METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 3, No. 2, October 2019 PP 183-187 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis. v3i2.1682 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 183 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( The Students’ Perspectives toward the Activities and Materials Displayed in ELICA (English Listening Interactive Café) Web Endah Ratnaningsih 1 ,*,Arum Nisma Wulanjani 2 1 2 Universitas Tidar, Jalan Kapten Suparman 39, Potrobangsan, Magelang, Indonesia 1*; 2 *corresponding author Received: 13 th August 2019 Revised: 29 th October 2019 Published: 4 th November 2019 Abstract English Education students in Universitas Tidar have attended in the Intensive Listening Subject in the Academic Year of 2018/2019. This was a case-study which focused on the perspectives of the students toward the activities and materials displayed in ELICA website. There were 4 classes of Intensive Listening which were participated in this semester with 110 as the number of the students joined. A set of questionnaires and an interview were used in this research. From the result, it was found that most of the students agreed that the activities and the materials displayed in the ELICA can be used for making their listening skill improved. Keywords: listening, ELICA website, listening material Introduction English Education students in Universitas Tidar have attended in the Intensive Listening Subject in the Academic Year of 2018/2019. Since Intensive Listening is a compulsory subject, the students of English Education Study Program have to attend it. Listening teaching-learning process can be a challenge for the learners, both for the students and the lecturer. For almost every year, students consider that listening is a difficult subject and this condition influences the condition and the result of the listening teaching-learning process. As an alternative of the teaching-learning media used for Intensive Listening Subject, ELICA Web is developed as a special interactive website which are created to facilitate the students in teaching-learning process so that the students can be involved actively and independently. Listening as one of the four language skills that should be learnt by English Education students sometimes is considered as a difficult skill to learn. According to Embi and Latiff (2004) in Arono (2014: 63) listening skill is a process in language skill that needs practice by using audio/technology in using E-learning as a tool for learning ESL. After practicing, the students agreed that comprehension of listening ability had been increased significantly. Moreover, listening is an understanding process of first and second language. By having understanding skill about the language quality and the development of the teaching theory, there is a listening process which needs bigger attention. Endah Ratnaningsih, The Students’ Perspectives toward … 184 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( ELICA (English Listening Interactive Café) Website is a special website designed for listening students. Students’ needs analysis of teaching-learning process of listening has already done before developing the ELICA Website. The needs’ analysis is also done for knowing the appropriate strategies used in listening teaching-learning process. Therefore, the materials developed in the ELICA Web can be appropriate. This ELICA Web actually already completed in the last year research, therefore this year, a research in line with the use of listening teaching-learning materials are conducted. There were some researches done by other researchers which conducted researches on listening teaching-learning process by using internet or website. First, Zhyrun (2016) did a research in relation to the recent learning approach which contributed to the development of learning materials for listening, giving and discussing the listening teaching-learning challenges. Second, a research conducted by Alsaikhi (2016) which explores about the use of Podcast in the listening teaching-learning process. The result of that research shows that there is a positive attitude of the students in using Podcast during the listening teaching- learning process. Method This was a case-study which focused on the perspectives of the students toward the activities and materials displayed in ELICA web. There were 4 classes of Intensive Listening which were participated in this semester with 110 as the number of the students joined. A set of questionnaires and an interview were used in this research. Findings and discussion The research findings were taken by using questionnaire and interview. After having Intensive Listening class by using ELICA Web, students were asked to fill the questionnaire and to join an interview. The result of the questionnaire about activities and materials in ELICA Web is shown in the Table 1. Table 1. Questionnaire of Activities and Materials in ELICA Web No. Questions Responses Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Agree (3) Strongly Agree (4) 1 I like listening activities in Intensive Listening class. 0 (1.8%) (54%) (41.8%) 2 I feel confident when listening to English. (0.9%) (25.5%) (58.2%) (15.5%) 3 My listening ability improved as 0 (6.4%) (65.5%) (28.2%) METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 3, No. 2, October 2019 PP 183-187 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis. v3i2.1682 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 185 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( a result of this class. 4 My listening ability improved as a result of my teacher’s explanations. 0 (9.9%) (64%) (26.1%) 5 My listening ability improved as a result of listening materials (videos, worksheets, PowerPoints, textbooks, ELICA website, etc.) used in this class. (0.9%) (2.7%) (61.8%) (34.5%) 6 My listening ability improved as a result of listening practices and activities in class. 0 (1.8%) (60%) (38.2%) 7 The activities in Intensive Listening class were interesting. 0 (2.7%) (60.9%) (36.2%) 8 The materials in ELICA website were difficult to understand. (7.3%) (52.7%) (32.7%) (7.3%) 9 Listening materials (videos, worksheets, PowerPoints, textbooks, ELICA website, etc.) used in this class were interesting. 0 (6.4%) (69.1%) (24.5%) 10 Listening practices and activities in this class were interesting. 0 (3.6%) (66.4%) (30%) Most of the students for each indicator show that they give positive attitude toward the materials and activities used in ELICA Website. Based on the table above, it can be seen that in each question from 1 to 10 reach more than 50 % for positive attitude in relation to the activities and material of ELICA Website. Endah Ratnaningsih, The Students’ Perspectives toward … 186 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( Furthermore, the level of difficulty of the materials used in ELICA Website can be easily understood by the students. This implies that they disagree that the materials in ELICA Website were difficult to understand. Moreover, the activities in ELICA Website are interesting for them so that this also can give contribution to the improvement of their listening skill. The next evidence is taken from the interview given for the students after having Intensive Listening class by using ELICA Website. The summary of the students’ interview is shown in the Table 2. Table 2. Summary of Students’ Interview of Listening Activities and Materials in Intensive Listening No. Questions Responses 1 Did your listening skills stay the same/go down/go up because of this class? Why? - I think my listening skills go up because every meeting we always do exercise so it can improve my listening skills more than my previous listening skill. - Going up because I feel more confident because of the routines in doing the exercises. 2 Did the listening activities and materials help your listening skills? How? - Yes of course. The first time I got some difficulties. At the end of the class, I feel more confident to the listening test. - Yes, they did. I have to listen it every week and do the exercise to get score so I must do my best every week and it makes me feel familiar with listening. 3 What should be improved about activities and materials in Intensive Listening class? - Nothing. - I think it’s good enough for me, it’s already interesting. - Please, add more game. Conclusion As an alternative of the teaching-learning media used for Intensive Listening Subject, ELICA Web is developed as a special interactive website which are created to facilitate the students in teaching-learning process so that the students can be involved actively and independently. To sum up, most of the students agreed that the activities and the materials displayed in the ELICA can be used for making their listening skill improved. METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 3, No. 2, October 2019 PP 183-187 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis. v3i2.1682 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 187 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( References Alshaiki, D. & Madini, A. (2016). Attitude toward Enhancing Extensive Listening through Podcasts Supplementary Pack. English Language Teaching. 9 (7). 32- 47. Arono. (2014). Improving students listening skill through interactive multimedia in Indonesia. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 5, No.1, pp. 63-69. Zhyrun, I. (2016). Culture through Comparison: Creating Audio-visual Listening Materials for a CLIL Course. Latin American Journal of Content and Language Integrated Learning, 9(2), 345-373.