Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.v13i2.13740 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp 188 Responsibility of Digital-Based Complain Services at the Honor Board of Election Organizers of the Republic of Indonesia (DKPP RI) During Pandemic MUH HASBI AZIS AGANI 1*, NURYANTI MUSTARI 2, AHMAD HARAKAN 3 , NURSALEH HARTAMAN 4 AFFILIATION: 1234 University of Muhammadiyah Makassar, Department of Gov er nment Scie nce, Faculty of Social and Political Science CORRESPONDENCE: muh.hasbihajid@gmail.com HOW TO CITATE: Agani, M.H.A., Mustari, N., Harakan, A., & Hartaman, N. (2022). Responsibility of Digital- Based Complaints Services at the Honor Board of Election Organizers of The Republic of Indonesia (DKPP RI) During Pandemic. Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan, 13(2). 188-221 ARTICLE HISTORY: Received: January 19, 2022 Revised: February 3, 2022 Accepted: March 25, 2022 ABSTRACT: Enforcement of the code of ethics against violations of election administration (KPU and Bawaslu) committed by the DKPP RI as an institution for enforcing the code of ethics for election organizers. Data from the DKPP stated that from 2018 to 2021, 1,546 complaints came in through digital media, peaking in 2020 during the pandemic, then the service of complaints carried out by the DKPP RI, it is necessary to have service responsiveness in receiving reports/complaints from reporters, which makes DKPP RI an institution that integrity. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with data analysis using NVivo 12 Plus. By using six indicators of responsiveness of the results obtained. The achievement of digital- based complaint services at the Dewan Kehormatan Penyelenggara Pemilu RepublikIndonesia (DKPP RI) during the pandemic uses six indicators: the ability to respond to the community, officers have provided good attitudes and com- munication. W ith the speed of service, Officers have shown alertness and sincerity in serving. Accuracy of service, officers have been focused and seri- ous in their work. Service accuracy, officers have worked by the SOP; timeli- ness of service, officers work by incoming reports; the ability to respond to complaints, officers can respond to complaints and provide the best solu- tions. Keywords: Responsiveness, Complain, Public Service, DKPP, Digitization ABSTRAK: Penegakan kode etik terhadap pelanggaran penyelenggara pemilu (KPU dan Bawaslu) yang dilakukan oleh DKPP RI sebagai lembaga penegakan kode etik penyelenggara pemilu. Data dari DKPP menyebutkan dari tahun 2018 sampai dengan tahun 2021 sebanyak 1.546 pengaduan masuk melalui media digital, memuncak pada tahun 2020 pada masa pandemi, maka pelayanan pengaduan yang dilakukan oleh DKPP RI perlu adanya respon pelayanan dalam menerima laporan/pengaduan. dari wartawan, yang menjadikan DKPP RI sebagai lembaga yang berintegritas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis data menggunakan NVivo 12 Plus. Dengan menggunakan enam indikator daya tanggap diperoleh hasil. Pencapaian layanan pengaduan berbasis digital di Dewan Kehormatan Penyelenggara Pemilu Republik Indonesia (DKPP RI) pada masa pandemi menggunakan enam indikator yaitu kemampuan merespon masyarakat, petugas telah memberikan sikap dan komunikasi yang baik. Dengan kecepatan pelayanan, Petugas telah menunjukkan kewaspadaan dan kesungguhan dalam melayani. Ketepatan pelayanan, petugas sudah fokus dan serius dalam bekerja. Ketepatan pelayanan, petugas sudah bekerja sesuai SOP; ketepatan waktu pelayanan, petugas bekerja berdasarkan laporan yang masuk; kemampuan menanggapi pengaduan, petugas dapat menanggapi pengaduan dan memberikan solusi terbaik. Kata kunci: Responsif, Pengaduan, Pelayanan Publik, DKPP, Digitalisasi https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0694-5000 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2413-7402 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7322-9872 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp mailto:muh.hasbihajid@gmail.com https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6707-136X JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN INTRODUCTION In general, the democratic system in the world is based on liberal democracy, which concentrates on policy-making proce- dures that ensure that they are generally binding regardless of the form of society that has been determined. In contrast, the participatory model of democracy that involves the community in the decision-making process supports the values that exist in society. In the sense that it does not only emphasize procedures, but it is also oriented towards collective decision making. (Hennen et al. 2020). Indonesia itself adheres to the Pancasila democratic system, which upholds the values of deliberation and consensus in decision making and is fundamental to safeguarding people’s political rights, including general elections (Wardhani, Ibrahim, and Christia 2020). One form of a democratic system is the existence of general elections as public political participation, and it can be said that the legitimacy of a democratic government is when elections are held based on the principles of “direct, general, free, secret, hon- est and fair” democracy, and can convince citizens that every vote is counted (Lundmark, Oscarsson, and Weissenbilder 2020). The nature of elections always results in victory and defeat, and these results are greeted differently, especially on the losing side (Albertson and Guiler 2020). Severalelections have been held uncompetitive due to illegal campaigning practices and manipulative electoral processes still being car- ried out by those in power and political elites who take advan- tage of power to regulate government and vital resources. (Verver et al. 2019). In order to maintain the continuity of democratic general elections, there is a need for governance of election administra- tion that is recognized by constitutional and public legitimacy, and an election management body is formed, namely KPU (Elec- tion Organizing Commission), which has the task of carrying out elections, Bawaslu (Election Supervisory Body) as a function of overseeing the election process. Moreover, DKPP RI (Honor- ary Council for Election Organizers of the Republic of Indone- 189 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 190 sia) has a check and balance function in the performance of the KPU and Bawaslu (Warjiyati 2020). DKPP, Bawaslu, and KPU have equal positions as election organizers as stated in Article 22 E paragraph (5) of the 1945 Constitution and the provisions issued by the Constitutional Court Number 11/PUU-VIII/2020 concerning Judicial Review of Law No. 22 of 2007 against the 1945 Constitution. DKPP, Bawaslu, and KPU were placed as independent institutions. DKPP is mandated in “Law Number 15 of 2011 concerning Elec- tion Organizers” with authority as a code of ethics enforcement agency, namely to summon election administrators who are in- dicated or suspected of violating the code of ethics to provide explanations and defenses further. Summon the complainant and witnesses to be asked for information, including files/files and evidence. Then impose sanctions on election organizers who are proven to have violated the code of ethics. The final and binding nature of the DKPP’s decision attacks psychologically at the KPU and Bawaslu ranks because of the fear that arises over the sanctions given when violating the code of ethics and can lead to ongoing legal polemic problems (Nurdin 2019). Facts show that the actualization of regional elections that are carried out directly and based on democracy still raises many problems even though the government has made efforts to re- place laws and regulations, the last of which is the issuance of Law Number 8 of 2015 concerning Amendments to Law Num- ber 1 of 2015 concerning Stipulation Government Regulation instead of Law Number 1 of 2014 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents, and Mayors. However, there are still viola- tions that are often carried out in the implementation of elec- tions from the election organizers (Erwinsyahbana 2018). Sup- ported by the evidence in DKPP data which states that from 2018 to 2021, 1,546 complaints were submitted to DKPP. More- over, more detail can be seen in the following table: JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN Table 1. Number of Complaints of Alleged Violations of the Election Code of Ethics No YEAR NUMBER OF COMPLAINTS 1. 2018 333 2. 2019 506 3. 2020 415 4. 2021 292 Total 1.546 Source: DKPP RI 2021 Based on the recapitulation data on the types of complaints recorded during 2018, complaints submitted directly to the DKPP RI are still the primary choice for justice seekers with a total of 183 complaints (55%) of complaints sent by post or via Email, totaling 131 complaints (39 %). Meanwhile, there were 19 com- plaints through the forwarding channel by Bawaslu/KPU to DKPP RI (6%) (DKPP RI 2018). Based on the recapitulation data on the types of complaints recorded during the 2019 General Election, complaints submit- ted directly to the DKPP RI are still the primary choice for jus- tice seekers, with a total of 294 complaints (58.1%), complaints sent by post or via mail. Electronic (email complaint) as many as 189 complaints (37.3%). Meanwhile, there were 23 complaints (4.5%) through the forwarding channel by Bawaslu to DKPP RI (DKPP RI 2019). Responding to the Covid-19 pandemic globally, especially in Indonesia, on March 23, 2020, DKPP RI made a policy of only accepting complaints or reports via email bag.pengaduan@DKPP RI.go.id on working days, namely Monday-Thursday. At 08.00- 16.00 WIB and Friday at 08.00-16.30 WIB. However, DKPP RI activated a particular telephone number for complaint consulta- tion, namely 0812-9288-3330. Based on the data on the reca- pitulation of the types of complaints recorded during the 2020 general election, there was a significant increase in indirect com- plaints or emails and letters, namely 319 complaints (76.9%). This figure is much higher than the complaints submitted di- rectly to the DKPP RI, with only 96 complaints (23.1%) (DKPP 191 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 192 RI 2020). Based on the recapitulation data on the types of complaints recorded during the 2021 General Election, most complaints are submitted via email/post, followed by direct complaints at DKPP RI and forwarded to Bawaslu/KPU. It is appropriate to be in- formed that in order to provide services to justice seekers during the Covid-19 pandemic, DKPP RI accepts complaints submitted online. To welcome technology 4.0, now DKPP RI is also devel- oping an application system for complaints of alleged violations of the code of ethics which is expected to be later able to answer the challenges of enforcing the code of ethics during the pan- demic, direct complaints 103 (35.4%), forwarding Bawaslu/KPU 16 (5.4%), by mail (Post/E-Mail) 173 (59.2%), totaling 292 (DKPP RI 2021). As the data presented shows a digital transformation of pub- lic services, DKPP RI can answer the challenges of industry 4.0 and the pandemic that has hit the world. In the current era, reporting directly or coming straight to the office has disadvan- tages because it is limited by space and time; moreover, there is only one DKPP RI office in Central Jakarta, so it requires money and energy to submit reports for reporters/complainants who are outside the city of Central Jakarta. The emergence of a pandemic has impacted various sector lines, and the public service sector is affected. The efforts of the central government and local governments in reducing the spread of Covid-19 have issued a series of policy strategies such as Large- Scale Social Restrictions, which requires work to be done from home, of course, this hampers public services, but as a bureau- cracy, it must continue to carry out its duties as a public service that can solve problems. Solutions to the problems faced, for that the government optimizes the use of technology, informa- tion, and communication to fulfill citizens’ rights. It also aligns with what DKPP has done while following the established proce- dures (Wati 2021). DKPP RI shows that as a judicial institution, the enforcement JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN of the code of ethics for election organizers can still keep up with speedy technological advances. This is evidenced by the comput- erization of the Complaints Information System of the Election Organizers Code of Ethics, and web-based can be one way out to assist and speed up and simplify the work process in the prepara- tion of various kinds of reports related to data related to com- plaints about the electoral code of ethics. This system can assist DKPP RI officials in obtaining accurate and fast reports (Zulhalim and Nurkhotimah 2019). During the pandemic to reduce the number of Covid 19 trans- missions, the RI DKPP RI temporarily eliminates face-to-face reporting and is replaced by receiving online complaints/reports via Email and phone number so that it can help the government break the chain of transmission of the spread of the COVID- 19 virus and related service processes. Complaints/reports can still be implemented. Effective and efficient public servants from the government must pay attention to feedback from the community on the ser- vices they get and consider the previous government’s work per- formance on the public service policies that have been set (Verver et al., 2019). Public services require responsiveness from state administrators to identify community needs. Public services and politics are interconnected because the apparatus gives the community’s trust as representatives in administrative matters. (Liao 2018). Several previous studies relevant to the issues to be discussed, namely the Role of DKPP RI in Ethical Supervision of Election Organizers, concluded that the role of DKPP in supervising the KPU RI has a preventive and repressive nature. The repressive nature is shown by punishing election management officials who violate the code of ethics. In line with other research, namely the Institutional Design of the Honorary Election Organizing Coun- cil (DKPP) as an Ethics Court, it concludes that DKPP is present as an institution that maintains the integrity, credibility, and in- dependence of the KPU and Bawaslu in carrying out democratic 193 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 194 elections, with the authority it has as an institution that enforces violations of the code of ethics against election organizers, espe- cially the nature of the DKPP’s decision which is binding and final. Several previous studies relevant to the issues to be discussed, namely the Role of DKPP RI in Ethical Supervision of Election Organizers, concluded that the role of DKPP in supervising the KPU RI has a preventive and repressive nature. The repressive nature is shown by punishing election management officials who violate the code of ethics. In line with other research, namely the Institutional Design of the Honorary Election Organizing Coun- cil (DKPP) as an Ethics Court, it concludes that DKPP is present as an institution that maintains the integrity, credibility, and in- dependence of the KPU and Bawaslu in carrying out democratic elections, with the authority it has as an institution that enforces violations of the code of ethics against election organizers, espe- cially the nature of the DKPP’s decision which is binding and final. Research related to the problems that will be examined, namely Questioning the Responsiveness of Public Services in the Man- agement of UPIK Case Complaints in the City of Yogyakarta “concludes that in the Information and Complaints Service Unit as a medium for which the public uses in providing input/infor- mation or complaints, relating to the administration of govern- ment and public services in the city of Yogyakarta, in his find- ings the service responsiveness of the follow-up process across sectors and levels of government is still low due to the existence of sectoral and regional egos Departing from the preliminary description above which explains the role of DKPP RI as an en- forcement agency for violations of the code of ethics against elec- tion organizers and the lack of responsiveness of public services in the follow-up aspect. Of course, the DKPP RI does not neces- sarily make decisions unilaterally; it certainly has a systematic flow until the decision is read out by the chairman of the DKPP RI, especially in the first stage, namely the complaint stage. Digi- JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN tal-based, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic, does not al- low face-to-face complaints/reports. So that the authors are in- terested in researching the Responsiveness of Digital-Based Com- plaint Services at the Election Organizing Honorary Council (DKPP RI) During the Pandemic Period. LITERATURE REVIEW GOOD GOVERNANCE Good governance is everything that relates to or discusses the management of governance that is run well. Including the func- tional side of government can also be seen in government ad- ministration. Good governance is a term used by lawyers, legislators, and, more broadly, the general public. Good governance is viewed differently by theologians, philosophers, social scientists, econo- mists, and lawyers. In that concept, each discipline has its di- mensions to contribute to, and when the different dimensions are brought together, they may create a comprehensive approach to good governance and bring significant benefits to societ y. (Addink 2019). According to Dwiyanto (2021), in the practice of good gover- nance, there are essential values that must be fulfilled in realiz- ing shared prosperity, such as efficiency, justice, and responsive- ness. Both economic, administrative, and political authorities are responsible for regulating the country’s social affairs. There- fore, government power is used for the greatest prosperity of the people in good governance, avoiding misallocations and finan- cial development, and early detection and prevention of corrup- tion. Governance is good if the resources and public interest can be managed effectively and efficiently. With the passage of sev- eral public institutional mechanisms and reasonable procedures, the community’s interests get good protection (Santosa 2010). It can be concluded from some of the opinions above that good governance is how the management of government admin- istrators is carried out both in power and administration, which 195 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 196 involves several parties, namely government actors, the private sector, and the community, in order to create an effective, effi- cient and clean government. According to (Tun et al. 2021), Good governance must apply five principles. Namely, responsibility is defined as the principle of responsibility, and the government must carry out its responsibilities as a bureaucracy to the com- munity and comply with laws and regulations that have an im- pact on the emergence of public trust; Accountability It means that the government can be responsible for its work performance and can meet the demands of the community, which in gover- nance must be measurable and correct; Fairness and Equality (this principle prioritizes that government administrators should not take sides with anyone and must provide services with estab- lished procedures; Transparency to get a good assessment from the community so that all information related to governance can be provided so that governance can run well and; Independence In order to maintain good governance, government independence is needed so that it does not get intervention from outside par- ties. RESPONSIVENESS Responsiveness is how to manage government affairs from the main level to the regional level efficiently by indicating the responsiveness and responsiveness of government administrators in meeting community needs, adjusting to the competence of government administrators in responding quickly and precisely to the wishes of the community, and identifying how govern- ment administrators able to answer the challenges that will come both in terms of the times, new problems to be faced, as well as the fulfillment of state apparatus resources in carrying out their duties (Chukwuma 2019; Dunn 2003; Widodo 2007). Respon- siveness is defined as the ability of government administrators who are aware of the community’s needs, are sensitive to those concerning the fulfillment of citizens’ rights by setting up a ser- JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN vice priority strategic agenda and developing agreed work plans. In short, responsiveness describes the balance between the community’s needs and the government’s work program (Dwiyanto 2021; Sugandi 2011; Tangkilisan 2005). Hardiyansyah (2018:) explains that responsiveness is included in one of the dimensions of service quality, where responsive- ness is translated into several indicators, including; Responding to every customer/applicant who wants to get service. These in- dicators include good attitude and communication from service providers; Officers/apparatus provide fast service. This fast ser- vice relates to the alertness and sincerity of service providers in answering questions and fulfilling customer requests; Officers/ apparatus perform services appropriately, i.e., there are no er- rors in serving, meaning that the services provided are following the wishes of the community so that no one feels disadvantaged for the services they receive; Officers/apparatus perform services carefully. This means that service providers must always be fo- cused and earnest in providing services to the community; Offic- ers/apparatus perform services promptly. The right time means that the implementation of services to the community can be completed within a predetermined time so that it can provide certainty of service to the community; Officers respond to all customer complaints That every service provider must provide access to the public to be able to submit their complaints and find the best solution. As for the factors that support the birth of good governance by paying attention to the public service system, in realizing good public services, every apparatus that works as a service provider must work professionally to achieve optimal performance, make people feel satisfied with the services that have been provided, describe good government image. Kasmir (2006) stated that the primary reference is the quality of human resources in public services because quality human resources can directly interact with the community. According to Atep Adya Brata (2003), internal and external 197 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 198 qualities affect work responsiveness. Internal factors are related to the interaction between agency employees in the systematic work carried out, supporting facilities, human resource capabili- ties, adaptability to work, and motivation at work. At the same time, external factors are related to how the government’s deliv- ery method is carried out so that what is given is clear and fol- lows the established procedures. The conclusion from the description of the understanding that has been put forward is that the government has an essen- tial role in providing information to the public to create har- mony between the government and the community. There is a management pattern and internal and external factors to sup- port quality services by working optimally. COMPLAINT CONCEPT Complaints are all reports regarding violations committed by individuals, associations, agencies, or organizations, whether in- volving criminal, civil, or code of ethics violations committed by the public, private parties, or state apparatus. (Melani 2019). Receipt of Complaints / Complaints Reports or reports of alleged violations of the Electoral Organizer’s code of ethics to the DKPP is carried out in two ways, namely: 1) submitted di- rectly to the officer receiving complaints or reports at the DKPP Office; or; 2) through electronic media or non-electronic media addressed to DKPP. As for parties who can complain or report, as stipulated in Article 458 paragraph (1) of Law no. 7 of 2017 in conjunction with Article 4 paragraph (2) of DKPP Regulation Number 3 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for Procedures for the Code of Eth- ics for Election Organizers, are Election Organizers, Election Contestants, Campaign Teams, Community or Voters. In addi- tion to the five elements above, complaints or reports can be submitted through a recommendation from the House of Rep- resentatives (DPR), submitted based on the DPR’s Rules of Pro- cedure provisions. JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN The parties who can be reported to or reported for alleged violations of the code of ethics for election organizers are KPU members, Provincial KPU/Aceh KPU members, Regency/Mu- nicipal KPU members/Regency/City KIP members, Overseas Election Committee members (PPLN), Members of the Orga- nizing Group. Overseas Voting (KPPSLN), Bawaslu Members, Provincial Bawaslu Members, Regency/City Bawaslu Members, Overseas Panwaslu Members. Meanwhile, for election organiz- ers at the ad hoc level, the reporting pattern is submitted directly to the Regency/City KPU/KIP or Regency/City Bawaslu. The election organizers at the ad hoc level, namely, Members of the District Election Committee (PPK), Members of the Voting Com- mittee (PPS), Members of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS). Concerning complaints or reports against the Sub-district Panwaslu, Kelurahan/Village Panwaslu, TPS Supervisors are sub- mitted to Regency/City Bawaslu, as stipulated in PKPU 8 of 2019 and Perbawaslu Number 4 of 2019. Based on Article 5 of DKPP Regulation Number 3 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for Proceeding the Code of Ethics for Election Organizers, complaints are submitted to DKPP in writ- ing in Indonesian in 2 (two) copies accompanied by Complaint documents in digital format. The complaint must contain at least, among other things: (1) the complete identity of the Complain- ant or Reporting Party; (2) the Identity of the Reported Party. At least include full name, position, and office address. (3) A de- scription of the alleged violation of the code of ethics. Contains a clear description of the actions or attitudes of each Defendant or Reported Party, which includes the time the act was commit- ted, the place where the act was carried out, the act committed, and how the act was carried out. (4) Requests to DKPP to exam- ine and decide on alleged violations of the code of ethics. DIGITALIZATION CONCEPT The demands of technological developments influence the policies of the government. To answer the demands of industrial 199 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 200 revolution 4.0, the government has begun to apply E-government in the government administration system to support the work performance of public services. Digital democracy is an effort to implement democracy that is not limited by space and time and physically by utilizing technology, information, and communica- tion. However, do not just leave the service that is still tradi- tional (Wahyudi 2018). Digitization creates new habits in public services in meeting the community’s needs efficiently and effectively, compared to the previous procedure. Optimization of public services can be done through innovation in the public sector to bring services closer to the community, more easily accessible, of higher qual- ity, and cheaper (Nugroho, Sutrisno, dan Yusuf 2020). Digitalization in government is closely related to E-Govern- ment (Electronic Government). Digitalization describes how the government optimizes technology, information, and communi- cation in public services and creates interaction with the com- munity without any space and time limitations in receiving in- formation and providing services to realize effective and efficient services. (Lumbanraja 2020). Digitalization is a process in the government administration system that utilizes Information, Communication, and Technol- ogy (ITC), a medium for the community and government to in- teract as public services are carried out and reach various lines of public service. (Nugraha 2018). RESEARCH METHOD The type of research used in this research is qualitative re- search, which describes or describes something according to what it is. The qualitative method is a research procedure that pro- duces descriptive data in written or spoken words from people or observable behavior—collecting data through observation, in- terviews, and documentation. Observations by observing the activities of the complaints service officer directly at DKPP with internships coupled with research, in-depth interviews were car- JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN ried out with the Head of the Complaints Subdivision, the Head of the Verification Complaints Section I, the Head of the Verifi- cation Complaints Section II, and two complainants/reporters. The documents were obtained from the DKPP website, the 2021 DKPP LAPKIN Book, previous research, journals, and the re- quired data. The research period is for two months, from No- vember to December 2021, at the Secretariat of the Honorary Council for the General Election of the Republic of Indonesia (DKPP RI). This study also uses data analysis with the help of NVivo 12 Plus. Thus, the key to getting data presentation in tables, graphs, diagrams, and models for qualitative writers us- ing Nvivo is to code the written data sources. RESULT The results of the study relate to the responsiveness of digital- based complaint services in the Dewan Kehormatan Penyelenggara Pemilu Republik Indonesia (DKPP RI) using the Hardiyansyah (2018) theory with 6 (six) indicators and processing data based on interviews. ABILITY TO RESPOND TO THE COMMUNITY Ability to respond to the community who want to get service, this indicator includes good attitude and communication from the service officer of the complaint department at DKPP RI, how the complaint service officer behaves to customers well so that complainants feel comfortable in providing reports and get- ting service friendly. In the realm of communication (communi- cation), the reporter and the officer can interact optimally, main- taining the continuity of communication from the beginning of the complaint to the trial. In the Ability to respond to the community, good attitude and communication become a reference in the success of offic- ers in achieving the ability to respond to people who want to receive services, how the complaint service provides digital facili- ties to the public so that it is easy to communicate and submit 201 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 202 reports related to violations of the code of ethics committed by election organizers and as officers should give a commendable attitude to the complainant. Figure 1. Ability to Respond to the Community By using Crosstab Query data analysis in NVivo 12 plus dis- playing the processed values (total number, total value, and aver- age) of a field in the table and grouping them into one group of facts registered to get the conclusion that good communication gets results 72.00% and good attitude with 27.00% results. This proves that there are achievements related to good communica- tion to complainants digitally, and there is still a lack of good attitude in electronic-based services. It can be concluded that the achievement of the ability to respond to the community in a good attitude and communica- tion towards the DKPP RI digital-based complaint service, in terms of communication, officers have provided Email facilities, HP numbers, and WA making reporting easier to communicate with officers as well as responsive responses. The given was very good because the complainant did not get a significant obstacle from interaction with the officer. From the indicators of good attitude, the officer tries to maintain a good attitude so that the complainant feels comfortable, does not take sides with the back- ground of the status of the complainant as well, and conveys the information needed regarding violations of the code of ethics, the interaction between complainants and officers in service is JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN only limited to professional work, especially when complaints are made digitally so that the complainant does not get a genu- ine attitude from the complaint service officer. SPEED OF SERVING Speed of serving this indicator relates to the alertness and sincerity of the service officer of the complaint department at DKPP RI in answering questions and fulfilling customer requests. Alertness is an important indicator that affects the work perfor- mance of digital-based complaint service officers so that the pro- cess in service is time-efficient. Sincerity in providing services also plays a role in officers’ performance to work well. Answer- ing the complainant’s questions should be done quickly so that the complainant will feel a sense of trust and comfort in receiv- ing the service and the fulfillment of the request that the com- plainant wants to make speed in providing services achievable. In the speed of serving, indicators of alertness, sincerity, an- swering complainant’s questions, and meeting the complainant’s request are the benchmarks for achieving speed in serving. How do officers provide fast service so that customers are satisfied with the services obtained by showing high performance from officers. Figure 2. Speed of Serving 203 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 204 Data analysis using crosstab queries on the NVivo 12 plus application got the results of the sincerity of service staff 21.00%, meet the comp lainant’s Request 26.00%, answering complainant’s questions 26.00%, and alert needs of service staff 26.00%. Explaining that the success of achieving fast digital-based services has been very well fulfilled because the percentages ob- tained are almost the same despite the insignificant difference in the value of sincerity in providing services. It can be concluded that the achievement of the service indi- cator success quickly with benchmarks of alertness, sincerity, answering the complainant’s questions, and fulfilling the complainant’s request is outstanding from the evidence of re- sults that explain fast service has been owned by the digital-based complaint service at DKPP RI by indicating the wishes of the reporter and the performance of the officers can go hand in hand. ACCURACY OF SERVING of Serving is that there are no errors in serving, meaning that the services provided by the service officer of the complaints department at the DKPP RI are following the community’s wishes so that no one feels disadvantaged for the services they receive. An indicator of serving accuracy is that the service is following the DKPP procedure and following the community’s wishes. The services provided must be following standard operating proce- dures (SOP) or standard operating procedures. Officers position themselves following the authority and functions to fulfill com- munity desires by following what is expected. JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN Figure 3. Accuracy of Serving Data analysis using a crosstab query on the NVivo 12 plus application results following the DKPP Procedure 65.00% and following the community’s wishes 34.00%. It can be said that the accuracy of serving is perfect because the value of the service indicator according to the DKPP procedure is higher than the service indicator according to the wishes of the community. Ex- plain that the services provided must be based on applicable stan- dards and meet customer desires. It can be concluded that the achievement of success in the accuracy of serving indicators is outstanding because the com- plaint service officer does not take sides with the reporting sta- tus. However, the officer upholds work integrity by carrying out his duties following the applicable SOP. CAREFULNESS OF SERVING The carefulness of serving means that the service officer for the complaint department at the DKPP RI must continually fo- cus and be serious in providing services to the community. To achieve the indicators of accuracy in serving using the bench- marks Focus on providing services and Earnestness in Providing service, explained that in work officers must focus so that ser- vices can be provided optimally, and are serious. Truly providing services and completing work means that work does not neglect the priority of work and must be completed. 205 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 206 Figure 4. Carefulness of Serving Data analysis using crosstab queries on the NVivo 12 plus application got results of focus on providing services 50.00%, and Earnestness in Providing service 50.00%. The data results explain that the two benchmarks have the same value, so the achievement of the accuracy indicator in the complaint service is outstanding because it can balance focus and sincerity in pro- viding services to customers. It can be concluded that the achievement of success on indi- cators of accuracy in service is outstanding because the perfor- mance of complaint service officers at DKPP RI is illustrated by balancing focus and seriousness in work, which describes work professionalism and excellent and directed team coordination. TIMELINESS OF SERVING Timeliness of serving, the right time means that the imple- mentation of services by the service officer of the complaint de- partment at the DKPP RI to the public can be completed within a predetermined time to provide certainty of service to the com- munity. The benchmarks are certainty of service time and settle- ment of complaints. Certainty of service time, namely the ser- vice provided, clarifies the reporter’s time. Complaint settlement, namely the services provided, can be resolved and known be- tween the officer and the reporter so that the public is satisfied with the services provided by the complaint service officer. JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN Figure 5. Timeliness of Serving Data analysis using crosstab query on the NVivo 12 plus ap- plication got the results of Certainty of service time 51.00%, and Settlement of complaints 48.00%. Explaining that the indicator values do not differ significantly, so that the achievement of the indicators of timeliness of service is outstanding, although, on the other hand, timeliness has a higher value than the resolu- tion of complaints. It can be concluded that the achievement of indicators of time- liness of service with benchmarks of time certainty and settle- ment of complaints can be said to be very good, the two indica- tors are correlated with each other where the settlement of com- plaints based on complete report files affects the certainty of the service time provided by complaint service officers at DKPP RI. ABILITY TO RESPOND TO COMPLAINTS Ability to Respond to Complaints that the service officer for the complaint department at DKPP RI must provide access to the public to submit their complaints and find the best solution. The benchmarks are Provide Solutions and Provision of Access to Complaints. The provision of access to complaints affects the interaction between officers and complainants so that complaints and obstacles can be resolved. 207 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 208 Figure 6. Ability to Respond to Complaints Data analysis using crosstab queries on the NVivo 12 plus application got results of Provide Solution 54%, and Provision of Access to Complaints 45%. Explaining that the value of pro- viding solutions is higher than providing access, but the achieve- ment of the indicators of success in responding to complainants’ complaints is outstanding because the complaint service officer is ready to face all the obstacles that will occur even though to access the interaction only do it by Email, cellphone number, and Wa and the limited working time as imposed by the officers continue to strive so that information can be conveyed to the reporter. It can be concluded that the achievement of the indicator of the ability to respond to complaints is outstanding because, with access to using Email, cellphone numbers, and Wa complain- ants can submit complaints and complaints efficiently without having to come directly to the complaint service office so that officers can also provide solutions according to with what the complainant expects. SUPPORTING FACTORS Supporting factors are everything that can support the work performance of the complaint service officer at DKPP RI. The benchmarks used are facilities, infrastructure, and human re- JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN sources because in carrying out service work, there must be things that support the achievement of the objectives of the work. Figure 7. Supporting Factors Data analysis using a crosstab query on the NVivo 12 plus application got the results of facilities and infrastructure of 44.00%, and human resources of 55.00%. Explain supporting factors regarding qualified human resources (HR) and facilities that are still following the needs to carry out the job well. It can be concluded that the supporting factors are very much needed in the work performance of the complaint service of- ficer, especially digital-based services. The facilities in the service section have been beneficial in completing the work in the com- plaint service section, and the HR in the Complaints section has a capacity to follow the work at hand. So that services can be carried out smoothly. OBSTACLE FACTORS Obstacle factors are everything that can hinder the work per- formance of digital-based complaint services at DKPP RI. The benchmarks used are facilities and infrastructure and human resources. Facilities and infrastructure indicators can be a bottle- neck when they are not functioning correctly. Human resources can also be an obstacle when the work is not following the officer’s capabilities. The existence of inhibiting factors can be detrimen- 209 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 210 tal to both parties, from the office and the reporter, because the complaint service can be disrupted due to the obstacles encoun- tered. Figure 8. Obstacle Factors Data analysis using a crosstab query on the NVivo 12 plus application got 62.00% facilities and infrastructure results and 37.00% human resources. The value of facilities and infrastruc- ture is high compared to human resources. Barriers to facilities and infrastructure can affect the performance of complaint ser- vice officers, while human resources can also become obstacles when their structural position is not following their field. It can be concluded that the inhibiting factors of the perfor- mance of the complaint service officer are unpredictable net- work connections and network connections owned by the com- plainant who lives in remote areas and the absence of perma- nent officers who receive reports by telephone. RESULT The achievement of digital-based service responsiveness in DKPP RI uses six indicators, namely; ability to respond to soci- ety; the speed of serving; service accuracy; accuracy of service; timeliness of service; and the ability to respond to complaints will be discussed as follows: JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN ABILITY TO RESPOND TO THE COMMUNITY Respond to every customer/applicant who wants to get ser- vice. This indicator includes a good attitude and communication from the service officer of the complaint section at DKPP RI. Good attitude and communication are benchmarks in success- fully responding to digital-based complaint services at DKPP RI. Data obtained from good attitudes and communication re- lated to digital-based complaint services at DKPP RI, there is the information needed by the reporter with the website, namely dkpp.go.id, Email for complaint services, namely bag.pengaduan- @dkpp.go.id, and the service no HP or Wa, namely 082192883330. Since the enactment of the PSBB on March 23, 2020, complaints have been directly removed to an undetermined limit. These findings explain the success of the responsiveness of digital-based complaint services at DKPP RI. The results of observations made by researchers found that it is true that digital-based services make complaint services more responsive in receiving reports because they can monitor incom- ing complaints using existing facilities at the office or through personal devices so that responding to incoming complaints is easier. The researcher’s direct review explained the success of digital-based services at DKPP RI. Based on the results of interviews with informants concluded that good communication and attitudes from digital-based com- plaint service officers at DKPP RI, good communication have been carried out by officers to the maximum by providing elec- tronic media to interact with the complainant, namely using Email, phone numbers and providing information throughthe website. The excellent attitude of the complaint service of- ficer because it is digital based so that the complainant cannot directly feel the officer’s attitude in providing services, but a good attitude has been shown by the officer because there are no com- plaints about lousy treatment the complaint service officer. The results of this interview explain the achievement of digital-based complaint service responsiveness at DKPP RI. 211 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 212 SPEED OF SERVING This fast service is related to the alertness and sincerity of the complaint service officer at DKPP RI in answering questions and fulfilling customer requests. This indicator is the achievement of digital-based service responsiveness at DKPP RI, with benchmarks of alertness, sincerity, the ability of officers to answer questions and fulfill complainants’ requests. Researchers’ direct observations found that officers in receiv- ing reports had served quickly. The alertness, sincerity, ability of the officers to answer questions and fulfill the complainant’s re- quests have been demonstrated in how the officers’ work. The findings show the work performance of officers who are proportionally owned as judicial institutions, which supports the achievement of digital-based service responsiveness in DKPP RI. The results of interviews conducted with informant’s con- cluded that the officers’ alertness, sincerity, the ability of the officers to answer questions and fulfill the complainant’s request. Officers realize that the importance of providing fast service to customers so that they do not get bad reviews from the public is also supported by the complainant’s statement that the complain- ant feels the alertness of the complaint service officer in process- ing the complainant’s complaint quickly. Sincere delivery of ser- vices is not optimal because the officer does not meet directly with the reporter, so sincere feelings are not conveyed in reality to the reporter. Officers answer questions according to the por- tion they have as a complaint service, and the fulfillment of elec- tronic complaints requests is still processed according to the SOPs that have been determined. This indicates the achievement of digital-based complaint service responsiveness at DKPP RI. ACCURACY OF SERVING There are no errors in serving. The services provided by the service officer of the complaint section at the DKPP RI are fol- lowing the community’s wishes so that no one feels disadvan- taged for the services they get. This indicator can determine the JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN dignity of the DKPP as a judicial institution providing services, and there should be no fatal mistakes. This indicator is the suc- cessful responsiveness of digital-based complaint services at DKPP RI with benchmarks for conformity to procedures from DKPP and conformity with community wishes. Based on the data search, the Laporan Kinerja Tahunan Dewan Kehormatan Penyelenggara Pemilu (LAPKIN DKPP) can be seen in the following table: Table 2. Type of Complaint No Year Type of Complaint Amount (%) 1. 2018 Directly 183 (55%) Indirectly 131 (39%) Forwarding route by Bawaslu/KPU 19 (6%) 2. 2019 Directly 294 (58,1%) Indirectly 189 (37,3%) Forwarding route by Bawaslu/KPU 23 (4,5%) 3. 2020 Directly 96 (23,1%) Indirectly 319 (76,9%)9 4. 2021 Directly 103 (35.4%) Indirectly 173 (59.2%) Forwarding route by Bawaslu/KPU 16 (5.4%) The results of the data above explain that based on the types of complaints indirectly or via electronic means, there was a spike in 2020 during the implementation of the PSBB due to the covid- 19 pandemic that hit the world, so this explains that punctuality in placing oneself with the challenges of industry 4.0 and re- sponding to the pandemic is an added value. The responsive- ness of digital-based complaint services at DKPP RI were achieved. Observations made by researchers by observing directly the work procedures carried out by the complaint service section found that everything done by the complaint service officer must follow the established procedures and follow coordination from above so that the work can be adequately completed correctly. The results of interviews conducted with informant’s concluded that officers uphold work integrity by carrying out their duties following the established SOPs. 213 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 214 Figure 9. Complaint Flow Providing services to complainants must be based on professional work, not aborting obligations only at work, but carried out according to SOPs applicable in DKPP RI. The officer does not take sides with any reporting party, whether based on the complainant’s status or the length of time the complaint has been submitted. This proves the achievement of digital-based complaint service responsiveness at DKPP RI. CAREFULNESS OF SERVING This means that the complaint service officer at the DKPP RI must continually focus and be serious in providing services to the community. This is an indicator of the success of digital- based complaint service responsiveness at DKPP RI with a bench- JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN mark of focus on serving and being severe in providing service to commanders. The data obtained from the DKPP website related to the complaint flow scheme can be seen in the figure 9. The picture above explains that in processing the report, there are already established procedures, all appropriate procedures must be followed so that no errors will occur in the future. Then in receiving reports, it is necessary to deepen the study on com- plaints starting from administrative verification to material veri- fication. So, this supports the achievement of digital-based com- plaint service responsiveness at DKPP RI. The results of interviews conducted with informant’s con- cluded that focusing on work requires caution and careful atten- tion in processing complaints and prioritizing coordinated team- work. Officers process complaints by studying reports involving all officers who have authority and are not time-oriented to avoid rushing in reviewing reports. This indicator proves the achieve- ment of responsiveness of complaint services in DKPP RI. TIMELINESS OF SERVING The right time means that the implementation of services by the service officer of the complaint section at the DKPP RI to the community can be completed within the specified time to provide certainty of service to the community. This indicator of achieving digital-based services at DKPP RI with timeliness and complaint resolution benchmarks. Based on data obtained through the Regulation of the Hon- orary Council of the General Election Organizers of the Repub- lic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for Proceedings of the Code of Ethics for General Election Organiz- ers Article states that notification of administrative verification results is submitted to the reporter no later than five days after the report is administratively verified. No later than five days after the report is administratively verified, the complainant must complete or correct the complaint or report within a maximum of 7 days after receiving the administrative verification notifica- 215 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 216 tion. In material verification, the complainant must complete the report no later than seven days after receiving the material verification notification. When the complainant cannot complete the report, the report becomes invalid and can be re-complained with a new complaint or report. The notification of the trial sched- ule will be informed to the complainant no later than two days before the trial begins. The data explains that the integrity of work performance is shown in an orderly manner at a predeter- mined time to achieve the success of digital-based complaint ser- vice responsiveness at DKPP RI. Observations made by researchers by observing services based on timeliness found almost no officers who arrived late. Some even came before working hours to carry out their duties, work- ing hours at DKPP are Monday - Thursday at 08.15-15.30 WIB with rest hours 12.00-12.30 WIB, on Friday at 08.30-15.30 WIB with a break at 12.00-13.00 WIB, indirectly illustrates that the complaint service officer does not waste time and does not pro- crastinate in providing services, so this supports the achievement of responsiveness digital-based services at DKPP RI. The results of interviews conducted with informants con- cluded that timeliness is still a concern of complaint service of- ficers by seeking time efficiency, especially digital-based complaints that support fast interaction between officers and complainants, meaning that when the complaint has been completed, or there are obstacles encountered, it will be informed quickly. to the complainant. Complaint settlement is not based on the speed of time but on the complaint’s files, whether they are complete and meet the requirements, and an in-depth report study. This indi- cator has achieved the success of responsiveness of complaint services in DKPP RI. ABILITY TO RESPOND TO COMPLAINTS The complaint service officer at DKPP RI must provide ac- cess to the public to submit their complaints and find the best solution, and this is an indicator of the achievement of digital- JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN based complaint service responsiveness at DKPP RI with bench- marks for providing solutions and providing access to complaints. Observations made by researchers by observing how customer complaints are responded to and solutions are sought by officers have found that looking at qualified facilities, they can be used to complete work and provide solutions and information to of- ficers. Concerning the work performance of the officers, they can operate computers following work needs in the complaint service so that it makes it easier for officers to respond to each complainant’s complaint and provide information regarding the complaint. So, this supports the achievement of digital-based com- plaint service responsiveness at DKPP RI. Based on the interviews with informants, the complaint of- ficer will provide the best solution related to the problem in the report so that the reporter can be helped because he gets the information needed. The officer has provided a digital-based complaint with email and phone number to get information related to the complaint. Although there is no direct in- teraction, the reciprocal relationship remains professional work. This indicator achieves the success of digital-based complaint service responsiveness at DKPP RI. SUPPORTING FACTORS AND OBSTACLE FACTORS What supports the success of digital-based complaint service responsiveness at DKPP RI are adequate facilities to carry out work and human resources, especially complaint officers who work following their competencies. What hinders the success of the responsiveness of digital-based complaint services at DKPP RI is the unpredictable network con- nection, especially the complainants in remote areas with poor internet network connections. CONCLUSION The achievement of digital-based complaint services at the Dewan Kehormatan Penyelenggara Pemilu Republik Indonesia (DKPP 217 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 218 RI) during the pandemic uses six indicators, namely: 1. Respond to every customer/applicant who wants to get ser- vice. The good attitude and communication of the complaint service officer at DKPP RI have been excellent by providing media to connect services such as websites, Email, and phone number and responding to the complainant’s complaints very well. 2. Officers/apparatus perform services quickly. The alertness and sincerity of the complaint service officer at DKPP RI in an- swering questions and fulfilling customer requests has been very good; this is reflected by responding quickly to incoming reports without delay and responding to the community’s wishes following the SOPs that have been set. 3. Officers/apparatus perform services appropriately. Minimiz- ing errors in serving, meaning that the services provided by the complaint service officer at the DKPP RI are following the wishes of the community so that no one feels aggrieved for the services they get, illustrated by the work performance of the complaints officer who works following the SOPs set not based on the will personal. 4. Officers/apparatus perform services carefully. In carrying out his duties as a service officer for the complaints department at DKPP RI, he has worked with focus and earnestness in providing services to the community, as illustrated in process- ing reports with caution and prioritizing coordinated team- work. 5. Officers/apparatus perform services promptly. The officer does not refer to the speed of completion of the report but works according to the files sent, so when the file sent from the beginning of the report is complete and meets the require- ments, the process of completing the report does not take much time, because the officer requires an in-depth study of the report so that it can be declared by the court. 6. All customer complaints are responded to by the officer. The complaint service officer at DKPP RI has provided access to JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN digital media such as websites, Email, and phone numberto the public to be able to submit their complaints, and the officers have provided the best solution to the complainant when there are problems or problems related to complaints carried out following SOPs. A responsive service must support and hinder factors that support the success of digital-based complaint service respon- siveness at DKPP RI, namely adequate facilities to carry out work and human resources, especially complaint officers who work following their competencies. The success of the responsiveness of digital-based complaint services at DKPP RI is that the net- work connection is unpredictable, especially the complainants in remote areas with poor internet network connections. used on the conclusions described above, the researcher pro- vides input and suggestions regarding the responsiveness of digi- tal- based complaint services at the Dewan Kehormatan Penyelenggara Pemilu Republik Indonesia (DKPP RI) during the pandemic, namely: 1. Responsive services require competent quality human re- sources, so training in human resource development related to the use of technology is needed to keep up with technologi- cal development demands. 2. The need for human resources that specifically handle com- plaints or complaints by telephone to provide information can be understood and understood directly and can make time-efficient. 3. The need for a compliant application specifically used to re- port complaints can be monitored in real terms. 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