139 Creation is distributed under the Creative Commons License Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Published in: http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/smart Jurnal SMART : Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. The Impact of Social Media Usage On Students’ Academic Performance (SAP) Sutarno English Department, Muhammadiyah Univesity of Pringsewu email: sutarno@stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id Abstract This study investigated to what extended do students used social media related to academic purposes and its impact on students’ academic performance. This study applied a qualitative research method through using of social media and academic performance of students’ questionnaire (SMAAPOS) adapted from Osharive (2015). The result showed that social media could be used as means of communication among students, and students to lecturer. The students also used the social media to get better understanding on the course taken. Then, the social media usage has impacted the students’ academic performance positively. Keywords: Social Media Usage, Students Academic Performance (SAP), Impact. 1. INTRODUCTION In this disruptive era, the social media undoubted has gained wider acceptability and usability and is also becoming probably the most important tools among people worldwide as well as in Indonesia. In 2017 more than 106 million of Indonesian used social media in a month, and it was accessed mostly by millennial generation and z generation where 85% of them accessed the social media through Smartphone (Yudhianto: 2017). Then, Statistic Research Department (2019) reported that youtube was the most used social network used in Indonesia with a penetration rate of over 88 percent followed by whatsapp, facebook, instagram, and line. Rowan et al (2016) defined social media as web 2.0 internet based application and computer-mediated communication tools that enable users to Jurnal SMART , Volume 5, No 2 (2019), Page. 139- 148 ISSN Cetak : 2356-2048 ISSN Online : 2356-203X DOI: 10.26638/js.930.203X mailto:sutarno@stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id 140 consume and produce content varied modalities (e.g., text, image, and video). Their central organizing function is what categorizes social media: social networking (e.g.,facebook, linkedIn), microblogging (e.g., twitter), media sharing (e.g., you tube), social news (reddit), bookmarking (e.g., delicious), and blogs. For nowadays, the social media is used for many purposes such as means of communication, e commerce, business, and even used in educational field. In educational field, many practitioners had proved that using social media for teaching and learning process give many beneficial like becoming means of collaborative learning, improving interaction with peers and interaction and improve students’ academic performance. Moreover, The existence of social media as a product of technology also certainly brought many beneficial for students for its contribution to students’ academic performance since social media is free, cuts down on isolation, building tolerance and understanding of cultural diversity, amplify passion, and make world of education is more open (Gurcan: 2015). Academic performance is an essential for students since it refers to the outcome of educational goals which is achieved by them. Academic performance refers to how students deal with their studies and how they cope with or accomplish different tasks given by their teacher (Hatcher and Prul: 1996). Several studies had been conducted in finding the impact of social media using on students’ academic performance. Acheaw and Larson (2015) investigated the use of social media and its impact on academic performance of tertiary institution students in Ghana. The finding revealed that majority of the respondents had mobile phones which also had internet facility on them and had knowledge of the existence of many media sites. The study further confirmed that most of the respondents spend between thirty minutes to three hours per day. In addition the study revealed that the use of social media had affected academic performance of the respondents negatively and that there was direct relationship between the use of social media sites and academic performance. Then Mensah and Nizam (2016) conducted a study on the impact of social media on students’ academic performance in Malaysia tertiary institution. It is concluded that social media platforms has a significant impact on students’ academic performance in Malaysia tertiary institution. Not similar with the previous study, this study is 141 aiming in finding to what extend do students use social media for related academic purposes and also finding the impact of social media usage on students’ academic performance. 2. RESEACH METHOD This study involved 116 undergraduate students of English department of Muhammadiyah University of Pringsewu as the respondent. The data was collected through the use of social media and academic performance of students’ questionnaire (SMAAPOS) adapted from Osharive (2015). The questionnaire was divided into two parts A and B. Part A consisted of 7 questions explored students’ demographic information (gender, year of study, study program, current GPA, forms of social media mostly use, the number of hours spending for studying a week, and the number of hours spending for accessing the social media a week). Meanwhile part B consisted of 22 likert-scale questions which explored the information about the use of social media and its impact on students’ academic performance. There were five choices prepared; strongly agree (SA), agree (A), neutral (N), disagree (D), and strongly disagree (SD). At the end of the questionnaire, there was an open ended question given to ask more information about the impact of social media on students’ academic performance. The collected data was analyzed through descriptive qualitative analysis. The steps are divided into tabulation of data which consisted of editing, coding and tabulating, analyzing of data gained from the tabulation, and the last step was interpretation of the result of analysis for gaining the conclusion of the study. 3. FINDINGAND DISCUSSION The questionnaire was allotted to 116 students of English education program of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung and all returned rate. Part A of questionnaire asked about demographic information of the participants. Based on the statistics, 52 (45%) of respondents are sophomore, 30 (26%) of respondents are junior, and 34 (29%) of respondents are senior. For the gender of the participants; 38 (33%) are male and 78 (67%) are female. For most accessible social media among students, out of 116 respondents 57 (59%) of respondents 142 preferred using whatsapp as the most accessible social media, 40 (35%) of respondents used facebook, and 19 (16%) of respondents used youtube as the most preferable social media used. For time allotment of social media access; 5 % of respondents accessed less than one hour a day, 46% used their social media 2-3 hours, 32 % of respondents used the social media 4-5 hours and 17 % of respondents spent more than 6 hours for accessing their social media accounts daily. Part B of questionnaire was the likert-scale which grouped into two sections; students responded on the usage of social media for academic related purposes and students responded on the impact of social media on students academic performances. Table 1 Students Respond on the Usage of Social Media for Academic Related Purposes Statements SA A N D SD I engage in academic discussion on social media platforms 17.240% 20 12.93% 15 28.44% 33 18.10% 21 23.27% 27 I make use of social media to share information with my classmates 31.89% 37 38.79% 45 17.24% 20 8.62% 10 3.44% 4 I follow the latest development in my field through social media 25.00% 29 29.31% 34 19.82% 23 14.65% 17 11.20% 13 I solely rely on information gotten from social media to do my assignment without consulting any other sources 8.62% 10 12.06%% 14 16.37% 19 34.48% 40 28.44% 33 Engaging in academic forums on social media confuses me 10.34% 12 13.79% 16 32.75% 38 25.86 30 21.55% 25 Sometimes I use social media to understand what I have been taught in class 22.41% 26 32.75% 38 18.96% 22 12.06% 14 13.79% 16 143 Social media is encouraged by lecturer as part of assignment 13.79% 16 11.20% 13 24.13% 28 29.31% 34 21.55% 25 We have a social media group for some of my courses 30.17% 35 43.10% 50 17.24% 20 6.03% 7 3.44% 4 I have to use social media extensively because most of my course assignment/project are in the forms of blogs/online presentation 12.06% 14 16.37% 19 25.86% 30 17.24% 20 28.44% 33 I communicate with the lecturer through social media 25.86% 30 34.48% 40 18.10% 21 12.06% 14 9.48% 11 From the table 1, it could be seen that high percentages of the participants have chosen the categories agree to strongly agree for three statements. For example, the percentage of the statement “I make use of social media to share information with my classmates” is 70.68%, we have social media group for some of my courses is 73. 27%, and I communicate with the lecturer through social media is 60.34%. From the statements, it could be concluded that the social media nowadays could be used related to academic purposes as a media of communication among the students. They used the social media for example whatsapp to share information about the courses taken and even they communicate with the lecturer through the social media. Then, more than half students choose agree to strongly agree for statements “I follow the latest development of my field through social media (54.31%) and “sometimes I use social media to understand what I have been taught in the class. From the statements above, it could be understood that the students utilized the social media related to the courses learn at the college since they could find many content of education in the social media especially youtube. It helps the students to understand the material easier. On the contradictory, most of the participants selected the categories disagree to strongly disagree for five statements, like” I engage in academic 144 discussion on social media platform (41.37%), engaging in academic forums on social media confuses me (47.41%), social media is encouraged by lecturer as part of assignment (50.8%), I have use social media extensively because most of my course assignment/project are in the forms of blogs/online presentation, and I solely rely on information gotten from social media to do my assignment without consulting any other sources (62.92%). Table 2 students’ respond on the impact of social media on academic performance Statements SA A N D SD The time I spent online on social media takes away from my studying 24.13% 28 31.89% 37 15.51% 18 17.24% 20 11.20% 13 Online social networks distract me from my studies 25.86% 30 34.48% 40 18.96% 22 11.20% 13 9.48% 11 The hours I spend online on social media are more than the hours I spend reading university stated content 21.55% 25 41.37% 48 19.82 23 6.89% 8 10.34% 12 My unlimited access to social media through my cell phone distract me in class 16.37% 19 21.55% 25 18.96% 22 27.58% 32 15.51% 18 Social media have impacted my GPA positively 25.86% 30 31.03% 36 19.82% 23 17.24% 20 6.03% 7 Social media have impacted my GPA negatively 14.65% 17 11.20% 13 13.79% 16 27.58% 32 32.75% 38 The usage of social media for class related research has helped improve my grades 21.55% 25 24.13% 28 19.82% 23 20.68% 24 13.79% 16 Social media has negatively impacted my writing skills 10.34% 12 14.65% 17 21.55% 25 23.27% 27 30.17% 35 I will not perform well in academic if I stop using social media 17.24% 20 12.06% 14 18.96% 22 22.41% 26 29.31% 34 145 Social media has improved my communication skill 18.10% 21 32.75% 38 20.68% 24 13.79% 16 14.65% 17 Once I interrupt my study time with social media, I lose concentration 24.13% 28 31.03% 36 15.51% 18 12.06% 14 17.24% 20 Table 2 showed that the respondents answered a high proportion in categories agree and strongly agree. For instance” the time I spent online on social media takes away from my studying (56.02%), “online social media distract me from my studies (60.34%), the hours I spent online on social media are more than the hours I spend reading university stated content (62.92%), social media have impacted my GPA positively (56.89%), the usage of social media for class related research has helped improve my grade (45.68%), social media has improved my communication skill (50.58%), and once I interrupt my studying time with social media, I lose concentration (55.16%). On other hand, most of the respondents also choose the categories disagree to strongly disagree. For instance the percentage of “my unlimited access to social media through my cell phone distract me is class” is 43.09%, social media have impacted my GPA negatively is 60.33%, social media has negatively impacted my writing skill is 53.44%, and I will not perform well in academic if I stop using social media is 51.72%. This study investigated the social media usage and the impact of social media usage on students’ academic performance. The finding showed that whatsapp ,facebook, and youtube are the mostly social media used by the students daily. It was different with the result of statista research department (2019) research which found that youtube is becoming the most accessed social media in Indonesia following by whatsapp, facebook, instagram, and line. The finding of study also found that most of the respondent accessed their social media 2-3 hours a day and it is amost similar with Nguyen (2017) who report that the average time spent on social media a day of the Indonesian was three hours and sixteen minutes. The present study also found that mostly of the respondent used social media in academic related purposes like sharing information peer to peer, creating 146 social media group for some of the courses, and even they did communication with their lecturer through the social media. The finding is in line with Al rahmi, Othman, and Mi Yusuf (2015) which report that collaborative learning, engagement, and initiation to use social media positively and significantly related to the interactivity of research group member with peers and research students with supervisors to improve their academic performance in Malaysian higher education. The students also used the social media to follow latest development of the field and used the social media to understand what they have been taught in the class. Yet, they do not solely rely on information gotten from social media to do their assignment since they know that the information gotten from the social media is lack of validity and accuracy. Related to the impact of usage of social media on students’ academic performance, the finding showed that the social media have impacted students GPA positively. Then, the usage of social media for class related research has helped improves students grade. From those statements, it is implied that social media gave positive impact on students’ academic performance. Moreover, it was found that social media also improved students’ communication skill. The finding is in contradictory with Acheaw and Larson (2015) where they reported that the use of social media sites had affected the academic work of students negatively so there is the urgent need for the introduction of the students to the availability of novels and other information resources or materials that can help them academically. The last, the finding also showed that even though the students did multitasking activity inform of accessing the social media in the class, it was not distracting them in learning process. On the other side, it was found that social media also improved students’ communication skill. Unfortunately, the time spending online on social media took away from students’ studying and once they interrupted their studying with social media, the students lost their concentration. 4. CONCLUSION The social media is a kind of innovation of technology which cannot be separated with students’ daily routine. Social networking like whatsapp application and facebook are the most preferable communication platform among 147 the students. Meanwhile media sharing like youtube is also used as a media for academic development. The students’ usage the social media related academic purposes as means of communication not only among peer to peer but also among student with their lecturer. Besides using it as means of communication, they also used the social media for their study development and also to understand what they have been taught in class. 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