Jurnal SMART , Volume 3, No 2 (2017) , Page. 110-116 ISSN Cetak : 2356-2048 ISSN Online : 2356-203X DOI: https://doi.org/10.26638//468.203X 110 PROJECT BASED LEARNING IN EVOKING STUDENTS’ WILLINGNESS TO CREATE BUSINESS: A CASE STUDY IN CLASS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP Rahmatika Kayyis English Department, STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu kayyis@stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id Abstract This research has a purpose to report the implementation of Project Based Learning (PBL) as a teaching method to evoke students’ willingness in creating business in entrepreneurship class.The research used qualitative approach which involved the case study method. In doing the project, 62 students of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu was divided into 31 pairs. The technique of collecting data by using questionaire of motivation in creating bussiness by Utoyo. The results showed that PBL evokes students willingness and creates students independency in using their talent in creating bussiness. Keywords: Entrepeneurship, Project Based Learning, Bussiness. 1. INTRODUCTION Asian Economic Community (AEC) gives new opportunity to Indonesia for growth and prosperity. AEC brings the challenge for Indonesian people to be more creative in creating business. This challenge is accepted in SKTIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung by preparing the sudents skill of bussiness in enterpreneurship class. Although, the objective of teaching learning in this subject may change, but the essence is still the same. For students in English education, the enterpreneurship class existed to evoke the willingness of doing bussiness. Realize it or not, the chance of fresh-graduated to be recruited as a teacher or goverment employees. The chance should be created by optimalizing the students talents to create their own bussiness in the class. Of course, the learning method shuld be designed to gve the students autonomy in learning. There are many kinds of teaching Creation is distributed under the Creative Commons License Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart JurnalSMART : Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.26638/468.203X Project Based Learning…… 111 methodology which can be employed to promote learner autonomy: using process syllabus (Widdowson, 1990), employing self-access learning (Jordan, 1997; Lynch, 2001), involving taskbased and project-based learning (Robinson, 1991; Robinson et al., 2001). Project Based Learning is mentioned as the teaching methodology that promote learner autonomy. Kalabzova (2015: 1) states that Project Based Learning (PBL) represents nowadays an approach to learning which may meet several students´ needs. For one thing it offers a skill-based practice for another it symbolizes the focus on students who should become involved, show inner motivation and creativity. The main advantage is that students deal with real subject matter by working on the real problems. It emerges that this sense of solving an authentic difficulty, in the area of group work and cooperation experience has the potential to help students learn. However, project work comprises quite a complex topic since its implementation and usage at schools lays increased demands both on organization and psychological aspects of teachers ‘work. According to Beckett (2002: 54) in the context of second language (L2) education, PBL has a variety of terms that he finds interchangeable, such as project work, project method, project approach, project-oriented approach or project-based instruction. He claims that this method was firstly applied in L2 setting more than 20 years ago in order to provide learners with chances “to interact and communicate with each other and with native speakers of the target language in authentic context.” Moreover, Ribé and Vidal (1993) see PBL as a chance for students with poor linguistic skills to be in project work actively participating as they may make use of their other talents in other non- linguistic tasks and consequently improve their confidence and general attitude towards language learning. Based on those theories it can be assumed that project based learning is teaching method that offer learner autonomy and freedom to be enggaged with their learning activity. From that also the learner can learn their language (L2) by doing their project conciously or unconciously. Project based learning also believed can promote learner autonomy in class of enterpreneurship. By alowing the students to do the bussiness, the students also can show the talent in other linguistic tasks and improve their confidence and attitude toward learning. Afterwards, the perceptions of students Rahmatika… 112 need to be analyzed in order to measure the level of success or failure of this implementation in evoking students willingness to create bussiness. 2. RESERCH METHOD This qualitative research that involved one shoot-case study was conducted in SMAN 2 Pringsewu.. The participants of this study were 62 sixth- semester undergraduate English Education students that registered as students in enterpreneurship class divided in two classes. The data were collected mainly from the students’questionaires about their willingness of creating bussiness in the form of motivation doing enterpreneurship. 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Related to the question of how PBL can evoke students willingness to create bussiness The researcher conducted PBL in three phases included preparation phase, realization phase, and evaluation phase (Miller, 2011). Started from preparation phase, students did the observation and interview to the business owner who run the business on course education. Realization phase included planning and implementation. In this phase, students created logos, vision, mission, marketing plan, business plan, and budget plan. Those plans reported and consulted to the lecturer before implemented in real situation. In evaluation phase, the result can be concluded that they were reported creating and running the business. The question can be answered based on the result of questionaire about the students willingness in creating bussiness. Table 1 The Motvation in Creating Bussiness Sosial Prestige Questions EA A N NA DN A 1 I feel proud if I create and own my bussiness 89 % 7% 4% 0% 0% 2 I regard that doing bussiness is one of social prestiges 50 % 32 % 4% 10 % 4% 3 I feel more proud in socialitat ion if I own my bussiness 50 % 30 % 10 % 5% 5% Individual Challenge Project Based Learning…… 113 Questions EA A N N A DN A 1 I alway s want to try new things 60 % 30 % 5 % 4% 1% 2 I have a vision that “if they can do it, I can do it.” 70 % 25 % - - - 3 I am risk taker of the risk that I take 45 % 30 % - - - Being an Owner Questions EA A N NA DN A 1 I want to have an obligatio n right of the bussines s result 70 % 15 % - 15 % - 2 I prefer to make my own decision 60 % 20 % 20 % - - 3 I have a willingn 80 15 5% - - ess to be free of being a worker % % Inovation Questions EA A N N A DN A 1 I am smart in finding and creating idea of bussines s 45 % 50 % 5 % - - 2 I always prefer of somethin g that needs creativit y 30 % 70 % - - - 3 I always want to create or develop bussines s 40 % 40 % - - - Leadership Questions EA A N N A DN A 1 I have willingne ss to be inisiative 60 % 40 % 10 % - - 2 I can make some interactio n with various 70 % 20 % 5% 5 % - Rahmatika… 114 personali ty 3 I have ability in influenci ng others 50 % 40 % 10 % - - Flexibility Questions EA A N N A DN A 1 I preferles s in routinity 40 % 50 % 10 % - - 2 I want to be free in regulati ng my own bussines s 80 % 10 % 5% 5 % - 3 I do not like to be in contract with (compan y as worker) 50 % 35 % - - - Profit Questions EA A N N A DN A 1 I want to earn my own bussines s profit 90% 10 % - - - 2 I want to be free 95% 5% - - - in managin g the bussines s profit 3 I want to earn and enjoy the profit from my own bussines s 100 % - - - - *) EA= Extremely Agree, A=Agree, N=Neutral, NA=Not Agree, DNA=Definitely Not Agree (Utoyo, 2010) Based on the result of questionaire, the research found the result as follows: The precentage of social prestige that students get after owning a bussines is on high scale. It indicates that PBL were succeed in evoking students willingness to create bussiness indicated by the high precentage of their social prestige. PBL offers students to use their talents in creating bussiness. Based on the result, the social prestiges was one of intangible rewards that students got afterall. The precentage of individual challenge that students get after owning a bussines is on high scale. It indicates that PBL were succeed in evoking students willingness to create bussiness indicated Project Based Learning…… 115 by the high precentage of their challenge in creating bussiness.Of course, PBL is mostly gave autonomy for students to create their project. In this case, the level of independency is high and also the challenge. The precentage of being an owner that students get after owning a bussines is on high scale. It indicates that PBL were succeed in evoking students willingness to create bussiness indicated by the high precentage of their being an owner. PBL gave students their own control and management in controlling their own bussiness. The precentage of inovation that students get after owning a bussines is on high scale. It indicates that PBL were succeed in evoking students willingness to create bussiness indicated by the high precentage of their inovation. PBL offers freedom for student to create their innovation of bussiness. The precentage of leadership that students get after owning a bussines is on high scale. It indicates that PBL were succeed in evoking students willingness to create bussiness indicated by the high precentage of their leadership. Each of bussiness they created, they have control on it. Exactly it teaches also their leadership. The precentage of flexibility that students get after owning a bussines is on high scale. It indicates that PBL were succeed in evoking students willingness to create bussiness indicated by the high precentage of their flexibility. Bussiness can not be improved alone, it needs to be socialized to improve their bussiness. The precentage of profit that students get after owning a bussines is on high scale. It indicates that PBL were succeed in evoking students willingness to create bussiness indicated by the high precentage of their profit.The motivation that they get after creating bussiness is profit. PBL was suceed in evoking their willingness to create bussiness. 4. CONCLUSION From the data, it can be concluded that this project based learning can be used in enterpreneurship class to evoke students willingness in creating bussiness. It indicates by the high result of motivation of creating bussiness. Those asked about their social prestige, individual challenge, inovation, leadership, being an owner, flexibility, and profit that they got after creating their own bussiness. 5. REFERENCES Rahmatika… 116 Beckett, G. H. (2002). 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