A Comparative Analysis on the Strategy of Impression Manage-ment and Public Diplomacy of Two Indonesian Presidents at APEC CEO Summit JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS 473 INRI INGGRIT INDRAYANI inri.inggrit@peter.petra.ac.id Universitas Kristen Petra ABSTRACT This research aims to analyze speeches of the former Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and the current Indonesia President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the APEC CEO Summit. Jokowi gave his speech in Beijing, China in 2014, while SBY delivered his speech in Bali in 2013. Both speeches have con-structively examined as image management strategies to build an impression management at the APEC CEO Summit. APEC is one of crucial forum to build international relationships, draw the investment opportunities from various coun-tries and demonstrate their competencies as leaders. Therefore, it was important to analyze how both leaders presented themselves in front of the international public to build positive image and identity. This study used qualitative approach with content analysis as the method. This research incorporated taxonomy of Jones and Pittman which divided into five categories: Self-promotion, Ingratia-tion, Exemplification, Intimidation and Supplication. In regard to the data and related setting, this study had eliminated intimidation and supplication category. The findings showed that both SBY and Jokowi applied impression management in their public diplomacy in different ways. SBY applied self-promotion more frequently than Jokowi. SBY tended to display his image in formal and normative way as a systematic, charismatic and competent worldwide leader. Meanwhile, Jokowi displayed himself as a confident, straightforward and egalitarian as well as authoritative leader by using more aggressive, detailed and informal ways in order to gain foreign investment. Keywords: Impression Management, Public Diplomacy, President of The Repub- lic of Indonesia, APEC CEO Summit ABSTRAK Received 21 February 2016 Revised 13 March 2016 Accepted 17 April 2016 DOI: 10.18196/jgp.2016.0039 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pidato mantan Presiden Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) dan Presiden Indonesia saat ini Joko Widodo (Jokowi) di pertemuan puncak para CEO APEC. Jokowi menyampaikan pidatonya https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.2016.0039 474 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 di Beijing pada tahun 2014, sementara SBY menyampaikan pidatonya di Bali pada tahun 2013. Kedua pidato diteliti secara konstruktif sebagai manajemen strategi untuk membangun citra di pertemuan para CEO APEC. APEC merupakan forum penting untuk membangun hubungan internasional, menarik peluang investasi dari berbagai negara dan menunjukkan kompetensi mereka sebagai pemimpin. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk menganalisis bagaimana kedua pemimpin mempresentasikan diri di depan publik internasional untuk membangun citra dan identitas positif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi. Penelitian ini menggunakan taksonomi Jones dan Pittman yang dibagi menjadi lima kategori: “Self-promotion, Ingratiation, Ex- emplification, Intimidation dan Supplication”. Dalam hal data dan pengaturan, penelitian ini tidak menngunakan kategori ‘ intimidation dan supplication’. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa SBY dan Jokowi menerapkan diplomasi publik dengan cara yang berbeda. SBY cenderung lebih sering mempromosikan diri daripada Jokowi. SBY cenderung menampilkan dirinya dengan cara formal dan normatif sebagai pemimpin dunia yang sistematis, karismatik dan kompeten. Sementara itu, Jokowi mempresentasikan dirinya sebagai pemimpin yang percaya diri, tidak berbelit-belit, egaliter dan berwibawa dengan menggunakan cara-cara yang lebih agresif, rinci dan informal untuk menarik investasi asing. Kata kunci: manajemen citra, diplomasi publik, Presiden Republik Indonesia, pertemuan puncak para CEO APEC INTRODUCTION Impression management was conceived and developed by Erving Goffman in 1959 in his Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Impression management is closely related to a play, where the actor’s behavior shaped by environment and target audience. It focuses on people’s communicative behaviors to create desired images of their own. Goffman’s other objective is to provide a consistent message based on the actor’s intended goal. In sup- porting roles, actors, including political leaders would show their self-image that he will be able to lead the minds of others regard- ing these actors. Each leader would present self-image differently. Similarly, situation and public as the target of the message are diverse as well. This researcher conducted a comparative study regarding speeches, which were delivered by SBY and Jokowi, at the APEC CEO Summit. President Joko Widodo’s speech was delivered in Beijing, China in 2014. Meanwhile, the former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s speech was presented during the APEC meeting in Bali on October 1st to 8th, 2013. APEC or Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation is a cooperative effort of 21 countries with the aim of increasing free trade in the 475 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS Asia-Pacific region. APEC is an important forum and a strategic partnership in the world, its members should represent a gross domestic product of 19 trillion US dollars and covers 45 percent of world trade. In the last decade, the economic cooperation forum established as a dynamic economic region and contrib- uted to 70 percent of world growth. Indonesia has become one of the members of the 12 APEC member countries since APEC was founded in the year 1989 in Canberra, Australia. In the APEC CEO summit, the president of Republic of In- donesia got an opportunity to deliver his speech. On the occa- sion, the members might to build relationships, promote invest- ment opportunities and demonstrate their competence as lead- ers of a nation. Therefore, the president would create image management strategies to obtain positive perception and opin- ion as expected from other delegations. As a form of public di- plomacy, the president’s speech at the forum was considered sig- nificant to be observed. The question of this research study was SBY and Jokowi performed image-management strategy at the APEC CEO summit. Furthermore, Landtsheer, Vries & Vertessen (2008) explained that over the past decades, politics turned into perception poli- tics. This modernization of politics must be understood as a trend toward commercialization, globalization, and visual culture in which mass media—television in particular—and new media play an important role. This trend is responsible for turning politics into perception politics. Perception politics encouraged voters to shape intuitive impressions of political candidates based on cer- tain cues such as language style, appearance characteristics, and nonverbal-behavior instead of well-considered opinions based on arguments. Charisma, personality, style and the impression, which were shaped by the politicians to the public, seems to be a composi- tion for opinion construction. Through the modernization of media culture and the influence of globalization, and commer- cialization, language, personality and appearance of politicians 476 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 dominated the formation of perception. Based on the above ex- planation, the research question in this study is how did the im- age management perform in SBY’s and Jokowi’s public diplo- macy at the APEC CEO summit? THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC RELATIONS IN POLITICS Impression management is a process in which people affect their image of others (Rosenfeld, Giacalone, and Riordan, 1995). Impression Management cannot be separated from the study of dramaturgy. Furthermore, dramaturgy is widely known and used as another form of communication in everyday life. Action in dramaturgy would be explained as an unstable identity of hu- man. Human identity may be vary depending on the interaction with other people. In dramaturgy, social interaction is interpreted as a performance in a theater. Mulyana (2003, p.112) confirmed that the man is an actor who seeks to combine the personal characteristics and goals to others through “drama performances themselves”. In achieving these goals, according to the concept of dramaturgy, humans develop behaviors that support the role. The aim is to create a good impression on the opponent interaction and pave the way for achieving the goal. Furthermore, by managing the informa- tion that we give to others, we might be able to control the mean- ing of others towards ones. It tells others who ones are. Impression management focuses on the front stage and the back-stage (behind the stage) of an actor. The actors behave dif- ferently at the front and the back stage. A front stage is the mo- ment when the actors and the audience are being together. In contrast, the back stage is where the actors are behind the stage, with no viewer thus the actors can act freely without concerned about how he should perform. Dramaturgy basic premise is that “the meaning of actions can be seen from the way they express themselves in interactions with 477 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS others equally expressive”. Therefore, “meaning” is the product of human interaction; it defines the quality of “social behavior.” The adherents dramaturgy also confirmed that “a good human behavior and based on rhetoric; individual persuasive and influ- ential in mobilizing the behavior of others”. (Brisset & Edgley, 1990, p. 4). Furthermore, the main focus of dramaturgy is how people express themselves in building relationships with others, in regard to create meaning and influence. Although the impression management presents an idea of presenting the self, public relations (PR) has coined the term to describe the process of how they shape the public image. Allen and Cailouet (1994) argued that organizations, like individuals, are “actors” engaging in “performances” in various ‘settings’ be- fore ‘audiences’. Studying and understanding the impressions of PR companies are important since “these messages potentially build and shape public perceptions of legitimacy” (in Johansson, 2007, p. 278). Jones and Pittman identified five major categories of manage- ment behavior suggested that self-promotion, ingratiation, ex- emplification, intimidation and supplication. Self-promotion is when people demonstrate their ability to obtain recognition of their competence; Ingratiation, is when individuals use flattery or praise to gain a sense of attention and sympathy; Intimidate, explains a condition when people give an indication as having authority to impose penalties on the other; finally, the supplica- tion, describes an event when individuals show weakness or lack of them in order to acquire the attributes of a person in need of attention. PUBLIC DIPLOMACY AS INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICA- TION ACTIVITY Edmund Gullion of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplo- macy at Tufts University first applied the term public diplomacy as a process whereby international actors trying to achieve their foreign policy objectives by involving the public abroad. (Cull, 478 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 2008). Tuch (1990) defined public diplomacy as “the government’s efforts to form a communication environment abroad, to reduce misperceptions and misunderstandings that will complicate relations between nations.” Manheim (1994) explained the term “public diplomacy stra- tegic” as “a manifestation of style information management in a new international communication” In the academic world, pub- lic diplomacy strategic is a type of political communication that combines “the use of knowledge such as attitudes and prefer- ences structure, cultural trends, and the patterns of the media use to shape and set a target of messages in order to maximize the intended impact and minimize unwanted effects “(Manheim, 1994). Signitzer and Wamser (2006) pointed that public relations and public diplomacy are both “strategic communication func- tions of either organizations or nation-states, and typically deal with the reciprocal consequences a sponsor and its publics have upon each other.” They also highlight the differences between public diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, and media diplomacy. Public diplomacy consists of direct communication between the government and foreign public; cultural diplomacy relies on fa- vorable attitudes toward a nation’s culture to facilitate diplomatic relations; and media diplomacy utilizes news media channels to conduct open diplomacy. Public diplomacy and media diplomacy extend international communication beyond the realm of pro- fessional diplomats and other government officials to anyone with access to the Internet or global news media. According to Gregory (2008), public diplomacy conducted by states, state associations, and non - state actors to understand the culture, attitudes, and behaviors; build and manage relation- ships; and influence opinions and actions to advance the inter- ests and values. Public diplomacy conducted by political actors to understand the risks of policy, set the public agenda, influ- ence the discourse in civil society, and establishing agreements of a strategic nature. Currently, the concept of public diplomacy 479 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS is usually defined as “international actors attempt to manage the international environment through engagement with foreign public” (Cull, 2009). RESEARCH METHODS The method in this research was content analysis. Content analysis is a method that may be used with either qualitative or quantitative data. Furthermore, it may be used in an inductive or deductive way. Each way determines the purpose of the study. If there is not enough knowledge about the former phenomenon or if this knowledge is fragmented, the inductive approach is recommended (Lauri & Kyngas 2005). The categories are de- rived from the data in inductive content analysis. Qualitative content analysis examines the characteristics of language as communication with attention to the content or contextual meaning of the text. As a mixed methods, qualitative content analysis is conducted differently from quantitative con- tent analysis. The qualitative content analysis emphasizes the subjective interpretation of the content of the data through the systematic classification process of coding and identifying themes or approaches patterns. Thus, the researcher will examine ex- plicit communication and inferred communication to provide knowledge and understanding of the study. This study derived the elements of Impression Management theory by Jones and Pittman (in Bolino & Turnley, 1999). The theory has been applied because of the breadth of the theory. Moreover, the theory of Jones and Pittman also provides a more appropriate basis for developing the impression management measurement than the others as well as its focus on specific be- haviors. The variable of Impression management is divided into four following categories Self-promotion: 1. Make people aware of the accomplishments 2. Try to make a positive event that the actor is responsible for 480 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 Appear better than it actually is. 3. Try to take responsibility for positive events, even when the actor is not solely responsible 4. Try to make a negative event that the actor is responsible for Appear less severe than it actually is. 5. Display your diplomas and / or awards that you have received. 6. Let others know that you have a reputation for being compe- tent in a particular area. 7. Make public the actors talents or qualifications 8. Declare that the actor has other opportunities outside the actor’s current job 9. Talk about important people know that the actor 10. Try to distance the actor from negative events that the actor was a part of Ingratiation: 1. Praise people for Reviews their accomplishments 2. Do personal favors for people 3. Offer to do something for someone that the actor is not re- quired to do 4. Compliment people on their dress or appearance 5. Agree with a person’s major ideas or beliefs 6. Take an interest in a coworker’s or supervisor’s personal life 7. imitate others’ behavior or manner 8. Spend time listening to people personal problems even if you have little interest in them Exemplification: 1. Let others know how much hard / dreams the actor has (let others know how great an actor’s dream) 2. Try to act like a models of leader (trying to act as a model leader) Intimidation: 1. Speak in confidence 481 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS 2. Threaten the audience 3. Treat the audience just alike This research did not apply all variable measurements of Im- pression Management by Jones and Pittman in this study. Given the context of the research, the variable of intimidation was elimi- nated. In contrast, the qualitative content analysis methods brought other variables derived from existing data. In this study, another category was found and included in the examination. The category was communication style which was divided into two categories as follow: Gesture: 1. Informal 2. Procedural/formal Pattern of speech: 1. Structured 2. Unstructured FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS Based on a the transcript of Former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and President Jokowi’s speech at the APEC CEO TABLE 1 Sources: researcher’s data (2015) 482 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 summit, the findings on self-promotion category can be described in the following table.Table 1. Self-promotion Category in SBY’s and Jokowi’s speech. (see table) Table 1 shows that SBY had more seriously performed self- promotion than Jokowi. In their speeches, both were showing achievement, which had been gained during their position as state officers but portrayed in a different emphasis. In this case, Jokowi showed achievements in managing the issue of evictions in the past, when he was a Governor of DKI (Daerah Khusus Ibukota). As history noted, the problem of evictions was a com- plex issue because it involved the allocation of a number of people into certain area. One of Jokowi’s achievements was successfully held evictions without any demonstrations and anarchism. The following was Jokowi speech regarding the evictions issue, “I had experience with land acquisition, when I was a governor; we have a project of Jakarta Outer ring road. Started 15 years ago but is stop 8 years ago. Because we had a problem here, 1.5 kilometers unfinished. Because there are 143 families do not accept with the compensation price. So last year, I invite them, I go to the ground, and I invite them for lunch and dinner, 4 times. ah, this is me, I invite them and then we talk about the problem, 4 time, 4-time meeting and the problem is clear. And now, the toll road has been used a 7 month ago. “ In showing self-promotion, Jokowi also demonstrated his com- petency as a businessman. Thus, understand the ins and outs of business and investment. It was stated openly in his speech, “Because you know, I was a businessman, a year ago. So, this morn- ing I’m very happy because we can talk about business, about invest- ment with all of you. “ Jokowi’s statement also confirmed that he had a chance of success beside his capacity as the president of The Republic of Indonesia. As an entrepreneur, Jokowi convinced heads of state and CEOs at the APEC forum that he understood properly the 483 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS needs and attractiveness of investment opportunities. Therefore, in the following explanation, Jokowi’s speech was emphasizing more review of investment opportunities in Indonesia. Self-promotion of SBY had shown in different way. His self- promotion was emphasized on his existence as a senior politi- cian in the international political stage. As shown in his state- ment, “As a final point, Excellency, ladies and gentleman, also in my ca- pacity as the chief sales person of Indonesia incorporated, I invite you all to see the business and investment opportunities in Indone- sia.” SBY explicitly mentioned his self as the chief sales person or the leader of RI. SBY’s statement represented that he is a signifi- cant person and the responsible one for the development and progress of economic growth in Indonesia. Indonesian capacity in APEC in 2013 and 2014 were different. Indonesia was the host of APEC 2013, while at APEC 2014; Indonesia was one of participants at the meeting. As an entrepreneur as his previous occupation, Jokowi utilized the forum to show Indonesia’s pro- file for the sakes of national interests. Jokowi explained more detail regarding certain sectors as an opportunity for CEOs to stimulate investment. SBY, who also known as a military man, had a long immersed in Indonesian politics. He presented himself as the leader of the country and the Asia-Pacific regional leaders. SBY did not con- vey the vision and mission of the development as well as na- tional interests in detail. Instead, in his speech, SBY was more concerned on the future of APEC. As described in his speech: “Mackenzie predicted that Indonesia business opportunity will in- crease of up to 1.8 trillion US dollars in 2030. This opportunity ranges from consumers services, agriculture and fisheries, industry resources to education and infrastructure. We continue to create a better business and investment environment and addressing many of the challenges..... In the next 14 years, we are targeting to reach over 484 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 460 billion dollars of investment in 22 games integrated economic activity in each program. Reviews these include agriculture, mining, industry, energy, marine, tourism, and telecommunications. There- for the master plan overs a great deal of opportunities for interna- tional investors. “ From one of his speech, the President SBY mentioned a well- known investment institution -Mackenzie, which predicted the growth of business opportunities in Indonesia was approximately to US $ 1.8 billion in 2030. The statement was an assurance, verification and confirmation for SBY to build an image that under his leadership, Indonesia would become a country with a progressive economic growth. TABLE 2. INGRATIATION CATEGORY IN SBY’S AND JOKOWI’S SPEECH Sources: researcher’s data (2015) Based on the table 2, SBY did ingratiation in doing “praise people for their accomplishments, offer to do something that the actor is not required to do and offer ‘the future of us”. SBY’s ingratiation rep- resented that he wanted to attract public’s sympathy and close- ness in order to do persuasion easily. Robert Levine (2006, p.7) revealed that the psychology of persuasion emanates from three directions: the characteristics of the source, the mind-set of the targeted person, and the psychological context within which the communication takes place. SBY was known as a skillful leader, who considered public as 485 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS part of his image management strategy. The win-win solution was a strategy that is often offered by SBY in facing problems. APEC CEO summit was the appropriate meeting to show his image as a senior politician, who understood the challenges and the future of APEC. The following example shows SBY speech that ingratiation:, “At present APEC economics account for 54 percent of global gross domestic product and 44 percent of global treat. Which moreover inter-region trade has grown sevenfold since 1989 reaching over 11 trillion dollars in 2011. In the past 25 years, average tariff declined by APEC have closed to 70 percent. The cost of conducting business across borders decrease by two successive rounds of 5 percent tariff reduction, the resulting in nearly 59 billion US dollars of savings for business. all this shows that it combine with potential, APEC is in the ideal position to held the recovery of the global economic. “ “Indonesia will work with APEC leaders and all stakeholders, to advance these 3 priorities.” “I believe that if physical focus and improve institutional, and people to people connectivity will help integrate our region. Also it will fa- cilitate the flow of good services, capital and people of the Asia Pacific. Those we must work together to Strengthen connectivity through infrastructure development and the promotion of infrastruc- ture investment. “ Based on Ingratiation category, the researcher found that Jokowi did indicators of ingratiation that were “do personal favors for people, offer to do something that the actor is not required to do and deliver promises of services”. As detailed in the following: “Many investors, a lot of investors, when they come to me, almost of them, they always complain about land acquisition. I will push my Ministers, my Governor, my major, to help clearing this problem. “ “When I was a governor, we have a project of Jakarta Outer ring road. Started 15 years ago but is stop 8 years ago. Because we had a 486 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 problem here, 1.5 kilometers unfinished. Because there is 143 family do not accept with the compensation price. So last year, I invite them, I go to the ground, and I invite them for lunch and dinner, 4 times. ah, this is me, I invite them and then we talk about the prob- lem, 4 time, 4-time meeting and the problem is clear. And now, the toll road has been used a 7 month ago. “ “Now we talk business permit. We have national one-stop service, the national one-stop service office that can help you, that will serve you, that will facilitate you, that will give you, your business permit. For example, the principal business permit need 3 days to process” The ingratiation conducted by Jokowi strategically intended to attract interests of CEOs in order to do investments in Indo- nesia. As the current president of Indonesia, Jokowi personally guaranteed matters concerning land acquisition for infrastruc- ture development would be under control of his power. Jokowi also introduced his term diplomasi makan siang as his good will to solve problems related to land acquisition problem. At the end of his speech, ingratiation was done by giving a commitment that the Indonesian government would provide convenience in business permission for investors. He ensured that the super- structure was an important factor and priority for infrastructure development. TABLE 3. EXEMPLIFICATION CATEGORY IN SBY’S AND JOKOWI’S SPEECH Sources: researcher’s data (2015) The table 3 showed that both SBY and Jokowi intended to build an image as a leader, who had influence and authority as 487 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS well as future dreams for Indonesia. The following excerpts showed Jokowi’s statement to “let others know how much hard / dreams the actor has and try to act like a models of leader”, “We want to channel our fuel subsidy to the farmer, for seeds, for fertilizers, and also for irrigation. And we want to build the dams, 25 dams in 5 years, from our fuel subsidy, to maintain the water supply to the farming area. In 5 years, we want to build 24 seaports and deep seaports, as you know that we have 17,000 islands, so we need deep seaport and seaport. And this is your opportunity, 24 seaports and deep seaports. “ “I had experience with land acquisition, when I was a governor, we have a project of Jakarta Outer Ringroad. Started 15 years ago but is stop 8 years ago. Because we had a problem here, 1.5 kilometers unfinished. Because there is 143 family do not accept with the com- pensation price. So last year, I invite them, I go to the ground, and I invite them for lunch and dinner, 4 times. ah, this is me, I invite them and then we talk about the problem, 4 time, 4-time meeting and the problem is clear.” In his presentation at the APEC CEO forum, Diplomasi makan siang was Jokowi’s strategic term to get impression as an egalitar- ian leader, humanist and emphasized dialogue or two-way com- munication in solving problems. One of Jokowi’s achievements during his tenure as governor of DKI Jakarta was his ability to promote dialogue with the pub- lic to have mutual understanding between society and govern- ment. In the process of the dialogue, the government would understand a crucial point of issue from the public’s perspec- tive. Jokowi wanted to share that the public were invited to par- ticipate in the realization of the government program. It was the essence of democracy. This kind of the attitude was a truly leader represented in his speech at the APEC CEO summit. In the category of exemplification, SBY’s speech highlighted two important points. First was about the dominant review of 488 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 APEC in SBY’s speech to impress CEO’s that SBY was a leader who understand and had control on the root of APEC prob- lems. SBY presented himself as one of the leaders in the Asia Pacific region. Futhermore, It was not excessive when he had big dreams for the community of APEC countries. It was to assert his debut regionally and even internationally. Here were excerpts of his speech, “First and for most we all need to do our part to prevent protectionist policies and continue....We must Also Ensure that our trade rela- tions are not only strong but balanced also. Second, we need to Inten- sify effort to stimulate investment within our region, so as...... There is tremendous opportunity for this as we are experiencing a rapid growth of the middle class. Third, we need to develop more and bet- ter infrastructure as an essential element of our connectivity......We have to make it Easier, cheaper and faster.....We welcome public- private partnership to develop needed infrastructure. Fourth, to en- sure growth with equity, we must embrace the SME’s that form the backbone of all our economies. Fifth, we must work together to En- sure the financial stability which is an absolute requisite for sustain- able all economic activities, Including treat and investment. “ “...... Also in my capacity as the chief sales person of Indonesia incor- porated, I invite you all to see the business and investment opportu- nities in Indonesia.” At the end of his speech, the president SBY referred himself as the chief sales person of Indonesia incorporated. The labeling was his image management strategy to demonstrate his great role in Indonesia. That was SBY, the person who had a big responsi- bility to bring Indonesia into the sustainable growth, economic development and democratization. It was the same position as the other CEO’s had in their companies, to promote develop- ment on their business. Communication style was drawn from the data found by the researchers that the two leaders had different communication 489 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS styles. In the APEC CEO forum, Jokowi was the only leader of APEC’s members that made a presentation with slides and with- out using text. That style was attractive for the public. English pronunciation used by Jokowi tended to be informal and not standardized for international speech. Even acquiring criticisms from Indonesians because the speech did not meet the high stan- dards of international meetings, Jokowi communication style gave the impression since it was straight to the points, clear and not more ramble. The following is Jokowi’s opening speech: “Ladies and gentleman, all CEOs, good morning. First on behalf of Indonesian government and the people of Indonesia, I would like to thank you for your coming to my presentation. Today, I’m happy, very happy. I’m, to be among with you”. Unlike Jokowi’s speech at the APEC CEO summit in Beijing, communication style and language chosen by SBY were too for- mal, procedural and represented his image as a political elite. The following excerpt opening speech SBY, “Your Excellency, the minister of APEC economy, adorable governor of Bali. Distinguished CEO from the Asian Pacific region and other parts of the globe, ladies and gentleman. I am pleased to welcome you to Indonesia and I trust that all of you are enjoying the island of Bali, the which is Also known as the island of the Gods. It is indeed a great honor for me to address this APEC CEO Summit. And I am TABLE 4. COMMUNICATION STYLE CATEGORY IN SBY’S AND JOKOWI’S SPEECH Sources: researcher’s data (2015) 490 Vol. 7 No. 3 August 2016 pleased to see such participation used by the richer and world corpo- rate community here today. Also I wish to thank my fellow APEC leaders, many of Whom Also would have the honor to speak to this forum “ SBY’s communication style was more commonly known as high-context culture, using symbols that implied serious, formal, structured and systematically. SBY’s communication style was inversely with Jokowi’s. On the one hand, SBY was highly dis- playing his image of influential, careful and charismatic but the other hand, SBY’s speech tended to please and satisfy many par- ties. He tended to avoid conflict and arguments as well as pro- vide a cover for bad events. CONCLUSION Based on the data, the impression management of SBY was emphasized on his self-promotion and ingratiation. In the APEC CEO forum, SBY tended to display his image as a worldwide leader, systematic, charismatic and competent person. SBY’s impression management in his public diplomacy was conducted in normative and formal way rather than being persuasive and proactive to attract investment for Indonesia. In the era of SBY’s leadership, political imagery was a crucial to gain public atten- tion and sympathy. As a politician, SBY was known as a profi- cient person in formulating political imagery. The focus of SBY’s speech was dominated by the dynamics of APEC than the aspects of national opportunity and growth. The finding was explained in two reasons. First, it was related to the position of Indonesia in 2013 as the host of APEC summit. Thus that impression management was intended to build his image as a good host for all of CEO’s. Second, the exposure speech of SBY about Indonesia was described in short and abstract infor- mation. The speech was constructed to build Indonesia’s image as a stable and progressive country both in politics and econom- ics. 491 JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS Speech delivered by Jokowi throughout a slide presentation and with no text, Jokowi was considered a confident, a straight- forward, an egalitarian and an authoritative leader. The impres- sion management of his public diplomacy was conducted in an aggressive, detailed, and informal to gain investment. Jokowi acted such as a truly marketing who introduced a product rather than presidential performance. This kind of impression management style probably would win the hearts and minds of foreign inves- tors further emerging engagement of the public. The impression management as a part of management process which is orga- nized by a political actor through purposeful communication and action, seeks to influence and to establish, build, and main- tain beneficial relationships and reputations with its key publics. All of the action is to support its mission and achieve its goals (Strömbäck & Kiousis, 2011, p. 8). With regard to the main objective of the public diplomacy which was to influence policy and public opinion abroad for the national interest, Jokowi’s impression management was more promoted to achieve attention and awareness of public than SBY’s. In international context, speech would be easily interpreted by foreign audience if delivered and encoded directly, concretely and simple. Those ways are useful to gain mutual understand- ing, mutual trust and mutual benefit between the Indonesian government and the CEO’s at APEC summit. REFERENCES Landtsheer. C, Vries, P. De & Vertessen, D. (2008). 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