298 | pISSN: 1858-3598  eISSN: 2502-5791 


Jurnal Ners 
Vol. 14, No. 3, Special Issue 2019 

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Systematic Review  

Factors Related to Sleep Disorders in the Elderly in Tresna Werdha Madago Tentena 

Nurmawati S. Lataima1 and Novrin S. Pasaju2 

1Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia 
2School of Nursing, STIKES Husada Mandiri, Poso, Central 


Background: Sleep disorders are common things often experienced by the 
elderly. This will affect their quality of life. There are many factors that 
influence sleep needs in the elderly. The aim of this study was to determine 
the factors related to sleep disorders in the elderly. 

Method: This study used a cross-sectional design with accidental sampling. 
The population in this study was the elderly at Tresna Werdha Madago 
Tentena. The data retrieval for this research was conducted between June - 
July 2014. The analysis of the data was done using Chi-Square. The results 
from the 45 respondents showed that 61.3% had sleep disorders caused by 
their disease and that 65.6% had sleep disorders caused by an unconducive 

Result: This result showed that disease and an unconducive environment 
influenced sleep needs. 

Conclusion: The recommendation for nurses and staff is to increase their 
attention span and the environmental comfort by dimming the lights when 
the patient is going to sleep and reducing noise. This means that the patient's 
sleep needs are fulfilled. 


Received: Dec 26, 2019 
Accepted: Dec 31, 2019 


sleep disorder; elderly; quality of life; 
comfort; sleep 


Nurmawati S. Lataima 
 nurmawati.s.lataima-
 Faculty of Nursing, Universitas 
Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia 

Cite this as:  Lataima, N. S & Pasaju, N. S. (2019). Factors Related to Sleep Disorders in the Elderly in Tresna Werdha 
Madago Tentena. Jurnal Ners, 14(3si), 298-300. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.20473/jn.v14i3(si).17150 



Increasing the economic life, increasing the variety of 
technology and improving on the health facilities has 
led to an number of improvements tied into human 
life expectancy(Mubarak, 2008). The increase in life 
expectancy has an impact on the increasing number 
of elderly people (Maryam, 2008). 

At present, the number of elderly people around 
the world is estimated to be more than 629 million 
(one in 10 people are over 60 years old). By 2025, the 
elderly population will reach 1.2 billion (Menkokesra, 
2008). In Indonesia, there are 15.3 million, which is 
7.4% of the population. In 2005, this number was 
estimated to have increased to - / +  18.3 million 
(8.5%) (Nugroho, 2008). 

As they age, the elderly will experience physical, 
psychosocial and spiritual changes(Saputra, 2013). 
One of changes is their sleep patterns(Saryono and 
Widianti, 2010). According to the National Sleep 
Foundation, about 67% out of 1,508 elderly people in 
the United States aged 65 years and over reported 
experiencing sleep disorders (Pirma Siburian Sp PD, 

2009) and as many as 7.3% of the elderly complained 
of a disorder related to starting and maintaining sleep 
or insomnia (Anderson, 2009). 

Sleep quality in the poor elderly cannot be 
separated from the factors that influence 
it(Stockslager, Jaime L and Schaeffer, 2008). A quiet 
environment, hot or cold temperature, car noise and 
other communication devices can disrupt sleep 
(Immanuel, 2008). Medical conditions and the 
physical changes related to old age also influence 
sleep(Widuri, 2010). The pain at night will be more 
influential, it will take longer to fall asleep and the 
sleep is disrupted. The aim of this study was to 
determine the factors related to sleeps disorder in 
elderly (Bandiyah, 2009). 


Research Design, Population and Sample and 
This study used a cross-sectional design and 
accidental sampling. The population in this study was 
all of the elderly people at the Tresna Werda 



 http://e-journal.unair.ac.id/JNERS | 299 

"Madago" Social Institution in Tentena, totaling about 
85 people. From the results of the calculation above, 
the total sample was 45 people. This research was 
conducted in the Poso of Central Sulawesi from June - 
July 2014. The inclusion criteria of this research were 
as follows: 1) the elderly who live in the Tresna Social 
Home Werda "Madago" Tentena, 2) the elderly people 
who do not experience psychic disorders, 3) the 
elderly people who have no hearing loss and 4) the 
elderly who are willing to be used as a respondent. 
The independent variables in this study were 
accompanying diseases and the environment. The 
dependent variable was the need for sleep in the 

This instrument used three types of questionnaire in 
the form of a disease disorder questionnaire, 
environmental questionnaire and the questionnaire 
on the needs of the elderly sleepers. 

Research Procedures and Analysis 
The procedure for retrieving the data was the filling 
out of the questionnaires by the respondents with 
their approval. The study was conducted for 2 months 
in the Madago Tentena social institution. This 
research study received permission and passed the 
ethical review conducted by the Ethics Commission of 
the Tresna Werdha Madago Tentena on July 2nd 2014, 
certificate number 016/TU/PSTW/VII/2014. The 
data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistic 24. The 
statistical analysis used was the Chi-square test. The 
confidence interval was 95% with an alpha value of 
(a)= 0.05. 


The results of the analysis of the relationship between 
the dependent variables, namely the elderly sleep 
needs and disease, showed a value of p=0.013. This 
value is said to be significant because the value is 
p<0.05, which means that the hypothesis is accepted. 
This explains that there is a significant relationship 
between elderly sleep needs and disease.  We can see 
from the OR value of 5.806 (25.173-1.339) that the 
respondents with disease have a chance that is 5. 806 
times more likely when it comes to not having fulfilled 
their sleep needs compared to the respondents 
without a disease [Table 1]. 

The results of the analysis of the relationship 
between the dependent variables indicates that 
elderly sleep needs and environmental disorders 
showed a value of p=0.000. This value is said to be 
significant because the value is p<0.05 which means 
that the hypothesis is accepted. This explains that 
there is a significant relationship between the elderly 
sleep needs and environmental disorders.  The OR 
value is 22.909 (199.944-2.625), which shows that 
the respondents with an environmental disorder  
have 22.909 times more of a chance of unfulfilled 
sleep needs compared to the respondents without 
environmental disturbances [Table 2]. 

Table 1. The Results of the Analysis of the 
Relationship Between Elderly Sleep Needs and 
Disease in June-July 2014 

Needs Sleep 

Fulfilled Not Fulfilled 
n % n %  


With disease 12 38.7 19 61.3 
Without disease 11 78.6 3 21.4 
Total 23 51.1 76 48.9 

Chi-Square p =  0.013  or = 5.806 

Table 2. The Results of the Analysis of the 
Relationship Between the Elderly Sleep Needs and 
Environment Disorders in June - July 2014 


Needs Sleep 


n % n % 

Unconducive  11 34.4 21 65.6 32 
Conducive 12 92.3 1 7.7 13 
Total 23 51.1 76 48.9 45 

Chi-Square p =  0.00  or = 22.909 


The results of the study on 45 respondents showed 
that the respondents who did not fulfill their sleep 
needs were 61.3% compared to the respondents 
without disruption to meeting their need for sleep, 
which amounted to 21.4%. For the respondents with 
environmental disorders, 65.6 did not meet their 
sleep needs compared to the respondents who did not 
have any disruption in their sleep by 7.7%. 

The results of the analysis in this study are based 
on the significance values which indicate that there is 
a significant relationship in relation to meeting the 
needs of the elderly, their sleeping, the disruption of 
disease and environmental disorders. This means 
that if there are accompanying diseases and 
environmental disorders, then the sleep needs of the 
elderly are not met. This is in accordance with what 
the respondents indicated in the results of this study. 
The disease experienced by the respondents was 
rheumatism. This caused the respondents to 
experience pain complaints, especially during their 
daily activities or when the temperatures too cold. 
Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional 
experience due to actual or potential tissue 
damage(Immanuel, 2008). Pain stimuli are 
transmitted to the spinal cord, thalamus and 
midbrain(Asmadi, 2008). From the thalamus fibers, 
there is the transmission of pain messages to the 
various areas of the brain including the sensory 
cortex, association cortex and limbic system. which 
will affect sleep (Anderson, 2009). 

The response / complaint commonly experienced 
by the rheumatic clients was mild to severe pain, 
which can interfere with sleep. Based on the results of 
a study by Dament et al., it was reported that young 
people reported a sleeping efficiency of 80 to 90% 
while the elderly reported 67 to 70%. Luce and Segal 
revealed that in the elderly group (forty years), only 
7% of cases complained about sleep problems (only 


300 | pISSN: 1858-3598  eISSN: 2502-5791 

able to sleep for no more than five hours a day). The 
same was found in 22% of cases in the age group who 
were 70 years old (woke up earlier than 5:00 a.m). In 
addition, 30% of the 70-year age group had awakened 
at night (Bandiyah, 2009). 

Environmental factors are factors that greatly 
influence the fulfillment of rest and sleep needs in the 
elderly. These factors include noise, temperature, 
lighting, circulation or ventilation systems and the 
room situation. The limitations in this study were the 
limited number of independent variables. There is 
also the cause of insomnia in the elderly to consider. 


The conclusion is that the respondents with 
disabilities and environmental disorders have not 
fulfilled their need for sleep. 


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