METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 3, No. 2, October 2019 PP 124-134 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v3i2.1399 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 124 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( Exploring English Language Teaching Method of the Second Grade Students at SMA MBS Yogyakarta Dina Ayu Puspitasari Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Jalan pramuka 42, Sidikan, Yogyakarta 55161 Indonesia Received: 1 st June 2019 Revised: 6 th October 2019 Published: 17 th October 2019 Abstract The purposes of this study are: 1) to find out the method to teach English subject at SMA MBS Yogyakarta. 2) to find out the different method employed by English teachers in teaching English subject. 3) to find out the difficulties faced by the English teachers in teaching English subject. The design of this study is descriptive qualitative research. The object of this study is all of English teachers of the second grade students. The data was taken from interviews and classroom observations. In the data analysis techniques, the results of interviews with all of English teachers are grouped into the observed topic. The result of this study shows that the method used by English teachers in teaching English subject is the eclectic method. There are no different methods in teaching English subject. The difficulties encountered by the English teachers in teaching English subject include classroom management, and limited learning sources. Keywords: English Language Teaching (ELT), Method, Introduction Language is the part of life because language is used by all people in this world as a way to communicate with others. It means that language is a communication or an expression of ideas, opinions, and feelings. Among many languages, English is one of the most spoken languages in international level. Therefore, it is necessary to study English because English is taught from elementary school until university level. Students are taught four skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students need to develop their ability in order to master these four skills for increasing the knowledge and English skill. In Indonesia, English is spoken by limited number of people because it is a foreign language. According to (Leni, 2013, p. 41), teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesia has shown lack of success even though English has been taught and used as a foreign language in Indonesia for sixty-five years. Taken from (Songbatumis, 2017, p. 54) teaching English Dina Ayu Puspitasari Exploring English Teaching Method … 125 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( as a foreign language have some problems which are come from students and teacher such as students lack of vocabulary mastery, speaking problem, limited mastery of teaching methods, inadequate resources and facilities. Based on the previous studies, it can be concluded that English as a foreign language which is being taught in Indonesia has some problems, such as teachers’ low competence, students’ low motivation and low English competence among students (Nenden, 2005, p. 91). In other words, the problems faced in teaching English lie on students, teachers, motivation, method, media, and materials. The problems coming from students are related to their knowledge, intelligence, motivation, and personality. The problems coming from teachers are related to teachers’ personality, teachers’ belief about teaching, and unqualified teachers’. The important thing for English teachers to teach English as a foreign language is about how the teacher teaches and the material to be taught because determining the best method is complicated. As (Brown, 2007, p. 8) defines that teaching is an activity that guide someone to learn various kinds of things such as doing something, giving directions, transferring knowledge, guiding in learning something, making someone know and understand something. In learning activities in the classroom, all of the activities that will be done has been planned very well. (Harmer, 2003, p. 78) states that the method is the kinds of activities, the role of the teachers and the students, several designs of material, and syllabus. An English teacher must be able to arrange all of the activities to be do in the class such as the material will be taught and the methods to be used. (Richards and Rodgers, 2001, p. 19 ) state that method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all of which based upon, the selected approach. An approach is axiomatic, a method is procedural. A method chosen by the teacher is a method that can explain the material in detail and clearly because the method is the way of the teacher's to deliver the material. According to (Brown, 2001, p. 14) method is described as an overall plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a selected approach. Every student learns by using methods based on their abilities so they can develop their personal skills and abilities. Taken from (Jebiwot, Chebet, and Kipkemboi, 2016, p. 75) the important role of the method is based on the fact that teachers can change their teaching style to develop the students' knowledge and the students understanding more in the classroom. In general, the role of teaching method is used to develop the students’ ideas and the students’ skills. It is supported by (Jebiwot, Chebet, and Kipkemboi, 2016, p. 76) say that the role of the method is needed to explore the students' knowledge and experience to develop students’ understanding, critical thinking, skills, interests and talents. The eclectic method is a mixture of various methods in teaching and learning. (Kumar, 2013, p. 1) says that the eclectic method is an effective method for students of all ages and levels because the learning process is more innovative and fun. The eclectic theory is an important theory in language learning because it has positive impacts for students. According to (Iscan, METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 3, No. 2, October 2019 PP 124-134 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v3i2.1399 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 126 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( 2017, p. 150) the eclectic method is also known as mix methods in language teaching method because it combines some methods based on the objective of the course and the students’ abilities. (Kumar, 2013, p. 1) both have used the term of principle eclecticism to describe a desirable, coherent, pluralistic approach to language learning teaching. Eclecticism involves the use of a variety of language learning techniques, each of which may have very different characteristics and objectives. In addition, (Gao, 2011, p. 1) says that the eclectic method is a method which combines listening, speaking, reading, writing and some practice in the classroom. Therefore, this method does not apply a single method. According to (Jebiwot, Chebet, and Kipkemboi, 2016, p. 76) the eclectic method is a mix of various methods in learning activity. Based on the observation at SMA MBS Yogyakarta, the researcher found the conditions of the school. First, the students are sleepy and tired in learning English subject. Second, sometimes the students still confuse about the material that has been learned. Third, the teachers rarely used the mix method in the classroom. Fourth, the teacher encounters the limited learning sources in teaching English subject. Based on those conditions, the problem about (1) what is the method used to teach English subject at SMA MBS Yogyakarta? (2) are there any different method employed by the English teachers in teaching English subject? (3) what are the difficulties encounters by the English teachers in teaching English subject? The objectives of this study are as follows: (1) to find out the method to teach English subject at SMA MBS Yogyakarta. (2) to find out the different method employed by the English teachers in teaching English subject. (3) to find out the difficulties encountered by the English teachers in teaching English subject. Method The design of this study applies descriptive qualitative study. (Mack, Woodsong, and MacQueen, 2005, p. 1) state that qualitative study is a scientific research which generally consist of searching the answers of questions, uses a set of prearrange procedures to answers some questions, gathers evidence, produces findings that were not found before, and produces findings that can be directly applied outside the research context. The data analysis in this study uses descriptive qualitative. (Moleong, 2017, p. 4) assert that qualitative methods as the research procedures produce descriptive data in the form of written or oral words and the behavior of the people observed. There are two source the data that used in this study. There are interview and observation. In this research, to collecting the data the researcher interview two English teacher to know the difficulties in teaching English subject. In the observation, the researcher used observation to find out the method that used by all English teachers and to know the difficulties in teaching English subject. In the data analysis techniques, the results of interviews and observations with all of English teachers are grouped into the observed topic. The data Dina Ayu Puspitasari Exploring English Teaching Method … 127 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( analysis in this study based on the (Miles and Huberman, 1994, p. 10) there are some activities in analyzing data are data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Findings and discussion 1. The Method to Teach English Subject at SMA MBS Yogyakarta a. Teacher A Based on the result from the observation in the classroom, it shows that the teacher A used some method such as cooperative learning method, reading method, and grammar translation method. These methods are categorized into eclectic method because the teacher used various methods in the classroom when teaching English subject. According to (Iscan, 2017, p. 150), the eclectic method known as mixed methods in language teaching because it combines some methods based on the objectives of the course and the students’ abilities. The eclectic method is a method which combines four basic skills in teaching English. Moreover, (Gao, 2011, p. 1) mentions that the eclectic method is a method which combines listening, speaking, reading, and writing and some practice in the classroom. Therefore, this method does not involve a single method. b. Teacher B The result taken from the observation in the classroom shows that teacher B applied eclectic method because it is fun and innovative for all students’ levels. (Kumar, 2013, p. 1) states that the eclectic method is an effective method for students in all ages and levels because the learning process is more innovative and fun. As found in the observation, the teacher B applied some method in teaching English like cooperative learning method, reading method, and grammar translation method. Finally, it can be concluded that in elected method, the teacher applied the combination methods in the classroom. (Jebiwot, Chebet, and Kipkemboi, 2016, p. 76) state that the eclectic method is a mix of various methods in the learning activity. 2. The Different Method Employed by English Teachers in Teaching English Subject a. Teacher A The data taken from the observation in XI IPS 4 of SMA MBS Yogyakarta with the English teachers they used various activities in teaching English. It is called as eclectic method. According to (Kumar, 2013, p. 1), the eclecticism involves the use of a variety of language learning activities, each of which may have very different characteristics and objectives. In the observation, there are varieties of method done by the teacher in the classroom. They are reading method, grammar translation method, and cooperative learning method. (Al Hamash and Younis, 1985, p. 22) state that the eclecticism is defined as a type of methodology that makes use of the different language learning approaches but sticking of one standard approach. b. Teacher B The data is taken from the observation with the English teacher B in SMA MBS Yogyakarta. The teacher used some method such as grammar translation method, reading method, and cooperative learning method. This method can be concluded in the eclectic method. Teacher B used the eclectic method METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 3, No. 2, October 2019 PP 124-134 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v3i2.1399 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 128 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( because the teacher can choose the method to be used by considering the advantages and disadvantages of the methods. The successful teachers usually can arrange and mix some methods that they think are appropriate. Every method has its own value and uniqueness, but the teachers are expected to be able to know the difficulties and disadvantages of every method (Bell, 2007, p. 140-141). Based on the classroom observation in the second grade of SMA MBS Yogyakarta, the English teacher B applied some method in teaching English that is eclectic method. The teacher applied the eclectic method of teaching English subject to choose the method to be used based on the students’ knowledge and the learning objectives. According to (Brown, 2001, p. 40) argues that the eclectic method offers the solution in teaching because the method allows the teacher to select what works within their own dynamic contexts. From the description above, there is no different method of teaching English subject of the second grades students at SMA MBS Yogyakarta because all English teachers apply some method in the classroom, namely eclectic method. 3. The Difficulties Encountered by English Teachers in Teaching English Subject The difficulties encountered by the English teachers to teach English subject are categorized into non-academic problem. It can be seen from the analysis below: a. Classroom Management Classroom management includes all efforts created by the teachers in the classroom, such as management of students’ behavior and activity, arranging and coordinating students’ activities, monitoring students’ behavior, ensuring effective learning processes, and building learning motivation among students when they are learning English. From the interview with the English teachers in SMA MBS Yogyakarta, they argued that they are faced some difficulties in teaching English subject of second grades students such as the difficulty in starting the lesson, students sleeping in the classroom, and the difficulty to motivate the students in learning English. It can be seen from the following interview: My difficulty is to motivate the students to focus in learning because sometimes the students are sleepy and bored. (Resource: interview 1) The other difficulty that I said yesterday is to motivate the students to focus in learning is the difficulty in starting the lesson when the students are very tired or in high pressure. (Resource: interview 2) My difficulty is when the students get tired because there are so many activities at night in this boarding school so they are sleepy in the classroom. (Resource: interview 1) Dina Ayu Puspitasari Exploring English Teaching Method … 129 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( The most difficult part to overcome is the students sleeping in the class. (Resource: interview 2) Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the English teachers at SMA MBS Yogyakarta face the classroom management problem in teaching English subject especially to second grade students because it is a boarding school so there are many activities at night which make them sleepy and tired in the next day during learning. During teaching and learning process, some students are sleepy so the teacher use warm up to motivate the students and use questions answer and also group discussion to make students not sleepy in the classroom. It was shown in the classroom observation. The results of the interview and observation show that they faced some problems in teaching and learning process, which is the classroom management. Classroom management is an important aspect of teaching and learning process. The key to create good classroom management is the use of techniques that increase students’ activities in the classroom and avert problems from occurring. (Sieberer Nagler, 2015, p. 163) argues that there are some critical concerns related to classroom management in schools. These are discipline, students’ motivation, handling students and their emotional problems, absence of parents’ support, and violence. In this school, the English teachers face the difficulties like motivating the students to learn. The English teachers have the difficulties in teaching English subject is to motivate the students to focus during the learning because sometimes the students are sleepy and bored. In teaching and learning process when the students are sleepy, the teacher uses warm up to motivate the students. Motivation is an important role in foreign language learning. Besides that, according to (Sieberer Nagler, 2015, p. 163), motivation gives an inner drive that focuses on behavior and a particular goal or task and causes the individual to be persistent in trying to achieve the goal or complete the task successfully. Therefore, it is important that the teacher motivates the students to learn. The next difficulty faced by the English teacher in teaching English subject is the teacher found it difficult to start the lesson when the students are very tired or in high pressure because of the students have many activities at night. (Hershner and Chervin, 2014, p. 75) state that the depression, sleep, and memorizing are interrelated. Insufficient sleep can affect the memory. These situations make the teacher difficult to transferring knowledge in the classroom. In teaching and learning process, the teachers used group discussions to make students not sleepy in the classroom. The last difficulty in the classroom management problem encountered by the English teacher in teaching English subject at SMA MBS Yogyakarta is when the students get tired and the students are sleeping in the class because it is a boarding school so many activities at night. (Hershner and Chervin, 2014, p. 76) state that one of the most common problems is sleepiness or sleep derivation meaning that students get inadequate sleep because they sleep late and wake up early. It is supported by (Herrmann, Palmer and Sechrist, 2018, METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 3, No. 2, October 2019 PP 124-134 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v3i2.1399 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 130 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( p. 7) who said that students who get sleep disorder can affect to poor student academic performance. Besides that, sleep disorder can damage the health. However, some students do not prioritize adequate sleep. According to (Hersher and Chervin, 2014, p. 78) students with sleep disorders probably do not achieve optimal academic performance and up to 27% of students get sleep disorder. b. Limited Learning Sources The other problem faced by the English teachers in teaching English to the second grade students is limited learning sources. Limited learning resources can make the teacher get difficulty to realize the effective teaching and learning processes. Therefore, the availability of learning resources is an important role and needs to be provided as soon as possible, otherwise the teacher will not be able to teach effectively. In other words, to get the students familiar with English and to give them the understanding in English, the number of learning resources is needed. Based on the interview with the English teachers in SMA MBS Yogyakarta, one of the teachers faced limited learning sources in teaching English subject. It can be seen from the following interview: The other difficulty is about the students cannot access the internet so they cannot look for other sources from internet. Then the students here have limited learning sources. They cannot find the references here because this school is a new school. The references of English books in the library are still limited. This school is not subscribed to any English newspapers, and English magazines. (Resource: interview 2) From the data above, it can be described that the English teacher in SMA MBS Yogyakarta encounter limited learning sources. The teacher explains the material using power points, which is taken from various learning sources to adapt the learning objectives. Sometimes, the teacher uses the material by taking directly from the internet sources and also other textbooks that are suitable for the learning objectives. Besides that, the teacher also gives students exercise using print outs. This is based on the classroom observation. (Ghavifekr, 2015, p. 176) states that the lack of adequate information communication and technology equipment and internet access is one of the key problems. Besides the problem of limited internet access, lack of learning resources also becomes an issue because this school is a new school in which the references of English books in the library are still limited. This school does not subscribe to English newspapers, and English magazines. According to (Okongo, 2015, p. 134) the textbooks and learning sources are the basic tools for effective teaching and learning process because limited learning sources make the teacher difficult to teach the material, which result in students lack of attention and getting bored. Moreover, (Fatiloro, 2015, p. 28) states that lack of basic facilities and equipment is a challenge that hinders effective teaching Dina Ayu Puspitasari Exploring English Teaching Method … 131 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( and learning of English language. All English teachers in this school create the power point which is taken from various learning sources to adapt the learning objectives as well as to make the effective English teaching and learning process. Occasionally the teachers explained the material by directly surfing the internet sources and also exploring other textbooks that are suitable for the learning objectives. (Garton, Copland, & Burns, 2014, p. 740) state that in some countries, such as South Korea and Malaysia, text books are set; in Singapore and China, teachers can select from government-approved books, yet, it is a matter that in many countries, appropriate books are either not available or not used in the classroom. Conclusion Based on the result of the study, it can be concluded that the English teachers in teaching English subject for second grade students there are some methods used by English teachers such as grammar translation method, cooperative learning method, and reading method. These methods can be considered as the eclectic method. There is no different method in teaching English subject at SMA MBS Yogyakarta because all of English teachers relatively used the same method that is eclectic method. The difficulties encountered by English teachers in teaching English subject categorized into non-academic problems. They are classroom management and limited learning sources. 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What are the method do you use when teaching listening? How the students respond? 8. What are the method do you use when teaching speaking? How the students respond? 9. What are the method do you use when teaching reading? How the students respond? 10. What are the method do you use when teaching writing? How the students respond? 11. What are the difficulties do you faced in teaching English? 12. What are your efforts to overcome the difficulties when teaching English? 13. How far your solution succeeds?