Jurnal SMART , Volume 3, No 2 (2017) , Page. 117-124 ISSN Cetak : 2356-2048 ISSN Online : 2356-203X DOI: https://doi.org/10.26638/469.203X 117 Creation is distributed under the Creative Commons License Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart Jurnal SMART : Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION Novita Eka Tristiana English Department, STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu novita@stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id Abstract The aim of this research is to know what the English Department students’ perceptions are on the entrepreneurship. The research was conducted at the sixth semester of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu which the participant were the students who studied Entrepreneurship. There were 50 students who were involved in this research. But, in this research, the researcher only took 5 students as the representative of the students since the design of this research was qualitative research design. The data collecting techniques used in this research were think- aloud protocol, interview and observation. In analyzing the data, the researcher did some activities such as; describing, classifying and connecting. The finding of the research showed that the students have positive perception on entrepreneurship and the students also think that entrepreneurship is important seen from the usage perception. Keywords: Perception, Entrepreneurship and English Department students. 1. INTRODUCTION Entrepreneurship education consists on the critical consideration toward the concept and the practical of entrepreneurship which the students study about some theories and basic thinking about the entrepreneurship. Nian, et al (2014) state that entrepreneurship education or also known as entrepreneurial education is used to deliver entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and abilities to the students for helping them to success their career as an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship education has an eminent role in building up the students’ understanding, mentality and attractiveness since the aims of this education gives both theoretical understanding and practical. Duval, Couetil & Long (2015) state today entrepreneurship program tout associated https://doi.org/10.26638/469.203X The English… 118 benefits, including the development of leadership, communication, business literacy and intrapreneurial skills, in order to draw a broader audience to programs. Lackeus (2015) asserts that teaching “for” entrepreneurship means an occupationally oriented approach aiming at giving building entrepreneurs the requisite knowledge and skills. Moreover, Entrepreneurship education trains the student to gain innovative enterprise skills and capture the opportunities to success in business venture. For summing up, the entrepreneurship education provides the knowledge, skill and experience for the students to build up their mentality, performance and character in handling the entrepreneurship activities. Thus, the knowledge and skill can be applied for their life. Some previous studies about the students’ perception on entrepreneurship education had been conducted by some researchers such as: Nian et al (2014), Brijlal (2011), and Lame & Yusoff (2013). From the results of the research it can be concluded that the students think that entrepreneurship is important and they have positive perception on entrepreneurship. Since the students get conceptual understanding and practical about the entrepreneurship. In English Department of Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, entrepreneurship is taught in the second semester. In this case, the students study about all the theories of entrepreneurship as well as the practical activities. Thus, in this research aims to know the students’ perceptions on entrepreneurship education. 2. RESEARCH METHOD The research was conducted at the sixth semester in academic year 2016- 2017 at STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu. There were 50 students involved in this research in which the researcher took 5 students as the representative. The research design used in this research was qualitative research. The data collecting techniques in this research were think-aloud protocol, interview and observation. Meanwhile, for analyzing the data, the researcher conducted some activities such as; describing, classifying and connecting. 3. FINDING AND DISCUSSION For answering the research question that is what the students’ perception on entrepreneurship education, the researcher gathered the data from think-aloud protocol, interview and observation. The results were as follows; Novita …… 119 a. The result from think-aloud protocol 1st student My perception in entrepreneurship is about the learning of leadership, how to manage our business for getting new experience, how to take some opportunities that come for us, try to maximize all of the chance in our lie. Entrepreneurship not only think about lost and profit but also try to make something else be good thing for others. We do the entrepreneurship cause of love, so that it will be worth it. 2nd Student My opinion about entrepreneurship is very good because of increasing my life skill beside English skill. It can lead to new ideas and open a new job. Moreover, entrepreneurship also teaches us to be independent and able to open our minds to be entrepreneur. Thus, we will be able to create a new job and become good entrepreneur, and also able to manage our financial. 3rd Student In my mind, entrepreneurship is very important to us because it helps people to improve economic and make people creative for business. In addition, entrepreneurship has important role in education because if English education students learn entrepreneurship, the students will be active and have knowledge in business. 4th Student Entrepreneurship is very important to us because it can give opportunity and experience for running business. It also teaches how to be creative and independent but can cooperate well with the others people. 5th Student I think entrepreneurship is important to be learned well for me because, the entrepreneurship teaches me to communicate and develop myself. Entrepreneurship teaches me to take problem in life and try to overcome the problem by taking the opportunities. b. The result of interview 1st Student I take English department then I want to maximize it to be an entrepreneur it will be very useful. For example, when I The English… 120 establish English course, we have to see the opportunity around us. For looking the opportunity of course we should know the background of entrepreneurship itself. 2nd Student My expectation after studying entrepreneurship, I will be able to develop my ability in communication and I hope after graduate in this campus I will open shop which content clothes or food to make extra money and by having the knowledge of entrepreneurship I can share my experience. 3rd Student Entrepreneurship is very important for me as a student of education department. Because, I not only can know about how to teach well, how to be a good teacher, know a lot of the material of English but also I learn well the theories of entrepreneurship which motivate me and build my entrepreneur soul. 4th Student We can implement the idea of entrepreneurship to be active and creative person by running the entrepreneurship activities like handling business, selling, producing and promoting. 5th Student My expectation on studying entrepreneurship, I will be better entrepreneur in the future, because right now, I also run an online shop business, by studying entrepreneurship I will get many benefit such as; have a knowledge how to be good entrepreneur, how to sell product and how to promote the product. So hopefully my business will run smoothly in the future. c. The Result of Observation In this case, the researcher observed three primary activities of the students in entrepreneurship class, such as; the teaching and learning process about the theories of entrepreneurship, presenting business proposal, establishing bazaar and presenting the business report. Novita …… 121 The field note of observation can be seen in this table. activities Note Teaching and learning process of the theories of entrepreneurshi p • The lecturer explained about the theories of entrepreneurs hip which included the definition of entrepreneurs hip, the entrepreneur, the characteristic of entrepreneurs hip, the kinds of entrepreneurs hip activities • The lecture made asked the students to study in group which consist of 5 students. • Each group presented the theories of entrepreneurs hip in front of the class. Presenting business proposal • In this process, the students worked in groups which consist of 5 people in each group. There were 10 groups. • The students arranged the business proposal. • The each group presented the business plan in front of the others groups. • The group which had turn in presentation described the business plan that include, the name of the business, the location, the capital and the SWOT Analyzes on their business plan • The others group gave positive responds toward the the business plan and gave some suggestion on their business plan • All of the groups were able to make the organization on their business plan. • All of the group also were able to tell about the marketing plan on their business plan. Bazaar • At entrepreneurshi The English… 122 p day the groups sold their products • The bazaar were followed all of the group in entrepreneurshi p class • The groups displayed all of their product • The groups promoted their product to the customers • The groups documented the testimony on their product to the customer. • All of the groups have positive competition on selling their products • The members of the groups had big effort to promote and persuade the customers to buy their products. Presenting business report • Each group was able to tell their business report. • The group told about their experiences in handling the business • The groups explained their strengths and weakness on their business Based on the results of the research above, it can be seen that all of the students have positive perception of entrepreneurship and think that entrepreneurship is important. As mentioned by the first student “Entrepreneurship not only think about lost and profit but also try to make something else be good thing for others”,. Moreover she also said “‘I take English department then I want to maximize it to be an entrepreneur it will be very useful. For example, when I establish English course, we have to see the opportunity around us” from her statement, it is clear that she has positive sight of entrepreneur, she think that by studying entrepreneur it will help her to create something different. As an English Department student she has dream to establish English course that in line with her skill. Thus, she can maximize her ability both English skill and entrepreneurship knowledge that will be useful in her life. Novita …… 123 In addition, the second student also said the similar rhythm of her perception of entrepreneurship. She said that “My opinion about entrepreneurship is very good because of increasing my life skill beside English skill. It can lead to new ideas and open a new job” from this statement she thinks that she can develop herself through entrepreneur. Therefore, she is not only able to develop her English Skill but also entrepreneurship skill. moreover, she also said that “My expectation after studying entrepreneurship, I will be able to develop my ability in communication and I hope after graduate in this campus I will open shop which content clothes or food to make extra money and by having the knowledge of entrepreneurship I can share my experience. Moreover, the third student also stated that “In my mind, entrepreneurship is very important to us because it helps people to improve economic and make people creative for business” from his statement he thinks that this important to study entrepreneurship that will lead him to run the business in order to help the other people. Next, the forth students asserted that “We can implement the idea of entrepreneurship to be active and creative person by running the entrepreneurship activities like handling business, selling, producing and promoting”. From this statement, it can be seen that the forth student thinks that entrepreneurship can make him creative and active person by running some business activities The last statement from the fifth students is “by studying entrepreneurship I will get many benefit such as; have a knowledge how to be good entrepreneur, how to sell product and how to promote the product” From all of those statements it can be drawn up the conclusion that all of the students think that entrepreneurship is essential to the student to increase their life skill. It is supported by Nian et al (2014) entrepreneurship education is to prepare graduates to be successful in their career when they set up a new business venture or in small medium enterprise (SME). Innovation is one of the most important elements to acquire when students learn about entrepreneurship education. The English… 124 4. CONCLUSION English department students have positive perception on entrepreneurship education. Since the entrepreneurship education gives the chance for the students to be creative, active and innovative to develop themselves. 5. REFERENCES Brijlal, P. (2011). Entrepreneurial Perceptions and knowledge: A survey of final year university students. African Journal of Business Management Vol.5 (3), pp.818-825, 4 February, 2011. http://www.academicjournal.org/ AJBM. DOI: 10.5897/AJBM10.403. ISSN 1993-8233@2011 Academic Journal Duval, N., Couetil & Long, Z. Career Impact of Entrepreneurship Education: How and When Students intend to Utilize Entrepreneurship in their Professional Lives. USASBE (2015).Journal of Small Business Management Editor’s Choice Award. Lackeus, M. (2015). Entrepreneurship in Education. 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