item: #1 of 104 id: smart-118 author: Janah, Miftahul title: ANALYSING THE STUDENTS’ GRAMMATICAL ERROR ON WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT date: 2015-10-29 words: 2341 flesch: 63 summary: Thus, rekindling interest in the area of learner errors can be considered a timely move. After analysing the students writing, it was found that most of mistakes made by students were: missing subject, missing be in simple predicate, wrong simple predicate missing be, superfluous be, misinformation of passive form, the verb comes after the subject, pronoun form, agreement, and reference. keywords: english; grammar; language; students cache: smart-118.pdf plain text: smart-118.txt item: #2 of 104 id: smart-119 author: Kayyis, Rahmatika title: USING INQUIRY-BASED TEACHING (5E) IN TEACHING VOCABULARY VIEWED FROM STUDENTS’ LOCUS OF CONTROL date: 2015-10-29 words: 3252 flesch: 59 summary: Students who have low locus of control in a subject learn less effectively than students who are engaged (Fischer & Horstendahl, 2004). SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 65-74 Published by: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 65 USING INQUIRY-BASED TEACHING (5E) IN TEACHING VOCABULARY VIEWED FROM STUDENTS’ LOCUS OF CONTROL Rahmatika Kayyis English Department, STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu email: keywords: control; learning; locus; students; teaching; vocabulary cache: smart-119.pdf plain text: smart-119.txt item: #3 of 104 id: smart-120 author: Seftika, Seftika title: ACTION RESEARCH : IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPOKEN INTERACTIONS THROUGH POSTER SESSION date: 2015-10-29 words: 3105 flesch: 54 summary: Furthermore the improvement of students interaction leads to the achivement of students’ speaking skill. Poster Session facilitates students to practise English spoken interaction, it enhances them to be involved in learner-learner interaction. keywords: english; interaction; language; poster; speaking; students cache: smart-120.pdf plain text: smart-120.txt item: #4 of 104 id: smart-121 author: Syaputri, Wuri title: DISTINGUISH ERRORS IN STUDENTS FINAL ORAL TEST OF PHONOLOGY CLASS date: 2015-10-29 words: 3212 flesch: 59 summary: This study observed about an analysis of students error in oral test, phonology class. 84-92 Published by: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 84 DISTINGUISH ERRORS IN STUDENTS FINAL ORAL TEST OF PHONOLOGY CLASS Wuri Syaputri English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Email: keywords: english; error; language; student; word cache: smart-121.pdf plain text: smart-121.txt item: #5 of 104 id: smart-122 author: Episiasi, Episiasi; Ardayati, Ardayati; Novianti, Sinta title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING PICTURES TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL date: 2015-10-29 words: 3245 flesch: 63 summary: The writer used speaking test and analyzed the data by using conversion of score range, individual score, and match t-test. The data of the average score of the pre-test and post-test showed that students’ speaking scores improved after SMART Journal Volume 1 No. 2, August 2015 Hlm. 93-101 Published by: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 101 the teacher gave treatment by using pictures as teaching media. keywords: score; speaking; students; test cache: smart-122.pdf plain text: smart-122.txt item: #6 of 104 id: smart-1305 author: Lestari, Disa Evawani title: RETHINKING THE ROLE OF ENGLISH LECTURERS IN THE DIGITAL ERA date: 2020-08-31 words: 4362 flesch: 52 summary: Diagram 2: Students’ Learning Preferences From the figure above, it is clearly seen that millennial students have an inclination for learning through group discussion and watching videos/visuals. The results indicated that students perceive their teachers as someone to guide their learning by providing good online resources and immediate feedback. keywords: digital; education; learning; lecturers; online; research; roles; students; teachers; technology cache: smart-1305.pdf plain text: smart-1305.txt item: #7 of 104 id: smart-1306 author: Yuliani, Sri title: TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION THROUGH DIRECT METHOD TO THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS OF THE STATE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 44 OF PALEMBANG date: 2020-08-31 words: 2525 flesch: 63 summary: By reading a lot, students can learn and gain abundant information. From the beginning, students are taught, and must respond, in the target language. keywords: method; reading; students; teaching; test cache: smart-1306.pdf plain text: smart-1306.txt item: #8 of 104 id: smart-1307 author: Ningrum, Imaniar Tiara; Kayyis, Rahmatika; Jannah, Mifathul; Kurniati, Kurniati; Wulandari, Fitri; Sigesti, Renita title: THE EFFECT OF REFLECTION IN LESSON STUDY date: 2020-08-31 words: 2901 flesch: 51 summary: Based on the data description above, it can be concluded that there are a positive effect of Lesson Study on the imrovement of teacher's teaching quality in English class, through lesson study teachers could use various methohd in Imaniar… 113 their teaching practice in order to make the learning activity more interesting, Lesson Study also establish good cooperation and mutual learning between allied teacher. 4. Lesson study can help teachers in solving the learning problem because lesson studty provide the teacher to discussing and sharing the information together, and teachers became more inovative in using the method/strategy in learning practice, through lesson study teacher beacome more esier to understanding the student’s behaviour and needs during the learning process. keywords: english; learning; lesson; students; study; teacher; teaching cache: smart-1307.pdf plain text: smart-1307.txt item: #9 of 104 id: smart-1308 author: Putri, Maya Mutiara; Kayyis, Rahmatika; Kurniati, Kurniati; Wulandari, Fitri; Sugesti, Renita title: STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION IN WRITING AT LESSON STUDY date: 2020-08-31 words: 2504 flesch: 61 summary: The Implementation of Quantum Teaching (QT) and Think Talk Write (TTW) through Lesson Study to Improve Students’ 126 Learning Motivation. In this research, Lesson Study was implemented by some observers; colleague teacher, students university as well the lecturers and it could increase the students’ motivation both from the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. keywords: learning; lesson; motivation; process; students; study cache: smart-1308.pdf plain text: smart-1308.txt item: #10 of 104 id: smart-1309 author: Saraswati, Widya; Kayyis, Rahmatika; Kurniati, Kurniati title: DEVELOPING RUBIK’S CUBE VOCABULARY FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL date: 2020-08-31 words: 2532 flesch: 54 summary: the problems were most of students did not understand what the native said and they new vocabulary, the students were lack control over the speed at which the speakers or teacher speak and also some of student have lack motivation to learn English especially about vocabulary in the class. This research was classified into Research and Development (R&D) that adapted the framework of developing English learning materials by Gall, Gall and Borg (2003). keywords: english; learning; materials; rubik; students; vocabulary cache: smart-1309.pdf plain text: smart-1309.txt item: #11 of 104 id: smart-1331 author: Hermansyah, Hermansyah title: SELF TALK STRATEGY IN IMPROVING THE ELEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY date: 2021-01-31 words: 1761 flesch: 69 summary: This study focuses on students for improving speaking English. We can see that there were significant improvement in students’ speaking skill from post test in experimental group because there were many students got score in good level, it showed that teaching speaking English to the eleventh grade students of Muhammadiyah Senior High School 6 of Palembang is effective and it can be one of alternative way in teaching speaking skill. keywords: english; self; speaking; students; teaching cache: smart-1331.pdf plain text: smart-1331.txt item: #12 of 104 id: smart-1332 author: Febria, Desty title: ENGLISH STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON CRITICAL THINKING PEDAGOGICAL TECHNIQUES date: 2021-01-31 words: 2381 flesch: 50 summary: Based on the result of research, students agree if critical thinking skills should be taught during class and understood the pedagogical methods to develop a higher order of thinking skills. The first statement was asking about the importance of critical thinking skill as soft skill, there were 68% strongly, 28 agree and 4% agree. keywords: english; research; skills; students; thinking cache: smart-1332.pdf plain text: smart-1332.txt item: #13 of 104 id: smart-1333 author: Jaya, Aswadi title: USING INFORMATION TRANSFER DIAGRAM ACTIVITY IN TEACHING LISTENING COMPREHENSION date: 2021-01-31 words: 2097 flesch: 63 summary: Thus is is suggested that in doing the activity, the writer got progress the ability of students in studying listening of descriptive text by using information transfer diagram activity. The students got progress the ability of students in studying listening of descriptive text by using information transfer diagram activity, where the students could focus and has known the technique to interpret the message of audio descriptive text. keywords: information; listening; students; test; transfer cache: smart-1333.pdf plain text: smart-1333.txt item: #14 of 104 id: smart-1335 author: Noviarini, Tiara title: THE TRANSLATION RESULTS OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE FROM INDONESIAN TO ENGLISH date: 2021-01-31 words: 1796 flesch: 65 summary: However, like another automatic translation tool, Google Translate has several limitations. Google Translate performs translation with an approach called statistical translation. keywords: google; language; results; translate; translation cache: smart-1335.pdf plain text: smart-1335.txt item: #15 of 104 id: smart-1337 author: Suroyo, Suroyo title: IMPROVING THE ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT IN THE FIELD OF TRANSLATION SERVICES FOR ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDENTS date: 2021-01-31 words: 2236 flesch: 39 summary: Therefore, the results of this study developed alternative translation learning methods that can adapt translation students to the needs of freelance translation. Respondents who were used as this research topic comprised of four lecturers in translation courses, two translation, two publishers and printing, and one print and audio-visual media. keywords: courses; entrepreneurship; field; research; students; translation cache: smart-1337.pdf plain text: smart-1337.txt item: #16 of 104 id: smart-1340 author: Berliani, Normandita Adventina; Katemba, Caroline Victorine title: THE ART OF ENHANCING VOCABULARY THROUGH TECHNOLOGY date: 2021-01-31 words: 3418 flesch: 60 summary: Another study was done by Huong & Hong (2020), Quizlet Application was relied on to facilitate vocabulary learning. Autonomy in vocabulary learning of Turkish EFL learners. keywords: application; art; group; learning; quizlet; students; test; vocabulary cache: smart-1340.pdf plain text: smart-1340.txt item: #17 of 104 id: smart-142 author: Rosyida M. R., Elvira title: THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS’ FREQUENCY OF LISTENING TO ENGLISH SONGS AND THEIR LISTENING ACHIEVEMENT date: 2016-04-08 words: 3685 flesch: 56 summary: Nevertheless, the writer still believes that frequency of listening to English song correlates with listening achievement. It means that frequency of listening to English songs contributes 61% of the students’ listening achievement. keywords: correlation; english; frequency; listening; songs; students cache: smart-142.pdf plain text: smart-142.txt item: #18 of 104 id: smart-143 author: ., Ardayati title: AN ANALYSIS OF “WORK OF MIRACLES IN HELEN KELLER” FROM SOCIAL PERSPECTIVE AND MORAL VALUE date: 2016-04-08 words: 3800 flesch: 67 summary: In this research, the descriptive data was gotten from words, sentences in every actions of The Miracle Worker, a film of Helen Keller so that the researcher found out moral values of The Miracle Worker, a film of Helen Keller. The research problems were “What are social perspective of Helen Keller and what are moral values found in The Miracle Worker film?” keywords: film; helen; keller; life; miracle; movie; worker cache: smart-143.pdf plain text: smart-143.txt item: #19 of 104 id: smart-144 author: Ramasari, Maria title: STUDENTS’ ABILITY FOR USING ELLIPTICAL CONSTRUCTION IN SENTENCES date: 2016-04-08 words: 2245 flesch: 57 summary: The Low Criteria of Students’ Ability in Using Elliptical Construction The Very Low Criteria of Students’ Ability in Using Elliptical Construction The last, students who were categorized into very low or fail got scores in range 6 to 38. keywords: construction; english; grammar; students cache: smart-144.pdf plain text: smart-144.txt item: #20 of 104 id: smart-145 author: Kayyis, Rahmatika title: THE USE OF ENGLISH MOVIE IN TEACHING AUSTIN’S ACT date: 2016-04-08 words: 1639 flesch: 62 summary: Once again, English movie also has the heart of its audiences, so whatever the inside of movie the audience may follow and imitate. By watching movie, students can learn cross-cultural different in language use and body language. keywords: act; austin; english; movie cache: smart-145.pdf plain text: smart-145.txt item: #21 of 104 id: smart-146 author: ., Humaira; Lamusiah, Siti title: AN ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENT POLITENESS EXPRESSION IN SHOWING APOLOGIZING date: 2016-04-08 words: 3143 flesch: 47 summary: Apology Strategies of Iranian Undergraduate Students. A Descriptive-Comparative Analysis of Apology Strategies: The case of Iranian EFL and Malaysian ESL University Students. keywords: apologies; apologizing; apology; politeness; strategies; students cache: smart-146.pdf plain text: smart-146.txt item: #22 of 104 id: smart-147 author: ., Kurniati title: AN ENGLISH SYLLABUS DESIGN FOR THE TENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF TOURISM (HOTEL ACCOMODATION DEPARTEMENT) date: 2016-04-08 words: 3359 flesch: 53 summary: Therefore, developing English syllabus in line with the job- related is needed. Therefore, speaking material is needed as one of the important skill in English syllabus which to be designed. keywords: department; english; hotel; lesson; students; syllabus cache: smart-147.pdf plain text: smart-147.txt item: #23 of 104 id: smart-148 author: Rakhmawati, Dian title: THE INFLUENCE OF VOCABULARY JOURNAL IN TEACHING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY date: 2016-04-08 words: 2806 flesch: 60 summary: The aims of this research is to find out the influence of vocabulary journal as media in teaching student vocabulary at the eighth grade students of SMP Al-Fajar. This result indicated that after the vocabulary journal was used to teach student vocabulary, the obtained of posttest scores were significantly different with pre-test scores. keywords: journal; students; test; vocabulary; words cache: smart-148.pdf plain text: smart-148.txt item: #24 of 104 id: smart-149 author: Yuniarti, Fatma title: IMPROVING THE SKILL AND THE INTEREST OF WRITING ADVERTISEMENTS AND POSTERS THROUGH ESA SEQUENCE date: 2016-04-08 words: 2571 flesch: 63 summary: Advertisement 2 is various kinds of advertisement created by the students at the end of cycle 1, and poster is the poster that the students created after they joined the teaching learning activities of cycle 2. The questionnaires also indicates that most students get difficulty to design an advertisement. keywords: advertisement; cycle; students; writing cache: smart-149.pdf plain text: smart-149.txt item: #25 of 104 id: smart-150 author: Wulandari, Fitri title: THE ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ TEXT IN COOPERATIVE LEARNING ON THE STUDENTS’ RECOUNT TEXT MASTERY date: 2016-04-08 words: 2533 flesch: 51 summary: Students generally think that the using and the learning process using students’ text in cooperative learning have had some positive effects on their reading skill, especially, on recount text mastery. 67- 73 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 67 THE ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ TEXT IN COOPERATIVE LEARNING ON THE STUDENTS’ RECOUNT TEXT MASTERY Fitri Wulandari English Education Departmen of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, Lampung. keywords: english; learning; students; text cache: smart-150.pdf plain text: smart-150.txt item: #26 of 104 id: smart-1607 author: Haryani, Surip; Zahro, Miftahul title: THE UTILIZATION OF ‘ONLINE DICTATION’ CONTENT TO INCREASE STUDENTS LISTENING ABILITY IN STIKES MADANI YOGYAKARTA date: 2022-01-03 words: 2254 flesch: 58 summary: Data collection techniques with primary data use observation and interviews to find out problems related to student listening skills. This was because the results of screening indicate the level of student ability, especially for listening ability, were mostly at the basic level. keywords: dictation; listening; respondent; students; test cache: smart-1607.pdf plain text: smart-1607.txt item: #27 of 104 id: smart-1608 author: Inkiriwang, Devanny Patricia; Marpaung, Marlin Steffi title: PERCEPTION TOWARDS ENGLISH WEBINAR AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS IN ASSISTING ENGLISH LEARNING DURING PANDEMIC COVID-19 date: 2022-01-03 words: 3594 flesch: 49 summary: “I rarely find free English webinars, but I often find paid English webinars, which makes me hesitant to participate in English webinars because I prefer the free one”. The result demonstrates that English webinars can assist colleges in learning English during the pandemic however, they also face some challenges while learning English through English webinars. keywords: english; information; learning; pandemic; skills; students; study; webinars cache: smart-1608.pdf plain text: smart-1608.txt item: #28 of 104 id: smart-1609 author: Tristiana, Novita Eka; Kayyis, Rahmatika title: THE STUDENTS RESPONSE OF USING GOOGLE CLASSROOM FOR ONLINE CLASS date: 2022-01-03 words: 3251 flesch: 54 summary: While Keeler Novita Eka.... 21 (2014) also mentions the other benefits of using Google Classroom such as ensuring streamlined counseling only by posting an announcement and encouraging collaboration between students. A small number of students feel confused because this is the first time they study using Google Classroom, so bad because they do not have good connection internet, need to adapt, feel boring, and difficult to follow. keywords: classroom; google; google classroom; learning; research; students; teaching; use cache: smart-1609.pdf plain text: smart-1609.txt item: #29 of 104 id: smart-1610 author: Setianingsih, Ika Sulis title: STUDENTS’ ENGAGEMENT IN BASIC ENGLISH ONLINE COURSE IN THE BLOODBANK TECHNOLOGY STUDY PROGRAM date: 2022-01-03 words: 4047 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: student engagement, online learning, blood bank technology INTRODUCTION There are numerous teaching and learning contexts for English classes, particularly English for Specific Purposes (ESP). This led to another problem, that was related to student engagement. keywords: course; engagement; english; learning; mean; students; study; value cache: smart-1610.pdf plain text: smart-1610.txt item: #30 of 104 id: smart-1611 author: Yuliani, Sri; Handayani, Latifah title: AN ANALYSIS OF CODE-SWITCHING USED BY THE TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AT SMA NEGERI 1 PALEMBANG date: 2022-01-03 words: 3011 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: An analysis, code-switching, teachers of English INTRODUCTION English is an international language in a global sense. In this case, the researcher tried to investigate the code-switching phenomenon between English-Indonesia which was found in the teaching process of teachers of English at SMA Negeri 1 Palembang. keywords: code; english; language; switching; teachers cache: smart-1611.pdf plain text: smart-1611.txt item: #31 of 104 id: smart-1612 author: Abaker, Khaled Sulaiman Omer title: LEARNING LANGUAGE WITH TECHNOLOGY OUT OF CLASSROOM SELF-ORGANIZED date: 2022-01-03 words: 4108 flesch: 54 summary: Admittedly, the acceptance of technological values and their effectiveness by language learners is really important. These individual experiences are more tend to respond to the interferences; therefore, language learners need to adopt strategies that can help them to learn independently. keywords: classroom; english; language; learners; learning; outside; self; technology; use cache: smart-1612.pdf plain text: smart-1612.txt item: #32 of 104 id: smart-1613 author: Yuniarti, Fatma; Rakhmawati, Dian title: GENIUS APPLICATION MOBILE LEARNING ON LISTENING SKILLS AND ATTITUDES OF EFL ADULT LEARNERS date: 2022-01-03 words: 3235 flesch: 48 summary: The further interpretation of the data analysis was given below: Students Listening skills in terms of identifying through understanding and questioning practice by using Genius Application Mobile Learning on Listening Skills and Attitudes of Fatma Yuniarti... 68 EFL Adult Learners. Abstract This study aimed to investigate the effect of using Genius Application mobile learning on listening skills and attitudes of EFL adult learners in the first semester of the English Department. keywords: application; learning; listening; mobile; skills; students; test cache: smart-1613.pdf plain text: smart-1613.txt item: #33 of 104 id: smart-1624 author: Khanif, Muhammad title: FLIPPED CLASSROOM WITH HOTS INSTRUCTION IN LISTENING CLASS: BEST PRACTICE APPROACH AND IMPLEMENTATION FOR EMPLOYEE CLASS date: 2022-01-01 words: 3095 flesch: 55 summary: The population is the students from three classes of employee class students at the University of Nahdlatul Ulama AL-Ghazali Cilacap. The result of this study gives a view of best practice concerning how flipped classrooms with HOTs instruction implemented to listening to employee class students. keywords: class; data; learning; lecturer; material; students cache: smart-1624.pdf plain text: smart-1624.txt item: #34 of 104 id: smart-1626 author: Fiorentina, Nicky Alfa; Wulandari, Fitri; Sutarno, Sutarno; Kurniati, Kurniati title: PARENT INVOLVEMENT IN ACCOMPANYING DEAF STUDENTS IN LEARNING ENGLISH ONLINE WHILE COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2022-01-01 words: 2444 flesch: 48 summary: Many parents consider that through learning at home they can strengthen their relationship with their children, as well as their children, are considered to be able to do learning at home very well, so that many parents who think creatively try various ways so that children do not feel bored while studying at home, but there are also many which reveal that it is better for children to study at school, because many children are annoying, prefer to play rather than study, many children think that they are at home where they play, so there are some cases of tasks not being completed properly. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about parent involvement in accompanying deaf students in learning English online while the Covid-19 pandemic. keywords: children; english; home; learning; online; parents; students cache: smart-1626.pdf plain text: smart-1626.txt item: #35 of 104 id: smart-1665 author: Mulyadi, Mulyadi; Nurani, Siti title: STUDENTS’ ANXIETY IN THE ENGLISH LEARNING AT SDIT AL IHSAN JAKARTA date: 2021-08-01 words: 2448 flesch: 64 summary: There has been a great deal of research in language learning anxiety. Students… 52 CONCLUSION The results of the research show that the students’ anxiety in learning the English language is still high that is caused by some factors and indicators remarked in their responses to the questionnaire related to language learning anxiety. keywords: anxiety; english; language; learning; students cache: smart-1665.pdf plain text: smart-1665.txt item: #36 of 104 id: smart-1666 author: Muslimah, Ryza Wahyu title: THE CASE OF INDONESIAN SUBTITLE ON WE BARE BEAR SEASON 1 date: 2021-08-01 words: 4340 flesch: 60 summary: This study is concerned with the use of subtitles of 3 episodes of the We Bare Bear TV series by concerning Indonesian subtitles and comparing them with English and Indonesian dubbing. The length of Indonesian subtitles was fit subtitles theory. keywords: dubbing; english; indonesian; language; source; subtitles; target; text; translation cache: smart-1666.pdf plain text: smart-1666.txt item: #37 of 104 id: smart-1667 author: Abdullah Muhammad, Akbar Ghifari title: ASSERTIVE ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS STUDY OF BRITISH AND KOREAN IN KOREAN ENGLISHMAN YOUTUBE CHANNEL date: 2021-08-01 words: 5917 flesch: 69 summary: This study discusses the use of assertive illocutionary acts uttered by Beckham and Heung- Min in the videos of the Korean Englishman YouTube Channel. The study aims to discover the types and differences of assertive illocutionary acts used by the British, represented by Beckham, and Korean, represented by Heung-Min. keywords: acts; assertive; beckham; data; heung; illocutionary; josh; korean; min cache: smart-1667.pdf plain text: smart-1667.txt item: #38 of 104 id: smart-1668 author: Andika, Andika; Mulyadi, Mulyadi; Hermansyah, Hermansyah; Jaya, Aswadi title: DEVELOPING BOOK ABOUT THE POTENTIAL OF TOURISM HISTORY IN PAKU URBAN VILLAGE OF KAYUAGUNG CITY date: 2021-08-01 words: 3125 flesch: 58 summary: The results of the English teaching reading material book based on history and local culture overall obtained an average value of 4.04 with the category was very good and the level of feasibility of 80.7% and declared was feasible for use. Several studies have been conducted to reveal the local potential in learning English, such as according to Agustina, Harahap, and Syahrial (2018), the folklore in student books is good but not contextual, there are very many regional folk tales that are suitable for inclusion in student books (Legend of the Menangis Stone, Lalan Belek, and Mining Raib) and the purpose of including local folk tales that fit into an English student book are supplementary reading material. keywords: book; english; feasibility; material; product cache: smart-1668.pdf plain text: smart-1668.txt item: #39 of 104 id: smart-1669 author: Yahya Amer, Layali Amer; Amalia, Yuni Sari title: OVERCROWDED CLASSROOMS AT YEMENI BASIC SCHOOLS: TEACHERS’ PERSPECTIVES date: 2021-08-01 words: 2728 flesch: 62 summary: Educators in some schools, on the Overcrowded… 93 other hand, do have to teach overcrowded classrooms. Educators who teach in overcrowded classrooms would undoubtedly face more difficulties than those who teach in smaller classrooms. keywords: classrooms; education; overcrowded; overcrowding; schools; students cache: smart-1669.pdf plain text: smart-1669.txt item: #40 of 104 id: smart-1670 author: Purwaningsih, Susi; Tjahjono, Tengsoe; Retnaningdyah, Pratiwi; Anam, Syafi'ul title: ASSESSING STUDENTS’ ABILITY ABOUT 16 ACTIVE VOICE TENSES USING QUIZIZZ APPLICATION date: 2021-08-01 words: 4641 flesch: 68 summary: (Boston, 2002) stated that teachers should consider how classroom activities, task submission, and tests support the learning outcomes, and also enable students to communicate what they have understood, and then use that information to improve their learning quality. The frequency, the rate percentage of students score, and also the main score of the pre-test and post-test of the experimental class are described as follow: keywords: post; pre; score; students; tenses; test cache: smart-1670.pdf plain text: smart-1670.txt item: #41 of 104 id: smart-1671 author: Megawati, Erna title: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF LANGUAGE POLITENESS IN AN ONLINE LEARNING date: 2021-08-01 words: 5297 flesch: 55 summary: Question 21: Do you interrupt someone’s else utterance in audio-visual online learning? Question 13: Do you use informal words in audio-visual online learning? keywords: language; learning; majority; online; perception; politeness; questionnaire; respondents; students; words cache: smart-1671.pdf plain text: smart-1671.txt item: #42 of 104 id: smart-1672 author: Jaya, Aswadi; Mortini, Asti Veto; Hidayad, Ferri; Putri, Arma Dianti; Pratiwi, Suci title: INSTAGRAM: A LEARNING MEDIUM TO PROMOTE THE STUDENTS’ ENGLISH PRODUCTIVE SKILLS date: 2021-08-01 words: 3267 flesch: 55 summary: The researcher realized that PGRI University Students have already used the Instagram application to improve their speaking and writing abilities. REFERENCES Criteo. Abstract People usually use Instagram to share their personal information, such as uploading their pictures or videos and providing an explanation that is called caption under it. keywords: data; english; gen; instagram; learning; speaking; students; writing cache: smart-1672.pdf plain text: smart-1672.txt item: #43 of 104 id: smart-1789 author: Haryani, Surip; Abbas, Azwar title: THE CLINICAL SETTING ENGLISH ROLE PLAY METHOD TO IMPROVE THE MIDWIFERY STUDENTS SPEAKING ABILITY date: 2022-08-10 words: 2126 flesch: 52 summary: Midwifery clinical setting role play can improve the speaking skills of midwifery students in STIKes Madani Yogyakarta. The data results indicate that the author can prove midwifery clinical setting role play can improve the speaking skills of midwifery The Clinical... 101 students. keywords: midwifery; play; role; setting; students; test cache: smart-1789.pdf plain text: smart-1789.txt item: #44 of 104 id: smart-1790 author: Siswoyo, Siswoyo title: WHY DO SPEAKERS USE HESITATION WHEN PRODUCING THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE? date: 2022-08-10 words: 3961 flesch: 54 summary: Keywords: Hesitation, Language Production, English Language, Mental Lexicon INTRODUCTION Hesitation for language users is avoidable. Implications of Hesitation towards the Use of English Language Having hesitation makes the speakers felt various responses. keywords: communication; english; hesitation; journal; language; speakers; students; use; vocabulary; words cache: smart-1790.pdf plain text: smart-1790.txt item: #45 of 104 id: smart-1791 author: Yuliani, Sri; Aziz, Muhammad Novikar title: THE CORRELATION BETWEEN PERSONALITY AND ENGLISH PROFICIENCY date: 2022-08-01 words: 2747 flesch: 48 summary: The Correlation between Personality and English Proficiency Finally, the researcher analyzed the correlation between students’ personality and English proficiency. Another study entitled “Personality in English Language Proficiency and Achievement” was researched by Zahibi (2011). keywords: correlation; english; personality; proficiency; students cache: smart-1791.pdf plain text: smart-1791.txt item: #46 of 104 id: smart-1799 author: Yuniarti, Fatma; Pratiwi, Dian title: AN ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN LISTENING SECTION USING GENIUS TOEFL APPLICATION date: 2022-08-01 words: 3920 flesch: 60 summary: Based on those answers, it shows that most students feel that the speakers’ pause in pronouncing a sentence affects their TOEFL Listening skills. Difficulty in doing TOEFL listening questions is a fairly complex activity, meaning that there are many aspects and many factors that influence it. keywords: answers; listening; students; test; toefl; toefl listening cache: smart-1799.pdf plain text: smart-1799.txt item: #47 of 104 id: smart-1808 author: Zulianti, Hajjah; Wiratno, Purna; Pitaloka, Monika Bunga Gita title: THE INFLUENCE OF IMAGINE, ELABORATE, PREDICT, AND CONFIRM (IEPC) STRATEGY ON STUDENTS’ READING SKILL date: 2022-08-01 words: 3245 flesch: 65 summary: In this globalization era, reading comprehension is needed, especially in education. In addition, Kintsch and van Dijk, and Kintsch (in Gilakjani, 2016) defined reading comprehension as the process of creating meaning from text. keywords: class; data; iepc; reading; strategy; students cache: smart-1808.pdf plain text: smart-1808.txt item: #48 of 104 id: smart-202 author: Kayyis, Rahmatika title: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT BASED LEARNING IN ENTERPRENEURSHIP CLASS date: 2016-09-26 words: 4198 flesch: 57 summary: The subjective theories of student teachers: Implications for teacher education and research on learner autonomy. Learner autonomy, teacher autonomy: Futuredirections. keywords: autonomy; english; language; learner; learning; project; students; teachers cache: smart-202.pdf plain text: smart-202.txt item: #49 of 104 id: smart-204 author: MR, Elvira Rosyida title: STUDENTS’ SELF ESTEEM IN SPEAKING ABILITY date: 2016-09-26 words: 3813 flesch: 55 summary: They are enjoying self esteem score 27 25 23 22 21 20 18 8 95 90 85 80 75 70 SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Furthermore, low self confidence which relate to the low self-esteem, and debilitating anxiety, can form a mental block that prevents comprehensible input for language acquisition. keywords: english; esteem; language; self; speaking; students cache: smart-204.pdf plain text: smart-204.txt item: #50 of 104 id: smart-205 author: Suramto, Suramto title: ENHANCING THE LISTENING MOTIVATION AND ACHIEVEMENT OF THE ELEVENTH GRADERS BY USING DRAMA MOVIES VIEWING TECHNIQUES date: 2016-09-26 words: 5588 flesch: 56 summary: The results showed that the students who were treated by drama movies viewing technique achieved higher mean score in listening motivation (80.57) and listening achievement (81.46). Dependent sample t-test (paired sample t-test) was used to find out: (1) the significant difference in students’ listening motivation and achievement before and after the students were taught by drama movies viewing technique; and (2) the significant difference in students’ listening motivation and achievement in the control group. keywords: achievement; drama; listening; motivation; movies; students; test; viewing cache: smart-205.pdf plain text: smart-205.txt item: #51 of 104 id: smart-206 author: Seftika, Seftika title: DIRECTED READING THINKING ACTIVITY (DR-TA) STRATEGY TO TEACH READING date: 2016-09-26 words: 2207 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: Directed Reading Thinking Activity strategy, reading, comprehension. One of the strategies that can be used in teaching reading is Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DR-TA) strategy. keywords: activity; reading; students; thinking cache: smart-206.pdf plain text: smart-206.txt item: #52 of 104 id: smart-207 author: Siswoyo, Siswoyo title: SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ENGLISH AND ARABIC VERB date: 2016-09-26 words: 2179 flesch: 68 summary: The difference between English and Arabic verb is that English verb has no change of the first letter of the verb because of the change of the various subject. Murthy (2003: 151) said: The tenses of English verb are divided into: 1. keywords: arabic; english; language; tense; verb cache: smart-207.pdf plain text: smart-207.txt item: #53 of 104 id: smart-208 author: Syaputri, Wuri title: PEER EVALUATION TO TEACH SEMANTICS date: 2016-09-26 words: 2642 flesch: 56 summary: Students need information on their progress to make improvements in their work. It could be assumed that students achievement goal depend on how the learning process in the classroom. keywords: evaluation; learning; peer; process; researcher; students cache: smart-208.pdf plain text: smart-208.txt item: #54 of 104 id: smart-209 author: Wulandari, Fitri Wulandari title: WASHBACK OF THE ENGLISH SECTION OF COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAM ON THE STUDENTS’ PRODUCTIVE AND RECEPTIVE SKILLS date: 2016-09-26 words: 2990 flesch: 51 summary: The main concern of the study was to investigate the impact of college entrance exam on productive and receptive language skills in STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung. Most SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 150-158 156 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung of the students who take the entrance exam of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung on as an academic requirement of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung will mostly focus on passing the exam. keywords: entrance exam; muhammadiyah pringsewu; pringsewu lampung; skills; stkip muhammadiyah cache: smart-209.pdf plain text: smart-209.txt item: #55 of 104 id: smart-210 author: Inawati, Iin title: TEACHER’S PERCEPTION OF TEACHING WRITING TO YOUNG LEARNERS USING STORY date: 2016-09-26 words: 5390 flesch: 60 summary: The activities used in teaching writing However, when the teacher provided writing activities; whether it was before, while of after they master the oral skills, in a classroom must be considered. It is in line SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 159-172 160 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung with Paul (2005) and Suyanto (2007) who state that in this first stage in developing writing skill, the teacher can ask the students to be engaged in copying activities. keywords: english; language; learners; story; students; teacher; teaching; writing cache: smart-210.pdf plain text: smart-210.txt item: #56 of 104 id: smart-270 author: Wulandari, Fitri title: COLLABORATIVE WRITING: PRODUCT AND STUDENTS’ REFLECTIONS date: 2017-01-30 words: 2529 flesch: 52 summary: It means that collaborative writing helped the students in generating, organizing, developing the ideas, and reducing the level of error in grammar more effectively than individual writing. In conclusion, collaborative writing helped the students in generating, Collaborative Writing…… 7 organizing, developing the ideas, and reducing the level of error in grammar more effectively than individual writing because the students can share the ideas together and revise the draft of writing together. keywords: pairs; score; students; work; writing cache: smart-270.pdf plain text: smart-270.txt item: #57 of 104 id: smart-271 author: Habibi, Fajri title: POLITE REQUEST STRATEGIES BY MALE AND FEMALE OF ENGLISH LEARNERS date: 2017-01-30 words: 4269 flesch: 59 summary: POLITE REQUEST STRATEGIES BY MALE AND FEMALE OF ENGLISH LEARNERS Fajri Habibi English Depatment, STKIP Kumala Lampung email: Abstract The present study investigated request strategy by non-native English speakers. Categorizing each data based on the category of requests strategies on the theory of Trosborg. keywords: female; male; request; respondents; situations; strategy cache: smart-271.pdf plain text: smart-271.txt item: #58 of 104 id: smart-272 author: Al Amin, Ahmad Fitri title: LOCAL CULTURE STORIES AS ALTERNATIVE READING MATERIALS FOR STUDENTS (A CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING FOR HIGH AND LOW INTEREST) date: 2017-01-30 words: 2895 flesch: 59 summary: The detail objectives of the study are (1) To explain the effectiveness of the contextual teaching using local culture based stories in teaching reading comprehension of narrative texts for high interest students in MTs Nahdlatul Muslimin Undaan Kudus. (3) to explain the effectiveness of contextual teaching using non-local culture based stories or high interest students. keywords: culture; interest; reading; stories; students; teaching cache: smart-272.pdf plain text: smart-272.txt item: #59 of 104 id: smart-277 author: Episiasi, Episiasi title: THE USE OF RIDDLES GAME TO TEACH SPEAKING TO THE STUDENTS date: 2017-01-30 words: 3707 flesch: 69 summary: The test consisted of one item in speaking test and the time to do the test was 2x45 minutes. It means to compare test score across a sample of a population of the students. keywords: score; speaking; students; test; writer cache: smart-277.pdf plain text: smart-277.txt item: #60 of 104 id: smart-278 author: Kayyis, Rahmatika title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ORAL PRESENTATION IN PROMOTING LEARNER AUTONOMY IN CLASS date: 2017-02-09 words: 3665 flesch: 57 summary: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ORAL PRESENTATION IN PROMOTING LEARNER AUTONOMY IN CLASS Rahmatika Kayyis English Department, STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu email: Oral presentation is believed as one of implementations to promote learner autonomy in University environment. keywords: autonomy; learner; learning; phonetic; presentation; students; teaching cache: smart-278.pdf plain text: smart-278.txt item: #61 of 104 id: smart-280 author: Janah, Miftahul title: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING ABILITY THROUGH STORYBOARD date: 2017-01-30 words: 3207 flesch: 61 summary: Improving Students’ … 50 With students like this who lack familiarity or confidence with writing (or indeed enthusiasm for it) the teacher needs to spend some time building the writing habit—that is making students feel comfortable as writers in English and so gaining their willing participation in more creative or extended activities (Harmer, 2004). Students can describe pictures or write descriptions of the pictures that have given for them or they can tell the story reconstruction activities where students have to build up a story from a set of that pictures. keywords: activity; cycle; group; research; story; students; writing cache: smart-280.pdf plain text: smart-280.txt item: #62 of 104 id: smart-464 author: Setyawan, Harits title: COLLEGE POLICY EFFECTS ON STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION IN LEARNING ENGLISH AS A SUPPLEMENTARY SUBJECT date: 2017-09-22 words: 3803 flesch: 60 summary: College students who learned English as a supplementary subject at two colleges that applied different policies one another for supplementary English language teaching were chosen. For that reason, student attendance during teaching and learning in the classroom can be one of indicators to determine students’ motivation in studying English. keywords: class; college; english; learning; students cache: smart-464.pdf plain text: smart-464.txt item: #63 of 104 id: smart-465 author: Amrizal, Amrizal; Hamdani, Zohri title: THE EFFECT OF A COOPERATIVE SCRIPT IN ENHANCING THE STUDENTS’ NARRATIVE WRITING date: 2017-09-22 words: 1929 flesch: 55 summary: Amrizal…… 87 From the explanation above, the conclusion can be made that in the cooperative script learning model for narrative text writing, the teacher divides students into groups and then shares the discourse (topic) and students write narrative text based on topic. Written texts may be in the form of business communication, love letters, and written notes up to the most difficult forms that include writing poems, news, short stories novels and others. keywords: control; groups; students; test; writing cache: smart-465.pdf plain text: smart-465.txt item: #64 of 104 id: smart-466 author: Rullyanti, Merry; Devita, Fenti title: SWEARWORDS USED IN DETECTED MOVIE VIEWED BY SPEECH ACT THEORY date: 2017-09-22 words: 5131 flesch: 66 summary: The techniques of the data analysisthatwere used to analyze the swearwords in a movie entitled Accepted; (1) watching the movie to understand the story line and the using of swearwords used by the characters, (2) cutting the scenes that contains swearword utterances in the movie, (3) selecting the utterances in the transcription which used the swearwords and coding them, (4) classifying the word in the dialogues in which the types of swearwords, (5) analyzing the speech act categories used by the characters when they uttered the swearwords, (6) analyzing the context of swearing in the dialogues and (7) concluding the results of swearwords analysis in speech act theory and the context of swearing. Steven Pink seemed to make the plot of the movie more interesting with the variety of swearwords expressions every time the characters find troubles. keywords: act; context; movie; speech; swearwords; utterances cache: smart-466.pdf plain text: smart-466.txt item: #65 of 104 id: smart-467 author: Noviarini, Tiara title: TECHNIQUES IN TEACHING VOCABULARY AT THE FIRST GRADE SD CITRA BANGSA SCHOOL PRINGSEWU date: 2017-09-22 words: 2428 flesch: 66 summary: How the techniques employed is implemented to be teach vocabulary to students Based on the result of observation, the writer got data about the using of vocabulary teaching techniques at first grade students of SD SD Citra Bangsa School. Similarly, the teacher was also enthusiastic in vocabulary teaching technique through songs because it can help her evaluate and control the classroom. keywords: students; teacher; teaching; vocabulary cache: smart-467.pdf plain text: smart-467.txt item: #66 of 104 id: smart-468 author: Kayyis, Rahmatika title: PROJECT BASED LEARNING IN EVOKING STUDENTS’ WILLINGNESS TO CREATE BUSINESS: A CASE STUDY IN CLASS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP date: 2017-09-22 words: 1983 flesch: 61 summary: The results showed that PBL evokes students willingness and creates students independency in using their talent in creating bussiness. For students in English education, the enterpreneurship class existed to evoke the willingness of doing bussiness. keywords: bussiness; learning; project; students; willingness cache: smart-468.pdf plain text: smart-468.txt item: #67 of 104 id: smart-469 author: Tristiana, Novita Eka title: THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION date: 2017-09-22 words: 2240 flesch: 49 summary: Entrepreneurship education has an eminent role in building up the students’ understanding, mentality and attractiveness since the aims of this education gives both theoretical understanding and practical. Duval, Couetil & Long (2015) state today entrepreneurship program tout associated The English… 118 benefits, including the development of leadership, communication, business literacy and intrapreneurial skills, in order to draw a broader audience to programs. Moreover, Entrepreneurship education trains the student to gain innovative enterprise skills and capture the opportunities to success in business venture. keywords: business; entrepreneurship; research; students cache: smart-469.pdf plain text: smart-469.txt item: #68 of 104 id: smart-470 author: Sulaiman, Masagus; Yuliani, Sri title: A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN BRITISH AND AMERICAN VARIETIES: A CASE-STUDY OF ENGLISH ACCENTS date: 2017-09-22 words: 3790 flesch: 53 summary: The Dissimilarities between British and American Varieties in Term of Diction No British American Function Meaning 1 full stop period Adv titik 2 Term semester N semester 3 tin can N kaleng 4 Shoping trolly Shopping cart N kereta belanja 5 shop store N toko 6 picture movie N film 7 jumper sweater N sweter 8 lift elevator N tangga berjalan 9 lorry truck N truk 10 Mackint o raincoat N Jas hujan 11 polo- neck turtle- neck N sweter 12 Post mail N surat 13 public lavatory Rest room N toilet 14 Railway railroad N Jalur Masagus …… 133 Kereta api 15 record player phonograph N ponografi 16 Rubbish garbage N sampah 17 single ticket one-way ticket N Tiket Satu arah 18 Sweet candy N permen 19 Biscuits cookies N kue 20 Taxi cab N taksi 21 telepho ne box telephone booth N Bok telepon 22 time table schedule N jadwal 23 torch flash light N senter 24 tramp hobo N kotor 25 Under ground train subway N kereta bawah tanah 26 waist coat vest N rompi 27 zebra crossing pedestrian crossing N jalan sebrang 28 gaol jail N Penjara 29 greens vegetables N Sayuran 30 sofa coach N Sofa 31 holiday vacation N Liburan 32 autumn fall N musim gugur 33 car park parking lot N Parkir mobil 34 dust garbage N petudebu From Table 3, it was vivid that these instances were similar with their meanings. The Dissimilarities between British and American Varieties in Term of Spelling No British American Function Meaning 1 colour Color N warna 2 centre Center N pusat 3 catalogue Catalog N katalog 4 defence Defense N pertahanan 5 judgement Judgment N penilaian 6 pyjamas Pajamas N piayama 7 honour Honor N kehormatan 8 theatre Theater N teater 9 armour Armor N baju baja 10 labour Labor N tenaga kerja 11 neighbour Neighbor N tetangga 12 rumour Rumor N rumor 13 cheque Check N cek 14 programme Program N acara 15 jewellery Jewelry N perhiasan 16 storey Story N cerita 17 tyre Tire N ban 18 connexion Connection N hubungan 19 sombre Somber N muram A Contrastive… 134 20 plough Plow N bajakan From Table 4, it was known that these instances were similar with their meanings. keywords: accent; american; analysis; british; dissimilarities; english; language; pronunciation; research; students; table; varieties cache: smart-470.pdf plain text: smart-470.txt item: #69 of 104 id: smart-471 author: Siswoyo, Siswoyo title: USING LOCAL TASTES IN ELT CLASSROOMS TO PROMOTE LEARNERS’ NATIONALISM date: 2017-09-22 words: 5263 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: local taste, English language teaching, nationalism 1. Stories in foreign language teaching have many benefits such as: a. Preparing the students as the language learners knowledge and attitudes in various habits; b. keywords: classroom; culture; elt; english; language; learning; literature; nationalism; students; teaching cache: smart-471.pdf plain text: smart-471.txt item: #70 of 104 id: smart-472 author: Suhono, Suhono; Sari, Yeasy Agustina title: BABBLING STAGE CONSTRUCTION OF CHILDREN’S LANGUAGE ACQUISITION ON RURAL AREA LAMPUNG date: 2017-09-22 words: 4233 flesch: 66 summary: Linguistic has a link with child language acquisition that is learned in psycholinguistics. Child language can develop by two factors, they are Language Acquisition Device (LAD) and environment. keywords: babbling; children; dominant; language; stage; v v cache: smart-472.pdf plain text: smart-472.txt item: #71 of 104 id: smart-511 author: mulyadi, wahyuni wulandary title: AN ANALYSIS OF PATTANI’S STUDENTS PRONUNCIATION IN PRONOUNCING ENGLISH FRICATIVE CONSONANTS AT UIN LAMPUNG date: 2018-01-30 words: 3402 flesch: 60 summary: Classification of Errors These are four useful and commonly used taxonomies in analyzing error made by learners, based on descriptive classification. An Analysis of.......................................... 71 English words without make miscommunication, (c) error in pronouncing English fricative consonants made by Pattani’s students causes by interlingual and intralingual transfer; interlingual transfer plays as a source of error because some English fricative sounds do not exist in the Malay Pattani; the lack of knowledge by the subjects also means the source of errors because the subjects have problem in learning second language thus, error happen. keywords: alveolar; english; errors; fricative; language; pattani; transfer;   cache: smart-511.pdf plain text: smart-511.txt item: #72 of 104 id: smart-519 author: Zulianti, Hajjah title: ASSERTIVE UTTERANCE USED IN READERS’ FORUM ON JAKARTA POST NEWSPAPER date: 2018-01-30 words: 5252 flesch: 60 summary: In collecting assertive utterances, the researcher uses observation method combined with noting technique. They split all utterances into some categories, one of them is assertive utterance which states something the speaker thinks, is true or false (to some degree). keywords: assertive; data; focus; forum; readers; researcher; speaker; utterance cache: smart-519.pdf plain text: smart-519.txt item: #73 of 104 id: smart-542 author: Retnowaty, Retnowaty title: COMPLIMENT RESPONSE STRATEGIES AMONG STUDENTS AT UNIVERSITY OF BALIKPAPAN date: 2018-01-30 words: 3452 flesch: 62 summary: When analyzing the DCT, the researcher found some types of compliment responses which did not fit Retnowaty............................................. Compliment Response.......................... 9 with Tran’s compliment response framework that were used by some students, such as; “sama-sama, senyum, alhamdulillah (You're welcome, smiling, Praise be to God)”. Furthermore, future studies need to be conducted to investigate age brackets, gender or social status in using compliment responses. 5. keywords: compliment; data; example; response; strategies; students; university cache: smart-542.pdf plain text: smart-542.txt item: #74 of 104 id: smart-573 author: sutarno, sutarno title: Implementing an Integrated and Communicative Approach In EFL Poetry Classroom date: 2018-01-30 words: 2141 flesch: 49 summary: The aim of teaching poetry is to enable students to comprehend and analyze the linguistic structure, literary style, figures of speech, and rhetoric, and to develop students’ cultural understanding and expressive abilities. The objective of teaching poetry in English study program of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu is to enable students in appreciate/ comprehend, read aloud, and create poems. keywords: activities; approach; poetry; students; teaching cache: smart-573.pdf plain text: smart-573.txt item: #75 of 104 id: smart-576 author: Humaira, Humaira title: OPTIMALIZING YOU TUBE VIDEOS TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ TRANSLATION SKILL date: 2018-01-30 words: 4460 flesch: 66 summary: It can be seen from the increase of the average value obtained by students at each stage. This is become a big challenge for English students to have skill to become a translator, not only for job-seeking skills, but the main thing is to help students themselves in solving lecturing problems. keywords: cycle; language; score; students; table; teaching; translation cache: smart-576.pdf plain text: smart-576.txt item: #76 of 104 id: smart-577 author: Wulandari, Fitri; Anvaliza, Anvaliza title: AUTHENTICITY OF TEACHER’S MADE ASSESSMENT IN YOUNG LEARNER PROGRAMMES date: 2018-01-30 words: 2455 flesch: 52 summary: The limited knowledge and facilities became the problem of English teacher at elementary school in Pesawaran to implement authentic assessment. the kind of authentic assessment that used by English teacher 3. keywords: assessment; authenticity; english; students; teachers cache: smart-577.pdf plain text: smart-577.txt item: #77 of 104 id: smart-692 author: Apriyanto, Sigit; Anum, Adelina title: GENDER DYNAMICS ON SPEAKING INTERACTION IN THE COLLEGE CLASSROOM date: 2018-08-31 words: 7089 flesch: 59 summary: The strong learners, however, tended at times to control the other members of the group; for example, the Indonesian student sometimes prevented other students from speaking. The categories of conflict which students have with other students in class The sense of conflict which, according to the students, affected their studying occurs in the proportions shown in chart 2 below. keywords: classroom; dynamics; female; gender; group; interaction; language; learning; lecturer; speaking; students cache: smart-692.pdf plain text: smart-692.txt item: #78 of 104 id: smart-693 author: Zulianti, Hajjah title: SPEECH ACTS ON EFL LEARNERS’ TEACHING PERFORMANCE AND ITS IMPLICATION IN TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITY date: 2018-08-31 words: 4730 flesch: 64 summary: The researcher finds 76 data out of 112 which include in direct speech act and 36 data out of 112 which include in indirect speech acts. In data (1) and (2) the trainees used imperative structure in their utterances which represent direct speech act. keywords: acts; data; datum; speech; speech acts; students cache: smart-693.pdf plain text: smart-693.txt item: #79 of 104 id: smart-696 author: Janah, Miftahul title: DIALOGUE JOURNALS AS A COLLABORATIVE LEARNING TECHNIQUE (CoLT) FOR TEACHING WRITING date: 2018-08-31 words: 3350 flesch: 67 summary: So, many students still get difficulty in writing, and as Harmer (2004) states, for many years the teaching of writing focused on the written product rather than on the writing process. In fact, many students now lack of motivation in wriitng. keywords: dialogue; english; journal; students; teaching; test; writing cache: smart-696.pdf plain text: smart-696.txt item: #80 of 104 id: smart-697 author: Kayyis, Rahmatika title: DIVERSITY OF RACES AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO ENGLISH PHONOLOGICAL ERROR date: 2018-08-31 words: 2393 flesch: 55 summary: Also finding out the reason of why some ethnics in Indonesia cannot pronounce wellin English words as nativespeaker, why mother tongue become one of theproblems in pronouncing English word, why the age’ factor influence language learners in learning English especially in pronouncingword, and when do language learners can learn English ideally. But in the reality, the researcher conducted pre-research at the third and Rahmatika Kayyis.................................. Divercity of Races.......................................... 120 fifth semester on Phonetics and Phonology subject, the researcher found students’ problem in learning phonetics when they pronouncing English words especially on Lampungnese, Sundanese, Semendonese,Jasengnese, Palembangnese and Javanese students. keywords: english; language; problem; pronunciation; students cache: smart-697.pdf plain text: smart-697.txt item: #81 of 104 id: smart-699 author: Rahmawati, Amalia; Syafiq, Ahmad Nur title: DEVELOPING ENGLISH MATERIAL FOR NURSING STUDENTS date: 2018-08-31 words: 2310 flesch: 46 summary: Futhermore, based on the need analysis, developing material of English for nursing is based on KKNI and need analysis. Available : article [4 Mei 2018]. Developing English......................................... 132 Amalia Rahmawati1), Ahmad Nur Syafiq2) 1), 2) STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus 1),2) Akbari, Z.(2015). keywords: english; group; material; students; test cache: smart-699.pdf plain text: smart-699.txt item: #82 of 104 id: smart-700 author: Fanani, Achmad title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GENRE-BASED APPROACH IN TEACHING WRITING BY A UNIVERSITY TEACHER IN JOMBANG date: 2018-08-31 words: 3460 flesch: 57 summary: Supportivewhichmeans GBA gives teacher a central role in scaffolding student learning and creativity. By focusing on the writing process, students can learn to write successfully. keywords: gba; stage; students; teacher; teaching; text; writing cache: smart-700.pdf plain text: smart-700.txt item: #83 of 104 id: smart-710 author: yuniarti, fatma title: TEACHING LISTENING ABILITY BY USING SOMATIC, AUDITORY, VISUAL, AND INTELECTUAL (SAVI) date: 2018-08-31 words: 4573 flesch: 55 summary: Teaching Listening.......................................... 144 specially why they are learning a language businessmen and who want to sell their product, mechanics who have to read instructional manuals, and who needs to keep up with the development in their field and a whole range of students whose course of the study include text books and journals available in English. In Indonesia, the goal of teaching-learning of English is that students are expected to be able to communicate in English well. keywords: intellectual; learning; listening; savi; students; teaching; v v cache: smart-710.pdf plain text: smart-710.txt item: #84 of 104 id: smart-712 author: maisarah, maisarah title: INTERNALIZATION OF ISLAMIC VALUES INTO ENGLISH TEACHING MEDIA (SONGS)FOR TEACHING ENGLISH IN PESANTREN date: 2018-08-31 words: 3570 flesch: 55 summary: Santris are really keen on singing sholawat songs and have memorized many of them in pesantren. Therefore creating teaching media which make use of sholawat songs would be worthwhile in order to make the santris more easily learn English vocabulary. keywords: english; internalization; learning; maisarah; pesantren; santris; sholawat; songs; teaching cache: smart-712.pdf plain text: smart-712.txt item: #85 of 104 id: smart-788 author: Ilham, Ilham title: AN EVALUATION ON TEFL 1 SYLLABUS OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT: A RATIONAL- BASED MODEL date: 2019-04-30 words: 4348 flesch: 51 summary: The element of language curriculum: A systematic approach to program development. Those theories are definitions of curriculum, purposes of developing curriculum and characteristics of curriculum evaluation. keywords: analysis; curriculum; evaluation; learning; objectives; students; syllabus; teaching cache: smart-788.pdf plain text: smart-788.txt item: #86 of 104 id: smart-809 author: Janah, Miftahul; Tristiana, Novita Eka title: HOW DO STUDENTS LEARN WRITING EASILY date: 2019-01-31 words: 3294 flesch: 62 summary: There were some mistakes made by students standing on the first range, such as they used too limited amounts vocabulary, frequently made mistakes on language use and How do Students... 32 mechanics, and consequently, their writing was dominated by hesitation, pausing and non verbal expression. Miftahul Janah... 25 HOW DO STUDENTS LEARN WRITING EASILY Miftahul Janah 1) , Novita Eka Tristiana 2) 1 English Education Program STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu 2 English Education Program STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu keywords: ability; data; language; students; technique; writing cache: smart-809.pdf plain text: smart-809.txt item: #87 of 104 id: smart-813 author: Wulandari, Fitri title: INCREASING STUDENT LEARNING CONCENTRATION IN WRITING USING PROJECT BASED LEARNING date: 2019-01-31 words: 2573 flesch: 58 summary: The problem of student learning concentration is a topic that is quite sexy to be studied because its role is quite important in the success of a learning process as expressed by some previous researchers, namely Marouane et al. Second cycle From the results of reflection in the first cycle, researchers found several aspects of the concentration of student learning writing through project based learning which still needed to be improved. keywords: concentration; learning; project; results; students; writing cache: smart-813.pdf plain text: smart-813.txt item: #88 of 104 id: smart-820 author: Sumarno, Wahyu Kyestiati title: INVESTIGATING THE IMPACT OF MICROTEACHING LESSON STUDY TO THE PROSPECTIVE ENGLISH TEACHERS’ SELF-EFFICACY date: 2019-01-31 words: 4736 flesch: 59 summary: In the see process, pre-service teachers and observer discuss the appearance of each pre-service teacher. In the “see” process, through discussion between observers and pre-service teachers, observers have a wide opportunity to provide verbal Wahyu Kyestiati Sumarno 11 persuasive actions in improving the teaching competence. keywords: classroom; efficacy; lesson; microteaching; practice; pre; self; students; study; teachers cache: smart-820.pdf plain text: smart-820.txt item: #89 of 104 id: smart-831 author: MR, Elvira Rosyida; Seftika, Seftika title: INSTAGRAM AS SOCIAL MEDIA FOR TEACHING WRITING date: 2019-01-31 words: 3361 flesch: 53 summary: Students can interact peer to peer, student to teacher, and with people all over the world to achieve learning goals, especially learning English as a foreign language as this research related to. Through social media, language students especially English can directly communicate with native speakers. This study applies case study research to find out students’ perceptions of Instagram social media used for teaching writing and to find out what factors influence students’ perceptions in using Instagram social media. keywords: data; instagram; learning; media; students; writing cache: smart-831.pdf plain text: smart-831.txt item: #90 of 104 id: smart-85 author: Seftika, author title: FLOUTS OF THE MAXIMS IN INTERVIEW BETWEEN BARRACK OBAMA AND ROBIN ROBERTS OF ABC NEWS' "GOOD MORNING AMERICA," date: 2015-01-28 words: 3472 flesch: 58 summary: The detailed identifications of flouting maxims in the Barrack Obama’s Interview are explained in the following sections: Jurnal SMART Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2015 Hlm. 1-9 Diterbitkan Oleh: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 7 The flout of maxim of quantity Maxim of quantity relates to the amout of contributions to the coherence of conversation. The following are example of flouting maxim of relation: A: our lecturer will come B: silent please! keywords: flouting; interview; maxim; obama; principle; speaker cache: smart-85.pdf plain text: smart-85.txt item: #91 of 104 id: smart-86 author: Sutarno, author title: INTEGRATING ROUNDTABLE BRAINSTORMING INTO TEAM PAIR SOLO TECHNIQUE FOR IMPROVING STUDENTS’ PARTICIPATION IN WRITING OF DESCRIPTIVE TEXTS date: 2015-01-28 words: 2728 flesch: 47 summary: The average score of students writing in the preliminary study was 53.31, first cycle was 64.41, and second cycle was 72.56. Meanwhile, in analyzing students’ writing the researcher employed writing scoring guidelines proposed by Broadman and Frydenberg (2002) which consists of five aspects namely content/ideas, organization, grammar/structure, word choice/word form, and mechanics. keywords: participation; students; text; writing cache: smart-86.pdf plain text: smart-86.txt item: #92 of 104 id: smart-87 author: Fatma Yuniarti, author title: IMPROVING THE SKILL AND THE INTEREST OF WRITING ADVERTISEMENTS AND POSTERS THROUGH ESA SEQUENCE date: 2015-01-28 words: 2741 flesch: 61 summary: Students average score is 72. In the English sylabus of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung at the second semester are the materials Jurnal SMART Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2015 Hlm. 17-24 Diterbitkan Oleh: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 18 include promoting products through spoken and written advertisements. keywords: advertisement; cycle; students; works; writing cache: smart-87.pdf plain text: smart-87.txt item: #93 of 104 id: smart-900 author: Muzammil, Sa’dulloh; Suhono, Suhono title: PROVIDING EXPLICIT STRATEGY INSTRUCTION TO ENHANCE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION AT ENGLISH FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES CLASS date: 2019-08-31 words: 4149 flesch: 51 summary: 82 with reading strategy. Whereas, teaching reading is intended to enable students comprehend reading texts by telling and showing them how to utilize reading strategy as what Nunan (2003), says “monitoring comprehension is essential in to successful reading, since in many reading instruction programs, more emphasize and time may be placed on testing reading comprehension than on teaching readers how to comprehend reading materials and make use of their cognitive and metacognitive skills”. keywords: answer; comprehension; instruction; lecturer; questions; reading; strategy; students cache: smart-900.pdf plain text: smart-900.txt item: #94 of 104 id: smart-903 author: Irfani, Bambang title: INDONESIAN ISLAMIC JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ENGLISH AND ARABIC ANXIETY: A COMPARISON date: 2019-08-31 words: 4258 flesch: 56 summary: A survey inquiry was conducted by employing questionnaires to gather the data of respondents’level, causes and coping strategies of speaking anxiety. Keywords: Speaking anxiety; Arabic; English; Indonesian students 1. keywords: anxiety; arabic; english; group; high; lack; language; respondents; speaking cache: smart-903.pdf plain text: smart-903.txt item: #95 of 104 id: smart-930 author: Sutarno, Sutarno title: The Impact of Social Media Usage On Students’ Academic Performance (SAP) date: 2019-08-31 words: 3016 flesch: 52 summary: Not similar with the previous study, this study is 141 aiming in finding to what extend do students use social media for related academic purposes and also finding the impact of social media usage on students’ academic performance. For instance” the time I spent online on social media takes away from my studying (56.02%), “online social media distract me from my studies (60.34%), the hours I spent online on social media are more than the hours I spend reading university stated content (62.92%), social media have impacted my GPA positively (56.89%), the usage of social media for class related research has helped improve my grade (45.68%), social media has improved my communication skill (50.58%), and once I interrupt my studying time with social media, I lose concentration (55.16%). keywords: impact; media; performance; students; use cache: smart-930.pdf plain text: smart-930.txt item: #96 of 104 id: smart-937 author: Kurniati, Kurniati; Wulandari, Fitri title: PEER TUTOR IN LESSON STUDY date: 2019-08-31 words: 4104 flesch: 55 summary: The researcher use peer tutor in implementing lesson study because lesson study activity needed others person/ colleges to create the good lesson learning. The study tries to examine how peer tutors are applied in lesson study activities in English writing courses. keywords: class; data; design; learning; lesson; peer; students; study; tutor cache: smart-937.pdf plain text: smart-937.txt item: #97 of 104 id: smart-950 author: Kayyis, Rahmatika -; Tristiana, Novita Eka; -, Hardono - title: THE EFFECT OF USING ANDROID APPLICATION IN TEACHING PRONUNCIATION date: 2019-08-31 words: 2698 flesch: 57 summary: The aim of this research is to assess student pronunciation before and after using the application of android to verify their pronunciation. As mentioned in Suhartono, D. & et al. (2013), therefore it is reasonable that from mobile pronunciation application enable customers to know English pronunciation and enhance their capacity without having to take part in a particular English pronunciation class where they need to provide and spend unique time and location. keywords: application; class; english; language; pronunciation; students; words cache: smart-950.pdf plain text: smart-950.txt item: #98 of 104 id: smart-951 author: Janah, Miftahul; Yuniarti, Fatma title: GOOGLE CLASSROOM ON STUDENTS’ WRITING LEARNING PROCESS date: 2019-08-31 words: 2849 flesch: 61 summary: Abstract This study is Mix-Method Research applying exploratory design which aims to 1) know that the use of Google Classroom in Writing learning process can arouse students’ learning interest and motivation; 2) know that Google Classroom can be used to improve student’s writing ability. By using Google Classroom as an English internet-based learning media, students are expected to improve new desires, interests, motivation, stimulation of students’ learning activities, and of course it is expected to improve their writing ability. keywords: classroom; google; learning; students; test; writing cache: smart-951.pdf plain text: smart-951.txt item: #99 of 104 id: smart-969 author: Pratiwi, Dian title: INCREASING INTEREST AND STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES BY USING COOPERATIVE LEARNING TYPE 'MAKE A MATCH’ date: 2020-02-11 words: 3315 flesch: 63 summary: Dian...... 34 INCREASING INTEREST AND STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES BY USING COOPERATIVE LEARNING TYPE 'MAKE A MATCH’ Dian Pratiwi Manajement Study Program, Muhammadiyah University of Pringsewu Abstract The purpose of this research is improve the interest and learning outcomes of student grade XI Senior High School of Muhammadiyah Pringsewu on Verb and Noun material by using cooperative learning type “Make a Match”. The teacher should approach with students, so knowing the problems facing student learning, in addition, the teacher must dare to try teaching methods, so as to enhance the interest of students to learn. keywords: interest; learning; match; research; students; test cache: smart-969.pdf plain text: smart-969.txt item: #100 of 104 id: smart-972 author: Kasriyati, Destina; Rosidah, Ajah title: A STUDY ON STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING ON APPLYING DECLARATIVE SENTENCE date: 2020-01-31 words: 2952 flesch: 50 summary: Many of them can make declarative sentence based on sentence structure, but few of them A study on students’ understanding ....... 8 did not understand yet in making declarative declarative sentence based on sentence structure. By understanding declarative sentence students can write the good text of statement or opinion and can make the readers understand about the statement. keywords: declarative; english; research; score; sentence; students cache: smart-972.pdf plain text: smart-972.txt item: #101 of 104 id: smart-974 author: Hayati, Hayati; Kayyis, Rahmatika; Tristiana, Novita Eka title: IMPROVING STUDENTS 'CONFIDENCE IN SPEAKING THROUGH SIMULATION METHOD date: 2020-01-31 words: 3273 flesch: 58 summary: Therefore, teaching English taught at schools is expected to be able to produce students who are able to speak English in terms of speaking students really need. By considering the existing theories and preliminary information findings, there is a need for a method that is expected to be able to increase student confidence in speaking at the junior high school level. keywords: confidence; learning; simulation; speaking; students; teacher cache: smart-974.pdf plain text: smart-974.txt item: #102 of 104 id: smart-981 author: Lestari, Disa Evawani title: BEHIND THE IMPROVEMENT OF STUDENTS’ ENGLISH PROFICIENCY IN AN EMI UNIVERSITY date: 2020-01-31 words: 3907 flesch: 59 summary: In other words, B1 group get Behind the improvement..... 17 the most advantages of English proficiency improvement. It is interesting to see that the factors which support the improvement of their English proficiency lie on their interaction (active engagement) with their teachers and peers rather than their exposure to English language materials in textbooks, movies, games,etc. keywords: emi; english; improvement; language; score; table; test cache: smart-981.pdf plain text: smart-981.txt item: #103 of 104 id: smart-985 author: German, Emilius; Evawanilestari, Disa; Fitria, Risa title: DEVELOPING ENGLISH SYLLABUS AT AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, BASED ON SWOT ANALYSIS date: 2020-02-13 words: 3681 flesch: 59 summary: In Indonesia, English teachers in Elementary Schools can be classified into three categories, namely: 1) classroom teachers who have not undertaken English Language Education studies, 2) English teachers who have studied English Education but have no experience teaching children, 3) English teachers who have English Education background and children's teaching experience (Suyanto 2009: 33). Teachers who do not hold a degree in English Education of English literature are assigned to teach English. keywords: children; development; english; language; learning; process; students; syllabus; teaching cache: smart-985.pdf plain text: smart-985.txt item: #104 of 104 id: smart-989 author: Fitria, Risa title: PERCEPTIONS ON PLAGIARISM AND THE IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES AT AN EMI UNIVERSITY IN INDONESIA date: 2020-01-31 words: 5886 flesch: 49 summary: 0 50 100 150 200 250 Students' Strategies to Avoid Plagiarism Visiting the writing centre for the proofreading services; Looking for friends’ assistance to check my papers to ensure they are plagiarism free Checking my papers on plagiarism-checking software Seeking for my instructor’s advice or clarification if I don’t understand what to do Re-reading notes from courses, books, and library sessions so I am sure I did it right Referring to formatting style Carefully citing the resource that I’ve used Changing some of the words and replacing them with their synonyms Paraphrasing the text by changing the grammar Deploying back translation method by using language translation software Perceptions on ......... 63 Figure 2 Strategies Used by Lecturers to Deter Plagiarism Interview The study involved 10 interviewees consisting of 5 lecturers and 5 students coming from across disciplines. Students’ Strategies to Avoid Plagiarism From interviews with students, the back translation method is what they often do to avoid plagiarism in their writing. keywords: education; english; lecturers; participants; plagiarism; strategies; students; study; writing cache: smart-989.pdf plain text: smart-989.txt