http:// Technology, Emotion and Democracy: Understanding The Dynamic Through Analyzing Conversation in INDRO ADINUGROHO1*, Faculty of Psychology Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya , Indonesia SMITHA SJAHPUTRI2, JUDOTENS BUDIARTO3 AND ROBY MUHAMAD4 Provetic Lab ABSTRACT Innovation in technology brings tremendous impact in various areas, including theissues of democracy, politics andgovernment. Inthisstudy, authorsobserve twitter as a digital medium to gather people from diverse background to com- municate each other. Conversation in twitter, known as tweet, could be a gateto represent various political issues. This study aims to analyze valence and arousal of Indonesia’s top political topics in twitter started from November 2015 until May 2016. Top political topics are collected with one primary keyword, jokowi. Each topic is represented with various tweets from different users. The data is collected by specializedcomputer software namely tracker developedby Provetic Lab. As an attempt to analyze tweets, authors used Algoritma Kata (AK) as the primary instrument toanalyze valence and arousal contained in each topic. Re- sult shows when users talked about jokowi and kebanggaan (pride), theconver- sation contained positive valence and high excitement in arousal level. Whereas, when users discussed corruption and other scandal involving Government, the conversationturnedintonegativevalencewithdifferentarousallevel. Keywords: Computational psychology, jokowi,valence, arousal, politics ABSTRAK Inovasi di bidang teknologi membawa dampak yang signifikan dalam berbagai area, termasukisudemokrasi, politik dan pemerintahan. Dalam studi ini, penulis memperhatikan twitter sebagai media digital yang mampu mempertemukan individu dari berbagai latar belakang untukmenjalin komunikasi. Percakapan di twitter, atauyang lebihawam dikenal sebagaitweet, dapat menjadi pintumasuk untuk memahami berbagai isu politik. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis valensi dan arousal dari topik-topik politik yang muncul di percakapan twitter. Topik-topikpolitik dikumpulkan dengan satu kata kunci, yaitu jokowi. Setiap topik direpresentasikan oleh berbagai tweet dari berbagai user. Data dikumpulkan melalui software khusus yang bernama tracker, dikembangkan oleh Provetic Lab. Sebagai usaha untuk menganalisis valensi dan arousal dari tweet di setiap topik, penulis menggunakan instrumen Algoritma Kata (AK). Hasil menunjukkan ketika JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 79 RECEIVED 05 DECEMBER 2016 REVISED 10 JANUARY 2017 ACCEPTED 10 FEBRUARY 2017 Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2017 80 user membicarakan jokowi dan topik kebanggaan (pride), percakapan memiliki muatan valensi positif dan tingkat arousal yang tinggi, sedangkan ketika user membicarakan mengenai korupsi (corruption) dan skandal lain yang melibatkan pemerintah, percakapan memiliki muatan valensi yang cenderung negatif dengan tingkat arousal yang berbeda- beda. Kata kunci: Computational psychology, jokowi, valence, arousal, politics INTRODUCTION In 1998, Indonesia was gifted with a historical moment when finally the new order regime fell. New order (orde baru) is a politi- cal condition which describes the cruelty of government under Soeharto’s regime (Aspinal & Fealy, 2010). For many Indone- sian citizens, this moment is known as “May 1998”. May 1998 became a starting spot for Indonesia to gear up brighter social and political condition as democratic country. This moment brought numerous social consequences such as the rising of new political parties and various non-governmental organizations. Democracy in Indonesia is valued as the condition where all citizens are free to communicate, discuss and criticize govern- ment. May 1998 is not just affecting society; it also brings a change in state structure. Some of the changes are direct election; trans- parency and also the existence of numerous independent com- mission which responsible giving national recommendation. Accepting democracy as our constitutional ground means there is an attachment between government and people. Although democracy in Indonesia has been successively for over 18 years, there is an occasion to enhance the quality of de- mocracy using contemporary approach. In this study, we are fo- cusing on digital approach as the solution for democratic coun- try. We define digital approach as the application of internet that could help government forms psychological attachment with the people. Internet could be an alternative medium where government could communicate ideas, opinion and policies to grass roots and groups of specific people (Berman & Weitzner, 1997). In order to build this condition, government and people could use online platform namely social media. One of the well- known one is twitter. Twitter is a digital medium where people are free to write their thought and feeling toward various objects or moments. If at the past, many social and behavioral scientists were collecting research data by directly contact the participants, today we could find numerous data in twitter. Twitter contains behavioral data in the form of people’s conversation, called tweet. In this study, we used tweets as our primary analysis unit. This study is focusing on how tweets function as empirical data to explore public response towards political issues. We see emotion as an important element in democratic environment as a glue to affix between government and people (Marcus, 2002). As an attempt to examine valence and arousal in the tweets, we use circumplex model of affect (CA) developed by Russell (1980; 2003) as our theoretical ground. CA is circular model that ex- plains emotion from two primary poles, valence and arousal. Valence is a psychological condition ranging from negative into positive demarcation, whereas arousal refers to physical condi- tion ranging from calm (low) to excited (high). Valence is marked with horizontal axis, whereas arousal is marked with vertical axis. Combination between these two poles will fabricate four quad- rants represent different valence and arousal level. Emotion lo- cated in different quadrant will produce different behavioral consequences. Besides its function to categorize various emo- tional labels, CA also can be used to predict human behavior towards specific stimulus. CA is fine-grained theoretical model that has been used for theoretical framework in various psychological instruments which measured emotion and mood, such as Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS; Watson & Clark, 1988); Four Dimensions Mood Scale (FDMS; Huelsman, Nemanick & Munz, 1998); Self Assess- ment Manikin (SAM; Lang, 1980) and Semantic Differential Scale (SDS; Mehrabian & Russell, 1974). PANAS is a psychological instrument measuring emotional state using two emotional di- mensions, positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA). If PANAS is focusing on two dimensions, FDMS is using four emotional dimensions expanded from PANAS theory, namely valence and JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 81 Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2017 82 arousal. Specifically, FDMS is focusing on mood which refers to emotional state that could occur even without any emotional stimulus. If PANAS and FDMS are focusing on human emo- tional condition, SAM and SDS are the psychological instruments constructed to measure emotional response towards objects. Various objects have been measured by using SAM and SDS, for example, words (ANEW; Bradley & Lang, 1999); photo (IAPS; Lang, 1995) and also sounds (IADS; Bradley, 1994). All of these instruments show that CA is confirmed to clarify human emo- tion in numerous contexts. In this study, we are focusing on words in twitter to reveal public emotion towards government. Study to reveal emotion through words in digital medium has been conducted for vari- ous purposes, such as blogs to identify pre and post 9/11 situa- tion in America (Cohn, Mehl & Pennebaker, 2004) and facebook posts to construct building block on emotional expression in facebook (Preotiuc-Pietro et al., 2016). In the context of English language, text could be analyzed using Affective Norms of English Words (ANEW, Bradley & Lang, 1999) or Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC; Pennebaker, Booth & Francis, 2007). ANEW is word bank contain more than 1000 words with valence and arousal load in each word, whereas LIWC is also a word bank, but it is contain more diverse variables, such as positive/nega- tive emotion; social identity; and also time orientation. How- ever, LIWC and ANEW could not be used in Indonesia due to contextual factors. As an attempt to overcome this situation, we use Algoritma Kata (AK; Wenas, Sjahputri Takwin, Primaldhi & Muhamad, 2016; Adinugroho, Muhamad & Susianto, 2016). AK is a word bank consists of 3000 Indonesian words and emoticons with valence and arousal score in each unit. We use AK as our primary tool to analyze conversation in twitter related to the most popular political topics. In attempt to explore the main purpose of study, we collected the topics in twitter for six month period started from January until June 2016. We use computerized text analysis namely tracker for collecting those popular topics. Tracker is developed under Provetic Lab li- cense and it will be fully functioning with keywords. We use one primary keyword for tracker search in twitter. Then we combined the primary keyword with additional keywords derived from tracker’s algorithm. The combination between primary and addi- tional keywords is our top political topics which analyzed in this study. CIRCUMPLEX MODEL OF AFFECT TO RECOGNIZE VALENCE AND AROUSAL IN TWEETS We use circumplex model of affect (CA; Russel, 1980; 2003) as the core theory to explain human emotion using two primary aspects, namely valence and arousal. Valence is an empirical term to describe direction of emotion from psychological angle, whereas arousal refers to physical state related emotional state. By using CA, we also agree of human emotion that could be characterized by four quadrants produced by the interaction be- tween valence and arousal. Each quadrant contains specific emo- tional labels which differ in the degree of valence and arousal. Through this argument, CA states that emotion in the same va- lence, but different in arousal level will produce different behav- ior and vice versa. Related to the study, CA is a gate to explore valence and arousal score in each tweet analyzed. The interaction between valence and arousal is extremely important element in understanding emotion with CA. CA as theoretical model is different with discrete emotion (DE) model (Ekman, 1992). DE model explain human emotion by using ba- sic emotions as its empirical term. Those basic emotions are sad, anger, fear, jealousy, disgust, contempt, embarrassment, guilt, stress, acute grief and envy. Each emotion has specific character- istic and only can be found in human species. Basically, CA only could describe these specific emotions by the interaction of va- lence and arousal. Although CA could not examine the specialty of each basic emotion, the applicability of this theory is well- known as a behavioral predictor. Emotion produced by the in- JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 83 Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2017 84 teraction of valence and arousal is a marker to predict human behavior towards emotional object (Russell, 2003). ALGORITMA KATA (AK) TO EXAMINE VALENCE AND AROUSAL IN TWEETS As an attempt to applied CA in this study, we use Algoritma Kata (AK; Wenas et al., 2016) as the main measurement tool. AK is Indonesian words and emoticons collection that derived from twitter as the main corpus. Each word or emoticon has valence and arousal score produced from SDS scale (Mehrabian & Russell, 1974). AK is constructed by adopting ANEW, the English words collection with valence and arousal score in each word. Valence score is represented with the scale range from 1 (negative) until 5 (positive), whereas arousal score is represented with scale range from 1 (calm) to 4 (excited). We use median as a benchmark to categorize the degree of valence (3) and arousal (2,5). This study relies on AK as the instrument to analyze selected tweets. In order to produce valence and arousal score in tweets in each top topic, we follow the formula derived from Dodds and Danforth (2010). The formula is focusing on examining va- lence and arousal score as the mean score from the quantity of unique words in the text. In this study, text refers to various FIGURE 1. CIRCUMPLEX MODEL OF AFFECT AND 16 CORE AFFECT (RUSSELL, 2003, P.148) tweets in each topic. Figure 3 describes the calculation formula used for analyzing the tweet from the unique words. The symbol of “a ” refers to arousal score and “õ ” refers to valence score. text text The formula works with the total score of valence or arousal and the amount of unique words captured in the tweet. JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 85 FIGURE 2. FORMULA FOR CALCULATING VALENCE SCORE (1) AND AROUSAL SCORE (2) IN TEXT (DODDS & DANFORTH, 2010) Example of identifying valence and arousal score in a tweet could be found from tweet example wrote by President Joko Widodo in his official account, @jokowi: Selamat juga atas kelulusan adik2 SMK. Bagi yang belum berhasil jangan patah semangat. Kita songsong era kompetisi dengan kerja keras –Jkw. Underline words are unique words that contain valence and arousal score according to AK words collection. Valence score for seven unique words are, 4,46 (selamat/congratulation); 4,07 (adik/brother); 4,78 (berhasil/success); 1,9 (patah/broken); 4,46 (semangat/spirit), whereas the arousal score for these words are, 3,14 (selamat/con- gratulation); 2,38 (adik/brother); 3,5 (berhasil/success); 2,36 (patah/broken); 3,71 (semangat/spirit). By identifying valence and arousal in each unique words, valence and arousal score for the tweet can be calculated using formula in Figure 3. atext = 1/7 (1x3,14 + 1x2,38 + 1x3,5 + 1x2,36 + 1x3,71) ≃ 2,16 υtext = 1/7 (1x4,46 + 1x4,07 + 1x4,78 + 1x1,9 + 1x4,46) ≃ 2,81 From the numerical calculation, we can conclude that the tweet from @jokowi has a score 2,16 for valence and 2,81 for Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2017 86 arousal score. Based on the median as the benchmark, this tweet has average valence and arousal. Our conclusion is constructed from Figure 2 which describes the range of valence (1 to 5) and arousal (1 to 4). If one tweet contains score near to 5, the tweet contains positive valence and vice versa. Similar with valence score, if one tweet has a score near to 4, the tweet contains high arousal level. METHOD As an attempt to describe how tweet reflects public response towards various political topics, we conducted three primary steps in this study. First step is related to tweets collection using spe- cific keywords in tracker. The word jokowi (current President of Republic of Indonesia) is selected as the main keyword. The key- word jokowi is chosen due to represents Indonesia’s political situ- ation in national scale. By using this keyword, tracker will auto- matically search, select and gather all the tweets that mentioned the word jokowi from November 2015 until May 2016. Through its computer algorithm, tracker also searches for unique words that have the highest occurrence in the tweets. These unique words are the additional keywords that combined with primary keywords as the top topics. Examples of additional keywords derived from tracker search are “korupsi” (corruption); “kebanggaan” (pride); “freeport” and “reklamasi”(reclamation). Second step, we identified the number of tweets in each topic and the accounts involved in each topic. Two types of accounts described in this study, namely top active account (TAA) and top mentioned account (TMA). TAA refers to an account who fre- quently exist in the twitter by posting original tweet, whereas TMA refers to account which frequently mentioned by other account while discussing one topic. Illustration on TMA and TAA could be found from this tweet, @pramonoanung: Hari ini Presiden @jokowi dan Wapres @Pak_JK mengumpulkan eselon 2 yg berjumlah 1810, memberikan arahan ttng arah dan tujuan Pemerintahannya. From this tweet, TAArefers to@pramonoanung and TMA refers to @Pak_JK and @jokowi. Last step, we con- ducted valence and arousal analysis for various tweets concern- ing each topic using AK. There are 2 types of scores in this study. First score related to tweet’s score in each topic and second score related to topic’s score. Tweet score is calculated by using va- lence and arousal score in unique words and total number of unique words captured. Topic score is the aggregate score pro- duced from mean score in eachtweet. RESULTS DESCRIPTION OF TOP TOPICS In this study, top topic is a combination between primary keyword and additional keyword in twitter. Based on tracker search, there are ten top topics with the highest tweets occur- rence. Table 1 identifies those 10 top topics based on combina- tion between primary keyword and additional keywords. From 10 top topics, six topics categorized as political events (terorisme; freeport; setya novanto; ojek online; reklamasi and korupsi), whereas four topics related to jokowi’s activity as a President (kunjungan; kebanggaan; reshuffle and hambalang). Each topic consists of spe- cific event in Indonesia as described in Table 3. TABLE 1. TOP TOPICS IN TWITTER JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 87 TOPTOPICS TOTALTWEETS TWEETS WITH VALENCE AND AROUSAL SCORE Jokowi freeport (freeport) 40.451 36.500 Jokowi terorisme (terrorism) 38.467 37.266 Jokowi kebanggaan (pride) 34.053 33.787 Jokowi korupsi (corruption) 25.790 25.237 Jokowi setya novanto (setya novanto) 24.660 23.484 Jokowi reklamasi (reclamation) 19.209 17.292 Jokowi reshuffle (reshuffle) 16.084 15.001 Jokowi kunjungan (visit) 15.844 14.918 Jokowi hambalang (hambalang) 12.673 11.973 Jokowi ojek online (online ojek) 7.198 6.695 Vol. 8 No. 1 TABLE 2. TOP TOPICS AND ACCOUNT INVOLVED IN THE TOPIC February 2017 88 In order to describe further the top topics, we also analyze the relationship between top topics and the accounts categorized into TMA and TAA. This analysis is conducted to frame a pic- ture on the relation between top topics and the main actors in each topic. Table 2 describes the accounts who involved as men- tioned account (TMA) and active account (TAA). Result shows the relation between specific events represented by top topic and the actors who involved in the conversation. Number in parenthesis inside Table 2 reflects the frequency of specific account who ac- tively posts tweets (TAA) and how many accounts mentioned by others (TMA). THE DYNAMIC BETWEEN TOP TOPICS In this study, we also measure the dynamic between top top- ics from November 2015 to May 2016. This analysis is conducted as an attempt to understand public response towards various political topics in Indonesia. This analysis also useful to under- stand the relation between media and how one topic becomes viral in society. Result in Figure 3 shows that each topic has dif- ferent dynamic in each month from November 2015 until May 2016. This result shows that public opinion on political issues is dynamic and tend to change in short period of time, approxi- mately one month. For further exploration, we also analyze from the media what causes each topic become viral in twitter. Table 3 provides explanation of news from various media and the rela- tion to top political topics. JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 89 FIGURE 3. THE DYNAMIC OF TOP TOPICS FROM NOVEMBER 2015 TO MAY 2016 Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2017 90 To achieve further qualitative explanation, we conducted manual search using internet using top topics as the keyword. Based on our search, we highlight some important news reports related to the top topics. Result in Table 3 shows a relation be- tween specific event reported in the media and the significant increase of tweets in each topic. From the descriptive analysis, we could draw a relation between the events that could affect public opinion in Indonesia. For example, the issue of Jokowi korupsi emerged due to the election for new leaders of National Commission for Corruption Eradication (KPK) which also happened in December 2015 (Parlina, 2015). TABLE 3. TOP TOPICS AND THE EXPLANATION OF HIGHEST BUZZ TOP TOPICS HIGHEST AMOUNT OF TWEETS NEWS REPORT Jokowifreeport December 2015 Freeport scandal between Setya Novanto and Riza Chalid (Tan, 2015) Jokowiterorisme January 2016 Terrorist attackinSarinah (Quiano, McKirdy &Payne, 2016) Jokowi kebanggaan March2016 Jokowi’s visit to Entikong and other border areas in Indonesia (Amindoni, 2016) Jokowikorupsi December 2015 The inauguration of new KPK leaders (Parlina, 2015) Jokowi setya novanto December 2015 Ethical court towards Setya Novanto due to Freeport’s scandal (Hermawan, 2015) Joko wi reklam asi April 2016 Th e reclamation issue bet ween Central Gov ernm ent and DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Harbowo, 2016) Jokowikunjungan November2015 Jokowi’s working visit to Lampung, South Sulawesi, South Kalimantan, and various Indonesian districts (Matic, 2016) Jokowireshuffle March2016 The second reshuffle issue appeared in March 2016 (Toriq, 2016) Jokowi hambalang March2016 Jokowi visits Hambalang (Nurbianto, 2016) Jokowiojekonline December 2015 The issue of new policy to ban all transportation based on mobile apps (Rahayu,2015) VALENCE AND AROUSAL IN TOP TOPICS Valence and arousal analysis is conducted by using AK to analyze tweets in each topic. Valence and arousal score in each topic is derived from average score based on valence and arousal score in each tweet. Figure 5 describes valence and arousal score in each topic. From Figure 4, topicwith the highest valence (3,98) and arousal (2,95) score is Jokowi kebanggan. This topic is related with the activity when Jokowi visited Entikong (border area of Indonesia). From Russell’s framework (2003), highvalence and arousal is related to various emotional labels such as pride; en- thusiast; elated and excited, which means when people discussed jokowi and kebanggaan, they are covered with various positive emotions. In contrast, topic that has lowest valence score (3,06) is Jokowi korupsi and the lowest arousal score is Jokowi reklamasi. From Figure 5, each topic has different valence and arousal score. However, the graph shows a huge gap between kebanggaan (pride) and korupsi (corruption). In order to explore whether the difference is caused by empirical pattern or possibility, we test the difference using t-test. Method of t-test is statistical method applied to identify the mean difference betweentwo groups (Field, 2011). Two groups are used for t-test calculation, first group con- sists of tweets related to kebanggaan (N=33.787) and second group related to tweets which discussed korupsi (N=25.237). In order to overcome the unequal sample size, we test the homogeneity of vari- ance between the two groups using Levene’s test. Result shows that two groups did not meet the principle of homogeneity of vari- ance for valence (F=9870,45; p<.05) and arousal (F=210,83; p<.05). Based on t-test calculation using equal variance not assumed principle, these two groups has significant difference for valence (t(59022)=243,93; p<.05) and arousal (t(59022)=172,51; p<.05). This difference is due to each topic represents different emo- tional condition. When users discussed about pride, specifically it was happened during the visit of Jokowi to Entikong to see border, Jokowi often state that our border areas need to be equal with other country. This statement became the trigger in twitter that causes public response related to pride and other positive emotions related to pride. In opposite, corruption topic is per- ceived with negative valence and low level of arousal. Emotion labels related to this condition are tired; sad and gloomy. It is oc- JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 91 Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2017 92 curred due to the generic definition of corruption as a crime. FIGURE 4., VALENCE AND AROUSAL SCORE IN TOP TOPICS DISCUSSION Text analysis has been applied for various purposes, such as investigating the dynamic of by American citizens after 9/11 at- tack through blog (Cohn, Mehl & Pennebaker, 2004); studying Marilyn Monroe’s Fragments (Fernandez-Cabana, Garcia-Cabal- lero, Alves-Perez, Garcia-Garcia & Mateos, 2013) up to examin- ing the psychological aspect of song lyrics made by The Beatles (Petrie, Pennebaker & Sivertsen, 2008). These studies are using LIWC (Pennebaker, Booth & Francis, 2007) to examine various psychological aspects inside the text. Besides LIWC, another text analysis instrument to discover psychological aspec is ANEW (Bradley & Lang, 1999). ANEW is words collection containing valence and arousal in each word and it is used to analyze the emotional content in text. ANEW is used by Dodds and Danforth (2010) to investigate blogs and song’s lyrics and also Preotic-Pietro et al. (2016) who focusing their analysis on numerous facebook posts. Based on the promising evidence from various studies, in this study, we are focusing on twitter as the analysis unit to under- stand further about public opinion. Various studies in Indone- sia only describe public opinion by using survey and other de- scriptive data, this study will reveal it comprehensively by apply- ing valence and arousal theory as our primary analysis. By ana- lyzing valence and arousal, we could more accurately predict what kind of social movement will be appeared in public. Result in Figure 3 and Figure 4 has shown an empirical insight which ap- plicable as a tool to understand how public response various political issues which occurred in Indonesia. This result also could become an insight and other stakeholders to map and manage political stability. Managing political stability is fundamental is- sue due to its relation with economic growth, foreign investment, social conflict and any other issues related to public well-being. In conclusion, this study is not just useful as empirical support in social studies, but also as an attempt to understand “people in democracy”. CONCLUSION Study of human behavior in twitter is an alternative method to understand public opinion towards various political issues. Various tweets published by numerous accounts are the analysis units that could describe the dynamic of public opinion and how people feel towards Government, President, politicians and other political issues. This study is a combination between com- puter science and psychological approach. This combination is the alternative to reveal various political issues that could not be captured by survey and other common research method. By us- ing primary keywords, Jokowi and additional keywords derived from computer algorithm, we could collect various data from from twitter that represents Indonesia’s political situation. In the end, this study is the innovation in the context of social and human behavioral studies. To genuinely understand public response, this study is focus- ing its attention on valence and arousal (emotion) in tweets re- garding each political topic. Valence and arousal are the psycho- logical approach that becomes primary issue related to politics and democracy. By understanding valence and arousal, this study also capture specific emotional labels that related to each topic JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 93 Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2017 94 according to specific core affect (Russell, 2003). In democratic country like Indonesia, emotion functions as the glue that plac- ards people and government (Marcus, 2002). 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