Layout JGP Mei 2016 Pick Your Own Rubbish: An Analysis of Target Group Compliance in Public Policy Implementation TUTIK RACHMAWATI, DHIA KALILA RINJANY & Parahyangan Catholic University ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to analyse the implementation of Local Govern- ment Act Bandung Municipality Number 11/2005 about Orderliness, Cleanliness and Fineness of Bandung City (Ketertiban, Kebersihan dan Keindahan). The study focuses on a target-group compliance perspective. By analyzing the level of pub- lic compliance, this research will contribute to the understanding of factors con- tributing to the success of public policy implementation. An analysis of the non- compliance behaviours of the target group is based on three concepts: (1) Fac- tors affecting the level of compliance by Weaver; 2) organizational compliance factors for Economic Co-operation and Development/OECD; and 3) The failure of policy implementation (Patton and Sawicki, 1993)). An early observation showed that the low level of public compliance were caused by several factors such as 1) problem of reward and punishment; (2) low level of law enforcement by internal investigator or Petugas Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja, 3) The lack of autonomy within the public to comply the legal regulation;4) the lack of information about the policy and its implementation and (5) the value hold by the society that cleanliness is not the society responsible, that it is acceptable to throw any waste anywhere, and 6) The lack of resource to enable the society to comply with the policy. This research evaluates whether such factors also present among the tar- get group of this policy. Keywords: public policy implementation, target group compliance. level of com- pliance, enforcement. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi pelaksanaan Peraturan Daerah Kota Bandung No 11 Tahun 2005 tetang Ketertiban dan Kebersihan dari perspective kepatuhan. Terdapat tiga konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu faktor yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan; faktor kepatuhan organisasi dan kegagalan pelaksanaan kebijakan (Patton dan Sawicki, 1993). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendahnya tidak kepatuhan pada peraturan tersebut. Kanta kunci: pelaksanaan kebijakan publik, kepatuhan, tingkat kepatuhan dan penegakan hukum JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS 373 Received 21 June 2016 Revised 13 May 2016 Accepted 29 July 2016 DOI: 10.18196/jgp.2016.0034 Vol.7No.3 August 2016 INTRODUCTION In Indonesia society, garbage or rubbish is something that unwanted and has no economic value. Adding to this belief is 374 low quality of waste management provided by the local govern- ment of Bandung City. Bandung as one of the biggest cities in Indonesia is also facing the problem of poor waste management. This has created a severe problem that according to VoA Indo- nesia was mentioned as ‘the city of garbage’ in 2005 and again in 2013. Bandung was awarded the dirtiest city and calamity took place in 2005 when there was a garbage (not a land) slide in temporary dumpster inLeuwigajah temporary dumpster(Tempat PenampunganSampah Sementara) in which156people injured1. This has become a fundamental reason of the local govern- ment of Bandung City to be seriously adressed the problem of low quality of waste management. Moreover, not-picking-your- own-rubbish have become a culture in Indonesia, as somebody else (mostly labor with cheap wage) will do it for you. This needs to be changed as it will be very damaging to the environment. The local government of Bandung City address this problem through the creation of local government act related to waste management (local government act number 11year 2005) which focus on the Orderliness, Cleanliness and Fineness of Bandung City. Further, on December 1st, 2014, the local government of Bandung City has started to implement strict law enforcement of that act. From December 1st littering in Bandung city is pun- ishable by fine or charge and also byadminstrative punishment such as a temporary detainment of ID card or family card and further public shaming. It is evident from the researchers’ observation that the intro- duction of fine and punishment as the key of low enforcement is not effectively implemented. This is shown by news from media and result of observation. A news from dated Thursday February 3rd 2015, it is stated that 19 drivers had been find to pay 250.000 because they don’t have trashbin in their car.2 Further, researchers’ observation in Cicadas where there are lots of people throw the garbage into Cidurian river. The people who lived in the edge of the river are unable to stop their bad habbit. Some of the people had known about the rules but the others don’t.3 Another evident can be found in Superhero park in Bandung City, one of several public parks in Bandung City. Those evidents show the low level of compliance of target group of Local Government Act number 11/2005 is very low. This paper will elaborate more on what factors affecting the low level of target group compliance to comply with the implementa- tion of local government act on Orderliness, cleanliness and fine- ness. By understanding the level of compliance, a better under- standing of successful factors of public policy implementation is able to be gained. RESEARCHMETHOD This research uses a mixed method (qualitative and quantita- tive method). For the quantitative part, an explanatory survey method was done through the collection of quantitative data using questionnaires and then data was analyzed using the statis- tic descriptive analysis. Once the quantitative study ended, the qualitative study was conducted though interviews with key per- sons and also through observations. The researchers collected data from our population (community live in 30 sub-municipali- ties in Bandung city). The sample selection was purposive sampling technique. We categorized the target groups of the policy implementation into three categories: local people (community who lives in that local- ity), people who live in the riverbank, and car users. Hence, our sample for this study consists of these three categories and make up 90 people as our respondents. As an addition, we interviewed 10 key persons (the law enforcement officers) who are also the target group of the policyimplementation. JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS 375 Vol.7No.3 August 2016 376 LITERATURE REVIEW To understand the level of compliance of the target groupof the public policy implementation being studied, we employed three concepts of compliance approach for this research. The first concept is the factors affecting the compliance of the target group based on Weaver (2009). Second is the concept of factors matter in compliance by Organisation for Economic Coopera- tion and Development (OECD) (2000). The third, we used fac- tors leading to the failure of policy implementation suggested by Patton and Sawicky(1993). Weaver (2009) identified several factors affecting the level of compliance of the target groups in public policy implementa- tion. These factors are: A. INCENTIVES AND PUNISHMENTS Several punishment and lack of incentives can trigger the non- compliance behaviour of target groups to the public policy imple- mentation. Policy makers should understand that the target groups will behave rationally and maintain the balance struck between the cost (punishments) and the benefit (incentives). Hence, imposing severe law enforcement for designated policy may result in non-compliance behaviour among the target groups. Further, providing decent incentives will enable the target groups to consider their rational to comply with the publicpolicy. B. MONITORING It is agreed that to do monitoring is costly because it comes with law enforcement, which required abundant resources. It is common knowledge in Indonesia that it is easier to create poli- cies than ensuring the success of those policies’ implementation through law enforcement. Critique to the low quality of govern- ing in Indonesia evolve around the lack of the law enforcement and how street-level bureaucrats favor on more rent-seeking rather than enforcing the laws and regulations. Certainty in law en- forcement is very much needed in such situation. Consistency and certainty in monitoring and the application of firm punish- ment and incentives will help to reduce the non-compliance behaviour. C. RESOURCES Weaver (2009) argued that the lack of resources may lead to non-compliance behaviour among the target groups. These re- sources are needed to enable target groups to comply with the public policy implementation. The resources needed can be found in various forms such as money, good health, human capital, and strong social commitment or social capital. D. AUTONOMY Similar to resources, Weaver (2009) argued that having a suf- ficient level of autonomy will enable the target group to comply with the public policy implementation. Related to autonomy, there are two ways of affecting the target groups to complywith the public policy implementation; 1) to influence the group with the decision power and 2) to empower the target group to gain the autonomy to comply with thepolicy. E. INFORMATION Other obstacle of the target group compliance is when the target group experience a lack of information. The lack of infor- mation made the target group further lack of relevance and suf- ficient information to comply with the policy implementation. F. NORMS AND VALUES Norms and values held by the target groups can be very influ- ential for their compliance. In this study, the example of value is the belief of the people in Indonesia that the back part of the house is the place where dirty and unwanted stuffs are kept. This kind of value will makes it harder for people to obey the local government act on orderliness, cleanliness andfineness. Patton and Sawicki (1993:365) provided us with the second JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS 377 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 378 concept to understand as to why certain public policies are failed to be implemented. They further argued that the failure of policy implementation is caused by: a. The formal implementing agency (it is normally one of gov- ernment agencies) do not have enough capacity and commit- ment needed The capacity and commitment of the implementer will be needed so that they fully understand what is the policy, what are the problems to be addressed by the policy and what are to be expected of the target groups. In return, when the implementer fully know the detail of the policy and commit to the success of the implementation, the target group will also behave the same and comply to the policy implementa- tion. This is similar to what Weaver (2009) said that the im- portant factor of target group compliance is the availability of the needed resources. b. Rigid and Heavy Mechanism for the Public Policy Implemen- tation When the mechanism of the public policy implementation is too rigid and heavy, it will lower the flexible autonomy of target group policy hence eliminate the opportunity over the decision to comply with the policy. This is in-line with what weaver said that the lack of opportunity and flexible autonomy to show the norm can be a factor of the group of society not comply to the policy itself. c. The society ignores the program issued by the government This relates to the level of the acceptance of the society to the governmentpolicyor program.If the societyignoredthe policy program issued by the government, it can be sure that the society will not comply to the policy or program implementa- tion. d. There is a little incentive to support thecompliance. As Weaver (2009) argued that the level of compliance of the target groups will be improved when a good system of incen- tive and strict punishment is in placed, Patton and Sawicky believed that when government is in a difficult situation to enforce the punishment for non-compliance behaviour, the option for the government is to implement incentives for good compliancebehaviour. e. The target groups involved in the program implementation but do not understand what they need. Most of the time the target groups do not understand what they need due to the lack of relevance information regarding the policy. This will increase the level of non-compliance behaviour of the target group. A non-compliance behaviour is a also a result of the lack of understanding toward the need of the society, hence the policy or program implemented will not meet people’s need. In weaver (2009) argument, this re- lates to the value and norms held by the target groups. When a policy or program implementation is not compatible with the value and norms of the target group, they will believe that the policy or program implemented is not what theyneed. According to OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), regulatory compliance is defined as a form of compliance conducted by the target population to the regula- tion.4 There are several factors needed to establish a compliance behaviour. A. AWARE OF THE RULE AND UNDERSTAND IT. The target group should be aware and understand the rule. Unclear regulation will cause non-compliance behaviour. This is relevant to what weaver (2009) and Patton and Sawicki (2003) argument. They argued that the implementer of the policy or program should fully understand it, which will enable good law enforcement toward the target group. On the other hand, the target group should understand how the policy or program will meet their needs, hence will enable them to comply with the rule. Both target group and implementer will understand the rule (policy or program) when they have sufficient knowledge of JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS 379 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 380 that policy or program. B. WILLING TO COMPLY According to OECD, the availability of an economy incen- tive can motivate the compliance behaviour of the target groups. Further, strong law enforcement will reduce a non-compliance behaviour. Further, incentive and punishment enforcement (Weaver, 2009) will affect the level of compliance among the tar- get groups. C. ABLE TO COMPLY According to OECD the target groups will comply to the rule when sufficient information and other technical supports are provided by the government. When one of these provision is missing, non-compliance behaviour among the target groups will occur. Weaver (2009) agreed with this. According to him suffi- cient level of information supply will enable the target groups to comply with the rules. DISCUSSION From the research finding it can be concluded that the level of compliance of the people in Bandung (the target groups) to local government act (perda) number 11/2005 is still low. It is showed by the number of respondent (53.3%) of the target groups showed non-compliance behaviour. Hence, the 46.6% showed compliance behaviours. A good compliance level will be that 100% of the target groups comply with the rules. The table 1 show the result of the survey. Further it is found that the low level of compliance is caused by: a. The lack of information received by the people related to the implementation of the local government act (Perda) number 11/2005 about littering fines. b. The absence of incentive and strict punishment conducted by the government c. Insufficient resources to enable target groups to comply with the regulation. d. The absence of strict and consistent monitoring conducted by the government e. Insufficient autonomy of the targetgroups. TABLE 1. LEVEL OF COMPLIANCE TABLE 2 ACCESS TO INFORMATION THROUGH NEIGHBOURHOOD FORUM The next section will discuss each of the factors influencing the low level of compliance. A. THE LACK OF INFORMATION RECEIVED BY THE PEOPLE RELATED TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT (PERDA) NUMBER 11/2005 ABOUT LITTERING FINES. Local government of Bandung City does not provide suffi- cientinformation to thesocietyeventhoughthegovernmentpro- JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS 381 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 382 vided various forms of media information. We have identified several means of media to channel the information to the citizen: 1. Information delivered through neighbourhood forum such as RT, RW, Kelurahan and Kecamatan. From table 2 it can be understood that majority of the target groups (63.3%) claimed that they did not get any information about littering fines from the neighbourhood forum. The table 3 shows other non-verbal media to channel the in- formation about littering fine. TABLE 3. VARIOUS FORMS OF MEDIA From the table above, we can see that the most effective me- dia of information is the promotion media. Promotion media covered flyers, banners, posters which are placed in spots near main road and the target groups surrounding. It is also evident from our observation that it is important that the local government provide information about the vol- ume of garbage produced by Bandung city in total everyday. Bandung produces 1500M3 of garbage everyday. This amount of garbage makes it hard for the local government of Bandung City to manage. To reduce the level of waste management problem, the citizen of Bandung need to be informed with the huge vol- ume of garbage everyday. By doing this, the citizen can be ex- pected to support the waste management byreducingthe amount of garbage they produced. This need to reduce the amount of garbage willaffectthe behaviour changeamong the target groups, the citizen of bandung city. This is relevant to what Patton and Sawicki (1993) said that the failure of policy is caused by the low level of understanding of target group toward the problem of the policy that is trying to be addressed. Further, for the target groups need to be aware of rule and understand it, and able to Comply (OECD, 2000), the need to have sufficient information related to policyimplemen- tation. B. THE ABSENCE OF INCENTIVE AND STRICT PUNISH- MENT CONDUCTED BY THE GOVERNMENT According to Weaver (2009) the provision of incentive and strict punishment will increase the level of compliance oftarget group. Local government act (perda) number 11/2005 does not at all provide any incentive but there is a punishment scheme such fines/charges or administrative punishment. This will de- motivate people not to comply to the regulation. This is relevant to what Weaver (2009) and OECD (2000) argued that people are rational human beings, who will do something if there are feedbacks, either negative or positive. The punishment and the incentives are the forms of thefeedbacks. Below is the table that show about the number of respon- dents who experience incentives and punishment. TABLE 4 INCENTIVES AND PUNISHMENT C. INSUFFICIENT RESOURCES TO ENABLE TARGET JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS 383 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 384 GROUPS TO COMPLY WITH THE REGULATION It is evident in one of the study area in this research (Kecamatan Cidadap, Kelurahan Hegarmanah, in which there is no temporary dumpster nearby and rubbish collectors are not able to collect the target groups rubbish because of the geographi- cal character (it is a hilly, and steep area in the river bank) of the area. This geographical character makes it very difficult for the rubbish collector to collect the rubbish. Adding to that, the rub- bish collectors are not given any wage for their works. Hence, there are no rubbish collectors willing to collect the rubbish. As the result, people in this area throw their garbage to Cipaganti river which is very near and much more convenient for them than waiting for the rubbish collectors. Another observation revealed that the temporary dumpsters are always full of rubbish that it is impossible to pile any more rubbish there. Further, the trucks to transport the rubbish from the temporary dumpsterto the final dumpster do not have enough capacity to load all the rubbish. Temporary dumpster in Antapani is one of the example of the mention problem. Everyday, an amount of 24m3rubbish are dumped in this temporary dumpster but only 20m3 rubbish are being transported to the final dumpster. Hence, there is always a left out of rubbish accumulated every day. Data from the questionnaire showed that only 18.9 % of the target groups claimed that they are provided with a rubbish bin. 91.1% of the target groups claimed that they do not have any access to rubbish bin. The above elaboration showed that re- sources provided by the government to enable the compliance behaviour of the target groups are very scarce. D. THE ABSENCE OF STRICT AND CONSISTENT MONI- TORING CONDUCTED BY THE GOVERNMENT As Weaver (2009) argued, the absence of monitoring to the law enforcement of the public policy implementation will make the target group shows non-compliance behaviour. Low levelof law enforcement (punishment or fines for littering) will also af- fect the compliance behaviour of the target groups. TABLE 5 MONITORING OF THE POLICY IMPLEMENTATION E. INSUFFICIENT AUTONOMY OF THE TARGET GROUPS The absence of sufficient autonomy of the target groups will affect the ability of the target groups to enable them to comply with the implementation of littering fines. This is showed by the fact that there are limited number of community association in waste management such as rubbish banking the neighbourhood level (RT, RW, Kelurahan). Our data showed that there is only 18.9% of the target groups claimed that there is a community association that will enable them to have autonomy to comply with the regulation. Seven- teen (17) people from the target groups have the knowledge of the community association existence, but they do not involve actively in thatassociation. CONSLUSION Understanding the low level of compliance, the local govern- ment of Bandung City has a lot of homework to better imple- mented the local government act (Perda) Number 11/2005 about littering fines. We have set up an action plan for the local gov- ernment of Bandung City related to the wastemanagement. 1. Local government of Bandung City need to give continuous information about the volume of garbage produce in Bandung daily. JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS 385 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 386 2. Local government of Bandung City must inform the citizen about the implementation of littering fine through promo- tion media. 3. Local Government of Bandung City must apply strong law enforcement and strict punishment of the littering fine. This has to be done in conjunction with the activities such as im- promptu checking of the law enforcement. 4. Local government of Bandung City should give incentives to compliance behaviour of the target groups. this should be es- tablished in the form of legal law. 5. Local government of Bandung City should provide more re- sources to enable target groups to comply with the regulation. These resources could be more temporary dumpster, more rubbish bin, more trucks to transport the rubbish to the final dumpster. 6. Local government of Bandung City need to monitor the citi- zen, either direct monitoring by government or electronic media such as CCTV installed in thelocation. 7. Local government of Bandungcity must encourage activities in the community to reduce the amount of garbage through the creation of rubbish banks, recycling centres, and the pro- vision of composters. ENDNOTES 1 1578882.html, diakses tanggal 30 April 2015 pukul 8.16 WIB 2 pengemudi-mobil-dipaksa-bayar-denda-1422939359, Diakses pada hari Kamis, 19 Februari 2015 pukul 16:33 WIB 3, Diakses pada hari Kamis 19 Februari 2015, pukul 16:39 WIB 4 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Reducing the Risk of Policy Failure: Challenges for Regulatory Compliance. 2000. REFERENCE Patton. Carl V., & Sawicki. David S. (1993) Basic methods of policy analysis and planning. Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2000) Reducing the Risk of Policy Failure: Challenges for Regulatory Compliance. Ripley, Randal B. (1985) Policy analysis in political science. Chicago, IL: Nelson Hall Pub- lishers,. Weaver. R. Kent (2009) Target Compliance: The Final Frontier of Policy Implementation. Issues in Governance Studies, Number 27. September 2009. 1578882.html, diakses tanggal 30 April 2015 pukul 8.16 WIB mobil-dipaksa-bayar-denda-1422939359, Diakses pada hari Kamis, 19 Februari 2015 pukul 16:33 WIB, Diakses pada hari Kamis 19 Februari 2015, pukul 16:39 WIB. JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS 387 Pick Your Own Rubbish: 373 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387