; suami; tondo; turun; turunan; walian; yang cache: volkgeist-82.pdf plain text: volkgeist-82.txt item: #118 of 146 id: volkgeist-83 author: Haniru, Laode title: TINJAUAN HUKUM PENETAPAN ZONASI TERHADAPAT MASYARAKAT NELAYAN BERDASARKAN PASAL 23 UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 5 TAHUN 1990 TENTANG KONSERVASI SUMBERDAYA ALAM HAYATI DAN EKOSISTEM date: 2019-03-13 words: 3349 flesch: 44 summary: Taman nasional wakatobi (TNW) dikelola dengan system yang ditetapkan berdasarkan keputusan diirektur jenderal perlindungan hutan dan konservasi alam (PHKA) nomor SK.149/IV-KK/2007 Tanggal 23 juli 2007 oleh balai taman nasional wakatobi bersama pemerintah kabupaten wakatobi, yang bertujuan untuk pemetaan wilayah dan pembatasan daerah yang dapat dimanfaatkan dan yang tidak dapat dimanfaatkan yang disebut dengan zonasi. Dalam menhadapi situasi yang sekarang dan yang akan dating, pada prinsipnya ada 3 kebijakan pokok yang harus di tempuh pemerintah agar dapat memanfaatkan sumberdaya laut secara berkelanjutan untuk kesejahtreraan masyarakat. keywords: alam; berdasarkan; daya; dengan; ekosistem; hayati; issn; konservasi; laut; masyarakat; nasional; nelayan; nomor; pasal; pemanfaatan; penetapan; sumber; tahun; taman; tentang; undang; undang nomor; wakatobi; yang; zona; zonasi cache: volkgeist-83.pdf plain text: volkgeist-83.txt item: #119 of 146 id: volkgeist-84 author: Ernawati, Ernawati title: Perlindungan Konsumen Terhadap Makanan Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga date: 2017-06-13 words: 3549 flesch: 38 summary: menyatakan bahwa yaitu pelaku usaha bertanggungjawab dalam hal memberikan ganti kerugiaan kerusakan, pencemaran, dan atau kerugian konsumen akibat mengkonsumsi barang dan atau jasa yang dihasilkan atau di perdagangkan. Berdasarkan pasal 8 ayat 1 Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen mengatur tentang larang pelaku usaha tidak memenuhi atau tidak standar yang dipersyaratkan dan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. keywords: buton; dalam; dan; data; dengan; hak; industri; issn; kabupaten; kesehatan; konsumen; makanan; nomor; pangan; pelaku; perlindungan; pewarna; produk; rumah; tahun; tangga; tekstil; tentang; terhadap; undang; untuk; usaha; utara; yang cache: volkgeist-84.pdf plain text: volkgeist-84.txt item: #120 of 146 id: volkgeist-844 author: Nur, Rahmat title: Setting The Principles of Democracy in The Appointment of A Single Candidate Spouse of Regional Heads date: 2021-06-24 words: 7908 flesch: 49 summary: As discussed earlier, political parties are very concerned in the emergence of the phenomenon of single candidates in the region. Law No. 8 of 2015 on amendments to Law No. 1 of 2015 concerning the Determination of Perpu No. 1 of 2014 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors, completely closes the presence of Spouses of Regional Head Candidates consisting of only one spouse or in other words there has been a legal vacancy(recht vacum). keywords: appointment; candidate; candidate pair; court; democracy; election; filling; government; head; law; mechanism; officials; position cache: volkgeist-844.pdf plain text: volkgeist-844.txt item: #121 of 146 id: volkgeist-845 author: Suryadi, Ahmad title: Responsiveness of Criminal Law to Skimming Crimes in The Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 (Four Point Zero) date: 2021-06-23 words: 6402 flesch: 41 summary: Therefore, the development of arrangements on the issue of cyber crime crimes is more appropriate when using integrative approaches with arrangements in the Criminal Code either through security or comprehensive changes in the CriminalCode. Suryadi1 Abstract Author’s Information: This study aims to: 1)Analyze and understand the responsiveness of criminal law in entering the era of industrial revolution 4.0 (four point zero), 2)Enforcement of criminal law in cyber crime, criminal acts in cyber crime, criminal responsibility of cybe r crime perpetrators. keywords: article; crime; criminal; cyber; information; law; paragraph; person; skimming; systems; transactions cache: volkgeist-845.pdf plain text: volkgeist-845.txt item: #122 of 146 id: volkgeist-846 author: Sailellah, Aswin Nugraha title: Application of Military Law Against TNI Members Who Commit Desertion Crimes date: 2021-06-23 words: 8076 flesch: 47 summary: In the sense of this research is expected to be able to explain or describe to obtain a systematic, detailed, complete and comprehensive picture of Application of Military Criminal Law Against Members of TNI Perpetrators of Desertion Crimes . In the sense of this research is expected to be able to explain or describe to obtain a systematic, detailed, complete and comprehensive picture of Application of Military Criminal Law Against Members of the TNI Perpetrators of Desertion Crimes. keywords: article; case; court; criminal; desertion; desertion cases; judiciary; law; members; military; tni; trial cache: volkgeist-846.pdf plain text: volkgeist-846.txt item: #123 of 146 id: volkgeist-85 author: LAMPATTA, MUHAMMAD RIZAL title: PERAN PENYIDIK DALAM PENERAPAN DIVERSI TERHADAP PERKARA TINDAK PIDANA ANAKDI WILAYAH KABUPATEN POHUWATO date: 2019-03-13 words: 3431 flesch: 46 summary: Menurut Undang-Undang 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak, yang dimaksud dengan anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga) golongan yaitu anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum ; anak yang menjadi korban tindak pidana ; dan anak yang menjadi saksi tindak pidana (Angger Sigit Pramukti & Fuadi Primaharsya,2015:17). Berdasarkan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi tersebut Penyidik Polres Pohuwato yang menangani tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak selalu berupaya agar kasus anak tersebut berhasil di diversi sehingga keadilan restorative dapat tercapai sehingga anak tidak perlu di hadapkan di depan Pengadilan D. PENUTUP Polres Pohuwato dalam melakukan penyidikan tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak di tangani oleh Unit Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak (UPPA). keywords: anak; dalam; dari; dengan; diversi; hukum; issn; kabupaten; kasus; melakukan; nomor; oleh; pada; pasal; penerapan; penyidik; peradilan; peran; perkara; pidana; pohuwato; polres; sistem; terhadap; tindak; undang; untuk; wilayah; yang cache: volkgeist-85.pdf plain text: volkgeist-85.txt item: #124 of 146 id: volkgeist-86 author: NURAINI, NURAINI title: PEMBENTUKAN PERATURAN DESA DALAM KONTEKS KETATANEGARAAN INDONESIA date: 2019-03-13 words: 3606 flesch: 24 summary: Diatur lebih lanjut dalam penjelasan Pasal 218 huruf b Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah menyatakan yang dimaksud perda dan peraturan kepala daerah dalam ketentuan ini meliputi peraturan desa dan peraturan kepala desa. Sehubungan dengan itu, dipahami bahwa materi muatan peraturan desa adalah seluruh materi dalam rangka penyelenggaraan urusan desa atau yang setingkat serta penjabaran lebih lanjut Peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi, dan yang di dalamnya tidak diperbolehkan mengatur tentang ketentuan pidana, termasuk penyelenggaraan urusan desa, misalnya, Peraturan Desa APBDes, Susunan Organisasi Pemerintahan Desa dan Tata Kerja Pemerintahan Desa, Peraturan Desa tentang Kedudukan Keuangan Kapala Desa dan Perangkat Desa, dan lain-lain. keywords: asas; atau; badan; bahwa; daerah; dalam; dan; dengan; desa; desember; hukum; indonesia; issn; kepala; lain; lebih; masyarakat; nomor; oleh; pembentukan; pemerintahan; penetapan; peraturan; perundang; perwakilan; undangan; untuk; yang cache: volkgeist-86.pdf plain text: volkgeist-86.txt item: #125 of 146 id: volkgeist-863 author: Mursanto, Deddy; Karim, La Ode Muhammad; Mashendra, Mashendra title: Effectiveness to the reversal of the burden proof system in handling corruption case date: 2020-12-09 words: 3755 flesch: 50 summary: Special criminal law has the characteristic of regulating material and formal criminal law that is outside codification law, by containing norms, sanctions, and legal principles that are specially formulated to deviate because of the public's need for criminal law that contains rules of unconventional crime elements(Poernomo, 1984). Then regarding the literature data used is literature in the field of criminal law, especially special criminal law, law of evidence and other legal rules relating to the system of reversing the burden of proof. keywords: article; burden; corruption; criminal; defendant; law; proof; reversal; system cache: volkgeist-863.pdf plain text: volkgeist-863.txt item: #126 of 146 id: volkgeist-87 author: salam, safrin title: ANALISIS PERJANJIAN KERJASAMA DAN POLA PERBANDINGAN PENYELESAIAN SENGKETADI LUAR PENGADILAN date: 2019-03-13 words: 2572 flesch: 31 summary: 3) Penyelesaiankeorganisasian Di kota-kota kecil atau dikota-kota besar di mana penduduknya heterogen serta terdapat berbagai perkumpulan atau organisasi kemasyarakatan yang mempunyai susunan pengurus dan keanggotan seperti halnya perkumpulan-perkumpulan kepemudaan dan kewanitaan, perkumpulan keagamaan dan lainnya juga dapat melaksanakan penyelesaian secara kekeluargaan terhadap peristiwa atau perbuatan delik yang terjadi dan yang telah mengakibatkan terganggunya keseimbangan dalam kesatuan perkumpulan organisasi. Surat kontrak kerja juga sangat penting artinya kedua belah pihak yang saling secara langsung mengikatkan diri dalam adendum yang tercantum di dalam surat kontrak kerja tersebut. keywords: analisis; atau; dalam; dan; dengan; hukum; ini; issn; kedua; kerjasama; kontrak; para; pengadilan; penyelesaian; perbandingan; perjanjian; pihak; pola; sengketa; surat; tersebut; tidak; untuk; yang cache: volkgeist-87.pdf plain text: volkgeist-87.txt item: #127 of 146 id: volkgeist-88 author: Nurcahyo, Edy title: TINJAUAN YURIDIS TERHADAP PEMBIAYAAN MODAL VENTURA SYARI'AH TERHADAP USAHA MIKRO KECIL DAN MENENGAH (UMKM) DENGAN SISTEM PERHITUNGAN PROFIT SHARING date: 2018-04-14 words: 4401 flesch: 47 summary: Pasangan Usaha dari PMVS telah mendapat perlindungang hukum, sebagimana yang dimaksud dengan Pasangan Usaha (PU) adalah orang perseorangan atau perusahaan termasuk usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah, dan koperasi yang menerima penyertaan modal dan/atau investasi berdasarkan prinsip bagi hasil dari PMV, PMVS, atau Unit Usaha Syari'ah (UUS). Untung dan rugi yang mereka peroleh kedua belah pihak dinikmati secara bersama-sama sesuai dengan porsi yang ada dengan konsep profit (loss sharing). keywords: adalah; april; atau; dalam; dan; dari; dengan; hukum; issn; kecil; keuangan; menengah; mikro; modal; nomor; orang; pasangan; pembiayaan; perhitungan; perusahaan; profit; sharing; sistem; syari'ah; tentang; terhadap; tinjauan; umkm; umkm)dengan; usaha; ventura; volume; yang; yuridis cache: volkgeist-88.pdf plain text: volkgeist-88.txt item: #128 of 146 id: volkgeist-89 author: Abdullah, La Ode Dedi title: SANKSI PIDANA BAGI PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL (PNS) YANG TIDAK NETRAL DALAM PEMILIHAN KEPALA DAERAH (PILKADA) KOTA BAUBAU BERDASARKAN UNDANG-UNDANG APARATUR SIPIL NEGARA date: 2018-04-14 words: 3927 flesch: 45 summary: 2. Sanksi Pidana Bagi PNS yang Terlibat Politik Praktis Pelaksanaan penyelenggaraan pemilihan kepala daerah (Pilkada) serentak tahun 2018, pemilihan legislatif (Pileg) tahun 2019, dan pemilihan presiden dan wakil presiden (Pilpres) tahun 2019, semakin dekat. Dalam hal PNS yang diduga melakukan pelanggaran kode etik adalah PNS selain Sekretaris Daerah, menurut Menteri PANRB Asman Abnur, pembentukan Majelis Kode Etik dan Tim Pemeriksa dilakukan oleh Pejabat Pembina Kepegawaian Instansi PNS yang bersangkutan. keywords: aparatur; atau; bagi; baubau; berdasarkan; calon; daerah; dalam; dengan; ini; issn; kepala; kota; negara; negeri; netralitas; nomor; partai; pegawai; pemilihan; peraturan; pilkada; pns; politik; sanksi; sipil; tahun; tentang; tidak; undang; untuk; wakil; yang cache: volkgeist-89.pdf plain text: volkgeist-89.txt item: #129 of 146 id: volkgeist-895 author: Yunus, Yudin title: Juridical review of the authority of the Indonesian consultative assembly after the amendments to the 1945 constitution date: 2020-12-10 words: 5408 flesch: 50 summary: MPR decisions include 3 types, namely: a. Decisions regarding the amendment and stipulation of the Constitution, this decision has legal force as the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and does not use the Assembly decision number. On the basis of the provisions of Article 2 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution the amendment means that the number of MPR members is based on the sum of members of the DPR and DPD members (also regulated in Article 2 of Law No. 22 of 2003). keywords: amendment; assembly; authority; constitution; mpr; people; state; vice president cache: volkgeist-895.pdf plain text: volkgeist-895.txt item: #130 of 146 id: volkgeist-896 author: Lasori, Siti Alfisyahrin title: Mechanism for collective property sharing in mixed marriage date: 2020-12-12 words: 5797 flesch: 52 summary: The Mechanism of Mixed Marriage between Indonesian Citizens and Foreigners in Indonesia Currently, there are many Indonesians who intend to have mixed marriages (marriages with different nationalities) but are constrained or at least lack of information on this. Regarding Mixed Marriage, based on the perspective of the Koran, Islam does not recognize mixed marriage, because the position of fellow Muslims is the same and a noble person is in the sight of Allah SWT. keywords: article; assets; citizens; husband; indonesian; law; marriage; property; wife cache: volkgeist-896.pdf plain text: volkgeist-896.txt item: #131 of 146 id: volkgeist-897 author: Lampatta, Muhammad Rizal; Sulaiman, Herlina title: The effectiveness of the implementation of diversion on children who conflict with the law at the level of the state court in gorontalo province date: 2020-12-11 words: 5720 flesch: 52 summary: Allowing children to face elements in formal criminal justice, such as the unprofessional culture of law enforcement officers and low sensitivity to child protection, is tantamount to criminalizing children. Jurnal Hukum Volkgeist Volume 5 Issue 1, Desember 2020 P-ISSN : 2528-360X, E-ISSN : 2621-6159 59 The effectiveness of the implementation of diversion on children who conflict with the law at the level of the state court in gorontalo province Muhammad Rizal Lampatta 1 , Herlina Sulaiman 2 Abstract Author’s Information: keywords: cases; children; court; criminal; district; diversion; implementation; justice; law cache: volkgeist-897.pdf plain text: volkgeist-897.txt item: #132 of 146 id: volkgeist-898 author: Saputra, Asbudi Dwi title: Neutrality of Village Heads and Village Officials in Pemilukada in Luwu Regency date: 2020-12-13 words: 3680 flesch: 47 summary: The non-neutrality of village heads and village officials in regional head elections is in sharp contrast to their positions as government officials who are expected to be neutral in politics. Likewise, regional head candidates involving village heads and village officials may be subject to criminal sanctions as candidates for regional head. keywords: elections; head elections; heads; law; neutrality; village head; village officials cache: volkgeist-898.pdf plain text: volkgeist-898.txt item: #133 of 146 id: volkgeist-90 author: Nasrullah, Nasrullah title: ANALISIS HUKUM SECARA ANALOGI PENERAPAN ASAS PEMISAHAN HORIZONTAL PADA PRAKTEK JUAL BELI TANAH TIDAK BESERTA DENGAN POHON KELAPA DI ATASNYA DI KEC. PATILANGGIO KAB. POHUWATO date: 2018-04-14 words: 4538 flesch: 47 summary: Persyaratan mengenai objek jual beli tanah adalah bahwa penjual tanah benar- benar pemilik tanah yang bisa dibuktikan dengan sertifikat tanah atau alat bukti penguasaan tanah yang sah dan tanah yang akan dijual harus jelas statusnya baik dari segi data yuridis maupun data fisik, begitu pula status tanah tersebut tidak boleh dalam keadaan sengketa atau dijadikan agunan dengan hak tanggungan atau dalam status tergadai. Namun keberadaan tanah yang semaki terbatas, tidak sebanding dengan pertambahan jumlah penduduk yang senantiasa bertambah. keywords: asas; atas; atasnya; bangunan; beli; beserta; dalam; dan; dengan; hak; horisontal; hukum; issn; jual; kelapa; milik; pada; pemisahan; penerapan; pohon; praktek; secara; tanah; tanahnya; tidak; untuk; uupa; yang cache: volkgeist-90.pdf plain text: volkgeist-90.txt item: #134 of 146 id: volkgeist-900 author: Gurusi, La title: Law enforcement on plastic waste pollution in coastal area assessed from article 29 verse (4) law number 18 of 2008 concerning waste management (study in Buton regency of South Sulawesi) date: 2020-12-17 words: 5204 flesch: 49 summary: The legal substance used as a reference in law enforcement efforts against plastic waste pollution in Buton Regency still uses the provisions of Article 29 paragraph (1) of Law no. 18 of 2008 confirms that everyone is prohibited from: a. importing waste into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia; b. importing waste; c. mixing waste with hazardous and toxic waste; d. managing waste that causes environmental pollution and / or damage; e. dispose of waste not in a place that has been determined and provided; f. carry out waste handling by open disposal at the final processing site; and / or g. burning waste that does not comply with the technical requirements for waste management. One of the waste problems that are currently of national and international concern is the increasing production of plastic waste. keywords: article; enforcement; government; law; management; paragraph; plastic; pollution; waste; waste management cache: volkgeist-900.pdf plain text: volkgeist-900.txt item: #135 of 146 id: volkgeist-91 author: NURAINI, NURAINI title: PENGARUH KEKUASAAN POLITIK TERHADAP PEMBENTUKAN HUKUM DI INDONESIA date: 2018-04-14 words: 3970 flesch: 50 summary: Bahan-bahan hukum yang telah diperoleh, diinventarisasi dan diidentifikasi untuk digunakan sebagai bahan dalam menganalisis pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini. Untuk itu diperlukan hukum yang ditetapkanoleh penguasa itu sendiri yang hendak dipegang dengan teguhb (Soerjono Soekanto, 2012: 15-16). keywords: adalah; april; atau; bahwa; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; hukum; indonesia; ini; issn; itu; kekuasaan; masyarakat; merupakan; negara; nomor; oleh; pada; pembentukan; pengaruh; peraturan; perundang; politik; rakyat; sebagai; terhadap; tidak; undang; undangan; untuk; volume; yang cache: volkgeist-91.pdf plain text: volkgeist-91.txt item: #136 of 146 id: volkgeist-913 author: Sulaiman, Herlina; Lampatta, Muhammad Rizal title: Law enforcement and eradication of criminal actions of narcotics in Pohuwato district area date: 2020-12-09 words: 5528 flesch: 56 summary: This of course requires the role of law enforcement officials in enforcing and eradicating narcotics crime. This study aims to identify and analyze about eradication and law enforcement and its obstacles against narcotics crime in Pohuwato Regency. keywords: bnk; drug; hukum; interview; law; narcotics; pohuwato; pohuwato police; pohuwato regency; police; regency; trafficking cache: volkgeist-913.pdf plain text: volkgeist-913.txt item: #137 of 146 id: volkgeist-92 author: Mursanto, deddy title: PELAKSANAAN KEADILAN RESTORATIF TERHADAP ANAK SEBAGAI KURIR NARKOTIKA date: 2018-12-14 words: 3155 flesch: 38 summary: Meskipun pemidanaan merupakan alat yang ampuh yang dimiliki Negara guna memerangi kejahatan namun pemidanaan bukanlah merupakan alat satu-satunya memperbaiki keadaan, harus ada kombinasi antara upaya repsresif dan preventif (Supeno, 2010).Berdasarkan hal di atas maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran penegak hukum dalam penerapan keadilan restoratif terhadap anak yang menjadi kurir narkotika. Diversi di pengadilan ada yang berhasil dan ada yang tidak berhasil. keywords: anak; dalam; dapat; dari; dengan; diversi; hal; hukum; ini; issn; keadilan; korban; kurir; narkotika; nomor; pelaksanaan; penegak; peradilan; pidana; proses; restoratif; sebagai; sistem; tahun; tentang; terhadap; tidak; undang; untuk; yang cache: volkgeist-92.pdf plain text: volkgeist-92.txt item: #138 of 146 id: volkgeist-93 author: HARYATI, FELISA title: PELANGGARAN KODE ETIK NOTARIS TERKAIT PERSAINGAN TIDAK SEHAT SESAMA REKAN NOTARIS DITINJAU DARI PERATURAN KODE ETIK IKATAN NOTARIS INDONESIA (I.N.I)”. date: 2018-12-14 words: 4160 flesch: 46 summary: Melihat kewenangan dan peranan notaris yang sangat penting tersebut di atas maka notaris harus memiliki pengetahuan ataupun wawasan yang luas, salah satunya mengenai teknik pembuatan akta yang akan dibuat nantinya, karena apabila notaris itu melakukan pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan tertentu, akibat minimnya pengetahuan dan wawasan maka akan berakibat akta yang dibuatnya hanya mempunyai kekuatan pembuktian sebagai akta dibawah tangan, atau dapat pula akta itu menjadi batal demi hukum, sehingga bagi pihak yang menderita kerugian dapat menuntut penggantian biaya, ganti rugi, dan bunga kepada notaris. Dalam Pasal 18 UUJN, salah satu bentuk tindakan yang dilakukan oleh notaris yang dapat menyebabkan timbulnya persaingan tidak sehat adalah dengan cara menjalankan jabatan diluar wilayah kerjanya. keywords: akta; atau; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; ditinjau; etik; hukum; indonesia; ini; issn; jabatan; kewenangan; kode; notaris; oleh; pada; pejabat; pelanggaran; peraturan; persaingan; profesi; rekan; sanksi; sebagai; sehat; sesama; tersebut; tidak; undang; untuk; uujn; yang cache: volkgeist-93.pdf plain text: volkgeist-93.txt item: #139 of 146 id: volkgeist-932 author: Rosnida, Rosnida title: Settlement of indonesian human rights violations in the past through restorative justice approaches date: 2020-12-10 words: 5388 flesch: 49 summary: In addition, efforts have also been made to resolve cases of human rights violations, either through a human rights court or by establishing a Truth and Reconciliation Commission based on Law Number 27 of 2004 concerning the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. However, efforts to resolve cases of human rights violations still require hard work and awareness of all components of the nation about the importance of resolving cases of human rights violations (MK-RI, 2007). keywords: cases; hukum; human; indonesia; justice; law; past; people; restorative; rights; rights violations; victims; violations cache: volkgeist-932.pdf plain text: volkgeist-932.txt item: #140 of 146 id: volkgeist-94 author: karim, laode muhammad title: ANALISA HUKUM PUTUSAN PENGADILAN Nomor 16/Pid.Sus-Anak/2015/PN.Bau TERHADAP TINDAK PIDANA MEMBAWA ATAU MEMILIKI SENJATA TAJAM OLEH ANAK. date: 2018-12-14 words: 3517 flesch: 45 summary: Bagian pertama adalah pertimbangan yang bersifat yuridis dan pertimbangan yang bersifat nonyuridis D. PENUTUP Berdasarkan pembahasan yang terdapat pada bab sebelumnya dan hasil penelitian yang didapatkan oleh penulis, maka penulis memberikan kesimpulan sebagai berikut Penerapan hukum pidana materil terhadap kasus diatas sudah sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 2 ayat (1) Undang- Undang No. 12/Drt/1951 LN No. 78.1951. Persoalan kriminalitas khususnya membawa senjata tajam ataupun menggunakan senjata tajam memang sangat meresahkan masyarakat, sebab rasa aman dan ketertiban yang didambakan menjadi terancam. keywords: 360x; anak; anak/2015; analisa; atau; dalam; data; dengan; desember; hakim; hukum; ini; issn; membawa; memiliki; nomor; oleh; pengadilan; pidana; pn.bau; putusan; senjata; tajam; terdakwa; terhadap; tindak; undang; unsur; volume; yang cache: volkgeist-94.pdf plain text: volkgeist-94.txt item: #141 of 146 id: volkgeist-948 author: Dewi, Indah Kusuma title: Trash management policy based on participation of the society date: 2020-12-17 words: 4894 flesch: 47 summary: The results showed the identification of trash management problems in Napa Village including identification of waste problems in Napa Village, the concept of 3 (three) R waste and how to process waste in Napa Village. Trash management with this new paradigm is carried out by reducing and handling waste activities. keywords: activities; community; data; environment; management; problems; research; trash; trash management; village; waste cache: volkgeist-948.pdf plain text: volkgeist-948.txt item: #142 of 146 id: volkgeist-95 author: Muldjabar, Olivia title: PRINSIP TANAH WALAKA PADA MASYARAKAT HUKUM ADAT TOLAKI DALAM SISTEM PERTANAHAN date: 2018-12-14 words: 3804 flesch: 47 summary: Secara umum, setidaknya ada empat karakteristik pokok bentuk penguasaan tanah menurut hukum adat, yaitu tidak adanya kepemilikan mutlak, penguasaan yang bersifat inklusif, larangan untuk memperjual belikan tanah (meskipun untuk tanah yang sudah dikuasai secara pribadi). Hak-hak atas tanah yang dimaksud merupakan suatu bentuk penegasan dari status sebidang tanah agar dapat diketahui kekuatan hukum ISSN 2528-360X Volume 3 Nomor 1 Desember 2018 e-ISSN 2621-6159 70 PRINSIP TANAH WALAKA PADA keywords: 360x; adat; atas; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; desember; hak; hukum; issn; itu; kelompok; masyarakat; menurut; milik; nomor; oleh; orang; pada; pertanahan; prinsip; sebagai; secara; sistem; tanah; tempat; tersebut; tidak; tolaki; ulayat; untuk; volume; walaka; yang cache: volkgeist-95.pdf plain text: volkgeist-95.txt item: #143 of 146 id: volkgeist-96 author: salam, safrin title: Perspektif Politik Hukum Terhadap Perlindungan dan Pembinaan Tenaga Kerja Luar Negeri di Indonesia date: 2018-12-14 words: 4241 flesch: 47 summary: Bahkan tidak jarang TKI yang menerima siksaan menerima siksaan dipersalahkan oleh majikannya. Perlindungan purna penempatan, perlindungan yang dilakukan terhadap TKI yang mengakhiri purna kerjanya atau dikenal TKI purna keywords: 360x; dalam; dan; dari; dengan; desember; hukum; indonesia; issn; kerja; ketenagakerjaan; luar; negara; negeri; nomor; oleh; pembinaan; penempatan; perlindungan; perspektif; politik; safrin; tahun; tenaga; tenaga kerja; terhadap; tki; undang; untuk; volume; yaitu; yang cache: volkgeist-96.pdf plain text: volkgeist-96.txt item: #144 of 146 id: volkgeist-97 author: FAHARUDIN, FAHARUDIN title: PRINSIP CHECKS AND BALANCES DITINJAU DARI SISI DAN PRAKTIK date: 2019-03-11 words: 4183 flesch: 40 summary: e-ISSN 2621-6159 Prinsip Checks And Balances Ditinjau Dari Sisi dan Praktik Page 121 Kekuasaan menimbulkan ketidak teraturan kekuasaan negara, melahirkan tirani- tirani kekuasaan, dan terlaksana kekuasaan yang otoriter, membuahkan kesenjangan dan transisi-transisi kekuasaan negara, disamping tidak efektif dan efisien penyelenggaraan pemerintahan negara itu sendiri. Penguasa harus memiliki kekuasaan yang cukup untuk menjamin agar undang-undang yang mengatur kehidupan politik dan ekonomi dijunjung tinggi, sebab dalam pandangan Habbes, ambisi -ambisi, ketamakan, kemarahan, dan nafsu-nafsu manusia lainnya cukup kuat. keywords: adalah; april; atau; bahwa; balances; cabang; checks; dalam; dan; dari; dengan; ditinjau; dpr; hak; hukum; ini; issn; itu; kedaulatan; kekuasaan; lembaga; manusia; negara; nomor; oleh; pada; pemerintahan; praktik; prinsip; rakyat; sebagai; sisi; suatu; telah; tidak; undang; untuk; uud; yang cache: volkgeist-97.pdf plain text: volkgeist-97.txt item: #145 of 146 id: volkgeist-98 author: Kahar, Amrun title: Tinjauan Hukum Hak Waris Anak Diluar Nikah Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan date: 2019-03-11 words: 4631 flesch: 51 summary: Pandangan hukum islam, anak yang di lahirkan di luar perkawinan yang sah namun tidak tercatat dalam kantor urusan agama (KUA) namun di kantor catatan sipil merupakan anak sah, karena dalam pandangan hokum islam sekalipun perkawinan itu di sebut Nikah sirri tetap perkawinan itu tidak sah, karena sudah memenuhi syarat dan rukun nikah. Perkawinan yang tidak di catatkan adalah perkawinan yang tidak sah, dan anak yang di lahirkan atas perkawinan tersebut adalah anak tidak sah atau anak di luar kawin. keywords: 360x; anak; april; atau; bahwa; berdasarkan undang; dalam; dari; dengan; diluar; hak; hubungan; hukum; ibunya; islam; issn; itu; lahir; laki; nikah; pasal; perkawinan; sah; sebagai; tahun; tentang; tersebut; tidak; tinjauan; undang; undang nomor; volume; waris; yang cache: volkgeist-98.pdf plain text: volkgeist-98.txt item: #146 of 146 id: volkgeist-99 author: Amrullah, Muhammad Salam title: PENCABUTAN HAK MEMILIH DAN DIPILIH DALAM JABATAN PUBLIK TERHADAP NARAPIDANA TINDAK PIDANA KORUPSI date: 2019-03-11 words: 4485 flesch: 40 summary: Setiap warga negara mempunyai hak yang sama dan implementasinya hak dan kewajiban pun harus bersama- sama. “Setiap warga negara harus mempunyai hak dan kesempatan yang sama untuk tanpa pembedaan apapun seperti yang disebutkan dalam Pasal 2 ICCPR dan tanpa pembatasan yang tidak wajar baik untuk berpartisipasi dalam menjalankan segala urusan umum baik secara langsung maupun melalui wakil-wakil yang dipilih secara bebas, keywords: bahwa; dalam; dan; dari; dengan; dipilih; hak; hukum; ini; issn; itu; jabatan; jabatan publik; korupsi; melakukan; memilih; merupakan; narapidana; negara; nomor; orang; pada; pasal; pencabutan; pidana; publik; secara; tahun; tentang; terhadap; tindak; tujuan; undang; untuk; warga; yang cache: volkgeist-99.pdf plain text: volkgeist-99.txt