hudson.qxd New records of 45 bird species in the desert margins area of the North- West Province, South Africa A. HUDSON & H. BOUWMAN Hudson, A. & H. Bouwman. 2006. New records of 45 bird species in the desert margins area of the North-West Province, South Africa. Koedoe 49(1): 91–98. Pretoria. ISSN 0075-6458. New records and possible range extensions are reported on 45 bird species (ca 25% of the 167 species recorded during surveys) in the Bophirima district of the North-West Province, South Africa. The findings were compared with data in The Atlas of Southern African Birds. The main reasons for these new records may be ascribed to the low num- ber of visits during the atlas project, higher precipitation during the time of our obser- vations versus that of the atlas project, and possibly an increased suitability of the area for some bird species due to human habitation. These new records also provide addi- tional information that may be useful in conservation planning, especially in arid areas. Heuningvlei Pan in particular, should be considered for additional conservation mea- sures. Key words: arid areas, Molopo Nature Reserve, Heuningvlei Pan, wetland. Adrian Hudson ( ) & Henk Bouwman, School for Environmental Sciences and Development (Zoology), North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), Private Bag X6001, Potchefstroom, South Africa. ISSN 0075-6458 91 Koedoe 49/1 (2006) Introduction Birds, to a greater extent than other animals, have the ability to move away from adverse conditions and towards areas with more favourable conditions (Dean 2004). Their ability to fly reduces the significance of dis- tance from one area to the other, and negates boundaries that would keep other species (such as larger game) restricted to a certain area (O' Halloran et al. 2002). The two basic strategies desert animals use for survival are to be sedentary and using behavioural or physiological adaptations, or to move seasonally or opportunistically to more suitable areas (Dean 2004). One form of migration found in birds, including desert birds, is nomadism (Dean 2004). Nomadism occurs when birds move from area to area in order to utilise spatially and temporally patchy resources. Nomadic avifauna is char- acterised by the dramatic increase of num- bers of birds in suitable areas or decrease in unsuitable areas. The topic of a great deal of modern-day literature is the dynamic environment in which we as humans and other organisms on earth find ourselves (Parody et al. 2001). Sto- chastic, natural and long-term alterations of the environment can take on various forms, namely, changing climatic conditions, chang- ing geological structure and concomitant changes in vegetation structure. The environ- mental changes can also be of an anthro- pogenic nature. Humans change the environ- ment in a number of ways, for instance: changing watercourses, draining wetlands, destruction of natural habitats for various reasons, urbanisation or practices that pro- mote desertification. These can all lead to areas becoming unsuitable for bird species that previously occurred in that area (Parody et al. 2001). Other anthropogenic influences may even increase an area’s suitability for birds. Thousands of small man-made wet- lands are being constructed due to watering points in the more arid areas of Southern Africa to provide water for livestock. Large areas of grain crops are providing food hudson.qxd 2006/04/17 10:55 PM Page 91 sources for granivorous birds. Tree planta- tions are providing suitable habitats for some tree dwelling birds in areas where they did not previously exist, and urbanisation is pro- viding additional habitats for a number of species in areas with an otherwise flat topog- raphy (Hockey 2003). The changing envi- ronment is causing bird species to move away from habitats that have become unsuit- able, expanding their ranges into areas that have become more suitable. In the 1950s, the range of Black-chested Prinia Prinia flavi- cans had a southern boundary that extended as far as the southeastern Free State. By the 1990s, this had shifted as far as the southern Cape coast. Similarly, the African Goshawk Accipiter tachiro occurred only as far as the Eastern Cape in the 1950s, but has expanded its range as far as the Cape west coast (Hock- ey 2003). Because of these changing ranges it is necessary for ornithologists to regularly update data as to where species occur. Here we present some significant new records and possible range extensions of birds observed, while on research and train- ing surveys in and around the Molopo Nature Reserve and Heuningvlei Pan in the Bophirima District of the North-West Province (South Africa). Normally new bird records for many areas are to be expected, but the remoteness of the area in question, the increased attention given to desert mar- gin areas in a global context, as well as the number of new records obtained, warrants closer investigation and reporting. The sur- prising number of new records reported here may also have conservation implications. Study Area The study area (Fig. 1) included four sites in the Bophirima District of the North-West Province in South Africa, ranging from Morokweng (26°27'S; 23°29'E) northwest- wards to the Botswana border. The vegeta- tion type of the area is Kalahari Plains Thorn Bushveld (Kalahari Thornveld), charac- terised by a fairly well-developed tree stra- tum, a moderately-developed shrub stratum and a varying amount of grass cover (Low & Koedoe 49/1 (2006) 92 ISSN 0075-6458 Fig. 1. Location of grids for new records of bird species, in the Bopherima district of the North-West Province, South Africa. hudson.qxd 2006/04/17 10:55 PM Page 92 Rebelo 1996). The vegetation types of the study sites are identical, but vegetation struc- ture varies due to overgrazing, management practices and/or the use of fire as a manage- ment tool in some areas. One site includes a natural saltpan (Heuningvlei; 2623AC) sur- rounded by heavily overgrazed Kalahari Thornveld. The northwest corner of the pan is edged by a rocky outcrop and fed by a number of permanent freshwater springs. These springs cause that section of the pan to exist as a small but perennial marsh-type wetland with brackish water. Other ephemer- al pans—most of them highly impacted by overgrazing and urbanisation—are also located throughout the region. The Molopo Nature Reserve (2522DD) is one of the very few places that can be considered as natural. Materials and Methods The Atlas of Southern African Birds (Harrison et al. 1997a, 1997b) was used as baseline of existing records. The new records reported here are the result of more than 12 surveys, conducted in the area over a four-year period (2003–2006), for various activi- ties in support of the Desert Margins Programme in South Africa. Intensive bird ringing was also done on some of these surveys. None of these surveys were specifically undertaken to gather new records. Binoculars, a telescope, mistnetting equipment, and a global positioning system (GPS) were used. New records were obtained with the following methods: a) Transects measuring either 500 m or 1 km each were surveyed at specific sites over a twenty- four month period. These transects were ran- domly selected and walked at a constant pace, or were selected based on the condition of the veg- etation before and after a fire. Bird species were observed along these transects up to a distance of about 100 m from the transect centre line. More detailed findings of these transects will be reported elsewhere. b) Mistnetting was also done at the study sites in order to trap and identify less conspicuous birds (approximately 3000 birds were ringed). Mist- netting was, however, hampered by the openness of the vegetation, heat and strong winds. Mist- netting was carried out strictly according to its code of conduct. c) Observations of opportunity during transit. Results In total, 167 bird species were identified between July 2002 and February 2006. Of the 167 species observed in the study area, 45 were new records for quarter degree grids when compared with the SA Bird Atlas (Har- rison et al. 1997a, 1997b). The species are named and arranged, according to evolution- ary relationships, as per Hockey et al. (2005). Brief descriptions of these sightings and conditions follows, and is summarised in Table 1. White-faced Duck Dendrocygna viduata A group of 13-17 was recorded during each of the surveys at Heuningvlei Pan. This flock appeared to be resident at the pan. No breeding was observed. Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiaca This bird is common at water bodies throughout the Bophirima District. How- ever, according to Harrison et al. (1997a) this is a new record for grid block 2623AC (Heuningvlei Pan). No breeding was observed. Cape Teal Anas capensis Eight birds were recorded at Heuningvlei Pan during March and December (2003), but were absent from the site during the winter months. Yellow-billed Duck Anas undulata A small flock of seven birds was record- ed during each of the surveys at Heun- ingvlei Pan. This group also appeared to be resident. No breeding was observed. Cape Shoveller Anas smithii One bird was recorded at Heuningvlei Pan in March 2003. No subsequent sight- ings were recorded. Red-billed Teal Anas erythroryncha One bird was recorded at Heuningvlei Pan in March 2003. No subsequent sight- ings were recorded. Hottentot Teal Anas hottentota Two birds were recorded at Heuningvlei ISSN 0075-6458 93 Koedoe 49/1 (2006) hudson.qxd 2006/04/17 10:55 PM Page 93 Koedoe 49/1 (2006) 94 ISSN 0075-6458 Pan during March and December (2003), but were absent from the site during the winter months Greater Honeyguide Indicator indicator One bird of this species was ringed on the Molopo Nature Reserve and another seen on Driefontein communal farm during the March 2003 surveys. Brown-hooded Kingfisher Halcyon albiventris A single bird was sighted during a survey on Molopo Nature Reserve in July 2004. Eurasian Bee-Eater Merops apiaster European Bee-eaters were recorded once at both Heuningvlei Pan and Molopo Nature Reserve. Speckled Pigeon Columba guinea A large number of these birds were recorded at both Heuningvlei Pan and Driefontein communal farm (2623AD). African Crake Crex egregia A single individual was recorded at Heuningvlei Pan during the March survey in 2003, but not on any of the subsequent surveys. Baillons’s Crake Porzana pusilla A single individual was seen at Heuning- vlei Pan in February 2006. Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus A single individual was recorded at Heuningvlei Pan during the March survey in 2003, but not on any of the subsequent surveys. Red-knobbed Coot Fulica cristata A large population of between 40-50 indi- viduals appear to be resident at Heuning- vlei Pan. These individuals were recorded during all the surveys done at the site and showed little or no variation in numbers. Chicks were observed. Greenshank Tringa nebularia A single bird was seen at Heuningvlei Pan during the March survey in 2003, but not on any of the subsequent surveys. Common Sandpiper Tringa hypoleucos Two birds were recorded at Heuningvlei Pan during March and December (2003), but were absent from the site during the winter months Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferrugine One or possibly more of this species were seen on two occasions at Heuningvlei Pan. Ruff Philomachus pugnax A single bird was recorded at Heuning- vlei Pan, during the March survey in 2003, but not on any of the subsequent surveys. African Jacana Actophilornis africana A single bird was sighted during each of the six surveys done at Heuningvlei Pan. Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta A resident group of eight birds seemed to be resident at Heuningvlei Pan. No breed- ing was observed. Burchell’s Courser Cursorius rufus A total of five birds were spotted at dif- ferent times at Lafras commercial farm (2522DD) and Heuningvlei Pan. Gymnogene Polyboroides typus One individual was recorded at Molopo Nature Reserve in August 2003. No sub- sequent sightings were recorded Jackal Buzzard Buteo rufofuscus A single individual is resident at Heu- ningvlei Pan. Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus One individual was recorded at Molopo Nature Reserve in November 2003. No subsequent sightings were recorded Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficolli A single bird was recorded at Heuningvlei Pan during the 2003 winter surveys. hudson.qxd 2006/04/17 10:55 PM Page 94 Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricolis Two birds were observed at Heuningvlei Pan during all of the surveys, indicating residency. Black Heron Egretta ardesiaca Single birds were recorded during two of the visits to Heuningvlei Pan in 2003. Grey Heron Ardea cinerea One Grey Heron was recorded during the first survey Heuningvlei Pan. During a later visit a group of five Grey Herons was recorded. These birds do not appear to be resident. Great Egret Casmerodius albus Single birds were recorded during two of the visits to Heuningvlei Pan in 2003. Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis Cattle Egrets are abundant throughout the study area, but according to Harrison et al. (1997a) specimens recorded in grid blocks 2623AC and 2623AD are new records. Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutes A single bird was observed during the autumn 2003 visit to Heuningvlei Pan. It is probable that this individual was a vagrant. Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus rubber Four birds were recorded during each of the December surveys (2003 and 2004) at Heuningvlei Pan. These birds were not recorded during any of the other surveys. Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus A single bird was recorded during a visit to Heuningvlei Pan during March 2003. Hadeda Ibis Bostrychia hagedash Two birds were recorded at the Molopo Nature Reserve. It is quite reasonable to assume that these birds were just passing through the area. However the range of this species has increased greatly over the last two decades (Hockey 2003). African Spoonbill Platalea alba One bird was recorded at Heuningvlei Pan during each of three of the surveys. White Stork Ciconia ciconia Two birds were recorded during a survey at Heuningvlei Pan during 2004. There have been no further sightings of these birds at this location. Eurasian Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus This species was recorded on one occa- sion during the summer survey on the Molopo Nature Reserve. Greater Striped Swallow Hirundo cucullata This species was recorded on one occa- sion at Heuningvlei Pan. Arrow-marked Babbler Turdoides jardineii Four individuals were sighted on one of the transects at Driefontein communal farm in March 2003. These birds were not sighted again during any of the other surveys done in the area. Dusky Lark Pinarocorys nigricans One bird was identified at Heuningvlei Pan during the March 2003 survey, with an additional sighting recorded during December 2003. Short-Toed Rock-Thrush Monticola brevipes This species was recorded on two occa- sions at Heuningvlei Pan. Cape Robin-chat Cosypha caffra One individual was caught in a mistnet and banded at Heuningvlei Pan in March 2003. The same individual was identified on two subsequent occasions during October 2003 and December 2003. White-winged Widowbird Euplectus albonotatus Two individuals were recorded at Drie- fontein communal farm (2623AD) dur- ing the March 2003 survey. This species was not recorded again during the rest of the study. ISSN 0075-6458 95 Koedoe 49/1 (2006) hudson.qxd 2006/04/17 10:55 PM Page 95 Koedoe 49/1 (2006) 96 ISSN 0075-6458 Table 1 New records of bird species in the Bophirima District of the North-West Province, South Africa Common name Species Previous New Record No. of Closest Record sightings White-faced Duck Dendrocygna viduata 2722AA 2623AC 6 Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiaca 2622DD 2623AC 6 Cape Teal Anas capensis 2723AD 2623AC 2 Yellow-billed Duck Anas undulate 2622DC 2623AC 6 Cape Shoveller Anas smithii 2723AD 2623AC 1 Redbilled Teal Anas erythroryncha 2623BA 2623AC 1 Hottentot Teal Anas hottentota 2722DD 2623AC 2 Greater Honeyguide Indicator indicator 2524CA 2623AC 1 Brown-hooded Kingfisher Halcyon albiventris 2623DC 2522DD & 2623AC 1 Eurasian Bee-Eater Merops apiaster 2523CB 2522DD & 2623AC 1 Speckled Pigeon Columba guinea 2623AD 2522DD 6 African Crake Crex egregia 2624BC 2623AC 1 Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla 2523DC 2623AC 1 Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus 2723AA 2623AC 1 Red-knobbed Coot Fulica cristata 2623BB & 2523AB 2623AC 6 Greenshank Tringa nebularia 2523DC 2623AC 3 Common Sandpiper Tringa hypoleucos 2523DB 2623AC 2 Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea 2523BD & 2723CA 2623AC 2 Ruff Philomachus pugnax 2623BB 2623AC 2 African Jacana Actophilornis africana 2523BC 2623AC 6 Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta 2623BB 2623AC 6 Burchell’s Courser Cursorius rufus 2622AB 2522DD & 2623AC 5 Gymnogene Polyboroides typus 2622AB 2522DD 1 Jackal Buzzard Buteo rufofuscus 2624CB 2623AC 6 Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus 2723CC 2522DD 1 Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficolli 2623BC 2623AC 1 Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricolis 2523DB 2623AC 6 Black Heron (Egret) Egretta ardesiaca 2524CC 2623AC 2 Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 2722BB 2623AC 1 Great Egret Casmerodius albus 2723AD & 2624CA 2623AC 2 Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis 2622DD 2623AC & 2623AD 6 Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus 2622DD 2623AC 1 Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber 2723AD 2623AC 1 Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 2722BB 2623AC 1 Hadeda Ibis Bostrychia hagedash 2622AB & 2522AB 2522DD & 2623AC 2 African Spoonbill Platalea alba 2523AC & 2722BB 2623AC 3 White Stork Ciconia ciconia 2722DC 2623AC 1 Eurasian Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus 2622AB 2522DD 1 Greater Striped Swallow Hirundo cucullata 2622DB 2522DD & 2623AC 1 Arrow-marked Babbler Turdoides jardineii 2523DB 2623AD 1 Dusky Lark Pinarocorys nigricans 2623CC 2623AC 1 Short-Toed Rock-Thrush Monticola brevipes 2623AA 2623AD 1 Cape Robin-chat Cosypha caffra 2723AD 2623AC 2 White-winged Widowbird Euplectus albonotatus 2624AD 2623AD 1 Yellow-Throated Petronia Petronia superciliaris 2523CB 2522DD 1 hudson.qxd 2006/04/17 10:55 PM Page 96 ISSN 0075-6458 97 Koedoe 49/1 (2006) Yellow-Throated Petronia Petronia superciliaris These birds are relatively common in small groups on the Molopo Nature Reserve. Discussion The data collected showed that 45 of the 167 species observed in the study area were pre- sent outside of their previously recorded ranges (Table 1). This constitutes ca 25 % of the total number of species identified in the study area since the beginning of 2003. Of these, 26 species were water birds or birds closely associated with water. In this regard the herons, egrets and ducks were conspicu- ous. These were mostly found at Heuning- vlei Pan (the only permanent natural water body within at least 100 km), but were also observed on ephemeral pans, when these had water. Some of these pans are closely associ- ated with urban areas. Ganyesa completely encloses one such pan, where Red-knobbed Coot, Ruff and Curlew Sandpipers were observed (these sites have established records). At Morokweng, where the town partially encompasses a larger ephemeral pan, the same birds, larger waders such as Greenshank and Common Sandpiper, as well as Egyptian Goose were also present in low numbers. Heuningvlei also has an associated urban community. When the pan is dry (except for the small permanently inundated corner), people use the pan as a shortcut for motor vehicles and donkey carts (but not intensively), closely skirting the permanent- ly inundated area. The birds seemed to have adapted to this, but some disturbance is evi- dent, and the community seems to be made up of transient birds visiting in summer, rather then permanent residents. Greater Flamingos, African Spoonbills and the larger herons were also regularly observed at Heuningvlei, but with little pattern indicat- ing a transient use of the pan. Ducks, espe- cially the White-faced and Yellow-billed Ducks were always present at Heuningvlei, but no breeding or juveniles were observed. A recent visit to Heuningvlei Pan (2005) has shown a new threat developing. The dolomitic springs that were previously pro- tected by fencing are now in disrepair, and cattle are grazing within these sensitive areas. Three new records of raptors were made. A Jackal Buzzard was regularly observed at Heuningvlei (very likely the same individ- ual), while a Gymnogene and Peregrine Fal- con was sighted on the Molopo Nature Reserve. This area is well known for its rap- tors, and the Molopo Raptor Conservancy is closely associated with the reserve. Speckled Rock Pigeons were only found associated with human habitation, and most- ly at Ganyesa and Morokweng. Their num- bers seem to be increasing with every visit, and this may therefore constitute a range extension. For terrestrial birds, most new records were obtained from the Molopo Nature Reserve. The Brown-hooded Kingfisher is a notable new record for this reserve. Whether these records represent range exten- sions or just new records of birds in these areas are not clear. Some may be range expansions occurring due to structural changes in the environment caused by man- agement practices. An increase in the amount of surface water available to birds on communal farms, commercial farms and the nature reserve may make the area more hab- itable for species, such as granivorous birds, that need daily access to water (Hockey 2003). The Atlas of Southern African Birds (Harrison et al. 1997a, 1997b) (which was used as a guide to assess which birds were new records) was compiled from data obtained during a period with below average rainfall (Harrison et al. 1997a, 1997b). This may account for many of the new records for terrestrial birds. This however, does not explain the large number of new records at Heuningvlei Pan, because this area has a per- manent water supply. One factor might be the number of cards completed for these areas, during the Southern African Bird Atlas Project. The number of cards completed for hudson.qxd 2006/04/17 10:55 PM Page 97 the 2522DD grid square, in which the Molopo Nature Reserve occurs, was 28. This is not a very high number when compared with the 311 cards that were completed for Potchefstroom for the same project. Only five cards were completed for Heuningvlei Pan, indicating very few visits. Conclusion The new records presented here are probably due to a combination of lack of previous sur- veys, higher rainfall during this study when compared with the period when data for the Atlas of southern African Birds was collect- ed, and possibly changes in the availability of resources for birds due to human influ- ences. It would appear that the low reporting intensity for this area during the Southern African Bird Atlas Project may be the largest single factor influencing the number of new records. These new records, combined with those from previous efforts, indicate that existing and additional conservation efforts in arid areas should receive more attention. The large number of birds and species recorded at Heuningvlei (27 new records for water- associated birds) indicates that the current protection measures should be assessed to enhance the conservation of this apparently important wetland site in this arid region. Acknowledgements We thank the Desert Margins Programme (Klaus Kelner), National Research Foundation and the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus) for support. We are also indebted to Lieb and Belinda Venter, Leone Hudson, Nikki Smith, Rina and Riaan Booysen, Ester van der Westhuizen and Retha Hoff- man for their eyes and ears. We thank Steven Gore, previous Park Warden of the Molopo Nature Reserve, and the North-West Province Parks and Tourism Board for access and permission. Cecile Combrink is thanked for language editing and René Navarro for the data from the Southern African Bird Atlas Project. References DEAN, W.R.J. 2004. Nomadic Desert Birds. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. HARRISON, J.A., D.G. ALLAN, L.G. UNDERHILL, M. HERREMANS, A.J. TREE, V. PARKER & C.J. BROWN (eds.). 1997a. The Atlas of southern African birds. Volume 1: Non-passerines. Johan- nesburg: Birdlife South Africa. HARRISON, J.A., D.G. ALLAN, L.G. UNDERHILL, M. HERREMANS, A.J. TREE, V. PARKER & C.J. BROWN (eds.). 1997b. The Atlas of southern African birds. Volume 2: Passerines. Johannes- burg: Birdlife South Africa, HOCKEY, P. 2003. Land invasions. Africa Birds and Birding 8(5): 35-41 LOW, A.B. & T.C. REBELO. 1998. Vegetation of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Pretoria: Depart- ment of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. O’ HALLORAN, J., P.M. WALSH, P.S. GILLER & T.C. KELLY. 2002. Forestry and bird diversity in Ire- land: a management and planning guide. Oikos 79: 247-258 PARODY, J.M., F.J. CUTHBERT & E.H.DECKER. 2001. The effect of 50 years of landscape change on species richness and community composition. Global Ecology & Biogeography 10: 305-313. 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