item: #1 of 164 id: leea-1000 author: Ginting, Kristiani Lisma Vera Br; Syafitri, Dinda; Nehe, Cahaya Riama Yanti; Manullang, Nita Paskarina; Tarigan, Sri Ninta title: Improving Students’ skill in Writing Narrative Text Through Animation Movie date: 2019-12-30 words: 2589 flesch: 62 summary: Alexander, (1974) classified that writing skill can be well developed through exercise that have been controlled and assessed carefully. That is why students are still difficult to express their ideas into written text. keywords: narrative; researchers; students; test; writing cache: leea-1000.pdf plain text: leea-1000.txt item: #2 of 164 id: leea-1002 author: Girsang, Anita Lovia; Marbun, Fransiska Vanny Guitara; Turnip, Yusri Apriani Margaretha; Saragih, Erikson title: An Analysis of Reading Comprehension Difficulties in TOEFL Test By High School Students date: 2019-12-23 words: 2353 flesch: 59 summary: but in reality there are still very many obstacles experienced by students, especially high students in mastering the techniques of solving reading comprehension problems in the TOEFL test. Keywords: reading comprehension,TOEFL INTRODUCTION In this era, English is not a strange thing for everyone. keywords: comprehension; reading; students; test; toefl cache: leea-1002.pdf plain text: leea-1002.txt item: #3 of 164 id: leea-1004 author: Shafira, Diana Adinda; Mawaddah, Rabbayani; Aritonang, Lidya Br; Nainggolan, Elianti; Tarigan, Natalia Widya Pasca title: an Analysis of Students’ Error in Constructing the Negative and Interrogative Sentence by Using Simple Present Tense date: 2020-02-17 words: 4342 flesch: 66 summary: It shows that language errors are nearly related to language learning, both first language, and second language learning. According to Corder in Tarigan (2011), the analysis of language errors is a process, so some procedures must be followed as guidelines. keywords: english; errors; language; present; students; tense cache: leea-1004.pdf plain text: leea-1004.txt item: #4 of 164 id: leea-1010 author: Simbolon, Putri Anita; Bangun, Feber Anggelina Br; Pardede, Sumianti Magdalena; Tarigan, Jelinta Br; Tarigan, Sri Ninta Br title: Using Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy (VSS) to Improve Mastery Student’s Vocabulary date: 2020-02-12 words: 3464 flesch: 63 summary: According to Residence, Bean, and Baldwin (in Lester and Elliot, 2002) states that the purpose of the Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy is to help students generate a list of words to explore and learned and to use their prior knowledge and interests to enhance their vocabulary. It was indicated by the increase of the mean of students reading comprehension scores in the pre-test and post-test (58.9 to 78.0) and several other improvements, i.e., improve the students' interest in learning English texts, facilitate the students in defining the unfamiliar words based on the context of the book, and 2020. keywords: collection; mastery; self; strategy; students; vocabulary; vss cache: leea-1010.pdf plain text: leea-1010.txt item: #5 of 164 id: leea-1015 author: Turnip, Eva Christina; Purba, Ades Pranata; Sitompul, Eva Natalia title: The Effect of using Picture Strip Story on Students’ Speaking Skill date: 2020-02-26 words: 2895 flesch: 72 summary: The students' scores in speaking test used by researchers to conclude whether any effect of students' scores by using the PST on student speaking skills. PST is one of the effective media which help to improve the students’.,speaking skills through the scores of the students in speaking tests. keywords: picture; speaking; story; strip; students; test cache: leea-1015.pdf plain text: leea-1015.txt item: #6 of 164 id: leea-1016 author: Pangaribuan, Darman; Agustina, Stefani; Pratiwi, Anggie; Manalu, Elfian; Sembiring, Yenita br title: Communication Strategies Used by Teacher date: 2020-02-07 words: 3959 flesch: 61 summary: Model of Communication Strategies After reading some definitions of communication strategies, We will begin this section by examining Faerch and Kasper's communication strategies categories. Journal Volume 3 Nomor 2, Juni 2020 e-ISSN :2597-3819 p-ISSN:2597-9248 DOI : 274 COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES USED BY TEACHER Darman Pangaribuan 1 Universitas Prima Indonesia Stefani Agustina 2 Universitas Prima Indonesia Anggie Pratiwi 3 Universitas Prima Indonesia Elfian Manalu 4 Universitas Prima Indonesia Yenita br Sembiring 5 Universitas Prima Indonesia 1 Submit, 09-12-2019 Accepted, 30-01-2020 Publish, 07-02-2020 ABSTRACT This thesis was aimed to find teacher communication strategies during classroom interaction. keywords: communication; conversation; english; language; learners; strategies; strategy; students; teacher cache: leea-1016.pdf plain text: leea-1016.txt item: #7 of 164 id: leea-1017 author: Salawazo, Ivan Susanto; Simbolon, Marintan; Hutabarat, Vivi Enjelia; Veronika, Achida N; Saragih, Erikson title: Analysis of Students’ Vocabulary in Learning English date: 2020-06-24 words: 2791 flesch: 61 summary: The first, Identifying the difficulties of student vocabulary by analyzing students answer sheets and their mistakes. The first, researcher identify students difficulties in vocabulary mastery by analyzed students’ answer sheets then analyzing students’ false answer. keywords: difficulties; english; language; students; vocabulary cache: leea-1017.pdf plain text: leea-1017.txt item: #8 of 164 id: leea-1019 author: Tarigan, Stevani Lika Sari; Manalu, Marta Rejeki; Tampubolon, Ayu Supriani; Br Sembiring, Yenita title: Students’ Strategies Used for Idiom Translation at SMA Swasta Pencawan Medan date: 2020-02-03 words: 2844 flesch: 63 summary: There are four Strategies for translating idioms proposed (Khosravi & Khotib, 2012). The results of previous research found the same research results as research researchers, but in previous studies not described the cause of many students chooses to use the translation by paraphrase strategy in translating idioms. keywords: form; idioms; meaning; strategies; students; translating cache: leea-1019.pdf plain text: leea-1019.txt item: #9 of 164 id: leea-1020 author: Barus, Helmida; Sitohang, Dorsita; Malango, Meyna; Simbolon, Seprosari title: Teacher Communication Strategy in SMA Swasta Pencawan Medan date: 2020-02-02 words: 4264 flesch: 52 summary: COMMUNICATION STRATEGY IN SMA SWASTA PENCAWAN MEDAN Helmida Barus Universitas Prima Indonesia Dorsita Sitohang Universitas Prima Indonesia Meyna Malango Universitas Prima Indonesia Seprosari Simbolon Universitas Prima Indonesia Submit, 13-12-2019 Accepted, 30-01-2020 Publish, 02-02-2020 ABSTRACT This study aims to discuss teacher communication strategies to students in improving student achievement. The object of this research is teacher communication strategy in English language learning. keywords: communication; english; language; learning; method; process; strategies; students; teacher; teaching cache: leea-1020.pdf plain text: leea-1020.txt item: #10 of 164 id: leea-1045 author: Sianturi, Herna; Siahaan, Christina; Dinda, Syarifah Isma; Sembiring, Yenita Br title: Students’ Comprehension and Difficulties on Reading Descriptive Text at SMA Swasta Pencawan Medan date: 2020-02-06 words: 3007 flesch: 68 summary: Keywords: reading, comprehension; reading comprehension problem; descriptive INTRODUCTION Reading comprehension is one of language skill should mastered by students. However, students must know and understand what they read. keywords: comprehension; english; reading; researcher; students; text cache: leea-1045.pdf plain text: leea-1045.txt item: #11 of 164 id: leea-1130 author: Mardhotila, Dzikrina; Anam, Syafi’ul; Setiawan, Slamet title: Indonesian Post Graduate Student’s Motivation as an Autonomous Learner in Overseas University date: 2020-06-14 words: 4360 flesch: 61 summary: Language learner autonomy: Is it really possible?. In recent years, many people talking about learner autonomy as a new model of learning. keywords: autonomy; language; learner; learning; motivation; student; study cache: leea-1130.pdf plain text: leea-1130.txt item: #12 of 164 id: leea-1134 author: Puspitasari, Diyan Anita; Setiawan, Slamet; Munir, Ahmad title: Facilitating English Learners Competence in Listening through Flowerdew and Miller’s Listening Strategies date: 2020-06-14 words: 2910 flesch: 59 summary: FINDINGS Listening Strategies Used by the Lecturer to Facilitate the Students Enhance their Listening Competence Here is the table of listening strategies used by the lecturer, the table below is from observation: Table 1. The Students Perceiption on the Roles of Listening Strategies From the interview to the students, the researcher found how the students perceive the roole of listening strategies. keywords: lecturer; listening; strategies; students cache: leea-1134.pdf plain text: leea-1134.txt item: #13 of 164 id: leea-1150 author: Yusuf, Kamal; Setyamardani, Feby Anggita title: Engaging Students‘ Speaking Skill Using Role Play in Junior High School date: 2020-06-14 words: 5380 flesch: 70 summary: In academic field, the students in school can be trained by several kinds of speaking activities such as acting from script, communication games, discussion, prepared talk, questionnaires, simulation, and role play. In this regards students can build on their opinions and thoughts, and establish language on their level, acting out in some situations based on their understanding because of role play. keywords: english; journal; play; role; skill; speaking; students; test cache: leea-1150.pdf plain text: leea-1150.txt item: #14 of 164 id: leea-1169 author: Rahmawati, Lely; Emzir, Emzir; Tajuddin, Shafruddin title: Semiotic Analysis and Persuasive Discourse to the Billboard of Legislative Candidates 2019 In Indonesia date: 2020-06-14 words: 6705 flesch: 57 summary: As on general campaign billboards, on the billboards above there are examples of ballots that will be used in the next election accompanied by a party serial number and also the serial number of Judy. On billboard 1 (Golkar), the dominance of the persuasive discourse is a wise clause which has been deployed to build a good reputation about legislative candidates. keywords: analysis; billboards; candidates; discourse; election; golkar; indonesia; journal; language; party; people; pks cache: leea-1169.pdf plain text: leea-1169.txt item: #15 of 164 id: leea-1177 author: Putri, I Gusti Ayu Vina Widiadnya; Santika, I Dewa Ayu Devi Maharani title: The Emotional Lexicon Used by Male and Female Communication: Study of Balinese Language Used in South Kuta-Bali date: 2020-06-14 words: 3828 flesch: 65 summary: Female used length spoken to give understanding to the hearer about her point. I Dewa Ayu Devi Maharani Santika 2 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar 1 Submit, 23-04-2020 Accepted, 13-06-2020 Publish, 14-06-2020 ABSTRACT The aims of this research is to analyse about the differences of emotional lexicon used by male and female communication in South Kuta-Bali when they used Balinese language in their daily interaction. keywords: balinese; data; emotional; female; language; lexicon; male; point; use; utterance cache: leea-1177.pdf plain text: leea-1177.txt item: #16 of 164 id: leea-1208 author: Nuvitasari, Intan; Retnaningdyah, Pratiwi; Munir, Ahmad title: Critical Framing: How Indonesian EFL Students Criticize Texts and Reconstruct Gender Equality in EFL Reading Class date: 2020-06-24 words: 4689 flesch: 58 summary: The result showed that in criticizing text, female and male group is influenced by the linguistic used by the teacher and text and the power of the text and teacher can empower student to reconstruct gender equality and reject gender inequality, while male’s group was only influenced by the teacher. Thus, gender inequality still happen there and many university students come from rural area, even though they have knowledge regarding with gender equality, but they do not have voice to against gender inequality since they must obey every culture in their area (Fauziah,, 2015). keywords: education; framing; gender; group; inequality; students; teacher; text cache: leea-1208.pdf plain text: leea-1208.txt item: #17 of 164 id: leea-1212 author: Muroda, Naila; Munir, Ahmad; Setiawan, Slamet title: Evaluating Questioning Skills of Pre-Service EFL Teachers Through Self-Evaluation of Teacher Talk (SETT) in Microteaching Class date: 2020-06-22 words: 6198 flesch: 58 summary: While Walsh has claimed that the talk of teachers is more about language teachers being used as a guide to the engagement of classrooms, to monitor, organize and inspire students to communicate. Universitas Negeri Surabaya Slamet Setiawan 3 Universitas Negeri Surabaya 1 Submit, 04-05-2020 Accepted, 21-06-2020 Publish, 22-06-2020 ABSTRACT This study aims to investigate pre-service EFL teachers’ way evaluating their own teachers talk, especially in questioning skill using SETT (Self-Evaluation of Teacher Talk). keywords: classroom; education; language; questioning; sett; skills; students; talk; teachers; teaching cache: leea-1212.pdf plain text: leea-1212.txt item: #18 of 164 id: leea-1248 author: Nabila, Almas Rizkika; Munir, Ahmad; Anam, Syafi’ul title: Teacher’s Motives in Applying Communication Accommodation Strategies in Secondary ELT Class date: 2020-06-16 words: 4710 flesch: 44 summary: Journal Volume 3 Nomor 2, Juni 2020 e-ISSN :2597-3819 p-ISSN:2597-9248 DOI : 373 TEACHER’S MOTIVES IN APPLYING COMMUNICATION ACCOMMODATION STRATEGIES IN SECONDARY ELT CLASS Almas Rizkika Nabila 1 Universitas Negeri Surabaya Ahmad Munir 2 Universitas Negeri Surabaya Syafi’ul Anam 3 Universitas Negeri Surabaya 1 Submit, 12-05-2020 Accepted, 16-06-2020 Publish, 16-06-2020 ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to describe teacher’s motives that underlie the use of communication accommodation strategies in secondary ELT class. Besides, teacher’s motives in applying communication accommodation strategies were categorized as affective motives to emphasize the closeness with students and cognitive motives to improve students’ understanding in classroom interaction. keywords: accommodation; communication; elt; motives; strategies; students; teacher cache: leea-1248.pdf plain text: leea-1248.txt item: #19 of 164 id: leea-1250 author: Ningsih, Lestari Puspita; Xiaoyan, Jin title: The Study Analysis of Chinese Idiom Learning at Indonesian High School date: 2020-06-30 words: 6229 flesch: 62 summary: Learning Chinese Idiom also is the same as studying Chinese culture. BahasaKemendikbud Jin Xiaoyan 2 Northeast Normal University China 1 Submit, 13-05-2020 Accepted, 30-06-2020 Publish, 30-06-2020 ABSTRACT This study is aimed to determine the effectiveness of the application of learning Chinese Idiom at school. keywords: chinese; education; hsk; idiom; journal; language; learning; level; mandarin; respondents; school; √ √ cache: leea-1250.pdf plain text: leea-1250.txt item: #20 of 164 id: leea-1253 author: Sujariati, Sujariati title: Improving the Students’ Listening Comprehension through Aural-Oral Language Approach date: 2020-06-30 words: 6853 flesch: 60 summary: For the first meeting of cycle II students probably get bored of material so their activeness decrease but researcher tries to engage them. The programs developed by the American structural linguistics of the 1940‟s then relied heavily on oral drills and substitution practice in order to form these speaking habits among language students. keywords: approach; cycle; cycle ii; english; language; listening; oral; score; students cache: leea-1253.pdf plain text: leea-1253.txt item: #21 of 164 id: leea-1254 author: Saidah, Novia Rina; Munir, Ahmad; Anam, Syafi’ul title: Communication Strategies Used by EFL Learners in Task-Based English Debate date: 2020-06-21 words: 4718 flesch: 61 summary: Journal Volume 3 Nomor 2, Juni 2020 e-ISSN :2597-3819 p-ISSN:2597-9248 DOI : 414 COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES USED BY EFL LEARNERS IN TASK-BASED ENGLISH DEBATE Novia Rina Saidah 1 Universitas Negeri Surabaya Ahmad Munir 2 Universitas Negeri Surabaya Syafi’ul Anam 3 Universitas Negeri Surabaya 1 Submit, 17-05-2020 Accepted, 21-06-2020 Publish, 21-06-2020 ABSTRACT This research aims to describe the use of communication strategies in an EFL classroom during the completion of task-based debate activity. For obtaining the data, the researcher do observation and records learners’ verbal and non-verbal behaviour based on Dornyei (1995) taxonomy of communication strategies during the debate activity. keywords: communication; debate; english; language; learners; strategies; students; task; use cache: leea-1254.pdf plain text: leea-1254.txt item: #22 of 164 id: leea-1256 author: Mallipa, Imelda; Murianty, Riana title: Developing Teaching Instructions through the Practice of Lesson Study in Teaching Passive Voice date: 2020-06-17 words: 6359 flesch: 58 summary: FINDINGS Finding of Planning a Lesson In planning step, observers (student teachers) confirmed that one of the most difficult topics in teaching English grammar was passive voice; understanding the concept of passive voice itself is a problem let alone applying the concept into comprehending/when reading a text and creating their own text. While the students were learning, the observers documented or recorded student learning process. keywords: english; learning; lesson; passive; sentences; students; study; teaching; text cache: leea-1256.pdf plain text: leea-1256.txt item: #23 of 164 id: leea-1260 author: Agsa, Julio; Ambalegin, Ambalegin title: The Form of Slang Terms in the “Kingsman: the Golden Circle” Movie date: 2020-06-19 words: 4611 flesch: 78 summary: This type of slang words enable people to deliver words in short amount of time. Benany (2020), the research found that from four types of slang words in terms, there are three types of slang words applied by the members of keluarga besar group whatsapp. keywords: data; form; movie; nickname; slang; slang word; terms; word cache: leea-1260.pdf plain text: leea-1260.txt item: #24 of 164 id: leea-1280 author: Mufarrohah, Sunnatul; Munir, Ahmad; Anam, Syafi’ul title: Authentic Materials of Choice among English Lecturers date: 2022-03-30 words: 4369 flesch: 42 summary: The results of the study indicate that lecturers have four criteria in choosing authentic materials, including 1) authentic materials must follow the needs of students; 2) authentic material must be essential to teach; 3) authentic material must be easy to understand; 4) Authentic materials must be up-to-date. The rarity of research that focuses on authentic material chosen by lecturers makes researchers need research on authentic material selected by lecturers and what criteria are used by lecturers to select authentic materials so that learning English at universities is expected to be able to provide reliable workers in the world of work. keywords: english; journal; lecturer; materials; research; students; teaching; use cache: leea-1280.pdf plain text: leea-1280.txt item: #25 of 164 id: leea-1285 author: Purba, Nommariati; Ambalegin, Ambalegin title: The Images in “Maleficent” Novel by Elizabeth Rudnick date: 2020-06-30 words: 4772 flesch: 75 summary: This issue is one of phenomenon about archetypal image that found in real life. This issue is one of phenomenon about archetypal image that found in real life. keywords: archetypal; black; data; image; life; maleficent; mother; novel; page; sun cache: leea-1285.pdf plain text: leea-1285.txt item: #26 of 164 id: leea-1314 author: Amelia, Mike; Prystiananta, Nostalgianti Citra title: The Effect of Scavenger Hunt Game on Students’ Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Text date: 2020-06-24 words: 6366 flesch: 60 summary: 6,32 39,88 72,94% Difference 4,20% Based on the data above, the mean score of experimental class that was taught by using scavenger hunt game technique washigherthan the mean score of 2020. In other words there was a positive effect on students’ reading comprehension of descriptive text taught by using scavenger hunt game technique. keywords: class; comprehension; game; hunt; reading; scavenger; scavenger hunt; students; teacher; test; text cache: leea-1314.pdf plain text: leea-1314.txt item: #27 of 164 id: leea-1317 author: Ginting, Ingrid Gibretta Khairani title: The Maintenance of Cakap Karo in Kelurahan Sempakata Medan date: 2020-06-26 words: 4114 flesch: 51 summary: Overall, past research has consistently shown that language language shift is much more common phenomenon among immigrant children than language maintenance. The result revealed that all the parents in this study had positive attitudes and efforts toward their children‟s heritage language maintenance. keywords: cakap; children; heritage; karonese; language; maintenance; parents; use cache: leea-1317.pdf plain text: leea-1317.txt item: #28 of 164 id: leea-1351 author: Saifudin, Achmad; Setiawan, Slamet; Anam, Syafi’ul title: The Implementation of Task Based Learning in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text to The Junior High School date: 2020-12-28 words: 7354 flesch: 65 summary: But writing assesment that encourages students to improve the facility with the written word, to appreciate their power with that word and the responsibilities that accompany such power, and that salutes students achievements as well as guides them, should serve as acrucially important educational force. Key Words : Task – Based Learning, Descriptive text, Students’ writing mailto:achmadboy74@gmail.com1 2020. keywords: data; english; language; learning; students; task; teacher; text; use; writing cache: leea-1351.pdf plain text: leea-1351.txt item: #29 of 164 id: leea-1353 author: Awalin, Arpinda Syifaa; Anam, Syafi’ul; Purwanti, Oikurema title: Student's Mistakes Awareness in Process of Negotiation of Meaning Based on Student's Level Proficiency Level date: 2021-02-02 words: 3158 flesch: 56 summary: Language awareness can be defined as explicit knowledge about language, conscious perception and sensitivity in language learners, language teaching, and language use (Ulrica et al., 2017). Language awareness can be considered a crucial factor in acquiring language since it can help learners explore and discover the language feature (Khandari et al., 2019). keywords: awareness; english; interaction; language; mistakes; negotiation; students cache: leea-1353.pdf plain text: leea-1353.txt item: #30 of 164 id: leea-1354 author: Sari, Dessy Permata; Zakrimal, Zakrimal title: an Analysis of Deixis in Avenger Infinity War Movie date: 2020-07-21 words: 4434 flesch: 74 summary: Wibowo & Nailufar (2018) the research identified from this research that deixis appeared 676 in the first chapter in the novel, person deixis appeared 569 times, spatial deixis appeared 85 times, and 22 temporal deixis appeared 22 times. The use of person deixis showed by the using of first, second, and third person. keywords: data; deixis; discourse; person; place; utterance cache: leea-1354.pdf plain text: leea-1354.txt item: #31 of 164 id: leea-1357 author: Hervina, Hervina title: Post Method Language Teaching Within the Implementation of 2013 Curriculum date: 2020-08-24 words: 4656 flesch: 50 summary: In other words, there have been little attention given to seek the solution in terms of language teaching method and its relevance to this issue. As suggested above, language teaching method is developed from the different language and learning theory and also the different dimension; accordingly, one method will be different from another method. keywords: curriculum; english; language; learning; method; process; teachers; teaching cache: leea-1357.pdf plain text: leea-1357.txt item: #32 of 164 id: leea-1359 author: Marpurdianto, Kharis title: Mobile Operator Advertising: Critical Discourse Analysis date: 2020-12-30 words: 4550 flesch: 57 summary: This is evident from the diversity of characteristics that family members have on Simpati card advertisements. Based on the research of discourse analysis and linguistic learning on Angela Chamber study of Language learning as discourse analysis: Implications for the LSP learning environment, it can be concluded that from the mid-twentieth century onwards, discourse-based approach is important for the development of linguistic and language learning (Chambers, 2007). keywords: advertisement; advertising; analysis; card; discourse; journal; language; media; mobile; operator; simpati cache: leea-1359.pdf plain text: leea-1359.txt item: #33 of 164 id: leea-1361 author: Zakiyah, Lailatuz; Zakrimal, Zakrimal title: Semantics Analysis of Hyponym in The “Fate and Furious 8” date: 2020-07-24 words: 4339 flesch: 71 summary: Completeness of data that has been identified as hyponym has shown the relationship of word meaning to the order of hyponym hierarchy. 45 SEMANTICS ANALYSIS OF HYPONYM IN THE “FATE AND FURIOUS 8” Lailatuz Zakiyah 1 Universitas Putera Batam (UPB), Indonesia Zakrimal 2 Universitas Putera Batam (UPB), Indonesia 1 Submit, 04-07-2020 Accepted, 20-07-2020 Publish, 24-07-2020 ABSTRACT This study aims to find the hyponym hierarchy and find out the relationship in Fate and Furious 8. keywords: car; hyponym; journal; lexical; meaning; relationship; transportation; words cache: leea-1361.pdf plain text: leea-1361.txt item: #34 of 164 id: leea-1362 author: Sidabutar, Maria Devi; Zakrimal, Zakrimal title: Semantic Roles in Joko Widodo Re-Elected as President of BBC Online News date: 2020-07-24 words: 3836 flesch: 66 summary: The conclusion was the eight types of semantic roles can be found of Joko Widodo re-elected as President in BBC Online. The function of semantic roles can do this and describe language in actual and focus on texts and the contexts of culture or situation. keywords: news; roles; semantic; theme; types; widodo cache: leea-1362.pdf plain text: leea-1362.txt item: #35 of 164 id: leea-1367 author: Wardani, Tisa Arum; Setiawan, Slamet; Retnaningdyah, Pratiwi title: Critical Discourse Analysis: The Knowledge Power Presented by Scholar in Creating Research Article date: 2020-12-29 words: 6279 flesch: 57 summary: The typology of knowledge can differ on some division, Ruth Wodak and Gilbert Weiss (2003) mentioning the distinction of knowledge such as Declarative versus Procedural knowledge, Personal versus social knowledge. Fourthly, social knowledge is shared knowledge that possible to accept among society. keywords: analysis; article; author; discourse; knowledge; language; people; research; study; writing cache: leea-1367.pdf plain text: leea-1367.txt item: #36 of 164 id: leea-1369 author: Sari, Yenny Widya; Afriana, Afriana title: The Cooperative Principle Analysis in About Time Movie date: 2020-07-24 words: 4035 flesch: 66 summary: The result indicated that there were 14 (38%) data maxim of quantity, 14 (38%) data maxim of relation, 7 (19%) data maxim of quality and 2 (5%) data maxim of manner. The study that discussed cooperative conversation is called a cooperative principle that was supported by Grice (1975) theory. keywords: conversation; cooperative; data; maxim; tim cache: leea-1369.pdf plain text: leea-1369.txt item: #37 of 164 id: leea-1379 author: Rizki, Ilham; Zakrimal, Zakrimal title: an Analysis Morpheme in Smoking Article date: 2020-07-24 words: 3565 flesch: 61 summary: There is Morphology, Free Morpheme, Bound Morpheme, Derivational Morpheme, and Affixes and also Prefix and Suffix. Bound Morpheme divided into two types they are Derivational Morpheme and Inflectional Morpheme. keywords: category; derivational; linguistics; morpheme; word cache: leea-1379.pdf plain text: leea-1379.txt item: #38 of 164 id: leea-1391 author: Silaban, Hery Sudira; Afriana, Afriana title: Address Form Analysis in the Movie "Mortdecai" date: 2020-07-21 words: 3612 flesch: 62 summary: Researchers were also using Wardhaugh's theory for the types of address form and Chaika's theory for the function of address form. The result of the research, six types of address form were found and three functions of address form were found in the Mortdecai movie. keywords: address; address form; form; function; movie cache: leea-1391.pdf plain text: leea-1391.txt item: #39 of 164 id: leea-1394 author: Op.Sunggu, Esra Juniati; Afriana, Afriana title: Flouting Maxims in “Wonder Woman“ Movie date: 2020-07-20 words: 4768 flesch: 71 summary: Flouting Maxims as a Sense of Humor in Indonesian Speech Acts. An Analysis of Flouting Maxims in Conversation Speaking of the Main Character in the Movie of Home Alone 2 keywords: answer; data; diana; flouting; hippolyta; maxim; movie cache: leea-1394.pdf plain text: leea-1394.txt item: #40 of 164 id: leea-1416 author: Ilmi, Yuslimu; Retnaningdyah, Pratiwi; Munir, Ahmad title: Exploring Digital Multimodal Text in EFL Classroom: Transformed Practice in Multiliteracies Pedagogy date: 2020-12-28 words: 3670 flesch: 63 summary: In conclusion, all products from each group involve multimodal modes (linguistic mode, audio mode, visual mode, spatial mode and gestural mode). Through qualitative case study, the finding of this research shows that all the students‟ groups used multimodal modes in creating their advertisement videos. keywords: education; group; journal; linguistic; mode; multimodal; video; visual cache: leea-1416.pdf plain text: leea-1416.txt item: #41 of 164 id: leea-1417 author: Prystiananta, Nostalgianti Citra title: Teacher’s Strategies and Classroom Management Techniques in Teaching English at SMP Inklusi TPA Jember date: 2020-12-29 words: 5940 flesch: 51 summary: Submit, 17-07-2020 Accepted, 22-12-2020 Publish, 29-12-2020 ABSTRACT The research aims at explaining the teacher‟s strategies and classroom management techniques applied in teaching English to mental retardation students at SMP Inklusi TPA Jember. In society, mental retardation students have problems such as making trouble with friends and tending to have poor self concept. keywords: classroom; education; english; journal; learning; retardation; strategies; strategy; students; teacher; teaching; techniques cache: leea-1417.pdf plain text: leea-1417.txt item: #42 of 164 id: leea-1480 author: Lianah, Mita; Sari, Nina Juwita title: Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension by Using Concept Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI) Strategy date: 2020-12-29 words: 2906 flesch: 58 summary: Briefly, CORI strategy is able to make students become active in reading process, make them focus on the text, attract their motivation, have a long-term memory in comprehending the text and increase their score on the test. One of strategy where can use in teaching reading comprehension is Concept Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI) strategy. keywords: comprehension; cori; instruction; reading; strategy; students cache: leea-1480.pdf plain text: leea-1480.txt item: #43 of 164 id: leea-1620 author: Yulfi, Yulfi; Syaprizal, Syaprizal title: Developing Suplementry Speaking Material in Digital Media date: 2020-12-29 words: 4457 flesch: 53 summary: The product of this study was supplementary English speaking materials for nursing vocational. For this reason, English language students try to acquire, use and master it as much as possible to be effective speakers. keywords: book; english; language; materials; product; speaking; students; supplementary cache: leea-1620.pdf plain text: leea-1620.txt item: #44 of 164 id: leea-1708 author: Siddiq, Asep Anwar; Hidayat, Didin Nuruddin; Alek, Alek; Adrefiza, Adrefiza title: A Text Analysis on Joko Widodo’s Speech Text on Indonesia Independence Day date: 2021-01-31 words: 6118 flesch: 58 summary: Critical discourse analysis is a discipline that deals with the way language enforce and strengthens power relations, inequality, and power struggles in any social or political context. As a scientific discipline, critical discourse analysis explains how power is misused and how power abuse occurs. keywords: analysis; content; discourse; english; indonesia; jokowi; journal; language; power; president; speech; structure; text; work cache: leea-1708.pdf plain text: leea-1708.txt item: #45 of 164 id: leea-1728 author: Subakthiasih, Putu; Putri, I Gusti Ayu Vina Widiadnya title: An Analysis of Students’ Motivation in Studying English During Covid-19 Pandemic date: 2020-12-28 words: 5430 flesch: 55 summary: In the classroom context, the concept of student motivation is used to explain the degree to which students invest attention and effort in various pursuits, which may or may not be the ones desired by their teachers. Student motivation is rooted in students‟ subjective experiences, especially those connected to their willingness to engage in lessons and learning activities and their reasons for doing so. keywords: covid-19; education; english; language; learning; motivation; pandemic; students; study cache: leea-1728.pdf plain text: leea-1728.txt item: #46 of 164 id: leea-174 author: Oktaviani, Ayu; Yulfi, Yulfi title: The Used of Inductive Approach to Improve Students Speaking in Professional Context at the Second Semester Students of STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau date: 2018-06-05 words: 4398 flesch: 62 summary: the best school, good students, gambling, 3. child abuse, 4. prostitution, and 5. Pedophilia. 05-06-2018 ABSTRACT The objective of the research was to find out how students’ speaking in professional context at the 2nd semester of Stkip Pgri Lubuklinggau can be improved through inductive approach. keywords: approach; class; research; speaking; structure; students cache: leea-174.pdf plain text: leea-174.txt item: #47 of 164 id: leea-175 author: Jazuly, Ahmad; Indrayani, Ninuk title: Guidance of Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) for Early Childhood Education Teachers at Ad Dhuha Kindergarten of Jember date: 2018-06-08 words: 3717 flesch: 64 summary: Linguistics, English Education and Art (LEEA) Journal Volume 1 Nomor 2, Juni 2018 e-ISSN :2597-3819 p-ISSN:2597-9248 DOI: 168 GUIDANCE OF TEACHING ENGLISH TO YOUNG LEARNERS (TEYL) FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION TEACHERS AT AD DHUHA KINDERGARTEN OF JEMBER Ahmad Jazuly 1 IKIP PGRI Jember, Indonesia Ninuk Indrayani 2 IAIN Jember, Indonesia 1 Submit, 05-04-2018 Accepted, 08-06-2018 Publish, 08-06-2018 ABSTRACT This study aims to find out how the application of English teaching guidance to young students (TEYL) for early childhood education (PAUD). keywords: children; education; english; kindergarten; students; teachers; teaching cache: leea-175.pdf plain text: leea-175.txt item: #48 of 164 id: leea-1777 author: Fatmawaty, Riryn; Setyaningrum, Riya Risqi; Faridah, Fita title: Vocabulary Materials Based on Picture Media for Autistic Students date: 2021-06-19 words: 4046 flesch: 48 summary: The results showed that autistic students needed vocabulary material that contained many exciting pictures, varied activities, and attractive colors. The product of this research is vocabulary material entitled Picture Vocabulary Mastery for Autistic Students, which is suitable for the needs of autistic students. keywords: appropriateness; children; english; language; learning; materials; picture; students; vocabulary cache: leea-1777.pdf plain text: leea-1777.txt item: #49 of 164 id: leea-178 author: Prystiananta, Nostalgianti Citra title: The Application of Peer-Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) to Teach Writing at Students of Class Eight of SMP Negeri Sempol Bondowoso date: 2018-05-29 words: 3858 flesch: 64 summary: Journal Volume 1 Nomor 2, Juni 2018 e-ISSN :2597-3819 p-ISSN:2597-9248 DOI: 91 THE APPLICATION OF PEER-ASSISTED STUDY SESSIONS (PASS) TO TEACH WRITING AT STUDENTS OF CLASS EIGHT OF SMP NEGERI SEMPOL BONDOWOSO Nostalgianti Citra Prystiananta 1 IKIP PGRI Jember, Indonesia 1 Submit, 12-04-2018 Accepted, 29-05-2018 Publish, 29-05-2018 ABSTRACT The study aims at finding out whether or not it is effective to use PASS write model to teach writing at students of class eight of SMP Negeri Sempolin Academic Year 2016/2017. Starting from pairing the students and give them topic, teachers as facilitator have to be active approaching students activity by giving advice and feedback. keywords: english; pre; score; students; teaching; test; writing cache: leea-178.pdf plain text: leea-178.txt item: #50 of 164 id: leea-1786 author: Widyaiswara, Tiara; Affandy, Ali Nuke; Sholikhah, Nikmatus title: TGT Learning Model to Increase the Reading Ability in MA Kanjeng Sepuh Sidayu Gresik date: 2021-02-11 words: 4235 flesch: 62 summary: Statement of student activities used an instrument in the form of an observation sheet. With a total score was 61, the average value of student activities gained deal is 4.06 in the superb class. keywords: cycle; english; learning; reading; students; teacher; tgt; tournament cache: leea-1786.pdf plain text: leea-1786.txt item: #51 of 164 id: leea-179 author: Kurnia, Nury title: The Application of Four Corner Debate to Teach Speaking date: 2018-05-29 words: 4609 flesch: 64 summary: Students take a position on a particular topic and move to one of four corner of the room to collaborate with other students with similar views. Students Scores Converted by Passing Grade in the Pretest keywords: corners; debate; english; language; speaking; students; test cache: leea-179.pdf plain text: leea-179.txt item: #52 of 164 id: leea-181 author: Herlina, Herlina; Ramasari, Maria title: Students Ability in Producing the Sentences of Simple Present Tense at STMIK Musi Rawas date: 2018-06-06 words: 4952 flesch: 68 summary: Simple present tense usually took important place in writing, particularly use simple present tense in sentences. In analyzing the data of percentage students‟ ability in producing the sentences of simple present tense, the researcher involved a partner. keywords: ability; classification; english; present; sentences; simple; students; tense cache: leea-181.pdf plain text: leea-181.txt item: #53 of 164 id: leea-182 author: Mallipa, Imelda title: The Implementation of Group Works on English Education Students at the University of Papua: The Perceptions and Problems date: 2018-06-10 words: 4782 flesch: 62 summary: The results showed that some 30 (50%) of students preferred group work to individual work and few students 12 (20%) were disagree with group works in their learning proces while some other 18 (30%) of students chose no opinion. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GROUP WORKS ON ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PAPUA: THE PERCEPTIONS AND PROBLEMS Imelda Mallipa 1 UNIVERSITAS PAPUA 1 Submit, 12-04-2018 Accepted, 10-06-2018 Publish, 10-06-2018 ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating students‟ perceptions on the implementation of group works and the problems that students faced in working with their friends in group. keywords: discussion; education; english; group; learning; members; students; study; work cache: leea-182.pdf plain text: leea-182.txt item: #54 of 164 id: leea-1824 author: Sinamo, Fungky Lusiana; Lubis, Bambang Nur Alamsyah; Barus, Thesa Ayu Emalinta; Sembiring, Syeba Jenita title: The Revitalization of Batu Parsidangan Batak Toba Folklore Into Teaching Materials in English Subject for Junior High School date: 2021-01-17 words: 2801 flesch: 54 summary: The differences this research with all the relevant research is the revitalization of Batu Parsidangan folklore through the script can be used as teaching materials in school, so that the students have more knowledge about Indonesian folklore especially folklore in their tribe. Based on the results of interviews with the informant, Batu Parsidangan folklore was formed according to the informations from the informant. keywords: batu; education; folklore; indonesia; king; parsidangan; research; revitalization cache: leea-1824.pdf plain text: leea-1824.txt item: #55 of 164 id: leea-1826 author: Salsabila, Farda Naila; Subiyanto, Agus title: Benefactive Verbs and Causative Verbs in Madurese: Morphosyntactic Analysis date: 2020-12-24 words: 3529 flesch: 60 summary: Those lexical categories are the head of noun phrase (NP), verb phrase (VP), adjective phrase (AP), prepositional phrase (PP), and adverbial phrase (AdvP). This study is aimed to analyze a morphological process in the marker of benefactive verbs and causative verbs construction of Madurese Language. keywords: adjective; benefactive; language; madurese; phrase; root; rule; verb cache: leea-1826.pdf plain text: leea-1826.txt item: #56 of 164 id: leea-1840 author: Ginting, Rosalia Indah; Lubis, Bambang Nur Alamsyah; Sinaga, Dayfirna Angelia title: The Revitalization of Tugu Silalahi Batak Toba Folklore into Teaching Materials in English Subject for Junior High School date: 2021-01-17 words: 3626 flesch: 63 summary: Journal 4 (2):240-248 245 his original name to Silalahi Sabungan or Silahi Sabungan. Silalahi Sabungan is also known as a powerful person so that a king from the descendants of the Sorba Pijae, namely King Mangatur, wanted to tie the kinship with Sabungan because his territory was often disturbed by a hero, namely Rahat Bulu But the king was confused about how to make Sabungan be able to help him when the attack came because Sabungan already had a wife and children and the king invited Sabungan on the grounds that his daughter fell ill and could recover if treated by Sabungan. keywords: batak; culture; education; english; folklore; research; revitalization; sabungan; silalahi; story; toba cache: leea-1840.pdf plain text: leea-1840.txt item: #57 of 164 id: leea-185 author: Syafitri, Dewi; Islam, Maharani Robiatul title: A Sociolinguistic Study on Joke In Ghostbusters 2016 date: 2018-05-31 words: 5168 flesch: 67 summary: According to Patrika (n.d), the importance of jokes is joke can bring laughter to the people who are listening or watching especially when people around us feel sad, are in a serious mood or have a problem. Total Functions of Joke in Ghostbusters 2016 Movie Functions of Joke Setting Participant Number Total To build sense of togetherness Formal Informal Informal Close Relationship Close Relationship Distant Relationship 1 10 4 15 To amuse others and her/himself Formal Informal Formal Informal Distant Relationship Distant Relationship Close Relationship Close Relationship 2 11 2 22 37 To hostile others with violent behavior and teasing Informal Formal Informal Distant Relationship Distant Relationship Close Relationship 10 5 4 19 From the table above, the researcher had calculated the total functions of joke in Ghostbusters 2016 movie. keywords: ghostbusters; joke; movie; relationship; sentence; setting cache: leea-185.pdf plain text: leea-185.txt item: #58 of 164 id: leea-1851 author: Fachrozi, Imam Fahmi; Rahmawati, Rahmawati; Andini, Mustiara Ayu; Tampubolon, Elisa Mutiara; Tarigan, Evelyn Athalia Br title: The Use of Crossword Puzzles as the Way to Increase Student’s Vocabulary Mastery at SMA Tamansiswa Binjai date: 2021-01-22 words: 2799 flesch: 62 summary: The vocabulary used in crossword puzzles, there are student scores from Test I and Test II in the table below. Student scores increased from the first cycle until the second cycle. keywords: crossword; english; language; learning; students; vocabulary cache: leea-1851.pdf plain text: leea-1851.txt item: #59 of 164 id: leea-186 author: Ardayati, Ardayati title: Film as A Media Used by Teachers to Teach Writing for Tertiary Level Students date: 2018-06-09 words: 5194 flesch: 65 summary: The teachers should think how to help student teachers to use Media successfully in their future career, especially think of what is practically hidden behind them. STUDENTS Ardayati 1 STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau 1 Submit, 20-04-2018 Accepted, 09-06-2018 Publish, 09-06-2018 ABSTRACT keywords: film; media; score; students; teacher; teaching; test; writing cache: leea-186.pdf plain text: leea-186.txt item: #60 of 164 id: leea-1860 author: Indrawati, Inda; Marzuki, Marzuki; Syafi’urrohman, Syafi’urrohman; Malik, Agung Rinaldy title: Investigating the Effect of Reward and Punishment on the Student’s Learning Achievement and Discipline date: 2021-03-03 words: 5718 flesch: 58 summary: Student learning achievement is the result obtained during the learning process carried out in the mastery of the task or subject matter received within a certain period, usually presented in a report card's form of values. From the interview that the researcher has conducted on class XI IPA 1 students of SMAN 2 Tolitoli, teachers apply so many rewards to students in the classroom and outside learning, which are very useful or affect student learning achievement and discipline. keywords: achievement; class; learning; praise; process; punishment; results; reward; students; teacher cache: leea-1860.pdf plain text: leea-1860.txt item: #61 of 164 id: leea-187 author: Seli, Sastika; Syafitri, Dewi title: Politeness in Bad Neighbors Movie date: 2018-06-01 words: 4918 flesch: 60 summary: Finally the use of address term in apologizing found in Bad Neighbors indicated the application of positive politeness address term in a direct apology. The findings present the strategy of apologizing and the use of address terms overviewed from politeness strategies such as positive politeness, negative politeness and off- record. keywords: address; apologizing; apology; english; expression; politeness; speaker; terms cache: leea-187.pdf plain text: leea-187.txt item: #62 of 164 id: leea-1896 author: Lolita, Yuri; Boeriswati, Endry; Lustyantie, Ninuk title: The Impact of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Use of English Vocabulary Enhancement date: 2020-12-30 words: 5976 flesch: 54 summary: 65.0 81,0 Mid-semester results obtained after treatment on cycle 1 showed there is some improvement in learning result where students VIII Amanah class got average score 88.3 with highest score 88 and the lowest 85 students VIII Hidayah got average score 73.1 with the highest score 83 and the lowest is 65 while students in VIII Inayah got average score 72.3 with highest score 81 and the lowest is 65. VIII Hidayah 58.1 50.5 70.0 VIII Inayah 55.8 37.5 77.5 Table 2, showed that result and average that earned by students in cycle I, there is improvement compare to early test even though not significant, especially in two classes VIII Hidayah and VIII Inayah based on the analysis result in cycle I it is obtained that VIII Amanah students earn the highest score 97 and lowest score 67.5 and average 80.6 students in VIII Hidayah earn highest score 70 and lowest 50.5 the average earned is 58.1 while students in VIII Inayah highest score is 77.5 and lowest score 37.5 and average score 55.8. keywords: class; computer; cycle; english; learning; score; students; viii; vocabulary cache: leea-1896.pdf plain text: leea-1896.txt item: #63 of 164 id: leea-1907 author: Rusdiyana, Alfiyah; Setiawan, Slamet; Munir, Ahmad title: Student’s Perception Towards the Use of Jeopardy Game in English Learning date: 2021-01-30 words: 3832 flesch: 68 summary: It means that they can recall the English materials when their classmates answer Jeopardy Game questions. The procedure of Jeopardy Game is based on the American’s popular television show called Jeopardy (Friedman, 2005). keywords: english; game; jeopardy; learning; students; study cache: leea-1907.pdf plain text: leea-1907.txt item: #64 of 164 id: leea-1954 author: Hulu, Deni Arnita; Sembiring, Elia Nova; Tarigan, Natalia Widya Pasca title: An Analysis of Figurative Language in Ariana Grande’s Album “Thank U, Next” date: 2021-02-12 words: 4112 flesch: 68 summary: Based on the research results, song lyrics that are dominated by hyperbole have an effect that cannot be expressed literally for both the listener and the reader. The data are analyzed using the following procedures: classifying the seven types of figurative language: simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, symbol, irony, and idiom understatement from lyrics song of Ariana Grande’s album “thank u next. keywords: album; ariana; grande; language; lyrics; song; thank cache: leea-1954.pdf plain text: leea-1954.txt item: #65 of 164 id: leea-1966 author: Manalu, Catri Novita F.; Sitopu, Mila Kristi; Silaban, Ayu Paulina; Saragih, Erikson title: Metaphorical Expression in Song Lyrics in English Textbook Senior High School date: 2021-02-09 words: 2245 flesch: 59 summary: The whole types of Metaphor in the song lyrics are structural Metaphor, orientational Metaphor, and ontological Metaphor. At the same time, the type of Metaphor that rarely used are structural Metaphor and orientation metaphors. keywords: data; english; lyrics; metaphor; song cache: leea-1966.pdf plain text: leea-1966.txt item: #66 of 164 id: leea-1967 author: Manjorang, Teodora; Sembiring, Yenita Br; Sitanggang, Mawyda title: Moral Value and Character Building Tugu Silalahi Batak Toba Folklore into Teaching Materials English Subject date: 2021-03-01 words: 3933 flesch: 62 summary: The folklore from Pacitan includes character values; (1) religion; (2) honesty; (3) hard work; (4) creativity; (5) curiosity; (6) national spirit; (7) respect for achievement; (8) peace-loving; (9) caring environment; (10) social care; (11) responsibility. Journal 4 (2):328-336 335 overcome or prevent the decline in character values by researching folklore. keywords: building; character; education; english; folklore; raja; sabungan; silalahi; story; values; wife cache: leea-1967.pdf plain text: leea-1967.txt item: #67 of 164 id: leea-1997 author: Ketaren, Serefina Veronika; Sipahutar, Susi R.; Marpaung, Elen Magdalena; Saragih, Erikson title: Figurative Language Use in Song Lyrics in English Textbook Senior High School date: 2021-02-09 words: 2240 flesch: 54 summary: Journal Volume 4 Nomor 2, Januari-Juni 2021 e-ISSN :2597-3819 p-ISSN:2597-9248 DOI : 300 FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE USE IN SONG LYRICS IN ENGLISH TEXTBOOK SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Serefina Veronika Ketaren¹ Universitas Prima Indonesia Susi R. Sipahutar² Universitas Prima Indonesia Elen Magdalena Marpaung³ Universitas Prima Indonesia Erikson Saragih4 Universitas Prima Indonesia serefinaketaren@gmail.com1 Submit, 22-01-2021 Accepted, 09-02-2021 Publish, 09-02-2021 ABSTRACT This research aims to determine the types of figurative language in song lyrics in English textbooks and determine the types of figurative language most often used in song lyrics. The researchers found four types of figurative language in the song 'Pathway to English,' namely, metaphor, simile, hyperbole, and metonymy. keywords: english; hyperbole; language; lyrics; song cache: leea-1997.pdf plain text: leea-1997.txt item: #68 of 164 id: leea-2133 author: Monica, Shella; Sasongko, Rambat Nur; Kristiawan, Muhammad title: The Quality of Newly Local Content Based Instructional Reading Materials for Senior High School Students date: 2021-03-21 words: 4072 flesch: 52 summary: The criterion-related validity of developed reading comprehension was recognized by measuring the correlation between students' scores on progressive reading comprehension tests and their scores on standardized reading level tests. Since findings show that the developed local content-based instructional reading materials are effective and valid, it can conclude that the developed product has good quality when used as instructional reading materials for senior high school students. keywords: comprehension; content; english; journal; level; materials; reading; students; test; text cache: leea-2133.pdf plain text: leea-2133.txt item: #69 of 164 id: leea-2162 author: Sitompul, Jessika Maria; Purba, Resperdiana; Simanjuntak, Sondang Mawarni; Sitorus, Ernika title: The Students’ Ability on Identifying Adverbs in Writing Descriptive Text date: 2021-05-10 words: 4447 flesch: 65 summary: Learning English, which was still very minimal, has become an obligation because it has become comprehensive by adjusting its own needs and challenging educators to improve student skills to become competent individuals (Quansah & Tetteh, 2017). Journal Volume 4 Nomor 2, Januari-Juni 2021 e-ISSN: 2597-3819 p-ISSN: 2597-9248 DOI : 362 THE STUDENTS’ ABILITY ON IDENTIFYING ADVERBS IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT Jessika Maria Sitompul 1 Universitas Prima Indonesia Resperdiana Purba 2 Universitas Prima Indonesia Sondang Mawarni Simanjuntak 3 Universitas Prima Indonesia Ernika Sitorus 4 Universitas Prima Indonesia 1 Submit, 16-03-2021 Accepted, 10-05-2021 Publish, 10-05-2021 ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the extent to which students' ability to apply adverbs to stories using descriptive text as the basis for learning English at SMA Puteri Sion Medan. keywords: adverb; english; journal; researcher; students; text; writing cache: leea-2162.pdf plain text: leea-2162.txt item: #70 of 164 id: leea-2183 author: Nifriza, Ifna title: Relationship of Social Interactions to Learning Outcomes English date: 2021-06-21 words: 3642 flesch: 58 summary: Therefore, there is a good relationship between student social interaction and Indonesian students' learning outcomes at SMA N 1 Akabiluru District. The average social interaction; (2) data on student learning outcomes will be described (a. the importance of learning outcomes, b, the average learning outcomes); (3) The relationship between social interactions and learning outcomes. keywords: english; good; interaction; learning; outcomes; relationship; students; table cache: leea-2183.pdf plain text: leea-2183.txt item: #71 of 164 id: leea-2222 author: Helandri, Joni; Sasongko, Rambat Nur; Kristiawan, Muhammad title: The Effectiveness of Applying the Practice Rehearsal Pair (PRP) Method in Teaching Speaking date: 2021-06-12 words: 4293 flesch: 60 summary: The Number of Students 75-100 Passed 9 20-74 Failed 21 Total 30 Based on the number of students who had passed ISS, the researcher transformed them into a percentage category. The issues covered: (1) the students felt hesitant to speak because they thought that their English was not good enough; (2) they still got mixed up with the precise word to communicate their ideas, thought, or feeling because students lack vocabulary and fluency; (3) students tend to be passive in the class although they have been learning English in junior high school and elementary school. keywords: english; post; practice; researcher; speaking; students; test cache: leea-2222.pdf plain text: leea-2222.txt item: #72 of 164 id: leea-2237 author: Khairi, Azizatul; Sasongko, Rambat Nur; Kristiawan, Muhammad title: Literacy of Lower Classes Students Primary School in the 2013 Curriculum during the Pandemic COVID-19 date: 2021-06-05 words: 4832 flesch: 48 summary: In addition, it is crucial to see the diversity of collections of books and other reading materials to increase student literacy in the classroom. Planning for reading literacy learning is carried out using the 2013 Curriculum document reference and the national literacy movement document. keywords: covid-19; curriculum; education; home; journal; learning; literacy; pandemic; reading; school; students; teachers cache: leea-2237.pdf plain text: leea-2237.txt item: #73 of 164 id: leea-2255 author: Oktaviani, Ayu; Syafitri, Dewi; Syafrizal, Syafrizal title: Directive Illocutionary Acts in Me Before You Movie date: 2021-06-25 words: 1937 flesch: 53 summary: According to Fadilah (2019), the acts when the speaker says something is called speech acts. There are kinds of speech acts. keywords: acts; directive; illocutionary; movie; speech; types cache: leea-2255.pdf plain text: leea-2255.txt item: #74 of 164 id: leea-2256 author: Yulfi, Yulfi; Aalayina, Ahwalusah title: Students’ Motivation in Learning English date: 2021-06-11 words: 5923 flesch: 61 summary: Subakthiasih & Putri (2020) explain that in the classroom context, the concept of student motivation is used to describe the degree to which students invest attention and effort in various pursuits, which may or may not be the ones desired by their teachers. Student motivation is rooted in students' subjective experiences, especially those connected to their willingness to engage in lessons and learning activities and their reasons for doing so. keywords: disagree; english; language; learning; motivation; statement; students cache: leea-2256.pdf plain text: leea-2256.txt item: #75 of 164 id: leea-2285 author: Masruria, Wulida Wahidatul; Anam, Syafi’ul title: Exploring Self-Assessment of Speaking Skill by EFL High School Students date: 2021-06-06 words: 5398 flesch: 53 summary: Journal 4 (2):387-400 388 Indonesian Ministry of Education curriculum, which assesses the learning process to obtain and control information to measure student learning objectives (Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, 2016). STUDENTS Wulida Wahidatul Masruria 1 Universitas Negeri Surabaya Syafi’ul Anam 2 Universitas Negeri Surabaya 1 Submit, 01-05-2021 Accepted, 05-06-2021 Publish, 06-06-2021 ABSTRACT keywords: assessment; education; english; language; learning; self; speaking; students; teacher cache: leea-2285.pdf plain text: leea-2285.txt item: #76 of 164 id: leea-2338 author: Pasaribu, Arsen Nahum title: A Common Error Analysis in Students’ English Narrative Writing date: 2021-06-20 words: 3669 flesch: 60 summary: He emphasized that error analysis is a description and systematic explanation of language use errors committed by learners or users in their oral or written production of the target language (L2), which is different from the norms or rules of the L2. Error Analysis Harmer (2003) stated that error analysis determines the occurrence, nature, causes, and sequences of failed language. keywords: errors; language; sentence; students; type; writing cache: leea-2338.pdf plain text: leea-2338.txt item: #77 of 164 id: leea-25 author: Oktaviani, Ayu; Fauzan, Asahi title: Teachers Perceptions about the Importance of English for Young Learners date: 2017-12-30 words: 5605 flesch: 58 summary: Linguistics, English Education and Art (LEEA) Linguistics, English Education and Art (LEEA) keywords: children; education; elementary; english; english education; language; learners cache: leea-25.pdf plain text: leea-25.txt item: #78 of 164 id: leea-252 author: Syaprizal, Syaprizal; Ramadona, Ramadona title: An Errors Analysis in Using Tenses of Students Writing Text at Senior High School date: 2018-06-10 words: 4156 flesch: 65 summary: Journal Volume 1 Nomor 2, Juni 2018 e-ISSN :2597-3819 p-ISSN:2597-9248 DOI: 205 AN ERRORS ANALYSIS IN USING TENSES OF STUDENTS’ WRITING TEXT AT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Syaprizal 1 STKIP PGRI LUBUKLINGGAU Ramadona 2 STKIP PGRI LUBUKLINGGAU 1 Submit, 25-05-2018 Accepted, 10-06-2018 Publish, 10-06-2018 ABSTRACT The objective of this investigation was to investigate students errors in writing recount text made by the eleventhgrade students of social program Senior High School Number 1 and Senior High School Number 2 Muara Beliti in academic year 2016/2017. P = the percentages of errors F = total number of students errors N = all the students sample (Sudijono, 2004:43) FINDING The result of Tenses Errors in Writing Recount Text Made by the Eleventh Grade Students Of Social ProgramSenior High School Number 1 keywords: english; errors; language; school; students; tenses; writing cache: leea-252.pdf plain text: leea-252.txt item: #79 of 164 id: leea-2648 author: Amelia, Mike; Prystiananta, Nostalgianti Citra title: Using Inquiry Based Learning Strategy in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text date: 2021-08-05 words: 3431 flesch: 59 summary: Either because inquiry based learning strategy worked well as their visual design enable students to see the relationship between ideas and make the task livelier and more enjoyable. Furthermore, in applying inquiry based learning strategy, the steps can be described as follow: at the time on the first conditioning in the class, the teacher should prepare mentally of students who required the active involvement of students by growing their self-confidence, motivating them, establishing a good relationship with them, and explaining the benefits of this strategy in teaching- learning writing descriptive text. keywords: class; inquiry; learning; strategy; students; teacher; test; text; writing cache: leea-2648.pdf plain text: leea-2648.txt item: #80 of 164 id: leea-2730 author: Susanti, Luh Eka title: Modern Curriculum Vitae: Wordless Meaning Delivery by Using Symbols date: 2021-12-07 words: 3968 flesch: 59 summary: Language variations or commonly called language variety can be caused by several things. Language variety is often caused by social interaction activities carried out by very diverse communities or groups and the diversity of language functions itself (Kumar et al., 2021). keywords: curriculum; education; journal; language; meaning; symbols; use; variety; vitae cache: leea-2730.pdf plain text: leea-2730.txt item: #81 of 164 id: leea-2754 author: Yatun, Yatun; Munir, Ahmad; Retnaningdyah, Pratiwi title: Teachers’ TPACK Practice of English Blended Learning Course in the Midst of COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2021-12-07 words: 7795 flesch: 44 summary: There became an issue and ambiguous regarding what kind of content that appropriated with the online learning, how learning strategy will be conducted, and also what kind of technology tool to support in establishing online learning activities (Ali, 2020). Therefore, the new policy of learning from home should be followed by the availability of technology tool and teachers knowledge regarding how to conduct online learning. keywords: activity; content; education; english; knowledge; learning; practice; students; teachers; teaching; technology; tpack; use cache: leea-2754.pdf plain text: leea-2754.txt item: #82 of 164 id: leea-2792 author: Yasmiatun, Yasmiatun title: Students’ Attitudes toward the Use of Podcast as Digital Material in EFL Classroom date: 2023-05-01 words: 5150 flesch: 42 summary: FINDING The following explanation describes students' cognitive, affective, and behavioral attitudes toward using digital material podcasts in learning English. Furthermore, digital learning material may include the combination of any technologies, textbooks, mobile phones, laptops, computers, and other tools (Warschauer, 2007). keywords: attitudes; classroom; digital; exposition; learning; material; podcast; students; use cache: leea-2792.pdf plain text: leea-2792.txt item: #83 of 164 id: leea-2819 author: Aprinica, Ni Putu Isha title: Style of Language in Tourism Hotel Advertising date: 2021-11-01 words: 3077 flesch: 53 summary: Febriani & Emidar (2020) stated distinguishing language style based on the direct or indirect meaning into two groups, namely rhetorical style and figurative language style. In conclusion, the use of language style is one of the main factors when making advertisements, changing the meaning and use of figurative language to make sentences more beautiful to read. keywords: advertisements; advertising; hotel; journal; language; language style; meaning; media; style; use cache: leea-2819.pdf plain text: leea-2819.txt item: #84 of 164 id: leea-283 author: Fiani, Ani; Syaprizal, Syaprizal title: EFL Teachers Perception on Postmehod Pedagogy in Higher Education Context in Indonesia date: 2018-06-26 words: 6048 flesch: 52 summary: Mistaken constructs: Re-examining the nature and assumptions of language teacher education. In J.C. Richards & W.. Renandya (Eds.), Methodology in language teaching, 9-18. keywords: english; kumaravadivelu; language; learning; pedagogy; postmethod; teachers; teaching cache: leea-283.pdf plain text: leea-283.txt item: #85 of 164 id: leea-2931 author: Susyla, Dian; Angraini, Ria; Ananda, Ririn Putri title: The Lecturers’ English Ability Through the Toefl Test date: 2021-12-25 words: 5964 flesch: 57 summary: TOEFL test scores are reported concerning the four CEFR levels: (a) A2-basic; (b) B1- medium; (c) B2-upper middle; and (d) C1-advanced. Having English language skills, people can easily access the information that is so widely available from direct sources because the world is borderless. keywords: education; english; journal; language; learning; lecturers; level; score; skills; test; toefl cache: leea-2931.pdf plain text: leea-2931.txt item: #86 of 164 id: leea-30 author: Luthfiyati, Dian; Kholiq, Abdul; Zahroh, Intan Ni matus title: The Analysis of Word Formation Processes in the Jakarta Post Website date: 2017-12-30 words: 2545 flesch: 56 summary: According to Haspelmath and Sims (2010:2) morphology is the study of word formation, including the ways new words are coined in the languages of the world. In the process of word formation, there are exploring some of the basic processes by which new words are created such as derivation, prefixes and suffixes, etc. keywords: derivation; noun; verb; word cache: leea-30.pdf plain text: leea-30.txt item: #87 of 164 id: leea-300 author: Kurnia, Nury title: The Correlation Between Teachers’ Friendly Attitude and Students’ Speaking Achievement date: 2018-12-21 words: 4044 flesch: 53 summary: Journal 2 (1):19-29 28 done through being friendly teachers. The effects of teacher characteristics and attitudes on student achievement in KCSE economics examination. keywords: achievement; attitude; english; learning; speaking; students; teachers cache: leea-300.pdf plain text: leea-300.txt item: #88 of 164 id: leea-301 author: Rizkiyah, Fifin Naili title: Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Texts by Implementing Picture Series date: 2018-12-25 words: 6220 flesch: 59 summary: So, the researcher will focus on these three aspects in the evaluation of student writing. Here is one sample of student writing. keywords: cycle; instructor; narrative; picture; picture series; series; students; writing cache: leea-301.pdf plain text: leea-301.txt item: #89 of 164 id: leea-3013 author: Nifriza, Ifna; Yenti, Desfi title: Students' Barriers in Learning English Through Online Learning date: 2021-12-07 words: 2785 flesch: 50 summary: In conclusion, there are 8 barriers faced by students in learning English through online learning. Keywords: Online Learning, Student Barriers INTRODUCTION Due to the COVID-19 as a worldwide crisis, activities in teaching learning turn into online learning. keywords: barriers; education; english; journal; learning; online; students cache: leea-3013.pdf plain text: leea-3013.txt item: #90 of 164 id: leea-3035 author: Seli, Sastika; Syafitri, Dewi; Oktaviani, Ayu title: A Study on Students’ Disruptive Behaviors in English Online Classroom and Its Solution by the Lecturers date: 2021-12-25 words: 6249 flesch: 54 summary: Students behavior toward sudden online learning show some problems such as skipped the lessons, postponed doing assignments and complained through the online communication media that had been provided (Dhahir, 2020). “…because, I use Google classroom in my subjects they always copy paste the answer from other students for example I asked them to watch YouTube video they do not watch until the end of the video. keywords: assignment; behavior; class; classroom; discipline; education; english; journal; learning; lecturers; online; problems; students cache: leea-3035.pdf plain text: leea-3035.txt item: #91 of 164 id: leea-3048 author: Syaprizal, Syaprizal; Triyogo, Agus; Nirwana, Ratna title: Developing of Listening Materials at the Tenth Grade Students date: 2021-12-25 words: 2808 flesch: 52 summary: Journal Volume 5 Nomor 1, Juli-Desember 2021 e-ISSN: 2597-3819 p-ISSN: 2597-9248 DOI : 100 DEVELOPING OF LISTENING MATERIALS AT THE TENTH GRADE STUDENTS Syaprizal 1 STKI-PGRI Lubuklinggau Agus Triyogo 2 STKI-PGRI Lubuklinggau Ratna Nirwana 3 STKI-PGRI Lubuklinggau 1 Submit, 06-11-2021 Accepted, 24-12-2021 Publish, 25-12-2021 ABSTRACT This study aims to develop listening material for tenth graders. keywords: english; learning; listening; product; research; students cache: leea-3048.pdf plain text: leea-3048.txt item: #92 of 164 id: leea-3063 author: Sartika, Icha; Johan, Mhd. title: Strategies of Politeness Found in “Rich Teen Shame Girl at Thrift Store” Short Film: Pragmatics Approach date: 2021-12-30 words: 4244 flesch: 68 summary: Johan 2 Universitas Putera Batam 1 Submit, 11-11-2021 Accepted, 30-12-2021 Publish, 30-12-2021 ABSTRACT This study aimed to identify politeness strategies in Rich Teen Shame Girl at Thrift Store. In conclusion, politeness strategies, namely bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness and off-record. keywords: data; kendra; laura; politeness; record; strategies; strategy cache: leea-3063.pdf plain text: leea-3063.txt item: #93 of 164 id: leea-3075 author: Saswati, Risna title: Writing Strategies Exhibited by a Translator in Translating a Short Text date: 2021-12-25 words: 4671 flesch: 55 summary: The Taxonomy of ESL Writing Strategies Writing Strategies Sub-Strategies Speculation Rhetorical Strategies Organization Beginning/development/ending Use of L1 Translate generates idea into ESL Formatting/Modelling Genre consideration Comparing Different rhetorical convention Meta-Cognitive Strategies Planning Finding focus Monitoring Checking and identifying problems Evaluating Reconsidering written text, goals Cognitive Strategies Generating Ideas Repeating New Words Revising Making changes in plan, written text Elaborating Extending the content of writing Clarification Disposing of confusions Retrieval Getting information from memory However, these previous studies did not investigate writing strategies used by the participants. keywords: english; language; process; strategies; text; translation; words; writing cache: leea-3075.pdf plain text: leea-3075.txt item: #94 of 164 id: leea-31 author: Seli, Sastika; Alfitri, Bahya title: American Humor used in an American Comedy Movie The Boss date: 2017-12-30 words: 7623 flesch: 58 summary: This finding also proves that American humor is expressed with more slapstick and vulgarity as the characteristic of American humor used in daily communication. Keywords: sociolinguistics, humor, American humor, American comedy movie, the Boss movie mailto:rshellee@yahoo.com1 2017. keywords: close; functions; humor; jokes; nd speaker; relationship; setting; speaker; superiority cache: leea-31.pdf plain text: leea-31.txt item: #95 of 164 id: leea-3102 author: Hervina, Hervina; Afriadi, Rendi title: Implementation of Levels of Thinking Skills and Communicative Language Ability in English National Exam date: 2021-12-25 words: 4623 flesch: 47 summary: It provides a broad basis for both the development and use of language tests, which measure both knowledge or competence, and the capacity for impelementing or executing that competence in appropriate, contextualized communicative language use. Communicative Language Ability Communicative Language Ability (CLA) provides a basis for both development and use of language tests. keywords: competence; english; exam; language; national; questions; students; test; thinking cache: leea-3102.pdf plain text: leea-3102.txt item: #96 of 164 id: leea-3159 author: Nugraha, Hendra title: Analyzing the Suitability of Cambridge ESL Textbook for Grade IX with K-13 date: 2022-06-30 words: 6009 flesch: 58 summary: The researcher utilized content analysis for the textbook and interviews with two sources who use Cambridge textbooks as the research instruments. LITERATURE REVIEW A previous study that shares the same criteria or idea in terms of learning objectives, ESL textbook, and K-13 with this research is conducted by Dharma & Aristo (2018), which discuss the relevance of English textbook used for grade X in SMK in Sintang to K-13. keywords: cambridge; competencies; curriculum; english; k-13; learning; objectives; research; skills; students; textbook cache: leea-3159.pdf plain text: leea-3159.txt item: #97 of 164 id: leea-3163 author: Iswandana, Trenady; Sibarani, Exsanti Jumina; Rahmawati, Rahmawati title: Affixation Found in Lathi Song date: 2022-02-01 words: 4881 flesch: 55 summary: The use of unique media songs can stimulate student learning activities because it makes the learning atmosphere more enthusiastic. Still, after applying song media in analyzing affixation, student activity increased to 72.5% and students' ability to identify affixation increased to 72.5%. keywords: affixation; data; english; learning; media; research; song; students; teaching; word cache: leea-3163.pdf plain text: leea-3163.txt item: #98 of 164 id: leea-3195 author: Mubaroh, Sari; Fujiyanti, Linda title: Need Analysis on the Development of Polytechnic English Textbook date: 2022-03-19 words: 3280 flesch: 51 summary: There is no success in the teaching and learning process only depends on the teacher and students, but the material taught through specific approaches, methods, and strategies can help improve student learning outcomes (Hasanah & Syamsi, 2020). Because the limitation of this article is data analysis of student needs, the elaboration of the stages carried out only reaches the fifth stage, namely data analysis. keywords: analysis; english; learning; needs; students; study; teaching; textbooks; toefl cache: leea-3195.pdf plain text: leea-3195.txt item: #99 of 164 id: leea-32 author: Ramasari, Maria title: Students Pronounciation Error Made in Speaking for General Communication date: 2017-12-30 words: 4996 flesch: 57 summary: Journal Volume 1 Nomor 1, Desember 2017 e-ISSN :2597-3819 p-ISSN:2597-9248 DOI: 37 STUDENTS’ PRONOUNCIATION ERROR MADE IN SPEAKING FOR GENERAL COMMUNICATION Maria Ramasari 1 English Department, STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau 1 Submit, 08-11-2017 Accepted, 30-12-2017 Publish, 30-12-2017 ABSTRACT This qualitative research described students‟ pronunciation error mostly appeared in speaking for general communication class. Thus as documentation of this research, the researcher used many theories from sources of data and recorded students‟ speaking for general communication class to analyze students‟ pronunciation error made in speaking for general communication at the first semester of STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau. keywords: communication; english; errors; language; pronunciation; speaking; students cache: leea-32.pdf plain text: leea-32.txt item: #100 of 164 id: leea-33 author: Syafitri, Dewi title: PQRST Technique Toward Reading Comprehension of the Second Grade Students at SMAN 1 Kota Jambi date: 2017-12-30 words: 4917 flesch: 69 summary: Data of the Research Data of this research is in form of quantitative data, which are students’ scores of reading comprehension test. In addition, the first data was used to see the score of reading comprehension test between experimental (before treatment) and control group while the second one was to see whether the improvement is significant or not thus it is tested by using t-test formula. keywords: group; post; reading; students; technique; test cache: leea-33.pdf plain text: leea-33.txt item: #101 of 164 id: leea-3309 author: Awalin, Arpinda Syifa’a title: The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategy by Undergraduate Students date: 2022-06-30 words: 3147 flesch: 53 summary: In addition, the result showed that undergraduate students with high proficiency in the vocabulary used different vocabulary learning strategies based on their interests, according to three kinds of vocabulary learning strategies (i.e., discovery, social, and consolidate strategy). Since the learners are not English majors, the researcher wants to investigate the students gaining vocabulary through vocabulary learning strategy. keywords: learning; strategies; strategy; students; vocabulary cache: leea-3309.pdf plain text: leea-3309.txt item: #102 of 164 id: leea-3310 author: Episiasi, Episiasi; Syaputri, Wuri; Suramto, Suramto; Kasriyati, Destina title: Lexical and Grammatical Cohesion in the Undergraduate Students’ Abstracts date: 2022-03-19 words: 3617 flesch: 54 summary: Direct repetition (3rd Abstract) No Repeated Words Frequency Line 1 Students 6x 3, 6, 7, 10, 13, 17 2 Comprehension 4x 2, 16 3 This 4x 1, 4, 5, 7 4 Tenth 3x 3, 6, 17 5 Grade 3x 3, 6, 17 6 Study 3x 4, 5, 7 The findings in table 3 show that the word that often appears in the abstract is students (6x). The results showed that students made ungrammatical sentences, wrong prepositions, spelling errors, and improper cohesive devices. keywords: abstract; cohesion; devices; english; line; students; text cache: leea-3310.pdf plain text: leea-3310.txt item: #103 of 164 id: leea-34 author: Yulfi, Yulfi title: An Analysis of Deixis and Speech Act Used in English Teaching and Learning Process date: 2017-12-31 words: 3419 flesch: 61 summary: The data of Speech Acts No Kinds of Speech Acts ∑ 1 Assertive Utterance 6 2 Performative Utterance 3 3 Verdictive Utterance 0 4 Expressive Utterance 2 5 Directive Utterance 25 6 Commissive Utterance 0 7 Phatic Utterance 6 Total Number 42 Further, for the data of speech act, the researcher found that the most frequently type of speech acts is directive utterance. Journal Volume 1 Nomor 1, Desember 2017 e-ISSN:2597-3819 p-ISSN:2597-9248 DOI: 82 AN ANALYSIS OF DEIXIS AND SPEECH ACT USED IN ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS Yulfi 1 STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau 1 Submit, 08-11-2017 Accepted, 30-12-2017 Publish, 30-12-2017 ABSTRACT This study focuses on analyzing deixis and speech acts used by the English teacher and eleventh grade students of language program at Islamic Integrated Senior High School Curup in the academic year 2013/2014. keywords: acts; deixis; english; speech; teacher; utterance cache: leea-34.pdf plain text: leea-34.txt item: #104 of 164 id: leea-3405 author: Purba, Hilarius Raditya Priambada title: How They Claim The Victory: A Rhetorical Analysis On Indonesian Presidential Candidates’ Victory Speeches Within Pragma-Stylistic Framework date: 2022-06-30 words: 5250 flesch: 51 summary: Furthermore, speech acts are performed to obtain the meaning carried out in the speech so that the listener can know the attitudes and implications toward the uttered speeches someone is about to convey (Austin, 1975; Fish, 1976; Searle & Searle, 1969). According to Searle & Searle (1969), the types of speech acts are able distinguished into three different acts. keywords: acts; assertive; commissive; effect; election; illocutionary; indirect; indonesia; searle; speech cache: leea-3405.pdf plain text: leea-3405.txt item: #105 of 164 id: leea-344 author: Prystiananta, Nostalgianti Citra title: Indonesian EFL Students’ Learning Styles date: 2018-12-21 words: 5120 flesch: 61 summary: Some experts have different opinion of classifying language learning styles. Most students in this group of learning style are talkative and memory-oriented (Muniandy & Shuib, 2016:5). keywords: education; english; language; learning; learning style; preferred; program; students; style cache: leea-344.pdf plain text: leea-344.txt item: #106 of 164 id: leea-349 author: Yulfi, Yulfi; Seli, Sastika; Ariska, Reni title: An Analysis of English Lexical Collocation Found in English Newspaper date: 2019-05-19 words: 5662 flesch: 59 summary: The result of this study showed that (1) there were fourty four English lexical collocations found in the Jakarta post newspaper and (2) the meanings of English lexical collocation were fourty three had denotative meaning and one had connotative meaning. Keywords: english lexical collocation, words meaning, the Jakarta post INTRODUCTION People need a medium to express their idea. keywords: april; collocate; collocation; english; jakarta; meaning; noun; post; tax; verb cache: leea-349.pdf plain text: leea-349.txt item: #107 of 164 id: leea-35 author: Syaprizal, Syaprizal title: Teaching Reading by Using Inquiry Based Learning Approach to The First Semester of English Education Program date: 2017-12-30 words: 4120 flesch: 63 summary: Moreover, Cooper and Prescott (1989:3) state that research shows that the amount of student learning that occurs in a classroom is directly proportional to the quality and quantity of student involvement in the educational program. Journal 1 (1):71-81 79 The Calculation of the Matched t-test Based on the students’ score obtained both in the pre-test and in the post- test, the writer calculated the matched t-test to find out whether or not guided reading procedure Inquiry Based Learning Approach was significantly effective to teach reading comprehension to the first semester of English Education Program. keywords: education; english; inquiry; learning; reading; students; test cache: leea-35.pdf plain text: leea-35.txt item: #108 of 164 id: leea-3534 author: Nurwahidah, Nurwahidah; Hamidi, Maulana Rizki; Husna, Nida; Farkhan, Muhammad; Hidayat, Didin Nuruddin; Alek, Alek title: English Teachers’ Challenges in Constructing Remote English Summative Assessment during Covid-19 Pandemic date: 2022-06-01 words: 4163 flesch: 55 summary: Many researchers researched the challenges in assessing students during the COVID-19 Pandemic, such as conducted by Bozkurt & Sharma (2020), Zenki- dalipi et al., (2021), Perwitasari et al., (2021), Jankowski (2020), Guangul et al., (2020), but the kind of assessment (summative assessment) and the grade level (Junior high school) of the English teachers become the newest thing on this research which differs to the previous related study. Summative assessment can conclude students' level of mastery against predetermined competencies. keywords: assessment; challenges; covid-19; education; english; learning; remote; students; teachers cache: leea-3534.pdf plain text: leea-3534.txt item: #109 of 164 id: leea-3650 author: Hamidah, Fitria Nur; Prystiananta, Nostalgianti Citra title: Zoom Cloud Meeting: Teaching Media in ESP Online Learning date: 2022-04-23 words: 3372 flesch: 55 summary: The benefits of zoom cloud meetings based on the lecturers' perception were made easier to achieve learning outcomes, making it easier to get interaction with the students, giving variation in online learning, and creating ESP online learning to be more active. Another lecturer's perception about using zoom cloud meeting as a teaching media in ESP learning was it could make the situation of online learning to be more active. keywords: cloud; learning; lecturers; online; students; teaching; zoom cache: leea-3650.pdf plain text: leea-3650.txt item: #110 of 164 id: leea-3742 author: Dwigustini, Retno; Ramadhan, Arrizqi; Susilawati, Susilawati; Halim, Nurhasanah; Morrison, Chelly Banuwaty title: How to Scaffold Young Learners' English Speaking Class? date: 2022-06-12 words: 5080 flesch: 53 summary: A number of previous studies have proved how this strategy helps students foster their language skills. This scaffolding strategy gives students opportunities to actively engage themselves during classroom sessions (Anita, 2019). keywords: english; journal; learners; learning; scaffolding; speaking; strategy; students; teacher; young cache: leea-3742.pdf plain text: leea-3742.txt item: #111 of 164 id: leea-3800 author: Pardede, Yossy Kevin Parulian; Tember Sari Silaban, Dwi Mutiara; Romindo Sibarani, Sara Okta; Saragih, Erikson title: Writing Assessment Strategies by Junior High School English Teacher date: 2022-06-30 words: 4138 flesch: 56 summary: Learning strategies are also needed in the assessment of writing skills, while the strategies used by teachers in writing assessments are; Constructive and contextual methods, rubric, simple text, essays, case studies, and problem-based learning. Student writing evaluation is a process. keywords: assessment; education; english; journal; learning; research; skills; students; study; teacher; writing cache: leea-3800.pdf plain text: leea-3800.txt item: #112 of 164 id: leea-3801 author: Yulfi, Yulfi; Syaprizal, Syaprizal title: Students' English Learning Style in Lubuklinggau date: 2022-06-28 words: 3363 flesch: 60 summary: Journal 5 (2):207-215 211 each learning style used by each student in order to investigate the data and the use of English learning styles. Since learning style has a vital role in the learning process, the teacher needs to know the various learning styles because the importance of variation in students' learning styles can help the teacher become aware of accommodating students' learning styles. keywords: english; learners; learning; research; students; style cache: leea-3801.pdf plain text: leea-3801.txt item: #113 of 164 id: leea-385 author: Huriyah, Shofiyatul; Agustiani, Merie title: An Analysis of English Teacher and Learner Talk in the Classroom Interaction date: 2018-12-22 words: 4067 flesch: 57 summary: Lei (2009:67) explains that teacher talk in EFL classroom was considered to be problematic are for language teachers. Journal Volume 2 Nomor 1, Desember 2018 e-ISSN :2597-3819 p-ISSN:2597-9248 DOI: 60 AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEACHER AND LEARNER TALK IN THE CLASSROOM INTERACTION Shofiyatul Huriyah 1 UNIVERSITAS BATURAJA Merie Agustiani 2 UNIVERSITAS BATURAJA 1 Submit, 22-10-2018 Accepted, 22-12-2018 Publish, 22-12-2018 ABSTRACT The objectives of the research were to find out the kinds of teacher talk and learner talk used by English teacherand learners during the classroom interaction and to know the language mostly used in the classroom. keywords: classroom; english; iiiii; interaction; language; students; talk; teacher cache: leea-385.pdf plain text: leea-385.txt item: #114 of 164 id: leea-386 author: Oktaviani, Ayu; Misgiyati, Dwi title: Communication Strategies Used by the Primary Teachers in EFL Classroom date: 2018-12-21 words: 7397 flesch: 56 summary: From the explanation above, the researcher identified English teachers’ about communication strategies that used when teaching and learning process in the classroom with the students. In this research, the researcher analyzed the communication strategies by used English teachers of Palm Kids School for several times and also collected some references to support this research. 2018. keywords: classroom; communication; education; english; learners; observation; reduction; researcher; strategies; strategy; students; teachers cache: leea-386.pdf plain text: leea-386.txt item: #115 of 164 id: leea-3889 author: Damanhuri, Misbach Maimun; Qotrunnada E.K.P.P, Laili; Fatmawati3, Elis; Kartika, Sania Dina; Luthfiyati, Dian title: Phonetic Spelling of Javanese Speakers in Karangpaten Village date: 2022-06-30 words: 2374 flesch: 58 summary: Journal 5 (2):224-230 228 pronouncing some words was done by Karangtapen villagers. FINDING The subjects in this research are the recordings of villagers. keywords: english; javanese; language; phonetic; pronunciation; sounds; villager cache: leea-3889.pdf plain text: leea-3889.txt item: #116 of 164 id: leea-4365 author: Kaniadewi, Nita; Asyifa, Dinda Ismu title: The Effect of TOEFL Preparation Course on EFL Undergraduate Students’ TOEFL Scores date: 2022-12-22 words: 3388 flesch: 61 summary: The effect of test preparation TOEFL reading tests. Asides that, TOEFL test is usually used by some agencies such as government agencies, business agencies, and scholarships. keywords: english; preparation; research; students; test; toefl cache: leea-4365.pdf plain text: leea-4365.txt item: #117 of 164 id: leea-4366 author: Yulitasari, Yoan; Munir, Ahmad title: Reading Comprehension Assessment Rubric for Foreign Language Level A1 Based on Ger (Gemeinsame Europäische Referenzrahmen) date: 2022-12-22 words: 3338 flesch: 51 summary: This is in line with the results of research in which there are competencies and indicators for reference in obtaining student assessments. The series of assessment rubrics will help make it easier for educators to find out students' weaknesses in language and for students to deepen the knowledge they feel is lacking. keywords: assessment; comprehension; europäische; gemeinsame; ger; reading; referenzrahmen; research; rubric; students cache: leea-4366.pdf plain text: leea-4366.txt item: #118 of 164 id: leea-442 author: Fiani, Ani title: The Role of Metacognitive Instruction in Developing ESL/EFL Listening Abilities: A Theoretical and Empirical Review date: 2018-12-30 words: 5267 flesch: 50 summary: One of the few of empirical studies (Birjandi and Rahimi, 2012:505) highlighted the effect of metacognitive strategy instruction on EFL students‟ listening performance in Iran. This study used 62 students learning English translation and literature at Shahid Beheshti University and implemented metacognitive strategy instruction proposed by Vandergrift and Tafaghodatari (2010:34) and O‟Malley and Chamot (1990:153). keywords: efl; esl; instruction; knowledge; language; learning; listening; strategy; students cache: leea-442.pdf plain text: leea-442.txt item: #119 of 164 id: leea-453 author: Syafitri, Dewi; Marlinton, Melisa title: An Analysis of Figurative Language Used in Edgar Allan Poe’s Poems date: 2018-12-21 words: 6295 flesch: 62 summary: When the sentence has hidden the meaning, non-literally meaning or figurative meaning exists beside it. Leech (1981:11) has classified figurative meaning into 8 types. keywords: allan; edgar; edgar allan; language; meaning; poems; research; researchers; word cache: leea-453.pdf plain text: leea-453.txt item: #120 of 164 id: leea-4581 author: Oktaviani, Ayu; Yulfi, Yulfi; Sugianto, Deva title: Lecturers’ Challenges: Teaching English by Using Blended Learning in Pandemic Era at PGRI Silampari University date: 2022-12-28 words: 4930 flesch: 55 summary: Thus, blended learning is defined as a combination of face-to-face learning and online learning that utilizes technology, for instance, Google Classroom, Zoom, Moodle, or Spada (Ma’rifatulloh, 2020). Because blended learning for Musi Rawas and Lubuklinggau should be accepted because 50 % of students should be on online learning and 50 % of students learn from offline learning, they have to balance teaching and learning between daring and luring. keywords: blended; education; english; learning; lecturer; offline; online; students; teaching cache: leea-4581.pdf plain text: leea-4581.txt item: #121 of 164 id: leea-4805 author: Wongkar, Yapi Henri; Wuntu, Ceisy Nita; Tatipang, Devilito Prasetyo; Lolowang, Imelda S. title: Interaction Strategies of Haggling in the ‘Pawn Stars’ and ‘The Pickers’ TV Shows date: 2022-12-26 words: 3128 flesch: 61 summary: From the data analysis, it is found that buyers and customers often employ similar haggling strategies in some respects and distinctly different tactics in many other respects. FINDINGS From the data analysis, it is found that buyers and customers often employ similar haggling strategies in some respects and distinctly different tactics in many other respects. keywords: buyer; interaction; pawn; seller; shows; strategies cache: leea-4805.pdf plain text: leea-4805.txt item: #122 of 164 id: leea-4910 author: Yunanda, Fachri; Lubis, Bambang Nur Alamsyah; Husda, Azizah; Ginting, Elsa KristiNancy Br; Manalu, Safitri Br. title: English Reading Comprehension Difficulties Of Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer (UTBK) By Senior High School at SMAS Pangeran Antasari Medan date: 2022-12-26 words: 4316 flesch: 59 summary: No researcher has yet to discuss reading comprehension in UTBK that it examines students' difficulties with reading comprehension at UTBK (Persada et al., 2020). Since many students frequently struggle with reading comprehension, which lowers their assessment scores, this study is particularly noteworthy. keywords: comprehension; dia; english; itu; journal; reading; reading comprehension; soal; students; text; untuk; utbk cache: leea-4910.pdf plain text: leea-4910.txt item: #123 of 164 id: leea-5035 author: Astari, Dewa Ayu Made Juli; Padmadewi, Ni Nyoman; Dewi, Ni Luh Putu Eka Sulistia title: The Critical Discourse Analysis of Maudy Ayunda’s Speech at Press Conference on the Introduction of the Government Spokesperson for Indonesia's G20 Presidency date: 2022-12-30 words: 5571 flesch: 52 summary: In the tenth sentence, Maudy Ayunda explained the reasons for the issues that discuss G20 Presidency Indonesia. Maudy Ayunda greets by using each greeting of religion in Indonesia. keywords: analysis; ayunda; dan; discourse; g20; g20 indonesia; indonesia; ini; journal; kita; maudy; presidensi; saya; speech; untuk cache: leea-5035.pdf plain text: leea-5035.txt item: #124 of 164 id: leea-5067 author: Yulfi, Yulfi; Oktaviani, Ayu; Rizki, Rahmatika Sri Dewi title: Validity Testing of Developed General English Modul for University Students at Universitas PGRI Silampari date: 2023-06-13 words: 3848 flesch: 50 summary: Learning media itself is defined as an intermediary or introduction to the source of the message to the recipient of the message to be able to stimulate thoughts, feelings, attention, and willingness to encourage the emergence of a desire to be involved in the learning process (Abi et al., 2020). So, it can be concluded that learning media is a tool used to convey the message of learning delivered by the message source to the recipient of the message. keywords: appropriateness; english; expert; learning; media; module; students; validation; validity cache: leea-5067.pdf plain text: leea-5067.txt item: #125 of 164 id: leea-5159 author: Fiani, Ani; Fadillah, Julia Nur title: Analyzing the Students’ Needs of an Academic Reading Class at a Private University in Lubuklinggau date: 2023-06-30 words: 4202 flesch: 53 summary: The problem of low student reading literacy in Indonesia is not new. FINDINGS Students Need The following section will discuss the detailed findings of the students' necessities and wants in academic reading material. keywords: academic; analysis; learning; material; needs; reading; students; topic cache: leea-5159.pdf plain text: leea-5159.txt item: #126 of 164 id: leea-5330 author: Kusuma Wardani, Ni Putu Sintia Dewi; Budasi, I Gede; Dambayana, Putu Eka title: Lexicon Analysis in Sampi Gerumbungan Dance Costume date: 2023-06-28 words: 8421 flesch: 65 summary: However, the costumes in this dance are adjusted to the criteria for Balinese dance costumes and the standard of costumes in Balinese dance (Seriati, 2019). Even Balinese people who follow a dance community or are often called Sanggar Tari do not understand well the terms contained in Balinese dance costumes. keywords: balinese; barak; body; costumes; dance; dancers; death; gerumbungan dance; language; lexicon; meaning; research; sampi; sampi gerumbungan; study; use cache: leea-5330.pdf plain text: leea-5330.txt item: #127 of 164 id: leea-5450 author: A.Y, Syaputra; Azwandi, Azwandi; Syafryadin, Syafryadin title: Improving Students’ Speaking Skills Through YouTube Videos at the Seventh Grade OF MTs N 02 Bengkulu date: 2023-06-30 words: 5723 flesch: 57 summary: The aims of this study were to discover (1) improving students' Speaking skills through YouTube Digital Videos for seventh- grade students of MTsN 02 Kota Bengkulu, (2) Some factors influence how students' Speaking skills change after using YouTube digital videos for seventh- grade students of MTsN 02 Kota Bengkulu. The results of the research were described as follows: (1) the improvement of students' speaking skills through YouTube digital videos was based on the test results. keywords: english; language; learning; research; skills; speaking; speaking skills; students; teaching; videos; youtube cache: leea-5450.pdf plain text: leea-5450.txt item: #128 of 164 id: leea-5468 author: Veronia, Anita Sofia; Budasi, I Gede; Ramendra, Dewa Putu title: The Lexicons Used in Palawakya Dance Costumes date: 2023-06-29 words: 3068 flesch: 64 summary: It was focused on analyzing the lexicons of Palawakya dance costumes in Jagaraga Village, Singaraja. Astini ( 2001 ) also mentions that the design of dance costumes must pay attention to the concept of dance, which includes themes, characters, and dramatic interpretations. keywords: body; costume; dance; language; lexicons; palawakya; research; study cache: leea-5468.pdf plain text: leea-5468.txt item: #129 of 164 id: leea-5550 author: Durita Devy, Desak Made Anggun Srie; Padmadewi, Ni Nyoman; Dewi, Ketut Sintya title: Technology-based Project-based Learning to Teach English in University Level: Need Analysis date: 2023-06-30 words: 5418 flesch: 45 summary: 311 - Product Researchers analyzed data on student learning outcomes related to 6C and 21st-century skills at the LPKS Aura Sukma Insani-Tourism and Home Assistance Program after implementing project-based learning in teaching language skills. Journal Volume 6 Nomor 2, Januari-Juni 2023 e-ISSN : 2597-3819 p-ISSN : 2597-9248 DOI : 299 TECHNOLOGY-BASED PROJECT-BASED LEARNING TO TEACH ENGLISH IN UNIVERSITY LEVEL: NEED ANALYSIS Desak Made Anggun Srie Durita Devy1 Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Ni Nyoman Padmadewi2 Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Ketut Sintya Dewi3 Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Submit, 08-02-2023 Accepted, 29-06-2023 Publish, 30-06-2023 ABSTRACT The goal of this study is to create a conceptual framework for implementing project-based learning in private institutions to teach language skills. keywords: analysis; data; language; learning; model; process; project; skills; students; technology cache: leea-5550.pdf plain text: leea-5550.txt item: #130 of 164 id: leea-5582 author: Widhiastari, Mella Resita; Ratminingsih, Ni Made; Budasi, I Gede title: The Effect of Digital Multilingual Thematic Dictionary Toward The Fifth Grade Students' Literacy Skill date: 2023-06-30 words: 4319 flesch: 48 summary: The use of multilingual thematic printed dictionaries in the control group and multilingual thematic digital dictionaries in the experimental group shared the same effect, particularly regarding that they were moderately effective in enhancing the literacy skills of class students, according to the results of the N-Gain score test, which showed that the experimental group's average score was 70.5% and the control group's average was 68%. N-Gain Score-Category in Percent Percentage Interpretation <40 Ineffective 40-55 Less effective 56-75 Moderately Effective >76 Effective Source: Hake’s 1999 Due to the fact that the experimental group's average score was 70.5% and the control group's average was 68%, it was determined that the inclusion of multilingual thematic digital dictionaries in the experimental group and the use of multilingual thematic printed dictionaries in the control group had the same effect, namely moderately effective in improving the literacy skills of class students. keywords: dictionaries; dictionary; digital; group; learning; literacy; score; students; test; thematic cache: leea-5582.pdf plain text: leea-5582.txt item: #131 of 164 id: leea-5596 author: Arijaya, Putu Bagus Suryawan; Artini, Luh Putu; Wahyuni, Ni Luh Gede Eka title: Teaching Strategies in English Classes During the Onsite Transition Period in SMA NEGERI 1 RENDANG date: 2023-06-30 words: 6823 flesch: 51 summary: No Learning phase Motive Teaching strategies I2M3 standard I1 I2 M1 M2 M3 1 Pre- activity To start the lesson Brainstorming √ √ √ √ √ Elicitation √ √ Reviewing √ √ √ 2 Whilst activity To teach the key concept Expository √ √ √ Cooperative √ √ √ √ Presenting √ √ √ √ √ Discussion √ √ √ Observation √ 333 To engage students Group work √ √ √ √ √ Question and Answer √ √ √ √ Guessing Game √ √ √ √ √ Singing Together √ √ √ √ To use English Presenting √ √ √ √ √ Discussion √ √ √ √ Question and Answer √ √ √ √ Guessing Game √ √ √ √ √ Singing Together √ - √ √ √ 3 Post activity To enhance students Feedback √ √ - √ - Environment-based learning √ √ √ √ √ Complimenting √ √ √ √ - To engage students Role-playing √ √ √ √ √ Group work √ √ √ √ √ Question and answer √ √ - √ √ To use English Role-playing √ √ √ √ √ Question and Answer √ √ - √ √ Discussion √ √ - √ √ 3 Post activity To enhance student Feedback √ √ - - √ Complimenting √ √ √ √ - keywords: bapak; class; english; learning; material; onsite; process; question; research; sma; strategies; strategy; students; teacher; teaching; transition; √ discussion; √ √ cache: leea-5596.pdf plain text: leea-5596.txt item: #132 of 164 id: leea-5602 author: Anugraha, Kadek Anggi Pratiwi; Artini, Luh Putu; Wahyuni, Luh Gede Eka title: The Observation of Teaching and Assessing Strategies in Return to Onsite Learning After the Covid-19 Pandemic date: 2023-06-30 words: 5090 flesch: 52 summary: During a pandemic, teachers can employ learning strategies such as cooperative learning and discovery-based learning (Shakina et al., 2021). Teachers can use learning strategies such as cooperative learning and discovery-based learning during a pandemic (Shakina et al., 2022). keywords: assessment; learning; onsite; strategies; students; teachers; teaching cache: leea-5602.pdf plain text: leea-5602.txt item: #133 of 164 id: leea-5603 author: Yasa, Kadek Agus Mahardika title: The Analysis Using Semiotic Theory on Teh Pucuk Harum Advertisement date: 2023-06-29 words: 3672 flesch: 53 summary: As stated in the previous analysis, the purpose of this analysis is to find out how producers convey messages about their products via advertisements to the wider community using this type of advertisement. Advertisements are everywhere, whether it's on the street, at home, on television, or on social media. keywords: advertisement; advertising; analysis; language; leaf; leaves; tea cache: leea-5603.pdf plain text: leea-5603.txt item: #134 of 164 id: leea-5639 author: Sitinjak, Vivi Novalia; Tambunan, Putri Yustika; Silitonga, Ruth Friska; Tamba, Sepriyumi Rumondang title: Form of Language Errors in The Syntastic Order When the Essay Writing Process Personal Experience date: 2023-06-30 words: 3795 flesch: 54 summary: The findings of this study are sentence errors in writing personal experiences, including the 389 use of sentences that are not subject, the use of sentences that are not predicated, the use of sentences that are not subject and predicated (ubuntu), the use of unnecessary question marks, the influence of local language structures, the use of multiple subjects, the use of illogical sentences, the use of ambiguous sentences, the use of excessive conjunctions, and the use of sentences that are not coherent. Written language errors are found in aspects of Indonesian language skills, namely writing. keywords: data; errors; language; sentences; use; writing cache: leea-5639.pdf plain text: leea-5639.txt item: #135 of 164 id: leea-574 author: Prystiananta, Nostalgianti Citra title: Teacher-Students’ Relationship in Teaching and Learning Reading through Alphabet Cube to Young Learners date: 2019-06-14 words: 3447 flesch: 52 summary: The description included students and teacher activities in having regular routines and procedures in doing the activities in order and playing the games based on the right procedures. A case study of students and teacher relationships and the effect on sudent learning. keywords: activities; alphabet; reading; students; teacher; teaching cache: leea-574.pdf plain text: leea-574.txt item: #136 of 164 id: leea-5813 author: Hamidah, Fitria Nur; Prystiantanta, Nostalgianti Citra title: Lecturers’ Perception in Using YouTube for Teaching ESP date: 2023-06-30 words: 2844 flesch: 55 summary: The objectives of this study are to describe the kind of YouTube video used in ESP class activities and to explain the benefits of YouTube videos in ESP classes, especially in learning to listen based on the lecturers’ perception. YouTube video is shared with the students by the lecturers when they teach listening to ESP in class. keywords: learning; lecturers; listening; students; teaching; youtube cache: leea-5813.pdf plain text: leea-5813.txt item: #137 of 164 id: leea-5814 author: Hakim, M. Arif Rahman; Amrulin, Pengky Kemadi; Zasrianita, Fera; Kurniawan, Yuda Septian title: The Implication of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Technique on English Reading Comprehension for Madrasah Aliyah Students date: 2023-06-22 words: 5237 flesch: 51 summary: From the explanation above and based on the research that has been done that with the use of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Technique, students experience an increase in reading comprehension learning scores and become better than the control class after the CIRC method treatment. Suggestions for Students, Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) technique is advised for students to be able to practice since it can encourage students to be excited about studying and readily comprehend learning materials about reading comprehension. keywords: circ; class; composition; comprehension; control; data; learning; reading; reading comprehension; students; test cache: leea-5814.pdf plain text: leea-5814.txt item: #138 of 164 id: leea-583 author: Oktaviani, Ayu; Saparingga, Putra; Susanto, Dwi title: Survey Research About the Importance of English for Young Learners at Elementary Schools date: 2019-06-27 words: 7009 flesch: 61 summary: Based on the responses from 100 respondents about Learn English to make happy my parents, it could be seen that there 78 (78 %) respondents very agree, 17 (17 %) agree, 4 (4 %) disagree and 1 (1 %) very disagree. Linguistics, English Education and Art (LEEA) keywords: children; elementary; english; learning; parents; respondents; students cache: leea-583.pdf plain text: leea-583.txt item: #139 of 164 id: leea-588 author: Mallipa, Imelda; Murianty, Riana title: English Teachers’ Decision in Utilizing Textbook in Their Classroom date: 2019-06-04 words: 6052 flesch: 60 summary: Thus, this present study investigated how English teachers used the provided textbook in their classroom and what factors influenced teachers‟ decisions regarding the use of the textbooks. Teacher Decisions on Lesson Sequence and Their Impact on Opportunities for Students to Learn. keywords: 2019; activities; ada; classroom; curriculum; education; english; kalau; kita; language; learning; materials; mereka; reading; students; teachers; teaching; textbooks; use; yang cache: leea-588.pdf plain text: leea-588.txt item: #140 of 164 id: leea-6082 author: Assyita, Ummu Hani; Purwati, Oikurema; Anam, Syafi'ul title: A Comparative Analysis of Rhetorical Move and Genre Knowledge Development of English and Indonesian Thesis date: 2023-06-30 words: 4322 flesch: 51 summary: The method of move analysis in genre knowledge analysis is assumed as an effective method for recognizing the complexity of writing research articles. On the other hand, analysis of genre knowledge development provides insight that genre knowledge development is shaped by the exposure that authors receive through various writing courses and transactional boundary-crossing practices (Fox, 2010; Driscoll et al., 2020; Rounsaville, 2014). keywords: abstracts; analysis; development; english; genre; knowledge; research; study; writing cache: leea-6082.pdf plain text: leea-6082.txt item: #141 of 164 id: leea-609 author: Jazuly, Ahmad; Indrayani, Ninuk; Prystiananta, Nostalgianti Citra title: The Teaching of English in Indonesian Primary Schools: a Response to the New Policy date: 2019-12-22 words: 3570 flesch: 55 summary: In this study, I investigated the teachers' current practice without curriculum of English lesson at primary schools and teacher's response to the new policy on English lessons in primary school. From 46 respondents, 32 teachers were teaching English by using textbook or LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa) method in primary school, and 14 teachers were teaching English by multimedia, ICT and Computer Based Learning (MALL) methods in Indonesian primary school. keywords: curriculum; education; english; learning; school; teachers; teaching cache: leea-609.pdf plain text: leea-609.txt item: #142 of 164 id: leea-6242 author: Patlasari, Mira; Retnaningdyah, Pratiwi; Setiawan, Slamet title: Exploring Pre-Service Teacher's Professional Identity Using Metaphors: Implication For Education Curricula date: 2023-07-11 words: 4429 flesch: 48 summary: TPI, or teacher professional identity, first refers to how a teacher perceives oneself within the influences of personal identity and as a professional within a particular educational context (Pillen et al., 2012). In this regard, promoting teacher identity may aid in the creation of teacher preparation programs. keywords: education; identity; metaphors; pre; professional; service; students; teacher; teaching cache: leea-6242.pdf plain text: leea-6242.txt item: #143 of 164 id: leea-6349 author: Christiana, Helen; Retnaningdyah, Pratiwi; Mustofa, Ali title: English Literature Students’ Perception of Sexual Violence/Harassment in Bombshell Film: Reader-Response Criticism date: 2023-07-20 words: 8463 flesch: 55 summary: Sexual harassment or sexual violence is included in the class of gender issues where sexual harassment is included as an act of violence against women as a matter that needs to be included in the legal arena because it is a manifestation of injustice in relation to gender roles and differences, In addition to other manifestations such as marginalization, sub-ordination, negative labeling/stereotyping of women (Mansour Fakih, 1996, pp. 13-15). Other forms of sexual violence are sexual assault, such as rape, and sexual harassment, which is unwanted or offensive sexual behavior toward the victim (MacGinley; Breckenridge; Mowll, 2019). keywords: answers; gender; harassment; movie; number; research; students; subject; violence; women cache: leea-6349.pdf plain text: leea-6349.txt item: #144 of 164 id: leea-638 author: Rahmalia, Indah title: Process Approach Used by Students in Essay Writing at English Departmant date: 2019-06-11 words: 3272 flesch: 62 summary: CONCLUSION This research discusesed about Process Approach used by student writing in STKIP Abdi pendidikan Payakumbuh 2017/2018 With this step will be able to motivate students in applying student ideas in the analysis. keywords: draft; feedback; peer; process; score; students; writing cache: leea-638.pdf plain text: leea-638.txt item: #145 of 164 id: leea-6440 author: Ardianto, Septian title: Politeness Strategies Employed by Lecturers in Undergraduate EFL Classroom date: 2023-06-22 words: 7029 flesch: 69 summary: Several studies have been done in different fields related to politeness strategies because this strategy covers every aspect of communication, such as request, command, apology and etc. Rabab'ah et al. (2019) talked about the relationship between positive politeness strategies and the speaker's ethnic background on the Opray Winfrey talk show. It can be concluded that this study will enrich the discussion, which relates to the use of politeness strategies in the teaching-learning program and how this study helps other lecturers/teachers to enrich their view in conducting kinds of strategies in their teaching-learning activity. keywords: class; excerpt; politeness; sir; strategies; strategy; students cache: leea-6440.pdf plain text: leea-6440.txt item: #146 of 164 id: leea-694 author: Syafitri, Dewi; Ikhsan, M title: An Analysis of Jargon Used in Political Website date: 2019-06-23 words: 7915 flesch: 60 summary: So, the readers will be familiar in using some terms of political jargon in everyday speech. This research served the common used of political jargon and also the meaning with various vocabulary found in international political website. keywords: group; jargon; meaning; noun; party; political; th /16; website; word cache: leea-694.pdf plain text: leea-694.txt item: #147 of 164 id: leea-792 author: Monica, Shella; Vianty, Machdalena title: Developing Local Content-Based Instructional Graded Reading Materials for Reading Level Three Students date: 2019-08-29 words: 6509 flesch: 45 summary: Actually, Indonesian government already supports the implementation of local content material in education; it is by establishing the Ministry of National Education Decrees Number 22 and 23/2006. Therefore, lack of appreciation of local content products on the part of the public nowadays becomes the biggest concern for related government in Indonesia. keywords: analysis; comprehension; content; education; english; evaluation; level; materials; reading; students; test cache: leea-792.pdf plain text: leea-792.txt item: #148 of 164 id: leea-889 author: Kamaliah, Nurul; Helmiyadi, Helmiyadi; Menalisa, Menalisa title: Tour Guide’s Service at Aceh Tsunami Museum date: 2019-12-22 words: 6218 flesch: 59 summary: Museum tour guides try to gather all information related to tourists to be guided so that tourists get maximum service. The number of museum tour guides to guide the tourists is uncertain, depending on the needs of activities and tourists. keywords: aceh; data; education; english; guides; information; museum; services; tour; tour guides; tourism; tourists; tsunami cache: leea-889.pdf plain text: leea-889.txt item: #149 of 164 id: leea-893 author: Afifah, Nurul; Lestari, Dewi title: Video Clips to Enhance The Development of The Students’ Speaking Skill date: 2019-12-22 words: 5761 flesch: 58 summary: By watching video clips, students can experience real-life situation and realistic models in elements and a great range of audio experiences in addition to spoken language. The findings showed that the use of video clip as the teaching media combined with the use of speaking activities and classroom English was proven to be effective to improve the students‟ speaking skills. keywords: clips; english; language; learning; speaking; students; teacher; teaching; video cache: leea-893.pdf plain text: leea-893.txt item: #150 of 164 id: leea-920 author: Luthfiyati, Dian; Kholiq, Abdul; Tamimih, Nur Dian title: An Analysis of Social Interaction of Autism in Life, Animated Film date: 2019-12-23 words: 4383 flesch: 58 summary: The discussion of this study is Owen social interaction are Owen was confused and did not understand what people said, according to him, people just muddled in his brain. While typical children show an intense interest in other children, children with ASDs often show an intense interest in objects. keywords: autism; children; data; interaction; life; mother; owen; people cache: leea-920.pdf plain text: leea-920.txt item: #151 of 164 id: leea-946 author: Hendrisman, Hendrisman title: Relationship Rules with Word Vocabulary Writing Skills for Students date: 2019-12-24 words: 4630 flesch: 67 summary: Second, short story writing skills are in more than adequate qualifications with an average value of 73 on a range of 66-75% on a scale of 10. Both tests are used to measure the level of vocabulary mastery and to measure short story writing skills. keywords: language; mastery; skills; story; students; vocabulary; words; writing cache: leea-946.pdf plain text: leea-946.txt item: #152 of 164 id: leea-954 author: Rahmalia, Indah title: Lecturer’s Motivational Strategies in Teaching English date: 2019-12-23 words: 4004 flesch: 61 summary: Increase student motivation by promoting cooperation among the learners. The third English lecturer also used some strategies in motivating her students, such as make learning more stimulating and enjoyable by breaking the monotony of classroom events, increase students motivation by promoting cooperation among the learners and provide learners with regular experiences of success. keywords: english; learning; lecturer; motivational; strategies; students cache: leea-954.pdf plain text: leea-954.txt item: #153 of 164 id: leea-962 author: Susanto, Rudi Umar; Fitriyah, Fifi Khoirul title: Representation of Ideological Education in the Nusantara Fiction date: 2020-12-30 words: 5686 flesch: 53 summary: The forms contained are, among others, nationalist ideology and social ideology. Besides national ideology, in the folklore, there is a social ideology that leads to social democracy. keywords: art; data; education; english; folklore; form; ideology; journal; leea; nation; research; study cache: leea-962.pdf plain text: leea-962.txt item: #154 of 164 id: leea-964 author: Riance, Astri title: The Influence of Teachers Competence and Organizational Climate on Teachers of English Performance date: 2019-12-23 words: 5210 flesch: 41 summary: Therefore there are many researches related to teachers performance as a way to improve the quality of teacher performance in Indonesia. Discussing about teachers performance will not be separated from factors that can affect a person's performance. keywords: climate; competence; english; performance; regression; teacher; test; value; variable cache: leea-964.pdf plain text: leea-964.txt item: #155 of 164 id: leea-970 author: Kurniawati, Farida Nova; Susanto, Susanto; Munir, Ahmad title: Promoting Students’ Communication Skill through the Application of Project Based Learning date: 2019-12-22 words: 7015 flesch: 70 summary: Keywords: project based learning, communication skill INTRODUCTION Many challenges must be faced by the teachers in educational context. Not only can create enjoyable and fun classroom, but project based learning also gives the opportunity for the students to improve their English skill (Praba, Artini, & Ramendra, 2018). keywords: communication; data; education; english; ideas; journal; learning; magazine; opinion; project; research; skill; students cache: leea-970.pdf plain text: leea-970.txt item: #156 of 164 id: leea-971 author: Agrikaltarini, Niken Dwiretno Galuh; Susanto, Susanto; Munir, Ahmad title: Instagram and Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skill of Analyzing date: 2019-12-22 words: 5767 flesch: 54 summary: Critical Thinking Skill The analysis of students‟ critical thinking skill was adapted from critical thinking criteria proposed by Paul & Elder (2013). LITERATURE REVIEW Higher Order Thinking Skills There are some point of views stated by experts regarding to the description of higher order thinking skills. keywords: analyzing; compositions; feedback; instagram; learning; peers‟; problem; skill; students; thinking cache: leea-971.pdf plain text: leea-971.txt item: #157 of 164 id: leea-983 author: Pardosi, Juliani Dameria; Veronika Br. Karo, Renstra Emitha; Anggun S. Sijabat, Owinike; Pasaribu, Hotmatua; Pasca Tarigan, Natalia Widya title: An Error Analysis of Students in Writing Narrative Text date: 2019-12-25 words: 4871 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: error analysis, simple past tense INTRODUCTION Based on the statement above, the writer will discuss “ error analysis of students’ in writing narrative text in senior high school “. keywords: analysis; english; errors; language; narrative; students; total; writing cache: leea-983.pdf plain text: leea-983.txt item: #158 of 164 id: leea-984 author: Al Khoiriyah, Dewi Saktiyah title: Unconscious Mind and Anxiety in the Main Character of Face in the Crowd Movie Script by Julian Magnad date: 2019-12-31 words: 3737 flesch: 65 summary: The following sentences according to researchers Anna anxiety began to appear Kerrest. Lost memory in one of part anxieties because the main character only remembers the murderer faces, so she can distinguish the face. keywords: anna; anxiety; crowd; face; fantasy; movie; unconscious cache: leea-984.pdf plain text: leea-984.txt item: #159 of 164 id: leea-987 author: Turnip, Yusri Apriani Margaretha; Marbun, Fransiska Vanny Guitara; Girsang, Anita Lovia; Tarigan, Sri Ninta title: An Analysis of Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Texts date: 2019-12-28 words: 2659 flesch: 57 summary: From the results show that in the identification section students get an average value of 55, 75 and in terms of describing 50.25 of the overall results then after averaging students get a value of 51, so researchers assume that the ability to write descriptive text students are still limited to average. Present tense serves to describe actions and conditions while simple adjectives govern quality and function In this study, many students write texts but are not coherent between one sentence with the next sentence, so the conversation sentences taken by students have no meaning. keywords: research; researchers; students; text; writing cache: leea-987.pdf plain text: leea-987.txt item: #160 of 164 id: leea-995 author: Siregar, Yudha Suranta P; Tarigan, Natalia Widya Pasca; Mawarni, Cindy Ika; Simanjuntak, Christine Widyantari Br; Tanjaya, Alfian title: Grammatical Errors on Students’ Writing of Recount Text date: 2019-12-29 words: 3928 flesch: 66 summary: In the second position was followed by error of omission with the percentage 26,79% of errors. Simanjuntak 4 Universitas Prima Indonesia Alfian Tanjaya 5 Universitas Prima Indonesia 2 Submit, 29-11-2019 Accepted, 29-12-2019 Publish, 29-12-2019 ABSTRACT This research aims to classify and analyze students’ types and sources of errors in writing recount text using simple past tense. keywords: english; errors; language; students; writing cache: leea-995.pdf plain text: leea-995.txt item: #161 of 164 id: leea-996 author: Utami, Sri title: Initial Vocabulary Analysis of Nouns in the Field of Legal Studies date: 2019-12-30 words: 6186 flesch: 61 summary: It is relevant to idea from Nababan (1986) who states that English words are of two kinds: content and function words. Journal Volume 3 Nomor 1, Desember 2019 e-ISSN :2597-3819 p-ISSN:2597-9248 DOI : 201 INITIAL VOCABULARY ANALYSIS OF NOUNS IN THE FIELD OF LEGAL STUDIES Sri Utami University of Kutai Kartanegara Submit, 29-11-2019 Accepted, 30-12-2019 Publish, 30-12-2019 ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to analyze initial vocabulary of nouns in the field of Legal Studies had by the first semester students of Law Study Program of University of Kutai Kartanegara in academic year 2019/2020. keywords: court; law; police; students; vocabulary; words cache: leea-996.pdf plain text: leea-996.txt item: #162 of 164 id: leea-997 author: Miqawati, Alfi Hidayatu title: Language Variation in Lexical Variables of Madurese Terms of Address Used by Youths in Bondowoso Regency: A Sociolinguistic Investigation date: 2019-12-25 words: 3199 flesch: 58 summary: A SOCIOLINGUISTIC INVESTIGATION Alfi Hidayatu Miqawati Politeknik Negeri Jember Submit, 29-11-2019 Accepted, 25-12-2019 Publish, 25-12-2019 ABSTRACT This study attempts to investigate the usage of address terms among youths (university students) across a range of situations in Bondowoso. Thus, this study attempts to investigate the current trends in the usage of address terms among youths (university students) across a range of situations in one of the cities located in Tapal Kuda region, Bondowoso. keywords: address; bondowoso; language; people; students; terms; use cache: leea-997.pdf plain text: leea-997.txt item: #163 of 164 id: leea-998 author: Purba, Damitra Paolo; Bangun, Meilia Novianty; Pramana, Enda Putri; Sinaga, Rudi Martono Jaya; Tarigan, Sri Ninta title: An Analysis Students’ Vowel in Pronunciation date: 2019-12-29 words: 2466 flesch: 67 summary: The total percentage of Excellent in pronouncing English short vowel is 85%, the total percentage of Excellent in pronouncing English Long vowel is 76%. Longman dictionary of contemporary English, Cambridge Advanced learner’s dictionary, or Oxford Advanced pronunciation guidelines, pronunciation symbols, practice pronouncing word and practice writing pronunciations and writing words. keywords: english; researcher; sound; students; vowels cache: leea-998.pdf plain text: leea-998.txt item: #164 of 164 id: leea-999 author: Simamora, Juita Mariani; Sinaga, Ramauli; Tarigan, Sri Ninta title: Improving Students Speaking Skills by Recount Text date: 2019-12-30 words: 3922 flesch: 69 summary: The data used is the value of students in knowing improvement in speaking students to understanding recount text. Journal 3 (1):219-229 223 the attendance list of class X students, the researcher told students about how to handle the class for the meeting. keywords: english; learning; recount; researcher; speaking; students; text cache: leea-999.pdf plain text: leea-999.txt