item: #1 of 103 id: jri-10 author: Prayogo, Jodhy title: SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN KARYAWAN TELADAN PT. BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA DENGAN METODE SIMPLE ADDITIVE WEIGHTING date: 2018-12-15 words: 3725 flesch: 49 summary: A27 karyawan yang terpilih adalah Urfani Meigasari dan untuk nilai terbesar dari kriteria Produktifitas adalah alternatif A27 karyawan yang terpilih adalah Urfani Meigasari, sedangkan untuk kriteria pada Tugas individual nilai terbesar pada alternatif A26 atau karyawan yang terpilih adalah Denny Septian, untuk nilai terbesar dengan kriteria tanggung jawab pada alternatif A27 karyawan yang terpilih adalah Urfani Meigasari dan untuk nilai terbesar dari kriteria Penilaian Supervisor pada alternatif A27 karyawan yang terpilih adalah Urfani Meigasari. keywords: a27; absensi; adalah; additive; alternatif; assessment; atau; atribusi; bank; bawah; belum; bobot; ciptaan; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; darwanto; data; dengan; desember; dilakukan; diolah; disebarluaskan; employees; hasil; heri;; individual; indonesia; informatika; ini; internasional; irwan; islam; issn; jawab; jurnal; karyawan; keputusan; kriteria; lisensi; meigasari; melakukan; menentukan; menggunakan; menikah; menjadi; metode; nilai; nonkomersial; pada; penelitian; pengumpulan; penilaian; prayogo; produktifitas; proses; rakyat; riset; setiap; simple; sistem; sumber; supervisor; tabel; tanggung; teladan; terbesar; terpilih; tersebut; tugas; untuk; urfani; vol; weighting; yang cache: jri-10.pdf plain text: jri-10.txt item: #2 of 103 id: jri-101 author: Lisnawanty, Lisnawanty; Kurniawan, Bambang title: SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI PENERIMAAN DAN PENGELUARAN KAS BERBASIS WEB (STUDI KASUS: PT. SINAR KAPUAS CEMERLANG) date: 2019-09-20 words: 3787 flesch: 39 summary: Tampilan Menu Laporan Perubahan Modal Pembuatan Kode Program Perangkat lunak (software) yang diperlukan pembuatan sistem informasi akuntansi penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas pada PT. Sinar Kapuas Cemerlang dengan subjek penelitian pengolahan transaksi kas masuk dan kas keluar pada Bagian Keuangan. keywords: akuntansi; aplikasi; atau; atribusi; bagian; barang; bawah; berikut; besar; biaya; buku; case; cemerlang; ciptaan; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; data penerimaan; dengan; diagram; digunakan; direktur; disebarluaskan; gambar; halaman; halaman laporan; hasil;; informasi; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; jurnal; kapuas; kas; kebutuhan; keuangan; laba; laporan; laporan penerimaan; laporan pengeluaran; level; lisensi; memilih; menampilkan; mengakses; mengakses laporan; mengelola; mengolah; menu; menu data; menu laporan; modal; mulai; navigasi; neraca; nonkomersial; pada; pelanggan; penambahan; penelitian; penerimaan; pengeluaran; pengeluaran kas; pengguna; pengolahan; pengujian; penjualan; periode; persediaan; perubahan; piutang; produksi; riset; rugi; saldo; sales; sebagai; september; sesuai; sinar; sistem; struktur; suatu; tampilan; tampilan menu; transaksi; untuk; vol; web; yang cache: jri-101.pdf plain text: jri-101.txt item: #3 of 103 id: jri-103 author: Haryanti, Tuti; Kurniawati, Laela; Riyadi, Sugeng title: SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PENENTUAN RUMAH TANGGA MISKIN PADA DESA CIBANGKONG DENGAN METODE WASPAS date: 2019-09-20 words: 3752 flesch: 47 summary: Penentuan keluarga miskin adalah suatu masalah yang rumit karena banyak kriteria yang harus terpenuhi untuk menentukan sebuah keluarga miskin dan layak menerima bantuan penanganan kemiskinan. Oleh karena itu dibuatlah sistem pendukung keputusan dengan metode Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assesment (WASPAS) dengan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan kemudian diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan Visual Basic .Net. keywords: adalah; admin; aggregated; akhir; assesment; atau; atribusi; bantuan; bawah; benefit; berdasarkan; bisnis; bobot; cepat; cibangkong; ciptaan; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; dengan; desa; digunakan; dilakukan; disebarluaskan; form; gambar; halaman; harus; hasil; households;; informasi; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; jika; jumlah; jurnal; karena; kebutuhan; kegiatan; keluarga; kemiskinan; kemudian; keputusan; kriteria; laporan; lebih; lisensi; maka; masalah; matriks; melihat; menambah; menggunakan; menghapus; mengubah; menjadi; merupakan; metode; miskin; nilai; nonkomersial; normalisasi; pada; pedoman; pemerintah; penduduk; pendukung; penelitian; penentuan; pengambilan; penilaian; perhitungan; poor; product; program; proses; rentan; riset; rumah; sampel; sebagai; secara; september; sistem; studi; sum; tangga; teknologi; tidak; untuk; vol; waspas; weighted; yang; 𝑋𝑖𝑗 cache: jri-103.pdf plain text: jri-103.txt item: #4 of 103 id: jri-104 author: Susanti, Susi title: SISTEM INFORMASI EVALUASI KARYAWAN BERBASIS WEB PADA PT PRAWEDA CIPTAKARSA INFORMATIKA JAKARTA date: 2019-06-15 words: 2743 flesch: 43 summary: Sistem informasi karyawan dapat menghasil laporan hasil evaluasi karyawan, yang dapat membantu atasan dalam pengambilan penilaian terhadap karyawan yang bersangkutan secara transparan. Sistem informasi evaluasi karyawan yang akan membantu tim leader serta karyawan dalam melakukan proses evaluasi dan melihat kinerja karyawan dari berbagai periode. keywords: adalah; aplikasi; atau; atribusi; baik; bawah; case; ciptaan; ciptakarsa; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; date; dengan; desain; diagram; digunakan; dilakukan; disebarluaskan; employee; evaluasi; evaluation; gambar; halaman; harus; hasil;; informasi; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; itu; juni; jurnal; karyawan; kebutuhan; kedalam; kegiatan; kinerja; langsung; leader; lisensi; login; maka; masih; materi; melakukan; melihat; membantu; membuat; mengelola; mengerjakan; menggunakan; menjadi; menyimpan; metode; nonkomersial; pada; password; pegawai; penelitian; pengujian; pengumpulan; penilaian; perusahaan; pesan; praweda; proses; rancangan; riset; saat; saja; sebagai; serta; sesuai; simpan; sistem; soal; software; string; suatu; tahap; tersebut; testing; tim; tugas; untuk; update; use; user; username; vol; web; yang cache: jri-104.pdf plain text: jri-104.txt item: #5 of 103 id: jri-106 author: Sumarsih, Nur title: PERANCANGAN DAN PENERAPAN METODE WEIGHTED PRODUCT DALAM SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN LAPTOP date: 2019-09-20 words: 2595 flesch: 44 summary: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membantu konsumen dalam pemilihan laptop melalui kriteria- kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Ruang lingkup pembahasannya dimulai dari menentukan kriteria yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah harga, jenis processor, kapasias RAM, hardisk, dan VGA (Video Graphics Accelerator), menentukan alternatif berupa laptop dengan beberapa merk, dan sistem ini akan menghasilkan penilaian keywords: acer; adalah; alternatif; asus; atau; berikut; bobot; c55; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dari; data; dengan; didapat; digunakan; dilakukan; dimana; hardisk; harga; hasil; informatika; ini; intel; issn; jurnal; keputusan; konsumen; kriteria; langkah; laptop; lenovo; maka; masing; menentukan; menggunakan; menjadi; metode; nilai; pada; pemilihan; penelitian; penting; perbaikan; perhitungan; processor; product; ram; riset; s400; s46cb; satellite; sebagai; selanjutnya; sesuai; setiap; sistem; syafitri; tabel; tertinggi; tidak; toshiba; untuk; vector; vga; vol; weighted; yaitu; yang; z1402 cache: jri-106.pdf plain text: jri-106.txt item: #6 of 103 id: jri-109 author: Rusdi, Ibnu; Widy, Indra Febria; Peratiwi, Noviyanti title: RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN SKRIPSI BERBASIS WEB MENGGUNAKAN MODEL WATERFALL date: 2019-12-23 words: 3036 flesch: 40 summary: Tampilan pertama untuk administrator, yang kedua halaman untuk Dosen, dan yang ketiga halaman untuk Mahasiswa. Use Case Diagram menggabarkan hubungan antara aktor dan kegiatan yang dapat dilakukannya terhadap aplikasi (Sukamto & Salahudin, 2018). keywords: -begin; -end; agar; akademik; akan; akses; aplikasi; atau; atribusi; bawah; benar; berbasis; bidang; case; cendekia; ciptaan; class="profile; commons; content; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; dengan; desain; desember; diagram; diharapkan; dilakukan; disebarluaskan; div; dosen; gambar; halaman; harapan; hasil;; informasi; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; jurnal; kebutuhan; kosong; langsung; lebih; lisensi; login; lunak; mahasiswa; manajemen; melakukan; memberikan; menampilkan; menggunakan; menjadi; model; nama; nonkomersial; pada; password; pembimbing; pembuatan; penelitian; pengajuan; pengembangan; pengguna; pengujian; penulisan; perancangan; perangkat; pesan; proses; riset; salah; secara; sesuai; sidebar; sistem; siswa_id; skripsi; software; status; stt; tahap; tampilan; teknik; teknologi; telah; thesis; tidak; untuk; user; vol; waterfall; web; writing; yang cache: jri-109.pdf plain text: jri-109.txt item: #7 of 103 id: jri-111 author: Frieyadie, Frieyadie; Fariati, Fariati title: PENERAPAN METODE WEIGHTED PRODUCT SEBAGAI PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN SELEKSI KARYAWAN BARU PT. HI-LEX INDONESIA date: 2019-12-23 words: 3596 flesch: 45 summary: tujuh) kriteria yang akan ditentukan, antara lain: Kriteria Tes Wawancara, Kriteria Tes Psikotes, Kriteria Tes Kesehatan, Kriteria Pengalaman Kerja, Kriteria Pendidikan Terakhir, Kriteria Usia, dan kriteria penampilan. Penulisan ini sangat jauh dari kata sempurna, oleh karena itu sangat diperlukan masukan, saran, dan kritik yang membangun dan dapat memperbaiki penelitian ini menjadi lebih baik. keywords: adalah; alternatif; atau; atribusi; atribut; baik; baru; bawah; berikut; bobot; buku; calon; ciptaan; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; dengan; desember; dilakukan; disebarluaskan; hasil;; indonesia; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; jurnal; karyawan; kepentingan; keputusan; kerja; kesehatan; kriteria; lex; lisensi; masing; mendapatkan; menentukan; menggunakan; menyatakan; metode; nilai; nonkomersial; oleh; pada; pemilihan; penampilan; pendidikan; pendukung; penelitian; penerimaan; pengalaman; penulis; perhitungan; perusahaan; populasi; preferensi; product; proses; psikotes; riset; sampel; sangat; saran; satu; sebagai; secara; seleksi; sesuai; setiap; sistem; tabel; tahun; terakhir; tes; tingkat; untuk; usia; vektor; vol; wawancara; weighted; yang cache: jri-111.pdf plain text: jri-111.txt item: #8 of 103 id: jri-112 author: Suryani, Indah title: PENERAPAN TRANSFORMASI DATA DISCRETE WAVELET TRANSFORM PADA NEURAL NETWORK UNTUK PREDIKSI HARGA SAHAM date: 2019-12-28 words: 2608 flesch: 47 summary: Menyiapkan set data yang digunakan yaitu berupa data saham ANTM sebanyak 2.669 record 2. Selain itu penelitian (Suryani, 2015) juga menunjukkan peningkatan terhadap evaluasi nilai Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) terhadap prediksi harga emas dengan menggunakan metode Neural Network yang sebelumnya dilakukan transformasi data menggunakan Exponential Smoothing. keywords: adalah; aktivasi; antm; atau; atribusi; atribut; bawah; berikut; berupa; binary; ciptaan; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; dengan; desember; digunakan; dilakukan; discrete; disebarluaskan; eksperimen; forecasting; fungsi; gambar; harga; hasil; informatika; ini; issn; jurnal; kemudian; lebih; lisensi; melakukan; menggunakan; menghasilkan; meningkatkan; merupakan; metode; network; neural; nilai; nonkomersial; pada; penelitian; pengolahan; perbandingan; prediksi; rata; riset; rmse; saham; satu; sebagai; sebesar; series; set; sigmoid; tabel; tersebut; transform; transformasi; untuk; value; vol; wavelet; yaitu; yang cache: jri-112.pdf plain text: jri-112.txt item: #9 of 103 id: jri-114 author: Sinnun, Ahmad; Putri, Intan Ayu title: IMPLEMENTASI SISTEM INFORMASI PEMESANAN JASA PENGIRIMAN BARANG KARGO PADA PT.SUKSEMA ABADI LOGISTIK DENGAN MODEL WATERFALL date: 2020-01-30 words: 2512 flesch: 30 summary: Halaman Riwayat Pemesanan Armada Pengiriman Pada halaman ini dari sisi pelanggan bias melihat riwayat pengiriman dan dapat melakukan pesanan armada pengiriman kembali. Saran Setiap perusahaan harus mampu memberikan fasilitas atau media yang dapat menunjang kinerja agar lebih optimal seperti membuat sistem pemesanan jasa ekspedisi barang kargo berbasis web atau online. keywords: 2019; abadi; admin; administrator; akses; aplikasi; armada; atau; atribusi; barang; bawah; berbasis; bisnis; case; ciptaan; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; dengan; desain; desember; diagram; digunakan; disebarluaskan; ekspedisi; gambar; halaman; hasil;; informasi; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; jadwal; jasa; jurnal; kebutuhan; laporan; lisensi; login; logistik; lunak; melakukan; melihat; mengelola; mengelola data; menggunakan; metode; model; nonkomersial; order; pada; password; pelanggan; pembuatan; pemesanan; penelitian; pengiriman; pengujian; perangkat; perusahaan; process; program; proses; riset; riwayat; sebagai; sesuai; sistem; skenario; sopir; status; suatu; suksema; teknik; transaksi; untuk; username; valid; vol; waterfall; web; yang cache: jri-114.pdf plain text: jri-114.txt item: #10 of 103 id: jri-118 author: Alawiah, Enok Tuti; Sefrika, Sefrika title: DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR PROVISION OF NATURAL DISASTER VICTIM LOGISTIC ASSISTANCE WITH TOPSIS METHOD date: 2020-03-15 words: 3444 flesch: 52 summary: DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR PROVISION OF NATURAL DISASTER VICTIM LOGISTIC ASSISTANCE WITH TOPSIS METHOD Enok Tuti Alawiah, Sefrika ¹Information Systems; 2Accounting Information System Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Bina Sarana Informatics University, Jakarta, Indonesia 1*; *Corresponding Author Abstract At the beginning of 2020 there was a natural disaster that caused many people to lose their homes, damage to public facilities and infrastructure, as well as the breakdown of transportation links connecting villagers, especially in 3 districts namely Sukajaya, Nanggung and Cigudeg. Decision support systems using the TOPSIS method are used to solve multi-criteria problems by offering various alternative solutions to solve problems. keywords: access; alternative; assistance; bencana; bogor; calculate; closed; criteria; dan; data; decision; disasters; distance; final; following; funds; help; ideal; informatika; issn; jurnal; keputusan; making; matrix; method; natural; needs; negative; normalized; positive; preference; problems; regency; research; results; solutions; support; system; table; topsis; transportation; value; victims; weighted cache: jri-118.pdf plain text: jri-118.txt item: #11 of 103 id: jri-13 author: Mardiana, Tati title: OPTIMASI NAÏVE BAYES DENGAN PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION DAN STRATIFIED UNTUK PREDIKSI KREDIT MACET PADA KOPERASI date: 2018-12-15 words: 3647 flesch: 41 summary: KESIMPULAN Penggunaan PSO sangat efektif untuk metode Naïve Bayes yang mengasumsikan nilai dari atribut pada kelas tertentu tidak bergantung (independence) pada nilai atribut lainnya. Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan hybrid yang mengkombinasikan antara algoritma Particle Swarm Optimization dan Naïve Bayes (PSO-NB). keywords: accuracy; adalah; akurasi; akurat; anggota; anova; antara; atribusi; atribut; auc; bahwa; bawah; bayes; bobot; ciptaan; class; classification; commons; confusion; cooperatives; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; dengan; desember; dilakukan; diperoleh; disajikan; disebarluaskan; dki; evaluasi; gambar; hasil;; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; jakarta; jumlah; jurnal; kelas; klasifikasi; koperasi; kredit; kurva; lancar; lebih; lisensi; macet; mardiana; masalah; matrix; memiliki; memprediksi; menggunakan; menghasilkan; meningkatkan; menunjukkan; metode; model; naïve; naïve bayes; nilai; nonkomersial; optimasi; optimization; pada; particle; pembayaran; penelitian; pengujian; pinjaman; proses; pso; puskopdit; riset; roc; sample; sebesar; sehingga; signifikan; stratified; sumber; swarm; tabel; test; tidak; true; tujuan; untuk; usaha; vol; yang cache: jri-13.pdf plain text: jri-13.txt item: #12 of 103 id: jri-137 author: Hadi, Sofian Wira; Kurniawan, Wawan; Widianto, Kudiantoro; Alfarobi, Ibnu title: ANALYSIS OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON SERVICE ARTHASPA SERVICE WITH APPROACH ALGORITHM C4.5 date: 2020-06-02 words: 3204 flesch: 53 summary: Besides arthaspa also prioritizes good performance by employees so that the assessment produced by consumers of the service is also good and it is very important for the company, because customer satisfaction is a pleasant response and can be fulfilled, while customer dissatisfaction is an unexpected disappointment (Susi et al., Nd). This study attempts to analyze customer satisfaction with the services provided by Arthaspa outlets in grand Kemang hotels using the C4.5 Algorithm approach. keywords: affordable; algorithm; analysis; arthaspa; attribute; c4.5; category; classification; cleanliness; comfort; comfortable; customer; data; decision; expensive; gain; good; information; issn; june; kdd; level; mining; neatness; number; price; process; quality; research; results; riset; satisfaction; satisfied; service; table; total; tree; value; vol; work; yang cache: jri-137.pdf plain text: jri-137.txt item: #13 of 103 id: jri-15 author: Febrianto, Kelvin; Fadhillah, Yunus title: IMPLEMENTASI SELF-REGULATED LEARING PADA APLIKASI PEMBELAJARAN MANAJEMEN PROYEK SISTEM INFORMASI PADA PERGURUAN TINGGI SWASTA X DI JAKARTA date: 2018-12-12 words: 2229 flesch: 39 summary: Hasilnya adalah software belajar yang secara eksplisit membantu proses belajar dengan menghasilkan dokumen proyek untuk membantu pemahaman konsep Manajemen Proyek dan antarmuka pengguna yang interaktif dan mudah digunakan untuk memotivasi proses belajar. Metode RAD terdiri atas 4 proses yaitu: (1) Analisa kebutuhan; (2) Rancangan software; (3) Coding; serta (4) Perpindahan cepat (cutover); dalam rentang waktu yang cukup singkat yang disebut juga dengan timebox (Isaias & Issa, 2015) Sumber: (Febrianto & Fadhillah, 2018) keywords: adalah; akan; alat; antarmuka; atribusi; bawah; beberapa; belajar; berikut; ciptaan; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; desember; diri; disebarluaskan; dokumen; fadhillah; febrianto; gambar; harian; hasil;; informasi; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; itu; jakarta; jurnal; konsep; langkah; learning; lisensi; mahasiswa; manajemen; metode; motivasi; nilai; nonkomersial; pada; pembelajaran; pembuatan; perguruan; perkuliahan; process; project; proses; proyek; rancangan; riset; sebagai; secara; self; sistem; software; spesifikasi; sudah; sumber; swasta; tahun; terimplementasi; tersebut; tinggi; untuk; vol; web; yang cache: jri-15.pdf plain text: jri-15.txt item: #14 of 103 id: jri-153 author: Sitorus, Michael; Satria, Deki title: INSERTING MESSAGE SECRET ON FILE DATA BANK USING STEGANOGRAPHY ENGINEERING WITH EOF (END OF FILE) METHOD date: 2020-09-02 words: 3607 flesch: 61 summary: Insert button to choose hidden message file in docs extension (doc, Docx, pdf, Xls) 3. Steganography application capable of inserting secret messages in digital image data files. keywords: activity; analysis; aplikasi; application; attribution; bank; box; bri; button; commons; creative; dan; data; design; diagram; doi; end; eof; extraction; figure; file; form; hidden;; image; informasi; information; insert; insertion; international; issn; jurnal; license; main; media; message; method; metode; noncommercial; password; pesan; process; research; result; riset; select; september; shows; steganography; stego; step; system; text; user; vol; work cache: jri-153.pdf plain text: jri-153.txt item: #15 of 103 id: jri-155 author: Sarkawi, Dahlia; Ramdani, Dani; Oktaviani, Anggi; Novianti, Deny title: INVENTORY INFORMATION SYSTEM DESIGN AT PT. ARSEN KUSUMA INDONESIA JAKARTA date: 2020-09-26 words: 2793 flesch: 50 summary: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the results of the research that has been done, several conclusions can be drawn, namely: the design of this system is to make it easier for users to control data related to the Inventory, such as goods data reports, supplier data, incoming goods data, outgoing goods data, and goods stocks. Oleh karena itu perlu dibuat suatu aplikasi Sistem Informasi Inventory untuk meningkatkan proses kinerja perusahaan yang semula manual menjadi terkomputerisasi yang akan menghasilkan laporan yang lebih terinci. keywords: admin; application; arsen; attribution; barang; commons; company; creative; dan; data; design; diagram; doi; employee; figure; goods;;; incoming; indonesia; informasi; information; interface; international; inventory; issn; items; jurnal; kusuma; license; membuka; menu; model; muncul; needs; noncommercial; outgoing; process; research; riset; september; software; sukses; system; tampilan; vol; warehouse; waterfall; work; yang cache: jri-155.pdf plain text: jri-155.txt item: #16 of 103 id: jri-159 author: Fitriati, Desti; Amiga, Bima Putra title: IMPLEMENTATION OF DATA MINING TO DETERMINE THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN BODY CATEGORY FACTORS BASED ON BODY MASS INDEX date: 2020-09-15 words: 4052 flesch: 51 summary: The architecture of this system contains four kinds of data which can be seen in Figure 1, namely Login, category management, management dataset, and calculation of FP Growth. Finally, the calculation of FP Growth, which contains the process of calculating FP- Growth from the tb_relation data, which contains data from the results of the respondent's questionnaire and is related to tb_data and tb_category. keywords: aktivitas; algorithm; association; attribution; bmi; body; calculation; category; commons; conditional; confidence; creative; dan; data; dengan; doi; factors; figure; frequent; group; growth; highest; imt; index; informatika; interface; international; issn; itemset; jarang; jurnal; konsumsi; kurus; laki; license; makan; mass; men; minimum; noncommercial; normal; obese; pattern; pendidikan; perempuan; pernah; physical; results; riset; rules; sebagian; sebesar; september; sex; shape; stage; support; system; testing; thin; tidak; tree; tubuh; value; vol; waktu; women; work; yang cache: jri-159.pdf plain text: jri-159.txt item: #17 of 103 id: jri-160 author: Cahyani, Alvie Delia; Mardiana, Tati; Kurniawati, Laela title: SENTIMENT ANALYSIS OF DIGITAL WALLET SERVICE USERS USING NAÏVE BAYES CLASSIFIER AND PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION date: 2020-09-15 words: 4803 flesch: 50 summary: In this study, the business objectives carried out were to determine the opinions given by users of Dana and iSaku digital wallet services, apply the Naïve Bayes Classifier and PSO methods to analyze the sentiment of digital wallet service users, and find out the increase in the value of Accuracy and AUC value in sentiment analysis users of digital wallet services with additional weight attributes use PSO to the Naïve Bayes Classifier method. Namun, metode Naïve Bayes Classifier mengasumsikan atributnya indepensi sehingga dapat menyebabkan akurasinya kurang optimal. keywords: accuracy; analysis; anova; attribution; auc; based; bayes; bayes classifier; classification; classifier; commons; creative; dana; data; design; digital; digital wallet; doi; evaluation; figure; fund;; indonesia; informatika; isaku; issn; jurnal; method; model; naïve; naïve bayes; nbc; negative; negative class; noncommercial; positive; positive class; process; pso; results; riset; sentiment; september; services; significant; table; test; tweet; twitter; users; value; vol; wallet; work cache: jri-160.pdf plain text: jri-160.txt item: #18 of 103 id: jri-162 author: Syahriani, Syahriani; Nurmah, Nurmah; Indriyani, Luthfi title: DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR SELECTION OF EXEMPLARY EMPLOYEES AT PT. SINAR ASIA PERKASA date: 2020-09-15 words: 3067 flesch: 54 summary: Ayn dengan Metode Profile Matching. Pembuatan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan ini menggunakan metode Profile Matching dengan beberapa kriteria keywords: ahmad; albanjaari; alwin; andi; asia; aspects; calculation; company; core; criteria; dan; data; decision; discipline; employees; factor; fadhila; galant; gap; hifsar; information; issn; jurnal; karyawan; keputusan; matching; method; metode; muhammad; nadya; pendukung; performance; perkasa; process; profile; ranking; research; results; secondary; septiyawan; sinar; sistem; sub; suhelji; sulasikin; support; table; total; value; work cache: jri-162.pdf plain text: jri-162.txt item: #19 of 103 id: jri-168 author: Kencana, Bayu Bagus; Prayudha, Muhammad Fathur; Arifitama, Budi title: METAMORPHOSIS VISUALIZATION WITH AUGMENTED REALITY USING MARKER-BASED TRACKING date: 2020-11-30 words: 2348 flesch: 42 summary: Kata kunci: Augmented Reality, Metamorfosis, Marker-Based Tracking Abstract Metamorphosis is a cycle of biological animal growth. Keywords: Augmented Reality, Metamorphosis, Marker-Based Tracking INTRODUCTION Metamorphosis is a physical-biological development process of an animal from birth or hatching to develop into a new form physically. keywords: animal; application; atribusi; augmented; bawah; biology; button; commons; creative; december; development; disebarluaskan; display; figure; hewan; imperfect; informatika; issn; jurnal; learning; lisensi; marker; metamorphosis; method; nonkomersial; object; pattern; perfect; process; reality; research; riset; software; student; technology; testing; tracking; unity; user; vol; vuforia cache: jri-168.pdf plain text: jri-168.txt item: #20 of 103 id: jri-18 author: Farida, Farida; Zainuddin, Zahir; Sahibu, Supriadi title: SISTEM DETEKSI PLAT KENDARAAN DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE K-NEAREST NEGHBOUR (KNN) date: 2019-03-05 words: 2758 flesch: 49 summary: Plat kendaraan yang baik adalah plat kendaraan yang karakter dan bentuk plat tidak rusak (sempurna) dan hanya terdapat sedikit noise ( kotoran ). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengekstraksi dan mengenali plat nomor dari citra kendaraan yang melakukan pelanggaran sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai data set dalam membuat laporan penentuan sanksi yang sesuai dengan jenis pelanggaran kendaraan tersebut. keywords: adalah; atas; atau; atribusi; baik; banyak; bawah; ciptaan; citra; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; dd6656hk; dengan; dilakukan; disebarluaskan; dn5269vk; euclidean; gagal; gambar; hasil; huruf; image; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; jarak; jurnal; karakter; kendaraan; klasifikasi; knn; lalu; layer; lintas; lisensi; maka; maret; melakukan; memiliki; menggunakan; menjadi; merupakan; metode; nearest; neighbour; nomor; nonkomersial; pada; pelanggaran; penelitian; pengenalan; pengolahan; pengujian; plat; proses; riset; sebagai; sehingga; sistem; sukses; tersebut; tidak; tingkat; training; untuk; vol; wjf; yaitu; yang cache: jri-18.pdf plain text: jri-18.txt item: #21 of 103 id: jri-188 author: Joosten, Joosten title: THE BLACK BOX TESTING AND LOC METHOD APPROACH IN TESTING AND STREAMLINING THE PATIENT REGISTRATION PROGRAM date: 2021-03-02 words: 4750 flesch: 58 summary: One of the stages in software development is software testing. There are three main reasons for the importance of software testing, namely errors or deficiencies in software can occur, the application must be the best, and end-user satisfaction is everything (Solution, 2018). keywords: algorithm; analysis; approach; attribution; black; boundary; box; bva; cases; char; class; code; commons; creative; dan; data; decision; decision table; doi; efficiency; equivalence; errors; gleick; hewan;;; informatika; input; international; invalid; issn; jurnal; khalid; line; march; method; min; nama; nomor; noncommercial; number; partitioning; pass; pengujian; percentage; program; ras; results; riset; services; sloc; software; study; table; techniques; telepon; testing; time; valid; value; vol; work cache: jri-188.pdf plain text: jri-188.txt item: #22 of 103 id: jri-190 author: Natalia, Ita; Lisnawanty, Lisnawanty; Ardiyansyah, Ardiyansyah title: ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR PURCHASING, SALES, AND SERVICE (CASE STUDY OF PT. GM MOTOR PONTIANAK) date: 2020-12-08 words: 4565 flesch: 49 summary: Admin yang dapat mengelola data akun, merk spare part, data spare part, data mekanik, data tarif, data akun, transaksi pembelian spare part, transaksi penjualan spare part, transaksi jasa service, penjualan, serta transaksi pengeluaran. Keywords: accounting information systems, waterfall model, service, sales, purchases P-ISSN: 2656-1743 | E-ISSN: 2656-1735 DOI: JURNAL RISET INFORMATIKA Vol. 3, No. 1 December 2020 58 keywords: access; accounting; admin; akuntansi; attribution; balance; case; column; commons; company; creative; dan; data; december; description; design; diagram; director; doi; figure; financial; general; goods;;; income; informasi; information; international; issn; jurnal; laporan; ledger; login; mechanical; mengakses; mengelola; message; model; motor; noncommercial; page; pembelian; penjualan; perancangan; pontianak; process; processing; purchase; reports; research; results; riset; sales; sales transactions; service; service transactions; spare; study; system; table; testing; transactions; transaksi; trial; user; valid; vol; waterfall; work; yang cache: jri-190.pdf plain text: jri-190.txt item: #23 of 103 id: jri-20 author: Muliadi, Muliadi title: PENERAPAN ALGORITMA NAÏVE BAYES PADA PENILAIAN KINERJA PEMERINTAH DESA DALAM PENGELOLAAN DANA DESA date: 2019-03-05 words: 4034 flesch: 46 summary: Berdasarkan hasil analisis perhitungan yang sudah dilakukan, penerapan metode naïve bayes klasifikasi dalam penilaian kinerja pemerintah desa yang Belanja Desa Belanja Desa merupakan semua pengeluaran dari rekening desa yang merupakan kewajiban desa dalam 1 (satu) tahun anggaran yang tidak akandiperoleh pembayarannya kembali oleh desa. keywords: 2015; 2017; adalah; algoritma; alokasi; anggaran; atau; atribusi; bahwa; baik; bawah; bayes; belanja; berdasarkan; berikut; bidang; budget; buruk; ciptaan; classifier; commons; creative; daerah; dalam; dan; dana; dana desa; dapat; dari; data; dengan; desa; digunakan; dilihat; disebarluaskan; disebut; gambar; government; hasil;; indonesia; informasi; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; itu; jaya; jumlah; jurnal; kabupaten; karakteristik; karena; kebutuhan; kelas; keuangan; kinerja; klasifikasi; lebih; likelihood; lisensi; login; maka; mana; maret; masyarakat; memiliki; menentukan; menggunakan; mengklasifikasikan; menjadi; merupakan; metode; mining; model; nama; naïve; nilai; nomor; nonkomersial; operasional; pada; pembangunan; pemberdayaan; pembinaan; pemerintah; pemerintah desa; penelitian; penerapan; pengelolaan; penilaian; penyelenggaraan; performance; prior; probabilitas; proses; republik; riset; sampel; sebagai; sehingga; sisa; sistem; tabel; tahun; tak; tentang; terduga; tersebut; testing; tidak; training; tujuan; untuk; user; village; vol; yang cache: jri-20.pdf plain text: jri-20.txt item: #24 of 103 id: jri-22 author: Fadhillah, Yunus title: IMPLEMENTASI RAPID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT SISTEM INFORMASI PENDIDIKAN SMA DALAM MENGHADAPI INDUSTRI 4.0 date: 2019-03-05 words: 2899 flesch: 37 summary: Cara objek berinteraksi dan koneksi yang dibutuhkan untuk mendukung interaksinya Timing 2.0 Interaksi antar objek dimana waktu menjadi perhatian penting Interaction Overview 2.0 Digunakan untuk mengumpulkan Sequence, communication dan Timing Diagram bersamaan untuk mendapatkan interaksi penting yang timbul Composite Structure 2.0 Bagian internal Class atau Component dan dapat didefinisikan sebagai Infrastruktur dan manajemen informasi yang akan dan sudah dibangun nanti, masih harus dilengkapi dengan teknologi 4.0 dalam pegelolaan data ataupun hasil keluaran yang diharapkan. keywords: 1.x; adalah; adaptif; akademik; analisa; antar; application; atas; atau; atribusi; attribut; baik; basis; bawah; belum; berbasis; case; ciptaan; class; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; daya; dengan; derajat; development; diagram; dibawah; dilakukan; dimana; disebarluaskan; entitas; gambar; harus; hasil; implementasi; indonesia; industri; informasi; informatika; ini; internasional; internet; issn; jakarta; jenis; jika; jumlah; jurnal; kebutuhan; kegiatan; kelas; komputer; kualitas; lainnya; learning; lisensi; machine; maka; manajemen; manusia; maret; masih; melakukan; memiliki; menengah; mengikuti; menjadi; merupakan; mesin; model; mutu; nonkomersial; objek; oleh; pada; pembelajaran; pendaftaran; pendidikan; penelitian; pengembangan; penilaian; penting; perangkat; phase; rad; rapid; relasi; riset; sebagai; secara; sekolah; sesuai; sistem; siswa; sma; standar; sumber; tahapan; tahun; technology; teknologi; terhadap; tidak; ulang; uml; untuk; use; vol; yaitu; yang cache: jri-22.pdf plain text: jri-22.txt item: #25 of 103 id: jri-231 author: Sutanto, Nur Hamid; Kusrini, Kusrini; Nasiri, Asro title: UNIVERSITY SERVICE WEBSITE QUALITY MEASUREMENT WITH WEBQUAL 4,0 (CASE STUDY: FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIA) date: 2021-06-01 words: 3714 flesch: 45 summary: Keywords: website quality; university, service website; webequal 4.0 INTRODUCTION It explains that Webqual is one of the methods that can be used in evaluating service websites that come from user assessments (Tristiyanto et al., 2020). keywords: analysis; assessment; business; correlation; dan; data; dependent; development;; website; figure; hypothesis; implementation; informasi; information; information quality; information system; interaction; jurnal; kualitas; layanan; letter; measurement; menggunakan; method; metode; model; penelitian; population; positive; quality; questionnaire; relationship; reliability; research; researchers; respondents; results; sampling; satisfaction; service; service information; service website; student; system; table; test; usability; user; user satisfaction; valid; validity; variable; webqual; website; yang cache: jri-231.pdf plain text: jri-231.txt item: #26 of 103 id: jri-232 author: Palupi, Endang Sri title: EMPLOYEE TURNOVER CLASSIFICATION USING PSO-BASED NAÏVE BAYES AND NAÏVE BAYES ALGORITHM IN PT. MASTERSYSTEM INFOTAMA date: 2021-06-01 words: 4452 flesch: 56 summary: The difference with this journal is that the authors classify employee turnover while in this study the comparison of employee acceptance and the author only uses the Naïve Bayes Algorithm and PSO- based Naïve Bayes Algorithm. The difference with this study is that the authors classify employee turnover using the Naïve Bayes Algorithm Method. keywords: accuracy; algorithm; algorithm method; algoritma; attributes; auc; authors; average; bachelor; bayes; bayes algorithm; c4.5; c4.5 algorithm; classification; company; comparison; dan; data; decision; dengan; employee; employee data; engagement; factors; figure; framework; good; good average; good good; high; human; information; infotama; journal; karyawan; klasifikasi; mastersystem; menggunakan; method; metode; miner; mining; model; naïve; naïve bayes; optimization; particle; permanent; process; pso; rapid; rate; research; results; status; studio; study; swarm; time; tree; turnover; use; useless; validation; value; yang cache: jri-232.pdf plain text: jri-232.txt item: #27 of 103 id: jri-236 author: Frieyadie, Frieyadie; Setiyorini, Tyas title: IMPLEMENTATION OF INVENTORY INFORMATION SYSTEM DESIGN USING ECONOMIC ORDER QUANTITY METHOD date: 2021-03-02 words: 3136 flesch: 52 summary: Use Case Manage EOQ Data Scenarios Use Case Name : Manage EOQ Data Use case Description : Purchasing Dept. manage EOQ data, by adding, update, deleting, and printing data. Purchasing Dept. must be logged in Post - Condition : After successful login, a successful message is displayed for EOQ data Main Scenarios Serial No. keywords: application; barang; berbasis; case; company; cost; data; dept; design; development; economic; eoq; eoq data; figure; following; function; goods; incoming; informasi; information; input; inventory; issn; jurnal; material; method; model; modeling; order; ordering; pada; persediaan; planning; problems; process; product; purchasing; quantity; raw; research; software; stage; stock; storage; system; testing; time; use; user; vol; waterfall; web; work cache: jri-236.pdf plain text: jri-236.txt item: #28 of 103 id: jri-238 author: Suryani, Indah; Harafani, Hani title: PREDICTING THE BITCOIN PRICE USING LINEAR REGRESSION OPTIMIZED WITH EXPONENTIAL SMOOTHING date: 2021-06-06 words: 2891 flesch: 51 summary: Data transforms with exponential smoothing methods of forecasting. And from the experimental results, it is evident that the optimization of the alpha parameter in exponential smoothing can improve the prediction performance of linear regression with the results of the comparison of RMSE with the t-test which has resulted in significant differences. keywords: alpha; attribute; average; bitcoin; closing; data; date; difference; economic; experiments; exponential; exponential smoothing; forecasting; form; hasil; journal; learning; linear; linear regression; machine; method; network; neural; optimization; parameter; performance; popular; prediction; price; regression; research; results; rmse; series; smoothing; study; table; technique; test; time; value; windowing; yang cache: jri-238.pdf plain text: jri-238.txt item: #29 of 103 id: jri-254 author: Alfarizi, Muhammad Noval; Azizah, Mariah Nur; Saputra, Wikara Dwi; Ernawati, Siti title: SELECTION OF THE BEST PREWEDDING PHOTO LOCATION USING THE AHP METHOD date: 2021-09-02 words: 5275 flesch: 62 summary: The structure of the hierarchy of the selection of the location prewedding best in Jakarta Assessment criteria and alternatives After the preparation of the hierarchy, can be done in the collection of value from the results of the questionnaire has been answered by 53 respondents. Specify the Priority (Synthesis of priority) and Measuring Consistency Thingking of the pairwise comparison synthesized to get all of the priorities. keywords: ahp; alternatives; analytical; average; average value; best; calculation; comparison; consistency; criteria; data; distance; figure; geometric; hierarchy; index; jakarta; location; matrix; max; method; normalization; number; pairwise; photo; photo prewedding; prewedding; priority; priority rank; priority value; process; rank; ranking; ratio; research; results; table; theme; value; weight cache: jri-254.pdf plain text: jri-254.txt item: #30 of 103 id: jri-268 author: Oktaviani, Anggi; Sarkawi, Dahlia; Novianti, Deny; Amri, Achmad Chaerul title: E-INFORMATION SYSTEM DESIGN OF STUDENT ADMISSION IN AMERICAN INDONESIAN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION CIJANTUNG BRANCH date: 2021-09-03 words: 3685 flesch: 53 summary: The purpose of implementing PSB online is to create transparency in new student admissions and ease the selection of new students. Where on this page customer service can process new student data. keywords: acceptance; admissions; american; american indonesian; analysis; baru; berbasis; branch; cijantung; customer; cycle; dan; data; design; diagram; didik; education; education institute; expected; figure; following; indonesian; indonesian education; informasi; information; ini; institute; interface; internet; jurnal; life; login; method; model; new; new student; page; penerimaan; peserta; process; program; programming; prospective; registration; research; school; service; software; stage; students; study; system; testing; time; use; waterfall; web; yang cache: jri-268.pdf plain text: jri-268.txt item: #31 of 103 id: jri-271 author: Rahmawati, Ami; Saputra, Rizal Amegia; Yulianti, Ita title: DEVELOPMENT OF MANUFACTURING INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING MATERIAL REQUIREMENT PLANNING METHOD date: 2021-12-12 words: 2921 flesch: 52 summary: With this system, the management of inventory data at this company can be done easily and accurately and save time compared to the previous system, so that the procurement of manufacturing raw materials is optimal and employee performance is better. With the system is expected to provide convenience and benefits for the company in optimizing procurement activities ranging from the management of raw material data, scheduling purchases, and making reports. keywords: admin; analysis; application; barkah; berbasis; collection; company; dan; data; dengan; design; development; diagram; figure; following; form; goods; goods data; head; incoming; informasi; information; inventory; item; java; jaya; jurnal; literature; management; mandiri; materials; menggunakan; method; metode; model; mrp; pada; page; planning; problems; procurement; production; program; raw; report; requirement; research; software; study; system; testing; time; warehouse; web; yang cache: jri-271.pdf plain text: jri-271.txt item: #32 of 103 id: jri-277 author: Saiyar, Hafdiarsya; Noviansyah, Mohammad title: IDENTIFICATION OF WATER TURBIDITY WITH TURBIDITY SENSOR BASED ON ARDUINO date: 2021-09-03 words: 2871 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: Arduino Uno, Water turbidity, LCD, NTU, Turbidity Sensor INTRODUCTION Humans, animals, and plants both need water to grow and develop. The level of water turbidity can be detected using the Turbidity Sensor, then the data obtained will be processed and processed by Arduino Uno, which then results in the form of turbidity numbers and water information displayed on a 16x2 LCD. keywords: adapter; air; arduino; arduino uno; author; block; circuit; clear; component; dan; data; dirty; fine; ground; humans; input; kekeruhan; kualitas; lcd; level; light; menggunakan; need; ntu; output; parameters; picture; pins; power; process; quality; research; results; sensor; sistem; supply; tingkat; tool; true; true true; turbidity; turbidity sensor; uno; use; voltage; volts; water; water true; water turbidity; yang cache: jri-277.pdf plain text: jri-277.txt item: #33 of 103 id: jri-279 author: Palupi, Endang Sri title: ANDROID SALES PREDICTION DURING PANDEMIC USING NAÏVE BAYES AND K-NN METHODS BASED ON PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION date: 2021-12-12 words: 3596 flesch: 60 summary: Data Understanding At this stage, the authors take HP sales data at HP stores in the ITC Cempaka Mas and ITC Roxy areas. In this study, the author uses quantitative data analysis techniques, namely interviews with cellphone sellers and cellphone shop visitors, observing cellphone sales to various e-commerce, and distributing google form questionnaires to students, middle and high school students regarding the needs of cellphones that they already have or want to buy. keywords: accuracy; algorithm; algoritma; android; author; bayes; best; c4.5; cellphones; classification; commerce; comparison; dan; data; decision; dengan; figure; google; high; informatika; issn; itc; jurnal; knn; learning; market; menggunakan; method; mining; modeling; naïve; needs; nn algorithm; online; optimization; pandemic; particle; penjualan; people; process; pso; quantitative; research; results; sales; samsun; selling; students; study; swarm; tree; true; value; xiaomi; yang cache: jri-279.pdf plain text: jri-279.txt item: #34 of 103 id: jri-286 author: Siregar, Efrizal; Sitorus, Nurianti; Juwariah, Juwariah title: DEVELOPING BLENDED LEARNING APPLICATION UTILIZING ARTICULATE STORY LINE 3.0 INTEGRATED WITH ANDROID BASED SYSTEM date: 2021-09-02 words: 3323 flesch: 47 summary: 4 4 Compatibility (learning media can be installed/run on various existing hardware and software) 4 5 Reusable (part/all of the learning media program can be reused to develop other learning media) 4 6 Communicative (on target and acceptable to the target's wishes) One of them is by utilizing e-learning applications in the learning process. keywords: analysis; android; aplikasi; application; articulate; assessment; average; berbasis; blended; criteria; dan; data; design; development; digital; expert; feasibility; form; good; graphic; implementation; information; internet; jurnal; learning; line; material; media; model; offline; online; pembelajaran; pendidikan; process; product; research; responses; results; score; stage; story; student; study; supportive; table; technology; trials; untuk; use; validation; yang cache: jri-286.pdf plain text: jri-286.txt item: #35 of 103 id: jri-292 author: Pratiwi, Nabilah Ananda; Triayudi, Agung; Handayani, Endah Tri title: ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF MOBILE WEB-BASED MENU E-ORDER SYSTEMS USING THE PIECES METHOD (CASE STUDY: CAFÉ 50/50 COFFEE) date: 2021-12-12 words: 3758 flesch: 55 summary: Some previous research related to the development of menu e-order systems, in the study (Fonggo, Beng, & Arisandi, 2020) the ordering system using the SDLC method with the waterfall model. Hasil penelitian berupa sistem e-order menu pada kafe keywords: admin; analysis; berbasis; café; coffee; conclusion; dan; data; dengan; design; development; easy; figure; food; framework; indicator; information; level; likert; menu; method; mobile; model; number; order; order system; ordering; pada; page; payment; pemesanan; php; pieces; process; questionnaire; related; research; respondents; results; satisfaction; satisfied; scale; score; sdlc; study; system; table; testing; time; usability; use; useful; user; value; visitors; waterfall; web cache: jri-292.pdf plain text: jri-292.txt item: #36 of 103 id: jri-299 author: Ruhyana, Nanang; Mardiana, Tati; Amsury, Fachri; Sulistyowati, Daning Nur title: CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENT SATISFACTION WITH ONLINE LECTURE date: 2021-12-12 words: 2830 flesch: 46 summary: Yuliana dwi puspitasari P 7 21 15 23 29 21 Yoshua Kristiawan L 7 19 16 26 28 22 Table 1 is a sample of research data consisting of name column, jk column is gender, smt column is semester, column A is tangibles value, column B is reliability, column C is responsiveness, column D is assurance value and column E is empathy value. Survey on mining subjective data on the web. keywords: accuracy; activities; algorithm; algoritma; approach; bayes; class; column; covid-19; dan; daring; data; decision; dengan; dissatisfied; distance; education; face; figure; jurnal; learning; lectures; level; mahasiswa; mandiri; menggunakan; metode; mining; nusa; online; online learning; pembelajaran; pendidikan; precision; prediction; process; questionnaire; recall; research; results; sample; satisfaction; sebesar; secara; students; study; teaching; techniques; tingkat; tree; true; untuk; value cache: jri-299.pdf plain text: jri-299.txt item: #37 of 103 id: jri-3 author: Frieyadie, Frieyadie; Purnawati, Lenny title: SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PEMILIHAN PENERIMA PIALA 5 TINGKAT EFL DI KUMON DANAU SUNTER DENGAN METODE AHP date: 2018-12-15 words: 4849 flesch: 46 summary: Jumlah siswa yang semakin bertambah setiap tahunnya menyebabkan proses penentuan siswa yang berhak menerima piala 5 tingkat di Kelas EFL Kumon Danau Sunter masih kurang optimal yang dapat menghambat kinerja dari para pengambil keputusan. Kriteria-kriteria tersebut diantaranya adalah sikap dan perilaku selama berada di kelas, level yang dicapai dan kemampuan yang dimiliki siswa tersebut. keywords: adalah; ahp; atribusi; bawah; belajar; bentuk; berarti; berdasarkan; berikut; berpasangan; ciptaan; commons; consistency; creative; dalam; dan; danau; dapat; dari; data; dengan; desember; diandalkan; didapatkan; digunakan; dihasilkan; diisi; dilakukan; disebarluaskan; diterima; efl; eigen; elemen; frieyadie; hal; hasil;; indeks; index; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; jika; jurnal; kelas; kemampuan; keputusan; kerja; konsistensi; kriteria; kumon; kurang; lembar; level; lisensi; maka; maksimum; mandiri; matrik; menggunakan; menghitung; menilai; metode; nilai; nonkomersial; pada; pemilihan; penelitian; penentuan; penerima; penulis; perbandingan; pertimbangan; piala; process; proses; purnawati; ratio; riset; saat; salista; sebagai; setiap; sikap; sistem; siswa; soal; students; sub; sumber; sunter; tabel; telah; tersebut; tingkat; untuk; utama; vektor; vol; yaitu; yang; 𝐶𝑅𝐻; 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙 cache: jri-3.pdf plain text: jri-3.txt item: #38 of 103 id: jri-30 author: Mardiana, Tati; Tanjung, Siska Selvia title: SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PEMILIHAN PERGURUAN TINGGI SWASTA MENGGUNAKAN TOPSIS date: 2019-03-05 words: 3833 flesch: 41 summary: juga mengusulkan sistem pendukung keputusan pemilihan perguruan tinggi dan jurusan menggunakan TOPSIS untuk menghasilkan ranking perguruan tinggi dan jurusan sehingga diharapkan dalam pemilihan perguruan tinggi dan jurusan yang direkomendasikan benar-benar sesuai dengan keinginan, dan kemampuan siswa. Contoh kasus yang digunakan dalam analisis proses pengambilan keputusan sebanyak tiga perguruan tinggi swasta yang disusun pada tabel 1 dan bobot dari masing-masing kriteria seperti terlihat pada tabel 2. keywords: adalah; administrator; akurasi; alternatif; atribusi; baik; bawah; berdasarkan; berikut; ciptaan; college; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; data pengguna; decision; dengan; dilakukan; dilihat; disebarluaskan; gambar; halaman; hasil;; ideal; informasi; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; jumlah; jurnal; jurusan; keinginan; kemampuan; keputusan; kriteria; lisensi; mahasiswa; maka; mardiana; maret; matriks; memilih; mengelola; menggunakan; metode; nilai; nonkomersial; orang; pada; pemilihan; pemilihan perguruan; pendidikan; pendukung; pendukung keputusan; penelitian; pengambilan; pengguna; pengujian; perguruan; perguruan tinggi; persamaan; private; proses; pts; rekomendasi; riset; sebagai; sesuai; setiap; sistem; sistem pendukung; siswa; solusi; students; sumber; swasta; tabel; tahun; tanjung; tersebut; tinggi; tinggi swasta; topsis; tua; untuk; vol; yang cache: jri-30.pdf plain text: jri-30.txt item: #39 of 103 id: jri-300 author: Frieyadie, Frieyadie; Andriansyah, Anggie; Setiyorini, Tyas title: VILLAGE GROUPING BASED ON THE NUMBER OF HEALTH FACILITIES IN WEST JAVA USING K-MEANS CLUSTERING ALGORITHM date: 2021-12-12 words: 4110 flesch: 58 summary: The purpose of this study is to cluster data on health facilities from the highest health facilities, medium health facilities, and low health facilities so that districts/cities that fall into the low cluster get more attention from the government to improve/provide health facilities. The data that has been accumulated will be processed by data mining to find the 3 desired clusters in the data using the K-Means algorithm for grouping, namely: 𝑑(𝑥, 𝑦) = √∑ (𝑥𝑖 − 𝑦𝑖)2𝑛𝑖=1 ......................................... (1) Where D is the distance from the result of subtraction between xi (data value) and y (central value) derived from the calculation of Euclidean Distance. keywords: algorithm; average; bandung; calculation; case; centroid; centroid distance; centroid iteration; cities; city; cluster; clustering; covid-19; dan; data; development; distance; districts; facilities; fasilitas; government; health; health facilities; high; hospitals; indonesian; iteration; java; kesehatan; kota; level; low; means; medium; method; minimum; mining; new; new centroid; number; population; process; public; puskesmas; research; results; sanitasi; sanitation; shortest; study; table; untuk; use; value; west cache: jri-300.pdf plain text: jri-300.txt item: #40 of 103 id: jri-302 author: Ibrahim, Ali; Rezqeb, Beriadi Agung Nur title: IMPLEMENTATION OF ELECTRONIC CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT IN THE DONATION SERVICE INFORMATION SYSTEM date: 2022-03-02 words: 4204 flesch: 55 summary: Based on the results of the questionnaire on donation services at the LMI Regional Office of South Sumatra, the calculation results. This shows the need to improve donation services in order to create loyalty. keywords: able; admin; business; calculation; company; crm; customer; dan; data; detractors; development; dfd; discussion; donasi; donation; donation service; donors; effective; electronic; fast; fig; figure; ibrahim; implementation; increase; indonesia; information; international; journal; laznas; level; lmi; loyalitas; loyalty; management; measurement; method; net; net promoter; new; nps; office; page; pelayanan; phase; print; process; promoter; questionnaire; regional; relationship; research; respondents; results; satisfaction; score; service; south; study; suggestions; sumatra; system; way cache: jri-302.pdf plain text: jri-302.txt item: #41 of 103 id: jri-303 author: Megawan, Sunario; Gohzali, Hernawati; Halim, Apriyanto title: IMAGE ENHANCEMENT ON OBJECT DETECTION USING L0 GRADIENT PRIOR date: 2021-12-12 words: 2574 flesch: 57 summary: Therefore, the process of improving image quality becomes very important to do at the pre-processing stage in detecting image objects. 87 IMAGE ENHANCEMENT ON OBJECT DETECTION USING L0 GRADIENT PRIOR Sunario Megawan1*), Hernawati Gohzali2, Apriyanto Halim3 Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Mikroskil 1*),, (*) Corresponding Author Abstrak Pendeteksian objek merupakan teknik yang digunakan untuk mengambil bagian-bagain tertentu pada citra. keywords: accuracy; algorithm; blurred; blurred image; cctv; citra; cnn; conference; data; detection; faster; figure; form; gradient; ieee; image; image quality; object; object detection; objek; pada; prior; process; processing; quality; rcnn; research; results; sample; study; system; test; video; yang cache: jri-303.pdf plain text: jri-303.txt item: #42 of 103 id: jri-305 author: Oktavia, Yolanda Nur; hayati, Nur; Fitri, Iskandar title: IMPLEMENTATION ANALYTICAL HIERARCHY PROCESS AND WEIGHTED PRODUCT METHOD FOR LOVEBIRD SELECTION IDENTIFICATION APPLICATIONS date: 2021-12-12 words: 6206 flesch: 65 summary: CI = ⋏𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠−𝑛 𝑛 Λ maks = (2.43*0.38)+(10.7*0.12)+(4.28*0.25)+( 7.03*0.16)+(25*0.04)+(16.33*0.07) = 6,533 n = 6 CI = (6,533-6)/(6-1) = 0,106 CR = CI/IR = 0,106/1,24 = 0,085 Referring to the above point of 0.085 it can meet the provisions of CR<0.1 so that the process of analyzing quality lovebird selection criteria is said to be consistent. The interface results of this SPK system consist of login pages, home, criteria data, alternative data, analysis, and calculations. keywords: accuracy; ahp; albino; alternative; analytical; application; assessment; best; biru; burung; calculation; category; cherry; cinnamon; code; combination; comparison; criteria; criterion; dalam; dan; data; decision; dengan; deviation; figure; final; golden; hierarchy; highest; input; keputusan; level; lovebird; lutino; manual; method; metode; mse; percentage; pied; preference; process; product; quality; rank; ranking; research; results; selection; sum; support; system; table; tests; topsis; total; type; users; value; vector; view; weighted; 𝑋𝑖𝑗; 𝑋𝑖𝑗 𝑊𝑗 cache: jri-305.pdf plain text: jri-305.txt item: #43 of 103 id: jri-308 author: Nurchasanah, Laeli; Firdaus, Annisa Cintakami; Fitriati, Desti title: APPLICATION OF PROFILE MATCHING ALGORITHM IN SELECTION OF THE BEST EMPLOYEES (CASE STUDY: PT VWX) date: 2022-03-14 words: 2762 flesch: 55 summary: Input alternatives, criteria, core factor value, and secondary factor value. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Mahasiswa Berprestasi dengan Metode Profile Matching. keywords: accuracy; alternatives; assessment; best; calculation; company; core; criteria; dan; data; decision; employees; factor; formula; gap; informasi; jurnal; karyawan; keputusan; making; marketing; matching; menggunakan; method; metode; number; pada; pemilihan; pendukung; penelitian; performance; problem; profile; property; research; results; secondary; selection; sistem; study; support; systems; table; teknologi; terbaik; value; weight; yang; years cache: jri-308.pdf plain text: jri-308.txt item: #44 of 103 id: jri-31 author: Indriyani, Fintri title: PENERAPAN METODE PROFILE MATCHING SEBAGAI PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PEMILIHAN JURUSAN PADA SMK AL HIDAYAH date: 2019-03-05 words: 2635 flesch: 47 summary: 3 3 8 Al-Fath Filsafah 3,8 5 3,9 9 Rifaldy Ahmad 3 4 3,1 10 Ridwan Hadi Putra 3,4 5 3,5 Sumber: (Indriyani, 2019) Rekomendasi Langkah terakhir adalah membuat rekomendasi dengan cara membandingkan nilai akhir dari setiap jurusan dan hasil rekomendasi diambil dari nilai tertinggi. Akuntansi merupakan jurusan dengan minat terbanyak dan dengan nilai standar tertinggi dibandingkan dua jurusan yang lain. keywords: adalah; akuntansi; aspek; atribusi; bahasa; baru; bawah; bobot; calon; ciptaan; commons; core; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; dengan; digunakan; dilakukan; disebarluaskan; factor; gap; hidayah;; ideal; individu; indonesia; indriyani; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; jurnal; jurusan; keputusan; kompetensi; kriteria; level; lisensi; maret; matching; menjadi; metode; ncf; nilai; nonkomersial; pada; panitia; pemilihan; pendukung; penelitian; penentuan; penerimaan; pihak; profile; proses; rata; rekomendasi; riset; sebagai; sehingga; sekolah; sesuai; sistem; siswa; smk; student; sumber; tabel; tahap; untuk; vol; yang cache: jri-31.pdf plain text: jri-31.txt item: #45 of 103 id: jri-315 author: Purba, Khairani; Sianturi, Charles Jhony Mantho; Sinaga, Mikha Dayan; Sembiring, Nita Sari; Ginting, Erwing; Fauzi, Muhammad title: PAKPAK LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR APPLICATION INTO INDONESIAN USING ALGORITHM BOYER MOORE BASED ON ANDROID date: 2021-12-12 words: 3120 flesch: 47 summary: The purpose of this research is to introduce and provide knowledge about the Pakpak language, assist in communicating with people who use the Pakpak tribal language, apply the Boyer Moore Algorithm in translating Pakpak language into Indonesian, build an application that can translate Pakpak language into Indonesian using the Boyer Moore method, and building an application that can translate Pakpak language into Indonesian using the Android-based Boyer Moore method. This page shows that testing the Boyer Moore algorithm for translating Pakpak language into Indonesian can display perfect translation results as in the SQLite database, can be seen in Figure 9: Figure 9. keywords: algorithm; algoritma; android; aplikasi; application; bahasa; berbasis; boyer; boyer moore; cipher; cryptographic; daerah; dairi; dan; data; database; dengan; diagram; display; email; figure; indonesian; information; ini; jurnal; kamus; language; literature; matching; menggunakan; method; moore; moore algorithm; page; pakpak; pakpak language; pattern; penerjemah; people; process; regency; regional; regional languages; research; results; right; security; speech; stream; string; study; system; teknik; testing; text; translator; translator application; untuk; use; words; yang cache: jri-315.pdf plain text: jri-315.txt item: #46 of 103 id: jri-33 author: Kusumawardani, Ratna; Solichin, Achmad title: IMPLEMENTASI METODE SIMPLE ADDITIVE WEIGHTING (SAW) PADA SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN UNTUK MENYELEKSI SAHAM PRIMA date: 2019-06-14 words: 2549 flesch: 42 summary: Proses investasi ini dilakukan dengan cara jual beli sejumlah saham yang akan menentukan persentasi kepemilikan seorang investor terhadap perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Kalangan umum maupun profesional masih banyak yang melakukan analisis fundamental secara manual dimana hal itu akan memakan waktu yang lama dan kurang efektif dalam mengolah data saham yang sangat banyak jumlahnya. keywords: adalah; additive; akan; alternatif; analisis; aplikasi; atau; atribusi; bawah; benefit; bentuk; berdasarkan; bobot; ciptaan; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; decision; dengan; dibangun; dilakukan; disebarluaskan; gambar; hal; hasil;; informatika; ini; internasional; investasi; issn; juni; jurnal; karena; kemudian; keputusan; kriteria; laba; lisensi; mencari; menentukan; menggunakan; menyeleksi; metode; nilai; nonkomersial; pada; pembobotan; pemilihan; pendukung; penelitian; pengujian; penjumlahan; prima; proses; riset; saham; salah; saw; setiap; simple; sistem; stock; suatu; tabel; tampilan; teknik; terbaik; terbobot; topsis; untuk; usaha; vol; weighting; yaitu; yang cache: jri-33.pdf plain text: jri-33.txt item: #47 of 103 id: jri-336 author: Feta, Neneng Rachmalia title: CLASSIFICATION OF BURNED PEATLAND USING PROBABILISTIC NEURAL NETWORK ALGORITHM BASED ON HIGH TEMPORAL DATA date: 2022-03-14 words: 3509 flesch: 59 summary: From the satellite, image data can be used for to classification process. Image data Ogan Komering Ilir District taken from, this image data is Landsat 7 ETM+ with some path/row is 124/62 and has resolution 30x30, it is mean 1 pixel on the image has 30 meters in real. keywords: accuracy; algorithm; area; band7; burning; classification; color; compositing; dan; data; dbscan; district; etm+; figure; fires; fold; forest; gambut; gap; hotspot; ilir; image; information; input; international; kebakaran; komering; label; lahan; landsat; layer; learning; mapping; model; network; neural; number; ogan; pattern; peatland; pixel; pnn; point; pre; probabilistic; process; processing; red; research; result; satellite; study; technology; trajectory cache: jri-336.pdf plain text: jri-336.txt item: #48 of 103 id: jri-34 author: Painem, Painem; Soetanto, Hari title: SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PENERIMAAN ASISTEN LABORATORIUM MENGGUNAKAN METODE MULTI FACTOR EVALUATION PROCESS (MFEP) date: 2019-06-25 words: 3133 flesch: 46 summary: Hasil uji coba untuk perhitungan MFEP yang dilakukan oleh sistem sesuai dengan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan secara manual. asisten maka membutuhkan waktu lama dalam perhitungannya dan belum ada metode yang digunakan untuk penentuan penerimaan asisten. keywords: alternatif; analisis; aplikasi; asisten; assistant; atribusi; bawah; beberapa; berdasarkan; black; bobot; box; calon; ciptaan; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; digunakan; dilakukan; disebarluaskan; evaluasi; evaluation; factor; fakultas; gambar; hardware; hasil;; ict; informasi; informatika; ini; iso; issn; juni; jurnal; keputusan; keterangan; kode; kriteria; lab; langkah; laporan; lisensi; lunak; maka; masing; menggunakan; menjadi; menu; merupakan; metode; mfep; muhammad; multi; nama; nilai; nonkomersial; pada; pendukung; penelitian; penentuan; penerimaan; pengujian; penilaian; penunjang; perangkat; perhitungan; process; riset; secara; sesuai; setiap; sistem; spk; sukses; tabel; tbe; teknologi; terhadap; total; untuk; value; vol; wawancara; yang cache: jri-34.pdf plain text: jri-34.txt item: #49 of 103 id: jri-340 author: Achmad, Suherman; AZ, Nazori; Solichin, Achmad title: Mobile Based Student Presence System Using Haar Cascade and Eigenface Facial Recognition Methods date: 2023-03-14 words: 5529 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: presence system, Haar Cascade Classifier, Eigenface Abstrak Pemanfaatan teknologi biometrik untuk pencatatan kehadiran di lingkungan sekolah masih belum banyak dilakukan oleh peneliti sebelumnya. The solution offered is a student attendance recording system based on facial recognition algorithms (face recognition). keywords: application; attribution; cascade; commons; creative; data; decision; design; detection; distance; doi; eigenface; email; excerpts; face; facial; feature; figure; flat; follows; haar;; identification; image; informatika; input; intensity; international; issn; jurnal; kpt/2020; learners; license; light; low; march; matching; matrix; methods; minister; mobile; noncommercial; parents; presence; process; rank; recognition; research; results; riset; ristek; sinta; stage; step; student; study; system; test; value; vector; vol; work cache: jri-340.pdf plain text: jri-340.txt item: #50 of 103 id: jri-341 author: Riyadi, Andri Agung; Amsury, Fachri; Saputra, Irwansyah; Pattiasina, Tiska; Jupriyanto, Jupriyanto title: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE K-NEAREST NEIGHBOR ALGORITHM ON VARIOUS INTRUSION DETECTION DATASETS date: 2022-03-07 words: 3290 flesch: 51 summary: The average value of accuracy, precision, and recall uses the k-NN algorithm with the value of k= 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 on the CICIDS2017 dataset higher than other IDS datasets which are 96.8160%, 91.5840%, 92.4640% as seen on Figure 2. Suggestion Based on the conclusions obtained, several suggestions can later be done for future research that researchers can use a more varied algorithm and up-to-date IDS datasets. Preliminary experiment shows that the approach using the k-NN method on the CICIDS2017 dataset successfully produces the highest average value of intrusion detection accuracy than other IDS datasets. keywords: accuracy; algorithm; anomaly; anomaly detection; approach; attack; cicids2017; cicids2017 dataset; classification; computer; dan; data; data mining; dataset; detection; detection method; doi:10.1016; features; figure; fraud; hybrid; ids; information; intrusion; intrusion detection; kdd; kim; learning; method; mining; misuse; nearest; neighbors; network; nn algorithm; number; positive; precision; recall; research; results; security; systems; techniques; traffic; untuk; use; value; yang cache: jri-341.pdf plain text: jri-341.txt item: #51 of 103 id: jri-349 author: Siregar, Wahyuni; Syah, Arridah Zikra; Harahap, Indra Ramadona title: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TREND MOMENT METHOD IN ESTIMATING BREAD SALES date: 2022-03-05 words: 5264 flesch: 59 summary: Bread sales data recap per month 5. of sales Input sales data that you want to forecast 6. Determining procedures with the pattern second is utilized to determine the number of future sales using sales data for one year or equal to 12 months (Yulian, Anggraeni, & Aini, 2020). keywords: absolute; actual; admin; average; bread; bulan; calculation; case; dan; data; deals; decision; demand; description; doi; equation; error; estimating; excerpts; figure; following; forecasting; formula; framework; future; goods;; index; informatika; input; issn; january; jurnal; kpt/2020; login; mad; march; mean; method; minister; moment; month; mse; number; pada; pattern; penjualan; period; prediction; process; rank; results; riset; ristek; roti; roti-1000; sales; sales data; second; sinta; squared; stock; strategy; system; technique; time; total; trend; use; value; vol cache: jri-349.pdf plain text: jri-349.txt item: #52 of 103 id: jri-36 author: Sulaiman, Husni; Zainuddin, Zahir; Sahibu, Supriadi title: SISTEM DETEKSI WAJAH UNTUK IDENTIFIKASI KEHADIRAN MAHASISWA DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE EIGENFACE PCA date: 2019-03-05 words: 3838 flesch: 45 summary: Tahap uji coba ini dimulai dari memasukkan citra wajah sebagai data set, dimana data citra ini nantinya akan di cocokkan dengan data citra wajah yang dilakukan Sistem dapat mendeteksi bukan Cuma 1 wajah saja, tetapi sistem dapat mendeteksi semua wajah yang tertangkap kamera. keywords: absensi; adalah; adinata; akan; akurasi; aplikasi; atau; atribusi; bawah; berdasarkan; bina; ciptaan; citra; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; database; dengan; depan; dibuat; dilakukan; disebarluaskan; eigenface; gambar; hasil;; identifikasi; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; jurnal; kanan; kehadiran; keseluruhan; kiri; lisensi; mahasiswa; maka; maret; matriks; melakukan; mengenali; menggunakan; mengikuti; merupakan; metode; nilai; nonkomersial; normal; pada; pca; pencahayaan; pendeteksian; penelitian; pengenalan; pengujian; perkuliahan; posisi; proses; recognition; redup; riset; saat; samping; satu; secara; segi; sistem; stmik; tabel; tahap; telah; terang; terdeteksi; terdeteksi samping; test; tidak; time; tingkat; training; untuk; vol; wajah; yaitu; yang; −0.5018 cache: jri-36.pdf plain text: jri-36.txt item: #53 of 103 id: jri-37 author: Elyana, Instianti; Kholil, Ishak; Schaduw, Frans Eduard title: RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN DISPOSISI SURAT MENYURAT DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN MODEL RAD (RAPID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT) date: 2019-03-05 words: 2592 flesch: 31 summary: Dan jika pihak perusahaan menyimpan dokumen fisik surat yang ada akan ikut hilang dan rusak menyulitkan perusahaan dalam mencari dokumen surat yang dibutuhkan. Data Modelling Sistem Informasi Disposisi Surat ini dimulai surat yang diterima oleh administrasi untuk disortir berdasarkan tujuan surat yang harus dicatat pada form/buku surat masuk, Surat akan didisposisikan ke tujuan masing-masing. keywords: adalah; administrasi; agar; agenda; akan; akses; aplikasi; application; atau; atribusi; bagian; baik; banyak; bawah; berdasarkan; bisnis; case; ciptaan; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; dengan; desain; diagram; dibutuhkan; dicatat; dilakukan; disebarluaskan; disposisi; diterima; field; gambar; hal; harapan; harus; hasil;; informasi; informatika; ini; input; internasional; issn; jurnal; karena; kearsipan; keluar; komponen; kosong; laporan; letter; lisensi; lunak; manajemen; maret; masing; masuk; memudahkan; menggunakan; mengisi; menyurat; model; modeling; nonkomersial; objek; oleh; pada; pencarian; penelitian; pengelolaan; pengujian; perancangan; perangkat; perusahaan; program; proses; rad; riset; search; sebuah; semua; sesuai; sistem; suatu; surat; tanggal; telah; tersebut; tersimpan; tidak; tujuan; uml; untuk; use; valid; vol; waktu; yang cache: jri-37.pdf plain text: jri-37.txt item: #54 of 103 id: jri-374 author: Sunardi, Anton; Rusli, Sienny; Juliane, Christina title: THE EFFECT OF AMOUNT OF DATA ON RESULTS OF ACCURACY VALUE OF C4.5 ALGORITHM ON STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT INDEX DATA date: 2022-03-06 words: 3781 flesch: 59 summary: The amount of student data recorded nationally compared to the number of students enrolled in the Ministry of Education and Culture has a significant difference. The comparison value in testing against research data is obtained from the system's predictive value and the tester's prediction value called accuracy. keywords: accuracy; achievement; algorithm; c4.5; calculation; class; classification; confusion; dan; dari; data; dataset; decision; educational; evaluation; false; graduation; index; information; jurnal; knowledge; level; mahasiswa; matrix; methods; mining; modelling; negative; number; pendidikan; performance; positive; precision; prediction; prediksi; processing; rapidminer; recall; research; result; stage; strategies; student; study; table; tepat; test; testing; tree; true; understanding; untuk; use; value; vector; yes cache: jri-374.pdf plain text: jri-374.txt item: #55 of 103 id: jri-38 author: Nasir, Jamal Abdul title: SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PEMBERIAN BERAS UNTUK KELUARGA MISKIN DENGAN METODE SIMPLE ADDITIVE WEIGHTING date: 2019-06-15 words: 3396 flesch: 49 summary: No DATA C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 1 Aryana SB SB SB TB SB 2 Henandar TB SB SB TB SB P-ISSN: 2656-1743 E-ISSN: 2656-1735 JURNAL RISET INFORMATIKA Vol. 1, No. 3 Juni 2019 136 Ciptaan disebarluaskan di bawah Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi-NonKomersial 4.0 Internasional No DATA C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 3 Karmadi SB SB SB TB SB 4 Miftahudin TB SB SB TB SB 5 Malik TB SB SB SB SB 6 Rendi TB SB SB SB SB 7 Kartija TB SB SB TB SB 8 Delfi Efendi SB SB SB TB SB 9 Deni TB SB SB SB SB 10 Gunarso TB SB SB TB SB 11 Sunandar TB SB SB TB SB 12 Bram SB SB SB TB SB 13 Deden SB SB TB TB SB 14 Agus TB TB TB TB SB 15 Munawar SB SB TB TB SB 16 Abdul Majid TB TB SB SB SB 17 Suryani SB SB TB TB SB 18 Sairin TB TB SB TB SB 19 Heriansyah TB SB SB SB SB 20 Ayat TB SB TB TB SB 21 Jaka Wahyudin TB SB TB TB SB 22 Amran TB TB TB TB SB 23 Subeki TB SB SB SB SB 24 Syahroni TB TB SB SB SB 25 M Idris TB SB TB SB SB 26 Sukriyah SB SB SB SB SB 27 Sarinah SB SB SB SB SB 28 Imbron TB TB TB SB SB 29 Dimas SB TB SB TB SB 30 Zarkoni SB SB SB TB SB 31 Bambang S R SB SB TB TB SB 32 Ridwan SB SB SB TB SB 33 Adi Gunawan SB SB TB TB SB 34 Marhadi SB SB SB TB SB 35 Nenih SB SB SB TB SB 36 Udin SB SB TB TB SB 37 Mat Amin SB SB TB TB SB 38 Homsyah SB SB SB TB SB 39 Yati Aryati SB SB SB TB SB 40 Dian jauhari SB TB TB TB SB 41 Oktorizal SB SB TB SB SB 42 Toriq SB TB TB TB SB Data Matrik X Tabel dibawah ini merupakan data matriks dimana setiap kriteria didapat dari rekap kuisioner diubah ke bilangan fuzzy berdasarkan nilai bobot yang telah ditentukan. Identifikasi Masalah Mengidentifikasi masalah yang akan dibahas, berkaitan dengan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemberian Beras Untuk Keluarga Miskin Dengan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) sesuai dengan literature dan informasi yang diperoleh. keywords: adalah; additive; alternatif; aplikasi; atribusi; bawah; beras; berdasarkan; bobot; buku; cara; ciptaan; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; dengan; depok; diambil; digunakan; disebarluaskan; hasil; indonesia; informasi; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; juni; jurnal; keluarga; kelurahan; keputusan; kriteria; lisensi; masalah; melakukan; membantu; menentukan; menggunakan; merupakan; metode; miskin; nilai; nonkomersial; oleh; pada; pemberian; pendukung; penelitian; penerima; pengambilan; pengumpulan; pengurus; populasi; rangking; raskin; riset; rt.04; rw.01; salah; sampel; satu; sb sb; sebagai; sebuah; sesuai; setiap; simple; simple additive; sistem; sukmajaya; tabel; tb tb; tersebut; untuk; vol; warga; wawancara; weighting; yaitu; yang; 𝑋𝑖𝑗 cache: jri-38.pdf plain text: jri-38.txt item: #56 of 103 id: jri-385 author: Yulianti, Ita; Rahmawati, Ami; Mardiana, Tati title: THE EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS OF RANDOM FOREST ALGORITHMS WITH SMOTE TECHNIQUE IN PREDICTING LUNG CANCER RISK date: 2022-03-07 words: 3161 flesch: 61 summary: When employing the random forest method to forecast lung cancer risk, the SMOTE technique is useful in dealing with class imbalances in the data set. When compared with other types of cancer, most of the population with cancer die from lung cancer. keywords: accuracy; age; algorithm; algoritma; attribute; auc; breath; cancer; class; classification; dalam; dan; data; dataset; decision; disease; duplicates; exploration; feature; figure; forest; imbalance; kanker; lung; lung cancer; minority; modeling; number; paru; people; performance; process; random; random forest; research; results; risk; sampling; scaling; smote; stage; study; symptoms; table; technique; test; untuk; value; visualization; yes cache: jri-385.pdf plain text: jri-385.txt item: #57 of 103 id: jri-388 author: Sucahyo, Nur; Fitriansyah, Ahmad; Suhanda, Yogasetya title: DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR WI-FI MODEM SELECTION USING MULTIPLE ATTRIBUTE DECISION MAKING WITH TOPSIS date: 2022-09-01 words: 3982 flesch: 60 summary: Fi yang tepat dengan kebutuhannya. Keywords: Decision support system; Wi-Fi Modem; MADM; TOPSIS Abstrak Modem merupakan perangkat yang memiliki kemampuan untuk menghubungkan handpone, PC maupun laptop ke jaringan internet. keywords: alternative; approach; best; black; borman; box; calculation; capacity; criteria; dan; decision; device; distance; fi modem; figure; ideal; informasi; internet; issn; jurnal; madm; making; matrix; menu; method; metode; mifi; modem; needs; negative; positive; research; results; selection; solution; study; support; system; table; testing; topsis; users; value; yang cache: jri-388.pdf plain text: jri-388.txt item: #58 of 103 id: jri-389 author: Fajaryanti, Julia; Rogayah, Rogayah title: EXPERT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT TO IDENTIFY EMPLOYEE PERSONALITY TYPES USING DEMPSTER SHAFER THEORY date: 2022-06-20 words: 4065 flesch: 54 summary: Knowledge representation is vital in developing expert systems because a good solution will also depend on a good word. Based on the results of the accuracy-test obtained from the comparison of expert system diagnoses with the analysis of an expert, the accuracy value reaches 85%. keywords: accuracy; algorithm; belief; borman; combination; company; dan; data; dempster; dengan; density; developed; diagnosis; employee; engine; equation; evidence; expert; expert system; figure; function; human; inference; jurnal; karyawan; kepribadian; knowledge; level; mass; metode; pakar; personality; research; results; rules; shafer; stage; study; symptoms; system; table; test; theory; tipe; type; untuk; value; yang cache: jri-389.pdf plain text: jri-389.txt item: #59 of 103 id: jri-39 author: Utama, Novian Putra; Indriani, Fintri title: ANALISIS KEPUASAN PENGGUNA APLIKASI OJEK ONLINE MENGGUNAKAN METODE TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL (TAM) date: 2019-06-15 words: 4026 flesch: 42 summary: Jenis kelamin Jenis Kelamin Frekuensi Persentase (%) Laki-laki 36 36% Perempuan 64 64% TOTAL 100 100% Tabel 4 menjelaskan bahwa dari 100 responden yang ada responden yang paling banyak menggunakan aplikasi ojek online pada kota DKI Jakarta adalah responden yang berjenis kelamin perempuan yaitu sebesar 64% atau berjumlah 64 responden, sedangkan responden laki-laki sebesar 36% yang berjumlah 36 responden. Pada pengujian reliabilitas dengan menggunakan analisis cronbach’s alpha menunjukkan bahwa variabel kemudahan persepsian bernilai positif sebesar 0,830 dengan 6 butir pernyataan yang dapat dipercaya. keywords: 0,05; 0,1966; acceptance; adalah; alpha; apakah; aplikasi; atau; atribusi; bahwa; bawah; berdasarkan; berpengaruh; butir; ciptaan; commons; creative; cronbach; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; dengan; digunakan; dilakukan; diperoleh; disebarluaskan; ease; hasil; heteroskedastisitas;; indikator; indonesia; informasi; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; jakarta; juni; jurnal; kemacetan; kemanfaatan; kemudahan; koefisien; kuesioner; lebih; lisensi; maka; masyarakat; memiliki; menggunakan; menguji; menjadi; menunjukkan; metode; model; multikolinieritas; nilai; nonkomersial; normalitas; ojek; online; pada; pekerjaan; penelitian; penerimaan; pengguna; pengujian; percived; pernyataan; persentase; persepsian; pertanyaan; populasi; positif; regresi; responden; riset; sampel; sebanyak; sebesar; secara; sistem; tabel; tahun; tam; technology; telah; terhadap; tidak; tingkat; uji; untuk; use; usefulness; valid; variabel; vol; yaitu; yang cache: jri-39.pdf plain text: jri-39.txt item: #60 of 103 id: jri-400 author: Amsury, Fachri; Ruhyana, Nanang; Mardiana, Tati title: COMPARISON OF CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHMS FOR ANALYSIS SENTIMENT OF FORMULA E IMPLEMENTATION IN INDONESIA date: 2022-06-20 words: 3779 flesch: 52 summary: Indonesians are enthusiastic about Formula E since it allows their nation to encourage tourists and gain international prominence. Society's opinion on Twitter shows positive sentiment towards implementing Formula E. Keywords: Formula E; Tweet; Sentiment Analysis; Support Vector Machine; Naive Bayes Abstrak Seri balap Formula E telah menjadi salah satu kompetisi paling bergengsi di dunia. keywords: accuracy; algorithm; analysis; bayes; class; classification; dan; data; decision; dengan; dki; doi; e event; electric; energy; event; excerpts; figure; formula; formula e; geo; governor;; implementation; indonesia; informatika; international; issn; jakarta; june; jurnal; kpt/2020; label; machine; method; mining; minister; minority; naïve; opinion; pada; precision; prediction; probability; process; public; racing; rank; recall; research; results; riset; ristek; sentiment; sinta; smote; study; support; svm; technique; text; true; tweet; tweet data; twitter; user; value; vector; vol; yang cache: jri-400.pdf plain text: jri-400.txt item: #61 of 103 id: jri-406 author: Daldiri, Zyhan Faradilla; Fitriati, Desti title: Comparison of Breast Cancer Classification Using the Decision Tree ID3 Algorithm and K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm date: 2023-03-03 words: 5162 flesch: 73 summary: For information on breast cancer data, this study used six attributes, namely Menopause, Tumor-Size, Node-Caps, Deg-Malig, Breast, Breast- Squad, and Irradiant. The most common cancer in women is breast cancer. keywords: accuracy; algorithm; algoritma; attribute; breast; calculation; cancer; caps; central; classification; dan; data; dataset; decision; deg; entropy; ge40; id3; indonesia; information; kanker; klasifikasi; knn; left_low; left_up; lt40; malig; menopause; mining; n n; n y; nearest; neighbors; node; payudara; premeno; research; results; right; right left_up; right_low; right_up; size; squad; study; table; test; tree; tumor; value; y 2; y y; yes cache: jri-406.pdf plain text: jri-406.txt item: #62 of 103 id: jri-408 author: Anugrah, Anugrah; Hermanto, Teguh Iman; Kaniawulan, Ismi title: SENTIMENT ANALYSIS OF INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS USING NAÏVE BAYES BASED ON PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION date: 2022-09-06 words: 3722 flesch: 48 summary: This study aims to classify Twitter users' tweets against internet service providers in Indonesia by analyzing the sentiments of 3 internet service providers, namely with the keywords Biznet, first media, and Indihome, using the Naïve Bayes algorithm and optimization with Particle Swarm Optimization. The results of Biznet's research using Naïve Bayes produce an accuracy of 77.94%, and after optimization, it becomes 81.62%. keywords: accuracy; alamat; algorithm; analysis; bayes; biznet; chart; classification; cleansing; column; dan; data; dengan; document; evaluation; figure; filtering; indihome; indonesia; internet; kecewa; keywords; labeling; matrix; media; mempersulit; menggunakan; naïve; naïve bayes; negative; operator; optimization; pada; particle; particle swarm; pda; pengguna; perpindahan; positive; process; providers; pso; rapidminer; research; results; sentiment; service; social; stage; swarm; swarm optimization; table; text; tokenization; tweet; twitter; users; weight; yang cache: jri-408.pdf plain text: jri-408.txt item: #63 of 103 id: jri-424 author: Aprillia, Dian; Ramdhan, William; Kifti, Wan Mariatul title: DETERMINATION OF PRIORITIES OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REHABILITATION AT ASAHAN USING SIMPLE ADDICTIVE WEIGHT date: 2022-09-01 words: 3535 flesch: 59 summary: The results showed the 5 largest criteria weights, namely UPTD SDN 010097 Selawan (0.940), UPTD SDN 014689 Lestari (0.884), UPTD SDN 010039 Sentang (0.880), SD Taman Kasih Karunia (0.847), and UPTD SDN 018453 Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 5 bobot kriteria terbesar, yaitu UPTD SDN 010097 Selawan (0,940), UPTD SDN 014689 Lestari (0,884), UPTD SDN 010039 Sentang (0,880), SD Taman Kasih Karunia (0,847), dan UPTD SDN 018453 Siumbut-Umbut (0,820). keywords: 0,8; additive; alternative; asahan; baru; building; conversion; criteria; dalam; dan; data; decision; education; elementary; facilities; informatika; issn; jurnal; karunia; kasih; keputusan; kisaran; lestari; matrix; method; metode; normalization; number; penerapan; primary; priority; rehabilitation; research; riset; saw; schools; sdn; sekolah; selawan; sentang; simple; sistem; siumbut; study; support; table; taman; untuk; uptd; uptd sdn; value; weighting; weights cache: jri-424.pdf plain text: jri-424.txt item: #64 of 103 id: jri-425 author: Primadiningsih, Ratu Amalia; Heroza, Rahmat Izwan title: DEVELOPING REGISTRATION MODULE IN HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEMS USING THE DESIGN THINKING METHOD date: 2022-09-07 words: 7512 flesch: 60 summary: For this reason, this study aims to determine the usability of the registration module on the Khanza Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) used by RSUD Banyuasin employees and to find out the difficulties faced, needs, and desires of RSUD Banyuasin employees as users of SIMRS Khanza. In addition, the interview results show that users have difficulty learning the application, the features and fields are too many, and there is a redundancy of patient data. keywords: aplikasi; application; approach; banyuasin; button; dan; data; decision; dengan; design; design thinking; doi; easy; empathy; error; excerpts; experience; features; figure; final; flow; following; form; health; help; high; hospital;; ideas; informasi; informatika; interview; issn; jurnal; khanza; kpt/2020; map; matrix; medical; method; metode; minister; needs; new; notification; old; page; participants; patient; point; previous; problems; process; prototype; questionnaire; questions; rank; rating; record; redundancy; registration; research; results; riset; ristek; rsud; scale; score; section; september; simrs; sinta; stage; step; study; sus; system; system usability; table; test; testing; thinking; time; usability; user; vol; wireframe; yang cache: jri-425.pdf plain text: jri-425.txt item: #65 of 103 id: jri-431 author: Windesi, Paulus K A; Sampebua, Mingsep Rante; Kmurawak, Remuz MB title: IOT-BASED HOME AUTOMATION USING NODEMCU ESP8266 date: 2022-09-07 words: 3065 flesch: 55 summary: (Gitakarma, 2018) created a Home Automation System (HAS) to control Bluetooth-based electrical devices using an android application to make it easier for elderly and physically disabled people in the family (Santoso et al., 2021) and implemented NodeMCU in Home Automation with the Blynk control system using DHT11 sensors to monitor temperature and humidity and MQ2 sensors to detect smoke or gases that could potentially cause fires as well as relays to control electronic devices from anywhere. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang prototype Home Automation pada perangkat penerangan seperti lampu, sensor cahaya untuk mengaktifkan lampu, dan beberapa lampu yang dikontrol menggunakan perangkat mobile. keywords: application; arduino; author; automation; block; blynk; button; camera; condition; control; dan; decision; delay; design; devices; diagram; display; electronic; excerpts; figure; hardware; home; home automation; informatics; interface; internet; iot; issn; journal; lights; match; network; nodemcu; notification; prototype; research; ristek; sensors; smart; system; technology; teknologi; temperature; testing; things; user; vol; yang cache: jri-431.pdf plain text: jri-431.txt item: #66 of 103 id: jri-439 author: Sani, Asrul; Budiyantara, Agus; Khair, Rizaldy; Aisyah, Siti title: ASSESSMENT EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS SYSTEM USING G-FORM WITH TAM METHOD AT SD GALATIA3 JAKARTA BARAT date: 2022-09-07 words: 4783 flesch: 52 summary: In the Google Form application, there is an automatic calculation system in the form of student feedback where teachers do not bother to manually calculate the results of student learning evaluations. In grades 1-5, teachers using Google Forms to conduct Daily Assessments are considered ineffective because of complaints from students about poor internet networks and sometimes Google Form links to have problems. keywords: accredited; application; assessment; attitude; author; behavioral; covid-19; daily; daily assessment; dan; data; decree; doi; ease; education; elementary; excerpt; figure; form; google; google form; grades; guru;; hypothesis; informatika; intention; issn; jurnal; learning; method; minister; model; online; pandemic; pembelajaran; pendidikan; percentage; process; questionnaire; questions; rank; relationship; research; results; riset; ristek; school; september; sinta; students; study; system; tam; teachers; technology; use; usefulness; variables; vol; yang cache: jri-439.pdf plain text: jri-439.txt item: #67 of 103 id: jri-45 author: Ardana, Galih Pramoda Dibya; Handayanna, Frisma title: SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN UNTUK MENENTUKAN JURUSAN PADA SMAN 1 BAWANG JAWA TENGAH DENGAN TOPSIS date: 2019-12-28 words: 4455 flesch: 55 summary: Bobot Penilaian IPA Nilai Bobot Keterangan 9.30-11.25 5 Sangat Penting 7.30-9.25 4 Penting 5.30-7.25 3 Cukup Penting 3.30-5.25 2 Kurang Penting 1.25-3.25 1 Sangat Kurang Penting Merupakan kriteria nilai bobot yang berfungsi untuk dapat mengukur kriteria IPA yang sudah ditentukan 5. Algoritma TOPSIS merupakan sebuah metode yang digunakan untuk membuat urutan ranking berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, dengan penilaian bobot kriteria yang di tentukan (Dashti et al., 2010). keywords: 2,722)2; 2,857)2; adalah; alternatif; bahasa; bawah; bawang; bobot; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; dengan; desember; dilihat; disebarluaskan; ditentukan; hasil; ideal; ilma; informatika; ini; ipa; ips; issn; jarak; jurnal; jurusan; keputusan; keterangan; kriteria; kurang; lisensi; menentukan; menggunakan; merupakan; metode; negatif; negeri; nilai; pada; penelitian; penilaian; perhitungan; populasi; positif; preferensi; riset; sampai; sampel; sangat; sekolah; setiap; siswa; sma; solusi; tabel; ternormalisasi; topsis; ujian; untuk; vol; yang cache: jri-45.pdf plain text: jri-45.txt item: #68 of 103 id: jri-453 author: Buani, Duwi Cahya Putri; Suryani, Indah title: Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Early Detection of Cervical Cancer Based on Behavioral Determinants date: 2022-12-01 words: 2894 flesch: 53 summary: Early detection of cervical cancer is critical at this time, so cervical cancer patients are decreasing. The medical lens is typically used in cervical cancer studies, not a lifestyle perspective. keywords: accuracy; algorithms; attributes; bayes; behavior; buani; cancer; cervical; cervical cancer; dan; data; december; decision; detection; early; figure; forest; indonesia; informatika; issn; jurnal; kanker; klasifikasi; learning; machine; menggunakan; model; naïve; previous; random; rate; research; results; risk; sampler; serviks; source; study; support; suryani; svm; table; tree; untuk; variable; vol; yang cache: jri-453.pdf plain text: jri-453.txt item: #69 of 103 id: jri-454 author: Novianti, Deny; Oktaviani, Anggi; Sarkawi, Dahlia; Aldyanto, Aldyanto; Syahidan, Ahmad Faren title: The Best Employee Decision Support System Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process Method at PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) date: 2023-06-09 words: 5023 flesch: 51 summary: To trigger employee performance, a company can choose the best workers every year by,, P-ISSN: 2656-1743 | E-ISSN: 2656-1735 DOI: JURNAL RISET INFORMATIKA Vol. 5, No. 3 June 2023 Accredited rank 4 (SINTA 4), excerpts from the decision of the DITJEN DIKTIRISTEK No. 230/E/KPT/2023 296 giving awards, prizes, and job promotions to selected workers. Selection of the best employees will increase the motivation of employee performance. keywords: ahp; alternative; analytical; analytical hierarchy; asdp; best; best employees; column; comparison; consistency; criteria; criterion; dan; data; decision; decision support; dengan; diktiristek; ditjen; employees; excerpts; ferry; hierarchy; hierarchy process; importance; indonesia; informasi; informatika; initiative; intensity; interest; issn; jurnal; karyawan; keputusan; manager; matrix; method; metode; pemilihan; pendukung; performance; persero; priority; process; quality; quantity; research; results; riset; selection; support; support system; system; table; teamwork; terbaik; value; weight; work; workers cache: jri-454.pdf plain text: jri-454.txt item: #70 of 103 id: jri-460 author: Cahyo, Warih Dwi; Wibowo, Wahyu Ari; Suwarno, Suwarno; ripai, Rizki title: Decision Support System for Supplier Selection on Time Concept with AHP and SAW Method date: 2022-12-14 words: 5856 flesch: 56 summary: Criteria data is data regarding the criteria of decision-making. Sample Selection Method The sample selected or used in this study is supplier data on Time Concept and the criteria that have been determined, among others: a. keywords: 0,3333; 1,0000; additive; ahp; alternative; analysis; analytical; application; assessment; benefit; best; business; calculation; company; concept; consistency; criteria; criterion; dan; data; december; decision; delivery; design; discounts; doi; duration; excerpts; hierarchy; hierarchy process;; image; informatika; issn; jurnal; keputusan; kpt/2020; mahardika; matrix; method; metode; minister; model; number; pada; payment; pemilihan; performance; process; rank; rating; research; results; riset; ristek; saw; selection; send; service; simple; sinta; study; supplier; support; system; table; technique; time; value; vol; watch; weight; weighting cache: jri-460.pdf plain text: jri-460.txt item: #71 of 103 id: jri-463 author: Gustriyadi, Eko; Sihombing, Volvo; Masrizal, Masrizal; Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo title: A Real-Time Web Information System Based on A Global Positioning System for Monitoring Environmental Pollution date: 2022-12-14 words: 3293 flesch: 57 summary: This fast value is taken from the internet of things, a system that was built (Munsadwala et al., 2019), (Arta et al., 2022), while the accuracy comes from data sensors installed in the environment, referred to as sensor calibration, for example, water pH. Until pH water data can be obtained by all people easily using an IP Address or Homepage address of application servers such as Thingspeak, The Things Network, or domains in general. From testing, the GPS data is not perfect, all data can be sent, but the accuracy of GPS data can reach 96%. keywords: adi; area; berbasis; conference; dalam; dan; data; december; decision; doi; et al; example; excerpts; figure; gps;; information; ini; international; internet; iot; issn; jurnal; kpt/2020; latitude; longitude; mariadb; minister; module; monitoring; pada; point; pollution; rank; real; research; riset; ristek; satellite; sensor; server; sinta; system; things; time; view; vol; water; website cache: jri-463.pdf plain text: jri-463.txt item: #72 of 103 id: jri-467 author: Feronika, Feronika; Masrizal, Masrizal; Munthe, Ibnu Rasyid title: Evaluation of Machine Learning Using The K-NN Algorithm to determine The Quality of Meat before consumption date: 2023-02-21 words: 2723 flesch: 62 summary: k-NN Algorithm overview Figure 1 can be seen as an example of a binary classification with k=3. Time Series Prediction on College Graduation Using KNN Algorithm. keywords: algorithm; beef; classification; conference; consumption; daging; data; decision; distance; doi; excerpts; figure; flexibility; good;; informatika; international; issn; jurnal; knn; language; learning; machine; march; meat; method; minister; nn algorithm; plot; proceedings; product; protein; quality; rank; riset; ristek; sinta; step; table; test; value; vol; yang; √7.5 cache: jri-467.pdf plain text: jri-467.txt item: #73 of 103 id: jri-469 author: Sriani, Sriani; Hasibuan, Muhammad Siddik; Ananda, Rizkika title: Classification of Batu Bara Songket Using Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix and Support Vector Machine date: 2022-12-14 words: 4756 flesch: 60 summary: The training data consists of 60 samples of Songket motif image data, and the test data consists of 30 samples of Songket motifs. Public knowledge of Batu Bara Songket motifs is still minimal, and the differences between one motif and another are still unknown. keywords: bara; batu; berantai; betikam; bunga; cempaka; classification; contrast; correlation; data; december; decision; display; doi; energy; excerpts; extraction; feature; figure; glcm; gray; homogeneity;; image; informatika; input; issn; jurnal; klasifikasi; level; machine; manggis; matrix; method; minister; motif; motif pucuk; occurrence; pandan; process; pucuk; pucuk pandan; rank; research; results; ristek; sinta; songket; songket motif; support; svm; system; table; tampuk; tanjung; test; tolab; types; value; vector; vol cache: jri-469.pdf plain text: jri-469.txt item: #74 of 103 id: jri-470 author: Nilatika, Aminurachma Aisyah; Anwar, Khoerul; Yuniar, Eka title: Masked Face Detection Automation System Using Mask Threshold and Viola Jones Method date: 2022-12-14 words: 4682 flesch: 59 summary: Tests for face detection without masks with real-time images with two single images and multiple face images totaling five tests. Testing with two uploaded images consisting of a single face image and multiple face images. keywords: accuracy; binary; cascade; classifier; color; covid-19; dan; data; december; decision; dengan; detection; doi; equation; excerpts; face; face detection; facial; features; figure; haar;; image; informatika; input; integral; international; issn; jones; jurnal; kpt/2020; mask; masked; menggunakan; method; metode; minister; performance; pixels; process; rank; real; research; results; riset; ristek; segmentation; sinta; stage; study; system; test; threshold; time; value; viola; virus; vol; wajah; weak; webcam cache: jri-470.pdf plain text: jri-470.txt item: #75 of 103 id: jri-471 author: Rukmana, Tedy; Fajri, Hersanto; Widhyaestoeti, Dahlia title: Implementation of the Fuzzy Tsukamoto Method for Office Stationery Estimation Stock System date: 2022-12-14 words: 4381 flesch: 57 summary: The importance of stock availability is one factor that affects the smooth operation of a company in which administrative needs need special attention, as is the case in determining the need for office stationery stock. The Tsukamoto fuzzy method aims to calculate the estimated stock needed in the future to provide recommendations for the estimated amount of office stationery stock. keywords: accuracy; analysis; application; banyak; berkurang; bertambah; calculation; data; december; decision; design; development; doi; error; estimasi; estimation; excerpts; figure; following; fuzzification; fuzzy;; implementation; informatika; issn; jurnal; kpt/2020; logic; mean; membership; menggunakan; method; metode; minister; model; office; office stationery; page; permintaan; process; rank; raw; research; results; riset; ristek; rmse; root; sedikit; sets; sinta; squared; stage; stationery; stationery stock; stock; system; table; target; testing; tsukamoto; value; variable; vol; yang cache: jri-471.pdf plain text: jri-471.txt item: #76 of 103 id: jri-472 author: Tsani, Fanni Rahmah; Chotijah, Umi title: The Implementation of MOORA Methods to Support Refinement Decision Priority System in Information Technology date: 2022-12-14 words: 4223 flesch: 51 summary: Indonesia Comnets Plus SBU Regional Sumbagsel determines the level of urgency of repairs in towers using the MOORA method with 100% accuracy results, the same is also applied (Pane & Erwansyah, 2020) by applying the AHP and MOORA methods as determining the weight of the criteria and the best alternative to be selected in the selection of tower construction sites that have a level of accuracy at the seven locations tested. In this study, we found that samples with high criterion weights and high criterion scores tended to be prioritized over other samples. keywords: alternative; analysis; apparatus; benefit; criteria; dalam; damage; dan; data; december; decision; dinas; doi; excerpts; gedung; high; hour;; information; internet; issn; jurnal; kec; keputusan; lamongan; level; management; matrix; method; metode; minister; moora; multi; network; normalization; objective; optimization; pendukung; priority; process; public; rank; ratio; regional; research; results; risk; ristek; service; sinta; sistem; support; table; technology; type; value; vol; yang cache: jri-472.pdf plain text: jri-472.txt item: #77 of 103 id: jri-475 author: Firmansyah, Bagus; Chotijah, Umi title: Implementation of The K-Means Clustering for Teacher Performance Assessment Grouping (PKG) at MI Bani Hasyim Cerme date: 2022-12-14 words: 4507 flesch: 62 summary: The k-Means clustering method is expected to facilitate the clustering process of teacher performance values as a source of information and make it easy for school principals to classify teacher performance results. K-Means clustering is expected to facilitate the clustering process of teacher performance values as a source of information and make it easy for school principals to classify teacher performance results (Faisal et al., 2020). keywords: algorithm; assessment; bani; calculation; centroid; clustering; clusters; dan; data; december; decision; distance; doi; excerpts; figure; function; good; guru; hasyim;; informatika; initial; issn; iteration; jurnal; kinerja; kpt/2020; means; method; mining; minister; objective; page; penilaian; performance; poor; process; rank; research; results; riset; ristek; school; score; sinta; study; system; table; teacher; teacher performance; user; value; vol cache: jri-475.pdf plain text: jri-475.txt item: #78 of 103 id: jri-481 author: Ernawati, Siti; Wati, Risa; Nuris, Nuzuliarini title: Support Vector Classification with Hyperparameters for Analysis of Public Sentiment on Data Security in Indonesia date: 2022-12-14 words: 3853 flesch: 54 summary: This raises the vulnerability of data security. The problem of this study is to determine the public sentiment towards data security in Indonesia, while the purpose of this study is how the response or evaluation of the government of Indonesia to the many perceptions of people who lack confidence in data security in Indonesia. keywords: accuracy; analysis; best; classification; curve; dan; data; december; decision; dengan; doi; evaluation; excerpts; f1_score; figure; grid;; idf; indonesia; informatika; issn; jurnal; kernel; kpt/2020; machine; margin; media; minister; model; negative; opinions; performance; positive; precision; public; rank; rbf; recall; research; results; riset; ristek; search; security; sentiment; sinta; study; support; svc; svm; technique; term; test; twitter; value; vector; vol; weighting; words; yang cache: jri-481.pdf plain text: jri-481.txt item: #79 of 103 id: jri-485 author: Palupi, Endang Sri title: Web-Based Customer Services Management Implementation For The Sales Division date: 2022-12-14 words: 4086 flesch: 53 summary: Implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) helps maintain customer data and can be continuously updated to maintain good relations with all customers. Customer relationship management, Penerapan CRM, Strategi Bisnis INTRODUCTION With the development of an increasingly significant business at PT Mastersystem Infotama, the amount of customer data is increasing, and the orders coming in are increasing, thus requiring good data maintenance. keywords: accredited; activities; application; business; collection; company; crm; customer; dan; data; database; december; decision; dengan; descriptive; design; development; division; doi; employees; excerpts; field; figure;; implementasi; implementation; informasi; information; infotama; input; issn; jurnal; kpt/2020; leads; maintenance; management; marketing; mastersystem; menu; method; minister; opportunities; opportunity; orders; page; penelitian; processes; qualitative; rank; relationship; requirements; research; results; riset; ristek; sales; services; sinta; sms; software; study; system; techniques; testing; user; vol; waterfall; web cache: jri-485.pdf plain text: jri-485.txt item: #80 of 103 id: jri-487 author: Syaputra, Reka Dwi; Solichin, Achmad title: Pregnancy Risk Level Classification Using The CRISP-DM Method date: 2022-12-14 words: 5234 flesch: 56 summary: This research focuses on pregnancy examination data, namely gravida, abortion, temperature, gestational distance, haemoglobin, blood pressure, ideal weight, and decisions so that the research aims to build a classification of pregnancy risk levels using the random forest method to detect early examination by providing an accurate level of risk and no risk during the Covid-19 pandemic. So, to do random forest modelling, first split the data or divide the training and testing data with a ratio of 80% training data and 20% testing data with cross-validation 2 in the application of pregnancy risk level classification using the random forest method. keywords: accredited; accuracy; algorithm; bengkulu; char; classification; comparison; covid-19; cross; dan; data; decision; doi; early; examination; excerpts; figure; fold; forest; forest method; good; health; ibu; id3; informatika; initial; issn; jurnal; kehamilan; kesehatan; klasifikasi; kpt/2020; learning; level; literature; machine; maternal; method; metode; midwife; mining; minister; model; modelling; objective; patients; prediction; pregnancy; pregnancy risk; pregnant; previous; random; random forest; rank; research; results; riset; risk; ristek; services; sinta; stage; study; table; testing; training; tree; validation; value; vol; women cache: jri-487.pdf plain text: jri-487.txt item: #81 of 103 id: jri-488 author: Basri, Hasan title: Texture Feature Extraction of Pathogen Microscopic Image Using Discrete Wavelet Transform date: 2022-12-14 words: 3199 flesch: 56 summary: So as in Figure 4, noise that is too dominant must be removed because it will greatly affect the value of the feature extraction of pathogen image features. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Conclusion After DWT image feature extraction, the four pathogens (Botrytis sp., Culvularia sp.1, Culvularia sp.2, and Pestalotia sp.) exhibited distinctive characteristics. keywords: background; blight; botrytis; coefficients; culvularia; dan; data; daun; december; decision; different; discrete; disease; distribution; doi; dwt; energy; entropy; excerpts; extraction; feature; figure; herdiyeni; herliyana;; image; information; issn; jabon; jurnal; leaf; method; microscopic; minister; object; otsu; pathogen; penyakit; pestalotia; pixel; rank; results; riset; ristek; segmentation; sinta; study; texture; thresholding; transform; value; vol; wavelet; yang cache: jri-488.pdf plain text: jri-488.txt item: #82 of 103 id: jri-491 author: Riyadi, Andri Agung; Amsury, Fachri; Ruhyana, Nanang; Rahman, Ihsan Aulia title: Implementation of the Association Method in the Analysis of Sales Data from Manufacturing Companies date: 2022-12-14 words: 3328 flesch: 48 summary: Based on the results of making association rules using instant cement sales data, all P-ISSN: 2656-1743 | E-ISSN: 2656-1735 DOI: JURNAL RISET INFORMATIKA Vol. 5, No. 1 December 2022 Accredited rank 3 (SINTA 3), excerpts from the decision of the Minister of RISTEK-BRIN No. 200/M/KPT/2020 154 regulations formed from processing the results of this study are recommended to provide consideration for company management to implement data mining methods in assisting decision-making by applying the association method to instant cement sales transaction data. The data source of this research comes from instant cement sales transaction data in 2018. keywords: algorithm; algoritma; analysis; application; approach; apriori; association; buying; cement; chance; companies; company; confidence; customers; dalam; dan; data; database; december; decision; excerpts; figure; informatika; instant; instant cement; issn; item; jurnal; knowledge; menggunakan; method; mining; minister; pada; patterns; penjualan; pro; process; products; rank; rapidminer; research; results; riset; ristek; rules; sales; sinta; study; support; transaction; value; vol cache: jri-491.pdf plain text: jri-491.txt item: #83 of 103 id: jri-493 author: Baldanullah, N.I.S.; Adhania, Febrianti; Fitriati, Desti title: Comparison of SAW, WP, and TOPSIS Methods in Determining the Best Journalists date: 2022-12-14 words: 4673 flesch: 54 summary: The WP method is a finite set of decision alternatives described in some respects as decision criteria. Regency Motor, the company, often experiences several problems, such as the calculation of employee criteria values that experience similarities with each other and take a long time in their calculations. keywords: additive; alternative; attribute; best; communika; company; criteria; criterion; dan; data; december; decision; doi; excerpts; following;; ideal; informatika; inipasti; issn; journalists; jurnal; keputusan; kpt/2020; matrix; methods; metode; minister; news; normalization; normalized; positive; preference; product; rank; research; results; riset; ristek; saw; simple; sinta; solution; study; support; system; table; topsis; value; vector; vol; weighted; weighting cache: jri-493.pdf plain text: jri-493.txt item: #84 of 103 id: jri-5 author: Aediyansyah, Aad title: PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PENJUALAN DAUR ULANG BOTOL BEKAS (PET) BERBASIS WEB date: 2018-12-15 words: 2280 flesch: 43 summary: Beberapa proses pendataan penjualan kadang terjadi kesalahan dalam pencatatan (Christian & Ariani, 2018), kurang akuratnya laporan penjualan yang dibuat (Suci, Zuraidah, & Wajhillah, 2016) dan keterlambatan dalam pencarian data-data yang diperlukan (Sintawati & Sari, 2017). Untuk itu penulis hanya menyebutkan Bahasa script yang digunakan untuk membangun system informasi ini. keywords: aediyansyah; atribusi; banyak; barang; bawah; bekas; belanja; berbasis; botol; ciptaan; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; data; daur; dengan; desain; desember; digunakan; disebarluaskan; fungsional; gambar; halaman; hari; informasi; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; jurnal; kebutuhan; keranjang; konfirmasi; laporan; lisensi; login; masih; melakukan; melihat; mengelola; menggunakan; merupakan; metode; model; nonkomersial; online; pabrik; pada; password; pembeli; pemesanan; pengujian; pengunjung; penjualan; perangkat; plastik; produk; program; rancangan; riset; rp.999999; saat; sales; secara; sehari; sistem; sumber; testimoni; transaksi; ulang; untuk; user; vol; waterfall; web; website; yang cache: jri-5.pdf plain text: jri-5.txt item: #85 of 103 id: jri-505 author: Dwijaya, Ahmad Rais; Laksito, Arif Dwi title: Sentiment Analysis of Pedulilindungi Application Reviews Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning date: 2023-03-03 words: 4371 flesch: 55 summary: This study aims to compare the performance of deep learning and machine learning models in sentiment analysis. The results of this study state that deep learning models perform better than machine learning models. keywords: accuracy; algorithm; analysis; aplikasi; application; bayes; bug; classification; covid-19; data; decision; deep; deep learning; doi; embedding; evaluation; excerpts; fasttext; figure; forest; gate; google;; idf; indonesia; information; international; issn; june; jurnal; kpt/2020; learning; learning models; lstm; machine; machine learning; matrix; method; minister; models; naive; nearest; negative; network; pedulilindungi; performance; play; positive; random; rank; research; results; reviews; riset; ristek; semakin; sentiment; sentiment analysis; sinta; store; study; support; svm; table; tree; vector; vol; word cache: jri-505.pdf plain text: jri-505.txt item: #86 of 103 id: jri-506 author: Khairunnisa, Yasmin; Primasari, Dewi; Kamilah, Nurul title: Decision Support System for Selection of the Best Fuel for Households Using the Weighted Product (WP) Method date: 2023-05-06 words: 4030 flesch: 58 summary: Data collection begins with the stages of observation, interviews, and the application of literary studies to produce output in the form of criteria data, data on alternative fuels, and their weights which are then calculated using the weighted product method to produce recommendation values. This research can help consultants, fuel experts, and local governments speed up their work in determining the best household fuel according to their respective regions. keywords: alternative; area; availability; bahan; bakar; benefit; best; botumoito; briquettes; calculates; code; criteria; criterion; dalam; dan; data; decision; dengan; description; difficult; doi; easy; endforeach; excerpts; fuel; gas; hasil; household;; indonesia; informatika; issn; jurnal; k['normalisasi_bobot; kerosene; kpt/2020; level; local; march; method; metode; minister; needs; price; product; pseudocode; rank; ranking; rating; research; results; riset; ristek; sinta; study; support; system; table; use; value; vector; vol; weighted; weights; yang cache: jri-506.pdf plain text: jri-506.txt item: #87 of 103 id: jri-507 author: Ilham, Mukhamad Rizal; Laksito, Arif Dwi title: Comparative Analysis of Using Word Embedding in Deep Learning for Text Classification date: 2023-03-03 words: 3880 flesch: 58 summary: The bag of words technique, the first technique created for encoding words into vector form, marked the beginning of the development of word embedding. Training (a) Accuracy and (b) Loss using LSTM and GloVe at 200 epochs Figures 7 to 9 depict the accuracy and loss during LSTM training using FastText word embedding with epochs of 50, 100, and 200. keywords: accredited; accuracy; akyokus; analysis; classification; dan; data; dataset; decision; deep; doi; embedding; epochs; et al; excerpts; fasttext; figure; glove;; imaduddin; information; international; issn; jurnal; kilimci; kpt/2020; language; learning; loss; lstm; march; memory; minister; model; natural; negative; nlp; number; positive; processing; rank; representation; research; reviews; riset; ristek; rnn; second; sentiment; sinta; study; technique; term; training; vector; vol; word; word2vec cache: jri-507.pdf plain text: jri-507.txt item: #88 of 103 id: jri-511 author: Andryan, Muhammad; Faisal, Muhammad; Kusumawati, Ririen title: K-Means Binary Search Centroid With Dynamic Cluster for Java Island Health Clustering date: 2023-06-06 words: 4778 flesch: 56 summary: Clustering Results Cluster Regency/City Cluster 1 Sukabumi City Cirebon City Tangerang City Cilegon City South Tangerang City Central Jakarta City North Jakarta City West Jakarta City South Jakarta City East Jakarta City Seribu Islands Regency Cluster 2 Pacitan Regency Bogor Regency Sukabumi Regency Cianjur Regency Bandung Regency Garut Regency Tasikmalaya Regency Ciamis Regency Kuningan Regency Cirebon Regency Majalengka Regency Sumedang Regency Indramayu Regency Subang Regency Purwakarta Regency Karawang Regency Pangandaran Regency Bogor City Bandung City Bekasi City Depok City Cimahi City Tasikmalaya City Lebak Regency Pandeglang Regency Serang Regency Tangerang Regency Serang City Cluster 3 Kediri Regency Lumajang Regency Jember Regency Banyuwangi Regency Bondowoso Regency Situbondo Regency Probolinggo Regency Pasuruan Regency Jombang Regency Nganjuk Regency Madiun Regency Tuban Regency Bangkalan Regency Sampang Regency Pamekasan Regency Kediri City Malang city Probolinggo City Pasuruan City Grobogan Regency Rembang Regency Pekalongan Regency Brebes Regency Banjar City Cluster 4 Ponorogo Regency Boyolali Regency 9% 24% 20% 38% 9% Cluster Percentage Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5 JURNAL RISET INFORMATIKA Vol. 5, No. 3. June 2023 P-ISSN: 2656-1743 |E-ISSN: 2656-1735 DOI: Accredited rank 4 (SINTA 4), excerpts from the decision of the DITJEN DIKTIRISTEK No. 230/E/KPT/2023 275 Cluster Regency/City Trenggalek Regency Tulungagung Regency Blitar Regency Malang Regency Sidoarjo Regency Mojokerto Regency Magetan Regency Ngawi Regency Bojonegoro Regency Lamongan Regency Gresik Regency Sumenep Regency Surabaya City Batu City Cilacap Regency Banyumas Regency Purbalingga Regency Banjarnegara Regency Kebumen Regency Purworejo Regency Wonosobo Regency Magelang Regency Klaten Regency Sukoharjo Regency Wonogiri Regency Karanganyar Regency Sragen Regency Blora Regency Pati Regency Holy Regency Jepara Regency Demak Regency Semarang Regency Temanggung Regency Kendal Regency Batang Regency Pemalang Regency Tegal Regency Surakarta City Salatiga City Semarang city Pekalongan City Tegal City Cluster 5 Blitar City Mojokerto City Madiun City Magelang City Kuningan Regency Bekasi Regency Kulon Progo Regency Bantul Regency Gunung Kidul Regency Sleman Regency Yogyakarta City CONCLUSIONS The dynamic cluster algorithm on kmeans with binary search centroid initiation produces a better average cluster quality than the traditional kmeans algorithm in evaluating the Davies Bound Index (DBI) and Calinski-Harabasz Index (CHI). JURNAL RISET INFORMATIKA Vol. 5, No. 3. June 2023 P-ISSN: 2656-1743 |E-ISSN: 2656-1735 DOI: Accredited rank 4 (SINTA 4), excerpts from the decision of the DITJEN DIKTIRISTEK No. 230/E/KPT/2023 269 K-MEANS BINARY SEARCH CENTROID WITH DYNAMIC CLUSTER FOR JAVA ISLAND HEALTH CLUSTERING Muhammad Andryan Wahyu Saputra-1*, Muhammad Faisal-2, Ririen Kusumawati-3 Magister Informatics UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia,, ri2n.kusumawati@gmail.com3 (*) Corresponding Author Abstract This study is focused on determining the health status of each district/city in Java using the K-means Binary Search Centroid and Dynamic Kmeans algorithms. keywords: 2020; algorithm; algoritma; best; better; binary; binary search; calinski; center; centroid; chi; cities; city; cluster; cluster algorithm; clustering; dalam; dan; data; davies; dbi; decision; dengan; diktiristek; distance; ditjen; doi; dynamic; dynamic cluster; dynamic k; evaluation; excerpts; figure; harabasz; health;; index; informatika; initial; island; issn; java; jawa; june; jurnal; kabupaten; kesehatan; klaster; kota; kpt/2023; kualitas; means; number; percentage; point; process; pulau; quality; rank; regency; regions; research; results; riset; search; search centroid; sinta; study; test; traditional; value; vol cache: jri-511.pdf plain text: jri-511.txt item: #89 of 103 id: jri-512 author: Utomo, Wargijono title: Clustering the Impacts of The Russia-Ukraine War on Personnel and Equipment date: 2023-03-14 words: 3506 flesch: 55 summary: The purpose of cluster analysis is to discover the structure in forming groups of similar cluster objects. The Statistical Gap Method is a cluster quality evaluation method used to determine the optimal number of clusters in cluster analysis. keywords: algorithm; analysis; category; clustering; clusters; conflict; dan; data; dataset; decision; distance; doi; elbow; equipment; excerpts; figure; gap; group;; impact; informatika; issn; jurnal; kpt/2020; losses; maret; means; method; minister; number; optimal; personnel; profiling; rank; research; results; riset; ristek; russia; silhouette; sinta; statistics; ukraine; value; visualization; vol; war; yang cache: jri-512.pdf plain text: jri-512.txt item: #90 of 103 id: jri-516 author: Sutrisno, Mirza; Rambe, Jefri Kusuma; Asruddin, Asruddin; Wiranata, Ade Davy title: The Implementation of C4.5 Algorithm for Determining the Department of Vocational High School date: 2023-03-17 words: 3819 flesch: 62 summary: No MM 36 70-75 >75 TKJ No TKJ 37 70-75 70-75 RPL Multimedia MM 38 70-75 70-75 RPL Programing RPL 39 70-75 70-75 RPL Teknik TKJ 40 70-75 70-75 MM Multimedia MM 41 70-75 70-75 MM Programing MM 42 70-75 70-75 MM Teknik Komputer MM 43 70-75 70-75 TKJ Multimedia TKJ 44 70-75 70-75 TKJ Programing TKJ 45 70-75 70-75 TKJ Teknik Komputer TKJ 46 70-75 70-75 RPL No RPL 47 70-75 70-75 MM Data set No MTK ENG MINAT BAKAT JURUSAN 1 >75 >75 RPL Multimedia RPL 2 >75 >75 RPL Programing RPL 3 >75 >75 RPL Teknik Komputer RPL 4 >75 >75 MM Multimedia MM 5 >75 >75 MM Programing MM 6 >75 >75 MM Teknik Komputer MM 7 >75 >75 TKJ Multimedia TKJ 8 >75 >75 TKJ Programing TKJ 9 >75 >75 TKJ Teknik Komputer TKJ 10 >75 >75 RPL keywords: accuracy; algorithm; bakat; c4.5; case; confusion; criteria; dan; data; decision; department; doi; eng; entropy; excerpts; figure; gain; high;; informatika; issn; jurnal; jurusan; komputer; kpt/2020; majors; march; matrix; method; minat; mining; minister; mtk; multimedia; programing; rank; results; riset; ristek; rpl; school; sinta; students; study; table; teknik; tkj; total; total case; tree; value; vocational; vol; | | cache: jri-516.pdf plain text: jri-516.txt item: #91 of 103 id: jri-517 author: Primasari, Dewi; Muchtadiabillah, Khidir Zahid; Riana, Freza title: Application of Fuzzy C Means and TOPSIS in Warehouse Selection at PT Warung Islami Bogor date: 2023-06-09 words: 5875 flesch: 70 summary: The fuzzy C-Means method can be used to classify warehouse data based on the characteristics of each group. Warehouse selection must be compared one by one with warehouse data that has been recorded, and the selection is subjective. keywords: 1st; application; area; bogor; building; calculate; center; cluster; clustering; criteria; criterion; dan; data; decision; dengan; diktiristek; distance; ditjen; doi; excerpts; fuzzy; fuzzy c; gudang;; ideal; informatika; initial; islami; issn; iteration; june; jurnal; kpt/2023; matrix; means; membership; method; metode; negative; normalized; partition; positive; price; rank; research; results; riset; second; selection; sinta; solution; study; table; topsis; value; vol; w12; warehouse; warehouse data; warung; 𝑉𝑘𝑗; 𝑟𝑖𝑗; 𝑽𝒌𝒋; 𝜇𝑖1 cache: jri-517.pdf plain text: jri-517.txt item: #92 of 103 id: jri-518 author: Nadeak, Salam Irianto; Ali, Yusmar; Suryadi, Djaka title: An Interactive Medium to Introduce Sasando Traditional Music Using Multimedia Development Life Cycle Method date: 2023-03-14 words: 3806 flesch: 42 summary: In general, using interactive media is constructive for students in introducing traditional Sasando music because, with interactive learning media, students understand more than just reading the material in the module. They were selling Sasando musical instruments at varying prices for electric versions with prices above 3,500,000 IDR and acoustic versions of around 600,000 - 1,500,000 IDR per unit (Muntasir, 2022). keywords: actionscript; adobe; application; assembly; buttons; collecting; cycle; dan; data; decision; design; development; display; doi; excerpts; figure; flash; form;; informatika; instrument; interactive; issn; june; jurnal; kpt/2020; learning; life; main; material; mdlc; media; menu; method; minister; multimedia; musical; musical instrument; page; process; product; quiz; rank; research; riset; ristek; sasando; sasando musical; school; sinta; software; stage; students; system; technology; testing; traditional; traditional musical; traditional sasando; video; vol; yang cache: jri-518.pdf plain text: jri-518.txt item: #93 of 103 id: jri-526 author: Arwidarasto, Steven; Fitriati, Desti title: Implementation of Hybrid Method in Tourism Place Recommendation System Based on Image Features date: 2023-06-10 words: 3826 flesch: 50 summary: This research uses the Movielens dataset, which contains user rating data for several films. The NDCG and H.R. scores obtained were 0.855 and 0.628 for recommendations based on items and 0.795 and 0.581 for user recommendations. keywords: accredited; algorithm; approach; architecture; attractions; c.f; cbf; cnn; content; data; decision; diktiristek; ditjen; doi; evaluation; excerpts; extraction; factorization; features; figure; filtering;; hybrid; image; information; issn; items; june; jurnal; kpt/2023; m.a.e; m.f; matrix; method; model; n.c.f; neural; personalization; rank; rating; recommendation; recommender; rekomendasi; relevant; research; results; riset; rmse; score; similar; sinta; studies; study; system; text; tourist; user; value; vol; yang; zhang cache: jri-526.pdf plain text: jri-526.txt item: #94 of 103 id: jri-527 author: Supriyati, Eka; Azrino Gustalika, Muhamad title: Extreme Programming Method for Integrated Service System Website Development in Rejosari Village date: 2023-06-06 words: 3032 flesch: 48 summary: Eligibility Percentage Presents Eligibility Level 81% - 100% Very Worth it 61% - 80% Worthy 41% - 60% Enough 21% - 40% Not feasible ≤ 20% Very Unworthy Based on the table above, there are four categories of system testing feasibility from the results of descriptive analysis calculations. At the data collection stage, based on the results of observations, interviews, and literature study then, proceed with the system development stage, which starts with planning in the form of identifying problems and analyzing needs, so that it can be continued with the design stage in the form of system modelling, system UI and database, from the design stage directly implemented into the coding stage as well as system testing. keywords: addition; admin; analysis; application; black; box; collection; dan; data; decision; descriptive; design; development; diktiristek; ditjen; doi; excerpts; extreme; extreme programming; figure; hall; implementation; informasi; information; international; issn; journal; june; kpt/2023; letter; menu; method; page; process; programming; public; rank; rejosari; requirements; research; residents; results; riset; service; sinta; stage; submission; system; testing; user; village; vol; website; yang cache: jri-527.pdf plain text: jri-527.txt item: #95 of 103 id: jri-542 author: Alfaresy, Rafi Arribaath; Ratnasari, Chanifah Indah title: Website Evaluation of The Faculty of Industrial Technology Universitas Islam Indonesia Using the System Usability Scale Method date: 2023-06-09 words: 5024 flesch: 59 summary: FTI Website SUS Score (NPS, Acceptability, Adjective, Grade Scale) Based on the results of the formulation of the SUS score from the point of view of P-ISSN: 2656-1743 | E-ISSN: 2656-1735 DOI: JURNAL RISET INFORMATIKA Vol. 5, No. 3 June 2023 Accredited rank 4 (SINTA 4), excerpts from the decision of the DITJEN DIKTIRISTEK No. 230/E/KPT/2023 290 acceptability, adjective rating, grade scale, and also NPS, it can be concluded that the FTI UII website for acceptability is in the MARGINAL HIGH range for adjective ratings is at the OK level (close to GOOD), and for the grade scale is at level C. Based on these results, the acceptability of the FTI web is in the MARGINAL HIGH range, the adjective rating is at an OK level close to GOOD, the grade scale is in class C, and the Net Promoter Score (NPS) could be passive on website users. keywords: acceptability; access; adjective; brooke; dan; decision; diktiristek; ditjen; doi; ependi; evaluation; excerpts; experience; faculty; figure; fti; fti uii; fti website; good; grade;; indonesia; industrial; informatika; issn; june; jurnal; kpt/2023; level; menggunakan; method; negative; nps; pada; positive; questionnaire; rank; rating; research; respondents; results; riset; scale; scenario; score; sinta; statement; study; sus; system; table; technology; testing; uii; universitas; usability; user; vol; website cache: jri-542.pdf plain text: jri-542.txt item: #96 of 103 id: jri-553 author: Setiyorini, Tyas; Frieyadie, Frieyadie; Pratama, Aditiya Yoga title: Covid-19 Social Aid Admission Selection Using Simple Additive Weighting Method As Decision Support date: 2023-06-10 words: 4254 flesch: 59 summary: This is in the provision of Covid-19 social aid is still mistargeted at Covid-19 social aid recipients. This study proposes a decision support method using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method, which is expected to help decision-making in solving problems for selecting Covid-19 social aid recipients in the RT.07 RW.10 Kp. keywords: additive; age; aid; alternative; area; assistance; bansos; covid-19; criteria; criterion; dan; data; decision; dengan; description; diktiristek; ditjen; doi; excerpts; family; fuzzy; income; informatika; issn; jaya; june; jurnal; keputusan; kpt/2023; low; matrix; members; method; metode; numbers; pendukung; penerima; preference; problem; process; rank; recipients; research; residents; results; riset; rt.07; rt.07 rw.10; rw.10; rw.10 kp; saw; simple; sinta; sistem; social; social aid; social assistance; status; sukapura; sukapura jaya; support; table; type; untuk; value; vol; warga; weighting; yang cache: jri-553.pdf plain text: jri-553.txt item: #97 of 103 id: jri-555 author: Kemala, Ade Putera; Shiddiqi, Hafizh Ash title: Analysis of Indonesian Language Dataset for Tax Court Cases: Multiclass Classification of Court Verdicts date: 2023-06-10 words: 3345 flesch: 54 summary: The findings contribute to the field of legal data analysis, showcasing the potential of NLP techniques in understanding and predicting court outcomes, thus enhancing the efficiency of legal proceedings. The findings contribute to the field of legal data analysis, showcasing the potential of NLP techniques in understanding and predicting court outcomes, thus enhancing the efficiency of legal proceedings. keywords: arxiv; bert; case; classification; column; court; dalam; dan; data; dataset; decision; diktiristek; distribution; ditjen; doi; excerpts;; hukum; income; indobert; indonesian; informatika; issn; june; jurnal; kpt/2023; label; language; legal; lstm; model; multiclass; nlp; normal; oversampling; pajak; pengadilan; pph; preprint; rank; research; results; riset; sinta; state; table; tax; taxes; text; training; types; undang; untuk; verdicts; vol; weighted; weighting cache: jri-555.pdf plain text: jri-555.txt item: #98 of 103 id: jri-556 author: Syahputra, Muhammad Edo; Kemala, Ade Putera; Ramdhan, Dimas Ramdhan title: Clickbait Detection in Indonesia Headline News Using IndoBERT and RoBERTa date: 2023-06-10 words: 3262 flesch: 49 summary: The research demonstrates the benefit of balancing techniques in improving model performance. Unlike (Koto et al., 2020), (Wilie et al., 2020) also proposed IndoBERT with a larger and more general pre-training dataset. keywords: accredited; accuracy; approach; augmentasi; augmentation; balanced; balancing; clickbait; dan; dataset; decision; deep; dengan; detection; diktiristek; distribution; ditjen; doi; eda; et al; excerpts; headline;; indobert; indonesian; informatika; issn; june; jurnal; kpt/2023; learning; method; model; n.d; news; penelitian; performance; previous; rank; research; results; riset; roberta; score; sinta; study; table; techniques; total; training; untuk; vol; words; yang cache: jri-556.pdf plain text: jri-556.txt item: #99 of 103 id: jri-558 author: Lewu, Retzi Yosia; Slamet, Slamet; Wulandari, Sri; Djatmiko, Widdi; Kusrini, Kusrini; Sulistiyono, Mulia title: Prediction of Rainfall and Water Discharge in The Jagir River Surabaya with Long-Short-Term Memory (LSTM) date: 2023-06-10 words: 4803 flesch: 59 summary: Sedangkan untuk variabel debit air, evaluasi kinerja menunjukkan perbedaan antara data training dan data testing. The data used in this study is a dataset from the Irrigation Public Works Office of East Java Province UPT Water Resources Management Surabaya captured the raw data using provided devices : - Rainfall data is recorded based on the output of a device called the Automatic Rainfall Recorder (ARR) through the Wonokromo Station, and - Water discharge data is recorded based on the output of a device called AWLR (Automatic Water Level Recorder) through the Jagir River floodgates in Surabaya. keywords: absolute; activation; adam; air; dan; data; dataset; debit; decision; diktiristek; discharge; ditjen; doi; epoch; error; evaluation; excerpts; figure; flood;; hujan; informatika; input; issn; june; jurnal; kpt/2023; learning; level; long; lstm; mae; mean; memory; method; model; output; performance; prediction; process; rainfall; rank; research; results; riset; river; rmse; root; short; sinta; square; study; surabaya; table; term; testing; time; training; untuk; value; variable; vol; water; water discharge cache: jri-558.pdf plain text: jri-558.txt item: #100 of 103 id: jri-7 author: Sitorus, Maria title: ANALISIS KEPUASAN PELANGGAN TERHADAP KUALITAS PELAYANAN JASA LOGISTIK PT. CIPTA KRIDA BAHARI date: 2018-12-15 words: 4951 flesch: 44 summary: c. Kompensasi yang ditawarkan jika terjadi kerusakan atau kehilangan barang (atribut 10) Respon yang cepat terhadap terjadinya kerusakan dan kehilangan barang yang disampaikan oleh pelanggan menunjukkan adanya tanggung jawab yang besar dari perusahaan kepada pelanggannya. Kinerja CKB terhadap atribut kualitas pelayanan yang menentukan kepuasan pelanggan CKB masih kurang memuaskan. keywords: adalah; akan; alpha; analysis; apabila; atau; atribusi; atribut; average; bahwa; baik; barang; bawah; berada; berdasarkan; berikut; berpengaruh; besar; bobot; ciptaan; ckb; commons; creative; csi; customer; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; dengan; desember; diagram; dianggap; dibagi; diberikan; didapat; digunakan; dilakukan; dimana; disebarluaskan; empat; faktor; gudang; hal; harga; harus; hasil;; importance; indeks; index; informasi; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; jasa; jawaban; jika; juga; jumlah; jurnal; karena; karyawan; kebutuhan; kecepatan; kepada; kepentingan; kepuasan; kepuasan pelanggan; kinerja; kinerjanya; konsumen; kuadran; kualitas; kurang; lebih; lisensi; logistics; logistik; maka; masing; median; memiliki; mempengaruhi; mempunyai; menggunakan; menjadi; menunjukkan; merasa; merupakan; metode; nilai; nonkomersial; oleh; pada; pelaksanaan; pelanggan; pelayanan; penelitian; pengiriman; performance; perhitungan; perusahaan; peubah; prioritas; produk; rata; rataan; reliabel; responden; riset; rtabel; satisfaction; score; sebagai; secara; sehingga; seluruh; service; sesuai; setiap; sitorus; skala; skor; status; suatu; sudah; telah; tepat; terhadap; tersebut; tidak; tingkat; total; uji; untuk; valid; variabel; vol; waktu; yaitu; yang cache: jri-7.pdf plain text: jri-7.txt item: #101 of 103 id: jri-8 author: Haerudin, Haerudin title: SISTEM MONITORING VOLUME LIFTING MINYAK DAN GAS BUMI BERBASIS SCADA (SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUCITION) PADA PT. ASTRON OPTIMA date: 2018-12-15 words: 3754 flesch: 42 summary: Proses ini berguna terutama untuk KKKS yang tidak memiliki parameter yang dibutuhkan Migas, sehingga dibutuhkan perhitungan terlebih dahulu dari parameter yang ada. Data yang diperoleh harus terlebih dahulu di pilah-pilah berdasarkan masing-masing CTP dan tanggalSumber : PT. keywords: adanya; akuisisi; antara; aplikasi; atau; atribusi; batas; bawah; berbasis; berikut; biaya; bumi; center; ciptaan; commons; control; controller; creative; ctp; daerah; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; database; dengan; desember; device; digunakan; dilakukan; diperoleh; disebarluaskan; distance; flowrate; flushing; gambar; gas; gas bumi;; industri; informasi; informatika; ini; input; integrasi; internasional; issn; itu; jarak; jaringan; jauh; juga; jurnal; khusus; kkks; komputer; lain; laporan; lifting; lisensi; logika; maka; masing; melakukan; melalui; menggunakan; merupakan; migas; minyak; minyak dan; monitoring; muncul; nilai; nonkomersial; oleh; online; optima; output; pada; parameter; peralatan; perangkat; perbedaan; perhitungan; permasalahan; pihak; plc; point; poller; produk; produksi; proses; pt.astron; rancangan; realtime; riset; scada; sebagai; secara; sehingga; sejumlah; semakin; serta; server; setiap; sistem; suatu; sumber; supervisory; tata; teknologi; terdapat; terhadap; terhubung; termasuk; tersebut; tetapi; tidak; titik; untuk; volume; vsat; waktu; web; wonderware; yaitu; yang cache: jri-8.pdf plain text: jri-8.txt item: #102 of 103 id: jri-94 author: Puspita, Ari; Fahmi, Muhammad; Yuningsih, Yuyun title: PERANCANGAN DAN PEMBUATAN APLIKASI E-LEARNING MENGGUNAKAN MODEL WATERFALL PADA SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS date: 2019-09-15 words: 3174 flesch: 39 summary: Gambar 6.Halaman Utama Pengunjung P-ISSN: 2656-1743 E-ISSN: 2656-1735 JURNAL RISET INFORMATIKA Vol. 1, No. 4 September 2019 178 Ciptaan disebarluaskan di bawah Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi-NonKomersial 4.0 Internasional B. Halaman Login Siswa Pada halaman ini terdapat form login siswa dimana siswa wajib menginputkan email berserta password jika meng-klik tombol login dan hanya siswa yang berhasil login yang dapat masuk ke halaman dashboard Gambar 7.Halaman Login Siswa C. Login Guru Pada halaman ini terdapat form login guru dimana guru wajib menginputkan email berserta password dan meng-klik tombol login dan hanya guru yang berhasil login yang dapat masuk ke halaman dashboard guru. Keywords: Website, E-Learning, Waterfall PENDAHULUAN Pendidikan merupakan suatu sarana yang sangat penting bagi kelangsungan hidup manusia, hal ini disebabkan karena pendidikan adalah sektor yang dapat menciptakan kecerdasan manusia dalam melangsungkan kehidupannya. keywords: adalah; adanya; admin; agar; aplikasi; atas; atau; atribusi; bawah; ciptaan; commons; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dashboard; data; database; dengan; desain; didik; digunakan; disebarluaskan; edit; email; gambar; guru; halaman; harapan; hasil;; informasi; informatika; ini; internasional; issn; jurnal; kebutuhan; kelas; kemudian; klik; kosong; learning; lisensi; login; lunak; matapelajaran; materi; media; melakukan; melihat; membuat; menampilkan; menengah; mengelola; mengenai; menggunakan; menolak; merupakan; metode; model; navigasi; nilai; nonkomersial; pada; para; password; pelajaran; pembelajaran; pembuatan; penelitian; pengembangan; pengujian; penulis; perancangan; perangkat; peserta; profil; program; proses; quiz; riset; salah; sebagai; sekolah; seperti; september; sesuai; sistem; siswa; struktur; sudah; tahap; telah; tempat; terhadap; tidak; tombol; tugas; untuk; upload; user; valid; vol; waktu; waterfall; website; yang cache: jri-94.pdf plain text: jri-94.txt item: #103 of 103 id: jri-96 author: Oktaviani, Anggi; TM Napitupul, Golda; Sarkawi, Dahlia; Yulianti, Ita title: PENERAPAN DATA MINING TERHADAP PENJUALAN PIPA PADA CV. GASKINDO SENTOSA MENGGUNAKAN METODE ALGORITMA APRIORI date: 2019-09-15 words: 3218 flesch: 45 summary: Algoritma Apriori juga merupakan salah satu algoritma yang dapat digunakan pada implementasi analisis pemasaran dengan menemukan setiap rule pada asosiasi yang telah memenuhi syarat yakni batas support dan confidence-nya. Wawancara (Conversation research) Pada tahap ini wawancara dilakukan langsung kepada pemilik dan karyawan yang terlibat dalam transaksi penjualan produk di CV. keywords: akan; algoritma; analisis; anchor; apriori; asosiasi; atau; aturan; banyak; berdasarkan; berikut; bolt; commons; confidence; creative; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; dengan; digunakan; diketahui; dilakukan; diperoleh; final; frekuensi; gaskindo; hasil; informasi; informatika; issn; itemset; jenis; jika; juga; jurnal; konsumen; langkah; maka; membeli; membeli union; memenuhi; memprediksi; mencari; menggunakan; menghasilkan; merupakan; minimal; minimum; mining; nilai; pada; pembentukan; penelitian; penjualan; perusahaan; pipa; pola; produk; proses; red; red union; riset; rule; rumus; salah; sebagai; sehingga; sentosa; september; setiap; stud; stud anchor; suatu; sudah; support; syarat; tabel; tee; teknik; telah; terjual; tersebut; tidak; tinggi; transaksi; union; union tee; untuk; vol; yaitu; yang; ∑𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖 cache: jri-96.pdf plain text: jri-96.txt