(Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Volume 7, No. 2, August 2021 Page. 81-91 p-ISSN: 2356-2048 e-ISSN: 2356-203x 81 DEVELOPING BOOK ABOUT THE POTENTIAL OF TOURISM HISTORY IN PAKU URBAN VILLAGE OF KAYUAGUNG CITY Andika1, Mulyadi2, Hermansyah3, Aswadi Jaya4 1,2,3,4 English Education Department, PGRI University of Palembang Email Correspondence: andika10november@gmail.com Abstract English teaching reading material book currently does not have local content or are still national content and are not very interesting enough. The purpose of this study was to develop a book about the Potential of Tourism History in the Paku Urban Village of Kayuagung City This study used research and development methods. The results of the English teaching reading material book based on history and local culture overall obtained an average value of 4.04 with the category was "very good" and the level of feasibility of 80.7% and declared was feasible for use. Keywords: Development, English teaching reading material INTRODUCTION In this 4.0 industrial revolution, English is increasingly becoming one of the important media for communication, both in a particular place and in a public place, so that someone who can use English effectively is needed in every country. According to Simaibang, Mulyadi, and Lestari (2017:37), English is a communication tool used as a global language that is not only used by westerners but also by many people around the world including Indonesia. According to Gani, Fajrina, and Hanifa (2015), English is known as the International Language and is also a second language in many countries in the world. In language, there are several skills in learning it, one of which is reading. According to Hermansyah (2021:1), who said that there is one strategy in learning namely the self-talk strategy. Self-talk strategy is making positive statements like “I can do this” to help oneself get through challenging tasks. Reading also requires teaching to know how to read properly and correctly. Currently, teaching reading material does not have local content or is still national, so the book that was developed by the researcher here is a book that contains Developing… 82 local history and culture. In Agustina, Harahap, and Syahrial (2018), culture is one important element in learning a language. Language and culture cannot be separated. Students must master language and culture. Along with the times, the use of the books as a medium to become teaching material when the teaching and learning process is decreasing due to being displaced by increasingly sophisticated modern technology. One of the main reasons is that modern technology such as a mobile phone is more attractive than books. Apart from the form of the book, the content of the book also greatly affects the interest of students in using books as their teaching material. According to Hermansyah, Jaya, and Maharani (2021:56), interest is an ability that is a strong feeling of something that is considered interesting. Therefore, there is a need for an improvement or modification of the quality of the book so that it can become an attractive teaching material, both from the form of the book and from the contents of the book so that it can attract the attention of educators or students to use it as teaching material in the learning process. Book is very important as the main media in learning, especially in learning to read. If the quality of the book is not immediately addressed, the use of the books as teaching materials will continue to decrease. Therefore, to improve the quality of the book to attract students to the use of the books as teaching material, it is necessary to improve the quality of the book. To develop the book as quality teaching material, it is necessary to do research and development. Several studies have been conducted to reveal the local potential in learning English, such as according to Agustina, Harahap, and Syahrial (2018), the folklore in student books is good but not contextual, there are very many regional folk tales that are suitable for inclusion in student books (Legend of the Menangis Stone, Lalan Belek, and Mining Raib) and the purpose of including local folk tales that fit into an English student book are supplementary reading material. According to Inharjanto and Lisnani (2019:11), coloring books with the theme of parenting about local culture are good, valid, practical, and have potential effects so they are good for inclusion in English textbooks. According to Tarigan, Ambarita, and Solin (2019:269), the appropriateness Andika… 83 of reading materials in the school literacy movement for high school students based on local Karo culture qualifies and is suitable for reading material, based on the assessment of material experts and design experts. Based on the explanation, the researcher is interested in developing an English teaching reading material based on history and local culture of the Kayuagung city in the form of the pocketbook because currently there is no English teaching reading material based on history and local culture of Kayuagung city in Ogan Komering Ilir regency. In this study, the researcher limited the research to SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya. When conducting field observation, the researcher did not find English teaching reading material based on history and local culture in the Ogan Komering Ilir regency. With this book being developed, they can increase their knowledge of history and local culture in Ogan Komering Ilir regency and improve their reading comprehension in English. RESEARCH METHOD The research method used to develop the Potential of Tourism History in Paku Urban Village of Kayuagung City book is a research & development method. Research & Development method is a research method used to research and develops a product to produce a new product that is different from the previous product. The research model used in this study is Borg and Gall model with the following steps: (1) research and information collecting, (2) planning/product design, (3) develop preliminary form of product/product development, (4) preliminary field testing, (5) main product revision, (6) main field testing, (7) operational product revision, and (8) product manufacture. In this research and development, the sample of data sources in this research was class VIII at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya. In the data collection techniques of this research and development, the researcher used observation, documentation, interview, and questionnaire. In the research instruments of this research and development, there is observation sheets, document recording sheets, interview sheet, and questionnaire. In the data analysis techniques of this research and development, there are content Developing… 84 validation and instrument validation. The contents of the book material were validated by the English material expert and history and local culture expert. Average score formula According to Nurgiyantoro (2013:219) in Rosita (2015): �̅� = 𝚺𝒙 𝒏 Information: �̅� = Average score Σ𝑥 = Total score n = Number of assessment subjects Guidelines table for conversion of quantitative data to qualitative data: Table 1: Average Score Formula No. Score Range Percentage Score Category 1. x > 4 81% - 100% A Very Good 2. 3 < x ≤ 4 61% - 80% B Good 3. 2 < x ≤ 3 41% - 60% C Enough 4. 1 < x ≤ 2 21% - 40% D Less 5. x ≤ 1 0% - 20% E Very Less Sugiyono (2017:165-167). In this study, the value of eligibility is determined with a minimum value of "C" with enoucategoriesory. So if the results of the research by experts, teachers, and student responses, the average score gets a final score of "C", then the product developing the Potential of Tourism History in Paku Urban Village of Kayuagung City book as the teaching reading material is considered "worthy of use". The validation of the instrument was carried out by an English expert and questionnaire expert as well as a history and local culture expert. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Research and Information Collecting Research and data collection of information conducted by the researcher in this study is through field observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentation. Product Design Andika… 85 Product design serves to design the product to be produced. Product design needs to be done so that the product to be made can be as desired or as expected. In this study, the researcher designed a product that was different from the previous product. The differences are, namely, book cover, book color, characters in the book, and also the contents of the book. The researcher designed the product after conducting field observations thahaveas been carried out to find out and ensure the latest data available in the book that has been developed. Through the results of field observation, the researcher can design products with the latest data. After the product is designed as planned, then the product is developed first. Product Development Product development is carried out as a continuation of product design. In this study, the product developed was in the form of a field research book containing a description of the history and local culture of Kayuagung city which was written in two languages which were developed into a teaching reading material book in English. The book is then developed by making the design first. As for the parts that are developed in the book, namely, changing the book cover and book color, adding book characters located on the book cover, deleting some book contents such as opening speech, providing vocabulary, questions, answer keys, and references. Preliminary Field Testing The preliminary field test was conducted to test the product design in the form of a product sample. This test is equipped with field data collection in the form of a questionnaire given to the English teachers and the student as respondents. The results of the preliminary field test were then analyzed. Main Product Revision The main product revision was carried out after the results of the preliminary filed test had been analyzed. Main Field Testing The main field test is conducted to test the product design after the initial field test improvement. The main field test is equipped with data collection in the form of Developing… 86 distributing questionnaires to students to find out the product after repairs are made. The results of the main field test are then analyzed for the manufacture of the final product. Operational Product Revision The operational product revision was carried out after the results of the main field test had been analyzed. Product Manufacture The manufacture of the product in this study was carried out after the product designed and developed had been validated by material experts, teachers of English at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya, and students at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya as respondents through corrections and suggestions given by material experts and teachers of English at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya obtained from distributing questionnaires, interview with teachers of English at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya and assessments of students at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya on a book that have been developed. Description of Validation Data In this research and development, there are three validation data, namely validation by material experts as expert judgments, by teachers of English at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya as educators, and students at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya as respondents. Description of Validation Data by Material Experts Table 2: Average Score of Product Validation Results from English Material Expert Stage 1 and Stage 2 Stage No. Assessment Aspects Average Value Category 1 1. Content eligibility 3 Enough 2. Presentation feasibility 3 Enough 3. Language eligibility 3 Enough 4. Graphic feasibility 3 Enough Total 12 Average Score 3 Enough 2 1. Content eligibility 4 Good 2. Presentation feasibility 4 Good 3. Language eligibility 4 Good 4. Graphic feasibility 4 Good Total 16 Average Score 4 Good Andika… 87 Table 3: Average Score of Product Validation Results From Historical Material Expert Stage 1 and Stage 2 Stage No. Assessment Aspects Average Value Category 1 1. Content eligibility 4 Good 2. Presentation feasibility 4 Good 3. Language eligibility 4 Good 4. Graphic feasibility 4 Good Total 16 Average Score 4 Good 2 1. Content eligibility 5 Very Good 2. Presentation feasibility 5 Very Good 3. Language eligibility 5 Very Good 4. Graphic feasibility 5 Very Good Total 20 Average Score 5 Very Good Description of Validation Data by the Teachers of English at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya Table 4: Average Score of Product Validation Results by Teachers 1, 2, and 3 Teacher No. Assessment Aspects Average Value Category 1 1. Content eligibility 3,4 Good 2. Presentation feasibility 3,5 Good 3. Language eligibility 4 Good 4. Graphic feasibility 2,6 Enough Total 13,5 Average Score 3,4 Good 2 1. Content eligibility 4,2 Very Good 2. Presentation feasibility 4,2 Very Good 3. Language eligibility 4,8 Very Good 4. Graphic feasibility 4 Good Total 17,2 Average Score 4,3 Very Good 3 1. Content eligibility 3,7 Good 2. Presentation feasibility 4,3 Very Good 3. Language eligibility 4 Good 4. Graphic feasibility 4,2 Very Good Total 16,2 Average Score 4,05 Very Good Description of Student Assessment Data Table 5: Average Score of Student Assessment Results in the Initial Field Test Developing… 88 No. Assessment aspects Average Value Category 1. Content Aspect 4,1 Very Good 2. Presentation Aspect 4,1 Very Good 3. Language Aspect 4,2 Very Good 4. Graphic Aspect 4 Good Total 16,4 Average Score 4,1 Very Good Table 6: Average Score of Student Assessment Results in the Main Field Test No. Assessment Aspects Average Value Category 1. Content Aspect 4,2 Very Good 2. Presentation Aspect 4,3 Very Good 3. Language Aspect 4,3 Very Good 4. Graphic Aspect 4,1 Very Good Total 16,9 Average Score 4,225 Very Good Table 7: Average Score of Material Experts Validation, Teachers of English, and Students’ Assessment at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya No. Assessment Aspects Material Experts Teachers Students Σ 𝐗 % Catego ry 1. Content Eligibility 4 3,8 4,15 11,95 3,98 79,6% Good 2. Presentation Feasibility 4 4 4,2 12,2 4,1 82% Very Good 3. Language Eligibility 4 4,3 4,25 12,55 4,18 83,6% Very Good 4. Graphic Feasibility 4 3,6 4,05 11,65 3,88 77,6% Good Total 16 15,7 16,65 16,14 Average Score 4 3,9 4,16 4,04 80,7% Very Good Product Revision Andika… 89 Product revisions in this study were carried out in stages three times. The first stage revision was carried out after being validated by material experts, the second stage revision was carried out based on comments and suggestions and assessments by the teachers of English at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya, and the third stage revision was carried out based on the responses and assessments of students at SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya. Discussion of this study, the results of the validation of material experts, teachers of English, and student assessments of SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya on content aspects, presentation aspects, language aspects, and graphic aspects show that the English teaching reading material book developed fall into the category of "very good" or "Feasible". The average score of all aspects of the validation results of material experts, teachers of English, and student assessments of SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya is 4.04 with a feasibility level of 80.7% in the category of "very good" or "feasible". It can be said that because in the previous chapter it has been explained that the percentage of 80-100 is in the "very good" category or this case it is declared "feasible" because what is taken into account is the feasibility level of the book as teaching material for reading English. The average score obtained from material experts, teachers of English, and students of SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya is different. The highest assessment on the content aspect was obtained from students, the highest assessment on the presentation aspect was obtained from the students, the highest assessment on the language aspect was obtained from the teachers of English, and the highest assessment on the graphic aspect was obtained from the students. However, the overall average assessment score of material experts, teachers of English, and students of SMP Negeri 1 Lempuing Jaya is in the "very good" category. This shows that the developed English teaching reading material book is at a feasible level, both from the content aspect, the presentation aspect, the language aspect, and the graphic aspect. Developing… 90 CONCLUSION The average value was obtained for each aspect. The assessment includes: the content feasibility aspect gets an average score of 3,98 in the "good" category with a feasibility level of 79.6%, the presentation feasibility aspect gets an average score of 4,1 in the "very good" category with a feasibility level of 82%, the feasibility aspect language gets an average score of 4.18 in the "very good" category with a feasibility level of 83.6%, and the feasibility aspect of the graphics gets an average score of 3.88 in the "good" category with a feasibility level of 77.6%. Based on the results of research and development as a whole, the potential of tourism history in Baku urban village of Kayuagung city revised edition book as the teaching reading material as a whole gets an average score of 4,04 with the "very good" category and the feasibility level of 80.7%. Thus, the book is declared feasible for use. REFERENCES Agustina, L. Harahap, A. Syahrial. (2018). 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