item: #1 of 119 id: mej-11046 author: Mulianda, Fitri; Diana, Nirva; Anggraini, Dian title: Development of Mathematics Module Framed In Nuance Of Islam Through Scaffolding Method date: 2020-01-22 words: 2960 flesch: 46 summary: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika,; Vol. 6, no. 2. Astika Finka Fitri,. “Pengembangan Bahan Ajar pada Bahasan Himpunan dengan Pendekatan Problem Solving untuk siswa SMP kelas VII,“ Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, S1 6. keywords: analysis; attractiveness; august; average; bandar; berbasis; criteria; dan; dengan; design; development; education; effectiveness; expert; feasible; gain; group; high;; interesting; islamic; issn; jakarta; journals; jurnal; kelas; lampung; learning; limit; man; matematika; material; mathematics; media; method; module; nilai; nuance; online; pada; pembelajaran; pendekatan; pendidikan; pengembangan; product; research; results; scaffolding; score; siswa; small; students; study; table; test; trial; untuk; values; vol cache: mej-11046.pdf plain text: mej-11046.txt item: #2 of 119 id: mej-11050 author: Chilmi, Fina Idamatul; Sina, Ibnu; Utami, Wikan Budi title: The Effectiveness of Course Review Horay Learning Model with Adobe Flash Assistance to See Interests Aad Abilities date: 2020-01-22 words: 4823 flesch: 50 summary: Results of the analysis of mathematical problem-solving abilities using the Right- Handed One-t-Test To determine whether the mathematical problem-solving abilities of students taught using the Adobe Flash assisted Course Review Horay learning model are better than those of students taught using the Course Review Horay learning model, then the Right- Handed One-Party t-test is conducted. The objectives of this study are: 1) Describe whether the mathematical problem solving abilities of students taught using the Adobe Flash Course Review Horay learning model whose value is above 70 exceeds 53.125%, 2) Describe whether the learning interest of students taught using the Course Review Horay learning model Adobe Flash- assisted is better than students taught using the Course Review horay learning model, 3) Describe the mathematical problem solving ability of students taught using the Course Review Horay learning model Adobe Flash-assisted better than students taught using the Course Review Horay learning model , 4) Describe whether there are differences in interest in learning mathematics and the ability to solve mathematical problems between students taught using the Adobe Flash Course Review learning model assisted by Adobe Flash and students taught using the p model Course Review Horay learning, 5) Describe interest in learning mathematics and mathematics problem solving skills of students taught using Adobe Flash Course Review Horay learning models better than students taught using the Course Review Horay learning model 92 Mathematics Education Journals Vol. 3 No. 2 August 2019 keywords: abilities; ability; adobe; adobe flash; analysis; august; better; class; course; course review; dan; data; education; experimental; flash; flash course; horay; horay learning;; interest; issn; journals; learning; learning model; matematika; material; mathematical problem; mathematics; media; model; online; pendidikan; problem; research; results; review; review learning; right; solving; students; table; talang; test; value; viii; vol cache: mej-11050.pdf plain text: mej-11050.txt item: #3 of 119 id: mej-11051 author: Nurhaliza, Nurhaliza; Maharani, Laila; Putra, Rizki Wahyu Yunian title: Development Of Module Teaching Materials With Predict - Oberve - Explain (POE) Models Based On Gamification On Triangle Materials date: 2020-01-22 words: 4313 flesch: 41 summary: The effectiveness of a learning is achieved when learning material can be absorbed perfectly by students. The learning process and the impact of the use of developed teaching materials certainly have an important role for teachers. keywords: able; accordance; activities; analysis; august; concepts; data; design; development; education; educators; effectiveness; explain; form; gamification;; implementation; interesting; issn; journals; knowledge; learning; learning process; material; mathematics; media; model; module; oberve; objectives; online; poe; poe model; predict; problems; process; product; research; results; students; study; teaching; triangle; understanding; use; vol cache: mej-11051.pdf plain text: mej-11051.txt item: #4 of 119 id: mej-11068 author: Njurumana, Nikodemus Yiwa; Baidawi, Muhammad; Rahayuningsih, Sri title: Analysis Of Students 'Ability To Complete The Problem Of Geometry And Building Side Rooms Based On Van Hiele Geometry Thoughts On Class IX Students Of SMP PGRI Poncokusumo Malang date: 2020-01-22 words: 4127 flesch: 59 summary: Van Hiele's Theory has a level of accuracy to describe each level of student thinking in learning geometry. The test sheet used by researchers is the Van Hiele Geometry Test (VHGT) consisting of 1 test question used as material to measure students' geometrical thinking abilities based on Van Hiele's geometry, the use of Van Hiele's geometry will indicate the level of student thinking in studying geometry RESULTS AND DISCUSSION keywords: abdussakir; ability; able; analysis; august; conclusions; cone; curved; education; figure; geometry; hiele;; issn; journals; learning; level; matematika; material; mathematics; online; picture; problems; questions; research; researchers; results; rigor; space; students; subject; test; thinking; tube; van; van hiele; visualization; vol; work cache: mej-11068.pdf plain text: mej-11068.txt item: #5 of 119 id: mej-11069 author: Pratiwi, Isnin Cahyo; Inganah, Siti; Putri, Octavina Rizky Utami title: Analysis On Written Mathematical Communication Skills At System Of Linear Equations In Two Variables (SLETV) Material Viewed From Student Learning Styles date: 2020-01-22 words: 4042 flesch: 47 summary: Learning traits related to absorbing, processing, and expressing information are student learning styles. This is closely related to differences in student learning style that makes their mathematical communication skills vary. keywords: able; answers; august; communication; conclusions; correct; data; education; expressive;; ideas; incorrect; interpersonal; interviews; issn; journals; learning; learning style; mastery; matematika; material; mathematical; online; problem; questions; research; results; self; skills; sletv; students; style; symbols; test; understanding; vol; write cache: mej-11069.pdf plain text: mej-11069.txt item: #6 of 119 id: mej-11070 author: Rahmawati, Nuzul Putri; In’am, Akhsanul; Dintarini, Mayang title: Implementation of Patil Lele Traditional Game As Ethnomathematics to Improve Student’s Perspective to Mathematics date: 2020-01-22 words: 4213 flesch: 53 summary: After applying traditional patil lele games, students can get to know the game. By introducing this game, students can love their own culture that is Indonesian culture with their participation in preserving traditional patil lele games. keywords: activity; anak; analysis; application; august; culture; dan; data; different; distance; education; form; games;; implementation; indicators; indonesian; issn; journals; learning; lele; lele games; matematika; material; mathematics; member; online; patil; patil lele; pembelajaran; permainan; perspective; play; points; problems; questionnaires; research; results; sheet; siswa; stage; students; teacher; team; traditional; traditional games; traditional patil; use; vol cache: mej-11070.pdf plain text: mej-11070.txt item: #7 of 119 id: mej-11071 author: Sulfiyah, Riny; Baiduri, Baiduri; Ismail, Agung Deddiliawan title: Analysis of Student’s Conceptual Understanding on Visualization Phase in Learning Geometry by Using Spinning Wheel Media date: 2020-01-22 words: 5437 flesch: 54 summary: The researcher could finally conclude that media was the right tool to solve the problems above, because media plays an important role in the learning process, by using media students will be easier to understand the material presented. Abstract This research aimed to describe the result of using the spinning wheel with steps based on Van Hiele theory, and to know student’s conceptual understanding in visualization phase through spinning wheel media and to describe the effectiveness of spinning wheel in improving student level of thinking from visualization phase to analysis phase. keywords: able; analysis; august; concept; conceptual; conceptual understanding; education; examples; following; geometry; good; hiele;; issn; journals; learning; level; material; mathematics; media; meeting; online; phase; plane; process; quadrilateral; research; results; spinning; stage; stage students; students; teacher; test; theory; thinking; triangle; understanding; van; visualization; vol; wheel; wheel media; writing cache: mej-11071.pdf plain text: mej-11071.txt item: #8 of 119 id: mej-11072 author: Eriyanto, Erik; Inganah, Siti; Utomo, Dwi Priyo title: The Effect of "Quantum Learning" Model Using "Mind Mapping" Technique to Eight Grade Students’ Creative Thinking Ability date: 2020-01-22 words: 2783 flesch: 53 summary: Picture 4 Answer of Question Number Four Picture 4 is an example of student creative thinking performance on the elaboration indicator, with a score of 4 on the maximum score of 4. Therefore, it can be concluded that the achievement of creative thinking indicators is more achieved by the experimental group than by the control class. keywords: ability; average; control; creative; creative thinking; data; different; education; effect; experimental; group; indicators; issn; learning; mapping; mathematics; mind; model; number; picture; post; process; quantum; quantum learning; question; research; results; score; skills; students; table; techniques; test; thinking; value cache: mej-11072.pdf plain text: mej-11072.txt item: #9 of 119 id: mej-11073 author: Rohmah, Riska Nur; Utomo, Dwi Priyo; Zukhrufurrohmah, Zukhrufurrohmah title: The Effectiveness of Implementation Warmer Apperception to Construct the Conceptual Understanding on the Learning Material of Vector date: 2020-01-22 words: 4893 flesch: 41 summary: The stages in the implementation of this research were: 1) the preparation stage included the discovery of research problems, the literature study, the determination of the problems to be studied, the making of research instruments, and the implementation of instrument validation; and 2) the implementation stage included of the implementation of Warmer apperception in the 10th grade of Mathematics and Natural Science (MIA) at Senior High School (SMA) of Muhammadiyah 3 Batu, observation on the implementation of Warmer apperception by the observer, students’ questionnaire distribution, and conducting the conceptual understanding test of vector material. At the beginning of learning activities rarely implemented the apperception activities (introduction to facilitate in the understanding of the material by connecting the experiences or students’ conceptual that already owned by the students) (Wijaya, 2015). keywords: activities; assessment; august; category; clap; conceptual understanding; dan; dimensional; education; effectiveness; explaining; explanation; good; good category;; implementation; issn; journals; jurnal; konsep; learning; matematika; material; mathematics; meeting; minimum; observation; online; pemahaman; pembelajaran; pendidikan; positive; questionnaire; questions; research; response; response category; results; school; self; sheets; siswa; space; students; teacher; terhadap; test; understanding; universitas; use; vector; vector material; vol; warmer apperception cache: mej-11073.pdf plain text: mej-11073.txt item: #10 of 119 id: mej-11075 author: Sari, Ayu Amelia; Utomo, Dwi Priyo; Zukhrufururrohmah, Zukhrufururrohmah title: An Analysis of Students' Errors to Find the Result Reflection in Coordinate Plane Based On in the Newman Error Analysis Nints-Grade Students of Junior High School 2 Sampit date: 2020-01-22 words: 4437 flesch: 52 summary: In this study, the researcher identified student errors based on Newman with the following indicators: This is in line with research conducted by Clement (in Rindayana, 2012) which states that lack of motivation can be a factor in student error. keywords: analysis; answers; august; coordinate; dan; data; education; errors; field; figure;; issn; journals; jurnal; kualitatif; lack; mathematics; mirror; mistakes; motivation; negeri; newman; number; online; pendidikan; penelitian; plane; point; problem; process; questions; reading; reflection; research; results; shadow; shows; solving; stage; students; study; tests; transformation; understanding; vol; writing cache: mej-11075.pdf plain text: mej-11075.txt item: #11 of 119 id: mej-11357 author: Sudihartinih, Eyus; Prabawanto, Sufyani title: Test Instrument Validation of Two Dimensional Geometry Using Rasch Model date: 2020-09-15 words: 3763 flesch: 60 summary: This item analysis includes the level of difficulty (item measure), the level of suitability of item items (item fit), and the detection of item bias items. Cronbach Alpha value, which represents the interaction between person and item items as a whole, is 0.67, including enough category. keywords: ability; analysis; answers; august; average; better; category; criteria; data; difficulty; easy; education; figure; geometry; greater; high;; individual; instrument; issn; item; journals; level; logit; mathematics; measure; mnsq; model; online; outfit; person; quality; rasch; reliability; research; science; separation; students; study; sumintono; table; validation; value; vol; widhiarso; zstd cache: mej-11357.pdf plain text: mej-11357.txt item: #12 of 119 id: mej-11465 author: Susanti, Meli; Hasinah, Anisa Nurul; Zanthy, Luvy Sylviana title: Analysis of Mathematical Communication Skills Students for Two Variable Linear Equation Systems Material date: 2020-03-08 words: 2411 flesch: 38 summary: ISSN : 2579-5724 ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online) Based on the percentage table of students mathematical communication skills, it can be seen the acquisition of the value of the ability of each item and the percentage of mathematical communication skills of students viewed from the results of the ability test. Besides that, with communication skills students are able to reflect ideas, improve, discuss and develop, so that when students try to write they are trying to explain and convince, According to Yuniarti, et. keywords: ability; analisis; answers; communication; communication skills; complete; dan; education; equation; february;; ideas; issn; journals; jurnal; kemampuan; learning; low; matematika; mathematical; mathematical communication; number; online; pada; percentage; problems; question; research; results; siswa; skills; smp; story; students; test; vol; zanthy cache: mej-11465.pdf plain text: mej-11465.txt item: #13 of 119 id: mej-11466 author: Elsa, Hanne Ayuningtias; Sudihartinih, Eyus title: Error Analysis of High School Students on Linear Program Topics Based on Newman Error Analysis date: 2020-03-08 words: 2866 flesch: 62 summary: This is important for teachers to be able to find out the location of student errors so they can know and anticipate learning difficulties experienced by students. ISSN : 2579-5724 ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online) for students, help teachers to determine the location of student errors, and determine effective learning strategies to overcome them (Karnasih, 2015). keywords: analysis; answer; area; education; error; february; figure; graph;; issn; journals; learning; linear; mathematics; newman; number; online; participants; point; problem; process; program; questions; settlement; student; study; test; topics; vol; writing cache: mej-11466.pdf plain text: mej-11466.txt item: #14 of 119 id: mej-11467 author: Rahmadani, Heni; Roza, Yenita; Murni, Atma title: Design of Information and Technology Based Teaching Materials in Mathematics Subjects of IT High School Pekanbaru Students date: 2020-03-08 words: 5706 flesch: 36 summary: This study aims to describe the results of the development of information technology- based teaching materials to improve the mathematical representation ability of students in class X Trigonometry Function Materials that are valid, practical, and effective. Abstract This research is based on the low mathematical representation ability of students and the lack of textbooks used by teachers in presenting teaching material. keywords: abilities; ability; accordance; analysis; aspects; average; bahan; berbasis; class; concepts; criteria; curriculum; dan; design; development; discovery; education; effectiveness; efforts; evaluation; february; figure; function; gambar; group; help;; information; issn; journals; jurnal; kemampuan; learning; matematika; materials; mathematical; mathematical representation; model; online; page; pembelajaran; pendidikan; pengembangan; phase; practical; practicality; process; representasi; representation; representation ability; research; researchers; results; siswa; small; students; study; table; teacher; teaching; teaching materials; technology; test; use; valid; validation; validity; value; vol cache: mej-11467.pdf plain text: mej-11467.txt item: #15 of 119 id: mej-11468 author: Agustin, Ririn Dwi title: E-Encyclopedia of Mathematics Based on Android For Class VIII Junior High School date: 2020-03-08 words: 2319 flesch: 40 summary: With the development of learning applications such as this technology, it is expected to increase the benefits of smartphones in the field of education and add student interest. Learning media is a tool that can convey or deliver learning messages (Arsyad, 2015: 3). keywords: accordance; analysis; android; application; computer; criteria; design; development; devices; education; encyclopedia; experts; february; field; figure; form;; issn; journals; junior; learning; material; mathematics; media; menu; mobile; online; research; results; semester; students; users; vol cache: mej-11468.pdf plain text: mej-11468.txt item: #16 of 119 id: mej-11469 author: Sur, Widiya Astuti Alam title: Mathematical Construction of Definite Integral Concepts by Using GeoGebra date: 2020-03-08 words: 6404 flesch: 57 summary: Analytically, inequality can be proven as: Lemma: If 𝑃�and 𝑄 are partitions on [𝑎,𝑏], then 𝐿�(𝑓,𝑃)�≤ 𝑈�(𝑓,𝑄)[6] Proof: Take any 𝑃 ∪ 𝑄 partitions on [𝑎,𝑏] containing points the partition points at 𝑃 and 𝑄, so that they apply: 𝐿�(𝑓,𝑃)�≤ 𝐿�(𝑓,𝑃 ∪ 𝑄)�≤ 𝑈�(𝑓,𝑃 ∪ 𝑄)�≤ 𝑈�(𝑓,𝑄) It is clear that 𝐿�(𝑓,𝑃)�≤ 𝑈�(𝑓,𝑄) From the lemma, it can be said that 𝐿�(𝑓,𝑃)�𝑖𝑠 limited to the top and 𝑈�(𝑓,𝑃)�𝑖𝑠 limited to the bottom. keywords: area; calculation; concepts; continuous; curve; definite; display; distance; education; february; figure; following; function; geogebra; geometry;; inequality; integral; interval; issn; journals; learning; lowersum; material; mathematics; number; number 𝐼; object; online; partition 𝑃; speed; students; subinterval; sum; time; understanding; uppersum; value; visualization; vol; 𝑈 � cache: mej-11469.pdf plain text: mej-11469.txt item: #17 of 119 id: mej-11470 author: Ramadhani, Eka Yanuar; Kusuma, Anggun Badu title: Application of CORE Learning to Improve Mathematical Connection Capabilities and Self-Efficacy date: 2020-03-08 words: 4154 flesch: 52 summary: This causes 1) Students do not have confidence in what they are doing, this is proven when the teacher asks about math problems, students are reluctant to answer for fear of being wrong, 2) Easy to despair in working on difficult questions, for example when the teacher gives questions that are difficult and students can not answer, just leave it or even see the results of their friends' answers, 3) Not ready to face the situation, for example when the teacher suddenly gives an evaluation test or daily tests without notifying them first. Abstract The study aimed to improve the skills of students mathematical connections and self-efficacy for grade VII D of SMP N 3 Sidareja in the 2018/2019 academic year through CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, and Extending) learning on the topic of triangles and rectangles. keywords: ability; activities; activity; average; average value; concepts; connection; core; cycle; cycle iii; efficacy; extending; figure; iii; increase; indicator; issn; learning; life; material; mathematical; observation; results; self; stage; students; table; teacher; value cache: mej-11470.pdf plain text: mej-11470.txt item: #18 of 119 id: mej-11471 author: Kurniawan, Ferry; Effendi, Moh. Mahfud; Ummah, Siti Khoiruli title: Development Of Smart Binoculars Learning For Trigonometry Materials In Middle Vocational School date: 2020-03-08 words: 4141 flesch: 47 summary: Furthermore, the practicality of smart binoculars learning media based on student response questionnaire the average student is satisfied with the learning experience using learning media and for the effectiveness of smart binoculars learning media get positive things because the evaluation of ten samples of students gets grades above minimal completeness criteria. Arsyad (2011) said that learning media is a tool in the learning process both inside and outside the classroom, further explained that learning media is a component of learning resources or a physical vehicle containing instructional material in the student environment that can stimulate students to learn. keywords: aspect; assessment; binoculars; borg; category; collection; criteria; dan; data; development; education; effective; evaluation; experts; february; follows; high;; issn; journals; learning; malang; matematika; material; mathematics; media; object; online; pembelajaran; pendidikan; planning; practical; process; product; research; researchers; response; results; revised; school; score; simple; smart; smart binoculars; smkn; students; study; suitability; table; teachers; test; tools; trials; trigonometry; use; valid; valid media; validation; vocational; vol cache: mej-11471.pdf plain text: mej-11471.txt item: #19 of 119 id: mej-11472 author: Yusrina, Maulida Luka; Inganah, Siti; Putri, Octavina Rizky Utami title: Analysis Of The Level Of Understanding Concepts And Critical Thinking Ability Of Students In Resolving Trigonomic Equations Using Graphs date: 2020-03-08 words: 5637 flesch: 49 summary: ISSN : 2579-5724 ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online) understanding the concept and critical thinking ability of students in solving trigonometric equations using high IE chart , Medium, or Low (2) presentation of data, presenting information that has been obtained from the results of the explanation and interview ability of the concept and critical thinking students to obtain results and conclusions (3) the withdrawal of conclusions, analyzing how The results of the test descriptions and interviews so that can be drawn conclusions how the level of understanding the concept and the ability of critical thinking students in solving trigonomteri equations using graphs. High Understanding of Student concept Category The result of the number 1: Figure 1. keywords: ability; able; axis; capable; category; concept; conclusions; critical; critical thinking; education; equations; february; figure; graphs; high;; indicator; interview; issn; journals; level; low; mathematics; medium; meeting; number; objects; online; problem; research; result; second; session; set; siswa; students; subject; thinking; thinking ability; trigonometric; trigonometric equations; understanding; value; vol; work cache: mej-11472.pdf plain text: mej-11472.txt item: #20 of 119 id: mej-11473 author: Prillyana, Fadhanila Syainuralita; Cahyono, Hendarto; Jamil, Anis Farida title: Developing Interactive Learning Media of “Venn Gram” to Improve Conceptual Understanding of Set Operations date: 2020-03-08 words: 3843 flesch: 53 summary: This has been described in the background above, so that the researcher draws a research problem namely: What is the valid and effective level of the development of interactive learning media of Venn gram to improve the conceptual understanding of the set operation material. The Development Results The development of interactive learning media of Venn Gram used the Adobe Flash Cs 5 as an interactive learning media for Junior High School students on the set operation material, which included of slices, combinations, complements, and differences. keywords: adobe; assessment; average; conceptual; criteria; development; education; february; flash; gram; high; interactive; interactive learning; interactive media; issn; journals; learning; learning media; malang; material; mathematics; media; operations; post; pre; program; questions; research; results; school; set; students; table; teacher; test; understanding; validator; venn; venn gram; vol cache: mej-11473.pdf plain text: mej-11473.txt item: #21 of 119 id: mej-11474 author: Fakhri, Muhammad; Taufik, Marhan; Ismail, Agung Deddiliawan title: Improvement of Mathematics Learning Outcomes by Applying The Missouri Mathematics Project Learning Model And Dienes Game Theory date: 2020-03-08 words: 3967 flesch: 57 summary: In addition to giving an impact on the average score of student learning outcomes, learning with the MMP learning model and Dienes Theory also impacts students to get a score of learning outcomes that reach MCML. ISSN : 2579-5724 ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online) Explanation amount Persentase Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Students who reach MCML 26 28 81% 88% Students who do not reach MCML 6 4 19% 12% Based on table 2, learning using the MMP learning model combined with Dienes Learning Theory can increase the percentage of student learning outcomes that achieve MCML. keywords: average; batu; class; classroom; cycle; dan; dienes; dienes game; education; february; game; group; high; increase; issn; learning; learning model; learning outcomes; learning process; matematika; material; mathematics; mcml; meeting; mmp; model; negeri; number; outcomes; pendidikan; pictures; problems; process; research; results; school; scores; smp; student learning; students; study; teacher; theory; value; viii; vol cache: mej-11474.pdf plain text: mej-11474.txt item: #22 of 119 id: mej-12228 author: Utari, Dimiati Tari; Utomo, Dwi Priyo; Zukhrufurrohmah, Zukhrufurrohmah title: Effectiveness of the application of Quantum Learning Model in terms of students' written mathematical communication skills date: 2020-09-19 words: 4161 flesch: 46 summary: Based on research conducted by Elli and Manopo (2016), with Classroom Action Research (CAR) or Penelitian Tindak Kelas (PTK) learning activities carried out with two cycles that use the Quantum Learning model both to improve students' mathematical communication skills and improve student learning activities in class. The next stage is the implementation stage which is held three times by giving a description test to measure the ability of written mathematical communication at the third or final meeting. keywords: ability; august; average; class; communication; communication skills; criteria; education; effectiveness; good;; implementation; indicator; information; issn; journals; jurnal; kemampuan; learning; learning model; malang; matematika; mathematical; mathematical communication; meeting; model; muhammadiyah; online; pembelajaran; process; quantum; quantum learning; research; results; sari; school; score; siswa; skills; smp; students; symbols; test; viii; vol; write; writing cache: mej-12228.pdf plain text: mej-12228.txt item: #23 of 119 id: mej-12277 author: Farida, Rohmah Nila; Utomo, Dwi Priyo; Zukhrufurrohmah, Zukhrufurrohmah title: The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning in Terms of Creativity and Learning Outcomes date: 2020-09-19 words: 3204 flesch: 48 summary: Malang Abstract This study aims to describe the effectiveness of Problem Based Learning in terms of student creativity and student learning outcomes. The difference in the above research is that Research (Padmavathy and Mareesh, 2013) measures improving student learning outcomes while researchers increase student creativity and learning outcomes. keywords: ability; activities; august; average; category; creativity; data; education; effectiveness; good; implementation; issn; learning; learning outcomes; mathematics; model; outcomes; pbl; percentage; problem; research; results; school; score; solving; student; student creativity; student learning; study; terms; test; vol cache: mej-12277.pdf plain text: mej-12277.txt item: #24 of 119 id: mej-12334 author: Dintarini, Mayang; Kusumawardhana, Adi Slamet title: Research Based Learning on Student Learning Outcomes in Statistics Course date: 2020-09-16 words: 2877 flesch: 51 summary: By using research-based learning, students are expected to be able to better understand the concepts and applications of Statistics material and foster the skills of research students, especially Government students. It showed that Research-based Learning had an impact on the average final grades of experimental class students so that it becomes better than the average control class students. keywords: activities; analysis; application; aspect; august; average; better; class; classes; control; courses; data; design; education; effectiveness; experimental; group;; issn; journals; latest; learning; lecturer; material; mathematics; model; online; outcomes; problem; research; results; sample; social; statistics; students; study; vol cache: mej-12334.pdf plain text: mej-12334.txt item: #25 of 119 id: mej-12419 author: shofia, niska; Rochana, Siti; Widodo, Suryo title: Analysis of Mathematic Representation Ability of Informatics Engineering Students in Assignment Problems date: 2020-09-17 words: 2949 flesch: 37 summary: So, it can be interpreted that the level of student intelligence also affects the level of student mathematical representation. To find out a person's ability to think logically, critically, rationalistically, effectively, carefully and efficiently in solving mathematical problems, an analysis of mathematical representations is needed. keywords: abilities; ability; analysis; assignment; august; category; data; education; engineering; figure; form; high;; issn; journals; level; low; matematika; mathematical; mathematical representation; medium; online; operations; problem; representasi; representation; representation ability; research; results; stage; students; subject; test; verbal; visual; vol cache: mej-12419.pdf plain text: mej-12419.txt item: #26 of 119 id: mej-12523 author: Arfiani, Destiana Dian; Ulya, Himmatul; Wanabuliandari, Savitri title: The Effect of REACT Model Assisted Fable-Math Book Media on Mathematical Problem Solving Of Elementary School Students date: 2020-09-15 words: 5008 flesch: 50 summary: Therefore, the role of the teacher is an important thing that supports the improvement of student problem solving starting from increasing the ability of the students themselves and the choice of learning methods as well as various mathematical problem solving exercises. The analysis used to determine the increase in student ability is the N-gain test carried out in the Microsoft Excel 2010 application. keywords: abilities; ability; august; average; book; book media; classical; completeness; concepts; contextual; dan; data; easier; education; effect; fable; form; grade;; increase; issn; journals; kemampuan; kkm; learning; learning model; masalah; matematika; material; math book; mathematical; mathematical problem; media; model; online; posttest; pretest; problem; proportion; react; react model; research; results; sample; sdn; siswa; solving; students; teacher; test; understanding; use; value; vol cache: mej-12523.pdf plain text: mej-12523.txt item: #27 of 119 id: mej-12660 author: Purnamawati, Herni; Murni, Atma; Saragih, Sehatta title: Development of Learning Tools by Applying The MASTER Plan Technique Based on A Scientific Approach to Improve Student Learning Outcomes on Number Pattern Material date: 2020-09-16 words: 4743 flesch: 50 summary: Based on the interview results it was found that the equipment used by the teacher was not in accordance with the 2013 curriculum, the teacher was still having difficulty in compiling learning tools that were in accordance with the 2013 curriculum, the model or method used had not been varied, the LKPD used had not been able to assist students in finding concepts from the material studied and student learning outcomes are still not achieving maximum results. Thus the learning tools developed are effective for improving student learning outcomes. 134 Mathematics Education Journals Vol. 4 No. 2 August 2020 ISSN : 2579-5724 ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online) In line with (Kawiyah, 2015), it is shown that the development of scientific-based mathematics learning tools to improve student learning outcomes is considered effective for use with the percentage of students achieving KKM of more than 75%. keywords: abilities; activities; analysis; approach; august; average; class; dan; design; developed; development; device; education; effectiveness;; issn; journals; jurnal; knowledge; learning; learning tools; lkpd; master; material; mathematics; meaning; model; number; online; outcomes; pembelajaran; pengembangan; phase; plan; practicality; problem; process; questionnaire; results; rpp; scientific; skills; stage; students; syllabus; teacher; technique; test; tools; use; valid; validator; vol cache: mej-12660.pdf plain text: mej-12660.txt item: #28 of 119 id: mej-12832 author: Setyowati, Sulis; Cholily, Yus Mochamad; Azmi, Rizal Dian title: Analysis of Mathematical Communication Capabilities in Completing Problems in Matrix Materials Based on Solo Taxonomy date: 2020-09-17 words: 5086 flesch: 43 summary: The important role of communication in mathematics learning, because through mathematical communication students are able to explain, express, and listen which can lead students to deeper insights into mathematics (Waluya, 2017). Mathematical communication must be a concern that focuses on learning mathematics, because through communication students are able to organize their mathematical thinking (Lanani, 2013). keywords: abg; abilities; ability; able; abstract; analysis; august; communication; communication skills; criteria; education; extended; good;; indicators; information; issn; journals; kemampuan; level; mathematical; mathematical communication; matrix; online; problems; questions; relational; research; results; skills; solo; solution; solving; students; study; taxonomy; test; unistructural; vol; work; write; writing cache: mej-12832.pdf plain text: mej-12832.txt item: #29 of 119 id: mej-12834 author: Wulandari, Ninik Diah; Cholily, Yus Mochamad; Azmi, Rizal Dian title: Analysis of Students 'Mathematic Ability in Using Open Ended Teaching Materials on Class VII Function Relations Materials date: 2020-09-19 words: 4325 flesch: 38 summary: Students have moderate mathematical communication skills because students are able to convert questions into notation form but students are not quite right in writing set notations, students are less able to convert mathematical information into arrows diagram images by not writing relationships formed from setsA and set Band students are less able to draw graphs of functions and students are able to use mathematical information to solve problems. Students with written mathematical communication skills have sufficient ability to convert mathematical information into set notations, students are less able to convert mathematical information into images and students are able to use mathematical information to solve problems. keywords: able; answers; code; communication; education; ended; figure; functions; high; indicator; information; issn; learning; material; mathematical; mathematical communication; notation; number; open; problems; questions; relations; research; results; set; sets; skills; students; use; writing cache: mej-12834.pdf plain text: mej-12834.txt item: #30 of 119 id: mej-13313 author: Yuntiaji, Dhea Andryos; Lukman, Hamidah Suryani; Imswatama, Aritsya title: Digital Worksheet Design Based of STEAM to Develop Students’ Problem Solving Skill date: 2020-09-16 words: 4314 flesch: 47 summary: Abstract The low ability of students to solve problems in solving problems, especially math problems, needs to be a concern for all. Bransford and Stein (Himmatul, 2016) state that indicators in problem-solving ability are IDEAL problem solving which consists of (1) identifying problems, (2) defining objectives, (3) investigating problem-solving strategies, (4) implementing problem-solving strategies, (5) review and evaluate the impact of the effect of the determined problem-solving strategy. keywords: 21st; abilities; ability; able; ain; analysis; approach; area; august; circle; competencies; design; development; digital; dubai; education; evaluation; figure; form;; implementation; indicators; issn; journals; jurnal; learning; lks; matematika; material; mathematics; model; online; pendidikan; presentation; problem; process; questions; related; research; results; schools; science; siswa; skills; solving; stage; steam; students; sub; teaching; theme; vol; worksheets cache: mej-13313.pdf plain text: mej-13313.txt item: #31 of 119 id: mej-13335 author: utami, wikan budi; raharjo, sugeng; Ponoharjo, Ponoharjo title: Google Classroom Application Effectiveness in Learning on Learning Activity and Achievement date: 2021-03-18 words: 1707 flesch: 56 summary: In addition, google classroom is provided free of charge and has never been used as paid content. Experimental research aims to compare between online learning assisted by google classroom with direct learning on the activeness and learning achievement of students in derived algebraic function material. keywords: achievement; activeness; activity; application; belajar; classroom; classroom application; education; good; google; google classroom; hasil; issn; jurnal; learning; level; mathematics; online; pembelajaran; pendidikan; process; research; results; students; table; test cache: mej-13335.pdf plain text: mej-13335.txt item: #32 of 119 id: mej-14380 author: Satiti, Wisnu Siwi; Wulandari, Kartika title: Students' Ability To Think Mathematically in Solving PISA Mathematics Problems Content Change and Relationship date: 2021-03-18 words: 4993 flesch: 57 summary: Cognitive processes in solving PISA problems occur through the activity of formulate real-world contexts into mathematical problems, employ concepts, facts, procedures and mathematical reasoning in solving mathematical problems, and interpreting mathematical solutions obtained into the context of problems and re-examining whether these solutions are suitable for the given the context (OECD, 2014; Stacey, 2015). One of the mathematical activities that support students’ ability in thinking mathematically is PISA mathematics problems. keywords: ability; able; activity; aspect; attack; change; check; correct; discount; education; entry; february; figure;; indicator; issn; journals; mathematics; normal; oecd; online; phase; pisa; price; problems; process; question; relationship; review; solving; students; study; sub; thinking; vol; works cache: mej-14380.pdf plain text: mej-14380.txt item: #33 of 119 id: mej-15047 author: Febrianti, Dewi Netta; Purwaningrum, Jayanti Putri title: Jerome Bruner's Theory of Learning to Improve Basic School Students' Understanding of Numbers by Learning in Stage date: 2021-03-18 words: 4925 flesch: 54 summary: Numbers or what is also called numbers cannot be separated from mathematics. Number by number expresses two different concepts, number represents a quantity, while the number symbol (number) is the notation of the number. keywords: abilities; ability; able; basic; bruner; children; concepts; count; easier; education; february;; ideas; information; integers; issn; jerome; journals; knowledge; learning; level; life; matematika; material; mathematics; methods; natural; negative; new; numbers; online; pembelajaran; pendidikan; positive; previous; problems; related; right; school; students; symbol; teacher; theory; understanding; vol; way cache: mej-15047.pdf plain text: mej-15047.txt item: #34 of 119 id: mej-15055 author: Palayukan, Hersiyati title: Optimization of Production Benefits Through the Linear Program Graph Method: A Case Study Zentha Meubel date: 2021-03-18 words: 3884 flesch: 57 summary: To solve this problem, this study aims to utilize a linear graphical method program to optimize production profits at Mr. Andarias' Zentha Meubel. Several studies have utilized linear programming in production optimization problems including the application of linear programs to optimize production quantities (Christian, 2013); (Marzukoh, 2017) and benefits (Kelvin & Jobiliong, 2015; Supriyadi et al., 2017); (Hasmi, 2018). keywords: area; cabinets; company; constraints; data; door; education; february; function; furniture; graph; graphical;; issn; journals; linear; mathematics; maximum; menggunakan; method; metode; meubel; model; month; online; optimal; optimization; planks; point; problem; production; produksi; profit; programming; research; researchers; results; study; tables; time; unit; vol; wooden; zentha cache: mej-15055.pdf plain text: mej-15055.txt item: #35 of 119 id: mej-15062 author: Jamil, Anis Farida; Dintarini, Mayang title: Students' Activity in Online Learning Application Using LAPS-Heuristic Model in Geometry Material date: 2021-03-18 words: 4318 flesch: 49 summary: Oral Aspect The oral aspect of student learning activities is shown by students giving responses in the form of questions, statements, or answers to explanations given by lecturers or friends. In addition, based on research on student online activities conducted by (Aswasulasikin, 2020) showed that students are getting boredso that lecturers must be creative and innovative in planning online learning. keywords: active; activities; activity; application; aspect; canvas; covid-19; dan; data; discussion; drawing; education; elmu; explanation; february; geometry; group; heuristic; heuristic model;; issn; journals; jurnal; laps; learning; learning model; lecturers; listening; lms; material; mathematics; model; observations; online; online learning; pandemic; pembelajaran; picture; platform; problem; reflection; research; results; solving; stage; student; student activities; study; visual; vol; web; writing cache: mej-15062.pdf plain text: mej-15062.txt item: #36 of 119 id: mej-15134 author: Abdillah, Rizka; Cholily, Yus Mochamad ; Azmi, Rizal Dian title: Analysis of Student's Mathematic Communication Ability in Solving Problems of Pattern Procedures in Pythagoras Theorem date: 2021-03-19 words: 5013 flesch: 41 summary: Results of Oral Mathematical Communication Ability 98 Mathematics Education Journals Vol. 5 No. 1 February 2021 ISSN : 2579-5724 ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online) using and selecting mathematical information or images to solve problems students with high criteria are able to solve correctly. In the third indicator, using and selecting mathematical information or images to solve student problems with sufficient criteria, there are 6 students out of 9 students who are able to solve it correctly while the rest finish incorrectly. keywords: ability; able; communication; conclusions; criteria; education; february; good;; images; indicator; information; issn; journals; jurnal; kemampuan; language; matematika; material; mathematical; mathematical communication; mathematical information; online; oral; pictures; polya; problems; procedure; pythagorean; research; results; skills; solving; stage; students; study; sufficient; test; theorem; viii; vol; writing cache: mej-15134.pdf plain text: mej-15134.txt item: #37 of 119 id: mej-15246 author: djunaidi, arif title: Improving Collaboration Abilities and Students’ Learning Outcomes Through Presentation Based Cooperative date: 2021-03-18 words: 3717 flesch: 50 summary: Student collaborative abilities can be developed in the learning process in higher education through the application of a learning model that is oriented towards student activity. Observations were made by two people to observe presentation-based cooperative learning activities using observation guidelines that have been developed based on indicators of student collaborative abilities and learning implementation. keywords: abilities; ability; collaborative; cooperative; cooperative learning; criteria; cycle; data; discussion; education; february; groups;; implementation; issn; journals; learning; material; mathematics; observation; online; outcomes; presentation; questions; research; results; solving; strategy; students; study; table; test; vol; work cache: mej-15246.pdf plain text: mej-15246.txt item: #38 of 119 id: mej-15545 author: Susanti, Elly; Rahmadhani, Arum Permata title: The Concept of Geometry in Penataran Temple date: 2021-03-19 words: 2132 flesch: 59 summary: Retrieval of data in this study is employing exploration, documentation, and interviews conducted in the Penataran temple area, according to the study's aim to explore the concept of geometry on components and artists in buildings in the area of Penataran Temple, Kab. In this study, an ethnographic approach was used, accompanied by interviews, collecting documentation, or analyzing literature about Penataran Temple as data collection techniques. keywords: agung; analysis; area; bale; building; concept; cultural; culture; data; documentation; education; ethnomathematics; february; figure; flat; forms; geometric; geometry; hindu;; indonesia; issn; jawa; journals; learning; mathematics; object; online; penataran; research; results; right; shape; size; space; study; technique; temple; tumpal; vol cache: mej-15545.pdf plain text: mej-15545.txt item: #39 of 119 id: mej-15720 author: Trisnawati, Nika Fetria; Hasyim, Ruslan ; Mulyono, Mulyono; Setyo, Arie Anang ; Fathurrahman, M Fathurrahman title: The Effectiveness of Mathematics Learning Using Scientific Approaches Assisted by Powerpoint Media date: 2021-03-18 words: 3081 flesch: 49 summary: Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis to describe the implementation of learning, student activities, student responses, and student learning outcomes and inferential analysis to test the research hypothesis. Thus from the results of the study it can be concluded that Mathematics Learning with the Scientific Approach assisted by Powerpoint media in Sorong City Junior High School Students on statistical material is effective in improving student learning outcomes. keywords: activities; analysis; approach; average; class; dan; data; education; effective; february; gain; hypothesis; implementation; issn; journals; jurnal; learning; matematika; material; mathematics; media; minor; online; outcomes; powerpoint; research; responses; results; scientific; scientific approach; smp; sorong; statistical; students; table; test; testing; viii; vol cache: mej-15720.pdf plain text: mej-15720.txt item: #40 of 119 id: mej-16008 author: Widodo, Hariyo Sugeng; Taufik, Marhan ; Susanti, Reni Dwi title: Application of Discovery Learning Model in Mathematics Learning to Determine Students’ Mathematical Communication Ability date: 2021-03-19 words: 4757 flesch: 50 summary: But there are still some students who enter late by reason of the bathroom 83 Mathematics Education Journals Vol. 5 No. 1 February 2021 ISSN : 2579-5724 ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online) b. Identification of peroblems At the first meeting, many students asked questions and were still confused about the problems in the LKPD and the solution was that the researcher explained the problems that existed in the LKPD and told students what they should look for then the researcher went around to each group giving each group the opportunity to ask questions. At the third meeting, many students already understood the problems that had to be resolved c. Gather information At this stage, many students only depend on students who they think are smart in the group so that many other students chat with their group members and their reasons are not bringing textbooks. keywords: analysis; average; class; communication; communication skills; discovery; discovery learning; education; february; group;; ideas; issn; journals; learning; learning model; lkpd; matematika; mathematical; mathematical communication; meeting; model; number; online; opinions; pembelajaran; percentage; problem; question; research; results; second; siswa; skills; smp; solution; students; study; terms; vol; writing cache: mej-16008.pdf plain text: mej-16008.txt item: #41 of 119 id: mej-16338 author: Onoshakpokaiye, Odiri title: The study skills; an educational implication on students’ performance in secondary school mathematics date: 2021-08-31 words: 4391 flesch: 51 summary: Onoshakpokaiye (2015), stated that students study skills play a tremendous role in reflecting the education standard of the students’ performance in mathematics. Students’ performance depends greatly on study skills. keywords: academic; august; bad; critical; delta; difference; education; effective; good;; important; influence; information; issn; journals; learning; learning skills; mathematics; mathematics performance; methods; mutsotso; online; onoshakpokaiye; performance; poor; result; school; secondary; significant; skills; stated; strategies; students; study; study skills; subject; success; time; use; vol cache: mej-16338.pdf plain text: mej-16338.txt item: #42 of 119 id: mej-16348 author: Susdarwono, Endro Tri title: Easy Multiplication from Left to Right and Al Khwarizmi Method: Hypothesis Testing Against Median Values date: 2021-09-01 words: 3795 flesch: 60 summary: Keywords: median value, multiplication from left to right, multiplication method Al Khwarizmi INTRODUCTION Human life cannot be separated from mathematics, almost everything in this world is related to a very important science known as mathematics. While the alternative hypothesis states the opposite, that is, the two populations from the sample have different median values. keywords: august; chi; combined; dan; data; easy; easy multiplication; education; frequency; group;; hypothesis; issn; journals; learning; left; level; matematika; mathematics; median; median value; method; multiplication; number; online; posttest; research; right; sample; scores; square; students; study; table; testing; value; vol; way cache: mej-16348.pdf plain text: mej-16348.txt item: #43 of 119 id: mej-16446 author: Oktavihari, Dita; Priatna, Nanang title: Development of Game Case Media to Increase Students' Interest in Learning Mathematics date: 2021-08-31 words: 2840 flesch: 56 summary: Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Email : Abstract Development research aims to develop game case media in order to increase student interest in the problem-solving-based mathematics learning process during the covid-19 pandemic. Keywords: Game; Learning media; Pandemic covid-19 INTRODUCTION Education is a tool used to prepare a new generation for the challenges of the next era. keywords: analysis; assessment; august; case; covid-19; design; development; education; form; game; good;; implementation; interest; issn; journals; learning; material; mathematics; media; online; pandemic; pembelajaran; pictures; process; questionnaire; research; response; results; stage; students; table; validator; vol cache: mej-16446.pdf plain text: mej-16446.txt item: #44 of 119 id: mej-16515 author: Wijaya, Elita Mega Selvia ; Setiawan, Rudy title: RME-based Absolute Value Worksheet Design as an Effort to Improve Mathematical Thinking Ability of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University Students date: 2021-09-01 words: 2655 flesch: 45 summary: This evaluation is carried out by analyzing the feasibility and practicality of developing worksheets that were developed at the implementation stage and further revisions during field trials. The next stage is the design stage, namely the selection of worksheet designs, seeking reference input, identifying basic competencies and designing learning activities, identifying competency indicators and designing types of research that are suitable for the worksheet. keywords: absolute; analysis; approach; assessment; criteria; data; design; development; education; evaluation; experts; group; issn; large; learning; material; mathematics; media; practical; problem; research; results; rme; skills; stage; students; table; teaching; thinking; tribhuwana; tunggadewi; university; valid; validity; value; vol; worksheet cache: mej-16515.pdf plain text: mej-16515.txt item: #45 of 119 id: mej-16571 author: Wijaya, Riky Prasetia ; Budiarto, Mega Teguh ; Wijayanti, Pradnyo title: A Development of Realistic Mathematics Learning Tools to Improve Students' Mathematical Literacy Ability date: 2021-08-30 words: 3086 flesch: 40 summary: Abstract The purpose of this research to: (1) describe the development process and produce realistic mathematics learning tools that are good for improving students 'mathematical literacy, (2) describe the effectiveness of realistic mathematics learning to improve students' mathematical literacy. The following conclusions were obtained: (1) The process of developing realistic mathematics learning tools using the PLOMP development model (2010) and the results of developing realistic mathematics learning tools for the matter system linear equation three variables (SPLTV) using the Ploom development model resulted in learning tools (RPP, LKS, and TLM) qualify the criteria of good quality equipment. keywords: ability; activities; august; class; concepts; contextual; criteria; data; development; education; effectiveness; good; high; implementation; issn; journals; learning; literacy; mathematical; mathematical literacy; mathematics learning; model; online; process; questions; realistic; realistic mathematics; research; results; skills; students; table; teacher; test; tools; vol cache: mej-16571.pdf plain text: mej-16571.txt item: #46 of 119 id: mej-17015 author: Naidoo, Jayaluxmi ; Singh-Pillay, Asheena title: Online Teaching and Learning Within the Context Of Covid-19: Exploring the Perceptions of Postgraduate Mathematics Education Students date: 2021-08-30 words: 5565 flesch: 39 summary: ISSN : 2579-5724 ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online) Inequality in Opportunities and Outcomes in South Africa Online teaching and learning have consequences for students living in contexts that are not conducive to online learning. Thus, students who live in rural contexts are hindered from participating equally in online learning. keywords: access; africa; august; challenges; communities; connectivity; context; countries; covid-19; data; development; devices; discussion; education; face; forums; group;; industrial; internet; issn; journals; learning; lectures; limited; main; mathematics; members; need; online; online teaching; pandemic; participants; perceptions; phone; pme; postgraduate; practice; recordings; research; resources; society; south; students; study; support; teaching; technology; themes; time; university; use; vcop; virtual; vol; wenger cache: mej-17015.pdf plain text: mej-17015.txt item: #47 of 119 id: mej-17089 author: Rusmawati, Kintan Utari title: Analysis Of Student Learning Difficulties On Number Pattern Material Reviewed From Student Learning Independence date: 2021-08-30 words: 4271 flesch: 52 summary: The questionnaire given is a student learning independence questionnaire to see the level of student learning independence which is categorized into three, namely the level of high, medium, and low learning independence. The researcher took one student based on the teacher's consideration from each level of Independent Learning, then the students were given questions on the number pattern material to see the type of student learning difficulties that the researcher would analyze. keywords: analysis; answers; august; code; concepts; difficulties; difficulty; high; independence; issn; journals; language; learning; low; material; mathematics; number; online; pattern; picture; principles; problems; question; request; results; students; study; term; verbal; vol cache: mej-17089.pdf plain text: mej-17089.txt item: #48 of 119 id: mej-17249 author: Susanti, Elly title: Reflection Strategies on Students' Thinking Structures in the Mathematical Problem Solving Steps date: 2021-08-30 words: 4716 flesch: 48 summary: The thinking errors are and the algorithms that are not yet complete in solving student problems. Research data consists of student answers, results think aloud, and the results of semi-structured interviews. keywords: accommodation; addition; answers; august; cognitive; compass; correct; education; errors; following; function; graph;; income; indopos; information; intersection; issn; journals; kompas; linear; material; mathematical; newspapers; online; picture; point; problem; process; processes; programming; questions; reflection; researcher; results; revenue; solutions; solving; structure; students; subject; thinking; vol; workers cache: mej-17249.pdf plain text: mej-17249.txt item: #49 of 119 id: mej-17278 author: Suci Wulandari; Susanti, Elly ; Harini, Sri title: Mathematical Problem Solving for Students in the Superior Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Category date: 2021-08-30 words: 3467 flesch: 56 summary: The results of this study indicate that students with superior IQ are able to fulfill the stages of solving mathematical problems, namely understanding the problem, planning strategies, implementing plans, and evaluating. Intelligence is one that affects the problem solving performed by a person, this was stated by Liu, et al (2017) where mathematical problem solving is one of the components measured in the measurement of IQ. keywords: abilities; ability; category; cubes; data; education; formula; intelligence; issn; level; mathematics; number; numerical; outside; picture; polya; problem; sides; solving; spatial; stage; students; study; stupa; subject; superior; understanding cache: mej-17278.pdf plain text: mej-17278.txt item: #50 of 119 id: mej-17580 author: Farah Yogi, Kustantini; Priyo Utomo, Dwi; Zuhkrufurrohmah title: Effects of Cooperative Learning Model Send Greetings and Problems Type Activity and Results of Learning date: 2022-08-31 words: 3558 flesch: 42 summary: The instruments used were in the form of observation sheet instruments for student learning activities and test sheet instruments with a total of seven items describing the purpose of knowing how active and how capable the students were in learning the material. And with the results of the Hypothesis Testing Between Subjects Effects on Activity Observation shows that the significance value of the observation of student learning activities is 0.000. keywords: activities; activity; august; belajar; class; control; cooperative; cooperative learning; dan; education; effect; experimental; greetings; group; hasil; issn; kpw; learning; learning activities; learning model; malang; matematika; mathematics; model; observation; outcomes; pembelajaran; questions; research; results; significant; smk; students; study; teacher; test; type; value; vol cache: mej-17580.pdf plain text: mej-17580.txt item: #51 of 119 id: mej-18027 author: Alam Sur, Widiya Astuti title: Statistical Simmulation of Definite Integral Based on Uppersum and Lowersum Random Partitions using Geogebra date: 2022-03-20 words: 4803 flesch: 60 summary: In other words, the random variable data of subinterval partitions on lowersum by using goegebra follwed the certain distribution. To obtain the numerical statistic of random partitions, we used with Kolmogorov Smirnov test. keywords: area; calculus; concepts; data; definite; definite integral; difference; distribution; education; february; function; geogebra;; integral; issn; journals; length; lowersum; mathematics; minimum; number; online; partition; partition 𝑃1; random; random subinterval; statistical; subinterval; test; uppersum; value; vol; 𝐿(𝑓; 𝑃1 𝑃2; 𝑃10; 𝑃2 𝑃3 cache: mej-18027.pdf plain text: mej-18027.txt item: #52 of 119 id: mej-18401 author: Efendi, Muhammad Mahfud; Putri, Windy Tunas title: Optimizing Student Conditions in Pre-Implementation of Project Based Learning in the Junior High School Mathematics Curriculum date: 2021-10-21 words: 2820 flesch: 47 summary: In PjBL students must build their own knowledge based on previously acquired knowledge. In PjBL students must build their own knowledge, by linking concepts so that they find new concepts or knowledge. keywords: active; activities; august; communication; concepts; conditions; dan; education; efforts; facilities; good;; implementation; issn; jhs; journals; jurnal; knowledge; learning; linking; mathematics; model; online; optimal; optimality; pembelajaran; pendidikan; pjbl; pre; project; research; school; siswa; students; study; teacher; vol cache: mej-18401.pdf plain text: mej-18401.txt item: #53 of 119 id: mej-18403 author: mitra permata ayu title: Students' Perceptions of the Use Equation Editors in Completing Papers Calculus I Class date: 2022-03-20 words: 3899 flesch: 45 summary: Data analysis includes analysis of the results of interviews with first semester students in calculus class I by researchers, which will then be described descriptively to describe the perception of equation editors in compiling papers in calculus class I. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Research on student perceptions of the use of the equation editor in Calculus I class, which was conducted after the 2021 odd semester UTS was aimed at 16 extension students (afternoon class). The following is a transcript of an interview with a student (AFM) who does not know: equation editor. keywords: assignments; calculus; class; computer; confused; dalam; dan; editor; editor feature; education; equation; equation editor; extension; feature; february;; inserting; interviews; issn; journals; keyboard; learning; lecturers; manual; matematika; mathematical; method; microsoft; notation; online; paper; pembelajaran; pendidikan; perceptions; related; research; results; school; students; study; symbols; training; understanding; use; uts; vol; word; writing cache: mej-18403.pdf plain text: mej-18403.txt item: #54 of 119 id: mej-18539 author: Agustin, Himaya; Priyo Utomo, Dwi; Slamet Kusumawardana, Adi title: Test the Effectiveness of Mathematics Learning Media Based on Powtoon Animation Video in Junior High School on Two-Variable Linear Equation System Material date: 2022-03-20 words: 4496 flesch: 44 summary: So that it can be said that learning media can have a significant effect when creating a learning process to be more effective and efficient. The effectiveness of mathematics learning media using animation software based on interactive multimedia tutorial models online and angle material for SMP/MTs grade VII students. keywords: animated; animation; animation video; average; category; class; concepts; criteria; data; development; education; effectiveness; equation; expert; february; gain; high;; interactive; issn; journal; learning; learning media; linear; material; mathematics; media; online; outcomes; outstanding; posttest; powtoon; powtoon animation; pretest; process; questionnaire; research; researchers; results; school; students; study; system; table; teachers; test; understanding; validation; variable; video; vol cache: mej-18539.pdf plain text: mej-18539.txt item: #55 of 119 id: mej-19314 author: Fransiska Dwi Lestari; Syahbana, Ali ; Retta, Allen Marga title: Analysis of Students' Concept Understanding Ability Through E-Modules on Linear Program Materials date: 2022-03-20 words: 5741 flesch: 45 summary: Students are declared capable of fulfilling these indicators because the average percentage value of students answering correctly is 68.2 percent, which is included in the high category. According to Yanti, et al. (2019), understanding mathematical concepts might affect the quality of student learning and, in turn, affect students' overall academic accomplishment. keywords: ability; able; algorithms; analisis; answers; area; concepts; conceptual; coordinates; corner; dalam; dan; data; education; examples; february; figure; forms; function; graphs;; indicators; inquiry; intersection; issn; journals; jurnal; kemampuan; konsep; learning; linear; matematika; material; mathematical; method; models; modules; non; number; online; operations; order; outcomes; pada; pemahaman; pendidikan; pengembangan; percentage; point; problem; procedures; programming; question; representation; results; siswa; students; study; test; understanding; utilizing; value; vol cache: mej-19314.pdf plain text: mej-19314.txt item: #56 of 119 id: mej-19325 author: Saputri, Rinda Azmi title: Analysis of Motivation and Mathematics Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic date: 2022-03-20 words: 7508 flesch: 47 summary: Another thing is related to student learning motivation, if it is seen from the collection of assignments, more students do not collect assignments, the teacher assesses that students' motivation depends on the students themselves, if those who collect assignments are indeed high student motivation, not only in 100 Mathematics Education Journals Vol. 6 No. 1 February 2022 However, in online learning, especially mathematics, the thing that must be maintained is student learning motivation. keywords: addition; angkinang; category; classroom; covid-19; daha; data; district; education; face; february; google; high; high category;; hulu; indicator; issn; journals; kandangan; learning; learning motivation; material; mathematics; mathematics learning; mathematics teacher; media; meet; motivation; online; online learning; pandemic; percentage; ptm; questions; related; results; school; selatan; sman; student learning; student motivation; students; study; sungai; teacher; use; utara; vol; whatsapp; zoom cache: mej-19325.pdf plain text: mej-19325.txt item: #57 of 119 id: mej-19427 author: Elsa, Hanne Ayuningtias; Suhendra, Suhendra title: Analysis of Junior High School Student’s Errors in Solving Mathematical Connection Problems on Quadrilateral Topics date: 2022-03-20 words: 3065 flesch: 48 summary: There are several suggestions that can be used for further research and professional practitioners related to student error analysis, including (1) students need to practice HOTS questions, especially on mathematical connection skills because it can train students to have more wide and open thinking towards mathematics; (2) it is necessary to explore the concept of a quadrilateral before making mathematical connection test questions in order to find possible errors made by students; and (3) teachers should use error analysis to identify the location of student errors as a source of information in the learning process so that they can find out the causes of errors to overcome students who make error. It is important for teachers to know the location of student errors so that they can identify and anticipate learning difficulties experienced by students. keywords: able; analysis; answer; area; concept; connection; education; errors; february; figure; high; issn; journals; mathematical; nea; newman; online; problem; process; quadrilateral; questions; research; school; siswa; skills; students; study; topics; transformation; understanding; vol; writing; wrong cache: mej-19427.pdf plain text: mej-19427.txt item: #58 of 119 id: mej-19547 author: Sumargiyani; Susandi, Ardi Dwi ; Peni, Nur Robiah Nofikusumawati title: Analysis of Students' Learning Motivation in Calculus on the Usage of Learning Video Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic date: 2022-03-20 words: 4252 flesch: 44 summary: Results of Analysis on Student Learning Motivation with the Use of Learning Video Each indication of student learning motivation has extremely high standards, as shown in Picture 3. Thus, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the introduction of video media in the integral calculus learning process positively impacted and boosted student learning motivation. keywords: analysis; aspect; average; calculus; confidence; covid-19; criteria; curiosity; disagree; education; enthusiasm; february; high;; indicator; integral; integral calculus; issn; journals; learning; material; mathematics; media; motivation; online; pandemic; percentage; provided; questions; reasons; research; responses; results; self; shape; students; study; table; teaching; use; video; video media; vol cache: mej-19547.pdf plain text: mej-19547.txt item: #59 of 119 id: mej-19602 author: Rahmawati, Nuzul Putri; Asikin, Moh.; Scolastika, Mariani title: Analysis of Students’ Statistical Literacy on Self Organized Learning Environment (SOLE) Learning Model date: 2022-03-20 words: 6416 flesch: 54 summary: In this study, students' ability to read statistical data was 35%, students' ability to understand concepts was 32%, students' ability to communicate data processing processes was 30%, and students' ability to present the results of data processing was 28% (Maryati & Priatna, 2018). One of them is statistical literacy ability. keywords: ability; able; analysis; answer; answer sheet; aspect; category; class; conclusion; critical; data; data processing; e-16; e-6; e-7; education; environment; february; following;; indicators; information; issn; journals; knowledge; learning; literacy; lower; mathematics; mean; mode; online; organized; question; researcher; results; self; sheet; skills; sole; statistical; statistical knowledge; statistical literacy; students; study; subject; value; vol cache: mej-19602.pdf plain text: mej-19602.txt item: #60 of 119 id: mej-19625 author: Jabnabillah, Faradiba title: Analysis of Students’ Errors in Solving Concept Understanding Problems On Integral Matter date: 2022-03-20 words: 4546 flesch: 45 summary: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Dan Matematika, 6(1), 1–8. Data collection techniques used were observation and tests to see student errors in answering questions of understanding the concept. keywords: ability; able; analisis; answer; certain; concept; dalam; dan; education; errors; examples; february; figure; final; formula;; indicators; integral; issn; journals; jurnal; kelas; kemampuan; kesalahan; konsep; learning; matematika; materi; mathematics; matter; menyelesaikan; newman; online; pada; pemahaman; pembelajaran; pendidikan; percentage; problem; process; question; research; results; siswa; skills; soal; students; study; transformation; understanding; value; vol; writing; zanthy cache: mej-19625.pdf plain text: mej-19625.txt item: #61 of 119 id: mej-19699 author: Setiawan, Beni; Sopia, Nurapni; Andri, Andri title: Development of Web-Based Mathematics Learning to Improve the Mathematical Power date: 2022-03-20 words: 3119 flesch: 37 summary: Fun learning web allows students to practice problem-solving in various situations, not just providing routine questions. The analysis phase starts from evaluating the expected results following the curriculum related to the material, study habits in the classroom, and the use of web media in learning mathematics. keywords: ability; analysis; class; dan; design; development; education; february; high;; increase; issn; journals; junior; learning; matematika; materials; mathematical power; mathematics; media; model; online; pembelajaran; pengembangan; power; problems; questions; research; results; school; score; siswa; solving; stage; students; study; teaching; test; use; validation; vol; web cache: mej-19699.pdf plain text: mej-19699.txt item: #62 of 119 id: mej-19765 author: Kharisma Isrozia Kusumawardhany; Budiarto, Mega Teguh; Sulaiman, Raden title: Profile of Students' Creative Thinking in Solving Mathematical Problems in terms of Gender date: 2022-08-31 words: 3157 flesch: 57 summary: Male Subject 171 Mathematics Education Journals Vol. 6 No. 2 August 2022 ISSN : 2579-5724 ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online) Male subjects in solving mathematical problems use the stages of problem- solving in sequence. After knowing the ideas and strategies used, male and female subjects implemented these ideas and strategies in solving TPM problems. keywords: ability; answers; august; correct; creative; creative thinking; dan; differences; education; female; flexibility; fluency; gender;; ideas; integers; issn; journals; jurnal; male; matematika; mathematics; novelty; online; pembelajaran; problem; profile; research; results; rules; sex; skills; solving; stage; strategies; strategy; students; study; subject; thinking; tpm; use; vol cache: mej-19765.pdf plain text: mej-19765.txt item: #63 of 119 id: mej-20174 author: Setiawan, Rudy; Wijaya, Elita Mega Selvia title: Development of Student Learning Programs with a Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) Approach to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills date: 2022-08-31 words: 4377 flesch: 47 summary: Appropriate and targeted learning patterns can provide significant results in expanding the critical thinking patterns of Mathematics Education students of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University. RESEARCH METHOD The development of student learning programs with a Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) approach is included in this research. keywords: activities; analysis; approach; assessment; august; complete; critical; design; development; education; implementation; issn; journals; learning; linear; lkm; material; mathematics; mathematics education; mfi; mfis; online; plan; program; questions; realistic; results; rme; rpp; skills; stage; students; study; table; test; thinking; trial; tribhuwana; tunggadewi; university; valid; vol; worksheet cache: mej-20174.pdf plain text: mej-20174.txt item: #64 of 119 id: mej-21150 author: Vistara, Maydilla Fadiarahma; Rochmad, Rochmad; Wijayanti, Kritina title: Systematic Literature Review: STEM Approach through Engineering Design Process with Project Based Learning Model to Improve Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills date: 2022-08-31 words: 6678 flesch: 40 summary: Experimental Class Test Results STEM based PjBL students to be more active and responsive in facing problems in the environment, such as and more creative. STEM based PjBL are able to exert influence to improve students' creative thinking skills. keywords: ability; able; achievement; activities; approach; articles; august; class; creative; creative thinking; creativity; criteria; data; design; development; edp; education; effects; engineering; engineering design; et al; experimental; gain; group; high;; ideas; impact; implementation; increase; influence; integrated; interest; international; issn; journal; knowledge; learning; literature; mathematics; mathematics education; models; online; opinions; pjbl; problems; process; products; project; research; results; review; school; science; secondary; siew; skills; solving; stem; stem education; stem learning; stem project; students; study; systematic; teachers; teaching; technology; thinking; thinking skills; vol cache: mej-21150.pdf plain text: mej-21150.txt item: #65 of 119 id: mej-21462 author: Panjaitan, M. Azhari; Suhendra, Suhendra title: Model Problem-Based Learning for Improving Student’s Mathematical Competence: Systematic Literature Review date: 2022-08-31 words: 4426 flesch: 47 summary: The conclusion of this research is learning mathematics on the subject of Pythagoras by using Problem Based Learning model has a significant effect on students' mathematical communication skills compared to those using conventional learning. Problem Based Learning (PBL) can help develop the ability to understand mathematical concepts, which can be seen from the 7 aspects contained in this model, namely: 1) clarifying terms and concepts that are not yet clear; 2) formulating problems 3) analyzing problems 4) organizing ideas systematically; 5) formulate learning objectives; 6) seek additional information from other sources; 7) synthesize (combine) and test new information and generate reports (Susanti, Basri, & Relawati, 2019). keywords: abilities; ability; august; communication; competence; concepts; criteria; dan; data; education; effect; high;; islands; issn; java; journals; junior; jurnal; kemampuan; learning; learning model; level; matematika; mathematical; model; online; pbl; pendidikan; problem; research; results; sample; school; siswa; size; skills; solving; students; study; terhadap; understanding; vol cache: mej-21462.pdf plain text: mej-21462.txt item: #66 of 119 id: mej-22622 author: Rahmasari, Elfrida; Syaifuddin, Mohammad; Azmi, Rizal Dian title: Development of Quizizz Application-Based Assessment to Measure Reasoning Ability of Middle School Students' on Flat Shape Materials date: 2022-08-31 words: 5550 flesch: 52 summary: Subjects are selected from classes that have active and moderate levels of student ability. The 9 steps of instrument development used in this study, namely: compiling test specifications, writing test questions, reviewing test questions, conducting test trials, analyzing test items, refining tests, assembling tests, administering tests, and interpreting test results. keywords: 5(1; abilities; ability; analysis; aplikasi; application; assessment; august; average; berbasis; category; dalam; dan; data; development; difficulty; education; effectiveness; form; good; high;; ilmiah; instrument; issn; items; journals; junior; jurnal; kemampuan; learning; level; low; matematika; material; mathematics; measure; media; medium; model; online; outcomes; pada; pare; pembelajaran; penalaran; pendidikan; pengembangan; percentage; power; practicality; process; questions; quizizz; reasoning; reliability; research; results; school; siswa; smp; soal; specifications; students; study; table; teacher; teaching; test; untuk; use; validity; value; vol cache: mej-22622.pdf plain text: mej-22622.txt item: #67 of 119 id: mej-22678 author: Evi Widianingrum; Dewi Netta Febrianti; Wanabuliandari, Savitri title: Literature Review Using Think Talk Write (TTW) Cooperative Learning Model in Students' Mathematical Reasoning Ability date: 2022-08-31 words: 4115 flesch: 45 summary: The mathematical reasoning ability of students taught with the TTW type cooperative learning model was significantly better than those taught only with conventional learning.type of learning model Think Talk Write will make students understand the material better because they learn from thinking, compiling, testing, reflecting, and writing ideas. This type of research is a literature review related to the theory of the Think Talk Write (TTW) type cooperative learning model and mathematical reasoning abilities. keywords: abilities; ability; activities; august; class; conclusions; control; cooperative; cooperative learning; data; education; experimental;; ideas; indicators; issn; journals; kemampuan; learning; learning model; literature; material; mathematical; mathematical reasoning; model; online; pbl; pembelajaran; penalaran; problem; reasoning; research; results; review; smp; statement; students; study; talk; talk write; think; thinking; ttw; type; use; vol; write cache: mej-22678.pdf plain text: mej-22678.txt item: #68 of 119 id: mej-22680 author: Zuhro Putri Firdausi; Marhan Taufik; Reni Dwi Susanti title: Mathematics Literature Analysis of Students of Class VIII MTs Darussalam Daun in Cooperative Learning Model Type Investigation Group date: 2022-08-31 words: 4364 flesch: 44 summary: The results showed that observations of teacher activities at the first meeting were 91.6% very good and the second meeting 97% very good too, observation of student activities at the first meeting 87.5% was very good and the second meeting 93.8% with very good predicates. Predicate Very good Very good Table 7 shows the results of observations of student activities during the learning process. keywords: ability; activities; application; cooperative; criteria; data; education; essay; good; group; group investigation; high; investigation; issn; learning; learning model; literacy; mathematical; mathematical literacy; meeting; model; observation; percentage; predicate; questionnaire; research; response; results; score; second; skills; students; study; table; teacher; test; type cache: mej-22680.pdf plain text: mej-22680.txt item: #69 of 119 id: mej-23047 author: Muchammad Islam Fudin; Cahyono, Hendarto; Putri, Octavina Rizky Utami title: Analysis of the Visual to Verbal Mathematical Representation Process for Junior High School Students in Solving HOTS Questions in terms of Adversity Quotient date: 2022-08-31 words: 4499 flesch: 47 summary: Keywords: representation process; high order thinking skill; adversity quotien INTRODUCTION Mathematics learning has a standard process, one of which is representation (NCTM, 2000). Based on the results of the HOTS test questions given to subjects with different adversity quotient categories, namely climbers and campers, it was found that there were differences in the verbal representation process of visual questions performed by climber and camper subjects. keywords: ability; adversity; adversity quotient; analysis; camper; camper category; camper subjects; category; climber; coordination; data; determining; equivalence; equivalence process; evaluation; form; high; hots; hots analysis; hots questions; issn; mathematical; preliminary; problems; process; quotient; representation; representation process; research; results; set; stage; students; subjects; target; test; verbal; visual cache: mej-23047.pdf plain text: mej-23047.txt item: #70 of 119 id: mej-23048 author: Widya Rizky Zakinah; Siti Inganah; Minatun Nadlifah title: Analysis of Students' Reasoning Ability in Solving Non-Routine Math Problems in terms of Learning Style date: 2022-08-31 words: 4972 flesch: 49 summary: Student learning styles are needed in seeing how students solve non-routine questions(Erdogan, 2015). Student Reasoning Ability Results NO Learning Style Student Mark 1. keywords: abilities; ability; able; answer; auditory; august; belajar; class; data; ditinjau; education; gaya;; information; issn; journals; kemampuan; kinesthetic; learning; learning styles; matematika; mathematical; maximum; model; non; number; online; penalaran; problems; questionnaire; questions; reasoning; research; researchers; results; routine; siswa; solutions; statements; students; study; style; test; values; variables; visual; vol cache: mej-23048.pdf plain text: mej-23048.txt item: #71 of 119 id: mej-23266 author: Halim, Nabil Fachrudin; Effendi, Moh Mahfud; Dintarini, Mayang title: Analysis of Trigonometry Learning Outcomes in the Application of Geogebra-Assisted Jigsaw Methods date: 2023-03-01 words: 5938 flesch: 52 summary: In Belladina's research, Handayanto and Shodiqin (2019) stated that cooperative learning with the help of Geogebra can improve student learning outcomes because cooperative learning with the help of Geogebra can increase student learning motivation which will later affect student learning outcomes. Student answer the attendance read by the teacher 100% 3. keywords: activities; affective; analysis; answer; application; aspect; assessment; average; category; cognitive; complete; correct; data; deficient; domain; education; february; function; geogebra; good;; indicators; issn; jigsaw; journals; learning; learning outcomes; material; mathematics; meeting; observation; online; outcomes; percentage; posttest; pretest; psychomotor; research; results; score; sheet; students; table; teacher; trigonometric; vol cache: mej-23266.pdf plain text: mej-23266.txt item: #72 of 119 id: mej-23310 author: Sholikah, Rifatus; Taufik, Marhan; Kusumawardana, Adi Slamet title: Audio Visual Snakes and Ladders Game Development for SPLDV date: 2023-03-01 words: 5498 flesch: 52 summary: This states that audio-visual assisted snake and ladder learning media using PPT in learning the Linear Equation System of Two Variables is valid and effective in improving learning outcomes and student learning enthusiasm in the learning process. Learning media, at this time, are not always in the form of teaching aids that are operated manually, but there are also teaching aids that are made with the help of technology, for example, making learning media based on Android and the like. keywords: analysis; assessment; audio; average; book; class; data; development; education; enthusiasm; equations; february; figure; game; good; help;; implementation; instructions; issn; journals; ladders; learning; linear; material; mathematics; media; online; outcomes; post; ppt; pretest; problems; process; questionnaire; questions; research; response; results; school; snakes; spldv; stage; students; system; teacher; test; title; validation; variable; visual; vol cache: mej-23310.pdf plain text: mej-23310.txt item: #73 of 119 id: mej-23329 author: Putra, Valentino Ananda; Taufik, Marhan; Susanti, Reni Dwi title: Implementation of the Everyone Is a Teacher Here (ETH) Learning Model Based on the Mathematical Communication Ability date: 2023-03-01 words: 3927 flesch: 46 summary: These results show positive results where student activity goes very well when using the ETH learning model. b. Student Activities on the Application of ETH The application of the ETH model to observe student activities during the learning process takes place, which consists of 4 types of activities: observing, asking, reasoning, and communicating. keywords: ability; activities; activity; analysis; aspect; average; average score; category; communication; cooperative; dan; data; education; eth; february; good;; implementation; issn; journals; jurnal; komunikasi; learning; learning model; mathematical; mathematical communication; model; online; oral; overall; pembelajaran; pendidikan; place; positive; pretest; research; response; results; score; siswa; skills; students; table; teacher; type; value; vol; writing cache: mej-23329.pdf plain text: mej-23329.txt item: #74 of 119 id: mej-23335 author: Putri, Dinda Silvia; Colily, Yus Mochamad; Zukhrufurrohmah, Zukhrufurrohmah title: Analysis of the Flipped Classroom Model Using Digital Media in Improving Students' Mathematical Communication Skills date: 2023-03-01 words: 4407 flesch: 50 summary: This research focuses on written mathematical communication skills because the research of Muzaki & Yulianti (2021) says that the problem with mathematical communication ability is that students have more difficulty solving everyday problems in the form of story questions into mathematical symbols, besides that students are not used to write down what is meant by the problem before solving it as known and answered. Knowing students' mathematical communication abilities can be seen from the achievement of mathematical communication abilities indicators used are adaptations of the instruments used in Rachmawati et all ( 2021). keywords: abilities; ability; answers; category; classroom; communication; communication skills; conclusions; correct; data; digital; education; february; figure; good; high;; ideas; increase; indicator; issn; journals; jurnal; kemampuan; komunikasi; learning; low; matematis; mathematical; mathematical communication; media; model; need; number; online; pembelajaran; posttest; pretest; problems; research; results; skills; solving; students; vol; writing cache: mej-23335.pdf plain text: mej-23335.txt item: #75 of 119 id: mej-23342 author: Al-Hanifah, Jihan Azizah; Cholily, Yus Mochamad; Ummah, Siti Khoiruli title: Analysis of Students' Analytical Thinking Ability and Mathematical Communication Using Online Group Investigation Learning Model date: 2023-03-01 words: 5626 flesch: 44 summary: 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 × 100% The intervals and categories of student test results are as follows: 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 × 100% The intervals and categories of student test results are as follows: keywords: ability; analytical; average; categories; category; class; communication; cooperative; data; education; f10; february; figure; group; high;; ideas; indicators; investigation; issn; journals; jurnal; learning; low; mathematical; mathematical communication; model; n17; online; percentage; problem; questions; r22; results; s27; score; skills; students; table; test; thinking; vol; writing cache: mej-23342.pdf plain text: mej-23342.txt item: #76 of 119 id: mej-24017 author: Makamure, Chipo; Jojo, Zingiswa M title: The Role of Continuous Assessment Learning Activities (CALA) in Enhancing Mathematics Competency and Proficiency in Secondary School Learners date: 2023-03-01 words: 7576 flesch: 51 summary: Hence the following questions guide the study: How do mathematics teachers understand CALA? What do mathematics teachers actually do in the classroom to enforce CALA? keywords: activities; activity; addition; assessment; better; cala; cala activities; classroom; component; concepts; content; continuous; curriculum; daily; data; demands; education; evidence; examination; example; february; framework;; implementation; issn; journals; knowledge; learners; learning; life; mathematics; mathematics education; methods; model; motivation; new; online; order; participants; performance; practical; practices; problems; process; proficiency; project; purpose; research; resp; results; rme; school; secondary; skills; students; study; subject; summative; system; teachers; teaching; understanding; use; vol; zimbabwe cache: mej-24017.pdf plain text: mej-24017.txt item: #77 of 119 id: mej-24103 author: Farah Ayyun Taqiya; Juandi, Dadang title: Students’ Mathematical Literacy with Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach: Systematic Literature Review date: 2023-03-01 words: 4457 flesch: 44 summary: < 30 2018 Elementary School The impact of the RME technique on mathematical literacy shows that it is relevant to enhancing mathematical literacy skills. 11 RME learning study findings on mathematical literacy from indexed journals published between 2016 and 2022 make up the dialysis sample. keywords: abilities; analysis; approach; criteria; data; dkk; education; et al; february; figure; findings; high;; inclusion; indonesia; island; issn; java; journals; junior; learning; level; literacy; matematika; mathematical; mathematical literacy; mathematics education; model; online; primary; realistic; realistic mathematics; related; research; results; review; rme; rme approach; sample; sari; school; size; skills; students; studies; study; sumirattana; vol; world; year cache: mej-24103.pdf plain text: mej-24103.txt item: #78 of 119 id: mej-24117 author: Tria Amalia; Suryaningtyas, Wahyuni title: Effectiveness Implementation of Gagne's Learning Theory with Combination Problem-Solving Approach to Ability Think Critical Student date: 2023-03-01 words: 7230 flesch: 48 summary: Percentage activity student = Σ𝑓𝑖 Σ𝑓 × 100% Description: 𝑓𝑖 : the number of activity categories of the students 𝑓: the sum of the frequencies of all student activities 37 Mathematics Education Journals Vol. 7 No. 1 February 2023 ISSN : 2579-5724 ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online) Furthermore calculating the average percentage of activity student activities during the learning process mathematics uses Gagne's Learning Theory with Combination Problem-Solving. Activity student rated during the learning process teaches currently going on. keywords: ability; active; activity; analysis; approach; appropriate; aspect; average; category; century; class; combination; combination problem; complete; completeness; criteria; critical; data; discussion; educate; education; effective; evaluation; february; gagne; good; group;; information; issn; journals; jurnal; knowledge; learning; learning theory; manage; manner; matematika; material; mathematics; meeting; model; negeri; observation; online; pembelajaran; pendidikan; percentage; performance; problem; process; question; questionnaire; research; response; results; right; siswa; skills; smp; solving; steps; student; study; surabaya; table; teacher; test; theory; thinking; use; vol; write cache: mej-24117.pdf plain text: mej-24117.txt item: #79 of 119 id: mej-24534 author: Onoshakpokaiye, Odiri title: Early Childhood Mathematics: an Insight into Strategies for Developing Young Children Mathematical Skills date: 2023-03-01 words: 6229 flesch: 54 summary: ISSN : 2579-5724 ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online) Description of early math Early math covers a range of fundamental concepts, such as numbers, measurement, spatial relationships, forms or shapes, and pattern recognition (National Research Council, 2009, Weisberg, Hirsh-Pasek & Golinkoff, 2013, Harris & Petersen, 2017). Early perceptions of arithmetic anxiety in young children may have long-lasting effects (Cannon, & Ginsburg, 2008, Harris & Petersen, 2017).To help parents encourage their children's early math skills, initiatives should focus on three things: (a) increasing their awareness of early math and its importance; (b) helping them get over their own math anxiety, and (c) giving them practical tools to support their children's learning through everyday activities (Cannon & Ginsburg, 2008). keywords: abilities; ability; achievement; adults; arithmetic; childhood; childhood mathematics; children; clements; concepts; council; development; duncan; early; early childhood; early math; early mathematics; education; educators; february; figure; future; ginsburg; golinkoff; harris; hirsh;; instruction; issn; journals; kids; knowledge; language; learning; life; literacy; math; mathematics; mathematics education; national; need; objects; online; parents; pasek; petersen; play; pre; preschool; professional; programs; progress; reading; research; sarama; school; science; skills; strategies; subject; teachers; teaching; time; understanding; vol; years; young; young children cache: mej-24534.pdf plain text: mej-24534.txt item: #80 of 119 id: mej-24830 author: Nurfadhilah AM. Hindi, Alfiah; HR, Iwan Setiawan title: Student Thinking Process in Solving Mathematical Representation Problems date: 2023-03-01 words: 5554 flesch: 49 summary: Students are better able to solve problems based on the visual information presented compared to when students are asked to draw them. However, the results of this study revealed that many students have difficulty decoding the graphics used in each of the graphical languages and that some languages are more difficult for students than others. keywords: ability; able; algebraic; answers; bag; completion; correct; data; difficulties; difficulty; domain; education; february; figure; graphics; hindi;; information; iron; issn; journals; knowledge; learning; level; lowrie; marbles; mathematics; number; online; problems; process; processes; question; representation; representation problems; research; results; solution; solving; students; study; subject; test; thinking; trm-02; understanding; verbal; visual; vol cache: mej-24830.pdf plain text: mej-24830.txt item: #81 of 119 id: mej-4623 author: Purwaningsih, Dian title: THE EFFECT OF STUDENTS’ LEANING STYLE AND SELF-CONCEPT TOWARD MATHEMATICAL CREATIVE THINKING ABILITY IN LINEAR ALGEBRA SUBJECT date: 2017-08-22 words: 2172 flesch: 54 summary: This study was aimed to investigate the effect of learning style toward the mathematical creative thinking ability, to investigate the effect of self-concept toward mathematical creative thinking ability, and to investigate the effect of learning style and self-concept toward mathematical creative thinking ability. The result of this study showed that there was an effect of learning style toward mathematical creative thinking ability, there was an effect of self-concept toward mathematical creative thinking ability, and there was an effect of learning style and self-concept toward mathematical creative thinking ability. keywords: ability; concept; creative; creative thinking; education; effect; equation; issn; learning; mathematical; mathematical creative; model; regression; self; square; students; study; style; table; thinking; thinking ability; value cache: mej-4623.pdf plain text: mej-4623.txt item: #82 of 119 id: mej-4624 author: Rizkia, Sofri Amalia title: THE INFLUENCE OF ETHNOMATHEMATICS-CONTAINED PROBLEM BASED LEARNING MODEL AND MATHEMATICAL DISPOSITION SKILL TOWARD MATHEMATICAL REPRESENTATION date: 2017-08-22 words: 3089 flesch: 43 summary: Based on the rational above, the researcher indicated some problems, which were: 1) lack of mathematic representation ability, 2) lack of mathematical disposition ability, 3) infeasible learning model, 4) passive students in the learning process. (2) Is there any positive effect of mathematical disposition towards mathematic representation?, (3) is there any positive effect of ethnomathematics-contained PBL model and mathematical disposition ability towards mathematic representation ability?. keywords: ability; august; disposition; education; effect; ethnomathematics;; influence; issn; journals; learning; mathematical; mathematical disposition; mathematical representation; model; pbl; positive; problem; regression; representation; representation ability; research; result; score; skill; square; students; table; test; vol cache: mej-4624.pdf plain text: mej-4624.txt item: #83 of 119 id: mej-4625 author: Maulida, Wulan; Ponoharjo, Ponoharjo; Utami, Wikan Budi title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SOMATIC AUDITORY VISUAL AND INTELECTUAL (SAVI) LEARNING APPROACH ASSISTED PROBLEM CARD TOWARDS THE STUDENTS’ LIVELINESS AND ACHIEVEMENT ON TRIGONOMETRY MATERIAL OF MATHEMATICS LEARNING date: 2017-08-22 words: 3207 flesch: 53 summary: Furthermore the researcher randomly chosen 2 classes out of all X grade classes as the population sample for the study, which were: X MIA 1 class that consisted of 32 students as the experimental group that taught by using SAVI learning approach assisted problem card and X MIA 2 class with 29 students as the control group that taught by using SAVI learning approach without assisted problem card. The result showed that meant there was a distinction between the student who were taucht by using SAVI learning approach assisted problem card and the students who were taught using SAVI learning approach without assisted problem card in terms of students’ liveliness and mathematics learning achievement. keywords: achievement; approach; assisted; auditory; card; class; education; experimental; experimental class; higher; intellectual; issn; learning; learning achievement; learning approach; liveliness; mathematics; problem; problem card; researcher; result; savi; savi learning; score; somatic; students; study; table; tegal; test; visual cache: mej-4625.pdf plain text: mej-4625.txt item: #84 of 119 id: mej-4626 author: Syarifah, Dita Latifatu; Taufik, Marhan; Cholily, Yus Mochamad title: AN ANALYSIS OF MATHEMATICAL’S WRITING OF STUDENT’S ABILITY ON THE CLASS VIII date: 2017-08-22 words: 2109 flesch: 41 summary: The test’s result of mathematical writing student ability on the aspect writing text on the first and second indicator produce percentage of 60,52%, so writing text student ability be on middle category. The average’s result of mathematical expression student ability to the matter of a beam and cube at about 46.525%.the result give information that mathematical expression student be on intermediate classified, because part of student less capable to modeling a problem so that cannot do a counting. keywords: ability; aspect; average; category; education; expression; high; indicator; intermediate; issn; mathematics; number; percentage; problem; research; result; step; student; text; writing cache: mej-4626.pdf plain text: mej-4626.txt item: #85 of 119 id: mej-4627 author: Kuswanto, Erik; Turmudi, Imam; Effendi, Moh. Mahfud title: THE DEVELOPMENT OF CARD MEDIA WITH SCIENTIFIC APPROACH ON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS LESSON date: 2017-08-22 words: 1961 flesch: 60 summary: Picture 8 : The result of card media design with the instructure Picture 8 contain the step of card media using with scientific approach. Picture 1 : The result of card media design 36 Mathematics Education Journals Vol. 1 No. 2 August 2017 P-ISSN : 2579-5724 E-ISSN : 2579-5260 The second card with observation characteristic, can be seen on picture 2 Picture 2 : The result of card media design The third card with observation characteristic, can be seen on picture 3. keywords: approach; card; characteristic; contain; design; education; issn; learning; mathematics; media; picture; problem; process; result; scientific; student; test; use cache: mej-4627.pdf plain text: mej-4627.txt item: #86 of 119 id: mej-4628 author: Sholihah, Fitriatus; Inganah, Siti; Effendi, Moh. Mahfud title: ANALYSIS OF CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS BY HOMESCHOOLING’S STUDENTS IN SOLVING MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM date: 2017-08-22 words: 2740 flesch: 49 summary: It can be concluded that mathematics is a lesson that can be used to develop students critical thinking skills. Contextual approach is an approach that can be done on the study of mathematics and the approach can improve students' critical thinking skills (Suwanjal, 2016). keywords: 2016; ability; able; august; critical; critical thinking; education; high; homeschooling; issn; journals; learning; low; mathematics; problems; process; research; results; skills; solving; students; study; thinking; vol cache: mej-4628.pdf plain text: mej-4628.txt item: #87 of 119 id: mej-4629 author: Salsabil, Meinar Yuari; Inganah, Siti; Cholily, Yus Mochamad title: STUDENTS MATHEMATICAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS ON COOPERATIVE LEARNING OF TGT TYPE TO SET MATERIAL date: 2017-08-22 words: 2450 flesch: 42 summary: Good learning activities have an impact on student learning development in accordance with Epong Utami (2013) research that cooperative learning of TGT type performed with good and structured steps could improve the quality of student learning. Good student communication skills can be seen from student activities in telling problem solving ideas to teachers and other students, providing mathematical 50 Mathematics Education Journals Vol. 1 keywords: ability; category; communication; cooperative; discussion; education; good; group; high; implementation; issn; junior; learning; mathematical; mathematical communication; meeting; model; oral; research; school; set; skills; students; tgt; type; written cache: mej-4629.pdf plain text: mej-4629.txt item: #88 of 119 id: mej-4630 author: Wahidah, Yuli Nur; Inganah, Siti; Ismail, Agung Deddiliawan title: THE ANALYSIS OF MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS USING NEWMAN STAGES REVIEWED FROM EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE date: 2017-08-22 words: 2569 flesch: 45 summary: The results showed the ability to solve mathematical problems based on the stages of Newman items, namely: students with high levels of emotional intelligence: (1) reading the problem, determining keywords, (2) understanding the problem, determining sufficient conditions, necessary terms and change the problem into the mathematical sentence, (3) the problem of transformation, determining relevant strategy, (4) process skills, executing strategy, (5) writing the answer, finding the answer and conclusion. The ability of mathematical problem solving is the ability of students to understand the problem, devise and implement solving a strategy (Aqib, 2013). keywords: ability; able; answers; calculation; education; emotional; emotional intelligence; high; intelligence; issn; level; low; mathematical; problem; process; qualified; reading; relevant; results; skills; solving; strategy; students; study cache: mej-4630.pdf plain text: mej-4630.txt item: #89 of 119 id: mej-4631 author: Anggraeni, Tiara; In'am, Akhsanul; Taufik, Marhan title: THE ANALYSIS OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING IN LEARNING MATHEMATICS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL date: 2017-08-22 words: 3472 flesch: 53 summary: In addition to student response data also obtained data on student motivation in learning mathematics using Problem Based Learning as Table 2. Based on the data obtained student learning outcomes have the percentage of students mastery of students score is 100% and the value above 76 (mode) of 75.75%. keywords: activities; analysis; august; class; data; education;; issn; journals; learning; level; material; mathematics; model; motivation; outcomes; pbl; percentage; problem; process; questionnaire; research; response; results; score; students; study; use; value; vol cache: mej-4631.pdf plain text: mej-4631.txt item: #90 of 119 id: mej-4632 author: Maghfiroh, Mazidah; Baiduri, Baiduri; Ummah, Siti Khoiruli title: ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS MATHEMATICAL COMMUNICATION OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (SMP) THROUGH THE SAVI (SOMATIC, AUDITORY, VISUALIZATION, INTELLECTUALLY) APPROACH date: 2017-08-22 words: 3533 flesch: 33 summary: Keywords: mathematical communication, the approach of SAVI. 75 Mathematics Education Journals Vol. 1 No. 2 August 2017 P-ISSN : 2579-5724 E-ISSN : 2579-5260 Based on the description of the importance of mathematical communication, SAVI approach (Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, Intellectually) and the observation of mathematics learning in school, research on mathematical communication through SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, Intellectually) approach needs to be done. keywords: able; approach; auditory; august; communication; education; indicator; intellectual; issn; journals; learning; level; material; mathematical; mathematical communication; means; model; problem; process; related; research; savi; somatic; standards; students; summary; thinking; visualization; vol; write; writing; written cache: mej-4632.pdf plain text: mej-4632.txt item: #91 of 119 id: mej-5791 author: Arifin, Arifin; Musa, Hastuty; Alam, Samsir title: The Improvement of Result Learning Mathematic Through Peer Teaching Method on The Factorization Algebra Material of The Students VIII-3 Class at SMP Negeri 5 Parepare date: 2018-05-14 words: 2656 flesch: 57 summary: THE STATISTIC SCORE IN RESULT LEARNING MATHEMATICS OF STUDENTS IN CYCLE II Statistics Value Statistics Subject Ideal score The Highest score The Lowest score Range Score Average Score Median Standard Deviation 18 100 92 62 30 80.39 80.50 7.93 16 Mathematics Education Journals Vol. 2 No. 1 February 2018 ISSN : 2579-5724 ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online) Table III shows that the average score of the result mathematics learning of students after learning peer teaching method applied was 80.39, standard deviation was 7.93 score and the highest score of the students in the second cycle was 92, while the lowest score was 62. If the mathematic learning result divide into five categories that is proposed Ministry of Education (2006), the obtained frequency distribution and percentage of mathematic learning result of students in Table II TABLE II. keywords: category; cycle; issn; learning; material; mathematic; method; peer; peer teaching; process; research; result; score; second; students; teaching; teaching method cache: mej-5791.pdf plain text: mej-5791.txt item: #92 of 119 id: mej-5792 author: Arifuddin, Arifuddin title: The Implementation Of Recollection Smart Teaching Learning Method Can Increase Learning Mathematics Result Of The Eleventh Grade Students Of IPS1 At SMA Negeri 4 Parepare date: 2018-05-14 words: 4469 flesch: 52 summary: Student learning results were described to calculate average scores, standard deviations, maximum and minimum scores. Table 4.1 Statistics Score of Students’ Mathematics Results in Cycle I Based on Table 4.1 it can be seen that the average score of learning results of mathematics students in cycle I using the method of learning recollection smart teaching is equal to 64.31, with the lowest score reached 35 and the highest score 80 of the ideal score 100. keywords: ability; activity; average; category; class; cycle; cycle ii; data; education; february; implementation; ips1; issn; journals; learning; learning results; mathematics; mathematics learning; method; negeri; observation; parepare; percentage; process; recollection; research; results; score; smart; smart teaching; students; table; teacher; teaching; vol cache: mej-5792.pdf plain text: mej-5792.txt item: #93 of 119 id: mej-5793 author: Wijayanti, Rina; Cipta, Dyah Ayu Sulistyaning title: FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE SUCCESS OF CONCEPTUAL CHANGE MODEL (CCM) ON COURSE LEARNING OF MATHEMATICS ELEMENTARY date: 2018-05-14 words: 1711 flesch: 51 summary: Next we want to know the factors that affect Conceptual Change Model. Furthermore, for learning with Conceptual Change Model can be done maximally, writer do research to know factors influencing success of Conceptual Change Model by using Multiple Regression Analysis. keywords: analysis; change; conceptual; conflict; course; education; elementary; issn; knowledge; malang; mathematics; model; negative; online; regression; residual; school; students; success; teacher; value; variable cache: mej-5793.pdf plain text: mej-5793.txt item: #94 of 119 id: mej-5794 author: Sari, Vernita title: Description of Difficulties in Implementing The Assessment of Performance Aspects for Understanding Mathemathic Teachers at MTs Al Mustaqim Parepare date: 2018-05-14 words: 1935 flesch: 43 summary: However, some teachers have difficulties in implementing performance assessment includes mathematic teachers at MTs Al Mustaqim Parepare. The purpose of this research is to describe the difficulties of implementing performance assessment on understanding aspects of mathematic teachers at MTs Al Mustaqim Parepare. keywords: aspects; assessment; data; difficulties; issn; mathematic; parepare; performance; performance assessment; research; skills; students; subject; teachers; understanding cache: mej-5794.pdf plain text: mej-5794.txt item: #95 of 119 id: mej-5795 author: Mustafa, Sriyanti; Sulvianti, Sulvianti; Saputra, Adiwinata title: Increasing Learning Result of Pythagoras Material through Geogebra Application Media of VIII4 Grade Students at SMP Negeri 12 Parepare date: 2018-05-14 words: 3161 flesch: 50 summary: The Description Analysis of Pythagoras Learning Result in Cycle II Based on the results analysis, the description of the completeness results of learning Pythagoras students could be seen in Table VII. Table I shows that after used GeoGebra application media, obtained the average of test result of Pythagoras material learning was 77.65, it indicates that the results of learning Pythagoras were in high category. keywords: activity; application; average; category; cycle; february; geogebra; geogebra application; group; high; issn; learning; material; mathematics; media; percentage; pythagoras; research; result; students; table cache: mej-5795.pdf plain text: mej-5795.txt item: #96 of 119 id: mej-5796 author: Dollo, Asdar title: Mathematical Reasoning Analysis in Solving Limit Functions Problems of Students in Mathematics Education of Pare-pare Muhammadiyah University date: 2018-05-14 words: 2628 flesch: 34 summary: Keywords : mathematical reasoning; high ability subject; medium ability subject INTRODUCTION The most important basic lessons learned by the student from the basic to the top level are math. The valid data of a high ability subject (HS) in solving the functionality limit problem was as follows: 1) Understand the problem a) High ability subject written or expressed mathematical statements in explaining the problem again b) High ability subject estimated the answers as well as the settlement steps that will be done. 2) Plan the completion a) High ability subject planned to apply L‘Hospital‘s theorem 3) Undertake a plan of completion a) High ability subject to write or express mathematical statements in preparing solutions. b) High ability subject performed mathematical manipulation by differentiating the numerator and its denominator. keywords: ability; ability subject; denominator; education; function; high; high ability; issn; limit; mathematical; medium; muhammadiyah; problem; reasoning; research; solutions; solving; steps; students; study; subject; university cache: mej-5796.pdf plain text: mej-5796.txt item: #97 of 119 id: mej-5798 author: Wulandari, Tri Candra; Qamar, Kawakibul title: Project-Based Learning: Road to Make Connection between Concept and Skills in Mathematics Manipulative Media date: 2018-05-14 words: 3032 flesch: 55 summary: PBL was design to teach the student with combining concept and student skills. Critical thinking is done to see how much mastery of mathematical concepts and concept of media ideas from the group. keywords: abstract; class; communication; concepts; critical; delivery; education; february; group; ideas; implementation; issn; journals; learning; lecturer; management; manipulative; mathematics; media; online; pbl; presentation; problem; product; project; real; rules; skills; stage; students; thinking; time; vol; world cache: mej-5798.pdf plain text: mej-5798.txt item: #98 of 119 id: mej-5799 author: Hajar, Siti title: Learning Polyhedrons Based On It date: 2018-05-14 words: 3295 flesch: 56 summary: Learning media are defined as the tools used as the media to present messages and may stimulate students‘ thoughts, feelings and advancement in such a way that may promote the teaching-learning process to occur (Sabri, 2005). One of the facilities provided by the teacher was various types of innovative learning media. keywords: activities; book; classroom; concepts; data; education; electricity; electronic; form; grade; issn; learning; malang; materials; mathematics; media; package; point; polyhedrons; power; present; process; research; resources; school; students; teacher; understanding; use; viii cache: mej-5799.pdf plain text: mej-5799.txt item: #99 of 119 id: mej-5800 author: Faiziyah, Nuqthy title: Memorizing Qur’an and Mathematics Achievement date: 2018-05-14 words: 1404 flesch: 55 summary: There is no influence Qur‘an memorization to mathematics achievement H1: There is influence Qur‘an memorization to mathematics achievement 10 Mathematics Education Journals Vol. 2 No. 1 February 2018 ISSN : 2579-5724 ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online) The test criterion is H0 accepted if sig > 0.05 or else H0 is rejected TABLE 3. Thus, this study was aimed to investigate Qur‘an memorization, it correlation to mathematical achievement. keywords: achievement; coefficient; correlation; data; education; february;; issn; journals; learning; lesson; mathematics; memorization; memorizing; model; online; paper; positive; qur‘an; regression; research; school; students; surah; table; vol cache: mej-5800.pdf plain text: mej-5800.txt item: #100 of 119 id: mej-6491 author: Solihah, Sri; Hendriana, Heris; Maya, Rippi title: Enhancing The Mathematical Communication Ability and Self-confidence of Junior High School Students Using Brain-Based Learning date: 2018-08-28 words: 2843 flesch: 52 summary: One such problem is learning that does not provide flexibility to students to exploit the potential of the brain optimally, where in general is generally more emphasis on the left brain function. Research found that There are achievements and improvements in students' mathematical communication skills whose learning uses the Brain-Based Learning approach compared with students who received conventional learning in terms of students' early math skills, and self-confidence and there is an association between the ability of mathematical communication and self-confidence. keywords: ability; approach; august; bandung; bbl; brain; communication; confidence; conventional; dan; education; gain; grades; high;; ideal; issn; journals; kemampuan; learning; mathematical; mca; meningkatkan; model; online; pembelajaran; pma; research; school; score; self; siswa; skills; students; study; sumarmo; table; teacher; teaching; vol cache: mej-6491.pdf plain text: mej-6491.txt item: #101 of 119 id: mej-6492 author: Tresnawati, Siti Nur title: SQ4R Approach To Improve The Ability Of Mathematical Connections And Adversity Quotient Matematik MTs Students date: 2018-08-28 words: 3059 flesch: 51 summary: Based on learning method that learning using SQ4R learning can help in developing adversity quotient of student mathematics. This is in line with the pangestika RF research (2017) entitled The Influence of SQ4R Learning Model on Critical Thinking Skill and Mathematical Adversity quotient of High School Students shows that the adversity quotient of mathematics students who get learning mathematics through SQ4R learning is better than students who get conventional learning. keywords: ability; achievement; adversity; approach; average; better; category; class; connection; control; education; gain; high; higher; improvement; issn; kam; learning; low; mathematics; model; overall; postes; quotient; regular; research; result; score; skill; sq4r; students; test; understanding cache: mej-6492.pdf plain text: mej-6492.txt item: #102 of 119 id: mej-6493 author: Suheri, Ukan title: Improving Mathematical Communication Ability and Self Confidence of Junior High School Students Through Learning Transactional Reading Strategy date: 2018-08-28 words: 3337 flesch: 44 summary: The data collection in this research is in the form of test which contains 6 description questions for mathematical communication ability and 30 attitude questionnaires of student's self confidence . The average postes of mathematical communication ability are viewed as a whole and each category of KAM (high, medium, and low), TRS Learning class is higher than ordinary learning class by the difference of 4.75, 2.16, 5, 84, and 5.11. keywords: ability; august; average; better; category; class; communication; confidence; data; difference; education; high; issn; kam; learning; low; mathematical; medium; normal; ordinary; overall; postes; reading; research; results; score; self; sig; skills; strategy; students; table; test; transactional; trs; vol cache: mej-6493.pdf plain text: mej-6493.txt item: #103 of 119 id: mej-6494 author: Yusniawati, Yayu; Hendriana, Heris; Maya, Rippi title: Improving The Mathematical Problem Solving Ability And Mathematical Disposition Using a Problem Posing Approach date: 2018-08-28 words: 2097 flesch: 50 summary: The importance of possessing such capabilities is reflected in Branca's revelation (Sumarmo, 2013: 445) that mathematical problem solving is one of the important goals in mathematics learning and even the process of solving mathematical problems is the heart of mathematics. August 2018 ISSN : 2579-5724 ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online) achievement of mathematical problem solving ability (MPSA) students using Problem Posing approach with = 38,39 (63,98%) is higher than the learning using ordinary learning with = 30,13 (50,22%) and improvement of problem solving ability of mathematics students using Problem Posing approach with = 0.58 higher than the learning using ordinary learning with = 0.42. keywords: ability; achievement; approach; better; class; data; disposition; improvement; issn; learning; mathematical; ordinary; problem; research; results; score; solving; students; table; test; vol cache: mej-6494.pdf plain text: mej-6494.txt item: #104 of 119 id: mej-6495 author: Fionika, BT Yosi Olda; Kamid, Kamid; Anggereini, Evita title: The Influence of the SAVI Approach and Learning Styles on Student’s Creative Math Skills date: 2018-08-28 words: 3402 flesch: 55 summary: However, in order for learning to be more effective in solving creative thinking problems, it is important to have teacher's knowledge about student learning styles. (3) there is influence of student learning style to student creative thinking ability. keywords: ability; activity; approach; august; belajar; class; control; creative; data; design; education; experimental; group;; influence; intellectual; issn; jambi; journals; learning; mathematics; method; online; research; results; savi; savi approach; somatis; students; style; table; teacher; test; thinking; value; visual; vol; way cache: mej-6495.pdf plain text: mej-6495.txt item: #105 of 119 id: mej-6496 author: Purwaningsih, Dian title: The Influence Of Intensity And Habits Learning On Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability date: 2018-08-28 words: 2232 flesch: 49 summary: Based on the background of the problem, the objectives of this study are as follows: (a) to determine the effect of learning intensity on critical thinking skills, (b) to determine the effect of learning habits on mathematical critical thinking skills, (c) to determine the effect of learning intensity and habits learn about mathematical critical thinking skills RESEARCH METHOD This type of research is explanatory research (explanation) that is research that explains the position of the variables studied and the relationship between one variable with another variable (Sugiyono, 2011). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of learning intensity on the ability to think critically mathematically, to determine the effect of learning habits on mathematical critical thinking skills, to determine the effect of learning intensity and learning habits on mathematical critical thinking skills. keywords: ability; belajar; coefficients; critical; critical thinking; effect; equation; habits; influence; intensity; issn; learning; mathematical; mathematical critical; model; problems; regression; skills; square; students; study; tabel; table; thinking; thinking skills cache: mej-6496.pdf plain text: mej-6496.txt item: #106 of 119 id: mej-6497 author: Respati, Pramita; Taufik, Marhan; Ismail, Agung Deddiliawan title: The Development Learning Video of Cube And Cuboid for Deaf Students in the 3RD Grade of Middle School date: 2018-08-28 words: 2376 flesch: 46 summary: Abstract This research was aims to develop video instructional media of cube and cuboid for deaf students. The background of doing this research instructional media is not only required by means of the normal students, but it is needed by the students who have special needs like deaf students also. keywords: characteristics; compatibility; cube; cuboid; deaf; development; education; issn; kelas; language; learning; lesson; malang; material; mathematics; media; medium; process; research; response; result; shape; students; study; tunarungu; validation; video; visual cache: mej-6497.pdf plain text: mej-6497.txt item: #107 of 119 id: mej-6498 author: Permadi, Adimas Eko; Cholily, Yus Mochamad; Putri, Alfiani Athma title: Cooperative Models Practice Type Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) With a Saintific Approach on Material Opportunity date: 2018-08-28 words: 4502 flesch: 56 summary: This study aimed to describe learning plan on Opportunity material using Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) with a scientific approach, and to know student learning activities on learning materials opportunities using Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) with scientific approach, as well as to know the results of student learning on learning materials Opportunities using Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) with scientific approach. The results showed that the planning of TGT learning was only based on 4 components: (1) class presentations, (2) teams, (3) games, and (4) tournaments as well as the non-implementation of group awards and components combined with scientific approaches, while student learning activities are in type of “good” category since the test results showed that 28 students were complete and 6 students were unfinished. keywords: activities; activity; approach; average; discussion; education; friends; game; groups; indicators; issn; learning; learning activities; material; mathematics; meeting; problem; process; questions; research; results; scientific; score; second; student learning; students; teacher; teams; test; tgt; time; tournament; vol cache: mej-6498.pdf plain text: mej-6498.txt item: #108 of 119 id: mej-6499 author: Pamungkas, Cucuk Tri; Baiduri, Baiduri; Inganah, Siti title: The Analysis of Motivation and Mathematics Learning Interest of Students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah date: 2018-08-28 words: 2409 flesch: 39 summary: RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS A. Mathematics Learning Motivation of Students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Mathematics learning motivation consists of five indicators, namely; facing the task diligently, interesting learning activities, encouragement and needs in learning, appreciation in learning and conducive learning environment. The result showed that the indicator of students’ learning interest in mathematics consists of four indicators, namely; feelings of excitement, interest, attention, and student activities in learning mathematics. keywords: activities; attention; average; education; excitement; good; high; indicator; interest; issn; junior; learning; madrasah; malang; mathematics; motivation; research; school; students; teacher; tsanawiyah cache: mej-6499.pdf plain text: mej-6499.txt item: #109 of 119 id: mej-6500 author: Fani, Erinda Titik Rizki; Baiduri, Baiduri; Rosyadi, Alfiani Athma Putri title: Analysis Of Students’ Critical Thinking and Independence of Learning Through Problem-Based Learning date: 2018-08-28 words: 1436 flesch: 48 summary: This was proven by every indicator of critical thinking aspects which increased and decreasedalthough every increase and decrease was not too significant and still in the category of good and very good. Keywords: Critical Thinking, Students’ Independence of Learning, Problem-Based Learning INTRODUCTION Critical thinking is one of the most important things that learners should have. keywords: able; aspect; average; category; critical; data; education; good; independence; issn; learning; matematika; mathematics; percentage; problem; research; smpn; students; thinking cache: mej-6500.pdf plain text: mej-6500.txt item: #110 of 119 id: mej-8414 author: Setiawan, Rois Mahfud; Merona, Senja Putri title: Experimentation the Influence of Problem-Based Learning Model on Critical Thinking Ability and Understanding the Mathematical Concept of Class VII MTs date: 2019-05-09 words: 3931 flesch: 55 summary: So, it can be concluded that the average initial reliability of understanding the mathematical concepts of PBM class students is the same as the average initial ability to understand the mathematical concepts of conventional learning class students. This is also supported by the results of descriptive data analysis which shows that the posttest average score of the ability to understand PBM class concepts is greater than the posttest average ability to understand the concept of conventional learning class (PK) which is 12.43 > 10.05. keywords: ability; average; calculation; class; classes; concepts; conventional; critical; critical thinking; data; education; issn; learning; mathematical; model; normality; normality test; pbm; pbm class; pk class; posttest; pretest; problem; results; score; significance; skills; skor; solving; students; study; table; test; thinking; understanding; value; vol; wilk cache: mej-8414.pdf plain text: mej-8414.txt item: #111 of 119 id: mej-8415 author: Jannah, Miftakhul; Paridjo, Paridjo; Utami, Wikan Budi title: Analysis the Ability of Mathematic Connection With Cooperative Learning Model Thinking Pair Share and Thinking Pair Square date: 2019-05-09 words: 3906 flesch: 45 summary: The results of this study showed that the mathematical connection ability taught with the Think Pair Share type of cooperative learning model was better than Think Pair Square, the mathematical connection ability of students taught by Think Pair Share and Think Pair Square learning models was partly achieved by the low group students , medium, and high. From its name, Think Pair Share and Think Pair Square learning models can be said to be almost similar. keywords: abilities; ability; applied; class; connection; connection ability; cooperative; cooperative learning; dan; dari; data; desember; education; experimental; february; group; high;; indicators; issn; journals; jurnal; learning; learning model; low; matematika; mathematical; mathematical connection; model; online; pair; pair square; pembelajaran; pendidikan; qualitative; research; results; school; share; skills; square; students; study; subjects; test; think; think pair; tps; type; vol cache: mej-8415.pdf plain text: mej-8415.txt item: #112 of 119 id: mej-8416 author: Ramadiana, Anisa; In'am, Akhsanul; Kusumawardana, Adi Slamet title: The Effect of Cooperative Learning Type Teams Games Tournament (TGT) on Creativity and Comprehension the Student’s Concept in Mathematics Learning date: 2019-05-09 words: 4069 flesch: 47 summary: An effective learning model can improve student creativity is a cooperative learning model, because in the cooperative learning model there is an element or syntax that requires students to be able to cooperate, discussion and group presentations (Ainun, 2015). The teacher's strategy in applying the right learning model can improve student creativity compared to ordinary learning that does not require creativity. keywords: ability; average; class; classes; comprehension; concepts; control; cooperative; cooperative learning; creativity; dan; data; difference; education; effect; experimental; february; groups;; hypothesis; indicators; issn; journals; jurnal; learning; learning model; matematika; mathematics; mathematics learning; model; normality; online; pembelajaran; pendidikan; problems; research; results; significance; siswa; solving; students; study; table; teacher; test; tgt; tournament; type; value; viii cache: mej-8416.pdf plain text: mej-8416.txt item: #113 of 119 id: mej-8417 author: Azizah, Farida Nur; Cholily, Yus Mochamad; Cahyono, Hendarto title: The Development of Comics Based on Algebraic Literacy for 7th Grade Students of Junior High School date: 2019-05-09 words: 3181 flesch: 43 summary: Media based on algebraic literacy comics for class VII junior high school students validated by 2 validators. The results of student learning completeness revealed that 21 out of 24 students with a percentage of 87.5% were declared complete. keywords: algebraic; algebraic literacy; analysis; aspects; average; character; class; comics; data; design; development; education; effectiveness; factors; february; forms; grade; high;; issn; journals; junior; learning; literacy; matematika; material; mathematics; media; online; pembelajaran; pendidikan; phase; process; product; research; results; school; stage; students; terms; use; validation; validators; validity; vii cache: mej-8417.pdf plain text: mej-8417.txt item: #114 of 119 id: mej-8418 author: Herdiansyah, Herdiansyah; Cholily, Yus Mochamad; Cahyono, Hendarto title: The Development of Interactive Instructional Media Using Adobe Flash in a Form of Game on the Geometry Lesson (Cube and Cuboid) for Secondary School date: 2019-05-09 words: 2014 flesch: 52 summary: In line with this, interactive learning media using Adobe Flash in a form of the game was also tested for validity using material validation questionnaire and media validation questionnaire. By the previous statement, it can be concluded that interactive learning media using Adobe Flash in the form of a game is effective and suitable for mathematics learning. keywords: adobe; data; design; development; education; expert; flash; form; game; geometry; interactive; issn; learning; matematika; material; mathematics; media; product; questionnaire; response; result; school; students; study; teacher; validation cache: mej-8418.pdf plain text: mej-8418.txt item: #115 of 119 id: mej-8419 author: Khotimah, Ita Milandari; Taufik, Marhan; Cahyono, Hendarto title: The Implementation of Think Pair Share (TPS) Learning Model using Realistic Mathematics Approach in Problems Solving date: 2019-05-09 words: 3813 flesch: 50 summary: ISSN : 2579-5724 ISSN : 2579-5260 (Online) 41 Mathematics Education Journals Vol 3 No. 1 February 2019 Based on the results of the work of ARB student, it was seen about the accuracy of the work process of student that was in accordance with the stages to solving the problem. The Implementation of Think Pair Share (TPS) Learning Model using Realistic Mathematics Approach in Problems Solving Ita Milandari Khotimah, Marhan Taufik, Hendarto Cahyono Study Program of Mathematics Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Malang keywords: ability; activities; approach; completion; education; good; implementation; issn; learning; learning model; level; matematika; mathematical problem; mathematics; mathematics education; model; number; pair; plan; problem; question; realistic; research; results; solving; stages; students; teacher; test; tps; understanding; vol cache: mej-8419.pdf plain text: mej-8419.txt item: #116 of 119 id: mej-8420 author: Elfiani, Lufita; Taufik, Marhan; Baiduri, Baiduri title: The Development of Audio-Based Pop-Up Book Media on Two-Dimensional Rectangular For Junior High School Students date: 2019-05-09 words: 4791 flesch: 54 summary: Keywords: Learning media, Pop-Up, Audio, 2D Rectangular. Learning media is a container to convey learning messages so that learning objectives can be achieved. keywords: activities; activity; analysis; aspects; audio; average; book; book media; class; classical; clear; completeness; content; criteria; design; development; education; february; flat; good; high;; information; issn; journals; learning; malang; material; mathematics; media; negeri; online; outcomes; page; paper; pembelajaran; pengembangan; percentage; pop; problems; product; quadrilateral; questionnaire; questions; rectangular; research; results; revision; school; stage; students; test; trial; universitas; usage; validation; vii; visual; vol cache: mej-8420.pdf plain text: mej-8420.txt item: #117 of 119 id: mej-8421 author: Yuliana, Riza; Utomo, Dwi Priyo; Ismail, Agung Deddiliawan title: The Effectiveness of Creative Problem-Solving Learning Model in Mathematics Learning date: 2019-05-09 words: 3599 flesch: 51 summary: The assessment of the effectiveness of learning model was reviewed based on three aspects, namely students’ activities, students’ responses to the learning model, and students’ learning outcomes. This is because the learning that carried out by the teacher is less helpful for students to improve their problem-solving ability. keywords: ability; activities; category; complete; creative; creative problem; data; effectiveness; good; high; issn; junior; learning; learning model; malang; mathematics; mathematics learning; outcomes; percentage; problem; research; responses; school; siswa; solving; students cache: mej-8421.pdf plain text: mej-8421.txt item: #118 of 119 id: mej-8422 author: Novianti, Vina; Utomo, Dwi Priyo; Dintarini, Mayang title: Development of Web-Based Interactive Learning Media on Lines and Angles Material in 7th grade of Junior High School date: 2019-05-09 words: 3479 flesch: 49 summary: With this software, the web-based learning media, that was developed, could be used as interactive media that was able to support the presentation of material and could attract the students' attention. Along with the problem, it is needed a solution for increasing the interest and also the students’ understanding in the learning process of lines and angles material. keywords: analysis; angles; criteria; design; development; education; figure; high; interactive; interactive learning; issn; junior; learning; learning media; learning process; lines; material; mathematics; media; online; product; research; results; revision; school; students; validation; web cache: mej-8422.pdf plain text: mej-8422.txt item: #119 of 119 id: mej-8423 author: Sandy, Widya Rizkha; Inganah, Siti; Jamil, Anis Farida title: The Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Reasoning Ability in Completing Mathematicalproblems on Geometry date: 2019-05-09 words: 3430 flesch: 54 summary: Students who have high mathematical reasoning abilities were the students who fulfilled almost all indicators of mathematical reasoning abilities, which were; (a) the ability to provide a conclusion, (b) the ability to predict the answers and solutions, (c) the ability to use patterns and relationships to analyze mathematical situations. Abstract This study aimed to describe the level of students' reasoning ability to solve the problems on flat sides of Geometry with the level of mathematical reasoning ability of high, moderate and low. keywords: abilities; ability; able; answer; area; education; february; formula; geometry; height; high;; indicator; interview; issn; journals; junior; mathematical; mathematical reasoning; number; online; problems; pyramid; question; reasoning; researcher; result; ribs; school; score; sides; solving; step; students; subjects; volume cache: mej-8423.pdf plain text: mej-8423.txt