FileList Convert a pdf file! PARTICIPANTS TO THE SYMPOSIUM D J Ackerman RSA N H Fick Lebowa D P Ackerman RSA B G Fourie RSA G M Adendorff RSA J L S Fourie RSA Mrs C Allcock RSA P F Fourie RSA N Allcock RSA J Fowkes RSA R H Andrag RSA G F van L Froneman RSA G F Barkhuizen RSA Dr F Fuggle RSA Mrs A Bean RSA I Garland RSA CD Beaumont Rhod esia S Gcumisa Zululand Mrs 0 Berrange RSA J T Geddes Page RSA D J Beuster Bophuthatswana W P D Gertenbach RSA B Bezuidenhout Rhodesia N H Gilfillan RSA Dr Bhnengu Zululand TGili RSA Prof R Bigalke RSA R Girdwood Zululand Dr R Bigalke RSA H W J Grobler RSA E G H H Blohm RSA H J Grove RSA R Bolten Rhod esia N Gumede Swaziland J H Bosch RSA M H Gunukelo Qwaqwa H. Botha RSA Dr A J Hall-Martin RSA L Botha RSA Dr H Hamburger RSA Prof R Botha RSA Dr J Hanks RSA Prof J du P Bothma RSA Dr Sue Hart RSA H H Braack RSA W Hartman RSA Dr 0 J Brand RSA The Hon o Brightman Rhodesia W W B Havemann RSA P J L Bronkhorst RSA Dr 0 Hey RSA B R Bryden RSA Mrs C Hugh es Rhodesia AM Brynard RSA B J Huntley RSA o Butler RSA L Hurry RSA o Chapman RSA Dr J A Hurter RSA Dr G F T Child Rhod esia OW Immelman RSA J Clarke RSA RJ Immink RSA B J Coetzee RSA R Jones RSA Cooper Lesotho Dr S C J Joub ert RSA K Cooper RSA J J Kloppers RSA R Cross RSA Dr R Knobel RSA A S d e Beer Vendaland Korsten RSA MJ de Beer RSA B J Krohn RSA W A de Beer RSA A E Kuschke RSA Dr G de Graaff RSA Mrs S M Labuschagne RSA J H de Kock RSA J J la Grange RSA B de la Bat SWA B P Lamprecht RSA Dr V de Vos RSA M Landsman RSA Chief J M Olamini Swaziland C F S A Ie Riche RSA His Royal Highness Prince P J Ie Roux RSA M D1amini Swaziland P R Mabusa Swaziland S D1amini Swaziland Chief A N Madzivhandila Vendala nd Mrs H Downing RSA Chief B Malatji Lebowa o H C du Plessis RSA Dr 0 Martiny RSA J W J C du Plessis RSA W Massyn RSA Dr S S du Plessis RSA E T Matenge Botswana Dr 0 Edwards RSA I A W McDonald RSA Prof F C Eloff RSA I McLelland Rhodesia Dr I L Engelbrecht RSA K T Mgwamotsoko Botswana Mrs I L Engelbrecht RSA J Millar RSA M English RSA M G L Mills RSA The Hon W H Fa urie RSA T Minnie RSA P Ferreira RSA M G Mohale Qwaqwa VI Dr E Moll RSA CD Stainbank RSA Dr H 0 Monnig RSA Mrs J Stoltz RSA Dr G de V Morrison MP RSA Chief S V Suping Bophuthatswana W 0 Morsbach RSA DC Swart RSA The H on P K Taylor Rhod esia Dr LAP A Munnik RSA A E G Trollip RSA Chief N E Ngomane Swaziland The Hon D C H Uys RSA Dr R G Noble RSA P W A van der Merwe Gazank ulu M Ntloko Transkei A W B van der Walt RSA H A Oosthuizen Lebowa Dr P T van der Walt RSA J G Pansegrouw RSA Dr R van der Wcst huiz en RSA H C Payne RSA Adv H van Dyk RSA Mrs SParker Rhodesia E P van Niekerk RSA B M Phillips Lesotho The Hon Dr U de V Pienaar RSA S G J van Niekerk RSA M rs E A Reill y Swaziland W van Riet RSA T E Reilly Swaziland LEvan Rooyen RSA Dr E M Rh oodie RSA P F van Straaten RSA D Richards RSA T he Hon P ZJ van VuurenRSA Dr G A Robinson RS A T he Hon A C van Wyk RSA M Robson Rh odesia P van Wyk RSA Dr A E Rupert RSA LJ van Zyl RSA D Rushworth Rhodesia K Yeary RSA Dr H B Rycroft RSA A L Versfeld Ciskei R Salmon RSA Dr F Vollmar Switserland Dr M Schweppenhauser Rhod esia A H Vosloo RSA J L Serfontein RSA G N Wagener RSA N J Shaw Australia C Walker RSA K R Shuter RSA SWell s RSA M L Sifelani Rhodesia D Whitespunner Rhod esia A 0 Simpson RSA Mrs J Woodl ey RSA Chief 0 Sithole Zululand M iss J Wright RSA Z P Siwane Ciskei Dr E Young RSA N Smit Zululand D Yssel RSA LJ Smith RSA D Y Zimu Zululand Dr G L Smuts RSA Chief Z P Ziwane Ciskei VB Page 1 Page 2