Jurnal Fokus Konseling Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2015 hlm 1-8 SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 42 AN ENGLISH SYLLABUS DESIGN FOR THE TENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF TOURISM (HOTEL ACCOMODATION DEPARTEMENT) Kurniati English Education Departmen of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, Lampung. email: kurniati.sewu@yahoo.com Abstract The new curriculum of 2013 regulates 90 minutes in a week to learn English at the first year students of vocational school from 270 minutes before. Therefore, the students become have lack of exposure to the language. Besides, the syllabus is still general, it did not focus on vocational school department. Because of that, the researcher conducted this research. The data sources that used in this research are observation, interview, test and documentation. First was interview which given to present and alumni of State Vocational School 57 Jakarta, stakeholders and hotel staffs. Second, observation was conducted at hotel as a real situation of workplace. Third test was given to the students to know the learner lack of language. Fourth, documentation was taken by recording the interviewing data and implementation syllabus process in the class.The result of this research found that new English syllabus related to job field. From implementation of samples unit found that 67.5% the lesson was understandable, 80% interesting, 75% autonomous and 65% satisfactory. Whereas the result did not reach 100% satisfactory, but it proved that the English syllabus designed was successful. Keywords: Autonomous, Designing, Need analysis, Syllabus and Implementation. 1. INTRODUCTION Vocational school which is called Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) is a secondary program in Indonesia. SMK is also known as career and technical Education as its objective is to prepare learners for a ready to work. Therefore, the graduates are expected to have skills and capabilities that related with their jobs. In addition to that, English is one of the skills which should be acquired in this department because there are many books which related to the skills originated from English Speaking countries. For instance, Vocational school majoring Tourism and its department of Hotel Accommodation should accommodate its graduates with the competencies of Front Office, Operation, and House Keeping. However, there are some requirements to achieve that goal, such as: teachers’ competency in designing the syllabus, language teaching, and the language exposure. SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 43 The teachers at Hotel Accommodation Department are demanded to have competency in designing a practical and link-match syllabus as it is one of the most important variables in teaching and learning process. However, most teachers have difficulties in developing the syllabus which is distributed by Ministry of National Education (MoNE). Therefore, the teachers use the syllabus from MoNE as it is. In addition to that, there is minimum research in developing English syllabus for Hotel Accommodation Department which affects the teachers’ practice in developing the syllabus on the lack of guidance. For example, the English teachers designing syllabus for Front Office at the Hotel Department should cover the skills of telephoning, correspondence, room booking, and complaints. The English language teaching in vocational school mainly focuses on General English. The students of Accommodation Department of the first year used textbook “English for vocational school 1” delivered from MoNE. The book used to all the students in all majors of vocational school like is hotel accommodation, tour and travel and food production major. Moreover, the content of that book is still broad and unspecific to the job related, in this case is hotel industry. For example: The content of unit I discussed Greeting and Leave Takings. In contrast, the example of speaking dialogue showed the dialogue in family and hospital situation which is unspecific to the hotel accommodation department. Therefore, developing English syllabus in line with the job- related is needed. As the MoNE stipulated the new curriculum of 2013 which regulates the length of English learning for tenth grade at secondary school is for 90; minutes, therefore, the students have lack of exposure to the language. As in the case of English for Hotel Department the students should acquire the competency of English related to their job. Regarding of the students hotel accommodation, they will serve customers directly in their field. Therefore, speaking material is needed as one of the important skill in English syllabus which to be designed. However in reality, there are some problems in English teaching that researcher finds in her preliminary research at Hotel Accommodation Department such as: unspecific learning SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 44 material, lack of practice, and students’ low English competence. The English materials used in Hotel Accommodation Department are unspecific. The English textbook used is similar to all majors, such as: Tour and Travel and Food Production Department. Therefore, the design of English Language Teaching syllabus is not in line with the students’ job-related requirements. There are many students who have lack of English skill related to their major. Moreover, they have difficulties to communicate in English in their field because the lack of practice and lack of exposure to the language. In addition, the length of learning is too short to practice their familiarity with the language. For instance, the students should be directed to acquire the information about the hotel and its facilities while responding to the telephone calls. Therefore, to exposure the student to the language, this research will present the autonomous learning in syllabus which is will be design. Related to the problem in teaching and learning English in SMK above, researcher assumes those cause the students who are learning English have various needs and goals that they attain, so the English syllabus should be designed to meet the learning objectives and related to the work place. In addition, the autonomous learning presented in syllabus design to expose the students to the language outside classroom and enhance their learning independently because of the length of English learning in class that is very short. In addition, the English syllabus design is a necessity to the teacher, as language is too complex and varied to learn and teaching and learning is collaborative effort between teachers and students to achieve the learning goal both the teachers and students have role to make learning happen. Therefore, English syllabus based on students and work place needs to be designed. To sum up, designing a well English syllabus needs teachers’ competency which is based on their analysis on the students’ need and job-related. Therefore, it is necessity to do a research on designing an English syllabus for Hotel Accommodation in State Vocational School 57 Jakarta. In designing sylabus, the need analysis is conducted prior to design syllabus to find out what the students needs, therefore needs analysis become SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 45 crucial to determine the effectiveness of the syllabus. Moreover, Brindley (1989) and Berwick (1989) are described need as objective and subjective perceived and felt, target situation/ goal oriented and learning, process-oriented and product oriented. In addition, “there are necessities, wants, and lacks” Hutchinson and Waters (1987). Derived of that, this research conducted need analysis based on necessities, lack and wants of the subject research to find out the students needs in learning English in hotel accommodation department. 2. RESEARCH METHOD This research was conducted at State Vocational School 57 Jakarta which is located on Jl. Taman Margasatwa no. 38 B Jati Padang Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan. SMK N 57 was chosen as the research place because this school has specialization in tourism department, particularly hotel accommodation. This research organized for six months since January – June 2014. The participants in this research were 40 participants. They consist of 32 or 25% students of the tenth grade of Hotel Accommodation Department of State Vocational School 57 Jakarta as a present’s learner. The participants have taken by randomly from total students of hotel accommodation 120 students. The design of this research was qualitative research as it was relevant to the type of the data that has been collected. Then, the method that has been applied in this research was the Education Research and Development (R and D). R and D has been chosen because this research explored the process of identifying and describing the students and job – related needs in designing objectives and speaking material in English syllabus for the tenth grade students of Hotel Accommodation Department. In additional to that, to clarify the steps of the research, the researcher adopts the steps by Sugiyono’s book in doing educational R and D. The data collection method that had been gathered through needs analysis are interview, test, documentation and observation. 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Finding in Designing Syllabus In order to get data from the first year students of vocational school the test was delivered into multiple choices. Which is SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 46 consist of specific English and grammar. The following diagram describes the result of the test in the following. 61,29% 19.35% 12,90% 6,45% 0 2 4 6 8 Diagram 1 Test result Diagrams 1 shows 61.29% students are at pre basic level, 19.35% identified a basic level, 12.90% identified at intermediate and 6.45% advanced level. Therefore, the syllabus designed is for the students of basic level. Based on findings of need analysis from observation, documentation and interview, the English syllabus designed in ten topics. It is shown in the following table. Table 2 Topic of Syllabus Design Topics Language focus Greeting and introduction Personal pronounce Offering help Modal Number and Time Plural and singular Noun, Simple Present Tense Describing Place Comparison degree Giving direction Preposition when giving direction Telephoning Simple continuous tense Memo Developing vocabulary Handling Complain Handling complain expression Wh- questions Simple Past Tense Bill settlement Bill settlement Expression Findings in Implementing Syllabus Implementation has been done by piloting the sample unit. The purpose of doing the implementation was to find out the responses of the students towards the English syllabus has been designed. To get data during and after implementation of English syllabus designed, the researcher conducted weekly assessment for the students and interview after implementing four sample units of lesson. Weekly assessment conducted to find out the progress of students in learning English by using new English syllabus. After implementing unit one, greeting and introduction, the result showed on the following table. Table 3 The Result of Implementing Syllabus Score Excellent Good Average Poor Total of students Lesson Lesson 1 2 7 9 8 26 Lesson 2 2 10 7 6 25 Lesson 3 1 10 6 5 22 Lesson 4 4 12 9 2 27 Based on the table above, the progress of students from lesson 1 to lesson 4 students have good progress in learning whereas the result is achieve the SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 47 expectation yet. It happened because influence some factors such as time, learning strategies and confidence of students. In addition, besides the findings from weekly assessment, interview is delivered to find out the result of implementing new English syllabus in vocational school. The result of interview showed in table 4 Table 4 The Result of Interview Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Result The lesson related to the need 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% The lesson was understanda ble 80% 70% 50% 70% 67.5% The lesson made students autonomous 60% 60% 100% 100% 80% The lesson was interesting 70% 80% 70% 80% 75% The lesson was satisfactory 70% 60% 70% 60% 65% Discussion This part is discussed to find out the process of designing English syllabus whether the syllabus made was effective. And for the findings would be supported by previous research, theoretical framework, and the result of data as follows. The syllabus of ESP designing to meet the specific need of the learners, that way needs analysis become crucial to determine the effectiveness of the syllabus. Related to that, there are some procedures in designing syllabus related to the expert as the consideration in conducting this research. as discussed on chapter II ( page 28- 29) First Brenn and LittleJohn 1 stated that the curriculum designer needs to see range of decisions in designing curriculum including the goals, content and sequence, format and presentation, and monitoring and assessment. For goals, content and sequence, format and presentation were conducted and got the findings from the students such as necessities, lack and wants of students. From stakeholders found the learning objectives and school expectation, and from hotel staff found the job requirements and students needs. Related to that, its can be seen from the explanation in the following: First, the necessities from the students. Most of the students said that, SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 48 knowing many English vocabularies, practicing the conversation, and listening in real situation of their work place. Student Az : “English in hotel is how to the students practicing do not only write something on the paper based on the theories given by the teacher. Because the students of vocational school have to be ready in working place, so by practicing English more the students will be ready too.“ Second the necessities from the stakeholder. From three stakeholder who were interviewed, all of them agree that speaking and listening about conversation such as in real situation are needed by the students of vocational school. Stakeholder DH: “ in XI class, as long as 6 months the students will follow the training and need practice for speaking and listening. And for the material needed for the students such as procedure, knowing the tools and place in hotel, besides that saying number nominal and ordinal related to the room price. Third the necessities from hotel staff. Hotel staff also recommended that students need speaking and listening more than other skill, because the hotel staff ussualy deal with the costumer directly. From the findings of the necessities of three objectives above in designing the English syllabus the researcher presented many activities to make students practice more. Such roleplay, drilling and dialogue interactive among the students. Besides that, the topics that presented guidanced the students to know the real situation of students work place. Next is finding of the wants of the students, stakeholder and also hotel staff found that the students want to communicate with the costummers of hotel fluently and ready to follow the training in hotels. Based on the interview result, student T: “Students’ expectation is they are able to communicate like as the real situation of working place.” Stakeholder DH: in the XI class, the students have to follow the training in hotel. So, when the students has been in working place, they have to be able use English for communication. And can use English as in daily activities in job field hopefully.” SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 49 Hotel Staff AH: “Hopefully the students have good English because if want to work in international hotel, the students have to fluent in communicate by using English to face costumers.” Based on findings of interview result, an English syllabus designed related to the wants of students, stakeholder and also hotel staff they want to be able to communicate fluently especially in working place and also ready to follow the training in the hotel. By knowing the wants from the informants above it could bennefit in designing syllabus. At least the reseacher knows the expetation of other parties- part from the students themselves and could cater that expectation. Morever, in English syllabus, reseacher presented some topics related to the job field. It ordered such as Greeting and introduction, Offering help, Number and Time, Describing Place, Giving direction, Telephoning, Memo, Handling Complain, Wh- questions, and Bill settlement. In conclusion, it supported by expert that “Need analysis can play a major role in determining the content course, particularly for language item” Nation 2 Moreover, the researcher took account the findings from the need analysis in choosing content for the new English syllabus that researcher has made. Now, implementation of new English syllabus. It has been implemented May to June 2014 in APH class of tenth years state vocational school 57 Jakarta. It has conducted in four meeting for four- sample unit of lesson. Each meeting conducted as long 90 minutes for one lesson. In implementing lesson 1 the topic was greeting and introduction. This topics put in the first because based on the result of proficiency test that students were at basic level. Therefore, because greeting and introduction included in basic topic. So, the researcher put it into the first. In addition, it is supported by expert that there are two rules which can be applied to selection the material in language teaching and learning they are giving attention to high-frequency items of language and for low frequency dealt after high-frequency items have been sufficiently learned. Nation (2010) SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 50 The second lesson implemented was offering help. This topic becomes the second lesson because after the hotel staff met the costumer in hotel they use offering expression to give service in hotel. In addition, it supported by Steven in chapter II (page 19) ESP has several absolute characteristics: one them is designing to meet specified needs of the learner. Therefore, the researcher chooses this topic because related real situation. The third lesson implemented was Number and Time. This topic ordered after offering help because in the real situation the hotel staff deal with the number and time directly, such as information about the price of room, number of room, date, etc that related to hotel. The last lesson implemented was Describing the place of hotel. This topic ordered to guidance the students using some expression in describing the facilities of hotel. In addition, besides taking related topics in new English syllabus, researcher included some language focus, vocabulary and grammar and also autonomous learning strategies in each lesson. It supported by Nation in the first group of principles deals with content and sequencing. They were “the course should include language focus, vocabulary and grammar” and “a language course should train learner in how to learn a language. 4. CONCLUSION Based on the research finding, which has been mentioned in chapter four, the researcher draws some points as conclusion. The points are as follow. Firstly, related to students’ need, school expectation and real situation, learning activities that suitable in new syllabus have to exposure the students in conversation, drilling, and role play. Secondly, the result from implementation also illustrated that the new English syllabus is interesting, making them autonomous, more understandable and they satisfactory about the lesson. Thirdly, the English syllabus designed has related to job requirement of students in the future that is work in hotel. Speaking skill and able to communicate with the costumer are the main objective have to reach in order the students ready to work SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 1, Januari 2016 Hlm 42-51 Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 51 REFERENCES Brindley, G.P. (1989). The Rule of analysis in adult ESL programe design. In R. K. Berwick. (1989). Need analysis in Language programming: In R. K. Johnson (Ed.) The second language curriculum. CambridgeUniversity Press Hutchinson, T and Waters A. (1987). English Specific Purposes: A Learning-Centred Approach. New York: Cambridge University Press. Nation, I.S.P and John Macalister. (2010). Language curriculum Design.ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional series. Rouledge Taylor and francis. Sugiyono, (2008). Metode penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & B. Alfabeta: Bandung, group.New York .London