Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 49 of 67 Policy Management to Develop Tourism Work Culture Consciousness and Increasing Visiting People’s Satisfaction ABSTRACT A satisfaction of visitors in Lake Singkarak, District of Solok, West Sumatera is not only influenced by the beauty of the landscape, facilities, and events available but also of the magnitude of satisfaction of the work culture of tourism consciousness by staff who provide a service to the visitors. Awareness is essential to increase visits to the lake. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of tourism consciousness work culture by apparatus on visitor’s satisfaction. The research has been done for two consecutive years. The analysis uses quantitative methods in the year 2017 and is continued with qualitative techniques in 2018. The sampling technique is done by purposive sampling. Quantitative data was collected using a Likert scale questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability. Before being analyzed using regression, a classic assumption test and analysis of Total Achievement of Respondents (TCR) were examined. Whereas for qualitative data using informants and assisted with interview guides. The findings of the descriptive, in general, show that all elements of the work culture aware of tourism are categorized sufficient, but there are high categories. Then, the results of multiple regression tests influence the variables of work culture on visitor satisfaction to have a significant effect. This is in line with the results in a qualitative manner in general, the visiting community expects an increase in the work culture of tourism awareness among the apparatus and the tourism community around Lake Singkarak, Solok district, to increase community satisfaction visiting the location. Study shows that strengthen in the form of crucial digital governance by the regional government so that the tourism sector can significantly increase tourist visitors from abroad. Boosting performances of the tourism sector as well as accelerate the growth of this sector considerably in the current era cannot only rely on current promotions; it needs information technology touch. Keywords: tourism consciousness work culture, apparatus, tourism community ABSTRAK Kepuasan masyarakat berkunjung ke danau Singkarak bukan hanya dipengaruhi oleh keindahan dan fasilitas maupun event yang tersedia. Tetapi pengaruh besarnya terhadap kepuasan masyarakat yaitu budaya kerja sadar wisata aparatur dalam rangka upaya peningkatan masyarakat berkunjung ke Danau Singkarak, kabupaten Solok. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh budaya kerja sadar wisata aparatur terhadap kepuasan masyarakat berkunjung. Metode penelitian mengunakan metode kuantitatif pada tahun 2017, dan dilanjutkan dengan pendekatan kualitatif pada tahun 2018. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara purposive sampling. Data kuantitatif dikumpulkan menggunakan angket skala likert yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabelitasnya. Sebelum dianalisis menggunakan regresi terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji asumsi klasik dan analisis Total Capaian Responden (TCR). Sedangkan untuk data kualitatif mengunakan informan dan dibantu dengan panduan wawancara (interview guide). Hasil temuan yang yang dilakukan analisis deskriptif secara umum menunjukkan bahwa semua unsur budaya kerja sadar wisata berkategorikan cukup, namun ada berkategori tinggi. Kemudian, hasil uji regresi berganda pengaruh variabel dari budaya kerja terhadap kepuasan pengunjung mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan. Hal ini sejalan dengan hasil secara kualitatif secara umum masyarakat yang berkunjung mengharapkan peningkatan budaya kerja sadar wisata kalangan aparatur dan masyarakat pariwisata di sekitar danau Singkarak, kabupaten Solok, guna meningkatkan kepuasan masyarakat berkunjung ke lokasi tersebut. Studi menunjukkan bahwa untuk memperkuat sector pariwisata diperlukan adanya kebijakan pemerintah daerah mengembangkan tata kelola digital sektor pariwisata sehingga dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan pengunjung. Peningkatan kinerja sektor pariwisata tidak hanya dapat mengandalkan promosi konvensional, tetapi juga membutuhkan sentuhan teknologi informasi. Aldri Frinaldi1 Afriva Khaidir2 Vivi Yulistia Rahayu3 Email: alfrinaldi@gmail.com Universitas Negeri Padang Indonesia History Received : November 10th, 2018 Revised : January 27th, 2019 Accepted : February 20th, 2019 To citate this article, please refer to: Frinaldi, Khaidir, Rahayu. (2019). Policy Management to Develpo Tourism Work Culture Consciousness and Increasing Visiting People’s Satisfaction. Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan. 10(1). 49-67. https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive mailto:alfrinaldi@gmail.com Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 50 of 67 INTRODUCTION Tourism is part of the industrial sector in Indonesia with bright prospect. It has enormous potential and opportunities to develop in a future. The potency needs to be seriously supported by the central, regional and local government in order to improve the quality of life of the community. In order to increase economic and social impacts of the tourism sector, efforts are needed to build a tourism consciousness work culture among related officials. These efforts are important to bring satisfaction to people who visit a tourist site. They would be to be information channel that in a long run will be an increase in the number of people visiting the tourist sites. Furthermore, the development of attraction will resulted to tourists/people visit a tourist site is needed to prolong a visit and increase a number of people visiting. Referring to article 1 of Law No. 1 of 2009 about Tourism, what is meant by tourist attraction is something that has unique, beauty, and value in the form of natural diversity, cultural, and man-made wealth which is the target or tourist destination. In order to maintain the sustainability of the program in visits to tourist sites, in beside addition to supporting the tourism consciousness work culture by site managers and tourism communities in the vicinity of the location, it is also necessary to support tourism consciousness work culture from the local government apparatus. Support of the regional government tourism apparatus associated will also influence the development of policies carried out in improving the quality and quantity of improvements in tourism in the area. Community satisfaction by visiting Lake Singkarak is not only influenced by the beauty, facilities and events available, but also by the magnitude on community satisfaction is the work culture of tourism conscious staff in order to increase community visits to Lake Singkarak, district of Solok. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of tourism conscious work culture by apparatus on community satisfaction. The research method uses quantitative methods in 2017, and continued with a qualitative approach in 2018. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling. Quantitative data was collected using a Likert scale questionnaire which has been tested for its validity and reliability. Before being analyzed using regression, the classical assumption test and analysis of the Total Achievement of Respondents (TCR) is done. Whereas for qualitative data using informants and assisted with an interview guide (interview guide). The findings of a descriptive analysis generally show that all elements of a tourism-consciousness work culture are categorized as sufficient, but there are high categories. Then, the results of multiple regression tests the influence of variables from work culture on visitor satisfaction have a significant effect. This is in line with the qualitative results in general, the people who visit are hoping to increase the tourism-conscious work culture of the tourism apparatus and community around Lake Singkarak, Solok regency, in order to increase the satisfaction of visitor. The work culture will resulting in development of effective, efficient, transparent, accountable and sustainable policy strategies. It also responsible to create premiere public services for various components of society. Tourism apparatus tourism consciousness work culture impacting the local governments in developing policies in the development of professionalism and resilience in building dynamic tourism and in accordance with the global tourist market trend. For this reason, work culture as a indicator of a readiness of the apparatus can supports various aspects of the tourism sector. Improvement of a work culture in the tourism sector is not carried out systematically and sustainably. It can lead to a situation that causes the tourist area to be less attractive to the visitors. In a long run, it wil produce a decrease of the number of people visiting and the multiplier effect that appears will experience serious problems. In Lake Singkarak like other areas in Districts of Solok as well as West Sumatera, tourism is one of the important sectors that need to be developed innovatively because it has a large influence on improving ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 51 of 67 the living standards of the surrounding communities. Revenue and employment can grow if there is a continuous growth and increasing community visits to tourist sites. This study is intended to analyze the influence of tourism consciousness work culture among apparatus on community satisfaction of visitorsin Lake Singkarak, the District of Solok. As a result tourism consciousness work culture policy model can be built in order to increase the number of people visiting the tourist area. LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESIS FORMULATION Tourism Consciousness Work Culture Policy development is needed in an effort to build tourism consciousness work culture that is able to produce satisfaction and happiness to the visitors through many kinds of activities. If it is associated with work productivity, it is certainly able to contribute positively to economic growth and general welfare in a country. Bennet (2007) considers that the cultural element approach is currently widely used as a basis for development thinking in social aspects that exist outside culture, with its implications, in many formulations, thus culture in the context of cultural and sociological theoretical values as well as other terminology dependencies. The same can be analyzed so as to produce a general formulation by considering various connected mechanisms, so that understanding based on formulation is built on values, beliefs, meanings and social cohesion in the field. Based on the perspective above, the work culture approach and the concept of tourism conscious work culture in this research can be built by identifying a phenomenon as well as describing the implications, which are connected with various theories and techniques of discursive construction related to the interaction of people or groups of people in doing work, both at work and in the environment around the workplace. The development of human resources is very important to be in line with the development of the dynamics of life and management of natural resources. Therefore, the development of a work culture for various components of human resources that exist in a region and country needs to receive serious attention in order to realize overall satisfaction and happiness of the community (Frinaldi, 2016). Furthermore, as stated further by Bennett (2007) in understanding work culture can be on cultural and social interactions that can be built with linguistic elaboration-both in structuralist or post-structuralist procedures-representation, and material social relations. Culture can be seen as the practice of making meaning, consequently, organizing meta-semiotic traits so that it can be witnessed a process that has a connection to express culture that is understood as a 'way of life'. Schein (2004) argues that in general, work culture can be defined as shared values, beliefs, assumptions and norms that affect the way people and groups in an organization interact. There are four basic elements of work culture, namely: (1) Artifacts: symbols and objects used to express cultural messages; (2) Behavioral norms: repetitive practices that can be observed from employees. Leaders play an important role in modeling behavior that reflects or aligns with the culture they want to create; (3) Value: preferences for certain results above the others. What is considered important in an organization will be a major influence on behavior, and the values that employees see apply in a stronger workplace that reflects the harmony between employee value and organizational value; (4) Assumptions: unconscious beliefs that shape the members' perceptions and interpretations of their work environment. The development of work culture is an important part of bureaucratic reform efforts in addition to aiming towards improvement of the quality of human resources. There is an increase of quality of services to the community and other stakeholders (Frinaldi, 2017a). Sollosa, et al (2015) explained that the ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 52 of 67 government apparatus is an element of the state that plays a role in governance and development in order to realize the implementation of effective and efficient governance and development tasks, professionally, impartially, fairly and responsibly. Therefore, the development of a work culture for the government apparatus and local government apparatus as components that uphold the rule of law and implement policies , also needs to get deep attention because they must have standards of reliability and innovation in developing a work culture. So that it can see tangible results in the form of high integrity and increase public trust in carrying out the work they have carried out. Within the development of work culture is an important part in the effort to reform the bureaucracy in addition to aiming to improve the quality of human resources so that there is an increase in the quality of services to the community and other stakeholders (Frinaldi, 2017a). As seen by Sollo sa, et al (2015) explained that the government apparatus is an element of the state that plays a role in governance and development in order to realize the implementation of governmental tasks and development that are effective and efficient, professionally, neutral, fair and accountable. Meanwhile, Hatch, and Majke (2016) in observing a work culture in an organization can be seen from being seen from the way people express symbolically, how to project, how to contextualize and the process of building and involving interdependence. Frinaldi (2017b) explained that there are six dimensions to measure work culture, namely; 1) The Dimension of Leadership which is a process of influencing the achievement of goals with all efforts and the ability to move behavior and actions towards the people around them as well as those that have relevance to the objectives to be achieved; 2) Appearance Dimension which is a condition in which a person's presence in a public space creates the appearance of a physical character, reflects full competence, integrity, and accountability in carrying out work so that a positive image is built in the public eye; 3) Dimension of Time Awareness, namely an awareness to do something in accordance with the time that has been planned and arranged in carrying out the work that has been determined; 4) Dimensions of Communication an ability possessed in speaking words, expressing in interaction the delivery of messages or information about thoughts or feelings with various individuals and groups to gain understanding of something in the work so that there is harmony in achieving goals; 5) Dimensions Awards and recognition that there is a clear manifestation of the respect and recognize the achievements of an individual or group, and a sanction a sovereign, when the target achievement is not successfully obtained; 6) Values and beliefs are beliefs that underlie a person's behavior in work that reflects the views and beliefs of individuals or groups of people about something important in life, so that in carrying out a work activity carried out in a responsible and capable manner to provide excellent service. Efforts to build a positive work culture must be carried out at all levels of the apparatus, and not only among employees but also among officials as leaders in government or local government organizations (Frinaldi, 2014). Frinaldi (2014: 2015) mentioned that a positive work culture will also have a positive influence on increasing reliability and professionalism apparatus at various levels, if the process of coaching and development is carried out thoroughly and continuously. Their position as the main drivers of community development and empowerment towards the general welfare of social justice can be realized immediately (Frinaldi, 2017a). With regard to tourism consciousness work culture intended to conceptualize and broaden the view of tourism. It is not only to consider the short-term economic impact, but with the developer of tourism consciousness work culture can be developed, so that there is a sustainable development and improvement of tourism in line with economic growth significant community with the development of ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 53 of 67 natural and cultural sustainability in community life. This can also be an effort to respond to the expectations of the visitors so that they gain experience and impressions that can improve the quality of satisfaction and happiness. A tourism consciousness work culture can also be a form of mental character that gives meaning to expectations, values, and experiences that are useful for improving the capabilities and capacity of human resources and other resources. The development of tourism consciousness work culture, accoriding to Kotler (2001) is related to a tourist area. It can be considered related to the need for efforts that are able to develop products which are a combination of components, including physical goods, services, experiences, events, people, places , property, organization, information and ideas . Therefore, on the one hand this tourism-aware work culture can mean a development of interpretation of social interactions and human actions needed in development both physically and psychologically as well as expressive actions in an effort to increase the satisfaction of visiting people. A tourism consciousness work culture according to Frinaldi and Khaidir (2017) are values that become a way of life then becomes a habit, and is reflected in the attitude, behavior, and concern in social interaction in an effort realize the growth of tourism development that can encourage the growth and welfare of the socio-economic life of the community. Visitors Community Satisfaction Frinaldi and Ali Embi (2012) stated that consumer or client satisfaction or dissatisfaction can be measured by their positive or negative responses about the services they receive. Comparisons between their experiences when receiving services in reality and their initial expectations will create a satisfaction or dissatisfaction response. According to Frinaldi (2014); Frinaldi and Ali Embi (2015). public satisfaction can also be seen from the aspect of quality of service performed by the apparatus in carrying out their duties and functions. If there is satisfaction or dissatisfaction among the public, it can be judged and seen from the feelings described as pleasure, happiness, and affection when satisfied, on the other hand they will look annoyed, sullen or tend to show certain signs that indicate dissatisfaction when they feel they are not satisfied Moscardo (2008). Urged that understanding the impact of tourism is important for the development of a country. So, the findings of this study are set to have considerable implications for tourism planning and development after the relationship between the impact of tourism and a significant quality of life. Research Truong and Foster (2006). Explained that visiting community/tourist satisfaction must be measured with a specific purpose , because measurement uses a multi-faceted approach , then the results obtained are not just cumulative evaluation of service quality from a number of individual service providers, but also obtained the results of a comparison between expectations and experiences, the difference between perceived expectations and performance, and appropriate between tourist expectations and uniqueness or beauty found in tourist sites that headed. Li and Carr (2004). illustrate that the Australian government is in accordance with the natural and environmental conditions that are there , building a unique tourism with the development of natural attractions, wildlife, and a unique Australian environment to attract tourists to visit, for development and increased tourism industry in the country. Hypothesis Based on theoretical studies, previous research results, and arguments, the following is the formulation of hypotheses in this study: ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 54 of 67 Ha: Apparatus' tourism consciousness work culture have significant influence on the satisfaction tourism community. Ho: Apparatus' tourism consciousness work culture does not have significant influence on the satisfaction tourism community. RESEARCH METHODS This study using questionnaires and conducted with descriptive analysis and simple regression analysis. Sampling is carried out used purposive sampling with a total sample of 48 people in the apparatus, and as many as 97 people who visited. Data collection time that is done within months of May-September 2017. Then, the research instrument used in this study is a questionnaire with a category of answer used Likert scale. The indicator of tourism consciousness work culture has used in this research instrument is done by modifying the value of the Sapta Pesona that found in the explanation of Article 28 (h) of the Government Regulation No. 50 year 2011 concerning the Master Plan for National Tourism Development in 2010-2025, [16] hat the Pesonа consists of seven elements that are safety, orderly, cleaness, coolnes, beauty, hospitality and memorable. Then, the researcher develops it by adding decency, courteous and responsive values . So that based on the results of this modification, the values of tourism-aware work culture in the study include; Safety, Orderly, Clean, Cool, Beauty, Friendly, Memorable, Politeness, Courteous, and Responsive. So that the variables and indicators used in this study are the independent variables in this study are Tourism Awareness Work Culture (X) with the following indicators Safety (X1), Orderly (X2), Clean (X3), Cool (X4), Beauty (X5), Friendly (X6), Memorable (X7), Politeness (X8), Courteous (X9), Responsive (X10). The dependent variable is visitors community satisfaction (Y) with indicators: happiness (Y1), joyful (Y2), facilities (Y3), availability of sophisticated and modern information (Y4), service performance provided (Y5), consumer expectations (Y6). Furthermore, descriptive analysis has used to calculate Total Achievement of Respondents with the formula: TCR = Rs x 100; N According to Sugiyono (2007) the meaning of TCR/Total Capaian Respondents (Total Achievement of Respondents) are: Rs is the average score of the respondent's answer , and N is the score of the answer. With the TCR provision, if it ranges from 81% - 100% as high score category , it ranges from 61% - 80% of the moderate category, ranging from 41% - 60% rather low category , ranging from 21% - 40% low category, between 0% - 20% are very low category (Sugiyono, 2007: 95) . [17] 2018 research was carried out using a qualitative approach with interviews and observations. Sampling was done by purposive sampling. Data collection was conducted in the period of June-August 2018. Research informants range from the apparatus as many as 7 people and the community visited as many as 9 people as well as people who founde in the tourist location as many as 5 people. Validity maintainance using triangulation of sources and triangulation of methods. According to Moleong (2017) [18], qualitative data analysis is done by reviewing all data, reducing data, compiling and checking the validity of the data, and finally the data interpretation stage. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Based on the data obtained distributed to the apparatus, the characteristics of respondents in this study are presented in the following table. ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 55 of 67 Table 1. Test Results of Respondent Descriptive Analysis of Apparatus Characteristics of Respondents Frequency Percentage Gender Man Woman 33 15 68.8% 31.2% Years of service <1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years > 3 years 6 9 5 28 12.5% 18.8% 10.4% 58.3% Group Goal IV Goal III Goal II Goal I Non civil servants 3 30 12 0 3 6.25% 62.5% 25% 0% 6.25% Source: Research Findings 2017 (data processed) While the characteristics of visiting people who are respondents in this study are presented in the following table. Table 2. Test Results of Descriptive Analysis of Apparatus Respondents Characteristics of Respondents Frequency Percentage Gender Man Woman 80 114 41.2% 58.8% Visit to First time (1) 2-3 4-5 > 5 44 22 6 122 22.7% 11.3% 3.1% 62.9% Origin In the region Outside the area 110 84 56.7% 43.3% Source: Research Findings 2017 (data processing) Table 3. Results of Total Achievement of Respondents Questionnaire Apparatus No Variable N Mean TCR Ket 1 Tourism Awareness Work Variable (X1) 48 4.63 92.6 High 2 Safety Variables (X1.1) 48 4.61 91.91 High 3 Ordered Variables (X1.2) 48 4.62 92.4 High 4 Clean Variables (X1.3) 48 4.57 91.4 High 5 Cool Variables (X1.4) 48 4.46 89.2 High 6 Beautiful Variables (X1.5) 48 4.57 91.4 High 7 Friendly Variables (X1.6) 48 4.54 90.8 High 8 Memories Variables (X1.7) 48 4.54 90.8 High 9 Politeness Variables (X1.8) 48 4.55 91.0 High 10 Courteous Variables (X1.9) 48 4.63 92.6 High 11 Responsive Variables (X1.10) 48 4.38 87.6 High ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 56 of 67 12 Variables of Visitors Community Satisfaction (Y) 48 3.73 74.6 Enough Source: Data processed by researchers, 2017. Table 4 . Simple Regression Test Results Apparatus Questionnaire Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Sig. 1. The influence of tourist-aware work culture of the apparatus on visiting community satisfaction . 675 a .456 .309 .006 2. The influence of the safety dimension of tourism-conscious work culture of the apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting community .496 a .246 .230 .000 3. The influence of the orderly dimension of tourism-conscious work culture of the apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting community .487 a . 237 .220 .000 4. The influence of the clean dimension of tourism-conscious work culture of the apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting community .492 a .224 .225 .000 5. The influence of the cool dimension of tourism-conscious work culture of the apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting community .517 a .267 .251 .000 6. The influence of the beauty dimensions of tourism-conscious work culture of the apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting community . 540 a .292 .277 .000 7. The influence of the dimensions of culture-friendly tourism-aware work apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting public . 530 a .281 .265 .000 8. The influence of the dimensions of memories of the tourism conscious work culture of the apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting community . 507 a .257 .241 .000 9. The influence of the politeness dimension of tourism conscious work culture apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting community .409 a .240 .223 .000 10. The influence of the corteous dimension of tourism-aware work culture of the apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting public .516 a .266 .259 .000 11. The influence of the responsive dimension of tourism conscious work culture apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting community .522 a .273 .257 .000 Source: Data processed by researchers, 2017. Although one of the important sectors that need to be developed innovatively is tourism because it has a large influence on improving the living standards of the surrounding communities, including tourist sites in this study, namely in the area of Lake Singkarak in the district of Solok. Revenue and employment can grow if there is a continuous growth and increase visitors, so that it will be able to improve the living standards of the surrounding community. Tourists from abroad and domestic to Solok regency can be seen in the following figure. Table 5 . Results of Total Results of Respondents from Community Questionnaires Variable N Mean TCR Ket 1. Tourism Awareness Work Variable (X1) 194 3.90 78.12 Enough 2. Safe Variables (X1.1) 194 3.94 78.80 Enough 3. Ordered Variables (X1.2) 194 3.73 74.80 Enough 4. Clean Variables (X1.3) 194 3.86 77.32 Enough 5. Cool Variables (X1.4) 194 3.98 79.60 Enough 6. Beautiful Variables (X1.5) 194 3.98 79.67 Enough 7. Friendly Variables (X1.6) 194 3.92 78.35 Enough 8. Memories Variables (X1.7) 194 3.67 73.40 Enough ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 57 of 67 9. Polite Variables (X1.8) 194 4.11 82.20 High 10. Courteous Variables (X1.9) 194 4.10 81.90 High 11. Responsive Variables (X1.10) 194 3.75 75.13 Enough 12. Variables of Community Satisfaction Visit (Y) 194 3.88 77.58 Enough Source: Data processed by researchers, 2017. Table 6. Simple Regression Test Results Public poll Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Sig. 1. Influence of work culture aware of tourist apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting community .782 a .611 .590 .000 2. Effect of a safe dimension of conscious work culture tourist apparatus to community satisfaction visit .628 a .395 .392 .000 3. Effect of an orderly dimension of conscious work culture tourist apparatus to community satisfaction visit .600 a .360 .356 .000 4. Influence of the clean dimensions of tourism-aware work culture of the apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting community .578 a .335 .331 .000 5. Influence of the cool dimensions of tourism-conscious work culture of the apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting community .561 a .315 .311 .000 6. The influence of the beautiful dimensions of tourism- conscious work culture of the apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting community .611 a .373 .370 .000 7. Influence of tourism -friendly dimensions of cultural awareness of the apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting community .676 a .457 .454 .000 8. The influence of the dimensions of memories of the tourism conscious work culture of the apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting community .741 a .550 .547 .000 9. Influence of polite dimensions of tourist conscious work culture apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting community .614 a .377 .374 .000 10. Influence of the polite dimension of tourism-aware work culture of the apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting community .661 a .436 .433 .000 11. Influence of responsive dimensions of tourism conscious work culture apparatus to the satisfaction of the visiting public .645 a .416 .413 .000 Source: Data processed by researchers, 2017. Table 7. Group Statistics T-Test Test of tourism consciousness work culture variable Tourism consciousnes work culture Group N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Mean error Community 194 1.3976E2 26.71545 1.91806 Apparatus 48 1.6398E2 13.06366 1.88558 Source: Data processed by researchers, 2017. T-test intended to discover the level of difference seen from the variable tourist consciousness work culture. Data interpretation based on value of mean of each group. There are two groups that seen in the table, namely groups of tourists from the community and groups of tourists from the apparatus based on tourism work culture variables. The mean value of the community group is smaller than the mean of the apparatus group yaini 1.39 and 1.63. to see whether there is a significant or significant level of difference between the two groups, we can see the results of the SPSS data processing output below. ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 58 of 67 Table 8. Independent Samples Test Tourism-aware Work Culture Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. Q. df Sig. (2- tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Equal variances assumed 23,216 .000 -6,095 240 .000 -24.21628 3.97294 -32.04256 -16.39000 Equal variances not assumed -9,003 154,345 .000 -24.21628 2.68967 -29.52960 -18.90296 Source: Data processed by researchers, 2017. Based on the output above, it is obtained sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.000 where <0.05, then according to the decision-making basis in the independent test sample t-test, it can be concluded that there are significant differences in tourism-conscious work culture both from community groups and groups apparatus. T-Test Test for Variable Community Satisfaction Visits Table 9. Group Statistics Community Satisfaction Visits Group N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Mean error Community 194 51.7320 10.87328 .78066 Apparatus 48 52,2500 6.98783 1.00861 Source: Data processed by researchers, 2017. Based on the output above obtained sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.754 where> 0.05, then according to the basis of the decision-making in the independent test sample t-test, it can be concluded that there is no difference regarding community satisfaction visiting both community groups and apparatus groups . In other words, it is the same as the satisfaction of visiting people both from the community and from the apparatus. Table 10. Independent Samples Test Community Satisfaction Visits Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. Q. df Sig. (2- tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Equal variances assumed 4,941 .027 -314 240 .754 -.51804 1.64904 -3.76648 2.73039 Equal variances not assumed -406 110,521 .685 -.51804 1.27543 -3.04550 2,942 Source: Data processed by researchers, 2017 The questionnaire distributed to the apparatus and to the community visited is focuses on variable of tourism consciousness work culture. T-test shows that there is a difference in the level of tourism-aware work culture between the apparatus and the community. This is proven by the sig-value that less than 0.05, which is 0.000. It can be concluded that there are differences in the level of tourism consciousness work culture between the apparatus and the community. The variable of community satisfaction shows that there was no difference in the level of community satisfaction visiting between the apparatus and the community. I can be concluded that there is no difference in visitors’ satisfaction between the apparatus and the community. The results of this t- test data are also supported by TCR data processing and regression data. ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 59 of 67 TCR analysis on data from questionnaires distributed to the apparatus related to tourism consciousness work culture have a mean of 4.63 with TCR score 92.6. This is consider as high category. Meanwhile, the results of tourism consciousness work culture of the apparatus obtained from the results of questionnaires distributed to the public there is a mean of 3.90, and TCR score of 78.12% with moderate categories. Related to the satisfaction of the people visiting are 3.73 and TCR mean score is 74.6% with category moderate. Furthermore, the simple regression results show the lowest score results in the effect of the orderly dimension of the tourism consciousness work culture of the apparatus on visiting community satisfaction, which is 0.237, and the highest score is the dimension of beauty from tourism consciousness work culture of the apparatus towards visiting community satisfaction, which is 0.292. The results of TCR data from questionnaires distributed, is awareness with the mean 3.90 and TCR 78.12 with sufficient categories. Then, visiting community satisfaction contained a mean of 3.88, and TCR 77.58 with sufficient categories. Thus, the results of the appraisal on the apparatus and visitors member as respondents in the study in terms of the satisfaction of the visiting community both assessed the same, namely with moderate category. In the aspect of tourism consciousness work culture of tourist apparatus, it assessed with averagely in a high category, while the community assessed the averagely in moderate category. Based on the TCR calculation above, the achievement of the values of tourism consciousness work culture among the apparatus is not yet achieved. Although based on interview with the relevant agencies which is mostly from the industry that tourism conscious value derived from the value of the Sapta Pesona contained in Article 28 letter (h) of Government Regulation Number 50 of 2011 concerning the Master Plan for National Tourism Development 2010-2025. It has been socialized, introduced, delivered to all apparatus through various activities, both in the routine of every organization's activities, at internal organizational meetings and on the leadership routine of its members. But in the eyes of the visiting people as respondents and informants, there were differences. The relevant agencies pointed out that there were limitations of Human Resources (HR) that were able to elaborate on the potential of existing tourist attraction including around Lake Singkarak. But starting from 2018, the governemnt of district of Solok has been trying to build a place for Tourism Information Center (TIC) near pier area, in order to increase the satisfaction of the visiting public in terms of the availability of information needed in tourism. The presence of structuring and developing tourist sites in the Lake Singkarak area could reduce poverty. Poverty is a challenge for the local government and the government nationally to perform optimum efforts in order to overcome these problems. It can be done by formulating various policy models that allow dynamic movement of growth and activity rotation economy among the people. Therefore, structuring the orderly and clean tourist sites of Lake Singkarak can make an increase in the visiting community so that it can itself revive the dynamics of the movement of the economy of the local community. interviews with people is reveal an increase in the number of people visiting can help the dynamic movement of trade and trade in the region, so that they can make a living for their lives. In addition, in the development of tourism awareness culture policies also need to be developed with the participation of the people around the tourist sites so that the various dimensions that exist can generate the desire of the community to visit again and there is an increase in the number of people visiting especially from people from outside the region and overseas. Tourism creates direct interaction between people around the tourist site and people who visit to see, feel and enjoy the situation both in a subjective and objective perspective. Thus, each party has the impression of the results of the subjective and objective assessment of the results of these social ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 60 of 67 interactions, and this results in the possibility of tourists or people who visit tell other people about their experiences on a tourist location they have visited. The study results explained that one of the influencing factors in increasing the visiting community is word of mouth promotion, and also in line with the development of technology and information, stories or experiences of people visiting various social media often become the views of people for coming or declining people come to visit a tourist location. Other problems that are often become a reference for the visitors are related to attitudes, behavior, and an environmental interaction at tourist sites from the tourism community and related apparatus can be a determining factor of the satisfaction of the visiting community, apart from their respective expectations for example related to the charm of natural beauty the lake. Lack of adequate information available in various media that can be accessed by the community both provided by the local govern- ment, tourism communities including managers of tourist destinations can reduce the satisfaction of the visiting community. A hope is a short-term prediction carried out by a person or group of people. Therefore, Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (1988,1994). [19] explained that the user satisfaction paradigm can be seen from the efficacy of the quality gap model that measures expected with what is obtained based on the results of their experience evaluation. In addition, community satisfaction is a reflection of service quality and work culture they experience in a particular place (Aldri, 2014; Aldri and Embi, 2015). With regard to tourism, the satisfaction of the community visited, apart from being seen from the aspect of service in the tourist location, also needs the support of information quality such as availability of connectivity facilities with internet networks, and the local culture that is unique and different from other regions, as well as complete infrastructure support such as facilities public facilities such as toilets, places of worship, highways. This is an important element that influences decisions for visiting people to repeat visits or to recommend to friends and family about the tourist sites they have visited. For example, the results of research by Li and Carr (2004).[20] illustrate that the Australian government is in accordance with the natural and environmental conditions that are there, building a unique tourism with the development of natural attractions, wildlife, and a unique Australian environment to attract tourists to visit, for development and improvement of the pariwiwsata industry in the country. Based on the above views, it is necessary to restructure and improve to increase community satisfaction to visit tourist sites by building policies that provide encouragement and support for the creation of good quality accommodation, a comfortable and natural environment, a unique atmosphere of local community life that can be displayed periodically , a clean and cool environment, quality accommodation, availability of local travel information and arrangement of the Singkarak lake area so as to produce a beautiful view, and to raise awareness about the importance of an atmosphere of friendliness in the interaction of communication between the local community, the apparatus and the visiting community, so that they gain experience with the hope they want to achieve before. Therefore, according to researchers, an effort is needed that is a respons by the local government in making various event policies that can create a sense of pleasure and happiness for visitors at tourist sites, so that the expected activity of an event can encourage the growth and development of transactions in goods and services in an effort improving the economy of the community around the tourist site. Similarly, the results of Yan and Li (2012) [21] research efforts to organize festivals routinely at a tourist location can cause the intensity of visitors from various regions and foreign countries to visit a tourist location, if an event that is held is able to produce a memory that can produce pleasure and happy among visitors. ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 61 of 67 Awareness of the importance of the tourism sector as one of the revenues for the government and regional governments from the non-oil and gas sector becomes very important, for that it is necessary to build a policy of clarifying the types of objects and tourist attractions that can produce a high level of visits. In addition, it is also necessary to develop a form of policy to increase the knowledge of all personnel and communities engaged in tourism with training in tourism consciousness work culture. So also the need for policy efforts in carrying out promotional synergies is very important especially for regions that make tourism as a very dependable sector. Marketing roles include: (1) To face increasing competition among various countries / or regions at all times, (2) To deal with market conditions that are constantly changing at all times, such as increasingly diverse market segments. Demand for services is not only limited to one type. Residents of various age groups, personal traits and desires, want special services, which are in accordance with their wishes. It is necessary to form a tourism consciousness work culture based on local wisdom that is work together with technological and information development. This is intended to change tourism consciousness work culture can be a strategic policy in increasing visitor satisfaction. The tourism apparatus and society can integrate, and be able to adjust themselves to the work that has been done with the implementation of a positive work culture in accordance with the aim of increasing tourist visitor satisfaction. The people who visit the tourist area, especially those who reside in Solok regency who often visit again, should not be satisfied with the large percentage of people visiting again. The authorities must be innovative in planning with public policy for tourism development and further improve the quality of life of the community by developing and encouraging the growth of investment in improving the quality of accommodation, food and drinks, and transportation services; improving public infrastructure such as toilets, roads and other public facilities, including arranging the beauty of the lake's scenery, to be able to present a cool atmosphere to be able to entertain themselves or refresh the mind of the visiting public, among them by arranging trees around Lake Singkarak. In connection with the policy model that will be built in the conception of tourism consciousnes work culture, the tourism policy model that needs to be developed in the four research locations based on the results obtained in the findings and the discussion carried out needs to be adjusted to the differences in characteristics of each. The role of local communities cannot be ignored, it is optimized because in the community inherent cultural uniqueness and diversity in creating identity and identity, as part of inclusive tourism development. The empowerment process also aims to improve economic and spiritual well-being so as to be able to achieve the intellectual ability of a just and civilized society. This policy can be derived through tourism policy making by creating tourism events such as festivals by promoting cultural attractions that are owned and involving the international community as a media for promotion and diplomacy between local and international communities. The combination or collaboration of the above efforts will become an embryo for the formation of a positive image and a solid tourism identity. This is very crucial, where travel decisions are determined by the image and identity of a tourist destination. In addition, in globalization strengthening tourism credibility is a positive collaboration that is part of tourism diplomacy. the success of cultural preservation in tourism, the success of sustainable development for the future. Therefore, it is necessary to foster that there is harmony among the people who make a living at tourist sites by building mutual harmony in any form that is ordered by visitors or where visitors are served with a tourist-aware work culture that can increase visitor satisfaction. Also the local government must make concrete plans and policies so that the existence of fish cages in the lake Singkarak does not ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 62 of 67 harm the beauty of the lake, nor the possibility of damage to the lake due to the growth and development of fish cultivation in cages. Related to a lowness of tourism consciousness work culture, the data shws that is the aspect of orderly. It can be assumed that efforts to build order means activities to build a unit or branch of a regional government organization that is relevant. This unit of the development of tourism which is not yet sufficiently available in the Lake Singkarak area. In addition, the difficulty of the apparatus to overcoming order in the form of regulating traders along the way, is due to the traders using motorized vehicles or wheeled vehicles that have been modified to trade. This a strategy they mostly used. Traders who trade statically in an area are easier to regulate and discipline. This is become a dilemma, because traders certainly always follow where there is a crowd to get a sale and purchase transaction. On the one hand, if this is in the area of a highway or roadside can make the road become smaller, it can cause traffic congestion. On the other hand, with conditions such as lack of awareness of a cleanliness, it makes the tourism environment less comfortable for the visitors. According to some people who visited the interview was conducted by the research team, revealed that there are needs to be more effort to control and restructure the Lake Singkarak area where traders who are moving along the shore to be organized in order to prevent disruption the flow of traffic around the area. It is necessary to patrol authorities to monitor a condition of tourist areas intensively. So that they are always clean and comfortable to receive a positive impression from the visitors. If they have a good impression, in a long run they would return to visit tourism objects in the Lake. However, the classic argument to justify this by the apparatus is that there is insufficient funds available for routine and periodic patrols. Furthermore, the study proven that from the point of view of society been associated with the work culture of tourism awareness in a moderate category. It required local governments in district of Solok to improve the development of tourism around the Lake. Even though the people who visit the tourist area, especially those who are in Solok regency, who often visit again, a percentage of satisfaction are not big enough. The authorities must be innovative in planning for tourism development and can be improving the quality of life of the community. In addition, the important thing that needs to be addressed is the improvement of the quality of accommodation, food and beverages, and transportation services including improving public infrastructure such as toilets, roads and other public facilities. On the perspective of the tourism consciousness work culture of the apparatus to the satisfaction visitors, the cool dimension has been found low. Observations made by researchers from this low dimensional dimension are assumed because of not enough vehicles available to make people visit these tourist sites. In addition to the beauty of the lakeview, cool also means as an atmosphere that can be entertaining or refreshing the mind when somebodey visit a tourist location. The authorities needed to encourage the development of tourism sector that is able to complete various conditions that can entertain the visitors of Lake Singkarak. Besides that, it is also necessary to arrange the environment that has cool air, through maintain the trees surrounding Lake Singkarak. The high score found in the dimension of memory. Comparable with the high tourism consciousness work culture in the perspective of the apparatus, namely the beauty dimension, in which the authorities have been seen trying to organize and beautify the Lake Singkarak area. The expectations of the public can be realized. Therefore, the development of harmony-based tourism with the wishes and expectations of visitors becomes an important matter in order to increase number of visitors. By this commitment, the movement and growth of economic activities would occur. If tourism sector grows and ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 63 of 67 developt by establishing tourism community life, because this activity has the meaning of ongoing economic activities that generate income. The tourism sector's also affects the revenue earned by the regional government and the national government. The process that occurs in this sector contains extensive relationships because with its activities would resulting benefit for many parties including employment, investment and opportunities of doing business for the community around the tourist sites. It also has other components that helped to obtain business opportunities with the growing development of the sector, income taxes for local governments and national governments. The presence of structuring and developing tourist sites in the region and Lake Singkarak can reduce poverty. Poverty is a challenge for local governments and national government. They have to perform maximum efforts to overcome these problems, including by formulating various policy models that allow dynamic movement of growth and rotation of economic activities among the people. Therefore, structuring the regulation/orderly and clean tourist sites of Lake Singkarak can make an increase in the visiting community so that it can itself revive the dynamics of the movement of the economy of the local community. By interviews people, the research is trying to revealing an increase in the number of people visiting that can help the dynamic movement of trade and trade in the region. This activities can make a living for their lives. Regulation for tourism have implications for the lives of local people. Moscardo (2008) [22] argued, it is necessary for religious people and those who have the authority to understand the impact of tourism that can touch the improvement of the welfare of local communities. It would carried out through continuous planning and sustainable development that the impact of tourism with a significant increase in quality of life. A development of cultural policies of tourism awareness also needs to develop with public participation that live around the tourist sites. Various dimensions that exist can generate desire of people to participate. Besides that, it can increase number of people visiting including many people from outside the region and from other countries. Communities around the area of a tourist attraction need to realize that they are the subject to be seen and interacted in tourism activities. It is including their attitudes and behaviors are potential motivated resources for people visiting a destination (Smith, 1994).[23] If the society do not feel get benefit from the tourist sites, or less presence of tourism consciousness work culture tourist who has the impression is negative. As a result, the people who visit it may become irritated and this may push them away from a destination because tourists do not like to visit the place- a place where there is a lack of potency at a destination. Tourism is an atmosphere in the environment that gives direct interaction between people around the tourist site and people who visit to see. They can feel and enjoy the situation both in a subjective and objective perspective. Thus each party has the impression of the results of subjective and objective assessment of the results of the social interaction, and this results in the possibility of tourists or people visiting to tell other people about their experiences at a tourist location they have visited. Even in tourism activities, many explain that the influential factor in increasing community visits is word of mouth promotion as a part of local wisdom, and also in line with the development of technology and information, stories or experiences of people visiting various social media often become a view of people to come or decline people come to visit a tourist location. Other problems that are often a reference for the community to visit are related to attitudes, behavior, and an environmental interaction at tourist sites from the tourism community and related apparatus can be a determining factor of community satisfaction visiting, apart from their respective expectations for example relating to the charm of natural beauty the lake. Lack of adequate information ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 64 of 67 available in various media that can be accessed by the community both provided by the local government, tourism communities including managers of tourist destinations can reduce the satisfaction of the visiting community. These are hope of a short-term prediction performed by a person or group of people. Therefore, Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (1988,1994) .[24] [25] explained that the community/user satisfaction paradigm can be seen from the efficacy of the quality gap model that measures expected with what is obtained based on the results of their experience evaluation. In addition, customer/community satisfaction is a reflection of service quality and work culture they experience in a particular place (Frinaldi, 2014; Frinaldi and Embi, 2015). [8] [2] With regard to tourism, the satisfaction of the community visited, apart from being seen from the aspect of service in the area of tourism, also needs the support of information quality (availability of facilities connected to internet networks), and the culture of the local community that is unique and different from other regions, as well as the completeness of infrastructure support such as public facilities such as toilets, places of worship, highways. This is an important element that influences decisions for visiting tourists to repeat visits or to recommend to friends and family about the tourist sites they have visited. Then, related to suggestions for the effort to make a memory like the results expected by the visiting community needs to be managed in the form of adequate information by the local government and tourism site managers, especially by using the internet network. It is necessary to trace innovation to find and build uniqueness around the tourist area so that many people, domestic and foreign tourists are interested and willing to come to the Singkarak lake area. It is necessary to restructure and improve to increase community satisfaction to visit tourist sites by building policies that provide encouragement and support for the creation of good quality accommodation, a comfortable and natural environment, a unique atmosphere of local life that can be displayed in a periodically, a clean environment and cool, quality accommodation, availability of travel information. As an example, structuring Lake Batur region in Bali to produce a beautiful view, and make awareness about the importance of an atmosphere of friendliness in the interaction of communication between the local community, the apparatus with the visiting community, so that they gain experience in the hope they want to achieve before. CONCLUSION A tourist consciousness work culture if carried out in the implementation of sustainable policies by the district government of the district of and the provincial government of West Sumatra can certainly be a stimulus for strengthening policy development in the tourism sector. It is included in the effort to do infrastructure development that can increase interest from various elements of society both from foreign and domestic communities to be interested in making tourist visits to the lake Singkarak. Infrastructure development that is expected by the community to visit is in line with the present world, as the data above is that there are places that are considered beautiful so as to produce memories for the people visiting. Therefore, the results of this study can be interpreted as priorities that must be carried out by the local government including the provincial government because this lake area is a cross-border area, is to synergize in formulating a policy in the tourist area aimed at building a beautiful atmosphere in the tourist area including Lake Singkarak area. Beautifying an area, among others, is done by building the name of a tourist area that is made large with an area that can be used as a spot for photos by the people who visit. ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 65 of 67 The researcher views that in a policy related to the planning and management of tourist attraction it should be compiled by considering sharing the values of local wisdom that can be globalized in the development of tourist attractions based on local wisdom in accordance with the area concerned. Besides the provincial and district governments and the government also encourages the growth of the availability of other supporting facilities that can be provided by the local government or provided by the private sector engaged in tourism businesses. This policy, in line with the dynamics of community development in various parts of the world including in Indonesia and in the province of West Sumatra, namely the desire to update status on social media. For this purpose, visitors to tourism objects always try to capture them once in a particular tourist area by showing their presence in the area that has a name sign of a tourist area. Besides that they took some photos or pictures in other areas within the tourist area. Based on interview results with the visiting community, essentially relevant with the development of the contemporary lifestyle the need to take pictures in a tourist area is the main thing to do when they arrive at a tourist location, in addition to enjoying the other atmosphere found in the location. Furthermore, by the point of view of the community regarding tourism consciousness work culture, it is categorized as sufficient, requiring the local government of regency of Solok to improve themselves in developing tourism around the Singkarak lake. POLICY RECOMMENDATION In general, the results obtained by the researchers showed that current growth and future forecasts in the eyes of researchers in the four locations in an optimistic manner, will show the increasing number of visitors to the tourist location. The challenges seen in each location that need to be implemented are the realization of the balance of environmental protection, the preservation of community culture accompanied by efforts to increase tourism which can result in increased community welfare. In terms of economic potential and social contribution these four tourism locations can be carried out in the development of sustainable tourism, and need to be one of the strategic priorities for both the medium and long term, so that economic, social and cultural benefits from the tourism sector can be sustained by avoiding disruptive impacts environment, the social and cultural life of the local community. It needed to strengthening in the form of important digital governance by the regional government so that the tourism sector is able to significantly increase tourist visitors from abroad. To boost the performance of the tourism sector and accelerate the growth of this sector significantly in the current era, it cannot only rely on conventional promotions, but it needs policies using digital media that are pro-active and innovative, promoting tourism extensively, besides continue to spur infrastructure development in particular which has an impact on increasing tourism competitiveness. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to express his gratitude and appreciation to the State University of Padang through the Institute of Research and Community Service (LP2M) for funding our research (Aldri Frinaldi and Afriva Khaidir) Scheme Postgraduate with UNP DIPA 2017 Budget Year and 2018 Fiscal Year, “Building Model Tourism Awareness Work Culture Policy among Apparatus and Society of Tourism in an effort to increase Community Satisfaction Visiting Tourism Sites in West Sumatra”, one of the S2 (master) students involved in the research activity was Vivi Yulistia Rahayu. This article is one of ISSN:1907-8374 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No 1 February 2019 ISSN:1907-8374 Online: 2337-8220 https://doi.org/10.18196/jgp.10197 http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jsp/issue/archive Page 66 of 67 the results of the publication of the research activities. This article was presented at the 3rd JGP-IC held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on November 6, 2018. REFERENCES Book Aldri Frinaldi dan Afriva Khaidir. 2017. Membangun Model Kebijakan Budaya Kerja Sadar Wisata Di Kalangan Aparatur Dan Masyarakat Pariwisata Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kepuasan Masyarakat Berkunjung Ke Lokasi Wisata Di Sumatera Barat. Aldri Frinaldi dan Afriva Khaidir. Laporan Penelitian. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Padang. Aldri Frinaldi. 2017b. Mengelola Budaya Organisasi dan Budaya Kerja. Acuan Bagi Akademisi, Praktisi, dan Pemerhati Budaya Kerja. UNP Press. Padang. ISBN 978-602-1178-20-1. 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