Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2017 122 RECEIVED 3O AUGUST 2016 REVISED 10 NOVEMBRE 2016 ACCEPTED 03 FEBRUARY 2017 Resources Exchange Model in Implementation Network of Fishermen Community Policy in Makassar City GITA SUSANTI 1 , ALWI 2 , LA TAMBA 3 Department of Public Administration, Universitas Hasanudin, Makassar, Indonesia ABSTRACT Public policy implementation network is a study that tried to accumulate all the stakeholders as potential resources to determine and implement a public policy. Fishermen community empowerment policy is the policy, which is complex be- cause it includes varied stakeholders. The main objective of this study is to de- velop a model of resources exchange in the implementation network of fisher- mencommunity empowerment policyin Makassar City, whichincludestheavail- ability of resources and the rule of the game of resources exchange. This study uses qualitative design and case study strategy. Based on the pairing patterns technique, the availability of the resources needed by the fishermen group has not been sufficient to run his business. This is caused by a major source of fund- ing in this policy from the central government. Then, the fishermen community empowerment policy is still dominated by rule of the game of public bureau- cracyasthepolicy implementerintheresourcesexchange. Therefore, localgov- ernments need to develop the synergy with all stakeholders and establish a rule of the game based onthe network-based organization. Keywords: Resources Exchange, Implementation PolicyNetwork,and Fishermen Community Empowerment Policy ABSTRAK Hubunganpelaksanaankebijakanpublik merupakan studi yang mencoba Untuk mengumpulkan semua stakeholder sebagai sumber daya potensial untuk menentukan dan melaksanakan kebijakan publik. Kebijakan pemberdayaan masyarakat petaniadalah kebijakan yangmenjadikomplek yangmenyebabkan stakeholder bervariasi. Tujuan utama dari penelitian adalah bagaimana mengembangkan model pertukaran sumber daya di hubungan pelaksanaan kebijakannelayan laki-lakidiKota Makassar, yangmeliputiketerseidaan sumber daya dan aturan permainan pertukaran sumber daya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan strategi studi kasus. Berdasarkan teknik pola pasangan, ketersediaan sumber daya yang dibutuhkan kelompok nelayan belum cukup menjalankanbisnisnya. Halinidisebabkanolehsumberutamapendanaanyang dalamkebijakaninidaripemerintahpusat.Kemudian,kebijakanpemberdayaanmasyarakat nelayan masih didominasi oleh aturan permainan birokrasi publik sebagai pelaksana kebijakan dalam pertukaran sumber daya. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah daerah perlu mengembangkan sinergi dengan semua stakeholder dan membangun atruan main berdasarkan organisasi berbasis jaringan. Kata kunci: Resources Exchange, Implementasi Hubungan Kebijakan, dan Kebijakan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Nelayan INTRODUCTION Policy implementation network is a concept recently developed to realize policy goals in complex environment. This is important to bear in mind because a public policy often faces complex problems and varying interests among stakeholders involved. Another issue like poverty is considered as a complex problem which could not be overcome by individual organization (Rob- ert, 2000). In this context, those who implement public policy are pub- lic organizations. Generally, organizations seek the way to reduce organizational uncertainties they face (Levine and White, 1961). This condition leads an organization to do resource exchange with other organizations where this process provides resource availability an organization needs in order to deal with resource scarcity. In policy implementation network, resource exchange is a social process that can create more effective way of implementa- tion process because of resource scarcity, and most organizations work with their specialization so that they have to do exchange with others for gaining needed resource. Exchange among orga- nizations in implementation process is more likely to encourage better cooperation when dealing with a problem which needs two or more organizations rather than singleorganization. This study focused on the empowerment of the fishermen in Makassar. These people are a group of societies that need extra attention from government due to the fact that Indonesia is well known as an archipelagic country and most of its area have coast- line. This will bring maximum impact to all, especially the fish- ermen, if the government can empower them. To make that hap- JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 123 Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2017 124 pen, government has the ability to produce social intervention through public policy. However, generally speaking, one policy usually has to deal with many even greater challenges and prob- lems in the implementation process. Poverty faced by the people who live around coastline is very complex and needs empowering solution. This can be seen as coastal area and sea in Indonesia extend more or less 81.000 km coastline and there are about 17.508 islands in which around 8.5 million km2 of its area are inside Indonesia economy exclu- sive zone. This areas haverich biological diversities and resources. Furthermore, based on BPS data in 2011, South Sulawesi Prov- ince had 835.5 thousand people (10,27%) under poverty line where many of them live in coastal area and about 53% of the total of fishermen in Indonesia were considered poor (Satria, 2001). Fishermen in Makassar city still encounter with the same problem known as poverty. This condition is caused mainly by the lack of public policy implementation in Makassar city where resource exchange is unbalanced, and rules of the game used is mostly driven by rule oriented and bureaucratic thinking. Based on that phenomenon, this studyfocused mainly on how resources were exchanged in the implementation of fishermen empower- ment policy in Makassar city. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK PREVIOUS RESEARCHES There are several works related to the study of policy imple- mentation network as follows: 1). Susanti, Gita (2012). Demo- cratic-public service network (case study: coordination system in the determination of network base education service strategy in Makassar Regency). The results show the failure of education council (DKPM) in Makassar to determine network base educa- tion service strategy due to the lack of coordination system and authority held by DPKM. 2). Poverty reduction policy model based on fishermen empowerment in Takalar Re- gency. This research indicates that assistance program from the government suited the people’s need, but the resources which were required to empower them were not sufficient to produce maximum outcomes. As a result, the fishermen in Takalar re- gency were less empowered. 3). Parewangi, Anwar (2011). Imple- mentation of national program of people empowerment: study of social-economic infrastructural development in South Sulawesi. The results shows that program recorded in MPK were not fully realized, because first commodity, organizational capac- ity and among organizations which were responsible for the pro- gram did not show commitment and coordination with related institutions. 4). Taufik (2013). Public policy network (case study: implementation policy of syari’at Islam in Bireuen Regency). This study shows that implementation of syari’at Islam from cogni- tive aspect was effective, whereas regulative and normative as- pect were not. Based on the previous study mentioned above, this research focuses on resource exchange model in fishermen empowerment policy implementation in Makassar Regency. The implementa- tion of this policy becomes more complex due to resource scar- city among actors involved. This condition then leads resource exchange to take place in order to optimize implementation pro- cess. The term “network” is usually used to describe and explain the clusters of different actors which are then connected to one another in political, social, and economic context. This condi- tion explains the situation in which actors in the government have always faced. The government by nature has limited re- sources which then turn the actors within that organization to see the network as a strategy to connect various different actors and overcome resource scarcity at the sametime. Attention has increasingly been paid on the network as a form of managing government, mainly in public policy. This explains that modern society, economy and culture are a product, result- ing from many different actors that are interdependent to one another. This form of governance is different with the two previ- JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 125 Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2017 126 ous forms known as hierarchical-weberian or pure market form of government. Policy network becomes a certain fenomenon, which keeps developing, in the political process, policy formula- tion, as well as implementation. PUBLIC POLICY IMPLEMENTATION NETWORK Implementation phase is often confronted with problems caused by limited resources. This scarcity of resources then fi- nally makes one policy failed to meet policy goals. As one of the components in policy discourse, implementation process plays a key role in determining whether or not a policy will succeed to overcome social problems and meet public’s demand (Jones, 1984). Implementation study gained much attention from schol- ars and rapid developments of this study can be seen as a raising awareness in order to have succeeded realization of public policy. With respect to that matter, relation between/among organi- zations as a policy implementation approach is crucial for over- coming resource scarcity. Menzel (1987) argues “one important relational property is resource dependency”. This clearly states that relational aspect between/among organizations is driven by resource dependency so that policy implementation network is a unit of analysis which can be used to comprehend realization of a certain policy. Beside having the same interests, exchange is also a reason for organizations to seek and maintain cooperation with other organizations (O’Toole, 2005). This cooperation then can be noticed as a networking system which facilitates exchange in implementation level. Public policy implementation network is a study focusing on utilization of resource among stakeholders involved. With the use of resources together, implementation of a certain policy will indicate the efficiency and effectiveness of policy performance. THEORIES OF NETWORKS IN POLICY IMPLEMENTATION In the study of network policy implementation, there are sev- eral theories which explain policy implementation phenomena, and they are resource exchange, resource dependency, and insti- tutional theories. RESOURCE DEPENDENCY THEORY Resource dependency theory is a theory which argues that the aim of an organization is to reduce its uncertainties on other organizations and try to seek strategy in which this organization can manage those resources. This theory seeks to deal with envi- ronmental challenges by using provocative strategies to access resources available in its environment (Jones, 2004; Jaffee, 2001; Powers, 2001; Beccerra, 1999; gulai&Gargiulo, 1998). The basis of this theory is to reduce dependency on resources that has to do with the ability to control the resources. In other words, by controlling the resources, an organization can have more power to compete in the context of facing environmental uncertainties. Resource dependency on other organizations need to be man- aged well, and in doing this, firstly, an organization has to influ- ence other organizations in order to gain resources needed. Sec- ondly, an organization has to respond the needs and demands of other organizations in its environment. Next, the degree of organization’s dependency on certain resources is a function of two factors; the first, how important is the resources in the sustainability of the organization. The second, to what extent that the organization is known by other organizations (Jones, 2004). JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 127 INSTITUTIONAL THEORY This theory is different with resource dependency theory mentioned above. While resource dependency theory states the importance to determine network strategy in order to gain re- sources, institutional theory explains that values and norms in an organization are crucial in determining access to the resources. In order to have this access, an organization has to have accept- Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2017 128 ability and legitimacy derived from its environment. According to institutional and contingency theory, an orga- nization intervenes its internal component in a form of adjust- ing its structural organization and strategy and strengthening its organizational values and norms. These two theories have simi- lar view of strategy known as internal looking for an organiza- tion in dealing with highly competitive environment. Basically organization is similar with institution, but they are different in the context of economy and bureaucracy. Each of these has distinct, certain instruments in achieving its aims. Organization as institution has the so-called sociological compo- nents, containing values, norms, and cultures that directly affect people’s behavior in the organization. On the other hand, ac- cording to Jaffe (2001), on bureaucracy model, viewing organiza- tion as an institution is less rational and formal because people in the organization are controlled by emotion and tradition, not by formal-rational instruments in attaining its goal. Institutional theory is a theory which studies how organiza- tion can improve its capacity to grow and survive in a highly competitive environment by being trusted in the eyes of its stake- holders (Jones, 2004). Certainly, normative values of organiza- tion namely, efficiency, effectiveness, and economic as a founda- tion in reaching organizational goals require attention so that the organization can successfully survive in this globalization era. Furthermore, this theory focuses its attention on networks among organizations as a strategy in gaining resources held by other organizations. Then this study seeks to reveal the relations among actors within an existing network, and the theory, which fits to explain this situation, is a resourceexchange theory (Coock, 1977). RESOURCE EXCHANGE Organization is a place and instrument used to reach a cer- tain purpose. In this more and more complex era, an organiza- tion has to deal with many uncertainties which can hamperthe achievement of its vision. In accordance with that condition, some organizational theorists began to conceptualize organiza- tion as an open system rather than a close once. Thus, an organi- zation ideally has to be able to adapt with changes and seek the best strategy in order to survive and achieve its goals. One of the strategies which recently gained a lot attentions by organizational theorists is the effort that organization made to build relations with other organizations to overcome resource scarcity. This view gives us a fundamental description that an organization will de- velop its capacity and adapt with some organizational uncertain- ties, using organizational network. Organizational relationship can be understood as a conse- quence of inability of one organization to fulfil their all needs alone. Needed resource by one organization may belong to oth- ers so that the organization will try to link itself to those who have resources they need. Hugh Compston (2009) says that re- source dependency is likely tohappen when one actor (individual or an organization) wants or needs resources which are controlled by other actors. Furthermore, resource exchange presupposes that only relevant resources can be transferred. On this basis, we can define that resource in the context of implementation network is (1) controlled by political actors, (2) wanted by other actors, and (3) can be exchanged with something which is relevant. Interactions among organizations can be seen as a network, which channels exchange, and other forms of inter-organizational activities. Exchange happens as a consequence of resource scar- city and there is no organization that can avoid it. This situation forces or significantly encourages an organization form relations with others as a strategy in fulfilling their limited resource. In other words, resource scarcity creates organizational interdepen- dency (Aldrich, 1974). Theoretical exchange approach is a dominant perspective used to explain inter-organizational relations (Levine and White, 1969). Aldrich (1974) also mentioned one similar perspective called re- source-dependency theory. Organizational relations occurs as a JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 129 Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2017 130 result of their resource dependency, so that exchange is becom- ing an interesting and primary unit of analysis to understand relations between two or more organizations. Resource exchange thus is based on symbiosis mutualism which can also be funda- mentally understood as a transactional process. Exchange relations between/among organizations are gener- ally generated by two interrelated things namely specialization and scarcity. Most organizations perform the function of special- ization and should do resource exchanges with other organiza- tions to obtain other resources and sell their products. Accord- ing to Levine and White (1961), resource scarcity forces an orga- nization to limit their activities over specific functionality. This limited functionality then requires access to certain elements where an organization seeks to get needed resource through ex- change with other organizations. The finding by Levine and White (1961) reveals that the level of interaction between organization and the type of element that is exchanged depends on the function of organization so that some organizations need more exchange than others. Thomp- son (1967) then explains this further by saying that organization will seek to reduce uncertainties and try to enter into exchange relations in order to have more predictable environment. The next step which is a prerequisite toward resource exchange is concerned with resource availability and rules of the game. RESOURCE AVAILABILITY Resource exchange can be undertaken when actors (individual or collective) have resources. Resource availability also determines actor’s position and influence within a certain public policy net- work. Dahan (2005) then classifies resources into several catego- ries. Firstly, primary resource is resources which have strong im- pacts over public policy formation such as expertise, funds, and pressure from other stakeholders in the form of demonstration, petition, and media. Secondly, supporting resource is resource which relates to relational and recreational skill, and it can en- able a firm to have access to government and journalist. Third is complementary resource which strengthens the impact of pri- mary resource such as public image, political reputation, finan- cial resource, expertise, and stakeholders’ support. The categories of resources mentioned above explicate that resource level of the actors will determine their influence over public policy formulation and implementation. There are vari- ous types of actors in policy network where they interact one another to shape policy process. The types of actor can be broadly grouped into public and private actor. These two types of actors have different resource although there are some resource which overlap. Hugh Compston (2009) then tried to identify various kinds of resources he found in literatures, and classified the main resources based on the types of actors who own them. The main resources are categorized into three groups: 1). Resources con- trolled only by public actors such as policy amendment and ac- cess to policy formulation. 2) Resources whcih may be exchanged even by public and private actors such as veto power, informa- tion, cooperation with implementation, resources to the court, political support, and patronage. 3) Resources owned only by private actors such as foreign investment and fluid funds. RULES OF THE GAME According to policy network theory, public policy is the re- sult of interactions among actors involved. Policy network can be well described as the complexity of various organizations con- nected one another on the basis of resource dependency. Indi- viduals or organizations establish relations in order to tackle re- source scarcity they have. This interaction shapes values or norms which are agreed by actors within a network. In other words, policymaking is a process where exchange takes place among ac- tors involved by using their political strategies in an accepted rules of the game (Rhodes, 1985). The rules are designed to facilitate continuous interaction in the public policy network. Policy network can also be illustrated JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 131 Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2017 132 as a “game”, so rules are then required in order play the game. Without rules, a game will not exist. This can influence actors’ behavior within the public policy network and function to con- trol the process of resource exchange. RESEARCH METHOD This research was conducted in Makassar City as many resi- dents live around coastal areas. Research design is qualitative approach and case study is chosen as a research strategy. This strategy and research design aim to obtain deep information re- garding to the resource exchange model in the fishermen em- powerment policy implementation network in MakassarCity. Informants were selected by purposive sampling technique where we had the names as follows: a) Head of marine field in marine and fisheries department of Makassar City. And b) Busi- ness group of guided fishing communities. Observation, deep interview, and documentation were used as instruments of data collection of this research. All informants were interviewed and various documents such as regulations and reports relating to implementation program were collected to support data accu- racy. Analysis of this study used data reduction, data display, and verification (Miles and Huberman, 1992). FINDING AND DISCUSSIONS Resources Availability in Policy Implementation Network of Fishermen Empowerment in Makassar This section explains about the resources availability in em- powerment policy implementation network of fishermen com- munity in Makassar. Scarcity of organizational resources forcing organizations to restrict their activities on a limited specific func- tions (Levine & White, 1961). Hence, this condition make orga- nizations needs to exchange resource in order to meet the organization’s resource scarcity. In doing the exchange of re- sources, it is requirement for organization to have decent re- sources. Availability of the existing resources will affect the position and influence of actors as well as involvement in the policy pro- cess on a particular policy network. The exchange of resources among actors consists of three type resources, namely primary resource, supporting resource and the complementary resource (Dahan, 2005). JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 133 TABEL 1 NO INDICATOR 1 Resource availability INFORMANTS FISHING GROUP Recipient: ✓ Sailing skill ✓ Limitedsailing equipment Provider: ✓ Equipment fund PROCESSING GROUP Recipient: ✓ Sailing skill ✓ Limitedsailing equipment Provider: ✓ Equipment fund MARKETING GROUP Recipient: ✓ Sailing skill ✓ Limited sailing equipment Provider: ✓ Equipment fund ✓ Capacity building ✓ Capacity building ✓ Capacity building 2 Resources with training program Recipient: with training program Recipient : with training program Recipient : adequacy ✓ Equipment fund is ✓ Equipment fund is ✓ Equipment fund is limited limited limited ✓ Capacity building ✓ Capacity building ✓ Capacity building program is not good enoughto cover all fishermen. Provider : ✓ Limited training program budget ✓ Limited training program and assisting equipment program is not good enough to cover allfishermen. Provider: ✓ Limited budget to implement training program and equipment program. ✓ Limited training program and assisting equipment program is not good enough to cover allfishermen. Provider: ✓ Equipment fundis limited ✓ Capacity building program is not good enough to cover allfishermen. Source : Data reduction 2016 In this research, the resources exchange in the policy imple- mentation network of fishermen community empowerment in Makasar in terms of availability of resources covers two aspects. Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2017 134 They are the availability of resources and the adequacy of re- sources. This study analyzes availability of resources in the policy implementation network of fishermen community empowerment in Makassar is categorized in the three cluster assisting groups. They are: the fishing group, processing group and marketing group in which all of these groups basically have the same re- source availability. In the first aspect, the resources availability in this study re- lates to the availability of resources controlled by giver and re- ceiver as the actors involved in the exchange resource. The pro- vider refers to the government and funding agency. Citizens act as the recipients who are required to develop a group so it would be easily to be organized and effectively facilitated in terms of the implementationofempowermentprograms. According to above table, availability of resources is controlled by the resources provider which consists of equipment resources and capacity building resource through training programs. The table also shows that availability of resources in the three clus- ters of target groups consist of skill and equipment despite in limited amount. Availability of both resources from resource providers are offered to fishing, processing and marketing groups as the target group of fishermen community empowerment pro- gram in Makassar. All target groups have skill based on their experiences. All members of a fishing group have a reliable capability in sailing and navigation, processing group has the ability to manage raw materials from the sea and marketing group experienced in dis- tributing marine products to traditional markets. Although they have equipment resources to support their daily activities, how- ever their equipment has limited capacities. The second aspect is resources adequacy. In this study re- sources adequacy analyzed based on three target groups. All tar- get groups which divided into three clusters obtain the same re- sources, but these resources have not been sufficient. All target groups received resource equipment but it does not meet needs INFORMANT TABLE 2 JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) NO INDICATOR FISHINGGROUP PROCESSING GROUP MARKETINGGROUP 1 Rule availability Internal recipient: Internal recipient: Internal recipient: 135 ✓ Thereis informal ✓ There is ✓ There is informal rule rule Provider and informal rule Provider and Provider and recipient : ✓ Managed by regulation recipient : recipient : of the Ministry of ✓ Managed by ✓ Managed by Finance, Number 168, regulation of the regulation of 2015 Ministry of the Ministry of Finance, Finance, Number 168, Number 168, 2015 2015 2 Regulation Internal recipient : Internal recipient : Internal recipient : implementation ✓ In ✓ In ✓ In implementation implementation implementation process, regulation is process, process, not applied regulation is not regulation is consistently. applied not applied Provider and recipient: consistently. consistently. ✓ Theregulationis Provider and Provider and applied consistently recipient: recipient: ✓ Theregulationis ✓ The regulation applied is applied consistently consistently 3 Punishment Internal Recipient: Internal Recipient: Internal Recipient: ✓ There is no ✓ There is no ✓ There is no punishment punishment punishment which which were which were were agreed agreed Recipient and agreed Recipient and Recipient and Provider: ✓ Thereisapunishment Provider: Provider: ✓ There is a ✓ There a is punishment punishment Source: reduction data 2016 of all target groups. In addition, capacity building program for members of the target group through training programs have not been carried out intensively. Based on the above explanation, this study indicates that the Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2017 136 availability of resources which be exchanged between the pro- vider and recipient are limited resources. Inadequacy of resources between the two parties led to the ineffectiveness of the exchange of resources. Rule of the Game of Exchange Resource in Policy Implemen- tation Network in Makassar Fisherman Community Empower- ment Program This section explains the rule of the game that managed the exchange resource in resources policy network to empower fish- ing communities in the coastal area of Makassar. There are two types of rule of the game namely formal and informal rules. These rules control the behavior and interaction between actors in re- sources exchange process. There is no activities that exists with- out the rule which have been agreedpreviously. The process of developing rules in a networking is determined by interaction between actors to be agreed about value and norms. These value and norms manage interaction process of actors in networking. According to Rhodes (1985), rule of the game be- came arena of all actors in utilizing their political strategy that may affect rule in resource exchangeprocess According to the above table, policy implementation networks of fishing community empowerment, in terms of rule of the game, involves three aspects of analysis. They are availability of regula- tion, implementation of regulation and punishment as cause of failed implementation. Availability of regulation in policy imple- mentation network is basically the same in whichall target groups - fishing, processing and marketing groups – received financial assistance and equipment support. Rule of the game were agreed by all members of internal group. Rules refer to distribution of jobs in the group and distribution of funds to all members of fishermen group to buy equipment. Furthermore, rule of the game were agreed in processing group refers to the developing savings groups account where all members of the group make a payment each month to the group’s bank account. Then the rules regarding payment of fees were also charged to all members of the group whom have borrowed capital from the group’s sav- ing. Furthermore, the marketing groupmembers were also agreed to have group’s saving in bank. Then the rule of the game between the provider (government) and the recipient (fisherman community) regulates fund and equipment assistances distributed gradually. This rule were made and agreed based on regulation of the Ministry of Finance num- ber 168 Year 2015. Furthermore, the government also offers re- wards to any group that is considered achieved best performance will has opportunity to visit another community in Indonesia where it is considered as outstanding group as benchmarking process. The government will cover all accommodation and trans- portation costs of this benchmarking travel for all members of best performance group. Implementation of the rules by all of target groups was not applied smoothly. For instance, in the fishing group, group mem- bers cannot consistently deposit their fees to group’s savings be- cause they do not have stabile income due to unpredicted weather factors. In contrast, the processing group, the group members successfully manage their saving because the product marketing process went well. In addition, the processing group also has successfully gained amount of money from 1% interest from the loan of each group members as they agreed upon. During the program implementation process, the Agency does not withdraw or suspend aid programs from all target groups since most of them have implemented programs quite well. In terms of financial fund, the Agency has transferred the amount of money gradually in accordance with the regulation of the Ministry of Finance number 168, 2015 to all target groups. Fur- thermore, a target group which has achieved the best performance already did benchmarking study with visiting a successful group in Bali. In terms of punishment in internal fisherman community, the fishing group does not have any agreement regarding sanc- tion system. Conversely, the processing group agreed to have JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 137 Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2017 138 punishment system which is applied penalties fee for a member whom could not make a payment as scheduled. Furthermore, the head of group gave verbal reprimand to the group member who violates the agreement. Regarding cooperation between the Agency (provider) and the fisherman community (recipient), both groups have agreed punishment which applies to groups that violating the agreement. The Agency will suspend the aid and withdraw the financial and equipment when the target group has been proven misused or not used financial and equipment as stated in agreement. In all, this study indicates that the implementation of rule of the game in this policy does not apply optimally. Most of regula- tions that have been agreed were violated. For example, the with- draw regulation for unsuccessful target group. In addition, this study also indicates that the rule of game in resource exchange is not implemented effectively due to lack of commitment of Agency in imposing sanctions. This shows that therule of the game is still dominated bybureaucratic rule (Alwi&Kasmad, R, 2014). CONCLUSION Exchange resources model in policy implementation network in case of fisherman community empowerment the Makassar is not applied effectively. This study shows that there is limited resource which has been managed by the Agency - Makassar city government – that acted both as provider and as policy implementer. In addition, this study also found that rule of the game in implementing the policy. This regulation also applied in fisher- man community as target group. However, the regulation was not imposed effectively. Therefore, this study suggests the gov- ernment as the main provider of exchange resources should en- courage other organizations to act as providers of resources through resource sharing system. REFERENCES Alwi&Kasmad, R. 2014.Bureaucratic System Vs. People Empowerment Policy: Empirical Evidence From Cocoa Farmer Empowerment Policyin South Sulawesi Province, Indo- nesia. Humanities and Sosial Sciences Review. Volume 03. Number 04. pp. 313 – 311. 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