422 | pISSN: 1858-3598  eISSN: 2502-5791 Jurnal Ners Vol. 15, No. 2, Special Issue 2020 http://dx.doi.org/10.20473/jn.v15i2(si).19647 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Original Research The Comparison of Self-esteem and Premarital Sexual Behavior in Teenagers between Ex-localization Areas and Surrounding Areas in Surabaya Retno Indarwati, Clauvega Myrtha Ranggun Sunarya, Elida Ulfiana Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia ABSTRACT Introduction: Adolescence is a vulnerable period involving behavior irregularities, especially premarital sexual behavior. Premarital sexual behavior can be caused by personal and social factors. This study aimed to analyze self-esteem and premarital sexual behavior in teenagers between Dolly ex-localization and the surrounding area in Surabaya. Methods: This study used a quantitative approach with a descriptive comparative method. The population was teenagers who were not married. The sample was 118 teenagers, consisting of 59 teenagers in ex- localization and 59 teenagers in the surrounding area. The variables were self-esteem and premarital sexual behavior in teenagers who live between ex-localization and the surrounding area. Data were collected with a questionnaire and analyzed using Mann-Whitney U Test with a level of significance α=0,05. Results: Results showed that there was no difference in self-esteem level between teenagers in ex-localization and the surrounding area (p = 0.568); there was a difference in premarital sexual behavior between teenagers in ex-localization and the surrounding area (p = 0.017). It can be concluded that both teenagers between ex-localization and surrounding area had high levels of self-esteem and were in a high risk category for premarital sexual behavior. Teenagers in ex-localization areas have better levels of self-esteem than teenagers in the surrounding area but have a high risk in premarital sexual behavior. Conclusion: Further studies should include more variables such as the relationship between parents and their children, peer group, and social group. The next research should analyze the role of parents and peer group, and give interventions for health promotion to influence the knowledge level among teenagers about premarital sexual behavior. ARTICLE HISTORY Received: Feb 27, 2020 Accepted: April 1, 2020 KEYWORDS teenagers; premarital sexual behavior; self-esteem CONTACT Retno Indarwati  retno-i@fkp.unair.ac.id  Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia Cite this as: Indarwati, R., Sunaeya, C. M. R., & Ulfiana, E. (2020). The Comparison of Self-esteem and Premarital Sexual Behavior in Teenagers between Ex-localization Areas and Surrounding Areas in Surabaya. Jurnal Ners, Special Issues, 422-428. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.20473/jn.v15i2(si).19647 INTRODUCTION Teenagers going through puberty often experience a vulnerable period of behavior irregularities, especially premarital sexual behavior. This relates to environmental situations that are classified as vulnerable and community stigma which can make teenagers existence unacceptable. Ex-localization is an environment that is classified as vulnerable in the process of character development, social roles and mindset. Increased deviation of sexual behavior from the 20th century until now has become a serious problem (Chamie, 2018). Indonesian demographic and health survey data showed that pregnancy, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases, and school dropouts can potentially negatively affect the health status and the future of teenagers (Browning, 2015). Dolly's localization is the largest prostitution in Southeast Asia since 1960. Mid 2014, Dolly's localization has become an area of localization. Present condition, the area of localization was found veiled prostitution, and there are still bars and karaoke. Results of preliminary studies in 16 teenagers aged 14-18 years showed that they had https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ mailto:retno-i@fkp.unair.ac.id http://dx.doi.org/10.20473/jn.v15i2(si). JURNAL NERS http://e-journal.unair.ac.id/JNERS | 423 kissed hands and cheeks (0.9%), kissed on the forehead and lips (0.8%), kissed the mouth by playing the tongue (0.7%), petting ( 0.6%), and intercourse (0.7%). Two teenagers said the intention to behave premarital sex is to show affection with a partner, desire to try and got experience. Seventy percent of Indonesian, Chinese, Indian and Iran teenagers have do premarital sexual behavior (Chamie, 2018). Browning & Malave research found that 30% of teenagers aged 15-16 years had sexual relations and at 17 had first sexual intercourse (Browning, 2015). Health Research and Development Agency data showed that 6.17% of junior and senior high school students had premarital sex (Litbangkes, 2015). The Department of Health & Human Services have shown that teenagers aged 15- 19 years had given birth to 230,000 babies (Huda et al, 2018) . Supported by Surabaya city statistics showed an enhancement amount of sexually transmitted infections cases by 1,080 (BPS, 2018). Environmental situations that are unconsciously attached in teenagers become inconsistent with decision-making. This is supported by self- assessment that considers the surrounding environment does not accept or do not appreciate the actions taken (Suhron, 2016). Lawrence G's theory explained a person's behavior patterns are influenced by three factors: knowledge, attitudes, trust, family, Table 1. Characteristics of Adolescent Demographics between Ex-Localization Areas and the Surrounding Areas in Surabaya (June 2019) Variable Ex-localization The surrounding area Total % n % n % Age 16 years 29 49,2 19 32,2 48 41 17 years 13 22 27 45,8 40 34 18 years 17 28,8 13 22 30 25 Gender Male 40 67,8 29 49,2 70 59 Female 19 32,2 30 50,8 48 41 Religion Islam 59 100 59 100 118 100 Christian 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hindu 0 0 0 0 0 0 Buddha 0 0 0 0 0 0 First age dating Not yet dating 15 25,4 9 15,3 24 20,3 10 years 0 0 1 1,7 1 0,8 11 years 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 years 3 5,1 4 6,8 7 5,9 13 years 1 1,7 6 10,2 7 5,9 14 years 7 11,9 6 10,2 13 11 15 years 17 28,9 20 33,9 37 31,4 16 years 9 15,3 9 15,3 18 15,3 17 years 5 8,5 4 6,8 9 7,6 18 years 2 3,4 0 0 2 1,7 Table 2. Distribution of Frequency and Differences of Self Esteem in Teenagers between Ex-Localization Areas and the Surrounding Areas in Surabaya (June 2019) Variable Ex-localization The surrounding area Total % n % n % Self esteem High 39 66,1 36 61 75 63,6 Low 20 33,9 23 39 43 36,4 Mann Whitney p = 0,568 Meaningful High 57 96,6 56 94,9 113 95,8 Low 2 3,4 3 5,1 5 4,2 Mann Whitney p = 0,195 Strength High 49 83 48 81,3 97 82 Low 10 17 11 18,7 21 17,8 Mann Whitney p = 0,397 Competency High 57 96,6 56 94,9 113 95,8 Low 2 3,4 3 5,1 5 4,2 Mann Whitney p = 0,47 R. INDARWATI ET AL. 424 | pISSN: 1858-3598  eISSN: 2502-5791 playmate and easier to find information. The environment has feedback on behavior (Nursalam, 2014). This study aimed to explain the differences in self-esteem and premarital sexual behavior in teenagers between ex-localization and the surrounding area in Surabaya. MATERIALS AND METHODS This research used a quantitative design with a comparative descriptive study. The subjects of this study were teenagers in ex-localization and in the surrounding area with a total of 118 participants. Inclusion criteria for ages 16-18 years and exclusion criteria for married teenagers. The determination of participants used purposive sampling. The variables measured in this study were self- esteem and premarital sexual behavior between ex- localization and the surrounding area. Data collection was obtained by conducting a home visit using a questionnaire. Two measurement instruments were used in this study, RSES (Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale) questionnaire with a reliability value of 0.3 and a validity value of 0.2 for all items. (Khumairoh & Anriani, 2018), and a premarital sexual behavior questionnaire with a reliability value of 0.7 and a validity value of 0.361 (Muflih & Syafitri, 2018). Data analysis using the Mann-Whitney U test with a significance level of α = 0.05 to determine differences in self-esteem and premarital sexual behavior in teenagers between ex-localization and the surrounding area. RESULTS Demographic Data Demographic characteristics of participants included age, sex, religion and age of first date. The results showed that among 118 participants, 29 (49.2%) with a mean age of 16 years in the surrounding area and 27 (45,8%) with mean age 17 years in ex- localization area. Table 1 showed that the mean sex of the teenagers in ex-localization area was majority male, about 41 participants (69.5%) and 30 participants (50.8%) were majority female in the surrounding area. The total distribution of participants based on religion among teenagers in two different areas is entirely Islam. The data depicts that the age of first dating among teenagers in two differents areas was 15 years, about 17 participants (28,9%) in the ex- localization area and 20 participants (33,9%) in the surrounding area. Self-Esteem Based on three parameters, meaningful, strength and competence, table 2. Shows that the level of self- esteem in teenagers in the ex-localization area was higher than the surrounding area, which was 66.1% (39 participants). Premarital Sexual Behavior Based on three parameters, knowledge, attitudes and behavior, table 3 shows that premarital sexual behavior among teenagers of risk behavior category in the ex-localization was higher than the surrounding area, which was 66.1% (39 participants). The level of premarital sexual behavior among teenagers in two different areas had significant differences (p = 0.006). The two comparison areas are classified as an environment that is not conducive, but premarital sexual behavior among teenagers in the ex-localization area is higher than the surrounding area. Teenagers are often involved in premarital sexual behavior including holding a partner's hand, hugging the partner's body, masturbating themselves and kissing the partner's cheek. Factors affecting premarital sexual behavior including a low level of knowledge, negative attitudes, the role of parents, peers, and community norms in localization areas. Self-esteem and premarital sexual behavior did not have a significant differences(p = 0.905). Self-evaluation is assessed subjectively by various considerations of environmental norms and has a large role in behavior in teenagers. Table 3. Distribution of Frequency Premarital Sexual Behavior in Teenagers between Ex-Localization Areas and the Surrounding Areas in Surabaya (June 2020) Variable Category Ex-localization The surrounding area Total % n % n % Premarital Sexual Behavior Risk 39 66,1 26 44,1 65 55,1 Non - Risk 20 33,9 33 44,9 53 44,9 Mann Whitney p = 0,017 Knowledge High 16 27,1 25 42,4 41 34,7 Low 43 72,9 34 57,6 77 65,3 Mann Whitney p = 0,083 Attitude Positive 23 39 35 59,3 58 49,2 Negative 36 61 24 40,7 60 50,8 Mann Whitney p = 0,028 Behavior Not Safe 7 11,9 1 1,7 8 6,8 Less Safe 32 54,2 25 42,4 57 48,3 Safe 20 33,9 33 55,9 53 44,9 Mann Whitney p = 0,006 JURNAL NERS http://e-journal.unair.ac.id/JNERS | 425 DISCUSSION Teenagers can manage emotions and have a good relationship with people around them in the process of emotional and social development, so that teenagers are more understanding in assessing themselves subjectively. Adolescent self-assessment is influenced by the mindset that is managed by teenagers when they start to ask questions and imagine things that have not been seen, so they have the opportunity to achieve self-satisfaction by liking what makes them accepted. Social norms are formed in both comparison areas where teenagers assumed that parents, peers and local society accepted what they have done. In line with Bongardt's study, good parents and child relationships can improve self- esteem and good behavior (Bongardt, Reitz, & Deković, 2015). Other studies explain that teenagers openness in communicating satisfaction or self- dissatisfaction with parents can increase the level of self-esteem and reduce risk behavior (Mastro et al, 2015). The results of this study indicated that there are no differences in self-esteem in teenagers between ex-localization areas and the surrounding areas. The self-esteem of teenagers in both areas has found the ability and self-confidence in achieving an achievement by ignoring past events and having hope in the future. It has a relationship with the emotional and social development of teenagers after the closure of ex-localization. Teenagers in the area of ex- localization area getting psychosocial support through children's forum activities, a place for children's learning to support their achievement and the reconstruction of ex-localization houses become UMKM village residents of Putat Jaya. Other studies mention perceptions that assumed women should be protected by men and the result was low levels of self-esteem (Bleidorn et al, 2016). Schmitt's study mentions that the male mindset considers of all people to be treated equally in religion, politics, economics, social and culture (Schmitt et al., 2017). Based on the frequency distribution of teenagers in the ex-localization, the level of self-esteem was higher than the surrounding area. Most of the high levels of self-esteem are owned by adolescent boys, so it can be assumed that gender can influence the development of individual self- esteem. Koentjoro (1989) mentions the role of parents, reception and appreciation from the social environment, influencing the formation of individual self esteem (Zulfiana, 2017). Coopersmith (1967) said that individuals who have high self esteem are easier to adjust themselves to their surrounding environment (Suhron, 2016). Permissive parenting can increase self-satisfaction, self-esteem, happiness, and good friendships (Raboteg-saric & Sakic, 2013). Cellular and molecular processes of sex hormones in the brain changes the functioning of the nervous system and can influence the behavior (Mcewen & Milner, 2017). According to Koeswara (1991) Increasing self-esteem when the sense of love and a sense of belonging have been fulfilled (Ifdil, 2014). Other studies mention that the higher the level of self- esteem, the higher the sexual behavior (Jempormasse, 2015). But, this study is not in line with Zulfiana'sstudy that teenagers who have high self-esteem play a role in reducing premarital sexual behavior (Zulfiana, 2017). Other studies suggest that low self-esteem is associated with depression feel that increasing excessive sexual interest (Doornwaard et al, 2015). This is due to the different characteristics of teenagers assessing themselves. According to Santrock (2007) explains that teenagers self-esteem is formed from the subjective assessment of the feedback teenagers receive from people around and comparison with the value of the group (Suhron, 2016). Based on statistical tests the strength level of self-esteem relationships and premarital sexual behavior is low which means it does not have a significant level of relationship. Reviewed from the process of forming self-esteem, the role of a character public in both regions in positive treatment such as the acceptance of roles and self-esteem from both regions raises self-awareness, identity and self- understanding. acceptance of the role of teenagers. Subjective self-evaluation and differences in environmental norms around teenagers affect the unrelated self-esteem and premarital sexual behavior in two comparison areas. Premarital sexual behavior, drug use and suicide intentions can be assumed that high self-esteem does not support to reduce risk behavior, and vice versa (Jackman & Macphee, 2015). Premarital sexual behavior of teenagers is influenced by a permissive environment. Norms that form in the environment affect the acceptance or rejection of adolescent sexual behavior and resulting risks such as pregnancy, abortion, and give birth ( Amaliyasari & Puspitasari, 2008; Triningsih et al, 2015). The study of Rojas, et al also mentioned that environments with higher crime rates have the opportunity to increase negative behaviors such as using illicit substances, consuming alcohol, and involve themselves in sexual behavior (Rojas et al, 2016). Based on the results of the study showed that there are differences between premarital sexual behavior in teenagers in the area of ex-localization and the surrounding area. The majority of premarital sexual behavior in adolescents in the ex-localization area is riskier than adolescents in the surrounding area, namely holding a partner's arms and hands, hugging the partner's body, masturbating to himself and partner. Both regions both have an influence on adolescent behavior, so it is still invaluable in vulnerable areas. Where Dolly's ex localization areas still have prostitution in secret, there are still bars and karaoke, as well as the cessation of children's forums for 1 year, while the surrounding areas are close to Dolly's ex localization. Therefore, this study can be assumed that the environment is not conducive and has a negative potential for behavior. The lower health information about reproductive health among teenagers, the lower adolescent R. INDARWATI ET AL. 426 | pISSN: 1858-3598  eISSN: 2502-5791 behavior to promote positive sexual behavior (Emilia et al, 2012). Teenagers who are closed in discussing sexual experiences are far more at risk of sexual behavior (Behulu et al, 2019). The perception of parents and the public who consider sexual behavior a taboo subject at the age of adolescents, so that teenagers are less active in looking and feeling indifferent about sexual knowledge. In line with Haryani's research, the use of language and ways delivery of information that is difficult for children to accept, resulting in a higher vulnerability to premarital sexual behavior (Haryani et al, 2015). Other studies suggest that teenagers living with single parents or low religious levels affect adolescent behavior to vent their sexual desires as a form of escape (Taye & Asmare, 2016) The results of the study on parameters of knowledge showed that no differences in teenagers in the area of the surrounding and ex-localization. The majority of teenagers in both comparison areas had low levels of knowledge, its related to kissing is a prohibition in dating and intercourse using contraception does not guarantee to prevent pregnancy. However, based on the frequency distribution of teenagers in the area of the surrounding area shows a low level of knowledge. This can be related to the cessation of children's forums in the area of localization, so that they do not get facilities or access to get information related to sex education. On the other hand, most of the teenagers in the ex-localization area have experienced dropouts from their school. Low knowledge is one of the risk factors for premarital sexual attitudes (Rahman et al., 2012). Other research also explains that social norms obtained from personal experience can influence the premarital sexual attitudes and behavior (Motamedi et al., 2016). The parameters of teenagers attitudes in the area of ex-localization and the surrounding showed that the majority of teenagers in the area of ex-localization showed negative attitudes. Teenagers consider dating style as holding hands and hugging a partner to be a normal thing to do as proof of love, as well as understanding of teenagers related to lack of sexual health education. This affects teenagers to behave according to the experience and information received. The parameters of adolescent actions indicate that there are differences in premarital sexual behavior in two comparison areas. In the area of ex-localization have higher levels of premarital sexual behavior than the surrounding area. Teenagers in the ex-localization area often do dating styles such as hold on hand, and embracing the couple's body. This behavior is related to the vulnerable environment when feedback occurs after the closure of Dolly's localization within 5 years. Cultural feedback on the surrounding environment, and environmental situation that is unconsciously attached and parenting that have been applied to adolescent development who begins to find self- identity, shape social roles and seek self-freedom that is formed from beginning to end. Besides teenagers development factors, the results of these differences can be influenced by the level of knowledge and attitudes related to premarital sexual behavior in a low and negative level. Lawrence Green’s model explains that predisposing factors (knowledge and attitudes) can determine a person's behavior (Nursalam, 2014). Mc Dougal's theory also explains that someone who has a high level of knowledge can increase their behavior (Pratama et al, 2014). Other studies have shown that teenagers perceptions related to normal premarital sexual behavior and the intensity of long discussions with peers about dating behavior can increase risky sexual behavior (Putri et al, 2017). Sexual behavior becomes an escape for teenagers in resolving harmonious relationships (Noroozi et al, 2014). Not in line with (Behulu et al., 2019) study that teenagers who do not discuss with close friends are far more at risky sexual behavior, because it allows adolescents do not know the impact of sexual behavior. Adolescence of puberty begins to play its role and seeks satisfaction from the role played, such as feelings of love between the opposite sex. This encourages behavior patterns of teenagers to strengthen the relationships or dating. Long relationships result in the sexual desire of dating, so teenagers vent their desires by seeing their experiences. Lawrence Green's theory explains parenting style, playing time with peers and environmental situations which are factors that encourage person to determine the action to do (Nursalam, 2014). Gebreyesus's study explains that the active role of parents in monitoring the habits and behavior of their children outside and inside the home can reduce risky sexual behavior (Gebreyesus et al, 2019). Communication by parents (father) with boys about sex education through casual discussions, jokes, and warnings can increase knowledge and positive attitudes (Lesch, 2019). Other research states that love (physical pleasure) is the reason teenagers begin sexual relations and still vulnerable to receiving financial support from others (Taye; & Asmare, 2016). CONCLUSION There are no differences in self-esteem in teenagers between ex-localization and the surrounding area. Teenagers in both comparison areas had high levels of self esteem. However, based on the frequency of self-esteem in teenagers, the ex-localization is higher. High self-esteem is positive reception and self- appreciation. 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