SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 105-120 105 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung ENHANCING THE LISTENING MOTIVATION AND ACHIEVEMENT OF THE ELEVENTH GRADERS BY USING DRAMA MOVIES VIEWING TECHNIQUES Suramto English Department, University of Musi Rawas Abstract The present study aimed to investigate whether or not there was a significant difference in students’ listening motivation and achievement after they were taught by drama movies viewing technique. The objects of the study were 60 eleventh graders. A quasi experimental design was used in this study.Data were collected by using motivation questionnaire and listening achievement tests. The results showed that the students who were treated by drama movies viewing technique achieved higher mean score in listening motivation (80.57) and listening achievement (81.46). Drama movies viewing technique also gave contribution in listening motivation (31.9%) and listening achievement (61.8%). Keywords: drama movies viewing techniques, listening motivation, and listening Achievement. 1. INTRODUCTION Listening is one of important skills in English mastering. Listening skill is usually studied in the first step while children, teenagers, and adults start learning English. Listening is introduced and taught effectively at the beginning in order the students are able to achieve English skillwell as the target of learning process. Furthermore, the students are able to understand largely in education. According to Saricoban (1999, p.6) listening is one of the fundamental language skills. It is a medium through which children, young people and adults gain a large portion of their education, their understanding of human affairs, their ideals, sense of values and their appreciation. In addition, Brown (1980, p.43) states a small child listens and speaks and no one would dream of making read or write. Reading and writing are advanced stages of language development. The natural order for first and second language learning is listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In other words, listening is studied by the children for first step, and the next steps they are going to learn speaking, reading, and writing skills. It means that the children usually are going to learn speaking, reading, and writing after they learned listening skill. SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 105-120 106 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung Listening is one of fundamental skills in English. Unfortunately, most students are not able to achieve listening skill well. There are many factorsthat influence students’ listening achievement is low. Monotonous learning media,speaking speed, and limited vocabulary are usually faced the students. Stivani and Hayati (2011) conducted a research entitled Using Animation Clips to Improve the Listening Ability of the Eight Graders of SMP Negeri 21 Malang. She found that 52% of students could not reach the SKM and 93% of students said that the media used in the class is monotonous. Handayani (2009) conducted a research entitled The Problems of Learning English at SMP Negeri 9 Malang. She found that listening was the most difficult faced the students in English, and 89% of the students said that they found problems in learning listening. The students’ problems in listening are about speaking speed and limited vocabulary. Most students complain that from four English skills, listening is the most difficult. They usually blame the recording as the only problem in their listening. There are many problems affect the listening skill. According to Underwood (1990, p.16), there are seven potential problems that students may encounter while learning to listen to English. Three of them are; the students are not able to get things repeated; the students have limited vocabularies; and the students are lack of control over the speed at which the speakers speak. The problem of English listening skill also happens to the students of Islamic Senior High School 1 Lubuklinggau although not all problems are experienced by all of them. The students’ listening achievement in English can be increased bythe use of movie in practicing in order the students are able to achieve well. In practicing process, the teacher is able to provide and apply the teaching aids properly. Movie is one of media in increasing students’ listening achievement. According to Hemei (1997, p.45), the use of video movie is a great help for foreign language teachers in stimulating and facilitating the target language. In addition, Whatley (2012, p.51) states that the presence of film and video changes the learning atmosphere of the class, as ESL/EFL students are hearing authentic English in real life scenes and natural settings. In increasing listening achievement, the teacher is able to use moviesas a great SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 105-120 107 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung media and a positive influence to the students. It can be suitable teaching device in English learning as the target language. Rubin (1995, p.157)states using movie can help students develop cognitive strategies. While they view a segment through sound off, the students can be asked to make predictions about what is happening by answering questions and while viewing the segment through sound on, the students are able to modify their predictions. In other words, the students are able to predict what is happening while they are watching movie through sound off and they are able to verify while they are watching movie through sound on. The use of movies will be beneficial. Harmer (2007:144) points out using video movie can be much richer than using audio. Video movie does not only produce sound but also produce moving picture; speakers can be seen, their body movements give clues as to meaning; so do their clothes they wear, their location, and background information can be filled in visually. In other words, while the students are watching movies, they are assisted through the speakers’ gesture, they know what happen, and they know where the activity is happened. During the students are listening through movies, they get inspiration and motivation because the story of movies are like the real life. Canning-Wilson (2000, p.6) states that video movies can stimulate and motivate students’ interest. It means that since the animation clips present attractive pictures and stories, they have increased their motivation. In interesting condition, it can drive up students’ willpower in learning. Kasbollah and Latif (1993, p.56) point out students will be motivated to study if the situation is interesting. Interesting condition can boost student’s spirit to learn language. In other words, the students will have good motivation in learning because class atmosphere is interesting. Then, it is for this purpose that the present study is carried out. More straightforwardly, the present research is intended to find the answers to the following research problems: 1. Is there any significant difference in listening motivation between the eleventh graders of Islamic Senior High School 1 Lubuklinggau who are taught listening by drama movies viewing techniques and those who are not? SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 105-120 108 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung 2. Is there any significant difference in listening achievement between the eleventh graders of Islamic Senior High School 1 Lubuklinggau who are taught listening by drama movies viewing techniques and those who are not? 3. What is the contribution of drama movies viewing techniquesto listening motivation and achievement of the eleventh gradersof Islamic Senior High School 1 Lubuklinggau? 2. RESEARCH METHOD A quasi experimental design (Non-equivalent group pretest-posttest design) was used in this study. The objects of the study were sixty students of science class at the Islamic Senior High School 1Lubuklinggau South Sumatera. They consisted of thirty students in the experimental and thirty students in control groups. The experimental group was given pre-test, treatment 36 meetings, and post-test. Meanwhile, the control group was given pre-test and post-test. The instruments for data collection consist of listening motivation questionnaire and listening achievement test. There were 20 items in the motivation questionnaire sheet, and 40 multiple choice questions in the listening achievement test sheet. In this study, there are three variables: (1) The use of drama movies viewing techniques; (2) students’ motivation in listening, and (3) students’ listening achievement. Drama movies viewing techniquesmeansa movie about people, often a famous story, and that is told using sound and moving pictures. It is used for teaching listening. This is a teaching device in assisting the learners’ comprehension by enabling them to listen, to exchange and see such visual support as facial expressions and gestures simultaneously which may boost their insight into the topic of conversations. Students’ motivation in listeningmeans that the students’ interest in learning English that encourages them towards target language and they wish to integrate into the target language community after they have received treatment by usingdrama moviesviewing techniques in teaching listening. The motivation used in this study are instrumental and integrated motivations through the following explanations that individual learns a language through a more utilitarian purpose such achieving SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 105-120 109 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung higher social status and individual learns a language due to the positive manners towards the target language group and wish to integrate into the target language community. Students’ listening achievement means that the scores are achieved by the students after they received treatment. The achievement here means the skill of listening in English that students are able to know information listening program from the speakers. The students’ listening achievement in this study is limited to the basic skill ofthe students’ scores in pre-test and post-test. Technique for analyzing the data was divided into two categories; motivation questionnaire in listening and listening achievement test. Listening Motivation questionnaire, t-test analysis was used to find out the significant different in students’ listening motivation. There are two kinds of t-test analysis were used in this study; Dependent sample t-test and Independent sample t-test (Best and Kahn, 1993, p. 328-341). First, dependent sample t-test was used to analyze the significant influence in students’ listening motivation of the eleventh graders of MAN 1 Lubuklinggau before and after they were taught listening by using drama movies viewing techniques and those who are not. Second, independent sample t-test was used to analyze (research question no.1) the significant influence in students’ listening motivation between the eleventh grade students of MAN 1 Lubuklinnggau who were taught listening by using drama movies through viewing techniques and those who are not. SPSS program was used to analyze it. Listening Achievement Test, t-test analysis was used to find out the significant difference in students’ listening achievement. There are two kinds of t-test analysis used in this study: dependent sample t-test and independent sample t-test. First, Dependent sample t-testwas used to analyze the significant influence on listening achievement of the eleventh graders of MAN 1 Lubuklinggau before and after they were taught listening byusing drama movies viewing techniques. Second, Independent sample t-test was used to analyze (research problem No 2) the significant difference in listening achievement between the eleventh graders of (Islamic Senior High School) MAN 1 Lubuklinggau who are taught listening byusing drama movies viewing SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 105-120 110 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung techniques and those who are not.SPSS program was used to analyze it. 3. FINDING AND DISCUSSION The post-test results of students’ listening motivationand achievement in the experimental group and control group are presented in table 1. Table 1. Frequency and Mean of Students’ Listening Motivation Questionnaire And Listening Achievement Test Based on Achievement Level For listening motivation, the students’ mean scores for adequate, high, and very high categories were 71.66, 79.71, and 89.33 respectively. While, in the listening achievement, the students’ mean scores for competent but limited listener, competent listener, and adept listener categories were 68.93, 76.44, and 84.75 respectively. Furthermore, the students’ mean scores of listening motivation and achievement in both groups were 80.23 and 76.71. It can be concluded that the mean score of the students’ listening motivation was in high level category and students’ listening achievement was in competent listener category or good level. In the terms of frequency and percentage in students’ listening motivation both in experimental and control groups, there were 29 students (48.33%) who were in the adequate category, 28 students (46.67%) who were in high category, and 3 students (5.00%) who were in very high category. The result showed that the students’ listening motivation could be said in good category because there were 57 students (95%) who were in adequate and high categories. Furthermore, there was 5% who were in very high motivation category. Moreover, there was no one who was in low motivation category. It could be categorized in good category because the percentage of students’ listening motivation questionnaire more than 75 %. In the listening achievement, the results of the listening achievement test showed that there were 14students (23.33%) who were in competent but limited listener, 26 students (43.33%) who were in competent listener, and 20 students (33.34%) who were in adept listener. There were 46 students (76.67%) who were in competent listener and adept listener categories. It could be said that the students’ listening achievement was good SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 105-120 111 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung because the percentage of students’ listening achievement is more than 75%. There were three statistical analyses in this study; Dependent sample t-test (paired sample t-test), Independent sample t-test, and Multiple regressions. Dependent sample t-test (paired sample t-test) was used to find out: (1) the significant difference in students’ listening motivation and achievement before and after the students were taught by drama movies viewing technique; and (2) the significant difference in students’ listening motivation and achievement in the control group. Independent sample t-test was used to find out: (1) the significant difference in students’ listening motivation between the experimental and control groups. (2) the significant difference in students’ listening achievement between the experimental and control groups. Multiple regression analysis was used to find out the contribution by drama movies viewing technique in students’ listening motivation and achievement. The table below showed the results of Paired Sample and Independent Sample t-test analysis. Table 2. The Results of Paired Sample and Independent Sample t-tes The result of paired sample t-test showed that the mean difference (between the pretest & posttest) of listening motivation in the experimental group was 10.867. The value of df was 29, the value of t-obtained was 7.448 (>t-table), and the value of sig.2-tailed was .000 (<0.05). Since the value of t-obtained was higher than that of t-table and the value of sig.2-tailed was <0.05, it means there was a significant difference of listening motivation in the experimental group. Based on the table above, the results showed that the mean difference of listening achievement in the experimental group was 11.300. The value of df, t-obtained, and the value of sig.2-tailed were 29, 3.045 (>t-table), and 0.00 (<0.05). If the value of t-obtained > t-table and sig.2-tailed < 0.05, it means there was a significant difference between the pretest and posttest of students’ listening achievement in the experimental group. It could be stated that teaching listening by drama movies viewing technique was effective in the experimental group. SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 105-120 112 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung In the control group, the results of paired sample t-test showed that the mean difference between the pre-test and post-test of listening motivation was 2.533.The value of degree of freedom (df) was 29, t-obtained was 1.547 (>t-table), and the value of sig.2-tailed was 0.00 (<0.05). It means there was a significant difference between the pretest and posttest in the control group. It can be said that there was some improvement in the students’ listening motivation in the control group but it was not higher improvement than in the experimental group. Furthermore, the terms of listening achievement, the mean difference was 2.667. The value of degree of freedom (df), t-obtained, and the value of sig.2-tailed were 29.(2.524) and .017. It means teaching listening without drama movies viewing technique was also effective although the improvement in students’ listening scores was not as higher as the scores in the experimental group. In terms of the students’ listening motivation, t-value of gain between the experimental and control group was 4.901. The value of df, t-obtained, and the value of sig.2-tailed were 58, 9.736 and .000. Since the value of t-obtained was higher than the value of t-table (9.736 >2.021) and the value of sig.2-tailed <0.05, it means that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted; therefore, teaching listening by drama movies viewing technique was more effective. In terms of students’ listening achievement, the t-value of gain between the experimental and control group was 10.521. The value of degree of freedom (df) was 58, t-obtained was 6.018 (>2.021), and the value of sig.2-tailed was .000. It means the value of t-obtained was higher than t-table and the value of sig.2-tailed was lower than 0.05. It could be said that drama movies viewing technique significantly improves students’ listening achievement. After he found the significant of drama movies viewing technique to listening motivation and achievement, he also found the contribution. Multiple regression analysis was used to know the contribution of drama movies through viewing technique towards listening motivation and achievement. The result of contribution showed as below table. SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 105-120 113 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung Table 3 TheContribution ofDrama Movies Viewing Technique towards Students’ Listening Motivation Table 4 TheContribution of Drama Movies Viewing Technique towards Students ’ Listening Achievement Based on the table 3 and 4, it can be concluded that drama movies viewing technique only gave the contribution to students’ listening motivation namely 31.9%. It can be seen from R square 0.319 (table 3). Meanwhile, drama movies viewing technique could give contribution to students’ listening achievement namely 61.8%. Table 4 showed that R square is 0.618. The percentage showed that drama movies viewing technique gave higher contribution to listening achievement than listening motivation. The writer also analyzed the contribution of drama movies viewing technique to instrumental motivation and integrative motivation. The table showed as follows; Table 5 The Contribution of Drama Movies Viewing Techniques to Integrative Motivation Table 6 The Contribution of Drama Movies Viewing Techniques to Instrumental Motivation The table 5 and 6 showed that drama movies viewing technique gave contribution to integrative motivation 0.734 or (73.4%) and instrumental motivation 0.266 or (26.6%). It can be concluded that drama movies viewing technique gave higher contribution to integrative motivation than instrumental motivation. In terms of listening achievement, the students’ mean scores of drama movies viewing technique in listening achievement were to identify words meaning (0,75), to express idea (0.73), to respond satisfied and unsatisfied (0.96), to express feeling (0.96), to identify request (0.91), to respond agreement (0.90), to identify advice (0.81), to identify topics (0.90), to identify the goal of function text (0.83), to identify main idea (0.67), and to identify the cases (0.43), so it could be SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 105-120 114 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung concluded that the use of drama movies gave high contribution for the skill of expressing feeling and responding satisfied and satisfied. In this study, the writer applied the drama movies viewing technique to teach the eleventh graders of MAN 1 Lubuklinggau. The results of this study showed that the drama movies viewing technique significantly improves the students’ listening motivation and achievement. Drama movies viewing technique could improve the students’ listening motivation. This study is supported by Cardon (2010, p.152) who states that the power of movie is as potential motivator in lifelong learning. The primary benefits of movies are entertaining, engaging, and motivating. Drama movies viewing technique in enhancing students’ listening motivation can be seen from the results of listening motivation questionnaire. The students of experimental group who were taught by drama movies viewing technique had a higher mean score than the students of control group (80.57>72.03). It is also in line with Canning and Wilson (2000) who state movies or films can stimulate and motivate students’ motivation in learning. In addition, Whatley (2012) states the presence of movie or video changes the learning atmosphere of the class, as ESL/EFL students are hearing authentic English in real life scenes and natural settings. The improvement of students’ motivation can also be seen from the results of pre-test and post-test. In the experimental group, the results showed that the students’ mean score of pre-test (69.70) and the students’ mean score of post-test (80.57). So, drama movies viewing technique can be a proper way in increasing students’ motivation. Kasbollah and Latief (1993) state students will be motivated to study through interesting situation. Interesting condition can boost students’ spirit to learn a foreign language. In addition, Gerlach and Elly (1980) state films, videos, and animation clips can motivate student because they enjoy the media. By creating fun atmosphere class, the students do not feel that they are forced in doing the tasks given. Besides the listening motivation, drama movies viewing technique could also improve the students’ listening achievement. It can be seen the mean scores between pre-test and post-test SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 105-120 115 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung (70.16-81.46). It means that there was an improvement in the experimental group. It is in line with a study done by Kusumarasdyati (2004) she found that movies could be an effective teaching device to develop the English foreign learners’ listening aroused their motivation and their potential to engage in various activities. In addition, Bahrani and Sim (2012) state movies as one type of authentic audiovisual program and the result can improve language proficiency. Sulistyowati (2011) states that the use of movie can improve listening comprehension and the students’ listening could be categorized good. The significant difference between students’ listening achievement in both groups might be caused by the teaching technique, materials, and media used during the teaching and learning process. The writer used laptop, sound system, and LCD. This study confirms what was found by Tinio (2012, p.7) who states that the use of ICT by the teacher in the classroom can impact the students’ learning achievement. Furthermore, Dudeney and Hockly (2007, p.7-8) state that the use of ICT by language teachers in the classroom is becoming increasingly important and it will become a normal part of ELT practice. Using a range of ICT can give students exposure and practice in all of the four main language skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The mean scores of the students’ listening motivation and achievement in in experimental group were 80.57 (high) and 81.46 (adept listener category or very good). Hence, it can be said that the students were in good category if the mean scores of the students’ listening motivation or achievement higher than ≥ 75. It can be concluded that the mean score of the students’ listening achievement already fulfilled the standard scores of MAN 1 Lubuklinggau but it did not fulfill the writer’s expectation (≥ 85.0). The writer assume that there are some factors such as; the time of the study was limited, the treatment was only conducted in 24 meeting included pre-test and post-test, the teaching learning process was implemented in the afternoon (extra class) at 02.30 p.m. up to 04.00 p.m. because the writer did not want to disturb students’ learning schedule in the class, and the students were so tired because they studied after they finished learning in the class. Therefore, the students’ results are not as high as expected by the writer. The writer believes that if the treatment SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 105-120 116 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung and listening test are done in the morning class, there will be a higher improvement in students’ listening motivation and achievement. The mean scores of students’ listening motivation and achievement in control group were 72.03 (adequate) and 73.38 (competent listener category or good). The results of students’ motivation showed that there was an improvement of the students’ mean scores. It can be seen the mean scores between pre-test and post-test (69.50-72.03). While in terms of listening achievement, the students’ mean scores between pre-test and post-test (70.16-73.38). The mean scores of listening achievement improved but it did not fulfill the standard of MAN 1 Lubuklinggau. The small improvement may be influenced by the technique or media who the teacher used in the teaching and learning process. The English teacher teaches students without using ICT. Meanwhile, teaching device is part of teaching learning process in the classroom. Tinio (2012) states the use of ICT by the teacher in the class can impact the students’ achievement. In addition, Dudeney and Hockly (2007, p.7-8) state the use of ICT by the teachers in the classroom is becoming increasingly important and it will become a normal part of ELT practice. Furthermore, the writer also found that drama movies viewing technique gave contribution to each category in students’ listening motivation and achievement. In terms of the listening motivation, drama movies viewing technique gave higher contribution to integrative motivation than instrumental motivation. It can be seen from the results of multiple regression that R square for integrative motivation (.734) or (73.4%) and R square for instrumental motivation (.266 or 26.6%). It can be caused by technique that the writer used in teaching learning process.So, the students’ motivation of integrative increased in English learning as a target language. According to Saville-Troike (2006), integrative motivation as the desire to be a part of an important member and it is based on interest in learning the language because of their need to learn the second or foreign language. In addition, Crookes and Schmidt (1991) state motivation has been identified as the learner’s orientation through regard to the goal of learning a second or foreign language. It can be concluded that drama movies viewing technique is a suitable way in increasing SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 105-120 117 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung the students’ motivation. In terms of listening achievement, drama movies viewing technique gave improvement in students’ listening achievement of competent but limited listener category. It could be seen from the results in the listening achievement test, the results showed that there were 26 students (86.67%) increased in adept listener category. It could be said that from 30 students, there were only 4 students (13.33%) who could not achieve listening skill. It is clear that drama movies viewing technique could improve in students’ listening motivation and achievement. It is supported the study done by Kusumarasdyati (2004) which found that movie could be an effective teaching device to develop the English foreign language learners’ listening aroused their motivation. Similarly, Bahrani and Sim (2012) they found that films or movies through good story lines seem to motivate the learners to absorb the language input better and have a significant effect on the language improvement. The results of the study showed that there was a significant improvement of the students’ listening motivation and achievement in the experimental group. Drama movies viewing technique could enlarge the students’ understanding and acknowledgment about English skills and culture. 4. CONCLUSION Based on the findings and statistical analysis in this study as explained in the previous chapter, it can be taken conclusions as follows; First, the results of this study showed there was a statistically significant difference in students’ listening motivation after they were taught by using drama movies viewing techniques. In the experimental group, the results between pre-test and post-test showed that there was a good progress in the students’ motivation in listening from the pre-test score until the post-test score (69.70-80.57). In the control group, it was also found that there was a significant mean difference but still lower than the score in the experimental group (72.03<80.57). The results showed that there was a significant difference means score between students’ listening motivation in experimental group and control group (8.334). The results of this study showed that there were 24 students in high motivation and there were 3 SMART Journal Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016 Hlm 105-120 118 Published in: English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung students in very high motivation categories. It means that 90% students were in high and very high motivation categories. Second, using drama movies viewing techniques significantly improves the students’ listening achievement. In the experimental group, it showed from the students’ score after the treatment by using drama movies viewing techniques in teaching and learning process, the results of the post-test was better than the results of the pre-test (81.46>70.16). In the control group, it was found that there was lower significant mean difference than the mean difference in the experimental group (73.38<81.46). The students’ mean score of listening achievement (81.46) in the experimental group had already fulfilled the standard score of school but it was not happened by the control group (73.38). The result also showed that there was a significance mean difference between students’ listening achievement in the experimental group and control group (10.233). In the experimental group, there were 26 students or 86% in adept listener and in competent listener categories. It can be said that the use of drama movies through viewing techniques for teaching listening in the experimental group was effective. Third, it was found that using drama movies viewing techniques gave significance contribution to the students’ listening motivation and achievement. The results showed that it gave high contribution 73.4% to the integrative motivation and 68.1% to listening achievement in the experimental group. 5. REFERENCES Bahrani, T., &Sim, T. S. 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