August 2016 Vol. 7 No. 3 432 Personal Branding of Anies Baswedan Through Facebook And Twitter Account: Study Of Image Grid Analysis in Banjarmasin Society Aged 17-24 Years Received 9 June 2016 Revised 13 July 2016 Accepted 6 August 2016 DOI: 10.18196/jgp.2016.0037 RAMADHAN, FEBRIAN ANSHARI, SETYASTUTI, YUANITA, MAULINA, NOVARIA Department of Communication Science Lambung Mangkurat University,,, ABSTRACT This research aimed was the grid of personal branding image of Anies Baswedan through Facebook and Twitter account on Banjarmasin society. This research used quantitative approach with descriptive type. The population was Banjarmasin society aged 17-24 years old. Sample that taken was 399 people, sample re-trieval techniques used cluster random sampling. The method of data collection used questionnaire and observation, while the method of data analysis used image analysis grid by Kotler with the degree of trust was 95%. The results of the research, personal branding image of anies baswedan on familiarity scale is 74,44% or 297 respondents from 399 respondent of total samples, categorized on less know about Anies Baswedan. That means only 25,56% or 102 respon- dents who know him. Based on favorability scale there were 76,25% or 77 re- spondents from 102 respondents who know Anis Baswedan, categorized him as a good image of personal branding. Based on grid analysis model Anis Baswedan’s Personal Branding are less known and good image. That means personal brand-ing image of anies baswedan was located on grid B, that was the assessment of respondents about Anies Baswedan was he does not well known but he has a good image. Keywords: personal branding, grid analysis, new media, social media. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa grid personal branding Anies Baswedan melalui Facebook dan Twitter di kota Banjarmasin. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskript if. Populasi p e n i l i t i a n ad a l a h m a s y a r a k a t Ba n j a r m a s i n ya n g berusia 17-24 tahun. Sampel yang diambil ad a l a h 39 9 or a n g d e n g a n menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling. Metode pengumpulan d a t a JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS 433 menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi, sedangkan metode analisis data menggunakn analisis citra grid Kotler dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa personal branding Anies Baswedan pada skala keakraban adalah 74,44 % dan masuk kategori kurang familiar. Hal ini berarti hanya 25,56% yang merasa familiar dengan Anies Baswedan. Berdasarkan skala kesukaan ada 76,25% yang mengenal Anis Baswedan dan mengkategorikan Anis Baswedan sebagai pribadi yang baik. Sementara itu berdasarkan model analisis jaringan, personal branding yang dilakukan oleh Anis Baswedan kurang dikenal tetapi memiliki citra yang baik. Hal ini berarti citra personal branding Anies Baswedan terletak di grid. Kata kunci: personal branding, analisis jaringan, media baru, media sosial. INTRODUCTION The Internet was originally created for the purposes of infor- mation exchange among United States military, but in further development recently the whole society in the world could ac- cess, development of the Internet rapidly and gave birth to a new medium for Internet users to share and interact with one an- other, namely social networking is often called socmed - social media. There are a wide variety of social networks, like facebook, twitter, youtube, path, instagram and much more. According to the MBA Rank Ebiz per September 2013, today there are two very popular social media and pick the most active users in the world, facebook and twitter. The top 10 of Sosial Media in Indo- nesia on January 2015 was Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook messanger, Google+, Linkedin, Instagram, Skype, pinterest dan Line (We Are Social, Januari 2015). Based on We Are Social database, There are 79 million people from 88,1 million people who accesed the internet are acessed the social media (www.We are Social,Digital In Indonesia 2016). The rapid growth of social networking users is to make a change in which social networking was originally created as a medium to interact with one another between users has now turned into a promotion of goods or services to self-marketing. self marketing is known as personal branding, according Kupta in Susanto (2009) is a personal image that represents a set of skills, a blrilliant idea, a belief system and the value equation that are considered attractive by others. There are many persons who manage to do personal branding in social networks and 434 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 some are failing, these successful individuals have a very strong brand, the brand is not only adhered by a product but also an identity that is inherent in each of them. Among ofmany people who are currently doing personal branding through social net- works, the researchers are interested in Anies Baswedan as a sub- ject of research. Anies Baswedan is a young leaders in Indonesia who have achievements both nationally and internationally. In July 2010, Anis Baswedan the only person from Southeast Asia included of 500 the most influece muslim in the world by The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center in Jordan. ( Twitter ac- count which is located in @aniesbaswedan and Anies Baswedan fan page on facebook. His Twitter account registered in 2010 it has many followers as 494 thousand and a facebook account reg- istered in 2011 also has followers more than 100 thousand, here it can be seen that the messages disseminated or submitted by Anies Baswedan with social networking media will be read and known by hundreds of thousands of followers. This study will use a walker grid image analysis of Kotler, the assessment by dividing the grid assessment into the grid, the grid A where a person is very well known and has a good image, grid B where someone less well known but has a good image, grid c where someone less known and has a bad image and grid d where a person is very well known but has a poor image. Therefore, his study examine exactly about the grid of personal branding image of Anies Baswedan through Facebook and Twitter account on Banjarmasin society within 17-24 years age. Research Question: How the grid of personal branding im- age of Anies Baswedan through Facebook and Twitter account on Banjarmasin society (age 17-24 years)? Reseach Objective: Identify the grid of personal branding image of Anies Baswedan through Facebook and Twitter account on Banjarmasin society (age 17-24 years). 435 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK MEDIA The mass media has an important role in self imaging. Mass media can form a certain image of an event or a group and be understood as a general truth in society. Symbols or terms are repeated constantly creates its self image of something in the public view (Zuhra, 2012: 3). Thus, the mass media are not only considered important in the dissemination of information but the mass media play an important role in the formation of the existing image that can be seen in the community, although it does not influence directly influence after the communication yet significant enough to affect a person, both in terms of cogni- tive, affective and behavior. FACEBOOK AND TWITTER AS NEW MEDIA According to Flew (2005: 2), the new media is a term to de- scribe the convergence between digital communications technol- ogy which digitalized and connected to the network. According to Setiawan (2013: 8), the power of new media is the communi- cation technology involving computers, in order to simplify and accelerate in getting information from the Internet as well as its characteristics are easy to access that is easy to use anywhere with- out having to go to a computer, but now can be through mobile phones that have the capability Internet connection was enough. So the new media is a media communications network utilizing the Internet using a computer or device that can access the Internet to interact with other users and can be done anywhere and anytime. Take the word ‘new’ as ‘new media’ to refer to the following; new textual experiences, new ways of representing the world, new relationships between subjects (users and consum- ers) and media technologies, new experiences of the relationship between embodiment, identity and community, new conceptions of the biological body’s relationship to technological media, new patterns of organisation and production. Some of the main terms in discourses about new media are: digital, interactive, 436 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 hypertexual, virtual, networked, and simulated. (Lister, Dovey, Giddings, Grant, and Kelly, 2009:12-13) The top 10 of Sosial Media in Indonesia on January 2015 was Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook messanger, Google+, Linkedin, Instagram, Skype, pinterest dan Line (We Are Social, Januari 2015). Twitter could make the user to sent and receive massage from another user by automatically retweet and edited retweet. That facilities make twitter became a popular social media. (Panduan Optimalisasi Media Sosial, 2014: 80) Facebook have a blocklist facilities for akun user to manage the content of their wall by setting on tab manage permissions. (Panduan Optimalisasi Media Sosial, 2014: 111) PERSONAL BRANDING Brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or the combi- nation of all of them which are enable people to identify goods and services out from the competitors(Saladin in Setyastuti, 2012 113). According Kupta in Susanto (2009), Personal Branding is ev- erything that is in you that distinctiveness and sell, such as your messages, innate self and marketing tactics. Meanwhile, accord- ing to Montoya and Vandehey (2008: 271), Personal Branding is something about how to take control over other people’s judg- ment against you before directly meet with you. So, Personal Branding is an interesting thing that a person, who distinguishes with others so that it becomes more and makes a person stand out from others. Personal branding consist of four elements, such as attribute, the promised profits, the personality value (Kapferer, 1992; Keller, 1993 in Plummer, 2000). Personal brand is used as a tool to create others’ opinion toward us. When the personal branding is used correctly with the creativity, planning and consistency, so it can be assured that the personal branding will help you in doing three things (Kapferer, 1992; Keller, 1993 in Plummer, 2000). ; 1), Building the name and giving the description of the 437 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS character to other people 2), Giving interested action and clear explanation, 3) Helping in taking control of the clients. Montoya (2002) in Setyastuti (2012; 121) state that there are three levels of influence in which one does personal branding: 1) Advocate – associating themselves with a trend although this might be short-lived. 2).Trendsetter – where they influence think- ing but retain a presence in a larger sphere throughout. so that their personal brand remains even when they trend is over. 3).Icon – not something that’s easy to achieve but which tends to grow organically. According to Peter Montoya (2002) in Susanto (2009) there are eight things in the main concept is the reference in establish- ing a person’s personal branding. It is: 1. The Law of Specializa- tion 2. The Law of Leadership 3. The Law of Personality 4. The Law of Distinctiveness 5. The law of Visibility 6. The Law of Unity 7. The Law of Persistence 8. The Law of Goodwill PERSONAL BRANDING AND SOCIAL MEDIA Online brand activity influences the way audiences interact and perceive the brand; thus, online brand management must carefully promote brand-building qualities while also targeting preferences of consumers.(Carpenter in Schultz and Sheffer, 2012: 65-66). Alipour, Jahan and Somarin (2015) stated that Social media creates great opportunities for personal branding efforts both for personal and corporate purposes of top level executives. This situation makes personal brand management for top level executives on social media an organized professional team job and an important part of social media efforts of the company to manage. However, the presentation of the self in media social is different, Mc Ewan and Mease agrue that facebook and other 438 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 mass-mediated self-presentations of self to multiple audience (Sivek, 2014:2). Silvek also said that Profesionals in many fields seek to establish personal brands through social media to ad- vance their careers (Sivek, 2014: 5). Maggie (2015: 144-145) said that Twitter functions more as a networking hub for micro ce- lebrities and their branded so called authentic selves to partici- pate in endless self promotion, fetishization of labour and lifestreaming a consitently “safe for work” self. Social media could acessed by smartphone. The sudy of Lieneck (2016: 198) stated that Utilization of personal smart phones and online resources can assist in teaching the importance of personal branding. GRID ANALYSIS OF IMAGE According Krisyantono (2008: 10), image (image) is an image in the public mind about the company. The image is the public perception of the company regarding its service, product quality, corporate culture, the company’s behavior or the behavior of individuals within the company and others. According Argenti (2010: 78), the image is a reflection of the identity of a company. The identity of a company is the actual manifestation of the real- ity of the company as the company’s reputation. Thus, the image is public view of the company’s good product quality, service culture and behavior of individual firms of the company that would affect the public attitude towards the company, if it sup- ports, hostile or neutral. Grid analysis of image model is an analytical tool used to measure the audience of the assessment or knowledge of a par- ticular object. Model grid image analysis initiated by Philip Kotler cited by Rosady Ruslan (2006: 81) it has 3 stages in the assess- ment, familiarity scale, favorability scale and grid-scale of image analysis. Grid analysis of image is the withdrawal of familiarity scale and favorability scale, in this image analysis Kotler grid divides the image into 4 grid like this: 439 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS FIGURE 1. GRID ANALYSIS FIGURE 2. RESEACHED FRAMEWORK Hypothesis Ha: Personal Branding Anies Baswedan twitter and facebook are in grid B Ho: Personal Branding Anies Baswedan through twitter and facebook accounts are not on the grid B 440 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 On the grid A is the ideal position, which has a positive im- age and is well known by everyone, customers or target audi- ence, the grid and the position of the object of study has a posi- tive image, but only preferred or recognized by a particular audi- ence or less known, on grid C considered to have a negative image and are less well known by everyone or the audience, while the D has a negative image, but very well known by everyone, either customers or target audience LOGICAL FRAMEWORK Personal Branding of Anies Baswedan trough facebook and twitter account studied by 8 law of personal branding by Montoya (2000). It analized by Grid Analysis of Image by Kotler in Ruslan (2006) with 3 step: familiarity scale, favorability scale and grid analysis. RESEARCH METHODS APPROACH AND RESEARCH TYPE This study uses quantitative methods in order to get an idea of personal branding assessment Anies Baswedan image which he did through facebook and twitter accounts it has. This type of research is descriptive. According Sukmadinata (2006: 72), is a form of research that aimed to describe phenom- ena that exist, both natural phenomena and man-made phenom- enon. In this objective of study is to obtain an overview assess- ment of how the image of Anies Baswedan Personal Branding through facebook and twitter accounts. RESEARCH LOCATIONS This research was conducted in Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin is one of the major cities in Indonesia and also the capital of the province of South Kalimantan with the balanced ratio between male and female is 1: 1 according to the association of Indone- sian Internet service provider in 2012. 441 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS POPULATION AND SAMPLE Population.The population in this study are all people of the city of Banjarmasin. Respondents’ criteria are the people who have twitter and facebook account and and age-appropriate ac- tive Internet users between 17-24 years because according to data from Socialbakers, largest Internet users in Indonesia are in that age range, according to data from the BPS 2012 the number of people aged 17-24 years are 114.712 people. Samples. According to Arikunto (2002: 109), sample is num- ber of representative of the population studied. Samples will be taken using the formula Slovin, namely: Description: n = number of samples N = Size of population e = margin of error = 5% Then the number of samples obtained are: n = 114 712 = 398.6 1 + 114 712 (0.05) 2 Slovin formula obtained through the calculation of sample size of 398.6, the figure is rounded up to 399 people as samples. The sample selection using r cluster andom sampling, research conducted in 5 districts and selected samples at random in ac- cordance with the characteristics predetermined by the researcher. The characteristics of the samples referred to here is the of Banjarmasin, internet users aged 17-24 tahun who have twitter and facebook accounts with the help of technical screening ques- tions on the questionnaire. n = 399: 5 = 79.8 Thus, each region will be taken a sample of 80 people VARIABLE OPERATIONAL DEFINITION Personal Branding. According to the Kupta in Susanto (2009) Personal branding is a personal image that represents a set of skills, a brilliant idea, a belief system and the value equation that are considered attractive by others. Personal Branding is every- thing that is in you that differentiate and sell, such as your mes- 442 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 sages, innate self and marketing tactics. According to Peter Montoya (2002) in Susanto (2009) there are eight things in the main concept is the reference in establishing a person’s personal branding. It is 1. The Law of Specialization, is a great personal branding which has a specialization that makes it different both in terms of strength, skill or particular achievement. 2. The Law of Leadership, a leader who comes to power and credibility will be able to position themselves as the perfect leader to be relied upon by the public. 3. The Law of Personality, a great personal brand should have a good personality, but is based on the figure of personality is and comes with all the imperfections. 4. The Law of distinctiveness, effective personal branding need to be displayed in a manner different from the others in or- der to be unique and different from other brands. 5. The Law of Visibility, in order to be known, the branding process should continue by promoting and marketing and also using every opportunity to find and have some luck for a person or product. 6. The Law of Unity, personal life in line with the moral ethics and attitudes that have been determined in the process of personal branding. 7. The Law of Persistence, one must remain firm at the begin- ning Personal Branding which has been formed, without ever hesitating and want to change. 8. The Law of Goodwill, with a judgment or good image gener- ated from personal branding will give a better results and long lasting. DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES Primary data collected by: Observation, Questionnaire and Interview. Secondary data is additional data that contains infor- mation related to research, such as information from facebook 443 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS and twitter pages of Anies Baswedan. DETERMINATION OF SCORES Scoring technique used was Likert Scale. The following guide- lines of score: 1. Familiarity Scale Never heard of it = 1; Heard of it = 2; Know a little = 3 Know a fair amount = 4; Know it well = 5 2. Favorability Scale Very unfavorable = 1; Somewhat unfavorable = 2; Indifferent = 3; Somewhat Favorable = 4; Very Favorable = 5 DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES The data analysis used in this research is the quantitative de- scriptive analysis based on the value of the category average of each indicator research. In this study, researchers used Grid Kotler image analysis in analyzing the data. According to Kotler (2000) in Ruslan (2008: 81-83) there are 3 scale in determining the level of Anies Baswedan personal branding through social network- ing accounts, as shown figure 3: 1. The familiarity scale FIGURE 3. CATEGORY SCORE OF FAMILIARITY SCALE Category 1: If the majority of respondents rating in the category 1, then Anies baswedan is not well known by public 444 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 Category 2: If the majority of respondents rating in the category 2, then Anies Baswedan is well known by the public 2. Scale favorability scale FIGURE 4. CATEGORY SCORE OF FAVORABILITY SCALE Category 1: If the majority of respondents rating in the cat- egory 1, then Anies Baswedan has positive image Category 2: If the majority of respondents rating in the cat- egory 2, then Anies Baswedan has poor image 3. Image analysis (audience response) - Grid A, respondents rate Anies Baswedan well known and has a good image - Grid B, respondents rate Anies Baswedan less well known and has a good image - Grid C, respondents rate Anies Baswedan less well known and has a poor image - Grid D, respondents rate Anies Baswedan famous and have a poor image RESULT CHARACTERISTICS OF RESPONDENTS In this study, researchers took account of respondents who have a facebook and twitter accounts aged 17-24 years and is a good Banjarmasin people who indulge and resides in London. 445 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS Gender. Based on the survey results revealed that the respon- dents consists of 246 men and 153 women. There were 61.7% of male respondents and 38.3% of women, aged 20-22 years with the highest percentage of 49.62%. Location. Based of the cluster random sampling method, re- searchers divided according to the number of districts in Banjarmasin city which has 5 districts. The number of respon- dents is 80 people from West Banjarmasin, South Banjarmasin 80 people, 80 people subdistricts Central Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin East 80 districts and sub-districts of North Banjarmasin 79 people. Age. Based on the results, from the 399 respondents, there were 94 respondents (23.56%) were aged 17-19 years, 198 people (49.62%) of respondents aged 20-22 years and 107 people TABLE 1.1 RESPONDENT ANSWERRD DISTRIBUTION OF FAMILIARITY Scale Source: Primary Data, SPSS 446 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 (26.82%) of the respondents aged 23- 24 years old. HYPOTESIS ANALYSIS Familiarity Scale. Based on researched, the result of Familiar- ity Scale was in table 1.1. Based on table 1.1, describe that the highest percentation of the total respondent answeded of familiarity scale of Anis Baswedan personal branding was 46,23% in “Never heard of it” categorized. Its mean that mayority of the total respondent answeded of familiarity scale of Anis Baswedan personal brand- ing was categorized as “Never heard of it” Favorability Scale. Based on researched, the result of Favorability Scale was in table 1.2 TABLE 1.2 RESPONDENT ANSWERRD DISTRIBUTION OF FAVORABILITY SCALE Source: Primary Data, SPSS Based on table 1.2, describe that the highest percentation of 447 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS the total respondent answeded of favorability scale of Anis Baswedan personal branding was 41,37% in “Somewhat Favor- able” categorized. Its mean that mayority of the total respondent answeded of favorability scale of Anis Baswedan personal brand- ing was categorized as “Somewhat Favorable” Familiarity and Favorability Categorization on Grid Analysis. Based on researched, the result of Familiarity and Favorability Catego- rization on Grid Analysis was in table 1.3. TABLE 1.3 FAMILIARITY AND FAVORABILITY CATEGORIZATION Source: Primary Data, SPSS Based on table 1.3 above, describe that Mean of familiarity category of Anis Baswedan personal branding 74,44 % or 297 respondents categorized on Less Known, and only 25,56 % or 102 respondents categorized on well Known. Mean of favorability category of Anis Baswedan personal branding 76,75 % or 77,78 from 102 responden who well known about Anis Baswedan, cat- egorized on Good Image,and only 25,56 % or 25,25 respondents categorized on poor Image. Based on the results, from 399 respondents, 105 people rate on a familiarity category of indicators of specialization, an indi- cator of the leadership rated by 110 people, an indicator of per- sonality rated by 110 people, the indicator difference rated by 79 448 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 people, the indicators of visibility rated by 94 people, an indica- tor of the unity rated by 84 people, an indicator of persistence rated by 92 people and indicators of a good name rated by 142 people who claimed to know well about Anies Baswedan. Grid Analysis Of Image. Based on researched, the result of Grid Analysis of image was in table 1.4. TABLE 1.4 GRID ANALYSIS OF IMAGE Source: Primary Data, SPSS Based on table 1.4 above, The mean of grid analysis model Anis Baswedan Personal Branding categorized was less kown (74,44%) and good image (76,25%). That means personal brand- ing image of anies baswedan was located on grid B, that mean that Hypothesis Alternative (Ha) state that Personal Branding Anies Baswedan twitter and facebook are in grid B was accepted. Based on all indicators, the following description of the per- sonal branding variables based on the indicators showed that all of the Indicators of Personal Branding was categorized in less 449 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS known and good image. Based on that category of familiarity and favorability, the grid of personal Branding category of all indicators was B. DISCUSSION The study was conducted to determine how the image assesment of the Personal Branding in Anies Baswedan through facebook and twitter accounts by using familiarity scale, favorability scale and grid-scale image analysis. variable of per- sonal branding has eight indicators, they are specialization, lead- ership, personality, difference, visible, unity, firmness and good name. Based on the level suggested by Montoya (2002), Anies Baswedan is at a level Icon, where he was in personal branding not only follow the trends in the community, personal branding which happens for a long time and survived until now and has become an icon in the world of education by programs Indonesia Menyala and Indonesia Mengajar. Alipour, Jahan and Somarin (2015) stated that Social media creates great opportunities for personal branding efforts both for personal and corporate pur- poses of top level executives. This situation makes personal brand management for top level executives on social media an orga- nized professional team job and an important part of social me- dia efforts of the company to manage. That statement support the result of this studied who showed that most of all respon- dent whose know about him and his program through twitter and facebook was like about him and his program. Its because the presentation of the self in media social is different. Mc Ewan and Mease agrue that facebook and other mass-mediated self- presentations of self to multiple audience (Sivek, 2014:2). Silvek also said that Profesionals in many fields seek to establish per- sonal brands through social media to advance their careers (Sivek, 2014: 5). Thats why the respondent who knows about his per- sonal and program through facebook and twitter was like about his personal branding. But unfortunately, not all respondents know about his personality. Anies Bawsedan of Personal Brand- 450 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 ing not maximum at promote the program and the personality through Twitter and Facebook. Even though Facebook and Twit- ter is two of top ten social media (We Are Social, Januari 2015). The following description of the personal branding based on the 8 indicators studied: 1. SPECIALIZATION Personal branding through familiarity scale was categorized on less know, based on favorability scale, it categorized on good image. Through facebook and twitter account, he published his specialization as a rector who concerned in Indonesian educa- tion. He is faonder of ‘Indonesia Menyala, Indonesia Mengajar and Turun Tangan” campaign program. All of the program was related to education. But unfurtunatelly only few people who known about that. Peter Montoya (2002) stated that specialization is a power, specialization and achievment that could made the distinvisness from another one. It focus of advantages and specialization that person. The oportunity to strength of personal branding was easy to achieve because the advantege and weakness was known. Pummer (2000) said that Personal Branding caracterized by build- ing the name and giving the description of the character to other people. Anies Baswedan have the caracteristic as a figure of edu- cation. He and his program has a specialization in education. He also known as a leader in education. 2. LEADERSHIP Personal branding assessment Anies Baswedan in leadership at familiarity scale showed that respondents had less known of the leadership of a Anies Baswedan. The leadership Anies Baswedan on personal branding through favorability scale in the category of personal branding as good image. The leadership of Anis Baswedan as a Rector of Paramadina university, and as a head of KPK Etic Code. DelBlanco (2010) in Findha (2013) stated that a person need to eksplore the power, leadership and achieve- ment that had been acomplished to influence the trust from 451 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS people. As a leader, Personal Branding help a personal figure like Anis Baswedan to influence and taking control of people. (Kapferer, 1992; Keller, 1993 in Plummer, 2000) said that per- sonal branding will help you in taking control of the clients, even when the business goes very slow to the competitors. We don’t have to join to the competition and hope the clients will come and knock our door and pay. As a leader of Paramadina University, head of KPK Etic Code and now as a Minister of Culture and Basic and Secondary Education, he need a influ- ence to taking control of people that he lead. The Personal Brand- ing could help him to influence and taking control of people. 3. PERSONALITY Personal branding assessment Anies Baswedan in leadership at familiarity scale showed that respondents had less known about the personality of a Anies Baswedan. The personality Anies Baswedan on personal branding through favorability scale was categorized as good image. Eisend, et al (2007) in Findha (2013) stated that the strenght personality impact to brand and bussines, that could be the advantage ot that brand. In July 2010, Anis Baswedan the only person from Southeast Asia included of 500 the most influece muslim in the world by The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center in Jordan. ( That makes Anies Baswedan had a personality value. The rerspondents who known Anis Baswedan mostly like about his personality. The personality value is one of the key of Personal Branding. Plummer (2000) said that Personal branding consist of four elements, such as attribute, the promised profits, the personality value. 4. DISTINCTIVENESS Personal branding assessment Anies Baswedan in distinctive- ness at familiarity scale showed that respondents had less known about the distinctiveness of a Anies Baswedan. The distinctive- ness of Anies Baswedan on personal branding through favorability scale was categorized as good image. 452 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 Peter Montoya (2002) stated that Distinctiveness showed some- thing different from another that could be the specialization of personal Branding. Anis Baswedan consist to actualisating his self to education things from he was young until now. That makes him different from other people. The program of Indonesia Menyala, Indonesia Mengajar and Turun Tangan also had a inovative program that different from another program. Montoya and Vandehey (2008: 271) said that Personal Branding is an in- teresting thing that a person, who distinguishes with others so that it becomes more and makes a person stand out from others. Kupta in Susanto (2009), also said so that Personal Branding is everything that is in you that distinctiveness and sell, such as your messages, innate self and marketing tactics. Anis Baswedan is a pioneer of Program Indonesia Menyala and Turun Tangan. Those program has different and unique because they placed in aroud the nation to teach, educate, inspiring and became a liai- son of isollated population and city population. Indonesia-, acessed on March 2016) Their also use the knowl- edge to delevoping activicy on their society, like inspired, teach- ing, food oriented development, smoke counter. Unfortunately a lot of people not knowing about both his difference with an- other figure and the unique about his program. But people who knows about him and his program, has a sale value that make a people interesting of his program and like him as a pioneer. 5. VISIBILLITY Personal branding assessment Anies Baswedan in visibillity at familiarity scale showed that respondents had less known about the visibillity of a Anies Baswedan. The visibillity of Anies Baswedan on personal branding through favorability scale was categorized as good image. Not every respondent known about the program from facebook and twitter account but the one who know about that Indonesia Menyala, Indonesia Mengajar and Turun Tangan program, mostly like it. The visibility of Anies Baswedan personal Branding supported by sosial media espe- 453 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS cially facebook and twitter. Carpenter in Schultz and Sheffer (2012: 65-66) said that Online brand activity influences the way audiences interact and perceive the brand; thus, online brand management must carefully promote brand-building qualities while also targeting preferences of consumers. Online brand oh Anies Baswedan through Twitter and Facebook witch continu- ously manage and promote by planning. The content of Indone- sia Menyala and Turun Tangan program on twitter and facebook presentations always update concistently and continuously. Mc Ewan and Mease agrue that facebook and other mass-mediated self-presentations of self to multiple audience (Sivek, 2014:2). 6. UNITY Personal branding assessment Anies Baswedan in unity at fa- miliarity scale showed that respondents had less known about the unity of a Anies Baswedan. The unity of Anies Baswedan on personal branding through favorability scale was categorized as good image. Unity means that what Anies Baswedan tried to brand was the same with his personal life in line with the moral ethics and attitudes. Peter Montoya (2002) stated that unity is brand that was created consist wit etics, mores, and attitude in natural life of the person. Respondent who known about Anis Baswedan and his program, mostly stated that his branding con- sist with his natural of personal life. 7. PERCISTANCE Personal branding assessment Anies Baswedan in persistance at familiarity scale showed that respondents had less known about the persistance of a Anies Baswedan. The persistance of Anies Baswedan on personal branding through favorability scale was categorized as good image. Montoya (2002) stated that percistance is what that became a brand from the begining has never been changes. Anis Baswedan consisted in Educational. He achieved ASEAN Student Award in 1998 dan Top 100 Public Intellectuals fom Foreign Policy Megazine in 2008 (, October, 454 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 26th of 2014 edition) Anies Baswedan currently as the Minister of Culture and Primary & Secondary Education. The program of Turun Tangan, Indonesia Mengajar and Indonesia Menyala also consisted with their goals. Plummer (2000) said that per- sonal branding is used correctly with the creativity, planning and consistency. 8. GOOD WILL Personal branding assessment Anies Baswedan in goodwill at familiarity scale showed that respondents had less known about the goodwill of a Anies Baswedan. The goodwill of Anies Baswedan on personal branding through favorability scale was categorized as good image. Not much people who know about his goodwil, it because the action of him on education was not always expose by social media. Plummer (2000) stated that good Personal Branding could Giving interested action and clear ex- planation. Montoya (2008) stated that with a judgment or good image generated from personal branding, it will give a better re- sults and long lasting. Nowadays Indonesia Mengajar program had more than 9000 voluntiers, Turun Tangan program had more than 25000 voluntiers. Indonesia Mengajar Program recruiting fresh graduate to do teaching and leadership. They placed in aroud the nation to teach, educate, inspiring and became a liai- son of isollated population and city population. (Indonesia-, acessed on March 2016) The Turun Tangan Vol- unteer activity was aplied their knowledge to delevoping activicy on their society, like inspired, teaching, food oriented develop- ment, smoke counter (, accesed on January 2015). The voluntiers was known as a “Zero Rupiah Voluntiers” becouse they was not paid. That program and personal branding of Anis Baswedan made his image was more araise in public. (turun-, accesed on January 2015). CONCLUSION Based on the analysis performed in this study it can be con- 455 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS cluded that: 1. The study uses a model-familiarity scale of the majority of respondents (74,4%) claimed the personal branding of Anis Baswedan trough twitter and facebook account was less known. The study used a favorability scale state majority of respon- dents (76,25%) claimed that Anies Baswedan personal brand- ing through Facebook and a Twitter account into the category of a good image. The mean of grid analysis model Anis Baswedan Personal Branding are less kown and good image. That means personal branding image of anies baswedan was located on grid B. So Hypothesis Alternative (Ha) was accepted. In parsial, all of The Indicator of Anis Baswedan Personal Branding also located on Grid B. 2. Personal brand management for top level executives on social media an organized professional team job and an important part of social media efforts of the company to manage. Most of all respondent whose know about him and his program through twitter and facebook was like about him and his pro- gram. Its because the presentation of the self in media social is different. Mc Ewan and Mease agrue that facebook and other mass-mediated self-presentations of self to multiple au- dience (Sivek, 2014:2). Silvek also said that Profesionals in many fields seek to establish personal brands through social media to advance their careers (Sivek, 2014: 5). Thats why the respondent who knows about his personal and program through facebook and twitter was like about his personal branding. But unfortunately, not all respondents know about his personality. Anies Bawsedan of Personal Branding not maximizing at promote the program and the personality through Twitter and Facebook. Even though Facebook and Twitter is two of top ten social media (We Are Social, Januari 2015). REFERENCES Alipour, Hossein., Hazrati Jahan, Mehdi, and Somarin, Shahzad Jamaati-e- (2015). 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