ISSN 0000-0000 p-ISSN: 1858-3598 e-ISSN: 2502-5791 Accredited by Decree of The Directorate General of Higher Education The Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia No: 64a/DIKTI/KEP/2010 Jurnal Ners is a scientific peer reviewed nursing journal which publishes original research and scholarship relevant to nursing and other health related professions, published by Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia, in collaboration with Indonesian National Nurses Association, East Java Province. Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Nursalam, M.Nurs (Hons) Editor: Ferry Efendi, S.Kep., Ns., M.Sc., PhD Retnayu Pradanie, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep. Praba Diyan Rachmawati, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep. Laily Hidayati, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep Technical Editor: Gading Ekapuja Aurizki, S.Kep., Ns. Nadia Rohmatul Laily, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep. Lingga Curnia Dewi, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep. Dimas Dwi Arbi, S.Kom. EDITORIAL ADDRESS: Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga Campus C Jln. Mulyorejo 60115 East Java, Indonesia Phone/fax: (031) 5913257, 5913257, +62 812-5952-8787 E-mail: Website: Publication Schedule Jurnal Ners is published semi-annually (April and October). Manuscript Submission The manuscript should be written in Ms. Word format. Figure, illustration, and picture are included in manuscript file. Submit manuscript directly to Jurnal Ners will automatically reject any manuscript submitted via email or hardcopy. Manuscript Publishing The Editorial Board determines feasible manuscript after obtaining recommendations from peer reviewers. Manuscript revision is author responsibility, and manuscripts that are not feasible will be returned to the author. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO REVIEWERS The Editors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the following people, who reviewed manuscripts for Jurnal Ners, Vol. 12 No. 2 October 2017. 1. Dr. Abu Bakar, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB. Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia 2. Prof. Angeline Bushy, PhD, RN, PHCNS- BC, FAAN University of Central Florida, United States 3. Anna Kurniati, S.KM, MA BPPSDMK, Ministry of Health, Indonesia 4. Dr. Chong Mei Chan University of Malaya, Malaysia 5. Elida Ulfiana, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep. Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia 6. Joko Gunawan, PhD (Cand.) Chulalongkorn University, Thailand 7. Dr. Kai-Li Chen Tajen University, Taiwan 8. Kusman Ibrahim, S.Kp., MNS, Ph.D Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia 9. Prof. Lisa McKenna, PhD, RN, RM, FACN La Trobe University, Australia 10. Pei-Lun Hsieh, MSN, RN, PhD (Cand.) National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan 11. Pi-Ming Yeh, BS, MS, PhD, RN Missouri Western State University, United States 12. Dr. Retno Indarwati, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep. Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia 13. Sam Miller, B.A. (Hons.), Pg Dip Clin Ed La Trobe University, Australia 14. S. Suriadi, AWCS, PhD Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Keperawatan Muhammadiyah, Indonesia 15. Susy Katikana Sebayang, Ph.D Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia 16. Dr. Takdir Tahir, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes. Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia 17. Dr. Teuku Tahlil, S.Kp., MS. Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia 18. Dr. Titin Andri Wihastuti, S.Kp., M.Kes. Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia 19. Dr. Wendy Abigail Flinders University, Australia 20. Ya-Ping Yang, Ph.D Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan p-ISSN: 1858-3598 e-ISSN: 2502-5791 Accredited by Decree of The Directorate General of Higher Education The Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia No: 64a/DIKTI/KEP/2010 TABLE OF CONTENT 21. The Improvement of Student Competency in a Clinical Study in Indonesia: What Factors Played an Important Role? Muhammad Hadi, Achir Yani S Hamid, Sudijanto Kamso, Sutoto Sutoto, Ahmad Watik Pratiknya, Nursalam Nursalam, Ferry Efendi 151-157 22. Development of Supervision Model based Experiential Learning for the Implementation of Patient Safety Goals at Teaching Hospital in Surabaya Ita Maulidiawati, Nursalam Nursalam, Hanik Endang Nihayati 158-163 23. Improving the Services Quality of Educational Staff Based on Satisfaction and Loyalty Analysis of Nursing Students Fresty Africia, Stefanus Supriyanto, Tiyas Kusumaningrum 164-170 24. Development of Model on Mothers Self-Efficacy in Preventing Recurrence of Non- Pneumonia Acute Respiratory Infection among Toddlers Eliza Zihni Zatihulwani, Tintin Sukartini, Ilya Krisnana 171-179 25. Family Process with Breast Cancer Patient in Indonesia Sarah Kartika Wulandari, Yanti Hermayanti, Ahmad Yamin, Ferry Efendi 180-188 26. The Effect of Education on Parents' "Speak Up" Knowledge Regarding Patients Safety in Hospital Septy Nur Aini, Sri Mulatsih, Patricia Suti Lasmani 189-195 27. Physical Function–Tardive Dyskinesia (PATD) on Critical Patients in Intensive Care Unit Heru Suwardianto, Selvia David Richard, Awal Prasetyo, Reni Sulung Utami 196-204 28. The Effectiveness of a Pain Management Program on Intensify of Pain and Quality of Life Among Cancer Patients in Myanmar Hein Thu, Tintin Sukartini 205-211 29. Improving Nursing Work Services through Development Model of Quality of Nursing Work Life Tri Ismu Pujiyanto, Suprihati Suprihati, Nursalam Nursalam, Anastasia Ediyati 212-218 30. The Development of a Six Sigma–Based Ulcus Decubitus Prevention Model to Respond to Adverse Events Martini Sriwulaningdyah, Erna Dwi Wahyuni 219-224 31. The Elderly’s Satisfaction with the Service Quality of a Community Geriatric Health Programme in Indonesia: a Cross-Sectional Study Nursalam Nursalam, Mochamad Cholid Hanafi, Elida Ulfiana 225-232 32. Relationship Between Proactive Coping and Self-Care Management in Patient with Pulmonary Tuberculosis Tintin Sukartini, Febrina Ramadhani, Laily Hidayati 233-238 33. Quality of Life and Characteristics of Colostomy Patients Kusman Ibrahim, SKp., MNS., PhD, Ayu Prawesti Priambodo, Aan Nur’aeni, Sri Hendrawati 239-246 34. Protective Effects of Catechins Isolate From GMB4 Clone Green Tea Against EPC In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Yuly Peristiowati 247-252 35. A Comparative Study of the Effects of Vibration and Electrical Stimulation Therapies on the Acceleration of Wound Healing in Diabetic Ulcers Yunita Sari, S. Saryono, Eman Sutrisna, H. Hartono 253-260 36. Analysis of the Associated Factors of Boarding Time in Yellow Zone Patients in Emergency Department Ahsan Ahsan, Fitrio Deviantony, Setyoadi Setyoadi 261-266 37. Development of Leadership and Communication Skill Model on Midwifery Students in Physiological Delivery Practice Sri Utami, Rekawati Susilaningrum, Susilorini Susilorini 267-277 38. Effectiveness of Health Education Family Planning Guidelines on Health Beliefs and Behaviours Regarding Family Planning Methods Among Married Men in Myanmar Zay Yar Tun, Tintin Sukartini 278-285 39. Self-Care Needs in Patients with Physical Immobilization Novia Shinthia Dewie, Eka Misbahatul Mar'ah Has 286-295 40. Competence of the Civil Service Police Unit (CSPU) in providing Emergency First Aid Assistance Widodo Widodo, Sumardino Sumardino, Akhmad Rifai 296-300 EDITORIAL The nurses have the high load works because of the high demand of healthcare services as well as the shortage of the nurse professionals. Universal health coverage implementation in Indonesia improve the access which leading to high utilization of health services. This situation would impact to high demand services from the customer side. Discussing about the shortage, recent data from Asia Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies Review, in 2011, Indonesia’s ratio of nurses to population was the lowest among countries in Asian region. There are only three provinces, i.e. Central Java, East Java, and West Java, which achieve the minimum ratio recommended by WHO (1.58 nurses per 1000 population). Moreover, the ratio in other provinces are still less than 1.00 which indicates that it can be a serious problem. Furthermore, the high load lead to the increasing of burnout syndrome among nurses remain an important agenda. There are several factors related to the burnout including mental and emotional exhaustion and the lack of supporting system in the working environment. In responding this issue, Christina Maslach, a Professor Emerita of Psychology at the University of California at Berkeley, had developed a new perspective on burnout which is different and more valuable than the prior concept. She invented the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) which is widely used to measure burnout syndrome worldwide. The concept has broad contributions for healthcare services in general and the nurses’ welfare specifically. As this problem evolves into a serious issue both nationally and internationally, the policymaker also plays important role in creating the practical solutions to prevent the burnout occurrence and decrease its prevalence. Besides, there are a lot of unexplored topics regarding the burnout syndrome. Therefore, in supporting the decision making process, intensive research related to that topic is required. We encourage the researchers and academicians to conduct the research in order to provide evidence-based practices in decreasing the burnout cases in primary healthcare services, hospital, and other settings. We hope that these attempts could improve the healthcare services in Indonesia and enhance the nurses’ performance.