SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 94-104 94 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung STUDENTS’ SELF ESTEEM IN SPEAKING ABILITY Elvira Rosyida MR English Education Study Program, STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu email: Abstract One of principle of communicative competence is the students know how to use language according to the setting and the participants. Actually, to be able to speak target language, the students ar not only expected to have a great ability in grammar, vocabulary, or writing, but how brave they express their idea and use target language to others. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate students’ self esteem to their speaking ability This study was carried out at Hadist major at the fourth semester of IAIN Raden Intan Lampung. The researcher used questionnaire, test, and interview. The data collected were analyzed quantitatively, and described to know clearly the process which was occurred during the research. The results indicate that students’ self esteem influence their speaking ability. Key Words: speaking, self esteem, communicative competence 1. INTRODUCTION Speaking for English foreign learners is important to convey information and ideas, and maintain social relationship by communicating with others. In addition, a large percentage of the world’s language learners study English in order to be able communicate fluently. Many language learners regard speaking ability as the measure of knowing a language. That is why the main purpose of language learning is to develop proficiency in speaking and communicative efficiency. However, they face some difficulties to use English because they are not to be used to use English. Nunan (2003) stated that for most people especially English learners, speaking a foreign language has often meant a difficulty.They prefer to use their mother tongues in communicating with others. It is in line with Cameron (2001: 241) who stated “to get the abilities of learning a foreign language, it is different from learning the first language.” According to Nunan (2003), speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and processing information. In other words speaking is a complex skill which is crucial to be mastered for communication. Moreover to develop communicative efficiency, the teacher have to use appropriate activities that support SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 94-104 95 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung students learning. Then in order to assist learners to speak English, oral interaction proposed to be implemented in speaking activities. Tuan & Nhu (2010) stated that classroom interaction is a key to reach that goal. It is the collaborative exchange of thoughts, feelings or ideas between two or more people, leading to a mutual effect on each other. Tuan & Nhu (2010) explain two types of classroom interaction : Firstly, non-verbal interaction is related to behavioral responses in class such as head nodding, hand raising, body gestures, and eye contact. Secondly, verbal interaction, contains written oral interaction. Written interaction is the style of interaction in which students write out their ideas, thoughts. While oral interaction occurred when students interact with others by speaking in class, answering and asking questions, making comments, and taking part in discussions. Then, they explain form of oral Interactions namely teacher- learner interaction and learners-learners interaction. Teacher-learner interaction is commonly happened in the classroom in which the teacher ask question and the students respon it. While learner-learner interaction occurs among learners. In this form of interaction, the teacher plays a role as a monitor and learners are the main participants. Learner-learner interaction occurs in groups called learner-learner interaction, in pairs called peer interaction. However, those interactions are not only key to support students learning. According to Krashen’s Affective filter hypothesis (1981), in acquiring foreign or second language, learner is affected by some variables including motivation, self confidence, and anxiety. Krashen claims that with high motivation, self confidence, good self-esteem, and low level of anxiety, learner will be better for success in second language acquisition. Furthermore, low self confidence which relate to the low self-esteem, and debilitating anxiety, can form a mental block that prevents comprehensible input for language acquisition. Some aspects influence English speaking ability. Speaking skill requires two aspects, namely linguistic aspect and non linguistic aspect, they are : 1. Linguistic aspect is the main requirement that the English learner should possess in order to speak it well. It involves comprehension, pronunciation, grammar and word SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 94-104 96 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung order, vocabulary, and general speed of speech, sentence length and etc. 2. Non linguistic aspect is an aspect to support learners to achieve a success in acquiring speaking skill. This aspect involves personality dimensions, such as: a) Extroversion, it has seven indicators that will determine the success of learning to speak. They are activity (active to speak), sociability (be sociable and easy to adapt a new atmosphere to gain the skill earlier), risk taking (is not afraid to make mistakes in producing utterances), implusiveness (be able to respond spontaneously), expressiveness, responsibility (has less responsibility for avoiding in making mistakes when practice speaking) and reflectiveness. b) Self-esteem which relates to the self confidence and motivation to learn speaking English. Heyde (1977) has looked at the effects of three levels of self-esteem (global, situational and task) correlated positively with the oral production measure, with the highest correlation happening between task self-esteem and performance in oral production. It means that when the learner has low self-esteem, any efforts to acquire second language as well will be disturbed, and she/he might failed to acquire English as second language. So, low self-esteem may affect their self confidence and motivation to learn. In a study carried out by Heyde (1977), three kinds of self-esteem, global or general, situational or specific and task self-esteem had equal and positive effects on oral production of American students learning French as a foreign language. Self-esteem is widely used concept both in popular language and in psychology. It refers to an individual’s sense of his value or worth, or the extent to which a person values, approves of, appreciates, prizes, or likes him or herself (Blascovich & Tomaka, 1991). Self-esteem is generally considered the evaluative component of the self- concept, a broader representation of the self that includes cognitive and behavioral aspects as well as evaluative or affective ones (Blascovich & Tomaka, 1991). While the construct is most often used to refer to a global sense of self- worth, narrower concepts such as self- confidence or body-esteem are used to imply a sense of self-esteem in more SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 94-104 97 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung specific domains. It is also widely assumed that self-esteem functions as a trait that is stable across time within individuals. Self-esteem is an extremely popular construct within psychology, and has been related to virtually every other psychological concept or domain, including personality, behavioral, cognitive, and clinical concepts. Self-esteem is a personal judgement of worthiness that is expressed in the attitudes that the individual holds towards himself. By self-esteem, it can be referred to the evaluation which the individual makes and customarily maintains with regard to himself; it expresses an attitude of approval and disapproval, and indicates the extent to which an individual believes himself to be capable, significant, successful, and worthy, (Coopersmith, 2007). Branden’s (2001) description of self- esteem includes the following primary properties : 1. Self-esteem as a basic human need, for example : “…it makes an essential contribution to the life process”, “…is indispensable to normal and healthy self- development, and has a value for survival.” 2. Self-esteem as an automatic and inevitable consequence of the sum of individuals’ choices in using their consciousness. 3. Something experienced as a part or background to all of the individuals thoughts, feelings and actions. Futhermore, Branden (2001) has stated that positive self-esteem is important because when people experience it, they feel and look good, are effective and productive and they respond to others and themselves in healthy, positive, growing ways. Know that they are lovable and capable, and care about themselves and others. They do not have to build themselves up by tear in others down or by patronizing less competent people. Based on the explanation above, it can be assumed that the students have to build up their self esteem to help them in expressing their idea and using English for communicating. Therefore this study aimed to investigate students’ self esteem in their speaking ability. SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 94-104 98 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 2. RESEARCH METHODS This research is a quantitative descriptive research. Key (1997) states that descriptive quantitative research is meant to collect and analyze numerical data obtained from formal instrument. It means that in this research the researcher correlates the taken data by describing it and then she got whether students’ self esteem positively or negatively correlates with their speaking ability. The researcher used an co-relation study with ex-post facto design. Co- relational study focuses on the relationship among variables that exist naturally. It does not involve the manipulation of independent variables. The sample of this research is fourth semester students of Hadist major in IAIN Raden Intan Lampung. There are 32 students who attended English subject. In collecting data, the researcher used close questionnare in this term Rossenberg Self- Esteem Scale (RSES) which consists of 10 items. In addition, the researcher also used speaking test, observation, and interview. Observation was done in order to see the process of students’ spoken interaction. During the observation the researcher also used field notes, observation checklist for students’ interaction and students’ speaking ability. Focus of the observation are: the interaction process of English spoken between students in their group; and students’ speaking performance on task during group work. Next, in documentation, the researcher used a video camera. The video taping took place at any kind of activities during the teaching learning process. It made easier for the researcher to replay and examine the detail of capture. The researcher also conducted a semi-structured interview, which is an open conversation, nor a highly structured questionnaire but focus on certain themes and that might include suggested questions (Kvale, 1996: 104). Therefore, the research used the study purposes and the literature review as a basis to construct an open-ended interview. Concerning to the validity of this study, the researcher used some basic strategies to enhance the data which was proposed by Merriam (1998: 204). The first is triangulation. In triangulation, researcher used multiple methods to confirm the emerging findings such as questionnaire, observation, and interview. SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 94-104 99 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung The second is member checks. Member checking strategy means that the researcher takes data and tentative interpretations back to the people from whom they are derived and asking them if the results are plausible. In member checking, the researcher sends back the result of interview transcription to the subject of the research. It is used to clarify whether what the researcher obtains from the interview is appropriate or not to what the subject of the research means. In analyzing the quantative data, the researcher used Pearson Product Moment Correlation to see whether self esteem influence students’ speaking ability. After finding out the correlation coefficient, it is necessary to find out whether it is significant or not by using One-Way Anova. 3. FINDING AND DISCUSSION As it was mentioned, the test consisted of 10 items which referred to self respect and self acceptance rated on a 4-point Likert-type scale, from zero to three, ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. From the result of self- esteem test, it was obtained that the highest score was 27, and the lowest score was 8. According to Rosenberg, The researcher categorized the score up to 25 into high self-esteem, 15-25 into normal self-esteem and under 15 into low self-esteem. From the result of self-esteem test, it was found that 6 students (18.75%) student has high self-esteem, 24 students (75 %) students have normal self-esteem and 2 students (15.625 %) student has low self-esteem. From the table, it can be seen that almost all students have normal self-esteem. It doesn’t mean that students who have normal and high self-esteem never think of themselves in a negative way anymore. One thing that makes it different between students who have normal and high self-esteem and those who have low self-esteem is that students with normal and high self-esteem are able to accept all weaknesses, and make decision about whether or not they want to improve themselves. For English speaking test, it was consist a session of interviewing a famous person. The students played a role with his partner, as a journalist and a famous person. Based on Heaton’s scale (1991), the researcher classified the scoring standard for the students’ SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 94-104 100 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung speaking ability. There were pronunciation, fluency and comprehensibility with the interval 90- 100, 80-89, and 70-79. From the result, there were 4 students (12.5 %) who reached 90-100 score in the speaking test. The students got the score since they was able to practice giving their personal information (self-introduction) in the form of dialogue very well in pronunciation, fluency and comprehensibility. Meanwhile there are 17 students (53.1 %) who got 80-89 score. These students were able to practice giving their personal information in the spoken form. Even though their ability was not very well but their ability was good enough. And then there are 11 students (34.4 %) who get 70-79 score. When they were speaking, there were still several weaknesses in their pronunciation, fluency and comprehensibility. However, their weaknesses did not cause a communication break down when they practiced giving personal information about famous people. The researcher found that the coefficient correlation between students’ self-esteem and their English speaking ability was 0.761 at significant level of 0.01. It means that the correlation between students’ self-esteem and their English speaking ability was high. After knowing the coefficient correlation between students’ self-esteem on their English speaking ability, The researcher used Simple Regression analysis to see how far the effect of students’ self-esteem on their English speaking ability. Table 1The Value of Regression The table showed that the coefficient influences value of X toward Y is 0.575, which classified into moderate influence. It meant that the effect of students’ self- esteem to their English speaking ability was 57,5 %, while other 52.5 % was influenced by other factors. Besides, to measure the significant effect of self-esteem on students’ speaking ability, The researcher used One-Way Anova to measure the significance. The following table will show the computation of one-way anova analysis of the two variables Model Summary .761 a .575 .518 3.048 Model 1 R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Predictors: (Constant), SELFESTEEM a. SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 94-104 101 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung Table 2 One-Way Anova Analysis The table showed that f=32.205 with p=.000 (p< 0.001), it meant that self- esteem significantly affected students’ speaking ability. After all, by result of the test, most of the fourth semester students of Hadist major IAIN Raden Intan Lampung were considered having normal self-esteem that can make them success in learning language. It is absolutely appropriate that sometimes people recognize their weaknesses. What they need to do is accept that they all have weaknesses, and make decision about whether or not they want to improve on them. They also need to recognize, acknowledge, and celebrate their strengths and successes. Finally, normal self-esteem means that people are not as sensitive to possible negative situations and will be more open-minded and balanced in how they view situations. As Krashen (1981) claims that with high motivation, self-confidence, good self-esteem, and low level of anxiety, learner will be better for success in second language acquisition. Furthermore, low self-esteem, low self- confidence and debilitating anxiety, can form a mental block that prevents comprehensible input for language acquisition. This will automatically occur when communication is successful. When the students have normal self-esteem, they will have more respect to themselves that can make them are brave to take a risk in having communication in target language. While the students who have low self-esteem, their mind might be locked by negative view about themselves. This condition appeared when he researcher conducted English speaking test to the students. The students who have normal and high self-esteem were brave to act as the famous people or the journalist and successful in practicing the interview session. While for the student who have low self-esteem, she tended to be afraid and shy to speak English that can make her difficult to communicate. Finally, the interview session between journalist and famous person was not successful. In this research, the researcher assumed that there is effect between students’ self-esteem and their English ANOVA b 299.290 1 299.290 32.205 .000 a 260.210 28 9.293 559.500 29 Regression Residual Total Model 1 Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Predictors: (Constant), SELFESTEEM a. Dependent Variable: SPEAKING b. SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 94-104 102 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung speaking ability. Based on the data of self-esteem and English speaking test result, it could be concluded that self- esteem affects students’ ability in speaking English. The same result is shown when the researcher counted the coefficient correlation for those variables. It is found that coefficient correlation was 0.761 categorized as high correlation. When the students were lack of self confidence, inclined to feel that they were fail, they wish they could respect for themselves, they may have low self- esteem that can make them unable to be themselves when they try to speak in the target language. They were not brave to take risk and make mistake, so they have low level of speaking. While students who were confident, who feel that they have a number of good qualities and take a positive attitude toward themselves, they may feel more respect for themselves that can make them feel they are able to do things as well as most other people do. They were able to be themselves and it will increase their motivation and make them brave to take a risk and make mistake that make them enjoy joining speaking practice. The effects of students’ self-esteem to their English speaking ability could be seen in this following graphic : Graphic 1. Means Plot The effect of students’ self-esteem to their English speaking ability was showed when the students got high score in self-esteem test, they also got high score for their speaking score. In the context of language learning, students may avoid taking the necessary risks to acquire communicative competence in the target language. While students who were considered have healthy self-esteem, they have accurate belief about themselves and also the commitment and responsibility that comes when they see themselves as able to complete worthwhile goals in the target language. They are enjoying self esteem score 27 25 23 22 21 20 18 8 95 90 85 80 75 70 SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 94-104 103 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung speaking activity, they build their positive mind to learn target language that when it requires speaking, they are confident and it is easy to produce words in target language. It can be concluded that self-esteem plays important role in developing competencies in students’ self that make them brave trying to express something and produce words in the target language. Further, this research expected that the teachers should put more attention to the self-esteem of the students as a psychological factor that may affect their achievement especially their ability in speaking English. 4. CONCLUSION The research findings lead the researcher to conclude that this study was successfully done. It could be seen from the result that sometimes the students were confident by taking positive attitude toward their selves, but at times they wish they could respect more for their selves. In other word, there is still another place to be improved to have high self- esteem. Then, it can be concluded that there is significant effect between students’ self-esteem and their English speaking ability. Students’ self-esteem affect 57.5% to their English speaking ability. 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