210 MEDIA PORNOGRAFI DAN PENGARUH TEMAN SEBAYA DALAM PERILAKU SEKS REMAJA (Pornographic Media and Peer’s Influence Towards Sexual Behavior among Teenagers) Murdiningsih * , Rosnani ** , Hidayat Arifin *** * Lecturer; Department of Midwifery, Polytechnic of Health Palembang ** Lecturer; Department of Nursing Polytechnic of Health Palembang *** Bachelor Student; Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga Email: murdiningsih@poltekkespalembang.ac.id ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Masalah yang terkait dengan perilaku seksual yang tidak aman pada remaja disebabkan oleh hubungan seksual pranikah dengan pasangan usia mereka sendiri. Peningkatan kejadian seks pranikah disebabkan oleh perkembangan melalui penggambaran media adegan seks dalam bentuk televisi, majalah, klip video, media online, dan film. Di Musi Banyuasin terdapat 7.754 siswa SMA serta banyak siswa yang putus sekolah karena hamil diluar nikah. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan media pornografi dan pengaruh teman sebaya terhadap perilaku seksual pada remaja di sekolah tinggi. Metode: Penelitian observasional dengan cross sectional dan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi adalah siswa SMA di Kabupaten Musi Bayuasin. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah menggunakan multistage random sampling diperoleh 393 sampel. Analisis bivariat, chi-square. Hasil: Menunjukkan adanya korelasi antara pengaruh teman sebaya dengan perilaku seksual remaja memiliki p-value (0,000). Tidak ada hubungan antara media pornografi dengan perilaku seksual karena hasilnya lebih dari p- value (0,05). Diskusi: Diperlukan untuk diberikan pengetahuan dan bantuan kepada remaja tentang positif dan kreatif hal dan pengawasan orang tua untuk anak-anak mereka untuk memiliki teman dan menghindari perilaku seksual yang tidak aman. Kata Kunci: Pengaruh Teman Sebaya, Media Pornografi, Perilaku Seks Tidak Aman, Remaja ABSTRACT Introduction: The problems associated with unsafe sexual behavior in teenagers are caused by premarital sexual intercourse with a partner of their own age. Increased incidence of premarital sex is caused by the development through media depictions of sex scenes in the form of television, magazines, video clips, online media, and films. In Musi Banyuasin there are 7754 high school students, many students have dropped out of school because they get pregnant before marriage. The aim study was to investigate the correlation between pornographic media and the influence of peers towards teenager’s sexual behavior in high school. Method: Observational research with cross sectional and quantitative approach. The population was high school students in Musi Banyuasin Regency. Sampling technique was using multistage random sampling obtained 393 samples. Bivariate analysis, chi-square Result: the result showed a correlation between the influence of peers with adolescent sexual behavior has p-value (0,000). There was no relationship between media pornography with sexual behavior because the result more than p-value (0,05). Discussion: Necessary to be given knowledge and assistance to teenagers about positively and creatively thing and supervision of parents to their children in order to have friends and avoid unsafe sexual behavior. Key words: The Influence of Peers, Pornographic Media, Unsafe Sexual, Adolescent _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION Various institutions in Indonesia for the period of 1993-2002, found that five to tenth percent of teenagers aged 16-24 years have had sexual intercourse before marriage (Hasmi 2011). One of the problems caused by premarital sex is an unwanted pregnancy. Pregnancy at a young age, in terms of reproductive health, is a kind of high risk both in pregnancy and childbirth. Psychologically, sex before marriage is also bringing the perpetrators experienced changes (Kusmiran & Eny 2012). The globalization of information through the media in the form of sexual exploitation on television, magazines, videos, online media and movies encourage teenagers assume that free sex activities may be done by anyone, anywhere regardless of the norms and ethics (Annisa et al. 2013). Another factor that led to premarital sexual behavior in teenagers according to (Oktiva & Yayuk, 2010) in (Kencana & Rida, 2011) is a peer influence. Teenagers are very influenced by their peer groups, so they must follow all the pressures from their peers when they want to maintain their status in the group. This behavior is an attempt to meet the needs of teens in relationships with others, especially if those needs are not met within the family (Notoadmodjo, 2010). Reproductive health survey data of Indonesian adolescent and the National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN) showed mailto:murdiningsih@poltekkespalembang.ac.id Jurnal Ners Vol. 11 No. 2 Oktober 2016: 210-212 211 as many as 5912 women aged 15-19 years at national level had sexual intercourse. While men in the same age totally 6578, or 3.7% have had sex. But surprisingly the case of pre-marital sex is actually happening in the countryside. Urban 0.9%, while rural 1.7% (BKKBN 2012). Child Protection Commission (KPA) in 2008 showed 62.7% of middle and high school teenagers have had sex before marriage, 93.7% of teenagers had done kissing, oral sex and genital stimulation. Then 97% of teenagers had watched a porn movie, 25% of teenagers had an abortion because because of unwanted pregnancy (Kumalasari & Inthan 2013). METHOD The study was used cross-sectional approach. The populations were teenagers aged 15-18 years who were students of high school in the Musi Banyuasin Regency in 2014 amounted to 7754 students. The total samples obtained were 393 students. Data were analyzed using chi square test and kolmogorov smirnov. RESULT Table 1. Distribution of Correlation Between Influence of Peers with Sexual Behavior among Teenagers Influence of Peers Sexual Behavior Total % Good Bad n % n % Influenced Uninfluenced 39 89 21 43 147 118 79 57 186 207 100 100 p-value = 0,000 OR =0,352 Table 2. Distribution of Correlation Between Exposure of Pornographic Media with Sexual Behavior Pornography Exposure Sexual Behavior Total % Good Bad n % n % Ever Never 200 65 65,8 73 104 24 34,2 27 304 89 100 100 p-value = 0,248 OR =0,710 Based on table 1 and 2, majority teenagers were had good sexual behavior (67.4%), influenced by their peer group (52.7%), and have been exposed to pornography (77.4%). Using chi square test, the p-value for the correlation between peer influence and sexual behavior among teenagers was 0.000 with Odds Ratio (OR) 0.352. It means students were included influence 0.35 times more likely to sexually behave well. The correlation between pornography exposure and sexual behavior had the p-value 0.248 that indicates no correlation between those variables. The OR was 0.710 which means students were included ever seen pornographic media 0.71 times more likely to sexually behave well. DISSCUSSION Based on table 1, there was correlation beetwen influenced of peers with unsafe sexual behaviour of teenagers. It was becaue teenagers were not stay with parents, so the have more time with their peers and have pottential to influence unsafe sexual behavior because less control of parents. The research had similar result with (Maryatun & Nur 2013) that teenagers at SMA Muhammadiah Surakarta III had correlation beetween peers with unsafe sexual behavior (p-value 0,001; OR 19,723). Based on (Nugroho et al. 2015)’s research, the subjects were teeangers in courtship. Even thought major teenagers in courtship have’nt risk in unsafe sexual behavior category, but there were teenagers in courtship had unsafe sexual behavior. Peers, teacher, and parrents must support teenager by giving suggestion, advice, and good verbal communication. Parrents have important roles in education and monitoring of teenagers sexual behavior. Based on (Eka 2012)’s research, showed teenagers with good education in family about sexual behavior that will caused good sexual behavior as many as 62,1%. Table 2 showed that there was no correlation bettwen pornography media with saxual behavior. It was supported by many factors: the location of Musi Banyuasin is suburbs; limited internet access; limited media to operate internet; at school teenagers were banned use handphone. The research had similar result with (Abadi & Rizky 2015) that there was no correlation between pornography media access with sexual behavior, it was because the location at suburbs of Malang. Media Pornografi dan Pengaruh Teman Sebaya (Murdiningsih, dkk.) 212 Base on (Ririn et al. 2011), this result was different and explained there was correlation between information resource (internet, TV, handphoe, VCD, porn video, poster, etc.) with sexual behavior (p-value 0,022). The similar result of (Annisa et al. 2013), there was correlation between access of pornographic media with sexual behavior before married (p- value 0,022). Pratiwi & Ayu (2014) had explained that need the government’s role to block sites or pornographic content in the internet and supported with (Amelia & Hafied 2011) that there were three things to help how pornography or pornographic sites can be removed include: self-controlling; the existence of the regulation or policy; and in cooperation with the satellite operator and provider in Indonesia CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Conclusion More leisure time of teenagers with peers can give effect to do unsafe sexual behavior (masturbation, kiss, hug, hold or touch sensitive parts, petting, oral sex and intercourse). Recommendation Parents and families need to provide care and controlled to teenagers who don’t stay at home (lodging house) or stay at home, so teenagers are more selective in choosing friends to avoid unsafe sexual behavior. REFERENCIES Abadi & Rizky, A., 2015. 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