Layout Desember 2008 life was combined of mutual elements between business and power. The Chinese ways of business are largely deter- mined by how regime treated them. As a result, Chinese ethnic turned into the aims of anger. This tradition contin- ued when the transition from Japan to the revolutionaries in the earlier days of independence, from the Old Order to the New Order, and from New Order to Reformation Era (see Dieleman, et al, 2011: 3-4). Why could it occur? For one assumption that Chinese business character was abso- lutely determined by the regime to put them on itself. Power was figured out their position because during this prior Chinese had been a passive actor in the world of power. Copell (1976: 12) distinctly said that the political charac- ter of the Chinese business before reformation era is the capitalist pattern. As they become part of the typical politi- cal life without entering into a formal electoral politics. They became paymaster electoral political interests to gain access to compensation in larger businesses. Then the interesting question is whether if the formal political setting has shifted? Hence, the focus of this article is on how politics Chinese businesses are actually run after the faucet of democracy opened and ethnic discrimination formally removed. When the reforms emerged, many of them are indeed included in formal politics (party and electoration), but the decisive point is that they are just continuing the tradition of business Chinese style. Is it true that the political changes also shift their business model? Ibrahim Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Bangka Belitung Email; The Business Politics of Chinese Ethnic in Bangka Belitung on Post New Order Era ABSTRACT Since the reformation era, Chinese ethnic are in dis- tinctive situation near to all line. Before New Order Era, Chinese ethnic was accustomed to business sector. On post New Order Era, that ethnic have dawned on the same importance position within all aspect of life. However, in business sector, Chinese have been around maintenance character with wide variety. Whether the previous pattern of capitalists evolved into the main feature, this situation has been penetrative on post new order era. The article aims to outline the Chinese business politics in Bangka Belitung on post New Order Era. Using the qualita- tive methods with elite approaches, this article found that there was a political expansion of Chinese busi- nesses in Bangka Belitung when New Order Era expired. The expansion of collusion through elite and politicians, the reinforcement of identity and acces- sory networking, the more disguised expansion of new business units, and decentralized business net- working are the dependent character of Chinese business political practices, nowadays. KEYWORDS: Politics, Business, Etnhic Chinese INTRODUCTION Ethnic Chinese was accustomed to stigma of businessman for prolonged time. Besides the various achievements in business, Chinese is occasionally associated with negative presumption in business. The specified characteristics are attached to them. The enduring history of Chinese 156 Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ How far then change it shifted? By adapting from locus of Bangka Belitung Islands where ethnic Chinese plugging its long history, this article wants to discuss the business style of Chinese politics post- New Order; the transition scope, but it is actually a continuation of the previous period. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Chinese played the largest role in the economic life of the countries in Southeast Asia. Reid (2011: 33) and Wilmot (1960: 16-17) said that it is some- thing which is uncontested that the people of China since the beginning has brought the spirit of capitalism, global economy, and industrial-scale production techniques in Southeast Asia. It had been essential since the beginning triggered by the influx of workers such as those in Malaya, Bangka, and West Kalimantan. The relation between Chinese and economy is obviously influenced by the main reason their migration from ancestral lands, especially in economic reasons. Gie (1992: 6) said that hardly ever for military reasons, politics, or religion is the cause that led the Chinese people to migrate. The desire of attempting their luck is their main mo- tive. For Suryadinata (1995: 5-8), there is a kind of ethnic networks attached to the business system of the Chinese people in Southeast Asia and has a close relationship with business in China indicated by the phenomenon of almost all major Chinese businessmen in Southeast Asia has investments in country of origin of their parent (compare with Widiyanta, 2010: 13). However, there are various developed perspec- tives considered of political life of Chinese’s busi- ness. Dieleman (2011: 202-206) noted that there are at least four perspective related to the ethnic Chinese business networks. The First identified that the Chinese business- men are trusted to prefer to involve people of Chinese origin the same area in China. This argument sees that cultural ties become an impor- tant factor. Chinese business networks often termed Quanxi meaningful connections and refered to the individual relationship. The develop- ing base is a common experience, such as place of birth, school, clan, family names, and so forth. TABLE 1: CHINESE BUSINESS POLITICS BY DIELEMEN The second identified by Dieleman see that Chinese business is further developed on the basis of crony network. This argument sees that the Chinese has built their business life by establishing collusion with the authorities that will assist them in providing the resources and protection. Some areas in Indonesia by Dieleman reflect this situa- tion, as well as significantly occurred during the build Suharto cronies with varied Chinese entre- preneurs. The third view to see that the ethnic Chinese business networks build with the concept of social capital, which refers to the ability of employers to take advantage of networking as a source of busi- ness. Mutual-trust system is the key in this perspec- tive which can occur in families, communities, networks of political, ethnic networks, or the public at large. The Business Politics of Chinese Ethnic in Bangka Belitung on Post New Order Era / IBRAHIM 157 Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ The Fourth landscaped by Dieleman deeply see Chinese business building in relation to aspects of time and consideration of strategies developed networks. This view sees that the business has grown in accordance with the environment and guanxi or networking is something that is not important. Meanwhile, Cheung (2004: 675-679) saw nearly link between affinity networks as part of social capital. The concept of social capital in the context of ethnic Chinese business networking refers to the utilization of group affiliation. The powerful ethnic identities developed into a major social capital even then on each other’s identity and are sometimes double. Moreover, according to Cheung, ethnic conflicts are motive for the strengthening of ethnic solidarity. Other identify- ing factors that influence according to Cheung is language as reinforcing relationships, societies are becoming container, and Confucianism to underlie the value in networks connection. This network is well-known in the literature by the term Kwangsi; kongsi (Hakka dialect); or kung- sze (Hokkien). This network is difficult to define, but there is a tendency that the partnership be- came a sort of unofficial institutions for the Chi- nese immigrants. Kongsi is described as a partner- ship or association. On a broader level, a secret society organizations are also referred to as a joint venture. The aim of the partnership is essentially to protect the economic interests of the group (Peng, 1994: 1-4) BEng (2001: 224) uses the term Zhonghua Jingji Quan or ‘Chinese Economic Circle’ to describe the situation of Chinese business networks. Understanding the political behavior of Chinese business certainly need to understand the changing political context has shifted. The shift not only hit the limits of time, but also the limits of change is too complicated and complex. Ethnic Chinese Bangka Belitung, which became the locus of this study, shows an unusual phenomenon in the political world, especially among ethnic Chinese offense with power. Within a prolonged time, the ethnic Chinese in this area are particularly an actor in the field of economics. The history of their arrival to the islands also is the history of tin and practical trade deliver them into the main part of economic activity. Their involvement in the political world has almost turned into taboo stuff, except perhaps the baron practices generally implicated in New Order Indonesia. Cukong own pattern according Coppel (1976: 12) is the penetra- tion of Chinese businessmen to power through control of the economy. Reform era in 1998 have included a transition debates which then deliver equality ethnic Chinese entry in a new situation. As said Reid (2009: 294) that the reform transition into the worst moment for the Chinese people because they become victims of the protesters, but also at the same time be the best moment because it opens later this faucet for ethnic freedom. Can not be denied that the national political climate which then seeps into the local level was the one which affects the in- crease in political participation at various levels of ethnic Chinese. This is a major political opportu- nity that opened the door for a new movement in the political world of Chinese business. Although the time was preceded by several smaller political phenomenon previously, the election of Cung Ban Hok or Ahok as Regent of East Belitung in 2005 seems to be the barometer of Chinese involvement in the electoral world The Business Politics of Chinese Ethnic in Bangka Belitung on Post New Order Era / IBRAHIM 158 Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ after the New Order. Even studies La Ode (2012) mentions that the Chinese political phenomenon in Pontianak also affected psychologically by Ahok phenomenon. When Ahok was runner-up in the election of Governor of Bangka Belitung 18 months after he became regent, the optimism of the Chinese elite look higher. In Bangka Election 2008, Rudianto Tjen also a runner-up. As in Pilwako Louth in the same year also drove Fifi Lety as runner up. At the same Pilwako, candidates from other ethnic Chinese who are also contest- ing. More interestingly, when the legislative elec- tions took place in 2009, the candidate of the ethnic Chinese also get an interesting position. 7 of parliament and the Pacific Islands to the center, 4 of which are ethnic Chinese. In the local legisla- ture, quite many Chinese politicians are elected and become a kind of new political force in the various moments of elector. In 2010, Basuri Tjahaya Purnama or Wanyiu or Cung Ban Yiu or Yuyu back stomping with Ahok successor was elected regent in East Belitung. In Pilwako Louth in 2013, two Chinese candidates also joined the race. Interesting then to examine how the political dynamics at the local Chinese business precisely when the context changes have occurred. RESEARCH METHODS The study used a qualitative design. Qualitative studies further emphasize the concept of ‘experi- ence’ as stated by Chadwick, et al (1991: 234) as the best way to understand social behavior. The ap- proach used in this study is the elite approach. According to Charity & Winarno (1987: 185), the elite approach focusing on the analysis of certain groups in the political system. Relevant because the elite approach departs from the fact that elitlah who holds a crucial role in a wide range of issues. Chinese elite in this case is understood as a model for the Chinese community because of their character that tends to ‘determine’. The emphasis lies on Chinese actors who create, plan, deliver, and decided (see Charity & Winarno, 1987: 201- 202). Refers to Moyser & Wagstaffe (1987: 14) there are three ways to determine informants in the study of the elite, which is positional, reputational, and delusional. Trace of how to determine the elite, then first used positional manner, namely by looking at the formal position of ethnic Chinese political leaders, including the position and its position in the party. The next way is the way reputational seen by observation and search figures and recommendations based on the track record of many parties. How this is done also by combining the opinions of the elite who have been identified at the level of positional and input from various informants in the field. The third way is by desisional that identifies the elite based on their effects on society. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 1. ‘BUSINESSMAN CLIENTS’ In the middle of the heyday of the New Order, Macintyre (1990: 244-245) has been said that politics and business in Indonesia are two things that are fused. The process of policy formulation by Macintyre involve bargaining process between state and social actors. Related to this, Iskandar (1991: 265) uses the term to describe how the client entrepreneur entrepreneurs doing business with a strong dependence on the nature of the ruler. More than a decade of reform passed, the business and political relations has not changed The Business Politics of Chinese Ethnic in Bangka Belitung on Post New Order Era / IBRAHIM 159 Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ fundamentally format. The expansion would occur. At least this is what happens in the business world that is run by the majority of the Chinese elite in the Pacific Islands. The businessmen were deeply involved in issues of policy formulation, even at the level of which can still be referred to as ‘political investment’. ‘Investment politics’ understood as a way to invest financially in order to get different types of rewards later on. The term ‘investment’ itself became familiar at the local level and it seems appropriate to describe the mutualistic relationship between employers and authorities. On the one hand, decentralization climate had an impact on the form of generous authorities on local authorities into a situation that is conducive to the investment model invisible. Head area and or other local politicians have space greater author- ity to take measures which can be beneficial. While on the other hand, changes in the format of the local elections and legislators are also costly. Sup- port of entrepreneurs is a way to get the cost of the campaign. The situation is becoming commonplace in the era of electoral now. At the same time, businesses need formal support through lines of juridical and political to carry out their business activities. Path ‘investment’ then becomes very prevalent taken. The dailly activities of BSN are printing business owners in this province, which has now expanded its business into the world of parking and hospital- ity world feel the need to ‘good friends’ with rulers. As a businessman, he needs political support for extensive business interests. How that is done for example, is to provide financial support to the politician who served as head of the region during the campaign. Even in a chance interview he admitted that he was not interested in entering the world of politics, but in fact he leads his own political path. BSN also lent one of his shop to be the secretariat of one of the major political parties (Interview BSN, 10 April 2012; HS-2, 10 April 2012 & 11 April 2012). According to the HS-2 “BSN is actually no formal politics, but in fact he won political work”. Political work is certainly related to efforts to maintain and expand their business networks. Yet, according to HS, BSN actually still provide ‘invest- ment’ in the candidates came. In principle, BSN is not fixated on the figure, but spread to other candidates according to political developments. Interestingly, BSN also uses extensive relation- ships with various elements of the authorities. In a chance interview, BSN admitted that he was good friends with legal officials, local and national. Friendship is thought well, just for the relation- ship. However HS who had been struggling with a lot of concerned acknowledge that BSN actually utilize the apparatus to secure the networking business networking. Employers clients more evident acted by those who do business lead. Tin mining folk into some- thing illegal in the period before the reform. Through Kepmenperindag No. 558 / MPP / Kep / 12/1998 on general provisions in the export sector are not set lead as one of the country’s strategic commodities, followed by Regulation No. 6 in 2001 which stipulates that local mining should be done in a manner that is decided by the local government, mining becomes legal. Tin business- men involved, not to attempt direct exploitation, but rather on trade. However, the exploitation of offshore tin, tin Chinese entrepreneurs involved from exploration, exploitation, smelting, to inter- state commerce. The Business Politics of Chinese Ethnic in Bangka Belitung on Post New Order Era / IBRAHIM 160 Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ In the world of tin in Bangka Belitung, TM name is the name that should not be overlooked. TM that does not have roots in the province of business at first foray into local business when he became one of the gubernatorial candidate donors in 2007 (ZA Interview, April 16, 2012). Backed candidates were then selected. Gait TM begins from here. When the tin ore ban imposed strict rules and appear in the world export of tin bars unbranded, TM began to play a strong role. The role is mani- fested in the form of tin ingot export controls under the control of TM. TM uses a network of law enforcement officials to control the network tin. As a result, TM earn Rp. 8,500 for each kilogram tin bars are successful in exports (ZA Interview, April 16, 2012.). TM also engages in the exploitation of tin through suction dredges operating in offshore waters. IA which is an academic, is involved in the process of EIA study some suction dredges TM’s in Belitung Island waters. Bangka Island itself, as manifested by HF who had worked at some smelt- ers, TM has had at least five smelters, which among others called PT. IT, CV. SL, CV. SK, and PT. BMS (HF Interview, April 16, 2012; Jk, April 16, 2012). Interesting case is the involvement of TM to assistant and escort some cases associated with tin business involving Chinese businessmen. TM for example, involved in helping to resolve cases involving BKG in the South Pacific (Interview MR, April 17, 2012). TM is also involved in several cases involving Tmrn which is also a major employer tin (Interview Jk, April 16, 2012). Later, TM becomes the owner of PT. Kobatin. The same mode is used, ie, involving law enforcement officials as one of the leaders in the company that he had (Interview HF, July 4, 2012). TM is magic. He is like being a traffic control exports of tin and good at playing the role of high- level politics, as said by HF (HF Interview, April 16, 2012). “TM apply per kilogram tin tribute system smuggled. He is like a ruler ocean. Arrange deliv- ery layered system. Through her safe, if not, he would make sure the coordinates of where you will be arrested “. This confirms that the TM, with the power of ‘relationship’ that he has able to do a variety of things (Interview JM, June 12, 2012). In this situa- tion, TM expanded, which is not a client of the ruler, but metamorphosed into the ruler at the top of the ruler. Has strength allows businesses to run smoothly. Grip TM entered in situations very micro to the macro level; from the central to the local. Another TM also other political style tin local entrepreneurs. Although TM can be called as a gatekeeper for all issues relating to the tin business, but some local businessmen from the Chinese tin to resort to ‘investment’ or ‘play it safe’. Collusion with the local authorities then executed in various ways. Realizing that the political world is a mysterious world, the Chinese businessmen to take the same way when dealing with local politicians who are competing in local elections. Tmrn example, an entrepreneur division lead in a district chooses to provide ‘investment’ politics to anyone who comes asking. ‘Tajur’1 mounted anywhere. Not surpris- ingly, according to the narrative Jk (Interview Jk, April 16, 2012), every Eid Kong Ngian, officials will always arrive. Local officials, regional head, police The Business Politics of Chinese Ethnic in Bangka Belitung on Post New Order Era / IBRAHIM 161 Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ officials, and the various elements will visit. Accord- ing Jk, it became evident that he builds relation- ships with all parties to the wider interests. Jk are daily becoming one of the trust Tmrn say that anyone who comes officials requested funding, then Tmrn will provide. In principle, it requires political support for business interests. BU (BU interview, 10 April 2012) which was a youth leader in the District LB said that Tmrn have a PC (Caterpillar Production)2 in the District LB. These PCs already have their own sign. If there are forces that will be raided, they already know which belongs Tmrn and what is not. This situation illustrates the control and treatment of ‘relationship’ between Tmrn with the local au- thorities. In addition to the world of business in the tin, Tmrn also has businesses in plantations, namely oil. He did not even hesitate to give loans to local governments in the form of a modern market development in Koba. Relations with local authori- ties became increasingly widespread and increas- ingly helping to develop its business. Such a situation also described by MR (MR Interview, April 17, 2012) which is a youth activist in South Bangka Regency. BKG, an owner of suction dredges have a ‘special relationship’ with the policy makers. In every celebration of the head region, BKG will install ‘tajur’ on all candidates. Whoever wins, BKG hoping to benefit. No won- der, he will give financial support to almost all candidates. BKG, according to MR also has a close circle with the officials of law and established partner with TM. In a case of tin his arrest, BKG rescued by TM circle so that it was tried was the guards and the staff of his. It not only shows the octopus TM, but also shows a tradition within the security apparatus that security can actually be bought and controlled based on the needs. In a different case, the Chinese business net- works are also not experienced many shifts. In Bangka, senior businessmen, Rd, which has served as a member of Parliament from group representa- tives, have a strong relationship with the authori- ties. He was safe to do business through a relation- ship that is built up long with the local authorities. The same thing happened in the case of YN, which is entrenched as a political party officials, but never became a member of the board. He is always in the position of treasurer and more like a ‘king-maker’ in decision-making. Not surprisingly, some of the heads of regional and diligent legal officials ‘rela- tionship’ to YN. Its business also octopus in con- struction and is currently largely controlled by the child, BP (Interview FI, April 11, 2012). BP itself according MI (MI interview, 16 April 2012 & 17 April 2012) is a political party officials, but as treasurer. He runs his business by relying on a broad relationship of the father and then impro- vised by joining a political party. Apparently, entered the circle of party management is a way to continue to maintain and expand the reach of the business. In fact, MI, which is able to speak Manda- rin admitted that he had attended a meeting in the temple to discuss support the gubernatorial election of 2007. The conclusion of the meeting was an appeal to all members to provide financial support to all candidates based on the proximity of each. To control the power, some businesses also establish an emotional relationship with the authorities. AN, owner of the largest hotels in the Pacific Islands which also has a suction dredges The Business Politics of Chinese Ethnic in Bangka Belitung on Post New Order Era / IBRAHIM 162 Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ even give gifts home to two regional head in one of its elite residential area (ZA Interview, April 16, 2012). 2. ‘ALI-BABA’ The term of ‘Ali-Baba’ is actually popular for a long time to describe the working relationship between indigenous people with Chinese business- men. Ali considered to represent the natives, while Baba was considered as a symbol of Chinese busi- nessmen complete with the images associated with it. Jargon of Ali-Baba is very popular in the early days of independence until the beginning of the New Order. During the New Order, the term baron is more popular to describe the Chinese businessmen to establish collusion with the authori- ties. Ali-Baba actualization may experience the difference term between one region and another, but its meaning is not shifted. The working rela- tionship between natives employed by a Chinese businessman who limping like relationship Helper is more appropriately used to understand the term ‘Ali-Baba. Ali understood as executor, while Baba as a controller. The negative stigma attached to the pursuit of the Chinese business people making them difficult to be accepted in depth by everyday milieu. In business, the Chinese also adhere by stereotypes of foreigners so that the level of penetration in the local life is relatively more difficult. Not surpris- ingly, they are then more skillfully uses local hands to carry out its business activities. Used in ways that are quite common, for example, using local powers as executor, while their capital holders and counter gains. Another way is to use the power of thugs for the sake of securing their business. If in the New Order they generally use proxim- ity with the authorities and the military to protect their business, during the post-New Order, a pattern which is used to shift to the ways in which more soft. The use of civilian personnel used to a certain extent, but is more often used is to put the people of intellect and the perkeliruan3 as front line. The pattern remains the same, which is to make the local population to deal with their neighbors. Patterns for not directly dealing with the common masses used by Chinese businessmen. Experience dealing with riots seems to give a lesson to make the hands of the local as a bastion of security leading to business interests. In business tin for example, on some level they are using network security personnel at central and local levels to secure their business networks. But they also use the hands of local pressure groups to secure the business world tin. JM is a person who is known as a pressure group that is considered ‘instrumental’ in bringing into the province of Bangka Belitung Island. Through the Youth Council of the Pacific Islands, JM pledged themselves as fighters province and to- gether with the other elements is actively involved in efforts to fight the establishment of the prov- ince. When the province was formed, JM become very superpower with a network of youth circles as a pioneer establishment of the province. Capacity across the organization make it serve as a shield in business security efforts. JM is typical of people who frontal, but full of arguments. He chose frontal ways to argue and be a driving force in the mass demonstration activities involving tin case. Not surprisingly, he was languishing in jail, accused of being a provocateur (see Sofyan, 2009: 228-274). Out of prison, JM instead continue to be The Business Politics of Chinese Ethnic in Bangka Belitung on Post New Order Era / IBRAHIM 163 Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ utilized to become the frontline in business security efforts. JM was appointed as director of the consor- tium lead smelting plant that is a combination of tin smelters unbranded manufacturers that until now the regulations are still overlapping. JM also sent to attend various activities that make the formal and non-formal issue of tin as a central theme of discussion. JM can be used as a pressure group. Not surprisingly, he enjoyed a large salary as director of the consortium and have access to various business units tin. JM appeared openly to challenge the various movements that tried to block the mining activities of the people. In addition, many businesses are using the suction vessel strength as the intermediary. Busi- ness sale suction dredges and mine site became part which is generally taken care of by JM. JM also face the mob who tried to disrupt the business ‘boss’. Karate black belt with this chic style may seem haunted. In addition to frontal in attitude, he also dared to stand in the forefront when dealing with the masses. In a chance interview, JM is negotiat- ing to bring investors a suction dredges with a child’s local political authorities. JM phenomenon seems also sold in Belitung Island. JM also be hands in front of the lead company in this island as one of the commissioners (Interview with IM, July 19, 2012; Sai, July 20, 2012). Utilization of influential people such as is done by the employer on the island of Belitung. PA (Interview PA, July 20, 2012) says that in one of the island’s suction dredges, Kadus Market influential serve as Kep (Captain) in the suction vessel operat- ing companies. Market Kadus capacity as commu- nity leaders enabled to dampen the impact of shocks resistance. Sai also said information that is not much different (Interview Sai, July 20, 2012). In PT. TU, PT. Cor, and PT. SBM, local hands is also used as the front row. According to Sai, it is common in East Belitung, which utilizes local people in strate- gic positions such as foreman, public relations, or the leader of a terrace with a big payday. Of course, they serve as a tool to carry out business activities, while the capital and the main advantage is re- tained by the business. Not much different in the case of tin, in the world of Chinese entrepreneurs plantations also use local hands to secure their business networks. APN, an owner of oil which covers more than 1000 ha, using RS hands as commissioner (Inter- view BS, April 14, 2012). Placement as a commis- sioner is chosen to show the difference between Ali and Baba position. RS, as a former officer with a very broad relationship then appear in a variety of opportunities to negotiate with people related to various disputes. RS also appear in the media to be a sort of spokesman for the company. However, the commissioner would be regulated and con- trolled by Baba, the owners of capital. Hiring locally as commissioner was also under- taken by ZA (Interview, April 16, 2012). ZA is a person close to the ruler and a retired civil servant who has a lot of relationships with various circles. This capacity is used by one of the owners of the Chinese smelters to appoint a commissioner. He enjoyed huge salary from the smelter company without any capital investment. Its capital is indig- enous, relationships, negotiator, or at a more modest limits: as a native symbol. TM alone has some smelters employ local people as executor. TM for example utilizing Sndy which acts as a ‘local entrepreneurs’ created by the owners of capital (Interview MR, April 17, 2012). The Business Politics of Chinese Ethnic in Bangka Belitung on Post New Order Era / IBRAHIM 164 Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ TJ is another name that is used as a right hand to the Chinese business (Interview MI, May 22, 2012). Mutualism scheme and not much different from the period before the reform, namely the use of local personnel to secure their business networks and show the public that the business units they actually belong together. At the same time, the local arm also benefit financially and political prestige. Be compounds between Ali and Baba is durable compound. HS-2 has assistant various cases can be catego- rized as a pressure group. Moreover he com- manded a non-state organization, he also has extensive relationships erroneous in the world. No wonder it is often used as a shield for securing certain Chinese elite business networking, both to deal with the pressure and to negotiate in order to ascertaining the program (Interview HS-2, 10 April 2012 & 11 April 2012). As a consequence, the HS-2 is often called upon to be given money. HS-2 recognizes that he en- joyed such a situation. When he needed the money was, he did not trouble because normally would have helped. Later connect HS HS-2-one with one of the regents for the benefit of a plantation project with partners from abroad Hlm (LF Inter- view, June 12, 2012). Ways so it is commonly taken to ultimately protect the interests and business expansion. The same is recognized by the MI (Interview, April 16, 2012, 17 April, 2012, and May 22, 2012). MI is activist organizations that crisscrossed the social and political world. Capacity as an activist makes it is often used as an instrument of oppres- sion. He is familiar with the various erroneous groups so he has a strong bargaining power with various other pressure groups. In a chance interview, MI said that he was often used as a shield by a Chinese businessman if there are pressure groups that want to squeeze them. He usually will contact if there is a problem. No wonder, he can enter into the world of Chinese businessmen, including for example serve as a negotiator for various projects. Usually he would get a fee of a few percent of successful projects his lobby. Nevertheless, fixed capital owned by Chi- nese businessmen. According to MI, very easy to get out of their capital if a project is considered promising. Expansion occurs protection instru- ments. If the first Chinese military makes a protec- tor element, now that the military no longer have extensive root authority in the civilian world, protection is transferred to the pressure groups. Shift only occurs at the organ level, not at the level of the destination. On a smaller scale, the relation of Ali-Baba still reflected. In education it is also felt. FI who be- came headmaster at a Chinese educational institu- tions in Bangka Island recognizes that the relation- ship between Chinese affairs and indigenous indeed is still lame. The changes will occur after the envisaged reforms still need to overly slow walk. School where he build his career as a teacher in a very long time shows that Ali and Baba re- main stable. As spoken by FI (FI Interview, April 11, 2012; ZA, April 16, 2012): “In this school, the school head can be changed. Teachers could have been dominated by the natives. But if it comes to money, nothing will change. Financial management matters are kept separate and foundations controlled by Chinese officials remain untouched. In principle, you are working, we are holding the money remains. No term share of work if The Business Politics of Chinese Ethnic in Bangka Belitung on Post New Order Era / IBRAHIM 165 Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ it’s financial affairs. Until now there is no change “. Utilization of local networks, both serve as a protector, a negotiator, as well as the actual symbol into a special character of Chinese businessmen in Southeast Asia (Interview MI, 16 April 2012 & 17 April 2012). In the end, as stated by HMZ (Interview, April 14, 2012) that is still the King of China Power Indonesia (RCTI). Ali remains as executor; as a shield; as a pressure group, but Baba remains as equity holders; real ruler; and connoisseurs of more profit. 3. ‘MONEY MACHINE-WASHING MACHINE’ Study Chang-Yau (2010: 52) exciting to be part of this opening. Chang-yau find three main moti- vation of Chinese businessmen involved in various organizations and charities. Motivation it is (1) improving the social status by Chang-Yau referred to as buying face, (2) fills the spaces religiosity called express confidence, and (3) remove the guilt over their various business activities are carried out by Chang-Yau called to seek remission. The situation in the Bangka Belitung to show signs that are not much different. Chinese busi- nessmen, in addition to using local hands as a symbol to show their business insklusivity, also designed the agenda to hide and secure their business networks. In the world of tin, most notice- ably the network as a means of camouflage is the development of a plantation program called Bangka Botanical Garden. This area is a pilot project designed plantation as a place of learning and recreation. ‘Machine money-washer’, thus described by MI (Interview, 16 April 2012 & 17 April 2012), an activist who knows many of the processes of initiation and operation of the planta- tion. MI says that this actually be the basic charac- ter of Chinese businessmen who are always looking for ways to cover up the real agenda. Not surpris- ingly, a positive image always accustom to them even though it is actually behind these businesses still gain dollars for the benefit of the expansion and development of their businesses. The importance of generous and virtuous politics is also spoken by Jk (Interview, April 16, 2012) who became a close partner of one of the owners and businessmen tin smelter of Central Bangka. Jk said that Tmrn who became his boss is a generous person. He likes to help anyone who needs help. He is known to be very good and a light hand. But actually, any assistance that he gave only a small part of the business that octopus. This situation illustrates that the pious deeds can be used as a means to show that they actually do not just take, but also give. Perhaps the magnitude of the problem then is: how much is taken and how much has been made? Meanwhile, HA choosed a relatively different way. He chose to first establish a daily form of mass media. The mass media is a means to neutralize a variety of reports that minus about mining activi- ties into the main arena of business HA. The study Ibrahim (2006: 258-261) showed that the media tends to be used as a tool for the benefit of the owner. Construction of mass media is always positive when targeting various issues tin or target- ing various figures considered close to the world tin. This situation justifies the assumption that the plural saying that the mass media are established for the benefit of investors often serve the inter- ests of investors and tied to the interests of the owner. HA then expanded its business through the The Business Politics of Chinese Ethnic in Bangka Belitung on Post New Order Era / IBRAHIM 166 Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ establishment of private hospitals classy. The hospital was established on the island of Bangka and Belitung. In fact, the establishment of hospi- tals actually used as a means to boost the popularity through various activities advertorials in various local media. HA that had become one of the candidates for regional head-breakthrough break- throughs made to exist in the world of politics and reproduce the massive political imagery. YN, a contractor who has extensive connections across districts are also involved in the world of education. YN involved as Board of Trustees of a foundation of Chinese education. FI said that in fact this status only for the benefit of imaging (Interview, April 11, 2012)4. He was a great entre- preneur who wants to involve themselves for the sake of good deeds. This tradition was continued by his son, BP, which for example help provide financial support for education and training. LF said that he had received twice the funds from BP for educational training activities initiated by the head of the area where he worked. LF said that basically BP is not so difficult to spend money so because he has business interests in the head area (Interview, June 12, 2012). BP is engaged in the construction and paving has been received many projects from local government. AN, the owner of a five-star hotel in the prov- ince was in fact lead to his business. In addition to building a strong relationship with the officers concerned with the business units, AN also collect money from the coffers of tinning and hotel business became a business expansion. ZA even say that the hotel business is the result of a business built tin (ZA Interview, April 16, 2012). The above findings corroborate the results of the study and at the same time expanding Chang- Yau (2010: 52) who said that the main motivation of entrepreneurs involvement in various charitable activities are for the benefit of the status of imple- mentation of religious loyalty, and remove their guilt. In the context of the Pacific Islands, this motivation seems to refer to four main interests, namely (1) to launder their money, (2) to launch the interests of their business affairs, (3) for the sake of achieving political imagery, and (4) to further expand interest their business. Thus, this study found that the real life of Chinese businesses in the Pacific Islands is more than just a status, a form of religious devotion, and guilt. There are even more intense expansion is realized in the form of four main interests, namely washing money, ease of business, politics imaging, and business expansion. Based on the above findings, it can be simplified how the politics of Chinese businesses in the Pacific Islands after the New Order as follows: TABLE 2: LOCAL BUSINESS POLITICS POST-NEW ORDER CONCLUSION Chinese business politics post new order charac- terized by the continuation of that even more experienced modifications. Instead of changing more ‘calm’, which happened just over the expan- sion of the political pattern of the previous busi- ness. The study concludes the least four fundamen- tal in the business of Chinese politics after the New Order. The Business Politics of Chinese Ethnic in Bangka Belitung on Post New Order Era / IBRAHIM 167 Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ First, that basically reform even more widen the road for them to collude with politicians and officials. As said by Iskandar (1991: 265) that basically most Chinese businessmen take on the role as an ‘entrepreneur clients’ to describe the dependence of the business with the authorities. After the reformation, they actually have access to more decentralized and ultimately negotiations can be easily done through a variety of agenda setting involving officials in various agencies. This situa- tion is also indicated by the hardness of the grip national business entrepreneurs to the local level, a new ways to expand the business into various levels. Second, the pattern of Chinese businesses ex- pand simultaneously refine the use of local hands for the benefit of their business. Instead of they slaughter concept of Ali-Baba in business systems, they actually widely utilize certain groups at the local level to be suppressors as well as a shield and a formal agent. What is more interesting is that they pay a certain group for business security interests, well done radically as well as of negotiated; a manner experienced a smoothing of the previous period. Third, if in the past there was a tradition to hide money from the real business, then when the reformation, a variety of new businesses outside the core business is no longer simply be a washing machine. Pioneered a new business unit then has become a new cash machine so that the process of money laundering actually benefit more than just an attempt to hide the core business units. Fourth, the Chinese business politics post-New Order also characterized by a more intimate affair between the businessmen with government offi- cials and security forces; locally and nationally. Electoral practices that require high capital became one of the reasons why the Chinese business style actually preferred by officials. Occurs also decen- tralized corrupt relations practiced through regula- tion and deregulation. In the end, this study emphasizes that the Chinese business politics post-New Order is actually the continuation of an increasingly been modified relations. In the middle of an open democratic climate, political reality of Chinese business tends to be ‘arbitrary’. ENDNOTES 1 Tajur in the local language is a net to catch fish in the sea. Tajur usually mounted stretched so that the fish would be difficult to pass through the net. 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Adang Djaha, Ade Rosita Lakmi Adrian Kurniady AGRA Aldri Frinaldi Aliansi Jurnalis Independen Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa amor propio Andres, Thomas D. Ansano M. Ampog Arfani, Riza Noer. Ariani, M. ASEAN B Badan Pengawas Pemilu Balikatan Bangladesh Banks, J. A. Bautista, V. A. Bawaslu Bayanihan Bourdieu, P. C Cambodia Caucus of Development NGO Networks CEDAW Celebes Center for Electoral Reform Central Java Central Sulawesi Che Supiah Cheshe CODENGO Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination aga Comprehensive Land Use Plan Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Disc Creswell, John. D D.H. Darwanto, Dahlerup Dasman Lanin Davies, D. R. Dede Prandana Putra Democracy Democrat Party Denhardt, Robert, B. Denmark Department of Education Diana Irine Dini Suryani Doi Moi DPRD Dungu E election monitoring organisations Entrepreneurs Empowerment F FAO Felix de Calderon FUNCINPEC G GABRIELA Gender Resource Information and Development Centre General Assembly Binding Women for Reform, Integri Ghana Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Global Gender Equality Regimes Globalisation GrameenBank H Harbani Pasolong Higher National Diploma Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council I Iligan City School Indonesia Indonesia Corruption Watch Indonesian Political Party Law IRRI J Jaringan Pendidikan Pemilih untuk Rakyat Johor K Kawal Pemilu Kedah Kelantan Kenya KIPP Kobayashi, K. Komisi Pemilihan Umum Komite Independen Pelaksanaan Pemilu Kuala Lumpur Kung, Edwin W. L Lampung Lanao Del Sur Lao People's Democratic Republic M Malasakit Malaysia, Marawi City Masara Masri Singarimbun Mata Massa MDGs Men Sam An Millennium Development Goals Mohamed Zaini Muhamad Ali Muhyiddin Yassin Mutilan, Mahid M. N Nairobi National Association of Women Entrepreneurs, Malay Nepal New Economic Policy New Order Newmann Newstrom, John W. Nieto, S. Nigeria non-governmental organisations Nor Fazidah North Sumatra Norway O Oxford P Padang pagbabahala pakikipagkapwa pakikisama pakikitungo Pakistan Palispis Parent-Teachers' Community Association People Power Revolution Perak philanthropy Philippines Prabowo R Rahayu., E. S. Regional Land Use Committee Rice Grain rror Correction Model Rural Development Rusastra, I.W. S Sabah Saifullah, A. Singapore Southeast Asia Stark, Rodney Suharto Sumatra Sweden Syed Shah Alam Syed Zamberi Ahmad T Tamale tapang or tibay ng loob Terengganu Thailand The Australian National University The Centre of Southeast Asian Studies Tim Obyektif Pemantau Pemilu Timor Leste Tran Thi Que Typhoon U Uganda UNFREL University Network for Free Elections utang na loob V venture philanthropy Vietnam W West Sumatra Widarjono, A. World Bank Z Zimbabwe Zulkarnain A. Hatta