Layout Februari 2017 The Reinforcement of Foreigner Satisfaction Concept in Immigra- tion Service in Indonesia DASMAN LANIN Universitas Negeri Padang Email: NAILUREDHA HERMANTO Study Center of Community Empowerment and ServicesIndonesia ABSTRACT This research discuss about the Reinforcement of Foreigner Satisfaction Concept in immigration service in Indonesia. Policy implementation and law enforcement will be much easier if the government can gain trust from its citizen (Zhao and Hu, 2015), even in a more extreme case, the low trust in government can push reformation (Salim et al., 2017). Immigration service is not only provided for Indonesian but also for foreigners that enter Indonesia territory. Few immigra- tion services provided for foreigners are visa and stay permit extension, stay per- mit shifting, multiple exit re-entry permit, and dual citizenship for children under 18 years old. This research aims to prove the influence of equity and disconfirmation satisfaction on CSI as intervening variables in order to re-formu- late the more representative CSI concept. This was a quantitative research that was conducted in Padang Immigration Office. It aims to uncover the influence of service quality on CSI directly and the influence of it when it was interfered by equity and disconfirmation and to re-formulate the CSI by strengthening the foreigner satisfaction concept. The sample was taken by using stratified propor- tional random sampling technique. The sample was counted by using Slovin formula. Based on all findings and discussion above, we concluded that the rein- forcement of foreigner satisfaction concept can be done by adding equity satis- faction and disconfirmation satisfaction into existing CSI model because both of them can increase the influence of service quality on SCI. It meant that in assess- ing the foreigner satisfaction by using CSI, there are other variables that have to be considered in order to assess it comprehensively and meet with foreigner’s expectation. Furthermore, the proposed hypothetic model was proved and it can be accounted for academically. The model can be used as the conceptual corner- stone by other researchers to do other studies related to service quality and CSI. Keyword: Reinforcement, Foreigner, Satisfaction Concept, Immigration, Indone- sia. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas tentang penguatan konsep kepuasan orang asing dalam JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 201 Received: March 31, 2017 Revised: April 7, 2017 Accepted: April 10, 2017 Vol. 8 No. 2 May 2017 202 pelayanan keimigrasian di Indonesia. Implementasi kebijakan dan penegakan hukum akan jauh lebih mudah jika pemerintah dapat memperoleh kepercayaan dari warganya (Zhao dan Hu, 2015), bahkan dalam kasus yang lebih ekstrem, kepercayaan pemerintah yang rendah dapat mendorong reformasi (Salim et al., 2017). Layanan imirasi tidak hanya disediakan untuk orang Indonesia tetapi juga bagi orang asing yang memasuki wilayah Indonesia. Beberapa layanan imigrasi untuk orang Indonesia tetapi juga bagi orang asing yang memasuki wilayah Indonesia. Beberapa layanan imigrasi yang diberikan kepada or- ang asing adalah perpanjangan visa dan izin tinggal, perizinan izin tinggal, izin masuk kembali, dan kewarganegaraan ganda untuk anak dibawah 18 tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membutktikan adanya pengaruh kepuasan ekuitas dan kepuasan disconfirmation pada CSI sebagai variable intervening dalam rangka merumuskan kembali konsep CSI yang lebih representative. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif yang dilakukan di kantor imigrasi kota padang. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pengaruh kualitas layanan terhadap CSI secara langsung dan pengaruhnya saat diintervensi oleh ekuitas dan disconfirmation dan untuk merumuskan kembali CSI dengan memperkuat konsep kepuasan orang asing. Sampel diambil dengan teknik stratified proportional ran- dom sampling. Sampel dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin. Berdasarkan semua temuan dan pembahasan di atas, kami menyimpulkan bahwa penguatan konsep kepuasan orang asing dapat dilakukan dengan menambahkan kepuasan ekuitas dan kepuasan disconfirmation ke dalam model CSI yang ada karena keduanya dapat meningkatkan pengaruh kualitas layanan pada SCI. Artinya, dalam menilai kepuasan orang asing dengan menggunakan CSI, ada variabel lain yang harus dipertimbangkan untuk menilai secara komprehensif dan memenuhi harapan orang asing. Selanjutnya model hipotetis yang diusulkan terbukti dan bisa dipertanggungjawabkan secara akademis. Model ini dapat digunakan sebagai landasan konseptual oleh peneliti lain untuk melakukan penelitian lain yang berkaitan dengan kualitas layanan dan CSI. Kata Kunci: Penguatan, Asing, Konsep Kepuasan, Keimigrasian, Indonesia. INTRODUCTION Studies about service quality have been received attention from academics and practitioners for decades because of the big role of service quality in influencing customer satisfaction and loy- alty (Davis, Lu, & Crouch, 2009; Aftab, Sarwar, Sultan, & Qadeer, 2016). The delivery of high quality service is always ob- structed by gap between service providers and customers (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, 1985; Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, 1990). The service provider faces difficulties in deliver- ing a service that meet customers’ expectations and needs. It happened because service was intangible and every customer had different expectations and needs (Rajicic & Ciric, 2008). Public trust in government is a crucial factor in state manage- ment (Zhao and Hu, 2015). Policy implementation and law en- forcement will be much easier if the government can gain trust from its citizen (Zhao and Hu, 2015), even in a more extreme case, the low trust in government can push reformation (Salim et al., 2017). Improving citizen satisfaction on public service is one of the ways to gain the public trust (Sun et al., 2013; Salim et al., 2017). Based on survey conducted by Edelman in 2007, Indonesian’s trust in government increased 13 points from 58 to 71 (Edelman, 2017). This achievement must be maintained even be improved in the next year, that is why, research related to citizen satisfaction is still relevant. One of important public services provided by Indonesia Gov- ernment is immigration service. Immigration service is not only provided for Indonesian but also for foreigners that enter Indo- nesia territory. Few immigration services provided for foreigners are visa and stay permit extension, stay permit shifting, multiple exit re-entry permit, and dual citizenship for children under 18 years old. Immigration service is an important service because it represents the overall service quality and the image of Indonesia public service. Thus, Immigration has to be able to provide a high quality and satisfactory service for foreigners to maintain the image of Indonesia public service in the world. Chase (1979) explicitly said that one of determinants of ser- vice delivery is the understanding of the service provider to whom the service is delivered. Service providers usually do not know and do not understand who the target group of the service is and the treatment will be generalized without considering the characteristics and the needs of the customer. In the case of im- migration service for foreigners, foreigners are the object of the service that have special and distinct characteristic that cannot be generalized. One of their characteristics is their inability to communicate in Bahasa with the officials. Based on that, the understanding from the officials about their limitations and needs will determine the success of the immigration service de- livery. Foreigner satisfaction about the service will determine by the perceived service quality. Previous studies proved that service quality directly influenced customer satisfaction (Seth, JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 203 Vol. 8 No. 2 May 2017 204 Deshmukh, & Vrat, 2005; Gonzales, Comesaña, & Brea, 2007; Lee, Kim, Ko, & Sagas, 2011; Kwok, Jusoh, & Khalifah, 2016). To assess customer satisfaction, one of the measurement tools is customer satisfaction index. Citizen satisfaction barometer is an independent satisfaction assessment tool that is commonly used in almost all of the countries in the world, especially in public sectors (O’Loughlin & Coenders, 2004; Bruhn & Grund, 2000; Fornell, Johnson, Anderson, Cha, & Bryant, 1996). American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is widely used and adopted by many countries to measure the citizen satisfaction in their country, meanwhile there are also other countries that formu- lated their own satisfaction barometer such as Indonesia, Eu- rope, Canada, Swiss, and Singapore. Indonesia government through Empowerment of State Ap- paratus Ministerial Regulation number 16/2014 formulated its own satisfaction barometer called Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat (Citizen Satisfaction Index-CSI) that consist of 9 (nine) scopes; (1) Requirements; (2) Procedure; (3) Service time; (4) Service cost; (5) Service product; (6) Staff competency; (7) Staff attitude; (8) Complaint handling; and (9) Service charter. Compared to other customer satisfaction indexes, CSI only covers perceived service aspect in its assessment. It does not cover customer expectation aspect, perceived value, loyalty, and com- plaint which include in other countries’ satisfaction index. To assess foreigner satisfaction comprehensively, the improvement of CSI must be done to match with the national satisfaction index standard. The improvement of CSI can be done by adding equity and disconfirmation that were proved as the antecedent of customer satisfaction (Matilla & O’Neill, 2003; Bowie & Chang, 2005; Chang, 2008; Hutchinson, Lai, & Wang, 2009; Shah, Arshad, Imam, & Arshad, 2014). This research aims to prove the influence of equity and disconfirmation satisfaction on CSI as intervening variables in order to re-formulate the more representative CSI concept. LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESIS FORMULATION CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND NATIONAL SATISFAC- TION INDEX Customer Satisfaction Giese and Cote said that customer satisfaction is an emotional or cognitive response related to something that happens in a certain time (Tjiptono & Gregorius, 2007). Ryzin (2006) reported that Miller and Miller said,”Satisfaction is the consumers’ or citizens’ summary judgment about the product or service”. An overall satisfaction question is often asked as part of the typical citizen survey and has been used as a key dependent variable of interest in research of service delivery (Ryzin, 2006). Previous studies proved that service quality had a positive relation with customer satisfaction (Wang & Shieh, 2006; Ismail, Ridzuan, Ranlan, Bin, Rahman, & Francis, 2013; Vu & Huan, 2016). Furthermore, service quality significantly influenced customer satisfaction. Thus it can be used as the predictor of customer satisfaction (Mokhlis, 2012; Krishnamurthy, Sivakumar, & Sellamuthu, 2010; Selvakumar, 2016). National Satisfaction Index The development of national and international satisfaction measurement has been increased sharply in the last decade (Johnson, Gustafsson, Andreassen, Lervik, & Cha, 2001). Swed- ish Customer Satisfaction Barometer (SCSB) was the first na- tional satisfaction index introduced (Fornell, 1992). America Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) was introduced in the fall 1994 (Johnson et al, 2001) and followed by other countries such as Singapore, Canada, and Swiss (Park, Heo, & Rim, 2008). In 2014, through Empowerment of State Apparatus Ministerial Decree number 25/2004, Indonesia also introduced its citizen satisfaction index called CSI and it was perfected through Em- powerment of State Apparatus Ministerial Regulation number 16/2014. ACSI is the most adopted national satisfaction index world- wide. The construct of ACSI are; (1) perceived quality. Perceived JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 205 Vol. 8 No. 2 May 2017 206 quality is the consumers’ judgment about an entity’s or a service’s overall excellence or superiority (Zeithmal, 1988; Yee & San, 2011); (2) customer expectations. Customer expectation is mul- tifaceted and capricious. Service provider should learn what a customer expect in order to deliver a good service (Hsieh & Yuan, 2010); (3) perceived value. Zeithaml (1988) defines perceived value as, ‘‘The consumer’s overall assessment of the utility of a prod- uct (or service) based on perceptions of what is received and what is given’’; (4) customer satisfaction; (5) customer complaints. To achieve 100% customer satisfaction is nearly impossible be- cause each customer expectation is different to another (Kang, Zhang, & Zheng, 2009). The mistakes and the failures in deliver- ing a service will lead to dissatisfaction (Karatepe, 2006) and it will increase numbers of complaints (Kang, Zhang, & Zheng, 2009); and (6) customer loyalty. If dissatisfaction leads to the increase of customer complaint, satisfaction leads to customer loyalty or the intention the re-purchase (Kuo, Wu, & Deng, 2010) ( Citizen Satisfaction Index (CSI) is a national satisfaction in- dex obtained from citizens’ statements about the service quality that was provided by the Indonesian Government. There are 9 (nine) scope of CSI; (1) Requirements. Service requirements are the conditions that must be followed by the citizen to receive the service; (2) Procedure. Procedure is the standard steps that must be followed by the citizen and also buy the official in providing a service; (3) Service time. Service time is the period needed to provide the service; (4) Service cost. Service cost is a standard cost that is charged to the citizen to receive a service; (5) Service product. Service product is the outcome from a service, whether it is goods or service; (6) Staff competency. Staff competency is the staff’s knowledge, expertise, skill, and experience in deliver- ing services; (7) Staff attitude. Staff attitude is the attitude that is shown by the officials when they are delivering the service; (8) Complaint handling. Complaint handling is the standard step in handling a complaint, advice, and critic; (9) Service charter. Service charter is the service provider statement and promise to provide a service based on the standard operational procedure. SERVICE QUALITY Service quality depends on how customers perceive the ac- tual service performance and the context of what they expected (Zeithaml, Parasuraman, & Berry, 1990). Service quality is de- fined as the outcome of an evaluation process where the con- sumer compares his expectations with the service he perceived he has received (Gronroos, 1982). Customer expectation about a service is influenced by their own experience, formal and in- formal recommendation from service provider and other people, price, need, and the image of service provider (Stašys & Malikovas, 2010). Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry (1985; 1990) introduced five determinants of service quality; (1) Tangible is related to the hardware facilities (physic), equipment, employee appearance, and communication media. Using modern equipment in deliv- ering service, well-dressed officials, representative building, and appealing information board are parts of the tangibility of a ser- vice (Naik, Gantasala, & Prabhakar, 2010; Aftab, Sarwar, Sul- tan, & Qadeer, 2016); (2) Reliability is the employee competency to deliver the promised service precisely. Reliability in delivering a service demonstrates the ability of service provider to deliver an adjusted service correctly (Omar, Saadan, & Seman, 2015); (3) Responsiveness is the eagerness to help the citizen and de- liver a quick service. Strong determination from the provider to help and provide a prompt and an on-time service to the cus- tomer is part of the responsiveness (Armstrong, Adam, Denize, & Kotler, 2012). The ability of the provider to deliver a prompt service is always appreciated by the customer (Aftab, Sarwar, Sultan, & Qadeer, 2016); (4) Assurance is the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their competency to convey trust and confidence. In various kinds of service, assurance plays a signifi- cant role and receives the most attention from the customer be- JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 207 Vol. 8 No. 2 May 2017 208 cause it is related to trust and the transparency between the cus- tomer and the provider (Chen dan Chang, 2005; De & Du, 2007); and (5) Empathy is the caring and individualized sympa- thy provided to the citizen. Service providers have to concern on customer situation and perspective as a form of empathy (Toosi & Kohonali, 2011). Perceived quality, customer expectation, and perceived value were already proved as the antecedents of customer satisfaction (Cronin, Brady, & Hult, 2000; Lee, Lee, & Yoo, 2000; Chen, 2008). Meanwhile customer loyalty and complaint were influ- enced by satisfaction (Wu, Chan, & Lau, 2008). Studies related to the influence of service quality on customer satisfaction as- sessed by national satisfaction index have been done by many researchers and they proved that service quality positively influ- enced customer satisfaction (Baker & Crompton, 2000; O’Loughlin & Coenders, 2004; Ciavolino & Dahlgaard, 2007; Park, Heo, & Rim, 2008). Although service quality has been proved as the antecedent of customer satisfaction, we were sure that service quality also influenced citizen satisfaction when it was assessed by using CSI. Therefore, we hypothesize the following: H 1 : Service quality has a direct effect on CSI EQUITY THEORY In many national satisfaction indexes, perceived value is one of their constructs. Perceived value is related to the compatibility of service product with the cost that has to be paid by the cus- tomer (Chin, 2010). The root of perceived value is equity theory that was first introduced by Zalemik in 1959 and was developed by Adams in 1963 (Oliver & DeSarbo, 1988). There are 2 impor- tant things in equity theory, a person and another person as the comparison object. Person is any individual for whom equity or inequity exist, and other is any individual or group used by Per- son as a referent when he makes a comparison (Adams, 1963). Besides efficiency and effectiveness, equity in delivering a ser- vice is also the key point of a public service performance (Savas, 1978). It concentrates on someone’s perception of how fairly he is being treated compared to other people for the same matter and the implication on their behavior. Social comparison pro- cess that involved in equity theory is typically based on the rela- tionship between two variables: inputs and outcomes. A state of equity exists whenever the ratio of a person’s outcomes (O) to inputs (I) equal to the ratio of other’s outcome to inputs (Daft & Steers, 1986). Previous studies proved that equity was not only the antecedent of job satisfaction (Bowie & Chang, 2005; Khalifa & Truong, 2013), but also the customer satisfaction (Chang, 2008). Equity was also proved as the intervening variable between service quality and golf traveler satisfaction in America (Hutchinson, Lai, & Wang, 200). Perceived value in customer satisfaction assessment aims to the benefit received by the customer for the cost that the cus- tomer paid (McDougall & Levesque, 2000). Customers who perceive that they received “value for money” are more satisfied than customers who do not perceive they received “value for money” (Zeithaml, 1988). Therefore, we hypothesize the follow- ing: H 2 : The effect of service quality on CSI is greater when it is interfered by equity DISCONFIRMATION THEORY Disconfirmation is the discrepancy between the anticipated quality of the good or service and the quality that was actually received or experienced (Ryzin, 2006). Patterson in his earlier research assumed that somebody will do the satisfaction judg- ment based on their expectation (E) and the real performance (P) (Patterson, 1993). There are three possibilities of the com- parison result; (1) if P < E, negative disconfirmation that cause dissatisfaction is applied, (2) if P > E, positive disconfirmation that raises very satisfactory or delight is applied, and (3) if P = E, confirmation that sometimes raises satisfaction and sometimes JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 209 Vol. 8 No. 2 May 2017 210 dissatisfaction is applied. While other researcher consider the third situation (if P = E) as zone of indifference (ZOI) where in the area we are not able to distinguish whether it cause satisfac- tion or dissatisfaction (Santos & Boote, 2003). In national satisfaction indexes, there are two correlated con- structs, perceived quality and customer expectation. The discrep- ancy between two of them will initiate disconfirmation (Chin, 2010). It means that in national satisfaction index, disconfir- mation process occurs and influences overall customer satisfac- tion. Proposed studies proved that disconfirmation directly in- fluenced customer satisfaction (Patterson, 1993; Matilla & O’Neill, 2003; Shah, Arshad, Imam, & Arshad, 2014). Disconfirmation concept also can be used to assess citizen satisfaction on public service provided by local government (Ryzin, 2006). Lanin has been measured the citizen satisfaction of Padang Panjang City on basic service (education, health, and social) pro- vided by Padang Panjang City Government using disconfirmation concept (Lanin, 2010; Lanin & Mubarak, 2010). Therefore, we hypothesize the following: H 3 : The effect of service quality on CSI is greater when it was interfered by disconfirmation. RESEARCH METHOD This was a quantitative research that was conducted in Padang Immigration Office. It aims to uncover the influence of service quality on CSI directly and the influence of it when it was inter- fered by equity and disconfirmation and to re-formulate the CSI by strengthening the foreigner satisfaction concept. In this re- search there was one independent variable (service quality), two intervening variables (equity satisfaction and disconfirmation satisfaction), and one dependent variable (Citizen Satisfaction Index-CSI). As stated in previous part, immigration service is one of crucial services in every country because it represents the overall image of public service in the country. The number of foreigners who enter Indonesia through West Sumatera is in- creasing every year (source: Sumatera Barat in Figure 2016) whether as a tourist, a student, a researcher, or as a worker. It proved that West Sumatera’s natural and cultural wealth is ap- pealing. Thus, the reinforcement of foreigner satisfaction assess- ment was needed in order to improve the immigration service quality and to maintain the foreigners’ discipline when they en- ter and stay in Indonesia. The population of the research was all 2952 foreigners that had received immigration service from Padang Immigration Of- fice from 2015 until 2016. The sample was taken by using strati- fied proportional random sampling technique. The sample was counted by using Slovin formula. The characteristics of the sample were foreigners who hold; (1) limited stay permit; (2) permanent stay permit; and (3) multiple exit re-entry permit. The number of the sample in this research was 191 respondents. The data were collected by using a valid and a reliable questionnaire. Path analysis was conducted to prove proposed hypotheses. The data of this research were explained into few parts; (1) description of mean score of each variable to see the general response about service quality and satisfaction; (2) description of comparative result between immigration service in Indonesia and the respon- dents’ home countries; (3) description of path analysis result, direct, indirect, and total effect of each path. RESULT RESPONDENT CHARACTERISTIC Table 1 showed that 64.4% respondents are male, 47.1% re- spondent came from Asian countries such as Philippine, Thai- land, Malaysia, South Korea, and India. 55.5% respondents were aged 21-30 year-old. 53.4% of respondents came to Indonesia to work. 32.5% respondents have already stayed in Indonesia for 1- 2 years. JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 211 Vol. 8 No. 2 May 2017 TABLE 1. THE SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC OF THE RESPONDENTS CHARACTERISTIC N % CHARACTERISTIC N % GENDER STAY PERIOD 212 FOREIGNER SATISFACTION OF IMMIGRATION SERVICE Based on data collected, the foreigner satisfaction level of immigration service assessed by using CSI can be seen in Table 2. Table 2 described the level of foreigner satisfaction on immi- gration service assessed by using CSI, equity, and disconfirmation. The average score of CSI was 3.50. It means that the foreigner satisfaction level was slightly above the medium level which means they do not satisfied enough with the service. The average score of equity and disconfirmation, on a scale of 1 to 5, is 3.62 and 3.83 respectively. It implied that foreigners who received immi- gration service are still not satisfied enough with the fairness and the performance of the service because the scores are in medium level. Meanwhile, based on the data collected, the immigration ser- vice quality of Padang Immigration Office for foreigners can be seen in table 3. Table 3 showed that the overall score of immigration service for foreigner in Padang Immigration Office was 3.56 that was categorized as ‘enough’. It suggested that the quality of immigra- tion service for foreigners was quite good. From data collected, Man 123 64.4% Less than 1 year 40 20.9% Woman 68 35.6% 1-2 years 62 32.5% NATIONALITY 2-3 years 39 20.4% Europe 50 26.2% 3-4 years 23 12.0% America 35 18.3% More than 4 years 27 14.1% Asia 90 47.1% PURPOSE OF VISIT Australia 16 8.4% Permanent Stay Permit 71 37.2% PURPOSE OF VISIT Limited Stay Permit 7 3.7% Work 102 53.4% Multiple Exit Re-entry Permit 113 59.2% Study 80 41.9% AGE Other 9 4.7% Under 20 year-old 19 9.9% NUMBER OF 21-30 year-old 106 55.5% APPLICATION 95 49.7% 31-40 year-old 56 29.3% 1-2 times 48 25.1% 41-50 year old 9 4.7% 3-4 times 48 25.1% Above 50 year-old 1 0.5% More than 5 times most of the respondents said that the immigration service in their home countries were better that immigration service in Indonesia. It can be seen in Table 4: TABLE 2. MEAN VALUE OF FOREIGNER SATISFACTION CSI ITEM MEAN Clear and understandable service requirements 3.60 The procedure is simple 3.20 Service is delivered on-time 3.30 Service cost is adjusted to the regulation 3.50 Service product received is adjusted to foreigner’s need 3.70 The official has competency to deliver the service 3.70 The official acts friendly 3.70 The service given is adjusted to the service charter 3.60 The official responds the complaint and advice quickly 3.40 Average of CSI 3.50 JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 213 Equity Satisfaction Disconfirmation Satisfaction Input and output of the person are equal 3.61 Input and output of a person compared to another is equal 3.63 Average of Equity Satisfaction 3.62 Foreigner’s expectation 4.12 Actual service performance 3.55 Average of Disconfirmation Satisfaction 3.83 Average Foreigner Satisfaction Score 3.65 TABLE 3. PADANG IMMIGRATION SERVICE QUALITY FOR FOREIGNE RS ITEM MEAN Tangible 3.68 Reliability 3.50 Responsiveness 3.55 Assurance 3.55 Empathy 3.50 TOTAL 3.56 TABLE 4. THE COMPARISON NO OPTIONS FREQUENCY PERCENT 1 Other countries are better 120 62.8 2 Almost the same 64 33.5 3 Padang immigration is better 7 3.7 From Table 4, we could see that 62.8% of the respondents said that the immigration service in their home countries were better than immigration service in Indonesia. The difference of immigration service in Indonesia and other countries was showed Vol. 8 No. 2 May 2017 214 by the big comparison of the mean value (2.59:1.40). The high mean value indicated the good immigration service received by the respondents in other countries than immigration service in Indonesia. To ensure whether the difference was significant, it can be seen in Table 5: TABLE 5. RESULT OF INDEPENDE NT SAMPLE T-TEST NO GROUP N MEAN T SIG. 1. Other countries are better 191 2.5916 20.552 .000 2. Indonesia is better 191 1.4084 Based on Table 5, we found that t value was bigger than t statistic (20.552>1.69) with 0.000 significance score. It proved that immigration service in other countries were better than immigration service in Indonesia. Thus, CSI needed to be im- proved by adding other constructs in order to assess citizen satis- faction comprehensively. THE ANALYSIS OF THE MODEL The reinforcement of foreigner satisfaction concept examined by path analysis is described as below: TABLE 6. PATH ANALYSIS RESULT MODEL Table 6 showed that independent variable (service quality) and intervening variables (equity and disconfirmation) signifi- cantly influenced CSI as the dependent variable. From Table 6 above we also can see that service quality (X1) had direct influ- ence on CSI (Y) for 0.704 (70.4%). It meant that the proposed H 1 was accepted; service quality had direct influence on CSI. Beta score of the path coefficient in Table 6 indicated the SUB- STRUCTURAL 1 SUB- STRUCTURAL 2 SUB- STRUCTURAL 3 (X1 € X2 (X1 € X3) (X1 € Y) Path Coefficient 0.793 0.358 0.704 T 17.877 5.279 14.654 Sig 0.000 0.000 0.000 Adj. R2 0.626 0.124 0.839 e 0.374 0.876 0.161 influence of exogenous variable on endogenous variable in par- ticular path. The score of Adj. R2 indicated the power or the contribution of the exogenous variable on endogenous variable. The score of indirect, direct, and total effect of each intervening variable toward CSI was counted based on the beta score (coeffi- cient) and the result was described as below: TABLE 7. THE DIRECT, INDIRECT, AND TOTAL EFFECT JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 215 No. Item Direct Effect (X1 € Y) Indirect Effect Total Effect 1. X1 € Y through X2 0.704 0.162 0.866 2. X1 € Y through X3 0.704 0.035 0.739 FIGURE 1. THE REINFORCEMENT OF FOREIGNER SATISFACTION MODEL Table 7 suggested that the direct effect of service quality on CSI was 70.4% and it rose to 86.6% when the path was inter- fered by equity which was greater that the direct effect of service quality on CSI. This finding indicated that the proposed H 2 was accepted; the effect of service quality on CSI was greater when it was interfered by equity. Furthermore, the effect of service qual- ity on CSI also rose to 73.9% when disconfirmation interfered the path. It means that the proposed H 3 was also accepted; the effect of service quality on CSI was greater when it was inter- fered by disconfirmation. From all the findings, we could firmly say that all proposed hypotheses were accepted. Vol. 8 No. 2 May 2017 216 For more comprehensive understanding, the interaction model of the variables is drawn as Figure. DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATION THE FOREIGNER SATISFACTION ON IMMIGRATION SERVICE One of the findings of this research is the direct influence of service quality on CSI. Based on data collected, the mean value of foreigner satisfaction assessed by CSI was 3.50 which slightly above medium level. It also indicated that the low score of ser- vice quality will influence the score of foreigner satisfaction. Table I showed that aspect received the lowest score was the ability of the official to deliver the service on-time. It was only 3.30. Time measures how long a foreigner has to wait to receive the service needed (Okyere, Annan, and Anning, 2015). Stated in their stan- dard operational procedure, immigration office needs three days to work on every application that they received from the foreigners.The punctuality is very important in delivering ser- vice because it has correlation with the perceived service perfor- mance received by the customer (Gunasekaran, Patel, and Tirtiroglu, 2011). The items of CSI are more technical and practical rather than theoretical. Those items can only assess the service delivery pro- cess and neglect other fundamental items such as fairness, and needs that were included in other national satisfaction barom- eters. That is why the findings about the influence of equity and disconfirmation on CSI are important to improve and upgrade the quality of CSI. Meanwhile, the fairness of the service delivery was scored 3.62 of 5 which also slightly above the medium level. They assessed that the service received was fair enough compared to other al- though there were also cases where they did not treat equally. Immigration office is the only institution that can provide immi- gration service for foreigners. Foreigner, who does not feel satis- fied, does not have any choice to move to another institution to get a better and fair immigration service. There are three keys that influence equity in delivering a service; the quality of the service, the price, and the relationship between the customer and the institution (Zeithaml, Lemon, & Rust, 2001). Immigra- tion office is the only institution that can provide immigration service for foreigners. Foreigner, who does not feel satisfied, does not have any choice to move to another institution to get a better and fair immigration service. Thus, immigration office has to provide a fair service to every foreigner in order to satisfy them. In other hand, disconfirmation concept is also a concept that is commonly used in assessing customer satisfaction (Matilla & O’Neill, 2003). It compares the perceived quality and the cus- tomer expectation about the service (Patterson, 2003). Based on Table I, the mean value of customer expectation about the im- migration service was 4.12, meanwhile, the actual service perfor- mance was only 3.55. It means that the customer expectation (E) was bigger than the actual performance (P) which leaded to negative disconfirmation. As what have been found by other re- searchers, disconfirmation influences satisfaction (Patterson, 1993; Matilla & O’Neill, 2003; Shah, Arshad, Imam, & Arshad, 2014). It means that the negative disconfirmation will decrease the satisfaction level of the foreigners on immigration service received. THE IMMIGRATION SERVICE QUALITY FOR FOREIGN- ERS A public service consists of all actions that are conducted by the officials to obtain higher customer satisfaction level and de- liver the value of the service (Hadiyati, 2014). From all data ob- tained related to the immigration service quality for foreigners in Padang Immigration Office, the score was 3.56. The score was in average level and it meant that the immigration service for foreigner was qualified enough. From the result of this study, the ability of the officials to communicate with the foreigners in English obtained the lowest JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 217 Vol. 8 No. 2 May 2017 218 score from the respondents, it was only 3.2. Immigration service is not only provided for Indonesian but also foreigners. As stated before, service quality was the comparison between the customer expectation and the performed service they received. Customer expectation was also triggered by customer’s needs. Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry have introduced the service gap that was widely used by the practitioners and academics to assess the service quality (Shahin & Samea, 2010). One of the service gaps is the discrepancy between customer needs and the perception of ser- vice provider about customer needs. The gap will influence the citizen assessment about overall service quality. Foreigners have different needs and characteristics. They cannot speak Bahasa fluently and it halts the communication between the foreigners with the immigration officials. They need officials who can speak with them in language that they understand such as English that known as international language. Foreigners who received immigration service from Padang Immigration Office are used to a reliable immigration service in their home countries. They expect that immigration officials can understand their needs and limitations. In reality, officials are not able to communicate with them easily. The officials’ inabil- ity to provide an expected service will extend the gap between the service provider and the citizen. Service quality determinant that received high score was tan- gible with 3.68. Although it received the highest score, it was still far from the excellent level (4.5-5). The availability of ad- equate physical facilities pleases the customer because customer tend to give higher score to the school that completed with suf- fice facilities (Irawan, 2008:58). Beside modern and sufficient service facilities, the availability of understandable immigration information was also a part of tangibility. For a public service provider, the availability of understandable service information is a must. It is regulated in Law number 25/2009 as the prin- ciple of public service. The service delivery has to consider the principle of openness where people can access and understand the information easily. The availability of understandable immi- gration information offline and online is a must as well. Immigration service for foreigner is a service provided by In- donesia Immigration Office for foreigners who enter Indonesia territory. Service is intangible and its quality is difficult to exam- ine. Thus, researchers tend to use ‘perceived service quality’ word to refer service quality (Yarimoglu, 2014). THE MODEL OF FOREIGNER SATISFACTION The model in Figure 1 proved that service quality directly influenced citizen satisfaction assessed by CSI. As stated before, service quality was called perceived service quality because of its complexity. In European Citizen Satisfaction Index (ECSI), per- ceived service quality is one of independent variables that influ- enced customer satisfaction (O’Loughlin & Coenders, 2004; Ciavolino & Dahlgaard, 2007). In American Citizen Satisfac- tion Index (ACSI), perceived quality is also a latent variable of customer satisfaction. It means all national satisfaction indexes used perceived service quality in the measurement model because its influence on customer satisfaction (Cristobal, Flavian, & Giunaliu, 2007). This research found that service quality influenced equity. It means a high quality service will generate fairness in customer. Moreover, the influence score of service quality on CSI when it was interfered by equity was higher than its direct effect. Equity is a subsequence result of service quality and it also can be used as intervening variable between service quality and citizen satis- faction (Hutchinson et al., 2009). It shows that equity can also be an antecedent of CSI. Chang (2008) found equity was a promi- nent variable that influenced Taiwan tourist. Besides influenc- ing customer satisfaction, equity also influenced job satisfaction (Bowie & Chang, 2005; Khalifa & Truong, 2013; Osabiya, 2015). From all those previous findings, we could barely say that equity influenced satisfaction in general. The addition of equity in for- eigner satisfaction assessment using CSI would provide more JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 219 Vol. 8 No. 2 May 2017 220 comprehensive overview of foreigner satisfaction on immigra- tion service received. Shah, Arshad, Imam, & Arshad (2014) found that disconfirmation could be an intervening variable between ser- vice quality and customer satisfaction. Beside as an intervening variable, disconfirmation was also a logical antecedent of cus- tomer satisfaction and it influenced satisfaction directly (Oliver, 1980; Patterson, 1993; Matilla & O’Neill, 2003). Based on the finding of this research, disconfirmation variable can be used to increase the influence of service quality on CSI and it can be used as one of the constructs of CSI. Compared to other na- tional satisfaction indexes such as ACSI and CSISG, each of them has perceived service and customer expectation construct that were the benchmark of overall customer satisfaction (Angelova & Zekiri, 2011). Beside as an intervening variable, both equity and disconfir- mation were also independent variables that can influenced CSI directly even though the direct influence were much smaller that the influences as intervening variables. Other researchers found that both of them were important predictors of CSI and they complemented each other. Both of them are comparison model but they compared different aspects with different standard, na- ture, process, and attributes (Oliver & Swan, 1989; Oliver, 2014). Equity compares the input and outcome of a person to another person, while disconfirmation compares the expectation and the perceived performance. Therefore, it appears that both of them have to be included in CSI model in order to strengthen the CSI concept and to measure foreigner satisfaction thoroughly. THEORETICAL IMPLICATION The findings of this research contribute to the service quality and customer satisfaction literatures. The measurement of cus- tomer satisfaction using national satisfaction index has evolved for years and still need to be flourished. Based on this research, equity and disconfirmation have to be considered in the making and the improvement of national satisfaction index. Equity that was the base of perceived value construct in other countries’ sat- isfaction index was proved to increase the influence of service quality on CSI as well as disconfirmation. As stated before, know- ing the citizen’s expectation and measuring perceived service are two principal aspects in assessing service quality and citizen sat- isfaction (Zeithaml, Parasuraman, & Berry, 1990; Ryzin, 2006). Thus, disconfirmation that functions to assess citizen’s expecta- tion and perceived service must be added in order to perfect the CSI concept, meanwhile equity is also important in delivering a service because fairness is a public service ethic (Maani, 2010). Compared to other satisfaction indexes, the development of CSI is still in the early age. Thus the development of the constructs is important in order to assess Indonesian satisfaction level com- prehensively. PRACTICAL IMPLICATION Practically, the results can be used by Immigration as the im- migration service provider. Foreigners who enter Indonesian ter- ritories used to receive a good service in their home countries. Equity that is linked to perceived value construct has to be con- sidered by immigration because its influence on overall satisfac- tion. They who received the service will always compare the cost and the quality of the service. Cost of the service is not only about money, but also the time and energy they spent to get the immigration service. Furthermore, immigration as the provider also have to learn foreigners’ need and expectation about immi- gration service and narrow the gap between foreigners’ expecta- tion and officials’ perception about what they need and what they expect from Immigration by consider the equity and disconfirmation variables. In addition to immigration office as the provider, those influ- ences from equity and disconfirmation gave us an illustration of ideal immigration service that foreigner wants. These findings benefits the foreigners so they can be more discipline and obey JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT & POLITICS) 221 Vol. 8 No. 2 May 2017 222 to the applicable law because satisfaction can increase public trust and ease law enforcement (Salim et al., 2017). It means that, foreigner that is satisfied with the immigration service will enter Indonesia and stay in accordance with the applicable rule, so they can maintain a good relationship with people around them and live comfortably for quite long time. CONCLUSION Based on all findings and discussion above, we concluded that the reinforcement of foreigner satisfaction concept can be done by adding equity satisfaction and disconfirmation satisfac- tion into existing CSI model because both of them can increase the influence of service quality on SCI. It meant that in assess- ing the foreigner satisfaction by using CSI, there are other vari- ables that have to be considered in order to assess it comprehen- sively and meet with foreigner’s expectation. Furthermore, the proposed hypothetic model was proved and it can be accounted for academically. The model can be used as the conceptual cor- nerstone by other researchers to do other studies related to ser- vice quality and CSI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors thanked the internal reviewer in Universitas Negeri Padang, Asia Pacific Society for Public Administration (APSPA), Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar as the host of 2016 ICONEG 2016 in Makassar, South Sulawesi of Indonesia where the authors presented this article, and the reviewer and editor team at JGP for giving the authors significant inputs and advices to improve this paper. REFERENCES Adams, J. S. (1963). Towards an understanding of inequity.The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67(5), 422. 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