Jurnal SMART , Volume 3, No 2 (2017), Page. 125-136 ISSN Cetak : 2356-2048 ISSN Online : 2356-203X DOI: https://doi.org/10.26638/470.203X 125 Creation is distributed under the Creative Commons License Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart Jurnal SMART : Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN BRITISH AND AMERICAN VARIETIES: A CASE-STUDY OF ENGLISH ACCENTS Masagus Sulaiman 11), Sri Yuliani 22) 1Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University –Palembang Masagussulaiman@ymail.com 2Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University –Palembang Sriyulianihamzah@yahoo.co.id Abstract The objectives of thisresearch were to figure out whether or not there were similarites, dissimilarities and possible learning difficulties faced by Indonesian Students inlearning Englishvarieties or accents, as well as its contribution to TEFL. This research useddescriptive-qualitative method. The triangulation technique was used to collect the data, andto analyze the data, the researchers useddescriptive analysis(i.e. identifying, classifying, interpreting, predicting and drawing conclusions).The results showed that British and American varieties had two similaritieson meanings and word functions and four dissimilarities on diction, spelling, grammar and pronunciation. Keywords: British, American, Varieties, Accents. 1. INTRODUCTION At the beginning of this writing, this reserach describes about the language. Language is such an expression of human being life that it hardly seems crucial to define it. Whatever else people may do, when they come together, whether they play, fight, make love, or make automobiles, they talk and use a language. (Fromkin, et al., 2003, p.3). It means that a language has relationships with serious aspects of human’s life. It deals with human’s psychology, physical activities, communication theory, anthropology and culture.A language enables people to communicate with their society. However, the ways to express the language is different from one nation to another. As it is going to be concerned with the analysis of a language, it will be useful to start by defining what a marvelous attribute language is- and a https://doi.org/10.26638/470.203X mailto:Masagussulaiman@ymail.com mailto:Sriyulianihamzah@yahoo.co.id A Contrastive… 126 language refers to. Richards, et al., (2002, p.283) define language as the system of human communication which consists of the structural arrangement of sounds (their written representation) into large units, e.g. morphemes, words, sentences, utterances, etc.” It means that language is a means or instruments of communication, which consists of spoken and written forms and arranged structurally. In addition, Brown(2007, p.6) defines a language into some category, such as a set of arbitrary symbol, symbols of primarily vocal but may also be visual, having conventionalized meanings to which they refer, being used for communication, operating in a speech community or culture, being essentially human although possibly not limited to humans, and being acquired by all people in much the way; language and language learning both have universal characteristics, including such systems of phonemes, morphemes, phrases, clauses and context(discourse). As one of the international and foreign languages in Indonesia, English is very essential to be studied after the students’ language, Bahasa Indonesia. Yet, there are many problems or barriers of studying English such varieties (British and American English accents). Indeed, ESL students, especially Indonesian students tend to be perplexed to comprehend how to distinguish British and American English and what English varieties or accents they use. One of the factual instances is that when a teacher of English asks his or her students to change a positive sentence as, “you have money” into negative and interrogative forms,the students usually answer “you have no money” and “have you money?”, Yet, the teacher usually says that the answers are wrong. He or she further states that the best answers must be “you do not have money” and “do you have money?”. As the matter of facts, both the student’s answer and the teacher’s answer are correct. They have a slight difference. In other words, the students’ answers in British English, while the teacher’s answers in American English. This situation usually gets hotterand hotter when one side keeps on maitaining his or her own idea correct. In relation to the illustration stated, four problems were formulated as follows: 1) what are the similarities between British and American varieties?. 2) what are the dissimilarities between British and American varieties?. 3) what are the possible difficulties faced by Indonesian students Masagus …… 127 in learning English accents? and 4) what are the contributions of Contrastive analysis between British and American varieties to the teaching English as a foreign language?. While, the purposes of conducting this research were to figure out the similarities, dissimilarities between British and American varieties, and possible difficulties in learning English accents, as well as its contributions to TEFL. Additionally, the results of this study can give valuable knowledge for the researchers about English varieties, especially British and American, and also for students of English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Palembang. It is hoped that the results of this research can be useful for all Indonesian students to enlarge their knowledge about English varieties or accents in line with British and American. Finally. It is also hoped that the results of thi reseach can uncover the possible difficulties faced by Indonesian students in learning English accents. Contrastive Analysis According to Keshavarz (2012, pp.14-16), contrastive analysis is essentially founded on the assumption that languages can be compared and contrasted. He further describes five steps of contrastive analysis, such as selection, description, comparison, prediction and verification. In this context, contrastive analysis is such an analysis used to contrast two languages and analyzed them through procedural steps (i.e. selecting, describing, comparing, predicting, verifying) the data collected. Furthermore, Kridalaksana (2008, p.135) says that contrastive analysis is such an analysis which is conducted to find out the differences and the similarities of sounds in two different languages. In this context, contrastive analysis such a comparative study of two languages carried out to figure out the similarities and dissimilarities of language components or aspects. Additionally, Tarigan (2009, p.3), defines contrastive analysis as a transferring analysis which is parsed and formulated in the form of a theory of stimulating psychology which is legally practised in the 1950s as an application of structural linguistics in language teaching, and based on some assumptions, as follows: 1) there must be an interference of L1 in learning a new language (target language); A Contrastive… 128 2) some problems faced in learning a new language (target language) can be predicted by using a contrastive analysis; 3) a contrastive analysis can be used as a guidance for a teacher, especially a teacher of English, in teaching pronunciation, in term of phonology. In this case, contrastive analysis is like transferring study that is conducted to find out the interference of native language or L1 to the target language (language being learnt), and its problems. Like other experts, Richards, et al., (2002, p.119), contrastive analysis is the comparison of two languages, for example, the sound system or the grammatical system. It was firstly developed and practised in the 1950s and 1960s, as an application of structural liguistics to language teaching, and is basically based on the following assumptions, as states below. a) the main difficulties in learning a new language are caused by interference from the first language; b) those difficulties can be predicted by contrastive analysis; c) teaching materials can make use of interference. In brief, contrastive analysis is the study of comparing two languages and conducted based on such important assumptions as the effect of L1 to the language learning materials. Variety Crystal (2008, p.509) delineates variety as a term used in sociolinguistics and stylistics to refer to anysystem of linguistic expression whose use is governed by situational distinctive language. In this case, variety has something to do with distinctive features of language in society in line with regional and occupational as Britsh English variety. While, Bayley and Lucas (2007, p.5) testify variety involves differents ways of saying the same thing. In other words, variety means the different ways of uttering of the same expressions of two or more people. Neufeldt and Guralnik (1988, p. 1476) elaborate that variety is a number of different things thought of together having special characteristics like accent and dialect. It means that variety is such an accent or dialect which has particular features that is used by a group of community in a certain area. Accent Swann, et al., (2004, p.2) define accent as a variety of speech differing from other varieties in terms of Masagus …… 129 pronunciation (including intonation) and which identifies a speaker in terms of regional origin, social standing and possibly ethnicity. It means that accent is considered as features of pronunciation and other language areas such as vocabulary and grammar. In addition, Richards and Schimidt(2010, p.3) delineate accent as a particular way of speaking which tells the listener something about speaker’s background, as instanced of a person’s pronunciation, as: 1) the region or country they come from (i.e. an American accent) 2) what social class the belong to (i.e. a lower middle class accent) 3) whether or not the speaker is a native speaker of the language (i.e. she speaks English with an accent/with a German accent Richards andSchimidt(2010, p.3) further state that accent in the written form of some languages, particularly in French a mark which is placed over a vowel. An accent may show the difference in pronunciation as in French sound /prés/ which means “meadow”. The accute accent on the /e/ indicates a different vowel sound from that in /prés/ which means “near” with a grave accent. Another one is a difference in meaning without any change in pronunciation (i.e. in French /ou/ which means or and /oú/ which means “where”. In this context, accent has something to do with the dissimilarities of two or more varieties in line with pronunciation whether or not change the meaning. Moreover, Crystal (2008, p.3) states that accent is the cumulative auditory effect of those features of pronunciation which identify where a person is from, regionally or socially. In conclusion, accent refers to the pronunciation features that show somebody’s hometown and his social life. British English According to Sulaiman (2015, p.vii) British English is derived from the United Kingdom which includes Wales, Scotland and Northern Irelanfd where English is spoken widely, and for some people the term “British English” is misleading one, but the facts state that it still remains and it describes the way in which English spoken in the UK. It means that British English is a very initial English language that was spread all over the UK areas and now spoken by all countries in the world. Hornby (2010, p.178) defines British English is the English language as spoken in Britain and certain other A Contrastive… 130 countries. In this case, British English is firstly used and develop in Great Britain, now known as England. On the other side, Kernerman (2010, p.441) states that British English is an English language used by the people in Great Britain that is different from American English such in spelling (i.e. programme & program). American English Widarso (2002, p.41) states that American English is English Language that is used by American which used to be brought to America just after the year of 1500, and it tends to be more popular than British English, since it is simpler to be used by many people.In brief, American English is such a very popular English variety or accent since it is simpler than British. On the other side, Kernerman (2010, p. 441) says that American English is such an English language which is more famous than British English, and it is used specifically by American people. 2. METHOD OF THE RESEARCH This research was conducted to find out the similarities, dissimilarities and some predictions of possible learning difficulties, thus the researchers used the descriptive-qualitative method, since it was to describe the existing phenomenon having no manipulated data. Tavakoli (2012, pp.160-161) states: A descriptive research is similar to qualitative research because it deals with naturally occurring phenomena, using data which may either be collected first hand or taken from already existing data sources such as data from other studies, student records, and so on, without intervention of an experiment or an artificially contrived treatment. It differs from qualitative research in that it often begins with preconceived hypotheses and a narrower scope of investigation and uses the logical methods of inductive or deductive reasoning to arrive at the generalizations, and it is sometimes divided into correlational research and ex post facto research, and other descriptive research that is neither correlational nor designed to find causation but describesexisting conditions, such as survey research and case study. From the stated theory, it is known thatdescriptive research is like qualitative research which uses description and interpretation of the indication in linguistics components, Masagus …… 131 especially English varieties or accents. In deed, the researchers ysed triangulation technique to collect the data (i.e. documentation, observation , interview). Then, the researchers analyzed the data through descriptive analysis (i.e. identifying, classifying, interpreting, predicting and drawing conclusions) (Syahri, et al., 2017, p.95). 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS This researchhas two kinds of data sources to be analyzed. The primary data and the secondary data. The primary data was a handbook of English-Indonesian Words & Expressions written by Sulaiman (2015) which had something to do with British and American English, while the secondary data were such dictionary books as written by Hornby (2010), Neufeldt and Guralnik (1988), Richards et al., (2002), etc. The research shows the characteristics of British and American varieties in relation to some of parts of speech (i.e. noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction), and some other aspects or word functions, such as date and time, irregular verbs and auxiliary verbs.To be detailed, Table 1 presented. Table 1. The Characteristics of British and American Varieties No British American Part of Speech 1 flat apartement N 2 building Block N 3 pavement sidewalk N 4 road Route N 5 roundabout traffic circle N 6 film Movie N 7 headmaster principal N 8 dowse Douse V 9 practise practice V 10 paralyse paralyze V 11 sceptical skeptical Adj 12 Ill Sick Adj 13 public Private Adj 14 state Public Adj 15 to-day Today Adv 16 learnt Learned I V 17 shall Will Aux 18 in merdeka street on Merdeka street Prep 19 one hundred one one hundred and one Conj 20 2 may or 2nd may may 2 N Note: N (noun), V (verb), Adj (adjective), Adv (Adverb), Prep (preposition), IV (irregular verb), Conj (conjunction), Aux(auxiliary) A Contrastive… 132 From Table 1, it was found that British and American varieties have their own special characteristics. Yet, they still refer to the same meanings but different from functions. Instead, they also have similarities.To be clear, Table 2 illustrated. Table 2. The Similarities between British and American Varieties No British American Fuction Meaning 1 Mark Grade N nilai 2 Tap Faucet N keran 3 Maths Math N Matematika 4 behaviour Behavior Adj sikap 5 honour Honor Adj terhormat 6 Grey Gray Adj abu-abu 7 plough Plow V membajak 8 queue Stand In line V antri 9 Post Mail V mengirim surat 10 ring call(up) V menelpon 11 learnt learned IV belajar 12 to-day today Adv hari ini 13 in Rose street on Rose street Conj jalan Rose 14 Shall will Aux akan From Table 2, it was clear that there were two similarities between British and American varieties, in terms of meanings and functions, there were also four dissimilarities between British English and American English, in terms of diction, spelling, grammar, and pronunciation. To be distinct, Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6illustrated. Table 3. The Dissimilarities between British and American Varieties in Term of Diction No British American Function Meaning 1 full stop period Adv titik 2 Term semester N semester 3 tin can N kaleng 4 Shoping trolly Shopping cart N kereta belanja 5 shop store N toko 6 picture movie N film 7 jumper sweater N sweter 8 lift elevator N tangga berjalan 9 lorry truck N truk 10 Mackint o raincoat N Jas hujan 11 polo- neck turtle- neck N sweter 12 Post mail N surat 13 public lavatory Rest room N toilet 14 Railway railroad N Jalur Masagus …… 133 Kereta api 15 record player phonograph N ponografi 16 Rubbish garbage N sampah 17 single ticket one-way ticket N Tiket Satu arah 18 Sweet candy N permen 19 Biscuits cookies N kue 20 Taxi cab N taksi 21 telepho ne box telephone booth N Bok telepon 22 time table schedule N jadwal 23 torch flash light N senter 24 tramp hobo N kotor 25 Under ground train subway N kereta bawah tanah 26 waist coat vest N rompi 27 zebra crossing pedestrian crossing N jalan sebrang 28 gaol jail N Penjara 29 greens vegetables N Sayuran 30 sofa coach N Sofa 31 holiday vacation N Liburan 32 autumn fall N musim gugur 33 car park parking lot N Parkir mobil 34 dust garbage N petudebu From Table 3, it was vivid that these instances were similar with their meanings. Yet, they were different from the dictionin term of function.Other differences between British and American varieties in line with spelling. To be specific, Table 4 stated Table 4. The Dissimilarities between British and American Varieties in Term of Spelling No British American Function Meaning 1 colour Color N warna 2 centre Center N pusat 3 catalogue Catalog N katalog 4 defence Defense N pertahanan 5 judgement Judgment N penilaian 6 pyjamas Pajamas N piayama 7 honour Honor N kehormatan 8 theatre Theater N teater 9 armour Armor N baju baja 10 labour Labor N tenaga kerja 11 neighbour Neighbor N tetangga 12 rumour Rumor N rumor 13 cheque Check N cek 14 programme Program N acara 15 jewellery Jewelry N perhiasan 16 storey Story N cerita 17 tyre Tire N ban 18 connexion Connection N hubungan 19 sombre Somber N muram A Contrastive… 134 20 plough Plow N bajakan From Table 4, it was known that these instances were similar with their meanings. They were different from the spelling only. Other differences between British English and American English bears on grammar. To be detailed, Table 5 stated. Table 5. The Dissimilarities between British English and American Varieties in Term of Grammar No British English American English Meanings 1 have you? do you have? punyakah kamu? 2 have you ever? did you ever? pernahkah kamu? 3 she has learnt she has learned dia sudah belajar 4 I live in Orchid I live on Orchid saya tinggal di Jalan Orchid 5 It’s 2 October It’s October 2 hari ini tanggal 2 Oktober 6 we shall go we will go kita akan pergi 7 he should do he do dia mengerjakan From Table 5, it was vividthat these instances were similar with their meanings. They were different from the grammar. Other differences between British and American varietiesrelated to pronunciation. To be detailed, Table 6 presented. Table 6. The Dissimilarities between British and American Varieties in Term of Pronunciation No British English American English Function Meaning 1 letter /letәr/ letter/ledәr / N surat 2 better /betәr/ better /bedәr/ N lebih baik 3 bottle /bϽtәl/ bottle /bϽdәl/ N botol 4 after /a:ftәr/ after /æ:ftәr/ Prep setelah 5 brass /bra:s/ brass /bræ:s/ Adj kuningan 6 glass /gla:s/ glass /glæ:s/ N gelas 7 pass /pa:s/ pass /pæ:s/ V melewati 8 last la:st/ last /læ:st/ Adv terakhir 9 answer a:nsәr/ answer /æ:nsәr/ V menjawab 10 class /kla:s/ class /klæ:s/ N kelas 11 grass ‘gra:s/ grass /græ:s/ N rumput 12 past /pa:st/ past /pæ:st/ Adj masa lalu From Table 6, it was vivid that these instances were similar with their Masagus …… 135 pronunciation and spelling eventhough different from the functions. In relation to the similarities and dissimilarities between British and American varieties in term of English accent, the reseachers finally could predict the possible difficulties faced by Indonesian students when learning English in line with British and American, as follows: 1) they are difficult to differenciate English sounds, either British or American. 2) they are difficult to determine English spelling, either British or American. 3) they are difficult to distinguish what English grammar they use. 4. CONCLUSIONS In this research, the researchers concluded thatBritish and American varieties have their own characteristics in relation to some of parts of speech (i.e. noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction), and some other aspects or word functions, such as date and time, and irregular verbs, as well as auxiliary verb.In addition, they have two similarities in relation to meanings and functions. Yet, British English and American English also have some dissimilarities, in terms of diction, spelling, grammar and pronunciation. Meanwhile, some possible difficulties faced by Indonesian students when learning English in term of British and American have something to do with differenciating the sounds, determining the spelling and distinguish grammar being used. 5. REFERENCES Bayley, R., & Lucas, C. (2007). Sociolinguistics Variation: Theories, Methods and Applications, (1st ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Brown, H. D. (2007). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, (5th ed.).. New York, NY: Longman. Crystal, D. (2008). A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, (6th ed.). London: Blackwell Publishing. Fromkin, V., & Rodman, R., Hyams, N. (2003). An Introduction to Language, (7th ed.). New York, NY: Wadsworth, Thomson and The Thomson Corporation. Hornby, A.S. (2010). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, (8thed.). 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