item: #1 of 682 id: koedoe-100 author: van der Merwe, P.; Saayman, M. title: Game farms as sustainable ecotourist attractions date: 2005-12-18 words: 5345 flesch: 57 summary: Key words: game farm tourism, ecotourism, sustainable development, tourism P van der Merwe ( and M Saayman, North-West University: Potchefstroom Campus, School of Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Tourism Manage- ment: Institute for Tourism and Leisure Studies, Private Bag X 6001, Potchefstroom, 2520 Republic of South Africa. The wildlife sector in South Africa differs considerably from the rest of the world in the sense that game farm tourism is practised with indigenous species that are privately owned. keywords: 2002; africa; aspects; community; conservation; der; development; factor; farms; game; south; tourism; van cache: koedoe-100.pdf plain text: koedoe-100.txt item: #2 of 682 id: koedoe-1000 author: None title: koedoe-1000 date: None words: 10904 flesch: 34 summary: The Lepidopterists’ Society of Southern Africa has been instrumental in these activities and their achievements provide an excellent example of the role of citizen scientists along with semiprofessional and professional entomologists in promoting invertebrate conservation and improving the knowledge base with regard to particular taxa. The recommendations ranged from no mitigation specific to invertebrates, through restriction of the proposed land use to certain portions of the land (e.g. to already transformed portions of the land), to set-asides for invertebrate conservation. keywords: africa; areas; biodiversity; cape; change; conservation; data; example; hamer; information; insect; invertebrate; m.j; management; mcgeoch; monitoring; national; new; pas; samways; south; south africa; species; table; taxa cache: koedoe-1000.htm plain text: koedoe-1000.txt item: #3 of 682 id: koedoe-1001 author: None title: koedoe-1001 date: None words: 8652 flesch: 37 summary: In addition to the adaptive processes outlined earlier (and depicted graphically in Figures 1 and 2), this paragraph provides a brief history of adaptive management in KNP as a backdrop for understanding where assessment and reflection, as described in this paper, fit in. Mabunda, Pienaar and Verhoef (2003) described, before the advent of explicit adaptive management in KNP in the 1990s, a series of different management eras, each with a particular style. Article Information Authors: Harry Biggs1 Charles Breen2 Rob Slotow3 Stefanie Freitag1 Marc Hockings4 Affiliations: 1South African National Parks, Skukuza, South Africa 2Centre for Environment, Agriculture and Development, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 3School of Biological and Conservation Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 4School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, University of Queensland, Australia Correspondence to: Harry Biggs Email: Postal address: Private Bag X402, Skukuza 1350, South Africa Dates: Received: 10 May 2010 Accepted: 17 Dec. 2010 Published: 13 May 2011 How to cite this article: Biggs, H., Breen, C., Slotow, R., Freitag, S. & Hockings, M., 2011, ‘How assessment and reflection relate to more effective learning in adaptive management’, Koedoe 53(2), Art. #1001, 13 pages. keywords: areas; assessment; context; cycle; figure; knp; learning; management; national; park; planning; reflection; roux; sanparks; studies; table cache: koedoe-1001.htm plain text: koedoe-1001.txt item: #4 of 682 id: koedoe-1002 author: None title: koedoe-1002 date: None words: 7924 flesch: 37 summary: • There is uncertainty, if levels of TPCs are adjusted to give for example, slower responding management systems enough chance to still react in time, whether this constitutes a breach of their objectivity. In essence, thus, ecological TPCs are determined by human values and expectations, but guided by known or presumed biophysical limits. keywords: change; decision; ferreira; figure; management; national; park; south; state; system; thresholds; tpcs cache: koedoe-1002.htm plain text: koedoe-1002.txt item: #5 of 682 id: koedoe-1004 author: None title: koedoe-1004 date: None words: 6490 flesch: 45 summary: 1.3 Felicia bergeriana-Ursinia cakilefolia old field vegetation: Subcommunity 1.3 included old fields in the park (eastern part of the Skilpad section) as well as in the adjacent farmland at altitudes ranging from 624 m to 680 m above sea level. Felicia australis old field vegetation       • 3. keywords: communities; community; cover; diversity; fields; group; land; namaqua; national; park; species; species group; subcommunity; type; vegetation cache: koedoe-1004.htm plain text: koedoe-1004.txt item: #6 of 682 id: koedoe-1005 author: None title: koedoe-1005 date: None words: 6103 flesch: 38 summary: We therefore suggest that, in addition to providing the critical links between management objectives and actions, this recent modification of the adaptive planning process also provides the sought after requisite simplicity. ISSN: 2071-0791 (online) Advances and challenges in the implementation of strategic adaptive management beyond the Kruger National Park – Making linkages between science and biodiversity management In This Essay... Open Access • Abstract • Introduction • Bridging the science–management gap    • Linking scientists and managers by creating a forum for developing a shared rationale    • Revisiting the objectives hierarchy to ensure that it is linked to management concerns    • keywords: adaptive; management; managers; objectives; process; sam; sanparks; scientists; tpcs; use cache: koedoe-1005.htm plain text: koedoe-1005.txt item: #7 of 682 id: koedoe-1006 author: None title: koedoe-1006 date: None words: 6522 flesch: 35 summary: Article Information Authors: Llewellyn C. Foxcroft1,2 Melodie McGeoch2,3 Affiliations: 1South African National Parks, Conservation Services, Skukuza, South Africa 2Centre for Invasion Biology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa 3South African National Parks, Cape Research Centre, Cape Town, South Africa Correspondence to: Llewellyn Foxcroft Email: Postal address: Private Bag X402, Skukuza 1350, South Africa Dates: Received: 31 May 2010 Accepted: 14 Jan. 2011 Published: 13 May 2011 How to cite this article: Foxcroft, L.C. & McGeoch, M., 2011, ‘Implementing invasive species management in an adaptive management framework’, Koedoe 53(2), Art. ISSN: 2071-0791 (online) Implementing invasive species management in an adaptive management framework In This Essay... Open Access • Abstract • Introduction    • Need for an invasive alien species policy and management framework    • Need for flexibility and rapid response for management of invasive alien species • keywords: 2003; alien; conservation; foxcroft; framework; management; monitoring; national; park; rogers; sanparks; species; species management cache: koedoe-1006.htm plain text: koedoe-1006.txt item: #8 of 682 id: koedoe-1007 author: None title: koedoe-1007 date: None words: 5397 flesch: 48 summary: Published: 13 May 2011 How to cite this article: Stirzaker, R.J., Roux, D.J. & Biggs, H.C., 2011, ‘Learning to bridge the gap between adaptive management and organisational culture’, Koedoe 53(2), Art. ISSN: 2071-0791 (online) Learning to bridge the gap between adaptive management and organisational culture keywords: approach; complex; culture; effect; knowledge; learning; management; new; organisations; science; scientists; system cache: koedoe-1007.htm plain text: koedoe-1007.txt item: #9 of 682 id: koedoe-1008 author: None title: koedoe-1008 date: None words: 11711 flesch: 39 summary: Although these results are preliminary, they illustrate how important the top-down drivers, dictated by the value systems (shown in Figure 1), are in herbivore management. Economic return Managers of conservation areas tend to avoid issues surrounding economics, but economic return is an integral part of herbivore management. keywords: african; areas; biodiversity; change; ecology; elephant; et al; figure; grant; herbivore; heterogeneity; impact; journal; kruger; management; monitoring; national; park; savanna; south; species; tpc; van; vegetation cache: koedoe-1008.htm plain text: koedoe-1008.txt item: #10 of 682 id: koedoe-1009 author: None title: koedoe-1009 date: None words: 6243 flesch: 48 summary: We used the adaptive local convex hull (a-LoCoH) method to map distribution ranges of 12 ungulate species within the Kruger National Park (KNP) based on locations recorded during aerial surveys (1980–1993). The distribution of impala mapped by Pienaar (1963) showed a tighter concentration along rivers, particularly in the northern half of the KNP, than was apparent after 1980. FIGURE 3: Distribution range of impala comparing the periods (a) 1980–1986 and (b) 1987–1993. keywords: antelope; distribution; figure; knp; national; north; park; population; range; shade; south; species cache: koedoe-1009.htm plain text: koedoe-1009.txt item: #11 of 682 id: koedoe-101 author: van Staden, P.J.; Bredenkamp, G.J. title: Major plant communities of the Marakele National Park date: 2005-12-18 words: 6536 flesch: 57 summary: Major plant communities of the Marakele National Park. Key words: Braun-Blanquet, classification, major plant communities, phytosociology, synoptic table. keywords: area; bredenkamp; bushveld; caffra; coetzee; communities; community; major; park; plant; pretoria; south; species; study; table; van; vegetation cache: koedoe-101.pdf plain text: koedoe-101.txt item: #12 of 682 id: koedoe-1010 author: None title: koedoe-1010 date: None words: 3995 flesch: 34 summary: This structure must be effective in all areas of data management, starting with data collection and ending with the dissemination of knowledge, to facilitate timeous management decisions and associated actions. Not surprisingly, it has proven difficult to build data management and analytical systems to accommodate these data in general (Jones et al. 2006). keywords: adaptive; conservation; data; management; metadata; national; research; sanparks; science; south; support; system cache: koedoe-1010.htm plain text: koedoe-1010.txt item: #13 of 682 id: koedoe-1011 author: None title: koedoe-1011 date: None words: 11116 flesch: 45 summary: What is distinctive about rivers is that owing to their fugitive nature, KNP management was forced to look beyond the park borders for potential solutions (Venter et al. 2008) and to devise monitoring and management responses that were embedded in a wider socio-political landscape. Interestingly, another important co-driver of the change in KNP management was the ‘impasse’ on elephant culling, which came to a head at about the same time as the KNPRRP underwent a major reorientation (Freitag et al. keywords: adaptive; africa; biggs; catchment; et al; knp; kruger; management; national; park; pollard; research; resources; river; south; systems; toit; water cache: koedoe-1011.htm plain text: koedoe-1011.txt item: #14 of 682 id: koedoe-1015 author: None title: koedoe-1015 date: None words: 4385 flesch: 60 summary: C.J. Skead visited all the farms that have now been incorporated into Kwandwe PGR during his research on Eastern Cape birds, but no specific records are mentioned in his reviews (Skead 1965, 1967). Conservation implications: The varied thicket vegetation types of the Great Fish River Valley support a considerable diversity of bird species. keywords: africa; bird; cape; fish; kwandwe; pgr; records; reserve; river; south; species cache: koedoe-1015.htm plain text: koedoe-1015.txt item: #15 of 682 id: koedoe-1017 author: None title: koedoe-1017 date: None words: 5763 flesch: 33 summary: More recently, the formal implementation of the adaptive management approach by park management and scientists, involving regular monitoring and feedback loops that inform the re-evaluation of management objectives and techniques for biodiversity conservation, has further enhanced the management effectiveness for the biodiversity component of parks at various levels (Roux & Foxcroft 2011). The formal adoption of the strategic adaptive management (SAM) (Biggs & Rogers 2003) approach in SANParks in the early 2000s did not filter through to the people components of SANParks management until very recently and, as a result, there are currently few examples of formal adaptive management being practiced in this field within the organisation. keywords: benefits; conservation; management; monitoring; national; objectives; people; research; resource; sanparks; south cache: koedoe-1017.htm plain text: koedoe-1017.txt item: #16 of 682 id: koedoe-1019 author: None title: koedoe-1019 date: None words: 8670 flesch: 46 summary: The Guthrie Herbarium, which forms part of the Bolus Herbarium, deals specifically with Peninsula species. The Cape Floristic Region (CFR) is particularly rich in plant species and also in rare and threatened species (Goldblatt & Manning 2000; Raimondo et al. 2009). keywords: cape; cape peninsula; concern; conservation; list; management; monitoring; national; park; peninsula; red; south; species; table; taxa; variables cache: koedoe-1019.htm plain text: koedoe-1019.txt item: #17 of 682 id: koedoe-102 author: Hudson, A.; Bouwman, H. title: New records of 45 bird species in the desert margins area of the North-West Province, South Africa date: 2006-12-18 words: 4393 flesch: 62 summary: Of these, 26 species were water birds or birds closely associated with water. These can all lead to areas becoming unsuitable for bird species that previously occurred in that area (Parody et al. 2001). keywords: 2623ac; area; birds; heuningvlei; heuningvlei pan; march; nature; pan; records; reserve; species; surveys cache: koedoe-102.pdf plain text: koedoe-102.txt item: #18 of 682 id: koedoe-1020 author: None title: koedoe-1020 date: None words: 5306 flesch: 52 summary: Guerrero-Campo, J. & Montserrat-Marti, G., 2000, ‘Effects of soil erosion on the floristic composition of plant communities on Marl in Northeast Spain’, Journal of Vegetation Science 11, 329–336. Hill, M.O., 1979, TWINSPAN – a Fortran program for arranging multivariate data in an ordered two-way table by classification of individuals and attributes, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Institute for Soil, Climate and Water, 2003, Comprehensive Weather Report: Brakspruit, Potchefstroom, Agricultural Research Council, Pretoria. Open Access • Abstract • Introduction    • Study area • Methods    • Stratification of sample sites    • Sampling procedure    • Data processing    • Description of plant communities • Results    • Vegetation classification    • Detailed description       • 1. keywords: area; average; communities; cover; erosion; group; plant; soil; south; species; spitskop; var; vegetation cache: koedoe-1020.htm plain text: koedoe-1020.txt item: #19 of 682 id: koedoe-1027 author: None title: koedoe-1027 date: None words: 9667 flesch: 48 summary: The vegetation is dominated bythe perennial grasses Tristachya leucothrix (species group AD) and Themeda triandra (species group AM), with significant cover abundance of Heteropogon contortus, Eragrostis curvula (species group AM), Eragrostis racemosa and Harpochloa falx (species group AL), the forb Felicia filifolia (species group AJ), the dwarf shrub Searsia discolor (species group AD), and the fynbos sub-shrub Selago galpinii (species group AD). The dominant species of the community form an extremely well-developed herbaceous layer and include the high-altitude, sour short grasses K. capensis (speciesgroup M), Tristachya leucothrix (species group AD), Elionurus muticus (species group AJ), Eragrostis racemosa, Harpochloa falx (species group AL) and Heteropogon contortus (species group AM). keywords: africa; andropogon; communities; community; eragrostis; erosion; forb; grasses; group ad; helichrysum; leucothrix; m.a.s.l; monodactyla; platberg; soils; south; species group; subcommunity; triandra; tristachya; vegetation cache: koedoe-1027.htm plain text: koedoe-1027.txt item: #20 of 682 id: koedoe-1028 author: None title: koedoe-1028 date: None words: 9940 flesch: 45 summary: At the time, the area formed part of the western Transvaal (a province of South Africa until 1994) in an African reserve that was about to transform from an apartheid Bantustan consisting of a number of ‘Tswana homelands’ into Bophuthatswana, nominally an independent state, an enclave within White South Africa. Unlike other national parks and protected areas in South Africa that had involved forced removals, the idea for the PNP was that the Bakgatla would participate in decisions about the new national park, vacate the crater area voluntarily, contribute to its social and economic planning, and to its management thereafter. keywords: africa; bakgatla; bophuthatswana; conservation; development; game; land; landscape; management; national; nature; park; people; pilanesberg; pnp; reserve; riet; south; south africa; van; wildlife cache: koedoe-1028.htm plain text: koedoe-1028.txt item: #21 of 682 id: koedoe-1029 author: None title: koedoe-1029 date: None words: 7196 flesch: 32 summary: ISSN: 2071-0791 (online) Systematic conservation planning and adaptive management In This Essay... Open Access • Abstract • Introduction    • Why an adaptive approach is required in conservation planning    • Similarities in philosophy       • Similarity in structural and functional components       • Adaptive implementation of systematic conservation planning in a messy world       • Maintaining and promoting adaptive thinking in systematic conservation planning • Conclusion • References • Footnote Abstract (Back to top) Margules, C.R. & Pressey, R.L., 2000, ‘Systematic conservation planning’, Nature 405, 243−253. doi:10.1038/35012251, PMid:10821285 Pressey, R.L. & Bottrill, M., 2009, ‘Approaches to landscape- and seascape-scale conservation planning: convergence, contrasts and challenges’, Oryx 43(4), 464–475. doi:10.1017/S0030605309990500 Pressey, R.L, Cabeza, M., Watts, M.E., Cowling, R.M. & Wilson, K.A., 2007, ‘Conservation planning in a changing world’, Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22(11), 583–592. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2007.10.001 Rogers, K.H., 2005, Biodiversity custodianship in SANParks: a protected area management planning framework, Report to South African National Parks, Pretoria. keywords: biodiversity; conservation; conservation planning; implementation; land; management; national; planning; pressey; process; sam; sanparks; scp; south cache: koedoe-1029.htm plain text: koedoe-1029.txt item: #22 of 682 id: koedoe-103 author: van Deventer, M.; Nel, J.A.J. title: Habitat, food, and small mammal community structure in Namaqualand date: 2006-12-18 words: 7428 flesch: 61 summary: data) with even less on small mammal habitat relations and commu- nity characteristics. All three extended widely outside the park so that the Island Biography Theory cannot be invoked; specific small mammal species occurred in a variety of habitats. keywords: africa; biomass; brown; community; cover; density; diversity; ecology; habitat; karoo; kerley; mammals; richness; south; species cache: koedoe-103.pdf plain text: koedoe-103.txt item: #23 of 682 id: koedoe-1030 author: None title: koedoe-1030 date: None words: 4804 flesch: 47 summary: Sampled ants were washed to remove any rubble, leaves and soil. Formicinae was the next most diverse and abundant subfamily (19 species, n = 364), comprising 18% of the total number of ant species sampled (Table 1). keywords: africa; ants; conservation; diversity; group; marakele; national; park; richness; sites; south; species; vegetation cache: koedoe-1030.htm plain text: koedoe-1030.txt item: #24 of 682 id: koedoe-1032 author: None title: koedoe-1032 date: None words: 2149 flesch: 37 summary: Plants contribute most to alien species richness in national parks and a similar dominance of alien species lists by plants has been shown globally (Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventory for Europe 2009; McGeoch et al. 2010). Hugo Bezuidenhout4 Affiliations: 1Centre for Invasion Biology, Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa 2Centre for Invasion Biology and Cape Research Centre, South African National Parks, Steenberg, South Africa 3Centre for Invasion Biology and Conservation Services, South African National Parks, Skukuza, South Africa 4Scientific Services, South African National Parks, Kimberley, South Africa Correspondence to: Dian Spear Email: Postal address: Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, Stellenbosch, South Africa Dates: Received: 01 Nov. 2010 Accepted: 04 Apr. 2011 Published: 11 Aug. 2011 How to cite this article: Spear, D., McGeoch, M.A., Foxcroft, L.C. & Bezuidenhout, H., 2011, ‘Alien species in South Africa’s national parks’, Koedoe 53(1), Art. keywords: africa; alien; information; national; parks; plants; sanparks; south; species cache: koedoe-1032.htm plain text: koedoe-1032.txt item: #25 of 682 id: koedoe-1035 author: None title: koedoe-1035 date: None words: 6295 flesch: 45 summary: Open Access • Abstract • Introduction • Methods    • Study area    • Design and procedure • Results • Discussion and conclusion • Acknowledgements • References Abstract (Back to top) An important aspect of managing African conservation areas involves understanding how large herbivores affect woody plant growth. In conclusion, this study provides evidence that stem growth of woody plants in African savannas is strongly seasonal, but the effects of large herbivores on woody plant growth remains unclear and requires further research. keywords: acacia; african; browsing; exclusion; growth; herbivores; plants; savanna; season; species; stem; study; woody cache: koedoe-1035.htm plain text: koedoe-1035.txt item: #26 of 682 id: koedoe-1037 author: None title: koedoe-1037 date: None words: 5281 flesch: 46 summary: Van Wilgen, B.W., Govender, N., Biggs, H.C., Ntsala, D. & Funda, X.N., 2004, ‘Response of savanna fire regimes to changing fire management policies in a large African national park’, Conservation Biology 18, 1533–1540. Van Wilgen, B.W., Govender, N. & Biggs, H.C., 2007, ‘The contribution of fire research to fire management: A critical review of a long-term experiment in the Kruger National Park, South Africa’, International Journal of Wildland Fire 16, 519–530. Venter, F.J., 1990, ‘A classification of land for management planning in the Kruger National Park’, PhD thesis, Department of Geography, University of South Africa. The spatio-temporal scale and the underlying template of various fire experiments often brings into question the representivity of the results from these plot-based experiments when scaling up to landscape processes. keywords: experiment; figure; fire; kruger; national; park; plots; replicate; representivity; soil; south; van; vegetation cache: koedoe-1037.htm plain text: koedoe-1037.txt item: #27 of 682 id: koedoe-1038 author: None title: koedoe-1038 date: None words: 8401 flesch: 52 summary: The aim of this paper, however, is to classify and describe the present vegetation of the farm Haribes as an attempt towards filling the immense gap in vegetation data in Namibia (Strohbach & Jürgens 2010). Giess, W., 1998, ‘A preliminary vegetation map of Namibia’, Dinteria 4, 1–112. Hennekens, S.M. & Schaminée, J.H.J., 2001, ‘TURBOVEG, a comprehensive data base management system for vegetation data’, Journal of Vegetation Science 12, 589–591. keywords: acacio; alexandri; association; average; cover; data; farm; figure; foetidae; grazing; haribes; namibia; nov; pan; relevés; soils; southern; species; total; uniplumis; vegetation cache: koedoe-1038.htm plain text: koedoe-1038.txt item: #28 of 682 id: koedoe-1043 author: None title: koedoe-1043 date: None words: 8506 flesch: 42 summary: In This Original Research... Open Access • Abstract • Introduction    • Protected areas and sharing benefits    • Buffer zones and land use changes outside protected areas    • Protected areas and human development    • Introduction Top ↑ Protected areas and sharing benefits While the primary role of protected areas is the conservation of species diversity, biodiversity conservation, along with sustainable resource management, can and must result in material benefits to neighbouring communities. keywords: abnr; areas; buffer; community; conservation; development; group; khutsong; land; management; nature; nature reserve; reserve; residents; south; use cache: koedoe-1043.htm plain text: koedoe-1043.txt item: #29 of 682 id: koedoe-1046 author: None title: koedoe-1046 date: None words: 9500 flesch: 25 summary: Developing the climate–vegetation response model involved three main components, namely (1) defining indicators of forage availability to herbivores (nitrogen productivity, nitrogen quality, carbon-nutrient quality), (2) identifying herbivore species guilds of similar nutritional requirements with respect to these indicators [bulk feeders with tolerance to fibrous herbage (buffalo, waterbuck), bulk feeders with preference for high nitrogen quality forage (short grass preference grazers: blue wildebeest and zebra) and selective feeders where dietary items of relatively high carbon-nutrient quality represented key forage resources (selective grazers: sable antelope, roan antelope, tsessebe, eland)] and (3) developing a process model where the expected effects of plant metabolic responses to climate on key forage resources were made explicit. Herbivore species guilds of nutritional requirements As inferred from the nature of the diets of eight large savanna herbivore species, three herbivore species guilds of nutritional requirements were identified: bulk feeders with tolerance to fibrous herbage (buffalo and waterbuck), bulk feeders with preference for high nitrogen quality forage (short-grass grazers: blue wildebeest and zebra) and selective feeders for which dietary items of relatively high carbon-nutrient quality represent key forage resources (selective grazers: sable antelope, roan antelope, tsessebe and eland). keywords: availability; carbon; climate; conditions; figure; forage; grass; growth; metabolic; model; nitrogen; nutrient; park; performance; plant; quality; response; rmp; smp; species; temperature; vegetation cache: koedoe-1046.htm plain text: koedoe-1046.txt item: #30 of 682 id: koedoe-1047 author: None title: koedoe-1047 date: None words: 13331 flesch: 27 summary: The study involved three components: • establishing correlations (patterns) between herbivore population performance trends and climate features (rainfall, temperature) • application of the climate–vegetation response model (Seydack et al. 2012), which defined the expected effects of climate on key indices of forage availability for herbivores (process) towards the interpretation of herbivore population performance patterns in space and over time • exploring the degree of consistency with which climate-controlled forage quantity and quality can explain correlations between climate and herbivore population trends. FIGURE 1: Southern hemisphere surface air temperature anomalies between 1850 and 2009. In this study we explored correlations between herbivore population performance trends and climate through pattern/process matching; that is, through establishing to what extent climate–herbivore population trend correlations (pattern) were consistent with expected climate effects on forage availability over time and space (process). keywords: antelope; availability; climate; figure; forage; herbivore; knp; national; nitrogen; park; population; population performance; quality; rainfall; response; rmp; smp; species; temperature; trends; vegetation; wildebeest; zebra cache: koedoe-1047.htm plain text: koedoe-1047.txt item: #31 of 682 id: koedoe-1049 author: None title: koedoe-1049 date: None words: 4707 flesch: 42 summary: Adaptive management is an appealing approach to deal with inherent uncertainty in complex and interactive social-ecological systems (Holling 2001; Rogers 2003). In short, adaptive management is about learning-by-doing in a scientific way, adapting behaviour and overall direction as new information becomes available. keywords: adaptive; art; biggs; koedoe; kruger; learning; management; national; rogers; south cache: koedoe-1049.htm plain text: koedoe-1049.txt item: #32 of 682 id: koedoe-105 author: Panagos, M.D.; Reilly, B.K. title: Use of an area-based survey technique to detect vegetation changes in Sour Bushveld date: 2006-12-18 words: 6018 flesch: 65 summary: All six re-surveyed sites reflected an increase in plant species richness and this increase was most substantial in one commu- nity where the total number of plant species increased from 17 in 1996 to 34 in 2001 at one sampling site and from 26 in 1996 to 45 in 2001 at the other. Floristic parameters recorded during the baseline survey were recorded again at each of the six sample sites, viz., the presence or absence of plant species within the quadrats, the assignment of growth forms to each species record- ed (tree, shrub, dwarf-shrub, grass & forb) following Westfall et al. (1996) and an estimate of canopy cover for each species recorded, in variably sized transects, based on the average crown to gap ratio (Westfall & Panagos 1988). keywords: change; cover; grass; number; panagos; plant; shrubs; site; species; total; vegetation cache: koedoe-105.pdf plain text: koedoe-105.txt item: #33 of 682 id: koedoe-1050 author: None title: koedoe-1050 date: None words: 1256 flesch: 40 summary: Roger Collinson1 Affiliation: 1Change Management Advisor, Etosha National Park, Namibia email: Postal address: PO Box 86819, Eros Park, Windhoek, Namibia How to cite this article: Collinson, R., 2011, ‘Meeting the challenges of game ranch management’, Koedoe 53(1), Art. ISSN: 2071-0791 (online) Meeting the challenges of game ranch management Since the publication of the Afrikaans version of Game ranch management in 1986 and the appearance of the first English edition in 1989, the game ranching industry in South Africa, and in neighbouring states such as Namibia, Zimbabwe and Zambia, has grown in leaps and bounds. keywords: book; game; management; ranch cache: koedoe-1050.htm plain text: koedoe-1050.txt item: #34 of 682 id: koedoe-1054 author: None title: koedoe-1054 date: None words: 4206 flesch: 35 summary: The compilation of a catalogue of casual, naturalised and invasive species, hereafter referred to as alien flora, can serve as an initial step towards further detailed studies on the impact of alien plant species on the indigenous flora and fauna. According to Maroyi (2006), small-scale plantings of alien plant species in Zimbabwe started with European settlement in the 1890s and early 20th century. keywords: alien; figure; flora; invasions; number; plant; plant species; research; species; weeds; zimbabwe cache: koedoe-1054.htm plain text: koedoe-1054.txt item: #35 of 682 id: koedoe-1058 author: None title: koedoe-1058 date: None words: 4503 flesch: 51 summary: This could be explained by higher herbivore density in newly resprouted grass and thus higher prey density, but the diversity of spider species rather than simple abundance is interesting. Appendix (Back to top) APPENDIX: List of spider species sampled at the Mkambati Nature Reserve (January–February 2008). keywords: africa; dippenaar; forest; grassland; reserve; sampling; schoeman; sites; south; species; spider cache: koedoe-1058.htm plain text: koedoe-1058.txt item: #36 of 682 id: koedoe-1059 author: None title: koedoe-1059 date: None words: 5224 flesch: 52 summary: However, as only one sampling method was used during the current study (i.e. shore-angling), the number of fish species sampled was limited. Fish species status was described according to their stock status (Griffiths, Attwood & Thomson 1999) keywords: area; cwebe; dwesa; figure; fish; marine; mpa; sample; site; south; species; table cache: koedoe-1059.htm plain text: koedoe-1059.txt item: #37 of 682 id: koedoe-106 author: Turner, M.L. title: Micromorphology of the springbok louse Damalinia (Tricholipeurus) antidorcus found at the Rietvlei Nature Reserve near Pretoria, South Africa date: 2006-12-18 words: 2589 flesch: 60 summary: Palpi of this nature are described here for the first time in D. antidorcus. Few of the parasitic lice species have been described using the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and only line diagrams of the first description of D. antidorcus by Bedford (1931) and an insert of a second sketch after Werneck (1950) as recorded by Ledger (1980) were found in an extensive literature search. keywords: antidorcus; fig; mandibles; setae; turner cache: koedoe-106.pdf plain text: koedoe-106.txt item: #38 of 682 id: koedoe-1065 author: None title: koedoe-1065 date: None words: 975 flesch: 53 summary: Book Information Book Title: Environmental Risk Management in South Africa Book Cover Author: Mike Mentis ISBN: 9780620507523 Publisher:; 2010, R228.00* *Book price at time of review Book Review information Reviewer Title: Review of Environmental Risk Management in South Africa Reviewer: Harry Biggs1 Affiliation: 1SANParks, Skukuza, South Africa Email: Postal address: Private Bag X402, Skukuza 1350, South Africa How to cite this article: Biggs, H., 2011, ‘Review of Environmental Risk Management in South Africa’, Koedoe 53(1), Art. keywords: book; environmental; management cache: koedoe-1065.htm plain text: koedoe-1065.txt item: #39 of 682 id: koedoe-1066 author: None title: koedoe-1066 date: None words: 5459 flesch: 55 summary: New plant records for Tankwa Karoo National Park, South Africa In This Checklist... Open Access • Abstract • Introduction • Research method and design • Ethical considerations • Results and discussion • Conclusion • Acknowledgements    • Competing interests    • Authors' contributions • References • Appendix 1: Detailed information and relevant specimens for new plant records from Tankwa Karoo National Park • Apocynaceae    • Quaqua acutiloba (N.E.Br.) TABLE 2: Family, taxon and status of new plant distribution records from Tankwa Karoo National Park. keywords: august; cape; figure; karoo; national; new; park; pre; south; species; specimens; tknp cache: koedoe-1066.htm plain text: koedoe-1066.txt item: #40 of 682 id: koedoe-1068 author: Office, Editorial title: Koedoe Volume 53, Number 1 date: 2011-12-15 words: 385 flesch: 46 summary: Page 1 of 1 In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer reviewers for Koedoe, we ask that you take a moment to update your electronic portfolio on for our files, allowing us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. It is good practice as reviewer to update your personal details regularly to ensure contact with you throughout your professional term as reviewer to Koedoe. keywords: koedoe; publication; reviewer cache: koedoe-1068.pdf plain text: koedoe-1068.txt item: #41 of 682 id: koedoe-1070 author: None title: koedoe-1070 date: None words: 5034 flesch: 40 summary: This suggests that fire effects on soil hydrology may be most significant within the first 5 cm of soil and should also be investigated further by analysis using parameters such as soil bulk density and rooting density, especially to complement further penetrometer data. Whilst with the basalt EBPs (Figure 7), it was the annual plots which again had distinctly less variation in soil strength compared to the control plots. keywords: basalt; burn; control; ebps; effects; fire; granite; kruger; ksat; national; park; plots; soil; surface cache: koedoe-1070.htm plain text: koedoe-1070.txt item: #42 of 682 id: koedoe-1072 author: None title: koedoe-1072 date: None words: 4076 flesch: 46 summary: Burgman, M.A., Possingham, H.P., Lynch, J.J., Keith, D.A., Mccarthy, M.A., Hopper, S.D. et al., 2001, ‘A method for setting the size of plant conservation target areas’, Conservation Biology 15, 603–616. Step 11 Combining target areas across different regions was also not conducted, because the method was applied on the only population of B. zanguebarica that exists within South Africa. keywords: area; conservation; habitat; population; reserve; species; step; zanguebarica cache: koedoe-1072.htm plain text: koedoe-1072.txt item: #43 of 682 id: koedoe-1075 author: None title: koedoe-1075 date: None words: 6132 flesch: 48 summary: Other well represented species include Eragrostis chloromelas, F. muricata (Species group A) and E. lehmanniana (Species group N). Other equally prominent grasses are E. chloromelas (Species group A), T. triandra, E. lehmanniana, Aristida adscensionis and D. eriantha (Species group N). keywords: africa; area; bloemfontein; communities; community; grassland; soil; south; species; species group; study; triandra; urban; vegetation cache: koedoe-1075.htm plain text: koedoe-1075.txt item: #44 of 682 id: koedoe-1076 author: None title: koedoe-1076 date: None words: 3760 flesch: 51 summary: A study of leopard range use at selected intervals along the rainfall gradient from the more arid south-western to the wetter north-eastern region of this park, combination with prey distribution and abundance studies and genetic analyses of the leopards, should more conclusively indicate the influence of this environment on leopard range use. In the most arid, south-western part of the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park the ranges of leopards are the largest recorded globally, but range use overlaps and core area range use sizes were not indicated by Bothma et al. keywords: adult; area; bothma; leopards; park; range; size; south; use cache: koedoe-1076.htm plain text: koedoe-1076.txt item: #45 of 682 id: koedoe-1078 author: None title: koedoe-1078 date: None words: 5631 flesch: 45 summary: The third is that the time budget model for vervet troop size derived by Willems and Hill (2009) predicts a maximum ecologically tolerable troop size of 46 animals at Samara (Henzi et al. in prep.). Group counts Two or more observers simultaneously counted vervet monkey groups during 2009 and 2010, either from vehicles or on foot at distances of 10 m – 100 m. All groups were counted at least twice and their locations specified using a Global Positioning System (GPS) recorder. keywords: data; group; home; monkeys; population; range; river; size; south; study; troops; university; vervet; water cache: koedoe-1078.htm plain text: koedoe-1078.txt item: #46 of 682 id: koedoe-108 author: Watson, J.P. title: Check list of the mammals of Tussen-die-Riviere Provincial Nature Reserve, Free State Province, South Africa date: 2006-12-18 words: 4077 flesch: 61 summary: penicillata Yellow mongoose X Galerella pulverulenta Cape grey mongoose X Atilax paludinosus Marsh mongoose X Proteles cristatus Aardwolf X 2 Parahyaena brunnea Brown hyaena NT X Caracal caracal Caracal X Felis silvestris African wild cat X Felis nigripes Black footed cat X Otocyon megalotis Bat-eared fox X Panthera pardus Leopard X Perissodactyla 1 Ceratotherium simum White rhinoceros X 2,1 Diceros bicornis minor Black rhinoceros VU X 1 Equus quagga Plains zebra X Hyracoidea Procavia capensis Rock hyrax X Tubulidentata Orycteropus afer Aardvark X Artiodactyla 1 Phacochoerus africanus Common warthog X 1 Connochaetus gnou Black wildebeest X 1 Alcelaphus buselaphus Red hartebeest X 1 Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi Blesbok X Sylvicapra grimmia Common duiker X Antidorcas marsupialis Springbok X Rhaphicerus campestris Steenbok X 1 Aepyceros melampus Impala X 1 Oryx gazella Gemsbok X 1 Syncerus caffer African buffalo X 1 Tragelaphus strepsiceros Greater kudu X watson.qxd 2006/04/17 11:02 PM Page 114 extreme southern Free State Province and is of the opinion that they are absent from the rest of the province. (2003) Scientific name Common name Status Observed Signs/ TDR in surveys personnel Insectivora 2 Suncus varilla Lesser dwarf shrew DD X 2 Atelerix frontalis South African hedgehog NT X 2 Crocidura cyanea Reddish-grey musk shrew DD Chiroptera Rhinolophus clivosus Geoffroy’s horseshoe bat X Neuromicia capensis Cape serotine bat X Tadarida aegyptiaca Egyptian free-tailed bat X Primates 1 Papio hamadryas ursinus Chacma baboon X Cercopithecus pygerythrus Vervet monkey X Carnivora Vulpes chama Cape fox X Canis mesomelas Black-backed jackal X Aonyx capensis African clawless otter X Ictonyx striatus Striped polecat X 2 Poecilogale albinucha Striped weasel DD X Genetta genetta Small-spotted genet X Suricata suricatta Suricate X Cynictis keywords: africa; avenant; conservation; die; mammals; nature; reserve; south; species; state; watson cache: koedoe-108.pdf plain text: koedoe-108.txt item: #47 of 682 id: koedoe-1081 author: None title: koedoe-1081 date: None words: 6921 flesch: 42 summary: However, testing of the output against historical data lent strong support to the model parameters despite the limited period of observation. FIGURE 5: Mean sable population trend on the Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve over 100 years, modelled using estimates of vital rates taken from 2000 to 2005 and 2005 to 2010 (3a and 4a). (1998) go on to suggest, however, that large mammals make ideal subjects for population studies because they can readily be distinguished into discrete age classes. keywords: adult; age; data; decline; growth; malilangwe; model; mortality; mwr; period; population; rate; study; viability cache: koedoe-1081.htm plain text: koedoe-1081.txt item: #48 of 682 id: koedoe-1082 author: None title: koedoe-1082 date: None words: 8579 flesch: 43 summary: The aims of this survey were to identify invertebrate species of focal groups that occur on the isolated peaks in the alpine zone of the KwaZulu-Natal section of the DAC and to give some indication of whether:• The DAC is a centre of endemism for invertebrates, where a relatively high proportion of invertebrate species are endemic. Limitations of the study The fact that a high percentage of invertebrate species were only represented by a single specimen (Appendix 1) and that the true numbers of focal species on the plots is likely to be higher than those recorded (Table 3) indicates that more time needs to be spent sampling on the peaks in all four of the main vegetation communities of the study plots to gain a fuller picture of the invertebrate communities and the associations between the invertebrates and the plant communities. keywords: africa; alpine; analysis; centre; communities; conservation; dac; drakensberg; endemic; inselbergs; invertebrate; invertebrate species; peaks; plant; sampling; south; species; study; table; vegetation cache: koedoe-1082.htm plain text: koedoe-1082.txt item: #49 of 682 id: koedoe-1086 author: None title: koedoe-1086 date: None words: 1315 flesch: 42 summary: Article Information Authors: Mariette Marais1 Antoinette Swart1 Affiliations: 1National Collection of Nematodes (Biosystematics Programme), ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute, South Africa Correspondence to: Mariette Marais Postal address: Private Bag X134, Queenswood 0121, South Africa Dates: Received: 02 May 2012 Accepted: 03 Oct. 2012 Published: 08 Mar. 2013 How to cite this article: Marais, M. & Swart, A., 2013, ‘Plant nematodes in South Africa. Checklist of plant nematodes of the protected areas of KwaZulu-Natal’, Koedoe 55(1), Art. #1086, 2 pages. keywords: areas; natal; nematodes; plant; species cache: koedoe-1086.htm plain text: koedoe-1086.txt item: #50 of 682 id: koedoe-1089 author: None title: koedoe-1089 date: None words: 1615 flesch: 55 summary: The Limits to Scarcity does not provide answers to the difficult issues arising with regard to resource use, but it does provide a different way of thinking about scarcity and why this occurs. The editor, Mehta, has herself worked extensively on issues around water scarcity and is well known in this field. keywords: access; book; resources; scarcity; water cache: koedoe-1089.htm plain text: koedoe-1089.txt item: #51 of 682 id: koedoe-109 author: van Staden, P.J.; Bredenkamp, G.J. title: A floristic analysis of forest and thicket vegetation of the Marakele National Park date: 2006-12-18 words: 6810 flesch: 61 summary: Other promi- nent trees are Pappea capensis and Schotia brachypetala (species group I), Olea capen- sis (species group E), Mimusops zeyheri, Dombeya rotundifolia subsp. Apart from the diagnostic woody species, other prominent trees are Curtisia dentata, Canthium gilfillanii (species group C), and Olea capensis (species group E). keywords: africana; average; communities; community; cover; forest; group; latifolius; olea; plant; podocarpus; rhus; species; staden; type; van cache: koedoe-109.pdf plain text: koedoe-109.txt item: #52 of 682 id: koedoe-1096 author: None title: koedoe-1096 date: None words: 4051 flesch: 39 summary: However, managing resource use and determining (or even defining) whether or not use is sustainable is not straightforward in practice (Callicott & Mumford 1997; Chapman, De Lacey & Whitmore 2006; Hardin 1968). This first checklist of harvested species will provide (1) a basis for identifying those resources that may be threatened and that should not be harvested, or that require stricter control or alternative harvest practices, (2) a list from which to prioritise species for further study and (3) an important baseline for monitoring resource use in national parks (McGeoch et al. 2011). keywords: africa; conservation; harvest; management; parks; resources; sanparks; south; species; use cache: koedoe-1096.htm plain text: koedoe-1096.txt item: #53 of 682 id: koedoe-1099 author: None title: koedoe-1099 date: None words: 8631 flesch: 45 summary: This study provides the first description of riparian plant communities along the entire length of a river system in the CFR, including the many novel communities that now occur in the human-impacted riparian areas in this region. No other study from South Africa has shown such distinct differences amongst riparian plant communities as we have revealed in the current study. keywords: alien; areas; average; cape; communities; community; cover; eerste; mucronata; native; plant; richardson; river; south; species; stratum; subsp; vegetation cache: koedoe-1099.htm plain text: koedoe-1099.txt item: #54 of 682 id: koedoe-110 author: Zietsman, M.M.; Bredenkamp, G.J. title: Dune vegetation and coastal thicket plant communities in threatened limestone fynbos of Andrew’s Field and Tsaba-Tsaba Nature Reserve, Struisbaai, Western Cape date: 2006-12-18 words: 6953 flesch: 63 summary: The shrubs Euclea racemosa (Species Group A), Otholobium bracteola- tum (Species Group G), Rhus crenata (Species Group N) and Passerina rigida (Species Group P) are dominant. Key words: coastal thicket, conservation area, endemic plants, Limestone Fynbos, phy- tosociology, plant communities, TWINSPAN, Western Cape M.M. Zietsman and G.J. Bredenkamp, African Vegetation and Plant Diversity Research Centre, Department of Botany, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002 Republic of South Africa. keywords: communities; community; dune; euclea; group; limestone; low; racemosa; rhus; shrubs; species; species group; sub; thicket; vegetation cache: koedoe-110.pdf plain text: koedoe-110.txt item: #55 of 682 id: koedoe-1100 author: None title: koedoe-1100 date: None words: 5440 flesch: 52 summary: Xiao, X., Gertner, G., Wang, G. & Anderson, A.B., 2004, ‘Optimal sampling scheme for estimation landscape mapping of vegetation cover’, Landscape Ecology 20, 375–387. A similarity percentages routine (SIMPER), also conducted in PRIMER (Clarke & Gorley 2006) was then used to determine the contribution of each height class to the difference in Bray-Curtis similarity between vegetation types. keywords: acacia; cover; delta; group; mean; mopane; okavango; species; table; vegetation; woodland; woody cache: koedoe-1100.htm plain text: koedoe-1100.txt item: #56 of 682 id: koedoe-1103 author: None title: koedoe-1103 date: None words: 8294 flesch: 39 summary: In current southern African surveys, the modified Braun-Blanquet cover–abundance scale is preferred for vegetation classification studies. It is therefore important that vegetation description studies should be as comprehensive as possible. keywords: africa; botany; classification; communities; community; data; department; description; phytosociological; plant; plant communities; south; south africa; species; studies; study; university; van; vegetation cache: koedoe-1103.htm plain text: koedoe-1103.txt item: #57 of 682 id: koedoe-1104 author: None title: koedoe-1104 date: None words: 8629 flesch: 41 summary: A recent, multifaceted research programme was undertaken to inform ecologically sound management of fire in eastern coastal fynbos and entailed, (1) an assessment of the context within which fire management was practiced during the past century (Kraaij et al. 2011), (2) characterisation of the recent fire history and fire regime (1900–2010) in the area (Kraaij, Baard, Cowling, Van Wilgen & Das 2012), (3) characterisation of the seasonality of fire weather and lightning (Kraaij, Cowling & Van Wilgen 2012), (4) estimation of minimum fire return intervals (FRIs) from juvenile periods and post-fire recruitment success of proteoids (Kraaij et al. 2013) and (5) determination of the ecologically appropriate fire season from post-fire recruitment seasonality of proteoids (Kraaij 2012). TABLE 1: Proposed thresholds of potential concern relating to fire management of fynbos (c. 105 000 ha) in the Garden Route National Park. keywords: area; cowling; eastern; et al; fire; fire management; fynbos; kraaij; kraaij et; management; post; recruitment; season; south; study; thresholds; van wilgen cache: koedoe-1104.htm plain text: koedoe-1104.txt item: #58 of 682 id: koedoe-1106 author: None title: koedoe-1106 date: None words: 6301 flesch: 40 summary: Responses differed depending on the origin of visitors, with international visitors being more interested in seeing animals, whilst local visitors were more content with just being away from the city. Animal preferences were affected by visitor origin (χ2 = 51.90, df = 26, p = 0.002), with giraffe and zebra being more popular sightings amongst international visitors, and buffalo and birds being more popular sightings amongst local visitors. keywords: animals; areas; change; conservation; encroachment; park; plant; savanna; vegetation; visibility; visitors; wildlife; woody cache: koedoe-1106.htm plain text: koedoe-1106.txt item: #59 of 682 id: koedoe-1107 author: None title: koedoe-1107 date: None words: 4606 flesch: 39 summary: Article Information Authors: Izak P.J. Smit1 Edward S. Riddell2 Carola Cullum3 Robin Petersen1 Affiliations: 1Scientific Services, South African National Parks, Skukuza, South Africa2School of Bioresources Engineering and Environmental Hydrology, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 3Centre for Water in the Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa Correspondence to: Izak Smit Postal address: Private Bag X402, Skukuza 1350, South Africa Dates: Received: 24 Aug. 2012 Accepted: 14 Jan. 2013 Published: 12 Apr. 2013 How to cite this article: Smit, I.P.J., Riddell, E.S., Cullum, C. & Petersen, R., 2013, ‘Kruger National Park research supersites: Establishing long-term research sites for cross-disciplinary, multiscaled learning’, Koedoe 55(1), Art. #1107, 7 pages. Kruger National Park research supersites: Establishing long-term research sites for cross-disciplinary, multiscaled learning In This Original Research... Open Access • Abstract • Introduction    • Rationale for research supersites • Research method and design    • keywords: data; datasets; knp; kruger; land; national; park; rainfall; research; sites; south; supersite; term cache: koedoe-1107.htm plain text: koedoe-1107.txt item: #60 of 682 id: koedoe-1108 author: None title: koedoe-1108 date: None words: 4785 flesch: 48 summary: Thus, grazing lawns are characterised by a positive association between grazers and grazing-tolerant grasses; intensive grazing has the effect of increasing the productivity and quality of the food resource (Cromsigt & Kuijper 2011). Under these conditions, patch-selective grazing may not result in a stable (or at least resilient) mosaic of grazing lawns, but may instead cause progressive depletion of the grazing resource. keywords: grass; grasses; grazing; lawns; park; plant; plots; south; species cache: koedoe-1108.htm plain text: koedoe-1108.txt item: #61 of 682 id: koedoe-1109 author: None title: koedoe-1109 date: None words: 1149 flesch: 59 summary: 1CSIR Natural Resources and Environment, Pretoria, South Africa Postal Adress: PO Box 395, Pretoria 0001, South Africa How to cite this book review: Scholes, R.J., 2012, ‘A new benchmark in biodiversity monitoring’, Koedoe 54(1), Art. The BIOTA project began in South Africa and Namibia in the year 2000. keywords: africa; biodiversity; biota cache: koedoe-1109.htm plain text: koedoe-1109.txt item: #62 of 682 id: koedoe-1110 author: None title: koedoe-1110 date: None words: 6025 flesch: 36 summary: Protected area management effectiveness assessments are therefore not performance assessments of an individual; rather, they reflect how well a conservation authority is managing its entire conservation estate at the protected area level (Carbutt & Goodman 2010). As protected area management effectiveness assessments are, by their very nature, open to abuse and one-sided, narrow points of view, it is therefore critical that strict SOPs and conditions are imposed during the undertaking of such assessments. keywords: area; assessment; effectiveness; hockings; management; management effectiveness; national; score; threats cache: koedoe-1110.htm plain text: koedoe-1110.txt item: #63 of 682 id: koedoe-1112 author: None title: koedoe-1112 date: None words: 4441 flesch: 44 summary: A monitoring project was initiated to answer questions about the dynamics of the herbaceous layer and was aimed at determining, (1) whether there exists meaningful variance in herbaceous plant species richness and diversity across different treatments in the ecologically sensitive sodic zone and (2) whether an increase in herbaceous biomass, an artefact of herbivory and fire exclusion, suppresses herbaceous plant species diversity and richness. The objectives of this study were to test, (1) whether significant variation in herbaceous plant species diversity, richness and biomass could be detected across different combined treatments of herbivory and fire and (2) whether increasing biomass, an artefact of herbivory and fire exclusion, suppresses diversity and richness of herbaceous plant species in the sodic zone of the Nkuhlu exclosures. keywords: biomass; diversity; exclosures; fire; herbivory; national; nkuhlu; richness; species; treatments; zone cache: koedoe-1112.htm plain text: koedoe-1112.txt item: #64 of 682 id: koedoe-1113 author: None title: koedoe-1113 date: None words: 7109 flesch: 49 summary: Species richness was significantly higher in mixed grassland (p < 0.001) and Themeda grassland (p < 0.01) than in weedy grassland and also significantly higher in mixed than in woodland grassland (p < 0.05).The ANOSIM comparisons of the grass-dwelling spider assemblages (Table 2) pointed to high levels of similarity between grassland spider assemblages (Global R = 0.0685, p = 0.0786). Seasonal abundance of tree spiders sometimes differs from grass-dwelling spiders (Dippenaar-Schoeman, Van den Berg & Van den Berg 1989), although our study found a similar general pattern in both strata. keywords: abundance; africa; assemblages; dippenaar; dwelling; foliage; grassland; plant; reserve; richness; schoeman; south; species; spiders; tree; van cache: koedoe-1113.htm plain text: koedoe-1113.txt item: #65 of 682 id: koedoe-1114 author: None title: koedoe-1114 date: None words: 8158 flesch: 46 summary: Currently, 80% of SANParks revenue comes from Kruger Park accommodation and admission fees (Mabunda & Wilson 2009:118). Mabunda, D.M. & Wilson, D., 2009, ‘Commercialisation of national parks: South Africa’s Kruger National Park as an example’, in J. Saarinen, F. Becker, H. Manwa & D. Wilson (eds.), Sustainable tourism in southern Africa, pp. keywords: analysis; destination; determinants; factor; kruger; length; national; park; region; saayman; southern; stay; tourism; tourists; travel; visitors cache: koedoe-1114.htm plain text: koedoe-1114.txt item: #66 of 682 id: koedoe-1116 author: None title: koedoe-1116 date: None words: 12819 flesch: 45 summary: There is an urgent need for an online register of vegetation associations for southern Africa, as has been suggested by Brown et al. Vetter, S., 2001, Zambezian–Baikiaea Woodlands (Ecoregions/WWF), viewed 23 April 2010, from Volk, O.H. & Leippert, H., 1971, ‘Vegetationsverhältnisse im Windhoeker Bergland, Südwestafrika [Vegetation relations in the Windhoek Mountainveld]’, Journal der S.W.A. Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft XXV, 5–44. Wang, L., D’Odorico, P., Ringrose, S., Coetzee, S. & Macko, S.A., 2007, ‘Biogeochemistry of Kalahari sands’, Journal of Arid Environments 71, 259–272. Weaver, L.C. & Petersen, T., 2008, ‘Namibia communal area conservancies’, in Best practises in sustainable hunting. keywords: acacia; acacietum; area; association; collini; combreto; cover; eragrostis; figure; grazing; grewia; m.a.s.l; melliferae; namibia; nov; relevés; sericeae; soils; species; strohbach; study; subassociation; subsp; terminalietum; type; uniplumis; var; vegetation cache: koedoe-1116.htm plain text: koedoe-1116.txt item: #67 of 682 id: koedoe-1117 author: None title: None date: None words: 8058 flesch: 44 summary: Rainfall, soil depth and sandy soils are positively correlated with ordination Axis 1, whilst the clay and silt content, combined with increasing pH, are negatively correlated with this axis (Figure 4a). This is a result of the fact that soil water is held by adhesion to the fine-grained particles and is, in effect, not available to plants. keywords: area; associations; change; data; et al; figure; gradient; kalahari; mendelsohn; microphyll; namibia; plants; rainfall; soil; species; strohbach; study; vegetation; water cache: koedoe-1117.htm plain text: koedoe-1117.txt item: #68 of 682 id: koedoe-1118 author: None title: koedoe-1118 date: None words: 5569 flesch: 48 summary: In addition, James (1992) recommended that a sanctuary be established in the upper Ngodwana River for the local Elands River population and in the Houtbosloop River for the Crocodile River population. These events caused the C. bifurcus and L. polylepis population structures to change considerably, particularly downstream of the source of the spills, in the vicinity of Ngodwana and the lower Elands River into the upper Crocodile River (Kleynhans et al. 1992). keywords: area; bifurcus; conservation; elands; elands river; ngodwana; polylepis; population; river; study; water cache: koedoe-1118.htm plain text: koedoe-1118.txt item: #69 of 682 id: koedoe-112 author: Bredenkamp, G.J.; Brown, L.R.; Pfab, M.F. title: Conservation value of the Egoli Granite Grassland, an endemic grassland in Gauteng, South Africa date: 2006-12-18 words: 3929 flesch: 58 summary: It is therefore essential that any viable remnant patch of original Egoli Granite Grassland is conserved. Egoli Granite Grassland is restricted to the Gauteng Province of South Africa and is located north of the Roodepoort / Krugers- dorp ridge complex and stretches over a distance of approximately 35 km to Centu- rion in the north. keywords: africa; areas; bredenkamp; conservation; egoli; egoli granite; gauteng; granite; granite grassland; grassland; hyparrhenia; nees; south; species; type; vegetation cache: koedoe-112.pdf plain text: koedoe-112.txt item: #70 of 682 id: koedoe-1128 author: None title: koedoe-1128 date: None words: 6281 flesch: 45 summary: Across sites, forest soils had the highest nitrogen concentration (0.44% ± 0.05% and 34.2 g.m–2 ± 3.18 g.m–2), followed by V. divaricata soils (0.29% ± 0.02% and 25.4 g.m–2 ± 1.55 g.m–2) and fynbos soils (0.18% ± 0.01% and 19.2 g.m–2 ± 0.86 g.m–2). Fynbos and forest soils seldom appeared to differ and therefore Van Daalen (1984) described any existing differences as an artefact of the vegetation. keywords: africa; cape; divaricata; fire; forest; fynbos; nitrogen; nutrient; phosphorus; site; soil; south; species; vegetation cache: koedoe-1128.htm plain text: koedoe-1128.txt item: #71 of 682 id: koedoe-1134 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to reviewers date: 2012-12-21 words: 388 flesch: 49 summary: It is good practice as a reviewer to update your personal details regularly, to ensure contact with you throughout your professional term as reviewer to Koedoe. acknowledges the value and importance of reviewers in the publication process – not only in shaping the individual manuscript, but also in upholding the credibility and reputation of our journal. keywords: koedoe; publication; reviewers cache: koedoe-1134.pdf plain text: koedoe-1134.txt item: #72 of 682 id: koedoe-1135 author: None title: koedoe-1135 date: None words: 5854 flesch: 46 summary: Finally, this study highlighted the limitations of using radio telemetry to follow SGH groups in this challenging environment where farms are all privately owned and acquiring permission to access a property can be difficult. In this study, the effects of density and pressure from other groups are not expected to be an important factor because of the low density of SGH groups in the Limpopo Valley (Theron et al. 2013). keywords: africa; data; ground; group; habitat; home; invertebrates; kemp; limpopo; range; sgh; size; south; southern; study cache: koedoe-1135.htm plain text: koedoe-1135.txt item: #73 of 682 id: koedoe-1139 author: None title: koedoe-1139 date: None words: 9006 flesch: 37 summary: An analysis of community attitudes towards PAs across southern African would highlight the determinants of community support. Although PAs and ecotourism are interlinked, community attitudes towards them may be sensitive to the direct costs and benefits of ecotourism, particularly employment and human–wildlife conflict. keywords: areas; attitudes; benefits; communities; community; conservation; ecotourism; factors; pas; people; research; respondents; study; tourism; wildlife cache: koedoe-1139.htm plain text: koedoe-1139.txt item: #74 of 682 id: koedoe-1143 author: None title: koedoe-1143 date: None words: 3141 flesch: 51 summary: This study confirms the findings of other such studies where remains in brown hyaena scats were mainly from members of the order Ruminantia (Burgener & Gusset 2003; Van der Merwe et al. 2009). FIGURE 3: Species accumulation curve based on the cumulative Brillouin index for brown hyaena scat samples in Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. keywords: brown; cape; diet; eastern; game; hyaena; reserve; scats; shamwari; south cache: koedoe-1143.htm plain text: koedoe-1143.txt item: #75 of 682 id: koedoe-1144 author: None title: koedoe-1144 date: None words: 6774 flesch: 34 summary: Where such tourism aids in the protection of natural areas it is termed conservation tourism (Newsome, Moore & Dowling 2013).Conservation tourism (CT) can thus be viewed as a subset of ecotourism, where the activity acts as an instrument for biological conservation. Without public spending on PAs, enforced regulations on illegal natural resource consumption, international aid for conservation and development projects and with diminished trust in investing in Madagascan tourism, the future of conservation tourism in Madagascar is again in danger (Ormsby & Manni 2006; Pawliczek & Mehta 2008). keywords: andasibe; area; area tourism; community; conservation; development; ecotourism; environment; guides; local; madagascar; national; park; tourism; wildlife cache: koedoe-1144.htm plain text: koedoe-1144.txt item: #76 of 682 id: koedoe-1146 author: None title: koedoe-1146 date: None words: 8127 flesch: 41 summary: Acknowledging that these principles may not be equally applied in different contexts, Eagles (2009) examined these criteria in respect of eight common management models for tourism management in PAs and therewith provided an overview of the implications that a variety of partnerships have on the way tourism in PAs is governed and managed. The fact that finances are centralised also has major impacts on tourism management and planning. keywords: areas; development; eagles; governance; management; model; national; park; pas; planning; pnkb; public; research; tourism; tourism development; vietnam cache: koedoe-1146.htm plain text: koedoe-1146.txt item: #77 of 682 id: koedoe-115 author: Druce, Heleen; Pretorius, K.; Druce, D.; Slotow, R. title: The effect of mature elephant bull introductions on ranging patterns of resident bulls: Phinda Private Game Reserve, South Africa date: 2006-12-18 words: 4526 flesch: 64 summary: Ranging of bull elephants on Phinda: The effect of the introduction of older elephant bulls on the ranging behaviour of younger, resident bulls. Older bull elephants control young males. keywords: bulls; home; introduction; km²; phinda; ranges; resident; slotow cache: koedoe-115.pdf plain text: koedoe-115.txt item: #78 of 682 id: koedoe-1150 author: None title: koedoe-1150 date: None words: 9081 flesch: 52 summary: laxa host plants with eggs, number of host plants surveyed, and standardisation of the number of eggs at the Nkandla monitoring site. laxa    • Implementation of the 'mature host plants index method' at The Start    • Statistical analyses and geographic information systems • Results    • Monitoring at the Nkandla colony       • Browsing, fire and host plants       • Egg numbers    • Pilot study to determine a monitoring method for the three colony sites near Howick       • Host-plant distribution boundaries       • Comparison of the plot and the 'mature host plants sample' monitoring methods       • Mapping the host-ant distribution at the Stirling colony breeding area       • Implementation of the 'mature host plants index' method at The Start • Discussion    • Monitoring and habitat management at the Nkandla colony    • Monitoring and habitat management at the three colony sites near Howick    • Future priorities • Conclusion • Acknowledgements    • Competing interests    • Authors' contributions • References Abstract Top ↑ The Endangered Orachrysops ariadne (Butler 1898) keywords: ariadne; colony; conservation; eggs; host; host plants; laxa; management; monitoring; number; samways; site; species; var; woodii cache: koedoe-1150.htm plain text: koedoe-1150.txt item: #79 of 682 id: koedoe-1158 author: None title: koedoe-1158 date: None words: 7235 flesch: 43 summary: Frochot, I. & Morrison, A.M., 2000, ‘Benefit segmentation: A review of its applications to travel and tourism research’, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 9, 21–45. Galloway, G., 2002, ‘Psychographic segmentation of park visitor markets: Evidence for the utility of sensation seeking’, Tourism Management 23, 581–596. TABLE 1: Location of respondents by age group in Table Mountain National Park. keywords: age; expenditure; groups; national; park; patterns; research; respondents; saayman; south; table; tourism; travel; visitors; years cache: koedoe-1158.htm plain text: koedoe-1158.txt item: #80 of 682 id: koedoe-1159 author: None title: koedoe-1159 date: None words: 6077 flesch: 35 summary: Based on compilation and analysis of over 8000 assessments of park and protected area management across the world, the authors conclude that 42% of cases were judged to have major deficiencies. Moore, S.A., Smith, A.J. & Newsome, D.N., 2003, ‘Environmental performance reporting for natural area tourism: Contributions by visitor impact management frameworks and their indicators’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism 11(4), 348–375. keywords: areas; indicators; management; manning; national; park; quality; recreation; research; standards; tourism; use; visitor cache: koedoe-1159.htm plain text: koedoe-1159.txt item: #81 of 682 id: koedoe-1160 author: None title: koedoe-1160 date: None words: 7063 flesch: 36 summary: The overall average Likert-scale responses by the visitors in term of the series of statements in relation to visitor satisfaction was 4.09 for non-guided interpretation and 4.49 for guided interpretation, indicating that the visitor satisfaction levels were higher for the guided interpretation than the non-guided interpretation. Degree of attitude change Guided interpretation was found to be more effective at provoking attitude change amongst respondents, with an average Likert-scale score of 4.31, compared to 4.29 for non-guided interpretation. keywords: areas; attitude; behaviour; change; effectiveness; goals; interpretation; knowledge; management; national; parks; research; satisfaction; tourism; visitor cache: koedoe-1160.htm plain text: koedoe-1160.txt item: #82 of 682 id: koedoe-1161 author: None title: koedoe-1161 date: None words: 7786 flesch: 35 summary: Whether the opportunities provided by tourism benefit communities or not is debatable and contingent on a number of interacting factors. Andereck, K.L., Valentine, K.M., Knopf, R.C. & Vogt, C.A., 2005, ‘”Residents” perceptions of community tourism impacts’, Annals of Tourism Research 32(4), 1056–1076. keywords: area; benefits; communities; community; impacts; kruger; national; park; park tourism; purnululu; research; resilience; south; study; system; tourism cache: koedoe-1161.htm plain text: koedoe-1161.txt item: #83 of 682 id: koedoe-1164 author: None title: koedoe-1164 date: None words: 7486 flesch: 31 summary: Until recently, tourism research in SANParks has taken two different forms. The development of a tourism research framework was seen to be a way in which tourism research could strengthen how tourism is managed within the framework of SAM. keywords: adaptive; african; biggs; communities; conservation; development; executive; framework; management; national; research; research framework; sanparks; services; south; tourism; tourism research cache: koedoe-1164.htm plain text: koedoe-1164.txt item: #84 of 682 id: koedoe-1165 author: None title: koedoe-1165 date: None words: 7850 flesch: 47 summary: PMCid:PMC1156951 Kriebitzsch, W.U., Oheimb, G.V., Ellenberg, H., Engelschall, B. & Heuveldop, J., 2000, ‘Development of woody plant species in fenced and unfenced plots in deciduous forests on glacial moraine soils in northern Germany’, Allgemeine Forst-und Jagdzeitung 171, 1–10. Levick, S. & Rogers, K., 2008, ‘Patch and species specific responses of savanna woody vegetation to browser exclusion’, Biological Conservation 141, 489–498. Levick, S.R., Asner, G.P., Kennedy-Bowdoin, T. & Knapp, D.E., 2009, ‘The relative influence of fire and herbivory on savanna three-dimensional vegetation structure’, Biological Conservation 142, 1693–1700. Levick, S.R., Asner, G.P., Kennedy-Bowdoin, T. & Knapp, D.E., 2010, ‘The spatial extent of termite influences on herbivore browsing in an African savanna’, Biological Conservation 143, 2462–2467. Moncrieff, G.R., Chamaillé-Jammes, S., Higgins, S.I., O’Hara, R.B. & Bond, W.J., 2011, ‘Tree allometries reflect a lifetime of herbivory in an African savanna’, Ecology 92, 2310–2315., PMid:22352170 O’Connor, T.G., Goodman, P.S. & Clegg, B., 2007, ‘A functional hypothesis of the threat of local extirpation of woody plant species by elephant in Africa’, Biological Conservation 136, 329–345. keywords: african; differences; exclosures; herbivores; inside; leaf; outside; park; plant; savanna; size; soil; species; traits; treatments; woody cache: koedoe-1165.htm plain text: koedoe-1165.txt item: #85 of 682 id: koedoe-117 author: Marais, A.J.; Brown, L.R.; Barrett, L.; Henzi, S.P. title: Population structure and habitat use of baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus) in the Blyde Canyon Nature Reserve date: 2006-12-18 words: 5277 flesch: 68 summary: If, as seems likely, baboons of the Mpumalanga escarpment have comparably long inter-birth intervals, then the current forestry manage- ment practise of extirpation may reduce the long-term viability of baboon populations in protected areas. Due to the troop’s long inter-birth intervals it is likely that the current forestry practice of extirpation may have a negative influence on baboon population viability in these areas. keywords: area; baboons; community; day; habitat; henzi; home; range; size; south; study; troop cache: koedoe-117.pdf plain text: koedoe-117.txt item: #86 of 682 id: koedoe-1176 author: de Vos, V.; Imes, G. D. title: An outbreak of dermatophilosis in sable Hippotragus niger and roan Hippotragus equinus in the Kruger National Park date: 1976-08-15 words: 6118 flesch: 77 summary: With too much activity around them, o r when hard pressed, the calves often resorted to hiding or laying up behaviour for long periods or even the rest of the day. It has been found beneficial in th e trea tment o f dermatophilosis in sheep (Moule 1948 ; Rossiter 19 56; Roberts 1957). keywords: africa; animals; calves; camp; disease; fig; lesions; o f; page; roan; roberts; sheep; skin; species; vel cache: koedoe-1176.pdf plain text: koedoe-1176.txt item: #87 of 682 id: koedoe-1177 author: Wilkinson, R. C.; van Hoven, W. title: Geographical distribution and population structure of springbok Antidorcas marsupialis rumen protozoa in southern Africa date: 1976-08-15 words: 2887 flesch: 64 summary: E. antero- nucleatum ricus nucleatum ricus nucleatum E·fyferi E. anteTO- E. bov/.S E. caudatum E·fyferi nucleatum E. antero- E·fyferi nucleatum E. alces E·fyferi E. lucii Absent E. caudatum E. bovis E. bovis E. bovis E. bovis Food Composition E. dubardi E. dubardi E. dubardi E. alces E. dubardi dominant E. alces E. lucii E. alces E. alces E.lucii E. caudatum E. kalaharicus E.lucii E. caudatum Present in E. kalaha- E. caudatum E·fyferi E. dubardi E. lucii low ncus numbers E. antero- keywords: ciliate; numbers; population; protein; rumen; species; springbok cache: koedoe-1177.pdf plain text: koedoe-1177.txt item: #88 of 682 id: koedoe-1178 author: Bartelmus, C.; Giesecke, D.; Hoppe, P. title: Vitamin A storage in the liver of certain African wild ruminants and elephant date: 1976-08-15 words: 1258 flesch: 59 summary: The browsers, impala, springbok and kudu showed relatively uniform values of vitamin A storage. This may explain in part the low mean values of vitamin A storage in the livers of these species, and a more thorough investigation may be rewarding. keywords: elephant; liver; mass; species; vitamin cache: koedoe-1178.pdf plain text: koedoe-1178.txt item: #89 of 682 id: koedoe-1179 author: Toerien, D. K. title: Geologie van die Tsitsikamakusstrook date: 1976-08-15 words: 3493 flesch: 76 summary: Die strekking is soos die van die Supergroep Kaap. Die basis van die konkordant-opvolgende Formasie Gydo van die Groep Bokkeveld word geneem waar die Formasie Baviaanskloof oor- gaan in afwisselende skalie en sandsteen. keywords: branderstoep; die; diep; dit; fig; formasie; het; hierdie; kus; langs; nie; ook; oor; page; peninsula; sandsteen; soos; tot; van; van die; voor; wat; wes; word cache: koedoe-1179.pdf plain text: koedoe-1179.txt item: #90 of 682 id: koedoe-1180 author: Robinson, G. A. title: Sex reversal in the dageraad Chrysoblephus cristiceps (Pisces: Sparidae) date: 1976-08-15 words: 1427 flesch: 60 summary: Penrith (972) stated that although he did not have large fish in his samples, the data available suggested that sexual reversal in all proba- bility took place. The standard exponential relationship between fish mass and length were cal<::ulated. keywords: chrysoblephus; dageraad; fish; reversal; sex cache: koedoe-1180.pdf plain text: koedoe-1180.txt item: #91 of 682 id: koedoe-1181 author: Mills, M. G. L. title: A revised check-list of birds in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1976-08-15 words: 2290 flesch: 56 summary: GROOT GEVLEKTEKOEKOEK 348 JACOBIN CUCKOO (M) Clamator jacobinus (Boddaert) NUWEJAARSVOEL 352 DIEDERIK CUCKOO (M) Chrysococcyx caprius (Boddaert) DIEDRIKKIE 359 BARN OWL (R) Tyto alba (Scopoli) NONNETJIE-UIL 360 GRASS OWL (V) Tyto capensis (A. Smith) GRASUIL 363 SCOPS OWL (V) Otus scops (Linnaeus) STARKSE LEWERKIE 493 EUROPEAN SWALLOW (M) EUROPESE SWAWEL 495 WHITE-THROATED SWALLOW (V) Calandrella slarki Shelley Hirundo rustica Linnaeus WITKEELSWA WEL Hirundo albigularis Strickland 498 PEARL-BREASTED SWALLOW (V) Hirundo dimidiata Sundevall P~ keywords: birds; eagle; gmelin; groot; kalahari; lark; linnaeus; list; page; park; smith; vieillot cache: koedoe-1181.pdf plain text: koedoe-1181.txt item: #92 of 682 id: koedoe-1182 author: Irby, L. R. title: A note on mountain reedbuck Redunca fulvorufula fulvorufula Afzelius in the Kruger National Park date: 1976-08-15 words: 1150 flesch: 65 summary: A mass migration from the eMcwebeni drainage to this burn seems unlikely since comparable burns, with no mountain reedbuck, were observed in the eMcwebeni drainage, and mountain reedbuck are territorial. Mountain reedbuck in the Transvaal. keywords: mountain; park; population; reedbuck cache: koedoe-1182.pdf plain text: koedoe-1182.txt item: #93 of 682 id: koedoe-1183 author: de Graaff, G.; van der Walt, P. T.; van Zyl, L. J. title: Populasie-samestelling van die bontebok Damaliscus dorcas dorcas in die Bontebok Nasionale Park gedurende Januarie 1974 date: 1976-08-15 words: 2227 flesch: 76 summary: Dit gee egter 'n aanduiding van die aanwas, mortaliteit, volwasse geslagsverhouding, lampersentasie en die groot totaal van die bontebokke wat per jaar in die Park teenwoordig was vanaf 1960 tot 1973. 2. Lewenshistogram van die bontebok in die Bontebok Nasionale Park 1960-1973. keywords: bontebok; die; dit; eind; lammers; nasionale; ooie; park; sept; tot; van; wat; word cache: koedoe-1183.pdf plain text: koedoe-1183.txt item: #94 of 682 id: koedoe-1184 author: de Graaff, G.; Penzhorn, B. L. title: The re-introduction of springbok Antidorcas marsupialis into South African National Parks – A documentation date: 1976-08-15 words: 2087 flesch: 63 summary: During 1960 the original Bontebok National Park was superseded by the present park (near Swellendam) and followed by the realisation of the Golden Gate Highlands National Park (near Bethle- hem) and the Augrabies Falls National Park (near Upington) in 1963 and 1966 respectively. Addo Elephant National Park (AENP) keywords: animals; bontebok; national; park; population; springbok cache: koedoe-1184.pdf plain text: koedoe-1184.txt item: #95 of 682 id: koedoe-1185 author: Fairall, N.; Braack, H. H. title: Growth and development of the impala Aepyceros melampus date: 1976-08-15 words: 1547 flesch: 77 summary: I. Growth curves of Kruger National Park impala . 84 00 ' AGE 6 months 8 months 10 months 12 months 18 months 24 months 36 months Mature Old Mass ± 25,00 2,19 22,47 3,65 25,93 2,99 32,59 1,07 35,24 4,33 36,72 1,76 40,58 2,21 49,22 1,02 47,80 2,19 Table 1 Mean mass and measurements of Kruger National Park impala with their standard deviations MALE IMPALA FEMALE IMPALA Length ± Shoulder ± Heart ± Mass ± Length ± Shoulder ± Heart ± Height Girth Height Girth 77,69 2,18 74,65 1,90 keywords: girth; heart; mass; measurements cache: koedoe-1185.pdf plain text: koedoe-1185.txt item: #96 of 682 id: koedoe-1186 author: Smuts, G. L. title: Reproduction in the zebra mare Equus burchelli antiquorum from the Kruger National Park date: 1976-08-15 words: 18771 flesch: 73 summary: The pubertal interval in zebra mares ranges from age 16 to 22 months, succesful mating occurring for the first time at 23 months of age. The ovaries of zebra mares present a number of interesting features. keywords: activity; adult; age; average; conception; corpora; corpus; days; fig; lutea; mares; months; ovarian; ovaries; ovary; page; pregnancy; rate; season; year; zebra cache: koedoe-1186.pdf plain text: koedoe-1186.txt item: #97 of 682 id: koedoe-1187 author: Rautenbach, I. L. title: A survey of the mammals occurring in the Golden Gate Highlands National Park date: 1976-08-15 words: 3396 flesch: 62 summary: Antidorcas marsupialis Zimmermann, 1780 Springbok Reintroduced from the Bontebok National Park, Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, Mountain Zebra National Park, and Abstract - This paper reports on a survey of the mammals of the Golden Gate Highlands National Park, Republic of South Africa. keywords: board; gate; golden; lynch; national; page; park; penzhorn; population; smith; species; specimens; trustees cache: koedoe-1187.pdf plain text: koedoe-1187.txt item: #98 of 682 id: koedoe-1188 author: Robinson, G. A. title: Notes on mammals encountered in the Tsitsikama National Parks date: 1976-08-15 words: 1996 flesch: 70 summary: The numbers referred to below the notes of some of the species are the museum accession numbers of the Tsitsikama Coastal National Park housed at Storms River Mouth. Most commonly seen at Storms River Mouth and at Groot River estuary. keywords: cape; family; mouth; national; order; parks; river; storms; tnp cache: koedoe-1188.pdf plain text: koedoe-1188.txt item: #99 of 682 id: koedoe-1189 author: Smuts, G. L. title: Population characteristics and recent history of lions in two parts of the Kruger National Park date: 1976-08-15 words: 5405 flesch: 68 summary: Due to the practical problems involved in censusing lions, there is relatively little published data on aspects such as density, biomass, sex and age composition of lion populations in large areas. Because areas with the highest density of adult lions (Table 1) have the most distorted adult sex ratios, it would appear that adult sex ratio is density dependent and probably the result of intra-specific competition. keywords: adult; area; crocodile; cubs; district; females; lions; population; pride; sabi cache: koedoe-1189.pdf plain text: koedoe-1189.txt item: #100 of 682 id: koedoe-119 author: Retief, F. title: The quality and effectiveness of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) as a decision-aiding tool for national park expansion—the greater Addo Elephant National Park case study date: 2006-12-18 words: 10791 flesch: 51 summary: It was based on national as well as international SEA literature, which pro- vided the basis for the development of a conceptual framework and the identification of existing perfor- mance criteria for SEA quality and effectiveness. SEA pro- vides a practical means of integrating the concept of sustainabil- ity into plan and pro- keywords: assessment; comm; conservation; decision; environmental; kpi; making; national; objectives; park; pers; planning; process; quality; research; sanparks; sea; south cache: koedoe-119.pdf plain text: koedoe-119.txt item: #101 of 682 id: koedoe-1191 author: van Bruggen, A. C. title: The black-necked grebe Podiceps nigricollis. A new bird record for the Kruger National Park date: 1976-08-15 words: 463 flesch: 73 summary: A new bird record for the Kruger National Park. 169 KEM P, A. C. 1974. keywords: kruger; park cache: koedoe-1191.pdf plain text: koedoe-1191.txt item: #102 of 682 id: koedoe-1192 author: Penzhorn, B. L.; Bronkhorst, P. J. L. title: Additions to the check-list of birds of the Mountain Zebra National Park date: 1976-08-15 words: 1088 flesch: 74 summary: Koedoe 19: 171-174 (1976) ADDITIONS TO THE CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE MOUNTAIN ZEBRA NATIONAL PARK B. L. PENZHORN and P. J. L. BRONKHORST Mountain Zebra The numbers denote those used by McLachlan and Liversidge (1957) in Roberts birds oj South Africa and the nomenclature follows the Check list oj the birds oj South Africa (S.A.O.S. List Committee 1969). keywords: bird; cape; park; skead; species cache: koedoe-1192.pdf plain text: koedoe-1192.txt item: #103 of 682 id: koedoe-1193 author: Robinson, G. A. title: Two new bird records for the Tsitsikama National Parks date: 1976-08-15 words: 588 flesch: 80 summary: These two additional records brings the total of birds species for the Parks to 207. Birds of the Tsitsikama Forest and Coastal National Park, 1966. keywords: bird cache: koedoe-1193.pdf plain text: koedoe-1193.txt item: #104 of 682 id: koedoe-1194 author: Penzhorn, B. L.; van Straaten, P. F. title: Additions to the check-list of birds of the Addo Elephant National Park date: 1976-08-15 words: 508 flesch: 75 summary: The numbers denote those used by McLachlan and Liversidge (1957) in Roberts birds oj South Africa and the nomenclature follows the Check list oj the birds oj South Africa (S.A.O.S. List Committee 1969). Check list oj the birds oj South Africa. keywords: birds; park cache: koedoe-1194.pdf plain text: koedoe-1194.txt item: #105 of 682 id: koedoe-1195 author: Gradwell, D. V. title: A case of abomasal impaction in a captive giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) date: 1976-08-15 words: 629 flesch: 62 summary: Acknowledgements Thanks are due to the Director of Veterinary Services, Department of Agricultural Technical Services for permission to publish this article and the Director of Nature Conservation, National Parks Board of Trustees for criticising the manuscript. Conclusion Cases of a similar nature are not unknown and grazing is fairly common in captive giraffe with insufficient green feed. keywords: giraffe; heartwater cache: koedoe-1195.pdf plain text: koedoe-1195.txt item: #106 of 682 id: koedoe-1196 author: van der Walt, P. T.; de Graaff, G.; van Zyl, L. J. title: Lewensloop van 'n rooihartbeesbevolking Alcelaphus buselaphus caama in die Bontebok Nasionale Park date: 1976-08-15 words: 976 flesch: 65 summary: Hierdie verslag dien as 'n dokumentering van die lewensloop van 'n rooihartbeestrop vanaf hul hervestiging in die BN P (April 1960) Die redes vir die inbring van diersoorte in nasionale parke asook 'n beskrywing van die geskiedkundige agtergrond van die BNP, word in besonderhede deur Bateman (1961), Penzhorn (1971) keywords: bnp; die; het; nasionale; park; tot; van; wat cache: koedoe-1196.pdf plain text: koedoe-1196.txt item: #107 of 682 id: koedoe-1197 author: de Graaff, G.; van der Walt, P. T.; van Zyl, L. J. title: Lewensloop van 'n elandbevolking Taurotragus oryx in die Bontebok Nasionale Park date: 1976-08-15 words: 1446 flesch: 79 summary: lnleiding Vanuit historiese gegewens (du Plessis 1969) is dit duidelik dat die eland Taurotragus oryx in die meeste dele van die suidelike Kaapprovinsie voorgekom het. Resultate en Bespreking Met die totstandkoming van die nuwe BNP te Swellendam in 1960 (van Rensburg 1975), het die gebied 1 435 ha beslaan en is vier elande (twee jong bulle en twee jong verse) daar hervestig. keywords: bnp; bontebok; bul; die; het; nasionale; park; van; wat cache: koedoe-1197.pdf plain text: koedoe-1197.txt item: #108 of 682 id: koedoe-1198 author: van der Walt, P. T.; van Zyl, L. J.; de Graaff, G. title: Lewensloop van 'n Kaapse buffelbevolking Syncerus caffer in die Bontebok Nasionale Park date: 1976-08-15 words: 873 flesch: 70 summary: Die kwaai daling in hul getalle gedurende 1971 is tydens een van die laasgenoemde uitbreke aangeteken, aangesien daar tydens die proses van terugplasing van die diere in die Park heelwat verliese voorgekom het. Daar was beide 'n bewarings- en 'n bestuursmotief agter die plasing van die bufTeis in die BNP. keywords: bnp; die; het; nasionale; park; van cache: koedoe-1198.pdf plain text: koedoe-1198.txt item: #109 of 682 id: koedoe-12 author: Cronje, H.P.; Reilly, B.K.; Macfadyen, I.D. title: Natural mortality amoung four common ungulate species on Letaba Ranch, Limpopo Province, South Africa date: 2002-01-17 words: 4344 flesch: 62 summary: Five years of mortality data of impala Aepyceros melampus, blue wildebeest Con- nochaetes taurinus, buffalo Syncerus caffer and kudu Tragelaphus strepsiceros have been used to describe the minimum mortality profiles of the respective species in an open savanna system with the full compliment of predators. The availability of mortality data, expressed as a financial benefit or loss relative to tourism benefits, is an important factor in determin- ing the sustainability of undertakings. keywords: adult; age; buffalo; data; impala; kudu; letaba; mortalities; mortality; predators; ranch; table cache: koedoe-12.pdf plain text: koedoe-12.txt item: #110 of 682 id: koedoe-120 author: Russell, I.A.; Impson, N.D. title: Aquatic systems in and adjacent to Agulhas National Park with particular reference to the fish fauna date: 2006-12-18 words: 8058 flesch: 63 summary: Most wetlands support sub- merged macrophytes, which in some cases (e.g. Ratel River Pan) are abundant, and all have extensive stands of emergent mac- rophytes, principally Phragmites australis (Cavanilles) Trinius ex Steudel and Typha capensis (Rohrbach). Map of the Heuningnes catchment showing fish survey sites of the River Health assessment. were sub-sampled, with live individuals counted in lots of approximately 100 and released. keywords: africa; agulhas; cape; conservation; fishes; freshwater; pan; pans; ratel; river; south; species; wetlands cache: koedoe-120.pdf plain text: koedoe-120.txt item: #111 of 682 id: koedoe-1206 author: None title: koedoe-1206 date: None words: 3828 flesch: 49 summary: However, the high-, mid- and low shore along the KBR supports a unique composition of rocky shore marine invertebrate species living in rock pools or on bare rock surfaces. A greater diversity of rocky shore species are conserved when applying the habitat heterogeneity approach rather than the hotspot approach. keywords: africa; alien; bay; galloprovincialis; marine; mpa; shore; south; species cache: koedoe-1206.htm plain text: koedoe-1206.txt item: #112 of 682 id: koedoe-121 author: Simelane, T.S.; Kerley, G.I.H.; Knight, M.H. title: Reflections on the relationships between communities and conservation areas of South Africa: the case of five South African national parks date: 2006-12-18 words: 9447 flesch: 62 summary: Community conservation and the future of Africa’s wildlife. Key words: community based conservation, biodiversity, natural resources T.S. Simelane, South African National Parks, P.O. Box 20419, Humewood, 6013 and Centre for African Conservation Ecology, Department of Zoology, P.O. Box 77000, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University 6013 (; G.I.H. Kerley, Centre for African Conservation Ecology, Department of Zoology, P.O. Box 77000, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University 6013 (; M.H. Knight, South African National Parks, P.O. Box 20419, Humewood, 6013 ( keywords: aenp; communities; conservation; development; gghnp; group; krnp; mznp; national; parks; people; south; table; vnp cache: koedoe-121.pdf plain text: koedoe-121.txt item: #113 of 682 id: koedoe-1214 author: None title: koedoe-1214 date: None words: 7145 flesch: 47 summary: Introduction Top ↑ Biophysical aspects of invasive alien plants (IAPs) have been relatively well studied over a long period of time (e.g. Simberloff, Martin & Genovesi 2013; Vilà et al. 2011), whilst socio-economic aspects linked to alien plant invasions have been analysed only during the last two decades (Born, Rauschmayer & Bräuer 2005; Tourists’ perceptions and willingness to pay for the control of Opuntia stricta invasion in protected areas: A case study from South Africa In This Original Research... Open Access • Abstract • Introduction • Material and methods    • Study area    • Data collection    • Analysis • Results    • Willingness to pay for the control of Opuntia stricta    • Perceptions of tourists to invasive alien plant species in South Africa • Discussion    • Willingness to pay for the control of Opuntia stricta    • Perceptions of tourists to invasive alien plant species in South Africa • Conclusion • Acknowledgments    • Competing interests    • Authors’ contributions • References • Appendix 1 • Appendix 2 Abstract Top ↑ Invasive alien plants have a long history of establishment in the national parks of South Africa. keywords: africa; control; iaps; impacts; invasion; national; opuntia; park; pay; respondents; south; species; stricta; tourists; wtp cache: koedoe-1214.htm plain text: koedoe-1214.txt item: #114 of 682 id: koedoe-1217 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to reviewers date: 2013-12-06 words: 443 flesch: 48 summary: Margo Martens Tel: +27 (0)21 975 2602 Fax: +27 (0)21 975 4635 KOEDOE AFRICAN PROTECTED AREA CONSERVATION AND SCIENCE Adrian Craig Armin Seydack Bill Carter Brian van Wilgen Charlie M. Shackleton Candice Janse van Rensburg Carl Anhaeusser Corli Coetsee Cornelis van der Waal Daniele Colombaroli Dave Balfour Dave Druce Dave Thompson David le Maitre Duan Biggs Emma A. van Garderen Frances Siebert Georgette Lagendijk Graeme Shannon Gretel van Rooyen Herbert Prins Hugo Bezuidenhout Ian Whyte Izak Smit James Pryke Jay Barton Joop Schaminée Joris Cromsigt Kate Meares Lauren Coad Laurence Watson Leif Peterson Leon Lotz Leslie Brown Lindsey Gilson Louise Swemmer Lubomír Tichý Lynne Isbell Maartin Strauss Mago Maila Markus Gusset Marna Herbst Matthys Dippenaar Melodie McGeoch Mervyn Lötter Michael Panagos Moses Cho Neil Crouch Neville Pillay Niels Dreber Peter Scogings Pieter Bester Piotr Migon Rachel Mostert Rina Grant Rob Slotow Samson Chimphango Sharon Thompson Simon Power Stefan Foord Stefan Grab Theo Mostert Tony Rebelo Tony Swemmer Ute Schmiedel Vaughan Spaull Vhalinavho Khavhagali Wendy Annecke 172 acknowledges the value and importance of reviewers in the publication process – not only in shaping the individual manuscript, but also in upholding the credibility and reputation of our journal. keywords: koedoe; publication; reviewers; van cache: koedoe-1217.pdf plain text: koedoe-1217.txt item: #115 of 682 id: koedoe-122 author: Wolmarans, C.T.; de Kock, K.N. title: The current status of freshwater molluscs in the Kruger National Park date: 2006-12-18 words: 2896 flesch: 54 summary: Although there was no obvious differences in the number of Wolmarans.indd 40 2006/10/15 10:59:49 PM ISSN 0075-6458 41 Koedoe 49/2 (2006) Table 1 Molluscs found in water bodies of the Kruger National Park surveyed in 2001 and 2006 Rainfall moni- toring station Collection site Grid reference Species collected in 2006 Species collected in 2001 Berg-en-Dal Matjulu Spruit 25º21’S; 31º31’E Bulinus globosus Bulinus globosus Biomphalaria pfeifferi Bulinus forskalii Lymnaea columella Biomphalaria pfeifferi Lymnaea natalensis Lymnaea columella Aplexa marmorata Burnupia caffra Melanoides tuberculata Mlambane Spruit 25º21'S; 31º31'E Bulinus globosus Bulinus forskalii Biomphalaria pfeifferi Aplexa marmorata Crocodile Bridge Gezantombi Dam 25º20'S; 31º52'E Bulinus forskalii Bulinus forskalii Cleopatra ferruginea Lymnaea columella Aplexa marmorata Burnupia caffra Crocodile River 25º21'S; 31º54'E Tarebia granifera (Not surveyed) Mpanamana Dam 25º17'S; 32º0'E No molluscs found (Not surveyed) Nhlanganzwane Dam 25º14'S; The current status of freshwater molluscs in the Kruger National Park C.T. Wolmarans and K.N. de KocK Wolmarans, C.T. and K.N. de Kock. 2006. keywords: bulinus; dam; diversity; forskalii; habitats; molluscs; river; species cache: koedoe-122.pdf plain text: koedoe-122.txt item: #116 of 682 id: koedoe-1220 author: None title: koedoe-1220 date: None words: 1831 flesch: 41 summary: Article Information Authors: Mariette Marais1 Antoinette Swart1 Affiliations: 1Agricultural Research Council, Plant Protection Research Institute, South Africa Correspondence to: Mariette Marais Postal address: Private Bag X134, Queenswood 0121, South Africa Dates: Received: 11 Dec. 2013 Accepted: 27 Aug. 2014 Published: 17 Nov. 2014 How to cite this article: Marais, M. & Swart, A., 2014, ‘Plant nematodes in South Africa. Checklist of plant nematodes of the protected areas of the Eastern Cape Province’, Koedoe 56(1), Art. #1220, 3 pages. keywords: areas; cape; collection; nematodes; plant; south; species cache: koedoe-1220.htm plain text: koedoe-1220.txt item: #117 of 682 id: koedoe-1228 author: None title: koedoe-1228 date: None words: 3462 flesch: 53 summary: Site-specific curves produced excellent estimates of soil water potential from soil water content values. In non-saline soils, the relationship between soil water content and soil water potential largely depends on texture. keywords: content; curves; moisture; mpa; potential; range; retention; soil; water cache: koedoe-1228.htm plain text: koedoe-1228.txt item: #118 of 682 id: koedoe-1231 author: None title: koedoe-1231 date: None words: 2269 flesch: 43 summary: Our study investigates the role and intensity of elephant impacts on Pappea capensis and the relatively rare Boscia oleoides in an arid thicket-Nama Karoo mosaic habitat of the Greater Addo Elephant National Park. We show that roughly 19% of the B. oleoides and nearly half of the P. capensis individuals recorded showed signs of elephant impact. keywords: capensis; elephant; impacts; kerley; study; trees cache: koedoe-1231.htm plain text: koedoe-1231.txt item: #119 of 682 id: koedoe-1233 author: None title: None date: None words: 8302 flesch: 39 summary: A phytosociology survey and vegetation description of inselbergs in the uKhahlamba-Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site, South Africa In This Short Communication... Open Access • Abstract • Introduction • Study area • Materials and methods    • Data collection    • Data processing    • Classification    • Naming of plant communities    • Gradient analysis • Results    • Species composition    • Gradient analysis    • Describing the plant communities • Discussion    • Classification       • Major community 1, Rhodohypoxis rubella, Wetland Grass and Forblands       • Major community 2, Crassula peploides – Polevansia rigida, Sheet Rock Grass and Forblands       • Major community 3, Pentaschistis exserta – Merxmuellera stricta, High-Altitude Alpine Grassland       • Major community 4, Merxmuellera drakensbergensis – Helichrysum trilineatum, High-Altitude Alpine Fynbos Grassland    • Syntaxonomical classification • Conservation and climate change • Conclusion • Acknowledgements    • Competing interests    • Authors’ contributions • References Abstract Top ↑ No previous scientific surveys have been conducted on inselbergs in the Drakensberg. Rising carbon dioxide levels with the concomitant increase in temperature will affect the composition and structure of alpine plant communities (Körner 2003), and particularly grasses which use the C3 metabolic pathway, which are the most vulnerable to increase in temperature. keywords: africa; alpine; altitude; communities; community; drakensberg; endemic; erica; fynbos; grassland; helichrysum; inselbergs; merxmuellera; plant; relevés; south; species; sub; vegetation; wetland cache: koedoe-1233.htm plain text: koedoe-1233.txt item: #120 of 682 id: koedoe-1236 author: None title: None date: None words: 5637 flesch: 44 summary: To provide information on shore angler effort and distribution, randomised aerial surveys of the Garden Route coast between the eastern border of the Tsitsikamma Marine Protected Area and the Kaaimans River mouth in the west were undertaken between December 2008 and November 2009. Article Information Authors: M. Kyle S. Smith1 Nerina Kruger1 Taryn S. Murray2,3 Affiliations: 1Rondevlei Scientific Services, South African National Parks, South Africa 2South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Grahamstown, South Africa 3Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, South Africa Correspondence to: Kyle Smith Email: Postal address: PO Box 176, Sedgefield 6573, South Africa Dates: Received: 02 July 2014 Accepted: 08 Jan. 2015 Published: 01 July 2015 How to cite this article: Smith, M.K.S., Kruger, N. & Murray, T.S., 2015, ‘Aerial surveys conducted along the Garden Route coastline, South Africa, to determine patterns in shore fishing effort’, Koedoe 57(1), Art. #1236, 9 pages. keywords: african; angler;−1; angling; areas; coastline; effort; fishing; marine; shore; south; study; surveys cache: koedoe-1236.htm plain text: koedoe-1236.txt item: #121 of 682 id: koedoe-1237 author: None title: None date: None words: 4646 flesch: 55 summary: Of the 1554 records included in this summary of plant species for the Weza district, there were 6 lichens (0.4%), 46 bryophytes (3.0%), 58 pteridophytes (3.7%), 6 gymnosperms (0.4%) and the remaining 1424 species angiosperms (92.5%). Results and discussion Top ↑ Of the 1554 records included in this summary of plant species for the Weza district, there were 6 lichens (0.4%), 46 bryophytes (3.0%), 58 pteridophytes (3.7%), 6 gymnosperms (0.4%), and 1438 angiosperms (92.5%) (Table 2). keywords: africa; area; endemic; forest; list; natal; south; species; table; weza cache: koedoe-1237.htm plain text: koedoe-1237.txt item: #122 of 682 id: koedoe-1240 author: None title: None date: None words: 6769 flesch: 51 summary: To understand their movement ecology, adult Cape Vultures (n = 9) were captured and fitted with global positioning system/global system for mobile transmitters. The aim of this study was to document the foraging range and habitat use of adult Cape Vultures in the former Transkei from a colony in the Mkambati Nature Reserve. keywords: africa; areas; breeding; breeding season; cape; cape vulture; colony; conservation; et al; gyps; kdes; land; season; south; use; vulture cache: koedoe-1240.htm plain text: koedoe-1240.txt item: #123 of 682 id: koedoe-1244 author: None title: None date: None words: 4230 flesch: 51 summary: Here we provide a check list and baseline data for ant species collected over a 5-year period across the Soutpansberg Mountain Range, South Africa. Appendix 2 Top ↑ TABLE A2: Checklist of subfamilies and ant species collected during 13 surveys in different broad structural vegetation types across an elevational transect in the western Soutpansberg Mountain Range in South Africa. keywords: africa; ant; ants; figure; mountain; richness; sample; sites; south; southern; soutpansberg; species; transect cache: koedoe-1244.htm plain text: koedoe-1244.txt item: #124 of 682 id: koedoe-1246 author: None title: None date: None words: 5558 flesch: 49 summary: Diet analysis revealed indigenous polychaetes and amphipods as the dominant prey items consumed by S. ornata. Conservation implications: With regard to conservation implications, this invasion should be routinely monitored outside the WCNP as in its native range S. ornata occurs on rocky shores and kelp holdfasts, suggesting a potential for spread along the west coast of South Africa. keywords: abundance; africa; anemone; areas; griffiths; marine; ornata; prey; s. ornata; south; species cache: koedoe-1246.htm plain text: koedoe-1246.txt item: #125 of 682 id: koedoe-1247 author: None title: None date: None words: 11524 flesch: 54 summary: Regarding overall conservation importance, Hluleka NR scored the highest, followed by, in descending order, Dwesa NR, Mkambati NR, Silaka NR, Manubi SF and Cape Morgan NR (Table 3 and Figure 2). Amietophrynus gutturalis: Mkambati NR (PEM A6908, 9553–9556), Silaka NR (PEM A10563, 10564; PEM T592), Hluleka NR (PEM A2141, 2142, 6942, 9970, 9971, 9978), Dwesa NR (PEM A10115, 10130; PEM T536, 545), Cape Morgan NR (PEM A10164, 10172). keywords: africa; areas; branch; cape; coast; conservation; distribution; dwesa; dwesa nr; eastern; hluleka; hluleka nr; manubi; mkambati; mkambati nr; pem; records; reptiles; safap; silaka; silaka nr; south; south africa; species cache: koedoe-1247.htm plain text: koedoe-1247.txt item: #126 of 682 id: koedoe-1248 author: None title: None date: None words: 3843 flesch: 49 summary: As such, it is hoped that the findings of the present study would provide the necessary baseline data on fish consumption in the region so that the ecological impact on local fish populations can be assessed once future studies on fish populations and reproductive rates in the area have been completed. No statistically significant gender differences were found in relation to the types or numbers of fish species caught. keywords: africa; area; fish; floodplain; ndumo; participants; region; south; species cache: koedoe-1248.htm plain text: koedoe-1248.txt item: #127 of 682 id: koedoe-125 author: Mostert, Theo H.C.; Bredenkamp, George J.; Klopper, Hannes L.; Verwey, Cornie; Mostert, Rachel E.; Hahn, Norbert title: Major Vegetation Types of the Soutpansberg Conservancy and the Blouberg Nature Reserve, South Africa date: 2008-10-22 words: 15072 flesch: 54 summary: microphylla ii ii ii Heteropogon contortus i ii ii ii i i Cissus cornifolia ii ii ii ii Combretum mossambicense iii ii Pristimera longipitiolata ii i ii i species group i Diagnostic spp for the Catha edulis–Flueggia virosa soutpansberg moist mountain thickets Grewia occidentalis var. keywords: acacia; africa; africana; area; arid; blouberg; bnr; bredenkamp; bushveld; combretum; communities; diagnostic; eragrostis; hahn; ii ii; ii species; iii; magalismontanum; mountain; mvt; northern; plains; plant; pretoria; rhus; rigida; slopes; soil; south; southern; soutpansberg; species; species group; subsp; table; type; van; var; vegetation; vegetation type cache: koedoe-125.pdf plain text: koedoe-125.txt item: #128 of 682 id: koedoe-1258 author: None title: None date: None words: 4748 flesch: 45 summary: Conservation implications: This research provides insight into the population level responses of native headwater stream fishes to unpredictable natural disturbance. The vulnerability of stream fishes to flood disturbance is not always clearly evident from overall abundance trends, but in some cases certain life history stages of particular species may be more vulnerable to disturbance than others (Gasith & Resh 1999; Letcher & Terrick 1998; Lytle & Poff 2004). keywords: afer; fernkloof; fish; fishes; flood; headwater; post; pre; river; stream cache: koedoe-1258.htm plain text: koedoe-1258.txt item: #129 of 682 id: koedoe-126 author: De Kock, Kenné N.; Wolmarans, Cornelius T. title: Invasive alien freshwater snail species in the Kruger National Park, South Africa date: 2008-10-22 words: 4284 flesch: 62 summary: Sites where the four alien invasive snail species were recovered, records of previous collections extracted from the database of the NFSC, as well as sites positive for other mollusc species but negative for the four alien species, were plotted on a map. Freshwater snails of Africa and their medical importance. keywords: acuta; africa; appleton; columella; dam; granifera; kock; species; yes cache: koedoe-126.pdf plain text: koedoe-126.txt item: #130 of 682 id: koedoe-1264 author: None title: None date: None words: 3442 flesch: 34 summary: This opinion essay is intended to provide some insights into how promoting access to alien fish resources can add to the complexity of conservation interventions, may facilitate additional fish introductions and create dependencies on alien fish that could compromise potential eradication efforts. In this opinion essay, we present examples of how promoting access to alien fish resources can add to the complexity of conservation interventions, facilitate additional fish introductions and create dependencies on alien fish that may compromise potential eradication efforts. keywords: africa; alien; areas; conservation; fish; fishes; management; south; trout cache: koedoe-1264.htm plain text: koedoe-1264.txt item: #131 of 682 id: koedoe-1276 author: la Grange, J.J. la Grange title: Die erkenning van die noodsaaklikheid van natuurbewaring ten opsigte van basiese grondgebruiksbeplanning in dierepubliek van Suid-Afrika date: 1977-12-10 words: 3703 flesch: 60 summary: In NAKOR is die volgende instansies wat met natuurbewaring gemoeid is verteenwoordig: die Departement van Natuurbewaring van die Pro- vinsiale Administrasies en die Administrasie van Suidwes-Afrika, die Nasionale Parkeraad, die Nasionale Botaniese Tuine, die Departemente Bosbou, Waterwese, Landboukrediet en -Grondbesit, Bantoe- administrasie en -Ontwikkeling, Verdediging, Beplanning en die Om- gewing, Vervoer, Landbou-tegniese Dienste, Mynwese, asook die WNNR. Die posisie in die VSA dui op 'n verdere verdeling van die 4,45 keywords: aan; ander; beplanning; dat; departement; dept; die; dit; het; hierdie; hulpbronne; kan; nasionale; natuurlike; nie; omgewing; ons; oor; soos; van; vir; wat; word cache: koedoe-1276.pdf plain text: koedoe-1276.txt item: #132 of 682 id: koedoe-1277 author: Anstey, D.G. Anstey; Hall-Martin, A.J. Hall-Martin title: Present day status and future of nature conservation in the Republic of Malawi date: 1977-12-10 words: 3889 flesch: 59 summary: Some details of national parks and game reserves ·are as follows : Nyika National Park - 304 385 ha (figure includ es extensions to the park which have been approved but are not yet gazetted) A Wildlife Research Unit is situated in the Kasungu National Park. keywords: areas; conservation; department; forest; game; malawi; national; park; reserves; rift; savanna; types; vegetation; wildlife cache: koedoe-1277.pdf plain text: koedoe-1277.txt item: #133 of 682 id: koedoe-1279 author: Von Richter, W. title: The status of wildlife conservation in Botswana date: 1977-12-10 words: 3102 flesch: 43 summary: THE STATUS OF WILDLIFE CONSERVATION IN BOTSWANA W VON RICHTER F A 0 Wildlife Ecologist Department of Wildlife, National Parks and Tourism POBox 131 Gaberone Republic of Botswana The sparse human population and the general lack of surface water over most parts of the Republic of Botswana, which has hampered rapid expansion of agricultural activities into the less suitable areas in the past, have contributed to the fact that Botswana still supports a varied and rich wildlife population. The government is fully aware of the significance of wildlife conservation and utilization and the necessity to integrate it into overall landuse planning. keywords: botswana; conservation; game; hunting; national; parks; utilization; wildlife cache: koedoe-1279.pdf plain text: koedoe-1279.txt item: #134 of 682 id: koedoe-128 author: Dippenaar, Susan M.; Dippenaar-Schoeman, Ansie S.; Modiba, Mogadi A.; Khoza, Thembile T. title: A checklist of the spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of the Polokwane Nature Reserve, Limpopo Province, South Africa date: 2008-05-13 words: 5071 flesch: 54 summary: OWB vegetation Caponiidae Caponia chelifera Lessert, 1936 GW soil Clubionidae Clubiona abbajensis Strand, 1906 PW vegetation Clubiona sp. PW vegetation Synema diana (Audouin, 1826) keywords: africa; dippenaar; grass; gw soil; gwb; lessert; owb; research; reserve; schoeman; simon; soil; south; species; spiders; vegetation; web cache: koedoe-128.pdf plain text: koedoe-128.txt item: #135 of 682 id: koedoe-1281 author: de Beer, M.J. title: The status of nature conservation in the developing territories of south and south west Africa date: 1977-12-10 words: 3970 flesch: 52 summary: THE STATUS OF NATURE CONSERVATION IN THE DEVELOPING TERRITORIES OF SOUTH AND SOUTH WEST AFRICA M J DE BEER Chief Professional Officer (Nature Conservation) Department of Bantu Administration and Development POBox 384 PRETORIA 0001 Comments on the status of nature conservation in an area require an evaluation of progress. Although nature conservation sections in the developing territories have to parallel all functions normally undertaken by a division or department of nature conservation, it has already been mentioned that in many instances these sections started with only one post. keywords: africa; conservation; department; land; nature; nature conservation; south; territories cache: koedoe-1281.pdf plain text: koedoe-1281.txt item: #136 of 682 id: koedoe-1282 author: Ntloko, M.M. title: Is there a place for nature conservation in the Transkei? date: 1977-12-10 words: 2024 flesch: 69 summary: Having the community spread over large areas brings the people and more especially the herd boys with their dogs into daily contact with what wildlife there is in the area, and all their leisure time is spent hunting. The Department of Agriculture is busy with the planning oflocations which consist of a living area as well as indicating where ploughing, grazing and other activities may be undertaken while other areas are left where wildlife can re-establish itself again. keywords: area; conservation; forests; nature; reserve; transkei cache: koedoe-1282.pdf plain text: koedoe-1282.txt item: #137 of 682 id: koedoe-1283 author: Rycroft, H.B. title: The role of botanic and zoological gardens !n national conservation planning date: 1977-12-10 words: 1489 flesch: 48 summary: This type of work can be largely underta- ken in botanic gardens and zoos, where adequate facilities are available. Zoological gardens can be defined in vaguely similar terms, the accent of course being on animals, although plants also playa very significant role in zoos. keywords: botanic; conservation; gardens; plants cache: koedoe-1283.pdf plain text: koedoe-1283.txt item: #138 of 682 id: koedoe-1284 author: Bothma, J. Du P title: Conservation education on the academic level in southern Africa date: 1977-12-10 words: 2834 flesch: 59 summary: Yet wildlife conservation as a science is a relatively new concept, which basically originated in the United States of America (USA). The oldest und ergraduate course in wildlife conservation (through management) started in the USA in 1924, and this was followed five years later by two more courses. keywords: conservation; employment; field; management; research; training; wildlife cache: koedoe-1284.pdf plain text: koedoe-1284.txt item: #139 of 682 id: koedoe-1285 author: Geddes Page, J.T. title: Iinterpretation and education in nature conservation date: 1977-12-10 words: 2381 flesch: 30 summary: The other organisations (a) It must be clearly repeated that it has proved beyond the ability of the author to cover the basic and extremely valuable contributions of all education departments (both provincial and national), the universities and institutes (often linked to those universities) to the fields of interpretation and nature conservation education in the RSA and it is to be hoped that other may be able to catalogue those efforts elsewhere in due course. It is pleasant to have an opportunity to deal with the subject of interpretation in nature conservation at a time when so many diversified and often ingenious efforts over the years are becoming formalized into systems with specially trained personnel supplied with specific and reasonabl e budgets to enable them to really get on with the job. keywords: conservation; education; efforts; interpretation; national; nature; visitor cache: koedoe-1285.pdf plain text: koedoe-1285.txt item: #140 of 682 id: koedoe-1286 author: Ackerman, D.P. title: The conservation role of forestry in South Africa date: 1977-12-10 words: 2938 flesch: 51 summary: The continuous growth of industry since then and the pressure of expanding population are still causing increased demands for timber and other forest products, but in those areas such as western Europe and the eastern United States where industrial civilisation has attained its greatest development, the accessory benifits of forest land have come to be accepted as of paramount importance. The recreational use of State forest land in the RSA has been sporadic and unplanned for many years. keywords: areas; conservation; forestry; forests; land; nature; rsa; state cache: koedoe-1286.pdf plain text: koedoe-1286.txt item: #141 of 682 id: koedoe-1288 author: Botha, L. title: Deep sea fisheries - implications in conservation date: 1977-12-10 words: 2694 flesch: 42 summary: In marine fisheries conservation we are exposed to the full blast of human greed. For many years marine fisheries conservation was not considered by many professionals as true conservation in the strict sense of the old definition because of the overriding importance of the commercial utilization component thereof. keywords: africa; branch; conservation; fisheries; marine; sea; south cache: koedoe-1288.pdf plain text: koedoe-1288.txt item: #142 of 682 id: koedoe-1289 author: Robinson, G.A. title: Marine conservation in the republic of South Africa with special reference to marine parks and reserves date: 1977-12-10 words: 3701 flesch: 59 summary: The committee's objectives are to promote marine conservation by the probable estab- lishment of a system of marine parks and reserves. Three out of 12 general resolutions passed at Kinshasa, Zaire in September 1975 by the general assembly related to marine conservation read as follows: Resolution number 2 Calls on governments to establish marine parks and reserves of sufficient area to protect the vulnerable features of vulnerable marine habitats; and Recommends to governments with terrestrial parks or reserves adjoining coastal areas of value for nature conservation that they extend the boundaries of those parks to include a marine component. keywords: coast; conservation; island; marine; national; parks; reserves; sea; south; species cache: koedoe-1289.pdf plain text: koedoe-1289.txt item: #143 of 682 id: koedoe-129 author: Viljoen, Jozua J.; Ganswindt, Andre; Palme, Rupert; Reynecke, Hendrick C.; du Toit, Johan T.; Langbauer Jr, William R. title: Measurement of concentrations of Faecal Glucocorticoid Metabolites in free-ranging African Elephants within the Kruger National Park date: 2008-05-13 words: 3789 flesch: 51 summary: Keywords: glucocorticoid metabolites, faecal, baseline, african elephant, enzyme immunoassay MeasureMent of concentrations of faecal Glucocorticoid Metabolites in free-ranGinG african elephants within the KruGer national parK 18 2008 Faecal glucocorticoid metabolites in African elephants Original Research A frican P rotected A rea C onservation and S cience KOEDOEVol. an anoVa was performed to test for the possible effect of age and season on concentrations of faecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels. keywords: age; concentrations; dry; elephants; faecal; knp; metabolites; samples; season; stress cache: koedoe-129.pdf plain text: koedoe-129.txt item: #144 of 682 id: koedoe-1290 author: Owen, T.C. title: Nature conservation as a resource for tourism date: 1977-12-10 words: 2449 flesch: 56 summary: NATURE CONSERVATION AS A RESOURCE FOR TOURISM T COWEN Director South African Tourist Corporation Private Bag X164 Pretoria 0001 Governments also play a leading part in the organisation and planning of tourism, which could and should include setting aside areas for nature conservation. keywords: conservation; national; nature; parks; rsa; tourism; world cache: koedoe-1290.pdf plain text: koedoe-1290.txt item: #145 of 682 id: koedoe-1291 author: Martiny, O. title: Summary of the proceedings of the symposium "the state of nature conservation in southern Africa" date: 1977-12-10 words: 3341 flesch: 74 summary: But I think far more is needed and I know many people are trying to find and prove that conservation pays. To this problem I would like to add, after the excellent talk that Mr. 249 Immelman gave us, (which many speakers said brought us back to reality), the immense problems that agriculture faces in this country. keywords: conservation; course; land; people; population; question cache: koedoe-1291.pdf plain text: koedoe-1291.txt item: #146 of 682 id: koedoe-1292 author: Schoeman, Sy Edele H. title: Suid-Afrika se nasionale parke sisteem – wat van die toekoms? date: 1977-12-10 words: 2323 flesch: 70 summary: Ons dink ook aan die aandeel van die amptenare van die Raad oor die jare. Aan hom kom die hulde toe vir sy grootmoedigheid en gebruiklike versiendheid om in die pionierstyd van die ontwikkeling van ons land en volk reeds 'n gebied af te sonder wat die natuur in sy ongeskonde staat bewaar en sou beskerm. keywords: aan; dat; die; dit; het; hulle; nasionale; national; nie; ons; van; vir; wat; word cache: koedoe-1292.pdf plain text: koedoe-1292.txt item: #147 of 682 id: koedoe-1293 author: Knobel, R. title: Apologies and acknowledgements date: 1977-12-10 words: 365 flesch: 59 summary: Mr E T Matenge , Director of National Parks of the Republic of Botswana, as well as Mr A B Bridgens, Secretary-General ofSARCCUS (Southern African Regional Commission for the Conservation and Utilization of the Soil) have tended their apologies for absence. This gratitude not only comes from the officials of the National Parks Board, but also from the people of the entire RSA, be they white , brown or black. keywords: national; symposium cache: koedoe-1293.pdf plain text: koedoe-1293.txt item: #148 of 682 id: koedoe-1295 author: Office, Editorial title: Word of Welcome date: 1977-12-10 words: 438 flesch: 53 summary: Dr Vollmar is the Director General of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) employed in finding the necessary funds for the estab- lishment of new National Parks all over the world . The Hon S G J van Niekerk Chairman National Parks Board qf Trustees v Page 1 keywords: national; parks cache: koedoe-1295.pdf plain text: koedoe-1295.txt item: #149 of 682 id: koedoe-1296 author: Office, Editorial title: Participants to the symposium date: 1977-12-10 words: 820 flesch: 59 summary: Hey RSA B R Bryden RSA Mrs C Hugh es Rhodesia AM Brynard RSA B J Huntley RSA o Butler RSA L Hurry RSA o Chapman RSA Dr J A Hurter RSA Dr G F T Child Rhod esia OW Immelman RSA J Clarke RSA RJ Immink RSA B J Coetzee RSA R Jones RSA Cooper Lesotho Dr S C J Joub ert RSA K Cooper RSA J J Kloppers RSA R Cross RSA Dr R Knobel RSA Beer Vendaland Korsten RSA MJ de Beer RSA B J Krohn RSA W A de Beer RSA A E Kuschke RSA Dr G de Graaff RSA Mrs S M Labuschagne RSA J H de Kock RSA J J la Grange RSA B de la Bat SWA B P Lamprecht RSA Dr V de Vos RSA M Landsman RSA Chief J M Olamini Swaziland C F S A Ie Riche RSA His Royal Highness Prince P J Ie Roux RSA M D1amini Swaziland P R Mabusa Swaziland S D1amini Swaziland Chief A N Madzivhandila Vendala nd Mrs H Downing RSA Chief B Malatji Lebowa o H C du Plessis RSA Dr 0 keywords: rsa; van cache: koedoe-1296.pdf plain text: koedoe-1296.txt item: #150 of 682 id: koedoe-1297 author: None title: None date: None words: 6993 flesch: 43 summary: Homogenisation of gallery forest canopy structure in the remaining natural patches may therefore also be a major contributor to C. x. occidentalis settling less often in such environments, as heterogeneity in the tree canopy cover is often critical for maintaining butterfly species in an area (Francesconi et al. 2013; Koh & Sodhi 2004). In a sense, settling functions as a conservation or management proxy for preference to a resource in an individual's immediate environment, as butterfly settling behaviour is strongly associated with a variety of life history strategies such as feeding, ovipositing, basking, resting and mate location (Dennis 2004, 2010; Dennis, Shreeve & Van Dyck 2003, 2006). keywords: behaviour; butterflies; butterfly; conservation; forest; habitat; landscape; matrix; occidentalis; patches; settling; sites; south; species; tree cache: koedoe-1297.htm plain text: koedoe-1297.txt item: #151 of 682 id: koedoe-1298 author: None title: None date: None words: 5883 flesch: 46 summary: We compared the occurrence and displacement rates of elephant bulls and cows around villages in the Limpopo National Park and northern border of the Kruger National Park across seasons and at different times of the day. Further understanding of the movements of elephant bulls and breeding herds around villages within this area requires a more in-depth approach. keywords: buffer; bulls; cows; data; displacement; elephants; locations; national; park; rates; villages; zones cache: koedoe-1298.htm plain text: koedoe-1298.txt item: #152 of 682 id: koedoe-13 author: Grobler, C.H.; Bredenkamp, G.J.; Brown, L.R. title: Natural woodland vegetation and plant species richness of the urban open spaces in Gauteng, South Africa date: 2002-01-17 words: 6684 flesch: 58 summary: Key words: Braun Blanquet analysis, classification, plant communities, urban open space, TWINSPAN. C.H. Grobler and G.J. Bredenkamp, Department of Botany, University of Pretoria, Pre- toria, 0002 South Africa; L.R. Brown , Applied Natural Sciences, Technikon SA, Pri- vate Bag X6, Florida, 1710 South Africa. Wetland plant communities in the Potchef- stroom Municipal Area, North West, South Africa. keywords: acacia; africa; area; bredenkamp; caffra; community; g.j; gauteng; open; plant; plant community; pretoria; south; species; study; van; vegetation; woodland cache: koedoe-13.pdf plain text: koedoe-13.txt item: #153 of 682 id: koedoe-130 author: van der Merwe, Helga; van Rooyen, Margaretha W.; van Rooyen, Noel title: Vegetation of the Hantam-Tanqua-Roggeveld subregion, South Africa. Part 1: Fynbos Biome related vegetation date: 2009-03-24 words: 11068 flesch: 86 summary: This subassociation, excluding the mosaic unit, covers an area of 44 499 ha (5.5% of the total area covered by Mountain Renosterveld vegetation). 1.1 Eriocephalus microphyllus – Rosenia oppositifolia Mountain Renosterveld This unit is found in the region of the Nuweveld Mountains and covers an area of 106 454 ha (13.2% of the total area covered by Mountain Renosterveld vegetation). keywords: area; council; cover; dicerothamnus; group; karoo; land; mountain; pretoria; renosterveld; rhinocerotis; roggeveld; soils; species; subassociation; types; van; vegetation cache: koedoe-130.pdf plain text: koedoe-130.txt item: #154 of 682 id: koedoe-1314 author: None title: koedoe-1314 date: None words: 3576 flesch: 49 summary: Swynnerton, C.F.M., 1915, ‘Mixed bird parties’, Ibis 57(2), 346–354. Thomson, R.L. & Ferguson, J.W.H., 2007, ‘Composition and foraging behaviour of mixed species flocks in two adjacent woodland habitats: A special and temporal perspective’, Ostrich 78(1), 65–73. Venter, F.J., 1990, ‘A classification of land for management planning in the Kruger National Park’, PhD thesis, University of South Africa, Pretoria. TABLE 2: Correlations among bird species observed in more than 10% of mixed-species foraging flocks in the Acacia (n = 31 flocks) study site in Kruger National Park, South Africa. keywords: acacia; africa; combretum; flocks; habitat; mean; msffs; species; study cache: koedoe-1314.htm plain text: koedoe-1314.txt item: #155 of 682 id: koedoe-1316 author: None title: None date: None words: 4697 flesch: 47 summary: Contrary to the results from the present study, Hustler (1987) and Koenig (1997) in Zimbabwe and Kenya (respectively) did not find any differences in host ungulate preferences when both species occurred within the same geographic region. An understanding of the feeding behaviours and host preferences of these birds is important since they serve as agents of tick control on both domestic and wild ungulates. keywords: feeding; host; oxpeckers; preferences; red; south; species; stutterheim; tick; yellow cache: koedoe-1316.htm plain text: koedoe-1316.txt item: #156 of 682 id: koedoe-1317 author: None title: None date: None words: 3532 flesch: 39 summary: The broad practice of sensitivity analysis is shown in Figure 2. TABLE 1: Population characteristics and sensitivity analysis in the five study sites. keywords: analysis; demographic; features; mangrove; number; roots; sensitivity cache: koedoe-1317.htm plain text: koedoe-1317.txt item: #157 of 682 id: koedoe-1323 author: None title: None date: None words: 5941 flesch: 51 summary: It was concluded that the greatest number of alien plant species could be found along dog paths, in comparison to the hiking trails and cycling trails. A PERMANOVA analysis was conducted to analyse the difference between percentage of cover of alien plant species between trail types, distance from the trailhead, and distance into the matrix (PRIMER software version 6.1.5, Clarke & Gorley 2006). keywords: africa; alien; areas; dispersal; dog; national; park; plant; seeds; south; species; table; tourists cache: koedoe-1323.htm plain text: koedoe-1323.txt item: #158 of 682 id: koedoe-1324 author: None title: None date: None words: 7539 flesch: 42 summary: This reflects a longitudinal pattern of differentiation involving the phylogenetic separation (see Daniels et al. 2002) of high-altitude, small-bodied species (members of the P. depressus – P. clarus complex in this system) in the upper reaches from the robust species of the middle to lower reaches (P. sidneyi) and then possible longitudinal genetic structure within the latter. P. depressus complex (Daniels et al. 2003; Phiri & Daniels 2014b), DNA sequence data have generally not been used in studies of KZN crabs and there has been no published DNA-based survey of lineage diversity within the most widespread species in the province. keywords: africa; daniels; diversity; et al; gouws; isimangaliso; lineages; p. sidneyi; potamonautes; sidneyi; site; south; species; stewart cache: koedoe-1324.htm plain text: koedoe-1324.txt item: #159 of 682 id: koedoe-1326 author: None title: koedoe-1326 date: None words: 10704 flesch: 36 summary: Understanding elephant selection may suggest ways to minimise management trade-offs. We tested four hypotheses of elephant selection based on patterns observed in savanna systems, namely that elephants would show (1) a positive association with vegetation greenness, (2) a negative association with distance to water, (3) a negative association with steeper slopes and (4) a positive association with more rugged terrain. keywords: addo; aenp; africa; areas; data; elephant; elephant national; et al; figure; kerley; midday; model; national; park; patterns; resource; selection; south; use; vegetation; water cache: koedoe-1326.htm plain text: koedoe-1326.txt item: #160 of 682 id: koedoe-1327 author: None title: koedoe-1327 date: None words: 5659 flesch: 51 summary: We assessed 2668 trees – 1352 Sclerocarya birrea (marula), 857 Acacia nigrescens (knobthorn), and 459 Lannea schweinfurthii (false marula) – for elephant impact in the APNR, 1387 (52%) of which had previously been wrapped in protective wire netting (789, 548 and 50, respectively). Since tree mortality has been attributed to high levels of elephant impact, the use of wire netting could serve to maintain individual trees or populations particularly vulnerable to elephant impact in areas with locally high densities of elephants. keywords: africa; bark; breaking; elephant; impact; netting; south; species; stripping; trees; wire; wire netting cache: koedoe-1327.htm plain text: koedoe-1327.txt item: #161 of 682 id: koedoe-1328 author: None title: None date: None words: 2849 flesch: 40 summary: This is partly because information at large scales and over long periods was not part of our human experience until relatively recently: we observed locally, and usually for no longer than a human lifespan (and often much less). System problems emerge from interactions and context, and require a wider rather than a narrower view; a view which is often associated with larger scales in space and time. keywords: africa; change; data; ecosystem; management; national; park; research; scale cache: koedoe-1328.htm plain text: koedoe-1328.txt item: #162 of 682 id: koedoe-1329 author: None title: koedoe-1329 date: None words: 3445 flesch: 46 summary: Overall, there is a clustering of borehole, contact spring and artesian spring water (central), but several contact and artesian spring waters show evaporative loss (plotting to the right and below the GMWL). Three types of water points were considered: groundwater boreholes, artesian springs and contact springs. keywords: data; enp; etosha; groundwater; namibia; national; pan; park; water; west cache: koedoe-1329.htm plain text: koedoe-1329.txt item: #163 of 682 id: koedoe-1330 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to reviewers date: 2015-07-21 words: 383 flesch: 47 summary: It is good practice as a reviewer to update your personal details regularly, to ensure contact with you throughout your professional term as reviewer to Koedoe. acknowledges the value and importance of reviewers in the publication process – not only in shaping the individual manuscript, but also in upholding the credibility and reputation of our journal. keywords: koedoe; publication; reviewers cache: koedoe-1330.pdf plain text: koedoe-1330.txt item: #164 of 682 id: koedoe-1331 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to reviewers date: 2015-07-21 words: 353 flesch: 43 summary: This will allow us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. Reviewer Acknowledgement Open Access KOEDOE AFRICAN PROTECTED AREA CONSERVATION AND SCIENCE Koedoe recognises and acknowledges the value and importance of reviewers in the publication process – not only in shaping each individual manuscript, but also in upholding the credibility and reputation of our journal. keywords: koedoe; reviewers cache: koedoe-1331.pdf plain text: koedoe-1331.txt item: #165 of 682 id: koedoe-1332 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to reviewers date: 2015-07-21 words: 370 flesch: 43 summary: Page 1 of 1 In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer reviewers for Koedoe, we ask that you take a moment to update your electronic portfolio on for our files, allowing us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. It is good practice as reviewer to update your personal details regularly to ensure contact with you throughout your professional term as reviewer to Koedoe. keywords: koedoe; reviewer cache: koedoe-1332.pdf plain text: koedoe-1332.txt item: #166 of 682 id: koedoe-1333 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to reviewers date: 2015-07-21 words: 397 flesch: 40 summary: As such, the identification and selection of reviewers who have expertise and interest in the topics appropriate to each manuscript are essential elements in ensuring a timely, productive peer review process. i i In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer rievewers for Koedoe, we ask that you take a moment to update your electronic portfolio on for our files, allowing us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. keywords: koedoe; publication; reviewer cache: koedoe-1333.pdf plain text: koedoe-1333.txt item: #167 of 682 id: koedoe-1338 author: None title: None date: None words: 2000 flesch: 37 summary: This once-in-a-decade event is the flagship global forum on protected areas and the conservation of nature. Parks Top ↑ Preserving natural ecosystems in protected areas or parks is the main international strategy to conserve biodiversity. keywords: areas; biodiversity; congress; conservation; parks; world cache: koedoe-1338.htm plain text: koedoe-1338.txt item: #168 of 682 id: koedoe-134 author: Forsyth, Greg G.; van Wilgen, Brian W. title: The recent fire history of the Table Mountain National Park and implications for fire management date: 2008-05-13 words: 6993 flesch: 64 summary: Fire and conservation in urban-dominated landscapes As a result of the establishment of a comprehensive spatial database on fires, managers in the Table Mountain National Park should now be able to make better and more informed decisions about fire management. Future fire management actions within the park will be based on the assessment of fire records. keywords: area; fire; fynbos; management; mountain; national; park; south; species; table; van; vegetation; wilgen cache: koedoe-134.pdf plain text: koedoe-134.txt item: #169 of 682 id: koedoe-1346 author: None title: koedoe-1346 date: None words: 3986 flesch: 46 summary: Unlike giraffe in their native range, the Sanbona population showed seasonal preference for browse species. Sanbona is divided into two main sections: Sanbona North and Sanbona South, which are divided by the Warmwaterberg range. keywords: africa; browse; giraffe; karoo; little; reserve; sanbona; south; species; winter cache: koedoe-1346.htm plain text: koedoe-1346.txt item: #170 of 682 id: koedoe-1348 author: None title: koedoe-1348 date: None words: 5276 flesch: 38 summary: [Eqn 1] where, FC is the number of informants mentioning the use of medicinal plant species and N is the total number of informants participating in the survey. The study presents key sites and plant species in which their use and belief can lead to their conservation. keywords: area; buhanga; conservation; diseases; figure; forest; healers; health; knowledge; medicinal; plant; plant species; rwanda; species; study cache: koedoe-1348.htm plain text: koedoe-1348.txt item: #171 of 682 id: koedoe-1351 author: None title: koedoe-1351 date: None words: 3264 flesch: 56 summary: We trialled this method in the field to see if Nile crocodile scutes can be scored with binoculars and super-zoom cameras. It will also be necessary to investigate observer bias in scoring crocodile scutes and to determine the parameters whereby identifications can be made with confidence, such as distance between the observer and crocodiles, approachability in the wild, light conditions and magnification needed for cameras and telescopes. keywords: age; crocodile; left; nile; population; right; scutes cache: koedoe-1351.htm plain text: koedoe-1351.txt item: #172 of 682 id: koedoe-1353 author: None title: koedoe-1353 date: None words: 10175 flesch: 29 summary: The instructions to authors and publication policies of the 250 journals with the most articles relating to fish research were scrutinised to identify their editorial policies relating to the publication of primary research involving the use of animals. Clearwater, Hickey and Martin (2008) discuss several ichthyocides for pest control; however, a comprehensive review of ichthyocides and their use in fish research is lacking. keywords: africa; animals; biology; care; documents; et al; field; fish; fish research; fisheries; fishes; guidelines; journal; methods; research; sampling; south; species; studies; study; tagging; techniques; use cache: koedoe-1353.htm plain text: koedoe-1353.txt item: #173 of 682 id: koedoe-1357 author: None title: koedoe-1357 date: None words: 9714 flesch: 35 summary: Dickie, I.A., Bennett, B.M., Burrows, L.E., Nuñez, M.A., Peltzer, D.A., Porté, A. et al., 2014, ‘Conflicting values: Ecosystem services and invasive tree management’, Biological Invasions 16, 705–719. Du Toit, B., 2012, “No” to biased and pseudo scientific reporting, says Forest Scientist, viewed n.d., from Farnum, J., Hall, T. & Kruger, L.E., 2005, Sense of place in natural resource recreation and tourism: An evaluation and assessment of research findings, Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. Felipe-Lucia, M., Comín, F. & Escalera-Reyes, J., 2015, ‘A framework for the social valuation of ecosystem services’, AMBIO 44, 308–318. Foxcroft, L. & McGeoch, M., 2011, ‘Implementing invasive species management in an adaptive management framework’, Koedoe 35(2), Art. keywords: africa; alien; areas; conservation; experiences; figure; management; national; native; non; park; pas; people; place; plants; sense; sop; south; south africa; species; trees; viewsheds cache: koedoe-1357.htm plain text: koedoe-1357.txt item: #174 of 682 id: koedoe-136 author: Gotze, Albie R.; Cilliers, Sarel S.; Beduizenhout, Hugo; Kellner, Klaus title: Analysis of the vegetation of the sandstone ridges (Ib land type) of the north-eastern parts of the Mapungubwe National Park, Limpopo Province, South Africa date: 2008-12-10 words: 10208 flesch: 77 summary: On the ledges formed by the terrace-like terrain, shallow to moderately deep soils have accumulated and serve as a growth medium for tree species (especially the wild fig species such as Ficus abutilifolia, F. tettensis and F. salicifolia). subgratissimus community are found in species group A (Table 1). keywords: africa; area; cover; group; height; land; layer; mapungubwe; national; park; soil; south; species; subcommunity; subsp; table; tree; type; variant; vegetation cache: koedoe-136.pdf plain text: koedoe-136.txt item: #175 of 682 id: koedoe-1364 author: None title: koedoe-1364 date: None words: 6717 flesch: 44 summary: This paper describes a basic assessment of the abundance and distribution of fish species throughout the Wilderness Lakes in 2010–2011 and uses the relative abundance and species composition data to highlight management needs for this important estuarine lakes system. Gill nets, which sampled larger individuals of marine and freshwater species, were dominated numerically by euryhaline marine species, particularly southern mullet (Liza richardsonii), which comprised between 10% (Langvlei) and 40% (Eilandvlei) of the catch, and oval moony (Monodactylus falciformis), which comprised between 3% (Eilandvlei) and 48% (Langvlei) of the catch. TABLE 1: Relative abundance (% abundance) of fish species caught in seine nets in the Wilderness Lakes System between April 2010 and January 2011. keywords: africa; estuaries; estuarine; estuary; fish; lakes; marine; south; species; system; whitfield; wilderness cache: koedoe-1364.htm plain text: koedoe-1364.txt item: #176 of 682 id: koedoe-137 author: Cronje, Heath P.; Panagos, Mike D.; Reilly, Brian K. title: The plant communities of the Andover Game Reserve, South Africa date: 2008-12-10 words: 19382 flesch: 66 summary: 184 - 201 C o m m u n it ie s 1 2 3 V a r ia n t s 1a 1b 2a 2b r e l e V é n u m b e r 4 6 2 1 1 8 7 1 2 5 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 3 2 2 5 7 3 6 2 3 7 6 5 3 1 7 4 4 3 7 6 2 3 3 4 5 7 2 3 2 6 1 4 4 4 4 1 3 6 6 7 4 7 8 8 5 5 8 7 5 5 5 6 8 7 6 5 6 8 8 8 8 5 3 4 8 7 4 7 1 2 8 3 3 9 3 6 8 6 2 4 0 4 2 5 6 5 0 1 8 1 7 3 6 7 2 0 8 1 2 3 6 7 4 9 9 0 9 9 2 5 7 5 1 5 2 9 0 2 8 4 7 5 1 4 3 8 6 0 1 6 3 0 8 5 1 9 4 7 6 0 2 3 1 9 4 8 7 5 6 P hy lla nt hu s m ad er as pa te ns is 6 + 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 2 + + 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 1 + + 2 2 2 1 1 1 E uc le a di vi no ru m + + 1 + 1 + 1 + + + + A 2 + 3 1 + 2 5 1 7 4 + + 4 5 + 3 2 4 E 7 6 + K oh au tia v ir ga ta 1 2 1 + 1 1 1 1 2 + 5 1 1 4 2 1 1 6 + 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 3 + 1 + 1 1 + C od di a ru di s + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + 1 + + + 1 + 1 + 2 1 + + + 2 + 1 + 1 1 + M el in is n er vi gl um is 1 + 1 + + + + 1 + + + + 1 2 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + 1 A lb iz ia h ar ve yi + + + + + + + + + 1 1 + 6 1 2 + 6 1 2 + 1 + + + + 1 1 8 3 1 1 La nt an a ru go sa + + + + + 1 + + 1 + 1 + 1 + + 2 1 1 1 1 + + 1 + 2 + 1 1 + 1 C on yz a al bi da 1 + 1 1 3 3 + 1 + 1 1 1 2 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 1 1 2 1 1 + 1 1 + E vo lv ul us a ls in oi de s + + 1 + + 2 1 + 1 1 2 1 + 1 + + 1 1 1 1 1 + 2 2 1 + + C he ila nt he s vi ri di s va r. gl au ca + + + 1 + + + + 1 3 1 + 1 1 1 5 + 2 1 2 1 1 1 + 1 + 1 E ra gr os tis g um m ifl ua 1 6 + 1 2 3 5 2 5 1 + 4 D + 1 1 5 9 1 7 1 5 3 3 8 7 C om m el in a af ri ca na v ar . 184 - 201 C o m m u n it ie s 1 2 3 V a r ia n t s 1a 1b 2a 2b r e l e V é n u m b e r 4 6 2 1 1 8 7 1 2 5 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 3 2 2 5 7 3 6 2 3 7 6 5 3 1 7 4 4 3 7 6 2 3 3 4 5 7 2 3 2 6 1 4 4 4 4 1 3 6 6 7 4 7 8 8 5 5 8 7 5 5 5 6 8 7 6 5 6 8 8 8 8 5 3 4 8 7 4 7 1 2 8 3 3 9 3 6 8 6 2 4 0 4 2 5 6 5 0 1 8 1 7 3 6 7 2 0 8 1 2 3 6 7 4 9 9 0 9 9 2 5 7 5 1 5 2 9 0 2 8 4 7 5 1 4 3 8 6 0 1 6 3 0 8 5 1 9 4 7 6 0 2 3 1 9 4 8 7 5 6 s p ec ie s g ro u p a : D ia g n o st ic s p ec ie s o f t h e S tr yc h n o s m ad ag as ca ri en si s - A ri st id a st ip it at a va r. g ra ci lifl o ra s h o rt c lo se d w o o d la n d (C o m m u n it y 1) S tr yc hn os m ad ag as ca ri en si s 1 1 1 2 + 1 1 1 + 1 + + 4 1 + + + 4 + 1 + + 1 + + 1 1 1 1 1 + 3 1 + Li m eu m v is co su m 2 5 1 1 3 1 1 + 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 + 1 1 1 1 5 2 2 2 + + 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 A ri st id a st ip ita ta s ub sp . keywords: + +; + g; + o; 1 c; 1 s; community; lia 1; m 1; plant; species; strong; table cache: koedoe-137.pdf plain text: koedoe-137.txt item: #177 of 682 id: koedoe-1371 author: None title: koedoe-1371 date: None words: 7057 flesch: 45 summary: A combination of the treatments, for example, W++N0 would mean the treatment is high water addition (W++) and no nutrient addition (N0). Such allocation may help explain the low effectiveness of high water addition on coppice regrowth during the second season of growth. keywords: addition; coppice; diameter; effects; growth; length; levels; moyo; nutrient; resource; response; resprouting; september; shoot; study; trees; water cache: koedoe-1371.htm plain text: koedoe-1371.txt item: #178 of 682 id: koedoe-1372 author: None title: koedoe-1372 date: None words: 3179 flesch: 45 summary: Using ‘patch-occupancy’ methodology, indications of elephant presence (feeding behaviour, dung and tracks) were surveyed. Results were supplemented using collected indications of elephant presence from prior monitoring exercises, and during this survey. keywords: area; elephant; livingstone; ozp; presence; survey; zambia cache: koedoe-1372.htm plain text: koedoe-1372.txt item: #179 of 682 id: koedoe-1375 author: None title: koedoe-1375 date: None words: 4785 flesch: 36 summary: The aims of the study were thus: (1) to assess the genetic structure and diversity of E. motebensis in the Groot Marico catchment across tributary locations to determine whether E. motebensis comprises one population or genetically distinct populations separated by natural barriers, (2) determine whether genetic isolation has occurred, (3) use these data to develop theories on how the ecology of E. motebensis, natural landscape and climatic processes may have influenced the genetic structuring of E. motebensis populations and (4) identify which populations of E. motebensis may require a conservation plan in the Groot Marico catchment. The current study demonstrates that E. motebensis locations in the upper Groot Marico River Catchment show relatively recent isolation of at least one location, the Draaifonteinspruit tributary, and significant genetic structuring and diversity among some of the remaining locations (Vanstraatensvlei tributary). keywords: africa; catchment; conservation; diversity; et al; groot; marico; motebensis; populations; river; south; species; tributary cache: koedoe-1375.htm plain text: koedoe-1375.txt item: #180 of 682 id: koedoe-1382 author: None title: koedoe-1382 date: None words: 5753 flesch: 39 summary: The seasonal periods were early wet season (mid-November to end of December), mid wet season (January and February), late wet season (March and April), early dry season (May and June), mid dry season (July and August) and late dry season (September to mid-November). Seasons may be functionally separated into a wet season (December–April), a cool early dry season (May–August) and a hot late dry season (September–November), where daily maximum temperatures are between 35 °C and 40 °C (Figure 2, adapted from Fynn et al. 2014). keywords: african; botswana; buffalo; ecosystem; figure; fynn; habitat; journal; season; selection; vegetation; water; wetlands; wildlife cache: koedoe-1382.htm plain text: koedoe-1382.txt item: #181 of 682 id: koedoe-1383 author: None title: koedoe-1383 date: None words: 8098 flesch: 44 summary: The results from the rank abundance curves are further supported by the SIMPER results, which found C. amita to have the greatest contribution to the separation of the control and rehabilitated sites (6.31% of total abundance; 51 individuals in total for the control sites), followed by M. peringueyi (5.67%; 209 individuals in control sites) and lastly M. fastidium (5.53%; 167 individuals across control and rehabilitated sites). Furthermore, Welch two-sample t-tests were used to test for significant differences between the number of ant species and the number of individuals found between rehabilitated and control sites. keywords: abundance; ant; ants; assemblages; control sites; indicator; percentage; plant; rehabilitation; reserve; richness; sand; sites; soil; south; species cache: koedoe-1383.htm plain text: koedoe-1383.txt item: #182 of 682 id: koedoe-1386 author: None title: koedoe-1386 date: None words: 6925 flesch: 52 summary: Black rhino populations in poor habitats may attain sexual maturity and thus reproduce much later than black rhino populations in better habitats (Gaillard et al. 2000). In addition, low rainfall reduces the quality and quantity of the food supply, negatively affecting the body condition of black rhino females (Hrabar & Du Toit 2005). keywords: africa; calves; females; hip; months; population; rate; rhino; south; toit; years cache: koedoe-1386.htm plain text: koedoe-1386.txt item: #183 of 682 id: koedoe-1388 author: None title: koedoe-1388 date: None words: 7233 flesch: 37 summary: Automatic classifications were produced for both matrices to determine the optimal number of vegetation types. A high-resolution map of the potential distribution of vegetation types for the whole study area was produced using Random Forest. keywords: classification; combretum; figure; gandiwa; gnp; gonarezhou; journal; miombo; mopane; national; park; relevés; species; types; vegetation; vegetation types; woodland; woody; zimbabwe cache: koedoe-1388.htm plain text: koedoe-1388.txt item: #184 of 682 id: koedoe-1389 author: None title: koedoe-1389 date: None words: 6089 flesch: 36 summary: This significant contribution of LEK to map carnivore predation areas indicates the potential impotence of LEK in HWC management in the region. In general, LEK and PAC were in agreement in categorising cattle posts for carnivore predation risk areas. keywords: areas; botswana; carnivore; cattle; herders; human; knowledge; lek; livestock; management; predation; study; wildlife cache: koedoe-1389.htm plain text: koedoe-1389.txt item: #185 of 682 id: koedoe-139 author: Coetzee, Willem J.L.; van Niekerk, Mathilda; Saayman, Melville title: Applying economic guidelines for responsible tourism in a World Heritage Site date: 2008-11-13 words: 6778 flesch: 48 summary: It is a fact that if tourism development is not properly planned and developed it can lead to an increase in land prices and the area runs the risk of losing its unique character. Ensuring that the community is involved in, and benefits from, tourism Community involvement is an essential element of a successful strategy for sustainable tourism development. keywords: area; benefits; community; development; future; owners; present; product; product owners; tourism; vfd cache: koedoe-139.pdf plain text: koedoe-139.txt item: #186 of 682 id: koedoe-1392 author: None title: koedoe-1392 date: None words: 7233 flesch: 42 summary: A summary of first year recruitment (the number of rhinos born and surviving the first year of life) and poached individuals recorded for south central black rhinos and southern white rhinos in Kruger National Park between the 2013, 2014 and 2015 surveys. Southern white rhino populations occurring in the parks outside of Kruger National Park increased at a rate of 0.14 (95% CI: 0.10–0.19), partly because of introductions from Kruger. keywords: african; central; conservation; ferreira; kruger; kruger national; national; national park; park; population; rhinos; sanparks; south; south africa; white cache: koedoe-1392.htm plain text: koedoe-1392.txt item: #187 of 682 id: koedoe-1394 author: None title: koedoe-1394 date: None words: 7058 flesch: 35 summary: Provincial environmental legislation, such as the Limpopo Environmental Management Act (LEMA) (Act 7 of 2003) calls for sustainable and managed use of important biodiversity areas where natural resources are collected. Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements References About the Author(s) Cathy M. Dzerefos School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Ed T.F. Witkowski School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Citation Dzerefos, C.M. & Witkowski, E.T.F., 2016, ‘Bridging the knowing–doing gap in South Africa and the role of environmental volunteer groups’, Koedoe 58(1), a1394. keywords: africa; area; biodiversity; conservation; environmental; government; grassland; haenertsburg; ledet; limpopo; management; national; public; reserve; south; wgg cache: koedoe-1394.htm plain text: koedoe-1394.txt item: #188 of 682 id: koedoe-1397 author: None title: koedoe-1397 date: None words: 7473 flesch: 49 summary: Recent advances in aquatic radio telemetry provided a reliable mechanism to monitor fish movement and increase knowledge of the ecology of tigerfish. This gauging weir has a crest height of approximately 1.2 m with a well-designed fish way to facilitate fish movement at medium to high flow conditions. keywords: africa; distance; figure; fish; home; incomati; mean; movement; period; radio; range; river; system; tigerfish; water cache: koedoe-1397.htm plain text: koedoe-1397.txt item: #189 of 682 id: koedoe-14 author: Haacke, W.D. title: Variation in population size of Bouton’s snake-eyed skink (Reptilia: Scincidae) at Black Rock in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa date: 2002-01-17 words: 4297 flesch: 67 summary: haacke.qxd Variation in population size of Bouton’s snake-eyed skink (Reptilia: Scincidae) at Black Rock in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa W.D. HAACKE Haacke, W.D. 2002. Variation in population size of Bouton’s snake-eyed skink (Reptil- ia: Scincidae) at Black Rock in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. keywords: boutonii; cliff; face; fig; haacke; lizards; population; rock; south; zone cache: koedoe-14.pdf plain text: koedoe-14.txt item: #190 of 682 id: koedoe-140 author: van der Merwe, Peet; Saayman, Melville title: Travel motivations of tourists visiting Kruger National Park date: 2008-12-10 words: 4956 flesch: 56 summary: Measuring tourist motivation. Little research has been done on travel motives to national parks and this was the first of its kind in South Africa. keywords: 2006; escape; motivations; motives; national; park; research; tourism; tourists; travel cache: koedoe-140.pdf plain text: koedoe-140.txt item: #191 of 682 id: koedoe-1406 author: None title: koedoe-1406 date: None words: 8592 flesch: 33 summary: Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) demonstrated that plant communities were determined by gradients in soil texture or fertility and wetness. Such gradients are likely related to key environmental drivers and thus provide insights into how plant communities are structured in the ecosystem. keywords: 2014; botswana; clay; communities; community; ecosystem; et al; figure; habitat; linyanti; northern; season; soils; species; table; vegetation cache: koedoe-1406.htm plain text: koedoe-1406.txt item: #192 of 682 id: koedoe-1413 author: None title: koedoe-1413 date: None words: 4138 flesch: 53 summary: The large seasonal variation in red lechwe numbers in the Chobe floodplains was also not expected in our study. Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements References About the Author(s) Phemelo Gadimang Department of Wildlife and National Parks, Gaborone, Botswana Okavango Research Institute, University of Botswana, Botswana Gaseitsiwe S. Masunga Okavango Research Institute, University of Botswana, Botswana Citation Gadimang, P. & Masunga, G.S., 2017, ‘Ground survey of red lechwe in the Linyanti swamps and Chobe floodplains, northern Botswana’, Koedoe 59(2), a1413. keywords: chobe; chobe floodplains; floodplains; lechwe; linyanti; red; season; swamps cache: koedoe-1413.htm plain text: koedoe-1413.txt item: #193 of 682 id: koedoe-1419 author: None title: koedoe-1419 date: None words: 5385 flesch: 53 summary: Generally, larger bird species had greater FIDs (Table 1). For example, Møller et al. (2013a) found that FID was shortened for European bird species following harsh winter. keywords: areas; barberspan; birds; buffer; distances; fid; fids; flight; mean; species cache: koedoe-1419.htm plain text: koedoe-1419.txt item: #194 of 682 id: koedoe-142 author: Bezuidenhout, Hugo; Brown, Leslie R. title: Vegetation description of the Doornhoek section of the Mountain Zebra National Park (MZNP), South Africa date: 2008-12-10 words: 10478 flesch: 64 summary: + B S al so la tu be rc ul at a + + + P eg ol et tia r et ro fr ac ta + + + + + S p ec ie s g ro u p H - c o m m o n sp ec ie s fo r co m m u n it ie s2 .1 , 2 .2 & 3 C ym bo po go n po sp is ch ili i A 1 B + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + D ig ita ri a er ia nt ha A + A + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + Te ph ro si a sp ec ie s + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + In di go fe ra a lte rn an s + + + + + + + + + + + + S po ro bo lu s fim br ia tu s A + + + + + + + 1 1 + + + D io sp yr os a us tr o af ri ca nu m + + + + C hr ys oc om a ci lia ta + + + + + + + + + A sp ar ag us s tr ia tu s + + + + + + + S p ec ie s g ro u p i - c o m m o n sp ec ie s fo r co m m u n it ie s 2. 1, 2 .2 , 3 & 4 A ri st id a di ff us a + + A 1 3 3 3 + B B 3 B + B + + B + + B + A A 3 + + 3 + + B + A + Tr ag us k oe lle ri oi de s + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + 1 + + + E ri oc ep ha lu s er ic oi de s + 1 + + 1 + 1 + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + B + S et ar ia s ph ac el at a + + + 1 + A A 1 + 1 + + 1 + + + 1 + 1 + + Ta bl e 1 (c on t.. .) 1 A A A A B B B 1 A A + A + 1 A A 1 A 1 + + 1 + R hi go zu m o bo va tu m + + + B 1 A + A + 1 + + + A + A sp ar ag us th un be rg ia nu s + + + + + + + + + + + S po ro bo lu s af ri ca nu s + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + A ri st id a su bs p ba rb ic ol lis + + + + + + + + A sp ar ag us m uc ro na ta + + + + S p ec ie s g ro u p c - D ia g n o st ic s p ec ie s fo r th e c ar is sa m ac ul at a- R hu s lo ng is pi na S h ru b la n d (2 .1 ) C ar is sa m ac ro ca rp a + + 1 + + + + + + + + + B os ci a ol eo id es + + + + + + + + + C en ch ru s ci lia ri s + + 3 + + + + + + + + B oo ph an e di st ic ha + + + + + + E us ta ch ys pa sp al oi de s + + + + + + C he ila nt he s hi rt a + + + + + P hy lla nt hu s m ad ag as ca ri en si s + + + + La nt an a ru go su m R + + E hr et ia r ig id a + + + + H er m an ni a ce rn ua + + + + A sp ar ag us b ur ch el lii + + + + *O pu nt ia fi cu s- in di ca + + + + + + ta b l e 1 Ph yt os oc io lo gi ca l t ab le o f t he v eg et at io n of th e D oo rn ho ek s ec ti on o f t he M ou nt ai n Z eb ra N at io na l P ar k (M Z N P) keywords: + +; + b; + r; area; bezuidenhout; communities; community; cover; group; park; s +; s p; shrub; soil; species; species group; table; vegetation cache: koedoe-142.pdf plain text: koedoe-142.txt item: #195 of 682 id: koedoe-1426 author: None title: koedoe-1426 date: None words: 9287 flesch: 39 summary: Borokini, T.I., 2011, ‘Invasive alien plant species in Nigeria and their effects on biodiversity conservation’, Tropical Conservation Science 4, 103–110. Te Beest, M., Esler, K.J. & Richardson, D.M., 2015a, ‘Linking functional traits to impacts of invasive plant species: A case study’, Plant Ecology 216(2), 293–305. keywords: africa; alien; areas; conservation; control; ecosystem; hysterophorus; impacts; kenya; management; mara; mara ecosystem; national; odorata; parthenium; plant; plant species; reserve; serengeti; south; species; weed cache: koedoe-1426.htm plain text: koedoe-1426.txt item: #196 of 682 id: koedoe-1427 author: None title: koedoe-1427 date: None words: 3773 flesch: 43 summary: Demographic responses of elephants to restoration of ecological processes may thus provide some potential mechanisms explaining how elephant growth rates declined since 1995. Sam M. Ferreira Scientific Services, South African National Parks, Skukuza, South Africa Cathy Greaver Scientific Services, South African National Parks, Skukuza, South Africa Chenay Simms Scientific Services, South African National Parks, Skukuza, South Africa Citation Ferreira, S.M., Greaver, C. & Simms, C., 2017, ‘Elephant population growth in Kruger National Park, South Africa, under a landscape management approach’, Koedoe 59(1), a1427. keywords: aarde; elephants; growth; kruger; management; national; park; population; rates; south; van cache: koedoe-1427.htm plain text: koedoe-1427.txt item: #197 of 682 id: koedoe-1428 author: None title: koedoe-1428 date: None words: 6971 flesch: 47 summary: FIGURE 6: Community relationships among forest sites at Mkambati for all taxa. FIGURE 7: Community relationships among forest sites at Mkambati for Mollusca, Gastropoda. keywords: africa; conservation; forest; grassland; invertebrate; mkambati; number; pondoland; reserve; sampling; sites; south; species; taxa cache: koedoe-1428.htm plain text: koedoe-1428.txt item: #198 of 682 id: koedoe-143 author: Stapelberg, Hein; van Rooyen, Margaretha W.; Bothma, Jacobus du P.; van der Linde, Michael J.; Groeneveld, Hendrik T. title: Springbok behaviour as affected by environmental conditions in the Kalahari date: 2008-12-10 words: 7526 flesch: 64 summary: Kalahari springbok make regular use of natural licks, and clear evidence of the presence of clay has been found in the guts of springbok that were shot close to pans in the Kalahari in Botswana (Bergström & Skarpe 1999). cONcLUsIONs The diet of Kalahari springbok is highly variable and diet selection is influenced by season and time of day. keywords: activities; feeding; gemsbok; herd; kalahari; park; percentage; rooyen; season; shade; springbok; sunlight; van cache: koedoe-143.pdf plain text: koedoe-143.txt item: #199 of 682 id: koedoe-1432 author: None title: koedoe-1432 date: None words: 10122 flesch: 40 summary: De Beer, C.J., Venter, G.J., Kappmeier Green, K., Esterhuizen, J., De Klerk, D.G., Ntshangase, J. et al., 2016, ‘An update of the tsetse fly (Diptera: Glossinidae) distribution and African animal trypanosomosis prevalence in north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa’, Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 83(1), a1172. Also, if tsetse fly parasites have been eliminated, tsetse fly populations could build up rapidly again. keywords: africa; areas; biodiversity; cattle; conservation; deltamethrin; ecosystem; et al; flies; fly; impacts; journal; kwazulu; maputaland; natal; parasites; south; south africa; species; trypanosomes; trypanosomiasis; tsetse; tsetse flies; use cache: koedoe-1432.htm plain text: koedoe-1432.txt item: #200 of 682 id: koedoe-1435 author: None title: koedoe-1435 date: None words: 2169 flesch: 44 summary: TABLE 1: Record of measurements recorded for redclaw crayfish captured below Van Graan Dam, Crocodile River, on the border of the Kruger National Park. Global lessons’, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 16, 171–181. Masser, M.P. & Rouse, D., 1997, Australian red claw crayfish, Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, Stoneville, SRAC Publication No. 244. Medley, P.B., Jones, C.M. & Avault, J.W., Jr., 1994, ‘A global perspective of the culture of Australian redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus: Production, economics and marketing’, World Aquaculture 25, 4. Nunes, A.L., Douthwaite, R.J., Tyser, B., Measey, G.J. & Weyl, O.L.F., 2016, ‘Invasive crayfish threaten Okavango Delta’, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14, 237–238. keywords: africa; crayfish; crocodile; komati; redclaw; river; south cache: koedoe-1435.htm plain text: koedoe-1435.txt item: #201 of 682 id: koedoe-1437 author: None title: koedoe-1437 date: None words: 6944 flesch: 49 summary: Germination rates study A germination study was undertaken to assess the vigour of E. grandis seeds. To test specifically for the role of frost in preventing E. grandis invasion, we chose sites that were similar in terms of their fire regimes, but were exposed to very different frost frequencies. keywords: eucalyptus; frost; grandis; graskop; height; individuals; river; seeds; sites; size; south; species; trees; white cache: koedoe-1437.htm plain text: koedoe-1437.txt item: #202 of 682 id: koedoe-1438 author: None title: koedoe-1438 date: None words: 6487 flesch: 48 summary: Annual monitoring of SGH nest sites will allow for the early detection and possible mitigation of bush encroachment or changes in habitat structure surrounding nest sites. Winter, M., Johnson, D.H., Shaffer, J.A., Donovan, T.M. & Svedarsky, W.D., 2006, ‘Patch size and landscape effects on density and nesting success of grassland birds’, USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Paper 235, Woolaver, L.G., Nichols, R.K., Morton, E.S. & Stutchbury, B.J.M., 2014, ‘Breeding ecology and predictors of nest success in the Critically Endangered Ridgway’s hawk Buteo ridgwayii’, Bird Conservation International 25, 385–398. keywords: chick; data; ground; habitat; kemp; kruger; model; national; nest; nesting; park; sgh; sghs; site; south; success; vegetation cache: koedoe-1438.htm plain text: koedoe-1438.txt item: #203 of 682 id: koedoe-1439 author: None title: None date: None words: 580 flesch: 55 summary: Chapter 6 considers the role that changes in echolocation signals might have played in bat evolution. Bat biologists will find his examples interesting, showing once again that each of us has her or his own favourite stories about bat biology and evolution. keywords: bats; book cache: koedoe-1439.htm plain text: koedoe-1439.txt item: #204 of 682 id: koedoe-1441 author: None title: koedoe-1441 date: None words: 7513 flesch: 46 summary: We estimated brown hyaena densities from track densities using the extended carnivore model for sandy substrates formula ‘animal density = track density/3.26’ from Winterbach et al. Brown hyaena densities were estimated between 1.89 animals/100 km² and 3.10 animals/100 km² in the Ghanzi farms (Boast & Houser 2012; Kent 2011; Kent & Hill 2013). keywords: botswana; brown; conservation; data; densities; density; game; hyaena; km²; mills; population; surveys; track; winterbach cache: koedoe-1441.htm plain text: koedoe-1441.txt item: #205 of 682 id: koedoe-1442 author: None title: koedoe-1442 date: None words: 6175 flesch: 42 summary: The article considers that while one objective for generating revenue from entrance fees is for conservation management, it is difficult to establish appropriate fees where there are gaps in knowledge about existing levels of visitation, tourism revenue and associated management costs. Perhaps one of the most extensively used approaches to researching entrance fees is contingent valuation approaches with willingness-to-pay (WTP) surveys (e.g. Asafu-Adjaye & Tapsuwan 2008; Baral, Stern & Bhattarai 2008; Barnes, Schier & Van Rooy 1997; Bruner et al. 2015; Greiner & Rolfe 2004; Kahn 2009; Kibira 2014; Mmopwlwa, Kgathi & Molefhe 2007; Moran 1994; Reyisdottir, Song & Agrusa 2008; Richer & Christensen 1999; keywords: conservation; entrance; entrance fees; fees; grs; management; national; non; park; pas; tanzania; tourism; wildlife; wmas cache: koedoe-1442.htm plain text: koedoe-1442.txt item: #206 of 682 id: koedoe-1449 author: None title: koedoe-1449 date: None words: 9538 flesch: 41 summary: Nqobile S. Zungu Department of Botany, University of Zululand, South Africa Theo H.C. Mostert Department of Botany, University of Zululand, South Africa Rachel E. Mostert Department of Biology, Felixton College, South Africa Citation Zungu, N.S., Mostert, T.H.C. & Mostert, R.E., 2018, ‘Plant communities of the uMlalazi Nature Reserve and their contribution to conservation in KwaZulu-Natal’, Koedoe 60(1), a1449. An indirect gradient analysis of the ordination results was conducted to investigate the relationship between plant communities and their potentially important underlying environmental drivers. keywords: africa; appendix; coastal; communities; community; conservation; dune; dune forest; figure; forest; nature; online; plant; plant community; reserve; salt; soil; south; species; structure; umnr; vegetation cache: koedoe-1449.htm plain text: koedoe-1449.txt item: #207 of 682 id: koedoe-1452 author: None title: koedoe-1452 date: None words: 9524 flesch: 37 summary: At the Phongolo Controlled Hunting Area (PCHA), revenue competitiveness influenced operational competitiveness more than resource competitiveness because revenue generation inefficiency ratings were more than 10 times the size of resource consumption inefficiency ratings (Table 3). Revenue generation inefficiency ratings in Ntshondwe gradually increased from 2007 to 2013, suggesting that revenue competitiveness worsened (Figure 2). keywords: africa; areas; category; competitiveness; conservation; cost; ecotourism; ekznw; generation; inefficiency; management; operations; performance; ppas; ratings; resource; revenue; revenue competitiveness; share; wildlife cache: koedoe-1452.htm plain text: koedoe-1452.txt item: #208 of 682 id: koedoe-1454 author: None title: koedoe-1454 date: None words: 6781 flesch: 50 summary: V. erioloba than large V. haematoxylon trees in the Auob River (p < 0.001, Table 1). The density of large V. haematoxylon trees increases from the high giraffe density zone to the low-density zone. keywords: browse; canopy; density; erioloba; giraffe; giraffe density; haematoxylon; park; river; species; tree; zone cache: koedoe-1454.htm plain text: koedoe-1454.txt item: #209 of 682 id: koedoe-1456 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to reviewers date: 2017-01-20 words: 402 flesch: 49 summary: Witt Ben J. Strohbach Benjamin J. Wigley Chris Harris Colleen T. Downs Danny Govender EnoAbasi D. Anwana Ernita van Wyk Georgette Lagendijk Gordon O’Brien Gretel van Rooyen Hari Sridhar James Brazill-Boast Jan A. Venter Jeremy Simmonds Joana Bezerra Jose A. Corronca Julian Fennessy Kate C. Fagan Llewellyn C. Foxcroft Louise Swemmer Magdalena Remisiewicz Marc E. Stalmans Martin K.S. Smith Mduduzi Ndlovu Mervyn C. Lötter Michael Mills Mike Peel Neville D. Impson Norbert Cordeiro Olaotswe E. Kgosikoma Peter B. Moyle Ram C. Sharma Robert Buitenwerf Ryan Emanuel acknowledges the value and importance of reviewers in the publication process – not only in shaping the individual manuscript, but also in upholding the credibility and reputation of our journal. keywords: koedoe; publication; reviewers cache: koedoe-1456.pdf plain text: koedoe-1456.txt item: #210 of 682 id: koedoe-1465 author: None title: koedoe-1465 date: None words: 3221 flesch: 46 summary: However, in the succulent thickets of the Eastern Cape, De Graaff et al. (1973), using rumen content analysis of buffalo that had died in a drought, showed an overabundance of browse in buffalo diet. The specific question addressed was how important is grass in buffalo diet in thicket, taking into account other published work from the study site and region (De Graaff et al. 1973; Landman & Kerley 2001; Tshabalala et al. 2009; Watermeyer et al. 2015). keywords: browse; buffalo; diet; et al; grass; kerley; landman; species; thicket cache: koedoe-1465.htm plain text: koedoe-1465.txt item: #211 of 682 id: koedoe-1468 author: None title: koedoe-1468 date: None words: 4604 flesch: 41 summary: Each confirmed B. anthracis colony of vegetative cell and spores was counted and recorded, followed by the calculation of total colony forming units per fly (CFU/fly). Graham-Smith (1913) fed Musca domestica and Calliphora erythrocephala on B. anthracis vegetative cells and spores and recovered only B. anthracis spores for up to ten days from fly legs and wings and seven days from both the gut and the crop. keywords: anthracis; anthrax; bacillus; blowflies; blowfly; carcass; carcasses; national; spores; vegetation cache: koedoe-1468.htm plain text: koedoe-1468.txt item: #212 of 682 id: koedoe-1470 author: None title: koedoe-1470 date: None words: 9426 flesch: 34 summary: Phase 3: Extent to which Mokala National Park and South African National Parks can potentially address identified community development needs During the third phase of the study, semi-structured qualitative interviews as well as structured and unstructured questionnaires were used to gather data from purposively selected staff members from MNP and SANParks as well as other experts in relation to the extent to which parks such as MNP can potentially address the development needs that were identified by the communities. A three-phase sequential exploratory, mixed-methods approach was followed: an initial exploratory qualitative phase aimed at identifying the development needs of the two communities; a quantitative phase aimed at verifying and quantifying the identified needs; and a final qualitative phase (with a minor quantitative component) to determine what parks can reasonably achieve in terms of community development based on their available resources, capacity and expertise. keywords: africa; communities; community; conservation; development; mnp; national; needs; opportunities; parks; participants; phase; sanparks; skills; south; study cache: koedoe-1470.htm plain text: koedoe-1470.txt item: #213 of 682 id: koedoe-1473 author: None title: koedoe-1473 date: None words: 8477 flesch: 40 summary: To inform management, this study investigated the relationship between vegetation productivity trends and potential drivers of change in the 110 000 ha of the Tswalu Kalahari Reserve between 2000 and 2015, using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI, MOD13Q1). This study investigated the relationship between vegetation productivity trends and drivers of change over a 15-year period (2000–2015) in a 110 000 ha mega-reserve in the southern Kalahari. keywords: analysis; areas; change; data; et al; evi; figure; growth; kalahari; plant; productivity; rainfall; reserve; season; south; species; tkr; van; vegetation; vegetation productivity cache: koedoe-1473.htm plain text: koedoe-1473.txt item: #214 of 682 id: koedoe-148 author: van der Merwe, Helga; van Rooyen, Margaretha W.; van Rooyen, Noel title: Vegetation of the Hantam-Tanqua-Roggeveld subregion, South Africa Part 2: Succulent Karoo Biome related vegetation date: 2009-03-24 words: 23573 flesch: 99 summary: Keywords: Hantam, phytosociology, Roggeveld, Succulent Karoo, Tanqua Karoo, vegetation map, Western Mountain Karoo HElgA VAn dEr MErwE MArgArEtHA w. VAn rooyEn noEl VAn rooyEn Department of Plant Science University of Pretoria South Africa Correspondence to: Helga van der Merwe e-mail: Postal address: department of Plant Science, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002, South Africa 160 the Succulent Karoo (CEPF 2003) stretches along the western side of South Africa and Namibia and is one of only two global hotspots that are entirely arid (Conservation International 2006). TA b l e 1 b Ph yt os oc io lo gi ca l t ab le o f t he S uc cu le nt K ar oo B io m e re la te d ve ge ta ti on o f t he H an ta m -T an qu a- R og ge ve ld s ub re gi on – a ss oc ia ti on 6 171 Succulent Karoo Biome related vegetation – Part 2 Original Research A frican P rotected A rea C onservation and S cience KOEDOEVol. keywords: area; cover; group; karoo; species; subassociation; vegetation cache: koedoe-148.pdf plain text: koedoe-148.txt item: #215 of 682 id: koedoe-1481 author: None title: koedoe-1481 date: None words: 6098 flesch: 53 summary: In addition, we determined the extent to which tree hyraxes are hunted by these communities. By contrast, tree hyraxes have been recorded as foraging on the leaves of 36 different plant species in the Pirie forest (Gaylard & Kerley 1997). keywords: africa; figure; forest; gaylard; harvesting; hyrax; participants; pirie; pirie forest; south; species; tree; tree hyrax cache: koedoe-1481.htm plain text: koedoe-1481.txt item: #216 of 682 id: koedoe-1482 author: None title: koedoe-1482 date: None words: 5753 flesch: 42 summary: The aims of this study were (1) to sample ground-dwelling spider assemblages in different plant communities (predominantly shrublands) to determine possible habitat associations of spider species; (2) assess how habitats affected the activity density and species richness of spiders; (3) determine seasonality of ground-dwelling spider assemblages, and (4) determine whether indicator species could be identified for any of the sampled habitats. Estimating spider species richness in a northern European deciduous forest’, Journal of Arachnology 31, 246–273.[0246:WTQESS]2.0.CO;2 Sørensen, L.I., Coddington, J.A. & Scharff, N.J., 2002, ‘Inventorying and estimating subcanopy spider diversity using semiquantitative sampling methods in an Afromontane forest’, Environmental Entomology 31, 319–330. Van den Berg, A. & Dippenaar-Schoeman, A.S., 1991, ‘Ground-living spiders from an area where the harvester termite Hodotermes mossambicus occurs in South Africa’, Phytophylactica 23, 247–253. keywords: africa; assemblages; dippenaar; dwelling; grassland; ground; habitats; haddad; schoeman; south; species; spider cache: koedoe-1482.htm plain text: koedoe-1482.txt item: #217 of 682 id: koedoe-1484 author: None title: koedoe-1484 date: None words: 3451 flesch: 50 summary: Abstract Forest ungulates in West Africa are common bushmeat species and are subject to habitat degradation through deforestation. Among detected species, the bongo is considered near threatened. keywords: duikers; forest; habitat; island; leone; occupancy; sierra; species; tiwai cache: koedoe-1484.htm plain text: koedoe-1484.txt item: #218 of 682 id: koedoe-1486 author: None title: koedoe-1486 date: None words: 4999 flesch: 53 summary: With this in mind, each biodiversity survey contributes to improving our knowledge of the geographical distribution and biology of South African spider species. Abstract Introduction Research method and design Results and discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements References Appendix 1 About the Author(s) Anna S. Dippenaar-Schoeman Biosystematics Arachnology, ARC – Plant Protection Research Institute, South Africa Department of Zoology, University of Venda, South Africa Charles R. Haddad Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of the Free State, South Africa Robin Lyle Biosystematics Arachnology, ARC – Plant Protection Research Institute, South Africa Leon N. Lotz Department of Arachnology, National Museum Bloemfontein, South Africa Stefan H. Foord Department of Zoology, University of Venda, South Africa Rudy Jocque Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium Peter Webb South African National Survey of Arachnida, Pretoria, South Africa Citation Dippenaar-Schoeman, A.S., Haddad, C.R., Lyle, R., Lotz, L.N., Foord, S.H. & Jocque, R. et al., 2018, ‘South African National Survey of Arachnida: A checklist of the spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of the Tswalu Kalahari Reserve in the Northern Cape province, South Africa’, Koedoe 60(1), a1486. keywords: a.s; africa; cape; dippenaar; haddad; kalahari; reserve; sampled; schoeman; south; species; spiders; spp cache: koedoe-1486.htm plain text: koedoe-1486.txt item: #219 of 682 id: koedoe-149 author: Haddad, Charles R.; Dippenaar-Schoeman, Ansie S. title: A checklist of the non-acarine arachnids (Chelicerata: Arachnida) of the De Hoop Nature Reserve, Western Cape Province, South Africa date: 2009-04-21 words: 7016 flesch: 57 summary: GW FB Copa flavoplumosa (Simon 1885) GW CD, EP, FB Fuchiba capensis (Haddad & Lyle 2008) GW EP, FB, WL Fuchibotulus bicornis (Haddad & Lyle 2008) GW EP, FB, WL Graptartia tropicalis (Haddad 2004) GW CD, EP, FB Orthobula infima (Simon 1897) GW CD, EP, FB, WL Pronophaea natalica (Simon 1897) GW EP Spinotrachelas capensis (Haddad 2006) GW EP, FB, WL Trachelas sp. 1† PWF FB Trachelas sp. 2† PWF FB family: Ctenidae Thoriosa sp.‡ GW EP, FB family: Ctenizidae Stasimopus sp.‡ GW EP, FB family: Cyatholipidae Cyatholipus quadrimaculatus (Simon 1894) keywords: africa; arachnids; cape; dippenaar; family; fb family; fynbos; gw cd; gw ep; gw fb; pwf; pwf ep; pwf fb; reserve; simon; south; species; spiders; spp cache: koedoe-149.pdf plain text: koedoe-149.txt item: #220 of 682 id: koedoe-1497 author: None title: koedoe-1497 date: None words: 6962 flesch: 37 summary: Field sites were representative of vegetation structure classes and underlying ground signals (see Figure 2). As the classification required multitemporal images and different vegetation structure classes had the same underlying soil type, this played towards reducing their spectral separability. keywords: accuracy; area; classes; classification; conservation; cover; data; figure; grass; grassland; hnp; image; map; national; park; remote; sensing; structure; vegetation cache: koedoe-1497.htm plain text: koedoe-1497.txt item: #221 of 682 id: koedoe-15 author: Kopij, G. title: The birds of Sehlabathebe National Park, Lesotho date: 2002-01-17 words: 6043 flesch: 68 summary: The following criteria were used to determine the status and abundance of each species: - Status: vagrant—single records or once in a five-year period; visitor – not resident, and non- breeding, but recorded regularly in each year, often resident in neighbouring areas; resident – direct breeding evidence (nest with eggs or chicks, egg shells); probable resident – indirect breeding evidence (occupied territory, simulta- neously singing males in optimal habitats, breeding display etc.); Oenanthe monticola Mountain Chat Probable rare resident. 589. keywords: areas; birds; black; breeding; cape; cisticola; january; lesotho; migrant; national; park; resident; rock; species; table; vagrant cache: koedoe-15.pdf plain text: koedoe-15.txt item: #222 of 682 id: koedoe-1500 author: None title: koedoe-1500 date: None words: 2017 flesch: 53 summary: Overview and literature analysis A bibliometric analysis of keywords that have featured in Koedoe articles since 1958, summarised by decades, provides some insights into the themes that were researched over time. FIGURE 5: The number of article downloads and visitors to the Koedoe website. keywords: articles; figure; koedoe; national; number cache: koedoe-1500.htm plain text: koedoe-1500.txt item: #223 of 682 id: koedoe-1505 author: None title: koedoe-1505 date: None words: 3630 flesch: 46 summary: Consequently, there is a need to ascertain the conservation status of Nile crocodile populations. FIGURE 1: Conceptual diagram demonstrating the scute encoding procedure followed, based on photographs of crocodile tail scutes. keywords: crocodiles; dam; markings; monitoring; nile; observers; population; recapture; scute; use cache: koedoe-1505.htm plain text: koedoe-1505.txt item: #224 of 682 id: koedoe-1506 author: van der Walt, Kerry-Ann; Swartz, Ernst R.; Woodford, Darragh J.; Weyl, Olaf L.F. title: Corrigendum: Using genetics to prioritise headwater stream fish populations of the Marico barb, Enteromius motebensis Steindachner 1894, for conservation action date: 2017-11-30 words: 358 flesch: 43 summary: Authors: Kerry-Ann van der Walt1,2 Ernst R. Swartz3 Darragh J. Woodford3,4 Olaf L.F. Weyl1,2,3 Affiliations: 1Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, South Africa 2Centre for Invasion Biology, South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, South Africa 3South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Grahamstown, South Africa 4School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa Corresponding author: Kerry-Ann van der Walt, Dates: Published: 30 Nov. 2017 How to cite this article: Van der Walt, K-A., Swartz, E.R., Woodford, D.J. & Weyl, O.L.F., 2017, ‘Corrigendum: Using genetics to prioritise headwater stream fish populations of the Marico barb, Enteromius motebensis Steindachner 1894, for conservation action’, Koedoe 59(1), a1506. The author list and affiliations are hereby corrected to: Authors: Kerry-Ann van der Walt1,2 Ernst R. Swartz3 Darragh J. Woodford3,4 Olaf L.F. Weyl1,2,3 Affiliations: 1Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, South Africa 2Centre for Invasion Biology, South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, South Africa 3South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Grahamstown, South Africa 4School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa keywords: africa; south cache: koedoe-1506.pdf plain text: koedoe-1506.txt item: #225 of 682 id: koedoe-1508 author: Fraser-Celin, Valli-Laurente; Hovorka, Alice J.; Hovorka, Mark; Maude, Glyn title: Corrigendum: Farmer–African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) relations in the eastern Kalahari region of Botswana date: 2017-11-30 words: 226 flesch: 46 summary: In the version of this article initially published, Mark Hovorka’s last name was misspelled as ‘Hovork’. Note: Doi of original article: keywords: online cache: koedoe-1508.pdf plain text: koedoe-1508.txt item: #226 of 682 id: koedoe-1513 author: None title: koedoe-1513 date: None words: 4728 flesch: 38 summary: Collectively, they play an important role in promoting fish species richness in South Africa (Harrison 2003) and are important nursery areas for several species of marine fishes, many of which are exploited (James & Harrison 2008). Size class distributions of various fish species indicate that the estuary both serves a nursery function for important euryhaline marine species and supports estuarine resident taxa. keywords: estuaries; estuarine; estuary; fish; harrison; james; noetsie; sampling; south; species; summer; whitfield; winter cache: koedoe-1513.htm plain text: koedoe-1513.txt item: #227 of 682 id: koedoe-1514 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to reviewers date: 2017-12-20 words: 496 flesch: 48 summary: acknowledges the value and importance of reviewers in the publication process – not only in shaping the individual manuscript, but also in upholding the credibility and reputation of our journal. As such, the identification and selection of reviewers who have expertise and interest in the topics appropriate to each manuscript are essential elements in ensuring a timely, productive peer review process. keywords: http://www.koedoe;; publication; reviewers; user cache: koedoe-1514.pdf plain text: koedoe-1514.txt item: #228 of 682 id: koedoe-1515 author: None title: koedoe-1515 date: None words: 6676 flesch: 47 summary: Fragmentation and accessibility associated with a well-developed road network within and outside of the GRNP make the park particularly susceptible to the introduction and spread of alien plant species (Alston & Richardson 2006; Davies & Sheley 2007; Jodoin et al. 2008; Mortensen et al. 2009; Pickering & Mount 2010). TABLE 2: Extent of roads and alien plant species richness, species density and plant density compared between regions, inside versus outside of the Garden Route National Park and land cover types. keywords: africa; alien; area; cape; dispersal; grnp; invasions; management; national; park; plant species; plants; roads; sapia; sleeper; south; southern; species; weeds cache: koedoe-1515.htm plain text: koedoe-1515.txt item: #229 of 682 id: koedoe-1516 author: None title: koedoe-1516 date: None words: 8899 flesch: 33 summary: Its wider application would contribute to consistency in resource use monitoring and reporting. The system comprises of ten major programmes, each focusing on a core area of conservation biodiversity monitoring, with resource use being one of the focal areas. keywords: africa; areas; conservation; harvesting; management; monitoring; national; parks; programme; resource; resource use; sanparks; services; south; south africa; species; sustainability; use cache: koedoe-1516.htm plain text: koedoe-1516.txt item: #230 of 682 id: koedoe-153 author: Odendaal, Lizelle J.; Haupt, Tanya M.; Griffiths, Charles L. title: The alien invasive land snail Theba pisana in the West Coast National Park: Is there cause for concern? date: 2008-12-10 words: 4658 flesch: 59 summary: To confirm whether snail densities decreased with distance from the road, at three sites of high snail density five 1 m2 quadrat counts were taken along the road verge and five additional samples at successive 10 m distances perpendicular 94 Figure 1 Live specimen of Theba pisana in the WCNP Figure 2 Map of the WCNP showing the density (m-2) and distribution of Theba pisana in August 2006 as well as the position of sampled sites outside of the Park Original Research Odendaal, Haupt & Griffiths KOEDOE A fr ic an P ro te ct ed A re a C on se rv at io n an d S ci en ce Figure 4, showing the decline in snail densities as one moves away from the road at four different sites within the park, further supports this. keywords: densities; density; figure; park; pisana; snails; south; species; theba; wcnp cache: koedoe-153.pdf plain text: koedoe-153.txt item: #231 of 682 id: koedoe-1530 author: None title: koedoe-1530 date: None words: 6946 flesch: 43 summary: Threat reduction assessment (TRA), developed by Salafsky and Margoluis (1999), measures management effectiveness indirectly by concentrating on changes in direct biodiversity threats within a PA. Keywords: protected areas; conservation success; management effectiveness; threat reduction assessment; biodiversity; buffer zone. keywords: areas; assessment; biodiversity; conservation; knp; lrnr; mahlangeni; management; national; participants; pas; reduction; reserve; threat cache: koedoe-1530.htm plain text: koedoe-1530.txt item: #232 of 682 id: koedoe-1531 author: None title: koedoe-1531 date: None words: 3271 flesch: 43 summary: Termite diversity in KNP appears to mirror the generalised diversity pattern of termites in southern Africa, with relatively few genera in the Hodotermitidae, Kalotermitidae and Rhinotermitidae families, with the majority of termite diversity being found within the Termitidae family (Uys 2002). However, since this time, a considerable amount of termite research has been conducted in KNP, warranting an update of the checklist in order to have a comprehensive and current inventory of termite diversity in the park. keywords: africa; davies; diversity; et al; knp; park; savanna; termite cache: koedoe-1531.htm plain text: koedoe-1531.txt item: #233 of 682 id: koedoe-1534 author: None title: koedoe-1534 date: None words: 6717 flesch: 47 summary: Niklas, K.J., Midgley, J.J. & Rand, R.H., 2003, ‘Tree size frequency distributions, plant diversity, age and community disturbance’, Ecological Letters 6, 405–411. Noy-Meir, I., 1973, ‘Desert ecosystems: Environment and producers’, Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 4, 25–51. Keywords: conservation area; growth rate; Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park; long-term study; size class distribution; tree age. keywords: class; diameter; erioloba; individuals; mean; population; rooyen; size; south; stem; trees; van; year cache: koedoe-1534.htm plain text: koedoe-1534.txt item: #234 of 682 id: koedoe-154 author: van Rooyen, Margaretha W.; van Rooyen, Noel; Bothma, Jacobus du P.; van den Berg, Hendrik M. title: Landscapes in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, South Africa date: 2008-12-10 words: 7507 flesch: 55 summary: 99 - 112 Irregular 2, Acacia haematoxylon irregular high Dunevelddunes High Acacia haematoxylon 1, Acacia haematoxylon parallel high Dunevelddunes tall shrubland Parallel dunes Acacia erioloba 3, Acacia erioloba-Acacia mellifera parallel high Duneveldsavanna Tree Acacia erioloba 4, Acacia erioloba-Schmidtia kalahariensis low Duneveldsavanna savanna Dunes and Low sandy plains dunes Irregular dune 5, Acacia haematoxylon-Stipagrostis ciliata irregular low Duneveld Low dunes Shrub topography and plains savanna Undulating 6, Acacia haematoxylon-Centropodia glauca undulating low Duneveldtopography Undulating 7, Acacia haematoxylon-Stipagrostis amabilis undulating plains Plains shrubland Flat grassy 8, Stipagrostis amabilis plains plains Parabolic 20, highly irregular Dunes dunes Open tree 10, Acacia erioloba-Rhigozum trichotomum- Stipagrostis obtusa river Terracessavanna River Acacia mellifera 11, Acacia mellifera-Rhigozum trichotomum- Stipagrostis obtusa river Terracesterraces shrubland Salsola spp. The characteristic tree species in several of the landscapes, i.e. Acacia erioloba, Acacia haematoxylon and Boscia albitrunca, are Figure 11 An isolated patch of ellipsoidal parabolic dunes or Highly Irregular Dunes (G21) in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park listed as protected trees through the national Forestry Act by the department of Water Affairs and Forestry. keywords: acacia; acacia haematoxylon; area; dunes; duneveld; erioloba; grass; haematoxylon; kalahari; pans; park; river; rooyen; south; species; stipagrostis; van; vegetation cache: koedoe-154.pdf plain text: koedoe-154.txt item: #235 of 682 id: koedoe-1542 author: None title: koedoe-1542 date: None words: 3777 flesch: 42 summary: Degraded sites that had undergone longer rehabilitation times had lower dissimilarity to their respective controls, while a degraded site with shorter rehabilitation period was very different to its control. Ocymyrmex sp. 1 was more abundant at degraded sites of all the localities, except Juriesdam, where it was not recorded (Table 2). keywords: abundance; ant; ants; control; degradation; national; rehabilitation; sites; south; species cache: koedoe-1542.htm plain text: koedoe-1542.txt item: #236 of 682 id: koedoe-1543 author: None title: koedoe-1543 date: None words: 9858 flesch: 46 summary: Oksanen, J., Blanchet, F.G., Friendly, M., Kindt, R., Solymos, P., Henry, M. et al., 2017, Vegan: Community ecology package, R package, version 2.4–3., viewed 18 July 2017, from Palmer, A.R. & Bennett, J.E., 2013, ‘Degradation of communal rangelands in South Africa towards an improved understanding to inform policy’, African Journal of Range and Forage Science 30(1–2), 57–63. FIGURE 3: Venn diagram showing the number of bird species that are shared and are unique to protected areas and communal rangelands. keywords: areas; biodiversity; bird; composition; conservation; crs; et al; figure; group; habitat; height; land; pas; rangelands; richness; south; species; table; transect; use; vegetation cache: koedoe-1543.htm plain text: koedoe-1543.txt item: #237 of 682 id: koedoe-1550 author: None title: None date: None words: 2470 flesch: 34 summary: Importantly, Carruthers draws attention to several long-standing problem areas that have remained intransigent, at variance with the flow of transition in national park science. The analysis of publications in the journal KOEDOE showed that the word ‘biodiversity’ appeared only in 1999 ‘as a keyword for a contribution relating to national parks – almost 20 years after it had entered the lexicon of conservation biology’ (Carruthers 2017:209). keywords: carruthers; conservation; national; parks; review; sanparks cache: koedoe-1550.htm plain text: koedoe-1550.txt item: #238 of 682 id: koedoe-1553 author: None title: koedoe-1553 date: None words: 7391 flesch: 44 summary: Avian botulism outbreaks are typically caused by type C (Wobeser 1997), mosaic C/D (Anza et al. 2014) or type E (Getchell & Bowser 2006; Rocke & Friend 1999). Variability in salinity did not differ substantially in the period of disease outbreak (2015–2017) from the prior 5 years, and from 2010 onwards never fell below 5, which Rocke and Friend (1999) describe as more conducive for avian botulism outbreaks. keywords: africa; botulism; cape; disease; figure; fish; individuals; lakes; langvlei; outbreak; rocke; rondevlei; south; species; water; waterbirds; wilderness; wilderness lakes cache: koedoe-1553.htm plain text: koedoe-1553.txt item: #239 of 682 id: koedoe-1556 author: None title: koedoe-1556 date: None words: 4939 flesch: 43 summary: After an overview of the emergence of national parks in the 20th century, this retrospective essay reflects on Koedoe’s long and significant contribution to the field of national parks research and management. Principally relating to matters in national parks in South Africa, these articles (some coming from special issues of Koedoe) have been chosen for their variety as well as for the broader perspectives they open into the longer trajectory of national park conservation and management. keywords: africa; articles; conservation; koedoe; management; national; parks; research; science; south; van cache: koedoe-1556.htm plain text: koedoe-1556.txt item: #240 of 682 id: koedoe-1559 author: None title: koedoe-1559 date: None words: 9425 flesch: 44 summary: Effects of place scale on place attachment’, Journal of Environmental Psychology 30, 35–51. Low, S.M. & Altman, I., 1992, ‘Place attachment: A conceptual inquiry’, in I. Altman & S.M. Low (eds.), Place attachment, pp. Keywords: place attachment; Kruger National Park; camps; South Africa; South African national parks. keywords: camps; environmental; et al; journal; kruger; levels; national; park; place attachment; ramkissoon; research; results; tourism; visitors cache: koedoe-1559.htm plain text: koedoe-1559.txt item: #241 of 682 id: koedoe-1561 author: Office, Editorial title: Reviewer acknowledgement date: 2018-11-27 words: 459 flesch: 36 summary: As such, the identification and selection of reviewers who have expertise and interest in the topics appropriate to each manuscript are essential elements in ensuring a timely, productive peer review process. In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer reviewers for Koedoe, we ask that you take a moment to update your electronic portfolio on for our files, allowing us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. keywords: koedoe; michael; peer; publication; reviewer cache: koedoe-1561.pdf plain text: koedoe-1561.txt item: #242 of 682 id: koedoe-1562 author: None title: koedoe-1562 date: None words: 6238 flesch: 40 summary: Verification of F. humilis pollen was based on pollen micrographs in Burgoyne et al. (2000). Pollen carriers Harris et al. (2016) already provided evidence that the bees Amegilla fallax and Megachile niveofasciata (Friese) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), together with the bee fly E. eluta, carry F. humilis pollen. keywords: figure; flowers; frithia; gess; humilis; plant; pollen; pollination; pollinators; population; sites; species; translocation cache: koedoe-1562.htm plain text: koedoe-1562.txt item: #243 of 682 id: koedoe-1563 author: Office, Editorial title: Table of Contents Vol 60, No 1 (2018) date: 2018-12-24 words: 652 flesch: -49 summary: KOEDOE 60-1_2018_Contents.indd Open Access Table of Contents i Original Research Plant communities of the uMlalazi Nature Reserve and their contribution to conservation in KwaZulu-Natal Nqobile S. Zungu, Theo H.C. Mostert, Rachel E. Mostert Koedoe | Vol 60, No 1 | a1449 | 28 May 2018 Original Research Ground-dwelling spider assemblages in contrasting habitats in the central South African Grassland Biome Charles R. Haddad, Vivian P. Butler Koedoe | Vol 60, No 1 | a1482 | 31 May 2018 Original Research Movement patterns and home range size of tigerfish (Hydrocynus vittatus) in the Incomati River system, South Africa Francois Roux, Gert Steyn, Clinton Hay, Ina Wagenaar Koedoe | Vol 60, No 1 | a1397 | 27 June 2018 Original Research A survey of the ichthyofauna in the Noetsie Estuary, Western Cape Province, South Africa Martin K.S. Smith, Demi Rodrigues, Bianca Currie Koedoe | Vol 60, No 1 | a1513 | 16 July 2018 Original Research Long-term variability in vegetation productivity in relation to rainfall, herbivory and fire in Tswalu Kalahari Reserve Wataru Tokura, Sam L. Jack, Tania Anderson, Michael T. Hoffman Koedoe | Vol 60, No 1 | a1473 | 31 133 142 Page i of i Table of Contents i Book Review Review of National Park Science: A Century of Research in South Africa by Jane Carruthers Peter A. Novellie Koedoe | Vol 60, No 1 | a1550 | 06 September 2018 Short Communication Blowflies as vectors of Bacillus anthracis in the Kruger National Park Lizanne Basson, Ayesha Hassim, At Dekker, Allison Gilbert, Wolfgang Beyer, Jennifer Rossouw, Henriette van Heerden Koedoe | Vol 60, No 1 | a1468 | 26 June 2018 Short Communication Challenges and opportunities for monitoring wild Nile crocodiles with scute mark-recapture photography Bernard W.T. Coetzee, Sam M. Ferreira, Kristine Maciejewski Koedoe | Vol 60, No 1 | a1505 | 19 July 2018 Short Communication Occupancy and habitat use by six species of forest ungulates on Tiwai Island, Sierra Leone Kathryn R. McCollum, Emily Belinfonte, April L. Conway, John P. Carroll Koedoe | Vol 60, No 1 | a1484 | 29 August 2018 Checklist South African National Survey of Arachnida: A checklist of the spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of the Tswalu Kalahari Reserve in the Northern Cape province, South Africa Anna S. Dippenaar-Schoeman, Charles R. Haddad, Robin Lyle, Leon N. Lotz, Stefan H. Foord, Rudy Jocque, Peter Webb Koedoe | Vol 60, No 1 | a1486 | 09 July 2018 Review Article Community harvesting of trees used as dens and for food by the tree hyrax (Dendrohyrax arboreus) in the Pirie forest, South Africa Elizabeth J. Opperman, Michael I. Cherry, Nokwanda P. Makunga Koedoe | Vol 60, No 1 | a1481 | 28 February 2018 Original Research Settling the browser–grazer debate for African buffalo in grass-limited Eastern Cape thicket, South Africa Marietjie Landman, Kate Kloppers, Graham I.H. Kerley Koedoe | Vol 60, No 1 | a1465 | 22 February 2018 Original Research The operational competitiveness of public protected areas managed by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Karabo D. Motau, Edilegnaw Wale Koedoe | Vol 60, No 1 | a1452 | 27 March 2018 1 4 10 15 20 31 40 44 Vol 60, No 1 (2018) ISSN: 0075-6458 (print) keywords: africa; koedoe; research; south; vol cache: koedoe-1563.pdf plain text: koedoe-1563.txt item: #244 of 682 id: koedoe-157 author: Foxcroft, Llewellyn C. title: Developing thresholds of potential concern for invasive alien species: Hypotheses and concepts date: 2009-03-26 words: 2427 flesch: 39 summary: Although the aim was to eradicate the plants this was found to be unfeasible and the sites still require ongoing control May 2000 Multi-level TPCs not in use New occurrence of an invasive alien plant species within the boundary of the KNP (near Skukuza) Helianthus annuus (Sunflower) and Nicandra physaloides (Apple of Peru) Survey of the area for additional plants and physical removal As there were only one plant of each species found, they were removed and it was felt unlikely that either species had established populations in the KNP July 2000 Multi-level TPCs not in use Imminent outside threat to the Crocodile River Tithonia diversifolia (Mexican Sunflower) T. diversifolia was added to the list of species targeted by the alien plant control teams Ongoing control is required, as it is unlikely that this species will ever be eradicated Oct. 2000 Multi-level TPCs not in use Imminent outside threat (Malelane) Acridotheres tristis (Indian myna) Ongoing monitoring and if necessary re-release of the biological control agents, to ensure a long-term control programme Dec. 2004 2 First ever record from a new area- Phabeni, Sabie River Thelechitonia trilobata (Singapore daisy) Chemical control Ongoing chemical control operations to eradicate these patches from the Sabie River, and prevent re-introduction from further upstream in the Sabie River. keywords: control; knp; plants; species; tpcs; use cache: koedoe-157.pdf plain text: koedoe-157.txt item: #245 of 682 id: koedoe-1570 author: None title: koedoe-1570 date: None words: 4434 flesch: 43 summary: With little being known about the effect of extralimital introductions and fragmentation in giraffe populations in Central South Africa, the aim of the current project was to determine the genetic structure of giraffe in Central South Africa relative to the wider southern African population, and also obtain an estimate of genetic diversity within and between individual giraffe populations. In addition to taxonomic considerations, genetic diversity within giraffe populations in the region is also a potential cause for concern (Deacon & Tutchings 2019). keywords: africa; angolensis; diversity; g. c.; giraffe; populations; south; state; subspecies cache: koedoe-1570.htm plain text: koedoe-1570.txt item: #246 of 682 id: koedoe-1571 author: None title: koedoe-1571 date: None words: 7184 flesch: 44 summary: However, findings of the study contradict Akinyemi and Mushunje (2017) which found that respondents are concerned about deforestation are less willing to pay for CBE in Eastern Cape Wild Coast, South Africa. This article examined households willingness to pay (WTP) for community-based ecotourism (CBE) project in adjacent communities to the Addo Elephant National Park (AENP). keywords: africa; bid; cbe; communities; conservation; ecotourism; households; national; park; project; respondents; south; study; table; wtp; yes cache: koedoe-1571.htm plain text: koedoe-1571.txt item: #247 of 682 id: koedoe-1574 author: None title: koedoe-1574 date: None words: 10306 flesch: 40 summary: Ordination Another important feature of the analysis was the relationship between wetland plant communities and explanatory variables. FIGURE 4: Canonical correspondence analysis ordination diagram showing plant communities in the palustrine wetlands of Lesotho, with only plots with soil data and using the same classification presented in Figure 2. Description and distribution of wetland plant communities The 22 plant communities were further described in terms of their most dominant species, structure, diversity and environmental conditions (Table 3). keywords: africa; altitude; analysis; classification; communities; data; et al; lesotho; ordination; plant; plots; sieben; soil; south; species; study; vegetation; water; wetland vegetation; wetlands cache: koedoe-1574.htm plain text: koedoe-1574.txt item: #248 of 682 id: koedoe-1576 author: None title: koedoe-1576 date: None words: 7829 flesch: 37 summary: While savanna trees are able to persist in fire-prone environments through re-seeding or re-sprouting, forest trees cannot tolerate fire. From the mid-20th century, increasing CO2 has had a fertilising effect on savanna trees, causing them to grow more rapidly, making them (1) less vulnerable to drought, as roots reach moist soil layers more quickly and (2) more able to escape the fire trap – that is, they can quickly reach a height that is higher than the flame zone, allowing them to recruit to larger size classes (Midgley & Bond 2015). keywords: african; changes; climate; ekblom; et al; fire; forest; gillson; herbivory; management; rainfall; savanna; southern; states; tree; vegetation; water cache: koedoe-1576.htm plain text: koedoe-1576.txt item: #249 of 682 id: koedoe-1578 author: None title: koedoe-1578 date: None words: 3691 flesch: 49 summary: Team Eastern Cape, Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa Stefan H. Foord Department of Zoology, University of Venda, Thohoyandou, South Africa Charles R. Haddad Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa Citation Dippenaar-Schoeman, A.S., Wiese, L., Foord, S.H. & Haddad, C.R., 2020, ‘A list of spider species found in the Addo Elephant National Park, Eastern Cape province, South Africa’, Koedoe 62(1), a1578. Checklist A list of spider species found in the Addo Elephant National Park, Eastern Cape province, South Africa Anna S. Dippenaar-Schoeman, Linda Wiese, Stefan H. Foord, Charles R. Haddad Received: 11 July 2019; Accepted: 17 Feb. 2020; Published: 02 Apr. 2020 Copyright: © 2020. Abstract Introduction Research method and design Results and discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements References Appendix 1 About the Author(s) Anna S. Dippenaar-Schoeman Biosystematics: Arachnology, ARC – Plant Health and Protection, Queenswood, South Africa Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa Linda Wiese South African National Survey of Arachnida (SANSA) keywords: africa; cape; dippenaar; elephant; national; park; schoeman; south; species; spider cache: koedoe-1578.htm plain text: koedoe-1578.txt item: #250 of 682 id: koedoe-1579 author: None title: koedoe-1579 date: None words: 5729 flesch: 33 summary: Conservation implications: The sampling biases present within KNP reptile occurrence data inhibit the inference of fine-scale species distributions within and across the park, which limits the usage of these data towards meaningfully informing conservation management decisions as applicable to reptile species in KNP. Tye Organization for Tropical Studies, Kruger National Park, Skukuza, South Africa Bryan Maritz Department of Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa Citation Barends, J.M., Pietersen, D.W., Zambatis, G., Tye, D.R.C. & Maritz, B., 2020, ‘Sampling bias in reptile occurrence data for the Kruger National Park’, Koedoe 62(1), a1579. Original Research Sampling bias in reptile occurrence data for the Kruger National Park Jody M. Barends, Darren W. Pietersen, Guinevere Zambatis, Donovan R.C. Tye, Bryan Maritz Received: 25 July 2019; Accepted: 24 Feb. 2020; Published: 11 May 2020 Copyright: © 2020. keywords: areas; conservation; data; et al; knp; occurrence; park; records; reptile; sampling; species cache: koedoe-1579.htm plain text: koedoe-1579.txt item: #251 of 682 id: koedoe-158 author: Saayman, Melville; Saayman, Andrea; Ferreira, Madelien title: The socio-economic impact of the Karoo National Park date: 2009-05-05 words: 8475 flesch: 50 summary: CaMpiNg % ViSiTOrS iN CHaleTS % Accommodation R327.20 % keywords: beaufort; community; economic; impact; income; karoo; karoo np; national; national park; output; park; saayman; socio; spending; tourism; west cache: koedoe-158.pdf plain text: koedoe-158.txt item: #252 of 682 id: koedoe-1581 author: None title: koedoe-1581 date: None words: 4213 flesch: 47 summary: Permanence of water flow in Table Mountain Rivers Water yield and water temperature are known to be influenced by land-use practices (Bosch & Hewlett 1982) that affect adjacent riparian vegetation cover and fluvial connectivity, and they are also affected by water abstraction and water storage (Baxter 1977; Cooper et al. 2013; Davies & Day 1998). Factors influencing water temperature are flow rate and the presence of dams. keywords: africa; flow; mountain; national; rosei; south; streams; summer; table; tadpoles; temperature; water cache: koedoe-1581.htm plain text: koedoe-1581.txt item: #253 of 682 id: koedoe-1584 author: None title: koedoe-1584 date: None words: 6517 flesch: 43 summary: Kuenene B.T., Le Roux P.A.L., Van Huyssteen C.W. & Hensley M., 2013, ‘Selected soil properties as indicators of soil water regime in the Cathedral peak VI catchment of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa’, South African Journal of Plant & Soil 30(1), 1–6. Soil chemistry and physical properties Catenal distribution of soil properties Profile average particle size distribution and chemical trends along the catena are presented in Figure 3. keywords: catena; chemical; clay; figure; flow; horizons; hydropedological; properties; soil; south; tol; van; water cache: koedoe-1584.htm plain text: koedoe-1584.txt item: #254 of 682 id: koedoe-1585 author: None title: koedoe-1585 date: None words: 7933 flesch: 49 summary: Abstract A preliminary study investigated the associations between vegetation communities along catenary soil gradients in 2015. Sodic site communities (December 2016–April 2018) keywords: april; communities; community; drought; eragrostis; group; riparian; sampling; seasons; site; soil; species; species group; sub; vegetation cache: koedoe-1585.htm plain text: koedoe-1585.txt item: #255 of 682 id: koedoe-1586 author: None title: koedoe-1586 date: None words: 3767 flesch: 37 summary: It is believed that some of the reasons for research projects focussing on the supersites may have been (1) the clear ecological rationale behind the site selection, (2) the logistical benefits of working at these sites (i.e. easy access to research camps and other research support services), (3) the availability of good basic metadata and descriptions of these sites and (4) other research projects also being conducted at these sites, allowing opportunities for data sharing and collaboration. Monitoring; Multidisciplinary studies; Integrative studies; Research supersites. keywords: data; knp; national; online; park; research; studies; supersites cache: koedoe-1586.htm plain text: koedoe-1586.txt item: #256 of 682 id: koedoe-1588 author: None title: koedoe-1588 date: None words: 7715 flesch: 43 summary: The classification of vegetation communities and the spatial alignment thereof with soil forms and their physical and chemical properties, in this study, again confirmed the close association between fine-scaled plant communities and the individual soil forms on which they occur. Abstract This study aimed to investigate how environmental factors drive the assemblage of vegetation within a landscape at various scales, particularly to which extent a sequence of soil forms (catena) influences plant community distribution in a savanna of Kruger National Park, South Africa. keywords: appendix; communities; community; cover; forms; group; kruger; maximum; nitens; online; plant; soil; species; species group; sporobolus; study; sub; vegetation cache: koedoe-1588.htm plain text: koedoe-1588.txt item: #257 of 682 id: koedoe-1592 author: None title: koedoe-1592 date: None words: 8290 flesch: 47 summary: Specific areas of the riparian zone proved to have the lowest overall visibility of all the catenal zones, especially for smaller-sized mammals (everything smaller than, and including, a dwarf antelope), because of tall grasses and dense shrubs. Factors that play an important role in controlling species richness on sodic areas specifically are biomass consumption, trampling or hoof action and other activities. keywords: area; cameras; catena; events; figure; habitat; mammals; number; periods; presence; species; study; survey; total; vegetation; zone cache: koedoe-1592.htm plain text: koedoe-1592.txt item: #258 of 682 id: koedoe-1594 author: None title: koedoe-1594 date: None words: 4993 flesch: 41 summary: The impacts of climate change, therefore, may have significant consequences on the economic well-being of wildlife areas, which are derived from, amongst others, sale of excess animals, hunting and tourism. It is further recommended that the Game Theft Act 105 of 1991 requires substantial amendment to enable owners of wildlife areas to retain ownership of game that escapes or emigrates in response to climate change. keywords: act; areas; change; climate; climate change; game; law; ownership; south; wildlife; wildlife areas cache: koedoe-1594.htm plain text: koedoe-1594.txt item: #259 of 682 id: koedoe-1596 author: None title: koedoe-1596 date: None words: 6026 flesch: 37 summary: Rhizosphere soil samples destined for rhizobiome analysis were stored at −80 °C. TABLE 1: Plant species and Global Positioning System location on granite catena for rhizosphere soil samples analysed by means of Biolog EcoPlates TM and 16S microbial diversity. Bachman, G. & H. Kinzel., 1992, ‘Physiological and ecological aspects of the interactions between plant roots and rhizosphere soil’, Soil Biology and Biochemistry 24(6), 5543–5552. keywords: angustifolia; cordifolia; diversity; et al; microbial; plant; rhizobiome; rhizosphere; samples; site; soil; species; sterkspruit cache: koedoe-1596.htm plain text: koedoe-1596.txt item: #260 of 682 id: koedoe-1597 author: None title: koedoe-1597 date: None words: 7896 flesch: 45 summary: Discussion A catena system, such as the Stevenson–Hamilton granite supersite in the KNP, represents an ideal system to study the fungal communities that are associated with plant roots in different soil types and conditions and from different plant species. Conservation implications: This study showed that complex and sensitive fungal communities are associated with plant roots in different zones of the catena. keywords: africa; catena; communities; cordifolia; endophytes; et al; fungal; fungi; grazing; motus; plant; rhizosphere; root; slope; soil; south; species cache: koedoe-1597.htm plain text: koedoe-1597.txt item: #261 of 682 id: koedoe-1599 author: None title: koedoe-1599 date: None words: 3581 flesch: 41 summary: In addition to their ability to colonise a multiplicity of habitats, Fusarium species are present in almost any ecosystem in the world (Leslie & Summerell 2006). Colonies resembling the cultural morphotypes of Fusarium species were purified from the primary plates by making single spore cultures from colonies on SNA medium (Leslie & Summerell 2011). keywords: africa; complex; et al; fusarium; knp; national; south; species; study cache: koedoe-1599.htm plain text: koedoe-1599.txt item: #262 of 682 id: koedoe-16 author: Kruger, A.C.; Makamo, L.B.; Shongwe, S. title: An analysis of Skukuza climate data date: 2002-01-17 words: 3463 flesch: 59 summary: This result corresponds to the aver- age global trend (Easterling et al. 2000), and can also be considered a true reflection of temperature trends in the area, since no meaningful urbanisation or increased pollu- tion has taken place since the starting point of the time series. Table 2 Monthly rainfall trends (mm p.a.) for the period 1912 to 2001 keywords: data; maximum; minimum; rainfall; table; temperature; trends cache: koedoe-16.pdf plain text: koedoe-16.txt item: #263 of 682 id: koedoe-1600 author: None title: koedoe-1600 date: None words: 9517 flesch: 42 summary: Spatial patterns consisting of vegetated patches that alternate with bare soil areas are characteristic in savannas (Augustine 2003; Rietkerk et al. 2000). In combination with the soil distribution pattern (as impacted by topography, geology and hydrology), micro-climate and micro-topography can influence soil water availability that governs vegetation distribution in savannas (5). keywords: 2020; area; catena; components; drought; ecosystem; et al; figure; heterogeneity; patterns; plant; processes; sciences; soil; species; study; van; vegetation; water cache: koedoe-1600.htm plain text: koedoe-1600.txt item: #264 of 682 id: koedoe-1601 author: None title: koedoe-1601 date: None words: 197 flesch: 39 summary: Note: DOI of original article: Corrigendum Corrigendum: Good governance and tourism development in protected areas: The case of Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, central Vietnam Anna Hübner, Tuan Phon Ly, Trương S.H. Châu Published: 06 Dec. 2019 Copyright: © 2019. The correct name should be Tuan Phon Ly instead of Lý T. Phong in the ‘Author’ and ‘How to cite this article’ sections. keywords: development cache: koedoe-1601.htm plain text: koedoe-1601.txt item: #265 of 682 id: koedoe-1602 author: None title: koedoe-1602 date: None words: 5973 flesch: 38 summary: In the simulations, soil water content affects evapotranspiration; therefore, higher soil water content has a higher potential to produce evapotranspiration. Therefore, understanding the effects of precipitation on soil water was the central goal of this article. keywords: extreme; flow; hillslope; model; parameters; precipitation; processes; rainfall; scenarios; soil; table; van; water cache: koedoe-1602.htm plain text: koedoe-1602.txt item: #266 of 682 id: koedoe-1603 author: None title: koedoe-1603 date: None words: 5665 flesch: 43 summary: During the drought (2016), herbivore density estimates on the triennial burn plots were significantly (p = 0.01) higher (0.25 animals/ha) than the annual burn plot’s estimates (0.06 animals/ha) (Figure 1b). Similarly, the Satara burn string revealed a significant difference (p = 0.02) in herbivore density estimates across fire treatments (Figure 2b). keywords: animals; burn; densities; density; ebps; fire; herbivore; plots; rainfall; satara; south; species; water cache: koedoe-1603.htm plain text: koedoe-1603.txt item: #267 of 682 id: koedoe-1604 author: None title: koedoe-1604 date: None words: 9341 flesch: 45 summary: Plant species were inventoried in 82 sampling plots (40 x 20 m), covering the vegetation diversity recognised by an unsupervised classification (Landsat images, 30-m resolution). Conservation implications: Our soil and vegetation studies provide important insights into factors determining plant communities. keywords: botswana; chobe; classification; communities; community; cover; et al; floodplains; fynn; herbivores; high; mopane; plant; plots; romanens; season; sianga; soil; species; table; tree; vegetation; water cache: koedoe-1604.htm plain text: koedoe-1604.txt item: #268 of 682 id: koedoe-1605 author: None title: koedoe-1605 date: None words: 8665 flesch: 43 summary: Tourist facilities, including staff villages, and villages interspersed within conservation areas can be an important source of invasive alien plant species. Witt, A., Beale, T. & Van Wilgen, B.W., 2018, ‘An assessment of the distribution and potential ecological impacts of invasive alien plant species in eastern Africa’, Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 73(3), 217–236. keywords: africa; alien; areas; conservation; control; county; distribution; et al; invasions; invasive; kenya; laikipia; plant; plant species; south; species; witt cache: koedoe-1605.htm plain text: koedoe-1605.txt item: #269 of 682 id: koedoe-1607 author: None title: None date: None words: 1054 flesch: 49 summary: Bruton presents Marge’s contributions in relation to a broader perspective of museums and museology in South Africa, drawing attention to the long history of museums – going back to the engagement of Andrew Smith in 1825 to establish a museum in Cape Town – and their value as sources of information collected over years by numerous dedicated scholars. While still a teenager, Marge’s extremely diverse field knowledge of birds, plants and cultural artefacts drew the attention, and mentorship, of a few prominent local biologists and educators and led to her appointment, at the age of only 24 years, as curator of the fledgling East London Museum, ahead of many older and better qualified applicants for the position. keywords: book; museum; review cache: koedoe-1607.htm plain text: koedoe-1607.txt item: #270 of 682 id: koedoe-161 author: Dippenaar-Schoeman, Ansie S.; van den Berg, Annette; Prendini, Lorenzo title: Spiders and Scorpions (Arachnida: Araneae, Scorpiones) of the Nylsvley Nature Reserve, South Africa date: 2009-02-11 words: 6476 flesch: 59 summary: Clubiona africana (Lessert 1921) PW Nr 6 C. revillioidi (Lessert 19360) PW Nr 6 6. keywords: africa; araneae; dippenaar; families; family; lessert; nnr; owb; page; reserve; savanna; schoeman; scorpions; simon; south; species; spiders cache: koedoe-161.pdf plain text: koedoe-161.txt item: #271 of 682 id: koedoe-1611 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to reviewers date: 2019-12-11 words: 385 flesch: 36 summary: Open Access Page 1 of 1 Reviewer Acknowledgement Acknowledgement to reviewers In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer reviewers for Koedoe, we ask that you take a moment to update your electronic portfolio on for our files, allowing us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. It is good practice as a reviewer to update your personal details regularly to ensure contact with you throughout your professional term as reviewer to Koedoe. keywords: access;; reviewer cache: koedoe-1611.pdf plain text: koedoe-1611.txt item: #272 of 682 id: koedoe-1613 author: None title: koedoe-1613 date: None words: 7982 flesch: 34 summary: References Ballantyne, R., Hughes, K. & Bond, N., 2016, ‘Using a Delphi approach to identify managers’ preferences for visitor interpretation at Canterbury Cathedral World Heritage Site’, Tourism Management 54(June), 72–80. The visitor manager further indicated that the requirement is to deliver well-planned and carefully designed interpretation services to help visitors understand what happens in national parks and also educate them on conservation, culture and ecotourism. keywords: conservation; ecotourism; factor; information; interpretation; management; national; park; preferences; research; services; south; topics; tourism; tourists; visitors cache: koedoe-1613.htm plain text: koedoe-1613.txt item: #273 of 682 id: koedoe-1617 author: None title: koedoe-1617 date: None words: 6819 flesch: 41 summary: Managers may need to promote a greater diversity of fire frequencies by increasing fire frequency in some areas to provide habitat for species requiring high fire frequency, and by decreasing fire frequency in a large proportion of the landscape to provide fire refuges. Managers may need to promote a greater diversity of fire frequencies by increasing fire frequency in some areas to provide habitat for species requiring high fire frequency, and by decreasing fire frequency in other areas to provide fire refuges. keywords: abundance; african; butterfly; composition; conservation; diversity; ecology; et al; figure; fire; fire frequency; frequencies; plots; savanna; species cache: koedoe-1617.htm plain text: koedoe-1617.txt item: #274 of 682 id: koedoe-1620 author: Office, Editorial title: Table of Contents Vol 61, No1 (2019) date: 2019-12-19 words: 653 flesch: -51 summary: Original Research A bimodal pollination system enhances reproductive potential of translocated populations of an endangered grassland succulent Peter G. Jansen, Stefan J. Siebert, Frances Siebert, Johnnie van den Berg, Anine Jordaan Koedoe | Vol 61, No 1 | a1562 | 14 August 2019 Original Research Measuring Kruger visitors’ place attachment to specific camps Anneli Douglas, Jan-Albert Wessels, Jenny Pope, Angus Morrison- Saunders, Mike Hughes Koedoe | Vol 61, No 1 | a1559 | 17 September 2019 Original Research Outbreak of avian botulism and its effect on waterbirds in the Wilderness Lakes, South Africa Ian A. Russell, Rodney M. Randall, David Zimmerman, Danny Govender Koedoe | Vol 61, No 1 | a1553 | 31 October 2019 Original Research Ecology of palustrine wetlands in Lesotho: Vegetation classification, description and environmental factors Peter Chatanga, Erwin J.J. Sieben Koedoe | Vol 61, No 1 | a1574 | 31 October 2019 Checklist A checklist of the termites of Kruger National Park, South Africa Brianna M. Lind, Andrew B. Davies Koedoe | Vol 61, The case of Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, central Vietnam Anna Hübner, Tuan Phon LY, Trương S.H. Châu Koedoe | Vol 61, No 1 | a1601 | 06 December 2019 Reviewer Acknowledgement Koedoe | Vol 61, No 1 | a1611 | 11 December 2019 79 89 107 120 131 144 160 165 166 Page i of i Table of Contents i Essay Koedoe: African Protected Area Conservation and Science – A retrospection: 1958 to 2018 Jane Carruthers, Llewellyn C. Foxcroft Koedoe | Vol 61, No 1 | a1556 | 08 April 2019 Short Communication Reproductive biology of the sausage tree (Kigelia africana) in Kruger National Park, South Africa Jah Namah, Jeremy J. Midgley, Laurence M. Kruger Koedoe | Vol 61, No 1 | a1512 | 29 April 2019 Short Communication The genetic status of the introduced giraffe population in Central South Africa Marieka E. van Niekerk, Francois Deacon, Paul J. Grobler Koedoe | Vol 61, No 1 | a1570 | 16 September 2019 Review Article The management dilemma: Removing elephants to save large trees Michelle D. Henley, Robin M. Cook Koedoe | Vol 61, No 1 | a1564 | 15 August 2019 Original Research Use of a rapid roadside survey to detect potentially invasive plant species along the Garden Route, South Africa Johan A. Baard, Tineke Kraaij Koedoe | Vol 61, No 1 | a1515 | 28 January 2019 Original Research Monitoring consumptive resource use in South African national parks Wessel Vermeulen, Nicola van Wilgen, Kyle Smith, Mbulelo Dopolo, Louise Swemmer, Wendy Annecke, Hugo Bezuidenhout, Graham Durrheim, Nick Hanekom, Howard Hendricks, Melodie McGeoch, Ntombizodwa Ngubeni, Alexis Symonds Koedoe | Vol 61, No 1 | a1516 | 30 January 2019 Original Research The feasibility of national parks in South Africa endorsing a community development agenda: The case of Mokala National Park and two neighbouring rural communities Hendri Coetzee, Werner Nell Koedoe | Vol 61, No 1 | a1470 | 28 February 2019 Original Research Vachellia erioloba dynamics over 38 years in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, South Africa Helga van der Merwe, Noel van Rooyen, Hugo Bezuidenhout, Jacobus du P. Bothma, Margaretha W. van Rooyen Koedoe | Vol 61, No 1 | a1534 | 29 April 2019 1 7 14 21 33 43 54 67 Vol 61, No 1 (2019) ISSN: 0075-6458 (print) | ISSN: 2071-0771 (online)Koedoe keywords: koedoe; research; vol cache: koedoe-1620.pdf plain text: koedoe-1620.txt item: #275 of 682 id: koedoe-1621 author: None title: koedoe-1621 date: None words: 4923 flesch: 42 summary: Conservation implications: Information about the state and changes in woody cover are important for park management and conservation efforts. Keywords: woody cover; earth observation; LiDAR; radar; machine learning. keywords: cover; data; et al; jena; lidar; remote; sensing; sentinel-1; smit; south; validation; woody; woody cover cache: koedoe-1621.htm plain text: koedoe-1621.txt item: #276 of 682 id: koedoe-1626 author: None title: koedoe-1626 date: None words: 4039 flesch: 54 summary: Partly related to this subject, Boyd (1995) described five ex situ conservation measures in the translocation or relocation of several cycad plant species that provincial conservation authorities were involved with, with mixed success results. Monitoring result for planted cycads in gardens of Addo Elephant National Park. keywords: aenp; cycad; encephalartos; individuals; leaves; national; plants; south; species cache: koedoe-1626.htm plain text: koedoe-1626.txt item: #277 of 682 id: koedoe-1627 author: None title: koedoe-1627 date: None words: 3773 flesch: 38 summary: Introduction Materials and methods Results and discussion Acknowledgements References About the Author(s) Albert Chakona National Research Foundation – South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Grahamstown, South Africa Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa Gavin Gouws National Research Foundation – South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Grahamstown, South Africa Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa Wilbert T. Kadye Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa Pule P. Mpopetsi Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa Paul H. Skelton National Research Foundation – South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Grahamstown, South Africa Citation Chakona, A., Gouws, G., Kadye, W.T., Mpopetsi, P.P. & Skelton, P.H., 2020, ‘Probing hidden diversity to enhance conservation of the endangered narrow-range endemic Eastern Cape rocky, Sandelia bainsii (Castelnau 1861)’, Koedoe 62(1), a1627. A recent study by Bronaugh et al. (2019) also revealed the existence of at least three deeply divergent lineages and substantial intralineage genetic and geographic structuring within S. capensis, indicating that the current taxonomy obscures the diversity of these anabantid fishes that are endemic to the CFE of South Africa. TABLE 2: Mitochondrial 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid sequence divergence estimates (%) among the three lineages identified within the Eastern Cape rocky, Sandelia sp. keywords: africa; bainsii; cape; chakona; eastern; kowie; lineages; river; sandelia; south; species cache: koedoe-1627.htm plain text: koedoe-1627.txt item: #278 of 682 id: koedoe-1628 author: None title: None date: None words: 957 flesch: 43 summary: Van Vollenhoven, A.C., 2014, A historical archaeological investigation of the Ngotso Mouth camp of Steinaecker’s Horse, close to Balule, Kruger National Park, Report No. II, viewed 27 February 2020, from Whitehouse, A.M., 2002, ‘Tusklessness in the elephant population of the Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa’, Journal of Zoology 257(2), 249–254. For example, Cartwright gave a fascinating account of the life and death of the colourful Colonel Steinaecker, supported by details from Kruger Park Ranger Harry Wolhuter, who was a former member of Steinaecker’s Horse. keywords: book; cartwright; review cache: koedoe-1628.htm plain text: koedoe-1628.txt item: #279 of 682 id: koedoe-1629 author: None title: koedoe-1629 date: None words: 8653 flesch: 38 summary: This study extends the existing literature by undertaking an empirical analysis of the sensitivity of park tourism to temperature, based on historical data. In southern Africa, on the other hand, climate change is a serious concern for park tourism (Dube & Nhamo 2020; MacFadyen et al. 2019; Sutherland et al. 2018). keywords: africa; change; climate; climate change; data; demand; mean; models; months; national; national park; occupancy; parks; south; temperature; tourism; tourists cache: koedoe-1629.htm plain text: koedoe-1629.txt item: #280 of 682 id: koedoe-1631 author: None title: koedoe-1631 date: None words: 5595 flesch: 33 summary: A wealth of literature exists on EIA report quality in South Africa for different national and regional contexts as well as for different sectors such as mining, housing, agriculture, energy and tourism (Boshoff 2019; Kidd et al. 2018; Sandham et al. 2008a, 2008b; Sandham et al. 2013b; Sandham & Pretorius 2008; Wylie, Bhattacharjee & Rampedi 2019). It is worth noting that dealing with waste also performed poorly in EIA report quality in other sectors (see, e.g., Sandham et al. 2013a, 2013b). keywords: assessment; eia; environmental; et al; impact; national; quality; reports; review; sciences; south cache: koedoe-1631.htm plain text: koedoe-1631.txt item: #281 of 682 id: koedoe-1632 author: None title: koedoe-1632 date: None words: 3422 flesch: 43 summary: Introduction Methods Results Discussion Acknowledgements References About the Author(s) Clement J. Arendse Rondevlei Scientific Services, Garden Route National Park, South African National Parks (SANParks), Sedgefield, South Africa Ian A. Russell Rondevlei Scientific Services, Garden Route National Park, South African National Parks (SANParks), Sedgefield, South Africa Citation Arendse, C.J. & Russell, I.A., 2020, ‘Morphometric regressions for the endangered Knysna seahorse, Hippocampus capensis, in the Swartvlei Estuary from mass stranding events’, Koedoe 62(1), a1632. Short Communication Morphometric regressions for the endangered Knysna seahorse, Hippocampus capensis, in the Swartvlei Estuary from mass stranding events Clement J. Arendse, Ian A. Russell Received: 08 Apr. 2020; Accepted: 22 July 2020; Published: 28 Sept. 2020 Copyright: © 2020. keywords: capensis; htstraight; individuals; preservation; samples; south cache: koedoe-1632.htm plain text: koedoe-1632.txt item: #282 of 682 id: koedoe-1635 author: None title: None date: None words: 1670 flesch: 39 summary: The first three chapters present the general introduction of conservation biology in sub-Saharan Africa, followed by a chapter linking the human component and well-being into the field of conservation biology. In Conservation Biology in Sub-Saharan Africa, the authors, with their background and understanding, were able to bring the basic principles of conservation biology together, and lead readers to understand the challenges and threats we face in the conservation of sub-Saharan Africa today. keywords: authors; biology; chapter; conservation cache: koedoe-1635.htm plain text: koedoe-1635.txt item: #283 of 682 id: koedoe-1638 author: None title: koedoe-1638 date: None words: 1676 flesch: 42 summary: Smit, I.P.J., Riddell, E.S., Cullum, C. & Petersen, R., 2013, ‘Kruger National Park research supersites: Establishing long-term research sites for cross-disciplinary, multiscaled learning’, Koedoe 55(1), Art. Smit, I.P.J., 2020, ‘Integrating multi-scaled and multidisciplinary studies: A critical reflection on the Kruger National Park research supersites’, Koedoe 62(2), a1586. Theron, E.J., Van Aardt, A.C. & Du Preez, P.J., 2020, ‘Vegetation distribution along a granite catena, southern Kruger National Park, South Africa’, Koedoe 62(2), a1588. Van Aardt, A.C., Codron, D., Theron, E.J. & Du Preez, P.J., 2020, ‘Plant community structure and possible vegetation changes after drought on a granite catena in the Kruger National Park, South Africa’, Koedoe 62(2), a1585. keywords: catena; kruger; park; research; van cache: koedoe-1638.htm plain text: koedoe-1638.txt item: #284 of 682 id: koedoe-1639 author: None title: koedoe-1639 date: None words: 579 flesch: 43 summary: This is a tribute to honour Dr Fred Kruger, and to show our respect, gratitude and admiration when we remember the huge contribution that he has made to the research published in this special issue. – W. Swart, M. Seaman, P. Le Roux, B. Janecke and the research team Frederick J. Kruger, passed away in his sleep in May 2017 in Stellenbosch after a short illness. keywords: fred; sciences cache: koedoe-1639.htm plain text: koedoe-1639.txt item: #285 of 682 id: koedoe-1640 author: None title: koedoe-1640 date: None words: 728 flesch: 51 summary: This is a tribute to honour Prof. Johann du Preez, and to show our respect, gratitude and admiration when we remember the huge contribution that he has made to the research published in this special issue. – L. Brown, A. Van Aardt, B. Janecke and the research team (A special thanks to Prof. Leslie Brown from UNISA for his contribution to this tribute). He has left a huge gap within the scientific world, especially within the field of vegetation science where he was well known and regarded as one of the top plant ecologists in the country. keywords: johann; research; vegetation cache: koedoe-1640.htm plain text: koedoe-1640.txt item: #286 of 682 id: koedoe-1642 author: None title: koedoe-1642 date: None words: 7979 flesch: 51 summary: Woodward, C., Shumeister, J., Larsen, J., Jacobsen, G.E. & Zawadzki, A., 2014, ‘The hydrological legacy of deforestation on global wetlands’, Science 346(621), 844–847. Yiu, T., 2019, Understanding random forest, viewed 31 January 2020, from Zurqania, H.A., Posta, C.J., Mikhailovaa, E.A., Schlautmanb, M.A. & Sharpc, J.L., 2018, ‘Geospatial analysis of land use change in the Savannah River Basin using Google Earth Engine’, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation Geoinformation 69, 175–185. Introduction Changes in land use and land cover over time and space indicate socioeconomic change. keywords: africa; area; bodies; classification; cover; data; forest; lake; land; landsat; mcp; plantations; south; study; use; water; wetlands cache: koedoe-1642.htm plain text: koedoe-1642.txt item: #287 of 682 id: koedoe-1645 author: None title: koedoe-1645 date: None words: 909 flesch: 54 summary: References Carruthers, J. & Foxcroft, L.C., 2019, ‘Koedoe: African protected area conservation and science – A retrospection: 1958 to 2018’, Koedoe 61(1), a1556. When Koedoe was first instituted by South African National Parks (SANParks) in 1958, research in SANParks was still in its infancy and the journal was considered a novel and bold approach to integrating protected area management with research in Africa. keywords: foxcroft; koedoe; research cache: koedoe-1645.htm plain text: koedoe-1645.txt item: #288 of 682 id: koedoe-1647 author: None title: koedoe-1647 date: None words: 8537 flesch: 34 summary: The municipality urgently needs to address these concerns by developing an integrated management plan for heritage resource conservation. The development of management guidelines for heritage resource conservation The aim of this study was to understand how stakeholder perceptions (presented above) may contribute to the development of management guidelines for the conservation of heritage resources in the town of Wakkerstroom, Mpumalanga. keywords: africa; area; conservation; cultural; development; heritage; heritage conservation; heritage resources; management; municipality; natural; resources; south; stakeholder; study; town; township; wakkerstroom; wetland cache: koedoe-1647.htm plain text: koedoe-1647.txt item: #289 of 682 id: koedoe-1648 author: None title: koedoe-1648 date: None words: 5485 flesch: 42 summary: Although representation of biogeographic zones and habitats was recognised in 1995, the declaration of new MPAs at the end of that decade did not address the paucity of estuarine fish protection that was highlighted (Attwood et al. 1997b). Keywords: estuarine fishes; threatened species; protected areas; conservation; fisheries management; environmental management. keywords: african; areas; conservation; cowley; estuaries; estuarine; et al; fish; journal; mann; marine; science; south; species cache: koedoe-1648.htm plain text: koedoe-1648.txt item: #290 of 682 id: koedoe-1649 author: None title: koedoe-1649 date: None words: 9033 flesch: 41 summary: References Abecasis, D., Steckenreuter, A., Reubens, J., Aarestrup, K., Alós, J., Badalamenti, F. et al., 2018, ‘A review of acoustic telemetry in Europe and the need for a regional aquatic telemetry network’, Animal Biotelemetry 6, 1–7. Ashton, P.J., 2010, ‘The demise of the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) as a keystone species for aquatic ecosystem conservation in South Africa: Dudgeon, D., Arthington, A.H., Gessner, M.O., Kawabata, Z.I., Knowler, D.J., Lévêque, C. et al., 2006, ‘Freshwater biodiversity: Importance, threats, status and conservation challenges’, Biological Reviews 81(2), 163–182. Ellender, B.R. & Weyl, O.L., 2014, ‘A review of current knowledge, risk and ecological impacts associated with non-native freshwater fish introductions in South Africa’, Aquatic Invasions 9(2), 117–132. keywords: activity; africa; days; environmental; et al; fish; flows; individuals; kruger; national; olifants; predation; rates; recovery; river; south; study; tagging; telemeter; telemetry; vittatus; water cache: koedoe-1649.htm plain text: koedoe-1649.txt item: #291 of 682 id: koedoe-1651 author: None title: koedoe-1651 date: None words: 6263 flesch: 44 summary: The BioPro enzyme-linked immunoassay kit (BioPro ELISA kit) is a blocking ELISA method that has been used to detect rabies antibodies in domestic dogs and cats (Wasniewski & Cliquet 2012) and wild carnivores, including red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) (Wasniewski et al. 2013). Data analysis and statistical methods Data from carnivores tested for rabies antibodies were handled in Microsoft Excel 2007 using a spreadsheet, recording the following variables: VWS laboratory number, date of sampling, species, microchip number (if applicable), age class (old adult keywords: antibodies; biopro; elisa; favnt; kit; knp; rabies; samples; test; virus cache: koedoe-1651.htm plain text: koedoe-1651.txt item: #292 of 682 id: koedoe-1655 author: None title: koedoe-1655 date: None words: 10986 flesch: 40 summary: Fire management has evolved in response to changing ecological understanding, as well as the shifting goals of protected areas. Conservation implications: Fire management remains an important ecosystem process that can be manipulated to achieve particular goals in protected areas. keywords: african; areas; biggs; burning; conservation; ecology; et al; fire; fire management; goals; grass; intensity; journal; kruger; managers; national; park; research; savanna; season; south; species; vegetation; wilgen cache: koedoe-1655.htm plain text: koedoe-1655.txt item: #293 of 682 id: koedoe-1656 author: None title: koedoe-1656 date: None words: 3309 flesch: 42 summary: The outcome was less fortunate at Brenton-on-Sea, an area that now also boasts at least one hominin tracksite (Helm et al. 2018b:1–13). At another site, in Goukamma Nature Reserve (Helm et al. 2020b:1–13), graffiti (Figure 1c) has been observed within a few metres of a hominin tracksite. keywords: africa; centre; graffiti; mandela university; nelson mandela; palaeoscience; port elizabeth; south cache: koedoe-1656.htm plain text: koedoe-1656.txt item: #294 of 682 id: koedoe-1658 author: None title: koedoe-1658 date: None words: 6698 flesch: 41 summary: Tomato growth on soil from the 30 cm − 60 cm depth of both those sites was not significantly different from growth attained on control soil and therefore is indicative of lack of a growth-inhibiting factor(s) or to the presence of factors in too low amount to cause growth reduction in the test species. Growth responses of these species were assessed upon their exposure to a tebuthiuron concentration range that simulated expected levels in MoNP soil soon and long after application. keywords: africa; application; arboricide; control; grass; mellifera; monp; soil; south; species; tebuthiuron; woody cache: koedoe-1658.htm plain text: koedoe-1658.txt item: #295 of 682 id: koedoe-1659 author: None title: koedoe-1659 date: None words: 200 flesch: 49 summary: Note: DOI of original article: Correction Erratum: Climate change and the ownership of game: A concern for fenced wildlife areas Andy Blackmore Published: 11 Dec. 2020 Copyright: © 2020. About the Author(s) Andy Blackmore Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa School of Law, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa Citation Blackmore, A., 2020, ‘Erratum: Climate change and the ownership of game: A concern for fenced wildlife areas’, Koedoe 62(1), a1659. keywords: wildlife cache: koedoe-1659.htm plain text: koedoe-1659.txt item: #296 of 682 id: koedoe-1660 author: None title: koedoe-1660 date: None words: 7959 flesch: 44 summary: Chamaillé-Jammes, S., Valeix, M. & Fritz, H., 2007, ‘Managing heterogeneity in elephant distribution: Interactions between elephant population density and surface-water availability’, Journal of Applied Ecology 44(3), 625–633. Increased elephant density and the spatial variation of climate and vegetation in the park are expected to jointly affect elephant population growth (Robson 2015). keywords: aarde; core; density; elephant; et al; growth; national; park; population; population growth; rates; recruitment; south; van; zones cache: koedoe-1660.htm plain text: koedoe-1660.txt item: #297 of 682 id: koedoe-1661 author: None title: koedoe-1661 date: None words: 5295 flesch: 45 summary: Abstract Introduction Materials and methods Results Discussion Acknowledgements References About the Author(s) Isiah Nthenga Faculty of AgriSciences, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa Department of Biology, Nematology Research Group, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Gent University, Gent, Belgium Rinus Knoetze Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology, Faculty of AgriSciences, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa Plant Protection Division, Agricultural Research Council (ARC), Stellenbosch, South Africa Antoinette P. Malan Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology, Faculty of AgriSciences, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa Citation Nthenga, I., Knoetze, R. & Malan, A.P., 2021, ‘Distribution and diversity of entomopathogenic nematodes (Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) in a South African nature reserve’, Koedoe 63(1), a1661. Original Research Distribution and diversity of entomopathogenic nematodes (Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) in a South African nature reserve Isiah Nthenga, Rinus Knoetze, Antoinette P. Malan Received: 30 Oct. 2020; Accepted: 18 Sept. 2021; Published: 22 Nov. 2021 Copyright: © 2021. Entomopathogenic nematodes are lethal, obligate parasites of soil-dwelling stages of insect pests (Burnell & Stock 2000). keywords: africa; entomopathogenic; epns; khoisanae; malan; nature; nematodes; reserve; samples; soil; south; species; steinernema cache: koedoe-1661.htm plain text: koedoe-1661.txt item: #298 of 682 id: koedoe-1662 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to reviewers date: 2020-12-22 words: 479 flesch: 37 summary: Alan K. Whitfield Alexander Christianini Althea L. Davies Andrew Taylor Beanelri B. Janecke Benjamin J. Wigley Betsie Milne Bram van Schoenwinkel Brett Summerell Bronwyn Kirby-McCullough Caswell Munyai Christo Fabricius Corli Wigley-Coetsee Dave Balfour David Le Maitre Duan Biggs Elmarie Kotze Elmarie Slabbert Gabriela Bucini George Branch George Bredenkamp Gijsbert Hoogendoorn Graham Alexander Gregor Feig Haemish Melville Helen Suich Helga van Coller Hendrik Sithole Hugo Bezuidenhout Ian A. Russell James Pryke Jan A. Venter Jessica Cockburn Johan van Tol Joyce Jefwa Kaera Coetzer Keith Bosak Kevin P. Kirkman Kolobe Mmonwa Laura Becerra Laven Naidoo Leanne K. Faulks Lesego Khomo Leslie R. Brown Liandi Slabbert Llewellyn C. Foxcroft Louis du Preez Manqhai Kraai Matthew Bird Matthys A. Dippenaar Michael Bates Miranda Deutschländer Mmoto Masubelele Mohlamatsane Mokhatla Nick Hanekom Nicola J. van Wilgen Pablo González-Moreno Peet van der Merwe Petro Marais Robert Guldemond Robert J. Scholes Rudzani A. Makhado Sandra MacFadyen Shaun Levick Silvia Giulio Stefan J. Siebert Sue Taylor Teresa Coutinho Theuns de Klerk Tommie Steyn Tshoanelo Miya Wayne Twine Werner Voigt Willem Froneman���� Open Access Page 1 of 1 Reviewer Acknowledgement Acknowledgement to reviewers In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer reviewers for Koedoe, we ask that you take a moment to update your electronic portfolio on for our files, allowing us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. keywords: access;; reviewer; van cache: koedoe-1662.pdf plain text: koedoe-1662.txt item: #299 of 682 id: koedoe-1663 author: None title: koedoe-1663 date: None words: 14311 flesch: 34 summary: We then identified key experiences from within the Crocodile River SAM system (related to Ecological Reserve management) over the period 2009–2019 and categorised these into observations of change according to the SAM cycle framework: single-loop, double-loop and triple-loop learning (Figure 1). Thirdly, stakeholder roles and tasks have been identified and agreed upon, which increases the efficiency and effectiveness of Ecological Reserve management (Appendix 3). keywords: adaptive; biggs; change; crocodile; crocodile river; ecological; et al; figure; flow; implementation; knp; learning; loop learning; management; mcloughlin; national; pahl; research; reserve; river; rogers; sam; social; south; stakeholders; system; water; water management; wostl cache: koedoe-1663.htm plain text: koedoe-1663.txt item: #300 of 682 id: koedoe-1669 author: Office, Editorial title: Table of Contents Vol 62, No 1 (2020) date: 2020-12-23 words: 1654 flesch: -57 summary: Book Review Biography of Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer – Book Review Peter A. Novellie Koedoe | Vol 62, No 1 | a1607 | 20 January 2020 Book Review Eden lost, and regained – Book review Peter A. Novellie Koedoe | Vol 62, No 1 | a1628 | 30 April 2020 Book Review Review: Conservation Biology in sub-Saharan Africa Marna Herbst Koedoe | Vol 62, No 1 | a1635 | 30 June 2020 Short Communication Reconnaissance of epigeal ants at the degraded and control sites of Mountain Zebra and Mokala National Parks Hendrik Sithole, Nolubabalo Tantsi, Hugo Bezuidenhout, Thinandavha C. Munyai, Lufuno Munyai Koedoe | Vol 62, No 1 | a1542 | 25 May 2020 Short Communication Assessment results (2015–2018) of re-established poached cycad trees in Addo Elephant National Park, Eastern Cape, South Africa Hugo Bezuidenhout Koedoe | Vol 62, No 1 | a1626 | 14 July 2020 Short Communication Woody cover mapping in the savanna ecosystem of the Kruger National Park using Sentinel-1 C-Band time series data Marcel Urban, Kai Heckel, Christian Berger, Patrick Schratz, Izak P.J. Smit, Tercia Strydom, Jussi Baade, Christiane Schmullius Koedoe | Vol 62, No 1 | a1621 | 04 August 2020 Short Communication Assessing water conditions for Heleophryne rosei tadpoles and the conservation relevance Zishan Ebrahim, Atherton de Villiers, John Measey Koedoe | Vol 62, No 1 | a1581 | 29 June 2020 Short Communication Morphometric regressions for the endangered Knysna seahorse, Hippocampus capensis, in the Swartvlei Estuary from mass stranding events Clement J. Arendse, Ian A. Russell Koedoe | Vol 62, No 1 | a1632 | 28 September 2020 1 4 6 8 10 16 22 28 34 Vol 62, No 1 (2020) Albert Chakona, Gavin Gouws, Wilbert T. Kadye, Pule P. Mpopetsi, Paul H. Skelton Koedoe | Vol 62, No 1 | a1627 | 29 September 2020 Review Article Using palaeoecology to explore the resilience of southern African savannas Lindsey Gillson, Anneli Ekblom Koedoe | Vol 62, No 1 | a1576 | 15 June 2020 Essay No-take estuarine-protected areas: The missing armour for the conservation of fishes Alan K. Whitfield, Colin G. Attwood, Paul D. Cowley, Stephen J. Lamberth, Bruce Q. Mann Koedoe | Vol 62, No 1 | a1648 | 05 November 2020 Checklist A list of spider species found in the Addo Elephant National Park, Eastern Cape province, South Africa Anna S. Dippenaar-Schoeman, Linda Wiese, Stefan H. Foord, Charles R. Haddad Koedoe | Vol 62, No 1 | a1578 | 02 April 2020 Original Research Sampling bias in reptile occurrence data for the Kruger National Park Jody M. Barends, Darren W. Pietersen, Guinevere Zambatis, Donovan R.C. Tye, Bryan Maritz Koedoe | Vol 62, No 1 | a1579 | 11 May 2020 Original Research Climate change and the ownership of game: A concern for fenced wildlife areas Andy Blackmore Koedoe | Vol 62, No 1 | a1594 | 22 June 2020 Original Research Community-based ecotourism project in communities adjacent to the Addo Elephant National Park: Will households pay for it? keywords: koedoe; kruger; national; national park; october; park; research; vol cache: koedoe-1669.pdf plain text: koedoe-1669.txt item: #301 of 682 id: koedoe-1673 author: None title: koedoe-1673 date: None words: 2969 flesch: 32 summary: We argue that wildlife enterprises with a commercial focus, which potentially face the greatest risk of reduced economic integrity should their wild animals escape, potentially have access to mitigation options such as the provisioning of food and water resources to retain high value species. Conversely, wildlife enterprises with a conservation focus may benefit from increased connectivity of wildlife areas, which may result in species diversification that would attract more game viewers. keywords: animals; change; climate; enterprises; game; south; species; wildlife cache: koedoe-1673.htm plain text: koedoe-1673.txt item: #302 of 682 id: koedoe-1674 author: None title: koedoe-1674 date: None words: 11315 flesch: 39 summary: Then, in 2002, herbivore exclosures were erected along the Letaba and Sabie rivers after extensive floods removed most of the riparian vegetation (i.e. Letaba and Nkhuhlu exclosures) (O’Keefe & Alard 2002). Considering all these fenced areas as ‘herbivore exclosures’, even when some of them have enclosed selected herbivores for certain periods, stems from the fact that (1) elephant, an important landscape engineer in the park, was fenced out of structures, (2) herbivore densities in the exclosures were generally lower than areas outside the exclosures, (3) a few of them have been used both as enclosures and exclosures, and (4) fire has been excluded or carefully managed in many of the enclosures and exclosures. keywords: african; areas; buffalo; diversity; drought; e.g.; ecology; effects; et al; exclosures; exclusion; figure; fire; grass; herbivores; knp; kruger; national; park; plant; research; richness; satara; savanna; south; species; woody; work cache: koedoe-1674.htm plain text: koedoe-1674.txt item: #303 of 682 id: koedoe-1678 author: None title: None date: None words: 1017 flesch: 43 summary: Book Review Review of Bats of Southern and Central Africa, second edition Book Title: Bats of Southern and Central Africa: A biogeographic and taxonomic synthesis Authors: A. Monadjem; P.J. Taylor; F. Cotterill; M.C. Schoeman ISBN: 978-1-77614-582-9 Publisher: WITS University Press, 2020, R600* *Book price at time of review Review Title: Review of Bats of Southern and Central Africa, second edition Reviewer: Leigh R. Richards1 Affiliation: 1Mammal Department, Durban Natural Science Museum, Durban, South Africa Corresponding author: Leigh Richards, How to cite this article: Richards, L.R., 2021, ‘Review of Bats of Southern and Central Africa, second edition’, Koedoe 63(1), a1678. Copyright Notice: References Mammal Diversity Database, 2020, Mammal Diversity Database (Version 1.31), Zenodo, viewed n.d., from Moir, M., Richards, L.R., Rambau, R.V. & Cherry, M.I., 2020, ‘Bats of Eastern Cape and southern KwaZulu-Natal forests, South Africa: Diversity, call library and range extensions’, Acta Chiropterologica 22(2), 365–381. keywords: africa; bats; edition; species cache: koedoe-1678.htm plain text: koedoe-1678.txt item: #304 of 682 id: koedoe-1679 author: None title: koedoe-1679 date: None words: 9302 flesch: 39 summary: Data preparation As visualised in Figure 3, the ingestion of aerial image data into the Enterprise production system could only be accomplished once metadata had been prepared. Aerial imagery To cover the entire KNP, an area of approximately 19 500 km², image data from 12 image acquisition tiles, also referred to as ‘entities’, were collected through flight campaigns accomplished at the end of the dry season in 2018. keywords: data; digital; dsm; dtm; elevation; figure; ground; height; imagery; images; information; knp; matching; models; points; products; reference; remote; resolution; sensing; sets; validation; vegetation cache: koedoe-1679.htm plain text: koedoe-1679.txt item: #305 of 682 id: koedoe-1683 author: None title: koedoe-1683 date: None words: 5660 flesch: 47 summary: For published articles, a Google Scholar search was conducted using the search term ‘Mountain Zebra National Park’. The mammal species recorded at Mountain Zebra National Park between 1937 and 2020. keywords: checklist; inclusion; mammal; mountain; mountain zebra; mznp; national; national park; park; south; species; time; zebra; zebra national cache: koedoe-1683.htm plain text: koedoe-1683.txt item: #306 of 682 id: koedoe-1687 author: None title: koedoe-1687 date: None words: 5914 flesch: 47 summary: In this study, we quantified how elephants responded to various drone approach patterns and sustained drone flights. (2015) found that although bears showed little to no outward behavioural response to drones, their heart rates increased significantly during drone flights. keywords: approach; drone; elephants; flight; presence; research; response; speed; study; success; table; wildlife cache: koedoe-1687.htm plain text: koedoe-1687.txt item: #307 of 682 id: koedoe-1689 author: None title: koedoe-1689 date: None words: 10831 flesch: 44 summary: The tree Senegalia caffra (species group A) and the grasses Themeda triandra and Setaria sphacelata (species group V) dominate the woody and herbaceous layers, respectively. The following are the important species as determined from the synoptic table analysis: Diagnostic species: None Constant species: Burkea africana, Faurea saligna, Schizachyrium sanguineum, Senecio venosus Dominant species: Burkea africana, Calpurnia aurea, Hypoestes forskaolii The tree Faurea saligna (species group A), the grasses Heteropogon contortus (species group T), Andropogon schirensis (species group V) and the forb Fadogia homblei (species group U) are prominent throughout this sub-community. keywords: area; communities; community; cover; layer; mamsl; marakele; park; plant; plant community; plant species; soil; south; species; species group; sub; table; van; vegetation; woodland cache: koedoe-1689.htm plain text: koedoe-1689.txt item: #308 of 682 id: koedoe-1691 author: None title: koedoe-1691 date: None words: 281 flesch: 32 summary: About the Author(s) Albertus S. Louw Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa Sandra MacFadyen Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa Sam Ferreira Conservation Services, South African National Parks, Skukuza, South Africa Cang Hui Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa Department of Theoretical Ecology Group, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cape Town, South Africa Citation Louw, A.S., MacFadyen, S., Ferreira, S. & Hui, C., 2021, ‘Erratum: Elephant population responses to increased density in Kruger National Park’, Koedoe 63(1), a1691. Note: DOI of original article published: Correction Erratum: Elephant population responses to increased density in Kruger National Park Albertus S. Louw, Sandra MacFadyen, Sam Ferreira, Cang Hui Published: 13 Dec. 2021 Copyright: keywords: sciences cache: koedoe-1691.htm plain text: koedoe-1691.txt item: #309 of 682 id: koedoe-1698 author: None title: koedoe-1698 date: None words: 5382 flesch: 40 summary: Hallermann, J., Ceríaco, L.M.P., Schmitz, A., Ernst, R., Conradie, W., Verburgt, L. et al., 2020, ‘A review of the Angolan House snakes, genus Boaedon Duméril, Bibron and Duméril (1854) (Serpentes: Lamprophiidae), with description of three new species in the Boaedon fuliginosus (Boie, 1827) species complex’, African Journal of Herpetology 69(1), 1–50. Whilst the species was elevated out of the synonymy of L. whytii based on morphological and geographical grounds, the recovery of L. obscuriventris as sister to L. laevissimus + L. rufulus + L. whytii (Figure 2) suggests that the original sub-specific assignment of L. obscuriventris was erroneous and the current taxonomy reflects correct nomenclature. keywords: africa; analysis; broadley; et al; genus; kruger; lycodonomorphus; national; obscuriventris; park; snake; south; species; whytii cache: koedoe-1698.htm plain text: koedoe-1698.txt item: #310 of 682 id: koedoe-17 author: Kruger, M.; Bothma, J. du P.; Kruger, J.M. title: The effect of neighbouring klipspringer on the scent–marking behaviour of a group of klipspringer in the Kruger National Park date: 2002-01-17 words: 3211 flesch: 62 summary: Three-dimensional representation of klipspringer scent marks in the Kruger Nation- al Park to show the distribution of scent marks. Schematic presentation of a klipspringer range that was surveyed for scent marks, and the proximity of the nearest neighbours. keywords: klipspringer; kruger; marks; neighbouring; number; range; scent; scent marks cache: koedoe-17.pdf plain text: koedoe-17.txt item: #311 of 682 id: koedoe-170 author: Codron, D.; Codron, J.; Sponheimer, M.; Lee-Thorp, Julia A.; Robinson, T.; Grant, C.C.; de Ruiter, D. title: Assessing diet in savanna herbivores using stable carbon isotope ratios of faeces date: 2005-06-30 words: 25 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 keywords: page cache: koedoe-170.pdf plain text: koedoe-170.txt item: #312 of 682 id: koedoe-1700 author: None title: koedoe-1700 date: None words: 4205 flesch: 43 summary: This is because different river reaches show different sensitivities to discharge variations, largely determined by their sediment availability and their landscape setting (Figure 1a). Evidence for different river reach behaviour and their varied tempos of change can be evaluated based on river geomorphology, sediment patterns and informed by luminescence dating of phases of sediment deposition. keywords: africa; bedrock; flood; heritage; knight; reaches; river; sabie; sediment cache: koedoe-1700.htm plain text: koedoe-1700.txt item: #313 of 682 id: koedoe-1702 author: None title: koedoe-1702 date: None words: 9178 flesch: 39 summary: In Europe, a nematode ‘species at risk’ index has been developed to monitor river sediment pollution (Höss et al. 2011). The three rivers were expected to show a gradient of environmental stress as they enter the park: Olifants and Crocodile rivers experience different types of pressures (mostly related to mining practices for Olifants and to agricultural practices for Crocodile), while Sabie is quite pristine in comparison. keywords: africa; community; crocodile; et al; figure; invertebrates; macrobenthic; meiobenthic; national; olifants; park; reaches; river; sabie; sediment; south; species; water cache: koedoe-1702.htm plain text: koedoe-1702.txt item: #314 of 682 id: koedoe-1704 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgements to reviewers date: 2021-12-21 words: 380 flesch: 44 summary: Acosta Aniruddha Belsare Antoinette Swart Corli Wigley-Coetsee Danny Govender Dave A. Balfour Eduardo M. Arraut Eric Mashimbye Hugo Bezuidenhout Jaco Barendse Jesse M. Kalwij Jessica Cockburn Joana Bezerra Louise Swemmer Mariette van der Walt Mariette Marais Michael D. Panagos Ndukuyakhe Ndlovu Nkabeng Mzileni Nonhlanhla Vilakazi Peter A. Novellie Peter Chatanga Sam M. Ferreira Sellina E. Nkosi Sue Taylor Thabiso Mokotjomela Theuns C. de Klerk Wayne Twine Werner Nell Yolandi Ernst Yusuf A. Ahmed���� Open Access Page 1 of 1 Reviewer Acknowledgement Acknowledgement to reviewers In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer reviewers for Koedoe, we ask that you take a moment to update your electronic portfolio on for our files, allowing us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. keywords: access;; reviewer cache: koedoe-1704.pdf plain text: koedoe-1704.txt item: #315 of 682 id: koedoe-1705 author: Office, Editorial title: Table of Contents Vol 63, No 1 (2021) date: 2021-12-30 words: 648 flesch: -12 summary: A review of fire management practices in African savanna- protected areas Willem A. Nieman, Brian W. van Wilgen, Alison J. Leslie Koedoe | Vol 63, No 1 | a1655 | 15 February 2021 Original Research Management guidelines for the conservation of heritage resources in Wakkerstroom, Mpumalanga Reitumetse M.H. Sethaba, Mary Scholes Koedoe | Vol 63, No 1 | a1647 | 20 January 2021 Original Research A preliminary investigation of exposure to rabies virus in selected wildlife in the Kruger National Park, South Africa Leana Rossouw, Carin Boshoff, Claude Sabeta, Johann Kotzé Koedoe | Vol 63, No 1 | a1651 | 12 March 2021 Original Research Adaptive and transformative learning in environmental water management: Implementing the Crocodile River’s Ecological Reserve in Kruger National Park, South Africa Craig A. McLoughlin, Eddie S. Riddell, Robin M. Petersen, Jacques Venter Koedoe | Vol 63, No 1 | a1663 | 20 April 2021 Original Research Elephant population responses to increased density in Kruger National Park Albertus S. Louw, Sandra MacFadyen, Sam Ferreira, Cang Hui Koedoe | Vol 63, No 1 | a1660 | 10 June 2021 1 3 8 12 25 36 44 63 Vol 63, No 1 (2021) KOEDOE 63-1_2021_Contents.indd Open Access Table of Contents Original Research Mammals in the mountains: An historical review and updated checklist of the mammals of the Mountain Zebra National Park Daniel M. Parker Koedoe | Vol 63, No 1 | a1683 | 12 July 2021 Original Research First guidelines and suggested best protocol for surveying African elephants (Loxodonta africana) using a drone Welsey L. Hartmann, Vicki Fishlock, Alison Leslie Koedoe | Vol 63, No 1 | a1687 | 06 September 2021 Original Research The spatial distribution of the woodland communities and their associated environmental drivers in the Golden Gate Highlands National Park, South Africa Mahlomola E. Daemane, Abel Ramoelo, Samuel Adelabu Koedoe | Vol 63, No 1 | a1672 | 23 September 2021 Original Research Distribution and diversity of entomopathogenic nematodes (Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) in a South African nature reserve Isiah Nthenga, Rinus Knoetze, Antoinette P. Malan Koedoe | Vol 63, No 1 | a1661 | 22 November 2021 Original Research A reclassification and description of the Waterberg Mountain vegetation of the Marakele National Park, Limpopo province, South Africa Petrus J. van Staden, George J. Bredenkamp, Hugo Bezuidenhout, Leslie R. Brown Koedoe | Vol 63, No 1 | a1689 | 10 December 2021 Original Research keywords: koedoe; national; research; vol cache: koedoe-1705.pdf plain text: koedoe-1705.txt item: #316 of 682 id: koedoe-1710 author: None title: koedoe-1710 date: None words: 6158 flesch: 33 summary: The SSW, which is located in the Greater Kruger National Park, is the oldest private game reserve in South Africa (Figure 1), with internationally recognised high-end luxury tourist products and infrastructure resulting in waste management challenges (Roos et al. 2021). In South Africa, research by Du Plessis, Van der Merwe and Saayman (2013) which focused on tourists’ perceptions on the environmental friendliness of South African national parks found that ‘waste management and the recycling of waste in national parks require attention’. keywords: areas; challenges; environmental; interviewees; management; opportunities; participants; research; reserve; south; waste; waste management cache: koedoe-1710.htm plain text: koedoe-1710.txt item: #317 of 682 id: koedoe-1723 author: None title: koedoe-1723 date: None words: 9720 flesch: 37 summary: Gurung, D.B. & Seeland, K., 2011, ‘Ecotourism benefits and livelihood improvement for sustainable development in the nature conservation areas of Bhutan’, Sustainable Development 19(5), 348–358. Hackel, J.D., 1999, ‘Community conservation and the future of Africa’s wildlife’, Conservation Biology 13(4), 726–734. Harihar, A., Veríssimo, D. & Macmillan, D.C., 2015, ‘Beyond compensation: Mbaiwa, J., 2005, ‘Wildlife resource utilization at Moremi Game Reserve and Khwai community area in the Okavango Delta, Botswana’, Journal of Environmental Management 77(2), 144–156. keywords: africa; area; attitudes; behaviour; benefits; biodiversity; communities; community; components; conservation; development; framework; management; park; people; relationships; research; south; tourism; win cache: koedoe-1723.htm plain text: koedoe-1723.txt item: #318 of 682 id: koedoe-1724 author: None title: koedoe-1724 date: None words: 4886 flesch: 46 summary: There remains an information gap on non-tree biodiversity elements within the forest, such as forest floor species, forbs and animal diversity. Additionally, the dynamic between forest patches in the region and dispersal mechanisms of both seeds and pollen as genetic material between patches could be better understood. keywords: africa; area; biomass; bush; composition; diversity; forest; pongola; south; southern; species; stem; tree cache: koedoe-1724.htm plain text: koedoe-1724.txt item: #319 of 682 id: koedoe-1725 author: None title: koedoe-1725 date: None words: 7231 flesch: 42 summary: Morrison et al. (2012) stated that frog tourism has significant potential to contribute to global frog conservation efforts and can be a drawcard for tourists visiting national parks or protected areas. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the potential of frog tourism in South African National Parks. keywords: activities; african; conservation; ecotourism; frog; frogging; national; nature; parks; research; saayman; south; south africa; species; tourism; tourists cache: koedoe-1725.htm plain text: koedoe-1725.txt item: #320 of 682 id: koedoe-1732 author: None title: koedoe-1732 date: None words: 4771 flesch: 37 summary: Lundholm, J.T., 2009, ‘Plant species diversity and environmental heterogeneity: Spatial scale and competing hypotheses’, Journal of Vegetation Science 20(3), 377–391. Total species diversity was calculated using the Shannon–Wiener Index: where pi is the proportion of the species within the sampling unit, these units were averaged to obtain plot level value of species diversity (alpha diversity), which was used as a predictor of species richness. keywords: biodiversity; composition; data; diversity; elevation; et al; grasslands; plant; richness; soil; species; species richness; variables cache: koedoe-1732.htm plain text: koedoe-1732.txt item: #321 of 682 id: koedoe-1734 author: None title: koedoe-1734 date: None words: 4295 flesch: 46 summary: Introduction Material and methods Results Discussion Acknowledgements References About the Author(s) Alice Bernard REHABS, International Research Laboratory, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), University of Lyon 1, Nelson Mandela University, George, South Africa Biometry and Evolutionary Biology laboratory (LBBE), French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) (Unit 5558), University of Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France Sustainability Research Unit, Nelson Mandela University, George, South Africa Lizette Moolman Scientific Services, South African National Parks, Knysna, South Africa Melanie A. de Morney Scientific Services, South African National Parks, Knysna, South Africa Chloé Guerbois REHABS, International Research Laboratory, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), University of Lyon 1, Nelson Mandela University, George, South Africa Sustainability Research Unit, Nelson Mandela University, George, South Africa Jan A. Venter REHABS, International Research Laboratory, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), University of Lyon 1, Nelson Mandela University, George, South Africa Department of Conservation Management, Faculty of Science, Nelson Mandela University, George, South Africa Hervé Fritz REHABS, International Research Laboratory, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), University of Lyon 1, Nelson Mandela University, George, South Africa Sustainability Research Unit, Nelson Mandela University, George, South Africa Citation Bernard, A., Moolman, L., De Morney, M.A., Guerbois, C., Venter, J.A. & Fritz, H., 2023, ‘Height-related detection bias in camera trap surveys: Insights for combining data sets’, Koedoe 65(1), a1734. Note: Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of this article as Online Appendix 1. Short Communication Height-related detection bias in camera trap surveys: Insights for combining data sets Alice Bernard, Lizette Moolman, Melanie A. de Morney, Chloé Guerbois, Jan A. Venter, Hervé Fritz Received: 24 Aug. 2022; Accepted: 17 Mar. 2023; Published: 30 May 2023 Copyright: © 2023. keywords: cameras; data; detection; et al; events; height; mandela university; species; university cache: koedoe-1734.htm plain text: koedoe-1734.txt item: #322 of 682 id: koedoe-1736 author: None title: koedoe-1736 date: None words: 775 flesch: 33 summary: The current issue provides yet another series of research outputs that are critical to inform decision-making processes pertaining to conservation management. It is within the thrust of the journal to acknowledge the human and biophysical dimensions of many conservation issues by combining every relevant natural and social science discipline, especially interdisciplinary investigations and perspectives. keywords: conservation; koedoe; research cache: koedoe-1736.htm plain text: koedoe-1736.txt item: #323 of 682 id: koedoe-1739 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to reviewers date: 2022-12-19 words: 424 flesch: 40 summary: Open Access Page 1 of 1 Reviewer Acknowledgement Acknowledgement to reviewers In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer reviewers for Koedoe, we ask that you take a moment to update your electronic portfolio on for our files, allowing us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. It is good practice as a reviewer to update your personal details regularly to ensure contact with you throughout your professional term as reviewer to Koedoe. keywords:; journal; reviewer cache: koedoe-1739.pdf plain text: koedoe-1739.txt item: #324 of 682 id: koedoe-1748 author: Office, Editorial title: Table of Contents Vol 64 Issue 1 (2022) date: 2022-12-31 words: 490 flesch: -14 summary: The ephemeral pans of Gras-Holpan: Mokala National Park, Northern Cape, South Africa Nkabeng T. Mzileni, Hendrik Sithole, Hugo Bezuidenhout, Roxanne Erusan, Rodney Makwakwa Koedoe | Vol 64, No 1 | a1709 | 09 December 2022 Original Research Evidence that residues of tebuthiuron arboricide present in soil of Mokala National Park can be phytotoxic to woody and grass species Carl F. Reinhardt, Hugo Bezuidenhout, Judith M. Botha Koedoe | Vol 64, No 1 | a1658 | 18 March 2022 Original Research Challenges and opportunities for sustainable solid waste management in private nature reserves: The case of Sabi Sand Wildtuin, South Africa Claudine Roos, Reece C. Alberts, Francois P. Retief, Dirk P. Cilliers, William Hodgson, Iain Olivier Koedoe | Vol 64, No 1 | a1710 | 26 May 2022 1 3 9 23 32 41 Vol 64, No 1 (2022) ISSN: 0075-6458 (print) | An example of the Sabie River, South Africa Jasper Knight, Mary Evans Koedoe | Vol 64, No 1 | a1700 | 29 March 2022 Review Article Reflecting on research produced after more than 60 years of exclosures in the Kruger National Park Corli Wigley-Coetsee, Tercia Strydom, Danny Govender, Dave I. Thompson, Navashni Govender, Judith Botha, Chenay Simms, Adolf Manganyi, Laurence Kruger, Jacques Venter, Cathy Greaver, Izak P. Smit Koedoe | Vol 64, No 1 | a1674 | 28 February 2022 Review Article keywords: koedoe; research; vol cache: koedoe-1748.pdf plain text: koedoe-1748.txt item: #325 of 682 id: koedoe-1750 author: None title: koedoe-1750 date: None words: 4017 flesch: 43 summary: Alternative approaches include ‘inclusive conservation’, where local people are afforded a greater stake in managing local natural resources (e.g. Community Based Natural Resource Management), (Dressler et al. 2010), ‘conservation against poverty’, where alternative livelihood means are promoted to meet local livelihood needs, while aiming to reduce pressure on biodiversity (Salafsky 2011), and neoliberal conservation, where markets and the private sector are seen to play a role in making conservation commercially viable (Igoe & Brockington 2007). But tensions between people and conservation management are a worldwide global phenomenon, particularly in the Global South, where past injustices saw conservation needs trumping land and natural resource justice for local people (Hutton, Adams & Murombedzi 2005) and where widespread poverty is seen by many as putting pressure on biodiversity (Du Toit, Walker & Campbell 2004). keywords: conservation; cwebe; dwesa; land; local; nature; people; reserve; south; tensions cache: koedoe-1750.htm plain text: koedoe-1750.txt item: #326 of 682 id: koedoe-1760 author: None title: koedoe-1760 date: None words: 3049 flesch: 49 summary: Amphibians, as semi-aquatic organisms that typically require waterbodies to complete their life-cycles, are vulnerable to road mortalities in these areas. Puky, M., 2005, Amphibian road kills: A global perspective, UC Davis: Road Ecology Center, viewed 10 November 2022, from keywords: amphibian; dead; mortalities; pyxicephalus; reserve; road; roadkill; spp; transect cache: koedoe-1760.htm plain text: koedoe-1760.txt item: #327 of 682 id: koedoe-1773 author: None title: koedoe-1773 date: None words: 2187 flesch: 42 summary: Beyers, C. P. De L. & Coetzer, F.J., 1971, ‘Effect of concentration, pH and time on the properties of Di-Ammonium EDTA as a multiple soil extractant’, Agrochemophysica 3(4), 49–53. Bingham, F.T., 1982, ‘Boron’, in AL (ed.), Methods of soil analysis: Part 2 chemical and microbiological properties, pp. 431–47, 9, American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI. Nelson, D.W. & Sommers, L.E., 1982, ‘Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter’, in: A.L. Page, R.H. Miller & D.R. Keeney (eds.), Methods of soil analysis: Chemical and microbiological properties, pp. keywords: africa; boron; national; park; plant; soil; south; study; tree cache: koedoe-1773.htm plain text: koedoe-1773.txt item: #328 of 682 id: koedoe-18 author: Pond, U.; Beesley, B.B.; Brown, L.R.; Bezuidenhout, H. title: Floristic analysis of the Mountain Zebra National Park, Eastern Cape date: 2002-01-17 words: 8600 flesch: 54 summary: ANACARDIACEAE Schinus molle L. * APIACEAE Ammis majus L. var. ex Hallier f. CRASSULACEAE Cotyledon campanulata Marloth CRASSULACEAE Cotyledon orbiculata L. var. keywords: africa; area; asteraceae; benth; burch; crassulaceae; cyperaceae; data; eckl; fabaceae; families; genera; geraniaceae; harv; helichrysum; hyacinthaceae; issn; jacq; karoo; koedoe; l.f; list; mesembryanthemaceae; mountain; mznp; national; nees; page; park; pelargonium; plant; poaceae; scrophulariaceae; senecio; south; species; subsp; thunb; total; var; zebra; zeyh cache: koedoe-18.pdf plain text: koedoe-18.txt item: #329 of 682 id: koedoe-185 author: Moon, B.P.; Heritage, G.L. title: The contemporary geomorphology of the Letaba River in the Kruger National Park date: 2001-07-01 words: 6109 flesch: 86 summary: r th e surf;lce o f e xt e ive tc rrace fe Mures o ft e n fo rmin g ex posed 'ri ve r c li ffs' nca r the s ides of the mac ro-c hannel. keywords: bedrock; channel; fig; flow; ihe; ing; letaba; national; park; pool; river; sediment; types; water cache: koedoe-185.pdf plain text: koedoe-185.txt item: #330 of 682 id: koedoe-19 author: Boshoff, A.F.; Kerley, G.I.H.; Cowling, R.M.; Wilson, S.L. title: The potential distributions, and estimated spatial requirements and population sizes, of the medium to large-sized mammals in the planning domain of the Greater Addo Elephant National Park project date: 2002-12-14 words: 16430 flesch: 67 summary: SP SP R R R R R R R SP SP Brown hyaena SP R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R SP Spotted hyaena SP R SP Porcupine R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R SP Aardwolf SP SP keywords: african; black; cape; common; conservation; domain; duiker; elephant; fig; fo r; gaenp; habitat; koedoe; mammals; national; park; planning; r eq; r es; r r; r sp; requirements; south; sp sp; species; zebra cache: koedoe-19.pdf plain text: koedoe-19.txt item: #331 of 682 id: koedoe-191 author: Moll, Eugene title: Comments on article : Technology for alignment of participants in nature conservation: a case study at the Southern African Wildlife College date: 2001-07-01 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-191.pdf plain text: koedoe-191.txt item: #332 of 682 id: koedoe-192 author: Sonnekus, I.P.; Breytenbach, G.J. title: Reply to the comments from the Southern African Wildlife College (SAWC) date: 2001-07-01 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-192.pdf plain text: koedoe-192.txt item: #333 of 682 id: koedoe-203 author: Kruger, Judith title: GIS in the South African National Parks date: 2000-07-02 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-203.pdf plain text: koedoe-203.txt item: #334 of 682 id: koedoe-215 author: Brand, Robert F.; Du Preez, Pieter J.; Brown, Leslie R. title: A floristic description of the Afromontane fynbos communities on Platberg, Eastern Free State, South Africa date: 2008-12-11 words: 11386 flesch: 73 summary: Species with significant cover include the shrubs Cliffortia ramosissima (species group F) and Cliffortia nitidula (species group P), the perennial grasses Cymbopogon dieterlenii and Aristida monticola (species group E), the restio Ischyrolepis schoenoides (species group G), the sedge Cyperus schlecteri (species group H), Eragrostis curvula, Melinis nerviglumis, the geophyte Schisocarpus nervosa (species group P) and the forb Senecio inornatus (species group M). The sub-community has no dominant species but the significant presence of the fynbos shrub Cliffortia nitidula (species group P) and the perennial grasses Aristida monticola (species group E), Digitaria monodactyla (species group H) and Panicum ecklonii (species group I) is notable. keywords: africa; bredenkamp; cliffortia; communities; community; drakensberg; eragrostis; fynbos; grassland; group; montana; passerina; plant; platberg; slopes; south; species; species group; variant; vegetation cache: koedoe-215.pdf plain text: koedoe-215.txt item: #335 of 682 id: koedoe-221 author: Newbery, Christia H. title: A key to the Soricidae, Macroscelididae, Gliridae and Muridae of Gauteng, North West Province, Mpumalanga and the Northern Province, South Africa date: 1999-07-31 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-221.pdf plain text: koedoe-221.txt item: #336 of 682 id: koedoe-226 author: Woodd, A.M. title: A demographic model to predict future growth of the Addo elephant population date: 1999-07-31 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-226.pdf plain text: koedoe-226.txt item: #337 of 682 id: koedoe-23 author: de Kock, K.N.; Wolmarans, C.T.; du Preez, L.H. title: Freshwater mollusc diversity in the Kruger National Park: a comparison between a period of prolonged drought and a period of exceptionally high rainfall date: 2002-12-14 words: 4148 flesch: 56 summary: A large variety of freshwater mol- luscs collected up to 1966 were reported by Oberholzer & Van Eeden (1967) for the Kruger National Park. de Kock.qxd 2005/12/09 10:01 Page 1 Koedoe 45/2 (2002) Lymnaea columel- la Say, 1817 another invader species, was recorded only three times before 1966 in the Kruger National Park and only once during the 1995 survey (Fig. 5). keywords: bulinus; dam; forskalii; habitats; molluscs; park; rainfall; survey cache: koedoe-23.pdf plain text: koedoe-23.txt item: #338 of 682 id: koedoe-236 author: Novellie, P.; Biggs, H.; Braack, L.; Hanekom, N.; Knight, M.; Macgregor, M.; Randall, R.; Russell, I.; Venter, F. title: Peripheral development: position paper for the Directorate of the South African National Parks date: 1999-07-31 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-236.pdf plain text: koedoe-236.txt item: #339 of 682 id: koedoe-239 author: Braack, Leo title: Lions and Leopards as Game Ranch Animals date: 1998-07-31 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-239.pdf plain text: koedoe-239.txt item: #340 of 682 id: koedoe-24 author: Edge, D.A. title: Some ecological factors influencing the breeding success of the Brenton Blue butterfly, Orachrysops niobe (Trimen) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) date: 2002-12-14 words: 8088 flesch: 64 summary: The preference of the females of O. niobe for oviposition on host plants on or near the paths as opposed to plants in the burnt areas could have the following possible causes: - The very high density of host plant in some areas of the paths attracted the females by sight and smell. - Predominance on the paths of horizontal stolons close to the ground which are preferred by the females. Table 3 Shade factors, population and growth records of I. erecta in each treatment area Treatment area Shade Original New Deaths Percentage increase in % plants plants stolons counted a Fire/ bracken control (C) 22.4 49 17 24 68 Fire/ no bracken control (A) 47.6 24 5 3 24 Embankment (F) 81.2 12 9 4 49 Paths in unburnt area (D) 38.3 105 121 12 463 Totals/Averages 38.6 190 152 43 265 a Defined as: (Final stolon count - initial stolon count) / (Initial stolon count) x 100 Table 4 Orachrysops niobe total adult population counts between October 2001 and March 2002, using two methods and standardised as counts per hour First brood Second brood Date Total count /h keywords: 2001; area; blue; brenton; butterfly; erecta; host; niobe; november; paths; plant; population; reserve; species; table cache: koedoe-24.pdf plain text: koedoe-24.txt item: #341 of 682 id: koedoe-25 author: Foord, S.H.; Dippenaar-Schoeman, Anna S.; van der Merwe, M. title: A check list of the spider fauna of the Western Soutpansberg, South Africa (Arachnida: Araneae) date: 2002-12-14 words: 4336 flesch: 64 summary: FPW F 1 Clubiona lawrencei Roewer, 1951 FPW F 2 7. FPW F 1 23. keywords: dippenaar; fgw; fpw; schoeman; south; soutpansberg; species; spiders; web cache: koedoe-25.pdf plain text: koedoe-25.txt item: #342 of 682 id: koedoe-26 author: Grant, C.C.; Davidson, T.; Funston, P.J.; Pienaar, D.J. title: Challenges faced in the conservation of rare antelope: a case study on the northern basalt plains of the Kruger National Park date: 2002-12-14 words: 12716 flesch: 67 summary: Decrease losses of roan antelope due to anthrax epidemics. These low-lying areas mostly consist of dambo-like grasslands similar to the habitats utilised by roan antelope and tsessebe in Mozambique and Zimbabwe (Joubert 1976). keywords: antelope; area; kruger; management; national; nbp; northern; numbers; park; population; rainfall; roan; roan antelope; species; vegetation; waterpoints; zebra; � fi cache: koedoe-26.pdf plain text: koedoe-26.txt item: #343 of 682 id: koedoe-27 author: Kyle, R. title: A selective fish mortality and some notes on Rhabdosargus sarba at Kosi Bay, South Africa date: 2002-12-14 words: 1903 flesch: 60 summary: The vast majority of dead fish were mature R. sarba (Tables 1 &2) and dead fish were not reported in any of the other Kosi Bay lakes. Results of several days’ collecting and mea- suring of dead fish show that 85 % of the fish by number, and almost 94 % by mass, were R. sarba (Table 1). keywords: fish; kyle; sarba cache: koedoe-27.pdf plain text: koedoe-27.txt item: #344 of 682 id: koedoe-277 author: Kemp, A.C.; Begg, K.S.; Benn, G.A.; Chadwick, P. title: A visual assessment of vegetation structure for the Kruger National Park date: 1997-08-06 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-277.pdf plain text: koedoe-277.txt item: #345 of 682 id: koedoe-28 author: Kyle, R. title: More information from the mark and recapture of fish at Kosi Bay, South Africa date: 2002-12-14 words: 1611 flesch: 61 summary: Although little has changed in the technique of fish mark and recapture in the Kosi lakes, it is possible that notification of the capture of tagged fish improved, as knowledge of the small financial reward for marked fish spread, resulting in some of the increase in the pro- portion of fish recovered. The subsequent Natural History Note Kyle mark recapture.qxd 2005/12/09 10:07 Page 121 recovery again, inside the lakes, confirms the multiple entry and exit of this species, the use- fulness of fish mark and recovery generally, and the suitability of the species for mark and recapture work. keywords: fish; kosi; kyle; lakes cache: koedoe-28.pdf plain text: koedoe-28.txt item: #346 of 682 id: koedoe-284 author: Essop, M.F.; Hall-Martin, A.J.; Harley, E.H. title: Mitochondrial DNA analysis of two southern African elephant populations date: 1996-08-06 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-284.pdf plain text: koedoe-284.txt item: #347 of 682 id: koedoe-287 author: Swanepoel, D.G.J. title: Identification of the Nile crocodile Crocodylus niloticus by the use of natural tail marks date: 1996-08-06 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-287.pdf plain text: koedoe-287.txt item: #348 of 682 id: koedoe-288 author: Gagiano, C.L.; Steyn, G.J.; du Preez, H.H. title: Tooth replacement of tigerfish Hydrocynus vittatus from the Kruger National Park date: 1996-08-06 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-288.pdf plain text: koedoe-288.txt item: #349 of 682 id: koedoe-289 author: Pretorius, Quarta; Pretorius, B.P.; Dannhauser, C.S. title: The reproductive behaviour of the suni Neotragus moschatus zuluensis in captivity date: 1996-08-06 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-289.pdf plain text: koedoe-289.txt item: #350 of 682 id: koedoe-29 author: Kyle, R. title: Interesting new record and further notes on the occurrence of marine fish in Nyamithi Pan, Ndumo Game Reserve, South Africa date: 2002-12-14 words: 1677 flesch: 61 summary: New fish records for Ndumo Game Reserve. The floodplain and its fish have been extensively surveyed (Coke & Pott 1970; Kok 1980; Merron et al 1993, 1994, 1994a, 1994b, 1994c, 1994d; Pooley 1975) and there are many records of the occurrence of marine fish in this and other pans of the Pongolo and Usuthu rivers. keywords: africa; fish; pan; pongolo; south cache: koedoe-29.pdf plain text: koedoe-29.txt item: #351 of 682 id: koedoe-305 author: Spickett, A.M.; Horak, I.G.; Heyne, Heloise; Braack, L.E.O. title: The effect of severe drought on the abundance of ticks on vegetation and on scrub hares in the Kruger National Park date: 1995-08-25 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-305.pdf plain text: koedoe-305.txt item: #352 of 682 id: koedoe-309 author: Mills, M.G.L. title: Notes on wild dog Lycaon pictus and lion Panthera leo population trends during a drought in the Kruger National Park date: 1995-08-25 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-309.pdf plain text: koedoe-309.txt item: #353 of 682 id: koedoe-310 author: de Graaff, G. title: Wildplaasbestuur date: 1995-08-26 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-310.pdf plain text: koedoe-310.txt item: #354 of 682 id: koedoe-32 author: Power, R.J. title: Prey selection of lions Panthera leo in a small, enclosed reserve date: 2002-12-14 words: 6138 flesch: 64 summary: For wildebeest and blesbok, non- lion related mortality accounted for a small fraction (< 17 %) of total mortality, and in warthogs no other source of mortality could be identified other than lion predation (Table 2). It is thus argued that lion predation was the main cause of population declines in wildebeest, blesbok and warthog, while pre- dation might have had a secondary role in hastening the decline in the kudu population. keywords: hunting; impala; lions; management; mills; mlr; populations; predation; pretoria; prey; reserve; species; van cache: koedoe-32.pdf plain text: koedoe-32.txt item: #355 of 682 id: koedoe-321 author: Schmidt, A.G.; Theron, G.K.; van Hoven, W. title: A comparison of some methods used to estimate the grazing capacity of a game ranch in Northern Province, South Africa date: 1995-08-26 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-321.pdf plain text: koedoe-321.txt item: #356 of 682 id: koedoe-328 author: Novellie, P.A.; Knight, M. title: Repatriation and translocation of ungulates into South African national parks: an assessment of past attempts date: 1994-08-26 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-328.pdf plain text: koedoe-328.txt item: #357 of 682 id: koedoe-329 author: Fitzpatrick, M.J. title: Range extension of Ceratogyrus sanderi Strand, 1906 (Araneae: Theraphosidae) date: 1994-08-26 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-329.pdf plain text: koedoe-329.txt item: #358 of 682 id: koedoe-33 author: Reilly, B.K. title: Precision of helicopter-based total-area counts of large ungulates in bushveld date: 2002-12-14 words: 4184 flesch: 63 summary: Keywords: census, game counting, helicopter counts, impala, kudu, zebra, wildebeest, giraffe, large herbivore monitoring. The accuracy of helicopter counts has been questioned (Rice & Harder 1977; Beasom 1979; Payne 1981; De Young 1985; Beasom et al. 1986; Seber 1992; Bothma et al.1990) and the effect of various factors, for exam- ple, height and speed, on accuracy is unclear. keywords: bushveld; counts; helicopter; journal; mopane; population; precision; species; wildlife cache: koedoe-33.pdf plain text: koedoe-33.txt item: #359 of 682 id: koedoe-333 author: de Graaff, G. title: Capture, Care and Management of Threatened Mammals date: 1994-08-27 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-333.pdf plain text: koedoe-333.txt item: #360 of 682 id: koedoe-339 author: Avenant-Oldewage, Annemarie title: A new species of Argulus from Kosi Bay, South Africa and distribution records of the genus date: 1994-08-27 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-339.pdf plain text: koedoe-339.txt item: #361 of 682 id: koedoe-34 author: Russell, I.A. title: Freshwater fishes of Tsitsikamma National Park date: 2002-12-14 words: 2998 flesch: 59 summary: Management action is required to minimise opportunities for further establishment and spread of alien fish species and to conserve indigenous fish assemblages within the park. Fur- thermore, a barrier weir should be construct- ed in the Palmiet River where it leaves TNP to prevent the movement of alien fish into the park from lower in the river system. keywords: cape; fish; freshwater; keurbooms; national; park; river; south; species cache: koedoe-34.pdf plain text: koedoe-34.txt item: #362 of 682 id: koedoe-341 author: Bothma, J. du P.; le Riche, E.A.N. title: Range use by an adult male caracal in the southern Kalahari date: 1994-08-27 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-341.pdf plain text: koedoe-341.txt item: #363 of 682 id: koedoe-342 author: Vrahimis, S.; Kok, O.B. title: Notes on the diurnal activity of early post-natal black wildebeest calves date: 1994-08-27 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-342.pdf plain text: koedoe-342.txt item: #364 of 682 id: koedoe-35 author: Biggs, R.; Biggs, H.C.; Dunne, T.T.; Govender, N.; Potgieter, A.L.F. title: Experimental burn plot trial in the Kruger National Park: history, experimental design and suggestions for data analysis date: 2003-12-17 words: 6918 flesch: 59 summary: Each treatment was repli- cated four times within each landscape, with replicates (strings of treatment plots) spaced across the landscape to maximise their repre- sentativity of the landscape (Van der Schijff 1958). Many of the accidental burns occurred dur- ing the first few years of the trial before the firebreaks were widened (National Parks Board 1956), and led to the swapping around of several treatment plots during the early years of the trial (National Parks Board 1955a). keywords: board; fire; national; national parks; parks; parks board; plots; replicates; skukuza; south; treatments; trial cache: koedoe-35.pdf plain text: koedoe-35.txt item: #365 of 682 id: koedoe-36 author: Castley, J.G.; Bezuidenhout, H.; Knight, M.H. title: Searching for common ground, a scientific approach to subjective environmental impact assessments: an example from the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park date: 2003-12-17 words: 4373 flesch: 52 summary: An assessment of the proposed upgrading of a 31-km stretch of road between Leeudril and Kij-Kij waterholes on the dry Nossob River in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (KTP) was undertaken. Roads generally have negative effects on the biotic integrity in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and these effects can be classified under seven cate- gories (Trombulak & Frissell 2000): increased mortality from road construction; increased mortality from vehicle collisions; News and Views castley.qxd 2005/12/09 10:23 Page 107 modification of animal behaviour; alteration of the physical environment; alteration of the chemical environment; spread of exotic species; and increased alteration and use of the habitats by humans. keywords: -ve; impacts; koedoe; park; riverbed; road; sites; water cache: koedoe-36.pdf plain text: koedoe-36.txt item: #366 of 682 id: koedoe-362 author: Botha, Annelize; Heyns, J. title: New records of Tyienchida, Araeolaimida and Enoplida from the Kruger National Park, with an addendum to the check list of nematode species in the park date: 1993-09-16 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-362.pdf plain text: koedoe-362.txt item: #367 of 682 id: koedoe-366 author: Penzhorn, B.L.; van der Merwe, N.J. title: Testis size and spermatogenesis of tsessebes from Nylsvley Nature Reserve, Transvaal date: 1993-09-16 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-366.pdf plain text: koedoe-366.txt item: #368 of 682 id: koedoe-367 author: Andersen, M.D.; Koen, J.H. title: Body measurements of mountain reedbuck Redunca fulvorufula fulvorufula from Rolfontein Nature Reserve, South Africa date: 1993-09-16 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-367.pdf plain text: koedoe-367.txt item: #369 of 682 id: koedoe-368 author: English, R.A.; Stalmans, M.; Mills, M.G.L.; van Wyk, A. title: Helicopter-assisted boma capture of African wild dogs Lycaon pictus date: 1993-09-16 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-368.pdf plain text: koedoe-368.txt item: #370 of 682 id: koedoe-374 author: Novellie, P.; Winkle, A. title: A simple index of habitat suitability for Cape mountain zebras date: 1993-09-17 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-374.pdf plain text: koedoe-374.txt item: #371 of 682 id: koedoe-378 author: Bothma, J. du P.; van Hoven, S.; le Riche, E.A.N. title: GPS-corrected and GIS-based remapping of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park and the adjacent area in Botswana date: 1993-09-17 words: 14 flesch: 97 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 2 Page 3 1.pdf Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-378.pdf plain text: koedoe-378.txt item: #372 of 682 id: koedoe-379 author: Bothma, J. du P.; le Riche, E.A.N. title: Disturbance bias when tracking Kalahari leopards Panthera pardus by spoor date: 1993-09-17 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-379.pdf plain text: koedoe-379.txt item: #373 of 682 id: koedoe-381 author: Saayman, Melville; Saayman, Andrea title: Why travel motivations and socio-demographics matter in managing a National Park date: 2009-06-25 words: 8492 flesch: 57 summary: Akaike info criterion -0.058500 Sum squared resid 0.283688 Schwarz criterion 0.734985 Log likelihood 16.64350 F-statistic 14.00029 Durbin-Watson stat 1.644189 Prob(F-statistic) 0.001888 Dependent Variable; SPENDPP Method; Panel Least Squares Sample; 2002 2007 Periods included; 6 Cross-sections included; 4 56 Vol. 51 No. 1 Page 8 of 9 has been used together with regression analysis to determine the influence of different motivational factors on visitor spending. Saayman, A. & Saayman, M., 2006, 'The socio-demographics and visitation patterns of arts festivals in South Africa', Events Management 9(4), 211–222. Saayman, M. & Saayman, A., 2007, 'Socio-demographic and behavioural determinants of visitor spending at the Kruger National Park in South Africa', paper presented at the first International Association for Tourism Economics (IATE) conference, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 26–29 October. keywords: analysis; factors; motivational; motive; national; number; park; research; saayman; socio; spending; tourism; travel; variables; visitors cache: koedoe-381.pdf plain text: koedoe-381.txt item: #374 of 682 id: koedoe-383 author: de Graaff, G. title: The African Elephant as a Game Ranch Animal date: 1992-09-22 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-383.pdf plain text: koedoe-383.txt item: #375 of 682 id: koedoe-392 author: Hutsebaut, Mieke S.; Kok, O.B.; Daneel, J-H. title: Additions to the bird list of the Golden Gate Highlands National Park date: 1992-09-22 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-392.pdf plain text: koedoe-392.txt item: #376 of 682 id: koedoe-394 author: Weber, A.; van Hoven, W. title: Tuberculosis of the parotid salivary gland in a kudu Tragelaphus strepsiceros date: 1992-09-22 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-394.pdf plain text: koedoe-394.txt item: #377 of 682 id: koedoe-395 author: de Graaff, G.; Nel, J.A.J. title: Notes on a single burrow system of the fat incuse Steatomys pratensis in the Kruger National Park date: 1992-09-22 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-395.pdf plain text: koedoe-395.txt item: #378 of 682 id: koedoe-396 author: Bronner, G.N. title: Burrow system characteristics of seven small mammal species (Mammalia: Insectivora; Rodentia; Carnivora) date: 1992-09-22 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-396.pdf plain text: koedoe-396.txt item: #379 of 682 id: koedoe-397 author: Haagner, G.V. title: The Natal hinged tortoise Kinixys natalensis: a new record for the Kruger National Park date: 1992-09-22 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-397.pdf plain text: koedoe-397.txt item: #380 of 682 id: koedoe-399 author: de Graaff, G. title: The Sable Antelope as a Game Ranch Animal date: 1992-09-22 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-399.pdf plain text: koedoe-399.txt item: #381 of 682 id: koedoe-40 author: Dippenaar-Schoeman, A.S.; Leroy, A. title: A check list of the spiders of the Kruger National Park, South Africa (Arachnida: Araneae) date: 2003-12-17 words: 4903 flesch: 63 summary: FamilyOxyopidae Hamataliwa kulczynskii (Lessert, 1915) FPW NR Oxyopes jacksoni Lessert, 1915 FPW NR O. longispinosus Lawrence,1938 FPW NR O. pallidecoloratus Strand, 1906 FPW NR Peucetia pulchra(Blackwall, 1865) FPW Van Niekerk & Dippenaar- Schoeman1994 P. madalenae Van Niekerk & Dippenaar-Schoeman, 1994 FPW Van Niekerk & Dippenaar- Family Mimetidae Mimetus natalensis Lawrence, 1938 FPW NR 19. keywords: africa; araneae; dippenaar; family; fgw; fpw; living; national; owb; park; schoeman; simon; south; species; spiders; van; web; webs cache: koedoe-40.pdf plain text: koedoe-40.txt item: #382 of 682 id: koedoe-405 author: Bronner, G.N. title: Notes on the early post-natal development of a giant golden mole Chrysospalax trevelyani (Giinther, 1875) born in captivity (Mammalia: Insectivora; Chrysochloridae) date: 1992-09-22 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-405.pdf plain text: koedoe-405.txt item: #383 of 682 id: koedoe-406 author: Branch, W.R.; Haagner, G.V. title: New reptile records from three southern national parks date: 1992-09-22 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-406.pdf plain text: koedoe-406.txt item: #384 of 682 id: koedoe-41 author: Hipondoka, M.H.T.; Versfeld, W.D. title: Monitoring the vegetation structure of south-central Etosha National Park using terrestrial photographs date: 2003-12-17 words: 5475 flesch: 59 summary: Moreover, the savan- na ecosystems, characterised by spatial het- erogeneity introduced through the co-exis- tence of herbaceous and woody plants (Scholes & Walker 1993), increase this chal- lenge for the use of satellite data, such as Landsat TM, in assessing the dynamics of vegetation structure (Hudak & Wessman 1998). Using the vegetation structural classes of 1984 as the baseline condition, variations in vegetation structural classes between 1984 and subsequent survey years were obtained (Fig. 5). keywords: area; etosha; low; park; photo; photographs; savanna; sites; structure; study; tree; vegetation; vegetation structure cache: koedoe-41.pdf plain text: koedoe-41.txt item: #385 of 682 id: koedoe-410 author: Watson, V. title: Form, function and fibres: a preliminary study of the Swartkrans fossil birds date: 1991-09-23 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-410.pdf plain text: koedoe-410.txt item: #386 of 682 id: koedoe-412 author: Bowland, J.M.; Rowland, A.E. title: Differential passage rates of prey components through the gut of serval Felis serval and black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas date: 1991-09-23 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-412.pdf plain text: koedoe-412.txt item: #387 of 682 id: koedoe-418 author: van Rooyen, N.; Theron, G.K.; Bredenkamp, G.J. title: Long-term vegetation dynamics in the semi-arid Kalahari date: 1991-09-23 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-418.pdf plain text: koedoe-418.txt item: #388 of 682 id: koedoe-419 author: Steele, N.A. title: Natural resources utilisation as a conservation approach date: 1991-09-23 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-419.pdf plain text: koedoe-419.txt item: #389 of 682 id: koedoe-42 author: Siebert, S.J.; Matthee, M.; van Wyk, A.E. title: Semi-arid savanna of the Potlake Nature Reserve and surrounding areas in Sekhukhuneland, South Africa date: 2003-12-17 words: 10096 flesch: 56 summary: The average number of plant species encountered per sample plot is 40, with the total number of species for this association being 164 (34 relevés). This plant com- munity is floristically the richest of the Urochloo mosambicencis–Acacion tortilis, with the highest number of plant species encountered per sample plot (50) and the highest total number recorded per communi- ty, namely 110 (five relevés) (Table 2). keywords: africa; area; association; communities; cover; issn; koedoe; page; plant; pretoria; savanna; scpe; sekhukhuneland; siebert; siebert2.qxd; soil; south; species; table; taxa; tortilis; tree; vegetation cache: koedoe-42.pdf plain text: koedoe-42.txt item: #390 of 682 id: koedoe-426 author: Pienaar, D.J.; Hall-Martin, A.J.; Hitchins, P.M. title: Horn growth rates of free-ranging white and black rhinoceros date: 1991-09-23 words: 23 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 keywords: page cache: koedoe-426.pdf plain text: koedoe-426.txt item: #391 of 682 id: koedoe-43 author: Sponheimer, M.; Grant, C.C.; de Ruiter, D.J.; Lee-Thorp, J.A.; Codron, D.M.; Codron, J. title: Diets of impala from Kruger National Park: evidence from stable carbon isotopes date: 2003-12-17 words: 3360 flesch: 62 summary: Moreover, impala, buffalo, and kudu faeces contain 2.1 %, 1.4 %, and 2.9 % nitrogen respectively, suggesting that impala diets are of intermediate quality. One study suggested that grasses make up 90 % of impala diets during the rainy season, but only 33 % during the dry season (Meissner et al. 1996). keywords: african; diets; faeces; hair; impala; journal; national; park; south cache: koedoe-43.pdf plain text: koedoe-43.txt item: #392 of 682 id: koedoe-430 author: Midgley, J.J.; Joubert, D. title: Mistletoes, their host plants and the effects of browsing by large mammals in Addo Elephant National Park date: 1991-09-23 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-430.pdf plain text: koedoe-430.txt item: #393 of 682 id: koedoe-431 author: Bates, M.F. title: A provisional check list of the reptiles and amphibians of Golden Gate Highlands National Park date: 1991-09-23 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-431.pdf plain text: koedoe-431.txt item: #394 of 682 id: koedoe-438 author: Haagner, G.V. title: New distribution records for the southern semiornate snake, Meizodon s. semiornatus (Peters, 1854), with a first record from the Kruger National Park and Transvaal date: 1990-09-23 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-438.pdf plain text: koedoe-438.txt item: #395 of 682 id: koedoe-44 author: Terblanche, R.F.; Morgenthal, T.L.; Cilliers, S.S. title: The vegetation of three localities of the threatened butterfly species Chrysoritis aureus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) date: 2003-12-17 words: 7536 flesch: 59 summary: The vegetation and habitat characteristics of three localities of Chrysoritis aureus at the Alice Glockner Nature Reserve, Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve and Malanskraal farm near Heidelberg in South Africa, were compared. Although the general vegetation structure at the three habi- tats of Chrysoritis aureus were found to be similar, marked differences in the floristic composition were evidenced. keywords: aureus; butterfly; chrysoritis; chrysoritis aureus; clutia; community; conservation; habitats; henning; nature; nature reserve; reserve; south; table; vegetation cache: koedoe-44.pdf plain text: koedoe-44.txt item: #396 of 682 id: koedoe-442 author: Botha, Annelize; Heyns, J. title: A preliminary check list of the free-living and plant-parasitic nematodes of the Kruger National Park date: 1990-09-23 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-442.pdf plain text: koedoe-442.txt item: #397 of 682 id: koedoe-445 author: Weber, A.; van Hoven, W. title: A corneal dermoid in a black wildebeest Connochaetes gnou date: 1990-09-23 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-445.pdf plain text: koedoe-445.txt item: #398 of 682 id: koedoe-451 author: Rowland, A.E. title: The response of red duikers Cephalophus natalensis to drive counts date: 1990-10-20 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-451.pdf plain text: koedoe-451.txt item: #399 of 682 id: koedoe-454 author: Bothma, J. du P.; Swart, D.R. title: Landsat-based remapping of the south-western Kalahari date: 1990-10-20 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-454.pdf plain text: koedoe-454.txt item: #400 of 682 id: koedoe-456 author: Zambatis, N.; Zambatis, G. title: A new amphibian record for the Transvaal date: 1990-10-20 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-456.pdf plain text: koedoe-456.txt item: #401 of 682 id: koedoe-458 author: Stuart, C.T.; Stuart, M.D. title: Striped weasel, Poecilogale albinucha, recorded from the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1990-10-20 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-458.pdf plain text: koedoe-458.txt item: #402 of 682 id: koedoe-459 author: Ellison, G.T.H. title: A note on the small mammal fauna of Vaalkop Dam Nature Reserve date: 1990-10-20 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-459.pdf plain text: koedoe-459.txt item: #403 of 682 id: koedoe-46 author: Venter, C.E.; Bredenkamp, G.J.; Grundlingh, P-L. title: Short-term vegetation change on rehabilitated peatland on Rietvlei Nature Reserve date: 2003-12-17 words: 5877 flesch: 62 summary: Persicaria species - Amaranthus hib- ridus Sub-community on peat filled ditch. Persicaria species - Amaranthus hib- ridus Sub-community on peat filled ditches. keywords: area; communities; community; ditches; peatland; rehabilitation; species; sub; vegetation; water; wetland cache: koedoe-46.pdf plain text: koedoe-46.txt item: #404 of 682 id: koedoe-466 author: Novellie, P. title: Tree size as a factor influencing leaf emergence and leaf fall in Acacia nigrescens and Combretum apiculatum in the Kruger National Park date: 1989-10-20 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-466.pdf plain text: koedoe-466.txt item: #405 of 682 id: koedoe-469 author: Penzhorn, B.L.; Horak, I.G. title: Starlings, mountain zebras and ticks date: 1989-10-20 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-469.pdf plain text: koedoe-469.txt item: #406 of 682 id: koedoe-47 author: de Klerk, J.; Brown, L.R.; Bezuidenhout, H. title: Plant communities of the Ebenhaezer section of the Mountain Zebra National Park date: 2003-12-18 words: 5252 flesch: 62 summary: Other species also promi- nent include the dwarf shrub Walafrida geniculata (species group K) and the grasses Aristida diffusa, Aristida adscensionis, Enneapogon scoparius (species group E), Heteropogon contortus, Eragrostis lehman- niana (species group K) and Tragus koeleri- oides (species group L, Table 1). Prominent species are the dwarf shrub Eriocephalus ericoides (species group K) and the grasses Aristida congesta subsp barbicollis (species group L), Hetero- pogon contortus (species group K) and Dig- itaria eriantha (species group G, Table 1). keywords: area; community; cover; group; land; park; soil; species; species group; study; table; tree; vegetation cache: koedoe-47.pdf plain text: koedoe-47.txt item: #407 of 682 id: koedoe-472 author: Henwood, R.R. title: Black rhinoceros Diceros bicomis capture, transportation and boma management by the Natal Parks Board date: 1989-10-21 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-472.pdf plain text: koedoe-472.txt item: #408 of 682 id: koedoe-474 author: Britz, M.; Loutit, B.C. title: Monitoring and identification of black rhinoceros Diceros bicomis in Damaraland and the compilation of a population register date: 1989-10-21 words: 5 flesch: 83 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! keywords: filelist cache: koedoe-474.pdf plain text: koedoe-474.txt item: #409 of 682 id: koedoe-475 author: Morkel, P. title: Drugs and dosages for capture and treatment of black rhinoceros Diceros bicomis in Namibia date: 1989-10-21 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-475.pdf plain text: koedoe-475.txt item: #410 of 682 id: koedoe-477 author: Wright, J. title: Law enforcement pertaining to illicit trafficking in rhinoceros horn and other trophies date: 1989-10-21 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-477.pdf plain text: koedoe-477.txt item: #411 of 682 id: koedoe-481 author: Guillarmod, A. Jacot title: Southern Drakensberg Botany date: 1988-10-21 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-481.pdf plain text: koedoe-481.txt item: #412 of 682 id: koedoe-487 author: Hattingh, J.; de Vos, V.; Ganhao, M.F.; Pitts, N.I. title: Physiological Responses of the Buffalo Syncerus caffer Culled with Succinyldicholine and Hexamethonium date: 1988-10-21 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-487.pdf plain text: koedoe-487.txt item: #413 of 682 id: koedoe-488 author: Whyte, I.J.; Smuts, G.L. title: Dentition and Life History of a 16-year-old Known-age Free-living Male Lion Panthera leo (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Kruger National Park date: 1988-10-21 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-488.pdf plain text: koedoe-488.txt item: #414 of 682 id: koedoe-500 author: Cilliers, Catharina J. title: First Attempt at and Early Results on the Biological Control of Pistia stratiotes L. in South Africa date: 1987-10-21 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-500.pdf plain text: koedoe-500.txt item: #415 of 682 id: koedoe-506 author: Stuart, C.T.; Durk Stuart, T.; Braack, H.H. title: New Mammal Records for the Karoo National Park, with Notes on Several Other Species date: 1987-10-21 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-506.pdf plain text: koedoe-506.txt item: #416 of 682 id: koedoe-509 author: Branch, W.R. title: Introduced Reptiles in the Addo Elephant National Park date: 1987-10-21 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-509.pdf plain text: koedoe-509.txt item: #417 of 682 id: koedoe-510 author: Smith, L.J. title: Courtship Behaviour of Diederik Cuckoo Chrysococcyx caprius Observed in Kruger National Park date: 1987-10-21 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-510.pdf plain text: koedoe-510.txt item: #418 of 682 id: koedoe-511 author: Stuart, C.T. title: The Vlei Rat Otomys irroratus Recorded in the Mountain Zebra National Park date: 1987-10-21 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-511.pdf plain text: koedoe-511.txt item: #419 of 682 id: koedoe-512 author: Hanekom, N.; Joubert, P.; Kenyon, P. title: New Bird and Mammal Records for the Tsitsikamma Coastal National Park date: 1987-10-21 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-512.pdf plain text: koedoe-512.txt item: #420 of 682 id: koedoe-513 author: Smithers, R.H.N. title: Mammalian Taxonomy date: 1987-10-21 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-513.pdf plain text: koedoe-513.txt item: #421 of 682 id: koedoe-514 author: De Graaff, G. title: Botany date: 1987-10-21 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-514.pdf plain text: koedoe-514.txt item: #422 of 682 id: koedoe-515 author: Masubelele, Mmoto L.; Foxcroft, Llewellyn C.; Milton, Suzanne J. title: Alien plant species list and distribution for Camdeboo National Park, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa date: 2009-09-28 words: 7699 flesch: 53 summary: The majority of alien plant species in the park are herbaceous (39%) and succulent (24%) species. [see 6 27 17 20 12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Aquatic Disturbed/ Roadsides Terrestrial/Dryland Riparian/Riverine Villages, picnic areas and urban areas nearest to CNP Habitat type N u m b er o f S p ec ie s Figure 2 Number of alien plant species per habitat type recorded during the 2008 surveys (some species occur in more than one habitat type) Figure 3 Families of alien plant species represented in Camdeboo National Park ������������ � ���������� � �������� � ���������� � ��������� � ������� �� ������������� � ���������� �� ��������� �� �������������� � ������������� � ������� �� ! keywords: africa; alien; areas; camdeboo; cape; cnp; control; distribution; karoo; list; milton; national; page; park; plant; plant species; south; species cache: koedoe-515.pdf plain text: koedoe-515.txt item: #423 of 682 id: koedoe-529 author: Groenewald, G.H. title: Geology of the Golden Gate Highlands National Park date: 1986-11-27 words: 5 flesch: 83 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! keywords: filelist cache: koedoe-529.pdf plain text: koedoe-529.txt item: #424 of 682 id: koedoe-536 author: Penzhorn, B.L. title: An old reference to 'Hartebeest in the Transvaal Lowveld date: 1985-11-28 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-536.pdf plain text: koedoe-536.txt item: #425 of 682 id: koedoe-539 author: Zambatis, N. title: The relationships between evaporation and certain physical parameters of circular pans and rectangular troughs date: 1985-11-28 words: 5 flesch: 83 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! keywords: filelist cache: koedoe-539.pdf plain text: koedoe-539.txt item: #426 of 682 id: koedoe-54 author: Foxcroft, L.C.; Henderson, L.; Nichols, G.R.; Martin, B.W. title: A revised list of alien plants for the Kruger National Park date: 2003-12-18 words: 5232 flesch: 70 summary: Introduction The species list in this paper contains refer- ence to lists previously published by a num- ber of authors of alien plant species recorded in the Kruger National Park (KNP). The long-term average increase in alien plant species, since the first record of alien plants was made in 1937, is 5.6 alien species per year. keywords: alien; e d; koedoe; national; plants; species; t t cache: koedoe-54.pdf plain text: koedoe-54.txt item: #427 of 682 id: koedoe-541 author: Every, B.; Marais, W.C.; Bligh, G.P. title: Additions to the bird list of the Addo Elephant National Park date: 1985-11-28 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-541.pdf plain text: koedoe-541.txt item: #428 of 682 id: koedoe-542 author: Zambatis, N. title: Body measurements of a female Serval Felis serval Schreber, 1776, from the Eastern Transvaal date: 1985-11-28 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-542.pdf plain text: koedoe-542.txt item: #429 of 682 id: koedoe-543 author: Office, Editorial title: Errata date: 1985-11-28 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-543.pdf plain text: koedoe-543.txt item: #430 of 682 id: koedoe-544 author: Barker, John F title: Preliminary list of the Grasshoppers (Acridoidea) found in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1984-12-01 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-544.pdf plain text: koedoe-544.txt item: #431 of 682 id: koedoe-545 author: Braack, L.E.O title: Mortality of Blow-Fly Larvae (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in the digestive tract of Vultures date: 1984-12-01 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-545.pdf plain text: koedoe-545.txt item: #432 of 682 id: koedoe-546 author: Braack, L.E.O title: Epidermal Streaming and associated phenomena displayed by Larvae of Chrysomyia marginalis (Wd.) (Diptera: CALLIPHORIDAE) at carcasses date: 1984-12-01 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-546.pdf plain text: koedoe-546.txt item: #433 of 682 id: koedoe-549 author: GRobler, J.H; Braack, H.H title: Additions to the checklist of birds of the Addo Elephant National Park date: 1984-12-01 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-549.pdf plain text: koedoe-549.txt item: #434 of 682 id: koedoe-55 author: Götze, A.R.; Cilliers, S.S.; Bezuidenhout, H.; Kellner, K. title: Analysis of the riparian vegetation (Ia land type) of the proposed Vhembe-Dongola National Park, Limpopo Province, South Africa date: 2003-12-18 words: 8810 flesch: 61 summary: The diagnostic plant species of this commu- nity are found in Species group I (Table 1) and include the woody species Hyphaene petersiana and the forb Trianthema trique- tra. The community is further characterised by the absence of the species of Species groups I and K (Table 1) as well as the herbaceous Amaranthus sp. keywords: acacia; area; communities; community; cover; height; land; layer; national; park; soil; south; species group; sub; table; type; vegetation cache: koedoe-55.pdf plain text: koedoe-55.txt item: #435 of 682 id: koedoe-556 author: Rautenbach, I.L; Schlitter, D.A; Braack, L.E.O title: New distributional records of Bats for the Republic of South Africa, with special reference to the Kruger National Park date: 1984-12-01 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-556.pdf plain text: koedoe-556.txt item: #436 of 682 id: koedoe-557 author: Braack, L.E.O title: A note on the presence of the Elephant Louse Haematomyzus elephantis piaget (Mallophaga: Rhynchophthirina) in the Kruger National Park date: 1984-12-01 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-557.pdf plain text: koedoe-557.txt item: #437 of 682 id: koedoe-558 author: Daneel, A.B title: Breeding of the Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus in the Kruger National Park date: 1984-12-01 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-558.pdf plain text: koedoe-558.txt item: #438 of 682 id: koedoe-56 author: Kyle, R. title: The status of and some notes on the Gaboon adder Bitis gabonica in northern KwaZulu/Natal, South Africa and southern Mozambique date: 2003-12-18 words: 2112 flesch: 61 summary: In this instance, how- ever, although young B. gabonica could be confused with puffadders, Bitis arietans, adult B. gabonica should be easily distin- guished as they are much larger than B. ari- etans. Natural History Note Kyle.qxd 2005/12/09 11:18 Page 113 Man has markedly modified much of Dukuduku Forest, the southern known locality in the distribution of B. gabonica and an area of high snake density, and snake numbers may be drastically reduced. keywords: branch; gabonica; natal; south cache: koedoe-56.pdf plain text: koedoe-56.txt item: #439 of 682 id: koedoe-560 author: Grobler, J.H; Braack, H.H title: A note on the mammals of the Addo Elephant National Park date: 1984-12-01 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-560.pdf plain text: koedoe-560.txt item: #440 of 682 id: koedoe-561 author: Hall-Martin, A.J; van der Walt, L.A title: Plasma testosterone levels in relation to musth in the male African Elephant date: 1984-12-01 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-561.pdf plain text: koedoe-561.txt item: #441 of 682 id: koedoe-57 author: Matipano, G. title: A comparison of woody browse selection by hand-raised, boma-adapted and wild black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis, L. in Matusadona National Park, Zimbabwe date: 2003-12-18 words: 8138 flesch: 62 summary: Percentage of bites on woody plant species in different vegetation type by rhino groups in the early dry season. The black rhinoceros select a wide range of plant species according to region and climat- ic condition (Goddard 1968, 1970; Hall-Mar- tin et al. 1982; Oloo et al., 1994; keywords: b s; combretum; dry; groups; h b; h s; hand; rhinos; s s; s w; season; species; w h cache: koedoe-57.pdf plain text: koedoe-57.txt item: #442 of 682 id: koedoe-571 author: van der Walt, P. T; le Riche, E. A. N title: The influence of veld fire on an Acacia erioloba community in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1984-12-01 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-571.pdf plain text: koedoe-571.txt item: #443 of 682 id: koedoe-577 author: de Graaff, G title: A Note on the invertebrates of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park (excluding insects) date: 1984-12-01 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-577.pdf plain text: koedoe-577.txt item: #444 of 682 id: koedoe-58 author: Reilly, B.K.; Reillly, Y. title: Auditing wildlife date: 2003-12-18 words: 3741 flesch: 52 summary: This paper tracks a method of deciding on whether or not to audit the population based on wildlife value and an initial sample count. Firstly beta (Type II error) risk is calculated based on audit risk of 5% (95% confidence) assessed control Koedoe 46/2 (2003) keywords: audit; auditing; management; reilly; risk; sample; value; wildlife cache: koedoe-58.pdf plain text: koedoe-58.txt item: #445 of 682 id: koedoe-59 author: van der Merwe, P.; Saayman, M. title: Determining the economic value of game farm tourism date: 2003-12-18 words: 5920 flesch: 71 summary: The main objective of this study was to determine the economic value of game farm tourism. The aim of this questionnaire was threefold and determined the economic contribution of game farm tourism to ecotourism. keywords: 2000; 2002; africa; farm; game; hunters; hunting; south; table; tourism; trophy; van cache: koedoe-59.pdf plain text: koedoe-59.txt item: #446 of 682 id: koedoe-591 author: Gertenbach, W. P. D title: Landscapes of the Kruger National Park date: 1983-12-01 words: 5 flesch: 83 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! keywords: filelist cache: koedoe-591.pdf plain text: koedoe-591.txt item: #447 of 682 id: koedoe-595 author: Kruuk, H; Mills, M. G. L title: Notes on food and foraging of the Honey Badger Mellivora capensis in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1983-12-01 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-595.pdf plain text: koedoe-595.txt item: #448 of 682 id: koedoe-597 author: Barker, J. F title: A note on the Grasshoppers (Acridoidea) of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1983-12-01 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-597.pdf plain text: koedoe-597.txt item: #449 of 682 id: koedoe-598 author: Bower, D. F; Crawford, R. J. M title: Two new bird records for the Tsitsikamma National Parks date: 1983-12-01 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-598.pdf plain text: koedoe-598.txt item: #450 of 682 id: koedoe-603 author: Grobler, J. H title: The Leopard Tortoise in the Mountain Zebra National Park date: 1982-12-02 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-603.pdf plain text: koedoe-603.txt item: #451 of 682 id: koedoe-608 author: Penzhorn, B. L title: Home range sizes of Cape Mountain Zebras Equus Zebra Zebra in the Mountain Zebra National Park date: 1982-12-02 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-608.pdf plain text: koedoe-608.txt item: #452 of 682 id: koedoe-609 author: Rautenbach, I. L; Espie, I. W title: First records of occurrence for two species of Bats in the Kruger National Park date: 1982-12-02 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-609.pdf plain text: koedoe-609.txt item: #453 of 682 id: koedoe-610 author: Swanepoel, Pierre; Branch, W title: A new mammal record (soricidae) for the Addo Elephant National Park, with notes on additional species which may be expected to occur date: 1982-12-02 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-610.pdf plain text: koedoe-610.txt item: #454 of 682 id: koedoe-611 author: Grobler, J. H title: Growth of a male Caracal kitten felis Caracal in the Mountain Zebra National Park date: 1982-12-02 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-611.pdf plain text: koedoe-611.txt item: #455 of 682 id: koedoe-612 author: Crawford, R. J. M title: Water Mongoose Atilax Paludinosus in the Tsitsikamma Coastal National Park date: 1982-12-02 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-612.pdf plain text: koedoe-612.txt item: #456 of 682 id: koedoe-623 author: Grobler, J. H title: Parasites and mortality of Sable Hippotragus niger niger (harris, 1838) in the Matopos, Zimbabwe date: 1981-12-02 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-623.pdf plain text: koedoe-623.txt item: #457 of 682 id: koedoe-627 author: Braack, H. H; Davidson, I. H; Ledger, J. A; Lewis, D. J title: Records of Sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) feeding on Amphibia, with A new record from the Kruger National Park date: 1981-12-02 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-627.pdf plain text: koedoe-627.txt item: #458 of 682 id: koedoe-628 author: Pienaar, U de V title: Another important Ichthyological find in the Kruger National Park (Protopterus Annectens Brieni) date: 1981-12-02 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-628.pdf plain text: koedoe-628.txt item: #459 of 682 id: koedoe-629 author: Grobler, J. H; Bronkhorst, P. J title: A preliminary checklist of reptiles and amphibians in the Mountain Zebra National Park date: 1981-12-02 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-629.pdf plain text: koedoe-629.txt item: #460 of 682 id: koedoe-630 author: Grobler, J. H; Bronkhorst, P. J title: Additions and amendments to the bird and mammal lists of the Mountain Zebra National Park date: 1981-12-02 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-630.pdf plain text: koedoe-630.txt item: #461 of 682 id: koedoe-631 author: de. Vos, V title: An unusual case of snaring in a free-living spotted Hyaena Crocuta Crocuta from the Kruger National Park date: 1981-12-02 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-631.pdf plain text: koedoe-631.txt item: #462 of 682 id: koedoe-633 author: Coetzee, B.J title: Classification is instructive – comments on a published table of antelope habitat preferences date: 1980-12-02 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-633.pdf plain text: koedoe-633.txt item: #463 of 682 id: koedoe-64 author: Druce, D.; Genis, Heleen; Braak, J; Greatwood, Sophie; Delsink, Audrey; Kettles, R.; Hunter, L.; Slotow, R. title: Population demography and spatial ecology of a reintroduced lion population in the Greater Makalali Conservancy, South Africa date: 2004-12-18 words: 8879 flesch: 67 summary: — Summer and winter patterns Various studies have demonstrated that there is an expansion in lion home range during the wet season (Van Orsdol et al. 1985; A study in the Kruger National Park also showed that the number of lion prides in an area increased with an increase of permanent water (Smuts 1976). keywords: area; boma; core; cubs; days; females; fence; home; lion; makalali; males; months; new; range; reserve cache: koedoe-64.pdf plain text: koedoe-64.txt item: #464 of 682 id: koedoe-642 author: Hall-Martin, A.J; Botha, B. P title: A note on feeding habits, Ectoparasites and measurements of the Black-Backed Jackal Canis Mesomelas from Addo Elephant National Park date: 1980-12-02 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-642.pdf plain text: koedoe-642.txt item: #465 of 682 id: koedoe-644 author: de Vos, V; de Klerk, B. D title: Tetanus in a free-living Hippopotamus Hippopotamus Amphibius Capensis from the Kruger National Park date: 1980-12-02 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-644.pdf plain text: koedoe-644.txt item: #466 of 682 id: koedoe-645 author: du Toit, C. F title: The yellow Mongoose Cynictis Penicillata and other small carnivores in the Mountain Zebra National Park date: 1980-12-02 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-645.pdf plain text: koedoe-645.txt item: #467 of 682 id: koedoe-646 author: de Vos, V; Braack, H. H title: Castration of a Black Rhinoceros Diceros Bicornis Minor date: 1980-12-02 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-646.pdf plain text: koedoe-646.txt item: #468 of 682 id: koedoe-647 author: de Vos, V title: Black Rhino Diceros Bicornis Minor mortality in the Kruger National Park date: 1980-12-02 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-647.pdf plain text: koedoe-647.txt item: #469 of 682 id: koedoe-65 author: Gandy, S.E.; Reilly, B.K. title: Altertative trophy measuring techniques for African buffalo date: 2004-12-18 words: 3145 flesch: 70 summary: Results The importance of this exercise is to demon- strate that trophy measurement parameters can be employed to score sport-hunted tro- phies that encourage hunters to select for older post-reproductive animals. These methods allowed broomed horns to score more points in the record books than non-broomed horns. keywords: boss; buffalo; horn; space; tip; trophy cache: koedoe-65.pdf plain text: koedoe-65.txt item: #470 of 682 id: koedoe-66 author: Shackleton, C.M.; Guthrie, G.; Keirungi, J.; Stewart, J. title: Fuelwood availability and use in the Richtersveld National Park, South Africa date: 2003-12-18 words: 5273 flesch: 59 summary: 2001.Genetic selection and improvement of hard wood tree species for fuelwood production on sodic soil with particu- lar reference to Prosopis juliflora. Fuelwood charac- teristics of indigenous tree species of north-east India. keywords: africa; availability; deadwood; fringe; fuelwood; park; percentage; rnp; south; species; tree; use cache: koedoe-66.pdf plain text: koedoe-66.txt item: #471 of 682 id: koedoe-660 author: Wallace, C title: Chromosome analysis in the Kruger National Park: The Mitotic and Meiotic chromosomes of the African Buffalo Syncerus Caffer date: 1979-12-02 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-660.pdf plain text: koedoe-660.txt item: #472 of 682 id: koedoe-661 author: Bath, G. F title: Nephritis associated with Actinobacillus Equuli in the Cape Mountain Zebra date: 1979-12-02 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-661.pdf plain text: koedoe-661.txt item: #473 of 682 id: koedoe-662 author: de Vos, V title: Extraordinary jumping ability of the Red Forest Duiker Cephalophus Natalensis date: 1979-12-02 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-662.pdf plain text: koedoe-662.txt item: #474 of 682 id: koedoe-663 author: Grobler, J. H title: The use of horn sections to determine the age of Sable Hippotragus Niger date: 1979-12-02 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-663.pdf plain text: koedoe-663.txt item: #475 of 682 id: koedoe-667 author: Osterhoff, D. R; Ward-Cox, I. S; Emslie, Valerie title: A study of genetic markers in the South African Blesbok (Damaliscus Dorcas Phillipsi) date: 1972-12-03 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-667.pdf plain text: koedoe-667.txt item: #476 of 682 id: koedoe-668 author: Osterhoff, D. R; Ward-Cox, I. S; Young, E title: Biochemical Polymorphism in the South African Impala (Aepyceros Melampus) date: 1972-12-03 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-668.pdf plain text: koedoe-668.txt item: #477 of 682 id: koedoe-669 author: Osterhoff, D. R; Young, E; Ward-Cox, I. S title: Transferrin and Haemoglobin types in the African Elephant (Loxodonta Africana) date: 1972-12-03 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-669.pdf plain text: koedoe-669.txt item: #478 of 682 id: koedoe-67 author: Gaugris, J.Y.; Matthews, W.S.; van Rooyen, M.W.; Bothma, J. du P. title: The vegetation of Tshanini Game Reserve and a comparison with equivalent units in the Tembe Elephant Park in Maputaland, South Africa date: 2004-12-18 words: 8945 flesch: 60 summary: However, clay content and moisture level differences in the soil of various areas in Tshanini Game Reserve are slight and could not be directly related to the differen- tiation between plant communities in Tshani- ni Game Reserve. An analysis of the plant communities of the to be proclaimed Tshanini Game Reserve and their relation with selected similar plant communities of Tembe Elephant Park are presented. keywords: community; elephant; elephant park; forest; game; game reserve; park; plant; plant species; reserve; sand; species; tembe; tshanini; tshanini game; vegetation; woodland cache: koedoe-67.pdf plain text: koedoe-67.txt item: #479 of 682 id: koedoe-673 author: Pienaar, U de V title: A new Bat record for the Kruger National Park date: 1972-12-03 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-673.pdf plain text: koedoe-673.txt item: #480 of 682 id: koedoe-674 author: Young, E; Penzhorn, L title: The reaction of the Cape Mountain Zebra (Equus Zebra Zebra) to certain chemical immobilisation drugs date: 1972-12-03 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-674.pdf plain text: koedoe-674.txt item: #481 of 682 id: koedoe-675 author: Young, E title: Notes on the chemical immobilisation and restraint of the Addo Elephant (Loxodonta Africana) date: 1972-12-03 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-675.pdf plain text: koedoe-675.txt item: #482 of 682 id: koedoe-676 author: Barkhuizen, G. F title: Notes on the use of Azaperone and Fentanyl in the immobilization of the Bontebok (Damaliscus Dorcas Dorcas) in the Bontebok National Park date: 1972-12-03 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-676.pdf plain text: koedoe-676.txt item: #483 of 682 id: koedoe-678 author: Bothma, J du P title: Short-term response in ungulate numbers to rainfall in the Nossob river of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1972-12-03 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-678.pdf plain text: koedoe-678.txt item: #484 of 682 id: koedoe-679 author: Penrith, M. J title: Sex reversal in the Sparid fish Chrysoblephus Laticeps date: 1972-12-03 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-679.pdf plain text: koedoe-679.txt item: #485 of 682 id: koedoe-68 author: Marais, M.; van der Berg, E.; Swart, A.; Tiedt, L.R. title: Plant nematodes in South Africa. 7. A check list of plant nematodes from the Fynbos Biome, with a description of Helicotylenchus curatus sp. n. date: 2004-12-18 words: 5259 flesch: 70 summary: M. Marais, E. van den Berg, A. Swart, Nematology Unit, Biosystematics Division, ARC- Plant Protection Research Institute, Private Bag X134, Queenswood, 0121 Republic of South Africa; L.R. Tiedt, Laboratory for Electron Microscopy, North West University, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom, 2520 Republic of South Africa. The checklist reflects on collecting done by the Agricultural Research Council, Western Cape Nature Conservation Board, Rand Afrikaans University and Uni- versity of Stellenbosch (Heyns 1971; Kleyn- hans et al. 1996; Marais & Swart 1999; Van den Berg et al. 2003; Van den Berg & Tiedt 2000) during the past 30 years. keywords: africa; annuli; berg; den; helicotylenchus; heyns; marais; nematodes; south; species; spp; van cache: koedoe-68.pdf plain text: koedoe-68.txt item: #486 of 682 id: koedoe-680 author: Oates, L. G title: A note on the sex ratio of Steenbok Raphicerus Campestris in TransvaaL Lowveld Mopane Colophospermum Mopane Woodland date: 1972-12-03 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-680.pdf plain text: koedoe-680.txt item: #487 of 682 id: koedoe-681 author: Young, E title: Overstraining disease (Capture Myopathy) in the Tsessebe, Damaliscus Lunatus and Oribi Ourebia Ourebi date: 1972-12-03 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-681.pdf plain text: koedoe-681.txt item: #488 of 682 id: koedoe-687 author: Mostert, Theo H.C.; Bredenkamp, George J.; Mostert, Rachel E. title: Plant communities of the Soutpansberg Arid Northern Bushveld date: 2009-07-20 words: 257 flesch: 45 summary: [final table vesion].indd A frican P rotected A rea C onservation and S cience KOEDOE Online supplement Table 1 A rticle #687 1Vol. 51 No. 1 Page 1 of 4 TABLE 1 Phytosociological table of the plant communities of the Adansonia digitata–Acacia nigrescens Soutpansberg arid northern Bushveld Major Vegetation Type KOEDOE A fr ic an P ro te ct ed A re a C on se rv at io n an d S ci en ce Online supplement Table 1 Mostert, Bredenkamp & Mostert A rt ic le # 68 7 2 Vol. 51 No. 1 Page 2 of 4 TABLE 1 (cont.) Phytosociological table of the plant communities of the Adansonia digitata–Acacia nigrescens Soutpansberg arid northern Bushveld Major Vegetation Type Online supplement Table 1 Mostert, Bredenkamp & Mostert KOEDOE A fr ic an P ro te ct ed A re a C on se rv at io n an d S ci en ce A rt ic le # 68 7 4 Vol. 51 keywords: table cache: koedoe-687.pdf plain text: koedoe-687.txt item: #489 of 682 id: koedoe-69 author: Terblanche, R.F.; van Hamburg, H. title: The taxonomy, biogeography and conservation of the myrmecophilous Chrysoritis butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in South Africa date: 2003-12-18 words: 10408 flesch: 55 summary: The distribution of Chrysoritis species in the provinces of South Africa as well as the Kingdom of Lesotho and Swaziland. terblanche 1.qxd 2005/12/09 11:25 Page 68 ISSN 0075-6458 69 Koedoe 46/2 (2003) Table 2 A summary of the red data book status of Chrysoritis species in the past. keywords: 2000; africa; butterflies; butterfly; cape; chrysoritis; chrysoritis species; conservation; distribution; genus; group; heath; henning; nature; south; south africa; species; terblanche cache: koedoe-69.pdf plain text: koedoe-69.txt item: #490 of 682 id: koedoe-690 author: Foxcroft, Llewellyn C. title: The status of Koedoe one year after changing to an online publication mode date: 2009-04-14 words: 903 flesch: 54 summary: Author: Llewellyn C. Foxcroft1,2 Affi liations: 1South African National Parks, Conservation Services South Africa 2Centre for Invasion Biology, Department of Botany and Zoology, South Africa Correspondence to: Llewellyn C. Foxcroft e-mail: Postal address: Private Bag X402, Skukuza, 1350, South Africa Keywords: editorial; Koedoe; African Protected Area Conservation and Science; future; history Dates: Received: 27 Jan. 2009 Accepted: 27 Jan. 2009 A checklist of the spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of the Polokwane Nature Reserve, Limpopo Province, South Africa by Susan Dippenaar, Ansie Dippenaar- Schoeman, Mogadi Modiba and Thembile Khoza, which has been viewed 307 times; Fifty years of Koedoe: current status and future directions by Llewellyn Foxcroft, viewed 231 times; The recent fi re history of the Table Mountain National Park, and implications for fi re management by Brian van Wilgen and Greg Forsyth, viewed 220 times; Measurement of concentrations of Faecal Glucocorticoid Metabolites in free-ranging African Elephants within the Kruger National Park, by Jozua Viljoen, Andre Ganswindt, Rupert Palme, Hendrick Reynecke, Johan du Toit and William Langbauer Jr, viewed 213 times; and An assessment of the implementation and outcomes of recent changes to the fi re management of the Kruger National Park, by Brian van Wilgen, Navashni Govender and Sandra MacFadyen, viewed 206 times. keywords: africa; koedoe; national; south cache: koedoe-690.pdf plain text: koedoe-690.txt item: #491 of 682 id: koedoe-695 author: Bezuidenhout, Hugo title: The classification, mapping and description of the vegetation of the Rooipoort Nature Reserve, Northern Cape, South Africa date: 2009-08-17 words: 8330 flesch: 59 summary: It is important to notice that the hierarchical classification derived from the Braun-Blanquet procedure facilitates this grouping of plant communities into related and manageable ecological units. Spaggiari, R.I., 1993, ‘Reconstruction of the Palaeo-drainage from the gravels on the Farm Droogeveldt 292, Barkly West, Rooipoort Nature Reserve, Northern Cape, South Africa Original Research A frican P rotected A rea C onservation and S cience KOEDOE A rticle #695 (page number not for citation purposes) Vol. 51 No. 1 Page 11 of 11 79 Northern Cape province’, BSc (Honours) thesis, Rhodes University. Wagner, P.A., 1914, The diamond fields of Southern Africa, Struik, Cape Town. Whittaker, R.H., 1978, ‘Dominance types’, in R.H. Whittaker, (ed.), Classification of plant communities, pp. keywords: acacia; area; canopy; communities; community; cover; management; shrubland; soil; south; species; study; type; vegetation cache: koedoe-695.pdf plain text: koedoe-695.txt item: #492 of 682 id: koedoe-70 author: Matipano, G. title: Post-release ranging behaviour of hand-raised black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis, L. in Matusadona National Park, Zimbabwe with recommendations for management of introduction to the wild date: 2004-12-18 words: 7065 flesch: 68 summary: Map of MNP indicating seasonal ranges of a wild female rhino number 21. Table 2 Seasonal ranges and core areas of black rhinos in MNP Year and Rhino Rhino No. of Seasonal bMean Core Mean core season group identity fixes range seasonal range area size area size (no./name) used size (km²) size (km²) (km²) (km²) 1998 wet Wild 7 5 20.8 7.3 season 21 6 32.9 26.9 14.1 10.7 Hand-raised Chewore 6 0.8 0.8 0.2 0.2 1998 early Wild 7 5 10.4 0.8 dry season 21 4 2.1 6.3 1.9 1.4 Hand-raised Chewore 8 2.3 2.3 Cuckoo 4 32.6 11.2 Pfumbe 4 4 13.0 1.2 4.9 1998 late Wild 7 6 13.7 0.6 dry season 21 6 1.3 7.5 0.4 0.5 Hand-raised Chewore 8 15.6 6.4 Cuckoo 7 58.7 37.2 55.5 31.0 1998/99 Hand-raised Chewore 4 7.3 0.6 wet season Cuckoo 6 7.5 7.4 0.6 0.6 1999/2000 Hand-raised Chewore 8 22 1.5 wet season Pfumbe 6 1.3 0.6 Mgofu a 1.5 8.0 a 1.4 2000 early Hand-raised Chewore 6 9.8 1.5 dry season Pfumbe 8 1.2 0.2 Mgofu 7 1.2 4.1 1 0.9 a Area was estimated based on the island the animal was occupying in that season Seasonal range area = -3.87 + 0.81 x core area size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . keywords: animals; area; core; hand; home; park; range; release; rhinos; season; sizes; study; wild cache: koedoe-70.pdf plain text: koedoe-70.txt item: #493 of 682 id: koedoe-703 author: None title: koedoe-703 date: None words: 7375 flesch: 49 summary: Different combinations of these plant communities can be grouped in six major landscapes, namely the Save River channel and river banks, Save riverine forest, Acacia nigrescens woodland landscape, mopane landscape, miombo landscape and sandveld landscape. Figure 2: Position of vegetation sample plots as well as ground and aerial control points in the Parque Nacional Zinave Analysis Data were analysed through a combination of classification and ordination techniques. keywords: acacia; communities; community; landscape; map; miombo; mopane; park; plant; plots; pnz; river; sample; save; soil; species; stalmans; vegetation cache: koedoe-703.htm plain text: koedoe-703.txt item: #494 of 682 id: koedoe-708 author: None title: koedoe-708 date: None words: 6924 flesch: 47 summary: Plant communities to the left of the scatter diagram (plant communities 1 and 2) are characterised by a largely rocky soil surface (> 50%), while those on the right (plant communities 7, 8 and 9) are characterised by fewer rocks on the soil surface (0% – 25%). Figure 2: Vegetation map of the plant communities of the Highveld National Park, North-West Province, South Africa Table 1: A summary of the plant communities described for the Highveld National Park Detailed description of plant communities for HNP 1. keywords: acacia; africa; area; average; bezuidenhout; bredenkamp; communities; community; cover; grassland; park; plant; soil; south; species; species group; vegetation cache: koedoe-708.htm plain text: koedoe-708.txt item: #495 of 682 id: koedoe-71 author: Myburgh, W.J.; Bredenkamp, G.J. title: Macro-channel riparian vegetation of the Olifants River System in the Grassland Biome, Mpumalanga date: 2004-12-18 words: 5606 flesch: 64 summary: Myburgh & bredenkamp.qxd Macro-channel riparian vegetation of the Olifants River System in the Grassland Biome, Mpumalanga W.J. MYBURGH and G.J. BREDENKAMP Myburgh, W.J. and G.J. Bredenkamp. 2004. Macro-channel riparian vegetation of the Olifants River System in the Grassland Biome, Mpumalanga. keywords: banks; canopy; channel; cover; eragrostis; forb; grassland; macro; river; species; table; vegetation cache: koedoe-71.pdf plain text: koedoe-71.txt item: #496 of 682 id: koedoe-710 author: None title: koedoe-710 date: None words: 7586 flesch: 49 summary: Brand, R.F., 2007, ‘Phytosociology of Platberg mountain, eastern Free State, South Africa’, PhD thesis, University of the Free State. Vegetation surveys provide information on the different plant communities and plant species present and form the basis of any management plan for a specific area (Brown et al. 1996). keywords: africa; bredenkamp; dac; drakensberg; eastern; endemic; families; flora; genera; natal; plant; platberg; south; southern; species; state; vegetation cache: koedoe-710.htm plain text: koedoe-710.txt item: #497 of 682 id: koedoe-712 author: Pienaar, U de V. title: A notable Ichthyological find in the Kruger National Park date: 1971-05-21 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-712.pdf plain text: koedoe-712.txt item: #498 of 682 id: koedoe-713 author: Bothma, J. Du P. title: Notes on river habitat use by the larger ungulates in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1971-05-21 words: 37 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 keywords: page cache: koedoe-713.pdf plain text: koedoe-713.txt item: #499 of 682 id: koedoe-714 author: De Vos, V.; Kloppers, J. J. title: Cornu Cutaneum on the Mandibular region of a Greater Kudu Tragelaphus Strepsiceros date: 1971-05-21 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-714.pdf plain text: koedoe-714.txt item: #500 of 682 id: koedoe-716 author: Rowe-Rowe, D. T. title: Sex ratios of Steenbok Raphicerus Campestris Thunderberg seen in two Southern African National Parks date: 1971-05-21 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-716.pdf plain text: koedoe-716.txt item: #501 of 682 id: koedoe-717 author: Penzhorn, B. L. title: A note on the sex ratio of Steenbok Raphicerus Campestrts in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1971-05-21 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-717.pdf plain text: koedoe-717.txt item: #502 of 682 id: koedoe-719 author: Nel, J. A. J.; Pretorius, J. J. L. title: A note on the smaller mammals of the Mountain Zebra National Park date: 1971-05-21 words: 29 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 keywords: page cache: koedoe-719.pdf plain text: koedoe-719.txt item: #503 of 682 id: koedoe-720 author: Van Wyk, P. title: A supplementary list of flowering plants occurring in the Kruger National Park date: 1971-05-21 words: 23 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 keywords: page cache: koedoe-720.pdf plain text: koedoe-720.txt item: #504 of 682 id: koedoe-721 author: Pianka, Eric R.; Huey, Raymond B. title: Bird species density in the Kalahari and the Australian deserts date: 1971-05-21 words: 23 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 keywords: page cache: koedoe-721.pdf plain text: koedoe-721.txt item: #505 of 682 id: koedoe-723 author: Young, E. title: A useful marking method for free living mammals date: 1971-05-21 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-723.pdf plain text: koedoe-723.txt item: #506 of 682 id: koedoe-724 author: Rautenbach, I. L. title: Notes on the small mammals of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1971-05-21 words: 20 flesch: 99 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 page138.pdf Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-724.pdf plain text: koedoe-724.txt item: #507 of 682 id: koedoe-725 author: Penzhorn, B. L. title: A summary of the re-introduction of ungulates into South African National Parks (to 31 December 1970) date: 1971-05-21 words: 35 flesch: 99 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 keywords: page cache: koedoe-725.pdf plain text: koedoe-725.txt item: #508 of 682 id: koedoe-726 author: Maclean, G. L. title: The Pygmy Falcon Polihierax Semitorquatus date: 1970-05-22 words: 5 flesch: 83 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! keywords: filelist cache: koedoe-726.pdf plain text: koedoe-726.txt item: #509 of 682 id: koedoe-727 author: Pienaar, U. De V. title: A note on the occurrence of Bat-Eared Fox Otocton Megalotis (Desmarest) in the Kruger National Park date: 1970-05-22 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-727.pdf plain text: koedoe-727.txt item: #510 of 682 id: koedoe-729 author: Meyer, Magdalena K. P. title: South African ACARI II check-list of mites in our Parks (Part i) date: 1970-05-22 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-729.pdf plain text: koedoe-729.txt item: #511 of 682 id: koedoe-73 author: Robinson, T.B.; Griffiths, C.L.; Kruger, N. title: Distribution and status of marine invasive species in and bordering the West Coast National Park date: 2004-12-18 words: 4803 flesch: 64 summary: The Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovin- cialis was recorded in 79 % of sampling areas that provided suitable rocky-shore habi- tat. This species was recorded in sampling areas 1–9 in Saldanha Bay, was absent throughout most of the lagoon, then reoccurred on the south side of the entrance to the bay. keywords: areas; bay; biomass; galloprovincialis; lagoon; langebaan; marine; saldanha; shore; south; species cache: koedoe-73.pdf plain text: koedoe-73.txt item: #512 of 682 id: koedoe-730 author: Deacon, H. J. title: Two Shell midden occurrences in the Tsitsikama National Park, Cape Province: A contribution to the study of the ecology of the Strandloopers date: 1970-05-22 words: 31 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 keywords: page cache: koedoe-730.pdf plain text: koedoe-730.txt item: #513 of 682 id: koedoe-733 author: Pienaar, U. de V. title: A lasting method for marking and identification of elephant date: 1970-05-22 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-733.pdf plain text: koedoe-733.txt item: #514 of 682 id: koedoe-734 author: Kensley, B. F. title: The occurrence of Grapsus Grapsus Tenuicrustatus (Herbst) at the Tsitsikama Coastal National Park (Decapoda, Braghyura, Grapsidae) date: 1970-05-22 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-734.pdf plain text: koedoe-734.txt item: #515 of 682 id: koedoe-735 author: Penzhorn, B. L. title: A check-list of the flowering plants in the Herbarium of the Mountain Zebra National Park date: 1970-05-22 words: 37 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 keywords: page cache: koedoe-735.pdf plain text: koedoe-735.txt item: #516 of 682 id: koedoe-736 author: De Graaff, G.; Nel, J. A. J. title: Notes on the small mammals of the Eastern Cape National Parks date: 1970-05-22 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-736.pdf plain text: koedoe-736.txt item: #517 of 682 id: koedoe-737 author: Wallace, Clive; Fairall, Neil title: Chromosome analysis in the Kruger National Park date: 1970-05-22 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-737.pdf plain text: koedoe-737.txt item: #518 of 682 id: koedoe-739 author: Winterbottom, J. M. title: The birds of the Augrabiese Falls National Park date: 1970-05-22 words: 25 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 keywords: page cache: koedoe-739.pdf plain text: koedoe-739.txt item: #519 of 682 id: koedoe-74 author: Saayman, M.; Slabbert, E. title: A profile of tourists visiting the Kruger National Park date: 2004-12-18 words: 3561 flesch: 64 summary: Benefits of market segmentation include: - long-term relationships can be formed with tourists who are brand loyal (Nick- els & Wood 1997); - gauging the park’s current position, as it is perceived by the tourists, relative to the competition; - segmentation can help guide the proper allocation and use of marketing resources (Strydom et al. 2000; Semenik 2002); - new markets can be detected and the suc- cess of marketing campaigns can be mea- sured; - scarce resources are not wasted and the marketing message/communication can be very specific; - skills and insights used in segmenting the product market give the KNP an impor- tant competitive advantage by identify- ing buyer groups that will respond favourably to the park’s marketing efforts (Slabbert 2002); - long-term growth can be secured by understanding each tourist market as an individual group of tourists with their distinct cultural make-up (Reisinger & Turner 1998); Koedoe 47/1 (2004) 2 ISSN 0075-6458 saayman & slabbert.qxd 2004/04/15 09:08 Page 2 - better service and facilities can be deliv- ered (Saayman 2001). saayman & slabbert.qxd A profile of tourists visiting the Kruger National Park M. SAAYMAN and E. SLABBERT Saayman, M. and E. Slabbert. 2004. keywords: market; marketing; national; park; profile; saayman; tourism; tourists cache: koedoe-74.pdf plain text: koedoe-74.txt item: #520 of 682 id: koedoe-740 author: Coates, T. J. title: Check-list of the Collembola of South African Parks (Part i) date: 1970-05-22 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-740.pdf plain text: koedoe-740.txt item: #521 of 682 id: koedoe-742 author: Brain, C. K. title: Field observation on lizards (Scincidae: Mabuya) in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1969-05-25 words: 27 flesch: 95 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 page8-1969.pdf Page 1 page9-1969.pdf Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-742.pdf plain text: koedoe-742.txt item: #522 of 682 id: koedoe-743 author: Broadley, Donald G. title: Two sympatric spesies of the Mamuya Striata Complex (Sauria: Scincidae) in the Southern Kalahari date: 1969-05-25 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-743.pdf plain text: koedoe-743.txt item: #523 of 682 id: koedoe-746 author: Lombaard, Ph.D., D.Sc., B. V. title: Herkoms van die naam Pretoriuskop date: 1969-05-25 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-746.pdf plain text: koedoe-746.txt item: #524 of 682 id: koedoe-748 author: Fairall, N. title: The use of the eye lens technique in deriving the age structure and life table of an Impala (Aepyceros melampus) date: 1969-05-25 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-748.pdf plain text: koedoe-748.txt item: #525 of 682 id: koedoe-749 author: Fairall, N. title: Prental development of the Impala Aepyceros melampus. Licht date: 1969-05-25 words: 5 flesch: 83 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! keywords: filelist cache: koedoe-749.pdf plain text: koedoe-749.txt item: #526 of 682 id: koedoe-75 author: Terblanche, R.F.; van Hamburg, H. title: The application of life history information to the conservation management of Chrysoritis butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in South Africa date: 2004-12-18 words: 5979 flesch: 57 summary: A revision of the ant genus Crematogaster will benefit the conservation management of Chrysoritis species since some of these ant species may consist of a number of species with much more restricted distributions than previously thought. Heath (1997) for the first time reported the exten- sive use of Thesium plants (Santalaceae) as host plants by Chrysoritis species. keywords: africa; ant; ants; butterflies; chrysoritis; dickson; heath; host; larvae; life; lycaenidae; plant; south; species cache: koedoe-75.pdf plain text: koedoe-75.txt item: #527 of 682 id: koedoe-750 author: Penzhorn, B.Sc. (Hons.), B L. title: 'N nota oor die gebruik van die benaming "Kwagga" date: 1969-05-25 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-750.pdf plain text: koedoe-750.txt item: #528 of 682 id: koedoe-751 author: Penzhorn, B.Sc. (Hon.), B. L.; Morris, Alan K. title: A supplementary check-list of birds recorded in the Addo Elephant National Park date: 1969-05-25 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-751.pdf plain text: koedoe-751.txt item: #529 of 682 id: koedoe-752 author: Pienaar, (Ph.D) U. de V.; le Riche, (B.Sc.) E.; le Roux, (B.Sc.) C. S. title: The use of drugs in the management and control of large carnivorous mammals date: 1969-05-25 words: 23 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 keywords: page cache: koedoe-752.pdf plain text: koedoe-752.txt item: #530 of 682 id: koedoe-756 author: Winterbottom, J. M. title: Bird denseties in coastal Renosterbosveld of the Bontebok National Park, Swellendam, Cape Province date: 1968-05-26 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-756.pdf plain text: koedoe-756.txt item: #531 of 682 id: koedoe-758 author: van der Merwe, N. J. title: Die Bontbok date: 1968-05-26 words: 5 flesch: 83 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! keywords: filelist cache: koedoe-758.pdf plain text: koedoe-758.txt item: #532 of 682 id: koedoe-759 author: Pienaar, Ph.D, U. de V. title: The ecological significance of roads in a National Park date: 1968-05-26 words: 8 flesch: 82 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! 171.pdf Page 1 keywords: filelist cache: koedoe-759.pdf plain text: koedoe-759.txt item: #533 of 682 id: koedoe-76 author: van Rooyen, M.W.; Tosh, C.A.; van Rooyen, N.; Matthews, W.S.; Kellerman, M.J.S. title: Impact of harvesting and fire on Phragmites australis reed quality in Tembe Elephant Park, Maputaland date: 2004-12-18 words: 5053 flesch: 65 summary: Two studies have investigated the impact of reed harvesting in the Fuyeni reed bed in KwaZulu-Natal (Frankland 1982; McKean 2001). The timing of reed harvesting is of critical importance. keywords: area; australis; fig; fire; harvesting; muzi; park; phragmites; reed; swamp; van cache: koedoe-76.pdf plain text: koedoe-76.txt item: #534 of 682 id: koedoe-760 author: Koedoe, Koedoe title: Index to subjects date: 1968-05-26 words: 31 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 keywords: page cache: koedoe-760.pdf plain text: koedoe-760.txt item: #535 of 682 id: koedoe-765 author: Lawrence, R. F. title: Supplementary list of the Solifugae,scorpions and Pepipalpi of the Kruger National Park date: 1967-05-27 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-765.pdf plain text: koedoe-765.txt item: #536 of 682 id: koedoe-766 author: Lawrence, R. F. title: The Pseudoscorpions (False-Scorpions) of the Kruger National Park date: 1967-05-27 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-766.pdf plain text: koedoe-766.txt item: #537 of 682 id: koedoe-767 author: Pienaar, Ph.D, U. de V.; Prozesky, B.Sc., O. P. M. title: A supplementary check-list of birds recorded in the Kruger National Park date: 1967-05-27 words: 24 flesch: 99 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 96.pdf Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-767.pdf plain text: koedoe-767.txt item: #538 of 682 id: koedoe-768 author: Heyns, Juan title: Makatinus Macropunctatus n.sp. (Nematoda: Aporcelaimidae) from the Kruger National Park date: 1967-05-27 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-768.pdf plain text: koedoe-768.txt item: #539 of 682 id: koedoe-769 author: Ferreira, G. Da Veiga title: Cerambycidae from the Kruger National Park date: 1967-05-27 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-769.pdf plain text: koedoe-769.txt item: #540 of 682 id: koedoe-77 author: Botha, J.; Witkowski, E.T.F.; Shackleton, C.M. title: Harvesting impacts on commonly used medicinal tree species (Catha edulis and Rapanea melanophloeos) under different land management regimes in the Mpumalanga Lowveld, South Africa date: 2004-12-18 words: 8719 flesch: 61 summary: Size class distribution The size class distribution (basal diameters) of harvested C. edulis populations was sig- nificantly different from unharvested ones (D1507,127 = 0.64; p <0.005). The extent of utilisation of harvested C. edulis populations ranged from 7–76 % of the harvestable stems (36 ± 14 %), 0–42 % of the roots (14 ± 8 %) and 2–24 % (8 ± 4 %) of roots and stems har- vested on the same tree. keywords: classes; edulis; harvested; harvesting; melanophloeos; populations; size; species; stems; trees cache: koedoe-77.pdf plain text: koedoe-77.txt item: #541 of 682 id: koedoe-770 author: Ferreira, M. C. title: Scarabaeidae from the Kruger National Park date: 1967-05-27 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-770.pdf plain text: koedoe-770.txt item: #542 of 682 id: koedoe-771 author: Nel, J. A. J. title: Burrow systems of Desmodillus Auricularis in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1967-05-27 words: 25 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 keywords: page cache: koedoe-771.pdf plain text: koedoe-771.txt item: #543 of 682 id: koedoe-772 author: Winterbottom, Professor J. M. title: A revised list of the birds of the Bontebok National Park, Swellendam date: 1967-05-27 words: 25 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 keywords: page cache: koedoe-772.pdf plain text: koedoe-772.txt item: #544 of 682 id: koedoe-774 author: Theron, J. M. title: Die geologie van die Bontebokpark, distrik Swellendam date: 1967-05-27 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-774.pdf plain text: koedoe-774.txt item: #545 of 682 id: koedoe-777 author: None title: koedoe-777 date: None words: 8722 flesch: 42 summary: It is floristically characterised by species group 1 (see online Appendix), which includes Acacia exuvialis in the woody layer, and Hemizygia bracteosa and Tricliceras laceratum in the forb layer (species group 1). Dominant species include the trees Colophospermum mopane, Terminalia prunioides and Combretum apiculatum and the grass Panicum coloratum (species group 14). keywords: area; colophospermum; combretum; communities; community; exclosures; figure; layer; letaba; mopane; plant; savanna; species group; sub; variant; vegetation; woodland cache: koedoe-777.htm plain text: koedoe-777.txt item: #546 of 682 id: koedoe-779 author: Eloff, D.Sc, F. C. title: Range extension of the Blue Wildebeest date: 1966-05-28 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-779.pdf plain text: koedoe-779.txt item: #547 of 682 id: koedoe-78 author: Cleaver, G.; Brown, L.R.; Bredenkamp, G.J. title: A vegetation description and floristic analyses of the springs on the Kammanassie Mountain, Western Cape date: 2004-12-18 words: 7012 flesch: 62 summary: Ehrharta erecta-Crassula biplanata shrubland Description of spring plant communities In the descriptions of the different spring plant communities, all species groups refer to Table 1. Keywords: springs, Kammanassie Mountain, Braun-Blanquet, plant communities, TWINSPAN, plant species richness. keywords: communities; community; formation; group; kamm; kammanassie; mountain; nature; plant; reserve; shrubland; species; species group; springs; vegetation; water cache: koedoe-78.pdf plain text: koedoe-78.txt item: #548 of 682 id: koedoe-780 author: Bothma, J. Du P. title: Notes on the stomach contents of certain Carnivora (mammalia) from the Kalahari Gemsbok Park date: 1966-05-28 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-780.pdf plain text: koedoe-780.txt item: #549 of 682 id: koedoe-786 author: Nel, J. A. J.; Nolte, H. title: Notes on the prey of owls in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, with special reference to the small mammals date: 1965-05-28 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-786.pdf plain text: koedoe-786.txt item: #550 of 682 id: koedoe-788 author: Balinsky, B. I. title: A preliminary list of dragonflies (Odonata) of the Kruger National Park date: 1965-05-28 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-788.pdf plain text: koedoe-788.txt item: #551 of 682 id: koedoe-789 author: Wallace, M.B, B.Ch, Clive; Fairall, B.Sc. (Agric.), N. title: Chromosome analysis in the Kruger National Park with special reference to the chromosomes of the giraffe (Giraffa Camelopardalis Giraffa (Boddaert) date: 1965-05-28 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-789.pdf plain text: koedoe-789.txt item: #552 of 682 id: koedoe-790 author: Prins, A. J. title: Ants of the Kruger National Park date: 1965-05-28 words: 25 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 keywords: page cache: koedoe-790.pdf plain text: koedoe-790.txt item: #553 of 682 id: koedoe-792 author: Heyns, Juan; Lagerwey, Gerda title: Nematodes of the superfamily Dorylai-moidea collected in the northern part of the Kruger National Park date: 1965-05-28 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-792.pdf plain text: koedoe-792.txt item: #554 of 682 id: koedoe-793 author: De Graaff, D.Sc, G.; Nel, M.Sc., J. A. J. title: On the tunnel system of Brants' Karroo Rat, Parotomys Brantsi in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1965-05-28 words: 21 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 keywords: page cache: koedoe-793.pdf plain text: koedoe-793.txt item: #555 of 682 id: koedoe-794 author: Office, Editorial title: A rare find date: 1965-05-28 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-794.pdf plain text: koedoe-794.txt item: #556 of 682 id: koedoe-796 author: FitzSimons, D.Sc V. title: A new subspecies of water-snake from Kruger National Park date: 1964-05-28 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-796.pdf plain text: koedoe-796.txt item: #557 of 682 id: koedoe-798 author: de Waal, H. L.; Van Twisk, P. title: Die chemiese ondersoek van vier Senecio spesies van die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin date: 1964-05-28 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-798.pdf plain text: koedoe-798.txt item: #558 of 682 id: koedoe-799 author: Vari, D.Sc., Lajos title: South African Lepidoptera, 4 date: 1964-05-28 words: 23 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 keywords: page cache: koedoe-799.pdf plain text: koedoe-799.txt item: #559 of 682 id: koedoe-800 author: Van Son, F.R.E.S., Dr. G title: Records of butterflies of the Kruger National Park 1 date: 1964-05-28 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-800.pdf plain text: koedoe-800.txt item: #560 of 682 id: koedoe-803 author: Van Bruggen, A. C. title: A note on Raphicerus Campestris (Thunberg, 18 ii): A challenge to observers date: 1964-05-28 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-803.pdf plain text: koedoe-803.txt item: #561 of 682 id: koedoe-804 author: Liebenberg, L. C. C. title: Die grotere soogdiere wat vroër dae voorgekom het in die omgewing van die Golden Gate-Hooglandpark date: 1964-05-28 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-804.pdf plain text: koedoe-804.txt item: #562 of 682 id: koedoe-805 author: Eloff, F. C. title: On the predatory habits of Lions and Hyaenas date: 1964-05-28 words: 21 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 keywords: page cache: koedoe-805.pdf plain text: koedoe-805.txt item: #563 of 682 id: koedoe-806 author: De Graaff, M.Sc. (Rand.), G title: On the parasites associated with the Bathyergidae date: 1964-05-28 words: 27 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 keywords: page cache: koedoe-806.pdf plain text: koedoe-806.txt item: #564 of 682 id: koedoe-808 author: Smit, P. J. title: Die geohidrologie van die Nasionale Kalahari-Gemsbokpark date: 1964-05-28 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-808.pdf plain text: koedoe-808.txt item: #565 of 682 id: koedoe-815 author: Pienaar, Ph.D., U. De V.; Van Niekerk, B.V.Sc., J. W. title: The capture and translocation of three species of wild Ungulates in the Eastern Transvaal with special reference to R05-2807/B-5F (Roche) as a tranquillizer in game animals date: 1963-05-28 words: 27 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 keywords: page cache: koedoe-815.pdf plain text: koedoe-815.txt item: #566 of 682 id: koedoe-817 author: Van Niekerk, B.V.Sc., J. W.; Pienaar, Ph.D., U. De V.; Fairall, B.Sc. (Agric.), N title: A preliminary note on the use of Quiloflex (Benzodioxane Hydro- chloride) in the immobilization of game date: 1963-05-28 words: 29 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 keywords: page cache: koedoe-817.pdf plain text: koedoe-817.txt item: #567 of 682 id: koedoe-818 author: Coetzee, C. G. title: The prey of owls in the Kruger National Park as indicated by owl pellets collected during 1960-61 date: 1963-05-28 words: 27 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 keywords: page cache: koedoe-818.pdf plain text: koedoe-818.txt item: #568 of 682 id: koedoe-82 author: Slotow, R.; van Dyk, G. title: Ranging of older male elephants introduced to an existing small population without older males: Pilanesberg National Park date: 2004-12-18 words: 7459 flesch: 71 summary: Table 2 Movement of older adult male elephant introduced from Kruger Park to Pilanesberg. We illustrate this shift by contrasting the overlap of male ranges with female ranges for the period before musth and after musth (Fig. 4). keywords: elephants; fig; kernel; male; musth; national; park; period; range; slotow cache: koedoe-82.pdf plain text: koedoe-82.txt item: #569 of 682 id: koedoe-820 author: Van der Vegte, B.Sc, F. A.; Heyns, Ph.D., J. title: A report on Nematodes found in soil and root samples from the Kruger National Park date: 1963-05-28 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-820.pdf plain text: koedoe-820.txt item: #570 of 682 id: koedoe-822 author: Brooke, Phillida title: The Kirstenbosch story date: 1963-05-28 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-822.pdf plain text: koedoe-822.txt item: #571 of 682 id: koedoe-823 author: Office, Editorial title: Proklamasie van die Sabie-Wildtuin , 26 maart 1898. date: 1961-05-29 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-823.pdf plain text: koedoe-823.txt item: #572 of 682 id: koedoe-825 author: Eloff, Prof. F. C. title: Observations on the migration and habits of the antelopes of the Kalahari Gemsbok Park date: 1961-05-29 words: 29 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 keywords: page cache: koedoe-825.pdf plain text: koedoe-825.txt item: #573 of 682 id: koedoe-826 author: Davidson, R. L.; Brynard, A. M.; Gillard, P.; Lecatsas, G.; Leigh, J. title: Veld burning date: 1961-05-29 words: 33 flesch: 100 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 keywords: page cache: koedoe-826.pdf plain text: koedoe-826.txt item: #574 of 682 id: koedoe-827 author: Jordan, Dr. T. J. W. title: Verslag oor die ondersoek i.v.m. ou aambeeld wat vermoedelik tot die Van Rensburg-trek behoort het date: 1961-05-29 words: 23 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 keywords: page cache: koedoe-827.pdf plain text: koedoe-827.txt item: #575 of 682 id: koedoe-831 author: Leistner, O. A. title: On the dispersal of Acacia Giraffae by game date: 1961-05-29 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-831.pdf plain text: koedoe-831.txt item: #576 of 682 id: koedoe-832 author: Barnard, P. J.; Van der Walt, Dr. K. title: Translocation of the Bontebok (Damaliscus Pygargus) from Bredasdorp to Swellendam date: 1961-05-29 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-832.pdf plain text: koedoe-832.txt item: #577 of 682 id: koedoe-833 author: Brynard, M.Sc., A. M. title: A supplementary check-list of plants recorded in the Kruger National Park date: 1961-05-29 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-833.pdf plain text: koedoe-833.txt item: #578 of 682 id: koedoe-836 author: Pienaar, Ph.D., U. De V. title: A supplementary check-list of Decapoda, freshwater fish, amphibia, reptiles and small mammals recorded in the Kruger National Park date: 1961-05-29 words: 27 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 keywords: page cache: koedoe-836.pdf plain text: koedoe-836.txt item: #579 of 682 id: koedoe-839 author: Punt, Dr. W. H. J. title: 'N beknopte oorsig van die historiese navorsing in die Nasionale Kruger Wildtuin date: 1962-06-01 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-839.pdf plain text: koedoe-839.txt item: #580 of 682 id: koedoe-84 author: Swanepoel, C.H.; Loubsser, C.P.; Schaller, E.M.J.C. title: Community involvement in the development of an environmental education programme: the Tswaing meteorite crater conservation area as a case study date: 2004-12-18 words: 5391 flesch: 50 summary: Issues emerging from the case study The Tswaing environmental education pro- ject was a case study of an attempt to put environmental education research into prac- tice by involving local communities in developing environmental education pro- grammes in their environment. Key words: environmental education, community development, community involve- ment, rural development, environmental management, environmental ownership, preservation and utilisation, social sustainability. keywords: communities; community; crater; development; education; environmental; meteorite; programmes; project; research cache: koedoe-84.pdf plain text: koedoe-84.txt item: #581 of 682 id: koedoe-840 author: Eloff, Prof. F. C. title: Observations on the migration and habits of the Antelopes of the Kalahari Gemsbok Park. part IV. date: 1962-06-01 words: 23 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 keywords: page cache: koedoe-840.pdf plain text: koedoe-840.txt item: #582 of 682 id: koedoe-843 author: De Graaff, M.Sc.(Rand), G. title: On the nest of Cryptomys Hottentotus in the Kruger National Park. date: 1962-06-01 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-843.pdf plain text: koedoe-843.txt item: #583 of 682 id: koedoe-844 author: Vari, D.Sc., L title: South African Lepidoptera, 2 date: 1962-06-01 words: 25 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 keywords: page cache: koedoe-844.pdf plain text: koedoe-844.txt item: #584 of 682 id: koedoe-845 author: Haagner, B.Sc. (Agric.), C. H. title: Bio-Accoustical studies in the National Parks. date: 1962-06-01 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-845.pdf plain text: koedoe-845.txt item: #585 of 682 id: koedoe-846 author: Prozesky, O. P. M.; Haagner, B.Sc. (Agric), Clem title: A check-list of the birds of the Kalahari Gemsbok Park. date: 1962-06-01 words: 29 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 keywords: page cache: koedoe-846.pdf plain text: koedoe-846.txt item: #586 of 682 id: koedoe-847 author: Winterbottom, Dr. J. M. title: A preliminary list of the birds of the Bontebok National Park, Swellendam. date: 1962-06-01 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-847.pdf plain text: koedoe-847.txt item: #587 of 682 id: koedoe-85 author: Turner, M.L.; Labuschagne, C.; Green, E.D. title: The micromorphology of the African buffalo louse Haematopinus bufali as observed under the scanning electron microscope date: 2004-12-18 words: 3397 flesch: 65 summary: The former three are biting lice (Mallophaga) whilst the latter (Anoplura) are commonly known as sucking lice (Smith, 2000). Turner.qxd 2004/10/05 12:16 Page 83 Biting and sucking lice are economically important parasites and play an important role in the success of game ranches, reserves and parks all over the world. keywords: abdomen; african; bufali; female; fig; host; lice; male cache: koedoe-85.pdf plain text: koedoe-85.txt item: #588 of 682 id: koedoe-853 author: Van Son, D.Sc, (F.R.E.S.), G. title: On some butterflies of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, with descriptions of three new forms date: 1959-06-01 words: 23 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 keywords: page cache: koedoe-853.pdf plain text: koedoe-853.txt item: #589 of 682 id: koedoe-854 author: Bolwig, (F.R.E.S., F.Z.S.),Dr. Niels title: Observations and thoughts on the evolution of facial mimic date: 1959-06-01 words: 25 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 keywords: page cache: koedoe-854.pdf plain text: koedoe-854.txt item: #590 of 682 id: koedoe-855 author: Bolwig, (F.R.E.S., F.Z.S.),Dr. Niels title: Further observations on the physiological and behavioural characteristics of small animals in the Southern Kalahari date: 1959-06-01 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-855.pdf plain text: koedoe-855.txt item: #591 of 682 id: koedoe-856 author: Ferreira, F.R.E.S. (Lourenco Marques), M. C. title: A contribution to the study of the Coleoptera from the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park (Scarabaeidae, Buprestidae, Cerambycidae): I date: 1959-06-01 words: 25 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 keywords: page cache: koedoe-856.pdf plain text: koedoe-856.txt item: #592 of 682 id: koedoe-86 author: van der Merwe, P.; Saayman, M.; Krugell, W. title: Factors that determine the price of game date: 2004-12-18 words: 4856 flesch: 75 summary: In order for game farm own- ers to manage their game farms and specifi- cally their stock (game) more effectively it has become important to know which factors are having the most significant impact on the price of game, for if the price of game drops or increases it has an impact on the prof- itability and viability of game farms. vd Merwe.qxd 2004/10/05 12:54 Page 106 revenue for game farm tourism and con- tributed approximately 30 % of the total amount generated by game farms in South Africa. keywords: 2002; 2003; africa; farms; game; increase; number; price; south; van cache: koedoe-86.pdf plain text: koedoe-86.txt item: #593 of 682 id: koedoe-862 author: Meester, J. title: Adaptation of Crocidura Hirta Peters to variation in moisture conditions in Southern Africa date: 1959-06-01 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-862.pdf plain text: koedoe-862.txt item: #594 of 682 id: koedoe-866 author: Janse, D.Sc. A. J. T. title: Three new species of Acutitornus from the Kalahari date: 1958-06-02 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-866.pdf plain text: koedoe-866.txt item: #595 of 682 id: koedoe-867 author: Fitzsimons, D.Sc., V.; Brain, Ph.D., C. K. title: A short account of the reptiles of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1958-06-02 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-867.pdf plain text: koedoe-867.txt item: #596 of 682 id: koedoe-868 author: Hughes, Alun R. title: Some ancient and recent observations on Hyaenas date: 1958-06-02 words: 25 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 keywords: page cache: koedoe-868.pdf plain text: koedoe-868.txt item: #597 of 682 id: koedoe-87 author: Whittington, P.A. title: Short Note: New breeding locality for Crowned Cormorant date: 2004-12-18 words: 921 flesch: 68 summary: In addition, 20 fledged White-breasted Cormorants and 71 fledged Cape Table 1 Counts of occupied nests, old nests and fledged young of all species breeding at Number 12 Stacks, 29 October 2003 Stack Carbo Capensis Domini- canus White-breasted Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo Occupied nests (total) 15 0 0 Nests with chicks visible 6 0 0 Old nests 13 0 0 Fledged young 20 0 0 Cape Cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis Occupied nests (total) 27 2 8 Nests with chicks visible 25 0 6 Old nests not not not counted counted counted Fledged young 71 103 94 Crowned Cormorant Phalacrocorax coronatus Occupied nests (total) 4 0 0 Nests with chicks visible 0 0 0 Old nests 0 0 0 Counts were made of occupied nests and fledged young of all species present on three stacks visible from the mainland. keywords: breeding; crawford; nests cache: koedoe-87.pdf plain text: koedoe-87.txt item: #598 of 682 id: koedoe-870 author: Morris, J. J. title: Veldaangeleenthede en beweging van wild in die Kalahari - Gemsbokpark date: 1958-06-02 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-870.pdf plain text: koedoe-870.txt item: #599 of 682 id: koedoe-873 author: Davis, D. H. S. title: Notes on some small mammals in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, with special reference to those preyed upon by Barn Owls date: 1958-06-02 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-873.pdf plain text: koedoe-873.txt item: #600 of 682 id: koedoe-874 author: Schulz, Karl Hechter; Steyn, J. J.; Rose-Innes, R. title: A Culicine Mosquito survey of the Kruger National Park date: 1958-06-02 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-874.pdf plain text: koedoe-874.txt item: #601 of 682 id: koedoe-879 author: None title: koedoe-879 date: None words: 7911 flesch: 46 summary: Fredline, E., Deery, M. & Jago, L., 2003, ‘The development of a generic scale to measure the social impacts of events’, Event Management 8(1), 23–37. Gelan, A., 2003, ‘Local economic impacts: The British Open’, Annals of Tourism Research 30(2), 406–425. References (Back to top) Anon., 2006, ‘Section on socio-economics newsletter of the Association of American Law Schools’, Journal of Law and Socio-economics 27, Dec. Ap, J. & Crompton, J.L., 1993, ‘Residents’ strategies for responding to tourism impacts’, Journal of Travel Research 32(1), 47–50. keywords: area; communities; community; development; impact; national; park; saayman; socio; spending; study; tnp; tourism; visitors cache: koedoe-879.htm plain text: koedoe-879.txt item: #602 of 682 id: koedoe-88 author: Barret, A.S.; Brown, L.R.; Barret, L.; Henzi, S.P. title: Phytosociology and plant community utilisation by vervet monkeys of the Blydeberg Conservancy, Limpopo Province date: 2006-12-18 words: 10524 flesch: 63 summary: Keywords: Braun-Blanquet procedures, conservancy, plant communities, TWINSPAN, vervet monkeys. Description of plant communities The study area is mostly open woodland with a depleted herbaceous layer due to a history of overgrazing and irregular agricul- tural practices leading to a low plant species diversity. keywords: acacia; area; average; combretum; communities; community; cover; grass; group q; land; layer; plant; shrub; species group; study; study area; sub; tree; vegetation; woodland cache: koedoe-88.pdf plain text: koedoe-88.txt item: #603 of 682 id: koedoe-880 author: None title: koedoe-880 date: None words: 7375 flesch: 50 summary: Hunting, conservation and British imperialism, Manchester University Press, Manchester. McComb, K., Baker, L., & Moss, C., 2006, ‘African elephants show high levels of interest in the skulls and ivory of their own species’ Biological Letters 2, 26–28. McComb, K., Moss, C., Durant, S.M., Baker, L. & Sayialel, S., 2001, ‘Matriarchs as repositories of social knowledge in African elephants’, Science 292, 491–494. keywords: africa; cape; conservation; culling; elephant; history; ivory; kruger; management; national; nature; park; press; pretorius; south; south africa; southern; university cache: koedoe-880.htm plain text: koedoe-880.txt item: #604 of 682 id: koedoe-881 author: de Vos, V.; van Niekerk, G.A.W.J.; McConell, E.E. title: A survey of selected bacteriological infections of the Chacma Baboon Papio Ursinus from the Kruger National Park date: 1973-07-28 words: 25 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 keywords: page cache: koedoe-881.pdf plain text: koedoe-881.txt item: #605 of 682 id: koedoe-884 author: de Graaf, G.; Schultz, K.C.A.; van der Waet, P.T. title: Notes on rumen contents of Cape Buffalo Syncerus Caffer in the Addo Elephant National Park date: 1973-07-28 words: 33 flesch: 100 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 keywords: page cache: koedoe-884.pdf plain text: koedoe-884.txt item: #606 of 682 id: koedoe-885 author: Sghoonraad, Eezabe title: Enkele morfologiese aspekte van die podocarpus-soorte van die Tsitsikama- Bos en -Seekus nasionale parke date: 1973-07-28 words: 33 flesch: 100 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 keywords: page cache: koedoe-885.pdf plain text: koedoe-885.txt item: #607 of 682 id: koedoe-886 author: Young, E.; Zumpt, F.; Boomker, J.; Penzhorn, B.L.; Erasmus, B. title: Parasites and diseases of Cape Mountain zebra, black wildebeest, mountain reedbuck and blesbok in the Mountain Zebra National Park date: 1973-07-28 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-886.pdf plain text: koedoe-886.txt item: #608 of 682 id: koedoe-888 author: Gaigher, I.G. title: The habitat preferences of fishes from the Limpopo river system, Transvaal and Mocambique date: 1973-07-28 words: 33 flesch: 100 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 keywords: page cache: koedoe-888.pdf plain text: koedoe-888.txt item: #609 of 682 id: koedoe-889 author: Nel, J.A.J.; Stutterheim, C.J. title: Notes on early Post-Natal development of the Namaqua Gerbil Desmodillus Auricularis date: 1973-07-28 words: 23 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 keywords: page cache: koedoe-889.pdf plain text: koedoe-889.txt item: #610 of 682 id: koedoe-89 author: Carruthers, Jane title: Mapungubwe: an historical and contemporary analysis of a World Heritage cultural landscape date: 2006-12-18 words: 8853 flesch: 55 summary: But as explained, technology, mining, interna- tional trade, environmental and human exploitation and capitalist accumulation are integral to the cultural landscape that is World Heritage Mapungubwe. Mapungubwe: an historical and contemporary analysis of a World Heritage cultural landscape. keywords: african; area; cultural; heritage; history; landscape; limpopo; mapungubwe; national; pretoria; site; society; south; south africa; time; university; van; world; world heritage cache: koedoe-89.pdf plain text: koedoe-89.txt item: #611 of 682 id: koedoe-891 author: Eloff, F.C. title: Water use by the Kalahari Lion Panthera Leo Vernayi date: 1973-07-28 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-891.pdf plain text: koedoe-891.txt item: #612 of 682 id: koedoe-892 author: van Rooyen, G.L.; de Beer, P.J. title: A retractable barb needle for drug darts date: 1973-07-28 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-892.pdf plain text: koedoe-892.txt item: #613 of 682 id: koedoe-894 author: Smuts, G.L. title: Ketamine Hydrochloride - a useful drug for the field immobilization of the Spotted Hyaena Crocuta Crocuta date: 1973-07-28 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-894.pdf plain text: koedoe-894.txt item: #614 of 682 id: koedoe-895 author: Bothma, J. Du P.; de Graaff, G. title: A habitat map of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1973-07-28 words: 21 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 keywords: page cache: koedoe-895.pdf plain text: koedoe-895.txt item: #615 of 682 id: koedoe-896 author: van Gylswyk, N.O.; Giesecke, D. title: A summary of preliminary findings in a rumen microbiological investigation on wild ruminants date: 1973-07-28 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-896.pdf plain text: koedoe-896.txt item: #616 of 682 id: koedoe-897 author: Young, E.; Zumpt, F.; Basson, P. A.; Erasmus, B.; Boyazoglu, P. A.; Boomker, J. title: Notes on the parasitology, pathology and bio-physiology of springbok in the Mountain Zebra National Park date: 1973-07-28 words: 5 flesch: 83 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! keywords: filelist cache: koedoe-897.pdf plain text: koedoe-897.txt item: #617 of 682 id: koedoe-898 author: Joubert, S.C.J.; English, M. title: A new bird record for the Kruger National Park date: 1973-07-28 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-898.pdf plain text: koedoe-898.txt item: #618 of 682 id: koedoe-899 author: Els, D.A. title: A preliminary note on the visual changes in femur marrow fat as an indicator of femur fat percentage of springbok Antidorcas Marsupialis and blesbok Damaliscus Dorcas Phillipsi date: 1973-07-28 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-899.pdf plain text: koedoe-899.txt item: #619 of 682 id: koedoe-907 author: van den Berg, M.A. title: Pouoogmotte (Lepidoptera : Saturniidae) van die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin date: 1974-07-28 words: 33 flesch: 100 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 keywords: page cache: koedoe-907.pdf plain text: koedoe-907.txt item: #620 of 682 id: koedoe-908 author: de Graaff, G. title: Notes on the occurrence of rodents in South African National Parks date: 1974-07-28 words: 27 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 keywords: page cache: koedoe-908.pdf plain text: koedoe-908.txt item: #621 of 682 id: koedoe-91 author: Dippenaar-Schoeman, A.S.; van der Merwe, M.; van den Berg, A.M. title: Habitat preferences and seasonal activity of the Microstigmatidae from Ngome State Forest, South Africa (Arachnida: Araneae) date: 2006-12-18 words: 2732 flesch: 60 summary: collected from 180 pitfall traps from five habitat types at the Ngome State Forest, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa during 1992-1993 Species Open grass Pine plantation Ecotone Dense forest Open forest Total % M. zuluensis 0 0 Dippenaar microstigmatidae.qxd Habitat preferences and seasonal activity of the Microstigmatidae from Ngome State Forest, South Africa (Arachnida: Araneae) A.S. DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, M. VAN DER MERWE and A.M. VAN DEN BERG Dippenaar-Schoeman, A.S., M. van der Merwe and A.M. van den Berg. keywords: africa; forest; pine; south cache: koedoe-91.pdf plain text: koedoe-91.txt item: #622 of 682 id: koedoe-910 author: de Vos, V.; Bourquin, O. title: Dystocia in a giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis date: 1974-07-28 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-910.pdf plain text: koedoe-910.txt item: #623 of 682 id: koedoe-911 author: Keith, M.E.; Renew, A. title: Notes on some Edible wild plants found in the Kalahari date: 1975-07-29 words: 29 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 keywords: page cache: koedoe-911.pdf plain text: koedoe-911.txt item: #624 of 682 id: koedoe-917 author: Jungius, H.; Claussen, C.P.; Germany, W. title: The horn bases of the Reedbuck Redunca arundinum date: 1975-07-29 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-917.pdf plain text: koedoe-917.txt item: #625 of 682 id: koedoe-918 author: Smuts, G.L. title: Home range sizes for burchell's zebra equus burchelli antiquorum from the Kruger National Park date: 1975-07-29 words: 21 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 keywords: page cache: koedoe-918.pdf plain text: koedoe-918.txt item: #626 of 682 id: koedoe-92 author: Brown, L.R.; Bezuidenhout, H. title: The vegetation of the farms Ingleside and Welgedacht of the Mountain Zebra National Park, Eastern Cape date: 2005-12-18 words: 8629 flesch: 63 summary: The following species are locally prominent: the tree Aca- cia karroo (species group L), the shrub Rhus longispina (species group J), the grasses Aristida diffusa (species group H), Cymbo- pogon pospischilii (species group I), Cenchrus ciliaris (species group J), Tragus koelerioides (species group Q) and the forbs Pachypodium succulentum (species group H) and Blepharis integrifolia (species group P). The vegetation is dominated by the dwarf shrub Pentzia globosa (species group Q) and the pioneer grass Cynodon incompletus (species group S), whereas the grasses Era- grostis obtusa, Aristida congesta subsp. keywords: area; communities; community; cover; koedoe; layer; mountain; national; park; plant; shrub; shrubland; soil; south; species; species group; study; vegetation cache: koedoe-92.pdf plain text: koedoe-92.txt item: #627 of 682 id: koedoe-921 author: Bath, G.F. title: Intracardiac thrombosis in the Cape Mountain Zebra date: 1975-07-29 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-921.pdf plain text: koedoe-921.txt item: #628 of 682 id: koedoe-923 author: Rautenbach, I.L.; Nel, J.A.J. title: Further records of smaller mammals from the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1975-07-29 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-923.pdf plain text: koedoe-923.txt item: #629 of 682 id: koedoe-924 author: de Vos, V. title: Death due to volvulus in a white rhinoceros ceratotherium simum from the Kruger National Park date: 1975-07-29 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-924.pdf plain text: koedoe-924.txt item: #630 of 682 id: koedoe-925 author: Rautenbach, I.L title: Another new bat record for the Kruger National Park date: 1975-07-29 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-925.pdf plain text: koedoe-925.txt item: #631 of 682 id: koedoe-928 author: de Vos, V.; McCully, R. M.; van Niekerk, C. A.W.J. title: Mycobacteriosis in the Kruger National Park date: 1977-08-27 words: 23 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 keywords: page cache: koedoe-928.pdf plain text: koedoe-928.txt item: #632 of 682 id: koedoe-930 author: Coetzee, B. J.; Gertenbach, W. P.D.; Nel, P. J. title: Korttermyn plantegroeistruktuur- veranderings op Basalt in die sentrale distrik, Nasionale Krugerwildtuin date: 1977-08-27 words: 31 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 keywords: page cache: koedoe-930.pdf plain text: koedoe-930.txt item: #633 of 682 id: koedoe-931 author: Coetzee, B. J.; Gertenbach, W. P.D. title: Technique for describing woody vegetation composition and structure in inventory type classification, ordination and animal habitat surveys date: 1977-08-27 words: 23 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 keywords: page cache: koedoe-931.pdf plain text: koedoe-931.txt item: #634 of 682 id: koedoe-933 author: Robinson, G. A. title: The riddle of fitzsimons' 'Tzitzikama Cave' date: 1977-08-27 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-933.pdf plain text: koedoe-933.txt item: #635 of 682 id: koedoe-934 author: Lamoraal, Bruno H. title: Parabuthus Kalaharicus, a new species of scorpion from the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park in the republic of South Africa (buthidae, scorpionida) date: 1977-08-27 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-934.pdf plain text: koedoe-934.txt item: #636 of 682 id: koedoe-935 author: Hartwig, E.K. title: Records of assassin bug species (reduviidae, heteroptera) reported biting man date: 1977-08-27 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-935.pdf plain text: koedoe-935.txt item: #637 of 682 id: koedoe-936 author: Carruthers, V.C.; Robinson, G.A. title: Notes on amphibia in the Tsitsikama National Parks date: 1977-08-27 words: 23 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 keywords: page cache: koedoe-936.pdf plain text: koedoe-936.txt item: #638 of 682 id: koedoe-939 author: None title: koedoe-939 date: None words: 4741 flesch: 49 summary: Discussion (Back to top) Long-term and intensive field studies on smaller cats are still uncommon and even the common species have not been well studied (Macdonald & Loveridge, in press; Nowell & Jackson 1996). Radio telemetry has become more reliable and efficient since the 1980s (Nowell & Jackson 1996); recently, radio collars have been designed smaller, lighter and reliable enough for the use on smaller cats. keywords: capture; cats; darting; ecology; felis; kalahari; park; radio; research; south; study; traps; wildcats cache: koedoe-939.htm plain text: koedoe-939.txt item: #639 of 682 id: koedoe-94 author: Khoza, T.T.; Dippenaar, S.M.; Dippenaar-Schoeman, A.S. title: The biodiversity and species composition of the spider community of Marion Island, a recent survey (Arachnida: Araneae) date: 2005-12-18 words: 3261 flesch: 63 summary: Collected spiders were preserved in 70 % ethanol and studied using stereo and light microscopes. An Introductory Guide to the Marion and Prince Edward Island Special Nature Reserves. keywords: edward; island; marion; myro; prince; research; species; specimens; spiders cache: koedoe-94.pdf plain text: koedoe-94.txt item: #640 of 682 id: koedoe-942 author: Parris, R.; Bothma, J. Du P.; Waanders, E.; Boshoff, A. F. title: Preliminary map of the south western Kalahari Desert date: 1977-08-27 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-942.pdf plain text: koedoe-942.txt item: #641 of 682 id: koedoe-944 author: de Vos, V. title: A new locality for the sand tampan ornithodoros savignyi (audouin) in Southern Africa date: 1977-08-27 words: 17 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 keywords: page cache: koedoe-944.pdf plain text: koedoe-944.txt item: #642 of 682 id: koedoe-945 author: Lawrence, R.F. title: Woodlice (crustacea, isopoda, terrestria) recorded by the late K. H. Barnard from the Kruger National Park and its neighbourhood date: 1977-08-27 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-945.pdf plain text: koedoe-945.txt item: #643 of 682 id: koedoe-946 author: Sirgel, W. F. title: Gullela Barnardi van Bruggen, 1965 (mollusca, pulmonata: streptaxidae). A new record from the Kruger National Park date: 1977-08-27 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-946.pdf plain text: koedoe-946.txt item: #644 of 682 id: koedoe-947 author: Pienaar, U. de V. title: Phrynomerus Annectens (Werner), a rare frog in the Augrabies Falls National Park date: 1977-08-27 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-947.pdf plain text: koedoe-947.txt item: #645 of 682 id: koedoe-948 author: Joubert, S.C.J. title: Two new lizards for the Kruger National Park date: 1977-08-27 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-948.pdf plain text: koedoe-948.txt item: #646 of 682 id: koedoe-949 author: Joubert, S.C.J. title: Avian Marine Vagrants to the Kruger National Park date: 1977-08-27 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-949.pdf plain text: koedoe-949.txt item: #647 of 682 id: koedoe-95 author: Modiba, M.A.; Dippenaar, S.M.; Dippenaar-Schoeman, A.S. title: A checklist of spiders from Sovenga Hill, an inselberg in the Savanna Biome, Limpopo Province, South Africa (Arachnida: Araneae) date: 2005-12-18 words: 4577 flesch: 63 summary: One such a project of SANSA is to determine spider diversity in the Savanna Biome of South Africa, with the primary aim to gather information on areas still poorly sampled (Dippenaar-Schoeman & Leroy 2003; Van den Berg et al. 2003). Estimating spider species richness in a southern Appalachian Cove hardwood forest. keywords: africa; dippenaar; grass; schoeman; soil; south; species; spiders; web cache: koedoe-95.pdf plain text: koedoe-95.txt item: #648 of 682 id: koedoe-950 author: Schlitter, D.A.; Rautenbach, I.L. title: The occurrence of the Aloe Bat Eptesicus Zuluensis in the Kruger National Park date: 1977-08-27 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-950.pdf plain text: koedoe-950.txt item: #649 of 682 id: koedoe-951 author: Schlitter, D.A.; Rautenbach, I.L. title: The brush-tailed gerbille gerbillurus vallinus in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1977-08-27 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-951.pdf plain text: koedoe-951.txt item: #650 of 682 id: koedoe-952 author: Wallace, C. title: Chromosome analysis in the Kruger National Park - the chromosomes of the saddle-backed jackal Canis Mesomelas date: 1977-08-27 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-952.pdf plain text: koedoe-952.txt item: #651 of 682 id: koedoe-953 author: de Vos, V. title: Necrospy data of eight reedbuck redunca arundinumfrom the Kruger National Park date: 1977-08-27 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-953.pdf plain text: koedoe-953.txt item: #652 of 682 id: koedoe-954 author: Penzhorn, B.L. title: A note on the re-introduction of grey rhebuck pelea capreolus to the Addo Elephant National Park date: 1977-08-27 words: 7 flesch: 94 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 keywords: page cache: koedoe-954.pdf plain text: koedoe-954.txt item: #653 of 682 id: koedoe-956 author: Penzhorn, B.L. title: Toevoegings tot die blomplantlys van die Bergkwagga Nasionale Park date: 1977-08-27 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-956.pdf plain text: koedoe-956.txt item: #654 of 682 id: koedoe-957 author: Penzhorn, B.L. title: Further bird records from the Bontebokand Mountain Zebra National Parks date: 1977-08-27 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-957.pdf plain text: koedoe-957.txt item: #655 of 682 id: koedoe-959 author: van Rooyen, N. title: 'n Aanvullende lys van plantspesies vir die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin uit die Pafuri gebied date: 1978-09-03 words: 26 flesch: 99 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 last.pdf Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-959.pdf plain text: koedoe-959.txt item: #656 of 682 id: koedoe-96 author: Hooimeijer, J.F.; Jansen, F.A.; de Boer, W.F.; Wessels, D.; van der Waal, C.; de Jong, C.B.; Otto, N.D.; Knoop, L. title: The diet of kudus in a mopane dominated area, South Africa date: 2005-12-18 words: 7174 flesch: 67 summary: The first hypothesis that will be tested in this study is that kudu diet quality (measured by crude protein, tannin, and phenol concentra- tions) is lower in the dry season compared to the wet season; do kudus maximise protein or minimise secondary compounds? The contribution of C. mopane in the diet was negatively correlated with precipitation. keywords: availability; diet; kudu; mopane; n. a.; owen; plant; protein; quality; samples; season; smith; species; study; tannin; van; wet cache: koedoe-96.pdf plain text: koedoe-96.txt item: #657 of 682 id: koedoe-961 author: Dayton, B.R. title: Standing crops of dominant combretum species at three browsing levels in the Kruger National Park date: 1978-09-03 words: 25 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 keywords: page cache: koedoe-961.pdf plain text: koedoe-961.txt item: #658 of 682 id: koedoe-962 author: van Dyk, L.P. title: Plaagdoders in rivierwater van die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin date: 1978-09-03 words: 5 flesch: 83 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! keywords: filelist cache: koedoe-962.pdf plain text: koedoe-962.txt item: #659 of 682 id: koedoe-963 author: Scholtz, C.H. title: The occurrence and distribution of Trox(coleoptera, trogidae) in the Kruger National Park date: 1978-09-03 words: 23 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 keywords: page cache: koedoe-963.pdf plain text: koedoe-963.txt item: #660 of 682 id: koedoe-964 author: Fleischack, P.C.; Small, C.P. title: The vocalizations and breeding behaviour of kassina senegalensis (anura, rhacophoridae) in summer breeding aggregations date: 1978-09-03 words: 23 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 keywords: page cache: koedoe-964.pdf plain text: koedoe-964.txt item: #661 of 682 id: koedoe-965 author: Herzig-Straschil, B.; Robinson, G.A. title: On the ecology of the fruit bat, rousettus aegyptiacus leachi (A. Smith, 1829) in the Tsitsikama Coastal National Park date: 1978-09-03 words: 25 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 keywords: page cache: koedoe-965.pdf plain text: koedoe-965.txt item: #662 of 682 id: koedoe-966 author: Stuart, C.T.; Braak, H.H. title: Preliminary notes on the mammals of the Bontebok National Park date: 1978-09-03 words: 19 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 keywords: page cache: koedoe-966.pdf plain text: koedoe-966.txt item: #663 of 682 id: koedoe-967 author: Reich, A. title: A case of inbreeding in the African Wild Dog Lycaon pictus in the Kruger National Park date: 1978-09-03 words: 15 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 keywords: page cache: koedoe-967.pdf plain text: koedoe-967.txt item: #664 of 682 id: koedoe-969 author: Ferguson, J.W.H. title: Social interactions of black-backed jackals canis mesomelas in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1978-09-03 words: 29 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 keywords: page cache: koedoe-969.pdf plain text: koedoe-969.txt item: #665 of 682 id: koedoe-970 author: Mills, M.G.L.; Wolff, P.; le Riche, E.A.N.; Meyer, I.J. title: Some population characteristics of the Lion Panthera Leo in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1978-09-03 words: 23 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 keywords: page cache: koedoe-970.pdf plain text: koedoe-970.txt item: #666 of 682 id: koedoe-971 author: de Vos, V. title: A new potent analgesic for chemical immobilization of gemsbok oryx gazella gazella date: 1978-09-03 words: 21 flesch: 103 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 keywords: page cache: koedoe-971.pdf plain text: koedoe-971.txt item: #667 of 682 id: koedoe-972 author: de Graaff, G. title: Notes on the Southern African black-tailed tree rat thallomys paedulcus (Sundevall, 1846) and its occurrence in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1978-09-03 words: 25 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 keywords: page cache: koedoe-972.pdf plain text: koedoe-972.txt item: #668 of 682 id: koedoe-973 author: Hall-Martin, A.J.; de Graaff, G. title: A note on the feasibility of introducing giraffe to the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park date: 1978-09-03 words: 11 flesch: 101 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: koedoe-973.pdf plain text: koedoe-973.txt item: #669 of 682 id: koedoe-974 author: Wallace, C. title: Chromosome analysis in the Kruger National Park: The chromosomes of the blue wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus date: 1978-09-03 words: 9 flesch: 98 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 keywords: page cache: koedoe-974.pdf plain text: koedoe-974.txt item: #670 of 682 id: koedoe-975 author: Wallace, C. title: Chromosome analysis in the Kruger National Park: Mitotic and meiotic studies in the African elephant loxodonta africana date: 1978-09-03 words: 13 flesch: 102 summary: FileList Convert a pdf file! Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: koedoe-975.pdf plain text: koedoe-975.txt item: #671 of 682 id: koedoe-977 author: None title: koedoe-977 date: None words: 4140 flesch: 49 summary: ‘Grazing lawns’ is a term coined by McNaughton (1984) to mean ‘areas created and maintained by heavy grazing with unique assemblages of grazing adapted grass species’. Grazing lawns are a widespread natural phenomenon in grassland ecosystems (Archibald et al. 2005; McNaughton 1984; Stock et al. 2010) and play an important role in creating and maintaining spatial heterogeneity and habitat diversity (Cromsigt & Olff 2008; Novellie 1990; Pickett et al. 2003). keywords: bontebok; defoliation; fire; grazing; kraaij; novellie; park; species; triandra cache: koedoe-977.htm plain text: koedoe-977.txt item: #672 of 682 id: koedoe-979 author: Office, Editorial title: Koedoe Volume 51, Issue 1 date: 2009-11-02 words: 352 flesch: 40 summary: In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer rievewers for Koedoe, we ask that you take a moment to update your electronic portfolio on for our files, allowing us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. It is good practice as reviewer to update your personal details regularly to ensure contact with you throughout your professional term as reviewer to Koedoe. keywords: koedoe; reviewer cache: koedoe-979.pdf plain text: koedoe-979.txt item: #673 of 682 id: koedoe-98 author: Ryan, S.J.; Jordaan, W. title: Activity patterns of African buffalo Syncerus caffer in the Lower Sabie Region, Kruger National Park, South Africa date: 2005-12-18 words: 4582 flesch: 62 summary: We saw that the buffalo tended to spend time feeding and standing in succession (Fig. 4), with standing and ruminating occupying around 30 % of observed activity time, both diurnally and nocturnally (Tables 1 & 2). Furthermore, with the advent of more sophisticated tracking devices, such as GPS collars, the combination of geo- graphic locations and activity observations can be better used, in conjunction, to under- stand buffalo feeding ecology. keywords: activity; buffalo; day; feeding; herds; national; season; study; time cache: koedoe-98.pdf plain text: koedoe-98.txt item: #674 of 682 id: koedoe-982 author: None title: koedoe-982 date: None words: 6704 flesch: 42 summary: Van Wilgen, B.W., Forsyth, G.G., De Klerk, H., Das, S., Khuluse, S. & Schmitz, P., 2010, ‘Fire management in Mediterranean-climate shrublands: A case study from the Cape fynbos, South Africa’, Journal of Applied Ecology 47, 631–638. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2664.2010.01800.x Van Wilgen, B.W., Govender, N. & Biggs, H.C., 2007, ‘The contribution of fire research to fire management: A critical review of a long-term experiment in the Kruger National Park, South Africa’, International Journal of Wildland Fire 16, 519–530. doi:10.1071/WF06115 Van Wilgen, B.W., Govender, N., Biggs, H.C., Ntsala, D. & Funda, X.N., 2004, ‘Response of savanna fire regimes to changing fire management policies in a large African national park’, Conservation Biology 18, 1533−1540. doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.2004.00362.x Van Wilgen, B.W., Govender, N. & MacFadyen, S., 2008, ‘An assessment of the implementation and outcomes of recent changes to the fire management of the Kruger National Park’, Koedoe 50, 22–31. In addition, approaches to fire management have focused on encouraging particular fire patterns in the absence of a sound understanding of their ecological outcomes. keywords: biggs; fire; fire management; goals; management; national; park; south; thresholds; van; van wilgen; wilgen cache: koedoe-982.htm plain text: koedoe-982.txt item: #675 of 682 id: koedoe-985 author: None title: koedoe-985 date: None words: 10897 flesch: 39 summary: Paradise, T.R., 2002, ‘Sandstone weathering and aspect in Petra, Jordan’, Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 46, 1−17. Robinson, D.A. & Williams, R.B.G., 1992, ‘Sandstone weathering in the High Atlas, Morocco’, Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 36, 413−429. keywords: africa; basins; bedrock; clarens; development; earth; et al; figure; formation; gate; geological; gghnp; golden; journal; landforms; park; phenomena; processes; rock; sandstone; south; surface; tafoni; water; weathering; wessels cache: koedoe-985.htm plain text: koedoe-985.txt item: #676 of 682 id: koedoe-987 author: None title: koedoe-987 date: None words: 7077 flesch: 48 summary: Introduction (Back to top) The formal and informal management philosophy that has guided ecosystem management in state-owned, protected areas in South Africa has evolved through various phases over the past century (Carruthers 1995). In this paper, we start from a position that there is probably no universally ‘right’ style of ecosystem management (although it is likely that there are some that are clearly ‘wrong’ in a given situation). keywords: ecosystem; elephant; kruger; limit; management; model; park; population; response; south; system; thresholds; time; trees cache: koedoe-987.htm plain text: koedoe-987.txt item: #677 of 682 id: koedoe-99 author: Stalmans, M.; Wishart, M. title: Plant communities, wetlands and landscapes of the Parque Nacional de Banhine, Moçambique date: 2005-12-18 words: 8033 flesch: 58 summary: Its dominant feature is the closed woodlands of communities 4 & 5. Embedded within the mopane are the sea- sonal streams representing wetland type N (with vegetation community 3). Although more contemporary and sophisticated soft- ware packages are available for vegetation classification, TWINSPAN’s simplicity and Koedoe 48/2 (2005) 46 ISSN 0075-6458 Fig. 3. Position of vegetation sample plots and control points in the Parque Nacional de Banhine. robustness were appealing within the con- straints of this particular study. keywords: banhine; communities; community; fig; landscape; limpopo; mopane; national; ordination; park; plant; plots; pnb; sample; sandveld; soil; species; vegetation; wetland cache: koedoe-99.pdf plain text: koedoe-99.txt item: #678 of 682 id: koedoe-990 author: None title: koedoe-990 date: None words: 9333 flesch: 51 summary: Dominant Picnic home range tree species found in the Combretum apiculatum–Themeda triandra community include A. caffra, A. karroo and D. cinerea. The phenology of resource tree species used by the two troops is also determined and presented. keywords: acacia; area; communities; community; cover; donga; donga home; group; home; home range; layer; picnic; picnic home; plant; ranges; shrub; species; species group; tree; vegetation cache: koedoe-990.htm plain text: koedoe-990.txt item: #679 of 682 id: koedoe-991 author: None title: koedoe-991 date: None words: 7161 flesch: 31 summary: Biodiversity monitoring programmes The SANParks BMS comprises a series of BMPs (Figure 2). Article Information Authors: Melodie A. McGeoch1 Mbulelo Dopolo1 Peter Novellie2 Howard Hendriks2 Stefanie Freitag3 Sam Ferreira3 Rina Grant3 Judith Kruger3 Hugo Bezuidenhout4 Rodney M. Randall5 Wessel Vermeulen6 Tineke Kraaij5 Ian A. Russell5 Michael H. Knight7,8 Stephen Holness7,8 Ané Oosthuizen7,8 Affiliations: 1Cape Research Centre, Conservation Services, Steenberg, South African National Parks, South Africa 2Conservation Services, South African National Parks, South Africa 3Savanna Research Unit, Conservation Services, Skukuza, South African National Parks, South Africa 4Savanna Research Unit, Conservation Services, Kimberley, South African National Parks, South Africa 5Garden Route Unit, Conservation Services, Sedgefield, South African National Parks, South Africa 6Garden Route Unit, Conservation Services, Knysna, South African National Parks, South Africa 7Park Planning & Development, Conservation Services, Port Elizabeth, South African National Parks, South Africa 8Department of Zoology, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa Correspondence to: Melodie McGeoch Email: Postal address: PO Box 216, Steenberg 7947, South Africa Dates: Received: 29 Mar. 2010 Accepted: 04 Aug. 2010 Published: 13 May 2011 How to cite this article: McGeoch, M.A., Dopolo, M., Novellie, P., Hendriks, H., Freitag, S., Ferreira, S., Grant, R., Kruger, J., Bezuidenhout, H., Randall, R.M., Vermeulen, W., Kraaij, T., Russell, I.A., Knight, M.H., Holness, S. & Oosthuizen, A., 2011, ‘A strategic framework for biodiversity monitoring in South African National Parks’, Koedoe 53(2), Art. keywords: african; areas; biodiversity; biodiversity monitoring; bms; conservation; development; environmental; et al; framework; management; monitoring; national; objectives; programmes; sanparks; south cache: koedoe-991.htm plain text: koedoe-991.txt item: #680 of 682 id: koedoe-996 author: None title: koedoe-996 date: None words: 14382 flesch: 38 summary: There has been frequent tabling (and un-tabling) of river flow TPCs, using the IFR levels as lower thresholds to river flow. Changes to the river flow TPC system therefore occurred in 2008, and included (1) automation of TPC auditing procedures via the introduction of a simple Excel spreadsheet program, where mean daily discharge values are entered; the program indicates if or when river flow TPCs are exceeded, for tabling at the bi-monthly KNP Conservation Management Committee meeting where management actions are considered, (2) the summarising of statistics to provide information on trends in river flow and (3) the introduction of a management log to record relevant management information, for later use in feedbacks (see Table 2). keywords: adaptive; assessment; ecological; fish; flow; implementation; information; knp; knp river; kruger; management; monitoring; national; park; quality; report; research; river; rogers; sabie; sam; system; tpcs; water cache: koedoe-996.htm plain text: koedoe-996.txt item: #681 of 682 id: koedoe-998 author: None title: koedoe-998 date: None words: 8130 flesch: 38 summary: The evaluation of ecosystem management approaches (i.e. those actions that provide the opportunity for ecological processes to play out) may best be achieved by measuring temporal and spatial variation in key communities (i.e. those that are important for specific objectives of a national park). Ecosystem management is a topical systems paradigm (Bocking 1994). keywords: approach; biodiversity; conservation; e.g.; ecology; ecosystem; et al; management; monitoring; national; needs; objectives; population; sanparks; south; species; trends; van cache: koedoe-998.htm plain text: koedoe-998.txt item: #682 of 682 id: koedoe-999 author: None title: koedoe-999 date: None words: 12307 flesch: 41 summary: However, the SANParks resource use policy provides a necessary set of guiding principles for resource use management across the national park system that allows for monitoring progress. The SANParks policy does not explicitly call for the co-management of resources; however, greater stakeholder participation in resource use management is encouraged, including the incorporation of local knowledge in monitoring and evaluation systems. keywords: adiantiformis; africa; areas; case; conservation; development; harvesting; management; monitoring; national; parks; plants; population; research; resource; resource use; salutaris; sanparks; south; species; use; users cache: koedoe-999.htm plain text: koedoe-999.txt