cleaver.qxd A vegetation description and floristic analyses of the springs on the Kammanassie Mountain, Western Cape G. CLEAVER, L.R. BROWN and G.J. BREDENKAMP Cleaver,G., L.R. Brown and G.J. Bredenkamp. 2004. A vegetation description and floris- tic analyses of the springs on the Kammanassie Mountain, Western Cape. Koedoe 47(2): 19-36. Pretoria. ISSN 0075-6458. The Kammanassie Mountain is a declared mountain catchment area and a Cape moun- tain zebra Equus zebra zebra population is preserved on the mountain. The high num- ber of springs on the mountain not only provides water for the animal species but also contributes to overall ecosystem functioning. Long-term conservation of viable ecosys- tems requires a broader understanding of the ecological processes involved. It was therefore decided that a classification, description and mapping of the spring vegetation of the Kammanassie Mountain be undertaken. A TWINSPAN classification, refined by Braun-Blanquet procedures, revealed 11 major plant communities that could be related to geological origin. Habitat factors associated with differences in vegetation include topography, soil type and grazing. Descriptions of the plant communities include diag- nostic species as well as prominent and less conspicuous species of the tree, shrub and herbaceous layers. The results also indicate a high species richness compared to similar regions and the difference between plant communities of wet and dry springs. This data is important for long-term monitoring of the spring ecosystems as well as for the com- pilation of management plans. Keywords: springs, Kammanassie Mountain, Braun-Blanquet, plant communities, TWINSPAN, plant species richness. G. Cleaver and L.R. Brown (, Applied Behavioural Ecology Research Unit, Department of Nature Conservation, UNISA, Private Bag X6, Florida, 1710 Republic of South Africa; G.J. Bredenkamp, African Vegetation and Plant Diver- sity Research Centre, Department of Botany, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002 Republic of South Africa. ISSN 0075-6458 19 Koedoe 47/2 (2004) Introduction The Kammanassie Nature Reserve was established in 1978 to conserve the Cape mountain zebra Equus zebra zebra popula- tion present in the area and the natural ecosystems as part of the mountain catch- ment area. The area has a high species rich- ness compared to similar vegetation types (Cleaver et al. 2003; Cleaver 2004). A large number of springs is found scattered throughout the reserve contributing to the high species richness and different ecosys- tem functioning while also providing drink- ing water to various animals, especially the Cape mountain zebra (Cleaver 2004). A total of 53 springs have been located on the Kammanassie Mountain. During 1998, it was noticed that certain springs were drying up. This was cause for concern for the survival of Cape mountain zebra on the reserve. Therefore, spring monitoring was initiated on the Kammanassie Mountain during 1999. Flora occurring at flowing springs were thought to be unique and in danger of being lost should further springs dry up on the mountain. It was decided to determine the floristic composition of springs to give an indication of what flora is currently found at the springs and what species could be lost should further flowing springs dry up on the reserve. This information is important for future management purposes. Furthermore, the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) abstract approximately 0.65 x 106 m3/a of ground- water from five production boreholes on the cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 19 Kammanassie Nature Reserve. The Klein Karoo Rural Water Supply Scheme (KKR- WSS) has been in operation since 1993 and the scheme supplies purified domestic water, at subsidised rates, to the town of Dyssels- dorp, to farms in the Olifants River valley, to tributary valleys downstream of the Stomp- drift and Kammanassie dams, and to the Gamka River valley downstream of Calitz- dorp. The effects of large-scale groundwater abstraction on springs is not clearly under- stood and this study forms part of a larger research project funded by the Water Research Commission to assess the environ- mental impacts of large-scale groundwater abstraction from Table Mountain Group aquifers on ecosystems in the Kammanassie Nature Reserve. In order to understand ecosystems and the management thereof (Bredenkamp 1982; Bezuidenhout 1993; Brown & Bezuidenhout 2000), it is important to classify, describe and map the different vegetation types found in the spring areas of the Kammanassie Mountain (Van Rooyen et al. 1981; Brown & Bezuidenhout 2000). This data will also be used in the long-term monitoring of the spring ecosystems as well as for compiling a management plan. The Study Area The Kammanassie Mountain complex is sit- uated between the towns of Uniondale in the east and De Rust/Dysselsdorp in the north- west and west (Fig. 1). The mountain is an inselberg within the Little Karoo between the Swartberg and Outeniqua Mountains. The total area of the mountain range, man- aged by the Western Cape Nature Conserva- tion Board (WCNCB), is 49 430 ha of which 21 532 ha are privately owned and a declared mountain catchment. The remaining 27 898 ha are state land, of which 17 661 ha have been declared State Forest. The Kam- manassie Nature Reserve is situated between Koedoe 47/2 (2004) 20 ISSN 0075-6458 Fig. 1. Location of the study area. cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 20 33°33'S–33°37'S and 22°27'E– 23°01'E and was proclaimed a protect- ed area in 1978 as an important water catchment area (Cleaver 2002). According to Rebelo (1996) and Lubke (1996) the Kammanassie Mountain falls into the fynbos and thicket biomes with small pockets of the forest biome present in the kloofs on the southern slopes of the Kam- manassie Nature Reserve (Cleaver 2002). The average monthly rainfall and min- imum and maximum temperatures for the study area are indicated in Fig. 2. The reserve receives rain throughout the year, with an average annual rain- fall of ± 450 mm. The highest annual rainfall of 1216 mm and lowest of 242 mm were recorded in 1981 and 1984 respectively. The hottest months on the ISSN 0075-6458 21 Koedoe 47/2 (2004) Kammanassie Nature Reserve are December to February with maximum temperatures of 35 ºC and the coldest months are June and July with minimum temperatures of -2 ºC (Fig. 2). The Kammanassie is one of the prominent East-West trending ranges comprising the southern branch of the Cape Fold Belt. It was formed as a result of North-South oriented compressive stress during the Cape Orogeny 123-200 million years ago (Hälbich & Greef 1995). The Kammanassie Nature Reserve is an eroded remnant of the Kammanassie mega-anticline (Hälbich & Greef 1995). The Kammanassie Mountain Range comprises almost exclusively the resistant quartz arenites of the Table Mountain Group, over- lain on the lower slopes by the shale of the Bokkeveld Group (Kotze 2001). A very important shale marker horizon, the Cedar- berg Formation (50–120 m thick) occurs within the Table Mountain Group, separating formations of the Peninsula Formation from the lithologies comprising the Nardouw For- mation (Kotze 2001). According to Kotze (2001), the Peninsula Formation is a highly competent succession of medium to coarse-grained, thickly bed- ded, grey sandstone. The Nardouw Forma- tion weathers more brownish, and thin shale intercalations are more common, than in the Peninsula Formation. As a result the Nar- douw Formation is more ductile (Kotze 2001). Soil generally forms a thin (<1 m) veneer of silty sands as a result of the steep slopes of the Kammanassie Mountain and predomi- nantly quartzitic rocks. Locally, clayey soil occurs in association with weathered shale horizons and, in particular, the Cedarberg Formation (Cleaver et al. 2003). Methods Relevés were compiled at 52 of the known springs on the Kammanassie Mountain. Spring localities were identified by Kammanassie Nature Reserve Staff, who monitor these springs (flow rates and water samples) annually during February/March. The co- ordinates of each spring were determined using an Omnistar Global Positioning System (GPS). To facil- itate this monitoring, each individual spring was given a number, beginning at 01. The prefix Kamm is the standard WCNCB monitoring code used for the Kammanassie Nature Reserve while the standard Fig. 2. The average monthly rainfall and the mean average minimum and maximum temperatures of the Kam- manassie Nature Reserve. cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 21 WCNCB code for water monitoring is indicated by the letter ‘w’ (Van der Walt 1993). Floristic composition of springs (woody species, grasses and forbs) was surveyed at the origin of the spring using the Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance scale (Mueller-Dombois & Ellenberg 1974). The area sampled varied from spring to spring and was determined to include at least 95% of all floral species present at the site. Care was taken to sample only homogeneous spring vegetation and not to include adjacent drier communities. Fieldwork was carried out between February and April 2002. Envi- ronmental data recorded included aspect, altitude, slope, geology, soil texture, percentage rock cover and rock size (small, small/medium, medium, medi- um/large and large). A first approximation of the main plant communities was derived by applying the two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) (Hill 1979) to the floristic data set. Further refinement of the classifi- cation was achieved by Braun-Blanquet procedures (Bredenkamp et al. 1989; Kooij et al. 1990; Bezuidenhout 1993; Eckhart 1993; Brown & Bre- denkamp 1994). The results are presented in a phy- tosociological table produced by using MEGATAB (Hennekens 1996a). Springs showing similar plant communities were plotted on an ArcView (Ver. 3.2) Geographical Information System (GIS) generated map, to indicate their localities. Plant taxon names conform to those given by Gold- blatt and Manning (2000). These names may there- fore differ from the plant species list used by the TURBOVEG database (Hennekens 1996b), which is based on the PRECIS database of the National Botan- ical Institute (NBI) in Pretoria, as on date 1997. Red data status follows Hilton-Taylor (1996). Results Classification The results are presented in a phytosociolog- ical table (Table 1). The analysis resulted in the identification of the following fourteen plant communities, which can be grouped into 11 major community types: 1. Blechnum tabulare-Hippa frutescens fern community 1.1. Hippia frutescens-Helichrysum cymosum shrubland 1.2. Hippia frutescens-Helichrysum peti- olare shrubland 1.3. Hippia frutescens-Ehrharta species grassland 2. Eragrostis plana-Juncus lomatophyllus grassland 3. Berzelia intermedia-Psoralea verrucosa shrubland 4. Cliffortia ilicifolia-Stoebe plumosa shrubland 5. Ehrharta ramosa-Aspalathus kougaensis shrubland 6. Conyza canadensis-Conyza scabrida shrubland 7. Phragmites australis reed community 8. Ehrharta erecta-Rhus pallens shrubland 9. Mentha longifolia-Thelypteris confluens shrubland 10. Pelargonium radulifolium-Salvia namaensis shrubland 11. Ehrharta erecta-Crassula biplanata shrubland Description of spring plant communities In the descriptions of the different spring plant communities, all species groups refer to Table 1. The position of the springs (spring numbers) with similar plant commu- nities is indicated in with same colour and symbol in Fig. 3. 1. Blechnum tabulare-Hippa frutescens fern community The springs with vegetation belonging to this community are mainly found on southern slopes on the Kammanassie Mountain. Altitude varies between 837-1394 m above sea level. The soil is loamy to clayey with rock cover varying between 5-40%. All the springs of this community are perennial and undisturbed. Diagnostic species include the dwarf shrub Hippa frutescens and the ferns Blechnum tabulare and Blechnum inflexum (species group A). This community can be sub-divided into the following three sub-communities: Koedoe 47/2 (2004) 22 ISSN 0075-6458 cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 22 1.1 Hippia frutescens-Helichrysum cymosum shrubland The vegetation of springs Kamm/w/22 and 37 (Mannetjiesberg), Kamm/w/31 (Elands- vlakte) and Kamm/w/52 (Wildealsvlei) fall within this sub-community. Altitude varies between 1038-1361 m a.s.l. All springs occur on gentle slopes (1-2°) with a south-southwestern aspect. Rock cover varies between 5 % to 40 %. All four springs were flowing but the spring Kamm/w/22 had water though not flowing at the time of the survey. The shrub layer comprises 50-60 % and the herbaceous layer 30-40 %. Diagnostic species include the shrub Helichrysum cymosum, the moss Racomitri- um lamprocarpum and the restio Calopsis paniculata (species group B). The dwarf shrub Hippia frutescens (species group A) is dominant while the ferns Blechnum tabulare and Blechnum inflexum (species group A) are locally dominant in this sub-community. The shrubs Helichrysum petiolare (species group C), Psoralea verrucosa and small fern Hymenophyllum tunbridgense (species group F) are prominent. Other prominent species include the cosmopolitan weed Sper- gularia rubra and the moss Jamesoniella species. 1.2 Hippia frutescens-Helichrysum petio- lare shrubland The Hippia frutescens-Helichrysum petio- lare sub-community is found at springs Kamm/w/35 and Kamm/w/36 (Mannetjies- berg) which were both flowing during the period of the survey. These springs occur on gentle slopes (1-2°) between 1343-1394 m a.s.l. where the aspect is south-southwest. Soil texture is sandy- loamy and with small-to-medium rocks, with a coverage of 30-40 % of the soil surface. Shrub cover is 70 % and herbaceous cover is 30 %. ISSN 0075-6458 23 Koedoe 47/2 (2004) Fig. 3: Location of the vegetation communities of springs on the Kammanassie Nature Reserve. cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 23 Koedoe 47/2 (2004) 24 ISSN 0075-6458 Ta bl e 1 P hy to ci ol og ic al ta bl e of th e ve ge ta tio n of s pr in gs o n th e K am m an as si e M ou nt ai n cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 24 ISSN 0075-6458 25 Koedoe 47/2 (2004) Ta bl e 1 (c on tin ue d) cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 25 Koedoe 47/2 (2004) 26 ISSN 0075-6458 Ta bl e 1 (c on tin ue d) cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 26 ISSN 0075-6458 27 Koedoe 47/2 (2004) Ta bl e 1 (c on tin ue d) cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 27 Diagnostic species include the shrubs Helichrysum petiolare and Cliffortia burchelli (species group C). The shrub Hip- pia frutescens and the fern Blechnum tabu- lare (species group A) are prominantly pre- sent. The shrub Psoralea verrucosa (species group F) is also conspicuous in this sub- community. 1.3 Hippia frutescens-Ehrharta species grassland This sub-community is found at the follow- ing springs: Kamm/w/05 (Buffelsdrif), Kamm/w/11 (Wildebeesvlakte), Kamm/w/33 (Elandsvlakte) and Kamm/w/46 (Upper Diepkloof). The spring Kamm/w/05 dried up in December 2001 and Kamm/w/33 dried up in 2000. At the time of the survey Kamm/w/11 had water but was not flowing and Kamm/w/46 was flowing. Altitude varies between 837-1154 m a.s.l. on a gentle slope. All these springs occur on south-facing slopes. Soil is sandy, while rock cover is very low, at most localities less than 5 %. Shrubs cover an estimated 60 % of the area and the herbaceous layer 40 %. Diagnostic species include the shrubs Pelargonium cordifolium and Rhus tomen- tosa, the grass Ehrharta species , the restios Isolepsis verrucosula and Juncus capensis and aquatic plant Eleocharis limosa (species group D). The shrub Hippia frutescens, ferns Blechnum tabulare and Blechnum inflexum (species group A) are also prominent. Other prominent local species include the shrub Helichrysum cymosum (species group B), restio Juncus lomatophyllus and grasses Panicum ecklonii and Pennisetum macrou- rum (species group E) and Watsonia four- cadei (species group F). (Fig. 4) 2. Eragrostis plana-Juncus lomatophyllus grassland The vegetation of springs Kamm/w/02 and 03 (Kleinfonteinsberg), Kamm/w/34 (Elandsvlakte) and Kamm/w/53 (Man- netjiesberg) represent this plant community. Some springs dried up, e.g., Kamm/w/02 in 1978, Kamm/w/03 in 1999, Kamm/w/34 in 2000, but Kamm/w/53 was flowing at the time of the survey. Altitude varies considerably between 867- 1405 m above sea level, while slope also varies considerably between 1-11°. The Koedoe 47/2 (2004) 28 ISSN 0075-6458 Fig. 4. Dominant plant families reflecting the percentage of total flora of springs on the Kam- manassie Mountain. cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 28 aspect is northeast to north-northeast. Rock cover is low and is less than 5 % in most cases while the soil texture is loamy-clay. Shrub cover is between 10-40 % and the herbaceous layer between 40-60 %. Diagnostic species include grasses such as Eragrostis plana, Panicum ecklonii, Pen- nisetum macrourum, restio Juncus lomato- phyllus, shrub Gunnera perpensa and the forbs Pelargonium grossularioides and Vellereophyton vellereum (species group E). Other prominent species that occur locally include grasses Ehrharta species (species group D) and Ehrharta erecta (species group K), the tall reed Phragmites australis (species group J), and sedge Mariscus con- gestus (species group M). 3. Berzelia intermedia-Psoralea verrucosa shrubland A total of nine springs, namely; Kamm/w/06 (Buffelsdrif), Kamm/w/07, 32 and 45 (Elandsvlakte), Kamm/w/23 (Mannetjies- berg), Kamm/w/40 (Kleinberg), Kamm/w/43 and 44 (Groenplaat) and Kamm/w/47 (Kleinrivier) form the habitat of the Berzelia intermedia-Psoralea verrucosa shrubland. The spring Kamm/w/06 dried up at the end of 2001, Kamm/w/40 and 43 dried up in 2000 and Kamm/w/47 is dry but the year its spring dried up is unknown. The springs Kamm/w/07, 32, 45 and 23 were all flowing at the time of this survey. Altitude ranges between 927–1404 m a.s.l. These springs occur on a slope between 1–17° and aspect varies greatly. Rock size is small to medium while rock cover varies between 5–40 %. All these springs are situat- ed on the southern slopes of the Kam- manassie Mountain. Shrubs and herbs have a canopy cover of 50 %. The diagnostic species from group F include: the shrubs Psoralea verrucosa, Berzelia intermedia, Erica curviflora, Helichrysum anomalum, Clutia alaternoides, Helichry- sum zeyheri and Plecostachys polifolia, the corm Watsonia fourcadei, the restios Platy- caulos callistachyus, Elegia filacea, Ischy- rolepis ocreata and Juncus dregeanus, the forbs Selago glomerata, Centella eriantha, Melasma scabrum, and the small fern Hymenophyllum tunbridgense. Other locally dominant species are the shrubs Ficinia nigrescens (species group H) and Helichrysum cymosum (species group B), the grasses, Eragrostis plana and Pan- icum ecklonii (species group E) and Ehrhar- ta ramosa (species group H) and the restio Juncus lomatophyllus (species group E). Further conspicuous species locally present include the shrubs Stoebe plumosa and Clif- fortia ilicifolia (species group G) and Anthospermum aethiopicum (species group I). The mosses Symphyogyna podophylla, Riccardia species, Sematophyllum species and Campylopus species, are prominent locally. 4. Cliffortia ilicifolia-Stoebe plumosa shrubland The vegetation of springs Kamm/w/08 (Elandsvlakte), Kamm/w/24, 25 and 38 (Paardevlakte), Kamm/w/39 (Mannetjies- berg), Kamm/w/30 (Bergplaas) and Kamm/w/41 (Upper Diepkloof) represents a Cliffortia ilicifolia-Stoebe plumosa shrub- land. All these springs were dry during the survey period. Most of these springs, exclud- ing Kamm/w/08 (2000) and Kamm/w/30 (2001)), dried up before 1993. Springs belonging to this shrubland are rela- tively flat with a slight gradient that varies between 1–2°. Altitude varies between 758 m–1475 m a.s.l., and aspect varies great- ly. Soil texture is sandy-loam, while the rock cover varies between 40–50 % with little to no rocks present in certain localities. The shrub and herbaceous layer has a cover of 50 %. Diagnostic species include the shrubs Stoebe plumosa, Cliffortia ilicifolia and the grass Pentaschistis species 831, which grows in large tufts (species group G). Other locally dominant species include the shrubs ISSN 0075-6458 29 Koedoe 47/2 (2004) cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 29 Helichrysum cymosum (species group B), Helichrysum zeyheri (species group F), Aspalathus kougaensis (species group H) and the grass Eragrostis plana (species group E). The large shrub Chrysanthemoides monilifera, tree Protea neriifolia and succu- lent Crassula ericoides (not included in table 1) also occur locally. 5. Ehrharta ramosa-Aspalathus kougaensis shrubland This plant community occurs at the follow- ing three springs: Kamm/w/21 (Leeuwblad) and Kamm/w/28 and 29 (Bergplaas). All these springs dried up between 1999 and 2000. This community is found at lower-lying areas with altitudes varying between 612 m–797 m a.s.l. on south or west facing aspects. The soil texture is very coarse grav- el. Medium-to-large rocks with coverage of between 70–80 % are common. Shrub and herbaceous coverage is between 30–40%. Species group H is diagnostic for this com- munity and includes the shrubs Aspalathus kougaensis, Phylica paniculata, Ficinia ramosissima and the grass Ehrharta ramosa. Eragrostis plana (species group E) is also present. Another locally prominent species is the grass Pentaschistis species (species group G). The following species are locally present: the shrubs Dodonaea angustifolia, Pteronia stricta, Anomalanthus anguliger, the grasses Panicum repens, Pentameris species, the restios Tetraria capillacea, Jun- cus oxycarpus and forbs Ursinia anthe- moides and Senecio ilicifolius. 6. Conyza canadensis-Conyza scabrida shrubland The vegetation of springs Kamm/w/10 (Wildebeesvlakte), Kamm/w/20 (Leeuw- blad) and Kamm/w/42 (Ylandsrivier) repre- sents the Conyza canadensis-Conyza scabri- da shrubland. This plant community occurs at a lower alti- tude (586–927 m a.s.l.), with slopes of 1-3°. The soil texture varies from sandy, loamy to clay, while rock cover varies between 0–50 %. The shrub cover varies between 30–50 % and the herbaceous layer coverage is between 30–40 %. Species diagnostic for this community include the invader Conyza scabrida, the shrubs Conyza canadensis, Helichrysum nudifolium and Anthospermum aethiopicum (species group I). The shrubs Stoebe plumosa (species group G) and Rhus pallens (species group K) are locally prominent within this community. 7. Phragmites australis reed community The dominant vegetation of two springs Kamm/w/26 (Wildebeesvlakte) and Kamm/ w/49 (Rietfontein) is Phragmites australis. At present these springs are both dry. Kamm/w/26 dried up in 1999 and Kamm/w/49 in 2001. Altitude varies between 624–862 m a.s.l. Both have a western aspect and occur on gentle slopes of between 1-3°. Soil varies from clay to gravel and rock cover varies from 60 % to no rocks present in certain localities. The herbaceous layer is dominated by the reed Phragmites australis and has a cover of 70 %. Shrub coverage varies (10–30 %). This community has the reed Phragmites australis as the diagnostic and dominant species (species group J). The tree Rhus pal- lens (species group K) is locally prominent within the community. 8. Ehrharta erecta-Rhus pallens shrubland The four springs, Kamm/w/14 (Slawedam I) and Kamm/w/16 (Slawedam II) and Kamm/w/17 (Rooielskloof) and Kamm/ w/50 (Rietfontein), are the habitat of the Ehrharta erecta-Rhus pallens shrubland. Some springs dried up, viz., Kamm/w/14 in Koedoe 47/2 (2004) 30 ISSN 0075-6458 cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 30 1994, Kamm/w/17 in 1999, and Kamm/w/16 date unknown. Spring Kamm/w/50 had water but was not flowing during the period of the survey. Altitude is between 553 -602 m a.s.l. Aspect varies between north to north-east and west. Soil texture is coarse gravel, with medium- to-large rocks present with a coverage of between 60–80 %. This shrubland has a tree coverage of 10–50 %, a shrub coverage of 30–50 % and herbaceous coverage of 10–20 %. Species from species group K are diagnostic for this community and include the trees Tar- chonanthus camphoratus and Salix mucronata, the large shrub Rhus pallens, the small shrub Sutera campanulata, the grass Ehrharta erecta, and forb Pollichia campestris. The aromatic forb Mentha longi- folia (species group L) is prominently pre- sent. 9. Mentha longifolia-Thelypteris confluens shrubland The vegetation of springs Kamm/w/01 (Buf- felsklip), Kamm/w/09 and 51 (Vermaaks River) represent this plant community. The spring Kamm/w/01 was standing at the time of the survey, Kamm/w/09 dried up in 1999 and Kamm/w/51 dried up at the end of 2001. Altitude is between 569–711m a.s.l. and aspect varies between west, south and north- northwest on a gentle slope. Soil texture is loamy-sandy with rock cover between 30–60 % and less than 5 % in certain areas. The shrub and herbaceous layer have a 50 % coverage. The tree Calpurnia intrusa, the shrubs Pelargonium zonale and Stachys aethiopica, the forb Mentha longifolia and fern The- lypteris confluens (species group L) are diag- nostic species of this community. The shrub Conyza scabrida (species group I) and grass- es Ehrharta ramosa and Ehrharta erecta (species group H and K) are locally dominant. 10. Pelargonium radulifolium-Salvia nama- ensis shrubland This plant community occurs at the follow- ing springs: Kamm/w/12 and 13 (Klein- geluk), Kamm/w/15 (Slawedam II) and Kamm/w/18 (Solomanskraal). All the springs dried up before 1996. They are found on the northern slopes of the Kammanassie Moun- tain. These springs occur at altitudes between 533–684 m above sea level on gentle north to north-east slopes (2°). Soil texture is pre- dominantly sandy to coarse gravel, with rock cover between 20–50 % (medium-to-large). Shrub coverage varies between 50–70 % and the herbaceous laver has a cover between 10–30 %. Diagnostic species include the shrub Salvia namaensis, the forb Pelargonium radulifoli- um, the creepers Dipogon lignosus and Cis- sampelos capensis and the sedge Mariscus congestus (species group M). The grass Ehrharta ramosa (species group H) and tree Rhus pallens (species group K) occur locally while the sedge Mariscus thunbergii is local- ly conspicuous. 11. Ehrharta erecta-Crassula biplanata shrubland The vegetation of the springs (Kamm/w/19 and 48) at Wagenpadnek represent this plant community. Kamm/w/19 dried up in 1999, while Kamm/w/48 was standing at the time of the survey. These springs occur on gentle (1°) western or southern slopes at an altitude of 718–732 m a.s.l. Soil texture is sandy with small-to-medium rocks with a rock cover of 10–20 %. Shrub cover is 60 % and the herbaceous layer has a coverage of 30 %. The forb, Species 814 (sent in to herbarium for identification), and succulent Crassula biplanata are diagnostic species (species group N). The shrub Rhus pallens and grass- es Pennisetum macrourum and Ehrharta ISSN 0075-6458 31 Koedoe 47/2 (2004) cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 31 erecta (species group E and K) are locally prominent. Floristic analysis of springs on the Kammanassie Mountain A total of 244 plant species were recorded for spring flora, representing 145 genera and 71 families (Table 2). Flowering plants are represented by Monocotyledoneae with 63 species in 7 families and Eudicotyledoneae with 156 species in 43 families. The Pterido- phytes, with 12 species in 8 families and 12 species in 12 families of Bryophytes (moss- es) represent the non-flowering plants. Only one species of gymnosperm was found. A ratio of 6:1 dicotyledon species to mono- cotyledon species was found for the spring flora. Seven families dominate the flora found at springs on the Kammanassie Mountain. The two largest families are the Asteraceae with 41 species, reflecting 14.5 % of the total flora and the Poaceae with 25 species (8.8 % of the total flora) (Fig. 4). These are followed by much smaller, yet significant families, represented by the Cyperaceae with 19 species (6.7 % of the total flora), Restionaceae with eight species (2.8 % of the total flora), Juncaceae with six species (2.1 % of the total flora), Rosaceae with six species (2.1 % of the total flora) and Scro- phulariaceae also with six species (2.1 % of the total flora) (Fig. 4). Two red data species were found, represent- ing 1 % of the flora of springs on the Kam- manassie Mountain. The endangered Erica sp nov (Ericaceae) was sampled at sample plot 18 (Kamm/w/19) and the rare Agathos- ma affinis (Rutaceae) in sample plot 24 (Kamm/w/25). Both these two springs dried up before the KKRWSS started abstraction. A total of 11 alien species or cosmopolitan weeds were found at springs on the Kam- manassie Mountain. Geological origin of spring plant communities The springs within the Hippia frutescens- Helichrysum shrubland (plant community 1.1) are all springs emanating at a perched water table of the Nardouw/Cedarberg For- mation, while springs within the Hippia frutesens-Helichrysum petiolare shrubland (plant community 1.2) are all emanating at perched water tables on the Nardouw/Kouga Formation. Springs of the Hippia frutescens- Ehrharta species grassland (plant communi- ty 1.3) has its geological origin at shallow springs emanating at perched water tables on Cedarberg shale and Peninsula Formation. Thus all the springs within the Blechnum tabulare-Hippa frutescens fern (plant com- munity 1) have their geological origin at shallow, perched springs. The Eragrostis plana-Juncus lomatophyllus grassland (plant community 2) has a mixed geological origin, emanating from the Nar- douw Formation and the Kouga/Baviaans- kloof Formation that is in close contact with the Bokkeveld Group. All these springs orig- inates predominantly from the Nardouw For- mation with Cedarberg shale contact. The nine springs found in the Berzelia inter- media-Psoralea verrucosa shrubland (plant community 3) are all shallow and perched, with six emanating from the Nardouw/ Cedarberg Formation, one from the Nar- douw/Kouga Formation, and two from the Peninsula Formation. A total of five of the seven springs of the Cliffortia ilicifolia-Stoebe plumose shrub- land (plant community 4) has a predomi- nantly Nardouw/Kouga Formation geologi- cal origin. Other origins include the Nar- douw Formation with combined lithological and structural control. Therefore, the domi- nant geological origin is from the Nardouw Formation. The Ehrharta ramosa-Aspalatus kougaensis shrubland (plant community 5) springs have their geological origin from the Nardouw Formation. Springs from the Conyza canadensis-Conyza scabrida shrubland Koedoe 47/2 (2004) 32 ISSN 0075-6458 cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 32 ISSN 0075-6458 33 Koedoe 47/2 (2004) Table 2 An alphabetical list of plant families, collected at springs on the Kammanassie Mountain, indicating the number of genera and species in each family Bryophytes Aneuraceae 1 1 Bartramiaceae 1 1 Brachytheciaceae 1 1 Bryaceae 1 1 Dicranaceae 1 1 Fissidentaceae 1 1 Grimmiaceae 1 1 Hedwigiaceae 1 1 Jungermanniaceae 1 1 Pallaviciniaceae 1 1 Pottiaceae 1 1 Sematophyllaceae 1 1 12 12 Pteridophytes Aspleniaceae 1 2 Blechnaceae 1 2 Dennstaedtiaceae 1 1 Dryopteridaceae 1 1 Gleicheniaceae 1 1 Hymenophyllaceae 1 1 Pteridaceae 1 3 Thelypteridaceae 1 1 8 12 Gymnosperm Taxodiaceae 1 1 1 1 Monocotyledons Araceae 1 1 Cyperaceae 9 19 Dioscoreaceae 1 1 Iridaceae 3 3 Juncaceae 1 6 Poaceae 13 25 Restionaceae 6 8 34 63 Eudicotyledons Aizoaceae 2 2 Anacardiaceae 1 3 Apiaceae 2 2 .../Eudicotyledons Apocynaceae 1 1 Araliaceae 2 2 Asteraceae 19 42 Brassicaceae 1 1 Bruniaceae 1 1 Campanulaceae 2 2 Caryophyllaceae 4 4 Celastraceae 2 3 Convolvulaceae 1 1 Crassulaceae 2 5 Dipsacaceac 1 1 Droseraceae 1 1 Ebenaceae 2 3 Ericaceae 1 13 Euphorbiaceae 1 1 Fabaceae 9 14 Geraniaceae 1 5 Gunneraceae 1 1 Lamiaceae 4 5 Linaceae 1 1 Malvaceae 2 3 Menispermaceae 1 1 Molluginaceae 1 1 Moraceae 1 1 Orobanchaceae 1 1 Oxalidaceae 1 1 Polygalaceae 2 3 Primulaceae 1 2 Proteaceae 2 3 Ranunculaceae 1 1 Rhamnaceae 1 1 Rosaceae 2 6 Rubiaceae 1 1 Rutaceae 2 4 Salicaceae 2 2 Santalaceae 1 1 Sapindaceae 1 1 Scrophulariaceae 3 6 Solanaceae 1 2 Urticaceae 1 1 90 156 Total 145 244 Families Genera Species Families Genera Species cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 33 Koedoe 47/2 (2004) 34 ISSN 0075-6458 (plant community 6) have a mixed geologi- cal origin, with two springs originating from the Nardouw Formation and one shallow, perched spring on Cedarberg shale. The springs from the Phragmites australis reed community (7), the Ehrharta erecta-Rhus pallens shrubland (plant community 8) and Pelargonium radulifolium-Salvia namaensis (plant community 10) originate on the Nar- douw Formation-Kouga/Baviaanskloof For- mation close to the contact with the Bokkeveld Group. These plant communities, therefore, have similar geological origins. Plant community 9, Mentha longifolia-The- lypteris confluens shrubland, originates from the Nardouw Formation while the Ehrharta erecta-Crassula biplanata shrubland (plant community 11) has two springs, both shal- low and perched, on Cedarberg shale. Discussion A total of 244 plant species were found at 52 springs on the Kammanassie Mountain, rep- resenting 145 genera and 71 families. Of the 71 plant families, one gymnosperm, eight families of pteridophytes (11 %), 12 families of bryophytes (mosses)(17 %), seven fami- lies of monocotyledoneaes (10 %) and 43 families of dicotyledons (60 %) were record- ed for the spring vegetation. The high pres- ence of Asteraceae (14.5 % of the total flora) corresponds to Goldblatt & Manning (2000) and was similar to the Vermaaks, Marnewicks and Buffelsklip Valley floristic composition which had 16 % Asteraceae present (Cleaver 2004). Cyperaceae (6.7 % of the total flora) with 19 species and Restionaceae (2.8 % of the total flora) were the second and third most dominant families present at the springs on the Kammanassie Mountain. The ratio of 6:1 dicotyledon to monocotyle- don species observed for the spring flora compares well to that of the spring flora at Fernkloof Nature Reserve (four dicotyledons to one monocotyledon species) also situated in Mountain Fynbos vegetation (Mostert 2003). This ratio of spring flora for Kam- manassie Nature Reserve (6:1) is also higher than the ratio of 3:1 for the Cape Floristic region as given by Goldblatt & Manning (2000). However, the species richness for the Kammanassie Mountain springs is 47 species/100 m² compared to the much higher 126 species/100 m² for Fernkloof Nature Reserve (Mostert 2003). A possible explanation for this could be that the springs of the Fernkloof Nature Reserve are mainly situated on moist southern slopes (Mostert 2003) whereas a large number of springs on the Kammanassie Nature Reserve are locat- ed on drier northern slopes. This, together with the higher average annual rainfall of 674 mm for the Fernkloof Nature Reserve, compared to the average annual rainfall of 450 mm for the Kammanassie Mountain can explain the higher species richness found at Fernkloof Nature Reserve. The Cliffortia ilicifolia-Stoebe plumosa shrubland represents springs that dried up before 1993. These springs are also perched and comprise drier shrubland vegetation, with grasses prominent. Both the rare Agath- osma affinis (Rutaceae) and endangered Erica sp nov (Ericaeae) occur within this plant community, making it an important plant community to manage and conserve. The Erica sp nov, an endangered species, also occurs within the Ehrharta erecta-Rhus pallens community. Flowing springs and the ones that have water have very different plant communities to those that are dry. A difference in plant species composition was also found between springs that have been drier longer than oth- ers. The species composition of flowing springs differ strongly with those of drier springs in that ferns, mosses and water plants dominate these communities. Springs that have been dry for a number of years, have a shrub, grass and restio domi- nance while springs that have dried up recently (within the last 3 years) show a dis- tinct difference, with no shrub layer present and the herbaceous layer being dominant. There is a strong relationship between spring geological origin and plant communities cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 34 ISSN 0075-6458 35 Koedoe 47/2 (2004) found at springs, whether shallow perched type springs on the Nardouw/Cedarberg or Nardouw/Kouga contacts, Nardouw Forma- tion with combined litological and structural control or Nardouw Formation-Kouga/Bavi- aanskloof Formation close to the Bokkeveld Group. Spring (Kamm/w/09) of the Mentha longifo- lia-Thelypteris confluens shrubland (plant community 9), dried up in September 1999, but still (three years later) has similar vege- tation as the other flowing springs within this community. A possible explanation for this could be that this spring (Kamm/w/09, 635 m a.s.l.) occurs in the alluvium of the Vermaaks Valley and is not a perched spring. The water table, obtained from a monitoring hole close to this spring, was found to be approximately 5 m below surface (Cleaver et al. 2003). Therefore, although this spring stopped flowing at surface the water table at this spring is at a sufficient level to sustain the wetter plant community found at this site. Springs Kamm/w/08 (1135 m a.s.l.) and 22 (1404 m a.s.l.) also originate at the Cedarberg Shale contact between the Penin- sula and Nardouw Formations and dried up in 1999. These two perched springs have a drier plant community, completely reliant on rainfall, as the water table is not within reach of the plants at such high-altitude springs. It is interesting that the plant community at spring Kamm/w/09 has not changed suffi- ciently to fall within a drier type community. Should the water table at this spring decline it could result in a change of the present plant community and further monitoring is essential at this spring to better understand the relationship between the water table and plant community present. Conclusion No similar vegetation descriptions have pre- viously been carried out on the springs of the Kammanassie Mountains. This research therefore provides valuable data on these ecosystems. The plant species identified from this study can now be included into the Kammanassie Nature Reserve Management Plan and will result in a more comprehensive plant species list for the reserve. The localities and plant communities within which previously unknown, rare, and vulnerable plant species occur were identified during this survey. The wetness of a spring, period of time the spring had been dry and a spring’s geological origin have influenced plant community composition of the springs on the Kam- manassie Mountain. If more springs dry up on the mountain, plant communities at these springs could change over time and species diversity could be expected to decrease as is the case with the dry and wet communities of this study. Important water dependent plants will be lost and ‘wetland’ plant communities will be transformed into dry shrub and grass domi- nated areas. The time it takes for these changes in plant species composition to form another plant community will, however, have to be determined through long-term monitoring of the different springs on the Kammanassie Nature Reserve. These vegetation surveys and descriptions provide baseline information that allows similar surveys to be conducted in future. These monitoring data could then be com- pared with this study to determine if changes/shifts in plant communities have occurred. Since a change in habitat condi- tions will result in the loss of not only ‘wet- land’ plant communities, but a host of other organisms such as invertebrates, frogs and fish species that depend on these plants for their existence, will also disappear. This will result in a reduction of flora and fauna biodi- versity. The WCNCB should therefore con- tinue to monitor rare and vulnerable species found during this survey to ensure their sur- vival by applying the correct management strategies. Monitoring of spring vegetation should continue to determine changes in plant communities over time related to springs drying up. This could form part of a cleaver.qxd 2004/10/05 10:02 Page 35 Koedoe 47/2 (2004) 36 ISSN 0075-6458 long-term monitoring programme on the Kammanassie Nature Reserve. Acknowledgements The Water Research Commission, UNISA (old Tech- nikon SA) and Western Cape Nature Conservation Board contributed to the funding of this research project. 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