METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 3, No. 1, April 2019 PP 111-116 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v3i1.1421 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 111 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( Ideational Analysis of Donald Duck’s Comic and Its Translation 1 Gilang Fadhilia Arvianti, 2 Atsani Wulansari 1,2 Universitas Tidar Jalan Kapten Suparman No. 39, Magelang, Indonesia 1; 2 Received: 13 th June 2019 Revised: 28 th June 2019 Published: 29 th June 2019 Abstract Translating comic is different from other different text. Most of the text that is used in the comic is dialogue or spoken language that usually can be found in the subtitle of the film. Analyzing the accurateness of the translation text can be analyzed by using Metafunction approach especially ideational analysis. In translating text into target text, not all meaning is transferring into target text. It can influence the message that is brought by the source text into target text. Through ideational analysis approach it can be analyzed although not all the meaning is transferred into target text. This becomes the reason of taking this case as an object of this research. The aims of this research are to know the meaning realization in ideational analysis approach, and to explain the impact of ideational shifting toward the equivalence of translation in target text. The method of this research uses descriptive qualitative since the data and the analysis are in the form of sentence and description. The data took from Donald Duck‟s Comic and its translation version. The technique used in this research is content analysis. This research also applies criterion-based sampling that is used only to get theoretically generalization. Since this research is hoped to give significant contribution to student of English Teaching and Learning in learning ideational analysis, the function of this research is to explain the impact of ideational shifting toward the equivalence of translation in target text. Thus, this research not only can be learning material for analyzing ideational in specific text, but also in learning translation. Keywords: Ideational Analysis, Quality Assessment of Translation, Comic Introduction Translating comic is different from other different text. Most of the text that is used in the comic is dialogue or spoken language that usually can be found in the subtitle of the film. Description text in the comic is fewer and it is helped by strip picture. It is caused translating comic need dialogue or subtitle translation competence. Analyzing the accurateness of the translation text can be analyzed by Gilang & Atsani Ideational Analysis of ….. 112 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( using Metafunction approach. In this research, text that is used in the comic will be analyzed by using ideational analysis of Halliday approach. In translating text into target text, not all meaning is transferring into target text. It can influence the message that is brought by the source text into target text. Although explicitly the meaning is transferring to target language, in Metafunction approach, especially in ideational approach it can be analyzed that not all the meaning is transferred into target text. This becomes the reason of taking this case as an object of this research. This research is conducted to know whether to identify the meaning realization in ideational analysis approach of Donald Duck‟s comic and its translation and to explain impact of ideational shifting toward the equivalence of translation in target text. Translating comic is easy since the language that is used in this comic is simple conversations. However, translator must be able to translate in limited time in dialogue balloon. In translating comic, the translator may use several translation techniques based on the method and ideology used by the translator. For the disciplines of comics studies and translation studies, the prevalence of translated comics demands consideration of all the facets relevant to text-only translation, plus the unique facets raised by comics‟ multimodality, the “co-deployment and interplay” of language and images. Meaning in comics is created at the conjunction of written text, drawings and blank space, with the readers and the culture. Undertaking to translate that meaning can entail: rewriting text with no redrawing, rewriting text with partial redrawing, rewriting text with complete redrawing, or retaining the text with complete redrawing. Halliday‟s systemic functional grammar deals with how language is organized, how language works, and how language is represented the social functions. Halliday invented grammar approach not only to deal with describing language but also has function for other forms of meaning. Halliday proposed three metafunction, they are ideational, interpersonal and textual metafunction. The ideational metafunction is expressing the way language involves in experience, though, and feelings. This metafunction concerns with thing, events or happening, and circumstance which include to the element of happenings. In order to represent thing, events, and circumstance, people needs: the process which is going on; the participants which involved the attributes of participant, and the circumstance of events. In ideational metafunction, there are six types of process, they are: material process, mental process, verbal process, relational process, behavioral process, and existential process. The research that used Metafunction approach is a research done by Aghagolzadeh (2012). This research conducted systemic functional grammar approach to measure error translating in legal text. It classified errors in target text based on a meaning-based approach. i.e. different Metafunction as well as some other issues such as omission, mistranslation, and word choice. This research used English legal text and also Persian translated version. The Aghagolzadeh‟s research has gap to support this research. His research dealt with error translation which is classified by using Metafunction. Therefore this research did not analyze the text by using Metafunction approach, but this research found error analysis and classified those errors in the Metafunction terms. METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 3, No. 1, April 2019 PP 111-116 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v3i1.1421 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 113 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( The second research was done by Dalimunte (2013). This research analyzed Metafunctions in chemistry text and how they characterize a scientific text. This research found that the Material process is mostly used in the text. The Metafunction found indicate that the chemistry text has fulfilled the characteristics of scientific text. The third research was written by Bilal (2012). It analyzed the short story entitled “Thank You M‟am” by using the three Metafunctions of Halliday to find out if this analysis helps in better understanding of the text. The research found that the analysis of metafunction not only helps in understanding the structure of the text but also the deep meanings of it. From the previous studies, this research finds process, participant, and circumstance of the comic by using ideational approach. The object that will be used in this research is bilingual comic. This research conducts in English comic and also in Bahasa Indoneisa comic. Method The method of this research uses descriptive qualitative since the data and the analysis are in the form of sentence and description. Meanwhile, the use of number in qualitative research is possible since it is only used as the complement and aimed to facilitate the analysis. This research applies Metafunction of Systemic Functional Linguistics by Halliday to find the ideational meaning. In addition the meaning shift in translation version, translation theory is used. In this research, Text 1 took from the original Donald Duck‟s Comic which is called as Text 1 (T1). Meanwhile, since the comic has been translated into Bahasa Indonesia as Donal Bebek, the translated comic is called as Text 2 (T2). The data used in research are all clauses in the Text 1 and Text 2. Technique of data collection is the way the researcher gains the data. The technique in this research is content analysis. The sources of data come from different sources; the original version and the translation version. The researchers read and write the data needed from the chosen comic. After writing all the data in the comic, the researchers choose whether the text will be data or cannot be used as data. There are stages of data analysis that will be used in this research. They are domain analysis, taxonomy analysis, component analysis and cultural theme analysis. In this research, the data are collected from Donald Duck‟s Comic. There are some steps in collecting the data. 1. Reading the original comic of the Donald Duck‟s Comic is the first step of collecting data. 2. The translation version of Komik Donal Bebek is read and then it is compared with the original one. In this process, the English comic is the source text which is, later, called the Source Expression (SE) and also called Text 1 (T1). On the other hand, the Bahasa Indonesia comic is the target text, which is, later, called the Target Expression (TE) and also called Text 2 (T2). 3. The two comics of the T1 and T2 place into the table of analysis in pairs. The texts are in the form of clause of units (sentences). Gilang & Atsani Ideational Analysis of ….. 114 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( 4. After that the data are classified and analyzed using ideational meaning approach, the result of the shift between the T1 and T2 are displayed into a table. 5. The last step is drawing the conclusion from the data analysis. Findings and discussion Metafunction meaning is meaning that is consisted from three language functions, i.e. ideational function, interpersonal function, and textual function. After the text was analyzed, it can be found out the realization of Ideational meaning in comic, especially in Donald Duck‟s comic as follow: Transitivity in a grammatical structure in which it discusses structure of clause which represents ideational meaning that is experiential. This structure realizes experiential meaning which include 3 constituents, i.e. participant, process, and circumstance. Participant In this comic, there are some participants mentioned and showed in giving information. In both of the texts, the dominant participant is Donald Duck itself, since this comic is mostly talked about himself. Besides, there are also some other participants who support the dominant participant, they are Gyro, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, and also some people who was helped by Donald to find their losing thing. The name of the participants between T1 and T2 are different. For example, Gyro in T1 is written as Lung in T2, then Huey, Dewey, and Louie in T1 is stated as Kwak, Kwik, and Kwek. Nevertheless, the participants between in T1 and T2 are same; they only differ in the way they named it. It is supported with the same picture to show one‟s name. Process The next constituent in ideational meaning is process. Process in ideational showed the main event in experiential. According to transitivity in SFL, there are six types of process; they are material, mental, verbal, behavioral, relational, and existential. Each process has its own participant. For example there is actor, and the result is goal or range. In mental process, there is senser, in verbal process there is sayer for participant who speak without behavior process, then in relational process, there is carrier and token as the participant. For behavioral process, there is behavier as participant, and for existential process, this process showed the presence of something. The most dominant process that is appearing in this comic is material process. Material process is purely physical process in doing something or process of happening. The material process that can be found for example drove, lost, find, look, deducted, etc. Since the comic told about the Donald‟s activity toward Gyro‟s new invention, it can be found lot of material process than other process, for example in the scene where Donald said to his nephews that he drove his car from Gyro‟s workshop. As we know, the activity drove is an activity to move or travel on land in a motor vehicle, especially as the person controlling the vehicle‟s movement. It means that Donald is doing physical activity. The other process that is found is behavioral process, in which the participant is doing mental and METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 3, No. 1, April 2019 PP 111-116 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v3i1.1421 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 115 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( physical activity simultaneously. It can be found in the scene where Donald is looking for his car key that is admitted as lost. In the activity looking for, there are two activities that is happened in once, the mental activity in which the participant use his eyes as his sense, and use physical activity in which participant is moving around in looking something. Beside two main processes which appear in comic, there are also other processes. The words think, seen, feel is admitted as mental process since it is an activity in using senses. The words said, told, is admitted as verbal process. Then “that is excellent news‟ is one example of using relational process that is can be found in the data. The appearance of process in Bahasa Indonesia is little bit different to the English one. For example in the sentence in T1 “I tell you Donald”, it consist of Lung as participant, and verbal as the process. This sentence is translated into „Begini saja, Donald”, which has no process in the sentence. The difference of process appearance between T1 and T2 is mostly because of the omission in the T2. Circumstance Circumstance is a physical and non-physical surrounding which covered process. There are eight types of circumstance; they are angel, extent, location, manner, cause, accompaniment, matter, and role. In the T1, the circumstance that appear mostly in circumstance of location. This circumstance shows location which consists of location of place and location of time. It can be analyzed in preposition phrase or adverbial group, to answer where and when, and the can be used as direction too. In T1 “I drove to Gyro‟s Workshop yesterday”, it can be found two circumstances. Both of the circumstances are circumstance of location. The “gyro‟s workshop” is admitted as circumstance of place, while “yesterday” is admitted as circumstance of time. Both of those circumstances are called as circumstance of location. It is also happened in T2, “aku pergi ke bengkel kerja Lung kemarin”. The „bengkel kerja‟ is circumstance of place and „kemarin‟ is circumstance of time. Besides the circumstance of location, there are also other circumstances; there are circumstance of manner, circumstance of causes, circumstance of accompaniment, and circumstance of matter. Those types of circumstance which appear in this comic were mostly translated with high level of accurateness, acceptability, and readability. Conclusion From the finding and discussion above, it can be concluded that through ideational meaning, the Donald Duck Comic is mostly using material process and behavioral process. It is supported with the whole story that mostly the dominant participant, Donald Duck, is doing physical activity. Besides, Donald also doing activity which mixed between material activity which is use physical activity and combined with mental process which is used senses in doing activity. The participant who did material and behavioral process is use circumstance of Gilang & Atsani Ideational Analysis of ….. 116 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( location which is consists of circumstance of place and time. The using of this circumstance is for completing participants‟ activity or process. References Aghagolzadeh, F. (2012). The Analysis of English-Persian Legal Translations Based on Systemic Functional Grammar Approach (SFG). Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 126-131, January 2012. Retrieved from accessed on December 25, 2016 Bilal, A.H. (2012). Analysis of Thank You M‟am: Halliday‟s Metafunctions. SAVAP International Volume 2, No. 1 January 2012. Retrieved from Accesed on December 24, 2016 Dalimunte, A.A. (2013). English Metafunction Analysis in Chemistry Text: Characterization of Scientific Text. International Journal of English Language and Translation Studies. Vol. I, Issue 2. Retrieved from Accesed on December 24, 2016. Halliday, M.A.K & Matthiessen. (2014). Halliday’s Introduction to Functional Grammar, fourth edition. New York: Routledge. Halliday, M.A.K & Matthiessen. (2004). Halliday’s Introduction to Functional Grammar, fourth edition. New York: Routledge.