DOI: Politician as the Leader in Indonesia’s Student Regiment and Its Psychological Impacts INDRO ADINUGROHO1 AND HOBBY PUTRA ANKY2 ABSTRACT It has been a long debate that politicians should not be involved in any organi- zations which has a primary purpose to educate civil society. Indonesia student regiment (Menwa) is an example of the organization which functions as a vessel for Indonesian students to encourage engagement in the field of national defense and tri-dharma, a responsibility to give contributions while students in university. However, for over 6 years, Menwa has been led by a politician who also becomes an active board in a political party. Considering the basic function of Menwa, ethically Menwa should be led by a professional without any politi- cal interest to keep maintaining the purity of the purpose. Despite its negative impact, there is also a positive consequence. Politician who becomes a leader in the organization can share political knowledge and value to the members to become active citizens, particularly enhance the political participation of its members. This study aims to identify a relationship between supporting politi- cian as the leader and three aspects of psychological orientation towards poli- tics (POTP). Result shows that members who support the leader (politician) tend to have higher scores in political efficacy (PE) and political interest (PK), two fundamental variables which are needed in democratic country than the other groups. KEYWORDS: Menwa, politics, student, psyhological, orientation ABSTRAK Telahmenjadiperdebatan panjang bahwa para politisitidak boleh terlibat dalam organisasi apa pun yang memiliki tujuan utama untuk mendidik masyarakat sipil. Resimen Mahasiswa (Menwa) adalah contoh organisasi yang berfungsi sebagai wadah bagi pelajar Indonesia untuk mendorong keterlibatan dalam bidang pertahanan nasional dan tri-dharma, sebuah tanggung jawab untuk memberikan kontribusi ketika mahasiswa ada di universitas. Namun, selama lebih dari 6 tahun, Menwa telah dipimpin oleh seorang politisi yang juga adalah elit partai politik. Mempertimbangkan fungsi dasar Menwa, secara etis Menwa harus dipimpin oleh seorang profesional tanpa kepentingan politik untuk menjaga kemurnian tujuan organisasi. Terlepas dari dampak negatifnya, ada juga konsekuensi positifnya. Politisi yang menjadi pemimpin dalam organisasi dapat berbagi pengetahuan dan nilai politik kepada anggota untuk menjadi warga negara yang aktif, khususnya meningkatkan partisipasi politik anggotanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara dukungan untuk politisi sebagai pemimpin organisasi dan tiga aspek orientasi psikologi JURNA L STUDI PEMERINTAHAN 355 AFFILIATION: 1Faculty of Psychology Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia CORRESPONDENCE: Jln. Jenderal Sudirman No. 51 Jakarta, Indonesia CITATION: DAdinugroho, I., & Anky, H. P. (2020). Politician as the Leader in Indonesia’s Student Regiment and Its Psychological Impacts. Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan, 11(3), 355–3 6 8 ARTICLE HISTORY: Received: August 11, 2020 Accepted: Nov 10, 2020 Vol. 11 No. 3 October 2020 terhadap politik (POTP). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa anggota yang cenderung mendukung politisi sebagai ketua Menwa cenderung memiliki skor yang lebih tinggi dalam aspek political efficacy (PE) dan ketertarikan pada politik (PK), dua variabel mendasar yang diperlukan di sebuah negara dengan prinsip demokrasi. KATA KUNCI: Menwa, politik, mahasiswa, psikologis, orientasi BACKGROUND The history of Menwa actually starts from the independence of Indonesia in 1945. Before the independence, when the Japa- nese forces were still dominating Indonesia, the Government of Japan who occupied Indonesia as colony, trained many Indo- nesian citizens, particularly students with basic military skills. This community was named as Gakukotai which defined as stu- dent troops or pasukan mahasiswa in Indonesian language. Thereby, after Japan left Indonesia, this community evolved became bigger and changed the name into WALA 59 (Rahmanto 2013). At that time, WALA 59 was handled by In- donesia National Army and it was prepared as the secondary defense forces for Indonesia. Due to most of the members are students from various Indonesia universities, the organization had the name changed again into Indonesian student regiment (Menwa). Until now, Menwa has two primary purposes, first of all, it is related to sharing values about defending the country by appreciating Indonesia and secondly, it is related to giving sup- port to Indonesian universities as students through tri-dharma, the term to define the national obligation for all Indonesian universities which consist of three aspects, teaching, research & publication and community empowerment. It has been described that Menwa was formed as the inde- pendent troops which facilitates Indonesian students in univer- sities across Indonesia who have any interest in military skills and training. As the organization with a long history since the independence, Menwa has a sacred purpose, to help Indonesia in the field of national defense when the country needs it. Stu- dents who participate in Menwa are also encouraged to be ac- tive in the area of teaching (i.e., lecturer assistant), research & publication (i.e., research assistant) and community empower- 356 JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN ment (i.e., involve with lecturer in a community project). In day to day activities, members of Menwa are also impelled to con- duct military practices with Indonesian army. The aim of the practices is to share the knowledge of military that might be fundamental as an instrument for defending the university and country in emergency situation. Considering the significant func- tion of Menwa for Indonesia, Menwa should be led by a profes- sional in the field of military and defense. However, the fact conveys different reality, in opposite, Menwa is led by a politi- cian who becomes an active board member in political party and parliament. This situation is possible to obscure the primary purpose of Menwa with practical politics and group interest be- cause in accordance with the internal regulation, leader of Menwa is given with a room to share his (her) political values to the organization. Chief or leader as the highest position in Menwa has the power to control and direct the vision and mission of the orga- nization. Based on various studies in the field of leadership and organization, the role of leadership is essential for the organiza- tion to grow and face challenges in the future due to the func- tion of leader to achieve mission and determined goals (Ghasabeh, Soosay & Reaiche 2015). Besides that, leaders also play a significant role in delivering transformation and adapt- ability of the organization to achieve sustainability in the future. A term to define this capability can be named as transforma- tional leadership, a style of leadership which consists of four dimensions, idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, inspi- rational motivation and individualized consideration (Ghasabeh, Soosay & Reaiche 2015; Dong, Bartol, Zhang & Li 2017). In the context of Menwa, The role of transformational leadership is crucial to deliver innovation and breakthrough in the organization through the authority to change the internal regulation, replace the mem- bers and establish a direction. Authority is the instrument that can be used by the leader to make change and transform the 357 Vol. 11 No. 3 October 2020 358 organization following the trend and make it sustained. How- ever, a leader who does not perform is possible to harm organi- zations in the future. Toxic leadership, a leadership style who focus on intimidating subordinates in the organization can be an example of a term to define the issue of ineffective leader- ship (Reed 2004). Basically, the study of negative impact of toxic leadership has a connection with Millgram’s experiment (Millgram, 1963). This experiment has revealed why oppression and massive geno- cide conducted by Hitler as the top leader of Nazi occurred in this world. This experiment involved participants to help ex- perimenter in giving punishment, a dummy electricity shock to the confederate in the next room if the confederate gave the wrong answer in responding questions and the confederates pretended to shout after they received a dummy electric shock. Result shows that participants were kept going to give an elec- tricity shock based on the order from the experimenter even though the voltage of the shock can be deadly. From this study, we can infer that authority can be created by the leader and possible to bring the members, even organization into the false direction. From this point of view, leadership, direction and authority are fundamental elements that embedded in the leader and cannot be separated partially. The situation where leader misuses the authority also can happen in Menwa. Thus, if the leader can persuade members to follow the direction even though the direction is made against the norms, it is possible for the members to conduct the requested behaviors and group pressure is likely to occur in that case. The study of group pres- sure is started with a classic experimental study which involved participants to judge the length of lines described with the exist- ence of other who gave social pressure (Asch 1955). Result shows that when majority of confederates agreed to one answer, even though it was false, the participant tend to follow their response. Thus, this concept also followed by numerous researchers to understand many psychological phenomenon, such as bullying JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (Sim & Shin 2016); group creativity (Goncalo & Diguid 2012) and also voter turnout (Gerber, Green & Larimer 2008). In relation with Menwa, group pressure is likely to occur in most of members who receive a direction, particularly communal direc- tion. Based on various studies and literature review, the impor- tance of leader in an organization is fundamental. Despite many controversies in the public which shares the vulnerability of an organization to be trapped in practical politics, politician as the leader also has positive consequences to influence members through values related to politics and government. The impor- tance of values which shared by the leader has been reviewed in a study conducted by Schaubroeck, Lam & Cha (2007) which describes team values shared by the transformational leader can be a significant mediator which facilitate transformational lead- ership and group performance. Based on this study, it isshown that a leader who is able to share team work as values to the followers will achieve better group performance than the other groups who are not. Moreover, according to Bass, Avolio, Jung & Berson (2003), leader is a central position which represents the characteristic of the organization and the anchor for all members to form perceptions of the organization. Based on this argument, it is very possible for the leader in Menwa to share several values on politics and shifting the political awareness of members of Menwa. As an attempt to identify this condition, there possible variables which can be utilized to assess the condi- tion of Menwa are political interest (PI), political knowledge (PK) and political efficacy (PE) developed by Burns, Schlozman and Verba (2001). The position of Indonesia as the third largest democratic coun- try in the world requires active citizens, particularly in politics (i.e., joining political party, do voting and deliver critics & solu- tion to the Government) to improve the quality of democracy over time. In order to achieve a robust condition of democracy, then political apathy needs to be reduced. Through three as- 359 Vol. 11 No. 3 October 2020 360 pects of POTP, the existence of political apathy slowly can be replaced with political awareness. Many studies have revealed the importance of these aspects in influencing political partici- pation. A study conducted by Bimber, Cunill, Copeland & Gibson (2015) describes the function of PI in moderating the effect of digital media use and political participation. Specifi- cally, this result shows that PI can strengthen the effect between digital media use and the intention to conduct voting. Another study to examine the importance of PE is also conducted by Feldman and Hart (2016) through online experiment. This study revealed the effect of PE in facilitating emotional response to- wards the issue of climate change. Specifically, this study describes message which emphasize internal, external or response efficacy toward political action can induce hope and anger in respond- ing climate change as the global issue. As well as PI and PE, PK is also crucial for democratic country. One study conducted by Miller, Saunders and Farhart (2015) examined the role of knowl- edge in politics in moderating a belief in conspiracy theories. This belief refers to a perception of participants to see political environment is formed through conspiracy. Result from this study shows that PK is significant to exacerbate the degree of belief in conspiracy. Furthermore, these three studies have shown the significant effect of three aspects of POTP in reducing po- litical apathy and absenteeism in politics. It can be suggested that members in Menwa who give more support in politician as the leader tend to have higher POTP score compared to others who are not. By considering the logic of POTP, the importance in democratic country and the em- pirical findings from various studies, this study attempts to ex- amine the impact of politician becoming a leader in Menwa as the case study, which measured through the degree of support from members towards the leader. As mentioned earlier, Menwa is an independent organization which has a purpose in the field of national defense and university education. Currently, Menwa is led by an active politician from Indonesia Raya Movement JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN (Gerindra) party, Riza Patria (RP) for approximately 6 years. He is also a vice chairman in Gerindra and members in Indonesian parliament. By considering this fact, RP is possible to share his political values and affecting the degree of POTP of members in Menwa. As an attempt to identify the effect of RP’s leader- ship, two instruments were utilized in this study. First instru- ment is related to measure the degree of support towards the leader and second instrument refers to POTP Scale (Adinugroho 2018) to identify the degree of PI, PK and PE. We hypothesized that members of Menwa who tend to support the leader will also have higher degree of PI, PK and PE compare to others who are not. METHODS PARTICIPANTS AND SAMPLE For over 181 members of Menwa were participated in this study. The composition is categorized into two types, members in structural position (64%) and regular members (36%). The composition of sample is higher for structural position due to its relation to the purpose of this study. Members who work in structural position are likely to work closely with the leader to manage the organization. All the members who participated in this study are active members with the age range from 18 to 23 year-old. The proportion is not equal between male (69%) and female (31%) due to majority of Menwa members are dominated by male members. Purposive sampling method was applied in the study to identify targeted participants from various universi- ties in Indonesia. The self-report questionnaires were shared through online panel to the participants, however, second au- thor also collected directly to the Menwa’s headquarter in Jakarta, Indonesia. There is no psychological disorder reported in the data collection process which can affect the quality of the data. MEASURING SUPPORT TOWARDS THE LEADER As an attempt to identify how participants give support to 361 Vol. 11 No. 3 October 2020 362 the current chairman of Menwa, we applied 5 items to measure participant’s opinion and attitude towards RP as the legal chair- man of Menwa. We formed the instrument by relying on classi- cal theory of attitude developed by Ajzen & Fishbein (1972) which defines attitude as an evaluation of an attitudinal object to oppose/against or to support/approach specific attitudinal object. Even though, human behavior is a complex issue which can be explained by relying on one or two approaches, attitude is proposed as the alternative which has a relationship in pre- dicting human behavior. In the instrument, attitude to support Menwa’s leader is mea- sured through five items (i,e., I realize that supporting my leader in this organization can give me positive impact; I believe my friends in the organization will support the leader in a political aspect; Menwa’s leader is a figure who become a role model for me; Joining Menwa increases my chance to participate in politics; Menwa’s leader can become the greatest teacher for me to learn politics). All the items were developed by the first and second authors by considering social and behavioral context in Menwa, including organizational structure, chain of command form the leader & board and also subjective norms in Menwa. The purpose of these items is to capture the attitude of members through attitudinal scale from 1 (less likely to support) to 5 (extremely support). SUPPORTING LEADERS AND THE RELATIONSHIP WITH POTP Ajzen and Fishbein (1977) in their classical psychological ap- proach suggested that attitude is a psychological variable which has one requirement, named as attitudinal object. Through the object, human develops form of cognitive evaluation to produce meanings toward the object. This evaluation is categorized into two aspects, positive and negative, each of this will create differ- ent behavioral outputs. Therefore, we applied this empirical concept to define Menwa’s members who create a positive evalu- ation can be defined as members who accept the leadership of JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN RP and vice versa. Thus, value sharing that might be related to politics and political purpose is possible to be occurred for mem- bers who favor RP as the leader. Through this empirical frame- work, it is possible to see the possibility of positive relationship between the degree of POTP and how members support the leader in the organization. Three aspects of POTP are originally driven from classical theory in psychology, cognitive capacity represents PK, interest (PI) as the curious emotion (Silvia 2008) and efficacy which rep- resents the human belief to see internal ability to produce in- tended result (Bandura 1982), which consist of two dimensions, internal and external. Internal focuses in the belief of one’s ability to deliver some positive changes through politics, while the external refers to the perception of how Government re- sponds the need of the citizens. In a democratic country, these three aspects are crucial to form a condition named democracy, a condition where Government is made by the people through election and other democratic process like voting and political lobbying in parliament and they are responsible for the people (Collier & Levitsky 1997). Democracy as the condition of a state is not given, in opposite; it needs huge participation from vari- ous elements, including civil society, scholars, practitioners and politicians. Some of important activities in democratic country are voting, joining political party up to delivering critics and opinion to the Government. Therefore, as the fourth largest democratic country, Indonesia needs POTP to be embedded in the society to reach better result. As an attempt to identify the degree of POTP for Indonesian participants, we utilized POTP Scale which developed by the first author (Adinugroho 2018). The instrument consists of three parts; PI, PE and PK. Itemsin PI and PE were written with statement and summated rating scale from 1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally agree). For PK, the items were developed with forced choice model with true or false answer. 363 Vol. 11 No. 3 October 2020 Aspects Example of Item 364 TABLE 1. EXAMPLE OF ITEMS IN POTP-S (ADINUGROHO, 2018) PE (I) I am sure for what I have will be useful for Indonesia PE (E) The reason about political decision made by Government is the thing that I can understand PI The news about minister in cabinet is an interesting issue for me RESULTS Comparing POTP Score between Two Different Groups As an attempt to identify the difference pattern of POTP score between two groups who have different point of view to- wards the leader, comparison analysis was conducted in this study. In this phase we calculated mean score of POTP between two groups and Mann-Whitney test (Hart 2001) as the statistical in- strument to identify the significant difference between two groups. Therefore, to identify two groups with high and low support toward the leader, we calculated 30% upper and lower groups (n=54 for each) from all participants involved in this study. This calculation was conducted based on consideration of vari- ance and extreme score which We applied Mann Whitney for independent sample to iden- tify the significance difference and test our previous hypotheses, where group who support the leadership of RP tend to have a higher score in all POTP dimensions compare to group who has a lowerscore in supporting their leader. The selection of Mann Whitney was decided based on two considerations, (1) the sample size of each group is considered small and (2) the normality test of each group shows skewed distribution, both for high and lower support groups. From the calculation, Table 2 shows that high support group tends to have higher score in two aspects, PI and PE compared to low support group. Conversely, not for PK which shows insignificant result with similar score between two groups. Driven from this result, it is suggested to partially accept our hypotheses for PI and PE, not for PK. JURNAL STUDI PEMERINTAHAN TABLE 2. AVERAGE SCO RE FOR THREE ASPECTS OF POTP BETWEEN HIG H & LO W SUPPO RT G RO UPS 365 P E Intern al Extern al 15,05 (3,35) 7,90 (1,12) 12 (1,12) 7,05 (1,43) U=348,5; p<.01 U=574; p<.05 *Mann Whitney is used based on the characteristic of sample distribution TABLE 3. LINEAR REGRESSION ANALYSIS FOR PI (A) AND PE (B) AS THE OUTCOME VARIABLES (a) PI Variabel B β SE(B) t Sig. Support for the leader 0,755 0,677 .07 9,789 0,000* F = 95,819 Sig. 0,000 R square = 0,454 (b) P E Variabel B β SE(B) t Sig. Support for the leader 0,373 0,659 .04 9,316 0,000* F = 95,819 Sig. 0,000 R square = 0,434 *Significant at 95% confidence interval **Significant at 99% confidence interval THE CONTRIBUTION OF SUPPORTING POLITICAL LEADER TOWARDS POTP IN MENWA In addition to support our argument regarding the contribu- tion of supporting the leader and its impact towards POTP (PI and PE), we conducted linear regression analysis with PI and PE as the outcome variables. We did not include PK in the analysis due to insignificant result in comparative analysis between groups using Mann-Whitney test. The result indicates that supporting the existing leader in Menwa who is an active politician can also affect the degree of PI and PE which considered as the impor- tant aspect of citizens in democratic country. Result from re- gression analysis has shown the significant result both for PI (B PK 4,88 (0,87) 4,88 (0,71) U=830,5; p>.05 High Support (n=55) Low Support (n=55) Mann Whitney U PI 30,93 (8,70) 23,29 (5,34) U=353; p<.01 Vol. 11 No. 3 October 2020 366 =.677; p<.01) and PE (B=.659; p<.01). This result also indicates that approximately more than 60% of the variance in PI and PE scores is contributed by the support or not to support the leader. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION The role of leader and leadership style are two crucial ele- ments for organization to grow and adapt to a new challenging situation over time. To support this argument, Mills (2005) has argued that leadership style play a significant role in determin- ing the direction of one organization. A great leader will aware of any kind of changes that possible to affect the existence of the organization, then he (she) is able to take decision, even though it is risky for the organization. Leadership has become one of the important variables to affect employee’s performance (Veliu, Manxhari, Demiri & Jahaj 2017); pro-organizational be- havior (Graham, Ziegert and Capitano 2015) and employee engagement (Popli & Rizvi 2016). Even though these three stud- ies do not capture the similar context like Menwa, but it can be suggested that leadership style is crucial in affecting opinion of members in an organization that can be valuable to drive the organization. In relation with political issue, most of the time, political prac- titioners state that active politician who becomes leaders in an institution that should be led by professional can blurred the vision and mission of the organization. For example, the posi- tion as the chief oh Indonesia National Audit Agency which contested by many politicians from various political parties is said to be politically unethical (CNN Indonesia 2019). Despite many arguments that declare the negative effects of politician becoming a leader, this study shows an opposite result to counter the argument. It can be shown from the result that politician do share unique values to the members which represented in two aspects, PI and PE. Even though PK did not show a signifi- cant result like we hypothesized in previous argument, but the role of PI and PE in society cannot be underestimated. 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