Developing English......................................... 125 Creation is distributed under the Creative Commons License Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Published in: Jurnal SMART : Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. DEVELOPING ENGLISH MATERIAL FOR NURSING STUDENTS Amalia Rahmawati 1) , Ahmad Nur Syafiq 2) 1), 2) STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus 1),2) Abstract This research aims to develop the learning material based on the KKNI curriculum and need analysis. This research belongs to research and develoment (RND). The population and sample in this research were the sixth semester nursing students of STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus. This research concluded that 1) the learning material must be created based on KKNI curriculum and need analysis to prepare the students in the work field, 2) the material needs to increase not only English skill but also nursing skill, 3) the use of learning material that has been developed in the experimental group shows significant different from the control group. Keywords: Developing Material, English for Nursing, KKNI Curriculum, Need Analysis 1. INTRODUCTION English is one of the suplementary subject especially in health college. Although English is as the suplementary subject, it has an important role after government join EAC (Economic ASEAN Comunity) system. In that system, students and cityzen must be able to have competition in international field. Based on BP2TK, caregiver becomes the second largest placement of workers working aboard The caregiver in this case is nurse. In caregiver field, there are 45 thousand people and They spread n 133 countries. Based on those data there is a big oppportunity for the medical lecturers and students to increase the competence in order to be able to face the competition in the working field. One of the requirementsto able to face the working field, is english. STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus is one of the education institution which focus in the medical especially in nursing, applying English in the curriculum. Based on KKNI, English only learnt by the students for 2 SKS, but students in Jurnal SMART , Volume 4, No 2 (2018), Page. 125-131 ISSN Cetak : 2356-2048 ISSN Online : 2356-203X DOI: 10.26638/js.699.203X Developing English......................................... 126 STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus learn English until 10 SKS. The big portion of SKS aims to prepare the alumni in facing global era especially EAC (Economic ASEAN Community). With the big portion of SKS, the alumni will have good competence in English because many Indonesia hospitals and foreign hospitals need many nurses. Nurses not only have good medical skill but also English is communication skill. Sismiati dan Latief (2012) explain that one of the requirements to get job in the international hospital is being able to speak English. Moreover, most of the students feel that speaking english is diffucult. Speaking becomes the complex skill for the students (Seftika, 2015). English in nursing belongs to ESP (English for Specific Purpose). In ESP, lecturers must create the material based on the need analysis of students and alumni. Hutchinson and Waters (1987) said that there were two types of ESP, EOP (English for Occupational Purposes) and EAP (English for Academic Purposes). Now, ESP is developed and one of ESP is English for Nursing. In the other hand Akbari (2015) argued that in learning english there were many university who still focused in grammar and did not pay attention to the professional needs. Whereas, the material in teaching and learning process should be based on the professional needs or need analysis. Need analysis is needed because it aims to prepare the students in working or practicing in hospital since they must speak English. Futhermore, English is needed not only when the students work but also when the students join the student exchange program. In the student exchange program, the students must be able to speak English not only in daily life but also in nursing term. Based on the primary study in the health colleges, in teaching learning process the lecturers use five books of English for nusing that are available in the library and internet sources. In those sources, the suitability of material in teaching and learning process and the curriculum have not done optimally. Basically, the English competence includeslistening, speaking, reading, and writing. Although the KKNI curriculum has priority in speaking skill, in fact, English for nursing cannot apply 100%. Amalia Rahmawati.................................. Amalia Rahmawati.................................. Developing English......................................... 127 Sismiati dan Latief (2012) add that one of the requirement to get the job in the international hospital is the students must able to speak English. This aims cannot be done maximally because the problem is in the learning material. First, the students have limitation when they must buy the English book because of the geography condition. Secondly, the book materials focuson grammar and are not suitable based on the curriculum. Thirdly, the English materials which are got from the internet sometimes make the students confused and feel difficulty because the materials come from native speakers. Therefore, developing material in English for nursing based on KKNI curriculum and need analysis are needed. There are three previous research by Medlin (2009), Pongsapa, Wello, and Jabu (2016), and the last Mulyadi and Prasetyanti (2016). Medlin (2009) explains that students and lecturers have difficulties in finding the English for nursing book that is suitable with the needs and focuses on English for Specific Purposes. Moreover, the books usually are not appropriate for the non native speakers. Pongsapa, Wello, and Jabu (2016) also had the similar research but they focused on need analysis of Target situation, Present Situation, Strategy, and Pedagogic and methodological need analysis. Mulyadi and Prasetyanti (2016) developed the English material of English or nursing based on Task- Based Language Teaching (TBLT) and soft-skills. This research aims to find out the learning material that students need based on KKNI curriculum and need analysis, to develop the learning material, and to find out the effectiveness of learning material prototype. 2. RESEARCH METHODS This research belongs to research and development (RND) that has 3 steps. They are primary study, development, and evaluation. In primary study, the resercher had field study, literature study and need analysis. Then, the product was developed, evaluated, revised, and evaluated again until finding the valid and effective product. The product was the learning material for nursing students that was based on KKNI curriculum, need analysis, and empirical study. Developing English......................................... 128 The population and sample were the nursing students of STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus who were in the sixth semester. There were 86 students. Class A was for the control group and Class B was for the experimental group. To get the data, this research used total sampling. In this research, there were two types of data. They were primary data and secondary data. The primary data were from the questionnaire and the secondary data were from the books of English for nursing that can be met in the book store. There are three instruments of the research: document analysis, and expert judgement sheet. Then, the data of pre and post test were analyed using SPSS. 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Based on the analysis, the lecturers and students use five books and internet material in teaching and learning English for nursing. The five books have not covered all the materials that are based on KKNI curriculum, while the internet materials have not covered it and also the students feel difficult because the sources come from the native speakers. The nursing students have difficulties when they have to learn the material from the native speakers. Futhermore, based on the need analysis, developing material of English for nursing is based on KKNI and need analysis. The result is (1) the learning material is created based on KKNI curriculum, (2) the languange competence and nursing competence must be included in the learning material, (3)developing syllabus and lesson plan is needed to do need analysis and match with KKNI curriculum, (4) texts must be chosen based on the characteristic of the topic. After developing the material, the researcher did experiment by applying the new material to the students. There were two groups, control group and experimental group that had pre-test and post test score. In this research, there are four items that will be compared. The four items are the score of pre-test in the control group, post-test in the control group, pre-test in the experimental group, and post-test in the experimental group. Based on the analysis of the result score of pretest and posttest in the control group, the result of t test is |t- test| (|-1.595|) < t-tabel (2,015). Therefore, H0 is accepted because |t- test| < t-tabel. It can be concluded that Amalia Rahmawati.................................. Developing English......................................... 129 there is no significan defference between pretest and posttest of the control group. Moreover, the p value of pretest and post-test in the control group is 0,118. It means that p value (0,118) > alpha (0,05), so HO is accepted. The result is there is no significant difference between pretest and posttest in the control group. The detail analysis can be seen in table 1. Table 1. the Paired Samples Test of Pre- test and Post-test in the Control Group Control Group Paired Differences T Df Sig. (2- tailed) Lower Upper pre_test- post_test - 1.785 .2077 - 1.59 44 .118 Based on table 2, the result of t test in the pretest and posttest of the experimental group is more than t table. The result of |t-test| (|-10.264|) > t-tabel (2,021), so H0 is rejected. It can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the score of pretest and posttest in the experimental group with the mean 75,4634 for pre-test score and the mean 79,4944 for posttest score. Meanwhile the p value of pretest and posttest in the experimental group is less than 0,05. P value (0,000) < alpha (0,05), so HO is rejected. It means that there is a significant difference between pretest score and posttest score in the experimental group. Table 2. the Paired Samples Test of Pre- test and Post-test in the Experimental Group Paired Difference s t df Sig. 2- taile d Lowe r Upper pre_test_exp - post_test_ex p - 4.82 - 3.23 - 10.2 6 4 0 .00 To know the differences between the result of post-test in the control group andexperimental group, t test independent was used. Based on table 3, the p value is (0,281) > alpha (0,05). It means that H0 is rejected. The result is the variance of both groups are same. Table 3. The Mean Of Post Test in the Control Goup and Experimental Group Grup Mean SD Std. Error Mean post tes con 74.8 4.07 .60744 post tes exp 79.4 3.35 .52463 Table 4. Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. Sig. (2- tailed) Mean Diff Std. Error Diff Equal variances assumed 1.17 .281 .000 -4.61 .80 Equal variances not assumed .000 -4.61 .80 Based on table 4, the Sig. (0,000) < alpha (0,05), so H0 is rejected. It can be concluded that there Developing English......................................... 130 is a significant difference of pretest and post-test score in the experimental group with the mean of pre-test in experimental group is 74,8778 and for the posttest in experimental group is 79,4944. 4. CONCLUSION Based on the analysis, the learning material must be created based on KKNI curriculum and need analysis. In the learning material, there are two competences that are developed. They are English competence and nursing competence. Nursing competence means that the students learn English in the nursing practice. Moreover, the learning material should also be thematic and implemented into individual and group task. Based on the result of the research, the use of learning material that has been developed in the experimental group shows significant difference from the control group. It can be seen that the Sig. (0,000) < alpha (0,05). Because Sig.(0,000) is less than alpha (0,05), H0 is rejected. It means that significant difference of post-test score between control group and experimental group with the mean of post test in control group 74,8778 and for the experimental group 79,4944. So by developing the lerning material, the students competence is increased. 5. REFERENCES Akbari, Z.(2015). Current Challenges in Teaching/Learning English for EFL Learners: The Case of Junior High School and High School. Available: nce/article/pii/S1877042815045358 [4 Mei 2018]. 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