item: #1 of 52 id: metathesis-1005 author: kusumastuti, yustinia title: Engaging Students in Class Activities through GC Application date: 2018-11-21 words: 3078 flesch: 54 summary: Engaging Students in Class Activities through GC Application Yustinia Kusumastuti English Institute Jl. Abstract This paper discusses about the emergence of technology within class activities, in which students would definitely engaged. keywords: able; acces; activities; article; assignment; attribution; class; classroom; commons; creative; discussions; english; fig; google; graded;; issn; language; learning; license; materials; skills; students; teachers; technology; terms; time; work cache: metathesis-1005.pdf plain text: metathesis-1005.txt item: #2 of 52 id: metathesis-1146 author: Siswidyatmi, Siswidyatmi; Indriani, Lilia; Prajoko, Setiyo title: Increasing Motivation and Achievement in Learning English of eleven grader Science-3 Students of State Senior High School 5 Magelang using Problem Based Learning date: 2019-05-03 words: 3648 flesch: 53 summary: It is assumed that learning motivation will increase and be directly proportional to the increase in student learning achievement. English teachers in eleven grader students Science-3 class try to overcome this problem by trying to increase student learning motivation. keywords: acces; achievement; article; aspects; attribution; average; basic; class; commons; competence; completeness; creative; cycle; data; english; high;; increase; issn; knowledge; language; learning; license; material; model; motivation; pbl; pre; problem; process; research; results; skills; stage; students; study; table; terms; use cache: metathesis-1146.pdf plain text: metathesis-1146.txt item: #3 of 52 id: metathesis-1250 author: Nursyahrifa, Nursyahrifa; Mukhaiyar, Mukhaiyar; Jufrizal, Jufrizal title: Textbooks Evaluation: To what Extent Do the English Textbooks Provide Learning to Promote Cognitive Skill? date: 2019-06-10 words: 6710 flesch: 47 summary: Textbook 1 refers to Pathway to English and textbook 2 refers to Bahasa Inggris. Third, Margana and Widyantoro (2016) evaluated previous publication of tenth grade Bahasa Inggris textbook for the first semester in terms of six aspects include the suitability of basic and core competencies in reference to the content, the organization of English textbook and language skill areas, the contextualization of tasks, critical thinking skill enhancement, the integration of culture, and learner characteristic accomodation. keywords: acces; analyze; article; attribution; bahasa; basic; cognitive; commons; competencies; contexts; conversation; core; creative; curriculum; direction; domain; english; evaluation; expressions; features; functions;; information; inggris; instructions; interaction; interaction texts; interpersonal; issn; journal; language; language features; license; page; revised; school; social; social functions; spoken; structures; students; taxonomy; teachers; teaching; terms; text structures; textbook; texts; transactional; use cache: metathesis-1250.pdf plain text: metathesis-1250.txt item: #4 of 52 id: metathesis-1252 author: Lizamuddin, Ahmad; Asib, Abdul; Ngadiso, Ngadiso title: Indonesian English Learners’ Perception of The Implementation of Mobile Assisted Language Learning in English Class date: 2019-05-29 words: 3219 flesch: 57 summary: Kukulska-Hulme and Shield (2007) review MALL researches which have been conducted focus on speaking and listening skills. Hopefully, the findings of this research are able to inspire the teachers and educators on MALL implementation. keywords: acces; activity; article; attribution; classroom; commons; creative; easy; english; implementation; indonesian; issn; item; language; learners; learning; mall; media; mobile; perception; positive; questionnaire; research; respondents; result; smartphone; students; task; teaching; terms; use; usefulness cache: metathesis-1252.pdf plain text: metathesis-1252.txt item: #5 of 52 id: metathesis-1399 author: Puspitasari, Dina Ayu title: Exploring English Language Teaching Method of the Second Grade Students at SMA MBS Yogyakarta date: 2019-10-17 words: 4581 flesch: 59 summary: There is no different method in teaching English subject at SMA MBS Yogyakarta because all of English teachers relatively used the same method that is eclectic method. 2) to find out the different method employed by English teachers in teaching English subject. keywords: activities; classroom; commons; creative; data; difficulties; eclectic; eclectic method; english; english language; english subject; english teachers; interview; issn; journal; language; learning; limited; management; mbs; method; observation; school; sma; sources; students; study; subject; teachers; teaching; teaching method; terms; use; vol; yogyakarta cache: metathesis-1399.pdf plain text: metathesis-1399.txt item: #6 of 52 id: metathesis-1421 author: Arvianti, Gilang Fadhilia; Wulansari, Atsani title: Ideational Analysis of Donald Duck’s Comic and Its Translation date: 2019-06-29 words: 2727 flesch: 54 summary: Through ideational analysis approach it can be analyzed although not all the meaning is transferred into target text. The aims of this research are to know the meaning realization in ideational analysis approach, and to explain the impact of ideational shifting toward the equivalence of translation in target text. keywords: activity; analysis; approach; circumstance; comic; data; different; donald; english; halliday; ideational; language; location; material; meaning; metafunction; participant; physical; process; research; target; terms; text; translation cache: metathesis-1421.pdf plain text: metathesis-1421.txt item: #7 of 52 id: metathesis-1473 author: Suherman, Andri title: The Effects of Three Different Assessment Types on Text Revisions: A Study of Indonesian EFL Learners date: 2019-10-21 words: 4879 flesch: 57 summary: Peer feedback marking: developing peer assessment. Self-monitoring in student writing: developing learner responsibility. keywords: acces; article; assessment; attribution; changes; comments; commons; creative; data; different; drafts; education; efl; english; feedback; finding;; interview; issn; journal; language; learning; license; negative; october; peer; practice; process; revising; revision; second; self; students; study; teacher; terms; text; total; types; work; writing cache: metathesis-1473.pdf plain text: metathesis-1473.txt item: #8 of 52 id: metathesis-1665 author: Riwayatiningsih, Rika title: Improving Writing Skill with Questioning: A Path on Critical Thinking Skill date: 2019-11-14 words: 4789 flesch: 44 summary: Therefore, this paper intends to investigate the development of students critical thinking from their self-questioning in the writing performance which aims at the students’ advance skills in questions formulation, actively in listening bustle to the others’ point of view, identifying a good questions, constructing the difference various types of questions, expressing briefly their opinion, delivering argument, accepting others’ ideas, constructing the empathy. Moreover, Santoso et al (2017 ) asserted that students’ critical thinking skills has great connection with the ability on asking questions, where the levels of questions which play a significance function in critical thinking skills are on the levels of predictive, analysis, evaluation, and inference. keywords: acces; analysis; article; attribution; bloom; commons; creative; critical; critical thinking; developing; development; english; essay; evaluation; higher;; ideas; information; issn; journal; language; learning; license; literature; metathesis; method; order; order thinking; posttest; pretest; problems; process; questioning; questions; research; skills; students; study; taxonomy; teaching; technique; terms; thinking; thinking skills; topic; university; use; way; writing cache: metathesis-1665.pdf plain text: metathesis-1665.txt item: #9 of 52 id: metathesis-1682 author: Ratnaningsih, Endah; Wulanjani, Arum Nisma title: The Students’ Perspectives toward the Activities and Materials Displayed in ELICA (English Listening Interactive Café) Web date: 2019-11-04 words: 1518 flesch: 56 summary: After having Intensive Listening class by using ELICA Web, students were asked to fill the questionnaire and to join an interview. The next evidence is taken from the interview given for the students after having Intensive Listening class by using ELICA Website. keywords: activities; class; elica; english; intensive; language; learning; listening; materials; process; students; teaching; website cache: metathesis-1682.pdf plain text: metathesis-1682.txt item: #10 of 52 id: metathesis-1879 author: Megariani, Yeskha Martika; Listyantari, Nadia Aprilia; Bram, Barli title: Mispronunciations in Graduate Students’ Presentation Projects date: 2020-04-04 words: 5881 flesch: 53 summary: Pronouncing words correctly is crucial because Hoffmann and Siebers (2009) state that mispronunciation may lead to unintelligibility. Therefore, this study was conducted to explore mispronunciations in presentation projects of Indonesian graduate students so that they can eliminate the mistakes in the future and to examine the linguistic factors contributing to the mispronunciations in the presentation projects of the Indonesian graduate students. keywords: acces; american; april; article; attribution; bahasa; bonaventura; carry; consonant; correct; data; doi; education; english; english language; errors; findings; graduate;; indonesian; initial; issn; journal; language; learning; literature; metathesis; mispronunciations; mother; native; non; participants; presentation; problems; projects; pronounced; regularities; researchers; second; sound; speakers; students; study; table; target; teachers; teaching; terms; theory; tongue; type; words cache: metathesis-1879.pdf plain text: metathesis-1879.txt item: #11 of 52 id: metathesis-1880 author: Anggraeni, Candradewi Wahyu; Ratnaningsih, Endah title: Designing BIPA’s Teaching Material: Inserting The Local Wisdom? date: 2020-04-01 words: 3053 flesch: 44 summary: Abstract This study aims to explain the teaching materials used and needed in BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing) learning and to develop BIPA teaching materials based on local wisdom as pedagogical content knowledge at Tidar University. The preparation of BIPA teaching materials based on local wisdom as pedagogical content knowledge in this study is one way to instill awareness of Indonesian culture, everything related to Indonesia, for learners. keywords: article; bipa; bipa teaching; content; culture; development; foreign;; important; indonesian; instructors; issn; knowledge; language; learners; learning; local; local wisdom; magelang; materials; needs; pedagogical; process; research; revision; study; teaching; teaching materials; tidar; university; validation; wisdom cache: metathesis-1880.pdf plain text: metathesis-1880.txt item: #12 of 52 id: metathesis-1921 author: Al Arif, Tubagus Zam Zam title: The Use of Social Media for English Language Learning: An Exploratory Study of EFL University Students date: 2019-11-30 words: 3886 flesch: 54 summary: Furthermore, it promotes social media use and encourages students to use social media to improve their English language skills. Abstract This study aims to examine the use of social media in English language learning by the students of English Study Program at Jambi University. keywords: article; attribution; commons; creative; discussion; english; english language; facebook; ict; instagram; interview; jambi; journal; kinds; language; language learning; learning; media; metathesis; participants; people; questionnaire; skills; social; social media; students; study; teaching; terms; university; use; youtube; zam cache: metathesis-1921.pdf plain text: metathesis-1921.txt item: #13 of 52 id: metathesis-2017 author: Krismawarti, Krismawarti; Wulanjani, Arum Nisma title: Task-Based Learning: Gaining Students’ Engagement to Improve Students’ Competence in Writing Procedure Text date: 2020-04-04 words: 2416 flesch: 50 summary: Students’ Engagement in Cycle 1 No. Observation Focus Category High Medium Low 1 Positive Body Language (Students exhibit body postures that indicate they are paying attention to the teacher and/or other students) v 2 Consistent Focus (All students are focused on the learning activity with minimum disruptions) v 3 Verbal Participation (Students express thoughtful ideas, reflective answers, and questions relevant or appropriate to learning) v 4 Student Confidence (Students exhibit confidence and can initiate and complete a task with limited coaching and can work in a group) v 5 Fun and Excitement (Students exhibit interest and enthusiasm and use positive humor) v As it can be seen from the table above that the students’ engagement in the Cycle 1 still belonged into the medium category. Students’ Engagement in Cycle 2 No. Observation Focus Category High Medium Low 1 Positive Body Language (Students exhibit body postures that indicate they are paying attention to the teacher and/or other students) v 2 Consistent Focus (All students are focused on the learning activity with minimum disruptions) v 3 Verbal Participation (Students express thoughtful ideas, reflective answers, and questions relevant or appropriate to learning) v 4 Student Confidence (Students exhibit confidence and can initiate and complete a task with limited coaching and can work in a group) v 5 Fun and Excitement (Students exhibit interest and enthusiasm and use positive humor) v From the table above, it can be seen that the students’ engagement in the Cycle has improved better from Cycle 1. keywords: activities; competence; confidence; cycle; engagement; group;; implementation; language; learning; observation; positive; procedure; process; result; score; students; study; task; test; text; writing cache: metathesis-2017.pdf plain text: metathesis-2017.txt item: #14 of 52 id: metathesis-2048 author: Djami, Christian Bernard Nichols; Kuswandono, Paulus title: Teachers’ Strategies to Implement Higher-Order Thinking Skills in English Instruction date: 2020-04-01 words: 6921 flesch: 55 summary: Nowadays, English teachers should have been familiar with HOTS in teaching students. Nowadays, therefore, English teachers should be familiar with HOTS in teaching students. keywords: able; acces; activities; analysis; answer; article; attribution; classroom; comprehension; critical; data; difficult; education; effective; english; english teachers; good; government; higher; hots;; issn; journal; knowledge; language; learning; material; method; observation; open; order; problem; process; questionnaire; questions; research; results; skills; strategies; students; study; teachers; teaching; terms; thinking; training; understanding cache: metathesis-2048.pdf plain text: metathesis-2048.txt item: #15 of 52 id: metathesis-2179 author: Nisa, Baiatun; Asi, Arinta Geby; Sari, Sulhizah Wulan title: The Context Meaning of Deixis in Soundtracks Lyric of the Greatest Showman Movie date: 2020-04-04 words: 7081 flesch: 68 summary: In some cases show that deixis word is not usually stated in the context explicitly. This analysis is important to understand the speaker's intends in the song by the use of context deixis. keywords: acces; article; attribution; cause; context; deixis; deixis word; different; discourse; discourse deixis; english; function; greatest;; information; issn; journal; language; listener; lyric; meaning; movie; parts; people; person deixis; place; players; pointing; position; pragmatics; reference; research; social; song; soundtracks; spatial deixis; speaker; temporal deixis; terms; time; today; utterance; vol; word cache: metathesis-2179.pdf plain text: metathesis-2179.txt item: #16 of 52 id: metathesis-2250 author: Fitria, Tira Nur title: An Analysis of Code Mixing Used by A Singaporean Singer in Instagram’s Caption date: 2020-10-08 words: 5087 flesch: 60 summary: Goyang Ngebor Lady Daratista @inul.d , Goyang Gergaji Lady Perssik @dewiperssikreal dan Goyang Itik Lady Gotix @zaskia_gotix 3 Bintang2 dangdut Indonesia dan Asia, Rara Tiyara dan Lesty Sweetie @lestykejora yg sentiasa bersinar mengelilingi purnama. NO DATA 1 Bintang2 dangdut Indonesia dan Asia, Rara Tiyara dan Lesty Sweetie @lestykejora yg sentiasa bersinar mengelilingi purnama. keywords: access; adjective; analysis; article; asia; attribution; beautiful; bersama; best; captions; class; clause; code; code mixing; dan; dangdut; data; dependent; doi; dominant; english; english language; example; fitria; happy;; hybrid; indonesian; ini; insertion; inserts; instagram; interaction; issn; journal; language; literature; marks; media; metathesis; mixing; multi; musa; no.2; nordquist; noun; number; october; people; person; phrase; previous; qualitative; radio; reduplication; repetition; research; rosalina; saya; sentence; singaporean; singer; social; song; speaker; studies; super; table; talented; terms; type; underlined; unit; users; vol.4; word cache: metathesis-2250.pdf plain text: metathesis-2250.txt item: #17 of 52 id: metathesis-2264 author: Semartini, Atur title: Gender Stereotypes in Students’ English Writing date: 2020-04-22 words: 4975 flesch: 54 summary: Gender stereotypes that are perpetuated by popular culture usually marginalize women, following patriarchal ideology. This research investigates gender stereotypes in STIKES Nasional students’ writing. keywords: active; activities; april; ariani; article; attribution; construction; culture; domestic; english; female; female students; following; gender; gender stereotypes;; ideology; indonesia; issn; journal; language; literature; media; metathesis; mother; nasional; number; object; passive; patriarchal; public; related; representation; research; roles; sentences; society; sphere; stereotypes; stikes; students; subjects; teaching; terms; traits; use; women; word; writing cache: metathesis-2264.pdf plain text: metathesis-2264.txt item: #18 of 52 id: metathesis-2279 author: Dewi, Puspita; Yuliatin, Riyana Rizki; Hastuti, Hilda; Muhid, Abdul title: Drama in Enhancing Motivation of Non-English Department Students: Computer Science Students date: 2020-10-08 words: 4409 flesch: 51 summary: English is one of the major subjects that must be taken by students to graduate from the university including Bumigora University. Drama elicits students to speak because speaking is one of the most fundamental skill (Katemba & Buli, 2018). keywords: able; access; anxiety; article; asian; attitude; attribution; big; classroom; computer; confidence; creativity; data; department; drama; efl; english; foreign;; issn; journal; language; learners; learning; literature; motivation; non; questionnaire; reading; research; science; second; skills; speaking; students; teachers; teaching; terms; vocabularies cache: metathesis-2279.pdf plain text: metathesis-2279.txt item: #19 of 52 id: metathesis-2296 author: Nugroho, Dwi Yulianto title: EAP Students’ Perceptions of Extensive Listening date: 2020-04-23 words: 5135 flesch: 55 summary: In addition, extensive listening facilitates students to improve their listening fluency, increase their vocabulary, and expose them to various English Nugroho EAP Students’ Perceptions of Extensive Listening 104 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( accents. Extensive listening (EL) could be one alternative that English teachers can do to give more room for teaching listening. keywords: acces; activities; addition; article; attribution; chang; class; classroom; communication; data; eap; english; extensive; extensive listening; fluency; fun;; issn; journal; language; learning; listening; meaningful; perceptions; practice; program; renandya; skills; students; study; talks; teachers; teaching; ted; terms; vocabulary cache: metathesis-2296.pdf plain text: metathesis-2296.txt item: #20 of 52 id: metathesis-2360 author: Yosintha, Rolisda title: Indonesian Students’ Attitudes towards EFL Learning in Response to Industry 5.0 date: 2020-10-11 words: 7106 flesch: 45 summary: Even though most students show a positive attitude towards English learning, they are not always committed to learning it at school. With at least six years of English learning at school, students are expected to have the basic for their survival in future employment competition. keywords: access; addition; article; attitudes; attribution; behaviors; burgos; communication; competencies; competition; confidence; curriculum; data; doi; education; efl; efl learning; english; english language; era; foreign; future; general;; humans; indonesian; industry; institutions; interval; issn; journal; language; learning; lecturers; level; literature; mean; metathesis; motivation; needs; negative; new; no.2; october; participants; positive; process; proficiency; pérez; questionnaire; relation; research; response; results; school; skills; speaking; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; terms; university; use; vol.4; yosintha cache: metathesis-2360.pdf plain text: metathesis-2360.txt item: #21 of 52 id: metathesis-2508 author: Lestari, Disa Evawani title: Rethinking the Roles of English Lecturers in the Digital Era date: 2020-10-11 words: 5535 flesch: 49 summary: Taking back the law school classroom: Using technology to foster active student learning. Digital downsides: exploring university students’ negative engagements with digital technology. . keywords: abundant; access; addition; article; attribution; century; classroom; data; digital; discussion; doi; education; english; english lecturers; era; feedback; future; group;; human; information; internet; interview; issn; journal; language; learning; lecturers; lestari; literature; media; metathesis; millennials; need; no.2; october; online; participants; perspectives; process; questionnaire; questions; research; resources; roles; school; social; students; study; tan; teachers; teaching; technology; terms; time; university; use; vol.4; work cache: metathesis-2508.pdf plain text: metathesis-2508.txt item: #22 of 52 id: metathesis-2591 author: Subekti, Adaninggar Septi title: Covid-19-Triggered Online Learning Implementation: Pre-Service English Teachers’ Beliefs date: 2021-01-01 words: 7610 flesch: 51 summary: Abstract The study investigated beliefs of nine pre-service English teachers on the implementation of online learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic in their English Language Education Department. The study used secondary data in the forms of the participants’ written reflections on the implementation of online learning they experienced through their viewpoints both as students and as English teacher candidates. keywords: access; adaninggar; article; asynchronous; attribution; barriers; beliefs; case; challenges; class; classes; combination; connection; covid-19; data; december; doi; education; english; example; face; findings;; implementation; instruction; internet; issn; journal; language; learners; learning; literature; metathesis; nita; online; online learning; pandemic; participants; plaisance; practices; pre; present; questions; reflections; research; septi; service; sessions; social; students; study; subekti; sylvia; teachers; teaching; technology; teleconference; terms; theme; time; understanding; university; use; vol.4 cache: metathesis-2591.pdf plain text: metathesis-2591.txt item: #23 of 52 id: metathesis-2701 author: Pratama, Ikke Dewi; Retnaningsih, Woro; Prakoso, Muhammad Romdhoni title: Interlingual Subtitles to Increase High School Students’ Ability in Understanding Explanation Texts date: 2021-04-08 words: 6241 flesch: 50 summary: Interlingual subtitle which is placed in videos is offered by the researchers as a solution and expected to help students in understanding the content of explanation text. Keywords: explanation text, interlingual subtitle, media, reading, video Introduction This research is started with a pre-observation activity conducted by interviewing some English teachers and students in one of private high schools in Surakarta. keywords: access; activity; article; attribution; class; content; cycle; cycle test; difficult; english; explanation; explanation text; foreign; group; high;; increase; interlingual; interlingual subtitles; issn; journal; language; language teaching; learners; learning; materials; media; natural; post; pre; process; reading; research; researchers; schools; science; social; students; subtitles; teachers; teaching; terms; test; text; translation; understanding; use; video cache: metathesis-2701.pdf plain text: metathesis-2701.txt item: #24 of 52 id: metathesis-2703 author: Widiawati, Harfiyah; Harahap, Aris Masruri; Sihombing, Lambok Hermanto title: The Discrepancy of Meaning: A Study of a Guardian Angel’s Existence in “Deus Ex Machina” date: 2020-10-19 words: 6161 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: guardian angel, deconstruction, discrepancy, hyperreality, existentialism Introduction However, these “realities” will not be possible unless someone functions to be guarded by the so- called guardian angel. keywords: access; angel; article; attribution; beginning; character; christina; deconstruction; deus; deus ex; discrepancy; ex machina; existence; frame; god; guardian angel;; issn; kunzru; language; like; literary; machina; meaning; method; narration; narrator; new; october; people; presence; present; raison; real; reality; reason; signification; space; story; subject; terms; text; theory; use; words; world; yukio cache: metathesis-2703.pdf plain text: metathesis-2703.txt item: #25 of 52 id: metathesis-2727 author: Nurjanah, Ratih Laily; Waluyo, Sri; Kusuma, Ahmad Fauzi Anggi Ariesta title: Using Adobe Flash-Based Game to Educate Children about Covid-19 date: 2021-01-01 words: 3502 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: Adobe Flash game, Covid-19 game, English for children English learning Introduction Nurjanah, Waluyo, Kusuma Developing Adobe Flash-Based Game to …. p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 249 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( Developing Adobe Flash-Based Game to Teach Children Covid-19 Vocabulary Ratih Laily Nurjanah1*, Sri Waluyo2, Ahmad Fauzi Anggi Ariesta Kusuma3 1Universitas Ngudi Waluyo 2,3STMIK Bina Patria 1Jl. keywords: acces; activities; adobe; article; attribution; children; covid-19; december; doi; easy; english; figure; flash; game;; issn; journal; kusuma; language; learning; literature; menu; outbreak; parents; pictures; related; research; session; students; symptoms; teachers; teaching; terms; use; virus; vol.4; waluyo; words cache: metathesis-2727.pdf plain text: metathesis-2727.txt item: #26 of 52 id: metathesis-2734 author: Basri, Megawati; Husain, Balqis; Modayama, Wiwin title: University Students’ Perceptions in Implementing Asynchronous Learning during Covid-19 Era date: 2021-01-01 words: 5517 flesch: 44 summary: In particular, they expressed optimistic views on e-learning platforms as a multi- purpose means of improving language development. Instead, encouraging both educators and learners to handle all kinds of e-learning media is regarded as the least point the university can pay close attention too. keywords: acces; activity; advantages; apps; article; asynchronous; attribution; basri; berbasis; classroom; covid-19; december2020; doi; education; educators; efl; electronic; english; equipment; era; form; google; google form; higher; highest;; husain; internet; issn; items; journal; language; learners; learning; literature; materials; matic; mean; media; metathesis; method; minimum; modayama; morotai; online; pandemic; particular; pembelajaran; perceptions; platforms; research; respondents; screencast; skills; software; students; study; table; teaching; technology; terms; tools; university; use; user; virtual; vol cache: metathesis-2734.pdf plain text: metathesis-2734.txt item: #27 of 52 id: metathesis-2742 author: Rianto, Rianto; Artika, Febria Sri; Safitri, Loli title: The Effect of Prophet Yusuf Storytelling on Students' Grammar Mastery date: 2021-10-18 words: 5455 flesch: 59 summary: Attaching grammar stories in lessons would help the learners’ better understanding of grammar as well as a fun activity for them (Baker & Greene, 1996). To make a lively atmosphere, it seems that storytelling is a good strategy in teaching grammar which avoids making the students bored and sleepy. keywords: access; article; artika; attention; attribution; class; classes; control; data; effect; english; experimental; experimental class; grammar; grammar mastery; grammatical; higher;; hypothesis; issn; journal; language; learners; learning; mastery; mean; new; past; post; pre; prophet; prophet yusuf; quran; research; researchers; result; score; significant; stories; storytelling; students; study; surah; table; teacher; teaching; tense; terms; test; tobtained; use; variances; verses; vocabulary; yusuf cache: metathesis-2742.pdf plain text: metathesis-2742.txt item: #28 of 52 id: metathesis-2784 author: Surtikanti, Monika Widyastuti; Hertanto, Mustika Aji; Agung, Antonius Setyawan Sugeng Nur title: Developing HOTS-Based Critical Reading Textbook for Junior High Schools in Ngabang date: 2020-10-19 words: 4347 flesch: 50 summary: Figure 5 is the look of Critical English textbook. The materials can motivate the students to build critical thinking skills g. keywords: acces; activity; analysis; article; attribution; critical; critical english; critical reading; critical thinking; data; development; english; english textbook; evaluation; expert; grade; high; hots;; information; issn; journal; junior; language; learning; materials; need; ngabang; october; product; questions; reading; researchers; schools; seventh; skills; students; study; surtikanti; table; task; teachers; teaching; terms; textbook; thinking cache: metathesis-2784.pdf plain text: metathesis-2784.txt item: #29 of 52 id: metathesis-2801 author: Romios, Laser; Primandita, Nindya; Saragih, Novilda Angela title: Educational Policy: Voices from Local English Teachers and Students towards National Exam in Yogyakarta date: 2020-11-15 words: 7665 flesch: 56 summary: In addition, the number of students who fail in NE in Yogyakarta is recorded in a very small percentage considering the need for pursuing a good accreditation, which is affected by the number of Yogyakarta school students who successfully pass the formal education. K-13 suggests that junior high school students of 7-9 are meant to comprehend the functional level while those of senior high school the informational level. keywords: access; alice; alpha; article; attribution; brian; class; criteria; critical; curriculum; data; doi; education; elt; english; english language; english teachers; exam; good; government; grade; high;; implementation; indonesia; interview; issn; journal; k-13; kristianingrum; language; language learning; learning; level; literature; local; materials; metathesis; metathesis.v4.i2.2801; method; national; needs; new; october; participants; passing; pendidikan; policy; pressure; process; quality; questions; reading; researchers; romios; saragih; school; senior; skills; state; strategies; students; study; system; teachers; teaching; terms; testing; thinking; time; vocabulary; voices; vol; yogyakarta cache: metathesis-2801.pdf plain text: metathesis-2801.txt item: #30 of 52 id: metathesis-2829 author: Istiqomah, Lilik; Seyowati, Andri; Maghfiroh, Annisah; Pratiwi, Delik Dita; Anggraeni, Lulu title: Translation Shift in The English-Indonesian Translation Sherif Hetata’s “Woman at Point Zero” Novel date: 2021-05-07 words: 4153 flesch: 59 summary: Conclusion Based on the analysis on types of translation shift in Sherif Hetata’s Woman at Point Zero, it is shown that there are 122 data of shift types. Data were collected from those book both in English and Indonesian translation which contained four types of translation shift based on Newmark’s theory by applying descriptive-qualitative study. keywords: acces; article; attribution; bahasa; change; data; english; example; gap; grammatical; hetata;; indonesia; issn; istiqomah; language; lexical; meaning; noun; novel; phrase; point; process; replacement; research; sherif; shift; source; structure; target; terms; translation; translation shift; type; virtual; woman; word cache: metathesis-2829.pdf plain text: metathesis-2829.txt item: #31 of 52 id: metathesis-2834 author: Imron, Ali; Hantari, Winda Candra title: How Poetry Improves EFL Learners’ Vocabulary through Curriculum-based Dynamic Assessment date: 2021-04-07 words: 4577 flesch: 53 summary: For example, when the students were asked to write poems which show rhyme as the feature, many students used suffixes to get the pattern of the same sounds (rhyme) like ful, ness, ly, and the others, or by merely making whatever verbs into gerunds or nouns by adding -ing even though grammatically incorrect. “Using Literature as a Tool for Teaching English Language: Animal Farm in the EFL Classroom.” keywords: access; article; assessment; attribution; cbda; creative; curriculum; development; dynamic; efl; english; experience;; issn; knowledge; language; learner; learning; lidz; literature; materials; mediation; parameter; poem; poetry; post; pre; process; respondents; scale; score; students; study; task; teaching; terms; test; understanding; vks; vocabulary; words; work; writer; writing cache: metathesis-2834.pdf plain text: metathesis-2834.txt item: #32 of 52 id: metathesis-3195 author: Nugroho, Arif; Ilmiani, Dwi; Rekha, Agnira title: EFL Teachers’ Challenges and Insights of Online Teaching amidst Global Pandemic date: 2021-01-01 words: 6932 flesch: 44 summary: With regards to the time consuming in preparing materials of online learning, a participant conveyed his suggestion that EFL teachers, especially in university levels, ought to design a specific module for English online learning activities. The bewailing teachers who stated it required a lot of time to design materials in online learning have to be fixed by constructing a specific module for English online learning activities and integrate it into the school curricula. keywords: access; activities; analysis; article; attribution; challenges; classroom; connection; data; development; digital; efl; efl teachers; engagement; english; english language; face; global; global pandemic;; ict; insights; integration; internet; interviews; issn; journal; lack; language; learners; learning; learning activities; literature; materials; method; motivation; nugroho; online; online learning; online teaching; pandemic; participants; platform; problem; professional; questions; reflections; representative; research; results; self; semi; structured; students; study; teachers; teaching; technology; terms; time; university; written cache: metathesis-3195.pdf plain text: metathesis-3195.txt item: #33 of 52 id: metathesis-3314 author: Malasari, Susanti; Kurniawati, Lemmuela Alvita; Martanti, Ika Fathin Resti title: Students’ Perceptions on the Implementation of Blended Learning in English for Mathematics date: 2021-01-30 words: 6685 flesch: 41 summary: The benefits of online learning will be greater if it is combined with other components of learning; commonly, it is known as blended learning. There are some reasons why online English learning is beneficial for EFL learners. keywords: access; activities; article; attribution; blended; blended learning; class; classes; classroom; data; december; doi; education; english; english language; face;; implementation; instructional; interaction; interview; issn; journal; language; language learning; learners; learning; learning materials; lecturers; literature; management; materials; mathematics; media; metathesis; online; online learning; participants; perceptions; research; results; shivam; singh; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; terms; time; understanding; virtual; vocabulary; vol; whatsapp cache: metathesis-3314.pdf plain text: metathesis-3314.txt item: #34 of 52 id: metathesis-3336 author: Nuraeni, Cicih title: Maximizing Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) amid Covid-19 Pandemic: Teachers’ Perception date: 2021-04-07 words: 3295 flesch: 51 summary: The easiness of reaching students in online learning is the advantages of mobile learning 4,43 0,62 Overall, respondents expressed that mobile learning can help in the learning process during a crisis because of its advantages in portability, interactive language learning activities and easiness access. keywords: access; activities; article; attribution; covid-19; data; devices; education; english; high; home;; indonesia; issn; item; journal; language; language learning; learning; mall; mobile; mobile learning; online; pandemic; participants; perception; positive; process; questionnaire; reliability; research; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; technology; terms; time; use; validity cache: metathesis-3336.pdf plain text: metathesis-3336.txt item: #35 of 52 id: metathesis-3420 author: Kheirbek, Taymaa Hussein title: A Comparative Analysis of the Conversational Elements in S. T. Coleridge’s ‘Frost At Midnight’ and Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab’s ‘ Marha Ghailan’ date: 2021-06-05 words: 5419 flesch: 64 summary: His poetry primarily went through four distinct phases: Romantic poems 1934-1984, Realistic poems 1949- 1955, the Tammuzian poems 1956-1960, and subjective personal poems during his illness 1961-1964 (Allush, 1971). Lyrical Ballads with other poems, Pennsylvania State University, Hazleton. keywords: access; ali; analysis; april; arabic; article; attribution; badr; city; coleridge; comparative; conversational; daddy; death; doi; education; elements; emotional; english; experience; fertility; free; frost; ghailan; god; hartley;; images; iraq; issn; journal; kheirbek; kind; language; life; literature; marha; marha ghailan; metathesis; midnight; myth; nature; new; past; poems; poetry; present; resurrection; role; romantic; romanticism; sayyab; setting; shaker; son; study; symbol; teaching; terms; time; university; use; village; vol cache: metathesis-3420.pdf plain text: metathesis-3420.txt item: #36 of 52 id: metathesis-3434 author: Rahmadani, Ditta Eka; Kurniawan, Muhammad Hafiz title: Visual And Metaphorical Representation In McDonald’s Singapore Advertisement date: 2021-06-15 words: 7115 flesch: 55 summary: Non-metaphorical picture with given-new framing The data above is a non-metaphorical meaning because the participants are clear. Non-metaphorical picture with ideal-real framing There is no metaphorical meaning in the data above because the participants are meant to show the varieties of McDonald’s products. keywords: access; advertisement; advertising; analysis; article; attribution; burger; closeness; conceptual; data; egg; figure; food; forceville; framing;; ideal; information; issn; kress; language; leeuwen; left; linear; mcdonald; meaning; metaphor; metaphorical; narrative; new; non; p.181; participants; pictorial; pictorial metaphor; picture; product; real; representation; research; salience; singapore; terms; theory; use; value; van; van leeuwen; viewer; visual cache: metathesis-3434.pdf plain text: metathesis-3434.txt item: #37 of 52 id: metathesis-3519 author: Fitria, Tira Nur title: Grammarly as AI-powered English Writing Assistant: Students’ Alternative for Writing English date: 2021-05-18 words: 6275 flesch: 56 summary: From the six studies discuss Grammarly, as the first research discusses the role of Grammarly in EFL Writing, the second research discusses the effectiveness of Grammarly checker toward student's writing quality, the third research discusses the use of Grammarly in evaluating academic writing, the fourth research discusses Grammarly in increasing students’ writing quality, the fifth research discusses the effectiveness of Grammarly application for writing English, and the sixth research discusses the implementation of Grammarly tool to boost students’ writing skill. Based on the analysis, using Grammarly software shows the performance increased. keywords: academic; access; alternative; analysis; application; article; assistant; attribution; check; checker; club; correct; document; efl; english; english grammar; english writing; errors; example; features; fitria; free; grammarly;; issn; journal; language; learning; literature; metathesis; method; mistakes; online; performance; premium; punctuation; qualitative; quality; research; score; sentence; service; software; spelling; standard; students; study; suggestions; surakarta; teaching; tense; terms; test; text; tool; use; users; word; writing cache: metathesis-3519.pdf plain text: metathesis-3519.txt item: #38 of 52 id: metathesis-3582 author: Kristiano, Johan Tobias title: Personal and Social Deixis as A Political Campaign Strategy Used in Donald Trump’s Rally date: 2021-10-18 words: 6755 flesch: 61 summary: Donald Trump’s Attention toward the Parties He Mentioned Kristiano Personal and Social Deixis as A Political Campaign Strategy Used in Donald Trump’s Rally 145 Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( Six parties were addressed by the use of personal and social deixis in Donald Trump’s campaign speech, namely the audience/supporters, Trump, the opponent, Trump’s party/government, USA, and neutral others. Related to his opponents, Trump used the word they and he to directly point at his opponents and Kristiano Personal and Social Deixis as A Political Campaign Strategy Used in Donald Trump’s Rally 153 Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( create a distance between his side and the opponents. keywords: access; article; attention; attitude; attribution; audience; campaign; deixis; donald; donald trump; english; expressions; government;; issn; negative; neutral; opponents; parties; party; people; personal; personal deixis; political; positive; presidential; pronoun; social; social deixis; speaker; speech; speeches; strategy; study; support; supporters; terms; total; trump; usa; use; word cache: metathesis-3582.pdf plain text: metathesis-3582.txt item: #39 of 52 id: metathesis-3604 author: Rahman Hz, Benni Ichsanda; Daulay, Ernita title: Online Learning Media: English Education Department Students’ Perspective date: 2021-05-08 words: 5953 flesch: 51 summary: Last but not least, zoom users can share supporting teaching learning media such as articles, presentation papers, or even video files. Most Effective Moreover, the students were also asked, what kind of online learning media is the most effective according to them in studying the materials of Public Speaking subject from the lecturers. keywords: able; access; application; april; article; attribution; class; classroom; cloud; data; department; doi; easy; education; effective; english; face;; indonesia; information; internet; issn; journal; language; learning; learning media; learning process; lecturers; literature; media; meeting; metathesis; method; need; online; order; participants; pembelajaran; perspective; process; public; rahman; respondents; speaking; students; study; subject; teachers; teaching; technology; terms; use; virtual; vol; zoom cache: metathesis-3604.pdf plain text: metathesis-3604.txt item: #40 of 52 id: metathesis-3618 author: Purnama, Yoga title: Teacher’s Obstacles in English Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic date: 2021-12-09 words: 6154 flesch: 48 summary: This research not only focuses on describing the obstacles and difficulties that the teacher has but also describes the solution taken by the teacher for each of the problem arises during English online learning for Islamic Family Law’s students at Syariah Faculty, IAIN Surakarta. The obstacles that arise during online learning at Syariah Faculty of IAIN Surakarta are important to be studied further in order to maximize the implementation of online English learning or distance learning in the future. keywords: access; activity; answer; article; attribution; challenges; covid-19; data; difficulties; discussion; education; english; english learning; english online; face; google;; iain; implementation; internet; issn; journal; lack; language; learning; learning process; lecturer; lesson; listening; main; materials; meeting; obstacles; online learning; order; pandemic; problem; process; proficiency; research; speaking; students; study; surakarta; system; teacher; teaching; terms; time; video; writing cache: metathesis-3618.pdf plain text: metathesis-3618.txt item: #41 of 52 id: metathesis-3700 author: Wang, Rong-Rong; Wang, Ya-huei title: Using the Kübler-Ross Model of Grief with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): An Analysis of Manchester by the Sea date: 2021-05-30 words: 7301 flesch: 66 summary: The research results demonstrated that the film Manchester by the Sea can let viewers consider ways to make sense of traumatic grief and turn their negative psychological issues into something meaningful in life, thereby allowing their lives to flourish. However, the mental disorder or traumatic grief may dissipate in the month following exposure to the traumatic event. keywords: acceptance; anger; article; attribution; bereavement; children; death; depression; disorder; event; experience; experiencing; film; grief; grieving; help;; issn; journal; kübler; lee; life; loss; loved; manchester; meaning; mental; model; mourners; negative; patrick; people; person; post; process; ptsd; randi; reality; ross; sea; self; stage; stress; symptoms; terms; time; traumatic; traumatic grief; wang; wife cache: metathesis-3700.pdf plain text: metathesis-3700.txt item: #42 of 52 id: metathesis-3716 author: Mursyid, Andi Miftahul Maulidil; Kafryawan, Wira; Rahmawansyah, Rahmawansyah title: Communication Strategies Used by Papuan EFL Students date: 2021-12-09 words: 4323 flesch: 49 summary: Keywords: Communication strategies, types, function (reasons), EFL students/learners Introduction Teaching English as a foreign language is a multi-dimensional process that involves many aspects, such as communication strategies. This research aimed to determine the types and their reasons of communication strategies used by Papuan EFL students. keywords: appeal; communication; communication strategies; confirmation; css; dewi; direct; dörnyei; efl; efl students; english; extract; fillers; findings; help; interviewer; issn; journal; language; learners; papuan; papuan efl; reasons; repair; repetition; research; researchers; scott; self; strategies; strategy; students; study; switching; time; types; use; words cache: metathesis-3716.pdf plain text: metathesis-3716.txt item: #43 of 52 id: metathesis-3949 author: Septyani, Ni Luh Putu Viranicka; Purnamika, I.G.A Lokita; Wedhanti, Nyoman Karina title: A Study of ELE Students’ Perception of Undiksha Moodle E-learning in Pedagogical Courses date: 2021-10-18 words: 3890 flesch: 48 summary: Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform can be operated anytime in the learning process of Pedagogical courses. Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform can be accessed through electronic devices in the learning process of Pedagogical courses. keywords: access; article; attribution; case; courses; data; education; effectiveness; english;; issn; journal; language; learning; learning platform; moodle; moodle e; online; outcomes; pedagogical; pedagogical courses; perception; platform; process; research; respondents; results; score; statement; students; study; support; technology; terms; undiksha; undiksha moodle; use cache: metathesis-3949.pdf plain text: metathesis-3949.txt item: #44 of 52 id: metathesis-4004 author: Hidayah, Nurul; Indriani, Lilia title: Real Time Feedback in English Microteaching Practice: A Case Study on Online Learning date: 2021-10-27 words: 6118 flesch: 55 summary: The number of student teachers who responded “rarely” (a total of 19, which accounts for 50% of the participants) indicates that the real-time feedback session did not work in good order. In line with previous questions, student teachers want more explanation about the feedback they receive. keywords: ability; access; activity; article; attribution; case; classes; comments; discussion; doi; education; english; face; feedback;; interview; issn; journal; language; learning; lecturer; micro; need; observation; october; online; peer; perception; performance; perspective; practice; process; questionnaire; questions; real; researcher; result; skills; student; study; table; teacher; teaching; terms; time; time feedback; trainees cache: metathesis-4004.pdf plain text: metathesis-4004.txt item: #45 of 52 id: metathesis-4192 author: Lestari, Disa Evawani; German, Emilius title: Incorporating Instagram Features in EFL Learning Environment date: 2021-11-01 words: 4696 flesch: 47 summary: This huge community serves as an ideal environment for language learners as language learning occurs both through observation and participation of social interactions (Barton & Potts, 2013). Promoting Collaboration Authentic Input Authentic input provides language learners with many advantages and exposes them to the real English language. keywords: access; addition; article; attribution; authentic; correction; data; doi; effective; efl; english; environment; error; features; figure;; image; informative; input; instagram; interaction; issn; journal; language; learners; learning; literature; metathesis; mistakes; october; participants; post; questions; quiz; research; sns; social; students; study; teaching; terms; translation; university; use; users; video; vocabulary; vol; word cache: metathesis-4192.pdf plain text: metathesis-4192.txt item: #46 of 52 id: metathesis-4231 author: Siahaan, Sry Mora Yuni; Subekti, Adaninggar Septi title: Pre-Service English Teachers’ Professional Identity Development: A Case Study date: 2021-12-03 words: 7271 flesch: 45 summary: In a Colombian ELT context, furthermore, it was found that through teaching experiences, pre-service teacher participants had reflection about teaching helping them to realise what had run well and what they needed to improve in their teaching (Flórez & Basto, 2017). The checklist for lecturer assistant participants, for example, included among others questions such as Why did you want to be a lecturer assistant? and Are there any new things you have learnt from being a lecturer assistant? keywords: access; analysis; article; assistants; attribution; better; case; class; classes; classroom; communication; context; data; development; education; english; experiences; finding;; identity; importance; indonesian; interviews; issn; journal; language; learning; lecturer; lecturer assistants; literature; management; materials; participants; pre; present; process; professional; professional identity; rapport; research; role; semester; service; service teachers; skills; students; studies; study; subekti; teachers; teaching; terms; time; tok cache: metathesis-4231.pdf plain text: metathesis-4231.txt item: #47 of 52 id: metathesis-4256 author: Rahman, Kasyfur; Hatomi, Hatomi title: Perceived Barriers to Online Collaborative Learning by Prospective EFL Teachers date: 2021-12-05 words: 6448 flesch: 38 summary: While research on the problems and challenges of online learning has hitherto been massively undertaken in the literature, there is a prominent gap in which scanty inquiries specifically address the barriers in online collaborative learning. When it comes to online collaborative learning, the challenges are also twofold: barriers in terms of online learning and collaboration. keywords: access; activities; article; assignments; attribution; barriers; collaborative; collaborative learning; commitment; communication; data; difficult; disagree; doi; education; efl; english; environment; friends; group;; information; instructors; interaction; internet; interview; issn; journal; lack; language; learning; lecturers; literature; members; metathesis; motivated; motivation; neutral; ocl; october; online; online collaborative; online learning; problems; prospective; rahman; research; respondents; responses; skills; statements; students; support; system; tasks; teachers; teaching; technical; technology; terms; time; use; vol; work cache: metathesis-4256.pdf plain text: metathesis-4256.txt item: #48 of 52 id: metathesis-4375 author: Sumarno, Wahyu Kyestiati; Wahyuningtyas, Dwi; Ardianti, Triubaida Maya; Rahmawati, Adinda Aulia; Shafira, Putri Dian; Solikha, Nur Imro’atus title: Expert Validation and Students’ Initial Field Trial Responses toward M-Write Academic Essay Writing Application date: 2021-12-03 words: 5138 flesch: 48 summary: Synchronous online conference-based instruction: A study of whiteboard interactions and student writing. Abstract Proficiency in academic writing is still a problem for many students because there are no such digital learning media that can facilitate academic writing practices. keywords: ability; academic; academic writing; access; application; approach; appropriate; article; aspect; attribution; class; content; criteria; design; digital; education; english; essay; expert; field; figure; genre;; initial; issn; journal; lack; language; learning; media; metacognition; online; percentage; platforms; problematized; process; product; research; responses; results; scaffolding; skills; stage; students; study; sumarno; teacher; teaching; terms; time; tools; trial; use; validation; write; writing; writing process cache: metathesis-4375.pdf plain text: metathesis-4375.txt item: #49 of 52 id: metathesis-629 author: Ayuningtyas, Pratika title: Whatsapp: Learning on the go date: 2018-10-31 words: 4031 flesch: 55 summary: The results’ study done by Ashiyan & Salehi (2016) entitled “Impact of Whatsapp on Learning and Retention of Collocation Knowledge among Iranian EFL Learners” showed the positive result that Whatsapp group students could communicate with their teacher and classmate, transmit data, and assist learners to feel fresh. It said that mobile learning can facilitate students to learn everywhere in anytime. keywords: able; acces; article; attribution; class; classroom; commons; creative; english; figure; group; hamad;; issn; journal; language; language learning; learners; learning; license; meaning; mobile; research; screenshot; sentence; skills; smartphone; social; students; study; teacher; teaching; terms; time; use; whatsapp; whatsapp group; writing cache: metathesis-629.pdf plain text: metathesis-629.txt item: #50 of 52 id: metathesis-730 author: Kamlasi, Imanuel title: Evaluating the Students’ Ability in Using Preposition of Place in Speaking Performance date: 2018-04-30 words: 4200 flesch: 68 summary: There were 78 errors of preposition usage or 66.67%. The use of english prepositions: An empirical study. keywords: ability; april; correct; data; english; errors; good; grammar; issn; journal; language; literature; metathesis; near; performance; place; poor; preposition; research; speaking; students; table; teaching; usage; use; vol cache: metathesis-730.pdf plain text: metathesis-730.txt item: #51 of 52 id: metathesis-890 author: Suherman, Andri title: Exploring EFL Teacher's Interventions on Peer Feedback: a Case Study in a Writing Classroom date: 2018-10-31 words: 3606 flesch: 60 summary: Do teacher‟s comments on peer feedback influence your decision of using peer feedback? In addition, Zhao (2010) argued that peer feedback is able to improve the quality of student writing by incorporating peer feedback while revising their drafts. keywords: acces; argumentative; article; attribution; comments; commons; corrections; creative; descriptive; efl; english; example; feedback; interventions; issn; journal; language; learners; license; peer; peer feedback; persuasive; report; second; students; study; teacher; teacher‟s; terms; use; word; writing cache: metathesis-890.pdf plain text: metathesis-890.txt item: #52 of 52 id: metathesis-893 author: Rahmat, Agus title: Teachers’ Gesture in Teaching EFL Classroom of Makassar State University date: 2018-11-16 words: 7424 flesch: 55 summary: Key words:Teacher’s gesture, Teaching, EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Introduction Nonverbal communication plays an important role in second language communicative competence, yet little attention has been given to practical teaching techniques that will help English language teachers incorporate this essential element into their classrooms. Posture, head gesture, facial expression, eye movement, hand gesture and touching behavior fit into this category. keywords: acces; affect; answer; article; attribution; body; body language; classroom; college; commons; communication; creative; display; efkaipe; efl; emblems; english; english language; extract; facial; gesture; hand; head;; illustrators; illustrators gesture; image; issn; lab; language; lecturer; left; license; literature; makassar; meaning; natural; nonverbal; nonverbal communication; october; question; regulators; researcher; right; right hand; second; speech; state; students; teacher; teaching; terms; text; time; types; university; use; words cache: metathesis-893.pdf plain text: metathesis-893.txt