FileList Convert a pdf file! Koedoe 19: 171-174 (1976) ADDITIONS TO THE CHECK-LIST OF BIRDS OF THE MOUNTAIN ZEBRA NATIONAL PARK B. L. PENZHORN and P. J. L. BRONKHORST Mountain Zebra National Park Private Bag X66 Cradock 5880 Abstract - Twenty-two additional bird species have been re- corded in the Park, increasing the check-list total to 170 speCies. In his report on the bird-life in the Mountain Zebra National Park, Skead (1965) reported 148 bird species in the Park. He predicted that vagrants could increase the total to 190-200 species. Since the publica- tion of Skead's check-list, several bird-watchers have visited the Park and compiled lists of the birds seen. The authors have also kept a look-out for species not previously reported. Twenty-two additional species have been recorded, increasing the number of species recorded in the Park to 170. The 22 additional species are listed below. The numbers denote those used by McLachlan and Liversidge (1957) in Roberts birds oj South Africa and the nomenclature follows the Check list oj the birds oj South Africa (S.A.O.S. List Committee 1969). 47 WHITE-BREASTED CORMORANT Phalacrocoraxlucidus WITBORSDUIKER (Lichtenstein) White-breasted cormorants are recorded regularly at the large dam near the museum. 50 REED CORMORANT RIETDUIKER Phalacrocorax africanus (Gmelin) A few vagrants have been recorded occasionally at the large dam near the museum. 61 CATTLE EGRET BOSLUISVOEL Ardeola ibis (Linnaeus) Cattle egrets are recorded regularly, although not resident in the Park. Skead (1965) predicted that vagrants from the lucerne lands in the Great Fish River Valley would visit the Park. 79 BLACK STORK Ciconia nigra (Linnaeus) GROOT SWARTSPRINKAANVOEL Black storks have been recorded infrequently during the summer months. 171 85 SPOONBILL LEPELAAR Platalea alba Scopoli Spoonbills are observed occasionally at dams in the Park. On one occasion six were seen together at the large dam near the museum. 95 BLACK DUCK SWARTEEND Anas sparsa Eyton Black duck are seen on the Wilgerboom River, usually where there is some cover, but a pair has been observed on a few occasions in an open valley at the upper reaches of the River. A black duck was flushed off a nest containing seven eggs on 1975.09.19. The nest was situated on a ledge on a cliff-face, about six metres above the level of the River. 114 LANNER FALCON Falco biarmicusTemminck EDELVALK The presence of this species, predicted by Skead (1965), can now be confirmed . It appears to be rare in the Park. 122 GREATER KESTREL GROOT ROOIVALK Falco rupicoloides A. Smith Members of the Eastern Cape Wild Bird Society observed six greater kestrels near the look-out point in the Park in March 1969 (Brown 1969a). 134 TAWNY EAGLE KOUVOtL Aquila rapax (Temminck) A single bird was seen on the Rooiplaat Plateau on three consecu- tive days during December 1973 (B.L.P.) . This species was regarded by Skead (I 967) as rather a vagrant of irregular appearance any- where throughout the Eastern Cape. 158 LITTLE SPARROWHAWK KLEIN SPERWER Accipiter minullus (Daudin) A single bird was observed once in the dense riverine scrub in March 1973 (B .L.P.). In the Eastern Cape this species usually occurs in the forests of the coastal and sub-coastal belt (Skead 1967). 210 MOORHEN WATERHOENDER Gallinula chloropus (Linnaeus) A single moorhen was seen on a few consecutive days in September 1975 below the museum at the drift in the Wilgerboom River. 245 BLACKSMITH PLOVER BONTKIEWIET Vanellus armatus (Burchell) Blacksmith plovers have been recorded infrequently, mainly at the small dam near the Nature Conservator's house. 172 258 COMMON SANDPIPER GEWONE RUITER Tringa hypoleucos Linnaeus Single birds have been seen on sandbanks along the Wilgerboom River. 367 CAPE EAGLE-OWL KAAPSE OORUIL Bubo capensis A. Smith An injured owl found in the Park was identified as a Cape eagle- owl by P. J. L. B. 368 SPOTTED EAGLE-OWL GEVLEKTE OORUIL Bubo aJricanus (Temminck) These owls are occasionally seen at dusk and at night. 373 FIERY-NECKED NIGHTJAR SUID-AFRIKAANSE NAGUIL Caprimulgus pectoralis Cuvier On moonlit nights, these night jars are infrequently heard calling. Recorded at Berghof, Babylons Toren, the museum and in Fontein- kloof. 397 MALACHITE KINGFISHER KUIFKOPVISVANGER Alcedo cristata Pallas Recorded once at a small dam in March 1971 and along the Wilger- boom River in September 1975. 485 GREY-BACKED FINCH-LARK Eremopterix verticalis (A. Smith) GRYS KAFFERTJIE Recorded infrequently on the Rooiplaat Plateau. 517 FORK-TAILED DRONGO MIKSTERTBYVANGER Dicrurus adsimilis (Bechstein) Recorded regularly in the dense Acacia karroo scrub in the vaHey near the Nature Conservator's house and in the tall exotic trees at the house itself. 784 HOUSE SPARROW ENGELSE MOSSIE Passer domesticus (Linnaeus) House sparrows were first recorded in the Park in June 1968 by Penzhorn and Morris (1968). They must have arrived after 1964, when Skead (1965) concluded his survey of the bird-life in the Park. House sparrows are resident at Babylons Toren, Berghof, Welte- vrede and the museum. 808 RED BISHOP-BIRD ROOI KAFFERVINK Euplectes orix Linnaeus Red bishop-birds have been recorded by P.J. L. B. 173 859 YELLOW-EYE CANARY GEELOOGSYSIE Serinus mozambicus (M tiller) Brown (1969b) recorded a small flock of these canaries in the Park in March 1969. The following eight species have also been reported, but require con- firmatiQn: 146 Black-breasted snake-eagle Circaetus pectoralis A. Smith 160 African goshawk Accipiter tachiro (Daudin) 371 European night jar Caprimulgus europaeus Linnaeus 395 Giant kingfisher Ceryle maxima (Pallas) 458 Rufous-naped lark Mirafra africana A. Smith 519 Golden oriole Oriolus oriolus (Linnaeus) 540 Rock-jumper Chaetops frenatus (Temminck) 649 Tawny-flanked prinia Prinia subJlava (Gmelin). Acknowledgements Thanks are due to Mr C. J. Skead for reading and commenting on the manuscript. REFERENCES BROWN, D. M . V. 1969a. New distributional data: 2. Greater kestrel. Ostrich 40: 131. BROWN, D. M. V. 1969b. New distributional data: 2. Yellow-eye canary. Ostrich 40: 132. McLACHLAN, G. R. and R. LIVERSIDGE. 1957. Roberts birds oj South Africa. 2nd ed. Cape Town: Trustees of the S.A. Bird Book Fund. PENZHORN, B. L. and A. K. MORRIS. 1968. New distributional data: I. House sparrow. Ostrich 39:272. S.A.O.S. LIST COMMITTEE. 1969. Check list oj the birds oj South Africa. Cape Town: South African Ornithological Society. SKEAD, C. J. 1965. Report on the bird-life in the Mountain Zebra National Park, Cradock, C.P. 1962-1964. Koedoe 8:1-40. SKEAD, C. J. 1967. Ecology of birds in the Eastern Cape Province. Ostrich Suppl. 7: 1-103. 174 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4