(Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Volume 8, No. 1, January 2022 Page. 40-48 p-ISSN: 2356-2048 e-ISSN: 2356-203x 40 AN ANALYSIS OF CODE-SWITCHING USED BY THE TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AT SMA NEGERI 1 PALEMBANG Sri Yuliani1) Latifah Handayani2) 1) 2) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University Muhammadiayah of Palembang E-mail Correspondence: Nyimasyuliani71@gmail.com Abstract The objectives of the study were to find out the types of code-switching used by the teachers of English at SMA Negeri 1 Palembang during the teaching process and the motivation of the teachers in using code-switching. The method of this research was descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The result of the study found that there were twenty data which classified, namely metaphorical, situational and conversational code-switching. The most often type of code- switching that the teachers used during teaching were conversational code-switching. Their motivation was the teacher wanted to give a clearer explanation to the students. Keywords: An analysis, code-switching, teachers of English INTRODUCTION English is an international language in a global sense. It has become the popular language that is learned by most people in many areas. Countries all over the world use English as their first foreign language. Therefore, English is taught as the first foreign language in all levels of schools and language courses. It develops and achieves the communicative competence and perspective of the discourse. In the globalization era, where worldwide interaction happened, it is quite common for people to use two or more languages as a communication medium. When many members of society can speak more than one language, they do not always stick to the language that they know. They can shift to use and switch two or more languages in a conversation. Nowadays, the phenomenon of code-switching is not a strange thing for Indonesian people, especially for those who live in urban areas. It is caused by the progress of era and human being's life, including the language that people used. mailto:Nyimasyuliani71@gmail.com An Analysis... 41 Recently, it can be seen that Indonesian people not only speak their language. but also foreign languages such as French, Japanese, and particularly English. It is proven when people mix or switch their language into another language such as in certain places, like trading market, workplace, business place and even at school or campus. This phenomenon happens because of some motivations. Some of them are: to express his/her feeling to compensate for the deficiency, to express solidarity with a particular social group, and to convey his/her attitude to the listener. The phenomenon of code-switching mostly happened in daily conversations such as in advertisements, broadcasts, TV programs, and even in the teaching process. According to Mahootian (2006), code-switching is a linguistic phenomenon commonly occurring in bi- and multilingual speech communities. People who switch the language should have purposes, such as to quote someone, qualify message, emphasize, convey anger, and annoyance, mark, and emphasize group identity. Meanwhile, code-switching is a phenomenon when there are two or more languages exist in a community and it makes speakers switch from one language to another language. (Hornberger & Mckay, 2010). Furthermore, Wardhaugh (2006:100) states that code-switching is a phenomenon that is limited to bilingual or multilingual situations. It can only be found in bilingual or multilingual speech communities. Furthermore, code-switching is viewed as a bilingual /multilingual practice that is used not only as a conversational tool but also establishes, maintains, and delineates ethnic boundaries and identities. It means that code-switching is not only to convey a conversation’s activity but also to cover all aspects of social meaning. Code-switching occurs when a bilingual uses an alternative way between two or more languages during his/her speech with another bilingual. It is because bilingual people tend to switch the code from one language to another, especially when the languages they know are used in their environment. It means the use of code-switching depends on the speech community. When a conversation happens among bilingual people, a dominant language plays an important role in accessing their two own languages, for example, two English department students who are in a conversation about a grammar lesson. As a student of the English department, they know how to speak Indonesian and English. When they are Sri Yuliani... 42 talking, they can switch the language from Indonesian to English or from English to Indonesian during their speech to get a better understanding of the lesson. In this case, they tend to use the Indonesian language rather than English as a second language they study. According to Wardhaugh (2006), there are some types of code-switching, namely: a). Situational Code Switching Situational code-switching occurs when the speaker uses one language in one situation and a different language in a different situation, and it does not involve the change of the topic. Jendra (2010:76) states that situational code-switching occurs when the situation change that causes the bilingual to switch from one code to another one. b). Metaphorical Code Switching Metaphorical code-switching happens when there is a chance of the topic influencing the use of different codes. The codes are always changed because of the topic. It depends on the perception's change; formal to informal, official to personal, serious to humorous, and politeness to solidarity. c). Conversational Code Switching Conversational code-switching presents in situations where codes are compartmentalized or politically charged and it fails to explicitly define the link between code choice and social meaning. In this case, the researcher tried to investigate the code-switching phenomenon between English-Indonesia which was found in the teaching process of teachers of English at SMA Negeri 1 Palembang. In this case, the researcher chose SMA Negeri 1 Palembang because this school is the best one in South Sumatra. The researcher also chose the teachers of English because the teachers are expected to use English when they are talking to their students in class. The teachers have some motivations to use code- switching during teaching. Therefore, in this research, the researcher would investigate the types of code-switching uttered by the teachers and the motivation of using it. The importance of this study was to investigate the teachers' motivations in using code- switching in class. An Analysis... 43 In general, the purpose of this research was to get further information about the application of code-switching by teachers of English during a teaching at SMA Negeri 1 Palembang. Specifically, the purpose of this research was to identify the types of code- switching which are found in the teaching process and also to know the motivation of the teachers in using code-switching during teaching. RESEARCH METHOD In conducting this research, the researcher used descriptive research with the qualitative approach as a method focusing in how to manage a study descriptively. This research described code-switching used by teachers of English during teaching. The researcher described systematically and factually the language fact found in the data. In this case, the researcher described the types of code-switching and the motivations that influence code-switching used by teachers of English during teaching. According to Arikunto (2010:173), the population is all investigation subjects. The population of the investigation consisted of all teachers of English at SMA Negeri 1 Palembang. In choosing the sample, the researcher used the purposive sampling technique because the data chosen are based on certain considerations. A sample is a subgroup of the target population that the research plans to study for generalizing about the target population (Creswell,2005:146). According to Palys (2008), purposive sampling signifies that one sees sampling as a series of strategic choices about with whom, where, when, and how one does one’s research. This statement implies that the way the researcher must be tied to their objectives. Next, purposive sampling is different from convenience sampling in that the researcher does not simply study whoever is available, but uses his or her judgment to select the sample for a specific purpose (Wallen and Fraenkel, 1991:127). The sample was three teachers of English who teach at the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades students at SMA Negeri 1 Palembang. In collecting the data, the researcher used the observation method. This method is followed by some steps, which we’re the recording technique and note-taking technique. All of the teachers' speech is transcribed with a 'narrow transcription system'. This system is used because the reporter of research only examined the linguistic input at the level of morphology and syntax so that the addition of diacritical Sri Yuliani... 44 symbols would not make a difference in the analysis. So the data was taken by recording ca conversations in the teaching and learning process of each teacher of English for one hour with a duration of about 45 minutes in an hour. To know teachers' motivations in using code-switching, the researcher interviewed the teachers. The researcher interviewed them by recording technique. They had to answer the questions about their motivation to use code-switching during teaching. Some steps that were used in collecting the data were as follows: 1), recording the conv The data was analyzed by identifying the use of code- switching by the teachers of English, classifying the types of code-switching used by the teachers of English based on Wardhaugh, and calculating the percentage of types of code- switching that commonly used by the teachers, based on the formula: P = F N x 100% P= Percentage F= Frequency of types of code-switching N= Number of Sample FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Data analysis that has been gathered from three respondents showed that language used by the teachers when they taught English, namely English and Bahasa Indonesia. Data was collected from recording the conversation between teachers and students in the teaching and learning process and also interviewing the teachers about their motivation to use code-switching during teaching. The researcher chose three teachers of English as the objects of this study. The first teacher taught at the tenth-grade students, the second teacher taught at the eleventh-grade students, and the last teacher taught at the twelfth- grade students. The two of these research questions were answered based on the participants of the study. The first research question related to the types of code-switching that were commonly used by the teachers of English during teaching was answered by recording the conversation in the teaching and learning process of each teacher of English for one hour with a duration of about 45 minutes in an hour. Meanwhile, the second research question was about the motivations of the teachers of English to use code- An Analysis... 45 switching during teaching is answered by interviewing them. There were three questions that they had to answer during the interview. The researcher started by asking them about why they used code-switching during the teaching process After that the researcher asked about the reasons to use code-switching during the teaching and learning process. Then, the researcher continued by asking them whether they think code-switching was important or not used in the teaching and learning process. The researcher analyzed the types of code-switching used by teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Palembang. As the result of the analysis, the researcher found twenty data that were classified into three types of code-switching. Based on the result, it was found that the common types of code-switching that the teachers used during teaching were metaphorical code-switching were 10%, situational code-switching was 20% and conversational code-switching was 70 %. The most frequent type of code-switching that the teachers used during teaching were conversational code-switching. It happened because most of the teachers switched their language without changing the topic and the situation at the time. Besides, the teacher used this switch to reiterate her message or to make the explanation clearer. Then, followed by situational code-switching that was caused by the language used to change according to the situation that the teachers found, and the last type was metaphorical code-switching which is caused by the topic and the situational changes that require the changes of language used by the teachers. The motivation of Using Code After interviewing the teachers related to their motivation to use code-switching during teaching, The researcher found interesting answers from the participants of this study. The researcher found that some motivations caused the switch of the language used by the teachers. Firstly, the teacher has been influenced by the students. The teacher switched her language because the student has switched his/her language to another language first. Thus, the student was considered as an interruption to the teacher. In addition, the interruption disturbs the teacher's concentration in using English when the teacher was explaining something. Secondly, the teacher wanted to give a clearer explanation to the students, because the student seemed confused about what the teacher has explained before. In line with Ansar (2017), when the teacher teaches a foreign Sri Yuliani... 46 language code-switching also become a strategy learning to develop the students skill in the English language, and the beginning meets the teacher uses the target language when they explain material and they switch again to Indonesia to make sure understood for the students. Then, the teacher switched her language because she wanted to make a joke or sense of humor intake the situation in the class became become one. Thus, the students can relax and enjoy studying. Then the teacher switched her language because she wanted to express her feeling to the students. Another reason the teacher switched her language was that she wanted to emphasize the student's answers to make the students feel comfortable with their answers. Not only emphasize but also to stress his/her utterance toward the students. Besides, the teacher switched her language because she wanted to compensate for the deficiency, for example, the teacher forgot some English terms, therefore, to fill that blank she used the Indonesian language. Sometimes the teacher wanted to bring the students under his/her consideration to make it the students easier catch the main point of the lesson. Finally, the teacher switched her language because she wanted to do clarification. The teacher switched her language to clarify her sentences that made the students confused. With the clarification, the students gain clarity about what is meant by the teacher. So, there would be a misunderstanding As the result of the analysis, the researcher found twenty data that are classified into three types of code-switching. Based on the result, it is found that the common types of code-switching that the teachers used during teaching were metaphorical code-switching, situational code-switching, and conversational code-switching. The most often type of code-switching that the teachers used during teaching were conversational code- switching. It happened because most of the teachers switched their language without changing the topic and the situation at the time. Besides, the teachers used this switch to reiterate his message or to make the explanation clearer. Then, followed by situational code-switching that was caused by the language used to change according to the situation that the teachers found, and the last type was metaphorical code-switching which is caused by the topic and the situational changes that require the changes of language used by the teachers. An Analysis... 47 CONCLUSION Regarding the findings, the researcher had some conclusions which could be described. From the analysis through the paragraph above, the researcher found twenty data that were classified into three types of code-switching. Based on the result of the study, it was found that the common types of code-switching that the teachers used during the teaching process were metaphorical code-switching, situational code-switching, and conversational code-switching. The most often type of code-switching that the teachers used during teaching were conversational code-switching. Then, was followed by situational code. The last type was metaphorical code-switching. Meanwhile, some motivations caused the switch of the language used by the teachers. Firstly, the teacher has been influenced by the students. Secondly, the teacher wanted to give a clearer explanation to the students, because the student seemed confused about what the teacher has explained before. Then, the teacher switched her language because she wanted to make a joke or sense of humor to make the situation in the class become an informal one. Then, the teacher switched her language because she wanted to express her feeling to the students. Another reason the teacher switched her language was that she wanted to emphasize the student's answers to make the students feel comfortable with their answers. Besides, the teacher switched her language because she wanted to compensate for the deficiency, for example, the teacher forgot some English terms, therefore, to fill the blanks, she used the Indonesian language. the teacher switched her language because she wanted to do clarification. Finally, it can be concluded that switching from English to Indonesia or other languages can also able be employed in English conversation classrooms. The teacher employs code-switching to minimize either students’ miscomprehension of the lesson or students’ difficulties in understanding the English lesson given by the English teachers in the classroom. Sri Yuliani... 48 REFERENCES Ansar. A Fithrah. (2017). Code-Switching and Code Mixing in Teaching-Learning Process. Journal of Tadris Bahasa Inggris. Vol 10 (1), 29-45. Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2010). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendidikan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta Creswell, John W. (2005). Educational Research, USA: Merrill Prentice Hall. Hornberger, N.H..,&McKay, S.L. (2010). Sociolinguistic and Language education. Great Britain: Short and Run Press. Jendra, Made Iwan Indrawan. (2010). Sociolinguistics. The Study of Societies’Language. Yokyakarta: Graha Ilmu. Palys, T. (2008). Purposive Sampling. In L, M. 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