The Influence of Communication Skills Toward Job Performance of The State Civil Apparatus Biryanto Research and Development Agency, The Province Government of Riau Aida Vitayala S. Hubeis, Krishnarini Matindas Ma’mun Sarma Institute Pertanian Bogor,, ABSTRACT Communication skills are the basic skills needed by each ASN in performing its job duties. The elements of communication skills that are studied include the skills of speaking, writing, reading, listening, and using media. This study aims to: (1) describes ASN communication skills; (2) analyze the factors that are related and affect the elements of ASN communication skills; and (3) analyze the influence of the elements of communication skills to the achievement of ASN job performance. The sample used was 380 respondents, taken using random proportional stratified sample method. This study uses quantitative approach and is strengthened by qualitative through interview result, focus group discussion, and field observation. The results show that ASN communication skills are in sufficient category, with the order of the highest being the skills in using media, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Factors that have a positive and significant effect on all elements of communication skills are individual characteristics of employees and work motivation. Communication skills proved to have a positive and significant impact on ASN job performance, with the strongest predictor being skills in using media. Keywords: communications skills, job performance, state civil apparatus JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN 393 Received : June 6th, 2018 Revised: july 2th, 2018 Accepted: July 26, 2018 How to cite this article is : Biryanto, S , A. V., Matindas, K., & Sarma, M. (2018). The Influence of Communicatio n Skills Toward Job Performance of The State Civil Apparatus. Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan, 9(3), 393-419 Vol. 9 No. 3 August 2018 394 ABSTRAK Kemampuan komunikasi adalah keterampilan dasar yang dibutuhkan oleh setiap ASN dalam melaksanakan tugas pekerjaanya. Unsur dalam kemampuan komunikasi yang dikuasai adalah keterampilan berbicara, menulis, membaca, mendengarkan dan menggunakan media. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan kemampuan komunikasi ASN; (2) menganalisis faktor-faktor yang terkait dan mempengaruhi elemen keterampilan komunikasi ASN; dan (3) menganalisis pengaruh kemampuan komunikasi terhadap pencapaian kinerja pekerjaan ASN. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 380 responden, diambil menggunakan metode sampel acak secara proporsional. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan diperkuat oleh kualitatif melalui hasil wawancara, focus group discussion, dan observasi lapangan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan komunikasi ASN berada dalam kategori cukup, dengan urutan yang paling tinggi adalah keterampilan dalam menggunakan media, mendengarkan, berbicara, membaca dan menulis. Faktor- faktor yang memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan pada semua elemen keterampilan komunikasi adalah karakteristik individu karyawan dan motivasi kerja. Keterampilan komunikasi terbukti memiliki dampak positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pekerjaan ASN, dengan prediktor terkuat adalah keterampilan dalam menggunakan media. Keywords : Kemampuan berkomunikasi, Kinerja Pegawai, Aparatur Sipil Negara INTRODUCTION State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is an element of state apparatus that has an important role in conducting administrative and development tasks. Based on Law No. 81 of 2010 about public policy, public servant, and adhesive and unifying nation. The development of ASN function is actually an implementation to realize bureaucratic reform aimed at creating professional bureaucracy with adaptive characteristic and holding firmly to the basic values and so code of ethics of state apparatus. Adaptive characteristics as one of the requirements in realizing a professional bureaucracy is the adaptability required for each ASN in carrying out its duties and functions. Ashari (2010) argued that employees are required to adapt to changes that occur in the internal and external environment, so that it can perform its function effectively in dealing with the community. Ability to adjust in relation to others, especially to provide a professional public service requires communication skills (Downing, 2011). Various study results on the institutional needs of qualified professional employees is the ability of these employees in communicating (Mangkuprawira 2009). ASN communication skills are not natural and can not stand alone, but are influenced by various factors. Communicating effectively in a government bureaucratic organization, is a skill based on scientific knowledge. the science of communication as scientific knowledge requires a systematic process of thinking and analysis, so it is not just a natural process as a living being (Littlejhon & Foss, 2009). This indicates that a person's communication skills can develop, and are useful for improving the achievement of his job. According to Tubs & Moss (2005) communication skills needed to achieve success within an organization. Ruben & Stewart (2014) reinforces Tubs and Moss's opinion that the ability to communicate employees is one of the keys to success in the workplace. Indicators of ASN success in a government institution one of them is the achievement of job performance. The important role of communication skills as one of the elements of communication competence has actually been extensively studied in relation to leadership (Madlock, 2008: Westerman et al. 2015; Sager et al., 2015), employee performance (Payne, 2005; Mikkelson et al., 2015) , and job satisfaction of employees within an organization (Steele & Plenty 2015). Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan 395 Vol. 9 No. 3 August 2018 396 In this study, communication skills are studied in different aspects, based on ASN work tasks as state apparatus, and their impact on job performance tied to government bureaucracy. Based on the background that has been described, this study aims to (1) describe the communication skills of ASN employees; (2) to analyze related factors and influence the elements of ASN communication skill; and (3) to analyze the effect of the elements of communication skill on the achievement of ASN work performance. This study is expected to contribute to the development of communication skills for ASN, especially to encourage the realization of qualified ASN resources. LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESIS Communication Skills Communication is a social interaction that can describe the extent of collective action and cooperation of the parties involved in the communication process (Rickheit & Stoner, 2008). The creation of good relationships and cooperation among employees, and other stakeholders is the key to the successful implementation of work tasks. Communication skills as part of communication competence is required not only to build synergistic relationships and cooperation between superiors and subordinates (Steele & Plenty, 2015), but also to have a significant effect on performance improvement and employee commitment (Mikkelson et al., 2015). The two-way communication model proposed by Schramm (1971), states that everyone who communicates, simultaneously acts as an encoder (sending message) and a decoder (receiving messages). DeVito (2010) explains that actions that produce messages such as speaking and writing are called encoding, and the act of receiving messages such as listening and reading is called decoding. The process of encoding and decoding is an integral whole, and determine each other in the achievement of effective communication. A person who has communication skills is not only based on his ability to convey messages, but also his ability to receive and interpret messages. Speaking skills to ASN employees is an ability to convey messages verbally, both in interpersonal, group and public communication. Writing skills are based on his ability to write and compose official scripts. According to the Regulation of the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucracy Reform No. 80 of 2012, the official script is written communication as a communication tool of the government about the implementation of government duties in the government agencies. Reading skills are a skill in understanding and interpreting written messages from official scripts, legislation, and literature related to their work assignments. Listening skills is the ability to notice, hear, understand, and remember the messages it receives in relation to work tasks. Other communication skills in addition to the encoding and decoding required by the current ASN are skills using media communication technology or media skills. Along with the advancement of communication media technology, each ASN employee is required to be able to use and optimize the communication media to facilitate and accelerate access to information, delivery and acceptance of communication messages. ASN's skilled skills are able to adapt to the changes that occur in technology-based work environments. Media communication can break barriers due to space and time constraints (Pace & Faules, 2010) that allow employees to connect with anyone and anywhere in their organizations (Kennedy, 2007). JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN 397 Vol. 9 No. 3 August 2018 398 The media skills can also build social networks that are used to support the execution of work tasks, and the ability to cooperate more widely (Christakis & Flower, 2010). Job Performance Job performance is the result of the work of individual employees who determine the results of the work of the institution as a whole. According to Mangkunegara (2009) Job performance is the result of work (quality, quantity, reliability, and attitude) chieved by an employee in performing tasks in accordance with the responsibilities given by the organization to him. Based on Government Regulation No. 46 of 2011, job performance ASN is based on an assessment of employee performance targets and work behavior. Employee performance target is a work plan and target to be achieved by an employee, whereas work behavior is behavior, attitudes or actions of employees covering aspects of service orientation, integrity, commitment, discipline, cooperation, and leadership. One of the efforts to improve job performance of employee is through employee involvement in organizational development process. Employee involvement is always associated with good communication between employees and those responsible for decision making. According to Macey et al. (2009) engagement is a very powerful concept because it captures the idea of employees, works with passion, and provides a competitive advantage of available human resources. Involvement occurs when employees feel safe to take action that comes from their own initiative. Assessment of ASN job performance is carried out in a participatory and open approach (Government Regulation No. 46 of 2011). Participatory approaches indicate that the assessed employees are actively involved in the planning of the JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN employee's job objectives and assessment process, while the 399 open nature is expected to increase the motivation, work productivity, and establish good relationships between the appraiser officials and the assessed employees. Based on the approach and nature of the ASN work performance appraisal, it is clear that employee performance achievement requires the communication role to interact, and build relationships between appraiser officials and assessed employees. Hypothesis Formulation Based on theoretical studies, previous research results, and logical arguments, the following is the formulation of hypotheses in this study: H1: Individual characteristics of employees (ICoE) has a positive and significant influence on all elements of communication skills. H2: Work motivation has a positive and significant influence on all elements of communication skills. H3: Human resource development (HRD) has a positive and significant influence on all elements of communication skills. H4: Work environment has a positive and significant influence on all elements of communication skills. Vol. 9 No. 3 August 2018 400 H5: All elements of communication skills have a positive and significant influence on the achievement of employee performance targets (SKP). H6: All elements of communication skills have a positive and significant influence on ASN work behavior RESEARCH METHOD This study uses post-positivistic paradigm with quantitative approach and qualitative reinforcement. Creswell (2010) suggests that the research problems studied in post- positivist view are based on the need to identify the underlying factors that influence the outcome. The selected research strategy is descriptive explanatory survey method, so that later can be explained the causal relationship between the variables studied through the development of concepts and research information. The study process begins with conducting preliminary surveys to obtain data and information needed in the preparation of study instruments. The questionnaire as the main instrument in this study was valid and reliable after a questionnaire test using product moment correlation test and Cronbach's Alpha, on 40 ASN employees who were not part of the research sample. The population in this research is all employees of ASN in structural position in Riau Province Government. The sample size is 380 people, determined based on Slovin formula with a 5% error tolerance limit. The sampling technique used a randomized proportional stratified sampling method, according to ASN position classification consisting of executors, supervisors, administrators, and pratama high leadership. The independent variables studied in this study consist of individual characteristics of employees (ICoE), work motivation, human resource development (HRD), and work environment. The ICoE variable indicator consists of six basic characteristics of ASN employees, namely rank, position, employment period, training, formal education, and age. Work motivation indicators use McClelland's motivational theory that is the need for achievement, power, and affiliation. . The HRD indicator consists of ASN management JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN elements consisting of mutations, promotions, education and training, participation in committees, and job guidance. The work environment indicator consists of the physical, social, and organizational culture. The dependent variable consists of communication skills and job performance. Communication skills variable have five indicators, namely skills of speaking, writing, reading, listening, and using media. ASN job performance is based on Government Regulation No. 46 of 2011, which consists of seven indicators: employee performance targets, service orientation, integrity, commitment, discipline, cooperation, and leadership. The study instruments used to strengthen the results of the questionnaire analysis were interviews, focus group discussions, and field observations. Data analysis using Pearson correlation test to know the relationship between variables, and multiple regression test to know the influence of independent variable to dependent variable. Ordinal data in this study is transformed into interval data for the purposes of data analysis. The software used in processing and data analysis is Ms Excell and SPSS 23. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Profile of Respondents Characteristics of respondents based on level of rank consist of 24.2% low category (class I and II), 62.4% medium category (class III), and 13.4% in high category (class IV). Position of respondents is proportional representing the percentage of positions in the population, ie low category (executor) of 83.9%, moderate (supervisor) of 11.1%, and high (administrators and pratama high leadership) of 5%. The employment period consists of low category (<10 years) of 34.5%, medium (10-20 years) of 42.9%, and high (> 20 years) of 22.6%. 401 Vol. 9 No. 3 August 2018 402 Characteristics of respondents based on participation in training are mostly (44.7%) in the low category (<5 certificates), 39.2% in the medium category (5-10 certificates), and 16.1% in high category (> 10 certificates ). The education level of respondents in the low category (SMA) is 29.2%, the moderate category (Diploma/S1) is 52.6% and the high category (S2/S3) is 18.2%. The age of respondents is mostly in the middle category (36-47 years) of 41.1%, young (≤35 years) of 29.7%, and older (48-58 years) of 29.2%. The Communication Skills of ASN Employees ASN employees communication skills are the ability they have to communicate with other people related to their job duties as state apparatus. The measurement of ASN employees' communication skill uses the calculation of mean score for each indicator presented in Figure 1. Based on the mean score of each indicator, it is known that the skills of using media are the skills most controlled by ASN with mean score of 3.374 (scale: 1- 5). This is due to the use of media technology such as computers, internet networks, and government communication media applications today, has become an integral part in the implementation of administrative tasks of government and public services. The use of communication media technology changes the way people work (Pace & Faules, 2010), and affects the organizational communication process. Through the use of media technology, the process of coordination between employees and public service becomes more efficient and effective, because it can interact without limited space and time. The indicator of communication skills in the second sequence is listening skill with a mean score of 3.353. Each ASN employee works in a structured system, so the work task of an employee is a chain that is interconnected with the work of other employees. Related to this listening skills become an absolute necessity needed by every employee, both in the process of vertical and horizontal communication. Listening skill is an active communication activity that requires concentration and commitment, so as to interpret the message received correctly and completely (DeVito, 2012; McKenna, 2012). Listening skills are not only required by a subordinate in receiving direction or instructions from his superiors, but also required by a leader to receive aspirations and information from his subordinates. Listening skills are needed by every employee in receiving advice and input from colleagues, so they can work together well. Note: Mean score category: very low (1.000 to 1.800); low (1.801- 2.600); sufficient (2.601-3.400); good (3.401-4.200); very good (4.201-5.000). Standard deviation: speaking= .851; writing= 1.041; reading= .963; listening= .866; using media= .976. Figure 1. Mean score of each element of ASN communication skills 403 Series1; Speaking; 3,232 Series1; Series1; Using Listening; media; 3,374 3,353 Series1; Writing; 3,026 Series1; Reading; 3,111 Vol. 9 No. 3 August 2018 404 Speaking skills are ranked third under listening skills with a mean score of 3.232. This data informs that employees are more familiar with listening skills than speech skills. Referring to the profile of the respondents, this result can be understood because most respondents are ASN with the position of executor or staff who more often accept the task than to assign duties to other employees. The higher the structural position held by an ASN employee, the greater the authority in giving direction to other employees. Employees who have high positions are more accustomed to communicating communication messages related to work tasks, whether during interpersonal communication, meetings, or public speaking. Reading skills are the fourth communicating skills with mean score of 3.111. Reading skills on ASN employees require adequate knowledge of work tasks, regulations and legislation, and development policies, so as to better understand the official script. May & Rizzardi (2002) mentions that the process of reading comprehension is about understanding the opinions or messages the author intends to convey intentionally. Interest in reading on ASN employees is more likely to be on the general knowledge and entertainment aspects that are not directly related to the execution of work tasks. Reading activities are more often placed as activities to pass the time between work routines, rather than being part of the work culture. The lowest communicating skill element controlled by an ASN employee is writing skills with a mean score of 3.026. According to Sriussadaporn-Charoenngam & Jablin (1999) writing is one of the communication skills whose measurement depends on the work task and type of organization. The skills of writing ASN employees with structural positions are not measured by their ability to write books or journals, but on their ability to write official scripts related to work assignments. Vol. 9 No. 3 August 2018 405 Writing of official manuscripts in governmental institutions is a form of written communication that is more administrative, and not as a requirement of promotion. The task of writing the official script is also usually regarded as a routine task that is charged to some employees only in an agency, so the skills of writing employees are not well developed, when compared with other communication skills. This is reinforced by a higher standard deviation of writing skills than other communicative skills indicators, indicating the high gap in writing skills among employees. Factors that relate and affect the elements of ASN communication skills Based on Pearson correlation test result in Table 1, it is known that ICoE, work motivation, HRD, and environment are positively and significantly correlated with α = 0.01 with all elements of communication skill. The ICoE has a weak relationship with reading and listening skills, but is in moderation with speaking, writing, and using media skills, while work motivation is strongly related to all elements of communication skills. Human resource development has a weak relationship with all the elements of communication competence, while the environment has a weak relationship with the skills of writing, reading, listening, and using media, and also has a moderate relationship with speaking skills. Factors that have correlation with the elements of communication skills, then multiple regression test to determine the magnitude of influence. The results of multiple regression test in Table 1, it is known that ICoE significantly affect all elements of communication skills, so hypothesis 1 was accepted. This suggests that ASN employees' communication skills are significantly influenced by factors within themselves. The level of education and training is an indicator of ICoE that can be developed independently by employees. Based on Law No. 5 of 2014, ASN as a profession has the obligation to manage and develop itself as part of the implementation of bureaucratic reform. 427 ** .118 ** 747 ** .656 ** 363 ** .125 * 290 ** -.045 Using media r β Jurnal Studi Pemerintah Table 1 Coefficient of correlation and regression of ICoE, work motivation, HRD, and work environment on communication skills Communication skills Independent variable Speaking Writing Reading Listening 406 r β r β r β r β ICoE .414 ** .175 ** .429 ** .187 * * .391 ** 12 2** .39 5** .080 * Motivation .640 ** .48 3** .638 ** .503 * * .649 ** 57 9** .73 9** .685 ** HRD .345 ** - .054 .333 ** .023 .320 ** 08 3 .38 8** .082 Environment .427 ** .247 ** .335 ** .095 .247 ** - 05 7 .34 2** - .004 Note: r= Coefficient of correlation; β= Coefficient of regression; * significant at α= .05; ** significant at α = .01; category of r value = very weak (.000-.200); weak (.201-.400); moderate (.401-.600); strong (.601- .800); and very strong (.801-1). Work motivation a factor that has the highest and significant influence on all elements of communication skills compared with other independent variables, these results also indicate that the hypothesis 2 was accepted. The results of this study strengthen the opinion of Barrett (2008) which states that communication affects the organizational relations and motivation of its members. Mikkelson et al. (2015) in his research also found that effective communication within an organization has a positive and significant relationship with employee motivation and satisfaction. Work motivation has the highest influence on listening skills (β =.663). Highly motivated employees are skilled in listening. The findings are reinforced by interviews with employees with high leadership positions as follows: “A high motivated employee can be known by the way he works, he is not lazy when given the task, eager, happy to make new breakthroughs, and most importantly he would listen to the directives delivered by the leadership, so that the work he did was right and in line with expectations” HRD has a significant effect on employee skill using media. These findings can be an indication that HRD conducted by agencies has had a positive and significant impact in developing employee skills using communication media technology. In contrast to the skills of using media, the elements of other communication skills are not significantly influenced by HRD, so hypothesis 3 was not fully accepted. This provides information that HRD conducted by agencies has not been effective in developing speaking, writing, reading and listening skills. The work environment as an external factor outside of the employee has a significant influence on employee speaking skills, but it does not influence other elements of communication skills. This result proves that hypothesis 4 was not fully accepted. A good condition of social environment and organizational culture, will give employees confidence to interact more with other employees, so as to create a pleasant working environment. Quratulain & Khan (2015) found that interaction between individuals and the work environment is a factor that determines the occurrence of potential emotional disturbance in employees. Through talking activities, employees can convey what they think directly and openly, so as to reduce the emotional burden in the implementation of work tasks. The Relationship and Influence of Communication Skills towards Efforts to Achieve Job Performance The job performance of ASN employees is based on the assessment on the formulation and achievement of employee performance targets (SKP), and work behavior assessed by the employee's direct superior (Government Regulation No. 46 of 2011). The results of performance appraisal are crucial in the career placement of ASN employees. Jurnal Studi Pemerintah 407 Based on the regulation of the head of The State Employment Agency (BKN) No. 1 of 2013, the result of the performance appraisal is needed as the basis for consideration of decision of ASN's career coaching policy covering the following areas: (a) work that is planning of quantity and quality of employee resource, and employee work design in organization; (b) the appointment and placement of employees; (c) the development of employee skills, (d) awarding; and (e) discipline enforcement. Achievement of job performed by ASN employees requires competence, commitment, and behavioral adaptation in accordance with the professional code of ethics. On the other hand efforts to achieve work performance in an agency can not be done alone, because of the work system that regulates the roles and duties of each employee. In that context, the effort to achieve work achievement in an organization, especially in government institution that has a structured and systematic working system, obviously requires the involvement of superiors, subordinates, colleagues, and other related parties as an integral part of the implementation of work tasks. The need for cooperation, coordination, and confirmation in the achievement of work certainly requires communication skills, so that the work carried out can be done efficiently and effectively. The following is the result of the interview related to the achievement of SKP with ASN with the position of pratama high leadership: “Talking about the achievement of SKP, we are talking about the achievement of the planned work targets. There can be no employee who is able to achieve the target work by working alone, because the work in government there is a system and authority. In essence we need to work with other employees, which can only be done when established good communication.” The level of closeness of the relationship between the elements of communication skills with job performance (SKP and work behavior) needs to be proven by conducting a correlation test. JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN 408 Vol. 9 No. 3 August 2018 409 Based on the results of Pearson correlation test in Table 2 note that all elements of communication skills are associated positively and significantly with work performance. SKP as an element of job performance has a moderate relationship with speaking skills (r= .598), and is strongly related to writing, reading, listening, and using media skills (r= .650 to .725) at α= .01. Employee work behavior has a strong relationship with all elements of communication skills (r= .626 to .755) at α= .01. Table 2 Coefficient of correlation and regression of communication skills towards job performance Communication skills SK r Job Pe P β rformace Work b r ehavior β Speaking ,598** ,130* ,671** ,242** Writing ,650** ,226** ,626** ,133** Reading ,689** ,065 ,716** ,164** Listening ,720** ,245** ,754** ,151** Using media ,725** ,277** ,755** ,303** Note: r= Coefficient of correlation; β= Coefficient of regression; * significant at α= .05; ** significant at α = .01; category of r value = very weak (.000-.200); weak (.201-.400); moderate (.401-.600); strong (.601-.800); and very strong (.801-1). Based on the results of multiple regression tests in Table 2, it is known that skills of speaking, writing, listening, and using media have a significant effect on the achievement of SKP. The only communication skills that have no significant effect on the achievement of SKP are reading skills (β =, 065). These results explain that not all of the elements that inflluence the achievement of skp, so the hypothesis 5 was not fully accepted. Activity Achievement SKP on ASN who has a structural position, oriented to the implementation of administrative tasks of government and development that has been arranged systematically in every agency. Unlike the achievement of SKP in ASN with functional positions that rely more on renewal or new breakthroughs that require more reading skills. This result also can be interpreted that reading skill on ASN employees has not been well developed, due to lack of work environment support and not optimal role of HRD for the development of employee reading skill (Table 1). Elements of communication skills that have the highest significant effect on achieving SKP are using media skills (β =, 303). Through the use of communication media technology, employees can prepare SKP, make report work, and perform other administrative tasks quickly and easily. The most important strength of the skills of using the media actually lies in the ability to connect employees with other colleagues, so the process of communication in the implementation of work tasks can run efficiently and effectively, without being limited space and time. The importance of employee using media skills is also inseparable from the system changes and the orientation of organizational communication to government agencies, which no longer rely on traditional communications, but to switch to the use of media communication technology. Listening skills occupy the second position after the skill in using media as an element of communication skill that has the most influence on the achievement of SKP (β= .245). These findings reinforce the importance of listening skills in the preparation and achievement of SKP. According to Government Regulation No. 46 of 2011, SKP shall contain activities of official duties and targets to be achieved during real and measurable assessment periods, and obtain approval from direct supervisors. Listening skills are necessary to receive direction and suggestions from the leadership, so that the SKP whom prepare by the employee in accordance with their abilities, main tasks, and institution needs. In the next stage listening skills are needed in achieving the targets set in the SKP. JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN 410 Vol. 9 No. 3 August 2018 411 The next communication skill elements that affect the preparation and achievement of SKP are writing skills (β = .226) and speaking skills (β = .130). The result of multiple regression test shows that the skill of using media, listening, and writing, has more significant effect on the preparation and achievement of SKP than the speaking and reading skill. The result of multiple regression test of communication skill element toward SKP in the summary model table is known that the adjusted R square value is .640. This value indicates that the skills of speaking, writing, listening, and using media together have a significant effect of 64% on the preparation and achievement of SKP conducted by ASN, while the rest is influenced by other factors. In ANOVA table, the value of F count = 135.925 with probability p (sig) = .000, because p < .01, the regression model of skill elements communicating to the SKP can be used with 99% confidence level. The direction and magnitude of the significant effect of the communication skill elements on the preparation and achievement of SKP are presented in Figure 2. Speaking Writing .242 ** .133 ** .164 ** .245 ** .277 ** .130 * .226 ** .151 ** .303 ** SKP R 2 = ,640; F hit= 135,925; p (sig)= ,000** Work behavior R 2 = ,696; F hit= 174,187; p (sig)= ,000** Using media Listening Reading Note: * significant at α= .05; ** significant at α = .01 = Significant effect on SKP achievement = Significant effect on work behavior Figure 2. Elements of communication skills that have a significant effecton job performance Based on the results of multiple regression analysis in Table 2 is known, that all elements of communication competence have a positive and significant impact on ASN work behavior, so the hypothesis 6 was accepted. The communication skill element that has the highest significant effect on work behavior is the skill of using media (β =, 303). One of ASN's work behaviors is service orientation. According to Government Regulation No. 46 of 2011, service orientation is the attitude and behavior of employees in providing the best service to the community, fellow employees, and other agencies. Employees who have the ability to use good communication media technology, will have a positive and significant effect in providing better service. Public services organized by the current government have grown by integrating physical and virtual service systems, so as to facilitate and accelerate the public services provided. According to Government Regulation No. 96 of 2012, the integrated service system is a virtual system that combines the service electronically that is the service performed from various related work units, located in various places where the whole is connected through information technology system. The following is the result of interviews with ASN who have pratama high leadership position related about work behavior: “The principle of work behavior in government is to serve, because we are state servants and servants of society. The good or bad behavior of our work depends on how we provide fast and measurable service to the community, for that we need employees who are able to work with technology and communication media, so as to provide optimal service to the community.” JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN 412 Vol. 9 No. 3 August 2018 413 Speaking skills ranks second as an element of communication skills that has a high influence on work behavior (β= .242). These results indicate a significant difference in influence, when compared with the influence of speech skills on the efforts of achieving SKP which ranks last. In employment behavioral indicators, ASN speech skills are indispensable in providing services directly to the public, and when working with all parties related to their job duties. ASN speaking skills can be a very powerful capital in providing a positive image of governance, because of good speaking skills while serving the public, is a form of service that can be directly accepted and assessed by the public. ASN work behavior is also significantly influenced by reading skills (β= .164) and listening (β= .151). Working behavior that includes service, cooperation, leadership, integrity, discipline, and commitment requires adequate knowledge of work, so as to behave and act in accordance with the provisions of legislation. Working knowledge on ASN is obtained through decoding skill of reading and listening. Regulatory reading skills, official scripts, or other relevant literature are indispensable for guiding employment behavior in providing governmental administration services, on the other hand listening skills are also important for understanding direction and advice in behaving as a public servant. Writing skills ranks last as an element of communication skill that has a significant effect on ASN work behavior (β= .133). Writing skills are needed in providing information services such as the preparation of official scripts, announcements, and giving written responses to the public, either directly or through communication media. Writing skills for ASN can also be used to effectively submit objections and arguments to the performance appraisal results, if the assessment is not in accordance with the actual conditions. Through good writing skills, ASN employees can certainly act and act appropriately in communication in writing. The determinant coefficient of adjusted R square from JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN the elements of communication skills to work behavior is, 696 414 (Figure 2). This shows that the skills of speaking, writing, reading, listening, and using media, together influence the ASN work behavior of 69.6%, while the rest is influenced by other causes. From the results of multiple regression test also obtained the value of F arithmetic = 174.187 with probability p (sig) =, 000, because p <, 01, then the regression model can be used to predict the magnitude of the influence of speaking skills, writing, reading, listening, and media to work behavior with 99% confidence level. Conclusions ASN communication skills related to the implementation of work tasks are in sufficient categories with a range of mean score between 3.026 up to 3.374 (scale 1 to 5). This shows that ASN communication skills are still very necessary to be improved, and expected to be at least in the good category. Based on the result of multiple regression test, it is known that work motivation is the most influential factor to all elements of communication skill. Employees who have high work motivation will have a positive and significant impact on communication skills it has. Other independent variables that have been shown to influence communication skills are ICoE, HRD, and work environment. Development of ASN communication skills can be done by knowing the factors that influence it. Work motivation and individual characteristics are internal factors that can be developed independently by the employees concerned. Vol. 9 No. 3 August 2018 415 The development of employee communicating skills can also be done by optimizing the role of agencies, through the implementation of targeted HRD programs, and enhancement of a conducive working environment as external factors that are expected to have a more significant effect. The accelerated development of ASN communication skills can work optimally if there is willingness and commitment from ASN itself in developing communication skill, and supported by institution. Communication skills proved to have a positive and significant influence on the achievement of ASN employee performance. 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