(Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Volume 8, No. 1, January 2022 Page. 80-86 p-ISSN: 2356-2048 e-ISSN: 2356-203x 80 PARENT INVOLVEMENT IN ACCOMPANYING DEAF STUDENTS IN LEARNING ENGLISH ONLINE WHILE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Nicky Alfa Fiorentina1, Fitri Wulandari2, Sutarno3, Kurniati4) 1),2),3)4) English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammmadiyah Pringsewu Lampung Emai correspondence: fitriwulandari@umpri.ac.id, , Abstract The purpose of this study was to obtain information about parent involvement in accompanying deaf students in learning English online while the Covid-19 pandemic. The involvement of parent is very important for children's education especially in students with the deaf. Parental involvement in deaf students learning English online as a form of parental support that aims at the development of child potential where the parent take part in their role in deaf students learning English online through related relationships that support each other and the parental involvement indicators in learning English online are; prepare facilities in learning English activities from home, assisting the deaf student in learning English activities from home, guiding and motivating deaf student, benefits in learning English online, barriers in learning English online. Keywords: English learning online, parent involvement, Covid-19 pandemic Covid-19 Situation. INTRODUCTION Since the Coronavirus spread in Indonesia, it has caused the government to immediately take firm action to prevent its spread wider. Because in this case, the disease is caused by the Coronavirus can spread very quickly and has claimed many lives in various ways country, so that the government made various efforts to prevent it very wide deployment, where one of them is by applying distance learning, from elementary to college level. Including issuing Government Regulation Number 21 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the Context of Accelerating Handling of Covid-19 which results in limiting various activities including schools. Meanwhile, Learning From Home activities are officially issued through the Minister of Education and Culture Circular Number 36962/ MPK.A/ HK/ 2020 regarding online learning and working from home to prevent the spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19). This policy forces teachers and students to continue working and learning from home from early childhood education to higher education (kemdikbud.go.id, 2020). mailto:fitriwulandari@umpri.ac.id Parent... 81 This policy certainly has an impact not only on the teacher and student relationships during learning from home but also the importance of optimizing the role of parents in implementing learning from home. The home learning policy requires learning to be carried out online. Accordance with the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia regarding Circular Number 4 of 2020 concerning Implementation of Education Policies in the Emergency of the Spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19). They cannot meet face to face, because it is for preventing the transmission of Covid-19. During learning from home, students get a lot of assignments. So, the role of parents who have to supervise their children in the learning process while at home. The students must study at home, for the sake of safety and health for all of us, this certainly has an impact on parents, where parents must provide learning to their children at home. Crowded in various social media that tell the experiences of parents while accompanying their children to learn. For example, it turns out that there are parents who often get angry because they find their children who are difficult to manage so they cannot stand it and want their children to study again at school. This incident gives awareness to parents that educating children is not easy. It takes a lot of knowledge and patience. Normal students have difficulty in implementing new rules for learning from home, especially for students with special needs. For a student with disabilities is not easy to deal with the situation of teaching and learning. One approach in the education of students with disabilities while learning from home is the active role of parents in teaching and learning activities. Parents are required to be the main handle for students because many of them are not able to learn independently, and this is a challenge for parents in paying attention to their children's education. A student with disabilities is a term that indicates a special disorder. A student with special needs has different characteristics from one another. Special education is education for students who have difficulty in participating in the learning process because of physical, emotional, mental, social, and special intelligence and talent potential (PP. No.17 Article 127 of 2010). Deaf are individuals who have permanent or non-permanent hearing loss. Because of the obstacles in hearing individuals with hearing impairment have obstacles in speaking so they are commonly called mute (Mudjito, Harizal, and Elifindri, 2012: 27). The involvement of parents is very important for children's education especially in students with special needs. Most students need the involvement of parents as teachers at home. Since the 1980s. The Nicky... 82 involvement of parents with schools has become a major issue that education policymakers must consider (Nurhayati 2016). Various studies show that student achievement increases if parents take an active role in the education of their children. As shown by the results of the Harvard Family Research Project's (HFRS) research which revealed that parental involvement is closely related to the child's development and achievement. For this reason, parental involvement is very important for children's education especially for a student with disabilities (Inspiration 2018).The description of the role of parents above was mostly analyzed before the pandemic, which emphasized more on care, while more academic education was left to the school. Meanwhile, research related to the parent’s involvement in accompanying deaf students in learning English online while the Covid-19 pandemic has not been done much. Based on the foregoing, the study in this research is very important to do to understand how the involvement of parents in accompanying deaf students in learning English online while Covid-19 pandemic, including when accompanying children to learn from home. RESEARCH METHOD The design of this study was a Case Study in form of Qualitative Research about parents’ experience in accompanying deaf students in English learning online while the Covid-19 pandemic. A case study is a research method that is used to reveal in more detail and comprehensively the situation of the object being analyzed (Alwasilah, 2002). Hancock & Algozzine (2006) states that a case study is research conducted on an "object", which is called a "case", which is carried out completely, thoroughly, and deeply using various kinds of data sources. Yin (2006: 1) states that a case study is a more suitable strategy if the main question of a study is how or why, if the researcher has little opportunity to control the events to be investigated, and when the focus of the research is on contemporary phenomena in the context of real life. In this case, the researcher analyzed parents’ experience in accompanying deaf students in learning English online while the Covid-19 pandemic. A case study is using a qualitative approach to draw the research and collect the data. The qualitative approach leads to phenomenological studies that have special attention to the phenomenon under study, focus on the activities of the research subject, reveal problems, present data, analyze data, and get data by direct observation. Bogdan and Taylor in Moleong (2008:4) define a qualitative approach as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or Parent... 83 spoken words from people and observable behavior. It is called qualitative research because this study examines parents’ experience in accompanying deaf students learning English online while the Covid-19 pandemic.The researcher has some techniques to collect the data. The researcher used qualitative data. Qualitative data consist of observation, questionnaires, and interviews. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Parents consider that learning at home is still considered capable of improving the quality of children's learning, but some parents think that learning at home is not beneficial for children, because at school children can interact directly with teachers and socialize with their friends. Although many parents agree that learning at home can increase knowledge, not a few also feel that they still have difficulties with the technology used during the learning process at home for elderly or senior teachers. Many parents help provide motivation as long as deaf students are required to learn from home because of the government's appeal regarding Covid-19, this also makes many parents devote their time to helping their child's learning process while at home. Many parents agree that during learning at home, the parents also help with the assignments given by the teacher. Although not a few also feel that this is an additional activity for parents besides doing household chores, especially for both working parents. Learning at home is also considered to have a greater impact on spending, namely for pulses and internet connections, and requires parents to be literate with technology to support the learning process at home, the obstacles faced by parents are the additional cost of purchasing internet quota increases, technology online requires a network connection to the internet and a quota, therefore the level of internet quota usage will increase the burden on parents' expenses, to do online learning for several months, of course, more quota will be needed and will automatically increase the cost of purchasing internet quota. During learning at home, many parents think that the assignments given by the teacher are too many and the assignments looked difficult, but even so, most parents are happy because the assignments are considered to be able to help deaf students understand the material more because of the exercises in the form of assignments given. The teacher gives assignments because of the limited learning time and the difficulty of interacting during learning at home, Nicky... 84 therefore many of the teachers change this to giving assignments to strengthen children's abilities regarding the material being studied. Many parents consider that through learning at home they can strengthen their relationship with their children, as well as their children, are considered to be able to do learning at home very well, so that many parents who think creatively try various ways so that children do not feel bored while studying at home, but there are also many which reveal that it is better for children to study at school, because many children are annoying, prefer to play rather than study, many children think that they are at home where they play, so there are some cases of tasks not being completed properly. Parents also feel that through learning at home, parents can see their child's progress in learning. Learning at home can also increase the attachment of parents and children so that parents can better understand their children's abilities. This shows that parents have a very big role during learning activities at home, parents are the first madrasah for their children before learning at school. The existence of this learning activity at home also has benefits for deaf students and their parents, this government policy regarding online learning has made us all aware of the importance of studying technology and using technology positively. This can also be a great lesson for the world of Indonesian education in the future to overcome various problems in the world of education today. CONCLUSION The involvement of parents is very important for children's education especially in students with the deaf. 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