item: #1 of 121 id: lnj-1274 author: Cuban, Sondra title: Outside Practices: Learning within the borderlands date: 2009-10-09 words: 6178 flesch: 60 summary: Purcell-Gates, V, ed (2007) Cultural Practices of Literacy: Case studies of language, literacy, social practice and power, Taylor and Francis, London. i o n Social practice research (Barton and Hamilton 1998, Lankshear and Knobel 2006, Street and Lefstein 2007, Purcell-Gates 2007) keywords: adult; barton; basic; borderlands; brandt; c e; c t; c u; c y; communities; community; cuban; e d; e e; e n; e r; e s; economic; economy; eds; education; england; evidence; example; focus; forces; formal; global; groups; hamilton; issues; l e; learners; learning; literacies; literacy; local; london; m e; marginalised; n c; n d; n g; n t; n u; national; new; people; policies; policy; policymakers; power; practice; programs; r t; reder; relations; research; researchers; services; skills; social; social practice; systems; t h; t s; theory; u d; u m; u t; use; vol; volume cache: lnj-1274.pdf plain text: lnj-1274.txt item: #2 of 121 id: lnj-1275 author: Papen, Uta title: Literacy, Learning and Health – A social practices view of health literacy date: 2009-10-09 words: 7954 flesch: 70 summary: 2 0 0 9 19 Literacy, Learning and Health – A social practices view of health literacy UTA PAPEN A b s t r a c t In this paper, I use a social practices view of literacy to challenge dominant conceptions of health literacy. Health literacy is frequently defined as an abstract skill that can be measured through individual performance tests. keywords: 1999; 2005; 2007; adult; barton; c e; c t; c y; care; classes; disease; doctor; e d; e n; e r; e s; education; esol; example; experiences; h e; hamilton; health; health care; health literacy; informants; information; kate; l e; l l; l t; leaflets; literacy; m e; medicine; n c; n g; n s; n t; n u; new; numeracy; o n; p e; papen; patients; people; practices; r n; reading; research; s t; skills; social; study; t e; t h; t u; texts; time; view; vol; writing cache: lnj-1275.pdf plain text: lnj-1275.txt item: #3 of 121 id: lnj-1276 author: Reder, Stephen title: Scaling Up and Moving In: Connecting social practices views to policies and programs in adult education date: 2009-10-09 words: 6567 flesch: 55 summary: With education and numerous other background variables statistically controlled, their multivariate analyses found evidence of program impact on literacy practice measures but not on literacy proficiency measures. Without the use of literacy practices measures, a systematic connection is not evident in these data between programs and proficiency. keywords: adult; adult literacy; analyses; c y; changes; cross; data; development; e n; e r; e s; education; effect; engagement; findings; fit; framework; g u; impact; individuals; lagged; learning; levels; literacy; literacy practices; longitudinal; lsal; m e; m o; measures; model; n c; n d; n g; n r; n t; n u; new; numeracy; o n; policy; practices; proficiency; programs; reder; research; scale; school; significant; skills; social; stable; t u; time; u d; u m; u p; use; vol; wave cache: lnj-1276.pdf plain text: lnj-1276.txt item: #4 of 121 id: lnj-1277 author: Barton, David title: Researching Adult Learners’ Lives to Understand Engagement and Progression in Learning date: 2008-10-19 words: 5218 flesch: 62 summary: At the same time, a particular situation, such as working with homeless people, young people or offenders, requires understanding of the specific situation and the adapting of general findings to the specific context. • People had different reasons for being involved with these settings: for some it was about safety and survival; for others transitions and moving on were central; whilst other people came with more specific learning goals. keywords: adult; barton; centre; circumstances; community; data; development; different; e r; e s; findings; issues; l t; language; learners; learning; life; literacy; lives; london; m e; n e; n u; national; needs; numeracy; people; progression; provision; r n; r s; r t; range; research; skills; social; studies; study; u l; work; working; young cache: lnj-1277.pdf plain text: lnj-1277.txt item: #5 of 121 id: lnj-1278 author: Hamilton, Mary title: Relinquishing the Practices of a Lifetime: Observations on ageing, caring and literacies date: 2008-10-19 words: 5984 flesch: 66 summary: These include the role of literacy in relations of interdependency and mediation, especially the delicate balances of inter-generational support and control, negotiating the boundaries of public and private knowledge, and the importance of considering trust, fear and respect as factors in supporting literacy practices among older people that are acceptable to them. Obviously, the details and literacy practices of older people will differ considerably under different social, cultural, economic, political and geographic conditions. keywords: adults; age; ageing; c t; c y; changes; e h; e l; e n; e s; e t; example; experience; family; g t; hamilton; health; history; identity; information; l t; learners; life; literacies; literacy; local; m e; media; n c; n g; n s; n t; n u; networks; new; o n; older; paper; people; person; practices; project; r e; s t; senior; sense; social; studies; study; t h; t o; t u; technologies; time; u m; writing cache: lnj-1278.pdf plain text: lnj-1278.txt item: #6 of 121 id: lnj-1279 author: Cuban, Sondra title: Participation on the Margins of Immigrant Women’s Lives and Learnings date: 2008-10-19 words: 6220 flesch: 68 summary: There has been little attention paid to the complex ways that ESOL women learners learn a new language and use literacy within their networks, including their strategies and resources for overcoming problems and advancing. Using a gendered social practice perspective (Norton 2000, Robinson-Pant 2004, Moss 2007, Cuban forthcoming), I show that the views of immigrant women learners and staff in CBOs, on learning, persistence, and literacies, were outside the dominant lens of participation, outlined above. keywords: adult; c t; c u; c y; cbos; communities; community; cuban; d l; domestic; e n; e r; e s; education; employers; english; esol; g s; help; home; immigrant; l e; language; learners; learning; like; literacy; lives; m e; mia; n c; n d; n g; n t; n u; needs; networks; new; o l; participation; practices; problems; programs; r n; r t; research; resources; s c; s l; social; spanish; staff; students; study; support; t e; t u; t w; time; u d; u m; vol; ways; women; work; york cache: lnj-1279.pdf plain text: lnj-1279.txt item: #7 of 121 id: lnj-1281 author: Bunt, Joanna title: DEVELOPING ADULT LITERACY: APPROACHES TO PLANNING, IMPLEMENTING, AND DELIVERING LITERACY INITIATIVES date: 2008-10-19 words: 720 flesch: 53 summary: Available at: The authors of this book have set out to create a compilation of the theories behind different models of adult literacy to assist planners internationally in their development of new adult literacy programs. I enjoyed reading about the pros and cons of the competency-based or functional approaches to adult literacy programs. keywords: adult; approaches; authors; book; chapter; juliet; learning; literacy; local; programs; resources; teachers cache: lnj-1281.pdf plain text: lnj-1281.txt item: #8 of 121 id: lnj-1282 author: Edney, Denyse title: BUILDING PROFESSIONAL PRIDE IN LITERACY date: 2009-10-09 words: 603 flesch: 55 summary: I recommend this book as a practical way to undertake professional development in the field of adult literacy education. Quigley quoted from another survey participant: ‘To act professionally in adult literacy one is service-oriented, friendly and accountable. keywords: adult; basic; development; education; learning; literacy; needs; practitioners; professional; quigley; skills cache: lnj-1282.pdf plain text: lnj-1282.txt item: #9 of 121 id: lnj-1283 author: Kelly, Ann title: READING THE WORLD OF WORK: A LEARNER-CENTRED APPROACH TO WORKPLACE LITERACY AND ESL date: 2008-10-19 words: 1292 flesch: 57 summary: Here Gallo critiques narrow forms of workplace literacy provision and hyperbolic statements about what workplace literacy programs promise. N o 1 2 0 0 9 91 REVIEWS Reading the World of Work A Review by ANN KELLY READING THE WORLD OF WORK: A LEARNER-CENTRED APPROACH TO WORKPLACE LITERACY AND ESL By MELINA GALLO Kreiger Publishing Co. 2004, Malabar, Fl., ISBN 1-57524 217-6 (hbk), 160 pages As the title of this book suggests, Gallo advocates a learner-centred approach in framing workplace literacy programs. keywords: approach; book; claims; critical; gallo; hull; kelly; language; learner; literacy; new; programs; teachers; vol; workers; workplace cache: lnj-1283.pdf plain text: lnj-1283.txt item: #10 of 121 id: lnj-1284 author: Black, Stephen title: Editorial date: 2008-10-19 words: 1758 flesch: 48 summary: In place of dominant institutional constructions of literacy, the focus shifts instead to the meanings of literacy practices as viewed by people themselves in a range of different social contexts. Further, his study indicates that engagement in literacy practices over time leads to increases in literacy proficiency, thus strengthening the case for practice-based pedagogy and measures in adult basic education programs. keywords: adult; anecdote; article; basic; cognitive; contexts; counsellor; cuban; education; health; issue; literacy; lives; measures; numeracy; people; perspective; practice; programs; range; research; skills; social; special; studies; united; women cache: lnj-1284.pdf plain text: lnj-1284.txt item: #11 of 121 id: lnj-1290 author: Numeracy Studies, Literacy & title: NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS date: 2008-10-19 words: 472 flesch: 58 summary: Her email address is: D e n She has published extensively in the language and literacy areas, focusing on informal adult learning, literacy policy and change. keywords: address; email; lancaster; language; learning; literacy; research; university cache: lnj-1290.pdf plain text: lnj-1290.txt item: #12 of 121 id: lnj-1360 author: Wickert, Rosie title: Volume 16 Number 2 2009 date: 2009-12-03 words: 1202 flesch: 49 summary: Her doctorate in 1975 on adult literacy policies and programs probably made her the first person in the world to have earned a doctorate focused on this topic. Paul Dugdale, a contributor to Yeatman’s collection, is interested in the ‘ethics of policy activism inside government’ and of what Yeatman interprets as the ‘the peculiar ethical discipline and passion of insider activism’ (p.14). keywords: activism; adult; dugdale; important; insider; leslie; limage; literacy; numeracy; paper; policy; process; rosie; unesco; wickert; yeatman cache: lnj-1360.pdf plain text: lnj-1360.txt item: #13 of 121 id: lnj-1361 author: Limage, Leslie J. title: Multilateral cooperation for literacy promotion under stress: governance and management issues date: 2009-12-03 words: 12706 flesch: 60 summary: Intervention by South Africa, in Plenary session, 175th UNESCO Executive Board, Summary records of 175th UNESCO Executive Board. Intervention by South Africa, in Plenary session, 176th UNESCO Executive Board, Summary records in 176 EX/SR, 1- 10, p.91. keywords: 176th; action; adult; agencies; agency; april; assistant; auditor; board; c e; c o; c t; c y; commitment; conference; countries; d e; decision; development; director; e e; e n; e p; e r; e s; education; education sector; efa; executive; executive board; external; financial; follow; formal; g e; general; global; headquarters; house;; internal; international; intervention; july; l e; l l; l s; l t; lack; lady; limage; literacy; m e; major; management; mandate; march; members; n c; n d; n s; n t; n u; nations; o l; o n; october; organization; p o; place; process; professional; programme; progress; promotion; r l; r n; r o; r u; r y; recommendations; reform; report; respect; return; s c; s s; s t; secretariat; sector; september; session; staff; states; summary; t e; t h; t o; t r; t t; t u; time; u c; u d; u l; u m; unesco; unesco executive; united; united states; unld; white; y l; years cache: lnj-1361.pdf plain text: lnj-1361.txt item: #14 of 121 id: lnj-1362 author: Lo Bianco, Joseph title: UNESCO, Literacy and Leslie Limage date: 2009-12-03 words: 2539 flesch: 50 summary: N O 2 2 0 0 9 35 UNESCO, Literacy and Leslie Limage JOSEPH LO BIANCO The paper by Leslie Limage redresses this gap for the crucially important area of international multilateral agencies, specifically the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). keywords: account; action; activities; adult; august; australian; bianco; c o; c y; countries; culture; e r; e s; education; harries; human; international; limage; literacy; multilateral; n c; n e; n g; n l; new; policy; problems; retrieved; s c; states; t u; u n; unesco; united; universal; ways; wickert; world cache: lnj-1362.pdf plain text: lnj-1362.txt item: #15 of 121 id: lnj-1363 author: Numeracy Studies, Literacy & title: NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS date: 2009-12-03 words: 253 flesch: 46 summary: Former Visiting Professor of Comparative Education, UCLA and Arizona State University, Secondary school and adult education and literacy tutor, United Kingdom. Graduate degrees from University of Paris and University of London Institute of Education in Comparative Education, Economics of Education and Sociology of Education. keywords: comparative; education; english; language; literacy; policy; university cache: lnj-1363.pdf plain text: lnj-1363.txt item: #16 of 121 id: lnj-1395 author: SMITH, CRISTINE title: Accountability Requirements and Professional Development in the US Adult Basic and Literacy Education System date: 2009-12-23 words: 6463 flesch: 59 summary: Although more states now offer some type of new teacher orientation, either online, face-to-face, or text-based (National Adult Education Professional Development Consortium 2007), access to professional development— particularly in-service training—is additionally limited by adult literacy teachers’ part-time status, lack of paid professional development release time, and difficulties attending professional development activities: Currently, the conditions of the ABE occupation are such that those in the field will never be able to participate systematically in the very activities they see as necessary to doing their jobs well. In some states, this represents a net gain in the amount of professional development teachers can attend. keywords: able; accountability; adult; basic; c c; c o; c t; c y; development; e c; e l; e n; e r; e s; e t; education; effect; focus; focused; goals; instruction; literacy; m e; n t; national; nrs; o u; practitioners; professional; professional development; programs; r t; respondents; state; students; survey; system; t h; t s; t u; t y; teachers; test; time; training; u n cache: lnj-1395.pdf plain text: lnj-1395.txt item: #17 of 121 id: lnj-1396 author: TUSTING, KARIN title: ‘I am not a “good” teacher; I don’t do all their paperwork’: Teacher resistance to accountability demands in the English Skills for Life strategy date: 2009-12-23 words: 9496 flesch: 68 summary: New teachers have come into the field, trained in teaching to the curriculum, with a different discourse of what ‘good’ teaching involves. In all of these colleges, the amount of paperwork teachers and students were doing had increased substantially. keywords: accountability; adult; c e; c t; c y; changes; college; community; curriculum; different; e r; e s; education; esol; g o; g t; gail; goals; good; interviews; introduction; l e; language; learners; learning; life; literacy; m e; m n; n c; n e; n g; n o; n s; n t; n u; needs; new; numeracy; o t; paperwork; people; plans; progress; r n; r t; requirements; research; resistance; s s; s t; skills; strategy; students; system; t e; t h; t u; targets; teachers; teaching; time; u d; u m; u s; work cache: lnj-1396.pdf plain text: lnj-1396.txt item: #18 of 121 id: lnj-1397 author: ÜNLÜHISARCIKLI, ÖZLEM title: Literacy, Learners and Laws: A Turkish case study of surviving regulation date: 2009-12-23 words: 6745 flesch: 63 summary: Finally, a qualitative study illustrates how these systems apply to the everyday practices of adult literacy education in Turkey. Accountability for adult literacy education in Turkey is mainly concerned with compliance with laws and regulations, rather than the ‘quality’ of provision as such. keywords: adult; adult literacy; assessment; c e; c t; c y; courses; curriculum; d l; e r; e s; education; formal; l e; level; literacy; literacy education; m e; ministry; mone; n c; n d; n e; n l; n t; n u; new; non; participants; people; person; practices; practitioners; primary; program; r c; r n; r s; regulations; s s; school; system; t s; t u; teachers; teaching; time; turkey; turkish; u c; u d; u r; use; years cache: lnj-1397.pdf plain text: lnj-1397.txt item: #19 of 121 id: lnj-1398 author: Contributors, Notes on title: LNS 17.3 date: 2009-12-23 words: 1937 flesch: 55 summary: Her research interests are in adult literacy education policy, professional development, and adult reading development. U D I E S Editorial Policy and Notes for Contributors Literacy and Numeracy Studies is an international refereed journal which aims to promote research, scholarship and critical analysis of policy and practice concerning the many and complex ways that adult literacy and numeracy are implicated in adult life. keywords: address; adult; author; c y; department; development; e r; e s; education; email; interests; journal; language; literacy; n t; n u; note; numeracy; o t; references; research; studies; t e; t r; t u; university; use cache: lnj-1398.pdf plain text: lnj-1398.txt item: #20 of 121 id: lnj-1399 author: GOPALAKRISHNAN, AJIT title: Extending Accountability: From compliance to learning date: 2009-12-23 words: 6670 flesch: 59 summary: By establishing a uniform reporting framework and supporting it with high quality training, the NRS helps states to establish data systems, collect high quality data, and use NRS data for program improvement. However, though NRS training sessions encourage and support the use of accountability data for program improvement, some NRS policies and practices limit the usability of NRS data for that very purpose. keywords: accountability; adult; assessment; c c; c o; c t; c y; casas; connecticut; csde; curriculum; data; e n; e r; e s; education; facilitators; gain; ged; impact; instruction; learners; learning; level; literacy; local; m e; n d; n t; n u; national; nrs; o u; outcomes; performance; program; reporting; requirements; results; standards; state; system; t e; t r; t s; t u; t y; teachers; test; u d; u m; wia; years cache: lnj-1399.pdf plain text: lnj-1399.txt item: #21 of 121 id: lnj-1400 author: BELZER, ALISA; ST. CLAIR, RALF title: LNS 17.3 date: 2009-12-23 words: 1672 flesch: 47 summary: Finally, information generated by accountability data and supported by professional development should yield knowledge that has the potential both to inform and improve practice in meaningful ways. While Tusting studies the impact of policy on practitioners’ images of themselves as teachers soon after the policy was put in place, the articles by Smith and Gopalakrishnan discuss accountability implementation in the US ALISA BELZER & RALF ST. keywords: accountability; adult; basic; belzer; changes; clair; development; e r; education; impact; learners; learning; literacy; national; policy; practice; practitioners; professional; standardisation; system; ways cache: lnj-1400.pdf plain text: lnj-1400.txt item: #22 of 121 id: lnj-1424 author: Kelly, Ann title: Explicating Literacy Activities at Work: The use of ‘okay’ as an effective topic-changing device in service request calls date: 2010-08-06 words: 5884 flesch: 67 summary: This article offers a way of explicating such literacies by showing how the analysis of an audio-recording of a particular occupational activity, namely the reporting of a service request, can render visible particular key literacy features. Support for such a stance can be traced to the seminal theoretical work of Street (1984), Gee (1995) and Barton, Ivanič and Hamilton (1999), ethnographic studies of literacy practices, policy initiatives and teachers’ reflections, especially those focusing on pedagogy in workplace settings. keywords: activities; article; c e; c t; c y; complaints; council; customer; e l; e n; e r; e s; eds; example; g l; information; k e; l l; l t; l y; language; literacy; m e; marker; n c; n g; n s; n t; n u; numeracy; okay; p l; particular; practices; problem; request; s c; s t; service; social; street; studies; study; t e; t r; t u; talk; topic; trainee; training; use; vocational; vol; work; workplace cache: lnj-1424.pdf plain text: lnj-1424.txt item: #23 of 121 id: lnj-1425 author: Chodkiewicz, Andrew; Widin, Jacquie; Yasukawa, Keiko title: Making Connections to Re-engage Young People in Learning: dimensions of practice date: 2010-08-06 words: 8049 flesch: 64 summary: Some might argue that as survivors of these challenging situations they would have very sophisticated ‘street’ literacy and numeracy skills and experiences from which the classroom literacy and numeracy teachers could draw. We also took groups of student teachers for one-off observations over a much longer period (four groups during a 12 month period). keywords: able; adult; approach; c o; c t; c y; centre; chodkiewicz; community; different; e c; e l; e r; e s; education; environment; field; formal; g c; jean; kemmis; key; knowledge; learners; learning; literacy; lives; local; m e; n c; n d; n e; n g; n n; n s; n t; n u; need; new; numeracy; o n; outreach; particular; people; peter; practice; program; r n; relationships; research; risk; school; social; students; study; t e; t u; teachers; teaching; volunteers; way; ways; widin; work; yasukawa; young; youth; youth centre cache: lnj-1425.pdf plain text: lnj-1425.txt item: #24 of 121 id: lnj-1426 author: Wallace, David title: The Grit in the Oyster – does an appreciation of threshold concepts in an adult literacies teaching qualification result in pearls of practice date: 2010-08-06 words: 7009 flesch: 55 summary: We require students to build an understanding not only of the repertoire required for adult literacies practice but also to appreciate and engage with what Kirkwood (1990:11) termed ‘the forces beyond our control’ — i.e. the hegemony, ideologies and structural inequalities that shape and influence our lives and the lives of the literacies learners with whom we are engaged. The program involved regional groups of students coming together in study blocks for each module (each of a week in duration); undertaking work- based learning in which the principles of the program are explored in literacies practice; and engaging with a virtual learning environment (VLE) to scaffold learning in each module, linking students with their peers and actively encouraging dialogue and collective reflection through an on-line community. keywords: adult; adult literacies; approach; c e; c y; comment; community; concepts; course; critical; development; e g; e l; e n; e r; e s; education; experience; g r; h e; identity; knowledge; l l; l t; land; learning; liminality; literacies; literacy; london; m e; meyer; n t; n u; new; o y; participants; policy; practice; practitioners; principles; process; professional; program; qualification; reflection; research; routledge; s s; s t; scotland; scottish; social; students; t e; t h; t u; teaching; threshold; tqal; tutors; understanding; vle; vol; wenger; work; y s cache: lnj-1426.pdf plain text: lnj-1426.txt item: #25 of 121 id: lnj-1427 author: Han, Jinghe; Singh, Michael; Zhao, Dacheng title: Road Safety Literacy for Speakers of English as a Foreign Language: Educating novice drivers for the public’s health date: 2010-08-06 words: 7192 flesch: 64 summary: t The public health dimensions of road safety literacy for novice drivers who speak English as a foreign language, are a concern due to increasing transnational mobility. Evidence of the learner-driver’s life history, use of multiple languages, and cultural differences are shown to impact on her development of road safety literacy. keywords: australia; authority; blau; c y; china; chinese; cultural; different; drivers; driving; e n; e r; e s; e t; education; efl; english; experiences; health; instructor; inter; kalantzis; knowledge; language; learner; learning; life; literacy; m e; meaning; motor; n t; pedestrians; people; performative; personal; practice; public; r o; research; road; road safety; safety; safety literacy; signs; social; study; t u; t y; texts; textual; time; traffic; transport; use; users; vehicles; vol; xiaohua; y h cache: lnj-1427.pdf plain text: lnj-1427.txt item: #26 of 121 id: lnj-1432 author: Hollenstein, Armin title: Unlatching the Gate – Helping Adult Students Learn Mathematics by Katherine Safford-Ramus, (2008) date: 2010-08-06 words: 1328 flesch: 43 summary: Heterogeneity marks also the personal aspects: differences among students in a group, between student bodies and among teachers are – in the author's view – as important as the shared common ground of adult mathematics learning and their teaching. The text does not discuss empirical research undertaken by the author; it examines her broad personal teaching experience in the light of the above-mentioned body of knowledge and proposes directions for the development of adult mathematics education. keywords: adult; author; book; chapter; college; content; development; different; education; field; gate; knowledge; learners; learning; mathematics; ramus; research; review; safford; self; standards; students; teachers; teaching; theories; theory cache: lnj-1432.pdf plain text: lnj-1432.txt item: #27 of 121 id: lnj-1639 author: Journal, Literacy and Numeracy Studies title: Notes on Contributors date: 2010-08-06 words: 1994 flesch: 56 summary: Her email address is Keiko
 Keiko Yasukawa is a lecturer in adult education, and adult literacy and numeracy at the University of Technology, Sydney. Armin
 Armin Hollenstein is a lecturer in Educational Psychology at the Institute for Educational Science (University of Bern) and is co-leading two national projects concentrating on adult literacy. keywords: address; adult; australia; c y; e r; e s; education; email; journal; language; lecturer; literacy; n o; n t; n u; numeracy; o t; references; research; studies; sydney; t e; t r; t u; university cache: lnj-1639.pdf plain text: lnj-1639.txt item: #28 of 121 id: lnj-1670 author: Yasukawa, Keiko title: Editorial date: 2010-08-06 words: 856 flesch: 47 summary: Her argument is not for these particular tacit literacies to be 'added' into the training packages; rather it is that work practices cannot be pre-packaged, and literacy practices in particular, emerge in particular contexts and in localised circumstances. This issue of Literacy and Numeracy Studies offers a selection of articles that illustrates the diversity of sites in which researchers of adult literacy and numeracy are working. keywords: adult; approach; article; industry; learning; literacy; numeracy; practices; road; safety; social; study; teachers; workers; workplace cache: lnj-1670.pdf plain text: lnj-1670.txt item: #29 of 121 id: lnj-1894 author: Martin, Gregory title: Editorial, LNS Volume 18 Number 2 date: 2010-12-21 words: 2285 flesch: 47 summary: Rather, as a form of political interventionism, a political project of critical literacy and numeracy is one that is performed through collective and materialist frameworks with attention paid to the dialectical interplay between relations of signification and production (Ebert 1996). The relentless push of neoliberalism has diminished the capacity for critical literacies and numeracies to flourish under conditions that promote individualism and social contracts of self-care. keywords: activist; adult; alternative; audit; basic; black; collective; critical; culture; dennis; e r; education; freebody; gee; gramsci; issue; literacies; literacy; luke; martin; neoliberal; new; numeracy; pedagogy; policies; policy; press; professional; research; skills; social; t u; teachers; yasukawa; york cache: lnj-1894.pdf plain text: lnj-1894.txt item: #30 of 121 id: lnj-1895 author: Black, Stephen title: Working the Interstices: Adult basic education teachers respond to the audit culture date: 2010-12-21 words: 9116 flesch: 66 summary: While responses vary, many teachers adopt an approach where they can comply with the prescriptive demands of audits, though often in a minimal fashion, and at the same time teach in a way that fits within their philosophy and practices as ABE teachers. U D I E S The context for this current paper shifts to more than a decade on, and it features ABE teachers involved not just in workplace literacy programs, but more broadly, in mainstream ABE programs conducted in technical and further education (TAFE) colleges, the main public vocational education and training (VET) institutions where most accredited ABE programs in Australia are delivered. keywords: abe; abe teachers; accountability; adult; assessment; audit; audit culture; australian; black; c e; c k; c t; c y; compliance; culture; current; curriculum; data; e e; e n; e r; e s; e t; education; example; focus; g t; group; h e; head; head teachers; learning; literacy; m e; n c; n g; n s; n t; n u; need; new; o n; outcomes; paper; paperwork; pedagogy; performance; processes; professional; programs; public; r k; role; s b; skills; students; system; t h; t r; t t; t u; tafe; teachers; teaching; time; training; u s; units; vet; vol; way; work; working; years cache: lnj-1895.pdf plain text: lnj-1895.txt item: #31 of 121 id: lnj-1896 author: Dennis, Carol Azumah title: Is the Professionalisation of Adult Basic Skills Practice Possible, Desirable or Inevitable? date: 2010-12-21 words: 8110 flesch: 60 summary: In discussing the inevitability of professionalisation the paper draws on a small-scale research project to locate a space for the professional imagination, a space in which ALLN practitioners express motivations at odds with policy imperatives and enact professionalisation in ways that arguably hijack the momentum and resource that the policy provides. Professionalisation implicates ALLN practitioners in this recreation of learner subjectivities (Hamilton 2009). keywords: adult; alln; anti; approach; basic; c t; c y; college; community; context; different; e n; e r; e s; economic; education; edwards; hamilton; inevitability; journal; l e; l l; l t; language; learners; learning; life; literacy; london; m e; makers; manager; n n; n t; n u; national; nature; new; numeracy; p r; paper; policy; possibility; practice; practitioners; process; professionalisation; professionalism; quality; research; role; routledge; s s; s t; senior; skills; social; space; status; t b; t u; teachers; teaching; time; training; u d; u l; u m; university; vol; ways; work; working; years cache: lnj-1896.pdf plain text: lnj-1896.txt item: #32 of 121 id: lnj-1897 author: Black, Stephen; Yasukawa, Keiko title: Time for National Renewal: Australian adult literacy and numeracy as ‘foundation skills’ date: 2010-12-21 words: 6585 flesch: 47 summary: Those working in the field of adult literacy and numeracy are currently anticipating changes in the near future as the federal government has flagged the development of a National Foundation Skills Strategy (Australian Government 2010). These initiatives are in line with a commissioned publication designed to inform national directions for adult literacy and numeracy which suggests that ‘work-based and work- focused programs should feature strongly in future strategies’ (Perkins 2009:31). keywords: 2007; adult; adult literacy; australian; balatti; black; canberra; capital; communities; community; council; development; e r; e s; e w; education; employment; falk; federal; field; focus; foundation; funding; government; health; health literacy; human; information; integrated; language; learning; levels; literacy; m e; n e; n t; n u; national; networks; new; numeracy; nveac; partnerships; policy; professional; programs; provision; r n; r t; research; september; skills; social; social capital; strategy; students; studies; support; sydney; t u; teachers; training; vet; vocational; vol; work; workforce cache: lnj-1897.pdf plain text: lnj-1897.txt item: #33 of 121 id: lnj-1898 author: Boughton, Bob title: Back to the Future?: Timor-Leste, Cuba and the return of the mass literacy campaign date: 2010-12-21 words: 7875 flesch: 54 summary: In discussions with the Cuban president Fidel Castro, he learned of Cuba’s adult literacy work in Latin America, and was offered a team of Cuban literacy advisers to help the FRETILIN government mount a national literacy campaign (Interview, Mari Alkatiri, Dili, January 2010). U D I E S mounted in early 1975, the independence party FRETILIN sent teams of high school and university students from Dili, the capital, into those western districts, to run literacy classes designed to conscientise the population to the aims of the independence movement. keywords: adult; adult education; adult literacy; advisers; australian; author; basic; boughton; c k; c t; c y; campaign; classes; conference; countries; country; cuban; development; dili; districts; e b; e s; east; education; educators; freire; fretilin; government; havana; health; independence; initial; international; interviews; iplac; issues; k t; language; leste; lind; literacy; literacy campaign; literate; local; m e; mass; method; minister; ministry; model; monitors; movement; n u; national; national literacy; new; number; o n; paper; paulo; people; period; political; population; portuguese; post; process; puedo; r e; research; september; social; society; students; support; system; t h; t o; t u; teachers; team; tetum; timor; timorese; u d; u m; u r; university; work; year cache: lnj-1898.pdf plain text: lnj-1898.txt item: #34 of 121 id: lnj-1899 author: Yasukawa, Keiko title: Breaking out of the Package: Educating literacy and numeracy teachers with agency date: 2010-12-21 words: 6140 flesch: 58 summary: A S U K A W A 77 backdrop, it is not surprising that the Australian Government supported the development within the VET system of a qualification that could be delivered by the VET sector and focused on meeting the immediate needs of the practitioners, rather than trying to renew the university sector's involvement in adult LLN teacher education. No 2 2010 75 Refractions Breaking out of the Package: Educating literacy and numeracy teachers with agency KEIKO YASUKAWA A b s t r a c t What knowledge, skills and dispositions are needed by adult numeracy and literacy teachers to help their learners imagine and build better lives for themselves and sustainable futures for their children and community? keywords: adult; adult literacy; assessment; australia; c k; c t; c y; change; competency; development; e n; e r; e s; e y; education; educators; f t; field; industry; k t; knowledge; language; learners; learning; literacy; lln; m e; n t; n u; national; needs; new; numeracy; o t; o u; packages; policy; practices; practitioners; professional; qualifications; risk; s u; skills; social; t h; teachers; teaching; training; u k; u t; university; vet; vocational; work cache: lnj-1899.pdf plain text: lnj-1899.txt item: #35 of 121 id: lnj-1900 author: Studies Journal, Literacy & Numeracy title: Volume 18 Number 2, 2010 date: 2010-12-21 words: 480 flesch: 67 summary: O T E S K e i k o Y a s u k a w a Keiko Yasukawa is a Lecturer in Adult Education at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. keywords: adult; australia; education; email; literacy; numeracy; university cache: lnj-1900.pdf plain text: lnj-1900.txt item: #36 of 121 id: lnj-1944 author: Yasukawa, Keiko title: LNS 16.1 Editorial date: 2008-02-04 words: 1942 flesch: 44 summary: However, it also illustrates how academic numeracy requires more than being able to ask the critical questions; it requires the ‘reader’ to also engage with the questions in mathematical ways, and this reinforces the view that while literacy and numeracy are inseparable in many instances, numeracy practices are more than special examples of literacy practices. The importance of highlighting the creative dimensions in the way NLS pursue the study of literacy practices is borne out of the observation that Karin Tusting and Uta Papen make that while literacy practices are socially and culturally contingent, they are not socially determined. keywords: academic; adult; approach; article; authors; autonomous; creativity; critical; curriculum; e r; education; example; learners; learning; literacy; mathematics; new; nls; numeracy; pedagogy; practices; reading; social; students; studies; t u; teaching; technology cache: lnj-1944.pdf plain text: lnj-1944.txt item: #37 of 121 id: lnj-1946 author: Brzeski, Angela title: Portfolio Building: The relationship with literacies in students’ everyday lives date: 2011-02-04 words: 6067 flesch: 63 summary: College students have a wide range of literacy demands placed upon them, both inside and outside of the classroom. The project draws on work already done on literacy practices engaged in by people in schools, higher education and the community (see, for example, Barton and Hamilton 1998, Barton, Hamilton and Ivanič 2000, Hull and Schultz 2002, Pahl 2005, Smith 2005, Ivanič and Satchwell forthcoming), and seeks to extend the insights gained from these studies into further education. keywords: article; barton; building; case; college; course; decorating; diary; dissonance; e r; education; everyday; example; experiences; girlfriend; help; home; ivanič; learning; lflfe; literacies; literacy; literacy practices; lives; mannion; painting; paul; portfolio; practical; practices; process; project; reading; research; resonance; russell; students; studies; t u; team; theory; time; tutor; week; work; writing; year cache: lnj-1946.pdf plain text: lnj-1946.txt item: #38 of 121 id: lnj-1948 author: Prince, Robert; Archer, Arlene title: A New Literacies Approach to Academic Numeracy Practices in Higher Education date: 2008-02-04 words: 5833 flesch: 54 summary: Street, Brian (2000) Literacy Events and Literacy practices, in Martin-Jones, M and Jones, K, eds, Multilingual Literacies. Secondly, mathematics is about general principles that can be applied to a range of contexts while a focus on academic numeracy practices sees every context through a quantitative lens. keywords: academic; academic numeracy; adult; approach; archer; baker; bmi; brian; c e; c h; c y; charts; context; data; different; e r; e s; e w; eds; education; ethnomathematics; history; kress; language; learning; literacies; literacy; london; m e; mathematics; modes; n c; n e; new; numbers; numeracy; numeracy practices; order; p r; particular; practices; quantitative; r o; range; reading; representational; resources; situated; social; south; street; students; studies; term; university; use; view; ways; writing; york cache: lnj-1948.pdf plain text: lnj-1948.txt item: #39 of 121 id: lnj-1949 author: De Silva Joyce, Helen; Hood, Susan; Rose, David title: Revisiting Reading: Exploring an intensive reading pedagogy in adult literacy date: 2008-02-04 words: 7196 flesch: 61 summary: Teachers also collected student texts, produced in the different stages of the pedagogy. Figure 4: Student factual texts produced in joint construction and independent construction Comparative results One important aim of this study was to collect evidence of any impact (or otherwise) on students’ literacy skills as a result of the interventions of the study. keywords: adult; approach; c e; c y; centre; class; classes; classroom; contexts; cswe; cycle; d e; data; detailed; development; e s; education; english; figure; g d; g r; implementation; independent; intensive; intervention; joint; knowledge; language; learning; lesson; level; literacy; m e; method; n g; n u; national; new; ongoing; outcomes; patterns; pedagogy; professional; project; r e; reading; reported; research; rewriting; rose; sentence; social; stage; students; study; support; t u; teachers; teaching; terms; texts; time; u d; use; wordings; work; writing cache: lnj-1949.pdf plain text: lnj-1949.txt item: #40 of 121 id: lnj-1950 author: Davidson, Emma title: Notes on Contributors date: 2008-02-04 words: 2077 flesch: 58 summary: U D I E S Editorial Policy and Notes for Contributors Literacy and Numeracy Studies is an international refereed journal which aims to promote research, scholarship and critical analysis of policy and practice concerning the many and complex ways that adult literacy and numeracy are implicated in adult life. Hammond, Jennifer and Wickert, Rosie (1993) Pedagogical Relations Between Adult ESL and Adult Literacy: Directions for research, Open Letter, vol 3, no 2, pp 16-31. keywords: address; adult; australia; c y; centre; e r; e s; education; email; helen; journal; language; literacy; n t; n u; note; numeracy; o t; outside; references; research; social; studies; sydney; t e; t r; t u; university cache: lnj-1950.pdf plain text: lnj-1950.txt item: #41 of 121 id: lnj-2023 author: Searle, Jean title: Editorial date: 2011-04-01 words: 1908 flesch: 46 summary: The papers which have been included in this issue of Literacy and Numeracy Studies illustrate that what is regarded as being literate or numerate depends on the definition of literacy or numeracy that is adopted at a particular time in history and in a particular context. As Hartley and Horne point out in their article which reviews recent literacy research, lack of literacy has been linked to poverty, poor health and criminal behaviour. keywords: article; authors; c y; context; cultural; development; different; e r; economic; galligan; garegae; hartley; horne; issue; learning; lekoko; literacy; mathematics; numeracy; sandlin; school; skills; social; stories; students; taylor; uses cache: lnj-2023.pdf plain text: lnj-2023.txt item: #42 of 121 id: lnj-2024 author: Hartley, Robyn; Horne, Jackie title: Researching Literacy and Numeracy Costs and Benefits: What is possible date: 2011-04-01 words: 7734 flesch: 50 summary: A considerable amount of work on health literacy benefits and costs has been carried out and some comprehensive summaries and discussions of research exist (for example, Rootman and Ronson 2003, Berkman, DeWalt, Pignone, Sheridan, Lohr, Lux, Sutton, Swinson and Bonito 2004, Shohet 2004). Some interest was evident in the late 1980s leading up to International Literacy Year, 1990 (for example, Miltenyi 1989, Singh 1989, Hartley 1989); however, there has been little work done in the area since then, with the exception of recent studies concerned with financial literacy costs and benefits (Commonwealth Bank Foundation 2005). keywords: adult; adult literacy; areas; australia; b e; benefits; business; c y; canada; capital; cohort; commonwealth; costs; crime; data; development; different; e f; e r; e s; e y; economic; education; example; factors; family; financial; financial literacy; g c; health; health literacy; ials; impact; individuals; information; interest; international; issues; l e; learning; levels; life; literacy; literature; m e; measurement; methodologies; n e; n g; n u; need; numeracy; o r; outcomes; people; policy; poor; programs; r n; r t; range; report; research; skills; small; social; studies; study; survey; t s; t u; training; use; vol cache: lnj-2024.pdf plain text: lnj-2024.txt item: #43 of 121 id: lnj-2025 author: Taylor, Janet; Galligan, Linda title: Mathematics for Maths Anxious Tertiary Students: Integrating the cognitive and affective domains using interactive multimedia date: 2011-04-01 words: 8212 flesch: 63 summary: This relationship is one of the lynchpins of constructivist learning theory, and instructional programs in mathematics, especially those designed for adult students returning to study mathematics, must develop both aspects simultaneously to be effective. Such components of the affective domain have been discussed widely in the literature for many years (eg Tobias 1993, Higbee and Thomas 1999), especially in the adult education literature where historically, high levels of mathematics anxiety (for example) have been recorded in adult students returning to university study (Benn and Burton 1993, Benn 1997, O'Donoghue 2000, Taylor and Mohr 2001). keywords: adult; affective; anxiety; beliefs; bridging; c y; characters; comments; components; course; development; diary; different; discussion; distance; e n; e r; e s; education; evaluation; examples; feelings; focus; galligan; group; interactive; interviews; journal; l l; learning; m e; marks; mathematics; maths; multimedia; n t; n u; n x; numbers; package; problem; research; rom; s s; s t; self; skills; story; students; studies; study; support; t h; t u; taylor; teaching; technical; tertiary; test; u d; u m; u s; university; useful; video; vol cache: lnj-2025.pdf plain text: lnj-2025.txt item: #44 of 121 id: lnj-2026 author: Martin, Lyndon; LaCroix, Lionel; Fownes, Lynda title: Flexible Mathematical Understanding in an Ironworking Apprenticeship Classroom date: 2006-04-01 words: 6417 flesch: 70 summary: Mathematical understanding in workplace training In workplace training, mathematical concepts are generally engaged with within a ‘task context’ (Wedege 2002:70), where the production of a performative solution is required; for example, that of producing a cut length of pipe to meet given specifications. In workplace training there are situated forms of mathematical understandings at play, which are a consequence of the need for mathematics to serve a purpose, to complete a task, or to produce a physical output. keywords: able; andy; answer; apprentices; beam; c r; context; e r; e s; f l; joe; kilograms; l u; m e; mathematical; metric; mike; n d; n e; problem; r t; s t; t u; task; u d; u m; u n; understanding; units; use; weight; workplace cache: lnj-2026.pdf plain text: lnj-2026.txt item: #45 of 121 id: lnj-2027 author: Nthogo Lekoko, Rebecca; Getrude Garegae, Kgomotso title: Intuitive Mathematical Knowledge as an Essential Aspect of Contemporary Adult Learning: A case of women street vendors in the city of Gaborone date: 2006-04-01 words: 8110 flesch: 67 summary: N O 1 2 0 0 6 61 Intuitive Mathematical Knowledge as an Essential Aspect of Contemporary Adult Learning: A case of women street vendors in the city of Gaborone REBECCA NTHOGO LEKOKO and KGOMOTSO GETRUDE GAREGAE Abstract Thus, the focus of this paper is on mathematical literacy, especially that of using numbers, as applied daily by women street vendors. keywords: activities; adult; african; botswana; business; buying; c y; calculations; challenges; city; context; conversation; customer; daily; day; e g; e k; e r; e s; education; everyday; example; experiences; formal; gaborone; informal; intuitive; k n; k o; l e; l k; learning; life; lifelong; literacy; m e; mathematics; n o; n t; n u; need; number; numeracy; o w; participants; people; problems; pula; real; researchers; selling; situations; skills; street; street vendors; study; t u; thinking; time; u d; u m; use; vending; vendors; w l; women; women street; women vendors; work; world cache: lnj-2027.pdf plain text: lnj-2027.txt item: #46 of 121 id: lnj-2028 author: Sandlin, Jennifer A title: Horatio Alger and the GED (General Education Development) Diploma: Narratives of success in adult literacy education date: 2006-04-01 words: 7865 flesch: 58 summary: In the discussion that follows I argue that these stories are the latest manifestation of a genre of success stories that have been told for centuries in the United States and that comprise the ‘American myth of success’. The American myth of success: placing success stories in context Success stories of the kind told in adult literacy programs are not new. keywords: adult; adult education; adult literacy; alger; alternative; american; awards; century; challenge; character; children; classes; day; department; different; e r; e s; education; educators; effort; ethic; family; field; ged; genre; good; hard; help; horatio; idea; individual; job; learners; life; literacy; literacy education; lives; m e; marsden; mclaren; mind; moral; movement; myth; narratives; need; new; o r; obstacles; office; outstanding; people; political; popular; positive; power; press; programs; quigley; r s; result; rich; school; self; similar; social; states; stories; story; students; success; success stories; system; t u; teachers; terri; time; u.s; united; way; weiss; welfare; work; world cache: lnj-2028.pdf plain text: lnj-2028.txt item: #47 of 121 id: lnj-2029 author: Simms, Maria title: Academic Culture: A student’s guide date: 2006-04-01 words: 1174 flesch: 55 summary: A STUDENT’S GUIDE TO STUDYING AT UNIVERSITY By JEAN BRICK National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research (NCELTR) 2 0 0 6 , S y d n e y , I S B N 9 7 8 7 4 1 3 8 1 3 5 ( p b k ) I S B N 1 7 4 1 3 8 1 3 5 5 ( p b k ) 2 6 3 p a g e s Jean Brick’s book is an excellent guide to academic culture and skills for students and academics alike. Although she describes the book as being about academic culture it is much more than that. keywords: academic; brick; chapter; culture; deductive; disciplines; information; reasoning; skills; students; universities; university cache: lnj-2029.pdf plain text: lnj-2029.txt item: #48 of 121 id: lnj-2030 author: on Contributors, Notes title: Vol 15, No 1 (2006) date: 2006-04-01 words: 2250 flesch: 58 summary: Her research interests include the politics of curriculum in adult education, welfare-to-work education, adult literacy education, and consumer education for adults. o r s 106 L I T E R A C Y & N U M E R A keywords: address; adult; author; c y; department; e r; e s; education; email; interests; journal; language; learning; lecturer; literacy; m e; mathematics; n e; n t; n u; note; numeracy; o t; references; research; social; t e; t r; t u; university; use cache: lnj-2030.pdf plain text: lnj-2030.txt item: #49 of 121 id: lnj-2202 author: Scheeres, Hermine title: Talk and Texts at Work: Beyond language and literacy skills date: 2011-06-21 words: 5927 flesch: 62 summary: This manufacturing workplace is one where texts and talk are producing new work practices and new worker identities. There has been work on the literacy demands of new work, on language skills, especially for language background other than English (LBOTE) workers, and on broader areas of communication such as negotiation and conflict resolution and the like. keywords: carol; d t; discourse; e r; e s; employees; example; factory; floor; focus; identity; iedema; kinds; knowledge; language; learning; light; like; line; literacy; meeting; members; new; number; practices; problem; production; psp; research; s s; social; statements; t s; t u; talk; target; team; texts; textualisation; tm2; tower; ways; work; workers; workplace; yeah cache: lnj-2202.pdf plain text: lnj-2202.txt item: #50 of 121 id: lnj-2204 author: Lee, Alison title: Literacy & Numeracy Studies Volume 15 No 2 Editorial date: 2007-06-21 words: 1035 flesch: 51 summary: Vol 15 No 2 2007 1 EDITORIAL ALISON LEE This issue of Literacy and Numeracy Studies takes up two major themes shaping the landscape of research and practice in adult literacy. Finally, in the article by Taylor, Evans and Abasi, we see the emergence of cross-national research on adult literacy, drawing our attention to the cultural and pedagogical similarities, as well as the striking differences, between what appear to be parallel systems. keywords: adult; article; contemporary; e r; field; health; literacy; participation; practice; research; social; ways; work; workplace cache: lnj-2204.pdf plain text: lnj-2204.txt item: #51 of 121 id: lnj-2205 author: Green, Julie; Lo Bianco, Joseph; Wyn, Johanna title: Discourses in Interaction: The intersection of literacy and health research internationally date: 2007-06-21 words: 8379 flesch: 48 summary: A N D W Y N 29 pursuing the connection between literacy and health, particularly emphasising three sectors that should take on collective responsibility for health literacy and that have the capacity to build health literacy skills: culture and society, which is inclusive of broad social and cultural factors in everyday community life; the health system with its many components and settings; and the education system, including post-school, adult education programs (IOM 2004). Understanding health literacy keywords: activity; adult; adult literacy; association; australia; baker; bianco; c o; c t; c y; care; centre; citizenship; communication; community; cultural; culture; department; development; diverse; e n; e r; e s; economic; education; effective; effects; fields; formal; g r; general; groups; health; health literacy; health promotion; individuals; information; institute; international; iom; journal; knowledge; language; learning; levels; life; literacies; literacy; literate; london; low; m e; medicine; n c; n g; n t; n u; national; new; nutbeam; o u; oecd; organisation; parker; people; personal; policy; population; practices; promotion; public; public health; research; responsibility; risk; rudd; s c; services; skills; social; society; state; studies; t u; thinking; u d; vol; wellbeing; wider; williams; world; y n cache: lnj-2205.pdf plain text: lnj-2205.txt item: #52 of 121 id: lnj-2206 author: Bat, Melodie title: Keeping up with Princess Diana in the Late 90s: A story of denied literacy in remote Central Australian Indigenous communities date: 2007-06-21 words: 6519 flesch: 65 summary: I have used some terms in this paper with some quite defined meanings for this context: emergent literacy refers to behaviours observed in young children who are still ‘playing to learn’ either at home or at preschool and are typically aged from birth to five-years-old (Barratt-Pugh and Rohl 2000); early literacy refers to a child’s literacy development when the formal teaching of literacy begins – at school (Hill, Comber, Louden, Rivalland and Reid vol 2 1998); family literacy refers to literacy at home and is the child’s first experience of this world. i a n a B A T 53 Finding 3: Family literacy in this community is effectively being controlled through the bureaucratic power structures that are in place The only observed literacy materials available in this community are owned and controlled by government-run agencies. keywords: aboriginal; books; c e; c y; capital; central; children; community; development; discussion; dunn; e e; e r; e s; early; education; emergent; english; families; family; g u; home; indigenous; k e; knowledge; language; learning; literacy; local; m e; magazines; n c; n g; n u; northern; p r; p w; paper; people; playgroup; project; reading; remote; research; run; s d; s s; school; social; story; t u; territory; time; u d; u m; u p; writing cache: lnj-2206.pdf plain text: lnj-2206.txt item: #53 of 121 id: lnj-2207 author: Taylor, Maurice; Evans, Karen; Abasi, Ali title: Understanding Collaborative Teaching and Learning in Adult Literacy: Practices in Canada and the United Kingdom date: 2007-06-21 words: 6514 flesch: 61 summary: Literacy learners often bring with them certain beliefs about how they should be taught as well as how they should learn. It was this background that fueled the need to investigate the major components of the teaching and learning transaction across diverse types of adult literacy programs in selected regions of Ontario and in Central London, United Kingdom. keywords: adult; approach; c h; c o; c y; canada; capable; collaborative; collaborative learning; community; d l; data; developmental; different; e r; e s; e t; education; environment; example; formal; g t; group; instructor; l e; l l; learners; learning; level; literacy; london; m e; model; n d; n g; n s; n u; new; o l; peers; perspective; philosophy; practice; process; program; r n; research; role; skills; small; social; students; study; support; t u; taylor; teaching; tutor; work; workplace cache: lnj-2207.pdf plain text: lnj-2207.txt item: #54 of 121 id: lnj-2209 author: Chodkiewicz, Andrew title: Review: Outside the Classroom: Researching literacy with adult learners date: 2007-06-21 words: 712 flesch: 53 summary: Jane Mace discusses literacy events and practices by referring to the work of David Barton and Roz Ivanic, drawing out distinctions between the two, and draws on Brian Street to include a focus on values, attitudes and feelings. RESEARCHING LITERACY WITH ADULT LEARNERS BY ELLAYNE FOWLER AND JANE MACE (EDITORS) National Institute for Adult and Continuing Education (NIACE) 2005, 21 De Montfort Street, Leicester, ISBN: 1 86201 223 7, 142 pages. Outside the classroom: researching literacy with adult learners is another of those interesting publications from the National Institute for Adult and Continuing Education (NIACE) in the UK that take on the important task of linking the theory and practice of teaching and researching literacy with adult learners. keywords: adult; book; features; fowler; learners; literacy; lives; mace; portraits; practice; research; social cache: lnj-2209.pdf plain text: lnj-2209.txt item: #55 of 121 id: lnj-2210 author: Ahern, Sarah title: Review: TEACHERS VOICES 8: EXPLICITLY SUPPORTING READING AND WRITING IN THE CLASSROOM date: 2007-06-21 words: 809 flesch: 61 summary: On a more general note, this volume reports on a project which involved teachers in the research process, and which linked classroom practice to theories of teaching and learning. The teachers featured on the DVD are all experienced teachers, and would provide good models for student teachers. keywords: accounts; book; classroom; dvd; learning; practice; research; teachers; teaching cache: lnj-2210.pdf plain text: lnj-2210.txt item: #56 of 121 id: lnj-2414 author: Yasukawa, Keiko; Black, Stephen title: Editorial date: 2011-12-08 words: 977 flesch: 47 summary: The three articles, studying literacy and numeracy practices in and for work in different contexts through different lenses, share the need to make connections between the formal learning and knowledge, and the informal learning and knowledge of the learners. The research articles in this issue examine literacy and numeracy practices in and for work. keywords: activity; apprentices; author; course; derry; different; family; formal; knowledge; learning; literacy; numeracy; practices; skills; trades; work; workplace cache: lnj-2414.pdf plain text: lnj-2414.txt item: #57 of 121 id: lnj-2415 author: Nikolaidou, Zoe title: The Use of Activity Theory in Literacy Research: Working and developing a vocational portfolio and the interaction of the two activities date: 2011-12-08 words: 7404 flesch: 64 summary: These practices are likely to exit the boundaries of the two activities and accompany Derry in his involvement in new activity systems. Contradictions are described by Engeström (2001:137) as: ‘historically accumulating structural tensions within and between activity systems’. keywords: activities; activity; activity system; boundary; c t; c y; case; community; context; department; derry; different; e r; e u; engeström; events; evidence; expansion; extract; interview; job; learning; literacy; literacy practices; m e; new; nvq; o u; object; order; portfolio; practices; qualification; r y; role; s e; study; system; t h; t u; t y; tasks; texts; time; tools; u s; vocational; warehouse; way; work; working; workplace cache: lnj-2415.pdf plain text: lnj-2415.txt item: #58 of 121 id: lnj-2416 author: Holland, Chris title: Someone Like Us: Trades identities and support for work/learning date: 2011-12-08 words: 6904 flesch: 62 summary: Employer value judgements While employers seem confident that employing an apprentice from a trades family is all that is required, these stories seem to indicate that focused support needs to be provided to enable trades family apprentices to extend their trades identities so that they encompass not only on-job learning, but also off-job and distance learning. The paper discusses implications for integrating apprentice support for both formal and informal learning. keywords: able; advantages; andy; apprentices; apprenticeship; block; bryan; complete; course; cultural; distance; e l; e r; e s; e u; employers; family; formal; glass; glazing; help; holland; identities; identity; industry; job; job learning; joinery; k e; l l; learning; m e; maori; mentoring; modules; n e; n u; new; o l; o n; people; pierre; profiles; research; second; study; support; terms; time; trades; training; u m; u s; wellington; work; workplace; zealand cache: lnj-2416.pdf plain text: lnj-2416.txt item: #59 of 121 id: lnj-2417 author: Beeli-Zimmermann, Sonja title: 'You have to find a location where you will sell, where you think you will sell most' – Exploring the numeracy skills of female microcredit clients in Nicaragua date: 2011-12-08 words: 6343 flesch: 65 summary: Like many other women around the globe, they divide their resources between work, their families and households and in some cases evening school. Context is understood as situational context referring to historical, social and other relations where numeracy skills are used. keywords: article; business; c y; categories; context; credit; data; development; different; e l; e r; e t; education; fact; following; half; important; international; interviews; knowledge; lindenskov; literacy; little; m e; mathematics; model; money; n d; n n; n u; numeracy; o n; o u; patterns; relations; skills; statements; street; t u; time; u m; understanding; use; wedege; women; work; working; y o cache: lnj-2417.pdf plain text: lnj-2417.txt item: #60 of 121 id: lnj-2418 author: Dow, Louise title: Spiders are Mammals: Direct Instruction in Cape York date: 2011-12-08 words: 5924 flesch: 47 summary: Both Direct Instruction tutors (myself and an Education Queensland trained school teacher) were mature age, with academic, vocational, life, parenting and other teaching and training experience to draw on. Pearson argues that, because remote communities can expect inexperienced teachers, with a low retention rate, Cape York schools must rely on instruction as the defining factor of quality teaching, ie „committed teacher + effective instruction = quality teaching‟ (Pearson 2009:39). keywords: aboriginal; academy; approach; attendance; aurukun; australian; basic; business; cape; cape york; case; children; classroom; coen; communities; community; critical; cultural; culture; curriculum; cyp; direct; direct instruction; discussion; e s; education; effective; english; experience; future; hair; high; indigenous; instruction; knowledge; l s; language; learning; lessons; literacies; literacy; lost; luke; m e; mainstream; mammals; model; multilit; naplan; national; new; nov; partnerships; pearson; policy; primary; program; progress; r e; r s; reading; real; reform; research; s p; school; scripted; skills; social; sra; state; students; support; teacher; teaching; thinking; time; u d; u m; vol; welfare; york cache: lnj-2418.pdf plain text: lnj-2418.txt item: #61 of 121 id: lnj-2419 author: contributors, Notes on title: Notes on contributors date: 2011-12-08 words: 328 flesch: 44 summary: Her current research focuses on second language literacy at the workplace, methodological issues of literacy research and discourse analysis. Her email address is: Chris Holland Chris Holland has worked in the UK, Europe and New Zealand to research and address learning issues for low paid workers that are often attributed to low functional language, literacy or numeracy (LLN). keywords: address; chris; education; email; literacy; louise; research; social; work cache: lnj-2419.pdf plain text: lnj-2419.txt item: #62 of 121 id: lnj-2616 author: Yasukawa, Keiko; Black, Stephen title: Editorial date: 2012-06-04 words: 1077 flesch: 54 summary: The second article by Judy Hunter and Margaret Franken shifts our gaze to health literacy in New Zealand. The authors argue that the assumption that sits behind dominant discourses about health literacy is that patients’ health improvement is impeded by poor compliance with medical advice resulting from patients’ being unable to properly read the relevant medical information texts. keywords: article; e r; health; keating; learners; literacy; local; market; numeracy; program; social; teachers; workers cache: lnj-2616.pdf plain text: lnj-2616.txt item: #63 of 121 id: lnj-2617 author: Keating, Maree title: Developing Social Capital In ‘Learning Borderlands’: Has the Federal Government's budget delivered for low-paid Australian workers? date: 2012-05-30 words: 8897 flesch: 49 summary: Whilst VET is promoted to retrenched workers, the specific benefits of a qualification arise from the ability of a worker to utilise them, which is in part determined by that worker’s networks and in part by the relative value of the qualification and the worker in the eyes of the employer. These studies noted the confluence of factors working against retrenched workers in re-entering the workforce, and recognised the broad social benefits to workers of holistic support and integrated learning programs. keywords: 2006; able; access; adult; advice; australian; bourdieu; c y; capital; centre; conditions; courses; dispositions; driving; e l; e r; e s; education; employment; experience; feltex; field; funding; g s; general; government; group; individual; industry; jobs; journal; k e; l c; l k; language; learning; life; literacy; low; m e; manufacturing; n g; national; networks; new; numeracy; o c; occupations; ongoing; opportunities; participants; participation; particular; period; policy; post; processes; programs; project; qualifications; research; retrenched; retrenchment; role; s o; skills; social; support; t u; tcfua; textile; training; transitions; vet; vocational; vol; women; workers; workforce; working cache: lnj-2617.pdf plain text: lnj-2617.txt item: #64 of 121 id: lnj-2618 author: Hunter, Judy; Franken, Margaret title: Health Literacy as a Complex Practice date: 2012-05-30 words: 8314 flesch: 58 summary: As attention to health literacy grows as an area for policy intervention, policy discourse continues to draw on skills deficit and patient compliance, buttressed by the dominant political discourse of individual responsibility. The context Over the past decade, the health care sector has driven international attention to health literacy, with several widely accepted tenets. keywords: access; adult; analysis; approach; associated; black; brochure; c o; c t; c y; care; challenges; communication; complex; complexity; condition; constituents; cultural; diabetes; discourse; disease; documents; dominant; e n; e r; e s; economic; education; example; general; h e; h l; health; health care; health information; health literacy; help; important; individual; information; issues; k e; l t; language; levels; literacy; low; m e; m p; medical; māori; n t; n u; need; networks; new; numeracy; o m; p l; patients; people; policy; practice; practitioners; programme; project; questionnaire; research; resources; respondent; responses; responsibility; sector; self; services; skills; social; study; support; system; t e; t h; t u; teaching; texts; time; type; u m; understanding; vol; work; zealand cache: lnj-2618.pdf plain text: lnj-2618.txt item: #65 of 121 id: lnj-2619 author: Black, Stephen; Ndaba, Anne; Kerr, Christine; Doyle, Brian title: Methadone, Counselling and Literacy: A health literacy partnership for Aboriginal clients date: 2012-05-30 words: 8005 flesch: 60 summary: Ideally in health literacy programs, the teaching of literacy is ‘embedded’ or ‘integrated’ in the health context. In the program outlined in this paper, there were clearly several layers of complexity, making the program unique, and thus we need to be wary of drawing implications from it for other health literacy programs. keywords: aboriginal; activities; adult; adult literacy; approach; b l; balatti; black; c y; capital; centre; class; classroom; clients; counsellor; course; cross; e l; e r; e t; education; exercises; falk; group; health; health literacy; integrated; itha; kings; krc; l l; learning; literacy; literacy program; literacy teacher; m e; mari; n d; n e; n g; n s; networks; o n; o y; outcomes; paper; participants; pedagogy; people; program; project; research; s e; social; social capital; student; study; t h; t u; teacher; tranby; trust; u d; u n; y l cache: lnj-2619.pdf plain text: lnj-2619.txt item: #66 of 121 id: lnj-2620 author: Ollerhead, Sue title: 'Passivity' or 'Potential'?: Teacher responses to learner identity in the low-level ESL classroom date: 2012-05-30 words: 8702 flesch: 58 summary: Moreover, Reeves’ study also suggests that teachers may invest in specific identity positions for language learners as a way of establishing their own identities, implying teachers’ ‘self-interest’ in defining their learners (2009:37). Norton and Toohey (2011) note that although language learners may be deeply affected by structural conditions, such as a lack of resources, their social relationships or historical backgrounds, they also have the ability to calibrate or realign their relationships with fellow speakers. keywords: 2003; ability; access; adult; agency; arabic; australian; backgrounds; beach; bonny; c y; cambridge; case; challenges; classroom; context; cultural; data; deficit; different; duff; e n; e r; e s; eds; education; english; field; form; head; identities; identity; interviews; investment; l l; language; language learners; learners; learning; lesson; linguistic; literacy; literate; little; low; lucy; m e; multiple; n t; n u; need; new; norton; numeracy; o t; offer; participation; paula; pedagogical; policy; positions; power; practices; press; program; relationships; research; researchers; response; s s; second; skills; social; stage; study; sudanese; t e; t u; t y; target; teachers; teaching; terms; time; toohey; university; use; vol; way; ways cache: lnj-2620.pdf plain text: lnj-2620.txt item: #67 of 121 id: lnj-2621 author: Forman, Ross title: Phonetics for Phonics date: 2012-05-30 words: 821 flesch: 61 summary: As the author points out, without an understanding of phonics, literacy teachers may provide less-than-helpful, or even incorrect guidance to their students. The early chapters of this welcome book justify a role for phonics – hitherto neglected – in the teaching of adult literacy. keywords: adult; author; book; chapter; curriculum; english; language; literacy; phonetics; phonics; practitioners; sounds; teaching cache: lnj-2621.pdf plain text: lnj-2621.txt item: #68 of 121 id: lnj-2622 author: Contributors, Notes on title: Notes on contributors date: 2012-05-30 words: 546 flesch: 60 summary: He has been researching and teaching in the area of adult literacy for many years, mostly in the vocational education and training sector. His email address is: Margaret Franken Margaret Franken is Co-Director of the Health Literacy Project, Senior Lecturer and Chair of the Arts and Language Education Department at the University of Waikato. keywords: address; education; email; health; language; lecturer; literacy; university; years cache: lnj-2622.pdf plain text: lnj-2622.txt item: #69 of 121 id: lnj-3082 author: Huang, Hong; Chan, Yiu Ming; Feng, Dong title: Health Numeracy Confidence among Racial/ Ethnica Minorities in HINTS 2007: Sociodemographic, Attitudinal, and Knowledge Correlates date: 2012-12-20 words: 4924 flesch: 60 summary: Bivariate (Chi- squares) and multiple logistic regression analyses were conducted to identify the contribution factors that predict health numeracy confidence. Non- linear Fairlie decompositions were used to quantify the factor contributions to racial differences in health numeracy confidence. keywords: access; black; c e; c o; cancer; confidence; differences; e h; e n; e r; education; ethnic; f e; factors; fairlie; gaps; groups; h n; health; health numeracy; healthcare; hispanic; information; journal; literacy; m e; n c; n f; n g; n u; numeracy; numeracy confidence; o n; online; racial; related; sample; self; study; t h; t u; variables; vol; whites; y c; yes cache: lnj-3082.pdf plain text: lnj-3082.txt item: #70 of 121 id: lnj-3083 author: Bebko, James M; Rhee, Thomas; McMorris, Carly; Segers, Magali title: Automatization and Retention of Literacy Skills in Adult Learners date: 2012-12-20 words: 9269 flesch: 60 summary: Nonetheless, the retention of adult literacy participants remains an ongoing challenge, both in terms of instructional effectiveness and to ensure robustness of research findings. According to the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL), 30 million U.S adults are considered to be at the Below Basic level in literacy skills, skills that allow one to search and comprehend printed text (Kutner, Greenberg, Jin, & Paulsen 2006). keywords: achievement; adult; adult literacy; approaches; automaticity; automatization; automatized; b e; c y; caat; children; cognitive; component; comprehension; decoding; degree; e n; e r; e t; education; efficacy; fluency; focus; follow; gains; grade; greater; greenberg; higher; individual; information; instructional; interference; intervention; journal; k o; language; learners; learning; level; literacy; literacy skills; m e; mean; measures; months; n t; n u; national; participants; participation; performance; present; processing; program; r r; r s; range; rasinski; readers; reading; reading skills; realm; research; resources; results; retention; s e; sabatini; scores; session; skills; specific; stroop; studies; study; t o; tapping; task; testing; time; types; u d; u m; u t; variables; vol; words cache: lnj-3083.pdf plain text: lnj-3083.txt item: #71 of 121 id: lnj-3084 author: Holland, Chris title: Cultural/Community Mentoring with Maori and Pacific Electrical Apprentices date: 2012-12-20 words: 5189 flesch: 56 summary: The latest available figures on apprentice completions (Mahoney 2009) are as follows: of 529 enrolled Maori apprentices in 2003, 21% completed, and of only 63 enrolled Pasifika apprentices in 2003, 13% completed. This will provide evidence of what still needs to be done to ensure the ongoing improvement and success of apprentice mentoring. keywords: apprentices; apprenticeship; c u; c y; community; cultural; development; e n; e r; education; electrical; etito; face; group; holland; industry; job; l l; l t; learners; learning; literacy; m e; maori; mentoring; mentors; n t; new; numeracy; o l; pacific; pasifika; relational; relationships; research; success; support; t u; t y; tertiary; training; u l; u m; u n; workplace; y m; young; zealand cache: lnj-3084.pdf plain text: lnj-3084.txt item: #72 of 121 id: lnj-3085 author: Wickert, Rosie title: Vale Alison Lee date: 2012-12-20 words: 543 flesch: 56 summary: Alison’s interest in literacy education goes back many years, starting with her early career as a secondary school English teacher. I recall how her workshops on academic writing revolutionized not only how participants understood what they were trying to achieve in their writing, but also how academic literacy support was conceptualized. keywords: alison; doctoral; education; interest; literacy; pedagogy; students cache: lnj-3085.pdf plain text: lnj-3085.txt item: #73 of 121 id: lnj-3086 author: Yasukawa, Keiko title: Editorial date: 2012-12-20 words: 654 flesch: 44 summary: Although this journal has featured several articles on health literacy, including two articles in the last issue (Hunter and Franken 2012, Black, Ndaba, Kerr and Doyle 2012), we have not featured articles focused specifically on health numeracy. Their US based research focuses on examining differences in health numeracy confidence of white, black and Hispanic Americans. keywords: alison; article; black; confidence; education; ethnic; findings; health; issue; journal; literacy; numeracy; research; studies cache: lnj-3086.pdf plain text: lnj-3086.txt item: #74 of 121 id: lnj-3108 author: on Contributors, Notes title: Notes on Contributors date: 2012-12-20 words: 508 flesch: 49 summary: Rosie’s particular area of expertise is adult language and literacy education policy as evidenced by her multiple publications in that field, including the ground breaking first national survey of adult literacy in Australia, ‘No Single Measure’ in 1989. Rosie Wickert Rosie Wickert has extensive experience in adult education and training, with a particular interest in adult education policy. keywords: adult; chris; education; florida; health; language; literacy; research; rosie; toronto; university cache: lnj-3108.pdf plain text: lnj-3108.txt item: #75 of 121 id: lnj-3327 author: Black, Stephen; Coben, Diana; Gordon, Katherine; McCartney, Niki; Scheeres, Hermine; Searle, Jeane; Wickert, Rosie; Yasukawa, Keiko title: Editorial date: 2013-06-24 words: 1467 flesch: 51 summary: They will add new perspectives and experiences to our work, and our respective local and combined international networks in adult literacy and numeracy can only help to strengthen the journal’s reach and profile. Thus, in this issue, we see new connections and new challenges in theories that inform the field of adult literacy and numeracy. keywords: adult; article; australia; boughton; campaign; current; e r; editorial; indigenous; international; issue; journal; literacy; museum; new; numeracy; paper; perspective; practice; programs; social; studies; study; team; view cache: lnj-3327.pdf plain text: lnj-3327.txt item: #76 of 121 id: lnj-3328 author: Boughton, Bob; Ah Chee, Donna; Beetson, Jack; Durnan, Deborah; LeBlanch, Jose Chala title: An Aboriginal Adult Literacy Campaign Pilot Study in Australia using Yes I Can date: 2013-06-24 words: 12313 flesch: 62 summary: In fact, as a recently re-released collection of country studies reveals, literacy campaigns have a much longer history, going back several centuries, and have occurred under many different types of regimes and in very different historical and political contexts (Arnove and Graff 2008). i While mass literacy campaigns are the subject of an extensive research literature in the field of international and comparative education (e.g. Abendroth 2009, Arnove and Graff 2008, Bhola 1984, 1999, Freire 1978, Miller 1985), they are not a feature of the Australian literacy landscape. keywords: aboriginal; aboriginal community; acsf; activities; adult; adult literacy; agencies; australia; basic; beetson; boughton; c y; campaign; chee; class; classes; community; council; countries; country; course; cuban; culture; data; development; different; durnan; e r; e s; education; end; evaluation; experience; facilitators; fact; family; global; government; group; health; help; important; initial; intake; international; l l; lalc; land; learning; leblanch; lessons; level; life; literacy; literacy campaign; literate; local; low; m e; major; mass; members; method; model; n u; naalcsc; need; new; nsw; outcomes; participants; participation; people; percent; phase; pilot; population; post; process; project; reading; research; role; school; second; significant; simple; skills; social; socialisation; south; students; study; support; t u; team; time; town; training; u m; unesco; university; vol; western; wilcannia; women; words; work; working; world; writing cache: lnj-3328.pdf plain text: lnj-3328.txt item: #77 of 121 id: lnj-3329 author: Furness, Jane title: Principles and Practices in Four New Zealand Family Focused Adult Literacy Programs: Towards wellbeing in diverse communities date: 2013-06-24 words: 11245 flesch: 57 summary: Family literacy programs Internationally, family literacy programs have predominantly focused on parents’ support of children’s school-based literacy skill development, emphasizing how adults can assist their children’s school learning and including how to encourage and model literacy behaviours valued by schools, a process through which adults may enhance their own abilities. The purposes of family literacy programs may be seen as supporting children’s school literacy development and learning, supporting adults’ literacy development for their own purposes or both. keywords: abilities; adult; adult literacy; analysis; approaches; article; barton; beliefs; benley; c y; children; communities; community; cultural; data; development; different; e d; e r; eds; education; english; example; families; family; family literacy; furness; hamilton; help; hpp; important; international; interview; knowledge; l t; l y; language; learning; level; life; literacies; literacy; literacy education; literacy programs; m e; m s; members; ministry; māori; n u; nelson; new; new zealand; numeracy; ormond; pacific; parents; participants; people; policy; practices; prilleltensky; principles; program; purposes; reading; research; s e; school; skills; social; staff; strategy; study; support; t u; tertiary; time; tutor; u d; u l; u m; u s; university; values; vol; ways; wellbeing; wellington; work; zealand cache: lnj-3329.pdf plain text: lnj-3329.txt item: #78 of 121 id: lnj-3330 author: Ackland, Aileen title: At Play in the Space: The concept of 'the social practice approach' in the Scottish adult literacies field date: 2013-06-24 words: 10591 flesch: 48 summary: Despite the common usage of the language of social practices, it has been our experience as teacher educators within the TQAL project that few practitioners have accessed any of the primary literature of social practices theory. Certainly the expectation was that I would make such judgements: ‘How ultimately are you going to analyse whether a particular person’s view of social practices approach is the right one?’ keywords: ackland; adult; aln; alnis; analysis; approach; bernstein; c e; c y; constructs; context; countries; critical; curriculum; data; development; dialogue; different; discourse; e ackland; e r; e s; education; elements; european; example; executive; experience; field; framework; government; grid; group; hamilton; hillier; ideological; individual; kelly; knowledge; language; learner; learning; literacies; literacy; m e; model; n t; n u; new; nls; numeracy; p l; particular; pct; pedagogy; personal; perspective; policy; power; practice; practice approach; practitioners; prf; process; professional; program; project; purpose; radical; relationship; relevant; repertory; research; scotland; scottish; set; similar; skills; social; social practice; studies; t h; t p; t u; teacher; teaching; term; texts; theoretical; theory; understanding; use; variety; vol; work cache: lnj-3330.pdf plain text: lnj-3330.txt item: #79 of 121 id: lnj-3331 author: Yasukawa, Keiko; Widin, Jacquie; Smith, Vic; Rivera, Karen; Van Tiel, Michael; Aubusson, Peter; Whitty, Helen title: Examining Museum Visits as Literacy Events: The role of mediators date: 2013-06-24 words: 9447 flesch: 56 summary: This paper examines museum exhibition visits through the lens of literacy to gain insights into how literacy practices interact with visitors’ experiences in a museum exhibition. This differs from our interest in the literacy practices of visitors to museum exhibitions and the expected or intended practices engendered by the museum. keywords: adult; adult literacy; aubusson; audience; australian; c y; children; cultural; data; different; e n; e r; e u; e x; engagement; event; example; exhibition; experience; family; focus; group; history; intended; learners; literacies; literacy; literacy practices; m e; mothers; museology; museum; museum exhibition; museum visitors; n t; n u; new; nls; non; objects; paper; particular; people; playgroup; practices; public; reading; research; rivera; role; s e; s l; set; smith; social; students; studies; study; t s; t u; teachers; texts; tiel; traditional; u d; u m; u s; van; visitors; ways; whitty; widin; y e; yasukawa; young cache: lnj-3331.pdf plain text: lnj-3331.txt item: #80 of 121 id: lnj-3333 author: Contributors, Notes on title: Notes on Contributors date: 2013-06-24 words: 776 flesch: 48 summary: N O 1 2 0 1 3 111 NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS Aileen Ackland Aileen Ackland is a teacher educator at the School of Education, University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Alison Reedy Alison Reedy is Manager, Higher Education and Training, in the Office of Learning and Teaching at Charles Darwin University in the NT. keywords: aboriginal; adult; campaign; community; education; karen; learning; literacy; museum; new; powerhouse; research; sydney; university cache: lnj-3333.pdf plain text: lnj-3333.txt item: #81 of 121 id: lnj-3334 author: Reedy, Alison; Dyne, Janet title: Reviews date: 2013-06-24 words: 1733 flesch: 44 summary: In particular, it traces the history of the uptake and embrace of literacy practices by the people of Ngaanyatjarra Lands of the Western Desert region, centred in the community of Warburton in Western Australia. It traces the way in which access to interpreting Western culture was facilitated through the early practice of Bible reading and how literacy practices went on to be developed and used by young adults, versed in the modern style of literacy through schooling and Bible colleges, to deal on behalf of elders and their communities with government agencies, governance issues and land rights claims. keywords: australia; book; case; communities; community; culture; digital; indigenous; kral; lands; language; learning; literacy; media; ngaanyatjarra; people; place; practices; projects; remote; research; social; spaces; studies; study; technology; youth cache: lnj-3334.pdf plain text: lnj-3334.txt item: #82 of 121 id: lnj-4175 author: Yasukawa, Keiko title: Editorial date: 2014-10-01 words: 782 flesch: 50 summary: In this piece, Farrell advises researchers and practitioners to take heed of some of the research that is being undertaken outside the familiar boundaries of academic research in adult literacy and numeracy, and which is influencing policy makers transnationally. Ana Pinto’s article is focused on the design of networked learning for adult literacy learners. keywords: academic; adult; article; education; issue; journal; learners; learning; literacy; numeracy; policy; research; rosie; studies cache: lnj-4175.pdf plain text: lnj-4175.txt item: #83 of 121 id: lnj-4176 author: Atkinson, Michael title: Reframing Literacy in Adult ESL Programs: Making the case for the inclusion of identity date: 2014-10-01 words: 6795 flesch: 51 summary: It is contended that it is acknowledging and understanding this process of emerging identity, and reconciling this process with the multiple meanings of ESL literacy programs, which creates the space for participation to be made more engaging for learners. The three statements below typically express the understanding which many students held that English language and literacy skills are essential in order for them to have access to the opportunities afforded to members of Australian society within the context of employment, further study and social discourse. keywords: acquisition; adult; amep; atkinson; broader; c y; class; community; context; course; cultural; development; e r; education; english; esl; framework; functional; g l; identity; importance; journey; language; learners; learning; literacy; literate; lives; m e; meaningful; meaningfulness; meanings; n u; need; new; paper; participants; participation; people; perspective; practice; program; reading; refugee; research; school; sense; skills; social; society; statements; students; study; t u; teachers; teaching; terms; u m; understanding; vol; world; writing cache: lnj-4176.pdf plain text: lnj-4176.txt item: #84 of 121 id: lnj-4177 author: Pinto, Ana title: Networked Learning: Designing for adult literacy learners date: 2014-10-01 words: 5486 flesch: 51 summary: For instance, NALA’s set design relies on videos recorded by adult learners (social design) to portray literacy as everyday life-enhancing experiences (epistemic design). Regrettably, in many cases, the lack of appropriate design represents a major barrier for adult literacy learners to be able to participate independently in online activities (Silver-Pacuilla 2008, Warschauer and Liaw 2010, Smythe 2012). keywords: activities; adult; analysis; architecture; basic; cambridge; d l; design; digital; e d; e r; e s; e t; eds; education; elements; epistemic; figure; goodyear; help; k e; knowledge; l e; language; learners; learning; literacy; m e; n e; n g; n u; nala; networked; networked learning; networks; new; online; page; path; pattern; physical; practice; r n; research; resources; screen; set; social; study; support; t u; t w; technologies; ways; write cache: lnj-4177.pdf plain text: lnj-4177.txt item: #85 of 121 id: lnj-4178 author: Prince, Robert; Archer, Arlene title: Exploring Academic Voice in Multimodal Quantitative Texts date: 2014-10-01 words: 6960 flesch: 53 summary: Prince and Archer (2008) argue that information graphics tend to carry a lot of credibility in academic texts as the assumptions underlying the numbers are generally hidden and numerical representations are often regarded as more factual and objective than other kinds of evidence. Exploring academic voice in multimodal quantitative texts Texts in quantitative disciplines are constructed using language, images such as information graphics (charts, maps or diagrams), and mathematical notation which together form the repertoire of E X P L O R keywords: academic; academic voice; approach; archer; argument; authorial; bars; c e; c y; chart; choice; citation; colour; confidence; conventions; data; design; different; doi; e m; e prince; e r; e s; education; engagement; figure; function; graphics; group; important; information; information graphics; instance; intervals; language; london; mean; meaning; modality; modes; multimodal; n g; new; particular; prince; quantitative; representation; routledge; semiotic; serum; social; source; standard; student; terms; texts; use; voice; vol; ways; work; writing cache: lnj-4178.pdf plain text: lnj-4178.txt item: #86 of 121 id: lnj-4179 author: Farrell, Lesley title: What research has been/ is being undertaken in adult literacy and numeracy and by whom and why: internationally and locally? date: 2014-10-01 words: 3812 flesch: 50 summary: The first is the globalisation of high skills associated with higher education. China had (in 2006) 27 million students enrolled in higher education – more than the US. keywords: access; adult; auction; australian; c t; c y; development; digital; e r; e s; education; employers; farrell; global; government; higher;; industry; investment; jobs; literacy; m e; market; national; new; numeracy; pearson; policy; project; question; relation; report; research; return; sector; skills; t r; t u; university; w h; work; workforce; workplace; world cache: lnj-4179.pdf plain text: lnj-4179.txt item: #87 of 121 id: lnj-4180 author: Osmond, Pamela title: Back to School date: 2014-10-01 words: 1297 flesch: 68 summary: The book is based on interviews with a number of students and teachers in community colleges and adult education programs across America. This is dangerous for without a civic and moral core it could easily lead to a snazzy twenty-first-century version of an old and shameful pattern in American education: working class people get a functional education geared only toward the world of work. keywords: america; book; chance; education; people; programs; rose; school; second; stories; students cache: lnj-4180.pdf plain text: lnj-4180.txt item: #88 of 121 id: lnj-4181 author: Yasukawa, Keiko title: Notes on Contributors date: 2014-10-01 words: 583 flesch: 54 summary: She teaches in Applied Language Studies, Higher Education Studies, Film and Media. Pamela Osmond Pamela Osmond has worked in the field of Adult Basic Education in Australia since the 1970s. keywords: adult; archer; arlene; education; higher; learning; literacy; michael; pamela; research; studies; technology; university cache: lnj-4181.pdf plain text: lnj-4181.txt item: #89 of 121 id: lnj-4419 author: Yasukawa, Keiko title: Editorial date: 2015-05-13 words: 714 flesch: 49 summary: While the idea of literacy and numeracy being critical dimensions of pedagogy may be easy to accept in principle, the idea of taking responsibility for students’ literacy and numeracy development may not be so simple in practice for teachers who identify as experts in the electrical trades, or child care, or hospitality. Sonja Beeli-Zimmermann writes about adult educators learning to become numeracy teachers in a German-speaking town in Switzerland. keywords: adult; article; beliefs; editorial; learners; learning; literacy; member; needs; numeracy; studies; teachers cache: lnj-4419.pdf plain text: lnj-4419.txt item: #90 of 121 id: lnj-4422 author: Marston, Greg; Johnson-Abdelmalik, Jeffrey title: “He was learning to read, but he wasn’t learning to live”: Socially inclusive learning in a community setting date: 2015-05-13 words: 7072 flesch: 64 summary: Commonly available textbooks are used, and methods encompass the common pedagogy of literacy classes. This article provides supporting evidence for the paradigm that community based literacy programs can improve social connections and engagement. keywords: able; adult; alvin; australia; brisbane; c l; c y; class; classes; community; connection; e l; e r; e s; education; employment; focus; functional; gabriel; gavin; goals; group; h n; health; l l; l u; l y; language; learning; life; literacy; m e; mental; n c; n d; n g; n s; n u; number; numeracy; o c; o n; people; person; practice; program; r n; raw; reading; research; s o; skills; social; society; students; support; t o; t u; teacher; tutors; u d; u m; u s; work cache: lnj-4422.pdf plain text: lnj-4422.txt item: #91 of 121 id: lnj-4423 author: Beeli-Zimmermann, Sonja title: From teaching literacy to teaching numeracy: How numeracy teacher’s previous experiences shape their teaching beliefs date: 2015-05-13 words: 10987 flesch: 53 summary: And while the difference between everyday mathematics and school mathematics can be considered one important element accounting for this unexpected constructivist dominance, there are two other possible explaining influences, namely their previous experience as adult education teachers and their training as numeracy teachers. Two exceptions are Stone (2009) who examined how the institutional context affects numeracy teachers’ beliefs and classroom practice, and Henningsen and Wedege (2003) who looked at attitudes among mathematics teachers in adult education. keywords: adult; adult education; approach; aspects; author; beeli; beliefs; c h; c y; change; characteristics; classes; classroom; constructivist; context; data; different; doi; e r; e s; eds; education; education teachers; everyday; example; experiences; field; german; important; international; interviews; journal; kathrin; knowledge; language; learning; leder; life; lucy; m e; material; mathematical beliefs; mathematics; mathematics education; mathematics teachers; maths; n g; n u; network; new; numeracy; participants; pehkonen; people; picture; practice; previous; primary; problem; proceedings; qualitative; relationship; research; respect; role; rolka; school; second; secondary; solving; specific; students; studies; study; swan; switzerland; t e; t u; taylor; teachers; teaching; teaching beliefs; time; training; törner; u d; u m; use; view; vol; work; y beeli; years; zimmermann cache: lnj-4423.pdf plain text: lnj-4423.txt item: #92 of 121 id: lnj-4424 author: Bak, Tao; O'Maley, Pauline title: Towards professional responsibility for language and literacy: exploring vocational teachers’ emerging language and literacy understandings and identities date: 2015-05-13 words: 9576 flesch: 53 summary: t is further compounded when students’ language and literacy needs are factored in; yet this is the space that calls to be confidently inhabited in the future work of vocational teachers. The role of vocational teachers is complex and evolving (Moodie & Wheelahan 2012). keywords: academic; adult; approach; australia; c y; challenge; classroom; collaborative; complex; concepts; confidence; content; curriculum; development; doi; e r; e s; e y; education; experience; focus; identity; industry; knowledge; l e; land; language; learning; level; literacy; lln; m e; n s; n u; needs; new; numeracy; o n; p o; paper; participants; particular; perceptions; practice; process; professional; regards; relation; responsibility; s p; s s; skills; space; specialists; students; study; support; t u; t y; teachers; teaching; threshold; time; training; u d; understanding; vet; view; vocational; vocational teachers; vol; ways; work; writing; y b cache: lnj-4424.pdf plain text: lnj-4424.txt item: #93 of 121 id: lnj-4426 author: Yasukawa, Keiko title: Notes on Contributors date: 2015-05-13 words: 288 flesch: 44 summary: Jeffrey Johnson-Abdelmalik Jeffrey Johnson-Abdelmalik is a Senior Researcher with the School of Public Health and Social Work, at Queensland University of Technology. Greg Marston Greg Marston is a Professor of Social Policy, in the School of Public Health and Social Work, at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. keywords: australia; bak; policy; research; social; tao; university; work cache: lnj-4426.pdf plain text: lnj-4426.txt item: #94 of 121 id: lnj-4809 author: McHardy, Janet; Chapman, Elaine title: Adult reading teachers’ beliefs about how less-skilled adult readers can be taught to read. date: 2016-12-15 words: 8992 flesch: 57 summary: To be effective, adult reading teachers need expert knowledge at practitioner level. Given the complexity of the reading process, to be effective, adult reading teachers must be informed about the reading process and be able to respond to specific reading-skill needs in their teaching (Condelli, Kirshstein, Silver-Pacuilla, Reder and Spruck Wrigley 2010, National Research Council 2012). keywords: adult; adult literacy; adult reading; approach; assessment; beliefs; c h; c y; categories; components; data; different; doi; e l; e r; e s; education; experience; focus; g t; group; ideas; impact; individual; information; informed; instruction; john; knowledge; l t; learner; learning; literacy; m e; n g; n u; national; needs; new; participants; practices; process; programs; r s; reading; reading teachers; reassurance; research; responsive; results; role; skilled; skills; specific; studies; study; survey; t e; t u; task; teachers; teaching; theory; u d; u l; understanding; use; variations; vol; way; ways; words; years cache: lnj-4809.pdf plain text: lnj-4809.txt item: #95 of 121 id: lnj-4821 author: Osmond, Pamela title: What happened to our community of practice? The early development of Adult Basic Education in NSW through the lens of professional practice theory. date: 2016-12-15 words: 8359 flesch: 58 summary: Thus the study examines the genesis of the field in NSW through the lens of a theory of professional practice knowledge that encompasses the socio-political background against which development of adult basic education practice has taken place. Furthermore, the chosen methodology of narrative inquiry validates the place of the researcher as a participant in the inquiry, a position which I value in the case of my relationship to this study, as a long-term practitioner in the field. Reflections of adult basic education practices were collected using semi-structured interviews and focus groups with participants selected on the basis of their longevity in the field, evidence of their active engagement in the field and representation across the key periods of change and sites of provision. keywords: adult; adult basic; adult literacy; alio; australia; basic; basic education; body; c t; c y; community; context; data; development; discourse; e r; e s; early; education; example; exoskeleton; field; framework; government; history; interviewees; kemmis; knowledge; language; learning; literacy; m e; material; n d; new; nsw; number; o n; o u; p r; paper; particular; pedagogy; policy; political; practice; practice knowledge; practitioners; professional; professional practice; programs; provision; public; report; shared; social; stories; student; study; t u; t y; tafe; teachers; teaching; theory; time; u d; u m; u n; u r; understanding; vol; white; wickert; years cache: lnj-4821.pdf plain text: lnj-4821.txt item: #96 of 121 id: lnj-4897 author: Yasukawa, Keiko title: Editorial date: 2016-03-18 words: 646 flesch: 36 summary: In addition to calling for health literacy research that takes on board the reality of bilingualism in many communities, for example by examining not only English language proficiency but also the E Black puts forward a criticism of the Australian health sector’s creation of crisis discourse about health literacy. keywords: activity; adult; development; education; english; health; historical; jacobson; language; literacy; mozambique; research; vocational cache: lnj-4897.pdf plain text: lnj-4897.txt item: #97 of 121 id: lnj-4898 author: Jacobson, Erik title: Workforce Development Rhetoric and the Realities of 21st Century Capitalism date: 2016-03-18 words: 8665 flesch: 57 summary: For example, over the last few decades many adult education programs have developed ‘financial literacy’ courses for their students. U D I E S V O L 2 4 N O 1 2 0 1 6 3 Workforce Development Rhetoric and the Realities of 21st Century Capitalism ERIK JACOBSON Abstract Increasingly, the provision of adult education (including literacy and training programs) is influenced by a rhetoric of workforce development that tasks education with closing a supposed ‘skills gap’ between the skills that workers have and what employers are looking for. keywords: adult; adult education; approach; basic; c y; capitalism; center; class; college; commission; crisis; demand; development; doi; e l; e n; e r; e s; economic; economy; education; efforts; employment; example; fact; focus; gap; help; higher; individual; jobs; justice; l o; labor; large; learners; level; limited; literacy; living; long; low; m e; n t; n u; national; need; new; number; o n; pay; people; policy; poverty; problems; programs; research; rhetoric; skilled; skills; social; states; structural; students; system; t r; t u; teachers; terms; training; u d; united; wage; washington; white; workers; workforce; working; york cache: lnj-4898.pdf plain text: lnj-4898.txt item: #98 of 121 id: lnj-4899 author: Popov, Oleg; Manuel, Alzira title: Vocational Literacy in Mozambique: Historical Development, Current Challenges and Contradictions date: 2016-03-18 words: 7984 flesch: 47 summary: This study does not however embrace formal vocational education and training leading to more advanced professional competence. The field of vocational literacy development is rapidly evolving and expanding. keywords: activities; activity; agricultural; analysis; basic; c y; cambridge; chat; context; contradictions; country; courses; cultural; curriculum; development; different; e l; e r; e s; education; example; field; formal; general; historical; human; income; independence; knowledge; l l; labour; lack; learners; learning; literacy; local; m b; m e; manual; ministry; mozambican; mozambique; n u; national; necessary; new; nfe; non; o z; people; poor; popov; practical; practice; press; primary; private; professional; programs; public; pupils; q u; research; rural; school; skills; social; society; study; system; t u; teachers; theoretical; theory; time; tools; traditional; training; u d; u e; u m; university; use; vocational; vocational literacy; work cache: lnj-4899.pdf plain text: lnj-4899.txt item: #99 of 121 id: lnj-4900 author: Jacobson, Holly E.; Hund, Lauren; Soto Mas, Francisco title: Predictors of English Health Literacy among U.S. Hispanic Immigrants: The importance of language, bilingualism and sociolinguistic environment date: 2016-03-18 words: 7792 flesch: 51 summary: The purpose of this study was to examine the predictors of English health literacy among adult Hispanic immigrants whose self-reported primary language is Spanish, but who live and function in a bilingual community. Discussion To our knowledge, this is one of few studies that have explored predictors of English health literacy specifically among U.S. adult Hispanic immigrant bilinguals. keywords: 2015; adults; analysis; assessment; average; bilingual; border; c y; care; community; comprehension; data; demographic; doi; e n; e r; e s; education; english; english proficiency; functional; g l; h l; h u; health; health literacy; hispanics; journal; l t; language; level; literacy; m e; mas; n d; n g; n u; national; numeracy; o n; outcomes; participants; predictor; proficiency; reading; research; results; score; soto; spanish; speaking; studies; study; t h; t u; table; test; tofhla; u d; u.s; variables; vol cache: lnj-4900.pdf plain text: lnj-4900.txt item: #100 of 121 id: lnj-4901 author: Black, Stephen title: Challenging a Statistic: Why should we accept that 60 percent of adult Australians have low health literacy? date: 2016-03-18 words: 3355 flesch: 46 summary: The argument is made that this criterion level is arbitrary and statistically unjustified, yet it serves the purpose of presenting health literacy as a ‘crisis’ demanding action, which in turn represents the interests of dominant groups in this globalised, neo-liberal era. Introduction – a critical dimension to the Health Literacy, Australia 2006 survey When health literacy is discussed in Australian health forums it is commonplace for leading health researchers and organisations to cite the statistic that 60 percent of adult Australians have low or inadequate health literacy (e.g. Nutbeam 2009, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in keywords: 2014a; abs; acsqhc; adult; alls; australia; black; c t; canada; canadian; care; council; crisis; criterion; doi; education; health; health literacy; international; level; life; literacy; minimum; neo; oecd; paper; percent; policy; population; results; sector; skills; statement; statistics; survey; use; vol cache: lnj-4901.pdf plain text: lnj-4901.txt item: #101 of 121 id: lnj-4902 author: Yasukawa, Keiko title: Notes on Contributors date: 2016-03-18 words: 482 flesch: 39 summary: Lauren Hund Erik Jacobson Erik Jacobson is an Associate Professor in the Early Childhood, Elementary and Literacy Education Department at Montclair State University in New Jersey (US). Erik Jacobson Erik Jacobson is an Associate Professor in the Early Childhood, Elementary and Literacy Education Department at Montclair State University in New Jersey (US). keywords: associate; department; education; erik; health; jacobson; literacy; oleg; professor; research; university cache: lnj-4902.pdf plain text: lnj-4902.txt item: #102 of 121 id: lnj-5060 author: Klostermann, Janna title: Write Like a Visual Artist: Tracing artists’ work in Canada’s textually mediated art world date: 2016-12-15 words: 8609 flesch: 52 summary: Enacting public gallery processes For visual artists, public art galleries are essential. They talk about writing artist statements, biographical statements (known as bio statements), curriculum vitaes (known as CVs), grant applications and gallery applications. keywords: art; art world; artist statements; artists; beth; bio; conceptual; coordinated; darville; e l; e r; e s; eds; ethnography; exhibition; experience; galleries; gallery; griffith; institutional; institutional art; jinny; k e; k l; knowledge; language; literacy; literacy practices; m e; making; marika; mary; materials; n n; n u; new; organisational; ottawa; particular; people; practices; press; processes; professional; public; r t; relations; research; smith; social; statements; studies; study; t e; t k; t u; texts; textual; toronto; u d; u m; university; use; visual; visual artists; vol; w r; ways; work; world; write; writing cache: lnj-5060.pdf plain text: lnj-5060.txt item: #103 of 121 id: lnj-5304 author: Yasukawa, Keiko title: Editorial date: 2016-12-15 words: 653 flesch: 51 summary: Janet McHardy is pursuing her doctoral studies, and she and her co- author Elaine Chapman have written about their study on the different approaches adult literacy teachers take to teaching reading. In recent years many of us in the field of adult literacy and numeracy have become used to grieving the loss of university based teacher development programs and centres promoting research, professional development and debates in our field. keywords: adult; article; critical; development; field; literacy; numeracy; practice; professional; research; studies; teacher cache: lnj-5304.pdf plain text: lnj-5304.txt item: #104 of 121 id: lnj-5305 author: Atkinson, Tannis; Jackson, Nancy S title: Beyond Economic Interests: Critical Perspectives on Adult Literacy and Numeracy in a Globalised World date: 2016-12-15 words: 1594 flesch: 53 summary: We eagerly await more research, like that of Pinsent-Johnson (2015), documenting the mechanisms through which ALN policy and practice are aligned, locally and globally, but also studies that investigate what enables, and limits, educators’ attempts to prioritise the human needs of ALN students over the documentary demands of current policies. We hope to see more work that contributes to a detailed interrogation of ALN policy as an active social process. keywords: adult; aln; alternative; atkinson; critical; current; economic; jackson; knowledge; literacy; numeracy; o n; policies; policy; practices; practitioners; social; statistics; work; yasukawa cache: lnj-5305.pdf plain text: lnj-5305.txt item: #105 of 121 id: lnj-5306 author: Yasukawa, Keiko title: Notes on Contributors date: 2016-12-15 words: 409 flesch: 54 summary: Her areas of specialization are critical analyses in adult literacy, workplace learning and the discourse of skill. She has chapters in recent refereed books through Cambridge University Press (UK), UBC Press (Canada), NIACE (UK) and SensePublishers (Netherlands). keywords: adult; australia; canada; education; elaine; graduate; literacy; university cache: lnj-5306.pdf plain text: lnj-5306.txt item: #106 of 121 id: lnj-5358 author: Bellander, Theres; Nikolaidou, Zoe title: Building health knowledge online: Parents’ online information searching on congenital heart defects date: 2017-12-27 words: 9456 flesch: 52 summary: When making reference to individuals’ practices (as opposed to institutional practices) the term eHealth literacy is used and it describes: ‘the ability to seek, find, understand, and appraise health information from electronic sources and apply the knowledge gained to addressing or solving a health problem’ (Norman and Skinner 2006:2). This means that their search activities are spread out over days, they alternate between using computers, tablets and mobile phones, and they perform searches for health information from their work, the bus or even their bed. keywords: adults; anna; bellander; blogging; blogs; building; cardiologist; care; carlsson; case; child; children; communication; congenital; congenital heart; consultation; content; couples; data; defect; diagnosis; different; digital; digital health; e.g.; education; example; experiences; feelings; forums; group; health; health information; health knowledge; health literacy; heart; heart defect; information; international; internet; interviews; journal; knowledge; learning; life; literacies; literacy; literacy practices; mali; medical; new; nikolaidou; numeracy; online; online information; order; parents; participants; patients; people; practical; practices; pregnancy; pregnant; rachel; reading; relevant; research; rul; searches; searching; social; source; studies; study; support; surgery; sweden; syndrome; time; training; use; vol; way; writing cache: lnj-5358.pdf plain text: lnj-5358.txt item: #107 of 121 id: lnj-5857 author: Yasukawa, Keiko title: Editorial date: 2017-12-27 words: 1242 flesch: 32 summary: The participants of the study (parents of a child/ unborn foetus with a heart disease) engage in health literacy practices to search and try to make-meaning of information about the illness that their child or foetus has; they go to online information sites, the medical staff in the hospitals and online communities of parents of children with heart defects. Brian Street deserves a much greater acknowledgement for his contributions to literacy research and pedagogy and to this Journal than this editorial can do justice to, however, it is difficult to conclude this editorial without expressing the feeling of a deep loss to the field as a result of his death in June this year. keywords: adults; article; authors; editorial; education; health; information; international; international journal; journal; language; literacy; numeracy; numeracy studies; parents; practice; studies; training; vol cache: lnj-5857.pdf plain text: lnj-5857.txt item: #108 of 121 id: lnj-5873 author: Yasukawa, Keiko title: Notes on contributors date: 2017-12-27 words: 158 flesch: 25 summary: Julie Choi is a Lecturer in Education (Additional Languages) in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education. Ulrike Najar is a Lecturer in Education (Additional Languages) at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education. keywords: education; intercultural; language; lecturer cache: lnj-5873.pdf plain text: lnj-5873.txt item: #109 of 121 id: lnj-6260 author: Severinsen, Deborah; Kennedy, Lori; Mohamud, Salwa title: Teaching Strategies that Motivate English Language Adult Literacy Learners to Invest in their Education: A Literature Review date: 2018-12-18 words: 8932 flesch: 47 summary: Our literature review revealed the sociological concept of investment and the psychological concept of motivation to be key elements in teaching adult learners (Blackmer and Hayes- Harb 2016; Darvin and Norton 2015; Dornyei 1994; Norton-Peirce 1995; Norton and Toohey 2011; Zarei and Zarei 2015). While motivation concerns the internal struggles of adult learners, investment aims to uncover the social barriers learners face when learning a language (Darvin and Norton 2015). keywords: 2015; abe; activities; adult; adult learners; adult literacy; approach; autonomy; barriers; benchmarks; building; canada; canadian; centre; challenges; classroom; collaborative; content; crevecoeur; decapua; doi; dornyei; dweck; education; effective; efficacy; encouraging; english; english language; esl; experiences; findings; framework; growth; identity; increase; instruction; international; investment; journal; kennedy; language; language adult; learners; learning; lesson; life; limited; linc; literacy; literacy learners; literature; low; mindset; mohamud; motivated; motivation; needs; new; norton; numeracy; peirce; post; psychological; research; review; rothes; second; self; settlement; severinsen; social; strategies; strategy; structuralist; students; studies; study; support; teachers; teaching; teaching strategies; theory; time; toohey; training; transformative; vol; work cache: lnj-6260.pdf plain text: lnj-6260.txt item: #110 of 121 id: lnj-6263 author: Quinn, Marie title: Plurilingualism in teaching and Learning: Complexities across contexts date: 2019-01-25 words: 1157 flesch: 39 summary: This makes this volume a valuable addition to work in the area of language education and how we might view ourselves as a plurilingual society. The first part concerns reflections on language policy, opening with the preeminent writer in this field, Joseph Lo Bianco. keywords: adults; article; australia; book; classroom; contexts; education;; international; journal; languages; learning; literacy; multilingualism; numeracy; plurilingualism; studies; teaching; training; use; vol cache: lnj-6263.pdf plain text: lnj-6263.txt item: #111 of 121 id: lnj-6301 author: Kubascikova, Jana; Evans, Jeff; Khan, Hafiz T.A. title: Development of intuition in a new currency, the Euro: The Slovak experience date: 2019-01-25 words: 10279 flesch: 50 summary: Table 6 Distinguishing and manipulating euro currency: We can see that levels of difficulty with currency conversion would vary from country to country; for example, they were considerably less difficult in the case of the Slovak Republic (exchange rate about 30 to 1), Belgium (about 40 to 1), Germany (about 2 to 1) and Portugal (about 200 to 1) than in most other Eurozone countries. keywords: adaptation; adults; anchor; attitudes; august; changeover; changes; citizens; coins; commission; conversion; countries; country; currency; data; dehaene; development; different; economic; education; emu; euro; euro currency; eurobarometer; european; eurozone; evans; example; experience; formal; hofmann; illusion; inflation; information; international; international journal; introduction; intuition; january; journal; khan; kubascikova; learning; literacy; marker; marques; money; negative; new; new currency; nominal; notes; numeracy; numerical; people; period; phase; positive; price; process; products; psychology; purchases; questions; ranyard; reported; republic; research; respondents; responses; results; slovak; slovakia; strategies; strategy; studies; study; support; survey; table; tasks; time; training; use; value; vol; years cache: lnj-6301.pdf plain text: lnj-6301.txt item: #112 of 121 id: lnj-6424 author: Yasukawa, Keiko title: Editorial date: 2019-01-25 words: 715 flesch: 20 summary: The second article in this issue is a contribution from Debbie J. Severinsen, Lori K. Kennedy and Salwa H. Mohamud, three adult literacy practitioners who were interested in understanding teaching strategies that would help to increase investment and motivation in adult literacy learners. Together, the article by Severinsen et al. and the review by Quinn provide adult literacy practitioners with resources for reflection on their teaching. keywords: adults; article; education; financial;; international; journal; learning; literacy; numeracy; oecd; studies; teaching; yasukawa cache: lnj-6424.pdf plain text: lnj-6424.txt item: #113 of 121 id: lnj-6672 author: Daylight, Russell; O'Carroll, John title: Teaching University Students to Read and Write date: 2020-01-31 words: 10880 flesch: 59 summary: From literally thousands of compositions and essays, a picture gradually forms about the general qualities of student writing. Some systematisation of student writing is possible, and desirable, if we want to develop a program that addresses these issues. keywords: 2019; acsf; adults; approach; article; assignment; austen; australian; author; bacon; bed; book; choices; claim; class; common; complex; context; cultural; daylight; degrees; different; discipline; education; english; errors; example; experience; features; fiction; field; following; forms; general; grammar; grammatical; hypotheses; idea; information; initial; instance; international; international journal; internet; journal; kind; knowledge; language; level; life; like; literacy; literature; london; media; new; non; novel; numeracy; numeracy studies; order; o’carroll; personal; pleasure; point; problem; program; readers; reading; reading subject; responses; school; sense; sentence; set; skills; social; standards; students; studies; study; subject; support; task; teacher; teaching; tertiary; test; text; things; time; training; understanding; university; university students; use; vocabulary; vol; way; word; work; writer; writing; years cache: lnj-6672.pdf plain text: lnj-6672.txt item: #114 of 121 id: lnj-6833 author: Alkema, Anne title: Hīnātore: Upskilling Māori and Pacific Workplace Learners date: 2020-01-31 words: 7936 flesch: 52 summary: The impact of workplace learning programmes extends beyond the workplace and into the personal lives of employees. Here, for example, literacy and numeracy are embedded into learning programmes; facilitators and employees take a collaborative approach; what is taught and learned is negotiable; literacy is seen as a social practice; and developing employees happens for work, and social and wellbeing purposes. keywords: able; adults; aiga; ako; alkema; analysis; aotearoa; approach; article; children; community; confidence; cultural; data; development; different; education; employees; employer; example; facilitators; family; findings; fund; good; health; home; hīnātore; impact; international; journal; kaupapa; kerehoma; knowledge; learners; learning; level; light; like; literacy; lives; lower; members; ministry; murray; māori; new; numeracy; numeracy studies; outcomes; pacific; pacific employees; pacific workplace; participants; peer; people; pihama; processes; programmes; project; research; researchers; ripley; school; skills; studies; teaching; thinking; time; tool; training; use; vol; way; wellbeing; wellington; whānau; working; workplace; workplace literacy; zealand cache: lnj-6833.pdf plain text: lnj-6833.txt item: #115 of 121 id: lnj-6958 author: Appleby, Roslyn title: Human-Animal Relationships in Literacy Education date: 2020-12-07 words: 6606 flesch: 33 summary: My own interest is located at the intersection of adult second- language literacy education and critical animal studies, where there are fewer examples of pedagogically focused research to inspire classroom practice. Human- animal relationships in adult literacy education: Reading the Australian Magpie. keywords: academic; activities; adults; alienation; animals; appleby; appleby literacy; article; attacks; australian; australian magpie; birds; children; classroom; climate; cockburn; common; conservation; council; critical; cultural; december; dickinson; different; disorder; education; effects; encounters; engagement; english; entangled; environmental; example; experiences; focus; guardian; human; humananimal; incident; interest; international; journal; language; learners; literacy; literacy education; local; louv; magpie; media; narrative; natural; nature; news; numeracy; oct; particular; pedagogy; pyle; range; recent; relationships; reports; research; role; september; shot; song; species; stibbe; stories; story; students; studies; swooping; sydney; taylor; texts; training; use; vol; ways; wellbeing; wildlife; words; work; world cache: lnj-6958.pdf plain text: lnj-6958.txt item: #116 of 121 id: lnj-6959 author: St Clair, Ralf title: What we do with words, and what they do with us date: 2020-02-01 words: 3629 flesch: 54 summary: There has been an increasing tendency to consider literacy, and therefore the field of literacy education in which we are engaged, in an increasingly restricted form. There was not just optimism about the potential of literacy education, there was an expansive imagination about what it could all mean. keywords: access; adults; article; aspects; bernstein; change; clair; class; codes; danger; education; human; idea; international; journal; key; language; literacy; lives; numeracy; order; people; potential; power; purity; questions; research; restricted; significant; skills; society; studies; terms; things; thinking; training; view; vol; ways; words; work; world; years cache: lnj-6959.pdf plain text: lnj-6959.txt item: #117 of 121 id: lnj-6962 author: Evans, Jeff title: Numeracy as Social Practice: Global and Local Perspectives date: 2020-02-01 words: 1010 flesch: 33 summary: The chapters in Part I describe a number of numeracy practices, with special attention to ‘what “surrounds” the numeracy practices, what it is that gives them meaning’ (p. 19). And to say that numeracy practices are political is to acknowledge more than their bases in power relations. keywords: 2019; activity; article; book; cambridge; education; international; journal; literacy; mathematics; numeracy; practices; social; street; studies; training; university; vol; work cache: lnj-6962.pdf plain text: lnj-6962.txt item: #118 of 121 id: lnj-6980 author: Yasukawa, Keiko title: Editorial date: 2020-02-01 words: 623 flesch: 30 summary: While acknowledging the increasingly narrow skills focus of literacy programs in many countries and the potential dangers for adult educators who work against this trend, St Clair urges literacy educators to work with the learners to help them use language and literacy to express and shape their lives and experiences, rather than limit the learning to what is dictated by policy. Like the authors of the first paper, St Clair believes in the empowering potential of literacy and offers Basil Bernstein’s ideas of restricted and elaborated codes as a resource for literacy educators to reflect on their practice. keywords: article; education;; international; journal; literacy; numeracy; paper; programme; research; studies; training; yasukawa cache: lnj-6980.pdf plain text: lnj-6980.txt item: #119 of 121 id: lnj-7017 author: Abraham, Alison title: TRANSFORMING PRACTICE THROUGH AN UNDERSTANDING OF SOCIO – CULTURAL CONDITIONS IN THE CLASSROOM date: 2020-12-07 words: 8220 flesch: 50 summary: Academic writing teachers need to think of how they could develop a wide pedagogical repertoire which takes into account the learners’ perceptions and identities about language learning so that their own teaching practice could improve. In order to challenge Western notions, ESL teachers need to know their local contexts and students well enough in order to explain the complexities that arise within an education system that is continually shaped by historical and socio- political shifts in the country. keywords: able; abraham; academic; action; action research; activity; adults; approach; attention; aware; classroom; community; conditions; context; critical; culture; december; difficult; dimensions; eap; education; elements; english; esl; experience; framework; green; international; international journal; issues; journal; kachru; kemmis; knowledge; language; learners; learning; level; literacies; literacy; local; malaysia; mark; need; numeracy; operational; order; paper; personal; possible; power; practice; questions; research; result; sense; social; sociocultural; sociocultural conditions; stories; story; students; studies; system; teacher; teaching; technique; theory; time; training; understanding; university; use; vol; water; way; ways; western; world; writing cache: lnj-7017.pdf plain text: lnj-7017.txt item: #120 of 121 id: lnj-7044 author: Administrator, System title: Notes on Contributors date: 2020-02-02 words: 352 flesch: 35 summary: Nicky Murray works across health and disability, tertiary education and research sectors in the areas of workforce development, workplace learning and adult literacy and numeracy. His most recent book was Creating courses for adults: Design for learning (Wiley). keywords: adult; education; industry; learning; literacy; numeracy; project; researcher; skills; training; university cache: lnj-7044.pdf plain text: lnj-7044.txt item: #121 of 121 id: lnj-7529 author: Yasukawa, Keiko; Wickert, Rosie title: Editorial date: 2020-12-07 words: 2706 flesch: 39 summary: We are confident, however, that both the academic research community, practitioners and others interested in adult literacy and numeracy will continue to be well- served with research in the field through the new open access online journal Adult Literacy Education: The international journal of adult language, literacy and numeracy published by the ProLiteracy group in Yasukawa and Wickert Literacy and Numeracy Studies: An international journal in the education and training of adults, Vol. 28, No. 1 December 2020 2 the USA ( journal) and the open access online journal Adults Learning Mathematics: An international journal published by the Adults Learning Mathematics group https://alm- publications/alm- Literacy and Numeracy Studies: An international journal in the education and training of adults Vol. 28, No. 1 Dec 2020 keywords: 1998; academic; adult; adult literacy; article; black; editorial; education; health;; interest; international; issue; journal; language; learning; letter; literacy; new; numeracy; numeracy studies; open; people; policy; practices; programs; research; skills; social; studies; support; sydney; technology; training; university; vol; wickert; work; yasukawa cache: lnj-7529.pdf plain text: lnj-7529.txt