6 jpjo 5 (1) (2020) 6-9 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga available online at: https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/article/view/23181 doi: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpjo.v5i1.23181 the effect of creatine supplement on the kidney function of dragon boat athletes pipit pitriani*, hamidie ronald ray daniel ray, jajat darajat fakultas pendidikan olahraga dan kesehatan, universitas pendidikan indonesia article info article history : received december 2019 revised december 2019 accepted february 2019 available online april 2020 keywords : creatine, creatinine level, urea level abstract konsumsi kreatin suplemen di kalangan atlet amatir dan profesional semakin meningkat. tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh suplemen kreatin terhadap fungsi ginjal atlet dragon boat. 12 orang atlet dragon boat dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, satu kelompok yang mengkonsumsi kreatin dan satu kelompok tanpa asupan kreatin (placebo). suplemen kreatin diberikan dengan dosis loading 20gr/hari, frekuensi pemberian 3-4x sehari. pada minggu kedua dosis diturunkan menjadi 15 gr/ hari. suplemen kreatin dikonsumsi selama 5 minggu. kadar ureum dan kreatinin darah diambil dari vena median cubital lengan dengan menggunakan spuit 3cc. hasil penelitian didapatkan pemberian suplemen kreatin berpengaruh signifikan meningkatkan kadar ureum dan kreatinin dalam darah. walau terdapat peningkatan kadar ureum dan kreatinin dalam darah namun jumlahnya masih dalam batas normal, sehingga perlu diantisipasi dengan asupan cairan yang memadai. abstract the consumption of creatine supplement among amateur and professional athletes is increasing. the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of creatine supplementation on the kidney function of dragon boat athletes. 12 dragon boat athletes were divided into 2 groups, including one group that consumed creatine supplement and one group without creatine intake (placebo). creatine supplement was given at a loading dose of 20gr/day. the frequency of creatine supplement intake was 3-4x a day. in the second week, the dose was reduced into 15 gr/day. creatine supplements were consumed for 5 weeks. blood urea and creatinine were taken from the median cubital vein of the arm by using a 3cc syringe. the results showed that creatine supplementation had a significant effect in increasing the level of blood urea and creatinine. although there were increases in urea and creatinine levels in the blood, the amount was still within normal limits. therefore, it should be anticipated by taking a sufficient water intake.  correspondence address : jln. dr. setiabudhi 229. bandung. indonesia e-mail : pipitpitriani@upi.edu, http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 7 pipit pitriani et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) introduction an athlete's physical fitness is a factor that cannot be separated from the success of an athlete to achieve optimal performance so that maximum performance can be achieved. cardiorespiratory endurance, body composition, muscle strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility influence physical fitness (spain and don franks, 2001). these components of physical fitness will be maximized if they practice and get enough nutrition. every athlete needs various kinds of nutrients to provide energy during training and also to repair damaged muscle mass and increase muscle mass. carbohydrates, protein, and fat are the main nutrients that play a role in the process. at present, many kinds of nutrients have been made that can improve the performance of athletes called ergogenic aids (tokish, kocher and hawkins, 2004; maughan, 2005) (maughan, 2005; tokish, kocher, & hawkins, 2004). one ergogenic aid is often used is a creatine supplement (bird, 2003; kraemer and volek, 2005). creatine is one of the most popular substances in athletes and bodybuilders worldwide (antonio and ciccone, 2013). more than 4 million kg and $ 200 million in the food supplement industry are allocated to creatine every year. statistical data in 2014 show that 14% of us college athletes are creatine consumers (smith, agharkar and gonzales, 2014). creatine is naturally produced by the liver from 2 amino acids, glycine, and arginine (n[aminoiminomethyl] n-methyl a piturglycine). creatine can also come from meat and fish. muscles take creatine from the blood circulation and convert it into a compound called phosphocreatine by using the enzyme creatine kinase (lemon, 2009). phosphocreatine can produce energy by releasing adenosine triphosphate (atp). creatine supplementation causes storage in the muscles and as a result, there is more phosphocreatine and atp formation. high atp can increase performance and muscle mass especially in extensive sports (casey and greenhaff, 2000; timmons et al., 2017). currently, many studies explain the positive effects of creatine supplements, but not many studies explain the side effects of creatine use in dragon boat athletes. for this reason, the researchers want to investigate the effect of using creatine supplements on the kidney function of dragon boat athletes. methods the research design used in this study is an experimental pre-post control group design. the population in this study are female dragon boat athletes in west java. twelve female athletes are sampled with aged over 16 years and they are divided into two groups. one group is given a creatine supplement, the other group is given a placebo (control group). creatine supplement is consumed for 5 weeks with a loading dose of 20gr/day for 7 days, the frequency of administration is 3-4 times per day of each 5gr creatine is dissolved in the water approximately 1 liter. in the second week, the dose is reduced to 15 gr/day. the study is conducted in jatiluhur purwakarta reservoir, in august-november 2019. blood urea and creatine levels are examined before and after the intervention. the blood samples are taken from the median cubital arm by using a 3cc syringe. it is then stored in an edta blood sample tube. urea levels are examined by using the kinetic test method with urease and glutamate dehydrogenase. creatine levels are examined for enzymatic colorimetric methods by using the indiko plus tool. the data analysis uses independent sample t test. result the data from the characteristics of the subjects obtain the average age in the creatine group is 20.33 ± 4.61 years, while in the control group is 18.3 ± 1.88 years. the average has a normal body mass index copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 characteristicts creatine (x±sd) control (x±sd) age (year) 20.33±4.61 18.3±1.88 weight (kg) 55±2.88 57.86±6.59 height (cm) 159.83±4.29 162.8±8.23 bmi (kg/m 2 ) 21.54±1.07 21.79±1.62 td systole (mmhg) 101.67±6.87 110±10 td diastole (mmhg) 61.67±3.73 68.33±3.72 table 1. char acter istics of subjects 8 (bmi) of 21.54 ± 1.07 kg / m2 in the creatine group and 21.79 ± 1.62 kg / m2 in the control group. systolic/ diastolic blood pressure in the creatine and control groups is still within normal limits (101.67 ± 6.87 / 61.67 ± 3.73 mmhg vs 110 ± 10 / 68.33 ± 3.72 mmhg). the results of the study reveals that creatine supplementation significantly increase blood urea levels (p <0.05) from 16.06mg / dl to 24.91mg / dl (figure 1). for the control group, there are no significant changes in urea levels. blood creatinine levels also experience a significant increase (p <0.05) in the creatine supplementation given group from 0.76 mg / dl to 0.88 mg / dl. discussion this study aims to determine the effect of creatine supplementation on kidney function in west java dragon boat athletes. creatine is an ergogenic aid that is popularly used by athletes from various sports (cooper et al., 2012). this creatine can be found in natural food such as beef and fish (timmons et al., 2017). creatine can be converted to creatinine in skeletal and hepatic muscle by nonenzymatic hydrolysis. creatinine serum is a classic marker of kidney function. creatinine serum concentrations can increase by as much as 50% within 2 hours after consuming meat and still increase for up to 24 hours in normal people or those with kidney disorders. (preiss et al., 2007; nair et al., 2014). the results of the study find a significant effect of the intake of creatine supplements on the increase in urea and blood creatinine. creatine supplementation is carried out for 5 weeks with a loading dose of 20 grams per day with a frequency of giving 3-4 times a day. the results of the research on the influence of creatine on kidney function vary greatly. creatine supplementation causes an increase in creatinine urea levels in mice that have cysts in their kidneys (edmunds et al., 2001). meanwhile, other studies state that there is no significant effect on kidney function in mice that have previously experienced kidney failure (taes et al., 2003). likewise, mayhew (2002) shows that creatine consumption of 5gr / day to 20gr / day for 0.25 to 5.6 years do not have a long-term adverse effect on the renal function index under study including urea serum and clearance of creatinine and creatinine in football players in america (mayhew, mayhew and ware, 2002). schilling (2001) shows that long-term creatine consumption (0.8 to 4 years) with an average loading of 13.7 ± 10.0gr / day and a maintenance dose of 9.7 ± 5.7gr / day can only increase creatinine serum concentration within the normal range (schilling et al., 2001). with the many different results obtained in other studies, it is recommended that the athlete with preexisting kidney disease or those who have potential risk for kidney dysfunction such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and proteinuria should not consume creatine (davani-davari et al., 2018). conclusion creatine supplementation affects kidney function. however, blood urea and creatinine levels are still within normal limits. further research needs to see how the effect of creatine supplementation with different doses on kidney function, liver and body metabolic processes in athletes who do active exercise. creatine supplements are consumed to improve sports performance but they need to be used at appropriate doses and athletes who consume these supplements do not have impaired copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 pipit pitriani et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 9 kidney function. in addition to consuming creatine, adequate fluid intake is needed so that it does not overload the kidneys. acknowledgement we would like to deliver our gratitude to lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (lppm) upi as the funding source of the study. we would also deliver our sincere gratitude to all participants who had involved in the study. references antonio, j. and ciccone, v. 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(o’ brien, belton, & issartel, 2016b). anak-anak memiliki potensi pengembangan untuk menguasai sebagian besar keterampilan gerakan fundamental pada usia 6 tahun. studi aktivitas fisik dan gizi menyarankan anak-anak seharusnya telah menguasai keterampilan gerak fundamental pada usia 9-10 tahun sebelum masuk ke tahap selanjutanya (hardy, king, espinel, cosgrove, & bauman, 2010). kontribusi positif yang diberikan dari keterampilan gerak fundamental akan mendukung kompetensi keterampilan sosial, kognitif dan afektif (tsangaridou, 2012). dengan memiliki keterampilan gerak fundamental baik maka seseorang dapat melakukan berbagai cabang olahraga dengan baik sehingga partisipasi anak akan meningkat dan menciptakan gaya hidup aktif. selain itu prestasi olahraga dapat diraih jika para atlet memiliki landasan keterampilan gerak fundamental yang baik. untuk menunjang pengembangan keterampilan gerak fundamental perlu adanya program aktivitas fisik. aktivitas fisik yang dapat dilakukan salah satunya melalui permainan tradisional. permainan tradisional merupakan bagian dari tatanan kehidupan masyarakat di indonesia. permainan tradisional pada dasarnya adalah kegiatan bersifat menghibur yang menggunakan alat sederhana atau tanpa alat. permainan tradisional umumnya dimainkan anak-anak pada waktu senggang dilingkungan sekitarnya. permainan tradisional menjadi salah satu aktivitas yang menyenangkan bagi anakanak. dalam setaiap permainannya anak-anak akan dituntut untuk selalu bergerak. keunggulan inilah yang dimiliki permainan tradiosional, selain menyenangkan anak-anak menjadi aktif bergerak. bermain memberikan berbagai keuntungan bagi anak-anak. bermain mempengaruhi perkembangan anak secara keseluruhan. berpikir dikembangkan dalam permainan, dari yang konkret ke abstrak, dan menuntun seorang anak ke penalaran logis. bermain mempengaruhi komunikasi anak dengan orang lain dan memotivasi imajinasi dan kreativitas anak. dalam sebuah permainan, seorang anak mengembangkan kemampuan tubuh karena kebutuhannya akan gerakan terpenuhi. bermain adalah kegiatan yang sulit tetapi juga menyenangkan. penting bagi seorang anak yang menghabiskan waktu paling banyak dalam bermain (kovacevic & opic, 2014). studi menunjukkan bahwa program aktivitas fisik setelah sekolah melalui permainan yang terorganisasi rendah dapat mendukung peningkatan moderat dalam kemampuan keterampilan gerak fundamental pada anak -anak. pelatihan yang lebih baik dari para pemimpin program setelah sekolah tentang cara mengajar keterampilan gerak fundamental mungkin diperlukan untuk membantu anak-anak memperoleh kecakapan yang cukup dalam keterampilan gerak fundamental (burrows, keats, & kolen, 2014). penelitian lain menyebutkan bahwa keterampilan gerak fundamental mememiliki kontribusi positif terhadap kemampuan anak dalam bermain permainan invasi sederhana pada anak usia sekolah dasar (wibowo, r., nugraha, e., & sultoni, k., 2018). selain itu program fisik yang berfokus http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.13873 100 pada satu pelajaran pendidikan jasmani selama enam minggu memiliki manfaat positif pada keterampilan gerak fundamental (bryant, duncan, birch, & james, 2016). selain itu terdapat korelasi rendah hingga sedang antara aktivitas fisik sedang dan berat dengan keterampilan motorik lokomotor diantara total sampel, serta antara aktivitas fisik yang kuat dan keterampilan kontrol objek dalam sampel anak laki-laki. keterampilan motorik mendasar merupakan faktor penting untuk partisipasi anak-anak dalam kegiatan fisik terorganisir dan waktu luang. ada komitmen untuk mengembangkan keterampilan motorik mendasar pada anakanak, terutama keterampilan motorik objek kontrol pada anak perempuan (balaban, 2018). program aktivitas fisik dapat dapat dibuat dalam berbagai lingkungan baik di sekolah maupun di lingkungan masyarakat. lingkungan fisik dan sosial yang dibuat oleh prasekolah dapat memiliki dampak besar pada perkembangan fisik anak-anak. para penulis percaya bahwa pengaturan pengasuhan anak dapat memberikan lingkungan yang ideal untuk menekankan perkembangan pola gerakan yang akan digunakan sepanjang hidup (al, 2017). bermain adalah belajar. beberapa karakteristik utama bermain adalah hiburan dan bersenang-senang (golinkoff, hirsh-pasek, & singer, 2006). oleh karena itu, permainan adalah alat yang sangat penting untuk memungkinkan pembelajaran dengan cara yang 'menarik' atau baru. selain menjadi konteks dimana sebagian besar pembelajaran yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan anak-anak dapat terjadi, permainan juga menyediakan anak-anak dengan konteks untuk belajar tentang budaya mereka sendiri. dengan kata lain, permainan dapat menjadi alat yang efektif dan penting untuk pembelajaran budaya anak-anak. halk ini karena sebagian besar interaksi satu sama lain dipengaruhi oleh konteks budaya tempat mereka tinggal (neuliep, 2011). penelitian ini akan mencoba menerapkan permainan tradisional sebagai upaya dalam mengembangkan keterampilan gerak fundamental. bermain permainan tradisional menjaga kesehatan fisik, meningkatkan kondisi spiritual dan mental, dan melembagakan nilai-nilai budaya. permainan dianggap alat yang berharga untuk membentuk identitas nasional dan agama individu dan untuk mengatur nilai dan keyakinannya (dehkordi, 2017). namun demikian masih kurangnya studi yang menunjukan seberapa besar permainan tradisional dalam mengembangkan keterampilan gerak fundamental. oleh karena itu, dipandang perlu melakukan penelitian permainan tradisional yang berkaitan dengan keterampilan gerak fundamental. metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan the one group pretest-posttest desain (fraenkel, wallen, & hyun, 2012). populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa sekolah dasar kelas 3, dengan sampel sebanyak 84 orang (siswa laki-laki 51 orang dan siswa perempuan 33 orang rata-rata usia ± 9,15 tahun). teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. perlakuan dilakukan sebanyak 8 minggu dengan 2 jam setiap pertemuan dengan empat permainan yaitu galaasin, gatrik, bentengan, kasti, dan permainan penggaris. instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah test gross motor development (tgmd-2) second edition (ulrick, 2000) dengan tingkat signifikansi validitas 2,36 > t tabel 1,66 dan tingkat reliabilitas sebesar 0,876. enam jenis tes lokomotor yaitu run, gallop, hop, leap, horizontal jump dan slide. dan enam jenis tes object skill yaitu striking a stationary ball, stationary dribble, catch, kick, overhand throw, dan underhand roll. analisis dan pengolahan data menggunakan spps 21 dengan paired sample t-test. hasil dan pembahasan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari permainan tradisional terhadap keterampilan gerak fundamental siswa sekolah dasar. hal ini dapat terjadi karena karakteristik pada lima permainan tradisional yang diterapkan kepada http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index dedi supriadi / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.13873 paired differences mean std. dev 95% confidence interval of the difference lower upper t df sig (2tailed) fm pre post -6.85 9.47 -12.32 -1.38 -2.7 13 .004 tabel 1. hasil penelitian 101 siswa mampu mengembangkan keterampilan gerak fundamental. berdasarkan tabel 1 dapat dilihat bahwa signifikansi dari permainan tradisional terhadap keterampilan gerak dasar sebesar 0,04<0,05. ini menunjukan bahwa permainan tradisional memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keterampilan gerak fundamental. hal ini terjadi karena permainan tradisional dalam setap praktikanya mempraktikan baik berjalan, berlari, melompat, loncat, memukul bola, menangkap bola dan slide. melalui aktivitas-aktivitas ini secara langsung mengembangkan keterampilan gerak fundamental. hasil penelian ini sejalan dengan penelitian sebelumnya terkait program aktivitas permainan invasi sederhana yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keterampilan gerak fundamental (fadilah, m., & wibowo, r., 2018). selain itu masa anak-anak merupakan masa bermain, dimana anak senang bergerak dan berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan dan pertumbuhan (oktaria, 2017). perkembangan gerak akan berkembang jika didukung dengan aktivitas fisik yang berkeseinambungan salah satunya melalui permainan tradisional. melakukan permainan tradisional membutuhkan ketangkasan dan gerakan tubuh seperti mengayunkan lengan dan melompat. ini mendorong anak-anak untuk berolahraga dan meningkatkan koordinasi mata-tangan mereka (o’ brien et al., 2016b). peningkatan ini akan memudahkan siswa dalam melakukan aktivitas yang berkenaan dengan gerakan manipulatif. kemudian permainan tradisional disusun sedemikian rupa untuk secara langsung mempengaruhi perkembangan psikomotor, kognitif dan emosional seorang anak. mereka dapat mempengaruhi peningkatan fitur pemain tertentu dan secara positif mempengaruhi perkembangan mereka secara keseluruhan. setiap permainan yang dipilih terutama memengaruhi segmen tertentu dari perkembangan anak, tetapi juga pengembangan secara keseluruhan. permainan yang dinyatakan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan kognitif ketika para pemain diharuskan untuk berpikir dan menemukan solusi dengan menggunakan proses berpikir, dan realisasi ini dilengkapi oleh aktivitas fisik para peserta. pengaruh permainan tersebut pada perkembangan emosional dan sosial adalah penting karena mereka diimplementasikan dalam kelompok anakanak (kovacevic & opic, 2014). permainan tradisional secara integral mempengaruhi komptensi anak baik fisik, sosial maupun emosi dari anak-anak. tentunya dalam penelitian ini secara signifikan mampu meningkatkan keterampilan gerak fundamental. permainan tradisional memberikan peluang kepada anak untuk mengembangkan keterampilan fisiknya. peluang untuk meningkatkan koordinasi tubuh secara keseluruhan, kesadaran tubuh, dan keterampilan stabilitas pada anak laki-laki, dan keterampilan kontrol objek pada anak perempuan dengan dukungan yang ditargetkan dalam keterampilan tertentu (pienaar, van reenen, & weber, 2016). bermain permainan tradisional memberikan manfaat kepada anak baik dari aspek fisik, psikologis maupun sosial. motor play adalah aktivitas fisik, seperti berlari, melompat, berayun dan memanjat. kegiatan ini membantu mengembangkan jantung dan paru-paru yang kuat, dan otot yang kuat dan lentur. mereka mendorong anak-anak agar bugar dan sehat. kesimpulan permainan tradisonal secara langsung dapat mengembangkan keterampilan gerak fundamental. hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari permainan tradisional terhadap keterampilan gerak fundamental siswa sekolah dasar. permainan tradisional dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu cara dalam mengembangkan keterampilan gerak fundamental terutama bagi siswa sekolah dasar. selain itu, pembelajaran melalui permainan tradisional dapat dijadikan cara dalam melestarikan budaya bangsa. penelitian selanjutnya diharapakn dapat meneliti aspek lain 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pendekatan penelitian tindakan kelas. subjek dalam penelitian yaitu berjumlah sebanyak 37 orang siswa kelas v sekolah dasar. penelitian ini dilakukan dalam tiga siklus, dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, lembar observasi siswa, kuisioner, dan hasil belajar siswa. hasil penelitian ini adalah adanya peningkatan hasil belajar passing bawah bolavoli siswa kelas v sekolah dasar melalui permainan 3 on 3 dengan jumlah prosentase 82% yang tergolong tinggi dalam klasifikasi prosentase ketuntasan. abstract the purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of game 3 on 3to improve leaning outcomes under passing the volleyball game. this study uses a classroom action research approach. the subject of this research is amounted 37 students of class v of elementary school. this research was conducted in three cycles, using instruments in the form of learning implementation plans, student observation sheets, questionnaires, and student learning outcomes. the results of this study were an increase in learning outcomes under passing the volleyball game students of class v of elementary school through the game 3 on 3 with a percentage of 82% classified as high in the percentage percentage of completeness.  alamat korespondensi : jl. kh. ahmad dahlan no. 76 kota kediri, indonesia e-mail : tribagusagiasta@gmail.com issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12414 162 tri bagus agiasta dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) pendahuluan pendidikan jasmani merupakan pendidikan yang melibatkan aktivitas fisik guna memperoleh kemampuan dan keterampilan jasmani. pendidikan jasmani merupakan bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan manusia, melalui pendidikan jasmani manusia dapat belajar lebih banyak hal yang berhubungan dengan afektif, kongnitif, dan psikomotor yang merupakan bekal manusia untuk mencapai tujuan hidup (hanief & sugito, 2015). namun, perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih, menyebabkan beberapa elemen kehidupan bergeser. tidak sedikit siswa sekolah dasar yang asyik dengan game online, playstation, smartphone dan beberapa teknologi canggih lainnya. hal ini disebabkan oleh banyak faktor. keadaan ini menjadi pekerjaan rumah (pr) bagi guru, terutama guru penjasorkes. pendidikan jasmani dianggap sebagai mata pelajaran yang paling tepat untuk keluar dari situasi saat ini. materi yang disampaikan guru melalui aktivitas gerak, akan memaksa siswa lepas dari berbagai macam gadget. sehingga guru harus mampu mendesain materi pelajaran agar menarik perhatian siswa dan mengalahkan ketertarikan siswa pada gadget. sesuai dengan karakteristik siswa sd, 6 – 12 tahun kebanyakan dari mereka cenderung masih suka bermain. untuk itu guru harus mampu mengembangkan pembelajaran yang efektif, disamping harus memahami dan memperhatikan karakteristik dan kebutuhan siswa (arifin, 2017). anak usia sekolah dasar sedang berada dalam masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dimana anak usia sekolah dasar mempunyai potensi yang sangat besar untuk mengoptimalkan segala aspek perkembangan. maka dari itu diperlukan bimbingan dan perhatian khusus, terutama dari guru pendidikan jasmani yang didaulat untuk membina siswa dalam mengajar kemampuan gerak dasar (fadilah & wibowo, 2018). guru pendidikan jasmani perlu memiliki bekal pengetahuan tentang karakteristik peserta didik dan keterampilan dalam memformulasikan metode atau model pembelajaran yang dapat mendukung tercapainya tujuan dari pendidikan jasmani itu sendiri (suherman, 2016). penyusunan materi pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani hendaknya berdasarkan karakteristik siswa sekolah dasar. ciri yang paling dominan pada siswa sekolah dasar adalah bermain, maka guru juga dituntut untuk dapat mendesain materi pembelajaran menjadi sebuah permainan. bermain mempunyai keterkaitan dengan pendidikan. keterkaitan itu salah satunya adalah makna bermain dalam pendidikan. jadi bermain juga mengandung unsur pendidikan,dimana dalam melakukan permainan bisa melatih anak untuk lebih kreatif dalam menentukan sesuatu atau tindakakan, mengembangkan daya tangkap serta imajinasinya, dapat bekerja sama, melatih kejujuran meningkatkan jiwa sosial. bermain bagi anak usia enam sampai dengan 12 tahun merupakan cara efektif untuk belajar (pangestutik, h, & r.a., 2018). pembelajaran yang dirancang dalam bentuk permainan bertujuan untuk memenuhi hasrat gerak siswa yang di dalamnya terdapat unsur belajar, terlebih dalam mengikuti aktivitas belajar banyak hal yang dirasakan oleh para siswa mulai dari perubahan situasi lingkungan, teman baru, suasana pergaulan dalam konteks bermain yang menyenangkan, hingga situasi kedisiplinan dan tanggung jawab yang kadang dirasakan begitu mengikat atau dengan kata lain bermain sambil belajar (pambudi & pramudana, 2016). salah satu materi pendidikan jasmani di sekolah dasar yang dapat disajikan dalam bentuk permainan adalah bolavoli. aspek penting dan dominan dalam pembelajaran permainan bolavoli adalah penguasaan gerak (suherman, 2016). melalui aktivitas bermain, sangatlah tepat untuk mengembangkan keterampilan gerak dasar anak di sekolah dasar, karena pada dasarnya dunia anakanak adalah dunia bermain (hanief & sugito, 2015). salah satu permainan yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam permainan bolavoli adalah permainan 3 on 3. permainan 3 on 3 merupakan permainan bolavoli yang di modifikasi sedemikian rupa dari jumlah pemain, ukuran lapangan dan tinggi net dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam melakukan passing bawah bolavoli (indriyani, 2011). permainan ini diharapkan mampu menjadi solusi yang saat ini menjadi permasalahan pada siswa. berdasarkan hasil observasi awal yang dilakukan peneliti dengan wawancara dan diskusi dengan salah satu guru di sd negeri bangkok 2, peneliti menemukan beberapa temuan sehingga siswa sulit menguasai materi passing bawah bolavoli. para siswa lebih tertarik apabila guru menyampaikan materi sepakbola. sementara jika guru menyampaikan materi permainan bolavoli, mereka tertunduk lesu dan ogah-ogahan. seringkali siswa putra memainkan bola voli dengan kaki, padahal hal itu tidak diperkenankan. hal itu berdampak pada nilai belum http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12414 163 tuntas yang diperoleh peneliti melalui guru di sd negeri bangkok 2. berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, peneliti tertarik untuk menemukan suatu jalan keluar agar siswa dapat mengikuti materi permainan bolavoli dengan penuh semangat seperti halnya para siswa mendapatkan materi sepakbola. peneliti ingin menerapkan permainan 3 on 3 melalui sebuah penelitian tindakan kelas (ptk) dan berkolaborasi dengan guru penjas sd negeri bangkok 2. metode jenis penelitian penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (ptk). pelaksanaan ptk dilaksanakan melalui tiga siklus untuk melihat peningkatan hasil belajar passing bawah bolavoli dan aktivitas siswa dalam mengikuti mata pelajaran penjasorkes melalui permainan 3 on 3. pelaksanaan ptk terdapat 4 (empat) komponen pokok yang menunjukkan langkah-langkah (1) perencanaan; (2) tindakan; (3)pengamatan; (4) refleksi (iskandar, 2011). subyek penelitian subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas v sd negeri bangkok 2 kecamatan gurah kabupaten kediri tahun ajaran 2018-2019 dengan jumlah siswa 37 siswa yang terdiri dari 21 laki-laki dan 16 perempuan. teknik pengumpulan data data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari tes, pengamatan, ujian, dan observasi.tes digunakan untuk mendapatkan data tentang hasil tes passing bawah bolavoli siswa secara individu selama 60 detik. tes tersebut digunakan untuk untuk mengungkap aspek psikomotor dengan mengetahui kemampuan siswa dalam melakukan passing bawah bolavoli. pengamatan digunakan untuk mendapatkan data keaktifan siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar yang meliputi aspek afektif. ujian menggunakan butir soal/ instrumen soal untuk mengukur hasil belajar siswa yang meliputi aspek kognitif. analisa data penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. analisis kualitatif akan digunakan untuk menganalisis data hasil observasi yang digunakan untuk menjaring aktivitas belajar siswa dan kinerja guru dalam proses pembelajaran. sementara analisis kuantitatif digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil belajar siswa dalam hubungannya dengan penguasaan materi pembelajaran. hasil dan pembahasan dalam pembelajaran ini dilaksanakan selama iii siklus, tiap siklus dilakukan 1 kali pertemuan. pada setiap siklus dilakukan pengamatan baik dari aspek afektif maupun kognitif. untuk aspek psikomotor dilakukan tes pada tiap siklus. proses penelitian diawali guru sebagai peneliti melakukan observasi terhadap proses pembelajaran passing bawah pada siswa kelas v sd negeri bangkok 2 kecamatan gurah kabupaten kediri, dalam observasi tersebut ditemukan bahwa masih banyak siswa yang belum mampu melakukan passing bawah dengan benar, selain itu juga motivasi siswa untuk melakukan pembelajaran passing bawah masih rendah. selanjutnya guru sebagai peneliti melakukan upaya peningkatan hasil belajar passing bawah bolavoli pendekatan permainan 3 on 3. dalam penelitian ini dilakukan iii siklus dengan 1 kali pertemuan di setiap siklusnya dan ada 3 aspek yang diteliti. yang pertama adalah aspek psikomotor berkaitan dengan ketrampilan gerak siswa, pada aspek ini yang menjadi kriteria penilaian yaitu test passing bawah individu, passing bawah dengan tembok, passing bawah dengan teman, passing bawah melewati net. kedua adalah aspek afektif berkaitan dengan sikap dan perilaku siswa dalam pembelajaran. aspek yang dinilai yaitu meliputi kedisiplinan, kejujuran, kerja sama, tanggung jawab, sportivitas dan mematuhi aturan yang berlaku. dan terakhir adalah aspek kognitif berkaitan dengan pemahaman siswa terhadap materi pembelajaranan. setelah peneliti mendeskrpisikan tentang penelitian maka peneliti akan menjabarkan hasil temuan ptk yaitu upaya peningkatan hasil belajar passing bawah bolavoli melalui pendekatan permainan 3 on 3 pada siswa kelas v sd negeri bangkok 2 kecamatan gurah kabupaten kediri sebagai berikut. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12414 tri bagus agiasta dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 164 siklus i tabel 2. hasil penilaian siswa dalam proses aktivitas belajar siklus i berdasarkan tabel 2 dapat diketahui bahwa pada siklus i, nilai maksimal yang diperoleh siswa sebesar 78, sementara nilai minimal sebesar 45 dengan nilai ratarata 57,54 serta prosentase ketuntasan sebesar 10%. apabila dipaparkan dalam bentuk grafik dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut: gambar 1. perolehan nilai siswa dalam proses aktivitas belajar siklus i hasil pengamatan terhadap guru pada siklus i yaitu, guru belum terbiasa dalam menerapkan permainan 3 on 3 pada materi passing bawah bolavoli, sehingga materi yang disampaikan oleh guru kurang maksimal. sedangkan hasil pengamatan pada siswa, masih banyak siswa yang belum mampu menunjukkan kemampuan passing bawah bolavoli dengan klasisfikasi passing bawah individu, passing bawah dengan tembok, passing bawah dengan teman, dan passing bawah melewati net yang diberikan oleh guru. sehingga guru mengambil langkah terhadap apa saja yang menjadi faktor penghambat pada siklus i, diantaranya tindakan yang akan diaplikasikan pada siklus ii. pada tindakan selanjutnya, guru akan mempelajari lebih dalam model permainan 3 on 3 sehingga tidak akan terjadi lagi guru mengalami kesulitan dalam menerapkan permainan. guru akan lebih memotivasi dan membimbing secara intensif siswa yang mengalami kesulitan. siklus ii tabel 2. hasil penilaian siswa dalam proses aktivitas belajar siklus ii berdasarkan tabel 3 dapat diketahui bahwa pada siklus ii, nilai maksimal yang diperoleh siswa sebesar 83, sementara nilai minimal sebesar 56 dengan nilai rata -rata 68,37 serta prosentase ketuntasan sebesar 29%. jika dibandingkan dengan siklus i, pada siklus ii mengalami peningkatan. apabila dipaparkan dalam bentuk grafik dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut: gambar 2. perolehan nilai siswa dalam proses aktivitas belajar siklus ii hasil observasi pada siklus ii menunjukkan adanya peningkatan. meningkatnya aktifitas peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran didukung oleh meningkatnya aktivitas guru dalam mempertahankan dan meningkatkan suasana pembelajaran. guru sudah mengimplementasikan rencana yang telah disusun sebagai hasil dari refleksi pada siklus i. guru juga sudah melakukan evaluasi baik secara individu maupun secara kelompok. meningkatnya aktifitas pembelajran siswa dalam melaksanakan evaluasi terhadap kemampuan peserta didik menguasai materi pelajaran. hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai rata-rata siklus i 57,54 meningkat pada siklus ii menjadi 68,37. dengan jumlah siswa tuntas 10% pada siklus i menjadi 29% pada siklus ii meski mengalami http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index nilai maksimal 78 nilai minimal 45 standart deviasi 10,20 rata-rata 57,54 jumlah 2129 prosentase 10% nilai maksimal 83 nilai minimal 56 standart deviasi 7,62 rata-rata 68,37 jumlah 2530 prosentase 29% doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12414 tri bagus agiasta dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 165 peningkatan namun hasil aktivitas pembelajaan siswa masih tergolong rendah. untuk memperbaiki dan mempertahankan keberhasilan yang telah dicapai pada siklus ii, maka guru sebagai peneliti membuat perencanaan pembelajaran pada siklus iii. pada tindakan selanjutnya, guru memodifikasi aturan skor pertandingan, semula tim akan menang manakala sudah memperoleh 25 poin. selain itu, guru menurunkan menjadi 18 dengan alasan agar siswa tidak merasa kelelahan, sehingga tujuan awal agar siswa dapat menguasai teknik dasar passing bawah bolavoli dapat tercapai. kemudian guru juga memberikan hadiah bagi siswa yang memenangkan pertandingan. siklus iii tabel 3. hasil penilaian siswa dalam proses aktivitas belajar siklus iii berdasarkan tabel 3 dapat diketahui bahwa pada siklus ii, nilai maksimal yang diperoleh siswa sebesar 89, sementara nilai minimal sebesar 69 dengan nilai rata -rata 76,48 serta prosentase ketuntasan sebesar 82%. jika dibandingkan dengan siklus ii, pada siklus iii mengalami peningkatan. apabila dipaparkan dalam bentuk grafik dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut. gambar 3. perolehan nilai siswa dalam proses aktivitas belajar siklus iii indikator keberhasilan penelitin ini ditentukan oleh adanya peningkatan hasil belajar tiap siklus dan adanya keberhasilan secara klasikal yang ditunjukkan dengan besarnya prosentase kelulusan klasikal sebesar ≥80%. siklus iii menunjukkan bahwa secara klasikal prosentase kelulusan menunjukkan angka sebesar 82%. hal ini berarti, permainan 3 on 3 telah berhasil meningkatkan hasil belajar passing bawah permainan bolavoli pada siswa kelas v sd negeri bangkok 2 kecamatan gurah kabupaten kediri. peningkatan yang terjadi baik pada siklus ii maupun siklus iii tak lepas dari penerapan permainan 3 on 3. permainan 3 on 3 merupakan suatu pendekatan dalam proses pembelajaran yang dikonsep dalam bentuk permainan dimana didalamnya dijelaskan mengenai teknik maupun taktik yang akan diberikan dengan menggunakan suatu permainan yang dimodifikasi. dengan bermain hasrat anak akan terpenehui namun, didalam permainan tersebut terkandung unsur pembelajaran. permainan bertujuan untuk memenuhi hasrat gerak siswa yang didalamnya terdapat unsur belajar, terlebih dalam mengikuti aktivitas belajar banyak hal yang dirasakan oleh para siswa mulai dari perubahan situasi lingkungan, teman baru, suasana pergaulan dalam konteks bermain yang menyenangkan, hingga situasi kedisiplinan dan tanggung jawab yang kadang dirasakan begitu mengikat atau dengan kata lain bermain sambil belajar. selain itu dengan adanya pendekatan bermain akan semakin memperjelas dan menambah motivasi untuk terus berlatih passing bawah dengan permainan 3 on 3. hasil penelitian ini diperkuat dengan apa yang dilakukan oleh rithaudin & hartati (2016) dalam penelitiannya bahwa hasil belajar passing bawah permainan bolavoli dapat meningkat dengan diterapkannya metode permainan. hal senada juga di ungkapkan oleh yusmar (2017) dalam penelitiannya dengan hasil yang menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan keterampilan teknik dasar permainan bolavoli dapat ditingkatkan melalui modifikasi permainan. belajar merupakan proses mengubah siswa dari tingkat kemampuan rendah ke tingkat kemampuan tinggi. sehingga peningkatan minat belajar siswa memiliki kontribusi yang besar dalam keberhasilan belajar siswa. dengan memiliki minat yang tinggi siswa akan melakukan hal yang positif dalam pembelajaran untuk dapat mengubah dirinya dari kemampuan rendah ke kemampuan yang lebih tinggi. menarik minat siswa tidak semudah hanya memberikan penguatan pada siswa saja. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index nilai maksimal 89 nilai minimal 69 standart deviasi 4,16 rata-rata 76,48 jumlah 2830 prosentase 82% doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12414 tri bagus agiasta dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 166 akan tetapi, menarik minat siswa dengan mengemas pembelajaran sedemikian rupa untuk memfasilitasi siswa dalam bergerak bebas yang terarah (rithaudin & hartati, 2016). kesimpulan penerapan permainan 3 on 3 pada permainan bolavoli dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar passing bawah bolavoli pada siswa sekolah dasar. penerapan permainan 3 on 3 sangat dirasakan manfaatnya oleh siswa kelas v sd negeri bangkok 2 kecamatan gurah kabupaten kediri. manfaat yang sangat dirasakan adalah penguasaan teknik dasar passing bawah pada permainan bolavoli semakin meningkat. daftar pustaka arifin, s. 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(2017). upaya peningkatan teknik permainan bolavoli melalui modifikasi permainan siswa kelas x sma negeri 2 kampar. jurnal pajar (pendidikan dan pengajaran), 1(1), 143–152. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12414 tri bagus agiasta dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 62 jpjo 4 (1) (2019) 62-67 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index physical activity in elderly: an analysis of type of sport taken by elderly in bandung seni oktriani, iyus solihin, lilis komariyah universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia info artikel sejarah artikel : diterima agustus 2018 disetujui maret 2018 dipublikasikan april 2019 keywords : physical activity, elderly abstrak tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pola aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan oleh lanjut usia di kota bandung. metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan teknik survei analisis. populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah orang-orang lanjut usia yang melakukan aktivitas fisik di taman sukajadi, taman lansia cisangkuy, lapangan padjajaran, sabuga dan tegal lega. teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dengan jumlah 50 orang, lima orang laki-laki dan lima orang perempuan pada setiap tempat penelitian. teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pola aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang lanjut usia di taman sukajadi, taman lansia cisangkuy, lapangan padjajaran, sabuga dan tegal lega cenderung sama, yaitu melakukan senam, jogging, jalan santai, jalan cepat dan berjalan di atas batu refleksi. tetapi di lapangan padjajaran dan tegal lega orang lanjut usia juga melakukan olahraga senam tai chi dan senam jantung. abstract the purpose of this study was to find out the physical activity carried out by the elderly in bandung city. the method used in the study was descriptive method with analysis survey technique. the population in this study were the elderly who did physical activities in sukajadi park, cisangkuy elderly park, padjajaran field, sabuga, and tegal lega. the sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique. the samples were 50 elderlies consisted of five males and five females at each research site. data collection technique used in the study were observation, interviews, and documentation. the results showed that the physical activity carried out by elderly in sukajadi park, cisangkuy elderly park, padjajaran field, sabuga, and tegal lega were similar, including gymnastics, jogging, walking, brisk walking, and foot reflexology by walking on stones. in addition, in padjajaran field and tegal lega, the elderly also did tai chi and heart health gymnastics.  alamat korespondensi : jl. dr. setiabudhi no. 229, kota bandung e-mail : senisetiawan77@gmail.com issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15059 63 seni oktriani dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) pendahuluan manusia dalam perjalanan hidupnya akan melalui beberapa fase kehidupan (tumbuh-kembang) sampai kembali ke sang pencipta-nya. awal perjalanan hidup manusia ketika manusia tersebut dilahirkan ke dunia, beranjak ke masa anak-anak, remaja, dewasa, hingga lanjut usia. urutan fase perjalanan hidup manusia tersebut tidak bisa dihindari oleh siapapun, kecuali takdir yang menentukan sampai di fase manakah seseorang itu hidup. manusia hanya dapat berusaha menjalani kehidupannya dengan kegiatan yang positif, seperti beribadah, bersosialisasi dengan orang lain, atau beraktivitas olahraga sebagai upaya mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup dan sebagai bentuk rasa syukur terhadap karunia-nya. fase lanjut usia merupakan fase yang menarik menurut peneliti. seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa pada saat fase ini manusia akan seolah kembali ke fase anak-anak terutama secara mental. akan tetapi, pada umumnya secara fisik juga menunjukkan degradasi kemampuan pada kualitas gerak. lanjut usia adalah seseorang yang mengalami pertambahan umur disertai dengan penurunan fungsi fisik yang ditandai dengan penurunan massa otot serta kekuatannya, penurunan laju denyut jantung maksimal, peningkatan lemak tubuh dan penurunan fungsi otak (azizah, 2011, hlm. 1). sedangkan, organisasi kesehatan dunia (who) menggolongkan lansia menjadi empat yaitu usia pertengahan (middle age) adalah 45−59 tahun, lanjut usia (elderly) adalah 60−74 tahun, lanjut usia tua (old) adalah 75−90 tahun dan usia sangat tua (very old) diatas 90 tahun. sedangkan menurut peraturan pemerintah republik indonesia nomor 43 tahun 2004, lanjut usia adalah seseorang yang telah mencapai usia 60 (enam puluh) tahun ke atas. menurut uu no. 4 tahun 1965 pasal 1 seseorang dapat dinyatakan sebagai seorang jompo atau lanjut usia setelah mencapai umur 55 tahun, tidak mempunyai atau tidak berdaya mencari nafkah sendri untuk keperluan hidupnya sehari-hari dan menerima nafkah dari orang lain. indonesia termasuk dalam lima besar negara dengan jumlah lanjut usia terbanyak di dunia. berdasarkan sensus penduduk pada tahun 2014, jumlah lanjut usia di indonesia yaitu 18,78 juta jiwa. pada tahun 2050, jumlah lansia di perkirakan 21,4% dan akan menjadi 41% dari total penduduk pada tahun 2100 (kementrian kesehatan ri, 2014). berdasarkan data proyeksi penduduk, diperkirakan tahun 2017 terdapat 23,66 juta jiwa penduduk lansia di indonesia (9,03%). diprediksi jumlah penduduk lansia tahun 2020 (27,08 juta), tahun 2025 (33,69 juta), tahun 2030 (40,95 juta) dan tahun 2035 (48,19 juta). menjadi tua ditandai dengan adanya kemunduran biologis yang terlihat sebagai gejala-gejala kemunduran fisik antara lain, kulit mulai mengendur, timbul keriput, rambut beruban, gigi mulai ompong, pendengaran dan penglihat mulai menurun, gerakan mulai lamban dan kurang lincah serta terjadi penimbunan lemak terutama pada perut dan pinggul. sebisa mungkin kita berusaha untuk menjaga penurunan kualitas kemampuan gerak secara perlahan dan tidak mengalami penurunan secara drastis. upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan aktivitas jasmani atau olahraga secara teratur dan terukur. teratur artinya dilakukan secara berkesinambungan, sedangkan terukur maksudnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan yang kita miliki. banyak macam aktivitas jasmani yang dapat dilakukan oleh orang lanjut usia, seperti senam tai chi, senam jantung, berjalan di batu refleksi, dan jalan santai. aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan oleh manusia akan berhubungan erat dengan kualitas hidup, kesehatan, dan kesejahteraan (chen, hui, lang, & tao, 2016). sebaliknya, apabila manusia tidak melakukan aktivitas fisik sesuai kebutuhannya maka kemungkinan besar akan mudah terjangkit penyakit akibat kurang gerak (hipokinetik) seperti diabetes tipe 2 (gram, dahl, & dela, 2014). tingkat aktivitas fisik yang rendah akan meningkatkan risiko obesitas dan banyak penyakit kronis lain termasuk penyakit jantung koroner, diabetes dan kanker usus (ogilvie, lamb, ferguson, & ellaway, 2011). selain itu, ada hubungan yang bersifat dua arah antara partisipasi olahraga dengan indeks masa tubuh (cairney & veldhuizen, 2017) aktivitas fisik dilakukan sepanjang hayat untuk menunjang kehidupan manusia, tanpa terkecuali pada orang lanjut usia. akan tetapi penurunan aktivitas fisik secara umum akan terjadi pada masa lanjut usia seiring dengan penurunan kemampuan otot, munculnya rasa kaku, dan sakit pada persendian (buckwalter & dinubile, 1997). padahal, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa banyak manfaat dari partisipasi dalam latihan aktivitas fisik bagi lansia (rousseau, 1989), diantaranya memperbaiki fungsi kardiovaskuler, menurunkan tekanan darah, dan http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15059 64 meningkatkan kapasitas kerja. latihan aktivitas fisik cukup dilakukan dua setengah jam per minggu untuk mengurangi risiko penyakit kronis secara signifikan (ogilvie et al., 2011). namun, penelitian lain menunjukkan bahwa latihan sekitar 100 menit per hari lebih baik lagi (van den brink et al., 2005). program latihan bagi lansia diantaranya jenis latihan kardiovaskuler, kekuatan otot, fleksibilitas, dan koordinasi dengan frekuensi 3 sampai 6 kali perminggu, durasi 50 sampai 60 menit persesi latihan dengan intensitas yang rendah antara 60% 70% dari denyut nadi maksimal (van camp and boyer, 1989; (emerson, 1991). selain untuk menjaga kesehatan dan kebugaran lansia, program latihan aktivitas fisik yang disusun juga dapat digunakan sebagai alat terapi (short & leonardelli, 1987). program latihan bagi lansia yang dilakukan di luar rumah dapat meningkatkan suasana hati yang jauh lebih positif daripada orang yang tidak berolahraga dan secara positif mempengaruhi secara langsung partisipasi mereka dalam program ini (matsouka, bebetsos, trigonis, & simakis, 2010). akan tetapi, faktor lingkungan dan pribadi terkadang menghalangi lansia yang bercita-cita untuk menjaga kesehatan melalui rutinitas aktivitas fisik (mobily, 1982), sehingga para lansia membutuhkan motivasi secara eksternal, seperti dari anggota keluarganya. dari beberapa hal yang telah dipaparkan di atas, penulis tertarik untuk meneliti tentang pola aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang lanjut usia di kota bandung. studi literatur aktivitas jasmani aktivitas jasmani merupakan bentuk gerakan fisik yang dilakukan oleh tubuh sebagai penunjang kegiatan sehari-hari. aktivitas fisik atau jasmani menurut depkes ri (2015) adalah “setiap gerakan tubuh yang meningkatkan pengeluaran tenaga dan energi atau pembakaran kalori.” aktivitas fisik dikategorikan cukup apabila seseorang melakukan latihan fisik atau olahraga selama 30 menit setiap hari atau minimal 3-5 hari dalam seminggu. aktivitas jasmani yang dilakukannya dapat bersifat rekreatif, kompetitif, dan olahraga untuk kesehatan atau kebugaran. partisipasi secara teratur dalam olahraga atau aktivitas jasmani lainnya berpengaruh kepada pembentukan keluarga yang sehat (mcmillan, mcisaac, & janssen, 2016). kebugaran jasmani kebugaran jasmani merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting bagi manusia, terutama bagi seseorang yang memiliki banyak aktivitas setiap harinya. kebugaran jasmani adalah kesanggupan tubuh untuk melakukan aktivitas tanpa mengalami kelelahan yang berarti (kyröläinen, santtila, nindl, & vasankari, 2010). orang yang memiliki kebugaran jasmani yang baik berarti ia tidak gampang lelah dan capek. seseorang akan mendapatkan tingkat kebugaran yang baik jika rutin melakukan aktivitas jasmani atau olahraga (rauner, mess, & woll, 2013). kebugaran jasmani terdiri dari beberapa komponen kemampuan fisik, yaitu: 1) cardiorespiratory endurance yaitu daya tahan kardiovaskuler, 2) muscular endurance yaitu daya tahan otot, 3) strength muscle yaitu kekuatan otot skeletal, 4) muscular speed yaitu kecepatan otot berkontraksi, 5) flexibility yaitu kelentukan (mutohir dan maksum, 2007, hlm. 53). lanjut usia manusia tidak secara tiba-tiba menjadi tua, tetapi berkembang dari bayi, anak-anak, dewasa dan akhirnya menjadi tua. hal ini normal, dengan perubahan fisik dan tingkah laku yang dapat diramalkan yang terjadi pada semua orang pada saat mereka mencapai usia tahap perkembangan kronologis tertentu. lansia merupakan suatu proses alami yang ditentukan oleh tuhan yang maha esa. semua orang akan mengalami proses menjadi tua dan masa tua merupakan masa hidup manusia yang terakhir. dimasa ini seseorang mengalami kemunduran fisik, mental dan sosial secara bertahap. menurut azizah (2011, hlm. 1) bahwa “lanjut usia adalah bagian dari proses tumbuh kembang yang dimulai dengan adanya beberapa perubahan dalam hidup.” sedangkan menurut undang-undang nomor 13 tahun 1998 tentang kesejahteraan lanjut usia pada pasal 1 ayat 2, yang dimaksud lanjut usia adalah seseorang yang mencapai usia 60 tahun keatas. sedangkan menurut reimer et. al. (1999), stanley and beare (2007) (dalam azizah, 2011, hlm. 1) mendefinisikan lansia berdasarkan karakteristik sosial masyarakat yang menganggap bahwa orang telah tua jika menunjukan ciri fisik seperti rambut beruban, kerutan kulit, dan hilangnya gigi. dalam peran masyarakat tidak bisa lagi melaksanakan fungsi peran orang dewasa, sephttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index seni oktriani dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15059 65 erti pria yang tidak lagi terkait dalam kegiatan ekonomi produktif dan untuk wanita tidak dapat memenuhi tugas rumah tangga. world health organization (who) menggolongkan lanjut usia berdasarkan usia kronologis/ biologis menjadi 4 kelompok yaitu usia pertengahan (middle age) antara usia 45 sampai 59 tahun, lanjut usia (elderly) berusia antara 60 dan 74 tahun, lanjut usia tua (old) usia 75 sampai 90 tahun, dan usia sangat tua (very old) di atas 90 tahun. selanjutnya, menurut setyonegoro (dalam azizah, 2011, hlm. 2) bahwa: lanjut usia dikelompokkan menjadi usia dewasa muda (elderly adulhood), 18 atau 29-25 tahun, usia dewasa penuh (middle years) atau maturitas, 25-60 tahun atau 65 tahun, lanjut usia (geriaric age) lebih dari 65 tahun atau 70 tahun yang dibagi lagi dengan 70-75 tahun (young old), 75-80 tahun (old), lebih dari 80 (very old). metode metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik survei analisis. populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah orang-orang lanjut usia yang melakukan aktivitas fisik di taman sukajadi, taman lansia cisangkuy, lapangan padjajaran, sabuga dan tegal lega. teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dengan jumlah 50 orang, lima (5) orang laki-laki dan lima (5) orang perempuan pada setiap tempat penelitian. teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. hasil dan pembahasan secara umum ada beberapa jenis aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang lanjut usia dan akan dijelaskan pada tabel berikut : http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index seni oktriani dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15059 tabel 1. aktivitas olahraga yang dilakukan oleh lanjut usia no tempat aktivitas olahraga lanjut usia 1 taman sukajadi pemanasan dinamis jenis olahraga joging jalan santai batu refleksi pelemasan dinamis kepala, tangan, pinggang tujuan / manfaat olahraga menjaga kesehatan tubuh menjadi bugar sembuh dari penyakit frekuensi, waktu, durasi 4-7 kali seminggu pagi (06.00-10.00) 2 jam per hari 2 taman lansia pemanasan dinamis jenis olahraga joging jalan santai batu refleksi pelemasan dinamis kepala, tangan, pinggang tujuan / manfaat olahraga menjaga kesehatan tubuh menjadi bugar frekuensi, waktu, durasi 1-3 kali seminggu pagi (06.00-10.00) 1-2 jam per hari 66 tabel 1 merupakan hasil pengolahan data persentase yang dilakukan terhadap data hasil dari wawancara. secara umum terlihat bahwa di taman sukajadi, taman lansia cisangkuy, padjajaran, sabuga dan tegal lega orang-orang lanjut usia melakukan pemanasan dinamis sebelum berolahraga. jenis olahraga yang dilakukannya secara umum adalah jalan santai dan berjalan dibatu refleksi serta hanya sebagian kecil yang melakukan olahraga senam jantung, senam tai chi dan joging. setelah melakukan olahraga semua orang lanjut usia di kelima tempat tersebut melakukan pelemasan, pelemasan yang sering dilakukan adalah dibagian kepala, tangan dan pinggang. secara umum tujuan orang lanjut usia berolahraga adalah untuk menjaga kesehatan sedangkan manfaat yang diharapkan oleh orang lanjut usia adalah agar tubuh menjadi bugar dan sembuh dari penyakit. mayoritas dari mereka melakukan aktivitas olahraga sebanyak 1-3 kali dalam seminggu. di kelima tempat tersebut semua lanjut usia melakukan aktivitas olahraga pada pagi hari dan mereka melakukannya selama 1-2 jam perhari. kesimpulan aktivitas fisik dalam hal ini adalah aktivitas olahraga teratur dan terukur yang dilakukan oleh manusia akan berhubungan erat dengan kualitas hidup, kesehatan, dan kesejahteraannya termasuk bagi para lansia. aktivitas fisik (olahraga) yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang lanjut usia di taman sukajadi, taman lansia cisangkuy, padjajaran, sabuga dan tegal lega pada umumnya hampir sama, yaitu senam, jogging, jalan santai, jalan cepat dan berjalan di atas batu refleksi. tetapi di padjajaran dan tegal lega orang lanjut usia ada yang melakukan olahraga senam tai chi dan senam jantung. gaya hidup aktif seyogiyanya sudah menjadi kebutuhan dari setiap individu untuk melangsungkan kehidupannya, sehingga diharapkan akan terus dilakukan sampai akhir hayat. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index seni oktriani dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15059 3 padjajaran pemanasan dinamis jenis olahraga senam tai chi senam jantung jalan santai batu refleksi pelemasan tangan, pinggang, kaki tujuan / manfaat olahraga menjaga kesehatan tubuh menjadi bugar sembuh dari penyakit frekuensi, waktu, durasi 4-7 kali seminggu pagi (06.00-10.00) 1-2 jam per hari 4 sabuga pemanasan dinamis jenis olahraga jalan santai joging pelemasan dinamis kepala, tangan, pinggang tujuan / manfaat olahraga menjaga kesehatan tubuh menjadi bugar sembuh dari penyakit frekuensi, waktu, durasi 1-3 kali seminggu pagi (06.00-10.00) 2 jam per hari 5 tegal lega pemanasan dinamis jenis olahraga senam jantung sanam tai chi jalan santai batu refleksi pelemasan dinamis kepala, tangan, kaki tujuan / manfaat olahraga menjaga kesehatan tubuh menjadi bugar sembuh dari penyakit frekuensi, waktu, durasi 1-3 kali seminggu pagi (06.00-10.00) 2 jam per hari 67 daftar pustaka azizah, lilik ma’rifatul. 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tipe team-games-tournament terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar bermain bolabasket. metode yang digunakan menggunakan penelitian eksperimen. populasinya adalah para siswi yang mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler permainan bolabasket jenjang sekolah menengah atas negeri di bandung dengan sampel sebanyak 15 siswi yang terbagi kedalam 3 kelompok bermain. teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampling jenuh dengan desain penelitian one-group pretest-posttest design. instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi game performance assesment instrument. hasil pengolahan dan analisis data yang diperoleh menggunakan uji t sampel yaitu, uji berpasangan (paired t test). berdasarkan hasil perhitungan tersebut, maka disimpulkan bahwa, model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team-games-tournament berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar bermain bolabasket para siswi yang mengikuti kegiatan ektrakurikuler permainan bolabasket. abstract the purpose of this study was to see the effect of the cooperative learning model for improving the basketball game learning outcomes. the method used was experimental research. the population of the study were the students who joined basketball extracurricular activities at a state high school in bandung. the samples were 15 female students divided into 3 playgroups. the one-group pre-test-post-test research design was used. the game performance assessment instrument was used as the instrument to collect data. to process and to analyse the obtained data, paired t-test was employed. based on the results of these calculations, it concludes that the cooperative learning model type team-games-tournament have a significant effect on improving the basketball game learning outcomes of the students who take part in basketball extracurricular activities.  correspondence address : jl. dr. setriabudi 229, indonesia e-mail : masayurizkarisjanna@gmail.com issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.17257 161 masayu rizka et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) introduction education is an important part of synergies. from then until now, education has become a benchmark playing a role as the representation of a nation and a state. albeit different from tribe, culture, and language, education is a unity that brings up the people of the nation. the government's efforts in managing the national education system are regulated in law of the republic of indonesia number 20 of 2003 on national education. with the presence of the national education system, the citizen will acquire the learning process to achieve better knowledge. education is the process of helping, guiding, directing, and encouraging individuals to grow and develop according to the development stages, hence they can adapt to life at the present and in the future (juliantine, 2012). in the law article 1 on the education system says that education is a conscious and planned attempt to create an atmosphere of learning and learning process in order that students actively develop their potential to attain religious-spiritual capacity, selfcontrol, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed by himself, society, nation, and the country. the citizen who undergoes education will experience the learning process inside the classrooms. the learning taking place is delivered by a teacher, thus a teacher work is professional. the demand to become a good teacher becomes greater and more demanding, that is why a teacher requires to follow the flow of globalization in the educational world. education can be obtained through many ways of the learning process. learning can be considered a process of interaction with all surroundings both intentionally and unintentionally. during the process of learning, there will be changes in behaviour as a result of the learning activities. from the learning process, learning outcomes will be presented in behavioral changes as a result of learning activities. three domains of learning outcomes according to guskey (2015) adapted from bloom's theory are cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. it can be said that learning outcomes are the capacity possessed by students as a result of teaching-learning process that involves cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains and can be observed through student performance and/ or learning assessment. thus, the entire learning process will eventually be referred to the changes in the behaviour of the three learning domains. one of the subjects at school that can be observed the results of the learning process is physical education. physical education is an educational tool that utilizes physical and spiritual activities as a medium to achieve educational goals. simply stated, the purpose of physical education as a whole includes three domains (domains) as follows: 1) cognitive (the concept of motion, the meaning of health, problem-solving, critical and intelligent), 2) psychomotor (motion and skills, physical and motoric abilities, and improvement of bodily functions), 3) affective (passion to physical activities, self-comfortable feelings, and the desire to be involved in social interaction) (mahendra, 2014). these three goals can be obtained through learning big ball games such as basketball. a basketball game is performed by two teams consisted of five players each. the purpose of each team in basketball game is to score a ball to the opponent's basket and try to prevent the opposing team from scoring (perbasi, 2015). the problem that often occurs in learning large ball games, especially basketball, is the lack of student interest in the monotonous learning process and results in passive behaviour from the students. during the learning activities, the teacher gives some related learning materials and instructions of basic techniques and sometimes the students should be waiting for their turns, and on the same hand, the teacher presumably delivers the materials in traditional methods that do not attract students’ interest in learning. thus, an instructional model that makes students participate actively in the learning process is a requirement. the instructional model is a design or framework created by the teacher as an educator to help students in the learning process. in teaching and learning instructions, the teacher must be good at choosing an appropriate instructional model that is varied, interesting, and involves students' active attitudes and responsibilities. through the instructional models, the teacher could help students to acquire knowledge, ideas, skills, ways of thinking, and express their ideas. the essence of cooperative learning is the development of cooperative attitudes among students (slavin, 1980). there are http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.17257 162 several types of cooperative learning models, one of which is the cooperative learning type team-gamestournament (tgt). furthermore, the cooperative learning model emphasizes the students to be active in small groups and to collaborate as well as take responsibility for their groupmates during the learning activities. the teamgames-tournament (tgt) type of cooperative learning model is one of cooperative learnings that encourages students to be involved in groups during the process of learning and conduct tournaments or competitions designed in the team-games-tournament cooperative learning. the instructional model allows students to learn in a more relaxing condition while growing responsibility, honesty, cooperation, fair competition, and learning involvement (nugroho, 2013). by using the teamgames-tournament (tgt) type of cooperative learning model, the group mates will help each other in preparing themselves to play in the game by studying the worksheets and discuss the problems, notwithstanding, when in the game, it becomes individual responsibility to make a success (juliantine, 2013). in cooperative instructional model type teamgames-tournament, students attempt the success in playing the games. they learn how to make decisions while playing, help their teammates, and demonstrate skills in basketball games. by using the tgt type cooperative learning model it is also expected that students will be more motivated in the learning process and improve their learning outcomes particularly in playing basketball. methods the research method employed in this study was experimental with one-group pretest-posttest design. a total of 9 meetings conducted over 2 months with the population of this study came from the student members of the basketball extracurricular team at sman 9 bandung and the research sample was 15 of the female members the instrument used was in the form of basketballplaying skills test using the game performance assessment instrument (gpai). seven components of gpai assessment according to mitchell, oslin, and griffin (2013) were administered in the instrumentation, namely: 1) base or returning to home base means that a player returned to his original position after he has made a certain skill move. 2) adjust means the movement of a player when attacking or defending according to the demands of the game situation. 3) decision making was conducted by every player, at any time in any situation. 4) skill execution, after making a decision, a player performed the skills required. 5) support means provides appropriate support with movement with no ball in a position to receive a pass or throw. 6) cover the teammates. the movement was carried out to layer the defense behind a teammate who was trying to block the opponent's attack or who was moving towards the opponent that had the ball. 7) guarding or marking the opponent's movements (guard or mark). the intention was to put a halt to the opponent's movements. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.17257 masayu rizka et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) component criteria for performance assess1. base 2. adjust 3. decision making 4. skill execution 5. support 6. cover 7. guard or mark table 1. gpai components of game performance (metzler, 2005,. table 2. activities during the research tuesday thursday friday conducted passing created passing line created passing line teamwork, competitiveness, quick decision making, rules obeys created passing line teamwork, competitive, quick decision making, rules obeys carried out shooting activities part 1 carried out shooting activities part 2 teamwork and competitiveness conducted passing ball dribbling ball dribbling made movements with and without the ball supported and opened the space scoring ball dribbling offence and defence supported teammates underwent a position for making shots created a space to score 163 of the seven assessments taken by the researcher, the focus was only on the three components (table 2) that were made into the assessment of this study: implementing skills (skill execution), decision making (decision making), and providing support (support). the analysis of research data conducted to answer the research problems was first by calculating the mean value of the sample group that had been standardized, secondly identifying the standard deviation, third carrying out the data normality test, proceeded with homogeneity test and hypothesis test. after figured out that the data were normally distributed and homogenous, a parametric statistical test was then carried out by employing paired t-test (cholil dan hidayah, 2013). result and discussions table 3 depicts the mean values and standard deviation of the pre-test and post-test in basketball learning activities before and after treatment, and also the gain score of the implementation of cooperative learning model type teams-games-tournament (tgt) before and after treatment. a brief description of the results is presented in table 4. table 4 shows the results of pre-test and post-test portraying the differences between initial and final results in general, to be clearer the comparison of the results is illustrated in picture 1. as clearly seen in picture 1 that on the whole, the posttest score was higher than the pretest score. this trend shows that the implementation of (tgt) influenced students’ ability to learn to play basketball. however, in spite of the higher score on the posttest, the finding had not shown a significant effect. thus, the hypothesis testing needs to be carried out, as the results are presented in table 5. table 5. shows the results with the calculated t count of 2.58, while t-table with α = 0.05 and df = 13 was 2.16. based on the results of the study, t-count = 2.58 > t-table = 2.16, it meant that there was an effect of the implementation of the cooperative learning model type team-games-tournament (tgt) to the improvement of learning outcomes in basketball. the cooperative learning model type team-gamestournament (tgt) encourages students to work in groups in order to gain the win in the competition. the success of the tournament is the responsibility of every individual in the group (nugroho, 2013). this model also provides the students with an opportunity to conduct collaborative learning by studying the plans and solving the problems together in earnest. however, when playing in the games or competition, every member of the group has the same respective individual responsibility to win and bring success to the group (juliantine, 2013). therefore, the cooperative learning model type team-games-tournament (tgt) can support optimal learning outcomes and this is in accordance http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.17257 masayu rizka et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) table 3. mean values and standard deviation a pre-test post-test deviation sd sd sd b 16,3 6,79 18,53 7,27 2,20 3,30 table 4. statistical description n min max mean std. pre 15 6 26 16,33 6,789 post 15 6 26 18,33 7,269 n 15 picture 1. pr etest and posttest of basketball lear ntable 5. mean values and standard deviation eksperiment n x ± sd t-count t table pretest 15 16,3 ± 6,79 2,58 2,16 postest 15 18,5 ± 7,27 164 with the results of this study. conclusion to put in a nutshell, the cooperative learning model type team-games-tournament (tgt) has a significant influence on improving learning outcomes in basketball. references cholil, h., hidayah, n (2013). mata kuliah statistika. bandung. guskey, t. r. 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(1980). cooperative learning. review of educational research, 50(2), 315-342. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.17257 masayu rizka et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) 129 jpjo 5 (2) (2020) 129-133 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga available online at: https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/article/view/26738 doi: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpjo.v5i2.26738 the analysis of physical acitivity and physical fitness level of lecturers and employees of itb in 2018 nia sri ramania * , tommy apriantono, rini syafriani, kusnaedi master of sport science, school of pharmacy, itb, west java, indonesia article info article history : received april 2020 revised june 2020 accepted august 2020 available online september 2020 keywords : academics, health index, health sport, ipaq, vo2max, abstract the level of fitness is a vital aspect that plays an important role in measuring the risk of disease or a person's productivity level. therefore, this study was aimed at determining and analysing the profile of physical activity and the level of fitness of lecturers and employees in itb environment. the samples were 219 lecturers and staffs of itb (110 males and 109 females) who were in 45 60 years age range (height 159.7 ± 8.1 cm, body weight 65.0 ± 12.5 kg, bmi 25.5 ± 4.3). all participants completed series of tests such as the vo2max test with the rockport test method, anthropometric testing, and filling out a physical activity questionnaire using the international physical activity questionnaire (ipaq) method. the results of this study explained that, of the 219 subjects in this study, most of the subjects had the endomorph type. the vo2max test showed that 49% of the subjects were in the good vo2max category, which was in the range of 31 ml / kg / min to 40 ml / kg / min. meanwhile, the ipaq measurement showed that 41% of the total subjects had a low habit of physical activity. this study revealed quantitatively that low physical activity had a high risk of causing obesity and overweight on a person. on the other hand, this study showed that 24% of the total subjects who did a high intensity activity (exercise, etc.) were in the above average vo2max level compared to other subjects. in the end, this research wants to encourage every academic community or other employees to balance the work time with resting patterns, nutrition, and doing regular exercise. ,  correspondence address : jln. ganesa no. 10, bandung, indonesia e-mail : nia@fa.itb.ac.id http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 130 nia sri ramania et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) introduction indonesia, as the fourth most populous country in the world, has become one of the countries with a very high level of worker productivity and is currently densely populated (indraswari & yuhan, 2017). various kinds of problems have started to emerge as a result of the high rate of worker productivity in indonesia. degenerative diseases are the example of problems arisen due to the high and dense working hours the workers in indonesia have to conduct (imagama et al., 2019). in response to this phenomenon, currently many researchers are interested in observing this problem. in general, researchers reveal that the reduced ratio of doing exercise compared to the ratio of work is one of the causes of degenerative diseases in a person's body (kopp, 2019). more specifically, the researchers revealed that by decreasing the ratio of doing exercise, a person's fitness level will be lower (kwon et al., 2019). the level of physical fitness is a vital aspect that plays an important role in measuring the risk of disease or the level of one's productivity (sloan et al., 2013). if a person has a poor physical fitness level, the risk of being exposed to a disease will be even greater. reciprocally, if someone has a good level of fitness, the productivity ratio is likely to be better or develop. thus it is not surprising that the current level of public awareness regarding the importance of maintaining and improving fitness is growing and becoming more enthusiastic (santana et al., 2017). indonesia has quite interesting data regarding the high productivity of workers that is not balanced by the increase in physical activity. according to data released by basic health research in 2018, there are 60 85% adults who have active productivity, but do not have sufficient physical activity to maintain their physical fitness. as a result, many workers experience degenerative diseases when they enter retirement age. it was noted that the diseases suffered by the elderly were 63.5% hypertension, 18% joint disease, 17% oral problems, 5.7% diabetes mellitus, 4.5% heart disease, 4.4% stroke, 0.8% kidney failure and 0.4% cancer (riskesdas, 2018). institut teknologi bandung (itb), is one of the state universities in indonesia, which has high productivity and busy academic work hours. with a high culture and dense productivity as well as the academic working hours, the physical fitness of itb academic community needs to be revealed and analyzed. this is very important considering that by knowing and mapping the fitness level of the entire itb academic community, it is hoped that it will be able to provide an overview and suggestions for improving fitness within the scope of itb itself, or become a model for the other higher education institutions in indonesia. therefore, this study aims to determine and analyze the physical activity and fitness levels of lecturers and employees in the academic environment. hopefully this research could be used as an example in starting to map the fitness level of all academics or universities in indonesia, since it is important to establish a quality teaching and learning culture with a healthy level of physical fitness. methods subject there were 219 samples from itb lecturers and staffs (110 males and 109 females) in the ages range of 45 60 years old (the height 159.7 ± 8.1 cm and the weight 65.0 ± 12.5 kg, bmi 25.5 ± 4.3) participating in this study. those were taken from a total 1,307 academicians and employees populations at itb. the samples were performed based on the purposive sampling techniques, in paying attention to the inclusion and exclusion indicators. in details, the criteria for the inclusion factors were the ages in the range of 45 60 years old, being a lecturer or an itb employee for at least 10 years, being active in itb academic activities, and not having of cardiovascular disease footprint. meanwhile, the exclusion criteria in this study were the ages over 60 years old, having or currently suffering from one of the lists of degenerative diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular, etc.), and having low or high blood pressure (out of the range 90/60 120/80 mmhg) while being checked before performing the rockport test. procedure prior to starting the testing session in this quantitative descriptive study, the itb academics were notified the whole of study activities through the social media networks in order to understand about this research activity. then, to those who were interested, they should copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 131 come to the test location, the itb saraga starting from 7 am to 10.00 am. they were identified in dealing with their medical history and checked for their blood pressure to determine the inclusion and exclusion criteria in this study. as a result, out of the total 1,307 itb lecturers and academic staff’s population, there were only 350 who were interested in participating in this study. after that, that number was being screened. in the end, it appeared the samples of 219 lecturers and staffs at itb who were able to join this research. this research was carried out in several stages in a week. it daily performed about ± 20 samples in taking the rockport test. before it is conducted, all participants were asked to fill out the form led by international physical activity questionnaire (ipaq) in order to determine the level of physical activity carried out by each previous participant. ipaq process and protocol were tested based on the previous guidelines and research (rääsk et al., 2017). next, the participants were put on by a polar mv400 as sport equipment in carrying out this test. after that, they were instructed to perform the anthropometric test, which included the height and weight tests. then, the 1,600-meters distance rockport test was carried out on the saraga itb jogging track. the participants were instructed to walk and forbid to run. the entire series of rockport test was based on the tests conducted by previous research (pober, freedson, kline, mcinnis, & rippe, 2002). as a result, after all data had been collected, it would be converted to their each unit scores (the rockport test was converted to vo2max score, and ipaq was converted to low, medium, and high activity levels). data analysis in this quantitative descriptive study, the whole data had a standard deviation range and were utilized as a standard average (mean). in the vo2max conversion, all average results were divided into 3 standards: low, medium and high average. these standards were set based on the provisions of the highest and lowest average scores obtained in this study and adopting the calculations standard from brianmac (2019). for anthropometric measurements, it defined 3 scale ranges: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph based on the somatotype and bmi standards set by who. meanwhile, for the ipaq measurement, it defined the categories of activity level: low, medium, and high. result the anthropometric mean of the participants can be seen in picture 1. the average vo2max can be seen in picture 2, while the average ipaq results can be seen in the third picture . picture 1 shows that from the total of 219 subjects in this study, most of them had an endomorph type, while 39% had an ideal body or a mesomorph body type, and only 16% of them had an ectomorph body type or not ideal (tends to be thin). picture 2 shows the results obtained on the vo2max variable. it is known that 26% of the total subjects fell into the low vo2max category, which was under 30 ml/kg/min range. 49% of them indicated good vo2max category, which was in the range of 31 ml/kg/ min to 40 ml/kg/min. meanwhile, 25% of the subjects copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 picture 1. the per centage of somatotype of all subjects picture 2. the per centage of vo2max of all subjects nia sri ramania et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 132 in this study fell into the above average category, which is above the 41 ml / kg / min range. from the results of the ipaq questionnaire, it was found that 41% of the total subjects still had a low level of physical activity, followed by 36% who stated that they had a moderate/intermediate level of activity. on the other hand, the data obtained from this measurement parameter, it was found that 24% of the subjects conducted high level of physical activity. discussion this study aims to determine and analyze the profile of physical activity and the degree of fitness of lecturers and employees in the itb environment. besides, this research hopes to be utilized as a role in starting to map the fitness level of all academics or universities in indonesia. it is important to create the quality teaching and learning culture with the level of healthy fitness. moreover, it is in line with the aims and expectations of this study. as a result, this study remains successful in revealing the profile of physical activity and the degree of fitness of the itb academic staffs. this study resulted that the average of anthropometric, most of the total subjects (46%), 219 subjects, tended to have an endomorph body type or it could be said as a body type that weighs more than a normal category. that result was in line with the result of the characteristics of physical activity shown by ipaq, which explains that 41% of the total subjects had low physical activity. looking at this phenomenon, this quantitative data explained further that more a person had a decrease in the level of physical activity, more he/she would increase their tendency to be overweight. that was further explained by previous research conducted by raistenkins (raistenskis, sidlauskiene, strukcinskiene, uğur baysal, & buckus, 2016), that obesity and overweight were caused by lack of physical activity, and specifically, excessive meal habits. those could be the other majors that made obesity and overweight be at risk. in addition to the correlation between the somatotype and ipaq, this study could reveal that there was a correlation between the ipaq results and the vo2max measurement carried out by the rockport test method. it could be seen with an average of 24% of the total subjects, performing advance activities (such as regular exercise, etc.) as their life habits. the results of ipaq measurements of those activities were reflected in the excellent vo2max results of the participants. then, it was noted that 25% of the total subjects had vo2max levels above the average of other participants. this was exactly in line with the literacy that explained that by having physical activity regularly, it would improve one's cardiorespiratory reflected in the measurement results of vo2max testing. specifically, another study examining cardiorespiratory fitness, explained that the better a person's vo2max level is, the lower the person's risk of contracting degenerative diseases is (shenoy, tyagi, & sandhu, 2012). eventually, this research is willing to indicate that, particularly, academics, employees, or other workers to regularly implement a life model by balancing work time and rest behaviour, nutrition, and sports. this quantitative descriptive study clearly shows that by balancing a good exercise pattern, a good and healthy body fitness can be obtained. of course, when you are physically and mentally fit, every academic, or other worker can produce very good quality work. this study realizes that there are shortcomings, and expects further research to complement these shortcomings, in order to explain unanswered phenomena. the drawbacks in this study are that this study did not measure the previous psychological impact that might affect the results, the circulation cycle of all subjects was missed than this copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 picture 3. the per centage of physical activity (ipaq) of all subjects nia sri ramania et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 133 study, it is hoped that further research will be more assertive to observe the subject's circulation cycle, so that it can get accurate results, and third is a nutritional factor that might be able to differentiate the results if the measurement is done better and carefully. conclusion this 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atlet, vo2max merupakan aspek mutlak bagi atlet untuk meningkatkan penampilan dalam prestasinya, dengan memiliki tingkat vo2max yang tinggi maka targetan dalam latihan akan tercapai dengan optimal. penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui tingkat kemampuan maksimal (vo2max) atlet renang unsika, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan metode survey dengan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif, populasi dalam penelitian ini mahasiswa klub renang unsika dengan jumlah 20 orang. tehnik pengambilan sampling menggunakan sampling jenuh (total sampling) dimana semua anggota populasi menjadi anggota sampling dengan jumlah 20 atlet. instrument pengambilan data dengan tes renang 12 menit,dengan norma yang telah baku dari cooper swimming test 12 minute. hasil penelitian menggambarkan tingkat vo2max atlet renang dengan kategori baik sekali 3 atlet (15%) kategori baik 4 atlet (20%) kategori cukup 3 atlet (15%) kategori kurang 4 atlet (20%) kategori kurang sekali 6 atlet (30%). kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa tingkat kemampuan vo2max atlet renang unsika pada kategori kurang sekali abstract vo2max is an important component to improve an athlete’s performance. vo2max is an absolute aspect for athletes to improve their performance. by having a high level of physical fitness, targets in exercise will be achieved optimally. this study was aimed at determining the level of maximum ability (vo2max) of unsika swimming athletes. it applied a survey method with a quantitative descriptive approach. the population of the study were 20 students from unsika swimming club. the sampling was performed by using saturated sampling (total sampling) where all members of the population become members of the sampling, thus the samples were 20 swimming athletes. the data were collected through a swimming test for 12 minutes with the standardized norm from the 12-minute cooper swimming test. the results illustrated that the swimming athletes with 'very good' vo2max level category were 3 athletes (15%), the 'good' vo2max level category were 4 athletes (20%), the 'fair' vo2max level category were 3 athletes (15%), the 'poor' vo2max level category were 4 athletes (20%), and the 'very poor' vo2max level category were 6 athletes (30%). the study concludes that the vo2max level of unsika swimming athletes was in the 'very poor' category.  correspondence address : jl. hs.ronggo waluyo, kabupaten karawang e-mail : ruslan.abdulgani@staff.unsika.ac.id http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 92 ruslan abdul gani, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) introduction sports activity is a form of physical activity that has a complex dimension (pujianto, 2015). swimming is a cyclical sport, where the movements are carried out continuously, and it does not change. bioenergy and biomechanical factors play an essential role in influencing the performance process when swimming (ricardo j. fernandes & vilas-boas, 2012). swimming is a sport that is very complex in improving the quality of athletes' physical abilities because all the muscles work continuously in swimming. physical fitness is an individual's physical capability in carrying out activities that require strength, endurance, flexibility (pratiwi, setijono, & fuad, 2018). the ability of maximum physical condition must support the swimming athletes’ ability. the physical factor is the essential thing in sporting achievements because technical, strategic, mental factors can improve if they have good physical quality (zhannisa & sugiyanto, 2015). the maximum ability level (vo2max) in sports is essential, because having a high vo2max level will be able to compete with the maximally. if an athlete has an excellent vo2max level, then he will not experience a significant level of fatigue. if the athlete is experiencing fatigue, it will affect his swimming technique, and it will experience failure (wiarto, 2013). swimming achievement will increase if it is supported by an excellent physical condition because physical condition greatly influences athlete achievement (abdillah, saichudin, & sudjana, 2015). the higher the vo2max the athlete has, the better the performance will be (pertiwi & murbawani, 2012). in swimming, a swimming athlete must have a high level of physical factor, especially the vo2max, in order to finish the race. the swimmer's performance achievement during the competition is the result of the exercise he has done (sperlich et al., 2010). vo2max level is the maximum ability in the level of oxygen capacity that is absorbed by the cardio system in the exercise process. the endurance aspect is a component of physical ability and an indicator of an athlete during physical activity. vo2max is the maximum uptake of oxygen when carrying out sports activities with optimal intensity, this is an indicator of the endurance of the cardiovascular system, and the unit of vo2max is ml/kg / min (ali, 2016). vo2max is the maximum amount of oxygen in millimeters used in one minute per kilogram of body weight (clara, putri, & nisa, 2013). vo2max test is conducted to find out the maximum ability of heart endurance as a success in the peak of achievement in sports, especially sports that require high endurance, which is perfect and can be utilized by the body through physical exercise during exercise (purba, 2018). in the cardiorespiratory system, there are two kinds of endurance, namely aerobic and anaerobic systems. when we do sports activities, generally, the aerobic system is needed to be able to make explosive movements that are needed as energy explosive power. motion activities that require a lot of oxygen (aerobics) are long-distance running, long-distance bicycle racing, triathlon, marathon, swimming, which are highly needed by aerobic systems in a long period (aditia, badruzaman, paramitha, & jajat, 2018). the development of aerobic ability or endurance is a significant factor for every swimmer in preparing for the swimmer's race (zoretic, grčić-zubčević, & zubčić, 2014). swimming is a sport that is very popular in the world, swimming itself was brought to indonesia by the invaders, and it developed in indonesia with the formation of the swimming management with the name prsi (all indonesian swimming union) with its chairman, mr. purwo sudarmo. swimming has many benefits, including making body healthy and fit, as for recreation, personal safety, and as an achievement. also, swimming with frequency and intensity that is routinely done will increase muscle mass, the endurance of the cardiovascular system, strength, and heart health (hamsa, mukhammadi, hartoto, 2015). swimming has four numbers of swimming styles, including freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, and breaststroke, which have different techniques for each style. unsika’s swimming athletes have mastered the ability of the four styles, but the aerobic ability is still very poor. it can be seen from the results of the observation and interview with unsika’s swimming trainers. their technical ability is good enough, but the ability of vo2max is still very poor. a swimmer must have a high level of vo2max ability so that he does not get tired when they are in a swimming race. unsika’s swimming athletes’ achievements still cannot compete with other universities, because the majority of unsika’s athletes are not the original swimming athletes. they are unsika’s students who can only copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 93 swim properly when they register at the university. based on the background of the problem above, the researcher is very interested in investigating unsika’s swimming athletes’ vo2max level with a 12minute swimming test using cooper 12 min swimming test (cooper, 2018). similar research has also been conducted by aditia (et al., 2018) entitled "comparison of vo2max results of swimming athletes using the williams swimming beep test and bleep test". the difference with this study is the use of swimming test norms. another research is conducted by huse, dawan, patterson patricia (2000) entitled "the validity and reliability of the 12-minute swim test in male swimmers ages 13-17," where the difference is in the norms used and the age of the athletes who are the subjects in his research. the researchers used cooper 12 min swimming test. the problem in this study is fascinating to be investigated because it is rare to examine vo2max test related to swimming athletes using cooper 12 min swimming test. methods based on the results of the interview and observation with unsika’s swimming trainers, the endurance abilities of the swimming athlete gets a particular concern, because they have not been able to complete the training program following the target training. endurance ability is related to the vo2max level, which is very important in swimming training. based on vo2max level, the coaching team will focus on the exercises that lead to the vo2max abilities of athletes. this research is a quantitative descriptive. descriptive research is a type of research that is focused on the exposure of events that occur in an area, field, or environment (suharsimi, 2013) with survey methods. the population in this study is 20 male athletes with total sampling, which means that all populations are sampled (sugiyono, 2011). the data collection is carried out by conducting tests and measurements. the implementation itself is completed by having the cooper 12 min swimming test. the data analysis technique is carried out by a 12minute swimming test. all athletes carry out a swim with a distance of 20 meters for 12 minutes to determine the level of swimming ability, and then it is entered into the norm of the 12-minute swimming test. the data is processed by simplifying it, and then it is calculated descriptively with the percentages (asril, 2015). result and discussion the data presented is processed with statistical data. the table below shows unsika’s swimming athletes vo2max test results. based on table 1, it can be seen that there are 3 athletes categorized at very good level of vo2max (15%), in the good category, there are 4 athletes (20%), in the sufficient category there are 3 athletes (15%), in the poor category, there are 4 athletes (20%) and in very poor, categories there are 6 athletes (30%). based on the results of the study, the vo2max level of the swimming athletes is in thee very poor category (30%), the ability of vo2max is strongly influenced by several factors including (1) elements of exercise activity, (2) elements of rest, (3) elements of loading in training, (4) elements of lifestyle, (5) elements of the place situation, and (6) elements of nutrition (pujianto, 2015). this condition is caused by most of unsika’s swimming athletes’ swimming abilities are not from the early age. the intensity of the training and training program that causes the athlete’s vo2max level is very poor, the ability of the athlete’s vo2max level must be increased by the amount of the training intensity and the training programs that are planned and programmed so that the athlete's vo2max level increases and does not easily experience fatigue. the maximum ability must be trained routinely and programmed to produce high vo2max level. the vo2max level is supported by the endurance factors of athletes. endurcopyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. 12-minute swimming test results in male athletes no age 20-29th category f f (%) 1 ≤ 400 meters very poor 6 30 2 400 499 meters poor 4 20 3 500 599 meters fair 3 15 4 600 699 meters good 4 20 5 ≥ 700 meters very good 3 15 amount 20 100 ruslan abdul gani, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 94 ance is the foundation of athletes in conducting training activities. endurance is a process of activity in training for a long time without fatigue (kurnia & kushartanti, 2013). endurance training can be interpreted as a pulmonary endurance system exercise such as running, cross-country long distance running, cycling, aerobics and swimming which is carried out in a relatively long time (joyner & coyle, 2008). endurance training will give a high response to the muscle as a systemically. athletes who have the endurance ability will have a high physiological level and there will be a homeostasis on the body, make the ability of the lung become very excessive and the body system will be more normal (mach & fuster-botella, 2016). the key factor of endurance ability lies in the total of hemoglobin (hbmass) in an athlete because it is the oxygen transport in muscle tissue (wachsmuth et al., 2013). by having a high level of endurance, it can be ensured that the athlete's vo2max level is high because the maximum oxygen intake into his body will not fatigue quickly. by having high vo2max level, athletes will not get tired quickly, especially in sports that take a very long time (satrio & winarno, 2019). swimming is a measurable branch of sport that requires excellent physical abilities so that they will be able to complete their swim according to the race number. the ability to be primed must be supported by the quality of physical conditions, functional anatomy and psychology of the athletes (ninzar, 2018). these physical conditions include endurance, strength, speed and flexibility that must be trained regularly to improve performance. factors of good physical condition will affect the ability to swim, especially when athletes compete in numbers of medium and long distance distances, such as the number of 200 meters, 400 meters, 800 meters and 1500 meters where the endurance factor is needed during swimming. a swimming athlete must have a high vo2max level to be able to swim until finish. what makes the difference between swimming athletes and other athletes is that swimming athletes have higher vo2max levels (pajar, farenia, & kuswiyanto, 2016). there must be a match between a stable metabolic state of the body and acceleration of swimming during more specific competitions to assess the level of vo2max at medium and long distances (r j fernandes, de jesus, baldari, sousa, & guidetti, 2012). swimmers’ high vo2max level is influenced by the supply of oxygen in the body every minute (rowland et al., 2009). by using a 12-minute swimming test which is a measuring tool to see the athlete's vo2max level, the athlete's endurance will be seen when they are swimming for a long time, the more distance he takes with 12 minutes, the better the maximum oxygen capacity (vo2max) level on these athletes. if the amount of distance they travel a little then the level of maximum oxygen capacity (vo2max) is very poor, and it is likely that the athlete will experience fatigue when following the swimming race. this study is also supported by previous research. the difference between those research with the author's research is on the subjects and instruments used which is the 12-minutes cooper swimming test instrument (bayu i made andika, 2017). while other studies mention the norm of validation and the reliability of the 3-minute all-out swimming test, the author's research uses standardized assessment norm that is 12minutes cooper swimming tests (mitchell, pyne, saunders, & rattray, 2018). other studies suggest that exercise using high intensity vo2max will not last long with little time whereas lower exercise will further increase vo2max levels. this study concerns more on the process of training between high and low intensity exercise on the ability of vo2max. (sousa, vilas-boas, fernandes, & figueiredo, 2017). basically all swimmers, both short and medium also long distance swimmers need vo2max, but the portions differ in each swimmer according to the specialization of the race number taken and the athlete's training portion. having good vo2max capabilities will certainly be able to win every swimming competition. the results of this study provide an understanding that the importance of vo2max levels for athletes to support the achievements of swimming athletes. a very good vo2max level will support other components of physical condition. conclusion based on the results of the research and data processing, it is found that the vo2max level of unsika’s swimmers is in the category of very poor. hopefully, the results of this study can provide positive information for coaches in improving vo2max athletes. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 ruslan abdul gani, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 95 references abdillah, f. t., saichudin, & sudjana, i. n. 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motivation, selfconfidence abstrak tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji model persamaan regresi variabel motivasi, kepercayaan diri, dan kecemasan dalam penguasaan hasil belajar bermain bulutangkis. metode penilitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah descriptive korelasional dengan jumlah partisipan sebanyak 100 siswa sekolah bulutangkis berumur 11-15 tahun. penelitian dilakukan pada siswa-siswi sekolah bulutangkis yang ada di kota bandung. instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah skala motivasi, skala kepercayaan diri, skala kecemasan dan tes hasil belajar bermain bulutangkis data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode regresi dengan menggunakan analisis regresi ganda yang dibantu dengan software analisis statistic spss for windows versi 21. hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa motivasi, kepercayaan diri dan kecemasan memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap hasil belajar keterampilan dasar bulutangkis. abstract the study was aimed at testing the models of variable regression equations of motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety in the mastery of badminton learning outcomes. the method used in this research was the correlational descriptive method involving 100 badminton school students aged 11-15 years as participants. the research was conducted in the badminton schools in bandung city. the instruments used in this study were motivational scales, confidence scales, anxiety scales, and badminton learning test outcomes. the data obtained were analyzed by using regression method with double regression analysis employing spss statistic analysis software for windows version 21. the results showed that motivation, confidence, and anxiety had a significant impact on the basic learning outcomes of badminton.  correspondence address : jln. dr. setiabudhi 229. bandung. indonesia e-mail : yadysupriyatna@gmail.com issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.18677 112 yady supriyatna et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) introduction traditionally, coach and athlete focus their effort on physical coaching. however, as the time goes by, technical, tactical, and practical aspects gain a critical role (dosil, 2008). since applied sport psychology has not reached an equal development with other fields dedicated for education and research, new approach is needed to meet the athlete and people in sport need, thus the collaboration of the psychological expert in club and team is possible (dosil, 2008). motivation has become a central topic in sport psychology for the last few years according to weiner in (spray, wang, biddle,& chatzisarantis, 2006), understanding and improving motivation is a field of psychological research that is popular nowadays in sport and coaching psychology (tenenbaum gershon & robert c. eklund,2013). teachers and coaches could teach how to use self-talk in order to improve self-confidence and movement ability to the athletes (hidayat & budiman, 2014). badminton games requires physical ability, but in the real practice physical ability is not enough, the mental aspects such as self-confidence, motivation, anxiety, solidarity, aggresiveness, and so many more are necessary (subarjah & hidayat, 2010). motivation process can be defined by psychological construction that gives energy, direct, and control the achievement behavior (tenenbaum gershon & robert c. eklund, 2013). self-confidence is the fundamental aspect of a person to achieve an accomplishment. a person who has a self-confidence is able to and believe that they could achieve the goals they set. self-confidence is a fundamental aspect to move forward, since the accomplishment of a maximum achievement should be started by a belief that they could reach beyond their previous achievement (gunarsa, 1989). badminton player is a player who is popular among people, this game is played by two person or more by stroking a shuttlecock so that it does not fall in the own field. the research of fadillah (2014) argues that self-confidence contributes to the result of fundamental skill of the player through anxiety level for about 52,6%. anxiety is defined as a fear and pressure caused by the environment or expectation of the surroundings that is related with desire (khodayari, 2011). moran (2005) explains anxiety as: an emotional condition that is characterized by fear, the feeling of fear and/ or stress that tends to happen without the existence of the real threat. previous research still have a lack in motivation, self-confidence, anxiety on the badminton game fundamental skill, therefore this study was aimed to find out the effect of motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety on badminton fundamental skill. methods design of the study the purpose of this study was mainly to examine the motivation and anxiety variability contributing to the badminton learning outcome. therefore, to solve the problem in the research, the researcher chose to use descriptive correlational study as the design of the study. in general, the main reason of the use of descriptive correlational study was to arrange a description of relationship among motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety on badminton learning outcome. participants participants of this study were the students of badminton schools in bandung, consisting of badminton school of fpok, kotab, and sgs pln that involved 100 students with 1 inclusive criteria. the age of the student was 11-15 years, the period of training was 1 to 2 years, the sex of the students were male and female. the students consisted of 84 male students and 15 female students. the participants were taken by using purposive sampling with the assumption that the participants were chosen based on the inclusive criteria that had been formulated by the researcher. data collection technique there are three instruments used in this research to measure each independent variable and an instrument to measure a dependent variable. the instruments include : (1) motivation scale, (2) self-confidence scale, (3) anxiety scale, (4) fundamental badminton skill test. the instrument to measure the scale of motivation that was used is motivation scale developed by (li, kawabata, & zhang, 2016). the instrument consisted of 18 items that includes six subscales measuring motivahttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.18677 113 tion, external regulation, introjection regulation, identified regulation, integrated regulation, intrinsic motivation. correlation coefficient intra class was 0,70 to 0.89 (li et al., 2016). the instrument used to measure self-confidence was self-confidence scale developed by hidayat (2016). the development of the scale is based on the multidimension self-confidence model constructed by vealey dan knight (2002) that is integrated into the conceptual self-confidence model in sport (vealey & chase, 2008), consisting of three dimensions including (1) cognitive efficiency (2) physical skill and training (3) resilience. the result of the factor analysis test found 35 valid item with the value of loading factor ranged from 0,52 to 0,82, consisted of 14 items of cognitive efficiency dimension (loading factor 0,50 to 0,81 ), 8 item of physical skill and training dimension (loading factor 0,55 to 0,85), and 13 items from resilience dimension (loading factor 0.50 to 0.76). meanwhile the reliability analysis result using internal consistency reliability cronbach alpha obtained reliability value 0,90, cognitive efficiency 0,75, physical skill and training dimension 0,71, and resilience dimension 0,78 (hidayat, 2016). the instrument to measure the anxiety level was sport anxiety scale-2 developed by (ramis, viladrich, sousa, & jannes, 2015). similar with the sport anxiety scale-1, sport anxiety scale-2 consisted of 15 item s developed based on three dimensions including (1) somatic anxiety, (2) worry and (3) concentration disruption. the validity test used confirmatory factor analysis (cfa) and the reliability test used cronbach alpha. the internal consistency was assessed for each subscale for each subsample. alpha cronbach coefficient was 0,73 to 0,89, and the inter-item correlation was 0,31 to 0,61 (smith, smoll, cumming, & grossbard, 2006 ; ramis, viladrich, sousa, & jannes, 2015). the badminton fundamental skill learning outcome is the ability that is performed during badminton fundamental skill test in sub-test high service and defense lob measured by the number of accurate strokes and shuttlecock falls in the target area 0, 1, 2, and 3. each item was conducted 12 times, 6 times from right side and left side of one fourth of the square of the field. the score of the badminton fundamental skill test is gained from the average of the three test items did by the students. the higher the score gained, the higher the success shown, and vice versa. the instrument to measure the badminton skill was adapted from the test developed by hidayat (2016) with validity index that is related to the criteria is 0,74 and the test-retest reliability is 0,90. the trial analysis related to this research results in validity index estimation related to the criteria is 0,70 and the reliability estimation of tes-retest is 0,81 (hidayat, 2016), besides that the high service test gained reliability tes-retest 0,94. the trial analysis related to the research results in reliability estimation testretest 0,81. meanwhile, the validity with the criteria gained validity value 0,70. every athlete did 12 times of clear lob-bs stroke, six times from the half of left and right side measured by the number of success (hidayat, 2016). data analysis all of the data analysis were conducted by using statistical techniques including descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, and percentage) and inferential statistics with simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis. the regression analysis technique was used to predict the value of dependent variable according to the other independent variables (uyanto, 2006). other opinion related to the regression analysis technique is sugiyono (2010) who states that “regression analysis is used to predict how far the dependent variable value changes, if the independent variable is manipulated or changed”. the regression model that was used in this research is : ŷ = a +bx1 + bx2 + bx3 for analyzing multiple regression (ali, 2011). all of the analysis employed the statistical analysis software spss (statistical package for social science) for windows version 21. result descriptive statistics statistic descriptive is an initial depiction of the analysis result presented in this research, the statistics parameter presented as the initial depiction were mean and standard deviation of each group. the following is the result of the descriptive statistic analysis. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.18677 yady supriyatna et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) 114 the innovation based on the result of descriptive statistics from the table 1 shows the average score of motivation variable was 47.45, standard deviation was 3.89, and standard error 0.38. the self-confidence variable average score was 76.87, standard deviation was 5.83, and standard error was 0,58. the worry variable gained average score 21.60, standard deviation 7.08, and standard error 0.71. meanwhile, the fundamental skill gained average score 53.15, standard deviation 4.92, and standard error 0.41. the following is the diagram showing the result of the descriptive statistic analysis. double regression analysis according to the result of analysis in table 2, the value or r in the model summary table is 0,75 and the value of significance is p_value 0,00 (0,00 < 0,05). it shows that there is a correlation between motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety variables along with the outcome of the badminton test outcome, with the coefficient correlation 0,75 and determination coefficient 0,55. motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety give 55% contribution on the badminton learning outcome test. other 45% was affected by other factors that were not identified in this study. in the analysis of each variable, it is found that the coefficient correlation of the coefficient table above is 0,52 (correlation between motivation and the badminton learning outcome test), 0,24 (correlation between self-confidence and the badminton learning outcome test), -0,16 (correlation between anxiety and the badminton learning outcome test). the result of analysis shows that according to bivariate analysis, motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety variables give different impacts on the result of the badminton learning outcome test. it is proven by the value of coefficient correlation 0,52 in the correlation between motivation*the badminton learning outcome test that shows a positive significant correlation. it means that the one unit increase on motivation variable will be followed by one unit increase of the badminton learning outcome test variable. furthermore, the correlation between self-confidence and the mastery of the badminton learning outcome test gained coefficient correlation value 0,24, which means that there is a positive correlation between self-confidence and the mastery of the badminton learning outcome test. meanwhile, in the anxiety variable, the coefficient correlation is -0,16 which means that there is a negative correlation between anxiety and the mastery of the badminton learning outcome test. it shows that the increase of one unit http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.18677 figure 1. the result of the descriptive statistics analysis model summary model r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate 1 0.75a 0.55 0.54 3.34 coefficients a model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 8.62 6.22 1.38 0.18 mo 0.65 0.09 0.52 6.69 0.00 kd 0.20 0.06 0.24 3.11 0.00 kc -0.11 0.05 -0.16 -2.17 0.03 a. dependent variable: kdbb table 2. double r egr ession analysis yady supriyatna et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) variable n mean sd sem mo 100 47.59 3.89 0.38 kd 100 76.87 5.83 0.58 kc 100 21.60 7.08 0.71 kdbb 100 53.15 4.92 0.49 table 1. the result of descr iptive statistics analysis note : mo = motivation kd = self-confidence, kc = worry, kdbb = fundamental badminton skill. 115 of anxiety variable will be followed by the one unit decrease of the badminton learning outcome test, and vice versa. discussion the main purpose of this study was to test the regression equation model of the motivation, selfconfidence, and anxiety variable in the mastery of the badminton learning outcome test. according to the result of analysis, it gained a regression equation model ŷ=8,62 + 0,65 motivation + 0,20 self-confidence – 0,11 anxiety. the analysis indicates that each independent variable is proven to give different contribution, which means that motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety level variable contributes to the badminton learning outcome test. the higher the motivation of a person, the mastery of the badminton learning outcome test will follow. besides that, the higher the selfconfidence of a person will have impact on the improvement of the mastery of the badminton learning outcome test. moreover, the lower the anxiety level of a person, the higher the mastery of the badminton learning outcome test. the result of the analysis gained significant value of motivation 0,000 < 0,05. therefore, it concludes that there is significant effect of motivation on the badminton learning outcome test. motivation has a function to give energy, decide, and direct the performance (singh & pathak, 2017). motivation helps an individual in setting hard goals and direct the energy and effort to reach the goals. the motivated athlete will intrinsically spend a high effort to master a skill and driven by inner motivation to finish a task. the explanation above concludes that motivation could affect a person skill. besides that, the significance value of selfconfidence is 0,002 < 0,05. therefore, it concludes that there is a direct significant effect of self-confidence on the badminton learning outcome test. self-confidence is a multi dimension construction constructed by three dimensions including cognitive efficiency, physical training and skill, resilience skill (hidayat, 2011). the three dimensions are elaborated into eight indicators including focusing attention, making decision, managing self-though, mastering physical skill, mastering technical skill, overcoming the mistakes, overcoming the doubt, and performing best performance. meanwhile, the significant value of selfconfidence variable is 0,032 < 0,05. it concludes that there is a significant effect of anxiety on the badminton learning outcome. the relationship between anxiety and performance can be drawn in upside down u, with both high and low level have negative effect on performance, but the optimal performance could be achieved when a person have a moderate anxiety level (kristjánsdóttir, erlingsdóttir, & saavedra, 2018). according to the explanation, the anxiety, low or high, has a negative effect on performance. however, the moderate level of anxiety could result in optimal performance. moderate level means that the amount is in the right level, not to high and not too low. furthermore, (wilson, wood, & vine, 2009) states that the high competitive anxiety level, cognitive or somatic, could have a great effect on performance. according to the statement, the researcher argues that the higher the anxiety, the more negative effect it gives on the performance. it concludes that an athlete who could control their anxiety level will have a positive effect on their performance. according to the opinions above, the researcher concludes that self-confidence is related to the mastery of technical skill mastery thus it has impact on the badminton learning outcome test. it is supported by the opinion of (brewer, 2007) who states that selfconfidence can be thought of as the “mental modifier,” because confidence seems to modify how athletes feel about, respond to, and think about everything that happens to them in sport. self-confidence is considered as “mental changer”, since self-confidence is like changing how an athlete feels, responds, and thinks of everything happens to them in sport. for example, selfconfidence has proven positively predict the effort and persistence of athletes in sport. the regression equation model resulted in this research is ŷ=8,62 + 0,65 motivation + 0,20 selfconfidence – 0,11 anxiety. it shows that the motivation variable gives highest contribution in predicting the mastery of the badminton learning outcome test than self-confidence and anxiety variables. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.18677 yady supriyatna et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) 116 conclusion according to the result of analysis presented in discussion section, this research concludes that regression equation model is proven significantly and suitable with the theoretical concept of relevant studies. the regression equation of motivation variable gives the highest contribution in predicting the mastery of the badminton learning outcome test that self-confidence and anxiety variables. however, in general, motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety give significant effects in predicting the badminton learning outcome test of the badminton school students aged 11-15. references arief, m fadhillah (2014). kontribusi kepercayaan diri terhadap hasil belajar keterampilan bermain bulutangkis berdasarkan tingkat kecemasan. 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(2) perilaku sosial siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bola tangan termasuk dalam kategori baik, yaitu sebesar 79,65%. (3) hasil observasi juga menunjukkan bahwa perilaku sosial siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bola tangan termasuk dalam kategori baik, yaitu sebesar 72,91%. kesimpulan, pembelajaran bola tangan memberikan pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku sosial siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bola tangan di sma negeri 1 lembang kabupaten bandung barat. abstract the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of learning handball on the social behavior of students on the extracurricular handball in sma negeri 1 lembang, west bandung regency. the method used in this research is descriptive (ex-postfacto). result: (1) learning handball gives significant influence to social behavior of students who follow extracurricular handball in sma negeri 1 lembang, west bandung regency. (2) social behavior of students who follow extracurricular handball belong to good category, that is equal to 79,65%. (3) the result of observation also shows that social behavior of students who follow extracurricular handball belong to good category, that is equal to 72,91%. conclusion: learning handball gives a positive and significant influence on social behavior of students who follow extracurricular handball in sma negeri 1 lembang west bandung regency. * alamat korespondensi : indramayu, indonesia e-mail : anangsetiawan@stkipnu.ac.id issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi: 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10188 © 2018 universitas pendidikan indonesia 90 pendahuluan pendidikan adalah segala situasi hidup yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan individu sebagai pengalaman belajar yang berlangsung dalam segala lingkungan dan sepanjang hidup (çubukçu, 2012; dewey, 1938). pendidikan adalah usaha sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya untuk memiliki kekuatan spiritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan yang diperlukan dirinya, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara (bell, 2010; guney & al, 2012; mehdipour & zerehkafi, 2013). sederhananya bahwa pendidikan adalah usaha manusia (pendidik) dengan penuh tanggung jawab untuk membimbing anak-anak didik menjadi kedewasaan. pendidikan formal di sekolah tidak hanya mengajarkan mata pelajaran mengenai teori atau konsep saja, artinya yang hanya menggunakan kemampuan kognitif saja secara dominan, akan tetapi ada juga mata pelajaran praktik yang mengharuskan siswa untuk menggunakan fisiknya atau domain psikomotor dalam proses pembelajaran yaitu pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani (light, 2008). pendidikan jasmani adalah proses pendidikan yang memanfaatkan aktivitas jasmani yang direncanakan secara sistematik bertujuan untuk meningkatkan individu secara organik, neuromuskuler, perseptual, kognitif, dan emosional dalam kerangka sistem pendidikan jasmani (kirk, macdonald, & o???sullivan, 2006; le masurier & corbin, 2006; todd, 2013) dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani ada tiga aspek yang menjadi bahan penilaian, yaitu: aspek kognitif (pengetahuan intelektual), afektif (sikap sosial) dan psikomotor (keterampilan gerak). ketiga aspek tersebutlah yang menjadi bahan kajian dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar pendidikan jasmani yang selanjutnya akan digabungkan dan diberi penilaian sebagai hasil dari proses belajar siswa di sekolah (drost & todorovich, 2013; rochmawati & wahyuni, 2017; sitzmann, ely, brown, & bauer, 2010). pembelajaran aktivitas jasmani merupakan salah satu proses yang lebih spesifik dari pendidikan yang dilakukan dengan terencana, sistematis dan menggunakan pendekatanpendekatan yang sesuai dengan tujuan yang akan dicapai. dalam pelaksanaannya, proses belajar di sekolah harus sesuai dengan kurikulum yang ada, agar bisa mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. kurikulum merupakan salah satu indikator yang menentukan berhasil tidaknya suatu pendidikan (alsubaie, 2015; kelly, 2009; zhu, ennis, & chen, 2011). oleh karena itu kurikulum harus dikelola secara baik dan profesional. secara langsung maupun tidak, penyampaian kurikulum dalam program pendidikan menuntut adanya tanggung jawab guru sebagai pelaksana proses belajar mengajar di sekolah. materi pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani yang dikembangkan dalam kurikulum pembelajaran di sekolah antara lain adalah atletik, kebugaran jasmani, kesehatan dan olahraga permainan. salah satu contoh pembelajaran olahraga permainan yang sedang populer di anang setiawan dkk. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10188 91 lingkungan sma adalah pembelajaran bola tangan. bola tangan bisa diartikan sebagai permainan beregu yang menggunakan bola sebagai alatnya, yang dimainkan dengan menggunakan satu atau kedua tangan (manchado, tortosamartínez, vila, ferragut, & platen, 2013). bola tersebut boleh dilempar, dipantulkan, atau ditembakan. tujuan dari permainan ini adalah memasukan bola sebanyak-banyaknya ke gawang lawan, dan mencegah agar tim lawan tidak dapat memasukan bola ke gawang kita (mahendra, 2000:6). dalam pembelajaran permainan bola tangan, selain aspek kognitif dan psikomotor, siswa juga belajar mengenai aspek afektif, yaitu hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan perilaku dan sikap. dari segi afektif ini banyak tujuan dan manfaat yang diharapkan dapat tercapai oleh siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran bola tangan, diantaranya sikap sportif, memiliki rasa tanggung jawab, adanya keinginan bekerja sama, cepat mengambil keputusan, menghargai lawan bermain dan lain sebagainya. di dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani, sering ditemui permasalahan dalam perilaku sosial siswa (langthorne & mcgill, 2011). masalah yang sering timbul dalam segi perilaku sosial yaitu siswa sering kali melakukan perilaku atau perbuatan yang tidak sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan (wiley, siperstein, forness, & brigham, 2010), seperti berkata-kata kotor atau kasar, kurang sopan kepada teman atau guru, tidak mentaati perintah guru, melawan guru, individualis, saling bermusuhan antar teman, bahkan sampai ada yang berkelahi dengan temannya sendiri. sama halnya dalam olahraga bola tangan yang merupakan olahraga permainan dan melibatkan orang lain, yang akan terlaksana jika didalamnya terdapat hal-hal yang menjadi kesepakatan bersama, baik yang berkaitan dengan peraturan, maupun yang berkaitan dengan perilaku sosial seperti kejujuran, kerjasama, saling mempercayai sesama teman dan saling menghargai. dalam melakukan kegiatan olahraga, setiap siswa biasanya memiliki karakteristik perilaku yang berbeda-beda (engels et al., 2016), perilaku itu dapat terwujud apabila seseorang melakukan suatu aktivitas. perilaku sosial siswa selalu bervariasi baik di sekolah, keluarga ataupun masyarakat. terlebih lagi di sekolah, terkadang mereka berperilaku baik, terkadang juga berubah menjadi jelek. perubahan perilaku ini disebabkan karena adanya unsur yang mempengaruhi kepribadian individu (caldarella, shatzer, gray, young, & young, 2011). pergaulan siswa merupakan hal yang dapat mempengaruhi kepribadian individu, jika individu atau siswa bergaul dengan teman yang baik, maka siswa tersebut akan memiliki kepribadian yang baik pula, bahkan bisa jadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya, baik itu kepada teman sebaya, guru ataupun orang lain. tetapi jika individu atau siswa bergaul dengan teman yang salah atau tidak memiliki sopan santun dan tatakrama, baik ucapan maupun perbuatan maka tidak menutup kemungkinan siswa tersebut akan menjadi pribadi yang tidak baik. metode dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif (ex-postfacto). metode ini digunakan atas dasar pertimbangan bahwa sifat penelitian ini adalah meneliti http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index anang setiawan dkk. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10188 92 tentang variabel yang kejadiannya sudah terjadi sebelum penelitian dilaksanakan. penelitian expostfacto adalah penyelidikan secara empiris yang sistematik, dimana peneliti tidak mempunyai kontrol langsung terhadap variabelvariabel bebas (independent variables) karena manifestasi fenomena telah terjadi atau karena fenomena sukar dimanipulasikan (nazir, 2005:73). populasi populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bola tangan di sma negeri 1 lembang kabupaten bandung barat. sedangkan teknik sampling yang digunakan yaitu total sampling (sugiyono, 2010). jadi, sampel yang digunakan adalah seluruh siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bola tangan di sma negeri 1 lembang kabupaten bandung barat. teknik pengumpulan data teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner dan observasi. kuesioner digunakan untuk mengungkap data pribadi siswa tentang perilaku – perilaku atau sikap siswa di sekolah. sedangkan observasi dilakukan untuk menambah dan mendukung data hasil dari pengisian kuesioner. analisa data analisis data yang diperoleh dengan cara menghitung nilai rata – rata dari setip butir pertanyaan atau pernyataan pada kuesioner kemudian dilakukan prosentase untuk menarik hasil dan kesimpulan. hasil dan pembahasan dari hasil pengolahan data, perilaku sosial siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bola tangan di sma negeri 1 lembang kabupaten bandung barat termasuk dalam kategori baik, yaitu sebesar 79,65%. hal tersebut juga didukung dengan data dari hasil penskoran dan pengelompokan tiap komponen perilaku sosial siswa melalui teknik observasi. observasi dilakukan oleh peneliti dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh data tambahan yang bisa mendukung data yang sudah dihasilkan dengan menggunakan angket. observasi yang dilakukan yaitu dengan cara mengamati semua perilaku siswa pada saat melakukan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler bola tangan selama 16 kali pengamatan. data hasil observasi memperlihatkan bahwa perilaku sosial siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bola tangan di sma negeri 1 lembang termasuk dalam kategori 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(american college health association, 2014) reports that experiencing stress become the most influential factor on their academic achievement. the students also experience a high stress level during conducting academic activities (hodselmans et al., 2018). the negative impact of stress involves the difficulty to pay attention during the lecture (gamayanti, mahardianisa, & syafei, 2018). a prolonged stress will affect the academic process of the students. it would also have impact on their focus during learning, cause sleep problem, and trigger their unwillingness to follow teaching and learning activities to drop out (simbolon, 2015). the suitable treatment could decrease college student level of stress. one of the treatments is conducting an outdoor activity program. the outdoor activity gives opportunities to the students to directly interact with the nature. the positive aspect could be cultivated through outdoor activities (karisman & supriadi, 2018). a structured outdoor program can have a function as the prevention of the negative impact of excessive screen viewing (such as viewing hand phone, tablet, and computer) (mutz & müller, 2016). furthermore, outdoor education activities provided with discussion is proven to be more effective in increasing the student knowledge of problems and problems in their surroundings (ajiboye & olatundun, 2010). outdoor adventure education can be used as a social integration process since outdoor context could support the social and interpersonal skills (ooko, muthomi, & odhiambo, 2015). the moderate recreation activities, such as walking, is the best outdoor activity to improve mental health, while having a talk could decrease anxiety and restore attention; while accessing internet and sport, both of them, fail to improve mental health significantly (weng & chiang, 2014). in addition, outdoor activities are better for restoring attention than indoor activities. the short-term adventure-based outdoor programs (aop) provide opportunities to college students to step aside of daily challenge and eventually reduce the level of psychological stress of the students and offer a tentative help for their level of physiological stress (alan & aiko, 2016). there is no significant difference of students’ level of stress related to gender and outdoor adventure activities (chang, davidson, conklin, & ewert, 2018). the level of academic stress is mostly in the high level of stress. the level of stress related to intrapersonal and interpersonal is mostly in the high level of stress. the level of stress in teaching and learning is mostly in the moderate level of stress. the level of stress related to social relationship is mostly in the moderate level of stress. the level of stress related to desire and control is mostly in the moderate level of stress. the level of stress related to group activities is mostly in the moderate level of stress. the stressor that has the highest impact is in the intrapersonal and interpersonal aspects. the statement causes a stress the most is obtaining a low score (rahmayani, liza, & syah, 2019). in this research, students are guided to participate in the outdoor education program. the type of activities conducted included hiking, team games, and orienteering. the adventure-based outdoor activities conducted was aimed at decreasing the level of stress of the students. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 78 methods the method used in this study was experimental method with the randomized pretest and posttest group design. the population of this study were the semester 5 stkip pasundan students majoring recreation education program aged ± 21,3 years for female and ±21,5 years for male. the samples of this study were 83 students (70 males; 13 females) taken through cluster random sampling. the instrument used in this study was perceived stress scale (state of new hampshire employee assistance program, 1983). this instrument had been retested for its validity and reliability. the reliability was 0,871. this research was started by pretest followed by treatments. the treatment was conducted in ten meetings, once a week for two hours following the research of (karisman, 2015). the treatments conducted involved hiking, outbound, swimming, and camping as shown in table 1. the activities of treatment include hiking to the hills and to waterfalls conducted twice, at the beginning and at the end of the program, outbound activities conducted twice, swimming at the river and camping conducted once in the middle of the treatment and once at the end of the program. the data obtained were analyzed by using spss 20 with the paired sample t-test analysis. result and discussion this research had been conducted for four months and was in line with the planned schedule. the following is the result of the data analysis: table 2 shows that the result is significant 0,000 < 0,05 which means that there was a significant effect of the short-term adventure on the stress level of the college students. the result shows that there was a significant effect of short-term adventure on the student stress level. it is because outdoor education could develop various psychological aspects through the intervention (sheard & golby, 2016). outdoor education is built on the wide multidiscipline theories and practice to develop and widen the base of knowledge to provide a meaningful development opportunity to develop outdoor knowledge and skills, personal development, and the sustainability of the environment (potter & dyment, 2016). the advantage of documented recreation, especially outdoor recreation, vary and include physiological advantage (such as cardiovascular fitness improvement) and various mental health, such as reducing stress and depression symptoms, developing subjective wellbeing, and improving the peer support socially (amy & eddie, 2017). the outdoor education activity is conducted to achieve the goals, to take the risk, to push personal limits, to deal with fear and the sensation of the body to have a deeper connection with others and nature (kerr & houge mackenzie, 2012). through these activities, the students could relax and lessen the stress level. the modernization has impacts on our life and psychological level. stress is found to be lower on the people who are close to the nature (education scotland, 2011). the higher stressor burden could increase anxiety and eventually affect emotional health (anniko, boersma, & tillfors, 2019). the result of this research implied that stress at school and anxiety might become important targets for preventive intervention that is aimed at reducing mental health problems related to stress in teenagers. through a suitable intervention for instance the intervention in this study, the implementation of recreation education could be a solution in reducing stress of the students. moreover, (crum, akinola, martin, & fath, 2017) conducted research which showed that a person could increase their response on stress by adopting the more positive mindset of the stress they face. generally, it is applied for every copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. tr eat ment activities no activities session 1 pretest 2 hiking to the hills session 1 3 hiking to waterfalls session 2 4 outbound 1 session 3 5 outbound 2 session 4 6 swimming at the river session 5 7 camping session 7 8 hiking to the hills session 8 9 hiking to waterfalls session 9 10 camping session 10 11 posttest vicki ahmad karisman, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 79 stressful situation. through outdoor activities, we are expected to have a stronger mind to reduce the stress. teenagers from all countries are competent in handling stressor. culture has a stronger impact on stress perception and coping style than gender. the findings have some practical important implications. doctors, teachers, and other professionals who work with teenagers and family with minority ethnic background could harvest benefits from the awareness improvement that culture background has a significant effect on how a teenager faces stress in close relationships (persike & seiffge-krenke, 2016). it also shows that there is another factor causing stress besides on campus lecturing activities. through intentional activities without seeing ethnic, culture, and economic background, the level of stress could be reduced. the level of stress of an individual is also affected by their response on the stress. the response on stress is divided into four groups including physiological stress, cognitive response, emotional response, and behavior response. another factor that could also affect the stress level difference is coping mechanism. the bad coping mechanism could worsen the level of stress and vice versa. if a person could fight the stress they experienced by using a good coping mechanism, the stress would decrease or even subside (rahmayani et al., 2019). the academic stress and emotional quotient contribute on the subjective wellbeing of the students. however, the role of academic stress is found to be higher on the subjective wellbeing than on the emotional quotient of the students (julika & setiyawati, 2019). through the right coping management, the level of stress could be reduced and decreased. relevant to this study, a significant change happened to the college students who joined the recreation activities. conclusion the short-term adventure program through hiking, outbound, swimming, and camping activities could decrease the stress level of the college students. however, a further research related to the level of stress of the college students through a clinical study by testing their level of stress through saliva is needed. references ahmad karisman, v. 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(2014). psychological restoration through indoor and outdoor leisure activities. journal of leisure research, 46(2), 203– 217. https:// doi.org/10.1080/00222216.2014.11950320 copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 vicki ahmad karisman, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 48 jpjo 4 (1) (2019) 48-54 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index the indonesian national sports games : expectations and reality amung ma’mun, cep ubad abdullah, suherman slamet, rahma kharunnisa, sally hanako budiarti universitas pendidikan indonesia article info article history : received august 2018 revised october2018 accepted march 2019 available online april 2019 keywords : indonesia national sports games (pon), expectation, reality, objectives. abstract this paper describes an empirical study about the expectation and reality of the indonesian national sports games (pon) after the regulation about national sport system came in to force in 2005. to describe the achievement and issues associated with the objectives of pon, analyses of report documents of the 2008, 2012, and 2016 pon were carried out. in addition, interviews with athletes and officials from several contingents and focus group discussions with experts were also conducted. in terms of maintaining the unity and integrity of the nation, pon could be deemed to meet the expectations but some modifications should be made to the idealism, management, and sport contents to improve the development system of national sport. however, organizing pon as a talent scout effort is no longer valid due to some issues associated with recruitment system, match and sport categorization system, and event time selection. even so, pon is still needed to stimulate sport development in regional level. there should be a new policy in order for pon to achieve all of its goals.  correspondence address : jl. dr. setiabudhi no. 229, kota bandung e-mail : amung@upi.edu issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15049 49 amung ma’mun, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) introduction indonesian national sports games (pon) is analogous to the olympic games that has become the culmination of a nation’s sporting achievements in international level (roche 2002). the objectives of pon are similar to those of the olympic games. they include maintaining the unity of indonesian nation which is analogous to peace if associated with the relationships among the participating countries in the olympic games, recruiting new potential athletes, and improving high performance sports (binder 2012; chu 2015; chappelet 2016). since the participants of this event are athletes representing all provinces in indonesia, the event is of national level. however, outstanding and potential athletes will usually represent indonesia in international sport events such as sea games, asian games, and olympic games. like many national events in other countries, be it of multior singlesport, pon is a national athlete selection process (leopkey, mutter, and parent 2010; gulbin et al. 2013). to date, indonesia’s international elite sports have not been getting any better. in the 2016 olympics in rio de janeiro, brazil; for example, indonesia only managed to win one gold medal, one silver medal, and one bronze medal. the former was in badminton, and the other two in weightlifting. indonesian peoples by all means expect more than this because a nation’s sporting success entails its prestige (shariati, khabiri, and hamidi 2013; park et al 2016). in local context, being a host means a pride for a city and improved budgetary allocation which in turn will have a greater positive effect on the development of the city (tsvetkova 2011). thus, in a universal context, there should be a new policy in sport development. the policy should be shifted from the development of sports to the development through sports. sports can be a mean through which health and quality of life are developed and urban and state developments are accelerated (burton et al. 2010; maguire 2011; yamamoto 2012; ha, lee, and ok 2015). and political support is also necessary to establish such policy (morissette 2014; park et al. 2016; zhouxiang 2016). the sport development strategies may vary in various countries but tend to give up the model implemented in indonesia through pon despite the fact that this model is still applicable to maintain and promote the nation’s unity (creak 2010; li and hong 2015). in european countries; for example, single-sport event systems are becoming more and more popular than multisport event systems, and so is in america (durand and bayle 2002; koski and lämsä 2015). this model is in accordance with that implemented in the commercialized sport industries (veal, toohey, and frawley 2000). the sport development through schooling systems also continues to grow. england; for example, implements physical education, school sport and club link (pesscl) strategy with school sport partnership (ssp) as its core program. ssp could be said as a partnership of various sport schools, funded by government as much as £270,000 annually (daniel bloyce and andy smith 2010). however, effective sport development through schooling systems should be equipped with clear and standardized implementation guidelines (bailey, morley, and dismore 2009). the present study was conducted to analyze the organization of pon in 2008, 2012, and 2016 or after the national sport system (nss) came into force in 2005 as well as to answer the following questions: (1) is pon still feasible to be held as a quadrennial multi sport event to promote the national unity? (2) is pon still feasible to be held every four years to recruit new potential athletes? (3) should the sport development model implemented in pon be maintained or be modified in order to keep up with other countries that have already advanced? (4) what kind of policy should be used as the basis of modification in order for pon to satisfy the demands of sport development system and to optimize the regional role as the key support for the national development system?. method the interviewees were 80 athletes consisting of 43 male athletes and 37 female athletes of 43 different sports contested in pon xix in 2016 and 20 officials consisting of five of each of four different sports including martial arts, measurable sports, games sports, and accuracy sports. to the athletes were posed such questions as whether they thought pon was still on the right track to fulfill its objectives, what they thought of the number of contested sports and matches, what they thought of the proliferation of the practice of transfer of athletes from one province to another, and what they thought of the refereeing practice. and to the officials http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15049 50 were posed questions associated with the relevance of regulation and competition system of pon to the trend of current sport industries, the relevance of national sporting achievement to the needs required to compete in international level, the relevance of regulation system of pon to the development system required to compete globally, the feasibility of continuing or giving up pon as a facilitating event to develop athletes to compete in international level. the interview questions were meant to address the gap of pon between expectations and reality. the results of interviews were triangulated with the data gathered through focus group discussions with experts who had sport education backgrounds including lecturers, sport practitioners like coaches and umpires/ referees, and students enrolled in master’s and doctoral degree in sports. in addition, report documents of the 2008, 2012, and 2016 pon from the library of national sports committee (koni) of east kalimantan, the library of riau koni, and the library of west java koni were also analyzed to find out information regarding number of contested sports and matches, average age of the athletes, and top ten athletes from respective provinces. in addition, the athletes’ achievements were also analyzed to see the feasibility of giving them further trainings to compete in international level. result and discussion a shift in the value of sporting achievements among pon participants something worth noting of the pon xvii, xviii, and xix is that the competition cannot be said to support the effort of local athlete development process. this is due to easiness for athletes to be transferred from one province to another and due to the fact that idealism does no longer matter to some prominent board members of national sport federations (nsf) in establishing a clean and fair competition system that is oriented to developing athletes for international competition. transfers of athletes and even match fixing become normal and common practices. another notable thing is that there was 17 out of 43 contested sports in the 2008 pon where the host delegated 50 athletes that were previously transferred from other provinces during 2005-2007. this paid them off. the host managed to win 28 gold and 15 silver medals in 17 sports in question. similarly, in the 2016 pon, west java as the host delegated 72 athletes who were originally transferred from other provinces, and they managed to secure 43 gold medals. these practices will likely continue to happen in several pons to come. it is not unusual to see the achievements of some participants skyrocketing in a very unreasonable time in light of the principles of high sport performance development. on one hand, some provinces struggle to win gold medals, and some other provinces, on the other hand, could easily and surprisingly top the medal table (see table 1). although it is not illegal to take such shortcut since it is made possible by a policy provided by the organizing committee, this condition cannot continue to happen because it will disrupt the sport development system in the regional level, and in turn the nation’s high performance elite sport in international level such as olympic games, asian games, and sea games will continue to slump. rumor has it that the transfer of athletes and match fixing by the officials of the regional contingents and the organizing committee also took place in pon xviii in 2012 in riau. it is then hard to imagine what would happen to the pon xx in 2020 in papua. there should be a regulation to deal with the aforesaid issues unless it will disrupt the development of national elite sports and the spirit of national unity. thus, a clear and measurable regulation for organizing pon in the future, like what has been implemented in canada and switzerland (leopkey, mutter, and parent 2010), is a must. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15049 tabel 1. gold medal winner s in pon xvii, xviii, and no province national sports week (pon) amung ma’mun, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) 51 comparison between numbers of sports matched in pon and other events seeing the number of sports matched, pon xix in 2016 in west java seems to just repeat what happened in pon xvii in samarinda, east kalimantan. the host was deemed very obsessed to dominate the games. the addition of non-olympic sports is burdensome to the other participating provinces. meanwhile, the host won most of gold medals in the nonolympic sports and in matches with which the results are upon the umpire’s decision. this is a real condition that needs investigating and analyzing from different perspectives, especially to find out the involvement of some particular parties in helping the host win the competition. this is necessary to prevent such compromises between stakeholders such as koni, nsf, pon committee, and hosts from reoccurring. the addition of sports and matches does not seem to be well-designed and is not oriented to prepare the athletes for the bigger events like olympic games, asian games, and sea games. matches contested in pon are getting numerous (see table 2), especially when compared with the number of sports and matches contested at sea games, asian games, and olympic games, and this is only to satisfy the ego of nsf. table 2 shows that the number of matches contested at pon is very close to twice the number of matches at olympic games. the addition of matches in the olympic games and asian games is very reasonable because it shall pass strict verification and validation. besides, the international olympic committee (ioc) or the olympic council of asia (oca) cannot facilitate the host to add matches without approval from other competing countries. thus, the modification to pon should be necessarily made but with taking account of academic studies and with the involvement of government/bureaucracy by providing a proper and measurable regulation (tinaz, turco, and salisbury 2014). olympic sports and matches at pon to what olympic sports should pon modification refer? of course, the sports and matches contested in pon must be in line with the sports to be competed at the olympic games, and if necessary the standard of pon should be similar to that of the olympic games. this should be taken into account when modifying pon. pon should adopt the system of olympic games to achieve its objectives. the implementation strategy may be hierarchical, starting to adopt the system of olympic games, asian games, and then sea games. like multi-sport events in other countries, the sports and matches contested in pon should be similar to those contested in the olympic games (howell and howell 1980). otherwise, pon is no more than an event and cannot improve the nation’s sporting achievement at international level. there will be a huge gap between expectations and reality. improper pon competition systems lead to the nation’s sporting slump in international events such as olympic games, asian games, and sea games. the nation’s sporting achievement in sea games since 2001 up to 2009 have declined. this is true that indonesia topped the medal table of the 2011 sea games; however, this is actually a result of the reconstruction matches rather than of its athletes’ performance. what happened in the 2013 and 2015 sea games in myanmar and singapore where indonesia only managed to secure the fourth and fifth position respectively says it all. in the last four sea games before 2011 and the two sea games after 2011, both in terms of rank and the acquisition of (gold) medals, indonesia's rank were under thailand, malaysia, vietnam and singapore. thus, the sport development culture in indonesia has not been very well established. similarly, indonesia's rank in the asian games since 1998 to 2014 have continued to decline, even when compared to that of its neighboring countries in south east asia like thailand. it goes to show that indonesia's best rank have not been able to bounce back http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15049 tabel 2. the compar ison between number s of matches in pon and other events no. event province/country, year, and number of matches 1. pon east kalimantan 2008 755 riau 2012 650 west java 2016 756 2. sea games indonesia 2011 554 myanmar 2013 461 singapore 2015 402 3. asian games prc 2010 477 south korea 2014 436 indonesia 2018 485 4. olympic games prc 2008 302 england 2012 302 brazil 2016 306 amung ma’mun, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) 52 to the level when indonesia reached its golden days in the 70-80s. in the 2016 olympic games, indonesia has nothing to show off, except one gold medal in badminton, and one silver and one bronze medal in weightlifting. if not for badminton, indonesia would have been recorded in history as a nation that has never won a gold medal. table 3 below summarizes the comparison between sports contested in olympic games (og), asian games (ag), sea games (sg), and pon. the logic behind age restriction the logical reason behind age restrictions is to ensure the recruitment of potential athletes as defined in the objectives of pon. top-class or olympic athletes should no longer compete in a national-level multisport event. in many countries, the national events, like soccer in germany, give the priority to amateur athletes, so they can gain more play minutes (güllich et al. 2016). in addition, age restrictions may prevent the athletes from being transferred and encourage the sport development in all provinces in indonesia. this way, indonesia will have many athletes. this is of course very beneficial for the national sport development. thus, the pon modification is certainly not oriented to the reduction of sports and matches only, but to conform to the international sport events. moreover, age restriction should also refer to the optimum age range of athlete improvements based on the type of sport they are in. and it might be better if some particular sports such as basketball, volleyball, soccer, softball, hockey, bowling, and billiard start to be contested in a single sport event that is oriented to sport industry and with reference to the olympic games in terms of age restrictions. the logic behind participantship and development culture as an effort to harmonize the historical value of pon that has been organized for more than 65 years http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15049 tabel 3. the comparison between sports contested in olympic games, asian games, sea games, and pon no. sports event og ag sg pon-17 pon-19 1. aquatics (swimming, diving, synchronized swimming, water polo, kayaking, rowing, sailing, underwater diving, and water skiing) 2. gymnastics (aerobics, rhythmic, and trampolining) 3. athletics (athletics, pentathlon, and triathlon) 4. martial arts (boxing, judo, taekwondo, wrestling, tarung derajat, wushu, fencing, silat, and karate) 5. games (badminton, table tennis, tennis, basketball, soccer, hockey, softball, volleyball, handball, baseball, bowling, golf, sepak takraw, squash, billiard, futsal, and cricket) 6. target (fencing and shooting) 7. motorcycle sport/horseback riding/cycling 8. weightlifting 9. mind sport (chess and bridge) 10. aerosports (aeromodelling, hang gliding, paragliding, gliding, and parachuting) 11. others (dancing, rock climbing, roller skating, and drum band) amung ma’mun, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) 53 with an industry-worthy competition system, the future pon should be initiated by the participant recruitment through scheduled and standardized national championship systems that are running throughout the year. this way, the national rank in every sport can clearly be defined. competitions become a key to a long-term sport development system in many countries, both of amateur and professional. in addition to giving play times, competition will also enable the youth athletes to understand the sport development system including the vision, mission, and organizational management (hubball and robertson 2004). standardized matches in every sports should be organized at least four times in a year’s calendar, or if possible, more than four times. this way, every athlete’s national rank can easily be identified before taking part in pon. in addition, the development culture will be established on its own because athletes will compete in structured, systematic, and sustainable systems throughout the year. the championships should meet the national and international standards in order to improve the quality of sport development in every region. conclusion the national sports games as a high performance sport competition in indonesia is still necessary to keep being organized. besides its a long-established historical value, pon is also needed to promote political ideology in social and national life contexts and to strengthen the national unity. as an effort to recruit new young potential athletes for a long-term development and preparation for international competitions, both single and multi-sport events, pon is not relevant anymore because the number of sports and matches are too many, the athlete transfer from one province to another has become a common practice, matches are frequently played unfairly, and there is no age restriction. thus, it is necessary to revitalize various regulations associated with pon in a systematic and measurable way. the industrialization of a long-term and economicoriented competition system becomes important to be developed in addition to continuing to run the elite sports development system through education. in order to improve sporting achievements, pon requires a policy that can manage the number of sports and matches, ensure participant recruitment through preliminary championships that run throughout the year, and give priority to single-sport events. the 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based on the field test method ucup yusup 1 *, agus rusdiana 2 1 prodi pendidikan kepelatihan olahraga, universitas pendidikan indonesia 2 prodi ilmu keolahragaan, universitas pendidikan indonesia article info article history : received october 2019 revised october 2019 accepted desember 2019 available online april 2020 keywords : field test method, home industry, shuttlecock velocity abstract one of the main components of badminton games is shuttlecock. the shuttlecock home industries in indonesia mainly employ for about 20-40 freelance workers. the workers in the home industries are able to produce 500-100 slops of shuttlecock daily. the guarantee of the shuttlecock quality produced by home industries, either through the laboratory tests or field tests, is rarely conducted formally. therefore, we are interested in conducting an academic study on the velocity of the shuttlecocks produced by the workers of the shuttlecock home industries that have been distributed in indonesia markets. there are eight widely distributed shuttlecock brands produced by the home industries in indonesia, including taiso, saporate, netra, arjuna, kuda mas, rivals, purnama, and spin. the purpose of this study was to examine the quality of aerodynamics rate of the shuttlecock produced by home industries by comparing the rate of motion of the shuttlecock in different distances started from the initial velocity to the final velocity when the shuttlecocks impact to the ground. the method used in this study was a descriptive qualitative study. the instruments used were three high resolution handy cams, a set of calibration, and the 3d motion analysis system software (frame diaz iv). the result of this study showed that the average velocity of the shuttlecock, started from the initial velocity to the final velocity with 5 meter distance, reached 85.0 m/s., while the average final velocity reached 29.8m/s at 5 meter distance. from all of the shuttlecock types tested in the field test for their velocity, it was found that the spin brand moved with a high velocity with 12.8% of percentage. meanwhile, the lowest velocity of the shuttlecock was found in the taiso brand where the percentage was 15.3% in 9 meter and12 meter distances. the study concludes that the average of various shuttlecock brands’ speeds are in the normal category except for the taiso and spin brands.  correspondence address : jln. dr. setiabudhi 229. bandung. indonesia e-mail : ucuppkofpok@gmail.com http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 11 ucup yusup & agus rusdiana/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) introduction shuttlecock production has been widely spread in different cities in east and central java in indonesia. some cities become the centers of the shuttlecock production, including solo, nganjuk, lamongan, surabaya, sidoarjo, and malang. unlike tegal, solo has been known for the production of quill shuttlecock. meanwhile, tegal and other cities produce shuttlecock from goose feather which is the international standard material of shuttlecock. badminton game is widely known as the most popular sport in indonesia. through this sport, indonesia achieves the popularity in international level through the championship the athletes won over other countries. for instance, the badminton club started from the amateur to professional are growing in almost every city. one of the main components of the badminton game is shuttlecock. as a popular game in society, the demand of the shuttlecock will keep growing since the nature of shuttlecock as a disposable material (rusdiana & mustari, 2017). the sport science study program is a noneducational study program under the faculty of sport and health, universitas pendidikan indonesia. the learning outcome of the study concerns on the understanding of the sciences of sport and the precise mastery and application of the science and technology, especially in sport. moreover, they are required to be able to comprehend the basic concept and theory of a set of supporting disciplines that focus on the natural science in supporting and understanding the sport phenomena in society. in addition, the graduates are demanded to be able to develop a special expertise in sport to improve the health degree of human as a whole through human resource development by activity. therefore, the development of academic culture, the development of the relevance and competitiveness of the curriculum, the improvement of the internationally representative sport science laboratory, and the improvement of the lecturers’ competences, as the result of the strong demand of the ability in communicating science and technology through international language, become the main focus in developing the study program nowadays. the result of research published in an indexed international journal with a good reputation are significantly escalating. however, the impacts of the result of the study for the society are still limited. therefore, this article is expected to give beneficial impacts for the coach knowledge and athletes in the field. the result of the study was the discovery of a new method in analyzing the shuttlecock aerodynamics. besides that, by the implementation of the method, analyzing the shuttlecock products that have been widely used in the formal international tournament and the new product from nylon and plastics is becoming probable. the problems of the shuttlecock production in home industry level include: the production of shuttlecock in indonesia, especially in surakarta city, is still conducted traditionally. the scientific test for the products related to the aerodynamics characteristics of the shuttlecocks is rarely taken. the coordination and the collaboration between universities and industries is still need improvement. the quality of the home industry shuttlecock product requires improvement to meet the requirement of the formal tournament in both national and international, gradually and continuously. material and methods the method employed in the society service based on the result of this research was a descriptive qualitative study. several brands and types of shuttlecock will be tested by comparing them with tested shuttlecocks that have been widely used in international tournaments. the participants of this research consisted of 12 university badminton players who had a sufficient overhead smash technique skill. each player did the smash for 10 times with different shuttlecock where the schedule was adjusted with the player’s time of recovery. the instruments used in the study were three 3 high resolution handycams, a set of calibration, and the 3d motion analysis system software (frame diaz iv). meanwhile, the analysis of research indicators implemented in this study are as follows: a) the initial velocity analysis in this analysis phase, at the time right after the contact between the racket and shuttlecock happens, the velocity was measured through the regression analysis approach (rusdiana & mustari, 2017). copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 12 the the explanation of the two figures above, assisted by statistical least-square method, the equation of the straight line with the symbol ( ) for the shuttlecock and ( ) for the racket are as follows: the number 1 is the representation of the shuttlecock position and number 2 is the racket position. the position of the object – 1 (shuttlecock) can be mathematically stated as follow: copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 shuttle release point (x, y) y = a1・x+b1 y = a2・x+b2 racket swing racket swing analysis (x, y) shuttle flight analysis (x, y) forearm figure 1. the for mu la to compute the initial velocity of the shuttlecock in the black color ed box is the shuttlecock release point. the dashed line is the rate of the shutllecock after the impact point, while the straight line is the rate of the racket. y = -0,1363x + 1,7396 y = -0,8513x 1,9255 2,2 2,24 2,28 2,32 2,36 2,4 2,44 -5,1 -4,9 -4,7 -4,5 -4,3 x (m) y (m) shuttlecock racket swing figure 2. the formula to decide the point of the initial velocity of the shuttlecock during smash     1111 bxay      2222 bxay  1 2    0 2 1 11 2 11 xtvtatx xx     0 2 1 11 2 11 ytvtaty yy  4 3 ucup yusup & agus rusdiana/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 13 the impact time between the racket and the shuttlecock can be assumed with t = 0 s with the assumption that the acceleration of each material is zero, thus the equation above will change into (jian-she, 2018): substitute t between equation 7 and 8 and between equation 9 and 10, the result are the equations below : by using the data of the racket and shuttlecock position in a period of time, t, the value of m1, b1, m2, and b2 are obtained. therefore, the equation for the dashed line as shown is figure 4 is gained (bankosz, nawara, & ociepa, 2013). by finding out the intersection of both lines, the intersections of both lines are discovered, including the point of impact between the racket and the shuttlecock namely point that are equal to , since both of the materials, racket and shuttlecock, are in the same point at t = 0 s namely point p (chan & rossmann, 2012). the results are 4 equations with 4 unknown parameters, they are : hence, those four parameters are gained which explained that the velocity of the racket and shuttlecock at t = 0 s at p point can be found (dong, lyu, hart, & zhu, 2018). b) final velocity analysis the final velocity of the shuttlecock is one of the analysis parameters to examine the motion quality of the shuttlecock. to find out the final velocity of the shuttlecock, the slow motion high speed camera that could reach 1000 fps was used (le personnic, alam, le gendre, chowdhury, & subic, 2011). c) deceleration of shuttlecock analysis the analysis of deceleration is the subtraction of the final velocity subtracted by the initial velocity of the shuttlecock. the shuttlecock made from plastics has a tendency to have a high velocity compared to the shuttlecock made from feather (cao, qiu, zhang, & shi, 2014). d) drug force shuttlecock the analysis of the drug force is a force component that is parallel with the direction of wind. the lift is a force that is perpendicular to the direction of wind. for the wind energy, the lift is used more than the thrust (lin, chua, & yeo, 2013). e) shuttlecock trajectory analysis one of the most important aspects in the shuttlecock motion is the data that describe the trajectory and velocity of the shuttlecock (cao et al., 2014). there are copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 ucup yusup & agus rusdiana/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 14 some techniques that can be used to obtain the data, one of those is by using the image processing technique, such as videography or optoelektronics (alam, chowdhury, theppadungporn, & subic, 2010). the problem that occurred during developing the system was that in the reality, the shuttlecock moves in a 3 dimension media, while the camera only captures the two dimension picture. therefore, the epipolar geometry stereo vision method which is optimized by the kalman filter based camshift algorithm was employed (bankosz et al., 2013). result and discussion the data describe that the shuttlecock velocity, started from the initial velocity to the final velocity at 5 meter distance, indicates that the average initial velocity reached 85.0 m/s., while the average final velocity reached 29.8m/s at 5 meter distance. from all of the type of shuttlecocks tested at the field related to their velocity, it was found that the spin shuttlecock moved with a high velocity that reached 37.5%. the shuttlecock with the lowest velocity was the taiso shuttlecock with 32.5% percentage. the data obtained from the shuttlecock velocity analysis started from the initial velocity to the final velocity at 9 meter distance depict that the average of the initial velocity reached 85.0 m/s., while the average final velocity reached 11.8m/s at 9 meter distance. from all the type of shuttlecock tested at the field for their velocity, the data indicated that the spin shuttlecock moved in a high velocity with 12.8% of percentage. moreover, the lowest velocity of the shuttlecock was found in the taiso shuttlecock where the percentage reached 15.3%. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 figure 3. the br ands of home industr y shuttlecock (1.taiso, 2. saporate, 3. netra, 4. arjuna, 5. kuda mas, 6. rivals, 7. purnama, 8. spin.) table 1. size dimension, length, weight, and diameter of the shuttlecocks the characteristics of various type and model of shuttlecock shuttlecock dimension taiso saporete netra arjuna kuda mas rivals purnama spin skirt diameter, d (mm) 66 65 66 64 66 65 65 66 length of shuttlecock, h (mm) 89 87 88 87 87 88 86 88 cork diameter, dn (mm) 27 26 28 27 27 26 27 27 length of cork, i (mm) 26 28 27 28 27 28 27 27 mass, m (gram) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 table 2. the r esu lt of the initial velocity and the final velocity of various shuttlecocks in 5 meter distance. shuttlecock number distance (m) time (s) initial velocity (m/s) final velocity (m/s) diff. (%) 1 5.0 0.10 92.1 30.1 32.7 2 5.0 0.10 92.1 33.3 36.2 3 5.0 0.12 78.9 26.5 33.6 4 5.0 0.10 88.6 33.2 37.5 5 5.0 0.11 77.9 27.8 35.7 6 5.0 0.10 86.3 31.2 36.2 7 5.0 0.11 75.2 27.6 36.7 8 5.0 0.10 88.9 28.9 32.5 average 5.0 0.10 85.0 29.8 35.1 ucup yusup & agus rusdiana/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 15 copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 3. the r esu lt of the initial velocity and the final velocity at 9 meter distance shuttlecock number distance (m) time (sec) initial velocity (m/s) final velocity (m/s) differences (%) 1 9 0.42 92.1 11.8 12.8 2 9 0.37 92.1 12.4 13.5 3 9 0.45 78.9 10.7 13.6 4 9 0.36 88.6 13.6 15.3 5 9 0.40 77.9 11.8 15.1 6 9 0.40 86.3 11.8 15.1 7 9 0.44 75.2 11.1 12.9 8 9 0.40 88.9 11.4 15.2 average 9 0.40 85.0 11.8 14.2 ucup yusup & agus rusdiana/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 16 the data analysis of the average velocity of the shuttlecock started from the initial velocity to the final velocity at 12 meter of distance presents that the average of the initial velocity reached 85.0 m/s., while the average of the final velocity was 7.0m/s. from all of the shuttlecocks tested at the field for their velocity, it was found that the spin shuttlecock moved with a high velocity where the percentage was 10.9%. meanwhile, the shuttlecock with the lowest velocity was taiso shuttlecock with the percentage obtained 5.5%. conclusion the field test, by conducting several times of smash, on the home industry shuttlecocks in indonesia, especially in java, the study concludes that the velocity of the taiso shuttlecock (too fast) and the spin shuttlecock (too slow) has a significant characteristics differences. meanwhile, the velocity of other brands of the tested shuttlecock, according to the analysis in various distances, are still in the normal category. acknowledgement universitas pendidikan indonesia (grant-in-aid in program pengabdian kepada masyarakat berbasis hasil penelitian were acknowledge for supporting this program) references alam, f., chowdhury, h., theppadungporn, c., & subic, a. 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(2017). comparative study of velocity reduction on feather and synthetic shuttlecocks using corrected initial velocity during overhead smash. journal of engineering science and technology, 12(special issue 10), 91–105. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 ucup yusup & agus rusdiana/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 1 jpjo 4 (1) (2019) 1-7 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index the association between body mass index and physical fitness in adolescents muhammad eka mardyansyah simbolon, dzihan khilmi ayu firdausi stkip muhamadiyah bangka belitung, indonesia article info article history : received october 2018 revised november 2018 accepted january 2018 available online april 2019 keywords : adolescents, body mass index, physical fitness abstrak gaya hidup dan pola makan masyarakat modern saat ini dapat menyebabkan kelebihan berat badan dan obesitas. obesitas dan kelebihan berat badan pada saat ini mulai mengkhawatirkan. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang kondisi indeks masa tubuh (imt) dan kebugaran jasmani remaja di kepulauan bangka belitung pada tahun 2017 dan bagaimana keterkaitan antara imt dan kebugaran jamani. pertisipan pada pnelitian ini adalah 105 remaja yang terdiri dari 90 remaja laki -laki dan 15 remaja perempuan dengan usia rata-ratae ± 18 tahun. tes antropometri dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi imt. sedangkan tes performa dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi komponen-komponen kebugaran jasmani yang terkait dengan kesehatan. tes performa yang diberikan adalah lompat vertikal (power tungkai), lari cepat 60 meter (kecepatan), push-up (daya tahan kekuatan lengan), sit-up (daya tahan kekuatan otot perut), dan berlari / berjalan jarak 1000/1200 meter (daya tahan kardiorespirasi). imt memiliki korelasi yang signifikan dengan daya tahan kekuatan otot lengan. imt memiliki korelasi yang signifikan dengan power tungkai. imt berkorelasi secara signifikan dengan kecepatan. cre hanya berkorelasi signifikan terhadap data tahan kekuatan perut. kegemukan dan obesitas dapat dicegah melalui pemberian program aktivitas fisik yang tepat. abstract the lifestyle and dietary habit of the modern society can lead to overweight and obesity. overweight and obesity are now beginning to worry. this study was aimed at providing a description of the condition of body mass index (bmi) and physical fitness among adolescents in bangka belitung islands in 2017 and how bmi and physical fitness are associated. 105 adolescents were participated in this study, consisting of 90 male and 15 female adolescents. participants were at age ± 18 years in the year when the study was conducted. anthropometry test was conducted to identify participants' bmi. performance tests were conducted to identify the components of health related to physical fitness. the performance test included vertical jump (leg power), sprint 60 meter (speed), push-up (strength and endurance of arm muscle), sit-up (strength and endurance of abdominal muscles), and run / walk for 1000/1200 meters (cardiorespiratory endurance). bmi has a significant correlation with the strength and endurance of arm muscle . bmi has a significant correlation with leg power. bmi correlates significantly with speed. cre is only significantly correlated with abdominal muscle strength and endurance. overweight and obesity can be prevented through the provision of a program of physical activity.  correspondence address : jl. kh. ahmad dahlan, pangkalpinang, indonesia . e-mail : simbolon@stkipmbb.ac.id issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.13758 2 introduction obesity, poor physical fitness of children and their causal dependency are associated with many preventable diseases and present a serious current and future public health problem (starc & strel, 2012). nowadays physical fitness is considered as a powerful marker of health and quality of life in childhood (dobosz, mayorga-vega, & viciana, 2015). children’s health and wellbeing is highly correlated with their physical fitness (golle, muehlbauer, wick, & granacher, 2015). unfortunately, the importance of physical fitness tests as significant diagnostic information about the health status of children is commonly ignored (dobosz et al., 2015). physical fitness should be considered as a useful health marker already in childhood and adolescence, reinforcing the need to include physical fitness testing in health monitoring systems (ortega, ruiz, castillo, & sjöström, 2008). the prevalence of obesity and obesity increases at an alarming rate. obesity is associated with the addition of physiological risk factors and behaviors. the results of hunt et al., show children with high body fat levels have low respiratory resistance (hunt, shield, cooper, ness, & lawlor, 2011). huang & malina, (2010) revision on their study results that body mass index has a strong relationship with the strength of limbs of children and adolescents, and has a negative effect on the strength of limbs of children and adolescents with the category of overweight and obesity. previous studies conducted by sadhan, koley, & sandhu, (2007) suggest a word based on linear regression analysis shows the percentage of fat and fat mass has strong strength against vo2max in boys. other studies have no significant difference in respiratory resistance between men and women (ramsbottom, currie, & gilder, 2010). body functions (skeletomuscular, cardiorespiratory, hematocirculatory, psychoneurological and endocrine-metabolic) are involved in the performance of daily physical activity and / or physical exercise (ortega et al., 2008). in addition, physical exercise is also important in relation to brain health, in particular the increased exercise volume reduces demansia in older men and maintains cognitive performance in older women (abbott et al., 2004). schools are a great place for health promotion programs, the current evidence suggests that school-based interventions are most effective for improving adolescents physical activity (andrade et al., 2014). schools are the most suitable settings to identify children with poor levels of physical fitness and to promote healthy behaviors (dobosz et al., 2015). the school is considered an excellent place to provide students with the opportunity of daily physical activity, teach the importance of regular physical activity to health, and build the skills that support active lifestyles (aboshkair, 2012). nevertheless, it is still not a priority concern of the indonesian education stakeholders. these reference values constitute undoubtedly an important tool in the educational setting (dobosz et al., 2015). the information of physical fitness level allows physical education (pe) teachers to detect students with health problems early and provide improvement interventions against these conditions. physical fitness is the body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively (corbin et al., 2008). the ability to meet the ordinary as well as the unusual demands of daily life safely and effectively without being overly fatigued and still have energy left for leisure and recreational activities (hoeger & hoeger, 2008). physical fitness as the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy for leisure-time pursuits, and to meet unforeseen emergencies (aboshkair, 2012). physical fitness is also mean a person's ability to perform a particular job quite well, without causing fatigue (widiastuti, 2011). physical fitness is generally achieved through exercise and is considered a measure of the body‘s ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist hypokinetic diseases, and to meet emergency situations (powell, 2011). physical fitness is generally obtained through physical activity or exercise and consider a measure of the ability of the body to function efficiently and effectively in training and leisure activities, to be healthy, to prevent excessive fatigue, and for dealing with emergencies. physical fitness referred to in this study was the student’s physical fitness both in carrying out their daily activities for learning and the development of physical fitness which has been obtained by student’s through the national education system. the student’s physical fitness is the student’s ability and the body's http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.13758 muhammad eka mardyansyah simbolon et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) 3 ability adapt to the physical loading is given to him to learn in school activities without causing excessive fatigue, which means that students still have enough passion and energy to enjoy leisure time (simbolon, 2016). physical activity has enhanced well-being and increasing physical functioning also in people with poor health (häkkinen et al., 2010). physical exercise is one of the main determinants (ortega et al., 2008). in other words, their work more productive if increasing physical freshness. physical fitness is classified into several sections. hoeger classified physical fitness into healthrelated, skill-related, and physiological fitness (hoeger & hoeger, 2008). physical fitness comprises two related concepts: general fitness (a state of health and wellbeing) and specific fitness (a task-oriented definition based on the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupations) (powell, 2011). physical fitness is classified into the health-related components and the skill-related components (corbin et al., 2008). each physical fitness consists of several components. the components of health-related physical fitness are: body composition; cardiovascular fitness; flexibility; muscular endurance; and strength, and the components of skill -related physical fitness are: agility; balance; coordination; power; reaction time; and speed (corbin et al., 2008). this study aims to provide an empirical information of the condition of body mass index (bmi) and physical fitness among adolescents in bangka belitung islands in 2017, and how bmi and physical fitness are associated. this study also showed how bmi and cardiorespiratory endurance (cre) are associated, and how bmi and cre are associated with the physical fitness components. method the participants are adolescent aged 17-21 years. the participants are adolescents of equivalent high school graduates who take a physical test at the admission of new students of physical education, health and recreation department at stkip muhammadiyah bangka belitung in 2017. 105 adolescents were participated in the anthropometry and performance test. by sex the participant were consists of 90 male and 15 female. the research was approved by the institute of research and community service of stkip muhammadiyah bangka belitung, physical education, health and recreation department of stkip muhammadiyah bangka belitung, and also known by the institution stkip muhammadiyah bangka belitung, and also written approval from the sample and / or their parents / guardians. body mass index is calculated as body mass (kg) divided by squared body height (m2) and then participants are grouped into the 'normal' category (<24.9 kg/ m2, including underweight), 'overweight' (25.0-29.9 kg/ m2), and 'obesity' (> 30.0 kg/m2) (hoeger, 2008). participants' height and mass are measured by senior students trained in anthropometry related to admission of new students and have passed the evaluation course of learning physical education. participants are barefoot and lightly dressed during anthropometry. the height and mass of the sample body were measured using a scale (kg) and a height meter (cm) that had been calibrated. push up and sit up test for 60 seconds was used to measure the strength and endurance of arm muscles and abdominal muscles (widiastuti, 2011). all participants are instructed to perform the correct push up and sit up as much as possible within 60 seconds. push-up test performance was correlated significantly with the criterion measure of absolute strength (pate, burgess, woods, ross, & baumgartner, 1993). the number of correct movements is calculated and recorded. based on the results of nelson's study, yoon, and nelson suggest that push-up have significant levels of effectiveness and reliability and can be used as functional tests of upper body strength and endurance for men and women of school age to adulthood (nelson, yoon, & nelson, 1991). vertical jumps was used to measure participants' leg power. each participant was given three times a chance to make a vertical jump. each participant was advised to jump as high and maximum as possible. the jump results are measured and recorded on a centimeter scale (cm). the highest jump distance was taken to predict the leg power (widiastuti, 2011). speed is measured by a 60 meter sprint performance test (widiastuti, 2011). each participant is given twice the opportunity to dash 60 meters. the time taken to complete a 60meter dash was recorded and taken the fastest from the two given opportunities. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.13758 muhammad eka mardyansyah simbolon et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) 4 1000 and 1200 meters running / walking tests was used to measure the respiratory durability of the participants. the performance of field test run / walk mediumhaul road 1200 meters for men and 1000 meters for the women (widiastuti, 2011). all participants are instructed to complete the test as soon as possible. if they can’t run, then allowed to walk. the time taken by the participants is recorded in minutes and seconds using a calibrated stopwatch. descriptive statistics are used to provide an overview of participant characteristics and research variables. pearson's correlation was used to examine the relationship between body mass index and physical fitness included the respiratory durability of participants. multiple linear regression modeling was used to determine the relative influence of physical fitness variables measured (speed, leg power, abdominal strength and endurance, arm strength and endurance, and cardiorespiratory endurance). the significance test using t test and the alpha level was set at 0.05 for all analyzes. all statistical analysis on this research data is assisted by using microsoft excel 2013 for windows 7. results and discussion characteristics of the participant can be seen in table 1. overall male have more body weight and height than female adolescents. nevertheless, both male and female have a 'normal' body mass index. the cre performance of male is better than female. the strength and endurance performance of the arm muscles of male and female adolescents has a relatively equal average. differences in the average performance and strength of abdominal muscles of male are better than female. table 1 shows the relationship between each variable. body weight has a strong positive correlation with bmi (r = 0.891). body height correlated relatively small positive with bmi (r = 0.036). the arms muscles strength and endurance were moderately negative correlated with bmi (r = -0.350). the abdominal muscles strength and endurance correlated relatively small negative with bmi (r = -0.094). the leg power has moderately negative correlation with bmi (r = -0.439). the speed has moderately positive correlation with bmi (r = 0.372). the cardiorespiratory endurance has a relatively small positive correlation with body mass index (r = 0.027). body height has positively moderate correlation with body weight (r = 0.476). the arms muscles strength and endurance was negatively moderate correlated to body weight and correlated small negative with high body (r = -0.377, r = -0.121). the abdominal muscles strength and endurance was positively little correlated with weight, height, and arm muscles strength and endurance (r = 0.017, r = 0.248, r = 0.032). the cre correlated negatively small with body weight, body height, abdominal muscle strength and endurance, and leg power (r = -0.018, r = -0.086, r = 0.032, r = -0.238, r = -0.073). however, the cre was positively correlated with speed (r = 0.107). the results of the multiple linear regression analysis performed for all participants to predict bmi based on their arm strength and endurance, abdominal strength and endurance, leg power, speed, and cardiorespiratory endurance are provided in table 3. the results showed that only arm strength and endurance, leg http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index notes. value are mean ± sd; speed (dash 60 meter); leg power (vertical jump); abse = abdominal strength and endurance (sit up); arse = arm strength and endurance (push up); cre = cardiorespiratory endurance (1000 and 1200 run/walk). table 1. the participant characteristics all male female n 105 90 15 age (years) 18.4 ± 1.57 18. 6 ± 1.62 17.3 ± 0.74 body mass (kg) 58.3 ± 11.2 59. 1 ± 11.5 53.6 ± 8.10 body height (m) 1.64 ± 0.07 1.6 5 ± 0.06 1.56 ± 0.04 bmi (kg/m 2 ) 21.6 ± 3.6 21. 5 ± 3.59 22.0 ± 3.78 arse (moveme nt/ minute) 29.8 ± 9.1 29. 8 ± 9.29 29.7 ± 8.50 abse (moveme nt/ minute) 32.6 ± 8.70 34. 5 ± 7.49 21.2 ± 6.70 leg power (cm) 53.4 ± 11.5 55. 8 ± 10.2 39.2 ± 7.90 speed (seconds) 10.7 ± 1.20 10. 4 ± 1.06 12.1 ± 0.99 cre (minute6.51 ± 1.04 6.4 4 ± 1.05 6.91 ± 0.90 doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.13758 muhammad eka mardyansyah simbolon et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) 5 power, and speed were significant predictors of bmi. the overall regresion model was significant, f(5, 99) = 7.596, p < 0.001, r2 = 0.277 at p < 0.05. the generalized equation used to predict bmi from arm strength and endurance, leg power, and speed was: predicted bmi = 0.614 (speed) -0.092 (leg power) -0.079 (arm strength and endurance) obtained from coefficients table with r2 = 0.277 at p ≤ 0.05. table 4 provide the results of the multiple linear regression analysis performed for all participants to predict cre based on their arm strength and endurance, abdominal strength and endurance, leg power, and speed. the overall regresion model was not significant, f(4, 100) = 2.257, p > 0.05, r2 = 0.082 at p < 0.05. there is only abdominal strength and endurance was significant predictor of cre. the generalized equation used to predict cre from abdominal strength and endurance was: predicted cre = -0.031 (abdominal strength and endurance) obtained from coefficients table with r2 = 0.082 at p ≤ 0.05. based on the results of the correlation significance test as presented in table 3. bmi and cre have significant correlation with abdominal muscle strength and endurance (tcount = 3.79 > ttable = 1.66, tcount = 2.51 > ttable = 1.66). similar issues have been identified in liao study, that the strength and power of lower body explosions have a high correlation with adolescent bmi in taiwan (liao et al., 2013). while bmi and cre did not have significant correlation with arm muscles strength and endurance (tcount = 0.92 < ttable = 1.66, tcount = 0.30 < ttable = 1.66). in benson study, both strength and cardiorespiratory fitness maintained their protective effect after adjustment for the other physical fitness parameters, emphasizing that these two components of the fitness are independent of each other and not surrogate measures of each other (benson, torode, & fiatarone singh, 2006). the bmi and cre did not have a significant correlation (tcount = 0.30 < ttable = 1.66). muscle fitness and cre were significantly and negatively correlated with cardiometabolic risk, separate from each other (buchan et al., 2015) boys performed better than girls in speed, muscular strength, and cre, but girls performed better than boys in balance and flexibility (de miguel-etayo et al., 2014). http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.13758 table 2. the correlations between bmi and physical fitness of adolescents bw bh arse abse leg power spee d cre bmi 0.89 0.03 -0.3 -0.09 -0.43 0.3 0.02 bw 0.47 -0.3 0.01 -0.45 0.4 0.01 bh -0.1 0.24 -0.13 0.1 0.08 arse 0.03 0.32 -0.2 0.03 abse 0.1 -0.09 0.23 leg power -0.3 0.07 speed 0.10 cre notes. abse = abdominal strength and endurance; arse = arm strength and endurance; cre = cardiorespiratory endurance. table 3. multiple linear regression analysis to predict bmi and physical fitness variables variables co-efficient (ȃ) p-value arse -0.079 <0.05 abse 0.002 >0.05 leg power -0.092 <0.01 speed 0.614 <0.05 cre -0.029 >0.05 notes. r square = 0.277; adjusted r square = 0.240; p ≤0.05. table 4. multiple linear regression analysis to predict cardiorespiratory endurance and other physical fitness variables variables co-efficient (ȃ) p-value arse 0.016 >0.05 abse -0.031 <0.01 leg power -0.004 >0.05 speed 0.088 >0.05 notes. r square = 0.082; adjusted r square = 0.046; p ≤0.05. table 5. the results of correlation significance test bmi cre arse 3.79 0.30 abse 0.92 2.51 leg power 4.97 0.71 speed 4.04 1.12 cre 0.30 n =105, ttable = 1.66 muhammad eka mardyansyah simbolon et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) 6 findings from chen, housner, & gao (2017) highlighted the importance of maintaining a normal bmi during the primary school years to achieve and maintain better physical fitness. adolescents with high involvement in physical activity demonstrate bmi and proportional body composition and a better level of cardiorespiratory fitness (ahmed et al., 2017). based on the results of this study it was found that bmi and cre were only correlated with arm muscle strength and endurance. silva et al., (2017) study findings suggest that body fat is strongly related to cardiovascular risk, but when the outcome is calculated without the central obesity indicator, cre becomes more related to metabolic risk. body weight is a major confounder to performance on the field tests investigated (pate et al., 1993). body weight, height, gender, and body mass index are good cre predictors among school students (olawale, mwila, marie, & lamina, 2017). further, vale et al., (2011) finding suggested that low cre was a strong predictor of risk values of abdominal obesity in adolescence. the lower level of cre may be associated with the development of metabolic syndrome in asian countries (jae et al., 2014). it is important for us to prepare programs that can provide positive interventions on body mass index, upper body fitness, as well as adolescent respiratory resilience. this condition can be better through school role. schools have an important role in the development of students (simbolon & firdausi, 2017). conclussion bmi is significantly correlated with the three components of physical fitness in adolescents. these components are the arm muscles strength and endurance, leg power, and speed. bmi is not significantly correlated with the other two components of physical fitness, namely abdominal muscle strength and endurance and cardiorespiratory endurance. overweight and obesity can be prevented through the provision of a program of physical activity that meets the rules of physical fitness. the program should be provided from primary to senior high school and it’s a sustainable long-term program at every level of education at school. hopefully overweight and obesity can be prevented. reference abbott, r. d., white, l. r., ross, g. w., masaki, k. h., curb, j. d., & & petrovich, h. 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jasmani di tingkat smp sederajat se-kecamatan dayun kabupaten siak dengan jumlah guru 12 orang, sedangkan teknik penarikan sampel menggunakan total sampling sehingga keseluruhan populasi dijadikan sampel. instrumen penelitian ini adalah berupa angket tertutup yang jawabannya sudah dinyatakan dan responden tinggal memilih salah satu alternatif jawaban tersebut dengan menggunakan skala likert. kesimpulan penelitian ini ialah pelaksanaan evaluasi pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani di tingkat smp sederajat se-kecamatan dayun kabupaten siak sudah berjalan dengan sangat baik dengan nilai rata-rata dari keseluruhan skor angket adalah sebesar 76,38%. abstract this study aims to determine the practice of evaluation of physical education learning at the level of junior high school in dayun district, siak regency. the research was a descriptive research. the data obtained from 12 junior high school physical education teachers in dayun, siak regency. the instrument of this research was a closed questionnaire whose answers had been stated and the respondent had to choose one of the alternative answers using a likert scale. the conclusion of this study is that the practice of the evaluation of physical education learning at the junior high school level in dayun, siak regency has been running very well with the average score of the overall questionnaire is 76.38%.  correspondence address : jl. raya kaplongan no. 28 karangampel indramayu, indonesia e-mail : agiginanjar@stkipnu.ac.id issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.12273 199 muhamad muksin et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) introduction the education of every citizen is indispensable for all modern society. the most formal education takes place in the classrooms, where the teaching-learning processes involve intensive verbal communication between teachers, teacher and students, and among the students (zannin & zwirtes, 2009). principally, education process is a conscious treatment conducted by adults (teacher) to immature individual (student) in order to reach maturity as expected (zannin & zwirtes, 2009). physical education is an integral part of overall education which aims to develop aspects of physical fitness, movement skills, critical thinking skills, social skills, logic, emotional stability, moral attitude, healthy lifestyle, and the introduction of a clean environment. physical education is one of the formal subjects that have been given from elementary to high school levels. physical education is a "tool" of education or referred to as one of the educational media that, in the process, can actualize the goals of education as well as civilization (sofiarini, 2016). the role of physical education is very essential in providing opportunities for students to be actively involved in various learning experiences through certain health, physical, and sports activities which are then carried out systematically. the debriefing of the learning experience is directed at fostering better physical growth and psychological development, while at the same time forming a healthy and fit lifelong lifestyle. physical education is not only an isolated physical development activity but is also required to be in the context of general education (muhainifah, 2017). the process is conducted consciously and involves systematic interaction between the perpetrators to achieve the goals that have been set. a mistake that is often found is that many people assume that physical education only consists of sports activities. at school, physical education is considered a subject that only relies on physical stuff. even worse, there is a tendency that physical education teachers only develop physical (psychomotor) skills, without developing other aspects. to be able to run successfully and smoothly, the physical education learning process is largely determined by several elements including teachers, students, curriculum, facilities and infrastructure, objectives, methods, supporting environment, and assessment. moreover, the teacher plays the most important role in determining the success of the learning process (purnama, 2017). the teacher delivers learning material with a greater portion of time for physical practices or drilling and conducts assessments based merely on psychomotor abilities. for example, the teacher gives high marks to students who can do volleyball passings more than others in the braddy volley test without the regard to assessing the students' cognitive and affective aspects when performing the activity. whereas in physical education, there needs to be an assessment of the four aspects of cognitive, psychomotor, affective and physical (utami, 2011). based on the results of observations in several junior high schools in dayun district, siak regency, there were a small number of schools that still did not pay attention to the provisions in the practice of physical education learning evaluation process, particularly in preparing the written assessment as ownership documents. those phenomena occurred due to the inappropriate background of the teachers (not their field). most teachers do not design their grading systems in a neatly written documentation, so it seems likely that the evaluation conducted by the teacher is not well planned. in fact, there is an impression that daily assignments or tests can be given at any time and can be used as a safety weapon when the teacher is unable to teach. in physical education teacher pedagogics, various competencies must be possessed by teachers, it is exemplified in planning and arranging learning instructions, making instruments and conducting evaluations, carrying out mentoring tasks and developing educational potential. these elements will be adjusted to the applicable curriculum. not only mastering the theoretical learning materials from the college, but the practice is also needed in the field as an practice of the theory of the knowledge the teacher possesses. in this matter the researcher tried to figure out the practice of learning evaluation of physical education at the level of junior high school in dayun subdistrict, siak regency. in the practice of physical education, http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.12273 200 muhamad muksin et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) evaluation is one of the important competencies that must be possessed and mastered by a teacher in the learning activities. learning evaluation is a set of activities designed to measure the effectiveness of the overall learning system (sudaryono, 2012). further, (purwanto, 2012) said that evaluation in teaching-learning is a planned activity and is carried out continuously. furthermore according to rosdiani in ismail, simanjuntak, & triansyah (2017) there are three points in evaluating the learning process; (1) evaluation of the learning process is carried out to determine the overall quality of learning, including the preparation stages of the learning process, the practice of the learning process, and assessment of learning outcomes, (2) evaluation of the learning process is carried out by: (a) comparing the learning process conducted by the teacher with the standard process, (b) identifying teacher performance in the learning process in accordance with teacher competencies, and (3) evaluation of the learning process focuses on the overall performance of the teacher in the learning process. from the excerption above it is understood that the evaluation of learning is carried out on the subject teacher who provides learning material. evaluation is performed thoroughly on the competence of the teacher including the preparation stages of the learning process, the practice of the learning process, and the assessment of learning outcomes. an evaluation needs to meet several requirements before being applied to students which are later reflected in the form of behavior. the conditions to meet are as follow: (1) valid, (2) reliable, (3) objective, (4) balanced, (5) distinguishing, (6) norms, (7) fair, and (8) practical (sukardi, 2011). it means that when undergoing the evaluation process, the teacher must first prepare the appropriate test equipment corresponding with the material that has been taught to students in the classroom, hence the tests performed are balanced with students' abilities and are fair and objective. the evaluation process must be carried out comprehensively so that the results can truly be used as a basis for determining the quality of a program (falaahudin & sugiyanto in zainur & gazali, 2019). this means that the evaluation is made as a whole to assess the supporting elements of a program. learning evaluation is delivered as a whole process that involves all aspects of competence in the assessment consisted of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective abilities (ministry of national education, 2008). the evaluation system includes a set of activities of designing and conducting evaluations, analyzing and following up on the results of the assessment, and reporting on the assessment. in relation to the criteria of success, the evaluation results are grouped into four categories: excellent, very good, good, and not good. ideally, the evaluation results are expected to attain the excellent category. methods this study employed a descriptive method that provides an overview of the object under study with a survey using questionnaire as the research instrument. the data source was obtained from physical education teachers at the junior high schools (and equivalent institutions) in dayun subdistrict, siak regency. a total of 12 people from 10 schools were taken. 10 of the teachers were public servants and two others were honorary teachers. the source of research is presented in table 1. the instrument administered in this study was a questionnaire. the questionnaire used was a closed questionnaire where the options of answers were provided and the respondent only had to choose one of the alternative answers using a likert scale. the making of the questionnaire was based on the indicators that had been determined by breaking them down into statement items. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index table 1. data sour ce nama sekolah pe teacher numbers smp n 01 dayun 2 mts bustanul ulum 1 smp n 02 dayun 2 pesantren nurul yakin 1 smp n 03 dayun 1 smp n 04 dayun 1 smp n 05 dayun 1 mts bahrul ulum 1 mts al azhar 1 smp n 1 satu atap dayun 1 total 12 doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.12273 201 muhamad muksin et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) data collection techniques used by the researchers were as follows: observation. obser vation technique was u sed to r eview the location of research and to find out issues related to the research title to be studied. researchers underwent observation and conducted a note-taking by using observation sheets. observation sheet was used to register the physical education learning process in the subject schools. literature study the liter atur e was used to gain the concepts and theories needed in this research, particularly related to the practice of physical education learning. references in this study were obtained from books and journals. questionnaire. questionnair e technique r efer r ed to a list of written questions that were compiled based on the research problem. the questionnaire was delivered to respondents to be answered per the alternative answers provided, which were intended to identify the ability to implement physical education learning practice. the questionnaire can is presented in table 2. after the data and information needed were collected, a descriptive analysis was carried out to identify the implementation of the learning practice by research subjects. all the respondents’ responses were calculated into percentages to present the position of each problem studied. the calculation of the percentage of respondents' responses was carried out using the following percentage formula (sudijono, 2011). result and discussion the learning evaluation of physical education is one of the absolute requirements for teachers in achieving the learning objectives that have been given. the teacher can find out whether the learning objectives have been achieved or not through his ability to evaluate which students have succeeded and which students should acquire remedial learning. from the results of the evaluation, the teacher can figure out the next steps to improve his teaching style or methods to be carried out later in order to achieve the learning objectives. the responses of 12 research respondents about physical education teacher competencies in carrying out learning evaluation of physical education at the level of junior high schools in the dayun sub-district of siak regency are portrayed by the frequency distribution of scores from all questionnaires filled out by the relevant teachers as presented in table 3. all the indicators in the questionnaire on the implementation of learning evaluation of physical education at the level of junior high school in dayun subdistrict, siak regency, it can be seen that the average competency of physical education teachers in carrying out the evaluation of physical education learning at the junior high school level, dayun sub-district, siak regency is classified as very good with an average value of 76.38% which lies in the range of 76% 100% in the assessment criteria. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index table 2. questionnair e on lear ning pr actice domain sub indicator cognitive knowledge comprehension application analysis synthesis evaluation affective receiving responding valuing organizing characterizing cognitive knowledge comprehension application analysis synthesis evaluation table 3. fr equency distr ibution of scor es no interval frequency relative frequency 1 19 24 3 8% 2 25 30 1 3% 3 31 36 2 5% 4 37 42 5 13% 5 43 48 7 18% 6 4954 17 45% 7 55 60 3 8% statement total 38 100% doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.12273 202 muhamad muksin et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) based on the data above, it can be concluded that the implementation of physical education learning evaluation at the level of junior high school in dayun district of siak regency has been classified as very good. the description of the results of this study can be summarized on a histogram based on all the research indicators as follows: to examine the validity of the questionnaire the r was examined. if the rcount is greater than the rtable the questionnaire is considered valid, and otherwise, if the rcount is lower than the rtable then the questionnaire is invalid. the results of the questionnaire validity test of 9 other physical education teachers from the study sample show that from 42 questionnaire trials, there were 40 valid questionnaires and 2 dropped questionnaires, with a questionnaire reliability value of 0.998. the results of the study depict the responses of the pe teacher respondents to cognitive indicator was around 77,60%, affective indicator the average score was 69,36%, and psychomotor indicator obtained approximately 82,17%. based on the calculation of the mean value of all indicators, it reached the final result of 76.38%. this indicated that the implementation of physical education learning evaluation at the level of junior high schools in dayun sub-district of siak regency was classified in the very good category. based on the data analysis carried out in this study, it is understandable that the implementation of learning evaluation of physical education at junior high school levels in dayun sub-district of siak regency was quite maximal despite the proportion did not reach 100%. it suggested that the effectiveness of learning evaluation in physical education can still be improved for the better. the quality certainly should be maintained, and the teachers should be given the training on professional development, especially to physical education teachers in dayun sub-district. expressed in clear, concise language is the result of data analysis to answer research questions including theory, facts, and opinions based on previous researches that were related. discussion teacher competence in assessing students is certainly very useful for the said students, as (wahjoedi, 2001) notes that by going through with the evaluation process, students will be able to know the level of their success after receiving the learning process from the teacher. the results obtained through evaluation (assessment) have the probability of satisfactory or unsatisfactory for the students. albeit the evaluation results of physical education learning at the level of junior high schools in dayun sub-district of siak regency only reached 76.38%, this will certainly motivate teachers to be able to improve their teaching methods and provide a better evaluation techniques for students, both by attending workshops and by looking for literature on teacher development internet and media. the results of the study showed very good results indicating that the competence of physical education teachers in carrying out learning evaluation of physical education subject at the level of junior high schools in dayun sub-district of siak regency was good. nevertheless, the results achieved has not reached 100%, hence in the field observation of the evaluation process, the teacher competence needs to be maximized for a better future. a research conducted by (ismail et al., 2017) shows that the role of principal was essential to improve teacher performance in the implementation of learning practice, particularly in providing the sports facilities and infrastructure. one of the causes of the lack of learning implementation undertaken by teachers is the inadequate sports facilities and infrastructure at the schools that hampered the process. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index picture 1. . the mean of indicator s doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.12273 203 muhamad muksin et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) furthermore, in research by (herliana, 2017) it is noted that school principals can also provide policies that support the physical education learning process such as establishing the facilities needed for the teaching and learning activities. conclusion the evaluation of physical education learning at the level of junior high school in dayun subdistrict of siak regency has been carrying out very well with an average value of the overall questionnaire score of 76.38%. references depdiknas. 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universitas padjadjaran 2 departemen ilmu bedah, fakultas kedokteran, universitas padjadjaran 3 departemen ilmu kesehatan masyarakat, fakultas kedokteran, universitas padjadjaran 4 departemen patologi anatomi, fakultas kedokteran, universitas padjadjaran 5 program studi akuntansi, fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis, universitas padjadjaran 6 program studi biologi, fakultas matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan alam, universitas padjadjaran 7 program studi manajemen produksi media, fakultas ilmu komunikasi, universitas padjadjaran 8 program studi keperawatan, fakultas keperawatan, universitas padjadjaran 9 program studi teknik geologi, fakultas teknik geologi, universitas padjadjaran 10 article info article history : received august 2018 revised september 2018 accepted december 2018 available online april 2019 keywords : dietary patterns, metabolic syndrome, physical activity abstrak tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pola makan dan aktivitas fisik masyarakat kecamatan cijulang kabupaten pangandaran. data diperoleh dari pengisian kuisioner mengenai pola makan dan aktivitas fisik serta pengukuran lingkar perut untuk mengetahui prevalensi resiko terjadinya sindrom metabolik. dari 544 responden rata-rata berusia 30 tahun, 129 orang mempunyai lingkar perut yang tidak normal, 47% mengkonsumsi manis setiap hari 32% mengkonsumsi asin setiap hari dan 56% tidak olahraga setiap hari. hasil ini menunjukkan cukup banyak masyarakat setempat yang memiliki pola makan dan pola aktivitas fisik yang tidak sehat, serta lingkar perut yang mengarah pada kejadian sindrom metabolik. upaya preventif pencegahan terjadinya sindrom metabolik perlu dilakukan secara integratif. pihak dinas kesehatan dan pemerintahan kabupaten pangandaran dapat mengadakan program edukasi dan pemantauan terhadap pola makan dan aktivitas fisik sebagai langkah konkret dalam pencegahan sindrom metabolik abstract the purpose of this study was to identify dietary patterns and lifestyles of the community of cijulang sub-district, pangandaran. questionnaire was used to find out the dietary patterns, life styles, and abdominal circumference to determine the risk prevalence of the metabolic syndrome of the cijulang sub-district community, pangandaran regency. from 544 respondents, aged 30 year old in average, 129 people had abnormal abdominal circumference, 47% consumed sweets every day, 32% consumed salty food every day, and 56% did not exercise every day. the result showed that there was a tendency in the community to have unhealthy dietary patterns and life styles. the number of abnormal abdominal circumference also showed the same condition which could contribute to the increase of the number of metabolic syndrome cases. preventive efforts to minimize the number of the metabolic syndrome cases need to be done effectively. the health department of pangandaran regency is suggested to hold a health campaign and monitoring programs on diet and physical activity as a concrete step in preventing metabolic syndrome.  correspondence address : jl. raya bandung sumedang km 21, jawa barat 45363 e-mail : astrid.khairani@unpad.ac.id issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15069 75 astrid feinisa khairani dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) pendahuluan sindrom metabolik berhubungan dengan perubahan aktivitas fisik masyarakat dikarenakan pola hidup modern, ditandai oleh pemilihan makanan siap saji yang mengandung tinggi lemak, aktifitas fisik yang rendah serta kebiasaan hidup sedentary. berbagai kondisi ini menjadi penyebab penimbunan lemak dalam tubuh sehingga tubuh mengalami kelebihan lemak yang disebut obesitas.(suginati, 2009). w orld health organization (who) menyatakan bahwa seorang individu yang mempunyai tiga dari lima gejala sindrom metabolik sudah dapat dinyatakan menderita sindrom metabolik. sindrom yang terdiri dari sekumpulan gejala meliputi peningkatan ukuran lingkar pinggang, peningkatan kadar trigliserida darah, penurunan kadar high density lipoprotein (hdl) kolesterol darah, tekanan darah tinggi, dan intoleransi glukosa (whoqol group, 1995). asupan energi dan pola makan yang berlebihan, peningkatan kejadian obesitas, aktivitas fisik sedentari dan riwayat risiko penyakit menjadi faktor resiko sejumlah kondisi penyebab terjadinya sindom metabolik. menurut riset kesehatan dasar (riskesdas) tahun 2013, kecenderungan proporsi penduduk usia >10 tahun yang kurang mengonsumsi sayur dan buah sebanyak 93,5%, sedangkan konsumsi makanan berlemak, berkolesterol dan makanan gorengan ≥ 1 kali per hari sebesar 40,7% dan mengonsumsi penyedap ≥ 1 kali dalam sehari sebesar 77,3 %.(suhaema & masthalina, 2015). kelebihan konsumsi garam dan gula bisa menyebabkan hipertensi dan diabetes, sedangkan kelebihan konsumsi lemak menyebabkan peningkatan kadar kolestrol darah dan menyebabkan penimbunan lemak yang ditunjukan dengan memperbesar lingkar perut dan terjadi obesitas sentral. menurut riset kesehatan dasar tahun 2013 prevalensi obesitas sentral sebesar 26.6%. obesitas sentral berhubungan dengan sindrom metabolik dan didapatkan dengan mengukur lemak viseral yang terdapat di daerah sekitar perut..(weight et al., 2013). hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pola makan dan aktivitas fisik perlu mendapat perhatian agar tidak mengarah pada berkembangnya penyakit degeneratif. (magdalena, mahpolah, & yusuf, 2014; nurjanah & roosita, 2015). prevalensi sindrom metabolik ini diperkirakan akan terus mengalami peningkatan yang berdampak pada meningkatnya jumlah penderita penyakit degeneratif dan mempengaruhi kesehatan seseorang. (mottillo et al., 2010). kabupaten pangandaran merupakan salah satu daerah di pesisir pantai selatan provinsi jawa barat. berdasarkan demografinya, besar kemungkinkan masyarakat kabupaten pangandaran memiliki pola konsumsi garam yang tinggi sehingga dapat memicu hipertensi. faktor demografi desa yang saling berjauhan menyebabkan tantangan tersendiri bagi tersampaikannya informasi mengenai pola makan dan aktifitas fisik baik dan sehat. hingga kini belum ada publikasi penelitian yang menjelaskan mengenai profil pola makan dan aktivitas fisik masyakarat kabupaten pangandaran. berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil pola makan dan aktivitas fisik untuk mencegah terjadinya sindrom metabolik dari ukuran lingkar perut, pola konsumsi serta aktifitas fisik pada masyarakat kecamatan cijulang kabupaten pangandaran . metode penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode wawancara menggunakan kuisioner di beberapa desa kecamatan cijulang kabupaten pangandaran yang dipilih secara acak. pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan april hingga mei 2018. kriteria populasi pada penelitian ini adalah masyarakat kecamatan cijulang dengan usia lebih dari 15 tahun. metoda total sampling digunakan untuk menentukan jumlah sampel penelitian. data yang dikumpulkan meliputi identitas berupa nama, usia, dan jenis kelamin. kemudian kuisioner meliputi pola makan berupa pertanyaan mengenai sarapan, pola konsumsi sayur dan buah, makanan yang diawetkan, makanan yang dibakar, makanan manis, makanan asin, makanan bersantan,dan konsumsi kopi. sedangkan kuisioner aktivitas fisik meliputi aktifitas fisik dan olahraga. selain itu kuisioner berisi pertanyaan mengenai risiko penyakit dan komplikasi dari rensponden dan riwayat penyakit pada anggota keluarga. sementara untuk data lingkar pinggang diperoleh dengan cara mengukur menggunakan pita ukur dengan ketelitian 0.1 cm. data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15069 76 perangkat lunak ibm spss. analisis deskripsi dilakukan untuk mengetahui persentase dari hasil kuisioner yang menunjukan resiko terjadinya sindrom metabolik. hasil dan pembahasan dari hasil wawancara dan pengisian kuisioner di kecamatan cijulang kabupaten pangandaran diperoleh 544 responden. rata-rata usia responden yaitu 31 tahun dengan usia termuda 15 tahun dan usia paling tua 80 tahun. pada tabel 1 dapat dilihat deskripsi setiap variabel yang diperoleh. usia responden diklasifikasi menjadi tujuh kelompok usia. populasi usia responden yang terbanyak adalah dibawah 20 tahun sebanyak 234 responden. jumlah responden laki-laki dan perempuan yaitu 252 orang dan 292 orang secara berurutan. seluruh responden tersebar dari beberapa wilayah desa dari kecamatan cijulang, sebagian besar dari desa margacinta sebanyak 127 responden, desa cijulang sebanyak 126 responden, desa kondangjajar sebanyak 164 responden, desa kertajaya sebanyak 70 responden, desa batukaras sebanyak 45 responden, desa cibanten sebanyak 5 responden dan desa ciakar sebanyak 7 orang. untuk memenuhi kriteria sindrom metabolik dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya pola makan, aktivitas fisik dan riwayat penyakit yang beresiko terhadap terjadinya sindrom metabolik. (tarawan, fatimah, nurhayati, & rizki, 2018). obesitas sentral menjadi salah satu penyebab terjadinya sindrom metabolik dengan ditandai peningkatan ukuran lingkar pinggang. berdasarkan kriteria diagnosis ncep atp iii salah satu kriteria terjadinya sindrom metabolik jika ukuran lingkar perut >102 cm bagi laki-laki dan >88 cm bagi perempuan. berdasarkan tabel 2 didapatkan hasil pengukuran lingkar perut seluruh responden menunjukkan sebanyak 17 orang laki-laki dan 112 orang pada responden perempuan memiliki lingkar perut tidak normal. hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 112 orang perempuan dari total 292 responden perempuan (38,35%) memiliki lingkar perut yang melebihi 88 cm. berdasarkan diagnosis ncep atp iii sejumlah perempuan tersebut telah memiliki kriteria terkena sindrom metabolik. selain itu faktor resiko terjadinya sindrom metabolik dilihat dari kadar trigliserida, hdl cholesterol, tekanan darah dan kadar glukosa darah yang dipengaruhi oleh pola makan dan aktivitas fisik. hasil analisis yang didapatkan dari data hasil wawancara dapat diketahui dari tabel 3. sebanyak 255 responden (47%) mengkonsumsi makanan dan minuman manis setiap hari dan berpotensi terjadinya peningkatan gula darah dan penyakit diabetes. selain itu dalam tabel 3 dijelaskan bahwa sebanyak 176 responden (32%) sering mengonsumsi makan makanan asin yang memicu terjadinya kenaikan tekanan darah. sedangkan pola konsumsi sering makan makanan bersantan dan berlemak tidak terlalu tinggi http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index astrid feinisa khairani dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) tabel 2. uku r an lingkar per ut antropometri laki-laki (n : 252) perempuan (n : 292) lingkar perut (cm, x (sb) ) klasifikasi, freq (%) normal 235 180 tidak normal 17 112 tabel 1. fr ekuen si usia, jenis kelamin dan alamat responden karakteristik n= 544 usia rerata (min – mak) 31 tahun (15 tahun-80 tahun) <20 tahun 234 orang 20-29 tahun 56 orang 30-39 tahun 78 orang 40-49 tahun 90 orang 50-59 tahun 51 orang 60-69 tahun 33 orang ≥ 70 tahun 2 orang jenis kelamin laki-laki 252 (46.3%) perempuan 292 (53.7%) alamat margacinta 127 (23.4%) cijulang 126 (23.2%) kondangjajar 164 (30.2%) kertajaya 70 (12.9%) batukaras 45 (8.3%) cibanten 5 (0.9%) ciakar 7 (1.3%) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15069 77 yakni hanya 84 responden (15%) sehingga kemungkinan terjadinya kenaikan kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida dalam darah bisa dicegah. pola konsumsi yang baik juga harus di imbangi dengan banyaknya konsumsi makanan berkandungan serat yang tinggi seperti sayur dan buah setiap hari, dari data ditemukan sebanyak 255 responden (47%) sering mengkonsumsi sayur dan buah setiap hari. secara keseluruhan pola makan kurang sehat dari masyarakat kecamatan cijulang didominasi dengan pola konsumsi tinggi gula dan garam setiap hari. pada sisi lain, masyarakat cukup baik untuk pola konsumsi sayuran dan buah. melihat gambaran ini, besar kemungkinan pemberian edukasi terkait pola makan sebagai usaha preventif sindrom metabolik dapat lebih mudah dipahami oleh masyarakat setempat. selain pola makan, aktivitas fisik juga harus diperhatikan seperti olahraga dan kebiasaan merokok. pola makan yang buruk seperti banyaknya mengkonsumsi makanan berlemak, santan dan gula bila diiringi dengan aktifitas fisik yang minim akan menyebabkan obesitas dan memperberat resiko terjadinya sindrom metabolik. (nurhayati et al., 2018) sebanyak 240 responden (44%) rutin berolahraga dalam setiap minggunya. sedangkan 173 responden (32%) seorang perokok serta riwayat penyakit hipertensi dan diabetes sebanyak 26 responden (4.78 %) dan 63 responden (11.58%) yang memperbesar kemungkinan keadaan sindrom metabolik dan penyakit degeneratif lainnya. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index tabel 4. aktivitas fisik pada masyarakat pangandaran astrid feinisa khairani dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) no pertanyaan ya tidak 1 apakah bapak/ ibu rutin berolahraga (diluar rutin pekerjaan; bisa berupa jalan, badminton, voli, sepakbola, dll)? 240 (0.44±0.042) 304 (0.56±0.042) 2 apakah bapak/ ibu pernah merokok? 173 (0.32±0.039) 371 (0.68±0.039) tabel 5. riwayat penyakit responden no pertanyaan pertanyaan ya 1 apakah bapak/ibu pernah menderita/ mengetahui mempunyai gula darah tinggi ? 26 (0.05±0.018) 518 (0.95±0.018) 2 apakah bapak/ibu pernah menderita/ mengetahui mempunyai hipertensi ? 63 (0.12±0.027) 481 (0.88±0.027) 3 apakah bapak/ibu pernah menderita/ mengetahui mempunyai varises ? 41 (0.08±0.022) 503 (0.92±0.022) 4 apakah bapak/ibu pernah meminum minuman keras ? 26 (0.05±0.018) 518 (0.95±0.018) 5 apakah bapak/ibu pernah menderita/ mengetahui mempunyai gula darah tinggi ? 26 (0.05±0.018) 518 (0.95±0.018) 6 apakah bapak/ibu pernah menderita/ mengetahui mempunyai hipertensi ? 63 (0.12±0.027) 481 (0.88±0.027) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15069 tabel 3. pola makan pada masyarakat pangandaran no pertanyaan ya (ik 95%) tidak (ik (95%) 1 apakah bapak/ibu rutin sarapan setiap hari? 429 (0.79±0.034 ) 115 (0.21±0.034) 2 apakah bapak/ibu rutin memakan sayur/buah setiap hari? 255 (0.47±0.042 ) 289 (0.53±0.042) 3 apakah bapak/ibu sering makan makanan yang diawetkan? 85 (0.16±0.030 ) 459 (0.84±0.030) 4 apakah bapak/ibu sering makan makanan yang di bakar/dipanggang? 103 (0.19±0.032 ) 441 (0.81±0.032) 5 apakah bapak/ibu sering makan makanan manis? 255 (0.47±0.041 ) 289 (0.53±0.041) 6 apakah bapak/ibu sering makan makanan asin (ikan asin, peda, dll) ? 176 (0.32±0.039 ) 368 (0.68±0.041) 7 apakah bapak/ibu sering makan makanan santan/ berlemak (rendang, gulai, dll) ? 84 (0.15±0.030 ) 460 (0.85±0.030) 8 apakah bapak/ibu sering minum kopi? 184 (0.34±0.040 ) 360 (0.67±0.040) 78 untuk riwayat penyakit yang pernah diderita responden didominasi oleh riwayat penyakit darah tinggi atau hipertensi (20%). hal ini sejalan dengan informasi yang diberikan mengenai riwayat penyakit pada keluarga inti. profil riwayat penyakit lainnya dari tiap responden dapat dilihat pada tabel 5 dan tabel 6. kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil respon kuisioner yang didapatkan gambaran pola makan pada masyarakat kecamatan cijulang kabupaten pangandaran lebih dari 50% baik, namun masih terdapat pola makan masyarakat yang beresiko memicu beberapa penyakit degenerative. 32% responden mengkonsumsi makanan asin setiap hari sehingga memicu hipertensi, 47% responden konsumsi manis setiap hari yang memungkinkan memicu diabetes dan sebanyak 129 responden memiliki lingkar perut diatas normal atau obesitas sentral akibat tingginya konsumsi lemak dan rendahnya aktifitas fisik atau olahraga. pola makan dan aktifitas fisik ini sangat berkaitan erat juga dengan hasil pengukuran lingkar perut yang paling banyak tidak normal pada responden perempuan. selain itu riwayat resiko penyakit yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah hipertensi, letak demografis masyarakat pangandaran berada di daerah pantai dimungkinkan menjadi salah satu faktor resiko sehingga konsumsi garam cukup tinggi. hasil ini dapat menjadi dasar untuk merancang upaya preventif pencegahan terjadinya sindrom metabolik. dibutuhkan upaya penanganan langsung dari dinas kesehatan pemerintahan kabupaten pangandaran dalam pemberian edukasi dan pemantauan terhadap pola makan dan aktivitas fisik sebagai langkah konkret dalam pencegahan sindrom metabolik dan penyakit degenaratif lainya. daftar pustaka magdalena, mahpolah, & yusuf, a. 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(1995). the world health organization quality of life assessment (whoqol): position paper from the world health organization. social science & medicine, 41(10), 1403-1409. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index astrid feinisa khairani dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15069 no pertanyaan ya tidak 1. apakah ada keluarga inti yang menderita sakit gula? 64 (0.12±0.02 7) 480 (0.88±0.02 7) 2. apakah ada keluarga inti yang menderita darah tinggi? 166 (0.31±0.03 9) 378 (0.69±0.03 9) 3. apakah ada keluarga inti yang menderita sakit jantung? 48 (0.09±0.02 4) 496 (0.91±0.02 4) 4. apakah ada keluarga inti yang menderita stroke? 44 (0.08±0.02 3) 500 (0.92±0.02 3) tabel 6. riwayat penyakit responden 8 jpjo 4 (1) (2019) 8-13 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index physical education learning motivation: a gender analysis lutfi nur, adang suherman, herman subarjah, dian budiana program studi pendidikan olahraga, sekolah pascasarjana, universitas pendidikan indonesia info artikel sejarah artikel : diterima november 2018 disetujui februari 2019 dipublikasikan april 2019 keywords : gender, motivation, physical education abstrak tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat motivasi belajar pendidikan jasmani berdasarkan jenis kelamin. penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif komparatif. subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa smp kelas vii dengan jumlah 52 orang siswa, terdiri dari 30 siswa laki-laki dan 22 siswa perempuan. instrumen yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah angket motivasi belajar pendidikan jasmani untuk siswa smp yang terdiri dari 29 item pernyataan dengan nilai validitas 0,518 dan reliabilitas 0,906. analisis data yang digunakan adalah independent sample t test untuk menguji perbandingan motivasi siswa laki-laki dengan siswa perempuan. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi belajar pendidikan jasmani siswa laki-laki lebih tinggi dibandingkan siswa perempuan di jenjang smp. adanya temuan ini diharapkan menjadi evaluasi bagi pihak-pihak terkait dalam rangka menumbuhkan motivasi guna peningkatan hasil belajar siswa. abstract the purpose of this study was to find out the motivation of learning physical education based on gender. this study used a descriptive comparative method. the subjects in this study were 50 students in vii grade consisting of 30 male students and 22 female students. the instrument used by researchers was a physical education learning motivation questionnaire for junior high school students developed by nur, suherman, and subarjah that contains 29 approved items with a validity value 0.518 and reliability value 0.906. the data analysis used an independent sample t test to analyze the motivation differences between male students and female students. the results of the study showed that the male students' physical education learning motivation was higher than female students in junior high school level. this finding is expected to be an assessment of the relevant parties in order to foster motivation to improve student learning outcomes.  correspondence address :jln. dr. setiabudhi no.229, bandung, indonesia. e-mail : lutfinur@upi.edu issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.13790 9 lutfi nur dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) pendahuluan motivasi adalah konstruk psikologis yang mengarahkan seseorang ke arah pencapaian tujuan dan mempertimbangkan kekuatan psikologis yang digunakan untuk memperkuat tindakan (bice, ball, dan mcclaran, 2015). secara konseptual, motivasi dianggap sebagai energi yang memungkinkan seseorang untuk terlibat dalam tindakan fisik atau mental yang berorientasi pada pencapaian tujuan (chen, 2013). disisi lain motivasi merupakan jantung dari banyak masalah yang paling menarik dari olahraga sebagai hasil dari perkembangan lingkungan sosial seperti persaingan, ketekunan, pembelajaran dan kinerja (cortés, dkk., 2017). mengenai motivasi salah satu teori yang cukup ternama adalah self-determination theory (sdt) yang dikembangkan oleh deci dan ryan. menurut teori tersebut motivasi dibagi menjadi dimensi motivasi intrinsik dan ekstrinsik (cortés, dkk., 2017). motivasi intrinsik merupakan keterlibatan dalam kegiatan untuk kesenangan dan kegembiraan (jaakkola, yli-piipari, barkoukis, dan liukkonena., 2015). motivasi intrinsik merupakan faktor penting ketika dikaitkan dengan aktifitas fisik dalam pendidikan jasmani. perilaku "kesenangan" dan tugas yang dianggap "menyenangkan" ketika dikaitkan dengan peningkatan keterampilan, pencapaian pribadi, kesenangan, dan kepuasan (bice, ball, dan mcclaran, 2015). beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa siswa yang lebih termotivasi secara instrinsik memiliki kemungkinan lebih besar untuk berlatih diluar pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga (granero-gallegos, dkk. 2014). individu lebih cenderung menunjukkan kepatuhan pada suatu perilaku jika mereka menikmati perilaku tersebut (bice, ball, dan mcclaran, 2015). motivasi instrinsik sangat berhubungan erat dengan perasaan diri sendiri tanpa dipengaruhi oleh faktor luar. perasaan tersebut dapat berupa kenyamanan, kepuasaan, kesenangan, kegembiraan, dan juga ketertarikan. motivasi ekstrinsik dicirikan oleh identifikasi dekat dengan pengakuan sosial, hadiah dan penghargaan (cortés, dkk., 2017). motivasi ekstrinsik menjelaskan bagaimana variabel dan penghargaan eksternal merangsang pelaksanaan perilaku. motivasi ekstrinsik dapat dianggap luas secara konteks karena mencakup konstruksi sosial. persepsi akan aktivitas fisik dalam pendidikan jasmani, konstruksi sosial, jenis lingkungan, persyaratan keterampilan untuk suatu kegiatan, dan jenis umpan balik memberikan kontribusi pada partisipasi untuk terlibat dalam aktivitas fisik dalam pendidikan jasmani (thompson dan wankel, 1980; weinberg dan jackson, 1979). dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani bentuk penerapan motivasi ekstrinsik biasanya dilakukan dalam bentuk pemberian hadiah bagi siswa atau kelompok siswa yang dapat memenuhi tugas belajar dengan baik berdasarkan teori sdt lebih menyarankan untuk mempromosikan gaya hidup sehat pada siswa dengan mengembangkan motivasi intrinsic bukan ekstrinsik. secara sederhana, siswa yang ingin melakukan aktivitas fisik cenderung lebih sehat dikemudian hari dari pada mereka yang diminta untuk melakukan aktivitas fisik. (davies, dkk. 2015). motivasi adalah jantung dari berbagai permasalahan penting dan menarik dari olahraga sebagai hasil dari perkembangan lingkungan sosial seperti persaingan, ketekunan, pembelajaran dan kinerja (cortés, dkk., 2017). motivasi dalam bidang pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga menyatakan bahwa “motivasi menggambarkan salah satu variabel paling penting dalam olahraga.” menurut vallerand (2004) pernyataan tersebut memperjelas pentingnya motivasi dalam bidang pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga motivasi yang berhubungan dengan konstruksi secara positif memprediksi perilaku aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan pada waktu luang. kenyamanan dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani dan aktivitas fisik memediasi hubungan antara motivasi dalam pendidikan jasmani dan aktivitas fisik di waktu luang (cox, smith, dan williams, 2008). berbagai penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani memainkan peran penting untuk memahami partisipasi aktivitas fisik siswa usia sekolah dan pembelajaran keterampilan dalam pendidikan jasmani (gu, chen, jacson, dan zhang, 2017). jelas bahwa keterlibatan siswa dalam kelas pendidikan jasmani dipengaruhi dan ditentukan oleh faktor motivasi (chen, dkk., 2014). belajar merupakan proses multidimensi yang melibatkan berbagai sumber motivasi (chen, dkk. 2014). pendidikan jasmani merupakan sarana yang sangat tepat untuk mempromosikan gaya hidup sehat melalui aktivitas fisik pada anak. motivasi siswa dalam pendidi http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.13790 10 kan jasmani dan olahraga muncul sebagai variabel penting, karena motivasi individu siswa terhadap pendidikan jasmani telah diakui sebagai penentu utama aktivitas fisik siswa (kretschmann, 2014). selain itu kretschmann (2014) menambahkan bahwa ‘kontribusi terbesar dan paling signifikan dalam penelitian psikologi sosial terhadap pendidikan jasmani selama 30 tahun terakhir berkaitan dengan motivasi. oleh karena itu penelitian mengenai motivasi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani sangat penting untuk dilakukan. penelitian ini akan memfokuskan pada analisis motivasi belajar pendidikan jasmani berdasarkan jenis kelamin dikarenakan hal ini dianggap penting dalam upaya mendiagnosa tingkat motivasi belajar siswa lakilaki dan perempuan. dengan demikian, diharapkan hasil penelitian ini menjadi bahan evaluasi bagi guru dalam merencanakan proses pembelajaran yang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik motivasi siswa dalam praktek pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga siswa dapat terlibat faktor motivasi yang mendorong atau mematahkan semangat (cortés, dkk., 2017). anakanak dalam pendidikan jasmani sering termotivasi oleh suatu peluang untuk berekplorasi. keinginan anak untuk bereksplorasi dalam situasi tertentu memotivasi mereka untuk menjadi gigih dalam memecahkan masalah, memahami keterampilan gerakan, dan melanjutkan kinerja (chen, dkk., 2014). beberapa penelitian tampaknya mendukung bahwa partisipasi aktivitas fisik pada siswa smp dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman siswa dalam pendidikan jasmani yang telah berhasil memotivasi diri siswa, memberikan persepsi kompetensi, dan kenikmatan (chen, dkk., 2014). hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa siswa yang berhasil meningkatkan motivasi otonom dalam pendidikan jasmani, melakukan berbagai aktivitas fisik selama waktu istirahat (chen, dkk., 2014). peneliti berasumsi bahwa perbedaan jenis kelamin dapat mempengaruhi motivasi seseorang dalam pembelajaran terutama pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat motivasi belajar pendidikan jasmani berdasarkan jenis kelamin pada jenjang pendidikan smp. metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif komparatif. penelitian ini bersifat membandingkan. penelitian ini sejenis metode deskriptif yang membandingkan persamaan dan perbedaan dua atau lebih fakta-fakta berdasarkan kerangka pemikiran tertentu (nazir, 2005). dalam penelitian ini peneliti melakukan pengambilan data, mengolah data serta menampilkan data hasil penelitian dengan berbagai jenis penyajian data guna memberikan gambaran mengenai suatu fenomena dan selanjutnya melakukan pengujian perbandingan berdasarkan kelompok sampel laki-laki dan perempuan dalam motivasi mengikuti pelajaran pendidikan jasmani. subjek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa smp laboratorium percontohan upi bandung kelas vii dengan jumlah 52 orang siswa, terdiri dari 30 siswa laki-laki dan 22 siswa perempuan dengan usia 1213 tahun dengan menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling. instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian berupa angket motivasi belajar pendidikan jasmani untuk siswa smp yang terdiri dari 29 item pernyataan. instrumen angket motivasi belajar pendidikan jasmani untuk siswa smp ini memiliki tingkat validitas 0,518 dan reabilitas 0,906 (nur, suherman dan subarjah, 2018) sesuai yang terlihat pada tabel 1. selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji t-test untuk mengetahui perbandingan motivasi siswa laki-laki dengan siswa perempuan. hasil dan pembahasan data yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian melalui penyebaran instrumen angket motivasi belajar pendidikan jasmani pada sampel telah menghasilkan data yang berupa angka atau skor. data tersebut peneliti sajikan pada table 1. secara keseluruhan diperoleh jumlah skor motivasi belajar pendidikan jasmani sebesar 1004, ratarata 19,31, standar deviasi 4,35, skor maksimal 27 dan skor minimal 11. berdasarkan tabel 2. diperoleh jumlah skor motivasi belajar pendidikan jasmani pada sampel laki-laki sebesar 617, rata-rata 20,57, standar deviasi 3,11, skor maksimal 27, skor minimal 16. sedangkan pada sampel perempuan diperoleh jumlah skor sebesar 387, rata-rata 17,59, standar deviasi 5,22, skor maksimal 27, skor minimal 11. deksripsi data lebih lanjut lagi peneliti menyajikan data perbandingan motivasi belajar pendidikan jasmani disajikan pada table 2. hasil pengujian yang ditunjukan pada tabel 3 menunjukkan nilai t = 2,382 dan sig = 0,023 < 0,05 http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index lutfi nur dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.13790 11 maka dapat diartikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara motivasi belajar siswa laki-laki dengan siswa perempuan dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. berdasarkan rata-rata perolehsan skor motivasi belajar, siswa laki-laki menunjukan motivasi belajar yang lebih tinggi dari pada siswa perempuan. hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan tingkat motivasi belajar pendidikan jasmani siswa laki-laki dengan siswa perempuan. hasil penelitian ini sesuai dengan hasil penelitian sebelumnya yang menunjukan bahwa siswa laki-laki memiliki tingkat motivasi yang lebih besar dari pada siswa perempuan dalam pendidikan jasmani (baena-extremera dkk. 2014). selain itu siswa laki-laki juga lebih menyadari pentingnya dan kegunaan pendidikan jasmani dari pada siswa perempuan. dalam proses pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani siswa laki-laki juga lebih menunjukan dominasi dan partisipasi yang lebih tinggi. siswa perempuan cenderung hanya menunjukan partisipasi tinggi pada beberapa jenis kegiatan saja. berkaitan dengan hal tersebut siswa perempuan cenderung memiliki lebih banyak pengalaman negatif dalam pendidikan jasmani dan kurang tertarik untuk berpartisipasi untuk melakukan aktivitas fisik di waktu luang seperti halnya siswa laki-laki (baena-extremera dkk. 2014). siswa perempuan yang tidak termotivasi dalam pendidikan jasmani, tidak akan melakukan aktivitas fisik pada waktu luang mereka. sedangkan aktivitas fisik pada waktu luang siswa sangat berkaitan dengan pengalaman yang berhubungan dengan motivasi dalam pendidikan jasmani. persepsi kompetensi, otonomi, dan keterkaitan, motivasi yang ditentukan sendiri, kesenangan, dan aktivitas fisik dalam pengaturan pendidikan jasmani secara langsung atau tidak langsung memprediksi aktivitas fisik waktu luang (cox, smith, dan williams, 2008). hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa siswa yang berhasil meningkatkan motivasi otonom dalam pendidikan jasmani, melakukan berbagai aktivitas fisik selama waktu istirahat (chen, dkk., 2014). hal ini menunjukan masih diperlukan berbagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kesenjangan motivasi belajar antara siswa laki-laki dan perempuan, selain itu juga http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index lutfi nur dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.13790 tabel 2. deskripsi ringkasan data berdasarkan jenis kelamin jenis kelamin total l p jumlah sampel 30 22 52 jumlah skor 617 387 1004 rata-rata 20,5 17,5 19,3 standar deviasi 3,11 5,22 4,35 skor maksimal 27 27 27 skor minimal 16 11 11 aspek sub aspek no, pertanyaan jumlah positif negatif ketekunan dalam belajar kehadiran di sekolah mengikuti pbm penjas di lapangan latihan di rumah/luar sekolah 1 3 5,7 2 4,6 2 1 4 ulet dalam menghadapi kesulitan sikap terhadap kesulitan gerak dalam pembelajaran penjas, usaha mengatasi kesulitan materi penjas, 8,11 12 9,10 13 4 2 minat dan ketajamanperhatian dalam belajar kebiasaan dalam mengikuti pelajaran penjas semangat dalam mengikuti pbm penjas 16 14,15 17 2 2 berprestasi dalam belajar keinginan untuk berprestasi dalam pelajaran penjas kualifikasi hasil pelajaran penjas 18,19 21 20 22 3 2 mandiri dalam belajar ketekunan berlatih materi penjas menggunakan kesempatan diluar jam pelajaran penjas 23,25 26,28 24 27,29 3 4 jumlah 29 tabel 1. kisi-kisi angket motivasi belajar pendidikan jasmani di sekolah menengah pertama tabel 3. hasil uji perbandingan motivasi belajar berdasarkan jenis kelamin t hitung sig. keterangan 2,382 0,023 perbedaan signifikan 12 lebih luas lagi tingkat motivasi belajar siswa dalam pendidikan jasmani masih perlu ditingkatkan. salah satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah membangun dan menciptakan lingkungan yang kondusif dan sesuai dengan tingkat kemampuan siswa. penyajian kegiatan fisik yang sesuai dengan tingkat kemampuan siswa sangatlah penting untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa dalam pendidikan jasmani. hasil penelitian melaporkan bahwa pada siswa tingkat smp sumber motivasi yang paling mungkin dalam pendidikan jasmani adalah kepercayaan siswa untuk dapat berhasil dalam tugas gerak pada pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani (chen, 2013). siswa yang kurang terampil secara fisik atau kognitif sering canggung dan tidak siap untuk belajar (stodden dkk. 2008; valentini dan rudisill 2004 dalam gu, chen, jacson, dan zhang 2017). dengan mempertimbangkan tingkat kemampuan siswa dapat menjaga harga diri dan kepercayaan diri siswa. ketika siswa memiliki harga diri yang lebih tinggi dalam hal kemampuan fisik mereka, mereka lebih cenderung menikmati pendidikan jasmani dan ingin berpartisipasi (davies dkk. 2015). jelas nampaknya dalam hal ini peranan guru sangat utama, terutama dalam menangani siswa perempuan. pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani harus lebih bervariatif, karena kegiatan pendidikan jasmani yang sama dapat menjadi kurang menarik dari waktu ke waktu dan siswa tidak memiliki pengalaman berarti dari pembelajaran mereka (davies, dkk., 2015). seorang guru harus berusaha untuk membuat pembelajaran yang selalu menyenangkan dengan dengan menghargai upaya kelompok dan merayakan peningkatan individu, pendidikan jasmani menjadi pengalaman yang menyenangkan (davies, dkk., 2015). faktor kurikulum pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani juga tentunya menjadi salah satu pendukung bagi guru untuk dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa. kebijakan kurikulum di sekolah mendukung untuk menciptakan dan mengembangkan lingkungan sekolah yang dipenuhi oleh aktivitas fisik. lingkungan yang aktif secara fisik baik di sekolah dan di masyarakat dapat membantu mengembangkan, mempertahankan, dan melindungi motivasi aktivitas fisik anak-anak dan juga mendukung pencapaian akademik mereka (chen, 2013). sebuah pengamatan memperlihatkan negaranegara seperti finlandia, cina, korea, atau singapura memiliki tingkat akademis siswa yang sangat baik. laporan terbaru menunjukkan bahwa sekolah di negara -negara tersebut telah menerapkan kebijakan aktivitas fisik yang mendorong dan memotivasi anak-anak untuk aktif secara fisik (chen, 2013). pembahasan hasil penelitian ini menjadikan salah satu informasi sekaligus rekomendasi bahwa kajian lebih lanjut sangat diperlukan untuk dapat meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. selain itu, beberapa faktor yang melatar belakangi motivasi belajar siswa tersebut sungguhsungguh sangat perlu diperhatikan dan diberikan penanganan yang tepat. karena motivasi belajar pendidikan jasmani merupakan faktor yang menentukan siswa untuk melakukan aktivitas fisik dan secara bertahap akan meningkatkan tingkat kesehatan fisik mereka. kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan motivasi belajar pendidikan jasmani berdasarkan jenis kelamin, siswa laki-laki memiliki motivasi belajar lebih tinggi dari pada siswa perempuan. 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accepted february 2020 available online april 2020 keywords : football athlete, persipura junior, predominant physical component abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi profil komponen fisik predominan (kebugaran jasmani, ketebalan lemak, kelincahan, daya tahan otot, kelentukan, daya ledak otot, kekuatan otot dan keseimbangan) atlet pemain sepak bola persipura junior. penelitian ini menggunakan survei terhadap atlet sepak bola persipura junior sebanyak 39 orang, yang memiliki inklusi: jenis kelamin laki-laki, umur 21 tahun, tinggi badan 177 cm, berat badan ideal, berbadan sehat dan kebugaran fisik dengan kategori sedang sampai kategori baik. instrumen untuk mengukur kekuatan otot dengan dinamometer; daya tahan otot diukur dengan sit-up, push-up, squat jumps; kelincahan diukur dengan beam side step, kelentukan diukur dengan fleksometer, daya ledak otot diukur dengan vertical jump, dan kebugaran jasmani diukur dengan tes lari 2,4 km. hasil penelitian menunjukkan atlet pemain sepak bola persipura junior memiliki kebugaran jasmani baik, ketebalan lemak triceps kurang, ketebalan sub scapula normal, ketebalan supra iliaca normal, kelincahan kurang, daya tahan otot lengan dan bahu baik sekali, daya tahan otot perut baik, kelentukan cukup, daya ledak otot vertical jump sempurna, daya ledak otot medicine ball baik, kekuatan otot full baik , kekuatan otot push kurang, keseimbangan baik sekali. agar komponen fisik predominan optimal, hendaknya menerapkan sports science dengan latihan terukur dan terprogram dengan baik sehingga komponen fisik ketebalan lemak triceps, kelincahan dan kekuatan otot push meningkat abstract this study was aimed at determining the description of the predominant physical component profile (physical fitness, fat thickness, agility, muscle endurance, flexibility, power, muscle strength and balance) of the persipura junior football athletes. this study used a survey of persipura junior football athletes involving 39 people. the inclusions of the athletes inculde male gender, aged 21 years, height 177cm, an ideal body weight, a healthy body, and moderate to good categories of physical fitness. the instruments used in this study were dynamometer for muscle strength; crunches for muscular endurance, push-ups, squat jumps, and beam side step for agility, flexometer for flexibility, vertical jump for power, and 2.4 km running test for physical fitness. the results showed that the persipura junior football athletes had a good physical fitness, less triceps fat thickness, a normal sub scapular thickness, a normal supra iliaca thickness, lack of agility, a good endurance of arm and shoulder muscles, a good endurance of abdominal muscles, an adequate flexibility, a perfect vertical jump muscle power, a good medicine ball muscle explosive power, a good full muscle strength, lack of push muscle strength, and a very good balance. it concludes that to gain an optimal predominant physical component, sports science with measurable and well-programmed exercises should be applied, so that the physical component of triceps fat thickness, agility, and push muscle strength could increase.  correspondence address : jl. pb sudirman, kampus sudirman denpasar , bali e-mail : maninfon.sport@gmail.com http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 56 daniel womsiwor, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) introduction football games, by considering its characteristics and basic movements, is a game requiring body movements supported by a good motor skill to gain a good achievement (bujnovky et al., 2019). the athlete performance in football games could be optimized by increasing their predominat physical components that are specifically needed for football games, including physical fitness, fat thickness, agility, muscle endurance, flexibility, power, muscle strength and balance of the athlete (kenney, larry, w., wilmore, jack, costill, & david, 2011). the predominant physical components of football athlete is crucial during moving, running, jumping or leaping. the specific predominant physical component ability for football athlete is trained in the special preparation stage of the training program periodization (kurniawan, r., & elfarabi, a, 2018). concerning the achievement development of indonesia football athletes, especially football athletes of persipura in papua province, they have not gained a maximum achievement for the last 50 years. furtheremore, the football athletes of persipura junior (persipura junior football athletes u-21) have not won the championship. according to the observation of some trainers and sport experts, the lack of achievement of the junior athletes might be caused by the absence of sport science implementation during the periodical training program. moreover, previous research conducted by arjuna (2018), related to the predominant physical component profile, it still focuses on the trainers, thus it had not been able to see the predominant physical component of the athlete as the player who will do the tournament. therefore, this research was aimed at studying the predominant physical component profile (physical fitness, fat thickness, agility, muscle endurance, flexibility, power, muscle strength and balance) of persipura junior football athletes. methods design this research is a survey research (sugiyono, 2012). the research variable measurement was conducted after the persipura junior football athletes conducted two month training in the special training stage of the training program periodization. the research variables include muscle strength, measured by dynamometer; muscle endurance, measured by sit-up, push-up, squat jumps, agility, measured by beam side step, flexibility, measured by fleksometer, muscle explosive power, measured by vertical jump, and physical fitness, measured by 2,4 km running test. the data analysis was processed by percentage calculation. population and sample the population target of this study were all 114 persipura junior football athletes. the subjects of the study were chosen randomly by considering the inclusion and eclusion criteria. the inclusion criteria include male gender, aged 21 years, height 177cm, an ideal body weight, healthy, and moderate to good physical fitness category. the eclusion criteria include the subject refused to follow the procedure of the research and had health problems. according to the size of the sample calculation, the number of the sample of this study were 39 persons. data collection technique the procedure and the technique of the data collection were started by giving explanation verbally and through a written informed consent to all the 114 persipura junior football athletes. when the persipura junior football athletes had agreed the research procedure, the agreement form was signed. the researcher then conducted an interview to gain information and to confirm the demography data of the athletes which include the age, gender, educational background, medical history, and medical treatment history. the research was started by selecting the persipura junior football athletes through a purposive sampling technique. the persipura junior football athletes, who signed the informed consent, then followed the muscle strength test by using dynamometer; muscle endurance was measured by sit-up, push-up, squat jumps; agility was measured by beam side step; flexibility was measured by flexometer; muscle explosive power was measured by vertical jump; and physical fitness was measured by 2.4km running test. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 57 data analysis the design of data analysis was processed by ibm spss version 23.0 started by testing the normality of the data by using shapiro-wilk (p ≥0,05) to find out wheter the data of the predominant physical components normally distributed or not. shapiro wilk test was taken as the number of samples were less than 50. the data analysis was conducted by using the frequency distribution of the predominant physical components. result the findings of the study related to the predominant physical component, including physical fitness, fat thickness, agility, muscle endurance, flexibility, power, muscle strength and balance, of the persipura junior football athletes from persipura jayapura are as follow: according to the table 1, based on the 2.4km running test, the physical fitness of the most of the persipura junior football athletes, 29 persons (74,36%), were at the good physical fitness level. according to the table 2, related to sub scapula fat thickness, most of the persipura junior football athlete, 35 persons (89,74%), had a normal sub scapula fat thickness. besides that, the fat thickness of the supra iliac of most of the athletes, 35 persons (89,74%) was normal. table 3 shows that the agility of all of the persipura junior football athletes, 39 persons (100,00%), was in the poor category. table 4 presents that the endurance of the arm and shoulder mucles of almost half of the persipura junior football athletes, 17 persons (43,59%), was very good. moreover, more than half of the persipura junior football athletes, 34 persons (61,54%), had a good abdominal muscle endurance. the table 5 depicts that the flexibility of almost half of the persipura junior football athletes, 17 persons (43,59%), was in the fair category. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 no physical fitness level f % 1 good 29 74,36 2 fair 10 25,64 3 poor 0 0 total 39 100 table 1. the per sipu r a j unior football athlete physical fitness table 2. fat thickness of sub scapula and supr a iliaca of the persipura junior football athletes no sub scapula fat thickness f % supra illiac fat thickness f % 1 normal 35 89,74 normal 25 64,10 2 adequate 4 10,26 fair 14 35,90 3 low 0 00,00 low 0 00,00 total 39 100,00 total 39 100,00 table 3. the agility of the per sipu r a j unior football athletes no agility f % 1 normal 0 0 2 fair 0 0 3 poor 39 100 total 39 100 table 4. the endur ance of ar m, shoulder , and abdominal muscles of the persipura junior football athletes no arm and shoulder muscle endurance f % abdominal muscle endurance f % 1 perfect 11 28,21 perfect 0 00,00 2 very good 17 43,59 very good 1 02,56 3 good 10 25,64 good 34 61,54 4 fair 1 02,56 fair 14 35,9 5 poor 0 00,00 poor 0 00,00 total 39 100,0 total 39 100,0 table 5. the flexibility of the per sipu r a j unior football athletes no flexibility f % 1 very good 5 12,82 2 good 10 25,64 3 fair 17 43,59 4 poor 7 17,95 total 39 100 daniel womsiwor, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 58 according to the table 6, the muscle explosive power (vertical jump) of almost half of the persipura junior football athletes, 19 persons (48,72%), was perfect. moreover, almost half of the persipura junior football athletes, 19 persons (48,72 %), had a good muscle explosive power (medicine ball) and also almost half of the athletes, had a fair muscle explosive power. the table 7 shows that a small number of the persipura junior football athletes, 14 persons (35,90%), had a good muscle power (full). in addition, more than half of them, 24 persons (61,54), had a poor muscle power (push). table 8 presents that almost half of the persipura junior football athletes, 19 persons (48,72 %), had a good back muscle power. in addition, a small number of them, 15 persons (38,46 %), had a fair limb muscle power. according to table 9, the balance of most of the persipura junior football athletes, 35 persons (89,74 %), was very good. discussion physical fitness the cardiorespiratory endurance (vo2max) is the capability to do daily activities vigorously and consciously without a significant exhaustion. the cardiorespiratory endurance is involved in the capability of cardiorespiratory system and blood vessel to function optimally in both resting state and during doing activities (chung, baguet, bex, bishop, & derave, 2014). the cardiorespiratory endurance is the capability in maintaining the activity of the body for a range of time measured by vo2max. vo2max is defined as the capability of using or consuming the highest oxygen taken by a person during physical activity by breathing the air on the sea level. a person with a good physical condition or with a good physical fitness would have a higher vo2max value than those who have a poor physical fitness (zanco et al, 2016). the result of the study shows that according to the 2.4km running test, the physical fitness of the most of persipura junior football athletes, 29 persons (74,36%), was good. the result of the study of 24 persipasi bekasi men football athletes shows that the average of their aerob endurance was 6.41 that is categorized as fair (hermanto, 2014). the research of 22 footbal athletes of the indonesia lumajang football association, copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 6. the muscle exp losive power (ver tical j ump and medicine ball) of the persipura junior football athletes no muscle explosive power (vertical jump) f % muscle explosive power (medicine ball) f % 1 perfect 19 48,72 perfect 1 2,56 2 very good 4 10,26 very good 0 0 3 good 2 5,13 good 19 48,72 4 fair 1 2,56 fair 19 48,72 5 poor 13 33,33 poor 0 0 total 39 100 total 39 100 table 7. the muscle power (pull and push) of the persipura junior football athletes no muscle power (pull) f % muscle power (push) f % 1 perfect 1 2,56 perfect 0 00,00 2 very good 7 17,95 very good 1 2,56 3 good 14 35,90 good 6 15,38 4 fair 10 25,64 fair 8 20,51 5 poor 7 17,95 poor 24 61,54 total 39 100,00 total 39 100,00 table 8. the power of back muscle and limb muscles of the persipura junior football athletes no back muscle power f % limb muscle power f % 1 perfect 2 5,13 perfect 0 00,00 2 very good 8 20,51 very good 1 2,56 3 good 19 48,72 good 9 23,08 4 fair 10 25,64 fair 15 38,46 5 poor 0 00,00 poor 14 35,9 total 39 100,00 total 39 100,00 table 9. balance of the per sipu r a j unior footb all athletes no physical fitness level f % 1 excellent 0 00,00 2 very good 35 89,74 3 good 2 5,13 4 fair 1 2,56 5 poor 1 2,56 total 39 100,00 daniel womsiwor, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 59 measuring vo2max through multistage fitness test (mft), shows that the average of the vo2max level of the athletes was 49,02ml/kgbb/min that is included in the good category (septian dan agung, 2013). another research was conducted by arjuna (2018) on 11 trainers of sso real madrid fc fik uny measuring predominant physical components, including general endurance (cardiovascular), by using the multistage test. the result shows that the cardiovascular endurance was 33,67 ml.kg/min that shows a poor cardiovascular endurance. fat thickness the thickness of fat of the athlete has an important role in affecting the physical fitness level of the athletes. the higher the fat thickness, the higher the risk problem of the blood stream in the capillary. it would have an effect on the oxygen supply and nutrition to the muscle. this condition will affect the muscle power (kenney, larry, w., wilmore, jack, costill, & david, 2011). the result of the study shows that the tricep fat thickness of the most of the persipura junior athletes, 32 persons (82,05%), is in low category. meanwhile, the fat thickness of the sub scapula of the most of the athletes, 35 persons (89,74%), was normal, while the supra illiac fat thickness of most of the athletes, 35 persons (89,74%), was normal. agility agility is a person’s ability to change the direction quickly and accurately without losing balance (kenney, larry, w., wilmore, jack, costill, & david, 2011). in football games, agility is an important physical component. agility is important to be acquired by the athletes as it is related to the improvement of the movement ability and skills during dribbling the ball, kicking the ball, and running back and forth rapidly during the training and tournament (bujnovky, et al., 2019). the result of the study shows that the agility of all of the persipura junior football athletes, 39 persons (100,00%) was in the poor category. the result of the study of football athletes aged 13 year old in the jaten football school shows that the agility ladder exercise through lateral run method had an impact on the improvement of running agility of the athlete for 34,5% (p -value 0,012 (p < 0,05) (apriyadi, rosella, santoso , 2014). another research conducted by hermanto (2014) on 24 football athletes of persipasi bekasi shows that the average flexibility of athletes was 3.16 (poor category). local muscle endurance the local muscle endurance is the ability or the capacity of a group of muscles to do contraction repeatedly against a certain load or to maintain the contraction in a long term of time. the local muscle endurance has a close relationship with the emergence of muscle fatigue (kenney, larry, w., wilmore, jack, costill, & david, 2011). muscle endurance is needed to conduct the activity that is dominated by the use of muscle or a group of muscles, such as during the training or football tournament. the muscle endurance that is important for the football athletes includes the abdominal muscle endurance, arm and shoulder muscle endurance, and limb muscle endurance (bujnovky, et al., 2019). the result of the study shows that the arm and shoulder muscle endurance of almost half of the persipura junior football athletes, 17 persons (43,59%), was very good and the abdominal muscle endurance of more than half of them, 34 persons (61,54 %), was good. the research of arjuna (2018) on 11 trainers of the sso real madrid fc fik uny measured predominant physical components including the muscle endurance. the result of the study shows that the abdominal muscle endurance of more than half of the participants, 7 persons (63,6%), was fair; the arm and shoulder muscle endurance of almost half of them, 4 persons (36,4%) was good; and limb endurance of almost all of them, 10 persons (90,9%), was poor. flexibility kenney, larry, w., wilmore, jack, costill, & david (2011) state that flexibility is the capability of joints to do a range of movement maximally. the flexibility is limited by the bone structure, muscle elasticity, tendon, ligament, and skin. flexibility is one of physical components that becomes an important factor in almost all of human movements, especially movements in sports. the problems in flexibility could decrease the athlete perforcopyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 daniel womsiwor, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 60 mance (the fa, 2015; sport england, 2018). the result of the study shows that the flexibility of almost half of the persipura junior football athletes, 17 persons (43,59%), was fair. the result of the study of 24 men football athletes of persipasi bekasi shows that they had average score of flexibility 3.16 that falls in the poor category (hermanto, 2014). muscle explosive power the muscle explosive power is the ability of the muscle to resolve the resistance by doing a rapid contraction. the muscle explosive power is the combination of the muscle power and rapidity. the rapidity is the ability to do a similar or different movement in a short of time (kenney, larry, w., wilmore, jack, costill, & david, 2011). the muscle explosive power is one of physical components needed by almost all of type of sport, especially football that requires explosive power when running or kicking the ball. rapidity in football includes chasing the ball from the back to the front, then quickly moving backward, moving to the left, moving to the right, going back to the center of the field, and dribbling and kicking the ball (bujnovky, et al., 2019). the success of a football player in tournament is caused by the ability in coordinating an explosive movement. to improve the muscle explosive power, the improvement of power and rapidity are required at the same time (the fa, 2015; sport england, 2018). the result of the study shows that the muscle explosive power (vertical jump) of almost half of the persipura junior football athletes, 19 persons (48,72%), was perfect and the muscle explosive power (medicine ball) of almost half of them, 19 persons (48,72 %), was good and other 19 persons (48,72 %) had a fair muscle explosive power. the result of the research of 24 men football athletes of the persipasi bekasi shows that the average score of the muscle explosive power was 8.25 or in the good category (hemanto,2014). another research was conducted by argantos (2018) on 23 persons, all of the football athletes of west sumatera. the result of the study related to the limb muscle explosive power using vertical jump instrument shows that the muscle explosive power of the men athlete of persipasi was poor. the research on 11 trainers of the sso real madrid fc fik uny measuring the muscle explosive power shows that the average score of vertical jump was 45,8 cm, which means that the trainers of the sso real madrid fc had a fair power. muscle power the muscle power is the ability of muscle or a group of muscles in doing contraction maximally against the resistance or load. muscles have abilities to adapt on the given load. the muscle power can be improved by adding the load that works on the intended muscle. the physiological changes happen during the improvement of the muscle power named muscle hyperthrophy. hyperthrophy of muscle happens as the result of the increase of the muscle fiber and diameter of the muscle fibers (kenney, larry, w., wilmore, jack, costill, & david, 2011). muscle power is the foundation of all basic physical components of football athletes, including the power of the arm and shoulder muscles, back muscle, and limb muscle. the muscle power can help strengthening the joint stability, thus the football athletes owning a good muscle power will not easily get injured. in football sport, muscle power is highly required, such as for kicking the ball and dribbling the ball (bujnovky, et al., 2019). the result of the research shows that a small number of the persipura junior football athletes, 14 persons (35,90%), had a good muscle power (full) and more than half of them, 24 persons (61,54 %), had a poor muscle power (push). the result of the study shows that almost half of the persipura junior football athletes, 19 persons (48,72 %), had a good back muscle power and small number of them, 15 persons (38,46 %), had a fair limb muscle power. the research of argantos (2018) on all football athletes of pplp west sumatera (23 persons) shows that their abdominal muscle power, through sit up measurement for 30 seconds, was poor. another research conducted by arjuna (2018), using the leg and back dynamometer for measuring back muscle power, shows that almost half of the participants, 5 persons ( 45,5%),had a very good back muscopyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 daniel womsiwor, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 61 cle power and also almost half of them, 5 persons ( 45,5%), had a fair limb muscle power. balance balance is the ability to hold the statical and dynamical body balance when they are placed in various positions. statical balance is the ability to hold the body position, so that the center of gravity (cog) does not change. dynamical balance is the ability to hold the body balance, hence the cog always changes (zanco,2016). balance is the complex integration of somatosensory system and motor system. somatosensory system consists of visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive functions. motor system consists of the ability of the musculoskeletal, joint, and soft tissue of the joints. the brain that manages the balance function includes basal ganglia, cerebellum, and association area (zanco,2016). for the football athletes, balance is highly needed when kicking and dribbling the ball (bujnovky, et al., 2019). the result of the research shows that the balance of most of the persipura junior football athletes, 35 persons (89,74 %), was very good. the result of the research of 17 football athletes to see the dynamic balance through one foot standing test shows that the dynamic balace level of the football student athletes of the pplp south sulawesi was mostly in the advanced category, especially for the athletes aged 16 year old with normal bmi (tang, 2014). conclusion the result of the study shows that the persipura junior football athletes had a good/normal predominant physical condition. to optimize that predominant physical components, the muscle power, agility, and fat thickness of triceps could be improved by applying sports science through a measured and well-programed trainings. references apriyadi,i.,rosella,d.,santoso,t.b. 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[internet]. 2016 mar [cited 2019 june 15]; 65(1): 1-8. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 daniel womsiwor, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 37 jpjo 4 (1) (2019) 37-42 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index the effect of learning model and intelligence quotient on critical thinking and handball games performance tite juliantine, fitriane arifin universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia article info article history : received august 2018 revised october2018 accepted march 2019 available online april 2019 keywords : critical thinking, handball, intelligence quotient, learning model abstrak pengajaran pendidikan jasmani di sekolah masih berlandaskan pada penyampaian informasi gerak permainan atau olahraga semata, sehingga kemampuan kognitif reflektif -kemampuan berpikir kritis dan penampilan bermain siswa belum berkembang. tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menelurusi kebenaran pengembangan kognitif reflektif-kemampuan berpikir kritis dan penampilan bermain bola tangan dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani.penelitian ini menggunakan desain faktorial 2x2 dilakukan pada 74 orang siswa kelas sma di bandung. instrument yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan berpikir kritis yaitu dengan tes kemampuan berpikir kritis sedangkan gpai untuk mengukur keterampilan bermain. hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan kemampuan berpikir kritis dari perlakuan model pembelajaran inkuiri, sedangkan pada perlakuan direct teaching menyatakan pula terdapat pengaruh signifikan penampilan bermain bola tangan. hasil penelitian selanjutnya model pembelajaran dengan intelligence quotient terdapat interaksi dan kedua model tersebut mempengaruhi pada tingkat siswa yang memiliki intelligence tinggi daan rendah. abstract teaching physical education in schools today is still based on the delivery of the games movement and sports information, so that the cognitive ability, reflectivecritical thinking skills, and students’ performance have not fully developed yet. the purpose of this study was to discover the reflective cognitive development of critical thinking abilities and the performance in playing handball in physical education classes. its used 2x2 factorial design conducted on 74 students of grade sernior high school in bandung. instrument used to measure the ability of critical thinking was the test to measure the critical thinking ability, while gpai was used to measure games performance. the study shows that there is a significant effect of the critical thinking skills inquiry learning model treatment, whereas the direct treatment shows that there is a significant influence on the performance in playing handball. the results also discover the interaction in intelligence quotient and learning model and both of the models have influence on the students who have high and low intelligence.  correspondence address : jln. dr. setiabudhi no.229. bandung, indonesia e-mail : juliantinetite@gmail.com issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.16100 38 tite juliantine & fitriane arifin/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) pendahuluan peran penting pendidikan jasmani adalah untuk membantu mengembangkan kompetensi kognitifreflektif melalui pembelajaran kognitif yang terkait gerak (ostergaard, 2016), dengan istilah sistem tubuhotak untuk menyampaikan bagaimana interaksi berpikir, perasaan, dan fisik dapat meningkatkan pengembangan pengetahuan dan keterampilan baru (wilson & conyers, dalam (hannaford, 2015)). berpikir kritis dalam pendidikan jasmani, yang utama dicirikan oleh siswa adalah memberikan tantangan untuk menghasilkan solusi unik untuk masalah gerak (mcbride & bonnette, dalam (huang et al., 2017). pemikiran kritis dalam pendidikan jasmani sebagai "pemikiran reflektif” yang digunakan untuk membuat keputusan dan menjunjung tinggi tanggung jawab dan tantangan gerakan. pada dasarnya, ketika siswa berpikir dengan cara kritis, mereka berpikir tentang informasi gabungan yang dikumpulkan dari sumber dan persepsi yang berbeda, untuk membuat keputusan yang masuk akal yang dapat dijelaskan dan dipertahankan. pikiran diwakili secara internal oleh kegiatan mental dan eksternal dalam bentuk tindakan dan keputusan (abdullah, badiei, sulaiman, & baki, 2014). seyogyanya pikiran dan tubuh kita merupakan satu kesatuan utuh yang tidak dapat dipisahkan, akan tetapi respon yang ditunjukan oleh penampilan gerak yang dilakukan oleh tubuh kita tidak selalu disadari oleh pikiran, untuk itu perlu adanya pengembangan antara kemampuan berpikir reflektifkemampuan berpikir kritis dan performa bermain dalam lingkup yang sempit yaitu permainan bola tangan. dalam penelitian ini menguji cobakan suatu strategi atau model pembelajaran, yaitu model pembelajaran inkuiri dengan model pembelajaran direct. model pembelajaran inkuiri sering disebut dengan model pembelajaran yang berbasis pemecahan masalah melalui model ini, guru dapat mempersiapkan pembelajaranya melalui pertanyaan yang akan memotivasi peserta didik untuk 'bertanya' dan 'mencari kebenaran'. pembelajaran berbasis pertanyaan memiliki pertanyaan, gagasan dan refleksi pembelajar di pusat pengalaman belajar peserta didik. (taylor & bilbrey, 2012 dalam (alameddine & ahwal, 2016). sedangkan direct intruction atau instruksi langsung tidak dilihat sebagai akhir dari proses pembelajaran tetapi satu cara di mana siswa dapat diperlengkapi untuk terlibat dalam tugas belajar yang lebih kompleks yang menantang dan melibatkan mereka. agar efektif secara pedagogis, instruksi langsung harus menjadi bagian dari strategi pengajaran yang lebih luas dan didasarkan pada sejumlah prinsip utama, seperti koherensi, pemberian isyarat dan pengakuan pembelajaran sebelumnya (rymarz, 2013). mengingat bahwa berhasilnya proses pembelajaran untuk mencapai orientasi serta capaian belajar perlu adanya sinergi yang berkesinambungan dari mulai orientasi guru, media pembelajaran, alat, strategi dan adanya kemampuan bawaan siswa itu sendiri. kemampuan siswa dalam pada penelitian ini dikaitkan dengan intelligence quotient yang sebenarnya memiliki hal yang sama dengan kemampuan kognitif. pada faktanya di lapangan, guru masih menggunakan strategi pengajaran yang sama yaitu secara konvensional, dan untuk menuju ke pengembangan kemampuan kognitif-reflektif atau kemampuan berpikir kritis masih kurang optimal, kemudian untuk penampilan bermainpun masih dianggap sulit untuk dikembangkan. dengan adanya upaya guru dan adanya kemampuan bawaan siswa berupa skor iq, maka peneliti bermaksud untuk menelusuri pengaruh model pembelajaran dan iq terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis dan performa bermain bola tangan. metode metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian eksperimen. instrumen test iq bekerjasama dengan pihak sekolah yang datanya sudah ada pada data pribadi siswa di bimbingan konseling, untuk tes kemampuan berpikir kritis diajukan sebagai 40 pertanyaan yang terdiri dari beberapa indikator inferensi, asumsi, deduksi, interpretasi, dan argument. populasi dan sampel penelitian yaitu siswa sma telkom bandung kelas xi yang berjumlah 74 orang. desain yang digunakan yaitu 2 kali 2 (2 x 2). data yang telah didapat kemudian dianalisis melalui software spss versi 25, melalui uji normalitas, homogenitas, annova dan anova lanjutan yaitu tukey dan kemudian ditafsirkan hasil dan pembahasan berdasarkan table berikut dapat dilihat bahwa perolehan gain antara kelompok model pembelajaran http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.16100 39 inkuiri dan model pembelajaran direct menunjukan hasil yang berbeda, terlihat bahwa hasil rata-rata gain kelompok model pembelajaran inkuiri lebih besar dibanding dengan rata-rata gain kelompok model pembelajaran direct. secara umum tanpa melihat skor intelligence quotient setiap individu siswa menyatakan bahwa model pembelajaran inkuiri lebih memfasilitasi pada kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dan model pembelajaran direct lebih pada penampilan bermain bola tangan. uji normalitas yang digunakan yaitu uji normalitas liliefors dengan hasil sebaran data model inquiri dan direct berdistibusi normal. sedangkan homogenitas data kemampuan berpikir kritis *0.061 > 0,05) dan penampilan bermain bola tangan (0.101 > 0,05) menunjukan bahwa data homogen. dari table 2 dapat dilihat bahwa model pembelajaran, baik model pembelajaran inkuiri maupun direct memiliki perbedaan hasil skor rata-rata terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis. tanpa melihat variabel atribut (skor iq) model pembelajaran inkuri lebih memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritisnya, dibanding dengan kelompok model pembelajaran direct yang lebih memfasilitasi pada penampilan bermain bola tangan. dari table 7 maka hasil analisis dapat dilihat pada gambar di diatas model*iq, nilai signifikansi diperoleh nilai 0,000 lebih kecil dari pada nilai alpha 0.05 artinya terdapat interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan iq terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis. analisis dengan menggunakan spss kemudian disimpulan bahwa ada perbedaan pengaruh antara siswa yang memiliki iq tinggi dan siswa yang memiliki iq rendah baik pada model pembelajaran inkuiri dan direct terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis.. secara keseluruhan siswa yang memiliki iq tinggi lebih berkontribusi dalam peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis, akan tetapi siswa dengan iq tinggi yang diberikan perhttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.16100 tabel 1. deskripsi data hasil tes gain kemampuan berpikir kritis model iq pretest posttest gain inkuiri pretest posttest gain direct tinggi 156.3 165.9 9.6 157 162 5 rendah 144.4 147 2.6 152.5 156.9 4.3 rata-rata 6.1 rata-rata 4.7 tabel 2. deskripsi data hasil tes gain penampilan bermain bola tangan model iq pretest posttest gain inkuiri pretest posttest gain direct tinggi 0.58 0.78 0.20 0.57 0.95 0.36 rendah 0.57 0.75 0.18 0.55 0.68 0.12 rata-rata 0.19 rata-rata 0.24 tabel 3. uji hipotesis model pembelajaran terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis dan penampilan bermain bola tangan dependent variable: kemampuan berpikir kritis model pembeljaran mean std. error inkuiri 6.121 .394 direct 4.694 .394 dependent variable: penampilan bermain model pembelajaran mean std. error inkuiri .195 .010 direct .237 .010 tabel 4. data pengaruh model pembelajaran dan iq terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis dependent variable: kbk variabel df mean square f sig. model * iq 1 196.495 33.450 .000 a. r square = .555 (adjust r square = .536) gambar 1. interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan intelligence quotient tite juliantine & fitriane arifin/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) 40 lakuan model pembelajaran inkuiri hasilnya lebih meningkat dibanding dengan yang menggunakan direct, hal ini karena gugahan proses pembelajaran inkuiri memfasilitasi kemampuan bawaan (iq) mereka untuk lebih menggunakan daya nalarnya, dan model pembelajaran inkuiri di duga memiliki karakteristik yang mendorong siswa kelompok iq tinggi untuk terlibat aktif dalam proses belajar. dari data hasil rata-rata siswa yang tergolong pada tingkat iq rendah mengalami peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis, akan tetapi reratanya tidak mengalami peningkatan yang tinggi, mereka ada dalam angka yang stabil, berbeda dengan siswa yang tergolong dalam iq tinggi. meskipun dalam angka yang stabil, ternyata peneliti menemukan bahwa siswa yang kategori iq rendah diberikan perlakuan model pembelajaran direct bisa meningkat dalam kemampuan berpikir kritis, hal ini diduga karena karakteristik bawaan siswa yang memiliki skor iq rendah lebih berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan belajar seperti rancangan kegiatan direct. berdasarkan hasil perhitungan data, secara keseluruhan tanpa pengelompokan dengan skor intelligence quotient model pembelajaran inkuiri lebih membantu siswa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. hal ini telah dibuktikan oleh penelitian yang dilakukan hemphill (hemphill, r richards, gaudreault, & templin, 2015) bahwa pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri merupakan pedagogi konstruktivis di mana peserta didik dapat melakukan hipotesis di situasi belajar dan mempertimbangkan bagaimana mereka akan menghadapi tantangan. dalam pendidikan jasmani, penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri memiliki potensi untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis, berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan kognitif dan mempengaruhi orientasi nilai siswa. fakta di lapangan dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran inkuiri dengan pola pemecahan masalah yang dibagi menjadi beberapa kegiatan dalam satu lapang, yaitu menjadi empat pos, membuat siswa lebih efektif dalam hal proses belajar, mereka bisa berulang-ulang mengadaptasi setiap permainan atau menyadari bahwa proses mind / pikiran berhubungan erat dengan gerak tubuh kita, melangsungkan tanya-jawab, membuat hipotesis disetiap pos dan menguji hipotesisnya. pada perancangan model pembelajaran inkuiri disengaja siswa masuk dalam pembelajaran cognitive learning, dengan kegiatan yang dimulai dari tingkatan yang mudah, sedang dan mudah, contohnya seperti ketika siswa ingin mencetak skor sebelum memasukan ke dalam gawang dia harus melempar tangkap sebanyak tujuh kali dengan satu regu namun dengan orang yang berbeda, jika dirasa sulit bola dapat ditambahkan menjadi dua, sehingga dapat memudahkan mencetak skor. hal ini sejalan dengan teori belajar konstruktivisme, bahwa siswa belajar karena mereka terlibat penuh dalam prosesnya, menjadikan strategi pembelajaran yang lebih dan mereka berbagi pertanyaan, memberikan pengetahuan baru, menciptakan dan membangun belajar itu sendiri, dan yang paling utama dalam pembelajaran inkuiri harus adanya pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh guru sebagai fasilitator maupun peserta didik, pemecahan masalah dalam situasi gerak, hipotesis serta adanya percobaan gerak. proses pembelajaran ini semua berhubungan dengan kinerja kognitif, yang melibatkan sejumlah pemikiran atau proses berpikir. akan tetapi selain kemampuan berpikir kritis yang diukur dalam penelitian ini ada penampilan bermain bola tangan yang diteliti peningkatannya, model pembelajaran direct pada penelitian ini lebih berkontribusi pada penampilan bermain bola tangan, karena menekankan pada penguasaan konsep dan/atau perubahan perilaku dengan mengutamakan pendekatan deduktif, dengan ciri-ciri yaitu transformasi dan keterampilan secara langsung, pembelajaran berorientasi pada tujuan tertentu, materi pembelajaran yang telah terstuktur, lingkungan belajar yang telah terstruktur, dan distruktur oleh guru. fakta di lapangan setiap treatment yang diberikan pada awal pembelajaran peserta didik selalu dihadapkan pada situasi-situasi permainan bola tangan yang nyata, penguasaan gerak dasar yang http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.16100 tabel 5. model pembelajaran dan intelligence quotient tinggi terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis model iq mean std. error sig. inkuiri tinggi 9.632 .549 .000 direct 5.000 .549 model iq mean std. error sig. inkuiri rendah 2.611 .564 .000 direct 4.389 .564 tite juliantine & fitriane arifin/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) 41 lebih lama, dan instruksi atau penjelasan peraturan permainan yang berbeda-beda dengan sangat jelas, sehingga tidak menimbulkan ketidakadilan macam kegiatan antara inkuiri dan direct, dalam permainan setelah mereka menerima beberapa gerakan dasar yang benar, yang secara langsung mereka harus melakukan kegiatan sesuai dengan apa yang telah di demonstrasikan oleh guru atau pemeraga. penelitian yang dilakukan oleh jayantilal (jayantilal & o’leary, 2017) di britania raya yang mengatakan bahwa direct instruction model bagaimanapun dibutuhkan oleh peserta didik sebagai model pembelajaran yang efektif untuk digunakan dalam pengajaran dan mempelajari pengetahuan, konten yang mendalam tentang permainan. direct teaching model didukung oleh teori belajar sosial dari albert bandura yaitu teori behavioristic yang menekankan komponen kognitif, pikiran dan pemahaman dan evaluasi. teori sosial ini memiliki konsep utama pembelajaran dengan metode pengamatan, perilaku individu bisa timbul karena proses modeling, atau tindakan peniruan. dalam pelaksanaannya penggunaan model pembelajaran inkuiri dan direct merupakan proses pembelajaran yang berbeda, pembelajaran inkuiri lebih menekankan pada proses belajar kognitif, sedangkan model pembelajaran direct / langsung menekankan pada proses belajar stimulus dan respon. jika dihubungkan dengan intelligence quotient yang telah dimiliki oleh siswa, pembelajaran inkuiri mendukung kinerja otak, namun bukan berarti pembelajaran yang menggunakan direct tidak menggunakan fungsi otak dan pikiran, namun antara pikiran dengan fisik selalu berhubungan. karena sebenarnya menurut sternberg (sternberg, 2018) intelligence quotient akan selalu berhubungan dengan kegiatan manusia itu sendiri, perbedaannya terletak pada seberapa cepat seseorang yang memiliki skor iq tinggi dan skor iq rendah dapat menyelesaikan sebuah tugas. siswa yang dihadapkan pada situasi belajar dengan permasalahan situasi gerak akan mengalami keadaan tidak sadar (unconsious) bahwa sebenarnya pemecahan masalah gerak yang mereka lakukan merupakan upaya tidak sadar menjadi sadar (conscious) akan keterkaitan antara pikiran dan tubuhnya. antara aktivitas fisik dan fungsi kognitif memiliki keterhubungan satu sama lain (sibley & etnier, 2003). kaitannya dengan penelitian ini adalah bahwa secara menyeluruh kemampuan berpikir kritis berkaitan dengan kapasitas otak yang dirancang kedalam pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri yang di dalamnya terdapat cognitive learning .yaitu adanya tingkatan mempermudah dan mempersulit tantangan situasi gerak, siswa dapat mencari ruang yang kosong, siswa dapat memutuskan dimana dia harus berposisi dan memberikan bola pada teman seregu agar mendapatkan poin. sedangkan gerak tubuh dirancang kedalam pembelajaran direct berkaitan dengan penampilan. kesimpulan hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan kemampuan berpikir kritis dari perlakuan model pembelajaran inkuiri, sedangkan pada perlakuan 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subyek penelitian adalah siswa taman kanak-kanak berusia 5-6 tahun sebanyak 8 siswa. instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan observasi terstruktur dan catatan lapangan mengenai sikap dasar anak yang meliputi menghormati aturan, berbagi perlengkapan, tanpa rasa takut, mendengarkan intruksi dan keinginan untuk berpartisipasi. teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah paired sample t-test. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan sikap dasar anak usia dini mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dengan nilai t sebesar 7,514. penelitian dengan jumlah partisipan yang lebih besar perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui dampaknya secara umum. abstract this study was conducted to determine the contribution of the aquatic learning approach to the development of the basic attitude ability in early childhood. this study used one group pretest-posttest design with 8 students aged 5-6 years as participants. the instruments used in this study were structured observations and field notes reflecting the children’ basic attitudes, including respecting rules, sharing equipment, fearless, listening to instructions, and the desire to participate. the data analysis technique used was paired sample t-test. the results showed that the children basic attitude ability increased significantly with t-value 7.514. however, the research with a larger number of participants is needed to find out the impact in general.  correspondence address : jl. dr, setiabudhi no. 229, kota bandung, indonesia e-mail : annehafina@upi.edu issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15014 87 anne hafina dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) pendahuluan pendidikan anak usia dini adalah upaya pembinaan yang ditujukan kepada anak sejak lahir sampai usia 6 (enam) tahun yang dilakukan melalui pemberian rancangan pendidikan untuk membantu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jasmani dan rohani agar anak memiliki kesiapan dalam memasuki pendidikan lebih lanjut (permendikbud, 2014). pendidikan anak usia dini merupakan hal penting dan dipandang perlu untuk diketahui oleh setiap guru maupun orang tua yang mendidik anak. secara tidak langsung dalam konteks ini tersirat tanggung jawab moral bagi guru di sekolah maupun orang tua di rumah untuk memahami nilai-nilai pendidikan yang harus dikembangkan oleh orang tua, guru dan lingkungan sekitarnya. untuk memahami karakteristik anak, guru dan orang tua harus melakukan pemantauan secara khusus dan intensif terhadap segala bentuk perilaku anak yang muncul saat melakukan aktivitas di sekolah maupun di rumah. anak usia dini merupakan masa keemasan bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. perkembangan setiap karakteristik anak usia dini cenderung dipengaruhi oleh sentuhan-sentuhan secara fisik maupun psikis dari lingkungan hidupnya. konteks itu dikuatkan oleh sebuah pernyataan yang mengatakan bahwa lingkungan merupakan bagian terbesar dalam mempengaruhi perubahan perilaku setiap anak (geldard, k. & geldard, g., 2012). pada usia ini pertumbuhan dan perkembangan intelegensi dan motorik anak juga berkembang secara cepat. oleh karena itu, anak harus diberikan pengalaman sebanyak-banyaknya dalam konteks bermain, salah satunya mengenalkan anak pada aktivitas air (susanto, 2014). akuatik (aktivitas air) merupakan sebuah aktivitas dengan menggunakan media air berupa kolam renang, pantai, sungai, danau atau simulator lainnya seperti ember atau bahan yang terbuat dari balon plastik yang dapat digunakan untuk kegiatan aktivitas fisik. bentuk kegiatan dalam aktivitas air dapat berupa renang, polo air, menyelam, dayung, dan beragam bentuk lainnya (ishak, 2016). tujuan program aktivitas akuatik bagi anak usia dini adalah memperkenalkan mereka pada rasa senang terhadap aktivitas air, berani mengambil resiko dalam aktivitas air, dan mengajarkan keahlian dasar berenang (susanto, 2014). penelitian tentang akuatik telah banyak dilakukan terutama penerapannya dalam kegiatan pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kemampuan motorik dan kemampuan sosial anak (langendorfer, 1986, 1990, 2009, 2015). lebih lanjut, pembelajaran akuatik ini sangat penting untuk dapat dilakukan sejak usia dini karena pada masa tersebut pertumbuhan dan perkembangan motorik dan intelegensi anak berkembang dengan cepat (sujiono, 2013). anak usia dini merupakan masa yang dianggap tepat untuk memulai memperkenalkan kegiatan air dan dasar berenang. pada usia 3-7 tahun, anak dapat dikenalkan olahraga ideal, pada usia 10-12 tahun untuk spesialisasi, sedangkan usia antara 16-18 tahun merupakan usia prestasi (susanto, 2009). sayangnya, pembelajaran renang di sekolah secara langsung kurang begitu dapat dilaksanakan secara berkesinambungan karena berbagai pertimbangan tertentu seperti kurikulum, program, materi, sarana dan prasarana, fasilitas, serta metode dan penilaian. padahal, proses pembelajaran merupakan sebuah upaya untuk mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan terutama mengembangkan karakteristik dan kemampuan sikap dasar pada anak. kemampuan sikap dasar anak meliputi rasa takut, sikap berbagi perlengkapan renang dengan teman, mentaati aturan, mendengarkan instruksi, keinginan untuk berpartisipasi menjadi fokus kajian dalam penelitian ini. sikap dasar tersebut merupakan komponen afeksi siswa prasekolah dalam pembelajaran akuatik yang perlu untuk didorong kearah positif (langendorfer dan lawrence, 1995; susanto, 2012). komponen tersebut merupakan salah satu indikator dalam mengukur keberhasilan pembelajaran akuatik prasekolah (susanto, 2012). kemampuan sikap dasar sangat berkaitan dengan aspek afektif atau bagian penting dari kecerdasan emosional dan merupakan bagian dari perkembangan individu (nur, 2018; sato, ellison, & eckert, 2018). pembelajaran akuatik harus dapat memberikan stimulus kemampuan sikap dasar anak, bukan hanya pada keterampilan motorik dalam pembelajaran. penelitian sebelumnya banyak yang membahas tentang pemanfaatan pembelajaran akuatik dan aktivitas renang untuk meningkatkan kemampuan motorik siswa (rocha, dkk., 2018; sato dkk., 2018; susanto, 2009), namun masih sedikit penelitian yang berfokus pada pengembangan kemampuan sikap dasar anak. oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran akuatik terhadap kemampuan sikap dasar anak usia dini. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15014 88 metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan metode one group pretestposttest design. subjek yang dilibatkan adalah siswa dengan usia 5-6 tahun. penelitian dilaksanakan di tk laboratorium percontohan upi kampus tasikmalaya dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 8 siswa (laki-laki 5 dan perempuan 3). instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu observasi terstruktur, catatan lapangan, dan dokumentasi mengenai sikap dasar anak dalam pembelajaran akuatik yang meliputi menghormati aturan, berbagi perlengkapan, tanpa rasa takut, mendengarkan intruksi dan keinginan untuk berpartisipasi (susanto, 2014). proses pembelajaran dilakukan selama 8 pertemuan dengan frekuensi seminggu 2 kali dan durasi selama 60 menit setiap pembelajaran. proses pembelajaran akuatik pada setiap pertemuan meliputi kegiatan pendahuluan selama 15 menit (berbaris, berdoa, apersepsi, memberikan motivasi dan tujuan pembelajaran serta pemanasan), kegiatan inti 30 menit (aktivitas renang dasar meliputi pengenalan air, masuk ke dalam kolam, control pernapasan, mengapung, posisi tubuh, gerakan lengan, recovery gerakan lengan, gerakan tungkai, gerakan kombinasi) dan kegiatan penutup 15 menit (evaluasi dan pendinginan). teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan paired sam ple t-test. hasil dan pembahasan berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, pada tabel 1 disajikan data ringkasan kemampuan sikap dasar anak usia dini sebagai berikut: tabel 1 menunjukkan ringkasan data hasil penelitian kemampuan sikap dasar anak usia dini. pada pretest jumlah skor yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 17, sedangkan pada posttest sebesar 28, dengan selisih sebesar 11. rata-rata pada pretest sebesar 2,13 dan posttest sebesar 3,5 dengan selisih antara keduanya sebesar 1,38. skor minimal pada pretest adalah 1, pada posttest sebesar 2. sedangkan skor maksimal pada pretest adalah 4 dan posttest 5. untuk memberikan gambaran lebih lanjut peneliti juga menampilkan data hasil penelitian berdasarkan aspek penilaian masing-masing variabel penelitian yang akan ditampilkan pada tabel di bawah ini: keterangan: a-1 = tanpa rasa takut a-2 = berbagi perlengkapan renang dengan teman a-3 = mentaati aturan a-4 = mendengarkan instruksi a-5 = keinginan untuk berpartisipasi data pada tabel 2. menunjukan persentase skor yang diperoleh sampel berdasarkan aspek penilaian kemampuan sikap dasar pada anak usia dini. berdasarkan data tersebut menunjukkan pada pretest aspek penilaian yang memperoleh persentase terendah adalah aspek penilaian “berbagi perlengkapan renang dengan teman” dengan persentase 0%, artinya pada tahap ini belum ada satupun sampel yang menunjukkan sikap saling berbagi dengan temannya. sedangkan aspek penilaian yang memperoleh persentase tertinggi adalah “keinginan untuk berpartisipasi” dengan presentase 88%. hal tersebut mengartikan bahwa hampir seluruh sampel penelitian menunjukkan partisipasi yang baik saat mengikuti pembelajaran. pada posttest terlihat beberapa aspek mencapai presentase 100%, yakni aspek penilaian “tanpa rasa takut” dan aspek “keinginan untuk berpartisipasi.” gambaran kemampuan sikap dasar anak berdasarkan aspek penilaian juga peneliti tampilkan melalui grafik persentase dalam tabel 3. grafik tersebut http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index anne hafina dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15014 pretest posttest gain jumlah 17 28 11 rata-rata 2,13 3,5 1,38 standar deviasi 1,13 1,07 0,52 skor minimal 1 2 1 skor maksimal 4 5 2 tabel 1. ringkasan data k emampuan sikap dasar anak usia dini tabel 2. per sentase skor k emampuan sikap dasar anak usia dini a-1 a-2 a-3 a-4 a-5 pretest 63% 0% 13% 50% 88% posttest 100% 25% 38% 88% 100% 89 menunjukkan peningkatan skor kemampuan sikap dasar anak usia dini dari pretest ke posttest berdasarkan persentase perolehan skor. berdasarkan grafik tersebut terlihat bahwa aspek penilaian yang menunjukkan peningkatan tertinggi dengan persentase peningkatan sebesar 37,5% adalah aspek tanpa rasa takut (a1) dan aspek mendengarkan instruksi (a4). sedangkan aspek terendah adalah aspek keinginan untuk berpartisipasi (a5) dengan peningkatan sebesar 12,5%. pada aspek lainya hanya terjadi peningkatan sebesar 25%, yaitu aspek berbagi perlengkapan renang dengan teman (a2) dan mentaati peraturan (a3). tabel 4 menunjukkan persentase perkembangan kemampuan sikap dasar anak berdasarkan sampel penelitian. dari tabel 4 terlihat bahwa terdapat dua sampel yang berhasil memperoleh skor optimal 100% pada posttest, yaitu sampel 2 dan sampel 4 dengan peningkatan masing-masing sampel tersebut sebesar 40% dan 20%. pada penghitungan, uji normalitas dan homogenitas data dilakukan sebagai uji prasyarat sebelum melakukan uji-t. data hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa data terdistribusi normal dan data homogen. selanjutnya, untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran akuatik terhadap kemampuan sikap dasar anak dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan uji paired sample t-test. tabel 5. menunjukkan nilai t = 7,514 dan nilai signifkansi = 0,000 < 0,05 maka dapat diputuskan bahwa terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan kemampuan sikap dasar anak usia dini melalui penerapan pendekatan pembelajaran aquatik pada anak usia dini. hasil pengolahan data statistik menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan pembelajaran akuatik memberikan kontribusi terhadap perkembangan kemampuan sikap dasar secara signifikan. pembelajaran akuatik merupakan pendekatan bermain yang memanfaatkan air untuk mempromosikan perkembangan anak. sejalan dengan pernyataan bahwa pembelajaran akuatik adalah segala aktivitas yang dilakukan di dalam air yang bertujuan untuk melatih anak memperoleh kemajuan potensi motorik, kognisi, afeksi dan sosial (susanto, 2012). temuan dilapangan terlihat secara keseluruhan anak memiliki ketertarikan pada pembelajaran akuatik, walaupun di awal beberapa anak menunjukkan keraguan atau ketakutan ketika akan memasuki kolam air. melalui upaya yang dilakukan oleh guru akhirnya semua anak dapat mengikuti aktivitas pembelajaran akuatik. pembelajaran akuatik yang terencana dan berbasis kepada perkembangan masing-masing anak dapat berkontribusi positif pada perkembangan emosional anak, mereka dapat merasakan air, interaksi dengan anak yang lain, dan lingkungan belajar yang memberikan pengaruh besar kepada setiap anak dalam proses pembelajarannya. sejalan yang diungkapkan oleh beberapa pakar bahwa faktor lingkungan merupakan salah satu yang berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan anak (masdudi, 2016; prezza dkk., 2001; rahman, 2009). hal menarik lainnya ditunjukkan oleh beberapa anak setelah melihat anak yang lain dapat melakukan intruksi tugas yang diberikan oleh guru, seperti memasukkan muka ke dalam air, loncat ke kolam air, berhttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index anne hafina dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15014 tabel 3. persentase perkembangan kemampuan sikap dasar anak berdasarkan aspek penilaian aspek penilaian perkembangan kemampuan a-1 37,5% a-2 25% a-3 25% a-4 37,5% a-5 12,5% tabel 4. persentase kemampuan sikap dasar anak ber dasarkan sampel penelitian sampel penelitian pretes posttest s-1 20% 60% s-2 60% 100% s-3 60% 80% s-4 80% 100% s-5 40% 60% s-6 40% 60% s-7 20% 40% s-8 20% 60% tabel 5. ringkasan hasil uji paired sample t-test t signifikansi keputusan kesimpulan 7,514 0,000 ho ditolak terdapat peningkatan signifikan 90 jalan mengelilingi kolam, dan melakukan seluncur pada tempat seluncuran, beberapa anak yang masih ragu atau belum berani akhirnya mau melakukan dan terlihat adanya kesenangan serta kepuasan dalam dirinya. hal itu dibuktikan dengan permintaan anak untuk melakukannya kembali dalam aktivitas tersebut. kejadian tersebut merupakan fenomena bahwa terjadinya perubahan perilaku anak kearah yang lebih baik, dalam hal ini kemampuan sikap dasar anak. pembelajaran akuatik khususnya berenang mampu meningkatkan keterampilan interpersonal anak, dan kepercayaan diri mereka (sari, 2014; susanto, 2009). lebih lanjut, pembelajaran yang menarik dan menyenangkan dapat membatu siswa meningkatkan antusiasme dan partisipasi siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran (malik, 2013; sliwa dkk., 2017). pada prinsipnya bahwa perilaku belajar dan sikap dasar siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor motivasi intrinsik, motivasi ekstrinsik, dan amotivated (granero-gallegos, et. all., 2014). faktor motivasi intrinsik biasanya terjadi karena siswa merasa nyaman mengikuti pembelajaran dan memperoleh pengalaman baru dalam pembelajaran (gonzález-cutre, d., sicilia, & moreno, 2011). faktor ekstrinsik karena adanya dorongan dari luar (deci and ryan, 1985, 2000). sedangkan, faktor amotivated karena siswa tidak memiliki motivasi untuk belajar baik secara intrinsik maupun ekstrinsik. dengan pemahaman akan karakter masing-masing jenis motivasi tersebut, pembelajaran akuatik yang diterapkan berguna untuk memotivasi siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. namun, dalam penelitian ini hanya menunjukkan persentase peningkatan sebesar 12,5% dikarenakan hasil pretest a wal siswa menunjukkan skor yang sudah tinggi. pada penelitian selanjutnya pembelajaran akuatik dapat diterapkan pada siswa yang memiliki motivasi rendah dalam mengikuti pembelajaran sehingga hasilnya akan lebih terlihat jelas. pendekatan pembelajaran akuatik merupakan pendekatan pembelajaran yang cocok bagi anak usia dini dalam menstimulasi perkembangan potensi anak agar optimal. pembelajaran ini telah banyak diterapkan di berbagai negara maju untuk melatih kemampuan sosial anak dan sebagai media pembelajaran keamanan didalam air (alaniz, 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control group design. populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa program studi pgsd penjas semester pertama yang berjumlah 80 orang. sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 40 orang dengan teknik pengambilan simple random sampling. instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur self-esteem menggunakan instrument self-esteem scale. teknik analisis data menggunakan uji independent t-test dengan software spss 24. berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan penghitungan bahwa model self-regulated learning dalam pembelajaran permainan tenis meja berpengaruh terhadap self-esteem mahasiswa program studi pgsd penjas fpok upi. abstract this study was aimed at determining whether the self-regulated learning model in table tennis learning can develop self-esteem. this research used experiments method. the design of this study was posttest only control group design. the population in this study were 80 first semester students of the pgsd penjas study program. the sample of this study were 40 students chosen through simple random sampling technique. the instrument used to measure self-esteem was the rosenberg self-esteem scale. the data analysis technique used was the independent t-test with spss 24 software. based on the results of the study, the model of self-regulated learning in table tennis game learning influenced the self-esteem of the first semester of pgsd penjas study program students. issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.16253  correspondence address : jl. dr. setiabudhi. no.229, bandung., indonesia e-mail : dianbudiana@upi.edu 44 dian budiana dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) pendahuluan tujuan utama dalam dunia pendidikan yaitu hasil belajar yang dicapai peserta didik secara optimal. hasil belajar merupakan kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh peserta didik setelah ia menerima pengalaman belajar. hal tersebut dijadikan acuan atau taraf pengukuran keberhasilan pendidik dalam proses pembelajaran. artinya, berhasil atau tidaknya dan efektif atau tidaknya pendidik dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran dapat dilihat dari hasil belajar peserta didik. selain itu, keberhasilan pendidik dalam menyampaikan materi dapat meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, maka kiranya perlu diperhatikan masalah pencapaian hasil belajar peserta didik, terutama mahasiswa. mahasiswa yang memiliki potensi tinggi tentunya memiliki peluang yang lebih besar untuk mencapai hasil belajar yang diharapkan pada jenjang pendidikan yang sedang ditempuhnya (mappeasse, 2010). menuju tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran tersebut tidak mudah, khususnya bagi mahasiswa yang berumur 18 sampai 20 tahun yang pada usia tersebut mengalami suatu peralihan dari tahap remaja ke tahap dewasa. mahasiswa olahraga adalah mahasiswa yang menempuh pendidikan pada departemen olahraga baik itu pendidikan ataupun non pendidikan. mahasiswa olahraga tidak akan pernah lepas dengan olahraga, kegiatan perkuliahan akan selalu berkutat dengan olahraga. berbagai cabang olahraga harus dikuasai oleh mahasiswa yang memilih jurusan tersebut, baik cabang olahraga yang ditekuni ataupun cabang olahraga yang baru dikenal dan diketahui yang ada pada mata kuliahnya. mahasiswa olahraga dituntut memiliki keahlian luas bukan hanya kekuatan fisik atau aspek psikomotornya saja melainkan aspek kognitif dan afektif juga harus berkembang. berdasarkan hal tersebut peneliti ingin meneliti tentang pengaruh self-regulated learning dalam pembelajaran permainan tenis meja terhadap self-esteem, yang diharapkan dengan adanya penelitian ini mahasiswa baru jurusan pendidikan olahraga akan siap dalam menghadapi perkuliahan khususnya pada mata kuliah permainan tenis meja. dari penelitian sebelumnya menyimpulkan bahwa model self-regulated learning dapat diaplikasikan sebagai model pembelajaran dalam upaya meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran penjas, yang hasilnya bahwa model srl dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar dalam pembelajaran penjas siswa di sekolah dasar (yusuf hidayat, didin budiman & titik mitarsih, 2000). penelitian lain menunjukan peningkatan kinerja para pemain sepakbola muda di level elit melalui penerapan model self-regulated learning. hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukan bahwa model self-regulated learning dapat meningkatkan kinerja pemain sepakbola muda di belanda (toering, et.al, 2012). berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, penulis mengasumsikan bahwa apabila model self -regulated learning diterapkan pada sampel mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran permainan tenis meja dapat meningkatkan self-esteem dari mahasiswa tersebut. penulis menerapkan strategi self-regulated learning dalam pembelajaran karena strategi yang digunakan kebanyakan masih menggunakan strategi yang konvensional sehingga membuat peserta didik mudah bosan dan tidak tertarik dalam pembelajaran tersebut. pembelajaran mandiri berimplikasi terhadap kapasitas untuk meregulasi diri pada proses belajar mahasiswa. kapasitas regulasi-diri memiliki peran penting dalam kesuksesan pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi (zimmerman, 2014). self-regulated learning adalah kemampuan untuk menjadi partisipan yang aktif secara metakognisi, motivasi, dan perilaku didalam proses belajar (mukhid, 2008). secara metakognisi, self -regulated learner merencanakan, mengorganisasi, mengarahkan diri, memonitor diri, dan mengevaluasi diri pada tingkatantingkatan yang berbeda dari apa yang mereka pelajari. berdasarkan pemaparan diatas, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan model self-regulated learning pada pembelajaran tenis meja terhadap self-esteem pada mahaiswa. metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode penelitan eksperimen. desain penelitian menggunakan post-test only control group design. dalam desain ini terdapat dua kelompok, kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol yang masing-masing dipilih secara random (r). kelompok pertama diberi perlakuan (x) perlakuan yang dimaksud yaitu penerapan srl dan kelompok lain menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensiuonal (direct teaching). kelompok yang diberi perlakuan disebut kelompok eksperimen http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.16253 45 dan kelompok yang tidak diberi perlakuan disebut kelompok kontrol. populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa program studi pgsd penjas fpok upi semester pertama yang berjumlah 80 orang. instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan instrument rosenberg’s selfesteem scale. analisis data dari penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif (mean dan standar deviasi), uji asumsi (normalitas dan homogenitas), dan uji hipotesis. hasil dan pembahasan berdasarkan hasil analisis statistic descriptive yang disajikan pada tabel 1, untuk kelompok kelas eksperimen sampel berjumlah 20 orang. adapun selfesteem dengan skor mean 32,65 dan standar deviasi sebesar 1.42. untuk kelompok kelas kontrol sampel berjumlah 20 orang. adapun hasil tes skala self-esteem diperoleh skor mean 28,3 dan standar deviasi sebesar 1,72. berdasarkan hasil analisis uji normalitas yang disajikan pada tabel 2 output yang dihasilkan program spss 24 menggunakan uji analisis normalitas data kolmogorov smirnov, shapiro wilk, menunjukan data sampel kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol bersifat homogen. berdasarkan hasil analisis uji independent sample t -test dengan tujuan untuk menguji perbandingan antara kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol disajikan pada tabel 4. hasil analisis membuktikan pada variabel self-esteem terdapat perbedaan antara kelompok eksperimen dengan kolompok control. terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok eksperimen dengan kelompok kontrol pada pengembangan selfesteem. hasil penghitungan statistik telah membuktikan bahwa srl memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap self-esteem. hasil tersebut sejalan dengan penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh nicol & macfarlane-dick (2017) mengenai self-esteem, penelitian tersebut menyimpulkan bahwa kombinasi srl memiliki tujuh feedback sangat efektif ketika diimplementasikan pada low-stake dan medium-stake assessment. pada high-stake assesment, efek yang terjadi adalah temotivasi karena siswa mengalami tekanan terhadap level kesulitan yang dihadapi. belajar harus dipahami sebagai sebagai proses aktif, konstruktif, dan self-regulated. terdapat tiga aspek determinan yang berpengaruh dalam regulasi dan pengelolaan diri dalam pembelajaran, yakni aspek diri, perilaku dan lingkungan (zimmerman, 2014). ketiga aspek ini saling berhubungan satu dengan yang lainnya dan berpengaruh terhadap yang lainnya. misalnya ketika individu berusaha untuk meregulasi diri sendiri, maka hasilnya berupa kinerja dan perilaku yang akan berdampak pada perubahan lingkungan disekitarnya. dalam konteks pendidikan jasmani, self-esteem memegang peranan penting karena self -esteem memuat hal -hal penting seperti self -determination dan selfautonomy (hein & hagger, 2007). dari hasil perhitungan yang telah diuraikan pada pembahasan sebelumnya, bahwa pada data self-esteem kelompok kelas eksperimen yang diberi perlakuan selama pembelajaran permainan tenis meja menggunakan model self-regulated learning terdapat pengaruh yang http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index dian budiana dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.16253 tabel 1. statistik deskriptif data self-esteem kelas eksperimen & kelas kontrol. descriptive statistics kelompok sampel mean std. deviation eksperiment 32.65 1.42 control 28.30 1.72 valid n (listwise) tabel 2. hasil penghitungan uji-t self-esteem leven’s test for equality of variances f sig t df sig (2tail ed) mean diff std. error diff equal variances assumed .24 .62 8.7 38 .000 4.35 .49 equal variances not assumsed 36.7 .000 4.35 .49 46 signifikan terhadap self-esteem mahasiswa prodi pgsd penjas angkatan 2018 semester pertama. self-esteem adalah cara seseorang memahami dirinya sendiri, dimana orang tersebut akan menilai tentang dirinya sehingga mempengaruhi perilaku dalam kehidupananya sehari-hari (dariuszky, 2004). self-esteem merujuk pada evaluasi yang dilakukan individu dan biasanya dipertahankan jika sesuai dengan dirinya, hal tersebut menunjukkan sikap setuju atau tidak setuju, serta menunjukkan sejauh mana individu percaya bahwa dirinya mampu, sukses dan layak. singkatnya, selfesteem adalah penilaian pribadi atas kelayakan yang diungkapkan dalam sikap yang dipegang individu terhadap dirinya sendiri (coopersmith, 1967). self-esteem adalah evaluasi yang dibuat oleh individu dan biasanya berhubungan dengan penghargaan terhadap dirinya sendiri (blumenthal & sherwood, 1970). dari hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran permainan tenis meja dengan menggunakan metode informal yaitu dengan model self-regulated learning lebih efektif dalam mengembangkan selfesteem mahasiswa daripada metode formal yaitu metode konvensional/teknik langsung (budiana, hidayat, budiman, & sumarno, 2017). model pendekatan self-regulated learning dapat menjadi salah satu model alternatif yang dapat digunakan oleh guru pendidikan jasmani dalam melaksanakan proses pembelajaran. penerapannya harus mempertimbangkan tiga komponen penting dalam srl, yaitu strategi pembelajaran, strategi manajemen, dan pengetahuan tentang pembelajaran (budiana, 2017). dengan demikian self-regulated learning dapat meningkatkan self-esteem dalam pembelajaran permainan tenis meja mahasiswa. self regulated learning bukan hanya meningkatkat selfesteem saja melainkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja para pemain sepakbola muda di level elitn (toering, et. al, 2012). self-regulated learning sangat berkaitan dengan teori kognitif. dalam proses pembelajarannya, peserta didik harus mampu menalar, memikirkan dan mempraktekan apa yang telah didapatkan dari peneliti. teori koginitif piaget mengatakan bahwa perkembangan masing-masing tahap tersebut merupakan hasil perbaikan dari perkembangan tahap sebelumnya (desmita, 2015). dalam proses pembelajaranya pun siswa harus mampu membayangkan bahwa sebelum dan sesudah tindakan yang dilakukan telah benar sesuai dengan instruksi. maka hal yang paling diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah peserta individu mampu belajar secara mandiri, karena sejatinya model self-regulated learning adalah model dimana siswa mampu melakukan pembelajaran secara mandiri. melalui peneltian ini juga diharapkan individu mampu untuk mencapai tarap self -esteem yang sehat. karena self-esteem terbagi menjadi beberapa jenis, yaitu self -esteem yang sehat atau healthy self -esteem dan unhealty self-esteem atau self-esteem yang tidak sehat (budiman, 2014). orang yang memiliki self -esteem tinggi atau selfesteem yang sehat pada umumnya memiliki kepercayaan diri dan keyakinan yang tinggi pula untuk dapat melaksanakan tugas gerak yang diintruksikan guru sedangkan individu yang memiliki self-esteem yang rendah atau tidak sehat ditandai dengan tidak adanya keinginan melakukan suatu hal yang baru, anak selalu berkata negatif atas kemampuanya yang dimiliki misalnya “saya bodoh”, “saya tidak pernah belajar dengan baik” (budiman, 2014). berdasarkan pengamatan peneliti selama proses perlakuan (treatment) dari mulai treatm ent pertama sampai proses post-test, perilaku dari mahasiswa yang diberi perlakuan dan tidak diberi perlakuan memilki perbedaan. mahasiswa yang diberi perlakuan dengan model self-regulated learning lebih menampakan diri di setiap pertemuan perlakuan dan selalu ada perubahan kemampuan dari yang tidak tahu menjadi tahu dan tidak bisa menjadi bisa, sedangkan yang tidak diberi perlakuan (model konvensional) hanya stuck dengan kemampuanya. kesimpulan penerapan model srl (self-regulated learning) dalam pembelajaran permainan tenis meja memberikan pengaruh yang lebih baik dibandingkan pembelajaran konvensional (direct teaching) terhadap self-esteem mahasiswa tingka satu. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index dian budiana dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) 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(2014). comparing students’ self-discipline and self-regulation measures and their prediction of academic achievement. contemporary educational psychology, 39(2), 145-155. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index dian budiana dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.16253 231 jpjo 4 (2) (2019) 231-236 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index the effect of recovery technique physical training combination in improving vo2max of volleyball athlete dian helaprahara, rachlai eko arisetiawan, mas’odi stkip pgri sumenep, indonesia article info article history : received july 2019 revised july 2019 accepted august 2019 available online september 2019 keywords : recovery, vo2max, volleyball abstrak olahraga bolavoli banyak menggunakan energi anaerobik sehingga akan menimbulkan asam laktat yang banyak dan bisa menyebabkan kelelahan. pemulihan merupakan faktor penting dalam meningkatkan prestasi atlet. pemulihan pada saat latihan atau pertandingan ada dua macam yaitu pemulihan secara aktif maupun pasif. tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh modifikasi teknik pemulihan dengan cara menggabungkan teknik pemulihan aktif dan pasif yang dikombinasikan dengan massase setelah melakukan latihan fisik. penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain eksperimen murnirandomized control group pretest-posttest. kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah adanya pengaruh yang signifikan pada perubahan vo2max setelah adanya perlakuan massase pada kelompok pemulihan aktif dan pemulihan pasif. massase bisa menjadi tambahan teknik pemulihan saat latihan atau pertandingan. abstract volleyball uses a lot of anaerobic energy which can produce a lot of lactic acid that causes fatigue. recovery is an important factor in increasing an athlete performance. the purpose of this study was to investigate the modification of recovery techniques by combining active and passive recovery techniques combined with massage. this research was an experimental study using a pure experimental design randomized control group pretest-posttest. the conclusion of this study is that there is a significant influence on changes in vo2max after the presence of massage treatment in the active and passive recovery groups. massage can be an additional recovery technique during practice or competition.  correspondence address : jl. trunojoyo, kabupaten sumenep, jawa timur e-mail : dianhelaprahara@stkippgrisumenep.ac.id, issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19570 232 introduction volleyball is a game played by most of people during their life, whether in backyard, beach, during having holiday with friends and family, or in an organized competition with other teams (reynaud, 2011). the purpose of this game is simple, it is to keep the ball to be by your side at the field and to be given back through the net to the opponent’s field. the team who successfully does this, will have a score. the team with the highest score at the end of the game will win the set, the team who wins most of the set will win the tournament. volleyball has a break in each round. the break time is usually used for the fast recovery. volleyball game uses lots of anaerobic energy that produce lactic acid that could cause fatigue. the recovery is an important factor in improving an athlete achievement. the recovery during training or tournament includes active and passive recovery. from the two techniques, active recovery is faster in reducing lactic acid and fatigue of the athlete (menzies et al., 2010). active recovery includes preserving the sub maximum work after tiring training with the purpose to keep the level of performance level in various events during training. it could increase the recovery mechanism in energy, muscle, and psychological aspect of the athlete. the active recovery could be conducted in different time, whether as the part of training session or during cooling down phase. in this case, it is usually started by other recovery method such as stretching and massage (hausswirth & mujika, 2013). in sport, massage is usually given before competition. massage is good for health for its ability to expediting blood circulation in human body (monedero dan donne. 2000; weerapong et al., 2005). the improvement of blood circulation is believed to improve the performance by improving the oxygen and nutrition to cell, improving intramuscular temperature and blood buffering effect. the improvement of blood circulation will improve the oxygen level in blood. it would push the process of reducing the lactic acid faster. the good recovery technique is a technique that could combine the recovery actively and passively (monedero, dan donne. 2000). recovery is the most important part in improving an athlete performance. the fast recovery technique will fasten the performance of an athlete. the fast recovery technique will fasten the process of an athlete endurance thus the athlete could follow the training optimally to achieve the accomplishment. massage is also used for preparing the athlete before and after the competition with different technique including swedish massage,that could reduce the pain and give relaxation effect and also rehabilitation for the athlete to get a fast recovery (purnomo, 2015). the similar research showed a result that active recovery and combination recovery could decrease the fatigue level on football athlete (kurniawan & elfarabi, 2018). however, the present research used different subject, the volleyball athletes. the aim of this study was to investigate the modification of recovery technique by combining active and passive technique combined with massage. hopefully, the result of this study could be used by the coaches as the consideration in selecting the main player in porprov vi championship year 2019. methods type of the study this study is an experimental study using pure experimental design-randomized control group pretest-posttest. population and sample the subject of this research were the male volleyball teams in preparing the selection of sport week event for province level (porprov vi) competition that consisted of 30 athletes. this research involved athlete aged 15 21 years. therefore, the purposive sampling technique was needed. the purposive sampling is a technique of deciding samples with particular considerations (sugiyono, 2010). the first group was the active recovery and massage. the second group was the passive recovery with massage. the third group was the control group. each group consisted of randomized 10 athletes. the treatment was implemented after the athlete received physical training, then they received the treatment based on their group. during the selection of the athlete, the researcher was helped by a national licensed trainer and the process of the male volleyball athlete selection of pbvsi sumenep during the rehttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19570 dian helaprahara, et.al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) 233 search was assisted by the research team to coordinate the samples. data collection technique the data collection process was divided into several parts. the first phase was the subjects were informed about the purpose and the advantage of the research. the subjects who were willing to involve filled in the informed consent as an agreement until the end of the research. the second phase was the data collection of the first vo2max by using the mft test. the third phase was the subject received the treatment according to their group. the parts of body that get massage treatment include thigh and back of the calf by giving some main manipulations including efflurage, petrirage, walken, shaking, and tapotemen. massage could have influences on recovering fatigue in children after sport (nurul janah, 2013). the active recovery treatment is conducted by doing jogging for 20-30 second with low intensity. according to the research of (rasyid & supriyanto, 2017) the jogging technique could have impacts on reducing the level of lactic acid level on a badminton athlete. the passive recovery treatment is conducted by doing sitting without other activities for 60 seconds. the researcher did the treatment process three times a week and the samples received the treatment based on their group. after 2 months, the researcher did the posttest data from all groups, experimental and control group. data analysis the research data were analyzed by using statistical technique t-paired t-test to investigate the effects on the three groups receiving treatment during research, they are the active recovery group with massage technique, passive recovery group with massage technique, and control group with significance level at 0,05. result the result of the study can be seen in table 1. table 1 shows that the score of vo2max from group 1, the group with active recovery with massage, is 37,98 (ml/kg/minutes) in pre-test and 39,95 (ml/kg/minutes) in post-test. the group two, the group with passive recovery with massage, gained 35,86 (ml/kg/minutes) in pre-test and 37,42 (ml/kg/minutes) in post-test. the third group, the group without treatment, gained 37,16 (ml/kg/minutes) in pre-test and 37,35 (ml/kg/minutes) in post-test. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19570 picture 1. the one of the effleu r age massage techniques (the procedures for sports massage,2019). picture 2. recover y jogging (michael, 2017) table 1. the subjects’ vo2max result research subject vo2 max (ml/ kg/ minutes) sig. (2-tailed) description group i pre-test 37,98 0,003 significant post-test 39,95 group ii pre-test 35,86 0,038 significant post-test 37,42 group iii pre-test 37,16 0,474 not significant post-test 37,35 dian helaprahara, et.al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) 234 the result of this study shows that each group gained improvement. it was the result of the six week of training. group i and group ii gained a significant improvement (p<0.05). however, the third group did not gain a significant improvement. from the third post-test, the highest improvement is reached by the group i, the group receiving active recovery with massage. the improvement shown in figure 1 is 5,19% for group i, 4,35% for group ii, and 0.51% for group iii. discussion according physical capacity of an athlete is an important element in sport achievements. it involves various different capacities, with aerobic capacity as the main component. the basic of an organism physical physiological capacity combines the organism functional capacity to improve the metabolism process level that suits the needed physical effort. metabolism process in this definition means the chemical energy transformation into mechanic energy (molik et al., 2017). endurance is a term that refers to two separatedrelated concepts: muscle endurance and cardiorespiratory endurance. each of them has a unique contribution for athletic performance, they have different role for different athlete. meanwhile, muscle endurance is specifically meant for individual or group muscles. the cardiorespiratory endurance is related to the ability to keep the dynamic and continuous training of the body by using the major muscle. the endurance of mobile respiratory is related of the development of cardiovascular and respiratory system ability to keep the oxygen circulation to the working muscles during a long period training, and to use the energy aerobically (kenney, wilmore, & costill, 2016). in this research, the active recovery with massage treatment and passive recovery with massage treatment on volleyball athlete showed a significant result during the two months of treatment with three times of training per week. according to figure 1, the result of the treatment during training shows that active recovery with massage has a higher improvement on the maximal endurance capacity (vo2max) of volleyball athlete pbvsi sumenep (5,19%). it is relevant with the research involving different subjects conducted by (musrifin & bausad, 2013) that was aimed at measuring the effect of sport massage as a passive recovery in improving the maximum capacity of endurance (vo2max) of futsal athlete of ikip mataram. the sport massage as a passive recovery is better than the active recovery in improving vo2max of futsal athlete of ikip mataram, 10,37 % (the experiment group, received sport massage method as a passive recovery) and 6,57 % (control group, received free movement active recovery). it is also in line with the result of the study of (kurniawan & elfarabi, 2018). the aim of the study was to prove the effectiveness of recovery technique to reduce the fatigue level of football athlete. the sample of the research were 24 football athletes aged 15,54 ± 2,2 years and weigh 55,25 ± 10,92 kg. the result shows that active recovery and the recovery combination could reduce the level of fatigue of football athlete. the combination of recovery has an average decrease of fatigue index level and lactic acid level 2,59 ± 0,44 watt/s and 3,03 ± 0,21 mmol/l, while active recovery has an average decrease of fatigue index and lactic acid index level for about 3,66 ± 0,42 watt/s and 2,2 ± 0,25 mmol/l. the result of this research is expected to be implemented in training or competition as an alternative recovery to decrease the level of fatigue of football players. in team sport, such as volleyball, there is no relevant literature about periodization, a better distribution of training load, and an appropriate athlete recovery (andrade, fernandes, miranda, coimbra, & filho, 2018). by using the technique explained previously, the http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19570 picture 3. per centage of tr eat ment imp r ovement dian helaprahara, et.al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) 235 sport physiology expert could measure the number of energy spent by a person in various conditions. this session explains the level of energy expenses of the body, or the metabolism level, in resting condition, during sub maximum and maximum intensity training, and during the recovery period after sport competition (kenney et al., 2016). the athletes and trainers continuously keep perfecting the training strategy to develop their competitive strength before competition. the use of therapy, thermal agent, electricity stimulation, and massage are often used for before tournament preparation. besides the frequency of massage treatment, only some studies are found investigating the effect of massage on sport performance (jason brummitt, 2008), there are a lot of existing recovery methods developed overseas, but it is contrary with the condition in the level of regency level, especially related to the limited knowledge of trainers about sport coaching science. however, there is a research shows that massage does not have a significant effect (weerapong, hume, & kolt, 2005). comparing the group receiving 10 minutes of massage before sub maximum training (80% from maximum heart rate) with control group arrives in the result that there was no differences for the measured variable during training (vo2, stroke volume, heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac output, and artery oxygen differential). massage is not proven to have a significant effect on the frequency of treatment whether implemented for 30 minutes of sprint on population (weerapong et al., 2005). it is expected that the result of this research could be a reference for athletes and coaches for achieving the achievement in the future. conclusion the conclusion of this research is that there is a significant effect on the vo2max changes after the massage treatment in the active and passive recovery groups. massage could be an additional technique during training or competition. the research suggests that the athlete and the coaches use this combination of recovery techniques, such as massage and jogging, for a fast and accurate recovery. references andrade, d. m., fernandes, g., miranda, r., coimbra, d. r., & filho, m. g. b. 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ini bersifat penelitian evaluatif. teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan stratified random sampling dan cluster sampling. karakter dasar populasi yang digunakan mencakup; perbedaan tingkat kemajuan suatu wilayah, perbedaan gender laki-laki dan perempuan, perbedaan usia anak umur 7-12 tahun, remaja usia 13-17 tahun dan dewasa usia 18-40 tahun, sedangkan dasar kluster yang digunakan adalah wilayah kecamatan dan desa atau keluraan. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa indeks ruang terbuka termasuk kategori rendah (0,180), indeks sumber daya manusia termasuk kategori sedang (0,551), indeks partisipasi masyarakat termasuk kategori sedang (0,572), dan indeks kebugaran termasuk kategori rendah (0,488). secara keseluruhan, indeks pembangunan olahraga kabupaten banyumas pada tahun 2010 termasuk kategori rendah 0,487. abstract the purpose of this study was to evaluate the local government’s success in its development, especially in the field of sports from the aspect of open space availability, community participation, sport resource, and community fitness level (sport development index). therefore, an evaluative research approach was employed in this study. the research employed both stratified random sampling and cluster sampling techniques. the population basic characteristics included the differences of regional progress level, gender between male and female, age ranging from children aged 7-12 year old, adolescents aged 13-17 year old, and adults aged 18-40 year old, while the basic cluster characteristics used were district and sub-district or village. the research results showed that the open space index was classified in low category (0.180), human resource index in medium category (0.551), public participation index in medium category (0.572), and physical fitness index in low category (0.488). simultaneously, the sport development index of banyumas regency in 2010 is classified in low category (0.487).  correspondence address : jl. profesor dr. hr boenyamin no.708, kabupaten banyumas, indonesia e-mail : rifqi.festiawan@gmail.com issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19181 194 ngadiman et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) introduction based on law no. 3 year 2005 concerning on indonesian national sport system, it is mentioned that the pillar of sports is not only dealing with sport achievements, but also sport education and recreation. by simply measuring the sport success based on medals, we have belittled the meaning of sport education and recreation. based on the national data taken from the central bureau of statistics 2005, it shows that people who do sports for achievement purposes are only 7.8%, while for health purposes 65.2% and others 27.0%. thus, it is obviously inappropriate when the sport success is only measured from the sport achievements with the number of medals used as the indicator. the sport index in european countries is developed based on seven indicators explaining the social significance of recreational sports, sport clubs, sport schools, population access for sports, socio-political and economic sport significance, as well as the importance of professional sports (otmar weiss, 2016). in finland, the changes in success and development of sport policies cover three international sport phases: amateurism, totalization and professionalism (pasi koski and jari lämsä, 2015). meanwhile, in switzerland, the development of community sports has a relatively higher participation rate, yet the differences between regions in the original country are closely related to the historical, cultural, and economic factors (hanspeter stamm and markus lamprecht, 2011). the government policy on sport sectors as stipulated in government regulation no. 16 year 2007 article 92 has provided an operational explanation on the requirements of sport minimum service standards, including: open space for sports, human resources in sports, community participation, and community physical fitness level. in its development, those four dimensions become the bases for measuring the progress of sports development better known as sport development index, here in after abbreviated as sdi (mutohir, 2003). nationally, the indonesian sdi in 2005 is only at 0.220 which is classified in low category. meanwhile, the sdi in 2006, that figure increases up to 0.280, yet is still classified in low category (kemenegpora, 2007). in the following years, some regions make similar studies. the results of a research conducted by dasar, s., & decheline (2017) show that jambi city sport develop ment index is in low category (0.318). similarly, the sport development index in pontianak is also only at 0.302 (permana, 20156). banyumas regency is one of three major development areas for the achievement-based sports in central java, after semarang and surakarta. however, no studies have been conducted from the aspect of sport development index (sdi) as the indicator for a simultaneous sport development success. methods the focus of this research was to measure the sport development index in banyumas regency. the results of this research were expressed through index in the form of figures that this research is classified into a quantitative research type. as the purpose of this research was to evaluate the success of local government in the development, especially in the field of sports, an evaluative research approach was then conducted. both stratified random sampling and cluster sampling technique were employed. the stratification was required to present the existing regional and community conditions in banyumas regency that were greatly heterogeneous. meanwhile, the cluster sampling was used considering to the research target area. the basic population characters used: 1) differences in regional development levels: developed, developing, and underdeveloped. 2) gender differences of male and female, 3) age differences ranging from children aged 7-12 year old, adolescents aged 13-17 years old and adults aged 18-40 year old. the cluster area components used were district and sub-district/village. the population targets included 27 districts and 301 sub -districts/villages that 3 districts were randomly selected, consisting of north purwokerto district representing the developed regional level category, wangon district representing the developing regional level category, and banyumas district representing the underdeveloped regional level category. three sub-districts/villages were then also randomly selected from each selected district. each sub-district consisted of 30 people that the number of samples in one district was 90 people. thus, the total research samples were 270 samples. the research data sources consisted of both primahttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19181 195 ry and secondary data. the primary data consisted of community participation, open space availability, human resource in sports, and community physical fitness. meanwhile, the secondary data covered number of population, regional area, and potential in sports. thus, the data were collected with several sampling techniques: 1) observation, used to obtain information about; regional area, number of population, potential in sports, human resource, and open space; 2) questionnaire, used to obtain information about; community participation in sports; 3) test, used to obtain information about; community physical fitness level, that multi stage fitness (mft) test was conducted; 4) interview, used to obtain deeper information from the credible and related informants. result and discussion a. open space open space availability may be utilized by the communities for sport activities in those three districts is presented in the table below: the results of data analysis from those three districts show that the open space index for sports in banyumas regency is 0,180. based on sdi criteria, this figure is classified in low category. a. human resources the existing human resources, such as sport coaches, physical education teachers, and sport instructors in those three districts are shown in the table below: the results of data analysis from those three districts show that the human resource index in banyumas regency is 0.546. based on sdi criteria, this figure is classified in medium category. c. public participation public participation is the direct and active involvement of communities as the sport actors either formally or informally in those three districts as presented in the table below: the results of data analysis from those three districts show that the community participation index in banyumas regency is 0.572. based on sdi criteria, this figure is classified in medium category. d. physical fitness physical fitness in this case refers to the level of body's capacity to perform activities without significant fatigue experienced by the community in those three districts as presented in the table below: the results of data analysis from those three subdistricts show that the physical fitness index in banyumas regency is 0.517. based on sdi criteria, this figure is classified in medium category. the results of data analysis obtained from each dimension in those three districts are then used as the basic calculation for sdi index in banyumas regency. each dimension index may be seen in table 5. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19181 table 1. the r esu lt of the post hoc tukey test ngadiman et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) aspect wangon district north purwokerto district banyumas district sdi open space 0.179 0.146 0.215 average 0.180 table 2. human resour ce index analytical results aspect wangon district north purwokerto district banyumas district sdi human resource 0.865 0.514 0.274 average 0.546 table 3. community par ticipation index analytical resu lts aspect wangon district north purwokerto district banyuma s district sdi public partici0.635 0.835 0.246 average 0.572 table 4. physical fitness index analytical results aspect wangon district north purwokerto district banyumas district sdi physical fitness 0.609 0.473 0.469 average 0.517 196 the results of data analysis from those three districts in banyumas regency show the average sdi index of 0.487 which is classified in low category. discussion open the open space index of 0.180 indicates low category. in facts, this index is similar with that nationally in 2004 by 0.380, in 2005 by 0.110, and in 2006 by 0.266 (mutohir and maksum, 2007). open space refers to a place designated for sports activities by a number of communities in the form of buildings and or lands. thus, open space is greatly required by the communities to perform physical activities. however, with the resulted low index, it can be concluded that the ratio between the availability of open space with the number of population above 7 years in banyumas regency is still lacking. this condition may be clearly explained that although there are still many open land areas in rural areas, yet not intended as places for sport activities. on the other hand, the open spaces in urban areas are greatly difficult to obtain for sport activities. thus, it is not surprising that the parking lots, parks, and road bodies are used to perform sport activities, such as football by adolescents. the human resource index of 0.551 is classified in moderate category. that index is higher than that nationally in 2004 by 0.115, 2005 by 0.047, and in 2006 by 0.099 (mutohir and maksum, 2007). the human resource figure is measured based on the ratio between the numbers of physical education trainers/instructors/ teachers with the population over 7 years old in the related region. thus, it can be concluded that in banyumas regency, the human resources are adequately provided in the form of physical education trainers/ instructors/teachers expected to actively play their roles as the driving forces and facilitators for the communities and local government to develop sports in the related regions. this condition may be clearly explained as the annually increasing number of high school graduates go to college and choose to join the physical education or sport science study program. the public participation index of 0.572 is classified in medium category. that index is higher than that nationally in 2004 by 0.345, in 2005 by 0.384, and in 2006 by 0.422 (mutohir and maksum, 2007). this condition shows that participation as a sport development dimension is already high. thus, public awareness on healthy and active life throughout their life time is getting better. it means that the more individuals participating in sport activities in one area, the higher the public awareness in that area to have a healthy life and quality. public higher participation reflects their interest and appreciation in sport activities. thus, it can be concluded that participation is believed as a strong foundation as the prerequisite for sport buildings of not only the educational and recreational, but also the achievement-based sports. the fitness index of 0.488 is classified in low category. the index is similar to that nationally in 2004 by 0.540, in 2005 by 0.352, and in 2006 by 0.335 (mutohir and maksum, 2007). this figure shows that the level of body's capacity to perform activities without experiencing significant fatigue is still low. this condition may explain that science and technology may impact the patterns of community activities. the results of survey conducted by the health department in 2001 report that 56% (27% male and 29% female) of people aged 25 years and over suffer from hypertension, 3% with heart disease, 1.2% with diabetes, and 5.9% with obesity (overweight). the sport development index of banyumas regency in 2010 is 0.487 that it is classified in low category based on sdi criteria: 0 – 0.499: low; 0.500 – 0.799: medium; and 0.800 1: high. thus, banyumas regency which is at the point of 0.487 is in sdi index ranging from zero to one. an index point addition of 0.513 is still required to achieve the condition considhttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19181 ngadiman et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) table 5. the results of sdi analysis in banyumas regency no. district open space index human resource index public participation index physical fitness index sdi 1. wangon 0.179 0.865 0.635 0.609 0.572 2. north purwokerto 0.146 0.514 0.835 0.865 0.590 3. banyumas 0.215 0.274 0.246 0.469 0.301 average 0.180 0.551 0.572 0.488 0.487 197 ered high or perfect for the sport development. this figure also provides guidance for the policy makers in the field of sports to make various improvements, especially on open space availability aspect. some efforts may be performed by increasing the availability of open areas provided for the communities to perform sports activities. with these efforts, the sport development index of banyumas regency may be continuously increased from time to come. conclusion banyumas regency open space index is classified in low category, human resource index in medium category, public participation index in medium category, and physical fitness index in low category. simultaneously, the sport development index of banyumas regency in 2010 is classified in low category. references dasar, s., & decheline, g. hasil pembangunan olahraga di kota jambi ditinjau dari sport development index. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga, 2(2), 61-71. hanspeter stamm &markus lamprecht. 2011. swiss sports participation in an international perspective. european journal for sport and society volume 8. kemenegpora [state ministry of youth and sports]. 2007. laporan sdi nasional tahun 2004 [national sdi report of 2004]. jakarta. kementerian negara pemuda dan olahraga [state ministry of youth and sports] mutohir, tc. 2003. sport development index. majalah 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(2016). tingkat partisipasi olahraga dan ketersediaan sdm keolahragaan kota pontianak provinsi kalimantan barat ditinjau dari sport development index (sdi). jurnal pendidikan olahraga, 4(1), 9-19. undang-undang no. 22 tahun 1999 tentang otonomi daerah [law no.22 year 1999 concerning on regional autonomy]. jakarta. depdagri [department of home affairs] undang-undang nomor 3 tahun 2005 tentang sistem kelolahragaan nasional [law no. 3 year 2005 concerning on national sport system]. jakarta. kemenegpora [state ministry of youth and sports] http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19181 ngadiman et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) 112 jpjo 3 (2) (2018) 112-121 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index leadership, decision making: mediating role of coaches empowerment toward athlete achievement heri yusuf muslihin universitas pendidikan indonesia indonesia kampus tasikmalaya info artikel sejarah artikel : diterima agustus 2018 disetujui agustus 2018 dipublikasikan september 2018 keywords : leadership, decison making, coaches abstrak prestasi atlet dapat diraih melalui peran pelatih dalam menentukan program dan proses pelatihannya. selama proses pelatihan, pelatih memiliki peran sebagai pemimpin dan pengambil keputusan. kepemimpinan dan pengambilan keputusan yang tepat dari seorang pelatih akan mencetak atlet yang berprestasi. tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dampak kepemimpinan dan pengambilan keputusan dari pelatih terhadap prestasi atlet. penelitian menggunakan metode survey dan wawancara, dengan desain cross sectional survey. penelitian ini menggunakan sampel para pelatih. pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara purposive. sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 53 orang. instrumen penelitian menggunakan angket. data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis variansi. proses penghitungannya menggunakan spss versi 17. kepemimpinan dan pembuatan keputusan merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam rangka meningkatkan prestasi atlet. abstract athlete achievement can be achieved through the role of coach in determining the program and the training process. during the training process, the coach has a role as a leader and a decision maker. the right leadership and decision-making of a coach will produce talented athletes. the purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of leadership and decision making from the trainer on the performance of athletes. the research used survey and interview method, with cross sectional survey design. this study used a sample of coach. sampling is done by purposive method. the sample used amounted to 53 people. the research instrument used questionnaire. data were analyzed by using variance analysis. the process of calculation using spss version 17. leadership and decision-making is very important in order to improve athletes achievement.  alamat korespondensi : jl. dadaha no. 18 kota tasikmalaya 46115 jawa barat e-mail : heriyusuf@upi.edu issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12716 113 heri yusuf muslihin / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) introduction athlete achievement is an indicator of the success of the trainer in carrying out his duties. duda & nicholls, (1992) reported that athlete achievement can be generated after a long time and long process. baker, cote, & abernethy, (2003) revealed that continuous and sustainable training is very important to do, as it enhances the skills in the sport that followed by the athlete. the training process will not be separated from the role of coach who involved directly in the field to oversee the implementation of training programs that have been made. this is to help the acceleration of the improvement of athletes achievement, which is inseparable from the use of technology. gould et.all (1999) reported that the development of knowledge and technology is very dynamic. the coach's job in the field provides materials for athletes. understanding the material by athletes is inseparable from the leadership and proper decision making of the coach. cotterill & fransen, (2016) revealed that leadership is a complete trait for success. to determine the success of athletes it is necessary to have the firmness and the right decision. i̇hsan sarı, fikret soyer, & mahmut gülle, (2014) reported on the results of research that leadership behaviors have a firm relationship. the coach as a leader must be able to make quick and precise decisions when conducting the athlete training process. appropriate leadership will be able to increase the performance of organizational productivity. omar rabeea mahdi, erzan shafizan bin gulam mohd, & mahmoud khalid almsafir (2014) reported that leadership behavior affects organizational commitment. achievement of the productivity of sports organizations one of them is with the achievements of athletes who achieved in sporting events. kamble (2011) reports that: "organization can stand to bear the challenges of change through only right managerial style & behavior". leadership skills possessed by coach in athlete training become the backbone to be able to generate motivation and increase the confidence and empathy of every athlete associated with it. surely as a leader must have a unique character. elderton (2006) reports that good coaches will use different styles in different situations and conditions and use cooperative styles in appropriate situations the intended character is to use a leadership style that is able to control subordinates in an effort to run the process of coaching that goes well. leadership style in sports ranging from authoritarian, democratic, easy going, etc. linda mayor (2004) reveals a leadership style situation in general consisting of four ways namely, notice, offer, participation and delegation. it also argues that the implementation of decision-making in sports, coaches must be ready and reflect the best leadership style. a leader has a very big role in determining the direction of achieving organizational goals. kamble (2011) states that leadership style affects workers as long as managers act as mediators between caretakers and workers. the coach instructs the athlete to follow the direction he or she is directed towards achieving the objectives according to the target set. coaches are leaders for athletes. how a trainer provides training materials for athletes to carry out every undertaken task or activity. the role of the coach as a leader is an integral part of an organization. the coach who are involved in the coaching process other than as leaders they also can act as facilitators. when there are few complaints on the services provided in sports coaching then the coach is required to be able to facilitate the problems that arise during the coaching. facilitation is meant whether as a conveyor of information to the authorities as well as athlete aides to be able to improve the ability and willingness to be patient and find solutions related to the problems faced by athletes and themselves. joseph g. johnson, (2006) reports that decision-making determined by coach in sports will be natural, the majority of decision-making is dynamic and made directly or under moderate conditions or with high pressure. the duty of the coach in team building is his involvement to form cohesion among team members. the involvement of the coach in the team as a leader is not positioning himself as a superpower, thus making himself valuable in the eyes of the athletes to improve his performance. sánchez, a.c.j. et.all, (2009) reported that athletes feel good walking practice when making decisions with the help of their coach. in addition, athletes will also be more open with the presence of coaches involved in the team. thus all issues that arise can be anticipated as early as possible so that no big mistakes that make the goal is not achieved. the coach as a leader must be able to make decisions, because every activity is inseparable from the dehttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12716 114 cision that must be taken by a leader. important decision -making must be decided immediately. nelson d, quick j. (2003) reports that the results of organizational decision-making for leaders or managers of outcomes should be immediately recognized and addressed some of the criteria for success, election scope and risk and some solutions. however, there are also decisions that must be decided by considering the inputs of all parties. this is because a leader sometimes has a weakness, when willing to make a decision or when the decision must be taken through deliberation with the athlete. when there is a mutually agreed decision in the team then as a leader is in charge of giving consent to the agreed agreement. the decisions that have been mutually agreed by all members must be implemented in earnest by all components who are involved in the coaching process. langley (1995) reveals that decision-making is a commitment of action, has its own characteristics and phenomena are real and rationally controlled. therefore, of course, for every component that executes the rules and decisions are given an adequate appreciation to motivate the human resources of sports that have not implemented it. in addition, for those who have not run or even violate the rules or decisions that have been established then it is necessary to maintain the conductivity and comfort of work to be given a punishment. the punishment is intended to provide a deterrent effect for the actors of coaching in the field in violation of the rules on which the agreed decision. a coach in making decisions should pay attention to the various things that affect the decision. nevertheless, a coach's decision-making is something that must be done urgently and some can be done with enough time. therefore, the role of coach in solving the problem becomes the determinant to improve achievement of athletes achievement. the decision of a coach during training and also when athletes compete to be the determinant for athletes can achieve. pomerol (2004), langley (1995) reveals that decision-making is a firm action focused on what will be done in the face of a problem. especially when competing, when the athlete is faced with a difficult situation then the role of the coach to take the right decision to overcome the situation that presses the athlete so that turning the athlete's circumstances backs pressing. high tension situations decrease the efficiency of time response, as well as decrease the efficiency of mental process skills. christian vater (2011) reports that decision-making under high (anxiety) pressure is necessary taking into account the advantages and the worst when the decision is taken. the skills of creating and making decisions become something that must be possessed by the empowered sportsmanship in the athlete coaching activities. such skills include: a) determining strategic decisions, b) determination of routine decisions, c) granting of responsibilities to athletes, d) provision of delegation of authority to athletes. strategic decisions must be decided immediately in an effort to avoid a fatal mistake in the process of athlete coaching that leads to athlete's failure to achieve. the existence of speeding of creating and decision making all possibilities that worse can be avoided. comfort and wukich, (2013) reported that decisions are not always optimal, and not always efficient but should be safe and controlled so that decisionmaking is effective. previous studies have revealed several factors that influence leadership decisions. factors include previous experience, juliusson ea, karlsson n, gärling t (2005), knowledge bias, stanovich ke, west rf (2008), age and individual trust differences acevedo m, krueger ji (2004), and escalation and commitment as well as the effect of what choices people make. conditions occurring in some southeast asian countries leadership and decision-making are influenced by policy makers. this has an impact on the inaccuracies of decision making and is at risk for failure of athlete performance. in addition, coaches on amateur sports are still very rare to get paid adequately. based on this background, the purpose of this study is to analyze the leadership and decisionmaking of coache to achieve athletes achievement. method the method used in the research is double survey method. a double survey in this study was used because the research was conducted on five branches (volleyball, basketball, table tennis, soccer and martial arts) located in 10 cities located in west java indonesia. the research design was cross sectional survey. the research sample is the trainer from 10 cities by drawing the regencies / cities in west java. sampling of coach is done by taking into account the coaching licenses that have been done by the coach. the sample in this research is the coach who have attended advanced training. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12716 heri yusuf muslihin / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 115 table 1. population the sample in this study amounted to 107 people. the sample of the research was taken by using purposive sampling technique, that is, the trainer's fitness personality that has characteristics 1) is available in all districts / cities where the research location, 2) has followed the training and development, and 3) is still active in the athlete coaching process. questionnaires were distributed to all 107 respondents. nevertheless, the return questionnaire only amounted to 53 respondents. the research instrument used questionnaires, and interviews. questionnaires are made by collecting materials related to leadership components, decision making and sporting achievements. after obtaining the material then the next is to make a statement for the questionnaire. the statement of leadership and decision-making is based on the opinion of grand (1990) which reveals that: empowerment means that management vest decision-making or approval authority in employees where, traditionally, such authority prerogative managerial. so in empowerment there is a component of decision making and leadership. as for the achievements based on stoeber's opinion (2010) achievements measured from: 1) best achievement, 2) achievement of goals, and 3) appearance in the championship. questionnaires were obtained after a trial of the questionnaire. questionnaire test results obtained 16 valid statements. the interview conducted by way of coming to the respondents. subsequently, the respondents were interviewed using a prepared interview format on leadership and decision making and athlete achievement that has been developed. interviews were conducted to explore the statements in the inquiry more deeply. so obtained more in-depth results of studies in the variables studied. interviews were conducted to each sample for + 30 minutes. documentation study conducted by collecting data of championship results, data of training result in the form of technical development and achievement result of improvement of physical condition of athlete. other data collected are data on coach, among others, training that has been followed by coach, certificates (coach licenses), and experience of training. data analysis using path analysis. the path model used in this study as shown in figure 1 .the calculation process using spss software ver.17. result based on the result of questionnaire and distribution of interview which is done to the samples, the following results are obtained: the research findings show that respondents' perceptions of respondent leadership style are adjusted to the situation and environmental conditions, the most dominant in the category strongly agree. this indicates the style of leadership shown by the respondents is relatively adapted to the situation when they provide the material for the coaching of the athletes. interviews conducted with coach reveal that leadership styles will change themselves in a changing coaching situation, thus there will be dynamism and harmonization between the coach and the athlete so that the atmosphere becomes harmonous, in other words the athletes do not feel any pressure from the force leadership of the coach. the findings of the study indicate that the ability to facilitate peers is high. this is shown by the average score of respondents who are included in the high category. this indicates that respondents' ability to facilitate peer needs can be met well. the results of the interviews show that there is mutual assistance among peers in the process of coaching, thus will build good relationships among team members in the process of coaching. mutual help in the coaching process will improve interpersonal relationships between colleagues and between coach with athletes. the results showed that the placement of respondents in the group is in very high category. this is shown by the average score of respondents who are in the category strongly agree. these results indicate that the placement of the respondent as a team member in the coaching process becomes important to provide an opportunity for athletes to place themselves in the same position as the coach. the interview results revealed that when the coach puts himself in the group, it makes it easier for the trainer to know the problems that the athletes have, so comfort of the athletes will be maintained http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index regency sport branches volley ball bascet ball foot ball silat table tennis a 2 2 2 2 2 b 2 2 2 2 2 c 2 2 2 3 2 d 2 4 2 2 2 e 3 2 2 2 2 f 2 3 3 2 2 g 2 2 2 2 2 h 2 2 2 3 3 i 2 2 2 2 2 j 2 2 2 2 2 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12716 heri yusuf muslihin / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 116 and the performance shown by the athlete will improve. in addition, the athletes will be more comfortable when doing coaching because they feel there is protecting and nurturing himself. the research findings show that the firmness of decision making is very high. this is shown by the average score of respondents who fall into the category strongly agree. this indicates that the decision made by the coach is firmly decided. the firmness of the decision making will make the team members involved in the coaching will be more disciplined to perform their duties and responsibilities respectively. interviews conducted with the trainer reveal that the firmness of the decision-making will be as soon as possible to solve the problems that occur in the coaching process, thus prolonged conflict can be avoided, especially conflict between athletes with athletes, or between coach and athletes. conditions like this are expected to help to achieve optimum performance for athletes involved in coaching. the research findings show that respondents' perceptions of awarding athletes with achievement, the most dominant in the category strongly agree. this indicates that awarding is often done by the coach to the achievers. interviews conducted on the coach reveal that the achievements produced by everyone should be given appreciation. form of appreciation given to people who excel in various way. the way of appreciation is in the form of verbal expressions, in the form of gift giving, as well as in other forms that provide a pleasant feeling for the person. the findings of the study indicate that punishment is very high. this is shown by the average score of respondents who fall into the category strongly agree. this indicates that punishment is given to those who have made a mistake. the interview results revealed that the punishment was intended to provide a deterrent effect for the athlete not to repeat his mistake, so he could introspect that the error would lead to a change of direction. the research findings show that the decision making done by the board is correct, the most dominant is in the category strongly agree. interviews revealed that the accuracy of decision-making affected the conditions that would make the atmosphere of coaching relatively more stable. not too many conflicts in the process of coaching. this also results in a coaching condition in the relationship between the individuals involved in coaching being more familiar and harmonious. the research findings show that the decisionmaking speed is very high. this is shown by the average score of respondents who fall into the category strongly agree. the results of the interviews reveal that the decision making done by the trainer, implemented quickly, thus any activities or activities that must be taken immediately can run smoothly and quickly completed. in addition, the speed of decision making will encourage everyone involved in coaching to work quickly and appropriately, to solve problems and occur in every activity. the research findings show that respondents' perceptions of the suitability of giving responsibility, the most dominant in the category strongly agree. the interview results revealed that responsibilities are tailored to their respective fields. this encourages coach to be more responsible in carrying out the tasks and responsibilities afforded to them. the responsibilities given to the respondents are relatively well suited to their area of expertise. so in making decisions respondents are very easy to make decisions quickly and precisely because the suitability of responsibilities with expertise is very appropriate. the results show that the authorization when the leader is absent in the category is very high. this result is shown by the average score of respondents who are in very high category. the results of the interviews reveal that the granting of authority when they are absolute is surely for the respondent who is given the authority, thus the granting of authority from the employer is fully assumed by the person who is given the authority. this means that all responsibilities and authority to make decisions on all matters of both ordinary and essential matters are entirely the responsibility of the respective authorized respondent. achievement of athletes obtained from the guidance done with a long time. associated with the achievement of athletes in the role of human resources in coaching becomes very crucial thing. therefore the role of the coach is crucial to help the improvement of athlete performance. the research findings show that respondents' perceptions of the medal count, the most dominant are in the agreed category. this indicates that the acquisition of medals targeted by the organization is entirely not always achieved well. this is certainly an indicator that the role of coach involved in athlete coaching is important in achieving an optimal achievement. interview results revealed that the practice factor that is sometimes only implemented ahead of the game http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12716 heri yusuf muslihin / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 117 determines the inefficiency of the athlete in the medal. in addition there is also an athlete who increased his achievements rapidly from other areas or even an outside athlete who participated in competitions that are not predicted before. the results showed that the increase in medals was in high category. this is indicated by the average score of respondents who are in the agreed category. this indicates that the increase in medal ranking is not always up. this is because the achievement of the medals is not always achieved, thus it is necessary that the achievement of this medal is evaluated. from the interviews it is known that the involvement of the coach involved in the training process is not optimally involved but also the lack of other human resources that are available for the benefit of the athlete training process. by empowering all human resources in sports can anticipate the shortcomings that occur in the process of coaching, especially the lack of athletes that can not be handled by other human resources. the research findings indicate that the achievement of targets set by the organization including the category is very high. this is shown by the average score of respondents who fall into the category strongly agree. this indicates that most of the targets set by the organization can be met well. interview results reveal that the targets set by the organization are often provided with realistic targets as they see the situation and conditions in the athlete training process. thus, the target set by the organization can almost be achieved. the research findings show that the motion skills shown by athletes are of very high category. this is indicated by the average score of respondents included in the agreed category. this indicates that in the course of the game shows the athlete's movement skills are improving well. the interview results revealed that the improvement in motion skills stems from the athlete's ability to learn the movement's techniques over a long period of time. because motion skills (techniques) will always be attached to the athlete's self when the athlete studied it for quite a long time. in addition, motion skills will remain or will not disappear when athletes have mastered the motion techniques. the findings of the study showed that the responses of respondents to the performance of athletes including high category. this is indicated by the average score of respondents included in the agreed category. interview results reveal that the appearance of athletes is not always consistent means fluctuating, sometimes good sometimes not. this is because it is caused by different match situations. this means that the appearance of athletes when following the game in a relatively long time or compete with repeatedly, his appearance is inconsistent. research findings show that respondents' perceptions of athlete's physical condition, the most dominant in category strongly agree. this indicates that the physical condition of athletes displayed during the game is not always consistent or not always excellent. the results of interviews to the respondents revealed that there are times when athletes feel fatigue after a fairly tiring game. however, with the provision obtained during the exercise, the physical condition of the athlete can be maintained well. table 2. analysis of the calculation result of leadership, decision making toward athletes achievement http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index model summary model r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate 1 .538 a .289 .261 3.108 a. predictors: (constant), decision, leadership anova b model sum of squares df mean square f sig. 1 regression 196.753 2 98.376 10.18 .000 a residual 483.059 50 9.661 total 679.811 52 a. predictors: (constant), decision, leadership b. dependent variable: achievement coefficients a model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 7.395 4.100 1.804 .077 leadership .328 .130 .592 2.525 .015 decision -.117 .429 -.064 -.274 .786 a. dependent variable: achievement 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12716 heri yusuf muslihin / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 118 based on the results of data processing contained in the table above. it can be concluded as follows : the results of the calculation of leadership style to the improvement of achievement resulted in a significance value of 0.000. while probability value equal to 0,05, hence if compare value significance smaller when compared with probability value. based on that, ho is rejected, meaning that leadership style improves sports achievement significantly. the results of the calculation of actions by the leader to the improvement of achievement produce a significance value of 0.000. while probability value equal to 0,05, hence if compare value significance smaller when compared with probability value. based on that, ho is rejected, meaning that the actions performed by leaders improve sports achievement significantly. the result of reward and punishment count on the improvement of achievement resulted the significance value of 0.113. while the probability value of 0.05, then if the value of significance greater when compared with the value of probability. based on that then ho accepted, meaning reward and punishment are not able to increase sport achievement significantly. the results of calculating the accuracy of decision making on the improvement of achievement resulted in a significance value of 0.000. while probability value equal to 0,05, hence if compare value significance smaller when compared with probability value. based on that then ho is rejected, it means the accuracy of decision-making improve sports achievement significantly. the calculation of the speed of decision making on the improvement of achievement produce a significance value of 0.608. while the probability value of 0.05, then if the value of significance greater when compared with the value of probability. based on that then ho accepted, meaning the decision-making speed is not able to improve sports achievement significantly. based on the results of the calculation of responsibility for achievement improvement resulted in a significance value of 0.037. while probability value equal to 0,05, hence if compare value significance smaller when compared with probability value. based on that, ho is rejected, meaning that giving responsibility to athletes and assistant coach improve sports achievement significantly. in addition of the delegation of decision-making authority to the improvement of achievement resulted in a significance value of 0.274. while the probability value of 0.05, then if the value of significance greater when compared with the value of probability. based on that, ho is accepted, meaning that the delegation of decisionmaking authority is not able to improve sports achievement significantly. to find out the value of determination correlation coefficient. the calculation results can be seen in the following table: tabel 3. value of determination coefficient path 2 based on the results of the calculation it can be concluded that: support from leadership and decisionmaking of coach to increase athletes achievement produces a value of 28.9%. while other factors that affect the achievement of athletes of 71.1%. therefore, the need for research on other aspects. discussion findings in the field resulted in leadership contributing to the improvement of athlete performance. therefore,the efforts to improve athlete performance one of them depends on the leadership of the coach in carrying out coaching in the field as well as in assisting the athletes during the game or race. the role of the coach in guiding the athlete should be done by following a straightforward leadership style. this means that the coach should see the situation and condition of the athlete while practicing or competing. prototyping leadership contributes significantly to the range of leadership outcomes that leader's honesty perceptions (koivisto, lipponen & platow, 2013), leader approval (ullrich, christ, & van dick, 2009), belief of leader (giessner & van knippenberg, 2008), and perceptions of leader charisma (steffens, haslam, & reicher, 2014) the situation when athletes are tense when practicing or competing, the coach are not justified to do something that might increase the tension experienced by athletes. as a leader, coach must be able to adapt to the situation and conditions that are being experienced by http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index influence between variables coefficient path result f coefficient determination r square coefficient another variabels x1 toward y 0,592 10,18 0,289 or 28,9% 71,1 % x2 toward y -0,064 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12716 heri yusuf muslihin / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 119 the athletes. when athletes need calm while practicing or competing, the coach must position themselves as a pacifying parent for athletes. those conditions can also help athletes able to make good decisions without experiencing pressure when making decisions (acj sanchez, 2009) similarly, when athletes look lazy or no spirit when practicing or competing then the coach must be able to increase the motivation of athletes to be more excited again. similarly, when athletes are playing games or not seriously then the coach must have the firmness when giving instructions or orders to his athletes so that athletes are able to run the training program and match well. i̇hsan sarı, fikret soyer, & mahmut gülle, (2014) report on the results of research that leadership behaviors have a firm relationship. therefore, the leadership of a coach is crucial to the achievement of an athlete's achievement in sports achievement. yukl (2009) reveals that leadership is not only viewed from the perspective of individuals but as a role and leadership it is a process. application of a coach's leadership style is determined by a variety of factors mainly determined by the carefulness of the trainer in reading the situation and condition of the athlete while conducting the training and when the athlete is following a match. the skills of a coach as a leader will impact on the right decision-making when carrying out activities both while conducting the training process and while attending a match in the field. appropriate decision making leads the athlete's risk to make mistakes can be minimized. however, the accuracy of decision making will depend on three things: time, context and resources. parent, m.m., (2010). in addition, rich (2014) also revealed that there are two kinds of decision-making for the coach that is technical decision making, and tactics. decision-making by a trainer is controlled by four factors: the structural dimension (place and time) ;interaction between stakeholders ;information management (gathering as much information as to what is decided) ; individual characteristics (skills, experience etc) parent m.m., (2010). decision-making by the coach in the field 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design. instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket self efficacy. lokasi penelitian bertempat di sumedang. populasi adalah siswa kelas 4,5,dan 6 sekolah dasar dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 50 siswa yang terbagi ke dalam 2 kelompok. hasil yang diperoleh adalah pembelajaran beladiri praktis berpengaruh positif terhadap self efficacy siswa, dan siswa dengan pembelajaran dan konsep pemahaman beladiri praktis lebih menunjukan hasil self efficacy yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan siswa yang tidak mendapatkan pembelajaran dan pemahaman tentang konsep beladiri prktis. namun hasil pengujian self efficacy pada siswa perempuan tidak mengalami peningkatan secara signifikan. usia pada siswa perempuan diduga menjadi penentu dalam hasil uji coba yang telah dilakukan. abstract this study was aimed at determining the effect of practical self-defense learning on elementary school students’ self-efficacy. the method used was the experimental research method. the research design used was randomized pretest-postest control group design. the instrument used was a self-efficacy questionnaire. the research location was located in sumedang. the population is 4, 5, and 6 grade students in elementary school. the results showed that practical self-defense learning had a positive effect on students' self-efficacy; the students who received self-defense learning and had the concept of practical self-defense understanding showed better self-efficacy results compared to students who did not get learning and understanding of the concept of practical self-defense. however, the results of self-efficacy testing on female students did not experience a significant increase. age in female students seems to be a determinant factor in the results of the test that had been conducted.  correspondence address : jl. mayor abdurahman no.211, kec. sumedang utara indonesia e-mail : mnalif@upi.edu issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.18852 190 muhammad nur alif & tatang muhtar/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) introduction training basic self-defense skills is a necessity that must be mastered by students. it is the responsibility of physical education teachers in providing an understanding of the concept of self-defense in physical education learning in school, considering many things around the environment that can threaten the safety of themselves and those around (melanie, 2008 ). students must be equipped with the ability to be aware of the situations that are dangerous to themselves and overcome when undesirable things happen to them. in training and mastering self-defense skills, students can build confidence based on the fact that they can set goals, and thoughts that are needed to achieve the goals on the next level (kimberly, 2007). self-defense is the need of every human being in living their life so they are free from threats without fear of danger. feeling safe and comfortable becomes the second priority once the need to improve the condition of body fitness is met (adiele, e. e., & abraham, 2013). students must be equipped with self-defense to minimize the possibility of becoming a victim of crime through simple but effective self-defense skills (liebling, 2006). the main problems that are the focus in various cases of violence are the low confidence of the students of their ability to defend himself when there are disturbances or threats from outside such as sexual harassment, bullying, and crime in public places and the low ability of the students to read the environment and their situation that threatens them to then take an appropriate action. kpai (national commission for child protection) data states that violence against children always increases every year. kpai monitoring results from 2011 to 2018 saw a significant increase especially in cases of child abuse. physical education teachers in schools are responsible to equip their students with an understanding of the importance of training basic skills and concepts of self-defense. students do not have to fight frontally, but they can use self-defense techniques to provide a sense of shock to defend themselves from dangerous situations. students are often unsure of the ability to defend and execute a person who is considered dangerous. data on violence against children that have been previously presented is one of the proofs that most students are victims of crime and violence both physically and psychologically. therefore high selfefficacy is needed so that if students are facing a threatening condition, they can take appropriate action carefully. self-efficacy is one's belief about the ability and opportunity to successfully achieve certain tasks (bandura, 1997). self-efficacy is needed, both in the realm of education and work, since self-efficacy is closely related to one's competence. competence can be in the form of expertise, or knowledge, which will later serve as a tool to support individuals in completing their tasks (mazer, 1998). high or low self-efficacy in an individual will affect their implications in facing a challenge. therefore, one of the ways that can be done by knowing students’ self-efficacy is related to solving the problems that they are facing. the referred martial arts in this study are selfdefense training that is packaged practically. this means that it is not classified into one particular type of martial arts branch such as silat, karate, taekwondo, and others. the concept of movement that is presented is very familiar with the movements carried out every day. associated with martial arts techniques, some body parts that can be used as weapons are fingers, nails, heads, feet, elbows, knees, and even hips, apparently storing a variety of weapons that are quite deadly if used correctly and appropriately (hendrawan, 2011). likewise with simple media that can be used as weapons are credit / atm cards, ballpoints/pencils, lipstick, umbrellas, combs, keys, and bags. the various weapons need to be balanced with 4p concept knowledge, namely pray, prediction, preventive and protection (alif, 2017). the self-defense training also teaches a student to change their mindsets to have high self-efficacy. it can be followed by every student through simple but deadly movements so that this training can be easily accepted by every student which covers the three domains of physical education namely psychomotor, cognitive, affective which are important parts of the life process. by applying the concepts and practical selfdefense training, it is hoped that physical fitness and self-efficacy of students can increase significantly. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.18852 191 methods the method used in this research was randomize pretests-posttest control group design (frangkle, 2012). the population in this study were elementary school students grades 4,5, and 6 in sumedang city. the sample used in this study was 50 students who were divided into 2 groups with random sampling techniques. before being given the treatment, the level of student self-efficacy was measured using a self-efficacy questionnaire (liebling, 2006). after 8 meetings the samples were retested using the same questionnaire. result the results of data processing and analysis in this study showed that there was a significant influence on the application of practical self-defense training to students' self-efficacy. another result was obtained that students who were given practical self-defense training had higher self-efficacy than students who were not given practical self-defense training. improved selfefficacy of the experimental group is presented in table 1. after processing the data, the probability value of (sig.) 0.000 <0.05 then h0 is rejected. thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of the application of practical martial arts training on students’ selfefficacy. the value of r square shows a significant increase in self-efficacy by 67%. to find out the differences between the experimental group and the control group, a similarity test was applied between the two groups. the results of data processing between the experimental group and the control group are presented in table 2. after processing the data, the probability value of (sig.) 0.014 <0.05 was calculated and then h0 was rejected. thus, it can be concluded that there are differences in influence on self-efficacy between students who are given practical martial arts training and students who are not given practical martial arts training. it can be seen from the average results of the two groups. self-efficacy scores of students who were given selfdefense training were greater than scores of students who were not given self-defense training. discussion based on observations in the field it was found that the dominant training material was able to increase students' self-efficacy. the material is all self-defense material in practical self-defense training programs especially when students are faced with samples of crime cases. when students are faced with samples of crime cases, students are required to read the situation of themselves and their environment, to avoid mistakes in taking action. this is one part of the 4p concept, namely prediction. based on that situation, reading the situation is an important part of controlling appropriate behavior for yourself and others. perception about how much they can function in certain situations. self-efficacy relates to the belief that they can act as expected (bandura, 1997). by following practical self-defense training, students can anticipate the situations with high confidence. referring to the social cognitive theory, self-efficacy will be in line with one's belief in their ability to perform behavior that is appropriate to the situation and condition they are facing (dominick et. al, 2013). self-efficacy is a perception of how well the individual can function in http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index muhammad nur alif & tatang muhtar/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) table 1. results data of self efficacy exper imental group and control group experiment group n sum mean std dev. sig r squer pretest self control postest self control 25 1540 1681 102,67 112,07 2,41 2,37 0,001 0,670 table 1. t-test processing results experimental group and control group no group self efficacy sig. mean pretest mean posttest mean gain 1 practical martial art learning 102,67 112,07 9,40 0,014 2 conventional learning 101,80 108,73 6,93 doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.18852 192 certain situations (li et.al, 2001). self-efficacy relates to the belief that they can act as expected. by training the practical self-defense, students can anticipate it. the next finding in this study is the most dominant difference that can be seen on the training material of the martial arts. the experimental group (students with practical self-defense) when they are facing the samples of crime cases, they are quicker in reading the situation of themselves and their environment to then do what is appropriate when they are threatened so they do not harm themselves. this happens because before getting the material of practical self-defense, the experimental group had been presented about the true concept of martial arts and the formation of the right mindset when they are facing a threat of crime. unlike the control group (not given self-defense training), they are slower in reading their situation and the environment when confronted with samples of crime cases. this happens because the control group in the learning process is not given the concept of martial arts whereas reading the situation of yourself and the environment to then take an appropriate action in facing and resolving an unexpected event is an integral part of one's self-efficacy. but different results were obtained for female students. the tendency for increased self-efficacy in female elementary school-age girls did not increase significantly. this is based on the psychological development factors of the students who tend to be still unpredictable. physical education and sport teach students about how to maintain fitness and encourage them to live a healthy lifestyle. sport is not only important for bodily health but also the development of a students’ attitude and knowledge. by doing sports activities, students can understand themselves thoroughly both in terms of attitude, knowledge and the state of his own body. research related to this issue issued by tel aviv university, managed to find a link between exercises with cognitive, emotional, and behavior factors of the children. exercise can support the improvement of self-efficacy and discipline to reduce feelings of aggression in children (mears, 2001). each sport game has different characteristics in forming the character of students who are involved in it. therefore, self-defense can be an alternative sport activity that emphasizes the formation of students’ character. conclusion based on the results of data processing and discussion of findings, it can be concluded that the training of practical self-defense for students significantly increases the level of self-efficacy. practical self-defense can also contribute and provide solutions to the problems previously described, namely preventing the impact of the development of science and technology because of the inevitable globalization to the children's attitudes and behavior in terms of self-confidence in something. references alif. 2017. belajar beladiri : konsep, metode dan model pembelajaran beladiri, ksatria siliwangi, tasikmalaya. bandura, a. 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received december 2019 revised december 2019 accepted february 2020 available online april 2020 keywords : cooperation, learning outcome, problem based learning abstrak menurunnya budaya kerjasama yang juga berdampak kepada penurunan hasil belajar mahasiswa. tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan kerjasama mahasiswa penjaskesrek melalui model problem base learning pada pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan desain dalam penelitian ini adalah randomize pretest and posttest control group design. teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini di ambil secara cluster random sampling, maka sampel pada penlitian ini menjadi dua kelas yaitu kelompok eksperimen kelas 6f dan kelas 6e menjadi kelompok kontrol. instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur kerjasama dengan menggunakan anket dan hasil belajar dengan tes. analisis penelitian ini menggunakan spss 22 dengan uji t. penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa model problem base learning mampu meningkatkan kemampuan kerjasama pada mahasiswa dan juga meningkatkan hasil belajar yang cukup signifikan. abstract the decline in the culture of cooperation has an impact on the decrease of the student learning outcomes. the purpose of this study was to see the increase of critical thinking skill and cooperation in physical education and health students through problem based learning model in physical education learning. the method used in this study was experimental method with the randomize pre-test and post-test control group design. the sampling technique in this study was cluster random sampling. the samples of this study were divided into two classes, namely experimental group and control group. the instrument used to measure cooperation was a questionnaire, while learning outcomes were measured by tests. the analysis of this study used spss 22 with t-test. this study concludes that the problem base learning model is able to improve the cooperation among the students and also significantly improves learning outcomes. ,  correspondence address : jl. kaharuddin nst no.113, kota pekanbaru, riau e-mail : dupri@edu.uir.ac.id http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 87 dupri, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) introduction preparing a competitive human resource with a high characteristic requires a quality education. the skill required in the 21st century, related to education, is learning and innovation skill known as four cs including critical thinking, communication, cooperation, and creativity (robinson & ken kay, 2010). there are five highly needed skills in the future, involving the ability to think critically (78%), it skills (77%), health and fitness (76%), innovation skills (74%), and the responsibility of personal financial skill (72%) (kay, 2008). therefore, as educators, we need to prepare a quality human resource who acquires the skill of decision making, problem solving, and facing the challenge of the 4.0 era. the condition in practice shows that, in physical education learning, the students have not been able to do a good cooperation. it is proven by the fact that the group tasks are mostly completed by one or two persons shown by the understanding of the students during presenting the result of the task. physical education has a function to develop social skills, including to adapt with the surroundings and to cope with others, to improve decision making skill, interaction skill, and discussion skill, and also to develop the society characteristics (kristiayandaru, 2010). for that reason, if the culture mentioned earlier continuously happens, the individualism character will develop. meanwhile, as stated by national education association above, the cooperation skill becomes one of the required skills in the 21st century. in addition, facing today’s development, the era of industry revolution 4.0, it is the person who could do a good collaboration who are needed instead of those who could work and develop individually. cooperation is a required aspect in physical education learning, so that the students could complete or solve problems in their learning group. the inability of the students to cooperate with their peers in learning process has impacts on their learning outcome due to the absence of the effort to comprehend the task in hand together (hidayat & kurniawan, 2015). the better the cooperation, the better the group in completing or solving the problem they experience. to be able to build the cooperation skill and learning outcomes, a teacher should be able to conduct a teaching and learning process that could provide experiences in learning. the teacher design of teaching and learning process should include the problems to develop the thinking skills of the students that help them to analyze the actual problems (taufiq & kurniawan, 2015). the effective learning process needs the implementation of a right learning model in conducting the teaching and learning process. a learning model that always uses problems to facilitate the students to learn is problem based learning (pbl). physical education learning that uses problem based learning will develop the ability to cooperate, solidarity, ideas exchange, and discussion to solve the problems through learning resource they have (kisworo, wasitohadi, & rahayu, 2019). the problem based learning (pbl) provides learning that offers actual problems that are relevant to critical thinking context to give opportunities in solving problems and gaining knowledge and skills (saud, 2016). in the implementation of pbl learning model, students will be asked to solve the problem together or in groups, thus the students will start to develop their cooperation ability when they solve the given problems. the implementation of problem based learning, to the junior high school students, could push the student to comprehend the ability to think critically in various activities such as questioning, discussing problems, and making solutions (narmaditya, wulandari, & sakarji, 2017). the model of problem based learning could improve the learning outcome of the junior high school students. the research cited earlier have not found that the problem based learning model could improve the students’ cooperation skill, while solving the problems requires a good cooperation too. moreover, there has not been the research conducted involving teenagers (hasmyati, 2012). according to the problems and previous research cited above, it requires a proof whether problem based learning model could improve cooperation skill and learning outcomes of the students through solving the problems during learning. therefore, this research is crucial to be conducted as the demand of competitive human resource in education, especially in physical education learning. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 88 methods the method used in this study was quasi experimental method with randomize pretest and posttest control group design. the population of the research were the 6th semester students of physical education, health, and recreation program of fkip uir involving 6a – 6f. to get the samples, the cluster random sampling technique was used, thus the 6a class, consisting of 35 students, became the experiment class. meanwhile, the 6c class, consisting of 35 students, became the control class. therefore, the samples of this study were 70 students in total. the instruments of the research was the likert scale questionnaire (r = 0.845) to measure cooperation skill and essay problems to measure learning outcomes. the treatment given was learning sessions with problem based learning model. the table 2 shows the more specific program. the analysis used in the data analysis process was the t-test by using the spps 22 software. result and discussion according to the result of analysis, the following findings are discovered: the result of the paired samples test in table 2 shows that the significance value is 0,000, lower than α = 0.05. it shows that there was cooperation skill improvement of the students after the problem based learning model implemented. meanwhile, the conventional model implemented in control class could not prove the improvement of the cooperation skill of the students in physical education learning. the result of paired samples test presented in table 3 shows that the significance value is 0,000, lower than α = 0.05. this research shows that there was an improvement of the student learning outcomes after the problem based learning model given. meanwhile, in the control class, the use of conventional method was not proven to be able to improve the student learning outcomes in physical education learning. the result of the independent sample test in the table 4 presents that the problem based learning model and conventional learning model gained the value of significance 0,000, lower than α = 0.05. it concluded that there was a significant difference of the cooperation skill of the students as the result of the treatment using problem based learning model compared to the use of the conventional learning model. the development of a good cooperation in learning atmosphere enables students to comprehend the understanding faster. as the understanding of the students improved, the learning outcomes of the students receiving the problem based learning model copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. pr ob lem based lear ning pr ogr am no activities 1 lecturer conveyed the objective of learning and the students would still focus on the given 2 lecturer tried to give feedback to the students to solve the problems. 3 lecturer offered a help in solving the problems. 4 lecturer conducted individual and group consultation. 5 lecturer guided the students to solve the problem. 6 conducting the analysis process and evaluating the problem solving. table 2. pair ed samples t -test of cooperation skill mean t df sig. (2 tailed) pretestposttest pbl 85 8.654 35 .000 pretestposttest conventional 75 6.234 35 .034 mean t df sig. (2 tailed) pretestposttest pbl 80 8.654 35 .000 pretestposttest conventional 75 6.234 35 .054 table 3. pair ed samples t -test of learning outcomes table 4. independent samples t-test f sig t df sig. (2-tailed) 8.636 .000 3.242 68 .000 dupri, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 89 also significantly improved. the similar result is also presented in table 2. the mean value of the problem based learning model was 85; while the conventional learning model mean value was 75. it indicates that the cooperation skill of the students in the problem based learning model class is better than in the conventional learning model class. table 3 also presents a similar finding. the mean value of the problem based learning model class is higher, 80, than the conventional learning method class, 75. it concludes that the learning outcome of the students in physical education learning through problem based learning model is better than through conventional learning model. the problem based learning model provides opportunities to the students to solve problems in learning together that eventually improves the learning quality of the students. the core of the problem based learning model occurs during the interaction among students and the interaction between students and the teacher during solving the problem they face in the provided game. the interaction and motivation interactively conducted by the lecturer is aimed at initiating students to be more active in solving the problem and to stimulate them to do a well cooperation with their team mate which gives impacts on their understanding, knowledge improvement, and learning outcomes. teacher, during conducting learning process through problem based learning model, urges students to interact, be active, and do a good cooperation to solve the problem, thus the learning outcome improves (saud, 2016). doing a good cooperation in problem based learning is a characteristic of this model, thus it motivates other team mates to involve directly in solving the problem, give opportunities to discuss, and find the solution. this process is the factor that improves the cooperation skill of the students in learning. problem based learning model is a learning process that pushes students to propose a problem, do an authentic investigation, create a product, and cooperate with others (rahayu, 2019). problem based learning concerns on students taking active planning, organizing, and conducting their own learning in a group framework (bethell & morgan, 2011). therefore, by solving the problem in group, it is expected that the cooperation skill will improve well. the problem based learning builds the students’ motivation and inquiry, thus it will give impacts on their learning outcomes. the implementation of the problem based learning could improve learning outcomes started by solving the problem together. during solving the problem activity, the teacher still has to deliver a solution, but the teacher may not deliver all the solution of the problem given (paloloang, 2014). offering a help to the students when they learn is a duty of the teacher, but the help may not exceed the portion, so that the students will have an ability in finding the solution by themselves or known as scaffolding (safi’i, 2012). conclusion the result of this research found that implementing the problem based learning model gave an impact on the improvement of the students’ cooperation skill and understanding. the further research is expected to deeper discuss the skills required in the future such as critical thinking, creativity, cooperation, and communication, especially for the students of physical education and recreation program. references harris, d. 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personal social responsibility, tolerance abstrak penelitian ini dilatar belakangi atas dasar sudah menurunnya sikap tanggung jawab dan toleransi siswa disekolah, kondisi ini ditandai oleh tingginya angka kenakalan remaja, tawuran antar siswa dan lebih lagi pengaruh teknologi yang begitu kuat membuat siswa jarang bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat sekitar dan sesama siswa disekolah. penelitian ini mengungkapkan perbedaan model tpsr dengan model kooperatif dalam meningkatkan sikap tanggung jawab dan toleransi siswa dalam pembelajaran penjas serta juga dibedakan antara siswa di daerah dengan siswa yang sekolah dikota. metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan desain the pretest post-test two treatment design. populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 192, untuk memperoleh sampel pada penelitian ini teknik pengambilan sampel mengunakan teknik cluster random sampling sehingga diperolah sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 128. perlakuannya pada dua model yang berbeda yaitu model tpsr dan model kooperatif. instrument yang digunakan adalah angket tanggung jawab dan toleransi, analisis dengan multivarian (manova). hasil penlitian ini menemukan bahwa model kooperatif lebih mampu mengembangkan tanggung jawab sedangkan model tpsr dalam sikap toleransi siswa pada pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. kedua model ini bisa dijadikan sebagai model pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani yang menanamkan karakter dan keaktifan dalam menjalankan proses belajar. abstract this research was motivated by the decline of the students’ responsibility and tolerance at school. this condition is characterized by the high rate of juvenile delinquency, brawls among students, and the influence of technology that decreases the students’ interaction with their surroundings, community, and other students at school. this study revealed the differences between tpsr model and cooperative learning models in increasing students' responsibility and tolerance in physical education learning. the difference was found on students in the urban and rural area. the method used in this study was quasi experimental study with the pretest post-test two treatment design. the population of this study were 192 students. the sampling technique used cluster random sampling technique so that the sample of this study were 128 students. the two different treatment models namely the tpsr models and cooperative learning models were conducted. the instrument used was a responsibility and tolerance questionnaire analyzed by multivariate analysis (manova). the results of this study found that cooperative learning model is better in developing responsibilities, while the teaching personal social responsibility (tpsr) model is better for developing students' tolerance in physical education learning. both of these models can be used in physical education learning to build character and active learning process.  correspondence address : jl. kaharuddin nasution 113 pekanbaru riau, indonesia e-mail : dupri@edu.uir.ac.id issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.10576 93 dupri dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) pendahuluan ditengah upaya mengimplementasikan pendidikan karakter di sekolah, terdapat beberapa persoalan mendasar. pertama, kurangnya tanggung jawab sosial siswa untuk mau membantu siswa lain yang tidak mampu melakukan tugas. kedua, kurangnya rasa saling menghargai antar sesama siswa. ketiga, masih terdapat siswi perempuan yang malas untuk melakukan aktivitas fisik. tanggung jawab dan toleransi antar sesama siswa dalam pembelajaran penjas dinilai masih kurang baik. interaksi dalam belajar dan mengajar ini dapat kita manfaatkan sebagai wadah untuk pembembentukan nilai tanggung jawab dan toleransi antar sesama siswa. nilai tanggung jawab dan toleransi ini tentu akan dapat membentuk karakter siswa dan tentu akan dapat mendukung pembentukan karakter bangsa sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013. tanggung jawab dan toleransi merupakan nilai budaya yang perlu terus dikembangkan sebagai nilai moral yang akan membentuk keberhasilan suatu bangsa. betapa tidak, banyak peristiwa kekerasan, kejahatan, korupsi, dan tindakan kriminal lainnya diawali dari sikap perilaku yang tidak bertanggung jawab dan tidak toleran terhadap hak-hak orang lain. data indeks perilaku anti korupsi pada tahun 2018 terjadi penurunan dari tahun sebelumnya yaitu pada tahun 2017 berada pada angka 3,71 dan pada 2018 3,66 dan angka ini juga masih dibawah target dari rpjmn 2019 pada angka 4 (bps, 2018). dari data diatas semakin meyakinkan kita bahwa rasa bertanggung jawab terhadap masyarakat dari tugas yang harus dilakukan juga sudah menurun. selain itu berdasarkan data podes periode tahun 2011-2018 jumlah desa/kelurahan yang menjadi ajang konflik masal cenderung meningkat, dari sekitar 2.500 desa pada tahun 2011 menjadi sekitar 2.800 desa/kelurahan pada tahun 2014, dan kembali meningkat menjadi sekitar 3.100 desa/kelurahan pada tahun 2018 bps (2018). dari data ini juga terlihat bahwa konflik di masyarakat indonesia pada saat ini terjadi peningkatan yang disebabkan sudah mulai menurunnya rasa bertoleransi didalam hidup bermasyarakat. tanggung jawab dan toleransi adalah nilai budaya yang teramat penting dalam upaya menghindari segala bentuk kejahatan dan perilaku negatif lainnya. tanggung jawab berarti melaksanakan sebuah pekerjaan atau kewajiban dalam keluarga, di sekolah, maupun di tempat bekerja dengan sepenuh hati dan memberikan yang terbaik (lickona, 2012). dewasa ini dalam konteks pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan (penjasorkes), berkembang begitu pesat berbagai model pembelajaran yang dapat mengembangkan ranah afektif (karakter). sebut saja di antaranya model pembelajaran tanggung jawab pribadi dan sosial (tpsr) (hellison, 2011), model pembelajaran kooperatif (dyson, 2001), maupun model pembelajaran nilai karakter (lumpkin, 2008). model teaching personal social responsibility ini ditemukan oleh hellison pada tahun 1970, model ini di ciptakan untuk mengembangkan tanggung jawab sosial dan pribadi pada anak, baik dalam olahraga maupun pada kehidupan di masyarakat (hellison, 2011). berhubungan dengan keefektifan model tpsr dalam mengubah tanggung jawab pada anak, studi sebelumnya menemukan bahwa model ini mampu mengembangkan tanggung jawab, keterampilan sosial, pengembangan status sosial dan lain-lain (caballero, et al., 2013). dari kutipan diatas peneliti menduga model tpsr dan kooperatif dan belajar mengalami (experiential learning) akan mampu mengembangkan sikap tanggung jawab dan toleransi siswa. pembelajaran tpsr dan kooperatif dalam pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga berbasis nilai tersedia pengalaman untuk mengembangkan nilai moral tanggung jawab dan toleransi yang dapat dicapai melalui ketergantungan positif dan interaksi dengan siswa lain. perwujudan nilai inti dari pendidikan jasmani tersebut, tidak akan terlepas dari peran guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran, yaitu pembelajaran yang lebih dipusatkan pada siswa yang lebih aktif belajar dengan kontrak perilaku melalui model tpsr, situasi kebersamaan pembelajaran kooperatif dan perbanyak pengalaman akan nilai empati dan toleransi, dari pada sebaliknya berpusat pada materi dan guru lebih aktif dengan belajar secara individual. melalui kedua model pembelajaran tersebut, akan memungkinkan terciptanya suasana pembelajaran yang menjadikan siswa bertanggung jawab dan bertoleransi di setiap pembelajaran dengan adanya kontrak perilaku yang ditawarkan model tpsr, saling berinteraksi antara siswa yang satu dengan siswa yang lainnya. peningkatan jumlah penelitian yang dilhttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.10576 94 akukan di amerika serikat telah menunjukkan model yang efektif dalam menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang positif (lee& martinek, 2009; schilling, martinek, & carson, 2007), meningkatkan perilaku yang bertanggung jawab di kalangan siswa (cutforth & puckett,1999; debusk & hellison, 1989; hellison & wright, 2003; wright, li, ding, & pickering, 2010), dan mendorong siswa untuk mengeksplorasi penerapan tujuan tpsr dan keterampilan hidup seperti usaha dan pengendalian diri di kelas lain (martinek, schilling,& johnson, 2001; walsh, ozaeta, & wright, 2010). metode metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode eksperimen dengan desain pretest post-test two treatment design. pelaksanaan penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 2 bulan. populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 192 siswa. untuk memperoleh sampel pada penelitian ini mengunakan teknik cluster random sampling sehingga diperoleh sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 128 siswa di salah satu sekolah sma riau. instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket yang berbentuk pernyataan dengan skala likert yaitu angket tanggung jawab dan angket toleransi. analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis multi varians (manova). hasil dan pembahasan berdasarkan tabel 1 tersebut, terlihat bahwa nilai signifikansi yang diperoleh adalah 0.000, lebih kecil dari taraf signifikansi 0.05. kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah terdapat perbedaan model pembelajaran tpsr dan model pembelajaran kooperatif yang signifikan terhadap sikap tanggung jawab dan toleransi siswa melalui pembelajaran penjas. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index dupri dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.10576 tabel 1. hasil uji multivariate test effect value f hypothesis df sig. intercept pillai's trace ,900 275,453 b 2,000 ,000 wilks' lambda ,100 275,453 b 2,000 ,000 hotelling's trace 9,031 275,453 b 2,000 ,000 roy's largest root 9,031 275,453 b 2,000 ,000 model pillai's trace ,020 ,614 b 2,000 , 000 wilks' lambda ,980 ,614 b 2,000 , 000 hotelling's trace ,020 ,614 b 2,000 , 000 roy's largest root ,020 ,614 b 2,000 , 000 tabel 2. hasil tests of between-subjects effects source dependent variable type iii sum of squares df mean square f sig. corrected model gain tanggung jawab 1,563 a 1 1,563 ,17 , 000 gain toleransi 4,516 b 1 4,516 1,07 , 000 intercept gain tanggung jawab 2070,2 1 2070,2 225,9 ,000 gain toleransi 1415,6 1 1415,6 336,48 ,000 model gain tanggung jawab 1,563 1 1,56 ,17 , 000 gain toleransi 4,516 1 4,51 1,07 , 000 error gain tanggung jawab 568,18 62 9,16 gain toleransi 260,8 62 4,2 total gain tanggung jawab 2640 64 gain toleransi 1681 64 corrected total gain tanggung jawab 569,75 63 gain toleransi 265,359 63 tabel 3. hasil uji pairwise comparisons dependent variable (i) model (j) model mean difference (i-j) sig. a gain tanggung tpsr cooperative -3,13 ,020 cooperative tpsr 3,13 ,020 gain toleransi tpsr cooperative 5,31 ,012 cooperative tpsr -5,31 ,012 95 selanjutnya dari tabel tests of between subjects effects table 2, menunjukkan hubungan antara kedua model pembelajaran dan sikap tanggung jawab memiliki signifikansi sebesar 0.000, lebih kecil dari taraf signifikansi 0.05. dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan sikap tanggung jawab siswa setelah mendapatkan perlakuan model pembelajaran tpsr dan model pembelajaran kooperatif. hubungan antara kedua model pembelajaran dan sikap tanggung jawab memiliki signifikansi sebesar 0.000, lebih kecil dari taraf signifikansi 0.05. dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan sikap tanggung jawab siswa setelah mendapatkan perlakuan model pembelajaran tpsr dan model pembelajaran kooperatif. dari tabel pairwise comparisons menunjukkan model pembelajaran tpsr dan model pemeblajaran kooperatif memiliki nilai mean difference 3,13. hal ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif lebih baik dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran tpsr dalam hal mengembangkan sikap tanggung jawab siswa dalam pembelajarn penjas. antara model pembelajaran tpsr dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif memiliki nilai mean difference 5,31. hal ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran tpsr lebih baik dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif dalam hal mengembangkan sikap toleransi siswa dalam pembelajaran penjas temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran tpsr dan model pembelajaran kooperatif mampu mengembangkan sikap tanggung jawab dan toleransi siswa dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. dalam hal mengembangkan sikap tanggung jawab pada penelitian ini menemukan model pembelajaran kooperatif lebih baik dibandingkan model pembelajarn tpsr. sejalan dengan itu model pembelajaran tipe jigsaw didesain untuk meningkatkan rasa tanggung jawab siswa terhadap pembelajarannya sendiri dan juga pembelajaran orang lain, tidak hanya itu siswa juga melakukan proses berlajar gerak yang telah diberikan tetapi mereka juga harus memberikan dan mengajarkan materi tersebut pada anggota kelompoknya yang lain (jati, 2016). dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani dengan menggunakan model koopeatif siswa memiliki semangat yang baik dalam belajar, siswa juga membangun kebersamaan dalam bermain, kekompakan dan saling peduli terhadap teman nya untuk memenangkan suatu permainan. melalui hal tersebut semua siswa merasa punya tanggung jawab terhadap tim dan dirinya agar bisa memenangkan sebuah permainan. terlihat dalam sebuah permainan siswa saling memberi semangat memberikan solusi dari kesulitan saat bermain kepada teman, siswa selalu berusaha memberikan penampilan yang terbaik melalui sebuah permainan. sejalan dengan hasil penelitian, model tpsr mengajarkan anak untuk saling mendukung dalam melakukan usaha pembelajaran, sehingga dapat berkontribusi terhadap orang lain, terlibat dan berpartisipasi dalam aktivitas fisik yang akan menjadi bagian integral dalam kehidupan mereka (widiyatmoko, 2016). dalam hal mengembangkan sikap toleransi pada penelitian ini peneliti menemukan model pembelajaran tpsr lebih baik dari pada model pembelajaran kooperatif. model pembelajaran tpsr menuntut siswa untuk sadar akan berkarakter baik dalam setiap momen atau aktivitas yang dilakukan. disaat melakukan permainan siswa lebih cenderung salaing menghargai usulan teman-teman yang lain yang penting bisa memenangkan perminan tersebut. tidak hanya usulan tapi tindakan yang kurang tepat juga mereka sama-sama bisa menerima dengan senang hati, begitulah bentuk toleransi yang selalu tertanam melalui model pembelajarn tpsr dalam pembelajaran penjas. pada kesempatan lain sikap toleransi ini juga terlihat ketika siswa melakukan group meeting. sering terjadi perbedaaan pendapat tetapi mereka tidak ada yang bersikeras untuk mengedepankan pendapat masing-masing sehingga dengan adanya rasa bertoleransi antar sesama tadi kelompoknya mampu memenangkan permainan. melalui group meeting inilah model pembelajaran tpsr mengembangkan toleransi. sikap toleran juga diperlihatkan oleh seorang pemain ketika sedang berlagak tanding dengan orang atau kelompok orang lain (winarni, 2012). pandangan terhadap lawan yang bukan hanya lawan yang harus ditindak secara kasar atau dipercundangi dengan sikap tidak jujur adalah juga bentuk sikap toleransi yang dapat dibentuk melalui kegiatan olahraga pertandingan. berbagai bentuk aktivitas permainan dan atau olahraga juga membina sikap toleransi. sikap ini akan tumbuh ketika individu berperilaku jujur pada orang lain tetapi juga jujur pada suara hati yang tidak pamrih. kemurnian hati atau ketulusan hati dalam bentuk sikap tidak pamrih adalah kemampuan membebaskan diri dari penguasaan segala macam emosi dan dorongan irrasional http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index dupri dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.10576 96 yang terus menerus merongrong kesatuan tekad. nafsunafsu condong untuk menguasai dan melakukan hal-hal yang kemudian disadari merendahkan dan atau direndahkan. kelompok teori konstruktivist memiliki pandangan bahwa sikap moral terbentuk melalui proses interaksi antara kecenderungan diri individu mengorganisasikan pengalamannya ke dalam pola interpretasi yang bermakna dan pengalaman lingkungan dalam memberikan informasi mengenai realitas sosial. pembentukan karakter dilihat sebagai sebuah proses reorganisasi dan transformasi struktur dasar penalaran individu (maksum, 2007; shields, & bredemeier, 2006). sebagaimana anak mendiskusikan tentang peristiwa, objek dan masalah dengan orang dewasa dan orang lain yang lebih berpengetahuan, maka secara bertahap hasil diskusi tersebut akan menjadi bagian dalam struktur berpikir anak. dengan demikian nilai-nilai yang sudah tersimpan dalam proses kognitif anak akan menjadi budaya pada diri anak kedepannya atau dapat diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. anak akan mampu mengerjakan tugas-tugas yang menantang jika diberi tugas yang lebih menantang dari individu yang kompeten. pemberian tugas yang menantang mendorong berkembangnya kemampuan kognitif secara optimal. maka dari itu setiap proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan akan selalu meningkat tingkat kesulitan permainannya sehingga mampu mengembangkan sikap tanggung jawab dan toleransi anak dikedua model tersebut. pada penelitian ini, anak sudah mampu menyelesaikan masalah bersama-sama dengan temannya, sering bertanya kepada guru bahkan banyak anak yang juga mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada pada temannya sendiri, siswa sudah tidak lagi mau mencemooh teman yang salah, ini bukti bahwa antara sesama siswa sudah mulai saling menghargai atau bentuk toleransi sesama. hal seperti ini merupakan proses perkembangan moral pada anak. kini anak dapat menangani situasi hipotesis dan proses berpikir mereka tidak lagi tergantung hanya pada hal-hal yang langsung dan nyata. anak mulai bisa berpikir abstrak. 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available online april 2019 keywords : ball with sound media, orientation and mobility abilities , visual impairment abstrak tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui pengaruh inovasi bola bersuara terhadap kemampuan orientasi dan mobilitas dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani bagi siswa tunanetra. metode penelitian menggunakan one group pre-posttest. partisipan dalam penelitian ini yaitu sebanyak 6 siswa low vision terdiri atas 3 laki-laki dan 3 perempuan, dengan rentang usia 8-10 tahun. analisis data menggunakan uji-t. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa inovasi media bola bersuara memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan sebesar 2,05 (α=0.05) terhadap kemampuan orientasi dan mobilitas siswa tunanetra. simpulan inovasi media bola bersuara membantu meningkatkan kemampuan orientasi dan mobilitas dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani bagi siswa tunanetra. inovasi media bola bersuara ini dapat menjadi salah satu media alternative bagi guru pendidikan jasmani dalam memberikan pembelajaran khususnya pembelajaran yang menggunakan media bola bagi siswa dengan tunanetra. abstract the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ball with sound, as a media innovation, on orientation and mobility abilities in physical education learning for students with vision impairment. the research method used was one group preposttest. participants in this study were 6 low vision students consisting of 3 males and 3 females, aged 8-10 years. the data analysis used t-test. the results showed that the innovation of ball with sound as a media had a significant effect, 2.05 (α = 0.05), on the orientation and mobility abilities of low vision students. it concludes that ball with sound media innovation helped to improve orientation and mobility abilities in physical education learning for low vision students. the innovation of ball with sound media can be one of the alternative media for physical education teachers in providing learning, specifically for learning that uses ball media for students with visual impairments.  correspondence address : jln. dr. setiabudhi 229. bandung. indonesia e-mail : febrianapratiwi@upi.edu issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15554 69 febriana pratiwi dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) pendahuluan penglihatan adalah salah satu sistem sensorik paling penting untuk berkontribusi terhadap fungsi seharihari dari individu (astuti, 2015). sistem visual mampu memberikan informasi mengenai fitur statis dan dinamis baik di lingkungan yang jauh maupun dekat selama melakukan aktivitas (shrestha, gnyawali, & upadhyay, 2012). oleh karena itu, jika ada kerugian dalam penglihatan, kehidupan seseorang akan sangat terganggu (cuturi, aggius-vella, campus, parmiggiani, & gori, 2016). bagi mereka yang memiliki hambatan dalam penglihatan perlu memiliki keterampilan orientasi dan mobilitas (long & giudice, 2010). orientasi merupakan proses penggunaan indra yang masih berfungsi untuk menetapkan posisi diri untuk berhubungan dengan objek lain dengan lingkungan sekitar (borca, 2010). adapun mobilitas adalah bagaimana seseorang dapat melakukan dari setiap pengembangan aktivitasaktivitas: pelatihan, olahraga dan irama yang dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan-kebutuhan khusus secara individual, dalam layanan aktivitas jasmani (goodrich & ludt, 2003). untuk memperoleh pengetahuan dan informasi dalam rangka proses adaptasi siswa tunanetra pada lingkungannya, mereka perlu dibekali kemampuan bergerak yang baik guna untuk berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain agar siswa memperoleh informasi yang diperlukan tentang suatu objek tertentu (bulletin, 2018). kemampuan orientasi dan mobilitas tunanetra awalnya dimaksudkan untuk tunanetra dalam melakukan perjalanan (dan & nawawi, 2009). rekayasa perangkat perjalanan elektronik bagi tunanetra dimulai pada 1940-an dan perangkat pertama tersedia setelah sekitar 20 tahun (roentgen, n.d.). mereka menggunakan berbagai perangkat dan teknologi bantuan untuk mendukung dalam orientasi dan mobilitas, termasuk tongkat putih, anjing pemandu, serta beberapa alat bantu yang memiliki sumber bunyi (kiuru et al., 2018). beberapa inovasi sudah banyak dilakukan untuk membantu tunanetra dalam berlatih orientasi dan mobilitas. di lingkungan luar, posisi objek selalu berubah, dan orang selalu bergerak. kebutuhan alat bantu orientasi dan mobilitas menjadi lebih relevan sejak akhir 60an, beberapa alat bantu mobilitas elektronik untuk tunanetra telah diusulkan. sebagian besar dari mereka hanya memberikan informasi tentang jarak ke objek terdekat melalui penggunaan sinyal ultrasonik untuk mendeteksi hambatan berdasarkan menggunakan estimasi waktu (lopes, vieira, lopes, rosa, & dias, 2012). perangkat lain berusaha memberikan peta lingkungan yang lebih kompleks tetapi dengan biaya yang lebih mahal, namun dalam beberapa kasus menyulitkan adaptasi pengguna ke peralatan (söderström & ytterhus, 2010). beberapa contoh perangkat yang lebih kompleks ini yang menggunakan audio stereophonic antarmuka adalah sonic pathfinder (heyes, 1984) dan peningkatan prototype elektronik telah membuka peluang baru untuk merancang alat bantu mobilitas bagi tunanetra dengan menyelesaikan beberapa kekurangan dari alat bantu yang ada. beberapa inovasi yang telah dirancang sebelumnya lebih banyak diberikan untuk keperluan tunanetra dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, namun kebutuhan dalam pembelajaran di sekolah masih perlu adanya inovasi guna mendukung terhadap kemampuan orientasi dan mobilitas siswa tunanetra khususnya dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. pendidikan jasmani bagi siswa dengan gangguan penglihatan adalah memantapkan latihan orientasi dan mobilitas dengan menggunakan clue atau petunjuk bunyi-bunyian, bau-bauan, arah angin, dan matahari (wiskochil & lieberman, 2007). salah satu media pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pendidikan jasmani adaptif untuk anak tunanetra adalah bola. media pembelajaran berupa bola yang digunakan siswa tunanetra di sekolah-sekolah pada dasarnya menggunakan suara yang ditimbulkan dari pasir atau lonceng di dalam bola. seperti penciptaan soundball dalam permainan tenis telah membuka jalan bagi individu yang buta atau low vision untuk berpartisipasi dengan sukses bersama siswa lainnya pada pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani (mowling, fittipaldi-wert, & favoretto, 2017). namun, suara yang ditimbulkan dari bola tersebut masih sangat terbatas, bola baru akan berbunyi dalam keadaan digerakkan. ketika bola dalam keadaan diam atau tidak bergerak maka bola tidak akan mengeluarkan bunyi. untuk mempertahankan kemandirian selama pembelajaran berlangsung, penting bagi siswa yang memiliki keterbatasan penglihatan untuk mempelajari keterampilan orientasi dan mobilitas baru untuk mengimbangi informasi visual yang berkurang (long, 1990). diperlukan solusi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan orientasi dan mobilitas siswa dengan gangguan http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15554 70 penglihatan melalui penggunaan media pembelajaran yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan siswa yaitu dengan membuat inovasi bola khusus untuk tunanetra yang tetap dapat mengeluarkan bunyi secara konstan meskipun bola dalam posisi diam atau tidak digerakkan. berdasarkan kajian-kajian literatur yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis seberapa besar pengaruh inovasi media bola bersuara terhadap kemampuan orientasi dan mobilitas dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani bagi siswa tunanetra. metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen, dengan desain one group pre-posttest. partisipan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 6 (enam) orang yang terdiri atas 3 (tiga) orang laki-laki dan 3 (tiga) orang perempuan, berusia 8-10 tahun dengan klasifikasi tunanetra low vision. pemberian perlakuan dilakukan sebanyak 4 kali di dalam proses pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani, dengan lamanya setiap pertemuan yaitu 2 x 60 menit. prosedur dan instruksi subjek untuk pengukuran orientasi dan mobilitas diformulasikan dalam 3 (tiga) pengukuran dasar. subjek diminta untuk menghampiri bola bersuara yang sudah diletakkan dalam jarak 3 meter, pengukuran ini dimaksudkan untuk mengukur keterampilan orientasi dan mobilitas terkait posisi diri siswa ketika akan menghampiri bola. kedua, subjek diminta untuk mengambil bola yang sebelumnya sudah digelindingkan oleh guru. pengukuran ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui posisi tujuan dirinya dalam melakukan orientasi dan mobilitas. ketiga, subjek diminta untuk membuat 2 tim, masingmasing tim terdiri atas 3 orang, setiap tim berdiri sejajar, jarak antar tim 9 meter, selanjutnya anggota tim yang melakukan operan dengan cara menggelindingkan bola, sementara tim lawan berusaha untuk menangkap bola. pengukuran ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh data orientasi dan mobilisasi siswa terkait cara mencapai posisi tujuan. teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode tes dan observasi. analisis data menggunakan uji-t dan rumus uji tanda (sign test). hasil dan pembahasan penelitian ini dilaksanakan di slbn-a, selama 8 kali pertemuan dengan 2 kali pretes, 4 kali perlakuan dan 2 kali posttest. berikut ini paparan hasil pretes dan posttes serta hasil kerja perubahan kemampuan orientasi dan mobilitas dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani melalui penerapan inovasi media bola bersuara bagi siswa tunanetra di slb-a wg. berdasarkan hasil perhitungan diperoleh nilai rerata pretest sebesar 46,43 dan rerata posttest 81.58, artinya terdapat peningkatan kemampuan orientasi dan mobilitas dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani melalui inovasi media bola bersuara bagi siswa tunanetra dari pretest ke posttest sebesar 35,15, sedangkan hasil uji-t dua sample dengan nilai kritis 0.05 diperoleh nilai t hitung 2,05 ≥ t table 1,96 maka hipotesis nol (h0) ditolak dan hipotesis kerja (h1) diterima. jika h1 diterima, artinya ada pengaruh inovasi media bola bersuara terhadap kemampuan orientasi dan mobilitas dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani bagi siswa tunanetra. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index febriana pratiwi dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) subyek pretest posttest ad 43.65 74.9 dh 50.44 67.8 bp 56 86.05 zn 45.05 88.1 id 45.14 92.1 nb 38.30 80.54 rata-rata 46.43 81.58 tabel 1. rekapitulasi hasil pre dan posttest kemampuan ori entasi dan mobilitas dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani bagi siswa tunanetra subyek ∑x ∑y gain perubahan tanda y-x ad 43.65 74.9 31.25 + dh 50.44 67.8 17.36 + bp 56 86.05 30.05 + zn 45.05 88.1 43.05 + id 45.14 92.1 46.96 + nb 38.30 80.54 42.24 + rata-rata 46.43 81.58 35.15 ∑= 6 tabel 2. tabel perubahan tanda hasil pretest dan posttest kemampuan orientasi dan mobilitas dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15554 71 tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis peningkatan kemampuan orientasi dan mobilitas dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani melalui inovasi media pembelajaran bola bersuara bagi tunanetra. gangguan penglihatan memiliki efek yang menghancurkan pada kemampuan orang untuk bergerak secara mandiri (lacey & dawson-howe, 1998). orientasi dan mobilitas merupakan salah satu keterampilan untuk memungkinkan seseorang dengan gangguan penglihatan, dapat melakukan aktivitas seperti berpindah dari satu titik ke titik tertentu atau berpergian dengan aman dan mandiri. (seybold, 2005). kaitan keterampilan orientasi dan mobilitas dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani yaitu siswa yang terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan atau aktivitas olahraga membutuhkan keterampilan berpindah yang sangat tinggi. orang dengan gangguan penglihatan mengalami kesulitan menavigasi secara bebas di lingkungan yang tidak dikenal, sehingga tunanetra kekurangan banyak informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk merencanakan rute di sekitar dan memiliki sedikit informasi tentang tanda yang jauh, arah yang mereka tuju dan jarak yang tersisa antara mereka dan tujuan mereka (rodriguez-sanchez, moreno-alvarez, martin, borromeo, & hernandez-tamames, 2014). hasil pengujian inovasi media bola bersuara memungkinkan siswa dengan gangguan penglihatan memperoleh kemudahan selama mereka terlibat dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. penggunaan inovasi bola bersuara dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani telah mengantarkan siswa menyadari posisi dirinya. hal ini dimunculkan dengan adanya perilaku siswa sebelum memutuskan untuk bergerak mendekati bola siswa memprediksi sumber suara berada. temuan ini memperkuat bahwa penggunaan suara dalam inovasi media bola meningkatkan area gerak visual yang dikerahkan oleh pemrosesan gerak pendengaran pada subjek, kondisi ini menunjukkan bahwa pendengaran dapat memiliki peran fungsional mirip dengan mata yang dapat melihat bagi seorang dengan gangguan penglihatan (poirier et al., 2006) sehingga membantu memudahkan siswa untuk mengambil bola. selain itu, inovasi media bola bersuara menunjang terhadap posisi atau orientasi kemana tujuan mereka harus bergerak. kondisi ini tampak pada saat siswa melakukan permainan futsal yang dimodifikasi, siswa dapat berlari mendekati sumber suara yang dikeluarkan dari bola tersebut. siswa dengan gangguan penglihatan mengandalkan alat komunikasi lain seperti suara dan sentuhan. perubahan kecil dapat membuat perubahan besar bagi siswa dengan gangguan penglihatan (society, n.d.). temuan ini menarik terutama mengingat fakta bahwa kemampuan gerakan independen pada individu dengan gangguan penglihatan sangat terbatas dibandingkan dengan kemampuan gerakan independen pada individu yang dapat melihat. selanjutnya, keterampilan orientasi dan mobilitas yang ditunjukkan siswa selama proses pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani melalui penggunaan inovasi media bola bersuara ialah siswa mulai mengerti cara mencapai posisi tujuan, yaitu cara bagaimana mereka memobilisasi pergerakkan tubuhnya untuk mencapai arah tujuan. sebab, keterampilan orientasi dan mobilitas kemungkinan memainkan peran utama dalam menentukan kinerja siswa dalam pembelajaran (cattaneo et al., 2010). hasil ini mendukung pentingnya inovasi media pembelajaran yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan siswa sebagai bantuan untuk menyusun pengetahuan spasial dan peta kognitif, pengetahuan semacam itu dapat digunakan sebagai kesesuaian untuk orientasi dan mobilitas bagi siswa dengan gangguan penglihatan (papadopoulos et al., 2015) selama proses pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani berlangsung. penggunaan inovasi media bola bersuara yang sudah dikembangkan memperkuat pernyataan bahwa elemen suara dapat menjadi salah satu perangkat pelatihan orientasi dan mobilitas bagi siswa dengan gangguan penglihatan. (martins, santos, frizera-neto, & ceres, 2012). artinya penggunaan inovasi media bola bersuara ini digunakan untuk mengurangi penggunaan media alternative yang kurang memadai, sehingga kemampuan orientasi dan mobilitas siswa dengan gangguan penglihatan dapat terus meningkat. oleh karena itu, individu dengan gangguan penglihatan seperti yang terlihat, mendapat manfaat dari pengalaman olahraga yang relevan untuk meningkatkan representasi spesifik ruang mereka yang dibangun berdasarkan informasi pendengaran dan sensorik lainnya, dengan mengkompensasi kurangnya informasi visual dalam tugas spasial. yang terakhir ini sebenarnya tidak mengejutkan, mengingat bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran yang difasilitasi adanya suara bagi individu dengan gangguan penglihatan memudahkan mereka untuk mengatur perputaran gerakan ke arah suara (velten, ugrinowitsch, portes, hermann, & bläsing, 2016). keunggulan inovasi media http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index febriana pratiwi dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.15554 72 bola bersuara ini membuat siswa dapat terus memperoleh informasi posisi atau letak bola tanpa terhambat hilangnya suara akibat dari bola yang berhenti bergerak. sehingga, bersamaan dengan bergeraknya siswa, membebaskan individu dengan gangguan penglihatan (pereira et al., 2015) untuk terus terlibat aktif dalam aktivitas olahraga yang dirancang dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani dan ini telah membantu meningkatkan keterampilan orientasi dan mobilitas siswa dengan gangguan penglihatan. sejalan dengan ungkapan bahwa jika keterlibatan siswa dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani dan menumbuhkan rasa untuk terus terlibat ke dalam aktivitas olahraga bagi siswa dengan gangguan penglihatan, maka kita akan meningkatkan jumlah peserta yang mendapat manfaat dari pengalaman itu. 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learning, abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas pembelajaran gerak dengan menggunakan media audio visual. penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen. populasi penelitian ini seluruh siswa kelas viii. pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling pada kelas viii yang berjumlah 32 siswa. instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar fce, lembar observasi, penilaian kemampuan gerak siswa dan tes motor educability. berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa media audio visual menjadi solusi efektif dalam mempelajari dan mengajarkan kemampuan gerak. pengalaman pandangan dan penyimpanan memori dalam jangka pendek memori dapat digunakan dalam memperbaiki olah gerak yang sebabkan oleh pengaruh visualisasi yang diterima oleh indera penglihatan dan indera pendengaran. implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan rujukan dalam mengajarkan kemampuan gerak yang memerlukan gerakan kombinasi yang kompleks dapat menggunakan media audio visual. abstract this study was aimed at determining the effectiveness of motion techniques learning using audio visual media. this research was an experimental research. the population of this study was grade viii students. the sampling process used purposive sampling technique. the samples consisted of 32 students of grade viii. the instruments used were fce sheets, observation sheets, assessment of student motor ability, and motor educability tests. the results of the research concluded that audio visual media is an effective solution for learning and teaching motor ability. the visual experience and short term memory storage can be used in correcting movement due to the influence of visualization received by the sense of sight and the sense of hearing. the results of this study can be used as references in teaching motor ability. moreover, audio visual media can be used for learning a movement skill that requires a complex movement combination.  correspondence address : jl. kamizaun mopah lama merauke papua 99600, indonesia e-mail : adi@unmus.ac.id issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.12298 104 adi sumarno & anisah/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) pendahuluan berdasarkan kurikulum 2013, diharapkan capaian kegiatan pembelajaran siswa tidak hanya sekedar mengenal dan mempraktekkan akan tetapi siswa betulbetul memahami secara detail dan memungkinkan siswa melakukan pengembangan berdasar dari kreativitasnya. guna mencapai tujuan pembelajaran pada kurikulum 2013 maka guru dituntut kreatif dalam menggunakan media pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien. salah satu jenis media yang dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani adalah media audio visual. banyaknya guru yang beralih dalam penggunaan media, gambar, klip audio, video, power point, dan poster dalam proses pembelajaran setelah dilakukan penelitian didapatkan data bahwa penggunaan media audio visual dapat membantu guru dan peserta didik dalam mengajar yang efektif (al mamun, 2014). penelitian-penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemampuan berbicara siswa dengan menggunakan audio visual media (avm), meliputi peningkatan dalam pengucapan, tata bahasa dan kosakata, akan tetapi tidak demikian dalam kelancaran dan pemahaman siswa (kurniawan, 2016). selanjutnya media visual yang digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran sangat membantu dan sangat efektif (syandri, 2015). media visual dapat pula digunakan sebagai cara untuk memotivasi, menghemat waktu, membuat siswa senang dan tertarik, hasilnya dari penelitian yang sudah dilakukan siswa benar-benar bisa mengerti dengan materi yang diberikan. berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pengintegrasian multimedia dan audio visual dalam pembelajaran anak berkebutuhan khusus, dapat meningkatkan kompetensi siswa (sediyani, et.al, 2017). sesuai teori kognitif, bahwa kesesuaian media yang dipilih dapat membantu pemahaman peserta didik, diantaranya melalui diagram, lembar cetak atau video (wamalwa & wamalwa, 2014). alasan dari penggunaan media tersebut dapat mengurangi masalah dalam pemecahan konsep yang disajikan. berdasarkan acuan pengetahuan diatas, penelitian ini memfokuskan pada penggunaan media audio visual yang digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran gerak pada mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani di sekolah. keterbaruan penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran gerak diajarkan dengan media audio visual. sesuai dengan isi dari materi mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani di sekolah menengah pertama, terdapat banyak materi pembelajaran praktek. sedangkan tuntutan siswa setelah mempelajari adalah mampu melakukan dan mempraktekkan semua aktivitas gerak. gerak pada dasarnya sudah dilakukan oleh manusia sejak zaman dahulu kala. gerak yang dilakukan manusia digunakan untuk mencukupi kebutuhan manusia sehari-hari. manusia melakukan gerak dengan harapan bisa dan mampu bertahan hidup. fokus masalah penelitian ini adalah efektifitas belajar gerak. secara terpisah kata belajar gerak dapat diartikan sebagai peningkatan kualitas gerak yang dilakukan dengan didahului oleh teknik yang benar. belajar motorik dapat juga diartikan bahwa terdapat perangkat proses yang bertalian dengan latihan atau pengalaman yang mengantarkan ke arah perubahan permanen dalam perilaku terampil (sukoco, 2011). belajar terjadi apabila mengalami perubahan. perubahan terjadi apabila seseorang melakukan kegiatan yang semakin lama semakin terampil. hasil dari perubahan terampil manusia bersifat permanen. tiga hal yaitu belajar dipengaruhi latihan dan pengalaman, belajar tidak langsung dapat diamati, dan perubahan yang terjadi relatif menetap. olahraga merupakan jenis kegiatan terukur, terstruktur dan selalu berkesinambungan. gerak yang dilakukan dalam masing-masing kecabangan olahraga dapat dipelajari guna mendapatkan prestasi. kemampuan gerak yang maksimal dapat digunakan dalam mencapai prestasi maksimal. salah satu hal yang dapat dilakukan adalah mencapai informasi sensoris. efek terakhir dalam mencapai tujuan adalah tercapainya gerak yang terampil. seseorang yang terampil dapat menerima, memperkirakan dan memproses informasi secara cepat dan akurat serta melakukan gerak yang efektif dan efisien. teknik yang bagus dicirikan dengan jenis gerak dan penghematan waktu untuk menghasilkan tenaga atau jenis gerak yang maksimal. kemampuan gerak adalah hal yang utama dipelajari setelah tingkatan dasar yaitu fisik sudah dikuasai. fisik sudah diajarkan melalui pendidikan jasmani mulai sekolah dasar, gerak dalam aktifitas sehari-hari dan tambahan gerak dalam menjalani aktifitas sehari-hari. sedangkan kemampuan gerak dapat dilakukan sebagai pembelajaran yang terstruktur dalam pendidikan jasmani. gerak yang bagus http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.12298 105 tidak dapat dipelajari dan dicapai secara instan. kemampuan gerak dapat dicapai dengan pengulangan gerak yang bersifat kontinu dan sistematis. pencapaian gerak yang maksimal dapat ditunjang dengan jenis gerakan terpogram dalam bentuk latihan. pengulangan dalam latihan dimaksudkan untuk mencapai jenis gerak yang terampil. penggunaan media dalam proses mengajar sangat diperlukan guna mencapai tujuan dari pembelajaran. pengertian media yang digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran adalah alat yang dapat membantu proses belajar mengajar dan berfungsi untuk memperjelas makna pesan yang disampaikan, sehingga dapat mencapai tujuan pembelajaran (arsyad & azhar, 2011). dari pengertian itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran adalah sarana untuk meningkatkan kegiatan proses belajar mengajar. banyak dan beragamnya jenis pelajaran yang ada disekolah, maka setiap guru dituntut kreatif dalam menemukan, membuat dan melaksanakan proses pembelajaran sesuai dengan karakteristik siswa dan materinya. hal ini sesuai dengan ungkapan bahwa salah satu langkah yang dilakukan oleh guru pembelajaran efektif dan efisien adalah memahami dan menguasai bahan pelajaran serta dapat menerapkan berbagai model pembelajaran sehingga aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa dapat tercapai dengan optimal (kartika, et al, 2014). agar berjalan dengan baik dikelas, guru harus tahu potensi dan karakteristik siswa hal ini dikarenakan pemilihan media harus sesuai dengan tujuan interaksi materi yang akan disampaikan, materi yang bagus mengacu pada tantangan, komunikatif dan bahan yang menarik sesuai dengan lingkungan nyata yang dihadapi sehari-hari (kurniawan, 2016). banyaknya jenis olah gerak yang dilakukan dalam mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani sesuai dengan yang dijabarkan oleh kurikulum mengacu pada media gerak cabang olahraga. tujuan dari pendidikan jasmani tidak menuntut siswa untuk berlari secepat-cepatnya, melompat setinggi-tingginya dan memukul atau menendang bola sekeras-kerasnya, akan tetapi pemberian pengalaman gerak yang dapat di stimulus guna mendukung kebutuhan gerak dalam modal berkehidupan sehari-hari. guna mencapai tujuan itu dituntut peran aktif guru dalam proses pembelajaran. hal ini sesuai dengan ungkapan bahwa dasar pengajaran terdapat kaitan yang erat antara berbagai unsur, seperti program strategi, kemampuan guru, keadaan murid, fasilitas dan sumber-sumber lainnya (rukmana, 2008). masing-masing unsur memegang peranan penting untuk keberhasilan pembelajaran. salah satu media yang dapat dilakukan dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani oleh guru adalah melalui media audio visual. dalam proses pembelajaran gerak siswa dapat melakukan visualisasi. pengertian visualisasi adalah proses membayangkan, dengan penghayatan terhadap apa yang dilihat, didengar dan dirasakan untuk dimulculkan kembali sebagai aktivitas sesuai dengan kejadian sebelumnya (sukadiyanto, 2006). pengoptimalan media visual memberikan dampak psikologis bagi guru, karena ia akan lebih memiliki rasa percaya diri dalam menyampaikan materi atau pesan kepada peserta didik (jatmika, 2005). pembelajaran gerak dengan menggunakan media visual dapat dilakukan dengan acuan pengalaman otak dalam merekam materi yang sebelumnya dilakukan dapat diungkapkan dalam bentuk aktivitas gerak. begitu pentingnya peran dari guru pendidikan jasmani membuat peran pelajaran pendidikan jasmani membuat sangat penting guna menstimulasi usia perkembangan dan pertumbuhan siswa. hal ini senada dengan ungkapan bahwa penerimaan sebagai pengalaman gerak yang intensif melalui proses pembelajaran motorik dalam pendidikan jasmani menjadi penting karena kemampuan keterampilan gerak tidak akan dapat dikuasai tanpa adanya proses belajar dan latihan atau pembekalan pengalaman pada individu untuk pada tingkat terampil (kurdi, 2014). guru dituntut untuk kreatif dalam memilih bahan dan media pembelajaran pada penjas. hal ini perlu dilakukan sesuai dengan ungkapan bahwa guru merupakan faktor penting dalam proses pembelajaran dan tidak ada satu cara yang paling baik dalam mengajar serta perlunya diagnosis pendekatan preskriptif untuk memonitor kemajuan dan elemenelemen dalam pembelajaran (dauer, victor, pangrazy, & p, 1975). utamanya guru yang mengajar mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani mengusai materi sesuai teori dan konsep gerak serta mempraktikan bagaimana kemampuan gerak yang efektif dan efisien. guru pendidikan jasmani tidak boleh memandang mengajar praktek hanya sebatas formalitas siswa untuk melakukan olahraga saja. masih banyak guru pendidikan jasmani yang tidak komitmen dan terdorong untuk “mengajar” sebagai sesuatu yang esensial dari usaha pendidikan jasmani (anwar, 2005). sebagai ujung penyebar virus kabaikan http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.12298 adi sumarno & anisah/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) 106 berupa aktivitas gerak yang positif maka guru pendidikan jasmani wajib menguasai materi dan sekaligus dapat mempraktekkan antara gerak yang salah dan gerak yang benar kepada siswa. harapannya siswa akan merasakan perbedaan peningkatan keterampilan dalam mencapai kegiatan fisik yang selaras dengan usia perkembangan dan pertumbuhannya. dari pemaparan diatas, maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media audio visual terhadap kemampuan gerak anak sekolah menengah pertama metode desain penelitian eksperimen ini menggunakan desain penelitian one group pretest posttest design. populasi yang dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas viii yang terdiri dari 4 kelas. sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian menggunakan cluster random sampling. berdasarkan dari penggunaan cara pengambilan sampling dalam penelitian ini pada kelas viii dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 32 siswa. instrumen instrumen pada penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut : 1. kuisioner fce (formative class evaluation) komponen yang dijawab dalam kuieioner fce meliputi hasil, kemauan, metode dan kerjasama. kuisioner diberikan kepada siswa saat guru selesai melakukan pembelajaran. adapun validitas dari fce adalah 0,72 yang masuk dalam kategori validitas tinggi. 2. lembar observasi kelas lembar observasi dilakukan ditengah-tengah jam pelajaran dan pada saat proses pembelajran berlangsung. observasi dilakukan oleh guru pendidikan jasmani yang berjumlah tiga orang yang sebelumnya sudah dilakukan pengarahan tentang pengamatan yang akan dilakukan. adapun pengamatan yang sudah disepakati dalam observasi adalah persiapan guru, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, dan aktivitas siswa. 3. penilaian ketuntasan hasil belajar penilaian ketuntasan belajr siswa dilakukan pada saat siswa melakukan tugas gerak yang meliputi penilaian aspek kognitif, afektif dan aspek psikomotor. 4. tes hasil kemampuan gerak tes yang digunakan adalah tes motor educability. motor educability digunakan untuk mengetahui kemampuan seseorang untuk dapat menguasai gerakangerakan baru (wahjoedi, 2000). kualitas dari potensial motor educability akan memberikan gambaran tentang kemampuan seseorang dalam mempelajari gerakangerakan yang baru semakin mudah. hal ini dapat dijelaskan penelitian ini mengukur kualitas penguasaan kemampuan gerak siswa dalam mempelajari gerak baru berdasarkan media audio visual. dari tes ini tingkat potensial motor educability siswa maka akan semakin tinggi pula tingkat probabilitasnya untuk menguasai berbagai gerakan baru. analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan empat instrumen sekaligus dalam penelitian maka analisis data yang dilakukan bertahap disesuaikan dengan pengumpulan data yang sudah didapatkan. seluruh data yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian khususnya hasil tes motor educability siswa, selanjutnya dilakukan analisis uji prasarat sebelum masuk ke uji hipotesis. uji prasarat dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji normalitas dan homogenitas. selanjutnya dilakukan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji t. uji hipotesis digunakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh yang ditimbulkan sebelum diberikan perlakuaan dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan. perhitungan data statistik menggunakan bantuan spss 20. hasil data yang diperoleh dari hasil pengisan angket fce yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pembelajaran berdasarkan pendapat siswa. siswa diberikan dua kali kesempatan untuk pengisian angket pada masingmasing pertemuan. hasil dari rata-rata skor fce menunjukan siswa laki-laki sebesar 2,89 dan siswa perempuan sebesar 2,70. rata-rata dari keseluruhan adalah 2,60 hasil rata-rata jika dikonversikan dengan tabel kriteria masuk dalam kategori 4 (baik). kemauan siswa laki-laki sebesar 2,87 dan siswa perempuan sebesar 2,96. rata-rata dari keseluruhan adalah 2,90 hasil ratarata jika dikoversikan dengan tabel kriteria masuk dalam kategori 4 (baik). (3) metode siswa laki-laki sebehttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.12298 adi sumarno & anisah/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) 107 sar 2,34 dan siswa perempuan sebesar 2,42. rata-rata dari keseluruhan adalah 2,45 hasil rata-rata jika dikonversikan dengan tabel kriteria masuk dalam kategori 3 (sedang). kerjasama siswa laki-laki sebesar 3,00 dan siswa perempuan sebesar 2,90 rata-rata dari keseluruhan adalah 2,87 hasil rata-rata jika dikonversikan dengan tabel kriteria masuk dalam kategori 4 (baik). keseluruhan siswa laki-laki sebesar 2,62 dan siswa perempuan sebesaar 2,67 rata-rata dari keseluruhan adalah 2,59 hasil rata-rata jika dikonsultasikan dengan tabel kriteria masuk dalam kategori 4 (baik). dari hasil penjabaran data berdasarkan lembar fce dapat diketahui hasil pre-test dan post-test menunjukkan hasil yang baik. hal ini dapat dikatakan bahwa proses pembelajaran kemampuan gerak yang dilakukan menurut pendapat siswa dapat berjalan stabil hal ini dikarenakan secara keseluruhan proses pembelajaran masuk dalam kategori baik. penggunaan audio visual dapat digunakan sebagai solusi efektif mengajarkan kemampuan gerak yang simultan dan terukur serta terstruktur. media audio visual dapat menggambarkan secara pelan dan sesuai tahapan-tahapan gerak dalam pembelajaran gerak. kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan pada kelas viii, menggunakan media audio visual selama pembelajaran di observasi. adapun kajian bidang observasi meliputi tugas gerak, feed back, evaluasi, belajar, gerak, kegembiraan, dan kerjasama. hasil dari observasi dapat dijelaskan pada diagram berikut ini: berdasarkan hasil prosentase yang dijabarkan melalui diagram diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara rata-rata selama observasi selama lima kali pertemuan pembelajaran kemampuan gerak yang dilakukan melalui media audio visual masuk dalam kategori baik. hal ini dapat dilihat pada konsistensi proses pembelajaran yang mengaharapkan siswa memahami dan mampu mempraktekkan secara bertahap jenis gerak dari yang sederhana menuju gerak yang kompleks. tanggapan siswa yang menandakan kategori baik juga dapat dilihat dari antusias siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran yang secara konsisten memberikan pengalaman belajar yang baru. ketuntasan belajar menjadi tolak ukur keberhasilan guru dalam mengajar. pada penelitian ini ketuntasan belajar siswa diukur menggunakan tiga komponen yaitu: afektif dengan bobot 30%, kognitif dengan bobot 20% dan psikomotor siswa dengan bobot 50%. penilaian dari ketiga aspek tersebut dilakukan penilaian pada saat melakukan tugas gerak baik dalam pembelajaran dikelas maupun praktek dilapangan. penilaian dalam ketuntasan hasil belajar menggunakan kriteria ketuntasan minimal yang ditetapkan sekolah smp ini yaitu sebesar 75. hasil dari rata-rata pada saat penilaian pretest dan penilaian postest dapat digambarkan melalui gambar diagram berikut ini: berdasarkan data pada gambar 2, dapat dijelaskan bahwa pada pertemuan terakhir pada saat post-test nilai dari ketuntasan siswa meningkat dari 24,65% menjadi 75,35%. hal ini disebabkan oleh pemberian materi yang disampaikan dapat pahami oleh siswa karena menggunakan media yang menarik dan mengurangi rasa kebosanan siswa. hal ini juga yang disampaikan oleh siswa putri dikarenakan pembelajaran yang dilhttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.12298 gambar 1. data lembar observasi kelas materi kemampuan gerak gambar 2. ketuntasan belajar siswa adi sumarno & anisah/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) 108 akukan tidak secara tiba-tiba dilakukan praktek lapangan tetapi diberikan materi pengantar secara terstruktur dan dapat dimengerti oleh siswa. data selanjutnya diapaparkan adalah data dari hasil tes motor ability yang diperoleh dari hasil tes pretest dan post-test yang didalamnya dilakukan perlakuan berupa pembelajaran menggunakan media audio visual. adapun data hasil tes dapat dilihat pada table. secara garis besar peningkatan pretest dan posttest dari hasil tes motor ability yang dilakukan oleh siswa dari data pretest dan data postest mengalami peningkatan sebesar 7,95 %. dari uji signifikansi pada table 2 disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan gerak pada pelajaran pendidikan jasmani siswa sebelum belajar menggunakan media audio visual dan sesudah belajar dengan menggunakan media audio visual. pembahasan berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukan bahwa media audio visual efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran teori dikelas untuk memahami teori, tahapan, karakteristik gerak dan kunci gerak efektif. hal ini dikarenakan sebelum melakukan tugas gerak, siswa harus memahami teori motorik, keterampilan gerak dan selanjutnya memaksimalkan gerak olahraga sesuai dengan penggolongan gerak teknik dasar. hal ini didukung oleh hasil penelitian yang menyatakan bahwa media audio visual yang dilengkapi dengan audio menambah wawasan guru dan siswa guna penjelasan materi pembelajaran (ariwibowo & parmin, 2015). melalui media audio visual dapat membantu siswa dalam memahami materi apabila kurang jelas dengan penjelasan yang disampaikan oleh guru. diharapkan dengan diketahuinya manfaat baik dari media audio visual dapat diaplikasikan pada mata pelajaran yang lain. media gambar sangat efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran mufradat untuk berbagai jenjang pendidikan, baik pra sekolah, mi, mts maupun ma (hilmi, 2016). media audio visual, menunjang kegiatan proses pembelajaran dalam sukses terserapnya proses pembelajaran, hal ini dapat dapat benarkan dengan media audio yang dapat didengarkan oleh siswa, serta media visual yang dapat dilihat dan dipahami oleh siswa. dua media yang dijadikan satu dalam proses pembelajaran mampu mencapai tujuan pembelajaran khususnya pembelajaran materi kemampuan gerak dalam pendidikan jasmani. hal ini sesuai dengan teori pemodelan yang didukung oleh teori pengkodean ganda yang dikemukakan oleh paivio (2006). informasi yang diterima siswa dalam bentuk visual dan dikombinasikan dengan informasi dalam bentuk visual yang dikemas dalam media pembelajaran dapat menunjang memori dan pemahaman siswa terhadap materi sehingga pembelajaran menjadi lebih efektif. siswa yang terlihat sangat memahami jika pembelajaran didampingi oleh media audio visual yang dapat diputar berkali-kali. media audio visual mempunyai keunggulan dengan menempatkan dua indera bekerja secara bersamaan. hasil efektifitas pembelajaran dari pendapat siswa masuk dalam kategori baik. siswa sangat senang, materi yang dipelajari dapat dipahami serta siswa berusaha mengingat gerak yang benar sesuai dengan penjelasan yang disampaikan melalui media audio visual. observasi yang dilakukan selama, pada saat proses pembelajaran dan pada akhir pembelajaran dengan menggunakan lembar observasi kelas dapat disimpulkan masuk dalam klasifikasi baik. penilaian ketuntasan hasil belajar penggunaan acuan kkm sekolah smp ini sebesar 75. dengan menggunakan media audio visual dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa mencapai 50,7%. uji hipotesis dari hasil tes hasil kemampuan gerak. perhitungan dari uji hipotesis penelitian dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara sebelum pembelajaran dan sesudah pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media audio visual. hasil tes motor educabilty siswa secara signifikan meningkatkan hasil kemampuan gerak siswa. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.12298 deskripsi pretest postest uji beda mean 16,23 25,78 9,33 standar deviasi 8,67 11,02 2,35 varians 88,4 99,69 11,29 peningkatan (%) 7,95 % tabel 1. deskripsi hasil tes motor a bility tabel 2. hasil uji hipotesis kelas sig sig. 2 tailed pretest 16,625 0,00 posttest 16,682 adi sumarno & anisah/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) 109 penggunaan media audio visual dapat digunakan sebagai media dalam mempelajari gerak, menganalisis gerak dan juga dapat dilakukan guna menginstropeksi gerak. mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani tidak hanya dilakukan dengan mengajarkan jenis olahraga kepada siswa akan tetapi pendidikan jasmani dapat dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mencapai kebugaran jasmani pada siswa. dalam mengajarkan berbagai macam gerak utamanya gerak praktek olahraga, seorang guru dituntut mampu menyampaikan materi sehingga tugas gerak yang dilakukan siswa dapat tercapai. untuk memaksimalkan materi pembelajaran kemampuan gerak, guru dapat menggunakan media audio visual sebagai sarana penyampaian, media pengulangan dan media instrospeksi gerakan guna tercapainya kualitas dan mutu gerak yang sesuai dengan teknik yang benar dan sesuai. peranan guru pendidikan jasmani disekolah dalam mengajarkan materi kemampuan gerak diharapkan dapat mencapai tujuan dari pendidikan, serta mencapai bonus tambahan secara otomatis mengikuti dalam mencapai kebugaran siswa. dapat diartikan bahwa selain mencapai tujuan pendidikan secara luas pendidikan jasmani juga memberikan treatment yang otomatis berguna untuk 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langkahlangkah: (1) potensi dan masalah, (2) pengumpulan data, (3) desain produk, (4), validasi desain, (5) revisi desain, (6) uji coba produk, (7) revisi produk, (8) uji coba produk, (9) revisi produk, (10) produksi masal. uji coba skala kecil dilakukan di sekolah dasar negeri 222 palembang berjumlah 30 siswa, uji coba skala besar di sekolah dasar muhammadiyah 17 palembang dengan jumlah 30 siswa, dan sekolah dasar islam terpadu mus’hab bin umair palembang jumlah 20 siswa, jumlah siswa 80. penelitian pengembangan ini menghasilkan lima macam permainan tradisional yakni (1) permainan panting, (2) permainan lempar kaleng, (3) permainan pikak, (4) permianan cascasan dan, (5) permainan yeye. dari penilaian melalui angket oleh para ahli, praktisi, dan siswa pada uji coba skala kecil dan uji coba skala besar, kemudian dianalisa. berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisa data bahwa permainan tradisional yang dikembangkan menunjukkan kemajuan yang signifikan dan dinyatakan sangat baik dan layak, dengan demikian sangat disarankan kepada guru pendidikan jasmani untuk menerapkan permainan tradisional ini pada siswa sekolah dasar. abstract this study aims to develop traditional games, preserve the culture of the nation, and as a material in the learning of physical education. this research is research and development with steps:1) the potential and problems, (2) data collection, (3) the design of the product, (4), design validation, (5) design revisions, (6) the trial product, (7) product revisions, (8) product trials, (9) product revisions, (10) mass production. small-scale trials conducted at state elementary school 222 palembang totaling 30 students, large-scale trials in muhammadiyah elementary school 17 palembang with the number of 30 students, and islamic primary school mus'hab bin umair palembang the number of 20 students,the total of of students are 80. research this development produces five kinds of traditional games that are: (1) the panting game, (2) the lempar kaleng game, (3) the pikak game, (4) the cas-casan game and, (5) the yeye game. from assessment by questionnaire by experts, practitioners, students on small-scale trials and large-scale trials, then analyzed. based on the results of research and data analysis that the traditional games developed show significant progress and declared very good and feasible, so it is advisable to physical education teachers to apply this traditional game to elementary school students. * alamat korespondensi : universitas pgri palembang, indonesia e-mail : asriansyah_syah@yahoo.com issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi: 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10597 © 2018 universitas pendidikan indonesia 83 pendahuluan aktivitas bermain dan siswa merupakan satu kesatuan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan, keduanya mempunyai hubungan keterikatan yang sangat erat, dengan demikian aktivitas menjadi karakter manusia (homo ludens) (caillois, 2001: 3). bermain salah satu cara siswa belajar mengekspresikan hasil pemikiran melalui lingkungan sekitar, sehingga siswa akan menemukan berbagai pengalaman salah satunya pengalaman gerak. dari penelitian dana (2009: 6) menyebutkan bahwa “clinical report to the american academic of pediatrics noted that play is so important to optimal child development that it has been recognized by the united nation high commission for human rights as a right for every child”. ini merupakan hasil laporan klinis akademi pediatrics dari amerika maksud dari pernyataan di atas yakni mencatat bahwa bermain sangat penting untuk perkembangan siswa optimal yang telah diakui oleh komisi tertinggi negara untuk hak asasi manusia sebagai hak bagi setiap siswa. dari pernyataan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa bermain merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi siswa karena melalui bermain siswa akan menemukan dan mendapatkan berbagai pengalaman seperti pengalaman gerak, mendapat informasi, serta menambah bahasa. secara perkembangan siswa sekolah dasar berada pada tahap bermain dengan aturan sederhana, salah satunya yakni bermain permainan tradisional. berdasarkan hasil pengamatan penulis bahwa permainan tradisional mempunyai masamasa berjaya, maksudnya yakni masa-masa permainan tradisional masih sering dimainkan oleh siswa-siswa sekolah dasar yakni diperkirakan pada tahun 2005 kebawah. umumnya permainan tradisional dimainkan pada saat menjelang sore di halaman kampung. terlihat jelas siswa-siswa bersimbah keringat dan tawa lepas yang ditimbulkan oleh berbagai macam aktivitas permainan tradisional yang dimainkan. tidak dapat dipungkiri lambat laun permainan tradisional mulai ditinggalkan disebabkan oleh perkembangan teknologi. ditinggalkannya permainan tradisional mempunyai banyak faktor diantaranya maraknya jenis-jenis permainan (game) digital seperti game online, aplikasi handphone, ps (play station), regenerasi permaianan tradisional terabaikan, taman bermain yang sudah sempit (pembangunan) khususnya di daerah perkotaan, anggapan masyarakat permainan tradisional yang kuno, dan perasaan gengsi (asriansyah, 2014: 1806). beberapa tahun terakhir secara signifikan di negara-negara telah tumbuh kesadaran terhadap budaya salah satunya adalah di negara denmark (nordic), dalam dunia pendidikan maupun dalam kebijakan budaya, kesehatan dan integrasi, bermain dan permainan telah menjadi perhatian dunia. “also inside the nordic countries themselves, a growing awareness for the significance of play culture has developed during the last years. in the world of education as well as in the policies of culture, health and integration, play and game has become a plus-word” (eichberg, 2005: 3). dalam rangka untuk menjaga dan mempertahankan budaya bangsa (permainan tradisional) penulis merealisasikannya dengan mengadakan penelitian. hasil penelitian akan di asriansyah & muh akmal almy / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10597 84 sosialisasikan ke sekolah melalui pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani di sekolah. pelaksanaan permainan tradisional akan lebih efektif, efisien, dan lebih bermakna karena mendapat pengawasan guru pendidikan jasmani. selain itu penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menstimulus kreatifitas dan inovasi guru pendidikan jasmani dalam mengembangkan pembelajaran gerak dan menambah kajian bidang pendidikan jasmani. permainan tradisional ini juga dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu solusi dari minimnya sarana dan prasarana olahraga di sekolah, dari hasil observasi penulis menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak sekolah-sekolah yang belum mempunyai sarana dan prasarana yang cukup. menurut undang-undang republik indonesia tentang sistem keolahragaan nasional yakni terdapat pada bab vi pasal 17 tentang ruang lingkup olahraga yang meliputi olahraga pendidikan, olahraga rekreasi, dan olahraga prestasi. permainan tradisional dapat mencangkup ketiga ruang lingkup olahraga tersebut. permainan tradisional dapat dijadikan sebagai olahraga pendidikan karena permainan tradisional dapat mengembangkan aspek psikomotorik, aspek kognitif dan aspek afektif, sama halnya dengan pendidikan jasmani. olahraga rekreasi, dengan bermain permainan tradisonal dan akibat ditimbulkanya seperti rasa senang, maka dapat dijadikan sebagai penawar dari rutinitas aktivitas belajar siswa, dengan harapan dapat meminimalis rasa jenuh/bosan pada siswa. olahraga prestasi dalam hal ini sebagai awal pembentukkan untuk menuju olahraga prestasi (calon atlet) karena salah satu manfaat dari aktivitas permainan tradisonal siswa akan mempunyai pengalaman-pengalaman gerak biomotor seperti kebugaran jasmani, kelincahan, daya tahan, kelentukan, kekuatan, dan keseimbangan. berdasarkan hasil observasi dan kajian literatur di atas, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangan permainan tradisional sebagai upaya melestarikan kebudayaan bangsa melalui pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani di sekolah dasar. metode jenis penelitian metode dalam penelitian pengembangan permainan tradisional ini termasuk ke dalam penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development). menurut borg & gall (2007: 589) “research and development (r and d) is an insdustry-based development in which the findings of research are used to design new products and prosedures, which then are systematically field-tested, evaluate, and refined until they meet specified criteria of effectivness, quality, or similar standards” rancangan penelitian permainan tradisional ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development) yang menggunakan langkah-langkah dari (sugiyono, 2010: 409-426). langkah-langkah penelitian pengembangan permainan tradisional ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) potensi dan masalah, (2) pengumpulan data, (3) desain produk, (4) validasi desain, (5) revisi desain, (6) uji coba produk, (7) revisi produk, (8) uji coba produk, (9) revisi produk, dan (10) produksi masal (sugiyono, 2010, pp.409-426). http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index asriansyah & muh akmal almy / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10597 85 populasi uji coba skala kecil dilaksanakan di sekolah dasar negeri 222 palembang, subyek uji coba skala kecil yakni siswa kelas lima sekolah dasar negeri 222 palembang dengan jumlah subyek 30 siswa. uji coba skala besar dilaksanakan di dua sekolah yakni; (1) sekolah dasar muhammadiyah 17 palembang kelas lima dengan jumlah 30 siswa; (2) sekolah dasar islam terpadu mus’hab bin umair palembang kelas lima dengan jumlah 20 siswa. teknik pengumpulan data instrumen digunakan untuk menghasilkan pengembangan yang berkualitas. instrumen dikatakan valid “shahih” apabila instrumen tersebut dapat dengan benar mengukur apa yang hendak diukur (widoyoko, 2012: 142). instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa angket yang terdiri dari beberapa aspek yakni bentuk permainan, kebugaran jasmani, mengenal huruf dan angka. angket akan disebarkan kepada para ahli, praktisi, dan siswa untuk penilaian terhadap pengembangan permainan yang dikembangkan. angket-angket tersebut yakni : 1) angket untuk ahli pendidikan jasmani, angket ahli pendidikan pendidikan jasmani dipergunakan untuk memperoleh data tentang kualitas pengembangan permainan tradisional dilihat dari unsurunsur pendidikan jasmani. 2) angket untuk ahli permainan, angket untuk ahli permainan dipergunakan untuk memperoleh data tentang kesesuaian dan keefektifan mengenai aktivitas fisik terhadap permainan tradisional yang dikembangkan. 3) angket untuk praktisi pendidikan jasmani, angket untuk praktisi pendidikan jasmani dipergunakan untuk memperoleh data tentang kesesuaian dan keefektifan terhadap penerapan permainan tradisional di lapangan. 4) angket untuk siswa, siswa sd kelas lima dan empat sudah dapat membaca dengan baik, sehingga siswa sudah dapat diminta untuk menilai melaluui angket terhadap permainan yang dikembangkan. angket untuk siswa digunakan untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon siswa terhadap permainan tradisional yang dikembangkan tanpa dipengaruhi oleh orang lain. pemberian angket kepada siswa diberikan setelah siswa melakukan permainan-permainan tradisional di lapangan. 5) angket untuk ahli media, angket untuk ahli media dipergunakan untuk memperoleh data tentang hasil audiovisual yang akan dikembangkan ke dalam bentuk cd. analisa data teknik analisis data yang diperoleh melalui kegiatan uji coba produk yang akan di analisis dan diklasifikasikan menjadi dua data yaitu data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. data kualitatif berupa penilaian, kritik, serta saran yang dikemukakan oleh ahli, dari beberapa saran http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index asriansyah & muh akmal almy / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10597 86 yang diperoleh kemudian akan digunakan untuk keperluan perbaikan dan penyempurnaan pengembangan permainan yang akan dikembangkan dan dihasilkan. teknik analisis kuantitatif dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif, yang berupa pertanyaan. jawaban setiap butir instrumen menggunakan skara likert yang bergradasi sangat baik sampai dengan sangat sangat kurang dengan pengembangan 5 pilihan (skala lima). pemberian nilai dari pertanyaan tersebut yakni pernyataan sangat kurang, kurang, cukup, baik dan sangat baik yang diubah menjadi data kuantitatif dengan skala 5 yaitu dengan penskoran dari angka 1 s/d 5. kemudian dikonversikan menjadi data kualitatif yakni mengetahui nilai maksimal (ideal) = (skor butir maksimal) x (butir pertanyaan) x (jumlah ahli dan praktisi). nilai minimal= (skor butir minimal) x (butir pertanyaan) x (jumlah ahli dan praktisi). kelas interval = 5. jarak kelas interval = nilai maksimal dikurangi nilai maksimal dibagi jumlah kelas interval. berikut ini adalah tabel konversi data kuantatif ke data kualitatif dengan skala 5. perhitungan di atas diadaptasi menurut (widoyoko, 2012: 114115). tabel 1. konversi data kuantitif ke data kualitatif dengan skala 5. hasil dan pembahasan 1. hasil uji coba skala kecil uji coba skala kecil dilaksanakan di sekolah dasar negeri 222 palembang, subyek uji coba skala kecil yakni siswa kelas lima sekolah dasar negeri 222 palembang dengan jumlah subyek 30 siswa, waktu pelaksanaan hari sabtu tanggal 22 april 2017, bertempat di lapangan olahraga sekolah dasar negeri 222 palembang. hasil uji coba skala kecil yang dinilai oleh para ahli, praktisi, dan siswa. penilaian para ahli dari hasil rekaman video di lapangan, praktisi menilai langsung ketika pelaksanaan permainan di lapangan berlangsung, sedangkan angket untuk siswa untuk mengetahui respon. dari data penilaian para ahli dan praktisi, selanjutnya analisa dari data kuantitatif dikonversikan ke data kualitatif. berikut adalah hasil uji coba skala kecil. gambar 1. hasil uji coba skala kecil berdasarkan gambar diagram di atas dapat dijelaskan bahwa, permainan panting memiliki jumlah skor 280 yang berarti berkategori sangat baik, permainan lempar kaleng jumlah skor 286 masuk berkategori sangat baik, permainan pikak jumlah skor 278 berkategori http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index klasifikasi data kuantitatif jumlah skor penilaian klasifikasi data kualitatif 5 256 s/d 304 sangat baik 4 207 s/d 255 baik 3 158 s/d 206 cukup 2 109 s/d 157 kurang 1 60 s/d 108 sangat kurang asriansyah & muh akmal almy / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10597 87 sangat baik, permainan cas-casan memiliki skor 287 berkategori sangat baik, dan permainan yeye memiliki jumlah skor 276 berkategori sangat baik. 2. hasil uji coba skala besar uji coba skala besar dilaksanakan di dua sekolah yakni; (1) sekolah dasar muhammadiyah 17 palembang kelas lima dengan jumlah 30 siswa; (2) sekolah dasar islam terpadu mus’hab bin umair palembang kelas lima dengan jumlah 20 siswa. penelitian dilaksanakan dua kali pertemuan yakni pada hari kamis pada tanggal 3 agustus 2017 di sekolah dasar muhammadiyah 17 palembang dan hari rabu pada tanggal 10 agustus 2017. dari data penilaian para ahli, praktisi, selanjutnya analisa dari data kuantitatif dikonversikan ke data kualitatif. berikut adalah hasil uji coba skala besar dalam bentuk diagram. gambar 2. hasil uji coba skala besar dari hasil data diagram di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan permainan permainan tradisional secara keseluruhan berkategori “sangat baik”, permainan panting memiliki jumlah skor 400, permainan lempar kaleng jumlah skor 400, permainan pikak jumlah skor 396, permainan cas-casan dengan skor 399, dan permainan yeye memiliki jumlah skor 395, dengan demikian dalam pengembangannya pengembangan permainan tradisional telah mengalami kemajuan dan perbaikan, dan dinyatakan sudah layak untuk diterapkan pada siswa sekolah dasar. kesimpulan penelitian ini menghasilkan lima macam permainan tradisional yakni: (1) permainan panting, (2) permainan lempar kaleng, (3) permainan pikak, (4) permianan cas-casan dan, (5) permainan yeye. kelima macam permainan tersebut sudah dinyatakan sangat baik dan layak untuk 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pendidikan jasmani anak usia dini menghadapi berbagai masalah dari kegiatan pembelajaran, fasilitas, keadaan sosial dan kebijakan pemerintah yang kurang memberikan perhatian terhadap pendidikan jasmani anak usia dini. penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui permasalahan penelitian secara rinci dan mendalam, penelitian ini bertempat di pendidikan anak usia dini amarilis, kecamatan lembang, kabupaten bandung barat dengan melibatkan 3 guru dan 35 anak usia dini, teknik pengambilan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi serta melakukan analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat perubahan kemampuan kognitif dengan ditandai pemecahan masalah melalui kegiatan kelompok, perubahan kemampuan afektif dengan ditandai rasa peduli antar sesama dan perubahan psikomotor dengan ditandai kecekatan anak usia dini dalam melakukan aktivitas melalui permainan edukatif berbasis alam, serta adanya peningkatan minat anak usia dini terhadap pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. abstract physical education, early childhood is a very important aspect for the development of cognitive abilities, affective and psychomotor children in preparing towards the level of elementary school. in the practice of physical education early childhood face various problems of learning activities, amenities, social circumstances and the government's policy that gives less attention to physical education early childhood. this study used a qualitative approach with case study method that aims to find in depth and in-depth research information, this research took place in amarilis early childhood education, lembang subdistrict, west bandung regency involving 3 teachers and 35 children at an early age, data collection technique using interviews, and analysis and perform data analysis using data reduction, data presentation and conclusions deduction. results of the study indicate that there is a marked change in cognitive ability with problem solving through group activities, affective abilities change with a marked sense of caring between the fellow and the change of psikomotor with marked the dexterity of the child early in the game through educational activities-based nature, as well as an increase in interest in early childhood learning, physical education. * alamat korespondensi : jl. dr. setiabudhi 229,bandung, indonesia e-mail : sandeytantra18@upi.edu issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi: 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10612 © 2018 universitas pendidikan indonesia 42 pendahuluan pendidikan jasmani merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari pendidikan nasional yang bertujuan untuk pengembangkan kemampuan peserta didik melalui aktivitas jasmani (utama bandi, 2011). sehingga pendidikan jasmani harus diajarkan kepada setiap peserta didik pada semua jenjang pendidikan. perencanaan pendidikan jasmani dilakukan secara seksama untuk memenuhi perkembangan, pertumbuhan, dan kebutuhan perilaku setiap anak. maka pendidikan jasmani bukan hanya ditujukan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan psikomotorik, akan tetapi juga mengembangkan kemampuan kognitif dan afektif peserta didik. pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani dimulai pada tahap usia dini untuk merangsang pertumbuhan organik, motorik, intelektual dan perkembangan emosional (solihin, faisal, & dadang, 2013). hal tersebut menandakan bahwa pada tahap usia dini, pendidikan jasmani mempunyai peran yang sangat penting membentuk karakter. tahap pendidikan usia dini merupakan tahap yang penting untuk mempersiapkan anak dalam menghadapi perkembangan di masa depan, sehingga pembelajaraan yang bermakna sangat penting dalam mewujudkan sumber daya yang berkualitas. pembelajaran yang bermakna dimaksudkan untuk memberikan ilmu pengetahuan yang dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, hal tersebut menandakan bahwa pembelajaran tidak boleh hanya sekedar konsep dan teori. urgensi pendidikan usia dini yaitu ”the face of the demands of the times of the quality of education as well as advances in science, technology, information and communications are rapidly making early childhood education could not be obtained only from the role of the family” (hoving, visser, mullen, & van den borne, 2010). hal tersebut dimaksudkan agar anak usia dini dapat berinteraksi dengan teman sebaya, sehingga menimbulkan komunikasi yang intensif antar anak. proses sosialisasi dalam pendidikan anak usia dini sangat penting dalam membentuk karakter anak, sehingga di masa depan anak akan memiliki rasa saling memiliki antar sesama. dalam konteks pembangunan nasional, hal tersebut sangat penting dalam membentuk peradaban bangsa yang unggul. realita yang terjadi di masyarakat menunjukan bahwa banyak orangtua yang belum mampu mengoptimalkan potensi anak (choirun nisak aulina, 2013), kegiatan yang dilakukan orangtua hanya bersifat menjaga secara fisik serta memberikan asupan gizi yang dibutuhkan, akan tetapi kurang dalam memberikan stimulasi edukasi. faktor kurang berperannya fungsi keluarga dalam memberikan edukasi kepada anak usia dini, dikarena adanya pergeseran dalam kehidupan sosial dengan ditandai banyak ibu/istri yang bekerja untuk membantu mencari nafkah atau ingin mencari kesibukan, sehingga pendidikan bagi anak kurang mendapatkan perhatian. berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka perlu bagi setiap orangtua memberikan sandey tantra paramitha & l. anggara / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10612 43 kesempatan bagi anak untuk melakukan proses pendidikan pada tingkat usia dini sebelum memasuki pendidikan pada jenjang sekolah dasar. penelitian terdahulu menunjukan bahwa physical education early childhood has not been able to achieve the objective to develop the ability of cognitive, affective and psychomotor early childhood (pechtel & pizzagalli, 2011). hal tersebut dikarenakan proses pembelajaran masih terfokus pada peran guru, serta kegiatan pembelajaran masih terpusat di kelas. kondisi tersebut mengakibatkan dalam pembelajaran anak merasa jenuh, sehingga pendidikan jasmani yang diajarkan kurang bermakna. tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menerapkan model bermain edukatif berbasis alam dalam pendidikan jasmani anak usia dini, hasil penelitian terdahulu menunjukan adanya perubahan anak usia dini setelah diterapkannya model bermain edukatif dalam pendidikan jasmani. akan tetapi, penelitian ini mempunyai aspek yang berbeda dengan penelitian sebelumnya yaitu mengembangkan tempat pembelajaran jasmani tidak berada di kelas atau lingkungan sekolah, akan tetapi berfokus pada lingkungan alam. hal tersebut ditujukan agar anak usia dini mempuyai pengalaman baru dalam pembelajaran, serta meningkatkan kesehatan anak usia dini dengan kondisi lingkungan yang alami di alam terbuka. metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui fenomena, keadaan sosial, perilaku kelompok dan individu secara mendalam (maisya & susilowati, 2014), sehingga hasil yang diperoleh dapat menjelaskan keadaan yang sebenarnya. tempat penelitian ini berada di pendidikan anak usia dini (paud) amarilis, jl mohammad adiwarta, no. 28c rt. 03/rw. 12, kecamatan lembang, kabupaten bandung barat. pemilihan tempat ini dikarenakan kondisi paud berdekatan dengan lokasi alam terbuka, sehingga kegiatan pembelajaran jasmani dengan model bermain edukatif berbasis alam mudah untuk dilaksanakan. populasi dalam penelitian ini melibatkan 3 guru dan 35 anak usia dini, yang ditujukan agar mendapatkan hasil penelitian dari pelaksana dan penerima pembelajaran. teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara terbuka, observasi dan dokumentasi selama proses pengambilan data. pemilihan teknik pengumpulan data tersebut dikarenakan sesuai dengan kaidah penelitian kualitatif dan dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai fokus penelitian. pengujian data dilakukan dengan perpanjangan pengamatan dan analisis kasus negatif, sehingga data yang diperoleh valid dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan hasil penelitian yang sesuai dengan kenyataan di lapangan. hasil dan pembahasan berbadasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kehadiran pendidikan anak usia dini memberikan pengaruh yang baik dalam perkembangan anak usia dini terutama http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10612 sandey tantra paramitha & l. anggara / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) 44 dalam proses sosialisasi dengan teman sebaya, serta dapat menjadi solusi terhadap tuntutan zaman yang mengharuskan anak mempunyai kemampuan yang unggul dalam segala bidang untuk menghadapi masa depan. suasana pendidikan yang untuk pembelajaran anak usia dini yaitu ”family atmosphere by applying the principles of love, giving birth, and guiding” (gottman & gottman, 2017). ketiga aspek ini yang perlu diterapkan dalam melakukan pendidikan untuk anak usia dini, sehingga anak akan merasa bahwa pendidikan ditujukan untuk mengembangkan potensi diri anak tanpa adanya paksaan dari pihak manapun. pandangan filosofis pendidikan mengemukakan bahwa anak-anak harus bermain untuk meningkatkan kemampuan otot, gerak tubuh dan kemampuan memecahkan masalah dengan sendiri (kusbiantoro, 2015). hal tersebut menandakan bahwa pendidikan harus memberikan kesempatan kepada anak untuk dapat mengembangkan kemampuannya, sehingga konsep student centered sangat relevan untuk diterapkan dalam pendidikan anak usia dini. urgensi pendidikan jasmani bagi anak usia dini peran pendidikan tidak terfokus pada pendidikan formal, akan tetapi pendidikan informal mempunyai peran yang penting dalam menunjang kehidupan anak di masa yang akan datang. bahkan informal ”education is the initial stage of education for children before heading on a level of formal education, so crucial to the success of formal education that will be carried to the child ”(leonardo, 2010). secara filosofis pendidikan merupakan tanggung jawab setiap warga negara untuk melaksanakan wajib pendidikan 12 tahun, sehingga setiap warga negara wajib memberikan kesempatan dan peluang untuk melaksanakan pendidikan. akan tetapi, dalam kehidupan masyarakat pendidikan informal masih dipandang bukan sebagai kewajiban, namun sebagai penunjang. hal tersebut berimplikasi pada pendidikan jasmani anak usia dini, padahal perannya sangat penting untuk mengembangkan kemampuan anak secara fisik maupun mental. data yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa guru memahami dengan baik pentingnya pendidikan jasmani bagi pengembangan fisik dan mental anak, hal tersebut dikarenakan adanya perubahan yang terjadi ketika anak masuk jenjang sekolah dasar. anak yang menempuh pendidikan anak usia dini mempunyai mental yang baik dalam proses pembelajaran, berbeda dengan anak yang tidak menempuh pendidikan anak usia dini yang cenderung penakut dan belum bisa mandiri. tabel 1. perbandingan anak yang menempuh pendidikan paud dengan yang tidak menempuh pendidikan paud. aspek paud tidak paud mental pemberani penakut kemandirian menyelesaik an masalah sendiri meminta bantuan orang lain psikomotor lebih aktif gerak cenderung pendiam kognitif membaca dan berhitung sudah baik membaca dan berhitung kurang baik afektif memiliki rasa peduli terhadap sesama cenderung susah bersosialisasi http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10612 sandey tantra paramitha & l. anggara / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) 45 tabel tersebut menjelaskan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara anak yang menempuh pendidikan paud dan tidak menempuh pendidikan paud, dlihat dari mental, kemandirian, psikomotor, kogntif dan afektif. hal tersebut dikarenakan peran dari guru paud sangat penting dalam mengembangkan kemampuan anak, serta adanya fokus dari guru paud dalam memberikan pembelajaran kepada anak. berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka dapat diketahui bahwa pendidikan anak usia dini mempunyai peranan penting dalam membentuk kemampuan mental, kemandirian, pskimotor, kognitif dan afektif. hakikat dan cara belajar anak usia dini anak usia dini dalam menjalani aktivitas sehari-sehari mempunyai kesenangan dan cara menjalani aktivitas yang berbeda (aryani, 2015), hal tersebut menandakan bahwa anak usia dini bersifat unik dan berbeda satu dengan yang lainnya. selain itu, “during an early age indicative of rapid growth so that it is said to be a golden age” (tollefson & frieden, 2012), pada masa ini merupakan tahap yang penting sekaligus beresiko karena jika pendidikan tidak dapat mengembangkan kemampuan anak, maka di masa depan anak akan kesulitan dalam menjalani proses pendidikan. pada aspek tingkat kecerdasan usia 4 tahun anak memiliki 50% kecerdasan, dan 80% kecerdasan tercapai pada usia 8 tahun (hidayah, yunita, & utami, 2015). hal tersebut menandakan bahwa kecerdasan manusia sangat ditentukan pada usia dini. kecerdasan usia dini yang perlu diperhatikan oleh orangtua dan guru dalam menerapkan model pendidikan di pauda ataupun di rumah. penelitian terdahulu menunjukan bahwa “early childhood learning is carried out in its own way, so learning that taught should be tailored to the circumstances of the child” (billett, 2014). akan tetapi, orangtua dan guru sering melakukan pembelajaran dengan jalan pikir orang dewasa, hal tersebut mengakibatkan anak merasa tertekan dan sulit menerima materi pembelajaran. dampak yang terjadi karena kesalahan dalam menerapkan cara pembelajaran yaitu tidak tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran untuk mengembangkan kemampuan kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor anak usia dini (khasanah, prasetyo, & rakhmawati, 2011). pada tataran perkembangan pengetahuan, anak usia dini lebih senang untuk melakukan aktivitas menggambar dan bermain, karena pada tahap usia ini anak belum bisa berpikir secara kongkrit, sehingga dalam proses pendidikan tidak boleh mengajarkan materi pembelajaran yang bersifat kongkrit seperti berhitung. permasalahan pendidikan jasmani anak usia dini pentingnya pendidikan anak usia dini mengalami banyak kendala untuk diterapkan di indonesia, mulai dari aspek pembelajaran, fasilitas, keadaan sosial hingga peraturan pemerintah yang kurang memberikan perhatian pada pendidikan anak usia dini. a. aspek pembelajaran proses pendidikan ditujukan bukan hanya bisa dipengaruhi oleh aspek fisik, biologis dan psikologis, akan tetapi juga dari aspek http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10612 sandey tantra paramitha & l. anggara / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) 46 lingkungan geografis. hal tersebut berimplikasi pengembangan pengalaman belajar yang mengandung nilai-nilai kependidikan, implimentasi pendekatan pembelajaran, serta penerapan model pembelajaran yang sesuai. dalam penerapan kurikulum, guru sering memaksakan anak untuk melakukan aktivitas fisik yang tidak sesuai dengan kemampuan fisik anak usia dini (alim, 2016). tindakan guru yang demikian merupakan pelanggaran terhadap prinsip developmentally appropriate practice, dikarenakan hasil yang diperoleh akan membahayakan kesehatan fisik anak di masa depan. pemahaman yang keliru dari guru paud yaitu menganggap bahwa penguasaan kemampuan olahraga merupakan tujuan tercapainya pendidikan jasmani untuk anak usia dini, hal tersebut mengakibatkan pendidikan jasmani di paud tidak bermakna dan cenderung tidak disukai anak-anak. praktik pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani di paud masih terpusat pada guru, sehingga megakibatkan: 1) kurang bervariasi aktivitas belajar secara menyeluruh, 2) tidak tersampaikan materi mengenai pentingnya hidup sehat, 3) pengembangan aspek afektif yang tidak mampu mengembangkan keterampilan sosial, kerjasama, dan minat anak dalam proses pendidikan jasmai, 4) guru tidak bisa merasakan keadaan emosional anak dalam pembelajaran jasmani, 5) anak mudah jenuh dalam menjalani proses pembelajaran, dan 6) keaktifan anak dalam belajar sangat kurang. semua permasalahan dalam aspek pembelajaran jasmani mengakibatkan tidak tercapainya tujuan kurikulum yang mengharuskan aktifnya gerak tubuh pada anak, serta adanya peningkatan kemampuan pada ranah kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor. b. fasilitas kegiatan olahraga yang efektif harus didukung oleh fasilitas yang memadai, akan tetapi permalahan fasilitas pendidikan anak usia dini saat ini menunjukan kurangnya fasilitas bermain untuk anak (an et al., 2016). hal tersebut mengakibatkan ketertarikan anak untuk melakukan aktivitas gerak menjadi minim, sehingga tercapainya kebugaran fisik anak usia dini menjadi sangat sulit. c. keadaan sosial keadaan sosial saat ini yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penerapan pendidikan jasmani di pendidikan anak usia dini yaitu munculkan kebiasaan masyarakat yang hidup instan, sehingga mengurangi kegiatan bergerak (satya yoga, suarmini, & prabowo, 2015). hal tersebut diakibatkan oleh berbagai kemudahan dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari yang di dukung oleh perubahan taraf hidup, penggunaan teknologi komunikasi dan transportasi yang otomatis, sehingga anak-anak yang seharusnya bermain, malahan cenderung diam dan menghilangkan aktivitas fisik dalam aktivitas sehari-harinya. hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa anak usia dini yang belajar di paud sudah menggunakan alat komunikasi untuk sekedar bermain game, hal tersebut mengakibatkan gerak tubuh anak semakin berkurang dan mengakibatkan fisik yang lemah. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10612 sandey tantra paramitha & l. anggara / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) 47 d. aspek kebijakan pemerintah kebijakan pemerintah untuk memberikan wewenang kepada desa untuk mengelola paud merupakan aspek yang baik karena desa lebih fokus memberikan perhatian kepada paud, akan tetapi kebijakan tersebut memiliki dampak yang tidak baik, terutama dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan guru paud. sangat disayangkan guru paud yang mengajar tidak mendapatkan gaji yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan hidup (saragih, 2008), hal tersebut mengakibatkan kinerja guru tidak optimal. sehingga perlu adanya kebijakan pemerintah yang fokus pada pengembangan kesejahteraan guru paud. dimensi pengembangan kemampuan anak usia dini upaya untuk mempersiapkan anak usia dini dalam menghadapi tantangan zaman harus dilakukan dengan pendidikan yang bermakna, hal tersebut dapat diartikan bahwa pembelajaran harus sesuai dengan keadaan masyarakat, sehingga hasil pembelajaran dapat diterapkan dalam aktivitas sehari-hari. dimenasi pengembangan kemampuan anak usia dini meliputi kemampuan kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor, semua aspek tersebut harus menjadi indikator dalam menentukan tujuan pembelajaran. a. kognitif perkembangan kognitif anak usia dini merupakan faktor yang sangat penting untuk memahami tahapan perkembang anak usia dini. “cognitive ability is an aspect related to intellectual or thinking that include knowledge, comprehension, application, design, decomposition, and assessment” (aloqaili, 2012). semua aspek tersebut menjadi indikator perkembangan kemampuan kognitif anak usia dini. dalam aspek kognitif ini, anak usia dini mampu memahami percakapan orang tua, perintah orang tua dan memilih tindakan yang sesuai dengan keadaan, pada tahap yang lebih jauh anak mampu untuk memberikan penilaian terhadap tindakan yang dilakukan. kaitannya dengan pendidikan jasmani yaitu anak mampu memahami aktivitas yang aman dan berbahaya untuk dilakukan, anak dapat mengikuti peraturan permainan dan anak mampu melakukan tindakan yang tidak merugikan diri dan orang lain. kemampuan kognitif merupakan indikator utama perkembangan anak dan menjadi tolok ukur penilaian perkembangan anak. sehingga dapat dipahami bahwa aspek kognitif merupakan aspek yang berkaitan dengan nalar atau proses berpikir, yaitu kemampuan dan aktivitas otak dalam mengembangkan kemampuan rasional. b. afektif pengembangan kemampuan afektif anak usia dini merupakan aspek yang sangat penting untuk anak dalam menjalani aktivitas seharihari di masyarakat. “this affective ability is closely related to the care of children in socializing with peers, showed mutual behavior and selflessness” (burdelski, 2013). kaitannya dengan pendidikan jasmani anak usia dini yaitu kegiatan pembelajaran harus ditujukan untuk meningkatkan sense of belonging anak usia dini melalui permainanpermainan yang edukatif, hal tersebut dikarenakan pendidikan jasmani untuk anak usia dini tidak ditujukan untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan mengenai teori-teori atau konsep-konsep http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10612 sandey tantra paramitha & l. anggara / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) 48 tentang kesehatan, akan tetapi lebih ditujukan untuk membentuk karakter anak yang mempunyai kepedulian sosial. pengembangan dimensi afektif anak usia dini merupakan aspek yang sangat penting, karena kecerdasan anak tidak bisa diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari jika anak tidak memiliki karaker yang baik (aryani, 2015). maka pengembangan kemampuan afektif merupakan penunjang pengembangan kemampuan kognitif, sehingga tercapai integrasi antara pengetahuan dan sikap anak yang dapat menghadapi tantangan zaman. c. prikomotor dimensi pengembangan kemampuan psikomotor erat kaitannya dengan gerak tubuh anak dalam proses pembelajaran. penelitian terdahulu menunjukan bahwa persepsi guru mengenai pendidikan jasmani yaitu adanya gerak tubuh pada anak usia dini (an et al., 2016). hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukan bahwa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran jasmani anak usia dini selalu ditujukan untuk adanya gerak tubuh anak. dalam penerapan pendidikan jasmani anak usia dini, dimensi psikomtor tidak ditujukan agar anak melakukan aktivitas gerak olahraga. aspek psikomotor seharusnya disesuaikan dengan tahap pertumbuhan anak usia dini, sehingga guru dalam penerapan pembelajaran jasmani tidak boleh memaksakan gerak tubuh pada anak. pengembangan aspek psikomotor merupakan pelengkap dari pengembangan kemampuan kognitif dan afektif sebagai tujuan dari pendidikan jasmani anak usia dini. sehingga mewujudkan anak yang cerdas secara pengetahuan, sopan dalam melakukan aktivitas dan mempunyai kecekatan yang efektif. model bermain edukatif berbasis alam kegiatan bermain yang dilakukan oleh anak usia dini merupakan cara untuk dapat mengembangkan kemampuan emosional, fisik, sosial dan daya berpikir anak (putra, nugroho, & puspitarini, 2016). hal tersebut dikarenakan dalam kegiatan permainan terdapat proses interaksi antar teman sebaya, sehingga dapat membentuk sikap menghargai dan peduli terhadap sesama. berkaitan dengan konteks sosial, model bermain edukatif berbasis alam akan memperbaiki keadaan sosial dengan ditandainya aktivitas anak usia dini yang sering berinteraksi langsung dan mengurai penggunaan teknologi komunikasi. penerapan model bermain edukatif akan mengembangkan kemampuan psikomotik anak dengan adanya gerakan tubuh, mengembangkan kemampuan kognitif dengan adanya pemecahan masalah secara individu dan kelompok, serta mengembangkan kemampuan afektif dengan adanya sikap saling tolong menolong dan kerja sama antar anggota kelompok. selain itu, media alam digunakan agar anak mampu menghargai lingkungan dan memanfaatkannya sesuai kebutuhan manusia. kebiasaan guru dalam pendidikan jasmani anak usia dini yang sering memaksakan gerak tubuh, tidak akan lagi digunakan. hal tersebut dikarenakan anak akan melakukan aktivitas gerak secara mandiri, dalam permainan secara psikologis anak ingin menang dan http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10612 sandey tantra paramitha & l. anggara / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) 49 melakukan yang terbaik untuk kelompoknya, sehingga setiap anak memiliki tanggung jawab dalam menjalankan tugasnya. permasalahan tempat pembelajaran yang terpusat pada kelas akan diganti dengan tempat alam terbuka, pergantian ini mempunyai banyak manfaat dalam proses pembelajaran, diantaranya: 1) anak tidak akan merasa jenuh dalam proses pembelajaran jasmani, 2) guru dapat menggunakan alam sebagai media pembelajaran, 3) kondisi lingkungan yang sehat akan membantu tercapanya pengembangan fisik anak yang sehat, dan 4) penambahan pengalaman anak untuk menjaga alam serta melestarikannya. secara konsep penerapan model bermain edukatif dilakukan oleh peran guru dalam membimbing anak melakukan permainan, akan tetapi guru tidak bersifat otoriter dalam pelaksanaannya. gambar 1. penerapan model bermain edukatif berbasis alam gambar tersebut menjelaskan bahwa penerapan model bermain edukatif berbasis alam sangat dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan guru dalam pelaksanaannya, karena anak usia dini secara psikologis belum bisa memimpin diri dan juga kelompok. pada tataran teknis kegiatan bermain edukatif dilakukan di alam terbuka dan bukan berada di dalam kelas, hal tersebut sangat sesuai dengan keharusan pelaksanaan jasmani yang disesuaikan dengan keadaan lingkungan yang mendukung. tahap awal penerapan model bermain edukatif dilakukan dengan pembagian kelompok, masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 5 orang siswa laki-laki dan perempuan, maksud dari pembagian kelompok ini ialah supaya anak mampu menyelesaikan masalah secara kelompok, sehingga tumbuh rasa saling memiliki dan hidup secara kelompok. pada tataran sosial, pembelajaran yang berbasis kelompok akan memperbaiki keadaan sosial yang menunjukan kecenderung sikap individual antar anggota masyarakat. hal tersebut menandakan bahwa kegiatan pembelajaran anak usia dini sebaiknya dengan pendekatan kelompok bukan pendekatan individu. tahap yang kedua yaitu penjelasan permainan, kemampuan guru dalam menjelaskan permainan sangat penting pada tahap ini, karena akan menentukan keberhasilan pengembangan kognitif anak. secara praktik, guru harus dapat menjelaskan aturan permainan sesuai dengan tahap perkembangan anak usia dini yang belum bisa memahami aspek yang kongkrit. tahap yang ketiga yaitu pelaksanaan, peran guru bersama orangtua ialah mengontrol, mengawasi dan membimbing. secara praktik, jika anak melakukan kesalahan jangan pernah http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.10612 sandey tantra paramitha & l. anggara / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) 50 memberikan hukuman, justru harus dibimbing dan memberikan stimulus agar anak terus melakukan permainan. hal tersebut didasarkan pada tujuan pendidikan jasmani anak usia dini yang bukan untuk memahirkan gerak olahraga. kegiatan mengontrol berkaitan dengan peran guru untuk melihat jalannya permainan, apakah sesuai dengan aturan ataukah tidak. aspek ini sangat penting, karena jika permainan tidak sesuai dengan aturan, maka akan berdampak pada hasil pembelajaran. aspek mengawasi ini sangat penting untuk melihat keadaan fisik dan mental anak, jangan sampai dalam pelaksanaan permainan terdapat anak yang kurang sehat atau mempunyai mental yang belum siap dalam melakukan perminan. aspek membimbing merupakan kegiatan yang penting dalam memberikan stimulus kepada anak untuk dapat menyelesaikan masalah secara kelompok, serta adanya peningkatan motivasi dari dalam diri anak. tahapan terakhir yaitu menentukan hasil permainan dan memberikan penghargaan pada anak, dalam tataran praktis pemberian penghargaan harus menyeluruh dan tidak boleh hanya kepada anak-anak tertentu. jika guru memberikan penghargaan kepada anak-anak terentu, hal tersebut akan berdampak pada kecemburuan sosial. kesimpulan pendidikan jasmani anak usia dini saat ini menunjukan permasalahan yang kompleks, dilihat dari segi pembelajaran, fasilitas, keadaan sosial dan kebijakan pemerintah. akan tetapi, tujuan pendidikan harus bisa terlaksana dengan baik untuk mengembangkan kemampuan kogntif, afektif dan psikomotor anak usia dini. penerapan model bermain edukatif berbasis alam merupakan strategi yang efektif sebagai 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tentang dm, dan dapat menerapkan informasi yang diterima dengan baik dan benar. tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh program edukasi diet dm berbasis android pada perubahan perilaku makan dan kadar glukosa darah. desain penelitian menggunakan cluster randomized control trial dengan pre-post intervention study yang dilakukan terhadap 33 pasien kelompok intervensi dan 37 pasien dm kelompok kontrol. proporsi subyek perempuan lebih tinggi daripada subyek laki-laki antara kelompok perlakuan. intervensi pendidikan gizi dengan media aplikasi secara signifikan meningkatkan skor persepsi tingkat keparahan penyakit dm, ekspektasi pengobatan dm dan praktik kebiasaan makan. namun, dibandingkan dengan konseling, peningkatan persepsi tingkat keparahan penyakit dm secara signifikan berbeda, tetapi untuk persepsi harapan pengobatan dm dan praktik kebiasaan makan tidak berbeda secara signifikan. meskipun peningkatan skor persepsi tingkat keparahan penyakit, harapan pengobatan dm dan kebiasaan makan pada kelompok intervensi lebih tinggi daripada kelompok kontrol. dengan demikian, penggunaan kedua metode intervensi pendidikan gizi memiliki dampak positif pada peningkatan persepsi keparahan, harapan pengobatan dan praktik kebiasaan makan pasien dm tipe 2. abstract dm education is education, training, knowledge and skill in managing dm. education provides important benefits for people with dm to get knowledge about dm and to be able to apply information that is received properly and correctly. the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of android-based dm diet education program on changes in eating behavior and blood glucose levels. the study design used a cluster randomized control trial with a pre-post intervention study conducted on 33 dm patients in the intervention group and 37 patients in the dm control group. the proportion of female subjects was higher than male subjects in treatment groups. nutrition education intervention with application as the media significantly increased dm disease severity perception score, expectations of dm treatment, and eating habits practice. compared to counseling, the increase in perception of the severity of dm disease was significantly different, but for dm treatment expectation perceptions and the practice of eating habits were not significantly different. however, the dm treatment expectations, practice of eating habits, and fasting blood sugar checks in the intervention group were higher than the control group. thus, the use of both nutritional education intervention methods has a positive impact on increasing perceptions of severity, treatment expectations, and the practice of eating habits of dm type 2 patients.  correspondence address : jl. raya darmaga kampus ipb darmaga bogor, indonesia e-mail : ides_ht@apps.ipb.ac.id issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19514 210 ides haeruman, et.al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) introduction according to the data, in 2014, there were 422 million people suffered from diabetes worldwide or the prevalence was 8.5% among adult populations (who, 2016). in indonesia, the data show that there is an increase of the diabetes prevalence in indonesia from 5.7% in 2007 to 8.5% or around 11.2 million in 2018 (riskesdas, 2018). the data of international diabetes federation (2015) present the prediction of the number of diabetes patients in indonesia is around 10 million. similar to the situation worldwide, diabetes becomes one of the highest cause of death in indonesia. the data of sample registration survey in 2014 shows that diabetes becomes the third highest cause of death in indonesia with the percentage 6.7%, after stroke (21.1%) and heart disease (12.9%). if it is not prevented, this condition would decrease the productivity and cause disability and early death (kemenkes, 2016). the high number of the dm sufferers has an impact on the complication of dm. dm has two complications, including acute complication (hypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis) and chronic complication (macro vascular and micro vascular diseases). the complication of dm could affect our body if the sufferers do not use a proper treatment (sutedjo, 2010). the complication of dm could be prevented by 4 pillar of managements, including dm education, a good and balance dm diet, the use of a suitable and regular medication, and exercise (lumenta, 2006). dm education is an education, training, knowledge, and skill in managing and preventing dm (waspadji, 2009). education gives an important benefit for dm sufferer including acquiring knowledge related to dm, acquiring ability in acknowledging and facing the symptoms properly, and implementing information properly (perkeni, 2015) the lack of healthcare infrastructure, the lack of access to the medical experts, and the lack of electronic information systems provided are the causes of unsuccessful education of the dm sufferer (sadowski et al. 2012). in lessening the obstacles on the healthcare access, the use of new technology, such as smartphone, gives a lot of benefits in the intervention process on the knowledge of dm sufferers (forjuoh, 2014). the research related to intervention of nutrition education on the diabetes sufferer in indonesia through the implementation of application in android-based smartphone is limited, even not existed. so far, the application in android based smartphone only explains about diabetes mellitus in general and there has not been an application that explains and manages the diabetes mellitus diet specifically. from the above situation, the researcher is interested to test the effect of dm diet education program through android based application on behavior (knowledge, behavior, and practice) and the blood glucose level of the diabetes type 2 sufferers in bandung health centers. the education program of dm diet is a development of excel based education program for the nutritionist in conducting nutrition consultation. the research of the diet education program is based on android and intended for diabetes sufferers to improve their knowledge on diabetes and food management. methods the design of this study was a cluster randomized control trial with pre-post intervention study. the decision of three locations of the research was conducted randomly on 25 health centers that had prolanis program (program of chronic disease management) from 71 existed health centers. from 25 selected health centers in the location of the research, three health centers were chosen for the research. the three of health centers were randomized to decide two centers for intervention groups and one health center as the control group. the android based application of dm diet was implemented to the intervention group and the control group receive counselling from the researcher without the utilization of application. the research was conducted from april – july 2019 for four effective months. this research had been approved by the research ethical commission that involve human subject from the institut pertanian bogor no: 134/it3.kepmsmipb/ sk/2018. number and data collection of subjects the subject of this research were diabetes type 2 patients in three health centers including sukajadi health centers and pasundan health centers as the inhttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19514 211 tervention group and kujangsari health center as the control group. meanwhile, the sample of the study were the member of prolanis program (program of chronic disease management) and had been screened based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. the inclusion criteria of the research including aged 40 – 85 years, owning android-based smartphone (for intervention group), and were willing to involve in the research by filling in the informed consent. the exclusion criteria are experiencing complication that have impacts on dm diet (such as kidney diseases and heart problems), following a therapy and receiving medicine from another doctor (not the health center doctor), receiving similar intervention from another research, participating in another research, and not willing to obey the research procedure. the minimum number of the subject in this research was calculated by a formula from the research of widyastuti (2013), as follows: according to the calculation, the number of subject for each group were 30 persons. the calculation was adapted to the condition of the health center, where one prolanis activity included 40 persons. procedure the subject screening was conducted in three health centers that had been decided through the cluster randomized control trial. the subjects that would fulfil the criteria were decided. the intervention stages includes pre-test (base line), intervention, and post-test (end line). in the base line stage, after the blood sample was taken, the explanation was given to the samples who were willing to join in the research. the explanation was conducted by the researcher and the doctor responsible for the health care. after explanation, interview and pre-test, by filling in the questionnaire by the sample, were conducted. the questionnaire measured the behavior with health belief model method before intervention. the intervention stage was conducted by giving education of dm diet to the patients of diabetes type 2 patients through android based dm diet program application for intervention group and powerpoint presentation for control group, conducted once by the researcher. the research was helped by the health center officials (at least graduated from diploma degree). the method used in the dm diet education is direct face to face method in the health center hall. the technique used was lecturing and practice (for intervention group) that was conducted for 45-60 minutes and discussion for 15-25 minutes. after a month of dm diet intervention education, the repetition of materials and practice by using application, monitoring, and evaluation of the dm diet education were conducted. the repetition and monitoring were conducted twice and at the third month, interview and post-test were conducted to measure the diabetes behavior as the last data. type and data collection method the primer data used in this research includes: the characteristics of the diabetes sufferers (age, sex, education, number of family member, earning, physical activity, medicine, occupation, period of living with diabetes mellitus, nutritional status/bmi). data characteristics and behavior were collected through questionnaire and guided by the researcher and the nutritionist of the health center. meanwhile, the fasting blood glucose level of the sample was conducted with the standardized tools and procedures in the health center laboratory in bandung. the secondary data includes the characteristics of the health center, the number of prolanis member suffered from dm, and dm diagnosis of prolanis member. data analysis the data process and analysis were conducted by using microsoft excel 2013 and spss version 16.0. the research variable were analyzed through descriptive analysis, normality test, independent and paired ttest. to see the influence of the dm diet education program and the level of blood glucose level of diabetes mellitus type 2 patients of each groups analyzed by using independent t-test. if the data were not distributed normally, it would be tested by using mann whitney http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19514 ides haeruman, et.al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) 212 test. to find out the behavior differences and the blood glucose level of the dm patients before and after receiving dm diet program for the intervention group and for the control group was analyzed by paired t-test. if the data distribution was not normal, the data would be analyzed by wilcoxon. result the subject of this research were the patients in the health centers in bandung, including pasundan health center, sukajadi health center, and kujangsari health center. the result of t-test shows that there is no significant differences between intervention and control group whether in the severity of the dm, the benefits of medication, and the subject diet practice for intervention and control group before intervention. spearman test was conducted to find out the relationship between the characteristics of the subject with the severity of dm, the benefits of medication, and diet practice before intervention. table 2 shows that the period of the patient suffered from dm has a significant positive relationship with the medication expectancy of the subject before intervention (r=0.26, p<0.05). sex, age, education, activity, occupation, income, and bmi did not influence the severity of dm, medication expectancy, and diet practice. table 3 shows the intervention of dm diet education, in general, indicates an improvement on behavior (perception of dm severity and medication benefits) from baseline to end line. the distribution of subjects related to the severity of dm when pre-test (baseline) were mostly on the medium category for intervention group (51.5%) and control group (45.9%). the result of t-test between intervention group and control group shows that there is a significant differences between pre-test score of the intervention and control group (table 3). most of the subject were in the medium, high category related to dm medication expectancy perception before intervention whether for intervention group or control group (table 4). the result of t-test in pre-test (baseline), and post-test (end line) between the intervention groups shows that nutritional education, through android application or counseling, gave a positive impact on the score of perception of medication expectancy for dm. perception of dm medication expectancy in the intervention group increased significantly in the end line data collection if compared to the baseline data. it shows that the repetition of exposure could give significant impacts on the higher increase. nutritional education would be better to be conducted continuously and repetitively to have a better attitude and behavior (khomsan et al. 2007). http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index table 1. distr ibution of subjects based on individual characteristics severity of dm medication diet practice (pre-test) (pre-test) (pre-test) sex male 6.0±1.1 15.7±1.7 1.5±0.5 female 6.2±1.6 15.6±1.3 1.6±0.5 p=0.51, r=0.08 p=0.92, r=-0.01 p=0.3, r=-0.13 age <45 7.0± 14.0± 2.0± 45 54 7.0±0.7 16.2±1.3 1.6±0.5 55 – 64 5.8± 15.6±1.4 1.5±0.5 65 – 74 6.2± 15.7±1.6 1.7±0.5 >75 5.3± 15.5±1.4 1.3±0.5 p=0.49, r=-0.08 p=0.94, r=-0.01 p=0.93, r=0.02 education do not graduated from primary school 6.0±1.0 16.3±1.5 0.3±0.6 primary school 5.3±2.3 15.1±1.6 0.2±0.4 junior high school 6.2±0.9 16.3±1.0 0.4±0.5 senior high school 5.9±1.5 15.4±1.4 0.5±0.5 higher education 6.5±1.1 15.7±1.7 0.4±0.5 p=0.26, r=0.14 p=0.62, r=-0.06 p=0.26, r=0.14 activity light 5.8±1.5 15.6±1.6 0.4±0.5 moderate 6.2±1.5 15.9±1.6 0.4±0.5 heavy 5.9±1.1 14.9±1.5 0.4±.52 p=0.77, r=0.04 p=0.77, r=-0.04 p=0.77, r=-0.04 occupation house wife 5.9±1.6 15.8±1.4 0.4±0.5 retirement 6.1±1.1 15.1±1.6 0.5±0.5 private employee 6.4±1.1 16.0±1.6 0.4±0.5 p=0.60, r=0.06 p=0.41, r=-0.10 p=0.57, r=0.07 income < regional minimum income 6.0±1.4 15.6±1.5 0.4±0.5 ≥ regional minimum income 6.0±1.5 15.7±1.4 0.4±0.5 p=0.96, r=0.01 p=0.84, r=0.02 p=0.69, r=0.05 period of suffered from dm <10 years 6.1±1.3 15.3±1.4 0.4±0.5 ≥ 10 years 5.9±1.6 16.0±1.4 0.4±0.5 p=0.71, r=-0.05 p=0.031, r=0.26 p=0.81, r=0.03 bmi thin 5.3±3.8 15.3±0.6 ± normal 6.1±1.3 15.5±1.4 0.5±0.5 overweight 6.0±1.4 15.9±1.4 0.3±0.5 obese 5.9±1.1 16.0±2.0 0.8±0.5 p=0.45, r=-0.09 p=0.28, r=0.13 p=0.49, r=0.08 1 significant if p<0.05 with mann-whitney test doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19514 ides haeruman, et.al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) 213 http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index table 2. relationship between subject char acter istics and the sever ity of dm, medication expectancy, and fasting diet practice before intervention. characteristics severity of dm medication expectancy diet practice (pre-test) (pre-test) (pre-test) sex male 6.0±1.1 15.7±1.7 1.5±0.5 female 6.2±1.6 15.6±1.3 1.6±0.5 p=0.51, r=0.08 p=0.92, r=-0.01 p=0.3, r=-0.13 age <45 7.0± 14.0± 2.0± 45 54 7.0±0.7 16.2±1.3 1.6±0.5 55 – 64 5.8± 15.6±1.4 1.5±0.5 65 – 74 6.2± 15.7±1.6 1.7±0.5 >75 5.3± 15.5±1.4 1.3±0.5 p=0.49, r=-0.08 p=0.94, r=-0.01 p=0.93, r=0.02 education do not graduated from primary school 6.0±1.0 16.3±1.5 0.3±0.6 primary school 5.3±2.3 15.1±1.6 0.2±0.4 junior high school 6.2±0.9 16.3±1.0 0.4±0.5 senior high school 5.9±1.5 15.4±1.4 0.5±0.5 higher education 6.5±1.1 15.7±1.7 0.4±0.5 p=0.26, r=0.14 p=0.62, r=-0.06 p=0.26, r=0.14 activity light 5.8±1.5 15.6±1.6 0.4±0.5 moderate 6.2±1.5 15.9±1.6 0.4±0.5 heavy 5.9±1.1 14.9±1.5 0.4±.52 p=0.77, r=0.04 p=0.77, r=-0.04 p=0.77, r=-0.04 occupation house wife 5.9±1.6 15.8±1.4 0.4±0.5 retirement 6.1±1.1 15.1±1.6 0.5±0.5 private employee 6.4±1.1 16.0±1.6 0.4±0.5 p=0.60, r=0.06 p=0.41, r=-0.10 p=0.57, r=0.07 income < regional minimum income 6.0±1.4 15.6±1.5 0.4±0.5 ≥ regional minimum income 6.0±1.5 15.7±1.4 0.4±0.5 p=0.96, r=0.01 p=0.84, r=0.02 p=0.69, r=0.05 period of suffered from dm <10 years 6.1±1.3 15.3±1.4 0.4±0.5 ≥ 10 years 5.9±1.6 16.0±1.4 0.4±0.5 p=0.71, r=-0.05 p=0.031, r=0.26 p=0.81, r=0.03 bmi thin 5.3±3.8 15.3±0.6 ± normal 6.1±1.3 15.5±1.4 0.5±0.5 overweight 6.0±1.4 15.9±1.4 0.3±0.5 obese 5.9±1.1 16.0±2.0 0.8±0.5 p=0.45, r=-0.09 p=0.28, r=0.13 p=0.49, r=0.08 1 significant if p<0.05 with spearman test doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19514 ides haeruman, et.al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) 214 the distribution of subject based on the practice of eating habit when pre-test (baseline) most of them were in the disobedient category on dm diet for intervention group (51.5%) and for control group (64.9%). the result of t-test for intervention and control group shows that there was no significant differences between the pre-test score of intervention group and control group (table 5). disscussion most of the research subject were the diabetes patient involved in prolanis group in three heath centers in bandung. the distribution of subject related to the severity of dm in pre-test (baseline) were in the medium category for both intervention group (51.5%) and control group (45.9%). the result of t-test between intervention and control group shows that there is a significant difference between the intervention group and control group. after intervention, there is a significant knowledge improvement for both of intervention groups. there is score improvement related to perception of the dm severity for 1-1.2 points. the score of the dm severity perception in post-test is different significantly between the intervention groups. the score of improvement in perception of dm severity score, the intervention group is higher 0.2 points in comparison with the control group, with most of the subjects are in the high category (93.9%) while in the control group only 37.8% who are in the high category. the education media is a helping tool to deliver nutritional and health information easier. the media could prevent a misperception, give brief information, and easier to give understanding (arsyad 2009; fitriani 2011). similar to the dm severity perception, in general, there is a positive improvement on the dm medication expectancy from baseline to end line. however, some statements were responded by the subject inaccurately that causes the post-test score is lower that the pre-test score. one of those is the low understanding on dm medication expectancy that only through medicine, not holistically in five pillars of dm management and have boredom in doing dm diet. it might be because the subject experience a boredom in medication and have an inaccurate perception in dm medication, where the medication only relies on medicine and perceives if http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index table 3. subject distr ibution based on sever ity per ception of dm severity of dm intervention control total p value n (%) n (%) n (%) pre-test low 2 (6.1) 6 (16.2) 8 (11.4) medium 17(51.5) 17 (45.9) 34 (48.6) high 14(42.4) 14 (37.8) 28 (40.0) score (average±sd) 6.2±1.3 5.9±1.5 6.0±1.5 0.3621 post-test low 1 (3.0) 1 (16.2) 2 (2.9) medium 1(3.0) 12 (45.9) 13 (18.6) high 31(93.9) 24 (37.8) 55 (78.6) score (average±sd) 7.6±0.8 6.9±1.1 7.2±1.0 0.0021 delta (post-test – pre-test) 1.42 1 1.2 0.043 p value 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 1 significant if p<0.05 with t-test intervention and control group table 4. distr ibution of subject based on the per ception medication expectancy of dm intervencontrol total p value n (%) n (%) n (%) pre-test low 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) medium 11(33.3) 22 (59.5) 33 (47.1) high 22 (66.7) 15 (40.5) 37 (52.9) score (average±sd) 16.0±1.4 15.4±1.5 15.7±1.5 0.0621 post-test low 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) medium 2 (6.1) 7(18.9) 9(12.9) high 31 (93.9) 30(81.1) 61(87.1) score (average±sd) 17.8±1.4 16.8±1.6 17.3±1.6 0.0051 delta (post-test – pre-test) 1.8 1.4 1.6 0.230 p value 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 1 significant if p<0.05 with t-test between the intervention nd control group 2 significant if p<0.05 with paired t-test (wilcoxon) table 5. distr ibution of subject based on pr actice of practice of eating habit intervention control total p value n (%) n (%) n (%) pre-test disobedient 17 (51.5) 24 (64.9) 41 (58.6) obedient 16 (48.5) 13 (35.1) 29 (41.4) score (average±sd) 0.5±0.5 0.4±0.5 0.4±0.5 0.2611 post-test disobedient 12 (36.4) 21 (56.8) 33(47.1) obedient 21 (63.6) 16 (43.2) 37(52.9) score (average±sd) 0.6±0.5 0.4±0.5 0.5±0.5 0.091 delta (post-test – pre-test) 0.1 0 0 0.359 p value 0.0252 0.0832 0.052 1 significant if p<0.05 with t-test between the intervention and control group doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19514 ides haeruman, et.al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) 215 medication only could heal dm totally. the low number of subject 60.6% on the subject from intervention group and 35.1% from control group who answered that medicine only could control the blood glucose level was caused by the inaccurate understanding in managing dm where the patients really rely on medication. most of the subjects, before intervention, were in the medium, high category for medication expectancy of dm for both intervention and control groups (table 4). similar to the perception of the severity of dm, the significant result of pre-test (baseline) and post-test (end line) between intervention group shows that nutrition educations, through android application media or counseling, give a positive impact on the improvement of dm medication expectancy score. however, it cannot be seen which intervention method that is better in giving contribution on the improvement of the dm medication expectancy perception. the improvement of the subject behavior related to the perception of medication expectancy shows a significant result for both intervention group. similar to the severity perception of dm, the significant result of t-test in pre-test (baseline) and post-test (end line) between intervention groups shows that nutrition educations, through android application or counseling, give positive impacts on the improvement of score of dm medication expectancy perception. however, it cannot be seen which method that has a better contribution on the improvement of the perception of dm medication expectancy. the improvement of subject attitude related to the perception of dm medication expectancy shows significant result for both intervention groups. the measurement of eating habit practice in posttest (end line) showed a significant improvement 0.1 point for intervention group, while for the control group did not have score improvement. the result of the t-test between intervention groups showed a significant difference between intervention groups for eating habit practice score. although nutrition education intervention through application media gives a little better improvement compared to counseling media, but, statistically the difference was not significant (p=0.359). the significant difference in pre-test (baseline) and post-test (end line) between intervention group shows nutrition education through android application gave a positive impact on the improvement of eating habit practice, while in the control group statistically did not have changes or intervention on control group did not give any influences. although intervention method on application group give a good result, however it cannot be seen which method that give better contribution on the eating habit practice. it is related to the statement of andragogy behavior changes reaction caused by intervention (counseling) on adults could be assessed after one month. the changes on eating behavior is the improvement of knowledge, attitude, and practice in the diet management that is needed to control blood glucose level (thaha 2003). in the process of behavior changes, it should be considered that the knowledge change to attitude and to practice is not a linear line. the change of knowledge to attitude is affected by perception related to the problem and the changes. if the attitude has changed, it is the predisposition for behavior changes (ngatimin 2005). after intervention, there was an improvement on eating habit score for intervention group while for the control group statistically did not experience changes. this result is relevant with the research that showed intervention had a positive impact on some clinical results and self-efficacy. however, the clinical management technology should be made friendlier for the users before a larger trial phase ii is conducted (faridi et al. 2008; quinn et al. (2008). conclusion the nutritional education media based on application with dm diet material through health believe model successfully improved the perception score of dm severity (22.9%), perception of dm medication expectancy (11.3%), eating habit practice (20%), and the decrease of fasting blood glucose level (0.1%) from the baseline. in compare with the control group, the improvement of perception of dm severity score is different significantly. however, in the dm medication variable, the practice of eating habit, and the fasting blood glucose level check are not different significantly. therefore, it indicates that dm diet intervention gives positive impacts on the score improvement of all research variables. the nutrition education with application media should be conducted continuously to have a http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19514 ides haeruman, et.al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) 216 change on behavior and eating habit practice that would give benefits in controlling fasting blood glucose level of diabetes patients. references arsyad a. 2009. media pembelajaran. jakarta (id): raja rafindo persada. faridi z, liberti l, shuval k, northrup v, ali a, katz dl. 2008. evaluating the impact of mobile telephone technology on type 2 diabetic patients’ selfmanagement: the niche pilot study. j eval clin pract. 14(3): 465–469 fitriani s. 2011. promosi kesehatan. yogyakarta (id): graha ilmu. forjuoh sn, bolin jn, huber jc, john chj, ann vm, omolola ae, janet hw, dawn bs, anne r. 2014. behavioural and technological interventions targeting glycemic control in a racially/ethnically diverse population: a randomized controlled trial. j bmc public health. 14: 71. 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padillah*, yunyun yudiana, tite juliantine sekolah pasca sarjana, universitas pendidikan indonesia article info article history : received december 2019 revised december 2019 accepted february 2020 available online april 2020 keywords : cooperative learning type tgt, peer teaching, social skills, volleyball games performance abstrak tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran koopertif learning tipe tgt dan peer teaching terhadap keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bola voli, pengaruh model pembelajaran koopertif learning tipe tgt dan peer teaching terhadap keterampilan sosial, serta model pembelajaran koopertif learning tipe tgt dan peer teaching terhadap keterampilan bermain bola voli. metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode quasi experiment. desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pretest-postest group design dalam penelitian ini, populasi yang diambil adalah siswa sman 1 garawangi di kabupaten kuningan kelas sepuluh dengan total siswa 360 orang. teknik pengambilan sampel menggunaka cluster random sampling yang menghasilkan sebanyak 40 orang siswa, 22 laki laki, 18 perempuan. instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket keterampilan sosial yaitu social scale system (ssrs), dan instrumen penilaian keterampilan bermain bola voli dengan menggunakan gpai (game performance assessment instrument). kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran koopertif learning tipe tgt dan peer teaching terhadap keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bola voli, terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran koopertif learning tipe tgt dan peer teaching terhadap keterampilan sosial, terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran koopertif learning tipe tgt dan peer teaching terhadap keterampilan bermain bola voli. abstract the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the tgt type cooperative learning model and peer teaching learning model on social skills and volleyball games performance, the effect of the tgt type cooperative learning model and peer teaching learning model on social skills, as well as the tgt type cooperative learning model and peer teaching learning model on volleyball games performance. the research method used in this study was the quasi experimental method. the design used in this study was a pre-test-post-test group design. in this study, the population taken were 360 students at sman 1 garawangi in kuningan district. the sampling technique used cluster random sampling involving 40 students (22 males; 18 females). the instruments used in this study were the social skills questionnaire, namely the social scale system (ssrs), and the volleyball games performance assessment instrument by using the game performance assessment instrument (gpai). the conclusion of this study states that there is an effect of the tgt type cooperative learning model and peer teaching learning model on social skills and volleyball games performance; there is an effect of the tgt type cooperative learning model and peer teaching learning model on social skills; and there is an effect of the tgt type learning model and peer teaching learning model on volleyball games performance. ,  correspondence address : jln. dr. setiabudhi 229, bandung, indonesia e-mail : adepadillah01@gmail.com http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 36 ade padillah, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) introduction a learning model is one of the main components that can create an active, innovative, creative, and fun learning atmosphere. an interesting learning model will foster student interest in ongoing subjects so that the interests of these students will lead to the maximum achievement of their learning outcomes. cooperative learning is not a model itself. it is a set of teaching strategies that share major attributes. the most important thing in this strategy is grouping students into learning teams to determine the amount of time or assignment in the hope that all students will contribute to the learning process and results (metzer, 2000). referring to the term, cooperative learning refers to an educational method where students work together in small groups to achieve common goals and take responsibility for their own learning and are responsible for others’ (afzali, 2011). besides, cooperative learning is an instruction format in which students work together in small, structured, heterogeneous groups to master the lesson. students are not only responsible for learning the material, but also for helping their groups in the learning process (dyson & rubin, 2003). the tgt (teams games tournament) is one of the cooperative learning models that is easy to conduct and involves all students in the activities without any difference in status, encourages the role of students as peer tutors and contains elements of play and reinforcement (sinaga, 2012). tgt is a cooperative learning model which is the advanced level of the stad (student team-achievement division). the tgt learning model is a type of cooperative learning that assigns students in learning groups consisting of 5-6 persons regardless of their abilities, tribes, and races (isjoni., 2010). tgt can add the dimension of excitement obtained from the use of games in the learning instructions, so that most teachers prefer tgt because of the fun factor in the implementation of learning activities (slavin, 2005). peer teaching is a learning model using an approach where a student explains a material to other peers of the same age, in which he or she has more knowledge than their peers (juliantine, 2013). previous research related to peer teaching with the title student's perspectives on direct, peer, and inquiry teaching strategies concluded that in the social aspect, students who were given a peer teaching model were excited because they could work together with their group friends (dyson, 2002). the peer teaching model is based on the trade-offs received to help reduce the problem of teacher's lack of observation of practice and limited feedback received by students. students learn with their own groups to find solutions on each assignment given by the teacher in the physical education learning process (rink, 1993). peer teaching is an instructional strategy that transfers the teacher's responsibility to students in giving instructions (metzer, 2000). in peer teaching, there are socalled tutors to help the learning instructions. in the learning process, students and tutors are involved in a teaching-learning scene where the students ask what they don't understand, and the tutor has the task of guiding students to be able to improve their learning abilities by following the teacher's direction. metzler also mentioned that tutors must pay attention to the presentation tasks and the structure of the tasks given by the teacher, have good concentration when observing the students, and have good verbal communication skills when giving encouragement and feedback. social skills include the ability to communicate, establish relationships with others, respect oneself and others, listen to the opinions and complaints of others, give and receive criticism, contribute and receive opinions, work together in groups and develop leadership discussions (cartledge, g., milburn j, 1992). in cooperative learning, students are not only responsible for the content of learning but to help their group of friends to be able to understand the material as well (chaohui, wang. lin, lu. & qiaoyun, 2012). sports and physical education represent components in a global education where children can grow and evolve, develop physical, psychological, and social abilities (dacica, 2015). the implementation of cooperative learning showed an increase in social skills and attitudes compared to the control group that was not given the cooperative learning model as follows, interpersonal behavior, personal behavior, behaviors related to academic success in peer acceptance, and communication skills. in this study, social skills consisted of the indicators of cooperativeness, assertion, empathy, and self-control copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 37 (goudas & magotsiou, 2009). in this study, students learned to pass the ball using peer teaching models. the results showed significant outcomes for the students in mastering upper-passing skills in volleyball (ayvazo & ward, 2009). in volleyball games, a player must pay attention and have some basic techniques that must be mastered, including service, passing, smash, and block. methods the experimental method was administered in this study with a pretest-postest group design. a total of 360 x grade students of sman 1 garawangi were taken as the study population. later, a cluster random sampling technique was administered in determining the sample for the purposes of the study. the subjects were given treatment by tgt cooperative learning and peer teaching models. the instrument used in this study was the social scale system (ssrs) (gresham, f. m. dan elliott, 1990), and the volleyball game performance assessment instruments using the gpai (game performance assessment instrument). hypothesis testing in this study employed a one-way manova test. result and discussion table 1 showed the research results of tgt cooperative learning where obtained volleyball game performance with an average of 79.05 and social skills on average 16. in peer teaching models, it was obtained volleyball game performance with an average of 49.3 and average social skills was 25.3. table 2 revealed the results of the multivariate significance test. the results of the analysis showed that the f class worth for pillae traice, wilk lambda, hotelling’s trace, and roy’s largest root had a significance value of 0,000 <0.05. this indicated that the f worth for pillae traice, wilk lambda, hotelling’s trace, and roy’s largest root were all significant. thus, it could be concluded that there was a significant influence of the model variables on volleyball game performance and the social skills of the students. the same table also portrayed a relationship between the tgt cooperative learning model and the peer teaching model with volleyball game performance by a significance value of 0,005 < 0,05. in addition, there is also a relationship between tgt type cooperative learning models and peer teaching models with students' social skills as indicated by the value sig. 0,000 <0.05. so, it could be concluded that there was a significant influence between the variables of the tgt cooperative learning model and the peer teaching model on volleyball game performance and the social skills of students. the results of hypothesis testing showed that the cooperative learning model has an influence on student’s volleyball game performance and social skills. the researcher examined the theory of the tgt cooperative learning models (lavasani, afzali, borhanzadeh, afzali, & davoodi, 2011) and it was found that the cooperative learning model has a greater influence on students' social skills compared to traditional models (sinaga,2012). copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 model mean std. deviation n volleyball game performance tgt 79.05 32.963 20 peer teaching 49.30 29.644 20 total 64.18 34.415 40 social skills tgt 16.00 6.358 20 peer teaching 25.30 5.620 20 total 20.65 7.567 40 table 1. data descr iption of volleyball game per for mance and social skill test results table 2. data multivar iate test result s effect value f hypothesis df error df sig. intercept pillai's trace .938 2.798e2 a 2.000 37.000 .000 wilks' lambda .062 2.798e2 a 2.000 37.000 .000 hotelling's trace 15.1 2.798e2 a 2.000 37.000 .000 roy's largest root 15.1 2.798e2 a 2.000 37.000 .000 model pillai's trace .499 18.400 a 2.000 37.000 .000 wilks' lambda .501 18.400 a 2.000 37.000 .000 hotelling's trace .995 18.400 a 2.000 37.000 .000 roy's largest root .995 18.400 a 2.000 37.000 .000 ade padillah, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 38 there was an effect of cooperative learning and peer teaching model on social skills in volleyball games (lavin, 2005). several research reported on the effects of cooperative learning on implicitly impressive student achievement (joyce, 2000). the development of the social skills of students has been recognized as a fundamental element for achieving academic achievement and good work. the tgt cooperative learning model can motivate students to be able to learn skills in playing and learning. furthermore, in the research conducted, it was figured out that in the motoric context, the tgt cooperative model affected skills that were thoroughly learned (callado, n.d.). in the social aspect, the students who were given peer teaching treatment showed excitement because they could work together with their group friends (metzer, 2000). in addition, they showed an increase in social skills and attitudes compared to the control groups that were not given cooperative learning treatment. in this study, the students learned to upper-pass volleyball using the peer teaching model, and it resulted in significant outcomes in mastering the upper-passing skills (ayvazo & ward, 2009). conclusion the tgt cooperative learning and peer teaching models significantly affected students’ volleyball game performance and social skills at sman 1 garawangi. the tgt cooperative learning model could motivate students to be able to learn skills in volleyball. this cooperative model had a positive impact on the developmental level of the students, such as being quicker and more precise in executing task assignments, being able to work well together, aware for others, trusting each other, accepting the views of others, encouraging other students to throw questions, and improving listening skills and communication skills. references ayvazo, s., & ward, p. c. 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(2005). cooperative learning: theory, research, and practice. london: allymand bacon. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 ade padillah, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 70 jpjo 5 (1) (2020) 70-75 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga available online at: https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/article/view/23393 doi: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpjo.v5i1.23393 the implementation of tactical approach in developing football games performance and understanding of junior high school students sucipto*, beltasar tarigan, amung mamun, yunyun yudiana, oom rohmah, agus gumilar, burhan hambali sekolah pasca sarjana, universitas pendidikan indonesia article info article history : received december 2019 revised december 2019 accepted february 2020 available online april 2020 keywords : understanding, football, games performance, tactical approach abstrak tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah mengimplementasikan pendekatan taktis terhadap pengembangan pemahaman dan keterampilan bermain sepak bola siswa smp. metode yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan rancangan pretest posttest control group design. melibatkan dua kelompok, yaitu satu kelompok eksperimen dengan intervensi pendekatan taktis dan satu kelompok dengan intervensi pendekatan teknis (tradisional) terhadap pengembangan pemahaman dan keterampilan bermain sepakbola siswa smp. terdapat dua instrument yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu (1) instrument kognisi jenis multiple choise pada tingkat kesukaran c1 sampai dengan c3 yang akan digunakan untuk mengukur pemahaman siswa dalam permbelajaran bermain sepak bola, (2) instrument tes keterampilan bermain sepakbola dengan menggunakan game permomance assessment instrumen (gpai). penelitian akan dilakukan pada siswa-siswi smp dilingkungan kota bandung. semua data yang diperoleh akan analisis dengan menggunakan teknik manova satu jalur yang bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh antar kelompok baik pada pengembangan pemahaman dan kesenangan secara bersama-sama maupun masing-masing variabel. berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi pendekatan taktis memberikan pengaruh terhadap pemahaman siswa dalam pembalajaran sepak bola dan berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan bermain sepak bola siswa dalam pembelajaran sepak bola. abstract the main objective of this research is the implementation of tactical approaches towards developing junior high school students' understanding and skills in playing football. the method that is used in this research is to experiment with the pretest-posttest control group design. this research involves two groups, the first-named an experimental group with a tactical approach intervention and the second group with a technical (traditional) approach to the development of junior high school students understanding and playing skills. two instruments are used in this study, the first is multiple -choice cognition instruments at the level of difficulty c1 to c3 which are used to measure students' understanding in playing football, the second is instruments to test playing football skills using game performance instrument assessment (gpai). the research will be conducted on junior high school students in bandung city. all data obtained will be analyzed using the one-way manova technique which aims to see the influence between groups both on developing understanding and enjoyment together as well as each variable. based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that implementation of tactical approaches gives an influence on students' understanding in playing football lessons and gives influence to the students games performance in playing football.  correspondence address : jln. dr. setiabudhi 229, bandung, indonesia e-mail : pjkr.sucipto@upi.edu http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 71 sucipto, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) introduction the main problem that is a challenge for physical education teachers is the low professionalism of physical education teachers itself, so that physical education teachers are regarded as a non-professional skill. physical education in schools has not yet generated the expected learning process by curriculum objectives so that the field of physical education studies is still considered less useful compared to other fields of study. first, in general, physical education teachers are only able to apply physical fitness learning to students, but what remains a weakness for physical education teachers is how to implement physical education curriculum into the learning process. physical education teachers usually focus their learning only on the achievement of psychomotor aspects or aspects of achievement in sports, consequently other aspects such as cognitive and affective are ignored. thus, the curriculum targets that should develop the three aspects of physical education learning such as cognitive, affective, and psychomotor are not achieved optimally. it will have an impact on physical education learning. students do not feel comfortable, bored, and students feel forced to follow it or just to fulfill their presence in physical education learning. sometimes, students get annoyed and bored having to wait too long to get their turn to do the activities instructed by the teacher in physical education learning. the phenomenon in physical education today, many children are reluctant to take physical education lessons because they seem boring and tedious (l. brown & grineski, 1992). there are still many physical education teachers in the physical education learning process inviting anxiety in students, frightening, to the point that values are used as a form of threat to follow physical education learning. in fact, one of the physical education missions (pe) is the promotion of pleasant physical activity participation (prochaska, sallis, slymen, & mckenzie, 2003). the learning approach that is often applied by teachers in learning physical education, especially game activities such as football, is generally a technical and tactical approach. there are two models of approaches in implementation of game learning in physical education in schools, the technical approach and tactical approach (griffin l. l., mitchel, stephen a., and oslin, 1997). the tactical approach is classified as an alternative approach to the technical approach applied recently by physical education teachers. it is because of students' awareness in understanding the concept of the game itself must first be understood. the tactical approach also applies the stages in game learning, regarding the stages of the tactical approach. the children are involved in a simple game, the mastery of basic techniques based on needs, the children are involved in the actual game and they solve the tactical problems in the game (grifin et al., 1997). in the tactical approach embraces the stars "games-drill-games" and "important questions".the linkage of the steps to the strategy in a tactical approach can be explained that in the first stage (games) children are presented with a simple form of play (grifin et al., 1997). from the description above, important questions are given when there are obstacles to playing caused by a lack of mastery of techniques in the game and also to detect students' understanding in following the game. after knowing the stages and strategies for applying the tactical approach, then how do they apply to junior high school-age children? this can be seen from the growth and development of students and the types of sports they are interested in. physical activity that is in great demand is the game, and the game tends to be a sports game (jen doyle, 2002: 5). for this reason, the writer tries to raise a central theme in this study whose purpose is to find out the development of understanding and skill of playing football in junior high school students through the implementation of the tactical approach. methods the research method used in this study is an experiment with pretest posttest control group design (johnson & christensen, 2012; astuti, prasetyo & rahayu, 2012). the use of the experimental method is assumed because basically, the main objective of this study is to find out the influence of the tactical approach on pleasure in learning football. two groups will be used as subjects in the study for the research. research subject the research subjects used in this study are junior high school students in bandung city with cluster rancopyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 72 dom sampling techniques that refer to two sampling techniques namely random selection and random assignment (johnson & christensen, 2012; ali, 2011), it is based on research needs that require facilities and infrastructures in schools that will become a place of the research, especially infrastructure facilities related to learning football. the subjects used in this study are 56 students divided into 28 male students and 28 female students. instrument two instruments are used in this research. understanding development instruments,and playing football skills. to measure the level of students' ability to understand and analyze football games, use measurements through tests by giving questions about playing football. assessment of a student's playing appearance basically requires careful observation while the game is in progress. to assist teachers in observing and registering the player's performance behavior as the game progresses, griffin, oslin, & mitchell (1995), have created an assessment instrument called the game performance assessment instrument (gpai). aspects observed in gpai include behavior that reflects a player's ability to solve tactical problems in the game of football by making decisions, making moves that are appropriate to the demands of the game situation, implementing the type of skill chosen. the advantage of gpai is its flexibility. physical education teachers can determine for themselves what components need to be observed that are adjusted to what is the core of the lesson to be given at that time. for example, in football learning, physical education teachers only take a few components, such as decision making, skill execution, and support components. while the other components are considered sufficiently represented. ideally in learning games, physical education teachers should take all the components available, it will complete the ability of students to display the game. result descriptive statistics in providing a general description of the data that has been obtained from the measurement results, the data will be processed and analyzed using descriptive statistics, it is intended to see the actual condition of the data on the average value and standard deviation. the results of the descriptive statistical analysis will be presented in table 1 below: the results of the analysis obtains the average value of the results of the understanding variable (y1) obtains the average data and the standard deviation of the initial measurements (pre-test) in the technical group (m = 11.04; sd = 3.62) and tactical groups (m = 11.39; sd = 1.89); while the variables of football playing skills (y2) obtain the mean and sd in the technical group (m = 6.67; sd = 1.18) and the tactical group (m = 6.64; sd = 0.99). then in the post test measurements after treatment, the mean and sd values are obtained in the understanding variable of technical groups (m = 12.50; sd = 3.53) and tactical groups (m = 13.82; sd = 2.40); whereas in the football playing skill variable (y2), the mean and sd are obtained in the technical group (m = 9.13; sd = 1.54) and the tactical group (m = 13.10; sd = 3.35). while in the gain data or the difference between the pre-test and post-test values, the mean and sd values are obtained in the technical group understanding variable (m = 1.46; sd = 1.64) and tactical group (m = 2.43; sd = 1, 29); while the variables of football playing skills (y2) obtained the mean and sd in the technical group (m = 2.46; sd = 2.09) and the tactical group (m = 6.46; sd = 3.63). hypothesis testing conducted in this study is examining the comparison of two averages between tactical and technical groups on the understanding and skills copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 groups pre-test post-test gain mean sd mean sd mean sd understanding (y1) technical approach 56 11.0 4 3.6 12.5 3.5 1.46 1.6 tactical approach 56 11.3 9 1.8 13.8 2.4 2.43 1.2 fooball playing skills (y2) technical approach 56 6.67 1.1 9.13 1.5 2.46 2.0 tactical approach 56 6.64 0.9 13.1 3.3 6.46 3.6 total table 1. descr iptive statistics table measur ement results sucipto, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 73 of playing football, therefore, the independent sample t -test is conducted to test the comparison between groups. based on the results of the analysis of the independent sample t test, the understanding variable obtained t value of -1.64 and significant at 0.05 (0.05 ≤ 0.05) with a mean difference of -1.32. this shows that there are significant differences between tactical and technical groups to the understanding. judging from the mean difference obtained by a difference of -1.32, meaning that the tactical group proved to have a higher and more significant effect than the technical group on student understanding. in other words, the implementation of the tactical approach influences students' understanding of football learning. whereas the variable in playing football skills obtained t value of -5.71 and significant at 0.00 (0.00 ≤ 0.05) with a mean difference of -3.97. it shows that there are significant differences between tactical and technical groups on football playing skills. judging from the mean difference obtained by a difference of 3.97, it means that the tactical group is proven to have a higher and significant effect than the technical group on football playing skills. in other words, the implementation of the tactical approach gives an influence on the basic skills of playing football students in football learning. discussion the purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of a tactical approach to the understanding and skills of playing football. the results showed that the tactical group proved to have a higher and more significant effect than the technical group on student understanding. this means that the implementation of the tactical approach affects increasing student understanding in football learning. concerning the level of understanding, approaches that develop students' level of understanding, summaries derived from several expert opinions, explain that the tactical approach is a learning model that aims to deliver children to the initial situation of the game in the learning process to gain knowledge (declarative and procedural) through opportunities in tactical decision making (o'connor, 2006). besides, game learning using the tactical approach model is an effective method of decision making in sports games and should be used as the main objective in learning sports games (turner, 1995). this approach emphasizes game appreciation and tactical awareness as the basis for making decisions in the game and developing the skills needed (brooker, kirk, braiuka, & bransgrove, 2000). also, the key to the learning approach in game sports is the tactical approach or game sense (cushion, 2002). several studies conducted by stuart allison and rod thorpe add to evidence that tactical approaches are more effective in developing advanced physical education students than traditional skills approaches (allison & thorpe, 1997). implications of teaching a game through a tactical approach developing critical understanding and effective responses to the reality and dynamics of the complexity copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 levene's test for equality of variances t-test for equality of means f sig. t df sig. (2 tailed) mean difference std. error differenc equal variances assumed 7.15 0.10 -1.64 54 0. 05 -1.32 0.80 understanding equal variances not assumed -1.64 47.59 0.05 -1.32 0.80 equal variances assumed 14.46 0.00 -5.71 54 0.00 -3.97 0.69 skills equal variances not assumed -5.71 37.93 0.00 -3.97 0.69 table 2. compar ison test of two aver age (independent sample t test) sucipto, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 74 of the situation and the development of a game; have the pedagogical character in developing learning situations; describe broad scope in learning strategies (such as critical thinking, interpersonal communication, reflective analysis, goal setting, cooperative learning, participatory experiences, and problem solving) (autumn, 2007). if this tactical approach is a new physical education program, then a realistic game activity plan can be arranged together. physical education teachers need to provide opportunities for students to feel a variety of positions in each learning game so that they can understand their role in the team. through a tactical approach as a whole can learn to put themselves in all positions and develop the right playing skills in his team by the rules of the game itself. activities in the form of a tactical approach can be used as a strategy in learning or training to be planned as a strategy for future game activities. besides, the evidence of tactical groups has a higher and more significant influence than the technical groups on football playing skills, which means that the implementation of the tactical approach influences the basic skills of playing football students in football lessons supporting some of the previous studies that have been studied relating with the expected approach in game learning materials, at the practical level two approaches are often applied, named the technical and tactical approaches. implementation of game learning in physical education in schools there are two approaches, the tactical approach and the technical approach (grifin et al., 1997). both of these approaches lead to the game. the difference between the two approaches lies in the stages of learning. the technical approach prioritizes skills to go to a game. a skills learning approach that emphasizes mastery of basic techniques first before playing patterns (grifin et al., 1997). while the tactical approach emphasizes the understanding of the concept of play before the actual game, techniques are taught based on the needs in the game. the tactical approach model is a game learning model that aims to increase student awareness about the concept of play through the application of appropriate techniques according to the problem or situation in the game (grifin et al., 1997). however, concerning the pleasure of participating in learning football. learning the game through a tactical approach will gain excitement, excitement, and motivation (grifin, mitchel, & oslin, 2006). likewise in the teaching perspective, the tactical approach has two main assumptions that are carried out to increase greater interest and excitement for students (gubacs-collins, 2007). to the skill of playing football, the results of the analysis in this study support and line with several previous studies, the technical approach is often referred to as the traditional approach, which is more oriented towards the achievement of technical playing skills (tomolyus, 2001 :). from the results of previous research on technical and tactical approaches illustrates the effect of technical and tactical approaches on the basic technical skills of football games for 1 kotabumi jhs students approaching 60 students, with the conclusion that there is a significant difference between the final test results in the technical approach group and the tactical approach group towards basic movement skills in football (supriyanto, 2017). in addition, the tactical approach can improve results better than the technical approach of both men and women (herwanto, 2015). furthermore, some research has provided his views on the answers to the challenges of the technical approach (j. rink, french, & b tjeerdsma, 1996; a. turner & t martinek 1992; a. turner, 1993), and concentrated more on the results of cognitive-psychomotor learning (holt, strean, & bengoechea, 2002). learning sports games through a tactical approach can help students in making tactics and strategy decisions when playing games (a. p. turner, 1995). " another case with ap turner, allison, & pissanos, (2001) in his writings mandigo, james, & nicholas l holt, (2004) concluded that the tactical approach is useful in teaching hockey games for junior high school students or ages between 11-13 years, learning by using a tactical approach is proven to gain skills in tactics and hockey playing techniques. conclusion the implementation of the tactical approach influences students' understanding of football learning. the implementation of the tactical approach influences the students' games performance in playing football learning. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 sucipto, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 75 acknowledgement we would like to deliver our gratitude to lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (lppm) upi as the funding source of the study. we would also deliver our sincere gratitude to all participants who had involved in the study. references allison, s., & thorpe, r. 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(1992). a comparative analysis of two models for teaching games: technique approach and game-centred (tactical focus) approach. international journal of physical education, 29, 15–31. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 sucipto, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 55 jpjo 4 (1) (2019) 55-61 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index psychological skills characteristics of athletics, weightlifting, cycling, swimming, and waterskiing athletes based on the medal achievements in the 2017 sea games ipa sari kardi sekolah tinggi ilmu kesehatan aisyiyah surakarta, indonesia article info article history : received august 2018 revised october2018 accepted march 2019 available online april 2019 keywords : characteristics of psychological skills, achievements of sea games athletes abstrak tujuan penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan karakteristik keterampilan psikologis atlet cabang olahraga atletik, angkat besi, balap sepeda, renang dan ski air ditinjau dari prestasi di sea games 2017 berdasarkan perolehan medali. menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode ex post facto dengan desian penelitian yaitu a restrospective causal-comparative design. sampel penelitian berjumlah 36 atlet dari lima cabang olahraga yang memperoleh medali baik emas, perak dan perunggu. variabel dalam penelitian ini yaitu karakteristik psikologis yang meliputi, aspek motivasi, percaya diri, kontrol kecemasan, persiapan mental, pentingnya tim, dan konsentrasi. pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen the psychological skills inventory for sports. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa atlet cabang olahraga atletik memiliki karakteristik keterampilan psikologis lebih tinggi dari cabang olahraga lainnya dengan perolehan tiga medali emas. sedangkan atlet cabang olahraga balap sepeda memiliki karakteristik keterampilan psikologis lebih rendah dari cabang olahraga lainnya dengan maksimal memperoleh dua medali perak. abstract the purpose of this study was to describe the mental skill characteristics of athletics, weightlifting, cycling, swimming, and waterskiing athletes based on medal achievements in the 2017 sea games. the study was a quantitative research with an ex-post facto method with retrospective causal-comparative design. the sample of the study were 36 athletes from five sports who gained gold, silver, and bronze medals. the variables of this study were psychological characteristics including the aspects of motivation, confidence, anxiety control, mental preparation, team emphasis, and concentration. data collection used the psychological skills inventory for sports as the instrument. the results of the study show that athletes in athletic sports, who received three gold medals, had higher psychological skill characteristics than other sports. meanwhile, athletes in cycling sports had lower mental skills than other sports, with a maximum gain of two silver medals.  correspondence address : jl. ki hajar dewantara no. 10 surakarta , indonesia e-mail : ipaatletikteam@gmail.com issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.12452 56 ipa sari kardi / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) introduction it is what is in the spotlight now is indonesia's sporting achievements at the sea games. things like those in sports become more complex, which can do, can be done to go in a more alarming direction. three main challenges must be considered in games, to improve indonesian skills, make sports an instrument of development, and decentralise sports development (kristiyanto, 2012). at present, it cannot deny that sport has become a public concern, not only from sports society but the attention to sports began to emerge from the bureaucracy, politics, business people, intellectuals and even the general public. it happens because sports cover many things in various fields of life. games as a global phenomenon related to all aspects of life such as politics, economics, religion, social, education and culture play an important role in solving the problems of life and life (husdarta, 2011). sports achievements have been explained in law no. 3 of 2005 article 1 paragraph (13) that, sports achievement is a sport that fosters and develops sportsmen in a planned, tiered, and sustainable manner through competitions to achieve success with the support of sports science and technology (undang-undang republik indonesia, 2005). sports performance is a very complex action that depends on many factors. various studies prove that for achievement in sports, one of them is determined by the support of science and technology (science and technology), because success is a parameter of the progress of sports development in a country. sportsman is a complex total psychophysical system (sukadiyanto, 2005). that is, humans are composed of elements of the soul and body, and then sports achievement is the actualisation of the accumulation of a combination of training results, physical and psychological potential. he further explained that physical factors, techniques, tactics and psychological aspects play a crucial role in supporting sports achievement, in other words, the accomplishment of performance in the field of sports is an accumulative result of various elements that help the realisation of success. an elite athlete is a rare combination of talent, hard work and the right psychological profile (widohardhono, 2014). in simple terms, it can be interpreted that elite athletes are a rare combination of talent, hard work and the right psychological profile. based on the history and available data, indonesia's achievements in the sea games are quite good, when compared to several other asean member countries. it found on data that indonesia has participated in the sea games 21 times and won the overall ten times throughout its participation. but gradually, indonesia's achievements in the sea games suffered a decline. even the last few years, namely in the 2015 xxvii sea games in singapore, indonesia was only able to finish in the fifth position, this made indonesia failed to meet the government's target, in this case, was kemenpora. even so, the results of the 2017 sea games in malaysia indonesia can only finish in the fifth position with 38 gold medals. it must use as an evaluation of why achievements in the sea games tend to decrease. the cause of the low achievement of athletes is not single, but rather multifactorial, even so, i argue that cultural factors that are core to mental attitudes, habits, and behaviour are fundamental issues (maksum, 2007). therefore, a review of all the factors causing the decline in achievement must be carried out comprehensively, transparently and objectively, through this indepth study, meaningful feedback will be generating for the improvement of national sports guidance to the next sea games. various studies prove that success in sports is determined by, among other things, the support of science and technology. one of the help of science and technology in supporting athletes' achievements is through a psychological approach. sport and exercise psychology is the scientific study of people and their behaviours in sport and exercise activities and the practical application of that knowledge (weinberg & gould, 2011). sports psychology is a field of psychology in sports settings to boost the quality of the athlete's personality and individual performance, characterized by some interactions with other individuals and external situations that stimulate it. the psychological characteristics of athletes are the main elements of mental aspects that must be known and considered as the basis for the appearance of achieving the top achievements in various events, including the sea games. sports coaches and coaches in indonesia need to be aware of the importance of these mental aspects in achievement sports coaching. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.12452 57 therefore psychic training for athletes needs to be prepared for a long period as well as physical training, techniques and tactics. hopefully this can improve the athlete's performance. psychological factors are one thing that needs to be prepared carefully. as with physical skills, psychological skills such as maintaining and focusing attention, setting arousal levels, increasing confidence, and maintaining the motivation of athletes also need to be systematically trained (weinberg & gould, 2011). nine mental skills that contribute to sports success: (1) choose and maintain a positive attitude, (2) maintain a high level of self-motivation, (3) set high, realistic goals, (4) deal effectively with people, (5) use positive self-talk, (6) use positive mental imagery, (7) manage anxiety effectively, (8) manage their emotions effectively, (9) maintain concentration (lesyk, 2007). an athlete needs an excellent psychological condition because by having a good mental state most likely an athlete will have psychological rigidity in each competition or championship. among the psychological characteristics of elite athletes are, commitment, internal motivation, learning capability, control, competitiveness, self-confidence, adaptability and mental toughness, (eklund dan tenenbaum, 2014). further explained that psychological profile appears to be correlated to the peak performance for most athletes. more specifically, this ideal mind/body state consists of the following: (1) feelings of high self-confidence and expectations of success, (2) being energized yet relaxed, (3) feeling in control, (4) being concentrated entirely, (5) having a keen focus on the present task, (6) having positive attitudes and thoughts about performance, and (7) being strongly determined and committed. the mental state typically associated with poorer performances in sport seems to be marked by feelings of self-doubt, lacking concentration, being distracted, being overly focused on the competition outcome or score, and feeling over or under-aroused (harmison, 2011). besides elite athletes repeatedly have to perform under high pressure, and therefore it is not surprising that psychological characteristics become their successful differentiator at the highest standards of their less successful counterparts (elferink gemser, m.t., visscher, c., and lemmink, 2005). various studies have shown the relationship and influence of psychological training programs to improve the psychological skills of athletes in helping athletes achieve optimal performance. the elite sports environment is not only viewed as the pinnacle arena for sports performers and their coaches, but also by those involved in the sports science support network who work closely with elite athletes in the build-up, preparation, and during these sports competitions (sharp, hodge, & danish, 2014). it further explained that recent research reports the perception of the effectiveness of consultation as the ability to build relationships with athletes to create positive behavioural changes, in consultation relationships that meet the needs of athletes. substantial progress has been made in recent years in identifying the characteristics and qualities needed for effective sports psychology consultation from the perspective of athletes, teams and coaches. based on this explanation the psychological aspects contribute to supporting the achievements of athletes who need to work together with the team and also the coach. it illustrates that all elements are essential to be trained and developed in preparation for sports events including psychological aspects of athletes. athletics, swimming, cycling, waterskiing and weightlifting numbers have the characteristic that the athlete does not deal directly with his opponent; the hardest opponent for athletes who pursue the branch is himself. these sports have a strategic value in sports coaching, especially in multi-game events, because they compete for a lot of medals with a relatively small number of athletes and can hold various match numbers, (ria lumintuarso, 2008). besides that, an accurate analysis system because of its objective nature and cannot be manipulated through the subjectivity of race officials. another unique thing is the limit that has been determined whether it's time, distance, or load. so that athletes try to reach or even exceed the limits set by each sport. based on this, the purpose of this study is to describe the psychological skill characteristics of athletics, weightlifting, cycling, swimming and waterskiing athletes judging from the achievement of the 2017 sea games medal. characteristics of psychological skills referred to in this paper are motivation, confidence, anxiety control mental preparation, team emphasis and concentration. the six psychological aspects will be revealed using instruments the psychological skills inventory for sport. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index ipa sari kardi / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.12452 58 method this research uses descriptive quantitative research method with an ex-post facto method with the research design that is a retrospective causalcomparative design. used to describe the characteristics of athlete's psychological skills based on the achievements of the sea games 2017 regarding gold, silver and bronze medals. the population in this study were indonesian athletes who participated in the 2017 sea games in malaysia which were determined purposively namely athletes in athletics, weightlifting, cycling (track and road race), swimming and waterskiing. sampling uses non-probability sampling with quota sampling technique. quota sampling used because conditions in the field do not allow to collect all athletes' data so that only the athletes that can be found are collected, and only athletes get gold, silver and bronze medals. the athletes as the sample of this study were aged between 17 34 years with a total of 23 male athletes and 13 female athletes, bringing the total sample to 36 athletes. data collection techniques using an instrument in the form of a questionnaire adapted from "the psychological skills inventory for sports" (mahoney, gabriel & perkin, 1987) which revealed six aspects of psychological skills with 44 questions, after validation and empirical tests obtained 38 valid statement items. data on the psychological characteristics of athletes collected in february april 2017 when the national training program (pelatnas) held before departing to compete in the 2017 sea games in malaysia. while the medal acquisition obtained from secondary data, namely the results of the sea games 2017. data analysis used descriptive statistical analysis. result psychological skills characteristics based on data analysis obtained the caracteristics of the athlete’s mental skills as follows : it is clear that a radar diagram is used to see the difference in scores for each sport. based on the data concluded that athletes athletic athletes have higher psychological skills characteristics, while athletes sporting bicycle racing have the attributes of lower mental skills. generally, sea games athletes have good psychological characteristics, but from the six psychological aspects studied, they are motivation, confidence, anxiety control, mental preparation, team importance and concentration. athletes in bicycle racing sports have lower scores than other games. therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the psychological aspects needed by athletes in every game, especially for athletes in cycling (track and road race). http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index ipa sari kardi/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.12452 tabel 1. samples no sports athlete 1 weightlifting 2 2 athletics 9 3 cycling 10 4 swimming 5 5 waterskiing 10 total 36 tabel 2. instrument the psychological skills inventory for sports variable dimensions items psychological characteristics motivation 8 confidence 7 anxiety control 7 mental preparation 6 team emphasis 4 concentration 6 total 38 tabel 3. characteristics pshycological sports psychological skil score athletics high 158.2 waterskiing high 154.8 weightlifting high 151.5 cycling high 148.8 swimming high 153 59 acquisition of 2017 sea games athlete medals medal acquisition is one of the benchmarks for achieving an exercise program that has been prepared to face an event such as the sea games. based on data from the indonesian athletes' medal in the 2017 sea games, the number of sports branches did not reach the predetermined target. in detail, pie charts are used to describe medal gains in athletics, cycling (track and road race), weightlifting, waterskiing and swimming. discussion talking about the psychological aspects of achievement motivation possessed by a person, especially an athlete has been revealed by sports psychologists. achievement motivation is a desire that exists in a person who encourages the person to try to achieve a standard or measure of excellence (rohmah, kawuryan, & ahyani, 2016). based on the data obtained by all athletes who won medals in the sea games 2017, they have very high psychological skills. it illustrates that a professional athlete needs prime motivation to reach the peak of achievement. research has revealed that motivation can influence the choice of activity, perseverance, effort in training and competition, and quality of performance (britton w. brewer, 2009). coaches identified administration, athlete motivation, colleagues, parents, professional development, time, and work–life as having the largest impact on them. in study 2, 424 coaches reporthttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index ipa sari kardi/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.12452 picture 1. characteristics psychological skill athletes sea games 2017 tabel 4. acquisition of 2017 sea games sports gold silver bronze total athletics 3 8 1 12 waterskiing 3 5 8 16 weightlifting 1 0 1 2 cycling 0 2 11 13 swimming 2 10 15 27 picture 2. gold medals picture 2. silver medals picture 3. br onze medals 60 ed on their perceptions of the factors identified in study 1 and their psychological needs, motivation, and interpersonal behaviors (rocchi & pelletier, 2017). from the results of this study, athletes in swimming and athletic sports have a high level of motivation, followed by weightlifting, waterskiing and bicycle racing. self-confidence means a sense of trust in your ability or ability to achieve specific achievements (husdarta, 2011). confidence can be considered as a soul changer because belief appears to change how athletes feel, respond, and think about everything that happens to athletes in sports (britton w. brewer, 2009). other than that athletes know two things about confidence, one, faith makes them feel bulletproof, and two, athletes also know that trust is fragile (hanrahan & andersen, 2010). based on the results of the research and the opinions of experts, it can conclude that self-confidence is one of the essential aspects that athletes need in supporting their performance both during training and during the race. from the results of the research, athletes from athletic sports have a very high category of confidence, followed by top classes in water skiing, weightlifting, swimming, and bicycle racing. anxiety is a negative emotion that can interfere with the performance of athletes in sports. but at a certain degree of concern, it can help athletes be more vigilant and able to support their achievements and must consider the nature of individuality because every individual is different and every branch of sport is separate. anxiety is defined as a negative emotional state (feeling fearful and uncomfortable, experiencing dread) characterized by nervousness, worry, and apprehension and associated with activation or arousal of the body (hanrahan & andersen, 2010). the sports arena, whether in the preparation or competition phase, anxiety will always be present and painful and even unavoidable, however, it is possible to be regulated in minimizing the exposure to stress in athletes. based on the results of the research, anxiety control athletes are in the high category in each sport with the sequence of athletics, swimming, weightlifting cycling and waterskiing. mental preparation is a person's mental state where the sources of his soul ability are the reason, will and emotion are ready to do the task according to his ability. mental readiness is an extraordinarily important factor that influences the appearance of athletes (gunarsa, 2008). the results showed that doing mental preparation did affect the performance of athletes in sports, when compared to athletes who did not mentally prepare, however, there was no consistent mental preparation technique favored (britton w. brewer, 2009). facing the match athletes must have mental readiness in addition to physical and technical readiness, and tactics. poor mental preparedness will result in athletes not being able to bear the psychological burden that they should be able to carry. based on the results of the research the mental preparation of athletes is in the high category, but there is a gradation that shows the difference in scores with the sequence of waterskiing, athletics, swimming, cycling, and weightlifting. every athlete is a member of a particular sports association, who regularly conducts training and match activities. it is in this team that each athlete gains experiences in both sports knowledge and skills. the effectiveness of a team depends on two things, namely, the skills of its members and the ability of the leader to facilitate the process (setiadi & passaribu, 2005). although sports such as weightlifting, waterskiing, swimming, cycling, and athletics are dominant on an individual basis, some numbers prevent athletes from working together on teams, such as relay running. based on the results of the research, the team emphasis is in the high category with the sequence of waterskiing, athletics, cycling, weightlifting, and swimming. concentration is such an important aspect of sports, not only during matches but also during training (satiadarma, 2000). agree with state about without question, at the top level, concentration is a big part of a player’s game, whether they’re a keeper or outfield (hanraham & andersen, 2010). concentration is the ability to maintain focus on relevant environmental cues (weinberg & gould, 2011). based on the results of a concentration study of athletes in cycling sports are in the very high category. while other games are in the top category with the order of swimming, athletics, weightlifting, and waterskiing. based on the results of the research on the psychological skills characteristics of athletes affect the medal gain in the 2017 sea games, despite the many factors that influence the achievement of athletes, the mental aspect is one of the things that need to be considered. the gold medal in the cycling sport is targeted http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index ipa sari kardi/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.12452 61 to miss the estimates set by the coach and coach. it correlates with aspects of motivation and self-confidence that need to be improved. conclusion every sport has advantages in different psychological aspects. the athletes are in cycling sports lack in the elements of motivation and confidence. water skiing athletes lack in aspects of anxiety control and concentration. athletes in weightlifting sports are lacking in the issues of mental preparation and swimming athletes requiring in the team emphasis. based on the results of the study concluded that the psychological aspects are fundamental to support athletic 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tidak terdapat korelasi dan kontribusi antara kebugaran jasmani dengan kemampuan konsentrasi pada daerah dataran rendah; terdapat korelasi negatif dan kontribusi yang signifikan antara kebugaran jasmani dengan respon kortisol di daerah dataran tinggi; terdapat korelasi negatif dan kontribusi yang signifikan antara kebugaran jasmani dengan respon kortisol di daerah dataran rendah. abstract the aim of this research was to analyze the relationship between physical fitness, concentration ability, and cortisol response as biomolecular markers in students whether they were under pressure or not. the method used in this study is an ex-post facto study for about ± 20 (twenty) months. the respondents were collected randomly based on geographic location, highland and lowland areas of various city districts in west java province. the research subjects were 339 students, 151 male and 137 female students from grades 4, 5, and 6. the results showed that there is a positive correlation and a significant contribution between physical fitness and concentration ability in students from the highlands area; there is no correlation and contribution between physical fitness with the ability to concentrate in students from the lowlands area; there is a negative correlation and a significant contribution between physical fitness and cortisol response in students from the highlands area; there is a negative correlation and a significant contribution between physical fitness and cortisol response in the students from he lowlands area.  alamat korespondensi : jl. dr. setiabui no.229 bandung, indonesia e-mail : nuryadi_71@upi.edu issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12578 © 2018 jpjo 123 nuryadi dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) pendahuluan rasa cemas bisa terjadi pada siapa saja, kapan dan dimana saja. tidak melihat usia yang terjadi, dari mulai bayi sampai dengan umur tua pun, rasa cemas akan terjadi. rasa cemas timbul dengan berbagai alasan dan tergantung dari individu masing-masing. kecemasan yang timbul adalah reaksi alamiah individu terhadap masalah yang dihadapi, hal ini di khawatirkan akan berefek negatif baik untuk untuk dirinya sendiri maupun lingkungan sekitarnya. pergaulan remaja saat ini sungguh mengkhawatirkan dan berbahaya bila dibiarkan tanpa bimbingan orang tua, guru dan lain-lain. pergaluan remaja bisa disalurkan dengan kegiatan-kegiatan positif diantranya dengan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler olahraga, seni dan lain-lain. kegiatan ekstrakurikuler merupakan kegiatan diluar sekolah yang sangat bermanfaat untuk siswa. kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang bisa diikuti oleh siswa adalah olahraga beregu yakni basket, volley, sepak bola futsal dan sebagainya, sedangkan ekstrakurikuler individu yakni karate, bulu tangkis, taekwondo, atletik dan lainlain. dengan berpartisipasi pada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler diharapkan dapat mempengaruhi terhadap peningkatan konsentrasi, seperti yang dipaparkan oleh g.trost dalam artikel yang berjudul physical education, physical activity and academic performance, disebutkan bahwa pendidikan jasmani dan aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan secara rutin akan mempengaruhi kebugaran jasmani dan prestasi belajar siswa. penelitian lain mengatakan bahwa pengaruh pendidikan jasmani dan aktivitas fisik dapat mempengaruhi prestasi akademik pada anak, penelitian ini dilakukan pada 214 anak selama 2 semester oleh dawn et al di tarleton state university. dampak aktivitas fisik dalam ektrakurikuler sebagaimana yang disampaikan dalam hasil penelitian niel egelund yang dilansir oleh medical daily yang di dimuat dalam detik health mengatakan bahwa olahraga yang dilakukan saat berangkat ke sekolah lewat berjalan kaki atau bersepeda tercermin dalam tingkat konsentrasi yang tetap bertahan 4 jam kemudian. dampak lain dari kebugaran jasmnai adalah meningkatkan kemampuan gerak dasar pada anak. gerak dasar ini sangat dibutuhkan untuk tahap selanjutnya dalam mempelajari gerak, diantaranya gerak lokomotor, nirlokomotor, manipulasi. kegiatan fisik menyebabkan perubahan signifikan pada sistem endokrin. hal ini pada akhirnya berhubungan dengan metabolisme protein. kelenjar endokrin mensekresikan hormon ke dalam sirkulasi, berikatan dengan reseptor spesifik di sel target, dan berefek ter hadap ekspresi gen yang spesifik. pada tingkat selular, hormon dapat memodifikasi properti membran dan mengaktivasi second messenger yang menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan proses transkripsi dan translasi. pada sel otot, kortisol merupakan satu-satunya hormon yang merangsang degradasi protein (mooren & volker, 2005). kortisol tergolong hormon katabolik yang disekresikan pada keadaan stres fisik maupun psikis. pada saat emosi seseorang berada dalam keadaan negatif seperti stres, cemas, takut, dan frustasi, tubuhnya akan mensekresi hormon kortisol. pelepasan hormon kortisol dapat mengaktivasi sistem saraf simpatis yang salah satunya ditandai dengan peningkatan frekuensi nadi. kadar hormon kortisol dalam darah yang tinggi juga dapat mengurangi kemampuan berpikir dan bereaksi seseorang. hormon kortisol juga berperan dalam terjadinya penurunan mood dan kelelahan otot (fatique) (wolfe 2001, guyton & hall, 2000). selain itu manfaat beraktifitas fisik dikemukakan oleh leslee j scheuer dkk. bahwa dengan aktivitas fisik regular akan meningkatkan fungsi kognisi dan meningkatkan respon otak secara substansif dan bertanggung jawab memelihara kesehatan neuron. metode metode yang dilakukan adalah studi expost facto yaitu mendapatkan data dari siswa sd se-jawa barat yang diambil secara acak berdasarkan karakteristik geografis lokasi sekolah yaitu: dataran tinggi pedalaman, pedesaan dan perkotaan; dataran rendah pedesaan, perkotaan dan pantai. dataran tinggi mempunyai karakteristik ketinggian 900m–1800m dpl dengan suhu ratarata <180c–240c, sedangkan dataran rendah mempunyai karakteristik ketinggian 0m–1000m dpl dengan suhu rata-rata >250c–380c. subjek penelitian populasi adalah subjek umum yang merupakan keseluruhan sumber data dan mempunyai sifat umum objek yang akan diteliti. dengan demikian, populasi akan memberikan informasi tentang kebutuhan penelitian. dalam penelitian ini peneliti mengambil populasi pada siswa sd kelas 4, kelas 5 dan kelas 6 seprovinsi jawa barat. sampel merupakan sebagian populasi yang dianggap dapat mewakili dan memenuhi persyaratan populasi penelitian, teknik pemilihan sampel http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12578 124 dilakukan secara acak dan harus representatif. untuk keperluan penelitian ini jumlah sampel yang disesuaikan dengan populasi siswa sd berdasarkan jenis kelamin, karakteristik geografis, jumlah subjek penelitian yang terlibat adalah 339 subjek dengan laki-laki 177 subjek dan perempuan 162 subjek. waktu penelitian dilakukan selama ±20 bulan dari bulan februari 2015 sampai dengan oktober 2016. pengambilan data dan sampel dilakukan secara acak yang mewakili daerah kabupaten dan kota di provinsi jawa barat yang berjumlah 20 wilayah kabupaten dan kota, yaitu sdn awilega kabupaten tasikmalaya, sdn suntenjaya kabupaten bandung barat, sdn cisitu kota bandung, sdn karang pawitan kabupaten karawang, sdn 5 kabupaten pangandaran, sdn girimukti kabupaten cianjur, sdn padamakmur kabupaten cianjur, sdn bunut kota sukabumi, sdn dayeuhluhur kabupaten sukabumi, sdn dadap 2 kabupaten indramayu, sdn binangun kota banjar, sdn galunggung kota tasikmalaya, sdn bantarujeg kabupaten majalengka, sdn krimun kota cirebon, sdn sarireja kabupaten subang, sdn mekarjaya kota depok, sdn ciheuleut kota bogor, sdn samarang kabupaten garut, sdn arenjaya kota bekasi. sampel yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan teknis akan dieliminasi untuk kepentingan analisis data penelitian. persyaratan tersebut adalah tidak bisa melakukan seluruh tes dan pengukuran kebugaran jasmani, kemampuan konsentrasi dan penguluaran saliva yang tidak normal. instrumen instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah 1) kebugaran jasmani menggunakan tes kebugaran jasmani indonesia yang terdiri dari vertical jump, sit-up, pull-up, sprint 40m; 2) pengukuran konsentrasi menggunakan grid exercise test yang sudah tervalidasi; 3) pengukuran respon kortisol menggunakan teknik elisa (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) yang bersumber dari saliva (air liur) dari subjek penelitian. prosedur pengambilan data pada pagi hari, saliva siswa diambil dan dimasukkan kedalam tabung swab steril sebanyak ±10cc, tanpa buih. kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pengukuran tes kemampuan konsentrasi (grid exercise test) dan yang terakhir adalah pengukuran kebugaran jasmani indonesia. hasil berikut ini adalah tabel rata-rata dan simpangan baku ringkasan hasil penghitungan pengukuran kebugaran jasmani, kemampuan konsentrasi dan respon kortisol. tabel 1. ringkasan hasil penghitungan rerata dan uji normalitas shapiro-wilks pengukuran kebugaran jasmani, kemampuan konsentrasi dan respon kortisol berdasarkan karakteristik daerah dan jenis kelamin kriteria: jika p-value ≥ 0,05 data mempunyai penyebaran yang normal. jika pvalue < 0,05 data mempunyai penyebaran yang tidak normal. berdasarkan ringkasan hasil penghitungan pada tabel 1 diatas, hampir semua kelompok data mempunyai penyebaran yang tidak normal, maka dengan demikian uji analisis selanjutnya akan menggunakan uji analisis non parametrik yaitu uji korelasi spearman’s rho. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index kel_data daerah avrg ± sd n shapiro-wilks conclussion stat. pvalue kebugaran jasmani dataran tinggi 199,99 ± 24,68 151 0,988 0,211 normal dataran rendah 198,51 ± 25,01 188 0,978 0,005 tdk normal kemampuan konsentrasi dataran tinggi 81,34 ± 30,14 151 0,970 0,002 tdk normal dataran rendah 69,22 ± 27,09 188 0,903 0,000 tdk normal kortisol saliva dataran tinggi 0,145 ± 0,151 137 0,797 0,000 tdk normal dataran rendah 0,141 ± 0,103 164 0,765 0,000 tdk normal kebugaran jasmani laki-laki 210,91 ± 21,99 177 0,971 0,000 tdk normal perempuan 186,35 ± 21,20 162 0,972 0,000 tdk normal kemampuan konsentrasi laki-laki 75,19 ± 29,95 177 0,946 0,000 tdk normal perempuan 74,00 ± 28,19 162 0,939 0,000 tdk normal kortisol saliva laki-laki 0,134 ± 0,095 160 0,845 0,000 tdk normal perempuan 0,177 ± 0,154 141 0,762 0,000 tdk normal doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12578 nuryadi dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 125 grafik 1. rerata kebugaran jasmani berdasarkan karakteristik daerah grafik 2. rerata konsentrasi berdasarkan karakteristik daerah grafik 3. rerata respon kortisol berdasarkan karakteristik daerah grafik 4. rerata kebugaran jasmani berdasarkan jenis kelamin grafik 5. rerata kemampuan konsentrasi berdasarkan jenis kelamin grafik 6. rerata respon kortisol berdasarkan jenis kelamin http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12578 nuryadi dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 126 ringkasan hasil penghitungan dan analisis statistik. berikut ini adalah tabel ringkasan hasil penghitungan uji normalitas shapiro-wilks pada p-value > 0,05 dan uji homogenitas levene’s pada p-value > 0,05. uji analisis statistik digunakan software spss v.21 ios. tabel 2. ringkasan hasil penghitungan uji korelasi spearman’s rho pada p-value < 0,05 **.terdapat korelasi yang signifikan pada level 0,01 (2-tailed) *.terdapat korelasi yang signifikan pada level 0,05 (2-tailed) pembahasan korelasi antara variabel kebugaran jasmani dengan kemampuan konsentrasi menunjukkan hubungan yang sangat berarti di daerah karakteristik pegunungan atau dataran tinggi, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil uji korelasi sebesar r = 0,438 koefisien determinasi sebesar 19,18%. hal ini berarti sesuai dengan dugaan bahwa kebugaran jasmani mempunyai kontribusi yang cukup besar terhadap kemampuan konsentrasi sesuai dengan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan pada 214 anak oleh (dwan et al) selama 2 semester menghasilkan bahwa anak yang aktif melakukan olahraga dengan kata lain anak yang mempunyai kebugaran jasmani yang tinggi akan menghasilkan tingkat konsentrasi yang lebih lama dibandingan dengan anak yang mempunyai kebugaran yang rendah. dampak lain dari kebugaran jasmani menyebabkan perubahan yang signifikan pada sistem endokrin. hal ini pada akhirnya berhubungan dengan metabolisme protein. kelenjar endokrin mensekresikan hormon ke dalam sirkulasi, berikatan dengan reseptor spesifik di sel target, dan berefek terhadap ekspresi gen yang spesifik. pada tingkat selular, hormon dapat memodifikasi properti membran dan mengaktivasi second messenger yang menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan proses transkripsi dan translasi. pada sel otot, kortisol merupakan satu-satunya hormon yang merangsang degradasi protein. (mooren & volker, 2005). kortisol tergolong hormon katabolik yang disekresikan pada keadaan stres fisik maupun psikis. pada saat emosi seseorang berada dalam keadaan negatif seperti stres, cemas, takut, dan frustasi, tubuhnya akan mensekresi hormon kortisol. pelepasan hormon kortisol dapat mengaktivasi sistem saraf simpatis yang salah satunya ditandai dengan peningkatan frekuensi nadi. kadar hormon kortisol dalam darah yang tinggi juga dapat mengurangi kemampuan berpikir dan bereaksi seseorang. hormon kortisol juga berperan dalam terjadinya penurunan mood dan kelelahan otot (fatique). (wolfe 2001, guyton & hall, 2000). selain itu manfaat beraktifitas fisik dikemukakan oleh leslee j scheuer et al bahwa dengan aktivitas fisik regular akan meningkatkan fungsi kognisi dan meningkatkan respon otak secara substansif dan bertanggung jawab memelihara kesehatan neuron. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi fungsional yang negatif yang sangat bermakna antara kebugaran jasmani dengan respon kortisol yakni -0,203 hal ini berarti semakin tinggi kebugaran jasmani maka semakin rendah respon kortisol dengan nilai kontribusi sebesar 4,12%. peneliti menduga bahwa daerah tempat tinggal akan memengaruhi terhadap kebugaran jasmani, kemampuan konsentrasi dan respon kortisol. semua variabel terbukti bahwa di daerah dataran rendah kontribusi kebugaran jasmani terhadap kemampuan konsentrasi hanya sebesar 0,30% hal ini jelas di daerah dengan karakter dengan suhu yang panas kebugaran jasmani terbukti tidak ada korelasi dengan kehttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index daearah daerah n spearman’s rho p-value coefficient r kontribusi dataran tinggi kebugaran jasmani 151 0,438 19,18% 0,000** kemampuan konsentrasi kebugaran jasmani 137 -0,203 4,12% 0,017* respon kortisol dataran rendah kebugaran jasmani 188 0,055 0,30% 0,455 kemampuan konsentrasi kebugaran jasmani 164 -0,291 8,47% 0,000** respon kortisol doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12578 nuryadi dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 127 mampuan konsentrasi. akan tetapi jika dilihat antara kebugaran jasmani dengan respon kortisol sangat jelas bahwa karateristik tempat terbukti bisa memengaruhi tingkat stres pada anak-anak. kesimpulan terdapat korelasi positif dan kontribusi yang signifikan antara kebugaran jasmani dengan kemampuan konsentrasi di daerah dataran tinggi. namun tidak terdapat korelasi dan kontribusi antara kebugaran jasmani dengan kemampuan konsentrasi pada daerah dataran rendah. sedangkan di daerah dataran tinggi, terdapat korelasi negatif dan kontribusi yang signifikan antara kebugaran jasmani dengan respon kortisol. dan terdapat korelasi negatif dan kontribusi yang signifikan antara kebugaran jasmani dengan respon kortisol di daerah dataran rendah. rekomendasi bagi para pendidik hendak untuk tetap mengaplikasi model-model pembelajaran yang bersifat membangun atau meningkatkan kebugaran anak. dengan kebugaran yang baik maka akan memengaruhi kemampuan konsentrasi belajar dan menurunkan stres. reference ajzen and fishbein. 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model pembelajaran seni gerak pencak silat berbasis aplikasi android dapat digunakan pada proses perkuliahan seni gerak pencak silat. sedangkan hasil uji pembanding dengan menggunakan media audio visual hasilnya secara signifikan lebih efektif menggunakan aplikasi android. abstract the purpose of this study was to improve the results of learning the art of pencak silat movement by applying android applications. its used reseach and development method. college student (n=60) were enrolled in this study. the instrument applies a standard assessment system from pb ipsi assisted by a nationally certified jury. the product test result show that the learning model of pencak silat art learning model based on android applications can be used in teaching process of the art of pencak silat. while the results of the comparison test using audio visual media results are significantly more effective using the android application.  alamat korespondensi : jl. siliwangi no. 24 kota tasikmalaya, indonesia e-mail : iismarwan@unsil.ac.id issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12453 154 iis marwan/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) pendahuluan pencak silat yang wujudnya merupakan peragaan dan latihan semua jurus dan teknik beladiri dilaksanakan secara utuh dan ekplisit dengan tujuan untuk memelihara atau meningkatkan kebugaran, ketangkasan dan ketahanan jasmani. pencak silat bertujuan sebagai sarana pendidikan jasmani antara lain untuk mencapai kesehatan, rekreasi dan prestasi (anting dien gristyutawati, 2015). dengan mempelajari teori dan praktek pencak silat diharapkan mahasiswa mampu dan mahir dalam memperagakan seni gerak dan jurus pencak silat termasuk di dalamnya teori perwasitan dan peragaan tanding, sehingga luarannya mahasiswa mampu dan terampil membelajarkan pencak silat pada peserta didiknya. namun demikian dengan bobot 2 sks dirasakan sangat kurang waktu untuk mempelajarai materi pencak silat dengan kata lain proses pembelajaran tidak maksimal. untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, peneliti mencoba menerapkan “suplemen” pembelajaran dengan menggunakan aplikasi android. hal ini sangat bisa diaplikasikan mengingat seluruh mahasiswa telah memiliki perangkat alat komunikasi berbasis android, hal mana hanya digunakan untuk berkomunikasi atau melihat gambar dan film. perkembangan teknologi memberikan kemudahan dalam mengakses media pembelajaran. media pembelajaran kini dapat diakses dengan menggunakan komputer maupun perangkat lain yang dapat digunakan untuk menampilkan media tersebut (juraman, 2014). pembuatan media pembelajaran juga lebih mudah. berbagai software telah tersedia untuk membuat media pembelajaran. dukungan software inilah yang dapat membuat media pembelajaran semakin menarik dan dapat dengan mudah diproduksi. media pembelajaran harus dapat digunakan secara masal, mudah diperbanyak dan digunakan diberbagai tempat (arsyad, 2017). media pembelajaran yang berupa multimedia dengan mudah dibuat salinan. untuk menggunakan multimedia diperlukan perangkat yang mendukung media tersebut (yazdi, 2015). keunggulan mobile learning dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi keterbatasan dari pc. keunggulan dari perangkat mobile antara lain mudah dibawa, dapat terhubung ke jaringan kapan saja dan di mana saja, lebih fleksibel dalam mengakses sumber belajar, kedekatan komunikasi, siswa dapat terlibat dan aktif (woodill, 2016) kemudahan dan harga yang murah menjadi keunggulan utama. kemudahan dalam membuat aplikasi edukatif juga telah mendapat dukungan dari beberapa pihak. beberapa toko aplikasi telah menyediakan ruang khusus bagi pengembang aplikasi edukatif untuk menawarkan aplikasi milik mereka. penggunaan mobile learning di sekolah masih sedikit. laporan tahunan unesco disebutkan penggunaan telepon genggam di sekolah masih dianggap tabu. di sekolah penggunaan telepon genggam masih dilarang sehingga apabila ada siswa yang menggunakan telepon genggam akan disita (chimbelu, 2014). penelitian terdahulu menunjukan kelayakan aplikasi android untuk media pembelajaran yang tepat pada kompetensi pengoperasian sistem pengendali elektronik, berdasarkan unjuk kerja aplikasi dapat berjalan dengan baik (singgih yunoto, 2015) berdasarkan uraian tersebut dirasa perlu mengembangan model pembelajaran seni gerak pencak silat berbasis android. adapun aplikasi yang digunakan adalah dengan program “whatapps” atau model pembelajaran e-learning seni gerak pencak silat. penelitian ini memiliki tujuan khusus membuat pengembangan model pembelajaran seni gerak pencak silat mengggunakan teknologi informasi berbasis android dengan program aplikasi “whatapps” atau e-learning sebagai suplemen perkuliahan pencak silat. penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari pengembangan model pembelajaran e-learning teori dan praktek seni gerak pencak silat berbasis aplikasi android program “whatapps” sehingga hasil penelitian memiliki manfaat bagi dosen dan mahasiswa dalam proses perkuliahan teori dan praktek seni gerak pencak silat dan berguna agar proses perkuliahan dapat berjalan secara efektif dan efisien. metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan atau disebut research and development (r&d). educational research and development biasa juga disebut research based development (borg and gall; 1989). subjek penelitian pada mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan jasmani fkip universitas siliwangi sebanyak 60 orang dengan kriteria bukan atlet pencak silat dan belum mengikuti perkuliahan teori dan praktek pencak silat. pelaksanaan penelitian dibagi dua tempat, pertama perekaman gerak untuk menjadi model dilakukan di ruang kelas, model peraga gerak dilakukan atlet tim porda xiii kontingen kota tasikmalaya, sebanyak 3 atlet, sedangkan untuk uji coba produk dilakukan di gedung olahraga mashud wisnu saputra universitas siliwangi. instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12453 155 data pengembangan media pembelajaran ini adalah instrumen berbentuk angket terstruktur (zulkifli, 2015 suaidah, 2015, heriyanto, 2016, dan arikunto, 2017). penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah produk berupa video pembelajaran seni gerak pencak silat untuk perkuliahan pencak silat dibuat dalam e-learning program “whatsapp”. pengembangan model mengacu model pengembangan research and development (r&d) yang telah dimodifikasi terdiri dari langkah-langkah: (1) potensi dan masalah, (2) pengumpulan data, (3) desain produk, (4) validasi desain, (5) revisi desain, (6) uji coba produk, (7) revisi produk, (8) uji coba pemakaian, (9) revisi produk, dan (10) produksi masal (suaidah, 2015). untuk menyingkat waktu penelitian, maka peneliti menyederhanakan model research and development menjadi beberapa langkah sebagai berikut: (1) analisis potensi dan masalah, (2) mendesain produk, (3) mengumpulkan materi, (4) membuat produk awal, (5) melakukan uji ahli, (6) merevisi produk, dan (7) melakukan uji lapangan. hasil pada bagian ini disajikan hasil penelitian pengembangan media pembelajaran seni gerak pencak silat berbasis aplikasi android program “whatsapp” pada mahasiswa yang mengikuti perkuliahan pencak silat pada program studi pendidikan jasmani fakultas keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan universitas siliwangi yang meliputi (a) produk pengembangan media pembelajaran seni gerak pencak silat, (b) kelayakan produk, dan (c) model penggunaan aplikasi android program “whatsapp”. produk pengembangan media pembelajaran seni gerak pencak silat pembuatan diawali dengan membuat rangkaian foto seni gerak dasar pencak silat yang disusun secara berurutan, kecepatan gambar diukur dalam fps (frame persecond) yaitu banyaknya gambar yang ditampilkan dalam satu detik selanjutnya dibuat rekaman dalam bentuk video untuk setiap pertemuan (zeembry dan bunadi, 2017). ahli dari juri ipsi membuat penilaian terhadap setiap unsur gerak dari model peraga, setiap juri membuat penilaian sesuai pedoman baku, dari ketiga orang juri mereka memberikan penilaian dan komentar, dan apabila ada perbedaan penilaian yang terlalu beda dilakukan penilaian ulang. akhir penilaian setiap juri menjadi standar validitas dan rekomendasi untuk ditampilkan. secara keseluruhan hasil uji coba ahli materi memiliki rata-rata sebanyak 95 % sehingga media pembelajaran tersebut layak tidak perlu dilakukan revisi. dengan keyakinan para ahli dari segi materi maupun media, maka media pembelajaran seni gerak pencak ini dapat lebih meningkat kualitas sehingga lebih bermanfaat. ilustrasi produk model pembelajaran seni gerak pencak silat antara lain: gambar1. jurus tunggal gambar 2. jurus ganda gambar 3. seni budaya tanpa alat http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12453 iis marwan/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 156 gambar 4. seni budaya dengan alat ilustrasi gambar pada produk akhir dibuat dalam bentuk media audio visual dan diadopsi pada program android bentuk “whatsapp” sehingga memudahkan mahasiswa belajar menggunakan gadgetnya. berdasarkan data hasil uji lapangan, maka dapat diketahui bahwa nilai presentase secara keseluruhan adalah 92%. hal itu berarti media pengembangan ini valid dan layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. selain itu media ini juga terbukti efektif digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran karena setelah menggunakan media pembelajaran ini hampir semua mahasiswa bisa memahami materi dengan baik. media pembelajaran seni gerak ini dapat digunakan secara mandiri dan berkelompok karena media ini didesain agar bisa digunakan baik secara mandiri maupun berkelompok. mahasiswa dapat menggunakan media ini secara mandiri di rumah setelah mendapat materi diperkuliahan karena media ini dirancang sebagai media penunjang pembelajaran. tampilan gerak yang lucu dan menarik akan membuat mahasiswa tidak jenuh dan bersemangat dalam menggunakan media ini. cara penggunaan media secara mandiri adalah dengan memutar program “whatsapp” atau dicopy di komputer, laptop, atau vcd. sedangkan penggunaan media ini secara berkelompok (penggunaan dalam kelas) memerlukan bantuan dosen untuk mengontrol tayangan agar pembelajaran menggunakan media ini berjalan efektif. peran dosen dalam penggunaan media ini adalah untuk memberikan penjelasan pada bagian yang memang diperlukan untuk diberi penjelasan dan memberikan penekanan pada bagian yang memang memerlukan penekanan. adapun saran untuk pemanfaatan media pembelajaran adalah sebagai berikut: (1) seluruh mahasiswa dipastikan telah memiliki perangkat handphone berprogram aplikasi “whatsapp”, sebelum menerapkan dosen hendaknya terlebih dahulu memberikan pemahaman materi terhadap mahasiswa agar penggunaan media ini berjalan efektif, (2) seluruh mahasiswa dikirim fase-fase perkuliahan sebagaimana terprogram dari pertemuan pertama hingga ketujuh; setiap saat dosen memberikan komunikasi interaktif menggunakan program “whatsapp”, pada pertemuan tatap muka di kelas, mahasiswa memperaktekan sebagaimana mereka berlatih di rumahnya masing-masing; apabila ada kesulitan mempraktekan gerakan dosen memberikan bimbingan. (3) kegiatan ini berlangsung hingga ujian tengah semester. begitu pula pada periode setelah ujian tengah semester berlangsung pula kegiatan yang sama sampai waktu ujian akhir semester. dari hasil uji publik yang dilakukan oleh para ahli bahwa model pembelajaran seni gerak pencak silat dapat diterapkan, namun demikian peneliti mencoba membuat pembanding dengan kelompok mahasiswa yang tidak menggunakan aplikasi “whatsapp”. kelompok a proses pembelajaran menggunakan aplikasi program “whatsapp”, sedangkan kelompok b tanpa aplikasi, hasilnya sebagai berikut: tabel 1. hasil perhitungan rata-rata standar deviasi, dan varians tabel 2. uji peningkatan pembelajaran kelompok a dan kelompok b http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index kelompok belajar nilai rata-rata (x) simpangan baku (s) var (s 2 ) kelompok a: tes awal 9,6 1,8 3,24 tes akhir 17,2 1,3 1,69 kelompok b: tes awal 9,8 2,3 5,29 tes akhir 15,3 1,3 1,69 variabel nilai t-hitung t (1½  )(n1 + n2 –2) hasil kelompok a 10,86 2,10 signifikan kelompok b 6,55 2,10 signifikan doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12453 iis marwan/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 157 tabel 3. uji perbedaan peningkatanpembelajaran kelompok a dan kelompok b berdasarkan tabel di atas dapat dilihat bahwa perkembangan hasil pembelajaran dari kedua kelompok terdapat perbedaan peningkatan yang berarti. jadi kedua kelompok berbeda pengaruhnya. kelompok a lebih berpengaruh daripada kelompok b. berdasarkan hasil pengolahan dan analisis data, menunjukkan bahwa kelompok a pembelajaran seni gerak pencak silat menggunakan program aplikasi “whatsapp” hasilnya lebih efektif daripada tanpa program applikasi “whatsapp”. pembahasan pencak silat adalah hasil budaya manusia indonesia untuk membela, mempertahankan, eksistensi (kemandirian) dan integritasnya (manunggal) terhadap lingkungan hidup atau alam sekitarnya untuk mencapai keselarasan hidup guna meningkatkan iman dan taqwa. banyak manfaat yang diperoleh dalam pembelajaran pencak silat, seperti pengembangan kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor (mulyana, 2014). salah satu hasil produk akulturasi dan asimilasi itu adalah unsur kebudayaan ilmu bela diri pencak silat, yang masyarakat setempat menyebutnya “maen pukulan” ( g.j. nawi, 2015). kemampuan kognitif berkembang sejalan dengan diberikan latihan-latihan konsep pencak silat, proses berpikir cepat dalam menghadapi permasalahan yang segera dipecahkan dan pengambilan keputusan secara tepat dan akurat (marwan, 2014). kemampuan afektif berkembang sejalan dengan diberikan latihan-latihan yang mengarah pada sikap sprotivitas, saling menghargai/menghormati sesama teman latih-tanding, disiplin, rendah hati sesuai dengan falsafah pencak silat dan masih banyak lagi sikap yang lainnya. sedangkan kemampuan psikomotor berkembang sejalan dengan diberikannya latihan-latihan yang mengarah dengan aktivitas jasmani, seperti pembelajaran pencak silat yang dinamis, menantang dan menyenangkan. beberapa nilai positif yang diperoleh dalam pencak silat antara lain: percaya diri, melatih ketahanan mental, mengembangkan kewaspadaan diri, jiwa kesatria, serta disiplin dan keuletan yang lebih tinggi (marwan, 2014). menanamkan nilai-nilai yang ada dalam pencak silat juga merupakan bagian dari pelestarian nilai-nilai budaya bangsa yang selama ini dijunjung tinggi oleh masyarakat sejak jaman dulu sampai sekarang (irwan, 2017). selain kaya akan teknik-teknik perlindungan diri, pencak silat juga sarat akan nilai-nilai luhur. perkembangan teknologi memberikan kemudahan dalam mengakses media pembelajaran. media pembelajaran kini dapat diakses dengan menggunakan komputer maupun perangkat lain yang dapat digunakan untuk menampilkan media tersebut (stiggins, 2014). pembuatan media pembelajaran juga lebih mudah. berbagai software telah tersedia untuk membuat media pembelajaran. dukungan software inilah yang dapat membuat media pembelajaran semakin menarik dan dapat dengan mudah diproduksi. media pembelajaran harus dapat digunakan secara masal, mudah diperbanyak dan digunakan di berbagai tempat (arsyad, 2017). media pembelajaran yang berupa multimedia dengan mudah dibuat salinan. untuk menggunakan multimedia diperlukan perangkat yang mendukung media tersebut. komputer adalah alat yang dapat digunakan untuk memperbanyak maupun untuk menggunakan media siswa kesulitan menggunakan media pembelajaran. keterbatasan alat menjadi kendala dalam mengakses media pembelajaran. komputer pribadi seperti laptop dirasa masih mahal bagi kalangan menengah ke bawah. fasilitas yang diberikan oleh sekolah juga tidak dapat digunakan setiap saat karena jumlahnya terbatas. perangkat yang murah diperlukan untuk memudahkan siswa dalam mengakses media pembelajaran. perkembangan teknologi perangkat mobile menjadi alternatif perangkat yang lebih murah dibandingkan personal komputer seperti komputer dekstop atau laptop (clark, 2014). adanya perangkat yang murah dapat memudahkan siswa mengakses media pembelajaran. dengan perangkat murah ini siswa dari kalangan menengah ke bawah dapat membeli perangkat tersebut (owens dan david. 2017). telepon genggam mempunyai potensi yang luar biasa untuk membantu proses pembelajaran. di masa mendatang smartphone dapat memecahkan masalah akses terhadap sumber-sumber belajar (ali, 2015). http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index variabel (x) s gabungan thitung t-tabel hasil kel. a kel. b 7,6 5,6 1,86 2,41 2,10 signifika n doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12453 iis marwan/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 158 smartphone merupakan perangkat yang lebih murah di bandingkan pc smartphone merupakan perangkat yang lebih murah di bandingkan pc (personal computer). harga smartphone di pasaran hanya sekitar sepertiga dari harga pc seperti laptop. smartphone saat ini juga mempunyai kemampuan yang relatif sebanding dengan pc membuat media pembelajaran yang berbasiskan perangkat mobile mempunyai beberapa keunggulan. mobile learning mempunyai keunggulan antara lain biaya yang lebih murah, mendukung konten multimedia, dapat digunakan di berbagai tempat, mengurangi biaya pelatihan (lehmann, 2014). perangkat mobile juga lebih ringan daripada buku atau laptop. namun mobile learning juga mempunyai beberapa tantangan seperti daya tahan baterai, ukuran layar, keterbatasan dukungan format dan keterbatasan memori. keunggulan mobile learning dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi keterbatasan dari pc. keunggulan dari perangkat mobile antara lain mudah dibawa, dapat terhubung ke jaringan kapan saja dan di mana saja, lebih fleksibel dalam mengakses sumber belajar, kedekatan komunikasi, siswa dapat terlibat dan aktif (woodill, 2016). kemudahan dan harga yang murah menjadi keunggulan utama. kemudahan dalam membuat aplikasi edukatif juga telah mendapat dukungan dari beberapa pihak. toko aplikasi telah menyediakan ruang khusus bagi pengembang aplikasi edukatif untuk menawarkan aplikasi milik mereka penggunaan mobile learning di sekolah masih sedikit. laporan tahunan unesco disebutkan penggunaan telepon genggam di sekolah masih dianggap tabu. di sekolah penggunaan telepon genggam masih dilarang sehingga apabila ada siswa yang menggunakan telepon genggam akan disita (chimbelu, 2014). membawa teknologi baru ke dalam kelas dapat menciptakan pembelajaran yang lebih inovatif (bhasin, dan sudha, 2014). mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasiskan mobile dapat meningkatkan ketertarikan siswa terhadap proses pembelajaran (chyung and moll, et al. 2016). kemudahan mengakses media tersebut juga dapat membuat siswa lebih sering membuka kembali materi yang disampaikan diluar jam pelajaran. kemudahan pengembangan software menggunakan android merupakan keunggulan sistem operasi android. media pembelajaran yang akan dibuat merupakan sebuah aplikasi android yang akan menampilkan materi pembelajaran (hartatik, 2017). diharapkan dengan menggunakan android nantinya akan lebih mudah dalam mengambangkan aplikasi (marwan, 2016). media pembelajaran berupa aplikasi android dapat meningkatkan ketertarikan siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. kemudahan dalam menggunakan dan dapat digunakan di berbagai tempat membuat siswa lebih sering mengakses materi (asmani, 2017). dengan semakin sering siswa mengulangi materi yang disampaikan maka siswa akan semakin paham dengan materi yang telah disampaikan. mobile learning adalah pembelajaran melalui teknologi mobile wireless yang memungkinkan setiap orang untuk mengakses informasi dan materi pembelajaran dari mana saja dan kapan saja (ally, 2015). peserta didik dapat mengatur sendiri kapan dia mau belajar dan dari mana saja sumber belajar yang ia inginkan. sehingga manusia mempunyai hak untuk mengakses materi pelajaran dan informasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup mereka terlepas dari mana mereka tinggal, status mereka dan budaya mereka. mobile learning didasari alasan bahwa pembelajaran dapat dilakukan di mana saja dan kapan saja (darmawan, 2016). mempunyai cakupan yang luas karena menggunakan jaringan selular komersial (yu, futsin. 2016). dapat diintegrasikan dengan berbagai sistem e-learning, sistem akademik dan sistem layanan pesan instan. mobile learning kebalikan dari pembelajaran yang terjadi di kelas tradisional di mana pelajar hanya duduk, bergerak, memperhatikan guru yang berdiri di depan kelas (woodill, 2016). media merupakan perantara atau pengantar pesan dari pengirim ke penerima (sadiman, 2014). sedangkan rohani (2017) menjelaskan pada hakikatnya kegiatan belajar mengajar adalah proses komunikasi. proses komunikasi harus diwujudkan melalui kegiatan penyampaian dan tukar menukar pesan atau informasi oleh setiap guru dan siswa. melalui proses komunikasi inilah pesan atau atau informasi dapat diserap dan dihayati orang lain. dalam proses komunikasi dapat terjadi perbedaan persepsi sehingga perlu sarana untuk membantu proses komunikasi yang disebut media. informasi gerak dengan memanfaatkan android memudahkan mahasiswa belajar dimana pun berada. perlu dibuat portal materi seni gerak pencak silat, sehingga mahasiswa dapat lebih mengakses informasi yang dibutuhkannya. e -learning tidak berarti menggantikan model belajar konvensional di dalam kelas, tetapi memperkuat model belajar tersebut melalui pengayaan content dan pengembangan teknologi pendidikan. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12453 iis marwan/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 159 kesimpulan pemanfaatan smartphone android oleh mahasiswa untuk mempelajari seni gerak pencak silat dalam mengakses informasi edukasi sudah cukup efektif. pemanfaatan smarphone android “whatapps” ada baiknya agar dimanfaatkan secara tepat dalam hal ini baik dari segi efisiensi, ketepatan dan praktis. penggunaan smartphone android dalam mengakses informasi edukasi hendaknya pengguna lebih aktif mencari tahu secara lebih dalam mengenai informasi edukasi sehingga bobot dari pada sebuah informasi yang diakses lebih bernilai. daftar pustaka ali, m. 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(2014). peraturan pencak silat, jakarta. pengurus besar ipsi. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i2.12453 iis marwan/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (2) (2018) 50 jpjo 5 (1) (2020) 50-54 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga available online at: https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/article/view/21447 doi: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpjo.v5i1.21447 the basic movement skill test instrument of ball games for students aged 13-15 years silvy juditya 1,2 *, adang suherman 2 , amung ma’mun 2 , agus rusdiana 2 1 stkip pasundan cimahi 2 sekolah pasca sarjana, universitas pendidikan indonesia article info article history : received january 2020 revised january 2020 accepted march 2020 available online april 2020 keywords : basic movement skill, basketball, football, validity, volleyball abstrak penelitian ini pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan guru pjok dalam melakukan proses penilaian pada aspek psikomotor maka dari itu penelitian ini berfokus pada pengujian validitas sebuah instrument tes keterampilan gerak dasar pada permainan bola besar khusus untuk siswa dengan rentang usia 13-15 tahun. metode deskriprif kuantitatif yang digunakan pada penelitian ini dan dilakukan pada siswa sekolah menengah pertama kelas vii di kota cimahi sebanyak 25 orang. instrument yang dikembangkan yaitu instrument tes keterampilan gerak dasar permainan bola besar terdiri dari keterampilan gerak passing atas, passing bawah, service atas, service bawah, passing dada, passing pantul, passing atas kepala, menggiring bola, passing kaki bagian dalam, passing kaki bagian luar, passing bagian punggung kaki, dan menggiring bola. adapun tahapan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan menguji validitas dengan analisis person product moment menggunakan composite score dan menguji reliabilitas dengan menggunakan uji tes tes retest. skor hasil uji coba yang diperoleh dari siswa dikorelasikan dengan menggunakan teknik pearson product moment. hasil analisis validitas diperoleh nilai koefisien validitas kriteria terentang antara rxy = 0,84 – 0,96 untuk instrument keterampilan gerak dasar permainan bola voli, rxy = 0,95 – 0,97 untuk instrument keterampilan gerak dasar permainan sepak bola dan rxy = 0,93 – 0,97 untuk instrument keterampilan gerak dasar permainan bola basket. maka dari itu kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu instrument keterampilan gerak dasar permainan bola dapat dipergunakan untuk menilai kemampuan keterampilan gerak dasar siswa sekolah menengah pertama. abstract this study was basically aimed at meeting the needs of physical education teachers in conducting the assessment process of the psychomotor aspects, thus this research focused on testing the validity of a basic movement skill test instrument in ball games specifically for students aged 13-15 years. quantitative descriptive method was used in this study and carried out on 25 junior high school students grade vii in cimahi city. the instrument developed was the basic movement skill test instrument of the ball game consisting of skill for passing, service up, service down, chest passing, bounding passing (boundpass), overhead passing, overhead dribbling, inner leg passing, outer foot passing, dorsal passing, and dribbling. the validity method used was related validity criteria by using composite scores. the trial results obtained from students were analysed by using the pearson product moment technique. the results of the validity analysis showed that the value of the validity coefficient criteria was ranging from rxy = 0.84 to 0.96 for the basic movement skill instrument of volleyball, rxy = 0.95 to 0.97 for the basic movement skill of the soccer game, and rxy = 0, 93 – 0.97 for the basic movement skill instrument of basketball games. therefore, the study concludes that the basic movement skill instrument of ball games can be used to assess the ability of basic movement skills of junior high school students.  correspondence address : jl. permana no.32b, kota cimahi e-mail : sjuditya@gmail.com http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 51 silvy juditya, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) introduction educational sports in indonesia is better known by the community as an educational process that emphasizes on the achievement of the aspect of movement, where it is carried out in the formal education setting from elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school (uu no 3 tahun 2005, 2005). educational sports conducted in a formal environment refers to physical education where it has many contributions to the community sustainability and well-being, especially in terms of academic progress and the development of movement skills (bailey et al., 2009; kalaja, jaakkola, liukkonen, & watt, 2010). in addition to improving their ability to conduct physical movement, students who actively participate in motion-based activities in the physical education learning process continuously are able to improve their cognitive and social skills (reiff, 2001). one of the outcomes of physical education learning process is the psychomotor aspect or aspect of motion (tri, ronald, & ray, 2018). in the achievement of the motion development process in children as a result of physical education, it is necessary to provide learning materials where students are encouraged to actively move and play in various game activities (mckenzie & mckenzie, 2007). the game activities that are learned at school and listed in the physical education curriculum include big ball games consisted of basketball, volleyball, and football. the achievement of movement aspects in children can be seen from the evaluation process carried out by physical education teachers as the forms of overview or learning achievement in aspects of learning objectives (suherman, 2011). one of the teacher roles is to administer the evaluation of the learning process carried out (baldwin, 2015). the evaluation can be conducted as long as there is an assessment process, and the purpose of the evaluation itself is to find out to what extent the effectiveness and effectiveness of a learning process are reached (rosinta & asrul, 2014; black & wiliam, 1998; tolgfors & öhman, 2015). to review the extent of the achievement of the physical education objectives obtained by students, an evaluation that utilizes assessment instrument that fits the focus of the assessment needs to conduct (hay, 2006; leirhaug & macphail, 2015; lópez-pastor, kirk, lorente-catalán, macphail, & macdonald, 2013). in the evaluation process, a measuring instrument is necessary. the instrument is utilized to carry out an assessment process that has good validity so that there is a match between the instrument used and what will be assessed. validity is a measure that can show the legitimation or authenticity of an instrument (erward g carmines, n.d.). the validity level of an instrument will support the constancy of a measuring instrument and later can be used to support the evaluation in the learning process. moreover, construct validity is used to assess the level of validity of each item on the basic movement skills test instrument in ball games (beery, 2013). there are several movement assessment instruments commonly used by teachers in supporting their responsibility to carry out a learning evaluation, especially the assessment of movement mastery aspects in students (arias-estero & castejón, 2014; inan, 2010; quite, onofre, gerlach, scheur, & herrmann, 2018). however, there has not been a movement assessment instrument items used in the physical education learning process that could portray the components of movement in detail, either of the hands, feet, body positions and ball movement, in the assignment of the initial gestures, execution, and final gestures. there is not even a movement assessment instrument that is adjusted to the characteristics of students aged 13-15. therefore, this research was aimed at testing the validity of a basic movement skill test instrument in a ball game that is adapted to the material and physical education learning outcomes at the junior high school level. methods this research was principally conducted to test the validity of an instrument developed by juditya (2019), namely the basic movement skills test instrument of ball games which consists of basic movement skills test instruments in volleyball, football, and basketball games. construct validity was used to test the validity of items contained in the instrument (beery, 2013). the research employed descriptive methods on a total number of 25 students of junior high school with the age range of 13-15. the administered procedures were validity tests with pearson product moment (ppm) analysis using composite scores and reliability tests using copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 52 retest tests. the process was carried out by conducting two-time tests on the same subjects on two different occasions, then the data obtained from the first test and the second test were correlated. result and discussion the result of data obtained from the calculation process of construct validity test using pearson product moment (ppm) analysis to test the feasibility of the basic movement skill test instrument of ball games is shown in the following table. table 1 shows the four construct validity scores of the four basic movement skills in basketball, from the basic chest pass, bound pass, overhead pass, to dribbling skills. the validity score of basic movement skills test instrument of the chest pass was 0.970, with a very high criterion score, of the bound pass was 0.937, with a very high score criterion, the overhead pass was 0.937, also with very high score criteria, and finally, the validity score of the basic movement skills test instrument of dribbling was 0.954, with very high score criteria. the validity scores obtained from the four basic movement skills test instruments in the big ball, which were on high category, signified that the four basic basketball motion skills test instruments including chest pass, overhead pass, bound pass, and dribbling could be used to measure basic movement skills from each basic move in a basketball game and was considered valid. in football, the table shows four construct validity scores of the four football basic movement skills, which were push pass, long pass, backward pass, and dribbling. the validity score of the basic motion skills test instrument of push pass was 0.956, with very high score criteria, the validity score of the long pass was 0.957, with the very high score criteria, the validity score of backward pass was 0.957, with very high score criteria, and finally the validity score of dribbling was 0.955, with very high score criteria. based on the data, it is evident that the four basic movement skills test instruments of football including push pass, long pass, backward pass, and dribbling could be used to measure the basic movement skills of each basic motion in a football game and is considered valid. further, the same table also portrays the four construct validity scores of passing and serving skills in the volleyball game. the validity score of overhand serve was 0.841, which was categorized high in the score criteria. while the validity scores for underhand serve, overhead pass, and forearm pass are 0.935, 0.943, and 0.963, respectively with all categorized very high in the score criteria. it indicates that, though one of the instruments was only high in the score criteria, all of the basic movement skills test instruments of volleyball could be used to test the motion of each basic movement in a volleyball game and was considered valid. discussion the results of basic movement skills test instrument analysis of football revealed a very high validity score for all four instruments of basic movement skills test instrument of the ball games including push pass, long pass, backward pass, and dribbling. based on those findings, the instrument was feasible and proper to be used to assess or measure the four basic motion skills in football games. in volleyball instruments, the overhand serve gained a high score criterion, while underhand serve, overhead pass and forearm pass were scored very high in the criteria. it means that its was feasible and proper to be used to assess or measure the four basic movement skills in volleyball games, namely overhand serve, underhand serve, overhead pass, and forearm pass. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 basic movement skill test instrument of basketball game validity chest pass bound pass overhead pass dribbling 0,970 0,934 0,937 0,954 score criteria very high very high very high very high basic movement skill test instrument of football game validity push pass long pass backward pass dribbling 0,956 0,957 0,957 0,955 score criteria very high very high very high very high basic movement skill test instrument of volleyball game validity overhand serve underhand serve overhead pass forearm pass 0,841 0,935 0,943 0,963 score criteria high very high very high very high table 1. the results of const r uct validity test of basic silvy juditya, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 53 the basic movement skill test instrument in basketball showed very high validity scores, which means the instrument for basketball games was feasible and could be appropriately used to assess or measure the four basic movement skills in basketball consisting of basic chest pass, overhead pass, bound pass, and dribbling. the validity rate of all the basic movement skills test instruments of big games was high and very high obtained from the construct validity analysis. the construct validity was performed when analyzing the basic movement skills test instruments of ball games consisting of basic movement in basketball, football, and volleyball by using the validity method of criteria related validity with different force types. the validity of instruments analyzed in a constructive way could provide an overview of the ability of an instrument to assess what to be assessed (boddington et al., 2019) and could be used as a rational basis for establishing an instrument (beery, 2013). even the instruments with construct validity levels could test the extent of compatibility between the content and the performance to be measured on the instrument when it is to be used (bejerholm & eklund, 2006). conclusion the basic movement skill instrument of ball games ranging from basketball, volleyball, and football had a high degree of validity with the result that they could be used to measure basic movement skills. therefore, it’s can be used by physical education teachers to assess students' basic movement ability, especially students aged 13 to 15 year old. references allen, k., & dixon, m. 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(2005). undang-undang republik indonesia nomor 3 tahun 2005 tentang sistem keolahragaan nasional dengan. presiden ri, (1), 1– 53. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 silvy juditya, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 14 jpjo 4 (1) (2019) 14-20 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index the implementation of tactical approach on students' enjoyment in playing football in junior high school sucipto, beltasar tarigan, amung mamun, yunyun yudiana universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia article info article history : received december 2018 revised january 2019 accepted march 2019 available online april 2019 keywords : enjoyment, football, junior high school, tactical approach abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji penerapan pendekatan taktis dalam pengembangan kesenangan bermain sepak bola siswa smp. metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan rancangan posttest control group design. dengan melibatkan dua kelompok, yaitu satu kelompok eksperimen dengan intervensi pendekatan taktis dan satu kelompok kontrol dengan intervensi pendekatan teknis terhadap pengembangan kesenangan. instrument yang digunakan adalah instrument skala kesenangan. penelitian dilakukan pada siswa-siswi smp dilingkungan kota bandung. data yang diperoleh analisis dengan menggunakan teknik independent sampel t test yang bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan pengaruh antar kelompok taktis dan teknis terhadap pengembangan kesenangan siswa. hasil analisis terbukti bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok taktis dan teknis terhadap kesenangan bermaian sepakbola, dilihat dari mean difference diperoleh selisih sebesar 10,82, artinya bahwa kelompok taktis terbukti berpengaruh lebih tinggi dan signifikan dari pada kelompok teknis terhadap kesenangan siswa dalam pembelajaran sepak bola. dengan kata lain penerapan pendekatan taktis memberikan pengaruh terhadap kesenangan siswa dalam pembalajaran sepak bola. abstract the purpose of this study was to examine the implementation of a tactical approach in improving students’ enjoyment in playing football in junior high school. the method used in this study was an experimental study with a posttest control group design. the study involved two groups, one experimental group with a tactical approach intervention and one control group with a technical approach intervention to develop their enjoyment. the instrument used was an enjoyment scale. the study was conducted in a junior high school in bandung. the obtained data were analyzed by the independent sample t test technique to see differences between the influence of tactical and technical groups on developing students’ enjoyment. the results of the analysis proved that there was a significant difference between the tactical and technical groups on enjoyment in playing football that is seen from the mean difference (10.82). it shows that tactical approach was proved to have a higher and significant effect than the technical groups on student enjoyment in soccer learning. in other words, the implementation of tactical approach has an influence on the students' enjoyment in soccer learning.  correspondence address : jl. dr. setiabudhi. no.229, bandung., indonesia e-mail : pjkr.sucipto@upi.edu issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.16252 15 sucipto dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) pendahuluan persoalan pokok yang menjadi tantangan bagi guru pendidikan jasmani (penjas) adalah profesionalisme guru penjas yang masih rendah, sehingga guru penjas dipandang bukan sebagai suatu keahlian profesi. penjas di sekolah belum membangkitkan proses pembelajaran yang diharapkan sesuai dengan sasaran kurikulum, sehingga bidang studi penjas masih dianggap kurang bermanfaat dibanding dengan bidang studi lainnya. pertama, pada umumnya guru penjas baru mampu menerapkan pembelajaran kebugaran jasmani pada siswa, akan tetapi yang masih menjadi kelemahan bagi para guru penjas adalah bagaimana menerapkan kurikulum penjas kedalam proses pembelajaran. proses pembelajaran yang dimaksud adalah proses pembelajaran yang membangkitkan minat siswa terhadap pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani, sehingga dapat meyakinkan pada diri siswa untuk selalu memelihara kebugaran jasmaninya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. kedua, guru penjas masih dibayang bayangi dengan perolehan prestasi olahraga di sekolahnya. sebagai target bidang studi penjas disekolah harus mampu mengangkat reputasi sekolah dalam ajang pekan olahraga pelajar daerah (popda). atas dasar target itulah guru penjas memfokuskan pembelajarannya hanya untuk pencapaian dari aspek keterampilan saja atau aspek prestasi didalam cabang olahraga, akibatnya aspek-aspek yang lain seperti kognitif dan afektif diabaikan. dengan demikian target kurikulum yang seharusnya mengembangkan ketiga aspek dalam pembelajaran penjas seperti kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor tidak tercapai secara optimal. hal ini akan berdampak dalam pembelajaran penjas, siswa tidak merasa nyaman, membosankan, dan siswa merasa terpaksa untuk mengikutinya atau hanya sekedar untuk memenuhi kehadiran saja dalam proses pembelajaran. kadang kala siswa kesal dan jemu harus menunggu terlalu lama untuk mendapatkan giliran dalam melakukan aktivitas gerak yang diinstuksikan guru dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. fenomena dalam penjas saat ini, banyak anak yang enggan mengikuti pelajaran penjas karena terkesan membosankan dan menjemukan (brown & grineski, 1992). masih banyak guru penjas dalam proses pembelajaran penjas mengundang kecemasan pada diri siswa, menakutkan, sampaisampai nilai dijadikan salah satu bentuk ancamannya dalam upaya supaya mengikuti pembelajaran pendidi kan jasmani. salah satu misi penjas (pe) adalah promosi partisipasi kegiatan fisik yang menyenangkan (prochaska, sallis, slymen, & mckenzie, 2003). salah satu materi yang tertuang dalam pembelajaran penjas adalah pembelajaran sepak bola. dari pembelajaran permainan sepakbola, banyak nilai-nilai pendidikan yang terkandung didalamnya. dari aspek koknitif, sepakbola syarat dengan pengetahuan, pemahaman, aplikasi peraturan dalam permainan. dari aspek afektif, sepakbola menuntut setiap pemainnya bermain fair play. sedangkan dari aspek psikomotor, kemenangan bermain sepakbola syarat ditentukan keterampilan baik dari para pemainnya. dari aspek sosial, permainan sepakbola adalah permainan beregu, jadi setiap pemain dari satu regu harus bekerjasama, saling berusaha membantu baik dalam pertahanan maupun dalam penyerangan. walaupun didalam permainan sepakbola banyak mengandung nilai-nilai pendidikan, namun apabila pembelajaran tidak dirancang, diproses dan dievaluasi dengan baik, maka bisa saja pembelajaran sepakbola kurang bermakna bagi siswa. untuk itu pembelajaran sepakbola perlu dirancang dengan pendekatan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan tingkat pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak, hingga pembelajaran sepakbola bermanfaat dan dapat memberikan nilai-nilai pendidikan bagi anak. pendekatan pembelajaran yang sering diterapkan guru dalam pembelajaran penjas, khususnya aktivitas permainan seperti sepakbola, pada umumnya adalah pendekatan teknis dan taktis. hal ini terungkap dari pernyataan bahwa implementasi pembelajaran permainan dalam penjas di persekolahan terdapat dua model pendekatan yakni (1) pendekatan teknis, dan (2) pendekatan taktis (grifin l. l., mitchel, stephen a., & oslin, 1997). pendekatan taktis tergolong suatu pendekatan alternatif dari pendekatan teknis yang diterapkan akhirakhir ini oleh para guru penjas. hal ini mengingat bahwa kesadaran siswa untuk memahami konsep permainan itu sendiri lebih dahulu harus dipahami. pendekatan taktis juga menerapkan tahapan-tahapan dalam pembelajaran permainan, mengenai tahapan pendekatan taktis, (1). anak dilibatkan dalam permainan sederhana, (2).penguasaan teknik dasar didasarkan kebutuhan, (3) anak dilibatkan dalam permainan sebenarnya dan (4) memecahkan masalah taktik dalam permainan (grifin http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.16252 16 l. l., mitchel, stephen a., & oslin, 1997). lebih lanjut penjelasan dalam pendekatan taktis menganaut starategi “games–drill–games” dan “pertanyaan-pertanyaan penting” (grifin l. l., mitchel, stephen a., & oslin, 1997). keterkaitan langkah-langkah dengan strategi dalam pendekatan taktis dapat dijabarkan bahwa pada tahap pertama (games) anak disuguhkan bentuk permainan yang sederhana. dari uraian tersebut di atas, pertanyaan-pertanyaan penting diberikan manakala ada hambatan bermain yang disebabkan karena kurang terkuasainya teknik didalam permainan dan juga untuk mendeteksi pemahaman siswa didalam mengikuti permainan. setelah mengetahui tahapan dan strategi penerapan pendekatan taktis, selanjutnya bagaimana penerapannya pada anak usia sekolah menengah pertama (smp). hal ini dilihat dari pertumbuhan dan perkembangan siswa dan jenis olahraga apa yang diminatinya. sepakbola merupakan salah satu jenis olahraga yang didalamnya mengandung unsur bermain, bermain sesungguhnya merupakan kebutuhan manusia pada umumnya, tidak membedakan apakah itu untuk anankanak, remaja ataupun orang tua (lutan, 2001). dari pendapat tersebut di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari sisi minat ada kesamaan dan perbedaannya, selanjutnya bagaimana jika sepakbola diajarkan pada siswa smp baik putera maupun puteri dengan menggunakan pendekatan taktis, serta bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap kesenangan dalam mengikuti aktivitas bermain sepakbola. usia anak di smp berkisar pada usia antara 13 sampai 15 tahun, pada usia tersebut tergolong usia remaja. usia remaja merupakan masa perubahan dari masa anak-anak ke dewasa. hal ini sesuai dengan pendapat bahwa masa remaja merupakan masa peralihan antara masa anak-anak dan masa dewasa yakni antara usia 12 sampai 21 tahun (gunarsah, 1989). dari uraian para ahli tersebut, jelas bahwa usia 13 sampai 15 tahun adalah usia masa remaja. pada usia peralihan dari masa anak-anak ke masa remaja ditandai dengan adanya perubahan-perubahan, baik secara fisik maupun psikis. pada masa remaja merupakan masa yang penuh gejolak, karena pada masa ini terjadi masa peralihan dari masa kanak-kanak, energinya lebih banyak dilibatkan dalam aktivitas fisik (hurlock, 1994). masa remaja itu disebut juga masa pubertas, karena pada masa itu mengalami perubahan-perubahan yang cukup pesat dalam berbagai kematangan, usia pada masa ini berkisar antara 12 – 18 tahun (tanner dalam good & brophy, 1990). menyimak dari pendapat dari beberapa ahli dari perkembangan masa remaja dapat disimpulkan bahwa perkembangan yang menonjol pada masa remaja cenderung pada perubahan besar dalam sikap dan pola perilaku dan juga memiliki energi besar yang dilibatkan untuk aktivitas fisik. untuk itu guru penjas mengambil kesempatan yang baik untuk menyalurkan minat dan bakatnya kepada aktivitas-aktivitas fisik yang mengandung nilai-nilai pendidikan, baik dalam kegiatan intra kurikuler, kokurikuler, maupun ekstra kurikuler di sekolahnya. sejalan dengan yang dikemukakan pilosof besar bahwa olahraga bagi remaja merupakan aktivitas yang dapat memberikan pengalaman yang positif bagi kehidupannya. karena melalui olahraga, remaja diarahkan kepada sikap sportif dan belajar berjiwa pemimpin (rocco, 2002). begitupun terdapat pernyataan bahwa melalui olahraga akan memberikan peluang kepada remaja untuk mencoba mengangkat dirinya sebagai individu yang memiliki harga diri yang membanggakan (hurlock, 1994). berdasarkan dari penjelasan para ahli tersebut di atas, bahwa olahraga bagi remaja dapat memberikan pengalaman yang positif bagi kehidupannya disamping untuk meningkatkan citra diri. minat anak remaja terhadap cabang olahraga baik putera maupun putri, cabor sepakbola dapat dijadikan media untuk mengembangkan nilai-nilai pendidikan, hal ini mengingat bahwa olahraga sepakbola digemari baik anak-anak maupun orang tua, baik putera maupun puteri. untuk itu perlu dikaji secara mendalam sejauh mana perbedaan tersebut akan mempengaruhi hasil pembelajaran penjas khususnya permainan sepakbola. hal ini untuk menolong anak dalam menerapkan khusnya pendekatan dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. sebetulnya banyak perbedaan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang akan mempengaruhi anak terhadap aktivitas pendidikan jasmani, namun dalam kaitan dengan kajian ini akan dibatasi di wilayah afektif, yaitu kesenangan dalam mengikuti aktivitas pendidikan jasmani. sejauh ini belum banyak studi tentang pendekatan pembelajaran penjas yang berdampak pada kesenangan yang akan membangkitkan motivasi instrinsik siswa dalam mengikuti aktivitas pembelajaran penjas http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index sucipto dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.16252 17 khususnya sepakbola. peneliti dalam penelitian ini ingin terfokus pada pengembangan wilayah afektif yaitu kesenangan, juga bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap siswa putera dan putri, sedangkan aspek penting lainnya perlu dikaji lebih lanjut. untuk itu penulis mencoba untuk mengangkat tema sentral dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis penerapan pendekatan taktis dalam kesenangan bermain sepakbola siswa smp. metode jenis penelitian metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan design posttest control group design (ali, 2011). penggunaan metode eksperimen dalam penelitian ini diasumsikan karena tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah ingin menguji pengaruh pendekatan taktis terhadap kesenangan dalam pembelajaran permainan sepakbola. partisipan partisipan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswi smp kelas tujuh yang ada dilingkungan kota bandung dengan teknik cluster random sampling yang mengacu pada dua pemilihan teknik sampling yaitu random selection dan random assignment (ali, 2011). secara implisit subjek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswi smp di salah satu smp di kota bandung. smp yang dipilih tersebut terdapat beberapa guru yang terlibat langsung dengan penelitian yang sedang dilakukan. teknik pengumpulan data instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah skala kesenangan. instrumen mengadaptasi dari kendzierski & decarlo (1991) physical a ctivity enjoyment scala (paces) terdiri dari 18 item (teques dkk, 2017). instrumen tersebut diuji coba kembali dengan menggunakan teknik validasi isi yang dinilai oleh para pakar. analisis validitas menggunakan content validity rasio (cvr) dari lawshe. hasil analisis diperoleh nilai rasio antara 0.71 sampai dengan 1.00 (sucipto, 2018). tes ini berupa kuesioner yang berisikan soal-soal tentang kesenangan dalam aktivitas fisik pembelajaran bermain sepakbola. analisis data semua data dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis statistik yaitu statistik deskriptif (mean, standar deviasi dan prosentase) serta statistik inferensial (uji independent sample t test). hasil statistik deskriptif statistik deskriptif merupakan gambaran awal hasil analisis data yang disajikan dalam penelitian ini, parameter statistik yang disajikan dalam gambaran awal berupa mean (rerata pada tiap kelompok) dan standar deviasi dari masing-masing kelompok. berikut hasil analisis statistik deskriptif disajikan dalam tabel 1. berdasarkan hasil statistik deskriptif yang disajikan dalam tabel diatas diperoleh nilai rerata antara 62,47 sampai dengan 73,30, dan simpangan baku 4,93 sampai dengan 9,22. nilai rerata kelompok taktis sebesar 73, 30 dengan simpangan baku sebesar 4,93. sedangkan pada kelompok teknis diperoleh rerata sebesar 62,47 dan simpangan baku sebesar 9,22. untuk lebih jelas gambaran umum perbandingan rerata antara kelompok taktis dan teknis disajikan dalam gambar 1. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index sucipto dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.16252 tabel 1. hasil deskriptif statistik group n mean sd sem taktis 23 73.3 4.93 1.03 enjoyment teknis 23 62.4 9.22 1.92 gambar 1. gambar plot pebandingan rerata kelompok taktis dan teknis 18 uji asumsi berdasarkan hasil uji normalitas pada tabel 2 pada kolom kolmogrov smirnov diperoleh nilai signifikansi 0,20 untuk kelompok taktis dan 0,20 untuk kelompok teknis, hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa nilai yang diperoleh pada kelompok taktis dan teknis berada diatas nilai alpha 0,05 (0,200 > 0,05). oleh sebab itu, berdasarkan kaidah pengujian normalitas data yang dihasilkan pada kelompok taktis dan teknis berdistrisbusi normal. sedangkan pada tabel 3 hasil uji homogenitas menunjukan based on mean dengan perolehan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,008, sesuai dengan kaidah pengujian homogentitas nilai yang kurang dari alpha 0,005 dinyatakan bahwa data tersebut tidak homogen. oleh sebab itu, berdasarkan signifikansi yang diperoleh dalam table based on mean sebesar 0,008 maka dapat diasumsikan bahwa data berasal dari varian yang tidak homogen. uji perbandingan dua rata-rata uji hipotesis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengujian perbandingan dua rata-rata antara kelompok taktis dan teknis terhadap kesenangan dalam bermain sepakbola, oleh sebab itu, uji independent sampel t-test dilakukan untuk menguji perbandingan antar kelompok tersebut. hasil analisis independent sampel t-test pada tabel 4 menunjukan bahwa pada kolom equal variances not assumed, hasil analisis diperoleh nilai t sebesar 4,9 dan signifikan pada 0,00 (0,00<0,05) dengan mean difference sebesar 10,82. hal tersebut menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok taktis dan teknis dalam kesenangan bermaian sepakbola siswa, dilihat dari mean difference diperoleh selisih sebesar 10,82, artinya bahwa kelompok taktis terbukti berpengaruh lebih tinggi dan signifikan dari pada kelompok teknis terhadap kesenangan siswa dalam pembelajaran sepak bola. dengan kata lain pendekatan taktis memberikan pengaruh terhadap kesenangan siswa dalam pembalajaran sepak bola. pembahasan tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok taktis dan teknis terhadap kesenangan bermaian sepakbola siswa, dilihat dari mean difference diperoleh selisih sebesar 10,8, artinya bahwa kelompok taktis terbukti berpengaruh lebih tinggi dan signifikan dari pada kelompok teknis terhadap kesenangan siswa dalam pembelajaran sepak bola. dengan kata lain pendekatan tatis memberikan pengaruh terhadap kesenangan siswa dalam pembalajaran sepak bola. adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok pendekatan taktis dan teknis dalam pengembangan tingkat kesenangan siswa mendukung pendapat bahwa implementasi pembelajaran permainan dalam penjas di persekolahan terdapat dua model pendekatan yakni (1) pendekatan taktik, dan (2) pendekatan teknik (grifin l. l., mitchel, stephen a., and oslin, http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index sucipto dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.16252 tabel 2. test of normality variable group kolmogorov-smirnov a statistic df sig. enjoyment taktis .126 23 .200 teknis .134 23 .200 tabel 3. test of homogenity of variance levene statistic df1 df2 sig. enjoyment based on mean 7.67 1 44 .008 based on median 6.58 1 44 .014 based on median and with adjusted df 6.58 1 35 .015 based on trimmed 7.71 1 44 .008 levene's test for equality of variances t-test for equality of means f sig. t df sig. enjoyment equal variances assumed 7.6 .01 4.9 44 .00 equal variances not assumed 4.9 33.6 .00 tabel 4. hasil uji independent samples tes 19 1997). kedua pendekatan ini sama-sama bermuara kepada permainan. perbedaan dari kedua pendekatan tersebut terletak pada tahapan pembelajarannya pendekatan teknis mendahulukan keterampilan untuk menuju kepada suatu permainan. pendekatan pembelajaran keterampilan yang lebih menekankan kepada penguasaan teknik dasar terlebih dahulu sebelum kepada teknik pola-pola bermain (grifin l. l., mitchel, stephen a., & oslin, 1997). sedangkan pendekatan taktis lebih menekankan kepada pemahaman konsep bermain sebelum kepada permainan yang sebenarnya, adapun teknik diajarkan berdasarkan kebutuhan dalam permainan. selain itu, terbuktinya model pendekatan taktis lebih signifikan pengaruhnya dari pada pendekatan taknis mendukung pendapat bahwa pendekatan taktis merupakan suatu model pembelajaran permainan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran siswa tentang konsep bermain melalui penerapan teknik yang tepat sesuai dengan masalah atau situasi dalam permainan (grifin l. l., mitchel, stephen a., & oslin, 1997). dalam kaitanya dengan kesenangan dalam mengikuti pembelajaran permainan sepakbola, grifin l. l., mitchel, stephen a., & oslin (1997) menjelaskan manfaat penggunaan pendekatan taktis sebagai berikut; menguasai kemampuan bermain melalui keterkaitan antara taktis dengan perkembangan permainan; memberikan kesenangan melalui berbagai aktivitas; mampu memecahkan masalah dan membuat keputusan secara cepat dan tepat dalam bermain; meningkatkan kesadaran taktis siswa tentang konsep bermain melalui penerapan teknik yang tepat sesuai dengan masalah atau situasi dalam permainan sesungguhnya. pembelajaran permainan melalui pendekatan taktik akan memperoleh kegembiraan, kegairahan dan motivasi (grifin, mitchel, & oslin, 2006). dalam perspektif pengajaran, pendekatan taktis memiliki dua asumsi pokok yaitu (1) dilakukan untuk meningkatkan minat dan kegembiraan yang lebih besar bagi siswa, (2) meningkatkan pengetahuan taktis dan kemahiran bermain untuk semua siswa (gubacs-collins, 2007). pendekatan teknik cenderung kepada pendekatan tradisional dalam mengajarkan permainan, yang dalam kenyataannya tidak merangsang minat siswa untuk belajar, bahkan tidak meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam bermain (grifin l. l., mitchel, stephen a., and oslin, 1997). salah satu misi pendidikan jasmani (pe) adalah promosi partisipasi kegiatan fisik yang menyenangkan (prochaska et al., 2003). dari uraian tersebut oleh para ahli di atas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan taktis lah yang akan memberikan kesenangan atau kegembiraan, dan kegairahan dalam melakukan aktivitas pembelajaran permainan, sedangkan pendekatan teknis tidak merangsang minat siswa untuk belajar, bahkan tidak meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam bermain. hasil analisis tersebut menguatkan teori dan hasil-hasil penelitian sebelumnya, penelitian terdahulu mengenai pengaruh penerapan teaching games for understanding (tgfu) terhadap pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani di sekolah, diantaranya david hortigüela alcalá dan alejandra hernando garijo (2017) melakukan penelitian penerapan model teaching games for understanding (tgfu) terhadap motivasi siswa, penelitian tersebut menggunakan sampel sebanyak 237 orang siswa smp di burgos, spain ( 58,3% laki-laki dan 41,7% perempuan) dengan rata-rata usia mereka 13 tahun. sampel dibagi menjadi dua grup dengan grup eksperiment dan control. grup eksperimen (grup a) sebanyak 128 orang dengan menggunakan metode tgfu yang sebelumnya belum pernah diberikan metode tgfu itu, dan kelompok kontorl berjumlah 109 orang dengan diberikan metode pendekatan tradisional. sampel dipilih dengan metode convenience. hasilnya dari penelitian ini sebagai berikut kelompok eksperiment mengalami peningkatan dari segi motivasi dan persepsi siswa dilihat dari hasi pre test dan post test sedangkan kelompok control justru mengalami penurunan. peningkatan terbesar dalam hal ini yaitu setelah diberikan metode pembelajaran tgfu, motivasi siswa untuk mengikuti aktifitas fisik meningkat. selanjutnya penelitian mengenai hubungan antara tgfu dengan kesenangan, keyakinan diri, dan ingin berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan aktifitas fisik di sekolah menengah (robertson, 2016). sampel yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 9 dengan dibagi kedalam 4 kelompok ( 2 kelompok putri, dan 2 kelompok putra dengan jumlah keseluruhannya 71 siswa. instrument yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah menggunakan questioner. demographics questionnaire (dq) digunakan untuk mengukur intenstion enrollment, the physical activity enjoyment scale (paces), yang dikembangkan kendzierski and decarlo (1991) untuk mengukur enjoyment dan the motivated strategies for http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index sucipto dkk./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (1) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i1.16252 20 learning questionnaire (mslq) yang dikembangkan di usa tahun 1986 oleh pintrich, smith, garcia, & mckeachie. hasil dari ketiga variable terikat bahwa didapatkan bahwa sudah nampak pendekatan taktis berdampak terhadap perkembangan kesenangan. begitu juga perbedaan hasil antara siswa putera dan puteri. untuk itu perlu dikaji secara mendalam sejauh mana perbedaan tersebut akan mempengaruhi hasil pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani khususnya permainan sepakbola. sebetulnya banyak perbedaan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang akan mempengaruhi anak terhadap aktivitas pendidikan jasmani, damun dalam kaitan dengan kajian ini akan dibatasi menjadi tiga domain, yaitu kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor. hasil ini sejalan dengan penelitian-penelitian yang sudah dilakukan oleh osman, a. 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of this study was to determine the effect of aerobic exercise on obese women. the research design used was a pretest-posttest two treatment design. the subjects involved in this study were 22 women divided into 2 groups, including the aerobic dance group and the zumba group. this study was conducted 3 times a week for 12 weeks with 65-85% intensity of the maximum pulse rate. menstrual cycle data were obtained using the interview technique and menstrual questionnaire. the results of this study indicated that aerobic dance and zumba did not affect the menstrual cycle. this study concludes that aerobic exercise is good to do because it does not affect the menstrual cycle.  correspondence address : jln. dr. setiabudhi 229. bandung. indonesia e-mail : lindadesrianda@upi.edu https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 45 introduction obesity is increasing worldwide every year (aizawa & helble, 2017). more than 650 million people are experiencing obesity, where 13% of them are aged 18 years and over (world health organization, 2019). an unhealthy lifestyle is one of the main factors causing obesity (kapoor et al., 2019). obesity could causes various diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer (sharafi et al., 2019), to death (talmor & bruce, 2014). in addition, obesity also affects the reproductive system of both men and women (pasquali, patton, & gambineri, 2007). the reproductive system will be disrupted in an obese person; although the problem can be experienced by both men and women, the percentage of reproductive disorders in women is higher than in men (pickettblakely & uwakwe, 2016). the results of a study prove that adult women are at a higher risk of obesity (40.8%) than adult men (36.5%) (hales et al., 2018). it has a significant effect on the percentage of men (8% 30%) and women (8% 52%) in southeast asia (rachmi, li, & baur, 2017). obesity will increase in female at reproductive age (lim, han, young, hye, & sook, 2019). the reproductive age of women is around 15 49 years (badan litbang kesehatan, 2018). in reproductive age, reproductive disorders caused by obesity include oligomenorhae or amenorhae (seif, diamond, & nickkho-amiry, 2015), anovulation, subfertility, infertility (talmor & bruce, 2014), and dysmenorrhea before menstruation. in the last 3 decades, obesity in women at reproductive age can affect fertility and pregnancy (sermondade et al., 2019). obese women have a risk of infertility 3 times higher than women with a normal body weight (mitchell & fantasia, 2016). fertility can be predicted by assessing the menstrual cycle every month (sermondade et al., 2019). menstruation is a bleeding caused by the shedding of the inner wall of uterus (endometrium), where the endometrial lining is prepared to receive embryo implantation; this bleeding occurs periodically and the interval between menstruation is known as one menstrual cycle (purwoastuti & wahyuni, 2015). the menstrual cycle of women varies depending on the influencing factors (sermondade et al., 2019), such as hormonal irregularities, nutrition, stress, reproductive disorders, lack of physical activity, weight gain, and obesity. physical activity is known to have a positive effect on reducing obesity and reproductive disorders (bo-yeon kim et al., 2017; suprapti, 2019). physical activity affects reproductive hormones and ovulation (ahrens et al., 2014). during performing physical activity, skeletal muscles produce and release myokines in autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine behaviors, thus the body's metabolism increases, which proliferates insulin sensitivity and fat oxidation (alizadeh & alizadeh, 2020). the increase of body fat is caused by the consumption of unhealthy and low nutrient foods (ruano, lucumi, albán, arteaga, & fors, 2018), which is related to obesity that could cause reproductive disorders (pasquali et al., 2007). this reproductive disorder occurs at ovulation time, thus it affects the menstrual cycle (seif et al., 2015). besides physical disorders, reproductive disorders affect psychological factors (iersel, kiesner, pastore, & scholte, 2016). physical activity can reduce pain, relieve stress, and improve mood and health because physical activity can increase the release of several neurotransmitters, including natural endorphins (natural painkillers from the brain), estrogen, dopamine, and endogenous opiate peptides, change the reproductive hormone secretion, suppress prostaglandins from being released, and also increase the estrone-estradiol ratio (kusumaningrum, nastiti, & dewi, 2019). however, physical activity with a high intensity is also associated with menstrual disorders, because there is a disturbance through the hypothalamic -pituitary-adrenal axis, such as hormone suppression and gonadotropin release since exercise-related hypothalamic dysfunction can delay menarche and disrupt the menstrual cycle by limiting luteinizing hormone (lh) and follicle stimulating hormone (fsh) secretions (ahrens et al., 2014). in addition, physical activity can reduce chronic diseases (shin, lee, & belyea, 2018). it is recommended that adolescents and adults do physical activity for 60 minutes per day with moderate intensity to reduce hypertension and obesity (towner et al., 2019). endurance training focuses on aerobic exercise with a low intensity and a long duration (bompa & haff, 2009). according to researches, endurance training for lossing weight should be carried out 2-3 times per week (tugusi, manca, bergamin, & blasio, 2018), for 8-12 weeks (delextrat, warner, graham, & neupert, 2016), with 65 85% intensity (giriwijoyo, 2017), copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 linda desrianda tamher et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 46 for 40 60 minutes in each session (delextrat et al., 2016). endurance training or aerobic exercises include walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, and aerobic dance (hürter et al., 2019). similar to aerobic dance, currently, there is a new interesting and popular activity named zumba (samy et al., 2019). aerobic and zumba exercises are popular physical activities among women (tugusi, manca, bergamin, & blasio, 2018). aerobic exercise reduces blood glucose level by increasing the glucose uptake (shin et al., 2018). aerobic exercise can increase insulin action, lipid profile, glycemic levels, and blood pressure, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, decrease body weight, and reduce mortality (saghebjoo, nezamdoost, ahmadabadi, & saffari, 2018). the high level of insulin can affect the reproductive system, which results in anovulation (talmor & bruce, 2014). based on previous research, aerobic exercise has benefits for menstrual disorders (kannan, chapple, miller, claydon-mueller, & baxter, 2019). meanwhile, another research states that zumba has benefits for reducing pain during menstruation (samy et al., 2019). the lack of research leads to the need for a more focused research on the effect of aerobic exercise on primary dysmenorrhea (kannan et al., 2019). therefore, the researchers wanted to know the effect of aerobic exercises, in this case aerobic dance and zumba, on the menstrual cycle of obese women. methods participants the participants were 22 s fitness center members chosen through a purposive sampling by considering the set criteria. the criteria included active members of s fitness center, had a bmi> 25 kg / m2, aged 15-49 years, and experienced complaints during menstruation. sampling procedures subjects were selected based on the criteria needed by researchers. the study involved 58 people who were interested in participating in the study, aged 20 42 years with no history of chronic diseases. their body weight, body mass index, and body fat percentage were measured. the measurement found that 33 of them were obese and had menstrual complaints as well. furthermore, based on interviews and questionnaires, there were 28 subjects who had a commitment to participate in the training. however, when the research progressed, there were only 22 cooperative subjects participating in the research. materials and apparatus the instruments used in this study were a menstrual cycle and menstrual pain symptom questionnaire (sinaga et al., 2017) and interviews. the first test was an interview which was aimed to find out the feelings and complaints experienced before and during menstruation and the purpose of being willing to participate in this research. the next test was filling out questionnaire items related to pain before to after menstruation, experienced symptoms, calculation of menstrual periods, and factors affecting menstrual disorders. procedures the procedure of this research began with selecting subjects based on the criteria required by researchers at s fitness center. there were 22 obese female subjects who were willing to become research subjects. all subjects filled out and signed the consent form to become research subjects by following the rules set by the researchers. furthermore, the researchers conducted interviews regarding the purpose of the willingness to be the research sample, the complaints, and symptoms of menstrual disorders. next, the subjects filled out a questionnaire containing questions about menstrual disorders and the calculation of the previous 3-6 month menstrual period. after that, the subjects were divided into 2 groups, including aerobic dance group and zumba group. the training process was carried out 3 times per week, for 12 weeks, with 65 85% intensity for 60 minutes in each session. the intensity was increased after 3 times of meeting. the program included both aerobic dance exercise and zumba exercise. before starting the exercise, the pulse rate was measured 80100 times/minute, then the training process was started. after 10 minutes of warm-up, the pulse measurement was repeated until it ranged from 120-130 times/ minute. in 45 minutes, the subjects performed core movements according to the intensity, then the pulse measurement was repeated. the next stage was cooling down for 5 minutes until the pulse dropped back to 110120 beats/minute. the intensity was adjusted to the sitcopyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 linda desrianda tamher et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 47 uation and conditions of the subject. pulse measurements were taken before, during, and after training. after completing 12 weeks of training, a final test was carried out to evaluate the study, where the final test was conducted by interviewing the subjects and filling out a questionnaire related to the changes they felt before menstruation and during menstruation after participating in this study. the next stage, the subjects filled out a questionnaire to compare the changes of symptoms they felt before menstruation and during menstruation after completing the training process, including for aerobic dance training and zumba training. after obtaining the data, the researchers conducted an evaluation by calculating the obtained data from both preliminary test and final test. the data analysis was then performed data analysis the data analysis of this study used the statistical package for social science (spss) ver application 16.0. the data analysis was conducted to determine the menstrual cycle using paired sample t-test. result after 12 weeks of aerobic dance and zumba trainings for obese women, the mean of menstrual cycle results from the initial test and final test, after 12 weeks of aerobic and zumba trainings, were obtained. table 1 describes the mean of initial menstrual cycle test of the aerobic dance group, which is 31 days with a standard deviation of 3.01. meanwhile, the initial test mean of the zumba group is 30 days with a standard deviation of 3.19. after the aerobic and zumba trainings, the mean of the final menstrual cycle test of the aerobic exercise group was 31 days with a standard deviation of 3.85. meanwhile, the mean of final test of the zumba group was 30 days with a standard deviation of 4.10. figure 3 illustrates that there was no increase or decrease of the menstrual cycle in the two groups. based on the statistics presented in table 1, the aerobic group obtained sig. 0.394> α 0.05, while the zumba group obtained sig. 0.470> α 0.05. it concludes that ho is accepted. it indicates that there is no effect of aerobic dance and zumba exercise on the menstrual cycle. discussion based on the data obtained from endurance training on the menstrual cycle, there was no significant effect of aerobic dance exercise and zumba exercise on the menstrual cycle. the training in this study was carried out for 12 weeks. it resulted in a decrease of body mass index, but it had not had an effect on the menstrual cycle. the menstrual cycle is influenced by hormonal changes (sinaga et al., 2017), stress (kandou, tombokan, & pangemanan, 2017), nutrition, and genetics (simbolon, sukohar, & ariwibowo, 2016). these factors result in menstrual cycle differences in each subject. however, it appeared that all of the subjects gained a category improvement into the normal category. normal menstrual cycle is 28-35 days, with 3 7 days of bleeding (purwoastuti & wahyuni, 2015). although the data did not yield an increase or decrease in menstrual cycles after endurance training, the subjects experienced positive psychological improvetable 1. the steps of nutrition education implementation based on the type of treatment copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 linda desrianda tamher et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) group pretest posttest paired sample t-test mean sd mean sd aerobic dance 31 3.01 31 3.85 0.789 zumba 30 3.19 30 4.10 0.941 figure 1. the comparison of menstrual cycle between aerobic dance group and zumba group (data mean ± sd) 48 ments and a decrease in menstrual pain. endurance training aims to reduce pain during menstruation (kannan et al., 2019), because it has been proven that aerobic physical activity can affect the production of beta-endorphins which are mainly associated with changes in pain (naugle, fillingim, & riley, 2012). in addition, there are also benefits of physical activity, including an increase in anti-inflammatory cytokines, which function to reduce pain (leung, gregory, allen, & sluka, 2016). it is recommended that women in menstruation period do not do sports with excessive circular movement intensity (kannan et al., 2019), because hormonal changes that cause weakness in the ligaments, especially the acl knee, occur during menstruation period (julian, hecksteden, fullagar, & meyer, 2017), while the sport with the lowest rotating and cutting movements is running (kannan et al., 2019). this study, actually, could produce greater changes in the menstrual cycle or pain during menstruation. however, there were limitations of the researchers in conducting this study, such as the limited period of the study, the less conducive situation and conditions, and the unpredictable condition of each subject. it would be better if the further research considers the situation and conditions of the sample and the process of the research and adds variables of the study, such as hormones, nutrition, and genetics, because these are factors that affect the menstrual cycle. conclusion this study found that there was no significant difference of the effect of aerobic exercises, such as aerobic dance exercise and zumba exercise, on the changes of the menstrual cycle. therefore, it concludes that aerobic exercise has a positive effect because it does not affect the menstrual cycle. acknowledgement this research did not receive specific grants from any public, commercial, or nonprofit institutions. references ahrens, k. a., vladutiu, c. j., mumford, s. l., schliep, k. c., perkins, n. j., wactawski-wende, j., & schisterman, e. f. 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perbedaan motivasi dan intensitas fisik pada siswa smp melalui model pembelajaran taktis dan teknis dalam permainan invasi. penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain post-test control group design. pemilihan sampel menggunakan cluster random sampling dipilih untuk menentukan kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. dari masing-masing kelas terdiri dari 24 siswa. dari masing-masing kelas diambil 8 orang siswa (4 laki-laki; 4 perempuan) karena terbatasnya ketersediaan instrument polar global positioning system (gps). motivasi siswa diukur menggunakan angket. data diolah menggunakan independent sample t-test. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan motivasi dan intensitas gerak siswa pada kelompok model pembelajaran taktis dan teknis. intensitas dan motivasi siswa pada kelompok model pembelajaran taktis lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran teknis. implikasi penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai data empiris terkait motivasi dan intensitas gerak yang dipengaruhi oleh model pembelajaran taktis dalam permainan invasi. sehingga pencapaian kebugaran jasmani dapat diperoleh dengan memperhatikan intensitas gerak siswa selama pembelajaran penjas secara objektif. abstract this study aims to look at differences in motivation and physical intensity in junior high school students through tactical and technical learning models in invasion games. this study used an experimental method with a post-test control group design. sample selection using cluster random sampling was chosen to determine the experimental group and the control group. each class consists of 24 students. from each class 8 students were taken (4 men; 4 women) because of the limited availability of the polar global positioning system (gps) instrument. student motivation is measured using a questionnaire. data is processed using independent sample t-test. the results showed that there were differences in the motivation and intensity of student movements in the tactical and technical learning model groups. the intensity and motivation of students in the tactical learning model group is higher than the technical learning model. the implications of this study can be used as empirical data related to motivation and intensity of movement influenced by tactical learning models in invasion games. so that the achievement of physical fitness can be obtained by taking into account the intensity of student movement during the physical education learning objectively.  correspondence address : jl. dr. setiabudi no. 229 kota bandung, indonesia e-mail : mesarahmistephani@upi.edu issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19926 226 mesa rahmi stephani et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) introduction physical education is one of the subjects in schools and has a role in the development of cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. physical education programs in schools are aimed at developing students' potential (rokhayati, nur, elan, & gandana, 2017). physical education is education through physical activities, which in learning leads and covers matters relating to these three aspects (suherman, 2009). the process of teaching and learning physical education is a learning process basically a pedagogical interaction between teacher, student, material, and the environment. in addition to learning goals, the existence of physical education at school can support student learning. one study showed a positive relationship between insulin resistance, vo2max, and the forebrain in adolescents. giving importance to brain health for learning and school performance, concludes that schools need to emphasize physical fitness to maintain integrated brain structure and function and support academic achievement (ross, yau, & convit, 2015). the goal of the learning process is student learning. broadly speaking, this process can be divided into three management categories, namely routine management, core management of the learning process, and environmental management and learning materials. in relation to the teaching and learning process, we need a teacher who understands how to teach well, one of which is the selection of effective and efficient learning models as an effort to develop students' potential. the selection and use of appropriate learning models in the teaching and learning process of practice with the aim that learning outcomes can be mastered well, is an effort that must be done by every teacher. the use of appropriate learning models can encourage the growth of students' enjoyment of the lesson, foster and increase motivation in doing assignments, making it easy for students to understand the lesson so as to enable students to achieve better learning outcomes (aunurrahman, 2010). for this reason, it is necessary to develop a learning model that is more effective and efficient, in accordance with the demands and characteristics of students who study. this means that students who have low levels of motivation will have many obstacles so that the achievement of learning outcomes is not optimal. therefore, teachers must be able to anticipate or overcome these problems, by not using careless learning models, meaning teachers must be able to plan, set and implement various efforts related to teaching and learning activities, of course the selection of learning models is very effective for the creation of learning quality so that it has an impact on expected learning outcomes. more effective learning time in which there is a combination of high-quality teachers, as measured by general indicators such as experience, educational background, and main subjects. this influence has a big influence on students with lower socioeconomic conditions (motegi, 2019). motion learning in physical education not only provides a challenging motion experience but motivates children to move. however, several studies mention that motivation and intensity of learning motion is seen as a key factor in the quality of the physical education learning process (cortés, correa-díaz, benjumea-arias, valencia-arias, & bran-piedrahita, 2017). learning model as a way to facilitate students to learn effectively so that they are able to improve their capabilities (joyce, weil, dan calhoun;fawaid & mirza, 2009). motivation is a psychological phenomenon that is produced as a result of a person's intentions, needs, interests or desires (cortés et al., 2017). in the practice of physical education and sports students can engage in motivational factors that encourage or break the spirit (cortés et al., 2017). but there are no studies that assess objectively the intensity of movement in secondary school students included in the adolescent category. this study will analyze the differences in motivation and the achievement of student movement intensity in physical education learning through tactical and technical learning models, using assistive devices heart rate monitor polar gps (owen, curry, kerner, newson, & fairclough, 2017). methods research is a type of comparative research (maksum, 2009). the research method that will be used in this research is experiment with design posttest control group design (johnson & christensen, 2012; astuti, prasetyo & rahayu, 2012). the subjects were students of laboratorium percontohan upi bandung junior high school. the sample are students grade vii. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19926 227 the sampling technique in this study uses the technique cluster random sampling, so that as many as 2 classes were taken randomly from the total number of classes to be sampled, each class consisting of 24 students with an age range of 12-13 years. due to the limited availability of the polar global position system (gps) instrument as a tool for measuring pulse rate and distance traveled, the samples in each class were only taken as many as 8 students (4 male; 4 female) with an age range of 12-13 years. motivation was measured using a physical education and sports learning motivation questionnaire adopted from (ginanjar, 2015). result and discussion data that has been obtained from the results of research and measurements on research subjects are analyzed according to need. descriptive statistics are the initial images to see the distribution of data in each group. based on the descriptive statistical table above, the mean value obtained in the variable of the intensity of the uninterrupted motion is between 169.00 to 202.25 and the standard savings ranges from 4.78 to 5.34. a mean value of 169.00 was obtained in the technical group, whereas in the tactical group a mean value of 202.25 was obtained. in addition to the motivational variables obtained mean values ranged between 16.62 to 20.25 and standard simulations ranged from 1.48 to 2.50. a mean value of 20.25 was obtained in the tactical group, while in the technical group a mean value of 16.62 was obtained. based on the shapiro wilk test table the variable motion intensity of the tactical group obtained a significance value of 0.229 (0.229> 0.05), while the technical group obtained a significance value of 0.714 (0.714> 0.05). then in the motivation variable the tactical group obtained a significance value of 0.428 (0.428> 0.05), while the technical group obtained a significance value of 0.714 (0.404> 0.05). the decision making method for the normality test is if the significance value> 0.05 then the data is normally distributed and if the significance value <0.05 then the data is not normally distributed). therefore, based on the significance value obtained in the variable of motion intensity and motivation in both the tactical and technical groups the significance value obtained above 0.05, in other words the data on the motion intensity and motivation variables are normally distributed. the significance value of the motion intensity variable was 0.597 while the motivation variable obtained a significance value of 0.139. same is the case with the normality test. the decision making method for homogeneity test is if the significance value> 0.05 then the data is homogeneous and if the significance value <0.05 then the data is not homogeneous. therefore, based on the significance value obtained in the variable motion intensity and motivation obtained significance values above 0.05, in other words data on the motion intensity variable and homogeneous motivation. based on the analysis results presented in the independent sample t test table, it is evident that there are significant differences between the tactical and technical learning models of learning motivation, this is evidenced by the t value of 4.43 and significant at 0.00 (0.00 < 0.05). then the mean defference obtained value of 33.25, meaning that there is a difference in the average value between tactical and technical groups on learning motivation. the tactical learning model group http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19926 mesa rahmi stephani et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) table 1. descr iptif statistic group n mean std. dev. std. error mean movement intensity tactical 8 202.25 15.11 5.343 technique 8 169.00 13.54 4.789 motivation tactical 8 20.25 1.48 .526 technique 8 16.62 2.50 .885 table 1. independent samples test levene's test for equality of variances t-test for equality of means f sig. t df sig. (2tailed) mean difference movement intensity equal variances assumed 0.29 0.60 4.63 14.00 0.00 33.25 equal variances not assumed 4.63 13.84 0.00 33.25 motivation equal variances assumed 2.47 0.14 3.52 14.00 0.00 3.63 equal variances not assumed 3.52 11.40 0.01 3.63 228 (m = 202.25) is higher than the technical group (m = 169.00) similar to learning motivation variables, based on the results of the analysis presented in the independent sample t test test table, it is evident that there are significant differences between the tactical and technical learning models of motion intensity, this is evidenced by the t value of 3.52 and significant at 0 .00 (0.00 <0.05). then the mean defference obtained value of 3.63, meaning that there is a difference in the average value between tactical and technical groups to the intensity of motion in the tactical learning model group (m = 20.25) higher than the technical group (m = 16.62 ). human behavior and motivation can be explained through self-determination theory. cognitive evaluation theory distinguishes between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and focuses on the determinants of intrinsic motivation. intrinsic motivation is a very important factor in physical activity throughout (deci & ryan, 1985; costigan, lubans, lonsdale, sanders, & del pozo cruz, 2019). other studies show the potential benefits of physical activity in adolescent health. the time spent on moderate physical activity is related to better affective behavior. the importance of moderate physical activity in adolescents, as recommended as many as 3 days a week in accordance with physical activity guidelines (costigan et al., 2019). other findings support the application of the self-determination model in explaining the antecedents of moderate physical activity in adolescents that are measured objectively. to increase physical activity of adolescents, it must focus on increasing their intrinsic motivation towards physical education and emphasizing the importance of students' intrinsic motivation and meeting their psychological needs in physical education learning (kalajas-tilga, koka, hein, tilga, & raudsepp, 2019). reducing obesity and increasing physical activity to a moderate degree can predict a short-term reduction in systolic blood pressure that is clinically meaningful for african-american adolescents suffering from obesity. the natural environment can change physical activity in adolescents as well as at their own pace, compared to structured physical activity programs. the physical activity model created in this study suggests small changes in obesity reduction and moderate physical activity increase. (towner et al., 2019). another study shows novelty in testing the enjoyment of physical activity as a mediator of the social and physical environment in the physical activity of early adolescents based on female gender. this study shows the contribution of the existing literature by identifying several social and physical environmental factors associated with pleasure in physical activity (budd et al., 2018; pfledderer, burns, & brusseau, 2019). physical education in secondary schools provides valuable experience and structured physical activity programs (mclennan & thompson, 2015;bechter, dimmock, & jackson, 2019). teacher training programs in using teaching strategies can be useful to encourage student motivation as expected, and provide insights into the mechanisms of responsibility for positively influencing classes (bechter et al., 2019). sedentary behavior and physical activity are both important predictors of depression in adolescents (farren, zhang, gu, & thomas, 2018). there is a reciprocal relationship between motor competence, body fat, vo2peak during childhood through early adolescence (6-13 years). interventions on motor competence, cardiorespiratory fitness, and body fat in children are recommended as interventions that might be improved because of the mutual relationship with each other on the three variables. (lima, bugge, ersbøll, stodden, & andersen, 2018). there is a lot of literature documenting student results that can be achieved through student-centered learning strategies and satisfaction of students' basic psychological needs. these two literatures, however, have developed largely in isolation from each other, and our aim in this investigation is not only to examine motivational results derived from student-centered learning interventions, but also to better understand whether there are desired outcomes from pedagogical the. the approach can be explained by satisfying the needs of students. our analysis largely expresses support for our statement, and shows that student-centered methods can satisfy students' needs for autonomy and interconnectedness, and promote (or at least, protect or maintain) their motivation and efforts in pe. we hope this investigation offers a basis for further work that provides strong insights into the psychological processhttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19926 mesa rahmi stephani et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) 229 es that underlie student-centered learning outcomes. (bechter et al., 2019). conclusion students' motivation in the tactical learning model group spurs students to move more intensely, because the opportunity to move on the tactical learning model is more than that of the technical learning model group that is sufficient to simply repeat the movements instructed by the teacher. the tactical learning model applied by the teacher to physical education learning can increase motivation for students to move and achieve high intensity of movement compared to groups learning with technical learning models. the intensity of the motion can describe the effectiveness of learning and student motivation in participating in physical education learning. references aunurrahman. (2010). belajar dan pembelajaran. bandung: alfabeta. bechter, b. e., dimmock, j. a., & jackson, b. 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(2019). physical activity as a predictor of changes in systolic blood pressure for african-american adolescents seeking treatment for obesity. journal of adolescent health, 10–12. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.jadohealth.2019.04.001 http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19926 mesa rahmi stephani et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) 127 jpjo 4 (2) (2019) 127-132 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index the effect of sport education model in badminton game on moderate to vigorous physical activity of junior high school students agi ginanjar 1 , adang suherman 2 , tite juliantine 2 , yusuf hidayat 2 1 program studi pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan rekreasi, stkip nahdlatul ulama indramayu, indonesia 2 fakultas pendidikan olahraga dan kesehatan, universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia article info article history : received march 2019 revised june2019 accepted july 2019 available online september 2019 keywords : badminton, physical activity, sport education model abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah terdapat perbedaan aktivitas fisik dari setiap fase sport education model (sem) dengan menggunakan cabang olahraga bulu tangkis. metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian eksperimen dengan desain faktorial. partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa smp sebanyak 40 orang dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling. instrumen penelitian menggunakan polar rc3 gps dan untuk teknik analisis data menggunakan one-way anova. hasil penelitian menyimpulkan terdapat perbedaan aktivitas fisik sedang hingga kuat dari setiap fase sem dengan menggunakan cabang olahraga bulu tangkis dan pencapaian aktivitas fisik sedang hingga kuat menggunakan cabang olahraga bulu tangkis pada tahap akhir cenderung menurun. abstract this study was aimed at examineing whether there are differences in the physical activity of each phase of sem using badminton game. the method used in this study was an experimental research method with factorial design. participants in this study were 40 junior high school students chosen through simple random sampling. the research instrument used polar rc3 gps. data analysis techniques used one-way anova. the results of the study concluded that there are differences in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity from each phase of sem in badminton game. the achievement of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in badminton game tends to decrease in the final stages.  correspondence address : jl. raya kaplongan no. 28 karangampel indramayu, indonesia e-mail : agiginanjar@stkipnu.ac.id issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.16166 128 agi ginanjar et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) introduction indonesian citizen aged less that 10 year old who have low physical activity are around 48.2%. besides that, the low physical activity level in rural area is 42,4%, while in urban area is 57,6% (kemenkesri, 2011). the physical activity also decrease during childhood and adolescent stage (trost et al., 2002). the decrease of physical activity involvement is high during junior high school period (between age 13 and 15) (jaakkola & washington, 2012; nader, bradley, houts, mcritchie, & brien, 2008; telama & yang, 2000). therefore, we need to study physical activity further to find out an accurate intervention (kemenkesri, 2011). the issue above is related to the basic competence objectives of physical education curriculum that considering the sport skills such as practicing variations and combination of basic techniques of various big ball games, small ball game, athletic, self-defense, rhythmic, and aquatic (kemendikbud, 2012). meanwhile, a good curriculum has key aspects that considers the national curriculum, and the syllabus is arrange to provide students 50% of class time to do moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (mvpa) (perlman, 2012; usdhhs, 2010). it is clear that the achievement of physical activity in learning physical education is not only doing movements, but also paying attention of the time of physical activity in the moderate to vigorous activity zone. in the physical activity achievement, it is also related with the statement that some physical activities program do not involve students in proper level of physical activity (mckenzie et al., 2006; mckenzie, marshall, sallis, & conway, 2000). therefore, strategies to achieve physical activity needed is important. it helps students to be more active during physical education learning, thus teacher should be able to give a quality learning process with an appropriate learning strategy (bryan & solmon, 2012). furthermore, one of the tools that could help teachers in learning process is the use of learning model (ginanjar, 2015). a model that seems to be beneficial to fulfill the achievement of the students’ physical activity is sport education model (sem). research conclude that the use of sem affects physical activity. sem contributes to the improvement of low motivated students’ physical activity (perlman, 2012). students prefer sem to traditional learning in physical activity achievement (andré& hastie, 2017). sem fulfills the requirements of the mvpa activity limit (hastie & trost, 2002). sem is a model of curriculum that could be developed widely by school to be implemented in various sport activities (jewett, bain, & ennis, 1995, hlm. 174). moreover, sem is a pedagogical model based on the small concepts that cooperation in a team would result in success as long as every member of the team play their role during the season in the lesson (siedentop, hastie, & hans van der mars, 2011, hlm. vii). sem provides all aspects that is needed to facilitate competitions such as contract of role in a team, competition rules, scoring, referee, etc (siedentop, 1994, hlm. 18). students involved in sem will be an educated, enthusiast, and competent person in sport (siedentop, 1994, hlm. 4), through the characteristics of sem, including: seasons, affiliation, formal competition, culminating event, keeping records, festivity (siedentop, 1994, hlm. 9). in addition, some literatures are related to sem in the development of curriculum and learning process of physical education worldwide. sem is suitable with the national standard content in america, the syllabus of physical education in australia, and the national curriculum of england (wallhead & o’sullivan, 2005). sem is suitable with the national, state, and regional curriculum worldwide (kinchin, 2006). sem is found to be most appropriate to teach students the personal and social skill elements from achievement standard (pill & hastie, 2016). sem could improve the self-determined behavior in physical education (cuevas, garcía-lópez, & serra-olivares, 2016; perlman & karp, 2010) sem in this research will be conducted through badminton game that is categorized as racquet sports (siedentop, 1994, hlm. 105). the reason of the use of badminton game is that badminton is a popular sport in indonesia and the teachers know the rules and how to play the game. it is related with the questions conveyed by the students related to techniques and strategies. therefore the students could the questions effectively and gain self-confidence by choosing the familiar sport (siedentop, 1994, hlm. 7). it is also related to the gap of http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.16166 129 agi ginanjar et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) research in investigating physical activity in net game (perlman, 2012). the sem program used in this study employs three phases including 1) skill/ tactical development; 2) inter/ intra team games with practices; 3) and postseason (perlman, 2012) by using the combination of various learning models including direct instruction, cooperative, and peer (metzler, 2000, hlm. 254; siedentop, 1998). the skill/tactical development phase (consisted of 4 meetings) pays attention on the ability of movement skill that will be used. this phase used direct instruction and cooperative type student team achievement division (stad). the inter/intra team games with practices (consisted of 5 meetings) pays attention on the competition in team to face further competition with other team. in this phase, cooperative type teams games tournaments (tgt), which involves competition in team and competition with other team, peer is used to find out the students who have a good ability (the result of the competition with other team in their group). it trains students who have less ability. the last phase, postseason (consists of 5 meeting), is a reflection from the previous phase. it is the last stage of the season of the lessonthat use the competition with other team by conducting tournament. from the explanations, the researcher was aimed at examining the students’ physical activity through sem in badminton game with the purpose to find out differences of physical activity of each phase of sem through badminton game. methods design of the study the type of this study is a quantitative study. the method used in this study was true experiment study with factorial design. participants of the study factorial design is a modification of posttest-only control group designs (fraenkel, wallen, & hyun, 2013, hlm. 277), to avoid various threat of posttest-only control group designs, 40 samples should be included in each group (fraenkel et al., 2013, hlm. 271). since there is an experiment group (using basketball) and control group (using badminton), the sample consisted of 80 students, 40 students in experiment group and 40 students in control group. the population of this study were 174 junior high school students grade vii. therefore, this study took the existed sample from the population, 40 students for experiment group and 40 students for control group by using simple random sampling technique. instrument of the study the data of physical activity were obtained and collected through polar rc 3 gps from the beginning to the end of the lesson. the data were taken from sem program consisted of three phases (phase 1 = 4 meetings, phase 2 = 5 meetings, and phase 3 = 5 meetings. the total is 14 meetings) by using badminton game. the activity data needed by the researcher was from students’ physical activity in moderate to vigorous zone of the heart rate zone with the 70-100% bpm intensity. the instrument validity has been conducted on running with three acceleration time with the correlation 0.75 – 0.95 (winter, lee, leadbetter, & gordon, 2015). the polar reliability shows the significant result 0.907 (cooper & shafer, 2019), and 0.99 (esco, mugu, williford, mchugh, & bloomquist, 2011). to strengthen the result, the researcher conducted instrument test to three students in basketball with the result, gained from cronbach's alpha, is 0,914 for the reliability. data analysis the specific purpose of the study was to investigate the physical activity differences in each phase of sem by using badminton game. the specific purpose contains one independent variable (sem with three phases, 14 meetings in total) and one independent variable (physical activity with nominal data), thus the data were analyzed by using the one-way anova. oneway anova was used for data that have one dependent variabel (dv) and one independent variabel (iv). iv in one-way anova is a nominal data or group of data that contains three groups or more (sufren & natanael, 2013). result and discussion the result of the data analysis using one-way anova found the value of fcount is 6.66, df=1 with significance level 0.01 < 0.05, thus it infers that there is a http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.16166 130 agi ginanjar et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) difference moderate to vigorous physical activity in each level of sem with the use of badminton game. since there was a significance, post hoc with tukey test was conducted. the result of the tukey test, there were four average differences signed by “*” that can be seen in table 2. in phase column 1, there is an average difference between phase 1 and phase 3 with the average difference 12.75, significance 0.02 < 0.05. hence, the skill/ tactical development phase gave more influence that postseason phase on the physical activity zone moderate to vigorous. in the phase 2 column, there is average differences between phase 2 and phase 3 with the average difference 10.40, significance 0.04 < 0.05. therefore, the inter/intra team games with practices phase contributes more impact than postseason on the moderate to vigorous physical activity zone. in the phase 3 column, since there was a negative average difference, related to the previous explanation, phase 1 and 2 gave more impacts than phase 3. in the other words, the skill/ tactical development and inter/ intra team games with practices contribute more influence that postseason on the moderate to vigorous physical activity zone. this study had a purpose to test the physical activity differences in each phase of sem using badminton game. the result of the research support and give description that the use of sem with three phases including: skill/ tactical development; 2) inter/ intra team games with practices; 3) and postseason (perlman, 2012) gave impacts on the physical activity achievement. the result of this study also gives a point of view that sem could be used in badminton games. besides that, sem with three phases in badminton game on the achievement of physical activity moderate to vigorous in skill/ tactical development phase and inter/ intra team games with practices contributes more influences than the postseason phase. therefore, this study supports that sem is not always used in team sport, but also could be used in the individual sport. grant used tennis game (siedentop, 1994). bell used gymnastics sport (siedentop, 1994). sem used athletic sport (pereira, araújo, farias, bessa, & mesquita, 2016). according to the learning process, the skill/ tactical development phase is a phase that gives the most influential impact on the moderate to vigorous physical. it might be because the students move more often since they learnt to master the basic skill of badminton, thus they did basic technique activities and did not spend much time in doing activities. in addition, it also considers the high number of the shuttlecock used in this phase. in the inter/ intra team games with practices where there are two phases including training phase and tournament phase in group and with other groups. in this phase, the physical activity tended to decrease. it might be because when the students had tournament they did not spend much time to move. in addition, they just used one shuttlecock in the tournament. therefore, if the shuttlecock was in or out, there were lots of opportunities of the decrease in physical activity to restart the game. therefore, it affects significantly the next phase, the postseason phase. this phase is the tournament phase. in the postseason, the achievement of physical activity decreased significantly. it was caused by the opportunities to decrease the physical activities as explained in the previous explanation. from the learning process, it becomes the contradiction. the sem with three phases (perlman, 2012) using basketball game, the achievement of physical activity in each phase tended to increase. in the postseason phase, the outcome of the physical activity achievement is significant. it could be because the choice of the game, basketball game gives opportunities to be more active physically since it is faster to start the game and http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.16166 table 1. the result of one-way anova data analysis sum of squares df mean square f sig. between groups 433.26 2 216.63 6.66 0.01 within groups 357.95 11 32.54 total 791.21 13 table 2. the r esu lt of the post hoc tukey test (i) sem (j) sem mean difference (i-j) std. error sig. 95% confidence interval lower bound upper bound phase 1 phase 2 2,35 3,83 0,82 -7,99 12,69 phase 3 12,75* 3,83 0,02 2,41 23,09 phase 2 phase 1 -2,35 3,83 0,82 -12,69 7,99 phase 3 10,40* 3,61 0,04 0,66 20,14 phase 3 phase 1 -12,75* 3,83 0,02 -23,09 -2,41 phase 2 -10,40* 3,61 0,04 -20,14 -0,66 131 agi ginanjar et.al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) to keep moving although the players do not hold the ball (perlman, 2012). therefore, the finding of this study shows that in the competition phase of sem, the physical activity achievement tended to decrease that was cause by the opportunities to decrease the physical activity to start the game. therefore, the researcher suggest that the research related to the finding is investigated. besides that, manipulating the sem program in badminton game to improve the chance to achieve the physical activity and using better tools to gain the data are suggested. due to the lack of experiment classes in this research, the result of this study cannot be generalized and cannot compare various individual sport in racket or target game. conclusion according to the result of the study, it concludes that there is a difference in moderate to vigorous physical activity in each phase of in sem during badminton game. the finding of this study shows that the implementation of sem in badminton game a person’s physical activity achievement tends to decrease in the final phase. therefore, there is a contradiction from the result, thus a further investigation is needed. references andré, m. h., & hastie, p. 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responsibility (tpsr) dan cooperative learning pada siswa yang memiliki tingkat motivasi tinggi dan rendah terhadap peningkatan self-efficacy siswa kelas v. metode eksperimen dengan desain faktorial 2x2. sampel penelitian ini adalah berjumlah 105 orang yang diambil menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh pada kelas v di sdn 208 luginasari kota bandung. analisis data menggunakan spss versi 21 dengan pengujian hipotesis melalui two way anova. hasil analisis dan perhitungan data mengungkapkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara kedua model pembelajaran terhadap peningkatan self-efficacy, terdapat interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan motivasi terhadap peningkatan self-efficacy, tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara kedua model pembelajaran dengan tingkat motivasi tinggi terhadap peningkatan self-efficacy dan tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara kedua model pembelajaran dengan tingkat motivasi rendah terhadap peningkatan self-efficacy. kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah kedua model pembelajaran memberikan pengaruh yang sama baiknya terhadap tingkat motivasi tinggi dan rendah pada self-efficacy dan ada interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan motivasi terhadap peningkatan self-efficacy siswa. abstract self-efficacy is a person's belief on his ability to complete certain tasks. the purpose of this study was to determine the influence differences between two learning models, namely tpsr and cooperative learning on students who have high and low motivation levels to increase self-efficacy of the fifth grade students. experimental methods with 2x2 factorial design was used. the sample of this research were105 fifth grade students at sdn 208 luginasari, bandung, chosen by using total sampling technique. data analysis used spss version 21 with hypothesis testing through two way anova. the results of the analysis and calculation of the data revealed that; there was no significant difference in the effect between the two learning models on increasing students’ self-efficacy; there was an interaction between learning models with motivation towards increasing self-efficacy; there was no significant difference in the effect between the two learning models with high levels of motivation towards the increase of self-efficacy; and there was no significant difference in the effect between the two learning models with low motivation levels on increasing self-efficacy. the conclusion of this study is that both of the learning models have the same effect on both high and low motivation levels on the student self-efficacy and there is an interaction between learning models and motivation on increasing the student self-efficacy.  correspondence address : jl. dr. setiabudi no. 229 kota bandung, indonesia e-mail : muhamadkhaeriva25@gmail.com issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19951 218 muhamad khaeriva hasaniet, et. al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) introduction affective value and personality have a close relationship with moral value in daily life personally or socially. every person has a different personality, personality is a totality of an individual characteristic that create the existed and distinctive pattern thus an individual is different with other individuals (hidayat, 2017). nowadays, affective value and personality are decreasing, we could see this phenomena in our surroundings. affective value is closely related to moral value in daily life, personally and socially. therefore, the lack of affective value building could affect the adversity of moral value of the students as the future generation of our nation. bullying becomes a phenomenon that keeps happening in indonesia and in the world, even the case involving students is getting higher. it should be our concern. a student who is bullied would lose their self-efficacy on their self and ironically, a belief is a foundation for a person to assess how far they could achieve or accomplish their goals. self-efficacy was suggested and revised by a. bandura as a belief or an assessment made by an individual that they could be successful or accomplish the identified task (green, 2008). therefore, belief on self is an individual strength to take an action, a person would take an action if they think that they have ability to do something. the bullying victim has a lower life satisfaction and gains more depression and anxiety than those who are not (weng, dkk. 2017). physical education at school should be the part of society hope to solve the social ills that physical education could build indonesian citizen as a whole, a human who is physically, spiritually, and socially healthy. sport and physical education represent components in global education for children to grow and develop their movement ability, psychological aspect, and social ability (dacica, 2015). therefore, through education, a person has a purpose that they set goals that could develop themselves to be a better person in the future. learning outcome that they have become a depiction of their cognitive, affective, and movement skills. other opinions said that physical education could improve selfefficacy and participation of the students, thus it could help the students to have learning achievement improvement (bertills, dkk. 2018). for that reason, physi cal education could give positive contribution on learning achieve at school. goal accomplishment depends on learning task in form of physical activities or chosen movement tasks that are delivered with learning method or strategy that is suitable with the specific goals that should be achieved. besides psychomotor and cognitive aspect in physical education, affective aspect is also important in deciding students learning achievement. one of efforts to solve the problem in education especially education at school is learning model. a learning model refers to a whole comprehensive plan to teach (metzler, 2005). tpsr model or model teaching personal and social responsibility is a model that is suggested by hellison as a mean to improve personal and social responsibility of the children through physical activity. this learning model is a learning model that put attention on attitude, values, and behavior of the children. tpsr model suggested by hellison have a great impact on motor development, responsibility, motivation, and have good validity on the implementation in physical education learning process (djordjic, 2018). besides improving responsibility, previous research found that tpsr is effective to move the managerial and social behavior into a more positive direction (pozo, dkk. 2016). besides tpsr model, there is also cooperative learning model that besides helping students to achieve learning adjective, it could also give positive impact on students’ social skill. the implementation of cooperative learning shows social skill improvement and attitude compared to the group that did not receive cooperative learning model (goudas & magotsiou, 2009). besides affecting social skill of the students, cooperative learning also has impact on students learning motivation, data show that there is improvement on intrinsic motivation and rules that had been identified only on experimental group who received cooperative learning model (fernandez-rio, dkk.2017). a factor that could have impacts on learning achievement is motivation, motivation is a strength that drive a person to take a behavior, the aim of motivation is to have a behavior that could bring highest benefits for a person (tohidi & jabbari, 2012). therefore, motivation becomes a booster for a person that emerge achttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19951 219 tivities. therefore, according to the explanation above, the researcher conducted a research entitled the effect of learning model and motivation on self-efficacy on primary school students. methods design this research was an experimental research that was aimed to contribute to new invention in developing reading literacy and the affectivity of education (ronková & wildová, 2016). one of research methodology that has several characteristics including manipulating independent variable, randomizing or choosing the sample of the study, and comparing the experimental group with control group. an experimental research is based on the causeeffect assumption that is formulated as working hypothesis and is conducted in contoured action as the result of the study on the environment characteristics and application, in systemic view, strategic segment (gheorghe & nicolae, 2015). in this research, there was a manipulation or treatment in a group by implementing tpsr model in physical education learning for experimental group. the control group received physical education learning through cooperative learning. the design of this study is factorial design. this design is a design to expand the number of relationship that is probable to be identified in the experiment. the researcher modified the design group whether it is control group posttest-only or control group pretest posttestthat allowed additional independent variable identification (fraenkel dkk. 2012). the explanation above concludes that other value of factorial design is that it allows the researcher to learn the interaction of independent variable with other variable or we call it moderator variable. the researcher also identified the effects of moderator variable or attribute that affected the result of the research. population and sample in this research, the population was the fifth grade students from 208 luginasari primary school in bandung that consisted of 105 students since they had a similar characteristics with the background of the study that the bullying phenomenon commonly occured on other students. the sampling technique is a technique of choosing sample who are representative from the population. this research used saturated sampling technique. saturated sampling technique is a technique where all of the population are taken as samples (sugiyono, 2014). for experimental study, minimum 30 samples per groups is suggested although sometimes experimental study involves only q 15 persons in each group if the control is highly conducted (fraenkel dkk. 2012). according to the opinion above, the sample used in this study were 105 male and female students aged 11-12 who are reduced into 60 students represented moderator variable. 30 students had high motivation and 30 students had low motivation, thus there would be 45 students as the range. the average result of self-efficacy improvement was 19,93 and standard deviation was 2,904. data collection technique this research used questionnaire to collect data. motivation was measured by using sis instrument, that has been validated in physical education for primary school students by (sun, chen, ennis, martin, & shen, 2008). meanwhile, for measuring students selfefficacy, seq-c instrument was used (muris, 2001). the seq-c instrument contains 24 problems that evaluate three aspects including academic, social, and emotional of self-efficacy. although the validity and reliability of the two instrument has been tested before, the researcher still conducted the validity and reliability test of both instrument so that it would be suitable for the characteristics of the research. data analysis in this research, to analyze the data, the researcher used spss 21 started from normality test by using kolmogorof-smirnov, homogeneity test by using lavene’s test, and hypothesis analysis by using two way anova result the analysis of the data was conducted to answer the research problem and to prove the research hypothehttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19951 muhamad khaeriva hasaniet, et. al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) 220 sis. in this research, there were four research hypothesis. therefore, in the discussion section the researcher will present the analysis or the result of hypothesis test. hypothesis test was conducted by using two directional anova. the following is the result of the test that could be seen in table 1. according to table 1, in the learning model column, it shows that the value of significance 0,928. it indicates that the significance value > 0,05. therefore, h0 is accepted and h1 is rejected. therefore, the result concludes that there is no significant self-efficacy difference between tpsr model group and cooperative learning group. the result of interaction between learning model and motivation on improving self-efficacy can be seen in table 2. according to table 2, the column mp*motivation shows that the significant value is 0,042. it shows that the significant value is < 0,05. therefore, h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted. therefore, the result shows that there is interaction between learning model and motivation on self-efficacy. the following is the picture showing interaction between learning model and motivation of selfefficacy. according to table 3, the high motivation table shows significant value 0,131. it indicates that the significant value is > 0,05. therefore, h0 is accepted and h1 is rejected. therefore, the result shows that in general there is no significant effect of tpsr and cooperative learning model on self-efficacy of the students who have high motivation. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19951 muhamad khaeriva hasaniet, et. al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) source df mean square f sig. corrected model 3 13.200 1.614 .196 intercept 1 23840.267 2914.119 .000 learning model 1 .067 .008 .928 motivation 1 4.267 .522 .473 mp * motivation 1 35.267 4.311 .042 error 56 8.181 total 60 corrected total 59 tabel 1. tpsr and cooper ative lear ning on the selfefficacy improvement source df mean square f sig. corrected model 3 13.200 1.614 .196 intercept 1 23840.267 2914.119 .000 learning model 1 .067 .008 .928 motivation 1 4.267 .522 .473 mp * motivation 1 35.267 4.311 .042 error 56 8.181 total 60 corrected total 59 tabel 2.inter action between lear ning model and motivation on improving self-efficacy picture 1. inter action between lear ning model and motivation on improving self-efficacy tabel 3. differ ences between tpsr and cooper ative learning model on improving self-efficacy of the students with high motivation pairwise comparisons motivation std. error sig. a learning model high tpsr cooperative learning 1.04 .131 cooperative learning tpsr 1.04 .131 low tpsr cooperative learning 1.04 .166 cooperative learning tpsr 1.04 .166 221 the result of differences between tpsr and cooperative learning model on improving self-ffficacy of the students with low motivation presented in table 5. according to table 5, the high motivation column shows the significance level is 0,166. it shows that the significant value is > 0,05. therefore, h0 is accepted and h1 is rejected. the result indicates that in general there is no effect differences between tpsr and cooperative learning model on self-efficacy of the students who have low motivation. discussion effect differences between tpsr and cooperative learning model on self-efficacy from the analysis of the data, the result proves that there is an insignificant effect. it indicates that both of the learning model have an equal effect on the improvement of the students’ self-efficacy since both of the model have similar characteristics that aims to improve social skills. the previous research related to tpsr shows that tpsr learning model is an effective teaching instrument for teachers to build responsible behavior (escartí dkk. 2010). meanwhile, the previous research related to cooperative learning showed that the implementation of cooperative learning indicates the improvement on social skill and attitude (goudas & magotsiou, 2009). it is probably because there is similarities in learning sequence of the tpsr and cooperative learning model. the tpsr model used daily lesson format containing counseling time, awareness talk, lesson focus, group meeting, and reflection time. meanwhile, on cl model, there are six phases including delivering objective and motivation, delivering information, organizing students into learning groups, guiding working and learning groups, evaluating, and appreciating. the implementation of learning model in this research could change the behavior of the students into a better behavior. the habit of disturbing others, laughing at students who did wrong movement, violent behavior, and other negative behaviors decreased through this learning model. it is proven by the changes of behavior that they did during learning process in every meeting through the implementation of cooperative learning model (yamarik, 2010). similar with cooperative learning model, tpsr model is effective to change managerial and social behavior into positive direction (pozo, dkk. 2016). it is shown that, in the beginning of the meeting, negative behaviors were found that reflect the low level of self-efficacy such as in doing movement task, doubt in making decision, laughing at friends who did mistakes in movement task, doing something that could hurt their friends, and cannot accept the loss. in the middle period of the research, the negative behavior of the students that reflects the low level of self-efficacy decreased, such as the decrease of mistake in movement task, getting faster in making decision, start to accept the result of competition, rarely laugh at friends who did mistake, and some other still disturbed other students. at the research period, behavior changes started to be obvious in comparison with the first meeting. it is indicated by the ability of the students in making fast and accurate decision, executing movement task well, accepting the loss and appreciating by giving applause to other students or team who did the task well, the behavior that indirectly hurt others rarely found and the student initiated to say sorry. these behaviors showed the development of value, attitude, and behavior of students to be better. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19951 muhamad khaeriva hasaniet, et. al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) tabel 4. differ ences between tpsr and cooper ative learning model on improving self-efficacy of the students with low motivation pairwise comparisons motivation std. error sig. a learning model high tpsr cooperative learning 1.04 .131 cooperative learning tpsr 1.04 .131 low tpsr cooperative learning 1.04 .166 cooperative learning tpsr 1.04 .166 222 interaction between learning model and motivation on improving self-efficacy the second hypothesis test showed that there is interaction between tpsr model and cooperative learning and group with high motivation level and group with low motivation level. the interaction occurred due to these treatments showed different improvement on self-efficacy. this research shows difference effects of learning model on motivation group. in high motivation level group, the improvement of self-efficacy is higher in tpsr model, while in the low motivation group, the improvement of the self-efficacy is higher that cooperative learning model. it shows that there is an interaction between learning model and motivation level on selfefficacy. in tpsr group with high motivation students, during the treatment, this group was more dominant that cooperative learning with high motivation group. it is indicated by the attitude of the students of tpsr group with high motivation during learning showed better initiative and responsibility during learning process in finishing movement tasks, besides that the tpsr group seemed to be more often in helping others who faced problems in finishing movement tasks even they helped other groups such as helping them to take the stuck ball. this finding is strengthen by the previous research that the implementation of tpsr model has impacts on behavior changing of the students such as the decrease of irresponsible behavior, the increase of initiative, and increase the awareness (balderson, 2006). meanwhile, the cooperative learning group with high motivation although seemed to be enthusiast and followed the learning process well, this group had less initiative and awareness on others. it is shown in the learning process, they always wanted to be the winner, and sometimes hurt others for their over enthusiast behavior, and they did not always have initiative to say sorry since they though they did not do that purposively. for the group with low motivation level, cooperative learning group gain better improvement on selfefficacy that tpsr group. it is shown during the treatment the cooperative learning looked more enthusiast during learning process. it is shown by the role played by individual in group, helping other group members, keep the cooperation during learning process, and being cooperative. it is supported by the statement of (slavin, 2015) that cooperative learning refers to earning method that the students learn in small group to help each other during learning. meanwhile, tpsr group with low motivation level gained slower changes than other groups, although the improvement of self-efficacy occurred. it is indicated from the beginning of the treatment, the changes happened in the fourth and fifth meeting. in the first three meetings, laughing others, disturbing, took a long time in making decision during doing movement task were often found. as the time goes by, these groups started to change their behavior into more positive direction. it is shown by the ability of the students to take action and make decision, their initiative to help others, the decrease of mistakes in doing movement task. most of the students who received tpsr model were successful in showing self-control, respecting others, and obeying the rules of the game (filiz, 2017). it is supported by the previous research that stated that learning with tpsr method could build a better attitude of the students and support them to be more independent learners (gordon, dkk. 2012). the statement highlights that independent behavior is a behavior owned by an individual as a sign of their tendency to make a choice or decision to take action in their society. therefore, through tpsr learning model, the students have opportunities to gain high initiative in various things during learning without waiting for instruction from the teachers. meanwhile, the cooperative learning model group with high motivation level, although they were enthusiast during learning process, it sometimes became a drawback that they hurt others (not purposively) even the student in their own group. the students who received cooperative learning were motivated to give physical and psychological support and instruction and overcoming others’ mistakes (polvi & telama 2000). high motivation is highly needed in school lesson so that the students could follow the learning process optimally, but the over motivation could create http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19951 muhamad khaeriva hasaniet, et. al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) 223 incident during learning. it probably affected the improvement self-efficacy of the cooperative learning with low motivation group. therefore, it is possible that the improvement of the self-efficacy through tpsr learning model is suitable for the students with the high motivation. effect differences between tpsr learning model and cooperative learning model on self-efficacy of the low motivated group the fourth hypothesis testing is about the effect of learning model on self-efficacy of low motivated group. this test showed an insignificant effect differences of tpsr and cooperative learning model. however, the effect of the cooperative learning model on the low motivated students is better that the tpsr model group. during the treatment of the group with low motivation, the cooperative learning model group were more dominant during the lesson and more active during the games. it is shown by how the students played their role in group very well. they helped each other (in group), being cooperative, had good communication, appreciated each other. cooperative learning helped students to gain social skills through participation in group activities (lavasani & afzali, 2016). besides that, the previous research stated that students who received cooperative learning model were significantly more motivated in learning (hancock, 2010). group is a media for the students to listen when other person talks, practicing self-control, and learning not to disturb others when they are talking. cooperative learning model would result in empathy among group member, trust of other group member to accomplish an agreement, acceptance and respect others’ point of view (lópez-mondéja, dkk. 2017). meanwhile, the tpsr group with low motivation gained slower changes than other groups, although they gained self-efficacy improvement. however, during the treatment, the changes of attitude was slower. the changes started to come up in the fourth and fifth meeting. in the first meetings, laughing others, disturbing behavior, taking a long time to make decision happened. however, as the time went by, this group started to change to be more positive. it is indicated by their ability in executing movement task, fast in making decision and taking action, sportive in games, helping others who faced difficulties, and respecting others’ point of view. the hellison model give great impacts on motor, responsibility, and motivation development (djordjic, 2018). therefore, it is possible to improve self-efficacy through cooperative learning model for the students with low motivation level. conclusion according according to the result of theoretical study of dependent variable, moderator variable, and independent variable, it concludes that: first, tpsr learning model and cooperative learning model had impacts on the improvement of self-efficacy and there was no significant differences between the two models. secondly, there was interaction between learning model and the level of motivation on self -efficacy. the interaction happened since both of the treatments presented different improvement on self-efficacy result. for the group with high motivation, the higher improvement on self-efficacy happened in the group with tpsr learning model. meanwhile, for the group with the low motivation, the better effect on self-efficacy was gained by the students in cooperative learning model group. third, teaching personal and social responsibility model was better that cooperative learning model group on selfefficacy improvement on the high motivated group. however, the difference was not 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training, fartlek training, soedirman expedition vii, vo2max abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh oregon circuit training dan latihan fartlek terhadap tingkat vo2max pada atlet soedirman expedition vii. metode penelitian menggunakan pre-experimental dengan two group pretest posttest design. populasi berjumlah 20 orang dan menggunakan teknik total sampling sehingga diperoleh 20 sampel. instrumen penelitian menggunakan instrumen multi stage fitness test. penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada juni 2019 sampai dengan oktober 2019. teknik analisis data diperoleh dengan uji t. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh dari kedua jenis latihan terhadap peningkatan vo2max namun tidak ada perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan diantara keduanya. dengan kata lain, semakin sering latihan dilakukan maka semakin baik tingkat vo2max atlet. abstract the research was aimed at determining the influence of oregon circuit training and fartlek exercises on the vo2max level of the soedirman expedition vii athletes. the research method used was pre-experimental method with two group pre-tests post-test design. the population were 20 people. the total sampling technique was administered to obtain 20 samples. the research instrument used multi stage fitness test. this study was conducted from june 2019 to october 2019. the data analysis process was conducted by using t-test. results showed that there are influences of both types of exercises on the increase of vo2max, but there is no significant influence difference between the two. in other words, the more often the exercise is done, the better the vo2max level of the athletes. ,  correspondence address : jl. profesor dr. hr boenyamin no.708, kabupaten banyumas e-mail : rifqi.festiawan@unsoed.ac.id http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 63 rifqi festiawan, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) introduction in this era of globalization sport becomes very important as one in the effort to decline and prevention of stress levels, health enhancement, as well as maintenance efforts and maintain a balance of quality of life. recreational sport is carried out as part of health and fitness recovery process. the definition of recreational sports is a sport performed at leisure with the aim of gaining health, fitness, attitude and mental refreshment that can regain the strength of both physical and mental, or to gain pleasure. at this time, climbing the mountain has become one of the most popular sports in the world. it is evidenced by the number of tourists visiting the mountain and people participating in the sports altitude including climbing, trekking and various snow sports (skiing, snowboarding, etc.) has experienced an increase in recent years (davies et al., 2019). english translation. every year, more than 100 million tourists travel to high altitude areas around the world. more specifically, about 40 million mountaineers and skiers rose as high as 5,000 m in the alps (burtscher et al., 2001). in africa every year, about 40,000 tourists climb the top of kilimanjaro with a height of 5,800 m, and more than 4,000 climbers have tried to climb mt. aconcagua which is a height of 6,962 m (sumann et al., 2015). there was a high increase number of climbers in nepal between 1994 and 2000, amounting to 450%, along with a seven-fold increase in climbers who attempted to rise to some of the most difficult and challenging himalayan peaks above 8000 m. from 1995 up to 2006, more than 30,000 climbers are trying to reach the world's highest peak, mount everest (windsor et al., 2009). but on the other hand, climbing a mountain is a vigorously adventurous sport and requires skill, intelligence, strength and high fighting power. climbing mountains (mountaineering) is also included in the heavy sports category based on its intensity and energy needs. so not infrequently many problems that often occur when climbing one of them is a physical problem, the expedition participants must have a good physical of each component of physical condition. preparation of well-done physical exercises will result in satisfactory achievement. physical exercise also trains participants to adapt to the mountain. in principle, physical exercise preparation is important in the expedition because a good exercise determines the quality and ability to achieve optimal performance demands. the importance of the training preparation model as the foundation of maximum achievement, especially in the mountaineering that corresponds to the physical condition exercise standards itself, where in the open state an interference is very likely happens, let alone the purpose of an adventure in the open nature climb it is for accomplishment purposes then physical exercise is very important. physical condition is the initial provision and as the basic basis to follow exercise exercises in achieving a achievement. physical condition is the foundation and barometer of achievement of the performance and capability of the body or fitness component required by an athlete (reza agus hariyanto i ketut yoda, 2018) english translation. cardiovascular endurance is often referred to by the term vo2max (smirmaul et al., 2013). there are several factors that can affect the level of vo2max including age, gender, fitness and exercise (p.o & u.g, 2016), in line with the opinion to get a good vo2max quality, many exercise methods that can be applied such as circuit training methods and fartlek training. circuit training is one of the efficient exercises in enhancing physical abilities that include strength, aerobic and anaerobic endurance, flexibility and coordination in one training session. (kumarassan & saravanan, 2016). to increase vo2max the training program should be done carefully, systematically, orderly and constantly increasing, following the principles and methods of accurate exercise in order to achieve the expected objectives. thus, an alternative training that can be used and applied to increase vo2 max is circuit training. circuit training is a training system that can improve the overall fitness of the body, namely the power elements, durability, strength, agility, speed, and components of other physical conditions. circuit training is an exercise model combining strength, power, speed and endurance exercises anaerobic or endurance aerobic. circuit exercises can be said to influence the athlete's stamina quality in the short term. this is because the circuit exercises include almost all components of the physical condition percopyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 64 formed with high tempo simultaneously in a relatively short period of time (yudiana, 2015). the selection of the training loads in the traning circuit should be adjusted to the general purpose of circiut traning that is to be achieved. circuit traning carried out in a designated area has several posts, for example 8 posts. each post, implementation should be done in the form of certain exercises. activities in each post are development for all physical fitness components (ilissaputra & suharjana, 2016). the term "circuit training" describes the way a workout is structured rather than the type of exercise performed. it typically consists of a series of exercises or stations completed in succession with minimal rest in between. circuit routines allow the athlete or coach to create an endless number of workouts and add variety to routine training programs (night, s balasingh, 2018). fartlek training or speed play was created by gotta roamer of sweden. the definition of fartlek is a endurance exercise system which means it is to build, restore or maintain a person's body condition so that it is very good for all sports branches especially sports that require endurance. fartlek training combines aerobic demands with continuous movement with speed intervals, the method of fartlek training is a very enjoyable exercise and aims to increase the strength and capacity of aerobic athletes (jones, 2016). there have been some previous studies discussing the related circuit training and fartlek training, including: based on research from (prakoso & sugiyanto, 2017) it was stated that the average calculation for the circuit training method of 33,640 showed that the circuit training had an effect on increasing the capacity of vo2max extracurricular basketball women in sma stella duce 1 and sma stella duce 2 yogyakarta. the results of the study findings that a 12-week training program have significantly increased of positive improvement on vital capacity and vo2 max in women badminton players. there was a significant increased on vital capacity and vo2max due to circuit training (gokulkrishnan, 2018). this was an expected outcome for the members of the rb circuit training protocol, as resistance based training is known for its results in improving muscular strength and endurance (monaco, 2018). some of the above studies have already discussed the related circuit training and interval training but no one has associated with vo2max capability in mountain climbing athletes, so this research needs to be done given the differences in characteristics methods the design of the research used in this research is "two group pretests and posttest design", in this design there are two groups that are divided with ordinal pairing techniques, then given a pretests to know the initial state is there a difference from experimental group to be researched. a good pretests result if the value of the experiment group does not differ significantly (sugiyono, 2016). the population used was all of sudirman vii's expedition athletes numbering 20 people, with an average age of 19-21 years, with male gender, the average weight of the sample is 56.2 kg and the average body height is 165.3 cm. the sampling technique used is a total sampling. the design ordinal pairing is used to divide into two groups, the test results are taken from most to least, then divided and inserted into group a and group b then paired with a-b-a-b formula, so that divided into two equally average groups. group a was given the exercise method of the oregon circuit training, and group b was given a training treatment of fartlek training method. the instrument used by researchers in this study was the multi stage fitness test (mft) method, to determine the vo2max level of the sudirman vii expedition. the calculation of vo2 max using the mft (multistage fitness test) test can be seen in the following table 1. the data in this study include: a prerequicopyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 no status 18-25 year 1 very fit >60 2 fit 52-60 3 above average 47-51 4 average 42-46 5 below average 37-41 6 not fit 30-36 7 very not fit <30 table 1. age-based fitness norms rifqi festiawan, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 65 site test that includes data effectiveness test and data homogenization test, followed by a hypothesis test using paired t-test and independent t-test. result this research was conducted 4 times a week at the university of general sudirman, purwokerto. the practice process is 16 times the meeting. variables bound to this research ie levels level vo2max athletes. the data obtained after multistage fitness test (mft) test can be seen in the table below: the results of the statistical analysis obtained by the value of minimum= 40, maximum value= 49, mean of the oregon circuit training group is pre-test = 42 and post-test= 58.5, while average (mean) fartlek group is pre-test= 43 and post-test= 60.5, then the standard deviation of oregon circuit training group is pretest= 2,126 and posttest = 2,248, while the standard deviation of fartlek group is pretest = 1,938 and posttest = 2,816. from table 3, showed that the category is very fit frequency of 0 people with a percentage 0%, then the fit category as much as 0 people with a percentage 0%, next the category above the average there are 7 people with a percentage of 35%, the average category there 10 people with a percentage of 50%, the category below the average there are 3 people with a percentage of 15%. category not fit there are 0 people with a percentage 0%, and the category below is very not fit 0 people with a percentage 0%. from the table 4 , showed that the category is very fit frequency of 4 people with a percentage 20%, then the fit category as much as 16 people with a percentage 80%, next the category above the average there are 0 people with a percentage of 0%, the average category there 0 people with a percentage of 0%, the category below the average there are 0 people with a percentage of 0%. category not fit there are 0 people with a percentage 0%, and the category below is very not fit 0 people with a percentage 0%. based on this indicates that the ability of athletes after being given a training program (treatment) has a difference in the vo2max test result, that more increased than the total result of increased percentage before the exercise (treatment). copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 descriptive statistics data minimum maximum mean std. deviation pretest group oregon circuit training 40 49 42 2,126 posttest group oregon circuit training 52 63 58,5 2,248 pretest group fartlek 38 48 43 1,938 posttest group fartlek 52 64 60,5 2,816 table 2. data of r esear ch r esult s table 3. results of p r etest vo2max level no category value frequency percentage 1 very fit >60 0 0% 2 fit 52-60 0 0% 3 above average 47-51 7 35% 4 average 42-46 10 50% 5 below average 37-41 3 15% 6 not fit 30-36 0 0% 7 very notfit <30 0 0% amount 20 100% table 4. results of posttest vo2max level no category value frequency percentage 1 very fit >60 4 20% 2 fit 52-60 16 80% 3 above average 47-51 0 0% 4 average 42-46 0 0% 5 below average 37-41 0 0% 6 not fit 30-36 0 0% 7 very disfit <30 0 0% amount 20 100% figure 1. or egon cir cuit tr aining gr oup resear ch rifqi festiawan, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 66 the research results for the oregon circuit training group have a total of 20 samples gained the minimum value before training = 40 and after exercise = 52, the maximum value before exercise = 49 and after exercise = 63. rrata (mean) before exercise = 42 and after exercise = 58.5. then the standard deviation of the oregon circuit training group before exercise = 2,126 and after exercise = 2,848. results of analysis research for variables skill playing futsal futsal group fartlek has a number of samples as much as 10 people obtained the minimum value before the exercise = 38 and after exercise = 52, the maximum value before the exercise = 52 and after exercise= 64. mean before exercise = 43 and after exercise = 60.5. then the standard deviation fartlek group before exercise = 1,938 and after exercise = 2,248. the prerequisite test consists of test normality and homogeneity test. in this research test normality is conducted using the help of spss 24 with shapiro wilk, normal distribution data if the value of significance is greater than 0.05 or (sig. > 0.05), otherwise if the data is smaller than 0.05 or (sig. < 0.05) then the data is said to be abnormal. the normality test results: 1) pretest group oregon circuit training (sig = 0,871), posttest group oregon circuit training (sig = 0,659), 3) pretest group fartlek (sig = 0,469), 4) posttest group fartlek (sig = 0,674). it’s shows that the value of sig. from pretest and postest group fartlek and oregon circuit training are all greater than 0.05 or sig value > 0.05 then it can be concluded that the data is normal distribution. a test of homogeneity is a test conducted to know the similarities of the research population variant. testing homogeneity done with the help of computer program spss. the decision making criteria is if the value of the sig > 0.05 or t count < t of the table, meaning the sample is homogenity. the homogenity test showed that pretest group oregon circuit training (sig = 0,750), posttest group oregon circuit training (sig = 0,762), pretest group fartlek (sig = 0,699), 4), and posttest group fartlek (sig = 0,742). from the calculation of acquired significance table test homogenity pretests and postest group fartlek and oregon circuit training above both groups get the value of sig above 0.05 or sig. > 0.05 and the result signifies that variant of the sample is homogenous. the data analysis technique used is the test-t with a significant 5% level. there are two types of test-t, namely different samples (independent sample t-test) and similar samples (dependent sample t-test). this test is to determine the average difference between two populations/independent data groups. based on the table 5, the results of sig. (2-tailed) oregon circuit training group that is 0.002 and the results of sig. (2-tailed) fartlek training group is 0.001. with these results the two groups have a sig. <0.05 and can be interpreted that there is a significant influence both oregon circuit training and fartlek training on the level of vo2max soedirman expedition vii athlete. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 figure 2. the far t lek gr oup resear ch resu lts data table 5. test results of pair ed t -test paired sampled test sig. (2-tailed) pair 1 pretest oregon circuit training group postest oregon circuit training group ,002 pair 2 pretest fartlek group postest fartlek group ,001 table 6. independent samples test independent samples test f sig. t df sig. (2-tailed) hasil posttest tingkat vo2max equal variances assumed 0,27 0,77 -0,56 43,5 0,74 equal variances not assumed -,564 42,6 ,740 rifqi festiawan, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 67 from the table 6, the results of sig. (2-tailed) the two groups is 0.740. with these results the two groups have a value of 0.740> 0.05 and it can be interpreted that there is no significant difference in effect between oregon circuit training and fartlek training on the level of vo2max athlete sudirman expedition vii. table 7 shows the difference in the increase in futsal skills seen from the average difference of pretests and posttest in both groups. the difference of the oregon circuit training was obtained from the average pretests of 42 and the average posttest of 58.5 had a difference of 16.5 and the percentage of its ascent amounted to 39,28%. while in fartlek group the difference gained from the average pretests of 43 and posttest of 60.5 has a difference of 17.5 and the percentage of 40,69%. so it can be concluded that the group given training fartlek greater increase vo2maxnya rate compared to the group oregon circuit training. discussion this study aims to determine the effect of oregon circuit training and fartlek on the vo2max level of sudirman expedition vii athletes, then compare the differences in influence between the two. the research began with a pretest, after that the treatment was given during 14 meetings with the fartlek training and oregon circuit training methods which had a balanced portion between the two exercises, and then conducted a posttest. this study uses a "two group pretestposttest design" research design that is a research design that serves to determine the effect of each group before and after being treated and then compare the differences in influence of the results of the paired t-test, and each research group uses independent sample t-test test, so that the difference can be known more accurately. the results of the statistical analysis of the study for the vo2max level variable oregon circuit training group has a sample of 10 people obtained the minimum value before practice = 40 and after exercise = 52, the maximum value before exercise = 49 and after exercise = 63. the average (mean) before practice = 42 and after practice = 58.5. from these data then tested by paired ttest and obtained the results of t-test with sig. (2-tailed) oregon circuit training group pre-test and post-test is .002. so from these results it can be seen that the value of sig. smaller than 0.05 or 0,000 <0.05, it means that the oregon circuit training method has a significant influence on the level of vo2max athlete sudirman expedition vii, and thus the research hypothesis is the effect of the oregon circuit training method on increasing maximal oxygen volume (vo2 max )", be accepted. based on the result it can be concluded that the oregon circuit training approach is a form of exercise that can be used to increase vo2 max, because in this circuit training will include trained elements, such as muscle strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, agility, balance, and heart-lung endurance. and circuit training becomes a series of exercises that can improve cardiovascular. circuit training is an exercise program that is combined from several training items whose purpose in doing an exercise will not be tedious and more efficient in increasing vo2 max and muscle endurance. analysis of the research results for the dependent variable of the study showed an increase in the mean value (mean) for each variable. from the description of the maximum oxygen volume variable data on the pretest score of the fartlek group has an average value of 43 and an average post-test value of 60.5. that way the average value of this group increased by 17.5 or 40.69%. based on the results of paired t-test with the help of the spss 22 program for the maximum oxygen volume variable between the gain score of the fartlek training group and the oregon circuit training group, a significance value of 0.001 was obtained at a significance level of 0.05. the significance value is smaller than the value (sig <0.05), thus the research hypothesis has the effect of the method of fartlek training on increasing the maximum oxygen volume (vo2 max) ", accepted. theoretically the results of this study can be explained as follows: endurance is one of the compocopyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 7. the table differ ence incr ement vo2max research variables mean pretest mean post-test difference percentage oregon circuit training group 42 58,5 16,5 39,28% fartlek group 43 60,5 17,5 40,69% rifqi festiawan, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 68 nents that must be had to support sports activities, especially endurance maximum oxygen volume (vo2 max) is a dominant factor in showing one's ability and maximum oxygen volume will give an idea of the magnitude of motor skills in one's aerobic process. maximum oxygen volume (vo2max) has a dominant influence on a person's endurance that is the use and transport of oxygen. maximum oxygen volume (vo2 max) is the maximum amount of oxygen that can be consumed during physical activity until fatigue occurs because the maximum oxygen volume can limit one's cardiovascular capacity. cardiovascular endurance is an activity that emphasizes the body's ability to do work in a rather long time, continuous, and in an aerobic state. an organized and directed training program that pays attention to the principles, intensity, systematics and frequency of training and will continuously lead to adjustments to the increasing physical condition. training conducted regularly and systematically will increase the function of body organs so that these organs can work optimally as a supporter in carrying out physical activity. fartlek training in general will also have an effect on increasing blood volume and content of hemoglobin to carry oxygen, more red blood cells to carry hemoglobin, more blood plasma to carry red blood cells and of course more blood in total volume, training also causes the heart muscle to get stronger. the increase in the strength of this muscle will cause the amount of blood that can be pumped by the heart in each beat will multiply. likewise with the size of blood vessels will be enlarged due to the provision of training, with the increasing size of these blood vessels will cause blood that can be flowed through these blood vessels will also multiply. likewise, oxygen carried by the blood also increases and the amount of hemoglobin will also increase. maximum oxygen volume (vo2 max) is influenced by the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to deliver blood to the tissues that are actively working with the ability of muscles to use oxygen carried by the blood. efforts to increase the maximum oxygen volume (vo2 max) can be done through training that can improve one of these factors. an increase in the cardiovascular system and the muscular system will increase the capacity of vo2 max. then for the independent t test results are sig. (2tailed) oregon circuit training group = 0.740 and the results of sig. (2-tailed) fartlek group = 0.740. with these results the two groups have a sig. > 0.05 from the two treatment groups, and it can be interpreted that there is no significant difference in effect between the fartlek training method and the oregon circuit training on the vo2max level of the sudirman expedition athlete. that is because both exercises have the same effect on the vo2max level of the sudirman expedition athlete. the difference is in the mean difference (mean) of the two groups, namely the oregon circuit training group getting pre-test results = 42 and posttest = 58.5, while the average (mean) of the fartlek training group is pre-test = 43 and post-test = 60.5. based on these results the difference in influence can be compared in another way by looking at the difference in increase in the two groups, obtained by the oregon circuit training group obtained from an average pretest of 42 and an average posttest of 58.5 having a difference of 16.5 with a percentage increase in 39.28%. whereas in the fartlek group the difference was obtained from the average pretest of 43 and posttest of 60.5 having a difference of 17.5 and the percentage of 40.69%. so it can be concluded that the group given the fartlek training increase is greater than the oregon circuit training group after each group is given training with the same portion. conclusion based on the results of research discussion can be concluded that there was an influence on the oregon circuit training method to increase vo2max capacity for soedirman vii. there was an influence on the method of fartlek training on increasing the capacity of vo2max athlete sudirman vii expedition. there was no significant difference in influence between the oregon circuit training method and the fartlek training method on the increase of capacity vo2max the athlete of sudirman vii expedition. with these results, showed that there is no difference influence between the two methods of practice, but if it is seen from the improvement, fartlek training shows better results compared to the oregon circuit training. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 rifqi festiawan, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (1) (2020) 69 references burtscher, m., bachmann, o., hatzl, t., hotter, b., likar, r., philadelphy, m., & nachbauer, w. 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intentionally structured and non-intentionally structured on students’ developments and to know which one is better for early adolescents (12 -15 years), in junior high school. the population of the study were 48 students of smpn 1 subang who took part in the extracurricular activities of the national basketball association. the random cluster sample technique was used to select the samples. the samples were 20 students for the control group and 20 students for the experimental group. there were two instruments used was intrinsic motivation inventory and leadership instruments. the results showed that the value of the motivation of the experimental group was higher than the value of the motivation of the control group. the results of the experimental group leadership value also showed a higher value than the control group leadership value. the results of the research conclude that a structured smallsided games are effective in increasing the students’ leadership and motivation.  correspondence address : jln. dr. setiabudhi 229, bandung, indonesia e-mail : yugilugaya67@gmail.com http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 135 yugi rahmanudin lugaya et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) introduction small-sided game (ssg) model is performed in the teaching process in learning or training team sports as it provides a tactical-technical, physical, and other component related to the game performances (hoffmann, reed, leiting, chiang, & stone, 2014). moreover, ssg extends an organizational characteristic similar to formal games (davids, arau ́ jo, correia, & vilar, 2013). in term of conditions, it can be conveniently modified to train some specific game components while maintaining game logic. then, teaching models that focus on declarative / procedural tactical knowledge carry out the ssg to facilitate the understanding of players about formal game (greco, memmert, & morales, 2010). to modify a condition in ssg (for example, the number of players each team) is able to change the environmental characteristics in a controllable mode and to encourage athletes /students to perform the desired behaviour during the learning process (davids, button, arau ́ jo, renshaw, & hristovski, 2006). therefore, the systematic changes in ssg conditions allow the teachers and trainers to adapt the tactical -technical demands which is in line to their practice/ training objectives. furthermore, ssg can be defined as a limited game practiced in small spaces, adapted rules and a smaller number of players (hill haas, dawson, impellizzeri and coutts, 2011). these obstacles enable both teachers and trainers to adapt the game with its characteristics and player needs, which creates the ssg a special framework for teaching team sports (ortega, alarcón and piñar, 2012; owen, twist and ford, 2004). the decrease in the number of players possibly allows each player to make more contacts with the ball; as a result, it can have more dribbling, passing, shooting and stealing (koklu, asci, kocak, alemdaroglu and dundar, 2011; reilly, 2005), contributing to better technical development. the tactical knowledge of players can be developed by continuously exposing players to offensive and defensive situations (dellal, jannault, lopez-segovia and pialoux, 2011). these ssg tactical problems require creativity to be the solution. it can be defined as the ability to make varied, paced and flexible decisions that will enable players to solve the tactical problems appearing in the game course and essentially, for team sports (memmert, 2010; memmert and roth, 2007). this decision-making ability will upgrade if one is able to learn how to align environmental relevant information supporting responsive action and exploring the behaviour (davids, araújo, correia and vilar, 2013; travassos et al., 2012). leadership has been identified as an important but underdeveloped life skill among young athletes. theresearcher is willing to develop leadership by choosing a formal educational approach to the sports captain experience. to motivate is one of the important tasks for a captain that must be faced in regular physical education classes. a captain must be able to implement motivational strategies or ways to engage unmotivated students and maintain motivation in already involved students as well. additionally, the captain is the most frequent person to report that their leadership duties would be organizational, such as calling the coin toss and choosing the team clothes. the simplified nature of their roles and responsibilities, as well as a deliberate in lack of adult guidance and teaching, the extent to which these students actually learn about leadership should be questionable. physical education teachers need to understand the scientific basics and research findings in the field of student leadership in physical education learning. for example, how to be an effective leader in sport, and thus it can improve the quality of school athletics. by providing leadership training opportunities in sport, it is hoped that youth will learn lessons that will equip them with other leadership opportunities in the future. when children and teens are enrolled in sports, it is believed that they will have benefits from their experiences. meanwhile, parents, coaches, and school administrators assume that in addition to physical fitness, they will acquire important life skills by being there (gould, carson, fifer, lauer, & benham, 2009). however, it shows that sports participation itself is unable to guarantee the development of life skills, particularly, the leadership one. in a recent interview study examining the experiences of high school captains, all 13 former high school captains reported that they were untrained or unprepared by their coaches for their leadership roles (voelker, gould, & crawford, 2010). there are some factors involving leadership characteristics; one of those is how the students can be more motivated copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 136 in sports. that is the duty of the team captain as a leader who can be responsible and must be able to motivate the students in his team to do something. to motivate is one of the important tasks in physical education (pe) that must be faced in regular physical education classes. sports teachers usually must implement the motivational strategies or ways to engage unmotivated students as well as maintain the motivation in already involved students. physical education teachers need to know the scientific basics and research findings in the field of student motivation in physical education learning. the research aims that target the motivation in approaches to physical education seen from a social psychological point of view, self-determination theory (sdt), has exclusively been the most widely used theoretical framework in investigating students’ motivation in physical education (ryan & deci, 2000; ntoumanis & standage, 2009) as sdt provides an excellent fit for physical activities and physical education learning settings (boiché et al., 2009). the factors that influence students’ motivation in physical education can be divided into internal and external aspects. internal factors consist of individual characteristics (e.g. age, gender, school grade level, ability level, physical characteristics), character variables (e.g. attitude, perceived competence, task and ego orientation, goal orientation, intrinsic motivation), and individual situation variables (e.g. sports training during leisure time, reasons for participating in sports, perceptions of success) (blanchard et al., 2007; cloes, 2005). four character variables related to individual differences have been shown to influence motivation in physical education. these are the perceived competences and independence, explaining the goal of achievement, and the perceived benefits of physical education classes (hassandra et al., 2003). if students feel that they can do something in a physical education class, they will also feel happy to actively participate (cairney et al., 2012; kolovelonis & goudas, 2013). the students who feel that they can do a task on their own in physical education classes indicates a higher level of intrinsic motivation (goudas, biddle, & fox, 1994; hagger, barkoukis, chatzisarantis, john wang, & baranowski, 2005). some argue that intrinsic motivation is the desire to act which is caused by an internal driving factor (thornburgh, 2006). individuals who are driven by intrinsic motivation will only be satisfied if the activity carried out have achieved the results involved in that activity. intrinsic motivation is a strong urge or will that comes within a person (gunarsa s.d. 2008, p. 50). the stronger the intrinsic motivation a person has, the more likely he or she shows their strong behaviour to achieve goals. therefore, this is the duty of the teachers to motivate their students that can be delivered to students who are appointed as team captains; a captain must be able to motivate his team in a better way. the development of better motor skills is correlated with higher physical activity in children (cliff, okely, smith, and mckeen, 2009). in order to engage children and stay active behaviour for a longer period of time, the teachers need to adjust physical activity to a situation such as a game. the teachers need to realize that children should be provided games to develop their motor skills. in addition, manipulative objects and skills having a large impact on physical activity can be achieved as well (carl 2015). therefore, physical teachers in schools must strengthen learning object manipulation skills in their curriculums (barnett, et al. 2016). the content of the game in physical education learning and competitive environment is well-known to be beneficial for students who experience success (victory) and understand their physical competence to be the same or better than other teammates. meanwhile, the perceived competences and intrinsic motivation will be decreased for students who experience unplanned results, compared to other teammates (defeat) (vallerand, gauvin, & halliwell, 1986); therefore, one of the key factors in children who dislike physical education learning and have a lower level of competence during physical education learning is compulsory participation in competitiveness, which is generally disliked by children (reinboth, michael; duda, joan; ntoumanis, 2004). in addition, there are several ways in which the optimal level of challenge can be obtained. the goals must be clearly defined; however, the possibility of achieving them must be uncertain. it is a must for the game to perform a progressive difficulty level, multiple objectives, and ambiguity of information in ensuring uncertain results. the feedbacks of a performance and scoring allow individuals to track their progress towards desired goals. the end of the goal must be meancopyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yugi rahmanudin lugaya et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) 137 ingful to the individual. to associate the activities with valuable personal competences, to instill the activities in receiving interesting instruction, or to engage in competitive or cooperative motivation can provide the meaningful goals. furthermore, the competences in junior high school students had been found low during competitive activities in the classroom, especially, during invasion games in physical education (i.e. football, basketball, handball, and others). to transform the invasion into a modified game form in simplified rules (eg, no dribbling allowed and smaller groups) can contribute to beliefs of self-efficacy. temporarily, the result of this observations is that, generally, leadership skill learning applied in schools, especially in junior high schools in physical education learning, is considered low. one of the factors that may be the cause is that sports participation is unable to guarantee the development of life skills, especially leadership. a good learning process is the active participation of students. therefore, the main objective of this research is to determine the application of small-sided games (ssg) to the development of leadership and motivation of students in physical education learning from a group of junior high school students (aged 12-14 years). methods design the method used in this research was a quasi experiment. in the world of education, especially in indonesia, the use of quasi-experiments was highly recommended considering the conditions of research objects which often do not allow random assignments. this is due to the already completed formation of groups, such as a group of students in one class. these groups are also frequently very limited in number. in this situation, the rules in true experiment could not be fulfilled completely, because the control of variables related to the research subject could not be fully carried out. the use of quasi experimental was recommended to implement in research related to improving the quality of learning (fraenkel, et al, 2013). in this study, there were two teaching treatments as the focus of research. the two teaching methods were applied to two different groups using small-side games training models. the two groups were divided into some smaller groups to make it easier for researchers to apply the learning process. the experimental group was given a limited exploratory teaching treatment in which students was more dominant in the learning than the teacher. the control group was given a commando teaching style in which the teacher was more dominant in learning than the students. the two groups of subjects were used/ determined, then were measured or observed twice. the first measurement served as a pretest and the second one as a posttest participant the study population was 48 students of smpn 1 subang who joined the basketball extracurricular, consisting of 14 male and 9 female students of seventh grade, and 17 male and 8 female students of eighth grade. the population of this study were children aged 12-15 years, so that they were taken from the junior high school level, and used different educational treatments with an average number of students in one school was 35 people. random cluster sampling technique was employed in this study because the researcher chose the samples randomly from the population and did not create a new class (group) for sample selection. thus, the sample selection used the already available groups, and two group classes were selected (freankel et. al 2013, pp. 95). instrument in the pretest and posttest, all participants filled out a motivation questionnaire on sports and physical activity and were measured using the intrinsic motivation inventory (imi), and the student leadership was measured using a leadership questionnaire. next, the participants completed one of the small sided games (ssg) game modification. the last was measured using the intrinsic motivation inventory (imi) and student leadership was measured by using a leadership questionnaire. result to find out the difference in the increase of student motivation and leadership through the implementation of the small-side games model in learning, a noncopyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yugi rahmanudin lugaya et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) 138 parametric test was conducted because one of the data groups was not normally distributed. the results of the mean difference test of the student motivation of the experimental and control groups are shown in table 1. based on table 1, the sig. value of motivation was 0.024 <0.05, so h_0 was rejected. this means that there was a difference in the development of motivation through the implementation of the small-side games model. the results of the mean difference test of student leadership of the experimental and the control groups are presented in table 2. based on the table 2, the sig. value of leadership was 0,038 < 0,05, then was rejected. this means that there was a difference in leadership development through the conduct of the small-side games model. discussion the findings showed that the experimental group was superior in developing motivation than the control group; the two research groups in question were the experimental group (the group that was given treatment with motivational intervention) and the control group (the group that was not given motivational intervention). this was evidenced by the calculation in each group, where the experimental group was superior in developing or increasing motivation than the control group. with the results of 68.7% for the experimental group and 43.6% for the control group, it could be concluded that although the experimental group and the control group appeared to have similarities when the small-side games treatment model applied, there was a significant difference since the experimental group had the greater the effect in increasing the students’ motivation. in ssg players experience situation similar to the one they encountered in actual competition (owen et al., 2004). in fact, game-based conditioning using ssg has become a popular method for developing aerobic fitness (impellizzeri et al., 2006). despite the growing popularity of ssg, only a few research projects had examined how the intensity of ssg can be manipulated to alter the training or learning stimulus (hill-haas et al., 2009). research focused on evaluating the physiological, tactical, and technical responses of athletes when factors such as number of players, field size, rules of play, and coach drive had been modified in ssg. studies seemed to confirm that by changing these factors we can manipulate the overall physiological and perceptual workload. other studies aimed to predict motivation among students; when an activity were considered positive, the individuals were expected to increase their motivation. the findings reinforced the importance of creating a classroom atmosphere that emphasized someone's efforts to participate in learning for self-improvement, better motivation, and increasing persistence. people who were motivated to maximize the effort in participating in challenging activities optimally as well as their interest and enjoyment could be maintained (emilio & maureen, 2000). the time available for physical education classes was very short, so the use of ssg allowed the program to focus on the play. it was to maximaze the available time on meaningful activities and building their own learning processes. in addition, higher physiological demands were registered in ssg with a smaller number of players and targets. the situation in a physical education (pe) classroom where students had the opportunity to work together and help each other to learn (when taught new skills) made them closer and more connected to their fellow students. from all the studies conducted, it can be concluded that by changing factors such as number of players, copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. mean differ ence test resu lts of motivation (non-parametric) test statistics a result mann-whitney u 116.500 wilcoxon w 326.500 z -2.260 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) .024 table 1. mean differ ence test resu lts of motivation (non-parametric) test statistics a result mann-whitney u 130.000 wilcoxon w 340.000 z -1.898 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) .038 yugi rahmanudin lugaya et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) 139 field size, presence/absence of goalkeepers and goals, coach impulses and rules, coaches could manipulate the effects of ssg on players. however, due to the lack of consistency in the design of ssg, player fitness, age, ability, level of coach or teacher encouragement, and rules of play between studies, it was difficult to make accurate conclusions about the influence of each factor separately. due to these limitations, ssg management required further investigation. the use of standardized conditions in ssg related studies may allow a better understanding of the role of individual factors and may help researchers to find better conclusions. the findings of the research data show that the experimental group was superior in improving leadership than the control group, in which the two research groups in question were the experimental group (the group that was given leadership intervention treatment) and the control group (the group that was not given leadership intervention). this was also evidenced by the calculation in which the experimental group was superior in developing or improving social behavior than the control group. with the results of 73.1% for the experimental group and 34.2% for the control group, it was concluded that although the experimental group and the control group appeared to have similarities when the small-side games treatment model applied, there was a significant difference since the experimental group had the greater the effect in increasing the student leadership. the results of studies suggest that by modifying the number of players and the duration of specific training exercises, coaches can change the physiological and technical stimulation of the players who become captains. the appointment to be a captain resulted in gaining their experience, possibly due to a larger area per player ratio. this findings are in accordance with the research developed by (gould, carson, fifer, lauer, & benham, 2009), and confirms the study results of (voelker, gould, & crawford, 2010) that bringin up leadership in young people is difficult when adults dominate their environment. in fact, the researcher experienced that it was perhaps the only major deterrent to leadership development in sport and physical education. ssg enabled students to develop their technical, tactical, social and mental decision-making skills in a highly positive environment (owen et al., 2004). consequently, the use of ssg in physical education classroom planning justified, as it included physical requirements similar to those found in games and focused on learning through play. in addition, this type of gamefocused teaching provided high level of student motivation and involvement in assignments. the constraint manipulation used in this study did not affect technical and tactical performance indicators in basketball and futsal. by using one target only, the game tended to focus more on certain activities, allowed the players to feel more into the game and gained more experience, as well as developed the intensity of the game. modification in appointing a student to be the captain of the team affected the player activity differently from the first to the last half, suggesting that the determination of these rules must be appropriately planned by the coach or teacher according to the training or learning objectives. the teacher had to determine which component (technical and / or physical) they wanted to like, and give students the opportunity to gain experience, therefore, they had to be able to determine the number of ball contacts allowed and in turn appoint the team captain. finally, it appeared that games played in ssg form were best for gathering high intensity action simultaneously, as well as gaining more experience and for dealing with players with technical situations similar to those encountered during the match. based on the existing findings, it is hoped that understanding of the training or teaching load could be improved and also could provide the trainer or teacher with valuable information for the use of the training. the learning process in schools is very important when, in the process, there is intention to change students for the better. the implementation of interesting and meaningful learning process will certainly be able to shape the character of students to be better in the future. in the training or learning process, there are several methods and models to carry out in order to achieve success, one of which is the small-sided games training model. this study revealed the importance of an interesting and easy to conduct learning process that also provides more experience for students to develop their leadership. the researcher applied the small-sided games training model since it was impactful in making the learning process more interesting and more valuable copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yugi rahmanudin lugaya et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) 140 in terms of motivation and leadership. conclusion in accordance with the research results, it can be concluded that; first, there is the effect of applying the intentionally structured leadership with nonintentionally structured leadership small-side games training models on the development of student leadership. second, there is the effect of the intentionally structured motivation small-side games with nonintentionally structured motivation small-side games training models on the development of student motivation. references arau ́ jo, d. 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revised december 2020 accepted january 2021 available online april 2021 keywords : aerobic capacity, air pollution, hematology abstract the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of exercise on aerobic capacity and hematological profile of amateur futsal athletes at two public sport venues having the same climatic characteristics with different air pollution concentrations. the method used in this study was a quasi-experimental method with a post-test only crossover design approach. subjects of the study were 15 futsal athletes from futsal clubs in bandung city. the mean (sd) of age, weight, height, and bmi of the participants were 18.73 ± 1.7 years, 55.29 ± 3.0 kg, 165.90 ± 2.6 cm, and 19.90 ± 0.8 kg/m2. the results of this study indicated that a high amount of air pollution could significantly inhibit the increase of vo2max (p = 0.043) and hemoglobin (p = 0.023) and could significantly increase white blood cells (p = 0.042 leukocytes). the findings of this study provide an evidence that air pollution can have a negative effect on the hematological profile of futsal athletes. thus, the athlete and coach should consider the level of air pollution around the venue before doing the exercise. it should be anticipated because, basically, exercising can increase the rate of air ventilation in the respiratory system so that it can cause air pollution, such as pm2.5 and pm10, entering the lungs and even the alveoli.  correspondence address : jalan ganesa no. 10, bandung. indonesia e-mail : samsu@fa.itb.ac.id https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 28 introduction air pollution, in major cities of the world, is increasing every year and becomes a serious health problem for the people living in the city. there is a scientific evidence regarding the harmful effects of air pollution on human health in the short term and the long term (masih et al., 2020; pope et al., 2004). numerous epidemiological studies reveal the adverse effects of air pollution on cardiovascular health and fitness (brook et al., 2015; das & chatterjee, 2015; oliveira et al., 2006). particular groups of people and ages are vulnerable to air pollution, which increases the mortality and morbidity of these vulnerable groups (lee et al., 2012). physical activity or regular exercise results in important physical and mental health benefits and improves the quality of life associated with health and reduced risk of morbidity and mortality (saunders, shukla, uk, & igel, 2016; thompson coon et al., 2011; volianitis & secher, 2016). however, performing physical activity in a high air pollution condition becomes an unhealthy combination. the athletes competed in open areas, such as athletics, marathons, and football athletes, are one of the vulnerable groups because they have the potential to breathe in air pollution from the environment around the training or competition area. the increase of the amount of airflow entering the respiratory system of the athletes during training or competing puts them at a high risk of inhaling air pollution (giles & koehle, 2014). one of the substances that play a role as a cause of pollution is a particulate. particulates are all substances, except air, in the liquid or solid phase that present in the atmosphere under normal conditions with a microscopic or semi microscopic size, but larger than the molecular dimensions (lestari, 2003). pm2.5 is another name for particulates with a size smaller than 2.5 μm or commonly called fine particles. previous studies have concluded that a high pm2.5 concentration has an impact on the decreased performance of athletes when training or competing (das & chatterjee, 2015; kargarfard, poursafa, rezanejad, & mousavinasab, 2011). it is important to consider that a high air pollution concentration can have a negative impact on the health of human body. researchers had not found any studies discussing the effect of physical activity on the number of different pollutants in two different places. considering the negative effect of air pollution on an athlete’s performance, this study was designed to determine the differences of aerobic capacity and hematological parameters after exercising in two places with different pollutant concentrations. it is important because some sport centers, which are usually used as training or championship sites, are located near the roads exposed to a high air pollution, while some other sport centers are located far from the road. methods participant this research consisted of 15 amateur futsal athletes from a futsal club in bandung. the inclusion criteria were healthy, did not have cardiovascular disease and asthma, did not smoking, and participated in physical exercise sessions. all research subjects received an explanation, orally and written, regarding the objectives, procedures, and risks of the research. research subjects were directed to fill out informed consents when they decided to participate in this study. the research protocol was approved by the research ethics commission of the ministry of health poltekes bandung. design the method used in this study was a quasi experimental method with a posttest-only crossover design approach. the subjects were only tested once without providing any treatment/intervention. all subjects had to complete a test in a low-polluted area. after a 7-day of rest, participants retook the test in a high-polluted environment. two places with the same climate condition (temperature and humidity) with different amounts of air pollution were selected, including upi bandung stadium, as the low-polluted environment, and saraga itb, as the high-polluted environment. procedures two sport venues that are generally used by the public, namely saraga itb and upi bandung stadium, were chosen for this study. researchers used weather stations and laser eggs which were stored at a 2-meter altitude above the ground at each area to measure the amount of air pollution. it was aimed to find out data of the concentration of pm2.5, co2, humidity, and temperature when the research was conducted. the data read by the sensors on the device copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 samsul bahri1 et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 29 could be seen directly through the breathing space application connected to the device. the subject's weight and height were measured by a calibrated stadiometer, while the body mass index was calculated as weight (kg) divided by square meters (m2). for fitness assessment, the cooper test was used. the test consisted of running for 2.4 km as fast as possible. besides age and gender, the results were assessed based on the length of time taken by the subject. the results were correlated with vo2max. participants were asked not to do any physical activity for 24 hours before the test and were required to rest at an inn near the public sport venues. after a 7 day interval, the test was repeated in another region with the same protocol. during the test at both sites, the subjects used a polar heart rate h-7 device attached to the chest to record the distance, heart rate, and energy expenditure. immediately after the tests were carried out at both sites, 15 cm3 of venous blood was taken from the antecubital vein. the blood was allowed to freeze at room temperature before being centrifuged. the serum was then stored in the freezer at -85 ° c for analysis. the hematological parameter was measured at the brawijaya clinic in bandung city. data analysis it’s used the one-way anova test to compare the mean values of the variables of the two studied areas. statistical analysis used the spss version 23 application with a significance level of p <0.05. result the mean (sd) of age, weight, height, and bmi of the participants were 18.73 ± 1.7 years, 55.29 ± 3.0 kg, 165.90 ± 2.6 cm, and 19.90 ± 0.8 kg/m2. the environmental characteristics of the two study areas are presented in table 1. table 2 shows the comparison of the pollutant number variable in two venues (itb and upi). the results of the data in table 1 show that the amount of air pollution in both places had exceeded the threshold. the measurement results of the laser egg origins tool showed that the pm2.5 concentration, when the research subjects exercised at 17.00 at upi public sport venue, was 68.86 µg/m3. meanwhile, at itb public sport venue at the same hour in the following week, the pm2.5 concentration was 109.72 µg / m3. the results showed that the itb public sport venue had a higher pm2.5 concentration than the upi public sports venue. the high concentration of pm2.5 at itb public sport venue was due to the increased activity of motor vehicles on the siliwangi and tamansari streets that surround itb public sport venue. meanwhile, upi public sport venue, which was far from the main road, had a lower pm2.5 concentration. the measurement results of the pm2.5 concentration device installed at the two sites were not much different from previous studies which stated that pm2.5 concentrations at sport areas close to roads tended to be high, while the highest pm2.5 concentrations in public sport areas occurred at night (bahri, resmana, tomo, & karim1, 2017; lestari, 2003; vecchi, marcazzan, & valli, 2007). copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. anthropometry data variable experiment ( n= 15 ) mean (sd) min max age (year) 18.73 ± 1.7 16.00 21.00 weight (kg) 55.29 ± 3.0 52.10 63.30 height (cm) 165.90 ± 2.6 162.00 172.00 bmi (kg/m 2 ) 19.90 ± 0.8 19.00 21.60 table 2. air pollution concentration differences of the two research venues pollutant itb upi quality standards pm2.5 (µg/m 3 ) 109.72 68.86 < 65 co2 (ppm) 496.2 472.2 < 150 temperature ( 0 c) 22.32 22.67 22.8 – 25.8 humidity (%) 70 69 45 65 pm2.5: particulate metter 2.5 (particulate with diameter <2.5) co2: carbon dioxide. table 3. air pollution concentration differences at the two research sites variable itb upi p-value vo2max (ml/kg/min) 51,83±1,45 52,41±1,47 0.043* hemoglobin (gr/dl) 14,69±1,02 15.14±1.28 0.023* white blood cell (10 3 /µl) 10,50±1,95 8,48±1,88 0.042* samsul bahri1 et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 30 table 3 shows that there is a significant decrease of mean of vo2 max and hb. meanwhile, a significant increase of white blood cell mean was higher at the high-polluted site than the lower-polluted site. discussion our research showed that exercising in an area with high pollution concentrations resulted in a significantly lower aerobic capacity value or vo2max and a poor hematological profile. the results of this study indicated a lower value of aerobic capacity or vo2max after performing physical activity in a more polluted public sport venue. it occurred due to impaired oxygen distribution function and lung dysfunction during performing physical activity in a more polluted air (deshpande & deshpande, 2014; gomeñuka et al., 2020). the results of the study are relevant with previous studies which state that air pollution affects vo2max in children and physical exercise in a polluted environment may not have a beneficial effect on cardiopulmonary fitness (an & yu, 2018; buka, koranteng, & osornio-vargas, 2006). hematological parameters suggested that the significantly lower value of hemoglobin after exercise in high-polluted air might be due to a slight increase of blood volume after an exposure to higher levels of air pollutants. the results of our study are in line with previous studies which state that there was a decrease in hemoglobin after carrying out physical activity in a high air pollution condition (das & chatterjee, 2015; davidson & penney, 1988; kargarfard et al., 2011). in addition, this study also found an increase of white blood cells in research subjects after doing physical activity in both public sport venues. however, a higher concentration of white blood cells was found after the subjects engaged in physical activity at itb sport venue. this result is in line with previous research which states that individuals who do physical activities with lower air pollution have a lower number of white blood cell than individuals who do it at a higher air pollution level (das & chatterjee, 2015; jacobs et al., 2010; kargarfard et al., 2011; margolis, manson, & greenland, 2005). the increase of white blood cells, after performing physical activity in an environment exposed to a high pm2.5, might be due to the effect of pm2.5 which could damage the tissue of the body so that the body produces more antibodies in response to a high exposure to pm2.5. conclusion the negative impact caused by the high level of air pollution in public sport facilities should not be neglected. doing physical activity in public sport areas exposed to a high air pollution can cause a decrease on the studied futsal athlete performance. therefore, an athlete or coach should consider the air pollution concentration in the environment before exercising. it should be anticipated because, basically, exercising can increase air ventilation rate in the respiratory system, which can cause air pollution, such as pm2.5 and pm10, entering the lungs. acknowledgement we would like to deliver our gratitude to p3mi of school of pharmacy itb for funding this research and to all research participants who had helped us complete this research. references an, r., & yu, h. 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pencak silat training for positive youth development. the method used in this study was the matching only-pretest-posttest control group design. the instrument used was the life skills scale for sport (lsss). the results showed that there were significant differences among the group integrating life skills in pencak silat training programs, the group not integrating life skills in pencak silat training programs, and groups that did not involve in sports training for positive youth development. the group integrating life skills in pencak silat training program and the group that did not integrate life skills in pencak silat training program were better than the group that did not practice pencak silat training program. on the other hand, a better influence on positive youth development occurred in the group integrating life skills in pencak silat training program compared to the group that did not integrate life skills in pencak silat training programs.  correspondence address : jln. dr. setiabudhi 229, bandung, indonesia e-mail : yurinrachmatika@upi.edu http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 169 yurin rachmatika cahyani / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) introduction in the last decades, life skill is seen as an integral part in preparing the youth for facing daily life and enabling the active participation in society. life skill is highly related with the success in arranging a program to develop the skills. steve danish from life skill center in virginia commonwealth university is one of well-known advocates developing life skill of youth and has discussed the meaning of life skill in some occasions. life skill is a skill that enables an individual to be successful in different environments where they live, such as school, home, and society (s. danish, forneris, hodge, & heke, 2004). global economy condition in the future is highly competitive and rapidly changing. it becomes the challenge for the youth to keep learning to develop their abilities and life skills, they are even required to master several abilities and continuously develop their life skills, so that they could be competitive in the future (gould & carson, 2008b). life skill is a skill needed to face the demands and challenges in daily life (l. d. cronin & allen, 2016). besides skill aspects, life skill also covers other physical aspects, such as healthy diet, cognitive aspect (including the self-talk) and behavior (including goal setting) (hardcastle, tye, glassey, & hagger, 2015). sport is known as the medium for people developing their skills that would enable them to positively contribute to the society. it is not a surprising fact as the nature of sport requires a diligence in learning a new skill, or social and cognitive skills, as a person should work independently as well as help each other to solve the problems and to take a decision (cope et al., 2016). sport could also improve life skills and psychology of an individual involved in sport activities (l. cronin, 2015). sport can be a medium to improve social, emotional, and academic skills. besides, sport can also help the youth to collaborate with other people (hayden, whitley, cook, silva, & scherer, 2015). most of the youths identify how they use life skills in sport environment and the strategy they intentionally use to transfer life skills into daily life, while other youths are aware that their coaches use an intentioned strategy to facilitate the transfer of life skills from sport environment into daily life. although life skill development is proven could be conducted through sport activities, but the youth has not known how to implement the life skill in daily life. therefore, transferring life skills into daily life by involving required components such as psychological need (including self-control), competence (including stress management), and the relationship (including social responsibility) (kendellen & camiré, 2016). sport could facilitate the process of life skill learning, even the experience gained during the learning process through sport is considered as a new life skill (jones & lavallee, 2009). however, doing sport activities only is not enough. it requires a structured sport. an intentionally structured sport program to teach life skills is more suitable to develop the result of positive youth development compared to the unintentionally sport program (bean & forneris, 2016). although an argument says that sport does not automatically direct people into life skill development, but it only occurs if we relate the culture with the player who is considered giving contribution to the development of their life skills or if the coach does and acts in a certain unstructured way (s. j. danish & nellen, 2012). in the last 25 years, a new vision appears related to the development of youth, called positive youth development. the sport psychology researchers have been spending efforts to deeply understand how sport can be arranged to reinforce the positive youth development (pyd). sport has been identified as a beneficial environment to promote pyd as it is the most popular activity outside the school for youth (gould & carson, 2008a; guèvremont & findlay, 2002). meanwhile, sport is a highly appreciated social activity of the youth, that it would be an ideal medium to gain their interests. as has been mentioned earlier, although sport has been identified as a beneficial arrangement to learn life skills, many researchers focus on the importance of the intentioned approach for youth positive development (menestrel, bruno, & christian, 2002). the positive youth development (pyd) is a framework in positive psychology as an alternative approach of the reactive and reductionist methods that historically had been used during working by the youth (catalano, berglund, ryan, & lonczak, 2002). meanwhile, pyd explains the relationship between the youth and the environment (family, school, and community). copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 170 there are four interrelated regulations that give impacts on the positive youth development, including program, organization, and community (benson & saito, 2001). representing the concept of the positive youth development (pyd), sport can also be identified as a beneficial environment to promote a positive youth development, since sport can be used as pyd for its popularity as the activity outside the school for the youth (gould & carson, 2008b; guèvremont & findlay, 2002). sport is a social activity appreciated by the youth, thus it is an ideal medium to gain their interests. although sport has been identified as a beneficial arrangement to learn life skills, many researchers focus on the importance of the intentioned approach for youth positive development (menestrel et al., 2002). pencak silat is the result of indonesia culture to defend and to preserve the existence and the integrity of the environment to reach the harmony of life in order to improve people belief and religious attitude. a lot of benefits gained from pencak silat, such as the development of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. cognitive ability develops as the conceptual training of pencak silat is given. the fast thinking process is required in facing the problems to solve and taking the decision correctly and accurately. affective ability develops as the training related to sportive attitude, respecting each other, discipline, and being humble, as the principles of pencak silat, and other affective aspects are given. according to the result of interview conducted by the researcher to the coaches of some pencak silat schools, especially the schools at west java, the knowledge of the coaches and athletes related to life skills is limited. the survey conducted in some pencak silat schools at west java, related to the knowledge of the coach on the life skills, upraised the curiosity of the coaches related to life skills and how to implement the life skill in pencak silat training program. the curiosity of the coaches emerged after the researchers delivered a general information about life skills. the coaches admitted the importance of the life skills development for the youth. the coaches also related the components in life skill that are relevant with the objective of pencak silat. the researchers believed that it was a good opportunity to promote life skills into pencak silat training program. in relation with life skill, in the process of pencak silat training program, the coaches should not only conduct the content of the training program, such as technical aspect, physical aspect, and mental aspect, but also implement the life skills, so that the athletes could implement the life skill in social life for the positive youth development. sport could give a foundation for the youth to learn self-defense and obtain the skills that are proven to be beneficial for their future (petitpas, cornelius, raalte, & jones, 2005). this view is shared by others who thought that sport has a capacity to challenge and motivate people the way that cannot be found in other life learning process, such as at school and workplace (hansen, larson, & dworkin, 2003). sport has been suggested as an ideal environment to develop life skills as sport is one of the most popular recreational activities for the youth. recently, six strategies are designed and presented to help coaches developing life skills. by intentionally integrating life skills in the training plan, coaches could practice a positive youth development approach and maximize the development of their athlete potential (camiré, martin, & nikolas martin, 2019). the scarce of research related to the development of life skills in pencak silat training in indonesia raised the researchers’ interest to further study the youth life skills in a pencak silat school. regarding the result of research explained earlier, researcher conducted life skill research in pencak silat to find out the impact of the implementation of life skills in pencak silat training to improve the positive life skill development of the youth. besides, the researcher was aimed at finding out how the result of the integration of the eight components of life skills in pencak silat training, thus the researchers conducted a research entitled “integrating life skills into pencak silat training for positive youth development”. methods participants in this research, the population taken were all athletes from west java pplp, ciung wanara school, and bandung public senior high school 3. according to the design of the study, namely the matching onlycopyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yurin rachmatika cahyani / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 171 pretest-posttest control group design, the samples were chosen purposively (fraenkel, wallen, & hyun, 2012). the characteristics for the experimental group were the athletes aged 15-21 years, actively involved in pencak silat training, and had followed the training at least for one year. meanwhile, for the control group, the samples were 15-21 year old and not actively involved in the sport training. procedure the research began from a problem found by the researcher, then the research problems were taken in form of questions. to answer the question of the research problems, the researchers chose the population and samples, then gave a pretest in 1 meeting. after pre -test, treatment was conducted for 8 meetings with 4 times of meetings in a week. each meeting was conducted in 100 minutes. first, the implementation of training program of pencak silat for the integrated life skill included a training series consisting of one focus of life skill that should be acquired in one meeting. the research was carried out by firstly introduced life skills at the beginning of training, implemented strategies to teach life skills holistically in training, and gave questions related to life skills at the end of training (experimental group 1). secondly, the group not integrating life skill in pencak silat training program received a series of training generally without emphasizing the principles of life skill (experimental group 2). third group is the group that did not join or actively involve in the sport training. after 8 times of meeting and treatment, a post-test was conducted. the test was conducted to examine the life skill of each group after receiving the treatment. furthermore, 2 meetings to examine tournament trial 1 and tournament trial 2 were administered, thus the total meetings were 12 meetings. instrument the instrument used to measure the life skill development of the students was the life skill scale for sport (lsss) instrument. the lsss questionnaire was developed for the youth sport participants aged 15 – 21 years. the lsss consisted of eight major life skills covering 47 statement items in likert scale measurement. the scales included five points, from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much). the team work item (7 items), goal setting (7 items), time management (4 items), emotional skill (4 items), interpersonal communication (4 items), social skills (5 items), leadership (8 items), and problem solving and decision making (4 items). previous research gave a proof of the validity and reliability of this scale on the youth sport participants (cronin & allen, 2017). in the current sample, each of lsss subscale and life skills displays an adequate internal consistence with alpha coefficient from 0,81 to 0,96 (l. d. cronin & allen, 2017). result the statistical assumption test was conducted as the prerequisite to test the hypothesis by using the normality and homogeneity tests. the normality test was conducted by using the shapiro-wilk test. meanwhile, the homogeneity test was conducted by using the levene test with the level of significance α = 0,05. the results of normality test and homogeneity test shows that the three groups, including the group integrating life skill in pencak silat training (.232>0.05), the group non-integrating life skill in pencak silat training (.618>0.05) and the control group (.797>0.05), were normally distributed and had a same variance. furthermore, the hypothesis testing is started with the t-test (paired sample t test) was conducted to find out the comparison of the two means from the paired samples, namely the life skill score from the pretest data and posttest data of each group. the results of the t -test on the three groups are presented in table 1. table 1. t-test (paired sample t-test) after conducting the significance test on the three groups, the writer concluded that the significant improvement in this research occurred only on two groups (experimental group 1 and experimental group 2). meanwhile, there was no significant improvement on copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 group pre-test post-test t df sig. mean sd mean sd pencak silat training integrating life skill (experimental group i) 181.6 2.98 198 5.65 11 9 0 pencak silat training nonintegrating life skill (experimental group ii) 156.2 10.2 160 11.3 5.8 9 0 non sport training group (control group) 152.8 8.29 154 8.48 1.7 9 0.111 yurin rachmatika cahyani / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 172 the control group. furthermore, the examination of the difference of improvement significance from the experiment group 1 and experimental group 2, the experimental group 1 and control group, and the experimental group 2 and control group was conducted. the results of comparison are presented in table 2. table 2. t-test (independent sample t-test) the analysis employed was the mean improvement of the three groups. simply, the analysis procedure included the comparison of mean of score gained from the experimental group 1, experimental group 2, and the control group. according to table 2, the significance value was 0,000 smaller than 0,05 (0,000 < 0,05), which means that there was a significant effect difference between the pencak silat training integrating life skill program and the pencak silat training non-integrating life skill program on the life skill development. the mean of the gained score of the experimental group 1 was better than the experimental group 2. meanwhile, the significance value of the comparison between the experimental group 1 post test score and the control group post test score was 0,000 smaller than 0,05 (0,000 < 0,05), which indicates the significant effect difference from the pencak silat integrating life skill program and the control group on the development of life skill. based on the obtained average score, the experimental group 1 was better than the control group. furthermore, for the comparison between the post test result of the experimental group 2 and the post test result of the control group, according to table 3, the significance value was 0,176, higher than 0,05 (0,176 > 0,05). it means that there was no significant effect difference from the pencak silat training non-integrating life skill and the control group on the development of life skill. however, the experimental group 2 gained a better average score than the control group. the result of the independent sample t-test of the three groups, by comparing the experimental group 1 and experimental group 2, experimental group 1 and control group, experimental group 2 and control group, concludes that there was a significant difference between the experimental group 1 and experimental group 2 and experimental group 1 and the control group. meanwhile, in the comparison between the experimental group 2 and the control group, there was no significant difference found although the average post-test score of the experimental group 2 was better than the control group. discussion the results of this study are relevant with previous research. some research had shown that the youth developed a series of life skills through sport (l. d. cronin & allen, 2017; trottier & robitaille, 2014; whitley, wright, & gould, 2013). sport is a highly appreciated social activity by the youth, thus it is an ideal medium to gain the youth’s interest (menestrel et al., 2002). it is relevant with the statement that sport training could reinforce the life and social skills (strachan, côté, & deakin, 2016). although sport has been identified as a beneficial arrangement to learn life skills, the result shows that the life skill achievement can be conducted through integrated pencak silat training program. the pencak silat training program integrating life skill would have an impact on the development of life skill. the apparent development aspects including communication between the athlete and the coach. in the process, the athletes learnt discipline, self-confident, responsibility, problem solving, and the development of a positive social personality. the achievement of athlete developments are in line with the expected life skill aspect, including timework, goal setting, time management, leadership, social skills, interpersonal communication, emotional skills, problem solving, and decision making (l. d. cronin & allen, 2017). the result of the hypothesis test presented in table 2 shows that there was a significant difference between the experimental group 1 and the experimental group 2 and the experimental group 1 and the control group. meanwhile, in the experimental group 2 and the concopyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 group comparison tcal ttable df sig. integrating life skill and training non-integrating life skill 8.00 2.10 18 .000 training integrating life skill and non sport training group 13.7 2.10 18 .000 training non-integrating life skill and non sport training group 1.40 2.10 18 .176 yurin rachmatika cahyani / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 173 trol group comparison, there was no significant difference, although the experimental group 2 posed a higher post-test average score than the control group. therefore, the first hypothesis testing showed that the pencak silat training integrating life skill program gained a higher life skill than the pencak silat training nonintegrating life skill program and the group that did not conduct a sport training program. in general, it indicates that there was a meaningful difference between the training program integrating life skills and the non-integrating life skill program of the youth. this statement is supported by a statement stating that various experiences obtained from the sport training could give a positive impact on the development of emotional, intellectual, social, and interpersonal aspects. furthermore, through the interaction and collaboration with other persons, the youth could learn how to negotiate, communicate, manage conflicts, and lead. in addition, the participation in daily life, such as sport training, could help the youth to understand the importance of discipline and time management (bakoban & aljarallah, 2015). according to the result of the life skill component gained by the youth joining the integrated pencak silat program was better than those who join a nonintegrating pencak silat training. the result of previous research argues that sport could improve the characters and values if it is combined with the life skill program and the opportunity to be involved in the real experience (brunelle, danish, & forneris, 2007). it was because in the youth joining football training integrating life skill, there was an integration of life skill aspect development. by integrating life skill into the football training program, there was a relationship between the sport participation with the improvement of the life skill. this result is relevant to the statement that sport can be used as the tool to improve life skills and positive youth developments (camire, kubow, & donnely, 2009). meanwhile, the integration of life skills in sport practice can be the effective model to learn life skill (papacharisis, goudas, & danish, 2005). as has been explained, the structured sport program to teach life skill is more suitable to reinforce the result of positive youth development compared to the sport program that is unintentionally designed (bean & forneris, 2016). the organized activity, as the context, is important and able to increase the positive youth development (fraser-thomas et al., 2007). it concludes that the organized and continuous program could reinforce the student positive development, thus it would improve the life skills of the students. the programed activities will produce a more organized and discipline youths who value the time. conclusion first, there was a difference of life skill development of the pencak silat training integrating life skill group, pencak silat training non-integrating life skill group, and the non-sport training group in order to positively develop the youth. the different was significant with the highest excellence laid on the pencak silat training integrating life skill group, followed by the pencak silat training non-integrating life skill group, and the non-sport training group. it proved that the involvement in pencak silat could improve life skills, especially if the process is integrated. secondly, there was a difference of life skill development of the pencak silat training integrating life skill group and pencak silat training non-integrating life skill group on the positive youth development. the pencak silat training integrating life skill group was better than the pencak silat training non-integrating life skill group. it was caused by the vital role of the integration that is relevant with the learning principles. when a material is discussed and made as a learning material, although as a complementary material, the material could give a more positive impact. third, there was a difference of life skill development of the pencak silat training integrating life skill group and the non pencak silat training group on the positive youth development. it was caused by the advantage of the involvement in the pencak silat training, including the integration of life skills. therefore, the positive impacts were gained higher than the group that did not involve in pencak silat training. fourth, there was a difference of life skill development of the pencak silat training non-integrating life skill group and the group that did not involve in the pencak silat training on the improvement of the positive youth development. the pencak silat training noncopyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yurin rachmatika cahyani / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 174 integrating life skill group was better than the group that did not involve in the pencak silat training. it was caused by the role of involvement in pencak silat. therefore, a better advantage was gained by the pencak silat training non-integrating life 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an influence on the overall student development. however, various obstacles that affect the achievement of students' motor skills often occur during the implementation of motor skill learning. the purpose of this research was to find learning activities that can stimulate motor skills of elementary school students. experiments were carried out using one-group pre-test post-test design. participants of the study were 126 first grade elementary school students, consisting of 76 males and 50 females aged 6-6.5 years. the sampling technique used the total sampling method. the data collection technique used the test of gross motor skill-second edition (tgmd-2) with an observation sheet instrument. the analysis employed spss 20 with a paired sample test. the results showed that there was an increase in the post-test mean score compared to the pre-test mean score with a significant increase. this increase occurred because traditional games used a play-based approach and encouraged students to use their motor skills. for that reason, traditional games are effective in improving motor skills of elementary school students.  correspondence address : jln. prof. hadari nawawi fkip untan pontianak . indonesia e-mail : uray.gustian@fkip.untan.ac.id https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 76 introduction the importance of motor skills to be possessed by each student is because they have benefits and influences on students’ development as a whole. students will have a healthy and fit body since doing movement activities increases the fitness of the cardiorespiratory system (cohen et al., 2015), increases the performance of the metabolic and neuromuscular systems (laukanen et al. 2014), causes positive changes in the physiological and anthropometric index of student health, both for students who have normal weight and obesity (lambrick, westrupp, kaufmann, stoner, & faulkne, 2016), and as determinant factor of fitness in adolescence (barnett et al., 2008), another benefit that can be obtained by the students is that they can learn from their experience by doing movement activities. in performing movement activities, children can explore their environment, hence, through the movement activities, the children are able to stimulate their cognitive development and students’ academic achievement (fedewa & ahn, 2011; tandon et al., 2016; zeng et al., 2017), recognize body movements, body awareness, spatial awareness, the quality of motion, and the relationship between the ability to move and the limbs (abels & bridges, 2010). the existence of motor skills encourages psychological and mental health (lobstein et al., 2015) and provides benefits to social and emotional development (strong et al., 2005). the amount of benefits that can be obtained by students in learning motor skills should be a serious concern for parents and teachers. students who learn motor skills not only improve their ability to move but can also improve their cognitive, affective, and socioemotional abilities. motor skills possessed by the students of primary school age are generally lead to fundamental motor skills (ulrich, 2000). this is because during the primary school age, the students are at the stage of fundamental movement development and are just starting to switch to the stage of development of specialized movements. fundamental movement is a stage that stimulates the students to actively explore the motor skills within their bodies and develops as the result of students’ learning about how to respond to stimulus in the form of motor control and motor skills. fundamental movements are strongly influenced by maturity, task demands, and environmental factors (goodway, ozmun, & gallahue, 2019). the stimulation of motor skills is generally applied in physical education learning. physical education as a discipline has been used to describe all the conducted learning which discuss about and through human movement activities (campbell et al., 2009). the problems that occur regarding the implementation of motor skills learning are no planning, no clear goals and objectives, insufficient time for motor skills training, limited models and examples, and unsuitable equipment (robinson & goodway, 2009). another problem that occurs is that most schools and parents focus on improving students' cognitive abilities and there is lack of understanding from parents about the importance of stimulating motor skills, consequently the students experience problems related to motor skills (mahmud, 2019). as well as, the facts show that the duration of time available for students to practice physical activity at school is relatively short so that many students have poor physical abilities (kremer, reichert, & hallal, 2012). many teachers fail to provide students with an adequate motor skill development (dyson, 2014) which should have been done directly, take place in a social context, and be embedded in the context of the teacher's own school (dyson et al., 2016) the aim of this research was to examine learning activities that can stimulate motor skills of primary school students. the research was conducted using traditional games as a learning activity in an effort to stimulate students' motor skills. previous research found that traditional games provided benefits of developing students' physical and motor skills (hanief & sugito, 2015). however, each region has different traditional games that are tailored to the habits of the community and the environment in which students live (akbari et al., 2009). learning process for primary school students is also still carried out using an approach that is in accordance with the stages of development (kostelnik, soderman, & whiren, 2017) and adjusted to the level of students' motor skills (campbell et al., 2009). based on the results of research by goodway & branta (2003), stimulation of motor development is carried out by providing various introductory experiences in skills which is considered most important for students' ability to engage in games and sports. the results of this stimulation indicates that motor skills have copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 uray gustian/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 77 increased significantly. therefore, traditional games are considered as one of the activities that can improve the motor skills of elementary school students. methods participants this study involved young pupils, to be precise, first grade with an age range of 6-6.5 years. the consideration in selecting the participants is based on first grade students who were in the stage of mastering fundamental movement skills (goodway et al., 2019). the participants are 126 students consist of 76 boys and 50 girls. sampling procedure participants involved in the study were from four classes in two primary schools. the research was carried out in groups and adapted to the implementation of physical education learning in schools. hence, the sampling technique applied in this study is totaling sampling in which the entire participants are subjects of experiment. materials and apparatus the data were obtained using the test of gross motor skill-second edition (tgmd-2) (ulrich 2000). the motor skills test using tgmd-2 is divided into two subtest skills, namely locomotor skills and object control skills. motor skills tests were carried out twice both in the pretest and posttest and were documented on video. the instrument used in this study was the observation sheet according to tgmd-2. procedures this experimental research was conducted using the one-group pretest-posttest design. the research was initiated by giving students a pretest to find out the initial motor skills of the young pupils. then, conducting experiments as an effort to improve student motor skills through traditional games that are widely known and frequently played by the primary school students. the traditional games used consisted of seven games, namely lempar kaleng, lempar telur penyu, sumpitan, balap balon, estafet kelereng, bakiak, dan engklek. the rules and equipment of the games were modified and adjusted to the students' abilities and to the objective of the experiments. the experiments of the seven games were divided into two meetings and the traditional games were carried out four times so that the number of meetings was eight. the experiments were done by dividing students into groups of four to five students with the rules of the game tailored to the needs of the experiments process. each group will compete to complete tasks or obstacles in traditional games based on the rules that have been given. once the treatments were given, the students took the final test (posttest) which aims to determine the final motor skills of the students after completing the test. data analysis this study used qualitative descriptive method of research. the data were analyzed by scoring the value obtained by each student and making a frequency distribution. normally distributed data were analyzed using the t test to test the difference in the average results of the prestest and posttest, statistical significance was analyzed using paired sample t-test in spss 20. result the results of the pretest table 1 showed that the motor skills of students were dominant in the average category with a total of 71 (56.35%). followed by 55 (43.65%) students who were in the below average category and there are no students who are in the poor, above average, superior, and very superior categories. these results indicated that the motor skills of the students were still in the average to lower category and there were no students with above average to superior motor skills. copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 uray gustian/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) table 1. the result of pretest analysis using tgmd 2 score of motor skill absolute (f) relative (%) description > 130 0 0 very superior 121-130 0 0 superior 111-120 0 0 above average 90-110 71 56,35 average 80-89 55 43,65 below average 79-79 0 0 poor <70 0 0 very poor 78 the results of the posttest table 2 revealed that the students' motor skills have increased compared to the initial test results. the students with above average category motor skills were as much as 4 (3.17%), which in the pretest there were no students who reached this category. furthermore, students who were in the average category with a total of 95 (75.40%) or there had been an increase of 24 (19.04%) students. followed by 27 (21.43%) students who were in the below average category or there had been a decrease of 28 (22.22%) and there were no students belonged to poor, above average, superior, and very superior categories. these results indicated that the motor skills of the students are still dominated by the average to lower categories and only few students reached the above average category and there were no students who have motor skills that were classified as superior or very superior categories. based on the analysis result of the mean value of the pretest and posttest in table 3, the mean posttest result is 3.69 greater than the pretest mean. the standard deviation value of 2,312 and the mean standard error of 0.21 which means that the students’ motor skills were around the average category. the results of the t test with ho> t table and ha 130 0 0 very superior 121-130 0 0 superior 111-120 4 3,17 above average 90-110 95 75,40 average 80-89 27 21,43 below average 79-79 0 0 poor <70 0 0 very poor mean sd t df sig. (2-tailed) 3.69 2.31 0 17.91 .000 79 (they don’t feel like studying) so that the games are taken seriously. besides, traditional games provide valuable opportunities for students to use their motor skills (clements, messanga, & millbank 2008; castelli et al., 2014). when playing traditional games students will perform various motor activities in accordance with predetermined conditions. students will do every task needed in traditional games so that it affects the improvement of students' motor skills. each of these tasks will stimulate students to do activities that require motor skills. this is of course in line with the results of the research that traditional games can improve students' motor skills. students' motor skills are increasing due to the learning activities. contrary to expectation, the results of this study revealed that the increase of motor skills is classified as very small, namely 0.41% of the pretest mean value achieved by students. since the researcher had to adjust to the schedule of learning activities at school, the number of meetings during the experiments was still insufficient. this is in line with what kremer, reichert, and hallal (2012) stated, the short duration of time makes it difficult for students to achieve good motor skills. in addition, based on the stages of movement learning carried out, new students are at the stage of associating understanding into motor skills so that the results achieved are not maximized (coker, 2017; edwards, 2010) and a movement skill takes time to master (silverman and mercier 2015). ). for this reason, further efforts are needed to design learning activities that are in accordance with the existing learning curriculum in primary schools. the primary school curriculum, especially classes, should accommodate and provide sufficient time for the students to carry out motor activities. this is because at that age students are still at the early childhood development stage which really needs to master movement skills and they like to play. conclusion traditional games are effective for stimulating motor skills of elementary school students. this result can be seen from positive increase in the posttest average score compared to the pretest average score and the increase was significant. these results indicated that traditional games can be used as a physical education learning activities that are able to stimulate student motor skills. acknowledgement this research did not receive specific grants from any public, commercial, or nonprofit institutions. references abels, k. w., & bridges, j. m. 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arts, competitive sport abstract the measurement of physiological characteristics of junior athletes is important to do as the first step in determining and designing training designs that are appropriate for athletes. the purpose of this study was to measure the physiological characteristics of indonesian junior taekwondo athletes, who were members of student training education centres (pplp), in west java, central java, and east java provinces. this qualitative descriptive study conducted the process of collecting data of 8 male junior taekwondo athletes and 9 female taekwondo junior athletes. the results of the obtained data were compared with the data from previous research as a reference in determining the quality standards of indonesia junior taekwondo athletes compared with taekwondo junior athletes from other countries. related to anthropometric aspects, the results of this study showed that the body weight, height, and bmi of taekwondo athletes were in the normal category according to who standard. based on the results of anaerobic capacity measurement, taekwondo athletes got unfavourable results on an average 30 meter sprint result. however, the results of vertical jumps and vo2max indicated that indonesian junior taekwondo athletes were above the normal category determined previously. this research successfully described the physiological characteristics of indonesian junior taekwondo athletes in west java, east java, and central java student training education centres. the trainers are encouraged to provide a balance concept of aerobic and anaerobic trainings in order to create or to nurture taekwondo athletes properly and appropriately.  correspondence address : ganesha no.10, lb. siliwangi, kota bandung, indonesia e-mail : tommy@fa.itb.ac.id http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 176 tommy apriantono et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) introduction since the beginning of the establishment as an official medal in olympic 2000, taekwondo has become a prioritized sport for some countries in achieving achievements in the event or other championships (menescardi, falco, ros, morales-sánchez, & hernández-mendo, 2019). for example, south korea, where the taekwondo sport was born, always counts on taekwondo as a prioritized sport in obtaining medals in every olympic event. besides south korea, other countries, such as united states of america and iran, put taekwondo as one of prioritized sports for gaining a medal in the olympic event (lim & o’sullivan, 2016). indonesia is also a country holding a fairly good record in achieving achievements in taekwondo. it was proven in the olympic 1992 in barcelona, where taekwondo became an exhibition sport. indonesia successfully gained three silver medals and one bronze medal from male flyweight (50–54 kg), female finweight (–43 kg), female lightweight (55–60 kg) and male finweight (–50 kg). unfortunately, after those attainments, indonesia achievement in olympic is not successful. it is shown by the absence of achievement in taekwondo sport after the sport was officially published in 2000. in this context, the training process becomes one of the problems identified in indonesia that results in the numbers of barriers in bearing and creating quality athletes (ma et al., 2018; monks, seo, kim, jung, & song, 2017). a lot of taekwondo coaches in indonesia experience difficulties to decide a suitable training design to train the junior athletes of taekwondo in indonesia. generally, the coach cannot decide the training design as they are lack of information of the physiological characteristics of the junior athletes they are training (park & song, 2018). physiological characteristics measurement of the junior athletes is important to be taken as the initial stage in deciding and designing a suitable design for the athletes based on data (bridge, ferreira da silva santos, chaabène, pieter, & franchini, 2014; faude et al., 2007; hausen et al., 2017; janowski, zieliński, & kusy, 2019). the study of literature review, related to the taekwondo athletes of the united states of america, shows that they have a mesomorph body type due to their average body weight is 45.4 ± 1.8 kg and have the body fat percentage of 13.8 ± 0.8 %. the result of another review related to the physiological characteristics of taekwondo junior athletes states that the average of vo2max owned by spain taekwondo junior athletes is 48.6 ± 2.5 ml kg-1 min-1 (bridge et al., 2014). according to the fact of physiological measurement conducted in taekwondo sport by the countries, it is important to conduct the measurement of physiological characteristics in taekwondo sport, especially on the junior athletes in indonesia. knowing the physiological characteristics of the junior taekwondo athletes could help the trainers or other sport practitioners to decide and to design suitable trainings for indonesia junior taekwondo athletes. in addition, indonesia has a centred training system for the student athletes known as student training education centre (pplp). in the process, pplp moves in the regional level (province) to get and to train the potential athletes that eventually will be the athletes bringing a good name for their regions as well as their country in international sport events. pplp is seen as the spearhead to create a hope of the emergence of athletes with excellent achievements. in concrete, there are some pplps that have good achievements in some national competition events (popnas, etc.) in taekwondo. they are west java pplp, central java pplp, east java pplp, and dki jakarta pplp. therefore, it would be interesting if a research mapping the physiological characteristics of the taekwondo athletes is conducted. the result can be a reference in building the indonesia taekwondo athlete achievements better than before. it is important as the literature related to this issue is limited in measuring and analysing the physiological characteristics of junior taekwondo athletes, especially those who are involved in pplp. for that reason, the purpose of this research was to measure the physiological characteristics of indonesia junior taekwondo athletes in the student training education centres in west java, central java, and east java. the research was expected to help the taekwondo trainers in conducting a training process that could improve the achievements of taekwondo athletes of indonesia. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 177 methods participants this descriptive qualitative research conducted data collection on 8 male taekwondo athletes aged 15.6 ± 0.5 years and 9 female taekwondo junior athletes aged 15.3 ± 0.5 years. the samples were taken from the population that consisted of 13 male athletes and 14 female athletes from the total number of west java, central java, and east java pplps who were in the 1516 year age range. in this research, the result gained was compared to some research results obtained from previous literatures related to the measurement of physiological characteristics of junior taekwondo athletes as a reference in deciding the junior taekwondo athlete quality standard in indonesia and junior taekwondo athletes coming from other countries. in the sample selection process, this research concerned on the inclusion and exclusion criteria decided prior to the research. the inclusion criteria is the criteria or characteristics that should be fulfilled by each member of population who will be the subject of the research. meanwhile, exclusion criteria is the criteria or characteristics of those who cannot be selected to be the subject of the research (manzano nunez & garcía perdomo, 2016). the inclusion criteria of the study consisted of junior taekwondo athletes from west java, central java, and east java pplps; aged 15-16 year old; did not smoke cigarettes; did not have respiration medical history; did not get injured for the last three months; and had a healthy statement letter from a doctor. the exclusion criteria included aged 17 years and above; got injured in the last three months; and did not follow the training conducted by the pplp team in the last two weeks. procedure all participants meeting the inclusion criteria in this research received explanation related to the research procedures, advantages, and the risk that would be faced in this research. all participants conducted a series of test in three sessions of test, including anthropometry test, aerobic capacity test, and anaerobic capacity test. in each session of test, one day of interval was given for recovery. in the anthropometry test, the height, weight, and bmi were measured. in the anthropometry test, the research utilized omron karada body scan hbf375. in the anaerobic capacity test, the 30m sprint and vertical jump were conducted. meanwhile, in the aerobic capacity test, the vo2max measurement by conducting 2.4km cooper-test was conducted. when the data were obtained, the results of the data were then compared to previous research results conducted by the world health organization (who) for the normal range of anthropometry (johnson, onuma, owolabi, & sachdev, 207ad), suzana m, et al (suzana, pieter, & bharu, 2009) for the standard score of male vertical jump, (monks et al., 2017) for the standard score of female vertical jump, (sadowski, gierczuk, miller, cieśliński, & buszta, 2012) for the standard score of 30-m sprint for male athletes, (davis et al., 2000) for the standard score of 30-m sprint for female athletes, (erie et al., 2008) (bridge et al., 2014) for the standard score of vo2max for male and female athletes. data analysis this research used the descriptive quantitative data analysis technique by obtaining mean result of each characteristics, such as anthropometry, aerobic capacity, and anaerobic capacity. furthermore, the mean of the gained data were compared to the results of the previous research. result in this research, anthropometry data, anaerobic characteristics, and aerobic characteristics of the junior taekwondo athletes of java island pplp were gained. anthropometry the result of anthropometry of this research shows that the weight, height, and the bmi of the taekwondo athletes belonged to the normal category based on the who standard. in detail, the average result of the height of the male athletes was 176,75 cm and the female athlete was 167,78 cm. the average of the weight of male athletes was 63,07 kg, and 56,93 kg for female athletes. meanwhile, the average of bmi was 20,36 kg/ m² for male athletes and 20,22 kg/m² for female athletes. the comparison of the average gained in this research and previous research can be seen in table 1. meanwhile, figure 1 explains the different result between male and female participants. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 tommy apriantono et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 178 table 1. anthropometry profiles of taekwondo athletes in west java, central java, and east java pplps figure 1. result differences of male and female anthropometry characteristics aerobic capacity according to the measurement of the anaerobic capacity, the taekwondo athletes gained a poor result on the average of 30-m sprint, where the male athletes recorded 4,53 second average sprint time and female athletes recorded 5,17 second average sprint time. meanwhile, in the vertical jump average, only the female athletes who gained above the normal score compared to previous research. the female junior taekwondo athletes gained 39.01 cm, 4cm higher than the previous research. however, this result was not similar to the male athletes. male taekwondo athletes gained 42.13 cm height (8 cm lower than previous research). the comparison of the 30-m sprint and vertical jump of this research and previous research can be seen in table 2. the result difference between male and female athletes’ anaerobic capacity can be seen in figure 2. aerobic capacity (vo2max) according to vo2max data presented in table 3 and figure 3, the average of vo2max male taekwondo athletes was very good, 49,01 ml kg-1 min-1. the result shows that the male taekwondo athletes had the average result above the normal standardized score (41.3 ml kg-1 min-1). meanwhile, the female taekwondo athletes also gained a higher average result of vo2max than previous research. the average vo2max of the copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 ariable sex indonesia previous study height (cm) male 176.75±6.63 169 – 180 female 167.78±3.42 162 – 169 weight (kg) male 63.07±5.41 55 – 73 female 56.93±5.31 52 – 70 bmi (kg/m²) male 20.36±1.30 19 – 23 female 20.22±1.76 20 – 24 tommy apriantono et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) variable sex indonesia previous study vertical jump (cm) putra 42.13±8.98 50 51 putri 39.01±4.09 34 35 sprint 30 m (s) putra 4.53±0.26 ^ 4.3 – 4.4 putri 5.17±0.32 ^ 4.7 – 4.8 figure 2. anaerobic performance result differences between male and female athletes table 2. anaerobic performance characteristics profile of taekwondo athletes of west java, central java, and east java pplps 179 female taekwondo athletes was 38,90 ml kg-1 min-1. discussion the purpose this research was to find out the anthropometry characteristics, the average of aerobic endurance characteristics (vo2max), and the average of anaerobic characteristics (vertical jump and 30 meter sprint) of the taekwondo athletes, especially in junior level. besides, the research also compared the result to the normal range of standard scores set in the previous research. in line with the purpose of the study, this research had found out the average score of anthropometry, aerobic endurance, and anaerobic characteristics of taekwondo athletes. it was proven by the gain of anthropometry data, including height, weight, and bmi. other physiological characteristics were also obtained, including vo2max and performance (vertical jump and 30-m sprint) that became the excellence and novelty of this research. therefore, this research is expected to give addition to the existed literatures supporting the development of taekwondo athletes training design based on the physiological characteristics on indonesia junior taekwondo athletes. specifically, this research has supported previous literatures explaining the importance of athlete’s physiological measurement as the initial data in developing and implementing the suitable framework or training design for taekwondo athletes. the purpose of designing a suitable taekwondo training is to prepare the athletes in managing their physical aspects and physiological demands of each competition. therefore, in deciding the design of the suitable training, the detailed information related to physiological characteristics of each taekwondo athlete is essential (bridge, jones, & drust, 2009). in this research, the average of indonesia taekwondo athlete belonged to the normal category in the who standard. it shows that the somatotype of indonesia junior taekwondo athletes, male and female, was mesomorph. this research supports the previous research that stated that the body type of the junior taekwondo athletes are mostly mesomorph, even some athletes have ectomorph type (pieter, 2012). the somatotype classification is based on the previous research conducted by (yasuda, 2019), who says that the mesomorph body type usually have bmi in 18.5–24.9 kg/m2 range. on the other hand, some previous literatures state that, generally, the body type of the taekwondo athletes is influenced by the level or the class of competition, and the type of training conducted by every taekwondo athlete (marković, mišigoj-duraković, & trninić, 2005). in the measurement of the anaerobic performance of the taekwondo athletes, all male and female athletes gained a good result in doing vertical jump performance. it supports the previous research arguing that taekwondo athletes use the domination of their lower body (especially leg) and the ‘stretch-shortening cycle’ in creating power during a performance (marković et al., 2005). however, the result of the vertical jump is different with the result of 30-meter sprint, where the result was not in the normal category in the standardized score in previous research. the literature is still limited to explain this phenomenon, but previous literature might assume that the training characteristics difference becomes the main factor that influences the speed gained by every taekwondo athlete worldwide (dotan, mitchell, & gabriel, 2013). another result shows that this research is a reflection of characteristics of some of the best junior copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 tommy apriantono et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) table 3. aerobic performance characteristics profiles of taekwondo athletes of west java, central java, and east java pplps variable sex indonesia previous study vo2max putra 49.01±19.86 41.3 (ml kg -1 min -1 ) putri 38.90±4.53 33.4 figure 3. result differences of male and female vo2max characteristics 180 taekwondo athletes in indonesia trained by the pplp of west java, central java, and east java as the result of the vo2max of the indonesia junior taekwondo athletes was above the normal score set by the previous research. the finding indirectly supports the previous research stating that the aerobic process is needed by the taekwondo athletes in the interval time between the rest and the attack or in doing the explosive power movement in a tournament (melhim, 2001). on the other hand, the finding shows that the vo2max of indonesia junior taekwondo athletes was above the normal, which indicates that the trainer or the coach of taekwondo had succeed in training or developing the aerobic performance of the junior taekwondo athletes in each pplp they belonged to. the researchers are aware that there are weaknesses of this research, for instance the aspects that could not be measured by the researchers such as emotional level or psychological factors during the measurement process that the different result might occur. besides, we expect that further research would concern the weakness and use better sports equipment in the measurement process. we expect that the finding of this study would reinforce the trainers to consider each physiological characteristics (anthropometry, aerobic, and anaerobic performance characteristics) in designing the training for taekwondo athletes. according to the findings of the study, we suggest that trainers should conduct trainings to improve endurance in order to increase the aerobic capacity and balance the training with the high intensity interval training, thus the anaerobic capacity of the athletes could also increase. the data of this research are expected to be the initial data for further research in deciding or creating training design that is suitable for the indonesia junior taekwondo athletes. besides, the data of this research could also be used as the reference in identifying the potential of indonesia taekwondo athletes. conclusion this research shows that the average of the anthropometry of the athletes were mostly mesomorph. it is indicated from the bmi of the athletes. besides that, the aerobic capacity score of the indonesia junior taekwondo athletes was higher than the normal score found in previous research. the result of the vertical jump of indonesia taekwondo athlete was also above the normal score of the previous research. only the 30meter sprint that did not belong to the normal category set in previous research, both for male and female athletes. we suggest that the trainers and coaches could design the endurance training to improve the aerobic capacity and balance the training with the power training, such as high intensity interval training, to improve the anaerobic capacity of the athletes. the suggestion is that further research should be commplemented by other factors such as agility, flexibility, power, etc. acknowledgement all researchers deliver a sincere gratitude to the ministry of research and technology/ national organization of research and innovation of the republic of indonesia (kemenristekdikti) who had funded the research conducted in 2018-2019. references bridge, c. a., ferreira da silva santos, j., chaabène, h., pieter, w., & franchini, e. 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pendidikan jasmani menggunakan metode latihan terbimbing. desain yang digunakan ialah penelitian tindakan kelas dari s. kemmis dan r. mctaggart dengan melibatkan 41 subyek penelitian. data setiap siklus diambil menggunakan pedoman pengamatan keterampilan mengajar dan wawancara mendalam dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. peningkatan keterampilan mengajar subyek dari pra siklus ke siklus 1 sebesar 86,4%, dari siklus 1 ke siklus 2 sebesar 12,8%, dan dari siklus 2 ke siklus 3 sebesar 16,7%. item keterampilan yang paling cepat meningkat ialah menggunakan pakaian yang bersih dan rapih (3,95) dan yang paling lambat ialah mengaitkan materi dengan bidang ilmu lainnya (2,46). akhirnya metode latihan terbimbing adalah salah satu metode terbaik yang bisa diaplikasikan saat pendidik (dosen atau guru) membimbing keterampilan. abstract this study aimed at improving the teaching skills of prospective physical education teachers by using the drill guide method. the design used was classroom action research from s. kemmis and r. mctaggart involving 41 research subjects. data for each cycle were taken by using teaching skill observation guidelines and in-depth interviews. the data were analysed descriptively. the improvement of the subjects’ teaching skills from the pre cycle to cycle 1 was 86,4%, from cycle 1 to cycle 2 was 12,8%, and from cycle 2 to cycle 3 was 16,7%. the fastest improving item was to wear clean and neat clothes (3,95) and the slowest one was to relate the material to other fields of science (2,46). from the result, it can be concluded that the drill guide method is one of the best methods that can be applied when educators (lecturers or teachers) are giving a skill guidance.  correspondence address : jl. adi sucipto no.147, klp. lima, kota kupang , indonesia e-mail : jusufblegur@ukaw.ac.id issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19171 179 jusuf blegur & andreas j. f. lumba/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) introduction teachers can have abundant knowledge. however, to be competent, teachers need the right way to deliver knowledge units, behaviors, and skills to their students. every teacher and prospective teacher highly require skills when teaching (dhillon, 2014), to make it easier to organize quality learning activities. teaching the teaching skills can train prospective teachers to be more confident, to encourage the use of appropriate learning strategies, and to make a good plan and selfregulation (mansur, 2016). in addition, by mastering the components of teaching skills, students become more active in learning process (ambarawati, 2016), and are able to improve learning practices, improve the quality of learning, and improve their learning outcomes (gibbs & coffey, 2004; mansur, 2016; safitri & sontani, 2016; blegur, wasak, & manu, 2017). training the teaching skills up can be implicitly taught in a variety of subjects, however the course that specifically and explicitly trains up the teaching skills is microteaching. microteaching assists prospective teachers to teach systematically, whether from the aspects of understanding, planning, implementation, or observation (helmiati, 2013) as well as develops teaching skills of prospective teachers (syafi’i, 2014). microteaching can also be dealt with the concept of peer teaching, the main goal is similar to the formation of mastery of teaching skills (ismail, 2015). before doing the internship program in schools, prospective teachers need to practice and improve their teaching skills. this preparation process lasts for one semester to ensure that prospective teachers are truly capable of and competent in orchestrating their learning. in fact, most of the prospective teachers still have not yet used their teaching skills maximally at the beginning of the microteaching meeting (see table 1). this data was feared to have an impact on the learning process that will be implemented by prospective teacher when doing internship program in schools. teachers’ competence can be identified from their ability to streamline approaches, methods, and learning strategies with expertise, personality, and social relations to explore students’ potential (blegur, wasak, & manu, 2017). one of its manifestations is through guided drill methods for this method helps students to have practical learning in order to have better skills over the materials are being studied (roestiyah, 2012). the guided drill method has been introduced by researchers in their learning inquiries for students’ selfdevelopment, including improving understanding (ratnaningsih, 2012), short story, writing skills (sudarti, 2017), and ability to paraphrase advertisements (pramestiswari, sudiana, & astika, 2017), problem-solving skills (kusumawati & irwanto, 2016), and streamline students’ learning outcomes (susilowati, santosa, & hamidi, 2013; handayani, 2013; nurhayati, redjeki, & utami, 2013). besides, the drill method for skills is also proven the improvement of students’ writing skills (prayitno, 2013; yuliana, rustono, & hodidjah, 2017) and reading skills (yunita, 2017). although the drilling method for skills has been useful to improve students’ abilities, skills, and learning outcomes, it has not yet been optimized to improve the teaching skills of prospective teachers. though looking at the research above, the drill guide method can be used as an alternative method to improve the teaching skills of prospective teachers. because teaching is a skill, so that the method based on more exercises gives more opportunities for the achievement of improvement in teaching skills. teachers will conduct guided teaching exercises on the skills required by prospective teachers in carrying out the learning process. prospective teachers need to be trained to use many inputs and improvements so that they are accustomed to practice using skillsets in carrying out simulahttp://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19171 table 1. teaching skills of pr ospective teacher s in category frequency percentage excellent 0 0% good 0 0% adequate 1 2,4% fair 23 56,1% poor 17 41,5% total 41 100% mean 51,1707 sd 8,92441 180 tions and demonstrations about learning activities. moreover, the drill guide method is a process to help the prospective teachers to apply a quality learning when they become real teachers in the future. therefore, this study was aimed at improving the teaching skills of prospective physical education teachers in microteaching courses using the drill guide method. methods research design and subjects the study used classroom action research design so that actions for improving skills were the main focus of researchers in managing drill guide methods and considering the views of prospective teachers in designing other actions in the research cycles. each action manifested in the research cycles; plan, action, observe, and reflect of kemmis & mctaggart (1988), so that prospective teachers succeed in having good teaching skills following the teaching skills observation guide based on the perimeter of the faculty of teacher training and education, artha wacana christian university. the research subjects involved were prospective teachers class a, semester vi in academic year 2018/2019 totaling 41 students, consisting of 4 females and 37 males (m = 23,2927, sd = 1,99053). data collection techniques to elicit data and information regarding teaching skills, researchers used teaching skills observation guidelines developed by the artha wacana christian university learning laboratory in 2018 which is also used by the committee in implementing the internship program in the educational unit. this observation guidelines consist of four main indicators, namely: 1) pre-learning, 2) open the learning, 3) content learning, and 4) close the learning. observers only gave responses on the 4 scale points that have already prepared in line with the guidelines (30 items closed). the guideline was used when prospective teachers were ready to be evaluated (observed) their teaching skills, so that in the period before the assessment, the subjects were accompanied and equipped with drill guide method for their teaching skills during one semester of microteaching class. in-depth interviews were used to probe subjects who have not maximally developed their teaching skills yet. the results of in-depth interview underlied the researchers designing actions in the next cycles. researchers and peers also interviewed the subjects’ attitude and motivation in doing the learning practice and the effieciency and effectivity of drill guide method. subjects’ negligence was reduced and tabulated in the form of in-depth interviews. this is an exploration effort so that the data, designed for cycles, fully answers the problems in teaching skills and considers the subjects’ psycho-social development during the learning process. some of these questions were the examples, “what difficulties do you experience in teaching practice?”, “can the drill guide method help improve your teaching skills?”, “why are you not comfortable teaching in front?” data analysis technique the research data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. quantitative analysis relates to the subjects’ decisions of teaching skills in accordance with table 2. whereas the qualitative analysis used is qualitative analysis of spardley (1979) model by limiting the domain of causality, rationality, ways to goals, and functions. these domains were used to provide procedural meaning and specific semiotic relationships from the application of drill guide method to improvethe teaching skills of subjects in each cycle of actions. result and discussion this research was carried out in 3 main cycles. the first cycle was conducted for 4 meetings, the second cycle was for 2 meetings, and the third cycle was for 2 meetings. microteaching relates to the mastery and development of teaching skills, so that during the http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index table 2. cr iter ia for completing teaching skills score category decision 103-120 excellent complete 85-102 good complete 67-84 adequate incomplete 49-66 fair incomplete 30-48 poor incomplete jusuf blegur & andreas j. f. lumba/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19171 181 learning process, the focus was only on improving the teaching skills of prospective physical education teachers in the form of study groups using drill guide methods. cycle 1 plan planning was underlied on the results of prospective teachers’ teaching skills in pre-cycle (see table 1), teachers then designed learning scenarios to improve the teaching skills of prospective teachers. the design of the scenario was the application of the drill guide method. the drill guide method is a learning activity oriented to teachers’ activity guidance to individuals through certain exercises. the case in this study, the drilling activities that coaches want to guide are the teaching skills of prospective physical education teachers. there were seven stages were applied in the drill guide method, namely: 1) enrich the information, experience, and goals of prospective teachers about drill, 2) divide prospective teachers into small training groups, 3) do exercises, 4) diagnose skills trained, 5) explore drill difficulties, 6) focus on skill guidance and the solutions, and 7) final test. coaches provided opportunities for prospective teachers to choose their learning materials they want to orchestrate to give a little “comfort” for them in mastering the material and their passion in teaching. however, some videos on physical educational learning have also been distributed and played to enrich the visualization of prospective teachers about the physical education learning process using scientific learning methods. observation sheet for teaching skills were prepared by coaches. interview guidelines prepared as well to localize teaching difficulties that were not answered in the observation guidelines. also, interview guidelines were used to explore the exercise difficulties from the perspective of prospective teachers while discussing with groups is to find and equate perceptions of further solution action. action the implementation of the actions were characterized by teaching activities carried out by prospective teachers according to the division of groups. they alternately taught according to the material and the time specified. this teaching activity was carried out by departmental methods, so that they began teaching in the introductory component first, proceed to the content, and end with a closing with a maximum allocation of 15 minutes for each person per part of learning. so each person taught using 45 minutes but separately. during teaching, the observers were his/her peers (one group). when the first person taught (hereinafter referred to as a facilitator), then the second participant did the observation, and the other participants became the participants who were taught. furthermore, if the second participant taught, then the third participant observed and the other participants as participants taught (including the first participant). after finishing the teaching process, all of them evaluated teaching skills in groups before being reported or submitted to coaches. the focus of group discussion was on exploring teaching difficulties that facilitators applied and the solutions they offered to improve facilitator teaching skills. observe peer observations referred to the assessment rubric that all facilitators already have to emphasize on peer subjectivity in assessing teaching skills. besides, peer observation was also an initial exercise for the facilitator. this initial exercise was as a process for them to assess and improve their teaching skills following the results of observations. while coaches did the same observation, but it was in the syntax aspects of the drill guide method and crucial field notes that the facilitators performed during carrying out the learning process. observations were more direct and guided. in this sense, when finding crucial cases, coaches immediately gave corrections. thus, the capacity of coaches during carrying out the learning process were more on direct guidance, because the activities that the facilitators did were by involving skills that still need more for improvement. this action aimed to stimulate the facilitators to practice systematic teaching skills, for example in using supportive verbal and non-verbal communication. reflect reflection from cycle 1 indicated that facilitators who have not met the completeness criteria are 65,8% http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index jusuf blegur & andreas j. f. lumba/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19171 182 (see table 3). the average value of teaching skills items that have not been optimized by facilitators were as follows: 1) conducting the apperception and conveying learning objectives (2,76), 2). relating material to other fields of knowledge (1,59), 3). openness toward students’ liveliness (2,51), 4). stimulating students to actively solve problems (2,41), 5) conducting assessments in accordance with learning objectives (1,95), and 6) providing follow-up after learning (2,07). thus, the improvement efforts made in cycle 2 were to guide learning activities in the packaging “play and games” to encourage problem-solving activities and developed self-confidence through various performance appreciation that students produce. the facilitators were also guided so that they were accustomed to giving applause, thumbs up, or supporting students by saying: “the movement is good, but pay attention again to the position of you feet to produce the right kick”. efforts to solve other learning problems were by guiding students’ movement activities from simple activities to the complex (for example from material without new media to using media or dividing motion tasks into stages and rationalization) then ending with playing activities as the accumulation. cycle 2 plan planning in cycle 2 began with the change of the use of teaching time. if in cycle 1 learning took place over 4 meetings, then in cycle 2 was only 2 meetings conducted, because the time spent by the facilitator when teaching was not departmental, but universal. it means that the facilitator started teaching from the preliminary to closing activities using 25 minutes so that in one meeting (3 hours of learning) 20 people taught from four different drill groups. the teaching cycle was still the same, but strengthened at the content of learning, where the facilitator only taught one learning material, i.e “kicking the ball with the inner leg”. this was an effort to deepen the teaching skills of facilitators according to the allocation of 15 minutes, because the remaining 5 minutes were used for preliminary and closing activities. also, by teaching one material, the facilitator was more expressive about sensitizing so that learning was systematic, comprehensive, interactive, and empowering to answer the teaching difficulties that facilitators experienced in cycle 1. action the implementation of the action was still similar to cycle 1, the facilitators carried out learning under the material they have set themselves. however, they were recommended not to teach using the previous material. the reason was because they were prospective teachers, so they must familiarize themselves with the experiences of teaching in all learning materials, material from football, volleyball, athletics, and so on. when carrying out learning, the observers immediately assessed all the skills in the observation guide (30 items). the facilitators were encouraged to be able to organize the learning process according to time allocation (5 minutes introduction, 15 core minutes, and 5 minutes closing). thus, they must ensured that each composition of teaching skills could be carried out well during the time they are used. the facilitators were free to improvise as well as engineer the learning atmosphere to be able to present active, participatory, joyful, and efficient learning. rotation done was similar to the previous cycles, so the observers alternately became the facilitator after they had done their task. observe peer observation was still around guiding facilitator teaching skills. while coaches observed the teaching skills area that facilitators have not maximized in their teaching practices. however, the facilitators did not seem to experience difficulties while teaching in cycle 2, because some of the problems they already knew in http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index table 3. results of r eflection on teaching skills of category frequency percentage excellent 4 9,7% good 20 48,8% adequate 15 36,6% fair 2 4,9% poor 0 0% total 41 100% mean 86,5854 sd 10,92240 jusuf blegur & andreas j. f. lumba/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19171 183 cycle 1, as well as coaches made direct improvements while teaching, so the facilitator already had the initial information and skills while conducting the learning process. to be noted, coaches also immediately gave correction practices to the learning practice of facilitators when they neglected to organize the learning activities. for instance, when teaching kicking material using the inner leg, the coaches gave an example of improving the initial position of the student when he or she practiced the movements incorrectly. observations were not conducted on one group, the coaches also rotated during the observation (group 1 to group 2 to group 3, and group 4 and vice versa). this action implied that the drill guide method was not limited to the process of assessing, but more essence is in the process of mentoring and improvement during the exercises. reflect reflections on the observation result in cycle 2 showed that the participants’ teaching skills were classified as good, but 31,7% still did not meet the criteria for completeness (see table 4). overall there were 6 skill items with the lowest average value, namely 1) items explaining the material clearly, comprehensively, and contextually (2,9), 2) items associating material with other fields of science (1,66), 3) items stimulating students to actively solve problems (2,2), 4) items monitoring student learning progress (2,49), 5) items carrying out assessments according to learning objectives (1,98), and 6) items providing follow-up after learning (2,22). thus it was necessary to emphasize and habituate drill through teaching activities so that facilitators were more intense and innovative in developing the 6 items of teaching skills. efforts to make improvements were still relying on direct assistance and efforts to confirm teaching skills from coaches through educative communications but were more individualistic. for instance, when teaching, a facilitators recorded aspects of student learning outcomes, such as cognitive aspects (students did not know why the knee was bent when doing repulsion in long jump), affective aspects (students did not have cooperation in playing football), psychomotor aspects (students did not have the right-hand position when swinging the forearm passing in volleyball). this note was important so that they have objective data when evaluating learning activities. cycle 3 plan cycle 3 was planned not to be in the form of drill groups so that observations and assessments were carried out by peers. however, coaches themselves directly observed and assessed the teaching skill of facilitators, so that they took turns in the learning process. why was this done in cycle 3? because coaches needed to confirm the results of observations made by peers in previous cycles (cycle 1 and cycle 2) to ensure peer observations on facilitators’ teaching skills were objective and accountable. however, the facilitators continued to use their group as the taught participants, so that participants from other groups acted as observers who could not judge directly as the coaches did. each facilitator was asked to prepare himself/ herself, both technically and non-technically to organize the learning process. the facilitators’ teaching activities still used the same assessment instruments and rubrics during the teaching period in the group (drill period). each facilitator taught for 30 minutes with a proportion of 7,5 minutes for introduction, 15 minutes for the contents, and 7,5 minutes for closing with one learning material, such as “overhead passing in volleyball games.” action the implementation of cycle 3 was more of a final test, because in the previous cycle (cycle 1 and cycle http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index table 4. results of r eflection on teaching skills of category frequency percentage excellent 5 12,2% good 23 56,1% adequate 13 31,7% fair 0 0% poor 0 0% total 41 100% mean 91,8537 sd 8,68205 jusuf blegur & andreas j. f. lumba/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19171 184 2) prospective teachers had passed the drilling process, diagnosed teaching skills, explored the difficulties of teaching practice and conducted guidance and solutions to teaching skills. the facilitators taught for 30 minutes based on the sequence of the scheduled attendance and used the rehearsal group that the used during the drill, so that other individuals acted as learners and no longer acted as observers. before they were on the final test, each facilitator first provided learning tools and introduced the media that he/she used in learning activities to coaches (observer and assessor). furthermore, all the time (30 minutes) was given to the facilitator to organize learning activities in accordance with the assessment rubric but still orchestrated according to the facilitators’ teaching preferences. learning ended when coaches blew long syringes and continue with other facilitators. because this was the final test, there was no improvement, both from peers and coaches (except for the importance of evaluation after all have passed the final test). observe the process of peer observation was in line with the long syringes as the sign to start the learning process to the end of the learning process carried out by the facilitators. all observation activities were focused on the facilitators’ teaching skills that have been made in the assessment instruments and rubrics (30 items). starting from pre-learning (preparing places and learning media and checking learners’ readiness) until closing learning (implementing cooling down, evaluating learning materials, giving follow-up after learning, attendance, and praying). in the opening part of learning, coaches also observed a number of activities, including praying, doing apperception and delivering learning goals, as well as carrying out warming up). while the core part of learning, observation activities starting from the appearance of the facilitators when teaching (there were 3 items), the use of learning media (there were 2 items), mastery of learning material (there were 2 items), use of learning methods (there were 7 items), learning that stimulates learning activity (there were 4 items), as well as assessment of the learning process (there were 2 items). the indicators mentioned were the main focus of observation because the learning process was related to teaching skills. each indicator was assessed at 4 scale points, so the highest value of teaching skills was 120 and the lowest was 30. reflect reflections on observations in cycle 3 showed that prospective physical education teachers, individually and classically, had teaching skills that meet the completeness criteria, which was 92,7% (see table 5) so that this action research was ended in cycle 3. although the prospective teachers have met the completeness criteria individually and classically, it does not mean that they have been “perfect” in teaching. some skill items require attention and improvement while they strengthen and develop the skill items that are already good. this is an affirmation that teaching skills can change according to the needs of the times. the facilitators must always reflect on the skills they have now and then adapt again to the skill needs in the future, it could be the skills to use technology to monitor the progress of learning and evaluate the learning outcomes of their students. a summary of the aspects of teaching skills that the facilitators should pay attention to in the future is on skill items: 1) linking material to other fields of science (2,46), 2) openness to student activity (2,76), 3) stimulating students to actively solve problems (2,56), 4) monitoring student learning progress (2,66), 5) conducting assessments according to learning objectives (2,59), 6) providing post-learning follow-up (2,51). http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index table 5. results of r eflection on teaching skills of category frequency percentage excellent 15 36,6% good 23 56,1% adequate 3 7,3% fair 0 0% poor 0 0% total 41 100% mean 98,7073 sd 8,91135 jusuf blegur & andreas j. f. lumba/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19171 185 there were facilitators who quickly experience progress and success and some were slow. facilitators experienced the progress higher than the transition period in the pre cycle to cycle 1 because more time is needed with the depersonalization method, the drilling process is higher and the coaches’ guidance is also more maximal on each teaching skill item. the role of the coaches in the drill guide method is very important because he must drill and guide the facilitators to have good teaching skills (sudarti, 2017). coaches more focused on providing direct guidance to make it easier for the facilitators to do the description, imitation, direct analysis, and be creative about the teaching skills they do. in addition, coaches also focused on improvements to guidance activitiesas well as neglected elements of the drill (teaching skills), including facilitating facilitators to relate the material to other fields of science. for example, facilitators were guided to teach by integrating the knowledge of english in a count of motion stages (simply: one, two, three, four). in addition, they could use physics for a 45-degree hand position before making forearm passing in volleyball. when guidance was carried out directly, it was easier for other facilitators to adapt to the information and examples practiced. although it was not short, there was an equilibration process in cognitive structures which was then manifested in the form of teaching skills. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index figure 1. the depar tmentalization incr ease of teaching skills of pr ospective teacher s fr om p r e cycle to cycle 3 figure 2. the impr ovement of teaching skill of pr ospective teacher s in each cycle jusuf blegur & andreas j. f. lumba/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19171 186 the low teaching skills in the pre-cycle as evidence that the facilitators were not used to do various drilling skills. why was that? because in the semester lesson plan, it was clearly outlined the instruments and rubrics for the assessment of teaching skills, but the facilitators still had difficulty in teaching. thus, the drill guide method is one of the right options and is proven to help the facilitator improve his teaching skills. this is because the drill guide method is able to stimulate the facilitators to instill habits through a process of reflection and evaluation when using teaching skills to be agile, right, to become skilled when carrying out the learning process (djamarah & zain, 2010; roestiyah, 2012; mardiana, margiati, & halidjah, 2015). microteaching is a training technique for prospective teachers to learn teaching skills (banga, 2014). microteaching provides real teaching experience and the opportunity to practice a number of basic teaching skills separately and gradually (helmiati, 2013) so that the drill guide method is very relevant to microteachinglearning. the drilling method is a process that is widely used in aspects of learning centered on skill acquisition (kani & sa’ad, 2015). the scientific journal tambak (2016) once described 5 weaknesses of drill methods, including the tendency to learn mechanically, cause boredom, turn off creativity, give rise to verbalism, lead to static adjustments to the environment. to overcome these, teachers need to place the method as a learning procedure, so that students take the time to create and make conception according to their own potential and learning material potential because such strategies can also shape academic self-concepts (blegur, wasak, & pabala, 2018), besides practice skills. another step is to determine the skills assessment rubric so that it suppresses intervention from teachers while encouraging students to be creative, expressive, and dynamic inmanaging learning material in accord with the objectives. drill guide method provides opportunities for learners to get used to solving problems (kusumawati & irwanto, 2016), improving cognitive abilities (sari, suarni, & ambara, 2014), critical and creative thinking skills (sianturi, 2012), and student learning outcomes (juniati, 2017). in conclusion, drilling activities and guidance can develop psychomotor domains, cognitive domains and affective domains of students, although coaches who carried out guidance should focus on improving the skills trained. coaches can refer to skills indicators, make appropriate diagnoses during the drilling and are open to various solutions. this means that the aspirations of students through interviews also underlie the formulation of problem-solving skills. even though drilling activities are oriented towards learning practices such as repetition of concepts, examples, and systematic practice problems (lim, tang, & kor, 2012) yet still build learning situations that are active, communicative, and interactive, using humanistic feedback, and objective and comprehensive assessment and evaluation of learning outcomes as an embodiment of a quality learning process (blegur & wasak, 2017; pentury & anggraeni, 2019). conclusion learning objectives formulated by educators (lecturers and teachers) require appropriate learning methods and strategies so that educators must be selective in formulating their learning methods so that prospective teachers can achieve learning goals effectively and efficiently. the drill guide method is proven to be able to improve the teaching skills of prospective physical education teachers in 3 research cycles. educators at both university and school level, middle and basic levels, can apply and develop the drill guide method in their learning classes. the drill guide method is not only limited to improve the skills of prospective teachers but also to encourage them to be able to become objective assessors through assessment rubrics (although there are some not yet, but only 7,31%), individuals who are able to collaborate in study groups, become persons who care about others because they want to share knowledge and skills, and are critical and creative because they have to be able to identify various difficulties as well as solutions in improving teaching skills. teaching activities related to skills require an intense and periodic drill and guidance so that learning based on teaching skills should be protected by 2 or 3 teachers in a single learning class. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index jusuf blegur & andreas j. f. lumba/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 4 (2) (2019) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v4i2.19171 187 acknowledgement research teams sincerely thank june a. jacob, s.pd., m.a., as the dean of the teaching and education faculty who has sponsored this research activity on the faculty top research scheme through the contract number: 35/lp-ukaw/p.10/vii.2019. we thank also wilson l. tisera, s.si., m.si., ph.d., and dra. anggreini d. n. rupidara, m.si., ph.d., as head and secretary of the artha wacana christian university research institute and as the internal reviewer ii who has selected, facilitated the process of reviewing and monitoring the research results and provided recommendations to equip and improve the quality of research. we thank also dr. mesakh a. p. dethan, m.a., m.th., as the internal reviewer i who has provided recommendations as well as has mentored the research team’s manuscripts to increase the chances of achieving research outcomes in national publications. references ambarawati, m. 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online september 2020 keywords : basal metabolic rate, nutritional status, physical activity level, total energy expenditure abstract physical activity, nutritional status, and total energy expenditure are important components of a human. the purpose of this study was to investigate the depiction of physical activity, nutritional status, basal metabolic rate, and total energy expenditure of indonesia migrant workers during covid-19 pandemic. the study was a survey study with a descriptive design. the samples were 86 indonesia migrant workers. the instrument used was the 24 hour recall physical activity sheet for 14 days. the result of the study showed that 88% of male samples and 95% of female samples gained physical activity level score in light category. the pal score of the male samples was 1.56, while the pal score of female samples was 1.52. related to body mass index, 51% of indonesia migrant workers were in the normal weight category; 27% were in the overweight category, 17% were in the obese i category and 5% were in the obese ii category. 22 indonesia migrant workers in overweight category had light physical activity category, 15 persons in obesity i category had light physical activity category and 4 persons in obese ii category. the average of the bmr of the samples during the quarantine, due to covid-19 pandemic, was 1669 kkal/day for male and 1335 kkal/day for female. the average of total energy expenditure of the samples during covid-19 quarantine was 2595 kkal/day for male and 2031 kkal/day for female. the physical activity level was light, the nutrition status was normal, total energy expenditure was low, the bmr of the sample was dominated by age factor, sex, and weight of the sample. the result of the study was expected to be a reference of regional and other quarantine systems to improve the immunity system during the 14 days of quarantine. ,  correspondence address : jl. bunga merak 1, bandar lampung, indonesia. e-mail : fitriagungnanda16@gmail.com http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 123 i putu agus dharma hita et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) introduction there has been a mysterious epidemic worldwide, and this outbreak is said to be similar to pneumonia but there is a significant difference in its spread. the first case is reported to have started on december 31, 2019 in china. it was reported that there was a mysterious case of pneumonia. the spread of the pneumoniaresembled virus infects 44 people in the span of 3 days only and increased to thousands of cases (who, 2020). the virus presumabely originates from an animal market in the wuhan area, because 66% of the patients are associated with the animal market. after conducting research on what disease the infected patients suffered, it is revealed that there is a new virus infection related to pneumonia, namely coronavirus, which is a new type of betacoronavirus, and is later given the name 2019 novel coronavirus (2019ncov). who first officially announces the outbreak of this virus on february 11, 2020 which is later named severa acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (sars-cov-2) and the disease is coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) (pdpi, 2020). in no time the spread of the virus is increasingly widespread throughout the world. the impact of the spread of the covid-19 pandemic causes many countries from around the world to take anticipatory steps by limiting their activities. moreover, some countries implement lockdowns by closing shops and tourist attractions to avoid the spread of the virus. the effect of this lockdown was the dismissal of workers, including indonesian migrant workers (pmi). pmi refers to indonesian citizens who are actively doing work and receiving salaries given from foreign parties outside the territory of the republic of indonesia (uu no 18, 2017). the dismission of pmi due to covid-19 leads to their return to indonesia. pmis who work abroad are returned to their respective hometowns; and some of them are 343 pmis from kabupaten jembrana, bali province, consisting of 265 men and 75 women who were sent home on may 21, 2020. in accordance with the policy of the local government, every pmi who comes from outside the area should carry out physical quarantine for 14 days at hotels provided by the jembrana government. during the 14-day quarantine, the pmis are expected to keep carrying out physical activity and to control the nutrition intake entering their body to increase body immunity and avoid various diseases or other viruses. lack of physical activity can affect the level of immunity, in addition to it, the intencity of rest and enough sleep is crucial to increase body immunity (sukendra, 2015). physical fitness is needed by our bodies to be able to conduct various daily activities properly, as well as not to get sick easily (purwanto, 2011). however, problems will arise if the consumption of foods are too excessive and unbalanced, and will certainly increase the risk of being overweight. the number of energy requirements is measured by using basal metabolic rate method (bmr). the individual bmr is influenced by some factors including body weight and gender (fao, 2001). basal metabolism is the minimum energy that the individual must possess in order to maximize the basic functions of the body. in relation to the proper food intake, the overweight occurrence is triggered by unbalanced food consumption such as a very large amount of intake, high fat, lots of carbohydrates, and low fiber without followed by a balanced energy expenditure like physical activities. an individual is categorized as overweight if the value of the bmi (body mass index) is more than 23 (23 24.9). meanwhile, it can be considered obesity if the bmi value is more than 25 (> 25) according to asia pacific criteria (p2ptm, 2018). data from (who, 2020) show that in 2016 there are more than 1.9 billion adults aged 18 years and over experience overweight, of which more than 650 millions of them suffering from obesity. the majority of world population live in larger countries where overweight and obesity kill more people than the disease coming from underweight. there are 38 million children under 5 years old suffering from overweight and obesity in 2019. meanwhile, more than 340 million children and adolescents aged between 519 years are overweight and obese in 2016. as in indonesia, based on the results of the 2013 basic health research (kemenkes, 2013), there has been an increase in the prevalence of obesity in people over 18 years old from 13.9% in 2007 to 19.7% in 2013. based on the covid-19 related explanation, the returns of migrant workers from abroad are in line with the importance of proper nutritional intake and physical copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 124 activity. according to the goverment regulations, a quarantine is required before pmis can return to their normal activities. regarding the quarantine program, the jembrana government also carry out self-quarantine aimed at preventing the spread of the covid-19 virus. based on data from the official web of the jembrana regency government, the incidence of the spread of the virus in the egency has reached 51 positive patients as of july 17, 2020. among the patients, 49 people recovered and 0 people died. this research presents the physical activity, nutritional status, basal metabolic rate, and total energy expenditure of covid-19 quarantine indonesian migrant workers in jembrana regency, bali province for 14 days of quarantine. this research is something new and has never been studied before. it is necessary to conduct this study because it will become a reference for regions and even other countries in carrying out quarantine for covid-19 suspects. in addition, it is important to pay attention to the nutrition/food intake and physical activity because they play important role in increasing immunity and to fight any viruses that attack the body. the research results are also expected to be a reference for further research. methods this research was a descriptive quantitative study with a survey approach. this study was conducted to define physical activity, nutritional status, basal metabolic rate, and total energy expenditure of pmis during the covid-19 quarantine period. this research was conducted in jembrana regency, bali province, indonesia for 3 months, from april to june 2020. the population in this study was 343 pmis who carried out covid-19 quarantine in jembrana regency in 2020. as for the sample, a purposive sampling technique was administered with the results of 86 pmis consisting of 67 men and 19 women. the variables in this study were physical activity, nutritional status, basal metabolic rate, and total energy expenditure of the research subject during the covid-19 quarantine period. to collect data on the level of physical activity, measurements were made using a 24-hour physical activity recall sheet for the 14 days of the covid-19 quarantine period. the physical activity was categorized into very light physical activity, light physical activity, moderate physical activity, vigorous physical activity, and vigorous physical activity. the amount of a physical activity carried out was expressed in physiscal activity level (pal). pal is the value of the physical activity ratio (par) issued by an individual for 24 hours (fao, 2001). nutritional status was determined by measuring body height and weight using the bmi method. the data collection method in this study was by filling out an identity form by pmis during the covid-19 quarantine period. the bmr value was obtained by looking at sex, age, and body weight which were directed to the formula in the table reviewed by (fao, 2001). the total energy expenditure referred in this study was the average energy expenditure of the pmis during the 14 day covid-19 quarantine period obtained by means of the bmr x pal value (fao, 2001). the data analysis technique used in this study was descriptive. result according to the regulation issued by the jembrana regency government, all pmis were required to carry out a 14-day quarantine at the provided places. the following was the frequency distribution of the places where the quarantine was carried out as described in table 1. based on the table of the frequency distribution of the pmis quarantined above, 19.8% (17 people) of the pmis stayed at the bali sunset hotel, 1.2% (1 pmi) at the hapel hotel, 10.5% (9 pmis) at jimbarwana hotel, 34.9% (30 pmis) in negara hotels, 10.5% (9 pmis) at copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. the fr equency distr ibution of quar antine places hotel frequency percent hotel bali sunset 17 19.8 hotel hapel 1 1.2 hotel jimbarwana 9 10.5 hotel negara 30 34.9 hotel ratu 9 10.5 hotel jati 20 23.3 total 86 100.0 i putu agus dharma hita et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 125 ratu hotel, and 23.3% (20 pmis) at jati hotel. clearly, the majority of the research subjects carried out a quarantine at negara hotel. of the total of 86 pmis as the research subjects, 77.9% (67 people) were males and 22.1% (19 people) were females. doing regular physical activity is very useful for maintaining the body's immunity level. if the immunity is weak, it will be very susceptible to viruses or other diseases. boosting immunity can be reached by doing physical activities and sports as well as enough rest. poor physical fitness can be fixed by doing physical activities (purwanto, 2011). the following was the frequency distribution of pmis’ physical activity levels based on gender. table 2 showed that 59 male pmis (88%) were in the light category, 8 (12%) in the moderate level, and the rest were in the heavy category of physical activity. meanwhile, the level of physical activity for female pmis indicated 5% (1 pmi) in a very light level, 95% (18 pmis) in light category, and the rest were in the moderate category. in total, the average male activity scores were pal 1.56, and pal women were 1.52. the low level of physical activity carried out by pmis during the covid-19 quarantine greatly affects the body immunity in preventing the transmission of the covid19 virus or other viruses. the higher the level of physical activity, the greater the effect are on the body immunity. it is in line with (jee, 2020) that sport is identified as a factor that can increase body immunity and function as a vaccine against certain diseases and infections. not only reduce the level of immunity, lack of physical activity can also lead to accumulation of fat in the body because the intake of energy stored into the body from the food is greater than the energy sporting when doing physical activity. the use of a little energy can affect the individual’s movement and productivity, in this regard, individuals suffering from overweight are advised to do more vigorous physical activity. the overweight will determine the size of the nutritional status that the body obtained. the following table presents the distribution frequency of the pmis nutritional intake. based on the table of the frequency distribution of nutritional intake, it showed that the nutritional status of pmis who carried out the covid-19 quarantine for 14 days was in the normal category of 51.2% (44 pmis), which consisted of 35 males and 9 females. in the overweight category was 26.7% (23 pmis) consisting of 17 males and 6 females, while 17.4% (15 pmis) consisting of 12 males and 3 females was in obesity i category and 4.7% (4 pmis) was in obesity ii category with three males and one female. of the total pmis that carried out covid-19 quarantine, there were 22 pmis in the category of excess in doing the lightest physical activity, 15 pmis in the obesity i category with a fairly light level of physical activity, and four pmis in the obesity ii category with very light physical activity level (1 person) and light physical activity level (3 people). this shows that pmis copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 2. the fr equency distr ibution of physical activities sex total pal average m % f % m f pal level very light 0 0 1 5 1 1.56 1.52 light 59 88 18 95 77 moderate 8 12 0 0 8 total 67 100 19 100 86 table 3. the fr equency distr ibution of nutr itional status nutritional status frequency percent male female valid normal 44 51.2 35 9 overweight 23 26.7 17 6 obese i 15 17.4 12 3 obese ii 4 4.7 3 1 total 86 100.0 67 19 table 4. the fr equency distr ibution of nutr itional status nutritional status* pal pal total very light light moderate nutritional status normal 0 37 7 44 overweight 0 22 1 23 obese i 0 15 0 15 obese ii 1 3 0 4 total 1 77 8 86 i putu agus dharma hita et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 126 awareness in carrying out physical activity is still very low, especially pmis who have nutritional status conditions of overweight, obesity i, and obesity ii. the following is a table of frequency distribution of nutritional status based on level of physical activity. energy in the form of calories released by the body is very dependent on the activities carried out in daily activities which contain physical activity. the higher the activity we do, the higher the calories we spend. metabolic processes in the body also require energy to run, where energy measurements for the body's metabolic processes are carried out using the bmr method. bmr or basal metabolic rate is the calories needed for the basal activity. in this study, it was found that the average bmr from the pmis during the covid-19 quarantine was 1669 for men and 1335 for women. therefore, the average calories needed by pmis during the 14 days of covid-19 quarantine to carry out basal activities are 1669 kcal/day for men and 1335 kcal/day for women. the following is the descriptive statistical bmr data of pmis in the covid-19 quarantine. in this study, the average total energy expenditure of the pmis during the 14 days of covid-19 quarantine was 2595 kcal/day for men and 2031 kcal/day for women. the following is the statistical description of pmi's total energy expenditure during the covid-19 quarantine. discussion the results of the study show the total average activity value of the male pmis in 1.56 and 1.52 for the women, which is in the light category of physical activity level. among the pmis that carry out quarantine, there were 22 pmis in the overweight category with light physical activity level, 15 pmis in the obesity i category with light physical activity level, and 4 pmis in the obesity ii category with very light physical activity level (1 person) and light physical activity level (3 people). this shows that pmis’ awareness in carrying out physical activity is still very low, especially the pmis who have nutritional status of overweight, obesity i, and obesity ii. the average calories needed by the pmis during the covid-19 quarantine period to carry out their basal activities is 1669 kcal/day for men and 1335 kcal/day for women. the average total energy expenditure of the pmis during the 14 day covid-19 quarantine is 2595 kcal/day for men and 2031 kcal/day for women. the findings revealed the physical activity, nutritional status, average calculation of bmr which was related to body immunity against bacteria and viruses. the results of this study are in accordance with several previous literature reviews. there needs to be a balance of physical activity and food intake to increase body immunity. further, the excessive physical activity can reduce body immunity and vice versa for doing low physical activity with high food intake, it will cause a buildup of food in the body (t. ahmed, 2012). the immune system is an important factor in maintaining the physiological function of foreign substances and bacteria, viruses through a complex and multi-layered mechanism. the human immune system has two parts, namely the adaptive and the acquired immune system. some are also influenced by certain things that can interfere with the immune system, nutrition, psychological factors, environments, and physical exercises or activities. neutrophils are important components of the innate immune system, initiating phagocytosis of many bacterial and viral pathogens and releasing immunomodulatory cytokines. in addition, two other environmental factors, improper nutrition and psychological stress, can negatively affect immunity (anastasia et al., 2019). physical activity and diet carried out by individuals in community are related to the metabolic system. the results revealed that inappropricopyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 5. the statistic of basal metabolic rate (bmr) basal metabolic rate n min max mean total 86 1195 2123 1594.92 male 67 1493 2123 1668.68 female 19 1195 1598 1334.78 table 6. the statistic of total ener gy expenditur e total energy expenditure n minimum maximum mean total 86 1783 3243 2470.19 male 67 2157 2595 2594.81 female 19 1783 2220 2030.85 i putu agus dharma hita et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 127 ate diet and physical activity would affect public health. people were less able to assess dietary intake that their body receive by balancing it with physical activity (lam et al, 2015). physical activity is the most effective alternative to prevent and manage a number of serious diseases including cardiovascular disorders and type 2 diabetes. one to three people fall into a higher level of physical activity category with lower all-cause mortality, better bodily function and better recovery from upper respiration problems and microbes (hudson & sprow, 2020). while there was still much to figure out about new coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19). a detailed and accurate medical history of a covid-19 patient, and from analyzing the cfr in addition to the recovery rate, can enable the identification of the area with the highest risk in order to set efficient medical care (khafaie & rahim, 2020). furthermore, it is said that physical activity and good food intake will influence the increase in immunity to survive from the covid-19 disease in infected patients. so it is important to maintain physical activity and nutritious food intake in order to increase body immunity to avoid the attacks of any bacteria and the covid-19 virus. in addition to good nutritional intake, it needs to be balanced with vitamin d intake which is needed to increase the immune system against bacteria, viruses and other diseases (carter et al, 2020). physical exercise is the best alternative as one of the natural therapies to increase body immunity against the covid-19 virus (jiménez-pavón et al, 2020). this virus is known to attack the body's immune system. physical exercise is expected to be able to increase the immunity nsca, (2020). conducting outdoor sports has a big risk in the spread of covid-19. however, it still can be performed by adhering to the protocol. a proper physical activity is needed to increase immunity in anticipating the covid-19 (chen et al, 2020). self-quarantine by avoiding direct contact with public facilities, reducing physical interaction through social distancing, and closing public gatherings including sporting events, concerts, restaurants and schools is one of the most important ways to reduce the risk of covid-19 spread (ng, 2020). an adequate physical activity will have a good relation with the nutrients absorbed by the body. it is further revealed that the immune function during obesity shows that excessive adiposity is associated with impaired immune response leading to pathology (huang et al., 2013). physical activity and physical fitness carried out are associated closely with body weight that comes from the food intake. if the food intake received by the body is not excreted through physical fitness and activity, it will probably results in obesity or overweight which will have a bad impact on health (simbolon & firdausi, 2019). the individual's habit of doing physical activity is a method used to build the immune system or immunity. the physical activity performed can develop a healthy lifestyle and encourage a healthy behavior in society (apriantono et al, 2018). conclusion based on the results obtained, this study concludes that pmi's physical activity were in the light category which affected pmi immunity during the quarantine period. the nutritional status during the quarantine was normal because the fulfillment of the food intake given was in accordance with the needs by the body, while pmi's total energy expenditure was in the low category because pmi was in quarantine and was associated with light physical activity. the average bmr during 14 day quarantine was dominated by the factors of age, sex, and body weight (bw) of the pmi during the covid19 quarantine period. hopefully 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(2020b). obesity and overweight, (april), 1–6. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 i putu agus dharma hita et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 192 jpjo 5 (2) (2020) 192-200 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga available online at: https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/article/view/26441 doi: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpjo.v5i2.26441 athlete welfare and reward system in indonesia: the 30th sea games 2019 athlete and coach perspectives novrizal achmad novan 1* ; nuryadi 2 ; komarudin 1 1 department of sport coaching education, universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia 2 department of sport education, universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia article info article history : received june 2020 revised june 2020 accepted august 2020 available online september 2020 keywords : athlete rewards, athlete welfare, motivation, sport achievement, sport rewards abstract sports heroes are considered worthy of appreciation, especially for those who contribute to providing achievements for the nation at regional and international levels. the reward is given to athletes and coaches during their productive lives in the present until their retirement period. however, the rewards received by athletes and coaches tend not to be able to fulfill their welfare as a guarantee of life in the future. therefore, this study was aimed at determining the relationship between rewards and the level of welfare given by the government and sports committees in indonesia to athletes and coaches. this research was an ex-post-facto study using a self-administered closedquestionnaire conducted on athletes and national coaches on the 30th sea games team in philippines in 2019. the number of samples was determined by using slovin formula at 5% error rate and carried out on 46 athletes and nine coaches under the authority of the indonesian national sport committee in bandung. data analysis was performed by using spss. from the results obtained, these rewards also had a direct correlation with the level of welfare of athletes and coaches. considering that, if a maximum reward is given, the level of welfare will also increase. the result indicates that there is a robust and significant positive relationship between rewards and welfare. athletes and coaches expected the government and sport committees in indonesia to give rewards that are not only limited to financial bonuses. other aspects also need a concern when the athletes and coaches are no longer productive in contributing to the national sport achievements.  correspondence address : jln. dr. setiabudhi 229, bandung, indonesia e-mail : novrizal@upi.edu http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 193 novrizal achmad novan1 et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) introduction the national sport hero title should be addressed to every sportsperson, including athletes and coaches involved in elite sports on behalf of the nation to attain their highest achievements in competition at the international level, because elite sports can provide benefits for the government and the society as a national pride (hallmann, breuer, & kühnreich, 2013). indonesia’s broad outlines of the nation's direction explain that sport coaching and development are parts of efforts to improve the quality of indonesian people by improving physical, mental, and spiritual health of the community, and aimed at building characters and personality, discipline, and high sportsmanship, as well as increasing achievements that can arouse a sense of national pride. the sport committee in every city in indonesia has the task and responsibility in organizing the development of sport achievements, especially in preparing athletes to involve in the sport training for competing in various important events. in indonesia, the national sport system implementation is regulated under the republic of indonesia law number 3 year 2005 concerning the national sport system which explains that sport is a part of the process of achieving nationwide development goals, thus the existence and the role of sport in society must be prominently placed in the public legal system. in this perspective, the guarantee of the future certainty, honor, and well-being of sportspeople are important points to enable them to concentrate and dedicate their full time, thoughts, and energy for the highest achievement (kim, kim, & lee, 2020). the presidential regulation clearly states that the government must pay a close attention to the welfare of athletes with great achievements, but, in reality, the regulation has not been implemented well (nuryadi, hidayat, budiana, & darajat kn, 2020). the number of research on the rewards given by sports committees or the national authorities to athletes and coaches is limited. several studies show that only a few of researchers have conducted extensive studies to survey the welfare and rewards received by indonesian athletes. consequently, the general purpose of this study was to examine appropriate rewards for indonesian elite athletes in surviving a better and prosperous life afterward. rewards system definitions of reward have been defined in various ways by experts in their fields with different perspectives. rewards are generally given in almost all fields of economic and social life, either in sports, in arts and culture, or politics (frey, 2005, p. 32). besides, rewards are increasingly popular in the corporate sector, where managers consider innovative human-resource practices are important for the competitiveness (ichniowski & shaw, 2003, p. 157). in this connection, reward practices have been adopted by many organizations both public and private sectors (rahim, norhayate, & daud, 2012, p. 71). in other words, a reward can be said to be the most common human resource management practice used in recognizing and compensating for a good performance. the rewarding system is seen as a system that contributes to the performance by linking the interests of employees from the team and organization, thus it will increase the effort and performance (sajuyigbe, olaoye, & adeyemi, 2013). inevitably, fostering achievements in high-performance sports must lead to the fulfillment of a specific and fascinating performance so that athletes are interested and aware of the importance of achievement. in this connection, rewarding is defined as a process of determining the application and building of compensations relating to issues arising during the rewarding process. (michael, duncan, & peter, 2011). organizations can also give motivation through social rewards, such as titles and other status symbols. in the same way, job enrichment, vacation, proper work position, participation in decision making, promotion, ownership, stability, security, trust in organizational goals could also give motivation (al-nsour, 2011). such links can lead to the increase of the employee knowledge or skill development, flexibility, commitment, retention, and productivity (howard & dougherty, 2004). a good reward system must be able to handle organizational members as individuals as well as pay attention to differences in the needs, desires, hopes, goals, and aspirations of others (wasiu, 2014, p. 17) athletes will not only hope to be praised when they excel but they also hope for a guarantee of their copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 194 retirement age and an increase in living standards when they are no longer athletes (bundon, ashfield, smith, & goosey-tolfrey, 2018). empirical research conducted by experts prove that the indicators of extrinsic rewards oftenly examined are salary or wages, bonuses, benefits, and promotions, while indicators of intrinsic rewards are recognition, career advancement, responsibilities, and educational opportunities (edirisooriya, 2014; hafiza, shah, & jamsheed, 2011; yapa & yapa, 2002). from the various literatures, the reward has given by the organization to its members, either financial material or non-financial material; both psychologically or non-materially. athlete welfare subjective well-being is a general term to describe the level of well-being of an individual following the personal evaluation of life. the theory underlining subjective well-being asserts that individuals have positive thoughts in interpreting various events in their lives that create a feeling of happiness and satisfaction (diener & ryan, 2009). meanwhile, well-being refers to an optimal function and experience. the desirable nature of optimal functioning is not necessarily clear. however, many philosophers and psychologists provide different welfare concepts (mcmahan & estes, 2011). welfare and self-development in a particular activity are factors to determine achievements. the results of the exercise can increase and decrease due to several factors. two factors affecting athlete performance include ability and motivation. motivation factors will be seen from one's attitude in dealing with training situations as well as a condition that moves a person to be directed to achieve the set goals (corlaci, hidi, vasilescu, & stoica, 2013; harwood & thrower, 2020; vink, raudsepp, & kais, 2015). it was further explained in the presidential regulations number 44 of 2014 that in indonesia, a sport reward is an acknowledgment of achievements in sports that are manifested in material and non-material forms. in malaysia, a research shows that the athletes’ readiness to retire and the influence on their quality of life can significantly provide a clear view of the life satisfaction of athletes at the retirement age. policy makers are expected to learn the finding because there is no a retirement plan for athletes in malaysia (abu samah, shamsudin, & darus, 2019). for a small country, like singapore, with a limited talent pool, opportunity costs to pursuing elite sports come at a high price. research has revealed that an intangible support is essential for the long-term well-being of athletes so that they can cope better with the various transitions they face (tan, 2019). furthermore, every sportsperson, sport committee, a national or private institution, and an individual who excels in advancing sports must be rewarded. in that case, the main task of the sport management is develop self-confidence and foster motivation for coaches and athletes. providing rewards by considering the athletes’ needs and presenting a good view of their future will have implications on their work commitments as well as their welfare to continuously improve their competence by training and continue pursuing achievements in the future. methods in accessing the perspectives of indonesian athletes and coaches at the 30th sea games in philippines, a quantitative descriptive research approach was used. the variables in this study were limited to the rewards and level of welfare of athletes and coaches by using a self-administered questionnaire. in this study, the instrument used was a closedended questionnaire. several questions were given to athletes and coaches. the respondents had to choose one answer that suited their characteristics. the validity test results of the questionnaire, through spss by using the pearson correlation, showed that 23 items of statements had a validity score above the r-table (0.261), while 1 question item was invalid with an r value of 0.170. the results of reliability testing, through spss using cronbach's alpha, showed a result of 0.746, which means that this instrument is reliable to use. participants the population of this study were 183 people, including athletes and coaches, at the 30th sea games in 2019 contingent from the west java province. sampling procedures the research sample was chosen based on noncopyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 novrizal achmad novan1 et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 195 probability sampling methods by using a purposive sampling technique. the study involved 55 respondents consisted of 46 athletes and nine coaches under the auspices of bandung national sports committee by heeding certain considerations related to the policy which intersects to athletes’ financial and welfare. the number of samples was determined by using slovin formula at 5% error rate which is 50. procedures the study began with the selection of problems in the provision of rewards and welfare levels; determining the sample; trying out a questionnaire; determining research instruments; data collection; processing and analyzing data; and making conclusions. furthermore, the analysis and interpretation of the meaning and significance of the data collected were also conducted. result data to provide a general description of the distribution of collected data from the results of the reward and welfare questionnaire, it is important to understand the characteristics of the respondents. from these data, it can be seen that the average value of appreciation was 15.64, while for welfare was 8.31 (n = 55). after obtaining data from two variables, the normality test was administered. the purpose of the normality test is to find out whether the information is normally distributed or not and the approach that should be used next. the data normality test was completed by using the kolmogorov-smirnov test and administered by the help of the spss 24 program. from the reward data, the asymp value was obtained. sig. (2-tailed) of 0.017 or h0 is rejected for reward data. thus, reward data were not normally distributed. from the welfare data, the asymp value was obtained. sig. (2-tailed) of 0.001 or or h0 is rejected for welfare data. thus, welfare data were not normally distributed. hence, the data from these two variables were not normally distributed. assessing the correlation between instruments after describing the data and conducting a normality test, the next step was testing the data correlation. the results of correlation testing using spearman's rank correlations obtained the following results. table 2. spear man' s r an k cor r elations according from the spss output, the correlation coefficient number was 0.928. the level of strength of the relationship between the rewards and welfare variable was 0.928 or had a very strong correlation. an asterisk (**) means that the correlation between variables is significant at the 0.01 significance number. after processing the correlation, the research data were presented as a percentage. percentage of rewards data figure 1. financial and non-financial rewards percentage the results obtained from the reward variable for athletes and coaches (n = 55) illustrated factual scores or the total value of 860, while the ideal score or the maximum number of values was 1650. therefore, the overall average score was 0.52, then the percentage of rewards given to athletes and coaches was 52%, which means “good enough." furthermore, the data were described based on indicators starting from intrinsic rewards. intrinsic reward indicators that include interesting work, responsibility, recognition, achievement, task variety, and task significance got a percentage value of 98%, which means "outstanding." on the other hand, copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 novrizal achmad novan1 et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) reward welfare spearman's rho reward correlation coefficient 1,000 0,928** n 55 55 welfare correlation coefficient 0,928 ** 1,000 n 55 55 **. correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). 196 the extrinsic reward indicators on the financial subindicator of the performance-based section (direct compensation) which include salary, merit pay, and bonuses showed a percentage value of 84%, which means "outstanding." the eminently attractive reward for employees is money. in real terms, it can be used directly to buy items needed by everyone. money is the most obvious organizational reward, but non-financial rewards and receiving increased attention (peterson & luthans, 2006, p. 343). the extrinsic reward indicator in the financial subindicator of the membership-based section (direct compensation) which includes cost of living increase, seniority-based increase, and the educational-based increase showed a percentage value of 62%, which means "good." nevertheless, membership-based (indirect compensation) which includes public protection (social security, unemployment premiums, disability premium) and private protection (pension, savings, life insurance) showed a percentage value of 12%, which means "very poor." membership-based which includes paid leave (training, illness, vacation) and life cycle (child and elder care, parks, and playgrounds) showed a percentage value of 25%, which means "not good." whereas extrinsic rewards for non-financial sub-indicator of career rewards covering job security, career growth, selfdevelopment earned a percentage value of 53%, which means "good enough." non-financial in the social rewards' section which includes status symbols (title, office, preferred schedule) got a percentage value of 30%, which means "not good.” percentage of welfare data the results obtained from the welfare variable for athletes and coaches (n = 55) illustrated factual scores or the total value of 457, while the ideal score or the maximum number of values was 1265. therefore, the overall average score was 0.52, then the percentage of rewards given to athletes and coaches was 36%, which means “not good.” furthermore, indicator of extrinsic welfare level in the financial sub-indicator in the performance-based (direct compensation) section which includes salary, merit pay, bonuses showed a percentage value of 81%, which means "very good.” indicators of extrinsic financial sub-indicators in the membershipbased (direct compensation) section which include cost of living increase, seniority-based increase, educationbased increase showed a percentage value of 57% which means "good enough". membership-based (indirect compensation) which includes: public protection (social security, unemployment premiums, disability premium) and private protection (pension, savings, life insurance) showed a percentage value of 13% which means "very poor". membership-based which includes paid leave (training, illness, vacation) and life cycle (child and elder care, parks, and playgrounds) showed a percentage value of 20% which means "very poor". whereas extrinsic rewards for non-financial subindicators of career rewards covering job security, career growth, self-development earned a percentage value of 47%, which means "good enough." non-financial in the social rewards' section which includes status symbols (title, office, preferred schedule) got a percentage value of 27%, which means "not good." figure 2. financial and non-financial welfare percentage discussion researchers in the area of employee motivation agree that reward in an organization is the most important element in generating motivation to complete a task. the financial reward can directly improve the employee economic welfare. for example, salary, wages, and bonuses are rewards that can be obtained by the recipient and used for any purpose (chelladurai & kerwin, 2018, p. 270; kankanhalli, tan, & wei, 2005, p. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 novrizal achmad novan1 et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 197 35). athletes are motivated to perform their specific tasks skillfully according to the sport they are in and due to compensation values related to the task at hand. essentially, rewards are intended to motivate certain behaviors (šajeva, 2014). indonesian athletes and coaches from the sea games 30th 2019 in philippines contingent felt that they had not received the maximum prize, both internal and external. it needs to be considered more by the government or relevant authorities regarding the reward. in indonesia, elite sports are intended as an effort to improve the abilities and potential of athletes in the context of completing achievements to improve the nation's dignity (isidori & benetton, 2015). the stage of development utilizing education and training of talented athletes in a planned, systematic, tiered, and continuous program is expected to produce potential athletes technically, tactically, physically, and physiologically. (elferink-gemser, jordet, coelho-e-silva, & visscher, 2011). financial rewards are very important for strategic institutions to determine the extent to which incentives can affect employee job satisfaction (erbasi & arat, 2012). primarily, financial rewards consist of four dimensions, namely basic salary, performance bonuses, incentives for extra work, festival bonuses (aktar, uddin, & sachu, 2013). bonuses are payments at the same time for employees as the recognition of their performance during a certain period (chelladurai & kerwin, 2018, p. 71). unlike salaries, bonuses are not added to a person's basic salary. therefore, bonuses require workers to make certain achievements every year to receive rewards. on the other hand, salaries are added to a person's basic salary, where the increase is given in one year and will continue to be given each year even though the worker may not work at the same level and achievements in the following years. in addition to wages and salaries, financial rewards can also be in the form of social security such as pension plans, health insurance, and vacations and are usually not based on performance, but based on years of service (gibson, ivancevich, james h. donnelly, & konopaske, 2014, p. 243). performance-based rewards are directly linked to a performance done by individuals or groups. in this case, financial compensation is a compensation in the form of money given to employees for services that have been done (ahmad, aziz, aziz, faeez, & bakhtiar, 2012). moreover, sports coaching and development are part of efforts to improve the quality of indonesian people that are directed at improving physical, mental, and spiritual health of the community and are aimed at the formation of character and personality, discipline, and high sportsmanship, as well as increased achievements that can arouse a sense of national pride. athletes and coaches have gone through a lengthy process, so they can compete at the international level. the process they went through was certainly full of struggle and sacrifice of themselves (energy, time, money, and other nonmaterial things). they have struggled to make the name of the nation and country at the international level, they are even referred to "sports heroes" (hallmann et al., 2013). for this reason, it is appropriate, for the government and related authorities, to give a maximum appreciation as regulated by law. the control of incentives and rewards is closely related to a person's perception known as the "locus of causality" (what causes a person to behave) in sports. the reward must be used as an information to provide feedback or reinforcement of their competencies; extrinsic rewards do not naturally come after the performance of activity but are given to someone by some external agents, thus motivation will continue to increase (sánchez de miguel et al., 2017). conversely, if the reward is seen as something that contributes to the "internal locus of causality" (the cause of a person's behavior comes from within himself), the intrinsic motivation will increase. in this condition, the athlete has a high self-determination; the athlete will perceive that his behavior is determined by intrinsic motivation, which is the impetus that comes from within him (baena extremera, ruiz-juan, & granero-gallegos, 2016). the reward system consists of extrinsic and intrinsic programs where there are differences between the two. intrinsic rewards refer to the identification of work done well by someone, thus it represents a nonfinancial way to appreciate and recognize employee contributions to excellent quality and service (özutkua, 2012, p. 44). on the other hand, extrinsic rewards refer to the part outside the main work itself such as salary, benefits, job security, promotions, private office space, copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 novrizal achmad novan1 et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 198 and social climate (wasiu, 2014). as a result, giving rewards to athletes should not be used as the control of athletes, but rewards must be used as information to provide feedback or reinforcement of their competencies. the motivation will continue to increase. the result of the research presented the diversity of rewards that need to be given or fulfilled by stakeholders to indonesian athletes and coaches in the 30th sea games 2019 in philippines, while some reward indicators had been going well. conclusion the results of this study prove that a variety of rewards need to be given by stakeholders to indonesian athletes and coaches at the 30th sea games 2019 in philippines. following the results of the processing and analysis of data regarding rewards, overall results obtained by 52% satisfaction. as well as the results of data analysis, regarding indonesian athletes' and coaches' welfare, overall results showed 36% satisfaction. it indicates that the level of welfare of indonesian athletes and coaches are "poor." it shows that the level of welfare of athletes and coaches is still needed to be considered further by the government and related institutions. this means that the reward given by the government to athletes and coaches, in their persfective, have not had an optimal impact. giving reward also has a direct correlation with the level of well-being of athletes and coaches by considering that there are many athletes and coaches who depend their whole lives on sports as they set aside education and office work and left the family to practice in national training camps. recommendation to the government or authorities related to elite sports, giving rewards to athletes should not only be limited to the provision of jobs, bonuses, scholarships, but also to other aspects, such as the guarantee of their lives after they are no longer productive as athletes in order to fulfill their psychological need and give prosperous live. consequently, they will not feel disappointed because all of the efforts they spent in their young period for the glory of the nation. to athletes, coaches, and other sports practitioners, there is no need to worry to get involved in promoting sports in indonesia, because the government and related institutions have sought to implement the reward and welfare of athletes as stipulated in the law. limitations of the study and possible future study in particular, this study simply provides a glimpse of what indonesian athletes and coaches felt at the 30th sea games 2019 in philippines. other factors that had constrained the study include different local government policies regarding athlete welfare. besides, this study only focused on reward factors, which mostly included direct finance (materially) as an element influencing motivation to keep achieving. the athlete's openness, based on their regional background in the national team, made it difficult to find a larger population. therefore, this study was conducted by limiting the sample of athletes and coaches who lived in west java province and under the authority of the indonesian national sport committee in bandung. thus, it is necessary to conduct a study that goes hand in hand with policies. therefore, athletes do not need to doubt as athletes are influenced by doubts about the transparency in providing answers that might affect stakeholders' decisions in their selection to the elite team. acknowledgement we would like to deliver our gratitude to lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (lppm) upi as the funding source of the study. we would also deliver our sincere gratitude to all participants who had involved in the study. references abu samah, i. h. b., shamsudin, a. s., & darus, a. 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(2002). an examination of the relationship among job satisfaction, rewards and organizational commitment. in journal of management science (vol. 1). retrieved from https:// www.researchgate.net/publication/275350225 copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 novrizal achmad novan1 et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 102 jpjo 5 (2) (2020) 102-110 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga available online at: https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/article/view/25547 doi: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpjo.v5i2.25547 exercise serum alters genes related mitochondria in cardiomyocyte culture cell ronny lesmana 1,2 *, wibowo budi prasetyo 3 , hamidie ronald daniel ray 4 , vita murniati tarawan 1 , hanna goenawan 1,2 , iwan setiawan 1,2 , yuni susanti pratiwi 1,2 nova sylviana, juliati 1,2 , unang supratman 5 1 physiology division, department of biomedical sciences, faculty of medicine, universitas padjadjaran 2 physiology molecular laboratory, biological activity division, central laboratory, universitas padjadjaran 3 undergraduate program medical doctor, faculty of medicine, universitas padjadjaran, 4 departement of sport science, faculty of sport and health education, universitas pendidikan indonesia, 5 departement of chemistry, faculty of mathematics and natural sciences, universitas padjadjaran, jatinangor article info article history : received june 2020 revised july 2020 accepted august 2020 available online september 2020 keywords : cardiomyocyte cell line, mitochondrial homeostasis, exercise serum abstract exercise-induced hearth muscle adaptation is important for physiological process after exercise. this adaptation will ensure basal mitochondrial homeostasis and as a part of the mitochondria quality control. this process is reflected by the equal level of biogenesis stimulation as well as the selective degradation of old and undesirable mitochondria through fusion or fission cycle and mitophagy. there is limited information about genetic regulation stimulated by training in cardiomyocytes. we believe that there is a specific myokines or protein release in the serum that initiates cardiac muscle adaptation process. in the present study, twelve male wistar rats were appointed to two groups: sedentary control group and aerobic-intensity group (ae, 15m/minute). rats were trained for running with a specific protocol as follows: 30 minutes/day with a 5 times/week interval conducted for 8 weeks. on the last day, the serum from the control and exercise groups were taken via retro-orbital sinus. then, 3.105 h9c2 cells (rat cardiomyocytes cell line) were cultured and incubated by this serum for 24 hours. after the treatment, cells were extracted by using trisure for rna purification and followed by reverse transcriptase pcr. our data showed that the expression of the pgc1α, mfn1, mfn2, opa1, drp1, pink, and parkin genes were altered and modulated. specifically, mfn1, mfn2, and opa1 gene expression levels significantly increased. interestingly, we did not find a significant modulation for pgc-1α, drp1, pink, and parkin. taken together, serum of exercise rats might contain myokines or a specific protein released during training, which altered mitochondrial genes expression in cardiomyocytes culture cell. we believe that the myokines release in the serum had a contribution in the cardiacmyocyte adaptation. ,  correspondence address : physiology molecular laboratory, biological activity division, central laboratory, universitas padjadjaran, jatinangor 45363, indonesia. e-mail : ronny@unpad.ac.id http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 103 ronny lesmana et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) introduction health is a state of a complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. various efforts will be made to improve or maintain physical health, one of them is by exercising with a certain intensity (han, neufer, & pilegaard, 2019). exercise is a solitary intense episode of body or strong muscular movement that requires a vitality consumption over the resting level, within a duration, intensity, and modality. physical exercise comprises of aerobic and anaerobic physical exercises. aerobic physical exercise is physical exercise identified with oxygen for vitality extraction as adenosine triphosphate (atp) from amino acids, sugars, and unsaturated fats utilized for physical exercise, while anaerobic physical exercise is an exercise that does not require oxygen in the process of forming energy sources, where the atp formation is from fermentation and glycolysis (patel, alkhawam, madanieh, shah, kosmas, & vittorio, 2017). american school of sports medication (acsm) characterizes oxygen consuming activity (aerobic exercise) as any action utilizing a huge muscle group that can be kept up constantly. running, treadmill, bike, and swimming are some examples of aerobic physical exercise. european society of cardiology heart failure guidelines recommend aerobic exercise to improve the performance capacity and cardiovascular endurance (ponikowski et al., 2016). taking the aerobic physical exercise in a moderate intensity for 30 minutes/day, 150 minutes/seven day, or in vigorous intensity or blend of both for 75 minutes/seven day is recommended for adults (gunadi et al., 2020) . physical exercise results in physiological changes in almost all body systems, including improving metabolic and cardiovascular status. the positive impacts of activity on the cardiovascular system are well documented (gunadi et al., 2020; piepoli et al., 2016). cardiovascular performance during exercise depends on cardiac muscle performance which needs an extra-extraordinary support amount of atp. this will keep the cardiac muscle function normally and generate force every minute of every day over a lifetime. this demand is increased especially during physical exercise. the myocardium is supported by mitochondria, cell organelles that work as the main energy source of atp synthesis: bioenergetics, metabolism (oxidative phosphorylation) in cells during aerobic respiration, well known as "powerhouse of the cell" (murphy et al., 2016). the higher the heart's performance, the higher the heart rate and oxygen consumption (maximum oxygen consumption/vo2max) (murphy et al., 2016). during exercise, mitochondria, which have a special function, are transporting calcium and controlling quality to improve the quality of the heart pump so that oxygen is distributed more and faster throughout the body (murphy et al., 2016; katch, mcardle, & katch, 2011). exercise induces the occurrence of remodelling of mitochondrial cardiac in the heart muscle that indicates a positive effect of physical exercise. to achieve heart muscle adaptation, it is necessary to save basal mitochondrial homeostasis and secure the heart under pressure conditions, known as mitochondria quality control via stimulates biogenesis of mitochondria as well as the expulsion of old and undesirable mitochondria through mitochondrial dynamics (fussion – fision cycle) and mitophagy. it is comparable to supplanting low eco-friendliness old vehicles for high eco-friendliness new vehicles to clean the environment. each stage of mitochondria quality control has a coactivator as a trigger for the process (yan, lira, & greene, 2012). it starts from biogenesis with peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (pgc-1α), which is indeed able to activate the nuclear gene and mitochondria needed for the synthesis of organelles. after biogenesis occurs, it will enter the fusion-fission cycle stage. starting from the results of biogenesis fusion with other mitochondria which are mediated by mitofusin 1 (mfn1) and mitofusin 2 (mfn2) for the fusion in the outer membrane and mitochondrial dynamin like gtpase (opa1) for fusion in the inner membrane. after fusion, mitochondria increase in size. to maximize their function, fission occurs in the old and unhealthy parts mediated by dynamin-1-like protein (drp1). finally, in the old and unhealthy mitochondrial section occurs mitophagy mediated by pink-parkin signalling pathway. pgc-1α, mfn1, mfn2, opa1, drp1, pink, and parkin serve as a marker to study mitochondria quality control (sun & finkel, 2015; gottlieb & thomas, 2017; youle & van der bliek, 2012). however, there are limited studies regarding copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 104 "autophagic adjustments to long haul constant exercise in cardiovascular muscle" (tam et al, 2015). the differences of adaptation physiology in physical exercise with various intensities to the process of mitochondria quality control, like mitophagy and fusion, are still unknown. this study was aimed at understanding the mitochondria gene modulation induced by serum of aerobic training in cardiomyocyte (h9c2 cell line). methods animals eight-week-old male wistar rats (rattus norvegicus) were gotten from the animal rearing focal point of pt bio farma in cisarua, indonesia. the habitat was kept up in a darklight cycle (12 hours of light cycle and 12 hours of dim cycle) and temperature (22°c). the rats were nourished a pellet rat diet, not obligatory, and had free access to water. following one week of acclimatization period, 12 male rats were partitioned into two groups, sedentary control group and exercise aerobic group. every single trial strategy followed the guide for the care and use of lab creatures and was affirmed by the health research ethics committee of the faculty of medicine universitas padjadjaran no 1355/un6.kep/ ec/2019 treadmill exercise protocol rats were divided into sedentary control group (sc) and training group (tg). in sc group, rats were placed only in a treadmill without work out. in tg group, rats were habituated for one weeks. the rats then were exercised 30 min/day duration. by using treadmill, the rats were trained for running for 15m/minutes, 5 days/week, for eight weeks. after eight weeks of training programs, serum from rats from control and exercise groups were taken via the retro-orbital sinus. rats were conditioned as comfortable as possible. the microhemato pipet was etched on the medial canthus of the eye towards the foramen opticus, then rotated until it injured the plexus. the blood was collected in a tube for the purpose of taking blood serum. cardiomyocyte (h9c2) cell line adherent h9c2 cell lines (rat cardiomyocytes; atcc, manassas, va, usa) were cultured and grown with dulbecco’s modified eagle medium (dmem, paa laboratories, pasching, austria), and supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, (life technologies, carlsbad, ca, usa), 100 u/ml penicillin and 100 μg/ ml streptomycin (all from invitrogen, carlsbad, ca, usa). cells were maintained at 37°c in a humidified incubator with an atmosphere of 95% air and 5% co2. h9c2 cells were plated on the 24 plate well, cultured for 2 to 3 days, and used for experiments at approximately 80% confluence was achieved. cells were rinsed with pbs solution, then released with trypsin and edta solution (life technologies). then, non-aerobic exercise serum, aerobic exercise serum 10%, and aerobic exercise serum 20% were added. the incubation lasted for 12 – 16 hours. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 ronny lesmana et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) gene symbol primer sequence product size (bp) annealing (°c) input pcr template (ncbi primer blast) pgc-1α f 5’-gtgcagccaagactctgtat-3’ r 5’-ctcgaatatgttcgcgggct-3’ 214 60 0 c nm_031347.1 mfn1 f 5’-tgacttggactactcgtgcg-3’ r 5’-gtggccatttcttgctggac-3’ 133 55 0 c nm_138976.1 mfn2 f 5’-tcagtagccaatctggacct-3’ r 5’-tctcttggatgtaggccccc-3’ 277 60 0 c nm_130894.4 opa1 f 5’-ctgggatctgctgttggagg-3’ r 5’-ggtgtacccgcagtgaaga-3’ 251 60 0 c nm_133585.3 drp1 f 5’-cgctgatcccggtcatcaat-3’ r 5’-actccattttcttctcctgttgt-3’ 247 60 0 c nm_053655.3 pink1 f 5’-tgcaatgccgctgtgtatga-3’ r 5’-tctgctccctttgagacgac-3’ 113 60 0 c nm_001106694.1 parkin f 5’cagtatggtgccgaggagtg-3’ r 5’ccggtatgcctgagaagtcg-3’ 228 60 0 c nm_020093. table 1. pr imer s sequences 105 rna extraction and semi-quantitative pcr total rna was isolated from h9c2 cell lysate utilizing trizol reagent (thermo fisher logical, uppsala, sweden). total rna in h9c2 cell was quantified utilizing multimode microplate peruser at 268/280 nm absorbance spectrophotometry (m200 star, tecan, morrisville, nc). semi quantitative pcr was performed utilizing the one step rt pcr pack (qiagen,valencia, ca). semi quantitative quality articulation levels were standardized utilizing rats gapdh. primer sequences utilized for rat gene expression are recorded in table 1. the band of pcr items was captured with and analyzed utilizing imagej programming (nih). statistical analysis all measurements were registered utilizing spss 20.0 programming. results are presented as the mean ± standard error of mean (mean ± sem). mean contrasts between groups were analyzed with one way anova and tukey post hoc test (for information with typical dissemination) or kruskal wallis and mann whitney (for information without ordinary distribution),with significance is indicated as: *p ≤ 0.05; **p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.001, and ****p ≤ 0.0001. result the effect of aerobic exercise on quantification of h9c2 cell line / cardiomyocyte the quantification of h9c2 cell line change was measured after culture incubation (adding non exercise serum or exercise serum). the result was the image of the quantification of h9c2 cell line in magnification 4x (figure 1c) and in magnification 20x (figure 1d). the quantification of exercise serum 10% (156.88 ± 7.17) and exercise serum 20% group (159.18 ± 7.17) were not significantly different with the control group (137.68 ± 5.14) and the non exercise serum (147.89 ± 7.24) in figure 1a. in zoom 20x, the quantification of exercise serum 10 % (141.17 ± 0.45) and exercise serum 20% group (158.53 ± 9.09) were not significantly different with the control group (118.58 ± 1.36 ) and the non exercise serum (119.83 ± 1.03) after the 8 week experimental period (figure 1b) aerobic exercise serum pgc-1α, mfn1, mfn2, opa1, drp1, pink1, and parkin mrna expression in h9c2 cell line mitochondria biogenesis gene (pgc-1α), mitochondrial fusion gene (mfn1, mfn2, opa1), mitochondrial fission gene (drp1), and mitophagy gene (pink1, parkin) pgc-1α, mfn1, mfn2, opa1, drp1, pink1, and parkin (figure 2a) expressions in h9c2 cell line/cardiomyocyte of rat were measured and normalized by using gapdh. the aerobic exercise serum did not significantly stimulate the mitochondrial biogenesis, because of the pgc-1α gene expression. drp1 gene expression was not significantly increasing. also, aerobic exercise serum did not stimulate the mitophagy, because the pink1 gene expression and parkin gene expression did not significantly increase compared to the control (fbs) group and non-exercise group. on the other side, aerobic exercise serum only significantly increase the mfn1 gene expression, mfn2 gene expression, and opa1 gene expression compared to the control (fbs) group and non-exercise group. this research found that, the aerobic exercise serum might only significantly stimulate the mitochondrial fusion. discussion the effects of aerobic exercise are in the form of increasing the ability to exercise in a longer duration. physiological changes due to endurance training include the body's ability to supply atp through an aerobic process. the adaptation depends on the training stacopyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 ronny lesmana et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) gene symbol fbs (control) non exercise serum exercise serum 10% exercise serum 20% drp 1 1.063 ± 0.19 0.935 ± 0.20 2.275 ± 0.31 1.969 ± 0.50 mfn1 1.300 ± 0.07 1.078 ± 0.09 2.410 ± 0.16 2.271 ± 0.41 mfn2 1.178 ± 0.10 0.989 ± 0.11 2.012 ± 0.05 1.927 ± 0.23 opa1 0.977 ± 0.08 0.876 ± 0.15 2.141 ± 0.25 1.772 ± 0.46 pink1 1.126 ± 0.23 1.076 ± 0.28 2.129 ± 0.25 1.726 ± 0.58 parkin 1.163 ± 0.21 0.809 ± 0.15 1.255 ± 0.08 1.512 ± 0.24 pgc-1α 1.019 ± 0.08 0.868 ± 0.03 1.295 ± 0.25 1.838 ± 0.93 table 2. the analysed r esult of of pgc-1α, mfn1, mfn2, opa1, drp1, pink1, and parkin gene expression were altered by aerobic 106 tus and genetics of the individual concerned. individuals who are new to exercise or deconditioning can experience a substantial increase in performance. the progressions in mitochondrial structure and capacity reflect changes in myocyte structure, and, in this manner, ought to be viewed as a fundamental part of myocyte differentiation. interestingly, cardiac muscle fibers contain two particular mitochondrial populaces (i.e. subsarcolemmal and intermyofibrillar). while the intermyofibrillar mitochondria keeps up moderately high respiratory limit, the subsarcolemmal mitochondria adjust more promptly to exercise training (yan, lira, & greene, 2012). we did not observe any significant myotube structure changes (figure 1). however, the importance in exercise-induced adjustment is not only to build the quantity of organelles, but also to improve the capacity/the effectiveness of the mitochondrial organization, results from expanded paces of mitochondrial biogenesis, and the productive expulsion of useless/ harmed mitochondria through mitochondrial dynamics (fusion-fission cycle) and mitophagy, known as mitochondria quality control (figure 2) (chen, liu, &dorn, 2011). pgc-1α is required for the synthesis of mitochondria organelles. pgc-1α-instigated translation factors, pgc-1α, is presently considered the "chief controller" of mitochondrial biogenesis (kang & li, 2012). it shows the need for pgc-1α for typical incited metabolic adjustment, including mitochondrial biogenesis (yan, lira, & greene, 2012). the consistently working muscles, for example the heart, have more mitochondrial movement and substance than sporadically working muscles. the muscles associated with ordinary and continued physical movement can expand their mitochondrial action and increment execution, which indicated an expansion in muscle cytochrome c fixation, just as expanded exercises of key mitochondrial catalysts and oxphos (oxidative phosphorylation) (jornayvaz & shulman, 2010). however, our result indicated that pgc-1α mrna expression was not stimulated by aerobic exercise serum (figure 2b). there is another factor that should be considered on mitochondrial biogenesis stimulation. we suggest that, for further research, it is necessary to detect the protein triggering an increase in pgc 1α gene expression, generally controlled by upstream kinase protein signaling pathways. the two essential kinase protein engaged with the guideline of pgc-1α in muscles are ampk and mitogen-actuated kinase protein (p38γ mapk). at any rate, two ampk phosphorylation locales had been recognized in pgc-1α. ampk initiated pgc-1α as well as advanced pgc-1α gene translation and controlled the expression and action of pgc-1α. it has additionally been demonstrated that ampk incited the statement of mitochondrial qualities through pgc-1α. ampk has been known as the "fundamental metabolic switch" for intense guideline of energy metabolism and exercise-incited by work out. intense exercise appears to initiate ampk through phosphorylation in thr172. while single activities bring about expanded ampk movement in the muscles, long-term exercise prompts an expansion in ampk protein content. both intense exercise and a long-haul preparation were not ready to expand the substance of ampkα protein in the muscles of pgc-1α-lacking rat. it shows that pgc-1α is not exclusively reliant on ampk, copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 ronny lesmana et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) figure 1. alteration of mitochondrial quality control gene expression in h9c2 cell line (cardiomyocyte) of wistar rats by aerobic exercise a. the result of of cardiac muscle fibers quantification with magnification 4x. b. the result of of cardiac muscle fibers quantification with magnification 20x. c. h9c2 cell line / cardiomyocyte with magnification 4x. d. h9c2 cell line / 107 yet, at any rate, the ampk α subunit relies upon pgc-1α (yan, lira, & greene, 2012). aerobic exercise serum directs both mitochondrial fusion and fission forms and enables healthy and metabolically dynamic cells to shape interconnected mitochondrial tissues to share components (protein, substrate, mitochondrial dna (mtdna) and removal of dysfunctional regions (song, mihara, chen, scorrano, & dorn, 2015). fission machines and mitochondrial fusion are regulated by proteolysis and posttranslational modification (youle & van der bliek, 2012). the process is regulated by the enzyme gtphydrolyzing (gtpase) such as mfn1 (mitofusin 1), mfn2 (mitofusin 2), opa1, and drp (tarawan, gunadi, subekti, widowati, & goenawan, 2019). it have been appeared to dynamically build the protein substance of mfn1, mfn2 mrna 24 h post-exercise simultaneous with expanded in cox iv mrna (ding et al., 2010). mitochondrial fusion includes mitofusin 1 and 2 (mfn1 and mfn2), which controls the fusion of outer mitochondrial membranes encapsulating intermembrane inner and space membranes, and type 1 optical atrophy (opa1), which controls mitochondrial inner membrane fusion containing membranes complex binding oxidative phosphorylation enzymes and most soluble electron transport proteins such as cytochrome c (mishra & chan, 2014; friedman & nunnari, 2014). opa1 is additionally significant for keeping up the crystalline structure (iglewski, hill, lavandero, & rothermel, 2010). mitofusins and opa1 usually work together to jointly combine both mitochondrial membranes (murphy et al., 2016). thus, which promotes mitochondrial fusion into dynamics, tubular complexes that maximize the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation during stress are below the critical threshold by stimulating complementation between mitochondria (youle & van der bliek, 2012). our data reveal a potential that aerobic exercise serum may modulate mitochondria fusion activity in the adaptation process after training in cardiac muscles. the mitochondrial fusion gene expression in cardiac muscle is presented in (figure 2b). these findings are in agreement with those of previous studies that have demonstrated increased mitochondria fusion gene expression after aerobic treadmill training in cardiac muscles. these previous research recommend that pgc1α plays a significant capacity in controlling the expression of the machinery for in any event the mitochondrial fusion process in muscle under the states of activity (yan, lira, & greene, 2012). interestingly, pgc-1α was not significantly increasing. pgc1α might not be the only factor for mitochondrial fusion. previous research shows that there are other factors. mfn1 and mfn2 proteins have greater than 70% sequence similarity and share much of the same functional domain organization. mitofusin is highly abundant in heart and skeletal muscle and is reportedly expressed at low levels in numerous other human tissues. hence, when mild exercise is triggered, mitochondrial fusion occurs earlier (seo, joseph, dutta, hwang, aris, & leeuwenburgh, 2010). the equal procedure of mitochondrial fusion, in which two mitochondria circuits create a bigger organelle, requires the coordination of the external and internal mitochondrial membranes (filadi, pendim, & pizzo, 2018). prior to fusion, bending of the outer membranes is advanced by the phospholipase d-subordinate hydrolysis of cardiolipin (ranieri et al., 2013). in spite of the fact, its regulation and the collection of specific accessory proteins are probably going to be profoundly setting ward (palmer, osellame, stojanovski, & ryan, 2011). machines engaged with mitochondrial dynamic require the cooperation of a few proteins. quickly, healthy mitochondria keep up the electrochemical internal layer angle, δψm, which drives atp creation by a complex electron transport (generation of atp: bioenergy and metabolism). the mitochondrial fission is significant for developing and separating cells to fill them with a sufficient number of mitochondria (youle & van der bliek, 2012). for fission, a procedure whereby a solitary mitochondrion squeezes the inner membranes and outers to frame 2 mitochondrial daughter, dynamiclinked peptide 1 (drp1), appears to assume a significant role, a homolog of a decent dynamin (murphy et al., 2016; sun & finkel, 2015). the activity of drp1 is regulated by phosphorylation in several locations on proteins. this study showed a not significant alteration of drp1, pink1, and parkin in cardiac muscle (h9c2 cell line) compared to those in control groups (figure 2). our findings are different from previous studies which showed a significant increase in mitochondria fission gene expression after aerobic treadmill training copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 ronny lesmana et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 108 in cardiac muscle. the drp1, pink1, and parkin gene expressions were higher in aerobic exercise serum 10% and aerobic exercise serum 20% compared to that in control and non exercise serum. based on the previous research, drp1 does not work alone. it includes additional proteins. for example, mitochondrial fission proteins (fis1) are expected to enlist and control the general fission procedure. it is important to recruit drp 1 to mitochondria, mid49, mid51, and mff51, often in locations where mitochondria come into contact with the endoplasmic reticulum (youle & van der bliek, 2012). many factors affect fission, one physique also requires several accessory proteins, including 18 kda mitochondrial protein (mtp18), endophilin b1 (also known as bif-1), ganglioside induction of proteinrelated differentiation 1 (gdap1), and protein related death 3 (dap3) (seo, joseph, dutta, hwang, aris, & leeuwenburgh, 2010). mitophagy is closely related to mitochondrial dynamism (ie, fission and fusion). it assumes a significant job in controlling the quality of cardiac mitophagy through mediated asymmetric physiology by drp 1 (kageyama et al., 2014). these findings are in agreement with the result of drp1 in this research that had demonstrated insignificant increase of mitochondria fission gene expression after aerobic treadmill training in cardiac muscles. the mitochondria fission and mitophagy response only occur when eldery mitochondria (aging) or damaged mitochondria cannot maintain normal δψm; damaged mitochondria can completely eliminate δψm and bring about depolarization (romanello et al., 2010; lazarou et al., 2015; narendra et al., 2010; jin, lazarou, wang, kane, narendra, & youle, 2010). damaged mitochondria (and therefore depolarizations) will be immediately identified and removed through the pink1-parkininterceded mitophagy, while health mitochondria will rejoin the mitochondria cell, potentially by joining other comparable mitochondria. the specific role for the mechanism of mitophagy which depends on parkin versus independent parkin or "alternative" in the healthy and diseased cardiac is only just in the beginning to be investigated (kageyama et al., 2014; song et al., 2015). the effects of mitochondrial quality control could improve metabolic capacity and oxygen supply to cardiac muscles and may be a beneficial mechanism to improve health in cardiovascular disease. the limitation of this research is that the study had only been conducted in 8 weeks and it is possible that adaptation had occured in earlier time period. another point is hormone may take a role in stimulating mitochondrial quality control and we did not perform experiment using female rats. therefore, it can eliminate the gender difference responses. it could be more interesting to study whether stress during treadmill plays a role in mitochondrial quality control alteration in rats. we also suspect that our research method is new in this study where cardiac culture cells (h9c2 cell line), which were reacted with treated rat blood serum, carried out in incubation, and taken rna isolates from the reaction for poly chain reaction and electrophoresis, were used. meanwhile, previous research isolated rna directly copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 ronny lesmana et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) figure 1. alteration of mitochondrial quality control gene expression in h9c2 cell line (cardiomyocyte) of wistar rats by aerobic exercise. a. pgc-1α, mfn1, mfn2, opa1, drp1, pink1, and parkin expression in control, non exercise and aerobic exercise. b. relative pgc-1α, mfn1, mfn2, opa1, drp1, pink1, and parkin expression levels normalized by gapdh expression level in h9c2 cell line (cardiomyocyte) of wistar rats. *p ≤ 0.05. analysed with anova post hoc tukey 109 taken from the rat heart muscle. taken together, serum of aerobic exercise could stimulate gene expression of mitochondria fusion (mfn1, mfn2, opa1) for mitochondrial adaptation. taken together, serum of exercise rats might contain myokines or specific protein which was released during training and it altered mitochondrial genes expression in cardiomyocytes culture cell. we believe that myokines release in the serum had a contribution in cardiacmyocyte adaptation. conclusion in summary, serums from aerobic exercise intensity mfn1, mfn2, opa1 showed significant alteration gene expressions. however, pgc-1α, drp1, pink, and parkin did not significantly alter levels in cardiac muscle (h9c2 cell line). the data demonstrate that aerobic exercise might play a role on mitochondrial quality control activity via mitochondrial fusion (increasing size of mitochondria) in cardiac muscle during training. alteration of these gene expressions might contribute to cardiac physiological adaptation during training. it is important to understand biocellular adaptation in cardiac muscle. acknowledgement we the authors thank to susianti, m.si and canadia revalita, s.si for the technical assistance; and central laboratory, padjadjaran university that had supported this study. conflict of interest the authors declare there is no conflict of interest. funding information this study was supported by penelitian unggulan dasar perguruan tinggi (pupt) grant from ministry of research technology and higher education republic indonesia (to r. lesmana) references chen, y., liu, y. & dorn, g. w. 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match. a referee sometimes makes mistakes which can affect the outcome of the match. dissatisfaction with the decision given by a referee will give an impact on the performance shown in a football match. this study aimed to find out the satisfaction of football referees in making decisions in football matches based on the experience of the referee. this research is a quantitative study using descriptive research methods with a causal comparative research design. the research samples involved were the referee who served in the indonesian league 1 match. the instrument of this study was a soccer referee decision satisfaction scale questionnaire. based on the results of data processing and analysis using the independent sample t-test, it was found that there were differences in the level of satisfaction of football referees in making decisions based on the experience of each referee. it indicates that the experience of a referee will affect the psychological aspects of the referee in making decisions.  correspondence address : jln. dr. setiabudhi 229. bandung. indonesia e-mail : udinurcahya@upi.edu https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 111 introduction the presence of a referee in leading a football match is important. in team sports conducted in open an field, such as football, there are a number of roles that must be fulfilled, such as players, coaches, and referees (catteeuw et al., 2009). the football match, of course, must be led by a person playing a role as a referee. the presence of a referee as a leader in a competition is correlated to their age. this is because a referee is at their best when their age is older than the player. referees and assistant referees, at the top standard, tend to be older than the elite players (castagna et al., 2005). in a football match, one of the referees on the field is in charge of the game. the referee is supported by two assistant referees whose main task is to decide whether a player is offside and determine if the ball is inside or outside the game (catteeuw et al., 2009). in every football match, the role of a referee is important; in a professional football match, the error in the decision given by the referee may have an effect on the outcome of the match (castagna et al., 2007). the decisions made by a referee must consider the fairness, sportsmanship, objectivity, and consistency aspects. football referees generally have a high self-esteem in making decisions and the decision-making styles are used more effectively (gülle, 2017). every decision made by a referee will be influenced by various factors inherent in the individual. in general, the age of elite referees and assistant referees is between 30-45 years (krampe & ericsson, 1996). the older the age of a referee, the better the compsure in leading the match and the more experiences he will have. referees always have a challenging task in every sport, because there many aspects to be considered in every match, including the speed of making decisions, the complexity of the decisions, the possible consequences of their actions, the number of people involved in the competition, and also the hostility of spectators at sporting events (guillén & feltz, 2011). in addition, the presence of boisterous spectators, especially spectators of the home team, will influence the referee in making decisions. statistical data from match records show that the home team won more often than the away team, the home team were awarded more penalties and received fewer yellow cards (nevill et al., 1999). it does not only happen in football matches, but also in other sports. the home team's advantage can be found in sports where the decision of the referee can influence the outcome, such as football, basketball, and boxing (balmer et al., 2001). disturbances received by a referee throughout the match, including from players, the audience, and the official team, will influence the referee in making decisions. a referee sometimes makes the wrong decision due to the disturbance. increased anxiety experienced by a referee will result in inappropriate and inconsistent decisions as the result of the roar coming from the audience (lane et al., 2006). the referee's wrong decision due to the disturbance can still be tolerated to some extent (craven, 1998). the experience of a referee in leading the match will help the referee in making decisions. an experienced referee, in leading matches, will be able to manage the anxiety, because they are able to anticipate the events that might arise in a match with a large number of spectators. a referee satisfaction with the decisions they had given in every football match is an interesting thing to be investigated. currently, research examining problems regarding the referee satisfaction with the decisions they made is limited. therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the referee satisfaction level of the decisions they made in football matches based on their experiences. methods this research is a quantitative study comparing the level of satisfaction of soccer referees with the decisions they made in football matches and the experience of the referee. the method used in this research was a descriptive method using the causal comparative research design. the purpose of this study was to find the causes or consequences of the differences among the sample groups. participants the population of this research was the referee who served in the league 1 match in indonesia (the main league in indonesia), consisting of 40 referees. the selection of 40 referees was based on data that the referees serving in league 1 were the best referees in indonesia. the sampling technique used a total sampling technique, which means that the entire population became the research sample. all samples were divided into 3 groups based on their experiences in leading the match. the division of groups was based on the length copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yudi nurcahya et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 112 of time the referee had become a football referee. the groups consisted of referees with under 5 years of experience group, 5-10 years of experience group, and more than 10 years of experience group. instrument and procedure the research instrument used was the soccer referee decision satisfaction scale (srdss) questionnaire (can et al., 2014) containing 9 questions. the questions were given to find out the satisfaction of the referee in making decisions. each part of this instrument had a score on a scale ranging from 0 to 4. the validity and reliability of this questionnaire were accepted with a cfi value = 0.96, gfi = 0.92 (can et. al, 2014). the data collection process was carried out to the referees in the 2019/2020 league 1 match. all of referees had agreed to be involved voluntarily proven by the consent form. all of involved referees were willing to fill out the satisfaction level of the referee questionnaire. the process of filling out the questionnaire was carried out after the referee led the match in indonesian league 1. the referee's satisfaction level instrument was given to the referee and was filled in a few moments after the referee led the match. before filling out the questionnaire, the research subjects received an explanation regarding the intention, purpose, and method of filling out the questionnaire. the process of filling out the questionnaire took 10-20 minutes. this instrument was given to 40 referees who led the match in indonesian league 1 2019/2020. data analysis the obtained data from the questionnaires that have been answered by the participants are then analyzed by using of spss version 22 software with the independent sample t-test. result the data that were successfully obtained from the data collection carried out on 40 referees in the indonesian league 1 2019/2020 were then analyzed statistically. the referee satisfaction data obtained through distributing questionnaires on the football referee decision satisfaction scale were then processed. the results are shown in table 1. table 1 presents data from 40 samples who filled out the football referees decision satisfaction scale (srdss) questionnaire regarding the level of soccer referee satisfaction in making decision in indonesian league 1 2019/2020 based on their levels of experience. table 1 describes that the minimum scores of the three group were 18 for referees with under 5 years of experience, 21 for referees with 5-10 years of experience, and 29 for referees with more than 10 years of experience, while the maximum scores for each group were 33 for the referees with under 5 years of experience, 32 for a referee with 5-10 years of experience, and 33 for a referee with 5-10 years of experience. of the 40 referees, the average scores were 24.62 for referees with less than 5 years of experience, 26.78 for referees with 5-10 years of experience, and 31.25 for referees with more than 10 years of experience. from table 1, it can be seen that the standard deviation values are 4,482 for referees with less than 5 years of experience, 2,763 for referees with 5-10 years of experience, and 1,708 for referees with more than 10 years of experience. the data obtained were then processed using the independent sample t-test. based on the processing carried out, the values were obtained as shown in table 2. the table 2 shows that the difference of soccer referee satisfaction level in making decisions based on the level of experience among referees with experience under 5 years, 5 to 10 years, and more than 10 years of experience have a sig value 0.005, which means that the value is less than 0.05. these results indicated that there were differences in the soccer referee satisfaction level in making decision among referees with more than 10 copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. description of the sample data referee satisfaction level under 5 years of experience 5-10 years of experience more than 10 years of experience max score 33 32 32 min score 18 21 21 average 24.62 26.78 26.78 sd 4.482 2.763 2.763 table 1. the test result difference sig. conclusion referee satisfaction level 0.005 there is a significant difference yudi nurcahya et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 113 years of experience, 5 to 10 years of experience, and under 5 years of experience. the average result of referees with more than 10 years of experience was 31.25. the average result of referees with 5-10 years of experience was 26.78. meanwhile, the average result of referees with under 5 years of experience was 24.02. discussion this research was aimed to find out the soccer referee satisfaction level in making decisions based on their experiences. the obtained results indicated that referees with a longer experience in leading soccer matches in the indonesian league 1 had a higher level of satisfaction with the decisions they made in a soccer match. the difference of the referee satisfaction level was caused by the right and wrong of the decisions they made in the match. referees with a longer experience had a good accuracy in making decisions. meanwhile, accuracy in decision making is one of the most important aspects of a referee performance (helsen et al, 2004). competition in the indonesian league always presents a competitive competition, thus the winner must be determined in the last match. competition among major clubs in indonesia, such as arema, persib, persija, persipura, and other major clubs is a long-awaited match that results in competition in the match (saputra et al., 2020). the factor of the spectators in the field will affect the pressure received by the referee. in some matches, the audience is large, while some other matches had only a few spectators. the number of spectators present on the even does not only influence the referee's decision in big matches, but also a strong factor in small-scale matches (unkelbach & memmert, 2010). the noise from the audience will increase the referee's anxiety in leading the match (balmer et al., 2006). in this study, the referee led the match under different pressures. referees who officiate at a high tension match with a large number of spectators tend to have a lower satisfaction level than referees leading a low tension match. referees leading big matches with a high level of difficulty are, of course, more careful in making decisions. the anticipation of giving the wrong decision will cause more anxiety and stress on the referee (balmer et al, 2006). the doubts in making decisions will certainly affect the referee satisfaction level with the decisions they make in a match. basically, a referee has a strong desire to make right decisions which free from errors by following the rules and regulations (lane, 2006). the performance satisfaction of a referee will affect their performance in the field. a worker with a high job satisfaction will love the job he does in general, which will make a person feel that he is being treated properly and believe that the work he does will get satisfactory results (akehurst et al., 2009). conclusion the results of data analysis and discussion of the soccer referee satisfaction level in making decisions based on the experience level found differences in the referee satisfaction level in making decisions based on the experience among referees with less than 5 years of experience, 5 to 10 years of experience, and more than 10 years of experience. it concludes that the longer the experience of a referee, the higher the level of the referee satisfaction in making decisions in soccer matches. acknowledgement this research did not receive specific grants from any public, commercial, or nonprofit institutions. references akehurst, g., comeche, j. m., & galindo, m. a. 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mishna et al., 2019). the american professional society on abuse of children (1995) agreed that parental behavior such as rejecting, isolating, destroying, terrorizing, lack of affection, lack of protection, and lack of love is psychological abuse in the child's parent relationship (a. e. stirling & kerr, 2013). several studies from various countries examined emotional abuse by teachers in the school environment (nearchou, 2018). nearly 53% and 33% of primary school students indicated that they have been victims of neglect and emotional abuse by their teachers (theoklitou et al., 2012). 18% of participants reported emotional abuse by teachers, who insulted, mocked or pointed at them using embarrassing labels such as losers, stupid or idiots (g. a. kerr & stirling, 2012). emotional abuse by teachers can be detrimental to children, similar to emotional abuse that occurs in families or from other caregivers (twemlow & fonagy, 2005; finkelhor et al., 2014; maguire, 2015). some emotional abuse leaves its mark in several forms, such as lack of confidence, difficulty forming friendships, aggression, drug and alcohol abuse, harmful conduct likes suddenly burning things up or acting cruelly to animals, or suicidal tendencies (manon andini et al., 2019) emotional abuse in adolescents has increased levels of depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts (arseneault et al., 2010; hong et al., 2015; khan et al., 2015). in parent-child relationships emotional abuse can harm a child's well-being because of its debilitating and lifelong negative developmental effects (jellen et al., 2001; artz et al., 2014). all of these psychological effects have also been reported as a consequence of emotional abuse in parent-child relationships (iwaniec et al., 2006; stirling & kerr, 2013). likewise, emotional abuse has negative effects on the well-being of athletes, including depression, eating behavior, anxiety, and fear of the environment (battaglia et al., 2017; kerr et al., 2020). emotional abuse in an athlete-coach relationship occurs when athletes show a lack of confidence in their own abilities (gervis & dunn, 2004). emotional abuse in a coach-athlete relationship has been reported as a common act in a sporting environment (g. a. kerr & stirling, 2008; mountjoy et al., 2016); and the athletes are reluctant to report such abusive experiences (a. e. stirling & kerr, 2009). kirby & wintrup (2002) report that the emotionally abusive coaching happens to 22% to 25% of competitive athletes. rough coaching is a problem for sports practitioners, but many are still powerless to make changes (a. stirling & kerr, 2010). emotionally abusive behavior, such as criticism and bullying, tends to be generally accepted in sports culture (a. e. stirling & kerr, 2008; kavanagh et al., 2016). emotionally dangerous coaching gives the evidence that this kind of acts is often accepted for the development of elite athletes. the trainers and athletes alike interpret such behavior as an important element of athlete development (a. e. stirling & kerr, 2013; a. e. stirling & kerr, 2014). trainers explain that they use emotional violence practice partly for instrumental purposes, they believe the strategy is effective in motivating athletes to improve their training and performance (a. e. stirling & kerr, 2013; bartholomew et al., 2009). athletes also reveal that the training strategy help to increase their motivation and direct their coach's interest in seeing them improve (g. kerr et al., 2014; smith et al., 2005). parents of younger athletes are given socialization in advance about the sports culture aimed to accept emotionally abusive training behavior as a practice expected for their children’ development (g. a. kerr & stirling, 2012). crow & macintosh (2009) defines any potentially embarrassing, degrading, abusive, or dangerous activity to a junior ranked athlete by a more senior teammate is required in order to be accepted as part of a team. this can be defined as a form of intimidation in sports, especially in sports teams consisted of athletes of different ages. therefore, in team sports there is a huge potential for intimidation from seniors to juniors. in this case, it can happen between the coach and the athletes who are far younger. referring to the brief explanation above, the purpose of this study is to explore the forms of intimidation that occur in the trainer-athlete relationship in increasing motivation to train, to find out whether the coach's intimidation is beneficial for the motivation to practice. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 203 the psychological impact of emotional abuse on athletes the emotions or feelings of athletes need special attention in sports, because athletes' emotions, in addition to influencing psychological aspects (sense and will), also affect the increase or decrease in performance (dannis, 2013). considering several concepts of psychological and physical organic units, the emotional disturbance of the athlete will affect the overall mental state. so that emotional instability will lead to psychological instability, which will affect the role of psychological functions. eventually, this will affect the athlete's performance. emotional abuse is viewed to have a significant negative effect on athlete's well-being and is associated with a large number of long-term sequelae, including depression, maladaptive eating behavior, anxiety, and social withdrawal (a. e. stirling & kerr, 2008; a. e. stirling & kerr, 2014). this abusive behavior makes athletes feel stupid, worthless, depressed, insecure, and rejected, highlighting the significant impact of emotional abuse on the trainer-athlete relationship (gervis & dunn, 2004). in addition, sadness, depression, poor self -esteem, shame, loneliness, and helplessness are common emotions experienced by adolescent victims of emotional abuse (hutson, 2018). coach extrinsic motivation consistency on performance is the result of emotional consistency. players who are emotionally unstable during the game will find that their performance is also unstable. the more the players' emotional states rise and fall during the play, the less likely it is that their performance level could be stabilized to the peak. there is a significant relationship between athletes' performance and their emotional state on the field. some emotional states clearly support high levels of consistency, while other emotional states have the opposite effect (groppel & dinubile, 2009). there are several basic psychological aspects to reach an achievement, namely intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. intrinsic motivation is voluntarily engaging in sports for pleasure or personal satisfaction, whereas extrinsic motivation, namely the reason for being involved in sports for its inherent participational rewards. there are also types of extrinsic motivation that are self -determined, such as individuals involved in a sport because it is their identity, and they also feel important and valued by participating (hein & jõesaar, 2015). the peak or maximum performance is directly related to certain emotional states. this emotional state is known as the ideal performance state; the emotional states that lead to the emergence of different physiological states. changes in the state of feelings affect the biochemical state of a person which affects critical performance variables such as blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, body temperature, and others. changes in the player biochemically refers to the changes in the state of feeling and mental state (mood). these changes can support or, in reverse, damage their ability to reach peak performance (groppel & dinubile, 2009). coach negative intimidation to athletes the emotional coach behavior occurs in three ways. the first is emotionally abusive physical behavior, such as acts of aggression in the form of hitting and throwing objects in front of their athletes. second, verbal behavior such as yelling at an athlete or group of athletes, belittling, calling names, and making derogatory comments. third, refusal of attention and support as being ignored by the coach during training (a. e. stirling & kerr, 2008). receiving the coach behavior is a psychological threat to some elite young athletes; and screaming, belittling, threatening, and humiliating are forms of emotional abuse experienced in sports, and more violent behavior occurs when athletes reach elite level (gervis & dunn, 2004). emotional abuse of elite child athletes in gymnastics could be in the forms of belittling, humiliating, shouting, scapegoating, rejecting, isolating, threatening, and ignoring. one athlete described an incident of abuse they experienced: “on the first day we had to do a sprint test. i was sick so i didn't make time for it, and the coach yelled at me in front of the whole team i just met that day ”(male swimmer, 24 years) (a. e. stirling & kerr, 2014). the more aggressive the sport, the more aggressive the language and vocabulary the trainer will use. they can yell some profanity words at you and be more aggressive in your face because that's how the game is played too. (male hockey player, 25) (a. e. stirling & kerr, 2014). copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 mustika fitri & moch insan gumelar/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 204 coach positive intimidation to athletes the factors that affect the motivation of athletes come from the coach, ultimately in training or competition, by giving positive instruction and feedback, praising and giving them choices, or by intimidating, criticizing, and controlling them (amorose & andersonbutcher, 2007). this is also in line with some opinions of athletes who feel their coach’s emotional abuse practices are well-intentioned. an athlete revealed that, “my coach would yell at me, but i knew he cared about me. i know that he didn't yell at me just to make me feel like nothing. there are ulterior motives and that makes me the best gymnast i can be”(female gymnast, 24) (a. e. stirling & kerr, 2014). likewise, some athletes say that their coaches are not always condescending. although their comments and criticisms were sometimes quite hurtful, the athletes also receive a lot of praise from their coaches, thereby increasing the athlete's belief that the coach's hurtful comments were well-intentioned. as the following athlete put it: "it becomes a kind of trust because this person (the coach) is a source of condescension (comment) and praise" (male hockey player, 23) (a. e. stirling & kerr, 2014). and intimidation is also one way to achieve success, as in line with; both athletes and coaches can undertake a rough training as a necessary means of achieving success (a. e. stirling & kerr, 2009). methods participants and research procedure this research was conducted in bandung with purposive sampling technique, which was aimed at martial arts athletes. this was based on preliminary observations made by researchers that athletes in the martial arts sport were more likely to receive intimidation from their coaches than in the other sports. the sample in this study were martial arts athletes who had won first place in national competitions. there were 4 martial arts athletes willing to be the sample, 3 of which were pencak silat athletes and 1 was judo athlete. instrument the instruments used were interview and observation. the researchers made a number of questions based on the findings of initial observations, research problems and research sub-problems. observation allowed the researchers to detect what the subject feels and lives in, thus allowing the researchers to become a source of data. thus, the presence of researchers directly on the field could provide ample opportunity to collect data that was used as the basis for obtaining accurate data. the interview planning was carried out by compiling an interview guide which contained open-ended questions. the questions were about various aspects related to the research process. interview sessions were conducted by interviewers who mastered and understood the topic being researched. this aimed to be able to dig deeper information from the respondents interviewed. data analysis this research used a grounded theory approach. this research approach assumed that knowledge was based on experience, individual interpretation and, unlike other forms of inquiry, did not test hypotheses but rather allowed theory to emerge from athlete's experience (a. e. stirling & kerr, 2014). result the results obtained in this study were positive intimidation which had an impact on increasing athlete motivation and negative intimidation which decreased the training motivation of the athletes. 1. positive intimidation affected on increasing the training motivation of the athletes positive forms of intimidation that have impact on increasing the training motivation of the athletes included hitting the palms of the hands with a belt or a broomstick, slapping, kicking, throwing objects (shoes), pushing, and pinching. however, though it looked rough, it was very effective in increasing the athlete's focus. according to athletes who had been interviewed, slapping was the most impressive form of intimidation that increased motivation because it had an impact when competing to reduce nervousness and tension. in addition, there was also the feeling of greater fear of the coach than the opponent so whatever happened the athlete would try to win the game. there were those who thought that, at first, they would probably feel hurt because of the intimidation, but in fact they were copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 mustika fitri & moch insan gumelar/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 205 increasingly motivated to become stronger and to prove themselves to the coach. 2. negative intimidation affected on decreasing the training motivation of the athletes the negative forms of intimidation that had an impact on reducing the training motivation of athletes was verbal intimidation. there was one athlete who admitted to getting negative intimidation reducing his motivation where, according to the athlete, the intimidation by the coach on him caused a sense of trauma, because the athlete had received the same treatment by his parents since he was a child. when the trauma had not healed yet, the athlete got the similar treatment from the coach. he was always afraid of going to training and always brought out negative thoughts that made his training motivation decreased. discussion the purpose of this study is to investigate whether the intimidation from a coach can have a positive impact on the motivation to train the athletes. basically, the coach intends to improve the performance of his athlete; however, it tends to overdo when the athlete finds it hard to perform what the coach is willing to. in the training process, the intimidation from a coach has often been carried out as it remains an important part of copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 no question respondent answer 1 2 3 4 1. have you experienced any kind of intimidation that had a positive or negative impact? (amorose & anderson-butcher, 2007; a. e. stirling & kerr, 2008) once experienced positive intimidation once experienced positive intimidation once experienced negative intimidation once experienced intimidation 2. what forms of intimidation have positive and negative impacts? (a. e. stirling & kerr, 2014; gervis & dunn, 2004) being slapped, kicked, threw objects (shoes), pushed, pinched. it was all happened because i made a mistake, because i didn't do the right training program, because i lacked enthusiasm, because i didn't want to push myself harder, because i didn't live up to my coach's expectations. being hit on the palms with belt (sometimes the handle of a broomstick) because i frequently let go of my handgrip when i slammed my opponent the form of intimidation that my coach had done to me was physical verbal abuse. bing beaten by wood, and mostly with words or sarcasm 3. what forms of positive intimidation are most impressive in increasing training motivation? (a. e. stirling & kerr, 2014) slap. actually it disrupted me mentally, thus i didn't have a normal life like my school friends. i had to practice and practice every day, there was no day without training. i also rarely socialized and did group work because i had to practice. because if i left a program i would get scolded and confounded the program my coach had made. however, it has shaped my mentality to become a winner. hit using a belt to the palm of the hand. a little rough but in my opinion, who had experienced this kind of intimidation. it was quite effective for strengthening my memory and focus. thus, when i hit the opponent, i didn't let go of their judogi grip. verbal intimidation. i felt traumatized from the intimidation that the coach gave me. it was also because my parents treated me in the same way when i was younger. i experienced violence from my parents since childhood, and when the trauma was not healed, i got the similar treatment from my coach. i always got scared when i was going to practice because i thought 'who will get it (the intimidation from coach) today?'. so negative thoughts arose. harsh words or sarcasm. it pumped up the motivation and enthusiasm beyond pain and fatigue. table 1. the questionnair e of coach intimidation to athletes to achieve tr aining motivation mustika fitri & moch insan gumelar/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 206 the coaching process (a. e. stirling & kerr, 2014). respondent 1 said "i understand it as it probably is one of his strategies to train his athletes." although the athletes were being irritated by the treatment of their coach, they struggled with the belief that the intimidation is essential in the coaching process. the appropriate intimidation will certainly make the athlete be more motivated. however, the most important thing to be considered is the character of the athletes and their situation and condition as well as the appropriate intimidation given by the coach. in addition, the form of intimidation will greatly affect athletes who have different characters. 1. positive intimidation has an impact on increasing the training motivation of the athletes. based on the findings from the interview, positive intimidation performed by the coaches to increase the motivation to athletes are such as slapping, kicking, throwing objects (sandals, shoes), pushing, pinching and even hitting the palms of the hands with a belt, sometimes using a broomstick. from these results, it can be stated that there is the intimidation that has a positive impact on the athletes. these forms of intimidation are a few examples of what the coach actually had performed, which the researchers discovered this time. according to the coaches, the method of intimidation has several different ways. it happens as the coaches have their own ways of intimidating their athletes which aim to motivate their athletes (kowalski, 2017). in short, according to the views of the coach, the intimidation is performed by adjusting the character of the athlete. in line with that statement, mageau & vallerand (2003) revealed that various strategies carried out by coaches are the efforts to motivate their athletes which will be based on the athlete's quality of experience and athlete's performance. respondent 2 said "all the coaches' treatment towards me is just to motivate me to improve my experience and quality". where the coach's orientation towards training is determined by the context, behavior and motivation of their athletes affecting the training. 2. negative intimidation reduces the training motivation of the athlete apart from the differences in the character of each athlete, there are several other things that make an intimidation can have a negative impact on the athletes. one of those things is the proper situation and conditions to intimidate by a coach. when the conditions suits, the athlete will be more motivated; on the other hand, when the situations and conditions are unappropriated, performing the athlete a method of intimidation will actually be a boomerang for the athlete. thus, it can make the athlete be more depressed and impact on the decrease in motivation to train the athlete. it happens as the athlete is unready to receive the intimidation from a coach, even though it aims to motivate him. therefore, the decision from of a coach in providing appropriate intimidation should be accurate; as a result, the motivation of the athletes will not be impacted (swigonski et al., 2014; kelly & waddington, 2006). based on the findings, the researchers found that the proper conditions for a coach to intimidate the athlete is when the athlete is indeed making mistakes in the training, during the evaluation, and at the time break before the match. this condition is the most appropriate time to provide an intimidation to the athletes. based on that situation, amorose & andersonbutcher (2007) stated that the coaches are able to influence the motivation of the athletes in training or games by providing positive instructions and feedback, praising and giving them choices, or by intimidating, criticizing, and controlling them. conclusion intimidation needs to be administered by the coach. coach have to be able to choose when to intimidate, and the coach must understand whether the acceptance of athletes (towards the intimidation) has positive or negative impact on them. intimidation by coach does seem harsh both physically and mentally, and it is commonly considered to cause negative impact. however, intimidation does not always indicate something rude and impactful in negative ways. it is as revealed in this research that intimidation by a coach in the forms previously mentioned has a positive impact which copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 mustika fitri & moch insan gumelar/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 207 makes the athletes more motivated in training and competition. therefore, this kind of intimidation is dependent on the accuracy of a coach in using methods appropriate to the athletes to trigger their motivation although by using intimidation. based on the consideration, basically every athlete does have different characters even though they are in the same kind of sports. therefore, the method of intimidation used by a coach should be convenient with the character of the athlete. further, the right situation and appropriate condition when giving the intimidation will make it more effective to make the athletes more motivated, but on the contrary, if the situations and conditions are not right when giving intimidation, it will more probably cause negative impact and reduce the training motivation of the athletes. references amorose, a. j., & anderson-butcher, d. 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kung fu and kuntau (chinese); tae kwon do (korean); and so on (clements et al., 2009). as one of the indonesian national cultures, pencak silat has developed in line with the history of indonesian society, with a variety of geographic and etymological situations and developments experienced by the indonesian nation (maryono, 1999). pencak silat is one of the nation's traditional martial arts cultures that must be preserved. once traditional sports are rooted in national culture, it should be a pride as well as identity of the nation in which the authenticity is maintained. sport has a potential to foster sense of nationality (indrawan et al., 2019). the national value of indonesia was earned from a long history, as the successors, we have an obligation to preserve it (wilson, 2002). preserving indonesian culture is one of the efforts to maintain the unitary state republic of indonesia. pencak silat is formed by situations and conditions and we are familiar with pencak silat with its various forms and patterns (notosoejitno, 1997). thus, pencak silat is an element of the personality of the indonesian nation that is acquired from generation to generation, even this pencak silat has been cultivated abroad. in the sundanese tatars the existence of pencak silat grows together with the distribution of the population in various regions. this was marked by the emergence of training centres or schools that specifically fostered and taught the martial art of pencak silat (asikin, 1975). one of the oldest martial arts styles in west java is pencak silat cimande. this pencak silat cimande is famous for its ta'leq cimande and traditional medication of cimande massage. this martial art was born in the village of tarikolot, cimande village, caringin district, bogor regency. in this area, the martial art of pencak silat cimande has developed and has become a cultural tradition of the local community and also as the local wisdom that is preserved by the community (eko & putranto, 2019). along with this tradition, the cimande community maintains its existence as a cultured society with manners, politeness, and manners in social life (tari et al., 2012). this reminds us of three aspects of the perfection of life, namely a sense of religiosity, culture and hard work (romansah, 2015). cimande pencak silat is one of the schools of pencak silat in west java that prioritizes religious values in its teaching. ta'leq cimande is a promise that someone has to pronounce and perform when studying the cimande martial art. this ta’leq is a code of ethics that contains values, norms, and behaviors passed down from cimande ancestors to generations as a result of historical process and is a tradition in the life of the big family of pencak silat, the cimande style (mulyana, 2013). the contents of the ta'leq cimande are: 1) must obey allah and his messenger; 2) do not be disobedient to parents and elderly people; 3) do not be disobedient to teachers and the queen; 4) do not gamble and steal; 5) do not show off and be arrogant; 6) do not commit adultery; 7) don't lie and be sneaky; 8) do not get drunk and use drugs; 9) do not persecute and be ignorant to others; 10) do not pick something without permission to take things without asking; 11) do not be jealous and envious; 12) do not ignore the debt; 13) must be polite, courteous, humble, warm and respectful to each other; 14) studying cimande is not for being arrogant and reckless, except for seeking the safety in the world and the hereafter. the fourteen points of the ta'leq must be followed by every person before starting to learn pencak silat cimande. ta'leq as a code of ethics or a kind of school’s law that must be obeyed by the students. those code of ethics regulate the students; once there is a violation of this code of ethics, the offender will be subjected to severe sanctions, such as being expelled from the cimande paguron (school of cimande martial arts), and not allowed to use the paguron (school) attributes anymore. (asikin & silat, nd). ta'leq cimande is applied to all cimande people wherever they are, for the rest of their life and recognizes ta'leq cimande as fillers and restraints of lust and characteristics that can harm all parties. the values contained in ta'leq are the values of da'wah contained in the hadiths of the koran, since the points contain islamic teachings and the values of the norms in life that need to be followed by cimande people (djunaid, 2020). the phenomenon that will be revealed in the recopyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 nancy trisari schiff et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 117 search is to examine more deeply whether the ta'leq values are applied by cimande people in real life, and how the impact of cultivating these ta'leq values. as well as revealing the fourteen points of ta'leq which contain ethical and moral values. methods the method applied in this study was qualitative method with phenomenology approach in order to investigate various reactions or perceptions of certain phenomenon, then try to identify and describe the perceptual aspects of each individual's reaction to their experiences in detail (fraenkel, 2009). the population and sample in this study were 5 people consisting of pencak silat cimande experts, pencak silat cimande figures, experts of pencak silat’s value, pencak silat cimande trainers, and pencak silat cimande students. this research lasted for four months, was performed directly from kampung tari kolot, cimande village, bogor regency, west java as the research location, since cimande village is the place where pencak silat cimande martial arts originated and developed into the local cultural heritage of the cimande village community and is a local wisdom of the local culture. this research revealed the points of ta’leq which contains ethical and moral values. the data were analyzed by using nvivo 12 plus for windows application, the coding stage, by entering the interview grid indicators and then coded by using observation, interviews and document review. table 1 showed the focuses on research. result the results of interviews with analyzed resource persons revealed that the ta'leq values applied to cimande people indicate behaviors that are considered good in the level of civilized social life. the contents of the ta'leq of cimande style which show ethical and moral values include: do not be disobedient toward parents and elderly people; do not be disobedient toward teachers and the queen (government); do not show off and be arrogant; do not tell lie and be sneaky; do not persecute and be ignorant to others; do not pick copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. criteria of sample focus of the study primer data secondary data interview observation documentation analyzing the values of ta’leq points analyzing the values of ta’leq including the points which are in line with ethical and moral values equipment: interview guidelines (notebook, digital voice, recorder and digital camera) type: semi-structured interview, (open and structured, with guidelines) question type: opinion / value informants: pencak silat value experts, pencak silat cimande experts, pencak silat cimande figures, pencak silat cimande trainer and pencak silat cimande students. sample: purposive dan snowball equipment: interview guidelines (notebook, digital voice, recorder and digital camera method: unstructured observation location: according to the activities time: according to the required data, procedure: photos and/or videos of activities. and make field notes. equipment : documentation study guidelines (fotocopy, scanner, and computer) types of documents: official documents, photos, statistics data and other quantitative data. documentation format: copy of the documents, files, photos, memos, images, captures, koran, social media and other media. supporting data and information that is relevant and related to the research focus. nancy trisari schiff et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 118 something without permission and take things without asking; do not be envious and jealous; must be polite and courteous, humble, warm and respectful to each other. the results of data analysis using the nvivo 12 plus for windows application were as figure 1. discussion an integral aspect of pencak silat is the development of a moral approach to oneself and others. the central aspects of moral development in the martial arts are considered with regard to the following themes: the ethos of the martial arts community; rules and codes of attitude as an expressions of the martial arts community; martial arts etiquette; the importance of the role model given by the trainer (guru); the ways in which the acquisition of martial arts can influence our moral development; the role of meditation in humanistic and moral education. so that a better understanding of the cultivation of morality in martial arts makes it possible to identify and maintain moral strategies and practices that make martial arts a suitable and rich means of moral development and moral education (martinkova et al., 2019). basically, individual ethics and morals can control all attitudes and actions of a person so that they do not conflict with others. ethics is a reflection of a person's maturity which is influenced by personal and social experiences and the level of psychological development. in the context of sports ethics contributes by showing consistency in describing the basic values of human life (harris, 2001). these core values consist of values related to one's attitudes, preferences and behavior (aggerholm & breivik, 2020). in addition, ethics is useful as a guide in dealing with moral upheaval, helps humans to be able to distinguish between what is essential and what can change, helps humans face ideologies critically and objectively, helps religion find the basis for the stability of faith (belief) so it does not close itself towards changes in society (barnett et al., 1994). in general, ethical and moral behavior can only be studied in the context of society as a whole (haldane, 2011). moral is an area of human life in terms of its copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 figure 1. the results of the coding of moral ethics moral ethics interview result interviewees 2 interview result interviewees 1 interview result interviewees 4 interview result interviewees 3 interview result interviewees 5 picture of moral ethics picture of moral ethics picture of moral ethics picture of moral ethics picture of moral ethics : node : direction : document text : documentation pictures (observation) description: figure 2. coding of moral ethical values table 2. the precentage of interview result interviewees moral ethical values pencak silat cimande expert 7,96% expert of pencak silat’s value 6,62% pencak silat cimande figure 6,15% pencak silat cimande trainer 5,19% pencak silat cimande student 4,88% nancy trisari schiff et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 119 goodness as a human being. moral norms become a benchmark for determining the right or wrong of human attitudes and actions in terms of their pros and cons as humans, not only as actors of certain roles (profession) (pakaluk & pearson, 2011). the ta'leq values in the pencak silat cimande represent only one context for teaching ethical values and principles, yet it facilitates their acceptance. the findings in this study reveal that beside ta'leq values which also develop ethical and moral values for cimande people, the social environment, especially coaches and teammates, also give influence to the possibility of ethical and moral behavior (haldane, 2011). the promise of ta'leq in the martial art of pencak silat cimande is closely related to ethical questions, which is due to the fact that human behavior is characterized by interactions with other individuals (fox et al., 2007). moreover, this bond is the result of sport participation itself, since several ethical values are upheld in it. considering the meaning of the contents of ta'leq which is the relationship between humans and god, it is not surprising that cimande people really maintain the islamic religious guidance that is adhered to by most cimande people, such as the five daily prayers. ta’leq as the values of the cimande style of martial arts has become a rule that regulates the people who study the cimande style of martial arts to become humans who have noble morals according to religious teachings. ta'leq values that contribute to cimande people in their lives, from the fourteen values of ta'leq which contain moral ethics, namely: ta'leq 1) must obey allah and his messenger, ta'leq 2) do not be disobedient toward parents and elderly people, ta'leq 3) do not be disobedient toward teachers and the queen (government), ta'leq 10) don't pluck something without permission and take things without asking. though the close relationship between sports participation with ethical and moral development still has weak empirical support (kavussanu & ntoumanis, 2003), this research has proven that the involvement of cimande style of martial arts is not only sports participation, but also leads them to balance this life and the hereafter. therefore, no wonder that ta'leq values become one of the intermediary factors that contribute to ethical and moral development in sports and daily life. this is because sports in general do not change individuals into humans who have moral sense and manners (long et al., 2006). conclusion ethical and moral values are something that are generated from religious and cultural values, which regulate an individual in his behavior between fellow humans. thus, morality can be concluded as an understanding of good and bad things. ethics and morals refer to actions; the behavior of someone who has positive values in accordance with existing norms in a society with the hope of being able to live in harmony with humans and other creatures and also the ability to make this world a vehicle for mutual prosperity and welfare. ta'leq as a norm and code of ethics has become a medium in developing ethical and moral values that guide cimande people into human behavior that is more principled and civilized according to the guidance of islamic. the results of this study are in line with the theory of eric formm (1955) which states that formally human ethics itself will determine virtue and sin, and do not have authority to transcends itself (rosen & fromm, 1956). references aggerholm, k., & breivik, g. 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(2002). the politics of inner power: the practice of pencak silat in west java (doctoral dissertation, murdoch university). copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 nancy trisari schiff et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 97 jpjo 6 (1) (2021) 97-101 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga available online at: https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/article/view/6-1-13 doi: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpjo.v6i1.30301 analysis of vo2max differences between laboratory test and field test in rowing angga muhammad syahid sport physical conditioning study program, universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia article info article history : received october 2020 revised november 2020 accepted december 2020 available online april 2021 keywords : field test, laboratory test, rowing, vo2max abstract the aim of this study was to analyze the results of vo2max measurement using laboratory test and field test. this research is a descriptive quantitative research with a comparative approach. the samples of this study were 30 male and female athletes of the indonesian rowing team (male = 17, female = 13) aged 23.5 ± 3.5 years. the anthropometric profile of the athletes included height = 182.2 ± 5.01 cm for male and 171.9 ± 5.73 cm for female, weight = 74.2 ± 5.85 kg for male and 68.6 ± 8.5 kg for female. according to the results of analysis of vo2max rowing test data gained from both methods, there were low and moderate correlations in the laboratory test and field test in rowing (male r = 0.425 and female r = 0.62). the results show that vo2max measured in the laboratory test and field test did not show a significant difference. therefore, these two parameter tests can be used in vo2max testing.  correspondence address : universiti teknologi mara negeri sembilan, kampus seremban, malaysia e-mail : rozita.abdlatif@uitm.edu.my https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 98 introduction rowing performance depends largely on aerobic and anaerobic functional capacities (s. a. ingham et al., 2002). rowing is a strength-endurance activity that requires activation of almost all muscles in the body. therefore, maximal oxygen uptake (vo2max) often appears as a strong relationship with rowing performance (stephen a. ingham et al., 2013). maximal oxygen uptake (vo2max) is defined as the maximum amount of oxygen taken and used by the body during exercise. this is one of the main variables in sport physiology to determine the cardiorespiratory fitness of an athlete (bassett & howley, 2000). the method employed to measure the vo2max level of an athlete consists of field and laboratory measurements (santtila et al., 2013). the laboratory measurement is carried out by increasing the workload gradually and analyzing the absorption of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide integrated with pulse in each period during the test (matabuena et al., 2018). meanwhile, the measurement of vo2max in the field test is conducted by calculating the score based on the specified time or distance (gönülateş, 2018). in the field test, the prediction method is used as a calculation consideration based on heart rate, intensity, and volume while moving within a certain period of time (kavcic et al., 2012). the advantages of this method include the use of simple devices, easy to do, affordable, involve more participants, and time efficient (paradisis et al., 2014). meanwhile, vo2max testing on laboratory test also has several advantages, such as a higher accuracy value, a greater number of measurement analysis component indicators, and maximum test results (lee et al., 2011). however, laboratory tests require skilled and competent human resources, take longer to process, expensive, and need to be carried out in limited laboratories (grant et al., 1999). a number of studies have compared the results of vo2max values obtained from field tests and laboratory tests in various types of sports (kavcic et al., 2012) (gönülateş, 2018). however, comparative analysis of the vo2max test in rowing with different dominant movements and the use of an ergometer test device that is suitable for the characteristics of the performed movements is still rarely done. in addition, by considering differences in metabolic systems, energy requirements, and limited data related to athletes' physiology with special movement characteristics; this study was aimed to analyze the vo2max measurement method by measuring field tests and laboratory tests on rowing by considering the dominant movement mechanism in the sport. methods the method used was descriptive quantitative research with a comparative approach. participants the samples of this study were 30 athletes of the indonesian rowing team, consisting of 17 males and 13 females. anthropometric profiles of the athletes are presented in table 1. materials and apparatus the instruments used in this study were: 1. multi-use silicone face mask. the instrument that can be easily use to measure the vo2max during the sessions. this mask kit is made of silicone to minimize air leakage during the testing. 2. cosmed cardiopulmonary exercise test (cpet) 3. calibration syringe 3l cosmed. 4. polar h6 heart rate sensor as a digital heart rate sensor device. 5. treadmill ergometer, paddle ergometer. 6. screen monitors, projectors, and bleep test software applications. procedures the laboratory test applied in this study was the cardiopulmonary exercise test (cpet) using the quark pft ergo (cosmed® rome, italy) on the rowing ergometer (figure 1). the athletes were asked to warm up on a rowing ergometer with a drag factor of 80 for 10 minutes. next, a quark pft ergo (cosmed® rome, italy) was attached to the athlete to start the test. the protocol of the test was the step test on the rowing ergometer. the athletes performed a row on the ergomecopyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 angga muhammad syahid et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) table 1. height and weight weight (kg) height (cm) male (n = 17) 74.15 ± 5.85 182 ± 5.01 female (n = 13) 61.39 ± 5.57 171 ± 5.73 99 ter with a drag factor of 115 for women and 130 for men for 5 minutes. the drag factor was increased gradually (20 drag factor in every minute) until the athlete was unable to row. the test protocol for field test measurement used a 20 meters multi stage shuttle run test. this test involved running continuously between two lines with 20 meter distance. the participants stood behind one of the lines facing the second line, then started running when prompted by a beep. the speed at the start was quite slow. the subjects kept running between the two lines, then turn back to the second line once indicated by the ‘beep’ sound. after about a minute, the ‘beep’ sound indicated an increase of speed, and the ‘beep’ got closer and closer. it continued every minute (level). when the line was reached before the beep sounds, the subject had to wait for the beep to sound before continuing. but, when the line was not reached before the beep, the subjects were warned and should continue running to the line, then turn back and try to catch up in two more beeps. subjects were warned the first time they failed to reach the line within 2 meters and were eliminated after the second warning. data analysis the data analysis process was carried out using statistical product and service solution version 25.0 with pearson's product moment test. the test was performed to determine the degree of correlation between 2 variables, with an interval or ratio scale, by changing this value into a correlation coefficient ranging from 1.0 to 1. a value of -1 means that there is a perfect negative correlation, while 0 means no correlation, whereas 1 indicates a perfect positive correlation. result table 2 presents the mean and standard deviation of the measurement results of vo2max values on laboratory tests, for male (55.72 ± 3.27), and female (50.73 ± 3.27). meanwhile, the mean and standard deviation of the vo2max testing on the field test were 61.92 ± 3.22 for male and 50.34 ± 4.71 for female. the mean of both tests presented in table 2 show a higher result on the field tests than laboratory tests carried out by male subjects but not significant for female. the data in figure 2 describes the correlation of the male vo2max values between the field test and the laboratory test on rowing. copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 angga muhammad syahid et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) figure 1. vo2max test with cosmed on rowing machine table 2. the result of vo2max tests field tests laboratory tests male (n = 17) 61.92 ± 3.22 55.72 ± 3.27 female (n = 13) 50.34 ± 4.71 50.73 ± 4.17 figure 2. correlation between field tests and laboratory test on male athletes 100 the data from figure 2 illustrates that there is a low positive correlation of the vo2max measurement results between the field and laboratory test approaches for rowing in male subjects (r = 0.425). this relationship shows that the results of the vo2max test carried out by laboratory tests did not have a significant difference with the results of field tests, yet indicated a low level of correlation, which means that the two test parameters can be used in rowing for male athletes. the data in figure 3 describes the correlation results of the female vo2max values from field tests with the laboratory on rowing. the data from figure 3 shows that there is a significant positive relationship on the vo2max measurement results of the female subjects between field and laboratory test approaches in rowing (r = 0.62). this relationship indicates that the results of the vo2max obtained from the laboratory tests did not have a significant difference with the results of field measurements with a moderate level of correlation, which means that the two test parameters can be used in rowing for female athletes. discussion this study was aimed to analyze the vo2max measurement method using field and laboratory vo2max tests in rowing by considering the dominant movement mechanism that is different from other specific tests. the vo2max results on the field test was 61.92, while for the laboratory test was 55.72 with a correlation value (r = 0.425) in male athletes showing that both tests could be used for rowing tests. the low correlation indicates the need to select an objective test for rowing, which is closer to the real condition on the male test considering the dominant characteristics of rowing movements. previous studies presented the selection of laboratory tests for better measurement (lee et al., 2011). while the results of the analysis of vo2max test data on female athletes concluded that, in the tests using field and laboratory measurements, there was a significant relationship with the moderate category in rowing (r = 0.62). another study conducted by comparing the values of laboratory and field tests in badminton also obtained the same results that the two tests could be used; the study also obtained high correlation results because the dominant characteristic of movements in the two tests used were not much different (rusdiana, 2020). conclusion the correlation results show that the vo2max test result carried out using the laboratory measurement did not have significant differences with the field measurement. therefore, these two parameters can be used in the vo2max rowing test. in addition, the correlation results differ between the male and female athletes. it indicates that physiology gender-specific tests need to be reassessed for male and female athletes. acknowledgement the authors would like to thank the rowing organization (pb.podsi) and also the sport science laboratory of the faculty of sports and health education, universitas pendidikan indonesia for supporting the implementation of this research. references bassett, d. r., & howley, e. t. 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conventional, neurotracker abstract neurotracker is a 3d technology with multiple object tracking (mot). this technology has not been developed in indonesia. meanwhile, developed countries have implemented this technology in sport training, including in archery sport. in archery sport, the athletes are required to concentrate every time they perform a technique and to be fast and accurate in making a decision when aiming and releasing the arrows. the problem usually occurs during shooting is that the athlete doubts in aiming and releasing the arrows, thus the shooting result does not hit the target. it is caused by the athlete’s doubt and the lack of concentration. to overcome the problem, a neurotracker training is important to be conducted in every training process to improve the athletes’ concentration. the method used in this study was an experimental method. the samples were 20 persons chosen in a non-random sampling. the subjects were divided into two groups through a random assignment, thus the number of subject in each group was ten persons. the instrument to measure the concentration was the concentration grid test. the design of the study was pretest-posttest control group design. to analyze the data, t-test was used. the result of the study showed that (1) there was a significant effect of the neurotracker training on the improvement of the archery athlete’s concentration, (2) there was a significant effect of conventional training on the improvement of archery athlete’s concentration, (3) there was a significant difference of effect between the neurotracker training and conventional training in the improvement of the archery athlete’s concentration. the neurotracker training was better than a conventional training in increasing the archery athlete’s concentration. it is suggested that the archery trainers implement the neurotracker technology in the training process as it could improve the concentration of the archery athletes.  correspondence address : jln. dr. setiabudhi 229, bandung, indonesia e-mail : mdendy94stiadi@gmail.com http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 156 komarudin et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) introduction the highest achievement is affected by various factors (heinen, 2011). the psychological ability is an important part to gain the highest achievement (weinberg & gould, 2007). the athletes holding psychological abilities will have a maturity in facing challenges in completing their duties in various situations, including during training and during competition. athlete’s psychological maturation is reflected on their ability in controlling various problems, facing various challenges, and having a self-confidence and commitment in doing their duties (komarudin, 2016). archery athletes, in the competition process, will always face various obstacles causing the decrease in archery athlete performances. the obstacles include other teammates, competitors, coaches, and/or managers, the presence of people you want to impress, spectators, crying children, mobile phones, family or relationship problems, media-photographers journalists, video cameras, announcers, mistakes, unexpected high performance, unfavorable weather conditions, changes in competition schedules, etc. (lee & de bondt, 2009). the obstacles will affect the psychological condition, such as the ability to focus and disruption in the process flow. it gets in the way of the attention that you need to apply to uphold excellent technique. this not only causes stress, but also consumes mental energy that is better applied elsewhere (lee & de bondt, 2009). therefore, archery athletes are required to have a psychological maturity to enable them to control their problems, including in controlling their body, mind, decision making, and a precise shooting. the condition cannot be automatically acquired by the archery athletes if it is not supported by a good physical condition, skill, intellectuality, and the quality of central nerve system to control the complexs duties (drust, 2013). the implementation of technology in a psychological training especially for improving athletes’ concentration is rarely conducted, mostly neglected. in advanced countries, such as european countries, the training technology to increase the performance, especially psychological performance, has been rapidly developed, starting from the application of biofeedback, life kinetik, neurotracker, and so on. neurotracker technology is a research product from neuro-science as a new technology to improve the athlete’s performance. in indonesia, neurotracker has not been popular among the athletes and coaches, although this technology could improve an athlete’s performance, especially in improving concentration, consistence, and performance during shooting. coaches, in the training process, still use conventional methods, such as training by using a clock by following the movement of the second hand, using candles for focus training, doing meditation, and using imagery without technology utilization. meanwhile, there is a target requiring serenity, concentration, and precision in making a decision to result in a good performance. this condition is contradictive with the real situation in the field, where the athletes are demanded to give the best performance, while their psychological aspects are neglected, thus the target cannot be achieved well (weinberg & gould, 2007). this condition creates a wide gap in the training quality between indonesia and advanced countries, such as korea, thus it is understandable if european countries gained two world records in asian games from 50 meter (144 arrows) mixed team compound. chaewon and choi yonghee created a new record after gaining 1412 points. they created a world record over jody vermeulen and mike schloesser in the world archery championship 2018 in berlin. jody vermeulen and mike schloesser gained 1410 points at that time. the interesting achievement occurred in 70 meter (144 arrows) mixed recurve team. kang chae young and oh jin hyek gained 1364 points, renewing the world record over ukraine team, anatasia pavlova and markiyan ivashko, created in the europe grand prix rangking event 2018 in bulgaria with 1343 points (setyawatie, 2018). the efforts to align the archery sport training quality in indonesia with the advanced countries is surely hard. it is caused by the limitation of a country. but a concrete effort could be conducted by improving important components contributing to the achievement improvement, including improving the psychological condition of the athletes by using neurotracker technology. the development and application of this technology in archery sport in indonesia has not been implemented, while other countries have been familiar with this technology. if we are not proactive and innovative, archery sport wil continuously be left behind copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 157 and cannot compete with other countries in the world. neurotracker technology is a tool combining some of main components, including awareness, attention, and focus in a simple but challenging task. the many use of this technology is aimed at supporting the athlete’s performance. technology is beneficial for improving neuroplasticity, the brains incredible ability to adapt and change itself to better respond to performance demands (martinez, 2019). a research related to neurotracker technology argues that neurotracker training significantly enhances attention, working memory, and information processing speed and also lead to positive changes in neuroelectric brain function. (brendan, 2014). moen, et al., (2018) state that a research on 60 elite athletes from various sport branches, such as martial arts (boxing and wrestling), handball, soccer, biathlon, orienteering, alpine skiing, and paralympic sports (sled hockey, badminton, and table tennis), show that there was no significant impact on the excecutive function of some sport branches. the result of discussion concludes the importance of the specific training utilizing neurotracker 3d multiple object tracking (mot) technology. neurotracker is a tool designed to help you overcome challenges with increased alertness, awareness and attention for performing well on a daily basis (faubert, 2018). the result of research convinces the researcher that neurotracker, specifically, could improve psychological aspect, including the athlete’s concentration. therefore, researchers were interested to further study and examine this technology in the archery sport training process to improve the athlete’s concentration. the purpose of this research was to further study the effect of neurotracker training on the archery athlete’s concentration improvement and to study the difference between the neurotracker training and conventional training on the improvement of the concentration of archery athletes. methods the method used in this study was experimental method, where researchers actively manipulated the independent variable (fraenkel, et all. 2012). in the experiment process, the researchers aimed to find out the effect of manipulation on the dependen variable changes. in the process of experiment, the researchers tried to pilot training utilizing neurotracker technology on the concentration and shooting ability improvements of archery athletes. the esperiment was aimed to examine the utilization of neurotracker technology in the concentration and shooting ability of archery athletes. the treatment in this research was given to the experimental group, the group that received training utilizing neurotracker technology. meanwhile, control group was given a conventional training that was generally conducted in the archery training in archery club of universitas pendidikan indonesai with the regular program set earlier.the treatment was given in 12 meetings, three times a week, including monday, wendesday, and friday. the treatment refered to the previous research stating that the experimental group trained on the 3d-mot twice a week for 5weeks (aidan moran, mark campbell & danila ranieri, 2018). neurotracker training was conducted for one core session training, where each training session consisted of 20 times of trial (jean, 2018). in line with the design of the research, before giving treatments, a pretest was administered related to dependent variables, including concentration and shooting ability tests. the purpose of the pretest was to find out the initial ability of the archery athletes before the treatment with training utilizing neurotracker. the treatment was given systematically based on the program in the neurotracker training. when the treatment was completed on both groups, the post test was conducted on the dependent variable to examine if there was an improvement of the average score related to concentration and shooting ability of archery athletes. the subjects of this research were all archery athletes in student archery club in universitas pendidikan indonesia, consisting of 40 people. subjects involved in this study were 20 people, including 14 males and 6 females, aged 19-21 on average, taken with the non random sampling (purposive sampling). the consideration was that the subject had acquired shooting ability and had competed in various archery competitions. furthermore, the subjects were divided into two groups with a random assignment technique. the experiment group consisted of ten persons as well as the control group. the experimental group received treatment utilizing neurotracker training, while the conventional group copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 komarudin et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 158 received a general training generally conducted in the training process of the archery club. the procedure of this research was conducted as follows. the athletes, in the treatment process, were instructed to complete 12 training sessions for four weeks. the neurotracker was placed in a training room. every athlete was trained individually. relevant with the program and the instruction set in the neurotracker manual, the training was conducted in the quiet and relatively dark place, as too many lighting will distruct the quality of the camera in capturing movements. every athlete wore 3d glasses to activate the sharp perception of vision on tv. athletes were asked to sit upright on a chair placed in front of a 3d 50 inches (lg) tv with 1.33m of distance. neurotracker is designed to offer various different trainings adjusted to the individual ability. in this research, the researchers focused on the core session of training, where each session was conducted 20 repetitions for 8 seconds in a training meeting. the difficulty in neurotracker training was the speed of the target movement that had been adjusted to the neurotracker program. the instruction for the athletes in conducting neurotracker training is explained by vartanian, coady, blackler (2016) that four targets will light up red, then return to yellow. pay attention to the four targets when they are moving for 8 seconds. in the end of the 8 second repetition, identify the four targets. if the athlete identified those four targets correctly, the speed will increase. if the athlete made a mistake, the speed will decrease. in the end of the 20 repetition, the athlete will get the final score for all sessions. meanwhile, in the conventional group, the athletes were given general training during the routine training, including warming up, shadow shooting training without arc, concentration training using flaming candles, and staring and following the clockwise in second, meditation training, and imagery training followed by shooting in 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m, and 30m of distance. to gain data, researchers used a correct instrument, thus the gained data were the data resulted from the valid and reliable instrument. the instrument to measure the concentration of archery athletes was cgt (concentration grid test) (harris & harris, 1984; williams, 1993). this instrument had reliability (test-retest) result tested by product moment correlation of r = 0.79 (p < 0.05). the equipments needed to conduct the test included: 1) a room, 2) stationary, 3) concentration grid test sheet, and 4) stop watch. the design in this study employed the pretestposttest control group design (creswell, 2013). the design included two independent variables and one dependent variable. the independent variables were the training using neurotracker (x1) training and conventional training (x2). the dependent variable was the concentration ability of the archery athletes (y1). the data analysis technique used in this research was the parametric statistical analysis. in this research, two independent variables and one dependent variable were included. the independent variables in this research were the training using neurotracker (x1) and conventional training (x2). the dependent variable of the research was the concentration ability of the archery athletes (y1). the data analysis technique used in this study was the t-test using the spss version 21 for windows program (santoso, 2013). result data obtained from the measurement process were then analysed by statistical approach. the data analysed in this study were the concentration of archery athlete data. before the test was administered, the post test was conducted on the variable. the researchers conducted a pre test to the two groups of sample to examine the score increase as the effect of the neurotracker training treatment on both dependent variables. when the treatment was completed, a post test was conducted to gain concentration data of the archery athletes. the result of the mean of the pre-test and post test, standard deviation, gain score, and the concentration variable of archery athletes receiving neurotracker training and conventional training can be seen in figure 1. data in figure 1 show that concentration ability of the archery athletes displays score improvement from the pre-test to the post test shown in the gain score. the mean of pre-test score of the concentration ability of the neurotracker training was 11.200, while the post test mean was 19.700, with the gain score 8.500. meanwhile, the conventional group gained mean score copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 komarudin et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 159 11.100 for pre-test and 15.600 for post test, with gain score 4.500. the data analysis technique of this research used parametric statistics analysis, as the gain of the concentration variable after the normality and homogeneity tests was (p) > 0.05, which means that the concentration data of the experimental and control group were normally distributed and homogenous. therefore, the statistical test used was the parametric test named t-test. to find out the increase of mean of the pre test and post test on the concentration variable trained by neurotracker training and conventional training, the paired ttest was conducted. the result of analysis shows that the concentration variable of the experimental group was t-calculated -21.177 with (p) 0.000 < 0.025; of the control group was t-calculated -9.429 with (p) 0.000 < 0,025. therefore, it concludes that there was a significant difference between the pre-test and the post-test on the concentration variable of the group with neurotracker training. according to the result of analysis, it concludes that there was a significant effect of neurotracker training and conventional training in the archery athlete concentration. furthermore, to find out the effect difference between the neurotracker training and the conventional training, the independent t-test was conducted. the result of the test showed that t calculated was 6.414, while (p) 0,000 < a 0.025. therefore, it concludes that there was a significant effect difference between the neurotracker training and conventional training on the archery athlete concentration improvement. according to the mean of the concentration variable, the training utilized neurotracker technology was better than the conventional training on the archery athlete concentration improvement. discussion to discuss the finding of the study, the researchers studied some literatures theoretically according to the previous research. the training for improving the athlete’s performance does not only emphasize on the physical aspects, but also on the psychological aspects (oemosegard, 2001), especially training emphasizing brain training, specifically in the hippocampus area (lutz, 2017). similar opinion is also explained by william (2015) that sports specialists are aware that achieving success isn’t all physical–it’s also mental too. to increase athletic performance, training the brain is also important. psychological training, in the training process and competition, is important because competition 95% depends on psychological factor (townsend, 2008). psychlogical factor, such as stress assisted by anxiety will have impacts on the intellectual function, thus the performance will full of awry, doubt, and inaccuracy (setyobroto, 2001). therefore, psychological problems are barriers that should be concerned in the training process so that the athletes could show their potential that contributes to their performance. the finding of this research shows that there was a significant effect of the neurotracker training on the concentration improvement of archery athletes. this finding is strengthen by the statement that neurotracker is a part of psychological training that trains our brain that is able to improve the neuroplasticity. neurotracker also trains our brain to adapt in responding work demands. in structure, our brain will restore its function to do a required tasks efficiently. castonguay (2015) explains that neurotracker brings the brain to rewire itself, thus it performs the tasks more efficiently. in sport psychological research, it is explained that attention and concentration are important componets to improve the athlete’s performance (mann, williams, copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 figure 1. calculation r esult of mean, standar d deviation, gain score, and archery athlete concentration komarudin et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 160 ward, & janelle, 2007). research related to perceptualcognitive skill has a potential in improving the athlete’s performance (appelbaum & erickson, 2016). besides, perceptual-cognitive skill training has a potential on the excecutive function of brain (owen, et al., 2010). one of perceptual-cognitive skill trainings is training using neurotracker. neurotracker is a 3d, perceptualcognitive training system that improves on-field performance for all levels of athletes. the software enhances critical abilities, including situational awareness, decision-making speed, visual processing bandwidth, and sustained concentration (jean, 2018). thus, neurotracker is a perceptual-cognitive skill in a 3d form that enables athlete achievements on all levels. the aspect that can be trained by neurotracker is the critical abilities, including speed in taking decision, visual processing bandwidth, situational awareness, and sustained concentration. in the archery sport, this technology is crucial as the athletes should focus on the series of archery movement techniques begins from stance to aiming and release the arrows. in the aiming and release stages, the athletes are required to be brave in taking decision quickly, precisely, and accurately. moreover, an arc is completed with a kliker that the athlete should quickly release the arrow. in the http://www.optikiq.com., optik (2019), it is explained that effective decision making skills become vital, and as the level of performance rises, the demands increase, pushing the individual to the threshold of their cognitive capacity. the brain is plastic and able to adapt to new demands with training that make it possible for a person’s cognitive processing thresholds to be upraised, leading to increased ability to deal with the high-pressure demands of the competitive world. the opinion emphasizes that the effective decision making is important to increase the performance in the higher demand that reinforces a person to reach the cognition capacity. the brain plasticity will be able to adapt with new demands in the training process that enables the cognition process to increase above the threshold and improve the ability in meeting the requirement of a competitive world. the attention and concentration are relized abilities. the disruption of attention causes the loss of awareness significantly. it even further causes the loss of focus in the critical time during a big event. neurotracker excels at training attention as it amplifies the demands and the pressure of this skill, resulting in failure the very instant there is a lapse. mastery of several attention forms are essential for performing at the highest levels, each of which neurotracker trains in a specialized way (castonguay, 2015). in the neurotracker training, the athletes are trained in the ability to track objects that is directly correlated to the anticipatory respons time and rapid decision making in an athlete. a quick tracking speed is highly important in almost all sports. in a game, athletes need to hold an increase ability in recognizing the game situation, effective anticipate future events, and take the best possible decision while avoiding costly mistakes (mangine, et al., 2014; in caroline, et al., 2018). elite athletes have an ability to make more efficient eye movements and perform better on measures of attention (appelbaum & erickson, 2018). conclusion according to the result of the data analysis of this research, the researchers conclude that there was a significant effect of the neurotracker training on the concentration improvement of archery athletes; there was a significant effect of the conventional training on the archery athlete concentration improvement; there was a significant effect difference between neurotracker training and conventional training on the archery athlete concentration improvement. according to the gained mean, neurotracker training was better than conventional training on improving the archery athlete concentration. for that reason, the researchers suggest that archery trainers and athletes to shift the psychological training into the utilization 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pre-cycle is 19%, then after doing the research in cycle 1 the students’ participation score is 53% increase 34% in cycle 1, then in cycle 2 the students’ participation score is 84% increase 31%. according to the data analysis, it could be concluded that through the application of game models in learning rounders game activity in physics education can increase students’ participation. keywords: game, rounders, participation mailto:ikbalkemal@gmail.com jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 58 penerapan model-model permainan untuk meningkatkan partisipasi siswa pada pembelajaran aktivitas permainan rounders ikbal kemal fikri 1 , mudjihartono 2 universitas pendidikan indonesia email : ikbalkemal@gmail.com abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan apakah penerapan modelmodel permainan pada pembelajaran aktivitas permainan rounders dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani dapat meningkatkan partisipasi siswa. penelitian dilaksanakan dengan metode penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri atas tahapan perencanaan tindakan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen observasi partisipasi. semua data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan teknik prosentase, nilai partisipasi siswa pada observasi pra-siklus 19%, kemudian setelah dilakukan penelitian pada siklus 1 nilai partisipasi siswa 53% mengalami kenaikan 34% pada siklus 1, kemudian pada siklus 2 nilai partisipasi siswa 84% mengalami kenaikan 31%. berdasarkan hasil analisis data tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui penerapan model permainan pada pembelajaran aktivitas permainan rounders dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani dapat meningkatkan partisipasi siswa. kata kunci : permainan, rounders, partisipasi. mailto:ikbalkemal@gmail.com jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 59 pendahuluan proses pendidikan harus dilaksanakan untuk menunjang dan terlaksananya fungsi dan tujuan pendidikan nasional salah satu penunjang yaitu proses pembelajaran yang terbagi dalam beberapa mata pelajaran salah satunya mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan (pjok). pendidikan jasmani adalah pendidikan yang diberikan di setiap jenjang pendidikan yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai alat agar kemampuan serta kebugaran individu siswa tetap terjaga dan meningkat.mahendra (2009, hlm. 3) mengemukakanbahwa “pendidikan jasmani pada hakikatnya adalah proses pendidikan yang memanfaatkan aktivitas fisik untuk menghasilkan perubahan holistik dalam kualitas individu, baik dalam hal fisik, mental, serta emosional”. dalam proses pembelajaran yang telah berlangsung terkadang jumlah waktu yang dipergunakan untuk pembelajaran tidak dipergunakan secara optimal. dari hasil observasi yang dilakukan waktu yang dipergunakan dalam pembelajaran hanya menggunakan sekitar 60 menit dari 2x40 menit yang disediakan hal ini terjadi karena dalam proses pembelajaran hanya dilakukan pengambilan nilai dari tes kecabangan. maka dari itu pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran khususnya pendidikan jasmani guru mengacu pada kurikulum yang berlaku jumlah waktu belajar menjadi acuan dalam mengelola pembelajaran sesuai dengan model pembelajaran yang telah direncanakan sehingga pendekatan pembelajaran dapat membuat seluruh siswa dapat terlibat dalam mengikuti aktivitas pembelajaran. pada saat pembelajaran terlihat sebagian siswa kurang serius dalam proses pembelajaran seperti dalam mendengarkan intruksi guru, mengamati tugas gerak yang dilakukan, tidak sungguh-sungguh dalam melaksanakan tugas gerak bahkan ada yang meninggalkan lapangan sebelum pembelajaran selesai. permasalahan ini terjadi karena kesadaransiswamengenaikebutuhangerakmasihkurangterlihatdan padakeseriusansiswasaatmengikutipembelajaranpendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan. berdasarkan permasalahan yang terjadi dilapangan dengan kurangnya keseriusansiswamengikutipembelajaranpendidikan jasmani olahraga dan jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 60 kesehatandansadarakankebutuhanbergerak, maka menarik bagi penulis untuk meneliti mengenai “penerapanmodel-model permainan untuk meningkatkan partisipasi siswa pada pembelajaran aktivitas permainan rounders (penelitian tindakan kelas siswa kelas viii h smp negeri 1 kotabaru)”. metode penelitian jenis penelitian jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (ptk). kusuma dan dwitagama (2012, hlm. 9) mengatakan “penelitian tindakan kelas atau classroom action research (car) adalah penelitian tindakan (action research) yang dilaksanakan oleh guru di dalam kelas”. kunandar (2008, hlm. 46) mengemukakan bahwa ptk mengandung pengertian bahwa: ptk adalah sebuah bentuk kegiatan sebuah refleksi diri yang dilakukan oleh para pelaku pendidikan dalam suatu situasi kependidikan untuk memperbaiki rasionalitas dan keadilan tentang: (a) praktik-praktik kependidikan mereka, (b) pemahaman mereka tentang praktik-praktik tersebut, dan (c) situasi dimana praktik-praktik tersebut dilaksanakan s ubj e k da n o bj e k penelitian subjekpadapenelitianiniadalahsiswakelasviii h smp negeri 1 kotabaru, kecamatan kotabaru kabupaten karawang. objekpenelitian ini adalah peningkatanpartisipasi belajar dalam pendidikan jasmani melalui penerapan modelodel permainan pada pembelajaran aktivitas permainan rounders di kelas viii h smp negeri 1 kotabaru, kecamatan kotabaru kabupaten karawang. instrumen untuk mengukur tingkat partisipasi, penulis menggunakan teori dari hamzah, dkk, (2014, hlm. 333) dalam bukunya “variabel penelitian dalam pendidikan dan pembelajaran“ yang menyatakan bahwa tingkat partisipasi seseorang dapat dilihat dari: jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 61 a. kehadiran b. ketaatan pada tugas dan kewajiban c. suka rela d. daftar layanan partisipasi; dan e. aktifitas kelompok kemudian dari unsur tersebut dalam melihat tingkat partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran, diuraikan yaitu: keikutsertaan, keterlibatan, kesediaan, kemauaan dan keaktifan. dari unsur tersebut mengandung aspek-aspek sebagai berikut: tabel 1 komponen partisipasi no aspek indikator 1. keikutasertaan a. ikut serta dalam pembelajaran. b. semangat dalam pembelajaran. c. totalitas dalam pembelajaran. 2. keterlibatan a. terlibat dalam pembelajaran. b. paham akan kegiata pembelajaran. c. percaya diri dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. 3. kesediaan a. dapat menerima dengan baik tugas gerak yang diberikan guru. b. dapat menampilkan tugas gerak yang diinstruksikan. c. dapat menyesuaikan dalam pembelajaran. 4. kemauan a. senang melakukan tugas gerak. b. melakukan tugas pembelajaran dengan kesadaran diri sendiri. c. ingin mendapatkan hasil yang baik. 5. keaktifan a. ingin menjadi pusat perhatian b. melaksanakan tugas gerak yang diberikan c. berperan aktif dalam pembelajaran. instrumen pengumpulandatadalampenelitianiniadalahlembarobservasi, wawancara dan catatan lapangan. lembar observasi/lembarpengamatan nasution (dalam sugiyono, 2015, hlm. 310) menyatakan bahwa “observasi adalah dasar semua ilmu pengetahuan. para ilmuwan hanya dapat bekerja berdasarkan data, yaitu fakta mengenai dunia kenyataan yang diperoleh melalui observasi.” observasi ini menelitipartisipasi siswadalam mengikutipembelajaran pendidikan jasmani dengan penerapan model-model permainan pada pembelajaran aktivitas permainan rounders. lembarobservasiataulembarpengamatandigunakan untuk mengumpulkan data melalui aspek-aspek yang sudah di jelaskan pada instrumen penelitian. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 62 lembar wawancara dalam penelitian ini peneliti tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk menggunakan 3 macam wawancara dalam pengumpulan data. pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara ini untuk mengetahui ketercapaian proses pembelajaran dan permasalahan pembelajaran yang terjadi sebelum, selama dan sesudah penelitian. catatan lapangan catatan lapangan merupakan alat yang penting dalam penelitian pendidikan kelas. catatan tersebut berisi deskripsi hal-hal yang terjadi atau muncul pada saat pelaksanaan pembelajaran dilaksanakan. interaksi yang teramati dan tercatat memuat perilaku praktis saat melaksanakan pembelajaran, dalam hal ini berkaitan dengan kesulitan perilaku yang dilakukan oleh guru dengan langkah-langkah yang termuat dalam perencanaan yang tersusun. adapun perilaku siswa yang diharapkan sebagai indikator ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran yang ditetapkan. format catatan lapangan berfungsi untuk mengamati perilaku siswa ketika melaksanakan pembelajaran. analisis data secara garis besar kegiatan analisis data dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: 1. menelaah seluruh data yang telah terkumpul penelaahan dilakukan dengan menghitung data dari lembar observasi, serta di dukung dengan wawancara, catatan lapangan dan di perkuat dengan bukti berupa dokumentasi rekaman foto. 2. penghitungan/pengolahan data datahasil observasiyangdiperoleh kemudian dihitunguntuk mengetahui sejauh mana persentase peningkatan. datayangdiperoleh dapatdihitung dengan menggunakanrumus: tabel 2 penghitungan observasi sumber: nur asma (dalam kurniasari, 2013, hlm. 54) p = jumlah skor yang dipilih jumlah skor maksimal x 100 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 63 p = f n x 100 peneliti menetapkan batas penguasaan minimum 60% sehingga terjadi 3 klasifikasi partisipasi dari jumlah skor lembar observasi partisipasi siswa. dari penguasaan minimum maka peneliti mengklasifikasi partisipasi siswa: tabel 3 klasifikasi penilaian partisipasi no jumlah nilai klasifikasi partisipasi 1. 15 – 26 30 – 59 partisipasi kurang 2. 27 – 36 60 – 80 partisipasi cukup 3. 37 – 45 81 – 100 partisipasi baik dalam penilitian ini peneliti menetapkan keberhasilan peningkatan partisipasi siswa yang mendapatkan klasifikasi partisipasi baik sebanyak 80% dari keseluruhan siswa yang ada. rumus untuk menghitung prosentasi klasifikasi partisipasi siswa menggunakan : tabel 4 perhitungan prosestase ket : p = angka presentase yang dicari f = frekuensi yang sedang dicari(dalam hal ini adalah jumlah siswa yang terdapat pada klasifikasi) n = jumlah frekuensi sudijono, (dalam kurniasari, 2013, hlm. 56) data yang sudah dihitung kemudian dimasukkan kedalam grafik berbentuk presentase untuk mempermudah membaca hasil penelitian. 3. penjabaran hasil data hasil data yang sudah ditampilkan berbentuk presentase, selanjutnya diperjelas dalam bentuk kalimat yang disesuaikan dengan hasil dari analisis data. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 64 4. evaluasi hasil data mengevaluasi dan mendiskusikan hasil penelitian, tentang kekurangan atau gejala-gejala yang terjadi pada saat penelitian berlangsung serta untuk diperbaiki dan diterapkan pada siklus berikutnya. hasil dan pembahasan pra-siklus sebelum melakukan perencanaan dan tindakan pada siklus 1 peneliti melakukan observasi terlebih dahulu. kegiatan ini dilakukan agar peneliti mengetahui perilaku yang terjadi dalam objek penelitian sehingga dapat di refleksikan kedalam tindakan selanjutnya klasifikasi partisipasi siswa dibagi kedalam 3 klasifikasi yaitu baik, cukup dan kurang. pada pengamatan kali ini siswa yang mendapatkan klasifikasi baik terdapat 8(19%) siswa, 22(51%) siswa klasifikasi cukup, dan 13(30%) siswa klasifikasi kurang. maka dari hasil ini partisipasi belajar siswa mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan masih sangat rendah sehingga dibutuhkan tindakan untuk meningkatkan partisipasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran penjas. siklus 1 berdasarkan hasil observasi pada siklus 1partisipasi siswa terhadap pelajaran pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan mengalami peningkatan, akan tetapi belum keseluruhan siswa berpartisipasi. masih terdapat siswa yang tidak berpartisipasi secara aktif dan juga terdapat beberapa siswa yang sulit untuk dikondisikan klasifikasi partisipasi pada siklus 1 di dapat dari pengamatan secara kolaborasi antara guru dengan peneliti. klasifikasi yang didapat yaitu klasifikasi baik terdapat 23(53%) siswa, 11(26%) siswa klasifikasi cukup, dan 9(21%) siswa klasifikasi kurang. siklus 2 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 65 prasiklus siklus 1 siklus 2 baik 19 53 84 cukup 51 26 16 kurang 30 21 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 p r o se n ta se perbadingan partisipasi belajar penjas berdasarkan hasil observasi pada siklus 2partisipasi siswa terhadap pelajaran penjas mengalami peningkatan walaupun sebagian kecil terdapat siswa yang kurang berpartisipasi. akan tetapi peningkatan partisipasi siswa terlihat jelas. peningkatan kepahaman siswa dalam permainan sudah cukup baik dan sebagian besar siswa telah mengkondisikan diri secara sadar serta sifat kompetisi untuk mendapatkan hasil yang baik. klasifikasi partisipasi pada siklus 2 di dapat dari pengamatan secara kolaborasi antara guru dengan peneliti. klasifikasi yang didapat yaitu klasifikasi baik terdapat 36(84%) siswa, 11(16%) siswa klasifikasi cukup, dan tidak terdapat siswa yang mendapatkan klasifikasi partisipasi kurang. pembahasan berdasarkan hasilobservasiterjadipeningkatanpartisipasibelajarsiswa padasiklus 1 kesiklus 2 .partisipasibelajar siswadikatakanbaik apabilaskorperolehan masingmasingsiswa lebih besar atau samadengan 37. pada pra-siklus yang memiliki partisipasi baik 8 siswa (19%), yang memiliki partisipasi cukup 22 siswa (51%) sedangkan yang memiliki partisipasi kurang 13 siswa (30%). pada siklus 1 yang memiliki partisipasi baik 23siswa(53%), yang memiliki partisipasi cukup 11 siswa (26%) sedangkan yang memiliki partisipasi kurang 9 siswa (21%). pada siklus 2 yang memiliki partisipasi baik 36siswa(84%), yang memiliki partisipasi cukup 7 siswa (16%) sedangkan yang memiliki partisipasi kurang tidak ada. berikut grafikperbandingan persentasepartisipasi belajarpadapra-siklus,siklus 1dansiklus 2. gambar 1 poligon partisipasi belajar pra-siklus, siklus 1, siklus 2 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 66 kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, dapat disimpulkan bahwaproses kegiatan belajarmenggunakan model-model permainan pada pembelajaran aktivitas permainan rounders dapatmeningkatkanpartisipasi belajarsiswa.peningkatan partisipasibelajarterjadipadaaspek keikutsertaan, keterlibatan, kesediaan, kemauan dan keaktifan. keberhasilan pr os es pe mbe l a j a r a n terjadikarena menggunakan pembelajaran permainan rounders dengan diterapkannya model-model permainan melalui simulasi permainan berkelompok yang bervariasi menyerupai permainan sebenarnya hingga permainan rounders yang sebenarnya sehingga meningkatkan partisipasi siswa dalam kegiatanbelajar. saran berdasarkan hasil penelitian,adabeberapasaranyangdapat dipergunakansebagai bahanpertimbangandalamkegiatanbelajar menggunakanpembelajaranpermainan rounders dalam pembelajaran penjas yaitu sebagaiberikut. 1.bagi siswa siswasebaiknyalebihberpartisipasisecara aktifdalammengikuti pembelajaran penjas menggunakanmodel permainan pada pembelajaran aktivitas permainan rounders, menerima keberadaan teman dan saling percaya antar sesama 2.bagiguru diharapkan gurudapatmenerapkan model permainan pada pembelajaran aktivitas permainan rounders dalampembelajaran penjas untuk meningkatkan partisipasi dan aspek afektif lainnya serta aspek kognitif maupun psikomotor. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 67 daftar pustaka b. uno, hamzah . dkk. (2014). variabel penelitian dalam pendidikan dan pembelajaran. jakarta: ina publikatama. kunandar. (2008). langkah mudah penelitian tindakan kelas. jakarta: pt rajagrafindo persada. kurniasari novita dwi. (2013). peningkatan partisipasidan hasilbelajar ips menggunakanpembelajaran kooperatiftipe stad (student teamachievement divisions) siswakelas v sd negericangkringan 2 kabupatensleman. (skripsi). universitas negeri yogyakarta. kusuma w & dwitagama d. (2012). mengenal penelitian tindakan kelas.jakarta barat:pt. indeks. mahendra, agus. (2009). asas dan falsafah pendidikan jasmani. bandung: universitas pendidikan indonesia. subroto t. dkk. (2011). teori bermain. bandung: universitas pendidikan indonesia. 233 jpjo 5 (2) (2020) 233-244 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga available online at: https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/article/view/26743 doi: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpjo.v5i2.26743 olympism and positive youth development (pyd): a new goal in extension development youth sports for basketball in indonesia alen rismayadi*, herman subarjah, yunyun yudiana, agus rusdiana prodi pendidikan olahraga, sekolah pasca sarjana, universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia article info article history : received june 2020 revised june 2020 accepted august 2020 available online september 2020 keywords : olympism, positive youth development, basketball abstract the basic principle of olympism aims to make sport a harmonious human development tool to create a peaceful society and care for the respect of human dignity. the results of this study will reveal how the basic principles of olympism are applied as an approach in basketball coaching in the context of the positive development of youth. the research method used is descriptive about olympism values in the context of a positive development of young man, as well as the historical journey of basketball development including the competition system which has been running before through document review and semi-structured interviews. the responses of parents, builders, and coaches regarding the new approach in the basketball coaching system are explored and discussed deeply.  correspondence address : jln. dr. setiabudhi 229, bandung, indonesia e-mail : rismayadialen@upi.edu http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 234 alen rismayadi, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) introduction there are growing concerns about the future of adolescents today. concern based on increasing adolescent problem behaviour (mischief, drug use), coupled with changing social forces (both working parents, increased youth without supervision at home), (fraserthomas, j. l., côté, j., & deakin, j., 2005). over the past two decades, researchers and practitioners have taken a ' deficit reduction 'for young people's behaviour problems, (benson, p. l., 2006). olympism is a philosophy of life, elevating and combining in a balanced way the qualities of body, will, and mind. integrating sport with culture and education, olympism seeks to create a way of life-based on excitement, educational values, good examples, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles, (ioc, 2019). in connexion with the above explanation, we must think of ways for youth to develop themselves optimally. optimal development in youth enables individuals to live healthy, satisfying, and productive lives as young people, and then as adults because they gain competence to earn a living, to engage in activities, to interact with others, and to participate in social relations and cultural activities, (hamilton, s. f., hamilton, m. a., & pittman, k., 2004). four main areas of youth development: physical, intellectual, psychological/emotional, and social. for each area of development, several things are suggested that are appropriate and facilitate positive youth development, (fraser-thomas, j. l., côté, j., & deakin, j., 2005). basketball is a collective sport that is very popular in serbia and around the world because of its attractiveness and dynamism (marinković, d., & pavlović, s, 2013). kamble, p., daulatabad, v., & baji, p. s. (2012) explains that basketball is one of the most popular big ball games in the world, in which many things happen every second. more than 70 million people play basketball and more than 210 countries are fiba members. the performance of indian athletes in various national and international competitions is very poor and this is of great concern especially to coaches, sports scientists, doctors and researchers. we have done everything we can to raise the athlete's standard for achievement, but little success has been achieved. each player's performance will depend on his physical fitness. basketball is a dynamic team sport and is divided into four rounds of play with high intensity, requiring rapid changes of direction, and requiring specific technical skills and good physical abilities (stojanović, e., stojiljković, n., scanlan, a. t., dalbo, v. j., berkelmans, d. m., & milanović, z., 2018; ziv, g., & lidor, r., 2010; ferioli, d., rampinini, e., bosio, a., la torre, a., azzolini, m., & coutts, a. j., 2018). basketball is a team sport game that demands cooperation from every player on the field in accordance with the duties and roles of each position according to the game tactics used (trninić, s., 2006; bhadu, a. p., & singh, p., 2016). basketball is a very popular sport in the world and has grown quite significantly, so the number of young people involved in the sport has increased significantly. due to the large number of young people involved in basketball, forming a strong team requires player selection (anastasiadis, 2006; apostolidis, n., & zacharakis, e., 2015). basketball has the highest youth sports participation rate and is perfect for offering young athletes the opportunity to get these benefits, (difiori, j. p., güllich, a., brenner, j. s., côté, j., hainline, b., ryan, e., & malina, r. m., 2018). youth participation in sports such as basketball offers many potential benefits for children and adolescents. youth participation in sports and providing a way to develop peer relationships, self-esteem, and leadership qualities, (fraserthomas, j. l., côté, j., & deakin, j., 2005). it can even lay the foundation for an active and healthy adult lifestyle, (dobosz, r. p., & beaty, l. a., 1999; vella, s. a., cliff, d. p., magee, c. a., & okely, a. d., 2014; mccabe, k. o., modecki, k. l., & barber, b. l., 2016). based on the above explanation, it will be elaborated on the development of basketball in indonesia, the model of basketball competition in indonesia, the olympism values in indonesian basketball, positive young development and basketball in indonesia. methods the population and sample in this study were parents whose children were involved in school basketball activities or basketball clubs and basketball coaches. the number of samples in this study were 15 parents and 15 basketball coaches in the city of bandung. the copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 235 city of bandung is used as a place of research because the city of bandung is one of the cities in west java which produces many national players. this research will describe the development of basketball in indonesia from 1920 1954, the model of basketball games in indonesia from 1982 to 2019, olympic values in indonesian basketball, positive youth development and basketball in indonesia. the research method used is descriptive method, with data retrieval using questionnaire techniques, interviews, and document review. the data analysis used the percentage technique from the perceptions of parents and trainers and the presentation of documents found by the researcher. result and discussion basketball development in indonesia basketball entered indonesia in the 1920s, brought by chinese nomads. then, they formed their community, including establishing a chinese school. so, basketball is developing fast in indonesian chinese schools. chinese schools make basketball one of the compulsory sports that must be followed by every student so that in every school there is always a basketball court and basketball players whose performance stands out from the chinese. basketball clubs began to form in indonesia in the 1930s in jakarta, surabaya, bandung, semarang, yogyakarta, and medan; became central to the establishment of basketball associations in indonesia. for example in semarang the association of chinese english school, tionghwa hwee, fe leon ti yu hui, and pheng yu hui who joined in sahabat semarang with their legend of sony hendrawan (liem tjien sion). after the independence proclamation on august 17, 1945, basketball began to be widely known in cities which became the basis of struggles such as yogyakarta and solo. at the 1st pon (national sports week) (1948) in solo, basketball was played for the first time at the national level. the 1st pon participants are still limited to the strongest man of each 'residency', and also associations with native players such as pori solo, pori yogyakarta, and sarangan sports academy. however, it must be admitted that for game techniques, the abilities of the residency teams consisting of chinese players were far higher than those of native players.. in 1951 during the 2nd pon performance, basketball was played for men and women. the team sent no longer represented the residency but already represented the province. teams from east java, dki jakarta, west java, and north sumatra are the leading forces on the pon stage. in 1951, maladi, a national sports figure, asked tonny wen and wim latumeten to form a basketball organisation in indonesia. maladi's position at that time was the secretary of the indonesian olympic committee (koi). on the initiative of these two figures, on october 23, 1951, an organisation was formed under the name "all indonesia basketball association". in 1955, the name was perfected according to indonesian rules. the name is "indonesian basketball association" abbreviated as perbasi. the first perbasi executive is tonny wen as chairman and wim latumeten as secretary. do not want to join with the formation of perbasi, is the development of indonesian basketball increasing rapidly? apparently no. the first challenge came from chinese associations who were not willing to join because they already had their associations. to solve this problem, in 1955 perbasi held a basketball conference in bandung. the conference was attended by delegates from yogyakarta, semarang, jakarta, and bandung. the most important decision of this conference is that perbasi is the only basketball main organisation in indonesia. the terms for chinese basketball clubs are no longer recognised. this conference is also preparing for the holding of the 1st perbasi congress. perbasi was accepted as a member of fiba in 1953. a year later, in 1954, indonesia for the first time sent a basketball team to the manila asian games. model of basketball competition in indonesia professional competition after being accepted by the international basketball federation, perbasi established a basketball competition in indonesia in 1982 named kobatama (main basketball competition) which is the first national-level amateur basketball competition in indonesia for men's groups. while the women's group basketball competicopyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 alen rismayadi, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 236 tion was named kobanita (women's basketball competition). kobatama rolled for 28 years before finally being frozen in 2010 after difficulties in finding sponsors. in 2008, kobatama was no longer held, while in 2009 the tournament lasted only 1 week. some of the teams in the kobatama competition were able to promote a professional basketball competition called the indonesian basketball league (ibl) which was established in 2003 and was participated in by 10 teams. as for the women's basket ball competition, it was halted. unfortunately, at the end of the 2009 season, the ibl performance threatened to disband after repeatedly changing promoters. until finally in 2010, ibl changed its name to the national basketball league (nbl). as for the women's ballet competition in the name woman basketball league (wnbl). in 2016, the national basketball league (nbl) changed its name again to the indonesian basketball league (ibl) and for the women's basketball competition, the championship name was srikandi cup. until this article was written, the indonesian basketball league (ibl) competition and the srikandi cup were ongoing. college competition the college basketball competition in indonesia has been running since the era of the 1990s, the name of the competition is the student basketball league (libama) organised by perbasi. because the state copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 year champions finals result runners-up reference 2003 aspac jakarta 2-0 (best-of-3) satria muda britama [5] 2004 satria muda britama 2-0 (best-of-3) aspac jakarta [6] 2005 aspac jakarta 2-0 (best-of-3) satria muda britama [7] 2006 satria muda britama 2-0 (best-of-3) aspac jakarta [8] 2007 satria muda britama 3–2 (best-of-5) aspac jakarta [9] 2008 satria muda britama 3–1 (best-of-5) garuda bandung [10] 2009 satria muda britama 3–1 (best-of-5) aspac jakarta [11] table 1. indonesia basketball league champions 2003 – 2009 table 2. national basketball league champions year champions final score (single game) runners-up reference 2010-11 satria muda britama 67-50 cls knights [12] 2011-12 satria muda britama 59-42 aspac jakarta [13] 2012-13 aspac jakarta 63-50 pelita jaya jakarta 2013-14 aspac jakarta 83-67 satria muda britama 2014-15 satria muda britama 62-54 pelita jaya jakarta table 3. indonesia basketball league champions 2016 – 2019 year champions finals result runners-up finals mvp 2016 cls knights surabaya 2-1 (best-of-3) pelita jaya energi mega persada jamarr johnson 2017 pelita jaya 2-1 (best-of-3) satria muda pertamina jakarta martavious irving 2018 satria muda pertamina jakarta 2-1 (best-of-3) pelita jaya energi mega persada jamarr johnson 2019 stapac jakarta 2-0 (best-of-3) satria muda pertamina jakarta savon goodman source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/indonesian_basketball_league alen rismayadi, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/aspac_jakarta https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/satria_muda_britama_jakarta https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/indonesian_basketball_league#cite_note-5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/satria_muda_britama_jakarta https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/aspac_jakarta https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/indonesian_basketball_league#cite_note-6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/aspac_jakarta https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/satria_muda_britama_jakarta https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/indonesian_basketball_league#cite_note-7 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/satria_muda_britama_jakarta https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/aspac_jakarta 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competition system starts at the provincial level. the provincial basketball competition was named liba student basketball (libama) followed by the province, for example, libama west java. then in each province, two teams were promoted to the national level. the name of the national level student competition is the national basket league (libamanas). the student basketball league (libama) lasted until 2011, then the name of the competition was changed to the basketball student league (lima), which was organised by the event organiser and was established on may 15, 2012. lima has the intention and objective to create a container that is capable of being a place work for students and students in indonesia in the sports field. the student league or lima is an independent organisation that stands on three main pillars, namely athletics, education, and social responsibility. athleticism is the first pillar of lima which is an illustration of one of the goals of lima as an organisation, which is to make the best contribution in the sports field. athleticism is translated into every sport held by lima and through these sports the participants are motivated to learn to uphold sportsmanship values, such as recognising the excellence of others, being honest, disciplined, and mentally strong. education is the second pillar of lima which refers to the concept of studentathlete which is believed to be lima. this concept means students are encouraged to be not only physically strong but also academically smart. this is implemented in the standard lima rules, every league participant must have at least a 2.00 cumulative achievement index (gpa) to be able to participate. this regulation is expected to be able to motivate for lima participants to maintain their academic values and teach them to be able to balance sports life without leaving their education. being strong and smart is incomplete without social responsibility which is the third foundation of lima. this social care is applied by requiring lima participants to take part in social action for a minimum of six hours as a requirement to become lima participants. this social action is expected to be able to foster empathy and sympathy amongst the participants towards their environment. make them more concerned about what is happening around them, (https:// id.wikipedia.org/wiki/liga_mahasiswa). the student league is not only focussed on the success of the competition but also pays attention to aspects of sports development at the college level. one form of concern for the student league is to carry out a programme of activities that involve the active role of students as supporters of these activities so that it will raise awareness and pride in the alma mater of higher education competing in the student league. vision: to become one of the biggest student leagues (communities/associations) in the sports field all over indonesia by always carrying out the educational and social concepts in each of its activities. mission: 1. contribute to sports through a series of sports competitions by holding quality annual sports events. 2. conducting activities for the development of indonesian sports by holding regular socialisation about sports to universities all over indonesia and other lima stakeholders. 3. actualising social care through a series of activities involving young people, especially college students. the student league intends to be a "bridge" between education and sports, by introducing the concept of sports competitions involving student-athletes in indonesia. the student league has five sports competitions, namely basketball, badminton, futsal, swimming, and golf. the names of the student league (lima) conferences are prim-a mineral water greater jakarta conference, blibli.com west java conference, mcdonalds east java conference, kaskus central java-diy conference, and nusantara conference. the 1st season of lima basketball was participated by 44 men's teams and 37 women's teams from 45 universities all over indonesia. the success of the 1st season of lima basketball made a significant increase in the number of participants in the 2nd season. the 2nd season of the lima basketball event featured 101 teams from 56 universities, consisting of 56 men's teams and 45 women's teams, (https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/ liga_mahasiswa). the basketball student league (lima) west conference will be held in august 2020. student competition in indonesia, there are student competitions that are held officially by the government (a separate discussion), some are held by the private sector. but, of the copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 alen rismayadi, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 238 many competitions between students, there is only one competition that has been nationwide, namely deteksi basketball league organised by pt. dbl indonesia. the following is a glimpse of the competition. dbl was started in surabaya in 2004. this league was intended as a simple high school league but organised in the right way. no professional or semipro players, no sponsors of cigaretes, alcohol and energy drinks. players must be student-athlete. their performance in the classroom is as important or even more important than their performance on the basketball court. a total of 96 teams joined this first season, from various cities in east java province. since the inaugural match, many people have realised that something special is happening. dbl's first match was very tight and emotional. the women's team of sman 20 surabaya defeated sma santo stanislaus 2 surabaya. sad and happy tears were seen around the field, watched by around 1,000 spectators. that year, the number of spectators was extraordinary for a high school level basketball competition. since then, more enthusiasts have come to watch. in the final round, more than 5,000 people came to watch (the record for most basketball spectators in east java at that time), and they are entertained by emotional and dramatic matches. sman 2 surabaya won the men's championship, after forcing extra time through desperate shots from outside the three-figure line. the success of dbl's first season helped the league grow significantly. the more teams that join, the more viewers watch. because so many teams want to appear, dbl runs out of capacity to accept everything. therefore, new participants must appear first in the qualifying round, eliminating each other towards the main round (the record for the largest basketball audience in east java at that time), and they are entertained by emotional and dramatic matches. sman 2 surabaya won the men's championship, after forcing extra time through desperate shots from outside the three-figure line. year to year, the implementation standards also continue to increase. new rules were introduced to make game presentations even better. the team and the audience continue to be forced to follow increasingly strict rules. in 2007, dbl matches were held as best or as possible better than professional and international matches. more than 55 thousand viewers watched dbl in 2007, almost four times more than in 2004. a total of 220 teams competed in 2007, more than twice the participants in 2004. this 2007 success signalled that the time had come for dbl to developing their wings. since 2008, this basketball league is professionally managed. jawa pos established its subsidiary to manage the basketball league, pt deteksi basket lintas indonesia or better known as pt dbl indonesia. since 2018, dbl indonesia has become an independent company that is no longer under the java pos. until now, azrul ananda is still listed as the founder and ceo of pt dbl indonesia. dbl established itself as the largest basketball league in indonesia in 2008. in that year, dbl started a new point to be handled more professionally with the establishment of pt. deteksi basket lintas (dbl) indonesia. the name deteksi basketball league also evolved into developmental basketball league. the league's scope was extended to ten other cities in ten provinces. to meet the demands of the number of participants, in east java dbl was divided into two regions: north region in surabaya, south region in malang. the other nine new cities are spread over nine provinces, on five islands in indonesia. as in surabaya, dbl received a warm reception in other provinces. dbl can break the record of participants and spectators. for example, in the cultural city of jogjakarta, more than 16,500 people watched dbl in just six days. figures that have never before been achieved for a basketball event. along with the regional expansion, dbl also made history through two international collaborations. the first is a long-term collaboration with the most prestigious basketball league in the world: the nba. every year, the nba will send its players and coaches to help the development of dbl's top players and coaches. the first official nba event in indonesia was held in surabaya, august 23-24, 2008. the star was danny granger, indiana pacers' top scorer. the second international collaboration is with the australian government. in october 2008, dbl sent its first all-star copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 alen rismayadi, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 239 teams (men and women) to perth, to study and compete with young teams selected by western australia. as a refinement, in 2008 dbl also opened its new basketball building, dbl arena. the building was built in only seven months. one of the best buildings in indonesia has a capacity of 5,000 spectators, (https:// id.wikipedia.org/delopmental_basketball_league). in this dbl student competition, the writer was a dbl all-star trainer from west java in 2009 and was dispatched to australia with four other trainers. the following are dbl all stars 2009. on the 17th of october, the 18th team from the dba (darwin basketball association) will compete against the dbl indonesia all-star team at the dbl arena surabaya. after that, the dbl indonesia all-star team flew to australia. on 24 october, they will compete against the western australia youth team in the city of perth. the following is the composition of the dbl indonesia all-star team players. age group competition indonesia currently consists of 34 provinces de facto, five of them have different statuses (aceh, special region of yogyakarta, west papua, papua, and dki jakarta). provinces are divided into 416 districts and 98 cities or 7,024 districts at the sub-district level, (badan pusat statistik, 2015). or 81,626 regions at the village level, (badan pusat statistik, 2015). copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 4. composition of the men’s all-star 2009 dbl team player no name place, date of birth school origin 1 arif hidayat jember, 13-10-1991 sman 2 jember 2 raymon cuwondo singkawang, 14-9-1992 sma santo paulus pontianak 3 hendry satria santosa denpasar, 3-11-1993 sman 1 denpasar 4 indra wijaya jakarta, 8-1-1992 sma santa maria surabaya 5 alvin bandung, 15-3-1992 sma trinitas bandung 6 nabil zakariah surabaya, 5-1-1992 sma ta’miriayah surabaya 7 randika aprilian bandung, 21-4-1992 sman 9 bandung 8 kevin pratama bandung, 11-4-1992 sma trinitas bandung 9 eki rakity pontianak, 28-12-1992 sma santu petrus pontianak 10 leonardo ozzie jogjakarta, 30-7-1993 sma kolese de brito jogja 11 okky arista batang, 12-10-1991 sma theresiana semarang 12 herdanu yudistira balikpapan, 6-7-1993 smkn 1 balikpapan source: http://coachsuryo.blogspot.com/2009/10/all-star-dbl-2009.html table 5. women' s all-star 2009 dbl team player composition no name place, date of birth school origin 1 maria j r kezia jakarta, 29-10-1992 sman 1 denpasar 2 marisya rizkia bandung, 10-3-1992 sman 1 bandung 3 laura salvadora jakarta, 16-10-1992 sma satya wacana salatiga 4 cynthia dewiriani malang, 25-9-1993 sma kolese santo yusuf 5 yohana m momot sorong, 1-7-1991 sma teruna bakti jayapura 6 amelia herawati semarang, 19-6-1992 sma karangturi semarang 7 diana puspaningtyas bandung, 26-1-1993 sman 1 bandung 8 veti vera slemen, 1-7-1992 sma stella duce jogjakarta 9 ayu lestari banjarmasin, 30-8-1991 sman 7 banjarmasin 10 isara nur latifah bandung, 31-1-1992 sman 9 bandung 11 novi apriyani palembang, 13-11-1992 sman banyuasin iii 12 hervita mandariani surabaya, 19-10-1992 sman 8 surabaya source: http://coachsuryo.blogspot.com/2009/10/all-star-dbl-2009.html table 6. composition of the dbl indosensi all-star 2009 coach team no name place, date of birth school origin 1 hanindito jember, 18-6-1972 sma budi mulia jogjakarta 2 nurfian samsi bogor, 24-11-1978 sman 7 bogor 3 alen rismayadi tasikmalaya, 28-12-1976 sman 1 bandung 4 wahyu budi probolinggo, 16-4-1983 sma petra 1 surabaya 5 njoo soen eng surabaya, 23-3-1980 sma frateran surabaya alen rismayadi, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 240 because indonesia consists of an island nation, the competition system is adapted to these conditions. the competition starts from the district/city level which has members of the clubs in their area. the name of the district-level competition in the age group club competition. whereas the provincial level competition was named the regional championship (kejurda) of the age group, the participants of which were district/city representatives. then, for the national level, the age group national championship (kejurnas) is held. participants are representatives of the provinces in indonesia. this type of competition is the age group competition of 12 years, 14 years, 16 years, and 18 years. basketball competition held at multievent in addition to the above competitions, namely professional competitions, higher education competitions, and age group competitions. there is also a basketball competition that is held as a sport at multi-events. student at the provincial level, the competition is called the regional student sports week (popwilda), namely the competition at the regional level in the province. for example in west java region consists of four regions, namely region i consists of (bogor district, bogor city, depok city, cianjur district, sukabumi district, west bandung district, and sukabumi city), region ii consists of (bekasi city, bekasi district, purwakarta district, karawang district, cimahi city, and subang district), region iii consists of (indramayu district, cirebon city, cirebon district, majalengka district, sumedang district, kuningan district, and pangandaran district), region iv consists of (banjar city, ciamis district, tasikmalaya district, tasikmalaya city, garut district, bandung district, and bandung city). in the implementation of the popwilda finalists, each region will qualify to represent their region to compete at the regional sports week (popwilda). for the national level, the competition is called the students national region sports week (popwilnas), the division of which is region i consisting of sumatra, region ii consists of java, bali, kalimantan, and region iii of the eastern indonesian islands, namely sulawesi, nusa tenggara, maluku papua. finalists from each region will qualify to represent their respective regions to compete at the students national sports week (popnas). organisers and student participants all involve the education department, both district/ city, provincial and national levels. general for the provincial level, the competition is called the regional sports week (porda). the concept of competition is the same as the level of students starting with the regional allowance. for example in west java, the preliminary concept is called the porda qualification round which is divided into five regions, namely region i consists of (bogor district, bogor city, depok city, sukabumi district, sukabumi city, dan cianjur district), region ii consists of (bekasi city, bekasi district, subang district, purwakarta district, and karawang district), region iii consists of (indramayu district, cirebon city, cirebon district, majalengka district, and kuningan district), region iv consists of (pangandaran district, banjar city, ciamis district, tasikmalaya city, tasikmalaya district, and garut district), region v consists of (bandung district, bandung city, west bandung district, cimahi city, and sumedang district). then each finalist from each region will represent their region at the regional sports week (porda). at the national level, the competition is called the national sports week (pon). the preliminary concept is called the pon qualification round which is divided into three regions, namely region i consists of sumatra island, region ii consists of java, bali, kalimantan, and region iii eastern indonesia islands namely sulawesi, nusa tenggara, maluku, and papua. finalists from each region will qualify to represent their respective regions to compete at the national sports week (pon). organisers and participants at the district/city and provincial levels involve the sports department and the indonesia national sports committee of district/city and province, while at the national level it involves the sports ministry and koni centre. olympism values in indonesian basketball the olympic movement has developed into something bigger than sport, as baron pierre de coubertin meant from the start. it has attempted, with varying degrees of success, to promote concepts such as 'international understanding', 'brotherhood', and copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 alen rismayadi, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 241 'tranquillity'. moral values, often called 'olympics', distinguish the olympics from all other major sporting events, (crowther, n, 2004). paradoxically, over the last century, the olympics have evolved in different directions, such that the olympics that exist today are in some ways the opposite of the olympic ideals they should represent, (k. b. wamsley, 2004). in all basketball competitions in indonesia, every time they start the final match, it is always the song of indonesia raya, this is to implement one of the olympic values about nationalism, in addition to that at the beginning and at the end of the match, all personnel (athletes, referees, coaches, and officials) to shake hands, this to instil the value of brotherhood following the mandate of the olympics. any individual who has never participated in a competition that is open to all entrants; or compete for cash prises; or gifts of money regardless of source, especially from acceptance into the field or with professionals and who have never, at any time in his life, a teacher or instructor paid in physical training, (coubertin, p. d, 2000). this is the definition of amateur athlete that coubertin presented at the paris congress in 1894, where he adopted the english amateur elitism code for the olympics, and excluded 'athletes who do all kinds of manual work, regardless of whether the work was done or not related sports, (guttmann, a, 2002). the participation of children and adolescents in all competitions in indonesia is an amateur athlete because all the activities they carry out whether defending the school or the region do not get a steady income as stated by coubertin. even in the competition between students of deteksi basketball league (dbl), there is one competition rule that prohibits teenage athletes who have been paid for participating in the competition. there is only one competition involving athletes becoming professionals in indonesia, namely the indonesia basketball league which is a professional basketball competition in indonesia. positive young development and basketball in indonesia an understanding of optimal youth development has emerged amongst researchers. optimal development in youth enables individuals to live healthy, satisfying, and productive lives as young people, and then as adults, because they gain the competence to earn a living, engage in daily activities, interact with others, and to participate in social relations and cultural activities, (hamilton, s. f., hamilton, m. a., & pittman, k, 2004). it is recommended that through optimal development, good youth will emerge. good youth are those who experience more positive influences than negative ones, must be satisfied with their lives as they have lived, to recognise what they are doing well and use their strengths to achieve their goals, and to become members of the community that contribute, (peterson, c, 2004). positive youth development (pyd) refers to a broad approach that aims to build the competencies, skills, and abilities of youth that they need to grow and develop throughout life. pyd is a philosophy and approach for youth development. as a philosophy, pyd views youth as a valuable asset that must be nurtured and developed. the approach that flows from this philosophy works to build mutually beneficial relationships between youth and their families, peer groups, schools, workplaces, communities, other government institutions, communities, and culture to provide opportunities for young people to increase their knowledge, interests, skills, and abilities, (examples of positive youth development program).⁸ basketball has the highest youth sports participation rate and is perfect for offering young athletes the opportunity to get these benefits, (ferioli, d., rampinini, e., bosio, a., la torre, a., azzolini, m., & coutts, a. j, 2018). youth participation in organized basketball has been linked to behavioural and development indicators related to adolescent's physical, social, psychological, and achievement. groups organising basketball activities in indonesia are organised in schools for every level, from elementary, junior high school, senior high school, and university. in addition, basketball activities in indonesia are gathered at basketball clubs in every city in every province, and some are members of basketball academies. a concrete example in bandung city, west java. almost all schools of each level have basketball extracurricular activities, and 32 basketball clubs are members of the bandung city perbasi pengcab, all of whom foster children and adolescents from the age of 10 years and under, 12 years, 14 years, 16 years, and 18 years. in the rules of the basketball game, the planting of positive values is highly valued, for example, listed in copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 alen rismayadi, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 242 article 37 regarding technical foul article 1 point 1 namely; the proper behaviour of the match requires full and loyal co-operation from the players, head coaches, assistant coaches, substitute players, players who have not played and delegation members who accompany the referees, desk staff and commissioners if present, (perbasi, 2018). judging from article 37.1.1, it is clear that basketball is very concerned about the behaviour of its players, not even just the players, but includes the coach, coach assistant, and all the officials involved in the team. social control refers to how a group or society encourages adherence to norms. in the context of sports, the rules represent the norm, and officials are the rule enforcers and the administrator of the penalties in case of violations of certain rules. in sports such as basketball, ice and field hockey, football and lacrosse, which contain quick action and body contact, penalties are placed on the ability of officials to enforce rules in a way that maintains (social) game control, (snyder, e. e., & purdy, d. a, 1987). one of the concerns of the government about the appreciation for those involved in sports activities, especially in basketball, the indonesian government is very concerned about the fate of education for those involved in sports activities. for example, in bandung city, through perwal 013 in 2019 on the acceptance of the new students participation (ppdb), the second part of article 8 namely; the city government implements ppdb registration through a. zoning; b. achievement; and c. transfer of duties of parents/guardians, (peraturan wali kota bandung nomor 013, 2019). in perwal 013 in 2019 it was clearly set that potential children could be accepted or continue their education to a higher level, namely elementary school to junior high school or junior high school to high school with an achievement track. even especially in west java, indonesia, this basketball achievement track applies also to the admission of new students, there are even some private universities that can provide full scholarships (free of cost of education, given a place to live in the mess, even given meal allowance) to those who have basketball expertise. based on the writer's observations in the field during basketball training since 1997, there have been many young athletes who were trained by the author and no already working. if observed, the majority of them can work both in government and private companies. in fact, writers are often visited by private companies, banks, and state-owned companies (bumn), they ask employees to be employed in their companies. this happens because, in indonesia, there are many basketball matches between private companies, banks, and between state-owned companies (bumn). the author also conducted interviews with coaches in schools and clubs. they have all instilled the values of olympism and positive young development in the training process. coach and parents' perceptions about the purpose of basketball coaching in indonesia based on research in the field, in this case, the researchers used data collection techniques through interviews with 15 athletes' parents and 15 coaches. data obtained from the interviews and concluded as follows: from the table above, it can be concluded 73.33% of parents agree with the concept of basketball coaching directed to the values of olympism and positive young development (pyd). but for trainer respondents, there is a difference in the percentage of perception of the concepts of olympism values (73.33%) and positive young development (pyd) (93.33%), this is due to the trainer's understanding of olympism values and positive young development. then if combined the perception of parents and coach, it was found that 73.33% agreed with the application of the olympism concept and 83.33% agreed with the application of the positive young development values. some respondents answered doubtfully, both parents of athletes and coaches. the researcher's assumption for those who answer is doubt because they are still achievement-oriented in coaching teenage athletes. copyright © 2020, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 olympism positive young development (pyd) s r ts s r ts parents 73,3% 26,6% 0,00% 73,3% 26,6% 0,00% coach 73,3% 26,6% 0,00% 93,3% 6,6% 0,00% parents & coach 73,3% 26,6% 0,00% 83,3% 16,6% 0,00% information: s: agree; r: doubt; ts: disagree alen rismayadi, et.al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 5 (2) (2020) 243 conclusion basketball is one of the sports that has a high degree of olympism and positive young development, this is proven by the values contained in the characteristics of the game. a team will be great if there is a positive interaction between team members, athletes with athletes, athletes with coaches, athletes with officials, and coaches with officials. even in basketball, the habit of shaking hands is one of the symbols to uphold friendship. the inculcation of positive values in basketball has been reflected in the rules of the game which almost all of the articles are oriented towards respecting opponents and disciplining themselves so as not to violate the rules of the game. most parents and coaches agree with the concept of adolescent basketball coaching oriented to the inculcation of the values 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screen time, sedentary activity abstract adolescents are prone to nutrition problems, such as the lack of nutrition, overweight, and obesity caused by sedentary behaviours. adolescents’ activities are influenced by their surrounding environment, such as family, friends, and the duration of gadget use. nutrition education is a method to help increasing the adolescent’s knowledge about the importance of increasing physical activity and the consequence of sedentary behaviours for adolescents. knowing the most effective method was the purpose of the study. this study used a quasi-experimental method with control group pre-test posttest design. the study was carried on three groups of adolescents, namely the lecture group, website group, and control group, for two months on school days. the instrument used was asaq (adolescents sedentary activity questionnaire) analysed by one-way anova. the subjects of this study were adolescents aged 15-16 years old in bandung. this study used purposive sampling to select the subjects. the results showed that nutrition education using the interpersonal lecture method could increase 23.7 points of adolescent knowledge compared to nutrition education using the website method (6.2 points). nutrition education could increase the adolescent’s knowledge but it did not have a significant effect on adolescent’s physical activities on school days. some activities of the adolescents were quite high, especially the learning activities of the lecture group (471.7 ± 53.5) and the website group (471.7 ± 53.5). the sleep activity also increased significantly in the lecture group (p = 0.040), website group (p = 0.003), and control group (p = 0.015). meanwhile, the screen time activity decreased significantly (p = 0.011) in the lecture group due to various factors. further research related to the factors affecting the duration of adolescent’s screen time on school days needs to be conducted.  correspondence address : jln. dr. setiabudhi 229. bandung. indonesia e-mail : hurimega@upi.edu https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 2 introduction adolescence (aged 11-21 years) is a period of deep biological, emotional, social, and cognitive changes from childhood to adulthood (brown 2011). adolescent nutritional needs are influenced by psychological and social factors, hence cases of adolescents experiencing nutritional problems are often found (susetyowati et al. 2017). who says that more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight in 2016. over 650 million of them were obese. 39% of adults, aged 18 years and over, were overweight, while 13% of them were obese. the worldwide prevalence of obesity nearly tripled from 1975 to 2016. the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents aged 5-19 had risen dramatically from 4% in 1975 to over 18% in 2016. the rise occurred similarly among both boys and girls. in 2016, 18% of girls and 19% of boys were overweight. while only under 1% of children and adolescents aged 5-19 years were obese in 1975, more than 124 million children and adolescents (6% of girls and 8% of boys) were obese in 2016. over 340 million children and adolescents, aged 5-19, were overweight or obese in 2016 (who 2016). the substantial increase in childhood overweight and obesity poses a major public health problem worldwide (lobstein, 2015). the increase in childhood overweight and obesity is a public health concern in developed countries (kuk, 2006). weight problems in childhood and adolescence are common in western countries with overweight rates estimated at 17-25% in west-europe, australia, and the united states (olds, 2010). in 2013, approximately 23.0% and 14.0% of chinese boys and girls aged 2–19 years were overweight or obese (ng m, 2014). one of the nutritional problems in adolescents, with a high prevalence and continues increase in indonesia every year, is obesity and overweight. the case of overweight in adolescents aged 10-18 years in indonesia had increased 5.9% or five times in the last three years from 2010 (1.4%) to 2013 (7.3%) (kementerian kesehatan ri 2013). central obesity in adolescents continued to increase every year until reaching 31.0% in 2018 (kementerian kesehatan ri 2018). based on the 2018 basic health research data, the prevalence of obesity in indonesia, over the age of 18, was around 21.8%. the highest prevalence was found in north sulawesi (30.2%), dki jakarta (29.8%), east kalimantan (28.7%), west papua (26.4%), riau islands (26.2%), and followed by other provinces. this data tended to increase from 10.5% in 2007 to 11.5% in 2013 and increased to 21.8% in 2018. (kementerian kesehatan ri 2018). main results of the ministry of health basic health research in 2018 showed that the obesity rate had increased compared to the previous year data. the basic health research data is made every 5 years. in basic health research 2018, the proportion of overweight and obesity in adults, aged over 18 years from 2007 to 2018, was 8.6% in 2007, which increased to 11.5% in 2013 and 13.6% in 2018. meanwhile, the number of obesity in 2007 was 10.5%, which increased to 14.8% in 2013 and 21.8% in 2018. the indicator of an adult overweight is the body mass index (bmi) which is more than or equal to 25.0 to 27.0. the united states department of health and general surgery has made recommendations of physical activity for health; each individual, whether overweight or not, needs to accumulate moderate physical activity for 30 minutes per day with brisk walking approximately five days per week (carr and descheemaeker 2002). however, due to the high case of obesity in 2002, american and canadian scientists from the institute of medicine of the national academy of scientists increased their recommended time for physical activity to 60 minutes per day. adolescents who do physical activity for 60 minutes or more per day will have a well and happy development and participate in various kinds of activities (strong et al. 2005). walking, reducing television viewing, and engaging in active hobbies, such as gardening, can increase energy expenditure. the physical activity of adolescents in indonesia is still quite low. the indonesian ministry of health (2018) stated that more than 33.5% of adolescents aged over 15 in west java have a low level of physical activity. a study revealed that physical activity in urban areas is very low (51.6%), which becomes the cause of the increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity in adolescents (rizkiriani, 2014). research from different researchers mention that the associated health risks and health care costs of childhood and adolescent obesity are considerable, the consequences include metabolic disorders, early puberty and menarche in girls, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, adulthood obesity, and higher rates of mortality in young adults (zheng, biro, arens, 2010). overweight and obesity have a risk copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 hurry mega insani et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 3 of developing diabetes (44%), ischemic heart disease (23%), and cancer (7-41%) (pedum gentas kemenkes ri, 2016). physical activity is recognized as a positive outcome of physical and mental health, social and cognitive well-being, and good academic performance (matiba 2015). individuals who exercise and eat healthy foods have the opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle and reduce the risk of developing diseases, such as diabetes mellitus 2, depression, and cardiovascular diseases related to the lack of physical activity and lifestyle choices (matiba 2015). the amount of physical activity taken by individual is related to the quality of health and life rate; the severity of physical activity has a greater effect on bone mass in childhood and adolescence compared to adults (muros et al. 2016; edelstein 2015). physical activity plays an important role in preventing overweight and obesity in young people. adolescence is a particularly vulnerable time for the development of obesity because of the decrease of physical activity levels (daniels, 2006). for that reason, overweight adolescents have a higher risk of becoming overweight adults (diets, 2004). thus, engaging young people in physical activity remains a behavioural target for obesity prevention. studies show that a person usually spends 9.5 hours/day doing sedentary activities (bankoski et al. 2011). the examples of sedentary activities include watching television, playing gadgets, playing games or computers, sitting around, and chatting (guimaraes et al. 2012). gadgets, such as smartphones, are tools used for communication, learning, and entertainment which are mostly owned by adolescents. excessive smartphone use can affect the duration of physical activity of adolescents (lepp et al 2013). excessive sedentary activities and passive behavior will lead to overweight and obesity in adolescents. sedentary behavior and the increasing incidence of obesity should be taken into account to reduce the prevalence and morbidity due to obesity. nutrition education is an effort that can be taken to reduce sedentary activities and the prevalence of obesity in adolescents. nutrition education for adolescents is an effort to educate adolescents to behave in accordance with nutritional principles (emilia 2009). nutrition education can be carried out using various methods, including the lecture method, discussion method, or online method. educational programs are obliged to change and modify factors related to unhealthy lifestyles, which focus on sports activities, health, nutrition, and development of special facilities for the selection of healthy lifestyle behaviors in adolescents (golmakani et al. 2013). health-related education programs need to be implemented to change and modify the factors associated with an unhealthy lifestyle that focuses on exercise, health, and nutrition (golmakani et al. 2013). mahan (2017) explains that the key to changing behavior and nutritional awareness is to show that change and motivation are needed for a better change. sutrisno and siswanto (2016) revealed that there are several factors influencing student learning outcomes, including how to convey the material, the methods used, and the tools. this study was aimed at providing nutrition education as an effort to reduce the sedentary behaviour and prevalence of obesity in adolescents, as well as finding out a more effective method between lectures and online nutrition education through website to increase adolescent knowledge about nutrition education. methods participants this study used a quasi-experimental control group pre-post test design which was conducted in three different senior high schools in urban areas. this research was conducted for 6 weeks and had obtained ethical approval from the research ethics commission involving human subjects, bogor agricultural university no. 040/it3.kepmsm-ipb/sk/2018. the subjects were determined using the minimum number of research samples of 30 people who can represent the population of the study (cohen et al. 2007). thus, for three treatment groups, a minimum sample size was 90 people. the subjects of this study were high school students. this study used purposive sampling to select the subject. the inclusion criteria of the subjects were: (1) second grade high school students, (2) having a smartphone with a sufficient capacity to open a website, and (3) willing to participate in the research proven by signing an informed consent. the exclusion criteria of the subjects were: (1) rarely attending the school, (2) did not have a device/smartphone, and (3) participating hurry mega insani et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 4 in other studies. subjects in each school were chosen by randomizing the class. materials and apparatus knowledge of nutrition and health was collected from a questionnaire. the subjects filled out the questionnaire guided by the researchers. physical activity data were collected by interviewing the subjects using the activity questionnaire (asaq). procedures nutrition education was carried out by dividing the subjects into two treatment groups (lecture group and website group) and one control group. nutrition education with the lecture method (group i) was conducted 6 times for 6 weeks. the lecture was held for 30 minutes followed by 30 minutes of discussion. nutrition education using the website (group ii) began with uploading nutrition education materials on the ipbnutriteen.ipb.ac.id website. after received an explanation about how to use the website, the subjects studied the nutrition education material available on the website for six weeks. subjects were asked to read the nutrition education material at least six times in six weeks. in the control group (group iii), subjects received a leaflet containing nutrition education material every two weeks. the subjects had six weeks to study the material. table 1 shows the implementation of nutrition education based on the type of treatment. data analysis the obtained data were processed and analyzed using microsoft excel 2010 and spss 16.0 software. nutritional knowledge and physical activity data were presented descriptively. difference tests were carried out using the oneway anova test. before analyzing the data, researchers used wilcoxon test and onesample kolmogorov-smirnov test to see the normality and homogeneity of the data (table 5). researchers used paired t-test to see the difference before and after nutrition education was carried out. result balanced nutrition knowledge level table 2 shows that, before nutrition education was carried out, more than half of the subjects in the control group (54.3%) and 48.5% of the subjects in the lecture group had low levels of nutritional knowledge. meanwhile, more than half of the website group subjects (60.6%) had a sufficient level of knowledge. after nutrition education was carried out, the knowledge of nutrition in the lecture group subjects (63.6%) increased significantly (p <0.05) into the high (63.6%) and moderate (36.4%) categories. in the website group, the nutritional knowledge of the subjects increased significantly (p <0.05). most of them were in table 1. the steps of nutrition education implementation based on the type of treatment group type 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 5th week 6th week lecture group • pre-test • 1 st leaflet distribution • theory 1 • review • quiz • theory 1 • 2 nd leaflet distribution • review • quiz • theory 2 • review • quiz • theory 2 • 3 rd leaflet distribution • review • quiz • theory 3 • review • quiz • theory 3 • post-test website group • pretest • leaflet distribution • website identification • website monitoring • 2 nd leaflet distribution • website monitoring • website monitoring • 3 rd leaflet distribution • website monitoring • post-test control group • pretest • leaflet • distribution 2nd leaflet distribution • 3rd leaflet distribution • post-test hurry mega insani et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 5 the moderate category (51.5%). more than half of the subjects in the control group (60.0%) had a sufficient nutritional knowledge, but it did not differ significantly. there was a significant change in nutritional knowledge in the lecture group after nutrition education, covering a value change (23.7) when compared to the website group (6.2) and the control group (4.3). sedentary activity the results showed that the duration of sedentary activities of adolescents in this study were screen time, casual time, learning and doing homework, travel to table 2. distribution of subjects based on the level of nutritional knowledge before and after nutrition education nutrition knowledge lecture website control p value 1 n (%) n (%) n (%) baseline 61.8 ± 10.2 69.0 ± 12.8 57.0 ± 15.1 0.001 deficient 16 (48.5) 7 (21.2) 19 (54.3) sufficient 15 (45.4) 20 (60.6) 14 (40.0) superior 2 (6.1) 6 (18.2) 2 (5.7) end line 85.5 ± 11.1 75.3 ± 13.1 61.3 ± 20.1 0.000 deficient 0 (0.0) 5 (15.2) 9 (25.7) sufficient 12 (36.4) 17 (51.5) 21 (60.0) superior 21 (63.6) 11 (33.3) 5 (14.3) transformation (baseline-end line) 23.7 6.2 4.3 0.000 p-value 2 0.000 0.024 0.130 1 significant if p <0.05 with one-way anova test among lecture, website, and control groups 2 significant if p <0.05 with paired t-test difference test before and after nutrition education table 3. average time allocation (minutes/day) of physical activity of adolescents on school days sedentary activity lecture (mean ± sd) website (mean ± sd) control (mean ± sd) p-value baseline endline baseline endline baseline endline baseline δ screen time (watching television/ movie, playing video/computer games/ gadgets) 140.7 ± 91.3 94.8 ± 63.4 152.2 ± 122.4 150.6 ± 93.0 135.4 ± 87.4 127.1 ± 88.1 0.785 0.133 p-value 0.0111 0.822 0.922 casual activities (reading, playing musical instruments, sitting around) 116.0 ± 57.9 108.5 ± 42.3 91.5 ± 34.3 102.3 ± 38.8 129.3 ± 70.3 122.0 ± 63.7 0.242 0.117 p-value 0.590 0.065 0.374 learning and doing homework 445.8 ± 62.5 471.7± 53.5 418.5 ± 84.1 471.7 ± 53.5 346.6 ± 76.5 394.4 ± 55.0 0.0002 0.466 p-value 0.164 0.000 1 0.0011 travel to school or other places (public transportation, motorbike) 60.7 ± 31.4 83.0 ± 65.2 39.5 ± 21.3 38.9 ± 31.4 80.7 ± 53.1 60.0 ± 52.4 0.0002 0.0082 p-value 0.150 0.955 0.0161 personal activities (grooming, bathing, and praying) 42.4 ± 16.8 63.6 ± 30.8 70.9 ± 29.2 63.7 ± 29.8 60.4 ± 41.7 63.7 ± 42.3 0.0012 0.0062 p-value 0.0041 0.104 0.574 sleeping 444.8 ± 81.6 479.3 ± 68.0 441.3 ± 111.3 513.3 ± 127.7 473.8 ± 84.8 544.5 ± 141.0 0.289 0.392 p-value 0.0401 0.0031 0.0151 hurry mega insani et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 6 school or another places, personal activities, and sleeping. table 3 shows the average change of the activity time allocation of a teenager in minutes during the school day. meanwhile, table 4 shows the average change of time allocation. adolescents have a high duration of learning and doing homework than screen time or casual activity during school days. their sleep activity increased after the intervention and had a higher duration than other activities. a lecture group had a low duration of personal activities than other groups. meanwhile, the website group has a low duration of travel to school or another place than other groups. discussion balanced nutrition knowledge level on the given nutrition education topic, the average of the lecture group subjects who answered correctly increased higher than the website group and control group. it could be because the subjects could easily understand the material through the lecture method (direct learning method). supriati (2016) argues that nutrition education using the lecture method can increase knowledge. education using a lecture method provides the subject with a better understanding, discussion, and opportunities to ask questions directly to peers, teachers, and nutritionists. nutrition education using the lecture method can increase adolescent knowledge (safitri 2016). oneway anova test showed that there was a significant difference (p <0.05) in the mean score before and after the intervention. there was also a change in values of the three nutrition education subjects. sedentary activity physical activity of friends, parents, and the social environment of adolescents is related to the level of physical activity of the adolescents themselves (cheng 2014). an active environment can help teens reduce their sedentary activity and become more active. table 3 shows the average change of the activity time allocation of a teenager in minutes during school days. activities related to monitors or screen time of the lecture group subjects (table 3) on school days decreased significantly (p <0.05) from 140.7 minutes to 94.8 minutes. research data from 2002-2010 stated that television viewing duration had decreased in 30 countries (bucksch et al. 2010). decreasing the subject's screen time activity can help increase the subject's moderate and vigorous activities so that they can meet the physical activity recommendations of the ministry of health. adolescents who have a high screen time duration can be caused by their dissatisfaction with the school environment (cao et al, 2011). the increasing activity of adolescent screen time will certainly affect their health. morales-ruan (2009) states that high screen duration can lead to overweight and obesity in adolescents. meanwhile, the subject's personal activity (42.4 minutes to 63.6 minutes) and sleep time (444.8 minutes to 479.3 minutes) increased significantly (p <0.05). the increased sleep time could be caused by the amount of moderate and vigorous physical activity the subject did at school. physical activity is closely related to the quality of a person’s sleep. the harder the activity, the better the quality of sleep (apriana 2015). a good quality sleep can increase the academic score of the subject. table 4. average time allocation (minutes/day) changes of activities during school days sedentary activity transformation (mean ± sd) p-value lecture website control 1. screen time (watching television/movie, playing video/computer games/gadgets) -45.8 ± 109.9 -1.6 ± 91.2 -8.3 ± 84.8 0.133 2. casual activities (reading, playing musical instruments, sitting around) -7.5 ± 56.5 -50.0 ± 131.5 -7.3 ± 84.6 0.117 3. learning and doing homework 25.9 ± 91.5 53.2 ± 92.4 47.8 ± 100.1 0.466 4. travel to school or other places (public transportation, motorbike) 22.3 ± 68.4 -0.6 ± 34.3 -20.6 ± 58.2 0.0081 5. personal activities (grooming, bathing, and praying) 21.2 ± 36.9 -7.3 ± 25.5 3.3 ± 41.3 0.0061 6. sleeping 34.5 ± 100.9 72.1 ± 127.2 70.7 ± 145.2 0.392 hurry mega insani et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 7 in the website group and control group, learning and sleeping activities increased significantly (p <0.05). the physical activity of adolescents is influenced by the socio-demographic factors and lifestyle of the adolescents (cheah 2018). the data collection was carried out in the midterm exam days for all subjects. it resulted in the increase of the duration of the subject's learning and the decrease of the duration of the subject's screen time. therefore, the decrease and increase of the activity duration might not be the result of nutritional knowledge. the one-way anova test results, before the nutrition education was carried out, showed that there were significant differences (p <0.05) on activities of the subjects, including studying, trips to school or other places, and personal activities on school days. after nutrition education was carried out, there was a significant difference (p <0.05) in activities, ranging from trips to school or other places and personal activities, on school days. these changes were not the results of nutrition education. it could be caused by other factors, such as the environment or lifestyle. it was because significant values had been obtained before nutrition education was carried out, which means that the duration of these activities were different among the groups before nutrition education was carried out. the subject characteristic data that were not homogeneous, which resulted in changes of the physical activity duration, were not necessarily caused by nutrition education, but other factors, such as the influence of the subject's parents, peers, and other demographic factors. this is a drawback of this study. meanwhile, the strength of this research is that researchers could use website media as a more attractive and accessible method to deliver nutrition education to adolescents. conclusion adolescents have a high nutritional knowledge, especially adolescents in the lecture group, after the nutrition education was carried out. the physical activity of adolescents was relatively low and had not met the recommendations of the ministry of health. nutrition education could significantly increase nutrition knowledge in the lecture group and website group, but the effect on the physical activity of adolescents was not significant. some of the activities of the subjects were quite high, especially learning activities of the website and control group subjects on school days. the sleep activity of all subjects on school days increased significantly. meanwhile, screentime activity on school days was quite low. acknowledgement we would like to deliver out sincere gratitude to the sman 15 bandung, sma pasundan 8 bandung, and sma pasundan 2 bandung. references apriana w, julia m, huriyati e. 2015. hubungan aktivitas fisik dengan kualitas tidur remaja di yogyakarta [skripsi]. yogyakarta (id): universitas gadjah mada. arens r, muzumdar h: childhood obesity and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. j appl physiol 2010, 108 (2):436–444. bankoski a, harris tb, mcclain jj, brychta rj, caserotti p, chen ky, berrigan d, troiano rp, koster a. 2011. sedentary activity associated with metabolic syndrome independent of physical activity, diabetes care, 34(2): 497-503. doi: https:// doi.org/10.2337/dc10-0987 biro fm, huang b, morrison ja, horn ps, daniels sr: body mass index and waist-to-height changes during teen years in girls are influenced by childhood body 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https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/article/view/31536 doi: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpjo.v6i2.31536 sport motivation of paralympic athletes after injury deasyanti, juriana*, sambadha adhi susetyo universitas negeri jakarta, indonesia article info article history : received january 2021 revised april 2021 accepted mei 2021 available online september 2021 keywords : injury, motivation, paralympic athletes abstract motivation for performing sport is complex because most athletes have multiple motivations, including extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. understanding the athlete motivation dynamics, especially after a sports injury, is crucial because the injury may negatively affect the athlete's psychosocial conditions. this study figured out the motivation level of paralympic athletics athletes after injury. a total of 44 paralympic athletes were involved in the survey. the sports motivation scale (sms) was used to identify the athlete's motivation level. the sms was developed within the self-determination theory (sdt) framework to assess various forms of motivation, namely amotivation, external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, integrated regulation, and intrinsic motivation. this study found that, out of 44 paralympic athletics athletes after an injury, only 5 (4.55%) of the athletes were reported in the high amotivation level, and 15 (34.09%) of the athletes were identified in the moderate amotivation level. this finding indicates that injury does not really affect amotivation, as the athletes exhibit a high level of extrinsic motivation (external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, integrated regulation) and intrinsic motivation. based on these motivation profiles, the paralympic coaches should adjust their approach in motivating the paralympic athletes to return to their training and competitions after injury.  correspondence address : jl. rawamangun muka raya jakarta timur, indonesia e-mail : deasyanti@unj.ac.id https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 170 introduction every athlete has the possibility to get injured either during regular practices/training or in the competition. the impact of the injury on the athlete's psychosocial aspects has gained attention from scholars because of the undesirable consequences of injury. it can be a complex process for some athletes to return to sport. cited from several studies, some concerning issues related to athletes after an injury, such as the ability to perform and pre-injury period, anxiety related to reinjury, and alienation feeling from teammates or coaches (iñigo, podlog, & hall, 2015). in contrast, the athletes who return to sport after an injury have different reasons underlying their behaviors. different studies find out various motivations driving the athletes to return to sport. for example, summarized from several research, podlog & eklund (2010) identify that motivations include monetary incentives, fear of sanctions, athlete identity, or sense of accomplishment of the competition. in addition, returning to sport after injury requires psychological readiness that involves three attributes: confidence in performance, realistic expectation of their sports capabilities, and motivation to achieve the pre-injury performance standard (podlog, banham, wadey, & hannon, 2015). there are different motivational theories to understand sport motivations, such as achievement goal theory, competence motivation theory, and selfdetermination theory (li, kawabata, & zhang, 2018). this study used self-determination theory (sdt) to frame the motivations underlying the athlete's return to sport after injury. according to sdt (deci & ryan, 2008; ryan & deci, 2000, 2019), motivations range from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation continuum. extrinsic motivation refers to doing something to get outcomes separable from the enjoyment of the activity itself, while intrinsic motivation refers to doing an activity because it is inherently pleasurable and satisfactory (deci & ryan, 2008; ryan & deci, 2019). motivation is critical to sports performance. therefore, understanding the factors affecting athlete motivation is essential. in the sdt view, because most athletes have multiple reasons to engage in sport, the motivation for sport becomes a complex phenomenon. however, sdt provides a comprehensive theoretical and applicable framework for understanding how various extrinsic and intrinsic motivations are related to different athlete behaviors in sport (pelletier, rocchi, vallerand, deci, & ryan, 2013). according to sdt (deci & ryan, 2008; ryan & deci, 2000, 2019), motives that energize behaviors can vary from amotivation, extrinsic motivation, and intrinsic motivation. furthermore, people's behaviors can be motivated simultaneously by several motives, either intrinsically and extrinsically (ryan & deci, 2020). amotivation is the state when individuals act without an intention or do not have any intention to act so that they do not act at all. when individuals cannot perceive contingency between behaviors and the outcome of behaviors, they have a reason to stop their actions (deci & ryan, 2008). for example, athletes in this state may decide to stop participating in sport (pelletier et al., 1995). unlike other perspectives on motivation, sdt differentiates extrinsic motivation into four types, namely external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, and integrated regulation. these extrinsic motivations reflect the degree to which individuals can regulate their behaviors. it indicates the level of autonomous or self-determined behavior from the least to the most self-determined. external regulation refers to behaviors directed and controlled by external demands, such as reward and punishment. the locus of behavior causality is entirely external (deci & ryan, 2008). introjected regulation is a type of extrinsic motivation in which behavior regulation is driven by individuals but not entirely accepted as part of their own, recognized as a partial internalization. the goal of behaviors is to demonstrate ability and achieve self-worth to avoid guilt, anxiety, and shame of failure. individuals with introjection motivation still feel that external demands pressure and control them (ryan & deci, 2019). in identified regulation, individuals value their behaviors as personally important. for this reason, they regulate their behaviors without feeling pressured or controlled. despite accepting responsibility for regulating the behaviors as their own, it has not been entirely internal. identified regulation transforms into integrated regulation when individuals fully accept the behavior regulation as their own because of its congruence with their values, objectives, and needs. although actions in integrated regulation have similarities with intrinsic motivation, integrated regulation is still categorized as extrinsic motivation copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 deasyanti jurian & sambadha adhi susetyo/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 171 because the goal of actions is to attain separable outcomes rather than the interest or satisfaction from the behaviors. intrinsic motivation refers to doing activities because of the inherent pleasure or enjoyment of the activity. individuals who regulate their behaviors are highly self-determined (ryan & deci, 2019). assessing different types of athlete motivation in sport (extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation) is essential because each motivation type is associated with varying outcomes. positive consequences are related to the end of the intrinsic motivation continuum (podlog & eklund, 2007). moreover, mallett, kawabata, newcombe, otero-forero, & jackson (2007) summarize numerous studies that individuals with higher autonomous motivation levels show more engagement, more remarkable persistence, higher adaptive resilience, and better performance. on the other hand, cited from several studies, (li et al., 2018) state that amotivation and external regulation are related to negative effects, such as burnout, negative moral behaviors, and drop-out. furthermore, the more self-determined motivation is associated with adaptive behaviors, whereas the less self-determined is related to maladaptive outcomes (jowett, adie, bartholomew, yang, gustafsson, & jiménez, 2017). therefore, due to the different consequences of different types of motivation, it is crucial to monitor the athlete motivation from sdt perspectives. research on non-disabled athlete motivation is considerable. in contrast, research on the motivation of athletes with physical disabilities is limited. this study filled this gap in the literature. only a few researchers dedicated study to paralympic sport (kadyrbaiuly, 2018). this study explored the motivation in sport, especially for the paralympic athletes who experienced injuries. as noted by the international paralympic committee in 2012, the injury rate of disabled athletes was higher than the of non-disabled athletes (guerro, martin, & prokesova, 2021). moreover, fagher, dahlström, jacobsson, timpka, & lexell (2020) reported a high prevalence of injuries and illnesses among paralympic athletes. therefore, the purpose of this paper was to describe the motivation level (within the sdt framework) of the paralympic athletics athletes after experiencing an injury. by understanding various athlete motivations after injury, the coaches can modify the best approach for motivating the athletes to engage in sport. in addition, findings from this study could give information to the paralympic coaches about the motivation level of the paralympic athletes after injury. the paralympic coaches are then required to adjust their approach to motivate the paralympic athletes to return to sport based on their motivation profile. (banack, sabiston, & bloom, 2011) state that coaches should try to match the program to athletes' functional capacity and ability level with a disability. the coaches need to understand the athlete's disabilities and limitations in performing movements (alexander, 2020, in alexander & bloom, 2021). methods participants a total of 44 paralympic athletics athletes were involved in a survey, comprising 14 (33,33 %) females and 30 (66,67%) males. the age range of participants was from 16 to 34 years (mean= 26,51, sd= 5,61). most of the participants graduated from high school (59.09%) and secondary school (18.18%). the participants identified the severity level of injury. out of 44 participants, 5 (11.36%) participants had a serious injury, and 39 (88.64%) participants experienced a minor injury. the length of injury and rehabilitation was varied, from several days to several months. sampling procedure the population of this study was the paralympic athletics athletes having been trained at the national training center (pelatnas) in solo. due to the small population (less than 100), this study used a total sampling approach (sugiyono, 2013). therefore, all the paralympic athletics athletes were involved as the samples of this study. measures the sports motivation scale (sms) was developed by pelletier et al. (1995) and revised into sms-6 by mallett et al. (2007). this scale was used to assess the individual level of motivation to the sport. the newest version of sms (sms ii) was published by pelletier et al. in 2013. however, this study used the former revised version (sms-6) (mallett et al., 2007). in this scale, participants indicated their responses to the statements using a likert scale. originally, the sms used a 7-point likert scale, but this study modified the scale copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 deasyanti jurian & sambadha adhi susetyo/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 172 into a 5-point scale, ranging from 1 (does not correspond at all) to 5 (corresponds completely). the sms consists of 24 statements that measure six forms of motivation: amotivation, external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, integrated regulation, and intrinsic motivation. the coefficient of internal consistency was assessed using cronbach alpha, which ranged from 0.73 to 0.82 with a mean of 0.77 (mallett et al., 2007), demonstrating an acceptable level. procedure all targeted participants were provided with information explaining the purpose of the study and voluntary nature to involve in this study. all targeted participants, who were invited, agreed to participate in this study. participants completed the questionnaire in a paper and pencil format. the questionnaire was a selfreport comprising demographic information, injury experiences, and the scale to measure motivation level in sport. the participants also reported injury types and categorized the injury into severe and minor injuries. result as mentioned above, the sms consists of 24 items in which each type of motivation is assessed by 4 items. therefore, the minimum and maximum scores of each type are 4 and 20, respectively. descriptive analysis of each motivation type is portrayed in table 1. based on the total score of participants in each motivation type, participants in this study were categorized into three motivation level groups: low, moderate, and high. however, the cut-off score for categorizing the three groups was not based on the empirical score distribution but was associated with the theoretical mean and standard deviation (mean=12, sd=2.67). those who had scores < 9.33 were grouped into a low level. those who had a score between 9.34 and 14.67 were classified into the moderate level. those who gained a score > 14.97 were associated with a high level. the participant distribution of each motivation type is shown in table 3 or figure 1. table 3 and figure 1 show that 4,55 % of the athletes are in the high amotivation level, 34.09 % are in the moderate amotivation level, and 61.38 % are in the low motivation level. this finding indicates that only a small number of paralympic athletics athletes exhibited a lack of intention to participate in the sport after injury. furthermore, in external regulations, the number of participants in moderate (47.73%) and high (45.45%) motivation level is almost similar. this number represents that most participants regulated their behaviors because of external rewards. as shown in table 2, more than 70% of participant motives of behaviors were for prestige. interestingly, although more than 50% of participants were concerned with material incentives, 37,30% were not motivated by material benefits. in introjected regulation, the percentage of athletes with high motivation levels (72.73%) is significantly higher than moderate motivation levels (27.73%). it can also be seen that in identified and integrated regulation, the number of athletes with a high level of motivation increased. they moved from 90.91% in identified regulations to 93.18% in integrated regulation. this finding shows that more athletes had a sense of self-determination in regulating their behaviors in the sport after injury. however, thenumber of athletes expressing intrinsic motivation (86.36%) was less than the integrated regulation. copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. statistics descriptive of motivation types amotivation external regulation introjected regulation identified regulation integrated regulation intrinsic motivation maximum 15 19 20 20 20 20 minimum 5 7 12 12 11 11 mean 8,75 14,18 16,05 16,77 16,66 16,70 sd 2,48 2,84 2,01 1,74 1,80 2,03 deasyanti jurian & sambadha adhi susetyo/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 173 copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 2. percentages of participant responses in the sms statement 1 2 3 4 5 amotivation 1 i don’t know anymore; i have the impression of being incapable of succeeding in this sport 43,2 45 11,4 0,0 0,0 2 i don’t know if i want to continue to invest my time and effort as much in my sport anymore 4,5 22,7 0,4 22,7 6,8 3 it is not clear to me anymore; i don’t really think my place is in sport 40,9 47,7 0,1 2,3 0,0 4 i don’t seem to be enjoying my sport as much as i previously did 20,5 50,0 0,2 6,8 6,8 external regulation 5 because it allows me to be well regarded by people that i know 4,5 13,6 0,2 38,6 27,3 6 for the prestige of being an athlete 4,5 9,1 0,1 43,2 29,5 7 for the material and/or social benefits of being an athlete 6,8 29,5 0,1 45,5 6,8 8 to show others how good i am at my sport 6,8 15,9 0,2 40,9 18,2 introjected regulation 9 because it is absolutely necessary to do sports if we want to be in shape 2,3 11,4 0,1 34,1 45,5 10 because i must do sports to feel good about myself 2,3 0,0 0,1 75,0 15,9 11 because i would feel bad if i was not taking time to do it 4,5 2,3 0,2 40,9 34,1 12 because i must do sports regularly 2,3 0,0 0,1 68,2 15,9 identified regulation 13 because it is a good way to learn lots of things which could be useful to me in other areas of my life 0,0 2,3 0,0 50,0 47,7 14 because it is one of the best ways i have chosen to develop other aspects of my life 0,0 0,0 0,1 54,5 38,6 15 because it is one of the best ways to maintain good relationships with my friends 0,0 6,8 0,1 61,4 25,0 16 because training hard will improve my performance 2,3 2,3 0,1 72,7 15,9 integrated regulation 17 because it is part of the way in which i have chosen to live my life 0,0 2,3 0,0 61,4 36,4 18 because it is an extension of me 0,0 0,0 0,0 65,9 29,5 19 because participation in my sport is consistent with my deepest principles 2,3 0,0 0,1 68,2 20,5 20 because participation in my sport is an integral part of my life 0,0 9,1 0,0 63,6 25,0 intrinsic motivation 21 for the excitement i feel when i am really involved in the activity 9,1 4,5 0,0 52,3 29,5 22 because i feel a lot of personal satisfaction while mastering certain difficult training techniques 0,0 2,3 0,1 59,1 29,5 23 for the satisfaction i experience while i am perfecting my abilities 0,0 0,0 0,0 52,3 43,2 24 for the pleasure of discovering new performance strategies 2,3 0,0 0,0 59,1 36,4 table 3. percentages of participant responses in the sms amotivation external regulation introjected regulation identified regulation integrated regulation intrinsic motivation n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) low 27 61,36 3 6,82 0 0,00 0 0,00 0 0,00 0 0,00 moderate 15 34,09 21 47,73 12 27,27 4 9,09 3 6,82 6 13,64 high 2 4,55 20 45,45 32 72,73 40 90,91 41 93,18 38 86,36 figure 1. percentages of each motivation level deasyanti jurian & sambadha adhi susetyo/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 174 discussion the finding of this study shows that more than 86% of athletes had a high level of motivation in identified regulation, integrated regulation, and intrinsic motivation. this finding supports the previous research stating that athletes generally show a high level of motivation, including extrinsic and intrinsic motivations. there is no significant motivational behavior difference between paralympians and non-paralympian, but disabled athletes are driven mainly by a high level of intrinsic motivation (szemes, szájer, & tóth, 2017). however, in this study, the percentages of athletes who had high levels of external regulation were almost 50%, while those with high introjected regulation were 72.73%. in the sdt view, external and introjected regulations mean that extrinsic motivation drives individual behaviors (ryan & deci, 2019). regarding the athletes having high extrinsic motivation, the coaches should adapt their approach to the athletes to decrease the number of athletes who still need external pressure to be motivated. banack et al. (2011) suggest the importance of the relationship between coach autonomy-supportive behaviors and disabled athlete motivations in sport. furthermore, (podlog & dionigi, 2010) describe specific strategies for coaches in approaching the athletes to return to sport after experiencing an injury, such as autonomy-supportive coaching behaviors (rocchi, pelletier, & lauren couture, 2013). however, this study also found that the paralympic athletes also had high intrinsic motivation levels despite experiencing an injury. this finding is related to the small number of athletes who experienced a severe injury. having different kinds of athlete motivation in sport concurrently verify that motivation in sport is a complex phenomenon. moreover, this result confirms banack et al. (2011) conclusion from several studies that athletes with physical disabilities tend to exhibit a high level of intrinsic motivation. even though the introjected, identified, and integrated regulations are different types of extrinsic motivations, those types are considered autonomous motives (podlog & eklund, 2010) and intrinsic motivation. this study has several limitations. due to the imbalance of female and male participants, this study did not compare the level of sports motivation based on gender. this study also did not limit the fixed time frame of injury. therefore, the size effect of injury on their sport motivation may vary. a study of swedish paralympic athletes reports that females have a higher prevalence of getting injured than males in the one-year retrospective period (fagher et al., 2020). based on these limitations, further research is suggested to consider several issues, such as the participant gender proportion, type of impairment, type of injury, and time frame of injury. in addition to sport motivation, it is also interesting to explore the athlete's reasons for remaining committed to sport after experiencing an injury conclusion in conclusion, the paralympic athletics athlete's motivation in sport in this study was not affected by their injury. they presented a high level of motivation, especially in self-determined motivation (identified and integrated regulations) and intrinsic motivation. despite the athlete's high motivation level, the coaches still have to consider the athlete's motivational profiles to maintain their motivation and performance in sport. references alexander, d., & bloom, g. a. 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accepted august 2021 available online septemeber 2021 keywords : basic skills, passing, small sided games abstract the purpose of this study was to empirically determine the provision of small-sided games 4vs2, 4vs3, and 4vs4 exercises on futsal athlete basic skills. this research is included in the experimental research. participants of the study were 30 male teenage futsal athletes in banyumas regency. the data retrieval technique of this study used passing-controlling tests. the analysis used the normality test, homogeneity test, paired t-test, and independent t-test with a significance level of 0.05. this study showed that the implementation of ssg 4vs2, 4vs3, 4vs4 exercises significantly influenced the futsal athlete's basic skill improvement. the ssg 4vs4 group achieved the highest increase with an average of ± 13.63. the one-way anova test results showed differences among 4vs2, 4vs3, and 4vs4 exercises. the increase might occur because the ssg 4vs4 exercise suits the actual futsal game; thus, it encourages athletes to perform as many passing movements as possible. therefore, ssg 4vs4 training is more effective in improving the futsal athlete's basic skills. it is crucial for practitioners because it allows the exercises provided simultaneously so that the training stimulus becomes more efficient.  correspondence address : jl. colombo no.1, sleman, yogyakarta, indonesia e-mail : mochfath.2020@student.uny.ac.id https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 212 introduction futsal has different rules from other sports. futsal is a team game with five opposing players using a relatively smaller field to create goals against opponents (naser, ali, and macadam 2017). therefore, futsal has its characteristics that are different from other sports, especially football. quick and spontaneous position changes with a high playing intensity (beato et al. 2017), and prioritizing each technical ability to support the success of playing futsal are the hallmarks of this sport (reis et al. 2019). therefore, special exercises are required, primarily related to the game situation through a smaller number of players and smaller-sized field dimensions currently known as small-sided games. the application of small-sided game exercises is related to the goals to be achieved. regarding the characteristics of the futsal game, which is included in highintensity sports, the athlete running performance to change position becomes an aspect affecting the match outcome (sánchez et al. 2018). good physical ability without balanced techniques will not provide maximum results because the proper technique or trick has a vital role in achieving futsal game goals. therefore, the futsal game applies dominant techniques, including passing, dribbling, controlling, and shooting (festiawan 2020), to achieve a high technical mastery level as a support for the successful application of game tactics (morgan, fletcher, and sarkar 2013). the technique is an essential part of every sport. in futsal, the basic skills possessed by each player have a crucial role in achieving the goal of the game. passing is the most preferred technique in futsal (corrêa et al. 2014) used to master the game and form attack patterns quickly and efficiently (de pinho et al. 2020). this is related to the relatively smaller futsal field dimensions and the limited number of players; hence it is impossible to continuously use physical abilities to play because futsal requires quick decision-making (milanovic et al., 2011). therefore, the passing skills of each player play a role in creating success in achieving goals of the game (gómez, moral, and lago-peñas 2015) and becoming the basis for testing the small-sided game effectiveness on player performance, primarily related to the game technical mastery. literature shows that practicing using a ball can improve the player's dribbling and passing ability (caglayan et al., 2018). practice is an activity needed by every individual for enhancing their capabilities through a systematically planned program (suganda 2017). applying an appropriate and effective practice can improve abilities progressively while using an inapposite practice program will impair their abilities. for this reason, the provision of proper training variations is essential for the athlete's adapting process. it aims to avoid vulnerability, gain long-term potential, and maximize individual abilities for satisfying work results (pérez-castilla et al., 2018). in addition, the provision of game training can stimulate athletes to harmonize their abilities to arrange good coordination patterns in certain situations (oppici et al., 2018). the effectiveness of small-sided games is viewed from various points of view depending on the coach's goal. ssg is an appropriate training to increase the game technical mastery for tactical maturity (chaouachi et al., 2014). practice with a smaller field could reduce the number of players, set goals to be achieved, and give the players more contact with the ball and an actual match situation (bujalance-moreno, latorre-román, and garcía-pinillos 2019). thus, ssg becomes an essential part of supporting physical, technical, and tactical improvement. due to the spontaneous activity, where the situation in the game is not determined by the coach but by the players themselves (fanchini et al. 2011), several models such as 4vs2, 4vs3, and 4vs4 can be effective (sarmento et al. 2018). previous literature (susanto 2015) shows that presenting passing and playing practices affects the player passing learning outcomes. furthermore (hamzah and hadiana 2018) show that providing a problem-based learning model can improve the player's basic futsal passing skills. it is in line with (oppici et al. 2019), explaining that passing is the basis for forming an effective game pattern. therefore, programmed training is necessary for improvement. another finding showed that ssg exercises affected better decision-making with different opposition levels (práxedes et al., 2018). based on these researches, it is necessary to have smallsided games practices to improve the athlete passing skills in actual game situations. a varied result was obtained from observations on the youth futsal team in banyumas regency. there was only a 43.3% player success rate in passing. the athletes also made mistakes, such as an unintended passing direction, easily cut by opponents, poor ball control, copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 moch fath khurrohman, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 213 and uncontrollable ball speed. consequently, the game was hard to develop and affected the game outcome. some of these problems, of course, turn back to the theory stating that passing is an essential aspect of the futsal game (barron, collins, and carling 2020). thus it must be improved in depth through an appropriate training program. based on the literature review and existing problems, an in-depth study on small-sided games to improve the passing skills of youth futsal athletes in banyumas regency is necessary to introduce successful training for improving futsal athlete basic skills. for this reason, the study aimed to examine the effectiveness of small-sided games on each futsal player's passing skills. furthermore, the researchers hoped this research could be a reference in planning futsal sport training programs to achieve maximum performance. methods participants this study involved youth futsal athletes in banyumas regency aged 15-17 years. the consideration was based on the age range of people in increasing training, special training, and the number of running competitions (wijayanti and kushartanti 2014) (n=30, age ± imt= 16,1 ± 19,4). the participants involved in this study were the youth futsal team members of the banyumas regency. the research was conducted in groups and adapted to the planned practice program implementation. therefore, the sampling technique used was the total sampling technique, where the whole participants became the research subjects. materials and apparatus the data collection instrument used was a passingcontrolling test (narlan et al. 2017) by counting the number of passing in 30-second duration. the test was carried out twice, including pre-test and post-test. procedure the research is experimental. experimental research is research to identify the treatment effect on the subject (sugiyono 2016). the design used was a pretest and post-test group design. the treatments given were small-sided game 4vs2, 4vs3, and 4vs4 given to youth futsal athletes in banyumas regency. before the treatment, a pre-test was conducted to determine the initial skills of the athletes. then, the practice was carried out 16 times (komarudin 2013), followed by a post-test to determine the effect on the athlete's basic futsal skills. data analysis the data analysis used the spss version 25 application. the analysis implemented in this research included shapiro-wilk test to test the data normality with a significance level of 0.05, mauchly’s test to test the data homogeneity with a significance level of 0.05, paired sample t-test to test the hypotheses with a significance level of 0.05, and anova mixed design test to test the difference of each group with a significance level of 0.05. result the results of the descriptive analysis in table 1. showed that each treatment could improve the athlete passing skills, where the 4vs4 group experienced a progressive increase compared to other groups as seen from the mean difference of ±3.06, followed by the 4vs2 group with an increase of ±0.6 and 4vs3 with an increase of ±1.06. these results indicate that 4vs4 ssg training is more effective in improving the athlete's basic futsal skills. paired sample t-test was conducted to answer the hypotheses of this study. in addition, the tests were conducted to determine the effect of giving a treatment calcopyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. descriptive results no variable mean mean difference pre-test posttest 1 4vs2 10,57 11,17 0,6 2 4vs3 11,63 1,06 3 4vs4 13,63 3,06 table 1. paired sample t-test variable paired t-test p-value pre-test m ± sd posttest m ± sd 4vs2 10.57±1.51 11.17±1.51 0.004 4vs3 11.63±1.56 0.000 4vs4 13.63±1.75 0.000 moch fath khurrohman, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 214 culated from the test results before and after the treatment, as shown in table 2. based on the previous test mean value analysis results and subsequent test data in table 2, the average of the highest post-test results were achieved by the 4vs4 group (13.63) with a standard deviation of 1.75, indicating a very good category. furthermore, the results of the t-test for the entire group showed a significance value of <0.05, meaning that ssg training, including 4vs2, 4vs3, and 4vs4, significantly affected the basic skills of youth futsal athletes in banyumas regency. the effectiveness of exercise needs to be examined to find out the appropriate and effective exercises for the athlete's skill improvement. therefore, the anova mixed design test was conducted to test the differences among the three groups. the results can be seen in table 3. based on the tests of within-subject effect output in table 3, the greenhouse geisser sig value is 0.000<0.005. the result showed a difference in average passing skills of each different intervention on the athletes. thus, the small-sided game 4vs2, 4vs3, and 4vs4 interventions are reliable to improve the athlete's passing skills. discussion based on the process and data analysis carried out in this study, the results showed that the provision of ssg 4vs2, 4vs3, and 4vs4 training (sig. 0.000 < 0.005) had a significant effect on improving the passing skills of youth futsal athletes in banyumas regency. furthermore, the result showed a significant increase due to the provision of training with actual game conditions. (amani-shalamzari et al. 2019) explain that ssg is a model using a smaller field, fewer players, and training involving particular movements in futsal with different intensities. ssg also initiates player interactions to become more intense and trains them to be in the real game or play the game, which would increase their decision making and improve their techniques, tactics, and mentality (sparkes et al. 2018). the high interaction occurring during ssg reports might increase technical proficiency, tactical awareness, speed, and several other factors determining a victory (lacome et al., 2017). a futsal athlete's playing skills might be improved through appropriate training (fanchini et al., 2011). in addition, practicing plays an essential role in mastering movement skills so that the experience gained can be applied to real game situations (beato et al., 2017). the 4vs2, 4vs3, and 4vs4 ssg practices were proven to significantly affect the basic passing skills of youth futsal athletes in the banyumas regency. it could be seen from the increase in the passing skill pre-test and posttest calculations. the result certainly supports other research showing that providing training with a tactical and strategic approach can significantly affect futsal playing skills (festiawan 2020). the ssg 4v2, 4v3, and 4vs4 training significantly impacted the futsal athlete passing skills. however, the results of 4vs4 ssg practice gained a better improvement than 4v2 and 4vs3 ssg practices because the 4vs4 practice patterns provide the actual futsal game. therefore, the players were more involved in intense interaction with the ball to stimulate their ability improvement. the result of the study is relevant to the statement explaining that training in the form of games might stimulate athletes to harmonize their abilities to form good coordination patterns in real match situations (oppici et al., 2018). the result of this study is in line with and supports other researches. (chaouachi et al. 2014) state that small-sided game practices affect the player's agility and ability to change directions. furthermore, the small -sided game practice affects aerobic endurance in teenage boys (moran et al., 2019). another study explains that the small-sided game practice affects understanding the player position and physical endurance (coutinho et al. 2019). researchers conducted experiments on the effect of small-sided games 4vs2, 4v3, and 4vs4 training on basic futsal passing skills, showing that the training method significantly affected the passing skills of adocopyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 3. result of within-subject effect tests variable p-value description 4vs2 4vs3 0.000 significant 4vs4 4vs3 4vs2 4vs4 4vs4 4vs2 4vs3 moch fath khurrohman, et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 215 lescent futsal athletes in banyumas regency. the 4vs4 ssg practice gave a difference in effect from the other two practices. the participant age range, 15-17 years, was the limitation of this study. therefore, it is necessary to study children aged 12-15 years until it becomes a continuous coaching process. conclusion the provision of small sided game (ssg) training was proven effective in improving the basic passing skills of youth futsal athletes in the banyumas regency. the result showed a positive increase in the average pre -test and post-test results. in addition, there was a significant increase in the three provided exercises. however, the ssg 4vs4 practice had a better effect than 4vs2 and 4vs3 practices and had a significant difference in the effects compared to the other two practices. the result concludes that ssg training is effective in improving futsal athlete passing skills. acknowledgement the this study did not receive any grant from any public, commercial, or non-profit institutions. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references amani-shalamzari, s., khoshghadam, e., donyaei, a., parnow, a., bayati, m., & clemente, f. m. 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with a quasi-experimental design, involving a control group and an experimental group. the study participants involved 70 college students divided into a control and random group using a random sampling technique. the data in the study were collected by utilizing a questionnaire—data analysis using paired sample t-test method. the study showed that the project-based learning model in a blended learning setting improves student knowledge and skills in the pencak silat learning process. it can be seen from the increase that occurred in the control and experimental groups. thus, learning pencak silat through project-based learning in a blended learning setting is an effective alternative to improving student knowledge and skills in pencak silat.  correspondence address : jl. udayana no.11, bali 81116, indonesia e-mail : gede.suwiwa@undiksha.ac.id https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 263 introduction pencak silat is commonly known as a martial art. unesco has recognized this martial art as a nation's cultural heritage (syaifullah & doewes, 2020). however, pencak silat can also be found in asian countries, such as malaysia, brunei, philippines, singapore, and southern thailand. however, pencak silat is a sport originally coming from indonesia (ediyono & widodo, 2019). this sport is quite challenging. in addition to kicks and punches, the main movements also include take-downs that should be done as gracefully as possible. pencak silat has various benefits behind the complexity of its movements (subekti et al., 2020). ipsi (indonesian pencak silat association) states that, in pencak silat, we not only study self-defence aspects, but also the aspect of mental-spiritual or character, arts, and sports (pratama & trilaksono, 2018). these aspects have many benefits for the development of human beings, especially if they are instilled at an early age. in pencak silat, there is also a mental learning (riani & purwanto, 2018). in addition, pencak silat could also develop social interaction both with the members of their pencak silat organization and with the members of other pencak silat organizations. the interaction will help develop an individual's personality (barikah et al., 2020). interest is a driving force that causes a person to desire to be directly involved in the activities they like (yunariswan & hariyanto, 2021). students can be reluctant to learn because the activity is not interesting; thus, the students do not get satisfaction from what they learn. meanwhile, when the material for activities is interesting, the students will be easy to learn because interest could increase their willingness to learn. with interest, students will have more achievements in pencak silat activities they participate in. increased interest will be achieved if students can understand the material well. this understanding is important to trigger them to continue exploring the pencak silat material sustainably (yunariswan & hariyanto, 2021). the selection of the right learning model will certainly provide the best possible solution and achieve the objectives of the learning implementation. a learning model is beneficial for improving the student enjoyment in the lesson, increasing their motivation and creativity in learning, and helping students achieve better learning outcomes easier (tangi, 2014). in education, a teacher needs to master various kinds of learning models because the success of learning is related to the use of appropriate learning models and methods so that the learning objectives can be achieved and the students are happy during the lectures (supriatna, 2020). in implementing a learning model, a teacher must have more knowledge and understanding to apply a learning model well in the classroom. the teacher must also know the condition of the facilities and infrastructure provided on the campus and relate them to the teaching plan. teachers who do not know the condition are usually not able to optimally improve their student skills in learning, while the learning messages and objectives are also poorly understood by students, especially in improving pencak silat skills (anwar & jurotun, 2019). teachers mostly still use the command and lecture method so that students feel bored during lectures because the learning is monotonous and boring; repeated movements without any variation would cause students to be less focused on learning (schiff, 2020). research related to project-based learning has been carried out by laili (2019), who developed a project-based learning e-module of electrical motor installation subject on the student cognitive abilities. the treatment in the study was carried out offline by working on validated objective questions. in hayati, utaya & astina (2016), student worksheets based on project based learning oriented to critical thinking were generated. project-based learning in this study was carried out face-to-face through lks, which helped students find a concept. there were learning activities to formulate the steps that students had to take and observe the phenomenon of the activity results. then, they received analytical questions that helped them relate the observed phenomena to the concepts they should construct. the previous studies conducted project-based learning in a face-to-face setting. project-based learning in a face to face setting can only be administered in the same space and time. project-based learning can be combined with technology to provide opportunities to run blended learning (widiara, 2018). the application of blended learning is aimed to find a balance between face-to-face learning and online learning methods. blended learning can change passive learning situations, where students only receive knowledge or focus on traditional learning models, become active by buildcopyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 i gede suwiwa/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 264 ing their knowledge (aditia rachman et al., 2019). at the same time, blended learning provides ease in gaining understanding and offers flexibility, easy access, and integration with multimedia and high technology that supports learning activities (rimawati & saptomo, 2019). for this reason, this study aimed to investigate the implementation of project-based learning model in a blended learning setting on students' pencak silat knowledge and skills. methods this study used an experimental quantitative approach. the design of this study used a quasiexperimental by involving the control group and the experimental group. participants the subjects were college students of in physical education and sports that consist of 70 students. participants in the control group were 35 college students who provided the project-based learning model conducted directly in 8 meetings. meanwhile, the participants in the experimental group were 35 people provided with a project-based learning model conducted eight times in a blended learning setting. the characteristics of the sample can be seen in the following table 1. the sampling process in this study used nonprobability sampling where the control group samples were selected using purposive sampling, while the experimental group used the following criteria: 1. having an interest in pencak silat, 2. having problems with pencak silat skills, 3. having problems related to pencak silat knowledge, 4. willing to follow the complete learning program. instrument and material in this study, the implementation of project-based learning was assessed based on the following indicators: 1. projects are carried out based on problems 2. students are engaged in a constructive investigation 3. the project is realistic 4. students are actively involved the assessment of blended learning was carried out based on the following indicators: 1. synchronous learning activities occurred at the same time and place. 2. self-paced learning is a combination of independent learning activities (self-paced learning). 3. collaboration is collaborative activities between educators and students as well as among fellow students. 4. assessment is an activity where educators determine the learning development by choosing a suitable combination of various online and offline assessments. 5. performance support material is preparing supporting learning resources and media in digital form accessible for the students. the data collecting process related to the student's pencak silat knowledge and skills used observation or assessment sheets, while data collection related to procopyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 demographic data mean ± sd age 19.24 ± 0.12 weight 65.95 ± 0.91 height 165.88 ± 0.78 table 1. the characteristics of the sample table 2. the material intervention. project based learning model with blended learning setting project based learning model 1. group setting 2. problem oriented 3. idea generation 4. coordinating students 5. learning issues 6. guide individual and group investigation 7. brainstorm missing information 8. self-directed learning 9. develop and present the work 10.synthesis and application 11.analyze and evaluate the problem of the process 1) group setting 2) problem identification 3) idea generation 4) learning issues 5) self directed learning 6) synthesis and application 7) reflection and feedback i gede suwiwa/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 265 ject based learning used questionnaires. the material is given to the experimental group, and the control group is shown in more detail in table 2. data analysis before testing the hypothesis, this study's questionnaire was first tested for its validity and reliability. the validity test in this study used the spss program with the product-moment criteria. based on the instrument validity test results, all items had an r-count value more significant than the r-table. it concludes that all items of the instrument were valid and feasible to use. based on the instrument reliability test calculation, each variable had a cronbach alpha score > 0.6. the pjbl variable had a cronbach alpha score of 0.638, and blended learning had a cronbach alpha score of 0.652. it concludes that all instruments had a moderate level of reliability. after conducting the prerequisite tests for homogeneity and normality, the next step was to test the hypothesis. the hypothesis test used was a two-way anova parametric statistic. finally, hypothesis testing was conducted to test the effect of conventional project based learning method and project based learning method in a blended learning setting on pencak silat skills and knowledge. result the results of the normality assumption test for pjbl variable obtained a significance value of 0.015 for the control group using the conventional method and 0.22 for the experimental group using blended learning method. the test results showed sig > 0.05 so that the data were normally distributed. the implementation pjbl learning methods for pencak silat using conventional methods is presented in table 3. table 3 shows the mean of the control class (14.5) and the experimental class (22.5). the mean increase in the control and experimental classes was 8%. the t-test was used to determine whether there is a positive and significant effect of the application of the project-based learning model in blended learning setting compared to conventional learning setting on the increase of student pencak silat knowledge and skills examined from the mean difference. the mean difference between the control and experimental classes was analyzed by t-test, as shown in table 4. the test results showed that the probability value (sig.2-tailed) of the t-test was 0.000. since the probability value is less than 0.05, it is indicated that the knowledge and skills of pencak silat of students receiving the project-based learning model in a blended learning setting were better than students receiving the project-based learning model in a conventional learning setting. table 4 shows that the experimental and control groups both had an effect (sig. 0.000 < 0.05) on students' knowledge and skills in pencak silat. nevertheless, the experimental group had a more significant impact than the control group, as presented from the mean value in the table obtained by the experimental group, which was greater, 22.5143, compared to the control group, which was 14.4857. from these data, the knowledge and skills of pencak silat of a student receiving the project-based learning model in a blended learning setting were better than students receiving the project-based learning model in a conventional learning setting. discussion based on the study results, there were outcome differences between the class using conventional methods and the class using experimental methods. the class using the experimental method had a mean of 22.5%, while the class taught using the conventional method gained only 14.5%. considering that pencak silat is a sport that has complex techniques, it requires copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 i gede suwiwa/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) n min. max. mean std. deviation control 35 12.00 17.00 14.48 1.31443 experiment 35 20.00 25.00 22.51 1.29186 table 3. statistics descriptive of test result table 4. t-test using levene’s test t-test for equality of means t df sig.(2tailed) mean diff. std. error diff. 95% confidence interval of the difference lower upper control -25.7 68 .000 -8.02 .3115 -8.65 -7.40 experiment -25.7 67.9 .000 -8.02 .3115 -8.65 -7.40 266 good coordination (kenta, 2020). therefore, using a suitable model will make it easier for students to recognize pencak silat material, such as the basics and specific movements. one of the learning models considered is the pjbl model (mudianti et al., 2018). the use of the pjbl model can be collaborated with blended learning to facilitate the implementation of online learning, which is currently being implemented to control the covid-19 pandemics. a project based learning model is a learning model that uses projects/activities as the core of learning. learners explore, assess, interpret, and synthesise the information to produce various forms of learning outcomes. projectbased learning is a learning model that uses problems as the first step in collecting and integrating new knowledge based on experience in actual activities (grant, 2002). according to several studies, blended learning can overcome time constraint issues. in a covid-19 pandemic situation, where the most significant limitations are related to distance and time, blended learning will facilitate the material delivery process. blended project-based learning uses online and offline learning tools (khoiroh, 2018). online learning tools are realized in the modified learning website containing learning contents, including materials and assessments. offline learning tools consist of project work plans. increased knowledge showed when students practice movements, patterns of position formation (standing, squatting, sitting, lying, and sikap pasang), movement formation patterns (forming directions), steps, basic defence movements (basic evasion movements, basic defence movements), and basic attack movements (with hands, elbows, and feet) (rahmanto & utama, 2018). project-based learning is a learning approach that emphasizes contextual learning through activities that result in projects (prasistayanti et al., 2019). in the implementation, project based learning provides opportunities for students to develop skills as the core of learning objectives (insyasiska et al., 2015). in pencak silat, there is a term named pencak silat movement. the specific form of the pencak silat movement (gerpes) must be learned and mastered. these movements include position formation patterns (standing, squatting, sitting, lying, and sikap pasang), movement formation patterns (direction formation), step formation, basic defence movements (basic evasion movements, basic defence movements), and basic attack movements (by hand, elbows, and feet). in learning pencak silat, it is necessary to have foresight, seriousness, total concentration, and a basic technique to be mastered (hardiansyah, 2019). blended learning has succeeded in increasing effective communication and interaction with the audience. blended learning combines face-to-face learning by utilizing the internet for assisting the learning and teaching process (kuntarto & asyhar, 2016). research conducted by k. gavin proves that pjbl has appropriate characteristics when combined with blended learning to create learning that includes problem-solving, innovation, group, and presentation skills. according to rahmi & darmawan (2018), blended learning is based on the combination and interrelation of various learning models selected and adapted to optimize learning processes and services by utilizing technology. learning is the combination of classical teaching (face to face learning) and online learning. conclusion this study concludes that the pjbl learning model using a blended learning setting could improve pencak silat knowledge and skills. therefore, learning pencak silat through pjbl using blended learning can be an alternative to improve students' pencak silat knowledge and skills. based on the results of this study, it is hoped that it can be used as a reference in the implementation of pjbl combined with blended learning. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references anwar, k., & jurotun, j. 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(haris & ghazali, 2020). furthermore, previous research revealed that a common obstacle found by teachers during physical education learning activities was that students did not take an active role in activities, or activities mostly determined by the teacher, due to fear or did not fit in with the group, thus they kept quiet and did other preferred activities (haris & ghazali, 2020). therefore, the teacher's ability in understanding the students and determining the right learning approach are essential. in choosing a learning approach, some physical education teachers emphasized that students must be proficient in certain skills before they acquire competences in a game (ennis, 2011). as the result, many physical education teachers only focus on traditional methodologies for teaching skill developments without teaching how to play the game (d. siedentop & tannehill, 2000; fernandez-rio, méndez-giménez, & méndez alonso, 2017). the implementation of the technical approach prioritizes technical skill learning or basic movement and technical trainings in the field separately (priklerová & kucharik, 2015), thus the students pay less attention to the understanding of its implemention in the real game (kirk & macphail, 2002). it will certainly have an impact on student learning outcomes in understanding and practicing movements in a game. it should be remembered that each student has different characteristics, such as in understanding movement patterns, physical conditions, and so on, so that it requires a teacher to be able to adapt the learning approach to the characteristics of the students. one of the challenges of implementing the technical approach is that teachers need a relatively longer time to teach or repeat basic techniques using the drill method. therefore, it seems that this approach tends to be boring and monotonous, which results in the low enthusiasm of students in participating in the learning process. in addition, when a learning is carried out by providing a basic technique training separated from the playing concept, students will be difficult to implement the connection between the basic techniques they have learned and mastered and the system of playing as a whole. the results of previous research revealed that the teacher-centered learning approach had a disadvantage related to the student involvement due to limited responsibilities, where the students would eventually get bored with physical exercises and basic techniques which were carried out continuously, especially for students who could not play sports or games effectively (himberg, hutchinson, & roussell, 2003; d. siedentop & tannehill, 2000). the technical approach is the most widely used learning method in sport lessons (fernandez-rio, méndez-giménez, & méndez alonso, 2017) because this method focuses on content or skill developments and teacher-centered decisions (metzler, 2000). it is especially useful for improving the basic techniques of an athlete as well as the skills of students who require a special learning (corbett dkk., 2018; nishimura, miyazaki, kinomura, & kizuka, 2021). however, the technical approach has received a criticism which states that teaching basic technical skills before individuals understand its relationship to the actual game situation in the real field will only eliminate the essence of the game itself. (kirk & macphail, 2002, gréhaigne, griffin, & richard, 2005). therefore, the concept of learning approach through a game is considered suitable to overcome the weakness of the technical approach; gradually, the concept of learning approach through a game spreads throughout the world known with different names, such as the tactical game approach (griffin et al., 1997), play practice (launder, 2001), concept approach (wright, mcneill, fry, & wang, 2005), tactical decision learning model (gréhaigne, griffin, & richard, 2005), and so on. the concept of learning approach through games, or originally known as teaching games for understanding (tgfu), was discovered by rod thorpe, david bunker and len almond and introduced to the public in 1982 by introducing 6 phases of the game approach, namely: game, game appreciation, tactical awareness, decision making, skill execution, and game performance. this approach is beneficial to promote the tactical knowledge about the concept of playing and the development of skills required in the game; hence, by understanding the concept of playing that has been mastered, the students are expected to be able to apply and combine the appropriate basic techniques in a game copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 lutfi nur & arief abdul malik / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 53 (chatzipanteli, digelidis, karatzoglidis, & dean, 2014; harvey, cushion, wegis, & massa-gonzalez, 2010; kirk & macphail, 2002). in the learning process at school, besides the use of the learning approach, the student physical fitness is also a factor that should be considered by a teacher, because the true purpose of physical education in school is to encourage students to have a good fitness (erfle & gamble, 2015; rexen et al., 2015). physical fitness is an individual health status related to the individual's ability to carry out an activity without excessive fatigue, thus, by having a good physical fitness, a person can carry out the activities properly and gain a better physical growth (ferrans, zerwic, wilbur, & larson, 2005). previous research states that the level of individual physical fitness has a strong correlation with the increased performance in sports and motor skills (ortega et al., 2015). therefore, teachers should pay attention to the student physical fitness so that they can choose a suitable and accurate learning approach. basketball game learning is one of the sport games taught in junior high schools. in the physical education curriculum, besides improving the student physical fitness and movement skills, physical education learning also has a function to build a discipline attitude, sportive attitude, and so on, as well as train the student cognition in understanding the material so that students gain a comprehensive understanding and benefits. (suherman, 2018). to conduct an effective learning process, the teacher needs to choose the right learning approach so that the learning objectives and learning activities could run as expected and effectively. the efficacy of learning activities is characterized by students who actively learn, accompanied by the teacher, so that the learning activities remain at the level of the student ability and development (rink, 2013). regarding the technical approach and tactical approach, previous research stated that the measurement results using the system for observing fitness instruction time (sofit) show that the student physical activity was in the moderate to vigorous physical activity (mvpa) category and vigorous physical activity (vpa) category and was significantly higher in the tactical game model (tgm) classes compared to classes receiving a direct instruction (di). it suggests that the shift of di to tgm, where the main aspect is the participation in modified games, gives students the opportunity to achieve the current physical activity, which is shown by the less time spent for managing the class and more time for the skill practice and game play (harvey, smith, fairclough, savory, & kerr, 2015). furthermore, priklerová & kucharik (2015), in their research, revealed that tactical and technical learning approaches were equally effective in teaching game skills, but tactical learning approach, compared to technical learning approach, provided students with joy and fun, eliminated boredom in monotonous game skill trainings, and taught the principles of fair play and tactical skill thinking as an integral part of game performances. technical approach and tactical approach have their own advantages and disadvantages in physical education learning. therefore, in this study, the researchers were interested in investigating and comparing the two learning approaches in adolescent students with high level of physical fitness and low level of physical fitness. the researchers intended to investigate the effectiveness of technical and tactical learning approaches in students with high and low physical fitness levels on basketball playing skill learning outcomes. methods experimental research with factorial design (fraenkel, wallen, & hyun, 2012) was applied to investigate the effectiveness of the effect of the learning approaches and the physical fitness levels of adolescent students on the basketball skill learning outcomes. participants participants of the study were 40 male junior high school students in grade 8 from sukabumi regency, west java, indonesia with sundanese ethnicity. students were divided into four experimental groups, consisting of 10 students for each group. materials and apparatus researchers used two research instruments to obtain data in this study. the first instrument was the indonesian physical fitness test (tkji) for junior high school students consisting of five test items, including 50m sprint, 60 second body lift for men, 60 seconds of sitting, straight jumping, and 1000-meter run (nurhasan, 2014). the second test instrument was a copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 lutfi nur & arief abdul malik / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 54 basketball skill test consisting of three tests, namely the passing test, shooting test, and dribbling test with a validity r level of 0.89 (nurhasan, 2014). procedures first, 65 students were tested using the indonesian physical fitness test (tkji) for junior high school students. then, the researchers grouped the participants according to their physical fitness level by selecting 27% of the students who got the highest physical fitness results score and 27% of the students who got the lowest physical fitness results. therefore, 20 students with high physical fitness level and 20 students with low physical fitness level were found. then, the researchers divided 20 students with high physical fitness level randomly into 2 groups to receive learning through technical and tactical approaches. the same procedure was conducted to the 20 students with low physical fitness level. they were randomly divided into 10 students per group to receive technical and tactical learning approaches. the next steps were 1) the four groups took the initial basketball skill test, 2) received the treatment in basketball learning, and 3) after the specified time, a final basketball skill test was carried out. data analysis the data analysis was carried out to determine the meaning of the obtained data. the calculation of data analysis was conducted by calculating the mean value and standard deviation. then, the normality and homogeneity tests were performed using the lilliefors test and the bartlett test. furthermore, the hypothesis testing was carried out using the factorial analysis of variance (anova) technique with a significance level of α = 0.05. if there was an interaction, it would be followed by the tukey test. result this study was aimed at investigating the effect of tactical approach and technical approach on the basketball skill learning outcomes of students having high physical fitness and low physical fitness in junior high school level. table 1 presents that the mean value of tactical learning is 20.40 ± 4.25 for students with high physical fitness category and 12.70 ± 2.58 for students with low physical fitness category. meanwhile, the mean score of technical learning group is 9.70 ± 2.87 for students with high physical fitness category and 18.50 ± 1.90 for students with low physical fitness category. furthermore, the results of basketball skills of students with high and low physical fitness levels receiving learning through the technical and tactical learning approaches can be seen in the anova test results shown in table 2. table 2 shows the results of the two path factorial anova regarding the difference of the effect of the application of the tactical approach and the technical approach on the student basketball skill learning outcomes. it found that there were differences between the treatment learning approaches. the fh value was 6.57, which was greater than the ft value (4.11) with the level of significance 0.05. it means that there was a significant difference in the basketball skill learning outcomes of students who received a tactical approach and students who received a technical approach. furthermore, the analysis result of the interactions that occurred between the research groups applying the tactical and technical approaches, with high and low physical fitness levels in the basketball skill learning, shows that the fh value was 74.47, which is greater than the ft value (4.11.) with a significance level of 0.05. it means that, there was a significant interaction between the research groups, that applied tactical and technical approaches with high and low physical fitness levels, and the basketball skill learning outcomes. the overview of the interactions between the study groups is shown in copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 lutfi nur & arief abdul malik / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) table 1. summary of student basketball skill learning outcomes physical fitness category method tactical approach technical approach mean sd mean sd high physical fitness 20.40 4.25 9.70 2.87 low physical fitness 12.70 2.58 18.50 1.90 total 16.55 3.42 14.1 2.39 table 2. summary of two-way factorial anova results variance sources fh ft description tactical approach 6.57 4.11 significant technical approach 0.33 4.11 interaction 74.47 4.11 significant 55 figure 1. figure 1 shows the interaction that occurred between the research groups applying tactical and technical approaches with high and low levels of physical fitness and the basketball skill learning outcomes. the application of the tactical approach to students with a high physical fitness level had a higher result compared to students with low physical fitness levels. on the other hand, the use of technical approach in basketball skill learning gave a better outcome in students with a low physical fitness level group than in the students with a high physical fitness level group. to find out the difference, further analysis was carried out using the tukey test. the result is shown in table 3. the tukey test results, as shown in table 3, show that there was a significant difference in the high physical fitness group applying tactical and technical approaches. the obtained qo value was 11.76, greater than qt (3.15). it indicates that the tactical approach had a more significant impact on the basketball skill learning outcomes compared to the technical approach. meanwhile, in the low physical fitness group, the qo value was 6.37, greater than qt (3.15). the finding indicates that there was a significant difference between the two groups and the technical approach was better than the tactical approach for the low physical fitness group. discussion in this study, the tactical approach and technical approach had a significant impact on the basketball skill learning outcomes. however, in general, the tactical approach was superior to the technical approach. researchers found that, when students learned through the tactical approach, they had a higher enthusiasm for learning and were enthusiastic when doing fun game activities. they gained an understanding of playing tactics so that they felt as if they were in a real match. this is in line with the findings of previous research stating that the application of the tactical approach can encourage student to be actively involved in sports activities; besides, it can also promote the development of tactical knowledge and required movement skills in a game. (smith et al., 2015). through the tactical approach, basketball learning activities were organized into fun activities providing various games for enhancing the student playing understanding so that the students were more enthusiastic or motivated in carrying out their learning, which had an impact on the effectiveness of the learning. the results of previous research revealed that the tactical learning approach aimed to combine tactical awareness and movement skills to improve students' game performances directed through understanding playing pattern learning, which indirectly made the learning atmosphere more interesting and encouraged students to be actively involved in the learning process (priklerová & kucharik, 2015). in the application of technical learning, researchers found that students tended to get tired quickly and felt bored with monotonous learning situations so that students were not enthusiastic in participating in learning and lack of concentration and motivation to develop their abilities in playing basketball skills. during the learning process, which mostly contained drill exercises, students often asked the teacher "when will we begin to play?" as if they were impatient to play the game. this is in line with the previous study that revealed that learning through games was more fun for copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 lutfi nur & arief abdul malik / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) figure 1. interaction between the research group table 3. summary of the tukey test result compared group qo qt description high physical fitness tactical vs tecnical 11.76 3.15 significant low physical fitness tactical vs tecnical 6.37 3.15 significant 56 students than technically oriented training or drill training where the students often asked "when are we going to play the game?" (jones, marshall, & peters, 2010). the concept of the technical approach itself tends to emphasize on basic technics mastery, which are carried out separately and repeatedly until the teachers consider it sufficient and the students have mastered it, before playing the game; thus, it has its own challenges in the learning process because the repetitive process of movement, which is conducted too often, has a potential to bring out boredom in students (quay & peters, 2008). another finding from this study is the interaction between tactical and technical approaches and the physical fitness levels on the basketball skill learning outcomes. the relationship between the learning approach and physical fitness is highly possible, because physical fitness is required in carrying out physical activities and exercises, including in the physical education learning process. therefore, students who have good physical fitness will have needed requirements, such as endurance, strength, ability to move, and others, that will support the quality of students in participating in the learning process or exercises, which ultimately have an impact on a more optimal basketball skill learning outcome achievement compared to students with the low physical fitness level (grissom, 2005). thus, the learning approach and physical fitness are two interrelated and contributive aspects of a physical education learning process, such as playing basketball in school (brooker, kirk, braiuka, & bransgrove, 2000; cleary, zimmerman, & keating, 2006). further findings show that the application of the tactical approach on the students with high physical fitness group had a more significant impact than the basketball skill learning outcomes of the group that applied the technical learning approach. regarding basketball skills, the application of a tactical approach is useful for encouraging students to understand and solve tactical problems in a game by applying and combining several technical skills in real game situations. strengthening the research findings, the results of previous research on various sports revealed that providing a tactical approach was proven to be more effective than providing a technical approach in various learning games, such as ice hockey (alison & thorpe, 1997), football (psotta & martin, 2011), mini handball (priklerová & kucharik, 2015), and so on. in contrast, in the students with a low physical fitness level group, the provision of the technical approach had a more significant effect compared to the tactical approach on the basketball skill learning outcomes. in this study, when students who have a low physical fitness level received the tactical learning approach, the game pattern learning cannot run optimally. in addition, students felt tired quickly and were more silent or only did a little movement because the game activity was draining. thus, it was hard for them to concentrate when the explanation of the tactics was given. previous research revealed that game-based training and technical instruction training had their own advantages and disadvantages in the implementation, for example, game-based training, that might be suitable for team conditioning in team sports competitions, might be not suitable for simulating the demands of running competitions, such as repetitition and high intensity, so that the application of the method depends on the goal expected by the trainer or teacher (gabbett, jenkins, & abernethy, 2009). on the other hand, in the implementation of the technical learning approach, basketball learning activities were directed at drill exercises to master the basic basketball skill techniques, which made this approach monotonous and boring for students, so that it did not stimulate student interest. although they looked bored at the beginning, they were more enthusiastic in the next lesson because the drill material that was applied gradually helped improve their skills and increase their confidence when playing the game. it is because the characteristics of the technical learning approach implementation in the learning process include a lower mobility for students to move compared to the tactical approach implementation, so that students with low physical fitness levels can follow the learning process optimally and have an impact on their basketball skill learning outcome developments (bogdanis, ziagos, anastasiadis, & maridaki, 2007). furthermore, the drill practice material also helped students get a better physical fitness. previous research examining the application of technical training to improve running performance of high school female students having low running performance showed that the application of the training technique was effective in improving running ability (nishimura, miyazaki, kinomura, & kizuka, 2021). copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 lutfi nur & arief abdul malik / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 57 conclusion the authors concluded that, in general, the tactical approach intervention had a better impact than the technical approach on the basketball skill learning outcome achievements. furthermore, there was an interaction between the learning approach and the level of physical fitness, which means that there is a relationship between these variables. furthermore, according to the student physical fitness level, the tactical approach had a better impact on the basketball skill learning outcomes for students with high physical fitness levels, while for students with a low physical fitness level, the technical approach had a better impact. the authors recommended that teachers should be able to see the characteristics of students before determining the learning approach, because each learning approach has its own characteristics. therefore, the same learning approach could not suit the characteristics of all students in different classes and different schools. this research is limited to male student participants in junior high school level. for that reason, the researchers hoped that the next research could compare the female students at other educational unit levels. acknowledgement this research did not receive specific grants from any public, commercial, or nonprofit institutions. references alison, s., & thorpe, r. 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(2) who are the main contributors (author, university, and name of publication) for the published publications?; (3) what are the thematic areas that attract the most attention of academics?; and (4) what topics are emerging in the field of publication?. the study used the scopus database as the source of bibliometric analysis data for the research sampling process. the research samples were 55 articles found through keyword "physical education" in the "article title" published in international journals indexed by scopus. this research applied keyword co-occurrence analysis to identify and explore the main thematic areas and topics that appeared in publications. the vosviewer software was used to support the analysis process and visualize findings. the results of the study show that physical education is a research area that still needs to be developed, referring to the productivity of publications from 2013 to 2020, which the range of publication was still below 15 per year. the collected research results were scattered in the fields of engineering studies (21), social sciences (18), and materials science (14). the main contributor of the publication was indonesia university of education (24). the most prolific author was tedi supriyadi from the indonesia university of education. in the physical education publications, six major thematic groups were identified, namely: (1) physical activity of school pupils; (2) sports; (3) physical education; (4) health; (5) education; and (6) creativity. this study conveyed to public that the mapping using bibliometric analysis contributes to a better understanding of the development patterns of publications in the field of physical education. by finding thematic areas and topics appearing in publications, this study conveys information of important issues for further research and theory development as well as for educational practice or application.  correspondence address : jl. semarang no.5, kota malang, indonesia e-mail : yulingganandahanief@gmail.com https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 60 introduction physical education is considered as a part of education that promotes learning through movement, but physical education is not limited to doing sports, performing physical activity, and preventing obesity without education (quennerstedt, 2019). in the last few years, research on physical education in different countries has experienced a rapid development. physical education has the potential to have long-term health impacts on society (pate et al., 2011). physical activity during physical education process provides an important opportunity for children to be physically active (meyer et al., 2012) and becomes a medium for learning movements (quennerstedt & larsson, 2015) as well as the art in teaching (quennerstedt, 2019). in indonesia, the development of research on physical education has a good trend. it is due to the curiosity of academics to further investigate the application of physical education in indonesia. moreover, achieving learning objectives requires a curriculum compiled by an educational unit (mustafa & dwiyogo, 2020). the curriculum has changed according to the current needs and challenges (mulyasa, 2017). as we know that, in indonesia, the curriculum has changed several times. the curriculum change is one of the triggers of problems in schools, especially in physical education subjects, so that students, teachers, and lecturers are actively involved in conducting research to solve the occurring problems. however, the increase of the research productivity in the field of physical education in indonesia has never been thoroughly mapped and profiled using the bibliometric method. study of fan & gan (2010) analyzed physical education articles published in 2005-2009, but due to their limited scope, the study had not yet provided a factual, comprehensive, and up-to-date bibliometric profile. hinojo-lucena et al. (2019) analyzed scientific publications published before 2017 on the web of science (wos) database. however, the results of the study were limited to the chronological distribution of the number of publications from year to year and the preparation of publication profiles focusing on the analysis of impact of scientific journals. therefore, it became one of the gaps to be developed as well as the reason why this study was conducted. therefore, this study aimed to examine the development of scientific publications and map the thematic coverage of physical education research. the research process was focused on the following study questions: (1) how is the productivity of physical education publications developing in indonesia? (2) who are the main contributors (author, university, and publication name) of the published publications? (3) what are the thematic areas that attract the most attention of academics? (4) what topics are emerging in the field of publication? methods sources researchers used the scopus database as the data source for the sampling process. data were collected on 18 january 2021 using "physical education" word in the article title. fifty-six publications, consisting of 29 articles from journals and 26 articles from proceedings, were obtained. the range of publication year used was before 2021. research design to obtain the article metadata, researchers searched phrases in scopus database on 18 january 2021, covering title search “physical education” and affiliation country “indonesia”. there were 56 publications indexed by scopus. the researchers excluded articles that are still in press (1 article), so that there were 55 publications that were ready for analysis. the tracing procedure is presented in figure 1. this study used bibliometric analysis using publication mapping (porter et al., 2002) and keyword cooccurrence analysis, which is a type of co-word analysis (he, 1999). the researchers mapped the main contributors (author, university, and source name), applied a keyword co-occurrence analysis to find out publication trends, and traced the main thematic or topics that appeared in the publication. to present the data, researchers used data visualization with the help of the vosviewer application developed by researchers at laiden university (van eck & waltman, 2010). researchers used some parameters in vosviewer in obtaining article metadata including: 1) type of analysis (co-occurrence analysis), 2) unit of analysis (all keywords), 3) counting method (full counting), and 4) minimum number of documents of author (2 documents). copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yulingga nanda hanief et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 61 result publication map and productivity in physical education the first article with title and keyword "physical education" was published in 2013. since then, the development of publications in the physical education area had started to increase. in 2017, there was a significant increase where the number of publications recorded in the scopus database was 14 articles. however, there was also a drastic decline in 2018. in 2019, there was a similar increase as in 2017 (14 articles), while in 2020, it decreased into 13 articles. the dynamics changes of the productivity of these publications can be seen in figure 2. from the recorded publications, the problems studied in the field of physical education were focused on several subject areas defined by the scopus database. the subject areas included engineering, social sciences, and materials science which were the most dominant subject areas of the 55 publications. the universitas pendidikan indonesia (indonesia university of education) was the most productive institution, as well as the institution with the most contributors (tedi supriyadi, tatang muhtar, adang suherman, and ayi suherman). iop conference series materials science and engineering became the first choice among other publication media to publish the research results (14 articles). it was followed by the journal of physics conference series (10 articles). the 10 leading subject areas, affiliations, source titles, and authors can be seen in table 1. table 1 presents that the first rank on the subject area is engineering with 21 documents. this is closely related to the publication media of the articles. related to the source title (table 1), there were 14 documents published at the iop conference series materials science and engineering, where the proceedings only contained articles with materials science and engineering themes. physical education as a thematic cluster the results of data visualization analysis using vosviewer show that the keywords with the highest number of occurrences in the sample of the study were 'physical education', 'students', 'sports', 'education', 'physical activity', 'teaching', 'education computing', yulingga nanda hanief et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 login using scopus account search within = article title search documents = physical education add search field = and search within = affiliation country search documents = indonesia inclusion criteria : 1. published before 2020 2. regular publication 3. published in journal and proceeding selected articles for further analysis: 55 articles deleting duplicate articles (none) final samples: 55 articles network analysis was conducted by using cooccurrence of the keywords and coauthorship using vosviewer figure 1. article metadata search design from scopus figure 2. scientific publication productivity entitled “physical education” from year to year. source: research data taken from scopus database 62 learning process', 'elementary school', and 'motivation'. the 10 leading high-frequency keywords and their bibliometric characteristics (including number of occurrences and links, total link strength, and average publication year) are provided in table 2. the item density visualization of high frequency keywords is presented in figure 3. meanwhile, the co-occurrence analysis of the highest frequency keyword formed thematic groups/ clusters in the field of physical education. the groups are shown in figure 4. copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yulingga nanda hanief et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) table 1. publication profile in physical education field of study category ten leading publications subject area engineering (21); social sciences (18); materials science (14); physics and astronomy (10); biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology (8); medicine ((7); arts and humanities (6); health professions (6); computer science (5); dan economics, econometrics, and finance (5) affiliation universitas pendidikan indonesia (indonesia university of education) (24); universitas negeri yogyakarta (yogyakarta state university) (7); universitas negeri surabaya (surabaya state university) (4); universitas negeri jakarta (jakarta state university) (4); universitas negeri padang (padang state university) (4); universitas musamus merauke (musamus merauke university) (2); fatmawati general hospitasl (1); dr. kariadi hospital (1); eijkman institute of molecular biology (1); and universitas siliwangi (siliwangi university) (1) source title iop conference series materials science and engineering (14); journal of physics conference series (10); asian social science (5); international journal of human movement and sports sciences (4); cakrawala pendidikan (3); international journal of engineering and technology uae (2); international journal of learning teaching and educational research (2); international journal of advanced research in engineering and technology (1); international journal of advanced science and technology (1); dan international journal of evaluation and research in education author tedi supriyadi-universitas pendidikan indonesia (indonesia university of education) (5); tatang muhtar-universitas pendidikan indonesia (indonesia university of education) (4); adang suherman-universitas pendidikan indonesia (indonesia university of education) (4); ayi suhermanuniversitas pendidikan indonesia (indonesia university of education) (4); syahrial bakhtiar-universitas negeri padang (padang state university) (2); dian budiana-universitas pendidikan indonesia (indonesia university of education) (2); dinar dinangsit-universitas pendidikan indonesia (indonesia university of education) (2); yudy hendrayanauniversitas pendidikan indonesia (indonesia university of education) (2); hilda ilmawati-sman 1 batujaya (2); dan dwi cahyo kartiko-universitas negeri surabaya (2) table 2. publication profile in physical education field of study no keywords occurrences link total links strength average publication year 1 physical education 35 40 127 2017.91 2 students 18 26 84 2018.06 3 sports 15 25 80 2017.33 4 education 13 23 70 2017.22 5 physical activity 9 23 36 2017.33 6 teaching 8 20 50 2017.12 7 education computing 7 17 36 2018.29 8 learning process 6 13 28 2018.00 9 elementary schools 5 17 29 2018.60 10 motivation 4 14 22 2017.75 source: research data based on scopus database (18 january 2021) analysed by vosviewer application. figure 3. occurrence visualization of keywords in physical source: research data based on data from scopus database (18 january 2021) analysed by vosviewer application. 63 in figure 4, keywords are grouped based on their relevance. it means that the closer the presence of keywords, the closer the relationship is. a close relationship is indicated by the presence of lines among keywords, while the size of the colorful circles indicates the number of occurrences of these keywords. it means that the larger the circle on a keyword, the more often it appears. the visualization in figure 4 can be identified into 6 thematic clusters, namely: (1) physical activity of school pupils; (2) sports; (3) physical education; (4) health; (5) education; and (6) creativity. items categorized into identified thematic clusters are presented in table 3. keywords written in bold are the keywords with the highest number of occurrences. appearing topic: physical education vosviewer application provides a visualization of a range of topics developing year to year. figure 5 presents blue, green, and yellow colors. each color indicates publication year of the article. blue color indi cates the beginning of the publication year. green to yellow indicates the latest publication year of the article. the overlay visualization shows that the majority of keywords with the most recent publication date copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yulingga nanda hanief et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) source: research data based on scopus database (18 january 2021) analysed by vosviewer application. figure 4. occurrence network of high frequency keywords in physical education. table 3. high frequency group of keywords associated with physical education publications cluster number/ label / colour number of keywords keywords (occurrence) group 1/ physical activity of school pupils/ red 14 adolescent (3); body mass (2); child (4); disability (2); female (4); high school (2); human experiment (2); indonesia (3); learning (2); male (4); obesity (2); physical activity (9); primary school (2); dan skill (3) group 2/ sports/ green 12 character values (2); elementary schools (5); experimental methods (3); inhibiting factors (2); learning activity (2); learning motivation (2); learning process (6); learning systems (4); motivation (4); physical education teachings (3); sports (15); dan teaching (8) group 3/ physical education/ blue 11 character education (3); descriptive analysis (2); e-learning (2); education computing (7); learning models (4); physics education (2); physics (2); physical education (35); primary schools (2); research methods (3); students (18) group 4/ health/ yellow 5 cooperative learning (2); health (4); junior high schools (3); learning outcome (2); dan teacher (2) group 5/education/purple 5 cooperative learning (2); health (4); junior high schools (3); learning outcome (2); dan teacher (2) group 6/ creativity/tosca 5 cooperative learning (2); health (4); junior high schools (3); learning outcome (2); dan teacher (2) source: research data based on scopus database (18 january 2021) analysed by vosviewer application. 64 (visualized in yellow) are from cluster 1 and cluster 3 and are placed on the right side of the map. meanwhile, clusters 2, 4, 5, and 6 classify keywords with the earliest average publication year (visualized in dark blue). to complete the picture and identify topics appearing in publication, we searched for keywords with the most recent publication date (2014, 50, and so on) and sort them in table 4. bibliometric characteristics used for further analysis included: average publication year, the number of occurrences, links, and total link strength. keyword analysis, with the most recent publication date, shows the following emerging topics in the field of physical education research: 1) physical activity at school age (manifested by keywords 'physical activity', 'adolescent', 'primary school', 'male', and 'female), 2) teaching physical education and its learning model (manifested by keywords 'learning models', 'physical education', 'students', and ' education computing '), 3) learning activities and learning motivation (manifested by keywords 'learning motivation', and 'learning activity'). further keyword discovery shows the research activity manifested in keywords 'research methods', 'human experiment', and 'experimental method'. discussion the findings show that the collected research results were scattered in engineering (21), social sciences (18), and materials science (14) subject areas. the presence of engineering as the highest subject area was due to the fact that many articles were published in publications, both journals and proceedings, with engineering copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yulingga nanda hanief et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) figure 5. average publication year of high frequency keywords in physical education publications source: research data based on scopus database (18 january 2021) analysed by vosviewer application. table 4. bibliometric characteristics of recent keywords from publications in physical education (sorted by date of publication) keyword average publication year occurrences links total link strength group evaluation 2020.00 2 2 2 5 character education 2019.33 3 2 4 3 learning models 2019.00 4 14 17 3 learning system 2018.75 4 14 23 2 elementary schools 2018.60 5 17 29 2 cooperative learning 2018.50 2 8 9 4 education computing 2018.29 7 17 36 3 students 2018.06 18 26 84 3 learning process 2018.00 6 13 28 2 physical education 2017.91 35 40 127 3 motivation 2017.75 4 14 22 2 physical activity 2017.33 9 23 36 1 sport 2017.33 15 25 80 2 education 2017.22 13 23 70 5 teaching 2017.12 8 20 50 2 junior high school 2017.00 3 11 20 4 teacher 2016.50 2 2 2 4 health 2016.25 4 12 21 4 body mass 2015.50 2 7 11 1 creativity 2015.00 2 1 2 6 obesity 2014.50 2 6 6 1 source: research data based on scopus database (18 january 2021) analysed by vosviewer application. 65 theme (scope). the data found that there were 21 documents published in engineering journals and proceedings. fourteen of them were published in the iop conference series materials science and engineering, where the conference only accepts articles in the engineering scope. interestingly, the 21 published documents combined physical education research theme and engineering research theme, for example a research conducted by (suherman et al., 2018) entitled "the development of instructional media for rhythmic gymnastics in physical education course" where the study aimed to develop learning media for rhythmic gymnastics by the help of tools and musical instruments. development of materials, in the form of tools and musical instruments, was included in engineering scope. however, there were many published articles outside engineering scope of the iop conference series materials science and engineering. the examples include "identifying students' learning performance as a way to determine the admission process in the physical education field" (prihanto et al., 2018), “character based physical education model” (suherman et al., 2017), “tactical approach to increase motivation for learning students on physical education teaching in primary schools” (rokhayati et al., 2017), and “predictors of physical activity amongst women students of teacher education for primary education at indonesia university of education, sumedang campus” (dinangsit, 2017). by conducting further analysis, each of these articles was outside engineering scope. apart from these facts, it is expected that there will be cross-scientific research collaborations between the field of physical education and engineering (both information engineering and mechanical engineering) which will result in a research with high novelty requirements. this research is a research with a bibliometric approach aimed to analyze and map the trending research and publications, especially in the field of physical education. the findings show that there were 6 thematic clusters identified by the co-occurrence analysis methodology with the help of the vosviewer application. the focus of the theme of the first cluster was physical activity at school age. physical activity at the school age level has become a concern (setyorini et al., 2017), especially in indonesian regions which continue to strive to increase physical activity in various ways, one of which is the sport education model (sem) (ginanjar, 2019). the focus of the second cluster theme was sports and learning, which was indicated by the frequent appearance of the "sports", "teaching", and "learning process" words. this theme is interesting because it discusses physical education in schools and sports. physical education is defined as physical activity which can be then interpreted as sports activity (abduljabar, 2017). although sport is a high skill achievement, actually, sport is also a form of physical activity; most people say that sport is also a physical activity (abduljabar, 2017). on the other hand, physical education is defined as education, which means that physical education teaches all kinds of physical activities to bring students to become physically educated people. this learning made students to be physically educated (abduljabar, 2017). both meanings come from physical activity as performance and physical activity as a learning process. edwards (2010) states that there is a difference between performance and learning. from the physical activity and sports point of views, it is related and difficult to clearly understand. the focus of the third cluster theme was sports learning which was indicated by the frequent keywords of words "physical education", "students", and "education computing". the applied learning is also an effort to develop and improve motor skills, one of which is based on local excellence (widyaningsih et al., 2019). furthermore, (tarigan et al., 2017) also investigated the implementation of a scientific approach in physical education learning to improve physical fitness of junior high school students living in coastal areas. other studies state the effectiveness of a learning supported by facilities and infrastructure (mulyana & suherman, 2017). it shows that the thematic learning in physical education continues to develop with various approaches. conclusion this study conveys to the public that mapping through bibliometric analysis contributes to a better understanding of the publication development patterns in the field of physical education. by finding thematic areas and topics appearing in publications, this study delivers information on important issues for further research, theory development, and educational practice. the findings show that physical education is a research area that still needs to be developed, referring to the copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yulingga nanda hanief et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 66 productivity of publications from 2013 to 2020 where the publication range was still below 15 per year. the collected research results were scattered in the fields of engineering studies (21), social sciences (18), and materials science (14). the main contributor to the publication was universitas pendidikan indonesia (24), the most productive author was tedi supriyadi from universitas pendidikan indonesia. in physical education publications, six major thematic groups were identified, namely: (1) physical activity of school pupils; (2) sports; (3) physical education; (4) health; (5) education; and (6) creativity. the most contributed publication media was the iop conference series materials science and engineering with 14 published documents. highlights • physical education is a research field that still needs to be developed, referring to the productivity of publications from 2013 to 2020, where the range of publications was still below 15 per year. • the collected research results were scattered in the fields of engineering studies (21), social sciences (18), materials science (14). • the main contributor to the publication was universitas pendidikan indonesia (24). the most productive author was tedi supriyadi from universitas pendidikan indonesia. • in physical education publications, six featured thematic groups were identified related to: (1) physical activity of school pupils; (2) sports; (3) physical education; (4) health; (5) education; and (6) creativity. • topics appearing in physical education publications, which had recently attracted the academics, included the following issues: (1) physical education teachers and their training/education, (2) physical education in the context of higher education, and (3) physical education in the context of secondary education. • the most contributing publication media was the iop conference series materials science and engineering with 14 published documents. references abduljabar, b. 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terhadap pembentukan nilai-nilai kerjasama dalam pembelajaran permainan hoki di sman 26 garut.metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen, dengan menggunakan desain penelitian pretest-posttest control group design.penelitian ini dilaksanakan di sman 26 garut. populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakulikuler hokidi sman 26 garut yang berjumlah sebanyak 40 orang ditetapkan dengan total sampling. kemudian dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, kelompok eksperimen sebanyak 20 orang dan kelompok kontrol sebanyak 20 orang yang ditentukan secara random sederhana. berdasarkan pengolahan dan analisis data diperoleh nilai signifikasinya adalah 4,39lebih besar dari 0,05 maka 𝐻0 ditolak. kesimpulan,model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team game tournament (tgt) dalam permainan hoki memberikan pengaruh terhadap pembentukan nilai-nilai kerjasama di sman 26 garut. kata kunci : model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team game tournament (tgt), permainan hoki, kerjasama. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 28 pendahuluan olahraga hoki yang terdapat disekolah merupakan olahraga yang mengacu kepada system pendidikan, penambahan jam pelajaran di luar kbm atau biasa disebut dengan ekstrakulikuler yang secara tidak langsung memberikan suatu hiburan di luar waktu kbm yang tanpa mereka sadari. dengan bermain, bersenang-senang dan tanpa aturan yang kaku siswa dapat mengikuti olahraga hoki dengan senang hati. oleh karena itu hoki dapat pula bertujuan sebagai olahraga rekreasi. namun tidak dapat di pungkiri siswa yang mengikuti olahraga hoki di sekolah dengan sungguh-sungguh dan antusias serta tingkat kemahirannya sudah baik, siswa tersebut dapat di arahkan kepada jalur prestasi. jenis permainan hoki ini jika kita lihat jenis dan karakter dari permainannya hampir menyerupai sepak bola. hoki adalah permainan beregu yang terdiri atas 11 orang pemain untuk hoki lapangan (field hockey), 10 orang pemain dan 1 orang penjaga gawang. dan 5 orang pemain untuk hoki ruangan (indoor hockey), 4 orang pemain dan 1 orang penjaga gawang. hoki adalah olahraga yang menggunakan alat berupa stik (tongkat pemukul) dan bola untuk pemain serta leguard untuk penjaga gawang yang terdiri atas helmet, pelindung dada, pelindung tangan kanan dan kiri, stik dan pelindung kaki dari ujung kaki (sepatu) hingga pelindung yang menutupi tungkai. teknik permainan hoki ini meliputi push (mendorong bola), hit (memukul bola), stop (menahan bola), dribble (menggiring bola), flick (mencungkil bola), jab (menjangkau bola), tackle (merampas bola) dan scoop (mengangkat bola) ke arah gawang lawan dengan tujuan agar tim dapat mencetak gol. bola dinyatakan masuk jika pemain menyerang dan menembakan bola di dalam lingkaran serang atau lingkaran gawang lawan. kerjasama merupakan hal yang penting bagi kehidupan manusia, karena dengan kerjasama manusia dapat melangsungkan kehidupannya. kerjasama juga menuntut interaksi antara beberapa pihak.menurut soerjono soekanto (2006, hlm. 66) kerjasama merupakan suatu usaha bersama antara orang perorang atau jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 29 kelompok untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. pendapat tersebut sudah jelas mengatakan bahwa kerjasama merupakan bentuk hubungan antara beberapa pihak yang saling berinteraksi untuk mencapai tujuan bersama. untuk meningkatkan kerjasama siswa perlu diajarkan keterampilan social. hal ini dikarenakan dengan keterampilan sosial nilai-nilai dalam kerjasama akan terinternalisasi dalam diri siswa dengan cara pembiasaan. keterampilan sosial yang harus dimiliki siswa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kerjasama siswa diungkapkansuherman (2001, hlm. 86) menyebutkan unsur penting dalam kerjasama adalah: 1) mengikuti aturan 2) membantu teman yag belum bisa 3) ingin semua teman bermain dan berhasil 4) memotivasi orang lain 5) bekerja keras menerapkn skill 6) hormat terhadap orang lain 7) mengendalikan tempramen 8) memperhatikan perasaan orang lain 9) kerjasama meraih tujuan 10) menerima pendapat orang lain 11) bermain secara terkendali menurut suprijono (2010, hlm. 46) model pembelajaran ialah pola yang digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam merencanakan pembelajaran dikelas maupun tutorial. model pembelajaran mengacu pada pendekatan yang akan digunakan, termasuk didalamnya tujuan-tujuan pembelajaran, tahap-tahap dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, lingkungan pembelajaran, dan pengelolaan kelas. melalui model pembelajaran, guru dapat membantu peserta didik mendapatkan informasi, ide, keterampilan, cara berfikir, dan mengekspresikan ide. model pembelajaran berfungsi pula sebagai pedoman bagi para perancang pembelajaran dan para guru dalam merencanakan aktivitas belajar mengajar. banyak model pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan agar terbentuknya kerjasama pada siswa. disini peneliti mengambil model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team game tournament (tgt) karena,menurut rusman (2010, hlm. 224), tgt adalah salah satu tipe pembelajaran kooperatif yang menempatkan siswa jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 30 dalam kelompok-kelompok belajar yang beranggotakan 4 sampai 6 orang siswa yang memiliki kemampuan, jenis kelamin, suku kata atau ras yang berbeda. menurut slavin (2008) pembelajaran kooperatif tipe tgt terdiri dari lima langkah tahapan, yaitu tahap penyajian kelas (class precentation), belajar dalam kelompok (teams), permainan (games), pertandingan (tournament), dan penghargaan kelompok (team recognition). metode terdapat beberapa metode yang dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan suatu permasalahan.metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen, dimana metode eksperimen ini merupakan penelitian yang dilakukan dengan mengadakan manipulasi terhadap objek penelitian serta adanya kontrol (nazir, 2005, hlm. 63). hal ini sejalan dengan yang dikatakan oleh sugiyono (2011, hlm. 108) bahwa “metode penelitian eksperimen digunakan untuk mencari pengaruh perlakuan tertentu terhadap yang lain dalam kondisi yang terkendali. jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode penelitian eksperimen bertujuan untuk menyelidiki ada tidaknya atau seberapa besar hubungan sebab akibat dengan memberikan perlakuan-perlakuan tertentu pada suatu kelompok eksperimental dan menyediakan kontrol untuk perbandingan. adapun populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa sma negeri 26garut yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler hoki yang berjumlah 40 orang siswa yang terdiri dari 20 orangsebagai kelompok eksperimen dan 20 orang siswasebagai kontrol sampelnya. untuk memperoleh data secara objektif, diperlukan instrumen yang tepat sehingga masalah yang diteliti akan terefleksi dengan baik. instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan instrument kuisioner atau angket dan lembar observasi kerjasama siswa. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 31 tabel 1 kategori penilaian dengan menggunakan skala likert untuk angket alternatif jawaban skor alternatif jawaban positif negatif ss s r ts sts 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 tabel 2 kategori penilaian dengan menggunakan skala likert untuk lembar observasi sangat baik 4 baik 3 tidak baik 2 sangat tidak baik 1 a. kisi-kisi angket kerjasama bentuk angket menurut polak m. (1985) dalam sumardiyanto, dkk (2010, hlm. 123), kerjasama atau kooperasi (cooperation) adalah gejala saling mendekati untuk mengurus kepentingan bersama dan tujuan bersama. 1. mengikuti aturan 2. membantu teman yang belm bisa 3. ingin semua teman bermain dan berhasil 4. memotivasi orang lain 5. bekerja keras menerapkan skill 6. mengendalikan tempramen 7. memperhatikan perasaan orang lain 8. tidak egois jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 32 a. kisi-kisi kerjasama dalam bentuk lembar observasi kisi-kisi angket penelitian ini diambil dari pendapat suherman (2001, hlm. 86) bahwa unsur penting dalam kerjasama, yaitu: a. mengikuti aturan b. membantu teman yang belum bisa c. ingin semua teman bermain dan berhasil d. memotivasi orang lain e. bekerja keras menerapkn skill f. hormat terhadap orang lain g. mengendalikan tempramen h. memperhatikan perasaan orang lain i. kerjasama meraih tujuan j. menerima pendapat orang lain k. bermain secara terkendali hasil dan pembahasan a. uji normalitas tabel 3 hasiluji normalitas angket dan observasi pada kelompok eksperimen dengan kelompok sampel lo 𝐿ℎ𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑔 ltabel kesimpulan kelompok eksperimen gain 0.17 0.19 normal kelompok kontrol gain 0.18 0.19 normal berdasarkan tabel 4.2 diatas dapat diketahui nilai ltabeluntuk tes pada kerjasama dari daftar sebesar 0,19. nilai lhitung pada kelompok eksperimen adalah 0.17.sedangkan nilai lhitungpada kelompok kontrol adalah 0.18. kriteria pengujian hipotesisnya adalah: terima hipotesis nol (h0) jika lhitung lebih kecil dari pada ltabel, dalam hal lainnya hipotesis nol diterima. dengan demikian data pada kerjasama kedua kelompok sampel berdistribusi normal. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 33 b. uji homogenitas tabel 4 hasil uji homogenitas gabungan angket dan observasi dari kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol sampel fhitung ftabel kesimpulan kelompok eksperimenl dan kelompok kontrol 1.46 2.15 homogen berdasarkan penghitungan uji homogenitas pada kerjasama kelompok siswa pada kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol pada kerjasama diperoleh fhitung 1.46 dan pada ftabel dengan taraf nyata α = 0.05 dengan dk pembilang =n1=20-1=19 dan dk penyebut =n-1=20-1=19 menunjukan nilai 2.15 dengan kriteria pengujian, jika fhitunglebih kecil atau sama dengan ftabel, maka hipotesis nol (h0) diterima. dari perhitungan diatas, harga fhitung lebih kecil dari ftabel yang berarti bahwa data kerjasama memiliki varians sama atau homogen. c. uji hipotesis tabel 5 hasil uji hipotesis gabungan angket dan observasi dari kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol jenis tes thitung ttabel keterangan pre-test dan posttest 4.39 2.021 signifikan langkah-langkah pengujian hipotesis a. diketahui : kelas eksperimen : kelas kontrol : 𝑋1 : 24,9 𝑋2 : 20,9 α : 0.05 𝑛1 : 20 𝑛2 : 20 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 34 𝑆1 2 : 3,16 𝑆2 2 : 2,61 b. membuat hipotesis dalam bentuk : 𝐻0 : tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara model pembelajaran konvensional terhadap hasil belajar siswa 𝐻1 : terdapat perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara model pembelajaran eksperimen dengan model pembelajaran konvensional terhadap hasil belajar siswa c. membuat hipotesis statistic 𝐻0 : μ = μ 𝐻1 : μ ≠ 𝜇0 d. mencari 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑔 = 𝑥1−𝑥 2 1 𝑛 1 + 1 𝑛 2 𝑆 s² = 𝑛1−1 𝑆1 2 +(𝑛2−1)𝑆2 2 𝑛1 + 𝑛2− 2 = 2,88 = 24,9−20,9 1 20 + 1 20 2,88 = 20−1 3,16+ 20−1 2,61 20+20−2 = 4 2,88(0,316 ) = 19 3,16+ 19 2,61 38 = 4 0.91 = 60,04+49,59 38 = 4,39 = 109,63 38 e. menentukan kriteria penerimaan dan penolakan hipotesis terima 𝐻0 jika : terima 𝐻0 jika t(1-1/2α) < t < t(1-1/2α) dalam 𝐻0 ditolak untuk α = 0.05 dan dk (20+20-2) = 38, maka hipotesis nilai t pada distribusi (siswa) sebesar 4,39. f. membandingkan 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑔 dengan 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑙 ternyata nilai 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑔 (4,39) dan 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑙 (2,021), maka 𝐻0 ditolak g. membuat kesimpulan terdapat perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team game tournament (tgt) terhadap jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 35 pembentukan nilai-nilai kerjasama siswa dalam pembelajaran permainan hoki. diskusi penemuan setelah dilakukan pengolahan dan analisis data melalui uji statistik, maka penulis mendapatkan gambaran mengenai “pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team game tournament (tgt) terhadap pembentukan nilainilai kerjasama dalam pembelajaran permainan hoki di sma negeri 26 garut. berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, dan analisis data yang telah dilakukan tentang pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team game tournament (tgt) dalam permainan hoki terhadap pembentukan nilai-nilai kerjasama siswa, maka terlihat bahwa pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team game tournament (tgt) berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan nilai-nilai kerjasama siswa sma negeri 26 garut. dari diskusi penemuan yang telah dipaparkan tersebut, peneliti dapat memberikan gambaran bagi para pembina, pembaca, serta guru pendidikan jasmani bahwa pembelajaran dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team game tournament (tgt) merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat diterapkan pada proses pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani, khususnya permainan hoki dan olahraga-olahraga permainan lainnya, dikarenakan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team game tournament (tgt) membantu mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan bermain hoki, serta membentuk kerjasama siswa dengan kegiatankegiatan pembelajaran yang variatif dan menyenangkan. dengan demikian pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team game tournament (tgt) dapat memberikan hasil yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan bermain hoki dan pembentukan kerjasama siswa. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 36 kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil pengolahan dan analisis data yang di paparkan dalam bab iv dapat disimpulkan bahwa: model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team game tournament (tgt) dalam permainan hoki memberikan pengaruh terhadap pembentukan nilai-nilai kerjasama siswa di 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(yonex arcsaber z-slash) pada tahun 2013 (barreira et al., 2016). in addition, a chinese men's doubles player, fu haifeng, could reach around 332 km/h shuttlecock speed at the 2005 sudirman cup championship (chow et al., 2014). moreover, an indonesian men's singles player, taufik hidayat, could reach a 305 km/h shuttlecock speed at the 2006 world championship (taylor et al., 2014). the smash shot technique can be done while standing or jumping; the types of smash shots found in the badminton game are full smash shots, cut smash shots, backhand smash shots, and overhead circular smash shots (abián et al., 2017). an overhead standing smash requires the strength of the legs, shoulders, and arms muscles and the flexibility of wrists as well as a harmonious coordination of body movements (li et al., 2017). besides that, a smash requires various elements which are essential for optimizing the technique. for an effective overhead standing smash shot, biomechanical principles must be considered for each motion sequence, such as preparation, backswing, forward swing, impact, and follow through (abián et al., 2017) illustrated in figure 1. soubeyrand et al., (2017) reported the importance of the combination of wrist flexion, forearm pronation, and upper arm rotation with the biomechanical motion principles, which can result in a maximal force of smashes in badminton. the optimal smash performance depends on the various movements of the body segments working in a sequence of harmonious movement series known as a kinetic chain movement (valldecabres et al., 2020). according to phomsoupha & laffaye (2014), a kinetic chain is the notion of joints and segments which have an effect on one another during the movement. when one is in motion, it creates a chain of events that affects the movement of neighboring joints and segments. the application of biomechanical principles is the key to producing a smash with a maximum strength, speed, and accuracy to defeat the opponent's movements and earn points (gomez et al., 2019). copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 agus rusdiana et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) figure 1. phase of badminton overhead standing smash movements 83 furthermore, during the preparation phase, the position of the body must be balanced by stretching the two arms, opening both legs shoulder-width apart, and bending both knees slightly to create a stable center of gravity and mass (rota et al., 2014). in the backswing phase, when the load is moved backwards, push the body with the legs to move the center of gravity to the backswing position. after that, stretch the racket arm to back as far as possible to provide an optimal momentum for a greater speed and acceleration of the forward swing (rusdiana et al., 2020). the optimal speed of the forward swing movement depends on the occurring inertia moment, including the distance of the racket head must be closer to the hips, the further the position of the racket arm behind the body, the greater the generated momentum and speed of angular velocity; the application of this principle will certainly increase a greater sum of force during the impact point by involving major muscle movements followed by a series of minor muscle movements (maeda et al., 2017). it is in line with the tennis service research reported by (phomsoupha & laffaye, 2015) that “force summation is an important biomechanical principle for optimal tennis serve techniques. when performing the serve, it is important to use the largest muscles first, followed by the smallest muscles while sequentially accelerating each body part to maximise momentum. the more joints involved in the technique will produce greater acceleration and promote optimal tennis serve”. based on the explanation of the previous studies above, this study was aimed at analyzing the joint motion kinetics of the upper limb joints, especially the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints of the skilled player group and the unskilled player group when performing an overhead standing smash in badminton game. methods the method used in this research was a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. descriptive method is a research method that aims to systematically and accurately describe facts about certain symptoms that becomes the center of the researcher's attention. participants the samples involved were 13 skilled male badminton players who joined the student activity unit at university level who had gained a lot of achievements and 13 unskilled player students with under one year of study period. the means of age, height, and body weight were 19.4 ± 1.6 years, 1.73 ± 0.12m, and 62.8 ± 3.7kg. the total number of participants were 26 people. all participants gave their consent on the form that had been previously given. all participants were also confirmed not being injured. then, before the test was administered, they received a comprehensive technical explanation related to the procedure implementation. the test for the data collection was carried out in a badminton field at fpok sport hall, universitas pendidikan indonesia. instruments the instrument of this study were three video cameras (panasonic handycam hc-v100 full hd, japan), a three-dimensional calibration set, a set of 3d motion analysis software (frame diaz iv, japan), a set of manual markers, a speed gun radar (bushnell speed gun 101911, italy), and an automatic shuttlecock throwing machine (flypower). test procedures before the test, the participants did a warm up for 15 minutes which was followed by performing overhead standing smash using their own racket to make the participants comfortable and quick to adapt. figure 2 explains the field data collection scheme. the measurement the speed of the ball utilized a radar speed gun and a 100 hz shutter speed which were placed near the net with a 45 cm distance outside the field line. video camera 1 was placed at the right side of the field side line with 1.5m distance perpendicular to the subject standing position. the video camera 2 was put behind the field line parallel to the subject area with 2m distance from the player standing position. meanwhile, the video camera 3 was placed above the subject standing position, which was vertically perpendicular to the subject area position. the three video cameras were adjusted according to the needs of the research characteristics. the frame rate was 100 hz; the shuttle speed was 250s; and the exposure time was 1 / 1200s. meanwhile, for the calibration purposes and data processing, the three-dimensional analysis was carried out using the direct linear transformation calibration structure method developed by (hamill et al., 1999). copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 agus rusdiana et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 84 motion kinetic parameters to determine the kinetic characteristics of standing smash, a model was made according to the motion anatomy principles, including the shoulder joint which consisted of three movement characteristics, consisting of internal external shoulder rotation (a), shoulder abduction-adduction (b) and shoulder horizontal abduction-adduction (c). elbow joint consists of two characteristics of movement, namely elbow flexionextension (d) and forearm pronation-supination (e) movements. the wrist joint consists of two characteristics of movements, namely the palmar-dorsi flexion (f) and radial-ulnar flexion (g) movements. copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 agus rusdiana et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) figure 2. phase of badminton overhead standing smash movements figure 3. motion kinetic parameters of the upper limb joints (source: rusdiana, 2020) 85 data analysis this study used the spss version 22.0 application (spss inc., chicago, il). the mean and standard devition were calculated as the initial data for further calculations, namely normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis test. to test the hypothesis, a non-parametric t-test approach was used (mann-whitney tests) because the normality of data was not fulfilled. this test aimed to calculate the level of difference between the two groups (skilled and unskilled player groups) with an alpha confidence level 0.05. the 3d coordinate data from the player markers were refined using the butterworth low-pass filter method with a 15 hz cut off frequency, which was determined by residual analysis (iino & kojima, 2011). all kinetic values were calculated using matlab 8.5 software (mathworks, natick, usa). result the peak values of normalized joint kinetics are shown in table 1. the results showed that the six subindicators of the 14 analyzed parameters during the overhead standing smash were significantly different between the skilled and unskilled player groups. the shoulder inferior force (p = 0.002), shoulder anterior force (p = 0.014), shoulder internal rotation torque (p = 0.016), shoulder horizontal abduction torque (p = 0.029), elbow anterior force (p = 0.003), and wrist flexion torque (p = 0.031) movements of the skilled player group showed a significant difference. meanwhile, the maximum kinetic values of the shoulder proximal force, shoulder horizontal adduction torque, elbow medial force, elbow proximal force, wrist anterior force, wrist medial torque, wrist proximal force, wrist anterior torque, wrist medial torque, wrist proximal force, wrist flexion torque, and wrist radial torque movements showed no significant difference between the two groups. copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 agus rusdiana et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) table 1. kinetic parameter maximum values of badminton overhead standing smash variables skilled unskilled p-value mean ± sd mean ± sd shoulder force (n/bw) shoulder inferior force* 2.9 0.5 4.2 0.7 0.002 shoulder anterior force* 2.6 0.7 3.4 0.4 0.014 shoulder proximal force 5.7 0.8 5.4 1.2 0.215 shoulder torques (nm/bw x h) shoulder internal rotation torque* 35.2 8.1 21.6 7.1 0.016 shoulder horizontal adduction torque 56.8 12.3 58.3 11.8 0.945 shoulder horizontal abduction torque* 20.4 7.2 28.9 10.4 0.029 elbow force (n/bw) elbow anterior force* 1.8 0.4 3.9 0.9 0.003 elbow medial force 2.8 0.7 4.2 0.9 0.165 elbow proximal force 6.2 1.5 6.5 1.4 0.236 wrist force (n/bw) wrist anterior force 2.6 0.5 2.7 0.4 0.225 wrist medial force 0.8 0.3 0.11 0.5 0.342 wrist proximal force 3.6 0.8 3.9 0.6 0.242 wrist torque (nm/bw x h) wrist flexion torque* 15.3 2.9 24.4 3.6 0.031 wrist radial torque 13.4 3.4 15.6 3.8 0.654 significance value p < 0.05 n = newton, bw = body weight, nm = newton meter, h = height 86 discussion the purpose of this study was to compare the joint motion kinetics of the shoulders, elbows, and wrists between the skilled players and unskilled players when performing an overhead standing smash in badminton. the findings of this study indicated that there was a significant difference of the shuttlecock speed during the overhead standing smash between the skilled player group and the unskilled player group. the results of this research are relevant with other study investigating a sport with a similar motion with the overhead standing smash, namely tennis serve between professional players and advanced tennis players (johnson & mchugh, 2006). furthermore, the results of this study also explain that an efficient service movement mechanism allows players to maximize the ball speed with a low joint load and reduce the risk of joint injury. the results of the present study indicate that the overhead standing smash of the unskilled player group was less "efficient" due to the overload of shoulder and elbow torque compared to the skilled player group who gained a higher ball speed (yeh et al., 2019). this problem occurred in the unskilled player group so that it can be related to the kinetic chain movement theory principle when the movement is not harmonious. it indicates that any disturbance in the kinetic motion chain caused by improper mechanics could result in an overload upper limb joint, resulting in a lack of coordination of the appropriate motion sequences (herbaut et al., 2018). the movement series of the overhead jumping smash require a linear and circular velocity and acceleration of the body movement, shuttlecock, and racket swing. there is a limited research on badminton games explaining the movement of the forehand overhead stroke technique, especially the standing smash. however, according to bahamonde & knudson (2003), in their research analyzing the contribution of the upper body joint rotation speed on tennis serve, the maximum movement of the shoulder joint when the racket is swinging backwards is the initial phase to produce a faster shoulder forward rotation speed to get a higher ball speed. this result is in line with the finding of (rogowski et al., 2014) in tennis serve that the elbow joint contributes significantly to the velocity of the ball after the impact. the fast elbow extension movement rotation will produce a strong push from the upper arm and the forward swing before the impact with the shuttlecock (gordon, 2006). in addition, the results of other studies show that the flexion and extension movements of the elbow joint contribute significantly (up to 30%) to the speed of the racket swing (song et al., 2020). the rotation speed of other joints that have an important role on the racket swing speed is the forearm pronation-supination motion (gordon, 2006). this joint movement, especially the rotational speed of the forearm supination before an impact with the shuttlecock, provides a great support to the racket speed. this movement is clearly seen in the high technical skill player group. meanwhile, for unskilled players, these movements usually hardly happen. therefore, it is not surprising if a professional player's smash produces a higher shuttlecock speed compared to an amateur player. moreover, the research conducted by (kolman et al., 2019), related to the wrist motion kinetic data during tennis service, showed that the wrist force and torque provided a higher support compared to the tennis forehand stroke. it shows that the tennis serve movement is a skill having a risk of wrist injury. further results of study from (yeh et al., 2019) reported that the majority of wrist pain occurred due to repetitive overloads during the tennis serve caused by the shoulder proximal force and stress of joint torque. in addition, (johnson & mchugh, 2006) reported that the short duration of backswing would result in a higher anterior shoulder force in the backswing phase. therefore, to prevent shoulder and elbow injuries due to overload movements, the player should pay attention to the maximum shoulder back swing in a chain (genevois et al., 2020). conclusion the results and discussion conclude that the shuttlecock speed of the skilled player group, when performing overhead standing smash, was higher compared to the unskilled player group. furthermore, there were significant differences in the shoulder inferior force, shoulder anterior force, shoulder internal rotation torque, shoulder horizontal abduction torque, elbow anterior force, and wrist flexion torque joint motions between the skilled player group and the unskilled players group. due to the limitations of the study, it is suggested that the next discussion focuses on the kinetic copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 agus rusdiana et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 87 and momentum changes of the body segment movement in analyzing jumping smash in badminton. acknowledgement we would like to deliver our gratitude to lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (lppm) upi as the funding source of the study. we would also deliver our sincere gratitude to all 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characteristics, cardiovascular endurance, zon keramat, akademi mokhtar dahari abstract the main purpose of this study was examine the differences of anthropometric characteristics and cardiovascular endurance among under 18 football players. thirty-six football players were involved as respondent. data was collected using bioelectrical impedance analysis monitor scan for evaluating anthropometric characteristics whereas yo-yo intermittent recovery test level 1 was used for evaluating cardiovascular endurance. overall results shown that u18 akademi mokhtar dahari football players had greater performance compared to zon keramat football players. bmi, there was a slight difference for both groups. the results obtained showed that there were no significant differences between height (p=0.14), trunk (p=0.14) and legs (p=0.84). however, there were significant differences for weight (p=0.01) and body mass index (p=0.02). there were also significant differences with result of yoyo test where akademi mokhtar dahari football players had better performance with (p=0.00). conclusion, akademi mokhtar dahari football players had better results compared to zon kermat football players.  correspondence address : universiti teknologi mara negeri sembilan, kampus seremban, malaysia e-mail : rozita.abdlatif@uitm.edu.my https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 90 introduction football is one of the well-known sport that participated by majority of people in the world. regardless of regions, everyone supports the development of football until today. basically, when players decided to get involved in sports, they had to know the requirements needed to get selected. anthropometry has been shown to play an important role in selection of athletes and sports performance (gutnik, 2015). due to the needs of specific demands, athletes should have specific anthropometric characteristics for their own sports discipline (masanovic, 2018). eventually, in football, these players require to have the ideal body physique in order to have the advantage when competing. an athlete’s body mass can influence their speed and endurance. the physical performance can also be affected with an non ideal body mass (nikolaidis & karydis, 2011). it had also been stated that elite football players will tend to have better anthropometric characteristics relating to sports performance (csáki et al., 2017). besides physical attributes, components such as cardiovascular endurance also needed to be focused in order for football players to succeed. in this age category, youth football players also needed to be exposed with high intensity training to give them chance to develop their fitness level to be at the highest level. therefore, the researcher would like to assess the differences lie between two different levels of football teams. it has been proven that a quality football performance is in conjunction with the amount of high intensity running performed in a game (krustrup, 2003). football players need to be at the highest level of cardiovascular endurance due to the demands of their sport. it is very important for a player’s physical ability to manage in producing high intensity intermittent bouts during games that last for 60-120 minutes (harrison, 2015). both groups bring different performances regarding this component due to different experience gained by them. thus, they will tend to have better ability to sustain high work rates throughout training and matches (vaeyens, 2008). the differences had been identified among nonelite and elite youth football players and there were few theories related to this problem. according to baxterjones (1993), it would seem that around the age of 14 years old, it has a critical impact on the development of physiological characteristics in pubertal athletes. therefore, these youth football players will have a slight margin of differences among them not only in anthropometric characteristics but also their fitness levels. some researchers founded that youth players at the age of 1517 years old had the same anthropometric measurements but not cardiovascular endurance (harrison, 2015). hence, different nature of training sessions and exposure given will determine the players’ body physique and fitness to be competing in the tournaments. anthropometrical profile is associated with match related performance where the players with higher endurance level and lower body fat percentage have a higher chance of winning (mario, 2015). ensuring the process of predicting ultimate performance potential at an early age is difficult and complex. moreover, previous researchers have nevertheless attempted to identify factors that predispose certain players toward success in soccer with attention being paid to anthropometric characteristics (carling, 2009). as for cardiovascular endurance, harrison (2015) founded, aerobic fitness among young youth team sport players received limited attention. therefore, this study focused on identifying cardiovascular endurance of young football players. logically, if a player does not have the best condition when playing, he may be hard to succeed. a high intensity sports with having contacts with their opponents requires them to be in the best shape. anthropometric characteristics has been usually left out when finding players in building a football team. it is very important to have players that have ideal anthropometric figures in order to compete in higher level in the future. it has been stated that higher percentage of body mass will likely slow a person down and decrease their speed and movements. as for cardiovascular endurance, it is very important for the players to be in a fit condition to compete in a 90-minute game. the high demands of the game require the players to have good cognitive and technical skills on the field. therefore, these two variables will be taken into measures for this study. the purpose of this study is to identify the differences of anthropometric characteristics and cardiovascular endurance between youth football players. methods the research design for this study is causal comparative. it is suitable to be used because it involves copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 rozita abdul latif et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 91 identifying differences. it also investigates the possible cause, effect and relationships that explain differences that have existed among subjects. this study is to identify the differences of anthropometric characteristics and cardiovascular endurance. according to sandelowski (2015), this particular design is better because the researcher does not have to move as far from or into the data and does not require an abstract rendering of data compared to other designs. participants purposive sampling had been implemented in this study to gather participants. the purposive sampling technique is the deliberate choice of a participant due to the qualities the participant possessed (etikan, 2016). criteria needed were under 18 football players, injury prone, compete in competitive league. whereas, the exclusion criteria were players that had injuries and under 13,14 football players from same school. thus, the subjects that had been tested throughout this study were 36 football players. 18 of them were from zon keramat schools whereas another 18 being represented by akademi mokhtar dahari players. the players from zon keramat schools were chosen due to their victory in mssmkl tournament recently. as for akademi mokhtar dahari players, they were selected to participate in this study because they were the elite football athletes in malaysia for young age category. the subjects were all aged from 15-17 years old and the total subjects had been gathered based on the effect size with an amount of 0.96 (deprez, 2015). additional with 20% of total size in conjunction with possibility of dropout during this study, the researcher has added 6 football players more. instrument and procedure as for anthropometric characteristics, instrument used is bioelectrical impedance analysis monitor scan. whereas, for cardiovascular endurance, the researcher used yo-yo intermittent recovery test to evaluate their levels. anthropometric measurements in order to measure the subjects’ anthropometric characteristics, the apparatus used is bioelectrical impedance analysis monitor scan. areas that had been evaluated in this study were body weight, height, bmi, fat percentage of trunk and legs. procedures that had been implemented in this study were the total body resistance was measured using foot-pad bioelectrical impedance analyser. the details of the subjects such as height, age in years, sex were inserted in bia device. then, the subjects were asked to stand erect with the feet must be shoulder-width apart. this procedure has been standardized and being recommended (ostojic, 2006). cardiovascular endurance yo-yo test to determine cardiovascular endurance level of the football players, yo-yo intermittent recovery test has been carried out. the subjects ran 20m shuttles and each shuttle will provide a recovery period. the speed of running will be increasing with a 10s period controlled by audio signals prepared by the researcher. this method was very suitable to be used in youth football players. it is valid to measure for young and trained soccer players (povoas et al., 2016). then, their partners filled in the scoring sheet and marked their partner’s achievement during the test. data analysis the data gathered through the tests have been evaluated by different analysis. each objective stated has been analysed being analysed to gain valid data. as for identifying anthropometric characteristics and cardiovascular endurance, the researcher used descriptive analysis. whereas, to determine the differences of both dependent variables towards the selected football players, the analysis used was independent t-test. then, the data obtained after this study completed will be analysed using ibm spss 25. result demographic data a total of 36 healthy young male subjects had been recruited to complete this study. the mean ± standard deviation age of the subjects was 16.00 ± 0.00, mean ± standard deviation of body weight was 57.56 ± 8.06 and copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 rozita abdul latif et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) table 1. criteria of sample inclusion criteria exclusion criteria aged 15 – 17 years old injured players play in active league 92 mean ± standard deviation for height was 167.31 ± 6.87. table 2 shows mean and standard deviation for demographic data of the football players involved. the mean weight for u18 zon keramat football players was 54.29±8.89. the mean height for them was 165.61±6.87. body mass index for the players was 19.81±2.10. mean fat percentage for trunk was 7.10±1.77. mean fat percentage for legs was 12.50±2.50 . as for u18 akademi mokhtar dahari, the mean weight for the players was 60.85±5.67. the mean height for this group was 169±6.63. referring table 4, the mean for body mass index was 21.33±1.67. the mean fat percentage of trunk was 6.96±0.90. mean percentage of legs for this elite football players was 11.66±0.36 result shown in table 5 the mean result of yoyo intermittent recovery test for zon keramat was 14.14±0.28. mean result of yoyo intermittent recovery test for akademi mokhtar dahari was 14.14±0.81. table 6 presented independent t test analysis between u18 zon keramat and akademi mokhtar dahari. the results obtained showed that there were no significant differences between height (p=0.14), trunk (p=0.14) and legs (p=0.84). however, there were significant differences for weight (p=0.01) and body mass index (p=0.02). this result indicated that from age copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 rozita abdul latif et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) table 2. demographic data of football players demographic data mean ± sd zon keramat age 16.00 ± 0.00 weight (kg) 54.29 ± 8.89 height (cm) 165.61 ± 6.87 akademi mokhtar dahari age 16.00 ± 0.00 weight (kg) 60.85 ± 5.66 height (cm) 169.00 ± 6.63 table 3. anthropometric characteristics of u18 zon variable mean sd weight (kg) 54.29 8.89 height (cm) 165.61 6.87 body mass index 19.81 2.10 trunk (%) 7.10 1.77 legs (%) 12.50 2.50 table 4. anthropometric characteristics of u18 akademi mokhtar dahari football players variable mean sd weight (kg) 60.85 5.67 height (cm) 169.00 6.63 body mass index 21.33 1.67 trunk (%) 6.96 0.90 legs (%) 11.66 0.36 table 5. cardiovascular endurance of u18 zon keramat and akademi mokhtar dahari football players variable mean sd zon keramat yoyo intermittent test 14.14 0.28 akademi mokhtar dahari yoyo intermittent test 19.02 0.81 table 6. anthropometric characteristics between u18 zon keramat and akademi mokhtar dahari football players variable mean(sd) p value weight zon keramat 54.29(8.89) 0.01* akademi mokhtar dahari 60.85(5.66) height zon keramat 165.61(6.87) 0.14 akademi mokhtar dahari 169.00(6.63) bmi zon keramat 19.81(2.10) 0.02* akademi mokhtar dahari 21.33(1.67) trunks zon keramat 7.10(1.77) 0.14 akademi mokhtar dahari 6.96(0.90) legs zon keramat 12.50(2.60) 0.84 akademi mokhtar dahari 11.66(0.36) *p<0.05 93 group football players shown differences in terms of anthropometric measurements. based on table 7, the result shown there was a significant difference among u18 zon keramat and akademi moktar dahari football players in term of cardiovascular endurance level (p=0.00). the mean score for zon keramat was 14.14 whereas for akademi mokhtar dahari was 19.02. these two groups showed the differences obtained due to different type and intensity of training involved. discussion in this present study, the researcher found that there were certain variables shown significantly different among these two groups. the areas involved for anthropometric characteristics were weight, height, fat percentage of trunk & legs. there were arguments regarding this study due to the usage of bioelectrical impedance analysis monitor scan rather than skinfold measurement. the researcher has initially chosen bia as main instrument for anthropometric characteristics due to time consummation. this decision has been supported by ostojic (2006), estimation of body fat were similar between skinfold and bia with significant correlation (r=0.96). bioelectrical impedance analysis method is less time – consuming. as for cardiovascular endurance level, they were being tested through a test called yoyo intermittent recovery test level 2. according to povoas (2016), this intermittent test was valid to measure young and trained football players. according to gonzalez-rave (2013), these each type of intermittent tests were only focusing on similar situation to a specific intermittent type of sport. some physical and physiological requirements were needed as well as technical and tactical skills. these attributes were important in order to succeed in football especially. due to different level of playing from these two categories, the data collected shown various results to be interpreted. in this study, elite and non-elite football players presented different results for each variables respectively. cardiovascular endurance level was measured through intermittent test. this study has chosen these tests due to several sceptical views from other people. previous studies showed most of them did studies on foreign countries. hence, according to harrison (2015), aerobic fitness training for youth team sport players have received limited attention. therefore, the researcher has taken an initiative by assessing this study on u18 local football players in malaysia. in the sport of football, players are considered to be somewhat homogenous group. values found in the present study for mean value of weight of akademi mokhtar dahari were better than zon keramat football players. the p value of this variable showed there was a significant difference of weight involving these two categories. mean value of height represented by both groups showed that football players from akademi mokhtar dahari were majority taller compared to the other group. this was because the selection being done by the elite coaches in bringing players into the academy was focusing on suitable size to compete against foreign countries. in order to summarize for both weight and height for these two groups, bmi data has been analysed and the results were significantly different. u18 football players from akademi mokhtar dahari showed a good result in bmi analysis compared to zon keramat’s players. this has been an initial mission for the elite players to be in a perfect shape involving height and weight in order to cope under pressure. suggestions being made that training and nutritional interventions for young professional soccer players should be more closely aligned to the goal of promoting lean mass gain as opposed to those targeting reduced fat mass (milsom, 2015). in other words, zon keramat’s players did not being supervised about their nutritional intake although they had training sessions arranged by the coaches. these limited resources may affect a team’s quality to perform better in a higher level. in this present study, the researcher has taken an initiative to include measurement of fat percentage using bioelectrical impedance analysis monitor scan. this is to identify in more detail regarding anthropometric among young football players. areas that had been measured were fat percentage of trunk and legs. copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 rozita abdul latif et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) table 7. cardiovascular endurance between u18 zon keramat and akademi mokhtar dahari football players variable mean (sd) p value yoyo test zon keramat 14.14 (0.28) 0.01* akademi mokhtar dahari 19.02 (0.81) 94 these areas had been implemented based on previous study by figueiredo (2012). in this present study, the results shown that players from akademi mokhtar dahari had leaner trunk and legs. despite these results, it had shown that asian youth football players grown slower than european young football players. realistically, both asian and european football players received different type of approach from the coaches respectively. therefore, it has been agreed that these teams faced changes in terms of body composition due to amount of playing time, training volume and intensity, dietary practices, illnesses, injuries and traveling (mukherjee & chia, 2010). based on the results, it was proved that asian football players body composition and fat percentage were lower than european football players. several improvements should be done by asian youth football national team or clubs are increased resistance training and dietary protein as opposed to stimulate body fat loss and energy restriction during football training (milsom, 2015). elite players tended to present more years of soccer experience and hours of training during the season than non-elite players. by inference, total time in systematic practice may be critical in the development of youth soccer players (figueiredo, 2012). researcher had found that elite and non-elite football players had slight anthropometric differences. this study showed similar result with gutnik (2015) where anthropometrical profile may indicate whether the player is suitable to play in the highest level. as for cardiovascular endurance level, result showed a significant difference among these two categories. mean values measured from the intermittent test showed that akademi mokhtar dahari football players had better endurance level compared to zon keramat. players need to meet the requirements of aerobic fitness to be capable of maintaining fast movements over the entire match (mohr et al., 2005). therefore, the training faced by akademi mokhtar dahari players were suitable and effective whereas zon keramat only had training prior to their football tournaments. elite players tend to have slight difference in terms of fitness level compared to non-elite players (harrison et al., 2015). hence, there was a significant difference showed in this present study. other study stated that elite players tend to present more years of soccer experience and hours of training during the season than non-elite players (figueiredo, 2012). according to fransen (2017), aerobic endurance and soccer specific skill in 11-17 years old players has been demonstrated to have more gradual changes in these fitness characteristics. conclusion the result of this study showed that players from both zon keramat and mokhtar dahari had slight similar anthropometric characteristics. however, there was also a slight difference between them regarding cardiovascular endurance result. it has shown that akademi mokhtar dahari football players tend to have better cardiovascular ability in sustaining good during football matches. besides that, this study was conducted in order for other researchers to gain knowledge regarding this topic the researcher has conducted. moreover, with the outcome of this study, the findings can help local schools that wanted to have a football team similar with elite football academy to improvise their training program. the results revealed that certain anthropometric areas measured proved there were similar results among them. despite that similarity, cardiovascular endurance level showed the significant differences due to training program faced by both categories. these findings showed that to have a high level of cardiovascular endurance, the team must attend a proper training with a supervision during consuming food to maintain a quality team. hence, it can be considered that sets of coaches with adequate amount of training for akademi mokhtar dahari football players were well organised and managed to produce world class young football players. recommendation based on this study that has been conducted by the authors, it was an important knowledge to be gained on the differences showed by these two group of young football players. assessing these elite and non-elite football players brought valuable experience that can be used in future. besides that, there were a few areas that needed to be improvised for future used. recommendations from the authors is to have more young athletes being tested properly. this step is to ensure that grassroots activities will be a success in the future and not wasting money. besides that, those copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 rozita abdul latif et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (1) (2021) 95 young athletes can be from any sports but they must be in an age category. furthermore, future study must 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pendekatan taktis lebih besar signifikansinya dibandingkan pendekatan tradisional, maka dari itu peneliti merekomendasikan penggunaan pendekatan taktis untuk olahraga permainan. kata kunci: model pendekatan taktis, model pendekatan tradisional, belajar permainan kasti, permainan kasti. pendahuluan permainan kasti merupakan permainan yang dimainkan di lapangan dengan ukuran lapang permainan 30 x 60 m, dengan ruang pemukul dan ruang bebas menjadi 30 x 53m dan ukuran terkecil 30 x 45 m, dengan ruang pemukul dan ruang bebas menjadi 30 x 50 m untuk ukuran anak-anak, dan terdapat alat-alat permainan seperti kayu pemukul, bola yang berdiameter 19-20 cm dan beratnya antara 70-80 gram dengan lama permaianan 2 x 20 menit, terdapat regu terdiri atas 12 orang, terdapat peraturan dan wasit. jumlah pemain pada permainan kasti dimainkan oleh dua regu, yang masing-masing regunya terdiri dari 12 orang pemain, dan pemain cadangan 6 orang, setiap pemain dari masing-masing regu harus memakai nomor di dada dan di punggungnya, yang berurutan mulai dari nomor 1 sampai dengan 12, sedangkan untuk pemain cadangan dari nomor 13 ke atas. untuk kepentingan penelitian ini, materi pembelajaran permainan kasti yang akan dipelajari meliputi: keterampilan melempar bola, memukul bola, menangkap bola dan berlari, yang pembelajaran berikut akan di ajarkan melalui model pendekatan taktis dan tradisional sebagai perbandingan untuk mengetahui keterampilan siswa dalam permainan kasti. griffin, mitchell, & oslin (yudiana, 2010:26) memaparkan bahwa tujuan dari penerapan model pendekatan taktis adalah: “penguasaan kemampuan bermain melalui keterkaitan taktik permainan dengan perkembangan keterampilan, memberikan kesenangan, memecahkan masalah dan membuat keputusan.” selanjutnya harsono (yudiana, 2010:92) memaparkan bahwa jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 10 berdasarkan pemaparan yang telah dipaparkan penulis ingin menganalisis dan meneliti bagaimana perbandingan model pendekatan taktis dan pendekatan tradisional terhadap hasil belajar permainan kasti. metode berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada penulis menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen dangan variabel bebas yaitu model pembelajaran dan variabel terikatnya yaitu hasil belajar permainan kasti. populasi dan sample penelitian populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswi smk 45 lembang kelas x bisni manajemen yang berjumlah 215 orang, sampel diambil dengan cara random sampling sebanyak 40 orang, 20 orang untuk kelompok model pendekatan taktis dan 20 orang model pendekatak tradisional. instrumen penelitian berikut instrumen yang digunakan penulis untuk penelitian ini: tabel 3.1 instrumen keterampilan kasti no. jenis keterampilan kasti nilai performa baik (3) sedang (2) buruk (1) 1. keterampilan mencapai tiang hinggap dan mencetak poin 2. keterampilan mematikan lawan 3. keterampilan melambungkan bola ke pemukul 4. keterampilan menangkap bola 5. keterampilan memukul bola berdasarkan table 3.1 apabila siswa mempunyai keterampilan yang baik maka akan mendapat skor 3; sedangkan apabila siswa mempunyai keterampilan sedang maka mendapat skor 2; dan apabila siswa mempunyai keterampilan buruk maka siswa mendapat skor 1. setelah dilakukan pengolahan data perhitungan diperoleh nilai rata-rata dan simpang baku untuk setiap variabel penelitian, data-data tersebut diolah dan dianalisis secermat mungkin dengan menggunakan spss for windows versi 20, seperti tabel 4.1 berikut ini. tabel 4.1 hasil penghitungan rata-rata dan simpang baku jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 11 hasil belajar keterampilan kasti pre test post test gain score x sd x sd x sd pendekatan taktis 8.35 1.31 10.70 1.12 2.35 68 pendekatan tradisional 8.05 1.31 9.30 1.26 1.25 55 berdasarkan tabel 4.1 maka di dapat hasil belajar keterampilan kasti dengan menggunakan model pendekatan taktis pada pre-test diperoleh nilai rata-rata 8,35 dan simpangan baku sebesar 1,31 sedangkan pada post-test diperoleh nilai rata-rata 10,70 dan simpangan baku sebesar 1,12 kemudian gain score-nya diperoleh nilai rata-rata 2,35 sedangkan simpangan bakunya sebesar 68, sedangkan pada model pendekatan tradisional, pre-test diperoleh nilai rata-rata 8,05 dan simpangan baku sebesar 1,31 selanjutnya pada hasil post-test diperoleh nilai rata-rata 9,30 dan simpangan bakunya sebesar 1,26 kemudian gain score-nya diperoleh nilai rata-rata 1,25 dan simpangan bakunya sebesar 55. uji normalitas data uji normalitas digunakan untuk mengetahui apakah data terdistribusi dengan normal atau tidak, untuk mendapatkan hasil uji normalitas data, diperlukan suatu perhitungan uji normalitas. pada perhitungan ini penulis akan menggunakan metode shapiro-wilk pada p-value ≥ 0,05, yaitu untuk menguji normalitas data masing-masing variabel. setelah dilakukan uji normalitas, maka didapat hasil sebagaimana dalam tabel 4.2 berikut ini: tabel 4.2 hasil penghitungan uji normalitas data data shapiro-wilk statistik p-value gain score pre-test taktis .918 .089 .028 post-test taktis .924 .117 pre-test tradisional .897 .036 .232 post-test tradisional .943 .268 keterangan: p-value ≥ 0,05 data normal < 0,05 data tidak normal dari hasil data yang diperoleh hasil uji normalitas menggunakan program spss for windows versi 20, dapat diketahui bahwa data pre-test taktis pada nilai p-value sebesar 0,089 yang berarti normal, data post-test taktis nilai p-value sebesar 0,117 yang berarti normal dan data pre-test tradisional nilai p-value sebesar 0,036 dalam hal ini tidak normal, sedangkan pada data post-test tradisional diperoleh p-value sebesar 0,268 maka data tersebut normal. uji homogenitas setelah dilakukan perhitungan uji normalitas langkah selanjutnya yaitu melakukan uji homogenitas dengan uji levene’s test pada p-value ≥ 0,05, yang bertujuan untuk menguji apakah data yang dijadikan sampel tersebut homogen atau tidak. dengan kata lain, uji homogenitias digunakan untuk menguji homogen tidaknya sampel yang diambil dari populasi yang sama. salah satu syarat agar pengujian homogenitas dapat dilakukan jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 12 apabila datanya terbukti berdistribusi normal. untuk menguji homogenitas data masingmasing variabel. setelah dilakukan uji homogenitas maka didapat hasil dalam tabel 4.3. tabel 4.3 uji homogenitas levene’s test keterampilan permainan kasti data hasil keterampilan permainan kasti x sd f pvalu e model pendekatan taktis pre test 8.3 5 1.31 0.3 45 0.56 0 post test 10. 70 1.13 model pendekatan tradisional pre test 8.0 5 1.32 0.0 24 0.87 7 post test 9.3 0 1.26 gain score pre test 2.3 5 0.67 1.0 24 0.31 8 post test 1.2 5 0.55 keterangan: p-value ≥ 0,05 data homogen atau mempunyai varian yang sama p-value < 0,05 data heterogen atau mempunyai varian yang tidak sama berdasarkan tabel diatas maka kehomogenan dipenuhi jika hasil uji tidak signifikan untuk suatu taraf signifikasi (a) tertentu (biasanya a = 0.05 atau 0.01). sebaliknya, jika hasil uji signifikan maka kenormalan tidak dipenuhi. pada kolom pvalue, terdapat bilangan yang menunjukkan taraf signifikansi yang diperoleh. untuk menetapkan homogenitas yang menggunakan pedoman jika signifikansi yang diperoleh ≥ a (0,05), maka variansi setiap sampel sama atau homogen sebaliknya jika signifikansi yang diperoleh < a (0,05) maka variansi setiap sampel tidak sama atau heterogen, dari hasil perhitungan yang terdapat pada tabel 4.3, menunjukan data varian yang sama (homogen). uji hipotesis setelah diketahui bahwa data tersebut normal dan homogen maka langkah terakhir dari analisi data adalah menguji hipotesis penelitian. untuk memecahkan masalah penelitaian dan menjawab hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian, penulis akan menggunakan uji t skor berpasangan pada p-value ≤ 0,05. hipotesis pertama tabel 4.4 hasil uji-t berpasangan pengaruh model pendekatan taktis terhadap hasil belajar permainan kasti pada hipotesis pertama data hasil pre-test post-test b t p-value persen jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 13 keterampilan permainan kasti x sd x sd peningkatan model pendekatan taktis 8.35 1.31 10.70 1.13 2.35 6.081 0.000 23.14% keterangan: pvalue ≤ 0,05 terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar bermain kasti yang signifikan > 0.05 tidak terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar kasti yang signifikan dari hasil yang didapat dalam uji t skor berpasangan serta untuk menjawab hipotesis pertama yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini, maka akan di jabarkan berikut ini: model pendekatan taktis dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar permainan kasti di smk 45 lembang. output p-value dari tabel diatas signifikasinya adalah 0,000 maka hipotesis yang pertama diterima dan presentasi peningkatannya sebesar 23,14%. hipotesis kedua tabel 4.5 hasil uji-t berpasangan pengaruh model pendekatan tradisional terhadap hasil belajar permainan kasti pada hipotesis kedua keterangan: pvalue ≤ 0,05 terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar bermain kasti yang signifikan > 0.05 tidak terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar kasti yang signifikan model pendekatan tradisional dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar permainan kasti di smk 45 lembang. berdasarkan p-value pada tabel di atas didapat signifikasinya adalah 0,004, maka hipotesis kedua diterima dan presentasi peningkatannya adalah sebesar 15,52%. hipotesis ketiga model pendekatan taktis lebih baik dalam meningkatkan keterampilan permainan kasti. pada pengujian hipotesis ketiga ini penulis menggunakan uji-t tidak berpasangan pada p-value ≤ 0,05, uji digunakan untuk menganalisis perbedaan pengaruh antara model pendekatan taktis dan tradisional terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar permainan kasti dan dituangkan dalam tabel 4.6 berikut ini: tabel 4.6 hasil uji-t tidak berpasangan perbandingan model pendekatan taktis dan pendekatan tradisional terhadap hasil belajar permainan kasti data model model b t ppersen data hasil keterampilan permainan kasti pre-test post-test b t p-value persen peningkatan x sd x sd model pendekatan tradisional 8.05 1.32 9.30 1.26 1.25 3.066 0.004 15.52% jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 14 pendekatan taktis pendekatan tradisional value perbedaan x sd x sd hasil belajar kasti 2.35 0.67 1.25 0.55 1.10 5.670 0.000 88% keterangan: pvalue ≤ 0,05 terdapat perbedaan peningkatan hasil belajar bermain kasti yang signifikan > 0.05 tidak terdapat perbedaan peningkatan hasil belajar kasti yang signifikan berdasarkan p-value pada tabel di atas didapat p-value atau signifikasinya 0,000, maka hipotesis ketiga diterima karena p-value atau signifikasinya ≤ 0,05 dan presentasi perbedaan adalah sebesar 88% yang berarti perbedaan pengaruh antara model pendekatan taktis dan pendekatan tradisional sangat besar. pembahasan berdasarkan hasil penghitungan dan pengolahan data secara statistik, uji normalitas menggunakan metode shapiro-wilk dengan bantuan spss for windows versi 20 yang menyatakan bahwa data berdistribusi normal, uji homogenitas menyatakan bahwa data tiap kelompok homogen, dan melakukan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji-t skor berpasangan untuk hipotesis pertama dan kedua sedangkan untuk hipotesis ketiga menggunakan uji-t skor tidak berpasangan, hasil penelitian ini memberikan jawaban dari permasalahan penelitian yang diangkat penulis dalam penelitian yang penulis lakukan selama enam belas (16) pertemuan. hasil dari penelitian ini dapat dilihat dari diterimanya hipotesis yang penulis paparkan, sebagaimana dalam hipotesis yang penulis ajukan adalah sebagai berikut: (1) model pendekatan taktis dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar permainan kasti di smk 45 lembang, sebagaimana dari hasil penghitungan uji-t berpasangan bahwa pre-test nilai rata-rata didapat 8,35 dan post-test didapat nilai rata-rata sebesar 10,70 sedangkan p-value didapat 0,000 dan persen peningkatannya sebesar 23,14%, hal ini menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran permainan kasti dengan menggunakan model pendekatan taktis dapat meningkatkan hasil keterampilan bermain kasti yang segnifikan. permainan atau olahraga; (2) model pendekatan tradisional dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar permainan kasti di smk 45 lembang, sebagaimana dari hasil penghitungan uji-t berpasangan bahwa pre-test nilai rata-rata didapat 8,05 dan post-test didapat nilai rata-rata sebesar 9,30 sedangkan p-value didapat 0,004 dan persen peningkatannya sebesar 15,52%, hal ini menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran permainan kasti dengan menggunakan model pendekatan tradisional dapat meningkatkan hasil keterampilan bermain kasti yang segnifikan walaupun tidak sebesar dari model pendekatan taktis. (3) model pendekatan taktis lebih baik dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar permainan kasti dibandingkan dengan model pendekatan tradisional pada siswa smk 45 lembang, pada hipotesis ketiga ini dilakukan dengan uji-t tidak berpasangan, dengan didapat nilai rata-rata pada model pendekatan taktis sebesar 2,35 dan pada model pendekatan tradisional didapat nilai ratarata sebesar 1,25 dan p-value 0,000 dengan persen perbedaan sebesar 88%, berdasarkan hasil penghitungan nilai rata-rata model pendekatan taktis lebih besar dibandingkan dari nilai rata-rata pendekatan tradisional, ini menunjukan bahwa model pendekatan taktis lebih baik dalam meningkatkan keterampilan permainan kasti dibandingkan dengan model pendekatan tradisional. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 15 kesimpulan berdasarkan pengolahan dan analisis data dengan bantuan spss for windows versi 20, maka penulis dapat menyimpulkan sebagai berikut maka yang pertama model pendekatan taktis dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar permainan kasti siswi smk 45 lembang sebesar, yang kedua model pendekatan tradisional dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar permainan kasti siswi smk 45 lembang sebesar, yang ketiga model pendekatan taktis lebih baik dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar permainan kasti siswi smk 45 lembang dibandingkan dengan model pendekatan tradisional, dengan persen perbedaan peningkatan sebesar 88%. saran kepada para guru pendidikan jasmani, hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa penerapan model pendekatan taktis dalam pembelajaran, khususnya dalam pembelajaran permainan kasti yang lebih memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan. kepada rekan mahasiswa yang akan mengadakan penelitian tentang pendekatan taktis, penulis menganjurkan untuk mencari variabel dan sampel penelitian yang lebih relevan demi kemajuan ilmu pendidikan khususnya bidang. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 16 daftar pustaka kholik. (2011). metode pembelajaran konvensional. [online]. tersedia:http//wordpress.com/2011/11/08/metode-pembelajaran-konvensional sugiyono. (2009). metode penelitian pendidikan. bandung: alfabeta suparlan, dkk. (2010). permainan bola kecil. bandung: fpok tersedia:http://repository.upi.edu yudiana. (2010). implementasi model pendekatan taktis dan teknis dalam pembelajaran permainan bola voli pada pendidikan jasmani siswa smp. desertasi doktor pada sps upi bandung. 125 jpjo 7 (1) (2022) 125-129 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga available online at: https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/article/view/37112 doi: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpjo.v7i1.37112 effects of health-related fitness model implementation in physical education on active lifestyle of vocational high school students sheila dwi loviani 1 *, amung ma’mun 2 , nurlan kusmaedi 2 1 pendidikan jasmani, kesehatan, dan rekreasi, stkip sebelas april, indonesia 2 department of sports education, postgraduate program, universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia article info article history : received july 2021 revised august2021 accepted january 2022 available online april 2022 keywords : active lifestyle, health-related fitness intructional models abstract this study aimed to determine the effect of implementing a health-related fitness model on vocational high school students' physical and physical activity improvements. the method used in this study was the experimental method with a randomized control group pre-test post-test design. the sampling method used a random cluster sampling technique by selecting two classes. one class was assigned as the experimental group, while another class was assigned as the control group. each class consisted of 33 students aged 16-17 years. the instruments used in this study were the physical fitness test instrument and the student physical activity test instrument. the data analysis employed spss 20 application. the result showed a relationship between student understanding of health-related fitness, student physical fitness, and their active lifestyle. this study provides information that understanding health-related fitness has a significant influence on physical fitness and active lifestyle. the implications of this study emphasize that a good understanding of health-related fitness can have a significant impact on oneself, friends, relatives, family, and society.  correspondence address : jl. angkrek situ no 19., kab. sumedang, indonesia e-mail : sheila@stkip11april.ac.id https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 126 introduction good physical fitness is needed by all people, from children to the elderly, regardless of social and intellectual status (colin & chris, 2002; pavlova et al. l, 2014). optimal physical fitness is the principal capital to carry out daily activities well. physical health-related fitness should also be carried out with predetermined standards, such as doing regular exercise activities three times a week to improve physical fitness (ross et al. 1987) and schools' physical education programs to increase awareness of adopting an active lifestyle. however, to develop these lifelong active individuals, it is important for students to understand the fitness concept and how physical activity contributes to health (lazar and kulinna 2002). however, based on current data from the ministry of national education in 2002, almost a third of children in indonesia have the problem of being overweight or obese (brusseau et al. 2014). children with a low fitness level are more likely to become overweight or obese over time than those with a high fitness level (parker and curtner-smith 2005). in a study conducted by ewrin and castelli, healthy physical fitness was the only significant contributor to primary school student participation in physical activity out of several factors tested. however, nowadays, children are about 15% less fit than their parents when they were younger. lifestyle choices will provide a quality of life that allows them to do things and avoid obesity (prusak et al., 2016). another study states that physical fitness has a positive relationship with the ability to concentrate on the subjects in highland areas (nuryadi et al., 2018) the school environment also plays a vital role in providing opportunities for children to engage in physical activity (jarani et al., 2015). however, the data of (diknas 1995, 2004; sdi 2005-2007) show that the physical fitness status of indonesian students and society is still low and tends to decline. furthermore, it raises the question of the obstacles in learning physical education that does not encourage the student fitness improvement or how to make physical education learning that can have implications on the school-age children to adulthood towards the habituation of an active and healthy lifestyle. therefore, the health-related fitness (hrf) model can be an alternative learning model to be integrated into physical education to provide knowledge and habituation to practice physical activity for children at school. this health-related fitness model has a goal consisting of 5 stages that align with student development and growth. according to rainey l don dan murray tinker d (1997) in the foundations of personal fitness book, hrf is a type of physical fitness emphasizing physical activity and exercise that will improve or help maintain functional health. the five components of hrf are cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, muscle strength, muscle endurance, and body composition. this health-related fitness model is expected to enable students to develop skills, physical fitness, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors, leading to an active and healthy lifestyle. this learning model believes that the success of physical education begins with the student's enjoyment in doing various physical activities. therefore, various factors, such as skills, physical fitness, attitudes, knowledge, and daily behavior, must always be self-trust oriented to establish a healthy, active lifestyle. the characteristics of the hrf model emphasize knowledge, attitudes, and behavior, as well as an ongoing program of activities, regular testing, and individual assessment. this research aimed to provide an overview of the implementation of the health-related fitness model to promote fitness education adjusted to the curriculum in indonesia. the findings of the previous study highlight that the health-related fitness model provided health-related improvements for students (brusseau et al., 2014). based on the descriptions, the researchers intended to research the relationship between health-related fitness models and physical fitness and active lifestyles of vocational students. methods the method used in this research was an experimental study with a one-group pretest-posttest design. participants vocational high school students are 16-17 years, a transitional phase from adolescence to adulthood. the population of this study was class xi students at public vocational high school 1 buahdua, sumedang. the sampling technique used random cluster sampling so that there were 33 people as samples. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 sheila dwi loviani et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 127 instrument the instrument used in this study was tkji (indonesian physical fitness test), taken from helison's theory in metzler's (2000) book about physical fitness. meanwhile, this study employed the international physical activity questionnaire (ipaq) to examine the active lifestyle. the adaptation of the ipaq process and the research methods used in the development of ipaq instruments are available at www.ipaq.ki.se and booth, m.l. (2000). assessment of physical activity: an international perspective. research quarterly for exercise and sport, 71 (2): s114-20. other scientific publications and presentations on ipaq use are summarized on the website. procedure 1. preparation stage a. initial observations, including activities, b. direct observation of the learning process, c. determination of the research subject and subject matter to be developed in the learning model, d. review of the literature related to the learning model used and analysis of the concepts contained in the subject to be delivered, and e. determining the indicators applied to assess the results of the learning model. 2. implementation phase explanation about health-related program activities was given to students in advance. a complete explanation of the learning program is attached in the appendix. knowledge in action (kia) of each lesson contained four activities organized in a sequential rotation, removed the oldest activity, and followed each lesson. data analysis the data analysis process was carried out using spss statistical product and service solution (spss) for windows version 20. result based on the shapiro-wilk normality test for tkji data, the value of sig. the pre-test was 0.197, and the post-test was 0.005. because the post-test data were counted <0.05, the tkji data were assumed not normally distributed. therefore, to process the tkji data, the non-parametric test was used, namely the wilcoxon test. meanwhile, for ipaq data, sig. a pre-test was 0.012, and a post-test was 0.085. therefore, both of the data were > 0.05. therefore, it concluded that the ipaq data were normally distributed. since the normality test on the tkji data showed that the data were not normally distributed, the homogeneity test was not considered. therefore, the next statistical test was the wilcoxon test. for the ipaq data, the value based on the mean on the homogeneity test was 0.194 > 0.05. therefore, it concluded that the variance of the ipaq data was homogeneous. based on table 1, three things were found: negative ranks or the difference (negative) between the understanding test results for the pre-test and post-test was 0 for the value of n, mean rank, and sum of ranks. these 0 values indicated no decrease from the pre-test value to the post-test value. positive ranks or the difference (positive) between the understanding test results for the pre-test and post-test found that there were 33 positive data (n), meaning that 33 students experienced an increase in understanding seen from the pre-test score to the post-test score. the mean rank or the average increase was 17.00. meanwhile, the number of positive ranks or sum of ranks was 561.00. ties are the similarity of pre-test and post-test values. the ties value was 0; thus, there was no equal value between pre-test and post-test values. in the wilcoxon test, the determination of the hycopyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. first output of wilcoxon test: ranks n mean rank sum of ranks post-test tkji experiment class – pre-test tjki experiment class negative ranks positive ranks ties total 0 a 33 b 0 c 33 0,00 17 0,00 561 a. post-test tkji experiment class < pre-test tkji experiment class b. post-test tkji experiment class > pre-test tkji experiment class c. post-test tkji experiment class = pre-test tkji experiment class table 2. second output of wilcoxon test: statistical test post-test tkji experiment class– pre-test tkji experiment class z -5.092 a asymp. sig. (2-tailed) .000 sheila dwi loviani et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 128 pothesis test is examined in the second output, the statistical test. based on table 4, the asymp value sig. (2tailed) is 0.000. because the value is 0.000 <0.05, ha is accepted. it means a difference between the results of the physical fitness test (tkji) of the pre-test and posttest data. it concludes that "there is an effect of using the health-related fitness model on the physical fitness of xi class students of public vocational high school buahdua, sumedang." discussion the health-related fitness (hrf) model is one of the programs in the physical education learning process aimed at improving physical fitness as an instrument to support daily life. based on the results of data analysis, active lifestyle and physical fitness have a unidirectional relationship; if the understanding of the hrf model increases, the active lifestyle will also increase; if the understanding of the hrf model increases, physical fitness will also increase; and if the active lifestyle increases, the physical fitness will also increase (filgueira et al. l., 2021). these two aspects are closely related and influence each other. therefore, a quality physical education program must be able to prepare individuals for lifelong physical activity and healthy behavior. in line with the objectives, physical education encourages physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and beliefs to enjoy healthy physical activity throughout their lives. (shape america, 2015). the fitness paradigm in physical education has now changed along with the increasingly advanced times (emma et al. l., 2015). the current physical education learning process is not dominated by motions, where the education outcomes or values that must be achieved, especially in physical education, have been growing, which include physical health, physical skills, affective, social, cognitive, creativity, and lifestyle/ leisure (bailey, 2018). it shows that physical education contains various aspects, such as physical health, physical skills, sportsmanship attitude, respect, tolerance, being kind when facing defeat, and respecting opponents when winning. it can add insight into how important it is to maintain physical fitness and health for the long term; thus, it provides knowledge affecting the awareness and active, healthy lifestyle in everyday life. from all aspects of physical education, an active lifestyle will become a necessity and lifestyle in the present and the future. exercise and fitness have an important role in health (jackson 2006). through quality physical education programs, it is possible to develop competence in various physical and sports skills (houston and kulinna 2014). in addition, good physical fitness will allow a person to have a good body mass index. body mass index is believed to positively correlate with physical fitness in adolescents (simbolon & firdausi, 2019). therefore, physical activity becomes an essential requirement for humans to have a healthy and ideal body condition (ramania et al., 2020). the health-related fitness (hrf) model in the physical education setting is a tool to realize the education goals so that generations are habituated with active and productive lifestyles. physical fitness can be improved in the school environment. school is an ideal and strategic place to instill an active lifestyle and develop awareness to maintain fitness (gustiana & puspita, 2020). conclusion the health-related fitness model's influence on physical fitness and active lifestyle can be seen from the differences in the pre-test and post-test scores of the student tkji and ipaq tests. the results showed a significant effect based on the tests carried out. therefore, there is a significant influence of the understanding on applying an active lifestyle and the increased level of physical fitness. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references apjii, b. 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faculty of sport & health education, universitas pendidikan indonesia article info article history : received december 2020 revised mei 2021 accepted july 2021 available online september 2021 keywords : hydration protocol, muscle strength, muscle endurance, muscle power, water abstract water is a molecule that plays an essential role in the muscle contraction process because muscle is a tissue that mostly contains water (75-80%). therefore, athletes need to maintain fluid intake to support their physical activities when competing and when training. nevertheless, in several studies, it was noted that some athletes experienced hypohydration or dehydration, which ultimately impaired muscle performance. therefore, this study was conducted to determine the hydration protocol intervention on muscle strength, endurance, and power performance. this research is an analytical study with quasi-experimental research methods, namely single-arm pre-post study design using secondary data. subjects of this study were 69 athletes year 2020 (named consecutively: muaythai 9, pencak silat 12, wrestling 10, judo 18, and taekwondo 20 athletes). this research was conducted from december 2019 to january 2020. in the beginning, all athletes were tested for muscle strength using a leg dynamometer, then muscle endurance tests using push-up and sit-up tests, and muscle power tests using the triple hop test of the right and left legs. after the first test, all athletes were educated about the hydration protocol. the hydration protocol was determined based on each athlete's sweat rate (isr) and the training characteristics of each sports division. then,  correspondence address : jln. ir. soekarno km. 21. jatinangor, kab. bandung. indonesia e-mail : wahyu17005@mail.unpad.ac.id https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 162 introduction water is a molecule that plays a vital role in muscle contraction because muscle is a tissue mostly composed of water (75-80%) (pavel et al., 2017b). decreased water levels in the body can interfere with metabolic processes and muscle performance, resulting in decreased athlete performance. good hydration management can prevent athletes from becoming dehydrated, reduce the risk of injury, and maintain good muscle contraction physiology (pavel et al., 2017a). nutrition management for athletes is crucial to note. athletes must pay attention to their nutritional intake, which includes maintaining fluid intake to support their physical activities when competing and when training. however, some athletes do not have sufficient knowledge in fulfilling their fluid needs and doing exercises or competing in a state of dehydration, as seen in a study in various sports which showed 31.9% of athletes started training in a state of dehydration, and 43, 6% of athletes are dehydrated after exercise. also, 52.9% of athletes have low knowledge of nutrition (magee et al., 2017). another study on young athletes showed that 89.4% experienced significant dehydration, while 10.6% experienced mild dehydration (dieny & putriana, 2015). in athletes, the primary excretion of fluid during exercise is through sweat. whole-body sweat rates (wbsr) are generally in the range of 0.5-2.0 l/hr. however, the amount of wbsr can also exceed 3.0 l/ hr in a minority of athletes (about 2%) (baker, 2017). excess fluid excretion that is not balanced with adequate water intake can cause dehydration. dehydration in athletes can cause a decrease in the performance of muscle strength, muscle endurance, and muscle power and can even interfere with cognitive function (magee et al., 2017; meyer et al., 2016). other studies have focused more on the effects of dehydration on muscle performance, but few have investigated the effect of hydration protocols on muscle performance. this study calculates fluid needs during individual sports so that each athlete gets the proper fluid intake according to their individual needs. so, the hydration protocol applied in this study was made to improve athletes' performance in training, especially in preparation for the national level olympics. therefore, all athletes received hydration protocol intervention monitored independently by themselves and the coach. in addition, the hydration protocol used was also a protocol made by the researchers themselves. based on the description above, this study aims to investigate the effect of the intervention of hydration protocol on the performance of strength, endurance, and muscle power. methods this study is an analytical study with quasiexperimental research methods, namely single-arm prepost study design using secondary data participants the subjects in this study were 69 athletes: 9 muay thai athletes, 12 pencak silat athletes, ten wrestling athletes, 18 judo athletes, and 20 taekwondo athletes. the sampling technique used in this research is nonprobability sampling (convenience sampling). martial arts sports were chosen because they were available and easily accessible to researchers. in addition, martial arts sports also require maximum muscle performance, which a good supply of fluids can support; therefore, hydration protocol is also important for martial arts sports. the independent variable in this study was the hydration protocol, while the dependent variables were muscle strength, muscle endurance, and muscle power. this research was conducted from december 2019 to january 2020. first, all athletes were tested for muscle strength using a leg dynamometer, muscle endurance tests with push-up and sit-up tests, and muscle power tests using the triple hop test of the right and left legs. after the first test, all athletes were educated about the hydration protocol used. then, all athletes undergo the training for two months and have to implement the hydration protocol. finally, the same tests are repeated at the end of the training. after the data was obtained, the normality test was first performed; the results showed that the data were not normally distributed; therefore, a nonparametric test was chosen to analyze the data. this study aimed to determine the differences in muscle performance before and after the intervention of the hydration protocol. therefore the wilcoxon test was chosen to determine copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 wahyu syahrul ramadhan et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 163 these differences. procedure the the hydration protocol used in this study consists of several stages and rules, namely: 1. determine the athlete's individual sweat rate (isr) by: a. calculate body weight before and after exercise. • if the difference is 1 kg, then 1000 ml of additional fluid is given during exercise. • f possible, measure the volume of urine during exercise. • goal: no or <2% weight loss. b. stable urine color. 2. emphasize continuous fluid replacement, namely: a. consume fluids according to the amount of the isr. b. adaptation to fluid replacement. c. increase fluid delivery gradually. d. allow the body to adapt to increased fluid consumption. e. use individual drinking containers so they can be monitored visually. f. simply put, the liquid consumed is as much as 0.5-1 cup per 10-15 minutes. (1 cup = 240 ml) 3. understand the dynamics of each sport, namely: a. time and duration of rest/break/time-out b. access to fluids 4. apply the process of acclimatization or physiological adjustments to the training process. symptoms and signs for athletes who have not been acclimatized will include: a. more sweating d. more electrolyte loss data analysis the data obtained will be processed using statistical product and service solution (spss) software version 23 for windows. this research uses associative hypothesis testing to find the relationship between the independent variable and the control variable, using the same sample to obtain two groups of data (the group before being given the hydration protocol and the group after being given the hydration protocol), and also the variable data obtained in numerical form so that the analysis was performed using wilcoxon test, kruskalwallis test, and the mann-whitney u post hoc test. result general characteristics the total number of subjects in this study was 69 athletes. the composition of each sport is shown in table 1. wilcoxon signed-rank test the difference test used in this study was the wilcoxon signed-rank test to determine whether there was a significant difference between the pre and post hydration protocol intervention on muscle performance. p-value <0.05, it can be interpreted that there are significant differences between the groups before and after being given the hydration protocol intervention. based on table 2, the results show that there are significant differences in all variables. copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. characteristics of research subjects sport disciplines male female muay thai 6 3 pencak silat 7 5 wrestling 5 5 judo 9 9 taekwondo 10 10 variable pre test post test p-value m sd m sd muscle strength 46.5 6.03 49.9 5.85 0.0001 muscle endurance (push-up) 43.2 8.20 50.0 9.84 0.0001 muscle endurance (sit-up) 44.5 10.2 51.5 10.5 0.0001 muscle power (right leg) 5.71 0.73 6.55 0.98 0.0001 muscle power (left leg) 5.73 0.81 6.54 0.92 0.0001 table 2. wilcoxon signed-rank test wahyu syahrul ramadhan et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 164 discussion the every day, water is needed by our body in more significant amounts when compared to other nutrients. most of the human body is composed of water, namely as much as 55% in the elderly, 60% in adults, while in infants, as much as 75% (muth & zive, 2019; whitney & rolfes, 2018). 70–80% of the water in the body is contained in many body tissues, such as muscles, skin, internal organs, and the brain. only 10-20% of water in the body is in the adipose tissue and bones. total body water consists of two-thirds of the total amount of water in the body in the intracellular space, while the other third is extracellular, which includes plasma volume, solid connective tissue, bone, transcellular fluid, interstitial fluid, and lymph. the amount of extracellular fluid can describe a person's hydration status, while intracellular fluid reflects the body cell mass and nutrients (muth & zive, 2019; whitney & rolfes, 2018) a person is considered to have a good hydration status (euhydration) if he has a normal osmolarity pressure (posm) of 285-295 mosm/kg regardless of total daily water intake (armstrong & johnson, 2018). the water requirement of each individual can vary each day widely depending on age, sex, body weight, physical activity, weather, and the composition of the food consumed (armstrong & johnson, 2018). water content in the body and fluid balance is regulated by physiological factors, namely by osmoreceptors and baroreceptors, and non-physiological factors such as social, habit, and cultural influences (riebl & davy, 2013). based on the dietary reference intakes (dris) established by the european food safety authority (efsa), the adequate amount of water intake for adults is 2.5 liters/day for men and 2 liters/day for women. this is slightly different from the dietary reference intakes released by the institute of medicine (iom), which are 3.3 liters/day for men and 2.3 liters/day for women (gandy, 2015). muscle tissue is composed of protein (18-20%) and water (75-80%). in addition, muscle also contains several molecules in small amounts, such as glycogen (0.5-1.5%), glucose (0.02-0.04%), phospholipids (~1%), cholesterol (0.07-0.18%), lactic acid (~0.01%), vitamins, enzymes and some other organic molecules (pavel et al., 2017b). in general, the role of water in muscle physiology includes acting as a solvent and is involved in various metabolic reactions in muscle cells. each gram of muscle glycogen stores 2.7 grams of water which serves as a medium to facilitate hydrolytic enzymes to break down glycogen into glucose for later use as energy in the process of muscle contraction (lorenzo et al., 2019). so that if the body lacks fluids in the muscles, it will also interfere with the energy production process, which ultimately results in a decrease in muscle performance. besides, water also plays an essential role in maintaining the structural shape of a cell by binding to cytoplasmic proteins and indirectly influencing physiological mechanisms such as cell performance and regulation of cell proliferation or apoptosis (lorenzo et al., 2019). water also plays a vital role in mechanical functions, such as maintaining flexibility and elasticity of tissues to prevent injury (lorenzo et al., 2019). muscle is a network composed of protein (1820%) and water (75-80%). in addition, muscles also contain several molecules in small amounts, such as glycogen (0.5-1.5%), glucose (0.02-0.04%), phospholipids (~1%), cholesterol (0.07-0.18%), lactic acid (~0.01%), vitamins, enzymes and some other organic molecules (pavel et al., 2017a). the protein contained in muscle consists of myosin (60%) and actin (12%) which compose the elements of muscle contraction. in addition, there are nucleoproteins, globulin x, myogen, and myoalbulin that make up the sarcoplasm. and also, myoglobulin (~ 1%) is a muscle that contains oxygen deposits. 1the human body has more than 600 skeletal muscles or 40% of the total muscle, which varies in shape and size (hall, 2016; magyari et al., 2018). the constituent structure of skeletal muscles consists of many fibers with diameters ranging from 10 to 80 micrometers. the smallest contractile units in muscle are called sarcomeres, which are composed of different proteins. myofibrils consist of several sarcomeres and a group of myofibrils to form one muscle fiber or cell. in addition, various types of connective tissue, called fascia, surround the muscle structure and create a stable and flexible environment (magyari et al., 2018). in this study, three components of muscle performance-testedwere tested: muscle strength, muscle endurance, and muscle power. muscle strength is defined as the maximum force or torque of a muscle or muscle that can resist resistance during a specific task (bagchi et al., 2018; walton-fisette & wuest, 2018). in this copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 wahyu syahrul ramadhan et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 165 study, muscle strength was tested using a leg dynamometer. muscle endurance is the ability of a group of muscles to contract repeatedly over a period of time. this study tested muscle endurance with push-up and a situp test (riebe et al., 2018). muscle power is defined as the ability to produce a certain amount of force at high speed or a combination of muscle strength and speed (speed) applied in a short span of time (walton-fisette & wuest, 2018). in this study, muscle power was tested by the triple hop test of the right and left legs. the results of the different tests using the wilcoxon test shown in table 2 show significant differences in muscle performance in the athletes' group before and after being given the hydration protocol intervention. this difference indicates the relationship between hydration protocol and muscle strength, muscle endurance, and muscle power. thus, hydration protocol plays an important role in maintaining the athlete's hydration status at a good level. in other studies, good hydration status has been shown to affect performance in sports, including muscle (shirreffs, 2005). these results are supported by research showing the critical role of water in metabolism and muscle activity (lorenzo et al., 2019). the combat sports (i.e., wrestling, boxing, judo, pencak silat, taekwondo, muay thai, taekwondo) match their athletes before a competition based on gender and weight class. the weight class aims to make the opponent have the same weight to reduce injuries (pallarés et al., 2016). although success in combat sport has many factors, recent research has shown that muscle strength and power are the key factors influencing performance in this sport. however, the effects of dehydration and rapid rehydration on neuromuscular performance (i.e., muscle strength and strength) have not been adequately explored. weight loss due to dehydration has been shown to affect boxing and wrestling performance. however, if weight loss recovers quickly, the effect on performance is not visible. maximal isometric muscle strength was found to be reduced or unchanged after rapid weight loss. pallarés et al. found that 4% dehydration reduced muscle endurance, but not knee strength isokinetic, while ph or pi was independent of hypohydration. however, recent research suggests that hypohydration can impair isometric, eccentric forces, particularly the force development rate. (pallarés et al., 2016) the hydration protocol intervention has a big effect on keeping the athlete's total body water (tbw) and body mass stable during training activities. in another study, decreases in tbw and body mass were noted to reduce muscle performance in athletes (akan, 2020). hydration protocols made by mhealthy physical activity program from the regents of the university of michigan recommends consuming 500-600 ml of water 2 hours before exercise, 200-300 ml every 10-20 minutes of exercise, and 500-700 ml after practice (program, 2014). meanwhile, according to the american college of sports medicine (acsm), athletes are recommended to consume 5─7 ml of water per kg of body weight four hours before training and consume 450─675 ml of water per 0.5 kg of body weight lost during exercise. this acsm recommendation applies to all ages (smith et al., 2015). in addition, if the athlete's training duration exceeds one hour, then fluids containing 30–60 grams of carbohydrates need to be added every hour (muth & zive, 2019; smith et al., 2015). good hydration conditions in athletes are very important because if there is a decrease in hydration status, it will interfere with the physiological work of the muscles. the results of other studies show that hypohydration or dehydration conditions in athletes show a decrease in muscle performance such as muscle strength, muscle endurance, and muscle power (goulet et al., 2018; judelson et al., 2007; magee et al., 2017; meyer et al., 2016; savoie et al., 2015). also, hypohydration has been shown to cause decreased blood flow and changes in skeletal muscle metabolism (increased lactate, muscle glycogenolysis, and carbohydrate oxidation) (nuccio et al., 2017). dehydration can interfere with normal physiological functions. a decrease in blood volume due to a decrease in the fluid can increase the strain on the heart, thereby decreasing the stroke volume and increasing the heart rate. when the core temperature increases due to exercise and dehydration, the blood flow to the skin increases and further reduces blood from its main flow, further exacerbating the stretching of the heart. due to the increased blood flow to the skin, sweat production increases as an attempt to remove heat from the body through evaporation (logan‐sprenger et al., 2015). copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 wahyu syahrul ramadhan et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 166 a decrease of 3%-4% of the total water in the body can reduce muscle strength by about 2% (meyer et al., 2016). a decrease of 3% -4% of body mass can decrease the explosive power of muscles by about 3% —endurance performance, especially in hot weather (magee et al., 2017). even mild dehydration (~1-2% weight loss) indicates impaired cognitive performance during exercise (magee et al., 2017). about 2000─3100 ml of water in the body is excreted every day. a total of 1200─2000 ml by the kidneys (urine), 450 ml by the skin (sweat), 250─350 ml by the lungs (water vapor), and 100─300 ml through the digestive tract (feces) (riebl & davy, 2013; whitney & rolfes, 2018). humidity, temperature environment, along the intensity and duration of physical activity undertaken also affect the amount of urine output. in cold temperatures, urine output will be more, while it will be less at hot temperatures. in a hot environment, more excreted body fluids are released through sweat (kenefick & cheuvront, 2012). athletes lose sweat and electrolytes due to thermoregulated sweat during exercise, and it is known that the level and composition of sweat can vary within and between individuals. the wbsr typically ranges from about 0.5 to about 2.0 l/hour (baker, 2017). however, the amount of wbsr can also exceed 3.0 l/hr in a minority of athletes (about 2%) (baker, 2017). the hydration protocol also aims to minimize the amount of excessive water intake or less than the amount of water excreted by the body, primarily through sweat. apart from using water, rehydration can also be supplemented with foods containing water and sodium if the athlete only has 12 hours of recovery time before doing the next strenuous activity. however, if you need quick rehydration, athletes should drink 1.5 liters of water per kg of body weight lost. if you are more than 7% dehydrated, fluid rehydration should be done intravenously (muth & zive, 2019). recent research on the relationship between water and muscle work is discovering the fourth phase of water or ez-water, which is directly related to the muscle contraction mechanism (pollack, 2013, 2018; yoo et al., 2014). ez-water or exclusion zone water is a form of the fourth phase of water in which water has properties between solid and liquid, it also has the characteristic of pushing whatever is in it out, so that in this phase, water cannot dissolve anything, so it is called the exclusion zone water. this phenomenon makes water play a role in increasing the density or viscosity of hydrophilic molecules (such as proteins) by up to sixfold (de ninno, 2017; pollack, 2013, 2018). the bonding force on the hydrophilic surface with water is a major factor in forming the high-density intermediate phase (viscous interphase). ez-water (negatively charged) envelops all macromolecules in cells and plays a vital role in metabolic and mechanical processes in muscle cells. the increase in the density of the water surrounding the protein does not support the muscle contraction process. the water molecules in the relaxed myofibrils are associated with hydrogen bonds, with very few free hydroxide ions. however, when the muscles contract, there is a large breaking of the bonds in the water hydrogen bonds that surround the protein that plays a role in contractility (contractile protein) so that the number of free water molecules increases and forms a water mass. this means that some of the water bonds in the contractile proteins are released when the muscles contract due to the breaking of hydrogen bonds and destruction of ezwater (lorenzo et al., 2019; pollack, 2018). furthermore, when the myofibrils relax, it appears that they bind to hydrogen extensively with little or no free oh-. in measurements using synchrotron radiationfourier transform infrared (sf-ftir) spectromicroscopy, it was found that water absorption was relatively higher in the central region of the sarcomere than in the i-band region, implying a higher hydration capacity in thick filaments compared to thin filaments. when myofibrils contract, there is a change, namely a significant release of hydrogen from the water. the separation of the amide accompanies the change induced by this contraction i peak, implying that the muscle protein transitions from the alpha-helix to beta-sheet-rich structures. therefore, muscle contraction can be characterized by a loss of regularity in the muscle-protein complex, accompanied by changes in the structure of water (pollack, 2013; yoo et al., 2014). the mechanism shows how important the role of water is in the process of muscle contraction. in addition, the composition of water that is maintained in the body can also protect the cardiovascular system and body temperature regulation system. when exercising, sweating is the best temperature-lowering copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 wahyu syahrul ramadhan et. al/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 167 mechanism to keep your body temperature from rising too high. an increase in body temperature that is too high can cause heat injury as well as a decrease in endurance performance (akan, 2020; james et al., 2019). the hydration protocol plays an important role in fulfilling body fluid replacement so that the fluid that comes out is replaced immediately. a good fluid replacement can reduce excess temperature rise and improve performance during training (akan, 2020). apart from maintaining good hydration status, training also affects muscle performance improvement. a study on judo athletes during an 8-week training period showed an increase in the components of muscle endurance and muscle power (mohammed & choi, 2017). another study conducted on mixed martial arts (mma) athletes during a 4-week training period also showed an increase in the components of muscle strength, muscle endurance, and muscle power (kostikiadis et al., 2018). however, this training variable is one of the confounding factors that bias this study. conclusion based on data that has been processed through influence analysis tests, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the hydration protocol intervention on muscle performance, namely muscle strength, muscle endurance, and muscle power. the influence of the hydration protocol is to maintain a good hydration status (euhydration) in the athlete so that the athlete does not experience hypohydration which will later impair the athlete's muscle performance. not only in martial arts sports but all sports, it is important to apply hydration protocols individually according to the training program (volume of training). conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. acknowledgement we would like to deliver our gratitude to west java koni for facilitating this research so that it can be implemented. we would also deliver our sincere gratitude to all participants who had involved in the study. references auxter. at. al. 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even sports intervention is sometimes seen as a solution for social problems related to adolescents (armour et al., 2013). basically, pyd is a developmental concept considering the strengths because children and adolescents are believed to have resources to develop themselves based on the problems they solve (lerner et al., 2005) to encourage the acquisition of life skills in adolescents through the activities and sports programs they carry out (kochanek & erickson, 2019). therefore, the pyd concept has been widely implemented to study the involvement of children and adolescents in various sports program activities (n. holt & neely, 2011; rismayadi et al., 2020; anira et al., 2021). based on the inductive metadata analysis results, there are three categories of pyd climate, including relationships with adults, relationships with peers, and parental involvement (n. l. holt et al., 2017). the three pyd climate categories illustrate what happens in sports because sports participation positively impacts physical fitness at a practical level (prabowo & soenyoto, 2020). the most significant impact on the development of social skills (ding & sugiyama, 2017; nugraha et al., 2018; opstoel et al., 202; slamet et al.,2021) and life skills as the variables that become the focus of assessing the pyd program (bean & forneris, 2017; n. l. holt et al., 2017; gould & carson, 2008). pyd is a picture of a paradigm shift from the development of the sport to development through sport in a socio-political context. therefore, development through sports is one of the indicators of becoming a developed country in the field of sports (ha et al., 2015). in the positive youth development context, many studies related to the importance of sport have been carried out. however, the results of these studies still emphasize the general impact of the research results. therefore, this study would strengthen the conceptual study of the importance of sports activities in evoking cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and social aspects, especially for adolescent development, through sports activities. global issues of the importance of youth potential development the importance of developing the youth potential in the current era has become one of the topics discussed globally, especially the shift from the development of sports paradigm to development through sports paradigm in the field of sports in some developed countries. one of the countries that have received international recognition in recent decades in south korea. south korea has gained maximum achievements in various international sports competitions and hosted various sports mega event (sme) events. in recent years, the south korean government policy has begun to show interest in development through a sports approach to become a truly developed sports country (ha et al., 2015). several studies regarding pyd have been conducted, one of which is the research conducted by o’connor et al. (2019), which proves a positive relationship between a high-performance sports environment and positive youth development. it was evidenced by the level of self-confidence and cognitive skills, positive youth experiences of the athletes at high-performance levels, a strong relationship between coaches and athletes, and a higher level of pro-social behavior than anti -social behavior (o’connor et al., 2019). in addition, the results of research conducted by armour et al. (2013) indicated that positive youth development and physical activity interventions lead to sustainable impacts after carrying out these activities. the study copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 burhan hambali et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 68 shows that the six main features inculcated in the physical activity design are positive youth development programs (armour et al., 2013). it means that physical activity instilled in children, adolescents, and students becomes one of the impacts of pyd development. the global issues previously explained become exciting issues that we need to study because the paradigm shift in thinking from development of the sport to development through sport must be based on relevant studies supported by existing research results. therefore, conducting this study is essential to convince academics and practitioners of the importance of development through sports, especially the development of pyd through sports participation. positive youth development through sports pyd is an integrative framework considering the cognitive, social, emotional, and intellectual skills needed by youth to play an active role in society (larson, 2000). from a sports perspective, petitpas (2005) applies a conceptual framework to arrange a sports-specific framework (petitpas et al. 2005). the framework distinguishes youth development through sports and youth development in general; youth development focuses on the process of teaching youth life skills and their physical competencies, while youth sports development explicitly refers to the acquisition of sports skills (n. holt & neely, 2011; petitpas et al., 2005). as discussed earlier, sport plays an important role as a social and human personality builder; hence pyd program can be one of the programs implemented by the government to promote sports in a country. the primary literature on positive developments concerns how sports programs are implemented based on two main approaches, namely explicit and implicit approaches (turnnidge et al., 2014). theoretically, there are three pyd climate categories: the relationship with adults, the relationship with peers, and parental involvement. one of the variables becoming the focus in assessing the pyd program is life skills (n. l. holt et al., 2017). the literature review of research results describes that the formulation of the pyd program can refer to the model shown in figure 1. figure 1 explains how pyd conceptual framework relates to social context through sports participation. specifically, the pyd climate is defined as a social environment that allows young people to gain experiences that contribute to three categories. first, the climates refer to an implicit approach that leads directly to pyd outcomes and an explicit approach by first implementing a focused life skills program. it becomes a moderator variable that affects pyd outcomes (personal, social, and physical outcomes) (n. l. holt et al., 2017; turnnidge et al., 2014). the formulation in figure 1 is one of the formulations having a significant impact if it is carried out as a copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 burhan hambali et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) figure 1. conceptual framework of pyd through sports 69 media for positive youth development through sports in a country. therefore, government policy is important for realizing the program. the sports policy process can be understood as a chain of interrelated legitimacy actions, where six elements of legitimacy action that are interrelated and intertwined in the process are identified as sports policy, namely 1) legitimacy-seeking organizations, 2) subjects, 3) sources, 4) strategies, 5) the base upon the legitimacy, and 6) the scenario (strittmatter et al., 2018). each of the six elements must be carried out according to the correct phase or stage. methods the method used in this study was a literature review method using a narrative review type (closs et al., 2020; snyder, 2019). in addition, this research tried to map the development of research fields related to pyd from time to time (snyder, 2019) and to strengthen the results of previous studies related to pyd in the sports context. the literature search was conducted from february to december 2021 to identify studies of positive youth development through sports. the publication period of the cited articles was from 2000 to 2019. the article search database included google scholar, tailor and francis, elsevier, science direct, and sage. the keywords involved positive youth development (pyd) and development through sport, which was also used as the criteria set in the article search because the authors wanted to examine the role of sport in the pyd context. all articles found as primary data sources were used as references for analysis and synthesis using critical appraisal analysis techniques, namely analyzing relevant articles related to the theoretical basis to be studied (hutchison, 1993). result from the data search, 190 articles were found as sources that became the reference for analysis and synthesis. pyd through sports and development through sport was used as criteria set in the article search. it was because the authors tried to examine the role of sport in the pyd context. based on the study results of the 190 articles, 27 articles were identified for analysis and synthesis. the analysis and synthesis results showed that the sports approach contributed to developing cognitive, affective, psychomotor, social, and life skills. the concept of pyd emphasizes how to develop youth through sports. in this case, the coaching process focused on the process of teaching life skills along with their physical competencies to prepare their life and apply the skills in real life. the analysis and synthesis results showed that the sports approach contributed to developing cognitive, affective, psychomotor, social, and life skills. the concept of pyd emphasizes how to develop youth through sports. in this case, the coaching process focused on the process of teaching life skills along with their physical competencies to prepare discussion this study aimed to examine the important role of sport in forming pyd. several reference sources state that pyd is a picture of a paradigm shift from the development of the sport to development through sport in a socio-political context in a country. in this case, pyd is one of the programs that can be implemented to develop positive youth through sports activities. pyd leads to the important role of sports activities in building supportive relationships obtained by adolescents through their sports activities so that it can be implemented in real life (jones & lavallee, 2009; weiss et al., 2013), for example, cognitive skills (creativity), emotional skills (managing anxiety), or social skills (teamwork). in addition, pyd programs through sports can contribute to the ability to cope with stress, communicate, receive feedback, set goals, solve problems, and deal with success and failure (papacharisis et al., 2005). to be successful in encouraging youth to develop positive behavior, the sports program must be defined in a clear strategy so that the aspects contained in sports activities can be carried out in real life, although the program to gain an impact on the aspects of skills that can be implemented in real life is still in a topic of discussion (petitpas et al., 2005). in addition, research results show that exercise impacts many aspects, such as increasing motivation and self-concept (fernández-río et al., 2014; nrcim, 2002). in addition, people who participate in regular physical activity are more effeccopyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 burhan hambali et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 70 tive in maintaining body function and psychosocial health (fernández-río et al., 2014). the national research council and medical institutions (nrcim) suggests four main areas in adolescent development, including physical, intellectual, psychological/emotional, and social areas. of these four areas, the nrcim outlines eight regulatory features to promote positive development for positive youth development (nrcim, 2002). the eight of which are presented in table 1. table 1 explains that many assets contribute to adolescents' psychological and emotional development, including mental health, positive self-esteem, problemsolving skills, conflict resolution skills, mastery of motivation, character, and self-confidence. therefore, this indicator becomes one of the assets to facilitate the social development of adolescents in undergoing relationships with parents, peers, adults, and places of association (fraser-thomas et al., 2007). the paradigm shift from the development of the sport to development through sport is one of the indicators of the development of the sport in a country; another term is called sport for development (sfd), referring to sport-based interventions designed to support and achieve goals other than sports, such as gender empowerment, health promotion, peace and conflict resolution, and positive youth development (darnell et al., 2019). the role of the government is needed to make a policy. the sports policy process can be understood as a series of interrelated legitimacy actions involving six interrelated legitimacy elements in the identification process of sports policy, namely 1) legitimacy-seeking organizations, 2) subjects, 3) sources, 4) strategies, 5) the base upon the legitimacy, and 6) the scenario (darnell et al., 2019). the research results conducted by macintosh, parent, & culver (2019) showed that the participation of young athletes in the youth olympic games had a significant influence, especially in terms of gaining competitive experience in sports and social skills both planned and unplanned during these activities. in addition, young athletes developed their confidence in the more prominent olympic movement (macintosh et al., 2019). in principle, sports development is related to the development or improvement of the sports system through improving the skills of athletes to support achievements, while development through sports is related to attractive social outcomes, such as education, social development, and good public relations (hayhurst & frisby, 2010; kidd, 2008). sport development focuses on the intrinsic value of sport, while sport for development focuses on the instrumental value of sport in a broader sense to pursue social and political goals (giulianotti et al., 2016). positive youth development and social development are the most widely used theories within the sports for development framework (dao & smith, 2019). there is a new trend in youth sports participation, particularly the growing popularity of noncompetitive, informal, and non-institutionalized 'action sports' (such as skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding, and parkour). the study proves that participation in the activity can make a valuable contribution to the sport for the development context and peace (sdp) (thorpe, 2016). the sdp conceptualization suggests two phases involving children and youth to influence the contextual system. the first phase requires the athlete to be influenced by the sport, while the second phase implies that the positively impacted athlete is an agent of change (richelieu & webb, 2019). another finding showed a positive relationship between the sports environment and adolescent development (o’connor et al., 2019). in the gender and sports performance context, the results showed that males scored significantly higher than females in terms of confidence, self-efficacy, selfcompetence, antisocial behavior towards friends and foes, relationships with their coaches, and cognitive skills (o’connor et al., 2019). besides the results of pyd research in sports environments, comparable results were found in pyd research in the education and school contexts; one of the most significant impacts was found in student leadership and social-emotional learning (kramer et al., 2020). the results of the literature review on the impact copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 burhan hambali et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) no program development 1 physical and psychological safety 2 appropriate structure 3 supportive relationships 4 opportunities to belong 5 positive social norms 6 support for efficacy and mattering 7 opportunities for skill-building 8 integration of family, school, and community efforts table 1. overview of positive development programs 71 of pyd through sports activities in school development and education contexts are in line with the principles of the pyd framework. therefore, research in this area provides a relevant context for implementing pyd in the school environment and related outcomes. according to studies in various literature, development through sports is considered an indicator of becoming a truly developed sports country (ha et al., 2015). therefore, a country needs to make the sport a vehicle for positive youth development through sports. the pyd perspective is a theoretical framework that can improve understanding of the youth sports experience. it is assumed that the youth has great potential to develop positively, where youth is seen as a resource to be nurtured rather than a problem to be solved (damon, 2004). in addition, the main goal of this approach is to engage the younger generation in more productive activities to build their strengths and abilities (turnnidge et al., 2014). although pyd-oriented program guidelines have been proven to provide benefits in terms of knowledge, attitudes, skills, and social aspects, at the implementation level, it is not yet in line with the stakeholder conceptions in preparing and implementing the program in some countries (palheta et al., 2020). the results of this study strengthen the assumption that pyd through sports activities positively impacts adolescent development; physical fitness and social and cognitive aspects are also obtained in these activities. therefore, one of the main focuses of research on pyd is to examine how sports activities contribute to the development of social, emotional, and behavioral skills in social life (lerner et al., 2005). this study hopes that it can give a theoretical contribution related to the importance of sport to increase the positive youth, not only in terms of sports achievement but also a significant impact on the country. conclusion fostering positive youth through sports is a must in a country. therefore, the development of pyd is the primary key to the country's progress, specifically in the field of sports. the research results proved that sport could contribute to developing cognitive, affective, psychomotor, social, and emotional aspects of community life. therefore, it is expected to be a benchmark for the success of a country where youth becomes the agent of change in the future through sports activities. acknowledgement the authors would like to thank all those who have helped write this article, especially the promotors and lecturers of the postgraduate school of sport education, universitas pendidikan indonesia, who have helped and guided the writing of this study. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references anira, a., syarifatunnisa, s., ma'mun, a., & rahayu, n. 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abstract the higher the number of football schools, the more diverse the quality of the schools. evaluating the football school curriculum as an effort to determine the quality of the schools. the research design of this study used the context, input, process, product model (cipp). it has used a descriptive quantitative method. the samples were two football schools, namely por uni football school, and sidolig football school, selected through the purposive sampling technique. the research instruments were questionnaires and interviews given to 160 respondents, including principals, trainers, students, and parents. data analysis was carried out quantitatively using t-scores and compared to the glickmann quadrant. based on the evaluation dan data analysis, the curriculum of por uni football school for the 13-17 years age group showed effective results, while the curriculum of sidolig football school for the 13-17 years age group was less effective.  correspondence address : jl. dr. setiabudi no.229, kota bandung, jawa barat 40154 e-mail : ekafok@upi.edu https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 263 introduction curriculum is defined as a plan for teaching and learning in determining the activities to be carried out (khoza 2018; bouckaert and kools, 2017). the objectives, substance or subject, technique or plan, and evaluation constitute the curriculum. the evaluation component aims to determine the effectiveness of achieving curriculum goals or student learning outcomes (rusyani 2010; makhshun, 2018; arifin, 2003). adopted from stufflebeam, the core concepts of this evaluation model are context, input, process, and product (cipp). 1) context evaluation relates to evaluating needs, challenges, and opportunities as a foundation for determining priorities and goals as well as evaluating significant outcomes, 2) evaluation of input assesses alternative approaches of addressing needs as a tool for program design and resource allocation, 3) process evaluation is to assess the implementation of plans and guide activities and also help explain results, and 4) product evaluation is to identify expected and unexpected results, both to help maintain the process of activities and assess their efficacy (stufflebeam, 2000). the cipp model provides continuous information to decision makers who ensure that the program is implemented as planned (mirzazadeh et all., 2016). cipp seeks to establish a rational, analytical foundation for program decision making through a cycle of planning, structuring, implementing, reviewing, and revising decisions, each of which is analyzed through various evaluation aspects such as context, input, process, and product evaluation (robinson, 2003). sharing experiences and collaborative learning are common themes throughout the curriculum, and communities of practice are formed to enhance student learning, both formally in courses and at home (kjaer, 2019). footbal academy is a non-formal educational institution to channel, grow and develop the talents and interests of students in playing football (erfayliana 2018; muttaqin and widodo, 2014). football academy prioritize the element of process, which in this context is a special training program for early age students. young learners are fostered and trained in these training activities, from mastering basic techniques to changing one's character for the better, so that when they reach adulthood, they can achieve maximum performance (gilis, 2014). the primary goal of the football academy is to accommodate and provide opportunities for students to develop talent; additionally, it lays the groundwork for correct football techniques, including the initiation of good attitudes, personalities, and behavior (ganesha, 2010). football academy has a responsibility to help players achieve their goals. ootball is more than just a game; a football academy must have an objective of creating elite or professional players (studylib, 2019). systematic and continuous coaching, accompanied by supervision and guidance from professional trainers, can result in optimal achievement (wardana 2016). all players are selected based on their individual abilities or their experience (marma 2018). the provision of input by various practitioners or coaches, for example, impact on technical, physical, psychological, and/or educational development; a coach has a dominant role in the technical development and educational progress of players (richardson et al., 2004). another important factor in the development of a football player in order to have a high level of performance both on and off the field is the presence of a coach who is in charge of providing a learning experience for players. in the practice, the coach will assess the qualities and needs of football learning materials, conduct a literature review on student characteristics, and review the curriculum and learning materials (riyadi, 2018). methods participants there are four criteria for participants in this study, namely football academy principal, trainers or coach, students, and the parents of the football academy students. sampling procedures a total of 36 football academies registered with the pssi (all indonesian footbal association) and regional association (askot) bandung comprised the population of the study. purposive sampling was employed to choose the samples of study, which included two askot registered football academies. one principal, 17 coaches, and 80 students in the 13–17 age range from por uni football academy, and one principal, 4 coaches, 20 students between the age of 13 and 17, and 17 parents from sidolig football academy made up the study samples. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 eka nugraha & een sumarni/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 264 instrument and procedure questionnaire and interview were administered in this study as the research instruments. the researcher gathered data by distributing questionnaires to the sample and conducting structured interviews. before collecting data in the field, the researcher conducted a questionnaire test and validated the questionnaire using expert judgment. data analysis spss version 16 was used to analyze all questionnaire data. the glickmann quadrant was used to compare the data into a t-score to determine the cumulative effectiveness of the program from the cipp standpoint. the results of interview data were analyzed using coding and categorization stages, and the data's validity was checked using triangulation techniques. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. the football academy curriculum evaluation questionnaire grid for principals and coach respondents aspect indicator sub indicator context 1. academy legality • academy registration 2. the purpose of establishing the academy • the academy aims to develop student potential • the academy nourishes students with sporty attitude input 1. management and human resources • academy management 2. training facilities • training facility • training equipment 3. hr suitability • coach license 4. funding • fund resources 5. curriculum implementation • curriculum foundation proccess 1. implementation of training methods • training methods 2. implementation of the training process • a structured training process • training evaluation • the role of the coach during training 3. training schedule • controlled exercise schedule 4. conformity of assessment results • student skill assessment • student attitude assessment product 1. conformity of goal-based achievement • student achievement • student contribution to the national team 2. graduate spare • academy graduates become local elite players • academy graduates contribute to be national team player 3. availability of student regular reports • student report (written form) table 2. the football academy curriculum evaluation questionnaire grid for students aspect indicator sub indicator input 1. managerial availability • academy management 2. training facilities • training facility • training equipment 3. funding • funding resources proccess 1. implementation of the training process • a structured training process • training evaluation • the role of the coach during training 2. training schedule • conducted exercise schedule product 1. conformity of goal-based achievement • student achievement • student contribution to the national team 2. graduate spare • academy graduates become local elite players table 3. the football academy curriculum evaluation questionnaire grid for parents aspect indicator sub indicator product 1. conformity of goal-based achievement • student achievement • student contribution to the national team 2. availability of student regular reports • detailed student report (written form) eka nugraha & een sumarni/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 265 result according to the results of the questionnaire data analysis, the variable of product of por uni football academy had positive responses from principal, coaches, students, and parents. with the total number of 118 respondents, 71 respondents (69.71%) provided favorable responses, and 47 respondents (30.29%) provided negative responses. based on data processing and analysis of all variables, the following results were obtained: context variable = positive (+), input variable = positive (+), process variable = positive (+), and product variable = positive (+). the results were then compared to each other in the glickmann quadrant, with the results (++++) falling under the effective category. thus, it can be concluded that the curriculum implementation at por uni football academy has been delivered effectively because the end result complies with the method, input, and context. at the same time, the variable of product of sidolig football academy showed negative results from principal, coach, student, and parent respondents. the total number of responders was 41, and of those, 18 (47.87%) gave favorable responses and 23 (52.13%) gave negative responses. based on data processing and analysis of all variables, the following results were obtained: context variable = positive (+), input variable = negative (-), process variable = positive (+), and product variable = negative (-). these results are then compared to the results in the glickmann quadrant with the results (+-+-) being in the less effective category. it can be claimed that the sidolig football academy curriculum implementation is less effective because the product was only in accordance with the context and process rather than the input. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 4. the football academy curriculum evaluation interview for all respondents aspect indicator sub indicator context (principal, coach) 1. academy legality • academy registration 2. the purpose of establishing the academy • the academy aims to develop student potentials • the academy nourishes students with sporty attitude input (principal, coach) 1. management and human resources • academy management 2. training facilities • training facility • training equipment 3. hr suitability • coach license 4. funding • fund resources 5. curriculum implementation • curriculum foundation proccess (principal, coach, student) 1. implementation of training methods • training methods • 2. implementation of the training process • a structured training process • training evaluation • the role of the coach during training 3. training schedule • controlled exercise schedule 4. conformity of assessment results • student skill assessment • student attitude assessment product (principal, coach, student, parents) 1. conformity of goal-based achievement • student achievement • student contribution to the national team 2. graduate spare • academy graduates become local elite players • academy graduates contribute to be national team player 3. availability of student regular reports • student report (written form) variable frequency percentage results ∑f+ ∑% t-score ∑f∑% t-score context 10 63,82% 8 36,18 % + positive input 55 64,05% 43 35,95 % + positive process 51 63,72% 48 36,28 % + positive product 71 69,71 % 47 30,29 % + positive overall result ++++ (positive,positive, positive, positive) table 5. the results of the cipp variable questionnaire data analysis on por uni football academy eka nugraha & een sumarni/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 266 discussion the findings of the study show that curriculum implementation at por uni football academy falls into the effective category because there is a conformity between context, input, process, and the product of their program. according to kreber et al., (2010), cipp evaluation has the meaning of context, input, process, and product evaluation. context evaluation determines program objectives, input evaluation assesses available resources, and process evaluation monitors program activities with the goal of making changes for product improvement and evaluation. when comprehensive program evaluations are carried out with each other, it is clear that the stufflebeams cipp model is useful for measuring outcomes and relating them to program objectives (pramono et. al., 2020; rohman, 2017, neyazi et all., 2016). the cipp model presupposes that the purpose of evaluation is not to prove but to improve, because teaching and learning curricula are complementary to one another. meanwhile, the implementation of the curriculum at sidolig football academy is categorized as less effective, because there is a discrepancy between the input and the product produced, but there is a conformity between the context and the curriculum process that is applied. as a result, the compatibility of context, input, process, and product is not yet fully developed. the context and input aspects of curriculum evaluation using the cipp model, according to setiadi (2018), are in accordance with the expected standards, while the process and product aspects do not. this can be taken into account for policy makers at sidolig football academy when making changes to the curriculum, as evaluation of the curriculum has been conducted primarily from the input and product variables. conclusion the results of the study concluded that the evaluation of the football academy curriculum using the cipp model at por uni football academy showed effective results while curriculum evaluation at sidolig football academy showed less effective results. there are numerous requirements for curriculum evaluation, thus this can be used as a reference to examine issues through the development of extensive research. acknowledgement the authors would like to thank the principals, coaches, students and parents of por uni and sidolig football academy. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references arifin, m. s. 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(worldometer, 2022) in indonesia, up to the same date, there were 6,030,168 confirmed cases of covid-19 with 155,556 deaths. (satuan tugas penanganan covid-19, 2022) covid-19 spreads mainly from human to human through droplets from the nose or mouth when someone infected with covid-19 sneezes, coughs, or even talks. (rochwerg, siemieniuk, & jacobs, 2021). transmission of the disease primarily occurs through the route between people in close contact with each other, through respiratory droplets produced when people are infected, which cause infection when inhaled or stored in mucous membranes, such as those lining the nose inside the mouth. people infected but have no symptoms can also pass the virus on to other people. under certain circumstances, covid-19 can sometimes spread through airborne transmission, especially in poorly ventilated rooms. (centers for disease control & prevention, 2021) to suppress the transmission of covid-19, people have to apply health protocols such as washing hands with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds after coughing, sneezing, or traveling from public places, using hand sanitizers that contain at least 60 percent (%) alcohol, avoiding close contact and practicing physical distancing, covering mouth and nose using a mask when in contact with other people, practicing proper coughing and sneezing etiquette, cleaning items that are often used daily, and monitoring health status every day. (centers for disease control & prevention, 2021). a good immune response is also important to prevent the transmission of covid-19. routine physical exercise has an important role in strengthening the immune system. (da silveira et al., 2020). physical exercise is structured, planned, and repetitive body movements that facilitate the improvement and maintenance of physical fitness. (heath, 2005) who recommends 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity physical exercise per week, 75 to 150 minutes of high-intensity physical exercise, or an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous-intensity physical exercise. (paw et al., 2016) although regular physical exercise is highly recommended, health protocols must still be implemented by using a face mask during exercise. the use of masks aims to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets that might contain viruses through coughing or sneezing. however, the use of masks during physical exercise might affect the comfort during physical exercise and interfere with respiration. reinhalation of the exhaled air might cause hypercapnia and hypoxia. (chandrasekaran & fernandes, 2020). the reduced level of inhaled oxygen can disrupt human health since the oxygen demand increases during exercise and the accumulation of carbon dioxide. muscle contraction will also produce lactic acid accumulation that requires oxygen in the removal.(chandrasekaran & fernandes, 2020). fikenzer et al.(2020) showed that wearing a filtering facepiece respirator (ffp2) / n95 mask during physical activities affects cardiopulmonary function. a significant decrease in lung function and breathing frequency during physical activity using a mask. (fikenzer et al., 2020). keely shaw et al (2020) obtained different results, which showed no significant differences in arterial oxygen saturation, tissue oxygenation index, and heart rate during physical exercise with and without wearing a mask. (shaw, butcher, ko, zello, & chilibeck, 2020). these conflicting results indicate a need for further research. brisk walking is an easy and effective moderateintensity physical exercise that plays a role in weight loss, improves cardiovascular health, and decreases blood sugar levels. brisk walking is defined as walking exercise at a speed that achieves 50-85 percent of the maximum heart rate. the maximum heart rate is obtained by subtracting 220 from the current age. (james roland, 2019). physical exercise performance can be measured through several parameters, such as muscle endurance and physical fitness index. muscle endurance is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to contract repeatedly and withstand fatigue for a long time. (hashim, ariffin, hashim, & yusof, 2018) physical fitness is the ability to carry out daily activities or work and adapt to physical loading without causing excessive fatigue and still have reserves to enjoy leisure time or work that is sudden and free from disease. (annas, 2011) however, there is a limited study about the effect of medical mask use on vital signs and oxygen saturation, as well as muscle endurance and physical fitness copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 stella tinia hasianna et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 3 index. taken together, our study presents research that explores the effect of wearing a mask on brisk walking. methods the experimental analytical quantitative approach was used in this study. all study subjects were asked to do brisk walking with and without using a medical mask. vital signs, oxygen saturation, and muscle endurance were measured after each exercise. in addition, the push-up test measured muscle endurance, and the harvard step-up test measured the physical fitness index. this research was conducted at the faculty of medicine, maranatha christian university, bandung, indonesia, from june to august 2021. this research received ethical approval from the ethics commission of the faculty of medicine, maranatha christian university no. 017/kep/iii/2021 and 016/kep/iii/2021. participants twenty-eight males aged 17-25 years with normal body mass index (bmi) were involved in this study. for safety reasons, a covid-19 rapid antigen test was conducted before each procedure, and only subjects with non-reactive results were able to proceed. of 30 subjects that agreed to participate, two subjects showed reactive results and were thereby excluded from the research. sampling procedures the the selection of research subjects was carried out by distributing an informed consent questionnaire to students of the faculty of medicine, maranatha christian university bandung. through the consecutive sampling method, the subjects who met the requirements and agreed to participate in the study from start to finish were included in this study. procedure one day before the test, the research subjects were asked not to do any strenuous physical activity and to sleep at least six to eight hours at night. the exercise was carried out on a safe and non-slippery surface, with a warm-up procedure before physical exercise and afterward cool-down practice. before any given treatment, the maximum heart rate was calculated for each subject using the 220 – age formula. the results were then multiplied by 64% and 76% to get the target heart rate of moderate-intensity physical exercise. next, subjects were asked to walk at speed to achieve the target heart rate monitored closely throughout the exercise. after completion, the vital signs were immediately measured. their blood pressure and respiratory rate were measured. muscle endurance was carried out by the push-up test. research subjects must complete as many pushups as possible. the examiner will record the number of push-ups and the time it takes; the results will be recorded numerically as a times-per-minute ratio. (hashim et al., 2018). physical fitness level was measured using the harvard step-up test and recorded numerically according to the physical fitness index obtained. (dharmesh & nikita, 2013). the same treatment and measurement procedures were repeated one week after using medical masks. data analysis this research was conducted with a pre-test and post-test design. normally distributed data were analyzed using paired t-tests; otherwise, the wilcoxon test was used. result systolic blood pressure the mean systolic blood pressure of 28 research samples in the pre-test obtained an average of 122.61 mmhg with a standard deviation of 10.071, and in the post-test obtained an average of 134.32 mmhg with a standard deviation of 12.661. the paired t-test showed a p-value of 0.00, indicating a very significant difference between treatments. diastolic blood pressure the mean diastolic blood pressure of 28 research samples in the pre-test obtained an average of 82.86 mmhg with a standard deviation of 8.074. the post-test obtained an average of 88.18 mmhg with a standard deviation of 11.205. the results of data analysis using the wilcoxon test between diastolic blood pressure with and without using a medical mask on brisk walking showed a p-value of 0.001. this indicates a significant difference between treatments. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 stella tinia hasianna et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 4 pulse the mean pulse of 28 research samples in the pre-test obtained an average of 94.64 times/minute with a standard deviation of 16.249, and in the post-test obtained an average of 119.93 times/minute with a standard deviation 16.539. the paired t-test showed a pvalue of 0.00, indicating a very significant difference between treatments. respiration rate the mean respiration rate of 28 research samples in the pre-test obtained an average of 24.68 times/ minute with a standard deviation of 4.730. the post-test obtained an average of 28.11 times/minute with a standard deviation of 4.589. the paired t-test showed a pvalue of 0.00, indicating a very significant difference between treatments. body temperature the mean body temperature of 28 research samples in the pre-test obtained an average of 36.071 °c with a standard deviation of 0.4285 and the post-test with an average of 36.436 °c with a standard deviation of 0.2984. the results of data analysis using the wilcoxon test between body temperature with and without using a medical mask on brisk walking showed a pvalue of 0.001. this indicates a significant difference between treatments. oxygen saturation the mean oxygen saturation of 28 research samples in the pre-test obtained an average of 98.43% with a standard deviation of 0.790, and the post-test with an average of 97.39% with a standard deviation of 1.499. the results of data analysis using the wilcoxon test between oxygen temperature with and without using a medical mask on brisk walking showed a p-value of 0.001. this indicates a significant difference between treatments. the effect of the use of medical masks on muscle endurance in the push-up test the mean muscle endurance score of 28 research samples in the pre-test obtained an average of 60.3807 times/minute with a standard deviation of 19.12008 and the post-test with an average of 44.7129 times/minute with a standard deviation of 16.62567. the paired ttest showed a p-value of 0.00, indicating a very significant difference between treatments. the effect of the use of medical masks on the physical fitness index on the harvard step-up test the mean physical fitness index of 28 research samples in the pre-test obtained an average of 24.0923 times/heart rate with a standard deviation of 9.39120 and in the post-test with an average of 37.50 times/heart rate with a standard deviation of 9.81273. in addition, the paired t-test showed a p-value of 0.00, indicating a very significant difference between treatments. discussion during the covid-19 pandemic, people are encouraged to wear masks to prevent droplets that come out of the mouth or nose from spreading and spreading to other people. the use of this mask is required indoors or outdoors when someone is active. however, table 1. the effect of mask usage on vital signs, oxygen saturation, muscle endurance, and physical fitness index parameter mean sd p value systolic blood pressure pre-test 122.61 10.07 0.000 post-test 134.32 12.66 diastolic blood pressure pre-test 82.86 8.074 0.001 post-test 88.18 11.2 pulse pre-test 94.64 16.24 0.000 post-test 119.93 16.53 respiration rate pre-test 24.68 4.73 0.000 post-test 28.11 4.58 body temperature pre-test 36.07 0.42 0.000 post-test 36.43 0.29 oxygen saturation pre-test 98.43 0.79 0.000 post-test 97.39 1.49 muscle endurance pre-test 60.38 19.12 0.000 post-test 44.71 16.62 physical fitness index pre-test 12.42 9.39 0.000 post-test 6.02 9.81 copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 stella tinia hasianna et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 5 the use of masks in physical exercise needs further research because there is not yet strong, consistent scientific evidence regarding the use of masks during physical exercise. (greenhalgh, schmid, czypionka, bassler, & gruer, 2020) in this study, vital signs and oxygen saturation were measured briefly after brisk walking, muscle endurance was measured on the push-up test, and the physical fitness index was measured on the harvard step-up test. the procedures were repeated twice, using and without using a medical mask. the results showed that there were very significant differences in the values of systolic blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, body temperature, oxygen saturation, muscle endurance, and physical fitness with and without medical masks, with p values of 0.000 on all of these variables, and a significant difference in diastolic blood pressure with and without medical masks with a p-value of 0.001. skeletal muscle movements increase skeletal muscle blood flow and cardiac output due to increased oxygen demand during physical exercise. the overall increase in cardiovascular activity and sympathetic nerve activities will increase the vital signs measurements. (sherwood, 2010) these adaptations will be more exaggerated while wearing a medical mask. based on the research results of y. li et al. (2005), the n95 mask usage increased pulse rate significantly compared to a medical mask. (y. li et al., 2005) masks are available in various types according to their respective functions. there are two types of masks: medical masks (also known as surgical masks) and respirators masks. medical masks and respirators have the same protection value. however, respirators masks are specific to certain procedures and events because they have tighter components. (ippolito et al., 2020). a medical mask is defined as a surgical or procedure mask that is flat or has pleats; this type of mask is fastened to the head with a strap around the ear or head or both. its performance characteristics are tested according to a series of standardized test methods (astm f2100, en 14683, or equivalent) aimed at balancing high filtration, adequate breathability, and (optionally) liquid penetration resistance. (who, 2020) respirator masks are further divided into several types, namely ffp2-mask (face filtering piece) or n95mask, and ffp3-mask. ffp2-mask can filter > 95% of particles and droplets trapped when inhaled, while ffp3-mask >99%. (fikenzer et al., 2020) studies by j. lässing et al. (2020) and sven fikenzer et al. (2020) showed that using medical masks causes a significant increase in pulse rate and a tendency to increase cardiac output, increasing blood pressure. (lässing et al., 2020),(fikenzer et al., 2020) research, according to ashley ying ying wong et al. (2020), also stated that there is a physiological effect of using medical masks, namely a significant increase in pulse rate and perceived energy. (wong et al., 2020) the use of a medical mask during brisk walking affects respiratory rate because a medical mask might inhibit lung emptying due to a closed airway. medical masks have been shown to decrease lung function and increase respiratory resistance, which may be higher during stress, leading to increased work of breathing and ventilation restrictions. (fikenzer et al., 2020) the use of medical masks also causes changes in breathing patterns and a reduction in oxygen absorption, according to the study results by j. lssing et al. (2020). (lässing et al., 2020) according to susan r. hopkins et al. (2021), it is also possible that re-inhaling the exhaled breath while wearing a mask during physical exercise will increase dyspnea due to the effects of co2.. (hopkins et al., 2021) research on the effects of using masks during activities was also carried out by p. k. purushothaman et al. (2020) which showed that medical mask usage during activities might cause difficulty in breathing. (purushothaman, priyangha, & vaidhyswaran, 2021). the movement of muscles during physical exercise produces heat and increases body temperature. an increase in core temperature will cause skin vasodilation and sweating to keep body temperature from exceeding the heat limit because there is also hypothalamic control over skin arterioles. (sherwood, 2010). wearing a surgical mask or n95 during continuous use causes an increase in facial skin temperature.(scarano, inchingolo, & lorusso, 2020) the humidity and temperature of the skin inside the medical mask also increase during physical exercise. (y. li et al., 2005) a significant change in body temperature was found after wearing a mask for 1 to 6 hours.(park, han, yeon, kang, & kim, 2021) this research arrived at the same results as copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 stella tinia hasianna et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 6 previous studies that show that the use of medical masks during brisk walking increases body temperature. the decrease in oxygen saturation was more pronounced in the group using a medical mask, and this finding had statistical significance. the same result was found in another study by hugo mendonça café. (café, leitão, freitas, & marreiros, 2021) medical masks block the airway, resulting in partial obstruction of the respiratory tract. as a result of the airway obstruction, the oxygen supply to the body is inhibited, and the oxygen level in the blood decreases. the use of medical masks can also increase dyspnea during exercise due to co2 rebreathing, based on research by susan r. hopkins et al. (2021). (hopkins et al., 2021) based on the study of erzat toprak et al. (2021), who tested the effect of using a mask before and after the non-stress test on oxygen saturation, it was also found to decrease significantly. (toprak & bulut, 2021) under normal conditions, when doing heavyintensity physical exercise, there are several physiological changes, including an adaptation of skeletal muscle metabolism, changes in cardiorespiratory, vascular function, and cell function in mitochondria, namely mediators pgc-1α, hif1-α, and vegf, which are associated with with the process of hypoxia. (j. li et al., 2020) the results of this study are in line with the research conducted by fikenzer et al. (2020)(lässing et al., 2020), which stated that the use of ffp2 / n95 masks when doing physical activities affected the cardiopulmonary conditions of 12 healthy men. there is a significant decrease in lung function and breathing frequency during physical activity. using a mask causes hypoxia and hypercapnia and affects oxygen levels and heart rate, which has an impact on decreasing muscle endurance and fitness. using an elevation training mask caused a decrease in aerobic and anaerobic capacity and decreased breathing ability compared to subjects who did not use an elevation training mask. (bernardi et al., 2011). the elevation training mask 2.0 (etm) is a novel device that purportedly simulates altitude training. 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penelitian ini adalah mengkaji pengaruh penerpan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw dan tgt terhadap keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain bolavoli. desain yang digunakan pada penelitian eksperimen ini adalah post-test only group desain yang melibatkan 70 siswa sebagai sampel penelitian yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik cluster random saampling. sampel dalam penelitian ini terbagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu kelompok a (menggunakan cooperative learning tipe jigsaw) dan kelompok b (menggunakan cooperative learning tipe tgt). analisis statistik yang digunakan dlam penelitian ini adalah anova satu jalur dan multivariante test(manova). berdasarkan penghitungn nilai rata-rata, diketahui bahwa terdapa perbedaan keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain bolavoli siswa antara kelompok jigsaw dan tgt, namun berdasarkan statisti perbedaan tersebut tidak signifikan. hasil yang sama ditunjukkan oleh hasil analisis multivriate testbahwa tidak terdapat perbedan signifikan pada keterampilan bermain bolavoli siswa kelompok jigsaw dan tgt. berdasarkan hasil penelitian, model coopertive tipe jigsaw dan tgt dapat direkomendasikan untuk diimplementasikan oleh guru pendidikan jasmani untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain bolavoli. kata kunci : cooperative learning, jigsaw, tgt, keterampilan sosial, keterampilan bermain bolavoli 1. pendahuluan guru pendidikan jasmani perlu memiliki bekal pengetahuan tentang karakteristik peserta didik dan keterampilan dalam memformulasikan metode atau model pembelajaran yang dapat mendukung tercapainya tujuan dari pendidikan jasmani itu sendiri. menurut bucher (suherman, 2009: 7), tujuan dari pendidikan jasmani diklasifikasikan kedalam empat kategori yang terdiri dari: (1) perkembangan fisik; (2) perkembangan gerak; (3) perkembangan mental; dan (4) perkembangan sosial. pendapat tersebut sangat sesuai dengan hakikat tujuan pendidikan nasional seperti yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya yaitu mewujudkan manusia yang sehat dan berilmu serta berakhlak mulia. oleh karena itu, guru pendidikan jasmani tidak hanya menekankan pada penguasaan keterampilan gerak dan perkembangan fisik saja sebagai indikator keberhasilan pembelajaran, melainkan juga perlu memperhatikan pengembangan aspek mental dan keterampilan sosial. pendidikan jasmani diyakini dapat memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa untuk: 1) berpartisipasi secara teratur dalam kegiatan olahraga, 2) pemahaman dan penerapan konsep yang benar tentang aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut agar dapat dilakukan dengan aman, 3) pemahaman dan penerapan nilainilai yang terkandung dalam aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut agar terbentuk sikap dan perilaku sportif dan positif, emosi stabil, dan gaya hidup sehat. mailto:nazwafathir@gmail.com jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 9 memperhatikan tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari pelaksanaan kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan (ktsp), maka dalam penelitian ini yang akan dikaji dan diteliti adalah proses pembelajaran pada permainan bolavoli. permainan bolavoli merupakan salah satu materi pokok aktivitas permainan dan olahraga yang tertuang dalam kurikulum pendidikan jasmani. aspek penting dan dominan dalam pembelajaran permainan bolavoli adalah penguasaan gerak. terdapat beberapa teknik dasar dalam bolavoli yang perlu dimiliki oleh pemain diantaranya adalah passing, smash, block dan service. dalam pembelajaran permainan bolavoli, guru dituntut untuk bisa mengembangkan aspek keterampilan sosial siswa, sehingga siswa tidak hanya menguasai keterampilan gerak saja akan tetapi keterampilan sosialnya juga meningkat. dalam meningkatkan keterampilan sosial, guru perlu memilih dan menggunakan strategi yang tepat dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani khususnya pembelajaran permainan bolavoli agar tujuan yang diharapkan dapat tercapai dengan optimal. dalam pembelajaran permainan bolavoli, guru harus menguasai berbagai metode mengajar agar aktivitas pembelajaran menjadi lebih menarik. berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka diperlukan suatu model pembelajaran yang dapat membantu siswa dalam mencapai hasil belajar permainan bolavoli yang terkait dengan keterampilan teknik dasar dan keterampilan sosial. salah satu metode pembelajaran yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain siswa pada permainan bolavoli yaitu metode pembelajaran cooperative learning. cooperative learning adalah suatu model pembelajaran yang menekankan pada kegiatan belajar berkelompok. metzler (2000: 221) memaknai model cooperative learning sebagai strategi pembelajaran yang melibatkan siswa dalam aktivitas kelompok untuk menyelesaikan tugas tertentu dengan harapan bahwa seluruh siswa berkontribusi terhadap proses dan hasil belajar yang diperolehnya. dari kutipan di atas, tampak jelas bahwa pembelajaran kooperatif adalah suatu strategi pembelajaran yang membagi siswa menjadi beberapa kelompok dalam waktu dan tugas-tugas tertentu untuk kemudian bekerjasama secara efektif dan masing-masing anggota kelompoknya berkontribusi sama besar dalam proses dan pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran yang diharapkan. pengelompokkan dalam cooperative learning menekankan pada sistem pengelompokkan heterogenitas. kelompok heterogenitas bisa dibentuk dengan memperhatikan keanekaragaman gender, latar belakang agama, sosial, ekonomi, etnik serta kemampuan kademik. dalam hal kemampuan akademik, kelompok pembelajaran cooperative learning biasanya terdiri dari anggota kelompok yang berkemampuan tinggi, sedang dan rendah dengan jumlah yang seimbang (lie, 2010: 41). pernyataan di atas menyiratkan perbedaan nyata antara pembelajaran kooperatif dengan pembelajaran dengan metode diskusi biasa. pada pembelajaran kooperatif, kelompok yang terbentuk harus terdiri dari siswa yang beragam dilihat dari segala aspek akademis maupun non akademis. hal ini bertujuan untuk melatih sifat saling menghargai antar anggota kelompok dan mengurangi kesenjangan antara kelompok yang satu dengan kelompok yang lain. selain itu, sistem pengelompokkan ini juga dapat meningkatkan rasa kepedulian antar anggota kelompok karena pengetahuan dan kemampuan salah satu anggota kelompoknya akan mempengaruhi prestasi kelompok secara keseluruhan. salah satu model pembelajaran kooperatif yang dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani di sekolah menegah atas adalah model cooperative learning tipe jigsaw. pada model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw, siswa dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok kecil yang berjumlah 4-6 orang sebagai kelompok asal, setiap anggota kelompok mendapatkan tugas spesifik yang berbeda satu dengan yang lain. setiap anggota kelompok yang mendapatkan tugas yang sama kemudian berkumpul dengan anggota kelompok lainnya membentuk kelompok ahli untuk saling bekerjasama dalam memahami atau menyelesaikan tugas yang diberikan. setelah siswa bekerja di dalam kelompok ahli, setiap anggota kelompok ahli kemudian kembali ke kelompok asal untuk menyampaikan tugas yang telah mereka pahami kepada anggota kelompok lainnya sehingga seluruh anggota kelompok asal memiliki pemahaman yang sama dan menyeluruh (slavin, 2008: 237). jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 10 selain jigsaw, model pembelajaran kooperatif lainnya yang dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran permainan bolavoli yaitu model teams games tournament (tgt). dalam cooperative learning tipe tgt, siswa bekerja dalam kelompok yang heterogen untuk mempelajari materi yang perlu dikuasai dan di akhir pembelajaran masing-masing anggota kelompok akan berkompetisi dengan anggota kelompok lainnya yang memiliki kemampuan akademis setara (homogen) di dalam sebuah turnamen akademik terkait dengan materi yang telah dipelajari (o’mahony, 2006). menurut slavin (2008: 143), penerapan model kooperatif tipe tgt dapat meningkatkan keterampilan dan prestasi siswa dan interaksi pembelajaran yang positif diantara para siswa. dilandaskan pada uraian tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang efektivitas penerapan model kooperatif pada pembelajaran permainan bolavoli dalam meningkatkan keterampilan teknik dasar dan keterampilan sosial. terlebih lagi, penelitian terkait tentang pengaruh penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif khususnya dengan menggunakan tipe jigsaw dan tgt terhadap keterampilan bermain dan keterampilan sosial siswa sma kelas xi pada pembelajaran permainan bolavoli belum pernah dikaji. berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka penulis berinisiatif untuk melakukan penelitian yang berjudul ” pengaruh penerapan model cooperative learning tipe jigsaw dan tgt (teams game tournament) terhadap keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain bolavoli”. 2. metode penelitian metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian pre-experimental dengan design post-test only group design (salkind, 2010 : 1083). pada desain ini, digunakan dua kelompok penelitian yang terdiri dari siswa kelompok a (pembelajaran menggunakan cooperative learning tipe jigsaw) dan siswa kelompok b (pembelajaran menggunakan cooperative learning tipe tgt) kemudian diamati pengaruhnya terhadap variabel yang diukur dalam hal ini keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain bolavoli. instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu tes keterampilan bermain bolavoli dan angket yang digunakan pada saat pre-test dan post-test. tes keterampilan bermain bolavoli dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara mengobservasi keterampilan bermain siswa dengan skala rating berdasarkan format penilaian fivb yang dikutip dari yudiana (2010: 103-105) sedangkan angket digunakan untuk menjaring keterampilan sosial siswa. indikator keterampilan sosial siswa yang dijaring melalui angket terdiri dari keterampilan dasar berinteraksi, berkomunikasi, membangun tim/ kelompok dan menyelesaikan masalah yang diadaptasi dari maryani (2011:20). setiap indikator diberikan skor dengan skala 4 s/d 1 berdasarkan kriteria skoring yang telah ditetapkan. data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menghitung nilai rata-rata pretes dan postes dan penghitungan statistik menggunakan anova dan manova. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 11 3. hasil dan pembahasan a. hasil penelitian 1. analisis data keterampilan sosial siswa pada pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw dan tgt gambar 1. perbandingan nilai rata-rata keterampilan bermain bolavoli siswa kelompok jisaw dan tgt berdasarkan perbandingan nilai rata-rata siswa kelompok jigsaw dengan tgt, dapat dirumuskan kesimpulan sementara bahwa siswa pada kelompok jigsaw memiliki keterampilan sosial yang lebih baik dibanding siswa pada kelompok tgt. namun jika diperhatikan kembali, selisih nilai rata-rata keterampilan sosial pada setiap indikator tidak terpaut jauh. oleh karena itu, analisis data keterampilan sosial siswa perlu dilanjutkan pada analisis statistik menggunaan anova satu jalur untuk mengetahui perbedaan signifikan nilai rata-rata keterampilan sosial siswa antara kelompok jigsaw dengan tgt. hasil analisis uji anova satu jalur terhadap data keterampilan sosial siswa dapat dilihat pada tabel 1 sebagai berikut: tabel 1. hasil uji anova satu jalur data keterampilan sosial siswa kelompok jigsaw dan tgt kelompok penelitian nilai sign. nilai alpha (α) keterangan siswa kelompok jigsaw dan tgt 0,906 0,05 tidak signifikan jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 12 berdasarkan tabel di atas, diketahui bahwa nilai signifikansi data keterampilan sosial adalah sebesar 0,906 lebih besar dari α = 0,05. berdasarkan kriteria hipotesis uji anova, jika nilai sign. (0,906) > α (0,05) maka ho diterima dengan kata lain µ1 = µ2 atau tidak terdapat perbedaan hasil keterampilan sosial antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw dengan tgt. 2. analisis data keterampilan bermain bolavoli siswa pada pembelajaran kooperatif jigsaw dan tgt gambar 1. perbandingan nilai rata-rata keterampilan bermain bolavoli siswa kelompok jisaw dan tgt secara umum, nilai rata-rata keterampilan bermain bolavoli siswa kelompok tgt lebih besar dibanding siswa kelompok jigsaw. namun hal ini bukan berarti bahwa nilai rata-rata keterampilan bermain bolavoli antara siswa kelompok jigsaw dengan tgt berbeda signifikan. oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan analisis statistik anova untuk mengetahui perbedaan signifikan antara keterampilan bermain bolavoli siswa kelompok jiigsaw dengan tgt. hasil analisis uji anova satu jalur terhadap data keterampilan bermain bolavoli siswa dapat dilihat pada tabel 2. tabel 2. hasil uji anova satu jalur data keterampilan bermain bolavoli siswa kelompok jigsaw dan tgt dari penghitungan uji anova terhadap data keterampilan bermain bolavoli siswa pada kelompok jigsaw dan tgt, diperoleh hasil bahwa nilai signifikansi data keterampilan bermain bolavoli adalah sebesar 0,797 lebih besar dari α = 0,05. berdasarkan kriteria hipotesis uji anova, jika kelompok penelitian nilai sign. nilai alpha (α) keterangan siswa kelompok jigsaw dan tgt 0,797 0,05 tidak signifikan jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 13 nilai sign. (0,797) > α (0,05) maka ho diterima dengan kata lain µ1 = µ2 atau tidak terdapat perbedaan keterampilan bermain bolavoli antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw dengan tgt. 3. analisis data keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain bolavoli siswa pada pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw dan tgt hasil analisis uji manova data keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain bolavoli siswa dapat dilihat pada tabel 3. tabel 3. uji manova data keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain bolavoli siswa pada pembelajaran kooperatif jigsaw dan tgt jenis tes jenis data nilai sign nilai α keterangan multivariat e test data keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain bolavoli 0,959 0,05 tidak signifikan test of betweensubject effect keterampilan sosial 0,906 0,05 tidak signifikan keterampilan bermain bolavoli 0,797 tidak signifikan berdasarkan analisis data keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain bolavoli dilihat dari perbandingan nilai rata-rata keterampilan sosial, maka diperoleh informasi bahwa nilai keterampilan sosial siswa kelompok jigsaw secara umum lebih besar dibanding siswa kelompok tgt. sedangkan data keterampilan bermain bolavoli siswa pada kelompok tgt memiliki nilai rata-rata yang lebih besar dibanding siswa kelompok jigsaw kecuali pada indikator keterampilan menerima spike. jika diperhatikan dengan seksama, nilai rata-rata keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain bolavoli siswa pada masing-masing indikator dapat dikatakan baik. hal ini berarti penerapan kedua model pembelajaran kooperatif dapat meningkatan keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain bolavoli. namun untuk mengetahui signifikansi perbedaan pengaruh kedua model tersebut, maka dilakukan uji anova dan manova. penghitungan analisis statistik dengan menggunakan uji anova maupun manova menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan signifikan antara keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain bolavoli antara siswa kelompok jigsaw maupun pada kelompok tgt. artinya perbedaan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tidak mempengaruhi perbedaan perolehan keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain bolavoli. 4. kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil analisis dan interpretasi terhadap data penelitian keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain bolavoli pada pembelajaran permainan bolavoli dengan cooperative learrning tipe jigsaw dan tgt, diperoleh beberapa jawaban dari rumusan masalah yang ada. jawaban tersebut dapat dirumuskan kedalam beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 14 1. terdapat perbedaan keterampilan sosial antara siswa sma st. aloysius kelas xi yang belajar melalui penerapan cooperative learning tipe jigsaw dengan tgt pada permainan bolavoli dilihat dari penghitungan nilai rata-rata angket keterampilan sosial, namun secara statistik perbedaan tersebut tidak signifikan. 2. terdapat perbedaan keterampilan bermain bolavoli antara siswa sma st. aloysius kelas xi yang belajar melalui penerapan cooperative learning tipe jigsaw dengan tgt pada permainan bolavoli dilihat dari penghitungan nilai rata-rata skor keterampilan bermain bolavoli, namun secara statistik perbedaan tersebut tidak signifikan. 3. terdapat perbedaan antara keterampilan sosial dan keterampilan bermain bolavoli siswa sma st. aloysius kelas xi yang belajar melalui penerapan cooperative learning tipe jigsaw maupun tgt pada permainan bolavoli dilihat dari penghitungan nilai rata-rata angket keterampilan sosial dan skor keterampilan bermain bolavoli, namun secara statistik kedua perbedaan tersebut tidak signifikan. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 15 referensi lie, a. 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(2010). implementasi model pendekatantaktisdanteknisdalampembelajaranpermainanbolavolipadapendidikanjasmani siswa smp (tinjauanperbedaanketerampilanteknikdasardanbermainbolavoli, sertaketerampilanberpikirkritissiswa smpn 4 kota bandung).disertasi. prodi por pascasarjana upi. 40 jpjo 7 (1) (2022) 40-47 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga available online at: https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/article/view/40074 doi: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpjo.v7i1.40074 injury-related knowledge and beliefs of basketball coaches in indonesian setting laely hidayati* 1 , yulia dwi setia 1 , agwin fahmi fahanani 1 , diah royani meisani 1 , djoko witjaksono 2 , eko nugroho 2 1 school of medicine, faculty of medicine, universitas brawijaya, east java, indonesia 2 school of medical specialist and subspecialist, faculty of medicine, universitas brawijaya, east java, indonesia article info article history : received november 2021 revised february 2022 accepted march 2022 available online april 2022 keywords : basketball, injury-related knowledge, injury-related belief, sports injury abstract as the level of restrictions on community activities decreased, more institutions and organizations began to conduct basketball competitions as a result of the broad popularity of the sport. the intensity of practice has increased as a result of the competitive atmosphere. as a result of increased training intensity, there is an increase in player injuries sustained during practice or competition. this study aimed to explore basketball coaches' beliefs toward injury in student-athletes, particularly at the high school and university levels. the study employed a survey approach, with the target group consisting of basketball coaches at the high school and university levels in malang, east java. according to the study's findings, individual factors affecting players put the most significant pressure to play during an injury. additionally, the coach is the second most influential factor in pressuring injured players to play, trailing only teammates and parents. among the themes that emerged from this study on injury-related knowledge and beliefs were the determination to win, the significant role of the participants, and the ability to serve as a source of motivation for other players.  correspondence address : fkub, jalan veteran, malang, east java e-mail : dr.yulia.fk@ub.ac.id https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 41 introduction among the most popular sports in today's culture, basketball is one of the most popular. due to the widespread popularity of this sport, institutions and organizations are interested in arranging basketball championships for people of all ages (leonardo et al., 2020). however, while dealing with the covid-19 pandemic, the number of basketball competitions seems to decline. nonetheless, some institutions or organizations have begun to conduct basketball competitions again after the republic of indonesia's ministry of youth and sports affairs stipulated a circular letter 6.11.1/ menpora/vi/2020 concerning protocol prevention of corona virus transmission disease (covid-19). in addition to the applicable circular letter, various student, non-professional, and professional basketball competitions resumed as the level of limitations on community activities (ppkm) lessened (hasanah, 2020; putri, 2020). the competitive environment felt by the coaches and players has boosted the intensity of practice, which had been declining owing to the pandemic. according to bourdas et al. (2021), due to significant lay-offs during the pandemic, aerobic and anaerobic training should be introduced gradually, building to basketball-specific high-intensity drills and should include different types of exercise and drills in combination with applied technical and tactical skills. a gradual increase in training intensity increases the frequency of player injuries during practice or competition. as more children and youth participate in organized sports, injuries associated with sports have risen (emery, 2009). moreover, injury rates during games were two times higher than those during practices (troijan et al., 2013). according to bahr et al. (2015), a sports injury is damage to the body's tissues that develops due to sport or exercise. it includes any physical activity-related injury. injuries that frequently occur in sports primarily affect the musculoskeletal system, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. a study by meeuwisse et al. (2013) found that 44.7% of inter-university basketball players were injured throughout the course of the study's two years. furthermore, mckay et al. (2014) discovered that ankle injuries occur at a rate of 3.85 per 1000 participants. a substantial number of injuries were discovered even at the professional level. according to a prior study conducted by drakos et al. (2010), professional nba athletes sustain a high proportion of gamerelated injuries, with ankle sprains being the most prevalent. in addition, trojian et al. (2013) reported that a lower extremity injury was three times as prevalent among teenagers (15-19 years old) than in younger children (50.7% of basketball-related injuries). injury to basketball players at the non-professional level is probably due to a lack of resources and knowledge of proper injury management. the high number of injuries sustained during training and competitions is not consistent with the treatment of the associated injuries. iversen & friden (2009) found that inadequate coach knowledge has been linked to increased injury rates, and corrected injury prevention training approaches have been shown to decrease injury risk. frequently, coaches rely on experience over knowledge regarding the value of injury prevention (munoz-plaza et al., 2021). as a result, injuries may become a discouragement from participating in sports or other forms of exercise. based on field observations, the coaching staff, mainly coaches and coaching assistants, were shown to have a limited role in providing appropriate help to injured players. generally, coaches play an important role in facilitating injury preventive actions to lower the risk of injury in youth sports; however, this is likely influenced by their understanding of and attitude toward injuries and injury prevention programs (callaghan, 2022). basketball coaches should contribute more to injury prevention activities since they have direct contact and influence on the field. according to mckay et al. (2014), athletes are more likely to commit to injury prevention methods by educating coaches. in addition, smoll & smith (2001), coaches and the atmosphere they provide are broadly acknowledged to significantly impact young players' sporting and personal experience, which is affected by the priorities, beliefs, and behaviors that coaches communicate. as a result, a coach with a positive attitude toward injury prevention is more likely to implement an injury prevention approach, which is critical for increasing compliance and, ultimately, the program's success (whatman et al., 2018). however, there is limited research in youth basketball, specifically in the indonesian setting, investigating coach knowledge and beliefs towards injury. thus, the purpose of this study was to explore basketball coaches' beliefs about injury in student-athletes, copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 laely hidayati et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 42 particularly at the high school and university levels. methods the survey design was utilized in this study, and the target group was basketball coaches at the high school and university levels in indonesia. the primary research instrument was a survey with open and closeended questions. coaches' beliefs toward injuries were explored using open-ended questions in the survey. participants the participants of this study were 25 basketball coaches in malang, east java, consisting of 2 female and 23 male coaches involved in basketball activity at high school and university levels obtained from purposive sampling. the inclusion criteria were male and female coaches for high school and higher education levels. of 25 coaches, 20 people coach at the high school level, and five people coach at the university level. among those coaches, 7 of them have more than ten years of coaching experience, and 12 coaches have been coaching for 6-10 years. the rest of them have been coaching for between 1-5 years. the characteristics of basketball coaches participating in the survey can be seen in table 1. survey design researchers adapted a survey to assess the beliefs of high school and university basketball coaches about injury prevention. the survey was based on whatman et al. work's (2018). there were ten closed questions and ten open questions, highlighting injuries to players and whether or not they returned to play. the coaches' exposure to injury prevention training and first aid certifications was also analyzed. data collection all participants in this study attended a "basketball safety during the pandemic" webinar; then, the researchers distributed the survey after the event. the participants received a digital survey form using the google forms platform. a google form was administered to collect the data about participants’ knowledge of injury and their beliefs of indonesian basketball coaches during the pandemic of covid-19. this online questionnaire consisted of two sections, personal information and questions related to the abovementioned topic. four close-ended questions were used to gather quantitative data from respondents. the participants could choose one option among pre-defined responses involving very often, sometimes, rarely, or never to describe their experiences concerning player injuries during the basketball play. to further investigate how they handled the injuries, open-ended questions were also provided so the participants could give more profound responses based on their experiences. the recorded data was then filtered because the focus of this study was on coaches at the high school and university levels, specifically in malang, east java. data analysis in order to analyze the data, a microsoft excel spreadsheet was created from the survey results. the results of the survey's closed questions were analyzed using descriptive statistics. the qualitative description explained the open-ended question response analysis and presentation. the themes were primarily drawn from quantitative data, and the researchers supplemented them with responses to open-ended questions. then, the responses to the open-ended questions were classified into the themes that had been identified. thus, thematic analysis was conducted deductively because the descriptive responses as the qualitative data were closely identified based on the themes taken from the quescopyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 laely hidayati et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) total age 21-30 7 31-40 15 41-50 2 51-50 1 gender male 23 female 2 team male 4 female 3 male and female 18 level high school 20 higher education 5 coaching experience 1-5 years 12 6-10 years 6 >10 years 7 coaching license yes 23 no 2 license type a 1 b 11 c 11 no license 2 injury-related certification yes 0 no 25 injury-related course/ training yes 19 no 6 table 1. characteristics of basketball coaches participating in the survey (n = 25) 43 tions to collect the quantitative data. the themes were coaches witnessing injured players, injured players pressured by coaches, injured players pressured by teammates, and injured players pressured by parents. result the survey received responses from a total of 25 participants. there were 15 coaches between the ages of 31 and 40, 7 coaches between the ages of 21 and 30, and 3 coaches between the ages of 41 and 60. the vast majority (n=23) of the coaches surveyed (92%) claimed to have some type of coaching qualification, with only two coaches reporting no such certification. the basketball coaching license is managed by persatuan bola basket indonesia (perbasi). the number of coaches holding licenses b and c was similar (n=11), whereas only one coach acquired license a. unexpectedly, none of the survey participants received a first aid certification. however, more than half (76%, n=19) of the participants had undergone any sport-related first aid/ injury prevention courses. those who stated that they had completed courses received them from the coaching qualification workshop and college. the overall survey result of closed-ended questions can be seen in table 2. related to the participants who saw the injured players kept playing, the occurrence of this event was often (32%, n=8). twenty-eight percent of the respondents sometimes witness this event (n=7). then, 16% (n=4) of the participants reported never and very often encountering this problem, respectively. meanwhile, only 8% of the respondents rarely see players push themselves to play when injured. table 1 presents the total percentage of coaches witnessing injured players return to the game. based on their answers, most coaches reported that the most frequent injury happened to the returning players were sprain, specifically ankle sprain, followed by concussion and knee injury. the other mentioned injuries were open wounds and dislocation. furthermore, regarding the pressure received by the injured players from their coaches, half of the participants reported witnessing this event sometimes (52%, n=13). at the same time, 24% of respondents encountered this event rarely (n=6). then, 16% of the respondents have witnessed other coaches putting pressure on the injured players often (n=4), and only 8% of them experienced this very often (n=2). another aspect being examined in this study is whether or not the participants have witnessed the teammates putting pressure on the injured players to keep playing. the results indicated that 32% (n=8) of the respondents sometimes encountered this event, and a similar result was obtained for rare experiences. then, 24% (n=6) of the respondents never witnessed this event. twelve percent of the respondent (n=3) have witnessed their teammates put pressure on their friends to keep playing while injured. furthermore, aspect related to parents’ involvement in fields was also examined. thirty-six percent of respondents (n=9) reported that they never saw parents putting pressure on their children to continue the game while injured. then, 28% (n=7) encountered this experience rarely. the rest of them witnessed parents putting pressure on their injured children sometimes (24%, n=6) and often (12%, n=3). copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 laely hidayati et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) table 2. coaches’ experiences with an injury accident question frequency of response never rarely sometimes often very often have you ever witnessed a player who was injured but continued to play when you thought they should not continue playing? 16% 8% 28% 32% 16% have you ever witnessed a coach exerting pressure on a player to continue playing despite an injury? 0% 24% 52% 16% 8% have you ever witnessed a player putting pressure on another player to continue playing despite being injured? 24% 32% 32% 12% 0% have you ever witnessed a player's parents putting pressure on a player to continue playing despite being injured? 36% 28% 24% 12% 0% 44 three major themes emerged from the qualitative data when it came to the pressure basketball coaches and players put on their players. these included the determination to win the competition, the significant role of the players, and functioning as a factor of motivation for other players. the theme of determination to win the competition are seen in the quotes: “karna pelatih tersebut hanya memikirkan kemenangan, tetapi tidak memikirkan karir jangka panjang atlit” or “because the coach only thinks about winning, but doesn't think about the athlete's long term” coach nr (aged 31-40 years), “karena faktor dalam diri yang pengen menang tanpa memperdulikan masa depan (pembuktian diri)” or “due to internal factors that want to win regardless of future (self-evident)” coach ds (aged 31-40), “faktor pelatih dan pemain mengejar target kemenangan” or “coaches' and players' factors in achieving the winning target” coach dw (aged 31-40), and “memenuhi target tuntutan juara dari pengurus” or “fulfill the winner's management objective demands” coach nh (aged 31-40). the second theme related to the significant role of the players in their teams can be seen in the following quotations. “karena pemain andalan dalam team” or “because she/he is the main player of the team” coach mw (aged 21-30), “karena pemain utama dalam tim dan memiliki keinginan untuk memenangkan pertandingan” or “because of he/she is the main player in the team, and has a desire to win coach rk (aged 21-30), “hanya dia yang mampu menyelesaikan pertandingan itu” or “he/she is the only one who can finish the game” coach nh (aged 21-30), and “karena pemain tersebut sangat dibutuhkan oleh tim” or “because the player is needed by the team” coach sa (aged 21-30). the third theme related to the players becoming the motivation for other teammates can be seen in the following quotations. “untuk memotivasi tim” or “to motivate the team” coach dy ( aged 21-30), “motivasi untuk menyemangati teman-teman” or “being a motivation to encourage friends” coach mw (aged 31-40), and “meningkatkan semangat rekan-rekan tim” or “increase teammates' confidence” coach ds (aged 3140). coaches claimed that parents pressured injured players to continue playing because they lacked appropriate awareness of injuries and wanted to see their children win the game. these results were supported by the following quotations from the coaches. “karena orang tua mau melihat anaknya bisa menang dikompetisi, padahal tidak harus seperti itu karena membahayakan cidera lanjutan” or “because parents want their children to win competitions, even though it isn't necessary because it puts their children's health at risk” coach nr (aged 31-40), “karena orang tua mau team anaknya menang” or “because the parents want their child’s team win the game” coach mw (aged 21-30), and “karena mereka tidak tahu dengan detail hal teknis” or “because they do not know about technical issues” coach aa (aged 21-30). discussion based on our results, the first aspect being observed is whether or not the respondent has witnessed basketball players insist on playing while they suffered from injuries that happened during the game. according to most coaches, injured players have been spotted playing with a frequency that ranges from sometimes to very often. according to the literature, injured players who still participate in the game are common. in research conducted by whatman et al. (2018), 87% of coaches reported witnessing a player continue to play when they believed he should have been managed to stop. furthermore, sprains, particularly in the ankle, were the most frequently reported injury by coaches at the high school and university levels of competition. in this particular instance, some coaches believe that the ankle injury is not so severe that it is possible to finish the game without being substituted. this result also confirms the previous research from trojian et al. (2013) and mckay et al. (2014), which explained that the most common injury in basketball players is an ankle sprain. mainly to avoid worsening a sprain, it is preferable to seek immediate medical assistance; however, this is not always possible. depending on the severity of the damage, it may take longer for the person to recover or heal completely. when it comes to concussions during games, most coaches and players cannot determine the severity of the incident. one of the sports activities associated with the greatest number of concussions among young people includes basketball (gilchirst et al., 2007). the hit on the head, according to the respondent, occurred because the player did not know how to position himself when he fell. players should be aware of their condition copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 laely hidayati et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 45 after having physical contact. the development of selfcontrol skills that allow basketball players to identify their muscle and ligament functions may have been an alternative to injury prevention (bolotin & bakayev, 2016). furthermore, players who continue to play while injured should be able to determine the severity of the injury, for example, by measuring their level of pain. currently, few basketball scholars, such as playersyıldırım et al. (2018) begun to develop a set of scales to determine pain levels for players. they establish a shoulder pain scale for wheelchair basketball players. according to multiple instances noticed by one of the researchers, players who continue the game despite being injured are those who play a significant part in their team. as weinberg et al. (2013) explained, individuals with high degrees of athletic identity, particularly, describe themselves largely in terms of their athletic status. consequently, they place a high value on their athletic success or failure. therefore, the injured players continue playing through pain and injury. one of the issues to emerge from this study is the importance of teammates. according to the responses, some coaches continue instructing these individuals to play even though they should be receiving additional treatment. in research conducted by kroshus et al. (2015), the two highest pressure to return to play after a head impact comes from coaches and teammates. supposedly, coaches or players are not obligated to pressure injured players into continuing the game. this is where knowledge regarding the initial management of injuries is essential. unfortunately, none of the coaches in this study had been certified as injury managers before participating in the study. however, the majority of them have received brief training in dealing with sports injuries through coaching license workshops and courses. additionally, a theme that emerged from this study was the players', coaches', and parents' determination to win the game. this will be balanced against the necessity to manage injured key players. according to markel (2013), along with coaches, parents can unintentionally set a player up for failure by imposing unrealistic performance and winning objectives on young athletes and pressuring them into sports for which they are not prepared or interested. a team, it is assumed, must be sufficiently prepared to compete. in addition, a team or coach should not rely on a single player for success. this is because a basketball team consists of 12 players, 5 of who compete and 7 of whom serve as substitutes. each player must be prepared to compete to step in and substitute a teammate who has been injured. the team's ability to respond quickly to injury problems can benefit the achievement of the winning target. as a third theme, injured players were allowed to play to serve as a motivating factor for the rest of the team. acceptance and minimization of pain and injury were also evident in female athletes' attitudes, as demonstrated by pike and maguire (2003), who discovered that players persevered through pain to appear tough in front of teammates and significant people in the community. however, according to the authors, this cannot be used as a reason for pushing injured players to participate in games because such interference can worsen the injuries they have already sustained. instead, other motivating methods can be used, such as providing opportunities for substitute players to compete for more minutes on the field or rewarding them for their efforts. additionally, the coach can create motivation by strengthening the player's confidence by using positive reinforcement. in response to parents who prefer to watch their children play despite being injured, this is due to a lack of awareness about injuries and a willingness to see their children win a game. this is understandable given that many parents have no experience with injury management or basketball fundamentals. however, perceived pressure from parents and spectators may be a risk factor that affects injury-related decisions when combined with pressure from others in the sports environment (kroshus et al., 2015). in this case, the interaction between parents and coaches is also needed. coaches can address parents' education about the risks of pressuring their children to continue playing after an injury. in consequence, this study has several research limitations. first, only coaches participating in basketball activities at the high school and university levels were included in the survey. second, the number of samples in this study is still small, and it only focuses on coaches based in malang, east java, rather than other parts of the region. additionally, it is necessary to design interventions that address the pattern through copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 laely hidayati et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 46 which athletes make injury-related decisions. conclusion according to the findings of this study, individual factors of players have the highest percentage of pressure to play at the time of injury. additionally, the coach is the second most important influence in putting injured players under pressure to play, followed by teammates and parents. the determination to win the tournament, the significant role of the participants, and serving as a source of motivation for other players are three themes that emerged from this study about injuryrelated knowledge and beliefs. acknowledgement the authors would like to express their sincere profound gratitude to the faculty of medicine, universitas brawijaya, and perbasi kota malang for the support during the accomplishment of the study. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references bahr, r., alfredson, h., järvinen, m., järvinen, t., khan, k., kjaer, m.,maehlum, s. 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neria & shultz, 2012). the sars-cov-2 pandemic increased the symptom of anxiety, depression, fatigue, mood disorders, and stress among individuals worldwide due to the pandemic (qiu et al., 2020; salari et al., 2020). the situation requires solutions to restore public mental health. sports participation has been associated with a more positive mood state and increased emotional control (marsh and kleitman 2003). currently, there is an increasing number of research examining the effect of exercise on mood swings (mutrie 1995). the mood-enhancing effect is characterized by increased passion and reduced anger, confusion, depression, fatigue, and tension (biddle sjh 1993; berger bg 2000; peluso et al., 2005). several studies have shown that physical activity has wide-ranging benefits on health and disease, including reducing mortality (press et al., 2003; holtermann et al., 2013). evidence supporting the physical and mental health benefits of physical activity and exercise accumulates at an accelerating rate (penedo & dahn 2005). in particular, we focused on the effect of aerobic exercises on positive mood changes. we hypothesized that participants of the study improved their mood responses by practicing aerobic exercises. the increased stress since the pandemic has worsened the consequences. stress is described as an emotionally and physiologically challenging experience. stress defines a mental or emotional tension state due to adverse or demanding circumstances (fowler, h. w., & fowler, f. g, 1931; koolhaas et al., 2011). stress affects all aspects of human functions (rahayu & ramlis, 2018). the effects of stress include being prone to accidents, failure to grow and develop in children, fatigue, and poor health status. stress can affect people of all ages, genders, and circumstances. stress includes emotional discomfort accompanied by predictable biochemical, physiological, and behavioral changes. sometimes, stress can be beneficial as it provides encouragement and energy to help a person get through certain situations, such as exams or work deadlines (idea, 2013). however, extreme amounts of stress can have consequences on physical and psychological health, specifically on the nervous, cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, and central nervous systems (resti, 2014). the effects can manifest in accidents, failure of growth and development in children, feelings of burden, worry, fatigue, and poor health status. regular physical activity is believed to be associated with better mental health (faulkner et al., 2021; okuyama et al., 2021; chi, 2021). zumba and body combat are dance therapies involving a mix of latin rhythms and easy-to-follow movements in various styles, including salsa, merengue, mambo, rumba, cumbia, reggaeton, hip hop, and flamenco (sayyad & satralkar, 2021). based on previous research, zumba and body combat are considered cardiovascular exercises that help strengthen the heart and muscles so that more oxygen is transported throughout the body effectively and provides a higher lung efficiency (prakash, 2021). zumba and body combat movements help stimulate the secretion of certain hormones, such as serotonin and dopamine, which are needed to improve mood, increase energy, and deal with stress. in addition, the active movements in zumba and body combat stimulate the release of endorphins to suppress the stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline. zumba and body combat can relieve internal and external stress in dealing with any conditions (salihu et al., 2021). according to the description described previously, the author was interested in investigating the effect of zumba and body combat on the mood of adults at productive age. methods participants this research applied an experimental study using a pre-test, post-test control group design. the samples of this study were 60 fitness members of helios fitness center in bandung. the samples were randomly divided into three groups. group 1 practiced zumba training. group 2 practiced body combat training, while group 3 was a control group carrying out an exercise program as they usually practiced. instrument and procedure this research administered two tests (pre-test and post-test). after the pre-test and before the post-test, copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 teten hidayat et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 63 participants practiced aerobic exercises. the exercise was carried out for six weeks, consisting of 3 meetings per week and 50 minutes for each meeting, in moderate -intensity (60% to 85% of maximum pulse rate). the procedure was based on (boidin et al., 2021) that doing a regular exercise for a minimum of 20 minutes carried out three times a week for 8-10 weeks can improve body functions, such as cardiorespiratory, strength, and endurance. the brunel mood scale (brums), developed by terry & lane (2010), was used in this study to measure mood responses (lan, 2012; brandt et al., 2016; wibowo et al., 2018). the scale consists of 24 items, including 20 negative and 4 positive items. data analysis calculating each test result is displayed in the form of means and standard deviations. in addition, an independent t-test was performed to determine significant differences. the level of significance was set at p < 0.05. while the mann-whitney test was used to compare between body combat exercise and zumba exercise. statistical analysis of this study was done using statistical software spss version 21. result table 1 shows the result of mood responses from the 3 groups after six weeks of exercise showed a difference in the average pre-test and post-test scores. the difference in the zumba training group was 5.35; in the body combat group was 3.95 and in the control group was 1.6. according to figure 1, 30 men and 30 women in this study had different mood response pre-test and post -test scores after practicing the treatment. the changes in males were 53.06 for pre-test and 49.06 for post-test; thus, the difference was 4. on the other hand, the difference in female were 54.6 for pre-test and 41.6 for posttest; hence the difference between the two was 3. table 2 shows the test of the effect difference of the body combat group compared to the control group resulted in a sig value (2-tailed) of 0.002 < 0.05, while the result of the zumba group compared to the control group was a sig value. (2-tailed) of 0.004 < 0.05, meaning a difference in effect between the experimental and control groups. tabel 3 shows the difference test of the effect between body combat exercise and zumba exercise showed no significant difference with the sig value. (2-tailed) of 0.004 < 0.557. discussion exercise, physical activity, and interventions have beneficial effects on physical and mental health outcomes (better functional capacity and better mood copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 teten hidayat et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) table 1. descriptive pre-test post-test data by group group test mean gain body combat pre-test 52,1 5,35 post-test 46,7 zumba pre-test 54,8 3 post-test 51,8 control pre-test 55 2,45 post-test 52,5 figure 1. pre-test and post-test mood responses by gender table 2. descriptive pre-test post-test data by group group t df sig. (2-tailed) body combat – control 3,332 38 0,002 zumba – control 3,101 38 0,004 table 3. table 3. mann-whitney u test body combat – zumba mann-whitney u 187,500 wilcoxon w 418,500 z -0,587 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) 0,557 64 states) (penedo and dahn, 2005; fitriana et al., 2021). moderate exercise for 150 minutes per week is highly recommended for mood improvement. a general trend in research findings suggests that exercise has a moodenhancing effect (lane and lovejoy 2001). the psychosocial aspect of health also shows encouraging results that zumba interventions can be further explored as a therapeutic tool in complementary and alternative medicine to improve health and prevent diseases caused by unhealthy lifestyles (sharma, saini, and suri 2017). zumba is an aerobic dance fitness program combining upbeat world rhythms and easy-to-follow choreography for fun and energizing full-body workout (toscano, ladda, and bednarz 2014). body combat with music increases sensations of happiness and joy, spiritual aspect, activity, energy, and lightness. it also promotes the tiredness feeling in the absence of music and reduces sadness and the feeling of unpleasant, worthlessness, shame, and fear (kommers et al. 2019). the positive effect of physical activity on the positive mood is essential for the positive mood and emotion during the pandemic; thus, increasing or maintaining the same level of physical activity during the sars‐ cov‐2 pandemic is essential (markofski et al., 2021). furthermore, physical activity interventions may be particularly beneficial in reducing the risk and the disease brought by comorbid conditions (such as obesity and cardiovascular disease among cancer patients) by reducing fatigue and physical role limitations as well as improving mood and physical functions (penedo and dahn, 2005; tamher et al., 2021). conclusion aerobic exercise has a significant effect on mood responses of adults at productive age. the difference between the pre-test and post-test results showed a better score after the aerobic exercise. zumba and body combat exercises have a positive impact on improving mood responses. however, there was no difference between the two exercises in which exercise better affects mood responses. acknowledgement the authors would like to thank to the school of postgraduate studies universitas pendidikan indonesia (sps upi) for facilitating this research to be implemented. furthermore, we would also deliver our sincere gratitude to all participants involved in the study. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references berger, b. g., & motl, r. w. 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dilaksanakan dikelas viii smp negeri 2 lembang. metode yang digunakan adalah pre-eksperimen designs dengan rancangan desain one-grup pretest and postest design. sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 31 siswa dari populasi yang berjumlah 308 siswa. pengambilan data menggunakan instrumen tes kreativitas berbentuk skala berupa pernyataan yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitanya dan lembar obsevasi. hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah gaya mengajar resiprokal memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pengambangan kreativitas siswa melalui pembelajaran permainan bola voli”. dengan menggunakan uji dua ratarata dan mendapat kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pengembangan kretivitas siswa lebih tinggi secara singnifikan sesudah mendapatkan pembelajaran permainan bola voli dengan gaya mengajar resiprokal. kata kunci : gaya mengajar resiprokal, pembelajaran permaian bola voli, pengembangan kreativitas siswa. abstract this research is aimed to invetigate the influence of resiprocal method on volley ball learning about development of student’s creativity on sport education. this research was held on viii grade in smp negeri 2 lembang. the method in this research was pre-eksperimen designs by using one-grup pretest ang postest designs. the sample was used as 31 students with population as 308 students. data was taken by using instrument test of creativity which from on scale as sentences that has tired out its validity and its reability and observation sheet. the hypotheses was submitted in this research was resiprocal method giving influence with significant to development of student’s creativity through volley ball learning. by using the two average, we can get conclusion of thisresisearch that development of student’s creativity higher with singficant after get voley ball learning by resioprocal learning. keyword : resiprocal method, volley ball learning, devolepment of student’s creativity jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 18 pendahuluan pendidikan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan yang sangat mendasar untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia seutuhnya. disadari atau tidak pendidikan telah membuat perubahan terhadap perkembangan manusia, baik dalam ilmu pengetahuan maupun teknologi semua itu tidak terlepas dari peran seorang guru. akan tetapi pada zaman moderen seperti sekarang ini, masih banyak guru yang mengajar, lebih banyak mendominasi didalam pembelajaran terutama dalam mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani, atau pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan (pjok) didalam pembelajaran, sehingga membuat siswa lebih banyak menerima dan hanya mengikuti apa yang dikatakan guru, ini membuat siswa merasa takut apa bila terjadi kesalahan di dalam pembelajaran, sehingga ada beberapa siswapun kurang berani mengeluarkan pertanyaan apabila dia kurang mengerti dan hanya mengikuti saja tanpa tahu manfaat dari pembelajaran yang dilakukan. disinilah siswa sering merasa jenuh atau bosan dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. sehingga membuat siswa kurang aktif dan kreatif didalam melaksanakan pembelajan yang diajarkan guru, semua itu diakibatkan siswa merasa jenuh atau bosan dengan gaya mengajar yang dilakukan gurunya. disinilah peran guru untuk mengubah siswa yang kurang aktif dan kreatif dalam belajar menjadi lebih bersemangat didalam mengikuti pembelajaran sehingga siswa menjadi lebih aktif dan kreatif. apa lagi pada zaman sekarang banyak guru yang kurang di sukai murid dikarnakan gaya mengajar yang kurang menarik dan menoton bagi siswa, sehingga membuat pembelajaran terasa sangat membosankan, khususnya dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. secara ringkas pendidikan pada hakekatnya memberikan pengaruh secara sengaja dan dilakukan dengan sadar untuk mengembangkan kepribadian jasmani dan rohani individu agar mencapai tingkat yang lebih tinggi dan menjadi manusia dewasa yang bertanggungjawab sehingga dapat mengikuti tujuan pendidikan. peran guru disini harus membuat pembelajaran lebih menarik dan membuat siswa lebih aktif dan kreatif didalam melakukan atau melaksanakan pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani, salah satu caranya adalah dengan menggunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal, sehingga tujan pendidikan terlaksanakan. dari penjelasan tersebut maka salah satunya tujuan pendidikan adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia agar lebih aktif dan kreatif. menurut undang-undang no. 20 tahun 2003 dijelaskan: pendidikan adalah usaha sadar dan berencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi diri untuk memiliki kekuata spritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia serta keterampilan yang diperlukan dirinya, masyarakat, bangasa dan negara. tujuan pendidikan nasional menurut uu no. 20 tahun 2003 yaitu “...untuk berkembangnya potensi siswa agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada tuhan yang maha esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab.” maka tiap institusi penyelenggara pendidikan harus mampu memberikan pelayanan pendidikan yang berkualitas, sehingga tujuan pendidikan nasional jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 19 dalam mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dapat terealisasi secara komperhensif. pencapaian tujuan tersebut dapat diwujudkan salah satunya melalui penyajian ragam mata pelajaran, termasuk mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani (penjas). guru yang baik adalah guru yang mampu menyampaikan informasi pembelajaran secara baik agar siswa dapat mengerti dan memahami apa yang disampaikan guru dalam proses pembelajaran. agar dapat menyampaikan informasi secara baik, maka guru harus memiliki cara-cara untuk menyampaikan materi pembelajaran supaya tujuan dapat tercapai. dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani di kenal banyak gaya mengajar, salah satu caranya adalah melalui gaya mengajar resiprokal yang menekankan pada keaktifan siswa sehingga siswa lebih banyak melakukan kegiatan dan diharapkan siswa lebih cepat memahami aktivitas yang dilakukan. gaya mengajar resiprokal adalah salah satu gaya mengajar yang menekankan siswa lebih banyak aktif untuk belajar dan guru hanya berperan sebagai fasilitator yang memantau setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh siswa didalam pembelajaran. pada gaya mengajar resiprokal, kelas diorganisir dan dikondisikan dalam peran-peran tertentu (dibagi menjadi dua kelompok), ada siswa yang berperan sebagai pelaku dan ada siswa yang berperan sebagai observer (pengamat) terhadap aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh kelompok pelaku, sedangkan guru berperan sebagai fasilitator. kelompok siswa yang bertindak sebagai observer mengamati tampilan/aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh temannya (pelaku) dengan membawa lembar observasi (pengamatan) yang telah disusun oleh guru, selanjutnya observer tersebut mengevaluasi tampilan dari temannya yang bertindak sebagai pelaku. dalam hal ini evaluasi dilakukan secara bergantian. melalui upaya mengevaluasi aktivitas temannya yang berperan sebagai pelaku tersebut, diharapkan siswa yang berperan sebagai observer (pengamat) juga mengetahui konsep pelaksanaan yang benar, karena setiap siswa akan berperan sebagai observer (pengamat). tanggungjawab dan pemberian umpan balik diberikan sepenuhnya kepada siswa sihingga perkembangan kreativitas siswa bertambah. pengembangan adalah usaha sadar yang berlansung secara bertahap dalam waktu tertentu, dari kemampuan yang sederhana menjadi kemampuan yang kompleks, misalnya kecerdasan, sikap dan tingkahlaku. sehingga mereka mampu mengungkapkan apa yang mereka lihat dan apa yang meraka lakukan sehingga membuat siswa lebih kreatif dan diharapkan dengan menggunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal perkembangan kreativitas siswa bertambah. kreativitas merupakan potensi yang dimiliki setiap manusia dan bukan yang diterima dari luar diri individu. kreativitas yang dimiliki manusia lahir bersama dengan lahirnya manusia tersebut. dalam proses kreativitas tidak akan terlepas dari proses berpikir. karena dengan berpikir merupakan salah satu cara melukiskan proses aktivitas. proses kreativitas merupakan dari jenis berfikir kreatif, divergen dan imajinatif dari berpikir konvergen dan logis analisis. dengan bekal kreativitas, pembaharuan dan perubahan dalam segala bidang akan terjadi. jadi kreativitas merupakan bekal yang sangat mendasar dalam menciptakan suatu inovasi dan pembaharuan dalam segala wahana kehidupan umat manusi. di ungkapkan oleh (juliantine, 2010 hlm. 42) “kreativitas merupakan kemampuan seseorang untuk menemukan atau menciptakan seseatu yang baru jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 20 bagi dirinya meskipun sesuatu yang ditemukan itu bekan hal yang baru bagi orang lain. dalam kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan (ktsp) yang ada pada sekolah menengah pertama (smp), dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan, dalam pembelajaran permainan bola besar (bolavoli) terutama untuk kelas viii memiliki tujuan standar kompetisi yaitu: (1) mempraktikan berbagai teknik dasar permainan dan olahraga dan nilai-nilai yang terkandung didalamnya, dan kompetensi dasar (kd) yaitu : (1) mempraktikkan variasi dan kombinasi teknik dasar salah satu permainan dan olahraga beregu bola besar lanjutan dengan baik serta nilai kerjasama, toleransi, percaya diri, keberanian, menghargai lawan, bersedia berbagi tempat dan peralatan. sehinga seorang guru harus mengajar berdasarkan kompetensi dasar yang ada dalam silabus pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan. dalam proses pendidikan jasmani disekolah, khususnya dalam pembelajaran permainan bola voli, masih banyak guru yang dalam pelaksanaanya pembelajaran lebih banyak mendominasi proses pembelajaran, sehingga siswa lebih banyak mengikuti apa yang di instruksikan gurunya ini membuat keaktifan dan kreativitas siswa terbatasi. hal tersebut tentunya berpengaruh terhadap pengembangan kreativitas siswa. oleh karena itu, guru harus memilih gaya mengajar yang membuat siswa lebih aktif dalam proses pembelajaran, salah satunya yaitu dengan mengguna gaya mengajar resiprokal, karena gaya ini memberikan kebebasan pada siswa untuk membuat keputusan dan mengobservasi penampilan temannya serta memberi umpan balik setiap melaksanakan aktivitas gerak yang telah dibuat oleh guru. dengan demikian diharapkan dapat meningkatkan perkembangan kreativitas siswa. berdasarkan uraian diatas dapat disimpulkan gaya mengajar resiprokal sangat membantu dalam pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran yang diharapkan. untuk itu penulis bermaksud melakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh gaya mengajar resiprokal dalam pembelaran permainan bola voli terhadap pengembangan kreativitas siswa. berdasarkan latar belakang masalah yang telah diuraikan diatas, maka penulis ingin melakukan penelitian dengan judul “pengaruh gaya mengajar resiprokal dalam pembelajran permainan bola voli terhadap pengembangan kreativitas siswa ”. metode metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen. adapun desain penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah one-grup pre-test and pos-test design. subjek yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa sekolah menengah pertama (smp). populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas viii smp negeri 2 lembang. sampel yang dipilih adalah sebanyak 31 siswa. desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah one-grup pretest and postest design kelompok diberi pretest, sebelum diberi perlakuan (treatment). perlakuan yang diberi adalah gaya mengajar resiprokal dalam pembelajaran permaian bola voli terhadap pengembangan kreativitas. dengan demikian hasil perlakuan dapat diketahui lebih akurat, karena dapat membandingkan kelompak sebelum beri perlakuan dan sesudah diberi perlakuan.teknik pengambilan sampel yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan cara purposing sampling, yaitu cara pengambilan subjek penelitian berdasarkan pertimbangan seseorang atau peneliti. hal ini dilakukan karena berdasarkan dana dan waktu. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 21 variabel merupakan objek atau titik perhatian dari suatu penelitian. variabel yang termuat pada penelitian ini ada dua, yaitu variabel bebas dan variabel terikat. variabel bebas adalah faktor yang dipilih untuk dicari hubungan atau pengaruh terhadap subjek yang diamati. dalam penelitian ini variabel bebasnya adalah gaya mengajar resiprokal dalam pembelajaran permainan bola voli. sedangkan variabel terikat adalah variabel yang dipengaruhi oleh variabel bebas. dalam penelitian ini variabel terikatnya adalah pengembangan kreativitas siswa data yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian berupa data kuantitatif. data yang terkumpul selanjutnya akan dilakukan proses pengolahan dan analisis terhadap data-data tersebut untuk menguji hipotesis penelitian. data kuantitatif diperoleh dari hasil pretest dan hasil postes dengan menggunakan angket kretivitas. untuk mempermudah dalam melakukan pengolahan data, semua pengujian statistik pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan software microsoft excel 2013 dan spss (statistical product and service solution) versi 20. for windows. urutan langkah pengujiannya adalah sebagai berikut: uji normalitas uji ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah data dari masing-masing kelompok sampel berdistribusi normal atau tidak. untuk menghitung normalitas distribusi masing-masing kelompok sampel digunakan uji shapiro-wilk. uji hipotesis ketentuan uji hipotesis adalah sebagai berikut:  jika data berdistribusi normal maka pengujian dilakukan menggunakan uji t (one sample test). msukin hipotesisnya  jika data tidak berdistribusi normal, maka digunakan uji statistik non parametrik yaitu uji wilcoxon. adapun perumusan hipotesis adalah sebagai berikut: anilis ukuran pengaruh ( effect size) menurut olejnik dan algina ( dalam santoso, hlm. 2010), efect size adalah ukuran mengenai besarnya efek suatu variabel pada variabel lain. besarnya perbedaan maupun hubungan yang bebas dari poengaruh besarnya sampel. hasil skala yang digunakan pada angket pengembangan kreativitas adalah skala liker. angket ini berisi beberapa pertanyaan yang harus diisi oleh siswa dengan cara memlilih salah satu jawaban yang tersedia dengan memberikan tanda ceklis pada kolom yang mewakili sikap siswa. angket diberikan kepada siswa sebelum dan sesudah memperoleh pemebelajaran permainan bola voli dengan menggunakan gaya megajar resiprokal. angket perkembangan kreativitas ini terdiri dari 42 butir pertanyaan dengan 20 pertanyaan positif dan 22 pertanyaan negatif. derajat penilaian siswa terhadap suatu pertanyaan terdiri 5 kata gori bertingkat yaitu sangat setuju (ss), setuju (s), ragu-ragu (r), tidat setuju (st), dan sangat tidak setuju (sts). sebelum data diolah dengan menggunakan bantuan software spss versi 20.0. data angket diubah dari data ordinal menjadi data interval menggunakan bantuan methode of successive interval (msi) pada jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 22 software microsoft excel 2013. berikut ini analisis data secara deskriptif dari angket pengembangan kreativitas melalui pembelajaran permainan bola voli dengan menggunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal. tabel 4.1 statistik deskriptif data pretes dan data postes keterangan angket sebelum diberi perlakuan (pretes) angket sesudah diberi perlakuan (postes) jumlah siswa 31 31 skor minimum 109 201 skor maksimum 183 244 rata-rata 137,10 215,16 berdasar kan data pada tabel 4.1 rata-rata sekor angket setelah diberi perlakuan adalah. hal ini menunjukkan rata-rata skor angket sesudah diberikan perlakuan lebih tinggi dari pada sebelum diberikan perlakuan. selanjutnya akan dilakukan uji statistik sebagai berikut: uji normaliatas uji dilakuan untuk mengetahui apakan data dari kelompok sampel berdistribusi normal atau tidak. peremusan hipotisis yang digunakan pada uji normalitas adalah sebagai berikut: kriteria pengujiannya adalah sebagai berikut: -jika signifikansi pengujiannya ≥ 0,05 maka 𝐻0 diterima. -jika signifikansi pengujiannya < 0,05 maka 𝐻0 ditolak. pengolahan uji normalitas data dilakukan dengan mengunakan bantuan software spss versi 20.0 dengan uji shampiro-wilk yang mangambilkan tarap signifikansi 0,05. hasi uji normalitas dalam tabel 4.2 berikut: tabel 4.2 hail uji normalitas data angket data signifikansi angket sebelum diberi perlakuan 0,001 angket setelah diberikan perlakuan 0,029 berdasarkan pada gambar 4.2 nilai signifikansi data skor angket sebelum deberikan perlakuan menunjukan bahwa 0,001 < 0,05 sehingga ho ditolak. kesimpulan yang diperoleh yaitu data skor angket sebelum diberi perlakuan berasal dari sampel yang berdistribusi tidak normal. sedangkan nilai signifikansi data angket sesudah diberi perlakuan menunjukan bahwa 0,029 < 0,05 sehingga ho ditolak. kesimpulannya yang diperoleh yaitu data dari skor angket sesudah diberi perlakuan berasal dari sampel yang beri perlakuan yang berdistribusi tidak jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 23 normal. karena kedua data tidak memenuhi asumsi normalitas, maka selanjutnya dilakukan uji statistika non parametrik. uji statistika nonparametrik. uji ini dilakukan karena kedua data tidak memenuhi asumsi normalitas. penujian menggunakan uji wilcoxon dengan perumusan hipotisis yang digunakan sebagai berikut. taraf signifikansi yang digunakan adalah 0,05 dengan kreteria pengujian adalah sebagai berikut: -jika 1 2 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) pengujian data ≥ 0,05 maka h0 diterima. -jika 1 2 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) pengujian data < 0,05 maka h0 ditolak. pengolahan uji wilcoxon data dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan software spss versi 20.0. hasil uji wilcixon disajikan dalam tabel 4.3 berikut: tabel 4.3 hasil uji wilcoxon data angket data angket asymp. sig. (2-tailed) 0,000 berdasarkan data tabel 4.3 tersebut, bernilai 1 2 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) menunjukkan 0,000 < 0,05 sehingga h0 ditolak. kesimpulannya adalah peningkatan pengembangan kreativitas siswa melalui pembelajaran permainan bola voli dengan menggunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal lebih baik dari pada sebelum diberikan pembelajaran pemebalajaran permaina bola voli dengan menggunakan gaya megajar resiprokal. uji perbedaan dua rata-rata uji perbedaan dua rata-rata ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah siswa memiliki pengembangan kreativitas yang berbeda dan lebih tinggi sesudah diberikannya pembelajaran pembelajaran permainan bola voli dengan menggunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal atau tidak. perumusan hipotisis yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut: taraf signifikansi yang digunakan adalah 0,05. kriteria pengujiannya adalah sebagai berikut: -jika 1 2 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) pengujian data ≥ 0,05 maka h0 diterima. -jika 1 2 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) pengujian data < 0,05 maka h0 ditolak. uji perbedaan dua rata-rata menggunakan bantuan software spss versi 20.0. hasil disajikan pada tabel 4.4 berikut: tabel 4.4 hasil uji perbedaan dua rata-rata data angket data angket asymp. sig. (2-tailed) 0,000 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 24 berdasarkan data pada tabel 4.4 tersebut,nilai 1 2 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) menunjukan 0,000 < 0,05 sehingga h0 ditolak. kesimpulannya adalah peningkatanperkembangan kreativitas siswa sesudah diberikan pembelajaran permainan bola voli dengan menggunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal lebih baik dari pada sebelum diberkan pembelajaran permainan bola voli menggunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal. analisis ukuran pengaruh (effect size) effect size digunakan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh pembalajaran permainan bola voli dengan menggunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal teradap pengembangan kreativitas siswa. hasil pengolahan data pretes siswa disajikan pada tabel 4.5 berikut: tabel 4.5 hasil pengolahan data pretes dan postes keterangan pretes postes rata-rata 137,10 215,16 simpangan baku 22,88 10,18 koefisien korelasi 0,38 simpangan baku gabungan 15,14 berdasarkan data pada tabel diperoleh effect size sebagai beriku: 𝑑 = 𝑋2 −𝑋1 𝑆𝑔𝑎𝑏 = 215 ,16−137 ,10 15,14 = 5,16 sehingga diperolahkan nilai effect size yaitu 5,16 .hal ini menujukkan bahwa 5,16 > 0,80 sehingga nilai effect size termasuk dalam kata gori besar. kesimpulannya adalah pembelajaran permainan bola voli dengan gaya mengajar resiprokal memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap peningkatan pengembangan kreativitas siwa. pembahasan pembahasan ini dilakukan berdasarkan hasil pengelolahan data instrumen tes dan non-tes. pengelolaan data instrumen tes berupa data kuantitatif terdiri dari analisis hasil pretes dan postes dan analisis unutk ukuran pengaruh (affect size). pengelolahan data instrumen non-tes meliputi data angket dan lembar observasi. pengembangan kreativitas siswa melalui pembelajaran permainan bola voli dengan menggunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal. pada bagian ini akan diuraikan pembahasan tentang hasil penelitian instrumen tes untuk mengukur pengembangan kreativitas siswa didalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani disekolah antara sebelum menggunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal dan sesudah menggunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal. penelitian ini dilakukan dalam pembelajaran permainan bola voli di kelas viii smp dengan banyak siswa sebanyak 31 orang. pada pertemuan pertama, dilakukan pretes untuk mengetahui pengambangan kreativitas siswa. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 25 setelah dilakukan pretes, kelas eksperimen diberikan perlakuan dengan menggunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal didalam pembelajaran permainan bola voli sebanyak 12 kali pertemuan. pada pertemuan terakhir yaitu pertemuan ke 12 dilaksanakan postes unutk mengetahun pengembangan kreativitas siswa setelah mendapatkan pemebelajaran permainan bola voli dengan menggunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal. hasil pengelolahan pretes dan postes menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai postes lebih tinggi secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan nilai pretes dan pengembangan kreativitas siswa lebih tinggi secara signifikan sesudah. diberikan perlakuan didalam pembelajaran permainan bola voli dengan menggunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal. hasil analis gain indek menunjukkan bahawa terdapat peningkatan pengembangan kreativitas secara signifikan sesudah diberikan pembelajaran permaian bola voli dengan menggunakan gaya mengajar resiparokal. sedangkan pengaruh permainan bola voli dengan menggunakan gaya megajar resiprokal terhadap peningkatan pengambangan kreativitas siswa berdasarkan analisis ukuran pengaruh (effect size) tergolong besar. berdasar uraian yang telah dipaparkan, pembelajaran permainan bola voli dengan gaya mengajar resiprokal dapat meningkatkan pengembangan kreativitas siswa smp. hal tersebut disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu pembelajaran permainan bola voli dengan menggunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal melibatkan kehadiran siswa lebih banyak untuk memberikan feedback atas pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara bergantian. dengan begitu siswa memahami setiap gerakan yang dilakukan didalam pembelajaran hal tesebut akan mambantu meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan gerak dan kreativitas siswa. ketika siswa mampu melaksanakan tugannya didalam pembelajaran sehingga pembelajaran lebih terasa lebih menarik maka siswa telah mengebakan perkembangan kreativitas. dalam pelakasanaan pembelajaran gaya mengajar resiprokal, guru membuat tugas ajar yang akan dijelaskan kepada pelaku dan pengamat, tugas pengamat akan mengamati pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan oleh pelaku. disini siswa dilatih untuk mandiri dalam proses pembelajaran baik pelaku maupun pengamat harus saling berkerjasama didalam proses pembelajaran yang telah diberikan oleh guru. disini guru hanya mengamati dan menerima umpan balik dari pengamat. sehingga akan lebih banyak interaksi sesama siswa dan siswa akan lebih kreaif didalam melaksanakan pembelajaran. penutup berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan pembahasan, diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut.: 1. pencapayan pengembangan kreativitas siswa melalu pembelajaran permainan bola voli dengan menggugunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal lebih tinggi dari pada sebelum mendapatkan pembelajaran permainan bola voli dengan menggunakan gaya mengajar resiprokal. 2. kulitas peningkatan peningkatan pengembangan kreativitas siswa setelah mendapatkan pembelajaran permainan bola voli dengan menggunaka gaya mengajar resiprokal tergolong dalam kata gori besar. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 1. april 2016 26 daftar pustaka arikunto, s. (2010). prosedur penelitian suatu pendekatan praktik, edesi revisi 2010, jakarta: pt renika cipta. juliantine, t. (2010). model pembelajaran inkuiri dalam pendidikan jasmani untuk mengembangkan kreativitas siswa sekolah dasar. pasca serjana upi bandung: desertasi. tidak diterbitkan mosston, m. (1993). taching physical education fourth edition munandar, u. (2009). pengembangan kreativitas anak berbakat. jakarta: renika. santoso, a. (2010). studi deskriptif effect size penelitian-peneltian di fakultas psikologi univesitas sanata dharma. [online]. diakses dari http/www.usd.ac.id/lembaga/lppm/f113jurnal%20penelitian/voll4no1nov2 010/2010%20november_02%2agung%20santoso.pdf. sugiyono. (2012). metode penelitian pendidikan: pendekatan kualitatif, kuantitatif dan r & d. bandung: alfabeta. http://sindikker.dikti.go.id/dok/uu20-2003-sisdiknas.pdf http://sindikker.dikti.go.id/dok/uu20-2003-sisdiknas.pdf 255 jpjo 6 (2) (2021) 255-261 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga available online at: https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/article/view/38298 doi: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpjo.v6i2.38298 analysis of research trends on physical literacy in indonesia gita febria friskawati 1* , mesa rahmi stephani 2 1 physical education, health and recreation , stkip pasundan cimahi, indonesia 2 primary physical education teacher education, universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia article info article history : received july 2021 revised july 2021 accepted august 2021 available online septemeber 2021 keywords : health, physical literacy, physical education. abstract in indonesia, physical literacy has not developed as rapidly as in developed countries. there are only a few of studies examining physical literacy in indonesia. this study was aimed to scientifically reveal the focus of physical literacy studies in indonesia by using an article review approach. the search for articles was limited to the latest 10year publications and articles published in accredited national/international journals and national/international seminars provided with isbn. a total of 7 articles were selected for further analysis using synthesis techniques. the results of the study revealed that there were only six studies on physical literacy in indonesia published in national journals and national/international seminars. the focus of the study on physical literacy research in indonesia included the lead to the measurement of physical literacy and the development of physical literacy instruments in elementary schools (three studies), using learning approach to improve physical literacy (two studies), and the concept of physical literacy in physical education (one study). this study is limited to an article review. for further research, it is hoped that new research focusing on physical literacy studies, using a research method approach adapted to the research objectives, will emerge to develop concepts, measurements, and implementations of physical literacy programs in indonesia.  correspondence address : jl. permana no. 32b citeureup, cimahi. indonesia e-mail : gita032@gmail.com https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 256 introduction the term of physical literacy was first introduced at the international association of physical education and sport for girls and women congress in melbourne, australia, in 1993 by whitehead. whitehead offers several concepts about the definition of physical literacy (robinson et al., 2018). physical literacy is defined as motivation, self-confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to appreciate and be responsible for their involvement in lifelong physical activity (m. whitehead, 2007). physical literacy can be described as a disposition characterized by motivation to utilize the potential of innate movements to make a significant contribution to quality of life (m. whitehead, 2010). individuals owning physical literacy will move calmly and confidently in various physically challenging situations and be perceptive in examining all aspects of the physical environment, anticipating the need or possibility of movement, and responding appropriately with movement intelligence and imagination (allingham et al., 2019). the concept of physical literacy has become popular in recent years in many different countries. educational organizations and researchers around the world argue that physical literacy should have an equal educational value as literacy and numeracy (shearer et al., 2018). the existence of physical literacy in education, especially physical education, as a mature concept is increasingly recognized shown by the emergence of the international physical literacy association (ipla) which provides a consensus statement involving several sports experts (robinson et al., 2018). the development of physical literacy is inseparable from the results of studies carried out by experts around the world. research on physical literacy from 2001-2016 including 49 articles from electronic searches in reputable international journals revealed that the concept of physical literacy is used in various contexts, especially in relation to 'education', 'activity', 'fitness', 'health', 'concept', 'competence', 'understanding', 'role', 'curriculum', 'teaching' and 'assessment'. the most relevant concept to physical literacy is 'physical education', a term that is often replaced by 'literacy' (hyndman & pill, 2018). in addition, 103 papers from peer-reviewed literature from 1993 to 2019 highlighted the increase in physical literacy research worldwide, particularly in england, canada, united states, wales, scotland, australia, and new zealand, the countries that have invested in physical literacy development initiatives (young et al., 2020). the high number of results of this study prove that physical literacy in the world has developed. physical literacy has become the main focus in research studies in the field of physical education, promotion of physical activity, and sports development in the world (giblin et al., 2014). in the physical education research focus, physical literacy becomes the ultimate goal of physical education by conceptualizing the movement of children as human being, holistically, who move to learn to become children who are knowledgeable in movement (chen, 2015). physical literacy contributes to the fundamental concepts of motor skills and identification of sports talent that can be improved through physical education learning (lundvall, 2015). in the study of promotion of physical activity, it is clear that physical literacy has an inseparable relationship with physical activity (pa). increasing physical literacy does not only contribute to the increased physical activity but also to the results of participation in physical activity (li et al., 2020). physical literacy interacts with other physical components to influence children's physical activity patterns (brown et al., 2020). for sport development study focus, physical literacy promotes the development of sport in australia (scott et al., 2021). the trend of physical literacy research in the past 10 years has been more on measurement by developing several instruments (young et al., 2021). research of (robinson et al., 2018) focused on measuring the movement skills and physical fitness of children using sport for life (pfl). capl for grade 4 elementary school students had also been developed by (longmuir et al., 2015) which focused on individual measurement of all aspects of the physical literacy domain. measurements on movement motivation, confidence, and understanding domains as a journey to achieve physical literacy had also been carried out by m. e. whitehead, et al (2018). the majority of physical literacy measurement tools were identified that 70% adopt an assessment in learning, or at a certain time, combined with an assessment as learning while assessing the progress of physical literacy individually (jean de dieu & zhou, 2021). meanwhile, in indonesia, physical literacy has not developed as rapidly as in other developed countries. there are not many studies examining physical literacy in indonesia (permana & habibie, 2020). as delivered copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 badruzaman / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 257 by prof. toho cholik mutohir at the national webinar physical literacy in indonesia: a new challenge, there has not been many sports experts in indonesia studying physical literacy, there is no research concept map focusing on the study of physical literacy integrated in sports education and sports achievements, and there is no program for physical literacy implemented. therefore, from the theoretical and practical explanation, this study was aimed at describing scientifically the focus of physical literacy study in indonesia by using an article review approach. the results of this study are expected to be the basis for sports experts, especially sports education, to start studying physical literacy in indonesia (permana & habibie, 2020). methods literature review was used in this study to reveal trends in the physical literacy research issue in indonesia. the electronic search strategy used google scholar using key words 'physical literacy in indonesia', ‘literasi fisik di indonesia’, ‘melek fisik untuk anak indonesia’, ‘perkembangan literacy fisik di indonesia’ and ‘sejarah literacy fisik di indonesia’. the search for articles using this keyword was carried out with a 10year period and was limited to articles published in accredited national/international journals and in national/international seminars with isbn. inclusion criteria of this study include: 1. based on the question scope, 2. research variables, 3. study design, 4. kindergarten-high school student population, 5. published in the last 10 years, and 6. in indonesia language. while the exclusion variable included not published in national journals or proceedings with isbn. of the obtained 6 articles, all of them were selected because they met the criteria for further analysis using synthetic techniques. synthesis technique is a concluding technique conducted by reading, understanding, and analyzing the information conveyed by the authors in the concepts they provide (rahayu et al., 2019). result from the search results from google scholar with the criteria described previously, there were only 7 articles that met the criteria to be presented using the matrix in figure 1. most researches using these keywords were only articles stored in the repository and were not published in the accredited national/international journals or national/international seminars with isbn. productivity of physical literacy research after eliminating non-eligible articles, 6 studies met the inclusion criteria based on the location of the study. from the articles in table 1, there were two studies using the literature study method, two studies using surveys, one study using r&d, and one study using a one-shot case study. copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 searching results from google scholar: title and abstract (n = 9.820) number of articles after selecting articles in indonesia language number of articles according to title and abnumber of excluded articles (n= 3), did not contain indonesia country variable, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, & full articles meeting the criteria (n = 6) full article was not provided (n= 3) number of articles included in qualitative synthesis (n = 1) research including study synthesis (meta-analysis) (n = 1) full articles meeting the criteria (n = 6) figure 1. prisma diagram of literature review 258 physical literacy research focus the focus of the study on physical literacy research in indonesia began with a literature review in 2018 discussing the meaning and role of physical education in building physically literate people. in 2018 there was also r&d research creating learning activity models to improve physical literacy of kindergarten students. in 2019, the focus of research studies led to descriptive measurements of physical literacy in elementary school students. the focus of research studies in 2020 was experimental research using traditional games as an approach in developing physical literacy for elementary school students. in 2021, the focus of the study had begun on developing physical literacy instruments for students aged 8-12 years and analyzing physical literacy assessments related to learning needs of physical education in elementary school. the focuses of these studies are concluded in table 2. discussion the focus of physical literacy research in indonesia is more on measuring physical literacy and developing physical literacy instruments. there are 3 research focusing on measuring physical literacy. in the first copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 2. focus of the physical literacy research total research focus 3 measurement of physical literacy and development of physical literacy instruments in elementary school 2 learning approach to improve physical literacy 1 the concept of physical literacy in physical education authors/ years title source method results widodo, agung (2018) the meaning and role of physical education in the formation of physically literate/physically literate people motion jurnal, volume ix, no.1 literature study student learning achievement boils down to being physically literate. this learning achievement is obtained through learning experiences during the learning process through physical activities that are followed gustian, uray; supriatna, eka; purnomo, edi (2018) learning activity to develop physical literacy in kindergarten advances in social science, education and humanities research, volume 278 r & d results of research showed that the model of learning activities that were developed were feasible and effective to increase the ability of physical literacy of kindergartens because learning activities were developed in accordance to the basic concept of learning model and able to encourage children to move said, hariadi (2019) physical literacy of elementary school students in gorontalo advances in social science, education and humanities research, volume 335 survey students with a physical literacy in the lowlevel category were eight (2.36%), low physical literacy level was 135 (39.94%), medium category was 166 (49.11%) and good physical literacy level category was 38 people (9.79%) gustian, uray (2020) traditional games: an approach in developing physical literacy for elementary school students jurnal sportif: jurnal penelitian pembelajaran, 6 (1) 2020 | 199-215 experimen one shoot cased study the use of modified traditional games can improve the pl of elementary school students priadana, w.b; saifuddin, hasan: prakoso, b.b (2021) feasibility of measuring knowledge aspects on physical literacy instruments for students aged 812 years multilateral : jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 20 (1), 2021, 21-32 survey physical literacy knowledge questionnaire (plkq) can be an alternative options for measuring physical literacy knowledge in indonesia permana, rahmat & habibie, alfadh (2021) analysis of physical literacy assessment with pjok learning needs at muhammadiyah elementary school tasikmalaya semnas universitas muhammadiyah purwokerto isbn: 978602-6697-66-0 literature study canadian assessment physical literacy lebih mencakup seluruh aspek hasil belajar yaitu afektif, kognitif dan psikomotor sedangkan tkji yang sering dilakukan hanya mencakup psikomotor table 1. matrix of articles 259 study, the measurement used a physical fitness test for elementary students (said, 2019). the second study used the collaboration of the indonesian physical fitness test (tkji) measurement and the canadian assessment of physical literacy (capl) for elementary students (permana & habibie, 2020). the last is the development of the physical literacy knowledge questionnaire (plkq) instrument for elementary school students in indonesia (priadana et al., 2021). physical literacy measurement instruments have become the focus of studies in global research to monitor the development of physical literacy skills in elementary school students (longmuir & tremblay, 2016). the development was started with capl for children aged 8-12 years and followed by the development for children aged 12-16 years developed in canada (blanchard et al., 2020; longmuir et al., 2015) with instrument improvements and developments every year on physical literacy indicators, such as motivation and self-confidence (gunnell et al., 2018; longmuir et al., 2018; longmuir & tremblay, 2016). until now, capl has become the main reference of the instrument to measure physical literacy of elementary school students aged 8-12 and for middle school students aged 12 -16 years (young et al., 2021) and has been developed in several countries including in indonesia. the next research focus is learning approaches to improve physical literacy found in 2 research in indonesia. the first study is the development of movement learning activities for kindergarten students in improving physical literacy (gustian et al., 2019). the next is the use of traditional games in the physical education learning process to improve the physical literacy of elementary school students (gustian, 2020). research on physical activity interventions integrated into physical education curricula has been widely carried out in america, australia, and europe such as the play streets program which includes physical activity for improving children’s physical literacy in portugal (nicholson & thorn, 2020). the development of sports education curriculum programs integrated into physical education curricula in europe is used to improve physical literacy in schools (farias et al., 2019; hastie & wallhead, 2015; scott et al., 2021). meanwhile, the program to increase physical literacy integrated into physical education in the form of physical education physical literacy (pepl) intervention has spread worldwide as a reference for adopting this program into the physical education curriculum to improve students' physical literacy (r. telford et al., n.d.; r. m. telford et al., 2021). there was only one study focusing on the level of the concept of physical literacy in physical education in indonesia. the description of the concept of physical literacy and the actual orientation of physical education in schools as an effort to build physically literate individuals has been revealed (widodo, 2018). research at the concept level is always developing every year. the concept of physical literacy continues to develop from definition to program implementation (bailey, 2020; hyndman & pill, 2018; shearer et al., 2018). physical literacy is not a new concept to be revived in the last decade when researchers and practitioners are trying to improve the status of physical education in the school environment (gu, et al., 2019). determining the concept of physical literacy in general can be related to a clear philosophical approach and transparency that can be used as a reference for how physical literacy program actions are made (shearer et al., 2018). conclusion this study informs the public that research on physical literacy (pl) has not been widely studied in indonesia. the results of the study revealed that there were only six studies in indonesia on physical literacy published in national journals and national/ international seminars. three studies focused on the measurement of physical literacy and the development of physical literacy instruments in elementary schools. two studies focused on using a learning approach to improve physical literacy. one study focused on the concept of physical literacy in physical education. the findings of this study indicate that research on physical literacy in indonesia needs to be developed so that physical literacy becomes an important focus of study in the field of physical education to measure the success in teaching, thus it can be integrated into the physical education curriculum in indonesia. this study is limited to an article review. for further research, it is hoped that new research will focus on physical literacy studies using a research method approach adapted to the research objectives to develop concepts, measurements, and implementation of physical literacy programs in copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 260 indonesia. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references allingham, s., maude, p., & whitehead, 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sport policy abstract the participation rate in sports and the types of sports people are interested in are important as a basis for determining sports policies in west java, because knowing the participation rates and the types of sports people are interested in provides concrete data references to follow up on sports development policies for policymakers. this research was conducted using a cross-sectional study method involving 18,450 participants and 110 sp3or volunteers in 27 districts and cities in west java. the instrument used was a modified ipaq questionnaire for measuring west java people’s participation in sports, by the department of youth and sports of west java province. the results showed that 49.7% of respondents were active in exercising their favorable sports, including walking 18.9%, aerobic gymnastics 13.4%, football 12.3%, cycling 11.6%, badminton 10.4%, volleyball 10.1%, run 8%, futsal 6.7%, basketball 1.6%, swimming 1.6%, self defense 1.5%, and other sports 3.5%. this study shows that residents of west java actively participate in recreational and easy-to-do sports activities with low intensity.  correspondence address : jl. pacuan kuda no.140, kota bandung, jawa barat 40293 e-mail : sandiarisma@upi.edu https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 36 introduction public participation rate in exercising is fundamental in sport research because it describes how far someone is exercising. besides, the data also describe the physical activity and types of sports frequently carried out by society. it also often becomes main data reference in development of sport (r. m. eime et al., 2016). physical activity and sport have an important role in preventing various non-communicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, etc (who, 2018a). besides, it also has an impact on risk enhancement of non-communicable diseases. one of the causes of the increase in non-communicable diseases is sedentary behavior. according to riskesdas (2018), the proportion of physical activity classified as less active in general is 33.5%. the proportion of indonesian residents with sedentary behavior ≥ 6 hours per day is 24.1%. the figure is still far compared to other countries which are at least at 50%; even at the beginning 2000s, the number was below 50% that caused many countries start focusing on sport and healthy life style socialization (r. m. eime et al., 2016; luiggi et al., 2018; vandermeerschen et al., 2016). by the times, people's understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle must be intensified. through the changing times, especially in the era of industry 4.0, technological advances make it easier for us as users to carry out various activities at one time. every technological advancement, since the last 50 years, has been coinciding with the decline in public health (weinman ja, 2013). several studies link the relationship between technological development and health. one of the reasons for the relationship between technological development and health is the decrease in physical activity and participation in sports distracted by mobile devices, whether used for playing games or watching (hasan, 2020). therefore, it is necessary to intensify the promotion of various sport activities in society. in addition to promotion, there is a need for education and outreach that active lifestyle and exercise are effective ways to improve people's quality of life and health. the promotion and socialization of sports to the community can stimulate people's interest in exercising. it is easier for society to exercise if they have convenient supports, such as facilities and infrastructure of their favourite sports (r. eime et al., 2020). by knowing the type of sport preferred by society, it will be easy to formulate policy that can have impacts on public directly because it has customized with their preferences and needs. likewise, the development of facilities and infrastructure will have more effective impacts on the improvement of participation number in sport as it is in accordance with what people like (r. eime et al., 2020). the importance of public participation in exercising is proven by many related research. france mentions that school student active exercise is only around 66%, which is lower compared to data in 2001 which reached 79% (luiggi et al., 2018). some countries, like belgium, new zealand, and australia, had conducted research and data collection regarding favourable sports in society. it is proven powerful as initial data for designing development of sport, sport policy, and facilities and infrastructure of sports (r. eime et al., 2020; group, 2015). the ministry of youth and sports of the republic of indonesia in 2007 issued a book entitled sport development index (sdi) (mutohir & maksum, 2007a). this book contains ways to measure sport development which consist of the level of community fitness, the level of participation in sports, the availability of open space, and the ratio of sport human resources. however, in practice, research on these aspects is difficult to achieve continuously or periodically, whether conducted by the government, private sectors, or academia. therefore, the impact on scientific publications related to sdi is still minimal and there is much discussion about part of the sdi variable, namely physical activity. analysis of sport characteristics is an important foundation to be the basis for making policies so that they are right on the target. as an example, a sport policy research conducted in the netherlands collected data on the characteristics of people's interest in sports as a reference for the government in carrying out a longterm planning related to the development of sport facilities and infrastructure and the sport curriculum to be implemented in schools (houlihan et al., 2009; waardenburg & van bottenburg, 2013; zheng et al., 2018). unfortunately, in indonesia, the research related to the participation rate of society and the type of sports preferred by society is limited. the research is still dominated by the physical activity level research copyright © 2023, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 sandi arisma cipta perdana ilsya et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 8 (1) (2023) 37 (apriantono., 2020; hasan et al., 2019; mutohir & maksum, 2007b; natalia, 2016; soraya et al., 2017). sdi is not yet optimal in measuring the level of sport participation in west java, so this research was carried out by making adjustments to measurements based on the characteristics of west java residents in the form of sports community participation rates (apmo), which included the types of sports and the intensity category of sports often carried out by public. this research is expected to become the basis for determining sport policies. moreover, west java is the province with the largest population in indonesia, thus it is hoped that the data of this study can also be a reference for other provinces. methods this study was carried out using cross sectional study, involving 18,450 people from west java, coming from 27 regencies/cities, and 110 districts as respondents. the research also involved 110 volunteers named bachelor companion of sport development movement (sp3or). the method used referred to previous research (badrukamal et al., 2021). the instrument of the study included modification of international physical activity questionnaire (ipaq) as poured in the guideline book of public participation measurement in sports in west java (apmo) compiled by department of youth and sports of west java province. participants the determination of the sample was by dividing the samples into six strata based on occupational and education backgrounds, including students, civil servants/military/police/state employees, private employees, self-employed/entrepreneurs, farmers/fishermen, and others. furthermore, to determine individual samples from each stratum, purposive sampling was conducted based on the affordability and effectiveness of data collection conducted by sp3or. from the total population of west java (49.935.858), each stratum required 10% of population of strata, but the number should be at least 5 (except when the population was less than 5 people) and no more than 30 people (although 10% of the population involved more than 30 people). for example: 1) when the strata population amounted to 30 people and 10% of it equalled to 3 people, then the sample taken should be at least 5 people; 2) when the strata population amounted to 500 and 10% of it equalled to 50 people, then the samples should be no more than 30 people. the determination of samples of the strata was listed based on domicile, not the working place. the method used was based on the previous research (badrukamal et al., 2021). instrument and procedure the instrument used in this study was apmo to measure public participation in sport in west java. the questionnaire was the modification of the international physical activity questionnaire (ipaq) and the sport development index (sdi, which consists of over 14 question items) questionnaire. the questionnaire was also used to reveal physical activity, including high, moderate, and low category, and sedentary behavior performed in the last seven day. besides, there were also questions about types of sports. the instrument was stored in google form. the sp3or gave the google form link to the samples as well as giving guidance to fill in the questionnaire. this process was aimed to make it easier to researcher to input and analyse the data. to ensure that participants answered the questionnaire correctly, sp3or staff conducted interview according to the questionnaire questions to ensure that the subject answers were filled in correctly. participation rate in sport in west java was obtained from the answer of the question “do you do sport last week?” the first step taken was counting the apmo on the subdistrict level using the following formula: furthermore, to find out the value on the regency/ city level, the average of each district in each regency/city was calculated. to examine the west java apmo value, the average of 27 cities in west java was calculated. the measurement was conducted at the end of year 2021. whereas, to find out the type of sport frequently carried out by society in west java, the answer of the question "what kind of sport do you often do in exercise?” was used. then, the percentage was calculated based on the choice of sport. copyright © 2023, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 apmo = number of samples that exercised/answered yes = n number of sample = 38 result from 18,450 respondents of study this, the apmo level of west java was 49.7%. the 49.7% was divided into the most frequent sports, including walking 18.9%, aerobics 13.4%, football 12.3%, cycling 11.6%, badminton 10.4%, volleyball 10.1 %, running 8%, futsal 6.7%, basketball 1.6%, swimming 1.6%, self-defense 1.5%, others 3.5%, and not answering 0.5% (figure 1). the group of individual sports consisted of walking, self-defense, swimming, cycling, and running. while the group of team sports included aerobic, soccer, volleyball, badminton, futsal, and basketball. the west java society tended to like team sports (54.5%) than individual sports (41.6%). the rest chose the sport outside the provided choices or not answering the question. furthermore, other results showed the frequency of exercise with high intensity, including once in a week by 49.7%, twice in a week by 26%, three times a week by 7.3%, and more than three times a week by 4.5%. the remaining 12.4% gave no answer. the average frequency of sport with high intensity in a week was 1.7 days (figure 2). another result related to high intensity sports is duration of exercise. the duration of exercise was divided into five groups, namely 0-30 minutes, 31-60 minutes, 61-90 minutes, 91-120 minutes, and more than 120 minutes. group 1 was 13.8%, group 2 was 26.3%, group 3 was 10.1%, group 4 was 8%, and group 5 was 2.5%. another 39.4% did not answer (figure 3). frequency of exercise with moderate intensity was divided into four groups, including once a week, twice a week, three times a week, and more than three times a week. results show that 50.6% exercised with moderate intensity once a week, 24.9% twice a week, 7.8% three times a week, 5.2% more than three times a week, and 11.4% did not answer. duration of exercise with moderate intensity was copyright © 2023, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 figure 1. bar types of sports figure 2. frequency of high intensity exercise figure 3. duration of high intensity exercise figure 4. frequency of moderate intensity exercise 39 divided into five groups, namely 0-30 minutes, 31-60 minutes, 61-90 minutes, 91-120 minutes, and more than 120 minutes. the result showed that 19.6% in group 1, 25.9% in group 2, 6.7 % in group 3, 5.8% in group 4, and 1.7% in group 5. around 40.4% did not answer (figure 5). frequency of exercise with low intensity consisted of four groups, including once a week, twice a week, three times a week, and more than three times a week. the result showed that 29% exercised with low intensity once a week, 17.2 % twice a week , 9.9% three times a week, 34.5% more than three times a week, and 9.4% did not answer (figure 6). duration of exercise with low intensity was divided into five groups, namely 0-30 minutes, 31-60 minutes, 61-90 minutes, 91-120 minutes, and more than 120 minutes. the result showed that 27.3 % in 0-30 minutes, 14.8% in 31-60 minutes, 3% in 61-90 minutes, 1.7% in 91-120 minutes, and 1.3% in more than120 minutes. around 52% did not answer (figure 7). discussion the the purpose of this study was to examine the level of participation of west java society in sports and preferred sports. the objective of the study has been already answered (see figure 1). based on figure 1, the most frequent sport carried out by society in west java was walking (18.9%). it is reasonable as walking is a simple physical activity and does not need a huge expense. the high public interest in walking with low intensity is in line with the phenomenon occurring in copenhagen. the average of walks by copenhagen residents is 42% and cycling is above 52% (johansson et al., 2019). the lowest duration of walking and cycling is found in the elderly group and people with obesity. in indonesia, cycling is still lower than other sports, such as soccer and aerobics. the difference might be caused by the fact that bicycle has already become a tool of transportation for the citizens in copenhagen. the bicycle has become a lifestyle and a habit for going to school and the workplace. it is what makes a significant difference between copenhagen and west java. at the beginning of 2020, cycling started to spread. at the end of the covid-19 pandemic, bicycles became one of the methods to reduce boredom. the most interesting thing is that the percentage of cycling and running only reached 19.6% of the total sports carried out by west java society. it is different from various research conducted in european countries, which are always dominated by walking, cycling, and running (andersen et al., 2018; bo andersen et al., 2000; schnohr et al., 2007, 2015; who, 2018). another difference was found in the high percentage of aerobic exercise (13.4%) which became the second highest copyright © 2023, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 figure 5. duration of moderate intensity exercise figure 6. frequency of low intensity exercise figure 7. duration of low intensity exercise 40 in west java. self-defense was the lowest after swimming, although parents and schools commonly teach self-defense early, the activity is not sustainable as a hobby (gubbels et al., 2016). soccer for sure is a beloved sport among team sports in every country, either as viewers or participants, followed by badminton, volleyball, futsal, and basketball. the sport requiring simple space will keep increasing. futsal, basketball, volleyball, and badminton are easy sports to be played anywhere, where badminton becomes the easiest sport and requires the smallest field compared to other sports. low intensity sports were more frequently performed by the subjects compared to sports with moderate and high intensity. it is in line with the objective of exercising of the subjects, namely for maintaining health, and aligned with the result that many subjects did sport 3 times a week, which is relevant with who recommendations to do sport regularly three times a week. the low enthusiasm in high intensity sport is because high intensity sport is intended for sport achievement. in line with the pyramid of sport coaching, the peak of sport performance is gained from construction and cultivation of sport, thereby it is reasonable if sport intensity done by the subjects is very much low (alexander, 2006) . besides that, other factors that influence popularity and interest of public to certain sports include infrastructure, culture, and sport flagship in the country. infrastructure becomes a reason why swimming is not in a high demand in indonesia although it is a basic and familiar sport since early education in school (commisison as, 2016). furthermore, the difference in culture also has impact, such as the use of bicycle as a friendly transportation and has a low impact on environment which cultivates the level of public participation in cycling in indonesia. another factor that has impacts is sport flagships. badminton becomes the favourite sport in indonesia and west java gets medals in each sporting event, which make badminton as a culture and gain many interest of west java society. in the realization, sports in society are divided into many kinds, including the sport you can do individually and in team (borgers et al., 2018; r. m. eime et al., 2016; kumar et al., 2018). likewise, some are recreational and some focus on development and achievement. from this research data, it can be concluded that the population of west java actively participates in recreational sport activities, such as walking and aerobic exercises with low exercise intensity. the large number of subjects in this research is expected to be representative to the real condition of the people in west java. public participation rate in exercising is a solution to lower the mortality rate caused by non-communicable diseases. improving the strategy to increase the participation of public should be customized with capabilities and characteristics of each region. one of the most important thing is to know the trend of preferred sports (r. eime et al., 2020). findings of this study would be beneficial for developing indonesia sport policies to focus on all scope of sports, including elite sports, recreational sports, and educational sports. the limitation of this study is that the response from the community has not been maximal in participating in this research. conclusion in conclusion, this study shows that west java society is active in recreational sports, especially in walking and aerobics. after that, the sports are dominated by soccer, cycling, badminton, volleyball, and running. types of sports tend to be determined by the existing facilities and infrastructure in the area. it becomes the main constraint for public, thus they choose to do recreational sports which do not require special facilities and infrastructure. this study is expected to be a reference in determining sport policy development based on data in west java. further research will focus on increasing the quality and quantity of respondents. acknowledgement the authors would like to say thank you to universitas pendidikan indonesia and the department of youth and sports of west java for the assistance and provision of infrastructure for this study. this study did not accept any finance support from any party. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. copyright © 2023, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 41 references andersen, l. b., riiser, a., rutter, h., goenka, s., nordengen, s., & solbraa, a. k. 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performance. information on the allowed level of dehydration to maintain exercise and performance still needs to be done. the research method used was an experimental pre-test post-test method. this study compared 2.2% and 2.8% dehydration levels on 400 meters running performance. the population of this study was all sports coaching education students class of 2017 and 2018. the sample grouping was administered randomly into two groups. the first group was the 2.2% dehydration group consisted of 16 students. the second group was the 2.8% dehydration group consisted of 25 students. the dehydration process was conducted passively by doing sunbathing while using a raincoat. bodyweight was measured before dehydration up to several times to reach the desired level of dehydration. the measurement of the 400-meter run was carried out before weight measurement and after dehydration. the data were analyzed by mann-whitney u test. the results of the data analysis concluded that there was no difference in the 400-meter run performance at the two levels of dehydration. dehydration between 2.2% level and 2.8% level equally lowered the 400-meter running performance. this study suggests that the athlete's hydration level when exercising should be kept below 2.2% to achieve optimal performance. during training, athletes should be provided with drinks to maintain hydration levels.  correspondence address : jl. prof. dr. hadari nawawi no. 1. pontianak kalimantan barat e-mail : isti.dwi.puspita.w@fkip.untan.ac.id https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 196 introduction sports activities will coexist with an increase in metabolic rate, causing the body temperature to increase. as the body temperature increases, the heat dissipation mechanism is activated. therefore, in most sports situations, there will be an increase in body temperature. when vigorous exercise is performed along with a high ambient temperature, the core temperature will rise substantially by about 2–3 °c. an increase in body temperature during activity can be debilitating and have a fatal impact. it happens due to the fluid expenditure in the body as an effort to cool down the temperature. thus, the effort to cool down the body temperature has a possibility to decrease the fluid in the body. this lack of fluids in the body is known as dehydration. dehydration symptoms include daily weight loss ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 kg (1 to 2 lbs), small amounts of dark urine (the urine color is apple juice or darker), and a thirst sensation (casa et al., 2019). when two or more of these dehydration symptoms are detected, dehydration has likely occurred. if more than three symptoms appear, the athlete has experienced dehydration. while it is vital to consider hydration status, the three main symptoms should be assessed upon awakening each morning. water can be considered an essential nutrient in food. the importance of this component in the daily human diet is since the human body consists mainly of water (about 70% in adults and 80% in children) (davis et al., 2016). in endurance training, fluid depletion will occur during or during competition if the fluid intake is less than the expended sweat, even if the athlete starts exercising with good fluids. previous hypohydration will amplify the fluid deficit effect occurring during exercise. incorporating the right amount of fluid will help keep the fluid balance and temperature in optimal condition. proper hydration is good for a healthy life. research evidence states that lack of fluid intake will result in the risk of chronic body system damage. evidence shows that dehydration has a negative impact on physical performance for activities lasting more than 30 seconds, but dehydration does not have significant impacts on physical performance for activities lasting less than 15 seconds (carlton & orr, 2015). research in 13 countries in europe states that water intake varies between 720 to 2621 ml/day (gandy, 2015). another study show that hypohydration decreased cycling performance and interfered independently with the thirst thermoregulation, while subjects were unaware of their hydration status (adams et al., 2018). based on a meta-analysis, dehydration interferes with cognition, attention, task completion, and movement coordination if dehydration occurs to level 2% (wittbrodt & millard-stafford, 2018). this opinion becomes a concern as a reference for doing exercises in sports. another research supporting this study states that giving fluids had a positive influence on decisionmaking cases compared to the group that was not given drinking (patsalos & thoma, 2019). both of these are evidence that dehydration affects performance. another research evidence states that 0.6% fluid loss is sufficient to reduce working memory efficiency (young & benton, 2017). changes in hydration status will affect the learning process in the classroom (perry et al., 2015). further evidence shows that the dehydration incidence will cause an increase in body temperature and impaired memory and perceptual abilities (van den heuvel et al., 2017). the research findings above are fairly convincing that dehydration will be detrimental to athlete activities, learning activities, and working memory. according to (m. b. fortes et al., 2015), when an individual experiences dehydration, the body will have (1) increasing heart rate in normal conditions of inactivity (> 100 bpm), (2) low/decreasing systolic blood pressure (<100mm hg), (3) dry mucous membranes, (4) dry underarms, (5) dry skin, (6) sunken eyes, (7) a long time for blood to fill in the capillaries (> 2 seconds), (8) colored urine, (9) heavy urination, and (10) changes in salivary gland fluid. these are some of the signs that a person is dehydrated. other studies support that fluid loss will affect endurance and physiological function, increase body temperature, decrease fusion in blood and muscles, disrupt aerobics, and affect muscle dependence on glycogen reserves (trangmar & gonzálezalonso, 2019). there are different research results about the effect of dehydration. first, dehydration in the elderly dramatically contributes to the death of hospitalized patients. it is emphasized that dehydration of more than 2% will consistently affect mood, increased fatigue, and low alertness (benton & young, 2015). the second study specifically explains that dehydration of more than 2% copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 isti dwi puspita wati/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 197 would not interfere with cognitive performance (young & benton, 2017) and aerobics in a cold environment. starting from a skin temperature of 27 °c, every 1degree increase would increase impaired performance by 1.5%. dehydration will have a negative effect on aerobic performance in highland, warm, and hot environments (sawka et al., 2015). the third study states that dehydration affects aerobic performance. another research proves that dehydration does not affect power and aerobic performance (hosick et al., 2020). these studies illustrate different effects of dehydration, such as 1.5% level of dehydration has a negative effect, 2% level of dehydration affects mood and fatigue, while some state that dehydration does not affect aerobic performance. another research study states that 2% fluid loss will interfere with the athlete's physiological function performance; the results also show that dehydration could lower mood for some people (david benton, alecia cousins, 2019). research has provided evidence that dehydration is detrimental. it should be a concern that many people want to lose weight fast, and martial arts athletes only have a limited amount of time to lose weight for a class adjustment. research evidence shows that losing weight by reducing energy and fluid intake has a negative impact on strength, heart and lung work, and an increase in fatigue (cengiz, 2015). it should be noted that the negative effects of a fast weight loss will disappear after 12 hours of recovery, and strength will increase after weight loss (cengiz, 2015). dehydration can impair the body's ability to maintain thermoregulation and water balance during exercise, especially in hot conditions, and has been shown to inhibit cognitive function and motor skill performance (hillyer et al., 2015). however, in reality, many people are still determined to carry out weight loss procedures in instant ways. moreover, athletes also do sports in hot temperature conditions. findings of studies show that hot situations will have a negative effect on endurance; thus, it is recommended to take an acclimatization process at least 1-2 weeks before competing in hotter areas (racinais et al., 2015);(neal, corbett, massey, & tipton, 2016). the concern of this study is the dehydration level of 2.2% and 2.8% on the 400-meter running performance. the previous research still revolved around the effect of dehydration in the 1.5%-2% dehydration level. the conclusion from the results of the reviewed study shows that, in that dehydration level, there was a disturbance in cognitive function (young & benton, 2017), class (perry et al., 2015), and mood (benton & young, 2015); (david benton, alecia cousins, 2019); (hosick et al., 2020), but not in aerobic capacity (hosick et al., 2020). dehydration level 2-3% will certainly affect anaerobic performance. therefore, studying the effects of 2.2% and 2.8% dehydration levels on the 400-meter running performance will provide the right feedback regarding setting interval training for athletes. besides, the results of relevant studies are still around its effect on cognition, mood, and aerobic endurance. specifically, the 400-meter run can be classified as short-distance running so that the predominant energy is no longer aerobic. methods the method used in this research was the experimental research with a pre-test post-test design. participants he population of this study was students in a sports study program at a university in indonesia aged 19-21 years. the entire population was involved as the study sample. this study provided the treatment to two groups. the first group was the dehydration level 2.2% group (16 people), while the second group was the dehydration level 2.8% group (25 people). materials and apparatus dehydration research was carried out passively by sunbathing while wearing a raincoat. the dehydration procedure was carried out in several steps, including (1) weighing, (2) a 400-meter running test, (3) dehydration process to the target levels (2.2 and 2.8%), (4) 400meter running test after the targeted dehydration level had been reached. data analysis the data were analyzed by spss 20. the normality analysis concluded that the data were not normal; hence the data were analyzed using non-parametric statistics. in addition, the wilcoxon test and mann-witney u test were performed. copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 isti dwi puspita wati/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 198 result based on the descriptive statistics, the results of the mean, median, and mode are as follows: table 1 provides information that the mean running performance for the 2.2% dehydration group was 103.43 seconds. cumulatively, after the participants were dehydrated through a passive procedure, their performance decreased sharply to 168.81. the 2.8% dehydrated group also experienced the same thing. the initial achievement was 109.24, which was not much different from the 2.2% dehydrated group. however, after performing the dehydrated process to the 2.8% level, the performance decreased considerably to 150.32 seconds to complete the running distance. this finding describes that the dehydration level of 2.2% could reduce achievements, while the higher dehydration level (2.8%) also lowered performance. the mean values before dehydration were in the same area, which was below 100 for both groups. however, in the next stage, both groups gained an increase in the mean after dehydration. based on the test, the results of a 400-meter run were found. the first group consisted of 16 people, and the second group consisted of 25 people. according to the normality test, if statistical significance is greater than 0.05, the data is declared normal. the test found that only the pre-test value of the 2.2% group had a significance value of more than 0.05, while the other three statistical significances were below 0.05, so the data were not normal. furthermore, the test was continued using the non-parametric wilcoxon test and the mannwhitney u test. furthermore, non-parametric analysis was also administered from these two sample groups by examining the difference between the pre-test and post-test of the two experimental groups (table 2). based on the difference between the two experimental groups, a difference test was performed using the mann-whitney u test. the significance result of the mann-whitney u test was 0.059, which is greater than sig. 0.05. it concludes tha the two levels of dehydration are not different in the 400-meter running performance. therefore, it can be said that the two dehydration levels will have the same impact on the 400-meter running performance. the non-parametric statistical test found that the significance values of the group receiving dehydration treatment (2.2% and 2.8% groups) were less than 0.05. it inferred that the pre-test and post-test scores were different. this difference can be interpreted as dehydration, either 2.2% or 2.8%, affecting the 400-meter running time. the effect shows the difference between the initial score and the final score. this difference can be seen from the difference in the initial mean score (pretest) and the final mean score (post-test) of the two groups. as a result, there was an increase in the amount of time to complete the 400-meter run. furthermore, non-parametric analysis was also administered from these two sample groups by examining the difference between the pre-test and post-test of the two experimental groups. based on the difference between the two experimental groups, a difference test was performed using the mann-whitney u test. the significance result of the mann-whitney u test was 0.059, which is greater than sig. 0.05. it concludes that both dehydration levels are not different related to 400-meter running performance; both levels will have the same impact on the 400-meter running performance. copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. descriptive statistics results of 400 meter running performance before and after dehydration group 2.2% group 2.8% before dehydration after dehydration before dehydration after dehydration mean 103.4375 168.8125 109.2400 150.3200 median 102.5000 164.0000 104.0000 151.0000 mode 83.00 101.00 82.00 178.00 table 2. non-parametric test results pre-test & posttest 2.2% result pre-test & posttest 2.8% result gain z -3.519b -4.374b -1.886 asymp. sig.(2-tailed) .000 .000 .059 mannwhitney u 129.500 isti dwi puspita wati/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 199 discussion regarding the study's findings, doing exercise for a long time will have physiological responses, such as dehydration, decreased blood sugar, increased pulse rate, and electrolyte loss. some of these responses will result in decreased performance during exercise. for example, dehydration will accelerate the decrease in blood flow to the brain during exercise (trangmar et al., 2015). a study shows that high-intensity exercise has a higher dehydration percentage (morales-palomo et al., 2017). athletes do exercise and recovery. exercise will cause changes in the total water in the body through sweating, depletion of glycogen in the muscles and liver, and loss of water for metabolism. this fluid loss will cause increased heart performance as the blood volume decreases, and the blood viscosity becomes more concentrated. the more concentrated the blood, the harder the heart work will be, spurring the heart to work extra. the results of this study provide a new contribution to the limit of allowable dehydration. dehydration can lead to impaired tissue fusion. the metabolic system is affected by cardiovascular demands during exercise (trangmar & gonzález-alonso, 2017). a dehydration level of 0.6% reduces working memory efficiency (young & benton, 2017). some individuals who are dehydrated experience mood loss (david benton, alecia cousins, 2019). dehydration associated with a high-temperature increase will result in a decreased simple motor task performance by four ± 1%, math task performance by four ± 1%, math and pinch performance by 9 ± 3%, and visuomotor tracking performance by 16 ± 4% (piil et al., 2018). another research also provides the same information that dehydration has a less beneficial effect. the study conducted on teenage wrestlers who lost weight one week before the match showed a negative relationship between weight loss and mood levels (karninčič et al., 2016). in martial arts, dehydration is sometimes carried out three weeks before the match, where even one week will be detrimental to the athlete’s performance, including physiology, psychology, and brain performance. if these three performances have been disrupted, the expected performance will not appear optimally. for martial arts athletes, they are closely related to the losing weight process. the effects of dehydration will not fully recover within 13-18 hours after dehydration. there will be a decrease in neuromuscular performance at the beginning of the match (pallarés et al., 2016). mma athletes lose and gain weight for competing purposes. the weight loss is at least 1.4-5.6 kg (81.8%), while the body weight gain is adjusted between 7.4 ± 2.8 kg (11.7 ± 4.7%) with 3176 ± 482 kcal. day-1 and 471 ± 124 g. per day mean intake. for the athletes taking the weight loss process, 57% of them are dehydrated (1033 ± 19 mosmol.kg-1), and 43% are severely dehydrated (1267 ± 47 mosmol.kg-1). the dehydration process is carried out in a dangerous way (saunas and plastic clothes 43%:43%) (matthews & nicholas, 2017). in the first phase, a study conducted a 7-week plan to reduce calorie intake from 1300 to 1900 calories per day. for five days, fluid intake was 8 liters per day. as a result, the body weight was from 80.2 to 65.7, with a decrease of 4.4, 2.8, and 7.3 kg in each phase and dehydration to 9.3% in 24, which causes hyperthermia and kidney damage. the study data were obtained from martial arts that usually compete in a certain weight requirement (kasper et al., 2019). the 400-meter run is assumed as an anaerobic exercise, the same as the martial arts sport, which is also considered an anaerobic sport. here is research-based evidence arguing that dehydration condition is detrimental. it is stated that losing 2% of body weight affects physiological function; research has shown that giving water and electrolytes is better in preventing a decrease in mood (cousins et al., 2019). fluid loss of up to 2.5% affects decreased reaction time, but not for a long time in trained people (irwin, campagnolo, iudakhina, cox, & desbrow, 2018). research conducted by irwin et al. (2018) regarding the effect of aerobic exercise on fluid loss and cognitive performance in trained athletes, with dehydration level 2-3%, show a significant decrease in reaction time. exercise at 70% vo2max level, with a temperature of 30 degrees celsius, resulted in 2.5% dehydration in a glycogen supercompensation phase with a carbohydrate diet of 8-12kg/bb consumed for 48 hours. as a result, body weight decreased by 1.93 kg, and supercompensation led to an increase in average body mass of 2.53 (toomey et al., 2017). furthermore, research conducted by fortes et al. (2018) suggest that dehydracopyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 isti dwi puspita wati/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 200 tion could be considered as an intermediary factor in decision-making performance in male soccer athletes based on the results of the game performance assessment instrument (gpai), showing that an effective decrease in decision-making index occurred in dehydration conditions compared to not dehydrated conditions and control group, f(2,38) = 31.4, p < 0.05, es = 0.8. in comparison, dehydration level 2% to 3% is not beneficial in terms of fluid balance, reaction time, and psychology (mood). the results of this study imply that we must be very careful in giving exercise. it is necessary to consider the air temperature and fluid and macronutrient intake to determine the supercompensation in exercise. if dehydration is too high, the drawbacks will be more than the benefits, especially for physiological aspects. further research evidence provides convincing evidence that a dehydration level of more than 3% already affects performance. dehydration levels 3% and 5% will result in decreased working memory, decreased visual perception, and difficulty performing manipulation movement tasks (van den heuvel et al., 2017). in a dehydration experiment, cyclists were dehydrated to 1.4% at 45 minutes, 2.3% after 90 minutes, and 3.1% after the trial time with a 65% vo2max intensity, followed by tt. the result of tt shows that they were 13% slower in 2.3% dehydration conditions (logansprenger et al., 2015) (kasper et al., 2019). research findings prove that dehydration up to 9.3% within 24 hours will cause kidney injury. it is clear evidence that dehydration above 3% is dangerous for health, even causes kidney damage at a 9.3% dehydration level. at a dehydration level above 3%, there are no physiological and psychological functions that run normally. at this level, there is a tendency to crash and decrease in all performance. suggestions from several studies on dehydration treatment do exist. several research results have provided advice for conducting safety training and activity. two important components must be maintained, including physiology and psychology. the physiology will ultimately affect performance in sports, while psychology will ultimately affect working memory (brain) and its relationship to motivation, mood, and stress. fluid intake in dehydration conditions can improve performance during exercise in hot temperatures (mccartney et al., 2017). homemade coconut water and pineapple juice have the same effect as isotonic drinks (j, okonkwo et al., 2018). it was based on a study on 17–26-yearold girls who ran for 45 minutes, took a 10-minute break and consumed a different drink. the provision of water intake positively affects cognitive performance in children and adults (mcdermott et al., 2015). based on the results of previous dehydration management studies, the most important thing to do is give fluids. the fluid will at least replace the composition of intra and extracellular fluids in the body. based on research, palm and processed pineapple water can help rehydration recovery. even neutral water can have an effect. (hoxha et al., 2015) suggest that the characteristics of dehydrated people can be seen through several symptoms, such as sunken eyes, reduced skin turgor, weak pulse, and general appearance. even though dehydration can increase fatigue levels, cho intake produces an anti-fatigue effect by maintaining high levels of glc in the blood, which supports muscle energy production during physical activity and when muscle glycogen is depleted (orrù et al., 2018). therefore, the cho integration in sports drinks is important to maintain optimal sports performance (hao et al., 2014). besides adding calories for energy, at the same time, it could overcome dehydration. the ability to recognize dehydration needs to be introduced to athletes early. (backes & fitzgerald, 2016) state that the performance of athletes who did exercise by drinking regularly was significantly better (longer duration and faster pace) compared to the athletes whose drinking periods were determined. however, the cognitive test results were not significantly different between the athletes with regulated water drinking conditions and those with independent water drinking conditions.. conclusion this study concludes that both dehydration levels 2.2% and 2.8% reduce the 400-meter running performance. in this study, the distance traveled as a benchmark was 400 meters. therefore, it is necessary to consider a purely anaerobic distance of 50-100 meters with similar dehydration. for elite sports training, based on the results of this study, the hydration level must be maintained so that the athletes are always in optimal condition. based on a research review, 3% and above copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 isti dwi puspita wati/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 201 dehydration levels are not recommended and should be prohibited. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references adams, j. d., sekiguchi, y., suh, h. g., seal, a. d., sprong, c. a., kirkland, t. w., & kavouras, s. a. 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frequency of junior-level 100 m sprinters with different performance levels and to verify the kinematics parameters of the phases of sprinting. data were collected from a sample of 9 junior sprinter athletes determined by purposeful sampling. the analysis results show that the average number of steps for 100 m is 52.8. for the variable stride length, the average is 1.88 m. the step frequency variable shows an average of 4.77 steps/second (max step frequency). during the acceleration phase, the average stride frequency is 4.48 steps/ second. the score in the last phase, i.e., the sprinters must maintain their velocity until the end of the race from a distance of 60 – 100 m, shows an average rate of 4.07 steps/ second. the average sprinting time of the sprinters is 11.74 seconds, and the average speed of the sprinters is 8.54 ms-1, with a top speed of 8.95 ms-1 and the lowest speed of 7.99 ms-1. based on the analysis of kinematic parameters, the different phase structures. the results show that stride length significantly contributes to the 100 m sprint performance than stride frequency, which is no longer considered the most critical determinant of performance at junior-level athletes.  correspondence address : jl. dr. setiabudi no.229, kota bandung, jawa barat 40154 e-mail : ydsunaryadi@upi.edu https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 244 introduction the 100m sprint number can be divided into three phases: block start with acceleration, maximum speed, and deceleration (ae et al., 1992; shen, 2000; wibowo et al., 2017). the duration and more in-depth details of each phase depend primarily on the level of a sprinter's ability (smirniotou et al., 2008; maćkała & mero, 2013; coh & mackala, 2013). the acceleration phase can be further divided into several sub-phases, including initial acceleration (0-12 m) characterized by a constant increase in stride length and major acceleration (12-35 m) (maćkała et al.,2015). when the acceleration phase has an optimal sprinting velocity, the sprinter can no longer maintain the maximum velocity, and the deceleration phase will last for a long time. elite sprinters gain a maximum speed between 50 m and 70 m on average (gajer et al., 1999; čoh., 2019) and can maintain it for another 20 m, although it is scarce to maintain it for 30 m. therefore, the third transitional subphase (35–60 m) occurs only at the elite runner level. this condition lasts until the sprinter reaches its maximum running speed level. in this phase, the sprinter reaches maximum stride length, stride frequency, and maximum velocity. decelerations are only marked in the last 10 m of 100 m sprinting (maćkała & mero, 2013; maćkała et al.,2015). at the start of a sprint, the ability to generate high concentric forces is primarily used to generate high speed during the sprint acceleration phase (bissas & havenetidis, 2008) there is a relationship between stride length and stride frequency to maximize sprinting velocity in each phase carried out by athletes from different sports (akira et al., 2007; maćkała & mero, 2013; salo et al., 2011; gleadhill & nagahara, 2021) and even by untrained athletes (babić et al., 2011; chatzilazaridis et al., 2012) which has not been widely studied. therefore, comparing the stride frequency and length characteristics of each phase expressed to sprint performance would be interesting. it is also essential to determine the relationship between the kinematic variables of various acceleration phases and the overall 100 m sprint performance among sprinters of different sprinting abilities. furthermore, this comparison will provide information regarding the efficiency of the acceleration phase. the study's results are expected to provide a general concept of the interaction between stride length and stride frequency during the 100 m sprint for the overall sprint performance and its phases. some studies have claimed that stride length is the most significant variable in maximal speed development (salo et al., 2011). other studies stated that the important variable is stride frequency (mero et al., 1992). the new problem of most current research concerns the analysis of the interaction between stride length and stride frequency to maximize sprint speed at various sprint phases (maćkała & mero, 2013). the importance of stride length and stride frequency on the 100-meter sprint speed curve is well documented in various research on sprints (gajer et al., 1999; majumdar & robergs, 2011; gleadhill & nagahara, 2021). however, it is not yet clear how these kinematic parameters affect the different phases of the 100 m sprint. not much is known about how sprinters adjust their stride pattern during the acceleration, maximum speed, and deceleration phases to achieve optimal sprinting efficiency. an important issue is related to whether the structure of the phases is the same for each 100 m sprint with different sprint performance levels. this issue is an essential theme for study because this information will provide an understanding of sprinting biomechanics and the basis for developing training protocols explicitly designed for sprint athletes. this study aimed to identify the prominent kinematics parameter variability among 100 m junior sprinters with different performance levels and technical quality. the data obtained were collected and compared to understand the relationship between stride length and stride frequency, then sprinting speed. in order to describe the sprinting performance, it was necessary to observe changes in speed and estimate the proportional effect of stride length and stride frequency by measuring the two variables. methods participants the subjects of this study consisted of 9 male junior sprint athletes from west java (mean: age = 17.3 years, height = 173.9 cm, weight = 57kg, best result = 11.17 seconds) chosen purposively. these data show that the performance level of the sprinters can be considered junior-level sprinters. data collection was carried out at an international standard synthetic track stadium. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yadi sunaryadi / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 245 instrument and procedure data were obtained from three trial recordings of each individual using 3 video cameras. a starter gun synchronized the camera. the markers, the calibration poles, with a length of 1 m (reference point), were placed horizontally in each 10 m section which was used as a reference to quantify the stride length on the computer. for each sprinter, the number of steps was counted, and the length of each step was measured to calculate the average stride length. the stride frequency for each sprint was calculated from the computer by measuring the displacement of 100 m sprinters divided by the time taken. the tools used consisted of a sony zr 70 mc type video camera, with a speed of 25 fps and a shutter speed of 1/1000 sec, placed perpendicularly 20 m from the subject plane of motion, thus providing a more accurate two dimension analytical view. data analysis used dartfish 2.5 professional software version to obtain accurate film data retrieval, the camera was set in a stationary position using a panning technique and a tripod. the camera was placed as far as possible (minimizing perspective error). the plane of motion was perpendicular to the camera's optical axis. several kinematic variables were determined for each sprinter, which can be identified with the computer software used to determine the sprint performance. these variables, among others, could be identified in several phases of sprinting: stride length, step frequency, sprinting speed, and travel time of each phase. in this study, the factor that remarkably determined the quality of the analysis results was highly dependent on the quality of the biomechanics knowledge possessed by the researcher. result & discussion measurement of stride length and stride frequency sprint mechanics analysis explains the analysis of sprint techniques, including stride length, stride frequency, sprinting speed, and arm and leg motion (gleadhill & nagahara, 2021). therefore, it is necessary to know the stride length data and frequency first. in another section, technical analysis of film data taken from the field will be presented. observation of the image would lead to identifying errors and compatibility among the subject image, the model image, and the coaching point of the sprint analysis taken from the iaaf. the followings are data on the length and frequency of steps determined from the measurement results in the field. measurements were made mainly when the sprinter was in three phases, namely the acceleration phase (0 – 30 m), the maximum speed phase (30 – 60 m), and the speed maintenance phase (60 – 100 copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 figure 1. camera setting configuration yadi sunaryadi / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 246 m). however, an analysis of changes in stride length and frequency was also carried out for every 10 m distance. table 1 shows that each subject's stride length and frequency varied. the average number of steps for a 100 m run was 47.7 steps. the largest number of steps was 49, while the smallest was 44. the average stride length variable was 2.09 m. the largest stride length was 2.25 m, while the smallest was 2.02 m. the average number of step frequency variables was 4.48 steps/ sec (stride frequency max) achieved when the runner was at a 30-60 m distance (maximum velocity). the largest number for this step frequency was 4.63 steps/ sec, while the smallest number was 4.30 steps/sec. during the acceleration phase, a sprinter's acceleration when sprinting at a 0 – 30 m distance, the average stride frequency was 4.09 steps/sec. the largest gain was 4.44 steps/sec, while the smallest gain was 3.86 steps/sec. in the last phase, where sprinters must maintain their speed (speed maintenance phase) to the end of the race from a 60 – 100 m distance, the average number was 4.15 steps/sec. the largest gain was 4.41 steps/sec, while the smallest gain was 3.69 steps/sec. table 2 describes the travel time and time interval copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. stride length and stride frequency at a certain distance s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 distance stride frequency (max) 4,30 4,30 4,63 4,62 4,56 4,31 4,38 4,48 4,14 30-60m stride frequency (min) 3,91 4,11 4,44 3,86 4,16 4,56 4,04 4,31 4,81 0-30m stride frequency 3,69 4,16 4,16 4,41 4,34 3,99 3,72 3,60 4,98 60-100m stride length (mean) 2,25 2,10 2,02 2,06 2,02 1,83 1,98 1,98 1,73 0-100m no. of stride 44 47 49 48 49 54 50 50 57 table 2. parameters of 100 m sprint time n distance (m) time (sec) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 speed (m-1) s1 time 2,01 3,05 4,05 5,15 6,20 7,07 8,12 9,15 10,23 11,17 8,95 interval 2,01 1,04 1,00 1,10 1,05 0,87 1,05 1,03 1,08 0,94 s2 time 2,10 3,17 4,13 5,18 6,25 7,15 8,23 9,27 10,32 11,23 8,90 interval 2,10 1,07 0,96 1,05 1,07 0,90 1,08 1,04 1,05 0,91 s3 time 2,03 3,07 4,09 5,17 6,23 7,11 8,14 9,14 10,25 11,17 8,95 interval 2,03 1,04 1,02 1,08 1,06 0,88 1,03 1,00 1,11 0,92 s4 time 2,12 3,10 4,14 5,17 6,15 7,17 8,25 9,30 10,34 11,25 8,89 interval 2,12 0,98 1,04 1,03 0,98 1,02 1,08 1,05 1,04 0,91 s5 time 2,10 3,05 4,08 5,15 6,12 7,15 8,27 9,35 10,40 11,29 8,86 interval 2,10 0,95 1,03 1,07 0,97 1,03 1,12 1,08 1,05 0,89 s6 time 2,25 3,15 4,16 5,20 6,24 7,29 8,50 10,15 11,26 12,30 8,13 interval 2,25 0,90 1,01 1,04 1,04 1,05 1,21 1,65 1,11 1,04 s7 time 2,27 3,20 4,22 5,10 6,10 7,41 8,87 10,01 11,12 12,51 7,99 interval 2,27 0,93 1,03 0,88 1,00 1,31 1,36 1,14 1,11 1,39 s8 time 2,24 3,14 4,17 5,10 6,22 7,29 8,78 10,15 11,27 12,29 8,14 interval 2,24 0,90 1,03 0,93 1,12 1,07 1,49 1,37 1,12 1,02 s9 time 2,20 3,12 4,15 5,09 6,01 7,26 8,89 10,03 11,10 12,49 8,01 interval 2,20 0,92 1,03 0,94 0,92 1,25 1,63 1,14 1,07 1,39 mean 11,74 8,54 yadi sunaryadi / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 247 data for every 10 m and 100 m distance and the calculation of the average speed value taken by the subject. the data in table 2 show the changes in time produced by each runner for every 10 m distance during a 100 m sprint. the sprinter data show that the consistent time interval was not too large. the average time the sprinter reached during the acceleration phase (0-30 m) was 4.09 sec. the largest gain was 4.14 s, while the smallest was 4.05 s. the average time achieved during the second phase, when the runner runs at a maximum speed (30-60 m), was 7.13 seconds, with the largest gain of 7.17 seconds and the smallest gain of 7.07 seconds. overall, the sprinter's average time to cover a 100 m distance was 11.22 sec, the highest score was 11.29 sec, and the smallest score was 11.17 sec. furthermore, table 3 compares the average score of certain parameters for each 10 m distance segment produced by each sprinter for each phase during a 100 m sprint. the data in table 3 show that the difference in the temporal development of stride length and stride frequency is clearly visible in all sprinters. parameters are characterized by a lot of variability during the sprint run. this picture can be seen clearly when the running distance is divided into 10 m sections. the analysis results of other studies on parameter changes and comparisons of running speed show that the phase structure for 100 meters is more complex than the standard threephase acceleration model, maximum speed, and deceleration (gajer et al., 1999) the next discussion focuses on the analysis of the acceleration phase, maximum speed, and deceleration as the contribution identification of stride length and stride frequency to the 100 m sprint performance. acceleration phase at the first 20 m distance, the group of subjects showed a varied increase in sprinting speed (up to 10.42 ms-1) as the result of an intensive increase in stride length and stride frequency. in the second 10 m distance segment, the average speed increased by 80% or 5.75 ms-1 from the first 10 m segment. the stride frequency increased by 5.1% to 4.11 steps per second and the stride length increased by 1,27% to reach a 175.7 cm gain. the increase in stride frequency was constant over a 20 m distance. this finding is in line with previous studies where the average step frequency is 4.20 steps per second during the first three steps and then increases to 4.48 steps until the end of the 40 m distance (an increase of 0.28 steps/second) (korchemny, 1985; krzysztof & mero, 2013; maćkała & kowalski, 2015). in this study, the sprinters achieved a stride frequency of 4.11 in their first three strides. in this study, the sprinter achieved the same stride speed of 4.08 steps per second in the first three strides. in general, there was no dynamic difference in the sprinter's acceleration during the first two 10 m distances. both step frequencies were the main kinematic variables that had an impact on increasing sprinting speed. for a 20 m distance, it can be referred to as the initial acceleration phase. during two 10 m sections, between 20 m and 40 m, acceleration continued; the average speed was 2.22 ms-1, (29%) greater than the first 20 m. unlike the first 20 m, the acceleration here was the result of the increased stride length. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 3. comparison of the average score of certain parameters for each 10m distance and phases in 100m phase distance (m) average time (sec) total average speed (m/sec) x stride length (cm) x stride frequency (step/sec) x 1 0-10 10-20 2,14 0,96 3,10 4,67 10,42 7,54 173,5 175,7 174,6 3,91 4,11 4,01 2 20-30 30-40 1,01 1,04 2,05 9,90 9,62 9,76 182,4 182,6 182,5 4,44 3,86 4,15 3 40-50 50-60 1,05 1,01 2,06 9,52 9.90 9,71 192,3 194,6 193,45 4,30 4,48 4,39 4 60-70 70-80 1,21 1,16 2,37 8,26 8,62 8,44 198,75 197,56 198,16 4,41 4,34 4,38 5 80-90 90-100 1,01 1,05 2,06 9,90 9,52 9,71 198,75 199,65 199,2 4,16 4,04 4,10 yadi sunaryadi / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 248 overall, the sprinter increased the stride length by more than 80% from 173 cm (first stride average) to 210 cm (last stride average at 40 m). similar results had been found previously in radford's 1990 study, where stride length increased by more than 100% at a 45 m distance (from 109 cm to 244 cm). the significant change in stride length in this phase appeared to be due to an increase in overall speed, which allowed the sprinter to cover more space during the stride phase when hovering in the air (aki, 1993). the different variability of the kinematic parameters at a 20 – 40 m distance determined the difference from the first phase, and it could be considered as the acceleration extension phase (extended acceleration phase). the varying differences in kinematic parameters between subjects for distance segments between 40 m and 80 m were significant, and two distinct phase structures could be identified. for the subject group, the two 10 m sections, between 40 m and 60 m, became the sections when the peak velocity was obtained. thus it was called the maximum velocity phase. this phase was crucial, especially for the last time. in this phase, the sprinting speed increased, but slower (increase by 1.5%), compared to the previous phase. this increase was mainly due to a 2.5% increase in stride length, as the stride frequency was almost constant. two 10 m sections, between 60 m and 80 m, might also be considered as part of the maximum velocity phase for this subject group. however, in reality, there was a slight decrease in the average velocity by 0.14 ms-1 (1.3%) from the previous 10 m to the final phase velocity (9.40 ms-1), which was caused by the decrease in stride length and stride frequency, respectively 0.3% and 0.15%. in other words, in this phase, the sprinters were not at their maximum speed but were quite close to this phase. distinguishing these two 20 m phases was named the velocity maintenance phase.. deceleration phase as stated above, between 60 m and 80 m, runners slowed down from their maximum speed due to a slight decrease in stride frequency and stride length. it continued in the last two 10 m sections, called the deceleration phase. at a 90 m distance, the speed decreased by about 1.3% (0.11 ms-1). in the last 10 m, it continued to decrease by 0.42% (0 .03 ms-1). in contrast to the previous phase, the slowdown in this phase was mainly due to a significant decrease in stride frequency, as the average stride length actually showed an increase in its value. as we know, running speed is the product of stride length and stride frequency (v = l x f). thus, an increase in average speed (v) and a decrease in running time (t) for a given distance can only result from changes in these two parameters: an increase in stride length (with a decrease in the number of steps and their frequency) or inversely the decrease in stride length (with increasing stride speed). the decrease in running speed occurred in five phases. moreover, the two phases showed only an increase in stride length. in two cases, an increase in stride frequency was more dominant than an increase in stride length. in one phase, the decrease in speed was caused by a decrease in both parameters. conclusion the results of this study indicate that the speed dynamics of 100-meter sprinting describing changes in speed during a sprint must be analyzed through speed changes in each phase. the description of increasing or decreasing speed is vital for training, practical understanding of sprinting performance, evaluation of each step technique, optimal diagnosis of sprint ability, and development of an effective race strategy. effective speed depends on the optimal change of the various phases caused by changes in the main kinematic parameters, namely stride length, and stride frequency. the stride length, especially the maintenance of its optimal length for the longest distance, is a crucial element for technical efficiency and optimization of performance in the 100-meter sprint. the increase in stride length must be directly proportional to the decrease in stride frequency, especially in the initial acceleration phase. since sprint speed is a function of stride length and frequency, it is important to find the optimal balance (ratio) between these two factors and not try to manipulate any of the variables as they are bound intentionally. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yadi sunaryadi / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 249 references ae, m., ito, a., suzuki, m. 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pressure, exercise, pm2.5 abstract exercise has a positive impact on a person's health and fitness level. however, the benefits could be obtained if the exercise is conducted properly by avoiding the risk involved. one of the risks during exercise, especially for those in urban communities, is the difficulty in avoiding air pollution. air pollution, especially particles with a size less than 2.5 microns (pm2.5), can be inhaled into the lungs and enter the bloodstream. the amount of air pollution inhaled will increase in the people doing exercise because the rate of breathing increases along with the increasing intensity and duration of the exercise. this may impact the blood pressure response due to the presence of foreign particles in the bloodstream. this study used a quasi-experimental method with a posttest-only comparison group approach. the research was conducted in karawang regency, west java, indonesia, and included two sites, a higher pm2.5 concentration site, and a lower pm2.5 concentration site. the research subjects included 22 undergraduate students with a healthy status divided into two research groups. each group performed exercise, including 5 minutes of warm-up and 15 minutes of running at submaximal intensity (80–85% of hr max) at 07.00 for five days consecutively. blood pressure response measurements were taken immediately after exercise. this study aimed to determine the effect of regular exercise in high and low air pollution conditions (pm2.5) on the blood pressure response. the study found that regular exercise for five days in an environment with high air pollution resulted in higher systolic and diastolic arterial pressures than a regular exercise in low air pollution conditions. thus, performing exercise in high pm2.5 air pollution conditions affects the blood pressure response. for this reason, vulnerable groups should pay attention to air pollution levels when doing exercise.  correspondence address : jl. ganesha no. 10, bandung, indonesia e-mail : samsul@fa.itb.ac.id https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 24 introduction physical activity or exercising regularly can positively impact increasing the level of health and fitness (bahri et al., 2020; brusseau et al., 2016; ward et al., 2017). in addition, exercise can also reduce the risks of death, such as from hypertension or obesity (galleguillos et al., 2014; leonardo alves pasqua et al., 2018). therefore, exercising regularly is recommended. the american college of sports medicine recommends that every person perform an exercise for at least 30 min at moderate intensity (65% of maximum pulse) two to five days a week (riebe et al., 2015). in addition, a positive impact can be obtained if it is done correctly and avoids the risks involved (vancini et al., 2019). when doing exercises, they should be started by warming up and avoiding movements that can cause injury. in addition, environmental conditions are a concern (racinais et al., 2017). one environmental condition that increases the risks during exercise is air pollution (watanabe et al., 2019). bad air pollution conditions are challenging to avoid, especially in urban communities or near industrial areas. one air pollution type is fine particles with a diameter of less than 2.5 microns (pm2.5). pm2.5 is a mixture of solid and liquid particles suspended in the air, mostly from burning fossil fuels made from the process of heating, generating electricity, or operating motorized vehicles (miao et al., 2019). pm2.5 can be inhaled into the alveoli in the lungs and enter the bloodstream, causing health problems (giles & koehle, 2014). therefore, pm2.5 is a type of pollution that is currently of concern to several researchers, especially in the field of sports physiology. the amount of air pollution inhaled will increase in people who do exercise because the rate of breathing increases with increasing intensity and duration of exercise (filomena mazzeo & alessandro liccardo, 2019; giles & koehle, 2014). this may impact the blood pressure response due to the presence of foreign particles in the bloodstream. poor air pollution conditions can be found in several cities and occupied residential areas in indonesia. the dominant use of energy in indonesia is still environmentally unfriendly energy. based on the 2019 national energy balance, 45% of energy use is in the transportation sector. in total, 99% of transportation uses fossil fuels. in addition, 58% of electricity generation comes from burning coal (suharyati et al., 2019). the high demand and use of conventional energy have made several cities, especially industrial cities, a source of air pollution (haryanto, 2018; ji et al., 2018). the areas close to air pollution sources will have worse air pollution conditions than other areas far from air pollution sources (calderón-garcidueñas & villarreal-ríos, 2017). this phenomenon can be found in the occupied residential areas of west karawang district, west java, indonesia, and this area is the capital of the regency and close to the karawang international industrial center. another area that is far from urban and industrial centres is rengasdengklok district, west java, indonesia. theoretically, these two regions should have different levels of air pollution due to differences in their distances from air pollution sources. the contradiction between the need for regular exercise and pm2.5 exposure presents an interesting challenge to balance the benefits and disadvantages, especially in areas affected by air pollution. should exercise be limited or should it not be done in bad air pollution conditions? this has been debated in recent years. researchers have been interested in studying the conditions of air pollution, especially in west karawang and rengasdengklok districts. are the air pollution conditions in these two regions significantly different due to the distance from air pollution sources? what are the impacts of different air pollution conditions, especially on the blood pressure response of individuals who routinely exercise in the area? this research can also be used as a basis for how the air pollution conditions in these two different regions affect human physiology, thus resulting in further research in other areas. methods participants the participants included 22 undergraduate students. the study inclusion criteria were healthy with the age of 19-22 years and had a normal body mass index. the study exclusion criteria were those with a history of chronic disease, suffered from cardiovascular disease, cardiorespiratory, including being infected with sars-cov-2, smoking, consuming alcohol, supplements, or drugs. all participants received direct explanations from the researcher verbally and in written form about the study's objectives, procedures, and risks. participants were directed to sign the informed consent if copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 samsul bahri et al., / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 25 they were willing to participate in this study. materials and apparatus the researchers used airvisual pro (iqair, switzerland), which was placed at an altitude of 1.6 m above the ground level of the study area, to measure the amount of pm2.5 air pollution and additional data in the form of co2 levels, temperature, and relative humidity at the time of the study. the airvisual pro device was connected to the internet when retrieving data. bodyweight was measured using an omron hbf-375 (omron, japan) and height using a metrisis stadiometer (solo abadi, indonesia). blood pressure was measured using an automatic blood pressure monitor em-7322 (omron, japan). heart rate during exercise was monitored by polar h10 (polar electro oy, finland). procedure this study used a quasi-experimental method with a post-test-only comparison group approach. the research location is in karawang regency, west java. it consisted of two sites, i.e., the singaperbangsa stadium and the cinta lake area, rengasdengklok. before the training session, the participants filled out a form related to the age formulas based on their identity cards. body mass index was calculated by weight in kilograms divided by height squared in meters. the participants were divided equally into two groups based on the anthropometry data obtained. the two groups of participants each occupied one of the two research sites. the participants did the exercise with 5 min of warm-up and 15 min of submaximal intensity running (80–85% hr max) at 07.00 am for five consecutive days at each site. researchers monitor and ensure the heart rate is suitable during exercise. blood pressure measurements were taken 10 min before exercise to determine the baseline blood pressure and immediately after training in each training session to determine the blood pressure response. during the measurement, participants rested in a seated position, their right arm was placed on the table parallel with the heart, and they did not talk during the measurement. during the study, the participants were asked to avoid places with high air pollution except for the study site, not to perform other heavy physical activity rather than the treatment given by the researchers, not to consume alcohol, supplements, or drugs, and to report their health conditions to the researchers. data analysis the results are displayed in the form of means and standard deviations. the significant analysis involved an independent sample t-test. the level of significance was set at p < 0.05. statistical analysis of this study was done using statistical software spss version 23 (ibm, usa). result table 1 shows that the means ± standard deviations (sd) for age, height, weight, and body mass index shows a significant difference in terms of sd. table 2 shows that the amount of air pollution with the type of pm2.5 at the singaperbangsa stadium site was greater copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 pollutant singaperbangsa stadium cinta lake pm2.5 (μg/m 3 ) 117.90* 52.19* co2 (ppm) 501.15* 465.73* temperature (°c) 27.37 27.72 relative humidity (%) 76.19 76.98 altitude (masl) 17.8 9.4 variable singaperbangsa stadium (n=11) cinta lake (n=11) mean ± sd min max mean ± sd min max age (year) 20.45 ± 0.49 19.60 21.20 20.65 ± 0.56 19.80 21.50 weight (kg) 60.09 ± 4.87 53.00 69.00 59.09 ± 3.14 54.00 63.00 height (m) 1.68 ± 0.03 1.63 1.73 1.68 ± 0.03 1.64 1.73 bmi (kg/m 2 ) 21.29 ± 1.17 19.49 23.05 21.02 ± 0.88 19.13 21.97 table 1. anthropometry data table 2. air pollution concentrations of the two sites *mean difference significant at p < 0.05 pm2.5: particulate matter 2.5 (particulate with diameter <2.5); co2: carbon dioxide samsul bahri et al., / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 26 when compared to the cinta lake site, while other parameters, such as co2, temperature, relative humidity, and altitude, did not differ significantly. at baseline, there were no significant differences for the systolic (singaperbangsa stadium=117.5 ± 3.5 mmhg, cinta lake: 116.8 ± 3.5 mmhg; p=0.17) and diastolic (singaperbangsa stadium=77.4 ± 0.3 mmhg, cinta lake=76.6 ± 0.3 mmhg; p=0.87) blood pressures. there was an increase in systolic and diastolic arterial pressure at the singaperbangsa stadium and cinta lake sites. these changes in systolic and diastolic arterial pressures were significantly different between the two experimental conditions (p<0.05). figure 1 displays the daily blood pressure delta in the arteries as measured immediately at the end of the exercise. data are shown as the delta mean ± standard deviation. discussion there was no significant difference between the two groups of participants in terms of age, weight, height, and body mass index. however, at the two research sites, there were significant differences in the concentrations of pm2.5 and co2. this difference was in the form of a higher concentration at the singapore stadium. this was because the singapore stadium is relatively closer to several industrial areas, which are sources of air pollution. there were no significant differences for other parameters such as temperature, humidity, and altitude at the two research sites. our research shows that regular exercise for five days in an environment with higher air pollution resulted in higher systolic and diastolic arterial pressure than in the lower air pollution conditions. in addition, there was a significant change in the blood pressure response to the two air pollution conditions for each of the five days. however, the results of the blood pressure response tended to be stable. the results of this study indicate a better arterial pressure response while doing physical activity or exercising in areas under lower air pollution conditions. the results of this study are relevant to previous studies that showed that air pollution affects an increase in blood pressure during polluted conditions (dong et al., 2013; giorgini et al., 2016; leonardo a. pasqua et al., 2020; zeng et al., 2017). these findings suggest that doing physical activity or exercising in a high pm2.5 air pollution condition affects the blood pressure response, although individuals with a healthy status are less affected. the negative effect caused by air pollution, especially pm2.5, in occupied residential areas, should not be neglected. it should be expected because exercising can increase the air ventilation rate, which can cause air pollution to be inhaled into the alveoli in the lungs and enter the bloodstream (marmett et al., 2020; leonardo a. pasqua et al., 2020; leonardo alves pasqua et al., 2018; xie et al., 2021). it is a concern for vulnerable groups. the blood pressure increase caused by pm2.5 maybe even more dangerous. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 fig 1. daily systolic pressure response fig 2. daily diastolic pressure response samsul bahri et al., / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 27 conclusion our results indicate a need to control air pollutants globally, especially in indonesia. in addition, we need to check the air pollution conditions regularly and report it to the public as consideration for doing activities or exercising. therefore, everyone should consider the air pollution concentration in the environment before exercising or doing physical activity. moreover, this needs to be a concern for some vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and those suffering from hypertension. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references bahri, s., safei, i., & satriyo tomo, h. 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perspektif neurologi, sosiokultural, dan keadaan awal siswa serta berbagai hasil penelitian terkait berpikir kritis pada konteks pendidikan jasmani. para guru penjas dapat mengimprovisasi kemampuan berpikir kritis melalui pembelajaran penjas berbasis masalah, dengan memperhatikan faktor-faktor pendukung lainnya seperti keadaan awal peserta didik meliputi iq, gaya belajar, dsb. serta aspek sosiokultural tempat peserta didik berinteraksi perlu menjadi pertimbangan dan perhatian, agar pembelajaran dapat berkualitas dan berdampak terhadap perkembangan peserta didik secara holistik. kata kunci : berpikir kritis, pendidikan jasmani pendahuluan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi memberikan banyak kemudahan bagi berbagai sendi kehidupan. berbagai macam informasi sangat mudah masuk dan diakses oleh orang diberbagai belahan dunia termasuk indonesia. masyarakat harus mampu memilah dan mengkritisi berbagai macam berita yang jika tidak cermat dalam memilah informasi akan memberikan dampak negatif bagi pembaca khususnya. perkembangan zaman dan tuntutan persaingan yang demikian pesat harus segera ditindaklanjuti oleh pemerintah. untuk mempersiapkan sumber daya http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas mailto:mesarahmistephani@gmail.com jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 17 manusia (sdm) yang berdaya saing tinggi dan berkarakter, pendidikan merupakan jawaban untuk menjawab tantang itu. kurikulum merupakan arah pelaksanaan pendidikan di sekolah, dan merupakan upaya pemerintah untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan nasional. perubahan kurikulum tentunya memiliki arti bahwa tuntutan dan kebutuhan kompetensi sumber daya manusia (sdm) selalu berubah sesuai dengan perubahan dan tantangan zaman. perubahan kurikulum 2013 yang menekankan perubahan pada aspek proses pembelajaran yang saintifik tentunya memberikan tantangan tersendiri bagi mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani (penjas). proses pembelajaran saintifik erat kaitannya dengan mata pelajaran pengetahuan alam. namun, proses berpikir saintifik diperlukan dalam segi kehidupan, termasuk kehidupan sosial, sehingga proses pembelajaran saintifik tidak terpaku pada pembelajaran di kelas ataupun laboratorium. mata pelajaran penjas yang memiliki ciri khas pada aktivitas gerak dan dilaksanakan di luar ruang kelas, tentu memiliki tantangan tersendiri dalam mengimplementasikan pembelajaran berbasis saintifik melalui aktivitas gerak. kemampuan berpikir kritis merupakan salah satu kompetensi yang dituju melalui kurikulum 2013 ini, khususnya pada tingkat smp dan sma. tentu kompetensi ini sangatlah penting dimiliki oleh lulusan, karena merupakan dasar untuk mengidentifikasi masalah serta mampu menyelesaikan masalah sehingga dapat menggapai kesuksesan dalam bidangnya masing-masing. pembahasan konsep kemampuan berpikir kritis kemampuan berpikir kritis sangatlah penting bagi setiap individu, sehingga di dalam proses pendidikan harus memberikan pengalaman belajar yang bermakna bagi peserta didik, salah satunya berpikir kritis. ennis (1985, hlm 45) mengemukakan bahwa “critical thinking is reflective and reasonable thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do”. manusia telah dikaruniakan akal fikir untuk digunakan dalam menghadapi berbagai permasalahan dalam hidup‟. maka, manusia wajib berpikir dalam menghadapi berbagai persoalan. kuswana (2011, hlm. 3) menjelaskan proses berpikir yaitu: proses berpikir merupakan urutan kejadian mental yang terjadi secara alamiah atau terencana dan sistematis pada konteks ruang, waktu, dan media yang digunakan, serta menghasilkan suatu perubahan terhadap objek yang memengaruhinya. proses berpikir merupakan peristiwa http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 18 mencampur, mencocokkan, menggabungkan, menukar, dan mengurutkan konsep-konsep, persepsi-persepsi, dan pengalaman sebelumnya. secara sederhana ennis (1985, hlm. 45) mengemukakan bahwa “critical thinking is reflective and reasonable thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do”. berpikir kritis sangatlah penting dimiliki oleh setiap siswa, agar siswa senantiasa mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan dengan efektif dan efisien. menurut gallahue (1996, hlm. 73) “critical thinking, therefore is a form of cognitive accountability based on concept information, in which the learner notes relationships and makes conscious decisions based on established criteria”. proses berpikir kritis dapat dilhat pada gambar 1 berikut ini: gambar 1 the process of deciding what to believe or do (sumber: ennis, robert h. (1985) a logical basis for measuring critical thinking skills. copyrigth © 1985 by association for supervision and curriculum development) pada gambar 1 menunjukkan bahwa berpikir kritis terjadi dalam sebuah proses pemecahan masalah. tishman dan perkins (1995; dalam problem solving de duc tion in duc tion value judging basis information: from others from observation acceptable conclusions (previously drawn) inference interaction with other people clarify critical thinking dispositions decision about belief or action http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 19 walkuski, 2013, hlm. 84) mendefinisikan berpikir kritis dalam pendidikan jasmani dalam pengertian lebih luas. tishman dan perkins menganggap berpikir kritis sebagai suatu proses yang mencakup semua tingkat kemampuan dan pengalaman sehari-hari siswa. mereka memandang konsep berpikir kritis termasuk ke dalam berpikir kreatif di mana seorang individu berjalan melalui proses berpikir dari berbagai kemungkinan sebagai solusi terhadap sebuah masalah. mcbride (1992; dalam walkuski, 2013, hlm. 83) menyatakan bahwa : proposed an initial model of critical thinking in physical education. in this model, critical thinking in physical education can be visualized as loosely configures four-step process: cognitive organizing, cognitive action, cognitive outcomes, and psychomotor outcomes. pada pembelajaran kognitif siswa perlu diberikan kesempatan dalam kegiatan inkuiri atau pengamatan. mcbride dkk. (1990, hlm 198) menjelaskan bahwa : however, in order to involve critical thinking, students first must be given opportunity to inquire. only during inquiry dan critical thinking skills be activated through such cognitive functions as comparing, contrasting, categorizing, hypothesizing, synthesizing, extrapolating, and problem solving. pembelajaran penjas yang mempunyai peran khusus dalam penyampaian nilai-nilai pendidikan melalui gerak, dapat pula memberikan kontribusi terhadap kemampuan berpikir siswa . walkuski (2013, hlm 87) menjelaskan bahwa : critical thinking does have a place in the psychomotor-domain. physical education and sport environments can provide a supportive environtment for individual to learn how to think critically…students can be challenged to produce unique solutions to movements problems, create new versions of game, and think through issues related to fitness and health. kemudian menurut cottrell (2005, hlm. 2) berpikir kritis adalah sebuah proses kompleks pertimbangan yang melibatkan berbagai keterampilan dan sikap. hal itu meliputi: mengidentifikasi posisi, argumen, dan kesimpulan orang lain; mengevaluasi bukti untuk sudut http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 20 pandang alternatif; menimbang argument yang bertentangan dan bukti yang cukup; mampu membaca apa yang tersirat, melihat di balik permukaan, dan mengidentifikasi asumsi yang salah atau tidak adil; mengenal teknik yang digunakan untuk membuat posisi tertentu lebih menarik daripada yang lain, seperti logika salah dan perangkat persuasif; mencerminkan isu-isu dengan cara struktur, membawa logika dan wawasan harus menanggung; menarik kesimpulan tentang apakah argumen yang valid dan dapat dibenarkan, berdasarkan bukti yang baik dan asumsi yang masuk akal; menyajikan sudut pandang secara terstruktur, jelas, cara yang memberikan alasan untuk meyakinkan orang lain. konsep belajar kognitif pada pembelajaran gerak pada pembelajaran gerak terjadi proses kogntif yang mana hasil dari proses kognitif akan tercermin pada gerak. proses kognitif akan terjadi manakala siswa dihadapkan pada suatu permasalahan. konsep belajar kognitif berbeda dengan konsep belajar akademik, karena seringkali kognitif dihubungkan dengan akademik. gallahue (1996, hlm. 73) menegaskan bahwa: cognitive concept learning is not to be confused with academic concept learning. academic concept learning deals specifically with the traditional subject matter areas of math, language arts, science, and the like. cognitive concept learning is much more inclusive term that includes academic learning as only one of its several components. pada pembelajaran gerak terdapat situasi yang menstimulasi proses pembelajaran pada aspek kognitif siswa. salah satu contohnya yaitu pada saat pembelajaran passing bola basket, siswa mengamati temannya yang sedang melakukan gerakan chest pass. siswa mengamati gerakan tersebut mulai dari kepala hingga kaki. siswa memperhatikan bagaimana gerakan chest pass tersebut dilakukan agar bola dapat di passing ke temannya dengan baik. pada proses mengamati inilah kognisi diaktifkan, untuk kemudian menghasilkan gerakan chest pass. kemudian guru memberikan sebuah permasalahan gerak yaitu bagaimana cara melakukan passing kepada teman yang sedang dijaga oleh lawan. pada tahap ini terjadi proses pemecahan masalah melalui berpikir kritis. gallahue (1996, hlm. 73) mengemukakan bahwa “cognitive concept learning provides children with the tools for critical thinking. it uses movement activities to aid retention, recall, decision making, and application”. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 21 proses pembelajaran gerak pada pembelajaran passing terjadi sebuah pembelajaran kognitif manakala siswa dihadapkan pada proses pemecahan masalah untuk membuat keputusan serta dihadapkan pada beberapa alternatif jawaban yang ada. pada proses inilah siswa berada pada tingkat pemikiran yang lebih tinggi, karena siswa mempertimbangkan beberapa konsekuensi dari setiap pilihan jawaban. siswa dihadapkan pada situasi pengambilan keputusan yang kemungkinan kesalahannya paling sedikit. mengenai hal ini dapat dikaitkan dengan teori belajar kognitif yang diungkapkan oleh gallahue (1996, hlm. 74) yaitu “cognitive learning theory views learning as a process that involves experimentation, exploration, and individual decision making; it is a process that necessitates the reconstruction of incorrect events into a new, correct, whole”. pertimbangan olahraga bola basket sebagai media pembelajaran kognitif dalam menstimulasi kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa tingkat smp. bola basket merupakan olahraga yang dimainkan secara berkelompok dengan jumlah pemain lima orang setiap kelompoknya. bola basket merupakan olahraga yang populer dikalangan remaja. sesuai dengan perkembangan siswa smp yang rata-rata berusia lebih dari 12 tahun. pada usia ini, para ahli mengkategorikan ke dalam masa remaja awal. pada masa ini, perkembangan kognitif remaja berada pada tahap formal operasional. menurut piaget (desmita : 2005, hlm. 195) „pemikiran masa remaja tahap pemikiran operasional formal (formal operational thought), yakni suatu tahap perkembangan kognitif yang dimulai pada usia kira-kira 11 atau 12 tahun dan terus berlanjut sampai masa tenang atau dewasa‟. pada masa remaja ini pula aspek sosial sangat berpengaruh terhadap perilaku dirinya. desmita (2005, hlm. 219) menjelaskan bahwa “perkembangan kehidupan sosial remaja ditandai dengan gejala meningkatnya pengaruh teman sebaya dalam kehidupan mereka. sebagian waktunya dihabiskan untuk berhubungan atau bergaul dengan temanteman sebaya mereka”. peran teman sebaya sangatlah penting bagi anak yang berada pada tahap ini. hartup (1982; dalam desmita, 2005, hlm. 220) mencatat bahwa pengaruh teman sebaya memberikan fungsi-fungsi sosial dan psikologis yang penting bagi remaja. bahkan studi lain ditemukan bahwa hubungan teman sebaya yang harmonis selama masa remaja, dihubungkan dengan kesehatan mental yang positif pada usia setengah baya (hightower, 1990; dalam desmita, 2005, hlm. 220). http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 22 perspektif perkembangan remaja dari aspek psikologi maupun sosial merupakan salah satu pertimbangan pemilihan olahraga yang akan digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran penjas. pertimbangan lainnya berdasarkan karakteristik permainan beregu, yang menyediakan situasi bermain yang kompleks dan menuntut pengambilan keputusan secara cepat dan tepat. mcbride dkk. (1990, hlm. 63) menegaskan bahwa “when learners are placed in game situations that occur in open environment, that is, when conditions are constantly changing, players are required to generated cognitive strategies quickly. racquetball, basketball, and soccer represent but a few ample of this phenomenon”. azizmalayeri (2012, hlm. 44) mengungkapkan bahwa “critical thinking is complex time-consuming process, requiring preparation for high-level functions”. oleh karena itu, peneliti merekomendasikan pada penelitian selanjutnya untuk melibatkan sampel yang banyak, serta waktu penelitian lebih lama karena kemampuan berpikir krtis merupakan aspek psikologis, sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk mengalami peningkatan. berikut beberapa pertimbangan pemberian stimulasi kemampuan berpikir kritis ditinjau dari neurologi, keadaan awal, dan sosiokultural. tinjauan neurologi. otak terdiri dari ratusan milyar sel syaraf. sel-sel syaraf ini disebut neuron yang berukuran sangat kecil dan saling terhubung satu sama lain. keberfungsian neuron ini akan terlihat saat neuron menerima informasi dari bagian tubuh yang lain kemudian informasi tersebut disintesiskan oleh neuron lainnya untuk dikirimkan kembali kepada bagian tubuh lainnya mengenai respon yang dilakukan sesuai dengan kondisi yang ada. proses berpikir yang kompleks dan sadar terutama terjadi di korteks (cortex), yang terletak di bagian atas dan sisi otak. wujudnya menyerupai rambut palsu yang tebal dan bergelombang. bagian korteks yang terletak dekat dahi, yang disebut korteks prefrontalis (prefontal cortex), berperan penting dalam berbagai aktivitas dasar manusia, seperti proses mempertahankan atensi, penalaran, perencanaan, pengambilan keputusan, pengkoordinasian aktivitas-aktivitas yang rumit, dan pencegahan pikiran-pikiran perilaku yang tidak produktif. bagian korteks yang lain juga tak kalah pentingnya karena terlibat dalam menafsirkan informasi visual dan auditoris, mengidentifikasi karakteristik-karakteristik spasial dari objek-objek dan peristiwa-peristiwa, dan menyimpan pengetahuan umum mengenai dunia. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 23 terdapat empat poin penting mengenai peran otak dalam pembelajaran dan perkembangan kognitif, ormrod (2001, hlm. 37) menjelaskannya sebagai berikut : sebagian besar pembelajaran kemungkinan melibatkan perubahan perubahan di neuron dan sinapsis; perubahan-perubahan perkembangan yang terjadi di otak memungkinkan terjadinya proses berpikir yang semakin kompleks dan efisien; banyak bagian otak bekerja sama secara harmonis untuk memudahkan terjadinya proses berpikir dan berperilaku yang rumit; otak tetap mampu beradaptasi seumur hidup manusia. banyak peneliti meyakini bahwa landasan fisiologis pembelajaran (dan perkembangan kognitif) terletak pada perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi dalam hubungan-hubungan di antara neuron-neuron. secara spesifik, pembelajaran seringkali melibatkan penguatan sinapsis yang ada atau pembentukan sinaps yang baru (ormrod, 2001, hlm. 37). pemberian masalah gerak pada penjas merupakan salah satu bentuk stimulasi untuk pembelajaran kognitif. ormrod (2000, hlm. 37) mengemukakan bahwa “pembentukan neuron baru tampaknya distimulasi oleh pengalaman pengalaman belajar yang baru, sekalipun perannya dalam proses pembelajaran masih belum diketahui”. keadaan awal siswa terdapat beberapa aspek yang kemudian berpengaruh terhadap pencapaian tujuan belajar salah satunya keadaan awal siswa. keadaan awal dapat dipandang sebagai kumpulan sejumlah hal yang, pada dasarnya, dapat berpengaruh terhadap proses belajar-mengajar apapun, tetapi belum tentu semuanya jadi berdampak pada belajar mengajar tertentu (keadaan awal potensial). keadaan awal itu dapat juga dipandang sebagai komposisi sejumlah kenyataan yang terdapat pada awal proses belajar-mengajar tertentu dan nyata-nyata berpengaruh, selama guru dan siswa berinteraksi untuk mencapai tujuan instruksional khusus tertentu (keadaan awal aktual). winkel (1999, hlm. 134) “intelegensi (intelligence) yaitu kemampuan menerapkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman sebelumnya secara fleksibel untuk menghadapi tugas-tugas baru yang menantang” (ormrod, 2001, hlm. 210). http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 24 sternberg (dalam ormrod, 2001, hlm. 214) membuat tiga distingsi makanya disebut triarthic. pertama bahwa orang dapat lebih atau kurang intelegen dalam tiga bidang yang berbeda (sternberg, 1998, 2004; sternberg dkk, 2000). intelegensi analitis (analyctical intelligence) melibatkan kemampuan memahami, menganalisis, membedakan, dan mengevaluasi jenis-jenis informasi dan persoalan-persoalan yang biasanya ditemukan dalam lingkungan akademik dan tes-tes intelegensi. inteligensi kreatif (creative intelligence) melibatkan imajinasi, penemuan, dan sintesa gagasan-gagasan dalam konteks situasi-situasi baru. inteligensi praktis (practical intelligence) melibatkan kemampuan menetapkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan secara efektif untuk mengelola dan merespons persoalan hidup dan situasi sosial sehari-hari. kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa yang terdapat pada penelitian ini dapat dipengaruhi pula oleh modalitas awal siswa berupa intelegensi. pada penelitian ini, intelegensi siswa tidak diukur dan dijadikan sebagai faktor yang memang mempengaruhi skor kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. sehingga perlu penelitian lebih lanjut yang menyertakan variabel moderator dalam meneliti hasil belajar siswa terutama pada aspek kognitif melalui pembelajaran penjas. perspektif sosiokultural lingkungan tempat tinggal dan tempat berinteraksi pun ikut pula berkontribusi terhadap perkembangan kognitif peserta didik. kuhn dan park (2005; ormrod, 2001, hlm. 413) mengungkapkan bahwa nilai dan ekspektasi budaya juga kelihatannya memengaruhi kemauan dan kemampuan siswa untuk terlibat dalam pemikiran kritis. selain itu, penekanan kultural pada harmoni kelompok bisa membuat anakanak enggan memperbincangkan perbedaan sudut pandang yang sering diperlukan dalam pemikiran kritis. piaget (ormrod, 2001, hlm. 42) berpandangan bahwa interaksi sosial juga sama pentingnya bagi perkembangan kognitif. melalui interaksi dengan orang lain yang menyenangkan (seperti percakapan) maupun yang tidak menyenangkan (seperti pertengkaran) anak-anak yang masih belia secara bertahap menyadari bahwa individu-individu yang berbeda akan memandang hal-hal secara berbeda dan pandanganpandangan mereka tentang dunia belum tentu akurat atau logis. prosesproses mental yang kompleks bermula sebagai aktivitas-aktivitas sosial; seiring perkembangan, anak-anak secara berangsur-angsur menginternalisasikan proses-proses yang mereka gunakan dalam konteks http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 25 konteks sosial dan mulai menggunakannya secara independen (vygotsky dalam ormrod, 2001, hlm. 57). teori vygotsky meyakini bahwa orang orang dewasa di masyarakat mendorong perkembangan kognitif anak secara sengaja dan sistematis. orang dewasa secara berkesinambungan melibatkan anak-anak dalam aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut dengan sukses. vygotsky menekankan pentingnya masyarakat dan budaya mendorong pertumbuhan kognitif sehingga teorinya terkadang disebut sebagai perspektif sosiokultural (ormrod, 2008, hlm. 55). pada proses pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani, siswa akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh situasi sosial yang dinamis, sehingga peran sosial terhadap pembelajaran sangatlah mempengaruhi perilaku individu untuk menerima materi pembelajaran. pada masa remaja ini pula aspek sosial sangat berpengaruh terhadap perilaku dirinya. desmita (2005, hlm. 219) menjelaskan bahwa “perkembangan kehidupan sosial remaja ditandai dengan gejala meningkatnya pengaruh teman sebaya dalam kehidupan mereka. sebagian waktunya dihabiskan untuk berhubungan atau bergaul dengan teman-teman sebaya mereka”. peran teman sebaya sangatlah penting bagi anak yang berada pada tahap ini. hartup (1982; dalam desmita (2005, hlm. 220) mencatat bahwa pengaruh teman sebaya memberikan fungsi-fungsi sosial dan psikologis yang penting bagi remaja. bahkan studi lain ditemukan bahwa hubungan teman sebaya yang harmonis selama masa remaja, dihubungkan dengan kesehatan mental yang positif pada usia setengah baya (hightower, 1990; dalam desmita, 2005, hlm. 220). peran guru pun sangat diperlukan dalam memfasilitasi pengalaman belajar yang menyenangkan dan mampu menstimulasi kemampuan berpikir kritis. colln-appling dan giuliano (2017) mengemukakan bahwa “early in the educational journey, educators would benefit from designing and implementing simulation exercises that encourage students use of attributes related to the development of critical thinking skills”. penelitian gholami dkk (2016) menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan skor berpikir kritis terutama pada tahap evaluasi dan deduksi, juga pada skor kesadaran metacognisi siswa keperawatan setelah mengalami pembelajaran berbasis masalah. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 26 kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil kajian teoritis dan berbagai hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran penjas dapat menstimulasi kemampuan berpikir kritis melalui proses pembelajaran berbasis masalah. pembelajaran penjas sendiri tentu belum cukup, karena proses kemampuan berpikir kritis memerlukan proses yang panjang dan relatif lama serta perlu dukungan dari semua pihak. maka, perlu ada kesinambungan antara mata pelajaran penjas dengan mata pelajaran lain yang juga saling mendukung dalam memberikan pembelajaran berbasis masalah dalam mencapai tujuan pendidikan nasional sesuai dengan kurikulum yang berlaku. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 27 referensi azizmalayeri dkk. (2012). the impact of guided inquiry methods of teaching on the critical thinking of high school students. journal of education and practice: vol 3. no. 10. colln-appling dan giuliano. (2017). a concept analysis of critical thinking: a guide for nurse educators. nurse education today : 49 , 106–109. online : www.elsevier .com cottrell, s. (2005). critical thinking skills. new york: palgrave macmillan ltd. desmita. (2005). psikologi perkembangan. bandung: pt. remaja rosdakarya. ennis, r h. (1985). a logical basis for measuring critical thinking skills. educational leadership (44-48.) gallahue, d l. (1996). developmental physical education for today’s children. usa: times miror higher education group, inc. gholami et al. (2016). comparing the effects of problem-based learning and the traditional lecture method on critical thinking skills and metacognitive awareness in nursing students in a critical care nursing course. nurse education today: 45 16–21. online : www.elsevier .com mcbride, dkk. (1990). teaching critical thinking skills in the psycomotor domain. the clearing house :vol. 63 (197-201). ormrod, j e. (2008). psikologi pendidikan (edisi keenam-jilid 1). bandung: erlangga. walkuski, j j. (2013). critical thinking in physical education. teaching and learning, 18 (1), 83-92. winkel, w s. (1999). psikologi pengajaran. jakarta: pt. grasindo. yildirim, ahmet. (2003). analysis of academic learning time in physical education classes of prospective and inservice teachers. thesis master: tersedia http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/1067594/ index.pdf http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/1067594/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 24 kualitas hidup orang dengan hiv positif, pengguna napza, dan masyarakat miskin kota yang mengikuti aktivitas street soccer di rumah cemara bandung ramdhani hanwar n 1 , eka nugraha 2 , kurnia eka wijayanti 3 fakultas pendidikan olahraga dan kesehatan universitas pendidikan indonesia email : kurniaeka22@gmail.com abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas hidup orang dengan hiv positif, pengguna napza, dan masyarakat miskin kota yang mengikuti aktivitas street soccer di rumah cemara bandung. metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. populasi dan sampel yang digunakan adalah pemain timnas homeless world cup 2015 di rumah cemara bandung terdiri dari 8 orang dengan kriteria 2 orang dengan hiv positif, 2 orang mantan pengguna napza dan 4 orang masyarakat miskin kota, dengan teknik pengambilan sampling jenuh. instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner whoqol-bref. hasil penelitian : adanya peningkatan domain kesehatan fisik besarnya 6% untuk orang dengan hiv positif ; 18.5% untuk pengguna napza ; 9.25% untuk masyarakat miskin kota. domain kesejahteraan psikologis pada orang dengan hiv positif tidak mengalami peningkatan ; peningkatan untuk pengguna napza besarnya 11% ; 9.25% untuk masyarakat miskin kota. domain hubungan sosial besarnya 12.5% untuk orang dengan hiv positif ; 12.5% untuk pengguna napza ; 10.75% untuk masyarakat miskin kota. domain hubungan dengan lingkungan besarnya 6.5% untuk orang dengan hiv positif ; 13.5% untuk pengguna napza ; 14% untuk masyarakat miskin kota. simpulan penelitian menggambarkan telah terjadi peningkatan kualitas hidup pada orang dengan hiv positif, pengguna napza, dan masyarakat miskin kota yang mengikuti aktivitas street soccer di rumah cemara bandung. kata kunci : kualitas hidup, aktivitas street soccer jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 25 pendahuluan kualitas hidup adalah “individual perception of their position in life in the context of the culture an value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standars, and concerns” (whoqol group dalam lopez and snyder, 2004). kualitas hidup berkaitan dengan pencapaian kehidupan manusia yang ideal atau sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. goodinson dan singleton ( 2008) mengemukakan definisi kualitas hidup sebagai derajat kepuasan atas penerimaan suasana kehidupan saat ini. adapun calman (2008) memberikan satu definisi dari kualitas hidup yang dapat diterima secara umum, yakni perasaan subjektif seseorang mengenai kesejahteraan dirinya, berdasarkan pengalaman hidupnya saat ini secara keseluruhan. king, et al (2012) menyebutkan bahwa „kualitas hidup adalah tingkatan dimana seseorang merasa senang dengan pilihan-pilihan penting dalam kehidupannya‟. menurut whoqol group (dalam lopez dan snyder, 2004), kualitas hidup memiliki enam domain yaitu (1) kesehatan fisik, (2) kesejahteraan psikologis, (3) tingkat kemandirian, (4) hubungan sosial, (5) hubungan dengan lingkungan dan (6) keadaan spiritual. whoqol ini kemudian dibuat lagi menjadi instrument whoqolbref dimana enam dimensi tersebut kemudian dipersempit lagi menjadi empat domain yaitu (1) kesehatan fisik, (2) kesejahteraan psikologis, (3) hubungan sosial, (4) hubungan dengan lingkungan. aktivitas jasmani berkontribusi terhadap kualitas hidup, kesehatan psikologikal, dan kemampuan untuk mengimbangi tuntutan kerja fisik. dampak aktivitas jasmani itu sendiri antara lain dampak fisikal, mental dan sosial. ada suatu kecenderungan kualitas hidup yang baik tidak mungkin didapatkan tanpa aktivitas jasmani atau olahraga. (abduljabar, 2011, hlm. 69). aktivitas jasmani berupa street soccer merupakan bagian dari permainan sepak bola yang dimodifikasi. menurut goldblatt dan acton (2011, hlm. 36) mengemukakan bahwa “sepak bola jalanan memiliki beragam bentuk, tapi pembeda utama antara jenis sepak bola ini dari varian dalam lapangan, seperti futsal namun menggunakan dinding dan papan bukan garis lapangan”. aktivitas jasmani tersebut tidak hanya sekedar permainan beregu untuk kemenangan, dan prestasi, namun sepak bola dapat dijadikan sebagai alat perubahan terhadap kualitas hidup kaum yang termarginalkan dari kehidupan masyarakat. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 26 rumah cemara yaitu sebuah organisasi berbasis komunitas yang berdiri pada tahun 2003 merupakan tempat untuk berbagi pengalaman, kekuatan, harapan serta informasi bagi para pengguna narkoba dan orang hidup dengan hiv/aids (odha) untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya. pada tahun 2010 hingga saat ini, rumah cemara sebagai national organizer tim indonesia untuk berpartisipasi di dalam homeless world cup (hwc). delapan pemain terpilih yang berasal dari kelompok yang termarjinalkan seperti mantan pengguna napza, orang yang hidup dengan hiv, masyarakat miskin kota, mantan narapidana, dll. kejuaraan dunia street soccer yaitu homeless world cup (hwc) yang diadakan untuk memperbaiki permasalahan sosial terkait ketunawismaan seperti pengguna napza, orang dengan hiv-aids, kemiskinan, dan kurangnya akses pada pendidikan. kejuaraan hwc diadakan setiap tahun, sebuah kompetisi sepak bola internasional, yang mempersatukan lebih dari 300.000 orang-orang yang memiliki permasalahan terkait ketunawismaan dan yang termarjinalkan secara sosial untuk mendapatkan kesempatan sekali seumur hidupnya dan mewakili negaranya serta mengubah kehidupannya. di indonesia sering kali menghadapi masalah sosial bagi orang dengan hiv positif, pengguna napza, dan masyarakat miskin kota yang dianggap marginal oleh masyarakat disekitarnya. kaum marginal dalam hal ini antara lain orang dengan hiv positif, pengguna napza, dan masyarakat miskin kota menyadari bahwa kerap kali mendapatkan masalah sosial disekitar lingkungan masyarakat. kurangnya dukungan dan perhatian yang dapat mempengaruhi kaum marjinal itu sendiri sulit bersosialisasi dengan lingkungan dan masyarakat, bahkan mempengaruhi untuk mendapatkan pengobatan sehingga secara psikologis pun tidak sejahtera. hal tersebut berdampak pada kualitas hidup kaum marginal tersebut. sehingga rumah cemara menggunakan street soccer sebagai alat untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup odha, pengguna napza, dan masyarakat miskin kota. metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, dengan tujuan utama untuk menggambarkan secara sistematis fakta dan karakteristik objek atau subjek yang diteliti secara tepat jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 27 populasi dan sampel pada penelitian ini populasi yang dijadikan objek penelitian adalah pemain timnas homeless world cup 2015 di rumah cemara bandung. sedangkan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 8 orang yang akan berangkat mewakili indonesia dalam tunamen homeless world cup 2015 di amsterdam, belanda. dengan kriteria 2 orang hiv positif, 2 orang mantan pengguna napza dan 4 orang masyarakat miskin kota. instrument dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan instrumen atau alat ukur world health organization quality of life – bref (whoqol – bref). jumlah item pada alat ukur ini sebanyak 26 item. item pertanyaan whoqol-bref terdiri dari dua item generik (overall qol dan general health), dan 24 item yang merupakan penjabaran dari empat dimensi, yaitu kesehatan fisik (7 item), kesejahteraan psikologis (6 item), hubungan sosial (3 item) dan hubungan dengan lingkungan (8 item). hasil 1. pembahasan data domain kualitas hidup timnas homeless world cup 2015 dengan kriteria orang dengan hiv positif. berdasarkan hasil perhitungan presentase skor tiap domain yang telah ditransformasikan ke dalam alat ukur whoqol-100, maka diperoleh beberapa data sebagai berikut : jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 28 dapat dilihat dari grafik di atas, skor domain hubungan sosial merupakan skor dengan presentase peningkatan terbesar bagi orang dengan hiv positif dalam timnas homeless world cup 2015 dengan skor peningkatan sebesar 12.5%. 2. pembahasan data domain kualitas hidup timnas homeless world cup 2015 dengan kriteria pengguna napza. berdasarkan hasil perhitungan presentase skor tiap domain yang telah ditransformasikan ke dalam alat ukur whoqol-100, maka diperoleh beberapa data sebagai berikut : kesehatan fisik kesejahteraa n psikologis hubungan sosial lingkungan tes awal 47 53 59.5 47 tes akhir 53 53 72 53.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 p r e se n ta se ( % ) grafik 4.3 profil presentase peningkatan kualitas hidup whoqol-bref dengan kriteria orang dengan hiv positif kesehatan fisik kesejahteraa n psikologis hubungan sosial lingkungan tes awal 44 61 50 49 tes akhir 62.5 72 62.5 62.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 p r e se n ta se ( % ) grafik 4.4 profil presentase peningkatan kualitas hidup whoqol-bref dengan kriteria pengguna napza jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 29 dapat dilihat dari grafik di atas, skor domain kesehatan fisik merupakan skor dengan presentase peningkatan terbesar bagi pengguna napza dalam timnas homeless world cup 2015 dengan skor peningkatan sebesar 18.5%. 3. pembahasan data domain kualitas hidup timnas homeless world cup 2015 dengan kriteria masyarakat miskin kota. berdasarkan hasil perhitungan presentase skor tiap domain yang telah ditransformasikan ke dalam alat ukur whoqol-100, maka diperoleh beberapa data sebagai berikut : dapat dilihat dari grafik di atas, skor domain hubungan dengan lingkungan merupakan skor dengan presentase peningkatan terbesar bagi masyarakat miskin kota dalam timnas homeless world cup 2015 dengan skor peningkatan sebesar 14%. pembahasan diketahui peningkatan domain kesehatan fisik besarnya 6% untuk orang dengan hiv positif ; 18.5% untuk pengguna napza ; 9.25% untuk masyarakat miskin kota. domain kesehatan fisik merupakan skor dengan presentase peningkatan terbesar bagi pengguna napza dalam timnas homeless world cup 2015 dengan skor peningkatan sebesar 18.5%. hal ini menggambarkan kualitas hidup dari segi kesehatan fisik orang dengan hiv positif, pengguna napza dan masyarakat miskin kota yang sedang melakukan aktivitas street soccer mengalami peningkatan. hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas jasmani yang dilakukan responden secara teratur sebanyak 6 kali kesehatan fisik kesejahteraa n psikologis hubungan sosial lingkungan tes awal 44 61 50 49 tes akhir 62.5 72 62.5 62.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 p r e se n ta se ( % ) grafik 4.5 profil presentase peningkatan kualitas hidup whoqol-bref dengan kriteria masyarakat miskin kota jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 30 seminggu yang dilakukan selama satu bulan baik di pagi hari dan sore hari. aktivitas jasmani baik berupa street soccer maupun aktivitas lainnya yang dilakukan pada pagi dan sore hari tersebut dapat meningkatkan dan menjaga kebugaran serta kesehatan fisik orang dengan hiv positif, pengguna napza dan masyarakat miskin kota. selama beraktivitas street soccer, perasaan resah yang dirasakan individu yang menyebabkan individu merasa sakit dan tidak berguna dapat berubah menjadi perasaan yang menyenangkan karena dapat melakukan aktivitas yang digemari bersama-sama. hal tersebut sesuai dengan penjelasan abduljabar (2011, hlm. 65) mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat hubungan erat antara aktivitas jasmani, kebugaran, dan kesehatan. ketiganya saling mempengaruhi satu dengan yang lain. orang yang aktif merasakan bugar dan sehat; orang yang sehat dan bugar terbuka peluang untuk meningkatkan aktivitas jasmani. olahraga baik untuk kesehatan, karena latihan jasmani dalam kegiatan olahraga memiliki pengaruh pada indikator kesehatan, seperti penurunan lemak, tekanan darah, kadar glukosa darah, dan tingkatan insulin dalam tubuh. diketahui domain kesejahteraan psikologis pada orang dengan hiv positif tidak mengalami peningkatan ; peningkatan untuk pengguna napza besarnya 11% ; 9.25% untuk masyarakat miskin kota. menurut abduljabar (2011, hlm.69) menjelaskan bahwa olahraga dan aktivitas jasmani yang dilakukan secara regular meningkatkan status fungsional dan batas ketidakmampuan kini, kemudian, dan masa mendatang. aktivitas jasmani berkontribusi terhadap kualitas hidup, kesehatan psikologikal, dan kemampuan untuk mengimbangi tuntutan kerja fisik. diketahui peningkatan domain hubungan sosial besarnya 12.5% untuk orang dengan hiv positif ; 12.5% untuk pengguna napza ; 10.75% untuk masyarakat miskin kota. domain hubungan sosial merupakan skor dengan presentase peningkatan terbesar bagi orang dengan hiv positif dalam timnas homeless world cup 2015 dengan skor peningkatan sebesar 12.5%. hal ini menggambarkan kualitas hidup dari segi hubungan sosial orang dengan hiv positif, pengguna napza dan masyarakat miskin kota yang sedang melakukan aktivitas street soccer mengalami peningkatan. hal ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh adanya dukungan sosial rekan-rekan di rumah cemara, keluarga, masyarakat dan lingkungannya tanpa ada stigma dan diskriminasi yang melekat pada orang dengan hiv positif, pengguna napza dan masyarakat miskin kota ketika jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 31 bergabung dalam timnas homeless world cup dan melakukan aktivitas jasmani berupa street soccer. diketahui peningkatan domain hubungan dengan lingkungan besarnya 6.5% untuk orang dengan hiv positif ; 13.5% untuk pengguna napza ; 14% untuk masyarakat miskin kota. domain hubungan dengan lingkungan merupakan skor dengan presentase peningkatan terbesar bagi masyarakat miskin kota dalam timnas homeless world cup 2015 dengan skor peningkatan sebesar 14%. hal ini menggambarkan kualitas hidup dari segi hubungan dengan sosial orang dengan hiv positif, pengguna napza dan masyarakat miskin kota yang sedang melakukan aktivitas street soccer mengalami peningkatan. hal tersebut dapat dipengaruhi oleh partisipasi dan kesempatan untuk melakukan rekreasi atau kegiatan yang menyenangkan, menggambarkan individu memiliki kesempatan dan dapat bergabung untuk berekreasi dan menikmati waktu luang, tentunya berkaitan dan melalui aktivitas street soccer yang dilakukan selama tergabung dalam timnas homeless world cup 2015 di rumah cemara bandung. hal tersebut sesuai dengan penjelasan zakrajsek (1991) menjelaskan bahwa “olahraga merupakan wahana untuk mengalami aspek 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sudiana, 2014; wilder et al., 2006). physical fitness has many components and is often conceptualized as health or performance-related (campbell et al., 2013). health-related physical fitness is generally associated with health status and is positively or negatively influenced by a person's physical activity habits. conversely, performancerelated physical fitness is related to physical ability and athletic performance (campbell et al., 2013; merino et al., 2017). it describes maximal aerobic capacity adjusted for body size and composition, which is mostly used to measure cardiorespiratory function and oxygen transport (zou et al., 2019). thus, physical fitness is needed for each individual to achieve better health (asdar, 2019; huslah & hariyanto, 2020), especially for an athlete where physical fitness is a determinant that affects performance in various sports (ruedl et al., 2019). many factors affect the level of physical fitness, with some studies mentioning age (williyanto et al., 2021), nutrient intake (belski et al., 2019), and nutritional status (nhantumbo et al., 2013) were linked to fitness level. athletes require a higher intake of nutrients than the general population, especially macronutrients (hosseinzadeh et al., 2017). the increase in need is due to a higher level of physical activity, so they need more energy. especially for adolescent athletes, adequate nutritional intake is crucial for maintaining health and supporting physical growth and development, improving exercise performance, and accelerating the recovery process (iyakrus, 2018; zahra & muhlisin, 2020). in addition, adequate food intake in terms of quality and quantity is needed to achieve optimal nutritional status. nutritional status and energy availability are critical because good technique and skill will not lead to better performance if it is not equipped with good nutrition (permatasari et al., 2018). moreover, the increased energy loss due to heavy training and the nutritional needs of athletes will be only compensated by adequate nutrition, which thereby facilitates the maximum adaptation to any physical loads (baranauskas et al., 2015). in addition to nutrient intake, body composition also affects physical fitness (lópez-sánchez et al., 2019). however, most previous studies have evaluated body composition by measuring only one indicator, such as body mass index (correa-rodríguez et al., 2017). in fact, the role of body composition assessment using other than bmi, especially during adolescents and early adulthood, has not been thoroughly investigated. moreover, few studies that have been done reported conflicting findings, resulting in the increased need to examine this topic in the athlete population. current estimates suggest that nearly 35 million children and adolescents aged 5-18 years have participated in various sports fields (smith et al., 2015). the proportion of female athletes increased, covering almost 50% of the total sport's participants. in contrast to these high numbers, the attention or interventions that focus on the health and nutrition aspects of female adolescent athletes are still scarce. research that raises the topic of nutrient intake is mainly done on a broad population of athletes and is not specific to a particular gender. in addition, research on physical fitness in athletes has focused more on measuring the components of physical condition in general. not many studies have explored the relationship between physical fitness and health indicators such as body composition, food intake, and nutritional status. therefore, this study examined the relationship between body composition, nutrient intake, and fitness level in female adolescent athletes. methods participants it was a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study on adolescent athletes' dietary intake, body composition, and physical fitness. the population of this study was 67 female athletes who belonged to puslatkab tulungagung. the participants were then selected using systematic random sampling from the population, with inclusion criteria as follows : 1. age 16-20 years; 2. practicing in endurance sports (i.e., athletic, swimming, diving, badminton, etc.) and nonendurance sports (i.e., taekwondo, karate, weightlifting, boxing, etc.); 3. actively participated in regular training scheduled by puslatkab tulungagung during the last three months; copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 agus hariyanto et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 11 4. was not in menstrual period; and 5. did not take any medication containing glucocorticoids, corticosteroids, and diuretics. in addition, exclusion criteria included having any lower-limb injury or disease that prevented them from performing a physical fitness test, a lack of completing the questionnaire, and drop-out or unwillingness of the athletes to continue their participation in the study. a total of 28 athletes agreed to participate in this study, and all of them, including their coaches, were explained the purpose of the study and the procedures beforehand. instrument and procedure dietary assessment the trained interviewer obtained dietary intake using 2 x 24-h recall on two consecutive days. the recorded intake for each food item portion was then converted to gram weights using household measures. the data obtained were analyzed using nutrisurvey 2007 software and then compared with the indonesian recommended dietary allowance (akg) 2019, corrected with age (16-18 years), gender (female), and standard bodyweight (± 52 kg), as following: energy intake 2100 kcal, carbohydrate 300 g, protein 65 g, and fat 70 g. body composition body composition assessments were measured using inbody370 (inbody, cerritos, ca, usa) before any measurement, with each subject wearing only light clothing. measuring body composition began with the subject standing barefoot on a scale and hands holding the handles. the tool will analyze body composition based on the differences in the ability to conduct electric current by body tissues with different resistances due to differences in water content. the variables measured were body weight (bw; kg), height (cm), fat mass (fm; kg), fat-free mass (ffm; kg), and body mass index (bmi; kg/m2). physical fitness physical fitness measurement was carried out by measuring the cardiopulmonary level (vo2max) using multistage fitness test (mft). data analysis all data were presented descriptively as mean ± standard deviation. data were checked for normal distribution using the shapiro-wilk test. independent sample t-test and mann-whitney test were done to compare the measured variables between different types of sport. lastly, spearman correlation was performed to examine the correlation between nutrient intake, body composition, and physical fitness. all statistical analysis was performed using spss 25 for windows with a significant level of 0,05. result a total of 28 female athletes from endurance and non-endurance sports (18,2 ± 1,69 years; 56,10 ± 11,60 kg; 158,46 ± 5,84 cm) fulfilled the inclusion criteria, thus were included in the study. participants’ characteristics, including age, body weight, height, bmi, fm, ffm, and training duration, are presented in table 1. the average of age, body weight, and height in endurance athletes were 17,69 ± 1,49 years, 58,00 ± 12,66 kg, and 160,44 ± 5,73 cm, respectively. meanwhile, the same variables in non-endurance athletes were 18,92 ± 1,73 years; 53,58 ± 9,99 kg, and 155,83 ± 5,08 cm, respectively. endurance athletes had slightly lower fat mass than non-endurance athletes but higher bmi and fat-free mass. nevertheless, the differences were not significant (p < 0,05). a significant difference was found in training duration (p = 0,008), where endurance athletes spent more hours (4,94 ± 2,52 hours/ week) compared to non-endurance athletes (2,88 ± 0,61 hours/week) practicing their training (other than training scheduled by pustlatkab) at home. the average intake of energy and macronutrients of all athletes are provided in table 2 and figure 1. the mean energy intake of endurance and non-endurance athletes was lower than recommended dietary allowance (rda/akg) (2019) established by the ministry of health republic of indonesia, which were 1637,72 ± 619 kcal/day and 1602,30 ± 362,99 kcal/day, respectively (p = 0,507). the mean carbohydrate intake in both endurance and non-endurance athletes was also found to be lower than rda 2019, with athletes practising in endurance sports having a much lower carbohydrate intake. however, endurance athletes consumed higher protein (74,91 ± 25,10) and fat (74,66 ± 47,33) intake a day, fulfilling their daily needs, according to rda 2019. overall, the only difference in macronutrient intakes was observed in protein, with p = 0,044. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 agus hariyanto et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 12 copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. characteristics of participants characteristics mean ± sd p-value all (n=28) endurance (n=16) non-endurance (n=12) age 18,20 ± 1,69 17,69 ± 1,49 18,92 ± 1,73 0,066 a bodyweight (kg) 56,10 ± 11,60 58,00 ± 12,66 53,58 ± 9,99 0,458 b height (m) 158,46 ± 5,84 160,44 ± 5,73 155,83 ± 5,08 0,033 a* bmi (kg/m 2 ) 22,26 ± 4,01 22,45 ± 4,35 22,02 ± 3,68 0,945 a fat mass (kg) 15,57 ± 7,59 15,38 ± 8,42 15,82 ± 6,68 0,698 a fat-free mass (kg) 40,54 ± 5,53 42,62 ± 5,46 37,76 ± 4,44 0,453 b training duration (h/week) 4,05 ± 2,18 4,94 ± 2,52 2,88 ± 0,61 0,008 a* table 2. total mean intake of macronutrients dietary component mean ± sd p-value all (n=28) endurance (n=16) non-endurance (n=12) energy (kcal) 1622,54 ± 516,92 ↓ 1637,72 ± 619,49 ↓ 1602,30 ± 362,99 ↓ 0,507 a carbohydrate (g) 220,81 ± 80,51 ↓ 218,02 ± 86,37 ↓ 224,54 ± 75,57 ↓ 0,606 b protein (g) 66,22 ± 23,68 ↓ 74,91 ± 25,10 ↑ 54,63 ± 16,16 ↓ 0,044 b* fat (g) 72,47 ± 47,10 ↑ 74,66 ± 47,33 ↑ 69,54 ± 48,72 ↓ 0,873 a figure 1. intake of macronutrients in endurance and non-endurance female athletes table 3. correlation between body mass index, energy intake, body composition, and vo2max variable vo2max p-value r body mass index 0,033* -0,405 energy intake (kcal) 0,005* -0,518 fat mass (kg) 0,004* -0,529 fat-free mass (kg) 0,452 0,251 agus hariyanto et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 13 the result of spearman correlation (table 3) revealed that body mass index (p = 0,033; r = -0,405), energy intake (p = 0,005; r = -0,518), and fat mass (p = 0,004; r = -0,529) were negatively correlated with vo2max, both in endurance and non-endurance athletes. meanwhile, fat free mas was not associated with vo2max (p = 0,452; r = 0,251). discussion the present study provides an insight into the dietary intake and body composition of female athletes practicing endurance and non-endurance sports, including its association with fitness level. most athletes had lower macronutrient intake, especially energy, carbohydrate, and protein, which did not meet the recommended dietary allowance (rda/akg) 2019 (kemenkes, 2019). this is because athletes need more calories and macronutrients than the general population (~20005000 kcal/day, depending on the type of sports) (baranauskas et al., 2015; hosseinzadeh et al., 2017; shruti & singh, 2013). therefore, besides complying with rda 2019, the nutritional needs of athletes should follow the guideline that is established specifically for the athlete population. for instance, endurance athletes who spend 2-3 hours of physical training daily need to consume carbohydrates as much as 7-12 g/kg of body weight (andrews et al., 2016). meanwhile, the recommended protein intake for an endurance athlete is 1.2 – 1.6 g/kg, and the energy value contributed by fat should be between 20% 35% of total energy intake (costa et al., 2019; jäger et al., 2017). due to ongoing growth and maturation, adolescent athletes need special attention regarding their diet, especially females (baranauskas et al., 2015). the present study found that our athletes, both in endurance and non -endurance sports, consumed less energy, carbohydrate, and fat. it was in line with previous studies. for the past three decades, female athletes have been listed in the group of nutrient inadequacy-risk due to insufficient intake of carbohydrates and energy (baranauskas et al., 2015; wohlgemuth et al., 2021). in addition to that, studies have reported that female athletes often failed to meet nutritional needs, leading to low energy availability (ea), medical-related issues, poor performance, and decreased physical fitness (black et al., 2020; gastrich et al., 2020). an adequate energy intake also contributes to optimizing body function, determines the nutrient intake capacity, and supports improving body composition in athletes (thomas et al., 2016). it also explains the present study's findings, which showed the correlation between nutrient intake and body composition. participants in this study were female athletes in their late teens who often neglected their food intake. one of the reasons was inadequate nutritional knowledge (gastrich et al., 2020) and body image (kantanista et al., 2018). low nutritional knowledge in adolescents is a problem that needs more attention because its impact is directly related to poor health and physical status (zaborowicz et al., 2016). good nutritional knowledge impacts good dietary behavior, where these two variables simultaneously affect the increase in fat-free mass and muscle strength (nikolaidis & theodoropoulou, 2014). athletes who understand the vital functions of an adequate diet and reflect knowledge into their dietary behavior are likely to have better performance (folasire et al., 2015). maximal oxygen uptake, or vo2max, is an index used to evaluate physical or aerobic fitness (zou et al., 2019). our study found that body mass index, energy intake, and body composition (fat mass) correlated with vo2max or aerobic fitness. it was supported by a previous study which stated that vo2max from 20-m of shuttle run test was associated with several body composition parameters such as fat-free mass, percentage of body fat, and body mass index (zou et al., 2019). this is also confirmed by a cross-sectional study conducted on school children in spain, which found that the increase in body fat percent was negatively correlated with several components of physical fitness, such as maximal oxygen uptake (r = -0.524) and explosive strength (r = -0.400). the same thing was also found in the research of soodogi et al. (2016), which mentioned a negative correlation between body fat and physical fitness and general health indicators in high school students. in obese or overweight individuals, the oxygen uptake per body mass unit is significantly decreased due to the high amount of fat which later affects the heart's function. this excessive fat accumulation in muscles will lead to the failure of muscles to use oxygen effectively (dewi et al., 2015) and thereby reduces the vo2max level, as shown in this research. thus, it will influence the athlete's performance regardless of the sport they play. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 agus hariyanto et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 14 our study did not involve the influence of lifestyle and socio-demographic factors in analyzing its impact on physical fitness, which becomes the limitation of this study, as physical fitness is not only affected by the variables measured in this study. in addition, one of the possible explanations for nutrient inadequacies found in most athletes is likely due to the classical issue of under -reporting energy and macronutrient intake through dietary recall in human studies. furthermore, the reason might be the low accuracy and precision of methods used to estimate energy intake in athletes. we used food recall 2x24 hours which is memory-dependent and can present lower precision and accuracy (heydenreich et al., 2017). thus, we encourage future longitudinal studies to use a combined method to estimate the nutritional intake for better results and explain the causality of the association between variables. conclusion according to the findings in this study, the nutritional intake of athletes in terms of energy and macronutrients was less than the recommended value set by rda. therefore, some macronutrient intake needs to be increased, especially for athletes practicing in nonendurance sports. however, the body composition results were generally normal, and we recommend that athletes continue to monitor these indicators regularly. in the end, further studies are needed involving other micronutrient intakes. acknowledgement we thanked the lppm of universitas negeri surabaya, who has funded this research, and koni kabupaten tulungagung for helping us in assisting the athletes and their coaches during the data collection process. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references andrews, a., wojcik, j. r., boyd, j. m., & bowers, c. j. 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can, 2017). traditional sport pedagogy has long become an emphasis in the sports coaching process as learning is viewed as a linear process aided by the application of analytical and decontextualizing exercises, such as training activities designed to stimulate the 'ideal' movement patterns determined by the coach to complete a given task, neglecting real-world game scenario (launder dan piltz, 2013). however, due to the dynamics and non-linear character of learning, instructional and non-linear techniques have recently developed in the sports context (chow et al., 2007). players and teams are viewed as a complex systems with neurobiological abilities that can sense the flow of critical information in-game scenarios, regulate themselves when constrained, and adapt to stable and unstable situations (pol et al., 2020). advances in motor control and learning in the human movement have offered more convincing evidence to support pedagogical approaches explaining the dynamics and complexities of movement ability acquisition (atencio et al., 2014). according to the growing evidence, individual variations among learners should be considered when practitioners develop educational interventions in any learning situation (schmeck, 1988; nandagopal dan ericsson, 2012). the emphasis is on the person; hence instructional techniques should consider the occurring dynamic and complex interactions (griffiths dan soruç, 2021) between learners, tasks, and environmental boundaries (chow et al., 2011). non-linear pedagogy is an educational framework that requires learning to consider real-world situations (körner dan staller, 2018). learning occurs when the learner is in the learning environment context, and information is obtained from learner interactions with the environment. the environment is essential for supplying knowledge sources, such as material substance, patterns, and invariant features that enable learners to build meaningful relationships (davids et al., 2005). the importance of placing athletes in realistic learning situations is to allow them to align information to make intelligent and informed decisions based on their own, teammates, and opponents' abilities (moy et al., 2016). knowledge is traditionally considered to exist outside the student body, while learning is an internal representational process. ritella and loperfido (2021) note that the teaching-learning process focuses on the selforganization of a group of interacting factors, including students, classroom environments, and teachers. consequently, behaviorism assumes that students are satisfied with educational techniques. for example, students may be given specific parameters and asked to repeat the movement alone, in pairs, in a circle, etc. according to yilmaz (2011), behaviorism was the dominant educational method during the twentieth century. however, it was especially overtaken by constructivism, which continues to have a significant effect on modern physical education. however, behaviorism has a dualistic perspective of physical education expressed in the separation of body and mind, or thought and action, and therefore underestimates the development of practical physical education knowledge. it also encourages the student to concentrate on the physical aspects rather than the academic aspects. the physical education method requires learning as a linear, quantitative, and explicit process of absorbing information. however, in the last decades of the twentieth century, there was a surge in interest in constructivist learning theory in physical education (daniel, 1996, chambers, 2013). this method puts a more holistic approach to learning, rejecting the dualism of behavioral theory. unlike behaviorism, constructivists believe that there is no predetermined external reality but a closely connected world that we can only understand when we experience it. according to kuhn (2007), constructivism is the theory that comes closest to the complexity and nonlinear suggestion because it offers students a more protagonist and autonomous position and values them as the responsible and constructive people for their learning. for example, in guided discovery, students might copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 taufik hidayat et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 112 explore many options for producing a particular move and choosing the optimal method. according to webb and pearson (2008), bunker & thorpe, in 1982, developed teaching games for understanding (tgfu) associated with the constructivist point of view in physical education. the purpose of tgfu, according to forrest et al. (2006), is to build a learning experience for students to gain the key game tactical skills through games adapted to their physical, intellectual, and social capacities. tgfu emphasizes tactical knowledge of technical capabilities. according to thorpe (1990), the underlying foundation of tgfu is the theory stating that technically constrained games encourage players to be more competitive. the modified version of the game helps improve understanding and awareness of the main game. modified games require changes in the information, gameplay areas, or rules to assist students in solving tactical challenges. tgfu and non-linear pedagogy, according to stolz dan pill (2014), have similar characteristics, such as holistic perception of students, the role of the teacher, and the design of learning activities. this is reminiscent of complexity theory which is perceived as a tangle of events, actions, interactions, feedback, and decisions that construct our phenomenal reality. according to renshaw et al. (2009), the complexity theory is rooted in the dynamic system and ecological psychology theories in motor skills. dynamic system theory argues that behavior stems from interactions with the environment. certain conditioning variables can influence behavior. non-linear pedagogy is based on students' perception, the classroom environment, teachers, and the learning process as a non-linear and complex system. mason (2008) argues that nonlinear perspectives and complexities imply a more holistic education beyond acquiring physical abilities to educate children with more excellent knowledge of learning, growth, and identity. according to the complexity theory, student behavior is influenced by factors that affect each moment. at the same time, constraints are conditions that pressure the system to create reactions in a certain way (doolittle, 2014). according to chow and atencio (2014), constraints are restrictions or qualities to stabilize student behavior and self-organization grouped into three categories, the students, their environment, and their work. individual attributes, such as weight, height, and physical composition, are examples of student restrictions. climate, atmosphere, topographical features, oxygen levels, and social elements, such as peer groups, societal rules, or cultural expectations, are examples of environmental restrictions. according to orth et al. (2019), this kind of limitation is difficult to change when creating sessions using non-linear characteristics to achieve the desired goal. instead, it is the teacher's responsibility to change the assignment-related boundaries. task constraints that can be manipulated include changing the rules of the game while maintaining its internal rationale, changing the dimensions of the playing area, changing player roles, varying the number of participants in each task, and changing the time to complete the task. non-linear pedagogy, according to davids et al. (2005), is implemented by modifying boundaries to elicit desired behaviors, stimulating diversity in tasks, and enabling exploratory learning. students are open to a wide range of mobility possibilities in a non-linear environment for sports learning. students discover personalized problem-solving abilities for task goals through changing constraints. it is essential to emphasize the relevance of scientific literacy, which will strengthen the relationship between the official curriculum and regular learning. according to lee et al. (2017), teachers are a guide and facilitators of learning, while students are responsible for changing task boundaries to facilitate learning. since oppositioncollaborative sports display uncertainty about the game's characteristics, decision-making becomes a critical issue (qudrat-ullah, 2014). they define uncertainty as the result of interactions between teammates and opponents, claiming that players will never know 100%, with certainty, what their opponents will do. since the tasks are varied, they will be able to deal with the uncertainties of unique game situations. as a result, they recommend that teachers continue to manipulate task constraints. the traditional approach, which tends to practice skills without resistance and imitates or isolates technical movements from the environment where the skills occur, lacks flexibility in activities to stimulate decision-making. the limitations occurred in non-linear education differ significantly from the existing classical models. constraints are the circumstances and channels where the desired behavior will emerge. on the other hand, rules are instructions copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 taufik hidayat et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 113 given for the desired behavior to occur. according to rudd et al. (2020), shifts in coordination patterns in childhood are due to changes in restrictions imposed in actions, not due to given rules. the application of non-linear pedagogy could improve the performance of the student gameplay outcomes in tactical decision-making, recovery movements to the base, drop shot, and smash skills in badminton games. this is because the application of non-linear pedagogy allows teachers to adapt tactics, skill assignments, and the existing learning environment to players' abilities (nathan et al., 2017). non-linear pedagogy in football results in a more accurate attacking game behavior and decision making, but not for technical abilities. a study has provided evidence that non-linear application in youth professional football is feasible and will support player development (roberts et al., 2020). the application of non-linear pedagogy in futsal games could significantly contribute to improving tacticaltechnical abilities in futsal. the coach must consider the design of the task and the tactical principles of play to develop the tactical behavior of young futsal players (roberts et al., 2020). several research results showed that the application of non-linear pedagogical skills effectively developed tactical skills in badminton, soccer, and futsal games. this study explored the application of nonlinear pedagogical principles in volleyball learning and their implications for sports teaching. a non-linear pedagogy has been developed and built based on a dynamic ecological approach. the emphasis of the pedagogical framework is exploratory learning, encouraging individual movement solutions (chow & atencio, 2014). based on this perspective, giving children the freedom to explore a carefully designed learning environment will lead to the constraintled synergy formation resulting in the performance of functional movement solutions. (rudd, crotti, et al., 2020). consequently, non-linear pedagogy involves a child-centered approach to physical education where teachers channel children's learning by modifying task boundaries to assist the skill synergy formation that will be functional for the task at hand. the key aspect of this is not to limit synergy formation; thus, equipment manipulation or game rules providing the child with direct instructions will be preferable (chow & atencio, 2014). for teachers who provide a non-linear pedagogical approach, movement skills must be practiced in a representative environment where perception and action are uninterrupted. it means that learning activities must be placed in a performance context capturing the dynamics where the skills to be learned can be performed, developed, and acquired (rudd, pesce, et al., 2020). in a nonlinear pedagogical approach, the teacher modifies individual, task, and environmental constraints to support the exploration. according to the non-linearity in learning, variability is inherently present in how movement is controlled and produced. therefore, variability in movement control can be functional and should be encouraged. furthermore, in non-linear pedagogy, the teacher must encourage an external attention focus to support self-organization (moy et al., 2016). several authors have proposed that non-linear pedagogy can support a child's basic psychological need for autonomy, relatedness, and competence from the self-determination theory perspective. therefore, it may lead to higher levels of motivation toward physical activity engagement, which might positively affect the physical activity level in children compared to traditional teaching approaches (lee et al., 2017). methods this research used a mix-method employing sequential exploratory design. the design combines qualitative and quantitative research sequentially using qualitative methods followed by quantitative methods (creswell, 2013). participants participants of this study were 39 students, involving 19 male students and 20 female students aged 14-16 years, from 3 junior high schools in malang city, east java. the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. the technique was chosen because not all samples had criteria that matched the phenomenon under study (sugiyono, 2016). instrument and procedure the instruments used were observation and questionnaires. observations were conducted during learning activities, while questionnaires were used to strengthen data gained from observations. activities were observed and recorded using notebooks and video/ copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 taufik hidayat et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 114 audio recordings. rule data were collected at the end of the twentieth session, which gave participants plenty of practice to self-assess their basic technical/tactical competence in volleyball. a summative compilation of teacher regular journal entries about activities and teaching during the study period, including reflection, observation, and interpretation of events during the sessions, was administered—students filled in a questionnaire to examine the relationship between knowledge or variable acquisition. the questionnaire contained a technical/tactical self-evaluation and perception of volleyball. student responses to the questionnaire stored in a likert scale ranging from 1-4 (1 = fair, 2 = good, 3 = very good, 4 = excellent). data analysis notebook data and video/audio recordings were analyzed using ms excel for descriptive variables. spearman correlation was used to test the relationship between knowledge or variable acquisition gained from questionnaire data. the relationship category between variables included 0.1-0.3 as a weak category, 0.4-0.6 as a moderate category, 0.7-0.9 as a strong category, and 1 as a perfect category (dancey & reidy, 2007). the relationship in the spearman correlation is said to be significant if the significance level obtained is more than 0.05. result teaching activities were carried out for six weeks, including four 2-hour sessions conducted every week. the teaching method was interactive, bringing up problem-solving and guided discovery aspects. in addition, the instructor acted as a facilitator to organize participants into heterogeneous groups without considering the participant's motor skills, competencies, and gender. the basis for developing activities referred to previous research (machado et al., 2019; byrne, 2014; gómez-criado dan valverde-esteve, 2021) in various sports. there were changes to the game rules, the number of game participants, and the size of the playing area. besides changes and innovative actions applied to the activity, it is also essential to modify the task boundaries in the activity (práxedes et al., 2019). new rules were introduced to increase the player's attention during the game, such as making three or more passes within the team before hitting the ball to the opposing team side. in addition, the participant ballplaying opportunities were increased by adding the dimensions and size of the playing area. moreover, the materials were also modified, and players were given some leeway to allow them to adapt to their motor skill changes and modifications. finally, the questioning technique was used during the game to ensure their perspective on the optimal strategy for a particular game situation, which is in line with the suggestions of the study conducted by harvey dan light (2015), chow et al. (2007); atencio et al. (2014). the importance of participant self-competence made all participants voluntarily evaluate themselves copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. guidelines for volleyball game technical/ tactical self-evaluation and perceptions tactical skills fair good very good excellent serve inability to serve properly in the opponent's area can do good services able to see vacancies in the opponent's area and serve in the right space able to serve hard and difficult for the opponent to accept passing inability to pass to teammates able to perform the pass, sometimes not accurate able to perform passes in various ways, sometimes not accurate able to adapt the way of passing the ball and provide accurate passes defense/ attack unable to block sometimes can do the work but do it inaccurately can help block many times can attack and do blocking in the right way receive unable to receive the ball properly sometimes receiving properly can receive well while playing can receive the ball well and make it easier for teammates to attack position improper positioning sometimes can move in the air in the right position sometimes can take the right position and move in position always able to occupy the right and logical position knowle dge of the rule inability to enforce rules often shows ignorance of the rules on many occasions, can find fault always apply the rules and know the modified equipment taufik hidayat et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 115 about the basics and essence of the volleyball game's dynamics, techniques, and tactics using the rule guidelines (maehana et al., 2021; shaw, 2014) specially prepared for this purpose (see table 1). this tool was not directed at the volleyball technique mastery but rather at the player's self-recognition of their abilities in the game and their capacity to achieve standard parameters in practice required by the sports education curriculum. previous research (machado et al., 2019; byrne, 2014; gómez-criado dan valverde-esteve, 2021) in various sports were used to develop the activity. we changed the rules, the number of participants, the size of the field, and the materials used in the activity innovation according to the technique pioneered by newell in 1986 (renshaw et al., 2019). in addition, we set some additional rules, such as making at least three passes before moving the ball to the other half of the court to attract more pupils and focus on the action. by expanding the field's dimensions, changing the material, and allowing children to adapt the rules to their motor skills, we increased the number of possibilities for playing. a commendable social bond developed among the participants, who showed respect and appreciation for one another. also, the prevalence of enthusiasm for completing task objectives was noted. since a ‘flexible’ teacher was aimed to provide a space for students to adapt to the new rules for the game, the changed size of the field, and their level of motor skills, the students showed gratitude to the teacher. students also showed their desire to explore more deeply the activity by optimally engaging in any given constraints on the task. furthermore, the students applied the best technical/ tactical choices in their decision-making based on their circumstances during the game. figure 1 shows a substantial relationship between knowledge of game rules and the six parameters measured; passing, serving, attacking/blocking, position on the field, receiving and knowing the rules of the game. the relationship between parameters was analyzed statistically using spearman correlation with the help of the spss program. the relationship in the spearman correlation is said to be significant if the significance level obtained is more than 0.05. the results of the correlation analysis between parameters with the spearman correlation analysis are presented in table 2. discussion this study explored the application of non-linear pedagogy in high school volleyball didactics over six weeks. there were observations of the students' acclimatization to the game rules for their learning achievement process, motor skill competence, and the interconnections and relationships they built from a heterogeneous group. arajo et al. (2004) argue that movement patterns emerge due to the imposed constraint imposition on action rather than as a result of given rules. the student game understanding was found to be quite good based on the rubric results. there was a significant relationship between the game knowledge and service (r=0,265, p=0,043), passing (r=0,356, p=0,004), position on the field (r=0,412, p=0,001), receiving (r= 0,356, p =0.004), and attack/block (r=0.266, p=0.037), which is in line with the study of machado et al. (2020) who noted that the activities undertaken were based on copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 figure 1. guidelines for volleyball game technical/ tactical self-evaluation and perceptions table 2. correlation between parameters parameters pass .46*** .565*** .359** .454** * .365** serve ts .375** defense/attack .57*** .269* receive .268* .291* .49*** .265* position .355** .412*** knowledge about the rules ts: not significant; *:p=0.05; **:p=0.010; ***:p=0.001 taufik hidayat et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 116 a tactical depiction of the game. students explored various movement patterns in several cases to find the technique providing the best solution for the game scenario. modifications would allow greater flexibility in task design, encouraging explorations (light, 2013). development of important transverse aspects, such as autonomy or creativity emphasized in the educational curriculum, is related to optimizing possible movement options resulting from the task. as previously stated, it is essential to enable students to identify the optimal solution to the available mobility options, implying that they can make appropriate decisions based on the circumstances. due to the ambiguity in in-game situations created by the players' activities, decision-making becomes a critical component that must be considered in both cooperative and controversial sports (araujo et al., 2006; salusu, 2015). the diversity stems from boundaries differing from conventional approaches in how they were previously often practiced or through separate technical movements in the environment. instructors are responsible for group formation, where participants of various qualities coexist in diverse groups. despite having varying degrees of motor ability and self-perceived motor competence, all participants were asked to agree on the rules and size of the play area. the results obtained in this activity are by physical education curriculum standards emphasizing the contribution to improving the cooperation, communication, and teamwork attitude for achieving the common goals in games, sports, and society. the recognition and perception of non-linear learning have become more widely accepted as research and practice understand that coaching and teaching methods in sports education should consider the nonlinearities. however, acceptance is only a part of the story because the actual delivery of education based on the non-linearity or complexity concept seems without challenges. often, due to the anticipation of the instructor in teaching to realize predictable learning outcomes, this linear point of view is widely accepted as a way of teaching or coaching (puchegger dan bruce, 2020). as a result, practitioners find it challenging to give up “control” and receive good learning from the non-linear pedagogy. some scholars and practitioners may also argue that there is no added benefit to 'knowing' nonlinear learning if students are still learning and can continue to be responsible to their organizations, in their opinion. furthermore, some practitioners may argue that some features of non-linear pedagogy, such as increasing variety and changing tools, are already part of the existing teaching repertoire. it can easily be questioned whether it is a new understanding and helps non-linear learning or whether it is simply an existing concept stated differently. when given the option of teaching in a non-linear style, coaches and teachers face serious acceptance challenges. it is normal for practitioners to hold on to old habits that have served them well. some may be interested in their understanding of how those habits work. although some aspects of non-linear pedagogy are already used in educational applications today, further understanding of non-linear learning can help educational practitioners with better approaches to design and deliver instructions, feedback, and practices (namely pedagogical pathways). outside the classroom context, motor learning research supports the rationale for constructing representational learning designs (mascolo, 2009). the concept of pedagogical representation ensures that the organized game or information movement is relevant and reflects the actual game. simplifying tasks, rather than division of tasks, can help improve the representation (correia et al., 2019). according to practitioners, modifying the game will help learners access the important perceptual information accessible in the performance setting and pair it with the appropriate behavior. according to (moy, 2016) is to enable students to have the opportunity to acquire tactical awareness, make appropriate judgments, and practice skills in a proper practice context, which is an example of a good representational instructional design encouraging contextual learning. therefore, teachers need to establish a learning environment that naturally stimulates students. perera dan patel (2019) shows that a non-linear educational approach can create a learning environment that encourages students to learn. experts suggest that the important aspect of curriculum goals for children's physical and sports education is to ensure that the activities and pedagogies chosen to meet the learner's ongoing search for their psychological needs, such as feeling a sense of autonocopyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 taufik hidayat et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 117 my and ability (gill, williams dan reifsteck, 2017). an important challenge is how to build an intrinsically stimulating learning environment within a non-linear pedagogical framework. conclusion our findings conclude that using non-linear pedagogy in high school physical education sessions could help students identify and carry out optimal responses to game situations caused by the limitations. the student's self-evaluation of their skill acquisition awareness was excellent. the adoption and understanding of non-linear approaches to education and coaching were growing. however, further studies are needed to advise practitioners on applying the approach practically in coaching and physical education settings. it is essential to understand that non-linear pedagogy does not advocate any predetermined 'progress' on how teaching and learning should take place. in practical situations, a fundamental paradigm shift is unlikely to occur immediately. however, ineffective teaching today, teachers can recognize components of a non-linear pedagogical approach (such as exploration through variety, emphasis on creativity, limited adaptability, and focus on the person). the advancement of non-linear pedagogy, such as tgfu and other physical education pedagogies, is based on its admission to the school. therefore, the path forward is not simple. however, we have embarked on this effort to explore the potential non-linearity that can be provided to help young people acquire motor skills more effectively and meaningfully. the responsibility of the physical education practitioners is to recognize the relevance of non-linear pedagogy in achieving a comprehensive approach to the student skill development and enhancing certain features, such as decision making and autonomy. future studies might focus on developing more practical examples of utilizing this point of view in various activities and sports. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references araujo, d., davids, k., & hristovski, r. 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cognitive abilities, integration of games and physical activities abstract this study aimed to examine the learning process by combining physical activities and games to stimulate the cognitive ability of elementary school students. the experiment was carried out using the one-group post-test design. the trials involved letters games, guessing pictures, guessing names, counting kangaroos, snakes and ladders, and number adventure. the trial was carried out four times for each game for 60 minutes. the study involved 154 elementary school students, 86 boys and 66 girls. the sampling technique used the saturated sampling technique. the data collection process employed observation techniques with an assessment rubric instrument analyzed by different mean tests. the results showed that there had been an increase in the mean between the first meeting and the fourth meeting. furthermore, the result of the t-count was greater than the t-table, and the increase was significant. in conclusion, integrative learning of physical activity combined with various forms of games effectively stimulates the cognitive aspect of elementary school students.  correspondence address : jl. prof. dr. h . hadari nawawi, kota pontianak, kalimantan barat e-mail : uray.gustian@fkip.untan.ac.id https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 105 introduction physical activity can be defined as anybody movement produced by skeletal muscle contraction that can increase energy expenditure above a certain level (mavilidi et al., 2017). physical activity is vital for students because it is built at a young age (taylor et al., 2013) and becomes a part of obesity prevention (williams et al., 2008). for this reason, physical activity becomes an essential activity and should be a priority for students, especially elementary school students. physical activity is crucial because it requires a learning process for mastery (robinson et al., 2015). for this reason, it is necessary to implement a program to optimize student mastery in carrying out physical activities (logan et al., 2011; aryamanesh & sayyah, 2014). in addition, the physical activity carried out by students has benefits, including building the cognitive skill (kirk & rhodes, 2011; haga, 2008; payne & isaacs, 2017; haapala, 2013; fedewa & ahn, 2011) and providing psychological benefits through the personal and social responsibility development and appropriate social behavior (liu et al., 2010). currently, there is a general concern in schools that time spent on physical activity is associated with lost academic time and success in school (mavilidi et al., 2016). students also have fewer and fewer opportunities to do physical activity, 30-60 minutes a day (grunbaum et al., 2004). it, of course, has an impact on the lack of opportunities for students to carry out physical activities. schools also put more emphasis on academic achievement in the learning process. related to this problem, several studies have been conducted to find forms of learning to stimulate student cognitive skills by combining physical activity. for example, active learning by doing physical activities can significantly improve elementary school students' math and spelling performance (mullender-wijnsma et al., 2016) and incorporate active body movement in a meaningful way into learning by integrating physical activity with academic content (webster et al., 2015). based on the two studies, it is confirmed that physical activity can be integrated into learning and stimulate student academic achievement. however, physical activity is performed mainly by imitating movements instructed by the teacher, not in a game form. therefore, it would have an impact on the lack of student understanding. meanwhile, understanding is an important skill in carrying out physical activities (stodden et al., 2008). based on these problems, this study aimed to examine the implementation of learning combined with traditional activities and games to stimulate the cognitive skill of elementary school students. this concern is crucial because the game is the main activity carried out by students (goodway et al., 2019). moreover, attracting students to make decisions by focusing on the game situation could stimulate their cognitive skills, such as tactics, decision making, and problem-solving (butler & griffin, 2010). furthermore, learning through games creates a sense of pleasure, so students will be severe in doing it (gustian, 2021). therefore, the learning activities used student-centered games with practical methods and assignments. methods participants the study involved 154 students consisting of 86 boys and 66 girls. the age range of participants was 6 to 7 years, with a mean age of 6.8 years. participants were first-grade elementary school students. this selection was based on the fact that first graders are students experiencing a transition from kindergarten. in addition, the dominant way of learning is playing, and the cognitive skill level needs optimal stimulation. sampling procedures the study was begun by observing the targeted primary school (field conditions and the willingness of teachers and schools to be involved as test subjects). as a result, four primary schools and six classes were established. determination of the sample employed a saturated sampling technique so that students from the six classes were all included as test subjects. materials and apparatus the cognitive skills referred to in this study were language and mathematical skills. language skill is the ability of students to recognize letters and object names. mathematical skills include the ability of students to recognize, add, and subtract numbers (mullenderwijnsma et al., 2016). the data collection technique used was observation. the instrument used was an assessment rubric using a likert scale of one to four accopyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 uray gustian et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 106 cording to the aspects contained in language and math skills. the scale criteria used one for needs improvement, two for fair, three for good, and four for very good. data collection was carried out by observing students when participating in learning at the first and fourth meetings. it was carried out to determine the changes in the student's language and mathematical skills when participating in physical activity-based integrative learning integrated into games. procedures the experiment was carried out using the onegroup pretest-posttest design. the study involved only one treatment group without a control group. the games were the modified games of playing letters, guessing pictures, guessing names, counting kangaroo, snakes, ladders, and number adventure. the games have been proven to improve knowledge, motor skills, and attitudes (gustian & tomoliyus, 2015). the treatment was carried out four times for each game and class with a sixty-minute duration so that the total meeting was twenty-four meetings and the overall duration was 1440 minutes. the details are described in table 1. the implementation of the game was adjusted to the theme being studied. in this study, the theme used was my passion. the treatment was carried out by dividing students into several groups of four. each group would compete to complete the tasks or obstacles in each game. data analysis the collected data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. the method used was to recap the results achieved by students according to the observed aspects and add up each score achieved by students in each assessed aspect. furthermore, the score obtained by students was converted into a maximum score of 100 and stored in a frequency distribution table to make it easier to determine the student's cognitive skills. the normality test results in table 2 show that the obtained data were normally distributed. therefore, to test the mean differences in the pre-test and post-test and their significance, a paired sample test was used using spss 2.0. result based on the research results presented in table 3, the mean score of the student's ability to recognize letters increased by 0.27 or 27 points from the first meeting to the fourth meeting and remained in a good category. the increase also occurred in the student's ability to name objects. the mean value and score increased by 1.09 and 36, respectively. the increase of the mean value in the student's ability to name objects reached a quite large size because it could exceed one point from needs improvement to good category. overall, the student's language skills also increased. however, the increase was not large, namely 0.07 for the mean value and 23 for the score, and was still in the good category. the research results on the student mathematical skills in table 4 show that the mean of the ability to recognize numbers had increased by 0.16 and 25 for the score. the mean of subtracting and adding aspects also increased. the mean values were 0.47 and 0.85, respectively. the mean value increase of the adding aspect was quite large because students could achieve the very good category, which was previously in the good catecopyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 name of game number of meeting duration (minutes) playing letters 4 60 guessing pictures 4 60 guessing names 4 60 counting kangaroos 4 60 snake and ladders 4 60 number adventures 4 60 total 24 1440 table 1. distribution of meetings and duration of game implementation table 2. result of normality test kolmogorov-smirnova statistic df sig. pre-test .132 154 .000 post-test .119 154 .000 table 3. language skills assessed aspect meeting i meeting iv mean skor mean skor recognizing letters 3 462 3,17 489 mentioning object names 2.09 448 3.14 484 total score 3.09 950 3.16 973 uray gustian et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 107 gory. for the subtracting aspect, it was still in the good category. the value recapitulation of the first meeting in table 5 shows that most student cognitive skills were in a good category. it included 78 students, or equivalent to 50% of the total number of students. furthermore, several students' cognitive skills were in the fair category, including 42 students or equivalent to 42%. on the other hand, only nine students, or 6% of students who had very good cognitive skills and three students (2%) were in the needs improvement category. these results indicated that student cognitive skills tend to be dominated by the good category. the assessment of the last meeting in table 6 shows that most of the student's cognitive skills were in a good category, involving 109 students or equivalent to 71%. several student cognitive skills were also in the fair category, including 35 students or equivalent to 23%. students owning very good cognitive skills had increased to ten people or 9%, and there was no student in the needs improvement category. based on these results, the student's cognitive skills were still dominantly at a good stage. however, there was an increase of 31 students from the assessment results at the first meeting. the very good category also increased to ten students. in the fair category, 27 students were reduced, and there was no student in the needs improvement category. based on the statistical analysis results carried out in table 7 and table 8, the mean value of the student's last test result was higher than the first meeting test score. these results indicated that there had been an increase in the student's cognitive skills by 1.77. the difference test results show that the standard deviation value was 1.51, meaning that the student's cognitive skills were significantly close to the mean value or in a good category. the t-count (14.61) was greater than the t-table (1.66). in addition, the significance test results, with a level of 95%, showed significant results. these results prove that physical activity-based integrative learning combined with games can stimulate elementary school students' cognitive skills. discussion the study results prove that physical activitybased integrative learning combined with games can stimulate the cognitive aspect of elementary school students. this means that the student's cognitive skills can increase if the learning process is integrated, combining physical activities and games. these results align with copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 4. mathematics skills assessed aspects meeting i meeting iv mean score mean score recognizing numbers 3 463 3.16 487 subtracting 2.64 407 3.11 480 adding 2.66 411 3.51 542 total score 2.77 1280 3.26 1510 table 5. first meeting cognitive score recapitulation range absolute (f) relative (%) descriptive range 81-100 9 6 very good 71-80 78 50 good 61-70 64 42 fair 0-60 3 2 needs improvement total 154 100 table 6. last meeting cognitive score recapitulation range absolute (f) relative (%) descriptive range 81-100 10 6 very good 71-80 109 71 good 61-70 35 23 fair 0-60 0 0 needs improvement total 154 100 table 7. mean analysis mean n stdev std. error mean pair 1 first meeting 71.40 154 5.91 .48 last meeting 73.17 154 4.83 .40 table 8. t-test analysis paired differences t df sig. 95% confidence interval of the difference lower upper pair 1 first meeting 2.01 1.53 14.6 153 .000 last meeting uray gustian et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 108 previous research stating that the student academic achievement significantly increased using an active approach to physical activity (marques et al., 2018; marques et al., 2018; fedewa & ahn, 2011). the increase occurs because physical activity encourages students to explore their environment (payne & isaacs, 2017) and respond to each task quickly, efficiently, and accurately (roebers & kauer, 2009). in addition, students who do physical activity experience an increase in connections between nerve cells that affect their intelligence until adulthood (kuh et al., 2006; murray et al., 2006). furthermore, physically active students have good motor development to improve their reading and basic math skills (westendorp et al., 2011). in addition, physical activity encourages cognitive processes, such as paying attention, remembering, predicting, observing, matching, and solving problems gelisli & yazici (2015). for this reason, physical activity should be an important part of the efforts to stimulate the student's cognitive aspect, especially elementary school students. according to the results of this study, the statement concerning the time spent doing physical activity is associated with the loss of academic time and success in school is not valid. in contrast, the reduced time for students to engage in physical activity may harm academic achievement (have et al., 2018). cognitive skills emphasized in this study included math and language skills. it was based on math and language skills play a vital role in a student's educational careers and are important for their social and work functioning in everyday life (mullender-wijnsma et al., 2016). for this reason, physical activity must be specifically integrated when teaching mathematics and language to improve these skills optimally. the results showed that there had been an increase of 1.77. however, the increase was still slight. furthermore, cognitive skills in this study only emphasized language and math skills. for this reason, it is recommended that further research is carried out to investigate the appropriate learning activities to stimulate the cognitive stimulation of elementary school students by combining physical activity. in addition, it can also stimulate other cognitive skills. conclusion physical activity-based integrative learning combined with games has been proven effective in stimulating elementary school students' cognitive skills. it means that the cognitive skills of 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gomez et al., 2019). the value of match analysis results in evaluating and improving match performance have in recent years led to an increase in match analysis-related studies of racket sports (fernandezecheverria et al., 2017; hughes, 2003; hughes & franks, 2004; kovacs, 2006). however, while badminton is generally acknowledged as the fastest moving racket sport, distinguished for its high paced and vigorous rallies (book et al., 2018; ooi et al., 2009), researchers have not given this sport a lot of attention with regard to match analysis characteristics and the possible link between these characteristics and the match performances of players. furthermore, there is paucity of information on the possible link between inertial sensors-containing device (iscd)-determined match characteristics of badminton players and match performance. up until now the preferred method for determining the match analysis characteristics of badminton players is through video, notational analyses (liddle et al., 1996; pearce, 2002; pérez-turpin et al., 2020; tong & hong, 2000). despite the value of video analysesdetermined match analysis characteristics in providing important information to sport-related professionals in the badminton fraternity, the need to identify match analysis characteristics that discriminate between different levels of badminton players, is even more important. the identification of last-mentioned match analysis characteristics will assist coaches and sport scientists to recognise and develop these characteristics to enable players to perform successfully. in this regard, successful badminton players play a more effective and aggressive game and make less forced or unforced errors while playing compared to less-successful players (abián et al., 2014; chen et al., 2011; gomez et al., 2019; jeon et al., 2019; primo et al., 2019). the introduction of iscds in the 1990s offered an alternative method for the measurement of average duration, frequency and speed of movements, with the potential to minimise some and circumvent other shortcomings of notational analyses (townshend et al., 2008). these shortcomings include: the timeconsuming nature of notational analyses (hughes & franks, 2009), the inaccuracy of notational analyses to analyse total time spent on individual movements and the frequency of individual movements (duthie et al., 2003), and the inability to assess the specific demands of certain activities (o'donoghue, 2008). however, to date no research made use of iscds to perform this type of analyses on badminton players. the use of a triaxial accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope in an iscd for analysing badminton matches, is still a new phenomenon. accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers are inertial sensors used to monitor and describe movements as well as the intensity and frequency of these movements in various clinical and sports settings without support from gps-signals (cust et al., 2019; gastin et al., 2013; li et al., 2016; luteberget et al., 2017; luteberget & spencer, 2017; worsey et al., 2019). iscds were found to be valid for estimating physical activity intensity during indoor basketball practice sessions (montgomery et al., 2010), and for quantifying accelerations and decelerations in three orthogonal axes during team sport movement simulations in an indoor laboratory (roell et al., 2018). good withinand between-device reliability was also reported for the physical activity levels of semi-professional, australian football players during an indoor, volleyball exercise session (boyd et al., 2011). similarly, good reliability values were presented for inertial movement analysis counts, player load and associated variables, measured during laboratory-based handball tasks, handball training sessions and ice hockey task-simulating game conditions (luteberget et al., 2017; van iterson et al., 2017). a study also confirmed the potential of iscds to determine the demands of indoor sports such as ice hockey (douglas & kennedy, 2020). these findings would suggest that available wearable tracking device technology such as the catapult minimaxv4 that integrate multiple sensors into a single unit, may provide researchers with an alternative, more time efficient and accurate method of determining the match characteristics of badminton players. despite the potential benefits of the iscd-match analysis method, no researchers have made any attempt to utilise this method to predict the iscd-determined match characteristics that determine the match outcomes of badminton players. practitioners in the field copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yahaya abdullahi & ben coetzee/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 139 of sport and conditioning need clarity concerning the use and applicability of iscd-determined match characteristics to serve as predictors of “real life” match performances. the identification of iscd-determined match characteristics will enable practitioners to focus on the most relevant components for training and performance monitoring in badminton. hence, the purpose of this study was to establish the iscd-determined match characteristics that serve as predictors of elite, male badminton players’ performance levels. methods participants the study consisted of male, single players who participated in the following championships during two playing seasons: all africa badminton senior championships, south african international championships, free-state national championships, u/19 south african national championships and the university sport south africa (ussa) badminton championships. all together 22 players (age: 23.39 ± 3.92 years; body stature: 177.11 ± 3.06 cm; body mass: 83.46 ± 14.59 kg) were analysed during 46 matches. therefore, each player was measured not less than two times, with several players being measured three times. all championships took place over a period of two to three days, with an exception of the free-state national championships, which took place over a day, implying that players were monitored and measured sequentially in a day. players represented 10 african countries, namely: botswana, cameroon, congo, egypt, namibia, nigeria, south africa, uganda, zambia and zimbabwe. only players who were actively involved and competing as members of their respective teams and national badminton federations in the above-mentioned tournaments as well as those who were injury free at the time of testing were eligible to participate in the study. the competitive playing experience of players ranged between 4 and 12 years (8.96 ± 2.8 years). the following information with regard to their training regimen was obtained: players trained for 3.88 ± 1.21 days a week, which consisted of on-court training for 3.54 ± 1.08 days a week, and weight training for 2.08 ± 0.78 days a week. players could be classified into three categories, namely: (1) competitive-elite players who regularly compete at the highest level but did not have any success at that level; (2) successful-elite players who have experienced some (infrequent) success at the highest level and (3) world-class elite players who sustained success at the highest level, with repeated wins over a prolonged period (swann et al., 2015). players were grouped according to tournament results. players, who reached the quarter finals, semifinals or finals of each tournament were categorised as successful players, whereas the rest were categorised as less-successful players. sampling procedure an observational, descriptive and ex post facto design was used for this study. the study was conducted in accordance with the ethical principles of the declaration of helsinki and the ethical guidelines of the national health research ethics council of south africa. approval for the study was obtained from the health research ethics committee of the institution where the research was conducted (nwu-00199-14a1). written permission to conduct the study was also obtained from the badminton world federation (bwf), the badminton confederation of africa (bca), the botswana badminton association (bba), and badminton south africa (bsa). before each tournament, a brief meeting was summoned in which the researchers explained in detail the study design, purpose and possible risks to players, managers and coaches. thereafter, written informed consent was obtained from all players. next, the demographic and general information questionnaire was filled in. this was followed by the measurement of body mass and stature. prior to each match warm-up, players were fitted with a fix polar hr transmitter belt and a harness with an iscd that players warmed-up with in order to become accustomed to the equipment and so that the heart rate monitor belt and harness could be adjusted according to the preference of each player. before the start of each match, a video camera was stationed on a tripod stand behind the baseline of the court and adjusted in such a way that the whole court was in view. the warm-up period was also used to check the signals of both the iscd and hr monitor before each match began. data from the iscd and hr monitors as well as the video footage were downloaded to a laptop computer for off-line analyses. materials and apparatus demographic and general information questionnaire the demographic and personal information of players was collected by means of the above-mentioned copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yahaya abdullahi & ben coetzee/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 140 questionnaire. ages, exercising habits, injury incidences, competing levels and best performances of players were also obtained by means of a questionnaire. anthropometric measurements body mass was recorded to the nearest 0.1 kg, using a calibrated bfw 300 platform scale (adam equipment co. ltd., milton keynes, uk) and body stature to the nearest 0.1 cm, using a harpenden portable stadiometer (holtain ltd., crosswell, uk) in order to describe the specific cohort of badminton players. iscd match analyses an iscd (catapult minimaxv4, catapult innovations, melbourne, victoria, australia) was fitted to the upper back of participants by using a harness supplied by the manufacturer just before the match warm-up period. iscd recorded data every 100 m s-1 (10 hz) during each match. the iscd allowed researchers to obtain data with regard to the following match related variables (catapult-sports, 2012a, 2012b): inertial movement analysis (ima), which included: efforts performed at different intensities; number of accelerations performed at different intensities; number of decelerations performed at different intensities; changes in direction; free-running events, and jump height and frequency. the individual match analysis, which included the following parameters: total duration of a match; player load; equivalent distance run during the entire match; peak player load; player load per min; the minimum, mean and maximum heart rates (hr) achieved during the match; the number of efforts in each of the top 3 player load zones; rest time; work:rest ratio and hr exertion index (the amount of time that a player spent in a heart rate zone). other parameters measured were: the amount of time within the play period that a player kept active and did not take long breaks; the total accumulated player load that was obtained for a specific player load zone; the absolute and relative distance covered and time spent during the match within a specific player load zone; the number of efforts that was performed under each of the player load zones; the average, minimum and maximum length of time spent in each effort that was performed under each of the player load zones and recovery times. the following additional parameters were taken: the absolute and relative amounts of time that a player spent within a specific heart rate band; the average heart rate reached within a specific heart rate band; the different player load variations for the match; the total accumulated player load when measured over all movement planes as well as with the vertical accelerometer information omitted, only using the forward/ backward movement planes and only using the upward or vertical movement plane. recordings from the iscd were downloaded to a pc and analysed using the catapult sprint software (catapult sports, melbourne, victoria, australia). minimaxv4 gps doppler data was used to analyse the iscd-related variables. heart rate monitoring in addition to the iscd-derived values, the hr of each player was recorded through a fix polar hr transmitter belt (polar electro, kempele, finland) at 5second intervals during the course of different matches. video match analysis a digital video camera (sony hdr-pj790ve handycam, sony corporation, tokyo, japan) with a high frame rate, good resolution, wide angle lens and an ability to deal with lower light levels of indoor sport facilities was stationed behind the court on a tripod stand to cover the entire court. video footage was used to determine the time periods of each match so that researchers were able to set the correct duration for iscd match analyses. data analysis data analysis was conducted using the statistical data processing package (version 13.3, tibco software inc., tulsa, usa). firstly, all iscd-related variables were corrected for match duration by dividing the specific iscd-related variable by the match duration in seconds. secondly, descriptive statistics (averages, standard deviations, minimum and maximum values) for each of the variables were calculated. subsequently, an independent t-test was performed to determine significant differences in iscd-related variables between successful and less-successful groups of players. the level of significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. this was followed by a tree clustering, single-linkage, 1-pearson correlation coefficient cluster analysis of the iscdrelated variables, which was performed to detect clusters of measures that appeared to tap similar abilities. linkage distance for detection of different clusters was set at 0.2. in the next step, a binary, forward stepwise copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yahaya abdullahi & ben coetzee/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 141 logistic regression was used to screen for the predictive value of different iscd-related (independent) variables in predicting the group classification of players (successful and less-successful players) (dependant variables). a binary (or binomial) logistic regression is a form of regression used when the dependent variable is a dichotomy (successful and less-successful players) and the independent variables are of any type (allison, 2012; garson, 2010). the significance of the individual logistic regression coefficients for each independent variable was determined by using the wald statistic. the level of significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. the validity of the group classification model was then determined by making use of the receiver operating characteristic curve (rocc). result demographic and general information questionnaire the descriptive statistics as well as the statistical significance of differences in the demographic and ima components between the successful and less-successful groups of players are presented in table 1. from the tabulated results, it is clear that many differences exist with regard to the demographic and ima results between the successful and less-successful player groups. despite these differences only the number of highintensity accelerations performed during the matches corrected for match duration revealed a significant difference with successful players, who obtained significantly higher (p = 0.05) values than less-successful players. individual match analysis results: player load and effort-related components descriptive statistics as well as statistical significance of differences for the iscd-determined player load and effort-related components between successful copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 variable successful players (n = 10) less-successful players (n = 12) total group (n = 22) age (years) 23.41 ± 4.43 23.37 ± 3.65 23.38 ± 3.92 height (cm) 177.62 ± 3.94 176.88 ± 2.83 177.11 ± 3.06 weight (kg) 86.42 ± 12.62 82.14 ± 15.91 83.46 ± 14.59 years playing badminton 9.70 ± 2.98 9.42 ± 2.57 9.54 ± 2.70 training days 3.50 ± 1.18 4.17 ± 1.75 3.86 ± 1.52 weight training days 1.30 ± 0.82 2.50 ± 2.07 1.95 ± 1.70 on-court training days 3.10 ± 1.10 3.92 ± 1.38 3.54 ± 1.29 field training days 1.80 ± 1.03 1.67 ± 1.15 1.73 ± 1.08 training hours (per day) 2.50 ± 1.35 3.08 ± 1.16 2.82 ± 1.26 weight training hours (per day) 1.20 ± 0.63 1.17 ± 0.58 1.18 ± 0.59 on-court training hours (per day) 2.20 ± 1.13 2.58 ± 1.24 2.41 ± 1.18 field training hours (per day) 1.00 ± 0.47 1.08 ± 0.51 1.04 ± 0.48 low-intensity accelerations (reps) 0.03 ± 0.01 0.03 ± 0.01 0.03 ± 0.01 medium-intensity acceleration (reps) 0.01 ± 0.01 0.01 ± 0.00 0.01 ± 0.00 high-intensity acceleration (reps) 0.01 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00* 0.00 ± 0.00 low-intensity deceleration (reps) 0.11 ± 0.18 0.05 ± 0.06 0.08 ± 0.13 medium-intensity deceleration (reps) 0.02 ± 0.03 0.01 ± 0.01 0.02 ± 0.03 high-intensity deceleration (reps) 0.04 ± 0.0.07 0.02 ± 0.03 0.03 ± 0.05 low-intensity left cod (reps) 0.94 ± 0.05 0.08 ± 0.02 0.09 ± 0.03 medium-intensity left cod (reps) 0.04 ± 0.02 0.02 ± 0.01 0.03 ± 0.02 high-intensity left cod (reps) 0.05 ± 0.03 0.03 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.02 low-intensity right cod (reps) 0.10 ± 0.09 0.08 ± 0.06 0.09 ± 0.07 medium-intensity right cod (reps) 0.03 ± 0.06 0.03 ± 0.05 0.03 ± 0.05 high-intensity right cod (reps) 0.05 ± 0.10 0.04 ± 0.10 0.05 ± 0.09 low jumps (reps) 0.08 ± 0.13 0.03 ± 0.04 0.05 ± 0.09 medium jumps (reps) 0.03 ± 0.03 0.01 ± 0.01 0.02 ± 0.03 high jumps (reps) 0.03 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 table 1. descriptive statistics as well as statistical significance of differences in demographic and iscd ima results between successful and less-successful badminton players * p ≤ 0.05; mean values ± standard deviation; low-intensity = a movement that occurs between 1.5-3 m·s-2; medium-intensity = a movement that occurs between 3-4 m·s-2; high-intensity = a movement that occurs above 4 m·s-2; cod = change of direction; low jumps = classified as jumps performed over heights of between 0 and 20 cm; medium jumps = classified as jumps performed over heights of between 20 and 40 cm; high jumps = classified as jumps performed over heights of above 40 cm yahaya abdullahi & ben coetzee/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 142 and the less-successful players are presented in table 2. despite the relative differences with regard to the above-mentioned variables between successful and less copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 2. descriptive statistics as well as statistical significance of differences in iscd-determined individual match analysis, player load and effort-related variables between successful and less-successful badminton players variables successful players (n = 10) less-successful players (n = 12) total group (n = 22) match duration (min) 29.75 ± 10.20 31.20 ± 9.89 30.54 ± 9.82 player load per seconds 5.83 ± 0.92 5.81 ± 0.62 5.82 ± 0.75 distance covered per seconds (m·s -1 ) 0.92 ± 0.14 0.91 ± 0.09 0.91 ± 0.12 peak player load per seconds 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 player load per minutes 5.84 ± 0.96 5.78 ± 0.62 5.81 ± 0.77 work-rest ratio 0.75 ± 0.10 0.73 ± 0.07 0.74 ± 0.08 0 1 total load per seconds 0.05 ± 0.01 0.05 ± 0.01 0.05 ± 0.01 0 1 distance per seconds (m·s -1 ) 0.49 ± 0.09 0.48 ± 0.07 0.48 ± 0.08 0 1 % distance per seconds 53.88 ± 8.62 54.42 ± 8.62 54.17 ± 8.41 0 1 % time per seconds 88.40 ± 3.17 88.26 ± 3.33 88.32 ± 3.18 0 1 time per seconds 26.11 ± 9.59 27.24 ± 8.23 26.73 ± 8.68 0 1 efforts per seconds 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 1 2 total load per seconds 0.03 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.01 0.03 ± 0.01 1 2 distance per seconds (m·s -1 ) 0.32 ± 0.09 0.34 ± 0.10 0.33 ± 0.09 1 2 % distance per seconds 34.70 ± 6.65 36.08 ± 7.12 35.45 ± 6.78 1 2 time per seconds 2.73 ± 1.03 3.17 ± 1.73 2.97 ± 1.44 1 2 % time per seconds 10.10 ± 2.60 10.53 ± 2.96 10.34 ± 2.75 1 2 efforts per seconds 0.04 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.01 2 3 total load per seconds 0.01 ± 0.00 0.01 ± 0.00 0.01 ± 0.00 2 3 distance per seconds (m·s -1 ) 0.08 ± 0.03 0.07 ± 0.03 0.07 ± 0.03 2 3 % distance per seconds 8.74 ± 2.92 7.26 ± 2.36 7.93 ± 2.67 2 3 time per seconds 0.22 ± 0.13 0.23 ± 0.21 0.22 ± 0.17 2 3 % time per seconds 1.25 ± 0.63 1.03 ±0.46 1.13 ± 0.55 2 3 efforts per seconds 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 3 4 total load per seconds 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 3 4 distance per seconds (m·s -1 ) 0.02 ± 0.01 0.02 ± 0.01 0.02 ± 0.01 3 4 % distance per seconds 2.42 ± 1.59 2.07 ± 1.49 2.23 ± 1.51 3 4 time per seconds 0.03 ± 0.02 0.03 ± 0.03 0.03 ± 0.03 3 4 % time per seconds 0.00 ± 0.00 0.02 ± 0.07 0.01 ± 0.05 3 4 efforts per seconds 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00) 0.00 ± 0.00 4 6 % distance per seconds 0.30 ± 0.41 0.38 ± 0.56) 0.34 ± 0.49 4 6 % time per seconds 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00) 0.00 ± 0.00 4 6 total load per seconds 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00) 0.00 ± 0.00 4 6 distance per seconds (m·s -1 ) 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.01) 0.00 ± 0.00 4 6 time per seconds 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.01) 0.00 ± 0.00 4 6 efforts per seconds 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00) 0.00 ± 0.00 4 6 efforts per seconds 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00) 0.00 ± 0.00 low-intensity efforts per seconds 0.33 ± 0.30 0.25 ± 0.11 0.29 ± 0.22 medium-intensity efforts per seconds 0.11 ± 0.11 0.08 ± 0.07 0.09 ± 0.09 high-intensity efforts per seconds 0.15 ± 0.19 0.10 ± 0.14 0.12 ± 0.16 all efforts per seconds 0.58 ± 0.61 0.43 ± 0.31 0.49 ± 0.46 0-1 = low work load during a match; 1-2 = medium work load during a match; 2-3 = high work load during a match; 3-4 = very high work load during a match; 4-6 = very, very high work load during a match yahaya abdullahi & ben coetzee/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 143 -successful players, differences in values between groups were non-significant. individual match analysis results: heart rate and player load variant-related components descriptive statistics as well as statistical significance of differences for the above-mentioned variables between successful and less-successful players are presented in table 3. despite differences with regard to the abovementioned variables between successful and lesssuccessful players, no significant differences between groups were found. in an attempt to first identify the variables that relate to each other and only retain the relevant variables for the stepwise logistic regression, a cluster analysis was executed. iscd variables were reduced from 91 to 12 variables by means of the cluster analysis. iscd variables that remained were: work-rest ratio, peak player load per second, 0 – 1 total load per second, 0 – 1 distance percentage, 1 – 2 time, 3 – 4 distance per second, 2 dimensional and low-intensity efforts per second, as well as low-, mediumand high-intensity accelerations per second. binary forward stepwise logistic regression results table 4 presents the forward stepwise logistic regression results of the cluster analysis’ reduced iscd variables that acted as predictors between the two groups (successful and less-successful) of players. table 4 indicates that high-intensity accelerations copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 3. descriptive statistics as well as statistical significance of differences in individual match analysis, heart rate and player load variant-related components between the successful and less-successful players variables successful players (n = 10) less-successful players (n = 12) total group (n = 22) hr minimum (beats·min -1 ) 115.15 ± 24.31 115.58 ± 19.78 115.39 ± 21.41 hr mean (beats·min -1 ) 168.00 ± 13.47 165.73 ± 14.65 166.76 ± 13.84 hr maximum (beats·min -1 ) 195.35 ± 10.58 190.64 ± 11.91 192.78 ± 11.31 hr exertion index 93.90 ± 56.11 85.67 ± 37.87 89.41 ± 46.02 120-160 beats·min -1 time (s) 6.47 ± 5.32 8.72 ± 9.21 7.69 ± 7.61 120-160 beats·min -1 % 23.25 ± 18.19 29.36 ± 26.25 26.58 ± 22.64 120-160 beats·min -1 average 146.45 ± 5.11 145.27 ± 7.02 145.81 ± 6.12 160-170 beats·min -1 time (s) 4 .62 ± 2.34 5.25 ± 4.59 4.97 ± 3.67 160-170 beats·min -1 % 17.55 ± 11.09 17.17 ± 10.52 17.35 ± 10.52 160-170 beats·min -1 average 163.15 ± 0.88 162.07 ± 3.39 162.56 ± 2.58 170-180 beats·min -1 time (s) 6.06 ± 3.97 5.50 ± 3.67 5.76 ± 3.73 170-180 beats·min -1 % 20.25 ± 10.49 18.21 ± 11.66 19.14 ± 10.93 170-180 average 172.85 ± 1.41 172.50 ± 1.59 172.66 ± 1.49 180-185 time (s) 3.32 ± 2.94 3.17 ± 2.78 3.24 ± 2.78 180-185 beats·min -1 % 10.75 ± 7.49 11.04 ± 9.41 10.91 ± 8.39 180-185 beats·min -1 average 162.10 ± 56.96 164.92 ± 51.94 163.64 ± 52.97 185-220 beats·min -1 time (s) 7.51 ± 6.46 8.35 ± 9.55 7.97 ± 8.11 185-220 beats·min -1 % 25.15 ± 22.77 23.01 ± 23.72 23.98 ± 22.76 3 d per seconds 0.10 ± 0.01 0.10 ± 0.01 0.10 ± 0.01 2 d per seconds 0.07 ± 0.01 0.07 ± 0.01 0.07 ± 0.01 1 d forward per seconds 0.04 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.01 1 d side per seconds 0.04 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.00 0.04 ± 0.01 1 d up per seconds 0.06 ± 0.01 0.06 ± 0.01 0.06 ± 0.01 3 d = three dimensional (a geometric 3-parameter model); 2 d = two dimensional (motion along 2 axes which can be plotted by its coordinate); 1 d = one dimensional (motion along a straight line; either forward or backward); 1 d forward = player load accumulated using only sagittal plane movements calculated at 100hz; 1 d side = player load accumulated using only coronal plane movements calculated at 100 hz; 1 d up = player load accumulated using only vertical plane movements calculated at 100hz yahaya abdullahi & ben coetzee/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 144 and low-intensity efforts per second were the only variables identified as significant predictors of group allocation. table 5 shows the probabilities of being in the successful or less-successful player groups, when the logistic regression formula is applied to predict group allocation. the classification table indicates that 76.88% of players could be classified into their original groups by making use of the iscd-based logistic regression formula. the rocc showed a value of 0.87. discussion to the knowledge of the researchers, this is the first attempt to investigate the predictive value of iscd -determined match characteristics to classify badminton players into successful and less-successful groups according to tournament results. however, only highintensity accelerations and low-intensity efforts per second were identified as significant predictors of group allocation, with 76.88% of players, who could be classified into their original groups by making use of the iscd-based logistic regression formula. furthermore, the rocc (0.87) revealed that the classification model is a valid model to classify players into successful and less-successful player groups. an additional analysis by means of the independent t-test showed that highintensity accelerations per second was the only iscddetermined variable that obtained significant higher values for the successful compared to the lesssuccessful group. although not significant, the successful group also obtained higher values for low-intensity efforts per second than the less-successful player group. badminton is portrayed by its sporadic moderate to high-intensity efforts, instigated by short and repetitive actions that occur during series of high-intensity, brief and lengthier, moderateor high-intensity rallies (abián-vicén et al., 2012; cabello-manrique & gonzalez-badillo, 2003; jeyaraman et al., 2012; majumdar et al., 1997). consequently, badminton involves various sprinting movements, in the form of continual short sprints with changes in direction, which accentuate the importance of high-intensity accelerations (sheppard & young, 2006). the swift pace of badminton, the precision and complexity of player movements and the incessant unpredictability of the on-court situation make speed and all its basic components (reaction time, speed and frequency of movements) the decisive factor of this sport (bańkosz et al., 2013). previous time and motion analysis-related studies also showed that the ability of players to sprint repetitively and change direction while sprinting is the basis of sport performance (keogh et al., 2003; reilly et al., 2000). a study on a dynamical system perspective to understanding badminton singles match play, revealed that relative speed during match play and distance at racket-shuttle contact point served as important factors to win points (chow et al., 2014). furthermore, research revealed a significant relationship (r = 0.83, p < 0.05) between agility and the qualities of sub-elite and elite players (tiwari et al., 2011). moreover, research suggests that successful players respond more rapidly than less-successful players due to a better reaction time and efficacy of effort (bańkosz et al., 2013). researchers have not just highlighted the importance of movement speed and high levels of agility for badminton copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 4. summary of the forward stepwise logistic regression analysis with successful and less-successful players as dependant variables and gps variables as independent variables variables wald statistics (95% ci) p-level high-intensity accelerations per second 4.76 (70.51-1312.87) 0.03* low-intensity efforts per second 4.34 (0.41-13.71) 0.04* table 5. classification table of predicted probabilities of being in the successful or less-successful group groups value of the predicted probability successful players group less-successful players group percentage correct successful players 7 3 70.00 less-successful players 2 10 83.33 total 9 13 76.88 yahaya abdullahi & ben coetzee/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 145 players but also the speed of nervous system conductivity (bańkosz et al., 2013). therefore, badminton requires that players react quickly and precisely on different cues during match play and are able to accelerate effectively at a high-intensity to reach the shuttle at various locations on the court (dube et al., 2015). in view of last-mentioned findings, it is not surprising that highintensity accelerations per second was identified as a significant predictor of group allocation. successful players did not only perform more high -intensity accelerations per second during matches but also more low-intensity efforts per second when compared to less-successful players. even more surprisingly, results show that successful players performed more overall efforts and efforts in each of the three intensity zones than their less-successful colleagues. the level and quality of play increased as players progressed to the quarter-finals, semi-finals as well as finals. this contention is verified by the fact that more successful players covered a higher distance per second than lesssuccessful players. therefore, more successful players had to exert themselves more as tournaments progressed (cabello-manrique et al., 2004). the fact that low-intensity efforts per second were also highlighted as a group predictor would suggest that more successful players had a better ability to anticipate the tactics of opponents and the trajectory of the shuttle than less-successful players, which may benefit them in terms of the intensity of efforts that they need to perform. last-mentioned assertion confirms the findings of others that visual search strategies allow successful players to perceive and anticipate the movements of their opponents more accurately (alder et al., 2014). the identification of high-intensity accelerations and low-intensity efforts per second for the attainment of badminton performances, emphasizes the importance of using badminton drills and conditioning techniques, not only to improve the physical fitness level of players, but also their abilities to accelerate at high intensities. although athletic coaches do spend a lot of time on speed training, which is focused on developing acceleration and top speed sprinting (sheppard, 2004; young et al., 2001), this type of training is not common among badminton coaches. it is evident that badminton coaches need to spend more time on speed and acceleration training to improve the abilities of players to accelerate at high intensities so that they can achieve more success in badminton. findings of this study provide insight into an area of research where uncertainty still remains as it brings clarity with regard to the usefulness of iscd match characteristics to predict male singles badminton players’ performance levels. although only two variables served as predictors of group classification, a high percentage of players (76.88%) could be classified back into their original groups by making use of the iscdbased logistic regression formula. the rocc value also showed that the classification model is a valid model to classify players into successful and lesssuccessful player groups. therefore, coaches and sport scientists should not only focus on the development of high-intensity accelerations during match play, but also on the physical conditioning and anticipation of players, which will allow them to perform more efforts at a lowintensity during a match. therefore, it is imperative that coaches, sport scientists and other sport related professionals set up and apply training and conditioning drills that will mimic the specific demands of badminton match play. the study outcome also suggests that badminton talent identification and development programs should not only focus on technical and tactical aspects of match play, but also on the physical and motor performance components of players. conclusion despite the value of study findings, outcomes of the present study must be construed with caution, since the prediction model was developed specifically for male, single african badminton players. this connotes that the outcome cannot be generalized to all badminton players. it may also be of paramount importance to test logistic models of the classified iscd individual match analysis results, player loads and effort-related variables through longitudinal studies in order to appraise the precision, significance, usefulness and its suitability for badminton players globally. finally, it should be noted that technical and tactical components, which have also been recognized as important determinants for badminton performance (chin et al., 1995), were not measured in this study. as such, it can be recommended that further studies should focus on a more elaborate range of variables, which also include the last -named components as part of the testing protocol. copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 yahaya abdullahi & ben coetzee/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 146 acknowledgement the authors would like to thank all the badminton players for their voluntary participation in the study. deep gratitude is extended to christo bisschoff, barry gerber and justin mclean for their assistance in data collection. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references auxter. at. al. 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limited. this study aimed to investigate the level of sports participation and motivation of the community. furthermore, this research also examined the role of government and public sports organizations. the data analysis technique used was descriptive analysis, namely the data frequency from the questionnaire analysis. the study was conducted in sidoarjo, indonesia, involving 630 respondents and using a questionnaire developed from the sports development index (sdi). the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. the samples should meet the criteria, including the specified age group, place of residence, not physically disabled, and could carry out daily activities independently. the study found that 41% of respondents regularly participated in sports activities, 20% of respondents irregularly participated in sports activities, and 39% of respondents were inactive. soccer and running became the most played sports, performed by 26% and 18% of respondents. the main goal of exercising was to maintain health (64%). it was also found that most of them were engaged in the sports community. in addition, in the view of the community, the role of stakeholders in providing facilities, infrastructure, training, and sports socialization still needs improvements.  correspondence address : dukuh menanggal xii road, surabaya city, east java, 60234, indonesia e-mail : luqmanulhakim@unipasby.ac.id https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 49 introduction the level of community participation in sports activities is closely related to various aspects of life. for example, literature recorded that sports participation is causally associated with happiness and well-being (ruseski, humphreys, hallman, wicker, & breuer, 2014)(mcmahon et al., 2017). in addition, it also has a positive socio-economic correlation, prevents crime (caruso, 2011)(chamberlain, 2013)(meek & lewis, 2014), and can reduce obesity (bensimhon, kraus, & donahue, 2006), degenerative diseases such as diabetes mellitus (british heart foundation, 2013)(al tunaiji, davis, mackey, & khan, 2014), hypertension and decrease the risk of death from cardiovascular disease (oja et al., 2017). this is what makes governments in many countries make campaigns to increase public sports participation as the primary strategy in health promotion. data shows that, in general, developed countries have a high level of sports participation. active live survey data stated that in england, sports participation in 2017 was 63 % for men and 58 % for women (audickas, 2017). canadian statistics released that in 2016, the regular sports participation rate was 61% and 28% for men and women, respectively (canada, 2019). in japan, the sports participation rate was 69 % in 2016 (statista research department, 2020). in singapore, 66 % of its population regularly participated in sports in 2019 (sport singapore, 2019). in contrast to other developed countries, in the usa, the average percentage of the population participating in exercise and sports daily was only around 20% in 2015 (woods, 2017). in middle eastern countries such as saudi arabia, 58% of the population is categorized as physically inactive (world health organization, 2016). there are not many literatures on sports participation rates in developing countries, including indonesia. the indonesian ministry of youth and sports stated in the period 2003, 2006, and 2009 the population's participation in sports continued to decline, from 25.4 % in 2003, down to 23.2 % in 2006, and finally down to 21.8 % in 2009. this pattern applies in urban and rural areas (indonesian ministry of youth and sports, 2010). in fact, in the last two decades, the government has been trying to increase the level of public sports participation through the sports system law number 03 of 2005 article 24, which requires public and private agencies to carry out training in sports activities for their employees (president of republic indonesia, 2005). unfortunately, this has not shown maximum results. on the other hand, from 2013 until 2018, the prevalence of diseases related to physical inactivity continued to increase (kemenkes ri, 2019a). the low level of community participation in sports also impacts the level of physical fitness of the indonesian people. this is in accordance with the results of a study from the ministry of youth and sports, which showed that the level of physical fitness of the indonesian people in the good category was only 4.1%, while the very good ones were only 1.1% (ministry of youth and sports of the republic of indonesia, 2009). it is believed that this can be overcome by increasing community participation in sports. data showed that in 2018, the proportion of the population of sidoarjo regency who had sufficient physical activity was the second-lowest in east java province, namely 57.11%, far below the average ratio of east java and national, which were 73.5% and 66.5% respectively. furthermore, the proportion of people who have insufficient physical activity ranks second highest, at 38.20%, well above the average ratios of the east java and national, which are 26.5% and 33.5%, respectively (kemenkes ri, 2019a, 2019b). therefore, this study aims to determine the level of sports participation and motivation to exercise and the involvement of sports community organizations in sidoarjo regency. however, the lack of data on the level of sports participation in the last decade resulted in a lack of promotion and strategies to increase people's motivation to exercise and engagement in a sports activity. therefore, this study aims to determine indonesia's level of sports participation. we also examine the intrinsic motivation of the community in doing sports activities. in addition, this study also aims to evaluate the role of stakeholders, i.e., the government and community sports organizations formi, in supporting sports activities. methods participants the participants in this study were 630 residents of sidoarjo spread over seven sub-districts, namely candi, prambon, krian, sidoarjo, sedati, gedangan, and jabon sub-districts. these seven sub-districts were chosen copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 luqmanul hakim/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 50 because they have regularly carried out car free day activities. first, the researcher determined the target number of respondents in each sub-district, namely 90 people, divided by age group and gender. then the researchers went to each sub-district and gave a questionnaire to residents who met the criteria. the inclusion criteria were not physically disabled, able to carry out daily activities independently, aged 7-40 years, and domiciled in the research location. exclusion criteria had a physical disability that causes the inability to carry out daily activities independently, age range beyond 7-40 years, and not domiciled in the research location. the research focuses on the age category of children (7 to 15 years), teenagers and young adults (15 to 24 years), and adults (25 to 40 years). each age group consists of 15 male and 15 female respondents. the demographic data of participants are presented in table 1. sampling procedures the population in this study was the people of sidoarjo regency, which consisted of 18 sub-districts. the population of sidoarjo regency in september 2020, according to the results of the 2020 population census, was 2,082,801 people. the male population is 1,048,574 and the female population is 1,034,227. based on the slovin formula, the minimum number of samples required with a margin of error of 5% is 400 samples. while in this study used 630 samples. the sampling technique used is clustered sampling. the sampling technique is purposive sampling, where the selection of respondents is based on the fulfillment of the inclusion criteria. materials and apparatus the the instrument used in the research used as a data collector was a questionnaire, while the questionnaire used was a lift to measure the participation of the development results of the sports development index (sdi). sdi is a composite index that reflects the success of sports development based on four basic dimensions: (1) open space available for sports, (2) human resources or sports personnel involved in sports activities, (3) community participation in exercising regularly, and (4) the degree of physical fitness achieved by the community (ruseski et al., 2014). in this study, the evaluated aspects were: frequency, duration, type, objective, length of engagement, motivation to participate in sport, sports community, sports facilities, organizers of sports activities, facility providers, government and public concern on sport, belief that sport is important, training on recreational sports. procedure in this study, the author took samples from 7 subdistricts in sidoarjo. the composition of the sample in each sub-district is designed the same. each respondent was given a questionnaire containing 18 questions. for respondents children under ten years, the authors conducted interviews based on the questions in the questionnaire and fill out the questionnaire. all participants copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 location age sex candi district (n = 90) 7 – 15 years old (n = 30) boy (n = 15) girl (n = 15) 16 – 24 years old (n = 30) male (n = 15) female (n = 15) 25 – 40 years old (n = 30) male (n = 15) female (n = 15) prambon district (n = 90) 7 – 15 years old (n = 30) boy (n = 15) girl (n = 15) 16 – 24 years old (n = 30) male (n = 15) female (n = 15) 25 – 40 years old (n = 30) male (n = 15) female (n = 15) krian district (n = 90) 7 – 15 years old (n = 30) boy (n = 15) girl (n = 15) 16 – 24 years old (n = 30) male (n = 15) female (n = 15) 25 – 40 years old (n = 30) male (n = 15) female (n = 15) sidoarjo district (n = 90) 7 – 15 years old (n = 30) boy (n = 15) girl (n = 15) 16 – 24 years old (n = 30) male (n = 15) female (n = 15) 25 – 40 years old (n = 30) male (n = 15) female (n = 15) sedati district (n = 90) 7 – 15 years old (n = 30) boy (n = 15) girl (n = 15) 16 – 24 years old (n = 30) male (n = 15) female (n = 15) 25 – 40 years old (n = 30) male (n = 15) female (n = 15) gedangan district (n = 90) 7 – 15 years old (n = 30) boy (n = 15) girl (n = 15) 16 – 24 years old (n = 30) male (n = 15) female (n = 15) 25 – 40 years old (n = 30) male (n = 15) female (n = 15) jabon district (n = 90) 7 – 15 years old (n = 30) boy (n = 15) girl (n = 15) 16 – 24 years old (n = 30) male (n = 15) female (n = 15) 25 – 40 years old (n = 30) male (n = 15) female (n = 15) table 1. sample composition luqmanul hakim/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 51 involved in this study have expressed their willingness to fill out the questionnaire data analysis the data analysis technique used was descriptive analysis, or the frequency of data from the questionnaire analysis. result in this study, each respondent was asked to answer 18 questions, which were grouped into 4 clusters: (1) the level of sports participation, (2) intrinsic motivation to exercise, (3) the type of sport played, (4) community perceptions of the role of stakeholders in support sports activities. the results regarding the level of sports participation are presented in table 2, which include: sports activities in the last week since when did sports activities, the frequency of doing sports weekly, and the duration of each exercise. from table 2, it is found that the proportion of respondents who are inactive or do not do sports at all is 39%. table 2 shows that most active respondents in sports, i.e., 36%, have been doing it for more than three years. on the other hand, 9% of respondents stated that they exercised for less than one year. table 2 also presents the exercise frequency for each week. 20% of respondents exercised irregularly, while 41% did it regularly. the highest frequency is five times a week, as much as 5%, and the smallest frequency is as much as 11% once a week. the duration of the respondents doing exercise is shown in table 2. the majority, i.e., 20%, practiced for 90-120 minutes, and the lowest proportion was 9%, exercised for 60-90 minutes. after determining the level of participation, active respondents were asked about the types of sports they do (table 3). 26% or the majority stated that they play football. this is in line with the duration of the training shown in figure 4, which shows that the majority practiced for 90 to 120 minutes. the next most popular sport was running, which 18% of the respondents did. this is understandable because running does not require special skills and can be carried out anywhere. a surprising answer came from 1% of respondents who stated that they did the gobak sodor exercise. gobak sodor is a kind of traditional game from indonesia. this game is a group game consisting of two groups, where each team consists of 3 5 people. the essence of the game is to block the opponent from passing over the line to the last row back and forth, and to win; all group members must complete the process back and forth in a predetermined field area. meanwhile, 12% of participants stated that they did not do certain sports regularly. data regarding participants' intrinsic motivation to engage in sports activities are shown in table 4. among respondents who are active in sports, we ask them the main reason they exercise. not surprisingly, 64% said they wanted to stay healthy. interestingly, the secondhighest answer, 18%, stated that they exercise with the goal of achievement in sports. however, we also found that motivation is not always high among those who copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 2. the level of sports participation variable frequency (n) percentage (%) length of engagement in the sports activity 0 – 1 years 59 9% 1 – 2 years 60 10% 2 – 3 years 40 6% more than 3 years 224 36% inactive 247 39% 630 100% frequency of doing sport in a week uncertain 124 20% once 69 11% twice 76 12% three times 82 13% 5 times 32 5% inactive 247 39% 630 100% the duration of each exercise less than 30 minutes 85 13% 30 – 60 minutes 114 18% 60 – 90 minutes 59 9% 90 – 120 minutes 126 20% inactive 246 39% 630 1 type of sport frequency (n) percentage (%) aerobics 38 10 soccer 100 26 badminton 27 7 run 68 18 ling ting kung gymnastics 9 2 cycling 47 12 swimming 23 6 yoga 21 5 gobak sodor 4 1 others or uncertain 47 12 table 3. type of sport luqmanul hakim/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 52 exercise regularly; 68% stated that they sometimes feel lazy. we also examine if they have a community in sports. we believe that community is one of the motivators in sports. as expected, 62% have a community consisting of sports clubs, schools, workplaces, etc. although 39% of respondents are inactive in sports, 92% of respondents believe that sport is important and very important. this shows that the majority of those who have never exercised at all still believe that participating in sport is necessary. they were then asked about their reasons for not exercising. the highest answer was because they felt tired (40%), had no time (28%), and were not interested in exercising (16%). from here, it can be suggested to provide training for the community on selecting the proper time to exercise and do it correctly not to feel tired. thus, sports participation can increase. table 5 illustrates how the public perceives the government and community sports federation (formi) in supporting sports. this role is assessed from several indicators consisting of (1) provision of sports facilities and infrastructure, (2) training and socialization regarding recreational sports or sports for all, (3) frequency of organizing sports activities by the government or formi, and (4) opinions regarding the level of government and public concern for sports. from table 4, only 34% of respondents felt that the sports facilities in their environment were adequate, while 66% of the others felt that their facilities were insufficient. 72% of respondents also stated that the sports facilities around them result from self-help or community efforts. only 21% stated that the government provided the facilities. this study also found that only around 50% of respondents experienced training and socialization regarding copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 variable frequency (n) percentage (%) the purpose of doing sports maintain health 247 64 lose weight 36 9 strengthen friendships 27 7 willingness to have sports achievements 68 18 others 6 2 sport community school 86 22 club 101 26 workplace 32 8 alone 146 38 others 19 5 feeling lazy in doing sport yes, sometimes 263 68 never 121 32 reason not doing sport not interested 39 16 no time 69 28 there are no facilities and infrastructure 20 8 tired 98 40 enough though the work i do 17 7 others 2 1 believe that sport is important very important 279 44 important 300 48 not important 51 8 table 4. motivation to participate in the sports activity table 5. public perception regarding the role of stakeholders in supporting community sports activities variable frequency (n) (%) sports facilities around adequate 214 34 less adequate 330 52 very less adequate 86 14 sports facility provider government 132 21 public or non-governmental 455 72 entrepreneur 43 7 number of sports venues around 1 268 42 2 193 31 3 169 27 training in sports for all once 160 25 rarely 156 25 never 314 50 socialization about sport for all once 156 25 rarely 175 28 never 299 47 frequency of sports activity conducted by government once a week 122 19 once a month 151 24 once in 3 months 357 57 public concern for sports really care 235 37 less care 304 48 does not care at all 91 15 government concern for sports really care 199 31 less care 351 56 does not care at all 80 13 luqmanul hakim/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 53 recreational sports or sports for all. only 37% of respondents argue that the public generally cares about sports. in line with this, only 31% of respondents stated that the government is towards sports in the community. discussion in this study, we found an interesting fact that the participation rate in public sports rose to 41%. in contrast, in the previous study, it was only 21.8% in 2009 (indonesian ministry of youth and sports, 2010). this is different from the results of basic health research, which states that the proportion of the population who has sufficient activity in the sidoarjo regency is 57.11% (kemenkes ri, 2019b). this is because the measured domains are different, in which riskesdas measures activity at work, travel to and from places, and recreational activities (who, 2012), while our study measures the involvement of respondents in sports activities. in addition, the samples in the riskesdas study were all aged ten years and over, while in our research, the respondents were aged 7 to 40 years. this research also identified four motives for doing sport: health, losing weight, strengthening friendships, and willingness to have sports achievement. people's awareness that practicing sport regularly is one of the most pivotal factors contributing to maintaining health becomes the prime reason for their engagement. these results are similar to india, slovenia, croatia, and germany studies. research on motivation in sports participation conducted in india obtained four main factors: sports action with friends; fitness and health; social status; and popularity (ahmed, ho, al-haramlah, & mataruna-dos-santos, 2020). a similar study was also conducted in slovenia, croatia, and germany; and gave six motives for exercising, namely: sports action with friends, popularity, fitness and health, sports events, social status, and relaxation with exercise (kondrič, sindik, furjan-mandić, & schiefler, 2013). another crucial finding from this research is the importance of the role of the sports community, such as clubs, schools, or workplaces. as the results of this study, people who exercise in the community are almost twice as high as those who exercise alone, with a ratio of 62 to 38. this is because sports communities such as sports clubs are believed to have the ability to unite people through the development of social networks (waardenburg & nagel, 2019). from here, a strategy can be designed to increase sports participation through the formation and empowerment of sports communities. our investigation shows that football and running are the uppermost sport of choice in society. for several decades, football's position as the most popular sport has been irreplaceable across the globe (palacioshuerta, 2004). furthermore, literature records that in 2004, 400 million players worldwide played this sport (dvorak, 2004). as for running, we suppose that the high number of people interested in this sport is because it does not need special skills and facilities. the government has a pivotal part in enhancing sports participation and exercise in a country (pujari, 2017). for example, a study in germany concluded that government spending, especially on providing facilities and infrastructure, positively contributed to sports participation (dallmeyer, wicker, & breuer, 2018)(28). however, this research found that the public believes that the role of the government still needs to be improved because the provision of facilities and infrastructure, as well as training, socialization, and concern for sports, is still lacking. conclusion this study concludes that the community participation rate in sports is good, shown by 41% participating regularly. the most practiced sport is considered less expensive and does not require a particular skill. the highest motivation for engagement in sport is to maintain health and be supported by the sports community. people believe that sport is an important activity even for those who stated do not have time for doing sport. however, support from stakeholders in the provision of facilities and training still needs to be improved. because the sampling technique of this study was purposive sampling, these results were limited to those who met the inclusion criteria. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 luqmanul hakim/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 54 ahmed, m. d., ho, w. k. y., al-haramlah, a., & mataruna-dos-santos, l. j. 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this study aimed to test the effect of providing dynamic rotation training on futsal athlete playing performance. this experimental study involved 20 futsal athletes aged 1619 years in banyumas regency (age= m 17,6 ± bmi 20,3 kg/m2). futsal special performance test was used to measure the futsal player playing performance. the analysis involved skill components (passing, controlling, dribbling, and shooting) and physical aspects (speed and agility). furthermore, results showed that providing dynamic rotation training could significantly increase the performance of futsal athletes aged 16-19 years (p-value = 0,001). these findings become the foundation that a coach needs to be concerned with to select an effective exercise to impact the athletes positively.  correspondence address : jl. colombo yogyakarta no.1, daerah istimewa yogyakarta 55281 e-mail : sugeng_purwanto@uny.ac.id https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 56 introduction futsal is a team sport with a high level of complexity (beato et al., 2017). the intensity of this sport tends to be higher than in other sports (barron, collins, and carling 2020). the game demands that require players to rotate to find space to control the ball as often as possible have become unique in the sport of futsal (sarmento et al., 2015). this makes the player's playing performance factor a critical thing to consider. physical is preferred because this sport is included in high intensity, but each player's level of playing skills must be considered. a coach has more dominance to manipulate a form of training to support the performance of his players (moore et al. 2014); this is still required as a whole investigation process. the scheme of the training process must essentially be adjusted to the goals to be achieved. futsal has fast game characteristics (amani-shalamzari et al., 2019); each player's physical and technical factors are the main thing (sekulic et al., 2019). therefore, each coach needs to consider the unification of these two aspects in determining the variety of exercises. dynamic rotation training or player rotation-based games is manipulated to play a role in each player's physical and technical improvement (gómez et al., 2015). the primary basis of applying this exercise is that each player rotates freely within the area of the field that has been manipulated from a small space to a wider field size. the goal is for the interaction of players with the ball to occur as often as possible because the higher the interaction between the player and the ball, the level of the physical and technical union of futsal becomes quickly achieved (lapresa et al. 2013). although previously, it has been tested that the application of games-shaped exercises can harmonize the game of professional players professional (oppici et al., 2018). another study suggests that the rotational exercise game-based form can increase futsal players' aerobic and anaerobic capacity (amani-shalamzari et al., 2019). this needs to investigate in a broader study to produce more specific results. in parallel with this, providing a suitable training program will progressively improve the quality of players without causing a high risk of injury, and the goals will be met (zein et al., 2014). the unification of physicality and technique is vital in the sport of futsal because it will affect the tactical of players in the games (yiannaki, carling, and collins 2018). the perfect physical and technical union will affect the efficiency of the player's movement and the attack's effectiveness in achieving the game's objectives (gómez et al., 2015). however, the evaluation results of the previous exercises through specific training observation activities showed that 60% of the players in the team still had a performance at a low level. this is supported by problems that are still the same faced in 3 months of practice periodization, such as the accuracy of passing is still not on target, the way dribbling is always facing the ball, easy to lose the ball, too long in making decisions, and target shooting that still does not lead to the goal. a performance like this must undoubtedly be improved by implementing appropriate training to support the player's playing skills. furthermore, exercises with specified targets must be achieved consistently and continuously (barbieri et al., 2016). a study is crucial to improve players' game performance from these problems. several related studies have been conducted, such as the application of smallsided games-based exercises to improve the cognitive performance of futsal athletes (khurrohman et al., 2021). other research states that applying exercises with a smaller area can improve decision-making (práxedes et al., 2018). furthermore, training with manipulation of the field area can increase the understanding of the objectives in each player's position (coutinho et al., 2019). however, it needs to be an indepth study that the provision of practice variation is essential for players. dynamic rotation training has been modified to stimulate the technical alignment of each athlete. spontaneous movement with high intensity becomes a characteristic of futsal sports (sánchez et al., 2018). dynamic rotation training is in control, i.e., the ball's movement is determined by the player himself during the implementation of the exercise. technical errors will increase progressively by increasing ball interaction between players (de pinho et al., 2020). just like research (caglayan et al., 2018) demonstrate that the application of ball possession exercises can improve the physical and technical alignment of the game. this study aims to determine the effectiveness of exercise on the performance of playing futsal athletes in adolescents. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 sugeng purwanto & moch fath khurrohman / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 57 methods participants this study was conducted with total sampling techniques, totaling 20 male futsal athletes with an age range of 16-19 years, as a preparation event for the annual event in central java. the determination of the study subjects is based on the theory of exercise periodization that athletes are in the phase of improving the special training process and competition participation (khurrohman et al., 2021; wijayanti and kushartanti, 2014). materials and apparatus the performance of athletes' futsal playing skills is measured by a special performance test that has been tested for validity and reliability of r = 0.89 (farhani et al., 2019). the test method is carried out by measuring the player's success in completing various test items in units of time. this test has been specially designed by involving skill components (passing, controlling, dribbling, and shooting) and physical aspects (speed and agility). measurements are taken before the exercise intervention and afterward to determine the effect of giving the exercise. procedure observation, descriptive, and experimental activities are the designs used in this study. sampling is done with total sampling or the total number of samples used as a research subject. first, a brief explanation is done where the researcher describes the objectives and possible risks to players and coaches. then approval was obtained between players, coaches, and researchers who continued measuring the athlete's body mass index. in experimental studies conducted in this study, the goal is to determine the effect of providing dynamic rotation training on the performance of futsal athletes' playing skills. the study was conducted during 16 meetings; 2 meetings as a pre-post test measurement, and 14 sessions were used to provide exercise interventions. data analysis data analysis methds are carried out with several stages, 1) descriptive analysis, 2) normality test (shapiro wilk test), 3) homogeneity test (test of homogeneity), 4) hypothesis test (paired t-test) with the help of spss 25. result the average performance score of overall futsal skills athletes in the pre-test was 33 seconds (sd = 1.52), while post-test results experienced an improved performance with a score of 32.35 seconds (sd = 1.49), which can be seen in table 2. table 2 shows that the results of the application of exercise experience an increased effect on the performance of playing futsal athletes. there was an increase in time of 0.65 seconds from the difference in pre-test and post-test results. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 sugeng purwanto & moch fath khurrohman / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) table 1. characteristic of futsal player n age height (cm) weight(kg) bmi (kg/m2) 20 17,6 168±2,69 57,3±3,51 20,3 figure 1. futsal special performance test table 2. descriptive statistic variable mean±sd mean difference pre-test posttest athlete performance 33±1,52 32,35±1,49 0,65 s figure 2. result comparison pretest-postest 58 furthermore, a test of normality and homogeneity of the research data with a significance level of 0.05. the test shows a significant value (p-value > 0.05). this result states that both of the above data have normally distributed data and have the same variant. this test has been qualified to proceed to the hypothesis test results shown in table 3. in the previous test, there was an increase in performance of 0.65 seconds. this result was then strengthened by analyzing the effectiveness of applying exercises with paired t-tests with a p-value of 0.001 (p < 0.05). these results proved that dynamic rotation training effectively improves the performance of futsal athletes aged 16-19 years. discussion based on the research data analysis results, it was mentioned that the application of dynamic rotation training-based exercises proved effective in significantly improving athletes' futsal playing skills. the effect is based on the actual pattern of futsal games. the pattern of play that emphasizes the overall technicality into unity to support the game (de oliveira bueno et al. 2014) refers to applying this form of exercise. this is supported by previous studies that state that implementing a training program tailored to the game will have a much better impact because players will get used to dealing with situations in matches (naser, ali, and macadam 2017). coaches must make breakthroughs because this will stimulate the development and unification of physical, technical, psychological, and understanding of the game's tactics. each player's performance can be improved by implementing an appropriate training program (reis et al. 2019) because exercise is at risk (sarmento et al. 2015); appropriate training can improve each athlete's ability. for example, dynamic rotation training improved futsal athletes' performance significantly. training patterns that aim to make the player's interaction with the ball occur as often as possible will positively impact the physical unification and technique of the game (karsten et al., 2017). another finding is that the application of exercises like have a fantastic effect on decision-making in the game situation (sparkes et al., 2018). this study supports previous research, which showed that mini-area-based exercises could improve the understanding of each player's position and physical performance (coutinho et al., 2019). furthermore, there is an increase in effective passing ability after being given stimulation of small-sided games (khurrohman et al., 2021). furthermore, other research showed that the provision of exercise interventions in plotting field areas could improve the cardiovascular work system of futsal athletes (moran et al., 2019). based on a review of some previous literature, researchers have tested the effects of providing dynamic rotation training-based exercises on the performance of athletes' playing skills. as a result, it was significantly able to improve the performance of futsal athletes aged 16-19 years. this finding is slightly different from previous studies (coutinho et al., 2019; khurrohman et al., 2021; moran et al., 2019). the author found new results related to the performance of athletes with the provision of exercise patterns that are almost similar to previous studies. however, this needs to be verified on an ongoing basis, given the many forms of exercise that can be used in the sport of futsal. in addition, the coaching process must be carried out continuously, starting from an early age. conclusion the application of dynamic rotation training-based exercises proved effective in enhancing the performance of playing futsal athletes. these results were shown from a significant increase based on the pre-post test value. this is attributed to the practice pattern applied emphasizes the interaction between players with the ball, which is much higher than in other exercises. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. copyright © 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august 2021 revised august 2021 accepted august 2021 available online septemeber 2021 keywords : adapted physical education, covid-19 pandemic, physical activity abstract physical activity is one of the vital components of students with disabilities during the covid-19 pandemic, which has become endemic in various countries, including indonesia. the purpose of the study was to determine the level of physical activity of students with disabilities during the covid-19 pandemic. participants of this study were 17 students with disabilities (intellectual disability, hearing impairment, speech impairment) aged 8-14 years. this research used a quantitative descriptive research method. the tool used was the children's physical activity questionnaire (paq-c) distributed through google forms. data analysis included quantitative descriptive statistics analysis and the analytical need testing using ibm spss 24 applications. the results showed that the physical activity of students with disabilities during the covid -19 pandemic was primarily distributed in the low category, namely nine students (50%). therefore, this study implied that students should maintain and increase physical activity by doing light physical activity at least 30 minutes a day and maintaining immunity by eating nutritious foods such as vitamins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy foods to prevent the spread of the covid-19 virus. for further research, it will be interesting to study adaptive learning more deeply during pandemics in the broader scope in indonesia.  correspondence address : jl. kusuma no.7, wonoyoso, kebumen, jawa tengah 54316, indonesia e-mail : erick.burhaein@upi.edu https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 237 introduction the virus, better known as coronavirus or covid19, is a crisis faced by people worldwide today. the spread of covid-19 in indonesia and the world impacts every aspect of life (chen et al., 2020; purwanto, lumintuarso, & burhaein, 2021). the country's government takes swift action by establishing policies to break the chain of the spread of the coronavirus (burhaein, 2020b; putra, purwanto, & burhaein, 2021). policies set by the government include curfews, telecommuting, social distancing, social restrictions, and others. related sectors, especially the education sector, should carry out the policy well to maximize government efforts. the outbreak of covid-19 has also affected the field of education (yunus & rezki, 2020). indonesia is one of many countries that have decided to close schools and universities until an undetermined deadline. hence, the most widely implemented effort is distance learning, where students are encouraged to study at home during pandemics. teaching and learning activities have been carried out remotely through an online system since march 2020. the learning system is administered remotely through various learning facilities such as google meet, zoom meeting, google classroom, youtube, whatsapp, tv, and other social media (burhaein, 2021; nurulfa et al., 2021). students with disabilities also experience the same condition. they can use supporting apps such as whatsapp, zoom, google classroom, and other remote platforms to facilitate online learning. according to the content and subjects taught in schools during the pandemic, it can be divided into two categories. the first category is a group of subjects focusing on theory and a little practice, while the second category is a group of subjects focusing on practice and lacking theory. these two categories are very different in online learning (boukrim, obtel, kasouati, achbani, & razine, 2021; burhaein, 2020a). adaptive physical education learning involves the theory and practice categories. adaptive physical education is physical activity and educational activity for students with disabilities, where game activities or physical activities (such as sports) can be used in educational activities and the physical activity experience can be used to achieve education (burhaein, phytanza, & demirci, 2020; burhaein, tarigan, & phytanza, 2020). in pandemic situations, students must keep their distance, wear masks, and isolate themselves at home, which will affect the student dynamic life behavior, such as playing football, basketball, futsal, badminton, running, swimming, and gymnastics that are usually conducted at school; now the activities should be conducted at home to prevent the spread of covid-19 (acsm, 2020; who, 2020a). activities that can be done at home to maintain the student health are walking in the yard, going up and downstairs, strength, flexibility, coordination, and speed training, cycling, aerobics, and others (castañeda-babarro, coca, arbillaga-etxarri, & gutiérrez-santamaría, 2020; who, 2020c). the restrictions help lower infection rates by limiting participation in normal daily activities, physical activity, travel, and access to various forms of exercise (e.g., gyms). on the other hand, physical education at home is not necessarily fully carried out by students because of the limited available facilities, infrastructure, and supervision (castañeda-babarro et al., 2020). in addition, teachers do not always carry out physical education effectively. this has the potential to encourage the emergence of lazy behaviors and eating disorders that can be bad for health, including an increased risk of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and overweight, as well as the presence of other health complaints. according to a survey conducted in morocco (boukrim et al., 2021), more than a quarter of students are overweight or obese during the covid19 restriction period. the covid-19 pandemic has caused controversy in the health sector, especially about social isolation measures (alomari, khabour, & alzoubi, 2020). it is widely regarded as one of the most effective strategies to reduce the spread of the virus. the physical educators who participated in the discussions have identified critical weaknesses related to access to basic health knowledge, including those related to epidemiology and health measures (lynch, 2016). the emergence and global outbreak of the deadly virus pose a threat to the health and economy of the global community. the covid-19 pandemic is proved to be an unprecedented disaster, especially from the health, social, and economic point of view. according to a study conducted in a country, more than a quarter of students are overweight or obese due to a lack of physical activity (boukrim et al. l 2021). during the covid-19 isolation period, most stucopyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 erick burhaein et. al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 238 dents were malnourished, only one-third of them had significant physical activity, and most were at risk of stress. about the effect of physical activity, narici & de boer (2011) research found that the absence of physical activity firstly affected the musculoskeletal system. after one month, a dangerous condition would occur, including a loss of muscle mass (12%) and bone density (estimated to be about 1%). in addition, restrictions due to the covid-19 outbreak reduce physical activity, affecting poor eating habits, resulting in a very high risk of degenerative diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular pathology, cardiovascular disease, and others. according to the gap, there is an urgency to research physical activity, especially in children with disabilities. therefore, this study aimed to determine the level of physical activity of students with disabilities during the covid-19 pandemic. methods the design of this study used quantitative descriptive research methods (fraenkel et al., 2012). the technique used was a survey on the physical activity of students with disabilities. participants participants of the study were randomly selected. this technique allows researchers to obtain data from varied participants (fraenkel, wallen, & hyun, 2012). the population of this study was disabled students in yogyakarta city. from the population, 17 students with some disabilities were chosen randomly as participants. complete information about the characteristics of participants is presented in table 1. instrument and procedure the instrument used was a child physical activity questionnaire (paq-c) collected through google forms. paq-c instruments have a validity of 0.55 and reliability of 0.86 (kowalski, crocker, & donen, 2004). the purpose of using this questionnaire was to measure the level of variables considered as the most important and the variables to be used as materials to improve important parts in the future. paq-c is a 7-day physical activity instrument. the paq-c instrument grid presented in table 2. procedure at this stage, the questionnaires about physical activity were provided through a google form. to maintain the quality of valid and reliable research results, the data collection procedure followed the following steps: 1) google forms were not filled out by students but coordinated by ape teachers in schools. 2) ape teachers were assisted by the parents of students who would observe their child's physical activity for seven days. 3) the results of observations for seven days then became the answer to the question about physical activity on the google form. 4) ape teachers filled out the google forms assisted by parents who observed the student's physical activity. data analysis data analysis in this study included a test of analytical requirements, namely normality test, using the help of ibm spss software v.24, and descriptive analysis test by examining the mean, standard deviation, and the level of physical activity category (5 categories). in addition, physical activity data were obtained by filling out the paq-c questionnaire through google forms, designed to determine the level of physical activity of students with disabilities. the measurement results were divided into five categories, namely: (1) very high, (2) high, (3) medium, (4) low, (5) very low. specopyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 erick burhaein et. al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) table 1. demographic data of participants demographic data mean ± sd age 16.25± 3.68 weight 55.52 ± 9.68 height 152.88 ± 12.16 type of disability intellectual disability = 12 students hearing & speech impairment= 5 students table 2. paq-c instrument no dimension number of items 1 type of physical activity 3 2 frequency of physical activity 2 3 duration of physical activity 2 4 the intensity of physical activity 2 total 9 239 cific data on the results of the paq-c questionnaire are shown in table 3. result the test of analytical requirements was the initial stage in analyzing the physical activity data of students with disabilities during the pandemic. the test of the analytical requirements used in this study was the data normality test. when the obtained data were normal, the analysis could use parametric analysis techniques. the results of the study data were then analyzed descriptively. the data were processed at the descriptive analysis stage by examining the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum scores. descriptive statistical results of physical activity data of students with disabilities during the covid-19 pandemic are presented in table 4. after the descriptive data analysis stage, the data were classified based on the physical activity category of each student with disabilities. data categorization was divided into five categories reviewed from the frequency and percentage of physical activity data of students with disabilities during the covid-19 pandemic. the results of the data are shown in table 4. based on table 4, the results of physical activity measurements on students with disabilities, involving 17 students (100%), were categorized into five categories. the data categorization results found 1 student (6%) in the very low category, 9 students (50%) in the low category, 8 students (44%) in the moderate category, 0 students (0%) in the high category, and 0 students (0%) in the very high category. the results indicate that most data (50% of students) had a low physical activity. discussion the results showed that although adaptive physical education (ape) learning was conducted online, students did enough physical activity, showing that 44% of the students were in the moderate category. physical activity with the moderate category is sufficient to help learners maintain their health during the covid-19 pandemic. previous research findings show that physical activity has a significant impact on the body; the better the physical activity category, the more it affects the health of the body and energy composition (kurniawan, jajat, & sutisna, 2019). physical activity also minimizes diseases, including cardiovascular disease, mental health, bowel cancer, type 2 diabetes, and other diseases (burhaein, 2017a; piercy et al., 2018; vuijk, hartman, scherder, & visscher, 2010). physical activity, such as exercise, is highly recommended because the benefits can be obtained by every student with disabilities routinely doing physical activity. in addition, approaches through physical activity are an excellent strategy for increasing cardiorespiratory capacity, the inflammatory system, and immune response. due to the quarantine period, the practice of various physical activities at home can also be utilized to fight covid-19 and must be incorporated into the ape learning routine for students with disabilities (silva-filho, xavier, cezarino, sales, & albuquerque, 2020). the results of subsequent studies found that 50% of the physical activity of disabled students belonged to the low category, while 6% of them were in the very low category. students in low-to-lower categories tend to get used to low physical activity during pandemics. the statement is supported by previous research stating that the sedentary habit is quite dangerous; thus, physical activity needs to be introduced early (blair, lamonte, & nichaman, 2018; hasan, bahri, ramania, karim, & juniarsyah, 2019). introducing physical activity at an copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 erick burhaein et. al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) table 3. paq-c assessment norms no items description 1 0.0 – 1.0 very low 2 1.1 – 2.0 low 3 2.1 – 3.0 medium 4 3.1 – 4.0 high 5 4.1 – 5.0 very high table 4. physical activity measurement results during the covid-19 pandemic category frequency f % very low 1 6 low 9 50 medium 8 44 high 0 0 very high 0 0 total 17 100 240 early age will become a habit carried into adulthood even throughout life. therefore, it is crucial to familiarize and pay attention to the physical activity of students with disabilities as it would affect their growth, development, and dynamic living behavior in the future (burhaein, 2017b; phytanza, burhaein, & pavlovic, 2021; who, 2018). covid-19 is a terrible health crisis, which demands urgent prevention. although staying at home is the most critical strategy to cut out all hypothesized transmission routes, it should be conducted without neglecting the importance of maintaining regular physical activity and healthy eating habits (hammami, jdidi, & frih, 2020). maintaining and maintaining the physical activity intensity at a moderate level is essential to maintain immune system function. disabled student immunity is essential to be maintained and optimized during the covid-19 pandemic (phytanza & burhaein, 2019; pramantik & burhaein, 2019). the role of ape teachers is vital in maintaining or even increasing students' physical activity during pandemics by using innovative learning media that are accessible to students at home. one learning medium is the virtual ape learning media to replace sports routines that learners cannot carry out. the virtual ape learning media is supported by previous research stating that during the covid-19 pandemic, virtual sport is much loved and, in these uncertain times, the education model must be adjusted (schroeder, hall, & kruse, 2020). the use of a virtual meeting platform to display images is possible. it allows an instructor to demonstrate and allows them to observe students and provide live feedback in real-time. going forward, virtual teaching methods will likely continue to be the best learning strategies, as it provides increased access to individualized instruction (old strategies) of becoming more flexible in distance learning. online learning can also be conducted and provide motivation and appeal to students with disabilities to maintain physical condition by doing a regular physical activity which is helpful to fill their activities at home during the covid-19 pandemic. the statement is supported by research concerning the increasing spread of covid-19, where infection control and security precautions are essential to follow (chen et al., 2020). staying at home is a fundamental security measure to limit the spread of infection. however, staying at home for long periods can increase inactivity behaviors and contribute to anxiety and depression, leading to sedentary lifestyles, which would result in a variety of chronic health conditions (castañeda-babarro et al., 2020). therefore, maintaining regular physical activity in a safe home environment is vital for healthy living during the coronavirus crisis. the number of activities missed by disabled students during the covid-19 pandemic initiated children's unhealthy lifestyles and obesity due to the lack of activity. in addition, the student's nutritional intake is insufficient for carrying out physical activity. therefore, it is necessary to enhance school sports activities and specialized training for students to acquire complex skills (alomari et al., 2020; who, 2020b). an adequate activity or exercise can increase the heart work, blood circulation, and lungs so that the immune system (especially the heart) develops in the right direction. in addition to physical activity, parental support is also needed to help athletic development and improve student fitness (verschuren, wiart, hermans, & ketelaar, 2012). therefore, to improve physical fitness, the exercise principle needs to be improved, including physical fitness, physical function capacity, and spiritual qualities. the more physical activity that students with disabilities do every day, the better their fitness will be. conclusion the physical activity level of students with disabilities during the pandemic was mainly in a low category. this data shows that disabled students were less actively engaged during the covid-19 pandemic, resulting in decreased physical activity in disabled students at risk of physical health and fitness problems. this study implies that to prevent the spread of the covid-19 virus; the students should maintain and increase their physical activity by doing light physical activity at least 30 minutes a day and maintaining their immunity by eating nutritious foods such as vitamins and fruits, vegetables, and healthy foods. the limitations of this study include the small number of participants and study population. for further research, it will be interesting to study adaptive learning more deeply during pandemics with a broader scope in indonesia. copyright © 2021, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 erick burhaein et. al / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 6 (2) (2021) 241 conflicts of interest the authors declare no conflict of interest. acknowledgments we would like to deliver our gratitude to all participants who had been involved in the study. references acsm. 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thus, a youth sport structuring program is needed to serve initiatives for social goodness (camiré, 2019). sport represents a state of promoting pyd for participation in providing life skills learning opportunities for youth; pyd is an approach to developing youth potential as a resource that must be developed (santos et al., 2018). pyd is often conceptualized as a state of life skill learning related to interpersonal characteristics, abilities, goals, emotional abilities, self-esteem, and hard work that can be developed in sports and transformed for life (gould & carson, 2008). pyd focuses on improving life skills so youth can adapt to various problems and daily challenges (danish et al., 2005). life skills are recognized as an effort to prepare youth to become active members of society (camiré et al., 2021). sports abilities have been transformed into ideas from the inherent part of life skills so that there is implementation alignment in living arrangements because sports skills allow open access to success in life, both emotionally and in goal setting (pierce et al., 2017). sports programs, especially in the youth sector, have positioned themselves for life skills development, including behavioral, cognitive, interpersonal, and intrapersonal development, which can be learned or found in sports so that they can be transformed for expanding their understanding of their own lives (chinkov & holt, 2016; danish et al., 2005; gould & carson, 2008). the development of sport participation among youth is a variant of a sports-based program for improving life skills and integrating effective programs to maintain life skills so that the integrated life skills are internalized in sports and manifested in all aspects of life (pierce et al., 2022; weiss et al., 2013). a sports program teaching life skills has been developed to optimize the benefits of youth sports participation development, which involves life skills content such as intrapersonal (more internal skills, such as focus) and interpersonal (skills that are useful during social interactions, such as collaboration skills). it combines two core life skills (focus and sportsmanship) and six life skills (intensity, goal setting, emotional regulation, honesty, cooperation, and respect) (kendellen et al., 2017). life skills include behavioral aspects (effective communication), cognitive aspects (effective decision-making), interpersonal aspects (being assertive), and intrapersonal aspects (setting goals) (camiré et al., 2012; danish et al., 2005; gould & carson, 2008). structured programs have a good quality in producing positive youth development compared to unstructured programs (bean & forneris, 2016). among the daily activities of youth, organized youth activities, such as community programs and extracurricular activities, provide suitable opportunities and conditions for promoting development (hansen et al., 2003). there are several sports-based youth development programs whose role is to impact youth lives by providing educational programs that build character, inculcate lifestrengthening values, and promote health (weiss et al., 2013). therefore, the use of sports as media to develop life skills is a breakthrough, not only supported by the sports community but through youth program campaigns and the development of school education quality (gould & carson, 2008) golf has been identified as a popular and ideal context to facilitate life skill development. golf and life skills are taught integrated using the systematics and producer of interpersonal lessons, self-management, goal setting, and advanced personal and interpersonal skills. in addition, golf practice, in general, has an inherent responsibility to demonstrate life skills, such as respect and honesty (kramers et al., 2021). the evaluation of the effectiveness of the first tee life skill program in encouraging positive youth development shows that the program can transfer the skills learned in golf to be applied outside sport context, such as at school, home, social, or workplace environments. therefore, four guiding principles were created to help instructors integrate life skill teaching into golf: (a) focus on one life skill per lesson, (b) introduce life skills at the beginning of the lesson, (c) apply strategies to teach life skills throughout the lesson, and (d) provide an explanation of life skills at the end of the lesson (camiré et al., 2018; kendellen et al., 2017). in addition, previous research has shown evidence of the effectiveness of golf sport-based pyd programs that target copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 ahmad hamidi/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 228 personal skills (endurance, social competence, and positive identity) on pyd development programs that promote positive interpersonal and self-management skills (kendellen et al., 2017). the modernized elements of the relationship between activity participation and development experience in youth programs found that youth with a higher frequency of positive experiences were motivated by fun and future goals and spent more time in the program. in that context, they can be a leader and be involved in programs with a higher adult-adolescent ratio (hansen & larson, 2007). in the context of golf as an ideal medium for implementing life skills programs, researchers tried to apply how golf learning programs in universities integrated with life skills. therefore, this research can provide results showing to what extent the application of golf learning could impact the life skills of late adolescents. thus, this study aimed to investigate the effect of the life skill intervention (golf) program on the social competence of the sports science student study program. methods the method used in this study was a quantitative method using a quasi-experimental design. the research subjects were divided into two groups: the experimental group (a) and the control group (b). both groups carried out a series of pre-test and post-test, but the treatment was only given to group a; the treatment was an integration of the life skill program (creswell, 2015). this research design was selected to test the theory by determining the data collection hypothesis to support the hypothesis. the data collection results from pre-test and post-test experimental treatment using instruments measuring attitudes and information were analyzed using statistical procedures and hypothesis testing. participants according to sample measurement for experimental and comparative research, a minimum of 20 people/sample group is recommended (fraenkel et al., 2012). therefore, the participants of this study were sport science students study program at universitas pendidikan indonesia, consisting of 22 male adolescents. the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. instrument the instrument used in this study was the life skills scale for sport (lsss) to assess life skill development. lsss was developed for adolescent participants containing 47 questions divided into eight major life skill parts. this instrument is a likert scale using a five-point scale between 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much). lsss includes social competence dimensions and eight sub-dimensions, including cooperation, goal setting, time management, emotional skills, interpersonal communication, social skills, leadership, and problemsolving (lorcan donal cronin & allen, 2017). procedure at the preparation stage, the researcher drafted the research design concept by studying the life skill integration in sports and the instrument's determination. after finding the instrument to determine the population and sample, researchers adjusted the life skill integration program into golf practice. at the implementation stage, a pretest was carried out in both groups. the treatment, a training program integrating life skills, was given to the experimental group, while treatment without integrating life skills was given to the control group. next, both groups did a posttest. the final stage included data collection and verification, hypotheses testing using spss version 23 software, finding interpretations, and making conclusions about the hypotheses.. result the research obtained data findings presented in table 2. the test results generated from each group provided different data variations. the average results of the pre-test and post-test in group a were 147.5 and 168.9, while in group b were 145.9 and 151.3. the difference in value illustrated the extent to which the treatment given influenced the test being tested. the procopyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 demographic data mean ± sd age 20,15 ± 0,74515982 weight 3,83714532 ± 167,25 height 3,945683851 ± 64,1 table 1. sample characteristics ahmad hamidi/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 229 gress from the pre-test to the post-test is presented in figure 1. the results of the description of the life skills components of group a and group b before and after receiving treatment through an integrated life skill program in golf are presented in table 3. the results show the development of each life skill component, such as teamwork from 3.45 to 4.40; goal setting from 3.47 to 4.43; time management from 3.25 to 3.75; emotional skills from 3.25 to 3.75; interpersonal skills from 3.40 to 4.02; social skills from 3.25 to 4.20; leadership from 3.05 to 4.30; problem-solving and decision-making from 3.18 to 4.20. the life skill component showing the highest development was leadership, with a mean of 1.25. meanwhile, group b was the control group, where the youth participated in sport training programs without integrating structured and planned life skills. the results showed the development of each life skill component, including teamwork from 3.31 to 3.62; goal setting from 3.21 to 3.75; time management from 3.22 to 3.91; emotional skills from 3.64 to 3.85; interpersonal skills from 3.27 to 3.65; social skills from 3.06 to 3.48; problem-solving and decision making from 3.05 to 3.37. time management was the life skills component showing the highest development in this group. each component had an increase of 0.42. the result showed no significant change. the results show the development of each life skill component, such as teamwork from 3.45 to 4.40; goal setting from 3.47 to 4.43; time management from 3.25 to 3.75; emotional skills from 3.25 to 3.75; interpersonal skills from 3.40 to 4.02; social skills from 3.25 to 4.20; leadership from 3.05 to 4.30; problem-solving and decision-making from 3.18 to 4.20. the life skill component showing the highest development was leadership, with a mean of 1.25. meanwhile, group b was the control group, where the youth participated in sport training programs without integrating structured and planned life skills. the results showed the development of each life skill component, including teamwork from 3.31 to 3.62; goal setting from 3.21 to 3.75; time management from 3.22 to 3.91; emotional skills from 3.64 copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 figure 1. mean of pre-test and post-test table 2. data description group of mean min. max. gain score std. dev data a pre-test 147,5 142 151 21,4 3,04 post-test 168.9 168 171 1,7 b pre test 145,9 142 155 5,4 2,92 post-test 151,3 148 155 2,5 table 3. description of life skill components life skill components group a group b pretest posttest gain pretest posttest gain team work 3.45 4.40 0.95 3.31 3.62 0.31 goal setting 3.47 4.43 0.96 3.21 3.75 0.54 time managem-ent 3.55 4.56 1.01 3.22 3.75 0.54 emotional skills 3.25 3.75 0.50 3.64 3.85 0.21 interpersonal skills 3.40 4.02 0.62 3.27 3.65 0.38 social skills 3.25 4.20 0.95 3.06 3.48 0.42 leadership 3.05 4.30 1.25 3.18 3.74 0.56 problem solving & decision making 3.18 4.20 1.02 3.05 3.37 0.32 amount 26.6 33.8 7.26 25.95 29.3 3.43 average 3.32 4.23 0.90 3.24 3.67 0.43 table 4. wilcoxon signed test lss t sig. (2-tailed) group a 14.045 0.000 group b 14.045 0.000 table 5. mann whitney test group gain score gain percentage p-value a 21,4 14,51% 0,000 b 5,4 3,70% ahmad hamidi/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 230 to 3.85; interpersonal skills from 3.27 to 3.65; social skills from 3.06 to 3.48; problem-solving and decision making from 3.05 to 3.37. time management was the life skills component showing the highest development in this group. each component had an increase of 0.42. the result showed no significant change. table 5 shows the test results from the comparison of two groups, where group a receiving integrated life skills in golf learning, got a value of 0.000. the value was less than 0.05. it means there were differences in golf learning outcomes between integrated and nonintegrated life skill learning. group a increased process skills and outcomes between before and after intervention by about 14.51%. this value was higher than group b, so golf learning integrated with life skills showed a greater opportunity for improvement. discussion this study built a convincing argument that sports could help youth develop their life skills. in particular, this study's results align with other studies. there is a perception that youth have improved their life skills through sports, such as teamwork, goal-setting, leadership, time management, emotional, interpersonal communication, social, leadership, problem-solving, and decision-making skills (bedard et al., 2020; lorcan d. cronin & allen, 2018; lorcan donal cronin et al., 2017). several studies have explored the capabilities of sports-based pyd programs to promote life skill development and support the idea that youth sports participation can transform life skills from sports to non-sports contexts. sports-based pyd is vital to overcome social inequality, reducing social behavior problems, and improving the youth's self-value (anderson-butcher et al., 2018; bean et al., 2016; newman et al., 2020). changes in life skills in this study indicated that the samples during the program experienced changes in sub-skills at the individual level. in addition, the results of the experimental group's life skills increased compared to the control group. therefore, life skill programs are considered to impact increasing life skill components effectively (j. bae, 2022). life skill integration in sports training programs has resulted in a high development of life skills in late adolescents. life skill programs can implicitly or explicitly transform the development and fostering of a relationship to build a positive sporting situation related to behavior to gain life experience gained through the program to encourage life development (bean et al., 2018). through the analysis of the author's observations, life skill development in group a was more significant than in group b. however, both groups experienced significant changes, especially in the leadership component. during the implementation of a more orderly and regular exercise program, all of the late adolescents from group a were present at the training site before the scheduled training time began and had the initiative to warm up, led by one of his colleagues. even though group b was present at the right time, the initiative was to tidy up the line so that the coach had to choose one of his colleagues to lead the line and warm up. relevant to the research of (j. s. bae, yang, et al., 2021), the implementation of the peak (performance, enhancement, achievement, knowledge) program for 15 weeks showed an increase among the life skills subskills of the sample participated in the program compared to those who did not participate in the program. on the other hand, the research on the super (sports united to promote education and recreation) program found that life skills for the experimental group had increased (gould & carson, 2008). this is supported by another study which found that the samples taking part in the life skill program showed higher results than the control group; thus, implementing various life skills programs based on groups significantly influenced general (weiss et al., 2019). pyd through sports requires a planned program so that the operators or supervisors can implement it; the operator has a crucial role because the success of a program depends on the delivery to the sample, so it takes self-capacity to run the program to foster life skills (j. bae, 2022). this research is in line with several previous studies suggesting an increase in the integration of life skills through an explicit, intentional program carried out by operators for developing life skills. the operator and program influence review and implementation to maximize life skills development (bean et al., 2018; kendellen & camiré, 2017). the strategy for delivering the operator's life skill program is a fundamental unity. considering the operator's knowledge and experience for program implementation, an interconcopyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 ahmad hamidi/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 231 nected understanding between operators and samples is required so that they can understand easily and express thoughts and feelings due to the operator and samples' reciprocal relationship. life skill development is important to achieving individual engagement with opportunities to realize synergy to overcome various problems through social skills. life skills can be adapted to various implementations to reach a solution. through life skill improvement, there is an increase in social competence so that the sample can translate various subskills of life skills as a form of critical ability needed for engagement between individuals and groups in diverse social environments to maintain social movement efforts. the life skills of the late adolescents had improved through the integration of life skills in sport training programs in a structured and planned manner. it is necessary to examine factors in life skills subskills, such as emotional and interpersonal skills, which showed no significant changes. despite the systematic implementation of the program, there is skill development at an individual level, referring to skills to overcome difficulties and challenges based on self-efficacy or self-control. for example, interpersonal skills are a group level that requires skills to create an atmosphere of interaction with others outside of self-regulation (j. s. bae, cho, et al., 2021). interpersonal factors are different from individual-level subskills, which tend to be more holistic due to the need for partners to implement these subskills so that training opportunities are more open. at the individual level, change tends to be higher because it is relatively easy for individuals to think and reflect on themselves during the program (kramers et al., 2020; pierce et al., 2022). conclusion this study conducted the implementation of a life skill program for adolescents. some of the results showed an influence on the sample life skills subskills. it indicates that the life skill program effectively developed the sample life skills. implementing a life skill program requires the operator's role to channel understanding of life skill subskills to the sample. the operator must have a sense of care and concern from their main role as a guide to teach each life skill component, especially emotional and interpersonal skills. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references anderson-butcher, d., martin, e., paluta, l., & gould, d. 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perception differences among early childhood teachers at the kindergarten level of education. the survey research was conducted on 98 kindergarten teachers in west java who were willing to be involved in this research selected through convenience sampling by filling out an online instrument. perceived physical literacy scale for physical education teachers (ppli) was used as the instrument to collect data. the research data were calculated using spss 20 employing the anova test. the study's results revealed that physical literacy perception differences were apparent in early childhood education teachers in urban and rural areas, especially in different age and teaching experience groups. the relatively young teachers had diverse perceptions of physical literacy. in contrast, early childhood education teachers in rural schools had the same perception of physical literacy due to the lack of information about the novelty of physical literacy. the findings revealed that the physical literacy perception among early childhood education teachers in urban and rural areas had not been evenly distributed. therefore, promoting the importance of physical literacy integrated into the learning process, especially in early childhood education, needs to be well socialized through government policies in urban and rural areas.  correspondence address : jl. permana no.32b, kota cimahi, jawa barat 40512 e-mail : gita032@gmail.com https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 235 introduction mental the development of the physical literacy (pl) concept has led to various research findings that have an impact on policy around the world implied for professional practice in sports and physical education, as well as the health of a nation (hyndman & pill, 2018; scott et al., 2021). canada and america have made a policy to support physical literacy and emphasize the importance of physical activity in physical education to develop healthy habits of school-age children, including to be physically active and learn sports that will be maintained throughout their lives (ontario ministry of education, 2019; shape, 2015). in addition, sport australia released the australian physical literacy framework (aplf) in 2019 to advance the national agenda on physical literacy, mainly to clarify and promote physical literacy development in australian sports and education sectors. this policy also impacts physical education curriculum development in australia (scott et al., 2021). physical literacy can be promoted during the critical period of essential movement skill building (hulteen et al., 2017). the active period to carry out motor activities in children is generally formed at 3-6 years (goodway, jacqueline d., jhon c. ozmun, 2021). children generally attend kindergarten during this period (wu et al., 2021). this period is a critical period of the basic movement skill formation, such as walking, running, jumping, and throwing, which can encourage their basic motor skill development process, such as speed, strength, coordination, and balance (goodway, jacqueline d., jhon c. ozmun, 2021). it can also affect subsequent levels of physical activity in adolescence and adulthood (essiet et al., 2021). school is a place to provide programs to develop fundamental movement skills and promote active life, especially in elementary school as the initial foundation. physical education programs through the fundamental motor skill development carried out in schools are conducted to assist the growth and development process of children so that they can grow in harmony and balance (palmer et al., 2019). a structured motor play experience is vital for early childhood because this experience can foster a sense of love and motivation to add more movement experiences (wasenius et al., 2018). a structured movement experience can be presented in the learning process at school, where the teacher becomes the primary key to its success (bakhtiar et al., 2020a). teachers spend most of their time managing, designing, providing feedback, and evaluating motor teaching in children (johnson et al., 2019). for example, when learning fundamental motor skills, early childhood teachers will ask children to show them how to jump on one leg and remind them to lean forward when jumping and keep their feet off the ground behind their bodies. future research should explore the influence of teachers with basic movement skill knowledge and apply the knowledge to children. it is also essential to explore children's motor competence, positive self-perception, and whether a teacher's basic motor skill knowledge affects children's physical activity levels and overall health (breslin et al., 2012). kindergarten classroom teachers have been highlighted as critical facilitators in promoting a healthy and active lifestyle (wachob, 2018) because they can integrate physical literacy concepts into lessons, parenting, and break time inside and outside the classroom (buckler et al., 2021). kindergarten teachers also play an essential role in the early childhood development holistic process. they are likely to play a role in supporting a positive physical literacy journey in children as they have a role in promoting physical activity in early childhood years (lu & montague, 2016). research reveals that children spend most of the day in their school supervised by classroom teachers to carry out academic activities, including motor skill development (sato et al., 2020), where teachers should be the main motor for physical literacy promotion (doherty et al., 2019; dynia et al., 2018). unfortunately, research reveals that little is known about the early childhood educator competence related to their confidence in physical literacy knowledge and its application in learning practices for early childhood in kindergarten (buckler & bredin, 2021). teacher expertise in content knowledge, appropriately developed introductory activities, and motor task structures must be unique to promote physical literacy in early childhood. however, there is limited literature supporting the importance of perceived physical literacopyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 gita febria friskawati/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 236 cy. teachers report that pre-service teacher physical literacy perceptions are directly related to a higher teaching efficiency in enacting effective teaching behavior (s. m. choi et al., 2021). in addition, teacher knowledge, understanding, and competence are essential components of successful physical literacy promotion and quality physical education outcomes; teachers recognize that these elements affect the quality of physical education delivery (veall, 2015). recent research has revealed that the perception, knowledge, and understanding of teachers in kindergarten are essential in promoting physical literacy. a study by (buckler & bredin, 2021) identified that related to knowledge and confidence; early childhood teachers needed to improve their teaching skills to develop fundamental motor skills, physical activity, and physical literacy for early childhood in school. however, the level of response could limit the generalization of the results of this study, namely the respondent's interest in physical literacy and physical activity because, in canada, physical literacy had been massively promoted. cross-sectional and quantitative research from (s. m. choi et al., 2021) conducted in china revealed teacher knowledge and understanding based on their demographics, such as gender, age, teaching experience, graduates, and teaching areas, predicting teaching quality in accommodating skill level differences in teaching to promote physical literacy. in addition, (yıldızer & munusturlar, 2021) conducted a causal-comparative design in turkey, revealing differences in physical literacy perceptions among teachers according to their specialization and experience level. however, this study had not revealed teachers' physical literacy perceptions compared to their teaching areas, namely urban and rural areas. therefore, regional comparisons are essential to classify and consider the results to design a direct approach through the promotion of the physical literacy concept tailored to the teacher character in each area, both in urban and rural areas (essiet et al., 2022). related to several studies on the physical literacy perception of early childhood teachers in several countries, there has not been any research in indonesia. there have been some research on physical literacy which directly study the implementation of physical literacy, such as the integration of physical literacy in the early childhood education curriculum (a. suherman, et al, 2018; bakhtiar et al., 2020b; goodway et al., 2019,) and physical literacy measurement carried out by (permana & habibie, 2020; priadana et al., 2021) without examining the initial perception of teacher physical literacy concept. in fact, physical literacy perception is essential for teachers, especially physical education teachers, so that they can design physical literacy promotions integrated into the learning process until they can evaluate it (s. choi et al., 2021; essiet et al., 2022; yıldızer & munusturlar, 2021). therefore, this study aimed to present possible differences in physical literacy perceptions by examining the demographics of early childhood teachers, especially the areas where they were teaching, namely in urban and rural areas that had not been disclosed in previous studies to promote physical literacy through their teaching (hulteen et al., 2017; pot et al., 2018; starrett et al., 2021) involving kindergarten teachers as the samples, in west java. furthermore, as previously proven by (edwards et al., 2019), their research results suggest conducting in-service physical literacy training, which might be necessary to complement the teacher's physical literacy perceptions with more extended teaching experience. methods this survey was conducted to collect all the required data regarding the perceptions of early childhood education teachers in urban and rural areas. in addition, a study by (s. m. choi et al., 2021) was used to collect data about teacher physical literacy perceptions. participants ninety-eight female kindergarten teachers in west java participated in this study. all of them stated that they were willing to be involved and to fill out the online questionnaire. the samples were purely kindergarten class teachers, not physical education teachers teaching kindergarten. of these 98 teachers, 53 were teaching in urban areas, and 45 were teaching in rural areas. sampling procedures sampling was conducted using a convenience sampling method as the criteria for the samples were copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 gita febria friskawati/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 237 accessible and willing to be involved in the research (creswell & creswell, 2018). in this case, the samples were taken from the indonesian kindergarten teacher association, known as ikatan guru taman kanakkanak indonesia (igtki), west java. instrument and procedure instruments developed by (s. choi et al., 2021) to measure teacher physical literacy perceptions in the form of the 'perceived physical literacy scale for physical education teachers (ppli)' was used in this study. ppli was justified as a survey research instrument in various age groups, teaching experiences, and regions, including urban and rural areas. this ppli instrument has also been used to measure physical literacy in the continuing professional development program for physical education teachers (sum et al., 2021) and physical education teachers (sum et al., 2016). three subscales involved as the main attributes of physical literacy proposed by (whitehead, 2010), including motivation, self-confidence, and physical competence, thus the examples of statements were 'i am physically fit, age-appropriate; 'i have strong social skills; and 'i realized the health-related benefits of exercise. participants filled out the questionnaire with a likert scale of 1-5 (1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree). the instrument was translated into the indonesian language and gained an instrument reliability value of 0.87, so this instrument had shown suitable suitability for measuring teacher physical literacy perceptions (sum et al., 2016). the instrument was made into an online questionnaire via a google form and distributed directly to the sample through the whatsaap group of the west java indonesian kindergarten teachers association (igtki), who had voluntarily declared their readiness to be involved in this research. data analysis the descriptive statistics (mean, frequency, percentage) were calculated for each variable, such as kindergarten teacher perceptions of physical literacy, with demographic variables including gender, region, school status, last education, teaching experience, and training experience. analysis used one-way anova for calculating the mean difference between urban and rural areas. in the first stage, gender, region, school status, last education, teaching experience, and training experience variables were included in determining whether these variables were statistically significant to the dependent variable (berens et al., 2016). all calculations used spss 20.0 for windows. the significance level for each test was set at the 95% confidence interval (p < 0.05). result descriptive data regarding the perception of kindergarten teachers in urban and rural areas were found. the population of kindergarten teachers in urban areas aged between 19-30 years (62.2%), an average of 39.6 and up to 4.67. rural areas found similar data for 55.5% of respondents, averaging 41.00 and up to 3.38. for teaching experience, 67.9% of kindergarten teachers in urban areas had 1-10 years of teaching experience with an average of 41.34 and up to 5.11, while in rural areas, 55.5% of teachers had 11-20 years of teaching experience with an average of 37.9 and up to 5.19. the results of the one-way anova analysis revealed that physical literacy perception had a pvalue**=0.021<0.05 in the urban area sample group regarding age. therefore, there was a significant difference in the physical literacy perception of teachers in urban areas. a similar result was found in the urban area sample group viewed from the teaching experience of kindergarten teachers with a pvalue**=0.0000<0.05. it means that there was a significant difference in the physical literacy perception of teachers in urban areas viewed from the teaching experience. in the rural area sample group, the physical literacy perception according to age gained a pvalue**=0.018<0.05, meaning that there was a significant difference in physical literacy perceptions viewed from the age of the teachers in rural areas. meanwhile, the physical literacy perception of kindergarten teachers in rural areas had a p-value**=0.0453>0.05, meaning that there was no difference in physical literacy viewed from the teaching experience of kindergarten teachers in rural areas. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 gita febria friskawati/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 238 discussion differences in physical literacy perceptions between kindergarten teachers in urban and rural areas were revealed in this study. teachers' physical literacy perceptions varied depending on where they lived, in an urban or rural area, by considering other variables, including age and teaching experience (edwards et al., 2019). the results revealed that the teacher physical literacy perception in urban and rural areas was highest in the relatively young group, ranging from 19-30 years. at this relatively young age, teachers, especially early childhood education teachers, are still enthusiastic to add new knowledge in education, both in terms of teaching innovation and new knowledge (bergen, 2020), which should be included in early childhood education and considered essential to be developed in children (tonetto et al., 2020), including physical literacy, (olive et al., 2019) that becomes a gateway to lifelong physical activity participation and contributes to be more confident, competent, and motivated individuals to engage in daily physical activities (lugossy et al., 2021). further findings, different perceptions of physical literacy were also seen from the teaching experience of kindergarten teachers in urban areas with an average of 1-10 years of teaching at most. this teaching experience is relatively short compared to those who have 54 years of teaching experience to teach in kindergarten. however, this study revealed that a long teaching experience did not guarantee an excellent physical literacy perception compared to a short teaching experience. in line with this finding, (sato et al., 2020) argue that the suitability of the pedagogical model decreases significantly as individuals mature. they state that selfreflection, intrinsic motivation, and higher self-efficacy are the goals of human life. learning occurs not only through the instructor but also through life and professional experience (coulter & woods, 2012). in andragogy conception, senior teachers provide opportunities to help younger teachers to develop (rempe-gillen, 2018). another finding of this study is the common perception of kindergarten teachers about physical literacy in rural areas viewed from their teaching experience. teachers in rural areas with short or long teaching experience did not understand the novelty of the physical literacy concept, which is essential for early childhood. this could be due to inadequate information (tannehill et al., 2021). information obtained by kindergarten teachers in urban areas is faster; for example, information about new knowledge will be transferred more quickly than in rural areas (byrd, 2017). the physical literacy concept has now begun to be included in the national sports law, which the government recently revised by mentioning that it is essential to foster physical literacy since early childhood education (uuri, 2022). this information will at least spread quickly among physical education teachers who will disseminate information massively to kindergarten teachers in urban areas because of the ease of access to technology, copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 variable region urban rural f % ẋ sd p-value** f % ẋ sd p-value** age 0.018 19 – 30 33 62.2% 39.6 ±4.67 0.021 25 55.5% 41.0±3.38 31 – 42 14 26.4% 38.1±5.12 15 33.3% 32.2±2.78 43 – 54 5 1.5% 35.2±4.49 5 11.1% 40.6±4.96 > 54 1 0.7% 31.1±4.47 0 0% 0 teaching experience 1 – 10 36 67.9% 41.0±3.38 0.000 19 42.25% 30.9±4.72 0.453 11 – 20 12 22.6% 32.2±2.78 25 55.5% 37.9±5.19 21 – 30 5 9.4% 40.6±4.96 1 2.2% 39.9±4.87 >30 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 table 1. description of physical literacy perception and anova calculation gita febria friskawati/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 239 such as the use of social media (mulyana, 2014). the delay in delivering information to kindergarten teachers in rural areas (hutter, 2016) causes teachers to be uninformed about physical literacy. overall, an essential finding of this study is that there was an uneven perception of physical literacy among kindergarten teachers. in general, the principle of organizing early childhood education lies in (1) learning and developing children through play, (2) providing choices and freedom in the learning process, and (3) sometimes providing structured activities in the learning process (mcevilly et al., 2016). this principle should be the basis for promoting physical literacy by teachers who act as the primary key (yıldızer & munusturlar, 2021). physical literacy is essential to be promoted in early childhood education (pyle et al., 2018), shown by evidence that physical activity is increasingly recognized as an essential determinant of cognitive function among the older population. however, less is known about this association in early childhood (olive et al., 2021). in younger populations, it has been suggested that interventions to increase physical activity should focus on physical literacy (n wainwright et al., 2016; nalda wainwright et al., 2018). a deep understanding of physical literacy in early childhood education teachers is needed (buckler et al., 2021), along with physical literacy perception related to the intention and behavior of teachers to provide opportunities for physical activity and physical literacy development for early childhood children (buckler & bredin, 2021). this fact should help inform policymakers in early childhood education for teachers and pre-service teachers' professional development, increasing opportunities for integrating physical literacy in daily early childhood education activities. for example, providing training for kindergarten teachers to know about the concepts and how to integrate physical literacy in kindergarten regularly (lugossy et al., 2021) so that teachers can accept new knowledge about physical literacy, hence it is easier to implement it in the learning process in kindergarten (buckler et al., 2021; buckler & bredin, 2021). the results of this study cannot generalize physical literacy perceptions of early childhood education teachers in kindergarten throughout west java and even throughout indonesia to be strong evidence of physical literacy conditions in indonesia. more comprehensive measurements are needed as well as the level of types of early childhood education in indonesia, such as playgroups, raudlatul athfal (ra), and kindergarten plus to obtain richer data and classify physical literacy perceptions in each type of education at an early age to collect evidence that physical literacy is still not promoted in indonesia. moreover, the instrument was only physical literacy perception (sum et al., 2016). to dig deeper, other instruments are needed, such as in-depth direct interviews (s. choi et al., 2021) with more complex research methods, such as qualitative research and even mixed methods, to reveal it (li et al., 2021). conclusion differences in physical literacy perceptions can be seen in early childhood education teachers in urban dan rural areas when considering age and teaching experience. the relatively young group of teachers had diverse perceptions of physical literacy. in contrast to the teaching experience on the physical literacy perception, early childhood education teachers in urban dan rural areas had the same physical literacy perception due to the lack of information about the novelty of this science. this finding is important because it revealed that the physical literacy perception among early childhood education teachers in urban and rural areas was uneven. therefore, the promotion of the importance of physical literacy must be integrated into learning, especially in early childhood education. furthermore, it needs to be well socialized through government policies in urban and rural areas to increase teacher knowledge. therefore, it will be easier to implement it into the learning process in kindergartens to make physical activity a habit started early for their future lives. acknowledgement the author would like to thank the kindergarten teachers, especially the indonesian kindergarten teacher association (igtki) west java, who have been willing to spend their time involved in this research. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 gita febria friskawati/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 240 conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references asep suherman, adang suherman, tite juliantine, a. m. 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weighted vest potentially running, uphill running, resisted towing, sand and water running (faccioni, 1994: 1). while the load for resisted sprinting can involve : towing of a sled, tire, speed chute (parachute), or other weighted device (faccioni,1994: 2). one of the resisted sprinting is using the sled harness . based on the purpose, forms of training sled harness by pulling the load can increase stride length by increasing the strength of the leg muscle fibers recruited and developed with fast muscles (fast twitch muscle fibers). therefore, in this study the authors chose to resisted sprint training using a load sled, which tied a rope harness. as for the weight of the load adjusted to the abilities of each athlete. from previous studies, the authors found two interesting research. faccioni (1993: 14) and upton (2011: 2645-2652). in assisted sprinting, faccioni states assisted sprinting group only showed significant improvements over a distance of 60m while upton states assisted sprinting increases significantly in a distance of 15 yards (13.7 m). then in resisted sprinting, faccioni states resisted sprinting increase compared better than group assisted sprinting at a distance of 20 m and 40m and upton states resisted sprinting better than asisted sprinting to improve acceleration within 25 yards 15(13.7-22.9 m) and 25-40 yards (22.9-36.6 m). from previous studies above, the authors look at the difference in velocity improvements at certain distances so that the view to implement both forms of training will also be different. therefore, the authors see the need to examine more deeply felt than a lack of data and identify both forms jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 9 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 81 of training are reviewed based on sprint acceleration phase and the factors that affect sprint. based on several study, the author would like to try and add their repertoire of research to reveal the extent of the impact of the application of assisted sprinting pulled elastic cord and the impact of resisted sprinting pull sled harness in repetition method to increase sprint acceleration ability. completely, the purpose of this research is to determine of study the difference influence of assisted sprinting exercises and resisted sprinting exercises in the repetition method to increase the ability of acceleration sprint. 2. method this research used experimental method in pre-test and post-test design. the research sample were twelve male collegiates track sprinters, sport unit of indonesia university of education (average values: age=20, height=1.69cm, weight=60.5kg, training experience=2.8 years). six male collegiates track sprinters for assisted sprint training pulled elastic cord (x1) and six male collegiates track sprinters for resisted sprint training using sled harness (x2) with repetition methode. it used simple random sampling. subject then engage in 6 week of training 3 day per week. instrument used is 30 m sprint test. the time taken at a distance of 30m, 20m, 10, split 20-30m and 10-20m. the best time of the two trials was taken into the final score. in addition, researchers also calculated the number of steps the sample during the test run of 30 m. after training three times per week for six week, data were obtained from pre-test and post-test processed statistically by t-test. this research used experimental method in pre-test and post-test design. generally, this research has been conducted at the student sport unit of indonesia university of education with 6 (six) male in the assisted sprinting exercies group (as) and 6 (six) in the resisted sprinting exercises group (rs) selected randomly. 3. result and discusion the results of the study show that differences development. the results of treatment are described in table 1 below: tabel 1. pre test, post test and significant test between as and rs variable as rs as vs rs pre post pre post 30 m 4,185 4,048** 4,228 4,101** * 20 m 3,14 3,035** 3,15 3,06** * 10 m 1,90 1,83** 1,91 1,86** * 10-20m 1,24 1,21** 1,238 1,201** * jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 9 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 82 20-30m 1,038 1,001** 1,078 1,04** * stride frequency 4,225 4,24* 4,195 4,2* * stride length rata-rata 1,69 1,745** 1,69 1,74** * * = no significant; ** = significantly; * = as > rs no significant; * = rs > as no significant the data describe that as had a significant impact on the improvement of sprint acceleration ability. this is because as are achieve higher velocities beyond current capability of the athlete and to train the neuromuscular system to maintain these high rates without assistance (behren dan simonson,2011:1) gervais (2005:2). similarly thing with rs significant impact on the improvement of sprint acceleration ability. improved acceleration capability of the rs is also caused by the development or formation of fast muscle fibers in this training because it is believed that throught resisted sprint training, more muscle fibers will be recruited via a greater neural activation and result in an improved stride length (behren and simonson.2011:2). the basis behind these methods is to increase the movement resistance requiring the athlete to increase force out put (especially in the hip, knee and angkle extensors) to continue to run at speed (faccioni, 1994:2). increased acceleration time of 10 meters in the two groups differed with as greater impact than the rs but not significant with an increase in the as of 0.07 seconds, while the rs of 0.05 seconds. the difference of 0.02 seconds when viewed reality in the field will be very meaningful in the sprint. at a distance of 10 meters as greater than rs caused thus as training may be an effective way of developing ‘first-step quickness’ (upton (2011:2651) and the increased neural activation in the as had a positive effect on stride frequency (mero et al. 992:392) because good early acceleration exhibited higher stride frequency, probably as a result of lower ground contact time (murphy et al. 2003:148).” improved rs greater than the as at a distance of 10m-20m and at a distance of 20m30m due to the acceleration distance is exerting maximum explosive force. the acceleration or transition phase commences after the first two strides of the 100m sprint. this phase starts around 10m and ends at the 50m mark. ground contact times fall in a range of 70-110ms. such low ground contact times are too short for the athlete to apply maximal or near maximal explosive strength (newman,2009:4). resisted sprinting it has been said that such techniques will increase musculuar force output (lockie et al. (2003:760), faccioni (1994:2). in line with research conducted by alcaraz (2007:323) on performance adaptations to short-term sled towing and jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 9 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 83 sprint training yang suggested “resisted sprint training with 8% body mass sled towing for 4 week improve performance (16-31 m)…” from the discussion above, found the as has a greater impact than the rs to increase the acceleration at a distance of 10 m. while the rs is better than as at a distance of 10-20 m and 20-30m. in other words, the rs has increased acceleration better than as over a distance of 10 meters from the total acceleration sprint distance of 30 meters. 4. conclusion as and rs group showed significant changes on improving sprint acceleration capabilities. no significant different between as and rs on improving sprint acceleration capabilities. in as the increase is better than rs at a distance of 10 m from a distance of 30 m. while, in rs the increase is better than as at a distance of 10-20 m and 20-30 m from a distance of 30 m. accordingly, to improve acceleration at a distance 10 m use as, while to improve acceleration at a distance of 10-20 m and 20-30 m from a distance of 30 m use rs. otherwise. thus, the research concludes that there are significant changes in the improving of sprint acceleration capabilities. but no significant different between as and rs in the improving of sprint acceleration capabilities. note: the increasing of the as better than the rs at 10 m from 30 m totaly. while, in the increasing of the rs better than as at 10-20 m and 20-30 m from 30 m totaly. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 9 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 84 references alcaraz et al. 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(2) there are differences of creativity between students who are given problem-based learning model and direct instruction model in groups of students who have high adversity quotient ability.(3)there are differences of creativity between students who are given problem-based learning model and direct instruction model in groups of students' who have low adversity quotient ability. (4) there are interactions between the learning model and the adversity quotient on students' creativity. the findings of this study confirmed that learning with problem based learning model gives more effective impact and can be applied by physical education teachers in an effort to develop student' creativity. key word: learning model, problem based learning, direct instruction, adversity quotient & creativity development introduction in this globalization era, creativity is an important element in development and it is a basic capital in building a better quality of human resources in a country (bereczki, 2016; cheung, 2016). the term creativity is very difficult to define because creativity is a multidimensional concept so that many experts are advocating the meaning of creativity (turpin, matthee, & kruger, 2015). the difference in the definition of creativity put forward by experts is a complementary definition, but the term that is often used in the world of education that creativity can be interpreted as a person's ability to create something new both in concepts or real work (cheung, 2016; rasmussen & østergaard, 2016). creativity is the result of the process of interaction between individuals and their environment. a person can be influenced by the environment in which he is located. it means, the creativity that is owned by a person can develop depending on the environment he is in. student creativity can grow and develop well, if family environment, society, especially school environment also support them in expressing their creativity (zimmerman, 2009). related to the explanation, then one of the efforts to bridge the development of student creativity is through learning physical education in the school jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 9 environment (cheung, 2010). but unfortunately, research on creativity is still rarely done in the world of education, especially physical education (konstantinidou, michalopoulou, agelousis, & kourtesis, 2013). there is a learning model that is expected to be able to increase the creativity that is owned by students is by applying problem based learning model. because problem based learning is a learning model, where physical education teachers provide a problem and give students the freedom to learn to solve problems and find solutions to the problem independently (bethell & morgan, 2011). thus, it can be concluded that in addition to external factors that is by applying the model of problem based learning into learning physical education is able to facilitate students to improve their creativity (awang & ramly, 2008; folly eldy & sulaiman, 2013). nevertheless it cannot be denied that the quality of adversity quotient students themselves in the face of a problem is an internal factor is crucial to the development of a creativity. the role of adversity quotient in physical education is to help students not to give up easily and not easily despair of the learning problems they face. adversity quotient can be interpreted as the intelligence of a person in the face of difficulties or problems and help students to increase the potential within him that includes various components such as performance, motivation, empowerment, creativity, productivity (parvathy & praseeda, 2014). the better the adversity quotient the student has, the higher the creativity or the better the student is able to give a good response and able to survive in overcoming a difficulty, the higher the spirit of creation (zhi-hsien, 2014). according to the problems that have been described above, the purpose of this research is to develop students' creativity through the application of problem based learning model in physical education in review of adversity quotient. based on the analysis of previous research showed no one ever to study and try to apply problem based learning model and adversity quotient in an effort to develop students' creativity in physical education. this study confirm that learning with problem based learning model is more effective impact and can be applied by physical education teachers in an effort to develop student creativity. method participants this research will be conducted at smk 1 cipanas cianjur. the population used was 10th grade student at smk 1 cipanas, cianjur regency in the academic year of 2016-2017 consisting of 10th grade of 8 classes with details: x tphp 1 and 2, x tn 1 and 2, x tkj 1 and 2, x tkr 1 and 2, the total sample are 375 students. its using cluster random sampling technique. the sample in this study were 60 students, consisting of 30 students who have high aq and 30 students who have low aq. procedures the research method used is experimental method with 2x2 factorial designs. the study was conducted for 5 weeks, while the learning was done 14 times as a whole, with details for the treatment of 12 meetings and 2 times that is one to perform the pretest and one to perform the posttest, with frequency 3 times a week, the treatment was given to the experimental group using problem based learning model, while in the control group using direct instruction model. the instrument used is a questionnaire to measure the level of adversity quotient theory proposed by stolz (2000) and the theoretical creativity put forward by guilford (1950). this instrument is not known with certainty to have the validity and reliability of how much, therefore the authors will reexamine this instrument to find validity and reliability upon high school students of class x tkj and x tkr in smk 1 cipanas cianjur.\ jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 10 results dan discussion 1. descriptive statistic learning model with high and low aq table 1. descriptive statistics learning model with high adversity quotient model type type of test mean std. deviation minimum maximum learning model pbl pretest 136.07 20.954 106 165 posttest 139.80 20.892 109 170 learning model di pretest 129.00 19.567 100 160 posttest 139.67 20.725 120 190 based on the analysis of descriptive statistics with the help of spss version 17.0, on the learning model with high aq data obtained from the results of pretest group problem based learning model, the mean value is =136.07, std. deviation =20.954, minimum value is =106 and maximum value is =165, then for post test result in group problem learning model, the mean value is =139.80, std. deviation =20.892, minimum value is =109 and maximum value is =170. while the results of the pretest group of direct instruction model, the mean value is =129.00, std. deviation =19.567, minimum value is =100 and maximum value is =160. then for posttest result in group of direct instruction model, the mean value is =139.67, std. deviation =20.725, minimum value =120 and maximum value =190. table 2. descriptive statistics learning model with low adversity quotient model type jenis tes mean std. deviation minimum maximum learning model pbl pretest 131.53 19.026 106 157 posttest 136.13 19.932 108 160 learning model di pretest 136.47 22.293 100 170 posttest 141.53 21.970 110 175 based on the analysis of descriptive statistics with the help of spss version 17.0, on the learning model with low aq data obtained from the results of pretest group problem based learning model, the mean value is =131.53, std. deviation =19.026, minimum value is =106 and maximum value is =157, then for posttest result in group problem learning model, the mean value is =136.13, std. deviation =19.932, minimum value is =108 and maximum value is =160. while the results of the pretest group of direct instruction model, the mean value is =136.47, std. deviation =22.293, minimum value is =100 and maximum value is =170. then for posttest result in group of direct instruction model, the mean value is =141.53, std. deviation =21.970, minimum value =110 and maximum value =175. jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 11 tabel 3. results of the first hypothesis calculation with two-way anova no variable name sig (2-tailed) α 1. learning model pbl with di 0.004 0.05 based on table 9 it is known that the sig (2-tailed) value is 0.004, since the sig (2-tailed) value is 0.004 <α 0.05, then ho is rejected. this means that there is a difference of creativity between students who are given learning model problem based learning and students who are given direct instruction model. tabel 4. results of the second hypothesis calculation with two-way anova no variable name sig (2-tailed) α 1. learning model with high adversity quotient 0.000 0.05 based on table 10 it is known that the sig (2-tailed) value is 0,000, since the sig (2-tailed) value is 0.000 <α 0.05, then ho is rejected. this means that there is a difference of creativity between students who are given learning model problem based learning and direct instruction model in groups of students who have high adversity quotient ability. tabel 5. results of the thrid hypothesis calculation with two-way anova no variable name sig (2-tailed) α 1. learning model with low adversity quotient 0.000 0.05 based on table 11 it is known that the sig (2-tailed) value is 0,000, since the sig (2-tailed) value is 0.000 <α 0.05, then ho is rejected. this means that there is a difference of creativity between students who are given learning model of problem based learning and direct instruction model in groups of students who have low adversity quotient ability. tabel 6. results of the four hypothesis calculation with two-way anova no variable name sig (2-tailed) α 1. interaction between learning model and adversity quotient on student creativity 0.003 0.05 based on table 12 it is known that the sig (2-tailed) value is 0.003, since the sig (2-tailed) value is 0.003 < α 0.05, then ho is rejected. this means that there is an interaction between learning model and adversity quotient on student creativity. to be more clear about the interaction between learning model and adversity quotient on students' creativity can be seen in 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pokhrel & chhetri, 2021). school closures during the covid-19 pandemic have forced many children worldwide to spend unprecedented time at home. the responsibility for educating children, especially the young ones, has largely fallen to parents and caregivers (zhang, 2021: viner et al., 2020). concerning indonesia, the government has responded by issuing government circular letter number 36962/mpk.a/hk/2020 regarding online education and working from home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease covid-19. this regulation pointed out that areas affected by covid-19 are required to implement online education from home for students, employees, teachers, and lecturers to carry out work, teach, or give lectures from home through video conferencing, digital documents, and other facilities. in addition, the policy of working from home does not affect arrival (considered the same as working in an office, school, or college), does not reduce performance, and does not affect performance allowances, and if it is mandatory to arrive at the office/campus/school should not use vehicle facilities. however, online learning challenges physical education and health learning (speh). the basic rationale is that speh tends to be more practical than theoretical. based on the results of preliminary observations, at the time of implementation of learning in online learning conditions carried out by all elementary, junior, and high schools. several schools have implemented online learning during the covid-19 pandemic. speh teachers also apply online learning to carry out the learning. most speh subject teachers adopt online-based applications, including the whatsapp and google classroom applications, to implement online learning. the implementation of online learning is not all supported by the existence of adequate facilities and infrastructure. facilities and infrastructure that support online learning in junior high schools have not all received adequate facilities and infrastructure, such as not having the internet network to support the implementation of online learning. based on the available human resources of teachers at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels, most teachers have met the academic qualifications of learning a minimum of four diplomas (d-iv) or bachelor's degrees (s1). however, teachers face difficulties in online learning from home when implementing the learning and teaching process. teachers are capable of doing online learning. however, most teachers are still limited in knowledge of how to conduct online learning due to the covid-19 pandemic, which has never taken place before and has made the learning system change to online learning, which the majority of teachers have never implemented. during online learning, it appears that the teacher is still having difficulties carrying out the learning process from only one direction. thus, it can be concluded that the teacher is still hampered and experiencing difficulties when doing online learning. in online learning, the teacher tends to be passive in speh learning, and the more active one is the teacher. as an example in speh learning, on one occasion, the teacher solely distributed orders to students and then practised what the teacher ordered. in addition, the teacher believes that when someone does not participate in learning, where their curiosity, reading attention, and movement skills are low, the speh learning process in online learning cannot run as expected. in the observations that have been carried out, the researchers also have not found research on the problems teachers face at the east java region's elementary, junior, and high school levels. since understanding this issue, there is a recent example for examining this learning. for instance, ramadhan (2020) regarding teacher barriers in learning physical education, sports, and athletic material health in learning conditions from home at the junior high school level. furthermore, taradisa (2020) noted that the obstacles experienced by teachers during online learning are the lack of understanding of students when conducting the online learning process. this is because copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 mu’arifin et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 188 students do not understand the learning taught by the teacher. after all, they do not meet face-to-face, and the teacher finds it difficult to monitor student learning progress. the main factor that is more important is the lack of facilities students own when learning online because not all students have smartphones or computers as learning media. in addition, another factor is internet packages that all students cannot reach. the study by herliandry et al. (2020) showed that online learning during the covid-19 pandemic needs to be evaluated because the carrying capacity of students varies in terms of facilities and parents' ability. in addition, other research findings also reveal that students tend to be bored when online learning at home because they do not meet their teachers and friends directly (yunitasari & hanifah, 2020). in addition, a group of physical education teachers in spain stated that they had difficulties designing physical education lessons during the covid-19 period because the involvement of learning physical activities constrained them, and the frequency of meeting with students was hindered (varea, gonzález-calvo, & garcía-monge, 2022). in other findings, alternative speh learning can be done in three scenarios, including (1) face-to-face learning with strict health protocols, (2) distance learning, and (3) combined face-to-face and online learning (filiz & konukman, 2020). as conditions return to normal, every educator must prepare appropriate learning designs and materials and try to reduce technical errors that occurred in previous conditions (yu & jee, 2020). with the various problems described previously, most speh teachers find it challenging to carry out online education because it leans more toward practice than theory. this urges researchers to discover the problems experienced when carrying out online learning for speh subjects. for this matter, the objective of this research aims at (1) knowing the speh learning plan during the covid-19 pandemic, (2) understanding the learning process during the covid-19 pandemic, and (3) evaluating speh learning during the covid-19 pandemic. this study reviews the pattern of learning descriptively in terms of planning, implementation, and evaluation during the covid-19 pandemic. thus, it provides an idea of which part is a weak point. furthermore, if learning during covid-19 has advantages, it can be adopted in normal learning. methods this study adopted a quantitative descriptive method to describe the current problem solving based on data, so this study also presents, analyzes, and interprets data. this quantitative descriptive research was conducted using a survey which is non-hypothetical research that describes teacher problems in online learning. based on the research objectives, the survey was conducted to measure teacher problems in sports and health learning in online learning conditions in elementary, junior, and high schools in east java, indonesia. participants the data collection technique in this study used purposive sampling at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels in east java. the reason for using purposive sampling is because the research was conducted on a population under 1000 through the selection and consideration of researchers (sugiyono, 2011). determining the research sample with specific considerations that aim to make the data obtained later more representative. the samples used were schools located in east java province, with the following conditions: (1) elementary school samples were taken in malang regency with as many as 60 teachers, (2) junior high school samples were taken in trenggalek regency with as many as 61 teachers, and (3) senior high school samples taken from banyuwangi regency as many as 29 teachers. in total, the respondents in this study consisted of 150 speh teachers at all educational levels. instrument the instrument in this study used a questionnaire in the form of a google form (sugiyono, 2011). the questionnaire has three main points: planning, implementation, and evaluation in speh learning. the learning planning component has a total of four questions. the learning planning indicators include: (1) preparing basic learning competencies, (2) preparing lesson plans for implementing lesson plans, and (3) preparing teaching materials or learning materials. in the aspect of the implementation of learning, eight questions are totalling. the indicators for implementing speh learning consist of: (1) problems faced by teachers during learning, (2) solutions provided when problems occur, (3) student interest in learning, (4) online learning benefits students, (5) suitability of copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 mu’arifin et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 189 the material provided to students, (6) availability and quality of facilities and infrastructure, (7) school website (availability of learning materials and videos). in the evaluation component, eight questions have indicators, including (1) pre-test to determine student mastery of learning materials according to learning conditions from home, (2) evaluate student assignments given online, (3) provide feedback on the process and learning outcomes according to online learning conditions, (4) carrying out follow-up activities in the form of giving assignments either individually or in groups according to online learning conditions. procedure the data collection techniques in this study are: (1) the researcher ensures the location of data collection, (2) the researcher requests a research permit from the faculty, and (3) the researcher makes a questionnaire in the form of a google form according to the conditions of online learning (4) the researcher distributes the google questionnaire form to respondents via whatsapp of speh teachers at the elementary, junior high and high school levels in trenggalek, banyuwangi, and malang regency (5) researchers collect the results of filling out questionnaires, (5) researchers analyze research results. data analysis the analysis in this study uses a quantitative descriptive technique with the following percentages: data from questionnaires on google forms filled out by elementary, junior, and high school teachers, which were collected and analyzed using percentages. analysis of the instrument using a likert scale technique. the likert scale instrument has a very positive and negative answer levels. for quantitative data analysis, answers can be assigned a predetermined score of one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), and five (5) for quantitative analysis. the likert scale can be seen in table 1. result learning planning data the results of the analysis of speh learning data during the covid-19 pandemic in east java in the aspect of learning planning, starting from malang regency elementary school, trenggalek regency junior high school, and banyuwangi regency high school, based on the regulation of the minister of education and culture of the republic of indonesia number 22 of 2016 concerning basic education process standards and medium obtained the table 3. in general, the learning plans made by speh teachers are only up to the sufficient category, which is 45%, but at the high school level, they can obtain a good category, but the percentage obtained is only 62%. from a deeper review, teachers have difficulty making online learning plans because the subjects usually carry out face-to-face and physical activities. learning implementation data based on the results of the analysis of speh learning data during the covid-19 pandemic in east java in the aspect of learning implementation, which consisted of malang regency elementary school, trenggalek junior high school, and banyuwangi regency high school based on the regulation of the minister of education and culture of the republic of indonesia number 22 of 2016 concerning education process standards basic and intermediate data obtained as follows (see table 4). copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. rating scale for questions no. information answer positive score 1. strongly agree a 5 2. agree b 4 3. neutral c 3 4. disagree d 2 5. strongly disagree e 1 table 2. percentage criteria percentage validity 81-100 % excellent 61-80 % good 41-60 % average 21-40 % insufficient ≤20% poor table 3. learning planning percentage data level score result score max p (%) sd (n=60) 600 1200 50% smp (n=61) 390 1220 32% sma (n=29) 360 580 62% total (n=150) 1350 3000 45% mu’arifin et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 190 in general, the implementation of learning made by teachers is solely in the good category, which is 65%. however, at the elementary level, they can only acquire average categories, the percentage obtained is only 62%. from a deeper review, teachers in elementary schools have difficulty teaching motion material in online learning because teachers cannot directly control their movement activities online. learning evaluation data based on the results of processing speh learning data during the covid-19 pandemic in east java in the aspect of learning evaluation, which consists of malang regency elementary school, trenggalek regency junior school, and banyuwangi regency high school based on the regulation of the minister of education and culture of the republic of indonesia number 22 of 2016 concerning education process standards basic and intermediate covers planning, implementation, evaluation. the data results are as follows table 5. in general, the evaluation/assessment of learning made by teachers is only up to the good category, which is 65%. however, at the elementary level, they can only reach a sufficient category; the percentage obtained is only 62%. from a deeper review, teachers in elementary schools have difficulty evaluating skill material in online learning because teachers cannot directly see the quality of the movements made by students. learning during the covid-19 pandemic the following is the result of overall data analysis from aspects of planning, implementation and evaluation of learning during the covid-19 pandemic from elementary, junior, and high school levels in east java province (see table 6). based on the results of the overall data analysis, it was found that learning during the covid-19 pandemic through online learning got a percentage of 61% in the good category. in addition, it turns out that the shortcomings occur in learning planning which solely reaches the sufficient category. meanwhile, it has reached good criteria in the aspects of implementation and evaluation. however, online learning has not reached the excellent category. this happens because there are various obstacles and problems that exist in conditions in the field, including: (1) the condition of teachers who are not familiar with online learning, (2) the condition of diverse students, (3) facilities that do not all have the same standard. in use when learning online, and (4) teachers cannot directly control the condition of students while studying. discussion the problem is also a situation that can cause the implementation of learning to be disrupted and cannot be carried out properly. based on the aspect of compiling online learning, the research results were obtained. problems faced by speh teachers during the covid-19 pandemic solely reached sufficient criteria (o’brien et al., 2020). from this finding, it can be concluded that there are problems in the preparation of the lesson plan, and some teachers do not experience difficulties in preparing the learning implementation plan (rpp). for example, in the selection of lesson plans, the learning method does not match the previous one because it was done offline and is now done online. from there, the teacher must prepare the rpp again. then after the teacher has determined the lesson plans that are suitable for use, the teacher allows students to try movements related to learning materials with online learning condicopyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 4. data on learning implementation level score result score max p (%) sd (n=60) 1440 2400 60% smp (n=61) 1684 2440 69% sma (n=29) 800 1160 69% total (n=150) 3924 6000 65% table 5. learning evaluation percentage data level score result score max p (%) sd (n=60) 1440 2400 60% smp (n=61) 1586 2440 65% sma (n=29) 858 1160 74% total (n=150) 3884 6000 65% table 6. learning data during the covid-19 pandemic aspect score result score max p (%) planning 1350 3000 45% implementation 3924 6000 65% evaluation 3884 6000 65% total 9158 15000 61% mu’arifin et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 191 tions. therefore, even though learning is carried out online, teachers are required to create a conducive, active, fun, and certainly beneficial for their students. in particular, in learning planning, teachers should be able to understand the actual conditions of students when doing learning as a reference for planning appropriate learning. this adjusts the circular issued by the local government. by adjusting the circular from the central government, distance/online learning is a solution during the covid-19 outbreak. online learning focuses on increasing student understanding (kemendikbud, 2020). speh teachers need to make adjustments and self-development to improve their professionalism in designing learning that continues to change according to current conditions (mu’arifin, 2019). in particular, in learning planning, teachers should be able to understand the actual conditions of students when doing learning as a reference for planning appropriate learning. this adjusts the circular issued by the local government. by adjusting the circular from the central government, distance learning is a solution during the covid-19 outbreak. by continuing to hold online learning focused on increasing student understanding, teachers need to make adjustments and selfdevelopment to improve their professionalism in designing learning that continues to change according to current conditions. in addition, the researchers also examined the results of the implementation of online learning where it is known that examples of difficulties in conducting online learning are such uncontrollable online learning because they do not meet face to face with students, are constrained by cellphones, are constrained by tools when using tools, and are challenging to deliver. appropriate learning provides opportunities for students to connect old knowledge with new material by minimizing good barriers (mustafa, 2021). the results of this study from the implementation of online learning, the existence of technical obstacles resulted in students not yet fluent in accessing new knowledge conveyed by the teacher. one of the causes of problems faced in online learning is the difficulty of finding an internet network and signal difficulties (anugrahana, 2020). the solution given by the teacher if there are students who have signal problems and cannot follow the lesson properly, the teacher gives additional assignments sent via whatsapp group. the other causes are inadequate facilities and infrastructure. without adequate facilities and infrastructure, it can reduce the achievement of learning objectives (dartija, 2013). with problems in facilities and infrastructure, teachers provide solutions such as suggesting students use plastic balls when practising large and small ball materials at home to reduce costs and not burden one party. the next issue in implementing learning is the difficulty of conditioning students when learning takes place becomes ineffective learning. ineffective online learning can impact student learning outcomes (apriyanti & burhendi, 2020). the effectiveness of online learning does depend on technology, internet networks, and the character of students who will determine responsibility for learning (fauziyah, 2020). meanwhile, the evaluation stage is equal to the results of the problems encountered, for example, in the assessment, which must follow the new assessment indicators because learning is carried out online. at the stage of online learning conditions, this is a new thing to do in education due to the covid-19 situation, so like it or not, all learning, especially speh learning, must be done online. learning online can also enhance student learning outcomes if the teacher presents material accompanied by learning videos and communication access does not occur (mashud & ihwanto, 2022). the cause of problems in learning evaluation/assessment is that teachers have difficulty evaluating/assessing student assignments given online because many students do not submit assignments. the solution from the teacher invites parents to contribute directly to this online learning by accompanying students and reminding students to do and submit assignments on time (astuty et al., 2020). a teacher does need to build communication with parents of students with the aim of parental support and media facilities to support learning. in addition, the role of parents during online lessons is also influential as a companion for students before, during, and after learning (wardhani & krisnani, 2020). another cause of learning evaluation problems is that teachers find it challenging to carry out follow-up activities in the form of giving individual or group assignments according to online learning conditions because students are less enthusiastic when given online assignments (mashud et al., 2021). the solution given by the teacher for this problem is that the teacher gives assignments in the form of games so that students are enthusiastic about doing assignments that can be done copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 mu’arifin et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 192 in groups with their closest school friends. online learning conducted by teachers during the pandemic has a high value, which means students are disciplined when participating in learning (anas & fitriani, 2019: pebriyandi, warni, & mashud, 2021). therefore, it can be interpreted that it has been running, but there are problems in the learning process. thus, teachers must be more effective and careful in using methods that exist at the time of covid-19 with online learning. where teachers must be conditional in teaching and assigning assignments to students, they can use media that are by student learning plans so that students are more active in learning and speh learning can run properly. based on the results and discussion previously, online learning has problems, including the internet network that is not evenly distributed in various regions, inadequate facilities and infrastructure to conduct learning online, especially in practice, and can result in not achieving learning objectives, difficulties for teachers to condition students when the learning process takes place resulting in learning to be less effective and affect learning outcomes, the assessment is less effective because many students are late in submitting assignments and being less enthusiastic when given assignments for the next week’s meeting (astuty et al., 2020). therefore, the importance of parental warfare is to accompany children before they arrive at the end of learning. the implication of this research is to provide an overview of speh learning patterns during the covid19 pandemic, where physical activity and movement, which are the main principles in physical education learning, are limited. therefore, developing a pattern or strategy that can still facilitate students to carry out physical activities according to the standard intensity in learning is necessary for further research. in addition, the form of assessment needs to adapt to the conditions of the covid-19 pandemic, which can still assess knowledge, skills, and attitudes. conclusion learning planning, implementation, and evaluations were only performed at a good level during the covid-19 pandemic, which has not yet reached the excellent category in east java province in speh subjects. therefore, in providing online learning, problems such as delivering practical material cannot be appropriately controlled in implementing online learning. the problems teachers faced in carrying out learning during the covid-19 pandemic showed that the criteria were still sufficient in the aspect of learning planning. however, two other aspects, such as learning implementation and evaluation, experienced various problems, thus resulting in a less effective learning process. therefore, there needs to be attention and cooperation from teachers, students, and parents so that online learning can run smoothly. the limitation of this study is that it solely covers the survey in describing the data, not providing followup. therefore, future research needs to provide action and guidance to teachers during learning during the covid-19 pandemic. in addition, a more comprehensive survey can also be carried out to obtain complete information regarding speh learning during the covid-19 pandemic. the findings recommend that teachers continue to think creatively so that online learning still involves physical activity, student discipline, and responsibility during learning. conflict of interest 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otoriter dan gaya mengajar demokratis terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap apabila ada pengaruh gaya mengajar otoriter dan gaya mengajar demokratis terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas di klub ryc cicalengka kabupaten bandung. populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah anggota klub renang ryc yang berjumlah 30 orang, dengan teknik total sampling. variabel penelitian terdiri dari dua variabel bebas yaitu gaya mengajar otoriter dan gaya mengajar demokratis, serta satu variabel terikat yaitu renang gaya bebas. instrumen dalam penelitian ini yaitu tes renang gaya bebas dengan jarak 25 meter. metode penelitian adalah metode eksperimen. analisis data menggunakan uji-t dengan diperoleh : 1) t hitung = 11,67 dan t tabel = 2,145 dimana t hitung > t tabel, ho : ditolak dan h1 : diterima. jadi : terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan gaya mengajar otoriter terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas di klub ryc cicalengka kabupaten bandung. 2) t hitung = 12,00 dan t tabel = 2,145 dimana t hitung > t tabel, ho : ditolak dan h1 : diterima. jadi : terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan gaya mengajar demokratis terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas di klub ryc cicalengka kabupaten bandung. 3) t hitung gaya mengajar demokratis > t hitung gaya mengajar otoriter, ho : ditolak dan hi : diterima. jadi : gaya mengajar demokratis lebih signifikan dibandingkan dengan gaya mengajar otoriter terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas di klub ryc cicalengka kabupaten bandung. kata kunci : gaya mengajar otoriter, gaya mengajar demokratis, renang gaya bebas pendahuluan mengajar pada hakikatnya bermaksud mengantarkan siswa mencapai tujuan yang telah direncanakan sebelumnya. dalam praktek, perilaku mengajar yang dipertunjukkan guru sangat beraneka ragam, meskipun maksudnya sama. aneka ragam perilaku guru mengajar ini bila ditelusuri akan diperoleh gambaran tentang pola umum interaksi antara guru, isi atau bahan pelajaran dan siswa. pola umum ini oleh dianne lapp dan kawan-kawan diistilahkan “gaya mengajar” atau teaching style (lapp, dkk. 1975:1). http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas mailto:muchamadishak11@gmail.com jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 page 95 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas dalam proses belajar mengajar yang merupakan inti dari proses pendidikan formal di sekolah di dalamnya terjadi interaksi antara berbagai komponen pengajaran. komponen-komponen tersebut adalah guru, isi atau materi pengajaran dan siswa. gaya mengajar adalah bentuk penampilan guru saat proses belajar mengajar baik yang bersifat kurikuler maupun psikologis. gaya mengajar yang bersifat kurikuler, adalah guru mengajar yang disesuaikan dengan tujuan mata pelajaran tertentu. sedangkan gaya mengajar yang bersifat psikologis adalah guru mengajar yang disesuaikan dengan motivasi siswa, pengelolaan kelas, dan evaluasi hasil belajar mengajar. gaya mengajar seorang guru berbeda antara yang satu dengan yang lain pada saat proses belajar mengajar walaupun mempunyai tujuan sama, yaitu menyampaikan ilmu pengetahuan, membentuk sikap siswa, dan menjadikan siswa terampil dalam berkarya. gaya mengajar guru juga mencerminkan kepribadian guru itu sendiri dan sulit untuk diubah karena sudah menjadi pembawaan sejak kecil atau sejak lahir. dengan demikian, gaya mengajar guru menjadi faktor penting dalam menentukan keberhasilan prestasi siswa. menurut ki hajar dewantara (bapak pendidikan nasional indonesia) menjelaskan tentang pengertian pendidikan yaitu: pendidikan yaitu tuntutan di dalam hidup tumbuhnya anak-anak, adapun maksudnya, pendidikan yaitu: “menuntun segala kekuatan kodrat yang ada pada anak-anak itu, agar mereka sebagai manusia dan sebagai anggota masyarakat dapatlah mencapai keselamatan dan kebahagiaan setinggitingginya”. pada dasarnya pengertian pendidikan (uu sisdiknas no.20 tahun 2003) adalah usaha sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya untuk memiliki kekuatan spiritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan yang diperlukan dirinya dan masyarakat. dari beberapa pengertian diatas pendidikan adalah usaha sadar untuk menyiapkan peserta didik melalui kegiatan bimbingan, pengajaran, dan atau latihan bagi peranannya di masa yang akan datang. dalam menjalankan tugasnya guru mempunyai style atau gaya yang berbeda-beda. gaya seorang guru dipengaruhi oleh karakter guru yang terbentuk dari pengalamn hidup yang ia alami. tidak jarang guru dalam mengajar terpengaruh oleh gaya mengajar guru saat yang bersangkutan duduk di bangku sekolah. bahkan tak jarang dari ungkapan, hardikan atau gaya berpakaianpun sering terpengaruh oleh guru idolanya. hal ini tidak menjadi masalah jika guru yang ditiru adalah guru dengan karakter mengajar positif namun jika guru yang dijadikan model peniruan adalah guru dengan karakter negatif tentunya sangat merugikan siswa. sebagai orang tua kedua di sekolah, guru tentunya mempunyai andil yang tidak sedikit terhadap perkembangan kepribadian peserta didik. untuk itu sudah selayaknya guru selalu melakukan instropeksi guna meningkatkan komptensi dan karakter positif. dan tidak ada salahnya untuk terbuka terhadap kritik baik dari sesama guru atau bahkan dari peserta didik. tentunya untuk menjadi guru dengan karakter positif bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah, perlu membuka diri untuk selalu meningkatkan potensi . usaha terus menerus dengan selalu meningkatkan komptensi baik melalui berbagi bacaan, pelatihan ,ataupun sharing dengan teman sejawat tentunya sangat dibutuhkan. guru yang menerapkan gaya mengajar otoriter cenderung memperlihatkan kekuasaan yang mutlak atas peserta didik. guru tipe ini menganggap bahwa ruang kelas adalah wilayah kekuasaannya yang tidak dapat diusik oleh siapapun khususnya http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 page 96 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas oleh siswa. bagi siswa, diajar oleh guru dengan gaya mengajar seperti ini seperti sedang “mimpi buruk” dan jam pelajaran terasa panjang. menurut ibrahim (2007 : 35) kelebihan gaya otoritas (authoritarian) ialah (1) dapat efektif bila pemimpin berstatus lebih tinggi dibanding pengikutnya, (2) cocok untuk situasi yang memerlukan keseriusan dan kedisplinan, (3) cocok untuk situasi dimana pengikutnya kurang memiliki percaya diri dan merasa perlu perlindungan dari pelatihnya. sedangkan kelemahannya (1) banyak peserta yang merasa tertekan, (2) tidak dapat memperoleh saran dan masukan dari pengikut yang sebenarnya bermanfaat. tipe guru yang selanjutnya adalah tipe guru dengan gaya mengajar demokratis, menurut ibrahim (2007 : 35) kelebihan gaya demokratis, (1) kebanyakan pengikut merasa dihargai, (2) dapat meningkatkan kekompakan dan persatuan, (3) berpeluang lebih besar untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai pendidikan. sedangkan kekuarangnya ialah : (1) tidak cocok untuk situasi yang mengharuskan pengambilan keputusan secara cepat, (2) penggunaan waktu tidak efektif. proses belajar mengajar pada dasarnya merupakan suatu pola interaksi antara peserta didik dengan pendidik. seorang siswa dikatakan belajar apabila dapat mengetahui sesuatu yang dipahami sebelumnya, dapat melakukan atau menggunakan sesuatu yang sebelumnya tidak dapat digunakannya termasuk sikap tertentu yang mereka miliki. sebaliknya seorang guru yang dikatakan telah mengajar apabila dia telah membantu siswa untuk memperoleh perubahan yang dikehendaki. meningkatkan kualitas belajar siswa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar merupakan tanggung jawab guru, karena guru dengan kegiatan mengajarnya adalah membimbing aktivitas belajar siswa secara optimal. hasil dari pengajaran guru yang dilakukan secara optimal adalah tingkat prestasi siswa. walaupun guru bukan satu-satunya syarat penunjang tercapainya prestasi siswa. namun, tidak dapat ditampik bahwa gurulah yang mempunyai peranan sangat besar dalam peningkatan mutu siswa, karena guru lebih banyak berinteraksi dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di dunia pendidikan. di samping bimbingan guru dalam aktivitas belajar, sehingga siswa dapat mencapai prestasi belajar yang memuaskan, faktor lain yang juga menentukan adalah sikap siswa dalam belajar. sikap siswa selama kegiatan belajar mengajar berlangsung bergantung pada kepiawaian guru dalam mengelola kelas, termasuk di dalamnya adalah menciptakan suasana yang nyaman, menarik dan berkreativitas dalam menyampaikan muatan dari materi pelajaran. hal-hal tersebut merupakan stimulus bagi siswa untuk mengembangkan minat belajarnya, sehingga yang terjadi kemudian adalah siswa merespon stimulus tersebut dengan sikap yang positif dan respon sikap negatif siswa seperti tidak suka, tidak nyaman, tidak menarik, tidak kreatif dan membosankan dapat dihindari dan pada akhirnya semua itu mempengaruhi tingkat prestasi siswa. dari deskripsi di atas, menumbuhkan ketertarikan penulis untuk mencermati dan meneliti lebih lanjut pengaruh antara keterampilan gaya mengajar guru yang dilandasi oleh kualifikasi kompetensinya dalam mengajar yang berpengaruh langsung pada hasil belajar siswa dalam belajar. apakah guru dan kualitas yang dimilikinya mampu untuk menciptakan nilai positif siswa terhadap proses pembelajaran bidang studi olahraga renang, apakah dengan keterampilan gaya mengajarnya, guru olahraga mampu menciptakan suasana pembelajaran yang nyaman, menggunakan strategi dan metode yang menarik sehingga tujuan pendidikan dapat tercapai. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 page 97 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas dengan latar belakang pemikiran di atas, penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian dengan judul “pengaruh gaya mengajar otoriter dan gaya mengajar demokratis terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas di klub renang ryc cicalengka kab. bandung.” metode metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen. metode ini digunakan atas dasar pertimbangan bahwa sifat penelitian eksperimental yaitu mencobakan sesuatu untuk mengetahui pengaruh atau akibat dari suatu perlakuan atau treatment. disamping itu penulis ingin mengetahui pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat yang diselidiki atau diamati. atas dasar pertimbangan tentang tujuan dari penelitian, yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya mengajar otoriter dan gaya mengajar demokratis terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas siswa di klub renang ryc cicalengka kab. bandung . sesuai dengan penelitian yang dilakukan, maka dalam eksperimen ini dipakai pola unit pararel. eksperimen dilaksanakan selama dua bulan dengan pelaksanaan antara bulan september oktober. setelah sampel ditentukan, kemudian diadakan pengetesan pertama. pengetesan ini dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh data renang gaya bebas sebelum eksperimen. dengan penjelasan di atas, maka dalam penelitian ini ada dua hal yang sama, yaitu pada tes awal (pre test) dan terakhir dua kelompok tersebut diberikan tes yang sama yaitu tes kecepatan renang gaya bebas. populasi dan sampel populasi adalah keseluruhan subjek penelitian, apabila seseorang ingin meneliti semua elemen yang ada dalam wilayah penelitian, maka penelitiannya merupakan penelitian populasi. studi atau penelitiannya juga disebut studi populasi atau studi sensus (arikunto, 1998 : 115). populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa atau peserta didik di klub renang ryc cicalengka kab. bandung. populasi di klub renang ini sebanyak 30 (tiga puluh) orang. menurut arikunto (2010:92) “sample adalah sebagian atau wakil populasi yang diteliti. dinamakan sample apabila kita bermaksud untuk menggeneralisasikan hasil penelitian sample”. dalam penelitian ini sampel berjumlah 30 orang siswa klub renang ryc cicalengka kab. bandung, dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling. desain dan prosedur desain penelitian yang digunakan penulis adalah penelitian kasus. menurut arikunto (2003 : 131) penelitian kasus adalah suatu penelitian yang dilakukan secara intensif, terinci dan mendalam terhadap suatu organisasi, lembaga atau gejala tertentu. sesuai dengan penjelasan di atas maka secara garis besar desain penelitian ini dapat penulis gambarkan sebagai berikut : http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 page 98 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas x1 x2 bagan 1 (desain penelitian) keterangan : t1 = tes awal t2 = tes akhir x1 = gaya otoritas x2 = gaya demokratis instrumen data yang dijadikan kajian diperoleh melalui beberapa teknik dan alat pengumpul data. alat pengumpul data yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes yang dilakukan dengan menolak dari dinding kolam dan melakukan renang gaya bebas dengan menempuh jarak 25 meter. skor adalah waktu yang ditempuh oleh naracoba atau pelaku dalam teknik dasar gaya bebas dari mulai peluit start sampai finish. hasil langkah-langkah yang ditempuh dalam pengolahan dan analisis data adalah sebagai berikut: menghitung rata-rata dan simpangan baku langkah pertama pengolahan data adalah mencari rata-rata dan simpangan baku dari masing-masing peningkatan hasil latihan ke dua kelompok. hasilnya adalah seperti pada tabel berikut : t2 t1 t2 t1 http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 page 99 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas tabel 1: penghitungan rata-rata dan simpangan baku tes awal dan tes akhir kelompok rata-rata simpangan baku n t1 t2 s1 s2 latihan gaya mengajar otoriter 26.84 26.49 0.32 0.37 15 latihan gaya mengajar demokrasi 26.82 26.58 0.32 0.31 15 berdasarkan hasil perhitungan rata-rata dan simpangan baku didapatkan hasil latihan gaya mengajar otoriter terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas untuk tes awal rata-rata sebesar 26.84 detik dengan simpangan baku 0,32 dan untuk tes akhir rata-rata sebesar 26.49 detik dengan simpangan baku sebesar 0,37. sedangkan untuk latihan gaya mengajar demokratis terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas untuk tes awal rata-rata sebesar 26.82 detik dengan simpangan baku sebesar 0,32 dan untuk tes akhir rata-rata sebesar 26.58 detik dengan simpangan baku sebesar 0,31. uji normalitas untuk menganalisis data dengan pendekatan uji t, setiap data harus berdistribusi normal dan memiliki variansi yang homogen. nilai rata-rata dan simpangan baku telah didapat, maka selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian normalitas dengan menggunakan pendekatan uji liliefors, pengujian dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut : tabel 2: penghitungan uji normalitas tes awal dan tes akhir tes awal tes akhir variabel l hitung l tabel (0.05:15) hasil l hitung l tabel (0.05:15) hasil gaya mengajar otoriter 0,1853 0,220 normal 0,1464 0,220 normal gaya mengajar demokratis 0,1779 0,220 normal 0,1859 0,220 normal dari tabel di atas, dapat dikemukakan, dari kelompok yang mendapat perlakuan gaya otoriter diperoleh lo hitung sebesar 0,1853 dan 0,1464 dibandingkan dengan l tabel (0.05 : 15) sebesar 0.220, berarti lo hitung lebih kecil daripada l tabel dan untuk gaya mengajar demokratis diperoleh lo hitung sebesar 0,1779 dan 0,1859, berarti lo hitung lebih kecil dari l tabel. dengan demikian dapat dikemukakan bahwa distribusi data kelompok tersebut adalah normal. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 page 100 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas uji homogenitas seperti telah dijelaskan bahwa untuk menguji hipotesis selain data harus normal juga variansi ke dua data harus homogen. maka untuk menguji homogen tidaknya ke dua variansi digunakan pendekatan uji homogenitas. hasil penghitungan homogenitas dapat dilihat pada tabel dibawah ini : tabel 3: penghitungan uji homogenitas ke dua variansi kriteria pengujian homogenitas ialah : terima ho jika f (1 – ½ ) (n1 –1) < f < f ½  (n1 – 1 ; n2 – 1) untuk taraf nyata  0.05 dan dk pembilang = n1 –1 dan dk penyebutnya = n2 – 1. dari hasil penghitungan ternyata f hitung latihan gaya mengajar otoriter diperoleh = 1.40. pada latihan gaya mengajar demokratis diperoleh 1.11, selanjutnya dibandingkan dengan f hitung, ternyata nilai f hitung lebih kecil dari pada f tabel 0.05 (14 : 14) = 2.48 maka hipotesis diterima, dengan kata lain dapat penulis kemukakan bahwa distribusi data tes awal dan tes akhir mempunyai variansi yang homogen. setelah diketahui bahwa data kedua variable tersebut normal dan homogen, maka selanjutnya dilakukan statistik parametrik yang akan digunakan yaitu uji – t (uji kesamaan dua rata-rata). hasil penghitungan dan analisis data dikemukakan pada tabel berikut : pengaruh latihan gaya mengajar otoriter terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas ho = t hitung < t tabel adalah signifikan. ini terlihat dari nilai t hitung (11,67) < t tabel (2,145). sehingga hipotesis diterima. untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat pada tabel 4 dibawah ini. tabel 4. penghitungan uji – t kesamaan dua rata-rata kelompok t hitung t tabel hasil latihan gaya otoriter 11,67 2,145 signifikan hasil latihan gaya mengajar demokratis terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas juga didapat ho = t hitung > t tabel adalah signifikan. hal ini terlihat dari nilai t hitung (12,00) > t tabel (2,145) sehingga hipotesis diterima. untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini: variabel f hitung f tabel 0.05 : (14 : 14) hasil latihan gaya mengajar otoriter 1.40 2.48 homogen latihan gaya mengajar demokrasi 1.11 2.48 homogen http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 page 101 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas tabel 5. penghitungan uji – t kesamaan rata-rata kelompok t hitung t tabel hasil latihan gaya demokrasi 12,00 2,145 signifikan dari hasil penghitungan dan analisis data diperoleh t hitung latihan gaya mengajar otoriter sebesar 11,67, t hitung latihan gaya mengajar demokrasi sebesar 12,00 sedangkan t tabel 0.975 (14) = 2,145. dengan demikian dapat dikemukakan kesimpulannya sebagai berikut:  gaya mengajar otoriter memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas  gaya mengajar demokratis memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas  gaya mengajar demokratis lebih signifikan pengaruhnya dibandingkan dengan gaya mengajar otoriter terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas. dari hasil analisis data penelitian yang dilakukan oleh penulis, didapat bahwa gaya mengajar otoriter berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas, ini terlihat dari nilai signifikansi data penelitiannya yaitu, t hitung > t tabel = 11,67 > 2,145. hal tersebut seiring dengan yang dikemukakan oleh ibrahim (2007 : 35) kelebihan gaya mengajar otoriter atau otoritas ialah (1) dapat efektif bila pemimpin berstatus lebih tinggi dibanding pengikutnya, (2) cocok untuk situasi yang memerlukan keseriusan dan kedisplinan, (3) cocok untuk situasi dimana pengikutnya kurang memiliki percaya diri dan merasa perlu perlindungan dari pelatihnya. sedangkan kelemahannya (1) banyak peserta yang merasa tertekan, (2) tidak dapat memperoleh saran dan masukan dari pengikut. dan hasil analisis data penelitian juga menunjukan bahwa gaya mengajar demokratis berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas siswa, ini terlihat juga dari signifikansi data penelitiannya yaitu t hitung > t tabel = 12,00 > 2,145. hal tersebut seiring dengan yang dikemukakan oleh elizabeth b. hurlock (2006 : 93) mengemukakan bahwa guru dengan gaya mengajar demokratis ialah “guru yang menggunakan penjelasan, diskusi dan penalaran dalam mendidik siswa. memberikan kesempatan pada siswa untuk menyatakan pendapatnya”. serta hasil analisis data penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa gaya mengajar demokratis lebih signifikan pengaruhnya dibandingkan dengan gaya mengajar otoriter terhadap hasil belajar renang gaya bebas. menurut kahfi (2012:17) “renang adalah salah satu cabang olahraga yang bisa diajarkan pada semua umur, baik itu anak-anak maupun orang dewasa. bayi yang berumur beberapa bulan juga sudah bisa di ajarkan renang”. gaya bebas adalah gaya yang paling cepat. didalam gaya bebas, satu tangan melewati kepala perenang itu dan yang lainnya mendorong melalui air. pada waktu http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 page 102 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas bersamaan, kaki perenang bergerak keatas dan kebawah dengan cepat (www.akademi-renang.com, 2008). kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil penghitungan dan analisis data pada bab iv, maka hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: (1) gaya mengajar otoriter memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan kemampuan renang gaya bebas di klub renang ryc cicalengka kab. bandung; (2) gaya mengajar demokrasi memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan kemampuan renang gaya bebas di klub renang ryc cicalengka kab. bandung; dan (3) hasil latihan kelompok b (kelompok yang diberikan perlakukan dengan gaya demokrasi) lebih seginifikan peningkatannya daripada kelompok a (kelompok yang diberikan perlakukan dengan gaya otoriter) terhadap peningkatan kemampuan renang gaya bebas di ryc cicalengka kab. bandung. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas http://www.akademi-renang.com/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 2 nomor 1. april 2017 page 103 jpjo http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas referensi arikunto, suharsimi. (2010). prosedurpenelitian, suatu pendekatan praktek. yogyakarta: rinekacipta aurela d. (2013). pengertian renang. (online). tersedia : http://littlerincessaurel.blogspot.com/ (03 juni 2015). kahf m.a. (2012). pedoman mengajar dan melatih renang :stkip pasundan cimahi kurniawan a.j. (2013). upaya meningkatkan keberanian siswa dalam pembelajaran aktivitas air melalui pendekatan bermain pada siswa kelas i c sd muhammadiyah bodon, banguntapan, bantul, yogyakarta [online]tersedia:http://eprints.uny.ac.id/13913/1/skripsi%20jian%20andri%20k urniawan-nim%2009601241078.pdf (07 juni 2015) mulyana. b (2012) aktivitas aquatik [online]. tersedia : http://file.upi.edu/direktori/fpok/jur._pend._kepelatihan/196210231989031 r._boyke_mulyana/11.pdf [27 mei2015] nurhasan. (2013). modul tes dan pengukuran dalam pendidikan jasmani. bandung. nisfianoor, m. (2009) pendekatan statistika modernuntuk ilmu social. jakarta: salemba humanika rudi. a. 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(2011). metode penelitian pendidikan pendekatan kuantitatif, kualitatif, dan r&d. bandung: alfabeta. stkip pasundan cimahi (2010) pedoman penulisan skripsi pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan rekreasi : tidak diterbitkan. http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas http://littlerincessaurel.blogspot.com/ http://eprints.uny.ac.id/13913/1/skripsi%20jian%20andri%20kurniawan-nim%2009601241078.pdf http://eprints.uny.ac.id/13913/1/skripsi%20jian%20andri%20kurniawan-nim%2009601241078.pdf http://file.upi.edu/direktori/fpok/jur._pend._kepelatihan/196210231989031-r._boyke_mulyana/11.pdf%20%5b27 http://file.upi.edu/direktori/fpok/jur._pend._kepelatihan/196210231989031-r._boyke_mulyana/11.pdf%20%5b27 http://blog-nya/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 9 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 28 meningkatkan hasil belajar lompat melalui aktivitas lompat tali dengan penerapan gaya practise pathurohman 1 r wibowo 1 universitas pendidikan indonesia 1 email: ricky_wibowo@upi.edu abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah melalui aktivitas lompat tali dengan penerapan gaya practice dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas iii sdn sukarela 01. metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan penelitian tindakan kelas. dalam penggunaan metode ini peneliti menggunakan dua siklus dan dalam setiap siklus terdiri dari dua tindakan. subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas iii yang berjumlah 32 orang, terdiri dari 20 orang putra dan 12 orang putri. instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan observasi, catatan lapangan dan dokumentasi. hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa melalui aktivitas lompat tali dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar lompat pada siswa. hasil peningkatan tersebut ditunjukan dari peningkatan hasil belajar rata-rata siswa pada setiap siklusnya. rata-rata hasil pada observasi awal pada aspek kognitif adalah 37,5, siklus 1 tindakan 1 adalah 40,1, siklus 1 tindakan 2 adalah 50,8, sedangkan siklus 2 tindakan 1 adalah 61,7, dan siklus 2 tindakan 2 adalah 76,8. sedangkan pada aspek afektif observasi awal rata-rata sebesar 39,9, siklus 1 tindakan 1 adalah 45,6, siklus 1 tindakan 2 adalah 63,5, siklus 2 tindakan 1 adalah 63,5, siklus 2 tindakan 2 adalah 77,1. dan untuk aspek psikomotor observasi awal rata-rata sebesar 38,28, siklus 1 tindakan 1 adalah 44,54, siklus 1 tindakan 2 adalah 50,46, siklus 2 tindakan 1 adalah 60,48, siklus 2 tindakan 2 adalah 76,56. berdasarkan hasil analisis data penelitian yang penulis teliti dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui aktivitas lompat tali dengan penerapan gaya practice dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas iii sdn sukarela 01. kata kunci : hasil belajar lompat, aktivitas lompat tali, gaya mengajar practice pendahuluan salah satu tujuan pendidikan jasmani ialah mengembangkan keterampilan gerak. dengan berkembangnya bermacam-macam karakterisktik jasmani dan kematangan anak anak dalam mengembangkan kecakapan untuk membentuk keterampilan gerak. faktor kematangan anak ini bergantung pada derajat kemampuan perkembangan anak yang akan mempengaruhi terhadap jenis keterampilan dan berapa banyak yang dapat dikuasi. pada dasarnya gerakan pada manusia adalah gerakan berjalan, berlari dan melompat. memiliki keterampilan ini merupakan bagian penting untuk partisipasi yang menyenangkan dan ketertarikan seumur hidup dalam gaya hidup yang aktif (quinn, 2010). penguasaan jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 9 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 29 keterampilan gerak fundamental dapat memiliki efek langsung pada kesehatan anak maupun remaja. penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa anak-anak dan remaja dengan kemampuan gerakan dasar yang lebih baik cenderung lebih aktif secara fisik, memiliki kebugaran aerobik yang lebih tinggi (okely et al, 2001). keterampilan gerak fundamental mengacu pada gerakan yang sederhana dan merupakan fondasi untuk berpartisipasi atau melakukan berbagai jenis aktivitas. lompat adalah suatu gerakan mengangkat tubuh dari suatu titik ke titik lain yang lebih jauh atau tinggi dengan ancang-ancang lari cepat atau lambat dengan menumpu satu kaki dan mendarat dengan kaki/anggota tubuh lainnya dengan keseimbangan yang baik (dikti, 2012: 19). tujuan guru mengajarkan lompat adalah dapat memberi pengenalan gerakan fundamental yang diharapkan memiliki keterampilan dasar yang kelak dikembangkan lebih lanjut. pengembangan gerak lompat adalah mengajarkan anak melompat ke depan (jauh) dengan sikap gerak lompat yang benar, yaitu membengkokkan lutut, mengayunkan lengan, dan melakukan gerak perluasan/ekstensi (sujiono dkk. 2007: 6.25). sedangkan menurut widodo (2010), macam-macam bentuk peningkatkan keterampilan gerak dasar lompat yaitu: 1) lompat ke atas setinggi-tingginya meraih sesuatu di atas, dengan berulang-ulang, 2) lompat ke atas kedepan, dengan berulangulang. kegiatan belajar mengajar tidaklah mudah. guru yang efektif memiliki pengetahuan dan keahlian sedangkan guru yang kurang efektif tidak memilikinya. jenis pengetahuan dan keterampilan tidak dikembangkan dari buku-buku bacaan atau belajar tentang mengajar saja (phelps, 2009; ball & forzani, 2009). proses belajar mengajar, kegiatan yang paling strategis adalah sangat tergantung pada pemilihan dan penepatan strategi pembelajaran. moston (1994) telah mengidentifikas gaya mengajar yang dapat digunakan guru penjas. gaya-gaya mengajar tersebut terentang dari mulai yang berorientasi pada guru sampai pada yang berorientasi pada siswa. gaya komando (the command style), gaya tugas (the practice style), gaya resipkoral (the reciprocal style), gaya mandri berstruktur (invidual programmed instruction), gaya diskoveri terbimbing (guided discovery), gaya pemecahan maslah (problem solving). dalam gaya-gaya pembelajaran ini bisa diterapkan untuk bahan acuan pembelajaran kepada siswa. dalam aktivitas lompat tali, gaya mengajar yang diterapkan kepada siswa harus disesuaikan dengan tingkat perkembangan siswa. pada usia sekolah dasar khususnya kelas iii sekolah dasar, berdasarkan hasil observasi dilapangan peneliti menemukan bahwa rata-rata siswa-siswa sekolah dasar kelas iii belum mampu melakukan aktivitas lompat tali. oleh karena itu, nampaknya dengan menarapkan gaya practice akan cocok bila diterapkan pada pembelajaran aktivitas lompat melalui aktivitas lompat tali. beberapa peneliti mempelajari efek dari lompat tali pada kebugaran fisik yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan pada siswa dengan gangguan intelektual ringan atau gangguan penglihatan, dan menemukan bahwa lompat tali secara signifikan meningkatkan keseimbangan, daya tahan kardiovaskuler, kekuatan otot, komposisi tubuh, dan fleksibilitas (yeh, 2007; tsai, 2009; chen, 2010). mojtaba b. g., parivash n. and hossein s. (2014) telah melakukan penelitian eksperimen dengan tujuan untuk menguji efek dari program lompat tali terhadap keterampilan motorik kasar pada siswa laki-laki kelas 4 (empat) sekolah dasar. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam keterampilan motorik kasar dan sub-tes keseimbangan, kekuatan dan koordinasi bilateral dalam speedy dan demonstrasi. di sisi lain, berdasarkan temuan dari jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 9 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 30 penelitian ini kedua program lompat tali memiliki efek signifikan pada keterampilan motorik kasar subyek (siswa yang diteliti). namun, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dilaporkan dalam meningkatkan kecepatan dan kelincahan antara tiga kelompok. berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, penulis mencoba menambah khasanah penelitian dengan mengembangkan aktivitas lompat tali berdasarkan tingkat kemampuan siswa dan dikemas dalam setting gaya mengajar practice. metode penelitian rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas yang digunakan dalam peneltian ini adalah model yang dikembangkan oleh kurt lewin. penelitian tindakan kelas mengikuti suatu siklus dimana tiap siklus terdiri dari langkahlangkah berikut: (1) perencanaan (planing), (2) aksi atau tindakan (action), (3) observasi (observing), (4).refleksi (reflecting)”. lebih jelasnya disajikan pada gambar dibawah ini: gambar 1. desain ptk model kurt lewin (sumber: http://gurukumiisjtg.blogspot.co.id) subjek dan tempat penelitian ini dilaksanakan di sdn sukarela kota bandung pada siswa kelas iii (tiga) dengan jumlah siswa 32 orang yang terdiri dari 20 siswa putra dan 12 siswa putri. peneliti memilih lokasi tersebut dikarenakan peneliti telah mengetahui kondisi dan karakteristik dari peserta didik dan mudah dalam mengkondisikan setting penelitian. instrumen penelitian berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang diteliti, maka penulis mengambil aspek keterampilan gerakan dasar lompat. hal ini dikarena permasalahan penelitian yang akan diteliti yaitu aspek gerak dasar lompat saja yang meliputi posisi sikap awalan, sikap melayang vertical, dan gerakan sikap akhir mendarat. instumen penelitian diadaptasi dari elder dalam fundamental motor skills: a manual for classroom teachers (2009) untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai instrument yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini dapat dilihat pada tabel dibawah ini: jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 9 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 31 tabel 2. format lembar observasi siswa no aspek yang di observasi indikator penilaian aktivitas siswa kriteria 1 2 3 4 kognitif 1. siswa mampu menjelaskan gerak dasar lompat 2. siswa dapat menjelaskan cara melakukan gerak dasar lompat dengan menggunakan tali 3. siswa dapat menyebutkan fungsi dari gerak dasar lompat jumlah jumlah skor maksimal : 12 x 100 no aspek yang di observasi indikator penilaian aktivitas siswa kriteria 1 2 3 4 afektif 1. siswa dapat bekerja sama dengan teman selama pembelajaran berlangsung 2. siswa dapat bersikap sportif selama pembelajaran berlangsung 3. siswa berani dalam melakukan practice gerak yang di instruksikan oleh guru. jumlah jumlah skor maksimal : 12 x 100 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 9 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 32 no aspek yang di observasi indikator penilaian aktivitas siswa kriteria 1 2 3 4 psikomotor 1. mata fokus kedepan selama lompatan. 2. membungkukkan badan dengan lutut ditekuk dan lengan di belakang tubuh 3. mendorong keatas dengan kuat dorong ke atas dari lengan sebagai kaki meluruskan melepas 4. kontak dengan tanah menggunakan bagian depan kaki dan lutut menekuk untuk menyerap kekuatan mendarat 5. 5. mendarat seimbang dengan tidak lebih dari satu langkah ke arah manapun. jumlah jumlah skor maksimal : 12 diadaptasi dari stephen elder, fundamental motor skills: a manual for classroom teachers, 2009 x 100 data tes dianalisis dengan menggunakan rata-rata nilai dan persentase ketuntasan belajar. kkm sdn sukarela 01 untuk pelajaran gerak dasar lompat 70, maka siswa dikatakan tuntas belajar secara individu apabila siswa telah mencapai nilai 70 ke atas. secara klasikal proses pembelajaran dikatakan tuntas apabila siswa di kelas memperoleh nilai 70 ke atas sebanyak 85, depdiknas (2006). rumus perhitungan nilai hasil tes sebagai berikut: a) nilai rata-rata ̅ ∑ keterangan:  ̅ = rata-rata nilai siswa  ∑ = jumlah keseluruhan nilai siswa  = jumlah siswa keseluruhan, sudjana (2009: 109) jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 9 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 33 b) ketuntasan belajar secara klasikal keterangan:  kb = presentase ketuntasan belajar klasikal  ns = jumlah siswa yang mencapai nilai ≥ 70  n = jumlah siswa tabel 3. interval ketuntasan belajar klasikal interval kategori 90 100 sangat tinggi 70 89,9 tinggi 50 69,9 cukup 30 49,9 rendah 10 29,9 sangat rendah indikator keberhasilan hasil belajar dalam penelitian ini adalah, sebagai berikut: a. nilai hasil evaluasi yang diperoleh siswa rata-rata mencapai ≥ 75 b. apabila siswa yang mendapat nilai ≥ 75 mencapai 85, maka ketuntasan belajar klasikal tercapai. hasil penelitian penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus dan masing-masing siklus dua kali perlakuan atau tindakan yang disesuaikan dengan jadwal mata pelajaran penjas yaitu hari rabu. satu pertemuan berlangsung selama 2x45 menit. untuk memperoleh data–data yang akurat tentang tindakan kelas ini maka peneliti mengadakan observasi awal terhadap subyek penelitian sebagai data awal kriteria dasar untuk penilaian dalam penelitian ini, disamping itu selama ini peneliti hanya melihat gejala rendahnya keterampilan gerak dasar lompat pada sebagian besar siswa, untuk lebih jelasnya hasil penelitian tindakan kelas ini dapat dideskripsikan sebagai berikut. siklus i tindakan i, pada tahap ini kegiatan yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan perencanaan tindakan yang telah ditetapkan. adalah meningkatkan hasil keterampilan melompat pada siswa kelas iii (tiga). pembelajaran dilakukan pada hari rabu tanggal 30 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 9 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 34 november 2016, pembelajaran dimulai pada pukul 07:00 – 08: 30 wib di lapangan depan sd negeri sukrela 01 kota bandung. aspek kognitif berdasarkan aspek kognitif, pengetahuan dan pemahaman dalam melakukan lompat belum mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan atau jika dirata-ratakan sebesar 40,1 dengan kondisi ini maka pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa perlu ditingkatkan dengan presentase minimal sebesar 34,9 dari 75 indikator kinerja yang diharapkan atau jika dirinci satupersatu indikator penilaiannya maka akan diperoleh hasilnya sebagai berikut: a. siswa mampu menjelaskan gerak dasar lompat rata-rata adalah 38,3, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 36,7 dari indikator kinerja 75. b. siswa dapat menjelaskan cara melakukan gerak dasar lompat dengan menggunakan tali rata-rata adalah 42,2, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 32,8 dari indikator kinerja 75. c. siswa dapat menyebutkan fungsi dari gerak dasar lompat rata-rata adalah 39,8, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 35,2 dari indikator kinerja 75. aspek afektif berdasarkan aspek afektif, sikap dan minat para siswa dalam lompat belum mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan atau masih rendah, jika dirata-ratakan sebesar 45,6 dengan kondisi ini maka sikap dan minat siswa perlu ditingkatkan dengan presentase minimal sebesar 29,4 dari 75 indikator kinerja yang diharapkan atau jika dirinci satupersatu indikator penilaiannya maka akan diperoleh hasilnya sebagai berikut: a. siswa dapat bekerja sama dengan teman selama pembelajaran berlangsung rata-rata adalah 44,5, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 30,5 dari indikator kinerja 75. b. siswa dapat bersikap sportif selama pembelajaran berlangsung rata-rata adalah 53,1, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 21,9 dari indikator kinerja 75. c. siswa berani dalam melakukan practice gerak yang di instruksikan oleh guru ratarata adalah 39,1, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 35,9 dari indikator kinerja 75. aspek psikomotor berdasarkan aspek psikomotor keterampilan gerak dasar siswa dalam melakukan lompat belum mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan atau jika dirata-ratakan sebesar 44,54 dengan kondisi ini maka kemampuan siswa perlu ditingkatkan dengan presentase minimal sebesar 30,46 dari 75 indikator kinerja yang diharapkan atau jika dirinci satupersatu indikator penilaiannya maka akan diperoleh hasilnya sebagai berikut: a. mata fokus kedepan selama lompatan rata-rata adalah 37,5, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 37,5 dari indikator kinerja 75. b. membungkukkan badan dengan lutut ditekuk dan lengan di belakang tubuh rata-rata adalah 47,7, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 27,3 dari indikator kinerja 75. c. mendorong keatas dengan kuat dorong ke atas dari lengan sebagai kaki meluruskan melepas rata-rata adalah 48,4, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 26,6 dari indikator kinerja 75. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 9 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 35 d. kontak dengan tanah menggunakan bagian depan kaki dan lutut menekuk untuk menyerap kekuatan mendarat rata-rata adalah 42,2, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 32,8 dari indikator kinerja 75. e. mendarat seimbang dengan tidak lebih dari satu langkah ke arah manapun rata-rata adalah 46,9, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 28,1 dari indikator kinerja 75. siklus i tindakan ii, pada tahap ini kegiatan yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan perencanaan tindakan yang telah ditetapkan. adalah meningkatkan hasil keterampilan lompat pada siswa kelas iii (tiga). pembelajaran dilakukan pada hari rabu tanggal 07 desember 2016, pembelajaran dimulai pada pukul 07:00 – 08: 30 wib di lapangan depan sd negeri sukrela 01 kota bandung. aspek kognitif berdasarkan aspek kognitif, pengetahuan dan pemahaman dalam melakukan lompat telah mengalami peningkatan, jika dirata-ratakan sebesar 50,8 dengan kondisi ini maka pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa perlu ditingkatkan dengan presentase minimal sebesar 24,2 dari 75 indikator kinerja yang diharapkan atau jika dirinci satupersatu indikator penilaiannya maka akan diperoleh hasilnya sebagai berikut: a. siswa mampu menjelaskan gerak dasar lompat rata-rata adalah 49,2, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 25,8 dari indikator kinerja 75. b. siswa dapat menjelaskan cara melakukan gerak dasar lompat dengan menggunakan tali rata-rata adalah 52,3, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 22,7 dari indikator kinerja 75. c. siswa dapat menyebutkan fungsi dari gerak dasar lompat rata-rata adalah 50,8, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 24,2 dari indikator kinerja 75. aspek afektif berdasarkan aspek afektif, sikap dan minat para siswa dalam lompat telah mengalami peningkatan, jika dirata-ratakan sebesar 56 dengan kondisi ini maka sikap dan minat siswa perlu ditingkatkan dengan presentase minimal sebesar 19 dari 75 indikator kinerja yang diharapkan atau jika dirinci satupersatu indikator penilaiannya maka akan diperoleh hasilnya sebagai berikut: a. siswa dapat bekerja sama dengan teman selama pembelajaran berlangsung rata-rata adalah 53,9, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 21,1 dari indikator kinerja 75. b. siswa dapat bersikap sportif selama pembelajaran berlangsung rata-rata adalah 60,9, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 14,1 dari indikator kinerja 75. c. siswa berani dalam melakukan practice gerak yang di instruksikan oleh guru ratarata adalah 53,1, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 21,9 dari indikator kinerja 75. aspek psikomotor berdasarkan aspek psikomotor keterampilan gerak dasar siswa dalam melakukan lompat telah mengalami peningkatan namun tidak signifikan atau jika dirata-ratakan jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 9 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 36 sebesar 44,54 dengan kondisi ini maka kemampuan siswa perlu ditingkatkan dengan presentase minimal sebesar 30,46 dari 75 indikator kinerja yang diharapkan atau jika dirinci satupersatu indikator penilaiannya maka akan diperoleh hasilnya sebagai berikut: a. mata fokus kedepan selama lompatan rata-rata adalah 53,9, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 21,1 dari indikator kinerja 75. b. membungkukkan badan dengan lutut ditekuk dan lengan di belakang tubuh rata-rata adalah 48,4, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 26,6 dari indikator kinerja 75. c. mendorong keatas dengan kuat dorong ke atas dari lengan sebagai kaki meluruskan melepas rata-rata adalah 53,1, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 21,9 dari indikator kinerja 75. d. kontak dengan tanah menggunakan bagian depan kaki dan lutut menekuk untuk menyerap kekuatan mendarat rata-rata adalah 46,1, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 28,9 dari indikator kinerja 75. e. mendarat seimbang dengan tidak lebih dari satu langkah ke arah manapun rata-rata adalah 50,8, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 24,2 dari indikator kinerja 75. siklus ii tindakan i, pada tahap ini kegiatan yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan perencanaan tindakan yang telah ditetapkan. adalah meningkatkan hasil keterampilan melompat pada siswa kelas iii (tiga). pembelajaran dilakukan pada hari rabu tanggal 14 desember 2016, pembelajaran dimulai pada pukul 07:00 – 08: 30 wib di lapangan depan sd negeri sukrela 01 kota bandung. aspek kognitif berdasarkan aspek kognitif, pengetahuan dan pemahaman dalam melakukan lompat telah mengalami peningkatan, jika dirata-ratakan sebesar 61,7 dengan kondisi ini maka pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa perlu ditingkatkan dengan presentase minimal sebesar 13,3 dari 75 indikator kinerja yang diharapkan atau jika dirinci satupersatu indikator penilaiannya maka akan diperoleh hasilnya sebagai berikut: a. siswa mampu menjelaskan gerak dasar lompat rata-rata adalah 62,5, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 12,5 dari indikator kinerja 75. b. siswa dapat menjelaskan cara melakukan gerak dasar lompat dengan menggunakan tali rata-rata adalah 62,5, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 12,5 dari indikator kinerja 75. c. siswa dapat menyebutkan fungsi dari gerak dasar lompat rata-rata adalah 60,2, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 14,8 dari indikator kinerja 75. aspek afektif berdasarkan aspek afektif, sikap dan minat para siswa dalam lompat telah mengalami peningkatan, jika dirata-ratakan sebesar 63,5 dengan kondisi ini maka sikap dan minat siswa perlu ditingkatkan dengan presentase minimal sebesar 11,5 dari 75 indikator kinerja yang diharapkan atau jika dirinci satupersatu indikator penilaiannya maka akan diperoleh hasilnya sebagai berikut: a. siswa dapat bekerja sama dengan teman selama pembelajaran berlangsung rata-rata adalah 64,8, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 10,2 dari indikator kinerja 75. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 9 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 37 b. siswa dapat bersikap sportif selama pembelajaran berlangsung rata-rata adalah 63,3, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 11,7 dari indikator kinerja 75. c. siswa berani dalam melakukan practice gerak yang di instruksikan oleh guru ratarata adalah 62,5, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 12,5 dari indikator kinerja 75. aspek psikomotor hasil dari refleksi yang dilakukan berdasarkan aspek psikomotor yaitu bahwa keterampilan gerak dasar siswa dalam melakukan lompat telah mengalami peningkatan meskipun belum mampu memenuhi nilai rata-rata ketuntasan minimal yaitu sebesar 60,48. berdasarkan dengan kondisi tersebut maka kemampuan siswa perlu ditingkatkan dengan presentase minimal sebesar 14,52 dari 75. indikator kinerja yang diharapkan atau jika dirinci satupersatu indikator penilaiannya maka akan diperoleh hasilnya sebagai berikut: a. mata fokus kedepan selama lompatan rata-rata adalah 60,2, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 14,8 dari indikator kinerja 75. b. membungkukkan badan dengan lutut ditekuk dan lengan di belakang tubuh rata-rata adalah 60,9, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 14,1 dari indikator kinerja 75. c. mendorong keatas dengan kuat dorong ke atas dari lengan sebagai kaki meluruskan melepas rata-rata adalah 59,4, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 15,6 dari indikator kinerja 75. d. kontak dengan tanah menggunakan bagian depan kaki dan lutut menekuk untuk menyerap kekuatan mendarat rata-rata adalah 61,7, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 13,3 dari indikator kinerja 75. e. mendarat seimbang dengan tidak lebih dari satu langkah ke arah manapun rata-rata adalah 60,2, peningkatannya minimal sebesar 14,8 dari indikator kinerja 75. siklus ii tindakan ii, pada tahap ini kegiatan yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan perencanaan tindakan yang telah ditetapkan, yaitu meningkatkan hasil keterampilan melompat pada siswa kelas iii (tiga). pembelajaran dilakukan pada hari rabu tanggal 21 desember 2016, pembelajaran dimulai pada pukul 07:00 – 08: 30 wib di lapangan depan sd negeri sukarela 01 kota bandung. hasil data yang diperoleh pada pengamatan siklus dua tindakan dua dimana menunjukkan rata-rata siswa telah memiliki pengetahuan, pemahaman dan penerapan gerak dasar lompat. selain itu pula, para siswa memiliki minat yang tinggi terhadap lompat tali, dan juga keterampilan gerak dasar lompat yang telah memenuhi standar indikator kinerja, dengan kata lain bahwa rata-rata dalam aspek kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor sudah meningkat signifikan dari siklus dan tindakan sebelumnya. berdasarkan hasil dari pada pengamatan observasi awal di mana rata-rata pada aspek kognitif dalam pengetahuan dan pemahaman gerak dasar lompat siswa adalah 37,5, pada siklus satu tindakan satu sebesar 40,1, siklus satu tindakan dua sebesar 50,8, siklus dua tindakan satu sebesar 61,7, dan siklus dua tindakan dua sebesar 76,8. hal tersebut jelas menunjukan bahwa siswa mengalami peningkatan dalam pemahaman dan pengetahuan gerak dasar dari mulai observasi awal hingga siklus dua tindakan dua. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 9 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 38 sedangkan, hasil dari pada pengamatan observasi awal di mana rata-rata pada aspek afektif dalam minat dan sikap gerak dasar lompat siswa adalah 35,1, pada siklus satu tindakan satu sebesar 45,6, siklus satu tindakan dua sebesar 56, siklus dua tindakan satu sebesar 63,5, dan siklus dua tindakan dua sebesar 77,1. hal tersebut jelas menunjukan bahwa siswa mengalami peningkatan dalam minat dan sikap gerak dasar dari mulai observasi awal hingga siklus dua tindakan dua. hasil dari aspek psikomotor, keterampilan gerak dasar lompat siswa adalah 38,28, pada siklus satu tindakan satu keterampilan gerak lompat sebesar 44,54, siklus satu tindakan dua sebesar 50,46, siklus dua tindakan satu sebesar 60,48, dan siklus dua tindakan dua sebesar 76,56. hal tersebut jelas menunjukan bahwa siswa mengalami peningkatan keterampilan gerak dasar dari mulai observasi awal hingga siklus dua tindakan dua. kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil pengolahan dan analisis data maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan penerapan gaya praktek melalui aktivitas lompat tali dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar lompat pada siswa kelas iii sdn sukarela 1 kota bandung. hasil belajar lompat pada siswa mengalami peningkatan pada setiap tindakan dan siklusnya. peningkatan hasil belajar lompat, baik pada siswa laki-laki maupun perempuan pada hasil siklus ii tindakan ii, sudah mencapai target pencapaian hasil belajar yaitu lebih dari 75. dengan demikian, penerapan gaya praktek melalui aktivitas lompat tali dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar lompat pada siswa kelas iii di sdn sukarela 1 kota bandung. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 9 nomor 1. april 2017 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 39 referensi arikunto, suharsimi. 2002. metodologi penelitian. penerbit. jakarta: rineka cipta arikunto, suharsimi. 2006. prosedur penelitian suatu pendekatan praktik. jakarta: rineka cipta chaeunyoung (2005). fun jump rope. korea departemen pendidikan nasional, 2007. 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(2014), “effects of speedy and demonstration jumping-rope training on gross motor skills” journal volume-3 issue4, http://sciencejournal.in/data/documents/life-science-vol-3-4-43.pdf , 11 december 2016 http://sciencejournal.in/data/documents/life-science-vol-3-4-43.pdf pengaruh pemberian umpan balik (feedback) dalam proses pembelajaran penjas terhadap pembentukan konsep diri yang positif jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 43 minat mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan rekreasi (pjkr) pada pembelajaran golf di stkip pasundan cimahi ( penelitian pada mahasiswa stkip pasundan cimahi mata kuliah pembelajaran golf ) 1 muchamad ishak 1 stkip pasundan cimahi abstrak dalam penelitian ini, masalah yang akan di bahas yaitu mengenai minat mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan rekreasi (pjkr) terhadap pembelajaran golf di stkip pasundan cimahi. tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar minat minat mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran golf. metode yang di gunakan yaitu metode deskriptif survey, yaitu metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk mengetahui gambaran sebenarnya dari suatu subjek atau objek yang diteliti. populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh mahasiswa pjkr tingkat 3 semester enam yang mengikuti perkuliahan golf yang bertempat di lanud sulaiman. sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 36 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel cluster sampling (cluster area). instrumen yang digunakan yaitu berupa angket dengan jumlah soal yang digunakan berjumlah 30 soal dengan reabilitas instrumen 0,901. hasil dari pengolahan data, presentase minat mahasiswa sebesar 85,95 %, dengan sub variabel keinginan 86,29 %, alasan 86,87 % , perasaan 86,01 %, dan tujuan 84,44 %. kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu terdapat minat yang tinggi pada mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan rekreasi (pjkr) terdapat pembelajaran golf di stkip pasundan cimahi. kata kunci: minat mahasiswa dan pembelajaran golf jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 44 pendahuluan pendidikan merupakan suatu proses belajar bagi manusia yang pada dasarnya tidak mengenal waktu, tempat maupun usia yang dikenal dengan pendidikan sepanjang hayat. melalui pendidikan lah suatu bangsa yang dapat berkembang dengan sumber daya manusia yang berkarakter serta berbudi pekerti yang luhur bangsa ini dapat maju ke hal yang lebih baik. dalam dunia pendidikan, baik di sekolah dasar (sd), sekolah menegah ke atas (smp), sekolah menengah ke atas (sma), bahkan di perguruan tinggi peran guru maupun dosen serta siswa maupun mahasiswa amatlah penting dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, karena staf pengajar dan siswa merupakan subjek yang menjadi dalam kegiatan pendidikan. terutama pada perguruan tinggi, peran dosen serta mahasiswa merupakan sorotan utama dalam dunia pendidikan tersebut, karakter dan sikap seorang manusia dalam dibentuk serta di didik melalui pendidikan. khususnya pada pendidikan olahraga. karena dalam olahraga, nilai-nilai luhur terdapat banyak pada pendidikan olahraga seperti nilai kerja sama, fair play, semangat juang, sikap sosial, dll. khususnya di perguruan tinggi stkip pasundan cimahi, yang merupakan suatu lembaga pendidikan yang terdapat program studi pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan rekreasi (pjkr), pada lembaga pendidikan ini mahasiswa diharuskan menempuh berbagai macam pelajaran olahraga yang ditempuh dalam bentuk mata kuliah, yang lebih dominan dalam bentuk olahraga, seperti mata kuliah bola voli, bola basket, tenis meja, aquatik, pencak silat bahkan olahraga golf merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang harus ditempuh oleh mahasiswa dalam mendapatkan gelar s-1. dan beruntung nya mahasiswa program studi pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan rekreasi (pjkr) dapat belajar mengenai olahraga golf yang dikategorikan olahraga mahal. nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam olahraga golf amatlah bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa, diantaranya nilai konsentrasi, ketenangan, fokus, dll. pembelajaran golf merupakan salah satu mata k uliah yang harus ditempuh oleh mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan rekreasi (pjkr) tingkat 3 semester 6 untuk angkatan mahasiswa 2013-2014. hasil observasi peneliti pada mahasiswa yang telah mengikuti pembelajaran golf pada mahasiswa angkatan 2012 -2013, mahasiswa cenderung aktif dan antusisas mengikuti perkuliahan yang berlangsung di lapangan padang golf lanud sulaiman bandung, namun pada kenyataanya hasil observasi dilapangan jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 45 mahasiswa pada tingkat 3 dan 4 merupakan masa mahasiswa merasa jenuh untuk mengikuti perkuliahan, namun berbeda dengan proses pembelajaran pada mata kuliah golf, antusias mahasiswa yang aktif dengan pembelajaran golf, terbukti dengan saat pembelajaran pada proses perkuliahan mahasiswa kecewa setelah jam pelajaran berakhir, semangat dan keinginan belajar yang tinggi terdapat pada mahasiswa yang mengikuti perkuliahan golf, meskipun jam pelajaran sudah berakhir, namun mahasiswa tetap antusias dan enggan untuk meninggalkan tempat perkuliahan. hal ini lah yang menggugah peneliti untuk meneliti bagaimana minat mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan rekreasi (pjkr) pada pembelajaran golf di stkip pasundan cimahi. metode metode penelitian merupakan cara yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian. menurut arikunto (2014:203) metode penelitian adalah cara yang digunakan oleh peneliti dalam mengumpulkan data penelitiannya. dalam penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. arikunto (2013:3) menjelaskan bahwa penelitian deskriptif adalah penelitian yang dimaksudkan untuk menyelidiki keadaan, kondisi, atau hal-hal lain yang sudah disebutkan, yang hasilnya dipaparkan dalam bentuk laporan penelitian. dalam penelitian deskriptif terdapat berbagai macam jenis. arikunto (2014:4) menyebutkan jenis-jenis metode penelitian deskriptif diantarannya yaitu, penelitian deskriptif murni atau survei, penelitian korelasi, atau penelitian hubungan, penelitian komparasi, dan penelitian penelusuran (tracer study). dalam penelitian ini digunakan penelitian deskriptif murni atau survei, menurut arikunto (2014:3) metode penelitian deskriptif murni atau survei meupakan penelitian yang benar-benar hanya memaparkan apa yang terdapat atau terjadi dalam sebuah kancah, lapangan, atau wilayah tertentu. keadaan yang menjadi subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mencari tahu seberapa besar minat mahasiwa pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan rekreasi (pjkr) pada pembelajaran golf di stkip pasundan cimahi. dalam penelitian, perlu adanya nya populasi sebagai sumber data penelitian, populasi menurut arikunto (2014:173) adalah “keseluruhan subjek penelitian”, populasi dapat dikatakan sebagai jumlah data yang dijadikan objek penelitian. sedangkan menurut indiarsa dan supomo (2002) dalam somatri dan muhidin (2006:62), populasi yaitu sekelompok jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 46 orang, kejadian, atau segala sesuatu yang mempunyai karakteristik tertentu. berdasarkan pendapat di atas, populasi merupakan objek yang akan diteliti, bukan hanya orang tetapi benda yang memiliki kualitas dan dianggap memenuhi kriteria dan karakteristik untuk diteliti dan dipelajari agar penelitian tersebut mempunyai hasil dan kesimpulan yang berarti. sumber data yang digunakan dalam dari populasi mahasiswa pjkr angkatan 2013-2014 semester 6 yang mengikuti perkuliahan golf yaitu berjumlah 363 orang. untuk menghemat biaya dan tenaga yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini, selanjutnya penulis menentukan sampel dari penelitian ini. sampel adalah sebagian dari sumber data yang dianggap mewakii seluruh populasi secara representatif, sebagai mana dikemukakan arikunto (2010:173) sebagai berikut : sampel adalah sebagian atau wakil dari populasi yang akan diteliti. dinamakan penelitian sampel apabila kita bermaksud untuk menggeneralisasikan hasil penelitian sampel.yang dimaksud menggeneralisasikan adalah kesimpulan penelitian sebagai suatu yang berlaku bagi populasi. menurut sugiyono (2010:118) sampel adalah bagian dari jumlah dan karakteristik yang dimiliki oleh populasi tersebut. menurut indiarsa dan muhidin (2006:63) sampel adalah bagian kecil dari anggota populasi yang diambil menurut prosedur tertentu. teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik sampling kelompok (cluster sampling), menurut komara (2005:96) digunakan oleh peneliti apabila di dalam populasi terdapat kelompok-kelompok yang mempunyai ciri-ciri sendiri. dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan sampel sebanyak 36 orang dari jumlah populasi. hasil setelah data didapatkan dari pengumpulan data yang sudah dilakukan, selanjutnya data perlu di olah agar data tersebut dapat disajikan menjadi data yang menarik, memiliki arti dan makna serta dapat menjawab dari rumusan penelitian. pengolahan data penelitian menurut arikunto (2014:54) pengolahan data adalah merubah data menjadi data yang lebih bermakna. adapun prosedur pengolahan dan analisis data sengan langkahlangkah sebagai berikut : jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 47 1. mengelompokan data sesuai dengan sub variabel dari indikator pertayaaan. pengelompokan butir pertanyaan dari jawaban responden dapat terlihat pada tabel berikut : a. mengelompokan butir pertanyaan seperti terlihat pada tabel di bawah ini. tabel 1 tabel pengelompokan tiap butir pertanyaan mengenai minat mahasiswa pendidikan jasmansi kesehatan dan rekreasi (pjkr) terhadap pembelajaran golf. variabel sub variabel indikator no soal minat 1. keinginan 1. terlibat langsung 2. adanya respon 3. fokus 3,5,6 3,4,7 9, 10, 13, 14 2. alasan 1. peraturan 2. kegiatan aktif 3. kegiatan fisik 11,15 18,21,22 19,20,23,24 3. perasaan 1. kegiatan menyenangkan 2. kesadaran 25,26,29,30 27,28 4. tujuan 1. kewajiban 2. kebutuhan 33,34,38 35,36,39,40 b. menjumlahkan skor-skor seluruh pertanyaan dari setiap komponen, untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini : tabel 2 data hasil penelitian variabel jumlah pertanyaan skor ideal skor aktual % minat 30 5400 4642 85,96 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 48 berdasarkan tabel di atas, dapat terlihat minat mahasiswa pada pembelajaran golf memiliki skor sebesar 4642 atau 85,69 % dari nilai aktual (jumlah skor maksimal). tabel 3 rata-rata skor minat mahasiswa pada setiap responden no sampel skor minat skor ideal per soal jumlah soal rata-rata % 1 a 144 150 30 4,80 96% 2 b 136 150 30 4,53 91% 3 c 125 150 30 4,17 83% 4 d 129 150 30 4,30 86% 5 e 135 150 30 4,50 90% 6 f 131 150 30 4,37 87% 7 g 134 150 30 4,47 89% 8 h 127 150 30 4,23 85% 9 i 128 150 30 4,27 85% 10 j 119 150 30 3,97 79% 11 k 124 150 30 4,13 83% 12 l 120 150 30 4,00 80% 13 m 129 150 30 4,30 86% 14 n 124 150 30 4,13 83% 15 o 127 150 30 4,23 85% 16 p 134 150 30 4,47 89% 17 q 137 150 30 4,57 91% 18 r 135 150 30 4,50 90% 19 s 120 150 30 4,00 80% 20 t 124 150 30 4,13 83% 21 u 145 150 30 4,83 97% 22 p 146 150 30 4,87 97% 23 w 129 150 30 4,30 86% 24 x 146 150 30 4,87 97% 25 y 147 150 30 4,90 98% jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 49 26 z 125 150 30 4,17 83% 27 aa 128 150 30 4,27 85% 28 ab 112 150 30 3,73 75% 29 ac 124 150 30 4,13 83% 30 ad 128 150 30 4,27 85% 31 ae 130 150 30 4,33 87% 32 af 123 150 30 4,10 82% 33 af 117 150 30 3,90 78% 34 ah 122 150 30 4,07 81% 35 ai 118 150 30 3,93 79% 36 aj 120 150 30 4,00 80% jumlah 4642 4,30 86% berdasarkan tabel menunjukan bahwa rata-rata skor minat mahasiswa 4,3 atau 86 %. berdasarkan kriteria jawaban yang dibuat oleh sugiyono (2007:107) maka minat mahasiswa dengan kriteria skor di bawah 20 % ( sangat rendah), skor 20 % sampai 40% ( rendah), 41% sampai 60% (cukup tinggi), 61% sampai 80% (tinggi), dan 81% sampai 100% (sangat tinggi). kategori minat mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan rekreasi termasuk kategori sangat tinggi. tabel 4 hasil presentase sub variabel data hasil penelitian sub variabel banyaknya pertanyaan skor aktual skor ideal % keinginan 9 1398 1620 86,29 alasan 8 1251 1440 86,87 perasaan 6 929 1080 86,01 tujuan 7 1064 1260 84,44 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 50 berdasarkan tabel di atas, sub variabel keinginan memiliki skor 1620 atau 86,29 % dari skor ideal, sub variabel alasan memiliki skor 1251 atau 86,87 % dari skor ideal, sub variabel perasaan memiliki skor 929 atau 86,01 % dari skor ideal dan sub variabel tujuan memiliki skor 1064 atau 84,44 % dari skor ideal. berdasarkan data tersebut, minat mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan rekreasi lebih dominan pada alasan. tabel 5 hasil presentase sub variabel keinginan indikator banyak nya pertanyaan no soal skor aktual skor ideal % terlibat langsung 3 2, 5, 6 467 540 86,4 adanya respon 4 3, 4, 7, 8 618 720 85,8 fokus 2 9, 14 313 360 86,9 berdasarkan tabel di atas terlihat bahwa indikator terlibat langsung memiliki skor 467 atu 86,4 % dari skor ideal, adanya respon memiliki skor 618 atau 85,8 % dari skor ideal, fokus memiliki skor 313 atau 86,9 % dari skor ideal. dari sub variabel keinginan indikator fokus lebih dominan dari indikator adanya respon dan terlibat langsung. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 51 diagram 1 presentase sub variabel keinginan tabel 6 hasil presentase sub variabel alasan berdasarkan tabel di atas bahwa indikator peraturan memiliki skor 155 atau 96,1 % dai skor ideal, kegiatan aktif memiliki skor 488 atau 90,3 % dari skor ideal, kegiatan fisik memiliki skor 608 atau 84,4 % dari skor ideal. dari data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa indikator kegiatan aktif lebih dominan pada sub variabel alasan. diagram 2 presentase sub variabel alasan indikator banyaknya pertanyaan no soal skor aktual skor ideal % peraturan 1 15 155 180 86,1 kegiatan aktif 3 18,21,22 488 540 90,3 kegiatan fisik 4 19,20, 23, 24 608 720 84,4 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 52 tabel 7 hasil presentase sub variabel perasaan berdasarkan tabel di atas, indikator kegiatan menyenangkan memiliki skor 6233 atau 86,52 %, dari skor ideal dan kesadaran memiliki skor 306 atau 85 % dari skor ideal. pada sub variabel perasaan indikator kegiatan menyenangkan lebih dominan dari indikator kesadaran. diagram 3 presentase sub variabel perasaan tabel 8 hasil presentase sub indikator tujuan indikator banyaknya pertanyaan no soal skor aktual skor ideal % kewajiban 3 33, 34, 38 448 540 82,9 kebutuhan 4 35, 36, 39, 40 616 720 85,5 berdasarkan data di atas, indikator kewajiban memiliki skor 448 atau 82,9 % dari nilai ideal, kebutuhan memiliki skor 616 atau 85,5 % indikator banyaknya pertanyaan no soal skor aktual skor ideal % kegiatan menyenangkan 4 25, 26, 29, 30 623 720 86,52 kesadaran 2 27, 28 306 360 85 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 53 dari skor ideal. dapat disimpulkan bahwa indikator kebutuhan lebih dominan dari pada indikator kewajiban. diagram 4 presntase sub variabel tujuan tabel 9 data hasil perhitungan dari penyebaran angket minat mahasiswa variabel n x s s2 jumlah x 36 128,94 8,86 78,49 4642 dari tabel di atas, diketahui nilai rata-rata dari angket minat mahasiswa adalah 128,94 dan simpangan baku sebesar 8,86. pembahasan hasil dari pengolahan dan analisis data, pada saat penelitian, peneliti menemukan beberapa temuan yang menjadi bahan untuk diskusi sebagai berikut: minat merupakan suatu kecenderungan, ketertarikan, pemberian perhatian yang lebih pada suatu hal. dalam hal itu minat merupakan bagian dari aspek afektif. dalam sikap seseorang pada suatu hal, terutama proses kegiatan belajar mengajar khususnya pada pembelajaran golf, terdapat berbagai respon dari setiap individu. menanggapi hal tersebut, minat dapat timbul saat proses kegiatan belajar baik karena faktor dari dalam maupun faktor dari luar. tentunya dengan adanya minat pada seorang individu dapat memicu proses kegiatan belajar mengajar yang baik. untuk menimbulkan minat pada mahasiswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran golf, tentunya banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi hal tersebut, peran dosen dalam hal ini yaitu untuk meningkatkan minat mahasiswa yang mengikuti jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 54 proses pembelajaran, agar selama proses pembelajaran dapat berjalan dengan baik dan tujuan yang diharapkan dari hasil belajar tercapai. kesimpulan, rekomendasi dan implikasi kesimpulan hasil dari pengolahan data deskriptif, didapatkan nilai presentase minat mahasiswa sebesar 85,95 %, yang berarti terdapat minat yang tinggi pada mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan rekreasi (pjkr) terhadap pembelajaran golf di stkip pasundan cimahi. rekomendasi a. saran untuk mahasiswa saran dari peneliti kepada mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan rekreasi (pjkr) yang mengikuti pembelajaran golf agar tetap menjaga semangat akan mengikuti perkuliahan, baik pada mata kuliah golf maupun pada mata kuliah lainnya. b. saran bagi dosen saran dari peneliti kepada dosen yang bersangkutan, agar lebih menggunakan metode mengajar yang bervariatif, agar suasana perkuliahan lebih hidup dan menarik untuk lebih diminati mahasiswa yang mengikuti proses pembelajaran golf. implikasi minat merupakan suatu ketertarikan yang berasal pada seorang individu yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, baik yang berasal dari diri sendiri maupaun faktor dari lingkungan. menurut slameto (2010:54) ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi minat pada seorang individu diantaranya faktor dari internal dan eksternal. dalam penelitian ini, faktor yang mempengaruhi minat mahasiswa pada pembelajaran golf lebih cenderung dari faktor internal, diantaranya faktor fsikologis, yakni mahasiswa lebih cenderung aktif dan memiliki keinginan yang kuat untuk belajar lebih dalam tentang olahraga golf. jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga volume 1 nomor 2. september 2016 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 55 referensi arikunto, suharsimi. 2010. manajemen penelitian. jakarta: rineka cipta. arikunto, suharsimi. 2014. prosedure penelitian. edisi revisi, jakarta : rineka cipta. aris. 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(20140). tersedia (online). www.pengertianku.net, diakses pada 26 januari 2016 pukul 15;19. tersedia: (online). www.pengertianku.net diakses pada 29 januari 2016 pukul 07:02. tersedia : (online). www.unpad.ac.id, diakses pada 26 januari 2016 pukul 15:52. tersedia : (online).www. golf-terms.com diakses pada 17 maret 2016 pada pukul 23:00 http://soaldankuncijawabanbloggerkolingan.co.id/ http://www.pengertianku.net/ http://www.pengertianku.net/ http://www.unpad.ac.id/ 27 jpjo 8 (1) (2023) 27-34 jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga available online at: https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/article/view/56113 doi: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpjo.v8i1.56113 community participation in sports after the tour de singkarak sports event in kerinci regency wawan junresti daya*, amung ma'mun, vanessa gaffar, nuryadi sport education, school of postgraduates, universitas pendidikan indonesia inarticle info article history : received february 2023 revised march 2023 accepted march 2023 available online april 2023 keywords : sport event, sport participation, sport tourism, tour de singakarak abstract tour de singkarak (tds) is an international cycling event held by the west sumatra government since 2009. the problem of this study was that the significance of the effect or impact of the tour de singakarak (tds) in increasing the participation rate of people in sports in kerinci regency was not yet known. the authors used a quantitative method to reveal research findings in this study. the cross-sectional design was used to collect data. participants of this study were 509 people spread over 18 subdistricts in kerinci regency. the data were analyzed using spss software. the results showed that the tour de singkarak (tds) bicycle racing event increased the community sports participation rate in kerinci regency by 65%. it indicates that the tour de singakrak (tds) bicycle racing event effectively increases community sports participation rates, especially in kerinci regency. therefore, future sporting events must be carried out continuously to maintain community participation in sports. the high participation of people in sports in an area will bring many benefits to that area.  correspondence address : jl. dr. setiabudi no.229, kota bandung, jawa barat 40154 e-mail : wawanpor20@upi.edu27 https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 28 introduction the government attention and interest in using sporting events to enhance international status and reputation through soft power integrated withholding major sporting events have grown significantly over the last few decades (grix & brannagan, 2016). the government objectives for major sporting events vary greatly. the benefits of soft power from sporting events may be limited in the ongoing vortex of international politics. as a result, major sporting events will have value in nation-building (hong, 2011; koch, 2013). in the local context, the indonesian government has also come to understand the significance of sporting events in improving global politics, enhancing the perception of cities and nations, increasing travel possibilities, and attracting foreign investment to indonesia. it is reflected in indonesia government ambitions to host significant sporting events, such as the world cup u20 2023, the 2022 mandalika moto gp, the 2032 summer olympics, and the fifa world cup 2034 plan (daya et al., 2022). from a historical perspective, indonesia has successfully hosted significant sporting events several times, including the 1962 asian games iv, which served as a symbol of indonesia presence on the international political stage and resistance to western hegemony at the time (ma’mun, 2019). in addition, indonesia should be happy to host the 2018 asian games again. notwithstanding the polarization of society at the time of the presidential election, indonesia should be proud of the execution and accomplishments at the 2018 asian games (daya et al., 2022). aside from impacting a country international politics, major sporting events also have other significant impacts on the host country, including economic impacts (dwyer et al., 2008; gibson et al., 2005; perić, 2018; preuss, 2005), social impacts (balduck et al., 2011; hover et al., 2016; liu, 2016; máté, 2018), infrastructure impacts (azzali, 2019; derman, 2019; idrees et al., 2021; pereira, 2018; preuss, 2006), and also the impact on sport participation in the host country (chalip et al., 2017; kokolakakis & lera-lopez, 2020; mölenberg et al., 2020; ramchandani et al., 2019; veal et al., 2019). based on the description above, enhanced sport participation has been proposed as one of the significant benefits of organizing sporting events (chalip et al., 2017). for example, building on sport participation was an explicit promise in the 2012 london olympics bid (girginov & hills, 2009) and beijing olympic 2008 (jinxia & mangan, 2008). in addition, increased sports participation has also been proposed as a planning feature for the toronto pan american games (misener et al., 2010). sports participation has also been a significant concern for brazil as the host of major events (reis et al., 2014). the hope is that major sporting events inspire those watching to imitate the athletes they see, at least to get involved in sporting activities after the event. seeing that sporting events continue to be developed and disseminated and increasing sport participation is still being claimed as a benefit of these sporting events, the concern is how to identify and utilize these sporting events to build participation (chalip et al., 2017). major sporting events, such as the olympic games, can be used to build participation, but only if there is a concerted effort to do so (girginov & hills, 2009). these experts argue that (1) sporting events must be used to build the capacity of sports organizers; (2) the community must participate in planning and implementing programs to take advantage of these sporting events; (3) there must be procedures for sports organizers to build participation using sporting events. in the local sporting event context, the tour de singkarak (tds) is one of the international cycling events held by the provincial government of west sumatra since 2009. cycling has long been known in indonesia; even the first cycling competition in asia was held in indonesia through the tour de java in 1958 (susanti et al., 2017). the tour de singkarak (tds) was inspired by bicycle racing events held by many countries in the world, one of which was held in europe, namely the tour de france, which has been held for over a century (suci & indra pahlawan, 2015). in its implementation starting from 2009 until the last 2019, the tour de singkarak (tds) always received extraordinary interest, both from the tour de singkarak (tds) participants and the people of west sumatra in particular. it can be seen from the increasing number of international and national participants and the increasing number of prizes contested by racers in the tour de singkarak (tds) yearly (daya et al., 2022). this research is essential to do, because, based on copyright © 2023, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 wawan junresti daya et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 8 (1) (2023) 29 data from the central statistics agency, 19.78% of people in kerinci regency have health complaints, which is still above the jambi province average (16.83%). in addition, the number of public expenditures for health is also still above the jambi province average (bps, 2021). of course, looking for solutions and strategies to overcome the problems is necessary. considering positive impacts of sports, including improving public health, avoiding diseases due to lack of movement, and reducing the risk of obesity, the kerinci regency government does not yet have data on the level of sport participation of the community. besides that, one of the sport promotion strategies that the kerinci district government has carried out is holding the tour de singkarak (tds) bicycle race event. effects of tds on promoting sports in kerinci regency also cannot be determined. usually, research focuses on economic impacts, such as those carried out by (dwyer et al., 2008; perić, 2018), social impacts (balduck et al., 2011; máté, 2018), environmental impacts (guizhen et al., 2020), and cultural impacts (malchrowicz-mośko & poczta, 2018). for this reason, the researchers were aimed at revealing data related to the sports participation level in the kerinci district community after the government promoted sports through the tour de singkarak (tds) event. based on law no. 11 of 2022, community sports are sports carried out by the community based on hobbies and abilities that grow and develop according to the conditions and cultural values of the local community, which are carried out continuously for health, fitness, and joy. community sports have low intensity and are cheap financially. community sports are held locally in urban and suburban areas. activities are usually not high-level or competitive. the above aspects make community sport settings suitable for meeting likeminded people in a safe and accessible way and potentially a powerful tool for reaching out to socially disadvantaged groups (van der veken et al., 2020). community sports have found a place on global and local social policy agendas. it is increasingly being integrated into community development strategies to contribute to reconciliation, especially in the developing world or divided societies. moreover, it also contributes to the peace and pursuit of the millennium development goals (mdgs) (van der veken et al., 2020). increasing public interest in sports requires specific strategies (one of which is through sporting events) and collaboration of different sectors, starting from the government, private sector, community, academia, and society (arisma et al., 2020). this is evidenced by the us government success in increasing public interest in sports through various types of sports promotion to the public (parks et al., 2003). the american government succeeded in reducing the level of obesity rates that occurred over the last ten years. based on the literature above, the main objective of this article was to reveal the influence or impact of the 2019 tour de singkarak (tds) cycling event on community sport participation in kerinci regency. it also examined the concept of the model for organizing sporting events for increasing the community sport participation in the area where the event is held. methods the method used in this research was the quantitative method. quantitative research allows researchers to collect numerical data through statistical analysis of samples using predetermined instruments (john w. creswell, 2012). in quantitative research, the researchers identify a research problem based on trends in the field or on the need to explain why something occurs. furthermore, john w. creswell (2012) states the main characteristics of quantitative research are describing a research problem through a description of trends or a need for an explanation of the relationship among variables, collecting numeric data from a large number of people using instruments with preset questions and responses, analyzing trends, comparing groups or relating variables using statistical analysis, and interpreting results by comparing them with prior predictions and previous research. participants to obtain research information on trends in the community sport participation in kerinci regency, the researchers distributed open survey questionnaires to community participants in kerinci regency. in this study, the sampling technique used was the purposive sampling. samples of this study were 509 people spread across 18 sub-districts in kerinci regency, representing 115,826 people in kerinci regency aged 16-40 years. the selected participants were youth aged 16-30 by youth law no. 40 of 2009. to obtain information relatcopyright © 2023, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 wawan junresti daya et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 8 (1) (2023) 30 ed to community sport participations, researchers used a questionnaire to measure community sport participation rates (apmo). the apmo questionnaire is an instrument developed by the west java youth and sports agency to measure the participation rate of indonesian sport communities (arisma et al., 2020). data collection techniques were carried out by distributing questionnaires to all participants, who completed each questionnaire independently. data analysis this study used a cross-sectional survey design. survey research design is a quantitative research procedure carried out to obtain a description of the attitudes, behaviors, and characteristics of the population obtained through samples in the population. in a crosssectional survey design, the researcher collects data at one point in time. a cross-sectional study can examine current attitudes, beliefs, opinions, or practices. attitudes, beliefs, and opinions are ways in which individuals think about issues, whereas practices are their actual behaviors (john w. creswell, 2012). a cross-sectional survey collects information from a sample that has been drawn from a predetermined population. the information is collected at just one point in time (fraenkel et al., 2009). data analysis of this study employed spss software. result the tour de singkarak (tds) sporting event changed the pattern of the kerinci people's sport routines. those, who used to be exercising once a week, routinely exercise three times a week. those, who did not have cycling as a hobby, now have cycling as the hobby and have given rise to many bicycle communities in kerinci regency. the results of data analysis based on the sport community participation questionnaire (apmo) showed that the sport community participation rate of the people of kerinci regency was 65%, for those who did sport activities. in comparison, 35% of the people did not do sports. the details can be seen in figure 1. for the sports chosen by the community to carry out sport activities, various types of sports were found. the sports included football 33%, badminton 20%, volleyball 14%, jogging 9%, cycling 6%, martial arts 5%, futsal 5%, walking 3%, swimming 2%, aerobic gymnastics 2%, and other sports 1%. the details can be seen in figure 2. meanwhile, the sport route used by the people in kerinci regency varied widely. around 40% of the copyright © 2023, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 figure 1. community participation in sport in kerinci figure 2. sports carried out by community in kerinci figure 3. the path of the community in doing sports in kerinci wawan junresti daya et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 8 (1) (2023) 31 people chose their own sport route, 39% of people chose to exercise through the club route, 11% of the community exercised through the school route, 5% of the people exercised through the workplace route, 1% of the people exercised through the village route, and 4% of the people chose to exercise through other routes. the details can be seen in figure 3. discussion based on the data analysis carried out, 65 % of the people of kerinci regency did sport activities regularly. in terms of benefits, exercise can provide direct and indirect benefits to people who do it. direct benefits of exercising include health, pleasure, and physical fitness. health refers to both physical and mental health. exercise nourishes heart and blood vessels and increases fitness and physical endurance. less active people are at a higher risk of various diseases than active people. a sedentary lifestyle, especially sitting and watching television for a long time, increases the risk of chronic diseases (patterson et al., 2018). recent studies have also found that people who were inactive for at least two years before the pandemic were more vulnerable to undergoing intensive care due to covid-19 compared to other modifiable risk factors, such as smoking, obesity, or hypertension; physical inactivity was the most potent risk factor among others (sallis et al., 2021). organizing elite sporting events, explicitly targeting sport participation, can increase sport participations among citizens (mölenberg et al., 2020). teare & taks (2021) state that studies looking at the potential impact of sporting events on sports participation tend to be cross-sectional and primarily investigate the adult population or the population as a whole. these studies also tend to look at events based on significant audiences. this scoping review has provided crucial insights to the research agenda for sport management scholars related to sport participation from sporting events to inform the sport policy, event planners, and organizations. while many studies have examined the impact of sporting events on the youth population, future investigations should be carried out, with this youth population, to understand the role of youth-related events better. in addition, and especially relevant for sport management practitioners, the event should also be considered as an effective way to increase sport participations through the events (teare & taks, 2021). this is in line with the research conducted by kokolakakis & lera-lopez (2020) showing that 336,000 individuals increased their participation frequency after the 2012 london olympics, while the number of new participants in these sports did not experience a significant increase. as we expand our analysis for sport types, london 2012 is positively associated with the participation frequency in some sports and the increasing number of new sport participants (kokolakakis & lera-lopez, 2020). australian olympic committee (aoc) chief executive officer matt carroll states that athletes are at the heart of the olympic movement, at the heart of the games. they are role models who inspire millions (carroll, 2018) to participate in sports and reflect the ideals of the olympics. australia's latest national sport plan states that governments must seek tangible benefits from investing in attracting and hosting major international sporting events (veal et al., 2019). expected impacts include tourism, economy, jobs, infrastructure, gender equality, strengthened communities, diplomacy, and participations. the latter is achieved, it is claimed, by creating role models who motivate and inspire both children and adults to be active and to exercise (veal et al., 2019). nordhagen (2021) research findings showed that event organizations, sports organizations, and nonsporting organizations formed alliances to leverage the 2016 youth olympic games (yog) for sport participation with intervention programs and new infrastructure as the two main strategies. the legacy of sport participation from the 2016 youth olympic games (yog) was limited by the lack of long-term strategy and limited resources available after the olympics. other research revealed that post-sport event intention became a significant positive predictor of participation. these results also suggested that exposure to leveraging initiatives could increase participation in new sports. in particular, the vouchers stimulated low-intent and highintention audience participation to participate in postevents. the results provided support for the use of leverage tactics as a mean of stimulating sport participation in the context of organizing new sporting events (potwarka et al., 2020). based on the research findings and discussions conducted, organizing sporting events can be a catalyst for increasing sport participation in the community hosting the event. furthermore, chalip et al. (2017) crecopyright © 2023, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 wawan junresti daya et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 8 (1) (2023) 32 ated a framework model to increase community sport participations through sporting events as shown in figure 1. conclusion based on the research findings and discussion, as well as support from various theoretical perspectives from previous studies, major sporting events can influence and have impacts on increasing the sport participation of the surrounding community. therefore, sporting events can be a strategy taken by the government to reduce the number of people who do not want to exercise, which causes many cases of disease caused by a sedentary lifestyle. furthermore, more research on the role of small and medium sporting events is needed, both on participants and spectators, in increasing sport participations in society. for further research, it is hoped that the researchers will be able to reveal the impact of sporting events on other sectors, such as the environment, politics, socio-economics, and the level of community satisfaction with the events being carried out. next research can also be carried out on the effectiveness of the community sport framework. acknowledgement the author expresses his deepest gratitude to the education fund management institute (lpdp) of the ministry of finance of the republic of indonesia for providing funding for the author to participate in the doctoral program at the universitas pendidikan indonesia. also, thank you to the sports education doctoral program for facilitating the writer to gain international standard article writing literacy and to the dissertation board, promoters and co-promoters, for giving guidance and advice on dissertation writing. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references attali, m. 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keywords : elementary schools, mutual assistance character, pancasila student profiles, socratic methods, traditional games abstract a character is a crystallization form of the habituation process carried out by individuals during their life spans. character building is carried out firstly in the family environment and can be instilled through formal and informal educational institutions. currently, the government is promoting character education and pancasila students in schools because it is believed to shape child character effectively. this study aimed to improve elementary school students' gotong royong character, known as the mutual assistance character, through traditional games using socratic method-based learning. this research is an experimental research using pre-experimental (single group designs). the participants were 37 elementary school students aged 9-11 years. the mutual assistance character was measured using a questionnaire instrument adapted from the permendikbud and integrated with krathwohl affective domain indicators. data were analyzed using spss 21 employing paired sample t-test processing. the results show a significant increase from the pretest to post-test results (16.6% on mutual assistance, 18.1% on cooperation, and 15.1% on communication). it implies that traditional games through socratic method-based learning can be used as an alternative to developing the mutual assistance character as an effort to promote the profile of pancasila students in elementary schools.  correspondence address : jl. dadaha no.18, kahuripan, kab. tasikmalaya, jawa barat 46115 e-mail : lutfinur@upi.edu https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 169 introduction in the context of optimizing the reinforcement of character education and incarnating the vision of the president of the republic of indonesia, the ministry of education and culture created a program called the pancasila student profile. the pancasila student profile is an ideal profile of the student in indonesia that all parties must materialize through six key elements, which include 1) to believe in and be devoted to god the almighty and have a noble character, 2) global diversity, 3) cooperation, 4) independent, 5) critical reasoning and 6) creative (mistiani et al., 2022). the pancasila student profile is the character and abilities developed in everyday life and manifested in each student through school culture, intra-curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities (rahayuningsih, 2022). pancasila values as guidelines in our country must be capable of sustaining local wisdom (al umami et al., 2020). the value of pancasila can have implications for indonesian students who are able to maintain a noble culture, locality, and identity, as well as think openly when interacting with their respective cultures, respect each other's feelings, and form opportunities and potentialities with positive culture rather than the otherwise (nurasiah, 2010). implementing the pancasila student profile will cultivate students as agents of moral goodness and noble character and can contribute to preserving the values of tolerance and peace in society (jamaludin et al., 2022). this is because students are the main component that becomes the focus of attention in the transformation process of character education. hopefully, students will become good, possess and develop noble qualities, avoid despicable traits, and become good people through the pancasila student profile projects and character education (winata et al., 2020). due to numerous instances in children that point to morally deficient behavior, character education is urgently needed today (trianingsih, 2016; hermawati, salsabilla, rustini, & wahyuningsih, 2022). an individual with good character can make decisions and take responsibility for those decisions (miftah, 2013). anyone with good character is capable of making decisions and taking responsibility for those decisions (miftah, 2013). character education is a concerted effort to enable someone to comprehend, focus on, and preserve fundamental ethical principles. some argue that character education focuses on cultivating behavioral values rather than understanding them (lickona, 1996; zuliana, 2017). however, in this situation, if someone behaves in a way that is not supported by a solid understanding, the behavior lacks a solid foundation (sajadi, 2019). the emergence of a culture of violence, frequent altercations, corruption, foul language, radicalism, diminished regard for authority, and the cessation of cooperative relationships are all signs that society's moral substance is being eroded. up to 81.3% of students acknowledge that globalization impacts their character. surprisingly, more than 50% of students acknowledged that some students in their school still disrespect teachers. with indonesia's various advancements, students' morals, character, and way of thinking ought to be much better, not worse (listiana, 2021). nearly 50% acknowledged that there were still instances of bullying between students at their school, including in elementary school. up to 88% of students admitted that they prefer playing online games and using their phones to their detriment when they should be studying (listiana, 2021). character education is, therefore, the most crucial subject to be taught from a young age in order to form and prepare a nation with character and serve indonesia to become a great and advanced nation, in order to produce a generation that cannot be achieved solely through intelligence but rather with noble character (sahlan & teguh, 2012). character development through traditional games is an alternative to character learning through the implementation of education (lusiana, 2012). by the findings of maghfiroh's research (2020), traditional children's games can encourage kids to work cooperatively, assist kids in adapting, engage in positive peer interaction, condition kids in self-control, foster empathy for friends, obey rules, and respect others. in addition, the values of local wisdom, such as gotong royong, tolerance, cooperation, solidarity, brotherly affection, and peace, have been greatly influenced by traditional games (saihu & rohman, 2019). the pancasila student profile can be strengthened by deepening the values of the gotong royong character. there have been a number of pertinent prior studies, particularly in elementary schools, such as the pancasila student profile reinforcing strategy in elementary schools (kurniawaty et al., 2022), the pancasila student copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 lutfi nur et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 170 profile reinforcement project in the implementation of a prototype curriculum in an activator primary school (rachmawati et al., 2022), school strategies in formulating student character in elementary schools (kurniawati & mawardi, 2021), the development of an attitude assessment instrument for reciprocal cooperation in thematic learning in elementary schools (shinta & aini, 2021), traditional games vs. modern games in instilling character values in elementary schools (saputra, 2017), physical education learning models through traditional games to shape character in element (susanto, 2017). the development of cooperation character is integrated through socratic method-based learning, which has been widely used to teach critical thinking (oyler. & romanelli, 2014). the socratic method is also widely used in the world of health as cognitive behavioral therapy (clark & egan., 2015). the learning process is crucial when using the socratic method in a contextual setting. students who actively participate in the learning process and pay attention while using the socratic method in a contextual approach achieve positive learning outcomes. according to boghossian (in tamam et al., 2015), the socratic method includes the following five stages in its activities: 1) posing inquiries, such as: "what is bravery? what is virtue?" 2) a hypothesis is a claim someone makes in response to a question; this claim or opinion becomes the dialogue hypothesis. 3) the core of the socratic practice is refutation and crossexamination; the hypothesis is contested, and opposing examples are provided to support or refute the hypothesis. 4) acceptance or rejection of the participant refers to their acceptance or rejection of the example hypothesis. 4) action (acting on the findings of the investigation). because some traditional games require communication to form teamwork, learning based on the socratic method can support character development. therefore, this socratic method is very suitable to be applied to develop the character of gotong royong. additionally, due to the stimulation of thinking activities in these traditional games, the values they contain will also be ingrained in children's characters. methods the approach used in this research is quantitative. the quantitative approach was carried out using experimental research methods in a one-group pretestposttest design (creswell, 2014). participants a total of 37 high school students between the ages of 9 and 11 took part in this study. the sample was chosen using the purposive sampling technique, which was chosen after considering a number of objectives. the fourth grade of an elementary school is where this sample was chosen because students there learn physical education through simplified or traditional games. instrument the learning instrument created for the treatment process was a lesson plan on physical education material for grade 4 elementary school. this lesson plan was developed based on basic competencies 3.3. understanding movement in a balanced, flexible, agile, and resilient manner in the context of developing physical fitness through simple and/or traditional games; and 3.4. practicing balanced, flexible, agile, and resilient movement in developing physical fitness through simple and/or traditional games. in addition, data collection was carried out by filling out a gotong royong character questionnaire which was the result of the development of indicators for character education reinforcement, namely cooperation and communicativeness (permendikbud no. 20 of 2018), which is integrated with the affective domain indicators (krathwohl, 1973). procedure first, a mutual cooperation questionnaire was given to as many as 37 elementary school students. the results served as a preliminary description (pretest) of the profile of pancasila students with the gotong royong character. then furthermore, the socratic method-based learning was carried out through the application of the traditional game of running clogs which was carried out in 6 meetings (2 hours of lessons per meeting). finally, after all the learning activities had been completed, the mutual cooperation questionnaire was employed again. the results became a final description (posttest) of the profile of pancasila students with the mutual cooperation character. the mutual cooperation questionnaire is then returned after all learning activities have been copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 lutfi nur et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 171 completed, and the results are a final description (posttest) of the profile of pancasila students with the mutual cooperation character. from here, it was possible to compare the average results of the pretest and posttest of the profiles of pancasila students with the mutual cooperation character of elementary school students. data analysis all the used items were valid, and their reliability, according to cronbach's alpha, was 0.853. additionally, the collected data were processed and analyzed using a paired t-test and rasch modeling (racking analysis) with the help of winsteps 5.14 and spss 24 applications, respectively. result the data on the mutual cooperation character of elementary school students in this study are shown in table 1. table 1 shows a significant number of 0.000 which means a significant increase in the average score between the students' pretest and post-test results. this shows that the influence of traditional games based on the socratic method has a total and overall effect on the mutual cooperation character of elementary school students. as for the difference in average scores on the gotong royong character, it can be seen in figure 1. discussion the results showed a 16.6% increase, proving that students' mutual cooperation can be developed through character education (ratna, 2014). gotong royong refers to the actions people frequently take to accomplish objectives that have been deliberated upon. therefore, character development in elementary schools focuses on students' individual social attitudes and formation, one of the fundamental social processes. traditional clog games can enhance the nature of mutual cooperation by allowing students to work together in play settings without feeling awkward around their friends. the students could also manage the task distribution within their teams during the learning activities and actively assist fellow group members who require assistance during the game. additionally, when the game is conducted, students are able to communicate with their group members and are willing to communicate with anyone in order for the group to win. besides, they are able to express their opinions without hesitation and are able to express themselves when necessary. traditional games can stimulate children to develop cooperation, help children adjust, interact positively with each other, can condition children in selfcontrol, develop empathy for friends, obey rules, and respect others (kurniati, 2011). traditional games can boost efficiency and pique students' interest in participating in physical education lessons (saputra, 2015). traditional games can also improve a student's motor skills, sportsmanship, honesty, tenacity, and patience. moreover, traditional games can also foster teamwork and the development of characters becoming amiable, compassionate, patient, and so forth (ariyanto, t.a., & gustian, u, 2020). additionally, traditional games have significant cultural value for fostering the development of student's skills, manners, and character. they also encourage activity, creativity, and exercise, which are tools for fostering the growth of students' abilities (widodo & lumintuarso, 2017). however, there are findings that are different from the findings of irfan (2016), who concludes that the values of the gotong character are thought to be increasingly blurred or disappear from current life due to the copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 data sig. interpretation pretest 0,000 there is a significant improvement posttest table 1. difference test results (paired sample t-test) figure 1. percentage of pretest-posttest scores of gotong lutfi nur et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 172 fast pace of globalization. furthermore, to find out the differences in each item of the student gotong royong character questionnaire before and after the application of traditional games in socratic method-based learning, racking analysis was carried out through rasch modeling, as shown in table 2. based on table 2, the value of the logit difference for each item is calculated by finding the difference between the pretest logit minus the post-test logit. the results of the calculation of the logit difference show that each item of mutual cooperation character, both on the cooperation indicator and the communication indicator, has a significant logit difference with a positive logit value which indicates there is a significant increase between the results of the pretest and post-test on each item. where the level of difference in the significance of the logit difference is based on the criteria, if the logit difference is > ±0.5, then there is a significant difference, and if the logit difference is < ±0.5, then there is no significant difference (sumintono, 2015). the indicator of cooperation is measured by seven statements where the items are developed through statements that measure the character of cooperation during learning and the process of playing clogs and even the possibility in everyday life, which increased from 71.4% to 89.5%. this demonstrates how gotong royong encourages students to help one another and cooperate to accomplish a common goal (efendi, 2012). an attitude and behavior that respects cooperation in solving common problems, establishing communication and friendship, and helping those in need are important components of character education (utomo, 2018). meanwhile, the communication indicator is measured by nine statements where the statement items are developed through statements that will measure communication indicators during learning, and the traditional game process of clogs and even the possibility in everyday life, an increase from 76.0% increased to 91.1%. these results show that there is an increase in the pretest score. treatment is given, and finally, a post-test is carried out to determine increased indicators of cooperation and communication of mutual cooperation characters in elementary schools. this is also supported by the findings of other studies, which show that after receiving treatment, students change their initial attitudes toward cooperation and friendship, cooperating and helping one another when their friends are in need (srikandi et al., 2020). meanwhile, communication indicators become visible when students help friends who cannot play a game. due to the student's extensive gameplay, this character appears (septiadi & farihah, 2021). the findings of this study also show that the true value of the gotong royong character reflects the act of appreciating the spirit of cooperation and teamwork to solve problems, as well as presenting a friendship because of close communication that can encourage a sense of solidarity and friendship (muhkam, 2022). as a result, given the benefits of the gotong royong character, which has grown to be the distinctive characteristic of the indonesian nation, it should be passed down to students in order for them to demonstrate mutual respect for one another, collaborate effectively, be inclusive of all differences, be dedicated to the outcomes of deliberation, and have a helping mentality, have a sense of empathy, a sense of solidarity, and a volunteerism attitude while being considerate. furthermore, character building at the elementary school level develops positive characters and the discovery process in children because character education comprises a more significant portion of the elementary school curriculum than the cognitive or knowledge component (muhkam, 2022). therefore, for students, especially those still in elementary school, it is crucial to cultivate the gotong royong character as the foundation for engaging in social activities. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 2. results of pretest-posttest racking data analysis (gotong royong or character of mutual cooperation) no. item logit pretest logit posttest logit difference 1 -0.48 -3.25 2.77 2 0.46 -0.02 0.48 3 0.64 -0.31 .95 4 1.31 0.60 1.91 5 -0.02 -0.91 0.89 6 1.37 -0.18 1.49 7 0.76 -0.31 1.07 8 -0.09 -1.19 1.10 9 1.07 0.37 0.70 10 1.25 -0.52 1.77 11 -0.16 -1.81 1.65 12 0.51 -0.09 0.60 13 0.42 -2.11 2.53 14 1.61 0.32 1.29 15 0.72 -0.58 1.30 16 1.19 -0.58 1.77 lutfi nur et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 173 using traditional games can improve the character of mutual cooperation, which has two indicators. the first is cooperation: children can cooperate through play without feeling awkward around their friends, students can manage task delegation to teams, and students can actively assist and help their teammates when the game is performed. the second indicator is communication. when learning and playing clogs are conducted, students are able to communicate with their group members. they can express their opinions without heist and are happy to communicate with anyone during the game to make their group wins. conclusion the implementation of traditional games in socratic method-based instruction significantly influences the mutual cooperation character of elementary school students. the benefits of using traditional games as a way to instill the virtues of mutual cooperation in children are that they are engaged in their learning, would not get easily bored, and fit with the world of elementary school-aged children, who are always up for a game. in addition, traditional games also give students a way to reinforce positive attitudes, knowledge, and abilities. acknowledgement we appreciate the ministry of education and culture's financial assistance provided 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(2) there was an interaction between learning methodology (a) and learning motivation (b) to result of sprint running in santa maria elementary school jakarta. (3) the score of learning by games methodology with high motivation (a1b1) was lower than the score of learning by drills with high motivation (a2b1) in santa maria elementary school jakarta. the scores of sprint running in treatment of learning by games with high motivation (a1b2) were higher than the scores of learning by drills with low motivation (a2b2) in santa maria elementary school jakarta. keywords: games method, practice method, learning motivation on sprinting. pendahuluan proses pendidikan jasmani di sekolah dilakukan dengan bermain dimana guru harus lebih kreatif untuk membuat permainan. permainan yang dipraktekkan dapat diambil dari pengalaman permainan jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 54 tradisional yang bervariasi pada masa kecil hal ini juga sangat bermanfaat untuk memelihara permainan tradisional yang sudah mulai tertinggal sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi dan dapat disesuaikan dengan materi yang akan diajarkan sehingga pembelajaran lebih menyenangkan. seorang guru penjas harus kreatif dalam mengajar keterampilan gerak dan permainan dan metode mengajar yang bervariasi agar pembelajaran dapat berlangsung dengan baik dan memudahkan anak dalam pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran. salah satunya adalah materi lari cepat, lari cepat adalah salah satu cabang atletik yang memerlukan keterampilan khusus, cabang olahraga lari kurang diminati anak karena menganggap hanya lari itu mudah dilakukan hal ini yang membuat anak kurang berminat dan kurang bermotivasi belajar serta tidak menggali potensi yang ada didalam diri anak, hal ini yang membuat hasil belajar lari cepat siswa rendah. lari cepat atau yang sering disebut dengan sprint adalah gerakan yang dilakukan dengan sangat cepat atau dengan kecepatan maksimal mulai dari start sampai finish, karena menempuh jarak yang dekat. untuk mendapatkan kecepatan yang maksimal dalam lari cepat seorang anak dapat dilatih dengan berbagai variasi latihan yang mengarah pada gerakan penunjang lari cepat. dalam buku pendidikan jasmani lari adalah gerakan melangkahkan kaki yang dipercepat sehingga saat berlari posisi tubuh melayang di atas permukaan tanah (mitranto dan slamet, 2010). lari juga merupakan frekuensi langkah yang dipercepat sehingga pada waktu berlari ada kecenderungan badan melayang (widya & jumidar, 2007)(wibowo, 2017). lari juga disebut bagian dasar dalam kegiatan atletik yang merupakan salah satu aktivitas fisik yang dapat diperlombakan atau dipertandingkan (saputra, 2011). dengan tujuan untuk memaksimumkan kecepatan lari rata-rata dalam perlombaan (sidik, 2011). untuk lari jarak pendek bila dilihat dari tahap-tahap lari terdiri dari beberapa tahap, yaitu : a) tahap reaksi dan dorongan (reaction and drive), b) tahap percepatan (acceleration), c)tahap transisi/perubahan (transition), d) tahap kecepatan maksimum (speed maximum) e) tahap pemeliharaan keepatan (maintance speed) f) finish (purnomo, eddy & dapan, 33:2011) (wibowo et al., 2017). pendidikan jasmani yang diajar di sekolah merupakan proses pendidikan melalui aktivitas jasmani yang berperan sebagai media untuk membina dan membentuk generasi yang sehat fisik dan mental serta pembentukan keterampilan gerak dasar yang penting untuk menunjang tercapainya hasil belajar yang baik. efektivitas pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani sangat ditentukan oleh motode/pendekatan pembelajaran yang dipilih guru atas dasar pengetahuan guru terhadap sifat keterampilan atau tugas gerak yang akan dipelajari siswa (rahayu, 2013). metode pemberian kesempatan kepada anak didik perorangan atau kelompok untuk dilatih melakukan suatu proses atau percobaan (hamdayama, 2014) dalam “pembelajaran motorik yang diajarkan di sekolah juga dimaknai sebagai serangkaian proses yang berkaitan dengan latihan atau pembekalan pengalaman yang menyebabkan perubahan dalam kemampuan individu (siswa) agar bisa menampilkan gerakan-gerakan yang sangat terampil (decaprio, richard, 2013) dan latihan adalah suatu proses pengolahan atau penerapan materi latihan seperti keterampilah-keterampilan gerakan dalam pelaksanaan yang berulang-ulang (syafruddin, 2013). dengan metode bermain dan metode latihan diharapkan siswa dapat menerima dan menjadi daya tarik tersendiri terhadap materi pembelajaran keterampilan gerak dasar lari cepat sehingga siswa siap mengikuti dan termotivasi belajar dengan demikian tujuan pembelajaran akan mudah tercapai. metode dalam penelitian eksperimen ini dilibatkan tiga variabel (1). yakni: variabel bebas adalah metode pembelajaran yang terdiri dari pendekatan metode bermain dan metode latihan (2). variable terikat adalah hasil belajar lari cepat dan (3). variabel atribut adalah motivasi belajar dari tingkat konsep jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 55 motivasi belajar rendah dan motivasi belajar tinggi. desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah treatment by lavel 2 x 2. tabel disain treatmen by level 2 x 2 metode pembelajaran (a) motivasi belajar (b) bermain (a1) latihan (a2) motivasi belajar tinggi (b1) a1b1 a2b1 motivasi belajar rendah (b2) a1b2 a2b2 total a1 a2 keterangan : a1b1 = kelompok siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar tinggi yang diajar dengan konsep metode pembelajaran bermain a2b1 = kelompok siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar tinggi yang diajar dengan konsep metode pembelajaran latihan a1b2 = kelompok siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar rendah yang diajar dengan konsep metode pembelajaran bermain a2b2 = kelompok siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar rendah yang diajar dengan konsep metode pembelajaran latihan a1 = metode pembelajaran bermain a2 = metode pembelajaran latihan hasil dan pembahasan 1. terdapat perbedaan antara metode bermain dan pendekatan metode latihan terhadap hasil belajar lari cepat. berdasarkan rangkuman hasil analisis perhitungan (anava) pada taraf signifikan α = 0,05 didapat fo = 4,305 dan ft = 3,21 dengan demikian fo < ft sehingga ho diterima. sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara keseluruhan tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara metode bermain dengan metode latihan terhadap hasil belajar lari cepat. dengan kata lain bahwa hasil lari cepat menggunakan metode latihan ( x = 50,00 dan s = 5,42) lebih baik daripada hasil belajar lari cepat menggunakan metode bermain ( x = 44,55 dan s = 3,88). ini berarti hipotesis penelitian pertama yang menyatakan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pengaruh metode bermain dan metode latihan terhadap lari cepat telah teruji. 2. interaksi antara metode bermain dan metode latihan terhadap hasil belajar lari cepat berdasarkan rangkuman hasil perhitungan analisis varian dua arah, interaksi antara metode pembelajaran bermain dan metode pembelajarn latihan terhadap hasil belajar lari cepat terlihat pada tabel perhitungan anava diatas. harga hitung fo interaksi (fab) = 3,524 dan ft = 3,21, tampak bahwa fo > ft, sehingga h0 ditolak dan h1 diterima. dengan demikian disimpulkan bahwa terdapat interaksi antara metode pembelajaran bermain dan metode pembelajaran latihan terhadap hasil belajar lari cepat. hipótesis penelitian kedua yang menyatakan terdapat interaksi antara metode pembelajaran bermain dan metode pembelajaran latihan terhadap hasil belajar lari cepat. rangkuman hasil uji lanjut dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut : jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 56 tabel . ringkasan hasil perhitungan uji tukey skor hasil lari cepat pada taraf α = 0,05 pasangan kelompok yang dibandingkan qhitung 0,05 kesimpulan p1 dengan p2 3,623 3,21 signifikan p3 dengan p4 5,216 3,44 signifikan p5 dengan p6 0,09315 3,44 tidak signifikan keterangan : * = qhit > qtab signifikan pada taraf nyata α = 0,05 p1 = kelompok metode pembelajaran latihan p2 = kelompok metode pembalajaran bermain p3 = kelompok metode pembelajaran latihan dengan motivasi belajar tinggi p4 = kelompok metode pembelajaran bermain dengan motivasi belajar tinggi p5 = kelompok metode pembelajaran latihan motivasi belajar rendah p6 = kelompok metode pembelajaran bermain dengan motivasi belajar rendah dengan demikian hipótesis penelitian kedua yang menyatakan terdapat interaksi antara metode pembelajaran bermain dan metode pembelajaran latihan terhadap hasil belajar lari cepat dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut. gambar interaksi metode bermain dan metode latihan 3. terdapat perbedaan antara metode bermain dan metode latihan terhadap hasil belajar lari cepat bagi siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar tinggi. perhitungan analisis varians tahap lanjut dengan uji tukey untuk membandingkan kelompok motivasi belajar tinggi kedua metode pembelajaran. perhitungan mengenai perbedaan pengaruh hasil belajar lari cepat bagi kelompok motivasi belajar tinggi yang diajar dengan metode 50,2036363 6 49,1454545 5 50,9254545 5 47,4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 interaksi jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 57 pembelajaran bermain dan metode pembelajaran latihan (p1 : p2) secara lengkap dapat dilihat pada lampiran. rangkuman hasil perhitungan uji tukey seperti tampak pada tabel berikut ini: tabel. rangkuman hasil perhitungan uji tukey no kelompok yang dibandingkan q hitung q tabel 0,05 keterangan 1 p1 dengan p2 3,623 3,21 signifikan berdasarkan tabel 4.12, menunjukkan bahwa harga qhitung (qh) = 3,623 lebih besar daripada qtabel = 3,21atau qhitung > qtabel pada taraf signifikan α 0.05, dengan demikian hipotesis nol (ho) ditolak dan hipotesis alternatif (h1) diterima, artinya, bahwa hasil lari cepat bagi kelompok motivasi belajar tinggi yang diajar dengan metode pembalajaran latihan ( x = 50,00 dan s = 5,42) lebih tinggi daripada yang diajar dengan metode pembalajaran bermain ( x = 44,91 dan s = 4,57). hal ini berarti hipotesis penelitian ketiga yang menyatakan bahwa : terdapat perbedaan antara metode pembelajaran bermain dan metode pembelajaran latihan terhadap hasil belajar lari cepat bagi siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar tinggi telah teruji. 4. terdapat perbedaan antara metode bermain dan metode latihan terhadap hasil belajar lari cepat bagi siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar rendah. perhitungan analisis varians tahap lanjut dengan uji tukey untuk membandingkan kelompok motivasi belajar rendah. perhitungan mengenai perbedaan pengaruh hasil belajar lari cepat yang diajar dengan metode pembelajaran bermain dan metode pembelajaran latihan (p4 : p3) secara lengkap dapat dilihat pada lampiran. rangkuman hasil perhitungan uji tukey dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut: tabel. rangkuman hasil perhitungan uji tukey no kelompok yang dibandingkan q hitung q tabel 0,05 keterangan 1 p5 dengan p6 0,09315 3,44 tidak signifikan nilai kelompok motivasi belajar rendah dengan metode pembelajaran bermain dibanding kelompok motivasi belajar rendah dengan metode pembelajaran latihan qhitung (qh) = 0,09315lebih kecil daripada qtabel = 3,44 atau qhitung < qtabel. artinya, data tersebut tidak ada alasan untuk menerima ho, sehingga dapat ditafsirkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan metode pembelajaran latihan dan metode pembelajaran bermain dengan motivasi belajar rendah terhadap hasil belajar lari cepat. berdasarkan data hasil penelitian diperoleh skor rata-rata hasil belajar lari cepat kelompok motivasi belajar tinggi yang diajarkan dengan metode pembelajaran bermain adalah sebesar 44,91 dan kelompok motivasi belajar rendah 44,64. untuk skor rata-rata hasi belajar lari cepat dengan metode pembelajaran latihan adalah sebesar 50,00 dan kelompok percaya diri rendah 44,55 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 58 dengan ditemukannya pengaruh interaksi ini, dapat diartikan bahwa kedua metode pembelajaran tersebut memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap hasil belajar lari cepat dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani disekolah. apabila dikaitkan dengan motivasi belajar pada kelompok siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar tinggi ternyata metode pembelajaran latihan lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan metode pembelajaran bermain, sedangkan pada siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar rendah metode pembelajaran bermain lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan metode pembelajaran latihan. dari temuan ini mengindikasikan bahwa motivasi belajar perlu dipertimbangkan dengan metode pembelajaran pada materi pembalajaran lari cepat. perlu diketahui bahwa materi lari cepat perlu dilatih dengan metode pembelajaran latihan dengan cara yang bervariasi agar siswa tidak bosan dan hasil belajar yang diharapkan dapat tercapai, untuk mencapai hasil belajar lari cepat yang baik dibutuhkan banyak belajar dengan metode pembelajaran latihan agar anak selalu termotivasi dalam melakukan gerakan yang lebih cepat, dengan demikian motivasi belajar tersebut merupakan suatu penunjang yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar lari cepat. kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil analisis data, hasil pengujian hipotesis dan hasil pembahasan penelitian yang telah diperoleh maka dapat dijelaskan beberapa kesimpulan, implikasi penelitian dan sasaran sebagai berikut : 1. waktu belajar yang sebentar diduga sebagai salah satu penyebab tidak terbuktinya hipotesis keempat. 2. sarana prasarana belajar disekolah kurang memadai yang mengakibatkan kurang efektifinya pembelajaran olahraga dilakukan. 3. diduga siswa ada yang melakukan aktivitas olahraga lain diluar perlakuan yang diberikan, walaupun sebelum penelitian dimulai telah diberitahukan agar jangan melakukan kegiatan olahraga selama masa penelitian. 4. faktor fisik dimungkinkan berpengaruh terhadap rendahnya komponen fisik para siswa. 5. minat belajar siswa merupakan satu unsur psikologi yang diduga turut mempengaruhi penelitian, dimana minat merupakan salah satu pendorong seseorang untuk memiliki suatu aktivitas tertentu. jika seseorang memiliki minat terhadap suatu jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 59 daftar pustaka a. widya, mochamad jumidar, atletik dalam bermain, jakarta: direktoral olahraga, depdiknas, 2007. abdurrahman, mulyono. anak berkesulitan belajar, jakarta: rineka cipta, 2012. arikunto, suharsimi. dasar-dasar evaluasi pendidikan, jakarta: 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education, health, and recreation, stkip nahdlatul ulama, indramayu, indonesia article info article history : received september 2022 revised october 2023 accepted february 2023 available online april 2023 keywords : elementary school students, stad learning model, motivation abstract the purpose of this study was to examine the difference between the effect of the stad learning model and the effect of the conventional learning model on elementary school student learning motivation. the research used an experimental method with a non-equivalent control group design. the participants were 26 sixth graders in one of the elementary schools in indramayu district taken using systematic sampling. the research instrument used a learning motivation questionnaire in physical education for elementary school students. the analysis technique used an independent-samples t-test. the results of the study concluded that there was a difference between the effect of the stad learning model and the effect of the conventional learning model on the learning motivation of elementary school students. further investigation of the use of the stad learning model on other affective aspects, especially creativity, is needed. in addition, it is suggested to conduct research with larger number of participants so that the results of this study can be generalized, especially at the elementary school level.  correspondence address : jl. r. e. martadinata 150 ciamis, 46251, jawa barat e-mail : dedeiman@unigal.ac.id https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 68 introduction the form of learning achievement of physical education (pe), in some perspectives, is expected to provide overall development through movement activities. pe is a part of the overall education that influences a person development through activities that involve physical movements, including sports (hadi, nasaruddin, & husniati, 2020). also, pe is a learning process that prioritizes body movement activities aimed to improve the student knowledge, physical, and mental development (supriyanto, ginanjar, & efendy, 2019). from some views, pe prioritizes movement activities in achieving learning goals. furthermore, pe can fulfil cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. pe can be interpreted as a learning process that can cover cognitive and affective aspects, use the psychomotor domain to achieve the desired goals, and become a forum for students to keep them physically fit or healthy through physical activities and sports (ginanjar, 2022). however, there are still many teachers who ignore the achievement of affective aspects in pe learning (hanansyah & ginanjar, 2019), because they prioritize the achievement of the psychomotor domain. in line with this, teaching and learning activity is a complete interconnected process to achieve predetermined learning goals, including an essential change of student behaviours in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains, which are expected to occur after the learning process takes place (wadudu, setiawan, & mubarok, 2019). one of the affective aspects contained in pe learning is motivation. pe learning in elementary schools is delivered in various forms of games and sports in a team or group, which can foster motivations. in a group, students do not just follow learning activities. the learning objectives achieved by a group need to be understood so that students will have good motivation in participating in learning activities. motivation has an important function because it can determine student efforts in the learning process (ginanjar, mubarok, & mudzakir, 2021). motivation is a desire influenced by factors from within itself and the environmental factors. motivation is the energy that makes everything work or function (komarudin, 2017). motivation is divided into two kinds, namely intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. intrinsic motivation comes from within the individual himself to carry out sport activities, while extrinsic motivation is a desire that comes from outside the individual to carry out sport activities (mylsidayu, 2014). learning plan is a foundation to carry out learning process properly in accordance with scientific rules. the learning model used must be relevant to the characteristics of students. learning models that are not in accordance with the characteristics of student development and lack of creativity in the implementation will make students bored so that it has an impact on student motivations to engage in learning. the purpose of learning is reflected in learning outcomes, showing that students have joined the learning process, which includes new knowledge, skills, and attitudes which are expected to be achieved by students after participating in the learning process (idris, 2017). therefore, it is necessary to apply an appropriate learning model to improve student learning motivations, where students can learn together with their groups. one of them is the cooperative learning (cl) learning model. cl is an effective and fun way to spur student achievement as a whole, not just individually (slavin, 2015). cl is a set of instructional model in which students learn in groups to help each other learn the learning material (barrett, 2005; slavin, 1991). then, in cl, students learn in small groups containing students with different levels of ability in completing group assignments, where each member cooperates with each other and helps to understand the learning material (florida, 2019). furthermore, cl can be applied to all types of classes, including special classes for gifted children, special education classes, classes with average intelligence levels, and is indispensable in heterogeneous classes with various levels of ability (slavin, 2015). related to research using cl in elementary schools, several studies also state that cl is often used for research at the elementary school level (dyson, 2001, 2002; dyson, colby, & barratt, 2016; dyson, linehan, & hastie, 2010; wallhead & dyson, 2017). broadly speaking, there are several types of cl, such as student team-achievement divisions (stad), team games tournament (tgt), team-assisted instruction (tai), jigsaw, and group investigation (gi) (ginanjar, 2022; metzler, 2000, 2005, 2017). the type of cl learning model used in this study was the stad. in the implementation of stad, all students and their copyright © 2023, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 badruzaman / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 8 (1) (2023) 69 groups are given the same task and the same time to show their learning results on the first test, then they have time to conduct another practice to improve the result on the second test (ginanjar, 2022). the important stages in stad include the first exercise, the first assessment, the second exercise, and the second assessment (ginanjar, 2022). through grouping, it is expected that students can learn by working with friends who are more capable of helping and motivating fellow friends to be actively involved in physical activities so that the goals of learning activities are achieved. from the previous observations, the teacher used a conventional model where the teacher became the center of learning. thus, students just followed what the teacher had instructed. students lacked of creativity and were not honed because they just followed what the teacher had instructed (ginanjar & ramadhan, 2021; setiawan, juliantine, & komarudin, 2017). the results of previous research related to stad in elementary schools in indonesia put more emphasis on psychomotor outcomes, such as volleyball passing (wulandari, henjilito, & sunardi, 2021), rhythmic gymnastics (asri & haeril, 2021), long jump (masdiyo, 2016), and dribble basketball (sadik, 2016). the purpose of this study was to examine the difference between the effect of stad learning model and the effect of conventional learning model on the elementary school student learning motivation. methods the research method used in this study was the experimental method with a non-equivalent control group design. a non-equivalent control group design consists of two classes that are not chosen randomly. the pre-test was carried out first to determine the initial state of the two classes. then, the experimental class was given treatments, while the control class was not given any treatment, followed by post-test for both classes (ginanjar, 2019). participants the participants were 26 elementary school students grade 6, in one of the elementary schools in indramayu, aged 11-12 years. sampling procedures the samples were divided into two classes using the systematic sampling with odd and even systems. in systematic sampling, members of the population get serial numbers, then the sampling is carried out using odd and even numbers (ginanjar, 2019). from this opinion, the researcher decided the experimental class using odd serial numbers, while the control class using even serial numbers. materials and apparatus the research instrument used was a learning motivation questionnaire for elementary school student in pe (nur, ginanjar, malik, & pingon, 2021). the questionnaire consisted of 30 valid test items with a reliability of 0.90. the questionnaire could be used for elementary school students grade 4, 5, and 6, as was tested on 134 students. procedures the experimental class was given treatment using the stad learning model, while the control class was taught using the conventional model or the learning model commonly used by pe teachers at the school where the research was conducted. both the experimental class and the control class were given eight meetings outside the pretest and posttest so that the total number of meetings was nine meetings. the first meeting was used to collect pre-test data. after that, treatments in eight meetings were given. at the last meeting, after completing the learning, the researchers immediately took post-test data. the duration of the meeting was 2 x 35 minutes conducted once a week. in giving treatments, floor gymnastics was used for both experimental class and control class. the details can be seen in table 1. copyright © 2023, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 meeting experiment & control content 1 pretest 2-3 dominant sequence of motion, resting, repulsion, rotation, and landing on the forward roll 4-5 dominant series of motion, resting, repulsion, rotation, and landing on the roll backwards 6-7 the series of dominant motions, resting, repulsing, turning, and landing on the elastic bolsters 8-9 a series of forward and backward rolls posttest table 1. meeting programme 70 the fidelity model followed the procedure for using the stad learning model, including planning and implementation where the reliability on planning = 0.79 and implementation = 0.86 (ginanjar, ramadhan, adib, & effendy, 2021). data analysis data were analyzed using statistical descriptions to find out the mean, standard deviation, and variance. hypothesis testing used independent sample t-test using the spss application by following the calculation procedure of ginanjar (2021). result based on the results of data analysis in pre-test, experimental class obtained mean = 18.77; standard deviation = 4.73; and variance = 22.26. in post-test, experimental class obtained mean = 21.85; standard deviation = 4.16; and variance = 17.31. in pre-test, control class obtained mean = 20.62; standard deviation = 5.06; and variance = 25.59. in post-test, control class got mean = 19.92; standard deviation = 5.58; and variance = 31.08. the details of each statistical description difference can be seen in table 2. hypothesis testing used independent sample t-test to answer the objectives of this study. the analysis obtained t = 2.32 with sig. of 0.03 < 0.05, meaning that there was a difference of the effect of the stad learning model and the conventional learning model on the elementary school student learning motivation. the details can be seen in table 3. discussion the results of this study are relevant to previous studies that the stad learning model can be used in pe learning for elementary school students (asri & haeril, 2021; masdiyo, 2016; sadik, 2016; wulandari, henjilito, & sunardi, 2021). in addition, the results of this study provide a new insight that the use of stad learning model can improve the affective aspect, namely learning motivation of elementary school students. in general, the stad learning model consists of exercise 1, test 1, exercise 2, and test 2 (ginanjar, 2022). during the learning process in the class using stad learning model, the student learning motivation was more visible shown from the enthusiasm of students in following each learning process. it was different from what happened to students who studied using conventional models. students seemed to just "abort their obligations" by following the pe learning process. however, in line with previous studies, the teacher still found it difficult to use the stad learning model at the initial stage (at the first two meetings). when first using the stad learning model, the teacher experienced difficulties, needed to adapt, and seemed to be uncertain, especially in giving test 1 and test 2 (ginanjar, ramadhan, et al., 2021). students who studied using the stad learning model, where there was a group division in the process, seemed to be able to show their learning creativity when doing the exercises, especially in exercise 2, because each student and group were trying to improve their test results on test 2 to exceed the results of test 1. for example, after taking test 1, students and their groups did more exercises to repeat the test to improve the next test results. sometimes, students and their groups had more creativity in changing the form of exercise when the form of exercise that had been carried out before was not effective to achieve the test results. therefore, further research related to student creativity in using the stad learning model is needed. it is in line with the statement of (dyson et al., 2010) that using cl has a consistent impact on social aspects in pe learning. similar to previous studies, students still often joked and chatted when they were not doing any movecopyright © 2023, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 2. statistical descriptions variable mean std. deviation variance exp. pre-test 18.77 4.73 22.26 exp. post-test 21.85 4.16 17.31 con. pre-test 20.62 5.06 25.59 con. post-test 19.92 5.58 31.08 table 3. independent sample t-test variable t sig. exp. >< con 18.77 0,03 < 0,05 71 ment activities during the pe learning process. it is in line with the statement stating that it has become a characteristic of indonesian students to joke and chat during pe learning process (ginanjar, ramadhan, et al., 2021). an interesting thing happened when using the stad learning model for elementary school students. they trusted and often wanted to see examples of students in their groups who performed better on tests. it proved that the social process had occurred. it is also in line with the statement that stad model provides interaction for each student to participate in pe learning (ginanjar, ramadhan, et al., 2021). it indicates that teachers need to provide a strong understanding regarding cognitive aspects during delivering learning objectives so that all students can transfer knowledge to each other to carry out their movement tasks. this is also relevant to the statement saying that students who received less content knowledge were difficult to teach their friends (o’leary, wattison, edwards, & bryan, 2015) and tended to be told by students who were more capable in performing movement tasks, according to the findings of this study. this research could also show how to re-do research using the stad learning model for improving learning motivations (ginanjar, ramadhan, et al., 2021). this study confirms that motivation can be increased by using the stad learning model. this study surely has shortcomings, thus it is hoped that further research is conducted related to the use of the stad learning model in elementary schools, especially related to the affective aspects, because the research using the stad learning model for elementary school students in indonesia for improving the affective aspects is limited. conclusion based on the results and discussions of this study, this study concludes that there is a difference of the effect of the stad learning model and the conventional learning model on the learning motivation of elementary school students. further investigation using the stad learning model on other affective aspects, especially creativity, is needed. in addition, further research should be conducted with more participants so that the results of the study can be more generalized conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references asri, a. haeril.(2021). pengaruh model 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maintaining physical fitness requires knowledge and understanding for performing meaningful physical activities. this study aimed to analyze the physical fitness knowledge test instrument for college students using the rasch modelling data analysis technique. the design, development, and research method employed the product model and research tool that consisted of four stages, including analysis, design, development, and evaluation. the samples involved in the instrument trial were 70 students from one university in indonesia. the analysis used was the content validity ratio for testing content validity and the item response theory/rasch model test employing winstep software to determine the validity and reliability of the test instrument. the results of the data analysis showed a match between the students and the test instruments with very good quality items. it concludes that the test instrument development using the rasch model can detect student misconceptions on physical fitness knowledge material.  correspondence address : jl. dr. setiabudi no.229, kota bandung, jawa barat 40154 e-mail : dinbudiman1974@gmail.com https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 195 introduction health and physical fitness development has become a concern in the last few decades. interest in developing physical fitness results from expertise that strongly links physical activity and life expectancy (gunter et al., 2012; baird et al., 2019: faienza et al., 2020). although there are still estimates on the intensity and duration of physical activity for physical fitness, some experts agree that various forms of physical activity will benefit the body (sun et al., 2020; sorianomaldonado et al., 2022). for example, regular physical activity is the best way to avoid cardiovascular disease and lower blood pressure during submaximal exercise (cheng et al., 2018; lacombe et al., 2019; lacroix et al., 2019). in addition, lifestyle can increase passion for life and reduce mortality. physical fitness is also associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, obesity and osteoporosis (wei et al., 2000; katzmarzyk et al., 2007; liao et al., 2013; babiuch et al., 2021). on the other hand, good physical fitness can increase cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, endurance and flexibility (wilmore & knuttgen, 2003; sillanpää et al., 2008; gäbler et al., 2018; ). given the clear benefits of health-related physical fitness concerns, more need to increase physical fitness knowledge levels. this raises much knowledge about health-related physical fitness from practitioners, expert questions and educators. with attention to exercise, the body's fitness determines whether they do an exercise based on what they know. one of the goals of physical education at the university level is to provide knowledge and skills and maintain fitness levels so that students can apply lifestyle habits (budiman et al., 2018). for students to develop these habits, the realm of physical fitness related to health needs to be directed (corbin, 1987; mirzaev, a. m., 2021). body composition, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, strength endurance and strength are part of physical fitness related to health. an understanding of physical fitness related to health and skills can be achieved by incorporating goals and objectives in training that benefit from physical activity to achieve a healthy and active lifestyle. in some european countries, inculcating an active lifestyle is an important mission of physical education (almond & harris, 1998; cardon & de bourdeaudhuij, 2002; harris, 2005), and there is an excellent emphasis on health-related activities related activities in the physical education curriculum (almond & harris, 1998; harris, 2005). promoting a healthy and active lifestyle is a significant goal in physical education (unesco, 2015). regular physical activity is an important lifestyle component for both children and adults. there have been many programs to change healthy lifestyles based on social cognitive theory (bandura, 2004; budiman et al., 2018; rovniak et al., 2022) and behaviour change based on selfregulation models (kanfer & gaelick-buys, 1991; lópez -gil et al., 2020). in addition, researchers have identified some specific skills, such as selfmanagement, that can play a role in helping to change lifestyles (cardon et al., 2009). from previous research, there is already healthrelated fitness knowledge (hrfk) which includes the concepts and skills needed to improve and maintain levels of fitness and physical activity (corbin cb, lindsey, 1988; society of health and physical educators, 2014). hrfk is a crucial element for health and physical education to guide one's ability to control one's movements so that they are physically independent and plan their fitness activities (corbin cb, lindsey, 1988; society of health and physical educators, 2014). hrfk is also believed to be a critical component in increasing students' awareness of healthy living behaviour (demetriou et al., 2015). other studies also state that hrfk strongly correlates with exercise intensity and physical activity (ferguson kj et al., 1989; haslem l, 2016). along with the increasing awareness of the importance of physical fitness for a person, there is also a growing need for tests that can determine the amount of knowledge about the practice desired and mastered by students; this research was conducted based on this view. with an understanding of physical fitness, students' ability to choose the most desired exercise in their physical fitness will increase. physical fitness knowledge tests are expected to reflect students' habits, knowledge, and experiences in physical activity. since physical education is an integral part of habituation to a healthy and active lifestyle (harris, j., 2014), students should know not only games and activities but also the general psychological and physiological implications of various types of physical activity. to determine the effectiveness of learning physical education, sports and health, educators must have several measuring tools to copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 didin budiman & ricky wibowo / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 196 determine the level of student knowledge and whether they can apply their knowledge in practice. this test will assist educators and students in determining the desired practical knowledge in physical fitness. based on the description above, understanding physical fitness is fundamental to staying active in their daily lives, especially for adults. previous research found instruments to evaluate the understanding of physical fitness in middle and high schools. however, it is limited to understanding health-related fitness knowledge. while understanding the skills-related fitness knowledge, the authors have not found the results of studies investigating these fitness components. the purpose of the research developed in this study was to develop physical fitness knowledge items for students. the questions compiled are the content of teaching materials related to physical fitness to develop and promote a healthy and active lifestyle. methods the research method used is design, development, research (richey & klein, 2007) with the category product model and research tool; this model is product development. the stages in the product and tool research model are; analysis, design, development, and evaluation. the variable to be studied is the student's ability, as seen from the computer-based test results for the final semester examination in the physical education class. the instrument of the study is in the form of items using a dichotomous model in the form of multiple choices. data was collected through a computer-based test in the physical education class. before the computer-based test in the physical education class, content validity and face validity were tested. face validity is checked by checking the content of the questions in the form of the validity of the word or sentence so that it has a clear understanding and is not misinterpreted on each test item. the instrument has good face validity if the instrument is easy to understand and students do not experience difficulties answering questions. content validity is carried out in two stages: (1) determining the content of the definition used and (b) developing indicators that cover all the things contained in the definition. content validity and face validity in this study were carried out by asking for experts who were competent in their fields and were the material given to students. furthermore, the computer-based test questions in the physical education class were tested on students who took this pe class. the test results data were analyzed to determine the questions' characteristics empirically. the approach used in the data analysis of the test results is the item response theory/rasch model with the help of the winstep software. validity and reliability analysis to test the validity of the items, the rasch was used based on the following criteria model (sumintono & widhiarso, 2015): accepted outfit mean square value (mnsq): 0,5 mnsq <1,5 accepted z-standard outfit value (ztsd) : -2,0 < 2std < + 2,0 measure correlation of valued point (pt mean corr) : 0,4 < pt mean corr < 0,85 if a computer-based test item in the physical education class meets at least the two criteria above, then the item is declared usable; in other words, the item is valid. reliability is the consistency of test results. the measurement results must be the same (relatively the same) if the measurements are given to the same subject, even though different people carry them out at different times and places. . data source the types of data collected in this study are classified into two, namely : a.primary data data on students taking physical education classes that meet the sample inclusion requirements is obtained through computer-based tets physical education classes using the items that have been provided. b.secondary data data on the list of the number of students who are taking physical education class data analysis technique the test insrument data was analyzed using the rasch item response theory approach using the winsteps program. the steps taken are : copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 didin budiman & ricky wibowo / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 197 1. assumption test a. unidimensional assumption test the unidimensional assumption test aims to determine whether the test is proven only to measure one dominant dimension. the unidimensional assumption test is carried out by performing factor analysis. b. local independence assumption test the local independence assumption test is carried out to determine if the ability to answer the test questions conducted by students is not influenced by whether or not the answers from other test participants are correct. the local independence assumption test is met if the covariance value is close to zero. c. parameter invariance assumption test the parameter invariance assumption test was conducted to determine the consistency of the characteristics of the items answered even though the items varied. the test results are carried out by looking at the scree plot. the parameter invariance assumption is achieved if the plot spreads and approaches the normal line. 2. item fit to model the item fits the model if it has an outfit mean square (mnsq) value of 0.5 < mnsq <1.5 and the point measure correlation (pt mean corr) value is not negative. result this research was carried out at the university of education indonesia, and data collection was in august 2021. the research subjects are students taking physical education classes according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria set. before taking the data, a study of the material related to physical fitness knowledge was carried out. the material analyzed is the curriculum material for physical education and sports. furthermore, the questions are by the level of thinking ability based on bloom's theory. the preparation of the difficulty level is divided into 25 questions consisting of 5% or 1 question c1, 5% or 2 questions c2, 45% or 12 questions c3, 25% or 6 questions c4, 10% or 3 questions c5 and 5% or 1 question c6. the distribution of questions can be seen in table 1. twenty-five items were then tested on students. sixty-seven students are the samples in this study. the following is data from an objective test of 25 questions for students taking physical education and sports classes. to examine the assessment result sheet to find suggestions for improvement related to aspects of material content with the suitability of problem-solving indicators and problem-solving indicators with question indicators. furthermore, data analysis was carried out to determine the level of validity and reliability of the instrument. furthermore, the computer-based test questions in the physical education class were tested on students taking physical education classes. the test results data were analyzed to determine the questions' characteristics empirically. the approach used in the data analysis of the test results is the response theory/rasch model with the winstep software. the reliability analysis results can be seen using the winsteps program in the summary statistics table. the validity results can be seen and analyzed with the winsteps program in the outfit table to see the suitability of the items that function in the normal category to be used as a measurement of student misconceptions by requirements in table 2. characteristics of items and respondents the analysis using the winsteps program provides information, both in terms of items and respondents, showing differences in the items and students analyzed using the rasch model, indicating the occurrence of misconceptions for some students. according to arikunto (2019), a question that can be answered correctly by smart students and students who are less intelligent is a question that is not good because it does not have distinguishing power. the description of the distribution of the ability of 67 students and the distribution of the difficulty of the items on the same scale. the results of data analysis in figure 1 show that the average student is in medium ability with a logit value of +1 (011, 021, 031, 040, 041, 011, 021, 031, 040, 041, 010, 013, 029, 033, 036, 048, and there are also two students with low abilities with a logit value of -1 which means that there are still some students who still have misconceptions about the concept of the material being tested. from figure 1, we can also see that two questions have a high difficulty value, namely, questions numcopyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 didin budiman & ricky wibowo / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 198 bered q19, q24, and q16, and also, most of the students understand the concepts listed in questions q19, q24, and q16. some questions have a medium difficulty value, such as questions q6, q12, q11 & q2, with a logit value between -0 and +0, and some have a low level of difficulty with a logit value below -1. logit below -1 is what must be revised again. this result is by boopathiraj and chellamani (2013), who say that questions that have high discriminating power are questions that students who have low test scores cannot answer the questions correctly. the previous explanation proves that some students still have misconceptions about physical fitness material. from the analysis results, it was found that the average value of all students working on the questions given was 2.5 logit. this value is greater than the average difficulty value, meaning that there is a tendency for students to be higher than the difficulty level of the question. for example, students get a value of 0.58, and the question is obtained at 4.08. therefore, it can be said that the greater the value of separation, the greater the quality of the instrument used is very good. this is because it can identify groups of questions with groups of respondents. item validity the data analysis results show that there is a valid level on the instrument construct of the questions developed to obtain a level of conformity between student responses and the test instrument. the following table copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 no material c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 total 1 active and healthy lifestyle 1 1 2 benefits health and active lifestyle 1 1 3 components of health and skills related fitness 1 1 2 4 physical activity and classification of physical activity levels 2 2 5 physical fitness test (adult fitness test; cardiorespiratory, muscular strength, muscular strength endurance, flexibility, body composition) 1 1 6 endurance activities 1 1 7 rest, exercise and maximum heart-rate 1 1 8 body mass index 1 1 2 9 muscular endurance activities 1 1 10 benefits of warming-up and cooling down 1 1 2 11 types and functions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water 1 1 12 muscular strength activities 1 1 2 13 fleksibilitas: static, dynamic and pnf 1 1 14 calories and physical activity 1 1 2 15 components of skillsrelated fitness : agility, speed and reaction 2 2 16 principles of fitness activity program 1 1 · overload · progression · spesificity · reversibility · recovery · individual 17 f.i.t.t formula in fitness activities 1 1 2 frequency intensity time type total 1 2 12 6 3 1 25 table 1. the composition of the difficulty level question table 2. item validity criteria no reference limit value 1 outfitmean square (mnsq) 0,5 < mnsq < 1,5 2 outfi z-standard (zstd) -2,0 < zstd < +2,0 3 point measure correlation (pt mean corr) 0,4 < pt mean corr < 0,85 didin budiman & ricky wibowo / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 199 shows how the items developed are normal or not in measuring students' misconceptions about physical fitness material. the requirement is to know whether the items can be categorized as acceptable or not by looking at the mnsq scale with a range of 0.5 < mnsq < 1.5. if you look at figure 2, it shows that of the 25 items developed, they are in the good or accepted category, so it can be concluded that there are no misconceptions from students about these items. the zstd value scale is categorized as acceptable or not with a range of -2.0 0.05. moreover, the graphic below shows results of different peak power in each position of different levels of competition. figure 5 showed that senior-level athletes in each position are superior in peak power except for libero. here's influenced by characteristics of each position that demand to jump high in some volleyball technique, yet libero only in the court for defense. back-line defense and digging don't need vigorous power to jump high. 5-meter multiple shuttle repeat sprint test here's showed the significant difference in total distance achieved by each position of different level athletes. however, the fatigue index showed no significant difference in middle blocker, setter, and libero. the differences in the result of the 5-meter multiple shuttle repeat sprint test in different levels of competition. the figure 6 shows that senior-level athletes have achieved farther distance which means higher scores than junior-level athletes. moreover, here's revealed that in each position, senior-level athletes showed a lower fatigue index than junior-level athletes, which means the senior-level athlete has achieved a farther distance and also good ability in maintaining anaerobic performances (figure 7). discussion running-based anaerobic sprint test is a test to measure the capacity of the anaerobic athlete (santosa et al., 2019). running-based anaerobic sprint tests can describe maximum and minimum power and the fatigue index of athletes. anaerobic capacity is influenced by long-time training in endurance athletes. in this study, the anaerobic capacity is shown by volleyball athletes in different positions and at varying levels of competition. the anaerobic capacity of each position at different levels showed different results. in junior-level athletes, the opposite hitter showed the highest power value, the outside hitter in the second place, the setter in the third place, the middle blocker in the fourth place, and the libero showed the lowest power value. however, libero showed the highest ability to maintain anaerobic performances in the fatigue index, outside hitter in the second place, setter in the third place, middle blocker in the fourth place, and opposite hitter showed the lowest ability to maintain anaerobic performances. it explained that the highest power value showed the most inferior ability to maintain anaerobic performances. recent research by santosa et al. (2019) showed that sprinter has the highest power and fatigue index values. senior-level athletes showed that the opposite hitter still has the highest power value, middle blocker in the second place, outside hitter in the third place, setter in the fourth place, and libero has the lowest power value. however, the libero still showed the highest ability to maintain anaerobic performance, the outside hitter in the second place, the setter in the third place, the middle blocker in the fourth place, and the opposite hitter who showed the highest power value showed the lowest ability to maintain anaerobic performances. there's only a significant difference between juniorlevel athletes because their way of training influences them. physical attributes aspect still in the first places in specialized athletes, and norkowski (2001) found that copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 fig. 6. the total distance result for senior-level athletes in each position between junior-level and senior-level athletes. fig. 7. the fatigue index result for senior-level athletes in each position between junior-level and senior-level athletes. muhamad wilman nugraha & lily/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 37 individual genetic potential, which might have played a role in selection for specific games and specificity and intensity of training loads, might have contributed to the observed differences between groups. however, senior-level athletes showed a significant difference between positions because the anthropometric aspect will not improve significantly, such as height. hence, coaches in senior-level athletes are much more concerned with enhancing athletes' physiological aspects with the characteristics of each position. moreover, nikolaidis, ziv, arnon, & lidor (2012) found that in anaerobic power, lower values were found in the 14– 18 age group. however, the author suggests that coaches adopt an individual approach to improve the physical and physiological attributes of the players. therefore, specific training programs should be developed to address the specialization's unique physical and physiological needs. the second test is vertical jump because volleyball is also called a "jump" sport, which jump could be an important factor for a volleyball team to win a competition. the vertical jump is a standard field test used to evaluate the explosive anaerobic power of the legs (young, 1995). this study showed middle blocker has the highest anaerobic power value in junior level athletes, with the outside hitter in the second position, the opposite hitter in the third position, the setter in the third position, and the libero having the lowest anaerobic power value. however, only the middle blocker and libero showed a significant difference. this cause of the middle blocker is a position that is decided by height for the first. therefore, coaches can focus more on training middle blockers in junior-level athletes, which improves middle blocker vertical jumps to block the opponent's attack more effectively and efficiently. senior-level athletes showed a significant difference between positions, with opposite hitter having the highest anaerobic power value, middle blocker in the second place, outside hitter in the third place, setter in the fourth place, and libero having the lowest anaerobic power value. as the author already explained before, this is caused by the specification training of each position with their characteristics. however, middle blockers show significant differences with a libero in seniorlevel athletes. still, other positions such as the outside hitter, opposite hitter, and setter showed a significant difference in anaerobic power value with a libero. this is because the high-level competition in senior-level athletes has been training more focus on their job and mostly used technique in their specialization. for example, the setter not only needs to set the ball for an attack yet needs to do to defend as receive attack or block the opponent's attack, so a significant difference between other positions in libero is founded. on the other hand, respectively to the libero, their job is only to defend the ball which receives serving the ball, back row defense, and digs, and rarely jump to setting the ball from the back row only if the setter got the first touch, so in the vertical jump test libero didn't show a tremendous anaerobic value with others position. furthermore, senior-level athletes are not only influenced by their physiological aspect, but recent research showed that the anthropometric aspect is vigorous. for example, schaal, ransdell, simonson, & gao (2013) found that the ncaa division-i female volleyball players were older, taller, and heavier than their high school counterparts. they also indicated that hitters are taller than back row defensive specialists, and hitters and setters are heavier than back row defensive specialists. the third test is 5-meter multiple shuttle repeat sprint test, which this test is to measures anaerobic performances. at the junior level, athletes showed outside hitter achieved the longest distances, with the opposite hitter in the second place, middle blocker in the third place, libero in the fourth place, and setter in the fifth place. this test showed a significant difference between the setter with the outside hitter and the opposite hitter. however, in the fatigue index, even the setter achieved the shortest distances. still, the setter showed the highest value in maintaining anaerobic performances, with the outside hitter in the second place, opposite hitter, in the third place, middle blocker in the fourth place, and libero in the last place. furthermore, this test doesn't like the runningbased anaerobic test that used bodyweight in the calculating system. this test only used the result which distance the research samples achieved, so it can't be compared. at the senior level, athletes showed opposite hitters had achieved the longest distance, with the outside hitter and middle blocker in the second place, setter in the third place, and libero in the last place. however, unlike junior-level athletes, the shortest distance achieved libero showed the highest value of fatigue incopyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 muhamad wilman nugraha & lily/ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (1) (2022) 38 dex. yet, the lowest value of fatigue index showed by setter, opposite hitter in the second place, opposite hitter in the third place, and middle blocker in fourth place. furthermore, unlike in the running-based anaerobic sprint test, where senior-level athletes showed a higher value of fatigue index, in the 5-meter multiple shuttle repeat sprint test senior-level athletes showed a lower value of fatigue index. conclusion this research concludes that the specific position in volleyball needs a different energy source related to motion or technique used depending on the characteristics of each position volleyball player in the competition. the study results help establish baseline data and provide a means to test the effectiveness of various training programs designed to enhance volleyball performance. the information reported in this study makes test values available to male volleyball athletes across age/competition levels or player positions in indonesia. these specific comparative values create baseline anaerobic performance measures for coaches at the junior level and senior-level athletes to create programs that can address deficits in volleyball player performance. specifically, this study's results indicate that high school athletes showed inferior anaerobic power. based on these findings, it is recommended that junior-level athletes' training programs address anaerobic power (lower-body power) and anaerobic fitness as performance components. hence, these athletes are more prepared to compete at the senior level (college), particularly if they aspire to compete in high-level competition. this increased anaerobic power in senior-level athletes provides a tactical and mechanical advantage because an increased stature and a higher vertical jump and lower-body power enable an attacker to achieve an optimal position with the ball when attacking, middle blocker and front-row defense to block the opponent's attack in such a same high jump. the author also concludes that senior-level athletes showed no better ability to maintain anaerobic performances while senior-level athletes focus more on improving their anaerobic power and need to be more concerned in training to maintain anaerobic power. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references andrew, d. p. s., pedersen, p. m., & mcevoy, c. d. 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who, 2019). moreover, regular physical activity has been confirmed to prevent and manage ncds (who, 2020; longo m et al., 2019; geidl w et al., 2020; murri mb et al., 2020; pereira ma et al., 2020). therefore, the global goals in sustainable development goals (sdgs) also contain an action plan on physical activity 2018–2030 for reducing the prevalence of physical inactivity in adults and adolescents by 15% in 2030 (who, 2020). nevertheless, physical inactivity is still increasing among children and adolescents in the world, as reported in studies in italia (censi l et al., 2022), canada (guthold r et al., 2020), china (qiu c and hou m, 2020), united state (cornelius c, fedewa a and toland m, 2020), and ukraina (andrieieva o et al., 2019). in addition, world health organization (who) in 2018 and 2020 showed an increasing trend in the proportion of adolescents with physical activity levels below the recommended levels, which was 70% in 2018 to 81% in 2020 (who, 2020; who, 2019). the results of basic health research (riskesdas) in indonesia also showed that adolescents who did not achieve 150 minutes of physical activity per week increased from 26.1% in 2013 to 33.5% in 2018. the riskesdas also indicated that in the special region of yogyakarta, from 2013 to 2018, there was an increase in physical inactivity of 38.9%. there is also a need to study the correlates of physical activity levels among adolescents to understand aspects that many influence physical activity levels. social cognitive theory (sct) is one of the recommended theories to be applied, including efforts to increase physical activity in adolescents sct focuses on the reciprocal relationship between humans and their environment. the sct concepts include self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and self-regulation. self-efficacy in this context refers to adolescents’ confidence in maintaining physical activity despite barriers. outcome expectations in this context are defined as the benefits expected by adolescents when conducting the physical activity. lastly, self-regulation refers to the capability of adolescents to maintain physical activity (e.g., by planning, scheduling, and goal setting) (keeler hj and kaiser mm, 2010; bagherniya m et al., 2018; (naami nazari et al., 2020). to date, information regarding physical activity levels and social cognitive processes such as selfefficacy, outcome expectations, and self-regulation in indonesia, including in yogyakarta, is still limited. the assessment of physical activity among adolescents in riskesdas was based on the physical activity standard for adults (i.e., 150 minutes of physical activity per week), in contrast to the who recommendation of physical activity in children and adolescents (60 minutes of physical activity daily) (who, 2020). the riskesdas survey also has not used a specific instrument for assessing adolescent physical activity, such as the physical activity questionnaire-adolescent questionnaire (paq-a) (kowalsk kc, 2004). the levels of physical activity difference in boys and girls have also not been adequately explored in the riskesdas. moreover, the current physical distancing policy due to the covid-19 pandemic may also have influenced adolescents’ physical activity levels (arovah ni & heesch kc, 2022). therefore, an appropriate instrument is required to assess physical activity levels among adolescents in the pandemic era. also, social cognitive predictors have been assessed in older adults (zar’in & arovah, 2021) and younger adults in indonesia (arovah ni, 2022). however, social cognitive predictors among indonesian school children have not yet been explored. therefore, this study aimed to determine the level of physical activity with social cognitive processes (selfefficacy, outcome expectations, and self-regulation) among adolescents and compare boys and girls in yogyakarta, indonesia. the results of this study are expected to be used as the basis for developing an intervention to increase social-cognitive-based physical activity in adolescents. methods the study design was a cross-sectional study that assessed physical activity levels between boys and girls and their potential correlations (self-efficacy, outcome copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 atikah rahayu et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 132 expectations, and self-regulation). participants and ethical consideration the data was collected from april to june 2022 in junior high school students in yogyakarta aged 13 to 16 years old recruited using purposive sampling with inclusion criteria for junior high school students, and exclusion criteria were the non-completion of the instrument. the total population of junior high school students in yogyakarta province was 156 thousand students. applying a confidence level of 95% and a confidence interval of 10%, a total sample of 94 was required (maccallum rc, browne mw and sugawara hm, 1996). participants were given written consent and parental consent. the human ethics committee approved the gadjah mada university research protocol (agreement no. ke /fk/1052/ec/2021). instrument and procedure the participants completed a paper-based survey consisting of the indonesian version of the activity questionnaire (paq-a) (rahayu, sumaryanti and arovah, 2022), and the self-efficacy for exercise, the multidimensional outcome expectations for exercise, and the physical activity self-regulation scale which were also in indonesian. the social demographic survey included age, type of schooling (private or public), learning method (online or offline) and parental education. based on the stage of adolescence, we categorized the junior high school students intocategorisedly adolescence) and 15-16 years (middle adolescence) (o’loughlin j et al., 2017). parental education was assessed as it is found to be associated with adolescent physical activity (olivares pr et al., 2015). body weight and height were also assessed using calibrated instruments following evaluated practice. physical activity questionnaire-adolescent/paq-a physical activity for adolescents was assessed using the paq-a instrument. it includes nine questions about physical activity in the past week. the first question includes sixteen physical activities that adolescents usually conduct. the second to the seventh questions asked about their physical activity during free time, physical education, lunch, after school, evenings, and weekends. item eight asks about the frequency of physical activity every day in the last week, while the ninth question compares the physical activity levels to the previous week. for the first eight items, ratings ranged from 1-5, with the higher number indicating a higher level of physical activity. the ratings for item #1 and item #8 are the average responses. the final score of paq-a is the average of items #1 to #8. a total score of ‘1’ indicates low physical activity levels, while ‘5’ indicates high physical activity. kowalski et al. (1997) have stated the validity of the paq-a by showing a substantial correlation of paq-a with different measures of the physical form, including physical activity scores (r =0.73), motion sensor caltrac (r=0,33), 7-day physical activity rating (r=0,59). previous studies also have confirmed the validity and reliability of the paq-a instrument in other countries such as canada (kowalsk kc, 2004), england (aggio d et al., 2016), poland (wyszyńska j et al., 2019), malaysia ( koh d, zainudin nh and zawi mk, 2020), turkey (polat ea, guzel na and kafa n, 2021), ethiopia (andarge e, trevethan r and fikadu t, 2021) and indonesia c22). self-efficacy for exercise self-efficacy was assessed using the self-efficacy for exercise scale. this instrument consists of nine statements. the statements describe barriers they may encounter with ten response options ranging from 1-10, in which the higher number represents the higher confidence in overcoming the barriers. the score was the average response from these nine statements. the validity and reliability of the instrument have been demonstrated in several countries such as hong kong (liang y et al., 2014), australia (hamilton k, warner lm and schwarzer r, 2017), china (ren z et al., 2020), greece (efthymiou v et al., 2022) and indonesia (arovah ni and heesch kc, 2022). multidimensional outcome expectations for exercise the outcome expectation was assessed using the multidimensional outcome expectations for exercise. this instrument consists of fifteen statements illustratcopyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 atikah rahayu et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 133 ing the benefits (physical, social and self-evaluation) they may expect from the exercise. there were five response options ranging from 1 strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree. the score was the average of the responses from the 15 items. the instrument has been validated in america (wójcicki tr, white sm and mcauley e, 2009), iran (abasi mh, eslami aa and rakhshani f, 2015), iran (ardestani ms et al., 2016), and malaysia (majeed na, jabbar ma and jun xc, 2017) and indonesia (arovah ni and kc heesch, 2022) physical activity self-regulation scale self-regulation was assessed using the physical activity self-regulation scale. this instrument consists of twelve statements that include self-monitoring, goal setting, mobilizing social support, time management, and planning (watanabe et al., 2017. there were five response options ranging from 1 “never’ to 5 ‘often’. the score then was averaged from these 12 responses. the instrument has been validated in studies in new york (umstattd mret al., 2009), spain (camposuscanga et al., 2016), japan (watanabe et al., 2017 and indonesia (arovah ni and heesch kc, 2022). data analysis mann whitneys were used to compare sociodemography, anthropometry, physical activity levels and social cognitive processes between boys and girls. spearman correlation was used to assess the relationship between physical activity and social cognitive processes, in total and stratified by sex (maccallum rc, browne mw and sugawara hm, 1996). data were analyzed using spss® version 21.0 (ibm corp., armonk, ny, usa) with a significance level of 0.05. result table 1 shows no differences in sociodemographic characteristics. however, as expected, boys were significantly taller and heavier than girls. table 2 further compares physical activity levels in boys and girls. no significant difference in overall physical activity levels was found between boys and girls. boys, however, were more active during their spare time (p=0.015) and school recess than girls (p=0.018). table 3 further illustrates the comparison between self-efficacy, outcome expectation and self-regulation between boys and girls. for self-efficacy, no difference was found between boys and girls except for the first item, "the weather was not pleasant", in which girls scored higher (p=0.002). for outcome expectations, boys have a higher score in three items (“exercise will make it easier for me to get along with other people”, “sports will give me the opportunity to be with other people (friends) and “exercise will increase other people's acceptance of me”). however, no difference was found in the overall outcome expectation and selfregulation score. finally, table 4 shows physical activity only correlates with self-regulation in boys (r=0.279, p=0.048) and girls (r=0.444, p=0.003). copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 age (years) 14.11 ± 3 14.22 ± 3 13.98 ± 3 13-14 (young teens) ± ± ± <0.001 ± ± ± <0.001 school type father's education level table 1. sociodemographic and anthropometric comparisons atikah rahayu et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 134 copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 2. comparison of activity levels between boys and girls ± ± 1.36±0.24 0.015* a. i did not take physical education lessons = b. never = score 2.00 c. sometimes = score 3.00 d. often = score 4.00 e. always = score 5.00 0.018* c. run/play a little = score 3.00 (0%) a. none = score 1.00 (0%) a. none = score 1.00 a. none = score 1.00 b. 1 time = score 2.00 c. 2-3 times = score 3.00 d. 4-5 times = score 4.00 e. 6 = score 5.00 (0%) a. i rarely/almost never exercise = score 1.00 b. i exercise 1-2x/week = score 2.00 c. i exercise 3-4x/week = score 3.00 5-6x/week = score 4.00 e. i exercise 7x/week = score 5.00 0 (0%) paq-a total score 2.23 0.48 2.24 0.53 2.21 0.42 atikah rahayu et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 135 copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 3. comparison of self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and self-regulation of physical activity physical activity self-efficacy items self-efficacy 0.002* self-efficacy total score 3.30 1.57 3.29 1.62 3.30 1.53 0.013* 0.009* 0.043* 3.76 0.79 3.87 0.81 3.62 0.76 2.75 =0.72 2.69 0.70 2.81 0.75 atikah rahayu et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 136 discussion the results of this study indicated that the physical activity levels between boys and girls in yogyakarta were similar. the findings, however, disagree with several findings from other settings that indicated boys are usually more physically active than girls. as reported by allafi a et al. (2013), in kuwaiti, boys spent 3.8 hours per week, and girls spent 2.9 hours per week on average in moderate-intensity physical activity (allafi a et al., 2014). similarly, qiu & hou (2020) reports that in china, boys spent 1 hour longer per week than girls in being physically active (qiu c and hou m, 2020). they report that girls spend more time in sedentary activities such as reading and studying (qiu c and hou m, 2020). the absence of this difference may be due to the difference in the instrument used in these studies. this current study used paq-a, which did not specify an exact time (hour and minute), but the level of physical activity ranges from 1 to 5, with a higher score indicating a higher physical activity level. the difference may also be due to the fact that the research was conducted during the covid-19 pandemic and that some schools were implementing blended and online learning that may limit both boys’ and girls’ opportunities to be physically active, thus, may blunt the possible differences. the limited opportunities to be physically active during the covid-19 pandemic have also been suggested by studies in canada (andrieieva o et al., 2019), ukraine and hungary (berki t and pikó bf, 2021). similarly, decreased physical activity levels were also reported among adolescents in indonesia during the pandemic (arovah ni and heesch kc, 2022). however, with the gradual opening of schooling in indonesia and many parts of the world, a follow-up study is required to confirm the findings of this current study. the results of the study show that there were no differences in overall self-efficacy, outcome expectation and self-regulation between boys and girls. girls, however, reported higher self-efficacy scores in an item related to weather. to some extent, the results of this study are in line with the research in the united states, indicating that girls reported higher self-efficacy and fewer barriers to physical activity (dishman rk et al., 2005). in this study, there were also no differences between male and female adolescents for the overall outcome expectations except for the items related to social standing. it appears that boys perceived the social benefits of being physically active more than girls. this is in line with a study by moore et al. (2020) in canada, suggesting a higher outcome expectation in boys than girls (moore et al., 2020). (roshita a et al., 2021) indicate that boys are motivated to be physically active to increase interaction with other people (roshita a et al., 2021). this current study also did not find a difference in self-regulation in physical activity between boys and girls. the results of this research align with a study by copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 4. correlation between physical activity, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and self-regulation in boys and girls by (n=94) self-efficacy self-efficacy 0.373* 0.382* self-efficacy 0.316* 0.279* 0.504* self-efficacy 0.444* atikah rahayu et al. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 137 gellert p et al. (2012) in germany that indicated the same levels of self-regulation between boys and girls (gellert p et al., 2012). this study indicated that physical activity was positively correlated with self-regulation but not with outcome expectations and self-efficacy. to some extent, it is in line with the research by watanabe et al. (2017) in japan and research by ross set et al. (2013) and gaylis et al. (2020) in the united states (watanabe et al., 2017; ross set et al., 2013; gaylis jb, levy ss and hong my, 2020). in addition, gaylis et al. (2020) reported that adolescents with good self-regulation report greater physical activity (gaylis jb, levy ss and hong my, 2020). however, the findings of this current study may need to be confirmed. according to lee & yoo (2018) and harbowo et al. (2018), lack of physical activity in adolescents needs to be addressed immediately (lee ey and yoon kh, 2018); (harbuwono ds et al., 2018). efforts that can be made to increase physical activity have not reached the recommendations and improve their behaviour, including by promoting health education in schools (gråstén, 2016). to increase its effectiveness, health education programs in schools need to be developed based on behavioural change theories, including sct, particularly by increasing self-regulation skills such as goal setting, planning and scheduling and self-monitoring (keeler hj and kaiser mm, 2010; kassie am et al., 2020). the main strength of our study is that we have used a validated instrument for assessing the outcome of interests (i.e., physical activity level and social cognitive processes). however, several limitations need to be acknowledged. first, we conducted the survey during the covid-19 pandemic, in which some schools still employed online or blended learning modes. therefore, students or adolescents may not have adequate opportunities to become physically active. secondly, this study was conducted in modest sample size, constrained by limited resources. further research, therefore, is required to confirm this finding, particularly with the adolescents and school transition into full offline learning mode. conclusion based there is no difference in the overall level of physical activity, self-efficacy, outcome expectation and self-regulation between boys and girls. furthermore, there is no relationship between the level of physical activity with self-efficacy and outcome experience. on the other hand, adolescents with higher selfregulation tend to have higher physical activity levels. therefore, improving social regulation skills such as self-monitoring, goal setting, mobilizing social support and time management and planning is essential to promote physical activity levels among adolescents (girls and boys). the results of this study can be used as a basis for developing the level of physical activity in adolescents. acknowledgement the the authors thank the drpm dikti (directorate of research and community service) of the directorate general of higher education for sponsoring this research in the pdd (doctoral dissertation research) scheme. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references allafi, a., al-haifi, a. r., al-fayez, m. a., al-athari, b. i., al-ajmi, f. a., al-hazzaa, h. m., musaiger, a. o., & ahmed, f. 92013). physical activity, sedentary behaviours and dietary habits among kuwaiti adolescents: gender differences. public health nutrition: 17(9), 2045– 2052. doi:10.1017/s1368980013002218. abasi, m. h., eslami, a. a., & rakhshani, f. 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kota jambi 2) mengetahui kuantitas dan kualitas sumber daya manusia keolahragaan di kota jambi, 3) mengetahui tingkat partisipasi masyarakat di kota jambi dan 4) mengetahui tingkat kebugaran jasmani yang dimiliki masyarakat di kota jambi. penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian kuantitatif. penelitian ini juga mengevaluasi kebijakan pemerintah terkait pembangunan olahraga tentang standar pelayanan minimal keolahragaan, sehingga penelitian ini juga termasuk penelitian evaluatif. sampel penelitian berjumlah 270 orang dari 3 kecamatan. teknik pengambilan sampel dengan cluster sampling. instrumen yang digunakan berupa angket dan serangkaian protokol multi stage fitness test untuk mengetes kebugaran jasmani masyarakat. hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) indeks ruang terbuka kota jambi adalah 0,364, lebih tinggi dibandingkan nilai indeks ruang terbuka nasional (0,266), (2) indeks sumber daya manusia keolahragaan kota jambi adalah 0.00057, sangat jauh dibawah indeks sdm nasional (0,099), (3) indeks partisipasi masyarakat kota jambi 0,57, lebih tinggi dari indeks partisipasi nasional (0,422), (4) indeks kebugaran jasmani kota jambi yaitu 0,340, lebih tinggi daripada indeks kebugaran nasional (0,335), 5) indeks pembangunan olahraga (sdi) kota jambi yaitu 0,318. kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah indeks sdi kota jambi masih berada pada kategori rendah karena indeks total sdi yang meliputi ruang terbuka, sumber daya manusia, partisipasi olahraga dan kebugaran jasmani masyarakat kota jambi sebesar 0,318 berada direntang 0-0,499. artinya bahwa pembangunan olahraga kota jambi masih perlu diperhatikan dan dibenahi oleh pemerintah kota untuk memajukan olahraga di kota jambi. kata kunci: sport development index, ruang terbuka, sumber daya manusia, partisipasi olahraga & kebugaran jasmani abstract this research is motivated by the undetermined sports development in jambi city jambi province in terms of sport development index (sdi). this study aims to determine 1) the availability of sport open space in the jambi city 2) the quantity and quality of human resources of sports in the jambi city, 3) the level of community participation in the exercise in the jambi city and 4) the level of physical fitness of people in the jambi city. this was a quantitative research. the study also evaluates government policy related to sports development. therefore, this study also includes an evaluative research. these samples included 270 people from three districts. the sampling technique used was cluster sampling. the instruments used were questionnaire and also a set of protocols of multi stage fitness test to test the jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 62 physical fitness data of the public. the results showed that (1) the index of open space in jambi city was 0,364, higher than the index of open space nationwide (0,266), (2) the index of sport human resources was 0.00057, lower than national human resources index (0.099), (3) the results of the public participation index was 0.57, is higher than the national participation index (0.422), (4) the value of physical fitness index was 0.340, was higher than the national index (0.335), 5) the value of sports development index of jambi city was 0,318. the result of all is the norm to categorize sdi index of jambi city was still in the poor categories because of the sdi index include the open space, human resources, participation sports and physical fitness jambi city is 0,318 was a value between 0 to 0.499. this means that the jambi city sports development need to be considered and addressed by goverment to promote the sport in the city of jambi. keywords: sport development index, open space, human resources, participation sports & physical fitness. pendahuluan pembangunan merupakan sebuah usaha dan proses untuk menuju pada suatu perubahan bisa secara positif maupun negatif secara parsipatori dari keseluruhan element yang menginginkan sebuah perubahan. keberhasilan pembangunan khususnya pembangunan manusia pada suatu daerah dapat dinilai secara parsial dengan melihat seberapa besar permasalahan yang paling mendasar di masyarakat tersebut dapat teratasi. permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut diantaranya adalah kemiskinan, pengangguran, buta huruf, ketahanan pangan, dan penegakan demokrasi. namun persoalannya adalah capaian pembangunan manusia secara parsial sangat bervariasi dimana beberapa aspek pembangunan tertentu berhasil dan beberapa aspek pembangunan lainnya gagal. indeks pembangunan sebuah kota dinilai berdasarkan indeks pembangunan manusia di kota tersebut. indeks pembangunan manusia merupakan tolak ukur untuk menilai bagaimana pembangunan di suatu daerah apakah maju ataupun mundur. seperti indeks pembangunan manusia yang dimiliki oleh kota jambi. kota jambi termasuk kota yang luas dikarenakan merupakan ibukota provinsi dan pusat keramaian. indeks pembangunan manusia di kota jambi pada tahun 2013 yaitu 77,52 dibawah sungai penuh yaitu 78,11. indeks kota jambi pada tahun 2013 juga meningkat 0,44 dari tahun 2012. rata-rata ipm jambi adalah 74,35. peningkatan yang sedikit demi sedikit namun pasti dilakukan ini merupakan imbas dari berbagai pembangunan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan juga masyarakat yang ada di jambi. dalam pembangunan olahraga, hasil yang telah dicapai adalah terumuskannya konsep kebijakan yang mendukung perkembangan olahraga nasional dan pedoman mekanisme pembinaan olahraga dan kesegaran jasmani, dengan tersusunnya rancangan undang-undang olahraga untuk mendukung perkembangan olahraga nasional, dan tersusunnya sport development index (sdi). sport development index merupakan tolak ukur untuk dapat mengetahui seberapa besar dan bagaimana pembangunan olahraga di suatu daerah berkembang dengan baik atau tidak. sdi merupakan buah pemikiran atas kebimbangan dari para pencetus sport development index yaitu toho cholik mutohir, dkk yang prihatin bahwa penentu pembangunan olahraga dari suatu daerah ditentukan dari seberapa banyak medali yang diperoleh oleh daerah tersebut. padahal, sebuah pemikiran yang keliru jika pembangunan olahraga hanya ditentukan oleh medali tanpa memikirkan dari sudut lain. kemudian timbul sebuah ide untuk tidak hanya mengukur pembangunan dari pendapatan medali, melainkan juga melalui aspek-aspek lain. untuk itulah dicetuskan sport development index yang dapat mengukur pembangunan olahraga di suatu daerah dengan melihat dari 4 dimensi yang meliputi ruang terbuka, sumber daya manusia, partisipasi olahraga dan kebugaran jasmani. jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 63 dalam pengukuran pembangunan olahraga di kota jambi yang pertama kali dilakukan pada tahun 2004 menunjukkan bahwa indeks pembangunan olahraga di kota jambi sebesar 0.325 dengan indeks ruang terbuka sebesar 0.374, indeks sdm sebesar 0.134, indeks partisipasi olahraga 0.311 dan indeks kebugaran jasmani sebesar 0.479. pembangunan olahraga di kota jambi mengalami penurunan. selain dibuktikan dengan penurunan prestasi yang diperoleh di pon, ditunjukkan juga dengan penurunan dari indeks pembangunan olahraga yang diukur melalui sport development index yaitu pada tahun 2005, kota jambi hanya memperoleh indeks pembangunan olahraga sebesar 0.288 itu artinya terjadi penurunan sebesar 0.037 dari pengukuran di tahun 2004. pengukuran indeks pembangunan olahraga di kota jambi pun kian merosot dengan didapatkan hasil sdi pada tahun 2006 di kota jambi yang hanya sebesar 0.281. pembangunan olahraga di indonesia khususnya di kota jambi dapat dilihat melalui 4 aspek yang terkandung dalam sport development index (sdi) yaitu (1) ruang terbuka, (2) sumber daya manusia, (3) partisipasi olahraga, dan (4) kebugaran olahraga. keempat aspek ini akan membantu menilai bagiamana pembangunan olahraga di kota jambi berjalan dan berproses dari tahun ke tahun. tinggi rendahnya indeks dari keempat dimensi sdi akan mempengaruhi pengukuran indeks pembangunan olahraga di daerah. metode jenis penelitian sesuai dengan substansi dan fokus penelitian ini, yaitu kajian tentang pembangunan olahraga, dimana hasil dari pembangunan olahraga diungkapkan melalui indeks yang sajian datanya berupa angka, maka jenis penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian kuantitatif. substansi sport development index sudah dituangkan dalam kebijakan pemerintah bidang keolahragaan, terutama terkait dengan standar pelayanan minimal keolahragaan sebagaimana tertuang dalam peraturan pemerintah ri nomor 16 tahun 2007 pasal 92, yang memberikan penjelasan operasional tentang persyaratan standar pelayanan minimal keolahragaan yang meliputi: ruang terbuka untuk berolahraga, tenaga keolahragaan atau sdm keolahragaan,partisipasi olahraga, dan tingkat kebugaran jasmani masyarakat. oleh karena itu untuk mengevaluasi kebijakan pemerintah terkait pembangunan olahraga maka penelitian ini juga termasuk penelitian evaluatif atau penelitian evaluasi. penelitian evaluasi menuntut persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi, yaitu adanya kriteria, tolak ukur, atau standar yang digunakan sebagai pembanding bagi data yang diperoleh, setelah data tersebut diolah dan merupakan kondisi nyata dari objek yang diteliti. kesenjangan antara kondisi nyata dengan kondisi harapan yang dinyatakan dalam kriteria itulah yang dicari. dari kesenjangan tersebut diperoleh gambaran apakah objek yang diteliti sudah sesuai, kurang sesuai, atau tidak sesuai dengan kriteria (suharsimi a, 2010: 36). populasi dan sampel teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan stratified random sampling dengan cluster sampling (putra s, 2014). stratifikasi diperlukan untuk menjawab kondisi daerah dan masyarakat yang ada di kota jambi yang sangat heterogen. cluster sampling digunakan untuk mewakili luas wilayah yang akan dijadikan sampling sehingga akan terwakili. karakter dasar dari populasi yang akan digunakan adalah 1) perbedaan tingkat kemajuan suatu wilayah yaitu: maju, sedang, tertinggal. 2) perbedaan gender laki-laki dan perempuan, 3) perbedaan usia anak umur 7-12 tahun, remaja usia 13-17 tahun dan dewasa usia 18-40 tahun. komponen cluster yang digunakan adalah kecamatan, desa/keluraan yaitu terdiri dari 11 kecamatan dan 58 kelurahan di kota jambi yang akan diambil 3 kecamatan,dan masingmasing kecamatan diambil 3 kelurahan dimana setiap kelurahan diambil 30 orang, dengan pembagian laki-laki dan perempuan sehingga dalam satu kecamatan jumlah sample terdapat 90 orang sehingga dari 3 kecamatan total seluruhnya yaitu 270 sampel. jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 64 teknik pengumpulan data data sdi menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder (toho dan ali, 2007: 62). data primer terdiri dari, data partisipasi, ruang terbuka, sdm, dan kebugaran. sedangkan data sekunder antara lain jumlah penduduk, luas wilayah, dan potensi keolahragaan. maka dari pernyataan diatas teknik atau cara yang dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah : 1. observasi, data yang akan dikumpulkan melalui observasi adalah data sekunder yaitu tentang luas wilayah, jumlah penduduk, dan potensi keolahragaan sebagai data kontrol, sedangkan data primer yaitu data tentang sumber daya manusia keolahragaan dan data tentang ruang terbuka. 2. kuesioner, data yang akan dikumpulkan melalui angket ini adalah data tentang partisipasi masyarakat dalam berolahraga. 3. tes, data yang akan dikumpulkan melalui tes adalah data tentang tingkat kebugaran jasmani masyarakat, tes yang digunakan adalah multi stage fitness (mft). 4. interview/wawancara, digunakan untuk menggali informasi dari para narasumber yang kredibel sebagai data penguat dari data yang diobservasi. sumber data dalam penilain ini diperoleh dari sumber atau informan yaitu dari pemerintah kota jambi yang terkait seperti dinas pendidikan kota jambi, dinas pemuda dan olahraga kota jambi, bps kota jambi, kantor kecamatan, koni kota jambi, dan sumber data lain yang dianggap memungkinkan. teknik analisis data 1. ruang terbuka ketika ingin menghitung indeks ruang terbuka, maka yang pertama dilakukan adalah menghitung rasio luas ruang terbuka olahraga dibagi dengan jumlah penduduk yang berusia 7 tahun keatas untuk mendapatkan niai katual. angka standar ruang terbuka adalah 3,5m2 per orang. artinya nilai maksimum luas ruang terbuka adalah 3,5m2 dan nilai minimum adalah 0m2. setelah semua angka didapatkan kemudian dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus : 2. sumber daya manusia setelah jumlah sdm keolahragaan didapat selanjutnya menghitung indeksnya. pertama mencari nilai aktual, yaitu nilai yang didapat dari hasil pembagian antara jumlah sdm keolahragaan dengan jumlah penduduk yang berusia diatas 7 tahun. nilai maksimum sdm keolahragaan yang telah ditentukan dalam sdi adalah 2,08 dan nilai minumnya adalah 0,00. setelah semua angka didapatkan kemudian dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus : 3. indeks partisipasi olahraga nilai aktual partisipasi diukur berdasarkan rasio antara peserta tes yang melakukan aktifitas olahraga minimal 3 kali dalam seminggu dengan jumlah sampel yang diambil pada suatu daerah. nilai maksimum partisipasi adalah 100 sesuai dengan yang ditetapkan dalam sdi, dan nilai 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑘𝑠 𝑅𝑢𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑇𝑒𝑟𝑏𝑢𝑘𝑎 = 𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝐴𝑘𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 − 𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 − 𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑘𝑠 𝑆𝐷𝑀 = 𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝐴𝑘𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 − 𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 − 𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 65 minimumnya adalah 0. setelah semua angka didapat kemudian dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus : 4. kebugaran jasmani untuk menghitung indeks kebugaran secara keseluruhan terlebih dahulu peneliti menghitung indeks kebugaran masing-masing klasifikasi usia. nilai aktual kebugaran didapatkan berdasarkan hasil tes mft, dengan nilai maksimum sesuai sdi yaitu 40,5 dan nilai minimum 20,1. setelah semua angka didapat selanjutnya indeks kebugaran dihitung menggunakan rumus : untuk menghitung indeks kebugaran jasmani di setiap kecamatan setelah mengetahui indeks kebugaran anak-anak, remaja dan dewasa di setiap kecamatan, maka digunakan rumus: 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑘𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑏𝑢𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑛 = ik anak − anak + (2 x ik remaja) + ik dewasa 4 hasil dan pembahasan a. ruang terbuka dirangkum dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan terkait dengan ruang terbuka olahraga di kota jambi didapatkan hasil: tabel 4.1. indeks ruang terbuka kota jambi kota jambi kec. telanaipura kec. kotabaru kec. alam barajo sdi ruang terbuka olahraga 0,495 0,470 0,128 0,364 hasil yang diperoleh dari 3 kecamatan yang telah diteliti yakni sebesar 0,364. indeks ruang terbuka di kota jambi ini masih termasuk dalam kategori rendah karena belum memenuhi standar ruang terbuka yang ditetapkan oleh komite olympiade yakni ruang terbuka di hampir setiap 3,5m2 per orang. b. sumber daya manusia dirangkum dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan terkait dengan sumber daya keolahragaan di kota jambi didapatkan hasil: tabel 4.2. indeks sumber daya manusia keolahragaan kota jambi kec. telanai kec. kotabaru kec. a. barajo sdi sdm 0,00076 0,00057 0,00040 0,00057 hasil yang diperoleh dari 3 kecamatan yang telah diteliti yakni sebesar 0,00057. indeks sumber daya manusia keolahragaan di kota jambi ini termasuk dalam kategori sangat rendah karena masih jauh dari indeks sumber daya manusia keolahragaan nasional sebesar 0,099. 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑘𝑠 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑖 = 𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝐴𝑘𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 − 𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 − 𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑘𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑏𝑢𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑛 = 𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝐴𝑘𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 − 𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 − 𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 66 c. partisipasi olahraga dirangkum dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan terkait dengan partisipasi olahraga di kota jambi didapatkan hasil: tabel 4. 3. indeks partisipasi olahraga di kota jambi kota jambi kec. telanai kec. kotabaru kec. a. barajo sdi partisipasi or 0,533 0,611 0,566 0,57 hasil yang diperoleh dari 3 kecamatan yang telah diteliti yakni sebesar 0,57. indeks partisipasi olahraga di kota jambi ini termasuk dalam kategori tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan indeks partisipasi olahraga nasional yang hanya sebesar 0,422. d. kebugaran jasmani dirangkum dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan terkait dengan kebugaran jasmani di kota jambi didapatkan hasil: tabel 4.4. indeks kebugaran jasmani di kota jambi kota jambi kec. telanai kec. kotabaru kec. alam barajo sdi kebugaran jasmani 0,308 0,29 0,424 0,340 hasil yang diperoleh dari 3 kecamatan yang telah diteliti yakni sebesar 0,340. indeks kebugaran jasmani di kota jambi ini termasuk dalam kategori sedikit lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan indeks kebugaran jasmani olahraga nasional yang hanya sebesar 0,335. tolak ukur kemajuan pembangunan olahraga di kota jambi dapat dilihat dari 4 indikator yaitu ketersediaan ruang terbuka olahraga, sdm keolahragaan yang memadai, tingginya partisispasi masyarakat untuk melakukan aktifitas olahraga, dan tingginya tingkat kebugaran jasmani masyarakatnya. dari keempat indikator inilah kemudian akan dihitung untuk mendapatkan nilai indeks pembangunan olahraga kota jambi. dari hasil nilai indeks yang didapatkan dari 3 kecamatan yang menjadi area sampel yaitu kecamatan telanaipura, kecamatan kotabaru dan kecamatan alam barajo, maka nilai indeks pembangunan olahraga kota jambi dapat dilihat dalam diagram berikut: jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 67 gambar 4.1. grafik 4 indikator sdi kota jambi gambar 4.2. grafik rata-rata indeks pembangunan olahraga (sdi) kota jambi diagram diatas menunjukkan perbandingan nilai indeks dari 3 kecamatan yang menjadi area sampling untuk menentukan nilai indeks pembangunan olahraga kota jambi. dari diagram ini kemudian hasil indeks akan dipaparkan dalam bentuk tabel sebagai berikut: tabel 4.5. sdi kota jambi kota jambi indeks ruang terbuka indeks sdm indeks partisipas i indeks kebugaran sdi kec. telanai 0,495 0,00076 0,533 0,308 0,334 kec. kotabaru 0,470 0,00057 0,611 0,29 0,342 kec. a. barajo 0,128 0,00040 0,566 0,424 0,279 0,364 0,00057 0,57 0,340 0,318 kec. telanaipura kec. alam barajo 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 0,495 0,00076 0,533 0,308 0,47 0,00057 0,611 0,29 0,128 0,0004 0,566 0,4240,364 0,00057 0,57 0,34 kec. telanaipura kec. kotabaru 0,364 0,00057 0,57 0,34 0,318 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 rg. terbuka sdm partisipasi keb. jasmani sdi indeks pembangunan olahraga kota jambi rata2 indeks kota jambi sdi kota jambi jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 68 dari tabel diatas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai indeks pembangunan olahraga kota jambi adalah 0,318. nilai indeks ini menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan olahraga di kota jambi masih berada pada kategori rendah sesuai dengan norma sdi yang telah ada. indeks ruang terbuka yang diperoleh hanya sebesar 0,364, jauh dari standar normal yang ditetapkan yakni terdapat ruang terbuka sebesar 3,5m untuk tiap orang. namun, perolehan indeks ruang terbuka kota jambi ini berada di atas perolehan indek ruang terbuka nasional yang hanya sebesar 0,266. untuk indeks sumber daya manusia olahraga, kota jambi memperoleh nilai sebesar 0,00057. pendapatan ini sangat jauh dari yang diharapkan, perolehan nasional adalah sebesar 0,099. hal ini menegaskan bahwa kota jambi masih sangat memerlukan sumber daya manusia olahraga yang akan terlibat untuk dapat mengembangkan dan memajukan potensi olahraga yang ada di kota jambi, diperlukan pula campur tangan keterlibatan dari pemerintah untuk dapat memberikan fasilitas yang diperlukan, dan membantu para pelaku olahraga untuk dapat mempertahankan eksistensi olahraga di kota jambi. indeks partisipasi olahraga yang diperoleh kota jambi adalah sebesar 0,57, nilai ini lebih besar dibandingkan dengan perolehan indeks partisipasi nasional yang hanya memperoleh 0,422. ini menandakan bahwa masyarakat kota jambi memiliki kesadaran untuk berolahraga yang baik, namun belum sepenuhnya di fasilitasi dengan baik oleh ketersediaan ruang terbuka yang dapat dimanfaatkan. sedangkan untuk perolehan indeks kebugaran jasmani, kota jambi memperoleh nilai 0,340 yang sedikit lebih tinggi dari perolehan indeks kebugaran jasmani yakni 0,335. perolehan indeks sdi kota jambi keseluruhan ditinjau dari ruang terbuka, sumber daya manusia, partisipasi olahraga dan kebugaran jasmani adalah sebesar 0,318. nilai yang didapat ini lebih besar dari pada nilai indeks sdi nasional tahun 2006 yang hanya sebesar 0,280, namun begitu jika dilihat dari norma sdi yang berlaku bahwa indeks sdi kota jambi masih berada dalam kategori rendah karena masih dalam rentang indeks 0-0,499. hal ini menegaskan bahwa pembangunan olahraga kota jambi masih jauh dari kata maju, banyak hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dan dibenahi oleh pemerintah untuk memajukan olahraga di kota jambi. dimensi yang perlu perhatian khusus adalah dimensi sumber daya manusia, karena dengan perolehan yang amat kecil tersebut menyebabkan tidak tercakupinya dengan baik kebutuhan tenaga keolahragaan di kota jambi untuk dapat membangun olahraga kearah lebih baik,baik dengan meningkatkan prestasi dan meningkatkan kualitas dimensi-dimensi yang merupakan indikator pembangunan olahraga. kesimpulan berdasarkan permasalahan dan tujuan yang dipaparkan dalam penelitian ini, kemudian dikaitkan dengan hasil temuan penelitian dan pembahasannya, maka secara garis besar dapat di buat beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1. indeks ruang terbuka kecamatan telanaipura merupakan indeks yang paling tinggi jika dibandingkan 2 kecamatan lainnya yakni sebesar 0,495. kecamatan kotabaru diurutan kedua dengan nilai indeks sebesar 0,470. sedangkan kecamatan alam barajo memiliki indeks ruang terbuka yang paling rendah yakni hanya sebesar 0,128. dari nilai indeks ketiga kecamatan ini maka didapatlah nilai indeks ruang terbuka kota jambi adalah 0,364. nilai indeks ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan nilai indeks ruang terbuka nasional yang hanya 0,266. artinya bahwa indeks ruang terbuka olahraga untuk masyarakat di kota jambi sudah cukup memadai ketersediaannya. 2. indeks sumber daya manusia keolahragaan kecamatan telanaipura adalah 0.00076 lebih tinggi dibandingkan 2 kecamatan lainnya walaupun nilai indeks 2 kecamatan lainnya tidak jauh berbeda. kecamatan kotabarudengan nilai 0,00057 dan kecamatan alam barajo sebesar 0,00040. dari nilai indeks sdm keolahragaan ketiga kecamatan inilah yang kemudian dihitung dan didapatlah nilai indeks sdm keolahragaan kota jambi adalah 0,00057. nilai indeks ini masih sangat jauh dibawah jpjo ® http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas page 69 indeks sdm nasional yaitu 0,099. artinya bahwa jumlah dan kualitas sdm keolahragaan di kota jambi masih belum memadai bahkan masih sangat kurang. 3. indeks partisipasi masyarakat kecamatan kotabaru adalah yang tertinggi dengan 0,611. kecamatan alam barajo berada dibawahnya dengan nilai indeks 0,566. sedangkan nilai indeks partisipasi yang paling rendah adalah kecamatan telanaipura yaitu 0,533 tidak jauh berbeda dengan indeks kecamatan alam barajo. dari ketiga hasil indeks partisipasi ini kemudian dijumlahkan dan didapatlah hasil indeks partisipasi masyarakat kota jambi yaitu 0,57. nilai indeks ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan nilai indeks partisipasi nasional yaitu 0,422. artinya nilai indeks partisipasi ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat partisispasi masyarakat kota jambi untuk beraktifitas olahraga cukup tinggi. 4. indeks kebugaran jasmani masyarakat kecamatan alam barajo adalah yang tertinggi dengan nilai indeks 0,424. kacamatan telanaipura berada dibawahnya dengan nilai indeks 0,308, sedangkan kecamatan kotabaru menjadi yang paling rendah dengan nilai indeks 0,29. hasil nilai indeks kebugaran dari 3 kecamatan ini kemudian dihitung untuk mendapatkan indeks kebugaran jasmani masyarakat kota jambi. dari hasil perhitungan itu maka didapatlah nilai indeks kebugaran jasmani kota jambi yaitu 0,340. nilai indeks ini termasuk tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan indeks kebugaran nasional yaitu 0,335. artinya bahwa tingkat kebugaran jasmani masyarakat kota jambi termasuk tinggi. 5. indeks pembangunan olahraga (sdi) kecamatan kotabaru lebih tinggi dibandingkan 2 kecamatan lainnya dengan nilai indeks 0,342. kecamatan telanaipura berada dibawahnya dengan nilai indeks 0,334, sedangkan kecamatan alam barajo memiliki nilai indeks pembangunan olahraga yang sangat rendah yaitu 0,279. hasil nilai indeks pembangunan olahraga dari 3 kecamatan ini kemudian dihitung dan didapatlah nilai indeks pembangunan olahraga (sdi) kota jambi yaitu 0,318. nilai indeks sdi kota jambi ini lebih tinggi dari nilai indeks sdi nasional tahun 2006 dengan nilai indeks 0,280. namun jika dilihat dari norma sdi untuk mengkategorikan indeks sdi, maka nilai indeks sdi kota jambi masih berada pada ketegori rendah karena indeksnya masih berada diantara nilai 0-0,499. artinya bahwa pembangunan olahraga kota jambi masih jauh dari kata maju, banyak hal yang perlu diperhatikan dan dibenahi oleh pemerintah kota untuk memajukan olahraga di kota jambi. dari keempat indikator indeks sdm adalah yang paling rendah hanya 0,00040, artinya bahwa ketersediaan sdm keolahragaan seperti guru/dosen olaharaga,wasit, pelatih dan instruktur olahraga masih sangat kurang jumlahnya di kota jambi. pemerintah kota harus bekerja sama dengan dispora, dinas pendidikan kota, dan koni dalam membuat kebijakan untuk meningkatkan indeks sdm keolahragaan kota jambi. agar jumlah dan kualitas sdm keolahragan kota jambi tidak 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science, faculty of sport, universitas sebelas maret, indonesia 2 department of medicine, faculty of medicine, universitas sebelas maret, indonesia article info article history : received april 2022 revised august 2022 accepted august 2022 available online september 2022 keywords : female athlete triad, injury risk, menstrual disorder, pencak silat abstract health information acquired from a health examination or screening is one of the requirements for participating in the pencak silat tournament. unfortunately, the most common health tests cover only vital signs and weight checks. those tests cannot accurately describe a person's health status, such as digestive and menstrual disorders, common among female athletes due to intensive physical training and the pressure to maintain body weight according to the tournament category. the female athlete triad (fat) is the name given to this condition. this is the first study to use the leaf questionnaire to assess the risk of fat in female indonesian pencak silat athletes. this is an observational study using a cross-sectional design. data were collected online from 207 participants using a purposive random sampling approach. according to the findings of this study, 53.6% (n = 111) of 207 respondents were at risk of fat. the risk variables were closely associated with the number of exercise hours per week (p = 0.012) and education level (p = 0.023). the high prevalence of fat and its high risk indicate the necessity for fat screening as a requirement for competing in the pencak silat tournament and prevention of early osteoporosis and uterine function abnormalities in female indonesian pencak silat athletes. furthermore, fat screening on female athletes in all sports is required to prevent the long-term clinical implications of fat.  correspondence address : jl. ir. sutami no.36, kota surakarta, jawa tengah 57126 e-mail : itsnarosyada19@gmail.com https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index 176 introduction energy deficiency is a condition in which the body lacks energy availability, which occurs when the amount of energy consumed (energy intake or ei) is less than the amount of energy required to exercise (exercise energy expenditure) (beals, 2013; brown et al., 2014; de souza et al., 2019). the american college of sports medicine (acsm) has stated since 1992 that this energy deficit is positively correlated with impaired menstrual function and decreased bone density, a condition known as the "female athlete triad" (fat) syndrome (de souza et al., 2014). fat is a health condition that affects three things: the amount of energy stored, menstrual function, and bone health, all of which occur in stages and are linked across the spectrum. energy deficiency, whether caused by eating disorders or not, can lead to irregular menstrual cycles (amenorrhea) and decreased bone density/osteoporosis in the long run (de souza et al., 2014; joy & nattiv, 2017; nazem & ackerman, 2012; williams et al., 2019). fat is found in sports based on physical endurance (such as marathon running), weight classification (such as boxing, taekwondo, pencak silat, etc.), and aesthetic sports (such as figure skating, artistic gymnastics, etc.) (daily & stumbo, 2018). the presentation of one or more of the three fat spectrums has clinical implications and impacts the athlete's performance (beals, 2013; blauwet et al., 2017; de souza et al., 2014; gibbs et al., 2013). also, fat has been linked to an increased risk of bone stress injury (barrack et al., 2014), infertility (boutari et al., 2020), a pulsatile decrease in the hormones gnrh and lh (gordon et al., 2017; loucks & thuma, 2003), menstrual dysfunction, metabolic disorders, blood disorders, psychological disorders, cardiovascular disorders, and an increased risk of stress urinary incontinence when compared to athletes with adequate energy stores (ackerman et al., 2019; carvalhais et al., 2019). identifying fat disorders is difficult because the initial symptoms are not physically visible and difficult to diagnose, particularly the energy deficit assessment, which cannot be measured solely based on body weight or bmi (bmi) (statuta et al., 2020). the major procedures for establishing this diagnosis of fat are laboratory-based examinations, such as the use of dual x-ray absorptiometry (dxa) to determine bone density and other uterine/menstrual function tests. however, early fat assessment is critical as a preventive measure for the clinical consequences of energy deficits and a supporting tool for decision-making in subsequent examinations. the low energy availability in femalesquestionnaire (leaf-q) by melin et al. is a widely used fat screening questionnaire that has been validated with a specification of 90 per cent and a sensitivity of 78 per cent (melin et al., 2014). however, there is still debate about the ability of leaf-q to identify fat thoroughly. due to a lack of specifications in calculating the amount of energy availability, appaneal (appaneal et al., 2021) stated that leaf-q can only represent bone disorders and the menstrual cycle, but sarah (staal et al., 2018) demonstrated a harmony between low predicted (prmr) and measured resting metabolic rate (rmr) ratios (mrmr) with a high potential fat score >8, indicating leaf-q is capable of representing energy deficit among these distinctions, warrick (warrick et al., 2020) identified four types of screening, namely leaf-q, triad consensus panel screening questionnaire, ppe and phe ioc. all those types of screening are feasible to use according to their needs, with leaf-q and triad consensus panel screening being more efficient for short screening. in contrast, ppe and phe ioc are used for comprehensive annual screening. although more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of the fat identification questionnaire, it is critical to conduct early detection of fat, one of which is by using the leaf-q questionnaire (łuszczki et al., 2021a). research on fat screening or energy deficiency using the leaf questionnaire has been widely studied in various countries (black et al., n.d.; drew et al., 2017a; folscher et al., 2015; łuszczki et al., 2021b; sharps et al., 2021; witkoś et al., 2022), but fat research is still relatively limited in indonesia (dieny et al., 2021; gita ayu rosalinda ratu saputri & fillah fithra dieny, 2012; nugroho & purwanto, 2020). in addition, no one has ever conducted a large-scale fat screening study on indonesian female athletes using the leaf questionnaire. this lack of literacy about fat increases the danger of fat occurring among female athletes in many sports (including pencak silat) in indonesia, which is yet unknown, even though indonesia has many female athletes and winners. also, in much of the previous research, fat copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 itsna rosyada et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 177 screening was done manually, but it was done digitally in this study. therefore the screening process could be more effective and reach many female pencak silat athletes from around indonesia. thus, this study aimed to find a previously unknown elevated risk of fat in female indonesian pencak silat athletes and examine the association and odds ratio of the risk variables. as a result, the long-term clinical effects of fat can be avoided and increased female athletes' knowledge of fat. methods this research is a non-experimental/ observational research using a cross-sectional design survey method. the survey was conducted online by distributing the leaf questionnaire to female pencak silat athletes in indonesia via various social media platforms and organizational collaborations. the use of the cross-sectional approach is based on the effectiveness of studies on female athletes, pencak silat, which are widespread in all areas of indonesia in large numbers at the same period. the ethics commission of the faculty of medicine, universitas sebelas maret, issued this study ethics authorization under the number 109/ un27.06.6.1/kep/ec/2021. participants participants in this study complied with the inclusion criteria of female pencak silat athletes from the provincial and national levels in indonesia, aged 1218 years old and not presently pregnant. these participant requirements were chosen because pencak silat is an original indonesian sport with female athletes extensively spread throughout indonesia. it employs a weight classification system as a competition regulation, making it extremely likely to meet energy deficit or fat. because peak bone density occurs at maturity, screening in adolescence is necessary as a preventive measure against early osteoporosis. two hundred seven respondents met these criteria. purposive random sampling was used in this study. the minimum sample size is calculated using the lemeshow formula for an unknown population with a 95% confidence level and a 10% sampling error. according to the calculations, the minimal sample size is 96 respondents. however, according to the distribution of the questionnaire link in this study, 210 respondents filled out the questionnaire, with 207 meeting the inclusion requirements and three being disqualified due to age. as a result, this survey's total number of respondents was 207. instrument the low energy availability in female athletes questionnaire (leaf-q) developed by melin (melin et al., 2014) produced 78% sensitivity and 90% specificity to detect fat used in this research. the systematic assessment utilized is the injury risk category: 0-1 low risk and > 2 high risk; 0-3 low risk and > 4 high risks for menstrual disorders and the use of oral contraceptives; and the overall score category is 8 low-risk fat> 8 high-risk fat. the total number of question points is 25. test the validity of the leaf-q questionnaire using the pearson product moment and the reliability test with the chronbach alpha formula at a significance level of 0.05. the validity test findings at each point revealed p 0.05, indicating that the questionnaire was valid. the reliability test results showed an r > 0.60, indicating that this questionnaire was reliable. procedure tdata collection was carried out using a questionnaire from december 2021 to the end of january 2022. the researcher collaborates with the pencak silat organization's administrators to disseminate information about hiring participants. female athletes who met the inclusion criteria were directed to a google form link provided by the researcher to complete an informed consent form. following the completion and submission of the informed consent form to the researcher, participants were directed to access the link www.itstriaddetector.com, a web-based application containing the indonesian leaf questionnaire and educational tools about fat. similar to the english leaf questionnaire by melin et al. (2014), this digital indonesian leaf questionnaire consists of questions about injury history, gastrointestinal function, oral contraceptives, and menstrual function. the screening scoring system is also the same as the original questionnaire, i.e., scores >2 for high-risk fat in the history of injury category, >2 for high-risk fat in the gastrointestinal function category, and >4 for oral contraceptive use and menstrual function. the results of the high-risk fat screening were obtained if the respondent scored >8 on the entire series copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 itsna rosyada et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 178 of questions on the leaf questionnaire. the findings of this fat screening will be presented immediately on the respondent's device's screen and saved in the screening history feature, allowing each respondent to observe the progress of each screening performed. in addition, the findings of each screening will be delivered automatically to each respondent's e-mail and the researcher's e-mail, in addition to being shown on the device screen and saved in the screening history feature. data analysis the collected data were analyzed qualitatively using spss version 22 using a univariate test (frequency distribution) to determine the proportion of data and a bivariate test (chi-square test) to determine the strength of risk factor relationships. of the respondents in this study were 207, they were included in the study with a large sample. therefore, to improve the data presentation, the frequency distribution must be calculated so that the data findings can be more readily understood and studied. furthermore, the chi-square test was utilized to assess the variables connected to the screening findings (high/low risk of fat with related factors). result partisipant characteristic of the 207 participants, 53.6% (n = 111) were provincial athletes and 46.4% (n = 96) were national athletes, with an academic background ranging from junior high 17.4% (n = 36), senior high 29% (n = 60), and student college 53.6% (n = 111). the average height and weight of the participants were 155 cm and 51 kg, respectively. fat risk value based on leaf-q according to the questionnaire results, 92.3% (n = 191) of respondents were at risk of fat in the injury category, with the most common cases being muscles, tendons, and ligaments (n = 178; 93.2%); 49.3% (n = 102) of respondents were at risk of fat in the gastrointestinal category with a type of symptoms that does not occur concurrently, and 19.8% (n = 41) were at risk of fat in the menstrual function category. according to these findings, physical injury is the most common condition female indonesian pencak silat athletes suffer, followed by gastrointestinal illnesses and irregular menstrual cycles (table 2). however, 15% of respondents (n = 31) reported having a history of menstrual irregularities (primary amenorrhea), and 2.9% (n = 6) had not had menstruation for three months in a row (secondary amenorrhea), indicating clinically significant fat. therefore, the percentage of the total risk of fat in female indonesian pencak silat athletes was 53.6% (n = 111) based on the aggregate value of injury history and gastrointestinal and menstrual function. risk factor of fat the chi-square test was performed to establish the correlation between risk variables and fat risk scores using spss version 22. the characteristics investigated were the level of competition, education level, age, body mass index (bmi), and exercise hours a week. hours of exercise (p 0.012) and background education (p 0.023) were the only two risk variables that exhibited a significant correlation (p 0.05) with the risk of fat. increased weekly training hours and education level were substantially related to an increased risk of fat. copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 1. partisipant characteristics characteristics n=207 mean + sd height (cm) weight (kg) bmi by age 155.39 + 5.8 51.13 + 7.4 64.44 + 19.8 n (%) age (years) 12-13 14-15 16-17 18 5 (2.4%) 63 (30.5%) 82(39.6%) 57 (27.5%) bmi (kg/m 2 ) underwight (<18,4) normal (18,5-24,9) overwight (25-29.9) 74 (35.7%) 132 (63.8 %) 1 (0.5%) match level provincial national 111 (53.6%) 96 (46.4%) education junior high school senior high school college 36 (17.4%) 60 (29.0%) 111 (53.6%) itsna rosyada et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 179 discussion history of injury regarding injury history, just 7.7% (n = 16) of the total 207 respondents had never been injured during training or competition. apart from the hours of practice, this is due to the unique qualities of martial arts tournaments, such as pencak silat, which require much physical contact between players. as a result, soft tissue injuries, such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments, are the most common types of injuries (table 2). meanwhile, bone injury, one of the three fat spectrums, had the lowest incidence percentage of 6.3% (n = 13). however, this high injury rate is undoubtedly deleterious to athletes in various ways, from health to financial, due to the higher potential of early retirement due to physical injury (baihaqi et al., 2021; syafei et al., 2020). similar research has found that the prevalence of moderate and severe injuries in martial arts is higher than in non-martial arts, with a higher proportion of female athletes injured than males (abdullah et al., 2020), and that soft tissue injuries are more common copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 table 2. result of leaf-q risk of fat percentage n (%) history of injury high risk (score >2) low risk (score 0-1) gasto-intestinal function high risk (score >2) low risk (score 0-1) menstrual function high risk (score >4) low risk (score <3) total score high risk (score >8) low risk (score <7) 191 (92.3 %) 16 (7.7%) 102 (49.3%) 105 (50.7%) 41 (19.8%) 166 (80.2%) 111 (53.6%) 96 (46.4%) details of fat risk percentage n (%) injury not at all once or twice 3 or 4 times 5 times or more kind of injuries muscle, tendon and ligament bone 16 (7.7%) 144 (69.6%) 40 (19.3%) 7 (3.4%) 178 (93.2 %) 13 (6.8 %) feeling gaseous rarely/never 1 or twice a week >3 times a week stomach ache rarely/never 1 or twice a week >3 times a week bowel (average) once a day several times a day every second day 2 times a week normal stool normal/soft diarrhoea-like hard and dry 189 (91.3 %) 14 (6.8%) 4 (1.9%) 165 (79.7%) 39 (18.8%) 3 (1.45) 133 (64.3%) 21 (10.1%) 41 (19.8%) 12 (5.8%) 112 (54.1%) 39 (18.8%) 56 (27.1%) contraseptive use ever/currentlu using never age of first mens <11-14 years >15 years don’t remember never menstruated stop mens >3 months never ever currently mens. changes due to increasing physical exc. yes no changes of mens bleed more bleed less stop mens 0 (0%) 207 (100%) 174 (84%) 31 (15.0%) 2 (1.0%) 0 (0%) 172 (83.1%) 29 (14.0%) 6 (2.9%) 118 (57.0%) 89 (43.0%) 15 (7.2%) 61 (29.5%) 42 (20.3%) table 3. risk factor of fat risk factor risk of fat n p. (+) (-) match level nasional provinsi 47 64 49 47 96 111 0.21 educational background junior high school senior high school student collage 26 26 59 10 34 52 36 60 111 0.02 age (years) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3 19 17 12 27 33 2 6 21 15 29 23 5 25 38 27 56 56 0.12 bmi underweight ideal overweight 41 70 0 33 62 1 74 132 1 0.53 hours of exercise a week <6 hours a week >7 hours a week 30 81 42 54 72 135 0.01 total 111 96 207 itsna rosyada et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 180 than bone injuries (keay et al., 2020a, 2020b). the physiological and structural variations between men and women are assumed to alter the physical capacity to adapt to mechanical loads (drew et al., 2017b; m. l. mountjoy, 2015), and there is no injury evaluation performed at least four weeks after the exercise dose is raised (drew & finch, 2016). aerobic capacity (vo2 max), blood volume, bone density, and muscle strength are more dominant in males, but body fat percentage and joint flexibility are more dominant in females. because muscle fibres are smaller in females than males, their muscle mass accounts for 25–40% of total body weight (m. l. mountjoy, 2015). in addition, the fluctuating levels of the hormone estrogen in women's menstrual cycles are also thought to significantly impact soft tissue strength, muscular function, and proprioception (shahraki et al., 2020). so, to predict the increase in injuries in female athletes, an examination of the incidence of injury after increasing the training dose is required because match preparation determines the athlete's chances of success when confronting a match (raysmith & drew, 2016). gastointestinal disorders the final result of the fat assessment's gastrointestinal category revealed that half of the total respondents (49.3%, n=102) were at high risk of fat. although not all gastrointestinal illnesses occur simultaneously, the presence of several conditions might be interpreted as a high risk of fat. the leaf questionnaire analyzed gastrointestinal issues such as the frequency of abdominal pain, flatulence, the frequency of bowel movements that were either too infrequent or too frequent, and the shape of the stool was not normal. in this survey, 21 respondents (10.1%) reported defecating many times per day, 41 respondents (19.8%) reported defecating every two days, and 12 respondents (5.8%) reported defecating twice a week. athletes' gastrointestinal issues are caused by various factors, including daily fibre intake, food consumed, stress levels, and changes in vagal tone caused by increased physical activity (van houten et al., 2015a). as long as the body is in a state of exertion, parasympathetic activation mechanisms will reduce gastrointestinal performance to near nil. high-intensity physical activity or a fast increase in activity without appropriate rest can reduce vagal activity at rest and interfere with proper intestinal permeability. as a result, athletes who have an imbalance in their eating, resting, and physical activity are more likely to have signs of these gastrointestinal illnesses, such as irregular bowel movements, soft or hard stools, and frequent feelings of bloating or stomach pain (diduch, 2017; van houten et al., 2015b). menstrual disorders the menstrual assessment results show that 0% of respondents have never had menstruation, 174 respondents had menstruation in the typical age range (11–13 years), and all respondents do not utilize contraception to stimulate their first period (table 2). suppose the respondent is a pre-adolescent athlete under 11. in that case, several interpretations are conceivable because the leaf questionnaire assigns a score of 8 to female athletes who state that they have not had menstruation. so, in this context, the efficacy of employing leaf-q on pre-adolescent athletes or girls needs to be investigated further. as many as 15% (n = 31) of respondents had their first menstruation when they were over 15 (primary amenorrhea). however, they did not utilize contraception to cause their first menstruation. this is in stark contrast to most female athletes outside of indonesia, who frequently use contraception to regulate the menstrual cycle (larsen et al., 2020a; schaumberg et al., 2013; statham, 2020). regarding menstruation frequency in the previous year, 39 respondents (18.8%) reported having their last menstrual period 2-3 months ago, while nine respondents (4.3%) reported having their last menstrual period 1-2 months ago. of the 39 respondents who had menstruation 2-3 months ago, six were experiencing menstrual cessation for more than three consecutive months (secondary amenorrhea), 29 had previously experienced cessation of menstruation for more than three months, and the rest had never stopped menstruating for more than three months. three months in a row. the regularity of menstruation is something that coaches rarely consider with their athletes, especially if the coach is male (pantano, 2017). this is due to apprehension about asking more questions about topics that are considered taboo to talk about with the opposite sex (such as menstruation), as well as the assumption that the absence of a menstrual cycle throughout the match preparation phase is a natural and normal occurrence (larsen et al., 2020b). furthermore, many coaches are copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 itsna rosyada et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 181 unaware that menstrual cycle irregularities, whether caused by excessive physical activity or eating disorders, might impact an athlete's bone health (pantano, 2017). excessive physical activity reduces the frequency of menstruation for a year and affects the quality of menstrual bleeding in a single cycle. when the degree of the exercise was increased, 118 respondents (57%) reported a change in the quality of menstrual bleeding, with 42 respondents (20.3%) stopping menstruation and 61 respondents (29.5%) experiencing less bleeding. furthermore, 19.8% of high-risk fat respondents (n=41) and 80.2% of low-risk (n=166) were identified from the entire fat screening questions for oral contraceptive use and menstrual function. as a result, 53.6% of indonesian pencak silat female athletes have a high risk of fat (n = 111), and 46.4% have a low risk of fat (n = 96). weekday training hours and educational background as a dominant risk factor the duration of training hours per week and level of education were the risk factors that exhibited a strong link with the results of the fat screening score in this study, but age, level of competition, and bmi did not. bmi is not a definite marker of energy deficit in identifying fat. however, adolescents with a bmi of 17.5 kg or 85% of expected body weight or weight loss of 10% of initial body weight can be an early indication of an energy deficit (melin et al., 2014; m. mountjoy et al., 2018; tenforde et al., 2017). a study of a young non-athlete population (55 years old) found no association between body weight and bone density levels, which is assumed to be attributable to a lack of enough estrogen (cherukuri et al., 2021). this is why it is difficult for coaches and health teams to screen athletes with an energy deficit/fat in plain sight, especially if they have an average body appearance and good competition performance. this is why it is difficult for coaches and health teams to screen athletes with an energy deficit/fat in plain sight, especially if they have a normal body appearance and good competition performance. tosi et al. (tosi et al., 2019) discovered that young adult athletes (18–25 years) are more at risk of fat than teenage athletes (12–18 years) when it comes to the age factor for the risk of energy shortage and fat. according to him, more young adult athletes are away from parental care (due to education or other reasons). therefore their eating habits are less than optimal compared to adolescent athletes who receive adequate parental attention. the age component did not demonstrate a substantial link with the fat risk value (p. 0.129) in this study because the majority of the respondents were in their teens (table 1), but the level of education did (p 0.028). aside from age and bmi, another characteristic that did not show to be associated with the incidence of fat was the level of the match (p. 0.211). this might be attributed to a lack of understanding of daily energy requirements, which each individual should be aware of (headrick et al., 2013). athletes at provincial and national levels frequently do not understand the quantity of calorie intake and energy expenditure required by their bodies. this understanding of the importance of daily energy intake and expenditure will make it easier for coaches and the health staff to maintain a consistent energy supply for each athlete and raise awareness of energy insufficiency before and after the match. finally, the number of hours of physical exercise per week was significantly linked with an elevated risk of fat (p. 0.012). giving exercise doses that are not by the athlete's initial physical capacity, managing the athlete's inability to gradually increase exercise doses, the athlete's lack of knowledge about the amount of calorie intake and exercise energy expenditure, and a lack of attention to diet patterns to regulate body weight are all fundamental things that are not well applied. suppose the understanding of fat among athletes and coaches at the provincial or national level has increased. in that case, the assessment of the relationship between these factors and the results of the fat risk score may alter. even though it is only confined to screening that distinguishes high-risk athletes from those with low fat, the leaf-q questionnaire was consistent with manual energy calculations using the answers from the leaf-q questionnaire screening (jurov et al., 2020). conclusion according to the findings of this study, the risk of fat in female indonesian pencak silat athletes is 53.6%, with weekly activity hours being the most important risk factor (p. 0.012). this study's findings are not a major clinical diagnosis but rather an early detection for mapping female athletes at high or low risk of fat. continuous monitoring is still required to have a copyright © 2022, authors, e-issn : 2580-071x , p-issn : 2085-6180 itsna rosyada et al./ jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 7 (2) (2022) 182 clear image of the fat status of indonesian pencak silat female athletes, and fat screening must be done routinely. conflict of interest the authors declared no conflict of interest. references abdullah, a., cahyo, s. d., & kinanti, r. g. 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1) terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari model problem-based learning terhadap berpikir kreatif pada siswi yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual tinggi, 2) terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari model problembased learning terhadap berpikir kreatif pada siswi yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual rendah, 3) terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari model discovery learning terhadap berpikir kreatif pada siswa yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual tinggi, 4) terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari model discovery terhadap berpikir kreatif pada siswi yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual rendah, 5) terdapat interaksi yang signifikan dari model problembased learning dan discovery learning serta kecerdasan intelektual terhadap peningkatan berpikir kreatif. abstract this study aims to determine the effect of learning-based learning model and learning and intellectual intelligence to creative thinking. this research includes experimental study using factorial design 2 x 2. samples are all girls grade 8 smp santa ursula bandung 2017/2018 academic year as many as 60 people. the findings of this research include; 1) there is a significant influence of problem-based learning model on creative thinking to students who have high intellectual intelligence, 2) there is a significant influence of problem-based learning model on creative thinking to students who have low intellectual intelligence, 3) there is influence which is significant from the discovery learning model of creative thinking in students with high intellectual intelligence, 4) there is a significant influence of the discovery model on creative thinking to students with low intellectual intelligence, 5) there is significant interaction of problem-based learning model and discovery learning as well as intellectual intelligence towards the improvement of creative thinking. * alamat korespondensi : jl. dr. setiabudhi 229,bandung, indonesia e-mail : marialadjar1990@gmail.com issn 2580-071x (online) issn 2085-6180 (print) doi: 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.9837 © 2018 universitas pendidikan indonesia 23 pendahuluan menurut kementerian pendidikan dan kebudayaan (2013, hal.6) “terdapat tiga aspek utama kecakapan hidup abad 21 antara lain: learning and innovation skills (kecapakan pembelajaran dan inovasi), life and career skills (kecakapan kehidupan dan kkarir), dan digital literacy (kecakapan informasi, media dan teknologi)”. dimana indikator dari learning dan innovation skills yaitu; berpikir kritis, berpikir kreatif, komunikasi dan kolaborasi. berpikir kreatif adalah dasar untuk bisa mencapai tahap berpikir kritis. dengan berpikir kreatif , seseorang akan mampu untuk menemukan ide, gagasan dan menciptakan peluang dan terobosan-terobosan baru. selanjutnya ide, gagasan tersebut dapat dikomunikasikan dan dikolaborasikan. maka dengan memiliki berpikir kreatif, seseorang diharapkan dapat bersaing di abad 21. pendidikan di sekolah memiliki peran untuk menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif dari usia dini dan remaja. guru menjadi fasilitator dalam mewujudkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif. tak terlepas guru pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan, mereka pun memiliki peranan dan sumbangsih untuk menanamkan, menumbuhkan serta mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif peserta didik. kendala yang dihadapi khususnya oleh guru adalah pola pikir dan cara mengajar yang masih berpusat pada guru, bukan pada murid, sehingga menutup ruang bagi murid untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kreatifnya. sebagian besar model pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh guru mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan masih menggunakan model pembelajaran langsung. dimana guru melakukan transfer ilmu pengetahuan langsung kepada murid. mindset guru bahwa dengan memberikan demonstrasi langsung pada murid, materi pembelajaran akan tersalurkan dengan efektif dan murid akan lebih cepat memahami materi tersebut. kendala yang dihadapi oleh peseta didik diantaranya, dominasi dari guru sehingga murid menjadi pasif, kurang berpatisipasi dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. menurunnya interaksi antara guru dan murid. kegiatan pembelajaran pun menjadi tidak kondusif dan efektif. murid cenderung tidak kritis dan tidak kreatif dalam menyelesaikan suatu masalah. solusi untuk kendala-kendala tersebut, salah satunya dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran yang dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif. model pembelajaran tersebut mengakomodir karakteristik dari berpikir kreatif, diantaranya karakteristik yang berasal dari pemikiran. berpikir kreatif memiliki delapan elemen penting, empat kognitif dan empat afektif, yaitu berpikir lancar, fleksibilitas, orisinalitas, elaborasi, rasa ingin tahu, kompleksitas, pengambilan risiko, imajinasi (guilford dalam bacanli, h 2011). selanjutnya pemikiran guilford dapat disederhanakan menjadi empat elemen kognitif sebagai berikut yaitu berpikir lancar (menciptakan solusi sebanyak mungkin) ;fleksibilitas maria andriani barek ladjar dkk. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.9837 24 (berpikir luwes); orisinalitas (menciptakan solusi yang berbeda dari orang lain; elaborasi (merinci). sedangkan bentuk berpikir yang mendukung berpikir kreatif menurut lipman (dalam hasan bacanli dkk. 2011, hlm. 542), adalah amplikatif, menantang, ideatif. berdasarkan karakteristik berpikir kreatif guildford dan lipman dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran yang dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif harus memiliki karateristik sebagai berikut; didasarkan pada pengetahuan dan informasi (fleksibilitas dan efisiensi) yang digabungkan dan ditata ulang (elaborasi), sehingga menghasilkan ide-ide baru (orisinalitas) yang dievaluasi untuk menghasilkan pemikiran yang kreatif. model pembelajaran yang cocok dan sesuai untuk menumbuhkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif murid adalah model pembelajaran yang menggunakan pendekatan saintifik, diantaranya adalah problem-based learning dan discovery learning. maka, perlu diketahui karakteristik dari problem-based learning dan discovery learning. “problembased learning is an instructional (and curricular) learner-centered approach that empowers learners to conduct research, integrate theory and practice, and apply knowledge and skills to develop a viable solution to a defined problem” (savery, j. r., 2006, hlm. 12). “karakteristik dari problembased learning adalah pendekatan pembelajaran (dan kurikulum) berpusat pada siswa yang memperkuat siswa melakukan penelitian, mengintegrasikan teori dan praktek, dan menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk mengembangkan solusi yang masuk akal dalam mengartikan masalah”. duch, dkk (dalam savery, j.r., 2006, hlm. 16) “described the methods used in pbl and the specific skills developed, including the ability to think critically, analyze and solve complex, real-world problems,…”. “menjelaskan metode yang digunakan pada problem-based learning dan pengembangan keterampilan khusus, meliputi kemampuan untuk berpikir secara kritis, menganalisis dan memecahkan masalah yang rumit, masalah di dunia nyata”. dalam kurikulum problem-based learning, seperti yang disarankan perrenet, bouhuijs, dan smits, (dalam jonassen, d. h., & hung, w., 2008, hlm. 7) “learners solve problems, self-direct their learning by collaboratively assuming responsibility for generating learning issues …”. “peserta didik memecahkan masalah, mereka belajar langsung secara mandiri bertanggung jawab untuk menghasilkan isu-isu pembelajaran”. karakteristik problem-based learning berdasarkan pendapat para ahli diatas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa karakteristik problem -based learning adalah model pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa, dimana siswa belajar langsung secara mandiri, mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis, dan menganalisis serta menghasilkan solusi yang masuk akal untuk kehidupan nyata. sehingga sudah sesuai dengan karakteristik berpikir kreatif, yaitu fleksibilitas, orisinalitas, berpikir lancar dan elaborasi. maria andriani barek ladjar dkk. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.9837 25 selain karakteristik problem-based learning, perlu diketahui pula karakteristik discovery learning. berikut karakteristik discovery learning menurut beberapa ahli. vereijken & whiting (dalam raab, m., masters, r. s. w., & maxwell, j., 2011, hlm. 414) mengemukakan bahwa “discovery learning refers to the process of making repeated attempts to perform a specific movement skill often based on a “working hypothesis” and making modifications based on outcome feedback”. “discovery learning mengacu pada proses mengusahakan kembali untuk melakukan keterampilan gerakan tertentu yang sering didasarkan pada "hipotesis kerja" dan melakukan modifikasi berdasarkan hasil umpan balik”. alfieri, l., brooks, p., aldrich, n. j., & tenenbaum, h. r. (2011, hlm. 2) mengemukakan bahwa “… discovery learning occurs whenever the learner is not provided with the target information or conceptual understanding and must find it independently and with only the provided materials”. “… discovery learning terjadi ketika peserta didik tidak diberikan target informasi atau pemahaman konseptual dan harus menemukannya secara independen dan hanya dengan materi yang disediakan”. williams, ward, knowles, & smeeton, (dalam raab, m., masters, r. s. w., & maxwell, j., 2011, hlm. 414) mengemukakan bahwa “… the concept of discovery learning is influenced by the specific details of the learning protocol, which in previous studies contained an explicit instruction to actively “discover” the underlying principles of the situation or task”.“… konsep discovery learning dipengaruhi oleh rincian spesifik dari protokol pembelajaran, yang dalam penelitian sebelumnya berisi instruksi eksplisit untuk secara aktif "menemukan" prinsip-prinsip dasar situasi atau tugas. berdasarkan pendapat di atas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa karakteristik discovery learning adalah peserta didik secara independen (aktif) mencari informasi dan pemahaman konseptual, dan menemukan prinsip-prinsip dasar dari materi yang diberikan berdasarkan hipotesis dan modifikasi hasil umpan balik. model problem-based learning dan discovery learning memiliki karakteristik yang sesuai dan cocok untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif peserta didik sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai solusi dalam mengganti/mengubah mindset guru. peneliti juga ingin mengetahui bagaimana hasil yang didapat peserta didik dengan kecerdasan intelektual tinggi jika diberikan model problembased learning dan discovery learning untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif, begitupun sebaliknya pada peserta didik yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual rendah. model problem-based learning apakah efektif meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif jika diberikan untuk kedua kelompok peserta didik, baik dengan kecerdasan intelektual tinggi maupun rendah, atau lebih efektif diberikan pada kelompok dengan kecerdasan intelektual yang tinggi saja, atau rendah saja, demikian juga dengan model discovery learning. oleh maria andriani barek ladjar dkk. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.9837 26 karena itu, peneliti hendak melakukan penelitian mengenai “pengaruh model problem -based learning dan discovery learning serta kecerdasan intelektual terhadap berpikir kreatif”. metode jenis penelitian penelitian yang dilakukan termasuk pada kategori studi eksperimental menggunakan desain faktorial 2 x 2. populasi populasi penelitian ini adalah semua siswi putri kelas viii smp santa ursula bandung tahun ajaran 2017/2018 yang terdiri dari 4 kelas dengan jumlah 60 siswi. teknik pengumpulan data 1. instrumen tes kecerdasan intelektual peneliti dalam mengukur kecerdasan intelektual tidak melakukan tes kecerdasan intelektual secara langsung, tetapi mengambil hasil psikotest yang sudah didapatkan oleh siswa kelas viii. hasil psikotes ini meminta bantuan dari guru bimbingan konseling dengan ijin dari kepala smp santa ursula bandung. 2. instrumen tes berpikir kreatif torrance test of creative thinking (ttct) lima indikator yang digunakan untuk mengukur berpikir kreatif siswa kelas viii, yaitu: a) fluency (berpikir lancar) adalah kemampuan menghasilkan sejumlah besar ide/ gagasan. b) elaboration (elaborasi) mencerminkan kemampuan peserta untuk menerapkan rincian untuk memperluas gagasan. c) originality (berpikir luwes) mewakili kemampuan untuk menghasilkan gagasan yang tidak biasa, tidak terduga, namun relevan sebagaimana ditentukan oleh frekuensi statistik. d) closure (kesimpulan) berdasarkan pada kesimpulan bahwa perilaku kreatif mengharuskan seseorang untuk tetap berpikiran terbuka saat memproses informasi. e) abstractness of titles (keabstrakkan judul) berdasarkan pada gagasan bahwa kreativitas memerlukan berpikir abstrak. analisa data statistik uji yang digunakan: paired sample t-test. syarat yang harus dipenuhi oleh statistik uji: distribusi data normal dan bervariasi homogen. uji normalitas menggunakan kolmogorov smirnov sedangkan uji homogenitas menggunakan levene-statistic. jika data normal maka bisa dilanjutkan untuk uji homogenitas, tetapi jika data tidak normal maka tidak dapat dilanjutkan ke tahap selanjutnya, harus dijadikan normal terlebih dahulu. setelah data normal dan dilakukan uji homogenitas, didapat hasil bahwa data homogen maka bisa digunakan tes statistik maria andriani barek ladjar dkk. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.9837 27 parametrik menggunakan paired sample t-test. jika data tidak homogen, maka digunakan tes statistik non-parametric menggunakan tworelated samples test. hasil dan pembahasan a. pengaruh model problem-based learning terhadap berpikir kreatif pada siswi yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual tinggi berdasarkan hasil pengolahan statistik dan analisis data torrance test of creative thinking (ttct) didapatkan nilai sig. (2tailed) sebesar 0,000 < 0,025 maka ho ditolak sehingga h1 diterima, dengan kata lain terdapat pengaruh model problem-based learning terhadap berpikir kreatif pada siswi yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual tinggi di smp santa ursula bandung secara signifikan. tabel 4.6 hasil uji pengaruh model problem-based learning terhadap berpikir kreatif pada siswi yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual tinggi berdasarkan torrance test of creative thinking (ttct) siswi iq tinggi dapat menghasilkan sejumlah besar ide/gagasan (fluency/berpikir lancar), menerapkan rincian untuk memperluas gagasan (elaboration), siswi iq tinggi mampu untuk menghasilkan gagasan yang tidak biasa, tidak terduga (originality/ berpikir luwes) mampu berpikiran terbuka saat memproses informasi (closure-), serta mampu berpikir abstrak (abstractness of titles). model problem-based learning memberikan siswi kesempatan untuk mencari solusi (ide-ide/gagasan) dari permasalahan sebanyak-banyaknya serta memperluas gagasan yang mendukung meningkatnya kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswi iq tinggi. b. pengaruh model problem-based learning terhadap berpikir kreatif pada siswi yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual rendah berdasarkan hasil pengolahan statistik dan analisis data torrance test of creative thinking (ttct) didapatkan nilai sig. (2tailed) sebesar 0,000 < 0,025 maka ho ditolak sehingga h1 diterima, dengan kata lain “terdapat pengaruh model problem-based learning terhadap berpikir kreatif pada siswi yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual rendah di smp santa ursula bandung secara signifikan.” berdasarkan torrance test of creative thinking (ttct) siswi iq rendah dapat menghasilkan sejumlah besar ide/gagasan (fluency/berpikir lancar), menerapkan rincian untuk memperluas gagasan (elaboration), siswi iq rendah mampu untuk menghasilkan gagasan yang tidak biasa, tidak terduga (originality/berpikir luwes) mampu berpikiran terbuka saat memproses informasi (closure-), serta mampu berpikir abstrak (abstractness of titles). model problem-based learning memberikan siswi kesempatan untuk mencari solusi (ide-ide/gagasan) dari permasalahan sebanyak-banyaknya serta memperluas gagasan yang mendukung kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswi iq rendah meningkat. model pembelajaran (x) kecerdasan intelektual (y) problem-based learnin (x1) tinggi (y1) sig. 0,000 berpikir kreatif (c) http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index maria andriani barek ladjar dkk. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.9837 28 tabel 4.7 hasil uji pengaruh model problembased learning terhadap berpikir kreatif pada siswi yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual rendah c. pengaruh model discovery learning terhadap berpikir kreatif pada siswi yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual tinggi berdasarkan hasil pengolahan statistik dan analisis data torrance test of creative thinking (ttct) didapatkan nilai sig. (2tailed) sebesar 0,000 < 0,025 maka ho ditolak sehingga h1 diterima, dengan kata lain terdapat pengaruh discovery learning terhadap berpikir kreatif pada siswi yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual tinggi di smp santa ursula bandung secara signifikan. berdasarkan torrance test of creative thinking (ttct) siswi iq tinggi dapat menghasilkan sejumlah besar ide/gagasan (fluency/berpikir lancar), menerapkan rincian untuk memperluas gagasan (elaboration), siswi iq tinggi mampu untuk menghasilkan gagasan yang tidak biasa, tidak terduga (originality/berpikir luwes) mampu berpikiran terbuka saat memproses informasi (closure-), serta mampu berpikir abstrak (abstractness of titles). model discovery learning memberikan siswi iq tinggi kesempatan untuk mencari solusi (ide-ide/gagasan) dari permasalahan sebanyakbanyaknya serta memperluas gagasan yang mendukung kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswi iq tinggi meningkat. tabel 4.8 hasil uji pengaruh model discovery learning terhadap berpikir kreatif pada siswi yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual tinggi d. pengaruh model discovery learning terhadap berpikir kreatif pada siswi yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual rendah berdasarkan hasil pengolahan statistik dan analisis data torrance test of creative thinking (ttct) didapatkan nilai sig. (2tailed) sebesar 0,058 > 0,025 maka ho diterima, dengan kata lain tidak terdapat pengaruh discovery learning terhadap berpikir kreatif pada siswi yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual rendah di smp santa ursula bandung secara signifikan. tabel 4.9 hasil uji pengaruh model discovery learning terhadap berpikir kreatif pada siswi yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual rendah model pembelajaran (x) kecerdasan intelektual (y) problem-based learning (x1) rendah (y2) sig. 0,000 berpikir kreatif (c) model pembelajaran (x) kecerdasan intelektual (y) discovery learning (x2) tinggi (y1) sig. 0,000 berpikir kreatif (c) model pembelajaran (x) kecerdasan intelektual (y) discovery learning (x2) rendah (y2) sig. 0,058 berpikir kreatif (c) http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index maria andriani barek ladjar dkk. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.9837 29 berdasarkan torrance test of creative thinking (ttct) siswi iq rendah tidak dapat menghasilkan sejumlah besar ide/gagasan (fluency/berpikir lancar), tidak mampu menerapkan rincian untuk memperluas gagasan (elaboration), siswi iq rendah tidak mampu untuk menghasilkan gagasan yang tidak biasa, tidak terduga dan (originality/berpikir luwes) tidak mampu berpikiran terbuka saat memproses informasi (closure­), serta tidak mampu berpikir abstrak (abstractness of titles). sehingga tidak terjadi peningkatan berpikir kreatif siswi iq rendah yang menggunakan model discovery learning. e. interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan tingkat kecerdasan intelektual berdasarkan hasil pengolahan statistik dan analisis data torrance test of creative thinking (ttct) didapatkan nilai sig. sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 maka ho ditolak sehingga h1 diterima, dengan kata lain “terdapat interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan tingkat kecerdasan intelektual di smp santa ursula bandung secara signifikan.” tabel 4.10 hasil uji interaksi model pembelajaran dengan tingkat kecerdasan intelektual tabel 4.11 grafik interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan tingkat kecerdasan intelektual berdasarkan pengolahan statistik dan analisis data dan pengujian hipotesis diperoleh hasil bahwa terdapat interaksi yang signifikan dari model problem-based learning dan discovery learning dengan kedua kelompok siswi iq tinggi mapun rendah berpikir kreatif dilihat melalui torrance test of creative thinking. terdapat interaksi yang signifikan dari model problem-based learning dan discovery learning dengan kedua kelompok siswi iq tinggi mapun iq rendah dilihat melalui torrance test of creative thinking disebabkan oleh: a. terdapat kontribusi dari model pembelajaran baik problem-based learning dan discovery learning terhadap fluency (berpikir lancar) banyaknya ide/ gagasan yang dihasilkan oleh siswi baik iq tinggi maupun rendah. dengan kata lain, banyaknya gagasan yang dihasilkan oleh siswi merupakan kemampuan mereka sendiri tidak berasal dai model pembelajaran yang mereka terima. hasil uji interaksi sig. 0,000 α = 0,05 http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index maria andriani barek ladjar dkk. / jurnal pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga 3 (1) (2018) doi : 10.17509/jpjo.v3i1.9837 30 b. terdapat kontribusi dari model pembelajaran baik problem-based learning dan discovery learning terhadap elaboration (elaborasi) perencanaan siswi iq tinggi maupun rendah dalam merinci semua tindakan yang akan dilakukan untuk menemukan solusi. dengan kata lain, perencanaan siswi iq tinggi maupun rendah dalam merinci merupakan kemampuan mereka sendiri tidak berasal dari model pembelajaran yang mereka terima. c. terdapat kontribusi dari model pembelajaran baik problem-based learning dan discovery learning terhadap originality (berpikir luwes) ide/gagasan unik, tidak biasa yang dihasilkan oleh siswi baik iq tinggi maupun rendah. dengan kata lain, ide/gagasan unik, tidak biasa yang dihasilkan merupakan kemampuan mereka sendiri tidak berasal dari model pembelajaran yang mereka terima. d. terdapat kontribusi dari model pembelajaran baik problem-based learning dan discovery learning terhadap closure (kesimpulan) hasil kesimpulan yang ditarik berdasarkan data dan fakta dihasilkan oleh siswi baik iq tinggi maupun rendah. dengan kata lain, hasil kesimpulan yang ditarik berdasarkan data dan fakta dihasilkan merupakan inisiatif mereka sendiri tidak berasal dari model pembelajaran yang mereka terima. e. terdapat kontribusi dari model pembelajaran baik problem-based learning dan discovery learning terhadap abstractness of titles (keabstrakkan judul) kemampuan berpikir abstrak siswi baik iq tinggi maupun rendah. dengan kata lain, kemampuan berpikir abstrak merupakan kemampuan mereka sendiri tidak berasal dari model pembelajaran yang mereka terima. kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil pengolahan dan analisis data ditemukan jawaban dari semua rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini. kesimpulan dari jawaban-jawaban tersebut sebagai berikut: 1)terdapat pengaruh model problem-based learning terhadap berpikir kreatif pada 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