Divercity of Races.......................................... 118 DIVERSITY OF RACES AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO ENGLISH PHONOLOGICAL ERROR Rahmatika Kayyis 1) , Ulfah Putri Intan Sari 2) 1STKIP MuhammadiyahPringsewu Lampung email: kayyis@stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id 2STKIP MuhammadiyahPringsewu Lampung email: ulfaputriintans@gmail.com Abstract This research analyses English Phonological Errors produced by the diversity races in Lampung, those are: Jasengnese, Javanese, Lampungnese, Palembanganese, Semendonese, and Sundanese. Case study research design using the principle of contrastive analysis was used in this research. Recording pronunciation test and interview were used to collect the data. Phonetics transcription online were used to find the error and transcribe it into phonetics symbol. In conclusion, all sample had problems in long vowel, voiced consonant, stressing word at the first, middle, and last, and falling and rising intonation. They were influenced by age, accent, and mother language in English Phonology. Keywords: Diversity Races, Phonological Errors. 1. INTRODUCTION Phonetic and Phonology is a part of English subject. It is important to EFL context; especially in Indonesia because it is the core of how to someone produce the sound correctly. In university especially English program, students must learn about the Phonetic and Phonology on their lesson. In STKIP MuhammadiyahPringsewu, it is a compulsory for the student to learn Phonetic and Phonology on the fifth and third semester. It is the next subject which before the student must learn of Pronunciation Practice subject. Pronunciation Practice subject on second semester actually has learnt about Phonetic and Phonology, but the scope of pronunciation is not clearly enough to be discussed. The subject on Phonetic and Phonology tends to focus on maximizing speech organ to produce the sounds based on phonetics feature and its phonemes. In brief, in pronunciation there are two important Jurnal SMART , Volume 4, No 2 (2018), Page. 118- 124 ISSN Cetak : 2356-2048 ISSN Online : 2356-203X DOI: 10.26638/js.697.203X Creation is distributed under the Creative Commons License Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart JurnalSMART : Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. mailto:kayyis@stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id mailto:ulfaputriintans@gmail.com Divercity of Races.......................................... 119 aspects, they are Phonetics and Phonology. According to Kelly (2000: 9) “phonetics is the study of speech sound”. It means that phonetics learn about how speech is produced using our speech organs, what are the properties of speech sounds in the air as they travel from the speaker's mouth to the ear of the listener, and, finally, how we perceive speech and recognize its structural elements as certain linguistic symbols or signs. Indonesian language is commonly used by students in Indonesia because it is national language and also in daily life, they use it. Indonesian language is quite different with English, from the phonetic and its phoneme. Moreover ethnic groups who live in Pringsewu such as: Javanese, Sundanese, Lampungnese, Jasengnese, Semendonese, and Palembangnese. They have unique and specific language self in their communication daily life. The language same rule in phonetics feature and its phonemes, for example: Table 1 Phonetics and Phonemes from Ethnic groups in Pringsewu Ethnic groups Word Phonetics Phonology Javanese Opo /o.po/ [opo] Lampungnese Wat /wa.t/ [wat] Semendonese Ape /a.pə/ [apə] Sundanese Naon /na.on/ [naon] Jasengnese Nape /na.pe/ [nape] Palembangnese Apo /a.po/ [apo] Ethnic groups in Indonesia seldom get problem in pronouncing the words because they usually use in the daily life to communication each others. In case reading, they also do not face problem too. The phonetics same with the words and also the language has be brought when they was child, so it is easy to read. In English has rules self in pronouncing or read a word. It is different with language is used by ethnic groups in Pringsewu. The word Indonesia “apa” in English is same meaning but different to read. The word “what” has phonetic /wɒt/ and spelling [wot]. It can be seen that the word from English is not same with the sound, and the sound is not same too with its spelling. Students have to learn because English has rules in pronouncing words and also when students will learn a language, they have to follow the rules. “The phonetics of a foreign language gives us a much better ability both to hear and to correct mistakes that we make, and also to teach pronunciation of the foreign language in this case English” (Forel, 1986: 23). But in the reality, the researcher conducted pre-research at the third and Rahmatika Kayyis.................................. Divercity of Races.......................................... 120 fifth semester on Phonetics and Phonology subject, the researcher found students’ problem in learning phonetics when they pronouncing English words especially on Lampungnese, Sundanese, Semendonese,Jasengnese, Palembangnese and Javanese students. Lampungnese students. Based on the previous researches above, none researchers focus on students’ ethnics in Pringsewu especially Lampungnese, Sundanese, Semendonese, Jasengnese, Palembangnese and Javanese students. It takes because almost students or society in Pringsewu has particular ethnics as the researcher mentions before. It is interesting topic to go deeper about phonetics field, and also this research used case study to find out the errorsthey committed at producing consonant, vowel, stressing words, intonation, and complementary distribution. Also finding out the reason of why some ethnics in Indonesia cannot pronounce wellin English words as nativespeaker, why mother tongue become one of theproblems in pronouncing English word, why the age’ factor influence language learners in learning English especially in pronouncingword, and when do language learners can learn English ideally. 2. RESEARCH METHOD This research used a case study approach, since it is in line with its purpose that is to understand a case or cases in full and in depth. In this research, in order to get the data, the researcher used test of pronouncing English words and recording of each participant’s performance. Thus, subjects were asked to pronounce word lists, sentences or passages which have been an abundance of particular sounds in representative environments. The subjects’ performances were recorded for later analysis. Further, the recordings of participants’ pronunciation were analysed by using contrastive analysis procedure. It is used by comparing the students record of pronunciation and English native pronunciation online. The population of this research consisted of all students on third and fifth semester of the department of English education for the academic year 2016-2017 at STKIP MuhammadiyahPringsewu. To gain the data needed, a class of this academic year was chosen. The class contains fifteen students. They were Javanese Divercity of Races.......................................... 121 (JAV), Lampungnese (LAM), Palembangnese (PAL), Semendonese (SEM), Jasengnese (JAS) and Sundanese (SUN) students who are native speakers of their mother tongue, might not use mother tongue in their daily conversation. 3. FINDING AND DISCUSSION After comparing the phonetics pronounced by students and pronunciation of English native speakers, there are several findings was found. JAS students committed error more than fifty percents. First, the long vowel was (/ɜː/, /uː/) and diphthong (/ʊə/). The consonant was /d/ and the first, middle, and last stressing words were error. Both falling and rising intonation were errors. The last, in complementary distribution was in pronouncing vowel /iː/, /əʊ/, /aɪ/, /ɑː/. JAV actually had strongly point was in stressing words. JAV almost all word in stressing words were not correct on middle and last but sometime in reading English word still pronounced double D, B, P, G. Those sometimes brought in unvoiced consonant /p/ in word” pin” they produced double P. As (Hakim, 2012) stated that java students, they were difficult to remove the emphasis in pronunciation Javanese accent when they spoke in English. LAM had problems in consonant F, V, and P. They couldn’t differentiate n pronouncing English word when those letter in each word. As (Dinata, 2015) from her findng at the consonant sounds, [v] and [f] sounds become [p] sound. Then, in vowel was [é] sound became [ə] sound. The stressing words had fifty percent errors in pronouncing them (first, middle, and the last). The intonation was more than fifty percents, they committed error both falling and rising intonation. the complementary distribution commonly in vowel /iː/, /əʊ/, /aɪ/, /ɑː/. PAL had problems in vowel /ɔɪ/, /eə/, /ɪə/, /ʊə/ and consonant was in /b/ and /d/. the stressing words were in first, middle, and last stressing words. The intonation was both falling and rising intonation. The Complementary dist, PAL committed error in vowel /ʊ/, /əʊ/, /i:/ /aɪ/, / /ɑː/, and /iːst/. SEM had problems in vowel /ə/ became /ɜ/. All of them change /d/ sound at the last being /t/ because of the closer sound of /d/ in English is /t/. SEM had problems too in stressing word and the intonation both falling and rising intonation. PAL committed error in vowel /ʊ/, /əʊ/, /i://aɪ/, / /ɑː/, and /iːst/. SUN had Rahmatika Kayyis.................................. Divercity of Races.......................................... 122 problems in vowel, consonant, etc. but researcher found the strongly problem in consonant, F and P. To know the factors of students in producing errors, the researcher interviewed the students. Below is the result. 1. Do you have problem pronouncing Englishwords? 2. Mention consonants do you think hard to bepronounced! 3. Mention vowels do you think hard to be pronounced! 4. What do you know why some ethnics in Indonesia cannot pronounce wellin English words as nativespeaker? 5. What do you think influence from mother tongue become one of theproblems in pronouncing English word andwhy? 6. What do you think age’ factor influence language learners in learning English especially in pronouncingword? 7. When do language learners can learn English ideally, children oradult? From the result of interview from sample JAS students, researcher found that they had problem in pronouncing English words. When researchers asked problem in consonant, they answered there was no problem but they had problem in pronouncing vowel E. They realized that learning English especially pronunciation was hard and they told the problem was influenced by mother tongue/ first language. They also answered “agree” that interviewer asked about age influenced in learning English. The last question relating what time ideally learning English child or adult, JAS 2 answered learning English was started on childideally. From the result of interview from sample JAV students had problem in pronouncing English words. When interview asked problem in consonant, JAV students answered there was problem in B and T but they had no problem in pronouncing vowel. They realized that learning English especially pronunciation was hard and the problem was influenced by mother tongue/ first language. . The last question relating what time ideally learning English child or adult, JAV 2 answered learning English was started on child ideally. Meanwhile based on the interview with LAM and PAL students, the researcher found that they had problem in pronouncing English words. When interview asked problem in Divercity of Races.......................................... 123 consonant, they answered there was problem in F and V but LAM 1 had no problem in pronouncing vowel. They realized that learning English especially pronunciation was hard and they told the problem was influenced by mother tongue/ first language. They also answered “agree” that interviewer asked about age influenced in learning English. The last question relating what time ideally learning English child or adult, they answered learning English was started from child age. From the result of interview SEM, researcher found that SEM had problem in pronouncing English words. When interview asked problem in consonant, SEM answered there was problem in C and ending of ED and they had problem in pronouncing vowel E. They realized that learning English especially pronunciation was hard and they told the problem was influenced by mother tongue/ first language. When interviewer asked about what first language influenced your pronunciation. answered that it influenced. They also answered “agree” that interviewer asked about age influenced in learning English. The last question relating what time ideally learning English child or adult, they answered learning English was started from children ages. The last interview with SUN students, researcher found that they had problem in pronouncing English words. When interview asked problem in consonant, SUN 1 answered there was problem in P, V, and F and they had no problem in pronouncing vowel. They realized that learning English especially pronunciation was hard and they told the problem was influenced by mother tongue/ first language. When interviewer asked about what first language influenced your pronunciation. They answered that it influenced. They also answered “agree” that interviewer asked about age influenced in learning English. The last question relating what time ideally learning English child or adult, they answered learning English was started from early ages. Those results imply that all races has problem with pronouncing phonemes. They committed errors in some aspects, those supported theory from Donegan (2002: 10) who state that phonological processes are universal in motivation and in form, butthey do not apply universally, and when a process is allowed to apply, a selected subsetof its universal implicational conditions may determine Rahmatika Kayyis.................................. Divercity of Races.......................................... 124 its application, and this subset is not the same in every language. 4. CONCLUSION From the data, Javanese, Lampungnese, Palembangnese, Semendonese, Jasengnese and Sundanesestudents committed errors almost in part of the consonant, vowel, stressing words, intonation, and complementary distribution. The factors caused students error in pronouncing English words was the influencing from mother tongue and the age in learning English and also differences of phonetics transcriptions. It was inferred from the result of interviews. In brief, dissimilarities between two languages lead to the incorrect pronunciation and between two languages lead to the incorrect pronunciation and similarities between two languages promote correct similarities between two languages promote correct pronunciation. Then, interference could also come from the lack of exposure of the target language. Those problems also come from the lack of exposure of the target language. Those problems could be minimized by learning English started from early ages. 5. REFERENCES Donegan, P. (2002). Phonological Process and Phonetic Rules.(Online). Available:http://www.ling.hawai i.edu/faculty/donegan/Papers/20 02phonol-phonetic.pdf (8Oktober 2018). Dinata, Anggi Okta. (2015). The Influence of Lampungnese Ethnicity Accent On Dialect A To Lampungnese Students’ Pronunciation Ability At English Education Study Program. Thesis.English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bandar Lampung University. Forel, Claire-A &Puskas, G. (1986). Phonetics and Phonology. Geneva: University Of Geneva. Hakim, M. A. R. (2012). An Analysis Of Phonetics b, d, g, j, ʤ, and ð into English pronunciation for Java Students (A Study On Java Students at English Department on STAIN Bengkulu Academic Year 2011-2012). International Journal of Humanities and Social Science.Vol 2, No 20. Kelly, Gerard. (2000). How to teach pronunciation. Essex Longman. England. http://www.ling.hawaii.edu/faculty/donegan/Papers/2002phonol-phonetic.pdf%20(8 http://www.ling.hawaii.edu/faculty/donegan/Papers/2002phonol-phonetic.pdf%20(8 http://www.ling.hawaii.edu/faculty/donegan/Papers/2002phonol-phonetic.pdf%20(8 http://www.ling.hawaii.edu/faculty/donegan/Papers/2002phonol-phonetic.pdf%20(8