DOI : 10.18196/jgp.v13i2.14736 JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN IMpleMentation of Business Process Mapping FraMework for Indonesia’s GovernMent Institutions MARTINUS TUKIRAN1 , NUGRAHENI PUSPITA SARI2 , LUKAS DANNY TJITRABUDI2 , NURUL AMALIA2 ABSTRACT Government organizations today face unprecedented challenges in carrying out their vital mission in an environment marked by shrinking budgets, strict regulations, and changing workforce status. The business process map is a diagram that shows the working relationship between organizational units that generate added value for all respective stakeholders. While some inde - pendent guidance is available on how various tools support different aspects of business process mapping initiatives, organizations still need to determine their speciûc needs and establish how information gathered on tool function - ality can be evaluated against these needs. This study explores the practices of implementing business process mapping in 10 government institutions in Indonesia using a 3-dimensional framework approach. The research employed a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews, observation, and documents study was performed to collect and analyze data. The framework succeeded in describing a paradigm-shifting to encourage people to move from a silo thinking to a cross-function team. Finally, the business process map as a foun- dation of the organizational bureaucracy movement shows an improvement in institutional capacity to encourage administrators in operational consistency. Keywords: Bureaucratic Reform, Business Process Framework, Business Pro - cess Management, Business Process Mapping, Government Business Pro - cess. ABSTRAK Organisasi pemerintah saat ini menghadapi tantangan yang semakin kompleks dalam menjalankan misi vitalnya pada lingkungan yang ditandai dengan anggaran yang menyusut, peraturan yang semakin ketat, dan status tenaga kerja yang berubah. Peta proses bisnis adalah diagram yang menunjukkan hubungan kerja antar unit organisasi yang menghasilkan nilai tambah bagi semua pemangku kepentingan. Meskipun ada beberapa panduan independen yang tersedia tentang bagaimana berbagai alat yang mendukung berbagai aspek inisiatif pemetaan proses bisnis, organ isasi masih perlu menentukan kebutuhan spesifik mereka dan dapat menetapkan bagaimana informasi yang dikumpulkan secara fungsional dapat dievaluasi terhadap kebutuhan ini. Kajian ini akan mengeksplorasi praktik penerapan 281 AFFILIATION: 1 Department of Education Management, Post Graduate School, Pakuan University, Bogor, Indonesia 2 Consultant at Cognoscenti Consulting Group, Jakarta, Indonesia CORRESPONDENCE: HOW TO CITATE: Tukiran. M, Sari. NP, Tjitrabudi. LD, Amalia. N. (2022). Implementation of Business Process Mapping Framework for Indonesia’s Government Institutions. Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan. Vol 13 No 2 July 2022 Page 281 - 306 ARTICLE HISTORY: Received: May 5, 2022 Revised: June 10, 2022 Accepted: July 12, 2022 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 282 peta proses bisnis di 10 instansi pemerintah di Indonesia dengan menggunakan pendekatan kerangka kerja 3 Dimensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumen dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data. Kerangka tersebut berhasil menggambarkan pergeseran paradigma untuk mendorong pelaku organisasi beralih dari pemikiran sektoral kepada kerjasama lintas fungsi. Akhirnya, peta proses bisnis sebagai landasan gerakan birokrasi organisasi menunjukkan peningkatan kapasitas kelembagaan untuk mendorong para administrator dalam konsistensi operasional. Kata kunci: Reformasi Birokrasi, Kerangka Proses Bisnis, Manajemen Proses Bisnis, Pemetaan Proses Bisnis, Proses Bisnis Pemerintah. INTRODUCTION Bureaucratic reform is essentially an effort to make reforms and fundamental changes to the system of government adminis- tration, especially regarding aspects of the institution (organiza- tion), management (business process), and human resources of the apparatus. Various problems/obstacles that cause the gov- ernment administration system not to work or run properly must be reorganized or renewed. Bureaucratic reform is carried out to realize good governance. In other words, bureaucratic reform is a strategic action to build the state apparatus to be more efficient and effective in carrying out the general tasks of government and national development. In addition, the very rapid progress of science, information, and communication technology and changes in the strategic environment require the government bureaucracy to be reformed and adapted to the dynamics of society’s demands. Therefore, steps that are fundamental, com- prehensive, and systematic in nature must be taken immediately so that the goals and targets that have been set can be achieved effectively and efficiently. Bureaucratic reform is one of the Indonesia government’s efforts to achieve excellent and clean governance and carry out fundamental reforms and changes to the government adminis- tration system, especially concerning eight areas as follows; changes in mindset, institutional management, policy deregula- tions, human resources of the public servant, management of the business process, accountability, supervision, and public ser- vices (Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureau- JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN cratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia, 2020). Through bureaucratic reform, an effective and efficient government ad- ministration system is organized. Bureaucratic reform is the back- bone of changing the lives of the nation and state. The bureau- cracy itself relates mainly to a complex structure that consists of multilayered systems and processes. These policies and proce- dures are responsible for maintaining the organization’s unifor- mity and control. Traditional bureaucracy translates to creating an environment that helps to improve the management and con- trolling a country or organization (Weber, 2009). Nowadays, the definition of bureaucracy is often linked with bureaucratization, which relates to the complicated rules, enormously long processes and procedures, and written work that makes an individual’s life harder. Implementing bureaucratic reform is mandated for all gov- ernment organizations, from central to local governments. The government has issued business processes since 2018, namely the Ministerial of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureau- cratic Reform Regulation Number 19 of 2018 concerning the Preparation of Business Process Maps for Government Agencies which also mandates all Ministries and other Institutions to com- pile business process maps. The preparation of a business pro- cess map is one form of improvement from a better government system and a reference for government agencies to describe an effective and efficient working relationship between organizational units to produce performance following the objectives of the organization’s establishment to produce outputs that have added value for stakeholders. The purpose of compiling a business pro- cess map for government agencies is not only a form of imple- menting bureaucratic reform but also an improvement to the governance, duties, and functions of the state civil apparatus to be more effective and efficient in carrying out value-added work relationships. Through the years, bureaucracy has experienced the transi- tion from an ideal phenomenon at the beginning to painful real- 283 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 284 izations of its shortcomings in today’s world. The following bu- reaucracy dysfunctions have been distinguished (Manning, Nick, & Agere, Sam , 2002) such as; dehumanization of interpersonal relationships and abuse of power by an official through corrup- tion and lack of duty approach, routine and lack of flexibility in the employees’ performance, maintaining a rigid organizational structure, excessive conformism, difficulties in responding to unexpected situations, a problem with implementing innovations and responding to changes. A business process map promotes cross-functional processes synchronization and facilitates an or- ganization to focus on what is believed to be valuable from the stakeholder’s perspective in a graphical diagram, simplicity, stan- dardization, and provision for execution processes (Arevalo, Escalona, I., & M., 2016). The President also issued Presidential Regulation Number 68 of 2019 concerning Organization of State Ministries which obliges every ministry and other government institutions to imple- ment business processes that aim to describe effective and effi- cient relationships between organizational units within the min- istries and institutions and coordinating ministries. With this picture of the relationship, the performance of each ministry and agency is expected to be more optimal in maximizing coor- dination between organizational units in providing added value for stakeholders. Furthermore, the PANRB Ministerial Regulation Number 26 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for Evaluation of the Implemen- tation of Bureaucratic Reform in point (a), namely the Fulfill- ment Aspect, including the business process map that has been translated into Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) and the translation of cross-functional maps into SOPs has been carried out. With the cross-functional map, it is hoped to create a sys- tem that encourages collaboration between departments/work units so that sectoral egos and silo thinking can be avoided. Fur- thermore, the business process map will provide a reference for agencies to build and organize and provide a solid basis for pre- JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN paring SOPs, including service standards that are simpler, more efficient, effective, productive, and accountable. Designing the correct business processes allows the organiza- tion to recognize stakeholders’ expectations, address their needs appropriately, establish support processes for consistent service, and manage the value-added processes that spark innovation (Fleacã, 2016). Therefore, this study was conducted to under- stand the systematic and systemic framework of business process map development in 10 government institutions in Indonesia. The study adopted a 3-Dimensional approach to business pro- cess mapping, consisting of a process and sub-process map, a relationship map, and a cross-functional map (Tukiran M. , 2016). LITERATURE REVIEW Business Process Management (BPM) has emerged as a com- prehensive consolidation of disciplines sharing the belief that a process-centered approach leads to substantial improvements in both performance and compliance of a system. Apart from pro- ductivity gains, BPM has the power to innovate and continu- ously transform value-added creation in the entire cross-organi- zational value chains. The paradigm of “process thinking” is by no means an invention of the last two decades but had already been postulated by early economists such as Adam Smith or en- gineers such as Frederick Taylor (Brocke, 2015). The process ap- proach involves a systematic definition that uses the management of processes and their interactions to achieve the desired results in accordance with the organization’s policies, objectives, and strategic plans. Overall, system and process management can be achieved using the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle with an overall focus on risk-based thinking to seize opportunities and prevent undesirable outcomes. According to scientists, to better manage the organization, it is necessary to incorporate a structured view of managing these business processes with the aid of a business process manage- ment approach. The Association of Business Process Manage- 285 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 286 ment Professionals (ABPMP, 2009) has defined this approach as a discipline that helps practitioners to identify, design, execute, document, measure, monitor, and control business processes to achieve consistent and targeted results aligned with the enter- prise2 s strategic goals (ABPMP, 2009). Understanding and man- aging interrelated processes as a system contributes to the effec- tiveness and efficiency of the organization in achieving the de- sired results. This approach allows organizations to control the interrelationships and dependencies between system processes so that overall organizational performance can be improved. As a standard of design and implementation of business process management founded in 1989, the Object Management Group, Inc. (OMG) is an open membership, not-for-profit computer in- dustry standards consortium that produces and maintains com- puter industry specifications for interoperable, portable, and re- usable enterprise applications in distributed, heterogeneous en- vironments. Membership includes Information Technology ven- dors, end-users, government agencies, and academia. The Object Management Group (OMG) has developed a stan- dard Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). The pri- mary goal of BPMN is to provide a notation that is readily under- standable by all business users. It ranges from the business ana- lysts that create the initial drafts of the processes to the technical developers responsible for implementing the technology that will perform those processes, and finally, to the business people who will manage and monitor those processes. Thus, BPMN creates a standardized bridge for the gap between the business process design and process implementation. The main goal of BPMN is to provide a notation that is easy to use and understandable by all people involved in the business. BPMN notation is also de- signed for the nature of web service-based systems and can be mapped to an XML-based business execution language such as BPEL4WS (Business Process Execution Language for Web Ser- vice) and BPML (Business Process Modeling Language) (Harmon, 2007). JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN This specification represents the process of best practices within the business modelling community to define the nota- tion and semantics of Collaboration diagrams, Process diagrams, and Choreography diagrams. BPMN intends to standardize a business process model and notation in the face of many differ- ent modelling notations and viewpoints. In doing so, BPMN provides a simple means of communicating process information to other business users, process implementers, customers, and suppliers (The Object Management Group, 2011). By focusing on and designing end-to-end processes mapping that transcends organizational boundaries, an organization can drive out the non- value added overhead accumulated at these boundaries. Further- more, through a business process map, an organization can en- sure that its processes deliver on its promise and operate consis- tently at the level at which they are capable (Hammer, 2015). For the purpose of a business process review initiative, busi- ness process modelling is the act of representing both the cur- rent “As-Is” and future “To-Be” processes of an organization, so that the current process may be analyzed and improved. Essen- tially, it provides a graphical depiction of the process, enabling ease of communication and a shared understanding with differ- ent stakeholder groups. Furthermore, this “documented knowl- edge” provides structured analysis and discussion for improve- ment opportunities.. With the right tool, these models can be enriched with information regarding issues, risks, assumptions, opportunities, etc., and linked to information elements from other models, such as data models and organizational charts, to allow deeper analysis and better enterprise-wide reporting (Davies, 2015). There is a broad range of other purposes for process mod- elling, such as simply providing documentat io n on an organization’s work practices (without a view for improvement) at the one end to designing automated workûow solutions at the other extreme. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that the correct tool has been selected to meet the process modelling needs and purpose. 287 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 288 With process orientation being a central paradigm of the or- ganizational outcome, a business process map is closely related to capability development (Helfat, 2003). A business process map reflects the skills and routines necessary to integrate, build, and reconfigure an organization’s business processes in response to environmental change (Forstner, Kamprath, & & Röglinger, 2014). The performance benefit of improved integration between business map and operations management is extensively stud- ied, including a focus on the alignment of planning to achieve maximum production processes (O’Leary-Kelly, W., & & Flores, 2002) (Sale, 2017). A business process map is often employed to cross the boundaries of organization functions and improve in- tegration (Berente, Vandenbosch, & & Aubert, 2009) (Hassen & Turki, 2019) (Kobayashi & Tamakia, 2003). Improved inte- gration can lead to higher levels of effectiveness and efficiency and a better structure of processes that are the basis for flexibil- ity in operations. More recently, a single business process man- agement system for business and operations management has been proposed and demonstrated (Pauker, 2018). While these studies embrace the ambition of cross-functional process man- agement in an organization, they offer practical guidance on modelling executable organization processes. With a business process map, a diagram that shows the work- ing relationship between organizational units that generate added value to all stakeholders could be managed and improved con- tinuously. A framework for drawing a map of business processes is needed to help organizations, especially government institu- tions, to be able to build a map of their business processes cor- rectly and to be able to integrate all series of activities within the organization into a representative diagram. Business process modelling demonstrates a cross-functional view of the organiza- tion and allows the organization to focus on the customer. This focus provides the basis for considering the actions to be applied to the actors’ performance. Process-related performance measures need to be defined so that they contribute to meeting the JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN customer’s required value proposition (Cadle & Debra, 2010). Conceptually, the process is defined as a series of activities that change inputs into value-added outputs by utilizing certain resources. In short, we can say that a process is a series of value- added activities. The emphasis on value-added creation is the understanding of the word ‘business’ in business processes. So the word business here does not indicate an activity related to commercialization (trade and investment) but rather is a busi- ness as an added value creation. From this understanding arises the principle in business process mapping, that what is meant by business process mapping is the mapping of activities and not the mapping of work units within the organization. The output of one process can be the input for the following process. The series of input-process-output, which is forwarded to the next series of input-process-output and so on, is called a business process mapping. The preparation of a business process map re- quires strong leadership to decide on a helicopter view image of the organization that unites the entire series of activities to gen- erate added value for stakeholders (Tukiran M. &., 2020). RESEARCH METHOD The research approach employed in this study has been based on in-depth qualitative studies with ten government institutions in Indonesia. The focus of the research in this paper is to de- scribe the differences in the preparation of business process maps using the 3-dimensional method, which is simpler than the BPMN method with the same results. Triangulation analysis on docu- ment study, focus group discussions, and top management justi- fication was employed among activities to ensure data validation. The study employed a qualitative data analysis technique. Addi- tionally, a qualitative analysis was done based on the documents reviewed, which will be explained and aimed as part of this ob- servation. The consistency of using an observation instrument in a qualitative study often refers to the instrument that shows the observer’s individual capacity (Schneider, 2013). Because of 289 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 290 that, the instrument of the study is the observer himself (human instrument). This is made possible by venturing into the field and performing observations and in-depth interviews with pre- viously identified informants. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Business process mapping begins with a review of documents, especially the organization’s strategic plan documents, where stra- tegic objectives, program objectives, and activity objectives are measured in performance indicators, and targets are identified as a reference for outputs and outcomes. The achievement of these targets is the organizational performance that has been determined in the organization’s strategic plan. The performance to be achieved is a driver that becomes a reference for all work units within the organization to carry out a series of activities in creating added value and achieving performance. Business process map development should be managed with good project management, starting with the preparation and plan- ning stages, development stages, implementation stages, and monitoring and evaluation stages. Organizing the development of the business process map needs to be appropriately developed and must involve the organization’s leadership as the person in charge and support for the successful development of the organization’s business process map to the preparation of SOPs and their implementation. The organization’s strategic plan document also lists the gen- eral policy directions and strategies chosen by the organization as well as a reference in determining the series of actions that work units must take within the organization to achieve the goals, objectives, mission, and vision of the organization set out in the strategic plan. This general policy direction and strategy describes how the organization chooses to achieve the goals that have been previously set. By understanding all the descriptions of the se- lected method and all the measurable targets to be completed, the data contained in this organization’s strategic plan document JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN ANALYZED becomes a document that needs to be analyzed, categorized, re- duced, and presented in a business process map. The duties and functions of each organizational unit also need to be analyzed to determine the roles and responsibilities of each work unit in achieving organizational goals. Table 1 shows the document components analyzed as follows; Table 1. Documents Analysis NO COMPONENTS CRITERIA DOCUMENTS TOBE 1 Organization vision statement output and outcome Strategic Plan 2 Organization mission statement process Strategic Plan 3 Organization goals output and outcome Strategic Plan 291 4 Strategic objectives with performance indicators and target 5 Program objectives with performance indicators and target 6 Activity objectives with performance indicators and target outcome Strategic Plan output and outcome Strategic Plan output Strategic Plan 7 General policy directions and strategies process Strategic Plan 8 Duties and functions of organizational units process Organization structure 9 Regulatory framework instrument input Strategic Plan 10 Organizational framework instrument input Strategic Plan Once the documents have been analyzed, categorized, reduced, and presented, the next step is to conduct in-depth interviews with informants who are representatives of organizational units who understand their respective duties and functions. Then, the following step is to find out the extent of the series of activities that must be carried out, the series of activities that have been carried out, the series of activities that have not been carried out, and the series of activities that are not necessary. In this case, the series of activities described in the business process map are not only a series of “as is” activities, but also include a series of “to be” activities that have not been carried out. As long as the ac- tivities are ideal and relevant to be carried out according to the provisions of the legislation and the desired performance Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 Process Map 292 achieved, those activities should be included within the business process map. The tasks and functions in the organizational struc- ture can be used as a reference to ensure that the ideal and rel- evant series of activities can be carried out by work units within the organization. Table 2. Triangulation of 10 Government Institutions No Units of Analysis Component of Business Data Collection Interview Document Review Observation 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Process map, sub-process map, relationship map, and cross- function map √ √ √ 2 Ministry of Trade (MOT) Process map, sub-process map, relationship map, and cross- function map √ √ √ 3 Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (MECRT) 4 Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (MPWPH) 5 National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NA-DFC) 6 National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (NIAS) 7 Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency (MCGA) 8 Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DG-IP) 9 Secretariat General of Regional Representative Council of Indonesia (SG- RRC) 10 Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (IMSA) Process map, sub-process map, and relationship map Process map, sub-process map, and relationship map Process map, sub-process map, relationship map, and cross- function map with risk identification Process map, sub-process map, relationship map, and cross- function map Process map, sub-process map, relationship map, and cross- function map Process map, sub-process map, relationship map, and cross- function map Process map, sub-process map, relationship map, and cross- function map Process map, sub-process map, relationship map, and partial √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ cross-function map Observation of the ideal process that needs to be built in the business process map as an effort to achieve organizational per- formance determined in the organization’s strategic plan can be carried out by conducting secondary document studies. They include conducting interviews with stakeholder representatives and benchmarking analysis of similar organizations abroad. Table JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN 2 shows the results of data analysis through interviews, docu- ment studies, and observations (triangulation) conducted on ten government agencies. A business process map is a diagram that shows the working relationship between organizational units to achieve organiza- tional performance effectively and efficiently. Considering that there are so many series of activities in an organization and so many organizational units involved, the first step in mapping the working relationship is to group these activities into a group of activities called a process. As in a computer, there are many files, and they need to be organized into folders to make them easier to manage. It is the same way of thinking about making groups of organizational ac- tivities. The results of all the previously collected data then need to be analyzed by being categorized, coded, and described in a se- ries of activities carried out by the organization and grouped in folders of organizational activities. As a result, process maps are established as a part of the busi- ness process map. When we use BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation), it is known as a level 0 map, which is similar to a process map. The process map or level 0 map is a helicopter view of organizational-wide activities. One of the principles underly- ing this process map is that simpler is better, as long as all activi- ties within the organization are represented in each of the pro- cess boxes described. The business process map using the level is divided into several levels, namely the business process map level 0, level 1, level 2, level 3, and level n map (hereinafter). At all levels in this business process map, the preparation starts from the vision, mission, and goals which are then translated into business functions and processes to achieve them. Each identi- fied business process map is then further elaborated into the next level (n) business process map, which is a logical series of activities in that one business process. The number of levels of the business process map is highly dependent on the complexity 293 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 294 of each business process. Below is an image of a business process map framework using levels (BPMN). The results of the process map, which is a diagram of the relationship between processes as a display of all organizational activities, are shown in Figure 1 below; Figure 1. A Process Map as A Helicopter view of Organizational Activities The process map that has been realized is a series of activities within the organization. Each process depicted represents a se- ries of activities involving several organizational units. It is im- portant to underline as a principle that the process boxes dis- played in the process map are not the same as the work units in the organizational structure. There is a series of activities within each process box that involve several work units within the orga- PROCESS MAP GOVERNMENT INST ITUT ION Jadwal persidangan Jadwal persidangan Bahan persidangan Bahan persidangan Bahan persidangan Kaji an Pengawas an D u ku n g a n p e r si d a n g a n Keputusan Dukungan persidangan Hasil pengawas an H a si l p e r si d a n g a n ( R i sa l a h & N o tu l e n ) Dukungan persi danga n Kegiatan anggota di daerah Kebutuhan per sidangan Jadwal persidangan Dukungan As mas da DPD RI Alat keleng kapan DP D-01 Management of Legi slative Functi ons A s m a s d a Lapor an kajian Penyusunan keputus an Evaluasi raperda DP D-02 Representation Functi on Management Alat kelengkapan As mas da D u ku n g a n p e r si d a n g a n Hasil pengawas an Dat a&Arsip DP D-03 Management of Supervi sion Functi on Not ulen Risalah Pengambilan keput us an Perlengkapan persidanga n Kebutuhan per ekaman Hasil per ga DP D-04 Assembl y Management DPD RI Kegiatan daer ah si d a n n Telaah hukum Keputusan D ukungan advoksi DPD Legal opi noin Telaah hukum P ro d u k h u ku m Produk hukum Produk hukum Core Proce ss Dukungan persidang an Bahan persi dangan Hasil pengawasan P e n yu s u n a n k e p u tu sa n Te l a a h h u ku m Dukungan Publi kasi / Keprot okolan P e n g a d u a n p u b l i k Publi kasi JD IH Central Governments H a si l l e g i sl a si P e r m i n ta a n ke rj a sa m a Penyusunan keput us an Telaah hukum D a t a & A r si p D a t a & A r si p L a p o r a n p e n g a d u a n Publi kasi JD IH L a p o r a n p e n g a d u a n / H a si l ke p u t u sa n Invent aris asi permasalahan Dukungan pengaduan publi k Publikasi JDIH D a t a & A r si p Risalah & not ul ensi Central Governments Publikasi risalah / arsip Telaah hukum Hasil analis a Publi kasi medi a di gital Hasil kunjunga n Publikasi JDIH Publi kasi Keprotokolan Dukungan persidangan Bant uan hukum DP D-05 Legal Services Produk hukum D a t a & A r si p Anggaran / Revisi anggaran Data rens tra Data SAKIP Penyusunan peratur an Penyusunan keput usan DP D-06 Data Management and Information System s P u b l i ka si ( J D I H ) Inf D) o r m a si d a ta (P P I Pendaf tar an Dukungan keprotokolan A s e t (B M N ) Analisa pengaduan Data publikasi Adm, perdin Arsip DP D-07 Information, Publication and Protocol Management P e r m i n t a a n m e d i a Hasil voting Publikasi PPID Publikasi persidangan Publikasi persidangan voting Dukungan kepr ot okol an Supporting Pro cess Local Goverments SDM Nomor SK Publikasi JDIH P u b l i ka si m e d i a d i g i ta l Local Governments Katalog perpust akaan Penyusunan keput usan Dukungan media Pengadaan barj as Pengadaan b a rj a s Layanan kepeg awai an Pelanggar an kode eti k P e r a t u r a n Surat ke p u tu s a n Arsip A d m . K e p e g a w a i a n Pengadua n Pengadaan barj as P e n g a d a a n b a rj a s Te kn o l o g i p e n g a m a n a n D a t a S D M Pe ra tu r a n Sur at keput us an Dukungan s ar pras / BarJ as A n g g a r a n / P e rb e n d a h a r a a n S u r a t k e p u tu s a n Surat keput usan Litigasi Pengaduan Adm. Pimpinan Dukungan umum Dukungan umum Public Anggar an D u ku n g a n ke u a n g a n Public A n g g a r a n S D M P e r b e n d a h a r a a n DP D-09 Program Management, Budget and Performance Renstra / Anggaran / DP D-10 DP D-11 Management of the DP D General Secretariat's Supervision and Control System L a p o r a n p e l a n g g a ra n DP D-08 HR and Organizational Management Pengawas an Layanan konsultasi SAKI P Inventaris asi Bar ang masuk Pener imaan neg ara Anggar an Data hibah / SAKI P General Service Kebutuhan di klat Anggar an Resources Pro cess Evaluasi barjas P e n i l a i a n ki n e r j a Administrasi BMN P e n g a d a a n B a r Ja s / A d m . B M N Rekonsili asi data Tindaklanj ut laporan P e n g e m b a n g a n ko m p e te n si Anggaran Anggar an In ve n ta ri s a si te m u a n Pent apan S K / P e r a t u ra n JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN nization. If it turns out that an identified process only involves one work unit within the organization, then that process must be combined with other processes. This emphasizes that the defi- nition of a process is a series of activities that involve more than one work unit within the organization. Next, each process described in the process map needs to be broken down into sub-processes. The number of sub-processes in each process will, of course, vary. First, however, it is neces- sary to consider the coherence between processes so that the number of sub-processes in each process should not be too much different. In BPMN, this sub-process map is called a level 1 map. In contrast to BPMN, this 3-dimensional framework approach is limited to sub-processes only. Meanwhile, in BPMN, the detail of the process can be unlimited. A Diagram of sub-processes in a government institution that has been developed can be seen in Figure 2 below; 295 Figure 2. A Sub-Process Map DPD-01 Man agement of Legislative Functions Data & Arsip DPD-02 REPRESENT AT IO N FUNCTIO N M AN AG EM ENT Asma sda Asmasda Hasil DIM Data & Arsip DPD-06 DAT A M ANAGEMENT AND INFORM ATION SYSTEMS Telaah Hu kum Kep ut usa n DPD Keputu san DPD Tindak Lanjut Telaah Hukum DPD-01.01 Manage me nt of Preparation Activit ies relate d to Prole gnas DPD-01.02 Manage me nt of Draft Law Ha sil Persida ngan Risalah DPD-05 LEG AL SERVICES Kebutuhan Persidang an Telaah huku m Duk un g an P ersid an ga n Duk un ga n Persid a ng an Publika si JD IH Peny usu na n Ke pu tus an DPD-04 ASSEM BLY M AN AG EMENT Risa Du kun gan Persid an g an lah Penyusu nan Keputu san Keputu san Sidang Notulensi Publika si JDIH Kegia ta n A ng go ta di Daerah Publika si JDIH DPD-01.03 Manage me nt of the Drafting of DPD' s Vie ws and Considerations DPD-01.04 Manage me nt of State Budget Consideration Support DPD-03 M ANAG EM ENT O F SUPERVISIO N FUNCTION Data & Arsip DPD-07 INFORM ATION, PUBLICAT IO N AND PROTO CO L M AN AG EMENT Publika si JD IH Hasil Pengawa san Asmasda Tela ah H uku m Duk un g an Persid an g an Notulensi Risalah Data & Arsip Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 296 After the process map and sub-process map have been suc- cessfully compiled, the next step is to conduct a focus group dis- cussion with top management in government agencies to vali- date all the data obtained. Top management acts as an expert who justifies the design of process maps and sub-process maps that have been built. This is a crucial step because building pro- cess maps and sub-process maps is essentially a consensus-build- ing activity. Thus, the relationship between one process and another has been described in process maps and sub-process maps and vali- dated by the organization’s top management, so it is necessary to explain which work units in the organization are involved in each of the processes described. A map that describes the involvement of work units in each process and sub-process is a relationship map. In BPMN, this relationship map is not known, so in com- piling a business process map with the existing BPMN, the level 0 map is detailed into a level 1 map, and so on into a level 2 map to an unlimited level n map. With this 3-dimensional frame- work approach, the presence of a relationship map makes it easy to identify which organizational units will be involved in each process and sub-process identified previously. The relationship map of a government institution is shown in Figure 3 below; Figure 3. A Relationship Map DPD-01 Management of Legislative Functions Dukungan Pengawasan Bureau of Assembly I Bureau of A sse mbly II Dukungan kegiatan Dukungan pengawasan Telaah H ukum Center for Legal Policy Design and Studies DPD-03 MANAGEMENT OF SUPERVISION FUNCTION Chie f Secretariat Bureau DPD-05 LEGAL SERVICES Duk un ga n k ebi jaka n Center for Reg ional and Budgetar y Studies Bureau of Information Systems and Documentation DPD-06 DATA MANAGEMENT AND INFORM ATION SYSTEMS Pengelolaan data & informasi / Arsip DPD-04 ASSEMBLY MANAGEMENT Dukungan persidangan Hasil pandangan DPD-07 INFORM ATION, PUBLICATION AND PROTOCOL MANAGEMENT DPD-02 REPRESENTATI- ON FUNCTION MANAGEMENT JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN A cross-functional map is a diagram showing the working re- lationship between organizational units. The cross-functional map shows “who” as an organizational unit and “will do what” in a series of processes and sub-processes identified previously. So, the cross-functional map is the culmination of the business pro- cess map. The number of cross-functional maps will be large enough to reach hundreds of maps, depending on the organization’s size. A cross-functional map is a diagram translated from a sub-pro- cess map and a relation map. Each sub-process identified will be the title of the cross-functional map. However, it can happen that one sub-process map will generate multiple cross-functional maps. The numbering of process maps, sub-process maps, and cross-functional maps is done systematically so that identifica- tion and traceability of each process, sub-process, and cross-func- tional will be maintained. In mapping business processes with BPMN, the level of this cross-functional map will vary from one process to another. However, with this 3-dimensional framework approach, cross-functional maps are derived from sub-process maps and relation maps. In this cross-functional map, a more detailed description can be carried out into several cross-func- tional horizontally. A cross-functional picture of a government agency can be seen in Figure 4. (see Figure 4) Cross-functional maps were prepared by involving in-depth discussions with representatives of work units. Each work unit is following its duties and functions, ensuring that work steps in- volving relationships with other organizational units are agreed upon under applicable regulations. Thus synergies between work units will occur in jointly achieving organizational performance. This cross-functional map illustrates transparent working rela- tionships between organizational units so that the unclear duties and responsibilities of each work unit can be avoided. The cross- functional map illustrates the role of each work unit in achieving 297 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 298 Figure 4. A Cross-Functional Map organizational performance. The cross-functional map becomes the basis for further preparation of standard operating proce- dures (SOP) that explain “who”, “does what”, “how”, “terms and conditions”, as well as the “service level” of each stage of activity that has been described. From the cross-functional map, an in- depth analysis of the roles and responsibilities of each work unit can also be carried out so that organizational redesign can be conducted objectively. Process maps and sub-process maps show the interrelation- ships between one process and another. A relationship map is a map that shows the relationship between a particular process and the actors involved in the process. A cross-functional map shows the relationship between the actors involved in a process and what activities each actor’s roles are. This 3-dimensional framework approach shows that new cross-functional maps can JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN be realized if process maps, sub-processes, and relationships have been identified. In conclusion, the development of a business process map for a government agency can be carried out using a framework shown in Figure 5 below; Figure 5. Framework in Business Process Mapping THEORETICAL IMPLICATION Business Process Management emerged as a management dis- cipline to building process-centric thinking. One of the tools considered to be crucial for modelling business processes is the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) (Nešiæ, Ljubiæ, M., & & Vasoviæ, 2015). This study in 10 government institutions has succeeded in implementing a framework that facilitates the development of business process maps. This framework focuses on describing the substance of existing activities within an organization that involves all work units involved and not on the notational rules that strict and rely on sequential completion of the process map. Thus, bureaucratic reform that requires government administra- tion to be more effective and efficient in public services can be 299 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 300 designed, controlled, and improved based on the described busi- ness process map. The business process map serves to describe a series of activities carried out by a government agency in the public service it provides. Business process maps can also be used as a tool to project scenarios that will occur in public services carried out by a government agency. In the end, the business process map can also be made to find solutions as a prescription for the problems faced by a government agency related to the perfor- mance of its organization. Figure 6. A 3-dimensional Framework Model of Business Process Mapping Figure 6. shows a 3-dimensional framework approach as a framework model for building a business process map for a gov- ernment institution. Making a business process map begins by compiling process maps, sub-process maps, relationship maps, and cross-functional maps. Meaning, that a business process map, according to the 3-dimensional framework approach, consists of a process map, a sub-process map, a relationship map, and a cross- functional map constructed in the 3-dimensional relationship. Each map has a role in describing the substance of the series of activities and work units involved. Although drawing a map of government institution business processes with a 3-dimensional framework approach is similar to JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN BPMN, there are also fundamental differences. The distinctive feature of this 3-dimensional framework approach is the emer- gence of a relationship map which is a diagram showing the work units involved in each process and the specified sub-processes. In contrast to how to draw a business process map with BPMN, this relationship map is not known in BPMN. This better shows the systematics and consistency with the 3-dimensional frame- work approach because every element described in the business process map becomes clearly visible. In addition, because the business process with a 3-dimensional framework approach em- phasizes the construction of the substance of existing activities in a government institution, the notation used is also straightfor- ward. This is also what distinguishes BPMN, which emphasizes the notations known by the computer. Figure 7. Dependency of BPMN BPMN, widely known as a tool for drawing business process maps, is very suitable for single organizations such as business organizations, schools, or hospitals with no complex series of activities. However, if BPMN is applied to large organizations such as government institutions that handle multiple affairs, then BPMN has a weakness in that it requires a significant amount of time and energy to be able to describe a complete and complete 301 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 302 map of business processes. BPMN as a tool has limitations in describing a comprehensive and systemic series of activities for large organizations because the pattern used is dependent, as shown in Figure 7. This is because BPMN describes the processes that exist within the organization systematically and sequentially. If the previous processes have not been fully described, the de- rived processes cannot be described. The existing business pro- cesses in a company consist of several levels (levels). Starting from level 0, which describes the company’s value chain. The next level, which is level 1, describes the core and supporting busi- ness processes. From every business process at level 1, some pro- cesses are carried out, so it is said that these processes are at level 2. At level 3, it is the breakdown of level 2 processes called sub- processes. Each sub-process contains various activities categorized in the next level and so on. The more detailed each sub-process, the more detailed activities (Harmon, 2007). However, unlike the 3-dimensional framework approach, de- veloping a business process map for a government agency can be carried out concurrently to save time and effort, especially if it is applied to a large organization. This study of 10 government in- stitutions has proven that developing a business process map with a 3-dimensional framework approach is more effective and more efficient in line with the spirit of reform itself. This is reinforced that the regulation on business process mapping guidelines based on BPMN has existed since 2011 in Indonesia but has not been successfully implemented. This 3-dimensional framework ap- proach method has changed the regulation of business process mapping guidelines for Indonesia’s government institutions which have been in effect since 2018. The 3-dimensional framework approach has been widely used in Indonesian government agencies, in line with adopting the 3- dimensional framework approach model into regulatory guide- lines since 2018. This 3-dimensional framework approach has succeeded in overcoming the weakness of the existing dependence on BPMN. JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN This is very useful for developing business process maps in large government institutions, where a single ministry consists of vari- ous directorates general that have different affairs from each other. By using this 3-dimensional framework approach, the director- ate general in each ministry can build its business process map without having to wait for the business process map at the min- istry level to be perfect. This is because the 3-dimensional frame- work approach is built on a systematic and systemic approach that has interdependence in a unified system (figure 8). Figure 8. Interdependency of 3 Dimensional Business Process Mapping Frame- work Dependency relationships on each business process map can be presented with an alignment matrix with a codification that has a strong association. Thus, building a business process map for government agen- cies with a 3-dimensional framework approach provides a signifi- cant, practical, and theoretical impact. However, further research related to the impact of implementing government agency busi- ness process maps with a 3-dimensional framework approach needs to be carried out to obtain an evaluation and refinement of the concepts and models that have been introduced. There- fore, this article does not aim to generalize but rather to identify and develop preliminary discussions related to the theoretical 303 Vol. 13 No. 2 July 2022 304 elements. This is undoubtedly the main limitation of this ar- ticle. Future research on business process reengineering, for ex- ample, in the public sector, must seize the importance of these underpinning tensions. CONCLUSION Bureaucratic reformation involves a significant change in para- digm and governance in Indonesia. Furthermore, bureaucratic reform also means a big stake for the Indonesian race to meet head-on the challenges of the future. This bureaucratic reform aims to increase human resources professionalism in all respec- tive governments’ institutions. Through bureaucratic reform, an effective and efficient government administration system is orga- nized. A business process map promotes cross-functional pro- cesses synchronization and facilitates organizations to focus on what is believed to be valuable from the stakeholders’ perspec- tive in a graphical diagram, simplicity, standardization, and pro- vision for execution processes. Process design is the most fundamental aspect of a process. It consists of the specification of what tasks are to be performed, by whom, when, in what locations, under what circumstances, to what degree of precision, with what information, and the like. The design is the specification of the process; without a design, there is an only uncoordinated individual activity and organiza- tional chaos (Hammer, 2015). The 3-dimensional framework approach is a systematic and systemic approach that will provide a framework to develop business process maps more easily but still provide added value for the organization in consistently car- rying out its services. The business process map built with a 3- dimensional approach reinforces the substance of a series of ac- tivities within the organization so that a series of activities involv- ing organizational units effectively and efficiently in achieving their performance can be presented in a simple yet comprehen- sive diagram. The framework succeeded in describing a paradigm-shifting to encourage people to move from a silo thinking to a cross- JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN function team. In addition, when the paradigm is changed, it is easier to enhance the transformation and move forward to cre- ate value-added activities within the organization. Finally, the business process map as a foundation of the organizational bu- reaucracy movement shows an improvement in institutional ca- pacity to encourage administrators in operational consistency. Public organizations face several specific tensions, such as, for example, providing good, adjusted services for each client while also maintaining principles of equality of treatment. Therefore, these organizations and their individuals have a lot to balance. Thus, this study demonstrates that a contextually business pro- cess of a public organization is expected to perform better since it provides its individuals with the tools to make these decisions. 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