item: #1 of 152 id: let-10010 author: Syahidah, Ratih Suci; Hizriani, Nani; Nor, Hidayah title: Enhancing Language Awareness of Student Teachers through Lesson Plan Creation date: 2022-12-31 words: 6677 flesch: 42 summary: In recent years, various dimensions of language awareness have been proposed. The Social Domain of language awareness is particularly relevant in multicultural settings, as it aims to foster better relations among ethnic groups by increasing students' awareness of their own language, dialects, and their place within the broader map of languages and dialects worldwide. keywords: awareness; domain; language; language awareness; lesson; lesson plans; plans; students; teaching cache: let-10010.pdf plain text: let-10010.txt item: #2 of 152 id: let-1315 author: Chamisah, Chamisah title: AN ANALISIS OF PAKEM APPROACH date: 2017-05-15 words: 5025 flesch: 56 summary: As a consequence, if learning does not give opportunity to student to share actively, the study opposes concept of learning; Active student is importance for the agenda of forming creative generation, productive that benefit him and others. The truth on evaluation can be indicated in several things such as more close to test that recognized performance test and teacher perception continually from going concern process, for example from student result in the form of sheet of portfolios which collecting. keywords: activity; children; learning; pakem; process; students; teacher; teaching cache: let-1315.pdf plain text: let-1315.txt item: #3 of 152 id: let-1362 author: Subhan, Abdu title: ASHLEIGH SAYER’S METHOD OF COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING IN PSYCHOLINGUISTICS CLASS TO SIXTH SEMESTER ENGLISH DEPARTMENT STUDENTS AT IAIN ANTASARI BANJARMASIN ACADEMIC YEAR 2009/2010 date: 2017-05-15 words: 7189 flesch: 51 summary: The result of the research denoted that Ashleigh Sayer used communicative language teaching method and applied some techniques which are adopted from communicative method it self. After conducting the research and analyzing all the data, the writer would like to conclude all the result of study as follows: Ashleigh Sayer used communicative language teaching method to teach psycholinguistics to sixth semester English Department students at IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin academic year 2009/2010 and applied some techniques in her classroom activities including pair-work, group-work, learning by teaching, writing logs, English communication, informal greeting, etc. which are dialed with the principle of communicative method. keywords: activities; class; english; language; learning; method; students; teacher; teaching; use cache: let-1362.pdf plain text: let-1362.txt item: #4 of 152 id: let-1364 author: Yusuf, Muhammad title: THE EUROPEAN EXPLORATION TO THE NEW WOLRD (The First Permanent English Settlement as an American Milestone) date: 2017-05-15 words: 5329 flesch: 61 summary: The discussion is started by the description of England condition especially in the early of 17th century which pushed the English went out from their mother land. Key words: Exploration, Settlement, New World Talking about the European arrival at Jamestown is absolutely relating to their reasons for coming to the New Land. keywords: america; century; columbus; england; english; european; factors; new; people; reason; world cache: let-1364.pdf plain text: let-1364.txt item: #5 of 152 id: let-1365 author: Effendie, Nanik Mariana title: INTERPRETING A POEM OF BEN JONSON, “SONG: TO CELIA” date: 2017-05-15 words: 3872 flesch: 67 summary: Context of genre: Genre is included in communication like poem, praying, idiom, advertisement, etc. which can be in narrative, argumentative, and descriptive text A discourse can be interpreted base on the context. To interpret this kind of poem, knowledge about love is important, and also the schemata about who the speakers and the listeners are. keywords: context; discourse; knowledge; language; love; poem cache: let-1365.pdf plain text: let-1365.txt item: #6 of 152 id: let-1366 author: Saadillah, Saadillah title: HOW TO BE A GOOD LANGUAGE TEACHER date: 2017-05-15 words: 3054 flesch: 62 summary: Key words: language teacher, qualification, competence, and criteria 1. Based on the survey result, there are 36 notes for language teacher. keywords: language; learning; students; teacher; teaching; time; work cache: let-1366.pdf plain text: let-1366.txt item: #7 of 152 id: let-1367 author: Kamal, Sirajudin title: The Use of Internet in Language Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language date: 2017-05-15 words: 5991 flesch: 56 summary: At least, there are two advantages in enrolment of education: for teachers internet as professional development, and for learners internet as learning resources.” If the goal is to teach writing, Internet activities should be structured so that they steadily bring about an increase in the types of writing processes and relationships essential to becoming a better writer. keywords: activities; computer; english; information; internet; language; learning; students; teachers; teaching; use; web cache: let-1367.pdf plain text: let-1367.txt item: #8 of 152 id: let-1375 author: Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin title: IMPROVING OF EFL LEARNERS’ SPEAKING PROFICIENCY THROUGH SPEAKING ACTIVITIES INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM: A THEORETICAL REVIEW date: 2017-05-16 words: 4396 flesch: 40 summary: Richards and Renandya (2002:201) further argued that each of these different purposes for speaking implies knowledge of the rules that account for how spoken language reflects the context or situation in which speech occurs, the participants involved and their specific roles and relationships, and the kind of activity the speakers are involved in. Richards and Renandya (2002:201) further argued that each of these different purposes for speaking implies knowledge of the rules that account for how spoken language reflects the context or situation in which speech occurs, the participants involved and their specific roles and relationships, and the kind of activity the speakers are involved in. keywords: activities; competence; english; language; learners; learning; speaking; teaching cache: let-1375.pdf plain text: let-1375.txt item: #9 of 152 id: let-1376 author: Hizriani, Nani title: WRITTEN CODE SWITCHING: THE CASE OF INDONESIAN EMAIL USERS date: 2017-05-16 words: 3123 flesch: 53 summary: These are some examples of code switching use for opening and closing salutations found in these emails, Opening salutations: Dear friends, Dear all, Dear … Closing salutations: Regards, Cheers, Best regards, Warms regards There are also other discourse functions of code switching using quotation and repetition in these emails to reinforce, to mark emphasis what the writers have mentioned, even to clarify the message that has already been transmitted in one code but which may not have been understood. He adds that features of bilingual speech such as interference, code mixing, and code switching are quite normal because bilinguals often find it easier to discuss a particular topic in one language than another. keywords: code; english; fitri; indonesian; language; switching; use cache: let-1376.pdf plain text: let-1376.txt item: #10 of 152 id: let-1377 author: Jannah, Nor title: MAKING SENSE OF GRAMMAR IN ENGLISH THROUGH PRACTICING THE DIALOGUES date: 2017-05-16 words: 3684 flesch: 73 summary: However, it is understandable because those students have learnt grammar of English only by using the text-books. MAKING SENSE OF GRAMMAR IN ENGLISH THROUGH PRACTICING THE DIALOGUES Nor Jannah A Lecturer at English Department at University of Lambung Mangkurat ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to reveal the way of the English Department students at the University of Lambung Mangkurat in making sense of grammar in English that they have learnt for about six years or more. keywords: english; grammar; sense; sentences; students cache: let-1377.pdf plain text: let-1377.txt item: #11 of 152 id: let-1378 author: Mufidah, Nida title: ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS’ MASTERY IN TOEFL STRUCTURE-WRITTEN EXPRESSION (A Case Study at IAIN Antasari, UNLAM, UNISKA and STKIP PGRI in South Kalimantan) date: 2017-05-16 words: 5703 flesch: 65 summary: N = Number of respondents1 They were classified into 3 categories (taken from Baron’s TOEFL) Score Category 550-670 Advance 500-549 Intermediate < 500 Beginner To know the types of difficult questions, this formula was used the researchers uses Du Bois theory to determine the difficulty index, as follows: p = B Js p = Proportion (difficulty Index) This research attempted to answer two problem statements about the students’ mastery of TOEFL in structure and written expression and the type of difficult questions of each section in TOEFL test. keywords: english; expression; pronoun; questions; structure; students; test; toefl cache: let-1378.pdf plain text: let-1378.txt item: #12 of 152 id: let-1379 author: Fitriah, Fitriah title: APPROPRIATE AND INAPPROPRIATE USES OF HUMOR BY TEACHERS AND THE EFFECT OF IT IN LEARNING date: 2017-05-16 words: 2528 flesch: 48 summary: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1 the effect of appropriate humor in learning Positive Negative None The chart illustrates 83% of the respondents think that inappropriate humor is considered to be generally negative in their learning. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1 The effect of inappropriate humor in learning Positive Negative None The majority of the respondents (94%) believed that the use of appropriate humor brings a positive effect in the learning. keywords: classroom; humor; learning; students cache: let-1379.pdf plain text: let-1379.txt item: #13 of 152 id: let-1380 author: Nor, Hidayah title: TEACHING LISTENING FROM A DISCOURSE PERSPECTIVE (METACOGNITIVE STRATEGY) date: 2017-05-16 words: 2721 flesch: 55 summary: Metacognitive strategies is one of language learning strategies in teaching English and considered as the most essential ones in developing learners’ skills (Anderson, 1991). Listening texts are good pronunciation models, and the more students listen, the better they get not only at understanding speech, but also at speaking themselves. keywords: information; language; learning; listening; metacognitive; students cache: let-1380.pdf plain text: let-1380.txt item: #14 of 152 id: let-1382 author: Mu’in, Fatchul title: LITERATURE AS MEDIA FOR DEVELOPING LANGUAGE COMPETENCE AND BUILDING SOCIAL AWARENESS date: 2017-05-16 words: 4477 flesch: 58 summary: In this paper, why and how a language teacher should use literary texts in the language classroom, what sort of literature language teachers should use with language learners, literature and the teaching of language skills, and benefits of different genres of literature to language teaching will be taken into account. In the following section, why language teachers use literary texts in the foreign language classroom and main criteria for selecting suitable literary texts in foreign language classes are stressed so as to make the reader familiar with the underlying reasons and criteria for language teachers’ using and selecting literary texts. keywords: character; language; learning; literature; people; reading; white; wright cache: let-1382.pdf plain text: let-1382.txt item: #15 of 152 id: let-1383 author: Anggraini, Hesti Wahyuni title: GENDER-BASED DIFFERENCES IN LEVELS OF WRITING ANXIETY OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS OF ENGLISH STUDY PROGRAM date: 2017-05-16 words: 5066 flesch: 61 summary: Last, to diagnose in whichever level of writing anxiety felt by students, it will be discussed in Appendix 2 Level of Writing Anxiety. WA = 78 + PSV-NSV PSV questions = 1; 4; 5; 7; 8; 13; 16; 18; 21; 22; 24; 25; 26 NSV questions = 2; 3; 6; 9; 10; 11; 12; 14; 15; 17; 19; 20; 23 Writing Anxiety scores may range from 26 to 130. keywords: anxiety; apprehension; english; gender; language; levels; students; writing cache: let-1383.pdf plain text: let-1383.txt item: #16 of 152 id: let-1384 author: Asfihana, Raida title: TEACHING ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES (ESP) IN EFL CONTEXT date: 2017-05-16 words: 3890 flesch: 60 summary: In view of these concerns, Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998: 145) discuss criteria for ESP course design and put forward useful steps for ESP teachers and course designers to consider. Moreover, this seems to be the latest paradigm for ESP teachers: infusing more reality into teaching programs and realistically designing the syllabus and material that meets the students’ needs. keywords: course; english; esp; language; needs; purposes; students cache: let-1384.pdf plain text: let-1384.txt item: #17 of 152 id: let-1385 author: Azhari, Teuku title: GIFTEDNESS AND GIFTED EDUCATION (An Overview) date: 2017-05-16 words: 4849 flesch: 54 summary: This test is usually used to rank students ability based on their IQ level. Gifted students are not expected to show all the traits listed in any section. keywords: ability; curriculum; education; gifted; learning; process; programs; students; talents cache: let-1385.pdf plain text: let-1385.txt item: #18 of 152 id: let-1386 author: Kadariyah, Nurlaila; Liani, Ida title: IDENTIFICATION OF STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN MASTERING PASSIVE VOICE date: 2017-05-16 words: 2306 flesch: 54 summary: Nur Jannah 27 Nurul Ekhsan √ 28 Reandy Ar- Rahman √ √ √ 29 Said Muhammad Noor √ 30 Salasiah √ √ 31 Samsudin √ √ √ √ √ 32 Saubah √ √ √ √ 33 Sulaiman √ √ √ √ 34 Wahyuni √ √ 35 Yuli Putra Kurniawan √ √ √ √ √ Total 11 1 2 18 11 1 3 20 8 14 From the table above, it can be seen that the highest wrong in changing verb is in no. 8 that is 20 students (57.14%). No Name of Students Essay Test (students’ difficulties in identifying tenses) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Ahmad Fauzi 2 Ahmad Rifani √ 3 Akhmad Syaufi √ 4 Arif Wahyu Ramadhan √ 5 Devianti 6 Dewi Hikmah √ √ 7 Emelia Fitriani √ √ 8 Erniawati 9 Fatmasari √ 10 Fatmini √ 11 Fitriani 12 Hairullah 13 Hairunnisa A 14 Hairunnisa B √ √ √ 15 Haris Fadillah √ √ 16 Lukman 17 M. Arsyad keywords: difficulties; students; √ √ cache: let-1386.pdf plain text: let-1386.txt item: #19 of 152 id: let-1387 author: Nor, Hidayah title: USING COOPERATIVE LEARNING IN TEACHING NARRATIVE TEXT TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN READING COMPREHENSION date: 2017-05-16 words: 4745 flesch: 67 summary: Students work cooperatively and provide students with an opportunity to practice skills or learn content presented by the teacher. 2. Ask students what they have known about fairy stories, mysteries, science fiction, romances, horror stories, adventure stories, fables, myths and legends (types of narrative text) that they have read. 3. keywords: group; learning; narrative; sister; story; students; teacher; team; text cache: let-1387.pdf plain text: let-1387.txt item: #20 of 152 id: let-1388 author: Jannah, Nor title: ENHANCING THE STUDENTS’ FLUENCY IN WRITING THROUGH THE USE OF JOURNAL WRITING date: 2017-05-16 words: 4157 flesch: 69 summary: About 90 percent of the students were the fresh graduates from the senior high schools, while the rest of students were the Islamic teachers at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah or Madrasah Tsanawiyah or Madrasah Aliyah spread out in Hulu Sungai Selatan regency who wanted to get more knowledge and the title from the college to support their career more. As we know that having the skills in writing in English will be very helpful when students are asked to write the abstract of their ‘Sarjana Skripsi,’ some paper in English, theses, and dissertations. keywords: english; journal; students; words; writer; writing cache: let-1388.pdf plain text: let-1388.txt item: #21 of 152 id: let-1389 author: Rahayu, Puji Sri title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SCHOOL BASED ENGLISH CURRICULUM IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEVEL (A CASE STUDY AT SDN KEBUN BUNGA 06 BANJARMASIN) date: 2017-05-16 words: 4699 flesch: 56 summary: The English teaching program for elementary school students is a good effort to improve the Indonesian education. This 2 was when SBC (school based curriculum) was introduced. keywords: competence; curriculum; english; language; school; students; teacher; teaching cache: let-1389.pdf plain text: let-1389.txt item: #22 of 152 id: let-1390 author: Mufidah, Nida title: THE STUDY OF NATURALISM ON A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUN NOVEL date: 2017-05-16 words: 5109 flesch: 67 summary: Mariam goodness is as poem left by Laila's father to Kabul, Whoever cannot count the moons that shimmers upon roofs or the thousand splendid suns hiding behind walls. Mariam is the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy businessman, and at fifteen years old, she was forced to marry Rasheed whom increasingly brutal when Mariam failed to have a child. keywords: jalil; laila; life; literature; mariam; novel; rasheed; story; students cache: let-1390.pdf plain text: let-1390.txt item: #23 of 152 id: let-1391 author: Asfihana, Raida title: THE NEEDS OF THE STUDENTS WHO ARE TAKING GRAMMAR (STRUCTURES) IV COURSE AT ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF TARBIYAH FACULTY ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2012/2013 date: 2017-05-16 words: 4987 flesch: 65 summary: Statement of the Problem 3 Based on the background of the study, the main purpose of this research is to find out the students needs of taking Grammar IV course. Grammar IV course which has been taught in this institution for years is the last series of four grammar series. keywords: course; english; grammar; needs; students; teaching cache: let-1391.pdf plain text: let-1391.txt item: #24 of 152 id: let-1392 author: Rahmah, Nur Alfa title: THE ROLE OF SELF-CONFIDENCE AND L2 IDENTITY CONSTRUCTION ON THE INDONESIAN STUDENTS’ SOCIAL INTERACTION IN NATURAL ENGLISH ENVIRONMENT date: 2017-05-16 words: 4004 flesch: 57 summary: However, it failed to notice how the self confidence and L2 identity play a role on maintaining smooth social interaction in natural English environment. This paper, then, is attempted to bring the discussion further and deeper to Indonesian users of English and how they undergo social interaction with their self-confidence and L2 identity in the English- speaking country. keywords: confidence; english; identity; self; students cache: let-1392.pdf plain text: let-1392.txt item: #25 of 152 id: let-1393 author: Kadariyah, Nurlaila; Purwanti, Desy title: AN ANALYSIS ON RELATIVE CLAUSE IN “BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA” NOVEL date: 2017-05-16 words: 10719 flesch: 92 summary: ( Data IV, 33:12-16 ) ( Data IV, 34:4-6 ) = Here he was letting some girl. keywords: bridge; clause; data; data iv; jess; leslie; mrs; novel; terabithia cache: let-1393.pdf plain text: let-1393.txt item: #26 of 152 id: let-1396 author: Rusnadi, Rusnadi title: LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES OF ESL LEARNERS AT MURRAY STATE UNIVERSITY IN IMPROVING THEIR ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS date: 2017-05-17 words: 5819 flesch: 65 summary: Key words: Language learning strategies, ESL Learners, language skills Language learning strategies have been long becomes the subject of research. Many researchers have defined the term of language learning strategies. keywords: language; learning; skills; strategies; strategy; students cache: let-1396.pdf plain text: let-1396.txt item: #27 of 152 id: let-1397 author: Yamin, Moh. title: ENGLISH WITH INDONESIA TASTE DOMINANT CULTURE SHIFT TO LOCAL CULTURE date: 2017-05-17 words: 5768 flesch: 63 summary: Language and culture makes a living organism; language is flesh, and culture is blood. Language is seen as arising in this framework, which can be variously conceived as we shall see, and fulfilling some function within it, but the framework itself precedes, or at least can be characterized independently of language. keywords: communication; culture; english; indonesia; language; life; means; new; people; way cache: let-1397.pdf plain text: let-1397.txt item: #28 of 152 id: let-1398 author: Hizriani, Nani title: MAIN PRINCIPLES FOR DEVELOPING READING SKILLS IN ESL/FL CLASSROOMS date: 2017-05-17 words: 3643 flesch: 59 summary: Although it is clear that there is a progression of reading abilities for language students from a beginner level to an advanced level, teachers should take into account some other aspects to determine the level of students’ proficiency (Hood, Solomon, and Burns, 1996, p.30). Nuttal (2005) offers three criteria for choosing reading text for students: (1) suitability of content: material that students will find interesting, enjoyable, challenging, and appropriate for the goals of learning; (2) exploitability: a text that facilitates the achievement of certain language and content goals and integrated with other skills; (3). keywords: language; reading; strategies; students; teachers; text cache: let-1398.pdf plain text: let-1398.txt item: #29 of 152 id: let-1399 author: Fauzan, Akhmad title: INCREASING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILLS BY UTILIZING BLOGS date: 2017-05-17 words: 4567 flesch: 61 summary: He proposed the idea of class and students blogging to maximize student access to class materials and exposure to teacher feedback. It was found out that the activities were mostly teacher-centered and students were rarely given chance to interact with their peers. keywords: blogs; essays; illustration; students; writer; writing cache: let-1399.pdf plain text: let-1399.txt item: #30 of 152 id: let-1400 author: Saadillah, Saadillah; Herlena, Herlena title: AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN USING CONDITIONAL SENTENCES OF THE SIXTH SEMESTER STUDENTS IN ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF TARBIYAH FACULTY IAIN ANTASARI date: 2017-05-17 words: 3962 flesch: 73 summary: Based on the result of conditional sentences test of the sixth semester students in the English Department of IAIN Antasari academic year 20011/2012, it is found the data that the highest score is 83 and the lowest score is 7,5. This research describes the ability in using conditional sentences of the sixth semester students in English Department of IAIN Antasari academic year 2011/2012. keywords: errors; sentences; students; test; type cache: let-1400.pdf plain text: let-1400.txt item: #31 of 152 id: let-1401 author: Hanifi, Rusydi; Rahayu, Puji Sri title: STUDENTS’ RESPONSE TOWARDS THE TEACHERS’ APPROACH AND METHOD OF TEACHING date: 2017-05-17 words: 7250 flesch: 58 summary: Here are several common methods used in teaching English as a second or foreign language over the century: Grammar Translation Method (1890s-1930s) Around the turn-of-the-century, language students often translated cumbersome volumes from Classical Greek or Latin into English vía this approach. Such students feel that themselves not having capability. keywords: activity; class; classroom; english; language; learning; lesson; method; students; teacher cache: let-1401.pdf plain text: let-1401.txt item: #32 of 152 id: let-1402 author: Erliana, Santi title: IMPROVING LITERAL AND INFERENTIAL COMPREHENSION USING KNOW-WHAT TO LEARN-LEARNED (KWL) STRATEGY date: 2017-05-17 words: 8248 flesch: 59 summary: The K-W-L is a group process using the knowledge and information students bring to help each other build a better starting place for learning and to share the results of their reading. The aim of the study was to describe how the teaching of reading using reading strategy Know-What to learn-Learned (henceforth K-W-L) strategy can improve reading comprehension for the fifth semester students of the English education study program in STAIN Palangka Raya in academic year 2013/2014. keywords: comprehension; information; know; kwl; process; reading; strategies; strategy; students; teacher; teaching; text cache: let-1402.pdf plain text: let-1402.txt item: #33 of 152 id: let-1403 author: Asfihana, Raida title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ENGLISH TEACHING PRACTICUM AT AL ISTIQAMAH BOARDING SCHOOL BANJARMASIN date: 2017-05-17 words: 6379 flesch: 58 summary: While doing their teaching practicum at school, student teachers will work closely with a supervising teacher or mentor teacher (in Indonesian it is known as guru pamong). Often, student teachers will be teaching in a class that is part of school regular course, and it is the responsibility of mentor teacher to ensure that the class will receive adequate instruction from the student teacher. keywords: class; lesson; mentor; practicum; school; student; student teachers; teachers; teaching cache: let-1403.pdf plain text: let-1403.txt item: #34 of 152 id: let-1404 author: Kadariyah, Nurlaila title: FUN GRAMMAR TEACHING date: 2017-05-17 words: 4912 flesch: 59 summary: 3) None of the studies reviewed for the present report provides any support for teaching grammar as a means of improving composition skills. 4. Use variety techniques of teaching grammar. keywords: english; games; grammar; language; learning; rules; students; teaching; use cache: let-1404.pdf plain text: let-1404.txt item: #35 of 152 id: let-1405 author: Nadia, Hafizhatun title: USING QUESTION ANSWER RELATIONSHIP STRATEGY TO IMPROVE READING COMPREHENSION date: 2017-05-17 words: 4701 flesch: 59 summary: In reading, students must read carefully and give appreciation about what they read, because students have a purpose in this process that is to get meaning and information from the reading materials. This strategy refers to a series of instructional activities that help students figure out how to go about answering questions based on a given text and understand different types of questioning and the relationship between questions and answers. keywords: answer; comprehension; questions; reading; strategy; students; test; text cache: let-1405.pdf plain text: let-1405.txt item: #36 of 152 id: let-1406 author: Fadlilah, Sayyidatul title: COHESION ANALYSIS OF ISLAMIC READING TEXTBOOKS date: 2017-05-17 words: 8955 flesch: 62 summary: The result of the study shows that the six reading texts (A.1, 2, 3; and B.1, 2, 3) stated in reading textbooks: English for Islamic Studies, English for Islamic Studies 2, Understanding Islam; for Islamic Studies; in terms of cohesion (following Halliday and Hasan’s principles of reading texts) respectively the average score of anaphoric references: 54.17% for text A.3, 53.85% for text B.2, 53.06% for text A.1, 48.57% for text B.3, 41.86% for text B.1, 33.33% for text A.3. Here, I will pay 2 special attention to cohesion of reading text. keywords: anaphoric; cohesion; ellipsis; example; excerpt; month; reading; text; ties cache: let-1406.pdf plain text: let-1406.txt item: #37 of 152 id: let-1407 author: 'Afifah, Rasma title: THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS’ HABIT IN LISTENING TO ENGLISH SONGS AND THEIR ENGLISH LISTENING COMPREHENSION SKILL date: 2017-05-17 words: 5908 flesch: 60 summary: The problems that should be answered in this research are: (1) How is the students’ habit in listening to English songs?, (2) How is the students English listening comprehension skill?, (3) Is there any correlation between their habit in listening to English songs and their English listening comprehension skill?. Starting from the foundation that experience is an important factor in listening comprehension skill, the writer then develop a research about the correlation between habit in listening to English songs and listening comprehension skill which aimed to find out whether there is a correlation between those two aspects. keywords: comprehension; correlation; english; habit; listening; research; skill; songs; students cache: let-1407.pdf plain text: let-1407.txt item: #38 of 152 id: let-1419 author: Maulidiyah, Noor title: THE STUDENTS’ PROBLEMS IN LISTENING COMPREHENSION date: 2017-05-18 words: 7501 flesch: 68 summary: Goh (2000) in Hamouda (2013) defined listening problems as the internal and external characteristics that might interrupt text understanding and real-life processing problems directly related to cognitive procedures that take place at various stages of listening comprehension. Table 4.5 Students’ Listening Problems Related to Linguistic Features No. keywords: comprehension; language; listening; problems; questionnaire; students; text; words cache: let-1419.pdf plain text: let-1419.txt item: #39 of 152 id: let-1420 author: Trisnantasari, Ika; Rachmajanti, Sri; Mukminatien, Nur title: DEVELOPING A COMMUNICATIVE SUPPLEMENTARY SPEAKING E-BOOK FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS date: 2017-05-18 words: 3299 flesch: 59 summary: THE RESULT OF STUDY Since this research was intended to develop communicative speaking e-book, the researcher chose the research and development (R & D) as the research design that has been modified from Borg and Gall (1983), which consists of ten phases, but the design was reduced into seven phases: needs analysis, material development, expert validation, first revision, field test, second revision, and final product; the last three (main field testing, dissemination and implementation) were skipped. Still related to the speaking skill, one of the most difficult English skills encountered by junior high school students in Indonesia is speaking skill. keywords: book; english; language; materials; speaking; students; teachers; teaching cache: let-1420.pdf plain text: let-1420.txt item: #40 of 152 id: let-1421 author: Nadir, Muh. title: THE HAPPINESS CONTEXT IN INDONESIAN CULTURE (THE ROLE OF SOCIOLINGUISTICS IN TRANSLATING A CULTURE) date: 2017-05-18 words: 3618 flesch: 54 summary: MEASURING HAPPINESS IN INDONESIAN CULTURAL CONTEXT Translating cultural concept of the meaning of happiness in different countries seems to be a valued study to measure the rate of happiness cultural context. According t o Haidar Bagir (, the teaching of Islam is linked with that of positive psychology regarding happiness concept. keywords: concept; context; happiness; indonesian; life; meaning; people; term; word cache: let-1421.pdf plain text: let-1421.txt item: #41 of 152 id: let-1422 author: Fadlilah, Sayyidatul title: COHESION ANALYSIS OF ISLAMIC READING TEXTBOOKS date: 2017-05-18 words: 12151 flesch: 60 summary: Cohesive text is the text that is tied closely by some components, such as pronouns, conjunctions, ellipsis, and so on. Grammatical competence is the knowledge of the language code (grammatical rules, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling, etc), sociolinguistic competence is the mastery of the sociocultural code of language use (appropriate application of vocabulary, register, politeness, and style in a given situation), discourse competence is the ability to combine lingual structures into different types of cohesion texts. keywords: anaphoric; cohesion; competence; ellipsis; example; excerpt; islam; reading; reference; text; ties; word cache: let-1422.pdf plain text: let-1422.txt item: #42 of 152 id: let-1423 author: Fahriah, Fahriah; Rahayu, Puji Sri title: READABILITY LEVEL OF “BAHASA INGGRIS” TEXTBOOK FOR THE SEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS date: 2017-05-18 words: 3773 flesch: 70 summary: 44,44% 44,74% 88,89% 68,57% 86,36% 32 32 51,85% 50% 94,44% 54,28% 68,18% 33 33 59,26% 34,21% 75% 62,86% 63,64% 34 34 70,37% 36,84% 97,22% 45,71% 90,91% 35 35 48,15% 39,47% 80,56% 51,43% 77,27% 36 36 62,96% 39,47% 75% 54,29% 86,36% 37 37 48,15% 47,37% 80,56% 42,86% 95,45% 38 38 70,37% 42,10% 63,89% 45,71% 72,73% 39 39 48,14% 28,95% 72,22% 62,86% 81,82% 40 40 55,56% 31,58% 97,22% 68,57% 68,18% 41 41 44,44% 42,10% 77,78% 48,57% 72,73% 42 42 62,96% 50% 69,44% 68,57% 72,73% Average 54,76% 33,90% 78,70% 57,48% 85,50% The readability of the textbook can be measured by adding the average of each text which is presented in the table 4.7 above. No Name of Student Percentage of the Scores Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Text 4 Text 5 27 38 36 35 22 1 1 62,96% 26,31% 63,89% 54,28% 100% 2 2 48,15% 18,42% keywords: level; readability; reading; students; text; textbook cache: let-1423.pdf plain text: let-1423.txt item: #43 of 152 id: let-1424 author: Yansyah, Yansyah title: HELPING YOUNG LEARNERS TO LEARN AUDIO DISCRIMINATION BY USING FLASHCARDS date: 2017-05-18 words: 2668 flesch: 60 summary: HELPING YOUNG LEARNERS TO LEARN AUDIO DISCRIMINATION BY USING FLASHCARDS Yansyah School of Graduate Studies, State University of Malang, East Java ABSTRACT The ability of young learners to grasp and to imitate what they hear is one of potential opportunities that should be taken into account by EYL teachers. These facts offers more challenge for EYL teachers to help their children recognize that there are some differences in English sounds. keywords: english; flashcards; learners; pronunciation; sounds; teaching cache: let-1424.pdf plain text: let-1424.txt item: #44 of 152 id: let-1440 author: Alek, Alek; Sari, Yulianti title: FOSTERING STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION OF NARRATIVE TEXT THROUGH GROUP WORK TECHNIQUE date: 2017-05-30 words: 3734 flesch: 60 summary: Another difficulty, the classroom was so crowded that made student hardly to focus. CONCLUSION Based on the research finding and analyzing the data in the process of teaching reading comprehension through group work technique at the eighth grade of SMPN 13 Tangerang Selatan, the writer concludes that using group work in teaching reading comprehension is one way of improving students’ reading comprehension. The aims of this research are to know and to describe the implementation of group work technique that improve students reading comprehension of narrative text. keywords: group; learning; reading; students; technique; text; work cache: let-1440.pdf plain text: let-1440.txt item: #45 of 152 id: let-1442 author: Saadillah, Saadillah; Nor, Hidayah title: ENGLISH PROFICIENCY AND METACOGNITIVE STRATEGIES USED BY ENGLISH DEPARTMENT STUDENTS AT IAIN ANTASARI BANJARMASIN date: 2017-05-30 words: 5547 flesch: 62 summary: In terms of the classification of language learning strategies, Wenden and Rubin (1987) identify three kinds of strategies which contribute directly or indirectly to language learning: learning strategies, communication strategies, and social strategies. Language learning strategies are used to refer to a combination of learning and use strategies that can be further differentiated depending on whether they are metacognitive, cognitive, or socio/ affective strategies (O'Malley & Chamot, 1990: 43). keywords: english; language; learning; metacognitive; proficiency; strategies; students; use cache: let-1442.pdf plain text: let-1442.txt item: #46 of 152 id: let-1444 author: Isnaini, Yulia; Saukah, Ali; Prayogo, Johannes A title: USING SCAFFOLDING TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE THE WRITING ABILITY OF THE 11TH GRADERS OF SMAN 5 MATARAM date: 2017-05-30 words: 8249 flesch: 57 summary: Students then proceeded to the final draft, and so, the researcher assisted students to get through this process by providing them with a list of correction symbol guide for proofreading which included conventions of written Standard English: capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, etc. This article highlights the potential of the scaffolding technique integrated through the process approach-with which students go through a write-rewrite process; prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing in giving students chance to work in real, live process of how real writer engages in the process of writing. keywords: cycle; learning; process; report; researcher; scaffolding; score; students; teacher; teaching; technique; writing cache: let-1444.pdf plain text: let-1444.txt item: #47 of 152 id: let-1445 author: Rian Dalu, Daristya Lyan; Setyawati, Heny; Arianto, Muhammad Affandi; Azizaturrohmah, Nurul title: AVAILABILITY OF LANGUAGE INPUT, CONDUCIVE ENVIRONMENT IN LEARNING LANGUAGE AND MOTIVATION AND ITS RELATION TO LANGUAGE ACQUISITION date: 2017-05-30 words: 4850 flesch: 58 summary: Besides, language learners also need more exposure to native English speakers, both written and spoken form. So, in order to understand why language learners were motivated, it is essential to understand the learners’ ultimate goal or purpose for learning the language. keywords: english; language; learners; learning; materials; motivation; subject cache: let-1445.pdf plain text: let-1445.txt item: #48 of 152 id: let-1446 author: Hizriani, Nani; Ramadhanti, Fitri title: STUDENTS’ RESPONSES ON ENGLISH DEPARTMENT LECTURERS’ COMPETENCE date: 2017-05-30 words: 7147 flesch: 52 summary: The other thing that should be consider is about discussing test results with students as an aid positive feedback which is include the lowest score from students responses than the other indicators that is 78% with mean score 3.9. From the explanation above, it can be inferred that all of indicators in professional competence get good response from English Department students. keywords: competence; department; english; learning; lecturers; responses; score; students; teacher; total cache: let-1446.pdf plain text: let-1446.txt item: #49 of 152 id: let-1447 author: ovilia, ririn; warat, rofinus daton title: DIGITAL GAMES IN DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT; WHAT MAKES THEM EFFECTIVE IN EMBODYING VOCABULARY MASTERY date: 2017-05-30 words: 3703 flesch: 52 summary: One of the changes is the integration of digital games in vocabulary learning. Due to this fact, the researchers and practitioners have been stimulated to investigate the effects of digital games on language learning, particularly in vocabulary learning. keywords: digital; games; language; learning; students; teaching; technology; vocabulary cache: let-1447.pdf plain text: let-1447.txt item: #50 of 152 id: let-1448 author: Pratiwi, Indra; Latief, Mohammad Adnan title: DEVELOPING SPEAKING MATERIALS BY INCORPORATING CHARACTER BUILDING ASPECTS FOR EIGHTH GRADERS AT SMPN 3 BATU date: 2017-05-30 words: 3869 flesch: 47 summary: Another problem also appears dealing with speaking materials. Besides speaking materials needed by the students, the product includes teacher’s guide to help the teachers know what they are going to do before the class begins. keywords: aspects; building; character; language; materials; speaking; students cache: let-1448.pdf plain text: let-1448.txt item: #51 of 152 id: let-1449 author: Ridha, Fuad; Rahayu, Puji Sri title: ANALYSIS OF POLITENESS STRATEGIES USED IN LT. WATERS’ DIRECTIVE UTTERANCES IN THE FILM TEARS OF THE SUN date: 2017-05-30 words: 5232 flesch: 69 summary: Dr. LenaKendri cks Request Negative Politeness 9 10:11 Get your things Dr. Request Bald on 8 together, but pack light. P. 94-101) divide bald on record strategy into two strategies, they are: a. Cases of non-minimization of the face threat keywords: bald; command; directive; hearer; politeness; record; request; strategy; zee cache: let-1449.pdf plain text: let-1449.txt item: #52 of 152 id: let-1450 author: Rahmah, Nur Alfa title: ENHANCING EFL INDONESIAN STUDENTS’ WRITING ABILITY AND MOTIVATION THROUGH FACEBOOK-INKSHEDDING date: 2017-05-30 words: 2028 flesch: 52 summary: It brings an active discussion into written form and trigger students to express their mind in the target language and make them get used of it gradually. It is necessary for students to know what to write before they know how to write. keywords: facebook; inkshedding; students; writing cache: let-1450.pdf plain text: let-1450.txt item: #53 of 152 id: let-1451 author: nor, hidayah title: USING METACOGNITIVE STRATEGIES IN TEACHING LISTENING TO EXPLANATION TEXT date: 2017-05-30 words: 5122 flesch: 63 summary: The listening scores of the experiment group receiving systematic training in listening strategies were compared to the scores of a similar group who received no instruction over a two-year period. Metacognitive strategies is one of language learning strategies in teaching English and considered as the most essential ones in developing learners’ skills (Anderson, 1991). keywords: language; learning; listening; metacognitive; people; strategies; students; teaching; text; use cache: let-1451.pdf plain text: let-1451.txt item: #54 of 152 id: let-1455 author: Husin, Saifuddin Ahmad title: MATCHING TEACHING STYLES WITH STUDENTS’ LEARNING STYLES (A SURVEY OF INDONESIAN STUDENTS’ HABITS OF LEARNING) date: 2017-06-02 words: 5198 flesch: 58 summary: All these claims are confirmed by a study conducted by Sato (1982), in which she compared the participation of Asian students in the classroom interaction with that of non-Asian students. That is why Asian students are reluctant to stand out by expressing their views or raising questions, particularly if this might be perceived as expressing public disagreement (Song, 1995). keywords: classroom; east; english; language; learning; students; styles; teacher; teaching cache: let-1455.pdf plain text: let-1455.txt item: #55 of 152 id: let-1456 author: Baroto, Muhammad Ali Agung title: THE EFFECTS OF LANGUAGE INPUT, LEARNING ENVIRONMENT, AND MOTIVATION TOWARD SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION date: 2017-06-02 words: 3771 flesch: 55 summary: This study discovered that each of them has effects in learner language, specifically in English speaking proficiency, in terms of fluency and accuracy. Environment also plays important role in determining the second language acquisition of language learner. keywords: english; input; language; learning; motivation; subject cache: let-1456.pdf plain text: let-1456.txt item: #56 of 152 id: let-1457 author: Rafida, Tien title: THE ENGLISH BLENDING WORDS IN INDONESIAN’S NEWSPAPERS date: 2017-06-02 words: 3268 flesch: 79 summary: ATTI TUDE A/B + C D A (sporty) is the first part of first element, B (sporty) in the first part and second element can be null, C (atti) is the first element of second part, and D (tude) is the second part of second element. EDUVACATION EDU CATION + VACATION A B + C/D A (edu) is the first part of first element, B (vacation) is the first part of second element, C (vacation) in the first element of second part can be null, and D (vacation) is the second part of second element. keywords: element; words cache: let-1457.pdf plain text: let-1457.txt item: #57 of 152 id: let-1458 author: Maulida, Hidya; Norliani, Norliani title: INCREASING STUDENTS’ LEARNING ACTIVITY IN MEDIA AND LEARNING RESOURCES CLASS BY USING NUMBER HEADS TOGETHER (NHT) ( A CLASSROOM ACTION RESEARCH) date: 2017-06-02 words: 1691 flesch: 63 summary: Number Heads Together should be developed and applied in every education level because this technique makes students are more aware that they are observed so it stimulates them to be active. In teaching-and-learning process,students do not only sit and copy but also asked to think, ask, give opinion, give comment of, even, critisize of lecturer’ or friends’ opinion. keywords: activity; learning; students cache: let-1458.pdf plain text: let-1458.txt item: #58 of 152 id: let-1459 author: Ni'mah, Ulin; Kadarisman, A. Effendi; Suryati, Nunung title: THE ROLES OF WRITING ATTITUDES AND WRITING APPREHENSION IN EFL LEARNERS’ WRITING PERFORMANCE date: 2017-06-02 words: 4543 flesch: 49 summary: Keywords: Writing Attitude, Writing Apprehension, Writing Performance INTRODUCTION The Structural Relationship between Writing Attitude and Writing Achievement in First and Third Grade Students. keywords: apprehension; attitude; correlation; english; language; performance; students; writing; writing performance cache: let-1459.pdf plain text: let-1459.txt item: #59 of 152 id: let-1460 author: Irawati, Cindy title: HOW CHARACTER BUILDING CAN BE INTEGRATED IN THE TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE (TPR) ON THE SPEAKING ABILITY OF THE BLIND THIRD GRADERS date: 2017-06-02 words: 2371 flesch: 64 summary: On the learning process, blind students have big opportunity although linked up with normal student, but the blind students still need more on this process. The aim of TPR for blind students is to make them move their body in doing certain activity which is relevant to the material, such as: knows the thing. keywords: language; learners; learning; students; teachers; tpr cache: let-1460.pdf plain text: let-1460.txt item: #60 of 152 id: let-1510 author: Putri, Alfini Iasya title: A SYNTACTIC ANALYSIS ON THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF SURAH AL QIYAMAH USING TREE DIAGRAMS date: 2017-07-17 words: 5548 flesch: 70 summary: Adj. P : adjective phrase Pres : present P a g e | 22 Alfini Iasya Putri LET: Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching Journal Vol.7 No.1 2017 M : modal Be : the verb be In transformational grammar, phrase structure rules are described by means of tree diagram called phrase-makers which show the hierarchical structure of the sentence. Instead of beginning with actual sentences, we begin with directions for generating or producing structural descriptions of sentences, which are set forth in phrase structure rules. keywords: consists; language; linguistics; phrase; sentence; structure; verb cache: let-1510.pdf plain text: let-1510.txt item: #61 of 152 id: let-1511 author: Maisyaroh, Fadilah Umi title: HOW CHARACTER BUILDING CAN BE INTEGRATED IN THE ROLE PLAY OF THE STANDARD OF COMPETENCY THREE OF THE SOCIAL TWELVE GRADERS date: 2017-07-17 words: 3523 flesch: 63 summary: They are such as the students can have happy feeling-learning process, their ability in speaking will be more fluent, the vocabulary building of the students will be elaborated, and the learners will also comprehend that character building values are also found in English Transactional and Interpersonal relationship. IEEE Paper Template in A4 (V1) P a g e | 40 Fadilah Umi Maisyaroh LET: Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching Journal Vol.7 No.1 2017 LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal ||Volume||7||Issue||1||Pages||40-53||2017|| |P-ISSN: 20869606 ; E-ISSN: 25492454| HOW CHARACTER BUILDING CAN BE INTEGRATED IN THE ROLE PLAY OF THE STANDARD OF COMPETENCY THREE OF THE SOCIAL TWELVE GRADERS Fadilah Umi Maisyaroh State Senior High School 1 Turen Malang, East Java Article History: keywords: building; character; journal; language; linguistics; literature; role; students; teaching cache: let-1511.pdf plain text: let-1511.txt item: #62 of 152 id: let-1512 author: Athiya, Husnul title: THE ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH USED BY BROADCASTERS OF MUSIC PROGRAMS IN BANJARMASIN date: 2017-07-17 words: 5255 flesch: 58 summary: Language switching and language mixing among bilingual or multilingual people can sometimes mark an interjection or sentence connector. The form of language choice can be represented on code mixing or code switching, where someone mix their language with other language or variation when speaking. keywords: broadcasters; code; english; language; mixing; people; switching; use cache: let-1512.pdf plain text: let-1512.txt item: #63 of 152 id: let-1513 author: Ekaningrum, Vindy Cahya title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ORAL RETELLING STRATEGY AND WRITTEN RETELLING STRATEGY ON STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION: A COMPARISON date: 2017-07-17 words: 6877 flesch: 57 summary: IEEE Paper Template in A4 (V1) P a g e | 71 Vindy Cahya Ekaningrum LET: Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching Journal Vol.7 No.1 2017 LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal ||Volume||7||Issue||1||Pages||71-92||2017|| |P-ISSN: 20869606 ; E-ISSN: 25492454| THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ORAL RETELLING STRATEGY AND WRITTEN RETELLING STRATEGY ON STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION: Many studies found that retelling strategy is effective to teach reading comprehension (Sylvia(2015); Ebaugh (2013); Schisler (2008)). keywords: comprehension; information; readers; reading; retelling; strategy; students; teaching; text cache: let-1513.pdf plain text: let-1513.txt item: #64 of 152 id: let-1514 author: Juddin, Muhammad Nasir Mi'raj title: THE JARGON USED BY EMPLOYEES OF FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICE (FBS DIVISION) AT HOTELS date: 2017-07-17 words: 7816 flesch: 77 summary: There are the samples of conversation that show in first conversation talking about the buffet menu. Fromkin et al (1996: 314) state many jargon terms pass into the standard language. keywords: bang; context; conversation; jargon; journal; juddin; language; linguistics; literature; muhammad; nasir; set; spoon; teaching; vol.7; waiter cache: let-1514.pdf plain text: let-1514.txt item: #65 of 152 id: let-1640 author: Lestari, Sri title: IMPLEMENTING PADLET APPLICATION TO IMPROVE WRITING ABILITY IN ENGLISH WRITING SKILL FOR NON ENGLISH DEPARTMENT STUDENTS date: 2017-06-01 words: 4538 flesch: 60 summary: In cycle 2, students students used to apply padlet and they were more enjoyable in writing. Result of this research were: those application can be implemented as online writing practices every time that made students ability improve, the situation of wall in padlet can stimulate students to explore idea because they could upload video, recording, or picture suitable with topic that can support their writing. keywords: cycle; language; lecturer; padlet; students; teaching; writing cache: let-1640.pdf plain text: let-1640.txt item: #66 of 152 id: let-1722 author: Erliana, Santi title: CORRELATION BETWEEN READING STRATEGIES AND READING MOTIVATION TO READING COMPREHENSION OF THE THIRD SEMESTER STUDENTS AT THE ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM OF STAIN PALANGKA RAYA date: 2015-12-01 words: 7251 flesch: 52 summary: The present study aims at examining the correlation between reading strategies and reading comprehension, correlation between reading motivation and reading comprehension, correlation between combinations of reading strategies and reading motivation toward reading comprehension. The finding indicates the significant simultaneous correlation between reading strategies and reading motivation toward reading comprehension of the third semester students. keywords: comprehension; correlation; motivation; reader; reading; reading comprehension; reading strategies; strategies; students; table; text cache: let-1722.pdf plain text: let-1722.txt item: #67 of 152 id: let-1945 author: Ifadloh, Nur; Nufus, Zahratun title: THE ANALYSIS OF CLAUSE COMPLEX IN THE STUDENTS’ CASUAL CONVERSATION date: 2018-01-29 words: 4835 flesch: 66 summary: In addition, Setia, and Sutjaja (2011) state that “clause or clause simplex equals simple sentence in formal grammar and clause complex equals complex sentences” (p. 1). It was decided, therefore, to focus on the resources by which speakers establish clause simplex and clause complex, taxis (hypotaxis and parataxis) and “logical” relations between clauses and between clause complexes – relations which Halliday has broadly divided into those of “projection” and “expansion”, and, within “expansion”, into “extension”, “elaboration” and “enhancement” (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004, chapter 7). keywords: clause; expansion; language; simplex; students cache: let-1945.pdf plain text: let-1945.txt item: #68 of 152 id: let-1946 author: Purnama, Agnes Dian; Desiarti, Elsa Marina; Aflahah, Noor Aida; Ekaningrum, Vindy Cahya title: UTILIZING MEMES TO PROMOTE STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION IN LANGUAGE CLASSROOM date: 2018-01-29 words: 6378 flesch: 56 summary: The result of this study shows students‟ positive responses in creating memes activity. What are internet memes? keywords: activity; digital; form; internet; journal; language; learning; memes; natives; past; students; teaching cache: let-1946.pdf plain text: let-1946.txt item: #69 of 152 id: let-1947 author: Maulidiyah, Noor title: INVESTIGATING EFL STUDENTS’ LISTENING ANXIETY: A SURVEY AT UIN ANTASARI BANJARMASIN date: 2018-01-29 words: 5502 flesch: 69 summary: The researcher used the following formula to calculate the percentage based Sudijono (2001): P = f x 100% N P = Percentage F = Frequency N = Total number of respondents FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS Findings Background Information Before presenting the data related to the students’ listening anxiety level and components of listening anxiety, the data related to the participants’ self-reported anxiety level, interest in listening and self-reported factors hindering listening comprehension were presented. The research aims to answer two research questions: (1) Do the students who have sufficient and low ability in listening experience listening anxiety? keywords: anxiety; item; level; listening; students cache: let-1947.pdf plain text: let-1947.txt item: #70 of 152 id: let-1948 author: Fristiara, Cahyaning title: ANALYZING THE PICTURE OF EYL TEXTBOOK THROUGH MULTIMODAL DISCOURSE PERSPECTIVE date: 2018-01-29 words: 3547 flesch: 55 summary: Harris (1997), states that the effectiveness of teaching and learning are depending on learners‟ perceptions of the learning process and their belief on themselves as language learners. In a similar vein, Hunt, Gow, and Barnes (1989) assert that successful language teaching must start from the learners rather than the teachers so language learners must aware that they are the most important element in the learning process. keywords: english; language; learners; learning; picture; research; teaching; textbook cache: let-1948.pdf plain text: let-1948.txt item: #71 of 152 id: let-1949 author: Rahman, M Arinal; Ja’afar, Hashimah title: A REVIEW OF THE MINGLE MODEL AS A NEW TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING SPEAKING: INDONESIAN CONTEXT date: 2018-01-29 words: 5381 flesch: 61 summary: This paper provides information for future studies to expose the effectiveness of the Mingle model on students'’ speaking skills proficiency. Similarly, Tracy & Robles (2013) claim that the speaking skills are useful for students to participate in family, school, and workplace communication. keywords: english; mingle; model; skills; speaking; students; teacher; teaching; use cache: let-1949.pdf plain text: let-1949.txt item: #72 of 152 id: let-1950 author: Khairunnisa, Khairunnisa; Rahayu, Puji Sri; Husin, Saifuddin Ahmad title: HILLARY CLINTON’S CONCESSION SPEECH : A CONSTRUCTIVISM STUDY OF DISCOURSE date: 2018-01-29 words: 10035 flesch: 62 summary: Te tf Tp 14 D14 √ √ √ √ √ 15 D15 √ √ √ √ P a g e | 201 Khairunnisa LET: Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching Journal Vol.7 No.2 2017 After the process of coding in selection and classification of speech acts theories, the researcher found types of speech acts in the form of : Representatives (11), Commissives (3), Directives (9), Declarations (3), and Expressives (9). 16 D16 √ √ √ 17 D17 √ √ √ √ 18 D18 √ √ √ 19 D19 √ √ √ 20 D20 √ √ √ 21 D21 √ √ √ 22 D22 √ √ √ √ √ 23 D23 √ √ √ √ √ 24 D24 √ √ √ √ √ P a g e | 202 Khairunnisa LET: Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching Journal Vol.7 No.2 2017 2) Time : 01.15 Locutionary Acts (Austin’s Theory) keywords: acts; analysis; austin; discourse; language; linguistics; locutionary acts; public; speaker; speech; speech acts; theory; √ √ cache: let-1950.pdf plain text: let-1950.txt item: #73 of 152 id: let-2193 author: Islami Hakim, Muhammad Lintang title: THINKING MAPS - AN EFFECTIVE VISUAL STRATEGY EFL/ESL FOR LEARNERS IN 21ST CENTURY LEARNING date: 2018-09-10 words: 4157 flesch: 58 summary: Thinking maps are believed to facilitate students to hone their critical thinking skills as stated by Omar & Albakri (2017) in their study on Thinking Maps that findings showed that thinking maps gave a positive impact on students’ comprehension as well as improvement in English language among students and findings demonstrated that the use of thinking maps increased their critical thinking skills in generating ideas, productivity and fostering self- confidence (Omar & Albakri, 2017). By thinking maps students are able to elaborate their dependent learning and understanding on the practice in teaching and learning process which habituates them to realize and notice of how learning occurs. keywords: century; english; journal; learning; maps; skills; students; teaching; thinking cache: let-2193.pdf plain text: let-2193.txt item: #74 of 152 id: let-2194 author: Hima, Aninda Nidhommil; Gusdian, Rosalin Ismayoeng title: EMPLOYING LOCAL WISDOM BASED SHORT STORIES FOR TEACHING ENGLISH AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL date: 2018-09-10 words: 4948 flesch: 58 summary: INTRODUCTION Due to the introduction of primary English Language Teaching (ELT) worldwide, teaching English to young learners has become very popular in recent Available online at: P a g e | 16 Aninda Nidhommil Hima LET: Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching Journal Vol.8 No.1 2018 years (Panteeva, 2015). IEEE Paper Template in A4 (V1) Aninda Nidhommil Hima LET: Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching Journal Vol.8 No.1 2018 LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal ||Volume|| 8 ||Issue|| 1 ||Pages|| 15-30 || 2018 || |P-ISSN: 20869606 ; E-ISSN: 25492454| EMPLOYING LOCAL WISDOM keywords: aninda; elementary; english; hima; journal; language; language teaching; learners; linguistics; literature; nidhommil; project; school; stories; teachers; teaching cache: let-2194.pdf plain text: let-2194.txt item: #75 of 152 id: let-2195 author: Lina, Marisa Fran title: AN ANALYSIS OF TECHNICAL DEVICES IN TRANSLATION PROCEDURES APPLIED IN HARRY POTTER FIRST NOVEL date: 2018-09-10 words: 10430 flesch: 62 summary: First of all, if Listiana used a literal translation procedure which means word for word translation (Martono and Ngadiso, 1996: 26), she would translate „thank you very much‟ to „terima kasih banyak‟ Thus, a good translation must be used in this case in order to the readers of TL can have a similar interpretation with the readers of SL. keywords: addition; bab; data; devices; fran; hal; journal; language; lina; linguistics; listiana; literature; marisa; novel; table; teaching; translation; vol.8 cache: let-2195.pdf plain text: let-2195.txt item: #76 of 152 id: let-2196 author: Yusanti, Elfa title: LISTEN-READ-DISCUSS (LRD) IN TEACHING SECOND LANGUAGE READING date: 2018-09-10 words: 4389 flesch: 63 summary: The objective of this research is to know whether there is a significant influence of using LRD strategy towards students’ reading comprehension on narrative text at the first semester of the eleventh grade of SMA Perintis 1 Bandar Lampung in 2017/2018 academic year. Therefore, there is a significant influence of using listen-read-discuss towards students’ reading comprehension of narrative text at the first semester of the eleventh grade of SMA Perintis 1 Bandar Lampung. keywords: class; reading; score; strategy; students; test; text cache: let-2196.pdf plain text: let-2196.txt item: #77 of 152 id: let-2197 author: Rahmah, Nur Alfa; Sari, Afifah Linda title: SHORT MOVIE PRODUCTION TO ENCOURAGE ASIAN DIGITAL NATIVES TO SPEAK ENGLISH date: 2018-09-10 words: 4650 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: Short movie production; English speaking; Asian digital natives. The researchers propose short movie production as one of effective tasks and solutions to this. keywords: english; language; learning; movie; production; speaking; students; teaching; video cache: let-2197.pdf plain text: let-2197.txt item: #78 of 152 id: let-2198 author: Susanti, Dwi Erna title: VOCABULARY LEARNING STRATEGY USED BY FEMALE STUDENTS OF IAIN SALATIGA MAJORED IN ENGLISH EDUCATION AND TEACHER TRAINING FACULTY: A GENDER PERSPECTIVE date: 2018-09-10 words: 6337 flesch: 60 summary: Specifically, vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) plays its‟ position in facilitating learners‟ vocabulary learning process and helps them to become more self-directed in vocabulary learning. Despite being important in the development of English proficiency too, very little studies have been done concerning vocabulary learning strategies and its relation to the vocabulary size employed by university students in Indonesia. keywords: english; language; learning; strategies; strategy; students; study; teaching; vocabulary; word cache: let-2198.pdf plain text: let-2198.txt item: #79 of 152 id: let-2249 author: Yaniafari, Rahmati Putri title: WEB 2.0 MEDIATED COLLABORATIVE WRITING IN EFL CONTEXT: SURVEY OF EMPIRICAL RESEARCH date: 2016-06-01 words: 3193 flesch: 50 summary: This type of collaborative writing tool has a tracking system that provides information for gaining an in depth understanding of what kind of editing was taking place and how that would affect student collaboration and writing skills. The use of Google Docs as collaborative writing tools has been less investigated as it was opened for public much later then wiki. keywords: 2012; document; hadjerrouit; students; use; wiki; writing cache: let-2249.pdf plain text: let-2249.txt item: #80 of 152 id: let-2394 author: Handrianto, Ciptro; Rahman, Muhammad Arinal title: PROJECT BASED LEARNING: A REVIEW OF LITERATURE ON ITS OUTCOMES AND IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES date: 2019-01-08 words: 6370 flesch: 45 summary: Enhancing college students’ life skills through project based learning. Students, the presence of classroom based students activities, and students’ perceived level of rigor of assignment. keywords: experience; implementation; journal; learning; literature; pbl; process; project; skills; students; teaching; theory cache: let-2394.pdf plain text: let-2394.txt item: #81 of 152 id: let-2395 author: Pradasari, Novi Indah; Pratiwi, Indra title: MIND MAPPING TO ENHANCE STUDENTS’ WRITING PERFORMANCE date: 2019-01-08 words: 3520 flesch: 59 summary: It is a useful technique and often improves the clarity and organization of student texts. For English teachers, it is suggested to overcome student problems besides to have teaching practice better such as preparing learning process, implementing suitable technique such as mind mapping, appropriate media, and good textbook. keywords: language; mind; score; students; teaching; writing cache: let-2395.pdf plain text: let-2395.txt item: #82 of 152 id: let-2396 author: Triyoko, Hanung; Hasbi, Muhamad title: ATTRIBUTES FOR THE FUNDAMENTAL REQUIREMENTS OF A GOOD PRACTICE OF ONLINE COURSE: A REFLECTIVE STUDY ON THE 1ST INDONESIAN MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSE (IMOOC) date: 2019-01-08 words: 5899 flesch: 41 summary: On the other side, it was the first time to all if not most of us to take such online course and therefore when we first came to know about how the course worked such as the amount and contents of modules, the tasks demands, the time frame, etc, we experienced some degree of shock and anxiety apart from excitement and curiosity. P a g e | 152 Hanung Triyoko LET: Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching Journal Vol.8 No.2 2018 DISCUSSION Having presented our vignettes of experiences to be involved in the 1st IMOOC in the point of views of a facilitator and a participant, we will then discuss three attributes for the fundamental requirements of a good practice of online course in the following paragraphs: 1. keywords: course; facilitator; hanung; imooc; journal; language; learning; participants; teaching; technology; triyoko cache: let-2396.pdf plain text: let-2396.txt item: #83 of 152 id: let-2397 author: Haryani, Tiara Retno title: DEVELOPING A CONTEXTUAL BOOK FOR PRONUNCIATION AND SPEAKING PRACTICE date: 2019-01-08 words: 6571 flesch: 52 summary: in other words, the characteristic of pronunciation error, like other errors, is that the students do not realize the mistake or error they have committed as they think that they pronounce it correctly. Based on the result of previous study, it was found that the students were likely made certain pronunciation errors in their speaking performance. keywords: english; error; language; learning; practice; pronunciation; students; teaching cache: let-2397.pdf plain text: let-2397.txt item: #84 of 152 id: let-2398 author: Dofir, Dofir title: SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION BASED ON GRAMMATICAL RULE FOR THE FIRST SEMESTER OF TADRIS BAHASA INGGRIS DEPARTMENT AT STAI MEMPAWAH date: 2019-01-08 words: 3324 flesch: 67 summary: Sound is as important as form and order in second language acquisition. We know that second language is craeted based on the knowledge as long as they know using the second language. keywords: acquisition; case; language; linguistics; monitor; students; teaching cache: let-2398.pdf plain text: let-2398.txt item: #85 of 152 id: let-2399 author: Azmina, Badi'atul; Fauziati, Endang; Drajti, Nur Arifah title: MICROTEACHING AS TEACHING STRATEGY OF COMPUTER ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING (CALL) FOR ENGLISH PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS date: 2019-01-08 words: 3461 flesch: 53 summary: Abstract In order to facilitate English pre-service teachers to have ability in integrating technology in the classroom, microteaching is one of teaching strategy solutions. This present study examines how microteaching was used as teaching strategy of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) for English pre-service teacher. keywords: computer; english; language; learning; microteaching; pre; teachers; teaching; technology cache: let-2399.pdf plain text: let-2399.txt item: #86 of 152 id: let-3075 author: Yansyah, Yansyah; Rafidiyah, Dina; Nadia, Hafizhatu title: NEED ANALYSIS ON DEVELOPING SKILL-BASED MATERIALS FOR D3 NURSING STUDENTS date: 2019-06-30 words: 5711 flesch: 59 summary: Table 6 Language Skills Students Need to Improve Language skills students need to improve Percentage (%) Speaking 100 Reading 100 Writing 60 Abstract The present study aims to help nursing students to prepare the language skills required in the workplace. keywords: analysis; english; language; need; nursing; skills; students; teaching cache: let-3075.pdf plain text: let-3075.txt item: #87 of 152 id: let-3076 author: Nugroho, Radityo Tri; Sari, Afifah Linda title: A STUDY ON THE REGISTER OF POLITY date: 2019-06-30 words: 9159 flesch: 64 summary: Simple word: simple word is a word that consists of a single morpheme. In the form of phrase (17, 8%) Related to the meaning, the writer finds five kinds of changing meaning, namely: narrower than the real meaning (8, 9%), share some features whereas each of them has different meaning (24, 5%), identical to the real meaning (13,3%), and different from the real meaning (53,3%). keywords: journal; language; linguistics; literature; meaning; nugroho; phrase; polity; radityo; register; register meaning; teaching; term; vol; word cache: let-3076.pdf plain text: let-3076.txt item: #88 of 152 id: let-3077 author: Husna, Atikasari; Multazim, Akhmad title: STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN WRITING RECOUNT TEXT AT INCLUSION CLASSES date: 2019-06-30 words: 7561 flesch: 60 summary: After scoring the result of students‟ writing recount text, then this study analysed the results of the writing product, from the results of the analysis found the most difficulties in the students‟ writing recount text are grammatical error, content in composing writing, mechanic aspect and in the generic structure of recount text, students still had difficulty in making orientation, event and reorientation, but the most difficulties which faced by the students are orientation and reorientation. The table above showed that the result of students‟ writing recount text in orientation aspect, the highest percentage in poor category that is 53%. keywords: aspect; category; difficulties; good; language; recount; recount text; score; students; study; text; writing cache: let-3077.pdf plain text: let-3077.txt item: #89 of 152 id: let-3078 author: Hayati, Wardah title: AN ANALYSIS OF WRITTEN ERRORS; A CASE OF SECOND SEMESTER STUDENTS OF ENGLISH date: 2019-06-30 words: 3363 flesch: 63 summary: It is suggested that student errors should not be considered as learning failure. For learners errors are means for them to test their hypothesis about the target language and then by getting feedback learners can improve their proficiency. keywords: english; errors; language; learning; students; teaching cache: let-3078.pdf plain text: let-3078.txt item: #90 of 152 id: let-3079 author: Nugraheni, Gracia Vica Ade title: THE EXPERIENCES OF SM3T TEACHERS: CONSTRUCTING TEACHER IDENTITY IN THE BORDERLAND DISCOURSES date: 2019-06-30 words: 7093 flesch: 60 summary: Abstract This study focuses on the experiences of SM3T teachers in constructing teacher identity in the borderland discourses. One of the aspects constructing teacher identity is borderland discourse. keywords: borderland; education; identity; journal; number; program; sm3; sm3 t; teachers; teaching cache: let-3079.pdf plain text: let-3079.txt item: #91 of 152 id: let-3080 author: Amro, Mohammad Suleiman Mohammad; Maniam, Mahendran title: CORRELATION BETWEEN EFL STUDENTS’ PERCEIVED LINGUISTIC PROFICIENCY AND THEIR LEVEL OF CONFIDENCE IN USING ENGLISH date: 2019-06-30 words: 7320 flesch: 55 summary: Many researches have conducted for the purpose of finding out the role of self confidence in second/foreign language learning. A quantitative study of self confidence in learning English as a foreign language. keywords: confidence; english; esteem; journal; language; level; mohammad; proficiency; self; students; study cache: let-3080.pdf plain text: let-3080.txt item: #92 of 152 id: let-3124 author: Sahib, Rahmawansyah Bin title: THE USE OF TRANSLANGUAGING AS A PEDAGOGICAL STRATEGY IN EFL CLASSROOM: A CASE STUDY AT BULUKUMBA REGENCY date: 2019-12-30 words: 8329 flesch: 64 summary: The results from classroom observation regarding the existence of translanguaging practices by the teacher during teaching process in XI IPA 1 classroom are presented below: Table 1 As can be seen from table above, the results from the classroom observation on the translanguaging used by students among themselves from 1st meeting until 2nd P a g e | 171 Rahmawansyah Bin Sahib LET: Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching Journal Vol. 9 No. 2 2019 meeting show that students used Translanguaging commonly when talking to their teachers especially when greeted the teacher, asked a question to the teacher, answered a question to the teacher, and also when they interacted to their friends, discussed to their colleagues, and asked other students. keywords: classroom; journal; language; language teaching; learning; literature; practices; process; question; students; teacher; teaching; translanguaging cache: let-3124.pdf plain text: let-3124.txt item: #93 of 152 id: let-3140 author: Alheshami, Mugahed; Aba Sha'ar, Mohammed Yassin Mohammed title: REVERSE CULTURE-SHOCK WITH AN ATTEMPT OF COMPROMISING CULTURES: A CRITIQUE OF A. RIHANI’S THE BOOK OF KHALID AND T. SALIH’S SEASON OF MIGRATION TO THE NORTH date: 2019-12-30 words: 8235 flesch: 57 summary: According to Mao & Ahmed (2017) reverse culture shock happens when a person is immersed in another culture for a long period of time and then returns and attempts to re-enter into his culture in his own original country. Undoubtedly, reverse culture shock is the main incentive that has made him re-think in ideas and values followed by the previous colonizers. keywords: compromise; culture; culture shock; home culture; journal; khalid; language; literature; people; rihani; salih; shock; western cache: let-3140.pdf plain text: let-3140.txt item: #94 of 152 id: let-3206 author: Ke Lomi, Aplonia Nelci; Mbato, Concilianus Laos title: EXPLORING VOLITION IN PUBLIC SPEAKING CLASS AMONG THE ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDENTS IN SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY date: 2019-12-30 words: 7739 flesch: 58 summary: The aim of this study is exploring the volitional strategies used by English speaking class students and the factors that particularly influenced the students in dealing with the anxiety in public speaking. The relation between public speaking anxiety and social anxiety: a review. keywords: class; journal; language; learning; literature; public; self; speaking; strategies; students; teaching; volition cache: let-3206.pdf plain text: let-3206.txt item: #95 of 152 id: let-3272 author: Rosari, Maria Dewi title: A NARRATIVE INQUIRY ON HOW TEACHER PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY INFLUENCES TEACHER’S SCHOOL TYPE PREFERENCE date: 2019-12-30 words: 6276 flesch: 52 summary: Therefore, non-formal schools teachers are always required to update their teaching skills and knowledge so that they can always help students to keep up with the world’s improvement. It is very unlikely for non-formal school teachers to teach the same classes for the whole class sessions in the same day. keywords: education; identity; journal; literature; participants; schools; students; teachers; teaching; work cache: let-3272.pdf plain text: let-3272.txt item: #96 of 152 id: let-3312 author: Muliani, Septha; Norahmi, Maida; Asi, Natalina title: THE ANALYSIS OF DIFFICULTIES IN WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT date: 2019-12-30 words: 6356 flesch: 65 summary: Writing Difficulties P a g e | 245 Septha Muliani LET: Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching Journal Vol. 9 No. Byrne in Fareed, et. al. (2016) stated that writing difficulties were linked to three categories. keywords: complication; difficulties; language; narrative; resolution; students; text; writing cache: let-3312.pdf plain text: let-3312.txt item: #97 of 152 id: let-3364 author: Kadariyah, Nur Laila; Hayati, Nur Faizah title: CULTURE SHOCKS FACED BY FORIEGN STUDENTS AT ANTASARI STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY BANJARMASIN date: 2019-12-30 words: 7812 flesch: 56 summary: Meanwhile, one student from Turkey also explained that it was not problems too for her because she had been got much information about the system academic service from other Turkey students who had studied before at English Department. In this stage, Newcomer begins to work in and enjoy new culture. keywords: country; culture; journal; language; linguistics; literature; new; people; shock; students; teaching; vol cache: let-3364.pdf plain text: let-3364.txt item: #98 of 152 id: let-3582 author: Fitria, Tira Nur title: Analysis of Deixis in the Subtitle Movie of “First Kiss” date: 2020-06-30 words: 6520 flesch: 75 summary: Time deixis refers to the current time when the utterance is spoken. Time deixis is the encoding of temporal points and spanning relative to the time where the utterance is spoken. keywords: bass; datum; deixis; person; pronoun; speaker cache: let-3582.pdf plain text: let-3582.txt item: #99 of 152 id: let-3588 author: Setyaningrum, Rina Wahyu; Sabgini, Kharisma Naidi Warnanda; Setiawan, Slamet title: Enhancing Students – Pre Service Teacher Interaction Using First Language (L1) in English for Young Learners (EYL) Classes date: 2020-06-30 words: 7194 flesch: 59 summary: Based on the observation during ten meetings of EYL pre-service teaching, it was found that pre-service teachers and students used English, Bahasa Indonesia, and the local language. As for obtaining the data of L1 used by pre-service teachers of EYL in their teaching practice, this research is a case study - a study of a social phenomenon with the empirical inquiry of real-life context (Merriam & Tisdell, 2016; Schwandt, Gates, Denzin & Lincoln Eds., 2018). keywords: english; eyl; journal; language; learners; learning; linguistics; pre; service; students; teachers; teaching; use cache: let-3588.pdf plain text: let-3588.txt item: #100 of 152 id: let-3593 author: Prawinanto, Adityo; Prasetyo, Hardi; Bram, Barli title: SWEARING AND ITS MOTIVES IN THE ANTOLOGI RASA NOVEL date: 2020-06-30 words: 9504 flesch: 65 summary: This study was urgent to conduct because using swear words is a natural behavior in communication which is indicated by the employment of certain swear words to express emotion, to reduce frustrating feeling, and to show solidarity to others. This paper investigated English swear words used in a novel. keywords: journal; keara; language; literature; motives; novel; researchers; social; swearing; teaching; type; words cache: let-3593.pdf plain text: let-3593.txt item: #101 of 152 id: let-3611 author: Zulyanputri, Annur Karima; Indrayani, Lia Maulia; Soemantri, Ypsi Soeria title: The Correlation between Social Deixis and Social Class in a Speech by Nobel Prize Winners: A Sociopragmatic Study date: 2020-06-30 words: 6105 flesch: 56 summary: The type of social deixis from data 1 is considered as relational social deixis. No. 1 2020 Based on that fact, the banquet speeches of Nobel Prize winners are arranged as the research object to help this research find the correlation between social deixis and social class. keywords: class; data; deixis; language; prize; research; social; speaker; speech cache: let-3611.pdf plain text: let-3611.txt item: #102 of 152 id: let-3649 author: Saadillah, Saadillah; Sari, Afifah Linda; Rizki, Annisa Khairir title: INTERWEAVING CHARACTER EDUCATION IN ENGLISH TEXTBOOK OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL date: 2020-06-30 words: 6522 flesch: 56 summary: On the table 1.4 the researcher explained character education values such as: The Spirit of Nationality, Love Homeland, and Creative. The researchers found that teachers assess character education value directly in the classroom when learning process and join with other evaluation in the form Affective. keywords: character; character education; education; line; sentence; students; table; teaching; text; title; values cache: let-3649.pdf plain text: let-3649.txt item: #103 of 152 id: let-3829 author: Isnaniah, Isnaniah; Hayati, Nor Millah title: NEEDS ANALYSIS IN DEVELOPING ENGLISH CURRICULUM FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS: A CASE STUDY date: 2020-12-31 words: 7449 flesch: 54 summary: (2017) about English Learning Needs of ESP Learners, 4) Widodo (2017) about Approaches to Needs Analysis in ESP Curriculum Development, 5) Adhabiyyah, et al. (2014) about Needs Analysis and Material Development in English for Specific Purposes, and 6) Yansyah, et al. (2019) about Need Analysis on Developing Skill-Based Materials for D3 Nursing Students also stated the same perspective that the teaching learning aspects need to be based on empirical findings. According to Felicia M, Lekatompessy (2010), there are some advantages might be obtained by conducting needs analysis, such as: (1) in a learner-centered curriculum, teachers’ reconciliation in content selection though extensive consultation with the students about their learning needs and interest is critical. keywords: analysis; curriculum; english; journal; language; learners; learning; literature; needs; students; teaching cache: let-3829.pdf plain text: let-3829.txt item: #104 of 152 id: let-3845 author: Mubarok, Ahmad; Rahman, Faisal; Fajrianor, Fajrianor title: LATAH: A CLINICAL LINGUISTIC REVIEW date: 2020-06-30 words: 6563 flesch: 54 summary: The surrounding environment plays an important role in the recovery of latah sufferers because basically, latah sufferer is a result of the surrounding environment. In fact, echolalia is one of the classifications of latah disorders (Siregar, 2011). keywords: ahmad; disorders; journal; language; latah; linguistics; literature; mubarok; sound; study; sufferers; teaching; words cache: let-3845.pdf plain text: let-3845.txt item: #105 of 152 id: let-3913 author: Juliarta, I Made title: THE MAPPING OF MOVEMENT VERBS FOUND IN THE GOOD EARTH date: 2020-12-31 words: 6538 flesch: 63 summary: Translation Studies. Translation Studies: An Interdiscipline. keywords: action; data; language; mapping; meaning; semantic; study; translation; verb cache: let-3913.pdf plain text: let-3913.txt item: #106 of 152 id: let-3995 author: Kristianti, Evelina Ayu title: INTERPERSONAL MEANINGS OF MODALITY IN JACINDA ARDERN’S SPEECHES ON COVID-19 date: 2020-12-31 words: 6688 flesch: 58 summary: They found out that from the perspective of modality type, modality value, and modality orientation, it can be concluded that in order to remain objective, the reporters do not make personal implication, they tend to use modality with median value to show the reporters’ view and attitudes toward possibility, and the representation of explicit subjective orientation is often used to bring the public’s opinion. The examples of modality type in the first speech can be seen below: (1) “We will only be successful if everyone is willing to play their part in finding it wherever it is.” keywords: ardern; degree; jacinda; language; modality; new; probability; speech cache: let-3995.pdf plain text: let-3995.txt item: #107 of 152 id: let-4042 author: Safitri, Loli title: CHILDREN LANGUAGE ACQUISITION PROCESS date: 2020-12-31 words: 6568 flesch: 56 summary: This paper reports the observation process and the result of the observation of child language acquisition. The process of language acquisition is done naturally since an infant is exposed to the language. keywords: acquisition; azka; children; development; journal; language; literature; stage; teaching; utterances; vol; words cache: let-4042.pdf plain text: let-4042.txt item: #108 of 152 id: let-4051 author: Kholis, Adhan title: THE USE OF WHATSAPP APP IN DISTANCE LANGUAGE LEARNING IN PANDEMIC COVID-19: A CASE STUDY IN NAHDLATUL ULAMA UNIVERSITY OF YOGYAKARTA date: 2020-12-31 words: 6880 flesch: 55 summary: Secondly, Students utilizing WhatsApp App in distance language learning get more advantages: (1) students can successfully access the teacher’s instructions and materials in many diverse resources and forms easily and fast (2) students can save the more quote (3) students get more motivation and satisfaction including students feel enthusiastic, motivated, happy, welcome, discipline, and spirit. WhatsApp App services can support language learning as (Ma’ruf et al., 2019) proposed that it can help students in creating written text. keywords: distance; journal; language; language learning; learning; online; students; teachers; teaching; technology; use; whatsapp cache: let-4051.pdf plain text: let-4051.txt item: #109 of 152 id: let-4118 author: Rosalina, Elsa; Nasrullah, Nasrullah; Elyani, Eka Puteri title: Teacher’s Challenges towards Online Learning in Pandemic Era date: 2020-12-31 words: 6464 flesch: 53 summary: Thus, they also stated that teachers’ challenges in the implementation of online learning are: teacher’s competency to use technology, teacher’s strategy to conduct effective online learning activities, supporting facilitation, and the creativity of teachers as the main role in online learning activities. The researchers also describe the strength and weaknesses of online learning based on teachers’ perceptions. keywords: challenges; education; face; journal; language; learning; literature; online; process; research; students; teacher; teaching cache: let-4118.pdf plain text: let-4118.txt item: #110 of 152 id: let-4122 author: Muthmainnah, Nur; Azmina, Badi'atul title: EFL-Writing Activities Using WhatsApp Group: Students’ Perceptions during Study from Home date: 2020-12-31 words: 6242 flesch: 56 summary: Students could post their work in the group, which could invite other students to give a response. Students could save the material and discussion materials directly so that students could re- reading them (Munawaroh 2019). keywords: activities; class; group; journal; language; learning; literature; students; teaching; vol; whatsapp; whatsapp group; writing cache: let-4122.pdf plain text: let-4122.txt item: #111 of 152 id: let-4137 author: Fitriansyah, Nor; Miftah, M. Zaini title: Positive Connection of Extensive Reading and Writing Fluency in EFL Learning date: 2020-12-31 words: 6776 flesch: 55 summary: The questionaire of six items close-ended questions related to students extensive reading activity as shown in Table 1. Table 1. Specification of Test Items No Part Quantity Items Number 1 Pre-Question 4 1-4 2 Text (1) True/False Question 10 5-14 Questionnaire 4 15-18 3 Text (2) True/False Question 10 19- 28 Questionnaire 4 29-32 4 Text (3) True/False Question 10 33-42 Questionnaire 4 43-46 Source : Extensive Reading Foundation To get information about students’s extensive reading level, researcher used instrument test from Extensive Reading Foundation. Microsoft Word - 0ed3-cc6c-1a7a-7b6f Nor Fitriansyah LET: Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching Journal Vol. 10 No. 2 2020 LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal ||Volume||10||Issue||2||Pages||44-70||2020|| |P-ISSN: 20869606; E-ISSN: 25492454| Available online at: POSITIVE CONNECTION OF EXTENSIVE READING AND WRITING FLUENCY IN EFL LEARNING Nor Fitriansyah keywords: correlation; fluency; journal; language; linguistics; reading; students; table; teaching; writing cache: let-4137.pdf plain text: let-4137.txt item: #112 of 152 id: let-4402 author: Rabbianty, Eva Nikmatul; Ghofur, abd; Wafi, Abdul title: MAXIMIZING THE USE OF WHATSAPP IN ENGLISH REMOTE LEARNING TO PROMOTE STUDENTS’ ENGAGEMENT AT MADURA date: 2021-06-30 words: 6310 flesch: 53 summary: Understanding student engagement in online learning environments: The role of reflexivity. 11 No. 1 2021 LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal ||Volume||11||Issue||1||Pages||42-60||2021|| |P-ISSN: 20869606; E-ISSN: 25492454| Available online at: MAXIMIZING THE USE OF WHATSAPP IN ENGLISH REMOTE LEARNING TO PROMOTE STUDENTS’ ENGAGEMENT keywords: engagement; english; journal; language; learning; lecturer; question; remote; students; teaching; use; whatsapp cache: let-4402.pdf plain text: let-4402.txt item: #113 of 152 id: let-4508 author: Hidayat, Syarif title: FOOD, MODERNITY AND IDENTITY: ROOTED COSMOPOLITANISM IN ADICHIE’S AMERICANAH date: 2021-06-30 words: 8160 flesch: 61 summary: The third is local American food, namely quinoa made with feta (white cheese) and tomatoes. He concluded that there is a connection between food and identity, “home”, “belonging”, that on the one hand the text shows that there are several characters who can adapt to American food, but on the other hand there are some characters who cannot adapt to American food. keywords: american; blaine; cosmopolitan; culture; food; identity; ifemelu; journal; literature; quotation; taste; text cache: let-4508.pdf plain text: let-4508.txt item: #114 of 152 id: let-4521 author: Wiraldy, I Gusti Ngurahe Ade; Ginting, Daniel title: JON M. CHU’S FILM CRAZY RICH ASIANS: THE INTERPLAY OF WESTERN AND EASTERN CULTURES date: 2021-06-30 words: 5867 flesch: 63 summary: FINDINGS The social interactions in which the main character of the movie, Rachel Wu, engages with other people are complex. In short, Rachel uses this communication strategies in order to maintain good relationships with other people. keywords: culture; journal; language; let; linguistics; literature; people; politeness; rachel; teaching cache: let-4521.pdf plain text: let-4521.txt item: #115 of 152 id: let-4539 author: Wijaya, Kristian Florensio title: EXPLORING TEACHERS' RESILIENCE IN INDONESIAN EFL LEARNING CONTEXTS date: 2021-06-30 words: 6424 flesch: 33 summary: This belief is in concordance with the particular benefits of teacher resilience propounded by Kim et al., (2017) believing that EFL teachers inculcating greater personal self-development through continuous internal and external supports underpinning their professionalism will have more tendency to be self-initiators capable of offering varied constructive teaching-learning strategies beneficial to overcome the upcoming drawbacks discovered in both present and future teaching- learning dynamics. Keywords: EFL teachers; Resilience; Indonesian EFL learning contexts INTRODUCTION keywords: efl; efl teachers; journal; language; learners; learning; linguistics; professional; resilience; study; teachers; teaching cache: let-4539.pdf plain text: let-4539.txt item: #116 of 152 id: let-4591 author: Mawarni, Siwi Tri title: AN ALIEN LANGUAGE IN THE HOME DOMAIN: A CASE STUDY OF A CHILD WHO CANNOT SPEAK THE PARENT’S LANGUAGE date: 2021-06-30 words: 6978 flesch: 59 summary: It is sometimes misunderstood as a subfield of language communication, language transition, and language decline, rather than a matter of language acquisition and bilingualism. The second previous study, carried out by Flores (2010), focuses on language attrition. keywords: attrition; children; communication; domain; english; home; language; second; study cache: let-4591.pdf plain text: let-4591.txt item: #117 of 152 id: let-4598 author: Utami, Ismi Maulina title: ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION DIVERSITY PRODUCED BY INDONESIAN COVER-SINGERS: A CASE STUDY ON THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL date: 2021-06-30 words: 7390 flesch: 63 summary: What are the phonological processes that caused English pronunciation diversity produced by Indonesian cover singers on the YouTube channel? Suggestions The results of this study are expected to broaden the area of linguistic, especially in the pronunciation of Indonesian singers when they singing English songs. keywords: consonant; cover; english; indonesian; singer; vowel; word cache: let-4598.pdf plain text: let-4598.txt item: #118 of 152 id: let-4629 author: Haliza, Haliza; Hizriani, Nani; Nor, Hidayah title: DEVELOPING TEACHERS’ PEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCE THROUGH ENGLISH SUBJECT TEACHERS’ WORKING GROUP (MGMP) date: 2021-06-30 words: 8837 flesch: 44 summary: The conclusion obtained from this study is that the capacity and function of the English MGMP in Kota Pontianak were not maximally utilized to promote TPD as a result of being unwell managed in terms of management and membership, schedule of activities, and program coverage, as well as the result of inadequate support from educational institutions in terms of monitoring of MGMP activities and management. The findings showed that the contribution of English MGMP in developing tachers’ pedagogical competence through MGMP activities was carried out by involving various parties. keywords: activities; competence; contribution; data; english; english mgmp; forum; journal; language; learning; literature; mgmp; sharing; teachers; teaching; vol cache: let-4629.pdf plain text: let-4629.txt item: #119 of 152 id: let-4652 author: Supatmi, Ruri; Mar’an, Desy Awal title: AN ANALYSIS OF LEARNER LANGUAGE IN INDONESIAN-ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF ENGLISH EDUCATIONAL STUDY PROGRAM STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITAS NAHDLATUL ULAMA LAMPUNG date: 2021-06-30 words: 8577 flesch: 52 summary: The concept of learner language based on the specific characteristics in language learner. This research was aimed at describing learner languages phenomena related to the five procedures of translation then showing the precentage of learner language in translation procedures from Indonesian to English. keywords: english; language; language teaching; learner; learner language; learning; process; research; source language; target language; text; translation cache: let-4652.pdf plain text: let-4652.txt item: #120 of 152 id: let-4668 author: Salehi, Muhammad title: Cheshm ‘eye’ Expressions in Persian: A Different Perspective date: 2022-06-30 words: 9115 flesch: 69 summary: (p.291) In these lines, Sepehri uses a brilliant metonymy for the word ‘eye’; on the surface, he says that Eyes should be washed. The body- part terms such as eye, heart, hand, etc. are so-called inseparable components of so many expressions in almost any language; however, due to cultural variations and other factors that are influential in bringing about such expressions; non- native speakers may find them perplexing and thoroughly incomprehensible when they are used differently in various contexts. keywords: body; cheshm; expressions; eye; eyes; journal; language; linguistics; literature; muhammad; persian; solehi; teaching; vol cache: let-4668.pdf plain text: let-4668.txt item: #121 of 152 id: let-4675 author: Ariyani, Nadilla; Listia, Rina; Arapah, Elvina title: Students’ Strategies in Translating English Idioms into Bahasa Indonesia of English Language Education date: 2021-12-31 words: 6598 flesch: 61 summary: For the results of the data, researchers categorized student translations into four categories: (1) using an idiom of similar meaning and form, (2) using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form, (3) translation by paraphrase, (4) translation by omission. Student translations include the word a bad egg which means bad / unreliable person the students translate into ‘brengsek’ used dissimilar form strategy, because the word of ‘berengsek’ in KBBI (Indonesian’s dictionary) is a slang word in Indonesia. keywords: english; form; idioms; journal; language; linguistics; literature; meaning; strategies; strategy; students; teaching; translation; yang cache: let-4675.pdf plain text: let-4675.txt item: #122 of 152 id: let-4918 author: Fauzi, Iwan title: TEACHING ENGLISH USING WHATSAPP DURING LEARNING FROM HOME: IMPACTS TO STUDENTS AND IMPLICATION TO TEACHERS date: 2021-12-31 words: 6678 flesch: 46 summary: However, one of the drawbacks of online learning that possibly faced by many students is that they lack direct interaction with other students in the classroom. This statement is similarly stated by Songkram (2012) where in online learning students and teachers can communicate and interact to each other’s outside classroom. keywords: application; journal; knowledge; language; learning; motivation; online; students; teacher; teaching; vol; whatsapp cache: let-4918.pdf plain text: let-4918.txt item: #123 of 152 id: let-4988 author: Mahmud, Nazirah; Yusoff, Nurhazwani; Mahmud, Najihah title: ATTITUDES AND PERCEPTIONS OF MALAYSIAN ESL UNDERGRADUATES TOWARDS THE USAGE OF VLOGGING IN ENHANCING THEIR SPEAKING SKILLS date: 2021-12-31 words: 5831 flesch: 61 summary: This is due to the teaching and learning being switched from conventional to mostly online within a short amount of time regardless the level of education (from kindergarten to tertiary) making it almost impossible to get both the educators and students fully ready for this. Some of the courses or specifically assessments require students to perform the skills of practicality instead of theories and comprehension, in a way that oral presentation is much needed. keywords: english; journal; language; learning; method; speaking; students; teaching; vlogging cache: let-4988.pdf plain text: let-4988.txt item: #124 of 152 id: let-5032 author: Le, Thao Thanh; Phan, Que Thi Nguyet; Le, Mai Xuan title: MEDICAL STUDENTS’ EVALUATION OF AN ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES COURSEBOOK: A CASE IN VIETNAM date: 2021-12-31 words: 6762 flesch: 58 summary: Medical ESP textbook evaluation in Shiraz medical college. RESULTS AND FINDINGS A Descriptive Statistics test on the whole questionnaires was run to check the average mean scores of participants’ evaluation of ESP course book to examine. keywords: book; esp; evaluation; journal; language; linguistics; literature; participants; skills; students; teaching cache: let-5032.pdf plain text: let-5032.txt item: #125 of 152 id: let-5078 author: Bonsu, Emmanuel Mensah title: Genre Analysis of Undergraduate Dissertation Abstracts in Two Disciplines date: 2021-12-31 words: 8285 flesch: 61 summary: Two dissertations written in English language studies and two dissertations written in Communication Studies every year were selected. 11 No. 2 2021 Table 1 also shows that Move 3 is an obligatory Move and it is the most frequent Move in both DAs in English language studies and Communication Studies. keywords: abstracts; data; dissertation; english; journal; language; linguistics; literature; moves; research; studies; study cache: let-5078.pdf plain text: let-5078.txt item: #126 of 152 id: let-5122 author: Rosari, Maria Dewi title: The Profile of Professional Identity of English Course Teachers in Yogyakarta date: 2021-12-31 words: 7133 flesch: 52 summary: Factors influencing the strength and the weakness of the elements of professional identity were elaborated to provide more thorough insight on how to provide working environment in which English Course teachers could work at their best and finally to retain them. P a g e | 133 Maria Dewi Rosari LET: Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching Journal Vol. 11 No. 2 2021 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The professional identity of English Course teachers can be interpreted, according to Canrinus, Helms‐Lorenz, Beijaard (2011, Firestone (1996), Watt & Richardson (2008), to the four elements constructing it: job satisfaction, occupational commitment, work motivation, and self-efficacy. keywords: commitment; course; education; english; identity; journal; research; respondents; self; teachers; teaching; work cache: let-5122.pdf plain text: let-5122.txt item: #127 of 152 id: let-5198 author: Aspastur, Kamavia Prasia; Drivoka Sulistyaningrum, Siti title: THE INTEGRATION OF PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS IN ENGLISH IN ACADEMIC DISCOURSE SYLLABUS AT ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM date: 2021-12-31 words: 5792 flesch: 44 summary: Despite the importance of problem-solving skills, few researchers have studied the integration of problem- solving skills in course syllabus. In Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills. keywords: components; course; english; journal; language; learning; problem; skills; solving; students; syllabus; teaching cache: let-5198.pdf plain text: let-5198.txt item: #128 of 152 id: let-5810 author: Rinda, Rizky Sulvika Puspa; Saraswati, Dyah Palupi title: DIGITAL STORYTELLING AS A POST–LISTENING ACTIVITY IN TEACHING NARRATIVE TEXT TO THE 5 GRADE STUDENTS: THE IMPLEMENTATION AND STUDENTS’ RESPONSES date: 2021-12-31 words: 6649 flesch: 62 summary: For the higher level, they use digital story to train students to listen English in the correct pronunciation. The semi-structured interview was used to collect the data related to the students’ experience during the implementation of digital storytelling activity. keywords: activities; activity; classroom; digital; journal; language; learning; listening; storytelling; students; teacher; teaching cache: let-5810.pdf plain text: let-5810.txt item: #129 of 152 id: let-6333 author: Dhinsa, Wakjira Gabisa; Duguma, Melaku Wakuma title: Exploring Upper Primary School Novice EFL Teachers Application of Pedagogical Content Knowledge during Speaking Lessons: The Case of East Shawa Zone, Ethiopia date: 2022-06-30 words: 6002 flesch: 61 summary: Therefore, it can be said that novice teachers have gaps in giving correct feedback, and this gap is more severe with beginning novice teachers. As a result, novice teachers encounter various challenges in their professional career in applying appropriate PCK in the classrooms. keywords: education; efl; gaps; journal; knowledge; language; novice; novice teachers; speaking; teachers; teaching cache: let-6333.pdf plain text: let-6333.txt item: #130 of 152 id: let-6335 author: Pramesti, Widya; Nurhaeni, Nurhaeni; Imansari, Nurul title: INVESTIGATING CAUSES OF CULTURE SHOCK EXPERIENCED BY INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS date: 2022-06-30 words: 6759 flesch: 50 summary: Cope with Culture Shock As international students’ first time being abroad for a long period, the researcher asked informants how they cope with culture shock and the way they prepare themselves to live in other countries. The results of this research showed there are three main conditions of culture shock experienced by international students, that categorized in three dimension of culture shock; affect, behaviour and cognitions. keywords: causes; culture; culture shock; international; language; shock; students; study cache: let-6335.pdf plain text: let-6335.txt item: #131 of 152 id: let-6373 author: Fitria, Tira Nur title: ANALYSIS OF HUMAN STRUGGLE OF MAIN CHARACTERS IN INDIAN DRAMA FILM “BLACK” (2005) date: 2022-06-30 words: 7344 flesch: 78 summary: The film then flashes back to little Michelle who is in a black world where she is isolated in darkness, trapped by her inability to see, hear, and express herself. Through his eager involvement, Michelle blossoms grow, gives up her violence, and even gets admitted to a school with 'normal' children like others. keywords: film; journal; language; linguistics; literature; mcnally; michelle; sahai; struggle; teacher; teaching cache: let-6373.pdf plain text: let-6373.txt item: #132 of 152 id: let-6374 author: Purnama, Annisa Intan title: THE IMPACT OF DISCRIMINATION FROM LEGITIMATE POWER LEADS ANDREA SACH TO EXPERIENCE IDENTITY NEGOTIATION THROUGH FASHION IN THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA date: 2022-06-30 words: 7031 flesch: 55 summary: It can be caused by personal identity and social identity. Through qualitative analysis assisted by a semiotic approach, information will be obtained regarding the negotiated identity problem caused by direct discrimination by legitimate power and supported by the influence of social identity, which led Andrea to change her fashion appearance as a secretary to suit Miranda's wishes. keywords: andrea; discrimination; fashion; identity; journal; linguistics; literature; miranda; negotiation; power; teaching; vol cache: let-6374.pdf plain text: let-6374.txt item: #133 of 152 id: let-6377 author: Chemir, Sileshi; Kitila, Tamene title: NEEDS ANALYSIS FOR ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES: IMPORTANCE OF ACADEMIC LANGUAGE SKILLS FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN ETHIOPIA date: 2022-06-30 words: 8699 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: Academic language skills; English for Academic Purposes; Therefore, the respondents were asked to rank academic language skills and sub-skills using 5-point scale items. keywords: academic; english; journal; language; language skills; needs; reading; skills; students; study; sub; teaching; writing cache: let-6377.pdf plain text: let-6377.txt item: #134 of 152 id: let-6391 author: Zulfikar, Zulfikar title: Reducing EFL Learners’ Speaking Anxiety through Selective Error Correction and Group Work date: 2022-06-30 words: 7337 flesch: 51 summary: 12 No. 1 2022 LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal ||Volume||12||Issue||1||Pages||1-22||2022|| |P-ISSN: 20869606; E-ISSN: 25492454| Available online at: REDUCING EFL LEARNERS’ SPEAKING ANXIETY THROUGH SELECTIVE ERROR CORRECTION AND GROUP WORK Zulfikar Mandailing Natal State College for Islamic Studies, Indonesia Article History: Received: 4 April 2022 Accepted: 19 May 2022 This quantitative study aimed to examine the level of speaking anxiety experienced by second- year high-school Acehnese EFL learners in their oral performance in L2 classroom and to investigate the attempt to lower their anxiety through the implementation of selective error correction and group work. In comparison to ESL learners, who study English in a country where English is the main language, EFL learners tend to have lower level of fluency due to their lack of exposure to authentic language normally found Page | 2 Zulfikar LET: Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching Journal Vol. keywords: anxiety; correction; efl; journal; language; learners; learning; linguistics; literature; speaking; teaching cache: let-6391.pdf plain text: let-6391.txt item: #135 of 152 id: let-6400 author: Husna, Nida; Fitri, Khairunnisa; Rhamadina, Wiwi; Fahriany, Fahriany; Hidayat, Didin Nuruddin; Sari, Afifah Linda title: ENGLISH TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION ON TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM date: 2022-06-30 words: 7222 flesch: 45 summary: While the teachers have practiced teacher professionalism in their teaching activity, most of them still regarded themselves as not professional teachers due to their negligence related to the preparation of teaching media and tools and their ignorance of some demotivated students. This paper aims to investigate English teachers’ perceptions of teacher professionalism. keywords: development; education; english; journal; language; learning; literature; professionalism; students; teachers; teaching cache: let-6400.pdf plain text: let-6400.txt item: #136 of 152 id: let-6629 author: Andriani, Erina title: Scrutinizing Grammatical Challenges within Indonesian-developed Mobile Game: ‘Code Atma’ date: 2022-12-31 words: 6133 flesch: 55 summary: Similarly, Promsupa et al. (2017) found 32 sub-types of grammatical errors under morphological and syntactical error types and found that noun plurality was the highest sub-type of grammatical error. The implications of this study are the improvement of the game’s grammatical aspect, the use of games as EFL learning sources, and the identification of grammatical errors using error analysis. keywords: analysis; atma; english; errors; game; journal; language; teaching; use cache: let-6629.pdf plain text: let-6629.txt item: #137 of 152 id: let-6975 author: Muttaqin, Muhammad Zaid; Rahayu, Puji Sri; Fajrianor, Fajrianor title: EMOTIONAL GEOGRAPHIES OF EFL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN ONLINE TEACHING IMPLEMENTATION DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2022-07-08 words: 8304 flesch: 58 summary: In overcoming this, most teachers solve it with the concept of punishment, reward, and solve it privately with problem students (Fatimah, 2020). A1 only revealed his method of dealing with problem students and his professional attitude when teaching online during the Covid-19 pandemic. keywords: geography; learning; online; problems; students; teaching cache: let-6975.pdf plain text: let-6975.txt item: #138 of 152 id: let-7095 author: Shube, Bekele Daba title: Investigating ELL Teachers’ Knowledge and Practice in Vocabulary Instruction date: 2022-12-31 words: 8395 flesch: 55 summary: The relationship between teacher knowledge and practice is also understood when looking at teaching as a knowledge-based activity. The hidden side of the work: Teacher knowledge and learning to teach. keywords: classroom; instruction; knowledge; language; practice; research; students; study; teachers; teaching; vocabulary cache: let-7095.pdf plain text: let-7095.txt item: #139 of 152 id: let-7257 author: Listia, Rina; Al Arief, Yusuf; Zahra, Dzahabiyah Alfia; Azzahra, Kimilia; Amelia, Rizky title: Technology-Assisted Project-Based Language Learning on Wetland Concern date: 2022-12-31 words: 7639 flesch: 56 summary: Students in the control group were coded as student A 1, student A 2, and so on. Students perceived positively to the implementation of technology-assisted project based language learning in wetland concern. keywords: education; english; journal; language; language teaching; learning; literature; project; research; storyjumper; students; study; teaching; technology; test cache: let-7257.pdf plain text: let-7257.txt item: #140 of 152 id: let-7261 author: Isnaniah, Isnaniah; Ningsih, Rahma Pitria title: Digital Literacy Level and English Language Proficiency of College Students in Banjarmasin to Support Independent Learning Campus in the Technological Era 4.0 date: 2022-12-31 words: 5971 flesch: 43 summary: Media literacy or better known as media literacy is one of the many terms that are often used on various occasions, both in informal talks to academic discussions. Students are chosen because they are Y Generation with the largest internet Page | 296 Isnaniah LET: Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching Journal Vol. 12 No. 2 2022 penetration, and the digital native generation so that media literacy is very relevant. keywords: banjarmasin; curriculum; digital; english; information; isnaniah; journal; language; linguistics; literacy; literature; media; research; skills; students; teaching; vol cache: let-7261.pdf plain text: let-7261.txt item: #141 of 152 id: let-7366 author: Virginia, Fanny; Mubarak, Zia Hisni title: Pragmatic Analysis of Searle’s Directive Acts Types in “Get Out Movie” date: 2022-12-31 words: 6737 flesch: 70 summary: The utterance was delivered seeing that speaker had intention to direct the hearer. Pray is directive acts type that appears P a g e | 219 Fanny Virginia LET: Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching Journal Vol. keywords: acts; data; directive; hearer; speaker; type; utterance cache: let-7366.pdf plain text: let-7366.txt item: #142 of 152 id: let-7439 author: Williyan, Aldha title: LANGUAGE AMBIGUITY IN EFL LEARNERS’ NARRATIVE TEXTS: A SEMANTIC DISCOURSE ANALYSIS date: 2022-12-31 words: 6766 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: language ambiguity; lexical ambiguity; syntactic ambiguity INTRODUCTION By minimizing language ambiguity, the possibility of misinterpretation will be reduced and the final line is conflict can be avoided. keywords: ambiguity; language; meaning; readers; sentence; syntactic; text; writer cache: let-7439.pdf plain text: let-7439.txt item: #143 of 152 id: let-7485 author: Pamungkas, Ihdal Bayu; Asfihana, Raida; Sari, Afifah Linda title: Maximizing English Speech on YouTube Videos to Enrich Students’ Vocabulary date: 2022-12-31 words: 6727 flesch: 58 summary: Some studies related to the EFL teaching context in Indonesia have shown positive results of using YouTube videos to enrich students’ vocabulary. Research conducted by Widiastuti (2011) revealed that using YouTube videos can help enhance vocabulary so that the students can remember and recognize words more easily, write and pronounce words correctly, and gives a more fun and enjoyable classroom environment. keywords: english; journal; language; learning; post; pre; speech; students; teaching; test; videos; vocabulary; youtube cache: let-7485.pdf plain text: let-7485.txt item: #144 of 152 id: let-7737 author: Haque, Md. Nazmul title: ELT in Covid-19-Augmented-Technological-Educational Ambience at the Private Universities in Bangladesh date: 2022-12-31 words: 5975 flesch: 44 summary: 12 No. 2 2022 Figure-IV: Consistency of Online English Language Teaching Around 45% of the students regard online English Language Teaching as consistent while nearly 50% of the participants considered it to be both consistent and inconsistent. Figure-V: Teachers’ Efficiency in online English Language Teaching 80% of the students considered the teachers to be efficient in online English Language Teaching during COVID-19 while 05% of the participants affirmed that the teachers are both efficient and inefficient. keywords: assessment; bangladesh; covid-19; english; journal; language; language teaching; learning; online; participants; students; teaching cache: let-7737.pdf plain text: let-7737.txt item: #145 of 152 id: let-8523 author: Sarmi, Ni Nyoman; Kirana, Kheista Sasi; Wijaya, Kusuma; Pasopati, Rommel Utungga title: Authenticity and Its Discontent as Reflected on Heinrich Böll’s The Laugher date: 2023-06-30 words: 6917 flesch: 70 summary: It means people are both the subject and the object in own life. Self-identities exist by relying on how each one shapes own life but it also can be influenced by other external forces. keywords: authenticity; böll; freedom; laugh; laughter; life; people; sartre; self cache: let-8523.pdf plain text: let-8523.txt item: #146 of 152 id: let-8923 author: Fadilah, Rahmi; Ayudhia, Honesty Yonanda; Pratama, Vischa Mansyera; Harmawan, Violintikha title: Teachers’ Teaching Reflection: English Teachers’ Challenges in Rural Areas of Indonesia date: 2023-06-30 words: 7471 flesch: 58 summary: Besides becoming teachers, Rural area English teachers also become learners in order to be successful in teaching English. (2015) which mentions rural students is difficult in the grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary due to their L1 and dialect (Behraam et al., 2015). keywords: areas; condition; education; english; language; learning; rural; students; teachers; teaching cache: let-8923.pdf plain text: let-8923.txt item: #147 of 152 id: let-9020 author: Katili, Yayu Anggraini H. title: Developing Supplementary Materials for Reading Skill by Using Local Wisdom date: 2023-06-30 words: 8079 flesch: 58 summary: 2) Students prefer to read text which consisted of 200-300 words. 3) Students want to answer 5 W + 1 H questions and True False questions in reading activities. keywords: english; figure; language; learning; materials; needs; reading; students; teacher; teaching; text cache: let-9020.pdf plain text: let-9020.txt item: #148 of 152 id: let-9031 author: Giyatmi, Giyatmi; Arumi, Sihindun; Wijayava, Ratih title: Onomatopoeia Found in Tintin Comics date: 2023-06-30 words: 6534 flesch: 56 summary: Onomatopoeia is widely used in comics, magazines because onomatopoeia is very effective in creating good sound effects in these media. First are studies of onomatopoeia in education field such as (1) Tiara Eliza (2018) Using Onomatopoeia in Comic to Improve Vocabulary. keywords: comic; data; giyatmi; journal; language; linguistics; literature; onomatopoeia; sound; study; teaching; tintin; vol cache: let-9031.pdf plain text: let-9031.txt item: #149 of 152 id: let-9041 author: Daar, Gabriel Fredi; Jemadi, Fransiskus title: Speech Act Use in Jokowi Political Communication during The Press Conference of The State Visit in Moskow date: 2023-06-30 words: 5891 flesch: 52 summary: DISCUSSION Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that there were three types of speech acts in Jokowi's press statement; expressive speech acts, assertive speech acts (affirming and informing), and directive speech acts (influence, invite and convince). Research shows that there are three types of speech acts in Jokowi's press statement, expressive speech acts, assertive speech acts (affirming and informing), and directive speech acts (influence, invite and convince). keywords: acts; communication; directive; indonesia; jokowi; journal; language; linguistics; president; press; russia; speech; speech acts; statement; visit cache: let-9041.pdf plain text: let-9041.txt item: #150 of 152 id: let-9090 author: Solihah, Yuni Awalaturrohmah; Kartika, Viar Dwi; Setiawan, Fiki title: Challenges on Teaching and Learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP) for Indonesian Undergraduate Students date: 2023-06-30 words: 6242 flesch: 54 summary: Doi: Teaching ESP developed the lecturers to be more learning, discussing, and practicing Teaching ESP needed to prepare the ESP materials from textbooks and articles relating to the specific fields although there was lack of sources Teaching ESP assisted the students to enhance new vocabularies relating to the specific fields Teaching ESP encouraged the lecturers to develop ESP materials and method of teaching in order to deliver optimally the ESP contents Learning ESP became the interesting and fun subject to be mastered Learning ESP showed the students’ vocabulary mastery was an obstacle Learning ESP built an interaction between lecturers and students during discussing and practicing the ESP materials Learning ESP encouraged the students to be active for their speaking skill improvement It is in line with Natriningrum and Nugroho (2020) claim that ESP lecturers should discover the way of teaching ESP to provide ESP materials effectively for their students. keywords: english; esp; language; learning; lecturers; materials; students; teaching cache: let-9090.pdf plain text: let-9090.txt item: #151 of 152 id: let-9343 author: Nephawe, Farisani Thomas title: Investigating Strategies for Mitigating and Avoiding Expert Blind Spot Development in Teaching English Attributive Adjectives date: 2023-06-30 words: 7121 flesch: 45 summary: Teaching English attributive adjectival phrases is difficult for English FAL teachers The teaching of English attributive adjectival phrases is difficult for English FAL learners because of numerous areas that require specific strategies for teaching them. The paper investigated strategies for mitigating and avoiding expert blind spot in teaching English attributive adjectival phrases at Khwevha High School in Limpopo Province, South Africa. keywords: adjectival; adjectival phrases; attributive; development; english; expert; language; learners; phrases; spot; teaching cache: let-9343.pdf plain text: let-9343.txt item: #152 of 152 id: let-9772 author: Supatmi, Ruri; Malazarte, Malyn title: Reducing Moral Value in Online Learning System; Literature Review date: 2023-06-30 words: 6662 flesch: 52 summary: It is noteworthy that these studies move beyond the scope of online teaching and take a whole-person view of language teachers( Jian Tao, Andy Gao, 2022) online language learning experiences have focused on their perceptions and practices, especially in the context of online pedagogical innovations such as task- based design or authentic language learning. The flexibility of online learning changed that since in traditional face-to-face classroom settings, students are under more ethical strain and consequently hesitate before engaging in inappropriate behaviours. keywords: covid-19; dan; data; education; face; journal; language; learning; linguistics; literature; online; pembelajaran; research; ruri; students; supatmi; teachers; teaching; values; vol cache: let-9772.pdf plain text: let-9772.txt