Vol. 12 No. 1 February 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.121129 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp 76 AFFILIATION: 1.Monash University,Wellington Rd, Clayton VIC 3800, Australia 2. Monash University, Wellington Rd, Clayton VIC 3800, Australia CORRESPONDENCE: hsja0001@student.monash.edu CITATION: Sjahputra, H. R. T., & Tisso, A. R. (2021). The Growing Threat of Boko Haram To Regional Security. 11(1). Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan (Journal of Government & Politics), 12 (1). 76-103 ARTICLE HISTORY: Received : 2021-01-30 Revision : 2021-02-07 Accepted : 2021-02-08 The Growing Threat of Boko Haram to Regional Security HAFIDZ RIDHA TRY SJAHPUTRA ARU RONGCHITIM TISSO ABSTRACT This Research will analyse and delve into one of the most notorious terrorist groups in today’s world Islamic State of West Africa commonly known as Boko Haram. Through this paper’s medium, we will delve into one of the most brutal and heinous terrorist organisations that have created havoc in Nigeria and its neighbouring states. Firstly, we will explore the historical origins of the Islamic state of western Africa formerly known as Boko Haram which is an affiliate of the Islamic State and also explore and understand the nature of the conflict in Africa. We will also delve into the links between the ISIS and Boko Haram and explore the modus operandi and strategies of the Islamic state in regrouping with the help of its affiliates in the new geographi- cal territory after the fall of ISIS caliphate in Iraq and Syria in 2014. Addition- ally, we will provide several counterterrorism strategies to prevent the rise Boko Haram in Nigeria and neighboring countries. Keywords: Boko Haram, Insurgency, Nigeria, Regional Security, Terrorism ABSTRAK Penelitian ini akan menganalisis dan menyelidiki salah satu kelompok teroris paling terkenal di dunia saat ini Negara Islam Afrika Barat yang umumnya dikenal sebagai Boko Haram. Melalui media makalah ini, kita akan menyelidiki salah satu organisasi teroris paling brutal dan keji yang telah menciptakan kekacauan di Nigeria dan negara-negara tetangganya. Pertama, kita akan menelusuri asal-usul sejarah negara Islam Afrika bagian barat yang sebelumnya dikenal dengan Boko Haram yang merupakan afiliasi dari Negara Islam dan juga mengeksplorasi dan memahami sifat konflik di Afrika. Kami juga akan menyelidiki hubungan antara ISIS dan Boko Haram dan mengeksplorasi modus operandi dan strategi negara Islam dalam mengelompokkan kembali dengan bantuan afiliasinya di wilayah geografis baru setelah jatuhnya kekhalifahan ISIS di Irak dan Suriah pada tahun 2014. Selain itu, kami akan memberikan beberapa strategi kontraterorisme untuk mencegah munculnya Boko Haram di Nigeria dan negara-negara tetangga. Kata kunci: Boko Haram, Pemberontakan, Nigeria, Keamanan Regional, Terorisme INTRODUCTION The Islamic State ofWestern Africa formerly known as Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati wal-Jihad commonly known as Boko Haram is a Jihadist militant organisation predominantly based in Northeastern Nigeria, Chad, Niger and Northern Cameroon (Thurston, 2017). https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.121129 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp mailto:hsja0001@student.monash.edu https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9473-7884 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9473-7884 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7848-0911 JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAH AN To begin this research at first, Boko Haram marked their first attack in the late of December 2003 by attacking police stations and other public buildings in two cities in Yobe State, Geidam and Kanamma. Yusuf, initially started the movement as a non-violent evangelical organisation to purify Islam. However, 77 over time the group started becoming more radicalised, which led to a military crackdown against the group and the Subsequent ex- ecution of its founder and spiritual leader Muhammad Yusuf in 2009, The death of its leader and founding father Muhammad Yusuf prompted the group to engage in violent activities against the Nigerian Military and the Nigerian state authorities, Ever since it’s establishment the organisation has been known for its brutality and has engaged in different violent activities such as Church Bombings, Sectarian violence, Abduction of School Girls, Public Execution of People in the territories they controlled and assault on Nigerian Government authorities and security forces, The main goal of this organisation is to establish an Islamic state or Caliphate governed by a strict interpretation of Shariah Law. The Threat of Horror Boko Haram emerged in late of 2010; this organisation have been responsible for the dead of 550 people in 115 attacks in which Men, Women and Children were Killed in and around Northern Nigeria (Pham, 2012). Despite the gruesome nature of this organisation, it still received enor- mous support from its followers and even recruited new follow- ers mostly from poor and downtrodden sections of society who have been disappointed with the Nigerian Government. There were widespread speculations that there was a link between the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and Boko Haram however this speculation became official when In March 2015, The leader of Boko Haram Abu Bakr Shekau the former lieu- tenant and one of the most trusted soldier of Muhammad Yusuf (Ekpo, 2020) pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, the leader and caliph of the Jihadist organisation and proto-state – The Islamic State, Additionally Islamic state stated in their maga - zine Dabiq that the rejection of nationalism was the driving force behind Boko Haram pledged of allegiance to Isis, since then Boko Haram started calling themselves The Islamic State Vol. 12 No. 1 February 2021 78 of West Africa, This move widened the Islamic state transla- tional campaign of establishing a Global caliphate and also gave the conflict in Iraq and Syria an international profile, In return it aided Islamic state of West Africa also known as Boko Haram in terms of recruitment and wider appeal, The alliance between the two facilitated many Nigerians to travel to fight for Isis and it also provided an alternative route for Jihadist globally who weren’t able to travel to Syria during the period of conflict in Syria and Iraq. Four years since the disintegration of the Caliphate and the fall of Mosul, There was a spate of terrorist attacks in Nigeria and neighbouring Chad in 2020 allegedly by Islamic State of West Africa which is an affiliate of ISIS, Many counterterrorism experts commented that the attacks were indeed a resurgence of the Islamic State, The modus operandi of Boko haram and ISIS have same common techniques both of the organization have implemented during the attacks such as violence against other religious groups, executions, beheadings were similar to what Isis implemented during the Syrian conflict. TIMELINE OF THE CYCLE OF VIOLENCE LINKED TO ISLAMIC STATE OF WEST AFRICA This organisation between 2002-2009 were responsible for high profile assassinations of local religious leaders who had a different interpretation of Islam from that of their spiritual leader Muhammad Yusuf whose religious views were considered to be extreme by his counterparts. The tensions started afteran accident in July 2009. When members of Boko Haram were stopped by police officers for violating traffic law by not wearing a safety helmet, this led to an Intense debate between members of Boko Haram and the Government authorities, According to Boko Harams perspective they believed that this law was not relevant with the religious obligation of wearing a headdress and this incident ended with gunfire between the Police and the members of Boko Haram. This organization has also been JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAH AN running its operation not only in Nigeria but also in neigh- 79 bouring countries such as Chad and Cameron, and it triggerred a military response from those states (Arslan, 2021). In 2012 as part of their campaign of Sectarian Violence against Christians the group bombed three of the churches in in two cities namely, Wusasa and Sabon Giri in Kaduna State, the at- tack was an act of revenge for the atrocities committed by Chris- tians against Muslims, and during that time we can understand that the Western coalition led by the United States and allies were joining the conflict that took place in the Middle East, especially in regards to any relation to the Arab Spring. The Governor said that the attacked needed o be addressed to the main core of the issues which is the misunderstanding between Muslim and Christian in Nigeria (BBC, 2012). This organization believe that the need to establishment of Sharia and Islam as the basis of Government as the way to transform the morality of Muslim people in Nigeria and Boko Haram believe by hav- ing a jihad it would be the best way to transform the govern- ment into the system that they want to have (Solomon & Group, 2017). The Government of Nigeria did try to negotiate with Boko Haram by trying to give them amnesty. It was proven that in April 2013 Shekau dismissed a proposal from Nigerian Press Jonathan to grant amnesty to Boko Haram militants if they dis- armed; Shekau said that the Boko Haram did not do anything to break the law and he believed that is the way that Boko Haram wants to have relations with the Government of Nigeria. This organisation has been responsible for food crisis, fam- ine in several areas in Nigeria this organisation has gained in- ternational attention and notoriety after 12 years of their estab- lishment in 2014 by kidnapping 270 schoolgirls in Chibok. This organisation believed that using violence and attacking religion place and by kidnapping school girls; they can receive the atten- tion of the international institutions. In 2015 Nigeria Govern- ment has warned the people in to be careful with the cruelty Vol. 12 No. 1 February 2021 80 from Boko Haram which used scatter bombs and other lethal instrument to increase their terrorist operation which is very danger for the people who do not have any military protection (Times, 2015). At the end of November of 2020, Boko Haram attacked around 70 civilians in which many of the victims were rice field workers. This organization killed their victims in the most grue- some and horrifying way, they tied up the people before slitting their throat. The attack at the end of 2020 have shown to the international world that despite losing support from ISIS, yet, this organization is still thriving and will not stop violent activi- ties against People they have considered as an enemy. Moreover in 2021, while the world whole world was occu- pied by the pandemic and struggle to find the cure for the pan- demic of Covid-19 this organization even broadens their Ter- rorist activities by attacking four Nigeria Soldier and wounding eight others. This showed to the International community that the going Threat of Boko Haram is a serious issue of concern for the international community. THE MODUS OPERANDI OF BOKO HARAM Ever since its evolution from a nonviolent evangelical organization into a full-fledged violent extremist organization, Boko Haram has adopted various violent tactics such as public executions, Abduction of School Girls, Suicide attacks, High profile assassinations to further the cause of creating an Islamic caliphate, It also applies conventional methods of warfare on civilian’s and the military forces. in 2010 The United states gov- ernment give a concern to the action from Boko Haram that are using Internet as one of their tool of operation (On et al., 2014). In 2014 the group captured large swathes of territory in the state of Borno but failed to capture the capital city of Maiduguri however in 2015 it lost most of its territory and re- treated back to the jungles, It has also recruited young boys as child soldiers. They invite their followers through two ways first JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAH AN Is through coercion and the second way is the people who vol- 81 untarily join into Boko Haram (BBC, n.d.). THE FALL OF ISIS Since the establishment of Isis on April 2013 and reached their peak of power between the middle of 2014 after taking the city of Mosul and expanding their territories and established themselves as Caliphate on 29 June 2014 they have increased their power rapidly but after the attack from the United States by President Obama on 7 August 2014 as the beginning of airstrike from US government, ISIS started to weaken due to the attack. At the end of 2017 Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have gradually lost their territory, army and military power due to the attack from the United States and allies who continuously attack and weakened the power of ISIS in Syria and Iraq and by the end of the year of 2017, they have lost their 95 per cent of the territory. On 26 October 2019 the former leader of ISIS who is Abu Bakr- al Baghdadi was committed to suicide by deto- nating himself and killed two children during Barisha Raid (CNN, 2019) The death of Al-Baghdadi made ISIS become weaker than before even after they have named the successor Ibrahim al Hashemi al Qurayshi. LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESIS FORMULATION HYPOTHESIS H1 – The main Threat that Boko Haram possesses is its trans- formation from a regional or local militant group into a transnational jihadist organization which fosters direct glo- bal security threat. H2 – Unemployment, Poverty, poor living conditions and mis- management of resources by the Nigerian Government in the predominant Muslims majority states of Nigeria are one of the primary factors of radicalization and also the driving force of many Nigerian Muslim youths the ranks of or Boko Vol. 12 No. 1 February 2021 82 Haram. H3 – The inequality between the predominant Muslim major- ity provinces of Nigeria and the predominantly Christian southern provinces in which the latter enjoys more benefits from the Government than the former is also one the driv- ing factors of radicalization and recruitment into the ranks of Boko Haram. H4 – The opposition to western education and western values, the notion from which Boko Haram derives its name from acts as a clarion call for underprivileged and impoverished Muslims in to join the ranks of Boko Haram who seemed corrupt elites inspired by western values as their enemy Boko Haram has created a reign of Terror in Nigeria and North-eastern Africa ever since it reassembled itself from a rag- tag group into a full-fledged armed militant organizing in the year 2009 after a violent uprising against local religious leaders and government forces, The group is known for its brutality best exemplified by its engagement in different terrorist and violent activities such as beheadings, Public executions, Sectar- ian violence, High profile assassinations of government authori- ties and religious leaders, Assault on government military forces, Abduction of School Girls, Suicide attacks. Over the years it has transitioned itself from a local militant organization into be- coming a potential poster boy for global Salafist Jihadist move- ment, so many lingering questions exist in terms of the Threat it poses for global peace and security, It’s status in the global Jihadist scene, the strategies the group applies. This review of Literature will try to understand an array of assertions bought forward by different scholars, critics and academics concerning the notion of the Threat Boko Haram poses. To start Pham, postulates that the operational tactics and the violent campaign it applies is an indicator that theorganization is evolving and expanding beyond the borders of North-eastern Nigeria and is on the verge of becoming a transnational terror- ist organization and a Global security threat because the JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAH AN organization has already maintained links with other global 83 Salafist Jihadist organisations, He also asserts that in order to understand the nature and the expansion of the organization, It is necessary to understand the economic, political, religious and social construct of the region of North-eastern Nigeria, The corrupt nature of the Nigerian Government, the poor socio economic conditions of predominantly Muslim Northern Prov- inces as compared to the majority Christians in the south have made Muslims in the South felt discriminated at the hands of the Central Nigerian Government. These factors have attracted and appealed the People in the Northern provinces, especially Muslims youths, unemployed high school and disaffected youth to join the ranks of Boko Haram in order to express their resentment against the Government, Boko Haram have applied the signature operational tactics of other militant groups such as bombings leading to high number of casualties, suicide Bombings by Boko Haram was an indicator of its links with other global Jihadist organization because sui- cide attacks wasn’t known in Africa until few years (Onuoha, 2014). In terms of confronting the Threat that Boko Haram pos- sess it is important to understand the divisions within Boko Haram, one that aims to transform Nigeria into an Islamic State and the other faction that is hell-bent on the dissolution and elimination of Nigeria as a state. The other strategy is to forge a relationship with local communities in order to get an intelli- gence report to prevent and deter future terrorist attacks. The other way is to penetrate its recruitment and radicalization pro- cess, and that could be achieved by addressing or improving the socio-economic or living conditions of the People where Boko Haram breeds in order to prevent the People from getting at- tracted and seduced to the messages of Boko Haram. Pham also postulates that the Nigerian Military forces could seek assistance and the Nigerian Government could strengthen regional cooperation with its neighbours in order to counter Vol. 12 No. 1 February 2021 84 the Threat of Boko Haram effectively. Meanwhile, Ahokegh, on the other hand, asserts the lack of Government in dealing with the security challenges as a contributing factor towards the rise of Boko Haram, He also points out that poor borders as a breeding ground for infiltration of Militants and arms and am- munition into the country. This point supports the assertion by Pham. (Pham, 2012) pertaining to the growth of its network and the subsequent growth of its status as a Global Jihadist organisation, Ahokegh (Ahokegh, 2012) also points out towards the nature of electoral politics in Nigeria He points out a very interesting fact that Nigerian leaders are not popularly elected which makes the elected leaders be- lieve that they don’t have any duty towards the People in terms of security and protection, (Pham, 2014) points out that Muslim youths in Northern Nigeria are attracted towards joining Boko Haram because of unequal distribution of wealth as in the North- ern provinces as compared to it’s predominantly Christian south- ern provinces however Ahokegh contrast this point by stating that even though the leaders of the Northern provinces are concerned with economic and political grievances, young People who are recruited into the ranks of Boko Haram are only occu- pied with religious motives, i.e. Islamising the whole country and establishing an Islamic State. Interestingly one must understand the fact that Boko Haram which literally means “western education is forbidden “is an ex- pression against western values because western education was a by-product of colonialism, the resentment against corrupt elites who are shaped by western ideals was the contributing factor towards the establishment of Boko Haram, it is also an expres- sion of Islamic culture of northern Nigeria opposition to west- ern doctrines. Ahokegh also suggests in his journal that the most effective way to curb the growing threat of Boko Haram is through dia- logue and peace talks with leaders of Boko Haram rather than direct military confrontation as a short term remedy, as a long JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAH AN term remedy he puts forward the idea of creating a national 85 forum where all the grievances of different religious and ethnic groups would be discussed, He also suggests creating job oppor- tunities for unemployed youths affected by the conflict would prevent further radicalization and recruitment. Comparatively the views articulated by both the scholars in terms of the contributing factors towards the growth of the Is- lamic State of Western Africa or Boko Haram remains almost the same. However the two scholars differ in terms of the strat- egies and solutions provided to eliminate the Threat that Boko Haram possess, For instance, both the scholars acknowledge fac- tors like poor governance, Inequal distribution of wealth and socio, economic, political as a precursor towards radicalization among Muslim youths in northern Nigeria, both the scholars have pointed out the nature of poor leadership among the po- litical elites of Nigeria as a contributing factor towards the suc- cessful growth of Boko Haram in the Northern provinces of Nigeria, but with that being said, The two scholars provides opposing views in terms of the solutions or counterterrorism strategies to eliminate the Threat. Pham provides a realist solu- tion pertaining to the issue; For instance, He asserts that the best solution in countering the Threat of terrorism is to seek military assistance from neighbouring states, he also points out about penetrating into the radicalization and recruitment pro- cess of Boko Haram to prevent and deter further recruitment and radicalization, he also talks about getting ground intelligence reports by establishing a relationship with the local communi- ties. Ahokegh, on the other hand, provides a very constructivist and liberal approach pertaining to the conflict, he asserts that the best solution pertaining to the conflict is a dialogue between the Boko Haram and the Nigerian Government rather than direct military confrontation, He also talks about providing job opportunities in Northern Nigeria to unemployed youths as a process of rehabilitation and in order to prevent further recruit- Vol. 12 No. 1 February 2021 86 ment into the ranks of Boko Haram While the two previous research has pointed out several points such as the solution from Pham that how to against the Threat of Boko Haram such asking military support from neighbouring countries which is relevant with the realist point of view by us- ing power to against the military action from Boko Haram while the article from Ahokegh recommends to the Government to diplomacy action through negotiation and dialogues to settle the conflict, this research has different focus and point of view to this conflict. This research aims to elaborate on the Threat of Boko Haram, especially between 2019-2020 and how this organization raise power after the fall of ISIS power after 2017. In additional the research will examine why the peace settle- ment between Boko Haram and Nigeria Government still do not reach consensus between two parties and this research will try to give the solution for building the peace between two par- ties and eliminate the conflict. RESEARCH METHOD This paper will use qualitative-based research combined with a content analysis that aims to have in-depth research within the topic. Thus, data resources are obtained through library re- search, such as books, journals, articles, and newspapers, whether online-based or through resource centres, including libraries and any relevant sources. The qualitative research is run concurrently starting from data collection, data analysis, and data interpreta- tion from the observation of the data, which will be explained in the results and discussion part. This research will use empiri- cal analysis to understand the context of the topic (Centre, 2014). This is document-based research with content analysis. More- over, this approach requires a deep understanding of texts. The researchers also could narratively make own their interpreta- tion on the texts (analytics or critics) which have been academi- cally accepted and relevant. (BMJ, 2008). JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAH AN THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK 87 THEORY OF CLASSICAL REALISM – HANS J MORGENTHAU This research will use the theory from Hans Morgenthau as the tool to analysis the topic of research. Morgenthau, who founded the theory that is now known as Classical Realism which believes that Human is Animus Dominandi or Creature of In- terest who always put their interest as their first intention. This theory believes that human always smeared themselves with the struggle of power, which in this context are being translated by the action of Boko Haram to gain the power to manifest their ideology to all part of Nigeria. The Threat of Boko Haram, which appears after the dissolution of ISIS is also relevant to the idea of Classical realism that Human always try to find the chance to maximise their goals (Laurence, 2015). Realism believes in the two important concepts, which are interest and power. Furthermore, this theory believes that only human always has an interest in every action that they take. However, Morgenthau realism believes that the action from human should consider the moral of action, but when the moral value prevents the person from surviving, moral consideration will be lost. In this context, Boko Haram sees the chance from the disso- lution of ISIS in 2019 as the possibility for them to expand their operation and take the lead as the new leader for the Islamic Militancy especially in Africa. Thus, this is the interest of Boko Haram to increase their power and operation, which make them the worst Threat for Nigeria and the other neighbouring coun- tries such As Chad, Niger and Cameroon. CONCEPT OF MEDIATION In this research, we would like to use a mediation concept from federal foreign Police of Germany as the way to find the solution into this topic by using mediation topic which is we divide into four-track of Internal Actor one IS is coming from Vol. 12 No. 1 February 2021 88 Top Leadership from United Nations or from Multi-Lateral Organisations through high-level negotiations that we called as track one and next is from National dialogues but through in- formal mediations and we called as track one point five, and next part is Middle Range Leadership that we have called as track two and next is Grassroots Leadership that called as Track three that are mostly people who responsible for this track run- ning the process of negotiation through local leaders and grassroots stakeholder (Federal Foreign Office & Initiative Me- diation Support Deutschland, 2017) Based on the previous case in Sudan, the Government of Sudan to eliminate the long-armed and political conflict. Thus, in 2014 through their president by using track 1.5 with the in- volvement of Berghof Foundation and The German Institute for International and Security Affairs and during this process that conducted in Berlin this process has produced Berlin Dec- laration that becomes a bridge to national dialogue in Addis Ababa the Capital of Ethiopia. In this research we would like to use this concept as the tool to solve this conflict. We would like to be addressed by inviting the eminent people or institution from the high levels such as from the United Nations or from central figure that haveinflu- ence to Boko Haram and can have a cooperation with Nigerian Government. Involving these parties to established dialogue through multilayers society. When we refer back to the previ- ous mediation the things why the negotiation become failed because the government only use top-bottom policy such as grant amnesty for the member of Boko Haram. RESULT AND DISCUSSION This research is purposely to analyse and give a several op- tions on how this threat from Boko Haram Should Be ap- proached as well as to view the going threat of Boko Haram and try to open the new perspective on the issues. This research also examines the previous action from the government of Nigeria JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAH AN and to overcome this issues that did not success to settle the 89 issue while also find the lessons from the previous action that can be using in the future. FIGURE 1. NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO KILLED BY BOKO HARAM YEAR NUMBER OF VICTIMS 2010 32 2011 68 2012 900 2013 44 2014 6.600 2015 1000 2016 65 2017 300 2018 1,200 2019 640 2020 1,606 BOKO HARAM CASUALTIES FROM 2010 TO 2020 Ever since Boko Haram transformed itself into a violent Jihadist militant organization in the year 2009 this terrorism organization has been killed thousands of people and displaced millions of people from their home (BBC, 2015). Furthermore, the fact has shown that since this organization start their insur- gency It has resulted in the deaths of around 20,000 to 30,000 People and about 2.3 million People have been displaced from their homes. In April 2015 Nigerian Military forces rescued 293 women and children from Dambisa forest. Many women were reportedly pregnant. According to Office of the High Commis- sioner for Human Rights (OHCR), 307 women and children were rescued and enrolled in deradicalization programme organised by the Nigerian Government In the year 2017 at least 967 People were Killed in attacks perpetrated by Boko Haram most of the victims were from Maiduguri a city that is going through an increase in population due to People fleeing rural areas to shelter themselves from Boko Haram attacks (BBC, 2018). In 2018 this organization has killed Vol. 12 No. 1 February 2021 90 at least 640 civilians during the conflict between the organiza- tion with the security forces (Watch, 2020). Most of the fatalities recorded were villagers and soldiers, In November 2019, it contributed to 750 casualties double the to- tal of any former years, Boko Haram have also committed mas- sive Human rights violations. Men and Boys who don’t submit to their doctrine are systemically butchered, Also the use of sui- cide bombers has led to more deaths in the first half of 2015.The organisation had also engaged in Abduction of young boys for indoctrinating in its ideology, Women and girls have also been victims of sexual exploitation perpetrated by members of Boko Haram. on November 2020, Boko Haram massacred at least 43 vil- lagers near koshobe village in the state of Borno, The victims were butchered with knives and machetes and many of them were missing and between January and November 2020 and in this year there were 142 attacks reportedly linked to Boko Haram, Out of the 142 attacks,17 had no casualties and overall 1,606 people were Killed in the year 2020 (OCHA, 2020). FIGURE 2. THE PLACE WHERE BOKO HARAM MOST ACTIVE Source: (Britannica, 2020) JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAH AN THE IMPACT OF BOKO HARAM TO NEIGHBOURING 91 COUNTRIES Cameroon The leader of Boko Haram Muhammad Shekau, this research has found that the action by the Boko Haram to attack and threaten the Cameroon Government which we refer to the Message from the leader of Boko Haram Abu Bakar Shekau on January 2015 that sent to the Youtube because the organisation has the interest to use the long miscommunication between the Government of Nigeria and Cameroon (Foyou et al., 2018). We return back to 2013 when Nigerian troops were created multi- national force alongside with Chad and Niger in order to face a growing threat from Boko Haram. Yet, the Government of Cameroon did not join the Multi-National force, even the grow- ing Threat of Boko haram was on the edge of happening. However, the turning point of the role of Cameroon in this conflict was in 2014 after Boko haram expands their attack and atrocities across the north part of Cameroon. It triggers them to join the multi-national force with other countries that af- fected by Boko Haram operation such as Nigeria, Benin, Chad and Niger. After the action from Boko Haram who recruited the young people from Cameroonians to join into their force, finally, Cameroon establishes recruitment for around 20.000 people to increase the defence and Security Forces to against the operation from Boko Haram. Chad Chad, the state which has a direct border with Nigeria, had been one of the neighbour’s countries who face the gruesome and cruel and horror operation from Boko Haram. This re- search has found that the presence of Boko Haram has emerged around Lake Chad and it was started in 2015 which at that time Boko Haram responsible for killed hundreds of people (Econo- mist, 2015) and make more than 10000 people displaced from their place. The attack to Chad was because of theinvolvement Vol. 12 No. 1 February 2021 92 of them to attack Boko Haram with Nigeria and other neigh- bouring countries, which make them exposed to the attack from that terrorist group (Group, 2017). In this country, Boko Haram is using their common strategy to find the chance from the territory that have a dispute be- tween them and the Government and especially to the poor people that have the historical background to resist the Gov- ernment. According to the research from International Crisis Group, Chad is considered as Fertile Ground for Boko Haram and in addition, the Chadian Immigrants who have a similar history, religion and even language with the Nigerian-Borno State. We have found that on this research that by utilising the same historical background and same value with a potential fol- lower, it will increase the possibilities for them to feel comfort- able to join Boko Haram (Group, 2017). Niger Niger which is one of the neighbouring states of Nigeria have been vulnerable from the Threat of Boko Haram; It is due to its unstable and fragile Government and also due to socio-economic factors, Additionally, the existence of other Salafist Jihadist organisation in the country such as Al Queda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM ) which shares a similar ideology as Boko Haram could potentially create more regional security threat, Even though to counter this The Nigerian Government have adopted strict measures such as strengthening its borders, It has proven counterproductive for ordinary citizens of Niger because of its dependency on Nigeria for food and trade because of the drought in Niger, Niger which is one of the poorest countries in the world is vulnerable to threats from Boko Haram especially in its eastern region. In the end 2020 Boko have killed 28 people and burned 800 homes in Niger which have proven the need of quick action to overcome this delicate matter (Reuters, 2020). JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAH AN BOKO HARAM AFTER THE DISSOLUTION OF ISIS 93 We have found the fact that the going Threat of Boko Haram after the dissolution of Isis has been happened because of the strategy that they are using in Nigeria is different from what ISIS had. Boko Haram has a more structured organisation and prepared well to face any pressure from foreign force such as from the United Nations or the United States and the allies. Based on the research, we can derive that the Threat of Boko Haram is expanding beyond the borders of Nigeria, and its in- fluence is spreading in neighbouring countries of Nigeria such as Cameroon, Niger and Chad. The most effective way to counter Boko Haram in this realm is to strengthen border security in order to prevent the escala- tion of it’s influence in other regions of Africa and also to stop the influx of foreign fighters of jihadist organization that are in alliance with Boko Haram Additionally the magnitude of influ- ence of Boko Haram in North-eastern Nigeria stems from poor socio and economic grievances of the region which compels Muslims in North-eastern Nigeria to join the ranks of Boko Haram and in order to counter that the Nigerian Government should address these issues and improve the socio-economic liv- ing condition in the region, Apart from that moderate religious leaders in the region should spread awareness about the bar- baric doctrines of Boko Haram in order to prevent psychological indoctrination among the Muslim youths in Northern Nigeria and also the authorities should keep a watch on the propaganda machinery of the group, Moreover authorities should keep a watch on the network between Boko Haram now known as ISWA and the Islamic state otherwise Africa will be on the peripheries of becoming the new hub for jihadist groups and potentially the next Syria and Iraq. ABDUCTION OF SCHOOL STUDENTS At the end of 2020, this organisation by using Ak-47 weapon have abducted more than 300 students in Nigeria into into sur- Vol. 12 No. 1 February 2021 94 rounding forests, and this is legitimate by the claim from Shekau, the leader of Boko Haram. This is showing that the operation from Boko Haram did not even slow down, but it still at the highest Threat to the Nigeria Government (Obiezu, 2020). CHRISTMAS EVE ATTACK The translation from the ideology from Boko Haram which forbids all the western education and to refer back to the state- ment from Shekau that delivered on the Video that they are confronting and against all the Christians people as general. This organization have proven that by attacking the Christian people in their holy night which is the Christmas Eve. Boko Haram run their horror operation by killing seven people and burn more than nine homes and expand their operation by looting the food supplies which sadly should be given to the people who are celebrating Christmas. DEVELOPING THREAT OF BOKO HARAM The community in Nigeria have hired Vigilante and Private Military groups to fight together with the Army of Nigeria. Meanwhile, people are protecting themselves by using Vigilante and private military groups. The attack of Boko Haram was still running hard, and this is happening through the process of this research are because of the society in Northern Nigeria even do not have the same perspective on how to view the operation from Boko Haram. The disappointment from the people of Nigeria especially the poor people who have a long disappoint- ment towards the policy from the Nigeria government have seen the Boko Haram as the way out to attack and overcome the unfairness that they have faced from Nigeria especially since the organization would like to against the unfairness especially in terms of Economic perspective for the Nigerian people. It is increasing the attraction of this organization to attract more followers to join their operation. Based on the research from around 35 per cent of the Nigerian Government are con- JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAH AN sidered on the poor economic layer, which makes this organisa- 95 tion have increased their attractiveness. Furthermore, their ac- tion from Boko Haram to impose Shari’a law in Nigeria have relevant historical background with several riots in Nigeria that happened in 1980th, which make the fight based on religion factors have become common in Nigeria, which adds more fac- tors for the people who want to impose shari’a law to join Boko Haram (Adenrele, 2012). During the process of creating this article we have found that Boko Haram have stockpiling arms which indicate that they are preparing for long term run for their operation which is continuous giving threat for Nigeria and neighbouring countries (Berman, 2020). On January 2021, just several days after new year Boko Haram have responsible to the attack in Northern Cameroon which killed a dozen civilians and eight children which had done by a woman who did suicide bomber and blew herself. This is a prove that Boko Haram can inspire a person to kill herself and this is mak- ing the going threat of Boko Haram is even more dangerous for the people (Jazeera, 2021). Furthermore, they have killed 13 Sol- diers of Nigeria Troop in Northeaster Nigeria which add their notorious action in the early of 2021 which has given a sign to Nigerian government and Neighbouring Countries to address immediate action to tackle the operation from Boko Haram. POSSIBLE RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNTER THE THREAT OF BOKO HARAM As we have discussed earlier and as articulated by different Scholars, the Threat of Boko Haram is evolving and expanding on a gargantuan scale, and as postulated by the two scholars we have discussed earlier, there are various contributing factors for the growth of Boko Haram, and it’s a cycle of violence and Ter- ror, and each of them needs different solutions to counter it, In this chapter, we will delve into the various factors pertaining to the growth of the radical organization and also discuss the pos- sible solution to counter it’s growing Threat Vol. 12 No. 1 February 2021 96 Education& Awarenessprograms The lack of proper education is also one of the key factors in the widespread radicalization of impoverished Muslims in North- ern Nigeria, The lack of education provides a safe haven for Boko Haram in the dissemination of its radical doctrines, Due to lack of education and critical thinking The Poverty-stricken population in Northern Nigeria lack the ability to differentiate between genuine religious sermons, and false interpretation of Islam attributed to Boko Haram, One of the ways to counter this is to set up more educational institutions in Northern Nige- ria because not only it will make People aware about terrorism and radicalization, It will also create more productive and self- reliant citizens who will go on to do something for the overall betterment of the region and nation as a whole TABLE 3. POVERTY MEASURES IN NIGERIA Zone/Regions Food Poor Relative A Dollar Poor Poor Poor North-Central 38.6 59.5 67.5 59.7 North-East 51.5 69.0 76.3 69.1 South-East 51.8 70.0 77.7 70.4 South-South 35.5 55.9 63.8 56.1 South-West 25.4 49.2 59.1 50.1 Economical solution One of the key factors for the growth of Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria is Poverty and impoverishment, Northern Nigeria which is a predominantly Muslim region has been plagued by Poverty and Economical scarcity as compared to Its predominantly Christian Southern counterparts which is pro- gressing well economically, Some of the factors for its poor eco- nomic conditions are lack of education, Draught and deindustria- lisation., Also the fairly equal proportion of Muslims and Chris- tians in terms of demography has also resulted in a competition between the Muslims and the Christian. The fact that the eco- nomic marginalization that happened in Nigeria make the in- surgency to be happened (Meagher, 2014). JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAH AN 97 CHART 4. POVERTY MEASURES IN NIGERIA Source: (Adenrele, 2012) This data has shown that the disparity between the people who live in northern area and from the southern area are quite different and this is become one of the reasons that the insur- gency has happened in Nigeria. Which lead to the feeling of marginalization which use by Boko Haram to Support their operation. We have found that the median of data that show 38,6, while absolute poor is 59,5, relative poor is 67,5 and a dollar poor is 59,7. The fact shows this situation create the environment becomes conducive for the dissemination of extremist and radical ideas of which Boko Haram takes advantage of so the first step and the need of the hour of the Government in countering it’s Threat is to improve the vulnerable Muslims in the North on economic front, Government should take measures to provide employment and therefore improving the living standards of People in the North and also International dignitaries should focus on providing livelihood programmes for the disadvantaged Muslim population who are prone to beingradicalised by Boko Haram, Also the federal Government should implement pov- erty elimination measure to improve the livelihood of the im- poverished Muslims of the Northern provinces of Nigeria, Ad- ditionally Nongovernmental organization should work hand in hand with the state and federal government addressing the is- Vol. 12 No. 1 February 2021 98 sue because poverty breeds radicalization and eventually terror- ism. Interfaith Dialogue Inter-Religion dialogues have been of one the key points that we believe is important to understand this issue of going threat of Boko Haram. During the research, we have found that the leader of Boko Haram, Abu Bakar Shekau has hatred to Chris- tian as generally, but if we can trace back the history of Nigeria. This research has found that Nigeria is one of the most diverse countries in terms of ethnic this county has more than 200 ethnics with a total population of 131 million (Jacob, 2015) with this fact make this country become diverse and in fact that Nigeria has the biggest number of Christian and Muslim in Sub Saharan Country which show to the world that the diversity of their country. Nigeria has the fifth-highest Muslims follower in the world and ranks 6th on the number of the follower of Christian in the world (Diamant, 2019). We have found that based on the data that the population of the people that live in the northern part of Nigeria are Muslim while the southern part is Christians and the problem that Boko Haram emerge from the northern part of Nigerian can be seen as one of the truths that the geographical difference can be one of the factors for the dispute to be happening and this is not just because of geographical factor but as well as the economic dis- parity. However, true encounter this problem we need to un- derstand. In fact, in the Northern Nigeria, where the Shari’a law is implemented not only to all of Muslims but as well to Christian followers by implementing such as the putting people in differ- ent place based on sex in for the health facilities. We have seen that this kind of classification make a new problem within the society between 2000-2007 there were more than 27.000 people who being killed during these periods of time. The problem within Nigeria could be seen to the role of the domestic Gov- JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAH AN ernment that need to readjust their decision-making process 99 (Jacob, 2015). The current policy that come out from the leader of Nigeria is not suitable with the situation in Nigeria, we do believe there is a need to establish interfaith dialogue that initiated by third party such as United Nation or from Nigerian Government for solving the problem by enforcing this way we do believe that the going threat of Boko Haram can be mitigated through this process. The problem with the previous negotiation or the ef- fort to solve the dispute were because there was no presence from the eminent people to open a discussion with the leader of Boko Haram and Nigerian Government. If we refer back to success of Indonesian government to tackle the dispute with Gerakan Aceh Merdeka in 2005 through Helsinki Agreement (News, n.d.) it was because there was a third party who involve in the negotiation to find same consensus for the conflict settle- ment and during that moment The Province of Aceh were just facing by Tsunami at the end December which made GAM has struggle to continue their operation to reach their independence of Indonesia. Meanwhile, now Nigeria are facing Covid-19 Pandemic which have killed many people in International World as well as in Nigeria, this situation could be one of the reason that use by Nigeria Government or the third party to invite the leader of Boko Haram to settle down the conflict in the name of human- ity (Amzat et al., 2020). STRICT BORDER CONTROL AND PENETRATING INTO THE NETWORKS OF BOKO HARAM Islamic State of West Africa or Boko Haram is no longer an organisation with local grievances, but rather it has expanded its network and reign of Terror beyond the borders of Nigeria, It has established it’s based in neighbouring Cameroon, Chad, Niger and this could strengthen the expanding and growing nature of Boko Haram, and therefore the best way to counter it Vol. 12 No. 1 February 2021 100 on this front is to implement a collective strict Border control, This could be achieved by deploying more military personnel on the border areas and this was success to force the percentage of Boko Haram violence in 2014,2015 and also by working to- gether in terms of tighter border control with the military forces of its neighbouring states. Also, intelligence agencies and Mili- tary personnel should keep an eye on the movement of their activities and also stop the influx of fighters of other Jihadist Salafist organisations or affiliates of Boko Haram into Nigeria and vice versa (Global Conflict Tracker, n.d.). CONCLUSION In conclusion, we have derived that the ongoing Threat of Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria possess a significant threat to Global & Regional Security and International institutions such as United Nations along with the Government of Nigeria and its neighbours should formulate effective counter terrorism strat- egies to counter it’s threat, Along with counter terrorism mea- sures they should also address the grievances of the common masses in Northern Nigeria such as poverty, Lack of Education, Economic disparity between Christians and Muslims so on and so forth. Additionally the Government of Nigeria and the Govern- ment of its neighbouring countries should also take measures in strengthening the borders in order to prevent the influx and movement of Militants who have taken advantage of the weak, fragile and porous borders, Also in order to counter it’s threat the government should take measures to create awareness about radicalization and should also keep an eye on the propaganda machinery of Boko Haram in order to prevent further radicalization of young and impressionable Muslim youths in Northern Nigeria and along with that the government forces must be well equipped with sophisticated and modern warfare in order to counter it’s threat on the Military front, Finally, we would like to state that Boko Haram as members JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAH AN of an international community we must work hand in hand in all sectors to counter the threat the Boko Haram and Salafi Jihadist terrorism. 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