Microsoft Word - 1648 Layout JNERS.docx 574 | pISSN: 1858-3598 � eISSN: 2502-5791 Jurnal Ners Vol. 15, No. 2, Special Issue 2020 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Original Research The Effect of Storytelling on Ability to Control Violence Behavior in Early Childhood Rana Skharninda and Wahyu Endang Setyowati Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia ABSTRACT Introduction: Storytelling is a narrative activity that is close to children. This activity can convey the contents of stories, feelings or ideas without making the children feel like being patronized. Narrators can also convey or teach about the behavior that children should do. Early children often do aggressive or violent actions. Based on the condition, storytelling becomes a way to teach children about good behavior. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of storytelling on the ability to control violent behavior in early childhood at one of Kindergarten in Semarang. Methods: This research is a quantitative research. Sampling technique used total sampling with 24 students as respondents. The data obtained were processed statistically using the marginal homogeneity test. Using marginal homogeneity test, it was obtained p value of 0,000 (<0.05). Results: It can be concluded that there is a storytelling effect on the ability to control violent behavior in early childhood. Conclusion: There is an effect of storytelling on the ability to control violent behavior in early childhood among students of one of Islamic kindergarten in Semarang. For institutions, the storytelling method can be used as daily learning because learning is not only about academics but also attitudes. ARTICLE HISTORY Received: Feb 27, 2020 Accepted: April 1, 2020 KEYWORDS storytelling; aggressive behavior CONTACT Wahyu Endang Setyowati * + Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia. Cite this as: Skharninda, R., & Setyowati, W, E. (2020). The Effect of Storytelling on Ability to Control Violence Behavior in Early Childhood. Jurnal Ners, Special Issues, 574-577. doi: INTRODUCTION Data from official journal of the american academy of pediatrics stated that an average of 50% or calculated around 1 billion children aged 2-17 years are vulnerable, suffering physical, sexual, and emotional violence; and neglected in Africa, Asia and North America region in the past year (Mardina, 2018). In Indonesia, the incidence of violence against children continues to increase. Until mid-March 2018, the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) had received approximately 1,900 information for cases of violence against children and the most dominant was from sexual violence. In 2018, the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) wrote that there were 4,885 cases of violence against children 306 more than in 2017 which amounted to 4,579 cases (Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI), 2019). In addition, the rate of violence against children in Semarang also tends to increase from year to year and the case is dominated by sexual harassment. The Family Planning and Women's Empowerment Agency (BKBPP) of Semarang Regency noted that in 2014 there had been at least 41 cases of violence against children, this figure had almost doubled in 2015 to 72 cases and it was dominated by sexual harassment (Zuraya, 2015). The aarly age of child is also said to be a critical part of progress or golden age. It is said that most of the network of brain cells works to regulate every human activity and character. The first two years of human life is very influential for the growth of children. Children then begins to build sensory, visual and auditory motor power which is then distributed and simulated through the surrounding environment. The fairy tales is close to the world of children. When listening to fairy tales, children will also enjoy and know the meaning contained in the story. Therefore, in storing-telling activities, the way to tell the story becomes meaningful because the process and the impression through fairy tales can be conveyed to all. When the process is ongoing, an assimilation of JURNAL NERS | 575 knowledge from the narrator to the listener is formed. Storytelling describes one technique that is efficient in developing cognitive, social, and conative factors of children (Wardiah, 2017). In Indonesia, the art of storytelling is a tradition that has existed for centuries. Along with the times, this oral tradition began to fade, displaced by the rise of technological development. However, this situation did not last long. In some regions of the developing world, storytelling activities start to rise again. Moreover, it has been computerized and in every library, talks related to the act of storytelling are also held. Storytelling or narration is getting famous again in class and being able to reach cyberspace, through a web or site that contains fairy tales. (Wardiah, 2017). Several previous research showed some positive progress on child behavior, such as emotional control. One researchers use storytelling method to reduce aggressive behavior is because it can attract children attention through characters in the story. These characters play a variety of behaviors that are right or wrong. Moreover, storytelling is one of the effective tools in providing direction for changing children's behaviour (Asl et al., 2015; Musavi & Hejazi, 2016). Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of storytelling on the ability to control violent behavior in early childhood at one of Kindergarten in Semarang. MATERIALS AND METHODS This research is a Pre-Experimental Design research with one group pre and posttest design. This research aims to determine whether there is an effect between variables, the independent and dependent variable. Respondents in this study were students of a kindergarten in Semarang. This research was conducted in September-November 2019 with totally 24 respondents. Instrument in this study was a questionnaire of violent behavior in early childhood with a number of 42 questions. This questionnaire determine the ability to control violent behavior in early childhood. Questions in this instrument consists of 42 items with a kind of favourable and unfavorable statement. RESULTS Table 1 below shows that the most respondent in this study was males, amounting to 13 children with a percentage of 54.2% and the rest was female. Of 24 respondents, 54.2% was in 5 years old age and the rest 6 years old. Table 2 shows the results that the most number of violent behaviors before the intervention of storytelling in this study were mostly violent behavior in the moderate category with 15 respondents (83.3%), while in the low category there were only 5 respondents (20.8%) and the rest in high category (16.7%). After the intervention, the result shows that the greatest number of violent behavior were in the low category with 15 respondents (62.5%). After being tested using Marginal Homogeneity, the significance results obtained 0.000 (p value 0.05). It means that there is a storytelling effect on the ability to control violent behavior in early childhood. DISCUSSION This study shows that there is an effect of storytelling on the ability to control violent behavior in early childhood, especially in age of 5 and 6 years old. Several previous researches showed similar fact. In research conducted by (Susanti, 2013), the results showed that there is a significant effect in the activities of storytelling using Islamic story books on children's behavior at the age of 5-6 years. The research conducted by (Musavi & Hejazi, 2016) which says that storytelling is very helpful in the development of psychological or personality problems in pre-school children. It help parents, teachers or responsible adults to better understand Table 1. Distribution of respondents by variables (n = 24) Variables n % Sex Male Female 13 11 54.2 45.8 Age 5 y.o. 6 y.o. 13 11 54.2 45.8 Table 2. Distribution of violent behavior before and after intervention and the statistical result Violent Behavior n % Statistical Test Result* Pre-test Low Moderate High 5 15 4 20.8 83.3 16.7 p= 0.000 Post-test Low Moderate High 15 8 1 62.5 33.3 4.2 *Marginal Homogeneity Test R. SKHARNINDA ET AL. 576 | pISSN: 1858-3598 � eISSN: 2502-5791 the importance of this story which will later be given to children. The other study by (Indonesia, 2016) in the journal about Differences in Aggressive Behavior of Male and Female Students also showed that 38% male students with the aggressive behavior in the moderate level, while only 36% female students are in the same level. The results of research by (Dewi, 2014) through Listening to Stories in one of kindergarten in Sleman, Central Java, Indonesia, obtained the results that applying storytelling is very capable of reducing or controlling aggressive behavior in children. This is also supported by research by (Kelas et al., 2015) using the Classroom Action Research Method. The results showed that there is a more positive change in behavior that can be seen from how children begin to apologize when the they did something wrong and started showing good behavior. Moreover, the children tend to repay bad behavior he got from his friends, they began to understand how it would affect if they did good or bad behavior, and also began to decrease for actions that could physically hurt. It was stated that there is an effect of giving prosocial-themed story to decrease aggressive behavior. This is marked by changes in the frequency graphs of aggressive behavior which decreases during 10 times giving prosocial-themed story. In addition, in the process of giving a pro-themed fairy tale, it was found that the aggressive behavior of the subject in the form of hitting his friend only appeared when the subject was provoked by his friend (Dongeng & Prososial, 2009). In a research article by (Mashar & Sulistiyowati, 2017) entitled Story in Reducing Childhood Aggression Behavior, the researchers used 12 kinds of metaphorical stories consisting of 3 action cycles, showing the results if storytelling is effective in reducing aggressive behavior. The subject of violent behavior even decreased by 70% within 6 weeks of treatment. This research is in line with (Gonçalves et al., 2017) which said that the effect of storytelling on aggressive behavior in children has a beneficial effect or an effect that leads to positive thing in reducing the amount of violent or aggressive behavior in children. Moreover, it also showed that storytelling reduces anxiety and provides excitement, self-confidence, and relaxation. Storytelling stimulates creativity, language, and memory, promotes healthy development and coping processes in social disorganization situations. These results are in line with research by (Asl et al., 2015) that storytelling has a significant impact on reducing behavior and aggression in children. Or in other words storytelling becomes an activity / intervention that can help children to control their aggression behavior. By showing aggressive behavior and its consequences, through stories and characters or character personality patterns for children, they can improve or reduce their behavior patterns. It can also be done by discussing the contents of the story and also remind them to need to avoid selfishness, gain the necessary knowledge, feel the behavior and achieve balance. The function of storytelling becomes more prominent, for children, because they cannot easily identify and express their thoughts and feelings. This is why telling stories is one of the excellent methods for children's emotional development. These results are in line with research conducted by (Musavi & Hejazi, 2016) that there are significant differences before and after the story is given, and the story is one effective way to prevent aggressive behavior in children. The main reason the researchers used the method story that aims to reduce aggression behavior is to attract the attention of children through the characters in the story where the character plays a variety of right or wrong behaviors and also story telling is one of the effective tools in providing direction to change children's behavior. CONCLUSION It can be concluded that there is a storytelling effect on the ability to control violent behavior in early childhood. There is an effect of storytelling on the ability to control violent behavior in early childhood among students of one of Islamic kindergarten in Semarang. It can be recommend for institutions, the storytelling method can be used as daily learning because learning is not only about academics but also attitudes. CONFLICT OF INTEREST In this study, there were no conflicts of interest among the researchers and participants involved in the research activity process. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research can be carried out with the support of several parties, for that the researcher would like to thank the Rector of Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang, Indonesia, Deans of the Faculty of Nursing and all academic and supporting staff, and also the respondents for the contribution. REFERENCES Asl, N. S., Naderi, F., & Makvandi, B. (2015). The Effect of Storytelling on behavioral problems ( aggression- withdrawal ) of preschoolers ’ in Ahvaz. 5, 353–357. Dewi, E. T. R. (2014). Upaya Mengatasi munculnya Tingkah Laku Agresif Anak melalui Mendengarkan Cerita di Kelompok B TK ABA Tegal Doman Tempel Sleman. Dongeng, P., & Prososial, B. (2009). 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