(Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Volume 7, No. 1, January 2021 Page. 1 6 p-ISSN: 2356-2048 e-ISSN: 2356-203x 1 SELF TALK STRATEGY IN IMPROVING THE ELEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY Hermansyah English Education Department, Universitas PGRI Palembang Email Correspondance: hermansyah@univpgri-palembang.ac.id Abstract Self-talk strategy is making positive statements like “I can do this” to help oneself get through challenging tasks. This study used a quasi-experimental method. The population was the eleventh-grade students of Muhammadiyah Senior High School of Palembang, with the total sample of this research was 60 students. The data were collected through an oral test and analyzed by using a t-test to know significant difference between the students’ achievement in the experimental group and control group. Based on this study, it was found that Self Talk strategy was effective in teaching students speaking skills. Key words: strategy, speaking, self talk. INTRODUCTION Since indonesian independence in 1945, English has been taught in Indonesia as a compulsory subject for junior high school, senior high school, and the first year of university, (1997). In communication, English is one of international language. It needs the ability for speaking to make a communication. Brown (1994) states one of the major obstacles learners has to overcome in learning to speak is the anxiety generated over the risks of blurting things out that are wrong, stupid, or incomprehensible. Because of the language ego that informs people that “you are what you speak,” learners are reluctant to be judged by hearers. Our job as the teachers is to provide the kind of warm, embracing climate that encourages students to speak however halting or broken those attempts may be. One of the more complicated problems of second language learning and teaching has been defining and applying the construct of motivation in the classroom. mailto:hermansyah@univpgri-palembang.ac.id Hermansyah…. 2 Students of Muhammadiyah Senior High School 6 of Palembang in the classroom got the problems for speaking English. They were unable to express their ideas by using speaking English. But the most important one, the problems come out from themselves. It is about self confidence and motivation. They have intention to speak in English, but they are afraid to get a mistake and pressure of many aspects. In the classroom, when students have opportunities to make their own choices about what to pursue and what not to pursue, as in a cooperative learning context, they are fulfilling this need for autonomy. According to Wu (2012) the internal factors, such as correct attitude and intense motivation are very important for students to learn and speak English well. The intensity of motivation usually varies with the changes of time and surroundings. On the other hand, Hermansyah (2018) delivers that social surroundings could also affect one’s attitude towards life and learning. Attitude, anxiety, motivation, personality, self-esteem, and self confidence are important and affective factors. The advanced learners are usually highly motivated in these factors. This study focuses on students for improving speaking English. The writer will encourage students who should be able to express what they are thinking and feeling. Actually, they need motivation to encourage their speaking English. In speaking, many students cannot use it. They just focus on grammar without practising to speak. This is one of problems for students in English. They understand about English, but they cannot speak in English. They get difficulty and make speaking to be difficulty. Reassuring yourself while doing a difficult task may help you do more than you thought you could because even if you cannot do the task perfectly you can probably do some of it. They can think about learning strategies that have been successful for them in the past to help them solve problems at hand. When the students speak, they can use self talk strategy as their step to try speaking. The writer gave question about themselves, so they can easily share themselves in speaking. High motivation is the way to improve speaking skill, because it is the first step to increase self confidence in speaking. Accidentally, they speak in English to express their thought and feeling. Self-Talk… 3 RESEARCH METHOD In this research, the experimental method will be used. The term of experimental method is the experiment done by manupulating the objects of the study with the control. The goal of this method is to observe whether or not the correlation and significance by giving the certain treatment to the experimental group and provide a control for comparison. (Nazir, Momammad, 1988) In doing investigation, the following steps took; Identifying some relevant books , Identifying and defining the research problems, Giving treatment, and Writing the report as a thesis. The population of this study was all the eleventh grade students at Muhammadiyah Senior High School 6 of Palembang. This population was chosen because were found some of problems about students’ speaking skill and then they do not have strategies to solve their problems, so that this research would be conducted in this school with those reasons. The data analyzed was taken from the tests. The writer devides the students’ scores into two groups. Group A: The scores of the pre-test and post-test of the students who learned speaking through self talk strategy. Groups B: The scores of the pre-test and post-test of the students who learned speaking by using traditional method In this study, the writer presented the data distrubution of each test of both two groups in the form of the raw score, then the writer analyzed the data statistically by Inter-rater reliability and SPSS Program. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The test consisted of four aspects by using selftalk strategy, there were four aspects measured in the test: pronunciation, expression, fluency and vocabulary. The result of test had two raters and from the result of test, the score was calculated by using SPSS program. The findings of the study showed that the students’ problems in speaking English not only beacause of the components of speaking such as; pronunciation, expression, vocabulary, and fluency but it could be comes from themselves those are Hermansyah…. 4 encouragement, confidence and bravery. Jaya, et al (2018) mentions that in teaching speaking, the students should be raised their self confidence. Thus, when the students do not have encouragement, confidence and bravery to express their ideas in English. Jaya, et al (2018) adds that before English teachers start teaching, they should eliminate the problems on the students first, such as the students’ motivation to learn. It means the problem comes out from themselves and it because of the students are not motivated to express their ideas in English. So that the teachers of English now on must have solution for the students. So, the one of solutions for the students is self talk strategy, because it the way that can motivate, encourage, and improve the students’ confidence and bravery because with self talk strategy we can give positive statements for the students and it’s really influence the students themselves. Based on the result of research we can see the differences between scores in both post test in two samples, those are experimental and control group from two raters. We can see that there were significant improvement in students’ speaking skill from post test in experimental group because there were many students got score in good level, it showed that teaching speaking English to the eleventh grade students of Muhammadiyah Senior High School 6 of Palembang is effective and it can be one of alternative way in teaching speaking skill. On the other hand we can see there were no significant improvement in students’ speaking skill from post test in control group because there were no students got score in good level, we can see from each pie charts from each group there were many differences of scores. CONCLUSION After analyzing the results of the study, the writer find out that teaching through self talk strategy as one of the effective ways to teaching speaking skill to the students.It can be seen that students’ scores in post-test was higher than scores in pre-test. In other words, the students who were taught by using self talk strategy tend to be braver, more confident and of course be better It was also related to the result of the study conducted Self-Talk… 5 by Jaya et al (2018) that teaching speaking could be effective when the teachers of English apply the appropriate strategy such as self talk strategy . Therefore, self talk strategy could be used as the alternative way in teaching speaking. REFERENCES Anggraini, Sri. (2012). Improving Speaking Skill Through Self Talk Strategy of the Eleventh Grade Students of MAN 1 Palembang. Unpublished Undergraduated Thesis. Palembang: The University of Muhammadiyah. Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2010). Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Edisi Revisi VI. Jakarta: Rhineka Cipta. Barnhardt, Sarah. (1997). An Effective Strategy For Increasing Self Efficacy: SelfTalk. The language resource, vol (1,5):44. Blackmer,D. (2002). Mental Toughness Training for Peak Sport Performance. Accessed from www.TheExtraGear.com on Friday, 17th, May, 2013. Brown, Doglas, H. (1994). Teaching by Principles; An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New Jersey: San Francisco State University, Prentice Hall Regent Englewood Clifs. Bull, Victoria. (2009). Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press. Firdaus, Ferry. (1996). The Self Concepts of The First Year Students OfSMA 1 Palembang Their Reading Comprehension Achievement. Unpublished Undergraduated Thesis. Palembang: University of Sriwijaya. Fraenkel, Jack R and Norman E Wallen. (1990). Hot to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, New York: Mc Graw-Hill Block. Co Jaya, A. Hermansyah, Mortini, A. (2018). The Effect of Crawford Series Teaching (CST) on the Students’ Writing Achievement. ESTEEM Journal of English Study Program. 1(1). Jaya, A. (2017). The Influence of Teachers’ Questioning Strategies on the Eleventh Grade Students’ Speaking Achievement at SMKN 1 Palembang.Jambi-English Language Teaching. 2 (1). http://www.theextragear.com/ Hermansyah…. 6 Hall, Marie Mount, (2013). Teaching Resource Guide. Washington, DC: University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 Hatch, Evelyn and Hossein Farhady. (1982). Research Design and Statistics of Applied Linguistics. Cambridge: Newbury House Publisher. Hermansyah. 2018. The Use of Grammar Consciousness Raising in Teaching Grammar. Holistic Journal , Vol 16,No.4 Hoge, AJ. (2012). Powerful English Speaking. Accessed from www.EffortlessEnglishClub.comon Tuesday, 25th, February, 2014. Krashen, Stephen. (1983). The natural Approach. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Pascal, Chris. (2011). Definitons of Teaching and School Readiness. Birmingham: Early Education Group. Ratnasari, Dwi. (2012). English Learning Strategies. Palembang: Tunas Gemilang Press. Richard, Jack C and Renandya, W., A. (1997). Methodology in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. http://www.effortlessenglishclub.com/ Jurnal Fokus Konseling Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2015 hlm 1-8 SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 60-66 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 60 IMPROVING THE SKILL AND THE INTEREST OF WRITING ADVERTISEMENTS AND POSTERS THROUGH ESA SEQUENCE Fatma Yuniarti English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Abstract The action reserach aims at improving the students’ writing skill especially to write advertsements and posters. Both are the short functional texts to be learned at the first semester of the ninth grade. According to the data on pre cycle, the students of class IXA Junior High School Swadhipa Natar, South Lampung got difficulties in writing advertisements and posters. A treatment was necessary to help the students overcome their problem. To consider the related literature, the writer decided to implement ESA sequence in the class. The elements of teaching in ESA Sequence are Engage (to arouse the students’ interests), Study (learn the language focus), and Activate (use the language freely and communicatively).The data were taken from the test of the linguistic competence mastery, the students writing, and the questionnaire. The result shows ESA Sequence can improve the students’ ability in writing advertisements and posters. Key words : ESA (Engange Study Activate), advertisement, poster. 1. INTRODUCTION One of the communicative competences for the SMP students is to design and write an advertisement. In the syllabus it is the part of short functional texts. The written advertisemets are usually found in the printed media. It is an effective media for promoting a product. Poster is another kind of short functional text to be published for the people. It is brief, concice, and it usually gives announcement, campaign something, or promote a show, and the other purposes. At the first semester of the ninth grade the teaching of short functional text is stated in SK 6/KD 6.1. Although the teaching of advertisement is not explicitly written in the syllabus model, the implementation of school-based curriculum gives possibility for the teachers to put the material as a part of the short functional texts. In the English sylabus of SMP Swadipha Natar at the first semester of the ninth grade the materials include promoting products through spoken and written advertisements. SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 60-66 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 61 At the productive phase, as the follow up of the receptive step, the students of class IXA got difficulties to choose the theme of the advertisement, design the layout, use the effective expressions, as well as give the illustration of the advertisement. The early works of the students show the low quality of the written advertisement. The average score of the advertisement is under the standard (the average score = 48). The questionnaires also indicates that most students get difficulty to design an advertisement. 12 0f 34 students thought that creating an ads is very difficult. 18 students think it difficult and only 4 students think it moderate. To consider the difficulties the students get on designing advertisement, a special treatment is needed to improve the teaching learning process in class IXA. The treatment in this class is ESA Sequence as suggested by Harmer (2001). ESA sequence stands for three phases of teaching i.e. Engage, Study, and Activate. Engage is the phase of teaching aims at arousing the students’ interests on learning the subject. Study aims at learning a linguistic aspect while Activate is the phase for activating the students’ knowledge for productive purposes. The Aims of The Research Specifically the action research aims at 1). Improving the students’ ability to write short functional texts (advertisement and poster) indicated by the increase of the average score of writing the short functional text above 65, 2). Improving the students’ interests to write short functional texts (advertisement and poster) indicated by the increase of the average score of the questionnaire, 3). Improving the quality of teaching learning process by designing the steps of teaching learning activities more systematically. Advertisement and poster are two kinds of short functional texts we usually find in daily life. Nearly every day we watch commercial shows on TV or read advertisements in newspapers or magazines. The teaching of English advertisement & poster is not only directed toward reading comprehension but also producing them. Designing advertisement is not fairly difficult. Dixon (2010) states the steps for designing advertisements i.e. 1). Open the word processing program, 2). Concentrate on and plan to start writing SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 60-66 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 62 immediately, 3). Write the deep description and the whole things of the subject, 4). Include photos if possible, 5). Put the advertisement at the appropriate category. Not so different from writing an advertisement, creating a poster is moderate for the students. Finley (2010) states some steps to make posters i.e. 1). Check the task to create a poster, 2). Consider the aspect of the report or the presentation to be presented at the report, 3). Design the poster by creating the draft previously, 4). Get pictures, graphs, painting to give illustration to the poster, 5). Write the short description of the report and the project of the report, 6). Add pictures or written description at the poster, 7). Make the poster easier to see for the audience. ESA Sequence for Teaching Writing Advertisement/Poster Teaching writing can be done in many methods. One of the steps for teaching the writing skill in the class is done through the process writing. Seow in Richards and Renandya (2002:316) states some steps of teaching writing through process writing i.e. Group Brainstorming, creating cluster, quick free writing, giving W-H questions, creating draft, responding, revising, editing, evaluating, and post writing. Harmer (2001:25) states three elements that must be present in the process of learning i.e. Engage, Study, and Activate. Engage is an element of learning process in which the teacher tries to arouse the students’ interest in learning in such a way that it can involve the students’ emotion. Study is the other phase of learning in which the students concentrate on learning the language and on how the language is constructed. The last element is activating. It is the phase in which the learners do the activities or exercises to make the students use the language freely and more communicatively. 2. RESEARCH METHOD This study is action research method. The action research wass carried out at class IXA SMP Swadipha Natar, Lampung Selatan at the first semester of the academic year of 2015/2016. This research was done in 2 cycles and each cycle runs through the four steps i.e. planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The research was done on October to November 2015. SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 60-66 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 63 This action research uses test and non-test techniques. The test includes the essay test at pre-cycle, the end of cycle 1, the end of cycle 2. The instruments to collect data in this research stand for 20 questions in Indonesian that the students must change into English expressions. The expressions are created in sentences usually found in the advertisement or posters. They range from statements, orders, to questions. This test aims at measuring the students’ linguistic competence to express meaning. Besides, the action research also uses non-test technique i.e. the documentation of the students’ works, the documentation of the teaching learning interaction, and the questionnaires. The documentation of the students’ work includes advertisement 1, advertisement 2, and poster. Advertisement 1 is the free advertisement created by the students before they join the learning process with ESA sequence. Advertisement 2 is various kinds of advertisement created by the students at the end of cycle 1, and poster is the poster that the students created after they joined the teaching learning activities of cycle 2. The questionnaires are given three times (before cycle 1, at the cycle 1, and at the cycle 2). Research Procedures The action research was done in two cycles. The general steps were planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. At cycle 1 the activity started from pre-cycle. The researcher collected the students’ works on writing advertisement freely. The works then were scored. The assessment of the students’ work was made based on the grammar and the vocabulary. Then the students also gave the answers of the questionnaire 1. The analysis of the students’ works and the questionnaire lead to the conclusion that the class needed a special treatment. The treatment was the implementation of ESA sequence. Then, the researcher made the planning of instruction by writing lesson plan 7. The lesson plan reflects the steps of teaching in cycle 1. The preparation of the media, the worksheet, the guides for group works were the other things to prepare. After the preparation had been made, the steps of teaching (ESA Sequence) had to be implemented in the classroom. At the first step (Engage) the activity was brainstorming. Teacher asked the students to discuss about advertisements SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 60-66 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 64 the students were familiar with. Some advertisements were displayed at the slide shows. They were the models of the advertisement the students should know. While surveying the advertisement, the students had to choose which one was the favorite advertisement. The advertisement of PONARI SWEAT was selected as the most favorite ads. The students made a discussion about the content of the commercials. After they had finished the discussion, they continued to observe the other advertisements. They learned the advertisement of PLAYBOY and a computer course. At the second phase (Study) the activity focuses on the analysis of the general structures found in an advertisement. They range from questions, exclamation, statement, or negative sentences. The teacher exposed a great number of the expressions. Then, the students got drilling to produce the similar expressions. The expressions are needed to create an advertisement. At the post test the students got some questions to measure whether they have mastered the patterns or not. The last step (Activate) was intended to make the students’ memory more active. The students worked in group of five to choose the theme of the advertisement they wanted to create. Each group worked to design and finished their advertisement. At the end of the step the works were displayed at the wall magazine. After creating the advertisement in group, the students had to make the advertisement individually ad independently. At last, the students had to fill in the questionnaire given to them. When the teaching learning activities had been done in cycle 1, the reflection was made. The results showed that the research had to be continued to the next cycle (Cycle 2). In cycle 2 the steps looked like the steps of cycle 1. However, there were some differences compared to the previous cycle. In the phase of Engage (Cycle 2), the students were exposed to some English posters. They were presented in videos. After being exposed to the model, they gave their perception about the posters. The other difference was at the study phase, the students learned the patterns and the sentence structures that the students have not mastered through meaningful drilling. On activate the students did not design advertisement but posters. SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 60-66 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 65 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Pre-Cycle Description Firstly, the linguistic competence as shown by the Linguistic Competence Test shows that the students’ average score is 58. Some sentences are not made under the English sentence patterns. The students forget to use do (does) to make negative sentences or interrogative sentences. The structures of the sentences are also influenced by Indonesian language structure. Secondly, the assessment to the students’ works shows that the learning products a shown by the advertisement made are not well-designed. 27 works are not appropriate. 5 works are appropriate but much-influenced by the model and only 2 works are created appropriately and free from the influence of the model. The average score of the students’ works is only 53. Thirdly, the questionnaire shows that the interest of the students to join the learning activities is moderate. It is indicated by the average score of the questionnaire i.e. 22,3 (moderate) with the range of 21 t0 30. Cycle 1 Description Firstly, the average score of the Linguistic Competence Test is 66. Some notes are taken i.e. 1). The ability to make questions get improved (only 3 of 34 failed) because they do not use do/does correctly. 2).The ability to create imperative also get better, 3). Some students still include the word ‘you’ on creating the imperative such as you take this medicine!, You go to the shop! Etc. 4).The ability to make statement and the negative sentences also get improved with minimum errors. Secondly, the students’ work shows some creativity. 23 works have fulfilled the criteria of writing advertisements. 6 works fulfilled the requirements but low creativity, and only 3 works do not fulfill the criteria. The average score of the works is 63. Thirdly, the questionnaire shows that the students; interest on writing advertisement get improved. In the cycle 1 they think it is easy (score 32,5). Cycle 2 Description Firstly, the test of Linguistic Competition shows that the students get higher average score (70). They get improved to make questions, statements, imperative, and also negative sentences. Fayan Manggala Yuda Galutama still does a mistake on creating questions and SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 60-66 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 66 Efa Salfiya got difficulties to make negative sentences. Secondly, the increase of the score can be gained on the students’ work. Students’ average score is 72. At the end of cycle 2 the work of the students are 8 posters (excellent), 17 works (good), 7 works (fair), and 2 works (bad). The two works are the works of Ernawati and Rizqi Irfangi. Thirdly, the questionnaire also shows that the students’ interest on writing poster is 37 (easy). 4. CONCLUSION Based on the data of the action research it can be concluded that ESA sequence can improve the students’ ability and interest on writing advertisement and poster. The ability to write advertisement (poster) is indicated by the score of Linguistic Competence Test and the assessment of the students’ works. The linguistic Competence test get improved from 58 (pre-cycle) to be 66 (cycle 1) and 70 (cycle 2). The score f the students’ work get increased from 53 (precycle) to be 63 (cycle 1) and 72 (cycle 2). The interest is indicated by the score of the questionnaire. It get increased from 22,3 (pre-cycle) to be 33,5 (cycle 1), and 37 (cycle 2). 5. REFERENCE Dixone, Michelle. (2010). ‘How to write good eyecatching advertisements’ dalam http://www.ehow.com/how_493339 1_write-good-eyecatchingadvertisement.html Finley, Irene. (2010). ‘How to do a report with posters for an elementary school projects’ dalam http://www.ehow.com/how_770058 0_do-posters-elementary-schoolproject.html Harmer, Jeremy. (2001). How to Teach English. Essex: Longman Pearson Education Limited. Richards, Jack C dan Willy A. Renandya. (2002). Methodology in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. http://www.ehow.com/how_4933391_write-good-eyecatching-advertisement.html http://www.ehow.com/how_4933391_write-good-eyecatching-advertisement.html http://www.ehow.com/how_4933391_write-good-eyecatching-advertisement.html SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 57-64 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 57 ANALYSING THE STUDENTS’ GRAMMATICAL ERROR ON WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT Miftahul Janah English Department, STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Email: metha_krucie@yahoo.co.id Abstract This qualitative study described about grammatical error on students narrative writing. The participants were the second semester students of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung in academic year 2013/ 2014. In collecting data, this study uses forms with general, emerging questions to permit the participant to generate responses. Then, gathering word (text) from the participants, and collecting information from individual of participants. Data analysis tends to consist of text analysis, to involve developing a description and themes, then interpretation tends to sonsist of stating the larger meaning of the findings. After analysing the students writing, it was found that most of mistakes made by students were: missing subject, missing be in simple predicate, wrong simple predicate missing be, superfluous be, misinformation of passive form, the verb comes after the subject, pronoun form, agreement, and reference. Key Word: Grammar, Grammatical Error, Writing Skill, Narrative Text 1. INTRODUCTION Language is a means of communication. By using a language people can communicate with each other. Using a language is not as simply as we thought because there is a set of rules that must be followed, which is called Grammar. Actually grammar is used to mean the structure of a language. It is an essential part of the use of language process, both in spoken and written language. Huddleston (2005) states that although a knowledge of grammar will not on its own create writing skills, there is good reason to think that understanding the structure of sentences helps to increase sensitivity to some of the important factors that distinguish good writing from bad. It would be impossible to learn language effectively without knowing the grammar, because grammar helps learners to identify grammatical forms, which serve to enhance and sharpen the expression of meaning. Like all languages, English is a collection of dialects. Based on Altenberg (2010) explanation that is SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 57-64 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 58 while society views some of these dialects as having more social prestige than others, when we look at them objectively we find that all dialects are equal linguistically. That means that all dialects have grammatical rules, and the grammatical rules of one dialect are no more precise, pure, or logical than the grammatical rules of another dialect Knowing the grammar of our native language is an enormous help for anyone embarking on the study of another language, even if it has rather different grammatical principles; the contrasts as well as the parallels aid understanding (Huddleston, 2005). He adds that Some think the study of English grammar is as dry as dust, probably because they think it is virtually completed, in the sense that nothing important in the field remains to be discovered. Grammar for Writing Narrative Text Writing is one of four skills in language learning. Learning how to write in a second language is one of the most challenging aspects of second language learning (Richards, 2003). Then, Knapp & Watkins (2005) state that speech and writing are both forms of communication that use the medium of language, but they do so quite differently. It is usual to think that they are simply different aspects of the same thing; however, writing is far more than speech transcribed. Narrative does not have, for example, a singular generic purpose as do some of the other genres. According to Knapp & Watkins (2005), we cannot say that narrative is simply about entertaining a reading audience, although it generally always does so. Narrative also has a powerful social role beyond that of being a medium for entertainment. Narrative is also a powerful medium for changing social opinions and attitudes. Then, narrative is also a ‘big’ or macro genre in that it can easily accommodate one or more of the other genres and still remain dominant. One of the language features of narrative text is using action verbs in past form. About narrative, Knapp and Watkins (2005) adds that formally, narrative sequences people/characters in time and space. SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 57-64 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 59 In its most basic form, in text types such as recounting and retelling, the genre does little more than simply sequence. A key characteristic for all text types in the genre, however, is the requirement to orient or introduce the reader/listener to the people, time and place in the story. The structure of narrative is generally more complex than the orientation and sequencing typical of recounting. Common Error on Grammar for Writing Second language learner (students) are demanded to comprehend English well, including grammar in order to the target of teaching learning process has achieved. In fact, students often make a mistake or an error when they asked to make a sentence. It is like Bustami (2004) says that students often transfer the system of their mother tongue (L1) into the target language (L2). It was happen naturally because the strong of mother tongue by students. James in Darus (2009) stated that errors in writing such as tenses, prepositions and weak vocabulary are the most common and frequent type of errors that are committed by learners. Since grammar is seen only as a means to an end, some learners tend to reemphasize its importance and in the process, they make many more errors. The learners usually face difficulties in learning the grammatical aspects of the Target Language (TL), such as in subjectverb agreement, the use of preposition, articles and the use of correct tense. Such errors can be seen clearly in the learners’ written performance (Nikamtus: 2014). The problems that the students are bound to encounter would be weak vocabulary, inappropriate use of grammar in sentences etc. Thus, rekindling interest in the area of learner errors can be considered a timely move. Teachers who can analyze and treat errors effectively are better equipped to help their students become more aware of their errors. An error is different from mistake, so we have to be careful to differentiate. According to Lengo in Yulianti (2007), a mistake is a performance error, which is either a random guess or a ‘slip’, i.e. a failure SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 57-64 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 60 to utilize a known system correctly. An error is a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of a native speaker, reflecting the inter language competence of the learner. From those definitions above, it means that a mistake is just a slip that the learner forgets the right form. While, an error is a deviation which is made by the learner because he does not know the rule and he /she will make it repetitively. The sources of error occurrence according to Ancker (2000: 1): 1. Interference from the native language The learner may assume that the target language and his native language are similar. Then, he will over generalize the rules of his native language and the target language. 2. An incomplete knowledge of the target language Because of the incomplete knowledge, the learner may make guesses. When he has something that he doesn’t know, he may guess what it should be there. Lengo cited in Yulianti (2007), added that foreign language learners commit errors largely because of the paucity of their knowledge of the target language whereas deviant forms produced by native speakers are dismissed as slips of the tongue or slips of the pen. 3. The complexity of the target language Certain aspects in English are difficult for some learners, it may be caused the rules of their native language are quite different from English and even more complex than their native language. 2. RESEARCH METHODS The design of this research is qualitative research. About this research, Creswell (2008) states that qualitative research is a type of educational research in which the researcher relies on the views of participants; asks broad, general questions; collects data consisting largely of words (or text) from participants; describes and analyzes these words for themes; and conducts the inquiry in a subjective, biased manner. SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 57-64 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 61 In collecting the data, this study uses forms with general, emerging questions to permit the participant to generate responses. Then, gathering word (text) from the participants, and collecting information from individual of participants. Data analysis tends to consist of text analysis, to involve developing a description and themes, then interpretation tends to sonsist of stating the larger meaning of the findings. 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Grammatical Error There are many mistakes that made by the second semester students of English Department of STKIP-MPL, but most of mistakes that they made are: 1. Subject and verb In a sentence, there are at least one subject and one verb. The subject may be a noun, a pronoun, and the predicate may be a verb or to be. Some types of errors that appear in this category are: a. Missing Subject e.g., students made: from the text above, can be concluded that book is important. It should be: from the text above, it can conclude that book is important. b. Missing be in Simple predicate e.g., students made: The boat destructed by pirates. It should be: The boat is destructed important by pirates. c. Wrong simple predicate missing be e.g., students made: there are three dwarf in the forest. It should be: There were three dwarves in the forest . d. Superfluous be e.g. students made: Hendrick is express his feeling to Valeria. It should be: Hendrick expressed his feeling to Valeria. 2. Verb agreement, tense, and form. Every sentence has at least one verb. It indicates number of the subject, the tense, etc wherever it stands in a sentence. a. Misinformation of passive form SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 57-64 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 62 e.g., students made: The Troll was kill it two days ago. It shoul be: the troll was killed it two days ago. b. Passive order, but active form e.g., students made: the war will held tomorrow. It should be: the war will be held tomorrow. c. Active order, but passive form e.g., students made: the dragon is caught by the thief. It should be: the dragon caught the thief. d. Misinformation of the next verbal word e.g., students made: they will coming soon It should be: they will come soon. e. The verb comes after the subject e.g., students made: Bilbo Beggins look at hisself in a mirror. It should be: Bilbo Beggins looked at hisself in a mirror. f. A form of have/ has e.g., students made: She have a strange magic. It should be: She had a strange magic. g. A form of do / does e.g., students made: Bilbo do not know the rules It should be: Bilbo didn’t know the rules. h. Pronoun form, agreement, reference Pronoun is a word that used to replace noun in a sentence or a paragraph. So, there is no repetition for the noun that may bore the audience, that is, the reader or the listener. The example of the error that might appear in this area is: e.g., students made: Gandalf asks the dwarves come in the forest. Gandalf will be returned soon. It should be: Gandalf asked the dwarves come into the forest. He would return soon. From the data above, it can be seen that students made frequents errors of word/ idiom in their SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 57-64 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 63 sentence and some of them made occasional. They could not consistent in using past tense to develop their narrative text. 4. CONCLUSION A mistake is a performance error, which is either a random guess or a ‘slip’, i.e. a failure to utilize a known system correctly. An error is a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of a native speaker, reflecting the inter language competence of the learner. In making narrative text, the second semester students of English Department of STKIP-MPL in academmic year 2013/ 2014 made frequents errors of word/ idiom in their sentence and some of them made occasional. They could not consistent in using past tense to develop their text. 5. REFERENCES Altenberg, E.P. & Vago R.M. (2010). English Grammar: Undersating the Basics. New York: Cambridge University Press. Ancker, William. (2000). Errors and Corrective Feedback: Updated Theory and Classroom Practice. Forum (online), Vol.38, No.4, (http//exchanges.states.gov//foru m/) Bustami, Subhan. (2004). Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, and Semantics. Yogyakarta: Debut Press. Creswell, J. W. (2008). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. New Jersey: Pearson Education. Darus, Saadiyah. (2009). Error Analysis of the Written English Essays of Secondary School Students in Malaysia (European journal of social sciencesvolume 8, number 3) cited in www.eurojournals.com/ejss_8_3 _12.pdf Huddleston, R & Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2005). A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar. New York: Cambridge University Press. Knapp, Peter & Watkins, Megan. (2005). Genre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing. Australia: UNSW Press. Nikamtus, Sa’diah. (2014). Error Analysis on the Writing Tasks Produced by Students of “Azet Language Centre Malang. Journal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB. Volume 6, Number 1 2014) cited in http://jimbastrafidb.studentjourn al.ub.ac.id/ SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 57-64 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 64 Richard, J. C. (2003). Second Language Writing. New York: Cambridge university press. Yulianty. (2007). A Descriptive Study of Grammatical Errors Made by the Students of Writing III Class at the English Department of FKIP UNLAM Academic Year 2007. Thesis. Banjarmasin: English Department of FKIP Unlam. (Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Volume 8, No. 2, August 2022 Page. 96-102 p-ISSN: 2356-2048 e-ISSN: 2356-203x 96 THE CLINICAL SETTING ENGLISH ROLE PLAY METHOD TO IMPROVE THE MIDWIFERY STUDENTS SPEAKING ABILITY Surip Haryani1*, Azwar Abbas2 Nursing Program, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Madani Yogyakarta Magister of English Education, University of Ahmad Dahlan Email Correspondence: sharyani81@gmail.com Abstract Role-play for health science students can be done by applying clinical setting role play. The study aimed to find out the effect of clinical setting role play to improve the speaking skills of midwifery students using pre and post-test design. This is a classroom action research with one group before-after study. The 3rd-semester midwifery students were taken totally as samples. Paired T-Test shows an increase in the value of the pre and post-test results with a p-value of 0.003 and
0.05 in 2-tailed and the degree of freedom (df) was 36, the critical value was 0.279. If t-obtained was higher than critical value of t-table (5.794>0.279), (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) were rejected. It can be stated that teaching reading comprehension through direct method was effective. The Result of Students’ Pretest and Posttest in Control Group The students who participated in the pre-test were 37 students .Based on the result of the research, the highest score was 85 students and the lowest score was 30. The mean score in control group was 62.30, the median was 65.00 and the mode was 70. While, the highest score of posttest in control group was 85, and the lowest score was 60. The mean was 72.84, the median was 75.00, and the mode was 80. Sri… 105 Table 2 Paired sample T-test Calculation From the data calculation of t-test, it was found that the average scores of the students in the pre-test and post-test were 10.541 with the standard error mean was 3.241, while the standard deviation was 19.713. From the differences of the result, it was found that the lower scores was 3.968 and the upper scores was 17.113 in the level 95% confidence interval of the differences. The degree of freedom (df) 36. The table above showed that t-obtained was 3.253 at the significant level of p<0.05 in 2tailed and the degree of freedom (df) was 36, the critical value was 0.279. If t-obtained was higher than critical value of t-table (3.253>0.279), (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It can be stated that teaching reading comprehension through direct method was effective. Table 3 T-test Calculation Result of Posttest in the Experimental Group and Control Group Independent Samples Test Teaching… 106 The result of independent sample t-test showed the value of t-obtained was 4.462 at the significant level p<0.05 for two tailed and degree of freedom was 72, t-table was 0.279. Since the value of t-obtained was higher than t-table, so that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. So, it was evident that there was a significant difference between the students’ reading comprehension who was taught through direct method and those who were taught through conventional method. 4. CONCLUSIONS Based on the result of analyzing the data, there were some conclusions which could be described from the scores that were found, the result of statistical analysis between experimental and control group (t-obtained) should be higher than t-table (0.279). Furthermore, the result of the students’ score in control group and experimental group (value of t-obtained) were 4.462. Since the value of t-obtained was higher than t-table, so that the null hypothesis was rejected and alternative hypothesis was accepted. It could be stated that teaching reading comprehension through direct method to the eighth grade students at the state junior high school number 44 of Palembang was effective. 5. REFERENCES Arikunto, S. (2006). Procedure Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Brown, H. D. (1994). Teaching by Principles and Interactive : An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Cresswell, J. W. (2005).Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Quantitative Research 2 nd Ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Frankel&Wallen.(2012). How to Design nd Evaluate Research in Education. New York : The McGraw-Hill Companies. Sri… 107 Harmer, J. (2007). 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(Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Volume 8, No. 1, January 2022 Page. 62-71 p-ISSN: 2356-2048 e-ISSN: 2356-203x 62 GENIUS APPLICATION MOBILE LEARNING ON LISTENING SKILLS AND ATTITUDES OF EFL ADULT LEARNERS Fatma Yuniarti 1), Dian Rakhmawati 2) English Education Department, University of Muhammadiyah Pringsewu E-mail Correspondence: fatmayuniarti5@umpri.ac.id Abstract This study aimed to investigate the effect of using Genius Application mobile learning on listening skills and attitudes of EFL adult learners in the first semester of the English Department. The study is quasi-experimental consisted of two groups, an experimental group (n=20) and a control group (n=21). The research data included the results of two sets of listening tests and learners’ responses on an attitude questionnaire. Data were collected through a survey and the results were analyzed by using SPSS 12.0. The results were found that it can enhance motivation, increase exposure, expand vocabulary repertoire, and provide easy access to any time and everywhere. Keywords: Mobile Learning, Listening Comprehension Skill, Attitudes, Language Exposure. INTRODUCTION Mobile devices are the next generation of learning as they are extending into all areas of human life. Mobile learning is providing us with opportunities to change the existing learning methods and strategies and gives a more flexible approach to managing learning experiences on the move KukulskaHulme & Traxler, 2005). Mobile learning technologies “help produce learning that is personally customized, socially constructed, and which extends beyond the classroom” (Holden & Sykes, 2011: 4). Several empirical studies assert that mobile learning is a useful and instructive tool for language learning, and it can encourage students to be more autonomous and independent in their learning process. Chen (2016:40) emphasized that “Mobile learning apps provide multiple channels and modalities for adult learners to practice language skills”. Regarding language learning, researches in the literature have shown that listening comprehension is crucial for second language acquisition (Feyten, 1991; Richards, 2005). Genius Application... 63 Listening ability is an essential factor that contributes significantly to the second language learning process. Richards (2005: 85) stated that “The development of good listening skills is seen not only as something valuable for its own sake but as something that supports the growth of other aspects of language use, such as speaking and reading”. However, many language learners and teachers consider listening as the most difficult skill to be taught (Aryana & Apsari, 2018: 18). For the students of the English department, several studies assessed the students' listening comprehension skills. They found out that the students have difficulty in listening comprehension due to incompetent treatment of listening comprehension and insufficient exposure to listening outside the classroom. Moreover, learners are unable to follow listening materials in a stressful environment because of the cognitively demanding listening activities Likewise, Al-Handhali (2009) claimed that content issues, lack of exposure, lack of encouragement. Therefore, the problem of this current study lies in the weak performance of many students in listening comprehension and their insufficiency of exposure to the English language outside classrooms. Therefore, listening skills must be investigated further in the first semester of the English Department. New approaches in teaching are needed to be adopted, and modern technologies are required to be exploited and utilized. Al-Harris (2014: 34) recommended that a lessstressful environment is necessary for the classroom, and learners need more interactive listening activities. Al-Belushi (1999: 19) also recommended utilizing the latest technologies that are made available for language learning. He urged teachers to encourage students’ autonomy and independence in their learning process and to give opportunities for individual students to listen to what interests them and to listen in their own time and place. Thus, a shift towards integrating educational technologies is required to give learners some opportunities to practice listening comprehension skills outside the classroom independently. Therefore, to improve the learners’ listening skills, it is recommended to increase time exposure to the language by providing different listening materials for students to listen to in their free time Fatma Yuniarti... 64 outside the classroom. Also, it’s essential to utilize advanced technologies, online listening materials and to provide less stressful learning environments. Concerning utilizing advanced technologies, several studies have reported the potential use of Genius Application mobile-based technology in enhancing language learning and accordingly have required EFL teachers to use mobile learning to perform language learning activities by Kim (2013: 51). Crompton and Burke (2018: 18) urged higher education teachers to use mobile technologies to increase learning opportunities outside classrooms. Mobile devices can allow language learners to access different learning materials everywhere, flexibly, and at any time Also, they help to overcome many problems such as anxiety of language learning, inadequate language practices, and deficiency of language exposure. Furthermore, students can develop self-regulation and self-assessment through mobile devices (Zheng & Chen, 2018: 18). Besides, some mobile learning applications can provide opportunities for immediate feedback and language analysis. Genius Application mobile learning can establish an educational electronic learning platform that offers motivating educational experiences for instructors and students. It can also enhance the learners’ self-regulated learning experiences and increase language exposure outside the classroom. Therefore, the importance of promoting listening comprehension skills and the great opportunities that mobile learning can positively offer has led to the need to investigate this issue further in the first semester of the English Department in UMPRI. The primary purpose of this study, thus, is to explore the impact of mobile learning on improving listening comprehension skills and explore the pedagogical attitudes of students towards the integration of the mobile-learning in their classroom activities. The study addresses the following research questions: What is the effect of students’ attitudes towards using Genius Application mobile devices in improving their listening comprehension skills? What challenges do students face in using mobile devices? RESEARCH METHOD Genius Application... 65 This section discusses the research methodology and the procedures of designing and applying the research instruments including the statistical analysis that was adopted in analyzing and interpreting the results of the instruments, including a description of the participants, the research design, data collection, and data analysis. Participants The participants of the study were from the first semester of English Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung. They were about 41 students. Research Design This study is a quasi-experimental research design in which the researcher used a pretest and a post-test to determine the effect of mobile learning on students’ listening comprehension skills. The research followed this sort of design as there is no control of the random assignments of the subjects to the treatment group. Fraenkel, Wallen, and Hyun (2011: 36) affirmed that a quasi-experimental design is an experimental design in which the researcher cannot assign individual participants to groups randomly. Based on this, the researcher selected the experimental group and control group without randomization. The control group students received the English listening skill materials lessons following a conventional way of teaching. In contrast, the students in the experimental group worked with the same listening materials through mobile devices using the mobile genius application. After the experiment, the researcher compared the performance of both groups to gauge the effect of the mobile-based learning treatment on the experimental group. Research Instruments To gather data, the researcher has administered a comprehension listening skills test and an attitude questionnaire. A brief explanation of each comes below. Listening Comprehension Test The comprehension listening test was developed based on the objectives of the English language program course and aims to gauge the effectiveness of using genius application mobile-based learning materials on the learners’ level of listening proficiency. The test was administered twice: as a pre-test before the intervention to determine the equivalence of the Fatma Yuniarti... 66 participants. Also, it was used as a post-test for both groups at the end of the treatment to measure the effect of using genius application mobile learning on students’ listening skills. The Questionnaire The questionnaire survey was developed to assess the learners’ attitudes towards using genius application mobile learning for improving their listening skills. The researcher designed the questionnaire based on the relevant literature and previous studies (Kim, 2013: 62). The questionnaire consisted of two main sections. In the first section, there were 20 statements scored on a five-point Likert scale (1= strongly disagree; 2= disagree; 3= neutral; 4= agree; and 5= strongly agree). In this section, the participants indicate the level of their agreement and disagreement with the statements regarding their attitudes towards using genius application mobile devices in improving their English listening skills. There are four main dimensions in this section: perceived usefulness, motivation, self-management of learning, and intention to use. In section two of the questionnaire, there were open-ended questions, including what the participants liked most about using genius application mobile devices in learning English listening skills, the difficulties they faced, and other suggestions to improve the implementation of m-learning. The questionnaire later was the first semester of English department-tested on a sample of 41 students to check its reliability. Reliability analysis was calculated using Cronbach’s reliability coefficient; the coefficient was (α = 0.893) to the statements of the questionnaire. Thus, an alpha of 0.893 is an appropriate reliability coefficient as the statements of the survey reached the right level of internal consistency. Procedures and Implementation This study aimed to investigate the students’ academic achievement in listening skills and their attitudes towards using m-learning. Therefore, the researcher divided participants of the research into two groups, a control group (used the conventional method) and an experimental group (followed by mobile-based learning). The researcher firstly administered the listening pre-test for both groups, which showed that there were no significant differences between the two groups before the experiment. Genius Application... 67 The researcher conducted a tutorial for the experimental group to explain the plan of the study and to practice how to use the mobile application (Google Classroom). Also, the researcher explained the instruments to the participants, and consent forms were signed, too. The students in both groups were exposed to the same listening materials, exercises, and assignments for eight weeks. The control group followed the usual teaching method of paper and pencil, while the experimental groups used the Google Classroom App. In the last phase of the study, the post-test was administered to both groups to determine the impact of the listening-oriented mobile learning materials on students’ listening comprehension ability. Then, the students in the experimental group completed the attitude questionnaire and reflected on the use of the mobile learning strategy. 2.5 Data Analysis The researcher used the SPSS program (version 25) to analyze the listening comprehension test scores and questionnaire data. Descriptive statistics, including means and standard deviations, were computed for both instruments. An independent sample t-test was conducted before and after the intervention to compare the scores of both groups. The researcher also carried out a paired sample t-test to see if the students in the experimental group made significant improvements in listening proficiency after using the mobile App. Finally, to investigate the students’ attitudes towards the mobile learning strategy in learning English listening and the difficulties that they encountered, the participant’s responses to the questionnaire were tabulated and interpreted. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The findings of the research that listening skills by using Genius Application Mobile Learning on Listening Skills and Attitudes of EFL Adult Learners could improve students listening ability in terms of identifying through understanding and questioning practice. The further interpretation of the data analysis was given below: Students Listening skills in terms of identifying through understanding and questioning practice by using Genius Application Mobile Learning on Listening Skills and Attitudes of Fatma Yuniarti... 68 EFL Adult Learners. had different in pre-test and post-test. In the pre-test, the student’s ability in Listening skills was less understandable about the theories and how to understand and practice to answer the question after applying the use of Genius Application Mobile Learning on Listening Skills and Attitudes of EFL Adult Learners. the students more understandable about identity through theories understanding and questioning practice it can be seen clearly in Table 1 Table 1: Students’ Score of Identify the Theories Understanding and Questioning Practice The Student’s Score Improvement Pre-Test Post-Test % 55 75 36% The table was shown that the improvement percentages of students in listening through theories understanding in terms of identifying theories understanding and questioning practice were 20% after using Amazing Genius Application Mobile Learning on Listening Skills and Attitudes of EFL Adult Learners. The mean score of the students in the pre-test was 55 and the post-test which be 75. Hypothesis Testing The hypothesis was tested by using inferential analysis. In this case, the researchers have used a t-test (test of significance) for an independent sample test, which was a test to know the significant difference between the result of students mean scores in pretest and post-post-test researchers have used t-test analysis on the level of significant (α) = 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) = N – 1, where N = Number of the subjects (51 students) then the value of t-table was 2.06 the t-test statistical, analysis for the independent sample was applied. The result of the data analysis t-test of the students listening test by using Genius Application Mobile Learning on Listening Skills and Attitudes of EFL Adult Learners is in table 2. Table 2: The Comparison of T-test and T-table Score Variables T-Test T-Table Description Theories Understanding and Questioning Practice 10.8 2.06 Significances Genius Application... 69 The table was shown that the value of the t-test was higher than the value of the t-table. The t-test value was greater than the t-table (10.8>2.06). The value of the t-test was greater than the t-table. The score in the variable of Theories Understanding and Questioning Practice was (25.1> 2.06). It was said that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. If the t-test value was higher than the t-table at the level of significance 0.05 and degree freedom (df) 25 (N-1=25-1), thus the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted, and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. On contrary, if the value was lower than the t-table at the level of significance 0.05 and the degree freedom 25, thus the alternative hypothesis was rejected and the null hypothesis was accepted. The research findings indicated that the student’s ability in listening skills through Genius Application Mobile Learning on Listening Skills and Attitudes of EFL Adult Learners showed the improvement of the students listening skills in the terms of phoneme words. The improvement showed the process in pre-test and post-test. The result of the students listening in the pretest was low, especially in finding the right answer in the test. Based on the problem above, the researchers gave the treatment by using Genius Application Mobile Learning on Listening Skills and Attitudes of EFL Adult Learners., so that the students could show the improvement in post-test. In the pre-test, only gave the exercise to know their prior knowledge before using Genius Application Mobile Learning on Listening Skills and Attitudes of EFL Adult Learners. In the beginning, their listening skill was less good. Almost all of them were confused and spent much time thinking about the questioning practices without an understanding of the theories of listening skills. They only listen, but they did not understand how to find out the right answer. The researchers gave the treatment by using Genius Application Mobile Learning on Listening Skills and Attitudes of EFL Adult Learners. As the result, students become active and enjoy listening activities. It would be easy to do the listening activity especially since every student had their own Smartphone and Genius Application Mobile Learning on Listening Skills and Attitudes of EFL Adult Learners. could be installed in their Smartphone so it can make Fatma Yuniarti... 70 them easy to do practice every day. Most of their utterance was correct and no need to read for a long time to understand what they read. CONCLUSION The description of the data collection through listening test as explained to the previous finding section that the students’ achievement after using Genius Application Mobile Learning on Listening Skills and Attitudes of EFL Adult Learners. was significant. In using Genius Application Mobile Learning on Listening Skills and Attitudes of EFL Adult Learners in listening activity, the researchers found that the mean score of post-test students’ achievement is greater than pre-test. In table 1 showed that the score of finding out which the mean score of pre-tests was 55 and after using Genius Application Mobile Learning on Listening Skills and Attitudes of EFL Adult Learners, the mean score of post-test was 75. 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Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 55(6), 616-624. https://doi.org/10.1080/14703297.2016.1259080 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2018.04.007 https://doi.org/10.2307/328825 https://doi.org/10.1016/S0346-251X(99)00060-3 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-018-09641-4 https://doi.org/10.15702/mall.2013.16.2.11 http://studentsrepo.um.edu.my/id/eprint/8610 https://doi.org/10.1080/14703297.2016.1259080 SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 65-74 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 65 USING INQUIRY-BASED TEACHING (5E) IN TEACHING VOCABULARY VIEWED FROM STUDENTS’ LOCUS OF CONTROL Rahmatika Kayyis English Department, STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu email: middlenigtrain@gmail.com Abstract The objectives of the research are to find out: (1) whether inquiry-based teaching is more effective than grammar-translation method to teach vocabulary; (2) whether the students who have high locus of control have better vocabulary than those who have low locus of control; and (3) whether there is an interaction between teaching methods and locus of control in teaching vocabulary. The factorial design method 2x2 was employed in this research. The population of the research was the students of fourth semester of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung in the academic year of 2014/2015. Based on the test of the hypotheses, it can be concluded that inquirybased teaching is not significant effective method to teach vocabulary. The conclusion is the measurement effectiveness of the method is not determined by the levels of the students’ locus of control Keywords: Vocabulary, Inquiry Based Teaching, Locus of Control 1. INTRODUCTION The more vocabulary students know, the better they are able to communicate. A large vocabulary opens students up to a wider range of vocabulary materials. A rich vocabulary also improves students' ability to communicate through speaking, listening, and writing. To achieve the goal of learning vocabulary, the writer tries to improve students vocabulary by using inquiry-based teaching. She also considers their locus of control (high and low) to know whether inquiry-based teaching is suitable for students who have high or those who have low locus of control. The function of students’ locus of control is to judge whether the learning process is successful or not. Locus of control is a generalized expectancy about the extent to which reinforcements are under internal or external control (O’Brien, 1986: 52). Locus of control refers to the way people see themselves in control of the events that happen to them, and the power they have to change them. The concept categorizes individuals into one of two groups: those who believe that good things happen to 66 them because they work hard (internal locus of control) and those who believe that what happens to them is the product of luck or destiny (external locus of control) (Baron, 1993: 8). In other words, a student’s locus of control can be used to predict their successes and failures. The students with high locus of control orientation accept responsibility for controlling over their environment. They will be encouraged if the teacher gives a chance to them to involve actively in teaching learning process. Their control, of course, influences their achievement, especially in achieving vocabulary mastery. They tend to be more active in teaching and learning process. If students have high locus of control, of course, it will be easier for them to understand the vocabulary materials. On the other hand, students who have low locus of control believe that they have little control or power to affect personal outcomes. Students with low locus of control maintain a passive attitude toward their grades, assigning responsibility for their performance to others. They become the followers in joining the vocabulary class and passive in the class. Students with low locus of control do not see effort as related to achievement. They think that nothing they do will lead to success (Gage & Berliner, 1984: 399). Based on the description above, the writer is interested in knowing the reality empirically, not only theoritically. 2. RESEARCH METHODS Tuckman (1978: 135) defines that factorial design allows a researcher to study the interaction of an independent variable with one or more other variables, sometimes called as moderator variables. It can be said that factorial design is one of the efficient ways to study several relationships with one set of data. In line with this design, it is possible to assess the effect of each independent variable separately as well as their conjoint or simultaneous effect or interaction. The researcher took only two classes as sample. While, in determining the experimental group and control group, the researcher selected the class randomly, because it was impossible to change the classroom arrangement and for number of students the researacher took purposive sampling technique, 26 students each class. The result is Class A as experimental class and Class B as control class. This research uses three 67 variables; two independent variables and one dependent variable, as follows: a) Independent Variable 1(X1) Independent variables 1 (X1) in this research are Inquiry Based Teaching and Grammar Translation Method, Independent Variable 2 (X2) independent variable 2 (X2) in this research is students’ locus control, and dependent variable (Y)Students’ achievement in vocabulary mastery. The data in this research were the results of vocabulary test and the questionnaire of students’ locus control in learning Vocabulary. After the data were collected, the data analysis was done to determine the effectiveness of the treatment and to test the research hypothesis. Before testing the research hypothesis, the sample analyzed first to know whether they were in normal distribution or not, and the data analyzed whether they were homogenous or not. After that, ANOVA and Tuckey test were utilized to answer hypotheses. 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 1. Normality Before analyzing the data for testing the hypotheses, the researcher analyzes the normality and homogeneity of the data. The following is the summary of normality of the sample distribution. Table 1: The summary of the normality of the sample distribution No Data Sample Lo Lt Alpha Distribution Of Sample 1 A1 26 0.1186 0.173 0.05 NORMAL 2 A2 26 0.1186 0.173 0.05 NORMAL 3 B1 26 0.1186 0.173 0.05 NORMAL 4 B2 26 0.1186 0.173 0.05 NORMAL 5 A1B1 13 0.1736 0.242 0.05 NORMAL 6 A1B2 13 0.1736 0.242 0.05 NORMAL 7 A2B1 13 0.1736 0.22 0.05 NORMAL 8 A2B2 13 0.1736 0.22 0.05 NORMAL 2. Homogeneity After analyzing the normality of the sample distribution, the researcher analyzes the homogeneity of the data. The following is the analysis of the data homogeneity. Table 2: Data homogeneity NO X1 X1 2 X2 X2 2 X3 X3 2 X4 X4 2 1 72 76 68 74 5184 5776 4624 5476 2 80 80 68 70 6400 6400 4624 4900 3 82 70 68 72 6724 4900 4624 5184 4 76 64 64 70 5776 4096 4096 4900 5 82 68 70 72 6724 4624 4900 5184 6 82 64 70 76 6724 4096 4900 5776 7 76 70 68 72 5776 4900 4624 5184 8 76 64 64 68 5776 4096 4096 4624 9 80 66 72 74 6400 4356 5184 5476 10 70 66 64 68 4900 4356 4096 4624 11 80 64 64 78 6400 4096 4096 6084 12 76 64 68 72 5776 4096 4624 5184 13 74 66 64 64 5476 4356 4096 4096 ∑ 1006 882 872 930 78036 60148 58584 66692 68 Because (7.751) is lower than, .95(3) (7.81) it can be concluded that the data are homogeneous. 3. ANOVA test (Multifactor Analysis of Variance) Testing hypothesis can be done after the data are normal and homogeneous through normality and homogeneity test. Table 3: The summary of a 2 X 2 multifactor analysis of variance 4. Tuckey Test After using multifactor analysis of variance, the researcher analyzes the data using Tuckey test. The following is analysis of the data using Tuckey test. Table 4: The summary of Tuckey test Based on the summary of a 2 x 2 Multifactor Analysis of Variance, it can be concluded that: 1. F0 between columns (5.045) is higher that Ft (4.00) at the level of significance (α) = 0.05, so the difference between columns is significant. It can be concluded that teaching vocabulary using InquiryBased Teaching to the fourth semester students in STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung is significantly different from the one using GTM. The mean score of students who are taught using IBT (72.53) is higher than the mean score of students who are taught using Grammar Translation Method (69.19). It means that teaching vocabulary using Inquiry-Based Teaching is more effective than the one using GTM for fourth semester students in STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 2. F0 between rows (7029) is higher than Ft (4.00) at the level of significance (α) = 0.05, so the difference between rows is significant. It can be concluded that the achievement of students who have high and those who have low locus of control are significantly different. The mean score of the students having high Source of variance SS df MS Fo Ft (.05) Between Columns (Methods) 150,99 1 150,99 5,045 4,00 Between Rows (Locus of Control) 108,38 1 108,38 7,029 Columns by rows (interaction) 258,94 1 258,94 2,942 Between Groups 0,43 3 0,143333 Within Groups 39611,76 52 761,765 Total 40130,50 51 Cells q0 Status qt (0.05) A1 A2 0.7347 2.86 Significant B1 B2 1.9029 2.86 Significant A1B1 A2B1 0.7544 2.92 Significant A1B2 A2B2 0.6817 2.92 Significant 69 locus of control (71.96) is higher than the one of those having low locus of control (69.65). It means that the vocabulary achievement of the students having high locus of controlis better than the one of those having low learning locus of control. 3. F0 interaction (2,942) is lower than Ft (4.00) at the level of significance (α) = 0.05, so there is no interaction between the two variables, the teaching methods and locus of control to teach vocabulary. The discussion as follows: 1. There no significant difference between teaching vocabulary using Inquiry-Based Teaching and using Grammar Translation Method. Based on the theory, Inquiry-Based Teaching is group learning model which emphasizes on group members’ collaboration in mastering the learning materials. The group has responsibility in tutoring their members, and/or sharing knowledge each other. Teaching vocabulary using InquiryBased Teaching is able to arouse the students’ involvement in teaching learning process, students are encouraged to involve during the group learning activity. In group learning, the students’ motivation is called to contribute for their success team. Furthermore, the students can easily master and memorize the lack of new words and their form through their interaction in team, each student show their enthusiastic in learning process and they are much interested in learning vocabulary. As a result, their vocabulary achievement can surely be improved optimally. When the teacher teaches by using InquiryBased Teaching, the class atmosphere changes into a better one and the students are much more interested in the teaching and learning process. Each student contributes in positive competition among the teams during the learning process. They individually in team try hard to do their best to be a great team by carefully paying attention to their team work. In the class learning activity, students gain more from a class discussion when they actively participate in it, and they are more likely to speak openly when their audience is a handful of classmates rather than the class as a whole. Otherwise, based on theory GTM method is a classical method, focusing 70 on grammatical rules, memorization of vocabulary, translation of text and doing exercises. Prator and Celce – Murcia in Brown (2001: 3) state that there are some major charactheristics of Grammar Translation Method, namely: (1) classes are taught in the mother tongue, with little active use of the target language; (2) much of vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of isolated words; (3) long, elaborate explanations of the intricacies of grammar given; and (4) grammar provides the rules for putting words together and instruction often focuses on the form and inflection of words. In teaching vocabulary by using GTM, students tend to focus on the translation of word based on dictionary usage, less consider about their application in real life. Therefore, IBT is more effective than GTM to teach vocabulary. However, the theory was not really compatible with the fact in the classroom, IBT or GTM both have well response. the respons shows in the form of mean score. Althought not mean score is different but those are not signifficantly different. 2. The vocabulary achievement of the students with high locus of control is same with the one of those with low locus of control. Based on the theory, the students who have high locus of control have better vocabulary achievement than those who have low learning interest. Students who have high locus of control are indicated always active, creative, curious, having good participation in the teaching and learning process. They have their own spirit and motivation to study for getting their best competency and skill, otherwise, because of their curiosity, they like to have a challenging activity in learning vocabulary. According to Hurlock (1983: 420), the interest will add enjoyment to any activity that the individual engages in. If students are interested in an activity, the experiences will be far more enjoyable than if they are bored. Students’ interest toward learning English is very important. Their locus of control influences their achievement in learning English. The students having low locus of control are indicated, such as: individualistic, unconfident, 71 irresponsible, lack of leadership, and subjective thinking. The teacher identify that the students with low locus of control are reluctant to actively participate in the teaching and learning process during the class session. They lazily involve in the class discussion. They do not have enough intention in learning vocabulary. Markshefels (1969: 73) states interest is something that implies or motivates the learner to strive for a particular goal. That is why they cannot improve their lack of vocabulary optimally. Thus, it can be concluded that the students having high locus of control have better vocabulary achievement than those having low learning interest. However, based on the fact, whether low or high control students have same dependency on teacher instruction. So, the score for high and low locus of control are not significantly different. 3. There is no interaction between teaching methods and learning locus of control Based on the theory, Inquiry-Based Teaching is more effective than GTM to teach vocabulary for the students having high learning interest. The method emphasizes on mastering the material through students-centered in the form of small group learning. When the Inquiry-Based Teaching is applied in the vocabulary class, the students are much more interested in the learning process. They feel that the learning method used is a media to explore their interest toward English learning. They are more likely to speak openly in their teams. According to Ur (1996: 17), the group-discussion method is firstly, increasing depth of understanding; secondly, enhancing motivation and generating greater involvement; thirdly, developing positives attitudes toward later material presented in the lesson; fourthly, developing problem-solving skill, and practical problem. Students with high locus of control have some characteristics: cooperative, self-confident, responsible, leadership, and positive thinking. Students-centered learning should be owned by the students with high learning interest. They are challenged to do the best thing in group learning, not only for their personal goal but also their team 72 achievement. Additionally, students believe that group learning improves their relationships with other students. Student can share what they have had and get something new from their group environment. The students with high locus of control are more active in teaching and learning process, they have bravery to consult their learning problem to their teacher. They are also brave to answer teacher’s question whenever they are asked or not, they also have strong intention in learning activity, therefore, it makes them understand the lesson easily. Elliot and friends (1999: 349) state that interest occurs when a student’s needs, capacities, and skills are good match for the demands offered by particular activity. The application of InquiryBased Teaching in the vocabulary class can arouse the students’ learning interest. Each student interacts with the teammates and they feel responsible to themselves or the other especially in helping their group member in facing material given. When the students’ locus of control is high, it is expected that they can improve their competence and achievement optimally. Therefore, Inquiry-Based Teaching is effective to teach vocabulary for students who have high learning interest. GTM method is more effective than STAD for the students having low interest. GTM is focused on learning grammar rules and their application in translating texts from one language into the other. Vocabulary is presented mainly through direct translation from the native language and memorization. Prator and Celce-Murcia in Brown (2001: 3) state that GTM method is a classical method, focusing on grammatical rules, memorization of vocabulary, translation of text, and doing written exercises. The students who have low locus of control have some characteristics, such as: individualistic, unconfident, irresponsible, lack of leadership, and subjective thinking. They tend to regard that the easier way in mastering a set of English words and their roles are by translating them into their mother tongue. The students tend to focus on the meaning of each word and memorize them personally rather than its application in real life. The students’ involvement in the learning 73 process depends on their willingness to understand the subject of the lesson. Students who have low locus of control in a subject learn less effectively than students who are engaged (Fischer & Horstendahl, 2004). Therefore, GTM is more effective than Inquiry-Based Teaching to teach vocabulary for the students who have low learning interest. Thus, it should be there is interaction between teaching methods and students’ interest for teaching vocabulary. However, the theory was not really compatible with the fact in the classroom, IBT or GTM both have well response. The respons shows in the form of mean score. Althought not mean score is different but those are not signifficantly different. And whether low or high control students have same dependency on teacher instruction. So, the score for high and low locus of control are not significantly different. 4. CONCLUSION Based on the statistical analysis, the findings of the research are as follows: The inquiry-based teaching is not significant effective than grammartranslation method to teach vocabulary to the fourth semester students in STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung in the academic year of 2014/2015. The students who have high locus of control have same vocabulary mastery than those who have low locus of control to the fourth semester students in STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung in the academic year of 2014/2015. There is no interaction between teaching methods and student’s locus of control in teaching reading to the fourth semester students in STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung in the academic year of 2014/2015. 5. REFERENCES Baron, R. M., & Greenbers, J. (1993). Behaviour in Organizations: Understanding the Human Side of Worl (third edition). USA: Allyn & Bacon. Brown, H Douglas (2001). Teaching by principles an interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York: Wesley Longman. Elliot, Stephen N. et al. (1999). Educational Psychology: Effective Teaching, Effective Learning. New York: McGraw-Hill College. 74 Fischer and Horstendahl. (2004). Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition. Available: books.google.co.id/books. [ July 5th 2011]. Gage, N.L. and Berliner, C. David. (1984). Educational Psychology Third Edition. London: Houghton Mifflin Company Boston. Hurlock, Elizabeth B. (1983). Child Development. New Jerssey: Mc Graw-Hill. Marshafel, Ned D. (1969). Better Reading in Secondary School. New York: Englewood Cliffs. O’Brien, G.E. (1986). Psychology of work and unemployment. New York: Wiley. Tuckman, Bruce W. (1978). Conducting Educational Research: 2nd Edition. Harcourst Brace Jovanovich, Inc. Ur, Penny. (1996). A Course in Language Teaching, New York: Cambridge University Press. SMART Journal, Volume 6, No. 2, August 2020, Page 108117 ISSN Cetak : 2356-2048 ISSN Online : 2356-203X 108 THE EFFECT OF REFLECTION IN LESSON STUDY Imaniar Tiara Ningrum 1) , Rahmatika Kayyis 2) , Miftahul Jannah 3) , Kurniati 4) , Fitri Wulandari 5) , Renita Sigesti 6) 1) 2) 4) 5) English Education Department of FKIP UMPRI Email Correspondence: imaniartiaraningrum@gmail.com Abstract This descriptive qualitative research aimed to describe, explain and analyzing about the impact of Lesson Study Reflection towards teachers ability in teaching English Language and to find out the impact of lesson study in teaching and learning process in 8 th B Class of SMP IT Insan Mulia Borading School Prigsewu. The data collection technique uses questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis uses Interactive. The result of this research presented that Lesson Study improve the quality of teaching-learning process, the students enthusiasm in learning English improved step by step as the lesson goes on, and it affect students learning outcomes. Keywords: Lesson study, Reflection, English teaching 1. INTRODUCTION English is one of language that used to communicate in the world as international language. According to Nunan in Cahyono (2010) English has become a tool for communication in transportation, commerce, banking, tourism, process of technology, diplomacy, and scientific research. The science and technology are conveyed using English English language has been commonly accepted as an active universal language in the world. English is one of the most commonly spoken languages for economic, social and cultural prosperity in contemporary global society and, as a result, has become a worldwide enterprise (Kubota & Lin, 2006). Therefore, nowadays students ought to master English as a foreign language. In teaching learning process, particularly in teaching language, sometimes teacher rarely considers whether what they say in class is able to encourage the students to be active or not. As the fact, the teaching of English in our formal education was somehow out of the expectation. There are so many Imaniar… 109 English teachers do not succeed in teaching English as a foreign language. From these facts, it seems that something is incorrect from their teaching and learning English activity. Teachers have an important role in making academic atmosphere. To achieve this, they need to be professional in improving the quality of their teaching and learning process. In addition, to be professional teachers, they need to explore their teaching knowledge and experiences. Improving teacher quality must be done in a fundamental and comprehensive manner. The most effective improvement in the quality of learning can be done with lesson study, Madawati (2015) states the formulation of Lesson Study as one of the models of teaching professional development through the study of collaborative and sustainable learning based on the principles of collegiality and mutual learning to build learning communities. There are some previous studies taken by some researchers around the world related to the use of Lesson Study to help the teacher to conduct the class in the learning activity. The first study was conducted from Nashruddin (2016). The researcher conduct the research in a private senior high school in Malang, East Java, Indonesia with the title “The Implementation of Lesson Study in English Language Learning” As this is a case study, it only focus on a school and the result should not be used to generalize Lesson Study applications in Indonesia. In the lesson study there are several stages that must be carried out including the planning stage, the implementation stage and the reflection stage. At the plan stage, all participants hold discussions regarding the learning activities that will be implemented. Then at the "do" stage the lesson plan that was created will be implemented by the teacher in the class. for the next stage is reflection "see", there will be a discussion related to learning activity, Therefore, the researcher conducted Lesson study at SMP IT Insan Mulia Boarding School Pringsewu to see the impact of lesson study especially the effect of reflection The Effect… 110 towards teaching and learning process in English learning, and explain findings that useful in the development of English teaching that will be done collaboratively by the teacher based on the principles of collegiality. The second previous study was conduct from Andini (2016). The researcher conduct the research in Introduction to literature class of English Language Educat ion Department FKIP UMM entitle “Implementation of Lesson Study for Improving the Quality of Student Learning Process” it research was conduct in two cycle, with three meeting in the first cycle and four meeting in the last cycle. In the cyle1, it improve the students enthusiast in learning , the students enjoyed to learning, they could improve their participation in the teaching learning process, and their attitudes toward the learning activity significantly improved. In the lesson study there are several stages that must be carried out including the planning stage, the implementation stage and the reflection stage. At the plan stage, all participants hold discussions regarding the learning activities that will be implemented. Then at the "do" stage the lesson plan that was created will be implemented by the teacher in the class. for the next stage is reflection "see", there will be a discussion related to learning activity, Therefore, the researcher conducted Lesson study at SMP IT Insan Mulia Boarding School Pringsewu to see the impact of lesson study especially the effect of reflection towards teaching and learning process in English learning, and explain findings that useful in the development of English teaching that will be done collaboratively by the teacher based on the principles of collegiality. 2. RESEACH METHOD The design of this study was descriptive analysis in form of Descriptive Qualitative Research about analysis on the effect of reflection in lesson study. The researcher took from Creswell’s note that the descriptive research attempts to describe, explain and interpret conditions of the present the purpose of a Imaniar… 111 descriptive research is to examine a phenomenon that is occurring at a specific place and time. This study was conducted at SMP IT Insan Mulia Boarding School Pringsewu, which is located on Pringsewu, Pringsewu district, Pringsewu regency, Lampung province. This school has 4 classes for the elevengrade students. In this research, the researcher takes 8 Th B class students of SMP IT Insan Mulia Boarding School Pringsewu, This class had 29 students. To achieve the objectives of this study, data were collected in several techniques, namely interview and questionnaire containing about the implementation of lesson study, it was given to the model teacher, colleague teacher, English lectures and the students, and also observation class. In this study, the researcher used technique of data analysis based on Miles and Huberman cited Sugiyono (2014) which is involving three steps: reduction data, displaying data, and conclusion drawing/verification. Those components of analysis are interrelated during research process. 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION According to Lewis (in Ibrahim 2011) explained that Lesson Study is a way effective that can improve the quality of teacher teaching and student learning activities. Lesson Study is not a method or learning strategies but lesson study activities can apply methods for learning strategies that are suitable for situations, conditions, and problems faced by the teacher. In this research lesson study can improve the teacher teaching and learning quality in English language. The reseracher provides an analysis of the findings in each lesson study cycle on the teacher and students. Those findings would be anayze as follow: a. Learning method and media According to the research result, teachers did not use variations method and media in their teaching leaarning but after implementing lesson study, There were various inovation in developing the learning method and media, lesson The Effect… 112 study Lesson Study helped teachers in developing the teaching and learning method b. Teacher’s teaching ability in overcoming the learning practice and students activity in class In this research found that, Most of time Teacher’s ran the learning activity without structured planning, and teacher was not accustomed to reviewing the process and activity in learning, but after implementing lesson study, teacher’s teaching and learning pracice was better and stuctured based on lesson plan, and teachers was accustomed to reviewing the learning process and activities during open class, so it conclude that Lesson study improved the ability of teacher’s teaching practice. c. Cooperation and coordination between allied teachers From the result of interview and questionnaire data, teachers has never been involved in each other class and there was never been collaboration between allied teacher in handling the learning acitivity. But teachers were involved in allied teacher teaching learning activities and created a collaboration in teaching and learning practice with allied teacher during lesson study implementation. Lesson study provide the opportunity for teachers to share their experience, insight, information and ideas. d. Teacher’s learning evaluation Based on the research result the teacher tend not to conduct learning evaluation regularly in their daily teaching and learning practice, but Learnig evaluation was carried out by teachers during implementation of lesson study after open class, so by implementing lesson study there is an inovation to evaluate the learning activity. Based on the data description above, it can be concluded that there are a positive effect of Lesson Study on the imrovement of teacher's teaching quality in English class, through lesson study teachers could use various methohd in Imaniar… 113 their teaching practice in order to make the learning activity more interesting, Lesson Study also establish good cooperation and mutual learning between allied teacher. Furthermore, the students also made significant progress in learning after the implementation of Lesson Study. The progress could be seen as follow: a. Students Response In this research, the students response in cycle 1 was not really good but there were students who responses toward the learning activity,students answered the teachers question aout kinds of greeting card, but there were a students showed a low response and answered randomly, and in cycle 2 they had a low response toward learning activity at the beginning of the lesson, there were students looked not interest in following the lesson, there were some students put their head on table, and answered the teacher’s question limply. But they became more active as the lesson goes on. The students responses was preety good improve in the last cycle. b. Student’s comprehending In first open class the students comprehending about the material was good for the first meeting, but there were a few Students had low comprehension about the kind of greeting card. Students comprehending about the material was improved in second open class. All students could make an outline When teacher asked them to make it and some of students had already made it in form of actual greeting card. The students comprehending about the material was imroved each meeting, in third open class student could make a full greeting card and design it by themselve. c. Students dessire in learning Based on the research observation, in first open class, there were students had less desire in learning teaching activity, there was a student slept during the learning process at the beginning, but awakened in the middle of lesson, there The Effect… 114 was also students who chitchatted and make a noise with their friends. But there were students who had enthusiast in following the lesson. In second open class the students desire in learning looked weak at the beginning, they tend to be quiet when teacher entered the class but at the last open class Students looked more passionate in following the lesson there was a sense of competitive between each group, and all students tried to make the best greeting card. There was a sense of competitive between each group, and all students tried to make the best greeting card d. Students concentration in learning In first open class students paid attention on the teachers explanation and they looked concentrate when teacher displayed the kind of greeting card on projector screen, and in second open class there was a lowering concentration at the beginning of lesson, but their concentration lived up when teacher asked them to make an outline, there were students who asked to the teachers when they found difficulty, and there was student who opened the book and dictionary during outlining process. Students also could answered when teacher asked about part of greeting card that been showed before in projector screen, but their concentration was improved in the open class, students concentration was good, all students tried to design the greeting card. Some students translating the sentence into English, creating trinkets, drawing the paper and writing the greeting card. e. Students awarness Based on the research observation during lesson study implementation, in first open class only one group had chance to presenting their discussion result, the rest could not presented their disscusion related to the greeting card because the time was not enough, and there was no studnets awarness abou time. Students awarness when completing the lask was improve in second open class all group could finish their outline on time. And in last open class students collected their Imaniar… 115 greeting card to the teachers on time, only two group was ingnoring the time and late. Based on those explanations, there were some benefits of the implementation of Lesson Study in teaching-learning process. For the teacher, lesson study had made the leraning-teaching qulaity improved and more structural. For the students, lesson study had made the students more understanding the material, and lived up their enthusiasm in learning. The result of lesson study implementetation in SMP IT Insan Mulia Boarding School Pringsewu showed an improvement in each open class. 4. CONCLUSION Based on the descricption of reasearch result and disccussion, it could be conclude that Lesson Study helped the teachers to improve their teaching learning quality, and through reflecting the lesson study implementation, the lesson study provides a positives impact on the English teaching and learning including : 1. The the learning implementation became more structured because teachers had made the lesson plan in chapter design acitivity, although there were some obstacles in each meeting, but it could be resolve in reflection stage. Teacher’s teaching ability improved during lesson study implementation, because all the weakness in teaching practice discussed it reflection stage, so the further teaching practice be better than the pevious meeting, and lesson plan for next meeting made based on the various ideas from lesson study participants that concidered the result of reflection. 2. Lesson study generate the positive manner where the teacher accustomed to have maximum preaparation before learning in class. The teacher’s habit in designing and preparing lesson plan has been formed. The Effect… 116 3. Through lesson study the comunication between allied teachers is quite good and it tends to improve the way teachers model teach, because there was no discussion about the learning practice between the allied teachers before. 4. Lesson study can help teachers in solving the learning problem because lesson studty provide the teacher to discussing and sharing the information together, and teachers became more inovative in using the method/strategy in learning practice, through lesson study teacher beacome more esier to understanding the student’s behaviour and needs during the learning process. 5. Lesson Study implementation increased the students enthusiasm in learning English because there was a significant progress in each open class during Lesson study implementation, students enthusiasm improved step by step as the lesson goes on, and it affect students learning outcomes, due to the increasing of studnets score. Students enthusiasm was improved because in Lessson Study teacher solve the problem and discussing about the learning strategy that appopirate to students need. According to Kurniati & Wulandari (2019) implementation implementing peer tutor in lesson study activities can make the process of learning to be organized, and can be exploiting an critical idea and it rise collaborative in group in anticipate out of condition in learning process. 5. REFERENCES Andini, T.M (2016). Implementation of Lesson Study for Improving the Quality of Student Learning Process. Thesis. Malang: FKIP UMM. Chichibu T., (2013). How Japanense Schools Build a Profesional Learning Community by Lesson Study? International Journal for Lesson Studies. Emeral Group Publishing Limited. Vol 2: 12-25 Doig, B & Grover S. (2011). Japan Lesson Study: Teacher Professional Development trough Communities of Inquiry. Mathematics Teacher Imaniar… 117 and Development 13(1), 7793. 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This research used the qualitative method and took students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Pringsewu as a sample of research. In-depth interviews, questionnaires, and observations were used as data collecting techniques. The result is the students felt confused because the situation is different from the classroom. The student’s opinion of the platform Google Classroom is a good platform but they need to have a good internet connection to access it and some students have problem with it. They also mentioned that this platform is effective for teaching as long as the teacher can maximize the function of Google classroom. Keywords: Google Classroom, ICT, Online Class, Pandemic Era ‘ INTRODUCTION 2020 is the year when everything in the world should change into a new paradigm. It can be called the technology paradigm where every side of life is taken and controlled by technology. People in the ’90s would be so wondering about life that does not need to be face to face but still can have meaningful communication. This can happen because in 2020 all humans in this world are facing the pandemic that is named coronaviruses 2019 ( COVID-19). It is a new type of coronavirus disease that has never been identified in humans before. The first infection and death case caused by this novel coronavirus was first found in Wuhan, China and later it spreads all over the world. According to A Spinelli & G Pellino (2020), COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as confirmed cases approach 200 000 patients with what will exceed 8000 deaths across over 160 countries1. After the initial description in Wuhan and China, Italy was hit first in Europe and the impact has been immense2. The virus spread very rapidly such that 2 weeks after the first cases were diagnosed 1000 patients tested positive. One week later the number of positive cases exceeded 4600, mailto:kayyis@umpri.ac.id The Students Response... 20 reaching over 30 000 patients and 2500 deaths on 18 March 2020. The common symptoms of COVID-19 infection include symptoms of acute respiratory disorders such as fever, coughing, and shortness of breath. The average incubation period of this virus is 5-6 days with the longest incubation period of 14 days. Due to its transmission through physical contact, the virus can spread rapidly from one person to another person, from one place to another place, and from one country to another country. On March 2nd, 2020, Indonesia officially reported its first COVID19 case, which involved 2 positively infected citizens. Within only three months, the case has significantly expanded to much terrible number. According to data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia’s official COVID-19 response website, up to Auguts31st 2020, there have been174.796 citizens tested positive and 7.417 death cases occurred. Due to the emergency, the Indonesian Government through the Ministry of Education and Culture made the regulation in the form of Surat Edaran No. 4 March 24th, 2020, explaining that the teaching and learning process for all educational institutions in Indonesia must be carried out at home through online learning. At this point, the term “online learning”, “distance learning”, or “remote learning” has become a common word to be used by people all around the world to describe such a system, but it is then argued that these terms are not quite appropriate. In a recent study, it is concluded that there is a difference between online learning, which delivery is wellplanned and designed to be online, and the unprepared temporary shift of instructional delivery to an alternate delivery model due to crisis circumstances, which then suggested to be newly called as Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) (Hodges C. et al, 2020). ERT itself is new for Indonesian teachers and also students. At this time teachers should have a better solution to do the teaching-learning process without having to meet students in the classroom face to face. A virtual classroom is a choice for teachers who are still capable to teach without having physical contact with the students. A virtual classroom here by means an online classroom that allows the teacher to present the materials in the form of videos or presentations and this also enable students and teacher to have interaction. One of the recent virtual classrooms is Google Classroom. Google Classroom is considered one of the best platforms out there for enhancing teachers' workflow. It helps to keep classes organized. It is also completed by a free suite of productivity tools including Gmail, Drive, and Docs. There are several benefits of using Google classroom that is mentioned by Janzen (2014), those are easy to use, save time, cloud-based, flexible, free, and mobile-friendly. While Keeler Novita Eka.... 21 (2014) also mentions the other benefits of using Google Classroom such as ensuring streamlined counseling only by posting an announcement and encouraging collaboration between students. Furthermore, Crawford ( 2015) states that Google Classroom facilitates collaborative learning. Here teachers can upload materials and can give feedback to students. Students also can upload materials and make a personal comment. Moreover, students can collaborate. They can share their documents and assignment and thus they can produce the best assignment. According to Sukmawat& Nensia (2019), “Google Classroom is to offer a platform of blended learning in schools to simplify creating assignments and getting the grade out to the students in a paperless way. There are many facilities provided by Google classroom, they are: it will make it easier for teachers to carry out learning activities, the intended learning is not only in class but also outside the classroom because students can learn wherever and whenever by accessing google classroom online. A subject that relating to discuss as in the mobile that emphasizes the acquisition of observational skills; and allow students to see the concept of teaching and learning material.” This is in line with the result of a study conducted by Almio Susetyo Harjanto and Sri Sumarni in 2019 with the research’s entitled Teacher’s Experiences on the Use of Google Classroom found that teachers mostly use it as a facilitation tool for managing students’ tasks, organizing the classroom, and accommodating students’ interaction. However, the teacher’s perception is not always the same about it. Google classroom with all the best benefits that it can bring still has some lackness in the use. Based on the previous study by Kaukab Abid Azhar and Nayab Iqbal entitled Effectiveness of Google Classroom: Teacher’s Perception 2018 state that teachers perceive it as only a facilitation tool that can be used for document management and basic classroom management, without having a significant impact on teaching methodologies. It also indicates that the lack of a user-friendly interface that becoming a reason for inefficiency. However, those are from the perspective of teachers. Need more investigation about exactly the student’s response toward Google Classroom. Further, it is also believed that some students experienced more than just technical problems such as the loss of internet connection, the physical and mental tiredness students might have to endure in utilizing Google Classroom, the number of emotional burdens students might bear, the motivational struggles, the stress, the tasks, and many other challenges. How do students respond? How do these affect students? What do students think about the current situation, ERT, the government, the school, the parents, and the policy? The Students Response... 22 METHOD The Muhammadiyah University of Pringsewu was chosen as the site of research. The population was taken from the students in Language and Art Faculty especially in English Education Program who experience utilizing Google Classroom as a teaching-learning process during Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). This research is categorized as a case study. Experts have consistently described case study as a versatile form of qualitative inquiry most suitable for a comprehensive, holistic, and in-depth investigation of an issue (phenomena, event, situation, organization, program, individual, or group) in context, where the boundary between the context and issue is unclear and contains many variables (Harrison H. et al, 2017). Harrison also mentions that case study is primarily exploratory and explanatory, it is used to gain an understanding of the issue in real-life settings and recommended to answer what, why, and how research questions. The data was collected by using interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The validation used data triangulation by verifying from the investigation of phenomenon or fact from a different outlet. To analyze qualitative data, it used content analysis and narrative analysis. For getting the real data, in the interview processor, the researchers interviewed 6 students from different faculties. Namely, 2 students from FKIP, 2 Students from FKes, and 2 Students from FEB. the questionnaire was given by using google form with the total respondents were 113 students, and documentation was taken from the process of google classroom. RESULT The result of respondents’ education department background that completed the questionnaire with the total respondents were 113 students of the University of Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, who have different education department backgrounds, such as; Management, PGSD, Nursing, English Department, Indonesian Department, and Mathematics Department. Based on the data obtained from the research on the students’ responses on the utilization of Google Classroom, how these affect students, and students’ opinions about the current situation, ERT, the government, the school, the parents, and the policy. The researchers got five main issues. The findings in this section were based on the data taken from the interviews, questionnaire, and observation. Novita Eka.... 23 a. The students’ first impression on Google Classroom The first questions are on what are the students’ first impressions when they should Google classroom in the teaching and learning process they should study from home. A small number of students feel confused because this is the first time they study using Google Classroom, so bad because they do not have good connection internet, need to adapt, feel boring, and difficult to follow. On the other hand, the majority of the students have a positive impression on the utilization of Google Classroom, following answers were cited; challenging, pretty good, challenging, excellent, helpful in studying, Google Classroom can record all of the teaching and learning process, modern, fluent, more simple, easy to be used, easy in submitting the task, and fun. The finding is relevant to the previous research conducted by Haber, J, and Tesoriero (2018) that the study would lead to a more effective teaching style that aligns educational goals and criteria with desired student impressions. b. The students’ personal opinion on Google Classroom Having experience teaching and learning process by using Google Classroom, the students have different opinions both positive opinions and negative opinions. The positive one is Google Classroom is a good platform in online learning since it provides complete facilities, such as; room for a presentation, discussion, giving tasks, and test. The other effectiveness of Google Classroom is easy to use, saves data, and is not economical. This result is in line with the research finding investigated by harjanto, A.S.& Sumarni, S (2019) which asserted that most students, amounting to up to 56,8 %, agree that within the factor of using this Google Classroom is useful. While the experience of easiness when using, 61,22 of them agree that the application is easy to use. The negative opinion on Google Classroom is in the technical and conditional aspects. Such as; the bad internet connection, bad signal and the lecturers do not use Google Classroom maximally. The lecturers only give the tasks not teaching. c. The effectiveness of the Utilization of Google Classroom in Learning Process In responding to this question the students have a different point of view. The first group of students said that this is effective as long as both the lecturer and the students follow the procedure well. That is supported by a good internet connection and well structure of the teaching and learning process. Furthermore, the students also mention The Students Response... 24 that Google classroom is more effective than other applications like WhatsApp. Meanwhile, the second group asserts that Google Classroom is not effective for some reasons, such as the bad internet connection and Google Classroom only used to check the students’ attendance, giving the task and submit the task. The finding of the research conducted by Alim, n, et.al (2019) also mentioned that Google Classroom is very useful in improving the abilities and skills of each student. Students can learn by themselves and through guidance. So, both teachers should have well interaction by using Google Classroom. d. What should the lecturer do in improving the performance using Google Classroom In this session, the students give various criticism and suggestion, such as; the lecturer should give extra time for the students in submitting the task, the lecturer should be more creative in teaching, and in each new discussion should create new room chat, the lecturer also should be balanced in giving the material and tasks, the lecturer would be better giving video than PPT in teaching, the lecturer should increase the ability in ICT, the lecturer should be more responsive in answering the students’ question and the lecturer should build a good interaction with the students. Moreover, the students also suggested the lecturer use the facilities in Google Classroom for giving directed feed bask to the students. This is similar to the finding of the research conducted by Shaharance, I.N.M., et.al the respondents strongly agreed that in terms of the usefulness of the Google Classroom, the feedback provided by the lecturer is very useful. e. The advantages and disadvantages of the utilization of Google Classroom The students mentioned that Google Classroom is a good platform that helps the students to learn the material in this pandemic era. All of the application of technology brings its benefit and also weaknesses. According to students, Google Classroom is easy to use, this virtual classroom provides the facilities for the teacher to share the material by giving instructional teaching process, it has specific room for doing the interaction, also has the facilities to give the portfolio task and quiz with the specific storage. The Previous Research conducted by Okmawati (2020) found that Google Classroom is an effective platform for teaching in the pandemic era. Harjana (2003) mentioned in measuring the effectiveness of Communication, several aspects should be considered, such as the message recipients, contents, communication, media, format, source, and timing. Google Classroom full fill that requirement. The disadvantages of the utilization Novita Eka.... 25 of the Google Classroom mentioned by the students are it consumes so much internet data, the students need to increase the cost for studying. For the students who live in a remote area they face difficulty accessing it because of the bad internet connection, and the students can not study maximally. The previous research by Iftakhar (2016) found that low internet speed also bars to implementation of Google Classroom Effectively. DISCUSSION The changing situation force both the lecturer and student to be able to adapt and think faster to choose good platforms in learning. In this pandemic era, Google Classroom is like oases in the desert that help the students to reduce their knowledge. As mentioned by Izenstark& Leahy (2015), there are so many advantages of using Google Classroom as one of Learning Management Systems (LSM), such as; Quick and convenient setting, Time Saving, Increase in cooperation and communication, Centralized data storage, and quick and sharing of resource. This platform allows the lecturers to give make the virtual classroom where the students can learn effectively. As a result of the research, the students have a good impression and opinion of the utilization of Google Classroom in the teaching and learning process. Of course, all application brings not only advantages but also disadvantages as mentioned by the students. They need a good internet connection and the ability in using the technology. Moreover, this platform is beneficial for the virtual classroom as long as the lecturers can teach the students attractively, for example; bringing the video with the detailed explanation for each material, various kinds of tasks and tests, and also having good interaction with the students. For the improve the quality of utilization Google Classroom for an online class, the students suggest the lecturers prepare the material well by making the interactive video of the teaching and learning process, be more disciplined in starting and ending the classroom, the lecturers should not only give the tasks but also the material, and increase the ability to manage the Google Classroom. REFERENCES Alim, N, et.al (2019) The Effectiveness of Google Classroom As An Instructional Media: A Case of State Islamic Institute of Kendari Indonesia. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews. 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Retrieved from https://ojs.unimal.ac.id/index.php/ijevs/article/view/1526 http://www.alicekeeler.com/teachertech/2014/09/22/15-more-things-you-can-do-with-google-classroom/ http://www.alicekeeler.com/teachertech/2014/09/22/15-more-things-you-can-do-with-google-classroom/ http://www.kemdikbud.go.id/main/blog/2020/03/se-mendikbudhttp://www.kemdikbud.go.id/main/blog/2020/03/se-mendikbudhttp://ejournal.unp.ac.id/index.php/jelt SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 75-83 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 75 ACTION RESEARCH : IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPOKEN INTERACTIONS THROUGH POSTER SESSION Seftika English Department, STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu email: seftika@rocketmail.com Abstract Spoken interaction is beneficial in learning a language. In fact the classrooom interaction did not take place well. Due to the lack of students’ interaction, this study aimed to improve students’ spoken interaction through Poster Session. A classroom action research was carried out at the English major students at the fourth semester of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung. In collecting the data the researcher used observation, test, and documentation. The data collected were analyzed and synthesized both qualitatively and quantitatively, and then meaning and interpretation were built to know clearly the process which was occurred during the research. The results indicate that there is improvement of Students’ spoken interaction using Poster Session. Poster Session facilitates students to practise English spoken interaction, it enhances them to be involved in learner-learner interaction. Due to the fact that their interaction is great, it influences their speaking skill. Key Words: Interaction, speaking, Poster Session 1. INTRODUCTION For English foreign language (EFL) learners, English does not play important role in social life, it is widely acquired in school instead and learned to gain insight and technology. Students do not use the foreign language much outside the classroom, except perhaps on holiday, with tourists to their country, and when using computers (Cameron, 2001). It implies that EFL learners usually use English for certain purposes. In addition not all of them could use English since for the foreigner, mother tongues prefer to be used because they still face difficulty in English. As Cameron (2001: 241) stated “to get the abilities of learning a foreign language, it is different from learning the first language.” Considering that phenomenon, spoken interaction should be built for facilitating learners in learning English. It is supported by Cameron (2001: 18) who stated that for English Foreign learners, spoken language is the medium through which the new language is encountered, understood, practiced and learnt. New language is largely introduced orally, understood orally and aurally, practiced SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 75-83 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 76 orally. Due to the fact that speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and processing information (Nunan, 2003). In other words speaking is a complex skill which is crucial to be mastered for communication. Moreover Nunan also stated that for most people especially English learners, speaking a foreign language has often meant a difficulty (2003). Whereas the major goal of teaching speaking is communicative efficiency. Language learners should be able to make themselves understood by using their current proficiency (Bahrani & Soltani, 2012). In order that students can develop communicative efficiency, the teacher have to use appropriate activities that support students learning. Then in order to assist learners to speak English, oral interaction proposed to be implemented in speaking activities. As Tuan & Nhu (2010) stated that classroom interaction is a key to reach that goal. It is the collaborative exchange of thoughts, feelings or ideas between two or more people, leading to a mutual effect on each other. Tuan & Nhu (2010) explain two types of classroom interaction : Firstly, non-verbal interaction is related to behavioral responses in class such as head nodding, hand raising, body gestures, and eye contact. Secondly, verbal interaction, contains written oral interaction. Written interaction is the style of interaction in which students write out their ideas, thoughts. While oral interaction occurred when students interact with others by speaking in class, answering and asking questions, making comments, and taking part in discussions. Then, they explain form of oral Interactions namely teacherlearner interaction and learners-learners interaction. Teacher-learner interaction is commonly happened in the classroom in which the teacher ask question and the students respon it. While learner-learner interaction occurs among learners. In this form of interaction, the teacher plays a role as a monitor and learners are the main participants. Learner-learner interaction occurs in groups called learner-learner interaction, in pairs called peer interaction. Furthermore the improvement of students interaction leads to the achivement of students’ speaking skill. Wang & Castro (2010) have proven that classroom interaction and the language output may activate learners to learn English and have a positive effect on SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 75-83 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 77 improving the learning of a foreign language. For these reasons, it is necessary to introduce, learn, and practice English in the classroom, mainly for college students who take English major. However many students in English major got difficulty in mastering English. For instance they found problem in productive skills such speaking. That problem is caused by their lack of interaction both teachers-learners interaction and learners-learners interaction. It implies that spoken interaction have to be built in learning English as foreign language. Hall (2011) also noted that much applied linguistics research now places interaction of one sort or another at the centre of language teaching and learning. The indentified problem is also experienced by the research subject, English major students at the fourth semester of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung. Having observed the students, the writer found that learners faced difficulties to interact with others in English. Actually, students at the fourth semester had learnt speaking 1, speaking 2, even language components such as grammar and pronunciation. But they still got difficulty to use English in classroom interaction. They were nervous to say something. Then the leanerslearners interaction was still low. Students were affraid to make a mistake. Whereas from that mistakes, they could learn more. Then Classroom interaction does not take place well. The interaction is dominated by the more outgoing learners. Some students know the language rule, but they could not practice it in spoken interaction. Based on the problems above, it can be assumed that the students need a lot of practices in spoken interaction, the more they interact in English, the more they get fluency in English. That is why the lecturer have to think creatively, how to facilitate students in order to interact with their friends and lecturer. It is an urgent need to implement a teaching technique that can attract students to talk more. To solve the problems, the researcher conducted a classroom action research. In this study, the writer tried to implement the interesting teachnique of teaching speaking. Then the appropriate one that was be chosen is poster sessions. It is one of strategies that can be applied in the class by the lecturer in order to encourage the students to speak up. Then it conducted in a group, where students SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 75-83 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 78 students write ideas in form of poster and share the displayed poster to others. Meng (2009) states” group work provides more language practice opportunities for conversations, where students can work together to produce language through speaking and given appropriate materials to work with or problems to solve, they can engage in the creative language use and develop communicative competence in the English language. That is why group work encourages learners to practice English orally and it also can decrease students’ shyness in speaking because in a group students have an opportunity to work together and use visuals to enhance their motivation in speaking. In poster session activity, the students do mobile activity where they walk around to show all the posters which is displayed in the wall of classroom. Previously, McNamara at all (2010) have investigated the use of poster presentations as assessment of work integrated learning to examine how poster presentations can be used to authentically assess student learning during work integrated learning. It found that it was an innovative approach to the assessment in the humanities where posters were used as one way that universities can overcome the substantial challenges of assessing work integrated learning. Then Aziz (2009) in his research found that Poster is an alternative strategy or method in teaching and learning for the higher institution of learning. The poster serves the purpose of explaining the macro-level of understanding risk management so that students understand the idea that should go beyond classroom onto practice. From the explanations above, it proves the important of interaction in learning english especially for fostering speaking skill. Unlike the previous study, the present research focus to improve students’ interaction in order to their speaking would be improved too. The poster session is applied in college learning and teaching activities as the strategy for the students to be actively interacted in the class in the way how they share or convey their ideas, and deliver information to others. The researcher also believes that Poster Session is challenging for college students because this strategy facilitiate students to do conversation, to talk what poster is about, and every member of the group has roles to take a turn in speaking, SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 75-83 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 79 that can foster simultaneous interaction during the Poster Session activities. Therefore this study aimed to know the improvement of students’ spoken interaction through Poster Session. 2. RESEARCH METHODS The researcher used an action research. This action research consisted of two cycles. The series of cycling activities are planning, action, observing, and reflecting. In collecting the data, the researcher used three research instruments, namely observation, test, and documentation. Observation was done to watch the process of students’ spoken interaction using Poster Session. During the observation the researcher also used field notes, observation checklist for students’ interaction and students’ speaking skill. By making use of observation, the researcher expected that the use of Poster Session to improve students’ spoken interaction could be figured out. Focus of the observation are: the interaction process of English spoken between students in their group; and students’ speaking performance on task during group work. Next, in documentation, the researcher used a video camera. The video taping took place at any kind of activities during the teaching learning process. It made easier for the researcher to replay and examine the detail of capture. In analyzing the data, the writer adapted steps of analysing Action Research data which is proposed by Burn (2010). In the this research the researcher analyzed the improvement of students’ spoken interaction by identifying appropriate data analysis and data interpreting technique. Firstly, the researcher collected the data by using observation, test, and documentation. Secondly, the data that had been collected was analyzed and synthesized both qualitatively and quantitatively. The result of observation and documentation were analyzed qulitatively by categorising and inductive coding. Inductive coding means that we look at the data from the perspectives of people closely involved in the research context and analyze their opinions and views exactly as we find them. Then, the data of students’ talk in group was analyzed too. Thirdly, the researcher built meaning and interpretation. Fourthly, having interpreted the result of collecting data, the writer employed WHQuestion to SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 75-83 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 80 know clearly the educational process which was occurred during the research. The last, the researcher reported the outcomes. 3. FINDING AND DISCUSSION Table 1 Sum up of the improvement of students’ speaking from pre-observation to cycle 2 P re O b se rv at io n • Students were embarrassed to express their opinion or idea • Students lacked vocabulary • It was difficult for students to utter the correct sentences. • Students’ pronunciations were poor and grammatical errors almost entirely in their utterance C yc le 1 • Students tried to express their opinion • Grammatical Error and inappropriate pronunciation still dominated students’ speaking • Some students had adequate vocabularies but others still lacked vocabulary • A few students spoke fluently • some students interact with other members in simple way C yc le 2 • A few students still made grammatical error and inappropriate pronunciation in their utterance but it did not obscure the meaning • Most of the students spoke fluently • Most of the students used wide of vocabularies in speaking • A few students spoke with much pausing and hesitation • Most of the students could keep the interaction going on Table 2 Sum up of the improvement of students’ interaction from pre-observation to cycle 2 P re -O b se rv at io n • Students were lack of interaction in English • The interaction was dominated by teacher and smart students • Students rarely responded the turns which were given by their teacher. • Students’ participation was not equal, the more outgoing learners frequently dominated in the class C yc le 1 • Some students were not enthusiastic to interact with their group members. • Hesitation and pausing dominated students’ interaction • Students could ask and answer the question in their turn • A few students were not motivated in interaction they hesitated in interaction; they spoke soflty; they were nervous to interact with other members in group. • They were responsible to take the solicit turn but they could not maintain the interaction. C yc le 2 • All of the students could ask and answer the questions given in their turn • Hesitation and pausing could be reduced in students’ interaction. • Students took turns proprely • Most of the students involved in spoken interaction actively. • Students could initiate the interaction • Most of the students could keep the interaction going on The results in table 2 and table 3 show that from the first cycle to the second cycle, it was known that through interaction students have a chance to SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 75-83 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 81 speak in great quantities. In the first cycle, students worked in group to make a poster, and present it to the audience. In this cycle only 60 % students were active in group interaction. It could be seen during the activity. Some students in the groups were not active while some other students enjoyed learning in group. Active students interacted with their friends happily, they tried to express opinion to discuss the posters. When they found difficulty, they did not give up. They spoke without considering the structure. Moreover some students did not enjoy learning in group, they were not enthusiastic to interact with their friends. All of the students took a solicit turn but their interaction was still limited. They asked and answered questions in his turn but they could not maintain the interaction. Since their interaction was not good enough, they could not develop their speaking. They took much pausing and hesitation in interaction. When they were required to speak, they took much time to think or grope the words. It was because their lack of vocabularyand they still made grammatical error and used inappropriate pronunciation. The percentage of students who passed the speaking grade were 46 % (16 students). Therefore, the teacher had motivated them to be active. In the second cycle, the students were required to do poster session again. Since in the first cycle, some students did not maintain the interaction, the researcher decided to prepare the lesson. In the cycle 2, their interaction was better than the first cycle. The percentage of students’ active interaction was 74%. They were more active to be involved in interaction by taking the turns properly. Most of the students maintained their interaction. Since their interaction was great, it influenced their speaking skill. Their speaking was also better than the previous cycle. They also spoke with appropriate pronunciation and grammatically.They could elaborate their speaking. Consequently 27 (83%) students passed the speaking grade. 4. CONCLUSION The research findings lead the researcher to conclude that this study was successfully done. During the group activity over five sessions, learners were observed by the researcher. Poster Session was employed effectively in students’ learning. The observation compared two cycles, and speaking test SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 75-83 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 82 showed that students’ spoken interaction improve. It could be seen from the development of students’ interaction and speaking skill from the first cycle to the second. Students took the turns properly. When they got the solicit turn, they could take it well. They could ask and answer the question. Then, they not only could initiate the interaction but also maintain the interaction well. Students are curious to do interaction in Poster session where they can do mobile activy; walk around the class, look some posters, and discuss the poster. There is improvement of Students’ spoken interaction using Poster Session. Poster Session facilitates students to practise English spoken interaction, it enhances them to be involved in learner-learner interaction. Due to the fact that their interaction is great, it influences their speaking skill. 5. REFERENCES Aziz, R. H. A., & Jusoff, K. (2009). Effective Poster Teaching Strategy towards Risk in Studying Fraud. International Education Studies, 2(1), p158. Bahrani, T., & Soltani, R. (2012). How to Teach Speaking Skill? Journal of Education and Practice, 3(2), 25– 29. Burns, A. (2010). Doing action research in English language teaching: A guide for practitioners. Routledge. Retrieved from https://www.google.com/books?hl =id&lr=&id=s3SMAgAAQBAJ& oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Burn,+Ann e.+2010.+Collaborative+Action+ Research+for+English+Language +Teachers&ots=9kxoRKxKUe&s ig=N8JgEc9n5dYJZHeb63lZLZU viy0 Cameron, L. (2001). Teaching Language to Young Learners. New York: Cambridge Univ Press. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching: Speaking. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, inc. Hall, G. (2011). Exploring English language teaching: Language in action. Taylor & Francis. Retrieved from https://www.google.com/books?hl =id&lr=&id=ZyGZhjYPaHQC&o i=fnd&pg=PR3&dq=Hall,+Graha m.+2011.+Exploring+English+La nguage+Teaching+Language+in+ Action&ots=JlL8bya8S9&sig=h8 fyVXPGmWxi2w7vK4zPssgsYlc McNamara, J., Larkin, I. K., & Beatson, A. (2010). Using poster presentations as assessment of work integrated learning. In Proceedings of the Australian Collaborative Education Network National Conference, Perth, 2010. Australian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN) Incorporated. Retrieved from http://eprints.qut.edu.au/38093/ SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 75-83 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 83 Meng, F. (2009). Encourage learners in the large class to speak English in group work. English Language Teaching, 2(3), p219. Tuan, L. T., & Nhu, N. T. K. (2010). Theoretical review on oral interaction in EFL classrooms. Studies in Literature and Language, 1(4), 29–48. Wang, Q., & Castro, C. D. (2010). Classroom interaction and language output. English Language Teaching, 3(2), p175. (Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Volume 7, No. 1, January 2021 Page. 15-20 p-ISSN: 2356-2048 e-ISSN: 2356-203x 15 USING INFORMATION TRANSFER DIAGRAM ACTIVITY IN TEACHING LISTENING COMPREHENSION Aswadi Jaya English Education Study Program, Universitas PGRI Palembang Email Correspondance: aswadijaya@yahoo.com Abstract The reason to use the information transfer is because the students not only focus to listen but also to transfer the point what they hear. The main problem of this study was“Is it effective to teach listening by using information transfer diagram activity to the seventh grade students?” The method of the research used in this study was preexperimental method. Based on the result of the data analysis, it was found that teaching listening by using information transfer diagram activity to the seventh grade students. Key words: Teaching, listening, information transfer diagram activity . INTRODUCTION Now English is being important, especially for the collegians to help them in communication, science and also technology with other countries in the world easier. In Indonesia, English has been chosen as the first foreign language to be taught from the elementary school up to the college students. The students should master four language skills that should be owned by students, namely reading, listening, writing and speaking which relate to each other. According to Brown (2006), listening is a complex activity, and they can help students comprehend what they hear by activating their prior knowledge. Actually, Listening is the first stage to students to comprehend and improve their reading, writing, and speaking skill. In practice listening, the students acquire new vocabulary, pronunciation of word unconsciously. Actually, listening as a receptive skill is one of difficult English skill. Many reasons why the students thought listening is difficult skill. However, Ningsih (2014) Listening is one of the skills that should be learned and mastered, but the students still have problem about it. Based on the writer’s observation and also after the writer interviewed with the students of the state Madrasah Tsanawiyah Sakatiga of Indralaya about the process of teaching listening Aswadi… 16 comprehension in their classroom, the writer found the problems. Low motivation of the students, it made the students is not interested in listening. They got problem to listen well, especially when they heard English native speaker. Additionally, when the speaker spoke quickly, the students felt hard to identify words because of different stress, rhythm, and intonation pattern of native speaker. The students cannot get the point what speaker say, even they cannot remember what they heard. It made them bored to learn. Monotone lessons, of listening skill is always disregarded in teaching and learning process especially in junior high school, whereas listening has important role to master English. In teaching, the teachers just give listening material to students listen and write the answer correctly without knowing whether they understand the content of text. According to Wilson (2008), many of the differences between reading and listening illustrate just why listening is considered a difficult skill. The difficulties can be grouped into four general categories: characteristics of the message, the delivery, the listener and the environment. Jaya et al (2018) mention that in teaching English especially listening, teacher should apply an effective strategy, thus the students would be easily understanding the material. In this problem, it was the great duty for English teacher to describe that listening in English is different from listening in mother tongue normally, and the teacher should be smart to find a suitable technique to teach listening. Talib (2014) to overcome the problem in teaching listening the writer will apply the strategy of information transfer diagram activity. The reason to used information transfer technique is because the students not only focus to listen but also to transfer the point what they hear in their group from loudspeaker or the teacher’s sound. This technique made the students have the way to get information what they heard, where the students will try to transfer information what they heard in a diagram, picture, or graph. According to Wilson (2008), information transfer is the students complete a diagram or drawing based on what they hear. Here is a simple, low-level information transfer activity: the students each have an illustration of an empty plate. In pairs, they take turns to describe what they ate for lunch that day while their partner attempts to draw the food on the plate. According to a research result, conducted by Palmer (1982) It was mentioned that using transfer diagram activity was effective in teaching listening. thus, the Using… 17 writer conducted a research entitled “Teaching listening by using information transfer diagram activity to the seventh grade students of High School” RESEARCH METHOD In this research, the writer used a pre-experimental method (the one group pre-test and post-test). In the one-group pre-test-post-test design, a single group measured or observed not only after being exposed to a treatment of some sort, but also before (Frankel, Wallen and Hyun, 2012). Population is the larger group to which one hopes to apply the results. Population is all the subject of the research. The writer took the population from all of the seventh grade students of the state Madrasah Tsanawiyah Sakatiga of Indralaya in academic year of 2019/2020. There were consist of 9 classes and the total number of the population is 309 students. The test was used to collect data on subject’s ability or knowledge. According to Brown (2004), a test is a method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain. Test is any series of questions or exercise and other means which is used to measure competence, knowledge, intelligence, and ability or talent which is possess by individual or group. In collecting data, the writer will use written test with test type multiple choice and true/false questions that consist of 20 multiple choices and 20 true false questions. Each multiple choice questions has four options and the test consists of 40 items. The students are asked to answer the questions after listen descriptive text from the teacher two or more times. In this research, the writer conducted two tests to the students. There are pre-test and posttest. Pre-test will give before the writer teaches the new material by using information transfer, the writer does the test relate in the materials to the students. state that an assessment instrument is to have a good quality if the instruments has or accomplishes two things, namely accuracy or validity and consistency or reliability. Meanwhile, Post-test will be given after the writer does experiment or gives treatment by using information transfer technique in teaching materials Aswadi… 18 FINDING AND DISCUSSION The findings of the study showed the result of pre-test, post-test, and matched t-test in doing the research. Based on the result, the writer found that teaching listening by using information transfer diagram activity to the seventh grade students of the state Madrasah Tsanawiyah Sakatiga of Indralaya was effective. Talib (2014) claims that teaching listening would be good if the teacher applies information transfer technique. Thus is is suggested that in doing the activity, the writer got progress the ability of students in studying listening of descriptive text by using information transfer diagram activity. It was because the students’ score increased after doing treatment by using information transfer diagram activity. According to Wilson (2008), information transfer: the students a complete diagram or drawing based on what they hear. Palmer (1982) mentions that information transfer diagram activity is effective , here is a simple, low-level information transfer activity: the students each have an illustration of an empty plate. Based on the finding of this study, the average score in post-test ( ) was 7 and the average score in pre-test ( ) was 5.38. It showed that the ability of students’ score in pretest was low ability level and after doing treatment the students’ score in post-test was good enough level. The students got progress the ability of students in studying listening of descriptive text by using information transfer diagram activity, where the students could focus and has known the technique to interpret the message of audio descriptive text. It indicated that the students get better skill through information transfer diagram activity and it motivates the students to explore their listening ability, where the average score in the post-test was higher than the average score in the pre-test. Meanwhile, the result of matched t-test was 8.53 exceeding 1.692 as its critical value at significant levels of 5% or .05 with df (33), for one tailed test. Based on the result of matched t-test, the null hypotheses (Ho) was rejected because of tobtained of 8.53 exceeded 1.692 and consequently the alternate hypothesis (Ha) was accepted or successful. It means that teaching listening by using information transfer diagram activity to the seventh grade students of the state Madrasah Tsanawiyah Sakatiga of Indralaya was significantly effective. Using… 19 CONCLUSION Based on the finding of this study, the average score in post-test ( ) was 7 and the average score in pre-test ( ) was 5.38. It showed that the ability of students’ score in pretest was low ability level and after doing treatment the students’ score in post-test was good. Thus, the students got the progress in studying listening of descriptive text by using information transfer diagram activity, where the students could focus and has known the technique to interpret the message of audio descriptive text. Talib (2014) delivers that the students get better skill through information transfer diagram activity and it motivates the students to explore their listening ability, Information Transfer Diagram Activity in teaching listening descriptive text was helpful and made the students and the teacher interest in teaching and learning listening skill. Wilson (2008) states that transfer diagram would be effective in teaching listening. Thus, it could be seen through the result of the pre-test and post-test scores of the students’ test. The post test score was higher than the result of pre-test score. The students’ average scores in pre-test was 5.38. The students’ highest scores in pretest was 7.75 and the students’ lowest scores in pre-test was 3.0. After being taught listening descriptive text by using Information Transfer Diagram Activity, the students’ average scores in the post-test increased to be 7.0. The highest score in post-test was 8.75 and the lowest score in post-test was 4.75. The result calculation in the matched t-test was 8.53. The t-obtained was higher than critical value (1.692). The writer concluded that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. Thus, the finding is relevant to the finding by Palmer (1982) that also claims that information transfer diagram activity is effective to be used in teaching listening. Finally it is concluded that teaching listening by using information transfer diagram activity was effective to the seventh grade students of the state Madrasah Tsanawiyah Sakatiga of Indralaya. Aswadi… 20 REFERENCES Arikunto, S. (1997). Prosedure Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Brown, H. D. (2000). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. San Francisco: Wesley Longman, Inc. Brown, S. (2006). Teaching Listening. New York: Cambridge University Press. Chambers. & Gregory. (2006). Teaching and Learning English Literature. London: SAGE Publications. Etman,. Djodi. & Nur, Z. (2009). Teaching Listening. Jakarta: Ministry of National Education. Fraenkel, J.R. & Norman, E. (2012). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. New York: Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. Jaya, A., Hermansyah,. & Mortini, A. (2018). The Effect of Crawford Series Teaching (CST) on the Students’ Writing Achievement. ESTEEM Journal of English Study Program. 1(1). Hatch, E., Hossein & Farhady. (1982). Research Design and Statistics for Applied Linguistic. Cambridge: Newbury House Publishers. Mursyid, M. P.W. (2012). Learning Descriptive Text. Pekalongan: SMPN 1 Karangdadap. Ningsih, W (2014) . Teaching Listening by using “Filling Gap” to the eighth grade students of State Junior High School 35 of Palembang. Unpublished Thesis. PGRI University. Palmer, D. M. (1982). Information Transfer for Listening and Reading . English Teaching Forum. Vol. 20, (1), 29-33, retrieved from http://downloadd/Information-transferPalmer-1982.htm (Access on 5 th January 2016). Richard, J.C. (2006). Communicative Language Teaching Today. New York: Cambridge University Press. Sudjana, N. (1989). Penilaian Hasil Proses Belajar Mengajar. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya. Talib, R. (2014). The technique of information transfer for teaching English in EFL classroom based on authentic material. Yogyakarta: Gorontalo State University. Wilson, J.J. (2008). How to Teach Listening. England: Pearson Education. http://downloadd/Information-transfer-Palmer-1982.htm http://downloadd/Information-transfer-Palmer-1982.htm SMART Journal , Volume 6, No. 2, August 2020, Page 127 -135 ISSN Cetak : 2356-2048 ISSN Online : 2356-203X 127 DEVELOPING RUBIK’S CUBE VOCABULARY FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Widya Saraswati 1) , Rahmatika Kayyis, M.Pd 2), Kurniati, M.Pd 3) 1) 2) 3 English Education Department of FKIP UMPRI Email Correspondence: widyasaras28@gmail.com Abstract The Research and Development aimed to find out the target needs and the learning needs and develop appropriate English learning materials especially for using media in learning process for Grade 5 students at Elementary School of Muhammadiyah Gisting. The purpose of this study is to increase and develop the students’ vocabulary in daily activity. The product of this study is using two different types of rubiks, 2x2 and 3x3 rubik. In each rubik has a worksheet. Based on the material evaluation and implementation, the students can increase their vocabulary using these rubik and the rubik is so useful for learning process. Keywords: Vocabulary, Rubik, Worksheet 1. INTRODUCTION Materials take an important part in teaching and learning process. To conduct English learning material means aimed at support the students’ competence in English study program, so it should be based on the learners’ needs, and they should represent the material in a good way. The materials are not using specific English vocabulary, whereas English vocabulary and the materials in every unit which is needed by the students in their future occupation will be different. Vocabulary is one of the core components of language proficiency and determines how well learners speak, listen, read, and write (Richards & Renandya, 2002). The problems happened of the students at Elementary of Muhammadiyah Gisting. the problems were most of students did not understand what the native said and they new vocabulary, the students were lack control over the speed at which the speakers or teacher speak and also some of student have lack motivation to learn English especially about vocabulary in the class. English Widya… 128 teachers usually teach their students by using available textbooks, but sometimes the teacher using media that available around the school, for example the teacher was using clock when the material explains about time. However, the English learning materials which were really suitable with the needs of the students were not always available. In that school, there were a little bit media to learn English. The teacher rarely used conventional method and just gave the materials based on the textbooks that available in that school. The media is important to increase their ability in English learning process especially to help them to get many vocabularies because if they have many vocabularies, so they can learn English easily. Because it was for the students of elementary school, so the media must be fun, colorful and interesting. So, the researcher decided to overcome those problems and develop the English materials by using Rubik’s Cube Vocabulary. In this research, the researcher developed English materials and focused in vocabulary even like a verb or sentence of students. Vocabulary is needed for comprehension of the language and it also increases fluency in the language (Nunan, 2003). According to Cameron (2001:73) Vocabulary is about learning words, children are not only expected to know the word but also they have to know what the meaning of that word. There are some researches related to this study. Firstly, the research done by Diyah Nur Fadilah, Rahmat Rais and Diana Endah Handayani (2012) entitled “Developing TACTIC (Thematic Box ) Number Head Together at First Grade of Elementary School in Semarang”. TACTIC is a combination of Exploding / Explosion Box, pop-ups, pictures and rubik as a vehicle for play. The development of TACTIC (Thematic Box ) comes from media exploding / explosion or explosive boxes developed for thematic subjects, then there are pop-ups, rubik with images and symbols related to my theme sub themes of my body. Rubik is used as a vehicle for games and evaluation cards so that learning is more fun for first grade students in elementary school. Developing… 129 Secondly, the study conducted by Syarif Amin Al Habib, Utami Widi Astuti, and Nilam Astari (2018) entitled “REDUCTION (Rubik Education) as an innovation learning media excretion system in humans, (Biology Education, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta)”. From research findings, this reduction aims to make biology learning about the excretory system in humans work and achieve well. In this reduction there is a red rubik consisting of images of the liver, kidneys, lungs and skin. So this product can help the teacher and also the student to learn about excretion system in humans easily and REDUCTION is effective to be applied as the learning media and can solve several problems in teaching and learning process in the class. Thirdly, the study conducted by Hilmi Khoirudin Nurul Fata (2017) entitled “Developing of RUBOSAN Media ( Rubik Organ Respiratory) to Improve Student Learning Results of Organ Materials in Animal and Human at the Fifth Grade of Elementary School 1 of Bogosari”. From research findings, the specifications of the product for the development of learning devices are helped by the Rubosan learning media (Rubik Respiratory Organ) as follows: 1. Products developed in the form of RUBOSAN learning media when class V students open rubik media can find pictures on each side of the rubik that have been arranged images of animal and human respiratory organs, so that students are easier to understand with the media. 2. Pictures of animal and human respiratory organs are presented in an interesting and detailed manner so that students become enthusiastic and understand more easily about the material of respiratory organs in animals and humans. Collins (2017) describes Rubik’s Cube is a puzzle consisting of a cube of six colors, each face of which is made up of nine squares, eight of which are individually rotatable The researcher do need analysis to found information about what are the students need in their language skills. Some experts defined about need analysis according to Hutchinson and Waters ( 1987:54) define needs as the ability to comprehend and to produce the linguistic features into two categories : target needs are what knowledge and abilities the learner will require in order https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/puzzle https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/cube https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/six https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/nine https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/square https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/eight Widya… 130 to be able to perform appropriately in the target situation. The analysis of the target needs is divided into three points which are necessities, lacks and wants. 2. RESEARCH METHODS In this research, the researcher used Research and Development (R&D). This research was classified into Research and Development (R&D) that adapted the framework of developing English learning materials by Gall, Gall and Borg (2003). The researcher tried to develop the products related with the aims of the research itself. Research and Development is a process used to develop and validate educational products. The objective of this research is to develop appropriate model of English learning materials for Elementary School Program. Therefore, this research was classified a Research and Development (R&D), because it aims to develop a finished the product. It can be used appropriately in an educational program (Borg, 2002:772). The organization of the research procedure adopted from Dick and Carey in Borg and Gall (2003:571). The steps were (1) Need Analysis, (2) Planning design, (3) Designing the materials, (4) First Validation Product, (5) Expert Judgment, (6) Revising 1, (7) Try out the product, (8) Revising 2, (9) Implementation the product. In this study, the data was collected through observation and questionnaires. Firstly, by observe the guide books. Secondly, the questionnaire consists of kind : (1) The need analysis questionnaire was used to gather the information about the learners and learning needs. The learners were asked to answer several questions related to their characteristics and needs in learning English by choosing one of several options that provided. The English teacher and the Headmaster were interviewed to support the data from the questionnaire. Secondly, the expert of judgment questionnaire. Opinion and suggestions from the experts are proposed through the expert judgments questionnaire to find the appropriateness of the designed materials analysis by arranging its goodness as proposed by Suharto (2006: 52-53). Thirdly, test contain of some assignment that related to the material in the Developing… 131 product. The purpose was to know the score of the students when used the product. 2. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS a. The Results of the Needs Analysis A need analysis was conducted to assess the students’ target and learning needs. The questionnaire was distributed to the students in 12 November 2019. Target needs cover a number of important distinctions which included necessities, lacks , and want ( Hutchinson and Waters 1987 : 54)The results are described below: Table 1 Students’ Necessary Items The students necessities in learning English A The reason of the students need media in their learning process because it can help them to memorize and improve their vocabulary B Students need media to learn English that can bring everywhere C Students need other source in English learning, not only from book D Students need learning vocabulary list and the meaning in English learning process E Students need to show picture or other media to help them in English learning process N 23 F 1792 Percentage 78% The table shows that the most of students consider that they need media for learning English to help them to improve and memorize new vocabulary in English learning process, need source to learn not only form book, and they also need the media that show the picture and can bring everywhere. The need analysis from 23 of students grade five in Elementary School of Muhammadiyah Gisting they almost give the score 3-5 in the analysis questionnaire. Here the researcher take the frequency in general score, after the researcher analysis the students necessities the researcher sum the score into Widya… 132 general frequency. So here the researcher found the score in necessities learning English vocabulary materials for students in Elementary School of Muhammadiyah Gisting is (78%). Table 2 The Result of Students’ Lacks Items The students lack in learning English A Students difficulties to memorize new vocabulary B Students difficult to understand what their teacher say if the teacher using English language C Difficult to express some words using English D Difficult to learn English E Sometimes students feel bored when they learn English N 23 F 1244 Percentage 54% The table shows about the students lack in learning and teaching process. In need analysis questioner the lack from learning English they give score 1-5. The difficulties that students in learning English materials is the students’ lacks in memorizing, difficult to express words or sentences, difficult to learn English because they do not understand the meaning of words or vocabulary. From 23 respondent the researcher get general frequency is get score 1244 it means that they less in English vocabulary materials is ( 54%) Table 3 The Result of Students Wants Items The students want in learning English A Students like the learning process more fun B Students are more enjoy for learning if there is media C Students like learning English vocabulary with pictures and colorful D Students like media that can be use to learn while play E Students like learning vocabulary using their own skills N 23 F 1948 Percentage 85% The table shows the analysis questioner the students want about learning English get score frequency 1948, it means that they want learning English more fun , they also want a media when they learning English, and when they Developing… 133 learning English vocabulary they can see about the pictures and also colorful, they also want in the media it is making they have fun in learning process. From their want in analysis questionnaire they almost give score from 3 until 5. From the result above, it can be conclude that the students’ wants in learning English are being able to master in vocabulary is (85%) . b. Syllabus The syllabus is used as the guideline to develop the learning materials. The design of the syllabus based on the results of the needs analysis questionnaire. The developed syllabus consist of the identify of the syllabus , core competence and basic competence , the number and names of the each units. The analysis syllabus to help researcher make the product for the students of Elementary School. Syllabus in second semester in Elementary School is about vocabulary of daily activity c. Drafting Material The draft of materials consists of two rubik. The first one is 2x2 rubik’s and the second one is 3x3 rubik’s. There are worksheets to supported the implementation of the Rubiks d. The expert judgment After the writer draft of the materials was developed, the materials were then evaluated by expert judgment. The evaluation was conducted by providing a questionnaire to the expert. The questionnaire consists of four aspect, there are: appropriateness of content, presentation, language and graphic and using Likert Scale to collect the data e. Revisions of the materials Overall the media of Rubik’s Cube Vocabulary for Elementary School are adequate, there are some suggestion from two experts judgment about the materials Widya… 134 3. CONCLUSION The result of implementation of Rubik’s Cube Vocabulary and also the worksheet are the student understood about the materials that has given from the researcher and the students have good score in each part of the worksheet that consist of four activity, and they very enjoyed with the Rubik’s Cube Vocabulary and the worksheet. So the Rubik’s Cube Vocabulary and the worksheet that has used in this research can help the students in English learning process. The suggestion is related to the input of the materials. Based on the results of need analysis, the students of Elementary Student Grade 5 want to use more media in learning process, that the media should be make the student more interest to learn. It is suggested to provide the media more colorful and insert some pictures for the need of material’s presentation. The pictures may help the students to acquire the materials well and motivate students in the learning process. 4. REFERENCES Al Habib, S.A., Astuti, U.W., Astari, N. (2018). Rubik Education as an Innovation Learning Media Excretion System in Human. Biology Education. University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Cameron, L. (2001). Teaching Language to Young Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Collins Dictionary. (2017) Retrieved from https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/rubik-cube at November, 23, 2018 at 13:53. Fadilah, D.N., Rais, R., Handayani, D.E. (2012). Developing Thematic Box Number Head Together at First Grade of Elementary School in Semarang. (Journal). Semarang : University of PGRI Semarang. Fata, H.K. (2017). Developing of Rubik Organ Respiratory to Improve Student Learning Results of Organ Materials in Animal and Human at the Fifth Grade of Elementary School 1 of Bogosari. (Thesis). University of PGRI Semarang. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/rubik-cube Developing… 135 Gall, Meredith. D., Gall, Joyce. P., and Borg, Walter. R. (2003). Educational Research: An Introduction (7 th ed). Boston : Allyn and Bacon. Hutchinson, T and Waters, A. (1987). English for Specific Purposes. Victoria: Cambridge University Press. Khalifah. (2018). Designing English Vocabulary Materials for Teknik Sepeda Motor(TSM) Program. Thesis. English Education Department. Lampung: UMPRI. Nunan, David. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York: McGraw Hill Company. Richard, Jack. C and Renandya, Willy. A. (2002). Methodology in Language Teaching. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Suharto, G (2006). Pengukuran Hasil Belajar Bahasa Inggris. Yogyakarta: P3B, UNY. Jurnal Fokus Konseling Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2015 hlm 1-8 SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 1-10 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 1 THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS’ FREQUENCY OF LISTENING TO ENGLISH SONGS AND THEIR LISTENING ACHIEVEMENT Elvira Rosyida M. R. English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu email: elvirarosyida@ymail.com Abstract This study is aimed at investigating whether there is a significant correlation between students’ frequency of listening to English songs and their listening achievement This study was conducted at the first year students of State Senior High School 9 Bandarlampung, Lampung. A descriptive quantitative was employed in this study which used ex-post facto design and the data were taken from questionnaire, semistructured interview, and listening test. The data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16.0. The hypothesis was tested by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The test result showed that there is a significant correlation between students’ frequency of listening to English songs and their listening achievement. From the result of interview, it showed that most of the students believe that by having high frequency of listening to English songs, it helps them in recognizing the spoken language and get high score in listening ability. Keywords: listening to English song, listening ability, frequency of listening 1. INTRODUCTION Listening, as one of the basic skills of language, plays an important role in the language learning. By listening to sound or spoken language, people are able to produce language. Listening is dominantly used in everyday life. Listening is not only the process of hearing, but also identifying, understanding, and interpreting spoken language as the first step of successful communication. In other words, before someone understands and starts to speak, he or she has to hear the sound, words, and speech pattern first. Therefore, in the language learning, the first step will be listening while speaking, reading, and writing come later. In learning language one should be a good listener, to be able to focus to what is demonstrated, remember what is shown or told, and then practice speaking to gain functional skill in active communication. In daily activities, people spend most their time to listen to things, such as world news programs (BBC, CNN, VOA), music, movie, talk show, speech and lectures. Morley (1991) states that mailto:irenebrainnita@yahoo.com SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 1-10 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 2 listening is the most common communicative activity in daily life; we can expect to listen twice as much as we speak, four times more than we read, and five times more than we write. Thus, there can be no doubt that every time we do the listening activity. Actually, the listeners need not only to understand what is being said, but also to select the important and relevant information and reduce it to a form that can be taken down quickly in writing and remain understandable for intake later. As a result, the mastery of listening ability is crucial for English foreign language learner, and it should play an active role in activities and focused tasks. Therefore students need more listening exercises in the classroom even outside of the classroom, so that they are used to listen a target language and could have enough of real world exposure. According to Orlova (2002) song is short musical work set to a poetic text with equal importance given to the musical and in the words. It may be written for one or several voices and it is generally performed with instrumental accompaniment. It is noticed that students will often recite the words of the song while singing it; it makes the students unconsciously understand the content of the songs. It will eventually develop their active understanding of the songs. It makes students’ ears accustomed to listening either to English song or dialogue or monologue. Listening to song, for most students are enjoyable experiences. Through listening to English songs, students are exposed to authentic example of the target language, because simple and repetitive songs often contain a resurgent grammatical pattern and listening to song also can improve students’ motivation and general morale, and show the language not only as a subject of study but also as a source of enjoyment and entertainment. Orlova and Wonho (2002) have observed that listening to song can develop listening ability. According to them, songs contextually introduce the feature of supra-segmental (how rhythm, stress, intonation, and pronunciation affect students in English context). They believe that students from any language background can take advantage of using songs as an input for their language learning, especially for improving their listening ability and of course their’ listening achievement. SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 1-10 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 3 Particularly this research is proposed to investigate whether there is significant correlation between students’ frequency of listening to English songs and their listening achievement There are some reviews of related literature in this research: review of theory which include listening and song. In defining what is meant by listening, some experts have their definitions. Burton (1997) cited in Basaran (2002) states that many people spent 7080% of their waking hours in some of communication as follows: 9% writing, 16% reading, 30% speaking, and 45% listening. From the statement above, it can be seen that listening is mostly done by people in communicating. Nunan (1991) states that listening, along with reading, as receptive skill. That is, it requires a person to receive and understand incoming information rather than produce. As people listen, they process not only what they hear but also connect it to other information they already know. In other words, listening is not same as hearing (Rixon, 1986). It is since the former requires whole hearted concentration, readiness and awareness in recognizing what is being heard, especially in spoken language, as there are listening characteristics that should be taken into account. According to Morley (1991), listening is the most common communicative activity in daily life, we can expect to listen twice as much as we speak, four times more than we read, and five times more than we write. Because it is the first skill when we learn a language, listening is considered as the first step in learning a language. It means that learning a language is started from listening. That is why listening becomes important to be investigated in this research, listening comes first into human life than the other skills. Types and process of listening activities have been observed by Boyle (2005) and Rost (2002). They argue that there are three types of listening activities that can be used to help improve listening skill; first is no overt response activities. Students do not have to do anything in response to the listening text. Often students’ facial expression and body language will betray what they have understood. Activities of this type include storytelling, listening to songs or watching movies and videos. Second is a short response activity. Students do not only have to give responses verbally but SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 1-10 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 4 can also respond by performing a task in response to instructions, ticking off items on a worksheet as they hear them being said, ticking off true/ false answers in response to statement or writing down missing words from cloze exercises. The last is long response activities. Students can engage in answering questions verbally about a listening text, taking notes from a mini-lecture by rewriting what being said in different words to the ones being used or writing a brief summary of a listening text (Boyle, 2005; Rost, 2002). In line with the explanation above, there are top-down and bottom-up processing in listening. There are two processes involved in listening, and both can be utilized when songs are used as the practice of the target language. The activity which is selected for a particular song will determine which of these processes is active. According to Nunan (1991) bottom-up processing is where the listener builds up the sounds into words, sentences and meaning while top-down processing is where the listener uses background knowledge to understand the meaning of a message. Practicing both of these processes is essential for developing listening comprehension. This kind of process is what Flowerded and Miller (2005) called as “interactive process’. In this process the listeners use the combination of both top-down and bottom-up process to comprehend the spoken language. Furthermore, song is defined by Hornby, (1993) as short poem or verses set to music and intend to be sung. Song, which belongs to genre including both lyrics and music, can be added to list. They are marked by richness of content, poetical metaphor and symbol that emotionally reflect the world we live in. Songs can motivate a positive emotional influence on listener. From the statement above, we can infer that songs consist of lyrics or poetic text. The lyrics of the songs that are sung by the singer can be heard by the listener, and actually it is considered good in English language teaching especially in listening. Because when students are accustomed to listen to English songs they will be easily recognize the utterances of the singer, and that ability can be implied when they have a listening test. Songs are precious resources to develop students’ abilities in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They can also be used to teach a variety of SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 1-10 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 5 language items such as sentence patterns, vocabulary, pronunciation, rhythm, adjectives, and adverbs. While the students listen to a song, indirectly they could learn to find new vocabularies, pronunciation, grammar and the implementation of a word in phrase or sentence. It is effective, because the students could learn and entertain themselves at the same time (Dozer, 2001; Saricoban and Metin, 2000). According to Lynch (2006), if the students listen to the target language more often, they will improve their listening ability through the experience by listening to songs. He states that there is a tendency that when the students’ frequency of listening to English song is high, the listening score is high. Ekowati (2007) also found that the students who often listen to English songs are more able and easier recognize the spoken language from the native speakers. The writer assumes that if students listen to English songs more often, they will have better achievement in listening. A large amount of time or high frequency in time of listening to English songs can help develop listening mastery. Thus, the writer is interested in investigating the students’ frequency of listening to English songs and their listening achievement. However, listening to English songs more often is not the only factor that gives contribution in listening achievement. Factors such as wide vocabulary, good learning strategies, good oral language skill, background knowledge and any other factors also can influence learning achievement. Nevertheless, the writer still believes that frequency of listening to English song correlates with listening achievement. Based on the problems statements and the theoretical description which are related to research, the hypothesis of this research can be formulated as follows: There is a significant correlation between students’ frequency of listening to English songs and their listening achievement. 2. RESEARCH METHODS This study was conducted at the even semester of the tenth grade of State Senior High School 9 Bandarlampung, in academic year of 2011/2012. This study was conducted from April 2012 to June 2012. This study used quantitative approach which used Ex post facto SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 1-10 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 6 research design since there was no treatment on the subjects of the research but the data was collected by seeing the correlation between cause and effect that may happen (after the fact). Ex post facto design involve only one group and does not use control class. Hatch and Farhady (1982) state that ex-post facto design is used when the writer does not have control over the selection and manipulation of the independent variable. Co-relational study focuses on the relationship among variables that exist naturally. It does not involve the manipulation of independent variables. By this reason, the researcher looks at the type and or degree of relationship between two or more variables rather than the cause-effect relationship (Hatch and Farhady, 1982). In this study the population were all students at the tenth grade of State Senior High School 9 Bandarlampung. There are nine class at tenth grade. In this research, the writer determined the sample by using simple probability random sampling class by using lottery. The writer wrote nine classes in rolled papers and put into a glass. Then, the writer shook the glass twice and one class that came out was selected as the sample. Therefore, the sample of this research was class X.9, consisting of 30 students and the try out class of this research was class X.6 consisting of 30 students. They were selected since they were reputed have the same level of ability with the sample of this research. For purpose of this study, the data was gathered by using some data collecting techniques consisting of questionnaire, semi-structured interview, and listening test. To ensure that the items have good quality, the writer used Pearson Product Moment Correlation, Spearman Brown, and Cronbach’s Alph. The data were analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, through SPSS to determine whether there is correlation between two variables or not. If there is a correlation, it is significant or not by using t formula (Coolidge, 2000). After determining the correlation coefficient, it was necessary to find out whether the hypothesis is accepted or not. The null and accepted hypothesis for Pearson Product Moment Correlation as follows: H0 : there is no significant correlation between students’ frequency of listening to English songs and their listening SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 1-10 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 7 achievement. We cannot accept this hypothesis if r value is lower than r table. H1 : there is significant correlation between students’ frequency of listening to English songs and their listening achievement. We can accept this hypothesis if r value is higher than r table. 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The findings on correlation between students’ frequency of listening to English songs and their listening achievement are based on the data gathered through written and oral interview. The correlation coefficient (rxy) of the two variables was .782 at the significant level of 0.05. It means that there was a positive and high correlation between students’ frequency of listening to English songs and their listening achievement. Positive correlation means that low scores in one variable tend to go together with low scores in another variable; high scores in one variable tend to go together with high scores in another variable (Sugiyono, 2007). The obtained correlation coefficient then needs to be calculated to find out whether the correlation is significant or not by using t formula. The result of calculation showed that significance of correlation coefficient or t obtained is 6.615 in which the t table was determined as 2.048 at level significance of 0.05 and df= 28 (see Appendix 17). It was then found out that the correlation coefficient is significant and the correlation is applied to every student in this research, since t obtained is higher than t table (6.615>2.048). This research proves that students who have high frequency of listening to English songs tend to have high listening score, and students who have low frequency of listening to English songs tend to have low listening score. Coefficient of determination is also conducted to investigate the degree of the contribution frequency of listening to English songs toward the students’ listening achievement. the coefficient determination of the correlation is 0.61. It means that frequency of listening to English songs contributes 61% of the students’ listening achievement. In other words, it can be said that frequency of listening to English songs explains approximately 61% of the students listening achievement. SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 1-10 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 8 The students who have high frequency of listening to English songs are accustomed to the pronunciation of the native speaker. It makes them improve their listening achievement since they could recognize easily some new words and expressions in context that is uncommon. The students who have high frequency of listening to English songs can also find many new words or vocabularies from the English songs they listened. For example, the students who chose love as the topic of songs, they could get new words such as, soul, closer, heartbeat, and bring from song A Thousand Year by Christina Perry. By listening to English songs more, it helps the students to use their background knowledge to understand the meaning of the words or message from the English songs they listened. It is proved when the students got the meaning of words or message by understanding contextually while listening to English songs, top-down processing becomes selected strategy (Nunan, 1991). Besides top-down processing, bottom-up processing is also selected when the students listen their favorite English songs. By listening to English songs, the students are used to use kind of process what Flowdered and Miller (2005) called as “interactive process” which is the combination of topdown and bottom up processes. In addition, from the result of the research, it can be seen that the students who have high frequency of listening to English songs, indirectly they are used to use top-down and bottom up processes. Therefore, when the listening test, they can get the better achievement in each components of listening test, such as determining the main idea, finding details information, making inferences and references, and also vocabulary. In relation to the facts describe above, it can be summarized that there is a significant correlation between the students’ frequency of listening to English songs and their listening achievement. This is so because by having a high frequency of listening to English songs, it helps the students to have a good listening achievement. 4. CONCLUSION From reseach findings, it can be concluded that: (1) There is a significant correlation between students’ frequency of listening to English songs and their SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 1-10 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 9 listening achievement; (2) The correlation between students’ frequency of listening to English songs and students’ listening achievement was positive with the determination coefficient (r 2 ) value .61. In other words, the correlation between them was 61%. It can be conclude that students’ frequency of listening to English songs has influence on students’ listening achievement; (3) Interview analysis in this study shows that the students believe that by having high frequency of listening to English songs help them in recognizing the spoken language. There is a tendency that when the students’ frequency in listening to English songs is high, the listening score is also high or it can be said that the students’ frequency of listening to English songs higher help improve the students’ listening achievement. It is therefore recommended that the English teacher should motivate their students to listen lots of English songs to enrich them with the variety of linguistic signals (vocabulary, idiom, etc), pronunciation, background knowledge, etc., and to make them ready when confronting the spoken language; by native speaker or native like speakers of English. It is better for the students to make listening to English songs as a habit at least 30 minutes in a day. If the students listen to English songs more and more, it could help students to improve their listening achievement because they can practice to listen to the target language well all the time indirectly. 5. REFERENCES Boyle, E. R. (2005). An Alternative Approach to Improve Listening Skills. Burean of Educational and Cultural Affairs: Office of English Language Programs. English Teaching Forum, March 31. (http://exchanges.state.gov/education /engteachingo, accessed on February 19 th , 2012). Burton, J. and Burton, L. (1997). Interpersonal Skills for Travel and Tourism. Essex: Addison Wesley Longman Ltd. Dozer, C. V. (2001). Improving ESL Learners’ Listening Skill: At the Workplace and Beyond. (http://www.applycollage.com/study help/Improving Listening Skill.pdf, accessed on January 30 th , 2012). Ekowati, Y. (2007). The Influence of Frequency of Listening to English Songs on the Listening Ability of the Third Year Students of SMU Purusatama Semarang. Semarang: Universitas Pendidikan Semarang, Unpublished Script. http://exchanges.state.gov/education/engteachingo http://exchanges.state.gov/education/engteachingo http://www.applycollage.com/studyhelp/Improving%20Listening%20Skill.pdf http://www.applycollage.com/studyhelp/Improving%20Listening%20Skill.pdf SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 1-10 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 10 Flowerdew, J. and Miller, L. (2005). Second Language Listening: Theory and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hatch, E. and Farhady, H. (1982). Research Design and Statistic for Applied Linguistic. Massachusetts: Newbury House Publisher Inc. Hornby, A. S. (1993). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Morley, J. (1991). Developing Listening Comprehension and Complementary Activities. Toronto: University of Toronto. Nunan, D. (1991). Language Teaching Methodology. London: Prentice Hall. Orlova, N. 2002. Songs in the Foreign Language Teaching Process. (http://www.wsipnet.pl/kluby/angiels ki.html?id=4904&kl=175, accessed on January 19 th , 2012). Rixon, S. 1986. Developing Listening Skill. London: Macmillan Publisher Limited. Rost, M. 2002. Teaching and Researching Listening. London: Longman. Saricoban, A. and Mettin, E. 2000. Song, Verse and Games for Teaching Grammar. The Internet TESL Journal. (http://iteslj.org/tecniques/Saricobansongs.html, accessed on January 19 th , 2012). Wonho, I. Y. (2002). Focused Listening with Songs. American Language Center at UCLA Extension (California, USA). The Internet TESL Journal, Volume VIII. (http://iteslj.org/techniques/Yoosongs.html, accessed on January 15 th , 2012). http://www.wsipnet.pl/kluby/angielski.html?id=4904&kl=175 http://www.wsipnet.pl/kluby/angielski.html?id=4904&kl=175 http://iteslj.org/tecniques/Saricoban-%09songs.html http://iteslj.org/tecniques/Saricoban-%09songs.html http://iteslj.org/techniques/Yoo-songs.html http://iteslj.org/techniques/Yoo-songs.html Jurnal Fokus Konseling Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2015 hlm 1-8 SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 28-32 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 28 THE USE OF ENGLISH MOVIE IN TEACHING AUSTIN’S ACT Rahmatika Kayyis English Education Departmen of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu email: middlenigtrain@gmail.com Abstract The purpose of this research is to investigate and describe the finding about the use of English movie in teaching Austin’s act in the fifth semester. This research is categorized as descriptive qualitative research. It means that the writer would describe the data gain as naturally as possible. The writer used this method in order to get specific, factual, and meaningful data. In this research, the writer used observation, interview, and documentation to collect the data. The population of the research was the students of fifth semester of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung in the academic year of 2014/2015. The writer could conclude that the use of English movie in teaching Austin’s act has good response. the use of movie in teaching Austin’s act based on attention and particioation reached “good” scale. Keywords: Austin’s act, English movie, descriptive qualitative 1. INTRODUCTION Realize it or not, watching English movies has impacts on students English behaviour. Why it is behaviour? Because the way people act is completely alike what they seen in movie. For example: when someone is watching English movie entitled Terminator. Directly, they feel so attracted with the way of actor in saying “I’ll be back!”as soon the utterance becomes a style, from a style becomes habitual. That is the way how they “meet and greet” with English. Once again, English movie also has the heart of its audiences, so whatever the inside of movie the audience may follow and imitate. A movie is media audio-visual can be used in teaching and learning process. It is the advantage of a movie because when it is used as a media in learning English, it brings not only sounds but also pictures. Harlow and Muyskens (1994) assert that the audiovisual medium is an effective way to bring authentic speech in to the foreign language classroom, thus exposing students to native speakers using English in authentic cultural context. By watching movie, students can learn cross-cultural different in language use and body language.In other words, movie is an authentic. It is a copy of real life. It can SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 28-32 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 29 be used as medium of observation, to observe any values of life. In this research, the main topic is not about life, but the use of mean to make life becomes alive, that is called as language. It is an open wide for everyone who wants to learn and teach about language from it. As it is can be seen in movie, every people or actors uses language for some reasons. They use language for every mean to get meaning and become a meaning to others. They use language in every capacity and functions. Sometimes the utterance is polite to be used under some circumstance, but somehow it is not. Somehow, there is a rule of building conversation that cannnot be banned in order to build relationship or somehow people ruin and break the rule in order to get the conversation meaningful. It is quite unique and it happens. The dicipline which concern on those aspects is pragmatics especially the topic of speech act. Speech act deals with falls short of constituting a complete proposition, i.e. something truthevaluable. In contrast, both 'what is said' and 'what is implicated' are context-dependent and propositional. The difference between 'what is said' and 'what is implicated' is that the former is constrained by sentence meaning in a way in which the implicatures aren't. What is said results from fleshing out the meaning of the sentence (which is like a semantic 'skeleton') so as to make it propositional (Grice, 1957: 24). As Austin (1963: 13) recognizes, these "illocutionary acts" are often, or usually, performed in the issuance of a sentence, and thus in saying something; but Austin emphasizes that they are themselves not just acts of saying something. In order to work out both the differences and the relations, he makes an analysis of the mere act of saying, giving it the technical name "locutionary act". Moreover, Austin recognizes certain acts which, like "illocutionary acts", are often performed when people say something, are, like illocutionary acts, not just acts of saying something, but are to be distinguished from the "illocutionary act". Austin calls them "perlocutionary acts". Thus he ends up with the famous trichotomy of what is nowadays called "speech acts", of the "locutionary", the "illocutionary", and the "perlocutionary act". Why it is like throw back time by using Austin’s theory? Because the owner of trychotomy copyright is Austin. Finally, the descrption above leads to investigation of the use of movie in teaching Austin’s acts. SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 28-32 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 30 2. RESEARCH METHOD The purpose of this research is to investigate and describe the finding about the use of movie in teaching macropragmatics in the fifth semester. This research is categorized as descriptive qualitative research. It means that the writer would describe the data gain as naturally as possible. The writer used this method in order to get specific, factual, and meaningful data. In this research, the writer used observation, interview, and documentation to collect the data. The explanation are as follows: a. Observation Riduwan (2006:76) states that observation is by doing direct investigation to analyse object deeply. Observation means that the writer observed every activity happened in the class and record it by using observation instrument. b. Interview Cohen et al (2007: 349) state that interview is a flexible tool for data collection, enabling multi-sensory channels to be used: verbal, nonverbal, spoken, and heard. Interview.c. Documentation. According to Arikunto (2010: 77), documentation is get the direct data from research place such as activity report, pictures, video, etc. In short, the writer uses the digital camera as an instrument to collect the data to strengthen the research. 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION a. The Result of Observation In collecting the data, the writer employed observation. It is used to measurerespondents’ activity in discourse analysis class. The observation was in the form of table that contains of the aspects that was measured. They are respondents’ attention and respondents’ participation. The details of the aspects that have been observed are: 1) Attention It was used to measure the attention of the respondents, whether they pay attention or not. 2) Participation It was used to measure respondents’ participation during discourse analysis class. There are some examples of respondents’ participation during learning process such as asked the questions to the teacher related to the material, showed their ability in discourse analysis, and answered the teacher’s question. SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 28-32 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 31 Observation was conducted to observe respondents. In observing respondents, writer prepared an observation sheet. The observation conducted in the discourse analysis class in five meetings. Table 1 The Result of Observation No. Aspects Score I II III IV V 1. Attention C B B B C 2. Participat ion B B B B B Scales: A (Excellent) B (Good) C (Fair) D (Poor) E (Very Poor) The respondents’ attention and respondents’ participation in observation sheet showed the activity during discourse analysis class. Based on the scale their attention and participation, they got “good”. b. The Result of Interview The writer did the interview with 5 respondents about their ability, their motivation and their experience about the use of movie in learning discourse analysis. From the result, overall students said that the use movie helps them to understand the illocutionary. c. The Result of Documentation The documentation including taking icture of the activity, filming the teaching and learning process, recording the interview. From those, it can be concluded that students felt enjoy in their way learning Austin’s Act by usiing Movie. 4. CONCLUSION Based on the previous chapter, the writer could conclude that the use of movie in teaching Austin’s act has good response. the use of movie in teaching Austin’s act based on attention and particioation reached “good” scale. Considering all data gathered from the research, the writer has made some conclusions, as follows: 1. Through movie, students can learn that language used can have its implicature. 2. By watching movie, students can learn about the way of how to use proper act based on context. 3. Illocutionary act can be learnt by observing the conversation in real life, but because the real life of using English in conversation is rare, movie can be used as an alternative way. SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 28-32 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 32 5. REFERENCES Arikunto Suharsimi (2010). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. (revision) Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Austin, John L. (1963). "Performative– Constative". In Searle (1971), 13–22. First published in Philosophy and Ordinary Language, ed. Charles E. Caton, Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1963, 22–23. Cohen, L., Manion, L., Morrison, K. (2007). Researsh Methods in Education. New York: Routledge. Grice, Paul (1957): "Meaning". In id., Studies in the Way of Words. Cambridge, MA /London: Harvard University Press 1989, 213–223. First published in The Philosophical Review LXVI (1957), 377–388. Harlow, L., & Muyskens, J. (1994). Priorities for intermediate-level language instruction. Modern Language Journal, 78, 141-154 Riduwan, Dr., M.B.A. (2006). Belajar Mudah Penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta. (Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Volume 8, No. 1, January 2022 Page. 8-18 p-ISSN: 2356-2048 e-ISSN: 2356-203x 8 PERCEPTION TOWARDS ENGLISH WEBINAR AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS IN ASSISTING ENGLISH LEARNING DURING PANDEMIC COVID-19 Devanny Patricia Inkiriwang 1, Marlin Steffy Marpaung 2 . 1 Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Universitas Advent Indonesia 2 Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Universitas Advent Indonesia Correspondence author Marlin2: marlin.marpaung@unai.edu Abstract The purpose of this study is to find out colleges’ perceptions towards English webinars held during the pandemic to assist their English learning. The population included some colleges from random subjects in a private and stated university who had attended an English webinar and the sample of the population was taken using purposive sampling which focuses on seventh and eighth-semester colleges. The collected data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The result demonstrates that English webinars can assist colleges in learning English during the pandemic however, they also face some challenges while learning English through English webinars. Keywords: Perception, English language webinar, English learning, Covid-19 INTRODUCTION The Covid 19 phenomenon, which started in late 2019 and has continued until now, has impacted a vast number of people all across the world (Pustika, 2020). Many facets of life have changed as a result of this pandemic. Similarly, considerable changes are occurring in the educational system. Many schools have been forced to close temporarily, and face-to-face teaching has been discontinued. Returning to traditional education will be challenging shortly (Dhawan, 2020). Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim issued a circular letter outlining the transition from face-to-face to online learning to combat the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia. As a result, the internet has become the primary medium for learning (Oktaria & Rahmayadevi, 2021). Universities are also abiding by government policies by implementing an online learning system. An online learning system, according to Mukhtar et al. (2020) is a webbased program that allows students and teachers to distribute, search, and organize courses over the internet. Even though they are learning online, students still require comprehensive learning elements to assist learning and to attain their learning objectives. This pandemic according to Laili & Nashir (2021) represents new defiance in the education sphere, notably for colleges. Due to this, universities are interested in looking for the most effective Perception towards.... 9 and efficient way during the pandemic to share course content, engage students, and conduct assessments in online systems (Mukhtar et al., 2020). This pandemic is also having an impact on technology advancements, as evidenced by the rising popularity of learning applications as well as numerous online learning events. Even if students do not meet in person, the numerous learning applications and learning events available on the internet can aid the college students to gain knowledge as Oktaria & Rahmayadevi (2021) have stated. Technology improvements, which are getting increasingly advanced throughout this pandemic, have an impact on English language learning as well. Because of the many free learning resources available to college students especially, during the pandemic, they have many opportunities to improve their English skills. Students may study anywhere, by anybody, and at any time (Lowerison et al., 2006; Safitri & Khoiriyah, 2017). One of the resources available that can help colleges to learn English during the pandemic is the webinar. Covid-19 has given a tremendous possibility for a webinar to spread throughout the educational sphere. A webinar is a term that combines the words "web" and "seminar. ", and it refers to a seminar delivered via the internet. It has recently gained popularity. The webinars have gained a lot of traction in the business sector, and now they are also making their way into the educational sphere. Students can benefit from webinars to learn or train using video conferencing technology (Srinivas Rao, 2019). Besides, Gupta & Sengupta (2021) explain that Webinars are essentially online seminars. However, in a broader sense, the term "webinar" refers to more than only online seminars. The category now includes meetings, conferences, demonstrations, training or teaching, and events that provide information and learning in a one-way or interactive manner. Webinars offer a variety of features to help college students to learn even when they are not in the same room as Verma & Singh (2010) stated that webinar has features to discuss and share information, a webinar also has some characteristics such as a sharing application, a chat window, session recording, and questionnaires, all of these are highly useful in the learning process. Colleges will be able to develop their English language skills more readily using the characteristics of the webinars, especially during the pandemic. As we know this pandemic allows us to meet and communicate with people from another Devanny Patricia … 10 country, Webinars help us to share knowledge, meet and communicate with people from all over the world (Gupta & Sengupta, 2021). An example is an English webinar, which helps college students to learn English and improve their English skills by interacting with a native speaker or a non-native speaker who is fluent in English. As Srinivas Rao (2019) said that English webinars have proven to be useful for students and teachers. Several organizations and people have created English webinars in the ELT and ELL environments to assist teachers in the development of their teaching abilities and to assist students in the improvement of their English skills. The goal of this study is to find out college student perceptions about English webinars conducted by native or non-native speakers throughout the pandemic in terms of assisting students in learning English during this pandemic. There are some studies related to this research. The first is research entitled "Leveraging Skype-based Webinars as an English Language Learning Platform" by Hidayati et al. (2021). As the frequency of ELT webinars has increased throughout the corona pandemic situation in 2020, so has the use of various online platforms to enable the activities. Skype is one of the platforms utilized to host webinars, as well as one of the applications that spread during the pandemic. A qualitative study of 30 undergraduate students was undertaken by the researcher. The results showed that Skype-based webinars boost students' eagerness to learn, broaden their viewpoints, and provide a stimulating learning environment. Aside from the benefits, there are also drawbacks, such as a lack of subject comprehension, which causes learning anxiety, and technical challenges with signal stability issues. Furthermore, Budiana & Yutanto (2020) undertook a study entitled “Webinar: A Strategy to Enhance Speaking Skill of Non-native English Speakers”. This study looked at the impact of using webinars to teach speaking to non-native English speakers in Surabaya business schools. In this study, three classes were observed. According to the findings, posttest scores improved in two of the three classes studied. As a result, it has been demonstrated that English webinars improve students' speaking ability, and based on the findings English webinars, can assist students in improving their communication skills. Perception towards.... 11 Another comparable study was done by Alifah & Jumrah (2021) entitled "American Corner Webinar and Its Impact on Indonesian English Teachers' Professional Development." The goal of this study was to investigate the elements of webinars, the characteristics of webinar professional development activities, also the attitudes of English professors and lecturers toward webinars and professional development. Five webinar sessions of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta's American Corner were used to collect the data. The findings show that online presentations, live chat, Q&A sessions, and sharing sessions were used to supplement the webinar sessions. The webinar's professional development activities, which included topic concentration, coaching and expert support, group participation, and long duration, benefited English teachers and lecturers, also they were enthusiastic about the webinars and their professional development, according to their perceptions. Furthermore, the findings revealed that participants' reactions to the most influential aspect of the webinar on their teaching abilities were varied. Webinars have been shown to raise students' enthusiasm in learning English, improve their speaking skills, and assist English teachers to improve their teaching abilities. Based on the studies done previously, the researchers are eager to know about the college student’s perception of English webinars that were held during the pandemic in terms of assisting them in learning English. This study intended to find out the answers to the following questions in their opinion, can English webinars assist college students in learning English during the pandemic? What challenges do students face when learning English through webinars? RESEARCH METHOD The researchers employed a qualitative descriptive study, which describes a phenomenon to investigate and explain social happenings (Nassaji, 2015). The population of this study consisted of some college students who had attended an English webinar from random subjects in a private and stated university and the sample of the population was taken using purposive sampling which focuses on seventh and eighth-semester students at public and private universities. In this study, 11 people were chosen as the respondents of this study. This research data was gathered through interviews using semi-structured Devanny Patricia … 12 interviews as the interview guide with open-ended questions, the researchers gave the respondents the freedom to express their opinions. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the interview was conducted via WhatsApp to reduce face-to-face meetings. The interview was conducted in two languages, English and Indonesian, to ensure that all respondents understood the questions and could answer accurately and clearly. The researchers transcribed the data collected from all respondents and analyzed it through thematic analysis. Instead of using statistical procedures, the words are examined by the researchers to be classified into larger meanings such as codes, categories, or themes. (Allo, 2020) FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The table below shows the demographics of the 11 respondents who took part in this study. The results of this study were categorized into several themes using thematic analysis after the researchers asked two questions to the respondents based on the study’s research questions. Table 1. Demographics of participants Respondents ID Gender Semester Affiliation R1 Female 7 Universitas Advent Indonesia R2 Female 6 Universitas Advent Indonesia R3 Female 6 Universitas Advent Indonesia R4 Male 7 Universitas Advent Indonesia R5 Female 7 Universitas Tarumanegara R6 Female 6 Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa R7 Female 7 Universitas Pelita Harapan R8 Female 7 Universitas Bunda Mulia R9 Female Universitas Bonosowa R10 Female 7 Universitas Indonesia R11 Female 7 Universitas Airlangga 1. In your opinion, can English webinars assist you in learning English during the pandemic? The researchers divide the results into three themes based on the findings that some respondents have the same perception. 1.1 Learn and discover new things Perception towards.... 13 Through webinars, students can interact with people from all over the world, both native and non-native speakers. This opportunity encourages students to learn new things and gain new knowledge, which can help them to enrich their English knowledge during the pandemic. College students who are not from the English department find this English webinar to be very beneficial because it allows them to broaden their English knowledge, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Also, according to their statements, they not only learn and discover new things through English webinars, but they also feel motivated, and they find webinars to be a fun way to learn English. As stated by Wang & Hsu (2008) Through the webinar, speakers can motivate participants by making the atmosphere exciting by joking, encouraging participants to express their opinions, and extending the discussion. The following statements substantiate the ideas: “By attending an English webinar, I can learn new things in English and motivate me to be even more active in learning, especially during the pandemic”. (R3) “Yes, because learning through webinars is fun and it helps me to learn English more since I’m not from the English department”. (R8) “Yes, it’s helpful, because the webinar allows me to learn new things about the English language during the pandemic”. (R9) “Yes, because it is a great opportunity to get new knowledge from a great speaker”. (R11) 1.2 Practice English skills Based on the data collected, The English webinar allows students to practice their English skills during the pandemic. They can practice their listening skills by listening to the speaker when delivering the material, and they can practice their speaking skills by interacting with the speaker. This statement is in line with Srinivas Rao (2019) who said that webinars provide opportunities to practice their English skills, particularly their teaching, speaking, and listening abilities. As in the following quotation: “Yes. English requires more than just grammar and vocabulary, it also requires hands-on practice. During the pandemic, I rarely met people who could be invited to speak English, but the availability of webinars, particularly interactive ones, enabled me to practice my English skills”. (R5) Devanny Patricia … 14 “I think it's quite helpful because listening to the speakers itself will improve our ability to learn English. The reason is that I'm the type who learns foreign languages, especially English by listening”. (R6) “Yes, because with the English language webinar I can practice my English skills during the pandemic". (R10) 1.3 Broaden Vocabulary According to the data collected, some of the respondents said that participating in English webinars help them to expand their vocabulary during the pandemic. This is also supported by Zhao & Li (2018), who claims that children can increase their vocabulary outside of the classroom by using media technology because it is a creative vocabulary teaching way that helps students expand their vocabulary amid a pandemic. “I learn new words that I don't hear in everyday conversation, and as an economics student, taking English webinars helps me to expand my vocabulary”. (R1) "By attending an English webinar, I learned new vocabulary that I had not heard before". (R2) “Through English language webinar, I can get new vocabularies that can make it easier for me to speak in English.”. (R4) 2. Are there any difficulties or obstacles that make it tough for you to expand your English knowledge while participating in an English webinar? The researchers divides the results into three themes based on the findings that some respondents have the same perception. 1.1 Network issues Signal stability is critical for generating high-quality webinars, therefore when students have a poor signal, it can be a barrier to their online learning. This statement is supported by Hamid et al. (2020) who claimed that poor internet connections inhibit students from learning, particularly in rural areas. “I hate it when my signal goes out unexpectedly, especially when the material is very interesting”. (R1) “Because we have different areas with different network speeds, I think the signal is the most common issue that I encounter when joining webinar”. (R3) Perception towards.... 15 “There were times where my internet connecting was really bad and it’s quite annoying because I can’t hear the speaker”. (R5) 1.2 Lack of information Some respondents said that getting information about the English webinars was difficult for them, either because they were from a non-English major or because they were not up to date on English webinar information, which caused them difficulty in finding information about the English webinar and learning from it. “The issue is I am not very up to date on information about English webinars, and the people around me are not particularly interested in English webinars, so that’s the reason why am I kind of difficult to know the information about English webinars”. (R6) “Lack of information about the English learning webinars, especially the free ones for students”. (R8) One respondent stated that she found it difficult to find information about free English webinars because she frequently found paid English webinars, and it made him hesitant to participate in the English webinar. “I rarely find free English webinars, but I often find paid English webinars, which makes me hesitant to participate in English webinars because I prefer the free one”. (R11) English webinar is extremely beneficial for students to learn English during the pandemic. Aside from being easily accessible, the webinar also helps students to learn new knowledge from outside or within the country, helps them to practice their English skills, and adds vocabulary that they did not know before. However, webinars have some drawbacks that are difficult to avoid, one of which is a network issue. Networking is an important component for achieving a good quality of online learning, but networks are unpredictable and can suddenly change depending on the circumstances (Rohleder et al., 2008) as well as lack of information about the existence of English webinars. According to the data gathered, some respondents said that they do not receive much information about the existence of English webinars, which is an impediment for them to learning English through webinars. Gunasekaran et al. (2002) supported the statement, Technology, and information assist students in learning, particularly during online learning. It will be able to help students to improve their learning and provide more learning opportunities if adequate Devanny Patricia … 16 and disseminated information is available. People learn more when they have access to information. This finding supports a study conducted by Hidayati et al. (2021) who discovered that Internet capacity and accessibility have an impact on student learning engagement in online learning. CONCLUSION The covid-19 pandemic is still going on, and some universities are continuing to implement online learning. Colleges need online learning that provides both beneficial and engaging ways. Webinars can assist students in learning by providing them with useful and interesting learning. For example, students can broaden their knowledge of English and increase their vocabulary by interacting with native or non-native speakers during the English webinars. They can also practice their skills through webinars. In learning English through webinars, students find several challenges or difficulties, such as network issues and lack of information about English webinars among college students, particularly colleges who are not from the language department. In this case, providers are expected to improve their signal quality (Hidayati et al., 2021), particularly in areas where the signal is frequently poor, to facilitate online learning, especially through English webinars, and lecturers are expected to share availability information more frequently about English webinar with colleges, particularly those with majors other than English, to assist them in learning English through English webinars. However, webinars are still useful for students to help them in learning English during the pandemic. REFERENCES Alifah, N., & Jumrah, A. (2021). American Corner Webinar and Its Impact on Indonesian English Teachers to Their Professional Development. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 6(1), 281–287. http://repository.unhas.ac.id/id/eprint/3681/ Allo, M. D. G. (2020). Is online learning good amid Covid-19 Pandemic ? The case of EFL learners. 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Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri, 18(6), 3591–3598. https://doi.org/10.12738/estp.2018.6.271 Jurnal Fokus Konseling Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2015 hlm 1-8 SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 11-20 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 11 AN ANALYSIS OF “WORK OF MIRACLES IN HELEN KELLER” FROM SOCIAL PERSPECTIVE AND MORAL VALUE Ardayati FKIP English Education Study Program, STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau. email: Ardayati470@yahoo.com Abstract This study was carried out based on the problems faced by the writer as a English teacher. Most of students have no motivation when they found difficulties especially in learning English. Furthermore, the reasons why the researcher used The Miracle worker film to be investigated: Firstly, this movie was made based on the true story. Secondly, it transferred moral values. Thirdly, it told efforts of a teacher, Annie Sullivan. The research problems were “What are social perspective of Helen Keller and what are moral values found in The Miracle Worker film?” The study employed a qualitative research which was intended to analyze Helen Keller’s social life, social life at the society illustrated in that movie, and moral values found in the movie. The research instrument was investigator triangulation which referred to the use of more than one audience in the field to gather and interpret data. In conclusion the Miracle Worker was an inspirational movie because it told about a blind deaf woman to reach her goals. It delivered Helen Keller’s experience detailing her early life. Moral values of the film were motivation, kindness, responsibility, honestly, empathy, and respect. Key words: Social perspective, the Miracle worker, moral value 1. INTRODUCTION Literature is a crucial part in learning English. Students can get more complete knowledge through literature. The purposes of literature for students are to express their ideas and to convey a message from works of art. A Literature consists of some forms. A literature has been divided into five forms. They are a short story, a poem, a play, a novel and an essay (Burton, 1967:1). In literature, a play is one of interesting scopes and one of the examples of a play is a movie. In fact, Films are everywhere now. Teachers of English can use a film as a media to teach English and give motivation for their students. Films not only take us through experiences with character we come to care about, but films might also develop an idea and values which are useful for students. Besides, Vassilou (2006:7) states that a film, otherwise known as a movie, moving picture and motion picture. A film brings to a story based on some experiences that will engage our minds and emotions. A film tells a story and mailto:Ardayati470@yahoo.com SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 11-20 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 12 events. According to Makamani (2007:1), A Film is a source of information and entertainment in the modern world. Consequently, our life styles have increasingly been associated with the film in one way or the other. Indeed, there are so many good films and gives us many values of life. One of wonderful films is The Miracle Worker. The Miracle Worker movie was made based on the true story of Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan. It is a wonderful film because it gives us moral and education values. Besides, it also gives us experiences and big motivation to learn and to get the successful. In fact, Most of students have no motivation when they found difficulties especially in learning English. Students need motivations, interesting ways of learning English, and they also need an interesting media. The Miracle worker is one of films which give motivation and education message for students. Furthermore, there are three attractiveness of The Miracle Worker movie. That is why; they make the writer choose this movie to be investigated. Firstly, this movie was made based on the true story. It was made based on Helen Keller’s life story and it is real. Keller’s life story is well known, inspirational, and well documented. It tells about Helen Keller’s effort to know and understands about languages and meanings. It can be experienced by the other people. Consequently, from this movie everyone can learn how to reach something although there are some struggles and problems. Secondly, this movie was made to give motivation for people. It transfers moral values through The Miracle Worker film. The film tells about a woman that is blind and deaf, like Helen, can be taught so she can be independent and do not depend on others. Thirdly, this movie tells efforts of a teacher, Annie Sullivan. Although her student got difficulties in learning languages and meanings, faced many problems but Annie Sullivan did best to make her student, Helen Keller, could learn language and how to behave. Annie Sullivan showed both intelligent and emotional control. She was a kind teacher and had a very big responsibility to guide Helen to learn. She was still spirit and confident to make Helen know about languages and meanings. The film gives moral message for everyone who wants to reach their ideals. SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 11-20 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 13 This research is focused on analyzing The Miracle Worker, a film of Helen Keller. 2. RESEARCH METHODS This study is a qualitative study with descriptive method because the object of the research is a film. According to Donald (2010: 440) descriptive method is used to describe events as they naturally occur. In line with the definition above, this research described about social perspective of Helen Keller and moral values found in the Miracle Worker, a film of Helen Keller. Data and Source of the Data Data Data in this research are classified in two primary and secondary data source. Primary data source is the play of The Miracle Worker movie directed by Nadia Tass. The secondary data source consists of other data related to the research such as some books of sociological Perspective theory, movie script, internet and other relevant information. Source of the Data Main source of the data of this research is The Miracle Worker, a film of Helen Keller. Beside, the researcher used books which has purpose to collect data and information from various materials about The Miracle Worker, a film of Helen Keller. It helps the researcher to find out the moral values of The Miracle Worker, a film of Helen Keller. Technique for collecting data Data is descriptive information. It describes the facts naturally. In this research, the descriptive data was gotten from words, sentences in every actions of The Miracle Worker, a film of Helen Keller so that the researcher found out moral values of The Miracle Worker, a film of Helen Keller. Technique for analyzing data This research was focused on social perspective of Helen Keller, social life of the society illustrated by the film and moral values found in the Miracle Worker, a film of Helen Keller by using qualitative study with descriptive method. Furthermore, Junus (1986:19) cited in Endraswara (2003:94) states that a literary can be influenced by social condition such as racial group, time and environment. In line of the explanation above, the steps of analyzing are: a. Constructing a structural theory. SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 11-20 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 14 b. Watching The Miracle Worker, a film of Helen Keller and writing the elements of the film. The film was watched by the researcher and her friends. Then, the researcher asked her friends to find out the meaning of the film. c. Determining the theme of the film. Theme is a soul of a literary which will flow other elements of the film (Endraswara, 2003:53). d. Connecting the social life of the author and social life of the society illustrated by the film. e. Concluding the elements of the film and get the message of the film. f. Connecting literary components in analyzing moral value of the Miracle Worker. 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Helen is a daughter of Kate and Arthur. Helen lived in a high level family. In sociology, Social stratification is a concept involving the classification of people into groups based on shared socio-economic conditions, a relational set of inequalities with economic, social, political and ideological dimensions." When differences lead to greater status, power or privilege for some groups over the other it is called Social Stratification. It is a system by which society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy. Social stratification is based on four basic principles: (1) Social stratification is a trait of society, not simply a reflection of individual differences; (2) Social stratification carries over from generation to generation; (3) Social stratification is universal but variable; (4) Social stratification involves not just inequality but beliefs as well. Helen Adams Keller was born a healthy child in Tuscumbia, Alabama, on June 27, 1880. On her father's side she was descended from Colonel Alexander Spotswood, a colonial governor of Virginia, and on her mother's side, she was related to a number of prominent New England families. Helen's father, Arthur Keller, was a captain in the Confederate army. The family lost most of its wealth during the Civil War and lived modestly. After the war, Captain Keller edited a local newspaper, the North Alabamian, and in 1885, under the Cleveland administration, he was appointed Marshal of North Alabama. At the age of 19 months, Helen became deaf and blind as a result of an unknown illness, perhaps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociology SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 11-20 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 15 rubella or scarlet fever. As Helen grew from infancy into childhood, she became wild and unruly. By age seven, Helen had developed nearly 60 hand gestures to communicate with her parents and ask for things. However, she was often frustrated by her inability to express herself. With the help of her teacher, Anne Sullivan, Helen learned the manual alphabet and could communicate by finger spelling. Within a few months of working with Anne, Helen's vocabulary had increased to hundreds of words and simple sentences. Anne also taught Helen how to read Braille and raised type, and to print block letters. By age nine, Helen began to learn to speak and read lips, skills she continued to develop over her lifetime. As she so often remarked as an adult, her life changed on March 3, 1887. On that day, Anne Mansfield Sullivan came to Tuscumbia to be her teacher. Anne was a 20-year-old graduate of the Perkins School for the Blind. Compared with Helen, Anne couldn't have had a more different childhood and upbringing. The daughter of poor Irish immigrants, she entered Perkins at 14 years of age after four horrific years as a ward of the state at the Tewksbury Almshouse in Massachusetts. She was just 14 years older than her pupil Helen, and she too suffered from serious vision problems. Anne underwent many botched operations at a young age before her sight was partially restored. Anne's success with Helen remains an extraordinary and remarkable story and is best known to people because of the film The Miracle Worker. The film correctly depicted Helen as an unruly, spoiled but very bright child who tyrannized the household with her temper tantrums. In 1890, when she was just 10, she expressed a desire to learn to speak; Anne took Helen to see Sarah Fuller at the Horace Mann School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Boston. Fuller gave Helen 11 lessons, after which Anne taught Helen. Throughout her life, however, Helen remained dissatisfied with her spoken voice, which was hard to understand. Helen's extraordinary abilities and her teacher's unique skills were noticed by Alexander Graham Bell and Mark Twain, two giants of American culture. Twain declared, "The two most interesting characters of the 19th century are Napoleon and Helen Keller." In 1904, she graduated cum laude from Radcliffe and became the first deaf blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 11-20 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 16 degree. Later, Helen was the first woman to be awarded an honorary degree from Harvard University. She also received honorary degrees from Temple University and the Universities of Glasgow, Scotland; Delhi, India; Berlin, Germany; and Witwatersrand and Johannesburg, South Africa. Helen was an avid reader and follower of politics and world events. Among her favorite books were philosophy texts and volumes of poetry. She also enjoyed studying history and economics as well as foreign languages including French, Latin and German. Helen used her education and influences to help improve the lives of others. She published several books and essays about her own life and views and spent much of her time lecturing and lobbying for important social issues including women's suffrage and assistance for people who were blind and deaf blind. Helen also performed vaudeville and had a taste of Hollywood, making two movies about her life, "Deliverance" and "The Unconquered." Much of Helen's later years were spent traveling around the world, raising money and awareness for the blind and other social issues. While still a student at Radcliffe, Helen began a writing career that was to continue throughout her life. In 1903, her autobiography, The Story of My Life, was published. This had appeared in serial form the previous year in Ladies' Home Journal magazine. Helen saw herself as a writer firsther passport listed her profession as "author." It was through the medium of the typewritten word that Helen communicated with Americans and ultimately with thousands across the globe. Helen Keller was as interested in the welfare of blind persons in other countries as she was for those in her own country; conditions in poor and warravaged nations were of particular concern. Helen's ability to empathize with the individual citizen in need as well as her ability to work with world leaders to shape global policy on vision loss made her a supremely effective ambassador for disabled persons worldwide. Her active participation in this area began as early as 1915, when the Permanent Blind War Relief Fund, later called the American Braille Press, was founded. She was a member of its first board of directors. SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 11-20 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 17 In her social life, one of the most popular film was made to appreciate her effort to reach her ideal. The title of the movie is The Miracle Worker. The movie was made based on the true story of Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan of book, The Story of My Life that is written by William Gibson. The screenplay for The Miracle Worker was written by Monte Merrick. The Miracle Worker was a gripping and inspiring story of the battle to solve impossible obstacles and the struggle to communicate. The Miracle Worker movie tells about the life of family that was set in Keller’s house in Tuscumbia, Alabama (Southern of USA). C. Moral value found in the Miracle Worker Morals pervade every aspect of our lives. Thus, moral value holds important roles for everyone. Moral values include motivation, kindness, responsibility, honestly, empathy, and respect. Firstly, Helen took a key from a door, left Miss. Sullivan and locked the door. Helen lived in a kind family; her family loves her so much. They always guide Helen about everything at home. In her social life, she is a little girl that is always communicating with everyone at home. She has a respectable mommy who always cares of her. That is why Helen grows to be a clever girl until one day it is so easy for her to lock Miss. Sullivan in a room because she can memorize everything at home include a key in a door. From the second dialogue, moral value that we can get is kindness. Helen is success in learning a language because everyone around her is kind and respectable. Secondly, Helen ate sup by using a spoon, a napkin, and sit down well. It is showed briefly that blind deaf people are able to be better if there is someone who guide them well .Here, Helen is guided by her beloved teacher, Miss. Sullivan. Helen could not eat by using a spoon, sit down in a seat but step by step she is able to be a sweet girl and know how to have a good attitude. From the third dialogue, we can get moral value from a teacher, Miss. Sullivan. Because of her responsibility to her student, consequently Helen is able to have a good attitude although she is blind and deaf. Thirdly, Helen arranged her doll and all things properly into her bag before she went home. When a blind deaf girl is able to arrange all things properly, it SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 11-20 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 18 means that the girl is clever and has a high motivation to learn about everything. Helen is not only a genius girl but she is also motivated to memorize what her teacher has taught to her. As the result, motivation becomes moral value that we can reach from this movie. Values and morals can not only guide but inspire and motivate you, giving you energy for living and for doing something meaningful. There are also the differences expressions and meaning found in The Miracle Worker when four audiences watched the film. Firstly, the second audience tells that in the film, Step by step Helen becomes a calm girl and she always comes to Miss. Sullivan to ask the language of everything she touches. The meaning of the expression is life is a struggle. We are able to master everything if we want to learn. Besides, our environment also influences us in learning a language and the meaning. It is difficult for blind deaf people to master a language if they are not serious to learn a language. Secondly, the fourth audience found that in the film, Helen can use her finger to express things around her except “water”. It is very difficult for her to use her finger when she wants to express the word “water”. But in the last part of the film, it is showed that Miss. Sullivan let her to a pump and she put the water into a kettle and Helen feels the water. That is the beginning process for her to learn language. It is showed that blind deaf people will be easy to memorize a language if they are so close to the object that they want to understand. Besides, a responsibility from a teacher also helps them to learn and understand language. Consequently, they will be able to be better in learning and understanding language. Thirdly, the third audience tells that Helen learn from a horse. It means that it will be easy for blind deaf people to learn by using realia. Although Helen does not only learn from a horse but she also learns from everything around her but the researcher agrees that it will be easy for deaf blind people to learn by using realia. Besides, Moral value is also gotten from Miss. Sullivan’s character. The way her teaching to Helen also influence Helen’s successful in learning and understanding languages. There are some similarities in getting the expressions and the meaning from The Miracle Worker. Firstly, When Miss. Sullivan said: “She must have a SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 11-20 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 19 language, Language is more important to the mind”. It is showed that a deaf blind girl should have a language to make her to be able to communicate and learn everything. Language is the key. It is stated clearly that Miss. Sullivan is optimistic about Helen’s ability although she did not know Helen yet at that time. Secondly, Miss Sullivan said: “Doll, will be your first word, it is as good as any, D-O-L-L, doll. A teacher holds crucial role for her student. In society, a teacher holds an important role for students. Students are strongly influenced by teachers' love and compassion, character, competence, and his moral commitment. A teacher becomes the model for his students. The students tried to follow their teacher in their behavior, dress, etiquette, conversational style, and he woke up. 4. CONCLUSION Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that The Miracle Worker is an inspirational movie because it tells about a blind deaf woman to reach her goals. It delivers Helen Keller’s experience detailing her early life. This study has explored and described the intrinsic analysis of The Miracle Worker. The intrinsic elements are theme, plot, characterization, setting, and message. The theme of the film is the miracle of life because the film tells about the miracle worker, someone’s effort to reach her goal. Plot of the film is linear because the story continues from the start to the end of the story. In this movie, we can understand what the main topic in the movie because the scenes run continuously. There are four characters in the film. The movie was made in 2000 in Tuscumbia, Alabama, Southern of USA. Furthermore, this research also has explored and described moral value. From The Miracle Worker, it can be concluded that moral values of the film are motivation, kindness, responsibility, honestly, empathy, and respect. Helen motivates all audience through her experience. Helen is successful in learning language because of Annie’s kindness, her parents’ responsibility and empathy. Annie is a respectable teacher. She teaches Helen from all her heart. This film also transfers a character from a kind teacher, Annie Sullivan. She is an honest teacher. It is not easy to teach a blind deaf girl but she promises to teach SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm. 11-20 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 20 Helen until she is able to master language and meaning. 5. REFERENCES Burton, A. (1967). Film, History and Cultural Memory. Nottingham: The University of Nottingham. Donald, A. (2010). Introduction to Research in Education. New York: Nelson Education, Ltd. Endraswara, S. (2003). Metodologi PenelitianSastra. Yogjakarta: FBS UniversitasNegeriYogjakarta. Makamani, Rewai. (2007). Television and Film as Popular Culture. Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Open University. Vassiliou, Andrew. (2006). Analysing Film Content: A Textbased Approach. Surrey: University of Surrey. (Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Volume 8, No. 1, January 2022 Page. 1 7 p-ISSN: 2356-2048 e-ISSN: 2356-203x 1 THE UTILIZATION OF ‘ONLINE DICTATION’ CONTENT TO INCREASE STUDENTS LISTENING ABILITY IN STIKES MADANI YOGYAKARTA Surip Haryani1, Miftahul Zuhro2 1Lecturer of S1 Nursing Program, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Madani Yogyakarta 2Student of S1 Nursing Program, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Madani Yogyakarta Email Correspondence: sharyani81@gmail.com Abstract Listening is one of the skills considered hard for the students in learning English. Rapid listening practice can be used to overcome this. This is experimental research aimed to find out the effect of online listening dictation content using pre and post-tests design. 15 students were taken randomly. Paired T-Test shows an increase in the value of the pre and post-test results of all study participants with a p-value of 0.003 and
4 81% 100% A Very Good 2.
3 < x ≤ 4 61% 80% B Good 3.
2 < x ≤ 3 41% 60% C Enough 4.
1 < x ≤ 2 21% 40% D Less 5. x ≤ 1 0% 20% E Very Less Sugiyono (2017:165-167).
In this study, the value of eligibility is determined with a minimum value of "C" with enoucategoriesory.
So if the results of the research by experts, teachers, and student responses, the average score gets a final score of "C", then the product developing the Potential of Tourism History in Paku Urban Village of Kayuagung City book as the teaching reading material is considered "worthy of use".
The validation of the instrument was carried out by an English expert and questionnaire expert as well as a history and local culture expert.
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Research and Information Collecting Research and data collection of information conducted by the researcher in this study is through field observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentation.
Product Design Andika… 85 Product design serves to design the product to be produced.
Product design needs to be done so that the product to be made can be as desired or as expected.
In this study, the researcher designed a product that was different from the previous product.
The differences are, namely, book cover, book color, characters in the book, and also the contents of the book.
The researcher designed the product after conducting field observations thahaveas been carried out to find out and ensure the latest data available in the book that has been developed.
Through the results of field observation, the researcher can design products with the latest data.
After the product is designed as planned, then the product is developed first.
Product Development Product development is carried out as a continuation of product design.
In this study, the product developed was in the form of a field research book containing a description of the history and local culture of Kayuagung city which was written in two languages which were developed into a teaching reading material book in English.
The book is then developed by making the design first.
As for the parts that are developed in the book, namely, changing the book cover and book color, adding book characters located on the book cover, deleting some book contents such as opening speech, providing vocabulary, questions, answer keys, and references.
Preliminary Field Testing The preliminary field test was conducted to test the product design in the form of a product sample.
This test is equipped with field data collection in the form of a questionnaire given to the English teachers and the student as respondents.
The results of the preliminary field test were then analyzed.
Main Product Revision The main product revision was carried out after the results of the preliminary filed test had been analyzed.
Main Field Testing The main field test is conducted to test the product design after the initial field test improvement.
The main field test is equipped with data collection in the form of Developing… 86 distributing questionnaires to students to find out the product after repairs are made.
The results of the main field test are then analyzed for the manufacture of the final product.
Operational Product Revision The operational product revision was carried out after the results of the main field test had been analyzed.
Product Manufacture The manufacture of the product in this study was carried out after the product designed and developed had been validated by material experts, teachers of English at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya, and students at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya as respondents through corrections and suggestions given by material experts and teachers of English at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya obtained from distributing questionnaires, interview with teachers of English at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya and assessments of students at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya on a book that have been developed.
Description of Validation Data In this research and development, there are three validation data, namely validation by material experts as expert judgments, by teachers of English at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya as educators, and students at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya as respondents.
Description of Validation Data by Material Experts Table 2: Average Score of Product Validation Results from English Material Expert Stage 1 and Stage 2 Stage No.
Assessment Aspects Average Value Category 1 1.
Content eligibility 3 Enough 2.
Presentation feasibility 3 Enough 3.
Language eligibility 3 Enough 4.
Graphic feasibility 3 Enough Total 12 Average Score 3 Enough 2 1.
Content eligibility 4 Good 2.
Presentation feasibility 4 Good 3.
Language eligibility 4 Good 4.
Graphic feasibility 4 Good Total 16 Average Score 4 Good Andika… 87 Table 3: Average Score of Product Validation Results From Historical Material Expert Stage 1 and Stage 2 Stage No.
Assessment Aspects Average Value Category 1 1.
Content eligibility 4 Good 2.
Presentation feasibility 4 Good 3.
Language eligibility 4 Good 4.
Graphic feasibility 4 Good Total 16 Average Score 4 Good 2 1.
Content eligibility 5 Very Good 2.
Presentation feasibility 5 Very Good 3.
Language eligibility 5 Very Good 4.
Graphic feasibility 5 Very Good Total 20 Average Score 5 Very Good Description of Validation Data by the Teachers of English at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya Table 4: Average Score of Product Validation Results by Teachers 1, 2, and 3 Teacher No.
Assessment Aspects Average Value Category 1 1.
Content eligibility 3,4 Good 2.
Presentation feasibility 3,5 Good 3.
Language eligibility 4 Good 4.
Graphic feasibility 2,6 Enough Total 13,5 Average Score 3,4 Good 2 1.
Content eligibility 4,2 Very Good 2.
Presentation feasibility 4,2 Very Good 3.
Language eligibility 4,8 Very Good 4.
Graphic feasibility 4 Good Total 17,2 Average Score 4,3 Very Good 3 1.
Content eligibility 3,7 Good 2.
Presentation feasibility 4,3 Very Good 3.
Language eligibility 4 Good 4.
Graphic feasibility 4,2 Very Good Total 16,2 Average Score 4,05 Very Good Description of Student Assessment Data Table 5: Average Score of Student Assessment Results in the Initial Field Test Developing… 88 No.
Assessment aspects Average Value Category 1.
Content Aspect 4,1 Very Good 2.
Presentation Aspect 4,1 Very Good 3.
Language Aspect 4,2 Very Good 4.
Graphic Aspect 4 Good Total 16,4 Average Score 4,1 Very Good Table 6: Average Score of Student Assessment Results in the Main Field Test No.
Assessment Aspects Average Value Category 1.
Content Aspect 4,2 Very Good 2.
Presentation Aspect 4,3 Very Good 3.
Language Aspect 4,3 Very Good 4.
Graphic Aspect 4,1 Very Good Total 16,9 Average Score 4,225 Very Good Table 7: Average Score of Material Experts Validation, Teachers of English, and Students’ Assessment at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya No.
Assessment Aspects Material Experts Teachers Students Σ 𝐗 % Catego ry 1.
Content Eligibility 4 3,8 4,15 11,95 3,98 79,6% Good 2.
Presentation Feasibility 4 4 4,2 12,2 4,1 82% Very Good 3.
Language Eligibility 4 4,3 4,25 12,55 4,18 83,6% Very Good 4.
Graphic Feasibility 4 3,6 4,05 11,65 3,88 77,6% Good Total 16 15,7 16,65 16,14 Average Score 4 3,9 4,16 4,04 80,7% Very Good Product Revision Andika… 89 Product revisions in this study were carried out in stages three times.
The first stage revision was carried out after being validated by material experts, the second stage revision was carried out based on comments and suggestions and assessments by the teachers of English at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya, and the third stage revision was carried out based on the responses and assessments of students at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya.
Discussion of this study, the results of the validation of material experts, teachers of English, and student assessments of SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya on content aspects, presentation aspects, language aspects, and graphic aspects show that the English teaching reading material book developed fall into the category of "very good" or "Feasible".
The average score of all aspects of the validation results of material experts, teachers of English, and student assessments of SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya is 4.04 with a feasibility level of 80.7% in the category of "very good" or "feasible".
It can be said that because in the previous chapter it has been explained that the percentage of 80-100 is in the "very good" category or this case it is declared "feasible" because what is taken into account is the feasibility level of the book as teaching material for reading English.
The average score obtained from material experts, teachers of English, and students of SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya is different.
The highest assessment on the content aspect was obtained from students, the highest assessment on the presentation aspect was obtained from the students, the highest assessment on the language aspect was obtained from the teachers of English, and the highest assessment on the graphic aspect was obtained from the students.
However, the overall average assessment score of material experts, teachers of English, and students of SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya is in the "very good" category.
This shows that the developed English teaching reading material book is at a feasible level, both from the content aspect, the presentation aspect, the language aspect, and the graphic aspect.
Developing… 90 CONCLUSION The average value was obtained for each aspect.
The assessment includes: the content feasibility aspect gets an average score of 3,98 in the "good" category with a feasibility level of 79.6%, the presentation feasibility aspect gets an average score of 4,1 in the "very good" category with a feasibility level of 82%, the feasibility aspect language gets an average score of 4.18 in the "very good" category with a feasibility level of 83.6%, and the feasibility aspect of the graphics gets an average score of 3.88 in the "good" category with a feasibility level of 77.6%.
Based on the results of research and development as a whole, the potential of tourism history in Baku urban village of Kayuagung city revised edition book as the teaching reading material as a whole gets an average score of 4,04 with the "very good" category and the feasibility level of 80.7%.
Thus, the book is declared feasible for use.
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SMART Journal Volume 2 No.2, Agustus 2016 Hlm.
74-84 74 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT BASED LEARNING IN ENTERPRENEURSHIP CLASS Rahmatika Kayyis English Department, STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu email: jengkayz@yahoo.com Abstract Project based learning is teaching method that offer learner autonomy and freedom to be enggaged with their learning activity.
From that also the learner can learn their language (L2) by doing their project conciously or unconciously.Project-based learning was suceed to be implemented in the class of enterpreneurship class.
In this project, 62 students were divided into 31 pairs and asked to do the project on building their own bussiness.
The bussiness should be based on language skills.
The data were collected mainly from students’ essays, writen at the end of semester, on the advantages and disadvantages of using project-based learning in classroom.
The data were then analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively.
The quantitative analysis was first used for assessing the responses obtained from the essays; and secondly, the qualitative analysis provided the evaluation and interpretation of the figures.
The results showed that most students appreciated the use of PBL in the classroom because the method made them to be more independent in learning of how to teach using English and use their talent in creating bussiness.Beside this also evoke the students willingness to do their project in creating bussiness, English courses.
Keywords: project, teaching and learning method, enterpreneursihp, bussiness 1.
INTRODUCTION Various curriculums that has been implemented in STKIP, there is one subject that being taught that can not be replaced from the curriculum that enterpreneurship subject.
The objective of teaching learning in this sibject may change, but the essence is still the same.
For students in English education, the enterpreneurship class existed to evoke the willingness of doing bussiness.
Realize it or not, the chance of fresh-graduated to be recruited as a teacher or goverment employees.
The chance should be created by optimalizing the studnts autonomy to create their own bussiness in the class.
Learner autonomy has been a major area of interest in foreign language (FL) teaching for some 30 years.
In aplying the learner autonomy there are some aspects that should be considered.
Sinclair & lamb (2000) similarly suggests 13 aspects of mailto:jengkayz@yahoo.com SMART Journal Volume 2 No.2, Agustus 2016 Hlm.
74-84 75 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung learner autonomy which „appear to have been recognized and broadly accepted by the language teaching profession, those are: 1.
Autonomy is a construct of capacity 2.
Autonomy involves a willingness on the part of the learner to take responsibility for their own learning 3.
The capacity and willingness of learners to take such responsibility is not necessarily innate 4.
Complete autonomy is an idealistic goal 5.
There are degrees of autonomy 6.
The degrees of autonomy are unstable and variable 7.
Autonomy is not simply a matter of placing learners in situations where they have to be independent 8.
Developing autonomy requires conscious awareness of the learning process – i.e.
conscious reflection and decision-making 9.
Promoting autonomy is not simply a matter of teaching strategies 10.
Autonomy can take place both inside and outside the classroom 11.
Autonomy has a social as well as an individual dimension 12.
The promotion of autonomy has a political as well as psychological dimension 13.
Autonomy is interpreted differently by different cultures Many researches have been conducted to investigate the benefit of applying the learner autonomy in class.
Camilleri (2007) presents questionnaire data collected from 328 teachers in six European contexts (Malta, The Netherlands, Belorussia, Poland, Estonia and Slovenia).
The instrument used consisted of 13 items each asking about the extent to which learners, according to the teachers, should be involved in decisions about a range of learning activities, such as establishing the objectives of a course or selecting course content.
Although this project was supported by the European Centre for Modern Languages, it is unclear what proportion of the participating teachers actually taught languages (some of the Netherlands sample, for example, taught Economics).
In terms of the findings, teachers were found to be positive about involving learners in a range of activities, such as deciding on the position of desks, periodically assessing themselves and working out learning procedures.
In contrast, teachers were not positive about learner involvement in the selection of textbooks and deciding on the time and place of lessons.
SMART Journal Volume 2 No.2, Agustus 2016 Hlm.
74-84 76 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung The latter findings are hardly surprising given that many respondents worked in state schools.
Camileri Grima (2007) replicated this study with a group of 48 respondents made up of student teachers and practicing teachers of modern languages in Malta.
She compared her results to the Malta cohort in the original study and found much similarity both in terms of the positive overall views expressed by teachers as well as in the specific aspects of autonomy they were more and less supportive of.
The more recent group of teachers, though, were seen to be more positive than those in the earlier study towards particular aspects of autonomy, such as learners setting their own short-term objectives, their involvement in the selection of materials, and self-assessment.
The instrument from the above studies was used once again by Balçıkanlı (2010: 98) to examine the views about learner autonomy of 112 student teachers of English in Turkey.
Additionally, 20 participants were interviewed in focus groups of four teachers each.
The results suggested that the student teachers were positively disposed towards learner autonomy – i.e.
they were positive about involving students in decisions about a wide range of classroom activities, though, again, they were less positive about involving students in decisions about when and where lessons should be held.
Rather uncritically perhaps, given the limited teaching experience the respondents had and the typically formal nature of state sector schooling in Turkey, the article reports that „these student teachers felt very comfortable with asking students to make such decisions‟.
More realistically, though, the study does conclude by asking about the extent to which respondents‟ positive theoretical beliefs about promoting learner autonomy would actually translate into classroom practices.
This observation reminds us that in using self-report strategies such as questionnaires and interviews to study teachers‟ beliefs we must always be mindful of the potential gap between beliefs elicited theoretically and teachers‟ actual classroom practices.
Al-Shaqsi (2009) was another survey of teachers‟ beliefs about learner autonomy.
This was conducted with 120 teachers of English in state schools in Oman.
A questionnaire was devised specifically for this study and it asked respondents about (a) the characteristics of autonomous learners (b) their learners‟ ability to carry out a number of tasks (each of which was assumed to be an indicator of learner autonomy – e.g.
deciding when to use a dictionary or identifying their own weaknesses) and (c) how learner autonomy SMART Journal Volume 2 No.2, Agustus 2016 Hlm.
74-84 77 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung might be promoted.
The three characteristics of autonomous learners most often identified by teachers were that they can use computers to find information, use a dictionary and ask the teacher to explain when they do not understand.
The teachers in this study also assessed their learners positively on all of the indicators of learner autonomy they were presented with, with the three most highly rated being asking the teacher to explain when something is not clear, giving their point of view on topics in the classroom and using the dictionary well.
Finally, teachers made several suggestions for promoting learner autonomy; what was interesting about these is that in several cases the connection between the pedagogical activity being proposed and learner autonomy was not evident; for example, teachers suggested that they could use different types of quizzes and challenging tasks, increase learner talking time or reward learners for good performance.
Interviews would have been useful in this study to explore the connections that teachers felt there were between such activities and the development of learner autonomy.
The final study we discuss here is Martinez (2008), who examined, using a predominantly qualitative methodology, the subjective theories about learner autonomy of 16 student teachers of French, Italian and Spanish.
These students were studying at a university in Germany and were taking a 32-hour course about learner autonomy at the time of the study.
Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, and observations during the course; copies of the instruments were, though, not included with the paper and it was not possible therefore to critique or draw on these in our study.
Results showed that the student teachers had positive attitudes towards learner autonomy and that these were informed largely by their own experiences as language learners.
The conceptions of autonomy held by the student teachers generally reflected the view that (a) it is a new and supposedly better teaching and learning methodology; (b) it is equated with individualization and differentiation; (c) it is an absolute and idealistic concept; (d) it is associated with learning without a teacher.
There are many kinds of teaching methodology which can be employed to promote learner autonomy: using process syllabus (Widdowson, 1990), employing self-access learning (Jordan, 1997; Lynch, 2001), involving taskbased and projectbased learning (Robinson, 1991; Robinson et al., 2001), integrating technology in SMART Journal Volume 2 No.2, Agustus 2016 Hlm.
74-84 78 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung teaching and learning (Todd, 2001; Warschauer, 2002).
Project Based Learning is mentioned as the teaching methodology that promote learner autonomy.
Kalabzova (2015: 1) states that Project Based Learning (PBL) represents nowadays an approach to learning which may meet several students´ needs.
For one thing it offers a skill-based practice for another it symbolizes the focus on students who should become involved, show inner motivation and creativity.
The main advantage is that students deal with real subject matter by working on the real problems.
It emerges that this sense of solving an authentic difficulty, in the area of group work and cooperation experience has the potential to help students learn.
However, project work comprises quite a complex topic since its implementation and usage at schools lays increased demands both on organization and psychological aspects of teachers „work.
According to Beckett (2002: 54)in the context of secondlanguage (L2) education, PBL has a variety of terms that he finds interchangeable, such as project work, project method, project approach, projectoriented approach or project-based instruction.
He claims that this method was firstly applied in L2 setting more than 20 years ago in order to provide learners with chances “to interact and communicate with each other and with native speakers of the target language in authentic context.” Moreover, Ribé and Vidal (1993) see PBL as a chance for students with poor linguistic skills to be in project work actively participating as they may make use of their other talents in other nonlinguistic tasks and consequently improve their confidence and general attitude towards language learning.
However, Haines (1989) states that one should also mention the possibly challenging issues that PBL brings along in the area of language teaching.
To begin with, most teachers are afraid of students speaking their mother tongue instead of using English.
In such case, Hutchinson acknowledges that this is very probably to happen mainly during the teamwork, nevertheless, he advises not to considerate it as a drawback but as a natural phenomenon about which there is no need to worry as long as the final product is in English, students are provided with useful translation activities from various source materials and they have the opportunities to practice productive skills in English.
Then, some teachers express their concerns about the loss of their firm control over the weaker students so that they would be not able to cope with the work.
This again might happen, yet, with the right teacher´s attitude, solid regular class preparation and SMART Journal Volume 2 No.2, Agustus 2016 Hlm.
74-84 79 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung the responsible working and social environment, those students are not neglected but either incorporated into cocooperative learning groups or dealt with independently by the teacher, who, in his role of facilitator, is able to devote them more time.
The last main concern is associated with correcting students´ language and with the number of language mistakes they are to make during the process.
This problem deals with the areas of language accuracy versus fluency and their potential balance.
On the one hand, teachers should recognize which stages of PBL are more crucial to the need of accuracy practice and which stages are to produce language which is both accurate and fluent.
Beside of those worriness about impementation of PBL, if the implementation is succeed and carried out with a careful preparation, right teacher´s attitude and decent knowledge, it comprises not only the general benefits that has been described in the first part of this work but also it produces further advantages.
With respect to the English language, PBL affords students to practice the target language they have consider needful, in real and meaningful situations.
They are to express their own language needs along with creation of their own chosen end product; hence, it reinforces the learning of both language and the concrete content of PBL.
Based on those theories it can be assumed that project based learning is teaching method that offer learner autonomy and freedom to be enggaged with their learning activity.
From that also the learner can learn their language (L2) by doing their project conciously or unconciously.
Project based learning also believed can promote learner autonomy in class of enterpreneurship.
By alowing the students to do the bussiness by opening an english course, the students also can show the talent in other linguistic tasks and improve their confidence and attitude toward learning.
Afterwards, the perceptions of students need to be analyzed in order to measure the level of success or failur of this implementation.
RESERCH METHOD The participants of this study were 62 sixth-semester undergraduate English Education students that registered as students in enterpreneurship class divided in two classes.
The data were collected mainly from the students‟essays, written at the end of semester,on the advantages and disadvantages of using PBL as a teaching and learning method in the classroom.
The data were then analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively.
The SMART Journal Volume 2 No.2, Agustus 2016 Hlm.
74-84 80 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung quantitative analysis was first used for assessing the responses obtained from the essays; and secondly, the qualitative analysis provided the evaluation and interpretation of the figures PROCEDURE As mentioned in Miller (2011), The first phase in applying PBL in classroom is prepration phase.
The main thing teachers should bear in mind is to help students to create authentic, engaging and relevant projects and following instructions help teachers to guide them through the sequence of preparation steps.
Preparation phase is gradually recorded into a logical framework form and covers: 1.
Selecting the purpose: The teacher gave the explanation about the learning objective in enterpreneurship class.
The objectives are to evoke students willingness to create bussiness based language and to create and carry on their own bussiness based on their ideas at the end of the class.
Determination of the educational aims: to give the education to stduents of how to build and use their talent in creating bussiness.
Selecting the final product: the final product is the report of the bussiness implementation 4.
Creating a general structure, timeline and regular check-ins: started from observation, presentation of observation, presentation of ideas, implementation, reporting, and evaluation.
Total 16 meetings in class.
Forming teams: the students work in pair, total 31 pairs.
Producing the final written framework: The students report the final written framework about the implementation of the ideas from the start until the end Realization phase.
This phase covers stages of launching project work; planning and realizing concrete activities along with project finishing.
It consists of: 1.
Information gathering cycle.
Teacher gave instruction to do the project in pairs.
It means that from 62 students, there were 31 pairs.
The first project is observing the school started from private playground, private kindegraten, private elementary school, private junior high school, private senior high school and private english courses.
This project allowed them to choose where is the school to be observed.
The teacher only gave the guidance about what is being observed.
The observation was about asking the principal or the owner of foundation consisted: 1)how to build the institution/ school?
2)how to manage the school administration?
3)how to SMART Journal Volume 2 No.2, Agustus 2016 Hlm.
74-84 81 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung recruit the employee?
4) What is the marketing strategy?
And how?
Information processing cycle.
First, after getting the data, they have to present the data using oral presentation.
The presentation session would then be followed by the question-answer session, when their classmates would ask questions.
The class would have two terms of 3 questions each.
Each member of the presenting group had his/her turn to answer the questions.
When necessary, the person who asked a question might ask for further details or argue on the issue in question, and the other students might also participate in the discussion.
The presentation would usually last 30 minutes, and so would the question-answer session.
The lecturer might correct the misunderstanding or misinterpretation of concepts, give or add further details to help the students to understand.
From this, the students might know about the detail of how to do the bussiness of opening the course or institution Second, moved to the project that we called as “the idea project” In here students asked to share their own creative ideas about the kind of bussiness they would like to create (limited to english course bussiness), logos, mottos, mission and vission, the marketing strategy, and brochure.
Everything that they have made, they have to share it in front of the class.
A pair should have different ideas to the others.
Third, the implementation of the ideas that they have shared.
First, they did the announcement about their course in social medias or in general.
They did marketing startegy to recruit the students to follow the course.
After that, they taught them English in several meetings.
The teaching technique or model would be different from one pair to another to attract the students in joining the course.
Evaluation phase.
PBL assessment does not concern only the final product, in fact students are assessed throughout the process of PBL, which stresses formative assessment and accepts the necessity of final summative assessment.
Everything that they have done in the project were 3.
FINDINGS The findings of the study are the students‟ perceptions on the use of PBL as teaching learning method in the enterpreneurship classroom, which include its advantages and disadvantages.
SMART Journal Volume 2 No.2, Agustus 2016 Hlm.
74-84 82 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung Table 1 Advantages of PBL Advantages N % 1 The students deal with real subject matter by working on the real problems.
It emerges that this sense of solving an authentic difficulty, in the area of group work and cooperation experience has the potential to help students learn.
57 91.93% 2 Give chance for students with poor linguistic skills to be in project work actively participating as they may make use of their other talents in other non-linguistic tasks and consequently improve their confidence and general attitude towards language learning.
40 64.51% The following are some of the students positive comments are still intelligible, yet the grammar is a mess but the content it can be still analyzed.
“According to me Proyek Base Learning is good.
I can open my course according what I think it is good.
Also I can get money from it.” “I not good in teaching before but I learn to teach in my course.
I have three student in my course from junior high school.
I think to become teacher we have to real teach in course so make course in order you can teach.” “At first time, my lecturer said to do project.
I feel afraid because I have no confidence although I can use my English bit better in classroom.
I am affraid to do the marketing and recruit the students.
Afterall, my problem was solved because I was not alone.
My friend always gave me advice that I can do it.
“I always hope that my course will long lasting.
Before this I think where I can get money while I study in STKIP.
This enterpreneurship class is good because lecturer gave my a view and way where I can get money” Table 2 Disadvanatges of PBL Disadvantages N % 1 Students speaking their mother tongue instead of using English 23 37%` 2 The loss of firm control over the weaker students so that they would be not able to cope with the work.
15 24% 3 The problem deals with the areas of language accuracy versus fluency and their potential balance.
20 32.25% The following are negative comments about PBL.
“The weakness is in speaking, students use Indonesian language instead of using English as lecturer said before.
When doing project I always talk using Indonesian language, but in teaching I seldom use English” SMART Journal Volume 2 No.2, Agustus 2016 Hlm.
74-84 83 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung “The weakness is not only speak English bu mos speak Indonesian language.” “The lecturer gave the limited time to do the bussiness or project it makes us in hurry in everything.
I cannot do a lot of consultation because I have to find the students and teach them” “my English is bad how can I teach my students.
I am not ready to speak English fluently.” 4.
CONCLUSION From the data, it can be concluded that this project based learning can be used in enterpreneurship class to evoke students willingness in creating bussiness and also it can make the students to be independent in learning of how to teach students English.
However, this method not suitable for all students.
Students mayalso feel that they learn to speak little bit English when they do the project.
Therefore, lecturer should ocassionaly vary teaching and learning method.
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SMART Journal Volume 2 No.2, Agustus 2016 Hlm.
74-84 85 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung
(Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Volume 8, No.
1, January 2022 Page.
72-79 p-ISSN: 2356-2048 e-ISSN: 2356-203x 72 FLIPPED CLASSROOM WITH HOTS INSTRUCTION IN LISTENING CLASS: BEST PRACTICE APPROACH AND IMPLEMENTATION FOR EMPLOYEE CLASS Muhammad Khanif University of Nahdlatul Ulama Al-Ghazali Cilacap Email: khanif.clp123@gmail.com Abstract As the fulfillment of learning of the 21st century, HOTs instruction is also needed because students are not enough with only having good score but they also should have good skill for being problem solver, creative thinker, critical thinker, socialist, and able to follow the changing era which is marked by the sophistication of IT-based technology.
The research method used is case study research design.
The population is the students from three classes of employee class students at the University of Nahdlatul Ulama AL-Ghazali Cilacap.
The total samples are two classes with a total of 70 students in the second semester.
The observation, questionnaires, and interviews were used to verify the data.
The result of this study gives a view of best practice concerning how flipped classrooms with HOTs instruction implemented to listening to employee class students.
Keywords: Listening, Flipped Classroom, HOTs, Employee Class INTRODUCTION Listening plays an important role in communication in people’s daily lives.
According to Guo and Wills (2006:3), “it is the medium through which people gain a large proportion of their education, their information, their understanding of the world and human affairs, their ideals, sense of values”.
Mendelson (1994:9) said that “The total time spent on communicating, listening takes up 40-50 %; speaking 25-30 %; reading 11-16 %; and writing about 9 %.
Then Peterson (2001:87) also wrote, “no other type of language input is easy to process as a spoken language, received through listening, learners can build an awareness of the interworking's of language systems at various levels and thus establish a base for more fluent productive skills".
Scarcella and Oxford (1992:138-139) also point out that listening is a significant and essential area of development in the native language and a foreign language.
Effective listening sharpens thinking and creates understanding In real daily life.
Listening takes part in understanding a talk, lecture, or conversation in a second or foreign language (even in their first language).
The situation, the listener, and also mailto:khanif.clp123@gmail.com Flipped Classroom... 73 the speaker can be the cause of these difficulties.
Some factors contribute to them like background noise, a lack of visual clues, the speaker talking so fast, or because the listener has a limited vocabulary.
Listening is a key to all effective communication.
It plays an important role because without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstood.
As a result, communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated.
Finally, the mean of communication cannot be achieved properly.
Based on the explanation of how important listening is in daily life, students of employee class should be given listening material well.
So, they can have good communication to support their careers.
The lacks of learning to listen for employee class of UNUGHA students are; (1) they are less motivated in learning listening because they still think that it is difficult to be learned, (2) they do not have enough time to look for the appropriate source because of their business, (3) they are less able to take advantage of technological sophistication to facilitate learning it.
Along with the demands of the 21st century, the skill of critical thinking and ICT literacy is needed to face the globalization era.
It is identified by (Wagner, 2010) and the Change Leadership Group at Harvard University.
There are seven skills as mentioned (1) critical thinking and problem-solving skills, (2) collaboration and leadership, (3) dexterity and adaptability, (4) initiative and entrepreneurial spirit, (5) being able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing, (6) capable of accessing and analyzing information, and (7) have curiosity and imagination.
Nowadays, many online-based e-learning models are developed whether full online (Asynchronous) or blended learning (Synchronous).
Full online learning is very useful for the participants who want to join the class but a r e limited by distance and time.
While blended learning is appropriate for the participants or students who want to have both online and classical classes.
Blended learning is considered as an alternative to integrate face-to-face and online activities.
Both activities are arranged well according to the needs.
Some developers of the blended learning model divide the time of those activities by several comparisons 50:50, 70:30, or 30:70.
Those divisions of time cannot be standardized because they all depend on learning needs.
Especially in this research, the time is divided a bit clearer.
The students learn the Muhammad... 74 material online before coming to the class.
While in the class, students discuss and explore the material at length to apply in the classroom what have they learned.
This learning model is called a flipped classroom model.
The characteristic of flipped classrooms is the students get material for the first time before coming to the class.
It is very different from the traditional classroom where students get the first time material in the class.
Through that treatment, both lecturers and students get the benefit.
The lecturer can have more time to explore the students’ potential to complete the learning while the students may have autonomy in learning and high motivation before coming to the class because they have prepared before.
So they can have material for discussion with t h e lecturer or other students.
This study collaborates the theories of the flipped classroom, e-learning, taxonomy blooms, and autonomous learner to the listening course to reach the critical thinking of the students.
Those packaging is estimated to be an alternative or solution to provide strong stimulation for the development of individual abilities, especially in learning critical listening to overcome all new problems in their daily lives.
According to the gap and background of the study, the writers propose some research questions.
They are; 1) How does the lecturer implement the flipped classroom with HOTs instruction at employee class students?
(2) How are students’ perceptions towards the implementation?
RESEARCH METHOD This study uses data from the case study of the implementation concerning how flipped classroom with HOTs instruction implemented to listening to employee class students and their perception toward it.
The method aims at getting the knowledge of English lecturers regarding the implementation of a flipped classroom with HOTs Instruction for getting critical listening and the perception of students.
At times, a case study is a type of ethnographic research study that focuses on a single unit, such as one individual, one group, one organization, or one program Ary, Jacob, and Sorenson (2010).
They also assert that case studies use multiple methods, such as interviews, observation, and archives, to gather data.
Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2000) define case studies can establishing cause and effect, indeed one of their Flipped Classroom... 75 strengths is that they observe effects in real contexts, recognizing that context is a powerful determinant of both causes and effects.
The observation, questionnaires, interviews, and domination are conducted to the lecturers and students in listening.
The observation is conducted to investigate how does the lecturer implement flipped classrooms with HOTs instruction to listen to employee class students.
The writer observed the listening lecture at the employee class for one month.
There are four meetings on average which are divided into two meetings for online and offline classes in each.
Furthermore, the questionnaires are spread out to the students to investigate their perception toward the implementation of flipped classrooms with HOTs instruction in listening lectures at employee class.
Moreover, the interview is aimed at confirming what had been done by the lecturer dealing with the implementation to improve their professional development to prepare 21st-century skills for the students.
Observation is a technique of data collection, where researchers make observations directly to the object of research to see closely the activities carried out (Riduwan, 2004: 104).
While Questionnaire is a data collection technique that is done by giving a set of questions or written statements to the respondent to be answered later (Sugino, 2013: 199).
Whereas interview according to Esterberg (2002), defines as follows: "a meeting of two participants to exchange information and ideas through questions and responses, resulting in communication and joint meaning of a particular topic."
The interview is a meeting of two people to exchange information and ideas through question and answer, so that meaning can be constructed in a particular topic.
And documentation according to Sugiyono (2013: 240) is a record of events that have passed.
Documents can be in the form of writing, images, or monumental works from a person.
Documents in the form of writings such as diaries, history of life (life histories), stories, biographies, regulations, policies.
Documents in the form of images such as photos, live images, sketches, and others.
Documents in the form of works such as works of art, which can be in the form of pictures, sculptures, films, and others.
Document study is a complement to the use of observation and interview methods in qualitative research.
All data will be gotten in triangulation techniques.
Sugiyono (2013: 241) in data collection techniques, triangulation is interpreted as a technique of collecting data that is combining the various techniques of collecting data and existing data sources.
If the researcher conducts data collection using triangulation, the researcher collects data while testing the Muhammad... 76 credibility of the data, namely checking the credibility of the data with various data collection techniques and various data sources.
Triangulation techniques, mean researchers use techniques.
Different data collection to get data from the same source.
The researcher used participatory observation, questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and documentation for the same data source simultaneously.
Source triangulation means, to get data from different sources with the same technique.
70 students in the employee class are divided into three classes with one lecture at the University of Nahdlatul Ulama Al-Ghazali Cilacap.
The writer took all classes as respondents for this study.
They are a second-semester student who is getting listening material of TOEIC Picture.
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS They are two questions researched in this study; 1) How does the lecturer implement the flipped classroom with HOTs instruction at employee class students?
and (2) How are students’ perceptions towards the implementation?.
The first question can be answered by doing observation, interview, and documentation to the lecturer.
In the observation, some data were found.
They are (1) teaching instrument, (2) learning material, (3) lecturer background document, and (4) students list.
The teaching instrument contents of the explanation lecture such as identity, basic competencies, competence indicator, teaching material, teaching scenario, evaluation instrument, and references/sources.
While the process of how the lecturer implements the flipped classroom with HOTs instruction at employee class students can be known after observing the class and interviewing the lecturer.
The findings are; (1) the lecturer planned the flipped classroom with HOTs instruction steps, (2) He used the application of PPT, filmora video, and google form to expand the material and trial test, (3) both lecturer and students used WA group to accommodate online class, (4) discussion about what was in online was discussed in the class, (5) lecturer gave the new discussion to blow up their different perspective, (6) lecturer lead them to relate the material to the real-life situation and took advantage for their daily life, (7) students in pair made new discussion related to the material and shared to others to be criticized, (8) they generate their understanding on how is the material could be done Flipped Classroom... 77 effectively, (9) the lecturer gave feedback to the students on the activity which they have done, (10) the lecturer made documentation for the activity.
The process in detail was divided into online classes and classical classes.
At the first time, the lecturer prepared the material and trial test for being trained to the students online.
The materials are arranged step by step, so the students can follow the instruction well.
It is designed in PowerPoint or video.
After understanding the material, they are leaded to have a trial test to measure how well they understand the material.
It is designed with a google form quiz.
Both material and trial tests were shared to the WhatsApp Group.
Sharing and discussion during the online class were also opened to solve and help students’ problems while learning online.
In a n online class, the lecturer applies a half of HOTs instruction which uses the steps of taxonomy blooms.
In remembering steps, students are led to recognize the material and remember what have they learned related to the material.
While in understanding steps, they are hoped able to interpret, summarize, compare, and explain what is in the material.
The last, in applying steps, they have a trial test to implement their understanding in the material they have learned.
Meanwhile, in the classical class, the lecturer started discussing what the student had done in an online class.
Everyone was free to share and discuss their experience in learning online.
The next step was the duty of the lecturer to lead them into HOTS.
After discussing what had been done, the lecturer gave the new topic to be discussed deeper to find the implicit meaning from the material.
It was done to blow up different students’ perspectives (analyze step).
By having those perspective, they were guided to respect each other's opinions depending on their view based on their knowledge and experiences.
After that, the lecturer lead them to relate the material to the real-life situation and took advantage for their daily life.
Next, students in pairs made new discussions related to the material and shared them with others to be criticized (evaluating step).
Then, they generate their understanding of how is the material could be done effectively (creating step).
The last, the lecturer gave feedback to the students on the activity which they have done and made documentation for the activity.
All processes of flipped classrooms with HOTs instruction in listening class used a mobile phone as the media.
A group application was chosen to deliver the material, discuss, share, and do other activities.
It was chosen because it was the most effective and efficient application.
After all, all students are common in using it.
Recently, persistent enthusiasm for developing so-called “21st-century skills” argues, at least tacitly, that someone who is Muhammad... 78 technologically literate knows how to use several devices and programs expertly Bullock (2011) in Kosnik et.
al (2016).
Thus it is in line with the questionnaire, the answer to research question number two is that the flipped classroom model (1) motivated the participants to learn English idioms and to improve their ability, (2) enhanced the participants in learning activities, and (3) engaged the participants in the learning tasks.
The second question on how students’ perception towards the implementation can be found by giving questionnaires and interviews to them.
All students were given questionnaires.
The questionnaires were made in closed type with four options (1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) agree, and (4) strongly agree.
There were 25 questionnaires given to them.
And the result got 3,7 from range point 1 to 4.
It means that the learning model was accepted well by them.
Not enough only doing questionnaires, interview with every representative student in every class was also done.
Some points can be described as follow; (1) The learning model is well applied to employee class students (2)They want that learning model can be applied in other lecture, (3) they want university can also facilitate big data to facilitate their activities using the internet.
CONCLUSION The findings from this research study reveal positive outcomes as well as challenges for the new model.
All data described that flipped classroom with HOTs instruction in listening class for employee class students was suitable.
The data from documentation were are (1) teaching instrument, (2) learning material, (3) lecturer background document, and (4) students list, while the data from observation was the condition while the learning model applied which showed good step; (1) the lecturer planned the flipped classroom with HOTs instruction steps, (2) He used application of PPT, filmora video, and google form to expand the material and trial test, (3) both lecturer and students used WA group to accommodate online class, (4) discussion about what were in online was clearly discussed in the class, (5) lecturer gave the new discussion to blow up their different perspective, (6) lecturer lead them to relate the material to the real life situation and took advantage for their daily life, (7) students in pair made new discussion related to the material and shared to others to be criticized, (8) they generate their understanding on how is the Flipped Classroom... 79 material could be done effectively, (9) the lecturer gave feedback to the students on the activity which they have done, (10) the lecturer made a documentation for the activity.
Then, the data from questionnaires were made in 25 questionnaires in closed type gotten 3,7 from range point 1 to 4.
The last data from an interview with the students have also indicated the good feasibility in using the learning model of a flipped classroom with HOTs instruction in listening class for employee class students.
some input from the interview results are as follows; (1) The learning model is well applied to employee class students (2) They want that learning model can be applied in other lectures, (3) they want university can also facilitate big data to facilitate their activities using the internet.
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(Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Volume 8, No.
1, January 2022 Page.
28-39 p-ISSN: 2356-2048 e-ISSN: 2356-203x 28 STUDENTS’ ENGAGEMENT IN BASIC ENGLISH ONLINE COURSE IN THE BLOODBANK TECHNOLOGY STUDY PROGRAM Ika Sulis Setianingsih Bloodbank Technology Study Program, Polytechnics Kesehatan Bhakti Setya Indonesia E-mail Correspondence: ika_setianingsih@poltekkes-bsi.ac.id Abstract This study aimed at elaborating the student engagement in Basic English online courses, by employing the cross-sectional survey design.
The subject of this study was the first semester students of Diploma 3 of the Bloodbank Technology Study Program.
The data were collected through a questionnaire that was distributed through Google Forms.
The students’ engagement was high on the skills, thoughts/emotions with the highest mean value of 4.39, participation with the mean value of 4.37, and performance items, with the mean value of 4.33.
However, the communication issue became the least engaged activity with a mean value of 2.74.
Keywords: student engagement, online learning, blood bank technology INTRODUCTION There are numerous teaching and learning contexts for English classes, particularly English for Specific Purposes (ESP).
There are both online and offline classes, but most English for Specific Purposes courses are held in a traditional classroom setting.
We can talk about a broad range of audiences for a General English class, but we cannot talk about specific English classes available to a diverse group of students.
According to Hutchinson & Waters (1987), there are numerous branches of English for Specific Purposes.
They provided examples from a variety of ICT branches.
The great umbrella term for the campus at Bhakti Setya Indonesia's Health Polytechnic must be in health education settings.
There are already many branches available for the topic in the very own health topic setting.
One of the branches is English for Medicine; however, it also has many other branches, such as English for Nursing, English for Pharmacy Technicians, English for Medical Record Clerks, English for Blood Banking, and so on.
mailto:ika_setianingsih@poltekkes-bsi.ac.id Students Engagement... 29 As early as the year 2020, the pandemic struck and made everybody on the earth struggling.
They included teachers of English for Specific Purposes.
English for Specific Purposes is also seen as an approach, not a product of teaching.
However, the students of ESP rely so much on offline classes more than the online ones since many of them are from non-English departments.
Then, when the pandemic struck, many schools and universities experienced closures which made the teaching and learning to be a shift to be online ones following the outbreak.
Many common developing countries have challenges in distance learning, not to mention lack of good internet connections as well as students' digital skills, then poor power supply, inaccessibility, distractions, and many others (Onyema et al., 2020; Sari, 2020).
Indonesia is one of the many developing countries struck by the Coronavirus, yet the education also yielded to be conducted at home, or, we can also say as learning from home.
Problems arose in digital learning or learning from home which hindered the learning process in the pandemic era, such as the lack of internet connection and quota (Sari, 2020; Rianto, 2020; Atmojo & Nugroho, 2020; Agung et al., 2020).
Technology, according to Onyema et al., (2020), facilitates remote learning, distance learning, virtual learning, blended learning, mobile learning, distributed learning, machine learning, ubiquitous learning, deep learning, cooperative learning, and collaborative learning.
As a result, from the beginning of the pandemic until now, online learning has been used to avoid school closures and failures in teaching.
Moreover, (Dhawan, 2020) adds that online teaching and learning can be seen as a panacea for the crisis.
According to Onyema et al.
(2020), several factors affect the success of online education, including internet connections, learning software, digital skills, availability, and access to technology.
These skills assist learners not only in acc tossing the materials but also in maintaining interaction with lecturers and fellow students, resulting in greater engagement in the learning materials.
Furthermore, (Onyema et al., 2020) stated that 36 platforms allow for online education.
In the context of Poltekkes BSI, the lecturer uses four platforms that are familiar to the students, namely Youtube.com, TED-Ed, Ika Sulis … 30 Zoom.us, and WhatsApp.
However, two additional platforms, Telegram and Edline, are used to add more variations.
Then, another problem which is also there was the unfamiliarity with the platforms that are provided and used by the campus.
This led to another problem, that was related to student engagement.
The LMS system recorded the number of student views in learning materials and tasks, however, those kinds of views were not observable.
Then, there should be a specific assessment for the student engagement itself done later after the course ended.
Although the LMSs were the only options used to overcome the learning problems that also needed a strong call for an offline class setting (Wong, 2013).
It is already known that issues of student engagement have always been discussed in both teaching and learning settings: offline and online settings.
However, greater attention on student engagement must be put on the online settings since a lecturer cannot see their students in real-time (unless they use a video call tool every time they teach).
On the other hand, the Basic English course is the prerequisite course for Advanced English course lessons which will be in the even semester.
Without being able to master the Basic English course well, the students will not be able to succeed in the next semester’s class.
It is risky to use the term "engagement" to refer to any interaction between students in an online classroom because the true nature of engagement must be viewed through several aspects of the learning process.
Moore (1989; cited in Kennedy, 2020) stated that three types of interaction determine the types of student engagement in online environments: learner-instructor interaction, learner-learner interaction, and learner-content interaction.
These three types of interactions are critical in an online learning environment because they determine whether learners or students are truly engaged with the course.
Meaningful learning will not occur unless these types of interactions are integrated.
Moreover, Barkley, Matsushita, 2018) define the term student engagement as a process and a product that occurs on a dynamic process and is the result of a synergistic interaction between motivation and active learning.
As the dynamic process occurs, by Students Engagement... 31 looking at the interactions as well as the product of the learning itself that occurred from the activities mentioned earlier.
The interaction of a learner with the content provided by the lecturer for their class' material will then add a new dimension to a new perspective.
This type of interaction will also determine how active the students are in the classroom (Kennedy, 2020).
These are the interactions that take place in an offline class that must be integrated into the course in terms of learner-instructor, learner-learner, and learnercontent.
Then, in the digital classroom, these kinds of interactions work well for determining students' overall engagement with the course.
Then, in the research done by Jonassen, 1988; Plowman, 1996, Cordova & Lepper, 1996, Kennedy, 2004, Domagk, Schwartz & Plass, 2010 (cit.
Kennedy, 2020), two fundamental distinctions emerged, namely behavioral and cognitive engagement.
Many things are done by students in the online learning environment that are related to these engagements.
For example, in behavioral engagement, learners are observed based on how many learning behaviors they perform, such as clicking, navigating, submitting, scrolling, and viewing the course content, task, and quiz in the LMS context.
Whereas cognitive engagement in an online learning environment reflects their deeper thinking about the learning material.
According to the findings of this study, contracting the material or course content at a deeper level will help learners engage more in the course.
Students are asked to watch videos, access materials, and download them to read later at the most basic level of online learning cognitive activities (Kennedy, 2020).
However, in the context of deeper learning, students must discuss and contribute their ideas about the material as the discussion becomes more intense, the interaction with all aspects: teacher/instructor, fellow students, and the materials (especially the material contents) will become deeper.
Numerous challenges in distance learning are common in developing countries, including a lack of good internet connections as well as students' digital skills, as well as a lack of power supply, inaccessibility, distractions, and a variety of other factors (Onyema et al., 2020).
These issues arose during the pandemic era because of digital learning or learning from home, which affected the learning process.
Moreover, as mentioned by (Abla & Fraumeni, 2019), we must measure Ika Sulis … 32 student engagement to see whether our students were engaged in our lesson, more importantly, in our online lessons.
Therefore, a study concerning the student engagement in online learning, especially in the English for Specific Purposes context in the Covid-19 pandemic era, was needed to be done not only to measure the engagement as an evaluation of the course but also as a tool to find better learning methods to be used in the following courses.
RESEARCH METHOD The study employed the cross-sectional survey design, with a primary focus on the analysis of D3 Blood Bank Technology learner engagement for the Basic English course in Semester 1 in the academic year of 2020/2021.
The technique was chosen since this study was done only in a very short time, yet it showed the descriptive description of the findings (Creswell, 2012).
The student engagement measured in this study employed the type of students’ self-report which was coined by Fredricks & McColskey (2012).
The subjects of this study were D3 Blood Bank Technology students from classes 1 and 2 at the end of semester 1 of the 2020/2021 academic year.
As a population, there were 83 students in total.
However, there were only 70 people who responded to the questionnaire.
Edline was used to monitor and grade student participation in the class program (Learning Management System).
There was only one type of questionnaire, which was adopted from (Dixson, 2015) and distributed via Google Form.
The study adopted the whole instrument for measuring online classes’ student engagement survey questions which were developed by Dixson (2015).
Since learner engagement consists of many aspects from cognitive to emotional ones, the questions taken were adopted by considering many aspects from the student side instead of the teacher.
This study employed the cross-sectional survey design which was done by employing the following steps.
The first stage in this study was identifying problems in the field, i.e., the problems faced in the online classes of Basic English.
Problems were identified and elaborated.
Then, the identified and elaborated problems were narrowed Students Engagement... 33 down by finding problems that extremely needed to be investigated, i.e., the learner engagement in Basithe c English course.
The delimited problems were then reduced into an important problem, i.e., the learner engagement in Basthe ic English course.
In this stage, data related to student engagement were collected through a uesquestionnaires ere was only one type of questionnaire, adopted from (Dixson, 2015) and delivered through the Google form.
Then, in the final stage, data were processed descriptively and interpreted based on the research question at the beginning of the study.
However, since the aim of this study was to analyze the learner engagement in the Basic English’s course, the data were then interpreted in the form of simple descriptive statistics and then explained.
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Dixson (2015) developed a questionnaire to measure student engagement consisting of 19 questions.
There were only 18 questions taken in the study since there were 2 similar questions and then only one of them was chosen.
Then, the questionnaire was divided into 4 categories, namely skills, emotion, participation, and performance section.
To know which aspect of the online classroom was found to be effective, a descriptive analysis employing the mean values was conducted.
This was done mainly because it is important which item was favorable so that it could be used to evaluate the activities observed and applied in the course during the online classes in the pandemic era.
The question recapitulation can be viewed in the following table.
Table 1.
Student answers mean value on skills items Question Number Question Mean Value 1 Make sure to study regularly 3.67 2 Staying up on the readings 4.06 3 Looking over class notes between getting online to make sure I understand the material 4.06 4 Being organized 3.63 5 Taking good notes over readings, PowerPoints, or video lectures 3.79 6 Listening/reading carefully 4.23 Ika Sulis … 34 Based on the analysis of the mean value, the students agreed that they could learn to listen or read carefully through the online class.
It has the highest mean value, i.e.
Following the receptive skills questions, they also agreed that the materials learned through the online classes helped them keep their reading pace as well as keep them checking their notes to help them understand the day’s material and task.
These items have the same mean value; i.e.
Then, the students agreed that they were engaged in the materials that made them take good notes over readings, PPTs, or video lectures so that they can make themselves sure to study regularly.
They also believed that by learning online they could learn to be organized.
This result was in line with the result of the study done by (Agung et al., 2020); which found that the students enjoyed learning with the materials given to them.
This also showed that the students were engaged in the learning and materials given by the teacher.
The students agreed the most that the materials and activities given in the classes of Basic English’s course that they could learn to listen or read carefully.
It is true that most of their materials were reading pieces.
In most of the meetings, video lessons were also given to overcome the student’s connection problems when they were in synchronous classes.
They were then asked to do tasks that made them engaged in readings, including the ones they were given in the class.
The students were also given a task every meeting to evaluate their learning.
These tasks were also used to assess their learning and engagement in the online classes.
This finding was in line with (Suharti et al., 2021); i.e., which have also found that most of the students in their study also listened and read the English material carefully.
This showed the positive characteristics for the student engagement; the students were all active in the learning sessions.
Table 2.
Student answers mean value on emotional items Question Number Question Mean Value 1 Putting forth effort 4.37 2 Finding ways to make the course material relevant to my life 3.33 3 Finding ways to make the course interesting to me 4.10 4 Desiring to learn the material 4.39 Students Engagement... 35 In the questions regarding the students’ feelings toward the online class, they agreed that they wanted to learn the materials given in every meeting.
This was shown by having the highest mean value, i.e., 4.39.
Being motivated to learn, was also found as another predictor for effective engagement in a study by Ergün & Adıbatmaz (2020).
These motivated students were found to have higher engagements in the course.
Following this item, the students also felt that by learning in this course, they put great effort to learn English.
Not only put greater effort to learn, but they also found ways to make the course more interesting to them.
We know that online learning with asynchronous meetings needs greater effort for teachers to assess or evaluate the students and the learning process.
It was also shown in the data that online learning needs to be improved more to help the students find the relevance of the materials in their real or daily life.
Table 3.
Student answers mean value on participations items Question Number Question Mean Value 1 Having fun in online chats, discussions, or via email with the instructor or other students 3.83 2 Participating actively in small-group discussion forums 3.90 3 Helping fellow students 4.03 4 Engaging in conversations online (chat, discussions, email) 3.99 5 Posting in the discussion forum regularly 2.74 6 Getting to know other students in the class 4.24 The next topic evaluated was the students’ participation.
This was one of the most highlighted and investigated topics in this study.
Participation had the least attention because of the limitation in online learning media, for instance, Telegram, YouTube, and link.
The students agreed upon the course helped them to get to know each other in the class.
The mean value for this item had the highest value, namely 4.24.
This showed that they agreed that they could know each other through the course.
They also agreed that they could help each other in the class discussions.
The mean value was the secondhighest for this category, i.e., 4.03.
The students also agreed that they could participate in the class activities by engaging in online conversations through chat and discussions in the class forum.
Ika Sulis … 36 Although not all of them were engaged in intense conversation with the teacher and fellow students, they agreed that replying to greetings, as well as answering class questions could be a sign that shows their participation.
Then, they also agreed that they showed participation in small group discussion forums.
This was shown in their task results.
Some of their tasks were in group type.
They chose their group and then submitted their task.
The record of their tasks exists in the LMS.
This was consistent with the findings in the study done by (Fazza & Mahgoub, 2021) in which the students found that online interactions could be done in several mediums, one of which is the chat box provided in the learning management system; then, in the students’ point of view, they suggested to be given more time, practice, as well as technology to master the digital tools presented in the video conference tool or the learning management system.
The students also enjoyed having fun in online chats with the teacher and other students.
They showed their fun side when the teacher-initiated fun conversations with them.
Then, in Telegram, they could make use of funny emoticons to show their feelings.
Other students were also able to reply with emoticons matching their feelings.
The last item to be put attention to was the eagerness of the students to post in the discussion forum regularly.
They rarely initiated questions regarding the materials or just questions such as the ones used to just initiate a light chit-chat.
They tend to only reply to questions sent in the forum or discussion initiated by the teacher.
A similar result was also found in the study done by (Willms et al., 2009) in which one of the findings showed that students were engaged more in the classroom if they have positive interactions with other students as well as with the teacher.
(Gray & Diloreto, 2016) also found similar data possibility in their research; i.e., students probably will increase their learning capacity once they had enough interactions with one another.
Table 4.
Student answers mean value on performance items Question Number Question Mean Value 1 Getting a good grade 3,59 2 Doing well on the tests/quizzes 4,33 Students Engagement... 37 The last one, regarding the performance in the class, the students agreed that they did well on the tests/quizzes in the class activities.
This was shown that this category has the highest mean value, i.e., 4.33.
This result was also found in the study done by (Suharti et al., 2021) that the point of doing well in quizzes or tests as well as getting good scores in English disclosed students’ cognitive engagement in English online classes.
In the LMS used by Poltekkes BSI, the link, students must do a task every meeting to assess their learning.
Most of the students also submitted their work there, too.
A quiz was given once every three meetings in the form of multiple-choice items.
They also participated well in this and got high scores for their grades.
CONCLUSION It can be concluded from the findings and discussion that most of the students’ learning behavior observed in the whole course participation were high on four aspects, namely the skills, thoughts/emotions with the highest mean value of 4.39, participation with the mean value of 4.37, and performance items, with the mean value of 4.33.
However, the communication issue done by posting in the forum regularly became the least engaged activity of the students with the mean value of 2.74.
These items were related to student engagement in a course, although these observed behaviors needed to be investigated in further studies to make more generalized results.
It is hoped that through this research, routine evaluation or assessment in online classes program following this research should be done because online learning is still the main medium in learning in this pandemic era.
Then, it is hoped that a more detailed aspect of student engagement should be investigated to get a more comprehensible yet generalizable result.
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(Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Volume 7, No.
2, August 2021 Page.
53-64 p-ISSN: 2356-2048 e-ISSN: 2356-203x 53 THE CASE OF INDONESIAN SUBTITLE ON WE BARE BEAR SEASON 1 Ryza Wahyu Muslimah Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga Email Correspondence: ryzaawm@gmail.com Abstract The existence of audiovisual translation is quite new in translation studies, especially subtitles.
Therefore, this paper is aimed to find the problem of audiovisual translation strategies which focuses on Indonesian Subtitles on We Bare Bears Season 1.
The first three episodes or videos are selected as the object of this study.
The selected episodes are Our Stuff, Viral Video, and Food Truck.
The object of this study is treated by a qualitative approach.
Baker theory, non-equivalency in word-level is also used since some problems are found, as such translation by a more general word, the source and target languages make the different distinction in meaning, differences in physical or interpersonal perspective, cultural substitution, and use the more general word.
Keywords: Audiovisual Translation Strategies, Indonesian Subtitles INTRODUCTION The translation is transferring a text from the source language (SL) to the target language (TL) (Mariam & Vonti, 2020).
The process of transferring the text is not as easy as we know, because the language of the source text and target text are different.
So, they provide different forms, contexts, and content.
Besides, we need to make sure about the use of appropriate content on target text from source text since they build from a different form.
As the translator, we need to consider the small part of the language of a source text to the target text.
Catford (1965, 1) delivers the definition of translation as the replacement content in a language (source text) by equivalent content in another language (target text).
Based on the definition, the translator needs to have a deeper knowledge of source text and target text and understand the construction of them as well.
Then, Munday (2009, 7) defines the explanation of translation as transferring the source text into target text by the translator in a specific socio-cultural context, the product that has been translated in which the function is the socio-cultural context of the target language and the cognitive, linguistic, visual and ideological phenomena which are related to the previous explanation.
The Case of Indonesian … 54 While translating a text, the translator must pay attention to the use of terms from the source language to the target language on the text.
It means that the reader will not face some difficulties when reading the target text or even feel that the translation seems to have a biased meaning.
Then, Duff (1998) on Sudirman (2016) mention the underlying principles of translating a text.
First, the equivalence content in the term of language form should reflect the ordering words, ideas and match the target text as closely as possible.
Second, the result of translating the source text should reflect the meaning of the source text accurately.
The highlight of the principles is we can develop our translation by putting an effort into the purpose of equivalences of the source text and target text, as such readability, clarity, and accuracy.
Audiovisual translation (AVT) is quite new among other translation topics.
Its appearance is the proof cultural dynamic of translation studies (Munday 2016, 275–76).
Cited from Munday (2016, 276), AVT has risen the establishing of translation type in which focusing on multi-channel and multi-code area.
They are verbal, proxemic kinetic, and cinematic.
In summary, AVT embraces all types of translation for any kind of production or post-production in any media format and others media accessibility (Orero, 2004, p. 21).
In current times, researchers need to be critical to acknowledge the issue in translation studies.
The attention is not only dealing with translation practices but also the processes and marketing strategies of audiovisual translation.
(Pérez-González, 2018, p. 15).
Cintas and Rempel (2014, 8–26) mention some studies related to translation issues in audiovisual translation, which are subtitling and subtitling, dubbing, voice-over, broadcasting interpreting, audio description, fansub (Munday, 2016, p. 286), and teaching screen translation.
Pérez-González (2018, 145) adds game localization as one of the discussions on translation study.
To put the concern on this study, this research will focus on translation issues that are found on subtitle television series.
The subtitle is one of the translation practices that present a written text under the screen to display the dialogue of the speaker, the information of images, and soundtrack information (Cintas & Remael, 2014, p. 8).
Gambier (2006) describes subtitle as the written form version of what the viewer heard from the screen.
It appears one of two-line under the screen to respect the cinematography.
Cintas and Remael (2014, 9) mention subtitling as interlingual translation.
This is one of the audiovisual translation types in which the Ryza Wahyu… 55 translation does not replace the source text.
Both subtitle and source text are synchronized one each other, meaning that the viewer can select which subtitle they want to use (Munday, 2016, p. 278).
On another side, Munday (2016, 278) adds other translation categories on subtitling.
They are bilingual subtitling, intralingual subtitling, and subtitling.
The bilingual translation appears in two languages at once.
Besides, intralingual subtitling is the translation whose function is for hard hearing.
Then subtitling is the projected subtitle above the stage on theater.
Cintas and Rempel (2014, 13–15) differ in the types of subtitling.
They are Intralingual subtitles, interlingual subtitles, and bilingual subtitles.
The purpose of intralingual subtitles is for the deaf and hard-hearing (SDH), for language learning purposes, for karaoke effect, for dialects of the same language, and notices and announcements.
Besides, the purpose of interlingual subtitles is for the hearer and the deaf, and the hard-of-hearing (SDH).
Certainly, SDH is one of the ways of audiovisual communication.
Thanks to the progress achieved by pressure groups lobbying for the rights of this segment of the audience, which is developing most at present.
The fruit of their work is obvious from the announcement in many countries of new legislation obliging television channels to broadcast a certain percentage of their programs with subtitles of this kind.
The 2003 European Year of People with Disabilities greatly helped to raise awareness of the issue of accessibility to audiovisual media, especially in those countries that have been lagging.
The history of audiovisual translation has also been explored at length, including dubbing.
Dubbed dialogue is a 'combination of linguistic features found in both spoken and written texts,' but it can be used more precisely as a spontaneous speech simulation as it mimics speech using 'job tension' such as false starts, repetitions, ellipsis, pauses, and interruption (Bosseaux, 2015, pp.
Some previous studies were conducted to examine translation problems in translation.
Translation often meets with the problem related to equivalency during translating.
This case brings Nova-Reyes, Muñoz-Leiva, and Luque-Martínez (2020) to research issues of culturespecific item translation in subtitling.
This paper applies culturally specific items designed by Pedersen (2011) in translating from English into Lithuanian.
The object of this paper is the Australian TV reality show, My Kitchen Rules subtitles.
The significance of the study shows that not all culture-specific items are translated into the target language.
The nature of the subtitle is vulnerable.
It means that they need to be evaluated by a professional translator.
As the one who cares about the development of translation especially on subtitle issues, we can The Case of Indonesian … 56 give our criticism as the evaluation of the concern.
Here, Abdelaal (2019) does his research to find the quality of The American Pies subtitle.
His research has similarity design to examine the data by using Pedersen’s (2011) design.
The differences are this research focuses on typology and quality assessment model.
The result of his study shows that The American Pie subtitles use all of the Pedersen design.
It also applies other subtitles strategies.
The strategies which are used as such euphemistic expressions and using formal language to maintain the informal language.
Besides, the quality assessment shows that most of the subtitles are good quality even some trouble left on the screen.
Other previous studies lead by Micola et al (2019).
The researchers believe that subtitles give a positive impact on English proficiency scores.
The object of this study is broadcast, dubbed television which includes an original subtitle.
Therefore, they suggest the government promote subtitling as one of the media to improve English proficiency.
Moreover, Almeida and Costa (2014) add the role of subtitles for English proficiency.
They consist of rich context for foreign language acquisition, the viewers will be motivated to understand the subtitles which are appeared on the screen and have a positive attitude to respect international language as one of pride language in the world.
To avoid problems when trying to make subtitles, we need to consider the strategies of translation based on the theory of the scholars.
Cited from Gambier (2006), when subtitlers want to interpret the dialog into subtitles, they need to obey some strategies of subtitle, do the AVT elements, and the equivalency of source language to the target language.
The strategies are condensing, elimination, and omitting.
Condensing is reducing unnecessary sentences or oral.
This strategy gives a priority to compress the features that are not needed on the subtitles.
Then, the use of numbers in figures prefers to be used rather than using letters, applying fewer words in a sentence, and doing paraphrasing is allowed.
Elimination is cutting verse scenes or fast speech especially for the part which serves AVT information.
Last, Omitting is avoiding repetitions, reiterations, tautologies, and terms of address.
On the other hand, Gambier also adds more subtitles strategies, they are simplifying the syntax, simplifying the vocabulary summarizing, expansion, and adaptation.
Simplifying the syntax is embedding the complex sentence with some prepositions into two or three sentences, while simplifying the vocabulary is using hyperonym, shifting in the Ryza Wahyu… 57 lexical register, the substitution of a brand name by generic name.
Summarizing is merging two or three dialogs into a single line.
Expansion is adding more information to explain a term of meaning.
Last, adaptation or dynamic equivalence is condensation or naturalization.
Based on the theory and related previous study, it is interesting to watch over the development of subtitles and other current studies of audiovisual translation since their existence is quite new.
There is much consideration to find the problems and solve the issue as the evaluation of this study.
Then, to support the growth of subtitles in audiovisual translation study, this paper is aimed to find, classify the problem based on subtitles strategies by Gambier.
It is possible if as time goes on other possible strategies of subtitle in audiovisual translation.
This study is concerned with the use of subtitles of 3 episodes of the We Bare Bear TV series by concerning Indonesian subtitles and comparing them with English and Indonesian dubbing.
RESEARCH METHOD This study is applying a qualitative approach, which the approach is used to explore and understand the connected phenomenon between social and humans (Creswell & Creswell, 2018, p. 254).
Then, the object of this study is video.
It is not only an appearance of visual studies, but also widening the common issues, such as the social sciences, engineering, medicine, and more traditional fields such as art history (Harris, 2018, p. 16).
The final result of this research is reporting descriptively about the exact condition based on the research problem about trying to find, classify the problem based on subtitles strategies by Gambier.
It is possible if as time goes on other possible strategies of subtitle in audiovisual translation.
This study is concerned with the use of subtitles of 3 episodes of the We Bare Bears TV series.
The selected video is taken from the first three episodes of the first season by title Our Stuff, Viral Video and Food Truck.
All of the videos can be watched by the Netflix application.
Cited from We Bare Bears Wikipedia, We Bare Bears is an American enlivened TV arrangement made by Daniel Chong for Cartoon Network.
The show follows three bear siblings, Grizzly, Panda, and Ice Bear (individually voiced by Eric Edelstein, Bobby Moynihan, and Demetri Martin), and their off-kilter endeavors at incorporating with the human world in the San Francisco Bay Area.
The arrangement depends on Chong's webcomic The Three Bare Bears, and the pilot scene makes its reality debut at the KLIK!
The Case of Indonesian … 58 Amsterdam Animation Festival, where it won in the "Youthful Amsterdam Audience" class.
The show debuted on July 27, 2015, and finished on June 30, 2020, with the arrival of We Bare Bears: The Movie and had four seasons and 140 scenes.
We Bare Bears follows three assenting sibling bears: Grizzly (regularly called Grizz), Panda (frequently called Pan-Pan), and Ice Bear.
The bears endeavor to incorporate with human culture, for example, by buying food, making human buddies, or attempting to get well known on the Internet, even though these endeavors see the bears battle to do as such because of the enlightened idea of people and their creative instincts.
However, eventually, they sort out that they have each other for help.
The technique and instrument which are used to conduct this paper is document analysis in the form of conversation transcription based on the related videos.
This study is adapted from Wilkinson and Silverman's (2004, 272–79) step in analyzing a video.
The steps are selecting the first three videos from the We Bare Bears on Netflix application and watching all of them by observing the whole issue.
Then, we need to put the whole attention to the whole case and jut down the finding problem of the video.
The next step is transcribing the needed subtitle on the provided table below.
The next steps are Analyzing the video transcription carefully, Grouping the result into the related strategies of subtitles, and evaluating the material process about the theory.
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Munday (2009, 7) defined translation as the process of a translator converting a source text into a target text in a specific socio-cultural context, the translated product whose function was the target language's socio-cultural context, and the cognitive, linguistic, visual, and ideological phenomena that were related to the previous explanation.
The essential concepts on translating a text were highlighted by Duff (1998) on Sudirman (2016).
First, the equivalency content in terms of the linguistic form should reflect the ordering of words, ideas, and as closely as possible match the target text.
Second, the translation result should appropriately reflect the meaning of the source text.
The principles' emphasis was that we might improve our translation by focusing on the goal of equivalences between source and destination material, such as readability, clarity, and accuracy.
According to Gambier (2006), when subtitles wished to translate the dialog into subtitles, they had to Ryza Wahyu… 59 follow some subtitle strategies, as well as the AVT elements and the equivalence of source and destination languages.
Condensing, eliminating, and omitting were the tactics used.
Based on Kay (1999) cited from Munday (2016, 279), the differences between subtitles and written translation were space and time constraints.
Subtitles were made based on the time accuracy of speakers on the screen.
Even the speakers spoke in long duration, the subtitlers needed to consider the length, of each sub.
Here, Munday (2016, 279) defined the rules of making subtitles.
The length of it was a two-line title in maximum.
The font for the subtitles was 38 roman characters or 13-15 Chinese or Japanese characters.
Hence, all of the rules must be customized by the time and duration of the medium.
Therefore, the limit duration of each subtitle was 6 seconds.
The making of subtitles was a kind of complex matter.
We could not do the subtitles carelessly des the length of dialogue waste hard to follow.
Therefore, the images, soundtrack, and cinematography were part of the screen which we need to respect before laying down the subtitles.
Condensing Problem Table 1.
Condensing strategy Duration English Dubbing Indonesian Dubbing Indonesian Subtitles Title 06:1 8-06:20 Phone finder!
I’ll tract where my phone is Penemu telepon!
Itu akan melacak dimana teleponku Pelacak ponsel!
Akan kulacak lokasi ponselku Our Stuff 01:50-01:58 It’s spongy Ini sangat lembut Seperti Spons Food Truck A good movie or series on the screen or television sometimes did not provide good subtitles as well as the screen we watched.
This study found a gap towards the first three videos of We Bare Bears on its first season.
There was a mismatch between its Indonesian subtitles and Indonesian dubbing.
If we did not close to the Indonesian subtitles and Indonesian dubbing, we might not see any problem left.
But, there was something that happened to them.
The length of Indonesian subtitles was fit subtitles theory.
The theory did the condensing or compressing unnecessary words.
Then, the Indonesian subtitle compressed the length of the oral features from 7 words into 6 words in the form of subtitles.
The Indonesian subtitle tended to choose ponsel rather than keep to apply telepon as the appearance of subtitles.
The choice of words of the Indonesian subtitle in word ponsel was suitable with Gambier’s subtitles strategy for condensing.
Ponsel was the synonim of telepon.
The Case of Indonesian … 60 The matter that every translator needed to consider was non-equivalency.
According to Baker (1992, 18), non-equivalency at the word level means that was no direct equivalency of the word from the target language which occurs in the source text.
Hence, she mentioned some problems of non-equivalency of word level.
One of them was differences in physical or interpersonal perspective.
It occurred in this case in which the interpersonal perspective of the subject on dialog from Indonesian dubbing and English dubbing.
Because We Bare Bears was an American TV series, the nature of the source text was English.
The subject of dialogue on English dubbing, “Phone finder!
I’ll tract where my phone is” and the subject of dialogue on Indonesian dubbing, “Penemu telepon!
Itu Akan melacak dimana telephone” were different.
The subject of the English dubbing dialogue version was I.
Besides, the subject of the Indonesian dubbing dialogue version was Itu (It).
It meant the subject representation of both dialogues was different.
This case could be possible about the inconsistency interpersonal perspective which was used by both English dubbing and Indonesian dubbing.
Indeed, the case would influence the Indonesian subtitle.
It was mostly close to English dubbing rather than Indonesian Subtitle even though using the English subtitle on this series was the transcription of English dubbing itself.
During 01:50-01:58 on scene episode, Food Truck, the Indonesian subtitle did condemn or compr strategy.
The length of this subtitle was shorter than the dubbing version.
The subtitle version explicitly referred to the tase of the cake was like a sponge.
But, the dubbing version tended to describe the taste by using the adjective as the representation of how fluffy the sponge was.
The Indonesian subtitle was too close to the source language of the English dubbing dialogue version.
This matter made the Indonesian subtitle looked like visibly translated because it was different in form of the English dubbing dialogue version.
This case could be affected by there being no equivalent form in the target language for a particular form in the source language (Baker, 2018, p. 21).
In the English dubbing version, the dialogue was “It’s spongy”, while the Indonesian subtitles picked “Seperti spons” whereas the Indonesian dubbing dialogue version selected “Ini Sangat lembut”.
Moreover, the translation form in Indonesian subtitle used cultural substitution by Baker.
This strategy included replacing the culture-specific expression which did not have the same propositional meaning in the target language.
Adaptation or Dynamic Equivalent Strategy Ryza Wahyu… 61 Table 2.
Adaptation Strategy Baker (2018, 23–47) mentioned some strategies that are commonly used by professional translators.
One of them was a translation by cultural substitution.
This strategy was used to replace the cultural-specific items with a target language that did not have the same propositional meaning as the source language.
It occurred during 00:33-00:39 on Viral Videos.
The dialogue on Indonesian dubbing used loan word of English dubbing, selfie, to count on the word as the representation of taking picture activity.
Then, the Indonesian subtitle put an adaptation of this word into swafoto, which has the same meaning as a selfie in English.
Therefore, this case was suitable with one of the Baker strategies to use more general words.
Instead, they use of sea foto was kind of the representation of subtitle strategy, adaptation.
Swafoto was a kind of adaptation form of Indonesian subtitle.
Other Strategies Table 3.
Translation by a More General Word We Bare Bears frequently used other strategies from Baker on its Indonesian subtitles.
One of them occurred on 11:09 – 11:11.
The use of Petugas on Indonesian subtitles had a different meaning with Pak Polisi which its meaning was the police.
The Indonesian subtitle preferred to pick petugas which sounded more general rather than the dubbing version, Pak Polisi.
It belonged to a translation by a more general word, which the structure of the semantic field is not language-specific.
Table 4.
The Source and Target Languages Make Different Distinction in Meaning Duration English Dubbing Indonesian Dubbing Indonesian Subtitles Title 00:33-00:39 Hi, you, Guys, taking selfie over here?
Hai, kalian sedang selfie di sini?
Hei, kalian sedang swafoto di sini?
Viral Video Duration English Dubbing Indonesian Dubbing Indonesian Subtitles Title 11:09-11:11 Thank you, Officer Terimakasih, Pak Polisi Terimakasih, Petugas Food Truck Duration English Dubbing Indonesian Dubbing Indonesian Subtitles Title 06:32 – 06:40 Gluten Cat?
Balancing Lizard?
Kucing manis?
Kadal akrobat?
Kucing gluten?
Kadal penyeimbang?
Viral Video The Case of Indonesian … 62 The Indonesian subtitler of We Bare Bears needed to be careful to use diction.
This matter was found on the Indonesian subtitle during 06:32-06:40.
The form of Indonesian subtitles was too rigid rather than the dubbing version.
Both English dubbing and Indonesian dubbing selected the fluid word, but the Indonesian subtitle was on contrary.
The word choice also seemed like to use different words with different meanings in purpose.
It quite matched with one of Baker’s theories of the common problem of non-equivalence on word level, the source, and target language made a different distinction in meaning.
CONCLUSION The subtitle is one of the translation practices that present a written text under the screen to display the dialogue of the speaker, the information of images, and soundtrack information (Cintas & Remael, 2014).
Cintas and Remael (2014) differ in the types of subtitling.
They are Intralingual subtitles, interlingual subtitles, and bilingual subtitles.
The purpose of intralingual subtitles is for the deaf and hard-hearing (SDH), for language learning purposes, for karaoke effect, for dialects of the same language, and notices and announcements.
Besides, the purpose of interlingual subtitles is for the hearer and the deaf and the hard-of-hearing (SDH) It is interesting to watch over the development of subtitles and other current studies of audiovisual translation since their existence is quite new.
To support the growth of subtitles in audiovisual translation study, this paper is aimed to find problems based on subtitles strategies by Gambier as such condensing problem, and adaptation strategy.
Besides, the findings involve other strategies by Baker.
The condensing problems showed that there is an inconsistent interpersonal perspective which is used by both English dubbing and Indonesian dubbing.
This might influence the Indonesian subtitle.
Another case shows about the dialogue on Indonesian dubbing use loan words of English.
Lastly, Both the English and Indonesian dubbings choose the fluid word, although the Indonesian subtitle does not.
The word choice also appears to be a deliberate attempt to employ multiple words with diverse meanings for the same aim.
It closely resembles Baker's idea of the widespread problem of non-equivalence on the word level, in which the source and destination languages make different meaning distinctions.
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SMART Journal , Volume 6, No.
2, August 2020, Page 118126 ISSN Cetak : 2356-2048 ISSN Online : 2356-203X 118 STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION IN WRITING AT LESSON STUDY Maya Mutiara Putri 1) , Rahmatika Kayyis 2) , Kurniati 3) , Fitri Wulandari 4) , Renita Sugesti 5) .
1) 2) 3) 4) English Education Department of FKIP UMPRI Email Correspondence: mayamutiarap@gmail.com Abstract This research was a collaborative action research that was aimed to increase the students’ motivation in writing by Lesson Study at VIII B Ikhwan of SMP IT Insan Mulia Pringsewu, Lampung.
There were two cycles in this study.
The result of this research presented that Lesson Study gave impact in increasing the students’ motivation; the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
These aspects influenced and supported each other.
After the implementation amount of the students who had good willingness in learning increased becoming more than part of them.
Lesson study gave the good impact for both the students and the model teacher.
Keywords: Lesson study, extrinsic, intrinsic motivation, writing 1.
INTRODUCTION According to Lesson Study team in Hasanuddin et al (2018) ,Lesson Study is chosen because the development of learning media depends on the result sharing of professional knowledge based on the practice and result and also can increase professional competences and pedagogics of the teachers.
Susilo et al (2011) states the implementation of Lesson Study can increase science process creativity, motivation and the students score in their research.
Lesson study is actually a learning forum to learn each other from the other experiences to improve the teaching-learning quality.
Because lesson study is a source of real examples of how to do learning, participation as an observer in lesson study or observing lesson study directly can be used to improve the quality of the learning-teaching process.
Lesson Study can be used for all subjects in the curriculum including English.
mailto:mayamutiarap@gmail.com 119 The researcher observed the students of VIII B Ikhwan of SMP IT Insan Mulia Pringsewu who have a heterogeneous English skills.
As the students of boarding school, theyhad a lot of activity not only in the classroom but also in their dormitory.
Because of that, their motivation in the classroom got up and down.
For their writing skill, they only could copy what they saw in their handbook.
It was difficult for them to arrange the sentences to make a text.
Richards and Renandya (2002: 303) in Purnama (2016) state that there is no doubt that writing is the most difficult skill for second language learners to master.
Although writing is the most difficult skill if the students have high motivation, it can help students in learning-teaching process.
Rosalina (2014) states that motivation is one of the important things in learning process and it can help someone achieve his or her goals if they have strong motivation in doing steps to achieve it.
Therefore, the main focus of the implementation of lesson study was the students’ motivation in writing during the activities of learning-teaching process.
There were some related studies.
The first was conducted by Setiawan (2018) “The Implementation of Quantum Teaching (QT) and Think Talk Write (TTW) through Lesson Study to Improve Students’ Learning Motivation”.
The research was intended to improve students’ learning motivation at studying and learning course for fifth semester of Biology Education.
The students were given the opportunity to be active in playing a role in learning, either in answering questions of model lecturer, answering or giving questions during the discussion, and taking an active role in concluding the lesson.
The second was Aimah (2016)“Lesson Study: A Way To Enhance Students’ Motivation In Learning Process In The Classroom”.
This study investigated whether lesson study can enhance the students’ motivation in English Education Study Program of Semarang State University in Language Testing Administration (LTA) class.
Aimah (2016) states that 120 through lesson study, it enabled lecturer to interact intensively what kind of the problems faced by the students in the classroom.
Besides that, the lecturer also could find out the strategy used in the process of teaching learning.
Lesson study also enabled to discuss, and shared the knowledge-based experience that the observers had so that the problems could be solved including about students’ motivation.
The researcher used Lesson Study to find the problems were faced that influenced the students’ motivation in the classroom during the teachinglearning process as well to increase the students’ motivation specially in writing skill.
RESEARCH METHOD This research was Collaborative Action Research.
Sudaryono (2019;662) states the method of action research can be carried out using the mix method concurrent embedded model, by using qualitative as the primer data and quantitative as the secondary data or vice versa.
So that, the method was chosen mixed method concurrent embedded model by using qualitative as the primer data and quantitative as the secondary data.
The qualitative data was collected in the form of the observation sheet, reflection sheet, interview result , questionnaire and documentation by taking the videos and photos.
The quantitative data as the supporting the primer data was collected in from the mean of the students’ score that was taken during the implementation by the teacher assessment.
This research was conducted with two cycles, Cycle I and Cycle II.
The research procedure of lesson study implementation is similar as the CAR cycles (Kemmis & McTaggart, 2014:23).
Lesson study was carried out by combining the CAR cycles, namely: (1) planning stage, where the model teacher, colleague teacher, expert researchers, and the researcher planned the 121 action needed.
In Lesson Study called making Chapter Design; (2) doing stage, where the model teacher administered teaching-learning activity based on what had been planned in planning stage and was observed by the other observers.
In Lesson Study called Open Class; and (3) seeing stage, where the model teacher and all observers had reflection and evaluation on the teachinglearning process that had been done.
The analysis data technique in this study used Miles and Huberman (1994) that is cited Sugiyono (2014: 247-252) which is involving three steps: reduction data, displaying data, and conclusion drawing/verification.
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION According to Lewis (2002) he mentions that lesson study is an approach that is done in order to improve the teaching learning process.
The improvement here is done collaboratively by the teachers/lecturers.
Hendayana (2006) cited in Sadia (2008) states that Lesson study is a collaborative and sustainable learning based on the principles of collegiality and mutual learning to build up a learning community.
In this research, Lesson Study was implemented by some observers; colleague teacher, students university as well the lecturers and it could increase the students’ motivation both from the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
This aspect influenced and supported each other.
The researcher provides the analysis of the findings obtained in the first and second cycle.
Those findings would be analyzed as follows: a. Students’ Enthusiasm By the research data result, it could be concluded that the students’ enthusiasm increased step by step and always there was an improvement in each open class.
Stand on the result data, the aspects that role in increasing the students’ motivation were getting reward, doing the task that having close correlation of them, and how the students’ learning model.
In each cycle, the 122 model teacher said “I’ll give reward if you can….”, or “there will be something for you if you can….”.
This aspect can boost their enthusiastic to take the teacher challenge (the task).
In making greeting card itself, the theme that was given to them about their friends who got medals that was why they were enthusiastic to make greeting card.
Then, based on the observation result was found that they had high mobility.
It could be summed up if their learning model was kinesthetic.
Because of that, all observers decided to give kinesthetic game as a brainstorming and moving their seats to the corner in order to facilitate their learning model during the teaching learning process and producing their greeting card.
b. Students’ Confidence Level in Doing the Task From the questionnaire data, found that the most of students did not understand what the material had just been explained, how to write and to develop their ideas , also what the vocabulary used in doing the task from the teacher.
Because of that, they preferred to work in group in order to be able ask their friends in group than to do individual task.
In the cycle 1, found that only 20% students who had high confidence level to do their task without any help.
It meant that there was 80% students who had the contrary condition.
But in the cycle 2, the questionnaire data showed that the students who had high confidence level in doing the task by themselves became 60% students.
It could be concluded that there was an improvement from the cycle 1 to the cycle 2.
Based on the data, it was happened because they could comprehend the material well.
c. Students’ Comprehending In the learning-teaching process, finishing the task from the teacher depends on the students’ motivation and comprehending.
Such as in the result data, in the first open class only one group that presented their discussion result whereas the teacher instructed all group had to present their discussion 123 result.
Based on the observation result, the students did not understand well what had been taught.
In the second open class, the teacher instructed to make only greeting card outline, but there were some groups made a greeting card indeed.
It was because they had understood more than in the last meeting.
In the last open class, they could make the greeting card, mention its kind and its part.
To sum up, they could follow the teacher instruction and do the task on time if they had understood well what was taught.
d. Students’ Teamwork In this research, found that there was a role as the peer tutor.
In the red group, there were 4 students.
During the discussion stage in the first open class, 2 students helped 2 others by re-explaining what the teacher said in order their friend in group could understand to the task was given.
It did not find to the other groups, but in the next open class, the 3 other groups started having good teamwork.
And it developed till the last open class.
Moreover based on the result data, in the last open class all students tried to be active in their own group.
The teacher succeeded to create comfortable atmosphere so that the students had the desire to involve in the teaching-learning process.
The students’ comprehending depended how the teacher delivered the material that influenced to students’ teamwork.
Based on the data, the students’ teamwork increased because the students’ comprehending also increased.
This was the extrinsic motivation that influenced to the students’ intrinsic motivation.
In the beginning of the implementation, only few students who had the good willingness in learning, but after the implementation amount of the students who had good willingness in learning increased becoming more than part of them.
The students’ confidence level in doing the task was one of the proof that they had good enough of the intrinsic motivation.
Because each problem of each open class was analyzed in reflection stage and solved with the other observers.
In the 124 learning process, when someone could not solve a problem for himself/herself, the other’s help would be an important factor to lead a comfortable and valuable situation which might proceed to successful learning that was why in lesson study was needed some people as the observers.
The researcher also had the other observation data from the other observers to avoid subjective conclusion.
That was the one of the reason that Lesson study enabled to collaboratively discuss the problems of teaching learning process in the classroom.
The use of the appropriate strategy in the teaching learning process determined the success of it.
The success of teaching learning process also determined the students’ study result and positive response in joining the class.
CONCLUSION The purpose that had been mentioned in the beginning had been reached stand on the research data.
Lesson Study can increase the students’ motivation in writing.
The students’ motivation increased step by step in each open class in both aspects.
From the observation data, the students confidence level in doing the task, students comprehending, students’ enthusiasm, as well students teamwork were higher than in the beginning of this research.
They also wanted to follow the classroom activities although in the beginning only part of them who were active in the classroom.
But in the last open class, all students tried to be active in the learning and teaching process moreover the students who did not attend in the other open classes.
The students’ motivation in writing skill could improve also.
They could produce the greeting card by themselves and liked the writing activity in creating their own greeting cards.
Lesson study had made the learning-teaching process more structural because although the teacher had planned in the lesson plan, but sometimes it ran unstructured because of the students’ condition.
Therefore , the teacher lost her purpose of the lesson plan.
According to Kurniati & Wulandari (2019) by peer 125 tutor , it can make the process of learning to be organized, and can be exploiting an critical idea which can be poured in making the chapter design and the learning process.
That is why Lesson Study could be an alternative approach in teaching English and could be used for the other problems in teaching-learning process including about the students’ motivation.
REFERENCES Aimah, et al.
Lesson Study: A Way To Enhance Students’ Motivation In Learning Process in the Classroom.
Semarang: UNNES.
Hasanudin, et al.
Pengaruh Implementasi Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Lesson Study terhadap Peningkatan Keterampilan Proses Sains dan Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik.
Jurnal Biologi Edukasi.
Vol 10 (21).
: 27-34.
Hendayana, Sumar, et al.
Lesson Study, Suatu Strategi untuk Meningkatkan Keprofesionalan Pendidik (Pengalaman IMSTEP-JICA).
Bandung: UPI Press.
Kemmis, S., & McTaggart, R. (2014).
The Action Research Planner.
Victoria: Deakin University Press.
Kurniati & Wulandari.
Peer Tutor in Lesson Study.
Jurnal SMART.
5(2): 108118.
Lewis, C. (2002).
Does lesson study have a future in the United States.
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Improving Students’ Writing Ability Through The Use of Cue Card At Grade Eight of SMPN 4 Yogyakarta Thesis .Yogyakarta: UNY.
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The Relationship Between Students’ Motivation And Their English Learning Achievement (Thesis).
Jakarta : UIN Syarif Hidayatullah.
Setiawan & Indriwati.
The Implementation of Quantum Teaching (QT) and Think Talk Write (TTW) through Lesson Study to Improve Students’ 126 Learning Motivation.
Scientiae Educatia: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains .
7(1): 79-92.
Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan Mix Method (2 nd Ed).
Depok: Rajawali Pers.
Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D.
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Susilo, H, Chotimah, H, Joharmawan, R, Jumiati, Dwita sari, Y, dan Sunarjo.
Lesson Study Berbasis Sekolah.
Malang: Bayumedia Publising.
Jurnal Fokus Konseling Volume 1 No.
1, Januari 2015 hlm 1-8 SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm.
52-59 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 52 THE INFLUENCE OF VOCABULARY JOURNAL IN TEACHING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY Dian Rakhmawati English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu email: Dyanrakhma@yahoo.co.id Abstract The aims of this research is to find out the influence of vocabulary journal as media in teaching student vocabulary at the eighth grade students of SMP Al-Fajar.
The quantitative method was conducted and this research is a population research, because all the member of population is taken as sample, which consisted of 30 students of eighth grade.
To collect the data, the writer used pre-test and post-test, then the vocabulary test was used as the research instrument.
To know whether there is an influence, the writer analyzed the data by using paired-sample T-test.The result shows that there is significant influence of vocabulary journal in teaching students’ vocabulary mastery.
Keywords: Influence, vocabulary journal, students’ vocabulary mastery 1.
INTRODUCTION English is important for Indonesian in order to face the development of the world.
It has also been a compulsory subject to the Indonesian learners from Junior High School up to University.
The students should have four language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing.
There are also language components; vocabulary, spelling and structure.
The communication among people from different countries requires an international language which can be understood by other people easily.
English has been the most widely used as an international language.
And now the demand of English as tool of communication among people in the world is getting broader.
One of the elements of language that is important is vocabulary.
Most of the students fail on the examinations because they are low on mastering vocabulary.
The limitation of vocabulary makes them confused about what they have to say or write.
Without a sufficient understanding of words students cannot understand others or express their own ideas.
Schmitt (2000) stated that vocabulary is important across the curriculum from language arts and social studies to mathematics and science.
It is intimately connected to both effective mailto:Dyanrakhma@yahoo.co.id SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm.
52-59 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 53 reading and writing skills, and these skills in turn are necessary for doing well in school.
Vocabulary has many advantages, such as , It gives the student ability to say what he or she means.
By having several words at their disposal for describing an event or emotion, they can be explicit when sharing their ideas and opinions.
It helps the student understand what other people are saying and what she/he is reading.
Vocabulary is the foundation for comprehension.
Unfamiliar words become holes in the text, preventing the student completely understanding what he or she has just read.
It bolsters their ability to grasp ideas and think more logically.
The greater number of words that student has, the more he or she can interpret ideas from others, and express their own ideas.
It boosts students’ power of persuasion.
Having a rich vocabulary will help the students communicate in a more engaging way.
Relying on one or two words to describe an idea will be repetitive and not as persuasive, as relying on a vocabulary of 10-15 similarly descriptive terms.
It helps the students make a good impression on others.
How articulate the student is constitutes a big part of the impression she or he makes on others.
Vocabulary is part of relationships on language.
It is the main element of language because human will do nothing for increasing language into practice without any words or vocabulary.
It is relevant with Schmitt (2000) statement, he says that with grammar very little can be conveyed, and without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”.
Vocabulary is of the components of language and that no language exists without words.
Words are sign or symbol for ideas; they are the means by which people exchange their thought.
Vocabulary knowledge is not something that can ever be fully mastered; it is something that expands and deepens over the course of a lifetime.
Instruction in vocabulary involves far more than looking up words in a dictionary and using the words in a sentence.
Vocabulary is acquired incidentally through indirect exposure to words and intentionally through explicit instruction in specific words and wordlearning strategies, Nation (2008).
Vocabulary is central to English language teaching because without sufficient vocabulary students cannot SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm.
52-59 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 54 understand others or express their own ideas.
Nation (2008) said that while without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.
As Schmitt (2000) said that learners carry around dictionaries and not grammar books.
Teaching vocabulary helps students understand and communicate with others in English.
Learning vocabulary is a very important part of learning a language.
The more words you know, the more you will be able to understand what you hear and read; and the better you will be able to say what you want to when speaking or writing.
The vocabulary we know can be divided into two groups passive vocabulary and active vocabulary.
Passive vocabulary contains all the words that you understand when you read or listen, but which you do not use (or cannot remember) in your own writing and speaking.
Active vocabulary is all the words you understand, plus all the words that you can use yourself.
The writer saw that the level of vocabulary mastery of students at SMP Al-Fajar is still low.
They felt difficult in comprehending the English text and difficult in memorizing the new words.
When the students have difficulties in receiving the lesson, a teacher should be creative to create the attractive teaching learning process.
One thing that a teacher can do to utilize media as a mean of teaching pictures and other visual aids are essentials but represent “old fashioned” but effective teaching aids.
Brown (2001).
There are so many techniques that can be used to teach vocabulary for the students, one of them is vocabulary journal.
A Dugan (2010) stated that vocabulary Journal is an ongoing personal collection of key vocabulary terms that can be pre-taught by the teacher or self-selected by the student.
In addition to recording the word and definition, vocabulary journals also ask the student to enter additional information such as an illustration, example of use, and synonyms/antonyms to deepen their understanding of the word as well an ensure that the student will use the word in their speaking and writing.
Vocabulary Journals are extremely flexible and can be used effectively across grade levels and subject areas since students encounter both highfrequency vocabulary.
Using a Vocabulary Journal can also increase the SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm.
52-59 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 55 engagement and motivation that students have in mastering vocabulary since the information is personally entered by the student and can be used as their own personal reference both inside and outside of the classroom, Dugan (2010).
Vocabulary journal is a note-taking strategy for learning new vocabulary that uses a three-column format for definitions, examples, and a visual cue.
Dugan (2010) The journal provides students with a structure to record new vocabulary as it is reinforced throughout a lesson or unit.
Students also practice the skill of determining importance in this activity.
While reading, students note unfamiliar words from the text.
Students then work in teams to review all of their individual lists and determine which words may be essential to understanding the focus of the unit.
The teams report out and defend their word selections to the whole group.
Words are recorded on the board or chart paper.
The teacher modifies the lists by deleting less important words or adding important words that were missed and explains the rationale for the deletion and additions.
The resulting list now becomes part of the students’ vocabulary journals.
RESEARCH METHOD Creswell (2008) states, "Research is a process of steps used to collect and analyze information to increase our understanding of a topic or issue".
It consists of three steps: Pose a question, collect data to answer the question, and present an answer to the question.
Research plays a vital role in addressing these issues.
Through research we develop results that help to answer questions, and as we accumulate these results, we gain a deeper understanding of the problems.
According to Sugiyono (2010) experiment is a way to find a causal relationship between the two factors that deliberately appeared by researchers with eliminate or reduce or set aside other factors that interfere.
Experiment was always done with the intent to see the effect of the treatment.
In this study, there is only one class as experimental group.
This study uses Pretest and Post-test group design.
In Pretest and Post-test design, observation is done twice, i.e.
before and after treatment.
First observation done before treatment is called pre-test and second observation done after treatment is called post-test (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006).
SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm.
52-59 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 56 A population is a set or collection of all elements processing one or more attributes of interest.
The population of this research was the students of SMP AlFajar of the eighth grade, which consist of 30 students.
Suharsimi Arikunto (2006) states that the population is limited and not too much subject.
Suharsimi Arikunto (2006) maintains, if someone wants to observe the entire of the element in the research area, this research is called population research.
In this research, all the member of population is taken as sample, which consisted of 30 students of eighth grade; therefore this is a population research.
Descriptive analysis is a technique uses by a researcher to describe the difference between before and after a treatment by using a simple descriptive statistics (Sugiyono, 2010).
The analysis was by mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum score of both experimental and control class.
Inferential analysis is used to analysis two samples whose result of test represent the sample.
There are two kinds of inferential analysis, parametric and nonparametric statistics.
Parametric is used if the data are normal, while nonparametric is used if the data are not normal (Sugiyono, 2010).
One of the base assumptions of statistic computation is that the data must fulfill the qualification of normal distribution.
To analyze the normality distribution of the scores, the writer used Kolmogorov-Smirnov formula in SPSS in 16.0 for windows.
There are two kinds of data collected from the procedure of data collection.
They are the scores of pre-test and the scores of post-test of vocabulary.
According Sugiyono (2010: 274) data can be analyzed by giving the quantitative data.
The writer uses PairSamples T-test formula in SPSS 16.0 for windows to know the influence of the Vocabulary Journal as media in teaching vocabulary mastery.
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Pre-test The obtained scores of pretest was analyzed by using SPSS 16.0 for windows to find the mean, the standard deviation, the maximum score, and the minimum score.
The computation data distribution of pre-test is shown in table 1 Table 1 Data Distribution of Pre-test Participants Mean Standard Minimum Score Maximum Score Deviation 30 63.66 5.48 54 70 SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm.
52-59 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 57 In this research, the total numbers of the students is 30.
The table above shows that the highest score in the pretest was 70 and the lowest score was 54.
The mean score in the pretest was 63.66 and the standard deviation was 5.48.
Post-test The obtained scores of post-test was analyzed by using SPSS 16.0 for windows to find the mean, the standard deviation, the maximum score, and the minimum score.
The computation data distribution of post-test is shown in table 2.
Table 2 Data Distribution of Post-test Participan ts Mea n Standar d Minimu m Score Maximu m Score Deviatio n 30 73.4 3 4.98 58 81 In this research, the total numbers of the students is 30.
The table above shows that the highest score in the post-test was 81 and the lowest score was 58.
The mean score in the post-test was 73.43 and the standard deviation was 4.98.
Normality A normality test is used to analyze whether the data distribution is normal or not.
It is decided to use 0.05 for the significant value in this test.
The normality test was conducted by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov formula test in SPSS 16.0 for windows.
The result of the normality test for the pre-test and posttest can be seen in the following table.
Table 3 The normality test result of the pretest and post-test Sig Pre-test 0.405 Post-test 0.241 After the pretest scores had been calculated by using Liliefors (Kolmogorov-smirnov) formula in SPSS 16.0 for windows, the researcher found that the probability (Asymp.Sig.)
of the pre-test was 0.405 which was higher than the level of significance (0.05).
However, since the probability (p) is lower than the level of significance (0.05), the null hypothesis is accepted.
While if the probability (p) is higher than the alpha, so the null hypothesis is rejected.
Based on the description above, it can be concluded the students’ score in the pre-test were normally distributed.
And for post-test, the probability (Asymp.Sig.)
was 0.241 which was higher than the level of significance (0.05).
It means that the null hypothesis is rejected in other word the students’ score in the post-test were normally distributed.
SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm.
52-59 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 58 3.4 Hypothesis Testing To prove the influence of using Vocabulary Journal as media in teaching vocabulary mastery, the writer used Paired Sample T-test formula in SPSS 16.0 for windows.
The result of the t-test is described in the table below: Table 4 The Result of t-test Resource to tt Df P(Sig.)
Result Pre-test and Post-test 11.020 2.048 28 0.000 Significant different According to the table above, it shows that tobserved was higher than the ttable (11.020>2.048), with degree of freedom 28 and level of significance 0.05.
In other word, the probability (Asymp.Sig.
2 tailed) was lower than the level of significance (0.000 < 0.05).
Because t observed > t table and p < 0.05, it can be concluded that the null hypothesis of no difference was rejected.
This result indicated that after the vocabulary journal was used to teach student vocabulary, the obtained of posttest scores were significantly different with pre-test scores.
In the other words, there is a significant influence of vocabulary journal as media in teaching vocabulary.
CONCLUSION Based on the results of the study show that the students’ posttest scores is significantly difference with their pretest scores.
The students’ pre-test score is higher than their pre-test score with the Mean ( 73.43 > 63.66).
and in the table of paired sample T-test, t observed is more than the t table (11.020>2.048), with degree of freedom 28 and level of significance 0.05.
In the other words, the average scores of the pre-test and posttest were significantly different.
It means that vocabulary journal that was used as media in teaching vocabulary has given good influence for the students especially in learning new words.
Moreover, this strategy will help the teacher in improving the students’ vocabulary and in memorizing the new words.
In addition, vocabulary journal is interesting media that consist of some column , including the word, the definition, the example and the picture.
REFERENCES Arikunto, Suharsini.
Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek (EdisiRevisi VI).
Jakarta: PT.
Rineka Cipta.
SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm.
52-59 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 59 Brown, H. Douglas.
Teaching by Principles (An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy).
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Inc. Creswell, John.W.
Educational Research: planning,conducting and evaluating.USA: Pearson.
Dugan, Christine.
Strategies for Building Academic Vocabulary in Science.
Huntington beach: Shell Education.
Nation, I.S.P.(2008).
Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies and Technique.
Boston: Heinle.
Schmit, H. Nobert.
Vocabulary in Language Teaching.
United Kingdom.
Cambridge University Prress.
Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D.
Bandung : Alfabeta.
(Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Volume 8, No.
1, January 2022 Page.
80-86 p-ISSN: 2356-2048 e-ISSN: 2356-203x 80 PARENT INVOLVEMENT IN ACCOMPANYING DEAF STUDENTS IN LEARNING ENGLISH ONLINE WHILE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Nicky Alfa Fiorentina1, Fitri Wulandari2, Sutarno3, Kurniati4) 1),2),3)4) English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammmadiyah Pringsewu Lampung Emai correspondence: fitriwulandari@umpri.ac.id, , Abstract The purpose of this study was to obtain information about parent involvement in accompanying deaf students in learning English online while the Covid-19 pandemic.
The involvement of parent is very important for children's education especially in students with the deaf.
Parental involvement in deaf students learning English online as a form of parental support that aims at the development of child potential where the parent take part in their role in deaf students learning English online through related relationships that support each other and the parental involvement indicators in learning English online are; prepare facilities in learning English activities from home, assisting the deaf student in learning English activities from home, guiding and motivating deaf student, benefits in learning English online, barriers in learning English online.
Keywords: English learning online, parent involvement, Covid-19 pandemic Covid-19 Situation.
INTRODUCTION Since the Coronavirus spread in Indonesia, it has caused the government to immediately take firm action to prevent its spread wider.
Because in this case, the disease is caused by the Coronavirus can spread very quickly and has claimed many lives in various ways country, so that the government made various efforts to prevent it very wide deployment, where one of them is by applying distance learning, from elementary to college level.
Including issuing Government Regulation Number 21 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the Context of Accelerating Handling of Covid-19 which results in limiting various activities including schools.
Meanwhile, Learning From Home activities are officially issued through the Minister of Education and Culture Circular Number 36962/ MPK.A/ HK/ 2020 regarding online learning and working from home to prevent the spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19).
This policy forces teachers and students to continue working and learning from home from early childhood education to higher education (kemdikbud.go.id, 2020).
mailto:fitriwulandari@umpri.ac.id Parent... 81 This policy certainly has an impact not only on the teacher and student relationships during learning from home but also the importance of optimizing the role of parents in implementing learning from home.
The home learning policy requires learning to be carried out online.
Accordance with the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia regarding Circular Number 4 of 2020 concerning Implementation of Education Policies in the Emergency of the Spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19).
They cannot meet face to face, because it is for preventing the transmission of Covid-19.
During learning from home, students get a lot of assignments.
So, the role of parents who have to supervise their children in the learning process while at home.
The students must study at home, for the sake of safety and health for all of us, this certainly has an impact on parents, where parents must provide learning to their children at home.
Crowded in various social media that tell the experiences of parents while accompanying their children to learn.
For example, it turns out that there are parents who often get angry because they find their children who are difficult to manage so they cannot stand it and want their children to study again at school.
This incident gives awareness to parents that educating children is not easy.
It takes a lot of knowledge and patience.
Normal students have difficulty in implementing new rules for learning from home, especially for students with special needs.
For a student with disabilities is not easy to deal with the situation of teaching and learning.
One approach in the education of students with disabilities while learning from home is the active role of parents in teaching and learning activities.
Parents are required to be the main handle for students because many of them are not able to learn independently, and this is a challenge for parents in paying attention to their children's education.
A student with disabilities is a term that indicates a special disorder.
A student with special needs has different characteristics from one another.
Special education is education for students who have difficulty in participating in the learning process because of physical, emotional, mental, social, and special intelligence and talent potential (PP.
No.17 Article 127 of 2010).
Deaf are individuals who have permanent or non-permanent hearing loss.
Because of the obstacles in hearing individuals with hearing impairment have obstacles in speaking so they are commonly called mute (Mudjito, Harizal, and Elifindri, 2012: 27).
The involvement of parents is very important for children's education especially in students with special needs.
Most students need the involvement of parents as teachers at home.
Since the 1980s.
The Nicky... 82 involvement of parents with schools has become a major issue that education policymakers must consider (Nurhayati 2016).
Various studies show that student achievement increases if parents take an active role in the education of their children.
As shown by the results of the Harvard Family Research Project's (HFRS) research which revealed that parental involvement is closely related to the child's development and achievement.
For this reason, parental involvement is very important for children's education especially for a student with disabilities (Inspiration 2018).The description of the role of parents above was mostly analyzed before the pandemic, which emphasized more on care, while more academic education was left to the school.
Meanwhile, research related to the parent’s involvement in accompanying deaf students in learning English online while the Covid-19 pandemic has not been done much.
Based on the foregoing, the study in this research is very important to do to understand how the involvement of parents in accompanying deaf students in learning English online while Covid-19 pandemic, including when accompanying children to learn from home.
RESEARCH METHOD The design of this study was a Case Study in form of Qualitative Research about parents’ experience in accompanying deaf students in English learning online while the Covid-19 pandemic.
A case study is a research method that is used to reveal in more detail and comprehensively the situation of the object being analyzed (Alwasilah, 2002).
Hancock & Algozzine (2006) states that a case study is research conducted on an "object", which is called a "case", which is carried out completely, thoroughly, and deeply using various kinds of data sources.
Yin (2006: 1) states that a case study is a more suitable strategy if the main question of a study is how or why, if the researcher has little opportunity to control the events to be investigated, and when the focus of the research is on contemporary phenomena in the context of real life.
In this case, the researcher analyzed parents’ experience in accompanying deaf students in learning English online while the Covid-19 pandemic.
A case study is using a qualitative approach to draw the research and collect the data.
The qualitative approach leads to phenomenological studies that have special attention to the phenomenon under study, focus on the activities of the research subject, reveal problems, present data, analyze data, and get data by direct observation.
Bogdan and Taylor in Moleong (2008:4) define a qualitative approach as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or Parent... 83 spoken words from people and observable behavior.
It is called qualitative research because this study examines parents’ experience in accompanying deaf students learning English online while the Covid-19 pandemic.The researcher has some techniques to collect the data.
The researcher used qualitative data.
Qualitative data consist of observation, questionnaires, and interviews.
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Parents consider that learning at home is still considered capable of improving the quality of children's learning, but some parents think that learning at home is not beneficial for children, because at school children can interact directly with teachers and socialize with their friends.
Although many parents agree that learning at home can increase knowledge, not a few also feel that they still have difficulties with the technology used during the learning process at home for elderly or senior teachers.
Many parents help provide motivation as long as deaf students are required to learn from home because of the government's appeal regarding Covid-19, this also makes many parents devote their time to helping their child's learning process while at home.
Many parents agree that during learning at home, the parents also help with the assignments given by the teacher.
Although not a few also feel that this is an additional activity for parents besides doing household chores, especially for both working parents.
Learning at home is also considered to have a greater impact on spending, namely for pulses and internet connections, and requires parents to be literate with technology to support the learning process at home, the obstacles faced by parents are the additional cost of purchasing internet quota increases, technology online requires a network connection to the internet and a quota, therefore the level of internet quota usage will increase the burden on parents' expenses, to do online learning for several months, of course, more quota will be needed and will automatically increase the cost of purchasing internet quota.
During learning at home, many parents think that the assignments given by the teacher are too many and the assignments looked difficult, but even so, most parents are happy because the assignments are considered to be able to help deaf students understand the material more because of the exercises in the form of assignments given.
The teacher gives assignments because of the limited learning time and the difficulty of interacting during learning at home, Nicky... 84 therefore many of the teachers change this to giving assignments to strengthen children's abilities regarding the material being studied.
Many parents consider that through learning at home they can strengthen their relationship with their children, as well as their children, are considered to be able to do learning at home very well, so that many parents who think creatively try various ways so that children do not feel bored while studying at home, but there are also many which reveal that it is better for children to study at school, because many children are annoying, prefer to play rather than study, many children think that they are at home where they play, so there are some cases of tasks not being completed properly.
Parents also feel that through learning at home, parents can see their child's progress in learning.
Learning at home can also increase the attachment of parents and children so that parents can better understand their children's abilities.
This shows that parents have a very big role during learning activities at home, parents are the first madrasah for their children before learning at school.
The existence of this learning activity at home also has benefits for deaf students and their parents, this government policy regarding online learning has made us all aware of the importance of studying technology and using technology positively.
This can also be a great lesson for the world of Indonesian education in the future to overcome various problems in the world of education today.
CONCLUSION The involvement of parents is very important for children's education especially in students with the deaf.
Parental involvement in deaf students learning English online as a form of parental support that aims at the development of child potential where the parents take part in their role in deaf students learning English online through related relationships that support each other and the parental involvement indicators in learning English online are; prepare facilities in learning English activities from home, assisting children in learning English activities from home, guiding and motivating children, benefits in learning English online, barriers in learning English online.
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(Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Volume 7, No.
2, August 2021 Page.
46 52 p-ISSN: 2356-2048 e-ISSN: 2356-203x 46 STUDENTS’ ANXIETY IN THE ENGLISH LEARNING AT SDIT AL IHSAN JAKARTA Mulyadi1, Siti Nurani2 1Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, University of Indraprastha PGRI 2Faculty of Language and Art, University of Indraprastha PGRI Email Correspondence: mistermul73@yahoo.com Abstract This research aims to analyze the English language learning anxiety of primary students empirically.
This research is descriptive qualitative research.
The population of this research is the sixth-grade students’ from SDIT Al-Ihsan in South Jakarta.
The sample was taken through simple random sampling of which 50 students as samples of this research.
The instruments used in this research were questionnaires and interviews.
This research explained that students’ English language learning anxiety is considered a high category in learning English.
Keywords: Language, Learning, Anxiety, Primary Students INTRODUCTION As a developing country, Indonesia needs English because the government is trying to improve all aspects which are usually faced by all countries.
Due to the significance of the English role of today’s communication, being competent in English is greatly needed.
Having English skills and using English communicatively, could encourage Indonesian people to study English since the globalization era challenges their competence comprehensively.
We know that nation of Indonesia has thousands of islands which means that it also has hundreds of ethnic groups which makes languages in Indonesia vary.
Then Indonesian nationalists thought that they needed to have a single national language to unite the people, therefore the Indonesian language became an official national language.
While Indonesia has been successful with its national language which then affects the use of the Indonesian language for daily communication, it makes the use of English for international communication less.
Then the majority of Indonesian people remain handicapped by their English.
The fact has shown that Indonesians get some troubles in studying English mainly in performing their speaking competence although they have been studying English for years to years they are still incapable to use English orally.
People who have learned English for a long time in mailto:mistermul73@yahoo.com Mulyadi… 47 Indonesia, sometimes rather hesitate when they should speak with native speakers.
They are not sure about their English.
They are often embarrassed or shy to say anything when they do not understand what others speak or when they realize that others do not understand them.
Sometimes, they just listen in silence while others do talk.
This situation is quite related to a feeling of anxiety.
Sometimes some people do not have enough bravery to speak in front of people even in their language.
They always feel nervous when they speak in public.
They are afraid of making mistakes because they are worried that other people will laugh at them.
From all descriptions above, the writers would like to find out students’ language learning anxiety on primary students.
In the writers’ opinion, most people experience language anxiety.
There has been a great deal of research in language learning anxiety.
In the education field, anxiety becomes a major obstacle faced by students, especially young learners.
Thus, because of the importance of English in the world today, this research analyzes the English language learning anxiety of primary students at SDIT Al Ihsan, Jakarta.
Anxiety is a complex phenomenon that has been studied by several well-known theorists over many years.
There are several kinds of anxiety that have been described.
Anxiety is part of the human condition that is closely related to the issues of psycholinguistic and socio-cultural that one has.
Anxiety is also considered as a fear occurring whenever an individual feels in a threat or a danger in such situations in the environment.
It is caused by mental or emotional conflicts, not objective circumstances.
In learning, anxiety appears to be a common thing that students face particularly in second language learning (Amiri and Ghonsooly, 2015).
Students often experience anxiety in learning if they do overthink the punishment given by teachers when they make mistakes in the learning.
It surely affects their achievement in the learning process(Shibli, et.
al., 2015; Sing and Thukral, 2009).
Some students may feel guilty about their failure in learning.
The sense of guilt is the most important problem in the evolution of learning culture.
It could be said that the sense of guilt brought in students’ mindset could hurt this attitude and it can arouse anxiety.
Anxiety has such an impact on individuals in social situations, especially in public speaking, which is known as “social anxiety” as stated by Dugas and Robichaud (2007), anxiety in the social context is assumed as a fear that intensively occurred in the social performance Students… 48 situations.
People with social anxiety will automatically avoid and anticipate the unexpected social activities that might emerge among them.
Social anxiety is identified as extreme fear and stress related to being watched by others.
This could be from speaking activities in crowds to eating meals among other people.
In real life, social anxiety does happen to many individuals.
Social anxiety cuts across all gender, ethnic, economic, and cultural barriers.
They experience some type of social anxiety, for example, avoiding public speaking conferences, job interviews, gatherings, or parties.
In the opinion of Dugas and Robichaud, social anxiety can appear quite similar to generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).
A distinction between social anxiety and GAD is the underlying fear.
For example, social anxiety is having by an individual who worries when he might be observed or evaluated by others, while GAD is having by individual who worries not only in social situations but also worries about several daily events.
Scovel in Pavlenko (2005:33) said that “Anxiety is commonly seen as a state of apprehension and vague fear that is only indirectly associated with its object”.
Anxiety is a form of individual emotions related to feeling threatened by the existence of something, usually with the object of threats that are not so clear.
It is defined as a state of uneasiness and apprehension about future uncertainties.
Though anxiety is related to fear, it is not the same thing.
Fear is a direct response to a specific event or object of which an individual is conscious.
While anxiety is often unfocused, vague, and hard to pin down to a specific cause.
Anxiety could be a result of anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threat or situation.
Everyone experiences a small level of anxiety during his life.
This happens is natural.
In the process of language learning, the use of cognitive thoughts is quite high.
Besides, language ability is a skill, therefore oral practice is in high demand.
Quite many steps they have to learn, to remember, and to practice.
When there are too many inputs coming into the brain at once, the brain tends to stop them.
At this level, the students feel of having brain overload.
This condition can keep their stress level high and it makes the material of the lesson is not interesting.
Lately, the students feel frightened or have a sense of failure.
They feel unconfident with their English which situation will bring them to the level of feeling anxious, panic, afraid, embarrassed, and so on, which all of these feelings can be categorized Mulyadi… 49 as feeling of anxiety.
Thus, in this case, the anxiety arises because of the feeling of uncomfortable with the learning process.
Anxiety is associated with problems in second language learning.
It is often found that students who have grade-level increased in which the material of English lesson becomes wider, thus the learning process becomes harder, therefore it causes their feeling of fear, panics, or anxiety becomes increased as well.
Thus in many respects, anxiety must be controlled appropriately since it can arouse such negative impacts in their learning circumstance (Millan, 2003).
Schein in Coutu (2002:100) identified that “Learning anxiety as stemming from the fear of failure, of looking stupid, of having to change”.
It is usually begun with a perception that language learning is difficult, then students will judge that it is not easy to have English competence.
They think that language learning is emotionally painful, as they often have to practice the language in front of the class in which they are afraid of looking stupid.
The fear or anxiety of exposure during the process of language learning will lead to their failure in the target language.
RESEARCH METHOD This research is qualitative research that uses a descriptive method for this research focuses on the vivid description of what happens.
Therefore, the descriptive method is suitable for this purpose.
The population of this research is all sixth-grade students of SDIT Al-Ihsan.
Then, 50 students are selected as participants.
The data is obtained from sixth-grade students of SDIT Al-Ihsan.
The technique for analyzing the data is to analyze the percentage of indicators of students’ anxiety from all questionnaires.
Such procedures are conducted to collect the data as the followings: 1.
Observation Observation is a method of collecting information by investigating directly the current process of learning English speaking.
Interview Collecting the data and information by interviewing teachers and students to the research importance.
Students… 50 3.
Literature Review The data and information are collected by reviewing sources or references.
In this phase, the literature review starts with the analysis of the previous research from both offline and online sources.
The list of books and journals as references is in the references section.
Questionnaire The questionnaire was given for students to identify their anxiety in learning speaking.
The questionnaire consists of 10 questions related to the primary students’ anxiety indicators in English language learning.
The questionnaire used for this research is a questionnaire of the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) described by Huang (2010).
The researchers use only 10 items.
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The research findings have shown that students’ anxiety of SDIT Al-Ihsan Jakarta is still at a high level.
Based on the data taken from the students, there is a significant percentage that indicates a high level of students’ anxiety.
From 10 questions given to 50 students, there are 355 responses of Yes and 145 responses of No.
In percentage, it can be said that the students who have high anxiety reach 71%, while the students who have low anxiety reach 29%.
It means that the students with high anxiety are more than students with low anxiety.
Table1: Students’ Responses on English Learning Anxiety at SDIT Al-Ihsan Jakarta Questionnaire Students’ responses Yes No 1.
I tremble when I know that I am going to be called on in language class.
32 18 2.
I start to panic when I have to speak without preparation in English class.
38 12 3.
I get upset when I don’t understand what the English teacher is correcting.
31 19 4.
I am afraid that my English teacher is ready to correct every mistake I make.
40 10 5.
I can feel my heart pounding when I am going to be called on in English class.
37 13 6.
I get nervous when I don’t understand every word the English teacher says.
29 21 7.
I always feel that the other students speak English better than I do.
32 18 8.
It embarrasses me to volunteer answers in my English class.
35 15 Mulyadi… 51 9.
I am afraid that other students will laugh at me when I speak English.
42 8 10.
I never feel quite sure of myself when I am speaking in my English class.
39 11 Table 2: Percentage of Students’ Responses on English Learning Anxiety Total of Students’ Responses Yes Percentage No Percentage 355 71% 145 29% Based on all of the data collected, there can be found some feelings related to language learning anxiety such as afraid, nervous, upset, inferior, worried, unconvincing, and embarrassed.
All of them have a significant score by showing 71% of students’ responses to indicate students’ language learning anxiety.
It confirms that language learning anxiety at SDIT Al Ihsan occurs.
Language learning anxiety is anxiety that occurs in the process of language learning because of the feeling of fear, shyness, panic, and so on, when a student has to practice the language in the classroom or because of any other factors which could threaten him/her.
In the classroom, most students feel uncomfortable when receiving bad feedback in front of the group.
It creates a panic situation or a feeling of shyness.
They do not want to look foolish, while it is natural that anybody wants to protect his self-image.
All of these feelings are called anxiety.
Unconsciously, it results in an emotional reaction and creates a negative feeling to the teacher.
Anxious students are desperately trying to avoid humiliation, embarrassment, and criticism, and to preserve their self-esteem.
In this case, the degree of exposure to language practice is great.
Many students have a negative feeling about their language ability.
This can make language learners who have a certain personality avoid language learning.
They do not have strong confidence or bravery to achieve.
Their feeling of guilty increases.
They do not want to be humiliated, embarrassed, and criticized but they do not try to come up.
Students… 52 CONCLUSION The results of the research show that the students’ anxiety in learning the English language is still high that is caused by some factors and indicators remarked in their responses to the questionnaire related to language learning anxiety.
Findings also show that all students are not yet maximal to develop their potential and competence in the teachinglearning process.
In this case, teachers should be much more creative in exploring any kind of teaching strategy.
Moreover, teachers should also have enough knowledge of psychology to be able to reduce students’ anxiety.
REFERENCES Amiri, M., &Ghonsooly, B.
(2015).The Relationship between English Learning Anxiety and the Students’ Achievement on Examinations.
Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 6(4), 855–865.
Coutu, D.L.
(2002).The Anxiety of Learning.
USA: Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation.
Dugas, M.J.,&Robichaud, M. (2007).Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
New York: Taylor & Francis Group.
Huang, S. (2010).The Relationship between Teacher and Peer Support and English-Language Learners’ Anxiety.
USA: CCSE English Language Teaching.
Millan, M. J.
The neurobiology and control of anxious states.
Progress in Neurobiology, 70(2), 83244.
Pavlenko, A.
Emotions and Multilingualism.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Shibli, N., Nawaz, N., Ameen, N., Fatima, S., Khan, H. S., &Ain, Q.
The Effects of Anxiety on Achievement and Performance : a College Study.
International of Scientific and Research Publication, 61(6), 5–6.
Singh, S., &Thukral, P. (2009).The Role of Anxiety in Achievement.Journal of exercise science and Physiotherapy, 5(2), 122–125.
Jurnal Fokus Konseling Volume 1 No.
1, Januari 2015 hlm 1-8 SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 42 AN ENGLISH SYLLABUS DESIGN FOR THE TENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF TOURISM (HOTEL ACCOMODATION DEPARTEMENT) Kurniati English Education Departmen of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, Lampung.
email: kurniati.sewu@yahoo.com Abstract The new curriculum of 2013 regulates 90 minutes in a week to learn English at the first year students of vocational school from 270 minutes before.
Therefore, the students become have lack of exposure to the language.
Besides, the syllabus is still general, it did not focus on vocational school department.
Because of that, the researcher conducted this research.
The data sources that used in this research are observation, interview, test and documentation.
First was interview which given to present and alumni of State Vocational School 57 Jakarta, stakeholders and hotel staffs.
Second, observation was conducted at hotel as a real situation of workplace.
Third test was given to the students to know the learner lack of language.
Fourth, documentation was taken by recording the interviewing data and implementation syllabus process in the class.The result of this research found that new English syllabus related to job field.
From implementation of samples unit found that 67.5% the lesson was understandable, 80% interesting, 75% autonomous and 65% satisfactory.
Whereas the result did not reach 100% satisfactory, but it proved that the English syllabus designed was successful.
Keywords: Autonomous, Designing, Need analysis, Syllabus and Implementation.
INTRODUCTION Vocational school which is called Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) is a secondary program in Indonesia.
SMK is also known as career and technical Education as its objective is to prepare learners for a ready to work.
Therefore, the graduates are expected to have skills and capabilities that related with their jobs.
In addition to that, English is one of the skills which should be acquired in this department because there are many books which related to the skills originated from English Speaking countries.
For instance, Vocational school majoring Tourism and its department of Hotel Accommodation should accommodate its graduates with the competencies of Front Office, Operation, and House Keeping.
However, there are some requirements to achieve that goal, such as: teachers’ competency in designing the syllabus, language teaching, and the language exposure.
SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 43 The teachers at Hotel Accommodation Department are demanded to have competency in designing a practical and link-match syllabus as it is one of the most important variables in teaching and learning process.
However, most teachers have difficulties in developing the syllabus which is distributed by Ministry of National Education (MoNE).
Therefore, the teachers use the syllabus from MoNE as it is.
In addition to that, there is minimum research in developing English syllabus for Hotel Accommodation Department which affects the teachers’ practice in developing the syllabus on the lack of guidance.
For example, the English teachers designing syllabus for Front Office at the Hotel Department should cover the skills of telephoning, correspondence, room booking, and complaints.
The English language teaching in vocational school mainly focuses on General English.
The students of Accommodation Department of the first year used textbook “English for vocational school 1” delivered from MoNE.
The book used to all the students in all majors of vocational school like is hotel accommodation, tour and travel and food production major.
Moreover, the content of that book is still broad and unspecific to the job related, in this case is hotel industry.
For example: The content of unit I discussed Greeting and Leave Takings.
In contrast, the example of speaking dialogue showed the dialogue in family and hospital situation which is unspecific to the hotel accommodation department.
Therefore, developing English syllabus in line with the jobrelated is needed.
As the MoNE stipulated the new curriculum of 2013 which regulates the length of English learning for tenth grade at secondary school is for 90; minutes, therefore, the students have lack of exposure to the language.
As in the case of English for Hotel Department the students should acquire the competency of English related to their job.
Regarding of the students hotel accommodation, they will serve customers directly in their field.
Therefore, speaking material is needed as one of the important skill in English syllabus which to be designed.
However in reality, there are some problems in English teaching that researcher finds in her preliminary research at Hotel Accommodation Department such as: unspecific learning SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 44 material, lack of practice, and students’ low English competence.
The English materials used in Hotel Accommodation Department are unspecific.
The English textbook used is similar to all majors, such as: Tour and Travel and Food Production Department.
Therefore, the design of English Language Teaching syllabus is not in line with the students’ job-related requirements.
There are many students who have lack of English skill related to their major.
Moreover, they have difficulties to communicate in English in their field because the lack of practice and lack of exposure to the language.
In addition, the length of learning is too short to practice their familiarity with the language.
For instance, the students should be directed to acquire the information about the hotel and its facilities while responding to the telephone calls.
Therefore, to exposure the student to the language, this research will present the autonomous learning in syllabus which is will be design.
Related to the problem in teaching and learning English in SMK above, researcher assumes those cause the students who are learning English have various needs and goals that they attain, so the English syllabus should be designed to meet the learning objectives and related to the work place.
In addition, the autonomous learning presented in syllabus design to expose the students to the language outside classroom and enhance their learning independently because of the length of English learning in class that is very short.
In addition, the English syllabus design is a necessity to the teacher, as language is too complex and varied to learn and teaching and learning is collaborative effort between teachers and students to achieve the learning goal both the teachers and students have role to make learning happen.
Therefore, English syllabus based on students and work place needs to be designed.
To sum up, designing a well English syllabus needs teachers’ competency which is based on their analysis on the students’ need and job-related.
Therefore, it is necessity to do a research on designing an English syllabus for Hotel Accommodation in State Vocational School 57 Jakarta.
In designing sylabus, the need analysis is conducted prior to design syllabus to find out what the students needs, therefore needs analysis become SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 45 crucial to determine the effectiveness of the syllabus.
Moreover, Brindley (1989) and Berwick (1989) are described need as objective and subjective perceived and felt, target situation/ goal oriented and learning, process-oriented and product oriented.
In addition, “there are necessities, wants, and lacks” Hutchinson and Waters (1987).
Derived of that, this research conducted need analysis based on necessities, lack and wants of the subject research to find out the students needs in learning English in hotel accommodation department.
RESEARCH METHOD This research was conducted at State Vocational School 57 Jakarta which is located on Jl.
Taman Margasatwa no.
38 B Jati Padang Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan.
SMK N 57 was chosen as the research place because this school has specialization in tourism department, particularly hotel accommodation.
This research organized for six months since January – June 2014.
The participants in this research were 40 participants.
They consist of 32 or 25% students of the tenth grade of Hotel Accommodation Department of State Vocational School 57 Jakarta as a present’s learner.
The participants have taken by randomly from total students of hotel accommodation 120 students.
The design of this research was qualitative research as it was relevant to the type of the data that has been collected.
Then, the method that has been applied in this research was the Education Research and Development (R and D).
R and D has been chosen because this research explored the process of identifying and describing the students and job – related needs in designing objectives and speaking material in English syllabus for the tenth grade students of Hotel Accommodation Department.
In additional to that, to clarify the steps of the research, the researcher adopts the steps by Sugiyono’s book in doing educational R and D. The data collection method that had been gathered through needs analysis are interview, test, documentation and observation.
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Finding in Designing Syllabus In order to get data from the first year students of vocational school the test was delivered into multiple choices.
Which is SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 46 consist of specific English and grammar.
The following diagram describes the result of the test in the following.
61,29% 19.35% 12,90% 6,45% 0 2 4 6 8 Diagram 1 Test result Diagrams 1 shows 61.29% students are at pre basic level, 19.35% identified a basic level, 12.90% identified at intermediate and 6.45% advanced level.
Therefore, the syllabus designed is for the students of basic level.
Based on findings of need analysis from observation, documentation and interview, the English syllabus designed in ten topics.
It is shown in the following table.
Table 2 Topic of Syllabus Design Topics Language focus Greeting and introduction Personal pronounce Offering help Modal Number and Time Plural and singular Noun, Simple Present Tense Describing Place Comparison degree Giving direction Preposition when giving direction Telephoning Simple continuous tense Memo Developing vocabulary Handling Complain Handling complain expression Whquestions Simple Past Tense Bill settlement Bill settlement Expression Findings in Implementing Syllabus Implementation has been done by piloting the sample unit.
The purpose of doing the implementation was to find out the responses of the students towards the English syllabus has been designed.
To get data during and after implementation of English syllabus designed, the researcher conducted weekly assessment for the students and interview after implementing four sample units of lesson.
Weekly assessment conducted to find out the progress of students in learning English by using new English syllabus.
After implementing unit one, greeting and introduction, the result showed on the following table.
Table 3 The Result of Implementing Syllabus Score Excellent Good Average Poor Total of students Lesson Lesson 1 2 7 9 8 26 Lesson 2 2 10 7 6 25 Lesson 3 1 10 6 5 22 Lesson 4 4 12 9 2 27 Based on the table above, the progress of students from lesson 1 to lesson 4 students have good progress in learning whereas the result is achieve the SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 47 expectation yet.
It happened because influence some factors such as time, learning strategies and confidence of students.
In addition, besides the findings from weekly assessment, interview is delivered to find out the result of implementing new English syllabus in vocational school.
The result of interview showed in table 4 Table 4 The Result of Interview Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Result The lesson related to the need 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% The lesson was understanda ble 80% 70% 50% 70% 67.5% The lesson made students autonomous 60% 60% 100% 100% 80% The lesson was interesting 70% 80% 70% 80% 75% The lesson was satisfactory 70% 60% 70% 60% 65% Discussion This part is discussed to find out the process of designing English syllabus whether the syllabus made was effective.
And for the findings would be supported by previous research, theoretical framework, and the result of data as follows.
The syllabus of ESP designing to meet the specific need of the learners, that way needs analysis become crucial to determine the effectiveness of the syllabus.
Related to that, there are some procedures in designing syllabus related to the expert as the consideration in conducting this research.
as discussed on chapter II ( page 2829) First Brenn and LittleJohn 1 stated that the curriculum designer needs to see range of decisions in designing curriculum including the goals, content and sequence, format and presentation, and monitoring and assessment.
For goals, content and sequence, format and presentation were conducted and got the findings from the students such as necessities, lack and wants of students.
From stakeholders found the learning objectives and school expectation, and from hotel staff found the job requirements and students needs.
Related to that, its can be seen from the explanation in the following: First, the necessities from the students.
Most of the students said that, SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 48 knowing many English vocabularies, practicing the conversation, and listening in real situation of their work place.
Student Az : “English in hotel is how to the students practicing do not only write something on the paper based on the theories given by the teacher.
Because the students of vocational school have to be ready in working place, so by practicing English more the students will be ready too.“ Second the necessities from the stakeholder.
From three stakeholder who were interviewed, all of them agree that speaking and listening about conversation such as in real situation are needed by the students of vocational school.
Stakeholder DH: “ in XI class, as long as 6 months the students will follow the training and need practice for speaking and listening.
And for the material needed for the students such as procedure, knowing the tools and place in hotel, besides that saying number nominal and ordinal related to the room price.
Third the necessities from hotel staff.
Hotel staff also recommended that students need speaking and listening more than other skill, because the hotel staff ussualy deal with the costumer directly.
From the findings of the necessities of three objectives above in designing the English syllabus the researcher presented many activities to make students practice more.
Such roleplay, drilling and dialogue interactive among the students.
Besides that, the topics that presented guidanced the students to know the real situation of students work place.
Next is finding of the wants of the students, stakeholder and also hotel staff found that the students want to communicate with the costummers of hotel fluently and ready to follow the training in hotels.
Based on the interview result, student T: “Students’ expectation is they are able to communicate like as the real situation of working place.” Stakeholder DH: in the XI class, the students have to follow the training in hotel.
So, when the students has been in working place, they have to be able use English for communication.
And can use English as in daily activities in job field hopefully.” SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 49 Hotel Staff AH: “Hopefully the students have good English because if want to work in international hotel, the students have to fluent in communicate by using English to face costumers.” Based on findings of interview result, an English syllabus designed related to the wants of students, stakeholder and also hotel staff they want to be able to communicate fluently especially in working place and also ready to follow the training in the hotel.
By knowing the wants from the informants above it could bennefit in designing syllabus.
At least the reseacher knows the expetation of other partiespart from the students themselves and could cater that expectation.
Morever, in English syllabus, reseacher presented some topics related to the job field.
It ordered such as Greeting and introduction, Offering help, Number and Time, Describing Place, Giving direction, Telephoning, Memo, Handling Complain, Whquestions, and Bill settlement.
In conclusion, it supported by expert that “Need analysis can play a major role in determining the content course, particularly for language item” Nation 2 Moreover, the researcher took account the findings from the need analysis in choosing content for the new English syllabus that researcher has made.
Now, implementation of new English syllabus.
It has been implemented May to June 2014 in APH class of tenth years state vocational school 57 Jakarta.
It has conducted in four meeting for foursample unit of lesson.
Each meeting conducted as long 90 minutes for one lesson.
In implementing lesson 1 the topic was greeting and introduction.
This topics put in the first because based on the result of proficiency test that students were at basic level.
Therefore, because greeting and introduction included in basic topic.
So, the researcher put it into the first.
In addition, it is supported by expert that there are two rules which can be applied to selection the material in language teaching and learning they are giving attention to high-frequency items of language and for low frequency dealt after high-frequency items have been sufficiently learned.
Nation (2010) SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 50 The second lesson implemented was offering help.
This topic becomes the second lesson because after the hotel staff met the costumer in hotel they use offering expression to give service in hotel.
In addition, it supported by Steven in chapter II (page 19) ESP has several absolute characteristics: one them is designing to meet specified needs of the learner.
Therefore, the researcher chooses this topic because related real situation.
The third lesson implemented was Number and Time.
This topic ordered after offering help because in the real situation the hotel staff deal with the number and time directly, such as information about the price of room, number of room, date, etc that related to hotel.
The last lesson implemented was Describing the place of hotel.
This topic ordered to guidance the students using some expression in describing the facilities of hotel.
In addition, besides taking related topics in new English syllabus, researcher included some language focus, vocabulary and grammar and also autonomous learning strategies in each lesson.
It supported by Nation in the first group of principles deals with content and sequencing.
They were “the course should include language focus, vocabulary and grammar” and “a language course should train learner in how to learn a language.
CONCLUSION Based on the research finding, which has been mentioned in chapter four, the researcher draws some points as conclusion.
The points are as follow.
Firstly, related to students’ need, school expectation and real situation, learning activities that suitable in new syllabus have to exposure the students in conversation, drilling, and role play.
Secondly, the result from implementation also illustrated that the new English syllabus is interesting, making them autonomous, more understandable and they satisfactory about the lesson.
Thirdly, the English syllabus designed has related to job requirement of students in the future that is work in hotel.
Speaking skill and able to communicate with the costumer are the main objective have to reach in order the students ready to work SMART Journal Volume 2 No.
1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 51 REFERENCES Brindley, G.P.
The Rule of analysis in adult ESL programe design.
In R. K. Berwick.
Need analysis in Language programming: In R. K. Johnson (Ed.)
The second language curriculum.
CambridgeUniversity Press Hutchinson, T and Waters A.
English Specific Purposes: A Learning-Centred Approach.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Nation, I.S.P and John Macalister.
Language curriculum Design.ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional series.
Rouledge Taylor and francis.
Sugiyono, (2008).
Metode penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & B. Alfabeta: Bandung, group.New York .London
SMART Journal Volume 1 No.
2, August 2015 Hlm.
93-101 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 93 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING PICTURES TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL Episiasi1), Ardayati2), Sinta Novianti3) 1 English Department, STKIP PGRI LUBUKLINGGAU email: episiasi34@yahoo.com 2 English Department, STKIP PGRI LUBUKLINGGAU email: Ardayati470@yahoo.com 3 English Department, STKIP PGRI LUBUKLINGGAU email: Shintanovianti46@yahoo.com Abstract The problem of this study was “Is it significantly effective to use pictures to improve students’ speaking skill to the sixth semester students of English Education Study Program at STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau?”.
This study was conducted to find out whether it is significantly effective to use pictures to improve students’ speaking skill.
There were two hypotheses; null hypotheses (H0) and alternative hypotheses (Ha).
The sample of the study was 23 students which were taken through cluster random sampling.
Research method of this study was pre-experimental with one group pre-test and post-test design.
The writer used speaking test and analyzed the data by using conversion of score range, individual score, and match t-test.
Based on the result of data analysis, it was found out that students’ average score in the pre-test was 46.43 and post-test was 60.54.
Finally, the results of matched t-test calculation shows that the t-obtain was higher than t-table.
The t-obtained was 31.37 while the t-table was 1.717.
It means that the null hypotheses (Ho) was rejected and automatically the alternative hypotheses (Ha) was accepted.
It can be concluded that it is significantly effective to teach speaking skill by using pictures.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Speaking, Picture 1.
INTRODUCTION English is an international language which has been used by countries all over the world.
It is used in trade, science, business, politics, education and more.
People need English to communicate with others, particularly to establish and maintain relationship.
In Indonesia, English as foreign language and one of the compulsory subjects at school, for levels Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School, and college.
Many educators agree that students should learn to speak English as a second language when interacting with others.
It aims to make students capable of keeping track of where English is used by all walks of life and activities.
Speaking is one of four basic skills instead of listening, reading, and writing SMART Journal Volume 1 No.
2, August 2015 Hlm.
93-101 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 94 that have to be mastered by students so that it is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching.
Henry G. Tarigan (1981:15) states that speaking is a skill of conveying words or sounds of articulation to express or to deliver ideas, opinions, or felling.
Despite its importance, for many years, teaching speaking has been undervalued and English language teachers have continued to teach speaking just as a repetition of drills or memorization of dialogues.
However, today’s world requires that the goal of teaching speaking should improve students’ communicative skills, because, only in that way, students can express themselves and learn how to follow the social and cultural rules appropriate in each communicative circumstance.
To most people, mastering the art of speaking is the single most important aspect of learning a second or foreign language, and success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the language.
From the observation, the writer often finds students’ difficulties in learning how to speak up in classroom.
They are afraid of speaking English because lack of vocabularies, feel unmotivated, and confuse how to express what they want to say.
There are many ways to teach speaking.
Teaching speaking can be done through dialogues, pictures, games, etc.
In brief, English teacher or lectures should be creative in developing their teaching learning process to create good atmosphere, improve the students’ speaking skill, and give attention to the speaking components.
In this study, the writer focuses on picture to improve students’ speaking ability.
There is a phrase that describes a picture means a thousand words.
Picture is a good media that can be used to motivate the students and provide the participants with practice in improving speaking skill.
Based on the description above, the writer conducted a study entitled The Effectiveness of Using Pictures to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill to the Sixth Semester Students of English Education Study Program at STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau in the Academic Year of 2014/2015.
In this study, the writer would like to find out whether or not it is significantly effective to use pictures in teaching speaking skill to the sixth semester students of English Education Study Program at STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau in the academic year SMART Journal Volume 1 No.
2, August 2015 Hlm.
93-101 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 95 of 2014/2015.
RESEARCH METHODS The writer used a pre experimental method with one group pre-test and posttest design to conduct this research.
According to Borg, W. R in Latief (2010:96) pre experimental designs is experiment that is implemented only in one class without control class.
In doing this study, the writer used one group pretest and post-test design.
The design as follow: Experimental T1 X T2 Where T1 : Pre-test of experimental group X : Treatment (Picture) T2 : Post-test of experimental group In this study, firstly the writer administered the pretest to the students.
Then, the writer gave treatment to them.
Finally, the writer administered the posttest to the group.
There are two kinds of variables of this research: the independent variable and dependent variable.
According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2009:42) independent variables are those the investigator chooses to study (and often manipulate) in order to assess their possible effect(s) on one or more other variables.
An independent variable is presumed to have an effect on, to influence somehow, another variable.
Dependent variable is the variable that is presumed to affect by the independent variable.
The independent variable of this research is the use of picture, and the dependent variable is the students’ speaking achievement.
Population is entry group of individuals or items in which statistical measurement is investigated.
Therefore, the population of this study conducted at the sixth semester students of STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau in the academic year 2014/2015 with total number of students were 64 students.
Table 1 The Population of the Study No.
Class Number of Students 1 VIA 23 2 VIB 26 3 VI C 15 Total 64 Source: STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau in the academic year 2014/2015 SMART Journal Volume 1 No.
2, August 2015 Hlm.
93-101 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 96 Sample is the minimum number to represent selective populations that are examined to gain the data or information about the whole.
Sample is items selected randomly from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population.
According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2009:90), sample is a group of subjects on which information is obtained.
Sample is items selected randomly from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population.
Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2007:15) states that there are many methods of selecting sample such as random sampling, probability sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, volunteer sampling, quota sampling and purposive sampling.
In this study, the writer took sample by using cluster random sampling.
According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2009:95) cluster random sampling is the selection of groups, or clusters, of subjects rather than individuals.
So in cluster random sampling, the writer selected VI A as the samples of the study with total number of the students were 23.
In this study, the writer used oral test in collecting the data.
The students were given the pictures and asked to speak in front of the class about fifteen minutes.
The conversation was recorded by using good accuracy, fluency and comprehensibility.
The data obtained were analyzed through three techniques, they were: (1) conversion of score range, (2) individual scores, (3) the matched t-test.
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The study of teaching speaking skill by using pictures was done to the sixth semester students of English Education Study Program at STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau.
This study was started from April 21st, 2015 until May 26th, 2015.
Total population of the study was 64 students from 3 classes.
Sample of the study was taken by using cluster random sampling.
The result was showed that class A was taken as the sample of the study.
The sample consisted of 23 students.
There were three steps in conducting this research.
It involved pre-test, treatment and post-test.
Firstly, the pretest was done on Tuesday, April 21st, 2015.
The test was administered by 23 students.
The test was held to find out students’ speaking score before having SMART Journal Volume 1 No.
2, August 2015 Hlm.
93-101 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 97 treatment.
Secondly, the students were give treatment by using pictures as a media to improve their speaking achievement.
The treatments were given four times.
It was started from April 28th, 2015 until May 19th, 2015.
Thirdly, posttest was done on May 26th, 2015.
Posttest was given to find out students’ speaking scores after treatment.
There were three findings in this study, they were: (a) the students’ scores in the pre-test, (b) the students’ scores in the post-test, (c) the result of normality testing, (d) the matched t-test.
The speaking test consisted of three components.
They are accuracy, fluency and comprehensibility.
By using the result of the test, the writer got students’ speaking scores.
The scores were gotten by using inter-rater in analyzing the data.
It means that the scores were conducted by two raters.
The first rater was the lecturer of English at STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau.
Her name is Ardayati, M. Pd.
and the second rater was the writer herself.
Students’ speaking score was calculated by adding the score from rater 1 and rater 2.
Then, the scores were divided by 2.
Students’ Speaking Score in the PreTest Pre-test was given in order to find out students’ speaking score before they got treatment from the writer.
In this study, pre-test was done on April 21st, 2015.
In conducting the pre-test, students were asked to describe one of the topics.
The topics were your friend’s physical appearance and your future dream job.
Students were given 10 minutes to describe their friend’s physical appearance and their future dream job in front of the class.
The writer scored students’ speaking skill based on three components.
They are accuracy, fluency and comprehensibility.
The pre-test was given to 23 students from class A.
The highest score for pre-test was 67 and the lowest score was 33.
Students’ Speaking Score in the PostTest The post-test was given in order to find out students’ speaking score after they got treatment from the writer.
In this study, post-test was done on May 26st, 2015.
In conducting the post-test, students were asked to describe one of the topics.
The topics were your friend’s SMART Journal Volume 1 No.
2, August 2015 Hlm.
93-101 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 98 physical appearance and your future dream job.
Students were given 10 minutes to describe their friend’s physical appearance and their future dream job in front of the class.
The writer scored students’ speaking skill based on three components.
They are accuracy, fluency and comprehensibility.
The post-test was given to 23 students from class A.
The highest score for post-test was 83 and the lowest score was 44.
It showed that students’ speaking achievement increased because their average score in the post-test was higher than pre-test.
The Results of Normality in the pretest Based on the result of normality calculation in the pre-test, the writer found out that obtained = 5.49 which is the degree of freedom (df) = 11.1 (6-1) with significance level was 99% (0.5) and table = 11.1.
The criterion for normality test was if obtained < table, it can be concluded that the data distribution of pre-test can be considered as “normal”.
The Results of Normality in the posttest Based on the result of normality calculation in the pre-test, the writer found out that obtained = 8.04 which is the degree of freedom (df)= 5 (6-1) with significance level was 99% (0.5) and table = 11.1.
The criterion for normality test was if obtained < table, it can be concluded that the data distribution of post-test can be considered as “normal”.
The Result of Matched T-test Calculation Based on the students’ score obtained in the per-test and post-test, the writer calculated the matched t-test to find out whether or not it was significantly effective to teach speaking skill by using pictures to the sixth semester students of English Education Study Program at STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau in the academic year of 2014/2015.
Finally, the result of matched t-test calculation shows that the t-obtain was higher than t-table.
The t-obtained was 31.37 while the t-table was (1.717).
It means that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and automatically the alternative hypothesis SMART Journal Volume 1 No.
2, August 2015 Hlm.
93-101 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 99 (Ha) was accepted.
It can be concluded that it is significantly effective to teach speaking skill by using pictures to the sixth semester students of English Education Study Program at STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau in the academic year of 2014/2015.
Based on the findings above, the writer can interpret that after giving treatment by using pictures, students’ speaking score was higher.
It means that it is significantly effective to teach speaking skill by using pictures.
It can be proved from the difference between students’ average score obtained in the pre-test and post-test.
In the pre-test, students’ average score was 46.36.
On the other hand, in the post-test, students’ average score increased to be 60.54.
In addition, the highest score in the pre-test was 67 and the lowest score was 33.
There are some factors that affect why students’ score in the pretest was low.
Firstly, students have no preparation to describe the material.
Secondly, Students cannot express what they want to say in English, but the students know what they have to say, but it took time.
Thirdly, Students are afraid to talk in front of anyone as they are afraid to make any unconscious mistake.
Because of three factors above, consequently students cannot express what on their mind is related to the topics given by the lecturer.
The topics were your friend’s physical appearance and your future dream job.
Based on the problems above, the writer decided to give treatment the students.
The writer used pictures as a media to help students in describing their idea in the form of speaking skill.
The writer took four meetings in giving treatment.
It was started from April 28th, 2015 until May 19th, 2015.
The materials of treatment were introduced themselves, give personal information, exchange personal information and explain hobbies and interests.
Students were asked to explain the topics in front of the class and their performance were scored by the raters.
After giving treatment, the writer continued the next step.
The last step was called post-test.
The highest score for post-test was 83 and the lowest score was 44.
It was showed that students’ speaking achievement increased because their average score in the post-test was higher than pre-test.
It can be concluded that it is significantly effective to teach speaking SMART Journal Volume 1 No.
2, August 2015 Hlm.
93-101 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 100 skill by using pictures to the sixth semester students of English Education Study Program at STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau in the academic year of 2014/2015.
The effectiveness was considered as the result of pictures used by the writer in the treatment.
Students’ speaking achievement increased in the post-test and it was influenced by some factors.
They were: Firstly, Pictures help students in expressing idea and information.
Secondly, students feel confidence to describe the topics because they have a guideline from the writer.
Finally, students can describe briefly because they have a good preparation and more information about the topics.
It can be concluded that teaching speaking skill by using pictures has advantages in learning process especially in describing someone physical appearance.
Besides, students were motivated to be active in the classroom and are able to give brief explanation based on the topics given by the writer.
Finally, the result of matched t-test calculation shows that the t-obtain was higher than t-table.
The t-obtained was 31.37 while the t-table was (1.717).
It means that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and automatically the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted.
It can be concluded that it is significantly effective to teach speaking skill by using pictures to the sixth semester students of English Education Study Program at STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau in the academic year of 2014/2015.
CONCLUSION Based on the result of the study in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that it was significantly effective to improve students’ speaking achievement by using pictures to the sixth semester students of STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau in the academic year of 2014/2015.
It can be proven by the comparison of the percentages of the students’ conversion in the pre-test and post-test.
In the pre-test, the students’ highest score was 67 reached by 1 student and the lowest score was 33 reached by 5 students.
The average score of the pre-test was 46.36.
On the other hand, the highest score in the post-test was 84 reached by 3 students and the lowest score was 44 reached by 1 student the average score of the post-test was 60.54.
The data of the average score of the pre-test and post-test showed that students’ speaking scores improved after SMART Journal Volume 1 No.
2, August 2015 Hlm.
93-101 Published by: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 101 the teacher gave treatment by using pictures as teaching media.
In addition, Based on the statistic, the result of matched t-test calculation was 31.37and exceeded (1.717) as coefficient of t-table with 95% significantly level for one tailed test.
It can be concluded that in the pre-test, t obtain