03 Predstavljanje konferencije:tipska.qxd 25 Thematic Section of the Journal Management Messages, conclusions and contributions from the SPIN’013 Round Table Challenges of new industrialization UDC: 050.432:330.34 DOI: 10.7595/management.fon.2014.0003 In the period 5-6 November, 2013, the Ninth Symposium of Academics and Practitioners, SPIN’013, was or- ganized by the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade and the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia in Belgrade at the premises of the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia. The Center for Operations Ma- nagement at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences has been traditionally the initiator and bearer of the ac- tivities of SPIN’013 and significant results have been achieved by their full engagement. The general theme of the Symposium «New industrialization, reengineering and sustainabilty» draws spe- cial attention to the theory and practice of new policy and strategy oriented towards new technology, ope- rations and competitive innovative goods and services for sustainable development. The Programme and Organizing Committees of SPIN’013 have put in efforts and energy to fulfill the goals of providing a unique international forum to facilitate an interdisciplinary disussion of current issues and an exchange of cutting- edge information, ideas and innovative solutions in view of urgent changes necessary in all the spheres of the economy and society. Economic and financial crisis with the problems of unemployment, recession, productivity decline and slo- wing down of the overall economic activity, point towards new technology, entrepreneurship and industrial operations creating new value as a solution and strategic path leading to revitalization of industry and eco- nomy. Comprehensive and radical reengineering is necessary in all domains and all the actors present wit- hin the economic and social environment are responsible for implementing change and finding sustainable solutions. The broad issues and themes have brought together scientists, researchers, policy makers and practitioners with more than 70 papers and contributions with presentations and discussions within different problem areas of operations management covered more specifically through the following themes: industrialization strategy and operations management, reeingineering and restructuring, production operations manage- ment, information systems and technology, ecology management, entrepreneurship and SME develop- ment, investement and project management, logistics and supply chain management, quality management, process reengineering, technology, innovation and sustainable development management, finance and marketing operations management, HR management, and management methods and models. The general theme «New industrialization, reengineering and sustainability» is of special significance in pro- voking the issues and themes which play a central role in economic development, focusing the problems on the level of the basic units of economic activities, i.e. organizations of different sizes, both public and pri- vate and in different sectors of economy, where new value is created in the form of goods and services with innovation and entrepreneurship as driving forces. The challenges of new industrialization demand urgent response, change and transformation of organizations, business environment, education with emphasis on higher education, the state, government insitutions, economic system, and society as a whole. Having in mind the significance of the themes and interest that they provoked, the Round table «Challenges of new industrialization» had been organized within the Symposium activities, with three moderators: prof. dr Maja Levi Jakšić, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Mrs Vidosava Džagić, the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, and Mrs Radojka Nikolić, editor-in-chief of the leading Journal for current economic issues, Eko- nometar. The starting point for discussion was based on the understanding that the strategy of sustainable Management Journal for Theory and Practice Management 2014/70 development rests upon the fulfillment of economic, social and environmental goals, essentially dependent on innovation and new technologies. Despite the problems of the global financial crises and a high rate of unemployment registered in different parts of the world, the key to revitalization and emerging of new pro- sperous economic cycles lies in larger investments in research and new technology development projects. The indicated priorities for Serbia in the domain of industrial development underline a sustainable techno- logical change and technology innovation as fundamental pillars of development. New industrialization is based on product, process and consumption reengineering. The Round table brought together more than sixty participants, representatives from industry, university, and government who discussed the challenges of new industrialization pointing out the most urgent and acute problems. The introductory speeches were delivered by three eminent professors of the University of Belgrade: prof. dr Petar Petrović, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; prof. dr Ljubodrag Savic, the Fa- culty of Economics and prof. dr Radivoj Mitrović, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The introductory speeches were more specifically oriented towards themes of strategic industrial priorities and focus on new technologies, sustainable economic development strategy and new industrialization, the roles of state in re- search and development. The panelists and participants in the discussion focused on different areas and issues related to economic and business environment, industrialization policy, the European strategy of Key Enabling Technology, technology transfer, new business models, information technology, entrepreneurs- hip, small and medium enterprises, intellectual property rights, etc. The main conclusions and results of the discussions of the Round table are summarized as follows: - Managing sustainable industrial development at different levels is the crucial goal: at societal, economic, regional, sector, and firm levels. The strategy of reindustrialization in Serbia is part of the su- stainable development strategy with priorities in sustainable industrial development based on new tech- nology and innovation. - Industrialization is feasible and sustainable only within the conditions of well funded and deve- loped system framework The crucial role in developing a supportive and innovative environment for realizing the new industrialization strategy points to different actors as bearers of the key roles: go- vernment, universities and higher education, science, technology and innovation systems, the finance sector, firms as econmic and industrial agents, special agencies and associations. - Industrialization is part of the EU integration processes of Serbia and in harmony with the de- velopment policy and strategy of the EU states. The world experience, especially the experiences of new industrialization policies in the EU as well as the new technological platforms until 2020, repre- sent a framework for a clear definition of national feasible and sustainable development paths and so- lutions. - Firms oriented at continuous innovation and improvement of products (goods and services) and all the processes and operations by which business results are achieved, survive on the markets and register competitive advantage. Sustainability is the key and critical new dimension of modern business with fundamental contribution to growth and development with long-term competitiveness. - Both strategic and operational technology management tasks are equally important and critical to the development in Serbia. Strategic technology management determines a clear framework for technology transfer: scientific development areas, research and technological innovation and deve- lopment, vertical and horizontal technology transfer distribution and share, types of adequate, new technologies for certain sectors and firms. Operational technology management is necessary in rea- lizing efficient operations with implemented technologies. The five papers presented in this thematic section Contributions from the SPIN’013 Round Table «Challen- ges of new industrialization», of the Journal emphasize the main issues and challenges of new industriali- zation with special attention and focus on the situation in Serbia. Prof. dr Maja Levi Jakšić, SPIN’013 Programme Committe Chair and Round table moderator 26 2014/70Management Journal for Theory and Practice Management